LIBRARY OF THK University of California. Class 1^^^^ 16m -^^^ B J Cl)e Cutior jFacstmtle Ceyts 1Flcw Cuetom 1/ y 7 Edition?, 1573 Reproduced in Facsimile^ 1908 %\)t %ntiov jFacstmtle Ceyts Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER i^eto Custom 1573 Issued for Subscribers by T. C. & E. C. JACK, 16 HENRIETTA STREET LONDON, W.C. : AND EDINBURGH MCMVIII ^Bimi ^eto Custom " New Custom " is an extremely rare item. Until the sale of ''^ the Irish find'' in 1906 no copy had turned up for sale for more than a century. An exa^nple then fetched £iS5-> ^^d was bought by Mr. ^uaritch, who catalogued it at £20^. The original of this facsimile is in the British Museum (C. 21, b. 40 [2] ). There are also copies in the Bodleian, at Bridgewater House, and {so says Mr. Hazlitt) in the Huth Library. The author is unknown, but it is obvious that he wrote the play to further the Keformation. It was probably written a few years before it was printed. The report of Mr. y. A. Herbert of the Manuscript Department of the British Museum, after comparing this facsimile with the original, is entirely satisfactory in respect to the faithfulness of the reproduction. The only ''f^iults " he has to find are as follows : — (i) 3» it)» verso, the ink writing, in the original, reads -fit. 49." (2) 15« iu verso, line 8, the name of the speaker " CU0t " is plainly legible in the original ; the blur is too smudgy in the facsimile. 175454 (3) 15* it)» recto, the dot under the shoulder-note near the foot of the page does not occur in the original. (4) ^» i» verso, the ink writing is " Prifno " ; the last letter is almost hidden in the fold of the binding. (5) 2!)» \\* verso, the blot on left-hand margin represents a yellow stain in the original on which " 0t0D " is rather plainer than in the facsimile. JOHN S. FARMER. VI c- '" ^^ neto €ttteclttUe nclD Cwftomc, neuiftD df late, ano fo;*Diucrfc caafcs nolDc fct fo;tt)c, neucr bcfo;c ttw tDinc 3mp;mtco. / r ! i^^ CSn^ plircr0 nafftcft mtfnB Cntcrlu;d(bi3&lbc^. « The Prologiie. . * -^ r'"' v. • - N - • V^" Pemcrfc Doarin^. * an^Ife popil^e pj<^. l2;norauncc. ?^J aiioftcr, but ClpCI^ "s^* i^ "^ ^ ^ I^icwcuftomc. ffmtntUcK Light of the gofpcll ammilUr* Hypocrific. ,^ an otoc toO!ti|u^ Crcweltic ". Jf^UffUr. Auaricc. aUotfler* - Edification. a ^dQt, Afliirauncc. .aUcrtue* Goddcs fcUcltic . a ^agC* Cifotoet mar l&Iar tW <5nf erIuDe. ^NewcGiftome. I •? Pcnicrfcdo^rinc. 3 < Auaricc. ^Aflurancc. - Ignorauncc i^Lig^t ofthz Gofpcll« t < Hypocrific. cCrcwcltic. ^ and Edification, '^ CGoddcs felicitic, cThc Prologue. I The Vrohque, 11 t^tngf c bt not foe as in finltf tt)ei? toe fame, CClliai fo ciicr tlicv rcfcmblc, o; tobat cucr men Dame, i^o; tf our fcnfcB (n tljcir olune obiccts ts cog favie Sometimes, ttjrn our iucgenicntc (liall but little auaile 3n foiitc tl)ingcs ns fuc!)c lubcrc ?«jubt gcnctlj Denial^ £>f tbcni in tl)e left Ivife to ni»ike nn\? triall. tZlbidie fa^inge is eutDcnt as U'cll HjaUappearc, Bin tijis littb: CntcrluDc luly.clje toe p;f fent bcarc. tillljrrcbv Ujc mn^: learn:, boUj grod^ luee erre Eahinij one ttjinge fo^ an ott)cr, Intncbe Differ fo farre 2s g(DD Dotbe from batiDc. CDramplc tbcrefo;e l^ou map tabe bv> ti}:rc prrfons if von marbe no mo.:c. foi tl)c pjimitiuc conftitntion Mi^iic^t teas fp^tt appoinfea Cuen bn (0ot) Ijim felf, anD bp Cb^ift biJ5 annopntcu : ConSrmcD b? tbappofflcs, anD of great antiquitie : &):e boiiK it is pcruerteabp nianne£5 toichco iniquitie, STo be calleD nctyc CTuftome, o.: neluc Conftitucion, purely a name of to mucbe t)ngoDlv abuRon- tabicbe our audbo.; inDififerf ntlp fcanntnge in Ijis minoe ; | Ja bis fimplc opinion {\\\b caufe bee ooetb finoe, ^ S^^H^t b\) reafon of 3gno.Mnce, Vubif be bearetb great fSuaic : janD alfo aiibberne S'o.trinc tobictc lljuttetb tjp tbc Ivaic £:oall0O3 Jnftruction, anolmolulcbgcof rigbt: /5o matucU a ujas tbougb of tbe truetb Inc Uierc igno;aunf quigbt* i^oj triselv in focbe a cafe, (be matter tuns but fmall, Co niahe tbe igno jant fotole to credite tbem all, t£ll)at fo ener Sjep faibe, Uicrc it truetb o; a lt?e. i^o.: no mm luas able tben to p.:ouc tbem tbc eontraric. ECIi)crefo;e tbctr olone fmiftes tbev fctf e in great p;ifc, iSeclifainge tbe treloe Umv, Ipfee men farre bnUiifc. tpatiinge :c:nb!ant of antiquitie in all tbat ttier bio, ^Eo tbintent tbat tlicirfubtiltte bv fucbc meanes migbt be |no« il5euje (luftome alfobatt) be namcD tbis matter tenlie, 3n tonfiDeration tbat tbe people fo fpeahet!) rommonlie, Confuting tbe fame bt? reafons moft manifeft CClbicbc in confeqncnt o;Ber of taike are erpji ff. Etsis fence !;attj our .lutljo; folloluco Ocrein as luc faioc, The Trologue. i^o; tl&9BX meaning , mo jeoucr ftee \xa\\ not baue it Doiaioe, J5uf Diucrfe mat? inucnt mncljc Diffant from ttjtfr, luMe in no Uiife tiae toil l)aue p^eiuDtctall to l^ts, i^; &i0 Unto ttjeir^, tobat focucr tljcr ba, ifPo? man^ i)caoes, man^ toittcs tua Doe plainclt! for* £Dnel^ bee oefiretb tW of tbe U)o:Q)tpfuU auotencr, 2Co tahe in gooD parte tottbout al manner offence : MI bat foeuer M be fpoken, mar&tng tbe intent, interpreting it no otbertoiCe but as it toa0 ment. 0nD fo; ts if f patience t?on US to attenDe : WSXiidxz reaoie to Declare con tbe matter to t^ ense* Finis Prolo^i, ^ i / A^s. 1 . Sccna. i. Perucrfc Doi^i inc ant li^tiorancc rntrc. Isn 10 cucn fo tn DecDc, tl)e tDo;lDc luas neucr in fo eutU a ttat^ Pei X5ut tl)i3 is no time fo; bs of tbcfe niatfcrs to Debate Do 3t locre sooo Uicc inucntcD fome pcUtit;c losic S>\AX matters to aDO;cffc in gooD o;Dcrlv Itaic. i[!nt) fo; ts, rcafon luoulo luae lohcD to onr fducs. E'o ^ou not fa fjotoc tljcfc netuc fanglcD pjatlmjj elfcr, JD^inUe tjp fo pertlv of late in cuerp place i &nD go about Dfi auncients flatlx? to ocfcuc i ^6 lubo n^oulDc fat? in ttio;tc time, as U)eU learneb as loft, i^ totfe to tt)t U3o;lDe, as gooo tbei; miQtjtc occoumptiD bee. ipiape, nai?c, if manp t^trcs^ ano graie beares do bnotoe no mo;e ; I5ut tbat cuert peuiflje fao^e batb tup as mucbe toitte in flo;e : j %:^ tl)c maJTe tben bauc 3 l^ueD to long, ano 3 UjduId 3 tncrc DeaD ^ Bf 3 l}aue not niojc bnolDeleDgc ttjcn a tboufanDc of tbc in mp beat*. ^i?o; bolD ftJoiilD tbcr baue learning tljat toere borne but eucn noU) f,l ^ 2is fit a figbte it luere to fee a gofe (boDDe, o; a faDlsD coU)e> ^0 to beare tbe p;atlinge of an^ fucbe iaette ff ratrc. i^o; luben beD batball Done 3 compte|}|m but a bcrf? Datpe* ?,s in iionoon not longe finee rou Uiot toell tobere, STber? rang to a S>crmon, ano Ujcc cbaunc eo to be tberc. tip ttart tbe pzeatber 3 tbinbe not paft tluentr tares otoc. t^^itb a founDing borce, ano auDacitie bolDe, jino begannc to reuile at tbe bolie facrament,nnD tranfubftanriation* ^ne jer bcarDe oncUnanco; otbcr mabe furbcaDerLvation. y3ut, bat if 3 baD bao t\)e bore in a conuenient place, IKlitb a gooo roDDe,oj tloainc not paff one boUj^cs (pace ? 3 luoulDc fo bauc fcourgeD my> marcbant tbat bw b;cccbc ftoulDalw, feo longe as it is Gnce tbat bee tbofc Idcd.:«)cs fpafee / cabat:" toungc men to be mcDlers in Diuinitic^ it isa goDlu figbt §5ct tbcrein nolue almoft is euer^ boi?es De ligbt, j^o bisUc noluc in tbeir banDcs, but all fcripture, fcripturc. Crtber tbc lubole lll?ible, o? tbe netoc SCefltament rou ma^ be furc. lEhc nctoe SCcauinent fo; tbcnif ana tbcn to fb; colule my Dogge. Ubis is tbc olDe pjoucrbc, to raft perles to an bogge. urclt! 3 frarc mc Jgncj.ince ttis ge^jre Vui I njafte fomc wfolation. -e €[ 5 feare tbc fame alfo, but as toUJC btng that tobcrof lou fpralic fub I" ' STbet baue rtwokcD Diucrfc ctDc bercfic s out of tjrll. (tucU : I as againft Cranfubaantiation, purg«^to;t» Rnb tlK tDatfc, * I ano fan tbat bn fmpture tljep can not be biciigbt to j^affc. I 9l5(ittbath)lnd)eeucrbatbbenamc(lrrcUJc,anbconQanto^inion^ . anODefcnoeDalfobitbcrto,bi?allofourr(ltiitoti, Kbat 3 Jgno.iance am tbe motbfr cfmic Dcuoticn* anOfenoVDletGetbeauctoaroftfjcfcntriirie affection f ' ♦/ ^ SCbci2t)2me it to ftoutdp as tboagbe it toerc not fo. iout tbts batb ben bclcft manr^n b"no;eD tf cfc ago / ' ^bcrefojc it grcuctb ma not a little ttwt m\» raff Cjou lo fo l! .\nS5c, SCW to be Di(p;oueo at enm? piatlcrs lunt)c. « C?eai)otb''t*icntl)eino;ct)nU3ifcmanvoii>?»s Jtrclrc, |c. iPo; tbep fat as mucbe b^ ma, ac ^ o:i toell so UnoUJC. f ano0)aU3tbcngoterem\?fclfeattbciJta!!ief i^o let tbem fpeabe fo longeos tbtir f onf^ucs im iBalUc. , Ebn? fball not crcue mee, fo: Ubv* ix\ tocrv fonib 3t UJcre follic to ciiDeue Jt to fiop turnnnanncc mcntb. S^bct baue bjougbt in cnc, a roangr tipftart hCDc ar it appcarc ss. 3 am fure be bAtb not ben in tbe licr.lnt: Mnv manr vcares. Mttb a gatbercb frocKe, a potulbc bcao, auo a b:oacc liattC) an bntftauea bcarDe, a pale face, anD bcc teartjetb t!:at 7 57 / au our Doingcs are nauabt> ano batb ben manv a Dar* "' ^ ^a btfiiloioctb our fcremcnie^, anb ritc5,an?s teaibctlj an ctbcr tuat? Co ff rue 000, tijen ttat Uibicbe toec Do tfe. . 3n»j 20Ctb dtont t\it peoples mvnscs to fc&uee. (Ir c are. 3t i« a pcaUcnt l»nauc, Ik^ Miy\\ baue p^ictlcs ;ig w;nf r capppcs to feiiri:hKfl * Nop Cujlomc, ^xv(<^\\my 0rc fupcratticm bcsDcS) ^mt^i aho fucte ot!)tr starr^ Croats, UWttt coi^tPtU, otlc,b;ah) fait, fpcttif, anoinccnfc, t^itt) fcitSngT ano OnciiiQ hct atrontptd not \M;t^ tit. Mf^mfe, i^tto chcc out on t^c mall, if to rspcto t^cm 9 Utift ^uct}e Doit ti)tti$c0 lob^rctn otir rcUfiicti oct^ ccnDl!. )!5ut 0^ comntaunoce t1)c kmiit in CtigiiQ) to be rcaooe. ic^itofs;^ bclr Utatnoc tbc If iblc to put in t)(s fieaooc* C'cer^ man :o Iml^c tbcrcon At Ms ttft anoplcafure. Cucr^ irnn to 0uDic oiutnttic at bts (onttcntcnt Icaftire. CCn itb a ti)(i)urand nrloe guifcf tno^e ^ tmoU^c as tbcU 06 3» 2)10 to tiTmc %m b^ Dt8 rijibt n^uue, if 31 flt^ouloc not U( : % t \t nrboc Cuaome, Di; To tbct oo t}tm call !L^8t^c our fift cr i^ipccrific, ^uperftition, S^olatHC) onb alU j ;3no trudi? mc tbinUetb tfjcv oo tufti^, anb Uiirct^ tbcrctn, ^in:c bcc 16 fo bti:cr», antJ fo Utrl^ trcpt in. J, J> [ IT 5?o tb

, V jl^cjt^cCrfllomc ciuo0^ott^noU)abenofan«ofbi«nctocnofc# • j'oj bringing in ani'rucbcbnaKuComcfiglfife. fai bee bntljieoucco tbc people bt migbttc grcate 0O(kC0, :£oMc of (i^oD it U)crc 000 to tzt tbc knauc in ttft ftocftct. ID: dies to Uil)rp bim fo; an craum^^e ic^ all roj^^es as b ] l)ou« tbcr tbc auaboi^e of nctoc be rtOf s b^* f'jbenccfoitb 00 attempt ant fttcbctrangcwuife. ^^t3> A d \)m\ ktxpc biiiv^lfe from m^ banccs if ba bt totfe» "^ ^ ' ? f eucr 3 mat? tahc fnm ttjitbin m^ ravnc i%i3furctobJue\ubippinfCbffrefi);bi^pdttt^ "^ ] /o: bee Dotb muctje barme in e«bt plar c tb^dtigboiiC tbt lanbf # tTj brrcfojc ^^tnicrfcDoftrme, bc?rc nctif tb tour banbc> ! 3iimcanetf.atrcbcoiliacntinantfafe, j iif^cfbjtunctofomclDbsrci^cujruQ-omciBinptat^s : feo!ot3rerb:bilbinc,i?«?uknol»tobaf <[mcanf, I Ebat ill all pornlcs rcu mar tiiff recite bim cicane. ^m U)tien br* bSGinncs of ant? tbtnac fo; to flatter r Cf oiiv controiicrfic of Icnrntng, d5 £:itrlnitic matter J ^ k fev3tOfl:ngfitll>«coci{ervmannc0:bcufibfJ . I TSM bt3 vuoDjDep mav fttute tf rEQf^iUilJbifiboin^ fcuf ttoii^jt t C2:unitUtmeraUn?tuitbtbdt,ffl;5l^imci;otrolv«Uk'it, Very I ... ^ SSttt do^ aj-j -au ^,>»>.'*'~ New Cupomc. %}xt 3 bauc p^artif cD tbis alreathe, ann mint)c a!fo to t^ if, ^et a furtbcr Deuifc 31 tjaue 3 tljinbc not nnulTc. darken to mee Jgnojance. fo;» t^c matter w tt}i0. jFo; tbc better accompU(^ing our fubtiltie p;etenDcD : 3t tocre crp:ment ttwt botl)e our names toere amenoeD. ignorance (bal be a>impliatir, fo; tbat coincg berp nte. 0no fo J pcruerfeDottrine 3t lDt>H be caU:D feounoeDoctrine 3 , flno notoe tbat toee arc botb in fucbc fo;te nameD : QSlee mail goe in an\? place an!) neuer be blameD. ^atben rou remembze ^ur name fir S»implicitie. ano mfie at euerp lom^oe sonnDCDoctrine to be. 5!5etoare of tripping, but Ifflke in minoe tbat ton bcare, l^our fanned name, ano tubat befojc tou toeare. 515ut tobo is ttji0 tbat bitbcrluaroe Dotb tualhcf JlettMfOanwftilltobearelDbatijaeljjrUfalfee. ^ Ci^ctoCuftome,entrctft alone. Aj^ ^ ' ^.. Aftus.i. Sccna, 2. y^/*t * |1^en 31 conCDcrtfjcauncient times befo;c, /"^«-^ ^^jCbat bauc ben tbefe ergbt bnnojeo ^tcxts anb ?mc. ^V^nj, (ijQfg conferre tuitl; tbefe our later Dares : Id ^? minbe do tbefe oifpleafe a tboufano tuaies. po} fure b^ tbat batb botbc pereeaueo arigbt : Wi^ll (wi tbe? DifEer as oarbenes Dotbe from ligbt- i^o; tbcn pla^nc Dealing bearc atoati tl^t pjice, ^ 011 tbinges Icere ruleo bv men of gooD abuife. Confcience p^eua^leD mucbe,euen cueri? tobcre, i!5o man DeceiucD ^iB nerjbour, anb eke a tbing full rare, pt toas to finbe a man ?ou migbt not truft. p5utl©ketxibat once tbe^ p;omifeD:tbe^ DiD tbat toell,'anb iuft* 31f neigbbours toere at bariartce tbe^ ran not flrcigbt to latoe, S)aiesmen tojKe bp tbe matter, anD cott not ttjem a CraUie. &>ucbc Dcligbt tbei? bao to Hipll Debate, ano ttrife. 0nD furctr euen in tbofe oaipes teas tijere mo;e goDlier life. ^I^otobeit men of ail ages are toonteD to Difp?aifc Cbe UjtckeDncCe of time tbat flo^iflicb at tbt tr Daies, ^s lueU Ijee mav oifceme buljo fo; ttiat but ligbtlr irohta _ _ _ ■ • In 3Cn ewcrr Icafc almcUof »il! fbctr ba)'uC0. i^o; as fo; Cbjia our inaitlcr, \i>!)at l)a- tbcugbt cf Jctrc!; i ^m aficr Ijpin tbapoQlcs, 3C tbinfic it ic do nclucs. tri;)arkc siim Itc.tic Ijcc is foir.c pxatiicr '^ U)vU lar m^ gctanc. l:3fe nii.iDctl) to niatic a fcrmcn tuitljin tbis toUinc i}x fpcal^cri) Ij^ncClY rcf> but furciv if ^oc ravfc at nta : 3 mar net abiDc tjim b)? the tnaffc J pponiilc ttjcc. ^rpaulc to tl)c Co;iintl;iaii£J plainclr Dotb tcU iEbat tbctr bcbauioar plrafcD \m\ not Ir rll. ir.l! o'.ir fojefatbcrs likcUjilc l);iuc ben offrnDc^, ixllitb Qictcrfc faultcB at tbcir tiinr, tbat n:i(t!>t fcp.tic Icn antcnocn. VTM Doctours of ti)c Cfnircbc, great faulrc tljci'OD^ finOe, gn tbat men liiicD not after tbeir mrnDc. i^irS Uiitl) tbc rulers as eramples of fmiie, £DI)cn Ujitb tl)e people as continuing tljenn. ^0 tOat of tfjeni botfj {[^is one tljing tl)cr tbougbt, £::bat tbe pf ople itJos not gocD, but Cbe rulers lucre natigfjt* 15nt in cof npanfcn of tbis time of ntiferie, 3n tbofc Dates men li^ueo in pcrfectefelicitic. ^ainrte l^^iulc p.iopbccieD tbat lno.2fe tvmrs iljoulne enfue^ In nouiGimis vcnicnt quidam faiti) bee, tijis iStrc\UC> i^oloUnnge all mifcbif fe, bngocitncffe, anD eutU, cleaning to all toicheoncffe, ant) Doctrine of tbe Dcuijil. Jt^nD fpake bee not of tbefe Daies tbinhe ^ou 3 p^tayjc:' Sbc p;cDfc is fo playne tbat no man can Denare. .f o; tbis is fure, tbat neuer in anf age bcfo;c, jjliaugbtines, ano unnc batl) ben p;actifeD mo;e, £D.J balfe fo niucbe, o.: at all, i\\ refpc(te,fo 3 fare fls IS nolue (u?oD amcnDe all,) at tbis p;efent Dare. v ^ivixvt notur, no ftnne, faultes no faultes a l^btt £D (0OD, feeft tbou tbis, anD ret ii'^it ftiffer bit^ ^urelr tbr mercic is great, but retDur finnes 3! ftare, 0re fo great, tliat of luff ice toitb t}:^m tbou cantt not beare. jaoulterie no iwce, it is a tbinge fo rife, a ftalc iett noloe, to lie tuitl) an otl)er manncs to^e. i^o.j \Dbat is tbat but Daliauncef Couetoufnelle tber call <£5ooD bun}ahD;^te, U)ben one man tooulD faine bane ulU ^nD i\! ^'b bit is n goo9 fellotoe, fo noto a t>aic6 tbei? fai^e. (Sluttonic 16 ^ofpttalitic, Vohilc tbe? mcate, arm o;ir»fec fpiU, ^nbicbc tooulD rclicue ctucrfc l»t;om famine soil) KiU«_ i33 fo.j all cb writable Oeeoes tbc^? be gone Coo Imotoitba^. ^omc p;oo, nno contrarie to !iafarc» ^carfe blouD is punifteo, but eucn fo; t3en» fbamc, ^0 maUc tbc\? of murt^cr but a trifling game. £> boU) manie eramples of tbat bo^rible Clice SDo Da^lp among bs noU)c fpjing anb arifc ? S5ut tbanUcs be to 0ootbat fucb rulers ootb fenlie, ^bicbc camettlp euoie tbat fault to amcnoc. 2$ b^ tl)c n)arpc punifbsment of tbat toicbcD crime XlUcc map fit tbat ronmii^tcD U'as but oi' late time, €^oD Direct tbcir imrtcs tljcr mav allDaici? continue &m\)c lull cjrcaition on tiune fo cnfue. ^0 fijaH be fauco t!;e life of man^ a man : 3nD Q5oD to^ll U)itbD.:atue bis foic plagues from fcs tban. SUbeft 13 but poUicie, prriurie but a face, ^ud)2 is nobj tx)t U3o;loe, fo furre mcH be from grace. ^ut Uibat m\l 3 (ai! of Religion ant knoVulecgc £Df (000; \i}\)icl}c butb brn iiioiffcrent in cacljc age i5cfo;c tljis:* botobcit bis falreg tljcn it bai?, Hno in feme po^ntcs tben luas culpi^blc, auD bao i ^nreli? tbis one tbinge 3 mat fci^ anelt, 00^ batb reiccteo Us alua^' from bim quigbf, i,7»o gci!?n bs fcp toIjoUic bnto ouf olwnc t^ougbt, ntecrl? to Dcaroi> bs, ano b;mg bs to nougbt. fo'. 03 tiycv notfoHciDC tlje inucniicns of nicn ^ ilffilic on tbe ]i3.:imiti'je Cbm cbe, anD tell ma tbcn, m\ bi'tbcr f b^r f ^*r"ef ^^oo in tbis Tainc tui fc, ©J bDbctbtr tb^i' fcHoU-.cD env o' bn* gu tfc f i^oj frnrc (i^oDDc .^ fear e occavco, ano h) ypoci u'e crrpt tn, 3(n *u-.-^> ..- 3In !)opc of fomc pities, mm lucre to loin : Crucliic bare a ttroUe, U)^o toitb fngot an&6cr, 3S;du jfjt all tbtnges fo paflTe rbaf \m did Defter. ipiert auarice fpilt all, tubirtjc lefi it l^oulD be fpioe : li-')ppocrifte enfueo tl)c matter fo bioe. SDtjrii b;oiisbt n)tv in tijcir inonaers, f^etr ^atTes, tteir ilisbt, SDbinr SCo;icbC0 atncone, to Darftcnour ftgbt.^ Ebeir pope0,aiiD tbcir parDone£f,tbcir puigatojifs fo; fotolec, ECbeirfmoking of tbc Cburcl?, ano flingiHg of colc5. C ^inv ^cta U)bvlc, anD let tisf bearc ino:e communifatton. Ignc C 31 ran not b^ goDncs foUiIg, if jj nrigbt baue all t^ts nation. Pcni S^lwU 3 fuffer a hnaue tbus to ra^lc, ano p;atef ! ^-m tben 3 p;iar goD tijc Dciirll b;caUe m^? pate, ^ 3 tDill be rciiengeo o; b« Depart atoat!. j fibfurrabroubauemaDeafeirefpeabc^aretcDa?. j E>o i?ou lojke foj an^ reiuarDe fo;> t?our DeeDc? ! Bit toerc gooD to b?atc tbec till tt)t?'bfaD bteDc, i©; to fcourge tbee tuelfauoureolie at a cartes tatle, SUo teacbc fudje an bo?efon to blafpbeme, anD ra^^lc at fiicbe bolic miftcric0, anD matters fo bie as tbo J fpeaheft of noboe, anD rarleDlJ at fo latdie. ef. serijat meane ^e Or, oj to tobom do v,oa fpcabcf New areT?ennnDcDonmee\?ourangertolu;eake, i CClbicbe bflue not offenDcD as far re as 5 bnotoc i ! C 3 fpeake to tbce knaiie, tbou art inaDDe 3 trotoc. P«i( ^^mW nieantt tbou to raile rigbt nolo fo fontemptuouOv> at tl)t cbcfea fccrctes of all Diuinitie i f C Uerclte j3 raileD not fo fane as J can tell, New 31fpaUebutaouifcDlv,?bnotoeber\?U)eU. j i^o: 31 Ui\.'ll ttanDe to it, tDbat fo cuer 3i fa^Dc, CCtJilt tbou foef but 31 \s)iU. make ibde \3)cU apace, *-^"i Eo recant tbv lPCD.:Des 3i bolDe tbce a pounDe, ISefo^etbouDepartcbcnceoutoftbtsgrounDe. \ C/^o ti)at (ball ^ou not Doe if 31 Die tbcrefb;e. Ncn C rCbou l^alt foe anone, go tc, p jattle no moK> Peri 2iBnt tell nice tbeffect of tbc U)oo;Des Uibicbe luere (aiDc* C^o recite tbemagatne, 31 am not afraiiiDe: Nd 31 (n^De tt^at tte ^affe, auD fucte trumperie as t^t Mn *i at^atiortd ^ popery, purgatojicparDcnclDercflatt 05ainft C^oDDcs tu©;oc, auD p;umtiuc ConSitiiCfcn, Crept in tfj;ougl) douctoufncJTc, an5 fapcrftition, I Cf fctc rcrcsi, tl);ougl) }i3linDciies, anD men cf no UnoUslcDgc? .Cum furi;; as ^^vit bca in ciicry age. ersd/etb?ont)pontopiouctbcaffirmatiuc, STo fl&eiuc ttat fucb tinges Uicre tofeu in antiquitte, iSno ti)en 3! can cafcli! p;ouc rou tbe ccntrarie. .Tsd. c^tanoa tljoii U)itb mcc en fcbole popntcs,DoU tfjcu fo in Cttcc? SLboa baoa beS Ip p:oue niae U^lieiber 5 wn raDr. ; S^binhctt tboii 35 bi-iue no Logique, in oaDe t^inUce ttou focf |5efi pjinUoclics, tljat 3i bane, fo; fo;Ue vcare s agoc . 3 couloc fmattcr in a Duns p^ctcUe I no not itVcty , SSeitcr 31 am Cure tbrn an bunD;ei> of rou, UjJjo fo i^uc r is t\)2ht^. [uft. CC^ruelie | bclisuc rou, fo.: in lucbe fonue boifecs ' .,^oufpentiDcUicvourttme,an!)'aJcrieDv'our!(DUcs- , Qao:e better it ba"^ ben \\\ bcUcs of l)oUe -^criptiue, mberc as aert'.ie is cr?;r(f.*D, ant) Uchgton pure, - SUSo baiu? palTea roar routl), as tbe IH ible anD fudjc. Y ' SCben in tt)efe trifles to bauc colteD fo niucbc. w jfpiot mo:c to bauc rcgarbcD a ITuns, 0.2 a £iujfiicnil?, ^ - . tDbcn vou tooulo tbe toajjtcs cf tbe bchc Cuanralia. isd.'fEiClbatf fo; a Cbil3o to niccalc Untl) the )^i^i :ul>. ^[ ^ca fure mc.:e better, tbeii fo tc br iile. rsd.; c^sflnmc tbrn tolcncs/ tbat is a ncbj tcrnie. :u!>.' ir^Ebcp fa^ better to be ii'lc tben to to biirme : •rsd. cc^lbatbarmcDCitbcknolDlcb^c 5p5a?fi)G:tcImc:' :ulL c'i'.nolyleDgc puftVib tp= m ??ain(tc panic rou mav fee. !rscl* ^ vif c but UifMt ciriOtolcDJc nieanetb bet, icil luce tbat^ :urt. fjcucn fucb Uuolv.lcD;;c a0 w p:of:C% flat. j^o.j tbe trutl>e, ano d;c cliofprll you ba'.jc m contc Wii^iy • £n-j TmIioUi : fuci;e tores as v-oar kit eo Do inuent. f o;faUi»i3 (5o;&Cc U^ju :5, ano ttiappca Ics iniutuUcn, Trt ' A^ttr Cufiomc, tn all roar p;iorcDingc0, e.ni3 niattcrg cf i^cliricu. Ci5r Uiljat I'pjcUcft ttjou that let me bcrc tljr luD^cir.cnt i Pci u?r Q:i?;otbranrGctre,butb^tljAttoi}ictct5cuitciit. Ncv/ci its fo; tljc s^cripturcs to" tauc abolifljcD dcunc, 4^.cU) fdtens rou bauc confiitntc in Uelwion, agai)nc ^ijufc of t^e S)ncranicnts ttjen Ijatb ben tcfojc, iitiue vcu bjougbt? anD in nontb.:c \mt rou mate tbc m mojr, ST. ben Cbciiit cutr maoc : W^bcrfc^c ftjcU} vour auctojttic : ii); cl3 banc vo« tone lo tbe (Ibnrtt)c great in;unc. Si^bappoClc? neuer taiigbt rour tranfub&r.ntialicn X*f b;icaointoficrt:c,o^ani?aufjefufi;icn. ) l^du ; be ii tbev U.cre ccniurrnnt cuerr ^^V-i ant! Ijotu c, 2nD reeeiucD tl;at ^anrinir nt cf CbjiH cirr faiiiour. I^cu feicnc alfo Ibat 1- et ei Ums biftcp of lUmc, i;n r.bat bcD firft inltitu(rb ttc fcate of vcurpopcijoinc. 5rut ^e eruer fc n attcn, bcUJc Dtire rou f o; fl)ame, : l^our far.C > s on Cbiilt, ano rtjappoflles to frame:' C: il5artc aiiaunt Jact^efaixe, and platting bnauc. Peru« 3 tuill raniure tbr cote if tbou Icauc not to ranc. CCIitb all mr barte nno aunmcancc fomc bp anbbe nongljf. 3 fee teee rtifiU hnue an bcref liic of tboe as 3 tbougbt. %Mtiz t ingcs Ir.crc cpp:oiieD o; tbou toaft bo,:ne,tio(l tfjou not fa? i:.nD Ml be Uiben tt'ou art hangco 31 trarrant tb r. r €re 3 U-as bo:ne:' nar furc tbat is not trctoe. New fc:, in fompanron of ma tijcv be bufnelue. r i^f thce^ ba ba ba , tohai cftl}eef tlm art man. Penw C fe^urclr in mv fc;te J am botbc fcbjf, and fan. New CL mi)it boli) olDc art tbou, tell ma 3 pjar tijcc [jartclu? Peru fj: £l^cv ti)Ztt pou Bs pcrceiuc. New ff: Cli bat oiDcr tbcn J f Pcm rbcrounge^nauebrtbcmaOcnotfullrtbirtic, ' moulDe celDertl)cnj5tbatmnaboufQitic? fr a ibcufantc, anb a balfc, tl)at fu rclf iB mv age. New ^f >e awn cn^imc of aU men of fenoUilagc. €ratboi:ra:';'3 rcarei^f .totibe-: p:cciou(e fotolc If am oat of mr Uuttes. Pci-u l^(c is poCfcHeD cf iome benrll o: of foine euill fp:ites. ZXT'tiv tljou art a ro'mg Unaiic, of tfcat fo;te 3 fare, aijvU bjcticjijt info tl'M rcalnie W. ttc otber Dare, _______„_ -..JLDja s:^ T^c^ Cujlomc. %\ii& ncto kcirntng, nnts ttjcfe ^ercCea, tm fuc^ otfjcr things nw0, . ^ittjftrangc guifeuiiiucntcDnoVDloiigagoe. 0no 3 pw rt)atcU wee, 10 not tx^yt name jj^ctucuflonte? •.w cuft. C CreUJl^ fo 3 ani called of fomc. 05 of fucbc as toante botlj twittc, ano bnccrCanDing, 00 ?oa 00 notoc 3 fenoUje bi? rcur talking. 3!5ut Uioe be to tbofc tf^at malte no Dtfttmtton, )i5ctU30mcmaH^tbingc0ofDtiierfcccnciticn. „ * 4,^ 03 naugW Co be gooD, anO tette to be f olDc. 0nnoloetobeneUje,ananetotobeolDe. tK.T(jnrcfo;e tfjcfe Difc c^tcs ytm Datlr ip.ucnt, £Cbe people to femice,t}nto tour aDuertTfcmcnt, - ■ \ tKHbiletottb tales \)oua(rat,anDUiiltjUc0TcubearWi 'r-^ SCbc trutb to Deface, aiiB four creDite to totn. iicrsd. c Mbat 10 tbr name t\itx\ 3 p?at tb« mahc occlaraticn. fccuft. f[ BSn fantb nt^ name 10 iO^imitiue contlifucion. uersd. € ^HHIbo^ tobo^ Praua ConOitutiof eucn fo 3 tbOU^ljt, 3 toift tbat it luas fome fufte tbmgc of nousbt. Jliftc ILettufe lihe lippc0, a fcabo bo^fe fo J a fcalo fquirc. ? cufl . C p jimitiuc conftttution 3 fnioc if vcu bearc, ^ucbe o.:m0 30 in tbe p^iniitiuc cburcbe bcrctofoie Mterc bfcD, but not notue, tbe ino;e pitiic tbercfo: e. lersd, €E 0b, ab in gcoo time fir toel migbt rou fare p;iinitiuc CcnG itutw, W:^iiQ tour tretoe name ^ou fa\? iDttboutal Dcluticn. ^^imitiue Conftitution (quotes ftoujc) ac micbc as mt Haue, Cbe Deuill on bim iDbJcb loiU futb licr0 bclffuc. ^Q% mt parte if 3 crebite fucb an be jrie niotulc, 2Dbe folDle fenbc of bell fetcbe ma boDic, anb foUlc. • cufl. C SCruetb can not pjenaile, Icbcre Ignorance is in place, v'lcc. C peace, 0^ 3 toill iat mt beabes on tbic face, l^aft tbou notbing to raile at, but Jgnoiance 3 trobjc i cuft. C ^oa mat bfe \\\k euen at tour plcafure J Uno\»e« i^o> peruerfc Doctrine tbat is rdst CD fee faft, Ebvit it nut not be cbangeD at nabcaocnlic 1 1 "iff t ^at not beare tbe contrarie, but beginnctb to hicUr, 3liUe a in^t toben biB feletb tbc fpurrc fij; to p.jicUc. ersd. •^ ^^' ^^^^ ^°" ^°^ ^" niifcreant billainc i * little tbin3 tooulo make mce Ur^cUc out tbt baavne* Nc-^ Cuflome. i^encc out of mr OgW? alwa^, pacta'n?, truDge, Snijoii Detelliible fterctilje, t6o« ca^tife, ttjou D;iitge. 3f jH uiai: take tbee it toerc as gooD ttn)u Ixjcarc DcaOf, i^ o; cucn tuttlj tbis ]3o;tufc 3 toill battrc t!)^ I}caoc. Hxit. SEbougtje 3 t)a"3 rt)ercfi3;e 3 care not 3, ^0 3 be raicnccD on a flaue ere 3 Die. gracrani cnt of 000, U)f}o bat!) bcarDe fudje a hnnuc:^ W. bo af ccr \w I'as dcdhc at 3gno;ancc to raue : peracrfc Doc trine (quoD bee) is alfo rmtcD fo fiitt SEbat bcc mar be cbangcD b? no btaucnli? blafl:. jfp.o goDDes foVcIc 3 toarrant bini 3 loUl fee bim rotten^ 35f fo;c ibat my> S>cctrine 3 liaU baue forgotten. ^ bcrcfo; c iv bebouetb ts fomc couneell to tabe, l^oluc U)ie tbe ftrongci our matters mat? maUe. Sgaiift tljc furpzifc of ttjis neloe inuaOon, SBcijunnc cf late br 11)is Grange generation, £ f Ji^cijDcu Conic ano bis maUes, meaning to Deface £rur ainictent rigbtes, anD Ueligion, anD to place KYizix Deuclinjc Doctrine tbc C'Ofpell, anD foe j^ur gaines to Debate, anD our fellies to tinooe. 3 thinhc it bell tbc refo.zc tbat our fitter l^i?pocri0c JDo t3iiocrftani5fuU^ of tbis matter bp anD b^. 3i.ct t)s goe ano ftcUe bcr tbe cafe fo,j to IbeUie SDbattebcrgooDcouncellma^^fpeDelpbnoUje. - ^ ci; am reaDie, t n folotoing 3 toill not be flotoe* Exiunc. ignorac Exeunt* A^us. 1. Sccna. i. Cligbf of tbe (i?ofpell,anD i^ctucufiome enter. •lOK^ ©ube -^zvi notbtng at all, fb; (E>cD tuill fo p;ouiDe, Liglit of "io ^^'J^ Icauetb not bis elect to Defence, anD to guioe : tlic gofp ^'**' SUljat tubcrc cuer 3 come fucbc grace rou mav finoe, Ss Iball in cacbe po^ntc content Ujell rour minDe. ^n5 aomit tb-'.t ii^z^- not call rou iPetocnUome, tobat tiden i Sttribate tf)at fcilic to tbc igno;ance of men, £:f?at foUjivc tbeir f.mfics, tm hnoto not tbe rigljf . A^e1l? Cuflomc, ... ^ ^dl, ^ou feuotuc iDljerc J cnmc one c tte \kM £f ti)t 0ofpcll Vuljofc bccimcB Do gliUcr fo clcarc : Hljm piimriuc conlntutici: in tmt ton apprarc Om as clfcU-iijcrc vou fiaii: bctt, fc no no- unfn nil l'i?ut m t!)is pliicc l)cr caf • er be rt'cciieo ^^oit niu ft. ew cull, €E nccozDtnij to ronr nature fo DO T'on ticrv iocll, 2D) put mx in gcoD fppc, bjigbt iiigbt of tbc C'Oipel* SnD feinoc poti be trcUic, 3J mai' m no luife ^ifOitme \?oii tbe fatber, o; aucrbour of Iic0. foi if tni tt to tbc <0orp :U Do purdjafc pcrpetuaanrc £)f life bnto iKm Uj?jo djercin b^^itb confidence : CGlljat Iball tbe Ugbt Docf tobofe beames be fo b;is!jt : SEbiit in eacbe rcfpect all tbingejs elfc of hgbt, j ^rebutt>cr\?DarUenc5,anDehcterr0nTit'»ll, I ^otbcligbtoftbcC'ofpcllouerlbinetbtljemall. . li^. t ^2ilbercfj:e U)itb great coinfoite | receiue rour coiinfcll, ■.VS*^*' Wi^itl^ Ijartit tbanbes bnto rou, tbe ligbt of tbe c2:ofpeU. . • ^- i> '\ f^it}) tljcn C&atl ^ou cbtoJJie . . ' . ^,^ . icgofpcl ^twt fo euer ^ou Defire, tf^c ^mpturc faittj ptame. ^^^^^*- JFo^ quicquid peticritis in nomine meo. 3lt muft of tructb neeBeB be bnOcrGoDe To?, SSbat toitl)out i^aitb tDbat fo cuer Uja: fo jtunc to crauf : ^0e map not Idke fo: itour Defire to !;aiie. iPaitIb mouctl) mou«taine« fo it be pu re fcitb tn Declsc, is? i^/i0b toee obtainc lutjat fo euer toee neeDe. \ Si^^n i^ait^ (tjall rrftoje to von mo;e tbtngcs lljen tbi?, ■ 515eleae mee p^iniitiue conftitution, lubat fo cuer i5 uuiiiTc. I jl5ut tobere be tljofe rep;iobdtc0 Detio^^oe of tjH arate, ^bo lately mifufcD i?ou, 30 t^u faioe in tbi0 pK'«ce :* •lew Cu. fESCbe)? be foDcnlv DcparteD, J iuote not tuctl tobetber, i^oj 31 left tijem rigbt noto botbe bttre togctber, * CbcpcannotbefiU'rcbenceJlmolutJcrrlocU, f ?iiaiIberetbepbetberci0nonetllueaf«e,butf^cw cud ^ 2it I'anDe 31 am re aoie on i^on f c; to tJiU'te, A^us yf^ t" ADC0 tbat fupplie to^iclje toantetb in reafon, fo} ill ttingc0 appticD fomtimc in gooD fcafon : ^s of better cftfoncs do impo^te tbe toa^te, &o tbe\) be Uiell o^^orcD b^ sooo pollicic, anD fla^sb^* f^otubcit tbcir Doctrine be founDe :j)et tbctr btce0 fpD out, ^<( tbis is a floucn, 0^ tbi0 ic( a Ictotc* l^ce fpeakctb on enuie, fucbe a one fo;^ ndeDe, SUbis faitb it in U)oo;rDe0, but bet tbinl^ctb it not in De^De. tspon grcattcr occafion tbei? 0icbe not to raue. ^a^ing tbid is a tub(D?i^naaer, tillaine, bee an l^eretihc hnaue> 0n Crto;cioner, a tbeefe, a tra^tour, a murtberer> conetou0 perfon, a common Merer. SDbi5 bee Dotb fo; m^ miarcd^ \)is U)t?ues fabe b^ fbe vamt, %iic beitcr to maintcine ano fuppo^te tbe frencbeboDe. ^Hcmember alfo tbat it toeare a great fldame, iFo; tba fo; to baue forgotten tb^ otone name. peruerfeDoctrinc of rigbt muft tbe tmett) to pcruertc : %tisd bae neuer let it Gtnkt into anp mamws batte, 00 farre as bee can toitb Diligence iDitbfianDe, i^o; euer it bebouctb tbee to be reaDie at banbe, Co ffrentbcn tbtne otone parte0, anDDifp^oue otber DO(trin^> ^bat fo euer ilball be taugbt tbat is contrarie to tbine. &till pietenDe Ueligion iDbat fo euer tou far? 13nD tbat C^fiU get tbee gooD crcDite nWawg^ l^l^afnig tbe multituDe loitb fucbe binbe of grace* C fl$ T^e'^ Cuflomc^ 00 luit^ t{)em to f be Wdjc niol! cndinet) tfjcr are* Square cappcs, longe goUmes, U)ittj tippctf C0 of Clhf, 515;auc copes in t^e djurdje, furplirea as tulnte as milfce* 313eaDc0, ano Me lihe, all t^efc beare fbe pjice. STo tljrfe tbinges appUc tb^ attenoant Deuifc. janD otber liUclutfc tDbicb toell ?ou DO hnotoe, eel bicbe all of great bolineffe DO fet fo?f be a ftcUJC. SDfcougb fome of tbcm Doubtleffc be inoiffcrent, toljat matter, JCbep furnttbe our bufinette neuer tbe latter* i^o.j tbcfe of antiquitie fince tbat tbc^ Do fmcU : £)ur caufe muft commenDrigbt toonocrfall toell. jano tbefe be tbe tbtnges toberof tbou baft neeDe. SDbe better of tb^ tol?l, and purpofc to fpcDe. nen gcue tbr attenoame, anD fo be fare of tbi0» SCbat Bl totll be reaote ano ncuer totll miHe, SCo affift tbet fttU in lDo;hmge tbr purpofe, Co tbaDaannnng of tbee, ano Dep;elling tbr foe0. €rsd. C CO>ramercie gooD filter euen iDttb all m^ bearte^ i^o; tbis ^our gooDconncell, anD fo; m^ parte tis^bat fo euer in tbtB cafe xm^ bee poflfibti! Donne : Bl Iball fblloUie your precepted as a naturall fonne. ]Fo; t\it matter fo ftanoes if toee bolie not loell abouf> SDbat tQee quite periibe all out of Doubt. ^nlefTe fonte fucbe tDa\) U)e^ take out of banDe : ^berebi? tjoee mat be able oar fioes to U)itbftanDe. i^nT) fo.j tbis canfe mt bjotber 3gno?ance ano iJ : lleft it (boulD cbaunce bs to fall into ieoperDie : SEb;ougb enuic of our names in any mannes eare : i^o J tbis intent 3 fat? toee DiD Diligentli? care, £Dur names to countcrfaite, in fucbe maner fo^te : Cbat iDbcre euer U)^ goc toee ma)p toin gooD rcpo^te* >cn. trj2)fmvfaitb tbat is iJcrptDell cone in DaDe* C'OD fenDc tba a gooD ^it ftill at tb? naDe. £uu tbat in tbv Doinges fucbe fucceffe tbou maiff f^nDe : Sbat i.U tbtnges inai? cbaunce to tbee after tbv winDe* 03^ bjotbcr if tbou baue ougbtxlfe fo: to fai?,. &>pcaHe on 0,2 tbat 3! Dcparte bence aluap. :rsd. ans^rcat tbatiUesCB^ leourcouRccl, anoif ree cbsunceto'ge ttrtber, ^00 i ^oa mat? xmtt tuitb 3 !5iio;«mte : to balTcn \m b^cr. C iParcLucU, W Ojoll be bere, ^u fball fee eucn anon. Hipo« CaiackcalicKc, nolo mpgooD Offer is gon. Pcmc Mtjofc p^cfence to ew'oTic i« mo;e pleafaut tinto mcf, SubanaitptbmgUjbatroeuermtbetuo^lDecouloebK. ^ (250013 occafiontjviue 3 fuctje a filler to cmb^wce, , i^o; b^ bcr meaner 31 ll?ur,an!) cniore tbi place. Mbicb i?8t 31 poffeCTe as longe as 31 mar, aito baue beretofo;e man\! a faifc tia^. i^o; fince tbcfe nctu l^eretiKcs tbc ocuill tafee tbem aU» 3B n all corners began to bait e, ano to ball : lat tbe CatboUke i^attb) ano tbe oloe religion. ^abtng of tbem botbe but matters of DertGon : ^^pocrtCe batb fo belpeo at twxy, necDe : SCbat but fo; bcr barol^ toere toee l|?!te fo; to fpeeoe*' fQl be our cafe neuer fo vm D.uuen to tbe tDo;ff , S^b;ougb ber mc^nea b\! fome meane taHe no place at tbe fIrS: pet fome meaner Dotb (bee ftnoe, b^ fome meanes at tbe tenstt^ SISbatbcr loates do p^euatle ano ber matters get ffren^* ^bfl^ can fiitoe out a tbonfano gui^les in a trice> pQl euer^ purpofc a netoe ftrong Deutfe* il^o matter fo Difficile fb; man to finoe out, i^o bnQnclIe fo Daungeroos, no perfon fo ffotDtj }i5ut of tbcne (be^ id able a folucton to make, !^nD tbotbers greatepen^ll, anD moDe fo; to flake. 0nD in Site mucbe matter in fetoe lJDo;Des to containe : &b^ can fmDe out a cloke fo; euer? ra^ne. Cl^bat perfon is tbere tbat bearetb mo;e fiDatr> Bin all mmtcr of matters at tbts p;efent Da^e, Cb;ougbout tbe lubole 1do;Id, tbougb of fijmple Degree^ 0nD of fmall potner to Cgbt (b^ feeme fb; to bes ^ Confi^er all trai>es, ano conDtctons of Ii?fe* SDben (ball pou perceine tbatl^ipocride is rtis Co all Uxm of mm, anD of enerp age : &o firre as tbcir veeres tbemtberetn ma? gene ftnotolcDge : Eo bere a large 6c!De tobere at lengtb bee mai? Uialbe, Mlbo liff of tbis matter at tbe (till to; to talUe, SDo DeOare of tPbat potoer, aiU) of l)Db^ efficane. .o A^c-ft? CuJIome. 3n eucrp age, counfret? ano time is l^rpocnfic ^at 3 mat! not about fuel) ; fiiiall pointcs nolo ffancc, Ctjc affaires tbcg be greater tljat 3i tjaue in ban:e. 3!fi»w^nee is t\)c raufe tbat 3 fo lonse tarie Ij^re, ano beboloe Inbere tlje blinoe IKuOaiD Dotb app tre. Come on tbou groCc Ijcaoco Unaue j ttou Ujl)o;ofon aCe 31 far> Ml)cn baft tbou ben fence Ujjje oeparteD to oav ? jncc, ^ 2I2abere banc 3 ben quoo tou; mar\> euen tbere 3 tens, taibere as 3 Uioulo baue geuen an bunDjcD pounce bv tbe ^alTe SEo baue ben bcre, fo; neuer fence tbe ^a^? 3 l»as bo;ne, ^fas 3 (0 neere banoe in peeces fo^ to baue ben tojne, i^o; as 3 ^^s going bp anD Dotone in tbe Urate : %o fee if 3 couloe tpitb i^rpocrifie mectc? 515aboloc a farre of 3 began to efpie, SDbat beretibe jl^etucuftome, toitb an otber in bis contpante. . 0s fmne as tbet fatoe ma : tbet b^De tbem apace, Came toUjaroes, anu met mde full in tbe face. 3 am glat) Idg^ baue founoe vou tben quoD tbis beretihc hnaue> fo} i?o:t, ano^ourfellotoe tbis Da^ fougbt toee banc 3n euerp place, ano noUi can not tou flie, jano iDitb tbefe Uj(d;dcs botbe f-et? came tjcr^ nie. QSabercat 3 fo feareo 3 mat tell rou platine: ^bat 3 tbougbt at tbat bolo^e 3 fboulD bane ben 0arne» nis is bee quot) tbe tarlet, of tobom 3 tolDe t?ou of late, 3n (Enemie of tbe tretotb, ano incenfeb toitb bate 0gainft (0oD anb bis Cburcbe, anb an impe of l^tt^^nQe, a foe to tbe Ocfpell, anb to tretee SDtuinitie. %\m l^ttt bcretiqtie quoo 3> anb naugbt elles coulee 3 f$r# )l5ut b.^e quickelt> from tbem, anb bitber came aUiat* crsd. f[ tSjafiQ is bee tbat teas toitb bim feimplicitie, canft tbon f ell^ •race. f[ jjiot 3 fure, but fome call bim tbe ^ligbt of tbe (T^ofpell. a gooD perfonable felloUie, anb in countenaunce fo b;igbt : J Sl^vit 3 coulDe not bcboloe bim in t!)eljifagemgbt. * ^0cb3es p;e(ioufe Uioimoes tbat Oaue, marie fie on bim fie, Botjp of our lio;Be is W come into t\)t countr^c.^ 3 ^nhe all tbe t^eretiques in t\)t IbojIdc baue taken in tkinbe, ^Sf fome folemnc otbc to pefter tbis lanbe, Mitt) tbcir U)ic^b ^nfmes, anbabbomina^le fccter, I L Ne-^ Cu/lomc. • # ii5otuat3cngfanceontt!cmall, antJtijeSreurUb^calictto ncchrs. Jiigf)t cftbe CI5ofpel f lifibt of a ftratu, ^ct iDbat euer ta be c, 3 ItJolDe I)ce lucre fjtingcD as bic a0 3 ran fff . C2iil>Ul)anct!Ouf)carccoft'unbefb;ctbicf Ignoi iL l9tarD of brniJ' pes ttjat i)auc 5 often iUiis. Penw 5f t^crc be anr in ti)c too^lcc it is ll)ifil)o;crcntl;afe, ' ^claeue utde s>tnipltrttie, ttiat tutll bjo^Ue bs tbc mifiinefe* !^a*b tl;nt fame nelo Jache gotf bim futbc a mate i ! ^ototuitl)alIm\?beartap£fiilcncconbispate. j 3 tooulDe tljei? ipcre botb bangcD faircl? togcfbcr, ] £)i elles tocrc at tbc Deuill, 5 care not niucbe bobef btr. i^o; fincc tbcfc Geneuian Dodours came fo faft into tbi« lanbe, ^incc tbat time it teas neuer meric luttb Cngtanfie. iPtrftcmttejj5etDfuftomc,anDbagauetbeonfa)?, j janD fitbcns tbingcs banc gone lDo;fe cueri? oai?. )15ut ^implicitie tJoQ tbou bnotue lubat i£j mine intents CSEcUmee:, ano 3 fball bnotoe tobat ^ou baue ment. Ignd C ^ur matters luitb CretDcltte our frientie to DifcuITe, Peru, 0nD to bere bim, lobat counfell in tbis cafe b^ toiUgeue b$# ^nD tbis is tbe caufe Bl baue taricD fo^ tbee* IBecaufe tbat to bim 31 tsoulD baue tbeegoe tpttb ma^. Wut fee tobere bee commetb ^iti! Suarice fa'ol^ toalbing? iiet tjs liOen, if ^a; canj iDbereof tbe^ be tal&inge* a^ hi C> oMics barte, if 3 migbf Doe lebat 3 litt 1 Cmd ii^ one of tbem all tbat (boulD fcape mr fill* A^his. 1 Scena. )* Crcljaeltie, ^uarice enfre, penterCebettrinC) ano 3gno;ancetarie iS - - J'^ !^is nat»Ies 3 tooulo plague tbem one iDai?,o; an otber 3 iDoulo not mtflTe bim, no if bee toere mine olxme b^otber* Mitb fmad faultes 3 migbt beare as 3 faiue occa0on> 2nu punt(be, 0; fo:geue, at mine ottme Difcretion, i^oj 3 toote tbat fometime tbe tnifeff ma\? fell. 5i5ut l^ercfie, fie on tbAt, tbat is tbc grcatett cf all. (a;uen? ftochcs fboulo be full, eucrp p;ifon, ano ia^le* feom^tooulD 3 bcatc toitb roDOcs, fome fco^tge at a cartes faijlc ^ome boi^fc tbeir bcclcs bpWarDc, fome beatein a facfee, __Ci& fenmi> ^1 I^Jc^ Cu/lomc. ^omcmanicttlctl)cirPitscr0,fomelrfntcintl)cmhc. j ^aijing ttwt tftem fclac5 fo tJ)?cD DC fpcratcl^. ^ome SuoulD i accqfe of matters of great ipcic^f, S>vtnl^ to \mz^ tfytm astrefpaltdurg ftret6t)t . t^oafant) mo iDatea coulD 3 tcU, ano not uiiCTe, Wl^isa^tijtvt in Cnglano J maD to? to tou 3 tauc p;aitifeD ere t}ji£, 0ni! truQ bp t)us tDoamjei^ ^uartre, feme agarne fo; to trie ^o\x) fo euer t^t t3)o;ilDgoe befi}^ tJOat 3 Die. Isrlce* C#olx}3itx)tUteltbeeCrueltte>bi)goDOe5facramcntB!^sueftDo^^ Bit loere pittie but tboa \uere bangeD before, lelcie* Cl^a>b^)3baDa0Uefetbci?lverelKui0eDad3(« ' HBt tbe maffe Cliere isone tbing mafecs me laugb barteli!»^a,ba Aa. rice. C3p^T»tbato^ij5t&atf (paOimeDeficr iei& C tKHbalf ba>ba>ba9 31 can not tcl fo; laugbinge 3! loolo neoer better %tim to f)€tc a oofenpf tbem botuling togetber in tbe 6er* ^bofe no\?fe as mt> tbinbetb H couio belt compare : S>o a crie of bounoes fblotoing after tbe l^are. ^; a rablement of JiBanuogges barbing ata X3eare, ba,ba,lja. sacc. CJbedijelDtbpbnaues fingers toitbmt?t)cr?bcartc, Me fieuiU U)iU retoar^ tbee, tobofe barling tbon arte. 315nt arra 31 p?ai? tbe^ tf it bab cbanceo me in tbofe ooics in ttiv banbe^ 3ltbinHefuretbouU)oulDttbaueo;D;eDmslBcll. (tobauefel, cltic. Ci^is bioub 3B UioulD 3 migbt baae once fane tbac dKuir ce, S teoolo baue bert tbee U)itb a liengeauncc fo; olDc aqucinraunce. \ricc CMbv fo,l iDas altoaies tb? fuiiJcrcr in tbcfc caies i am fiirc cltic Cl^ee, but tobat toas tbc caufc i tbinc otune p;ofitc to p;onirc } - i^o;ifotbattboumio,bcabauntage,anD lucre obtainc: S:bou toonlocft not Oicfee to b;ing tbinc ofciic b;otbcr to pa^ne. lAcc. ^ i^a(,ba,ba, no no; fatber,ant) mo:bcr if f btrc tocre ougbt to be gof^ SLbou migbtcft finearc: if 3! coulD 5 icoulo b;in5 tbem to tbe pot. 52Ilbcrcofalihel^i(!o;ie?[fbaUtcHtbaCrucltie. ; 3n C'ttglanDc lubicb mv fiife plaicD in tl)c micB of qneene £^arie. SCtwjj b^tbrrs tberc Uicrc otuclling i^oung gcntilmcn,but tbe bct^ i ^ao fabSanciaU reuf nclucs, bis ftocUe nlfo tuas fnire. ja ma I of go3D confrif nee, anDdiiDious of tbe ^cfpeU. t3a\)kli tb0otbcrb;otber perceiuingbcrr tocll, |)erf toav^D ^ini bp all meanes Snce W iiJOS fo bent. srobccon0aiitindptnton,an&!lottor(lent*, I W\i\^ Done, iljee gaue notice to tbc offitcrs about, l^olw ttidj rboulD ttmt toitft fcsrcbc to finoe Iji^ b;at!)cr out ®:ibo? iDljen fees Uios once in ti)ts fojtc app;cJjcnD£Dj ^bo;tl^fifterlnB life in t^^cfierljacnDcD. i SEbcotScrbaot^ie moll part of all ^Ipuinge, j l^oiu faia fir ftnaue? is not tljij tlje neict toap to tfjjiuinge:' c:£)tnreafonab!eauari£eijnraciableU)it!)0atn0> Cruelt tkMbattbus^tuflie it Icaju but a merietratne. Auari^ Ci^o;luber5fahcbt60toneb>ot^rtobjtra^ef Cmeii l^cnce iuoaKj, loitft t^fc Doinges 3 can not atoare. CSltoaiEieuertoitbbimllillreaDieatbantic, Auarii Continually? fuggetting of tlje loufe ano tte lanDe, | ^nDT>ettoteUtoutt)etruetl),a0inQeeDeti)ettmigei0> , ^fmijconfcienceJtbinfeet^iebeftpartUjaisbig. -jk C Bt? goDDcs glojious luounoes I)ee tons too;jtbT? of none ? ^'^ 315ut tl^ou to be to^ippeo fo; tl)^ greeoic fuggettion. C^arte of goD man b? tbe meanes better, 0; Ujo;fe, A*uii| 3 paJfe not 3, fo it be good fo.:tbepurfe,ba,ba,ba, j € 3f i?oa loue tijc purfc fo toeU 0uarice, as ton faij m DeeOCj Vtmi STben belpe mee toitb T?our coumell note at a neeoc* j C^bat peruerfeuoctrinef 1 3gnojanfe ton i»cre ton botij fo mttti Auarf tZ^ee t)aD tbougbt at our comming tbat no man t)ao ben t)eere. CM ee^bauc ben in i\j\si place euer fince iW tou ffaioe, Ignoil ^ntitoeebauebearoealfo,lDl)atfoeuertoul[)aue(atDe* j C^elcome botbe on m\> faitb, ano 31 am glao it toaa our ctancr^ ^i^^! SUo meete Imtb ton tereperuerlbocthne, ano Hgno^ancs* ; t2aa:lnefbotDgotl)et^JjDo;lDe^mrt!Hnfee5roubefaD^ ; C^arf goo Ijaue mercie, but ttiere is fmall catife to be glaUt Fcmct ftil erccptc pou come fpeebelt toitb tour Ijelping Ijanoe, ^0 ootibt bDoel^all dtp^tlt be banil^eo ti^e lanoc* C©2l!)JefopciuerfDcctrtne# Auario C3p?arttaletm0?tjni3ertfanBe. Cmclti C!ja,b^ goDDcs fcotc anD BS luas ncucr in better cafe in mt lift i^o^ Couctoufncs Uiitb ttjc CTIcrcic toas ncucr I'o nfc. ^(jcrcfojc 31 bauc no caufc in fucljc fo;t to be grorui d, l^et 3 tooulDc 31 i^oulD tell firs boVoe ton niigfji: be rdeuca. aersd, c jSoUje firlja to xmvm t)p tbiet matter toitball : p jecioufe 000 it frcttes mx to foe tjcrt! gaU. i^o: notoe of late tbat flaue, tbat tarlet, tfjat fecretiqac, X.Wt cf tbe 30 come oaerthc^!ra,asfoniecreDiblv tell. (Cofpeil, tKHbom ji^eUJCii Some Dotb tjfc in all matters as a daie^ 2Dbc mott ennemie to 13S in tbe teo^Ioc altoaf. iDbofc rancour is fuctie- an^ fo great is bis fprg^t: [jfc CbatnocoubtbaetDiUCraigbttDarbamfliebsquigbt, ^' tmnleJTe iwec p;MJuine fome remenie fo;j tbc contrary', [^ . 0nt> iuitb fpffi:Be, tbi^ is trcutbliat 3! tf 11 tbaCiucUie. Fw*«- Cl^istoonnbySjbart.anDbloutJjisbi^rximeijaitboutanrnatc:' jracc f[^0^ t?erel^j foj tuitb tbefe c^f s 3 fatoe bim fa Xi<\^t, fxiiQi f[ j^obj 3 teonio m icere berc, 3 tnouloe fo a.:effe tbc tlAue, ' SDbat ^ toarrant bat Rjouto bearc mce a mar J^c to \\\s grauc. i^irtt 3 iDouloe buffet b*^m, tbu5, tben geuc bim a fall, I iaf^crU>arD8 3 tooub CEaflje out bis b;«i?nr5 at tije ^juall. ticc, c ^oloe T»our touc^ ^ou rtiDe hnauc oj bi? goaoes bcote 3 flucarC: 3 tofU qnicbei^ fetcbe m« Sft from vour eare. jicrsd»c Sl^ulftcj tiiUje it auailgfi naucbt. to djafe, noj to tbice, 3t toer? mo^te toifeoome toitb fp^e fome reo^effc to p,2cuioc. sitie. CHec^effe? notue b^ goDUes guttes 3 tuiU neuer ffa^e, ' 2:;igU3finoemeanestoriot»etbebeaaoutoftbeluat:c. I 3 tu^Il cut bim of tbc flampambes 3 bobe bim a croUmr, ' ^ Mtbere fo euer 3 mi&tt bim, in countrie, o j toltne. >race. fCMbat o;it)er ^ou toiU tahc it toere bed maUe relation, i^o.: moc Iwittes as in)u fenotnc, mav Bo better tbcn one. eltic. f[ J tupll bo tben Uibat fo euer tbaUco.itc in mi' beao, 3 fo^e not 3 >fo tbe tJ\?lUinc ioerc Deal), race. f[^n5 of m\} furtberance, Uibat fo euer 3 nia^ to t!or, be fure, ^our gocD ttate againe, if 3 can, to procure, vHitlj mr tJttcrnibft b£ Ipc to f«pp,:eKt ronbcr Hafcall, \ K« - * -■* * A^cft) Cujlomc. fQl b\? tbc ittaflfc \?oi! papiff s 5 Ukc bell of ali* CSntjcn can tuee not rjoj auufFc 31 coniccture lie.l)flr> Pem< i^oj Uibcreaa al tt)crc comc,pcrucr(t)octrincauarice, Ksno^wncc, f Cljcre soctt) tl)c l}are,crccpt all g;ffiD IncUc goc aU);ie. (Cnjclt)p: XSut firs it iis gcDD,lcft pour names ro« tjifcric, £So rranfpofc tljcm tifit r fomc otl)cr biner, d0 biie fure U)itl) tbepcople murb tjatreD to fintc. fls fo;^ pcruerfcDoctrmcfounDc Doctrine; fo; 3gno,iancr,S>impUdta ^f iti ttjefc fouloitrs of late our fclucs cloUcD bauc Irec. CCKI'oat tljcn (^all 3 Crucltie bee callcDin roar iucgcment i Cmc C^arp 3ulhcc toitb &eucritic,a tcrtue moft erccUcnt. Peru ^mXnt UhU pou tcnne auaricc,1 pjap vou let mde beare i Auaj C<2uen f ragalitic,fo.: to tbat bcrttic it ccmmetb moft ncore. Peru C^nontente bp bis luounocs 3 )biit luee mutt Icoke to onr feetc, Auai Blcaft U)ee ttamblc in tbefc names Ivben fo cuer toee mate* C if^ea liz pou tabc bixoe to tbit in anp manner of cafe, Penj ^0 map pou ueUiDc tbc people in euerv place. \ CComc tben it is time bcncc tbv'tt aU)ap Uiee Dcparte. Cm^ C ^ee arc reoie to follolD,tuitb a moft toillpng bart. Ignc jpSut firSjbccaufc toee baue taricD fo longe : JVua 3Bff ou bee gojD fcUoUjes, let b« Depart \3iiai a fonge. ' C|ampleafcD,anDtberefo,:eletcucn?man Cru< " i^oUoli) after in ojDcr as SatW as bee can. The firft Songc. Mcll baiiDleo bp tlje maffe on cucrp fine. Come auarice,fo; luce ttD© \i»ill no longer abtoe. fi*afcU)cU to ponbotbe,anDCD'00 fence poufucccDTe, Pen fe>ncbc as map glao bs all in pour p;efent bufinefle* fiQ\xs t\)zv^ bee DcpartcD,anD \»a map not tarp, S^Ql it lietb t)S tpon all to bde ftnrrpng bp S>.!gparp» S^.^\s^ Cuftomc p^euapletb mud) cuerp toberc, 5ii5ut no matter,tbcp bee fcoles tbat Dtn geeue bim fucbe eare. Ilct olDc Cuftome pieuaplc ratber,it is better tben ncUJ, £:bis all li3ill ccnfcffe, t^^^at tbinhe fecriptnre is true. E^m as tbp f atbcrs baneooonc before tba (quotb bee) Sbcn ibalt tbou bee rcrtap nc in tbe rigbt tuap to bee. ^no fure tbat is bctttr tben to folloto tbe trapnc Cbat ecbe man inuentetb of bis otone pjoper b;japnc. mbieb5 batb b^ougbt tbc luo;loe to tb^* fafe,a« icee fff> n^t cueri? t>ai? toee ^eere of fomc mto^iouB (jcrcCe. pet all is tftc (S^ofytW tubat fo eucr tticr fat?- ^ell if it cljaunce t^at a Bcggc Ijatl) a Dare, CSilcc tbcn to jjJclDcuaomc, ano all bis mates, f ufbc, f iifl)f, /pio mail tOe (0ofpell U)ill raceme tbcn a rufljc. tClJjat \uiU tbat otbcr It^erctihc Do lligbt of tbe cE^ofpcl 3C p?ar ;? £>arc not once tbetoe bis face mojc tben U>a at tbis caij. }i5ut cofiie j^sno^ancc let Ds foUolu after apace, 5^o> linx baue abiDOcn all to bng in tbifi place, ace ^ilct i33 go ib^n, but bp tbc £paffc 33 am bcngeancc 0;ic, 3 p;a? tbse let I33 D.:inhe at tijz aleboufe berebie. :rsd. €LContent in fa|]tb, tbitber iuitb fpeeoe let tes bi^. Aftus, 3. Sccna. 1. jLigbt of tbe (0ofpcll, jpelucuSomc, iDmierfc Doctrine r l^f ^«i^^epbcnottbisfeav'njsf^irreas35canfce: fpcl ffi]^ ClnlclTc tber banc IjiDDcn f bcm felues top p;5iuilic . v ^«W^ ^Qy i,^ p.:ercncE of Ligtjt of tbe Cofpcl, ano p;imafiue €Dn janDoubtcDlrfucb reprobates can baue no babitaticn (flitution; uftjc ^erely> 3 do fwDe it fo euen as rou baue faiDe, ^01 at ^our figbt tbep all Qiz atuai? as DifmaiDe. ^bercfo^c 3 baue great caufe to geene rou tbanl^es lligbt J©f tbe CPofpell, fbat put tbus mr (Urnemies to fligbt. o f: Ci^ar tber be mr enemies alfo, tbat be enemies to rou. 3n fo mucbe as rour Dealinge s be botb toertuoufe, anD true. i^o.i iMbat is t\)c ^bfpell clfe toberof 3 am iLigbt, S5ut SCreUjtb, Cqsitie, ^Seritie, anD Higbt i S^ber be enemies to CDoD tco, anD all tiers impure : 3n fo mucbe as bcc is callcD H^cvitit m ti)t Scripture. ^m tbe Iring lippcs tuitb fpeaUers of banitie, %{)t iloiDc bim felfe Inill reuenge luitb erf remitie. )15ut fee, iDbaf is bd? tbat apwcbctb fo nic^ aft. CE ©f iDbom 3 tolDe rou it is peruerfcDoctrinc tcrelie. 3f. or SLben let tjs a little (teppc out of tbe Iware^ 3If baplic tDK mar beare iwbat ba inill far* sj, C 3 lirrba br mr trotbe f brre is a bcrr gooD bainc : 3lgno;ance botb U)ell Irnco Ijis cappe fo? tbc rarne. "^ 3! coalDe \)mt faricb longer tbcre tuitft a gooD lut H» S5iit as tbc p;!oiierbc faitl) it is gooD to Uccpc ftilL £?nc l}ei'»D fo J ttje reckniiig bottc fobcr anti toife, CI^ iKrcfozc in ttjiB tt)inge 8B ^aue f oUotocD tfmt guife* 3gno;ance is but a Ijolte, it is 3 tfjat mutt D;utJge, i?o; nccDc tj^cp fai? ma!«tb ttc otoc toifc, ano man bott) to f rutjgc* ^ufbc fnarcs tuec fi}aU Ia\:c fo; tbcfe ^erctihes 35 trutt, SC^Oat .^^lucuComc, an:) Ijis fcllotoes fball fmnc l\?c in t^c Dutt* 3f drucltic mav p;euaile, W toiU ncucr QaUe ? Sli'II ba Ijauc b;ougbt a ttior.fant) of tbcm to a fta&c. Suarice tjatfj p.:cntifeD to Do icbat in \m lai?c, esiiljo bntb ben in grcate creoitc \xii{\\ tbc l«c.:Icc altoai». 13ut if Jfgno^ance mar ^^t plarc, ttjerc fljall toec 130 toell, &t\\ aDctuc all iok [;erctiUc3,anu tjainc talhc of ttif; gofpcU. foi mc ]perucrftDoctrine tbis fljall be nv^ fetcbe> S^o Uitpcconftaiit tbc minoes of a:l 31 can retcbc, ilctt tb?fc glofers fometuncstbc^? tb-iunce to Ijcarcp^caclnng, 3n5 tbercb^ be fonnrrteD,antJ creoitc tljcir tcacbinge. i^oj 31 trutt (^o;tlp tcD b;ing it to patfe, SDbat IcfTe ftnoty IcDgc of ti)e ©ofpcll ttjall ferue b^ tljc mafffe C iiei bs inclofe biin W: bee mnv not Cic, tig^' Clfe lu'rii bi^c be gone luben bee uotb t3s efpie. £> impc of 3niecb;itt auD fecoc of tbc Dcu\>H, )i5tj?ne to all luic Ueoncffc, anD nuOcD in all cur II. «t /p!*ip tbou ttinfeins l^erctiUc art tbou tbcrc in oerbe t Pcru( 0£fo::iingc to tbv' naugbtines tbou mutt lookc fo,: to fpeeoc* C 0ooDes bclte U)CD.:oe in no loifc zox\ be bcreCc, New • S!)ougb fo pou tcrmc it ncucr fc falQr> C^fep.jccionrclobo;efonarttbcuiberet(D/ Pcrae 3 tbinhe poii b^uc p;etcnDCD fome barmc ma lO C©* i^elpe, belpc, 3 liit> let Riee be gone at one f , Clfc 3 tDill finite tit in tbc face toifb mi? fiS bi? goDDCS \mt% . C^ou mutt be conttntcD a little feafon to 0-ar, New . 3ligbt of tbe (0ofpcU fo^ tour p^jcfite batbfome t'oing to fai?. tr i \i3ili bcarc none of poar p;racbingcs J p^mifc im plai:nc> Pcru< i^oj 'a-bijt eacr rcti fpcalic it is but in tai nc. • €L >n«bavr.e i t (ImU uoH?e fpol^cn, 3 Unotu ijcrp toclh ^jo^iy ifc;CD^o"o|iat|?altoaiaJ0cae;iruc^epotocrtobi6 0crpcU, ^ SD ti Oat. -_ Me^ Cujlomc. fl^N tobert eucr, 6j bt tDljom DecIarcD rt bff, 3t fljall rcDounDc tonto W otone tcnour, ano glo;ic. j C'oDisglojifieDmtbofetJjtjomtjeetKDttjclcttc, f (^W glo;ificD in ttiofcalfo vutom fea tottj rcicctc. XC^e elcac are faucD Ud tftaf in tljc Ujcd^dc tt)c^ baloeuc, i 3!5ut tt)C otter bccaufe no crcDencc ttcr gauc SCo tbc truttc,cannot bee but blameablc, Connnitt\:ng a fault of ^11 fauUea moft Damnable. fQ%, Si ad cos non veniflcm faict!) €\ili^ our ^auiour, 31f 3B ijao not come tnto ttjem toitt) tt)c too^oe, t\^\& is furr, Sin farre better cafe tbe bnfaitbfull t]aD ben, jro; in t\iiis one refpeet tte\? bat) bat) no finne. 315ut UJbere tbc tructl) 10, ano yti tbere contemneD : ^ ^f Cb;ilt bts oU)ne moutb all fucbe are conDetiipneo. SCbus tbe (^ofpell of Cb.:ift be it receiueo, 0; no : ^ ^lictDettj tbe glojp of dJoo tobere fo euer it go. . % 31 tocre contentc to abioe, ano bnotoc ^our plcafurc. 115ut fo? bu0nrllie at tbis time I baue no leT>rure : !t oF % ^bat leifure ougbt a man at all times mo?e to bauc, jofpcl ibcn to enoeuour botbe \M boot, and fotole fo;; to (aue i cult, f i^o;tbat tare, all otber cares lueemuftfct a doe. icrsd. ^ ^ap on tben, foi parientl^ 5 minoc to abiDe. It of 4 i^o^ ^0 ^^^^^ ^^^^ i^ fpotten is onclr fufimenf^ )15ut to put it in p;ra(ttfe tmtb fincere intent Mibat fo euer in taugbt bs concerning gooo Dotnct^ Crp^edrng it platnett in our bertuoufe ti^uing. icrsd. f Mlbie:" tobat tooulo \?on banc mee m Iiuinge crp^cffe^ It of ^Cuen tbe (ID'ofpcll,tobicb is notbingdfecoubtleirc %\xt amenOi|ient of life, ano renouncing of Cinne : I ?isritb oifplcafure totuaro tour felfc fo; tbc faultc s ton turn tn. lers d. 1" ^^oto d)?ll3 Difpleafe mv felfc in Cnne 3 teouto fenotoe i icof ^JnconOiocrir.gtbatnotbingbjin^etbmanfofoinc £*i!t of (2>ot)Dc5fauour, as finnc, not'cing fcttetb bim fo bie, 3s lotbtng tbe fame : anD calling t'i bim foir \i\B mercie. . icrs d, ^ dcrclt 3 am fo^ic fo; m t fo.:cpaircD Dcuieancur, I5nt tbat can not auailc mec but little 31 am fure. I \i of. ^ Ml- ic ^m fo f bolutlt tell me four minDe i lersd. ^ )15ecaufe CDoooes mercic is farre enougb bebince. L I^eto Cuflome, ^C^cCtics mcrric \& at banDe,if rou repent faiiljfull^. I igln ^\1 J repent mv Cnnes, aoDfo;itt)cmamfo;ic ^tel^. Perm %tiit t)olD Q^all 5 1 e fare merde fo; to obtaine :'< f CreDitc mcctr:U;ii?, fo; m^ Ujco;dc0 arc not tainc* Light 3 am 't \^\]t of u;c Cbf^cll, anD taue fuU aut!?o;itie STo pjcnoiinc c to tijc penitent fo^giuenc (Tc cf iniquitie, ^0 tOut in aHitng T13U put ^ur aOnranme to fpcDe, 2Lt)en no Doubt \,q\x Ikiuc obtetneo mercie in DceDe. ^ ^bic affurawe, ijoUj commctb it ^ Declare 3 p;a^ ton* P«ru' ^ Bin tljinhing t!;at (Il);ia lji« troo;De0, anD p^cmifcs are tretec. Ligh ^Das tjoe can not Decdue: fo can not be DtfceineDy tS^bict) f^ttb of all Cb;tQianB mutt neDea be recetueD> If m bat tbing i0 f avtb> 31 P?ai? rou recite ^ Per" 4 3 fubttancc of ibingcs not appcring in Cgbf j ^'Sl^: ^et Uibicb tna loathe f o:, fo; fo fainctc |3aule cotb Define, STo tbe l^eb;eu6 tbe.rt (b<^p. anD tbe firlt line. % l^olD to purcbafc ^xb i^attb, 31 tooulD 31 coulD tellf ^ ^ CerteiniT? bv mec alfo tbt ligbt of tbe C^ofpell. ^^ i^o; fa^tb commetb b\? tbe lJDoo;De, luben Voee reaDe, o; bcarc. 0s bt tbe fame ^ainct |?aule it Dotb platncl\? eppere. ^ (0CUC mce Itaiie tbcn to embrace fon 3! p;ai? ton battel^. j ^'^ f 2l£litb all m\) bcr^ beart 31 receiue i?ou courtefeI\?. ^o' ^ S:o tbee 31 geue moft bumble tbanbes, ^ (250D immortal!, *^«" SL^at it batb pleafeutbee mce from mp luicfeeDneDTc to call, 0nD tubcre as 3B DeferueD no mercie, but iuDgement : ^et to poto;e Dotunc tbt? pamon on mee moft abounDant. iKeuohing mee from rcp;cbatcs, ar»D metnbers of ^cU, SDo tuin mce in iodttis toiib tbe liigbt of tbe CDofpell. m f stance tjp, tbere is fometobat elfc retbeljttiDe. — o ^ 3 toboUi? rclDe mi? f clfe f o ipou, bfe mee after vonr minbe. Pinccrc Doctcint, as notw 3 trull rcur tre luc name is. f XB\? c^oDoes Grace Uibile 3i Uuc 3 luill fo cnccuour Pen SEbat tttv lif^i anD mf name map af(o;Bc tbus fo; eucr# f STbcn all U3!c{^cD compantc pou mult tleane fo;raI{e, Lig anofiietl)cirfodrtic,cisatoDe,o;arnahc: 4 ^ abanDcn tbcm qi'ite, Ubat fo cuer tbcp bee. P'^f f CSHell ^tncerc Dcdrine barUen alfo bnto m6*, Nc» iVeliJ Cnjlom^. I ^^om ntos rou mull foIlotDC if rou toY'U CO feril, ^incc i?on ^aue imb^accu i\)t IlisW of tt)c CDcfpeil 31 ain not i|5el»cuftome, as ^oti baue bf n miflcD. ai5ut am p^imirtac Conffitution, from tbe bcrie beau "; £Df tbe Cburcb, lubicfj is Ctj:i!f ano bis Difciplcs r.ll, t anD from tbc fatbers at iW- time talung C^teinalU . DS]? mee tben t?ou mutt Icarne fo.j ^our ctonc bebf alf, 3nD fo^ all bof ations UJbat le iuDgcD tlje bcH. jcrs d> tC Bl rcccauc \?ou glaolp \mW) tljanr hca fc txtS}c\)>, 33 f cnfclle it m Drecc P JiBnt in fucbc tbings a man ougbt not to taKc fo create babe. i^oj tbc Ujearing of a gotonc, rap, o; anr of brr garment, ^urelp is a matter, as mce feemctb, inoiffcrcnt. l^oUjbeit te^lc pjmccs, fb J a oiffiTi-cnre tc be ban : l^atb fommaunocD tbc clargic in fucbc fc.:tc to be c! D. 515ut bnJ to^o puttcs bis rdicjion in tDcaring tbc tbing : i©? tbinfecs bim fclfe mo;e bcll\? fo; tbe ccntranc being : g>baUp;ouebutafa)leoftobatcucrconcitic;j, ^ae ba, fo; fare tbat is but nicerc fuycrll- ttictj : ^tbcrtbinges tbere be lubicb banc ben nbuicD, SCoUcrable enougb if UjcU tbci? iDcrc tjrco. ^bercfo;c bfe vour apparel!, a^ is ccmc!r, anb berenf, 0nb not againft Scripture an\) U'bcrc in ji.vnuDgement. : of ^ ^^ ^"^^> fo' 50:3 Umictb not, U^bc is a rjrjite, jfpei ^f an? t)efture,o; outlwarb apparancc a nutc. 1 &o tbc confcicnce be pnre, ano fo no finnc a Oaue, I 2:bat is all tubicb boc mcft glaolr tioub bane, fuft . C viCiclI, t?)efc bailing Declarco, ano fufficientlv' faiigbt : \ ■: i3no 3 triiH- on V3ur parte perc eauctj as ibrv ongbt ; i 515 1' vour pacicnce §1 nnnseto bcpartc fo; a fcalon» • 9^y C If roiu' buanclTe ba fo, it is but rcafcn • (3! bai'c founb, _ * •.^i^ C ^iti) great tbanUes tnto uou iltg'ot of ibc gofpel fo^^ie ientclnes ^ at _i T^c^ CuJIome. 0tt!Qur!)antic£f, asof ciicDtfcrf 35 ambountj. C sroe ilo;De be roar guioe toijit^rr fo cucr \iou Depart e. Lioht C !^unible ttjanUcs Hr 3 rclQc rou from tljc bottome of m^ f)f arto. Pcme 3 Ibcit in tbuj parte fo fmall be mr fh til, 2i:i}at 3 niai? not pcrfo^mc tbcni ncco^cing to mt! fotU* C 2D&C pciKC of CiJoD be Uiitb tou Ictb, fo; eucr mo;e. Exit. N^ c COiflcaticn entrctb- SSlbf re fo 0uer ilig^t of tbc 0ofpcll goetfj be(b;c ; SDbcre BB Coifiration Do foUolue incontinent, jas tnto i\^t fame a ncccirarr ronfcqucnt i^oj ttougb ttje letter alUmtcs, tua>;^e not tbat effect : l^et furc Ip in tba consrcitation of (II5oDDes elect, Mberc t^e Itgbt auD fo^cc taljetb place : tberc CDificaticn - ^JflU rigl)t mutt 3 tnahe mr tjabitaticn. CnDcuour tben alluaicc \r\k to refaine, ^0 fljall row r Doctrine not be g^uen in tjarnc. «Ejreceincroumo(tGlaDlr,anD3!truaintljeJLo;De, Peiti^ 2nbatfo?euerbcrecifterUjccfijalllBcUacco;De. ' ' C-Sfruaro, ' Fdidt fEi^areroutoell, nolo roil are not alone? Light foi tbis fmall tobile 3 muft neeDes begone* !^ere, take at m^ banDec f bis a:eftament boibe, ' ^RD in mine abfcncj therein 3 p;jar vou emettl)? laifee. C ^our commanDcment fl)albcDone,feitb tbanhcB fij;j ^oar foancel. pcruei CJDbcni^aUi'ecfurcfnDe great Deligbt in tliedPofpeU. Fxii. Light. aiHirance entrctb. C-DificationtDitboutatfurancetja^letbnofmucbe. Affura |0et tobcre tbct? botb do meete : furelp tberc i^o^ee \& factje, ij STbattoC^oDDesfcingDometbe^opentbeluap, ^ Ebc riwocte pl5ce of relr , anD perpetuall io^e, :• ;« i^02 aOisraiicc in CDbnli 3cfuB toitboitt an^ niamtc0 fnrtber mcrife: - - 3s fuUr fufficient goDDes fauour to inbcrite. ^Ctberefo^e lltgi/t of tije <5Dfpell linllcD mee foe, v SEbat to vou G'Dificatton \3i\i\) all fpceoe 3 IboulD goe. f\. &otbat toitb Sincere Doctrine toee io^neD in tnitie : ^igbt in (bo;t \x\nt conouct bim to goDDes perfect ^tMiiiiz* % 3 cmp:acc tou affurauce ll;at blioe to cbtame. Penicrs f Cben bet rou affureD, tbat rou fl}a!l not bee faarne. Afluw^ #o; if tbot Cbiiftes luoo;oes^ be fattbfuU anD iutt : - ^- - iVcIV Cupomt. '-— OoOOftf perfect /clfcitic is not far Ijcnce 3 truft. (^oDDcs i^clicitie cntrcttj. ddes . tlcrel? tobere Cocfif ation, ano anurancc jn cr ': ?.rc (Uicu : iciticr- 0ODDC0 j^dicitic is at t)anDe, it map nor b: t^nieo. tClbicb ijapjomifctb to Tuc'oe a5 fenriii.t^'tj iratir, tClitb acfiirancc t^at ccrtaincb ttic fame itjc^ CljaU tjauc. ^Ijict) f cKcitic in ptrfon l)ccrr a do rcpjcfentc, SSil^o bi) C5oo ijim rclif lo tt)c fdvtftfuUam fent, |3;eparco U^y^xvcm I'a^ pl^^i'.'-rlp tacft lai[)De, ^tncc t^tiiTtlftljA: t:;c lvo;iOts founrations lucre laisc. ^fjcrc^c gr.\,. ».;anUc6 Unto bl'nj OoutblcCfc ^oa otuc, SCtjat if toouln plcafc ijim fucbc giftcs on i^ou to tcHotuc, %Mz mott p:ccioufc tlnng, toliicl) niannrs rcafon Dctfj ckcU, iJ5o minoe can conccauc, mucbclcHc tongue can tcU. piersd. jtq, jji„, ttjcrf fojc let bs gcuif all mancr p<:atfc, \ Cbatbcaretb furl) affection to mnn^inoeatoau 6. £) Jlo^Dc tljiae Ijcnour nugljt be great in beancn fo bie, 0nt) tb Jougbout \Sfi ipbolc cartb tbie cucrlafiing glo >ic. C^eeuc grace to tbi? people, tbat after tbts tranfito^ie I Jlife, Vtiv^ mapc come to tbp perfect ft\\i\i\t. ificatio DefenDe tbt? Cburcbe, O Cb-Jia » ano tbi? fcolp congregation, ^ 315otbe beere in C-nglanD, ano in cuerv otbc r nation. S^bat luce tbt! trc\Dtb map attains anti 0ill foilcU^e tl;e fame, SCo tbc faluaflon of our folclcs, ano glo;ie cf t!:r name, furacc* p jcferuc our noble Siuane Ghjabctt?, antj ber coimcell all, caiitb tbp beauenlp grace, fent from tbp feate fnpc mall. (0raunt ber, anu tbcm longe to Ipne, ber to ratgne, tbem to fee, Mbat map alljoaiei^ bg bell fo; tbe luealc pnbliques connnomtie* />, S^befexonofcnge. -.-% /:: ^Imprinted at London in Rcctcftreetc by TT jlliam How for Abraham Vcale, dwcllin2:in Paulcs chutchc A .y >^^^ ^^ ^^^ "5"<^ of the Lambc. f OF fi. RETURN 1 2 : 3 4 5 ( b ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS DUE AS STAMPED BELOW J)L\e^/^ ^L: I ^ FORM NO. DD 19 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY, CA 94720 LD 21-100ot-7,'40 (6936s) Tt U.C. 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