UC-NRLF OF THE UNIVERSITY CF WRESTLIANA ; OR, AN HISTORICAL ACCOUNT OF ANCIENT AND MODERN WRESTLING. BY WJLITT. WHITEHAVEN: Printed by R. Gibson, 26, King-street ; AND SOLD 1Y ALL THE BOOKSELLERS IN THE NOKTHEUN COUNTIES, 1823. A \_55 PROSPECTUS, IN all Diversions, of whatever character, some acknowledged law for proceeding and acting- up- on is absolutely necessary, not only to enable Umpires to give a speedy and determinate judg- ment, but to convince a majority of unbiased spectators of its propriety. Accordingly, in England where such a variety of amusements prevail, we find 8om directly sanctioned by the lef/islalttre itself ; and others, though govern- ed by regulations principally devised by the ori- ginal institutors of them, so sufficiently recogni- zed by their duration, and unircrsal adoption, as to render them effective. The high estimation in which SCIENTIFIC WRESTLING is at present held in some of the northern Counties, is fully evinced by the sums subscribed, and the immense assemblage of all ranks who attend at Carlisle, Keswick, and numerous other places to witness it. The want of some standard regulations for conducting this amusement has often been felt by those concerned in its immediate direction ; to remedy this, the popularity of the exercise, and full authority which the Author has for assuring the public, that the DIRECTIONS here laid down are precisely those which will bo act- ed upon at Carlisle Races, and probably through- out the North of England, have induced the pub- lication of this Treatise. The extensive Patron- age pr>rn ise d to the Work, and the great cu- riosity aiid interest which will naturally be ex- M29l4l8 v PROSPECTUS. cited by a Treatise (not only an original, but the very first) on so popular a subject, leave the Author in no doubt respecting his ultimate in- demnification. To render it as entertaining as possible to the generality of readers, besides containing the Ba- sis, and Comments upon it, indispensably ne- cessary, not only for Wrestlers themselves, but to all Spectators who wish to understand what so highly interests them ; this Work will contain progressive Anecdotes of Wrestling from the re- motest era to which it can be traced, to the time of its publication : a Philosophical Dissertation on Wrestling as compared with many other a- musements of the present day ; and a complete Review of the various competitions which have taken place at Carlisle, Keswick, Ambleside, and many other celebrated places of meeting ; occa- sionally interspersed with Memoirs of, and Cri- tiques upon, the Wrestling of most of the cele- brated Men in Cumberland and Westmorland within the last Forty Years. Of the Author's particular capability for the undertaking few ob- servations are necessary. Practically, his name alone is sufficient ! In a literary view, the work must, as in all other cases, speak for itself: in its pages we hope the Novice will acquire instruc- tion! the experienced Wrestler , find some thing worthy his attention ! the Reader whose object is curiosity, some amusement! and those who have hitherto censured Wrestling as degra- ding, and brutal, discover, that when they ven- ture to condemn what they do not understand, they only betray the infirmities of human nature. PREFACES, aud DEDICATIONS, are such com- mon appendages to a publication, that original in many things, we had it in contemplation to be so in this likewise ; more particularly, as we had determined to prefix what served us for a PROS- PECTUS, to the Work itself; conceiving* it might suffice for both purposes. But our old acquaint- ance, Tim Twistwell, a knowing kind of chap, and something of a Wrestler, looking in upon us and observing we were busy writing over the first sheet for the press, de.-ired to look at the Preface. " Preface ! truly I mean to write none." "What! write no Preface ! the? fellow's daft!" " Why so, Tim? of what advantage will either Preface or Dedication be to me ? the first could be of no use; and the odds are, I would lose by the other. Mine, as the Prospec- tus declares, is an original work, and I promise thee it is all my own; good or bad., to no man am I indebted for a single sentence." " Worse and worse," quoth Tim, " for I myself can tell thee of many things which require explanation, if not apology. First of all, hast thou strictly adhered to the plan specified in the Prospectus ?" " Why, not exactly; I mean to give some ac- count of Wrestling from the era of the Patriarch Jacob, and the Dissertation upon it before the Basis, which precedes them in the Prospectus, but I think neither thee, or the public, will stic- kle at that. What next ?" " There is not a single picture in the whole book !" " Neither is there in many volumes of sermons; or even Bi-- VI bles themselves. Plates are expensive ; and I hope my explanations will elucidate the only point where they could be at all useful, better than a thousand. Go on ?" " Thou hast not taken sufficient pains to acquire information." " ' Too much pudding will choak a dog,' Tim. I know enough without it to illustrate my own opinion of the subject ; and except in the histo- rical department, where quotations are both a- musin and instructive, my own knowledge will be sufficient. Proceed." " The Wrestlers whose names are introduced will be angry !" " That frightens not .pie : let those who are dead, find fault if they'can ! and as for the living, they have no reason. I will be the chronicler of their fame, and they shall thank me ; for none but distinguished heroes answer my purpose ; even the name of Tim Twistwell will not orna- ment my pages, because thou art not a first rater! any thing else ?" " Yes. At least apologize for thy bad language, and bad grammar. For though thou art, or wert, a goodish Wrestler ; and I believe knows a good deal about it ; where the d 1 couldst thou learn to write even decently !" " Not from thee, or the Personage thou hast appealed to, certainly. But answer me two questions in thy turn. Does not the sub- ject require a PRACTICAL man ?" " Yes." " Thinkest thou there is one man in the king- dom who has won as many prizes as I have and can write better ?" No !" " Then be con- tent good Tim, and in lieu of a Preface, I will publish our Conversation." CKrottttana* Historical Anecdotes of Wrestling^ from the remotest era to which it can be traced* to the year 1823. JlN commencing with this part of our subject, we feel ourselves standing 1 upon high ground. The first account we have of Wrestling, places it in point of antiquity and respectability, not only the first, but infinitely superior to any other a- musement at present prevalent in the whole world. For the truth of this assertion, we quote no anonymous author, whose authenticity might well be disputed ! no heathen writer, whose ido- latrous fancy might give birth to imaginary chi- meras ! No ! the precedent we will quote was even anterior to such writers as we have descri- bed. It is one which no Christian can, or will, dispute: it is to be found in that BOOK which treats of the creation of man, and the beginning of the world ; authenticated by divine command, and written by that sacred and inspired historian, even Moses himself! We find in the 32d chapter of Genesis, that Jacob having passed his family over the brook Jabbok ; was left alone. In its history of events at this early period of the world, with a brevity commensurate with its high importance, the Bi- ble minutely relates only those particular occur- 8 WRESTLIANA. rences which refer to some covenant, or promise, then made, renewed, or fulfilled. It narrates facts, without commenting- upon them. There- fore, although Jacob's wrestling with the Angel was too remarkable an incident to be omitted, yet we are not told in what manner he came, nor of any preliminary conversation, or agreement between them. It however appears very evi- dent, that until the Angel manifested his miracu- lous power, Jacob believed his opponent was a mere mortal like himself; and on whichever side the proposal originated, it was acceded to by the other, either as a circumstance not unusual, or as an amicable amusement, which might be practi- sed without the least infringement on cordiality. If it was not unusual, we are warranted in sup- posing it a common diversion antecedent to that period, and that Jacob was himself a scientific practiser of the art when he was the father of a large family. Nay, we might even /*w/, his ce- lestial opponent was himself no stranger to that athletic amusement. If it 1hen had its origin, no admirer of this athletic science can wish for one more ancient, or more honourable. That the Patriarch's antagonist was a being of a superior order, and sent by Divine authority, no Christian has ever yet disputed. That it was a corporeal struggle, or buna Jide, a wrestling match be- tween them, is universally admitted. It cannot therefore be denied, that it is either of divine ori- gin, or that a Being more than mortal has par- ticipated in it. It is true, many of the commen- tators dwell upon it as a spiritual, as well as a corporeal struggle ; this we are very ready to admit ; but we will at the same time contend, that instead of diminishing, it adds considerably "to its splendour. An amusement from which so WRESTLIANA- 9 many inferences and conclusions have been drawn to promote the welfare of Christianity cannot be either degrading-, or confined in its na- ture ; but on the contrary, noble and scientific. It is a common and received proverb, that " A Man is known by his works, and a Tree by its fruits.'* Here then is an amusement peculiarly chosen not only by one of the best of Men, but by one better, and greater than any man : and if to give strength and firmness, combined with quick&ets and elasticity to the Limbs ; discri- mination and vigour to the Body ; coolness to the Head, and perception to the Mind : the whole forming: aii energetic combination of the whole power given to Man ! no exercise could have been selected, tending more to exalt his character, and from which such typical illustra- tions could have been deduced for his spiritual advantage. Here then we take our stand. Ad- vocates for any other diversion, be it whatever it may ! can you produce an origin, either so ancient, or so honorable ? Men of common sense what can you object to it? Poets and Lovers, ye who deal in heroics, and invoke ideal heathen Divinities ! or ascribe to a mere Mortal like yourselves, the epithet, angelic ! or even Angel itself! while any proof you could bring forward in support of your imaginary Divinities (or even the propriety of using such expressions) would be disputed ; nay condemned ! by thou- sands of well-disposed Christians : in all that we have advanced respecting Wrestling ; none but Heathens or Atheists will attempt to confute. Having proved the existence of this amuse- ment at so remote an era ; it would be neither necessary nor important to trace the practise of 10 WRESTLIANA. this art through that period of time which inter- venes from the time of Jacob, to -the formation of the Grecian Republics. The blindness and wilful transgressions of the Jews, and the bar- barous ignorance of those Nations whom God permitted to chastise them ; render their exer- cises a matter of neither curiosity or utility. But when Greece emerging from obscurity and ignorance, began to take the lead in civilization, in military knowledge, and in the cultivation of learning and sciences; the utility of Public Games, not only to infuse a generous and mar- tial spirit into the minds of the young Men ; but to improve their bodily strength ; was too ap- parent to be neglected. Accordingly we find these athletic exercises, not only practised and encouraged in each particular State ; but the highest honours and rewards bestowed on the victors at the Olympic, Nemean, and other Games, where prizes were awarded, and con- tended for before the whole Nation. It would be foreign to our purpose to quote the wrestling match of Hercules and Anteus, or any thing bor- dering either on the fabulous or miraculous stories incidental to the times in which it is placed ; but we may be allowed to observe that these prizes were contended for, and often won, by Men distinguished as much by their Birth, Patriotism, and Valour ; as by their skill in those exercises in which it was their pride to excel. The influence of these sports in advancing Greece from a few petty states not equal in ex- tent of territory to one half of England alone ; into the most powerful Kingdom at that time in the World ; is universally acknowledged by all historians and commentators who have ever treated of the subject. And it is singular tQ re- WRESTLIANA. I I mark, that while the fact is admitted by all modern legislators ; few, or none, have recom- mended an imitation of them. It is strange' that Homer who was perhaps the greatest Poet that ever lived ; and who himself had often witnessed the celebration of these Games, has given us so confused, and even in- comprehensible an account of the Wrestling at the funeral of Patroclus, (though many years antecedent to his time ;) between Telamon Ajax the strongest, and Ulysses, the wisest man, in the Grecian army. Its translation by Pope is as follows : " The third bold game Achilles next demands, And calls the wrestlers to the level sands : A massy tripod for the victor lies, Of twice six oxen its reputed price ; And next, the loser's spirits to restore, A female captive, valued but at four. Scarce did the chief the vigourous strife propose, "When tower-like Ajax and Ulysses rose. Amid the ring each nervous rival stands, Embracing rigid with implicit hands ; Close lock 'd above, their heads and arms are mixt; Below, their planted feet, at distance fixt ; Like two strong rafters which the builder forms Proof to the wintry winds and howling storms, Their tops connected, but at wider space Fixt on the centre stands their solid base. Now to the grasp each manly body bends ; The humid sweat from every pore descends ; Their bones resound with blows ; sides, shoulders, thighs, Swell to each gripe, and bloody tumours rise. Nor could Ulysses, for his art renown'd, O'erturn the strength of Ajax on the ground ; Nor could the strength of Ajax overthrow The watchful caution of his artful foe. "While the long strife e'en tir'd the lookers-on, Thus to Ulysses spoke great Telamon : Or let me lift thee, chief, or lift thou me : Prove we our force, and Jove the rest decree. 12 WRESTLIANA. 11 He said; and, straining, heav'd him oft' the ground With matchless strength ; that time Ulysses found The strength t* evade, and where the nerves combine His ankle struck : the giant fell supine ; Ulysses following, on his bosom lies ; Shouts of applause run rattling through the skies. Ajax to lift, Ulysses next essays ; He barely stirr'd him, but he could not raise : His knee lock'd fast, the foe's attempt deny'd ; And grappling close, they tumble side by side." This account seems as ridiculous ! as it is incom- prehensible to a modern Wrestler ; ridiculous ! in regard to the duration of the contest, and the strange proposition of Ajax : and incompre- hensible, as it appears, Ulysses was the winner of the first fall; and the second was a disputed, or what is vulgarly termed, a Dog-fall. One thing however seems clear enough to us that it was a bad Wrestle ; and though we imagine neither gained much honour by the struggle ; both were sufficiently rewarded for it. Although we could select from History a mul- titude of extracts to prove the estimation in which this, and other athletic exercises were held from the time of Homer to the birth of Christ; and many hundred years posterior to that event ; but as the bare establishment of the fact, is not worth the recital ; we shall therefore advert at once to instances of a more modern, yet still far distant period in the history of our own Country, and the literature connected with it. It appears that in the celebrated interview be- tween Henry the Eighth of England, and the French King Francis, which exceeded in mag- nificence and splendour any spectacle of mo- dern times; Wrestling was deemed the most manly and entertaining amusement then ex- WRESTLIANA. 13 hibited in the presence of these two mighty Monarchy and their Courts. A grand national and scientific display of this athletic art took place between a number of Champions selected from both Nations, in which our Countrymen were victorious. However one mortified French historian pretends their King left better Wrest- lers at home than those who accompanied him ! and by way of redeeming the defeat of his Countrymen, asserts that Francis himself was a most excellent wrestler, and in a contest between the two rival Monarchs, threw Henry with great violence. We will agree with the author in question, that the amusement w r as a princely one! but would either gladly believe there is some French gasconade as to the event of the contest; or wish our King had had practice and science enough to have introduced Francis to the same acquaintance with his mother earth, as his subjects. Antecedently to this period wrestling was a favorite amusement, as well among the Nobility, as the Yeomanry and inferior classes ; the prize varying according to the rank of the Combat- ants. At some particular times and places there appears to have been some acknowledged, and customary prize. This was usually a Ram, and a Ring. Thus in Coke's tale of Gamelyn, as- cribed to Chaucer: There happed to be there beside Tryed a wrestling ; And therefore there was y-setten A ram and als a ring. And likewise at a still earlier period we see in Ritson's Robin Hood : WRESTLI A NA . > > By a bridge was a wrastling, And there taryed was he. And there was all the best yeraen Of all the west countrey. A full fayregame there was set up, A white bull up y-pight, A great courser with saddle and brydle, With gold burnished full bryght ; A payre of gloves, a red golde ringe, A pipe of wyne good fay ; What man bereth him best I wis, The prize shall bear away. In which the prize was still greater; being a white Courser, well accoutred ; a pair of Gloves, a Gold Ring-, and a Pipe of Wine. It is rather a remarkable coincidence that our modern Homer should have given nearly as lame an account of wrestling matches as his mighty predecessor. Thus we see in the fifth canto of the Lady of the Lake, the following account of one : "Now, clear the Ring ! for, hand to hand, The manly wrestlers take their stand. Tu-o o'er the rest superior rose, And proud demanded mightier foes, Nor called in vain ; for Douglas came. For life is Hugh of Larbcrt lame, Scarce better John of Alloa's fare, Whom senseless home his comrades bear, Prize of the wrestling match, the King To Douglas gave a golden ring." In the first couplet, the method, viz. " hand to hand," seems introduced solely for the purpos-e of getting on ; and certainly is not calculated to produce the dreadful consequences that ensue. In the second, all order is violated by the two last standers, instead of contesting the last fall, call out for fresh men ! nor are the remaining coup- lets less faulty, in regard to Douglas's treatment WHESTLTANA. 15 of his opponents, in the immense superiority of strength ascribed to him. The match between Bothwell and Burley, in the Scottish Novels, is likewise one of the worst thing's in the whole series. It would have much gratified us, if a wri- ter whom we so highly value, had given us some better account of such contests, however cursori- ly introduced. But alas! the Baronet is probably no Wrestler ; and truly we are sorry for it. We are likewise equally mortified to remark that the immortal Bard of Avon, in his comedy of " As You Like It," although he has com- bined in Orlando rank, character, and wrestling, tells us a truly pitiful, but dreadful and improb- able story, concerning it. The justly celebrated James Hogg, the Etterick Shepherd, has, in his Tales, occasionally introduced Wrestling. And although we confess we do not exacf ly compre- hend the fatality of Geordie Cociirane's heel- chip, yet we certainly think the wrestling be- tween Polmood and Carmichael, by far the best illustration of the art, either of ancient or mo- dern date we have met with : we will offer no apology for extracting it for the gratification of such of our readers as are not in the habit of perusing books of that description. " Sixteen then stripped themselves to try their skill in wrestling, arid it having been enacted as a law, that he who won his any one contest, was obliged to begin the next, Polmood was of course one of the number. They all engaged at once, by two and two, and eight of them having been consequently overthrown, the other eight next engaged by two and two, and four of these being cast, two couples only remained. " Some of the nobles engaged were so expert at the exercise, and opposed to others so equal in B 2 16 WKESTLIANA- strength and agility, that the contests were ex- ceedingly equal and amusing. Some of them could not be cast until completely out of breath. It had always been observed, however, that Pol- mood and Carmichaei threw their opponents with so much ease, that it appeared doubtful whether these opponents were serious in their exertions, or only making? a sham wrestle ; but when it turned out that they two stood the last, all were convinced that they were superior to the rest either in strength or skill. This was the last prize on the field, and on the last throw for that prize the victory of the day depended, which each of the two champions was alike vehemently bent to reave from the grasp of the other. They eyed each other with looks askance, and with visible tokens of jealousy ; rested for a minute or two, wiped their brows, and then closed. Car- michaei was extremely hard to please of his hold, and caused his antagonist to lose his grip three or four times, and change his position. Pol- rnood was however highly complaisant, although it appeared to every one beside, that Carmichaei meant to take him at a disadvantage. At length they fell quiet; set their joints steadily, and be- gan to move in a circular direction, watching each other's motions with great care. Car- michaei ventured the first trip, and struck Pol- mood on the left heel with considerable dexteri- ty. It never moved him ; but in returning it, he forced in CarmichaeFs back with such a squeeze, that the by-standers affirmed they heard his ribs crash ; whipped him lightly up in his arms, and threw him upon the ground with great violence, but seemingly with as much ease as if he had been a boy. The ladies screamed, and even the rest of the nobles doubted if the knight would WRESTLIANA. 17 rise again. He however jumped lightly up, and pretended to smile ; bat the words he uttered were scarcely articulate ; his feelings at that mo- ment may be better conceived than expressed. A squire who waited the king's commands then proclaimed Norman Hunter of Polmood the victor of the day, and consequently entitled, in all sporting parties, to take his place next to the king, until by other competitors deprived of that prerogative." Although this account may not have much fact to recommend it; yet it is nevertheless apparent Mr. Hogg was conscious the practice was not un- common among the Scottish nobility at that pe- riod ; and that this was the case, might easily be proved by indisputable authority. At this pe- riod it is worthy of remark few discoveries of distant countries had taken place ; and conse- quently the great landed proprietors spent much more of their time in their own countries; and on their own estates. But no sooner had that ceased to be the case, than degeneracy and effeminacy crept in apace ; and those exercises in which it had been the pride of their ancestors to excel, ceased ; and from that time, few above the rank of yeoman chose to exhibit in a ring, either for their own pleasure, or that of others. But we are now arrived at that period when the attention of most of the European nations, and particularly England, began to be as much directed to new discoveries, and consequent set- tlements abroad ; as to the internal prosperity of the Mother Countries. This no doubt had its due effect upon the manners, customs, and amusements of the people. Our immense ac- quisitions in America, and in Eastern and West- ern India ; added to the great improvements in B3 WRESTLIANA. the art of gunnery, which rendered nugatory all previous modes of warfare ; alike contributed to hasten the downfall of all athletic exercises among the higher ranks. The art of war be- came a more complicated science gunnery, engineering, fortification, and all the minutia of tactics attendant on these studies, became of proportionally more importance to men of rank, either in the civil, or military departments, than those exercises calculated to promote the display of personal strength, valour, or activity, as a well-aimed bullet made no distinction between Shaw, perhaps the bravest, and most formidable warrior that fought at Waterloo ! and the most effeminate dandy in any of the contending ar- mies, Nay, " those vile guns" which the fop in Shakspeare alleges prevented him from " be- coming a soldier !" materially change the signi- fication of the word brave itself ; which formerly denoted the performance of great personal ex- ploits, for which strength and activity were nearly as necessary as a cool head, and intrepid heart: but now? a regiment which preserves its station amidst a shower of bullets, till half of its number becomes " food for powder" is con- sidered equally brave if composed of half grown lads, as if every man in it was a perfect Hercu- les. Indeed the word still seems provincially to retain something of its former signification, when misapplied to what is generally termed the most ignorant of living things, or even to inanimate* objects ; as when we hear many a good old liousewife say this is a brave goose ! or a brave pudding! meaning something excellent of its particular kind. In the proudest days of chival- ry no exercise was so well adapted to enable Kang, Lx>rd, or Knight, to excel in tilt or tour~ WRESTLIANA. 19 nament r as Wrestling : As in it were combined, dexterity in personally coping with an antago- nist, and the power of acquiring bodily vigour and stamina, so requisite for enabling the com- batant to endure a protracted contest without detriment. Indeed a quick and steady eye, for judging directions and distances in managing the lance, might be better acquired by practising fencing, or boxing ; but we presume no high- born cavalier, even in these heroic days, deemed " a dislocation of ivory," or " a measure for a suit of mourning/' any recommendation to " courtly dame" or " lady fair ;" and as the smile of approving beauty has ever been deemed one of the proudest rewards for great achievements ; we think the juvenile Knights who endangered themselves for such recompense, would take es~ pecial care no transformation of that kind, should diminish the genuine brilliancy of that smile on which they were to subsist for a week ! and dream for a whole year ! But the days of chivalry are gone tilt or tournament is no more the listed ring no longer boasts of patriciai* exhibitions ! but still within it we view all the remains of that chivalric spirit, which has dis- tinguished the most celebrated conquerors in all ages ; foraccording to one of our justly esteem- ed writers, had' he been placed by Providence ia a different station ; " He that the vrorld subdued, had been But the best Wrestler on the green." J\nd we will venture to mention, that it is tc* that generous spirit of emulation which animates the Wrestler to acquire celebrity in the ring ; that we are indebted for the glorious victories 20 WRESTLIANA. of Agincourt, Trafalgar, Waterloo, &c. There are many who will argue that athletic sports have no direct tendency to inspire additional confi- dence and courage in the breast of the soldier, on the day of battle ; but we confidently aver, that all who assert this, speak without due con- sideration for that such exercises will have their due effect even in the present mode of warfare, let us suppose the following case : Let one indi- vidual, or any certain number of the most cou- rageous men, be selected from the bravest regi- ment in Great Britain ; let them all possess hearts that never knew fear, and bring them to the charge against the same number of men, equally disciplined, and all expert Wrestlers, and what would be the unavoidable result ? Might not one party say I have only to parry the first on- set of my antagonist, and close with him, and then victory is certain ! I can in a moment dash him to the ground, and either kill or take him prisoner at my pleasure. Would not the other naturally observe This is not a fair contest, there are fearful odds against me ! I meet a man whose sinews have gained additional strength by practising athletic exercises. If I charge him freely, a parry will enable him to close with me, and then I am inevitably gone. When men fight under these impressions the result cannot be doubtful. Again, are not the English superior to any other nation in the junction of active and passive courage ? and is it not a fact that the French during the late war frequently charged the troops of all the continental nations with whom they were engaged, with the bayonet ; while they scarcely ever ventured to cross one with ours ? will any man imagine this had not some influence in regulating the tactics of the WRESTLIANA. 1 contending armies ! In even a distant engage- ment under a heavy fire the British soldier might exclaim " Notwithstanding they gall us now, they dare not stand our bayonets !" Supposing the case had been exactly vice versa, and they had had to observe " We must endure this or run away, for we dare not come in close con- tact with them." Whether of these consi- derations let me ask, are better calculated to im- fuse courage, and inspire with hopes of victory, the boldest men on earth ? The answer is too obvious to any man of common sense to require insertion. In the battle of Waterloo, the success of our cavalry when opposed to the French cu- rassiers, a body of men confident in themselves, and of invincible courage, was principally oc- casioned by their superiority in the science of the sword, arising from the universal adoption of learning th proper use, or science of the stick. This practise owed its introduction to the circumstance of an Irish peasant thrashing with that weapon some of the best men in a celebrated regiment of horse, then quartered in the north of Ireland; and it would be absurd to suppose that superiority will not have its due effect in all future cavalry engagements. Proceeding to a mo re modern date, let us now consider what effect Religion has had upon ath- letic amusements, in Ireland, England, and Scotland. Of Ireland, we cannot from person- al knowledge state any thing positive. In Eng- land, particularly in the north, a great change has taken place within the last thirty years. An- nual, and weekly exhibitions of Wrestling, and foot-ball, usually took place on the Sunday after- noon, in the vicinity of every village in many parts of Cumberland. These practices are now very 22 WRESTLIANA. properly discontinued ; partly by the inclosure of the commons and waste lands on which they were held, and partly by the interference of the clergy and magistrates. By the suppression of these meeting's, and by the more strict atten- dance required of servants at this time, than was previously, opportunities for practising Wrest- ling are become too confined to permit any num- ber of that hardy class of men to excel in it. In Scotland the change has been great indeed. Before the Reformation, almost every town and village had its great annual meeting for Wrest- ling, pitching the bar, &c. ; but that great event, and the consequent troubles it occasioned, near- ly obliterated every thing in the shape of amuse- ment ; and nothing has yet revived except some little horseracing and archery : the latter of which seems calculated to promote nothing be- neficial in the present times, either to themselves, their country, or posterity. The Roman Catho- lic religion is always accounted the most super- stitious of any professed by Christians in the whole world. It is therefore natural to suppose that where that religion is most prevalent, less toleration will be allowed for amusements, par- ticularly on the Sabbath. Yet strange to ob- serve ! the very reverse is the case. Thus in Ire- land, Sunday afternoon is, in many places, gen- erally devoted to cards, dancing, and visiting, and many other diversions. And in England, where we retain more of the rites and ceremo- nies of the Church of Rome, than they do in Scotland, amusements of all descriptions are much more prevalent ; and greater relaxation in. the rigid observance of the Sabbath, if not toler- ated, is at least more customary than in that kingdom, where scarcely any are allowed VFRESTLIANA. 23 As a proof that the practice of athletic exer- cises are not confined to this kingdom, or even to Europe, we quote the following account of an entertainment given in the Island of Tongata- boo, to Captain Cook in his third voyage to the Pacific Ocean : " While the natives were in expectation of this evening exhibition, they engaged, for the greatest part of the afternoon, in wrestling- and boxing. When a person is desirous of wrestling, he gives a challenge by crossing the ground in a kind of measured pace, and clapping smartly on the el- bow joint of one arm, which is bent and sends forth a hollow sound. If no opponent steps forth he returns and sits down ; but if an antago- nist appears, they meet with marks of the greatest goodnature, generally smiling, and deliberately adjusting the piece of cloth that is fastened round the waist. They then lay hold of each other by this cloth, and he who succeeds in drawing his opponent to him, instantly endeavours to lift him on liis breast, and throw him on his back ; and if he can turn round with him in that position two or three times before he throws him, he meets with great applause for his dexterity. If they are more equally matched, they quickly close, and attempt to throw each other by entwining their legs, or raising each other from the ground ; in which struggles they display an extraordinary exertion of strength. When one of them is thrown he immediately retires ; while the conqueror sits down for a minute, then rises, and goes to the side from which he came, where the victory is proclaimed aloud. After sitting for a short time, he rises again and challenges ; and if several an- tagonists appear he has the privilege of choosing which of them he pleases to engage with : he 24 WRESTLIANA. may also, if he should throw his competitor, challenge again, till he himself is vanquished ; and then the people on the opposite side chant the song of victory in favour of their champion. It frequently happens, that five or six rise from each side, and give challenges together ; so that it is not unusual to see several sets engaged on the field at the same time. They preserve great tem- per in this exercise, and leave the spot without the least displeasure in their countenances. When they find that they are too equally matched, they desist by mutual consent ; and if it does not clearly appear which of them has had the advan- tage, both sides proclaim the victory, and then they engage again. But no one, who has been vanquished, is permitted to engage a second time with the conqueror. " Those who intend to box advance side-ways, changing the side at every pace, having one arm stretched out before, the other behind ; and hold- ing in one hand a piece of cord, which they wrap closely about it, when they meet with an opponent. This is probably intended to prevent a- dislocation of the hand or fingers. Their blow r s are dealt out with great quickness and activity, and are aimed principally at the head. They box equally well with either hand. One of their most dexterous blows is, to turn round on the heel, just after they have struck their adversary, and to give him another pretty violent blow with the other hand backwards. In boxing matches, unless a person strikes his antagonist to the ground, they never sing the song of vic- tory ; which shows that this diversion is less ap- proved among them than wrestling. Not only boys engage in both these amusements; but it not unfrequently happens, that little girls box \VRESTLIANA. 25 with great obstinacy. On all these occasions, they do not consider it as any disgrace to be o- vercome ; and the vanquished person sits down with as much indifference as if he had never been engaged. Some of our people contended with them in both exercises, but were generally wors- ted." It does not seem reasonable that Capt. Cook's men should have proved equal to these Islanders in exercises which require practice to become expert in ; and probably not one of his crew was either a scientific wrestler or boxer. Had that been the case, notwithstanding their different mode of procuring hold, we have no doubt the result would have been in this instance, what it always has been, when British prowess has fairly and equally been brought into action: nor would the superiority of a Belcher or a Cribb have been more conspicuous over these good natured Islanders, in the use of their fists, than the science of a Nicholson or a Richardson in vanquishing, even in their own manner of wrest- ling, the whole of their heroes in rotation. From the preference given to Wrestling, it is evident the natives of Tongataboo considered it as the less hurtful and dangerous to the combatants ; and affording equal, if not superior scope for the display of personal address, activity, and quick- ness. We now come to a date so modern, that we will only observe, that previous to the year 1807, the best display of Wrestling in this part of the kingdom was at Melmerby and Longwathby ; two villages in Cumberland, but contiguous to Westmorland ; where a sil- ver cup was sometimes the reward of the vic- tor. In that year a more considerable prize was c 26 WRESTLIANA. given at Ambleside than had been previously known for a length of time. Throughout Cum- berland and Westmorland the usual prize had dwindled to a leather strap, commonly called a Belt ; scarcely ever exceeding two or three shillings in value. But in that year an advertise- ment containing the offer of five guineas and a silver-mounted belt, to the victor, could not fail to excite an additional interest in the neigh- bourhood. This Wrestling at Ambleside was chiefly patronized by J. Wilson, Esquire, of El- leray, a gentleman well known in the literary world, and we believe connected with a certain celebrated monthly publication. This gentleman was himself a proficient in athletic exercises, particularly leaping ; but never sported his fi- gure in the ring, we suppose for the same reason Alexander the Great assigned ; which was, be- cause his antagonists were not of equal rank. Be that as it will, the Ambleside Wrestling, at least the Five Pounds Five, rose and declined with him, After four years residence at Elleray Mr. Wilson went to reside in Edinburgh ; and however liberal the gentlemen in the vicinity might be when influenced by his example, not one of them chose to succeed him in the super- intendence of the business; and it consequently dropped. However as Mr. Wilson has again re- turned to Elleray, our good friends about Am- bleside anticipate the pleasure of witnessing the revival of this favorite amusement. But whatever interest the Ambleside Wrest- ling might create, it was nothing in comparison to what was excited by an advertisement announ- cing that twenty guineas would be given to wres- tle for at Carlisle Races the same year. This was effected solely by the interest and exertion of WRESTLIANA. Henry Pearson, Esq. of Carlisle, a steady and invariable friend to that amusement ; who by every possible means endeavoured to render it as gratifying" and beneficial to the competitors, as attractive to the spectators: and who has proved himself on all occasions, as warm and disinterested a friend to the Carlisle Wrestling, as Mr. Jackson is to Pugilism in the Metropolis. Under his patronage the Wrestling became so at- tractive, that even the horses were deemed a se- condary object. The higher classes who attend- ed the Races, including the Earl of Lonsdale, and many other distinguished characters, cheer- fully, and liberally subscribed towards it. Eight guineas were given to the victor, and one guinea to the last loser. The victor was then debarred, and one chosen in his place to the fifteen last standers, and eleven guineas divided amongst them, the winner receiving five. In this manner the Wrestling continued with great eclat till the year 1815, when the last Wrestle was not fairly contested. The dissatisfaction occasioned by this conduct, was further increased on wrestling over for the second prize, when the last men could not agree about the hold. In the year 1816, such universal disapprobation was expres- sed at the conduct of two or three of the last men, owing to some previous agreement amongst them, that Mr. Pearson did not think it right to give them the money. Owing to this, no contest took place for the second prize ; but a silver cup was wrestled for in the Circus, every spectator paying sixpence for admittance : but this was merely a speculation by the proprietor of the Circus, and few gentlemen attended it. In the year 1817 no Wrestling took place on the Swifts ; but the proprietor of the Circus gave prizes for c 2 8 WRESTLIANA. two successive days. The Wrestling- now lay dormant for three years, and the Races were in consequence so thinly attended, that it was deemed necessary to revive it. The estimation hi which it was held was soon manifested by more than a double attendance compared with those years in which it was discontinued. Mr. Pearson was again the principal means of its re- newal, and the patronage it has received in 1821 and 1822, is equal, or rather superior to what it ever experienced before. Its attraction now is universal. Ladies of distinguished rank, whose characters in every respect, are such as the breath of calumny has never dared to taint ; have not only become spectators, but expressed their approbation of it ; and the Carlisle Wrestling is at this time in possession of higher patronage, and more general estimation, than any provin- cial amusement within the last two hundred years. The only drawback upon the gratification the Carlisle Wrestling has so generally afforded is, the confusion attending it, owing to the want of some regular and acknowledged mode of pro- ceeding, which should be promptly and invaria- bly acted upon. By this Publication it is hoped these difficulties will in future be obviated. The Author may without egotism observe, he ought to know as much about the subject as any man whatever ; and the method recommended in a subsequent part of this Work is, in his opinion, the best calculated to give general satisfaction. He is well aware, that in a Basis of this kind, it is impossible to please all ; but he fully expects, the reasons he has given for adopting every par- ticular rule, will induce all judicious and impar- tial men to prefer it to all others. WRESTLIANA. 2$ The circumstance of giving money at Amble- side and Carlisle had a considerable, and what seems rather strange, an injurious effect upon Wrestling in general. Before that time a Belt alone was the envied prize, and there wanted no stimulus but the honour of bearing it away to attract all the Wrestlers in the vicinity : but then, money was the cry! and it became so much the custom to subscribe for the wrestling, that a Belt lost all its consequence and attraction, and of course, fewer meetings was the unavoidable result ; for unless five or six, and in some places twenty or thirty times the value of a Belt was subscribed, it was hooted at by the Wrestlers ! Nor was tiiis the only evil. Money, in this, as in many other things, had the effect of causing dis- sention between those who gave and those who received it. The Wrestlers began to fee each o- ther, and a man's price was according- to the estimation in which he was held as a Wrestler ; and it has frequently happened that several of the best Wrestlers have divided the amount amongst them previous to the commencement of the sports, and refused to contend with each other. A considerable prize to wrestle for was given at Penrith Races the same year the Carlisle Meeting commenced. This was principally ow- ing to Dr. Pearson, who in his youth had him- self excelled in that exercise. After the first year it began to decrease, and finally died away. The Inglewood Hunt and some other causes which might be assigned, prevented its flourish- ing as at Carlisle and Keswick : however last year some good wrestling was displayed there, and it may probably in a short time revive, and even exceed its original splendour. 30 WRRSTLIANA. In the Metropolis, Wrestling- has become a source of much attraction. A very elegant Belt was formerly annually given to be contended for by natives of Cumberland and Westmorland. The prize is now increased by the addition of valua- ble trinkets of different descriptions. In the vi- cinity of Whitehaven, the best Wrestling was at Arlocdon Moor ; but the inclosure of that com- mon has now put a stop to it ; and latterly, it has been more encouraged at Distington than any other place. In the year 1818 the Stewards of Keswick Ra- ces gave three guineas to Wrestle for ; its at- traction was beyond all estimation ; and the sum is now increased to fifteen ; and report says it will at no distant period amount to twenty. That truly celebrated Wrestler, Thomas Nichol- son, has acted as umpire ; and owing to his ac- knowledged judgment and impartiality, the Kes- wick Wrestling has become second only in num- bers and celebrity to that of Carlisle ; and even superior to it, in the gratification it has afforded ; as no disputes have hitherto arisen, of conse- quence enough to cast any shade upon its popu- larity. Having- brought down this concise History of Wrestling to the present time, 1823, a few ob- servations on the different modes of practising it will be expected by the generality of our read- ers. Without entering into any lengthy details, we must observe that ever since its institution the modes of Wrestling have been as various as they are at this time in England and Ireland, In Greece, the back hold, as is the general prac- tice in Cumberland and Westmorland : in Lan- cashire, and in the north of Ireland, collar and elbow, or waistband and elbow : in Devonshire* WRESTLIANA. 31 both collars : in Cornwall, where the combat- ants put on canvass jackets, enter the ring, and catch where they can ; and in many places, hold of gloves, or the naked hand ; were all in estima- tion. In some places we must observe, that the fall was not considered fair, unless one combat- ant threw the other fairly on his back without falling- himself. Of all these modes, we must contend the arms round the body or shoulders, as practiced in Cumberland and Westmorland, is the best calculated, not only for preserving the combatants from accidents, but for affording greater, and more equal scope for that display of dexterity and science which constitute the highest gratification of the spectators. We know there are many, very many, who do not understand this noble art, differ widely from u.s, particularly as far as regards our second as- sertion, and characterize our mode as a mere trial of brutal strength ; but as we will advance nothing but what we are fully prepared to de- fend, \ve will, with that candour and impartiality which ought to distinguish all writers on any science, state the reasons on which we ground our opinion, and leave our readers to judge for themselves. It cannot we think be denied that it is the most noble and manly, and we will venture to say, the most Englishman-like manner of coping with an antagonist, to meet him breast to breast, and brave at once his united powers and science. It is comparatively like the courageous bull-dog which goes at once to the head of the bull ; and the cowardly cur which nibbles at his heels. Besides, the closer you stand to your opponent, the sinews will be firmer braced, the whole frame more compact, and the limbs less liable to sus- 32 WRESTLIANA. tain any injury, when in the act of falling ; and indeed that this is the case, is sufficiently proved from the paucity of accidents in this county, compared with what frequently happens in the south, where the looser holds are generally prac- ticed. We come now to the point where the strongest prejudices militate against us ; but we trust a due consideration will materially reduce the strength of the objections so warmly urged against our Cumberland mode of Wrestling. It never can be supposed by any rational man, that strength and weight, are not great advantages in any mode of Wrestling or Boxing ; and consequently, that these united with equal science and action, will generally produce victory. Now the ways of throwing at loose holds, are very limited com- pared with the other ; and of course the chances of the weaker man are fewer. A good striker, chipper, or hooker with the legs or feet, stands on no more than equal grounds with a more powerful antagonist, when contending with a loose, than a close hold. And in hipeing, cross- buttocking, striking with the knee, slipping from the breast, and even in throwing an opponent quite over the head, modes regularly practised in close wrestling, the loose wrestler has no chance whatever. The reason of this is evident to any reflecting man in one, the power and use of the breast, which is the very centre of strength and stamina in man, cannot be brought into action; and in the other, is in universal use. When a very powerful man grasps a light one, if he holds him at a distance, and does not make play, he may render him powerless, and never give him the shadow of a chance. But with his arms round his body or shoulders, the lighter WRESTLIANA. 33 man, by feeling, or sustaining 1 his weight upon his breast, may, with nearly an equal chance of success assail him in some direction, for this great and decisive reason : the weight of a man is no comparative counterpoise to his strength, and consequently if the stronger man does not choose to exert his powers, his mere weight is no material drawback upon an antagonist who is at liberty to exert his own. Again, a man of tremendous power may by mere strength of arm dash a little man to the ground, as we will sup- pose Douglas did his antagonists ; but it is a well-known fact, that a powerful unscientific man taking his opponent from the ground in close holds, is the readiest way to lose the fall. For his opponent will, by hampering his knees or thighs, prevent his throwing him ; meanwhile the close junction of their breasts, not only pre- vents the effectual use of superior strength, but even informs the defendant of every meditated arrangement, which his science will enable him to render futile : thus while the stronger is lo- sing his wind (and wind is strength), his grasp will decline ; this the other will proportionally gain ; till at length obliged to set his adversary down, he is generally thrown in a moment. The fact of Cass, the victor at the last Carlisle Races, a man weighing sixteen stone, having been thrown by Rogerson, a little taylor, scarcely nine ; Richard Abbott, about eleven-, winning the Purse at Keswick Races in 1821 ; and Wat- son, of Torpenhow, having twice thrown the powerful and celebrated Weightman, sufficient- ly establish the truth of the above remark. It is true we sometimes witness a more pow- erful man force in the back of a weaker, but this is as much effected by art as strength ; and 34 WRESTLIANA. rarely occurs even when strength is assisted by considerable science. The situation in which the parties are placed when they take an equal hold of each other, is a sufficient bar to strength effecting any such purpose when opposed to su- perior science : thus Weightman, assisted by se- ven inches in height, three stone of weight, and considerable science, could not force in the back of Watson ; and such is the effect of science over strength, Rogerson has often been known to force men of thirteen stone weight on their knees ! We will likewise illustrate the advantages of close wrestling by the following fact : In the height of our celebrity we were acquainted with an Irishman, who in his own country had carri- ed every thing before him at collar and elbow. He was five feet eleven inches high, more than fourteen stone weight, and one of the best made men in the kingdom. We must acknowledge he was so much our master at collar and elbow, as generally to gain two falls out of three, and sometimes four out of six ; but with the superi- ority of strength and weight, with close holds, which he was as much accustomed to as we were to the other, he was a mere play-thing ; nor could he ever rise superior to defeat in contend- ing with a second-rate Wrestler of ten stone : yet this man laughed at the idea of any twelve stone man in existence vanquishing him in his own mode of Wrestling ; and to corroborate this, we will venture a beef-steak and a bottle of porter, that if a dozen of the best loose-hold Wrestlers in the kingdom be brought to the next Carlisle Races, they will be thrown too easily to excite any interest; and if the trial be made, many of the Cumberland and Westmorland Wrestlers will find them sufficient work in their own way. WRESTLIANA. 35 In Sparta, three thousand years ago, we read that young women wrestled naked before assem- blies of the people, and it was the general prac- tice long after that time to besmear the bodies of the competitors with oil. In the early history of our own country we likewise find it was custom- ary to engage in athletic exercises with a very slight and sometimes without any covering ; Wrestling therefore seems to be one of the few amusements in which we trace the gradual pro- gress of science and civilization, without any diminution of gallant bearing or heroism in its performance. In preparing themselves for the contest, our modern Wrestlers never encroach upon decorum so much, but that any lady may witness it without feeling her delicacy in the least danger of being wounded by it ; and not- withstanding the Munchausen stories of its bru- tality and terrific consequences to those engaged, it is fifty to one against any accident of conse- quence occurring ; and in fact this amusement will be found by all who are willing to receive proofs for prejudices, much less injurious, and more free from danger of bodily harm, than any other ex- ercise whatever : but as this point will receive due consideration in its proper place, we will close this part of our subject, and proceed to compare Wrestling with other amusements of the present day. 36 WRESTLIANA. A Philosophical Dissertation on Wrestling, compared with other Amusements of the pre- sent day. As we will always contend that those exercises in which Man alone is implicated, must be the most truly noble and scientific in their nature, we will commence this part of our subject with comparing Wrestling- and Pugilism ; a sport which has for some time acquired the name of a science, and which all those who have read Boxiana, will not doubt has acquired most distinguished patronage amongst even Nobility itself. But truly, in what manner it can be deemed to rival Wrestling as an amusement, we are totally at a loss to imagine. It is true, its at- traction is evinced by the immense crouds which collect to witness it, but its interest to many is the sum they are to gain or lose by the event: the fear of an interruption, the distance to, and dif- ficulty of ascertaining the spot where the con- test will actually take place, and the illegality of the thing itself, must all operate as drawbacks on the gratification derived from witnessing it. But these difficulties overcome, what follows ? One single contest, or if you please, trial of skill ; a short, or probably a protracted one, is gene- rally the whole inducement. If the former, an overpowering superiority, want of game in ogie of the combatants, or a blow, if not fatal, so dreadful in its effects as to deprive the receiver of his recollection, and prevent his coming to time ; all things in themselves incapable of exci- ting any sensation of pleasure in the spectators^ WRESTLIANA. 37 are all that can be witnessed; if the latter, a succession of knock-down blows, and the bloody and disfigured appearance of the performers, must considerably alloy the gratification arising from their science and skill, and excite in every generous and humane breast, the strongest emo- tions of commiseration and pity for the Pugilists. That this both is, and will be the case, we may confidently appeal to Boxiana itself, in all re- ports of what are termed sporting fights. To this source only can be traced what is called the humanity and consideration of Mr. Jackson, in collecting money to compensate the efforts, and reward the bravery, or to speak more correctly, the sufferings of the combatants. Again ; while we admire the courageous spirit of the Pugilist which leads him to acts of what may even in one sense be called heroism, we must admit that he is at the same time the hireling of gamb- ling opinion ; the being who by undergoing a course of training to enable him to exhibit him- self more to the advantage of his we had al- most said owners but backers is the term usual- ly, appropriated by the sporting world to his employers, degrades himself to the condition of the game-cock, the race-horse, or many other animals of the brute creation. In fact, whatever attraction Boxing may pos- sess ; the immense sums depending on any ca- pital match between celebrated men, will fully warrant us in asserting gambling to be one of the principal. And however friendly we may be to an exhibition with the gloves, acquiring the means of defence when attacked, or addi- tional power of repelling an unprovoked insult, we cannot, although a strenuous admirer of the eloquence of Mr. Egan, coalesce with him in D WRESTLIANA. his conclusions that professed Pugilism has any tendency to prevent assassination, or to be in its nature a more equal, or manly manner, than sword or pistol of settling 1 those disputes in which neither party can, without making the cure worse than the disease, appeal to the law. Assassination can never obtain any advocates for its support in a country renowned for the bravery of its inhabitants; and when we consi- der the great difference that may probably be in the age, make, and size of the parties who quar- rol, we cannot hesitate to pronounce Boxing inferior. A scientific man, or one so much su- perior to another in age, strength, or other ad- vantages, as to put science out of the question, might insult him, and ridicule the idea of giving him satisfaction, if there were no alternative but Boxing for it. But if the rank of the parties, and the spirit of the weaker, rendered such a result probable ; a man however strong, or gift- ed with boxing requisites, might pause as much, or more so, before he insulted any fellow-crea- ture however diminutive in person, as if he were his equal in every particular , as a bullet would make no distinction between them. We are no advocate for duelling, we even think the prac- tice cannot be vindicated in a Christian country by any provocation ; but if a man's feelings be so wounded that he will have satisfaction, we would advise him to prefer it either to assassina- tion, or boxing a man who is morally certain to #;ive him a severe thrashing. We acknowledge we do not object to boxing when the parties consider themselves on a level, and which is the better man in that respect, is the cause of quarrel ; and if a little science be displayed in bringing the matter to a conclusion, WRESTLIANA. 39 we own we like it the better, and fully coincide with Mr. Egan, that it is a much better way of settling such disputes, than having recourse to knives, sticks, or any other weapon whatever. But professed Pugilism is gambling. The men are brought to the ring, comparatively like oxen to the slaughter ; but with this material differ- ence : one are brought to gratify the curiosity, or gambling propensities of the public; the other for a more substantial and necessary motive -to fill their bellies ! It is asserted there are many praise-worthy characters, not only among the admirers of Pu- gilism, but among the Pugilists themselves. Ad- mitting it to be the case, is it not a strange in- consistency in human nature, that men entitled to that character can find any amusement in witnessing w r hat is supposed to be a good fight ? We saw the battle between Carter and Oliver at Gretna Green, and we will extract from Boxiana a few particulars of it. As early as the fourth round we are informed, " the head of Oliver was terrifically hideous, the blood pouring down in torrents his body and back completely sco- red with the ropes, occasioned by his struggles to resist the iron grasp of Carter, and to get away from that desperate fibbing punishment which had been so liberally administered to him by the superior strength of his opponent." After fighting twenty more rounds in this situ- ation, we are told " Oliver's head was so hide- ously disfigured that all former traces of it were gone ; and Carter's nob a little altered from its originality." After these sublime specimens of attractive eloquence, eight more rounds are fought, and then comes the climax which is word for word as follows : " Nature had been 40 WllESTLIANA. pushed to the farthest extremity the human, frame could bear, the vital powers were nearly extinct defeat seemed to operate-so much upon his mind that he fought till his pulse was hardly found to vibrate and in the last six rounds, du- ring; which he had not the least shadow of a chance, he persevered till all recollection of the scene in which he had been so actively engaged had totally left him. In the thirty-second round he was taken out of the ring in a state of stupor, and completely deprived of vision -his body and back were shockingly lacerated all over, from his struggling so much upon the ropes; and, in point of fact, much as righting men may have suffered in former battles, the situation to which Oliver was reduced, it appears, exceeded them all. The battle lasted forty-six minutes. He was taken and put to bed at Longtown, four miles from the ring, and in consequence of the vast quantity of blood he had lost in the contest, added to his ex- hausted state, the surgeons who were called in to attend upon him, deemed it highly dangerous he should be bled." After these extracts the generality of our read- ers will be at a loss to imagine what constitutes the amusement at a prize fight. If Carter and Oliver relished it, the latter surely could not fail to be delighted in this instance, as he got per- fectly satisfied. Carter likewise could not find any fault, yet he was supposed to have no great taste for " altered nobs" and such little par- ticularities. As for the spectators, those who won called it a (jood fight, and those who lost a bad one. The former therefore were well amused, and the lat- ter found no amusement in it. The account of liie fight is with the exception of one particular, WRESTLIANA. 41 very correct: it was as early as the eleventh', and not in the twentieth round, that Oliver put in the tremendous body-blow which occasioned for two or three minutes the only delightful sen- sation his friends experienced during the whole contest. Previous to the act of closing, in many rounds there certainly was much science dis- played by the combatants ; and we do not hesi- tate to say, that Carter's quickness gave him a manifest superiority in that respect over his op- ponent ; who, while he endeavoured to give greater effect to his blows, was too slow in de- livering them : but when closed, it was the strength only of Carter which gave him the ad- vantage. In point of throwing, nothing which could be called a cross-buttock occurred between them. Carter, indeed, did sometimes succeed in getting his left leg across both Oliver's, and drag- ging him over it ; but to apply the term science to that part of the contest would be ridiculous. But putting loss and gain out of the question, what great satisfaction could the impartial spec- tators derive from witnessing such spectacles as these quotations allude to ? The fight we quote from, greatly resembles in its prominent features all those which are termed good fights. One of the men, and sometimes both, are obliged to be carried, or at least supported out of the ring, and the next question that naturally occurs is, what cause induced them to come there ? The fact is, there was no previous quarrel between the individuals in question ; but Carter thought he could get two hundred Guineas, and con- siderably advance his future prospects by beat- ing Oliver ; and Oliver entertained' the same sen- timents respecting Carter. The monied men differed in opinion what would be the result of D3 42 "WRESTLIANA such a meeting 1 , and ach party supposed they could afford that price out of the money they felt inclined to risk on the issue. Accordingly we are informed by Boxiana, that the backers of Carter presented him with fifty guineas in ad- dition to the battle-money, which was two hun- dred more. These sums, and the expense of training would probably amount to three hun- dred Pounds ! As for Oliver, Boxiana remarks " That Mr. Jackson was not at Carlisle, and it was observed, that the losing man was not the better for his ab- sence ;" which is tantamount to saying, Mr. Jackson was not present to have begged more money for him than his disappointed backers could probably afford. The attraction of modern Pugilism therefore is, either gambling, or the pleasure of witnessing two men beat ?ach other till one of them can no longer meet him at the scratch. This is the true philosophical view of the subject, when fairly examined, and divested of the superficial adornments in which it is en- veloped by its admirers. Let us now revert to Wrestling ; and carefully scrutinizing it in the same manner we have done Boxing, compare the two exercises together ; and freely stating our own opinion, leave our readers at full liberty to form their own judg- ment. In witnessing a prize Wrestled for, in- stead of one contest only, there are generally from thirty to forty, or sixty to eighty. Those, who by better fortune, or superior dexterity, throw their opponent the first time over, meet in the second, a partial victor like themselves ; and then " Greek meets Greek" in succession, till at length, all his competitors vanquished, either by himself or in rotation by those he has thrown, WRESTLIANA. 43 the conqueror (like Alexander the Great) has no more to vanquish. Our literary readers will immediately recog- nize in this amusement what is always allowed by critics and connoiseurs to constitute the high- est gratification a spectator can experience. That piece only is considered perfect which pro- gressively advances in interest till it arrives at the denouement ; which evincing the same mas- terly genius, the satisfaction of the audience is complete. In this point of view, Wrestling as an amusement stands unrivalled and alone. The spectator who knows no more of his own lan- guage when written or printed, than he does of Hebrew, fully demonstrates the truth of this as- sertion by the increased interest he feels in every succeeding round ; till arrived at the last, that one fall interests him much more than any of the preceding. In this respect Pugilism is so far from admitting of any comparison with Wrest- ling, that even the single contest it dwindles to is very defective. The greatest interest it ex- cites is at the commencement, when the men are in full vigour, and exerting all their science and action to obtain the first advantage. As the combat advances these become less obvious, blows and blood are more conspicious ; and as they are fully expected as a matter of course, commiseration (a very singular kind of pleasure to court as an amusement) begins to supersede gratification ; and when the fight terminates, that feeling is absorbed by pity for the loser in the breast of every spectator but those whose loss or gain make them callous to every feeling of hu- manity. Wrestling has never yet (at least in this country) become a subject of gambling spe- culation. The trifles sported by the spectators 44 WRESTLIANA. are never an object of much consideration ; and neither commiseration nor pity, are at all likely to be excited by witnessing- it. The Wrestlers walk out of the ring as free from injury as when they entered it : and let us now make the same inquiry we did respecting- the Pugilists ; what brings them there ? We answer a desire to ri- val the renown of former heroes ! That gene- rous and irresistible spirit of emulation which led Knights to the princely tournament, and from thence to signalize themselves in the ser- vice of their country ! The Wrestlers come like Orlando, " to prove the strength of their youth," and to convince the spectators that their science, spirit, and activity correspond with it. If the Wrestler meets an equal opponent, " chance may place the laurel on his head, or tear it from his brow ;" if the/ormer, his fame is advanced the desire of further conquests in- spires him with additional courage, and when he falls, he falls like some of Ossian's heroes, " with his fame around him :" -if the latter, un- injured in person, pocket, or character ; what has a brave mind to regret ? He has done his best ; " fortune," said the Prussian hero, " is a slippery jade, another time I shall do better." He came there the hireling of no one ; he came like a free-born Englishman, to what character- izes a real English amusement for his own gra- tification, and to contribute to that of others : as he probably never flattered himself with the hope of being ultimately victorious where so ma- ny contended ; he may indeed have been foiled sooner than he expected, but defeat is certainly a strong expression for one so circumstanced. If he meet with an antagonist superior in strength or science, he is generally thrown ; if that be WRESTLIANA. 45 the case, it is no more than he expected, and no stigma whatever is attached to the circumstance; on the contrary, he will often observe with much complacency, " I plagued him more than he ex- pected," or, " it is an honour to be thrown by him." Should he chance to win the fall, so much the better. If thrown by an inferior an- tagonist, he is laughed at by his friends, and vows " he will take better care another time," and that is the worst. In short, his observations may be as various as the situations which occa- sion them,- and these equally so as the con- tests that must take place before a prize is won. To entertain a company, variety is always an aux- iliary, often requisite, and sometimes indispensa- ble. To constitute an amusement, uncertainty and expectation are two essential requisites ; and these, unalloyed by any painful feeling, can alone produce gratification. In all these quali- fications, Wrestling is eminently superior to any other amusement. The contests are many, and varied in their mode of termination. In single trials by men in full vigour, the result is suffi- ciently uncertain. Men distinguished by supe- rior strength, or science, are certainly expected to win ; as the victor will invariably be possessed of one or both of these qualifications ; and any accidents likely to interrupt the satisfaction of the spectators will very rarely occur. In all these parallels, we presume few will be found to dis- pute the superiority of Wrestling over Boxing. If Wrestling be called the mere act of one man throwing another down ; the science displayed, and the manner of doing it, may reasonably be supposed to excite the interest, and gratify the curiosity of the spectators ; and this we have al- ways supposed constituted an amusement. But 46 WRESTLIANA. if on the same ground we call Boxing the mere act of one man beating another till he is disfigu- red with blood, and unable to stand, although science may be displayed in the performance, yet we are compelled to acknowledge it is a bar- barous act, and we envy not the feelings of those who find any amusement in it. There are some wiseacres, who, as if they had studied the means of furnishing other men with reasons for denominating them Pshaw ! the word is an ugly one, and we will leave our read- ers to suppose what it is will gravely inform you, that Wrestling injures a man more than fighting ! Should we ask these geniuses for reasons, we would probably receive such an answer as Falstaff gave when pressed for them ; " What, upon compulsion! no; if reasons were as plentiful as blackberries, I would give no man a reason on compulsion !" In many prizes, the victor generally vanquishes five or six oppo- nents ; and probably wrestles some hundred falls within the year. In fighting, one opponent is generally sufficient for two or three months ; and we would suppose one hundred a tolerable sup- ply for life for any ordinary man. In Wrestling, the man who is thrown is ready for another trial the next minute ; in fighting, the beaten man has often more occasion for a chaise to convey him home, a Doctor to prescribe for him, and a nurse for a week. In science only, will Boxing and Wrestling admit of any comparison : and were we to substitute five or seven throws, for one, which is all that is allowed in contending for a prize, we believe it would be difficult to assign the superior- ity to either. But the limited duration of a sin- gle fall renders a momentary advantage often WRESTLIANA. 47 decisive, which in a number, or in boxing, is in future guarded against ; and strength and size regain a certain preponderance, according as they are united with, or opposed to, science and action. Thus Richard Abbot, weighing little more than eleven stone, who won the prize at Keswick in 1821, undoubtedly threw two or three men upwards of thirteen, with whom he would stand no manner of chance three falls out of five : but who ever dreamt that Dutch Sam, or Tom Belcher, though phenomena, could have beaten Jem Belcher, or the Game Chicken ! or that the Nonpareil Randall, could beat Neat ! It maybe urged that Dutch Sam beat several Pugilists two stone above his own weight ; and that Jem Belcher, under thirteen, beat Gamble, and was for some time the unrivalled Champion of England. These instances, though convin- cing proofs of science and good manhood in Boxing, do not entitle that exercise to claim any superiority over Wrestling, in which such instan- ces are by no means uncommon. If asked to produce them, we need only refer to Thomas Ni- cholson (about the weight of Jem Belcher) win- ning at Carlisle for three successive years ; James Fawcett, about eleven, winning at Melmerby for seven years ; or to the circumstance of Thomas Todd, about twelve stone, throwing last year at Carlisle John Fearon, of Gilcrux, weighing 1 se- venteen, who possessed science enough to throw the celebrated Weightman ; and likewise John Liddle, fourteen stone, an acknowledged first- rate Wrestler. Nor is there any doubt, but any of these men, and numerous others we could mention, would vanquish in any number of trials, men as far above their weight, and rating as high in point of science, as those beat by Sam, Belcher, or any other Pugilist whatever. 48 WRESTLIANA. The means of acquiring perfection in boxing and wrestling- are equal. We often find light weights comparatively the best in either exer- cise ; and men about thirteen, or between that and fourteen stone, the acknowledged cham- pions ! because these latter acquire science enough to throw, or beat lighter men ; and are so much superior in that respect to very heavy men, as to render a few stones of no great im- portance. It is true there may be some few ex- ceptions ; but James Belcher, Henry Pearce, John Gully, and many others ; are undeniable evidences of the truth of the remark on one side; and Thomas Nicholson, William Richardson, and with these celebrated names we might without egotism quote our own, on the other : all of whom no twelve stone man in the world was able to vanquish, except by mere accident. We could with propriety quote many other names, both boxers and wrestlers to strengthen the re- mark, but the above are sufficient. The princi- ple upon which this fact is grounded, is sufficient- ly clear and natural to those, who not content with a superficial knowledge, wish to examine the source it springs from. To arrive at the top of the tree in either wrestling or boxing, a com- plete knowledge of the science, and varied and effective action are indispensably necessary; and neither of these requisites can possibly be acqui- red without practice of every description. What we mean by practice of every description is, practice with superiors, equals, and inferiors, both in respect of science and weight ; and to form a complete master, such practice is abso- lutely necessary. It is easy for light weights, and not difficult for men of from thirteen to four- teen stone, to find opponents of all these des- WRESTLIANA. 49 criptions ; but very rare for those above that weight to find equals or superiors willing- to en- gage with them ; and hence their deficiency in science and action ; for in those critical moments either of attack or defence, when nice distinc- tions are not only necessary, but often decisive of a contest ; that less than momentary recollec- tion and scientific rapidity of action which has frequently been the means of winning and losing, and consequently with which one party is perfectly at home ; is totally wanting in the other. Thus it is almost impossible a very heavy man can acquire the science and action of one a- bove the middle size; but the insuperable bar is removed between the latter and the light weights. Having thus at considerable length defined the difference between Wrestling and Boxing 1 , it will not be necessary to dwell much upon the former, in future comparisons. But before we entirely take leave of this part of the subject, we cannot help observing the great difficulty we unavoidably labour under, in adapting our lan- guage to the comprehension of one class of our readers, and the satisfaction of others: and, possibly, like the old man and his ass, by endea- vouring to please every body, we may please nobody, and give our labour into the bargain. There is likewise another difficulty which we have been compelled to submit to : that is, in speaking of W 7 restlers and Wrestling^ we have often, to avoid repetition, been obliged to adopt the boxing phrases ; such as combatants, van- quished, antagonists, &c. which, although ge- nerally used, are strictly applicable to those con- tests only, in which two men oppose each other to extremity ; and therefore seem harsh when E 50 WRESTLIANA. Applied to an exercise like Wrestling, in which men oppose each other for amusement. Leaping and Running are both exercises which admit of few comparisons. We do not wish to depreciate either ; but to compare them as interesting amusements to Wrestling, would be ridiculous. It is certainly a desirable thing to outstrip our competitors in any exercise ; and therefore to excel in leaping has been an object of ambition to many ; but the interest it excites is comparatively small, as it is entirely destitute of any appendage to recommend it to the patron- age of the public. It is also generally allowed to be more injurious to the frame than Wrestling, owing to the great stress the act of springing ne- cessarily imposes on the belly and intestines. As it is never classed among those which are deemed manly exercises, to dwell much upon it would be superfluous. Running is an exercise, which, like Leaping, has been for some years gradually declining in Cumberland and Westmorland ; a convincing proof of the little interest they are calculated to excite. In these counties they were formerly in considerable repute ; and till within these few years, (and sometimes yet) a pair of gloves to leap for, and a hat to run for, were usually gi- ven at all petty races, cellar-openings, public bridals, fiddler wakes (commonly called hakes), annual sports, 1 consideration ! The traveller and the labourer, the gentleman and the beggar, will all equally gaze on the enchanting scene, and often tempt- ed by its magic influence, deviate from their im- mediate avocation for the pleasure of witnessing it a few moments longer. But does the sight instil into the breast of any generous and reflect- ing man one praise-worthy sentiment, or furnish him with any example of noble or manly emu- lation ? Alas! no. We fear when duly con- sidered, it is a striking proof of the frailty of man, and his deplorable proneness to be led away by sensual propensities. The fear of one animal, and the ferocity of others, are the sole cause of the pleasure he experiences. The hare, the most timid of quadrupeds, aided by speed and very circumscribed natural sagacity, endeavours to elude its pursuers, and preserve itself from a death the most terrific and horrible even a reasonable mind can possibly suggest. The dogs, guided by instinct and natural feroci- ty, and capable of enduring much greater fa- tigue, preserve the same tract, and mutually fuide and encourage each other in the work of estruction The little animal, instructed by self-preservation, retraces, or traces ever again, nearly the same ground^ and would often baffle its ferocious pursuers; and what hinders it? Man, endowed with reason and reflection ! Man ! the boasted lord of the earth interposes ! For what motive ? To preserve the weak from the strong? No! Quite the contrary! To guide and impel the latter to the work of blood and murder ! Thus not only encouraging, but join- ing on terms of equality with dogs and homes in the deed. But surely it is some powerful mo- tive which thus induces him to derogate from his F 62 WRESTLIANA. natural dignity ? Some means of acquiring ho- nour, profit, or benefiting the community at large ? No ! We are again reluctantly obliged to answer in the negative. No honour can be acquired either in the pursuit or the death of so weak and timid an animal, except that false no- tion of the term which arises from the circum- stance of tempting Providence more than his companions, by some dangerous leap, or other similar cause ; which even then he must share with his horse : and between profit, the desire of benefiting others, and hunting, we need scarcely observe there is an insuperable bar. Aided by man, the final result is generally as follows : The poor helpless animal, quite ex- hausted with terror and fatigue, is no longer ca- pable of active effort. It lays itself down in the vague expectation of concealment, and there awaits its fate ; or rises only to meet a death re- plete with terrors. A few terrific squeals nearly drowned by the exulting cries of its pursuers, announce the termination of its cruel fate. The note of triumph is sounded by its generous and pitying enemies, who congratulate each other on the sports of the day, and point out the respective merits of their meek and gentle assistants, which are often distinguished by the names of Charmer, Lovely, Comely, &c. ; and sometimes enlighten and edify each other, by seriously asserting that the hare hearkens with pleasure to the pursuit ! and that the moment she is caught her terrors greatly subside ! We will subscribe that they are not long in doing so, as they will vanish with life ; but we cannot say we ever heard any of those instructive, and very knowing gentlemen contend, that the dying shrieks of the wretched WRESTLIANA. 63 animal, were notes of satisfaction and plea- sure ! Many lovers of the chase, we doubt not, will be ready to assert, that we colour the picture too strongly, and that no other person will view the subject in the manner we have represented it. We answer, we believe our arguments too true to be easily disproved ; and that the subject has been regarded in nearly a similar manner by one, whose capability of judging will not be dis- puted, when we name the yet unrivalled Poet of the Seasons, who in his Autumn, thus speaks of the subject: 'Tisnotjoy to her, This falsely chearful barbarous game of death ; This rage of pleasure, which the restless youth Awakes, impatient, with the gleaming morn ; When beasts of prey retire, that all night long, Urg'd by necessity, had rang'd the dark, As if their conscious ravage shun'd the light, Asham'd. Not so the steady tyrant Man, Who with the thoughtless insolence of power Inflam'd, beyond the most infuriate wrath Of the worst monster that e'er roam'd the waste, For sport alone pursues the cruel chase, Amid the beamings of the gentle days. Upbraid, ye rarening tribes, our wanton rage, For hunger kindles you, and lawless want; But lavish fed, in Nature's bounty roll'd, To joy at anguish, and delight in blood, Is what your horrid bosoms never knew. * Poor is the triumph o'er the timid hare ! With every breeze she hears the coming storm. But nearer, and more frequent, as it loads The sighing gale, she springs amaz'd, and all The savage soul of game is up at once ; The pack full-opening, various; the shrill horn Hesounded from the hills ; the neighing steed, Wild for the chase; and the lould hunter 's shout ; O'er a weak, harmless, flying creature, all Hix'd in mad tumult, and discordant joy." F 2 6'i WRESTLIANA. To dwell upon any comparison between Wrestling, an amusement, exercise, and content of men only ; and those wherein men are leagued with different animals, would be ridiculous; for whatever attractions they possess, eventually re- cede when philosophically considered, as those peculiar to this country furnish no model from which any noble, manly, or laudable motive can be derived. The same observations which we have applied to hare hunting: will preserve nearly their full force with regard to coursing, or shooting. Fishing, of which some are remarkably fond, is a thing too solitary of itself to afford matter of com- parison with Wrestling, which preserves its im- portance through every parallel of consideration. We shall therefore, after offering a few words en cockfighting, proceed to the next part of cur subject. Cockfighting, as a diversion, is under the same restrictions as horseracing : requiring a large stake to render it legal. Notwithstanding this kind of monopoly, and the fate of a bill brought into the House of Commons to abolish it entirely, which was rejected by a large majority, it is in the licences of all publicans, &c. strictly pro- hibited, and stigmatized as a barbarous diver- sion. In defiance of this arbitrary distinction be- tween rich and poor, it is practised by the latter class all over the kingdom. It is perhaps the only diversion in which men are not the princi- pal actors, which has regular and professed ene- mies to encounter ; those who have no predilec- tion for hunting, shooting, &e. content them- selves with abstaining from them, and never think of censuring others for acting differently, nay, many professedly attached to these sports, would feel indignant to be termed a cockfighter ! WRESTLIANA. 65 Yet however much a few of the superior and middle class may condemn the lower orders of people for practising it in this immediate neigh- bourhood, we cannot find that the characters of Lord Derby, and numerous noblemen and gen- tlemen who openly profess, and practise this diversion in a legal manner, were ever called in question for doing so. For our own part we have never been able to find any reason why they should! and if none exist, it is surely a very invidious distinction that what is legal and harm- less in one man, should be so very heinous in another. The enemies of this diversion character- ise it as a cruel, barbarous, and wicked mode of gambling ; while those who profess it are at no loss to produce arguments in its support. The Rev. George Crabbe, in his justly admired poem, " The Parish Register," thus treats of it: " See the poor bird th' inhuman cocker brings, Arms his hard heel, and clips his golden wings j With spicy food th' impatient spirit feeds, And shouts and curses as the battle bleeds. Struck thro' the brain, depriv'd of both his eyes, The vanquished bird must combat till he dies ; Must faintly peck at his victorious foe, And reel and stagger at each feeble blow : When fall'n, the savage grasps his dabbled plumes,. His blood-stain'd arms for other deaths assumes ; And damns the Craven -fowl that lost his stake, And only bled and perish'd for his sake !" For ourselves " Who own we prize the joy such battle brings, And love the whistling of the shorten'd wings," And therefore cannot be supposed exactly to coincide with the Reverend Gentleman in such sweeping conclusions ; yet we will admit that cases may possibly occur in which such a descrip- F 3 66 \VRESTLIA\A. iion may not be far from the truth. As we be- fore professed, we have no wish, or intention, to add to, or detract from, the merits of any diver- sion, further than what we conceive to be a rea- sonable view of the question ; we will therefore concisely offer a few remarks on the different opinions respecting f/iis. As to the cruelty, or barbarity of the practice; we are at a loss to conceive how such a charge can be urged con- sistently by those who do not equally censure hunting, shooting, &c. Surely no man in his senses, unless totally blinded by prejudice, can pretend to argue, that an equal combat between two birds which need no incitement but their mutual and natural animosity, can possibly be either cruel or barbarous, compared with league- ing, and combining with twenty, thirty, or forty ferocious animals, to worry a defenceless one ! Or to a man who uses artificial means to destroy, or deceive a bird or a fish, which would never willingly come, either in his way, or his sight ! And pursue the subject through every head it em- braces, either in respect to right, property, or any other parallel, and the comparison will in- variably be found in favor of cockfighting. As to the wickedness of the diversion, by which is meant the wicked conduct, or language, of those who witness the sport, we greatly wonder at the ignorance and credulity of those who make the remark! In all public places of meeting, be they markets, fairs, theatres, churches, meet- ings, or any other place of resort whatever, there are generally found some of the most profligate and abandoned characters in the neighbour- hood. In all gentleman pits, or where any con- siderable sum is fought for, the utmost order and regularity is preserved ; and any person using WRESTLIANA 67 profane, or blackguard language would be turn- ed out without ceremony. Even in this vicinity, where entrance money is required, we have often witnessed very quiet meetings; and we hesitate not to say, have observed amongst the spectators, men, if not entirely Corinthians; yet if independent circumstances, knowledge, man- ners, and general good character, entitle those who possess them to the appellation of Gentle- men, as much deserving of that estimable term as any in the neighbourhood where they reside. It is true there are cockfights of a very, very different description ; but surely it is unfair to stigmatize all those who are present, for the bad conduct of a few, who are generally themselves no cockfighters ; and if some of those who are, be not so decorous in the phrases elicited from them during a battle as might be wished , without terming it "unsophisticated nature," (which is done by Boxiana) there are certainly more ex- cuses for so doing, than those who censure them are willing to allow. Let it be recollected, it is all the diversion in their power to enjoy. A plebeian may keep a cock, but can he keep a horse? Is he allowed to shoot? He may, when it is the pleasure of a qualified man to sanction the sport by his presence, witness a hunt ; but can he be said to share in it ? And in every thing else that can be called an amusement, there are equal obstacles. To share in any diversion, a man must feel himself as fully independent as the rest of the company. Cockfighting is a di- version, in which the money sported, is sported as a matter of judgment ; consequently, widely different from cards, dice, or any wager of blind chance ; and never in such sums as are depend- ing upon a pugilistic contest or horserace, and 68 WRESTLIANA. therefore is not equally deserving of the term gambling. Surely men have as much right so to use a bird exclusively their own, as others have to pursue and destroy those to which they can have no possible claim ? What substitutes the mighty difference between a soldier and a cock? The man, though his feelings may revolt at the service he is ordered upon, has no alternative ; he must go without grumbling where he is com- manded ; hazard his own life, and do his best to shed the blood of his fellow-man when required : On the other hand, the nature, and the feelings of the bird, impel it to the combat ; and its chance of life and remuneration are fully equal to the soldier's. In a cock- battle, the spectators are convinced that true courage, and alacrity in seizing every advantage that presents itself, are the surest means of preserving life, and acquiring honour ; and it may be an incentive to conduct themselves in the same manner if called upon by their country; as we are not without examples in history, of celebrated generals making such a combat, the subject of an oration to their soldiers, and pointed out as a pattern of persevering cou- rage highly worthy of imitation. It may likewise be observed that the bitterest enemies of this diversion are, in a great degree, ignorant of what they condemn in so unqualified a manner ; nay, would deem it an afl'ront to have it supposed that they had such a knowledge, or actual experience of the subject, as every candid man ought to possess before he gives so decided an opinion respecting its merits. Thus were we to ask the Reverend author we have quoted, if he had ever fought a cock, or attended a regular meeting, we have little doubt, an in- dignant negative would be the reply ; it should \VRESTLIANA. 69 likewise be remarked his description is a very unfair one ; it is not the description of a battle, but of a losing bird only ! and even amongst losers, it is very seldom indeed the owner will attach any blame to his cock ; on the contrary, he is always anxious to prevent its being- over- matched ; and its fame is so dear to him, that it must prove itself unworthy as a game cock of the regard he has manifested for it, before he is wil- ling to hear of its faults. Possibly a solitary in- stance to the contrary might occur ; and we hope the Reverend Gentleman alludes to such a one, as the first line we have quoted runs thus, 41 See the poor bird the inhuman cocker brings ;" We sincerely hope few cockers, or even men, worthy the epithet inhuman ; and we dare as- sert few cocks meriting the appellation of" poor birds" are brought to try their courage and prowess in a pit, as the game cock is generally stiled the noblest of the feathered tribe ; and it is universally known, he is kept, trained, and at- tended upon, so as to bring him to the combat in the supposed most advantageous situation to in- sure victory, but no wonder even so admired and celebrated an author, should have adopted so lame an expression, when it would be deemed an affront to suppose he understood what he was writing about. But still in despite of all that can be urged in favour of cockfighting, (and many will think we have said quite enough) it has no claim what- ever to what are the characteristics of an amuse- ment. Those even and placid feelings which have a kind of oblivious effect upon the senses, and infuse a kind of tranquil pleasure into the 70 WRESTLIANA. mind ; can have no assimilation to the active, vi- olent, and bloody struggles witnessed in a cock- pit. It cannot properly be (although it usually is) termed a diversion. To be diverted, or in a cer- tain degree, delighted, is a feeling very different from that eager expectation and anxiety of mind depicted in the countenances of the spectators. It is then a sport; or more properly, a way of sporting, or risking money according to an opin- ion ; and when it is considered that the issue implies the death of one of the birds which occa- sions the sport, and often severe injury to the other, it is certainly a cruel one. It is idle to suppose such crowds would assemble to witness the mere act of one bird killing another, if there were no other inducement. It is certainly the good opinion every man entertains of his own judgment, which makes him eagerly embrace such occasions of exercising it for his own sup- posed advantage ; and we need not say how fal- lacious such opinions frequently prove. The spectators in pay-pits are, in many places, gene- rally betters, and consist of all descriptions of such men as are often witnessed in a large as- semblage ; the rich and poor; the old and young; the strong and feeble ; and the active and crip- ple ; may all witness, and according to their means, be all equally interested in it. The cou- rage of a cock may serve well enough as a sub- ject of comparison for an harangue ; but is it not degrading to man to suppose a bird can be a pro- per object for his imitation ? He may be con- vinced that courage is a great means of acqui- ring victory ; but can the sight of it in a bird infuse it into his own breast? In Wrestling, when young and active men oppose each other, the sight is worthy of men to look at, and may WRESTLIANA. 71 well be supposed to inspire that emulation which despises danger ; and while it instructs men to cope with men, gives them both power and confidence to do so effectually : but how can it be supposed the mere sight of any bird, or animal whatever, can produce the same conse- quences. 72 WRESTLIANA. BASIS. WE are now arrived at a part of our subject, which though the most important, and more im- mediate object of this Treatise, is nevertheless one fraught with difficulties as we are well aware, it is not possible to lay down rules equally satis- factory to all. In such a case the course we will pursue is simply this ; our reasons for every par- ticular rule shall immediately follow it ; thus the reader will have ample means to form his own opinion, and if it do not coincide with our own, we trust his candour will acquit us of intentional error. Rule 1st. The umpire, writer, and crier, ap- pointed by a majority of those who give the prize, or by the person to whom it is entrusted, having taken their stations within the ring, every wrestler shall come forward to the writer, enter his own name, and immediately retire to some allotted station, where he will be expected to be found when called upon. The writer prepared with paper ready lined and ruled, shall set the names down as they are given in ; while his assis- tants shall take care he is not confused by the wrestlers pressing upon him faster than he can write down their names. Observations on Rule 1st. Respecting this rule few observations are necessary, as we think very few can object to any part of it. We will however, in those parts where it is possible there maybe some difference of opinion, methodically consider the reasons on which it is grounded. It will appear clear and evident to all, that those who give the prize, if they do not themselves preside on the occasion, have certainly a right to WRESTLIANA. 73 name those who shall. A writer and crier may easi- ly be found, as the most important part of their du- ty is care and attention; but very few are qualified to act as umpires. That station requires a com- petent knowledge of wrestling 1 ; equanimity of temper ; decided judgment ; arid strict im- partiality. We have always observed that one umpire is preferable to two or tlwee: it may be said, that spectators on one side of the ring, do not see a fall in exactly the same manner as those on some other. To this we answer, if one um- pire think a fall disputable, and even three, or four more think otherwise, the fall must either be wrestled over again, or it will occasion far more dissension than if one single decisive determi- nation had been given : and if the fall be such, that one competent umpire cannot determine it immediately, it cannot be a very fair one. It is certainly much better for every man to enter his own name, and if required, his place of abode, lest there should be more of the same name. Every experienced person will often have observed, that much confusion has been oc- casioned by the same name having been entered twice over. And when a Wrestler's name is en- tered against his real, or pretended inclination, if he do not fancy his man, no contest takes place ; as he will observe, he knew nothing a- bout it, he did not think of wrestling, &c. ; by every man entering his own name, all such whiffling will be avoided. If his name is then called, it is by his own desire, and such excuses are done away at once. It has always been found desirable, that the Wrestlers should be in some place where they can come forward immediately when their names are called. On this account, they are generally G 74 WRESTLIANA. permitted to lie down inside the ring ; which many of them are anxious to do, that they may witness the sport, and notice the methods of those with whom they may have to contend : therefore if one side of the ring- be allotted for this purpose, those who do not choose to avail themselves of it, will have no excuse for not coming forward in time to answer to their names. Rule 2d. All the names being entered, the writer shall mention the first and the last on the list to the crier, carefully placing at the same time the figure 1 before the names, to denote that they are the last called; and to instruct him to find, without danger of a mistake, the tw r o next in turn. The crier shall go to that part of the ring allotted to the Wrestlers, and repeat the said names loudly, and distinctly. The men shall immediately answ r er, and come forward ; which, if they shall neglect to do in such a time as the umpire shall deem reasonable, the default- er shall lose the fall. On their meeting, leaving them to the umpire, the crier, furnished with the names next in turn, shall call upon the owners of them to get ready, while those preceding them get hold and wrestle. On the termination of every fall, the umpire shall give in to the wri- ter the names of the winner and loser, which he shall write down opposite to each other, placing the figure 2 before the winner's name, which will always be the first written. The writer ta- king the names next to those marked, marking them in a similar manner, and writing the names given in by the umpire, shall proceed till the whole are called. If there prove an odd name in the middle of the list, it shall be called to the first winner ; but if the odd man prove the con- WRESTLTANA. 75 queror, his name, though of course wrote oppo- site to the man's he has thrown, shall retain the figure 1 to it, which will then become indi- cative of the falls he has won. The writer thus marking and calling the first and last winning names together in every round, which he must take care to distinguish ; and in like manner, still writing the names of those who contend opposite to each other ; it will appear the odd man has wrestled one fall fewer than those in the same list, as every other name will be mark- ed with the figure 2 ; and if he win the next fall, his name advancing one every fall, will have tho 2 perfixed to it, while the others on that list have 3, Thus his name being at the head of the list, he will meet the odd man in the previous round ; if he win, he will still remain one behind upon the next list ; and if he lose, his conqueror exchan- ges situations with him. By this method, when few are left, the umpire will have it in his power to place them on an equal footing. Thus when three are left, if the first has only thrown three men, and the other two four each, they may toss, draw cuts, or ticket, which is to wrestle him first; but if all three have wrestled equal, they may in like manner decide which two shall wrestle first. Observations on Rule 2d. Respecting the subject of this Rule, as there have been various methods practised, there have, and probably will continue to be, various opinions. After re- marking the defects of all others, we will make a few observations on the one we have substitu- ted in their place. For a long time it was the practice to call the first and second, third and fourth, fifth and sixth, and so on, together. The deficiency of this mode is obvious. Those wish- ing to wrestle did not like to follow each other 76 WRESTLIA\ 7 A. into the ring, as it had the appearance of preme- ditated opposition. Consequently, the first time over, there was scarcely a fall wrestled ; and as every noted Wrestler had generally friends who contrived to go in so as to secure him the second, and sometimes the third round, the greatest part of the wrestling was a mere farce, and a stran- ger had by no means an equal chance. It then became the custom to call the first and last names together ; but as the names were not writ- ten over again, but the losing name merely scratched out, the writer frequently got wrong, particularly when an odd name occurred ; and if an even number were preserved, as it was ge- nerally pretty well ascertained what it would be, many went in to save their friends, without any intention of wrestling. It was, however, considered much less objectionable than the other. When the Carlisle Wrestling commenced, the men matched themselves the first time over ; and then thefirst and last were called together. This method did not long prevail, as it was evidently a bad one. It was obvious there were many sham wrestles the first time over ; and both the names were not only to procure, but to compare with the list, to see if they had regularly entered; which could not be done without looking the whole carefully over, and consequently losing time. The present mode of ticketing them then became general. It is, without doubt, evidently superior to any other now practised, but we con- ceive it liable to the following objections : In the iirst place, it is far too complicated a mode to be accurate. The tickets if scattered about, or the wrong one torn, are nothing but a means of confusion : arid when four men are called into WRERSLIANA. 77 the ring, there are no unexceptionable means of convincing them that all is as it should be. The Carlisle meeting last year was a strong proof of this ; nothing like an accurate list was to be had. Some names were found both in the winning, and losing column, the same round ; and on wrest- ling over again, there were instances of those entitled being objected, and those not entitled winning two falls. Secondly, it may happen, par- ticularly where there are few competitors, that men coming from the same place, or who will not wrestle \vith each other, may be ticketed to- gether the first round. This of course prevents sport, and should if possible be avoided. Thirdly, in ticketing, those who have the direction of drawing, may keep back a ticket, or call any two together they think proper ; and when in- stances where all the men are not satisfied there are no means left of convincing them all is per- fectly fair. We do not think this right. All should be fair and open ; and even those who give the prize should not be allowed to use any sinister means of bringing men together. It may be said, " a powerful man is a coward if he be afraid of an equal opponent." This is nothing to the purpose. The prize is declared, and sup- posed to be, equally free for all ; therefore, al- though the men may not be afraid of each other, they have certainly a right to find fault if their names be purposely drawn together. It is by the attendance of well-known men that the greatest interest is excited, and their chance of gaining a prize should by no means be lessened, which it evidently is in such cases ; for there may be others equally as good, who are running the chance of falling in with an inferior, while they are purposely called in against an equal. 6*3 WRESTLIANA. The superiority of the method we have recom- mended over all these cannot fail to be evident to an impartial observer. While men who do not wish to come together may prevent it by enter- ing- their names immediately following each other at any time but in the exact centre ; they can have no possible guess who will be their oppo- nent. For as the /ow and high numbers, are called together in the first round till they meet in the centre ; the centre names are consequently after that round thrown to the last, and will in the second round, meet a high, or a low num- ber indiscriminately, which will cause them to be scattered in the head of the list in the third round. Thus supposing forty enter at first ; the numbers 1, and 40, are called together, and so on, till 20 and 21 meet in the centre : then it is quite un- certain whether the centre victor 19 or 22, will meet the conquering number of 2 and 39, one of which must be the second victor in that round ; and so on progressively. By this means the principal objections to the three first methods are at once obviated, as is likewise one of the ob- jections we have made to ticketing : and if the umpire and writer are at all careful, no mistake can arise, as the writer will perceive at a single glance what names are next the marked ones which have been called ; and if any dispute arise, the list is still there to rectify it. There- fore, while this method preserves all the uncer- tainty of ticketing, the list will be ready for publication the moment the wrestling is over ; and on perusing it, every man may convince himself he has been fairly treated. As it is a very great chance a number dividing equal to the last, such as 32, C4,-or 128, will be the exact number entered ; it is desirable it should be one doing so WRESTLIANA. 79 till very few competitors remain. Thus, 96 will leave three, and 80, five, joined to his natural discrimination and for- titude when acting upon his accustomed man- WRESTLIANA. 151 ner of boxing 1 , enabled him to bring the contest to such a state as clearly evinced what would have been the result if he had adopted that line of conduct at the commencement of the battle. Respecting the termination of that contest, it is the opinion of many who witnessed it, and whose judgment we think cannot be questioned, that Tom was the fresher man when the combatants were separated, and that the severe falls Ridley constantly received, must soon have rendered him unable to meet his opponent at the scratch. Whatever different opinions might be entertain- ed respecting the science displayed during the contest, it was unanimously admitted that the courage, and bottom exhibited by both, were ne- ver excelled by any pugilists in the kingdom. Tom, we believe, is not yet thirty eight years of age. As this was the only time the celebrated Henry Graham, of Brigham, ever entered the Carlisle ring, we cannot notice his exploits in a more pro- per place, though he continued a most dis tinguished Wrestler for many years after. Harry has wrestled more matches than any other man in the county, and several of his opponents have always been considered as first rate Wrestlers as ever peeled in a ring ; when we mention the names of Thomas Nicholson, William Richard* son, and inform the reader, that to these two he may add our own, the truth of that assertion will not be disputed. Previous to this visit to Car- lisle Harry had won many prizes, and ranked very high as a Wrestler, but being then in his very prime (we suppose about twenty two years of age) it was his own opinion, as well as that of his friends, that he was a competent match for any Wrestler whatever. This opinion was by 152 WRESTLIANA. no means rashly grounded, when it is considered that though only about five feet nine inches high, he weighed between thirteen and fourteen stones, possessed unrivalled activity, had been a Wrestler from a boy, and was then in full practice. At this meeting, having thrown a Wrestler of some celebrity in the first round, Harry, in the second, came against John Jordan a noted Wrestler from the Penrith side. On what account he was obliged to give Jordan a second chance, we cannot possibly determine, as Harry threw him so fair the first fall, that he himself never went to the ground. We believe the truth is, that sport, more than fair play, was the object of those assistant umpires who were with- in the ring; and such was the confusion, that J. Boadle, a good Wrestler who had accompanied Graham, after winning his first fall was never a- gain called upon. However that may be, Jordan won the second fall, and Harry was crossed out. Feeling dissatisfied at the usage he had experien- ced, Harry expressed a wish on the following day to try a few falls with any Wrestler then at Car- lisle. This being repeated to the Champion Nicholson, Tom offered to stake three to two on himself for the best of five falls, which offer was immediately accepted. It was then about eleven o'clock, and a meadow in Caldewgate at five, was the place and time appointed for determining the wager. Both parties were true to the ap- pointment, and no time was lost in proceeding to action. The first and second falls were similarly contested, and terminated in the same manner. Harry, eager to be at work, instantly made play ; the superior length of Tom, enabled him to defend himself by lifting against his opponent, and he lost no time in returning the assault by WRESTLIANA. 153 hankering his heel. Notwithstanding the activi- ty of Harry, he could not in either of these in- stances, resist the consequences resulting from this favourite mode of Tom's, in which he certain- ly excelled all the Wrestlers we ever knew, and both the falls were immediately conceded to Nicholson. The third fall was contested in near- ly a similar manner, but the termination was dif* ferent. Harry, on finding his heel again hook- ed, immediately turned his body round with such rapidity as to bring Tom all but underneath him in the fall. Tom insisted it was a dog fall, while Harry claimed it, in which he was supported by his friends, and in which opinion the spectators in general coincided. However being left to us, we decided it was not fair. In this place we will remark that it has been maintained by Tom's friends, that it was a drunken business altogether on his part: this story is utterly false. Tom was apparently as sober when the wager was made as any man on the Swifts ; on meeting in Caldewgate, he remarked to us that a pint, or glass of ale, then before him, of which he had drank about one third, was the only one he had tasted since he had made the wager; and on winning the two first falls he jocularly remark- ed " that Graham, though a good Wrestler, was far too fond of making play ; but that if Harry gave him more time, he himself was no bad one in that respect;" besides, could any drunken man have thrown such a Wrestler as Graham was, twice successively ? In the fourth trial Tom made play, which Harry warded off with much skill, and gave Tom a convincing proof of his quality by striking him fairly down. The fifth fall was exactly similar to the third, and being so decided by us, the business was for some time 154 WRESTLIANA. suspended, as Harry's friends insisted that he had won ; however on Tom's offering to strike even-, and begin again> it was acceded to, and the con- test was instantly renewed. It is unnecessary to dwell on the ensuing falls, suffice it to ob- serve, they were well contested, both display- ing great action and science. Harry won the first, Tom the second, and Harry the third and fourth ; no dispute occurred, and Tom ac- knowledged defeat by paying his money cheer- fully. We will now briefly give the reader our can- did opinion of the foregoing contest in which Harry acquired so many laurels. Neither of them we believe spent the preceding evening in the most sober or prudential manner ; and pro- bably Tom's more extensive acquaintance, join- ed to the circumstance of his winning the prize, might have rendered him the less fit for such a contest. Tom felt anxious for another trial, and how that would have terminated, can now only be guessed at. Admitting that we think the knowledge nine falls must have given them of each other, was not in Tom's favour, as Harry had become perfectly awake to his favourite me- thod, and that Harry evidently gained ground as the contest advanced ; still we do think Tom was the better Wrestler, and would have thrown more men than Harry ever could. As our rea- sons for this would occupy a much greater por- tion of our remaining pages than we can possibly spare, we are compelled thus abruptly to take leave of the subject. The great fame Harry acquired by this con? quest, satisfied his friends that he was a match for any man in the kingdom ; and our refusal to acquiesce in that opinion, occasioned an agree-* WRESTLIANA. 155 ment to wrestle him within one month of his contest with Nicholson, for the greatest sum we ever knew wrestled for, either in Cumberland or Westmorland. At the time of making this wa- ger, nothing was farther from our intention than wrestling Harry or any other person, as we had been unwell for some time, though we had been at Carlisle, where we were thrown after a smart- ish contest by Joseph Bird, of Holme Wrangle, a wrestler highly noted in that part of the county. The preceding year we had thrown Harry at Arlecdon with such ease, that we believe three or four to one would then have been offered against him for a single fall ! and a meeting between us for a number of falls, would have been thought highly ridiculous. But now the case was totally altered ; through extreme illness we were obli- ged to solicit at least a respite of our engage- ment; this was not granted ; and, as six guineas were deposited, we chose to appear rather than forfeit. The sum contended for was sixty gui- neas, and the number of falls wrestled was ele- ven. No Wrestler ever entered a ring in higher condition, or with greater confidence than Har- ry, and his gaining the three first falls could not fail to increase the good opinion of his friends, as nothing but a most decisive victory could then be contemplated. But the loss of three falls, in- stead of depressing, only roused our energies, the listlessness which pervaded the whole frame at the commencement of the contest, now gave place to that animated feeling arising from exer- cise, and the situation in which we were then placed ; and instead of the expected victory, Harry was somewhat obligated to fortune for one fall out of the other eight ! Harry was some pounds the heavier man, but the advantages of 156 WRESTLIANAi length and strength were so much against him, that in the latter part of the contest, it is well known he had not the slightest chance what- ever. This contest took place .on Arlecdon Moor, on the 26th of October, 181 1 . The following year Harry was worsted at Cockermouth, by John Fidler of Wythop Hall, a stronger and heavier man than himself, and considered as a first rate Wrestler. Fidier had not much catch at Harry, whom he had accom- panied to Arlecdon races in 1810, where we threw them both for the prize. Harry continued wrestling up to the year 1822, during which time he gained many prizes, and we believe was never afterwards defeated in a match ; however the following circumstance is all that we can notice in this work. William Richardson being at Cockermouth previous to his winning the prize at Carlisle in 1821, accidentally fell in with Harry, and some wordspassing between them respecting wrestling, a challenge for a trifling wager, to be decided immediately, was the consequence. Harry at this time was so increased in flesh as to weigh nearly sixteen stones, but notwithstanding this disadvantage, he obtained an easy victory. It is alleged by some that Richardson was not in a proper state to wrestle at that time ; this is as strenuously denied by others : we cannot say how the matter really was, but we are correct in saying that Richardson acknowledged defeat in three trials, and that Harry could have been backed to wrestle him for any wager he thought proper, at that, or any other time. Very few (if any) Cumberland Wrestlers at- tended the Ambleside sports in 1812. Miles Dixon, and a butcher in Ambleside, were the WRESTLIANA. 157 two last slanders, and it being: agreed between them that the latter should be the ostensible win- ner of the prize, they agreed to wrestle two or three falls for the gratification of those gentle- men who had subscribed towards the Wrestling; and in this friendly trial Miles Dixon was vic- torious. This Champion, though we believe not an equal match for some of the Cumberland men of his day, seems to have been entitled to rank as the most renowned hero in that part of West- morland. About this, and the succeeding time, John Long seems to have been considered su- perior to his brother Rowland. The latter visit- ed Carlisle in 1811, but notwithstanding his un- common powers, being both a very tall and heavy man, he was not so fortunate as to gain a single fall. Rowland is a Wrestler of nearly 30 years standing, and must during that time have contended with a number of good men. It is said he is extremely anxious to make the prizes he has gained up to one hundred, as he is only two or three short of that number ; but from his increasing years, and corresponding numbness, it is a great chance whether he will ever suc- ceed in doing so. This was the last year in which any considerable sum was given at Am- bleside. The gentleman who so actively patron- ised it, returned to Edinburgh. The intention of making it a meeting of much notoriety seems to have completely failed, as the Wrestling there was never at all equal to that witnessed at Car- lisle and Keswick. In 1812, the first prize at Carlisle was won by J. Scott, of Canobie, throwing at the last Wm. Richardson, of Caldbeck, whom he had thrown in the course of the Wrestling the preceding year. Scott though shorter by three inches than WRESTLIANA. Nicholson, was we believe the heavier man. His being- the third stander in 181 1, and the conquer- or in 1812, is sufficient to stamp him as a very ex- cellent Wrestler, though he had not successive* ly vanquished such a hero as Richardson. This was the only year William Mackereth attended the Carlisle Wrestling. His being- considered a pupil of Nicholson's and the victor at Ambleside in 1811, much was expected from him. He was thrown very unexpectedly in the first round, but being chosen in for the second prize, he acquit- ted himself to the perfect satisfaction of the ama- teurs, being one of the three last standers, and the contest between him and William Richard- son, who threw him, .is spoken of as one of the best ever witnessed on the Swifts. Mackereth, in person, greatly resembles Jack Carter the pu- gilist, but is a much stronger man than Carter, In addition to the above exploits, he won the prize at Arlecdon the succeeding year, throwing; at the last Robert Selkirk, for some time consi- dered the leading Wrestler between that place and Duddon. At Penrith, this year, where the Wrestling had, owing to various circumstances, dwindled so as to excite no comparative interest with that at Carlisle, the prize was won by John Slee, of Dacre, who, as an outside striker with the left knee, excelled any other Wrestler at that time. Among those whom he threw on this oc- casion, were James Robinson, and the person who threw Wm. Dickinson, the two men who al- ternately gained the prize at Carlisle the ensuing years. In 1813, Robert Rowantree,so often mention- ed as a distinguished Wrestler in the course of this work, gained the first prize. It was singu- iar that Richardson was again the last loser and WRESTLIANA. 150 the winner of the second prize. Rowantree was six feet high, and a very muscular man ; attach- ed to loose holds, an excellent cross buttocker, and an extremely awkward customer to get at. He had as a Wrestler largely contributed to the celebrity of the Carlisle wrestling since its insti- tution ; but now, fully satisfied with the laurels he had honourably acquired, he took his leave of that, and for any thing we know, of every o- ther ring. The prize at Carlisle in 1814 was won by William Dickinson, from Alston Moor, who weighed from thirteen, to fourteen stones, and was about five feet ten inches high. Dickinson had wrestled both at Carlisle and Penrith the preceding year, and was much noticed. He was justly considered a first rate Wrestler, and his attendance was expected the ensuing year ; but Dickinson, it appears, had other prospects ; he married, and things not falling out according to his expectation, he emigrated to America. The last person he threw for the prize was George Dennison, the successor of that highly reputed bone setter, Benjamin Taylor. Dennison, in addition to coming last for the first prize, won the second, and his exploits in the ring on this occasion, afforded great satisfaction to the at- tendant gentlemen. The fall between him and Dickinson was rather a singular one. Dennison threw in his left side with much force, intending to buttock his opponent; Dickinson left go, and Dennison, disappointed of his object, staggered forward a considerable distance but could not save himself from going down on his hands, otherwise he would have won the fall as he had preserved his hold. In 1815 the prize at Carlisle was borne away 02 WRESTLIANA. by James Robinson, one of the Earl of Lonsdale's game-keepers at Lowther Castle. The last standerwas William Slee, brother to John Slee, whom we have noticed as the victor at Penrith in 1813. Robinson was a fourteen stone man, and Slee not thirteen, and both coming- from the neighbourhood of Penrith, Slee, probably con- scious that the chance was against him, agreed to lie down, and there is no doubt he was well paid for it. This mode of proceeding was high- ly censured by many sincere friends to the exer- cise, but in fact, it was only following up the precedent allowed to Nicholson and Douglas in 1811. In wrestling over for the second prize, Slee was thrown the first round, and the last standers were Thomas Todd, of Alston, and the youngest of three brothers of the name of Fos- ter, all of whom wrestled this year, and acqui- red great celebrity by throwing several good Wrestlers. Todd and Foster could not agree about the hold, and consequently never wrestled ; but on dividing the money, we have been inform- ed that Todd received more than his opponent, it being the opinion of the umpire that he was the fairer stander. In 1816 Todd was one of the two last standers for the first prize, but who had a right to be the- other, is somewhat difficult to determine. Being a spectator that.year, we do not hesitate to say that the conduct of the umpires was extremely blameable. In the course of the wrestling, afall between Thomas Richardson, of Hesket, and Jo- seph Graham, from Ravenglass, was given to the former. We assert that Graham was not allow- ed a fair hold, that it was a manifest snap, and that after all it was a complete dogfall. On wrestling when there were but four standers, WRESfLIANA. 161 Richardson was indisputably thrown ; but such was the gross partiality shewn towards him, that he was allowed to compound with the person who threw him. Having thus become the other last stander, it appeared that he had agreed with Todd to divide the money between them, but the point of honour had not been settled whether was to be the ostensible victor; accordingly they would not make a wrestle of it, and not- withstanding the precedents before alluded to, Mr. Pearson very properly withheld the money. The proprietor of the circus, awake to his own interest, gave a silver cup to wrestle for the next day. The sum demanded for admittance was not great, but the receipts far overbalanced the value of the cup, which was won by John Low- den, from Keswick. The last loser was Andrew Armstrong, from Sowerby Hall, an excellent Wrestler, who weighed between twelve and thir- teen stones, but not an equal match for Lowden, who was nearly a stone heavier. Lowden was a very cross stander, and as difficult to dispose of as any Wrestler within the last century. We have noticed the contest between him and Nicholson at Ambleside in another place. That contest took place before Lowden was at his best, and being the last year of Nicholson's wrestling, he never threw that heroin a ring, but in the list of those he afterwards threw, the names of Richardson, Mackereth, Graham, and many others, might be enumerated ; with us he was not so fortunate, as we threw him at Arlec- don in the year 1813, when in his prime. The disputes respecting the wrestling in 1816 caused its suspension in 1817, but the proprietor of the circus again ventured to speculate on the celebrity of the exercise, by giving t\vo or three- 03 162 ^ WRESTLIANA. prizes. These were won by John M'Laughlen, (commonly called Clatten) and John Liddle, both from the vicinity of Dovenby. Laughlen threw Liddle at the last for the first prize, and laid down to him for the second : he likewise threw Toddanti Robinson, neither of them being able to do any thing with him, on account of his tremendous size. As the wrestling at Carlisle Races continued suspended till the year 1821, we must now revert to that at Keswiek, which in 1818 was patronized in a very liberal manner, and has continued aug- menting to the present time. The prize that year was won by Thomas Richardson, of Hesket, throwing at the last the celebrated William Wil- son, of Ambleside. In 1819 it was won by An- drew Armstrong, of Sowerby Hall. In 1820, it was won by William Wilson, of Ambleside, whose last opponent was William Richardson, of Caldbeck. In 1821, so rapidly had wrestling increased in the estimation of all ranks, that it was found the attendance at the Races, was in a great measure governed by it ; and the subscrip- tions proportionably increasing, it was extended to three days, the winner on the first day, be- ing debarred on the second. Notwithstanding a very numerous field of Wrestlers, the first prize was won by Richard Abbot, a schoolmaster from Whitehall, who weighed very little more than eleven stones. Neither could it be considered that Abbot fell fortunately in when wrestling through the ring, his four last opponents being A. Armstrong, J. Frears,T. Richardson, and T. Lock, all of them good Wrestlers, and averaging two stones above his weight. Two of these/ot*r it will be recollected had likewise been previous- ly victors at Keswick, and had distinguished WRESTLIANA. 163 themselves at Carlisle. Frears and Lock were from the vicinity of Whitehaven, and both well known as Wrestlers ; the latter on this occasion greatly distinguished himself, throwing both Ed- ward Hawel, a very noted Wrestler, and the truly celebrated J. Lowden, who, though mar- ried, took a fancy to enter the ring, and was the third stander. The second prize was won by James Graham, then residing in Bassenthwaite, a very likely man for excelling as a Wrestler ; standing above six feet, and weighing fourteen stones. We are very sorry our limits will not permit a more lengthy detail of this celebrated meeting. The great falling off in the attendance of all ranks at Carlisle races since the suspension of the wrestling occasioned its revival this year ; and it could boast among the numerous spec- tators assembled to witness it, many of the most distinguished characters in this and the adjacent counties ; nay, such was its attraction, that the gentler sex, as in the days of auld lang syne, deigned to regard it as an exercise worthy of Englishmen to practise, and as an amusement which false delicacy, or predetermined prejudice only could discover any thing so indecorous as to prevent Englishwomen from sanctioning it with their presence. The first prize on this memor- able day was won by William Richardson, of Caldbeck ; and the second by John Weightman, a hero who had during the two preceding years risen to the top of the tree in the vicinity of Car- lisle. The last opponent of Weightman was Joseph Abbot, from the vicinity of Penrith, a very celebrated Wrestler, who likewise highly distinguished himself at Penrith Races this year, where there were evident symptoms of this ath- 104 WRESTLIANA. letic exercise again becoming- an object worthy of encouragement. Thomas Ford who acquired great celebrity at this meeting by throwing Weightman, and contesting the last fall with Richardson, has generally resided within a few miles of Egremont. He was thrown by Weight- man for the second prize, but appeared to be no unequal competitor for him; being six feet two inches high, and weighing upwards of fourteen stones. To say the least of Ford, he was much noticed by the spectators for his manly exertions, and the alacrity and cheerfulness with which he always met his man. James Graham before al- luded to, was likewise considered to stand on very high ground though thrown by Weight- man for both prizes. As for the victor, W. Richardson, whom we have so often had occasion to allude to, this might very justly be considered an excellent tie up for him, as he was stated in the newspapers of the day, to be forty-five years of age ! and the winner of 240 Belts!! We cannot decisively contradict either statement, but as far as we can judge they are both rather exaggerated. We never met Richardson in a ring but once, and that was during our novitiate. Richardson was in his prime, and we well remember he then call- ed himself about twenty-throe years of age ; we were turned of eighteen, therefore if he spoke correctly, he could not be more than forty-one at the time he won this prize. Richardson might be about five feet nine inches in height, and would weigh from thirteen to fourteen stones. Being a Wrestler of twenty-five years standing*, and for a long time open to any man, he has wrestled more, and gained a greater number of prizes, than any other man ever did. His favou- WRESTLIANA. 165 rite method was the inside, and he seems to have been (like Achilles) the most vulnerable in the heel. It was by catching his heel that Scott threw him two successive years, and by which J. Nicholson (brother to Tom) threw him at dif- ferent times ; and yet neither of them, though excellent Wrestlers, ought to have stood any chance with him. We are likewise well inform- ed, that in his casual trials with T. Nicholson, he not unfrequently barred that favour He finish off of that hero's, which was a kind of acknowledg- ment of his inferiority. We do not credit the assertions of his friends in regard to his being Tom's master, our opinion is, that he was not : and notwithstanding Tom was a stone the lighter man, the fact of his repeatedly throwing the very men who have thrown Richardson, as Row- antree, Harrison, and Lowden, and the great reasons there are to believe, that such men as his brother John, and Scott, could never have thrown him, justify us in asserting Tom was the better Wrestler, and more capable of wrestling through rings than Will was, although the latter was always considered a more pains-taking Wrestler. Many of Richardson's friends assert, and among them are some well qualified to judge, that he was the fairest stander, and best Wrestler of his time ; while those rather hostile to him, con- tend, that he was a sulky (which is tantamount to an unfair) stander, and was as much indebted to that, and his tremendous strength of arm, as to his science. For our part we have no reason to applaud or condemn ; we do not think any of our readers will deem us incapable of forming an opinion, and we assure them it is a free and un r prejudiced one. We have not the least doubt but that he was for a number, or even for one 166 WRESTLIANA. fall, a competent match for any man in the king- dom for very many years. For us to endeavour to particularize his conquests would be absurd ; and we have noticed his occasional defeats for the purpose of reflecting lustre on those who threw such a hero, and not by any means to de- tract from the great and well merited renown he universally possessed. We come now to the Keswick Wrestling in 1822. The first prize was won by John Liddle, of Blind Bothel, throwing at the last William Cass, of Loweswater ; and the second by Jona- than Watson, of Torpenhow. Weightman, who was the favourite, was thrown by Cass for the first prize, and Watson threw him the last fall for the second. Watson likewise threw J. Richard- son, T. Lock, J. Graham, and T. Tordiff. Wat- son had before thrown Weightman in the course of the year, at Micklethwaite, and W. Richard- son, at, or near Caldbeck : these conquests we think entitle him to rank very high as a Wrestler. He is about five feet eight inches high, and near thirteen stone weight; is considered an excellent ground Wrestler, and is by trade a shoemaker. Notwithstanding Watson gained the second prize, he was thrown in the first round for the first, by William Wilson, of Ambleside, undoubt- edly the best Wrestler Westmorland ever pro- duced ; and it is the confirmed opinion of very many whose judgment is entitled to every con- sideration, that at the time he won at Keswick, he was the master of any man in the kingdom. It is certain that upon that occasion Richardson had not the shadow of a chance with him, and the preceding year he gave a convincing proof of his powers by striking J. Laughlen down in such a manner as we are convinced no other man WRESTLIANA. 167 in the kingdom could hav don. When thrown by Weightman he was labouring under an asth- matic complaint, otherwise he ought to have been in his very prime. He stands near six feet four inches high, and weighed, when in good health, about fifteen stones. We come now to the consideration of the Car- lisle Wrestling in 1822. The first prize was won by W. Cass, and the second by John Weightman. As those who wrestled may yet be considered in possession of the ring, that circumstance must of course circumscribe our account of them. Cass is not far from six feet high, and weighs sixteen stones. The action he displays is an outside stroke with his left foot, but its fatality consists in the swing, or twist, with which it is accompanied, and his method of parting with his men. He was not much noticed previous to his throwing Weightman ; but in our opinion he will, and is the only man who ought to throw him again. Cass is equally as strong, full as heavy, and Weightman will find it difficult to improve his hold, and command him as he does all his other opponents. Cass certainly won very cleverly, and though we must admit he wrestled fortunate- ly through the ring, we think him the likeliest person to win again. The redoubted Weight- man is above six feet three inches high, and weighs upwards of fifteen stones. Weightman has certainly a very good natured, and indeed we might with truth say, a prepossessing appearance. The whole science he appears master of is the address he displays in the application of his tre- mendous strength in breaking his adversary's, and improving his own hold. He appears to be master of Liddle,and in the match bet ween him and Rich- ardson, the latter certainly had no chance with WRESTLIANA. him. Respecting his behaviour towards the spec- tators on that occasion, we will remark that there is a very material difference between wrestling a private match, and contending for a public prize. The latter is expressly for the amusement of the spectators-) and they have a right, as in a theatre, to express in a certain degree, their opi- nion of the conduct of the performers ; but with the former they have no right whatever, except- ing to preserve fair-play between the men ; and when it is well known that this was neither the second nor third instance in which matches with Richardson never were decided, we have room to infer that the fault in taking hold might not be all Weightman's. The grand question now is Is there one man in the present list who can throw him a main ? Our opinion is, if there be one, there are not two. John Laddie, the victor at Keswick, and from whom much was anticipa- ted at Carlisle, is upwards of fourteen stones, and about five feet ten inches high. It is scarce- ly fair to make lengthy remarks upon those who may again appear in the ring, therefore we shall only observe, that with one exception, there is no wrestler of, or under his own weight at pre- sent that can throw him. James Graham had for some time been labouring under a bad state of health, and in appearance, as well as pow- ers, had evidently declined. We likewise think that T. Richardson cannot be what he has been. As a hiper, he is certainly the quick- est and best on the list. He is taller, but not so. heavy as Lid die ; and though we do not think him a T. Nicholson, 1 yet very few at present are an equal match for him John Fearon, who threw Weightman at Carlisle, is about the same height, but heavier than that hero. The fame of WRESTLIANA. 109 Weightman was his principal inducement for entering that ring, and by throwing him he ac- complished his object. Respecting the contest between them, it was a bad one, and Weightman lost the fall at a time when he ought to have been pertain of winning it. John M'Laughlen, ike fourth stander on that occasion, is near six feet six inches high, and at present weighs about se- venteen stones. Had he been in practice and ta- ken more pains in procuring an equal hold, Weightman ought not to have thrown him ; as though not excelling in action, he is by no means deficient in science. Haying been some years married previous to his present settlement in Whitehaven as a publican, his practice must have been latterly very confined, otherwise he ought, and we think, would have been the present champion. Weight and age considered, no Wrestler more distinguished himself at Car- lisle than Robert Waters, the third stander. He appeared a little one, is a very young one, and gave most convincing proofs of his science and quickness the two great essentials which constitute a finished Wrestler, T. Todd, the last loser, is full five feet ten inches high, and weighs twelve stones and four pounds. Putting hearsay, out of the question, and giving our opi- nion of what we have personally witnessed., Todd is the best and most finished Wrestler we ever saw. He has not the power of Nicholson, but excepting him, we never saw a thirteen, nor is there at present any fourteen stone man, in our opinion, able to throw him the best of three, or five falls. The prize given for Lads afforde4 much amusement, and many of them displayed infinite science, and seemed quite at home in the The two last, though not the tallest, or 170 WRESTUANA. we heaviest, among the competitors, were both were told, above the age specified in the adver- tisement. In concluding this Treatise, we will briefly re- mark there are, and were, some excellent Wrest- lers in the eastern part of this county, with whose names and exploits we were too imper- fectly acquainted in proper time for noticing them. As for the present heroes, our circum- scribed limits, and the recollection that we have freely criticised the exploits of those only, who may be considered to have taken their leave of the rinfa will, we hope, prove a sufficient apolo- gy for our brief notice of them. Of the perform- ance itself, we will only observe, that the disad- vantages invariably connected with any origi- nal work must plead in extenuation of its most glaring defects. At any rate, it may serve as a kind of data, or landmark, to those who may feel disposed to sail in that tract, where its pre- cedence must be allowed to have broken the ice. ERRATA. Page 1 20, line 29, (in a few copies only) for attachments read achievements. Page 146, line 26, for William Richardson re&djohn Richardton. FINIS. to Whiteharen : Printed by R. Gibson, 26, King Street. 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