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The Rescue.
An Encyclopedic Handbook Defining Insurance
Terms and Describing Processes and
Materials Used in Mercantile and
Manufacturing Establishments,
and Their Fire Hazards
Author of First Illustrated Book of Schedule Rating
Members National Fire Protection Association
Price 15.00
Chicago Office 135 William Street
Insurance Exchange NEW YORK.
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Fire insurance literature is surfeited with technical nomen-
clature, therefore we have tried to follow the advice of Rus-
kin who said, "The greatest thing any living soul can do is
to see something clearly and tell it plainly."
In the last decade there have been more books written on
the subject of insurance than at any time since insurance has
been looked upon as a scientific problem. Most of the writ-
ings have been from the pens of men of long experience who
realized the necessity of committing to print their valuable
experiences for the benefit of the profession. These works
have been in the main of a highly technical character de-
signed for the use of experienced men, or at least for those
who have been engaged in the profession for some time and
to whom was denied the opportunity of getting the informa-
tion at first hand. There are numerous admirable text books
on any particular subject, but so written that only those who
have had some experience in the insurance business can fully
comprehend the terms and expressions that are in the
As far as we know, there is no one book which can be
called a ''primer" for the guidance of those entering our
business and who, from their inability to secure the prac-
tical elementary books for study, are handicapped at the start
of their career, and must needs spend many years of close
application before their advancement really begins. It is for
the benefit, primarily, of the young student who seeks the
rudimentary education, and to save the needless expenditure
of time at the start, which has been the lot of most insur-
ance men, that this book is presented. Our aim is to make
this volume a "ready reference handbook" for general use
of underwriters, inspectors, examiners, map clerks, counter-
men, storage clerks, schedule men, and others.
In inspection work particularly, the beginner is at a dis-
advantage in not knowing the names and purposes of the
various machines used, or the usual materials or processes
of any particular manufacture and is therefore unable to give
a "word picture" in his report.
The authors have endeavored to present features which
may be overlooked or forgotten by the experienced man, and
as far as possible have avoided technicalities. The chemical
terms mentioned are merely from a fire insurance standpoint,
so as to aid in determining whether or not a certain material
is hazardous. The brevity of some of the subjects is due to
the desire to cite only the necessary data, with the thought
in mind that any reader interested in any particular subject
can secure more detailed information from books on the
shelves of insurance libraries. At the present time there are
very few manufacturing processes about which nothing has
been written.
While strictly a fire insurance work, this book is intended
also for use of members of fire departments, fire prevention
bureaus, warehousemen, fire marshals, factory engineers and
others employed in the conservation of life and property.
Grateful acknowledgement is hereby given to all those who
have assisted us in writing this volume, especially Messrs.
Charles E. Jahne, Sinclair T. Skirrow, William J. Tallamy,
Thomas O. Gildersleeve, William Slavik and Walter Bladen.
The authors would appreciate being advised of any needed
corrections so that changes may be made in future editions,
C. C. D.
W. O. L.
(Mostly Drawn by the Authors)
The Rescue Frontispiece
Reviewing Building Plans 22
Steel Theater Curtain 25
Benzine and Gasolene Safety Cans 41
Shavings Vault and Blower System 46-47
Brew House '. 55
Brewery Cold Storage House 57
Chimney Construction 84
Communication Openings 101
Invisible Heat (Conflagration Hazard) 105
Dry Room 134
Preventing Drafts in Case of Fire 136
Furring ^ 160
Fire Loss Per Capita (Diagram) 173
Comparative Fire Losses by Countries 174
Floor Openings ....... >^ . ^\ 194
A Friendly Fire . . . v>C^'.^?v ■ 205
Gas Stoves 221
Brewery Malt and Kiln House 290
A Prolific Source of Fire Losses 293
Roof Space Openings 329
Cooking Ranges 371
Roof Spaces in Frame Rows 383
Furnace Feeder 398
Safety Waste Cans 416
Sprinkler Extinguishing Fire 417
Sprinkler Head in Operation 419
Sprinkler Supervisory System 434-435
Starch Buck 440
Protection to Steel and Iron Work ." 443
Model Theater (Section) 464
Ventilating and Light Shafts 486
Finis •••••.. 51}
'^Preventable fire is more than a private mis-
fortune. It is a public dereliction. At a time
like this of emergency and of manifest necessity
for the conservation of national resources, it is
more than ever a matter of deep and pressing
consequence that every means should be taken to
prevent this evil.'*
ABACA is Manila hemp.
ABANDONMENT CLAUSE— The standard policy states
that there shall be no abandonment, i. e., instead of the prop-
erty owner turning over what is left in the way of salvage
to the company and demanding a full payment of the policy,
he Is obliged to take care of all damaged property and pro-
tect It from further damage to the best of his ability until
an adjustment of the loss has been made.
nuisance to neighborhood unless located In outlying district.
The majority are large area, frame. Note if coal stove heat
in office or lounging room; refrigerating; casing making.
Casings for sausage are made from entrails, cooked, cleaned
and dried, and require a boiler for steam kettles.
ABRASIVE CUTTING Is performed by means of stones,
sand, emery dust, glass, carborundum and In some cases by
soft, friable Iron alone.
ABSORPTION SYSTEMS— See Refrigeration.
ACADEMIES OR COLLEGES— Usually of very large
area with unprotected floor openings including well holes,
the individual rooms enclosed In lath and plaster partitions
with sash doors. Common hazards are those of schools, i. e.,
heating, lighting, laundries, manual-training class rooms,
kitchens, pranks of students, repair shops. The moral hazard
Is that of private ownership, unprofitableness from poor se-
lection of location, inaccessibility, lack of transit facilities.
(See School Hazards.)
ACCESSIBILITY — In reporting out-of-town risks, it is
necessary to state whether the property can be easily reached
by fire department and the distance to nearest company, the
distance to nearest fire hydrant and alarm box, the condi-
tion of roads whether dirt, stone or other pavements, grade
of road, average hydrant pressure, open bridges or other
handicaps which bear on the chances of salvage. See Pro-
tected Risks; see Remote Risks.
ACCOMMODATION LINE— A line of insurance taken by
a company on a poor risk to accommodate a broker whose
volume of busines^ warrants the acceptance of an occasional
undesirable risk. This practice has been very much abused.
Brokers who have no prestige and very little "good" business,
are at times hard pressed or unable to properly cover risks
whose insurance they have solicited, and therefore "peddle"
the business out to large brokers on a percentage basis.
See Underwriting.
ACCRUED CHARGES— This insurance is to recompense
the warehouseman for charges which have accrued on goods
left in his charge.
ACETATE OF ETHYL— Is a clear, colorless, volatile
liquid of fragrant odor used in medicine and flavoring. Very
inflammable. Flash point about 40 degrees F.
ACETATE OF METHYL— Is a clear colorless liquid.
Highly inflammable. Flash point about 35 degrees F.
ACETATE — A salt formed by the union of acetic acid
with a base.
ACETENE— Highly combustible gas.
ACETIC ACID — A colorless liquid obtained from the dry
distillation of wood or from the oxidation of alcohol. Used
in the manufacture of dye stuffs, coal tar products and vari-
ous manufacturing processes. Not inflammable.
ACETIC ETHYL— Same as acetate of ethyl.
ACETONE — A colorless liquid consisting of 3 parts car-
bon, 3 parts hydrogen, 1 part oxygen. Obtained by dry dis-
tillation of wood. Used as solvent for nitro-cellulose in pro-
duction of lacquer, and celluloid cement. Highly inflamma-
ble. Flash point about 35 degrees F. (See volatile solvents.)
ACETYL CELLULOSE— Made from cellulose and acetic
anhydride. Analagous to nitro-cellulose. Used same as cel-
luloid. Not inflammable.
ACETYLENE— A farm of illuminating gas formed by the
action of calcium carbide and water, in which action the lime
leaves the carbon with the production of considerable heat
and becomes slaked lime, while the carbon unites with the
hydrogen and becomes acetylene. There is 12 times as much
carbon as hydrogen in it. Inflammable. See Calcium Car-
outside of insured buildings and not within five feet of any
opening thereto, nor should they be opened toward any ad-
jacent building, arLd must be kept under lock and key. The
dimensions of the generator house to be no greater than the
apparatus requires to allow convenient room for recharging
and inspection of parts. The house to be thoroughly venti-
lated and any artificial heating necessary to prevent freezing,
shall be steam or hot water systems. Generator houses not
to be used for the storage of calcium carbide except that
contained in the generator.
ACIDS should be kept well apart from other chemicals and
in many cases from each other. Fires are best fought with
water as organic substances will only feed the fire. Sand
and earth are not recommended for extinguishment.
ACID WORKS (Hydrochloric or Muriatic)— Note the
construction and arrangement of roasters and furnaces, glau-
ber salts dryers and nitric retorts; arrangement and method
of storing nitre and nitre bags; condensers; condition of
pyrites burners, glovers tower and Guy-Lusac tower; the
stills, mills for grinding nitre cakes, the elevator boot and
legs, the shafting, sulphur storage, reclaiming lead pans, seal-
ing and packing of carboys.
ACTORS — Lines on household furniture are not very at-
tractive, unless the applicant is personally known to the
broker as reliable and at the ''top of the ladder" in his pro-
fession. The value is mainly personal effects and wearing
apparel which must be constantly renewed. **tO keep in style."
As this becomes out-of-date, the moral hazard becomes per-
tinent. See Furnished Rooms.
ADJACENT— Near but not adjoining.
ADJOINING — Buildings are adjoining when they are
built against each other.
ADJUSTER — Merchandise losses present many angles to
the adjuster; they may be partial or total; there may be loss
by smoke to cast iron presses, or water damage to a water-
pump intended for pumping water out of a mine. Such claims
have been made and, unfortunately for the credit of the pro-
fession, have been allowed. Claims for smoke damage to
cigars in air-tight tin cans covered with wood, because of fire
2 or 3 doors away have also been allowed; claims for smoke
damage to various classes of stocks because of fire next door
or in the next block are so common that the merchant who
does not make a claim for smoke damage when there is a
fire anywhere in his neighborhood is looked upon by under-
writers as an oasis in the desert. Allowing loss on property
that does not show damage, and that is not damaged indi-
cates weakness in the adjuster, sometimes manifested in order
to get business, but more times because he has not the back-
bone to be fair to the insured and to the company, or because
he does not take pains to place the so-called damaged prop-
erty before the insured and insist upon the damage thereon
being shown. The adjuster must hail from the state where
"Show Me" is the slogan; the adjuster should be ignorant
and helpless; ignorant on values until shown, and helpless
because he is compelled to follow the contract made by the
company and the claimant. Probably not over one loss in
fifty on merchandise comes under the heading of a book loss;
the other forty-nine are damage or damage-claimed losses,
to be closed by examination of the property and agreement
on appraisement of the amount of loss thereon. In all cases
where the total loss on goods does not exceed, say 10
to 15 per cent of the stock, taking the claimant's ver-
bal statement of the amount of and class of goods in the
part of the building where the fire occurred, verifying his
story by the debris, agreeing on the amount of loss on the
total loss to the stock, and then fixing the loss on the dam-
aged goods by agreement or appraisal, is safer than settling
by the books. Where the loss must be adjusted by the books,
the inventory should be verified by the previous year's books
in order to detect any case of double entry or purchases
charged twice, or stuffing the inventory. This applies par-
ticularly to branch stores, or to stores doing a losing busi-
ness, where stuffing the inventory might be necessary to
maintain the character of the branch manager or the credit of
the concern. The net inventory, the purchases at net in-
voice, the per cent of freight on net invoice, makes up the
total to be accounted for at invoice and freight. The safe
cash and credit; the per cent of profit over invoice cost, and
all other transactions as noted in the statement of loss should
be ascertained and agreed on in writing by the adjuster and
the claimant before proceeding to find the net cost. Proofs
should not be made up for the total loss if there be any pend-
ing unsettled questions, as a claim for total loss can be ad-
mitted at any time. The adjuster's certificate on the proof
as to the amount of and honesty of the loss should be dis-
pensed with, as it is a bad feature if the claim be contested
because of acts or facts ascertained after the adjustment.
When the loss to the property is fixed, ownership, names of
owners, chattel mortgages, gasoline and other factors that
might throw more light on the loss should be inquired into
and reported with proof, but in cases where the policy is
voided by acts of the insured or others, and admitted by him,
the inquiry must stop. — Fireman's Fund Record.
See Valuation of Buildings, also Loss Adjustment; see
Proof of Loss.
ADMIRALTY METAL is an alloy of copper, zinc and tin.
Used in engine making.
ADVERTISING CONCERNS— Mild hazard, consisting of
artist's rooms where designs are drawn or painted, tube colors
being generally in use. Storage of plates and cuts (some very
expensive), patterns and mailing records. The latter may
form considerable of the value, and should be kept in dupli-
cate or in fire-proof cabinet.
ADVERTISING MATTER— Lines should be written cau-
tiously. Stock may be obsolete; very susceptible.
ADVERTISING NOVELTIES consist of cheap jewelry,
paper, metal or wood boxes, leather and celluloid goods.
woodworking, gluing, metal working, wiring wood parts to-
gether, covering planes and rudders with linen, varnishing
wood parts and propellers, coating fabrics with lacquer hav-
ing a cellulose base. Main hazards are storage and use of
large quantities of lacquer, woodworking, testing gasoline
motors, glue melting. Usually located in old buildings, large
open areas subjecting whole plant to one fire, and contents
very susceptible. A small amount of heat will render a ma-
chine valueless account of removing temper of guy wires,
braces and weakening framework and structure.
Dopes for Airplanes — Two classes of "dope" are now in
use, and the first class, comprising varnishes, consists essen-
tially of a solution of cellulose nitrate or pyroxylin, the sec-
ond class comprising the varnishes made by dissolving cellu-
lose acetate. According to a paper presented by Gustavue
J, Esselen, Jr., before the Northeast Section of the American
Chemical Society.
The great outstanding difference between the coatings given
by cellulose acetate and cellulose nitrate dopes is the in-
flammability of the latter, a difference which will probably
be emphasized more and more as the use of airplanes for
peaceful purposes increases. Cellulose acetate dopes leave a
non-inflammable finish. The relative behavior of the coat-
ings left by the two types of dope is well illustrated by the
fact that some "gasoline can be poured on the piece of fabric
coated with a good cellulose acetate dope and allowed to
burn, and the fabric does not ignite. The same test applied
to a pyroxlin-coated cloth results in the immediate ignition
of the coating, and in the very short space of time there is
nothing left of the fabric or coating but a puff of smoke.
AFFIDAVIT RISK— A risk on which the licensed com-
panies have all the insurance they care to write, therefore
it is necessary to secure insurance from unlicensed com-
panies, through brokers specially licensed for that purpose.
AFFINITY OF CHEMICALS— The phrase chemical at-
traction is sometimes used to denote affinity. It signifies a
tendency of different kinds of matter to unite with each other.
AFRICAN BLACK WOOD— A species of hard wood ex-
tensively used in making clarinets and fifes.-
AFTER DAMP (choke damp) mixture is carbon anhy-
dride and nitrogen resulting from explosion of fire damp.
AGAVA — A libre, native of Mexico, called "patent hair," a
substitute for horse hair.
AGENT' — The authorized representative of a company with
power to commit a company to liability, make endorsements,
collect premiums, sign policies and other similar duties. Re-
ceives an over-writing commission above the usual broker-'
age. May solicit insurance as a broker. See Broker. '''*
AGITATOR — A paddle or similar contrivance used to stir
or mix material in a kettle or tank while in process of man-
ufacture. -^ wiOHO^^i:-.
AIR-BRUSH — A sprayer operated under air pVes^iir^ for
spraying liquids.
AIR COMPRESSOR — An air pump worked under power
for delivering air under pressure for various purposes.
AIR SPACE — The intervention of an air space preventing
direct contact of combustible material with the heated body
is essential. This prevents the combustible material attain-
ing a dangerous temperature. One of the best known in-
sulators for either heat or cold.
AISLES — Should be maintained in all warehouses or risks
where bulk stock is kept to allow of easy access to all parts
of the floor in case of fire, and at windows so that a passer-
by could see the interior and so detect fire and also allow
firemen to enter building. Aisles should be 2 to 4 feet wide.
See Clear Space.
ALARM, AUTOMATIC— A thermostat placed on ceilings,
spaced about 10 feet. Heat expands a diaphragm which
causes an electrical circuit to send in an alarm to a central
station. See Central Stations.
ALARM, THERMOSTATIC— Alarms consist in brief of
two plates which are sensitized to heat, or a thermostatic
strip between two plates. A rise in temperature forces the
plates together, causing an electrical circuit which transmits
the' alarm. See Fire Alarm System; also Combination Red
Fire Alarm Box.
ALARM VALVE — Usually a part of a sprinkler system so
designed that when water flows through the sprinkler pipti
an alarm is transmitted to a central station or to the engine
room in the building. See Variable Pressure Alarm Valve.
ALCOHOL (ethyl or grain)— Distilled from grain. Flash
point about 61 degrees F. Denatured alcohol, flash point
about 55 degrees F. Methyl alcohol, inflammable, distilled
from wood, flash point about 60 degrees F. Wood alcohol
distilled from sawdust or wood particles. Flash point about
35 to 50 degrees F. Alcohols of different strengths give, off
inflammable vapors at different temperatures. Alcohol burns
with a pale blue flame because it is very rich in carbon. Can
be extinguished with water. See Wood Alcohol.
ALCOHOL DISTILLERIES— Distilling from high wines
and juices of fruits or grains. Setting of, and ventilation of
furnaces important. Stills to have plenty of ventilation. Stor-
age to be in separate building.
ALCOHOL RECLAIMING— Used alcohol placed in
steam heated mixing-tank with agitator, treated with fresh
alcohol and other ingredients and then distilled in steam ket-
tles, the. alcohol passing through various water-cooled recti-
fiers and then put in drums. Distilling apparatus should be
in well-ventilated buildings.
ALCOHOL (Solidified) is now put up in cube form
for cooking and heating. It can be used on a sheet of metal
or asbestos without a burner.
ALDEHYDES — Derived from sulphuric acid, alcohol and
bichromate of potash. Volatile and inflammable. It is the
intermediate product in the oxidation of an alcohol to an acid.
ALIEN — See Enemy Alien Clause.
ALIGNUM FIRE DOORS are a composition of raw
ground asbestos mixed with silicate of soda and placed be-
tween two sheet metal plates greased with paraffin to pre-
vent adherence. Wood strips about 2 inches square are
used to form the shape. Material is then placed in a hydrau-
lic steam press to compress the substance, and the heat drives
t.he moisture out. Wire mesh or screens are sometimes
placed in the mixture. Doors may or may not be metal cov-
ered. The only woodworking is the occasional cutting and
planing of wood strips to size. Class may be likened to a
general metal worker but susceptibility not so great. Mild
AtMg H0US£^S 15
painting hazard. Sometimes use small quantities of zapon
for giving a finished surface. Zapon is a highly inflammable
lacquer with a cellulose base.
ALKALI — A substance capable of combining with and
thereby neutralizing or counteracting acids.
ALKALOIDS are such substances as morphine, cocaine
and the like.
ALLOY — When metals are melted and mixed together
they form alloys.
ALMOND OIL is used in pharmacy for making emulsions
and ointments.
ALMOND PASTE manufacturing. Grinding and crush-
ing almonds, mixing and cooking in steam heated kettles
with glucose.
ALMS HOUSES — Correctional institutions and insane
asylums have a severe moral hazard due to the defective men-
talities and proclivities of the inmates, such as pyromaniacs,
which might take a vicious turn and set fire to the building
to escape therefrom. Usually of a large area, with open
shafts and well holes. Boiler house, kitchen, laundry, paint
and carpenter shops, also attics used for storage are impor-
tant hazards. See Asylums.
ALPHABETICAL LIST— A rating bureau booklet con-
taining charges to be added to the ''base rate" for goods in
storage stores. See Storage.
ALTERNATING CURRENT— Difference between direct
and alternating current: Direct current flows continually in
one direction; alternating current flows back and forth, con-
stantly changing direction around the circuit. A direct cur-
rent of same voltage is considered the more dangerous.
ALTERNATING (MOTION— Up or down, or backward
and forward, instead of revolving.
ALUM POTASSIUM (aluminum sulphate)— Can be used
as good fire-extinguishing agents.
ALUMINATES — Compounds of alumina with potassium
or sodium.
ALUMINUM — A white metal which melts about the fusing
point of zinc. In powdered form, burns readily. The manu-
facturing process is very hazardous.
ALUMINUM BRONZE POWDERS are of different de-
grees of fineness, the finer forms being extremely hazardous
on account of the ease with which they may become ignited.
Water when applied to the burning powder increases the
force of the flames and may create an explosion.
ALUMINUM PAINT— See Bronzing Liquids.
AMALGAM — A combination of any metal with mercury.
AMBER — A fossil resin. Inflammable. Highly electrical
when rubbed. Used extensively for pipe stems. Imitation
amber, may be celluloid or gum resins.
AMMETER, AMPEREMETER— An instrument for meas-
uring the quantity of electrical current flowing in a circuit.
AMMONIA is a compound of two gases, hydrogen and
nitrogen, one atom of nitrogen and three atoms of hydro-
gen; it is a gas at ordinary temperature and pressure. Chiefly
obtained as a by-product in the manufacture of illuminating
gas from the distillation of coal, and from the manufacture
of coke in by-product coke ovens.
AMMONIA GAS— Not inflammable. In case of fire the
heat will cause the gas to expand and cylinders to burst
(coils usually have lead joints which expand and prevent
rupture). Ammonia gas will kill almost instantly when a
fire breaks out where ammonia is used for refrigeration,
therefore no one will stay to fight it and the plant burns un-
less the firemen are equipped with helmets. In cold storage
risks, heat has been known to expand the cold air to such an
extent as to burst the walls of the building. It is soluble in
water, the solution commonly called aqua ammonia. See
AMMONIA HELMET as manufactured by American-La-
France Fire ^Engine Co., consists simply of a sturdy leather
helmet which is pulled over the head, and a tank which is
swung from the shoulder. By means of a flexible metallic
tube, pure air from the tank is passed to the interior of the
helmet, thus affording the wearer an ample supply of pure
air; simply opening a valve makes the outfit ready for action.
AMMONIA WATER— See Aqua Ammonia.
AMMONIUM CARBONATE— See Heat Liberation.
AMMONIUM NITRATE— See Heat Liberation.
AMMONIUM PICRATE— A crystalline powder of yellow
color, highly explosive.
AMMONIUM SALTS are volatile.
AMMONIUM SULPHATE— Derived from gas works;
principally used in fertilizer plants. Not considered
AMMUNITION — Not necessarily the same as munitions,
the former applying to explosives and the latter to supplies
of war.
AMMUNITION FACTORIES— Blending, dry houses and
loading of fuses are the most hazardous. Loading fuses, if
properly arranged, is not dangerous. Powder house drying
and blending-houses are seldom insured.
AMOLENE — A benzine substitute, classed as kerosene.
AMPERE — The electrical unit for measuring current, as
200 ampere. An ampere is that current which one volt will
force through one ohm of resistance.
AMYL ALCOHOL— Prepared from the residue of grain
alcohol distillation, known also as fusel oil.
AMYL ACETATE— Prepared by treating amyl alcohol
with acetate of lime in the presence of sulphuric acid and
distilling. A clear, colorless liquid, having an odor like
bananas. Used as a solvent for nitrocellulose. Flash point
65 to 70 degrees F. See Banana Oil.
AMYL ACETATE LACQUER (Pear Perfume) contains
celluloid in solution.
AMUSEMENT ENTERPRISES— Usually large area, light
frame construction in sparsely settled locations; season occu-
pancy only. Fires caused by cigarettes and matches. Bad
fire record.
AN-ffiSTHETICS — Volatile liquids (used to produce anes-
thesia), such as ether, chloroform, nitrous oxides.
ANGLE IRON — A bar of iron with cross section shaped
like the letter "L" or at an angle of 90 .degrees.
ANGOLA is a mixture of cotton and wool.
ANHYDRIDES— Compounds free from water. See Hy-
ANHYDROUS AMMONIA, by reason of its ability to
liquify under comparatively low pressure, is most generally
employed in refrigerating and ice making machines. It is
compressed liquid gas, non-combustible.
ANILINE is a product of coal tar produced by distillation.
Also prepared by reducing nitro-benzine with iron and hy-
drochloric acid.
ANILINE DYES— Process consists of cold mixing in
wooden tanks, boiling in steel tanks, kettles and retorts (some
under pressure), gas or steam heated. The raw materials are
aniline oil, napthalene, nitro-benzole, zinc dust, sodium
nitrate, sodium nitrite, nitric acid, fuming and concentrated
sulphuric acid, muriatic, hydrochloric and acetic acids, caus-
tic soda, sodium bisulphide, carbolic acid, dimethyl and
ethyl aniline, salt-petre, castor oil, barium peroxide, prussiate
of potash, bichromate of potash, red oil, hydrogen peroxide,
salts, etc. The first process is to make the intermediates
(use dimethyl and ethyl aniline and similar substances), or
base for dyes, and then to produce and precipitate the colors
themselves, followed by drying, grinding and mixing of
finished colors. Some of these chemicals are inflammable and
carelessness or accident will cause fire or explosion by com-
bining certain chemicals. Large quantities of chemicals, al-
cohol, acids and oxidizing agents are a source of danger.
In nitrosating, chemicals (usually dimethyl and diethyl ani-
line), are placed in wood tanks with water, ice and acids,
then treated with solution of sodium nitrite and acids, dried
in centrifugal extractors. ,
Autoclaves are used in manufacturing intermediate aniline
products such as dimethyl and ethyl aniline (a mixture of
aniline oil, alcohol and acids). They are steel retorts, asbes-
tos clad, heated by direct gas heat, under pressure, to about
350 deg. F., and developing and maintaining a pressure of
about 500 lbs. for several hours, the resulting product con-
tained therein and thus formed is treated with alkalies, re-
dissolved and washed. Autoclaves should have a relief valve
of one-half inch and vent and smoke pipes to outer air.
Color drying and grinding and alcohol reclaiming are se-
vere hazards. When grinding dry colors, fires are so fre-
quent that an employee is usually stationed 'at the grinder
with a hose or fire extinguisher. See Paste Colors. See
Color Works.
ANIMAL CHARCOAL (or Bone Black) consists of a
charcoal formed by the destructive distillation of bones. Non-
inflammable solid. See Charcoal.
ANIMAL OILS are divided into two classes — the first class
is prepared from the fat of land animals, while the second
class is derived from fish or some of the warm blooded ma-
rine animals. They are inflammable and would readily assist
a fire in a building, but are practically without the spon-
taneous combustion hazard. See Vegetable Oils.
ANIMI — A resinous gum used in varnish manufacturing.
ANNATTO — A yellow-red pigment, chiefly used in dyeing
ANNEALING — The heating and gradual cooling of metals,
glass, etc., for the purpose of removing brittleness or in-
creasing ductility. High temperatures required and setting
of furnaces important.
ANNEALING FURNACES (used in glass works), resem-
ble ordinary bakers' ovens, arranged in series of three or four
adjoining, and heated by gas flames. The hot glassware is
introduced by hand and removed from one oven to another,
each being heated at a reduced temperature to perfect an-
nealing without rupture.
ANTHRACENE— A product of the distillation of coal
found in the residual tar. Boiling point about 550 degrees F.
Anthracene is separated from the tar distillate by cooling and
freezing, and is finally purified by washings in naphtha. This
process should only be done in a detached building and there
should be no artificial light or heat therein.
ANTIMONY oxidizes when very hot. Its oxide is volatile.
ANTIMONY SULPHIDE, used in match heads, very in-
flammable and in burning gives off sulphur dioxide.
ANTIQUES — Usually consist of porcelains, furniture,
draperies, odds and ends of novelties. The collection of an-
tiques is usually a hobby and in the eyes of the owner, the
value increases in the event of a fire. Should not be insured
unless inventoried. Dealers in high class goods usually keep
die smaller and more valuable articles in a vault. Real an-
tiques cannot be replaced, and, like old wine, the value in-
creases with age. The moral hazard is important. Inspec-
tion and mercantile report required by most underwriters.
Antiques, so-called, are being made in factories devoted to
that purpose. See Art Galleries.
ANVIL MANUFACTURING— Hazards of machine shop,
foundry, pattern shop and storage. Large drop hammers are
sometimes used, and small fires may so affect them as to
warp the beds of the hammers and render them useless, ex-
cept as old iron.
ANVILS — The combustible floor, 4 feet all around, should
be protected against falling red-hot particles.
APARTMENT HOTEL— A hotel in which apartments are
rented in suites for a term usually not less than a month, in
which there are no kitchens, dining rooms or serving rooms,
but a common dining room. See Hotels.
APARTMENT HOUSE— A building occupied by three or
more families for dwelling purposes only. The "New Law"
apartments (of New York City), are much more desirable
risks than the old type in that the grade floor, and sometimes
the second floor, is of fire-proof construction; i. e., brick,
terra cotta, or concrete arches on steel beams, and the hall-
ways and dumb waiter shafts throughout are either brick,
terra cotta, or plaster block witth metal-covered (kalameined)
doors at openings. The exterior light courts are usually very
The old type of apartments are of the ordinary joisted
floor construction; the floor openings, such as stairways, vent
shafts and dumb waiter shafts, are of combustible material.
The exterior light courts are usually very small and have
ordinary windows facing the windows of adjoining buildings
in the row. Many fires have traveled from one building to
another through these exterior (or interior) shafts. See
APEX— A point in either chord of a truss where two web
members meet.
APOTHECARIES— See Drug Stores.
be made out and signed by the applicant. In common prac-
tice, an application is made verbally or the facts concerning
the proposed insurance are written in by the agent or coun-
terman. It should state the name, location, amount, date of
commencement and expiration, property covered, liens arid
encumbrances. See Binder.
sired to insure buildings held by trustees, executors, admin-
istrators or others acting in a fiduciary capacity on behalf
of minors or incompetents, a certified appraiser may be en-
gaged to fix the amount in advance so that the policies will
comply with the provisions of the co-insurance clause. Ap-
praisers' fees are usually as follows: Valuation $10,000 or un-
der, $10; $10,000 to $20,000, $1 per thousand; $20,000 to $100,-
000. $2 for first $20,000 and 50 cents per $1,000 in excess over
$20,000; $100,000 or over, $60 for first $100,000 and 25 cents
per $1,000 for the excess of $100,000.'
APRON= — A covering of timber or metal to protect a sur-
face against the action of water flowing over it. In theatres,
it is the portion of the stage floor which projects into the
auditorium. Also has many other meanings.
APPROVED — Signifies that the device used has the ap-
proval of the Board of Underwriters, and has been tested by
the Underwriters Laboratories. Such devices are always
AQUA AMMONIA — A clear colorless liquid consists of
ammonia gas dissolved in water. Non-hazardous.
AQUA FORTIS is the common name for nitric acid.
AQUA REGIA— See Nitro-Hydrochloric Acid.
ARBATINE — A paint thinner, similar to turpentine.
ARBOR— See Journal.
ARC — Made by electricity; is always productive of heat,
the intensity of which is dependent upon the voltage and
amount of current.
ARC LAMP — An electric lamp in which the light is pro-
duced by an electric arc formed by passing a current across
the space between two carbons. Open arc lamps should
never be used where explosives or inflammable vapors, dust
or light flyings are present.
•ARCADES— See Shooting Galleries.
ARCH, as used in building construction, is that portion of
a' floor between beams or girders; or an opening through a
ARCHITECT'S PLANS— Drawings, specifications and
blue prints take a higher rate than the office fixtures. Ben-
zine is used for cleaning smudge marks from tracings. The
Before any building is erected, the architect should have
a competent insurance engineer review the plans with a
double purpose in view: First, to make a building safer.
Second, to lower the insurance rate.
wise architect will submit the plans for his proposed build-
ing to an insurance rating expert before the work is started
so that he may obtain the lowest rate of insurance when the
structure is completed. See Plans.
ARCO SPOTZOFF— A cleaning fluid, flashes at ordinary
temperatures; classed as volatile, inflammable liquid.
AREA OF A BUILDING includes the thickness of the
walls. Floor area is the space inside of the walls excluding
partitions. The greater the area, the greater are the possi-
bilities of a fire spreading. Areas in excess of 5,000 feet are
usually penalized in rating schedules. Fire stops of brick or
concrete walls, 12 inches thick, with approved fire doors,
should be provided to decrease the area.
AREAWAYS — Fires are spread to basements by means of
poorly protected window openings. Pedestrians drop
cigarette butts and mischievous boys make fires in them.
Careless tenants use them for rubbish dumps. See Cellar
ARGOLS — The scrapings from the inside of wine casks,
from which cream of tartar is made.
ARMORED — A name sometimes used for reinforced con-
ARMORIES — The enormous area and height are the pre-
dominating poor features. The height and span of roof re-
quire exceptionally heavy walls and supports. Hazards of
careless smokers, armorers' shops, ammunition storage, paint
shops, stables, mild dance hall hazard and hospital. On Jan-
uary 17, 1917, the Second Regiment Armory at Albany burned
causing a nearly total loss. About 2,000,000 rounds of am-
munition exploded, impeding the progress of the firemen and
rendering fire fighting dangerous and difficult.
ARRIS — The sharp edge or ridge on stone or metal.
f ARSENALS usually contain a large amount of explosives.
The mixing and blending should be located away from ex-
posed buildings.
ARSENIC ACID— A white crystalline solid material, not
ARSENIC TRIOXIDE— See arsenious acid.
ARSENIOUS ACID— A white, solid matter not inflamma-
ARSON — The burning of property, usually spite work or
for revenge; malicious burning.
ART GALLERIES — Usually large open areas with open or
poorly protected floor openings and numerous well holes. The
contents, mainly paintings, bric-a-brac, and other easily dam-
aged articles. As a rule under careful management, but sub-
ject to severe loss in case of fire. See Antiques. .
ART GOODS — A delicate stock usually consisting of a
large proportion of fabrics both modern and old, which
usually prove a total loss in case of fire, except pure gold
or silver threaded goods, which can be smeltered and the
precious metal reclaimed. Pictures and bric-a-brac form a
large value.
ers and Feathers.
ASBESTIC — A composition mined in Canada containing a
large percentage of asbestos.
ASBESTIC PLASTER is made by mixing lime, putty,
freshly slaked lime, and a certain percentage of asbestos.
ASBESTOS— A mineral, both fibrous and crystalline. Can
be carded, spun and woven. Not afTected by acids. Three
general classes, amphibole, antophyllite and serpentine. The
first two are much alike and are silicates of lime, magnesia
and alumina (hornblend). The serpentine is a hydrated sili-
cate of magnesia.
ASBESTOS BOARDS— Used as lumber; are approximate-
ly 80 per cent, portland cement and 20 per cent, asbestos fibre,
moulded and pressed into sheets one-eighth inch to one inch
thick under hydraulic pressure. Can be worked with ma-
chine tools.
ASBESTOS GOODS— Such as paper, textiles, gaskets,
washers, curtains, shingles, boards, belt linings and electrical
goods. Processes are mixing, grinding, rolling, picking, card-
ing, weaving, spinning, drying with direct heat. Materials
used include benzine, japan, mineral oils, asphaltum, graphite,
wax, cotton and excelsior. Hazards include carpenter shop,
foundry, metal working, paper and textile machinery, print-
ing. In making roof paper use paper and cloth saturated
with asphalt, oil solutions, cement, and coated with rubber
solution thinned with benzine. In making tape and washers
do weaving and winding and treat with rubber cement, then
vulcanize. The foundry, mixing house for naphtha, rubber and
cement mixtures, the oil house, the benzine vault and japan-
ing room should be outside in separate enclosures. Drying,
picking, carding, can soldering and vulcanizing are also im-
portant hazards.
ASBESTOS INSULATORS— For pipe coverings and boiler
casings are composed of about 85 per cent carbonate of mag-
nesia and 15 per cent asbestos fibre. When applied at least
1 inch thick are very effective. Applied same as cement. Be-
sides its economic value, it decreases the degree of heat ra-
diated from a boiler or pipe. See Insulators.
ASBESTOS PAINT— See Fire Resisting Solutions.
curtain shall be composed of asbestos of long, tough, flexible
fibre, twisted and wrapped upon substantial brass wire thread
and woven into a close, even cloth, 3 feet wide. The strips
must be lapped not less than 1 inch and sewed with two
lines of asbestos and brass wire stitching. All strips shall be
in one continuous length the full height of the curtain.
There shall be at least 4 laps of the cloth at the top and at
the bottom of the curtain to form pockets for the top and
bottom bars, and the curtain shall be lapped on the sides to
form a continuous reinforcement for the guide clips.
The curtain shall be at least 36 inches wider than the pro-
scenium masonry opening, and at least 2 feet higher than the
highest point of the proscenium arch. It shall have wrought
iron or rolled steel top and bottom bars proportioned^ to size
to the width of the curtain, but not less than 1 inch by 2^^
inches. The top and bottom bars shall be connected by four
steel wire cables i% inches in diameter to support the weight
of the bottom bar.
The curtain must be supported by steel lifting cables, one
at each end and intermediate points not over 10 feet apart.
It shall be balanced by a counterweight only to such extent
that when it is tripped the descent will be made in 15 sec-
onds. The curtain must operate in guides bolted every 2
feet to the proscenium wall. All apparatus connected with
the curtain or its operation shall be of metal. All paint used
on the curtain must be incombustible. Underwriters' re-
quirements.) See Theatres.
ASBESTOS WOOD is made of short asbestos fibres.
ASCHE BUILDING FIRE (Triangle Waist), March 25,
1911, 23-29 Washington Place, New York City, 10-story fire-
proof, steel and cast iron skeleton construction, terra cotta
arches, ironwork protected with cement and tile. Fire sup-
posed to have been caused by cigarette or match dropped in
basket of clippings. The 145 lives lost due principally to
locked exit doors.
ASHES should be kept only in metal receptacles, the bot-
tom of which should be raised above the floor. Numerous
fires are caused by hot ashes in wooden or cardboard boxes.
ASHLAR — A wall facing of stone, usually of a granular
nature such as granite or marble. Easily damaged by direct
or radiated heat from an exposure fire resulting in consider-
able loss under building insurance policies.
ASPHALINE consists of bran impregnated with chlorate
of potash.
ASPHALT — A bituminous substance which probably owes
its origin to a vegetable matter which has been subjected to
a slow process of decomposition or decay resulting in the
production of a bituminous coal, from which, by volcanic
agency, the asphalt has been distilled and diffused over
neighboring districts.
ASPHALT WORKS— In most plants the asphalt is already
refined when received from the previous plant, then placed in
coal fired or steam kettles, then roughly mixed with cracked
stone and sand from steam heated rotary driers. Usually lo-
cated in old frame buildings outside of protection. This
class is not considered desirable insurance.
phaltum solution of benzine or other solvents.
ASSAYERS — Careful class of people. Ores are ground,
washed and valuable minerals extracted by dissolving same
in acid (heated) baths. The minerals are then reclaimed by
electricity and melted in annealing and smelting furnaces.
The laboratory and acid sections are the most hazard-
ASSETS are the funds, stocks, bonds or other resources
from which the company obtains funds to carry on the busi-
ness. See Liability of a Company.
ASSIGNEE — A person assigned by a court to take charge
of the affairs of an insolvent firm, to wind up an estate or
similar functions. See Trade Reports.
ASSIGNEE'S SALES STORES— Goods purchased at low
figures may be insured for much larger amounts. Should
only be written after careful inspection.
ASSURED, OR THE INSURED— The person mentioned
in the policy as the legal owner or custodian of property
set forth in the form of the policy.
ASTRAL OIL— See Mineral-Burning Oil.
ASTROGAL — A small moulding about semi-circular or
semi-elliptic and either plain or ornamented by carving.
ASYLUMS — Hazards of manual-training class rooms, work
shops, weaving raffia and dyeing same with aniline or ben-
zine-thinned colors, carpet weaving. See Alms Houses.
"ATE" — Chemical termination applied to certain salts.
ATOM — An indivisible particle. The smallest portion into
which an elemental substance can be divided.
ATTICS should be kept clean of rubbish or old furniture,
as the dry, unprotected wood is easily ignited and the fire
flashes quickly over the surface. In dwellings, usually the
dumping place for all kinds of trash. In frame rows, where
attics or roof spaces communicate, fires travel quickly from
one building to the entire row. See Roof Space, also Frame
ATTRITION MACHINES are high speed machines, re-
volving at 1,500 or more revolutions per minute. Consist of
two metal discs, separated by a narrow space and turning in
opposite directions, between which the material to be ground
is passed.
AUCTION STOCKS are of varying description, from dia-
monds and precious stones to second-hand clothing and fur-
niture. In the latter class, the premises are usually crowded,
untidy and have work shops for repairing and refinishing
goods. As a class, are not desirable.
AUTHORIZATIONS — Fire insurance companies have un-
derwriters or examiners to make authorizations on the risks
which they assume. Authorizations usually read so much on
building and so much on contents. Say an authorization is
$125,000 on building or $75,000 on contents, or three-fifths as
much contents as building being five-thirds as much building
as contents. In other words, if the line is $125,000 and a
$25,000 policy is written, the company is still open for $100,-
000 line on building, or three-fifths as much on the contents,
$60,000. See Reinsurance.
AUTOCLAVE— See Aniline Dyes.
AUTOGENOUS WELDING— Acetylene gas, blau gas or
hydrogen used. Two cylinders of 250 cubic feet of com-
pressed combustible gas or one day's supply permitted. Re-
serve cylinders of gas should be kept outside of building
sorne distance away. If inside, to be in vault of 8 inches of
brickwork or 4 inches of concrete, with approved fire door,
and ventilated to outer air. The National Board permits, at
one time, five cylinders to be kept, if necessary, in a double-
walled metal closet, ventilated, with fire door equivalent to
walls of the closet. See Blow Pipes, also Oxy-Acetylene
AUTOMAT— See Embroideries.
automatically by means of a device operated by heat.
future it is expected that the N. F. P. A. will require an
automatic door release in place of the present fusible links
in almost all cases. After exhaustive tests as to the relative
efificiency of the fusible links and a fire-door release, the
N. F. P. A. says:
"The rate of temperature rise device is very much more
sensitive to fire than the fusible link, and under the same
fire conditions will operate and release fire-doors far in ad-
vance of the fusible link,
"In the tests made, the rate of temperature rise device
operated in all cases in sufficient time to permit the doors
to close before there was any danger of fire passing through
the wall opening, while in only one case was it clear that
this was accomplished by a fusible link, and in this case the
margin of safety was slight. In two cases the fusible links
failed to operate, although the rate of temperature rise device
operated in 34 seconds and in 1 minute and 15 seconds, re-
spectively, in these tests.
**In the first and second tests, the rate of temperature ris<
device operated in approximately one-third of the time re
quired for the most sensitive fusible links, and in abou
one-fourth of the time required for the least sensitive of th«
fusible links.
"In the third and fourth tests, the rate of temperature ris(
device operated and the fusible links failed to operate.
"The tests indicate that under average normal condition!
in fairly still air an approved form of rate of temperature
rise device will probably operate in less than one minut<
when exposed to reasonably small freely burning fires severa
feet distant, and that 1^ minutes is a safe limit of per
formance under such conditions. The tests also indicate
that about double this, or 3 minutes, is a reasonable limita
tion for fusible links under the conditions mentioned."
The release is an approved device of a pneumatic compen
sating type, the mechanism consisting of one or more ai
chambers, a system of levers and a diaphragm mounted in ;
metal case. The release operates when the rate of tempera
ture increase is abnormal, as in fire conditions, or at the rat<
of 15 degrees or more a minute. The device will release ;
fire-door from an incipient fire 25 feet distant.
wagon builders or wheelwright shops. Hazards of wood an(
metal working include oily floors, varnish and paint hazard
celluloid for windshields, upholstering, picker for hair, gaso
lene in tanks of cars, gasoline for cleaning grease from part
which are to be painted.
AUTOMOBILE FIRES originating about the engine fron
back-fires, short circuits of electric wiring, overheate<
breaks, gasoline on fire in carburettor, etc., are hard to ex
tinguish. A quantity of oil on the engine or in drip pan feed
the fire. Water is of little value. Sand or dirt thrown oi
is better, but a carbon-tetra chloride (base) extinguisher i
best. See Back-fires in Automobiles, also Gasoline Spray fo
Automobiles and Oxygen Cleaning Process.
AUTOMOBILE TIRES— Many, when shipped from th
factory, are wrapped in a paper, the inner side of which ha
been treated with a water-proof solution. When the paper
is wet, the asphaltum composition adheres to the tire. Unless
it can be thoroughly removed with benzine, the tires are
classed as seconds. All tire stocks should be skidded.
cent clause is an "equalizer." It equalizes the payment for
indemnity and cost of same among property owners by com-
pelling the insured to become a co-insurer (as an individual
insurance company), when he fails to maintain the proper
percentage of insurance to value. It does not mean that a
company pays only 80 per cent of the amount of loss, but
it does mean that where there is a deficiency of insurance,
payment is made only in the ratio that the insurance bears
to 80 per cent of the actual or cash value of the property cov-
ered. The clause is inoperative when: 1 — The conditions
have been fulfilled; 2 — When the insurance exceeds 80 per
cent of value; 3 — When loss exceeds 80 per cent of value; 4 —
In case of total loss.
In case of total loss, the insured automatically becomes a
co-insurer when his insurance is less than the value of the
property. He can collect only the face value of his pol-
icies and must stand the balance of the loss himself. When
the loss exceeds 80 per cent of value, the company pays
policy in full.
The average clause was established for the purpose of
forming a uniform basis of value upon which rates could be
fixed without unfair discrimination against either the insur-
ance company or the insured. It has been demonstrated
that values would not be insured above 50 per cent were it
not for the co-insurance clause as the average loss seldom
exceeds that figure and the companies would thus be deprived
of an equal proportion of premiums. Furthermore, poor risks
are usually fully insured and losses o^ such property are paid
from premiums derived from good risks. From the side of
the insured, the justice of the average clause may be ex-
plained thus: Two building of $10,000 each are erected side
by side. One owner decides to insure for $2,500 at the rate
of 1 per cent and pays a premium of $25 with no co-insurance
required. His neighbor insures for $5,000, at rate of 1 per
cent, and pays $50 premium with no co-insurance. Fire oc-
curs and damages each building to the extent of $2,500, which
amount each owner collects. The person carrying the larger
policy has been discriminated against as his neighbor collects
100 per cent of insurance to his 50 per cent.
The 80 per cent clause is used where the actual or sound
value fluctuates; the 100 per cent, clause where the owner al-
ways knows the value of l;lie property.
Example, showing inequality of premium income and loss
payment, with and without co-insurance:
Ins. Co-in-
Value. carried. Rate. Premium, surance.
$10000 $2000 1% $20. none
10000 5000 1% 50. 80%
Example— 80 per cent, co-insurance clause:
Value of Ins. Ins. De-
property, required, carried. ficiency
$10000 $8000 $6000 $2000
$3000 or
1000 or
Example — 80 per cent, clause when loss exceeds 80 per cent, of value :.
Value of Ins. Ins. De- Co.
property, required. carried. ficiency Loss. pays.
$10000 $8000 $6000 $2000 $8500 $6000
See Appraisals; see Adjustments.
100 Per Cent. Clause — Means that the insured agrees
to carry insurance equal to the full value of the property cov-
ered. Similar to purchasing commodities, the company al-
lows a reduction of 10 per cent, in the rate where the clause
is attached to policies as an incentive to buy more insurance.
The benefit to the assured also lies in the fact that he can
carry 20 per cent, more insurance with but \2y2 per cent,
more premium outlay by virtue of the 10 per cent, rate
reduction. Thus:
1% -10
Example — 100 per cent, co-insurance clause :
Value of Ins. Ins. De- Co.
property, required. carried. ficiency Loss. pays.
$10000 $10000 $8000 $2000 $5000 $4000 or 8/lOths
Assured stands balance or 1000 or 2/lOths
AVERAGE RISK— The basis of all insurance, fire, life, ma-
rine, etc., is based on the law of average. In fire underwrit-
ing, the "line" is based on the average inherent physical con-
dition and hazards of each class of risk. A risk below aver-
age is one wherein the conditions surrounding it inject haz-
ards or conditions not found in the ordinary risk, and is above
average when the fire hazard is lessened by the absence of
any substance, process, etc., which may be classed as one of
the inherent hazards of the class. See Line.
AWNING MANUFACTURING— Cutting, sewing, pipe
cutting, threading, and painting are practically the only
AWNINGS — It is desirable, from a company's standpoint,
to leave this item out of the building form, as many fires are
caused by cigarettes and matches carelessly thrown from
windows onto the awnings. Forms usually limit the amount
of coverage to a nominal sum.
AXLE BOX— See Journal Box.
AXLE GREASE — Made from a mixture of heavy mineral
oil with soaps made from the saponification of rosin oil, oleic
acid, stearic acid with an alkaline metal and carbonate of
soda. Cheap grades made of grease graphite and heavy pe-
troleum oils. No boiling is required. Hazards are steam-
heated kettles, storage of grease and oily condition of
AZOTINE — A richly nitrogenous product soluble in water,
obtained by treating with superheated steam, fabrics contain-
ing wool and cotton. Used as a fertilizer.
Al METAL POLISH is not an approved benzine sub-
BACKING — The rough masonry of a wall faced with finer
BACK DRAUGHTS— The phenomena of "back draughts"
is the dread of fire fighters, for they never know at what mo-
ment they may be caught by one of these outbursts of flame.
A "back draught" is really an explosion. When there is not
a sufficient supply of air to produce complete combustion,
the combustible will give off, in addition to the products of
combustion, a gas which is combustible. This gas, when
mixed with air, becomes either a combustible or an ex-
plosive, according to the mixture. When the adjustment of
air and gas is a proper one, the resultant explosion is severe
enough to wreck the building. Such a "back draught" is
usually accompanied by a burst of flame.
the improper "timing" of the gasoline engine and by im-
proper adjustment of carburetor. A flame varying in length
shoots from the air suction of the carburetor. The distance
of the air suction pipe from the floor and from oil and waste
depends upon the size of the machine and whether it is of
horizontal or vertical type. See Gasoline Engines, also Auto-
mobile Fires.
BACK-PLASTERING— An extra coating of rough brown
plaster on lath between the outer sheathing and the inner or
finish plaster, thus securing two air spaces.
BAD FIRE RISKS— (Fireman's Fund Record.) Nice big
farmhouses from which the family have moved to town, leav-
ing them as camps for hired men, without watchful wives and
mothers to smell smoke and care for stoves, lamps and can-
dles. The hired men are careless, absent most of the time,
and fire occurs. See Moral Hazard.
BAFFLE PLATE— A metal shield placed midway be-
tween the burners of a gas stove and the stand on which it
rests. Baffles are used in some forms of condensers to
''baffle" the gas or liquid during a distillation process. There
are other similar usages.
BAGASSE BURNER— The furnace in which ''bagasse" or
waste sugar cane is burned.
BAGGING FACTORIES produce considerable lint, and
machinery and fixtures are usually coated with it. Main
hazard is fibre weaving. As a class, poor fire risks.
BAKERIES — In order of their hazards — pie, cake, bread,
biscuit, cracker, commission. Considerable grease is used in
pie and cake bakeries, hence the additional hazard. Commis-
sion bakers buy and sell but do no baking. The small
bakery is, as a rule, a more serious fire menace than the
larger. In large establishments more attention is given to
up-keep and care. Brick ovens (wood, coal or gas heated),
unless built under sidewalk or under fireproof ceiling, should
have plenty of space between top of oven and flooring or
roof above, and set on concrete or earth base. Chimney
should conform to Underwriters' rules. Setting of confec-
tioner's stove important. Gas plate for heating grease for
pans, and wood or metal closet in which is set a gas stove
for "proofing" cakes, are also found.
Portable gas heated ovens, as now installed, are usually
well arranged, but may be set too near combustible parti-
tions. The floor protection should be the same as for large
coal ranges or furnaces. See Matzoth Bakery.
BAKERS' SUPPLY DEALERS— Stock consists of baking
soda, lard, spices, sugar, jellies, shortening greases, flour,
pie fillings, machinery, pans and moulds used by bakers.
Making pie fillings and jellies, using essential oils, cologne
spirits, sesame oil, olive oil, bottling of extracts, heating of
kettles and bottling cotton-seed oil are usual hazards.
BAKING POWDER — Made of starch, phosphate of soda,
and bicarbonate of soda. In manufacture, hazards are sifting,
mixing, grinding, drying, paper or wood box-making, dust,
and label printing.
BALK, a large beam of lumber.
BALL-COCK — A cistern valve at one end of lever, at the
other end of which i^ ^ floating ball. The ball ris^s ?ind
falls with the water in the cistern and thus opens and shuts
the valve.
BALLOON FRAME— One of the poorest methods of con-
struction. The frame work is of light material, neither mor-
tised or tenoned, continuous spaces between studs from cel-
lar to garret which act as flues for a fire. "In this construc-
tion, the studs as well as the corner posts are carried from
the sills (i.e., the flat timber which lies along the top of
the foundation wall) continuously to the wall plate (usually
called plate) at the top of the wall, and the floor beams of
the second and third stories are carried by pieces, two by
six inches, called "ribbons," spiked securely to the studs.
They are stronger if let into the posts or studs. This type
of construction costs somewhat less than the braced frame.
If well braced with long struts and intcrties are strong
enough for all practical purposes; in fact it forms a rigid
structure." (How to Build a Home.) See Braced Frame.
BALSAMS — Are quite inflammable and have low melting
BANANA OIL — Prepared by acting upon amyl alcohol
with acetate of lime and sulphuric acid, and distilling same.
BANANA RIPENING risks. Usually in low, dark base-
ments with inferior tenants. Hazards consist of an abun-
dance of straw or salt hay, and gas radiators with rubber
tubes set among this combustible material.
BANK VAULTS or record vaults. The nature of con-
tents requires massive construction to resist fire, burglary,
building collapse or explosion. Ceiling to be 4 inches thicker
than walls, which should be built with air space between
inner and outer wall. Doors, usually an outer and inner door
with a sort of entry between which forms an air space. Doors
should be steel, lined with 6 inches of concrete where in
pairs, or 16 inches thick where single. All material should
be on skids or shelves, and sills raised to prevent water
damage. See Vaults.
BARBER SHOPS conducted by natives of southern
Europe have shown a surprisingly high loss ratio. The equip-
ment is subjected to considerable wear and tear, and there
is considerable incentive to sell old fixtures (especially if
Upholstered and out of date) to insurance companies. The
new enamelled fixtures are usually bought on installments.
As attractiveness is a valuable stock in trade, it is best to
decHne unattractive shops. Few companies care for this class.
BARBER SUPPLIES. Stock consists of perfumes, cos-
metics, soaps, brushes, cups. Soap making in a small way,
making and bottling perfumes. Use alcohol, essential oils,
vegetable oils and compounds of the same. Direct heat may
be used in heating oils or emulsions.
BARGE BOARDS— Boards nailed against the outer sur^
face of a wall along the slopes of a gable end of a house
to hide the rafters and to make a neat appearing job.
BARIUM NITRATE consists of a heavy white crystal-
line-salt. Classed as not dangerous, but combustible when
mixed with carbonaceous bodies.
BARIUM PEROXIDE, barium dioxide. Incjmbustiblc
alone, but when mixed with organic matter is dangerously
BARK, the exterior covering of the trunk and branches
of a tree. If piled near tannery or mill the hazard is prac-
tically that of the factory. If near railroad, the piles are
liable to be set on fire by locomotive sparks.
BARLEY in bags is said to be subject to spontaneous
BARREL (EMPTY) STOCKS— Underwriters should write
this class with caution. There have been more than one fire
of unexplained origin on the barrel dealers' premises, as many
barrels formerly contained oils, acids, chemicals, etc. Where
barrels formerly contained chlorate of potash there is danger
from spontaneous combustion on account of the wood being
impregnated with this substance.
BARREL STORAGE and re-coopering shops. Barrels,
empty or containing a small amount of alcohol, high proof
liquors, gasoline or benzine if left in yard where the jays
of the sun strike them will vaporize and cause fire if arti-
ficial light is brought in contact with the bung hole. The
height of piles and spacing are important. Usually frame
construction. Barrel heater important hazard. Also paint-
ing heads of barrels with benzine-thinned paint. See Coop-
BASEMENT SHOPS— Where work is of a manufacturing
nature it is not, as a general rule, considered a desirable
risk. The lack of floor space brings about untidiness and
make-shift heating devices. Swinging gas brackets frequently
found. Fires in this class are very numerous.
BATH HOUSES— Those located at seashore resorts
usually are of light frame construction and large area. Un-
safe gas brackets and temporary heating apparatus may be
found. As they are only "season" risks, considerable rub-
bish is liable to collect in open space under the flooring.
Watchmen in winter time liable to force the coal stove ana
cause overheating of smoke pipe or stove. Cigarette fall-
ing through cracks or space between floor boards is a com-
mon occurrence. The fire risk is considered poor.
BATTEN DOORS— See Fire Doors.
BATTENS, pieces of boards or scantling a few inches
wide, used to hold several lengths together.
BATTER — The sloping backward of a face of masonry.
BATTERY OF BOILERS— A group of boilers delivering
steam into a main pipe.
BATTERIES— Dry cell. Cells filled with salamoniac,
chloride of manganese, magnesium. Sealed with parafinc,
topped with pitch. May have celluloid cells sealed with
celluloid cement.
BATTERIES— Semi-dry as used in launches. The body
or cell is made of a dark, sandy mixture, finely divided, com-
posed of manganese, peroxide of hydrogen, graphite, retort
carbons, sodium, silicates and ores, mixed and pressed in
cylindrical forms. This is called ''depolarizing" mixture.
Forms then put in hollow zinc holder which has been .treated
with muriatic acid and mercury, and a thin coating of pitch
put in bottom of cylinder. Between the depolarizing filling
and the zinc shell is a small space filled with "exciting"
fluid made of ammonia chloride, zinc and calcium chlorides,
calcium oxide, glucose, starch and rye flour. Paraffine coat-
ing makes the cell air tight. Two glass tubes are inserted,
and remaining space filled with sawdust, then sealed with
pitch. The finished battery is dipped in asphaltum or lacquer
and paper wrapper glued on. Hazard of pitch and wax heat-
ing, excelsior and sawdust storage, dip process lacquering,
benzine for thinning asphaltum, glue heating, handling of
chemicals, oily floors.
BATTERIES (Storage)— The filling composition may con-
tain ether, amyl acetate, alcohol and chlorates. Celluloid
cells and celluloid cement, lead melting furnaces and blow
pipe work are chief hazards.
BATTING DROSS consists of fibre and resin formed by
filtration of melted resin through raw cotton. Not subject
to spontaneous combustion. Not classed as inflammable.
BAY CONSTRUCTION is the term used to denote the
absence of the ordinary small-sized beams in floor construc-
tion and is the space representing, the span between rows of
parallel beams or girders. Bays are sometimes panels, some-
times spans. Iri mill construction a bay is the distance be-
tween posts.
BEAM — Iron, wood, or other suitable substance. Usually
rests on girders at right angles, or on posts. Used to sup-
port floor loads or roof.
BEANS, if wet, and left in bags, will milldew and may be
confiscated by Health Department.
BEARING — The points of support of a beam, shaft, axle.
The "rest" or the block on which or against which a jour-
nal turns.
BEARING WALL— A wall which supports floor or roof
beams or girders.
BED MOULDINGS, ornamental mouldings on the lower
face of a projecting cornice.
BED PLATE— A large plate of iron laid as a foundation
for something to rest on.
hazard with dip process painting, lacquering or bronzing.
BEES- WAX— A solid wax of which the cells of the honey
comb are made. Melting point, 143-147 deg. F.
BEET VARNISH— Made from red beets soaked in spirits
of wine.
BELL-METAL — Copper and tin melted together. See
BELT BOXES, especially in cotton mills should be kept
scrupulously clean. Often found filled with dust and flyings
of cotton or wool, covering everything not in rapid motion.
BELT HOLES should be boxed, i.e., enclosed at each
floor to provide a minimum floor opening. See Boxing.
BELT MANUFACTURING— Many use a water-proof
cement composed of acetone and rubber cement with cellu^
loid and carbon bisulphide, or Viscol.
BELTING (COTTON)— Is made of woven cotton, and
waterproofed. If the belting is left in water for a few hours
the water will dissolve the dressing and render the belting
worthkss. After being wet, the belt will not run true on
pulleys, hence is unsalable.
BENTINE SPIRITS, approved benzine substitute.
Flashes at 103 deg. F.
BENZENE, obtained by fractional distillation from coal
tar. Colorless, volatile, inflammable. Solvent for fats and
gums. Derivatives used in medicines and dyestuflFs. See
BENZIDINE, made from nitro-benzine, alkali solution and
zinc dust. Similar to making sulphonic-acid. Used in dye-
BENZINE— Obtained by fractional distillation from
petroleum. Colorless, inflammable, volatile, consisting of
various hydro-carbons. Flash point from about 70-84 deg. F.
BENZINE SUBSTITUTES— See under Trade Names.
BENZOATE OF SODA— Toluol heated in Mott kettle,
then mixed with chlorine gas, making benzol chloride, then
nitrated. The crystals are then cleaned and dried. The re-
maining solution is treated with soda ash to complete action.
BENZOLE — Flash point 14 deg. F. Properties same as
benzene. Should be stored only in steel drums.
BENZOYL-CHLORIDE consists of a clear colorless
liquid. Not combustible, not classed as inflammable.
BENZOL-TRINITRO, high explosive.
BERENCO LACQUER is non-explosive. . Alcohol is used
as a thinner.
fO/Z^ THIS OS£ O/r
and oi^er yo/at//e o/jy,
trhtcA emit LAC£, rLUE
Af'O rLU£ /.l^tNdj ASH
Copyright, 1916. G. A. Ins. Co.
corbelling. Woodwork should not enter any part of a chim-
ney or cover the surface. Smokepipes should enter chimneys
horizontally. Chimneys should be cleaned once a year.
The main cause of chimney fires is the accumulation of
soot. Soot is nearly pure carbon and is easily fired by sparks
from a wood fire. If damp, will smoulder for hours and is
liable to ignite spontaneously. Fires are sometimes caused
by the house settling, and the weight of the wall resting on
the chimney causes the bricks to loosen, leaving cracks which
afiford a means of sparks communicating to woodwork. See
Bracket Chimney; also Wall Chimney.
CHIMNEY ON FIRE— When soot has been ignited by a
fire it can be extinguished by shutting all the doors of the
room, so as to prevent any current of air and then throwing
a few handfuls of common salt upon the fire in the grate or
in the stove. In burning the salt, muriatic acid gas is evofved,
which is a prompt extinguisher of fire.
CHIMNEY OF RADIAL BRICK— Built of perforated
radial bricks, varying in size, and made from refractory clay
of great heat resistive quality and crushing strength. Are
specially baked or burned and have a series of holes in them
to permit even burning. Laid up in cement mortar. The
walls are reinforced with steel bands. When built, their
perforations form a dead air space which prevents radiation.
Better workmanship and material is required to build a radial
brick chimney which adds to the safety of a plant.
is first sized with a varnish, part resin and part turps, by
hand brush. Design is then pasted on, pressed and washed
by hand with same material, then baked in kiln. Designs are
on paper with transfer paper called decalcomanie. See
CHINA OIL SILK — As a stock is very inflammable and
susceptible. Used for raincoats. Apparently use parafifine for
impregnating fabric.
CHINATOWN DWELLINGS— Fires are caused and
spread by swinging gas brackets igniting walls covered with
Chinese decorations, such as festooned paper, knick-knacks,
ornamental wood objects and prints, also ufisafe stoves.
CHINESE OIL — Used by varnishers on woodwork, ob-
tained from Chinese nut or berry. Inflammable. Subject to
pontaneous combustion.
CHINESE -RESTAURANTS are seldom insured on ac-
count of their fire record. They are cleaner than the general
run of restaurants. Very little frying is done, which reduces
the grease fire hazard.
CHINESE WAX — A solid wax deposited by insects on the
Chinese ash tree. Melting point about 180 deg. F.
CHINESE WOOD OIL (tung oil)— Prepared from the
nut of a Chinese tree. Substitute for linseed oil.
CHIROPODISTS— Usually occupy small places on an
upper floor. May have unsafe gas stove. Alcohol is used ex-
tensively. Salves may be made on premises and heated by
direct heat.
hazardous, owing to the quantity of oxygen which they evolve
when heated. Most of them can be detonated or exploded
when in contact with starch, sugar, gum, sweepings or dust,
or other organic matter, or sulphur and its compounds.
> Are apt to cause explosion by friction, concussion or high
temperature, and should be kept away from mineral acids,
carriers of oxygen, organic substances and sulphur. (W. D.
Grier in Crosby-Fiske Handbook of Fire Protection.)
CHLORATE OF ZINC— See Zinc Chlorate.
CHLORATE TABLETS contain potassium chlorate. Same
hazard as other chlorates in bulk.
CHLOR-BENZOL— Flash point about 90 deg. F.
CHLORIDE OF CALCIUM is muriate of lime.
CHLORIDE OF LIME is made by passing chlorine gas
into boxes of lead in which a quantity of slaked lime is laid
on shelves. Called bleaching powder.
CHLORIDE OF PHOSPHORUS, phosphorus trichlo-
ride, is a fuming colorless liquid. Acts strongly on organic
matter containing great heat.
gerous if accidentally brought into contact with an unlighted
phosphorus match.
chloride; of silicon is a colorless liquid fuming
strongly in air. Mixed with water it is decomposed, forming
hydrochloric acid.
CHLORIDE OF SODA— See Chloride of Lime.
CHLORIDE OF SODIUM is common salt.
CHLORIDE OF SULPHUR, sulphur chloride, is a cor-
rosive fuming liquid used as solvent for rubber in vulcan-
CHLORIDES — All the compounds of the gas chlorine are
called chlorides.
CHLORINE — A heavy, greenish, poisonous gas given off
in some processes of manufacture and by bleaching pow^der
and chloride of lime, especially in the presence of strong
acids. It is not inflammable, but may cause fire or explo-
sion if in contact with ammonia, turpentine or finely pow^-
dered metal. Good ventilation necessary where gas is gen-
erated. Used as a bleaching acid, supports combustion, has
a strong affinity for hydrogen, but little for carbon, burns
quickly giving off a white smoke. Can be made with two
parts dilute sulphuric acid and a trifle more of chloride of
lime or bleaching powder.
CHLORITES are chlorous acid compounds.
CHLOROFORM may be obtained by heating chloral with
potassium nitrate, or by distillating a mixture of alcohol,
water and bleachmg powder. Burns with a greenish flame.
CHOCOLATE is made by roasting and then removing the
outer shell of the cocoa bean and grinding the entire bean.
The ground substance is put through a process to reduce it
to a pulp.
CHORDS IN TRUSSES— The top member and the main
horizontal tie are often called chords.
CHROMATE OF ZINC is obtained by precipitating a
solution of sulphate of zinc with bichromate of potassium.
U-sed in pigment printing. Chromates are of themselves
harmless. When treated with sulphuric acid, they will ignite
organic matter.
CHROMATES — Compounds of chromic oxide with metals.
CHROMES — Vandyke browns, artificially, made from pig-
nts, sometimes contain lamp black.
Chrome Green or Brunswick Green — Made of prussian
blue and chrome yellow. Somewhat combustible from causes
such as a rise in temperature in a dryer or friction in grinder.
Chrome Yellow — Made from solution of potassium chro-
mate mixed with lead acetate, the chrome yellow being*
the precipitate (called lead chromate). Sometimes acids arc
Chromic Acid — A dye used in calico printing.
CHURCHES — Of ordinary construction, have a very bad
fire record. The trouble probably lies in the fact that they re-
main idle and without heat the greater part of the week and
then the fires are forced to their capacity so as to get ready
for services. Furring and concealed spaces play a large part
in spreading fires. To make the interior attractive, the walls,
recesses and pipe channels are furred out to make a smooth
interior, leaving in some places a concealed space of over a
foot in depth. This, and the numerous hot air or ventilating
pipes cause the fire to spread and soon reach the attic over
the hanging ceiling and burn off the roof, which in col-
lapsing tears down the walls and wrecks the interior. Vest-
ments, altars and statuary are very e:sj:pensive. Fixed marble
work and stained glass wifidows are insured with the build-
ing and may form considerable of the building value. Fires
have been caused from upsetting candles, defective wiring
and other common causes.
CHURCH OIL is rape oil or a combination of rape and
mineral oils. Used in church rituals.
CHURN DRILL — A long iron bar with a cutting end of
steel. Much used in quarrying.
CHUTE — An inclined slide, open or enclosed, used for con-
veying material from one level or floor to another floor level.
CIGARETTE MAKING— Inventions and improvements in
modern machinery render this process principally a mechan-
ical operation. An up-to-date plant has automatic cigarette
machine with hopper holding the tobacco and attachments
which grasp the required amount of tobacco, roll it, paste
it, clip the ends, count it. The paste used is cold, although
some makes of machines have a small gas flame which dries
the wrapper before it leaves the machine. The cork tip ma-
chine rolls a piece of cork around the cigarette and pastes it,
no heat used. Tobacco is blended in a revolving drum, en-
closed in a wood frame, moistened and dried in separate re-
volving cylinders. The cylinder is on an inclined axis and
delivers the tobacco to the cigarette machine. "Textile" dry-
ers, as used in v^oolen mills, are used for drying leaf to-
bacco. It consists of a very long traveling belt on which is
placed the tobacco, heated by steam coils and hot air blown
across steam coils, all enclosed in a wooden frame. Hazards
here are steam pipes and dust collecting on fans. The to-
bacco is ground in an all-iron machine with knife grinder and
should have magnet to catch metal particles. Cigarettes
spoiled in the making, are macerated in a mill, the tobacco
screened out and used again. Storage of tobacco should be
in a room with even temperature, so that it will not dete-
riorate. Paper box making and printing, making flour paste
in steam kettles, cleaning and dusting tobacco-drying rooms,
and use of bisulphide of carbon for exterminating vermin.
See Tobacco.
CIRCUIT BREAKER— An electrical device, manual or
automatic for interrupting completely the flow of current in
a circuit.
CIRCULAR SAW — A woodworking machine with the saw
in the center of a flat table or stand.
CITY LOTS— There are seventeen city lots, 25 by 100, in
an acre.
CITY MAIN OR RESERVOIR should be sufficient to
give twenty-five pounds pressure at a building. A pump con-
nected to city main should be capable of providing twenty-
five pounds pressure at top line of sprinklers. Sec Fire
CLAPBOARDS— Thin boards, thicker on on^ edge. Used
covering the walls of houses.
CLARIFYING— See Liquors.
CLAROLIN — A benzine substitute, classed as non-volatile.
CLAY is derived from a certain kind of rock called feld^
spar. When feldspar is exposed to the action of the ele-
tnts it crumbles slowly at the surface and the little par-
tides combine with a certain amount of water-forming clay.
CLAY OR LOAM— If in fine state, will, if suspended in
water, put out a fire quicker than pure water.
CLEANING COMPOUNDS— Usually contain gasoline or
other inflammable solvents. Use same care in handling as
with gasoline.
be vented to the outer air, or else provided with a standard
dust collecting system. Machines should be provided with
magnets to catch metallic substances.
CLEARANCE — The clear space or uninterrupted distance
between any heating apparatus or device to fixed woodwork
or other combustible material. Temporary obstructions are
not included.
CLEAR SPACE— Stock should not be placed nearer than
2 feet from the ceiling. If placed directly under the ceiling
it shuts off the possibility of hose streams reaching the goods
behind the same. In the case of sprinklered risks it ob-
structs the proper distribution of water. See Aisles.
CLIPPINGS — Cotton or woolen, if clean, are usually
classed as desirable insurance, but inspection should always
be made to determine if dirty rags or paper are received
along with the clean clippings. If sorting is done, the num-
ber of hands should be noted, also whether metal receptacles
are used under the screens for waste material. No gas lights
should be permitted over sorting tables. Clippings in tailor
shops should be kept in metal containers. See Rags.
CLOAKS AND SUITS— Busiest season, February, March
and April, and June to October. (See clothing manufactur-
CLOSED VESSELS that have been standing in a fire
should be left unopened until cool inside because vapors may
have been generated or contents undergone partial carbon-
ization and by admitting air an explosion may take place or
spontaneous ignition follow.
wire mesh or paper-covered tops so that in case of fire, the
water can easily wet down the contents. Closets for storage
of janitors' or porters* rags and supplies should be metal-
lined or fire-proof. Oily waste and rags, as usually found,
are likel}^ to cause spontaneous combustion.
pansion system using ethyl chloride for refrigerant. The lat-
ter is highly inflammable. Used in small units and at low
CLOTH SPONGING— Use high temperature live steam
rolls for shrinking and steaming. The goods are examined
by natural light, the cloth in bolts passing over drums or
frames. This class is usually found in congested districts of
the garment trade.
facturing. Poor fire record. See Sewing Tables.
CLOTHING ON FIRE— See Fire in Person's Clothing;
also Fireproofing Children's Clothing.
CLOTHING PRESSING— Many small shops now do con-
siderable power pressing by contract. Use small, but high
temperature, gas boiler for heating power-pressing machines.
These gas-heated boilers are usually poorly set and near
woodwork. An unattractive class. See Pressing Tables.
springs to take up vibrations so that lamp will not break or
become weakened. The main stem is broken with a flexible
connection, made at right angles and the projecting piece
supported by a spring which takes up the weight and jar.
The distance from a combustible ceiling should not be less
than 48 inches, unless protected with metal and asbestos
COAL — Anthracite is hard coal. Bituminous is soft. Lig-
nite and peat are forms of coal in transition state.
COAL GAS — Used for heating or illuminating; is made by
the destructive distillation of bituminous (or sometimes hard)
coal, in externally heated retorts, usually coke fuel is used.
The gas from the retorts passes through a standpipe, the
temperature being reduced by passing the gas through a
■Hyater or weak ammonia liquor seal into which is dipped the
standpipe. Condensed around cold water pipes. The tar and
ammonia is extracted, passing through a series of screens
under water pressure. It is then scrubbed to separate the
remaining ammonia and napthalene by passing the gas
through coke tower or through a horizontal scrubber in
which are shafts to which are fastened sticks of wood which
revolve in an ammonia solution. After oxide purification,
it is stored in gas holders. It is lighter than air and ascends
COAL GAS PRODUCERS— Pressure Systems— All pres-
sure systems must be located in a special building or build-
ings approved by inspection department having jurisdiction
for the purpose, at such distance from other buildings as not
to constitute an exposure thereto, except that approved pres-
sure systems without gasometer having a maximum capacity
not exceeding 250 horse-power and pressure in generator not
exceeding two pounds, may be located in the building, provid-
ed that the generator and all apparatus connected therewith
be located in a separate fireproof room, well-ventilated' to the
outside of the building; every communication, if any, to be
protected by an approved fire door. In all other respects
the apparatus must comply with the requirements for suction
Suction Systems — Approved suction gas-producers may
be located inside the building, provided the apparatus for
producing and preparing the gas is installed in a well-
ventilated room. At no time shall the internal pressure of
the producer be in excess of atmospheric pressure.
The smoke and vent pipe shall, where practicable, be car-
ried above the roof of the building in which the apparatus is
contained, and above adjoining buildings. When buildings
are too high to make this practicable the pipe shall end at
least 10 feet from any wall opening.
No smoke nor vent pipe shall be within 9 inches of any
woodwork or any wooden lath and plaster partition or
Where smoke and vent pipes pass through combustible
partitions they shall be guarded by galvanized iron venti-
lated thimbles at least 12 inches larger in diameter than the
pipes, or by galvanized iron thimbles built in at least 8
inches of brickwork or other incombustible material. They
shall not under any circumstances be connected into chim-
neys or flues, except that the pipe may pass up in flues used
for no other purpose. No smoke pipe shall pass through
any floor nor through a roof having wooden framework or
While the plant is not in operation the connection between
the generator and scrubber must be closed and the connec-
tion between the producer and vent pipe opened, so that
the products of combustion can pass into the open air.
This must be accomplished by means of a mechanical ar-
rangement which will prevent One operation without the
If illuminating or other pressure gas is used as an alterna-
tive supply, the connections must be so arranged as to make
the mixture of the two gases or the use of both at the
same time impossible.
If illuminating or other pressure gas is used as a supple-
mentary supply,- mixing of the two gases may be permitted
if a suitable device is provided to prevent the supplemental
gas from entering any part of the producer gas equipment,
including the scrubber or purifier.
The opening for admitting fuel shall be provided with
some charging device so that no considerable quantity of
air can be admitted, or gas escape, while charging.
(Extracts from N. F. P. A. recommendations.)
basements or cellars of tenements, the dealers being largely
a foreign element. Unsafe coal stoves, salamanders, kero-
sene oil lamps, swinging gas brackets and rubbish consti-
tute the features of this class.
COAL OIL— See Kerosene.
COAL POCKETS — Motors for conveyors usually become
fdusty, and sometimes sparks set explosive fires in coal dust.
Steam engines and boilers should be in s-eparate buildings.
Garage and stable hazard. These buildings are usually high,
shafty and open to all winds.
COAL, POWDERED— Used in Portland cement rotary
kilns, in boilers and brick kilns. Injected under air pressure
into a flame or fire and produces intense heat. Eliminates
the ash hazard as almost perfect combustion takes place.
COAL SHORTAGE— A n^ation-wide coal famine, such as
experienced during the winter of 1917-18 greatly increases
the fire hazard. In all classes of risks, dwellings, mercan-
tile or manufacturing, tenants endeavor to relieve the sit-
uation by using improvised and often unsafe heating appa-
ratus. Wood often replaces coal, but as it is more inflam-
mable and produces a more intense heat, overheated smoke
pipes and stoves result. Even salamanders with coal fuel
are used in loft buildings and kerosene oil stoves in garages.
Sprinkler equipments are rendered inoperative through
freezing. In such intense weather street cleaning depart-
ments are at a standstill. ■ The conveyances for carting refuse
become frozen with wet material and cannot be used, barges
become frozen and ice-bound and cannot be towed out to
sea and dumped, and men will not work. This condition
results in accumulations of refuse and rubbish and ashes in
cellars. Fire departments are handicapped by frozen hy-
drants, icy and slippery streets or roads and physical dis-
COAL, SOFT— Storage should be kept, if possible, well
away from the main buildings of the plant. Under no cir-
cumstances should it be piled up against a frame building.
If outside space will permit, the piles should be made
low and flat without cone effect (not higher than 12 feet)
and of large area, rather than of small area and piled high.
If wet coal is received, it should be dumped around the
edges of the pile, or in some location where the air can get
to it freely, and where large quantities of other coal will not
be packed on top of it.
COAL STOVES should set on metal which should extend
12 inches in front of stove. Where stock is apt to come in
contact, a metal shield enclosure should be provided. For
installation of temporary kerosene oil burners, see Kerosene
Burners. See Pot Stoves.
COAL TAR — Obtained during the distillation of coal in
DMixi«w COCOA rJM^zai ^
the manufacture of coal gas. Distillates are benzine yielded
at temperature of 85 deg. C, toluene at 111 deg. C, phenol,
cresol, napthalene and benzole between 150 and 210 deg. C.
COAL TAR DERIVATIVES— Coal tar, made directly
from coal or from crude mineral oil, can first be turned into
kerosene, benzine, naphtha, gasoline, refined tar or pitch.
From these oils are distilled toluol, phenol (carbolic acid),
pyridine, eresol, anthracene and other crude products for
use as dyes, explosives, disinfectants and medicines. By-
product ovens are now used in the manufacture of coal tar
derivatives instead of the old "beehive" coke ovens of the
^teel plants, which permitted the gas and tar from coal to
go to waste. The distilling process is hazardous.
COAMING — The raised curbing surrounding a floor open-
ing to prevent water from overflowing to a lower level. Also
called curbing.
COAT PAD MANUFACTURING— Use ordinary sewing
machines and power-cutting knives. Care and storage of
cotton padding important. Usually have considerable lint
around sewing machines and on floors. Not classed as de-
sirable insurance risks.
COBALT— A hard metal.
COBBLER'S WAX, lamp-black, negrosine, beeswax.
COCA-BOLA — A tropical hardwood used in making
clarinets, fifes and other similar instruments as a s\il?^tit>|t?,
for African black wood. :to00/^ OA/£AC^
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Copyright. 1916, G. A. Ins. Co.
COMPOUND (chemically) refers to a substance contain-
ing two or more elements chemically united in such a way
that the" properties of the compound substance bear no re-
semblance to those of any of its constituents/
COMPOUND — An expression used by underwriters to in-
dicate a risk having many manufacturing hazards under one
roof; usually a loft building.
COMPRESSED GAS CYWNDERS must not be exposed
to the rays of the sun or any heated body. All gases are
subject to the law that pressure increases uniformly with
the temperature where the volume remains the same.
COMPRESSION AND TENSION— If two opposite forces
are simultaneously imparted to a body in the same straight
line the stress is either compressive (when the forces act
towards each other) or tensile (when they act from each
COMPRESSION SYSTEM— See Refrigerating.
COMPRESSIVE STRESS tends to push the particles
closer together.
COMPROMISE "MILL"— A term used to express the
construction of a building which is below the standard of
"mill construction" and above the ordinary construction. The
timbers are of smaller dimensions than mill and the spans
are of less distance apart.
CONCRETE is a mixture of Portland cement, sand and
stone or cinders. In the Edison Phonograph Co. fire at West
Orange, N. J., in 1916, the concrete buildings showed su-
periority over alj other forms of fireproof construction.
Concrete partially injured by fire may set again and
become hard, if there is a gradual cooling off of the surface
and if no water is applied; but this result cannot always be
relied upon.
CONCRETE, CINDER— An excellent fire resistive ma-
terial for floor arches in fireproof construction, providing the
cinders are of uniform size, free from dirt and refuse and
contain not more than 15 per cent, of unburned coal. For
good work the cinders should be ground before the other
ingredients (sand and cement) are added. O^IMOD
CONCRETE-COVERED FLOORS— Numerous fires have
CONCRETE .:'Al 1«3
occurred under dry kilns and hotel or restaurant ranges which
have been built on concrete-covered wood floors laid with-
out air space, even though the concrete was three to twelve
inches thick. The continuous heat slowly reduces the wood
to charcoal and produces spontaneous combustion at a low
temperature. The same principle applies to the flooring
around anvils and forges due to the continuous dropping
of hot iron on wood. Metal-covered floors are necessary
at anvils and forges.
good domestic cement, one part clean, sharp, gritty sand
and five parts of best clean, coarse gravel, thoroughly
washed, or clean, broken stone (small enough to pass
through a 2-inch ring), the latter preferably. All to be by
measure, thoroughly mixed and water then added.
CONCRETE, REINFORCED— Reinforcement consists of
plain bars, bars with lugs, twisted bars, those having fins
or protrusions, woven wire fabric, expanded metal, per-
forated sheet metal. Aggregates used are rock, stone, gravel,
cinders, broken bricks or tile, slag. Buildings are erected in
yarious types of construction, columns of concrete, walls or
floor arches of concrete, or combinations of terra-cotta
arches, curtain walls, etc., with concrete supporting mem-
bers, or all concrete. Buildings of this latter character are
rigid, sanitary, durable, fireproof. They have disadvantages,
such as faulty design resulting in collapse or cannot be used
for intended purposes, careless workmanship resulting in in-
ferior construction; dishonesty on part of contractor result-
ing in small percentage of cement and therefore weakening
of structure; expensive to alter, owing to solidity of material
when once hardened; floors and walls apt to become "dusty"
due to drying of concrete which has too small a percentage
of cement as binder and too much sand, or materials of
poor quality or not thoroughly mixed. Building collapse or
failure due to removal of forms too quickly before the con-
crete haif 'feet properly; frozen concrete; overloading new
structures; electrolysis.
, CONDENSER — An apparatus for changing vapor into
liquid, usually a series of iron coils, cooled by running cold
CONDENSER, STEAM— A part of a steam plant in
which the steam, after doing its work by expansion in the
cylinders, is condensed by coming in contact with a jet of
cold water or with the outer surface of tubes in which cold
water circulates.
CONDUIT, RIGID — Sometimes known as galvanic duct
and loricated. A rigid steel pipe chemically treated for the
express purpose of providing a concealed method of running
electric wires from place to place and so confining these
wires as to prevent any fire resulting from short circuits.
CONDUIT SYSTEMS of electric wiring are far superior
to open work, for the reason that the wires are better pro-
tected against mechanical injury and also because novices
cannot very easily tamper with the installation.
CONES AND WAFERS— Made of flour, lard and sugar,
mixed and baked. Machinery consists of gas-heated moulds,
revolving automatic bakers and lard heaters. See Wafers
and Cones.
CONFECTIONERS— Have motor or gas engine or boiter
for power for ice-cream machine and ice cracker. Gas stoves
and gas candy warmers used in candy manufacturing should
be properly protected.
CONFECTIONERS' STOVE— A round iron or sheet
metal stove with open or removable top to accommodate
large kettles. Gas, coal or charcoal fuel.
CONFETTI is made of paper. The sheet paper is run
through a perforator. The process is not hazardous, but
the premises are usually filled with loose waste paper, pre-
senting a very untidy appearance.
CONFLAGRATION BLAST— If you light a match the
flame will mount so high. Light a second and a third match,
hold them beside the first and the flame will mount succes-
sively higher. Blow gently upon the flame and it will have
a steady striking range of an inch or more. Now, if you
have a quarter mile of buildings all afire at once, the uniting
flame from them will reach to a height corresponding to
the area of the fire, and correspondingly great must be its
Striking range. In San Francisco in the language of one of
the official reports: "Until the wind arose the heated col-
umn reached almost half a mile in height." (Arthur E. Mc-
Farlane.) See Flames.
First, that owners of existing buildings (defectively con-
structed), which are so located as to form conflagration
areas, be required to suitably protect roof, floors, party
walls, and exposed openings. Second, that automatic
sprinkler equipment with outside Siamese hose connections
and controlling valve near the main in the street be re-
quired in all buildings which by reason of their size, con-
struction or occupancy, singly or combined, might act as
conflagration breeders. (National Board of Fire Under-
CONFLAGRATION PROBLEM— Extracts from address
by Franklin H. Wentworth, Secretary, National Fire Protec-
tion Association, before the Newark Association of Credit
There is a way to solve this conflagration problem — not
absolutely, but at least relatively. You cannot be expected
to tear down your city and rebuild it of fire-resisting mate-
rial; or even to tear down enough buildings to allow broad
streets or parkways — by which open spaces, conflagrations
might be arrested. The cities must be protected as they
stand. What then can be done by you beside furnishing wa-
ter supplies and fire departments; keeping your eity free
from rubbish, and prohibiting forever and always the shingle
roof as if it were a public crime? I would suggest this plan:
In the heart of nearly every city there are streets crossing at
right angles, along which for a very considerable distance
are buildings of brick, stone or concrete. Looked at upon
the map this shows a more or less complete Maltese cross of
buildings which are not wooden, and v^hich operate to divide
the wooden-built district into quarter sections, and which
might hold a fire in any one of these sections if they were
equipped to do so. These brick and stone buildings are
ordinarily valueless as firestops, because their windows are
of thin glass and their window-frames of wood. At Chelsea
CONFLAGRATION^ ' ^ > r,-,, ^^^
the conflagration attacked such buildings easily, breaking
out the panes, consuming the frames and converting every
story of these brick structures into horizontal flues full of
combustible contents. Brick and stone buildings are logical
and capable firestops if the fire can be kept out of them.
If you will trace out your Maltese cross of such buildings
and equip them v^ith hollow metal window-frames and vvired
glass, you will immediately possess the equivalent of sub-
stantial fire walls crossing at right angles in the centre of
your city, dividing it into four sections. By such a simple,
inexpensive, but yet strategic procedure you may be able to
save your city from destruction which now awaits — only
the right kind of a fire on the right kind of a night. — Prank-
lin H. Wentworth. ^•i.-iw.
The prohibition of the shingle roof, which is now g^ti^ratly
recognized as a conflagration breeder, is today almost uni-
versal within city fire limits, and from the more enlightened
communities it is excluded altogether. Burning shingles can
be carried great distances by the wind or draught of a con-
flagration, and when they may alight in their turn upon other
dry shingles they make fearful havoc.
CONFLAGRATIONS— Double fire engine companies are
valuable in congested sections, the second' company being
available for second alarms or as a reserve to answer calls
to simultaneous fires in the same district, thus rendering
unnecessary the calling of apparatus from other districts.
CONGOLEUM is a form of linoleum in which a composi-
tion is used in place of cork. '^'."'/'^ " ' '
CONNECTING ROD— A piece which connects' a "crank
with something which moves or to which it gives motion
RISKS — According to some underwriters' bureau, if a cold
storage building contains a source of refrigeration, no clause
is necessary on the policies assuming consequential loss and
no additional charge is made in the rating. If the source of
refrigeration is derived from the outside, the policies must
either include or exclude the consequential loss by th'i.tise of
the following clauses:
Clause No. 1 excludes the consequential loss.
Clause No. 2 includes the consequential loss with an addi-
tional permit charge.
The insurance companies in order to avoid payment for a
consequential loss occasioned through partial or total dis-
ablement of a refrigerating plant (except when same is lo-
cated in the insured building) demand clause No. 1 on the
policy. If it is desired to cover against consequential loss,
clause No. 2 is attached and the premiuni\ advanced.
Up-to-date refrigeration plants should have "duplicate" re-
frigeration systems. Not long ago a fire broke out in the
cold storage stores, 2286-2298 Twelfth avenue, New York
City, which are equipped with a duplicate refrigeration sys-
tem. Only a very slight consequential loss was sustained
owing to the temperatures rising from 33 deg. F. to 51 deg. F.
The damage was greatest in the basement refrigerators, due
to the presence of the water on the floor, which quickly ab-
sorbed the cold air in the rooms, while on the upper floors
very little damage resulted, owing to the frost on the piping
and the insulation of the refrigerator walls, floors and
ceilings maintaining a sufficiently low temperature to prevent
serious damage until the auxiliary plant was put in opera-
tion. See Cold Storage.
CONSTANTINOPLE, a city characterized by uncleanli-
ness, the apotheosis of filth, the most fire-stricken city of
the world, has burned down ten times since 1792. It seems
unnecessary to state that over 50 per cent, of all fires are
caused by untidiness coupled with carelessness.
frame building is damaged more than one-half of the value,
exclusive of foundations, the building cannot be repaired or
rebuilt but must be torn down. To offset this, policies can
be written to include , liability for loss occasioned by the
operation of ordinances or laws requiring the replacement
of entire buildings in case of fire damage exceeding a
given percentage of value, the rate on such buildings being
double the regular fire rate. The endorsement should rpad:
*Tt is understood and agreed that the fire limit laws is one
of the hazards insured against loss." See Tax Lien Insur-
CONSTRUCTION— The difference between a frame build-
ing and one of ordinary brick is the walls. The difference
between a brick building and one of fireproof construction
is the floors.
CONTOUR, to follow closely, as for example, covering
the beams of a floor so completely as to cover all accessible
parts of the beam. Metal or asbestos generally used.
CONTRACTORS — Subway, tunnel or other underground
work. Usually occupy light temporary frame structures.
The heating and lighting arrangements are make-shifts.
Workmen have rooms where they smoke and have wooden
lockers for their clothing. These risks sometimes have
power plants with air compressors, large motors, switch-
boards, transformers, machine shops, oil and gasoline stor-
age sheds. Fire on January 28th, 1917, of the Degnon
Contracting Company was probably caused by spontaneous
combustion of oily overalls in wooden lockers. Fire swept
through entire plant, putting entire electrical apparatus out
of commission.
CONTRACTORS' STABLES are not considered as good
as ordinary stables, as they have a considerable amount of
shoring material, tackle, hoisting engines and paraphernalia.
CONVECTION— Property of matter controlling the rate
of transmission of heat, i.e., if a bar of iron is heated at one
end, the heat will be conducted rapidly to the other end,
whereas a rod of glass can be heated to melting point with-
out the opposite end becoming heated.
CONVENTS are classed same as boarding-schools. See
goods in the "gray" or unfinished state and dyes or other-
wise conditions them into finished goods.
ing) usually have an auxiliary supply tank of about five
gallons capacity. They should be ten feet from burners and
have overflow pipe draining back to main supply; also a
vent pipe. These equipments introduce an additional hazard,
and care must be exercised in their maintenance. Only ap-
proved apparatus should be installed. Burners must have an
overflow pipe arranged to draw off any excess oil by gravity
to a reservoir. No dampers to be used in smoke pipe be-
tween burner and chimney. All parts must be kept clean
and the apparatus not used when not in proper order. Un-
less installed rigidly in a fixed place the handling is apt' to
loosen joints and fittings.
COOPERAGES are shops for assembling staves, hoops,
heads and bottoms, producing barrels and pails. Regular
wood-working hazard; also use direct fire heat, or in some
cases steam for bending, shaping and setting the parts. This
class should be written cautiously. Second-hand (recooper-
ing) considered very undesirable by most underwriters. See
Barrel Storage.
COP — The top or head of a thing. The conical roll of
thread formed on the spindle of a spinning machine.
COP YARN (used for weaving cloth) — A loose-twisted
thread of cotton, silk, wool or mixture.
, COPING — The flat stones, iron or terra-cotta tile placed
on top of a wall to protect it from the weather.
COPPER — A metal of red color which does not tarnish
or oxidize easily.
COPRA — The dried, broken kernel of the cocoanut after
it is split and ready for shipment.
CORBEL — A bracket usually of brick, consisting of sev-
eral courses built out from the face of a wall usually for a
chimney support.
CORDAGE— See Fibre.
CORDEAU DETONANT is a fuse consisting of a thin-
walled lead tube filled with trinitoluol.
CORDITE — A form of gun cotton. Very explosive.
CORDUROY is not easily damaged by clean water pro-
viding the material is a good grade. The cheaper grades are
coated with a gummy substance and do not allow much sal-
vage if thoroughly wet.
CORE — Anything serving as a mould around which some-
thing else is to be formed.
CORE OVENS are usually constructed of brick with per-
forated metal floors and are either heated by hard coal fires,
fuel oil or gas. Flasks should never be placed (if of wood),
on top of the ovens. The fire record shows 15.3 per cent, of
foundry fires are traceable to core ovens. The heating of
the ovens in drying the cores, which are sometimes mixed
with a molasses compound, drives off a heavy smoke which
causes a black, sticky deposit to form on the vent pipe or
stack. See Foundries.
CORK — The bark of a tree. Pieces are soaked in water,
pressed flat, dried and baled. It burns with dense smoke.
Cork is bleached with oxalic acid or chloride of lime.
CORK (Agglomerated Cork), known as Silax, li^lsd' '^or
cork discs. Ground cork is placed in ordinary bread-mixef
and mixed with boiled solution of albumen and glycerine.
bales, ground in high-speed knife grinders, the dust removed
in separators and then mixed in steam-heated mixers with
pitch (mixers resemble dough-mixers), then cooked in steam
cookers and cooled in iron air-cooled moulds. The edges
are trimmed with saws and sometimes planed smooth.
Ordinary cork board is made from ground cork
with no other ingredients. The natural resin in the cork is
sufficient as binder when drawn out by heat. (about 500 deg.
F.). The cork is fed from a steam box through blower
system to hydraulic presses of iron construction and passed
on endless conveyor to a bake oven, a' long affair of brick
walls heated by coal, producer gas or coke, similar in ap-
pearance to a lehr in a glass works. Cork grinding is the
greatest hazard in cork works. The cork should be
screened and have magnets attached to screens or hoppers
to attract foreign substances as the high-speed machines
cause sparks and ignite the dust. After grinding, it is
bagged and sold. Grinding should always be done in fire-
proof cut-off sections or in detached buildings properly
vented. The mills produce heat through friction and are
preferably water-cooled. They should be of iron construc-
tion and have banking devices under the rollers similar to a
malt mill in a brewery. A dusty process; requires vapor-
proof electric light globes and good ventilation. See Bottle
CORK CEMENT— Chiefly crude shellac and wood alcohol
and cork.
CORK DRYERS or ovens are of high temperature, and
fire heat may ignite edges of cork blocks being dried.
CORK DUST is said to be subject to spontaneous combus-
tion if moist. Cork dust is of explosive character when in
suspension mixed with proper amount of air.
CORK LEATHER is powdered cork and india-rubber.
CORK PUTTY— Asphalt, cork and heavy oil.
CORK VARNISH, used extensively to protect the inte-
rior of ships from undue humidity due to sudden changes, is
made of a mixture of ground cork mixed with litharge and
copal and other similar substances.
CORK WORKS— See Cork Boards.
CORN CURE, made by some druggists by dissolving
scrap celluloid with acetone.
CORNER BUILDINGS, from an underwriting standpoint,
are more desirable than buildings in rows, as a fire can
always be fought from at least tw^o sides.
CORNICE — The ornamental projection at the eaves of a
building or at the top of a pier.
CORNICES and cornice bulkheads should not be continu-
ous. At least a six-inch open space must be obtained between
properties adjoining. Fires have been known to travel across
fronts of rows in this manner and not be discovered until it
has broken out in some remote place.
CORNSTALKS are now being used in paper-making.
CORRODED PIPES— See Gas Explosion.
CORRUGATED IRON on wood stud is considered prac-
tically the same as frame construction.
two sets of steam-heated corrugated iron rollers through
which the paper is run after being glued at a glue tank.
CORSETS, especially of cheap grade, will not give much
salvage if wet on account of the steel frames, which rust very
quickly. Better grades of corsets offer good salvage, pro-
viding they are dried immediately. Foreign-made corsets
are generally embroidered and specially designed, hence a
greater water damage is looked for in this class. Where
bone stays are used instead of steel stays, the salvage is
CORSET STAY (Description of)— Steel ribbon (corset
steel) is coated by a squeeze process (similar to rubber
coating of electric wires) with a composition similar to py-
roxylin (celluloid). This is applied in two coats. The pyroxy-
lin is evidently of a different composition from that usually
manufactured, as some composition other than camphor is
mixed with the nitro-cellulose. This composition on being
tested shows that same will disintegrate without flame upon
moderate heating, showing a strong similarity to pyroxylin in
this particular. This composition is highly inflammable, and
the ignition point is apparently very low.
COSMOS— A fibre from flax and hemp.
COST PRICE— See Sound Value.
COTTON, once ignited, is capable of maintaining smolder-
ing combustion for a number of days. Baled cotton often
ignites from friction in center of bale and will not flame at
surface for several weeks after so igniting. Not believed to
be subject to spontaneous combustion See Boll Weevil.
COTTON BATTING MILLS— Raw stock is mill waste
and sweepings from cotton mills. Pickers, cards, lappers,
garnetts, constitute the machinery used. A poor fire-record
COTTON— DIPPING COTTON— A secret, non-inflamma-
ble process is now on the market which, it is claimed, will
eliminate the hazard of fires in this class. One of the rail-
roads has decided to have all cotton dipped which travels
over their roads, so that the same can be placed on open
flat cars. A recent experiment; a flat car loaded with cotton,
traveled nearly 100 miles without a fire resulting, although
the car containing the cotton was next to the engine. Ship-
ping cotton on flat cars witt release many freight cars for
other commodities, and by fireproofing it, a large sum of
money will be saved annually.
COTTON GINS — The processes usually divided into three
sections, the warehousing of the cotton containing the seeds
(seed cotton), the gin-room proper, where the separation is
made, and the lint pressed into bales, and the warehousing
of the seed after the lint has been removed. Most gin fires
are caused by hot bearings, cotton wrapped around the rapid-
ly revolving brush shafts and cotton clogged at the end of
brush drums. Underwriters write this class warily.
CPTTON MILLS— The cotton is taken from the store-
house to the opening room, where the ties are removed and
the bales pulled apart, sometimes by hand, at other times by
machinery. The cotton is then blown in the picker room,
usually by an approved system sirriilar to the blowers in a
wood-working plant. The machines in the picker room are
known as breakers, intermediate and finisher tappers. They
consist of a cylindrical metal box, inside of which is a steel
shaft, to which are attached arms which beat the cbtton to
a loose, fluffy state, all foreign material going to the bottom
of the enclosure. The cotton is delivered through a slit in
one side of the box in the form of a sheet, and is then rolled
around a steel rod in a roll known as a lap. After leaving
the picker room, the cotton goes to the cards. This process
consists of passing the cotton between rapidly revolving cyl-
inders covered with wire teeth to straighten out the cotton
fibres and lay them parallel to one another. The remaining
process of drawing, slubbing, speeding, spinning and weaving
are merely preparatory processes and present little, if any,
fire hazard. The main hazard in a cotton mill is the picking.
COTTON-PICKER FIRES are commonly attributed to
"foreign" substances in the stock. This foreign substance is
supposed to be stones, pieces of metal and matches. Sta-
tistics show that there are more picker fires in the winter
time than in summer, and more in "dog days'* than in May,
June or October. Some believe the humidity of the picker
room itself has something to do with it. When the relative
humidity of the picker room is below 25 degrees the cotton
may become so dry that it is readily ignited by a small
spark, and when it is above 80 degrees, cotton becomes so
limp that it winds up and packs on moving parts of pickers,
thereby causing fires. It is claimed that a part of these fires
could be prevented by avoiding both extremes of humidity in
the picker room. See Humidity a Factor in Cotton Picker
Fires, Vol. 9, N. F. P. A., April, 1916.)
OK • ' COtTdN PIERS lii'
Cotton piers— sprinklers are absolutely necessary to
prevent "flash fires" spreading over the surfaces of baled cot-
ton. In May, 1916, a fire started in about 1,200 bales of cot-
ton stored on one of the Bush Terminal piers, Brooklyn.
Sixty-five heads operated and held the fire in check until the
arrival of the fire department. A few hours later fire was dis-
covered in a cotton warehouse about half a mile away. The
fire department would have been severely taxed with two
cotton fires at one time had the pier and warehouse not been
sprinklered. ■rtalotiaoiioi^^r-
A great many fires afe c^'iis^d "by matches being dropped
oil piers and docks by careless workmen, and fires are started
by the friction of moving the bales. Such a fire is liable to
smoulder for several days before it is discovered, by which
time it has had the opportunity to spread, so that its extin-
guishment is a difficult task. There is never any surety that
a cotton fire is out until every piece of each bale has been
han<^ IritO
cup-shaped pieces and tubes.) The machines used are sim-
.ilar to huge stamping presses. The thick plate of steel is
placed on the bed of the press and a plunger, by repeated
thrusts, makes an indentation which enlarges as the process
proceeds and eventually presses out a cup-shape piece. These
machines are called ''reducing" or "drawing presses." Each
press, has a different sized plunger, the largest plunger being
used first. After each reducing process, the steel is heated
in a rotary annealing furnace before it is placed in the next
press. When the tube is finally drawn out, it is washed in a
rust-proof solution, and threaded to receive the nut. Heavy
machine-shop hazard.
DRESSMAKING— Usually locate in dwellings without
salesrooms or show rooms and the owner lives on the prem-
ises. Called "parlor shops." Sewing and pressing on small
scale. If under five hands working, without show room, and
if owner lives on premises no extra rate is charged for this
occupancy by some rating boards.
DRESS PATTERNS (paper)— If kept in cardboard boxes
in the open may be counted on to suffer a bad loss from
smoke and water. They are usually made of the cheapest
grade of tissue paper, and should always be kept in metal
cabinets. In dry goods and notion stores they form consid-
erable of the value. A full set of dress patterns as sold by
m.ost large dress pattern firms is worth $250-$300, and are
kept in pigeon-holed cabinets with open fronts. See Patterns.
DRIP CUPS should be placed on all shafting, gearing and
sewing machines to catch oily drips. They are usually made
cup-shape of cast-iron. Drip pans are necessary under spig-
ots of oil and paint barrels in paint stores.
DRIP VALVES on sprinkler equipments must be sealed
shut. They are used for draining the pipes.
DROP FORCINGS — Forgings whose shape is impressed
upon them by dies on which a heavy weight is allowed to fall.
DRUGS AND CHEMICALS— The present European war
has caused a scarcity of certain chemicals and drugs hitherto
imported. As a result, local concerns have hurriedly erected
small plants for the manufacture of such goods. These
equipments are for the most part built for temporary use and
.their crudity and lack of stability makes them unsafe. See
i^hjemistry; also Chemicals.
DRUG STORES (retail)— Usual drugs and chemicals in
small quantities. May bottle benzine, gasoline or alcohol, or
make ointments and salves by direct fire heat (grease haz-
ard). Basements should be inspected on account of packing
material, empty boxes, surplus stock and untidiness.
DRUGS (wholesale) — Risks of this class not only carry
large quantities of dangerous drugs and chemicals, but they
may also do the following work: Drug grinding in stone or
steel mills, cutting, compounding, separating, bolting, sifting,
mixing, drying and packing. All combustibles should be kept
in an underground vault, cut off from the main building by
standard fire doors. Drugs and chemicals such as ether,
nitric acid, chlorate of potash, etc., should not be packed
in the same box or in close proximity to each other, as a
sudden jar, sufficient to break the bottles, may cause an
explosion. Some of the causes of fires, according to fire
reports, are spontaneous combustion in barrel of powdered
charcoal, explosion in chlorate of potash storage closet,
explosions of carboys containing nitric acid and barium diox-
ide, explosion in barrel of tar, fires in or near grinding and
pulverizing machines probably due to friction of foreign sub-
stances or grinding, substances containing phosphorus, igni-
tion of inflammable vapors in compounding room. Fires in
this class are extremely dangerous because the action of radi-
ated heat or the application of water in contact with certain
chemicals, will cause fires or explosions of chemicals which of
themselves would not be dangerous otherwise. Phosphorus
should be stored under water outside of main building. (J.
Younes.) See Chemicals.
DRUID ROOF is cotton duck soaked in paraffine, borax
and sulphate of magnesia, then painted with a composition
of liquid asphaltum, soapstone and graphite. Said to be both
water and fireproof.
DRUMMOND LIGHT, made by causing the burning gases,
hydrogen and oxygen, to strike against a piece of lime. The
lime becomes intensely heated and shines with a dazzling
paphtha process). Always a dangerous exposure. Buildings
should be detached from surrounding properties, the greater
the distance the better. Entire construction should be fire-
proof; no basements; and areas as small as possible. Dry-
rooms should be cut off from main buildings and cleaning
rooms, and only steam heat used. Steam pipes should have
screens of wire mesh to prevent goods coming in contact
with them. Racks for clothing should be iron. Entrance to
washing room should be from outside only. Perforated pipes
or steam jets are recommended for extinguishing fires in
these rooms; the control valve located outside of building
and easily accessible. Ventilators should be near floor as
the vapor falls, being heavier than air; vents to be about 10
inches by six inches with wire mesh screens. Distilling ap-
paratus for reclaiming dirty liquids is usually located in
cleaning room. Centrifugal extractors for drying washed
goods generate electricity through rapid motion, and a spark
is liable to explode the vapor in the machine. Naphtha and
benzine to be stored underground as per requirements. See
Dyeing and Cleaning.
DRY COLORS— See Aniline Dyes; also Color Works.
DRY DISTILLATION— Heating without access to air, in
closed receptacle.
DRY DOCKS — Fires have been caused by shavings and
portable furnaces, soldering devices, oakum storage, paint-
ing and spontaneous combustion of oakum and oily waste.
DRY KILNS — The most common causes of fires are over-
heating, faulty construction and uncleanliness. The intense
heat fosters the fire when started. An efficient steam jet is
the best fire extinguisher. Modern kilns are made of con-
crete with tile roofs. See Kilning.
buildings where the water is liable to freeze sprinklers are in-
stalled "dry pipe," i. e., instead of water the piping contains
air under pressure which holds shut an automatic water-con-
trol valve. This valve opens and admits water into the pipes
when the pressure is weakened by the escape of air through
sprinklers opened by fire. Test of, in Fireproof Cold
Storage. Test number one was made with the circulating
refrigeration system in full operation ancj started with an in-
itial temperature on the floor of approximately 30 deg. F.
The first sprinkler head operated 17^ minutes after the light-
ing of the first pan of alcohol. Alcohol pans were lighted in
succession every 30 seconds. Test number two was made with
the circulating system completely cut off by starting with in-
itial temperature of 30 deg. F. The first sprinkler head oper-
ated 15 minutes after lighting of the first pan. Extracted
from detail report made by E. S. Clayton, March 19, 1913.
See Sprinklers (Dry Pipes). See Dry Valves.
encouraged. They are inferior to water or chemicals. Com-
posed of about 85 per cent, bicarbonate soda and 15 per cent,
iron oxide, silica, starch, fuller's earth, Venetian red; yellow
ochre is added to prevent caking. Will cake in damp places
and powder may lose its strength. They are, however, bet-
ter than frozen water pails in unheated buildings. See
Chemical Extinguishers.
DRY ROOMS should be of all-metal design and steam-
heated. Wood dry rooms, even if lined with lock-jointed
metal, are not approved. See illustration on page 134.
DRY ROT — Decay in such portions of the timber of houses
as are exposed to dampness. The best preventive is creosote.
DRY VALVES — Attached to sprinkler systems in buildings
without heat. Ten pounds of air is sufficient to hold back
sixty pounds of water, but most engineers have the air-gauge
show 25 pounds of air to be positively safe.
DRYERS — Usually made of soaps composed of lead and
manganese in some form or other, usually as the linoleate or
the resinate. They are needed in all paints. It is assumed
that they exert no chemical action, but attract oxygen from
the air by virtue of their presence. May contain volatile oils.
(See Japan Dryers.)
DRYING OILS — The chief one is linseed oil, derived from
flaxseed. Subject to spontaneous combustion, especially if
mixed with organic matter.
DUALIN — A foreign make of nitroglycerine. Explosive.
DUMBWAITER DOORS in the basement of apartment
houses are usually blocked open or tied open so as not to in-
convenience the errand boy delivering orders. Boys stand
at these shafts and smoke. The bottoms of shafts are some-
times filled with waste paper and rubbish even in the "high-
class" apartment houses. Sometimes large wooden packing
/irrtr n csut. a«»j;j,
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SFlCtALLf HAZA/iOOUS e^y/fOOA fJ JW2JID H/it^£ ySP/f/A/^lSff ojC^
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mreRiALZ-Aw^fi co/vcAer£ o/^ S/ai/la/Z MA4s . FCfi y£^r(Jeea6oye)
Copyright, 1915. G. A. Ins. Co.
boxes filled with paper adjoin these shafts. 'Tire patrol" re-
ports show numerous lires from these causes. Dumbwaiter
shafts should be of terra-cotta, concrete, common brick or
plaster block with labeled self-closing fire doors at all open-
ings. See Shafts.
especially on water fronts, are littered with debris and rub-
bish scattered all around, and underneath piers and docks in
the vicinity. All such piers should be enclosed from low-
water line to pier floor, so as to prevent waste floating under-
neath. Many fires at these places.
DUPLICATING CARVER— The work is clamped to
frames in a similar position to pattern or model, and by a
parallel motion a blank tool and small cutters are made to
pass simultaneously over the outline and surface of the pat-
tern. Machine parts rotate 5,000 to 15,000 a minute and heat
up. See Spindle Carver.
DURABOLD, a waterproofing compound. Flash 110 deg.
F. Classed as non-volatile.
DUST — Accumulations of dust on bearings of machinery
cause undue friction and numerous fires. Fires flash along
dust-covered shelves or woodwork. The presence of much
dust denotes poor housekeeping. Ordinary dust, such as
found in offices, office buildings and schools, consists of hu-
man hair or hair from soft hats, wool and cotton from cloth-
ing, sand and dirt tracked into building, wings from dead
flies, paper, iron from nails in shoes, carbon from coal smoke,
salt from perspiration. The presence of bacteria in dust,
aside from the fire hazard, is the reason boards of health and
labor departments demand proper ventilation.
The most hazardous, the most easily ignited and the most
explosive dusts are sugar, dextrine, starch and cocoa. Almost
any finely divided material will explode if mixed with air in
the proper proportion and ignited — dust of coal, soot, grain,
bronze powder, celluloid, lycopodium, dust from buff wheels.
Where dust is produced in any process, proper ventilation
with blowers to conduct the dust from the machines to a safe
place should be provided, and if the dust is of an explosive
character, explosion vents (small boxes or openings provided
with covers kept in place with spring hinges) should be pro-
vided on the conveying pipes. As with sugar dust, there is
often sufficient violence in explosions to wreck buildings
where the quantity of suspended dust is sufficient to explode.
See Fly.
DUSTLESS DUSTERS— Principally flannel saturated with
linseed oil and paraffine. Subject to spontaneous combustion.
DWELLINGS — There are more fires in dwellings than in
any other class of risk. Were it not for the millions of them
insured they would not be written at current rates. Although
many lives are at stake, building and fire departments and
insurance companies give less supervision to them either
In case of fire, close every door you pass through on your
way out of a burning building. In this manner the oxygen
necessary for combustion is reduced to a minimum.
before or after completion or occupancy than to other classes
of buildings. There are more defects of common hazards in
the ordinary dwelling than in the owner's factory. The ten-
ants are, through familiarity, blind or indifferent to the need
of fire prevention. As winter approaches fires are started in
• OMITiaWH . I>YE WOOD jITDaqgUi 1^7
Stoves or furnaces with no thought of the need of cleaning
chimneys of birds* nests or soot, replacing rusted smoke
pipes, protection under stoves or the 'general condition. Un-
safe gas jets, which are penalized ten cents in nearly all
rate schedules of factories, are numerous in dwellings and
cause many fires. See Apartment Houses,
Palatial Country Houses (Journal of Commerce, Nov. 27,
1916), owing to the lack of fire protection, open country and
the high values contained therein, are now looked upon by
^underwriters as business to be avoided if possible.
DWELLINGS (fireproof) — Rating Bureau Requirements.
All floor openings leading from the basement to the upper
floors must be cut off in the basement by brick, terra cotta
or concrete shafts at least four inches thick with solid kala-
mein or kalamein and wired glass doors; also kalamein trim.
If there is a continuous shaft from basement to upper floors,
the former must be cut off in similar manner. Large air
ducts used in indirect heating systems need no cut off, unless
they have openings in the basement, in which case automatic
dampers must be installed. Elevator dcum and motor room
must be cut off in a standard manneriP.IjA '
DYE can be made from the roots, leaves and stalks of net-
tles. Used in woolen stuffs.
DYE WOOD — Extracted from logwood and fustic. Fires
are sometimes caused from the union of chemicals used.
Where stock is kept, especially in ground or powdered form,
even small fires usually results in severe losses owing to
water making the colors run. An unprofitable class.
DYE WOODS, such as logwood, are prepared for extract-
ing by first cutting the logs in small pieces the size of
kindling wood. These are put in an all-iron knife grinder,
revolving at about 950 r.p.m., then ground finer in corrugated
iron roller machine, revolving at about 1,100 r.p.m., which
reduces the wood to finely divided particles ready for the
steam vats. Hazards of high-speed grinders, high-tension
electric currents, transformer. See Logwood.
DYE WORKS— See Bleach, Dye and Print Works.
sists of revolving washing drums using soap and water,
centrifugal extractors, dye tubs and kettles, drying rooms,
gas or electric pressing irons, gas-heated crimpers (or steam),
mangles and finishing. Materials used are chloroform (for
removing spots) alcohol, benzine, acetic acid, sulphuric acid,
ammonia, oxalic acid, sal-soda, glycerine, neatsfoot oil, per-
oxide of hydrogen and blue stone. See Dry Cleaning.
DYERS, as a mordaunt, use thin solution of nitrate of
iron and water for loading green cotton goods. See Dry
Cleaning and Dyeing.
DYNAMITE — A high explosive formed by mixing nitro-
glycerine with an absorbent material to form a plastic solid.
Frozen Dynamite should never be used. Most high ex-
plosives freeze at temperatures between 45 and 50 deg. F.,
and when frozen will explode only imperfectly or not at all.
When frozen it is thawed out before being used. See Ex-
DYNAMITING BUILDINGS to check the path of a
large or sweeping fire is seldom employed in the city, al-
though more or less explosives have been used for this
purpose in all conflagrations.
DYNAMO CLAUSE— See Electrically-driven Machinery.
DYNAMOS — See Electrically-driven Machinery.
EAGLE SOLVENT— A benzine substitute, classed as non-
EARNED PREMIUM— That portion of the premium rep-
resenting the length of time the company has assumed lia-
bility; the premium for the length of time the policy has
been in force, and retained by the company in case of can-
cellation. See Premium.
EARTH OIL is petroleum.
EAVES — The edge of a roof which overhangs a wall.
It is designed to carry off the water without flowing down
the side of the wall.
ECCENTRIC — A circular plate or pulley surrounded by
a loose ring and attached to a revolving shaft and moving
around with it but not having the same center, for pro-
ducing an alternate motion.
EDGED TOOLS— See Instruments.
EDGE-RUNNERS— See Chasers.
EFFECTIVE LOAD— The effective span in feet multi-
plied by the weight of the distributed load per foot run.
EGG DEALERS — Hazards of candling eggs and pack-
ing material. See Candling.
EGGS — If eggs are thoroughly wet while in storage they
are liable to become spoiled in a short time. Water re-
moves from the shell of the egg a gelatinous covering which
helps to keep air and germs out of the inside of the egg.
See Candling; see Consequential Loss.
EJOO— Called Indian hemp, a black fibre.
ELECTRICITY, properly installed, is the safest kind of
light. Repairs or extensions should be made only by ex-
perts. Regular examination is necessary to detect defects.
Amateurs are responsible for many of the electric wire
fires. Electric power is safer than other forms because all
the power is transmitted through stationary wires and not
rapidly moving belts or shafting which have friction gear-
ing, overheated bearings and which necessitate floor open-
When repairing or altering, all old wires or "dead ends"
should be removed as they are apt to become charged and
cause fire.
A large percentage of the so-called "unknown cause" fires
are directly traceable to poor insulation, poor wiring, over-
loading wires without proper fuses, or poor installation of
motors. Overfusing is a common happening. Direct cur-
rent (brush motors) should be carefully protected from
dust. Induction motors, while not subject to this dust
hazard, should be very carefully wired because the hazards
from currents are greater than at brush motors.
Among the conductors are metals, charcoal, animal fluids,
water, vegetable and animal bodies, flame, smoke and vapor.
Among the non-conductors (called insulators) are rust, oils,
phosphorus, lime, chalk, rubber, camphor, marble, porcelain,
dry gases and air, wool, silk, glass, transparent stones, wax
and amber. Some of these become conductors when wet.
Defective insulation, such as wires hung on nails, is apt
to cause short circuits through abrasion or the wearing off
of insulation, the arc setting fire to surroundings. Conduits
are the best form of wiring. Wires strung loosely are dan-
gerous, and apt to become damaged. Water in leaky con-
duits and wires in contact with dampness, such as under-
ground wires, causes blowouts.
ELECTRIC ARC— The intensely bright arc produced be-
tween two carbon points in air, when a current of electricity
passes from one to the other across a gap.
ELECTRIC DEVICES— The National Board states that
30,000 fires a year are caused by carelessness in using elec-
tric devices. A new form of peril is coming into prominence
as a cause of much destruction, and its fires are so directly
associated with carelessness that it has been deemed neces-
sary to issue a special warning. Because of their convenience
small electric devices, such as pressing irons, curling irons,
toasters, electric pads or blankets, electric plate warmers and
electric sterilizers or heaters, are now to be found in nearly
every community. If these were used with proper care the
danger would be negligible; but, unfortunately, a proportion
of their users do not realize the peril of leaving them in cir-
cuit when not in use. In such cases these devices tend to
become overheated, whereupon they are liable to set fire to
anything combustible with which they come in xontact.
Most of these fires are small, but the aggregate loss is large,
and occasional instances show extensive damage, as in the
case of the $350,000 fire in a Boston residence. This was
traced to an electric plate-warmer in the butler's pantry.
Fires of this class furnish a special peril to life, being most
frequent in dwellings, and often breaking out in the night.
A characteristic example is that in which an electric press-
ing iron is left upon the ironing board with the current
turned on and then forgotten. In such a case the fire may
not occur until some hours later. It is safe to say that
most of these fires are entirely preventible and can be charged
to nothing but carelessness on the part of the user. Various
safety devices have been added by certain of the manufac-
turers of these articles, and among them are some that are
fairly effective, but there is one absolute precaution which
should be borne in mind at all times by every user, namely,
that of shutting off the current when not personally and
continuously supervising its use. See Electric Iron.
ELECTRIC HAZARD— In the eyes of the underwriter it
is a question of heat and not light. Heat is caused by wires
carrying too great a current; therefore it is necessary to find
out if wires are overloaded or provided with proper fuses.
ELECTRIC IRON — An electric iron in use in Dayton,
Ohio, was left on a table and burned its way through the
table, through the flooring, then through a joist that sup-
ported the flooring and was found dangling by its wire in
the room below without firing the building. They should
have a thermostat switch placed in the iron to automatically
cut off the current whenever the temperature exceeds a pre-
determined point, usually 400 to 600 deg. F. See Electric
ELECTRIC LAMP SHADES— These shades are made of
colored fabric, and have shaped corrugated sides designed
to stretch to snugly fit naked incandescent electric light
globes with which they come in contact. The use of these
shades is fraught with danger as electric light bulbs readily
heat sufficiently to ignite material with which they may come
in contact. Unsuspecting customers are apt to purchase
these shades and install them in their homes for decorative
purposes near curtained windows, drapery or other inflam-
mable material where the light might be left burning in-
definitely and thereby cause a fire.
ELECTRIC MOTOR— A machine by which electrical en-
ergy is transformed into mechanical energy to rotate a shaft..
ing and assembling fixtures, repairing motors, winding,
afmatures, buffing, soldering, relacquering. Use considerable;
packing material. Numerous portable electric light wires for'
displaying domes and globes is a poor feature. The insula-
tion wears off by continuous use and careless handling, and
short circuits are frequent.
ELECTRICAL TERMS — Broadly speaking, ampere
means volume; volt, pressure; and watts, the resulting quan-
tity. A volt is the measure of pressure. Amperes multi-
plied by volts equals watts. The quantity (watts) of elec-
tricity delivered over a single circuit is the direct product of
the volume (amperes), multiplied by the pressure (volts)^
A thousand (kilo) watts are the mechanical equivalent of one
and one-third horse power. Lighting circuits usually carry
105 to 120 volts, although some towns have 220 volt systems..
place within the machine itself, the fire policy is not liable
for damage to the machinery. If, however, the fire extends;
to other property, the company is liable for the property so>
destroyed. If fire starts elsewhere than in the machinery,,
the company is liable for the damage to the machinery.
ELECTROLYSIS— The destructive effect upon metals of
an electric current. The most common form is the effect
upon underground pipes, lead-covered cables, and metal work
of building foundations. The effect is the pitting or erosion
where the electrical current leaves it. Stray currents from
power houses seeking return to the power house utilize
pipes, metal structures and cables in their path (usually be-
cause the return feeders are of insufficient capacity). The
damage occurs where the current leaves these structures.
Electrolysis (electrolytic corrosion) is disintegration
caused by stray electric currents attacking underground
steel work. Where the electrolysis is severe or continuous,
it may cause the collapse of steel skeleton buildings.
ELECTROPLATES— Inspection should be made to see if
wood backed, also whether kept in fireproof vault, in stacks
or in boxes.
ELECTROTYPING— Wood cuts, half-tones, and zinc
etchings are so much in use at the present time that it is
necessary to describe briefly their manufacture, and also to
mention some of the hazards found in their production.
These cuts are sometimes placed in the press with other
type, as in ordinary printing, but quite frequently electro-
types are made from them; this is especially true of wood
cuts. The electrotype is then placed in the press while the
original is preserved for future use. In wood engravings,
Turkish boxwood is cut into pieces of the desired size and
the surface to receive the design is finished so as to be per-
fectly flat and smooth. The next step is to' have the design
or picture traced or drawn on the block to enable the en-
graver to begin his work. Sometimes this is done by hand,
but now-a-days most of this work is accomplished by the
use of photographic negatives. The object to be reproduced
is photographed by means of the negative, the design or pic-
ture is printed on the face of the block which has previously
been covered with a sensitized solution. Arc lights are gener-
ally used to do this printing; this makes it unnecessary to
depend upon the proper weather condition. The engraver
then takes the design, and with hand tools cuts away those
portions of the face of the block which must be removed to
produce the design in relief. Nothing but hand tools are
used in this work. A "lining" machine is used to produce
the fine parallel lines appearing on these cuts. No hazard
of much importance presents itself in this business, except
that of arc lights, which should be, and generally are, pro-
tected by glass globes.
ELEMI — A composition of resin used in lacquer making.
ELEMINE — Rosin boiled in water containing carbonate
of soda.
ELEVATION — In reviewing plans it is the drawing which
shows the height of the building with all the stories com-
ELEVATOR BOOT— The lowest part of a 'lofter" or
elevator (also termed elevator leg), enclosing the pulley un-
der which passes the carrying belt.
ELEVATOR BUILDINGS— All buildings such as grain
elevators, used in the handling of any combustible substance,
especially where finely divided dust is liable to be produced,
should be built of fireproof materials. Non-fireproof construc-
tion type have a bad loss record.
ELEVATOR HEAD— The opposite end to the ''boot" en-
closing the driving pulley. See Strut Board.
ELEVATOR LEG — The narrow, continuous boxing, en-
closing a belt-and-bucket or chain-and-bucket elevator,
through one or more floors.
ELEVATORS are used in grain warehouses or breweries
to convey grain from one floor to another, and also from
boats to cars. In the latter case, it is called a "marine
EMBOSSERS — Used by woodworkers for pressing pat-
terns on wood in imitation of carving. The machine con-
sists of a plate or roller bearing a design in relief with a
device to hold the work to be embossed and another device
for heating the plate or roller. Gas heat is generally used,
although live steam and sometimes gasoline have been
EMBOSSING PRESS— Similar to a cylinder press. One
type is the revolving press, the revolving portion of which
is covered with fine needles which make impressions on the
paper. Others are similar to a screw press, in which case a
die is used for making the impression. Both are usually
gas heated, and flexible connections are sometimes necessary
unless the "bed" or stationary part of the press is heated, in
;4iTiaw>i^^^^o^f^^^^ES 145
which case a rigid iron pipe connection can be made. See
EMBROIDERIES— Dress goods, lace, netting with braids,
cords, spangles or beaded cord are embroidered on a "Bon-
naz embroider," a type of machine similar to the ordinary
sewing machine. The best of machines are imported. Hem-
stitchers, scalloping and imitation hand embroidery machines
are similar to the ordinary sewing machine. A "braider" is
a circular all-iron machine similar to a knitting machine for
making bodies of sweaters. On it round, flat, elastic or
soutache braids are woven. The rough edges of braids are
singed over a gas flame, alcohol, gasoline or kerosene torch
or lamp. "Chenille" machine: a machine designed to make
cords, tassels, etc., as used on portieres or draperies, dress
goods or millinery trimmings. Usually of wood, a small af-
fair, the yarn being drawn through the machine to a larg^e
wheel on opposite side of room, the reverse action of the
wheel and the chenille machine making the twist. The ma-
chine is usually very oily and covered with lint. Swiss em-
broidery: Swiss machines are large, 5 to 15 yards long,
(Weighing 2 to 18 tons. Should always be set on substantial
bases, preferably in the basement or first floors of buildings,
the foundation resting on terra firma. The pattern is placed
on a board at one end of the machine, an operator tracing
the design with an arm (called pantograph), which also regu-
lates the action of needles and punches which embroiders
the goods. The goods are stretched along the entire length
of the machine, which is motor-driven. An "automat" at^
tached to a Swiss machine takes the place of the operator.
It works on the same principle as a player-piano,^ having a
perforated pattern instead of a music roll, which makes the
design, and is also motor-driven. Oily, lint covered motor,
oily floor and swinging gas brackets are the hazards of these
Swiss machines.
Passementerie is the edging, bead work, or lace trimmings
for dress goods. All hand work; no material hazard.
Stamping is transferring a pattern to piece of goods
to be embroidered. The transferring is done by rubbing a
piece of colored chalk, wax or lamp-black thinned with ben-
zine over the perforations of the patterns similar to a
"pounce." »
Carbonizing — Braids are frequently sewn on buckram
which has been treated with sizing of diluted sulphuric acid.
Heat tends to disintegrate the buckram. The goods are
placed on a wire mesh over a gas flame in an oven. The
heat carbonizes the buckram and leaves the braid intact; 'A
source of danger, unless the oven is properly constructed.
Carbonizing is also done by passing a hot iron over the
Plaiting, Ruching, Fluting and Crimpers are gas-heated.
Unless the rollers become overheated, thereby burning the
goods, there is little hazard if the gas connection is of iron.
Bleaching is done with benzoin or hydrogen peroxide;
cleaned with alcohol, turpentine, benzine or chloroform;
dyed in aniline colors. Important hazards are heating of siz-
ing kettles, rubber tubes at gas-heated machines, swinging
gas lights at Swiss machines, stamping with benzine and
lamp-black, and the carbonizing ovens. Very susceptible
stocks. Water will streak the goods, mildew, or make the
colors run. After a fire they should be immediately sorted
and dried. Wash embroideries generally yield a good salvage.
Imported machinery with necessary loss of time in replac-
ing parts must be considered in "use and occupancy"
lines. (W. O. Lincoln, "Live Articles on Special Hazards,"
The Weekly Underwriter.) ,
EMERY AND SANDPAPER MFG.— Hazards of crush-
ers for raw materials, dry rooms, pulverizing. Paper is
coated with glue and by continuous process passes through
a steam heated machine where the dust-is deposited On the
paper. ' ooJsirifmjttHq I)jb:-ioii3q
EMPTY BOXES— All kinds of fii-e wdo'd, tioxes, etcVin
yards and alleys should be stacked neatly and kept free
from rubbish.
ENAMELS are mixtures of pigments, varnish, oils and
ENCLOSED — Surrounded by partitions to prevent
draughts and fires from spreading from floor to floor. See
END CONSTRUCTION— As applied to laying terra cotta,
is the same as side construction, except the blocks are laid on
ends instead of sides. See Side Construction". '''
ENDORSEMENT— A term expressing a change in* the
original contract of insurance, thus: change of locatiqri,
name, increasing or reducing amount, etc., are noted' oti
policy and signed by agent or officer of the company. • ■^^"'
ENEMY ALIEN CLAUSE— The Executive Committee
recommend and urge all members of the N. Y. F. I. Exchange
to employ on all policies hereafter issued in this area the
following clause in order to make reasonably sure of avoid-
ing violation "of the so-called Trading with the Enemy Act
of the United States Congress, approved October 6, 1917:
"This entire policy shall be void if the insurance here-
under, directly or indirectly, is for, or on account of, or
on behalf of or for the benefit of an 'enemy* or *ally of
enemy' (as defined in the Act of Congress, approved Octo-
"Ber 6, 1917, known as the 'Trading with the Enemy Act,' or
iamendments thereto, or in any proclamation of the Presi-
dent pursuant thereto), or is for any person who is acting
for^ on account of, or on behalf of, or for the benefit of any
'enemy* or 'ally of enemy* unless the interest of the 'enemy*
or 'ally of enemy* has been conveyed, transferred, assigned
and delivered to the Alien Property Custodian, or unless
with a license from the President of the United States per-
mission is granted to injure the 'enemy' or 'ally of enemy.***
The foregoing has been agreed upon in conference with
the representatives of the National Board of Fire Under-
writers and other company organizations and interests for
adpption in all cases where policies appear to protect an
unnamed beneficiary such as would be covered by the trust
and commission clause, the expression "heirs of* or "estate
of" or "a^ now or may hereafter be constituted'* or "on
storage or for repairs,'* etc., etc. (Author*s Note — The sit-
uation regarding the trust and commission clause has not
been definitely settled.)
ENGINE OILS— Hydrocarbon oils of gravity 32 to 33
degrees. Flasji point 300 to 400 deg. F. Animal or vegeta-
ble oils are only used in mineral oil compounds.
ENGRAVERS use plate printing presses somewhat similar
to transfer presses in printing risks (only much larger). To
keep the ink warm a gas jet is usually used, but kerosene oil
lamps may be found. Use of kerosene oil lamps should be
discontinued. Benzine is used for cleaning. Metal should be
placed under the presses. Oily waste to be kept in safety
EPSOM SALTS— See, Sulphate pf Magnesia.
EQUAL TO— An insurance term meaning the adjoining
building is higher, therefore being equal to a parapetted wall.
A very high ceiling building or story of a building, such as
a church, may be described as being one equal to two (or
more) stories in height.
ERADELINE— Flash point 100 deg. F. Classed non-
gasoline, alcohol, acetone, etc.
For extinguishing oil or naphtha fires in tanks. Briefly — a
white foam is ejected on the surface of the burning mate-
rial from standpipes containing a chemical solution. A lead-
lined thimble containing acid is closed with a fusible link
which in burning allows the thimble to fall in the chemical
solution in the standpipe and the chemical mixture is forced
out under pressure. , , . ,-,
ESSENTIAL OILS— Liquids which give the odor§ peeu-
liar to plants from which they are derived, or are produced
by the combination of substances in the plant which react
when brought into the presence of water. They have strong
odors, and are generally volatile. ,, ,: .
ETCHING^A process of engraving by means, of hydro-
fluoric, nitric or hydrochloric acid. If glass, hydrofluoric acid
only can be used.
ETHER — Prepared by distilling alcohol and sulphuric
acid in retorts. Volatile, highly inflammable. When mixed
with oxygen it explodes. Flashes at 29 deg. F. . /,r * . .^,
Petroleum Ether — Very light and volatile petroleu;iv pis-
tillate. Used as a solvent. More inflammable than gaso-
Sulphuric Ether — Highly inflammable and volatile. Flashes
at zero F. Made by treatment of alcohol with sulphuric
Spirits of Nitrous Ether — More inflammable than alcohol.
ETHILENE — A colorless gas which burns with a luminous
smoky flame.
ETHYL ACETATE— See Acetate of Ethyl.
ETHYL ALCOHOL— See Grain Alcohol.
ETHYL CHLORIDE— A gas at ordinary temperature.
Stored under pressure in small tubes and used by dentists
for freezing purposes. Not as hazardous as ether. Volatile
and inflammable. Boils at 55 deg. F.
ETHYL-METHYL KETONE— A colorless inflammable
liquid. Flash point 30 deg. F.
ETHYL NITRATE— A thin yellow liquid. Boils at 61
deg. F. Volatile and inflammable. May ignite spontaneously
at 194 deg. F.
ETHYL OXIDE is ether.
EXAMINER — One who examines and passes on the risks
submitted by special agents, or agents through a daily re-
port system. He is an underwriter and should have a good
knowledge of building construction and hazards. See Coun-
EXCELSIOR, if damp, is subject to spontaneous com-
bustion if the natural sap still remains.
EXCLUSION — The standard policy does not permit of
excluding any portion of an insured building (insured as a
whole), except the cost of foundations and excavations be-
low the level of the ground.
EXOLIUM — A benzine substitute. Flash point above 100
deg. F.
EXPANDED METAL — A steel plate slit in one operation
and pulled and enlarged into diamond or other shape meshes.
Also slotted or punched steel plates.
EXPERIMENTS or experimental works or manufactur-
ing risks should be declined unless their objects are clearly
understood. In case of failure, the insurance collected is
often all that is back of the enterprise.
EXPLOSION — When gas or vapor is released so suddenly
as to cause a loud noise, an explosion is said to occur, as for
instance, the explosion of a steam boiler or a cylinder of
compressed gas. Great and increasing use is made of explo-
sive processes in gas, petrol and oil engines for driving
machinery of all kinds. In these engines, the material that
explodes is a mixture of air with combustible gas, vapor or
finely comminuted liquid and, in the explosion, these are
suddenly converted into water vapor and the oxides of car-
bon, which latter are gases. Although all these things are
liable to explode, none of them are called explosives; this
term is confined to liquids and solid substances which pro-
duce much more violent effects than exploding gaseous mix-
tures, because they occupy much smaller volumes originally.
(A. Marshall.) See Velocity of Explosions.
EXPLOSION (Black Tom)— New York Harbor, July
30th, 1916. Two explosions resulted from a fire that was
started maliciously or accidentally among freight cars that
had been placed on the terminal tracks of the Lehigh Valley
Railroad at Black Tom preparatory to a transfer of their
contents to barges for export movement. The more severe
of the two explosions occurred on the land and involved
about 400,000 pounds of dry trinitrotoluol packed in wooden
cases, while the second explosion on the water involved
100,000 pounds of dry picric acid. Black Tom was occupied
by the warehouses of the National Storage Co., and the
Lehigh Valley Railroad had therein its office, float bridges
and tracks. Practically all of the brick warehouses were
demolished by the explosion. As explosives are essential in
peace as well as in war, and must be transported, all re-
strictions that promote safety and are practicable must be
enforced, in other words, uniform regulation by the Fed-
eral government of the water as well as the land carriers of
dangerous articles. Ocean going ships must sacrifice more
of their conveniences to the cause of safety in tidewater
terminals. (Extract from Bureau of Explosives report.)
EXPLOSION INSURANCE— Policies cover property
damage due to explosions of every name and nature, except
from boilers and flywheels, originating within such apparatus,
which insurance is covered by casualty companies only.
Explosives i51
Form reads as follows: On all buildings of their manu-
facturing plant, including chimney, also sprinkler tank and
fixtures, and yard hose houses, all situate , and
on contents thereof (except accounts, bills, currency, deeds,
evidences of debt, money, notes or securities) therein or on
premises above described, through explosion (excluding
boiler and flywheel explosions originating within said ap-
paratus), occurring on said premises. Note. — When boiler
or flywheel explosion is included the rate is 25 per cent,
The policy also covers machinery or stock belonging to
others which the assured are under obligations to keep in-
sured; also machinery or stock consigned to them, or held
in trust, or on commission, or sold but not delivered by be-
ing removed; but this policy does not cover machinery or
stock on which there is specific insurance.
This company shall not be liable for any loss caused by
explosion originating from any of the materials and/or proc-
esses incidental to the business of the assured. Note. — If
this clause is eliminated, the rate is increased according to
It is warranted by the assured and made a condition of
this contract that constant nightwatchman service shall be
maintained; furthermore, that at times when plant is not in
operation, constant day watchman service shall be maintained
during the life of this policy. Note. — Not required on dwell-
ings and mercantile.
Other insurance permitted without notice until requested.
The policy does not cover any automobile which may be
within the premises of assured.
50 per cent, co-insurance mandatory. Allowance made for
80 per cent, co-insurance.
EXPLOSIONS from static electricity. See Static orFric-
tional Electricity.
EXPLOSIVE — An explosive is a solid or liquid substance,
or mixture of substances, which is liable, on the application
of heat or a blow to a small portion of the mass, to be con-
verted in a very short interval of time into other more stable
substances, largely or entirely gaseous. A considerable
amount of heat is also invariably evolved and consequently
there is a flame. (A. Marshall.)
EXPLOSIVE GELATINE is about 90 per cent, nitro-
glycerine and 10 per cent, gun cotton.
EXPLOSIVES should be stored in a dry, well-ventilated
place, not warmer than 80 or 90 deg. F. They should be
kept under lock and key, so that children or irresponsible
persons cannot have access to them, and should not be stored
in locality where hunting or other shooting may be done,
unless they are kept bullet proof. Most high explosives
freeze at a temperature between 45 and 50 deg. F., and when
frozen will either explode imperfectly or not at all. Low
explosives are exploded by a spark; but a spark will not
explode high explosives, although it may ignite them, and
the heat and pressure caused by burning in a confined space
may result in an explosion after a time. High explosives
can only be properly exploded by a powerful shock. This
shock is brought about in their use by exploding a detona-
tor inserted in the charge of explosives. This detonator is
either a blasting cap, which is exploded by a spark from
a fuse, or an electric fuse (pronounced fu-zee) which is ex-
ploded by a fine wire superheated by an electric current. See
EXPOSURE (EXTERNAL)— A condition, structure or
material which increases the hazard of a risk through burn-
ing or exploding. It defines the likelihood of a building be-
coming ignited without its walls. The exposure depends
upon the width of streets or alleys, the space between build-
ings and the nature of the construction and occupancy of
such buildings. The hazard may be reduced by the use of
standard wire glass windows, shutters, doors and^ skylights
and outside sprinklers. About one-sixth of the losses are
caused by exposure fires.
Inspectors should carefully note all exposures, the distance
away and whether outside openings of risk are protected by
labelled wire glass windows or standard shutters. The fol-
lowing is the fire record of exposure fires in Greater New
York as taken from the New York Board of Fire Under-
writers' report:
Year Insurance
i?ip.... $ 6,362,822
i^'ll..,. 10,811,063
I9I2. .,. 14,742,149
1913...., 6,862,499
1914.. ;..,..:;. 7; 11,422,651
1915..... ;V..:.! 8,181,076
1910....... 4,684,224
1911 8,567,924
1912., ,,-^4. 5,729,133
i913^:A^^r^. 3,624,729
1914..;.*... 2,422,303
1915 1,601,119
EXPOSURE (INTERNAL)— The hazard due to exposing
the property of one or more tenants of a building to the
danger of fire spreading from the premises of another ten-
ant in the same building. In rating, the internal exposure
is the most hazardous occupancy; as paper box making,
painters or carpenters, which increase the rate of building
and of other less hazardous tenants.
dilapidated buildings of various construction. Hazards of
unsafe heating and lighting appliances, miscellaneous stor-
age, including chemicals and explosives, smoking by em-
ployees, and used as a "hang-out." See Legal Liability.
seed works, and Refuse Disposal plants). Walls should be
heavy common brick with light corrugated iron roof.
Screened openings should be provided at floor levels to carry
off vapor. Lighting by incandescent lamps, marine type
vapor-proof globes, all wiring in conduit with screw joint
junction boxes and marine type fittings*; no switches should
be permitted in the building.
The naphtha tank should be buried outside the building.
The Process — The meats from the oil works are brought
into the extracting building and dropped into bins having
spouts feeding into the extractors. These are cylindrical
steel drums having stirring arms rotated by shaft and gear-
ing. The bottom of each contains a perforated metal false
bottom under which is located a copper pipe, steam heating
coil and a p.erforated steam jet coil. Charging doors are
located in the top through which the meats are fed, and dis-
charge outlets provided in the sides near the bottorh: There
are also pipe connections for the naphtha at both top and bot-
tom connecting with vaporizers and discharge tanks, all of
which are inclosed vessels. The extractors are partly filled
with the meats and then hot naphtha vapor passed through
same, passing through the extractors in series, the naphtha
vapors forming a solution with the oil. The mixture is
pumped from the extractors into a receiving tank and steam
is turned into the heating coils in extractors, the vapor
from same being condensed in suitable condensers. Live
steam is then blown into extractors to remove as much of
the remaining vapor as possible. This is also condensed in
the condensers. The discharge doors of the extractors are
then opened, and the extracted meats dropped into a screw
conveyor from whence they drop into another conveyor and
are returned to the oil mill plant. The balance of the opera-
tion of obtaining the oil from the naphtha and entrained water
is one of settlement where the water separates through dif-
ference in specific gravity and is then drawn off and dis-
tilled, the mixed vapor and oil being introduced into a still
heated by steam, the naphtha vapor distilling off and being
condensed, the oil remains. The process is hazardous. See
Garbage Reduction Plants. Vx^ji i ..
EVAPORATING— See Crystalizing. >T hnn
EVAPORATION — The conversion of a liquid into a gas-
eous state by action of heat.
EVERITE PRESSOLINE— A benzine substitute, classed
as non-volatile.
EXTRACTS— See Flavoring Extracts.
FACING in building construction; a wall or surface cov-
ering of stone or similar substance on the outer wall.
FACTORS — A firm or individual who acts as a banker
for, or a backer of, another firm or perspri, advancing money
to buy goods or carry on a business. Usually in wholesale
woolen, piece goods or dry goods businesses.
FACTORY — According to the Bureau of Fire Prevention,
a factory is in substance any mill, workshop, or other man-
ufacturing or business establishment, and all buildings, sheds
or other places used in connection therewith where one or
more persons are employed at labor. No smoking is per-
mitted in factories in New York City.
FAIR GROUNDS— A group of hastily and flimsily con-
structed frame buildings of varied occupancy, such as shoot-
ing galleries, stables, live stock pens, lunch rooms, display
rooms, demonstrating machinery, race tracks. Not consid-
ered desirable. Temporary occupancy and on leased land.
FALLING WALL HAZARD— Most rating organizations
add a certain charge for this feature; sometimes a percentage
of the rate of the exposing risk is taken. Experience shows
that in case of a severe fire in a high exposing building with
a separated distance, the lower building so exi^Dsed is liable
to be destroyed by falling bricks and debris. See Wind.
FARM — At piers, is the open space in front of the pier
used for open storage of merchandise.
FARMS have been considered as unprofitable insurance
by many large companies. Hazards include the use of gaso-
line stoves or engines, incubators and brooders, feed grind-
ing, lighting by acetylene ga^ systems, wood burning fur-
naces, evaporating fruit in a room with red-hot pot stove,
garage, threshing machines, unsafe heating apparatus. Stove
pipes through floors to heat upper rooms are quite frequently
found. In place of scalding hogs with steam, farmers have
been known to sprinkle gasoline on the carcass and set it
on fire. The quick flash burns off the hair without damaging
the hide.
FARRIERS— See Blacksmiths.
FAT RENDERING— Plants buy fat -from butchers and
deposit same into steam jacketed (covered top) rendering
kettles with agitators. The liquid (tallow) derived therefrom
is run to a covered sump pit from which it is pumped to a
tank on the floor above. The residue or waste material is
removed and placed in hydraulic presses and pressed into
cakes. The cakes are then placed in a power grinder and
made into chicken feed or used as fertilizer. Hazardous.
Entire premises usually oil soaked.
FATIGUE OF MATERIALS— The increased weakness
produced by frequent bending or by sustaining heavy loads
for a long time.
sorted in a sorting machine, cut up in a high speed knife cut-
ter equipped with a blower system which draws the feathers
through a suction pipe to a duster, thence to the storage bins.
Bins are usually of wire mesh, on wooden frames. The
lighter feathers are deposited on the upper portion of the bins
and the heavier feathers fall to the floor. The pillow cases
are then filled and sewed up. Cotton is sometimes added;
in which case a cotton picker may be used. Considerable
dust about premises. Knife cutter should have magnets to
catch metal particles.
FELT — A rather coarse fabric or cloth, made of fibres of
hair, wool, coarse paper, etc., by pressure and not by weav-
ing, treated with resin.
Felt (roofing) is sometimes made from the refuse of
flax treated with resin.
Felt (cotton) in bales is considered subject to sponta-
neous combustion.
FELT PACKING — As used for automobiles and electrical
machinery is about 80 per cent, wool and 20 per cent, cotton.
The hazard of making the packing is cutting, stitching and
gluing. These are usually good risks, unless the felt is
manufactured on the premises.
FENCES — If of slatted wood, especially along the line of
steam railroads, are considered poor risks. Fires have been
known to start at one end and burn for miles.
FERMENT — To allow moistened organic matter to un-
dergo a process of decay.
FERMENTATION— A chemical action brought about by
the action of micro-organisms or "ferments."
FERRO-MANGANESE is imported from England. With-
out it some kinds of steel cannot be made. Produced from
ores of iron and manganese in high temperature smelting
FERRO-SILICON — Compounded of iron and silicon. Non-
FERRY BOATS— Should be inspected. Lines are usually
offered on the old wooden hulls rather than on the modern
type of steel hull.
FERRY HOUSES of frame construction are apt to be a
total loss. If barnlike construction, they burn rapidly. Haz-
ard of oil rooms and lamp filling, repair shops, baggage
rooms, lunch rooms and heating apparatus.
FERTILIZER — The commercial mixed varieties have very
little fire hazard when packed and ready for use.
Fertilizer from fish scrap and crabs. Process — boil-
ing in digesters where all unused agents are removed, dry-
ing residue and reducing same to carbon in high tempera-
ture dryer, ground, bagged. Subject to spontaneous combus-
tion by absorbing oxygen very rapidly.
FIBRES are divided into two classes, hard and soft. Hard
fibres, by virtue of their construction, do not absorb water
rapidly when immersed and do not heat or decompose as
rapidly as soft fibres which, when damaged, must be picked
apart and dried at once if any salvage is to be expected.
The largest losses are caused by the collapse of the building
due to the swelling or expansion of the soft fibre from the
excessive absorption of water. Spontaneous combustion is
not attributed as the cause of these fires. See N. F. P. A.
Quarterly (T. E. Sears), October, 1913. See Bagging Fac-
Hard Fibres — Manilla, Sisal, Henequen, Maguey, Mescal,
Istle, Zapupe, New Zealand, Mauritius, Cabinja.
Soft Fibres — Hemp, American, Italian, Russian jute. Sunn,
Hemp Fibres of all kinds are destroyed if exposed to
a heat of 300 deg. F. Hemp is an annual plant of the mul-
berry family, a native of Asia. Classed as a soft fibre.
Flax is a native of western Asia. Used chiefly in the
manufacture of linen sewing thread, fishing lines, etc. Classed
as soft fibre.
Sunn Hemp is a base fibre from an annual plant and also
known as Conkanee, Indian, Brown. and Madras hemp. Used
in manufacturing cordage. Classed as soft.
Jute is a base fibre, growing principally in India. Used
chiefly in rugs, grain sacks and binding twine. Classed as
Caburya — A fibre produced in Costa Rica and sometimes
called Central American sisal, used for binder twine. Classed
as hard.
Maguey is a comparatively new fibre on the market, and
is produced from the leaves of the Maguey plant, which
very closely resembles the henequen of Yucatan. Classed as
Sisal — The true sisal is taken from the leaves of the sisal
plant, a native of Central America. Classed as hard.
Henequen is a native plant of Mexico, known in the
trade as sisal. It belongs to the same botanical family as
the true sisal. Classed as hard.
Manilla Hemp — Known as Manilla or Abaca, is grown
principally in the Philippines. Classed as hard.
Mauritius — A hard fibre obtained in the island of Mauri-
tius. It is white in color and more flexible than henequen.
Classed as hard.
New Zealand Flax — Sometimes called hemp, is not
at all like wither hemp or flax, but is obtained from the
leaves of a native plant of New Zealand. Classed as hard.
Zapupe — A fibre which grows in loamy soils and with
more moisture and less lime than seems necessary for good
results with henequen or sisal. Classed as hard.
Istle — A fibre grown on the high, arid tablelands of
northern Mexico. The fibre is shorter than the henequen
plant. Classed as hard.
Mescal Maguey — Similar to henequen, finer and softer, pro-
duced in Mexico. Used chiefly in cordage and twine mills
on the Pacific coast. Classed as hard.
FIBRE WAREHOUSES for the storage of cotton, hemp,
sisal, etc., are especially designed. For charges made in
rating, see New York Exchange schedule. Buildings should
be low, one-story brick buildings, with wallS parapetted and
coped and areas restricted, limited window openings, walls
blank wherever possible. The height to which cotton bales
may be piled is restricted, and clear aisle spaces are de-
manded. See Warehouses.
FIBREBOARD— Made from leather chips, flux, old rope,
paper, wood pulp and similar stuff. Ground, cooked by
steam in solution of alkalis, mixed with binder of such
material as glue or rosin, colored, pressed into sheets, dried,
varnished or stained. See Chemical Fibre; see Compo-Board.
FILLERINE — A fertilizer ingredient made from iron ox-
ide. Liable to ignite spontaneously.
FILLERS — Used by woodworkers, are made of various
combinations of silax, silver white, cornstarch, whiting,
plaster paris, raw and boiled linseed oil, turpentine, japan
and benzine.
FILM VAULT (Test for Ventilation)— By F. J. T. Stew-
art, of N. F. P. A., 4-22-'15, Leonia, N. J.
A structure of 12-inch terra cotta blocks having 133 cubic
feet was vented with a side opening 285 square inches and
filled with films on shelves in and out of cans and space
between racks filled with loose films and ignited with elec-
tric spark, 1800 pounds of film in all. The tongue of flame
which shot out from the vault almost immediately after
the ignition of the film projected itself 75 feet, continuing
for several minutes, or until all the gases generated within
the vault were consumed. The vault was undamaged, prov-
ing that the area of ventilation provided was undoubtedly
sufficient to prevent explosion from the rapid decomposition
of film under similar conditions. See Motion Picture Films.
FILTER CLOTHS should be washed directly after being
showing The wall finish M"V» o»d witliout air ^^ace.
f~^rres in TuRR£0 WALLS
NO F'/G^r 00^ XtCCOtJA/7'
*• 77/-ff J^J.
Per Capita Fire Loss Figures Analyzed.
Strictly Preventable (Black), Partly Preventable (Shaded),
and Unknown (White).
Per Capita
States Fire Loss
Rhode Island $3.71
New Hampshire 2.54
California 2.57
Massachusetts 2.60
Nevada 2.62
Connecticut 2.63
Florida 2.72
Delaware 2.76
New Jersey 3.52
Montana 3.37
Georgia 3.18
Maine 2.97
Texas 2.95
Washington 2.42
New York 2.41
Illinois 2.30
Iowa 2.28 •
Minnesota 2.26
Oregon 2.24
North Dakota 2.23
Nebraska 2.23
Michigan 2.15
Tennessee 2.06
Maryland 2.02
Wisconsin , 1.83
Arizona 1.79
Idaho 1.75
Kansas 1.70
Missouri 1.65
Louisiana 1.62
Pennsylvania 1.58
Indiana 1.55
South Dakota 1.54
Virginia 1.52
Ohio 1.48
Oklahoma 1.48
Arkansas 1.42
Alabama 1.39
Vermont 1.37
Kentucky 1.35
South Carolina 1.34
Mississippi 1.32
West Virginia 1.22
North Carolina 1.13
DIst. of Columbia 1.05
Wyoming 1.04
Colorado 1.03
Utah .95
New Mexico .84
f /'/'^/'/'/'^/'/'x'/i
The 1916 Fire
Loss figures here
shown are in dol-
lars and cents.
They represent
more than 97% of
the total fires in
the United States.
The figures for
several states
would be some-
what increased if
full statistics were
available. — From
" S a f e g uarding
America Against
Fire," Nat. Board
of Fire Under-
J 'R^T'^
France ^ 0.49
Ett^and SO 35
Germany *0 28
Italy •• • - 2,500,000 1908
Chelsea, Mass.-.,1..(V.'^'.-V.. .,..'- v:12,000,000 1908
. Chisholm, Minn., Etc.'. ...... 5,000,000 1908
Wallace, Idaho, Etc 4,500,000 1910
Cedar Spur, Mont., Etc 6,000,000 1910
Minnesota 3,500,000 1910
Albany, N. Y 5,500,000 1911
Bangor, Me 3,500,000 1911
Coney Island (Dreamland).. 2,500,000 1911
New York 3,000,000 1912
Houston, Texas 4,500,000 1912
Hamilton, Ohio 2,000,000 1913
Hot Springs, Ark 2,250,000 1913
Salem, Mass 14,000,000 1914
Newport, Va 2,000,000 1915
Chicago, 111 2,000,000 1915
Brooklyn, N. Y 2,000,000 1916
Fall River, Mass 2,000,000 1916
Paris, Texas 5,000,000 1916
Augusta, Ga 5,000,000 1916
Canton, ' Md 2,000,000 1916
Marshfield, Ore 2,100,000 1916
Black Tom Is., Jersey City... 11,000,000 1916
Swissvale, Pa 4,000,000 1917
Pittsburgh, Pa , 2,000,000 1917
Kingsland, N. J 12,000,000 1917
Atlanta, Ga 5,000,000 1917
Drumwright, Okla 2,000,000 1917
Brooklyn, N. Y 2,000,000 1917
Baltimore, Md 3,500,000 1917
Pittsburgh, Pa 2,000,000 1917
Jersey City, N. J 2,000,000 1918
Kansas City, Mo 3,000,000 1918
North St. Louis, Mo 2,500,000 1918
Noxen, Pa 2,250,000 1918
FIRES IN FRANCE— See Responsibility for Fires.
down and, commencing at the head, wrap a rug, mat or any
woolen cover around him and roll him on floor. A woman
attempting to extinguish such a fire should be careful that
her own clothing does not become ignited, and should hold
the covering in front of her, and beginning at the person's
head, throw the covering toward his feet. If alone, lie on
floor and roll to nearest rug and wrap yourself in. Do not
run to an open window, door or to the street, as this will fan
the flames.
FIRES AT SEA— One of the most promising of the new
methods of fighting fire on shipboard at sea is to fight the
fire with fire. By this system the hot gases that come from
the boiler flues and ordinarily go up the smokestack are used
to smother a fire.
A vessel is equipped with great pipes running from the
boiler room to all parta of the ship, and at any time the flue
gases can be switched from the smokestack to these pipes.
The pipes would pour these flue gases into the hold or the
sections of the ship where the fire was raging and smother it.
Flue Gas contains only 9 per cent, of oxygen, and 15 per
cent, of oxygen is required to support fire. Consequently if
great quantities of flue gas are poured into the burning hold
the oxygen there will soon be reduced to a point where com-
bustion cannot continue and the fire must die out. Automatic
sprinkler protection is the best known method of extinguish-
ing fires and is particularly applicable to ships. There are
numerous small compartments on all ships where a fire can
smoulder a long time before discovery. A sprinkler in one
of these rooms would insure rapid extinguishment.
FIRE PAILS are the simplest, handiest and best extin-
guisher for incipient fires. One standard fire pail is required
for each 500 square feet of floor area. Pails to be galvanized,
painted red with word 'Tire,*' of 10 or 12 quarts* capacity.
So that they may be easily accessible, pails are to be placed
not less than two feet from the floor to the bottom of pail,
nor more than five feet from floor to top of pail. In fire insur-
ance ratings, one fire extinguisher is considered equal to six
pails; but one-half of the equipment must be pails. Fire
bucket tanks holding six pails are approved. One-half the re-
quired number of pails in grease or oil risks to be filled with
sand. On piers, or roofs of sheds or buildings, oak casks or
tanks of 50 gallons capacity, each having three fire pails,
casks staggered 50 feet apart, are accepted. Hasty filling of
fire pails while the inspector is waiting in 'the ofiice for the
manager may be detected by finding spilled water on floor
under them, swinging pails, or water in agitation. This trick
is often resorted to. See Pails and Casks; also see Stag-
FIREPLACES— Open fireplaces should be provided with
screens to keep sparks in and to prevent children's clothing
coming in contact w^ith the fire, and to keep sparks froni
flying into the rooms. Most fires are caused by radiating
heat to combustible floors or mantels. A safe fireplace will
have a fireproof hearth of an area and thickness to prevent
radiated heat igniting the floor, and the mantel should be of
incombustible material. Ornamental hearths have been re-
sponsible for many fires. They are mostly made of flat tiling
or cement laid on the floor boards in a thin layer. Tenants,
unaware of the danger, frequently build fires on them with
disastrous results.
Kenlon of New York on the needs of fire prevention. A few
of the great needs are: " , '
"1. Fire Walls in Factories. I would have every lott and
factory building with more than 5,000 square feet of floor
capacity to a floor divided by fire walls. If light is needed,
and a wall would shut it out, let the wall in part — say 40 per
cent of it — be built of polished wired glass. This material
would withstand an intense heat for thirty minutes or more.
Doors through the fire wall, built of thoroughly fireproof
material, would allow the persons on one side to flee for
safety past the fire wall if fire should break out in their por-
tion of the room.
"2. Fire Escapes in Enclosed Towers. There is absolutely
no doubt that the present form of fire escape is doomed to
go as inadequate. The inclosed staircase in a fireproof tower,
built outside the building, is the one sensible solution of the
problem. Entrance is had in this type of fire escape only
through doors reached by balconies and not directly from the
building where a fire may be raging. Thus the fire tower is
not only fireproof, but is smoke-proof as well.
"3. Automatic Sprinklers in All Department Stores, Stor-
age Warehouses and Manufacturing Lofts. The sprinkler has
already proved its efficiency, and its installation should be
made compulsory.
"4. A Sane Alteration of the Law Regarding Exits. At
present staircases are required to be the same width whether
the building be four or forty stories high. Owners should be
compelled to widen the staircase in large buildings toward
the bottom, following a carefully graduated scale, so that the
people rushing down from above would not jam into people
from below above the maximum capacity of the staircase.
With the adjustment of staircases to the fire needs should
come the ^certificate of occupancy,' under which an owner
would be prevented from changing the character of his build-
ing after having been inspected and approved — so that an
inspection for mere storage purposes should not cover the
putting of hundreds of girls to work in factories on upper
"5. A Rigid EnforcemeTit of the Regulations Requiring
the Removal of Rubbish. A good janitor and an efficient en-
gineer in a factory building are the firemen's best friends. I
would like to see an incinerator in the basement of every
large building, in which rubbish could be thrown as soon as
it reaches the cellar. This would insure its destruction. In
the absence of the incinerator, the next best substitute is a
receptacle for rubbish of fireproof material which would pre-
vent its accumulation in a condition to serve as fire food.
"6. The Abolition of Heavy Fireproof Roofs. The fire-
proof roof of slate and metal is itself a menace, as it is espe-
cially liable to crash through the building, carrying floor after
floor with it to the ground. The heavy roof of the Equitable
Building is what did the damage and smashed in the floors
that killed Fire Chief Walsh. Before that fire I would not
have thought to include the making of lighter roofs as a great
FIREPROOF— The term used 'fe^^tiress a building built
of fire-resisting material, such as steel or concrete, which of
themselves are not combustible and will withstand the rav-
ages of an ordinary fire without rupture or impairment for
at least four hours. The term "fireproof" is a popular ex-
pression used to denote "fire-resistive." See Unprotected
Building) — Fire, March 4, 1910. Ordinary glass windows al-
lowed the fire to leap from floor to floor on the outside of
building. Wired glass windows in standard sash and frame
would have prevented this.
FIREPROOF BUILDINGS (Weekly Underwriter)— "A
so-called fireproof building bears about the same relation to
its contents that a furnace or stove does to the material put
into it to burn. As a rule the fireproof building will pre-
vent the spread of fire to other buildings just as a fire will
not spread from one stove to another placed near it; but the
contents of a fireproof building will be consumed once the
fire is well under way just as thoroughly as the coal and wood
in the stove. Further, the heat will be retained in the fire-
proof building and human beings, if they fail to get out
quickly, will be killed. This is particularly true of a building
filled with merchandise, and to a very much less extent to
an office building. If there is only the ordinary office fur-
niture in an office building, the danger to life is not great;
but if there is a large amount of inflammable material, such
as partitions, office records, etc., stored in some dark floor,
you would not want to be in the upper part of some tall
structure where the stairs and elevators are in open shafts
and carry the heat chimney-like to the upper floors."
A building constructed entirely of fire and heat-resistive
material is fireproof as long as it contains no inflammables.
The contents of such a building are more liable to destruc-
tion than the same material in a frame building. Under-
writers frequently overestimate the amount of salvage to be
derived from a stock on the floor of a fireproof building and.
frequently have an "over-line" when fire comes. See Demo-
lition of Fireproof Building.
FIREPROOF CONSTRUCTION, according to insurance
requirements. A building shall be deemed fireproof con-
struction if it conforms to the following requirements: All
the walls constructed of brick, stone, concrete or terra cotta;
all floors and roofs of brick, terra cotta or reinforced con-
crete placed between steel or reinforced concrete beams and
girders; all the steel entering into the structural parts en-
cased in at least two inches of fireproof niaterial, excepting
the wall columns, which must be incased in at least eight
inches of masonry on the outside and four inches on the in-
side; all stairs, elevators, public hallways, corridors or other
shafts inclosed in fireproof partitions or enclosures; all
doors of fireproof design and labelled; all stairways, land-
ings, hallways and other surfaces of incombustible material;
no woodwork or other combustible material used in any par-
tition, furring, ceiling or floor (the latter may be wood if
laid on sleepers without air space) and all doors and sash
trim and other interior finish of incombustible material; all
windows (side walls and in courts), shall be wired glass in
labelled sash and frame. Note. — In factories the floors should
be inclined and cement covered with scuppers to carry oflF
water. See Wood Finish and Trim.
FIREPROOF ROOFS— See Fire Prevention.
25 cents worth of ammonium phosphate in one gallon of cold
water for five minutes. If an ounce or two of alum is added
to the last water in which the clothing is washed, they will
be less inflammable. See Fire in Person's Clothing.
nate and ammonia sulphate.
piled on iron cars and run into large steam cylinders, and by
means of a vacuum the air is drawn out of the lumber. It
is then put into a solution of ammonia and salts for fire-
proofing except for cheap work when alum is used. For
staining, salts and bark extracts are used. After lumber is
entirely saturated, it is taken out and placed again on trucks
and run into brick and frame hot air kilns at 125 deg. F. See
FIRE PUMPS— National standard sizes:
of Steam
14 in.
of Water
Steam Pumps
Length Gals,
of per
Stroke. Minute.
12 500
No. of
16 in.
18 in.
20 in.
Centrifugal Pumps
Capacity and speed. The four standard sizes for centrifu-
gal pumps will be as follows:
Gals, per Min.
No. VA" Streams.
Size of Pump (gals, per mirute)
500 750 1000 1500
Suction Inlet 6 in. 8 in. 8 in. 10 in.
Discharge Outlet 6 in. 8 in. 8 in. 10 in.
A centrifugal pump is usually named 4-inch, 5-in, 6-inch or
7-inch, according to the size of its discharge outlet. This
outlet, also the inlet, should be enlarged to the Standard
Underwriter outlet, either in the casing pattern or by reduc-
ing casting bolted to the pump casing, so as to bring the
openings up to the sizes given in the table above.
Rotary Pumps — Standard Sizes for Rotary Fire Pumps.
per Min.
of Buckets.
Between Centers
Approx. H.P.
Approximate No. of Required
Speed Rev. V/g'' for 100 lbs.
per Min. Streams. Pressure.
8 in.
7 in. or 8 in.
2 60
9 in. or 10 in.
8 in. or 9 in.
3 90
10 in.
9 in. or. 10 in.
4 120
12 in.
10 in. or 12 in.
6 180
Suction and Discharge Openings.
The openings in pump casing for suction and discharge
must not be less than as given below:
Size of Pump. gal.
Suction Inlet 6 in
Discharge Outlet 6 in.
8 in.
10 in.
5 in.
8 in.
10 in.
FIRE PUMPS should be in separate fireproof buildings or
a section so isolated that a serious fire will not put the pump
or source of power out of commission. Fire pumps for stand-
pipes using electric power, should have their source of cur-
rent supply so protected that fire in building they are de-
signed to protect, will not put them out of commission. Like-
wise, discharge pipes should be buried underground with post
indicator valves to control the risers in the various sections.
Lessons learned at Brooklyn Eastern District Terminal fire,
November 25, 1912. See City Mains and Reservoirs.
FIRE RECORD— A careful underwriter will not only look
up the financial standing of the applicant, but will refer to
the fire record book which contains the names of people who
have had one or more fires of sufficient importance, which
might indicate that they should be under scrutiny. The rec-
ords are furnished by bureaus which collect this data and
furnish it to company subscribers.
FIRE-RESISTIVE— See Fireproof.
than fireproof construction. It means that buildings and all
of the parts of buildings are designed and arranged to retard
the action of fire. There is really no such thing as a fireproof
sesses the valuable property of retarding the action of fire.
Coating of sodium tungstate also retards the action of fire.
FIRE RISK of a substance depends upon two properties:
1st, upon the amount of inflammable vapor that it will liber-
ate or furnish in a given time; 2nd, upon the temperature at
which this vapor will ignite. Dangerous substances possess
both these properties; the absence of one vastly increases the
FIRE RISKS— See Bad Fire Risks.
FIRE RUINS — It is not considered good judgment to
write lines on a risk which has suffered a fire and the damage
not repaired or in process of repair.
FIRE SHUTTERS are built in the same manner as fire
doors if metal clad. Iron shutters have "flat bar" or "angle
iron" frames.
FIRE-STOPS — Furred walls or partitions may he fire-
stopped while the building is being constructed, if the work-
men place all the broken brick, loose mortar and other in-
combustible material (which is usually carted away) at the
floor levels of all stories where the furred walls communi-
cate to other floors. An incombustible partition of fire-
resistive property between sections, cornices, frame walls, etc.
(Not a complete cut-off nor a fire wall), or may describe in-
termediate walls or buildings between risk and exposing
risks. See Furring.
FIRE STREAM— Standard fire stream; by this is meant
the delivery of not less than 250 gallons of water per minute
through a 1^-inch, smooth-bore nozzle, and to secure this
volume it requires a pressure of not less than 45 pounds to
the square inch at the base of the nozzle, which will give ap-
proximately a reach of 63 feet horizontally and about 70 feet
vertically. (John R. Freeman.) ^
•FIRE STREAMS — The quality of fire streams depends
directly upon the pressure at the nozzle and the form of
nozzle used.
By good fire streams are meant streams which carry the
calculated distance retaining to a reasonable extent their
solidity and without excessive spray. Costly experience has
shown that in serious fires a small stream is evaporated as
it falls in spray through the flames while if a large stream is
thrown, enough may escape the evaporation to pass through
the heated gases and reach the burning coals themselves.
John R. Freeman, C. E., after exhaustive tests on streams
from nozzles set forth the following specifications for a good
fire stream, which up to the present have been considered as
outlining fairly the requisites of such a stream:
(a) A stream, which at limit named, has not lost conti-
nuity of stream by breaking into showers of spray.
(b) A stream, which up to the limit named, appears to
shoot nine-tenths of whole volume of water inside of a circle
15 inches in diameter, and three-fourths of it inside of a ten-
inch circle.
(c) Which is stiff enough to attain in fair condition the
height or distance named, even though a fresh breeze were blowing.
umn^WH-.^^ WALL 185
(d) which a limit named will, with no wind, enter a roofn'
through a window opening and barely strike ceiling witti
force enough to spatter well.
From the above, it may be assumed that with a certain
named limit the stream would be good, while at another it
may be poor. This is just the case. For instance, a stream
which holds its shape for a distance of fifty feet may be com-
pletely broken up at seventy-five feet. (Fr€d Sheppard in
Fire and Water Engineering.)
FIRE TOWER— A brick or other masonry tower or shaft
enclosing a stairway of fireproof material. The walls must
extend from ground to at least three feet above the roof. No
openings are permitted except fireproof windows over a court
or street. The entrance is indirect, i. e., a "lead" such as
a balcony outside of main building connects to an open air
vestibule entering the stairway enclosure. Stairs must open
on a street or a passage to street. Affords a sure exit from
building and a vantage point for firemen, asr^iUDu flame or
smoke can enter the tower directly. rr^ ogii^l
FIRE WALL — In strict sense should be a maso'nry wall of
sufiicient thickness, height and width to withstand the ele-
ment of fires confining them to a prescribed (theoretical)
area. Not less than 12 inches thick, without openings, ex-
tending above roof at least three feet and projecting from
side walls of protected buildings. A wall subdividing a build-
ing to restrict the spread of fire. It shall have such thick-
ness as to prevent the communication of fire by heat conduc-
tion. It shall have such stability as to remain intact after the
complete combustion of the contents of the buriding on one
side of the wall; and its structural integrity shall be unaffect-
ed by any wreckage of the building resulting from such fire,
or its extinguishment. In fire-resistive buildings with full
protection floors and roof, a fire wall need not be continuous
through all stories, nor need it extend through the roof. In
all other buildings it shall start at the foundation, be contin-
uous through all stories, and extend three feet above the roof.
(N*. F. P. A.) See Fire Prevention Observations.
Fire Wall, An Outside — A solid, blank masonry wall at
least 12 inches thick. It is either part of a building or a
separate wall built to protect a building agakist an exposure.
In case of frame buildings, the wall should extend five feet
beyond building walls. The fire record shows that many
serious losses have been averted by the use of specially built
fire walls.
FIRE POINT — Temperature at which oils become perma-
nently ignited. Usually several degrees above the flash point.
FIRE WINDOW — A window (wired glass) installed as
per Underwriters' requirements, and constructed of materials
which have been tested and approved by the Underwriters'
Laboratories. The sash, frame, glazing, automatic closing
device are included in test.
FIREWORKS depend upon nitrates to support com-
bustion and not upon chlorates, ,
FIREWORKS (special) contain red phosphorus, a ful-
minate, and are explosive.
FIRE ZONES — Localized fire zones are found in nearly
every large city. They are localities which seem to attract
a certain class of tenants bent on incendiarism. There is a
set of people who move from one city or section of a city
to another with the avowed purpose of incendiarism. They
change their names but not their habits. The class is not
confined to any one race or nationality. Too much car6
cannot be exercised in scrutinizing the records of antece-
dents of applicants whose term of residence in any particu-
lar section or city is very short.
FIRELESS COOKERS— Report of a fire— Fire was prob-
ably caused by spontaneous combustion. This was very
likely due to the sides of the receptacle sweating and dam-
pening the sawdust, or to the disc in being dropped into the
bottom, broke the solder and allowed grease or water to get
through into the sawdust. Only vacuum cookers should be
used or the manufacturer should do away with all solder
joints in the tin and otherwise safeguard the device against
fire. (N*. F. P. A., Vol. 4, 1911.) Mineral wool is a good
FIREMEN'S SEARCH-LIGHT (acetylene torch)— A
portable acetylene torch consisting of a generator (water to
carbide type), using calcium phosphate as an ignition agent,
and a burner. Designed for use when a strong, not easily ex-
tinguished, portable flame is desired; such as, around fires
and in smoky rooms. Its hazards are in a class with those,
of commoner forms of open flame kerosene torches.
FISH PLATES — Splices of inch-board, three feet in length,
nailed like splints for a broken limb, on both sides of a
FISH STORES — In frying fish lots of grease is used.
Ranges become very greasy. The entire top should be en-
closed in metal hood, ventilated to proper flue.
FISHING TACKLE— Manufacturing hazards are metal
and woodworking. Use celluloid cement and amyl acetate
when binding rods.
FIVE AND TEN CENT STORES— Stock consists of al-
most anything from a pin to a white elephant. Very sus-
ceptible, hard to adjust losses, seldom insured by knowing
underwriters. See Variety Stores.
FLAMES (Candle Structure)— The flame of a candle
is a curious thing as it teaches one of the best lessons
possible to the student of fire protection. Every lighted can-
dle is a gas factory. If you will look carefully at the flame
when the air is still, you will see that it is hollow, like a
shell, and the space inside of this shell is filled with dark
gas not yet afire. There are three principal regions to a
candle flame, the interior region is dark and consists of coal
gas, the next region is where oxygen is being united with
the gas (the luminous part), while the last is the oxydizing
region, the hottest part of the flames. The flames seen in
burning buildings have the same structure. See How Water
Puts Out Fire. See Conflagration Blast.
FLANNELETTE is generally used for nightgowns on
account of its long loose nap. If it becomes ignited, it is
almost certain the wearer's life is doomed as it flashes up im-
mediately. It should be treated with a lasting chemical fire-
proofing process. See Fireproofing Children's Clothing.
FLANGE — A projecting ledge or rim.
FLAP-CHECK VALVE— A valve with a flap hinged at
Upper side, allowing the passage of liquids in one direction
only. See Ball-check Valve.
FLASH POINT of a substance is the temperature at
which it gives off inflammable vapor. The lower the flash
point, the more dangerous. See Burning Point.
FLASHER — A device for throwing circuits in and out to
the lights for intermittent electric signs.
FLASHING — Broad sheet of metal with one edge inserted
into the joints of brickwork and projecting out several inches
and fastened down close to the roof to prevent leaks.
FLASH-LIGHT POWDERS— Aluminum and magnesium
powders mixed with chlorate of potash and other carriers of
oxygen for intensification ignite readily and are highly ex-
plosive; should be kept in cool, dry places.
FLASKS — Boxes which contain the mould Jiitol^l' which
melted iron is poured for casting. Used in foundries;
FLAT ARCH— In floor construction, an arch with flat
upper and lower surfaces. Generally not as strong as seg-
mental arches. See Floor Arches.
FLAT ROOF— A roof which has a pitch not exceeding 20
steam and gas percolators, mills, mixers, alcohol, fruit
juices, essential oils. Care of packing material, method of
heating kettles and grinding are main hazards. Not consid-
ered a desirable class.
FLAX — A fibre yielded by a certain plant. See Fibres.
FLAX STRAW— Formerly a waste by-product of the flax
industry of the Southwest, is now utilized in paper making.
FLESHING — Consists of removing, by machinery or hand,
the fatty tissues clinging to the flesh side of skins or hides.
FLOATERS — A policy that covers goods wherever located
without specifying any designated locations, except that it
excludes goods in the main plant or factory. Not all com-
panies care for floating insurance.
FLOATING FOUNDATION— Is an entire flat bed of
concrete and steel reinforced. Used only when a solid
foundation cannot be reached.
FLOCK — The refuse fibre from rag-grinding machines.
The Flock which is used for covering wall paper is ground
felt. The dust made in grinding flock is heavier than air
and said to be non-explosive. Flock dust thrown into the
air spreads rapidly, but quickly falls to the floor.
FLOOR ARCHES— Columbian System consists of a com-
bination of rolled steel bars and concrete. The bars are of
cross-shaped section and are hung to the floor beams by steel
stirrups cut to the exact shape of the bar used. The bars and
stirrups are then surrounded by cement concrete. Two forms
of this system are in use, the ''panelled," in which there is
only one plate (the floor), and the "flat ceiling," in which
plates are employed for floor and ceiling. Beams are pro-
tected by a concrete slab, made at the building and held on
the beam flange by malleable iron clips moulded in the
blocks and held in place by longitudinal wires. These blocks
are placed on the beams first and concrete filled in to make
the plate and haunches at the same time. The concrete used
is generally 1 part cement, 2^ parts sand, and 5 parts
broken stone.
Columbian Beam Plate is made of concrete moulded
generally at the building. There are two ties running
through the block lengthwise and two malleable iron clips set
right in the block. Then, when block is laid, the concrete is
run right in on the top. It is a straight concrete arch. Co-
lumbian Iron Bars are made either single, cross or double-
cross in section and about 5 inches deep. These run from
beam to beam, hung in stirrups. The malleable iron clips are
protected by the concrete. There is a ^-inch air space
below the beam between the concrete protection. The ceil-
ing consists of a concrete floor plate as in the previous form
with the addition of lighter bars, resting on the lower flanges
of the beams on which bars the concrete ceiling slab is cast.
An air space is left between the two plates (floor and ceil-
ing), but the exposed webs are either left exposed or are
encased in concrete.
Expanded Metal Compan/s System Flange Type, when
used for wide spans (from 8 feet to 15 feet), has arched
channels about 4 feet apart, sprung from girder to girder to
reinforce and stiffen the floor plate. Concrete ribs are then
built up on these channels to the level of the tops of the
girders, and sheets of expanded metal are laid flat on the tops
of the beams and the concrete ribs to receive the concrete
floor plate.
Another form designed to give a level ceiling for plaster-
ing is constructed by laying sheets of expanded metal on the
lower flanges of the I-beams. A 3-inch concrete plate is
then placed and tamped and a lighter cinder concrete is
filled up to the tops of the beams.
The concrete used is generally made of 1 part cement, 2
parts sand and 5 to 6 parts furnace cinders, the mixture
varying somev^hat with the character of the sand and cinders.
Fawcett System consists of hard-burned t'erra-cotta
lintels running from beam to beam and filled on top
with a cinder concrete. For convenience in setting, the ends
of these lintels are cut diagonally and they are laid at such
an angle to the beams that the shorter diagonal is at right
angles to them. These lintels bear on and fit around the
lower flanges of the beams so as to leave an air space of
about ^-inch under their entire length. This space connects
with the interior of each lintel, and theoretically there is a
connected air space under all beams and through all lintels.
Air flues or thimbles may be built into the exterior walls,
thus connecting these spaces with the outside air.
In erection, the lintels are set without mortar. No reliance
is placed on them for ultimate strength as they are employed
only as centers to receive the load-bearing concrete. For the
supporting metal work, small I-beams are used, usually 4
inches to 7 inches, spaced from 2 feet to 2 feet 6 inches on
Guastavino System consists of arches of hard-burned tiles
laid in three courses and is used more generally in public or
semi-public buildings. These tiles are 1 inch by 6 inches by
12 inches, and are laid in neat Portland cement, breaking
The arches are designed especially for each building and
may be either dome or barrel-shaped. The dome arches have
been used for rooms as large as 70 feet square and may be
laid with a decorative tile requiring no finish. The essential
point of this system is, that the best cement must be used.
The concrete is simply a filling. There are no steel sup-
porting members in the arch.
Hennebique System — The armature of the beams is formed
by steel bars placed at the lower flanges, and by vertically
placed stirrups which embrace the bent steel tension bars.
The columns have the steel rods near the corners and tied
together at close intervals with hoop steel ties or collars.
Herculean System reinforced floor arch is composed of
terra-cotta blocks held in place between each rdW-6f^ tile with
"T" irons. ' ' "
Kahn System — Made by Trussed Concrete Steel Co.
Use a truss bar. The cross-section shows two horizontal
flanges or wings, projecting at opposite sides. These flanges
are sheared up at intervals to form rigidly connected diago-
nals, making a unit of main bar and shear members. Re-
sembles a straight bar with iron bars sticking upward at
about 45 degrees.
Lee Hollow-Tile and Cable-Rod Floor System — Combines
terra-cotta blocks with suspension cables for use in long
spans in place of other reinforcement.
Mackolite Floor System consists of moulded blocks
made of plaster of paris, mixed with water and chemicals.
The mixture is moulded in forms, left a short time to set, and
kiln-dried for about four days. These blocks are made u^ to a
maximum length of 5 ft. Flange protection tiles are held un-
der the beam flanges by dove-tailed projections from the main
blocks. Cinder concrete with nailing strips and finished floor
is employed as usual and the ceiling may be plaster directly
on the blocks. The floor differs materially from most of
the construction in general use in that the material is de-
signed to act as a beam or lintel instead of an arch. No
centering is required for erection, and as there is no end
thrust, no tie-rods are needed.
Melan Arch System depends mainly for its strength on
the use of steel ribs (usually T's or light I-beams), or by lat-
ticed iron rods bent to the shape of the arch, and sprung from
the lower flanges of the I-beams. A curved "center" is ap-
plied close to the underside of the ribs and then, starting at'
one beam, coarse concrete is filled in and rammed toward the
haunches for a depth equal to about two-thirds of the depth of
the curved beam. The remaining one-third is filled with a finer
mixture of cement and sand. Each side is built and rammed
separately, and the key is then filled in and rammed verti-
cally. This system has been used on spans of from 12 to 16
feet with the curved rib spaced 3 to 5 feet, according to
strength required. The rise of the arch is from one-tenth to
one-twelfth of a span. Tie-rods are used to take up the
thrust. The use of this system may be criticised as the con-
crete is used as a beam and an arch at the same time. The
closer the ribs are spaced, the less objectionable does this
feature become.
Metropolitan System consists of a composition plate
with, wire suspension cables instead of metal bars for
the metal members. These cables are anchored to the
walls and laid across the tops of the beams and spaced from
seven-eighths to one and one-half inches on centers accord-
ing to the spans and loads, and are laid parallel. Lengths of
seven-eighth round iron rods are laid on the cables below
the top of the beam, so as to deflect the cables uniformly
three inches below the tops of the beams in a six-foot span.
Centers are then placed between the beams and one inch be-
low the iron rods. A composition formed of about one part
plaster of paris by bulk to two parts of spruce or hemlock
planer shavings, with sufficient water to mix thoroughly, is
then poured into place and tamped, and brought to a level
one-half inch above the tops of the beams. This forms a
floor plate four inches thick ready for filling, screeds and
wooden floor. The portions of the beams below the ceiling
line are protected by a two-inch thickness of a composition
poured at the same time the plate is made, into forms left in
the centers. The flanges of the beams are wrapped with wire
netting before the composition is poured.
Sawdust is used in the composition of the Metropolitan
floor. They use plaster of paris and one or two-inch long
planer shavings. This construction is used somewhat in
apartment houses. They put heavy plank floors on top and
anything of weight is screwed through the plaster to the
floor. In the Metropolitan floor the under side of beams or
girders is protected by making a mould between the "center"
and pouring right around the beam. The stuff is mixed up in
such a liquid form that it can be poured right on. This type
has been tested and accepted by some city building depart-
Ransome System — Use square steel rods, twisted cold, for
reinforced concrete construction. •
Rapp System uses rolled sheet iron T*s laid on the
bottom flanges of the beams spaced 8^ inches *on centers,
held in position by spacing-ties. Bricks are then laid be-
tween the T's and grouted, and the space up to the beam top
filled with cinder concrete made about one to eight. The
lower flanges are wrapped with wire lath and plastered when
the ceiling is finished.
Roebling System uses a steel-ribbed wire cloth cen-
tering and a cinder concrete aich or plate. This centering is
permanent and is sprung into place between the lower
flanges of the beams, and the adjoining sheets are lapped or
laced. Cinder concrete is then filled in up to the top of the
beam giving a thickness of not less than three inches at the
crown. A wire lath ceiling may be suspended under the arch
of the beam flanges, or the beam flanges may be protected by
wire lath filled with concrete. The latter is much better. If
no suspended ceiling is used, the lower flanges of the beams
are protected by only the plaster on wire mesh about one
inch thick.
"Trussit" Sjrstem — For light concrete roofs, curtain walls
and solid partitions. Trussit is corrugated, expanded steel,
reinforcing sheets, made in form of continuous "V's," erected
without forms or centering. Made by General Fireproofing
FLOOR LIGHTS — Heavy glass in wood or iron frames
inserted into the flooring to give light below. In non-fire-
proof buildings if the glass is at least ^rinch thick in iron
frames, no charge is made in some of the local rating
• FLOOR OPENINGS should be protected in a standard
manner. See Illustration.
Stair, EL£VA7i>j^^
PtPe SHArr^Aiso
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£//i£aOORS AT
^HA£ts)FbR AFPUmo
7yp£S 0F aooRS.
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FOUNDRY FLASKS— Frames of wood or iron, four
sided, no top or bottom. Used to hold the sand moulds in
position. Wooden ones frequently become charred from"
molten metal. ^ Fires arise from storing flasks inside oi
buildings or against wood partitions where hidden sparks
break out into fire. w x: . ■ x
FOUNDRY SAND— "Water-proof" sand used by fotirrdef^
when casting in sand moulds is composed of ground resin,'
flour and secret white powder. Prevents the molten lead
from adhering to mould. Process is grinding, mixiilg';%eat^
ing resin by direct heat. Non-hazardous. -"f )nu;
FRAME — A term used when pieces of timber are put tO-^
gether so as to form a truss or other structure.
FRAME CONSTRUCTION— See Balloon and Braced
Frame. . ' i; 1
FRAME ROWS — Many of these rows, have open spaced!
called c6ck-loft6, roof spaces or small attics, which are opeii*
from one building to another. This space is between the top
floor ceiling and the roof. It may be from 6 inches to 5 or 6
feet in height. Besides containing considerable dust,^ shavMgs
left at the time the building was built, they are sometimes'
used for storing old mattresses and junk of all kinds. Fires
once started, entering these concealed spaces, are hard to Id-'
cate and put out. The tendency of a fire to go through
spaces is greatly increased by the pressure of the air and %ot
gases produced by combustion. Hot gases always rise, there-"
fore the danger is greater directly under the roof. Pafti-'
tions of incombustible material to under part of roofboards
should be placed on each side of the studs between build-
ings at roof spaces. See Attics; also Roof Spaces, Cock-
Loft, and Brick-filling. ' '• ' }'-"
arid Balloon Frame.
FREEZING WEATHER— See Fire Appliances; also Fuel.
FRENCH POLISH is a polish formed by dissolving shel-
lac in spirits of wine.
FRICTION (revolving) is the friction of journals and
bearings of every description. Roller friction is the resistance
offered by the circumference of the wheel of a vehicle to the
propelling power. Sliding friction is the friction of two flat
surfaces as in a planing machine. Friction is worse in suc-
tion pipes than in discharge.
Friction Wheels — Wheels so placed that the journals of
the shaft may rest upon their rims and thus be enabled to
revolve with diminished friction.
FRICTION LOSS in fire hose. From experiments of J.
R. Freeman. In pounds per hundred feet, with various
amounts flowing. Nominal diameter 2 J/2 inches; actual ap-
proaches 2^ inches.
Gallons Flowing
Unlined linen 5
Rubber-lined, fair 4
Rubber-lined, good . . 2
3-inch hose about 40 per cent, of the above.
FRICTION LOSS in water pipes is determined by loss in
pounds pressure per square inch for each 100 feet of length
on different size clean iron pipe discharging given quantities
of water per minute.
FRIENDLY FIRE— One that does not leave its seat of
origin, as, for instance, a smoking oil stove or oil lamp, char-
ring from radiated heat (unless fire ensues), like charred
beams under a furnace. The damage caused by soot is not
covered by the fire policy.
FRIEZING MACHINES— Sometimes called a shaper, used
by woodworkers. These machines consist of two vertical
spindles projecting up through a table and rotating rapidly
in opposite directions. Each spindle carries cutters of vari-
ous designs as desired. They are used for beveling, making
edge mouldings. Considerable dust and refuse made.
FROZEN WATER— No receptacle has been made with
sufficient strength to resist the bursting power of frozen
A Friendly Fire.
FRUIT EVAPORATORS— Fruit is pared, cored, trimmed,
bleached with sulphur fumes, sliced and dried, packed. Evap-
orators resemble a brick kiln; steam or furnace heat, with
furnace set in kiln, fruit on slatted floor above.
Bleaching with sulphur fumes, in separate building, or by-
putting same on belt-conveyor passing through a bleaching
box. Both use a pot of burning sulphur. Fruit-preparing
usually by machinery. Busy season, September to January.
rials consist of tapioca, currants, dates, raisins, citron, etc.
Machinery consists of raisin-seeding machines, currant-wash-
i-ng machines, steam kettles, dry-rooms, tubs of syrup. Not
a desirable class.
FRUIT STORES— Owing to health board regulations, re-
'quiring certain fruits, shelled nuts, etc., to be covered, deal-
ers are using sheets of celluloid for a covering. In large
stores, considerable quantity is kept on hand. If well estab-
lished, considered a desirable class. Salvage in case of fire
is very small.
FUEL is a substance whose combustion in atmospheric
oxygen can be utilized as a source of heat energy for com-
mercial or domestic purposes.
In zero weather, the supply of coal should be care-
fully noted by inspectors as experience has shown that a lack
of supply may lead to the crippling of the automatic sprinkler
equipment due to lack of heat. See Fire Appliances.
FUEL OIL — Crude oil with some of the lighter hydro-
carbons (gasoline, benzine, etc.), removed, leaving the heavy
tar oil. Flashes usually at about 150 deg. F. Classed as
non-volatile. In large units, tanks preferably buried under
ground rather than above ground. Should have a steampipe
or other device suc^i as a blanketing gas or foam for ex-
tinguishing fires. Conveyor pipes to be run underground
with accessible gate valves to shut off supply. See Petro-
leum, also Oil-burning Equipments.
FULCRUM — The point about which a lever turns.
FULL RISK — A risk on which a company is committed
to the full limit of its acceptances. In other words, the com-
pany has written all the insurance it cares to accept on the
particular risk. See Lines; also Risk.
FULL WAR COVER— See War Risk Insurance.
FULLER'S EARTH RECOVERY— Earth saturated with
oil is removed from filter presses and placed in steam stills
where oil is driven off and recovered as refined oil. The
earth thus freed is calcined to remove all volatile and or-
ganic matter, and, after cooling, is ready for use agfain.
FULMINATES— These metallic salts are explosive with
heat or friction. Should be kept from mineral acids, car-
riers of oxygen, liquefied oxygen, organic substances and
sulphur. If water or other liquid with which a fulminate has
been mixed is sprinkled about and the drops left to dry, the
slightest residual traces of the fulminate will explode of
themselves, the greatest violence being exhibited when they
are exposed to the rays of the sun. Even the dust swept
up in fulminate works has a tendency to explode sponta-
neously. — (W. D. Grier.)
FULMINATE OF MERCURY is made by dissolving
mercury in strong nitric acid. It is extremely sensitive to
the heat of friction and is handled immersed in water or
alcohol to prevent explosion. Used in ammunition works.
FULMINATE OF SILVER is a grayish white crystalline
material used in torpedoes. More sensitive than mercury
fulminate. Liable to spontaneous combustion.
FULMINOSE— Cellulose changed by heat.
FUMEXER — Trade name for an apparatus for venting
vapors from inflammable liquids. It is a curved metal hood
with wire glass side and back, equipped with, suction fan
for drawing off vapor from air brushes, and a drip pan for
catching excess liquid.
FUMIGATION— Carbon bisulphide is sometimes used in
tobacco factories to exterminate insects.
FUMING SULPHURIC ACID— Used in fortifying the
mixed acids used for nitrating. See Oleum.
FUMOTH — Used in fumigating as a protection against
the Mediterranean or flour moth. The process is: Slow-
burning paper is saturated with a secret material (claim non-
hazardous). This paper is slowly burned in a coal stove or
other receptacle which has ducts leading to the machinery
or elevator legs, etc. The fumes are forced through the
machinery parts by means of a slowly-revolving fan. The
outlet from these burning fumigators is protected by a dou-
ble wire gauze, and the intake air is also protected with
wire gauze.
FUR INDUSTRY (Charles E. Jahne)— The fur industry
is very extensive. The class of employees is largely of
foreign type. The larger and more important shops
are well cared for, and attention is given to the mat-
ter of cleanliness; but the middle or smaller classes
are generally crowded and untidy, and the employees
are addicted very much to cigarettes. It is a common oc-
currence to open the shop door unexpectedly and see an
employee smoking while standing with a "SMOKING PRO-
HIBITED" sign directly in line of his vision, then ask the
shop foreman if he allows smoking and receive his innocent
reply, "Never." Then the inspector leads the foreman to
the offending employee, who, of course, claims he was never
told not to smoke in the shop, and then the matter closes
with a promise from both foreman and employee that it
will never happen again, and the inspector knows as well as
they do that neither one expects to make good his promise.
There are many failures and fires in the fur trade. The
manufacturers of small means are severely handicapped.
There are, practically speaking, three grades of furriers. The
first grade usually has first selection of importations; the
second-raters, the second choice, and the third-rater takes
what is left and usually pays as much as others for an in-
ferior article. It is in the last class that most failures oc-
cur. The better the skins, the more easily they are manu-
factured at less expense, and the third-rater therefore has
an added expense to cover up defects.
The fur industry is divided into many parts, namely, the
sale of raw skins, the dressing of skins, the manufacturing
of hatter's furs, of dressed skins into garments, of muffs and
boas, of robes, of caps, of fur tails and heads; also, the trade
^ the taxidermist, who by his art of dressing and stuffing,
produces the animal hide in a form representing its natural
We will endeavor to consider these departments and point
out the hazards connected with each, so as to give at least
a faint idea of them.
In the capturing of the animals, it is most desired that
they shall be trapped rather than shot because in trapping
only the feet or neck of the animal is punctured, while in
shooting, the body skin is usually damaged, and thereby re«
ducing the value.
Skins are known as the seasoned and the unseasoned. The
better of the two are the seasoned, because they are cap*
tured during the coldest weather, that being the time when
the hair is the strongest and most oily and the skin the
toughest. In skinning the animal, the punching process is
the best, because there is less liability of cutting the skin
or having the flesh cling to it. After removing the skins,
they are dried by natural air, and if the pelt is soft, it is
sprayed with water to harden it. They are then baled for
shipment, except the finest grade of seals, which are often
salted down and packed in casks. When they are received
by the dealers in raw skins, they are examined to determine
whether they are firsts or seconds (those without knife cuts
from the skinning process being the first).
Dealers in Raw Skins usually have drying and flesh-
ing rooms. Herein lie the hazards in their class. The dry-
ing of the skins is usually done by gas heat and in frame
enclosures with the skins hung on wooden racks. The room
should be made of some fireproof material, the hangers of
metal and the skins so arranged that if one or mofe should
fall from their supports, they would not come in contact
with the heating apparatus. Steam heat for the drying
room is the most preferable from a safety point. All scrap-
ings from the fleshing work should be placed in metal re-
ceptacles. Sawdust is often used for the grease absorption
on the floor of the fleshing room. Sand is preferable; but
no matter which is used, the sweepings should be removed
at least daily.
The next to consider is the fur-dressing trade. The skins
are received here in bales generally, but very often in loose
form, and stored in piles awaiting the process. In case of
fire in the storage rooms, and the skins should not be burned
but thoroughly water soaked, they should not be allowed to
remain in piles over seven or eight days (the time being
governed by the temperature), as they are liable to become
heated and then fermentation would be rapid, and this would
render the skin practically useless. The skins are in turn
examined, and fleshed if particles adhere to them; then, if
dirty or sandy, they are washed in plain water and dried by
artificial heat, preferably gas. They are then tramped. This
means placed in a barrel (one skin at a time) containing
sawdust, and tramped upon by a man with light slippers on
his feet. This makes the skin soft and pliable and also
works out the grease which is absorbed by the sawdust.
The skins are then rolled, e. g., drawn back and forth over
round sticks by means of which they are stretched and
flattened; and if any humps or ridges still exist they are
skived, or trimmed down with a sharp knife. They are then
cleaned in drums, which are large cylindrical-shaped casks
practically resembling squirrel cages, which contain quanti-
ties of sawdust, preferably cedar wood dust. The drums are
rotated by power, and the forced contact with each other,
and the mingling with the dust, all serve to clean the skins
and remove all remaining greases (at times charcoal stoves
are placed under the drums in cold weather), and lastly,
comes the hand beating with rattans, which serves to fluff
up the fur.
- There are times when the skins must be bleached or
dyed. To dye them, aniline or logwood dyes, sumac, am-
monia, sulphuric and nitric acids are used, and this is not
a hazardous process. In the bleaching process, an ajr-tight
room is needed; sulphur cakes are put in a crucible or ppt
which is set on some fireproof base, and the sulphur which is
set on fire with a match, burns very slowly without a flame,,
practically smoldering, and gives escape to dense fumes
which penetrate the hair and hide. Many firms have fireproof
vaults in which the more expensive furs are stored. See
Manufacturing of Hatters* Furs is a very much more haz-
ardous process than fur dressing, on account of the high-
speed machinery used. Hatters' furs are usually shipped in,
burlap-covered bales. Water, if clean, will not damage the
stock very heavily if immediately salvaged, and providing the
stock is not scattered about. Smoke has a bad effect on
the stock because it is very hard to remove the odor. The
stock on the pelts is a different proposition, and offers only
small salvage. Felt hats are made of hatters' fur. - ^
\ This specific work is the producing of the animal hair iii
a proper condition for use by the manufacturers of felt hats
and felted fabrics. The preferable skins to be used are the
beaver, coney, rabbit and hare; because tbeyi are the most
susceptible to the carroting process, which is intended to
stiffen the hair for the cutting machines. Carroting means
a spraying, usually with a hand brush, of a weak solution of
nitric acid, carrot oil and water on the hair, and the skin
then passes to the dryer, which is heated to about 150 deg.
F. At one time it was thought that only coal fires were
proper for this drying, but that severe hazard is now elimi-
nated by the use of steani. Previous to the carroting, the
skins are examined and fleshed, if necessary, and after the
carroting they are trimmed; that is, the irregular edges are
straightened; then they go to the combers and then to the
shearing and blowing machines, These machines remove the
hair from the pelt and blow all foreign particles free from
it. The blowers have separators attached and the hair and
foreign particles are carried to different receptacles. The
possibility of overheated journals covered with dust and hair
and resultant combustion causing rapid flash fires is a serious
feature. The finished product is packed in papei: bags and
burlap bales. The pelts are sold to tanners. ,_ ^
Fur Garment Manufacturing contains practically ^ tz^ilor-
ing hazard, with the additional feature of stretching and
drying skins by nailing them on boards and standing them
around coal stoves,, or in small gas-heated drying rooms.
After the frying, they^ |]^;|^S ^IV;^ turx^ Jo ^tj)e^.,^^^^^
liners and finishers. ..>;,^> M^ hn^ ^:'i^f^t'^,V,,^v^^!r•■;>'.•^l
Muffs, Boas and Caps are made largely by pieced
skins for the cheap grade stock, and of whole skins for the
high-grade stock. You find the hazards of the fur garment
shop here with the additional and serious hazard of the use
of cotton bats and shoddy, which are used for stufiing or
filling purpos:es. The latter very naturally increases the pos-
sibility of an untidy shop,
Fur Tails are made from- the clippings and waste. This
class includes, the poorest type of fur manufacturing, both
from the standpoint of tidiness and rank of employee§^ -CJ^t,-
ting and sewing are the only operations, ^. a.t y;:; :
The Taxidermist is in a sense a part ;of the fur trade,
in ' that he receives the, skin^ fron^ tj^e fur dresser for
mounting. The serious f^e^tu^^^ ju l^^.sj^pp are the storage
and handling of materials for stuffing; use of waxes and
paints for tinting and finishing, and the woodworking in the
making of moulds, frames and bases. Materials used for
stuffing are cotton, shoddy, excelsior and sawdust.
In conclusion, let us sum up the brief hazards of the fur
Dealers in Skins — Fleshing and drying.
Fur-Dressers — Fleshing skiving, tramping, cleaning in
drums, dyeing and bleaching, benzine for removing grease
from heads. ru w ju
Hatters* Furs — Carroting, cutting, blOS^itig, drying.
Garment Manufacturing — Drying, cutting, sewing.
Muffs, Boas and Caps — Cutting, sewing and filling and dry-
Taxidermist — Drying, stuffing, decorating and wood-
The above all have a grease hazard to some degree.
Fur Tails — Cutting and sewing.
Fur Pointers — Use fish glue for setting seams.
FUR COLD STORAGE VAULTS— Rooms should be of
small area and each equipped with ice house door entering
vestibule and the inner door of two thicknesses of sheet iron
interlined with 4-inch cork block. Direct pumping brine
system with coils on walls. No blower or suction fans.
Regular watchman and clock service, sprinklers on dry
pipe line with control valve outside of vault. Automatic
alarm, expansion thermostatic operating at about 130 deg. F.
and connected with central station. Trouble alarm, consist-
ing of electric thermometers. Approved electric wiring,
outside switch with pilot light to indicate when lights are on
or off. Masonry walls 12 inches thick, insulated with 4-inch
cork block and cemented. Floors insulated and water-proof
with two layers of felt (tarred), 1-inch corkboard alternating
and finished off with 2-inch concrete. See Consequential
FUR HAT FACTORY— Fire, caused by watchman open-
ing door of alcohol recovery oven, the vapors therein being
exploded by the watchman's lantern. An approved watch-
man's lantern should always be used.
FURNACES ai^* 111
FURS IN COLD STORAGE— Underwriters should be
careful not to authorize "too high" a line, as considerable
value may be concentrated in very small space. See Conse-
quential Damage.
FURNACES — For installation of temporary kerosene oil
burners. See Kerosene Burners.
FURNACES (portable hot air type) should be placed at
least four feet from any combustible partition or ceiling. If
protected by metal shield, not less than two feet. Wood
floors under furnaces should have sheet metal or one-eighth
inch asbestos covered with two courses of 4-inch hollow tile
or equivalent, this in turn with at least three-sixteenth inch
boiler iron plates. Three courses of brick, top course laid on
edge, producing a ventilating air space, may be used in lieu
of the terra-cotta. See Cold Air Boxes.
FURNISHED-ROOM HOUSES— Contents are usually
undesirable, owing to the great inroads made by apartment
hotels taking the better class of roomers, and the rapid de-
terioration of furrtiture from wear and tear. The furnishings
in the cheaper grade houses are bought from second-hand
dealers. Many fires are caused by smoking, carelessness
with matches, swinging gas jets, cooking on gas, alcohol or
kerosene oil stoves. See Actors; also Boarding Houses and
Lodging Houses.
FURNITURE POLISH is usually made of clay, petro-
leum, varnish, linseed oil, benzine, acetic acid, glacial acetic
acid, nitro-benzol, lemon oil, oil of citronella, turpentine.
FURNITURE STOCK— If stock is all new and only oc-
casional "touching up" is done, packing material in standard
bin, safety waste can for polishing rags provided, this class
appears to be acceptable. Cabinet making or re-upholster-
ing may be done.
FURRING is the finish applied to a wall to prevent damp-
ness. The usual method is to lay furring strips on wall
about 16 inches O. C, then place the wood lath over the
stud and then finish with plaster. This leaves a concealed
space of about 3 inches. Fires getting into this space are
hard to locate and put out. The up-to-date method is to
place asphaltum directly on the naked brick walls and thca
c6at with plaster, leaving no concealed space. See Finish;
see Fire Stops.
FUSE — Device for breaking an electrical circuit vv^hich may
become overloaded.
FUSE (ammunition) forms the point or nose of the pro-
jectile. It is made of machined brass and aluminum parts
enclosing a powder train and detonators. Platinum fuses
cause ignition when exposed to coal gas or alcohol vapors.
FUSE (powder) is a train of powder or a fuse which leads
to a charge of powder.
FUSEL OIL (amyl alcohol) — Colorless to yellow liquid,
produced in the fermentation of starch and sugar, and is
separated from grain alcohol. Commercial flashes at over
80 deg. F.
Fusel Oil — The refuse from the distillation of spirits.
FUSIBLE LINK, as used on fire doors, etc., made of bis-
muth, tin and lead and antimony. The ordinary link fuses
at 165 deg. F. Even though a cord is used in place of wire
to hold open a door or packing bin, a fusible link is needed,
as it melts when temperature rises sufficiently, whereas direct
heat is required to burn a cord.
Blast furnace slag 2500 deg. F.
Bessemer retort slag 3100 "
Brass 1600
Bronze 1450 "
Cast iron (pig) 2000-2400
Copper 3000 "
Ferro-nickel steel 2250 "
Gold ..^<;M^, 1950 "
Iron (pure) 3275 "
Iron (wrought) ., 3300-4000 "
Lead ... 630 " ,
Manganese steel 2300 "
Nickel 2700
Silver 1750 "
Solt Solder 340
Steel ■ 2400r3300
Tin 450 deg. F.
Zinc 750
Glass 2000-2300 "
N. F. P. A. (May 7, 1914). Reprinted from Western
Actuarial Hazards report.
FUSTIC — A dyestuff from wood or Venetian sumac. See
Dye Woods.
b-j„;,i., ,,^ ,.
The "shodder" during the beating process looks rather like
a pack of cards, only a little larger, and the "cutch" into
which , the pieces of gold, already thinned out to several
times their original size, has much the same appearance.
At this stage, however, much finer skins are used — so fine
that the 700 or so of which the "cutch" is composed make
a thickness of less than one inch. After some hours more
of beating, the gold leaf is again cut and put between jyjet
another book, or pack of skins, known as a "mold."
The "mold" is beaten on for about four hours with ham-
mers of varying weights and sizes, according to the stage of
the beatings. The transferring of the incredibly thin leaves
of rich, yellow rnetal from the "mold" to the books bought
by the gilders is done with a very fine pair of clips, or
pincers, made of the lightest wood.
The leaf is laid on a cushion of soft leather, and then deli-
cately cut to the size of the book with a simple-looking in-
strument of .wood with sharpened sides, known as a
GOLD PAINT—See Bronzing Liquid.
GOLDSMITHS— Hazards of melting pots, metal work-
ing, gas blow pipes, polishing.
GOLF BALLS — The core is gelatine or soap and water
or an acid resembling sulphuric in a rubber bag around
which is wrapped a tight rubber strip, then follows a layer
of rubber strips and an outer shell of gutta-percha and com-
GOODS IN HANDS OF— A term signifying that goods
belonging to one party are in the hands of another party, pre-
sumably to be made up, as for instance, cloth in the hands
of a contract tailor to be made up into garments. Con-
sidered desirable insurance at current rates, even in sweat-
shops, as quite often it is found that prior to the fire most
of the goods have been returned to the owner. See Sweat-
GOOSENECK — The inverted end of a cast iron or other
pipe used at the end of vent pipes above the roof of garages,
etc., to prevent rain from getting into the pipe.
GOVERNOR — The part of a machine which regulates the
speed; usually by two balls attached to springs on a revolv-
ing axis. Increase in speed causes the balls to fly outward,
which action regulates a valve, which in turn reduces the
amount of power consumed by the machine.
GRAHAMITE — An asphalt used in making cable insula-
tion compound. Contains carbon and has caused mine fires
in West Virginia and Utah.
GRAIN ELEVATORS or Warehouses. Grain is usually
received from barges or trains, elevated to top of building
and dropped into receiving bins, called "garners." Thence
it is cleaned, mixed, bleached and perhaps cooked. From
the steam cooker the grain is conveyed in worm conveyor
to a hopper, through rollers to squeeze out water, then to
grain dryer, and through an exhauster, where dust is con-
veyed by blower to a cyclone.
The bins are usually "cribs" made of planking, and extend-
ing from first to top floor. When the warehouses are built
in rows they are usually connected by endless belt conveyors
on which the grain travels from one building to another.
Standard automatic drop doors should be at each side of
openings at fire walls. Cleaners and other machinery are
usually located on first floor. The "scourers" (smut re-
movers) and mills should have magnets, as they revolve at
high speed, as do the "clippers," which clip the ends of
the grain. Sulphur fumes are used for bleaching.
Dryers are invariably steam-heated. Cleanliness about the
plant and machinery is essential. Dust in machinery and
elevating machinery is more hazardous than that found un-
' 14 ftJT^WJW GRAIN FIRES .I^fim 231
der ordinary atmospheric conditions from handling of the
grain. The use of open lights or of unguarded electric lights
lowered into bins to ascertain the quantity of grain therein,
has often caused an explosion of the dust in suspension in
the bin from the open light or the breaking of the electric
light bulb. All lights should have guards. Grain dust explodes
from sparks in grinding or milling machines, electric sparks
from motors or from static electricity generated by rapidly-
moving belts and pulleys. Fires are caused by clogged ele-
vators (sometimes called lofters) or grain accumulating
around "strut-boards," also by friction gearing at machinery,
journals resting on wood, cyclones, wood pulleys, sparks
from motors or railroads. Dust spouts from cleaners should
not exhaust on railroad side of building as sparks from
locomotives may enter the spouts.
Fireproof grain storage tanks can be built of terra-cotta
tile, circular in shape, furred on the outside with tile 2 inches
in thickness and 12 inches in height (the furring tile overlap
the inner tile), the whole being reinforced by pairs of steel
tension bands running through the walls at frequent inter-
vals. The steel tension bands are imbedded in a cement
grouting and the outside furring is applied with a cement
mortar. The foundation walls and base are built of concrete.
GRAIN FIRES — A great many of the disastrous field
grain fires originate when threshing begins. Fires in
threshers are mainly caused by static electricity in the ma-
Suggestion of Insurance Department of Washington
This hazard can be guarded against to some extent by
keeping the top of the machine open, allowing the smut
and dust to blow away. Have shovels and some spaded-up
earth handy to the feed, as shoveling dirt into the separator
will frequently extinguish the fire. Chemical extinguishers,
of 2 and 3 gallon capacity are most efficient.
Threshing-machine engines should be equipped with spark
arresters and precautions should be taken* to keep the same
clean and clear from soot. When the engine is moving
from one setting to another a man with a wet sack should
follow fifty to one hundred yards behind the machine in
order to extinguish any fire which may be started by sparks.
A barrel of water with tub and wet sacks should accom-
pany all threshing outfits.
The ash dump should be thoroughly covered with dirt and
wet down before leaving the setting. The engineer should
not be depended upon to extinguish dump fires, but. the grain
growers should be on the ground and see that all fires are
carefully extinguished.
Sparks from trains — If a field is exposed to railroad, hay
strip should be cut about fifty feet wide, and fire guards of
at least ten feet of furrows plowed between railroad track
and the field. If field is exposed to country road where
there is considerable dry grass or the road is strawed, "it is
well to plow a fire guard between the field and the road.
Old straw stacks which have been burned at the time of
plowing frequently cause fires. Precaution should be taken
not to set the machine or allow the new straw pile to be
near the burned butt of the old straw pile.
Back fire from gas engines — A number of fires are caused
by back firing of gas engines. The exhaust should be
screened and kept free from dust and precaution should be
taken to have a guard follow the gas engine when moving.
Exhaust should be at least five feet above separator where
used on combines. A chemical fire extinguisher should
always accompany the engine.
Smoking — Under no circumstances allow smoking in any
field at any time after grain begins to ripen.
Oily rags which are used for cleaning up around ma-
chinery should never be thrown aside, or dropped in a field,
as is sometimes done. Spontaneous combustion may result!
All threshing machines should be equipped with metal re-
ceptables for oily rags.
Fires in the field are very difficult of control, especially
where the straw is heavy. Every precaution should be taken
to eliminate the cause. A very large proportion of the fire
loss can be prevented if farmers will plow at least ten feet
of furrows around stacks as soon as the grain is cut, mak-
ing a circle large enough to take in both the setting and
separator and leaving the engine outside the furrow. By use
of a harrow or other means, the stubble should be removed
from the ground. It is not sufficient to plow two or three
furrows that do not fully cover the stubble. It is little less
than criminal to allow a fire to spread in this manner when
it can be largely controlled by following these suggestions.
Fighting field fires — The most effective way is with wet
sacks. Men should go out on all sides with wet sacks and
beat it toward the centre. A barrel or tub of water should
be put in a machine or wagon and immediately driven to
the fire lighters so that they can keep their sacks wet at
all times.
Fires in setting — Grain sacks burn very slowly, especially
when in large piles. If work be started immediately most
of the damage can be prevented. Straw should never be
piled on sacks until after the engine has been moved and it is
made absolutely certain that no fire can spring up.
Combined harvesters — When grain is harvested by a com-
bine, the sack grain should be taken care of promptly. There
is a large and useless risk in leaving sacked grain scattered
about the field. Remember, it is your duty under the policy
conditions to prevent and put out all fires and save grain
after the fire. Do not be misled by the impression that
you should not touch the grain until the adjuster arrives.
You violate the policy conditions if you do not use due
diligence to take care of it.
construction are lined with continuous planking of crib
construction forming bins. This peculiar construction, to-
gether with the enormous height and almost total lack of
windows or fire escapes, makes this class a hard one to fight
in case of fire. Fires in this class usually are of a "flash'V
nature and sprinklers may not prove effective. Even though
heavy blank fire walls separate the various buildings, if much
water is thrown on the grain the walls are apt to bulge and
come down when the wet grain expands. (Lessons learned
from Dows Store Fire, Oct. 14, 1917.) See Cleaning Ma-
GRANITE— Under fire will explode and fly off in frag-
ments or it will disintegrate into a fine sand.
GRANULATING — Forming into grains or small masses;
separating molten substances by dropping or pouring into
moving water.
GRAPHITE, or Black Lead, as it is called, is a form of
carbon. It is used in lead pencils. The name "black lead"
is misleading, for there is no lead in this substance, which
is purely carbon with a very small amount of iron.
GRAPHITE (artificial)— Made from anthracite coal, can
be used as a lubricant in graphite grease form.
Inspectors should ascertain if gasoline or fuel oil system is
supplied by gravity or pressure. The former is not approved,
because the supply is above the point of use and the supply
pipes continually contain oil whether system is in operation
or not. In the latter case, the system depends on a pump
to bring the oil to the outlet, the supply pipe pitched to
drain back to supply tank.
GRAVITY SUPPLY of water is the best thing for fire
purposes. A reservoir of good capacity or a large standpipe
gives a reserve supply already stored at the higher eleva-
tion and available to meet any sudden large demand. Water
thus stored is, we may say, capital on hand, giving strength
to meet any emergency, whereas, the best pumping equip-
ment must depend on the right action promptly taken when
special demands arise, and there must be very large re-
serve capacity to meet possible heavy calls which would
come but rarely. (French.)
GRAVITY TANKS— The usual requirement for sprinkler
tanks is an elevation of 20 feet above roof to give about 15 lbs.
pressure on top lines. Ordinary sized tanks are made of
2y2-inch. first grade dressed lumber, or steel. Round hoops
are used, as flat hoops burst from rust. Water is kept from
freezing by steam coil; but at times steam jets are used. Ex-
posed piping must be packed frost-proof. "Tell-tales" are
used to indicate height of water, although mercury gauges
may be used. These latter are connected to tank riser on
tank side of check valve and installed inside of building.
GREASE FIRES in hotels and restaurants are caused by
the ignition of grease which has collected in the ventilator
pipe connected with large ranges. The grease slowly con-
denses on the inside of the pipe until it is thickly coated,
when it may ignite, and because the pipe has not ample
clearance from combustible material, start a fire. Some au-
thorities recommend steam jets. Water thrown on grease
when afire will scatter the fire. Sand or even sawdust is
preferable. See Oil Fires.
GREEK FIRE — A colored fire mixture, classed as fire-
GREER OIL — Made from sediment of gas oil, volatile.
GRILLAGE — A sort of net work of timbers laid cross-
ing each other.
GRISSETTES— Plain triangular pieces of plate iron riv-
eted by their vertical and horizontal legs to the sides, top
and bottom of box girders for strengthening their angles.
GROCERS— See Canned Goods.
GROIN — An arch formed by two segmental arches or
vaults intersecting each other at right angles.
GROOVED- AND-SPLINED— Planks grooved^ af 'tbtK
edges instead of tongue and grooved. When laid, a strijp
is driven in between the planks, which takes the place of
GROUND (Made Ground) — Cinders from smelting fur-
naces or others which contain a large percentage of uncon-
sumed coal should not be used for filling under buildings.
Plant of the Tottenville Copper Co., Staten Island, April
14, 1910, suflFered a loss of approximately $20,000. Fire dis-
covered near the melting furnaces and was probably started
by hot coals finding their way through a crack in the bot-
tom of pot melting furnaces or flue and thereby coming in
contact with the unconsumed coal in the cinders of which
the filling under the floor of the building was composed.
N. Y. Board of Underwriters.
GROUT — The mortar poured into the interstices between
stones or bricks.
GUANO (manure) — If wet is liable to cause spontaneous
combustion. Although the hazard is very mild, inspectors
should always suggest that pigeons and chickens be removed
from the attics or cupolas of buildings.
GUARDS — During war times when incendiaries are active,
the question of sufficient armed guards plays even a more
important part than the construction of the building and the
hazards contained therein. The year 1917, with its heavy
loss record, shows that many plants were not properly
guarded. See War Conditions.
GUAYULE— A form of rubber.
GUNCOTTON— Cotton soaked in nitric and sulphuric
acid mixture. The stronger the nitric, the more powerful the
guncotton. A weak solution produces collodion or celluloid.
See Nitro-cellulose.
GUN METAL (or Bronze) — A compound of copper and
GUN POWDER — A mixture of potassium nitrate or salt-
petre, powdered charcoal and sulphur. The explosive quality
of gunpowder is due to the fact that it will burn with great
rapidity without contact with air and that in burning it
liberates large volumes of gas.
GUTTA-PERCHA— Making in sheets, steam-heated mix-
ers and calenders are used. When mixed, beeswax is added
to keep the gutta-percha from sticking to the rollers, and
oxide of iron and oxide of zinc is also added. The sheets
are sprinkled with talcum powder to prevent adhering when
rolled up. Hazard is mild. Gutta-percha is rubber.
GYPSUM- is sulphate of lime. Found in rock formation.
It is a slow conductor of heat, as it contains in its mass a
multitude of infinitely fine air cells. Gypsum manufacturers
claim that three inches of gypsum properly applied to steel
or ironwork will hold the temperature of the metal to about
300 deg. F. when exposed to 2,200 deg. F. for a period of
four hours.
GYPSUM ARCH (Fire Test)— A 4-inch panel flat arch of
gypsum and shavings reinforced with Clinton Wire Cloth,
two inches cinder concrete fill on top and soffit of arch cov-
ered with 1^4 inches of plaster, 1 part cement -and 3 parts
composition plaster. Span of arch 5 feet 3 inches center of
I beams. Furnace of 12-inch concrete, interior about 9 feet
above grating on which the fire was placed. Heat averaged
1,700 degrees for 4 hours. The gypsum arch surprised those
in charge with its unexpectedi..ftrength. The arch had been
in place about two weeks. The arch was intact — the wire
mesh reinforcement exposed where water from hose stream
washed the plaster ofif, about 3 inches remaining show re-
sult of calcination; the lower flanges of I beams were exposed'.
The sawdust showing in arch is natural in color showing
heat did not penetrate through arch further than one-half
inch. No load test applied, '^
Water Application — ^At intervals of 5 minutes the follow-
ing was applied: 2^-inch hose with 1^-inch nozzle, 100
pounds pressure at hydrant. First, stream of one minute
duration at each of two doors to quench fires, one minute
streams on arch, outside flushed for one minute, hose ap-
plied three times to interior of furnace to cool and wash
GYPSUM PLASTER MILLS— Reduce gypsum to the fin-
est possible powder or flour before passing it to the cookfers
or calcining kettles and then to 'apply only such degree ot
heat as will serve to carry off such proportion of its con-
tained moisture as will prevent the voluntary setting or
hardening of the finished material when exposed to the
atmosphere. Inspect carefully before binding lines. '
.rrp a n»m
HAIR — Human hair stocks are not considered desirable,
owing to susceptibity of stock.
HAIR CURLERS are made of piece or scrap leather, cut
and sewed with a cotton filling through which runs a wire.
Hazards are storage and sorting of scrap leather into which
considerable quantities of rubbish find their way; sewing
machines, storage and use of cotton batting or tow. Usually
untidy appearance.
HAIR-DRESSERS— Use alcohol for massage purposes,
and in lamps for curling irons, electric curling irons and
hair dryers, gas-heated hair dryers. Some use benzine for
cleaning hair goods and also make cosmetics on the prem-
HAIR FABRIC as used for nets or braid. The hair is
reduced to a paste by a solvent, run through an artificial
silk spinner and drawn out in threads. Can be braided or
woven like horse hair.
HAIR GOODS— Manufacturing— The hair is washed in
hot water with or without disinfectant, bleached (usually
with peroxide or hydrogen), dried in dry room, curled on
irons, hand combed, or dyed. Use aniline dyes, muriatic
and sulphuric acids. See Dry Rooms, also Bleaching.
HAIR NETS are made by hand from Chinamen's queues
or from combings of women's hair.
HAIR ORNAMENTS are usually made of celluloid, ivory,
imitation ivory, vegetable ivory or bone. Involves hazards
of celluloid working on power machinery. See Celluloid.
HALLS — Buildings used for halls' and lodge rooms are
usually of large, open area; either frame or ordinary brick
construction with unprotected floor openings. May have
miscellaneous stores on ground floor. The hall proper usu-
ally has a complete stage equipment; the stage constructed
of wood or other light material; makeshift dressing rooms
and an abundance of old properties and scenery which accum-
ulate and are rarely ever removed. The dance floor is highly
polished, and care should be exercised in storing of oil and
floor mops. Gangsters frequent the poorer class halls.
Many fires are caused b}^ smoking. Fires once started in
this class are hard to extinguish. Poor fire record.
HALVING — To notch together two timbers which cross
each other so deeply that the joint thickness shall only equal
that of one whole timber.
HANGERS — Fixtures projecting below a ceiling to sup-
port the journals of long lines of shafting, or piping.
HANDKERCHIEFS— Fancy handkerchiefs are mounted
on colored pasteboard which, when wet, may stain and
thereby reduce the value of the goods. The manufacturing
consists of cutting, sewing, hemstitching and ironing. Classed
as white goods manufacturing. The nature of the business
requires cleanliness.
HARD COAL is almost wholly composed of carbon.
HARDWARE — Heavy hardware stocks are mostly un-
polished wares and are preferable to light hardware, which
is polished and therefore more susceptible to rust from
HARD WOODS— Generally classed as those cut from
broad-leaved trees. Underwriters prefer hardwood and write
larger lines than on soft woods. See Soft Woods.
Treatment Process in machine-shops; consists of hardening
and tempering tool steel. The steel is first placed in gas-
heated hardening ovens until a certain temperature is
reached and then plunged into an oil trough with agitator.
The oil used is principally fish oil, flashing at about 550
deg. F. Care should be taken to see that the furnace is
properly set.
HARNESS-MAKERS— Work consists of stuffing collars,
sewing and oiling harness. Tow, straw, hair, or hay may be
used as stuffing material.
HARNESS OIL is mainly neatsfoot oil.
HARTIN — A resin obtained from lignite.
HARTITE— A fossil resin found in coal beds.
HARTSHORN— See Ammonia.
HATCHWAY — A horizontal opening in a floor. Should
be automatically trapped in order to prevent fire from gain-^
ing access to other floors. See Shafts.
HATS (FELT) — Busiest season is summer. Made of wool
or fur felt. The hats are shaped from the felt in gas or
steam-heated presses over plaster moulds, then laured (put-
ting on the nap) by brushing the felt so that the hair lays
in one direction and greasing with a cloth pad which is
applied until a gloss is obtained. The lining is then put in.
Heating of lauring stoves important, gas being principally
used but sometimes kerosene oil.
Buckram frames for hats are sized with shellac, varnished
and glued. See Buckram.
HAT STOCKS are very susceptible. Derby and other
stiff hats are practically ruined as far as sale is concerned
if damaged by water or smoke. Soft hats are not so easily
damaged. Straw hats are usually a total loss.
HATS (STRAW)— Straw braiding is usually a separate
business. In making hats, the braided straw is sewn by ma^
chinery and blocked, i. e., moistened, formed over plaster or
spelter moulds and pressed in gas or steam-heated presses,
then bleached or dyed, varnished or shellaced and dried.
Bleaching is done by peroxide of sodium or sulphur fumes.
Glue or shellac is used for sizing. Blocking presses require
several rubber tube gas connections. There may also be a
foundry for making spelter moulds. Paper boxes may also
be made on the premises. The arrangement of glue kettles
and construction of dry rooms and bleaching rooms are most
important hazards. See Bleaching, Dry Rooms, Sulphur.
HATTERS' SUPPLIES— Stock consists of embossed or
plain lining or those stamped with maker's name, sweat
bands and trimmings. Use rubber cement for cementing
leather, gas crimpers for linings, embossing presses and sten-
ciling presses.
HAUNCHES— The parts of an arch from the skewback
to the keystone.
HAY 241
HAY — Spontaneous combustion in sweating hay is one of
the chief causes of the large barn loss. According to the
Ohio bulletin, spontaneous combustion in hay originates in
the following manner:
"The cells in hay continue to live and breathe for some
time after it is cut, and they alone in a close mow, heat the
hay to a temperature of 132 deg. F. Added to this is the
heat from the microscopic spores of fungi which continue
to grow in the blades of hay during its fermentation, the
heat created by the development of the hay seeds and the
heat of the sun upon the roof. These three causes, acting
together, may heat closely packed hay stored where there is
no ventilation to a temperature of 212 deg. F. The hay then
begins to char; the charcoal formed absorbs oxygen and
the mass grows still hotter. The hay reaches 265 deg. F.,
and then the mass blazes. Bran, grain and silo material
may ignite spontaneously if placed under similar conditions."
HAY AND FEED STORES— Generally crowded to the
doors with baled hay with more or less of it loosely scat-
tered about. Smoking prohibited. Method of heating and
lighting important. Dust hazard is mild.
HAZARD — The word '"hazard," as applied to fire insurance,
carries the same meaning as in ordinary usage, and means
the point of danger, or to be in jeopardy or danger. The fire
hazard is the inherent quality or surrounding of a risk or
piece of property which makes it more or less liable to con-
tagion or destruction by fire. Powder or gasoline is hazard-
ous. Frame dwellings are more hazardous than steel struc-
tures. The risk is the thing insured, the hazard is the danger
which surrounds the risk. (Fire Facts, issued by Washing-
ton Surveying and Rating Bureau.) See Risk.
HAZARD, PHYSICAL — Any feature of a risk which af-
fects the risk, either structurally or from conditions therein.
zine substitute acceptable to underwriters as not dangerous.
HEADER BEAM — (Also see Chimney Construction). The
beam on which is fastened the stirrups for beam supports
or into which is framed the joist It is also used in floor
opening construction.
HEADER COURSE— A course of brick laid with end out-
ward in wall to form a bond. At least every sixth course in
brick wall should be a header course.
HEAT is a physical property obtained by mechanical
energy; by passing an electrical current through a substance;
from the sun, or by chemical means.
HEATERS (Water Heaters)— The gas flame flaring out,,
caused by wind blowing down vent pipe, has caused fires.'^
Vents should be carried above roof and be equipped with
wind deflector. Vents should never terminate in an attic or
concealed space — the heat is apt to bank up and cause fire;
If in contact with wood, the continued heat, while even at?^
low temperatures, carbonizes the wood which is apt to burst
into flame.
HEATING APPARATUS— If in doubt as to whether it is
unsafe or not, place the hand on the combustible material
nearest the heater. If the hand cannot remain because of
the heat, be ,on the safe side and consider it unsafe.
SYSTEMS— See Sprinkler and Heating Systems.
HEAVY OIL— The fractional distillate obtained from coal
tar between 225 to 270 deg. C. Inflammable. -^^iAi^^i;
HEELBALL — Composition of lamp-black and wax!. USsed
by shoemakers. Manufacturing process is hazardous.
HEMSTITCHING (manufacturing), employ ordinary sew-
ing machines and gas-heated crimpers, which usually have
rubber tube connections.
HEIGHT OF A BUILDING is the distance from the curb
or street level to the highest point of the roof in case of flat
roofs, or the average height of the gables in case of roofs
having a pitch of more than 20 degrees. The height of a
building seriously afifects its insurance. It is very difficult tp
fight fires "up in the air" as the ordinary fire steamer or
tower is not designed for excessive height. In very high
buildings inside standpipes are relied on for furnishing water
for extinguishing purposes. (N. F. P. A.)
Factory buildings of excessive height and area have long
been recognized by underwriting organizations as a grave
omrmv. ^^^^ ^^^
danger to life and property, owing to the difficulty of co4-'
trolling fires in them. It is logical to assume that the men'
best fitted to determine safe limits of heights and areas are
the men who have made a life work of combating fires under
all conditions of weather and hazard. The following is the
average of the replies of 50 fire chiefs throughout the country.
Area between
fire walls
Type of building Stories in sq. ft.
Brick or joisted construction, not sprinklered.3.2 5,200
F. P. construction, not sprinklered 5.3 9,300
Brick or joisted construction, sprinklered 4.8 10,500
F. P. Sprinklered 7.5 21,600
(From booklet, Ira H. Woolson.)
HEMP — Hemp without a prefix such as manila hemp, sisal
hemp, etc., is generally understood to mean the fibres from
the true hemp plant. The basis of all vegetable fibres is to be
found in cellulose; a compound belonging to a class of nat-
urally occurring substances known as carbohydrates. Ordi-
nary hemp is classed as a soft fibre which must be handled
at once, if damaged, if any salvage is to be expected. From
the underwriting standpoint, fibres may be divided into two
principal classes, i. e., hard and soft fibres. Hard fibres, by
virtue of their construction, do not absorb water rapidly
when immersed and do not heat or decompose as rapidly as
do the soft fibres. Hemp requires about 110 days for its
growth, and is cut either by hand or special machinery. The
hemp stalks are dried, set in shooks and sometimes bundled
and stacked. Later the shooks or stacks are opened and the
hemp again spread out for exposure to action of the dew,
frost, and sun, which dissolves the gums holding the filaments ^
together and makes the inner woody stem dry and causes it,
to fall away readily when passed through the breaker. Hemp
exposed to a heat of 300 degrees practically destroys the
fibre. Fibres in storage warehouses, if thoroughly wet down
after a fire, have been known to cause the collapse of the
building walls due to the swelling and expansion of the fibre
from the excessive absorption of water. Large masses of this
fibre, when wet, heat rapidly and soon decay, and unless
steps are taken at once, very little or no salvage can be ef-
fected. Authorities seem to be divided as to whether fibres
are subject to spontaneous combustion, although the follow-
ing authorities are quoted as follows:
Hemp, especially if gathered in wet seasons, is very liable
to get heated. Experience at Maysville, Kentucky, indicated
that wet hemp is a very dangerous neighbor. Many of the
fires that occurred there in hemp could not be satisfactorily
traced to any other cause than spontaneous burning. (Harris'
Ins. Chemistry.)
Hemp in a pure and thoroughly dry condition may attain
such a degree of desiccation, under the influence of moderate
warmth, the radiant heat from a stove or piping, and in sum-
mer from the rays of the sun, that pyrophoric carbon is
formed, and the mass takes fire. (Von Schwartz in "Fire
and Explosion Risks." — (D. Van Nostrand Co.) ^'
T. E. Sears, an authority on fibres, states that as far as he
could learn, no positive proof has ever been given that fibres
are subject to spontaneous combustion. Hemp mills as a
class, are not very desirable insurance. Hemp in the field
is a rather new feature for underwriters and very little in-
formation is available, owing to the lack of experience with
this class. Owing to the nature of the soil in California,
perhaps only the tall-growing single-stalk variety can be
grown. The tariff rate of 6 per cent, in some locations is
charged and this would indicate somewhat the hazard in-
volved. Aside from the spontaneous combustion (probable)
hazard, inspectors should see that the fields are "cleared of
all stubble or foul stuff which would permit a fire to com-
municate from stack to stack; find out whether the insurance
also covers in the factory or shredding building; carefully
note all exposing buildings and distance from the railroad
tracks on account of sparks from locomotive; gasoline trac-
tors used in the fields; lightning, and smoking by the em-
ployes. See Fibres.
HEMP KURDS — Formerly a waste product, is now being
used in paper making.
HENEQUEN— See Fibres.
HERAKLIN — Used for blasting purposes; explosive.
1 HERROLIN — A liquid used in the gasoline motor in-
dustry. It is diluted with gasoline to make the gasoline
vapor more explosive. It is really nothing more than highly
purified and distilled gasoline v^hich seems to regenerate
other gasoline when mixed.
HELICAL STAIRWAY— A spiral stairway.
HIDES AND SKINS (T. O. Gildersleeve)— The name
I'-hides" is commonly given to the undressed skins of the
large domestic animals, such as oxen, horses, etc., while
those of the smaller animals are called skins. See Tear-offs.
Green Hides are salted and dried. The salt acts as
a preservative, keeping the albumen inactive. The dried
hides are dried in open air and the albumen becomes in-
active and in both cases they can be kept for a long time.
They are receiving today in New York City hides from Japan
and China. (Considered good insurance.)
If Salt Hides become wet, the water washes out the
preserving quality or salt and the albumen becomes active
and they decompose very soon if not resaltcd, especially in
hot weather. (Considered good insurance.)
Dry Hides wet with water become soft and the albumen
becomes active and will decompose very soon if not dried
klmost immediately. The actual loss in both cases, salt and
dry, should be small. (Considered good insurance.)
Dxessed Hides such as harness and sole leather un-
dergo various processes in tanning and are more susceptible
to fire damage on account of the oils used in finishing. Water
is apt to cause stains, but if immediately refinished the sal-
vage should be large. (Not as good as undressed hides.)
Pickled Hides (brine solution) are skivers and thin
hides. If dried will crack and break. These- are shipped in
brine in barrels. (Good insurance.) >^0fii1 .
Undressed Hides are not as susceptible to fire as
dressed hides, but if exposed to excessive heat they become
so hard that they will crack and break. (Not so good as
pickled hides.)
Water would not have any bad effect on hides in barrels
unless the barrels are open, then it would weaken the brine
and possibly discolor the top hides. Fire possibly would not
effect stock in closed barrels, and if open would only dam-
age the top hides if salvaged at once. Should fire burst the
barrels a large loss may result. Water has a damaging effect
on skins, especially if not dried at once.
HIGH PRESSURE STEAM— Most rating bureaus con-
sider IS lbs. to the square inch as high pressure. Below this
pressure they are classed as low. Sometimes the safety valve
can be adjusted so that when 15 lbs. is exceeded the steani
will blow off.
HIGH PRESSURE SYSTEM (New York City)— This sys-
tem is supplied by pumps. Six of 5,000 gallons capacity each,
in each Oliver and Gansevoort street pumping station. Ag
soon as the alarm of fire is soupded the pumps are started
and 125 lbs. pressure is immediately ready. By 'phoning the
pumping station, this pressure is increased according to the
nature of the alarm, in 25-lb. installments until a maximum
of 500 lbs. is reached. See Water Mains.
HIGH WINES— See Distilleries.
HIP ROOF — One that slopes four ways, thus forming an^
gles called hips.
HIPS — Pieces of timber placed in an inclined position at
the corners or angles of a roof.
HOARDING — A temporary closed fence of boards placed
around a building in course of construction.
HOG-CHAIN BEAM— A beam strengthened by tie-rods
under same sprung from end to end of beam, with straining
posts below, under which passes the tie-rods. Used to pre-
vent bending or buckling.
HOLD DUST (a substitute for sawdust)— Composed of
sawdust and wood fibre treated with a solution of ammonium
phosphate in dilute triatonic alcohol, certain salts, a disin-
fectant, traces of iron and aniline coloring matter. Will
not burn at ordinary temperatures.
HOLLOW FINISH— Sheathing, lath and plaster, etc., for
walls, ceilings or partitions, which allow a hollow space back
of same.
considered next in merit to standard fire doors, which are
HOOD 147
too ungainly to be used in office buildings. Some time ago
a fire on the 26th floor of the Singer Building, New York
City, completely burned out the entire contents of a room
used for the storage of old records; but was confined to the
room by the hollow metal door.
HOLLOW SQUARE— A group of adjoining or adjacent
buildings arranged in the form of a square with a yard or
court in center. Fires communicate through the windows or
other openings (unless protected) at the angles formed by
the buildings.
HOOD — A metal canopy placed over a gas range, coal
range, retort or other stove to catch vapors, smoke or gasses
and pass them out of the buildings through a vent pipe.
Hoods, if covered with two inches of asbestos, may be placed
not less than nine inches below a combustible ceiling. If
without asbestos covering, the distance should be eighteen
inches. See Ranges.
The flat hoops rust, and their condition cannot be ascertained
until they rust through.
HOPPER — A container such as a bin with spout, used for
feeding grain, etc., to mills or machinery. A temporary stor-
age bin.
HOPS are hand piclced and dried in kilns on screen floor
over furnace having a pan of sulphur on top. When baled,
and in warehouses, are difficult to burn. When wet, will ex-
pand sufficiently to burst the walls of buildings. Susceptible
to smoke or water damage.
HORIZONTAL EXITS — Openings or means of egress
from a floor to the corresponding floor of an adjoining build-
ing by means of a doorway cut through a fire wall and pro-
tected by standard fire doors. See Fire Exit Partition.
HORN BLACK or animal black is almost identical with
bone black, but is generally in a more finely, divided form.
Animal refuse, albumen, gelatine, horn hoof shavings, etc.,
are subjected to dry distillation in a still or retort; the black
carbonaceous mass which is left is washed with water and
powdered in a mill. Used for printers' ink, blackening, and
the cheaper grade of varnishes and paint.
times use celluloid scrap. This is mixed indiscriminately with
the horn, etc., and ground by the "pressed horn and meal
worker," then placed in dryers. While the temperature will
not ignite the horn, dust it readily fires celluloid dust and fre-
quent fires are likely to occur.
HORSE OIL— Obtained by boiling down flesh and fat;
used in making palm or rosin soap.
HORSE-POWER— This term is intended to express the
amount of work that a power plant will do. The word was
coined by James Watt, the father of the steam engine. He
finally decided that a dray horse was capable of doing 33,000
foot-pounds of work in one minute, and so this amount of
work he called a horse-power. • Example — Horse pulling 3,300
pounds vertically upward 10 feet in one minute exerts one
horse-power. See Foot-Pound.
HORSES — The sloping timbers which carry the steps in
a staircase.
usually limits the amount payable in case of loss for each
animal; thus, $2,000 on horses, in case of loss, no one horse
to be valued at over $200. Numerous losses have been paid
where unscrupulous dealers have substituted old "skates"
for good stock and then set fire to the stable. After a serious
fire it is hard to determine the true value of stock. The
bodies of horses which have been killed in a fire become
bloated. This, and the fact that all the hair and skin have
been burned off, make it almost impossible to judge the
value of the animal. See Stables. / -----^ •
HOSE — In the manufacture of fabric-covered rubber hosci
the hazards are those of rubber working with vulcanizing,
weaving and covering. If covered with flexible metal, there
is a machine shop hazard, with metal spinning. This hose is
vulcanized in a very long vulcanizer sometimes 30 feet lojjg.
See Rubber Works. It .,
HOSE STREAMS (Effective height of), according to E.
V. French.
Limit of height,
with moderate wind
smooth nozzl
e With 100 lbs.
With 80 lbs.
With 60 lbs.
Length of hose at hydrant
at hydrant
I! ?.i j«->y^ r.
500 Sni
ij^pOO 13 ft i 52
700 ^'^''
'^^' " 53
pasteboard boxes. Woolens are subject to shrinkage or stain
if wet. Cotton goods can be washed and salvaged.
HOSPITALS — Usually consist of a group of ordinary
constructed brick buildings with frame roof structures or
cupolas, and freely communicating, and with unprotected
floor openings, especially stair wells. Fire hazards are laun-
dries, kitchens, paint and carpenter shops, medicines or oils
boiling over on stoves, storage of drugs and chemicals, in-
cluding ether, Columbian spirits and alcohol, and other com-
mon hazards. In cities, hospitals have fire drills of. all em-
ployees, including nurses and staff, with fire alarm systems
and standpipes with hose.
HOSTILE FIRE is one that leaves its seat of origin. See
Friendly Fire. v . i
HOT BLAST— Is a term used, in "conflagrations. In the
Chicago fire, the fire started outside the congested district,
developed into hot-blast form, then swept through and be-
yond the congested district, and finally burned out for lack of
fuel. These fires cannot be stopped by firemen while the
wind holds out, but they have been checked and deflected up-
wards by barriers consisting of two or more fire walls, or
their equivalent, with a free air space between as in the case
of fires out of control, which have been stopped by a mere
alley, with buildings fully shuttered on each side. (From
paper by Albert Blauvelt, Before American Society of Me-
chanical Engineers.) See Flames; see Conflagration Blast.
HOTELS, especially of the better class, are considered
good risks. This is due mainly to the superior management
and careful scrutiny given by all in charge, day and night.
As a general rule the construction of the non-fireproof hotel
is not so good on account of the large well-holes, furred
walls, and poorly protected floor openings. They are in-
spected regularly by city departments on account of the lives
at stake, and the fire fighting equipment is usually in good
order. Fires have been caused by chefs pouring grease on
top of ranges for the purpose of hastening cooking by getting
top of range red hot. See Apartment Hotel; also Seashore
HOT HOUSES connected to florist shops, fair risks if
heating apparatus is safe.
HOUSEHOLD INVENTIONS— Consist of kitchen uten-
sils of tin, aluminum, enamelled, plated and japanned ware.
Hazards include wood and metal working with japanning by
spraying or dipping. Fire record df class is poor.
HOUSEKEEPING— This expression is used to denote the
care and cleanliness about a plant. See Dust.
sists of ropes, rigging, tackle, lubricating oils, second-hand
lumber, shoring timbers, building materials.
HOUSINGS — In roller mills, the vertical supports for the
boxes in which the journals revolve.
HUMIDOR — A box or room (usually of wood), in which
cigars are kept moist by using wet sawdust on the floor or
by sprinkling water on the floor.
HYDRANT PRESSURES according to E. V. French.
The following table shows the hydrant pressures needed
with various length? of hose to discharge 250 gallons per
minute through a 1^-inch nozzle:
Length of Hose Pressure at Hydrant
100 feet 63 lbs.
200 " 77 "
300 " 92 "
400 " 106 "
500 " 120 "
700 " 149 "
1000 " 192 "
HYDRANTS — The approved fire hydrant or fire plug is so
constructed that when the valve is closed by raising a flange
on the rod all the water remaining in the hydrant is allowed
to escape through an opening at the bottom where it runs to
waste into the ground, through the open lower end of the
frost jacket. This jacket is a hollow cast-iron cylinder sur-
rounding the working parts of the hydrant. Without this
arrangement, water remaining in the hydrant would freeze
and burst the hydrant. Upon the approach of winter all
hydrants should be tested for proper draining to prevent
HYDRATE composed of salt, oxide or acid with water.
HYDRAULICS is the science of the flow of water
through pipes and the raising of water to various heights.
HYDROCARBON is a liquid composed of carbon and hy-
drogen. Flashes at zero F. Classed as inflammable. Hydro-
carbons: all compounds of carbon and hydrogen.
HYDRO-CARBON OIL is obtained from crude pe-
troleum and from the tar obtained from bituminous coal.
Flash 200-500 deg. F.
HYDROCHLORIC ACID (muriatic)— A corrosive liquid
formed by combining hydrogen with chlorine. Not inflam-
mable. See Acids. Usually kept in carboys.
HYDROCYANIC ACID— A colorless, volatile, very in-
flammable liquid, used for fumigating to destroy the flour
moth in flour mills.
HYDRODYNAMICS— There are four important but
simple considerations which must be kept in mind for under-
standing the dynamics of water pressure. First, water, like
other liquids, exerts equal pressure in all directions owing to
the fact that its molecules move freely over and upon each
other. Pressure exerted upon water in a hollow ball with
numerous perforations would expel the water from all the
perforations with equal force. This, it need not be explained,
is the principal of the hydraulic press, where the pressure
of a small pipe of water exerted over a wide surface shows
the same pressure for every square inch of such wider sur-
face. It is the principle upon which an inch pipe inserted
jtightly in a barrel full of water will burst the barrel when
the water reaches a certain height in the pipe, although the
weight of water in the pipe may be trifling. Secondly, water
like any solid, has a known weight for a given quantity.
Third, water will flow with less or greater velocity through
pipes according to the pressure exerted upon it, which pres-
sure may be simply that of its own weight, due to its eleva-
tion above the point of escape from the stored body or the
pressure exerted by a force pump. Fourth, water, like a solid
in motion, is subject to the retardant effect of friction of its
surface against the surfaces rubbed against. Consequently
water flowing through a pipe is retarded in its flow by the
friction of its particles on the sides of the pipes what is
known as "skin friction," naturally greater in rough interiors
of pipes than in new, smooth ones. (From lecture F. C.
HYDROFLUORIC ACID— A fuming corrosive liquid
made by treating a mineral, known as flourspar, flourite
or calcium flouride with sulphuric acid. (See Etching Acid.)
HYDROGEN, the lighest of all gases, burns with a pale,
blue flame, giving out much heat. Hydrogen gas is inflam-
HYDROSTATICS is the science which treats of quiet
water or water at rest in a reservoir.
I BEAM — An iron or steel beam, the cross section or end
view of which is the shape of the letter "I".
ICE CREAM CONES— See Wafers and Cones.
ICE FORMATION— (In sprinkler piping in risks involv-
ing mechanical refrigeration). As a preventive measure,
up-to-date plants have an apparatus for reducing the amount
of moisture in the air used in charging the dry pipe system.
This apparatus consists of an air pump taking air from a
small refrigerator room constructed especially for the pur-
pose. It is called the air chiller, and discharges back through
coils and a settling drum located in the same room. A valve
is placed at the bottom of the settling drum for drawing off
the accumulation of water removed from the air. See Ring
Ice Formation.
ICE HOUSES— Usually large, light frame construction
and filled with salt hay, sawdust or hay between each cake
of ice. Inspectors should note if located near water that is
pure and not contaminated. Sweating hay is subject to spon-
taneous combustion. Instances have been known where the
owner has kept the ice so long that it froze into one mass
and could not be removed except by blasting, in which case
the ice has no market value. The moral hazard should al-
ways be investigated.
ICE-MAKING — There are two distinct methods of freez-
ing the water by the same evaporating agents. One is tht
Can System, whereby the filled cans are almost entirely im-
mersed in brine which is kept cool by ammonia expansion
coils. An agitation of the brine is secured by means of pro-
peller wheels in the brine, usually operated by a motor.
The other is known as the Plate System, where cells are
filled with water. The walls of the cells are iron plates form-
ing a chamber, inside of which coils are placed through
which brine is circulated or in which ammonia is expanded.
With this system, the freezing progresses from each side
and toward the center, but so as to form two plates of ice,
the freezing process being arrested before the center is
frozen. Iron bars are frozen in these cakes, with which they
are raised out of the cells by cranes and pulleys. The cakes
of ice are loosened from the plates by turning warm water
into the coils. It is claimed for the plate system of ice-mak-
ing that the product more nearly approximates natural
frozen water, and that artificial cooling of the ice store-
rooms is not necessary whereas with the can system a tem-
perature of about 28 degrees must be artificially maintained
to prevent the ice from melting.
IFE — A white fibre from which cordage is made.
IMITATION LEATHER— Paper, cloth, wood pulp, cel-
luloid, fibre and cloth sheets are the main bases. These are
sized, impregnated with nitrated cotton in paste form in a
calender (set of steam rolls), dried, varnished, painted or em-
bossed or enameled. This is a hazardous process, including
picking cotton and drying nitrated cotton (the same process
as in making cellulose). The mixture is inflammable, and
the vapors are explosive. The cellulose is mixed with sub-
stances like clay, with oils to add to the spreading qualities
and then colored. As in making oil-cloth, the coating process
is repeated for desired thickness. This latter feature should
be in fireproof cut-off section. Embossing press and cor-
rugating machines are mainly gas-heated. The nitrating
building, picker house, boiler room and storage buildings
should be detached. See Leather.
IMITATION MARBLE AND ONYX are usually made at
slate quarries. The slab of slate is cut, ground and polished
smoothly, and gradually submerged in a vat or tub of water.
The water is streaked with paint which adheres to th^ slate
as it submerges. When removed, the slate is baked in a
kiln, polished, varnished, dried and rubbed with oils to ob-
tain a high finish. Benzine or turpentine paint are sometimes
IMPOST— The upper part of a pier from which an arch
springs. -
IMPROVEMENTS— This class of insurance should bt
written with extreme care, and should, wherever possible, be
included in the building or contents items. Where the im-^^
provements to buildings are written separately from the in-
surance on the building, they usually take the building rate
with an additional charge added thereto when written sepa-
rate from building insurance. Insurance complications are
likely to ensue after a loss unless the same insurance com-
pany insures both the improvements and buildings. Inspec-
tion should always be made to determine the nature of the
improvements. It may develop as very good insurance such
as a new brick front, or on the other hand, it may be very
poor insurance such as highly ornamental plaster ceilings,
mirrored side walls, fresco work, wall paintings. Tenants
who install permanent improvements such as mentioned
above have an insurable interest in same although they prop-
erly belong to the owner of building, who (by virtue of
ownership) may claim damages in case of fire. In this in-
stance it is possible that the same loss might be paid twice,
both to tenant and owner. Only competent underwriters
should accept "Improvements" insurance.
trade "carbon lamps." They are being rapidly replaced by
Mazda and Tungsten lamps. An extensive detail process but
briefly described is as follows: Glass bulbs received with col-
lars attached, two copper wires tipped with platinum are in**'^
serted and the filament put on. The filaments are of ordi-
nary absorbent cotton in solution of zinc chloride, injected
into wood aJcohol under air pressure in a bulb which solidi-
fies the filament; placed in carbonizing furnace where it re-
mains until carbonized. The temperature is about 4000 deg. F.
Flashing follows, which process is, passing an electric cur*
rent through the filament in the presence of gasoline vapor.
The flashing apparatus consists of a glass container of gaso-
line from which is passed a rubber tube to a vacuum vessel
containing the filament which is held by. clamps connected
with electric current. The current passing through the fila-
ment brings it to incandescence, and the gasoline vapor
passed into the vacuum, the vapor being broken down and a
black metallic appearing covering of hydrocarbon deposited
on the filament. It is then cemented to the platinum (or sub-
stitute) wires. The bulb and the mount are fused together and
the air exhausted from the bulb. A more perfect vacuum is
created by the use of amorphorous phosphorus and alco-
hol. (Numerous spark fires due to friction are caused at this
point more than at any other in the process.) The lamps
are tested with electric current, to determine the candle-
power and defects, packed and shipped. Electric hazard se-
vere. Glass blowing, blow pipe work, use of alcohol, zinc
chlorides and amosphous phosphorus, carbonizing ovens,
flashing with gasoline vapors, buffing and packing are the
usual hazards.
INCENDIARISM — The act or practice of maliciously set-
ting fire to buildings. See Pyromaniac.
INCENSE — The material is a mixture of powdered char-
coal, starch and perfumes, molded into small cakes and dried.
The only severe hazard is the grinding of charcoal.
INCOMBUSTIBLE— Materials which not readily ignite
when subjected to ordinary fire.
refers to steel skeleton, construction built with unprotected
iron work.
INCREASE OF HAZARD— The policy states that if there
be any increase of hazard, the assured shall notify the in-
surance company. The courts have liberally interpreted this
clause, giving the insured the benefit of the doubt in most
cases. An increase of rate does not necessarily, signify an
increase of hazard.
INCUBATORS AND BROODERS— The most popular is
the type heated by kerosene oil lamps. The end of the in-
cubator should be protected with non-combustible material
plus an air space of at least 1 inch between the metal shield
and the incombustible material. The heater should be all
metal with riveted joints. The heated air pipe entering the
incubator ought not to be in contact with the woodwork.
All woodwork should be protected with metal or asbestos.
The lamp should be of metal bowl type, rigidly set, and ar-
ranged SO that it cannot be filled while lighted or while it
is in the incubator.
Brooders should be of non-combustible material. In place
of kerosene oil type, some employ hot water, gas or elec-
tricity, and the rules governing the installations of these are
those of approved general practice. Kerosene oil-heated
types of brooders or incubators have a poor fire record.
INDEPENDENT WALL— An outside wall carrying loads
of but one building.
INDIA RUBBER is the solidified sap of the rubber tree.
See Caoutchouc.
INDIA RUBBER CEMENT is India rubber solution of
coal tar naphtha.
INDIAN COTTON, called Lintus or Linters, is similar to
INDIAN SPIRITS— A benzine substitute; acceptable to
underwriters; has a flash point of about 105 deg. F.
INDIGO — A blue coloring substance originally obtained
from the indigo plant; now artificially prepared as a coal tar
product. In underwriting, care should be taken to see that
this stock is kept away from other stocks. A hose stream
played on this material will cause colors to run through the
building and damage other stocks.
INDIGOTINE— A dyestuff used in the color blue.
goods. Susceptible, but if attended to at once after a fire,
considerable salvage can be derived. Subject to mildew and
the colors running from ribbons. Usually kept in glass show
INFLAMMABLE LIQUIDS should be stored in rooms
constructed of 8-inch brick or 6-inch tile walls with similar
roofs and doors with sills raised 4 to 6 inches to prevent
the liquid from running into other rooms. All doors should
be standard automatic, and windows wired glass (double
glazed preferred) in hollow metal sash and frame. Good
ventilation is a primary requirement. AH liquids flashing
under 100 deg. F. are classed inflammable.
INFLAMMABLE VAPORS— Those heavier than air set-
tle close to the lowest leyel and are present in an invisibly
Stream leading to an opening of any kind such as a door
or stairway. An open light 100 feet away may be sufficient
to ignite this vapor. Precautions as to ventilation, electrical
devices, vent fans, etc., are the necessary requirements.
INGOT — A lump of cast metal, as for instance: a pig of
cast iron.
INHERENT HAZARDS— The hazards found in the or-
dinary risk of a given occupation aside from the common
hazards of light, heat and power or of special processes. See
INITIALS — It is well not to pass a line of insurance with-
out ascertaining the first name of the assured. Many women
use the initial of the first name without prefixing Miss or
Mrs. This is often resorted to as a subterfuge to mislead
the insurance company into believing that the insured is a
man. See Woman's Names.
INK (Printing Ink)— Ordinarily made of linseed oil, lamp-
black, soap and nut oils, dry colors, Japan, varnish an'd rosin
oil. Manufacturing requires the use of grinding mills, mixers,
calenders, kettles and furnaces. Ink mills usually consist of
three calender rolls, steam-heated, one revolving in the di-
rection opposite to those above and below. The paste is
ground between the rolls for mixing and smoothing.
contain carbon bisulphide, gasoline, or other similar sub-
stances. Rat exterminator can be made of ground sponge
saturated with flour, sugar, grease, barium carbonate.
INSPECTOR — One who inspects the risk on which a com-
pany assumes liability. He should have a good knowledge
of building construction and hazards and also know some-
thing about machinery, electricity and chemistry.
INSPECTORS should "train their noses" as well as their
minds and eyes. In these days of new processes, the olfac-
tory sense will often indicate and detect the use or pres-
ence of substances which may not be visible but which can
be detected by smell if the inspector is familiar with odors.
The best inspector is not always the one who boasts loud-
ly of his education and finishes his day's work in spotless
clothing, imrna^ulate linen and with lily-white hands. There
are many inspectors arrayed thusly who can only be dubbed,
"The Sign Readers." The ambitious, conscientious and suc-
cessful inspector will always endeavor to obtain all the in-
formation due him, in probing- for causes, conditions and re-
sults, with the manner of a gentleman, the speech of a diplo-
mat and the common sense of a man. He will always at-
tempt to investigate "concealed spaces," whether he begrima
his skin or his clothing. And last but not least, he will never
allow himself to think, or act as though he believed, that
he owns any person's property, because he bears the title.
Inspector. The assured invariably judges the company from
the speech or actions of its representative. In conclusion,
let the Inspector who thinketh he knoweth it all, take heed,
lest he be made ashamed; because that type of an Inspector
is usually a pronounced failure. Inspectors should always
point out the defects of a risk to the tenant and oflTer sug-
gestions toward their correction. All processes, special ma-
chinery, common hazards and exposures, should be set forth
in the report. There is a wide difference between inspection
work by rating bureaus and the work done by individual
companies. In the former, construction and the physical
hazards as relating to rate-making are noted while in the
latter the "human element" enters, i. e., the moral hazard,
general appearance, prosperity, class of help and other fea-
tures which a company requires for underwriting purposes
and which are not brought out in the rating schedule. —
(Chas. E. Jahne.)
INSTRUMENTS (SURGICAL)— The hazards are those
of machine shops with forging, annealing, emery wheels,
blow pipes, engraving. The parts are usually cleaned with
benzine to remove grease or oil and treated in a bath of
nitric and sulphuric acids.
Instruments and razors are subject to rust from dampness
and do not necessarily have to become wet.
INSULATE — To cover with a non-conducting substance.
INSULATED — A body is insulated when it is separated
from other bodies by a non-conducting substance.
INSULATING COMPOUND— For electric wires and
cables, the composition is principally rosin, pitch, parafin,
gilsonite, montan wax, grahamite and prepared asphalt.
These are heated in steam kettles or Mott kettles with di-
rect fire heat. Such a composition has a very high flash
INSULATION, on electric wires, in burning give off fumes
which are injurious to or will suffocate firemen when fight-
ing fire.
INSULATORS — Substances which do not conduct elec-
tricity such as glass, gutta-percha or porcelain. See Air
Space; also Asbestos Insulators.
INSURANCE — A system of collecting sums of money
(called premiums) from a number of people to pay the losses
of a few. The rate therefore should be graded according to
classes of trade to effect an equal distribution of the cost
(premium) among those businesses which have shown a
larger percentage of fires than some others.
INTERIOR DECORATORS— Those occupying small
shops or grade floor stores are in some cases considered de-
sirable insurance risks when they have only a few pieces of
furniture or draperies on display while other shops may be
crowded with furniture to be remade, antiques, odds and
ends, draperies, stocks of wall-paper and present an untidy
condition. The higher class concerns usually occupy sev^
eral floors of a building in a good section with offices, show-
rooms and workrooms. Here we may find upholstering,
drapery-making, sewing, furniture repairing, also retail stocks
of fancy goods or notions. See Painters.
INTERTIE — Small pieces of timber placed horizontally
between, and framed into vertical pieces to tie them together.
INVERTED ARCHES are frequently built under open-
ings in order to distribute the pressure more evenly over
the foundation.
INVERTED GAS-LIGHT mantles have caused many fires
owing to the red-hot carbon dropping on combustible mate-
IODIDES — As chlorine forms chlorides with many of the
metals, so iodine forms iodides with them.
IODIDE OF NITROGEN— A highly explosive black pow-
der, used in combination with drugs.
IODINE is produced to some extent from the ashes of
deep seaweed, but mainly from crude Chile saltpeter or
Caliche. It is bluish-black, lustrous crystalline solid, slightly
volatile and sparingly soluble in cold water. Melts at about
114 deg. C. (238 deg. F.) and boils at about 184 deg. C. It
is usually imported from South America in small hardwood
kegs bound with iron hoops, covered with dried skins which
are said to be intended to keep the kegs from falling apart
should the destructive action of the contents on the wood
and metal weaken the keg to the point of collapse before the
iodine is ready for use.
OwiiTg to its great tendency to stain everything with which
it or its vapor comes in contact it should not be stored in
buildings containing other merchandise, unless it is on a
floor lower than those on which the other stocks are kept.
Iodine Extract presents a better insurance proposition, as
it is kept in bottles packed in wooden boxes. — (W. J. Tal-
IRON — Cast Iron has considerable carbon, Wrought Iron
no carbon, Steel about one per cent, carbon. When an iron
band or hoop is first heated and then at once placed upon
the body which it is intended to surround, it shrinks or con-
tracts as it cools and thereby fits very tightly.
ly a machine shop hazard with drills, presses, rolls, stretch-
ing and special machines. Parts are sometimes dipped in
black asphaltum or coated with aluminum or bronze paint.
Excelsior pads used for wrapping. The class has a poor
fire record.
or less subject to spontaneous combustion when moist.
Should be kept in metal receptacles. Sometimes called
IRON CLAD — A frame wall sheathed with corrugated
iron, replacing the clapboards.
IRON FRONT BUILDINGS— If in rows are apt to have
a hollow space back of the iron fronts. Fire is likely to
travel from one building to another unless this concealed
space is backed up with brick or other fire-resisting material.
IRON MASS — A mixture of wood shavings with hydrated
ferric oxide. Used to remove sulphur from coal gas.
IRON MASS (SPENT)— Called spent-iron sponge. Is
iron mass after saturation in gas purification. Subject to
spontaneous combustion on exposure to air.
IRON RUST— Oxide of iron.
IRON-ON-STUD WALL— Corrugated iron or sheet iron
fastened directly on studding.
ISINGLASS— Bladder of fishes. The better grade is made
from the giant sturgeon of Russia. See Mica.
ISOLATED — A building is isolated when it stands alone
with no other building in vicinity. •
ISOMETRIC DRAWINGS -All vertical lines are 90 deg.,
while all other lines are 30 deg.
ISOPRENE — The raw product from which artificial rub-
ber is produced.
ISTLE — A fibre of a tropical American plant, grown
abundantly in Mexico. Used in brush making. See Fibres.
IXTLE— Same as Istle.
IVORY BLACK — Made by burning or charring chips of
elephant tusks and other hard bones free from fat.
JACKETED — A means to prevent "direct" heating by plac-
ing a steam or water jacket around the kettle or other re^
ceptacle containing the substance to be melted, thereby pre-
venting such substances as glue, pitch or wax from over-
flowing onto the fire. Also an insulating covering on steam
JACK-RAFTERS— Small rafters laid on the purlins of a
roof for supporting the shingle laths.
JACK SHAFT— Intermediate driving shafting. Usually
driven by main shafting and drives the countershafting.
JAMBS — The sidts of an opening through a wall, as door,
window and fireplace jambs.
JAPAN BLACK — A varnish made with tar and alcohol,
or lamp-black and resins.
JAPAN DRYERS— Made of linseed oil and gum shellac
cooked in a varnish kettle. Litharge, burnt umber, sugar of
lead and turpentine may be added. Naphtha and benzine
may be used, especially as a thinner. When cooked to a
thick substance called a "pill" it is cooled and thinned.
Baked Black Japans, made of linseed oil and asphalt, copal
resins, kauri gums and turpentine.
JAPAN WAX — A solid wax extracted from the berries of
the Japanese lacquer tree. Melting point 120-125 deg. F.
all metal, double wall, with air space filled with insulating
material; vented to the outer air and heated by steam or
electricity. Direct fire heat is a serious hazard. If gas is
used, the heat should be radiated through an all-sheet metal
flooring between burners and lacquered goods to prevent the
vapors in oven being ignited by exposed flames. Vent pipe
and oven not to be near woodwork. See Dip Tanks.
JEWELRY — Novelty jewelry is mostly imitation ware,
such as imitation pearl (glass), pins and trinkets. Shops use
gas blow-pipes, small metal working machines, gas or elec-
tric-heated dry-boxes, lacquer and celluloid-enamel.
JEWELERS use benzine for watch and clock cleaning, by-
dipping the mechanism in an open dish of the liquid.
JEWELERS' PUTTY— An oxide of tin.
JIG SAW — A very narrow thin saw worked vertically by
machinery and used for sawing curved ornaments in boards.
It jigs up and down.
JOBBERS — Their method of conducting business differs in
various lines. They can be classified as speculative whole-
salers and are the middlemen betwen the mill or mill agent
and the retailer or small manufacturer. For instance, a job-
ber in piece goods, silks, woolens or cotton, buys direct from
the "mill agent" or commission merchant, on say a 30-day
basis, or buys up small lots or "jobs" for cash. In turn he
sells to the small manufacturer or retailer whose business is
too small to be recognized by the "mill agent," on a longer
term basis and in smaller lots as desired. For this accom-
modation, the buyer is willing to pay an advanced price
for the goods, of say 5 to 10 per cent, which represents the
jobber's profit. Also some jobbers take advantage of a man-
ufacturer's temporary financial embarrassment and offer him
a low figure on a cash basis for his product. For instance,
in the cloak and suit line, a manufacturer may need some
ready money to meet a note before his garments can be mar-
keted in the regular way. A jobber may buy the garments
for cash at a figure which would permit him to resell to a
retailer or wholesaler at less than they could ordinarily buy
direct from the manufacturer, and still make a profit for
JOINTERS — Woodworking machines used to make a true
surface or edge for gluing, also for trucing up smoothly,
chamfering, beveling. Similar to planers except without feed
rolls, the work being held against cutters by hand, producing
a great deal of refuse. Cylinder head rotates rapidly and is
liable to overheat bearings unless clean and properly aligned.
JOIST — A beam set on edge to which the flooring is fas-
JOURNAL — The end or other part of shaft which rests
on or against a bearing and supporting the ends of a hori-
zontal revolving shaft.
JUNK SHOPS — While of one general class, may be sub-
divided into classes such as those who carry all metal, metal
and rubber, or those who include paper and rags. Sometimes
used as a "fence" for stolen goods, and frequently as "hang-
outs." Very poor fire risks.
JUTE— See Fibres.
JUTE RISKS— Raw stock consists of hemp, istle, jute,
sisal, old burlap, tar, mineral oil, starch, borax, soda, tampica,
talc and ammonia. Process consists of opening, picking,
lapping, carding, roving, drawing, twisting, spinning, rope
preparing .by laying, coloring, tarring, polishing, weaving,
calendering and honking. This class has a very poor fire
record and should be written with extreme care. Jute is
bleached by exposing the fibre to the action of perman-
ganates and then sulphuric acid.
JUTE SHODDY is made by macerating burlap bags,
sacks, etc. See Hemp; see Cordage.
KAKODYL — A heavy fuming liquid which takes fire when
coming in contact with air.
KALAMEIN DOOR—A metal-clad door, the metal being
in large sheets pressed over the wood door. Unless labeled,
not considered very good in case of fire.
woodworking hazards. The metal is placed over the wood
and power saws then cut through metal and wood, some-
times causing sparks to drop into the oil-soaked sawdust un-
der the saw table. Poor fire risks.
KALAMEIN IRON is a trade name for open hearth sheet
steel covered with a thin alloy of tin and lead.
KALSOMINE — A sort of lime or whiting used to coat
KAPOK OR COPAC— A cotton or silky fibre covering
the seeds of a tropical tree found in East and West Indies.
It is a substitute for hair and cotton and used for pillows,
mattresses, life preservers and linings for aviators' coats. It
is non-absorbent. Heat expands it. It costs more than cot-
ton but can be renovated simply by steaming. When loose
burns very rapidly. Not subject to spontaneous combustion.
Classed as a fibre. Sometimes called "Silk Floss."
KEROSENE BURNERS— Specifications for the Tempo-
rary Installation of Small Kerosene Burners for Emergency
Use in Fire Boxes of Cooking Stoves, Heating Stoves, Fur-
naces and Boilers — Permission may be granted for the tem-
porary use only as an emergency measure of special burn-
ers in stoves and furnaces as a substitute for coal or other
The capacity of gravity tanks containing kerosene shall not
exceed 2 gallons for stoves and 5 gallons for boilers or fur-
naces. The tanks should preferably be located outside of
building; if inside, they shall not be within 5 feet measured
horizontally from any fire or flame. Pressure tanks shall not
exceed 10 gallons total capacity (air and kerosene), and if
inside shall not be within 10 feet measured horizontally of
any fire or flame. •. v ,• \ >
Tanks for kerosene shall be constructed of galvanized she^t
iron or steel; all joints to be riveted and soldered or made
tight by some equally satisfactory process. The shell of tank
shall be properly reinforced where coniiections are made.
The tanks shall be sufficiently strong to bear without injury
the most severe strain to which they are likely to be sub-
jected in practice. Tanks for systems under pressure shall
be designed for six times the maximum working pressure
and tested for twice the maximum working pressure.
Gravity tanks shall be readily accessible for filling, and be
set in a drip pan constructed of galvanized sheet iron or
steel, with joints riveted and soldered or made tight by some
equally satisfactory process. The tank and pan shall be sup-
ported on a shelf rigidly secured to wall or partition. The
drip pan shall be at least two inches deep and extend four
inches beyond tank at sides and front. The wall or partition
back of tank shall be covered with sheet metal, which shall
extend four inches beyond the sides and twelve inches above
tanks; the sheet metal shall also overlap the side of and ex-
tend to bottom of pan.
Each pressure tank shall be set in a drip pan on the floor
at a safe location and protected from injury. The tanks
shall be placed in a pan two inches deep and extend at least
four inches beyond the tank on all sides.
A drip pan capable of holding the fuU capacity of supply
tank shall be placed below oil burner.
Piping — Standard, full-weight wrought-iron or steel or
brass pipe with substantial iron or brass fittings shall be
used and connections made tight with well-fitted joints. Pip-
ing to be run as directly as possible find be protected against
injury. Systems under pressure to be designed for six times
the maximum working pressure, and installation, when com-
plete, to be tested to twice the working pressure.
Any storage of oil outside of a buried tank shall be limited
to 60 gallons in an oil barrel or its equivalent.
A shut-off valve should be placed in the pipe line as near
as possible to oil receptacle and one near burner. (Recom-
mendations of New York Board of Fire Underwriters.)
KEROSENE OIL— A petroleum distillate; flash point
about 115-125 deg. F. See Mineral Burning Oil.
KEROSENE OIL STOVES or lamps should not be filled
while lighted, or even when hot.
KETONE — Chemical group, sometimes called acetones.
KEYSTONE— The center stone in an arch.
KID GLOVES — Not considered attractive stocks because
only a slight moisture will class the stock as seconds.
KILLED ACID is made by dissolving zinc in hydrochloric
or muriatic acid.
KILNING is merely drying on a large scale. Inspectors
should note construction of side walls, roofs and floors, and
whether cut off in separate building or communicating. The
heat used is preferably steam or hot air; if the latter, fan
and motor should be carefully inspected. Pipes should be
preferably above or at the sides of the material to be dried,
not below, on account of the light material falling on the
pipes and being ignited. Steam jets can be used to advan-
tage to extinguish fires in kilns. China kilns^ used for dec-
orating, are mainly of brick construction; coal or coke fuel.
Numerous small gas-heated kilns of special design are found
in art decorating establishments. See Dry Kilns.
KILOWATT— A thousand watts. A watt is the electrical
unit of power, being the product of one volt by one ampere;
746 watts equal one horse-power. See Electrical Terms.
KINDLING WOOD FACTORIES use heavy wood-work-
ing machinery, chiefly cross-cut saws. Generally crowded, and
untidy with loose bark. Usually occupy old buildings and
employ cheap labor. Not considered as good as ordinary
KING POST — The center post, or rod, extending verti-
cally from the collar beam to the ridge board. All those
on each side of it are queen posts or rods.
KIPS are the hides of young animals. See Hides.
a spiral slide incased in a cylinder six feet in diameter. En-
trance is by a passage from each floor to the tower. Persons
slide to the foot of the tower on the spiral incline.
KITCHEN RANGES— When the kitchen range is placed
eighteen inches from a wood lath-and-plaster or stud parti-
tion, partition must be shielded with metal extending from
the floor to three feet above the range. See Stoves; also
KNEE — A piece of timber bent to receive some weight, or
to relieve a strain.
KNIT GOODS are very likely to be stained by smoke;
will shrink if wet; if colored, the colors are apt to run,
KNITTING MILLS are mills making sweaters dr knit
goods. Process consists of washing, dyeing, picking, cutting,
finishing, carding, spinning, knitting and drying. The hazards
of the picker room consist of the light, inflammable stock,
sometimes containing foreign matter, passing through high-
speed machines. A full-fledged picker room contains a burr
picker, mixing picker and duster, and lappers which discharge
the stock after it passes through them into the gauze or
blow room. The card room: After the raw stock is cleaned
and mixed in the picker room it is transferred to the cards,
which lay the fibre straight and form it into a loose roving,
preparatory to spinning process. The main hazard in card
rooms is the presence of foreign matter in stock, which emit
sparks when coming in contact with the rolls of cards. The
other processes present only mild hazards. Always remem-
ber the higher the grade of the output the better the risk.
Avoid the mill with a low-grade cotton and cotton waste,
especially if the picker room is not properly cut off and the
card room is over the finishing room. The fire record (un-
sprinklered) is not very good. — R. G. Potter.
KNOCK-DOWN— Parts of an object before assembling,
as chairs in knock-down condition.
K. O. — A term used by insurance men to denote a poor
risk. Means "Keep off." — Gene Eagles.
KOHOLIA — A form of alcohol used as a fuel for heatihg
in place of small portable gas or oil stoves.
LABELLED GOODS— See Canned Goods.
LACE CURTAINS— Cleaners and dyers use nitrate of
iron, permanganate of potash, sulphuric acid and benzine.
The dry room is the main hazard.
LACE PAPER WORKS— The lace paper is perforated in
revolving machines, then sized or varnished. The perforating
dies are mostly hand-made and many are imported. It takes
from one to three months to engrave a large die ,some of
which are two feet long and cylindrical in shape. Dies should
be kept in vaults. All scrap paper should be baled daily.
Use and Occupancy insurance should be written with caution.
LACE WORKS — The hazards are weaving, sewing, knitting,
twisting, bobbin-winding, sizing, silk-throwing, embroidering,
lace-making, dyeing and drying. In dyeing use muriatic,
acetic and sulphuric acids. For sizing, use glycerine, gela-
tine, gum arabic and starch. These are heated in a steam or
gas-heated kettle. Goods are bleached with chloride of lime
and caustic soda. At times do considerable repair work and
use benzine and alcohol for removing stains, and gas or elec-
tric irons for pressing. The needle lead pot is gas-heated.
Machine repair shop work is extensive in most plants. Ex-
pensive silks should be kept in vaults. Imported machinery
forms a large proportion of value. White laces are "dry
dyed" by refinishers, who place them in wooden tumblers
containing a yellow powder called "Dutch white," which
turns the laces a creamy white.
LACES in some cases will be almost unimpaired after a
serious clean-water damage if they are what is known as
wash laces; but fancy laces will not, as a rule, give near as
much salvage.
LACQUER FLASHES at about 75 deg. F. The prepara-
tion, storage and manufacture is very hazardous. Should not
be stored in large quantities. Usually consists of nitro-cellu-
lose dissolved in volatile solvents. Classed as inflammable.
Dry rooms for lacquered goods should have drip pans un-
der or on steam pipes to catch excess liquid, as fires have
been caused by steampipes covered with lacquer.
LACQUER FIRES— Sawdust, if spread over the surface in
sufficient quantity will readily and successfully extinguish
fires of inflammable liquids, especially lacquer, when con*
tained in moderate-sized tanks, such as those ordinarily used
in manufacturing plants, or small fires in these liquids on
the floor. The efficiency of the sawdust is undoubtedly due
to its blanketing action in floating for a time upon the sur-
face of the liquid, thereby excluding the oxygen of the air.
The sawdust itself is not very easily ignited, and when it does
become ignited it burns without flame. The burning embers
are not sufficient to reignite the lacquer. In sixteen fire tests
the fire was put out in from 11 seconds to 1 minute 55
seconds. See Dip Tanks.
LACQUERING— See Varnishing.
LACQUER SHELLAC is a mixture of shellac and lacquer.
LACTEIN— See Casein.
LADIES' FURNISHINGS, if not kept in cardboard boxes
or in cases, will suffer severe damage from smoke and water.
Considered no better than millinery.
LADIES' TAILORS are in the same class as dressmakers.
They make suits, coats and skirts for individual customers.
Use gas irons for pressing and benzine for cleaning.
LAGGING — A covering of loose plank, as that placed upon
centers and supporting arch stones.
LAGGING — A covering of felt or other poor conductor of
heat applied to steam boilers, pipes, etc., to prevent radia-
LALLY COLUMN consists of a steel outer shell filled
with concrete under hydraulic pressure. Spme rating bureaus
require an outside insulation of from two to four inches of
concrete or tile.
LAMP-BLACK — A kind of soot made by letting the smoke
of burning substances, such as oil, pitch or rosin, collect in a
chamber lined with leather. If moist, is subject to spon-
taneous combustion. See Carbon Black.
LAMP EXPLOSIONS— Many of these may be prevented
by trimming the wick daily. When burned for several even-
ings without trimming, the wick becomes black, clogged and
incapable of supplying the oil clearly and uniformly, and the
chimneys are sometimes filled with flame and smoke, to the
embarrassment and alarm of those present. Some explosions
would be prevented by never extinguishing the lamp by blow-
ing down the chimney; for if the wick happens to be too
small, the flame may be driven down into the oil. The best
way is to turn it down with the button until it is extin-
LAMPS smoke when the wick is too high because of in-
sufficient oxygen. Smoke is made up of little particles of
carbon, because oil as well as wood contains carbon. It
smokes because more oil rises in the wick than can unite
with the oxygen supplied, making an imperfect combustion.
LAMP SHADES of celluloid or paper should not be placed
on electric lamps or bulbs. Many bad fires have been caused
by these flimsy articles.
LANTERN SKYLIGHT— Similar to monitor. A raised
roof with glass sides, usually extending the entire length of
a building.
LAPPER — A machine which combs out or cleans the
stock, passing it over a wire mesh cylinder, and laying it in
the form of a lap.
LATHE — A machine for shaping wood or metal parts by
causing them to revolve while acted upon by a cutting tool
held in place by a slide rest.
LATTICE GIRDER— A type of girder in which the web
is made-up of diagonal iron or steel bars,' which form a lat-
tice between the flanges.
LAUGHING GAS — A mixture of one part oxygen and
four parts nitrous oxide. Used by dentists.
LAUNDRIES (Chinese)— A class to be avoided. The haz-
ards are swinging gas brackets, coal stoves of laundry type,
with clothing hanging over and around them; improvised dry
HiTiaw Laundries 273
rooms, gas bosom ironers with rubber tube connections, gas
irons, gas and coal stoves for heating irons.
LAUNDRIES (Collar, Cuff and Starched Goods)— Wash-
ing drums are revolving wood cylinders into which the goods
are placed for washing. The goods are dried in centrifugal
extractors, then starched and ironed. Starch kettles are either
steam or gas-heated. Dry rooms are usually metal-liued and
steam-heated, having an iron track on which a rack of wet
goods travels which is pulled in and out on the tracks. Some
dryers have an overhead traveling track with a rack, to which
the goods are hung and dried by the traveller passing slowly
through. Dryers should have wire mesh over steam-piping
to prevent goods coming in contact. There is less dust and
lint in this class of laundry than in those doing general work.
Ironers (called m^angles) are large steel rollers, cloth-covered
and gas-heated. Gas mufflers are used for hand-irons. "Tip-
ping" machines are used to finish off the fronts of collars
and are gas-heated.
Power Laundries — Process consists of washing, rough-dry-
ing by wringing, and drying in centrifugal extractors, starch-
ing, ironing, and drying in dry rooms. There are special iron-
ers, such as "art edge" ironers and "moulding ironers" for
turn-down collars, both gas-heated. The old style sadiron is
only used in the small store laundries. If used they should be
set on a solid iron stand at least 18 inches from all woodwork.
If the plant machinery is all steam process and the boiler is
cut-off in a standard manner and the building is of fair con-
struction it should be a desirable risk. Only write a small
line on the stock, which is equivalent to second-hand stock.
LAUNDRY STOVES— The rule for setting is the same as
for hotel ranges. When set on legs, two courses of four-
inch tile are required. *
LAURING— See Hats (felt).
LEAD — Derived principally from an ore called galena and
has a bluish gray color. It oxidizes or tarnishes easily .and
melts at low temperatures.
LEAD DROSS — Material skimmed from the surface of
molten lead. When cold it is non-hazardous.
LEAD NITRATE— A white, heavy, translucent salt. Not
an oxidizing material.
LEASE is a contract for the use of a building for a year
or term of years. If the terms of the lease are complied
with, the lessee is virtually the owner during the term men-
tioned in the contract. A lease is a valuable holding, there-
fore the lessee should provide for indemnity in case the build-
ing is destroyed by fire. See Leases; see Leasehold Insur-
There are two forms of leases. First, value of a lease,
where the building is occupied by the lessee. Second, profits
of a lease, where the lessee sublets the building to make a
LEASES with the "self-reducing" clause are commonly
written and the premium is obtained in the following man-
ner: Policy written for eleven years for the full amount of
$110,000, the tenth year for $100,000, and so on to the first
year, $10,000, which added together, equals $660,000, divided
by 11 years, equals $60,000, and the premium is figured on
the $60,000 amount, but in case of loss the first year, assured
could collect $110,000, the second year $100,000, and so on,
deducting $10,000 for each year the lease has to run. It is
also customary to write this insurance specifying so much
reduction per month. In this case the premium may be com-
puted upon an amount representing the average between the
policy amount at the beginning of the first month and at the
beginning of the last month of its term. See Leasehold In-
LEASEHOLD INSURANCE— This class of insurance
should be written cautiously and follow the same adjustment
as the building losses. The form should be carefully scrutin-
ized to ascertain what restrictions are included, as for in-
stance, "building is not to be used for a certain class of busi-
ness or tenants." In this instance the neighborhood may
change and property could not be leased for said purpose,
making leasehold insurance very undesirable. Leases should
not be insured unless the assured has a good bargain. An
assured may take a building during prosperous times and
later be losing money in consequence of change of trade. The
fire clause should always be carefully reviewed. If no fire
clause appears in the form it would be acceptable as no fire
restrictions would then appear. If total destruction can-
cels the lease the form is also a good one, but if the form
reads "it is optional with the lessee or the owner," the
proposition is a poor one and should not be entertained. In
this latter case the building may only suffer a very small
damage and the lessee or owner decide not to rebuild, in
which case the company would be forced to pay .a total loss
up to the amount of the policy. Only competent underwrit-
ers should accept ''Leasehold" insurance. See Profits of a
Lease. ,03ia ^ISHTAaJ
LEATHER — A skin is cut into three thicknesses. The
top is the "skiver" or grain, the middle is the "splits" and
the bottom the "flesher."
The wholesale leather dealers term fancy leather, any
leather .used by the bag, case, strap, belt, trunk and novelty
The word fancy is used in quoting trade prices; in such
cases it refers to colors.
You cannot strictly determine the limits of fancy leather,
as ordinary leather is used by the bag, etc., trade. In such
cases it comes in the fancy class. Pigskin used by a harness-
maker is only pigskin, but if used in the bag, etc., trade, it
is fancy leather.
Insurance underwriters usually put all kinds of leather in
the fancy leather class, except sole and harness, yet some
have put the latter in this class, especially if highly finished
and of light weight. They would possibly be correct, from
an insurance standpoint, or at least be on the safe side, to
class all leather as fancy, except sole and harness. Probably
the latter is less subject to damage. — T. O. Gildersleeve.
Leather (Finishing) — Received at tanneries in dry
state, soaked in water and in lime pits (called beam house),
washed again in water, the water squeezed out by "putting-
out" machines, dried, "staked," and "seasoned" by use of
ammonia and albumen, tanned, dried, softened by machinery,
ironed and dressed. If raw hides are received they are
"fleshed" and "unhaired," i. e., the hair and flesh adhering to
the hide is removed. Tanning and finishing differ for differ-
ent kinds and qualities of leather. There may be used gam-
bia, sumac, tanbark, chrome, neat's-foot oil, soap, salt, sul-
phuric acid, aniline or logwood dyes. See Celluloid (Imi-
tation Leather); also Imitation Leather and Patent Leather,
■ LEATHER BELTING— Some factories use celluloid
cement instead of glue for waterproofing or finishing. Cellu-
loid is apt to be dissolved on the premises with acetone and
used from ppen cans.
LEATHER CEMENT is a solution of rubber in gasoline
or carbon bisulphide. Flashes at zero F. Very inflammable.
LEATHER DECORATORS do painting, embossing, stain-
ing, sewing, cutting. Use amyl acetate, japan, lacqiier, tur-
pentine, benzine. Coloring is usually done by airbrush
(spray). Write this class cautiously.
LEATHER DOG-COLLARS— Work consists of cutting,
splitting, skiving, creasing (creasers, gas-heated), eyeletting
and riveting machines for brass ornaments, cementing with
rubber cement, shellacing, varnishing and buffing metal parts.
LEATHER DUST is attributed as the cause of a fire in a
shoe factory recently. Rapidly revolving drums covered with
emery or sandpaper produce a fine dust; also a good deal of
lint was made by the cloth-covered buffing wheels. The fire
was possibly caused by sparks from the machines. After the
fire the floor was dotted all over with lumps of glowing dust
resembling lumps of incandescent charcoal. These balls or,
lumps could be picked up without falling apart, when handled
gently. — Fire Chief Soule, Coatesville, Pa.
LEATHER FINISHERS— Some bag makers use alcohol,
acetone, benzine, shellac, linseed oil, glycerine, lampblack and
LEATHER LININGS— Bag linings are the inner side of
split sheep skins, called "skives"; usually tanned with sumac,
dyed with anilines, tacked on boards to stretch, softened
either by hand or power machines. Before tacking they are
^'slicked up" to remove all loose or rough surfaces by laying
same on a glass washboard and being scraped with a knife.
Graining is done in a machine similar to a mangle, having a
copper roller with indentations, heated by steam over which
the skin is rolled.
LEATHER (PATENT)— In making the varnish for the
patent leather, linseed oil is heated by wood or coke fires
to about 580 deg. F. The temperature of the oil is lowered
in open air to about 250 deg. F. and then thinned or reduced
with naphtha and turpentine, which are slowly added. Fires
have occurred in this process, due probably to adding the
naphtha and turpentine before the oil is properly cooled. The
"daub" consists of linseed oil, lampblack and benzine. —
LEATHER SCRAPS and remnants from factories are
used for fertilizer by reducing same to a pulp and extracting
the animal ammonia. Leather remnants burn very slowly,
in fact in bags they have stopped the progress of fire.
LEATHER SOFTENERS may contain inflammables.
LEATHER (SOLE)— Will easily stain from water to such
an extent that the spots cannot be removed.
LEATHER— (TRADE NAMES) for leather substitutes,
Leathertex, Neolin, Textan, Keratol, Fabrikoid, Texoderm,
LEGAL LIABILITY — Forms are sometimes written for
expressmen as follows: •$... . on their legal liability in, or
for all merchandise and for baggage held in their custody as
common carriers, warehousemen, forwarders or freighters.
It being mutually understood and agreed that if claim is
made against the assured hereinunder for merchandise or
baggage held for them, the insurers shall have the option of
either admitting such claim for payment, or if resisting it in
the court, the legal expenses incurred in such resistance to
be borne by the insurance companies interested, in the pro-
portion that the total amount of insurance shall bear to the
total amount of such claim or claims. Only competent un-
derwriters should accept "Legal Liability" insurance.
LEHRS OR LEERS (tempering furnace) in glassworks
have a solid brick wall at sides and a flat brick-arched top.
They are either coke or gas-heated. The hot ware from the
glassblowers is placed on iron trays at the receiving end and
then slowly propelled through the length of the lehr on a
traveling belt.
LEMON OIL — Composed of lemon grass and paraffine;
used by piano polishers.
LEPTYNE — A substitute for turpentine in thinning paint
or varnish. Classified same as turpentine. Flashes at 99
deg. F. Fire test, 120 deg. F.
LIABILITY — Where a tenant occupies a number of floors
in a fireproof building with fair cut-oflFs between floors, the
usual practice is to carry the full line authorized for one
floor and a half line on each of the additional floors. This
same rule applies to a row of buildings or well-constructed
ordinary brick buildings with heavy floors and standard floor
LIABILITY OF A COMPANY is primarily divided into
two classes, contingent and actual or accrued. Contingent
liabilities are based on the possibility or likelihood of being
called upon to meet claims such as losses. When these losses
occur, the liability is then actual or accrued. Policies in force
are the principal liability. See Assets.
LICORICE (stick manufacturing) — Process is crushing,
grinding and pulverizing of licorice root in chasers. It is
mixed with sugars in paste form, boiled in tanks, where other
ingredients are added, made into various shapes by machinery
and dried on trays in dry rooms.
LIGHT SHAFT— A shaft in the interior of a building for
the admission of light; usually has thin glass windows. A
light well is a large open or enclosed light shaft. See Shafts.
LIGHTNING (scientifically known as static electricity) is
caused by the disruption discharge of the positive electricity
in the clouds rushing to equalize the negative electricity in
the earth, or vice versa. Discharges upward are by no means
uncommon, although not often observed.
LIGHTNING RODS, if properly installed, effectually pro-
tect buildings. Prof. Dodd says: "Let us see how a flash of
lightning is made, for there is always something at work
ahead of the lightning flash, getting things ready.
"Before a house is struck with lightning, the house is first
charged by induction.
" 'Induction* is taken from the word 'induce' and induce
means to 'coax or pull your way.*
"Before a house is struck by lightning an electric strain is
placed upon it. That is, a condition has been coaxed into
it, and it is this condition we have to deal with if we would
prevent it from bursting into a lightning explosion.;
"Now the air is a poor conductor of electricity, and things
that stick up from the earth into the air, like houses and
barns, become discharging points for the earth's electricity,
and in this way the house gets ready to be struck.
"So the lesson we wish to impress here is this: 'Lightning
is due to causes.' Electricity first gets in its work and loads
up a cloud. Then this cloud fixes up things on the earth and
induces an opposite electric condition, and the two electrified
surfaces strain and pull on each other, and when the strain,
gets great enough so that the air cannot resist any longer, off
she goes with an explosion through the house, and the under-
taker has a job on hi-s hands."
Cattle or other livestock herded in wire-fence enclosures
are apt to be electrocuted if in contact with the charged wire.
LIGNITE — Carbonized fossil wood. Subject to spontane-
ous combustion.
LIGROIN — A volatile distillate from crude petroleum. In-
flammable. Flash iero F. See Petroleum.
LIME — Obtained by calcining marble or by adding a solu-
tion of carbonate of ammonia to a solution of chloride of cal-
cium. See Calcium Oxide.
Lime (unslaked) should be kept under a water-tight shed
or building on proper skids. Many fires have been caused,
especially along the water front, when the rising tide causes
the lime to slake, creating enough heat to set fire to the
structure. Firemen playing hose on lime will slake it with
the same result. Usually found in builders' material yards.
LIMESTONE FRONTS of buildings are damaged by heat
more than any other granular building stones. They become
calcined under intense heat, or are decomposed into lime.
LINE — The amount of liability which a company carries
on a risk. The amount is determined by the loss ratio ac-
cording to the company's underwriting experience or judg-
ment. See Average Risk, also Block Lines.
LINCRUSTA— A wall covering. See Wall Coverings.
LINENS offer very good salvage if only damaged by clean
water and are dried immediately.
LINIMENTS usually contain crude petroleum, ether, alco-
hol, chloroform, turpentine.
LINOLEUM — The foundation of linoleum is burlap. This
is impregnated with ground cork, linseed oil and oxide of
lead in a calender roll. A heavy coating is then applied and
printed in various designs. The coating mixture is made of
scrim (light cotton fabric) which is hung on racks and sat-
urated with linseed oil. The oil which adheres at about 100
• deg. F. rapidly hardens. This process is repeated until there
is a thick coating (called skin). The roll is then cut down
and ground between rollers. A cement is made of oil, resin,
kauri gums and ground cork, colored if desired. The mix-
ture is cemented on the burlap foundation. The printing of
designs is a continuous process, the sheets passing through
a machine under blocks of different colors which, rising and
falling, do the printing. Hazards of cork grinding, dry rooms,
oil soaked premises, spontaneous combustion in oily mate-
Linoleum (ground) is subject to spontaneous combustion
when moist.
LINOTYPE MACHINES resemble huge typewriters and
set up one complete line of type at a time. The operator
sits at a keyboard, strikes a letter and the matrices (brass
slugs on which is an impression of the desired character)
fall down through a channel until a line of type is made up.
Metal followers push the line across until it is dropped in
front of a pot of hot type metal. The lead is forced by air
pressure against the matrix. The only hazard is the lead
pot, which is usually gas heated. The gas connection should
be rigid iron piping. Metal should be placed on the floor
under the machine. See Printers.
LINSEED OIL — Is pressed from flaxseed by either cold
or hot process. Moderate steam heat is required for kettles
and presses where the seeds are cooked and pressed. Floors
usually very oily.
LINTELr — A horizontal beam across the opening in a wall
over windows, doors, etc. When of wide span and support-
ting heavy brickwork or masonry it is called a "breast-
LINTERS (unbleached)— The cotton scraped from the cot-
ton seeds after the best or loose cotton has been removed.
LINTUS— See Indian Cotton.
LIGNITE (Used for Backs of Brushes)— Made from pow-
dered asbestos with resin, shellac and lampblack in small
proportions (not hazardous).
LIQUID AIR is air condensed into a liquid at high pres-
sure and low temperature. A powerful explosive.
LIQUID BRONZE— See Bronzing Liquid.
LIQUID CEMENT— A rubber cement used for roofing.
LIQUID GAS— Obtained by the dry distillation of raw
petroleum and by-products of the lignite and oil industries.
The vapors and gasses are obtained by the decomposition of
the material in retorts, passed through tar separators and
cleaned. The gases are liquified by cold and pressure, car-
bureted and put in cylinders for shipment.
LIQUEFIED PETRGLEUM GAS is liquid condensed by
compressing the gas from petrol oil wells. Classed as in-
LIQUID TANKS (For Gasolene or Other Inflammables)
— Burning liquids can best be extinguished by forming a
blanket of gas such as generated when carbon tetra-chloride
or bi-carbonate of soda, or a solid is formed on the surface.
This cuts off the supply of air and dilutes or breaks up the
volume of natural air by introducing a non-inflammable
agent with it.
Liquid Storage Tanks — The size of tanks, distance from
buildings and location are determined by local underwriters
and governed by National Board rules. Small sized tanks
are usually buried three feet under ground, and below all
piping connected thereto, set on a solid foundation and have
filling and vent pipes. Tanks should be of all steel or
wrought iron, all joints riveted, soldered or caulked, brazed
or welded, (soldering alone is insufficient), and coated on the
outside with rust-resisting material such as tar or asphaltum.
The fill pipe should be screened with fine wire mesh and the
vent pipe not less than three feet from a window or other
opening. Only an approved pump or device should be used
to draw liquid direct to receptacle, and such liquids not to be
in open containers. See Gasoline.
Portable tanks of 40 to 60 gallons capacity are built of solid
steel 3/16 inch thick, set on rubber-tired wheels with ap-
proved pump and vent pipe. These latter are used mainly in
LIQUOR in barrels will yield a greater salvage if the bar-
rels are laid on their sides instead of ends, as this method
will prevent water from seeping through and spoiling the
Liquors — There are two kinds, fermented and distilled.
All spiritous liquors are fermented. Distilling, a hot process,
embraces the whole process of making of potable spirit
from cereals and grains. This process includes the grinding
of the grain, mashing and fermentation, and thereafter the
separation of the alcohol from the other constituents. See
Distilleries; see Rectifying.
Refining — The purification by redistillation for the pur-
pose of eliminating impurities.
Blending — Mixing together, by a cold process, whis-
keys, spirits, gins and other such articles.
Clarifying — For the purpose of clearing the color of
wines either by allowing sufficient time for the liquor to set-
tle or by hastening the process by adding such substances
as whites of eggs, Spanish clay, gelatine or other ingredients.
Filtering — The straining of liquors.
Compounding or Rectifying — A cold mixing process.
Additional hazards in distilleries are extract-making, coop-
ering, barrel painting, bottle washing, storage and hand-
ling of alcohol in large quantities.
LIQUORINE — An approved benzine substitute for clean-
ing printing presses.
LISTED NON-FIBRE STORAGE— Stores used for the
storage of general merchandise. In New York city the rates
are figured on the Exchange Mercantile Schedule with
an allowance of 35 per cent, for base rate and l7^^
for the building. This final rate, called base rate, to be added
to the rate for the commodity desired to be stored. For
example: Baking powder is 17c + 10c base, makes 27c proper
rate to be charged. See Warehouses; see Storage.
LITHARGE— Is yellow oxide of lead. Sodium Nitrate is
roasted with metallic lead which form nitrite and litharge.
LITHOFRACTEUR is a foreign make of nitro-glycerine.
LITHOPONE — A dry powder used in paint. A combina-
tion of zinc and lead.
LITMUS — By boiling blue cabbage or certain lichens in
water, a blue solution is obtained. A drop of acid added to
this liquid turns it a bright red. Used in experimental labra-
stones with ordinary crayon, after which the stone is treated
with a solution of sour gum (gum arabic with a few drops
of nitric acid). A separate stone is used for each color.
When a blue color is desired, instead of drawing with crayon
they first sensitize the stone with a solution of bichromate
of ammonia and white of egg, then photograph on it. The
stones are usually cleaned with turpentine.
LITHOGRAPHING— Most stones used in lithographing
are imported from Bavaria and come in all sizes from those
having an area of about one square foot to those which
have an area of about twenty square feet. They are usually
four inches in thickness, but can be used until they
are not less than one inch thick. This is made possible by
backing them with slate which not only provides the re-
quired thickness but also strengthens them as well. The
principle of lithographing is the printing from a flat stone
surface so treated that ink will adhere to the design only.
To get this result it is necessary to have* two stones called
the engraved stone and transfer stone. The process is as
follows; the stone is polished by hand with pumice and
water until its surface is perfectly smooth. It is then given
a coating- with a gum arabic solution which is left on the
stone to protect it. The stone is then engraved by hand,
and in doing this the engraver cuts thru the hardened gum
solution and removes it while the rest of the surface re-
mains protected as before. When the gum solution on the
stone is kept wet, no ink will adhere to it, and when the en-
graved part is inked no water will mix with the ink. The
stone is therefore moistened with a sponge and "rolled up-
or inked with a leather ink roller. The stone is now com--
plete and is called the engraved stone, but as mentioned be-
fore, the printing is done from a stone having a flat surface
called a transfer stone. The next step is to transfer the en-
graving to the flat surface of this stone. After the engraved
stone has been inked a piece of specially prepared paper is
laid on the engraving and it is subjected to pressure in a
hand press. The engraving is now transferred to the paper
which is then laid on the second stone with the ink-side
down. The ink under pressure eats into the stone which
previously has been polished with pumice stone and water,
but has not been protected with the gum solution. The
transfer paper is now removed and the stone is covered with
the gum solution which adheres to those positions only
which have not received the ink from the transfer paper.
The stone is now moistened with water and again inked.
After being proof read it is placed in the cylinder press simi-
lar to those described above and is ready for printing. These
presses have both ink and water rollers, under which the
stone passes back and forth at each revolution.
LITHOGRAPH SHEETS may be subject to spontaneous
combustion if placed in large piles before being thoroughly
dried. This heating is caused by the linseed or other dry-
ing oils in the ink.
tible to fire and water damage, and may crumble almost to
dust when so damaged. The stones are imported.
LIVE RISER— The pipe leading from the supply tank
with mains and laterals to feed the sprinklers. See Sprink-
LIVESTOCK— See Stables; see Lightning; also Blooded
LOCK CORNER MACHINES— For cutting tooth-like
projections on the end of pieces which are to form the con-
current sides of a box or drawer; vertical or horizontal man-
drells carry gauges of saw-like cutters which rotate rapidly.
Considerable fine refuse is made.
LOCKERS— In the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New
York City, a fire started in the locker room where the artists
store their canvases, paints, oils, brushes, etc., evidently
caused by spontaneous combustion. All lockers should be
of metal on raised legs with open screen front to allow ven-
tilation. In this manner, refuse under the lockers can be
readily seen, and a fire can be seen through open front.
Oily waste in pockets of workmen's overalls is apt to cause fire.
LOCK-JOINTED— See Fire Doors.
LOCOMOTIVES for Mill Yard Use— Steam locomotives
without fires are now being used. The steam is pumped in.
to a reservoir under high pressure. The tank is sufficiently
large to run the engine for several hours. This eliminates
the danger of spark fires from the ordinary locomotives.
ever-present one along railroads, especially where bituminous
coal is used for fuel. Buildings, especially with shingle roofs,
within a radius of one-half mile should be written with this
hazard in mind.
LODGING HOUSES— Usually of ordinary construction
with joist floors, open or poorly enclosed floor openings.
Individual rooms are usually enclosed in frame partitions
extending part way to ceiling thereby adding considerable
combustible material to the interior. Hazards are pot stoves
for heat, furnaces, use of benzine for exterminating insects,
swinging gas jets, and smoking. Usually located in the poor-
er sections. The fire record is poor. See Boarding Houses;
also Furnished Rooms.
LOFT — The first loft of a building is the first floor above
the grade.
LOFT BUILDING— Usually interpreted to mean one oc-
cupied by omnibus manufacturing tenants.
LOGWOOD is wood from which logwood dyes and ex-
tracts are made. Received in this country in varying lengths
to 6 feet and small in diameters. The surface under the
bark is very splintery. When on fire in dry state it burns
very rapidly due to the rough surface, smolders a long time
and sparks and embers fly a considerable distance in a wind.
When on fire, the smoke is thick, pungent, opaque (making
nearby objects invisible) and hard to fight. In small piles it
is readily extinguished, but in large piles up to 40 feet, the
fire will smolder for days.
The dye is extracted from logwood as follows: The logs
are chopped into chunks, sawed by power saws, broken into
smaller pieces and ground in machines. It is cooked in
steam-heated vats where it remains until the dye is cooked
out of the wood. The liquor is separated from the mass by
centrifugal extractors and barrelled. See Dye Woods.
LONGITUDINAL SECTION in a drawing shows the ob-
ject lengthwise as distinguished from transverse or cross.
LOSS ADJUSTMENTS— Many of the unsatisfactory loss
adjustments are caused by the failure of the assured to make
satisfactory proof of the value of the stock at the time of
the fire. Misguided people do not try to salvage any goods
after a fire by separating the damaged from the undamaged
goods for fear of experiencing trouble with the insuring
company. Non-current forms are an ever present source
of trouble to an adjuster. See Proof of Loss.
LOSS COST— The relation between the amount of prop-
erty insured in a certain class and the amount paid in losses.
Loss cost is the cost of carrying a certain class of risk.
LOSS RATIO— The percentage that the amount paid in
losses bears to the premiums received in any class of risk.
LOST POLICY RECEIPT (or voucher) is a release given
by the assured to a company when the original policy has
been lost, thereby releasing the company from obligation un-
der the contract.
LOUVRE — A slatted ventilator. Used in place of a win-
dow. Built of metal or wood slats, slanting to permit foul
air to escape from a room but preventing fire from enter-
ing from the shaft because the openings between slats slant
inwardly. When used in shafts should be of metal with
riveted rather than soldered joints. See Diagram on Venti-
lating Shafts.
LOWER FLANGE— The under part of "I" beams. These
should be protected with at" least two inches of approved
insulation, although if unprotected, this should not be con-
sidered a serious defect in construction if the arch springs
from the lower flange and protects the webs.
LOW WINES are classed as alcohol, cologne spirits,
fusel oil and other alcohol by-products. See distilleries.
LUBRICATING OIL— Manufacturing consist of mixing
different grades of heavy mineral oil with some animal or
vegetable oil. The lower the flash point, the more likely is
the atmosphere surrounding the machinery to be impreg-
nated with inflammable vapors.
machine for setting lengths of lead type in line lengths simi-
lar to monotype work, except that this machine is smaller
and the type is cast against a brass matrix.
LUMBER — Second-hand lumber is somewhat better than
other second-hand stocks as there is always a market for it.
As a class, second-hand lumber yards are not attractive risks.
They usually occupy leased ground.
LUMBER YARDS— Inspectors should state whether it is
hard or soft wood; note the height of piles, and whether
piled solid or with open spaces between, and whether piles
rest on earth, shavings, sawdust or skids. He should note
the aisle space, whether lumber exposes windows of mill or
other buildings, prevailing winds, whether yard is fenced in.
If near a steam railroad there is danger from sparks of loco-
motives. Lumber yard fires are hard to fight. Rating
bureaus add a charge for exposure to lumber if the mill ex-
poses the lumber yard, unless 100 feet distant.
LYCOPODIUM— Obtained from certain plants. In pow-
dered form it is inflammable.
LYE — Common name for Hydrate of Pbtash or Soda.
• LYDDITE is a form of gun-cotton; an English trinitro-
. MACARONI MFG.— The farina and flour are received in
bags, then dumped in hopper and conveyed to storage bins
according to the grade. From the storage bins, it is brought
by worm conveyor to the scales to be weighed according to
the batch desired. It is then dumped in the mixing ma-
chines which are directly under the scale, hoppered to the
kneaders, then passed to the rolling machines where the mass
is rolled up into ^-inch-thick cartridge forms and dropped
into macaroni cylinder presses. The plungers of the press
are forced down by hydraulic pressure, squeezing the paste
through a compartment die which is perforated with a num-
ber of circular holes with a core held in the centre. It is
dried atmospherically or in heated rooms.
MACARONI SHOPS in basements are usually crowded,
and have unsafe dry rooms or heating apparatus. Many of
these shops employ direct coal heat for drying purposes.
MACHINERY — Heavy machinery on upper floors, even
though normally substantially supported has wrecked many
buildings in case of fire because the supports weaken or burn
away. Drip-pans should be placed under all oily machinery
to catch oil drips and so prevent oily floors.
Machinery in Rapid Motion — See Shaftings.
Machinery (Second-hand) — Even old or unused usually
has a market value unless obsolete, badly damaged, or worn
out, in which case it has only the value of old iron.
MACHINES of a revolving type, gas-heated, are permit-
ted to have flexible rubber connections instead of rigid iron
MACHINE SHOPS— See Metals Workers.
MADE GROUND— See Ground.
MAGIC METAL POLISH— An approved benzine substi-
MAGNESIUM POWDER— Will burn readily and is not.
easily extinguished by watei? A stream of water will scat-
ter the burning particles.
MAGNET — A magnetic device placed in grinding mills,
hoppers, chutes, feed spouts, etc., to arrest any metal particles
and prevent them from entering the machine where, in grind-
ing or milling, they may create a spark and explode the dust
in the mill.
MAGNETO MAKING— Machine shop hazard, annealing,
nickel-plating, buffing, testing, sealing with wax. Benzine for
cleaning parts, lacquering.
MAGNOLIUM — An alloy of aluminum and magnesium
90-98 per cent, aluminum). It is imported in pigs or ingots
for casting. . y>\ i
MAGUEY— See Fibres. !?! J
MAIL ORDER CONCERNS— 'ffiey carry nearly every
variety of goods. Where no manufacturing is done, the
premises resemble warehouses with open stocks and on
shelves. Included in the general merchandise there may be
calcium carbide, automobile tires, rubber cement, small arm
ammunition, lubricating and other oils, celluloid articles.
Large concerns usually have repair departments for damaged
MALT EXTRACTING— After the above process the grain
is soaked in tanks of cold water, then steam is turned into
the tanks to cook it, then evaporated and packed in kegs.
MALT ROASTING (for Breweries)— Malt received from
breweries, roasted usually in an ordinary coffee roaster which
consists of a cylindrical revolving drum equipped with agi-
tator and heated by direct coal heat. It is drawn off in
metal-cooling pans, where the heat is drawn out by suction,
then "lofted" by cup-conveyor to a hopper which feeds a
grinding mill. A magnet should be at the hopper or at the
rollers of the mill to catch metallic pieces such as nails. See
Brewery Malt Mills.
MANGLE — An ironing machine used in laundries for flat
work. They are large steel rollers, clothrcovered and either
steam or gas-heated.
MANICURISTS— Usually locate in private dwellings or
apartments or in barber shops. Usually have or make small
From "Live Articles on Special Hazards," pub. by "Weekly Underwriter."
Malt House.
quantities of cosmetics and pomades. At times use alcohol
or gas stoves. If in a dwelling, and not over three hands
employed, with the owner living on the premises, there is no
extra rate charged for this occupancy in New York City. See
Massage Parlors.
MANSARD — The top portion of the outer walls which
slope to the roof. The backing is usually of wood or lath
and plaster on studding. Termed by fire fighters as " a lum-
ber yard up in the air" because of their inability to locate
the seat of the fire once it gains access to the concealed
MANUAL ALARM — Usually a small red box with a ring
attachment at the bottom, which if pulled down sends in a
fire alarm.
MAP CLERK — A junior underwriter whose main duty is
to write the "lines" on the map so that the company's lia-
bility can be seen at a glance. He must also understand
forms and rates and adjust reinsurance. See Underwriter;
see Examiner.
MARBLE is easily damaged by fire. Where it forms any
considerable part of the building structure such as marble
fronts or facings, underwriters usually cut down their "line."
MARBLE WORKERS— Stone and granite such as used in
buildings are included. Work is sawing, planing, cutting,
drilling, polishing, rubbing. Polishing is done by machinery
on flat, soft stones, using a mixture of dry putty and oxalic
acid as an abrasive. Glycerine is used for highly polished
stones. Broken pieces are cemented with plaster of Paris,
beeswax or stick shellac. The latter two are usually heated
by gas blow pipes. Gas or gasoline torches are used for
heating lead for dowels. Usually occupy large area frame
buildings heated by "salamanders." See Imitation Marble.
MARGARIC ACID is obtained from hog fat and potash.
MARINE GLUE — One part India rubber, 20 parts gum
lac and 12 parts benzine.
MARINE-LEG — Used in connection with grain elevators
located on water fronts. A movable elevator leg, so ar-
ranged that grain can be conveyed from the hold of a boat
by dipping the elevator boot into the liojd,
MARINE INSURANCE— Is a contract whereby one
party for a specific sum agrees to indemnify another who has
an interest in the property exposed to marine risks, against
loss incidental thereto. The policy covers goods from port
to port but by endorsement they may be covered from some
place in the interior until delivered to the assured's store or
warehouse at port of destination. Almost all marine con-
tracts are valued policies.
MARKED OFF — An expression used by insurance men
when an application or policy is returned to the company
when the insurance is not wanted.
MARKETS (Chicken) — Especially where killing is done
are usually untidy with feathers, guano and wooden crates.
Stoves are used for heat and for heating water. Not an at^
tractive class. J 4AM
MARKET VALUE— See Sound Value. - '~ -
MARSH GAS— See Fire Damp.
MASSAGE PARLORS— Usually in connection with hair
dressers and manicurists. Use electric vibrators for massag-
ing, electric baths and various other electric appliances.
Some are connected with the lighting system with ordinary
sockets. Others are on separate circuits or run by storage
batteries. Alcohol and face creams are used extensively.
Salves are mainly heated on alcohol stoves. See Manicurist.
MASSICOT— Oxide of lead.
MASTIC — A resinous substance from a shrub. Used in
MATCHES (Manufacturing) — Many different processes
are employed. One of the common being a cylinder of pine
or poplar wood, the length of seven matches, which has been
soaked in water to make it tough, is placed in a lathe which
cuts off a continuous shaving, the thickness of a match. As
this shaving comes away from the log, it is cut into seven
strips, each as wide as a match is long. As soon as the
splints are separated. from the block, they are seized in iron
clamp plates which form an endless chain. The endless
chain carries the splints across a steam-heated drum which
warms them nearly t6 the temperature of paraffine into which
they are dipped. From the paraffine bath the splints move on
continuously to the rollers that carry the "heading" mixture,
phosphorus, chlorate of potash, etc., and as the matches
are carried past the rollers each one receives a red or blue
head as the case may be. From the rollers they continue on
through a room swept by a blast of cold, dry air. The
matches move on until just before they reach the starting
point, again air automatically thrusts them out and places
them side by side in a box.
The composition of match heads varies a great deal in dif-
ferent factories and consists of various combinations of glue,
rosin, phosphorus, sulphur, chlorate of potash, saltpetre,
red lead, bichromate of potash, nitrate of lead, antimony sul*
phide and fine sand.
A Prolific Source of Fire T^osses.
The sulphur match tip is made of a paste consisting of
chlorate of potash, sulphur, colophony, vermillion and gum.
The "strike anywhere" match tip usually contains phos-
phorus and potassium chlorate.
The "strike-on-box" match head is partly composed of
potassium chlorate while the box contains red phosphorus.
Paper match heads are dipped in chlorate of potash, amor-
phous phosphorus, sulphur and iron oxide.
Incomplete reports of the National Board of Fire Under-
writers for the year 1915 show a loss over the country total-
ing $4,324,596 due to matches.
In New York City alone, the fire department's report of
1915 shows that there were 1,346 fires attributed to matches,
causing a loss of $227,886.
The Underwriters* Laboratories of Chicago have made a
careful study and test of matches and now issue the label
service covering this line of goods. The testing covers the
subject of flying heads, ignition temperatures, stability of
head and composition, afterglow, strength of splint and meth-
od of packing.
The label service is divided into two classes. Class "A**
is the "strike on the box" type, where the match is struck on
a prepared surface and the ignition point is above 340 deg.
F. Class "B" is the so-called "strike anywhere" match, and
the ignition point is above 300 deg. F. This type of match
is double-dipped, the outside bulb being inert and of larger
diameter than the tip. It is constructed so that it will not
ignite from friction or when it is trod upon. The splints of
both types of matches are treated to prevent afterglow, and
they are required to be of a reasonable strength.
At this writing there is only one manufacturer who has ob-
tained the label service. This concern manufactures both
classes of approved matches.
The hazard from the careless handling of matches cannot
be too greatly emphasized and it would be well to advocate
stringent laws for those who continue to use them with utter
disregard for the loss of life and property that they may
cause. — (S. T. Skirrow, "Live Articles on Special Hazards,"
The Weekly Underwriter.)
MATTRESSES — Materials used are tow, shoddy, sea grass,
cotton, hair, moss, excelsior and fibres. Work consists of
picking and rolling cotton or other materials in pads, filling
and tufting, sewing slip covers. They may also assemble and
paint bed springs. Hazards are cotton and fibre picking,
storage of upholstering material, dust in the presence of open
lights, loose materials about the premises. In small shops,
coal stoves are used for heat. Unless the various processes
are segregated, the entire floor may become covered with
dust. A very poor fire record class.
MATZOTH BAKERY— Matzoths are made of flour and
cracker dust. Bakers use sifters, cleaners and occasionally
mill flour. The baking oven is brick enclosed with fire box
underneath. The dough is placed on a revolving metal drum
over the fire and baked in one revolution. When baked, the
crackers drop on a woven cloth belt conveyor which takes
them to the packing room. Some of the crackers may be
burning and if not removed from the conveyor are carried
to the packing room where they might set fire to combustible
material. Several fires have been attributed to this cause,
and also to friction in dust box of flour mill. (Poor fire
record.) See Bakeries.
MECHANICS' PRIVILEGE— Allows mechanics to be em-
ployed in the building for ordinary alterations and repairs
without limit of time. Just when and where a builders risk
condition takes place is sometimes rather a difficult question
to decide, but most underwriters claim that so long as the
building in not weakened or added to but merely altered by
means of painting, carpentering and other interior work, the
mechanics* privilege is all that is necessary. See Builders'
MEDICINAL OILS— See Mineral Oil.
MELINITE — A powerful explosive.
MELTING FURNACES— Called "pot" furnaces. Used by
glass manufacturers and are generally circular in form with
an inside lining bench and crown of fire clay blocks and
brick and an outside enclosure tapering above the crown
forming a chimney stack. The base is usually brick about
10 feet thick with brick arched cave or tunnel. They use
soft coal for heat. There are a number of openings in these
furnaces which receive the crucible or pot which contains
the "batch" of glass ingredients. Aside from the setting,
the only hazard of any importance is the woodwork which
should be removed to at least 18 inches. — The Weekly Un-
MELTING POINT of metals. See Fusion Point.
MEMORIAL WINDOWS are part of the building and
may form considerable of building loss in case of fire. Few
companies will write them as separate insurance.
MEN'S FURNISHINGS— Susceptible stock. When col-
ored goods are water damaged, the colors either run or
goods become mildewed and prove total loss. White goods
mildew but these can be washed. Cheap jewelry may be in-
cluded which tarnishes.
MENTHOL — Resembles camphor. Obtained from oil of
peppermint by cooling; volatile.
MERCANTILE BUILDING— One occupied by mercantile
tenants such as those having stocks, offices and very light
MERCANTILE RATING— When the financial rating of a
person or firm does not appear in any of the mercantile rat-
ing books it usually indicates lack of capital or credit but
may only signify that the bureau has no information on
which to base a rating. See Trade Reports; also Blank
MERCERIZED GOODS— Water will practically ruin
stocks of this nature, which are also severely damaged by
MERCERIZING — A process which imparts a gloss or lus-
tre to cotton fibres by treating the tightly stretched fibres
with caustic soda, followed by washing and drying.
ance under this form, add to the base rate of warehouse, the
amount named in the alphabetical list. Specify the mer-
chandise by name and if the rate is for a particular kind of
package, mention the package. See Storage; see Warehouses.
MERCHANT POLICE— In place of the ordinary watch-
man, are hired by owners of merchandise, usually on docks
and piers, to prevent thievery. The merchant police are re-
sponsible for all goods ^ lost and therefore are always alert.
MERCHANT TAILOR— Does custom work, and may also
have stock. See Custom Tailor.
MERCURIC CHLORIDE— Corrosive sublimate, heavy
white salt, no fire hazard.
MERCURY is the only metal which is in liquid form. It is
white, having a brilliant metallic lustre. Boils at 660 deg. F.
Alcohol is used as a substitute for mercury in thermometer
where very low temperatures prevail.
^ MERCURY FULMINATE— Produced by solution ' of
nitrate of mercury and alcohol. Powerful explosive.
^^' METAL BEDS AND SPRINGS— Busiest season April
to July, September to November. Metal working hazards
including japanning and enameling. Use considerable excel-
sior for packing. (Poor fire record class.)
METALIZING — Dipping articles in molten metal.
METALLIC POTASSIUM (and sodium) are kept by near-
ly all drug houses. Should be kept in oil, because if water
^cpmes in contact with them, flames result, as the reaction
releases hydrogen.
'metallic POWDERS such as aluminum and bronze
have a great affinity for oxygen and are considered dan-
METAL SIGNS (Lithographed)— Sheet metal working
and varnishing hazard. Benzine thinned paint used in dip
tanks. A roller varnishing machine is sometimes used with
celluloid varnish. Dry rooms same as lacquer dry rooms.
METAL TUBING (Manufacturing) embraces the hazards
of gas-heated brazers, roller mills, stamping presses, swag-
ing machines and heavy metal working machinery. Floors
usually oily and greasy.
'* METAL WORKERS— Machines used are lathes, shapers,
'Aliilling machines, drill presses, emery wheels and similar de-
vices. If the floors are of wood, the machines should set
on metal with edges curbed to prevent oil soaking into the
wood. Waste used around machinery when oily should be
kept in self-closing cans with legs so that the bottom of the
can is off the floor. Iron filings should be kept in similar
receptacles. Some shops do lacquering or japanning. Only
a day's supply of such materials should be kept on hand in
the building. Dry rooms for lacquered parts should be stand-
ard in construction.
METHYL ALCOHOL— See Wood Alcohol.
METHYLOXALIC ACID— Is recovered from the prod-
ucts of dry distillation of wood; inflammable.
MEZZANINE FLOOR— A gallery or half floor, of small-
er area than other floors of the building.
MICA — Manufacturing such goods as electrical insulators,
lamp chimneys, etc. There are but few plants in the United
States. The stock of mica is received in rough state from
mines, cut up into small pieces, worked up into several lay-
ers using shellac as a cement, pressed into sheets by hy-
draulic presses, dried in ovens, cut to size, formed in steam
moulds. They are gradually cooled in these same moulds
by circulating water jackets, then dried in ovens, edges
trimmed with jig saws and surface ground down on car-
borundum wheels and the seams cemented with shellac.
When put in ovens to dry, the mica is placed on a sheet
of metal previously oiled. Metal parts are riveted on by
foot power presses. Hazards embrace light metal working,
machine shop for repairs, storage of shellac and alcohol, dry-
ing ovens, steam pipes at mould tables in contact with wood.
MICALITE— A substitute for sheet celluloid. Non-in-
MICE — Have long been credited with causing fires and al-
though experiments with mice and matches have been un-
successful, the following is a true report of a concrete case:
A fire was discovered under a floor in a residence. A large
quantity of water was poured in. When firemen arrived they
took up the floor boards and discovered a large nest between
the beams and in it were acorns, chestnuts, pieces of cloth,
plumbers' waste, cheese, and — half of a burnt match. See
MILK DEPOTS— High pressure boiler hazard, which sup-
plies steam for pasteurizers, sterilizers, bottle washers and
dry rooms. Crate or box-making for bottles, tinsmith shop
for repairing of cans, refrigerating machinery, printing labels
and caps are hazards found at some plants. The fire record
is not very good. See Dairy Farms; see Creameries.
MILL AGENT— An agent who sells the product of mills
to the trade, receiving a commission for same, although .g.opcjs
are shipped and billed direct to the buyer. '..;:, .,,.-,',,
MILL CONSTRUCTION— Briefly, mill construction em-
braces the following: (1) Consists of making a fire stop of
heavy plank between stories so that the spread of fire may
be retarded. This necessitates doing away with all openings
in floors such as belt holes, stairways, elevator wells, or all
such must be in cut-oflf towers. (2) The timbers and floor-
ing required to give the necessary stability and strength are
arranged so as to offer as smooth a surface and as few cor-
ners, on which fire may feed, as practical, also doing away
with all concealed spaces in walls or floors. This is accom-
plished by using very heavy floor timbers spaced 8 to 12
feet apart and floors of 3 to 4-inch plank with single or
double top flooring. Roof to be 3 inches thick and covered
with gravel or tin. In a building of this character fire can
be readily reached with water from either hose stream or
sprinklers. (3) Floors must be tight as well as heavy so as
to prevent fire, smoke or water from working through. This
is one of the most important features of a mill building and
one to which sufficient attention is not paid. Due to poorly
seasoned plank or poor workmanship openings are left
around posts, at side walls or elswhere and fire smoke or
water spreads through these openings destroying or impair-
ing the efficiency of the floor. See Bay Construction; see
Compromise Mill.
• MILL WASTE— Odds and ends from fabric mills, mace-
rated and bleached to obtain a resemblance to cotton.
MILLINERY is liable to include almost anything from a
delicate chiffon to a stuffed bird, but can be counted on to
give practically 100 per cent, loss in nearly every fire starting
in this class, because the salvage, once the stock is smoked or
wet, is practically nil.
MINE FIRES are caused by ignition of timbers, wooden
stoppings and brattic cloths, hay or oil-soaked material by
open torches, the ignition of coal by blown-out shots, or ex-
plosions of fire damp or coal dust, or the improper use of
explosives; surface fires communicating to the mine through
the shaft or tunnel, underground furnaces and boiler plants.
ignition by friction on oily wooden rollers or rope haulage-
ways; fires occasioned by spontaneous combustion of coal,
timber or greasy waste. Most effective means of exploring
and combating fire is the oxygen helmet. Article, H. M. Wil-
son, Insurance library.
Mine Fires spread rapidly. Unless extinguished within
a few minutes from the start, the closing of the section or
mine often becomes necessary. Mines should be patrolled by
lookouts and employees, especially English-speaking, and the
more intelligent should be organized into a fire brigade for
instant service.
MINERAL BURNING OIL— Obtained by the fractional
distillation of crude petroleum and shale oil.
during the process of refining tar by sulphuric acid.
leum oil products and Russian white oils are used. Work in
compounding risks include mixing the oil with Fullers earth,
then refining, distilling, filtering, all by steam heat. Bar-
relling, bottling, labelling, painting barrel heads and chemical
laboratory for testing. Premises usually very oily.
MINERAL OILS are usually products of coal tar and pe-
troleum. They are considered more hazardous than the ani-
mal or vegetable oils. The most important thing to know is
the flash point. If not mixed with vegetable or animal oils
are not subject to spontaneous combustion.
sists of making flavoring extracts, charging or carbonizing
water with marble dust, straining, filtering, bottling, labelling,
packing. Use steam or gas-heated kettles, steam-heated bot-
tle washers. Bottles are packed in excelsior or straw jackets.
See Bottlers.
MINERAL WOOL— The product obtained by forcing a jet
of steam or air against a stream of molten slag or molten
MIRROR BACKING— An amalgam of mercury and tin.
Tin foil, i. e., tin leaf, is first applied over the glass, then
mercury is poured upon this, and it unites with the tin, mak-
ing an amalgam.
MIRRORS — (Electroplating Mirrors) — A new method of
silvering mirrors consists of depositing the metal on the glass
by means of a high potential electric current. Electrical
MITRE SAWS — Used by woodworkers to cut any kind of
pieces at an angle.
MIXED ACIDS — Mixture of nitric and sulphuric acids.
If in contact with organic matter will cause fire.
MOLASSES DEALERS make rock candy at times using
steam vacuum kettles. They may also have benzine for thin-
ning paint for barrel heads.
MOLASSES REFUSE— The ashes of molasses refuse
(used for fuel in molasses or sugar factories), contains about
1-3 potash and 5 per cent, phosphoric acid. Is used for
MOLASSES WASTE LIQUID— Used in fertilizer. The
waste liquid derived from molasses contains about 60 per
cent, water and 40 per cent, substance. The body portion is
now reclaimed by the following process: Waste pumped into
large wood tanks, then to steam-heated still evaporators with
condenser apartments. The heavy liquid is then run into
large storage tanks, and then flowed to a hopper, into which
ground phosphate is added. It is then mixed and dried. Con-
sidered non-hazardous if fuel oil system for dryers is ap-
proved and no grinding of phosphate on the premises. Mo-
lasses-soaked floors burn fiercely.
MOLLACH — A benzine-thinned stain used by leather
goods manufacturers.
MOLYBDENITE — Ore of molybdenum which is used to
give hardness to steel.
MONITOR — A raised roof structure of various shapes and
sizes, with glass sides. Sometimes called "Texas" or "Lan-
tern Skylights."
MONOLITH — A single piece or block of stone, as a sin-
gle piece stone column.
concrete building.
MONO-NITRATES are not necessarily dangerous.
MONOTYPE MACHINE— Used by printers for casting
and setting up lead type in single letters. First a key board
is used, where the different styles of type, spacing and align-
ment are indicated by perforating a roll of paper. This paper
roll is put in the casting machine. Air pressure blowing
through the perforations of different sizes and spaces regu-
lates the machine operation so that the lead type is auto-
matically cast and set up. Usually motor driven. The lead
pot should have rigid iron connection, and floor under ma-
chine should be metal clad. See Printers.
MONTAN WAX— A soft coal distillate from Austria;
melts at near 180 deg. F. Not hazardous.
MOPS — Prof. John H. Bryan, principal of the Ward School
at Marion, Ohio, on several occasions found mops used by
the janitor in oiling the floor burned to ashes, it being evi-
dent that the building each time narrowly escaped being
burned. To prove the nature of the trouble, he saturated
several mops with the floor oil and hung them where there
were no inflammable surroundings. A mop saturated with oil
at 5 p. m. was found to be very warm at 7 a. m., and in one
instance he watched a mop until it burst into flames. It is
claimed that the ill-fated Collinwood school fire may have
started in this manner.
MORAL HAZARD— The moral hazard of a risk is most
pertinently described by Colonel Ducat as 'Hhe danger from
frictioh caused by high insurance and low depreciated stocks
and property coming together. And just the difference be-
tween what would have been the fire loss with no insurance
and the fire loss under insurance would be the moral hazard
of the risk."
Unoccupied dwellings outside of the police protection of
cities or towns, slept in once in a while by caretakers, which,,
by the way, is not dwelling occupancy unless approved by .
the agent. They are open to tramps, subject to carelessness
of boys and like the family-deserted farm dwelling, are haz-
ardous risks.
Ex-factory buildings that may have cost thousands of dol-
lars, but which, with their machinery removed, have been pur-
chased for a few hundred dollars and converted into barns
and warehouses. Such buildings are liable to be overvalued
and insured for more than they are worth.
Stocks of merchandise purchased at assignee's sale for 65-
cents-on-the-dollar invoice, and insured at 85-cents-on-a-dol-
lar invoice, because the insured got a bargain. Careful con-
sideration of the property as to present cash value from an
insurance point of view is necessary.
Long distance over the hills and far away from the agency
risks^ on which the commission will not pay the agent for
surveying them, and the amount of premium will not warrant
the expense of the special for inspecting them. When in-
sured "unsight, unseen," as boys swap pocket knives they are
often sold (by fire) in a manner that causes the local agent
to think the company carrying the business may also have
been sold.
Property that has outlived its usefulness, that is unoc-
cupied, that is not adapted for the purpose for which it was
intended, that is overvalued, that is offered at forced sale,
or that is at a distance from the agency, should be avoided;
or, if written after full knowledge of the facts pertaining to it
have been obtained, the amount of insurance thereon should
be based upon commercial cash values, instead of upon the
cost of replacement, and rates should be made to cover the
In betting $1,000 under a policy of insurance against $7.50
premium or any other amounts, unsatisfactory losses can
often be avoided by keeping an eye on the possible amount
of loss instead of on the small amount of premium. It is also
an excellent plan in such cases to carefully examine the other
fellow's stake before accepting the bet.
Losses under the conditions stated are not necessarily
criminal; they can arise from legitimate carelessness that
would not occur if the insurance was 70 or 75 per cent, of the
commercial value instead of the commercial value being less
than 75 per cent, of the insurance.
Moral Hazard— (By Samuel R. Weed, in "The Week-
ly Underwriter.") What is that intangible, but important,
part of fire risk which is commonly called the moral hazard?
It exists in other lines of business, and, in fact, it is omni-
present in all vocations where financial responsibility is in-
volved, and is frequently a synonym for a form of dishonesty.
If we hear of a bank or a stock broker or a merchant who is
dishonest we fj^equently describe his condition as overbur-
burdened with "too much moral hazard." Consequently we
must understand at the outset that moral hazard is a risk
which to a greater or less extent permeates all kinds of busi-
ness. It is the same as short weights in the grocery, or coal
yards; it is the same as misrepresentation in mxcrchants*
transactions or downwright fraud in manufacturing, or any
other dishonest proceeding to deceive the public on the part
of the man who has something to sell and finds a market
among the innocent purchasers. In the majority of cases
there are some ways of discovery and detection, and often
of punishment, but in fire insurance the moral hazard risk
goes down much deeper because it is a long-drawn-out proc-
ess of crime which may be conceived months or years before
it is actually committed, and it is more generally suspected
than proved. It is, however, sometimes confirmed by cir-
cumstantial evidence, but even then the victim has no redress.
It is intangible because we have to search into the inner mo-
tives of man and go below the surface before finding any im-
portant proof. Attempts to describe it in general terms have
often been made, but the difficulty of a description applicable
to each case is increased by the fact that no two instances are
precisely alike. . . .
There are certain questions which should be answered by
the agent, or which he should answer for himself, which will
assist him materially in forming a correct judgment whether
the insurance seeker is a safe subject for the company:
1. Has the applicant been long established in business in
the place? If not, is he a resident or a newcomer, and if the
latter, where was he formerly located, and why did he
2. Does his business appear to be prosperous? Has he
good local credit? Have any of his notes been protested by
the local banks? Has he ever failed, and if so, upon what
terms did he settle with his creditors?
3. Was he ever burned out? Where and how did the fire
originate? Was he insured, and if so, did he have any trou-
ble in settlement with the insurance companies? Are the
same companies willing to insure him again? An inquiry ad-
dressed to your head office will often bring out this informa-
tion, which is inaccessible at your own residence.
4. Is the insured a woman? Or is the active manager do-
ing business as agent for his wife, and if for another, for
whom? Has the present owner or manager of the business
ever been connected with anyone who has suffered from fire?
5. Is the business of a declining class? Are the premises
poorly located in the town for profit? Is the building out of
repair? Has there been any difference with the landlord,
and is the owner of the building a desirable person to insure?
6. Has the applicant suffered from strikes or differences
with labor unions, or been publicly or privately threatened
with damage by strikers or discharged workmen? . . .
The companies as a rule dislike to insure property in the
name of a woman unless it be one of the small stocks which
may properly be managed by her sex, such as a retail haber-
dashery or a dressmaking stock. But the trouble with a
woman in the case lies in the probability that she is being
used as a mask for somebody else. It is surprising how
many cases turn up where, by the use of a woman's initials
only, companies are deceived by the supposition that it is a
masculine whom they are insuring. I know an examiner for
an important city company who invariably sends out an in-
quiry when initials only appear for the full name of the per-
son or persons insured. He uses this form of query: "Is the
'insured male or female? If a female, is she married, and if
so, what is the full name of her husband? If a widow, please
state the fact." This examiner once told me that in the course
of five years he had turned down several daily reports be-
cause he learned that the insured was of the feminine gender,
and what is still more remarkable, at least one in ten of the
risks on which policies had been canceled .for this reason
had subsequently burned. Probably this should be called a
"suspected moral hazard" in which the woman is not directly
to blame, and if the whole truth were known it would be
found a man profited by the loss of such a risk far more than
the woman whose name was used as a cloak for the man's
insurance. These instances are easily connected with incen-
. diarism, and I have no doubt that many of them belong to
some of the worst classes of moral hazard which have ever
come to light.
I presume you will be surprised when I assert that there
is a new kind of moral hazard affecting the business of fire
underwriting now in vogue quite unknown twenty-five years
ago. I mean a sort of reverse action of the moral-hazard
principle succeeding a fire quite apart from its origin. I be-
lieve the experience of the last twenty years has demonstrat-
ed that many an honest loss has been turned into a dishonest
loss by the temptation, or whatever else you choose to call
it, to indulge in crookedness directly aroused by the fire.
Somehow the underwriters are often treated as easy marks
who can be plundered by fraudulent claims and robbed of
large sums by schemes to cover up the real loss with a layer
of fraud which sometimes escapes detection. I believe that
the discovery of such schemes is generally possible through
patience and perseverance, as well as by skillful handling of
the testimony. Some very remarkable evidences of this kind
of moral hazard have been gathered by our loss committee,
and the former manager, Mr. Robb, could, if he would, tell
you of one very extraordinary case in the surrender of pol-
icies for a large amount upon a stock of plate glass in this
city without any payment at all, after a most elaborate
scheme of fraud had been prepared which was exposed by
accident. One of the links in the chain was weak, and that
broke down all the connecting links. I am obliged to with-
hold the particulars of this case, but I believe it was one
where the rascality really followed the fire.
The temptation to swell loss claims sometimes overtakes
men who ar« esteemed honest and upright in all the walks
of life. The peculiar view which some people hold regarding
the value of their property after the damage frequently leads
to downright perjury, a phase of moral hazard which is gen-
erally created, promoted, suggested and carried forward by
the new profession known as the public adjusters. I wish it
were possible to take up the record of every loss handled by-
public adjusters in the last ten years. The revelation would,
I am sure, astonish you. <7i;
MORDANTING — Means fixing the colors of the dyes 'so
as to thoroughly impregnate the material.
MORTGAGEE CLAUSE (full contribution)— This clause
is usually placed on policies covering the second and third
mortgagee's interest. The object of this clause is to make all
policies contribute their proportion of loss in case of fire. If
the insurance company controls the insurance for the first
mortgagee, the full contribution feature may be omitted.
MORTGAGEE INTEREST— Except in special cases, the
interest of the mortgagee is not insured direct or separate, but
is covered by the usual mortgage clause.
(MORTISE — A hole cut in one piece for receiving the
tenon which projects from the other piece. A chisel mor-
tiser, by repeated thrusts, produces the desired hole.
MOTION PICTURE BOOTHS— Usually built of asbestos
lumber ^-inch thick on 1^ by 1^ and ^-inch angle iron
frame. Iron booths are now obsolete. Where the equipment
is permanent, tile or brick is used. Shutters should close
automatically. Ventilation: metal pipe should extend to outer
air (not to attic). Hand-operated machines: the operator is
always at the machine and therefore can readily detect any
mechanism which might go wrong. If the machine is elec-
trically driven, it may run wild, the film become clogged, and
before the operator could shut down the machine many feet
of film may be burned. Machines should be fastened to floor
to prevent tipping them over. Automatic shutters on ma-
chines are to shut off rays from the arc lamp when machine
stops and thus prevent ignition of the film. The upper mag-
azine in the machine holds the film being shown which is
i run through a thin slot to a lower magazine where it is
wound up. These slot openings are just large enough to ac-
commodate the film. Arc lights at machines should be en-
closed in metal box lined with asbestos. Careless operators
are responsible for most of the fires in picture booths. Ex-
tinguishers and sand pails are required in booths.
MOTION PICTURE FILMS are made of nitro-cellulose.
Non-inflammable films are made of cellulose acetate. Those
of the pyroxilin type when stored in poorly ventilated vault
are apt to decompose and the gas arising, when mixed with
air will explode if ignited. The master film (original nega-
tive) is very valuable, especially before copies are made.
Sometimes one film will exceed in value the entire contents
of the studio. The values run up to half a million dollars for
a single film. See Film Vault.
is specially designed for this purpose or a converted building,
the construction and cleanliness of booth, heating apparatus,
lighting system, care of scrap films which are produced when
reels are re-joined after breaking, location of re-winding
room for films. The ordinary picture show building is a
high one-story building and may embrace the theatre hazard
by having a wooden stage for vaudeville performances, wood-
en dressing rooms and a quantity of scenery.
MOTION PICTURE STUDIO— Usually consists of a
group of buildings varying in size and construction and com-
municating with each other. In some, the different depart-
ments are in separate buildings or sections; while in others,
the dressing rooms, scenery storage and painting, carpenter
shop, studio and carpenter shop may be under one roof. The
stage and its equipment is usually of a portable or knock-
down type. At least one side and the roof of studio is glass.
Neither wired glass nor glass with screens can be used for
studio lights because the wires would show on the picture if
taken by natural light.
Process: Films received in metal cans, washed in benzine,
sensitized in glycerine bath. The picture is taken and de-
veloped in bath of hyposulphate of soda and hydroquinon,
glycerine and water and a thin solution of water and mer-
cury, then air dried. Printing is done in a high speed all
metal, electric power printer. An incandescent light is in an
enclosed cylinder in center of printing machine with a small
aperature to transmit light. The negative and positive films
are on open reels and pass through a thin slot about five
inches from the light and wound on reels underneath the
printer. The film is then perforated, i. e., a row of small holes
is made down each side of the film which fit the cogs on a
reel on which the film is wound. Perforators are high speed,
electric power machines, equipped with a suction pipe to
carry off the dust created. The small particles are dropped
through bottom of machine to a metal can. The joining of
sections of film is done by hand, each worker having a small
bottle of cement. The films are then polished on reels on
which are fastened flaps of felt saturated with alcohol and
operated by hand. They are then projected through a mov-
ing-picture machine to detect imperfections. (A moving-pic-
ture machine is sometimes called a projecting machine.)
Laboratory work consists of making a special cement for join-
ing films composed of carbonate of potassium, collodion, amyl
acetate, acetone, iodide potassium, sulphuric acid, ethyl
acetone and sulphuret potassium. Joining, printing, develop-
ing, perforating, polishing, cleaning, property rooms, car-
penter shop, painting, laboratory and projecting should be in
separate rooms. Rubber-covered floors are used a great deal
to prevent nails in heels of shoes producing sparks and set-
ting fire to film scrap on floor. Care in disposal of film
scrap is very important. Film vaults should conform with
underwriters' requirements.
National Association of the Motion Picture Industry, Inc.,
1. Keep plenty of water handy, (a) In an automatic sprin-
kler system suitable to your conditions; (b) In convenient
buckets; (c) In faucets with an inch and a quarter hose and
nozzle attached; (d) Have fire extinguishers, which every-
body is shown how to use; (e) Keep sand pails handy. Sand
will stop a small film fire quickly and will not damage the
2. Keep film in containers when not actually in use. The
time lost in replacing it is nothing. Naked film is the one
condition that guarantees that a little fire will get beyond
control in a few seconds.
3.. Throw film scraps into self-closing metal cans, never
into open waste baskets.
4. Keep the cutting rooms, etc., well swept. The tiny
pieces of film that fly about make the dust as dangerous as so
much gunpowder.
5. Have a professional electrician do all your wiring, in
accordance with every city ordinance, no matter how "un-
reasonable" it seems. Have the light globes caged — a broken
i globe may make only one spark, but that can ignite $1,000
worth of film. Handle no film by any artificial light but
6. Box your radiators and steam pipes. The film that
touches a hot pipe and crinkles up might just as easily have
burst into flame.
7. Enforce the "no smoking" rule. Give the boys a smok-
ing room if they need it, and make the boss and his guests
who are looking over the place leave their cigars, cigarettes
and pipes outside, as they would if they stepped into a theater
for a glimpse of the picture.
8. Banish the "strike anywhere" match. Furnish boxes of
safety matches free, if necessary. But don't have anything
that will light except when it is intended to.
9. Keep only enough cement, gasoline and collodion on
hand for the day's work. They are all highly inflammable,
and should be stored where they can do no harm.
10. Appoint one man or woman as fire monitor, and let
him know it is all his job is worth to fail to call down the
boss, the cutter, or the office boy for any carelessness.
Bad housekeeping and carelessness: Unguarded radiators.
Unprotected electric light globe over film. Electric wires
wrapped around steam pipe. Film scrap on floor. Lengths
of film on floor. Willow waste basket used. Film on fire
extinguisher. Too much film on each table. Film not kept
in cans. Smoking. Waste paper and newspapers on floor.
Posters in same room with film. Lack of order and cleanli-
Motion picture studio fire, 226-32 West Thirty-fifth Street,
New York City, Jan. 3, 1917. The tables on which the films
were joined or examined, had an electric light in them, lo-
cated in a well and covered with a heavy piece of glass.
The glass cover in one of the tables was very loose fitting,
in fact, it was not the original glass made for the opening.
While an employee was joining a reel on this table, the
electric light globe broke. It is thought the heavy glass
cover fell on the globe, and as a result the film on the table
caught fire. Some of the employees tried to put the fire
out by throwing the film on the floor and stamping on it,
but were not successful. The flames ignited other films in
the vicinity, some of which were not in cases. There were
about 59 reels, part in cans, a few of which were in a single
wall metal cabinet at the time of the fire. The fire spread
over the entire rear mezzanine on the second floor, roof and
main part of the studio and filled the premises with an irri-
tating dense smoke. Some of the employees had difficulty
in getting to the street, due to the smoke. The importance
of segregating motion picture studios and factories and the
necessity for automatic sprinklers in connection therewith
was illustrated by the fact that the contents of this film de-
partment furnished exceptionally inflammable fuel to the fire.
This fire would seem to justify the regulations of the fire
department requiring a special permit and rigid safeguards*
for the storage of inflammable films in excess of five reels
(5,000 feet) the practice of having electric lights on the film
tables, should be discouraged as much as possible. The
danger may be somewhat reduced by making the heavy glass
over the top of the light well permanent; also the bottom of
the well should be removed so no pieces of film can lodge
around the electric light globe. — (New York Board Report.)
Usually located in basements or on grade floors, with apart-
ments above. Machine shop hazards, with oily floors. Some-
times do painting, enameling, vulcanizing, cleaning with gaso-
line and have a large stock of acetylene gas cylinders for
sale, a stock of automobile accessories, including celluloid
articles, and a gasoline supply station. These places are
sometimes used as "hang-outs." See Bicycle and Motor
MOTOR GENERATOR— A combination of motor and
dynamo. The shafts of each are coupled together, so that
when the motor shaft rotates it will turn the dynamo shaft.
MOTORS should be enclosed to prevent foreign matter
coming in contact with same. The boxes should be lined
with zinc or asbestos and kept clean. Oil pans under same
will prevent oil from saturating floor.
MOVING BUILDINGS— Buildings that have been moved
should always be inspected to ascertain if the walls have been
weakened or if the chimneys have been crackad. ,.,.;
MUFFLER — A type of gas stove with a hooded top to re-
tain the heat. Used to heat soldering or pressing irons.
MULE — A long iron frame spinner used in silk mills.
MULLIONS — Upright bars dividing a window into two or
more lights.
MUNGO — Obtained by "devilling" the rags or remnants of
fine woolen goods.
MUNITIONS are not necessarily the same as ammuni-
tion. Usually denotes war material with the exception of ex-
MUNITIONS PLANT FIRES— The growth of the
munitions business has resulted in greater precautions
for safety being taken in many factories that were
not operated with success prior to the war. They have
since become successful, thus minimizing the moral hazard.
Overtime also has a tendency to minimize the risk, inasmuch
as when work people are on the premises all the time any
incipient fire is more likely to be arrested before actual dam-
age is done. The following are features of the report: pro-
longed hours of labor, night work, etc., have increased the
period of action of the active special or manufacturing haz-
ards. A tendency toward uncleanliness has been created or
enhanced by long hours of labor, the difficulty of obtaining
satisfactory help, the increased congestion of equipment and
material, and, above all, by the failure of superintendents,
through pressure of other business, to give attention to mat-
ters of housekeeping. The introduction into established risks
of new manufacturing or special hazards or processes. In
some cases there has been failure to protect these in a satis^
factory and permanent manner on the assumption that they
were of a temporary character. In other cases there has been
failure to realize the true nature of the hazard involved and
ignorance of protective measures. — (Weekly Underwriter.)
MUNTINS— See Mullions.
MURIATE OF AMMONIA— See Sal-ammoniac.
MURIATIC ACID— See Hydrochloric Acid.
MURIATIC ACID VAPORS will extinguish fires.
MUSHROOMING — A term v^sed to express the action of
fire which travels up a shaft in a building and spreads out
on the upper floor. Usually a mushroom fire destroys the
MUSIC STOCKS— Sheet music stock is very susceptible
to water damage. Great percentage of the stock is usually
obsolete or out-of-date stuff.
and metal working and varnishing hazard. (Poor fire record.)
MUSTARD FOR TABLE USE is ground wet in burr
mills, mixed with spices and vinegar and bottled. The hazard
is mild. (Always inspect this class.)
MUSTARD OIL is pressed from seeds by hydraulic press
after crushing and grinding, then filtered. All machinery and
woodwork becomes very oily. The grinding of mustard seed
is not so hazardous as the grinding of mustard after all oil
has been extracted. (Write class with caution.)
MUTUAL INSURANCE— This differs from stock insur*
ance by charging a set premium for each class at the incep-
tion of the insurance. At the end of the year, part of the
profits of the company are returned to the policy-holders of
each class of insurance which has shown a profit.
do to
NAILS OR SCREWS packed in kegs suffer severe water
damage. In order to get a fair amount of salvage, they must
be thoroughly dried at once to prevent rust. Galvanized
ware gives greater salvage.
NAKED LIGHTS— See Inflammable Vapors.
NAMES — Business in Woman's Name — A business may be
in a woman's name for any of the following reasons: She
may be a widow or unmarried, divorced or a "grass widow";
her husband may have broken a lease and to avoid suit trans-
ferred the business to her; a judgment may have been entered
against her husband and to avoid payment, transferred thfe
business to her; failures of husband; husband may have a
bad fire record, or, owing to manner of conducting business,
credit is denied him by the trade. Instances are known
where the husband has sold a business with the proviso that
he would not engage in the same business as a competitor
to the new owner, but has started up a business as a com^
petitor in his wife's name. The wife or other female relative
may have furnished the capital or owned the business before
marriage; it may be a woman's trade, such as corsets or in-
fants' wear, the wife conducting the business and the husband
being employed elsewhere. See Moral Hazard; also For-
NAPKINS — This stock is little affected by water damage.
NAPPERS — Machines designed to brush or pick up the
surface of knitted cloth, producing long nap or fleece effect.
See Knitting Mills.
which emit inflammable vapors below 100 deg. F. should be
stored outside of buildings in steel tanks, buried at least two
feet below ground, or otherwise isolated. In printing estab-
lishments permission is given by local boards of underwriters
to store these materials above ground outside of building in
an approved safety can not exceeding five gallons' capacity
if in a box, on a permanent shelf, securely fastened to the
wall, but not directly in front of a window; the shelf to be
of metal, provided with guard rail, so that the can cannot
be readily dislodged by accident. The law prohibits using
fire-escapes for storage of such inflammables. Should be
used in the building from approved safety can and kept out-
side on a shelf on nights, holidays and Sundays. A box of
sheet iron, under lock and key, or other incombustible ma-
terial, is recommended as a protection from the weather. The
box will fulfill the requirement for a guard rail. See Petro-
leum; also Inflammable Liquids; see Inflammable Vapors.
NAPHTHA CEMENT— See Rubber Cement.
NAPHTHALENE— Coal tar camphor; white crystalline
solid. Usually kept in wooden barrels. Not hazardous.
NAPHTHALIC (or phithalic acid)— A crystalline acid ob-
tained from napthalene. Inflammable.
NAPHTHA SOAP is said to contain a small amount of
NAPHTHA WOOD— See Alcohol.
NARROW STREETS— Buildings on narrow streets
should be written with caution. The fire department is oft-
en handicapped in fighting the fire for lack of room' for
their apparatus and cannot perform their best work.
The purpose of the National Fire Protection Association is
*'to promote the science and improve the methods of fire
protection and prevention; to obtain and circulate informa-
tion on these subjects and to secure the co-operation of its
members in establishing proper safeguards against loss of
life and property by fire." It is supported by members' sub-
scriptions. There are two classes of members, active and
associate. j
NATRONA — A form of petroleum.
NAVAL STORES— Turpentine, pitch,, rosin and tar.
Usually stored in large area frame sheds or in yards along
water fronts. Painting barrel heads is sometimes done on
premises. Burn fiercely.
NAVE — The main body of a building having connecting
wings or aisles on either side of it, as in a church.
NEATSFOOT OIL— Derived from the feet of various ani-
mals. Used for leather dressing. Rags saturated with this
oil should be kept in self-closing waste cans.
NECKWEAR (especially ladies*) is very susceptible to
damage from smoke, fire and water. This stock might in-
clude the finest grade of chiffon and malines. See Silk Neck-
NEEDLES — Made from steel wire, cut into lengths, heat-
ed in furnace and rolled. Points are made on grindstone by
hand. An automatic machine cuts out the gutters and flat-
tens the heads. Eyes are punched in, and the needles tem-
pered in a furnace. To polish, they are spread on a cloth,
sprinkled with emery dust, oil and soft soap, and rolled in
the cloth (called "friction" bath) rinsed in water, sorted and
packed. Stock subject to severe water damage.
NESTY — A term used by insurance men to describe con-
gested areas of frame buildings. — Gene Eagles.
NET SURPLUS of a company. After all liabilities have
been met (including unearned premium reserve and paid up
capital) that which remains is net surplus. It is an asset
set aside mainly for the purpose of meeting obligations due
to large conflagrations.
NETTLES — Fibres grown on plantations are now being
. used as fabric substitutes for cotton.
NEUTRALIZE^ — If an acid is deprived of its acid prop-
erties by means of an oxide (base) or vice versa it is said
to be neutralized.
NEUTRAL SALTS, i. e., Glaubers, Epsoms, etc., are so
called because the acid properties of the sulphuric acid are
wholly neutralized in them. Neutral Spirits, see Grain Al-
, NEWMAN SYSTEM of time recording for watchmen.
The Newman System equips the watchman with a portable
watch-clock which must be carried in rotation on ever>
hourly inspection round to patrol stations located at the im-
portant inspection points, and each having a key, which when
inserted and turned in the clock, registers on a paper dial
NITRATES Oiraaqf: 317
therein the distinctive mark of that station and the exact
time at which the station was visited. The keys are fastened
and sealed at the various stations. The clock is locked while
in possession of the watchman.
NEW VENTURES are usually tabooed by underwriters
unless capital is in evidence to promote the business.
NEWSPAPER PLANTS— Printing hazards. Employ day
and night shifts and some employees generally about the
plant at all times. The last class to want a fire because the
success of a newspaper lies in keeping editions going. Con-
sidered good moral fire risks.
NICOTYLIA— An oily inflammable liquid.
NIGGERHEAD— A small black box enclosing the alarm
mechanism on a water flow alarm attached to a sprinkler
NO. 99 — Special cleaning fluid, classed as kerosene.
NITRANILINE — Powder used by dyers, cannot be ig-
nited. A subjection to moisture causes it to decompose in
which action it throws off heavy fumes and generates heat.
NITRATES— Nitrate of barium. See Barium Nitrate.
Nitrate of Copper Crystals — If bruised or moistened will
smoke and may explode.
Nitrate of Lead — See Lead Nitrate.
Nitrate of Strontia — See Strontium.
Nitrate of Potassium — See Potassium Nitrate.
Nitrate of Potash — Formed by the union of nitric acid
and potash (commonly called nitre or saltpetre) is one of
the ingredients of gunpowder.
Nitrate of Soda^— See Soda Nitrate.
Ferric Nitrate is used by dyers.
Silver Nitrate — Used in photo-indelible inks and mirrors.
NITRATING is usually a hazardous process.
NITRE — See Potassium Nitrate. As soon as emptied nitre
bags should be thoroughly washed and dried in the open.
Empty bags are very inflammable.
NITRIC ACID — Composed of nitrogen and oxygen, ob-
tained by the action of sulphuric acid upon nitrate of potash.
See Acids.
Extracts From a Paper Before the Cincinnati Convention of
the International Association of Fire Engineers by Chief
M Thomas A. Clancy of Milwaukee, First Vice-President of
the Association:
If concentrated nitric acid be poured upon powdered char-
coal it will take fire under ordinary temperatures.
Paper, cotton, sugar, starch, and certain other organic
substances treated with concentrated nitric acid, become thor-
oughly changed, and though in their outer form they re-
main the same, they become violently explosive.
Warm nitric acid run into badly annealed carboys will
crack them, and set fire to the straw or other packing, or
combustible material surrounding them. If this powerful
oxidizing acid reaches pine wood, especially pine knots, a
fire will result with frightful rapidity.
Nitric acid, while contained in the carboy, is safe enough,
but should it leak into organic matter, the mixture becomes
spontaneously inflammable.
Like many other chemical substances it is readily affected
by light, and many substances formed by its action are de-
composed by exposure to sunlight.
Uses of Nitric Acid — Nitric acid is used in a very large
number of industrial operations, viz.: in dyeing, in the prepa-
ration of lacquers; in the manufacture of picric acid, nitro-
benzol, etc.; in the manufacture of many coal-tar colors;
in many explosives, as gun-cotton, fulminate of mercury,
nitroglycerin, etc.
The nitrates, as the compounds derived from nitric acid
by the replacement of its hydrogen by a 'metal are called,
are, like the acid itself, powerful oxidizing agents. They
therefore require considerable care in handling, not because
they have any tendency to burn in air, but because of their
liability, when mixed with oxidizable matter, to produce its
oxidation and consequent ignition and inflammation. Slight
friction of a nitrate against any dry inflammable matter, such
as wood, may be sufficient to start a fire. If the nitrate and
inflammable substance be intimately mixed there results a
violently explosive combination. Gunpowder is such a mix-
V :* ' ; NITRIC ACID 319
Nitrates which are specially important on account of their
common occurrence are:
Sodjium Nitrate — Largely used as a manure and in the prep-
aration of nitric acid, sometimes in the manufacture of min*
ing powder.
Potassium Nitrate, "Saltpetre" or "Nitre"— Used for pre-
serving certain articles of food; in the manufacture of
matches and of gunpowder.
Lead Nitrate — Used in the preparation of pigments.
Ammonia Nitrate — Used in the preparation of nitrous ox-
ide, the "gas" of the dentists, and in certain explosives.
The so-called "Nitrate of Iron" of the dyer, prepared by
oxidizing "copperas" (ferrous sulphate) with nitric acid, con-
sists mainly of ferric sulphate.
"Aqua Fortis" or "strong water" (because of its great sol-
vent power) is the name given nitric acid by Gerber (A. D.
750-800), or one of his immediate predecessors, who made it
by heating together saltpetre, copper, vitriol and alum. The
first mention of the present process of making it is by Basil
Valentine (A. D. 1450-1500) who says, however, that this
method has long been used. Nitric acid was, therefore. One
of the earliest mineral acids known.
Industrial Importance — Nitric acid occupies a peculiar po-
sition, somewhat like that of sulphuric, of great industrial
importance as an intermediate step in the production of other
products. Its salts are used to some extent in electroplating,
since practically every one is soluble; in fireworks and col-
ored lights, because of their high oxidizing power, and it is
essential to the manufacture of many organic compounds*
besides nitrocelluloses, azo and diazo dyes. In tonnage and
value, it stands among the leading chemical products. In
the form of nitrates or substitution products it is essential
in some way to the production of practically every explosive,
while its salts (chiefly from natural deposits), are used for
fertilizer in this country to a great extent. ■ ,,h ;l^-inch blocks
for lower flanges of beams.
For all shafts, whether stair, vent or elevator, blocks must
be at least 4 inches thick.
PLASTER BOARDS are made of gypsum plaster with a
binder such as wood pulp, wood fibre, excelsior. Made in
sheets one-half to one inch thick, and used extensively as a
fire retardant furring. The plaster is received in bags, mixed
with water, pressed in roller machine where the fibre is added,
cut into slabs with saw, air dried. Drying is usually done on
the roof of the building or a lattice frame enclosure as a
separate structure. Large amounts of excelsior or other
fibre stored in premises is a menace. Construction of build-
ing usually light frame. Not very attractive fire risks.
PLASTER FIGURES— Made by moulding plaster, wire or
excelsior used as a binder. They are sized with glue, dried
in dry rooms, shellaced and coated with paint or bronzing
liquid. Hazards are heating wax or glue by direct heat, dry
rooms, excelsior storage, painting, untidy premises. Poor
fire record.
PLASTER OF PARIS— Calcined and powdered gypsum.
PLATE GIRDER— A large steel girder used to span an
arch or opening, as for instance, over the top of the proscen-
ium in a theatre.
PLATE PRINTERS— See Engravers. See Etching.
PLATFORMS — Temporary overhead sidewalks are some-
times put up in front of buildings in course of construction
so that pedestrians can traverse the street, and workmen can
carry material into the building. Sometimes electrical ap-
paratus for lighting and hoists are installed under these plat-
forms. As all wiring, switchboards, etc., are for temporary
use, they are usually very carelessly installed. In April,
1918, a severe fire occurred underneath such a platform at the
Pennsylvania Hotel, and was evidently the result of defective
electric installation at switchboard. The fire was severe
enough to totally destroy that portion of the limestone front
under the platform for a distance of over 150 feet and
scorched buildings on the opposite side of the street. See
Course of Construction; see Builder's Risk; see Spall.
PLATINUM — A metal used largely in the manufacture of
chemical utensils, owing to its immunity to the effects of
acids, heat, etc. Considered good insurance.
PLINTH — ^The square, lowest member of the base of a
column or pier.
PLUMBAGO — A mineral lead used in crucible manufactur-
ing. As this substance passes through intense heat during
the manufacturing process, it suffers practically no fire dam-
age, and is considered good insurance.
PLUMBERS — Usually carry only a small amount of in-
surance on stock, the value being mostly in tools and fix-
tures. May have gasoline torches or furnaces, charcoal fur-
naces, forge, light metal working, painting.
of wood and metal working, sandpapering, dip staining,
painting, lacquering, varnishing. Not an attractive class as
a rule.
PLUSH — Is of different grades and weaves. Cop yarn
(cotton and worsted) is for warp and woof. The plush piling
is silk, cotton and mohair woven together in one single
strand. The cop yarn, which furnishes the top and bottom
body fabric, is woven together with the plush piling by
means of a weaving machine, and a knife attachment sepa-
rates the top and bottom warps or fabrics. Cop yarns come
in skeins. In this process very little lint or flox is produced.
The "tigers" or rough combers of plush, however, produce
considerable silk flox, which should be cleaned up daily. See
Silk Plush.
POLE-PLATE — A longitudinal timber resting on the ends
of the tie beams of roof.
POLICY — A personal contract between the assured and
the company. When the property covered is sold or trans-
ferred to a new location, the policy does not cover new
owner nor new address unless so endorsed.
such inflammable agents as will make the flash point of mix-
ture 80 deg. F. or lower. May include an abrasive material,
gasoline, chlorate of permanganate, nitrates, varnish, mineral
and vegetable oils.
POLITICS— The truth of the statement that there is a fire
hazard in politics, although but vaguely comprehended by
the average citizen, comes oftentimes with distinct empha-
sis to those interested in maintaining municipal fire depart-
ments in a state of high efficiency. Politics may interfere
directly by forcing fire chiefs to fill their ranks with men
physically incapable and sometimes insubordinate, and also
indirectly, by tampering with the building department in
such manner as to allow the flagrant disregard of most need-
ful precautions.
POOL ROOMS— Tables are usually bought from the man-
ufacturer on the installment plan. ''Ivories" must be warm
for good playing, hence, unless the place is steam heated,
large pot stoves are usually employed. Smoking hazard.
Place may be used as a "hang-out."
POP-CORN MANUFACTURING— Raw stock is corn,
molasses and glucose. Work consists of sugar coating and
making pop-corn into balls and cakes. Hazards are coke
and gas heated poppers, and confectioners' stoves. Portable
ovens used by bakers, usually gas heated, should set on at
least 4 inches of brick on sheet iron (with air space) and a
safe distance from all woodwork, and be vented to a proper
PORTLAND CEMENT— Composed chiefly of lime,
alumina and silica.
POST-CARDS — Picture post-card making includes design-
ing, embossing, lithographing, printing. Air brushes are used
for coloring. A poor fire record stock.
POSTS — Square or round timbers set on ends; used for
corner supports.
POT STOVES — Made of an unlined iron casting varying in
thickness from ^ to ^ inch and set on three legs. Many
of the stoves are too small to properly heat the entire floor,
and in consequence they are forced and the fire-pot kept
red hot. This condition causes the casting to crack. After
these cracks appear the pressure from the heat and fuel with-
in spreads the opening, which soon becomes large enough to
allow the burning fuel or sparks to fall out on the floor.
Any stove having an unlined fire pot and standing on three
legs should be prohibited. Cracked fire pots should be in-
stantly repaired.
POTASH— Hydrate of potassium.
POTASSIUM— Obtained from potash, is very difficult to
keep because it is continually uniting with the air, but the
air may be shut out by placing the potassium under naphtha.
It has a bluish white color and is quite soft. If potassium
be left exposed to the air, it tarnishes at once, and in a short
time is all turned to potash, the oxygen of the air uniting
with it. If you throw a little piece of it upon water, it steals
away the oxygen from the hydrogen of the water and flies
about the surface burning with a beautiful violet flame. The
flame is the hydrogen set free by the union of the potassium
with the oxygen of the water. — Hooker's Chemistry.
POTASSIUM CHLORATE— In the dyeing of fabrics
where potassium chlorate is used as the oxidizing agent,
there is considerable danger of fire due to the rapid oxidation
of the aniline dye and the chlorate. Not inflammable, but
its presence increases the intensity of fire by the evolution
of oxygen. See Barium Chlorate.
POTASSIUM CYANIDE— A heavy white solid; not haz-
POTASSIUM METALLIC— See Metallic Potassium.
POTASSIUM, NITRATE— White crystalline salt, classed
as non-inflammable and not dangerous, but its presence in-
creases the intensity of fire by the evolution of oxygen.
POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE— A purplish crystalline
salt rich in oxygen. May cause fire v^hen mixed with com-
bustible material.
POTASSIUM PEROXIDE— See Sodium Peroxide.
POTASSIUM PICRATE— Mixed with water, is used as
substitute for yellow ink in coloring maps.
POTATO CHIPS— Use power machines for paring and
slicing. Cook the slices in grease by direct or indirect fire.
Greasy risks. A poor fire record class.
POTATO IVORY— Artificial ivory made from good pota-
toes, washed in dilute sulphuric acid and boiled in same so-
lution. They become solid, then are washed and slowly
POTATO SPIRITS— See Amyl Hydrate.
POWER HOUSES are generally F. P. construction with
approved electrical equipment. Considered desirable insur-
PREFERRED BUSINESS (so-called) is insurance on
risks of minimum hazard or maximum protection, such as
dwellings, fireproof buildings or sprinklered risks.
PREMIUMS — Companies must accumulate sufficient re-
serve from premiums collected each year to pay for large
losses occurring from conflagrations which, as a rule, occur
every few years. See Earned Premium.
PRESERVATION OF TIMBER— Several methods are
used to artificially preserve timber from decay. The sap
may be expelled by hydraulic pressure and replaced by
chemical fluid, or the timber may be saturated with some
chemical fluid which will combine or act upon the albumen
and prevent decay. See Wood Preservatives.
tificial Foliage. See Artificial Flowers and Feathers.
PRESSING IRONS (electric) should be made foolproof.
The temperature of a flat iron for safe and satisfactory use
is from 400 to 600 deg. F. This temperature is not danger-
ous, but when the irons as now designed are allowed to re-
main with the current on continuously, then the temperature
rapidly increases to 1200 to 1400 degrees, or even 1800 degrees
in some instances, and the iron may reach red heat. The
hazard may be overcome by means of a new device called a
thermostatic switch placed in the iron, and which automat-
ically cuts oflF the current when the temperature exceeds a
predetermined range, usually 400 to 600 degrees. See N. F.
P. A. Bulletin for details.
PRESSING TABLES in tailor shops. The boards and
bucks should be covered with metal. Also floors under and
2 feet at sides of tables. Many fires are caused by hot irons
resting on woodwork.
PRESSURE — How to figure pressure on the top line of a
sprinkler equipment. Take a building seven stories high, or
80 feet above the grade, with a pressure of 40 pounds at the
main hydrant. Multiply .434, which is the pressure for each
foot of elevation, times height (80 feet), which equals 34.7
pounds. Deduct 34.7 pounds from the pressure at the main
(40 pounds) which leaves a working pressure of only 5.30
pounds on the top line of sprinklers. Note. — A column of
water 12 inches high having an area of one square inch
weighs .434 pounds. See Water Pressure.
Pressure — Assume a gravity tank is 12 feet high and
elevated 20 feet abovfe the roof and sprinkler heads are one
foot below the roof. Take 12 feet plus 20 feet plus 1 foot
equaling 33 feet x .434 equals 14.19 pounds pressure on high-
est line of sprinklers. Note. — The combined pressures of
gravity tank and pressure tank cannot be added, for in case
of fire, the water will first be used from the pressure tank
until the pressure is below that from the gravity tank, then
the water will flow from the gravity tank.
Assume, in the case of a pressure tank, that it is eight feet
above the roof and sprinkler heads one foot below the roof.
Add 8 feet plus 1 foot equals 9 feet x .434 equals 3.9 pounds
pressure, plus the pressure showing on gauge on pressure
tanks, say 75 pounds, equals 78.9 pounds pressure on highest
PRESSURE TANKS of sprinkler systems, steel or
wrought iron, are two-thirds full of water and one-third of
air. A gauge to show height of water in tank is placed at
end of tank. 75 pounds pressure is usually maintained.
Pressure tanks operate prior to gravity tanks when the water
flows through sprinkler pipes. The pressure of water in the
pressure tank holds shut the check valve on riser to gravity
tank, and when the water or pressure is released, the water
from gravity tank starts to flow.
To ascertain if water is at proper level in pressure tank,
first close pet cock at the bottom, then open valve at top of
glass gauge, then open valve at lower end of glass gauge
and the water will rise. After finding water level, close lower
valve in glass gauge first, then close valve at top of glass
gauge and open pet cock at the bottom. See Sprinklers.
PREST-O-LITE (acetylene gas)— A fire in one of these
plants demonstrated that acetylene gas itself will explode if
compressed with air. Excessive heat and high pressure will
also cause explosion.
PREVAILING WIND record for 35 years shows N. Y.
City to be on average W — N.W. See Wind.
PRIME — To put on the first coat of paint. In sash, door
and blind factories benzine thinned paint is generally used.
PRINTING HAZARDS— Composing, ink mixing, press
work, wrapping, benzine or a substitute for cleaning presses,
oily waste, waste paper, oily floors. • Job presses are used
only for small work. In this type of press, the type bed
and tympan (sheet holder) come together on a vertical plane.
Metal should be placed under all presses to prevent floors
from becoming oil soaked. The fire record is usually good.
See Cylinder Press.
PRINTING INK is generally made of boiled linseed or nut
oil, and mixed with lamp-black and soap. Write class with
PRINTERS' ROLLERS are made of glue, glycerine and
molasses on a steel core. There are two kinds, one for sum-
mer and one for cold weather use. The former is made of
a harder mixture to withstand heat.
PRISM LIGHTS — Used principally on extension skylights
in order to lighten dark locations. In New York City they
are classed as thin glass unless the part in the valley is one-
half inch thick, or unless glasses are not more than four
inches by four inches on metal frame, in which case glass
must be one-half inch thick over all and one-fourth inch
thick in valley. See Sun's Rays.
PRIVATE DWELLINGS— See Dwellings; also F. P.
PRIVATE FIRE PLANTS— A steam fire pump capable
of furnishing at least two good fire streams, should be pro-
vided and connected directly to standpipe system, with gate
and check valves in such connection, taking suction prefer-
ably from city main through a connection not less than 4
inches in diameter, or in the event or this supply not being
available, the pump to take suction from a reservoir of say
20,000 gallons capacity, with a possibility of some variation
according to the special case under treatment, such reser-
voir to be filled by connection to the city main, automatically
controlled by float valve.
The pump and boilers should be cut off from the building
by preferably a fire wall, in which case the sill at the door-
way should be at least two feet above the basement level, or
if this is not possible, a dwarf wall not less than two feet
high should be provided, which would prevent flooding the
pump and boiler room in the event of the water which finds
its way into the basement i"eaching the depth indicated. A
sufficient quantity of steam to run the pump should be kept
up at all times and an engineer on duty night and day.
A signal system with a station on each floor with gong
and indicator in the engine room for the purpose of notify-
ing the engineer of the location of a fire and when the pump
should be put in operation.
A watchman should patrol the building at night, and dur-
ing the day, on Sundays and holidays, making hourly rounds,
a record of the rounds being made on an approved watch
clock, and stations connected therewith to be located on each
floor and in such manner as to require the watchman to patrol
practically all parts of the building.
PRODUCER GAS PLANTS— The producer and all appa-
ratus connected therewith should be safely set on a solid
foundation, and all platforms used in connection with gen-
erators should be of incombustible material. For detailed de-
scription, see National Board Standards. Producer gas is
made by partial or incomplete combustion of coal in the
presence of an air supply which is regulated, and leaves no
combustible residue.
PROFIT INSURANCE— Insurance on profits may be
written under two or more forms, which may be principally
described as "per diem" and "per cent." Per diem profit
insurance is generally used where only a very small stock
of merchandise is carried. Percentage profit insurance in this
case is not acceptable to most companies as can be readily
seen from the following example: A cafe has a $1,000 stock;
50 per cent, profit would be $500. If fire ensues with a total
loss the companies must pay $500, whereas if policy was writ-
ten under the "per diem" form with an amount of $500 at
$20 a day profit it would be 25 days before the total amount
of insurance would be used up and the chances are that the
premises would be in working order before the 2S-day period
Per cent, profit insurance is the most commonly used and
should always follow the stock adjustment. Extreme care
should be exercised in writing this class of insurance as many
brokers' forms read "company shall be liable for a loss of
profits equal to, say, 20 per cent, or 25 per cent, of the
value of merchandise insured. With this form the stock
may only suffer a 1 per cent, fire loss and yet the company
would be obliged to pay a 20 per cent, or 25 per cent, profit
loss. The form should read that the loss would be a certain
per cent, of the value of the damaged merchandise (not the
value of the merchandise insured) ; in other words, the profit
loss should follow the stock adjustment. Only competent
underwriters should accept profit insurance. The following
will illustrate the reason why large concerns carry per-
centage profit insurance. A large woolen firm has stock of
piece goods and are well stocked up, their fall stock being
all in. A fire breaks out and they sustain a total loss. Their
own mill cannot fill orders for three months, therefore they
are obliged to go to other mills to supply them. In order to
protect themselves against such a contingency, they carry
percentage profit insurance so that they will receive their
regular profit just as if nothing had happened.
PROFITS OF A LEASE— This is considered good insur*
ance if the conditions of the proposed insurance are
thoroughly understood by the underwriter. The amount of
insurance is determined in the following manner. Assume
that ten years ago, a very old building was leased for a
term of years at $10,000 per year. The building is remodeled
and the lease is now worth $20,000 a year. Should the
building burn, the lessee may be forced to pay $20,000 a
year for a similar lease in the vicinity. Therefore he se-
cures a "profit of lease" policy for the difference for which
he paid $10,000 and the present value, $20,000, to protect
his interest for each year the lease has to run. Again he
may have leased the building, and sublet the property for a
much larger sum; in which event, the amount of difference
between what he pays and what he receives is his profit.
PROHIBITED RISK— One of a class which has shown
such an unprofitable loss ratio that a company will not
write any insurance therein or thereon.
PROOF OF LOSS is the sworn statement of the insured
to the insurer, setting forth the time fire occurred, the
amount of loss and damage sustained, information concern-
ing ownership, the cash value of property covered, the names
of other companies interested, and the amount of their pol-
icies, the total amount of insurance carried and the oc-
cupancy of building at the time of fire. See Adjuster.
PROOF SPIRITS— See Grain Alcohol.
PROPRIETARY MEDICINES (liquid- or tablet form)—
Use stone and iron mills, chasers, pulverizers, dry rooms,
presses for tablets. May use in the manufacture such things
as nitroglycerine, carbon bisulphide, sulphuric ether, turpen-
tine, essential oils, sulphur, phosphorus, camphor, nitric,
hydrochloric and glacial acetic acids, lamp-black, powdered
charcoal, denatured and grain alcohol. Sometimes use port-
able oil or gas stoves.
PRO RATA — Used when a policy is cancelled by other
than the assured (unless rewritten), in which case the pre-
mium retained is figured in the proportion to the time the
policy has been in force. See Short Rate.
PROTECTED RISKS— Risks under fire department pro-
tection. See Accessibility; also Topography.
PROVISION DEALERS— Work consists of meat wash-
ing and trimming, sausage meat grinding and stuffing, cook-
ing, lard rendering and pressitig, smokehouses, refrigerat-
ing, pickling, coopering. May have small carpenter and paint
shop in large plants, also stable and garage. See Smoke
PRUSSIAN BLUE— Made of sulphate of iron and yellow
prussiate of soda. Chlorate of potash is used for oxidizing.
See Soluble Blue.
PRUSSIC ACID (hydrocyanic)— Composed of hydrogen,
carbon and nitrogen. See Hydrocyanic Acid.
PUDDLING FURNACE— Used to convert cast-iron into
PUG MILL — A mixing machine used chiefly in clay and
paint factories. Used for tempering brick clay in pot-
PULLEYS (wood) in an elevator head may cause fire
when the elevator becomes choked. Experiments prove that
when a choke-up occurs, the friction of the wood pulley on
a canvas or rubber belt will produce actual fire (not merely
excessive heat or smoke) in from six and one-half to
twenty minutes, depending principally on the kind of belt
used, the size of the pulley, and the height of the elevator.
Iron pulleys should always be used. See Strut Boards, also
PUMICE STONE— A volcanic product. Used as an abra-
sive. Considered good insurance.
PUMPS — If a pump shows 43 lbs. of pressure it is the
equivalent to head of 100 feet, in other words, same as a
gravity tank 100 feet elevation.
On the approach of cold weather, pumps should be tried
to see if in proper working order. Examine the pump suc-
tion pipe to see if strainer is clear and free from refuse or
otherwise obstructed. See Fire Pumps.
purchases a business and pays the former owner a cer-
tain amount each month. The former owner retains a mort-
gage until the full amount is liquidated. This transaction is
considered O, K. by underwriters. The buyer is consti-
tuted the sole owner. Loss is usually made payable to the
mortgagee. (Inspect and get trade report.)
PURLINS — The horizontal pieces placed on rafters for
supporting the roof covering. See Piers.
PUTTING-OUT MACHINE (in leather works)— A ma-
chine which squeezes the water out of the skin.
PUTTY — Linseed oil and whiting. Mixed and heated in
steam kettles with agitators. Rapid motion mills for grind-
ing. Barrel painting, soldering irons for can tops, linseed oil
storage and oily rags and floors are principal hazards. Glue
putty is made from whiting and hot, melted glue.
PYRALIN— Celluloid.
PYRENE — A secret liquefied gas, said to consist of carbon
tetra-chloride charged with carbonic acid gas to the point
of saturation, with a small amount of ammonia gas and
hydrochloric acid. Pyrene extinguishers are recommended
for garages, car barns, chemical plants, calcium carbide fires,
paints, oils and varnishes but not for general factories' pur-
poses, department stores, etc. It vaporizes and forms a gas
blanket excluding the oxygen from the fire. ,
PYRIDINE— Used for denaturing alcohol.
PYRITES— Or natural disulphide of iron. A dense, hard
mineral of crystalline structure and pale yellow color. There
is some doubt as to whether they are subject to spontaneous
combustion, although several cases are on record of fires
starting in the holds of ships where only this cargo was
stored. The pyrites used in manufacturing sulphuric acid
usually contain about 48 per cent, of sulphur, 40 per rent.
of iron and the balance silica, copper and arsenic. It is
burned in a kiln which is kept supplied with fresh quanti-
ties of ore.
PYRO — A prefix signifying fire. Also abbreviation for
Pyrogallic Acid.
of gypsum (plaster of paris) and wood fibre. Approved for
partitions when 3 inches thick.
PYRODENE— A so-called fireproof paint.
PYROGRAPHIC OUTFIT— Consists of a bottle of ben-
zine, a rubber tube connecting to a needle and a small bulb
which is squeezed by hand the same as an atomizer. The
needle is first heated, and then the benzine vapor pumped
to the needle to keep it hot while burning the wood. Flem-
ish white wood is mostly used.
PYROLIGENEOUS ACID— The crude acid obtained by
the destructive distillation of wood. Has smoky odor, not
PYROMANIAC — A fiend who sets buildings on fire, usu-
ally only to see them burn, or watch the fire engines run to
the fire. See Incendiarism.
PYRONONE— A high explosive.
PYROPHORES — Substances glowing and igniting spon-
PYROXYLIN — Solutions of pyroxylin, nitrocellulose, or
soluble cotton dissolved in amyl acetate or other solvents.
See Celluloid.
QUARRIES (slate) — Hazards of large frame areas and dry
kilns. Moral hazard is most important. The natural sup-
ply of slate may be exhausted and render the plant useless,
or slate may be of poor quality which would cause a great
depreciation in the value of the quarry. Cost of transpor-
tation to markets may be so high that the plant cannot oper-
ate at a profit.
QUEBRACHO — An extract from wood bark, used in tan-
ning. Will melt, but will not burn.
QUICKSILVER — Commercial name for mercury.
QUILL TOOTH PICKS— Work consists of sterilizing and
repacking natural and artificial quills or straws and covers
for same. Use motor-driven machines for making covers,
and gas or steam for heating water.
QUINOLENE— An oily inflammable liquid.
QUOIN STONES— Stones placed along the vertical
angles of a building.
RABBET OR RABBITT— A groove along the edge of a
board or a door frame, as for instance, fire doors of swing-
ing type must be rabbetted.
RACING STABLES have a poor fire record. Belmont
Park, Long Island, burned twice in one month in 1917. See
RACKING OFF (in breweries)— This means drawing the
beer into kegs. A filling machine and liquid gas tank are
used for pressure. See Breweries.
RADIANT METAL POLISH— Flash point 200 deg. F.
Classed non-volatile.
RAFFIA— A grass fibre.
RAFTERS — Those timbers which form the inclined sides
of a roof and carry a roof covering. Joists to which roof
boards are nailed.
RAGOSINE OIL— A mineral oil. Flash, 380 deg. F.
RAG STOCKS — This business has a very poor fire record,
especially where sorting or baling is done. Open gas jets
over sorting tables, smoking and coal stove heat are poor
features. Generally occupy basement with poor class of
help. See Clippings.
RAILROAD CAR HOUSES— A standard Railway Car
Storage House should be so constructed and protected that
it may not contribute in any manner toward the spread of
fire therein, and contribute only, in case of fire, not to exceed
sectional losses of the structure. One single division should
not exceed dimensions to expose to any one fire a greater
number of cars therein than would represent a valuation of
$200,000 of combustible rolling stock, or a total interior
trackage of not more than 1,800 feet.
Floors — To be of brick, concrete, stone, cinders or earth.
Pits — To have brick, stone or concrete retaining walls or
piers; brick or concrete floors; steps of stone, concrete or
iron; the rails to be supported on brick, concrete, stone or
wood stringers exposed on one side only, and to have not
more than four-track sections communicating.
Tracks — To run clear from building, without break or
transfer table. To be terminated by suitable bumpers, so
that there will be a clear space of not less than three feet
between bumpers and wall of building. Special track work
in front of building to be provided with guard rails, where
Track Doors — Track doors to be in pairs, to be arranged
so that whether open or closed any door of one pair will
not interfere with the operation of any other pair. When
within 10 feet of cut-off walls, to be constructed and hung
as for a standard swinging fire door. Approved metal roller
doors may also be used.
Hazards — All electrical, heating, power and occupancy
hazards to be installed and maintained, and where necessary
to be cut off, to be in accordance with the rules and require-
ments of the National Board of Fire Underwriters.
RAILROADS: — Protection along railroads to prevent
brush or forest fires. Along railroads, fire safety strips are
employed. A strip about 25 feet on each side of the track is
cleared of all material. Back of this there is a strip of woods
from 50 to 60 feet wide, on which the timber is left but
from which all the underbrush on the ground is removed.
Beyond this wooded strip is a ditch from 5 to 6 feet wide
and a foot or more deep. The dirt from the ditch is thrown
back toward the railroad and forms a small embankment.
Cross ditches are dug through the wooded strip about 100
yards apart. After the material on the ground is cleared
each year there is nothing else to be done and it is seldom
that a fire escapes. By this device, and by strict enforce-
ment of laws governing the use of spark arresters, etc., the
number of fires started by railroads is kept down to a sur-
prisingly small total. See Forest Fires.
RAILROAD TERMINALS— Usually large area of frame
construction. Should have plenty of fire pails and extin-
guishers and a good standpipe system. In unheated por-
tions, the water in standpipes is apt to freeze. Oftentimes
the standpipes are drained at the beginning of winter and
supply must then be turned on in engine-room or pumping-
station, when there is a fire. In transporting perishable
freight, such as potatoes, in box cars during cold weather,
there is grave danger of freezing. Instances are known
where the burlap and straw covering was deemed insufficient
and a coal fire built in the car, with the result that the car
and the freight were destroyed. A poor fire record class.
RAINES LAW HOTELS— Hotels only in the eye of the
law as the furnished rooms above the saloon are seldom, if
ever, used. Always inspect this class.
RAIN-LOOP — A loop made in electric wiring just before
it enters the wall of a building, to prevent rain from follow-
ing in.
RAISING PLATE— See Wall Plate.
RAMIE — A fibre from an oriental plant of the nettle fam-
ily, used instead of cotton for braids, trimmings, napery, etc.
Similar in appearance to thrown silk and woven the same
as straw braid in a straw hat factory, on a **ramie" machine,
then sized with glue or starch, dried over steam coils and
smoothed in steam or gas-heated roller.
RANDOM STONES— Stones thrown into the water to
form a foundation or retainer wall.
RANGES (large) should have a hood to confine, and ven-
tilating duct to carry off grease-laden vapors or smoke. A
fan draws the vapors to a stack or flue. These hoods and
vents become coated on the inside with grease, which takes
fire from the stove. Steam jets are sometimes installed un-
der hood so that if grease is ignited a valve on steam pipe
can be turned on to smother the fire. See Gas Ranges.
RANGES (Small) — Should be set on one course of
brick on sheet-iron. Large ranges should be set on fireproof
floors. If the floors are combustible, ranges must be set on
a foundation consisting of two courses of four-inch terra
cotta or three courses of brick, top course pigeon-holed, on
metal. Foundation to extend 12 inches in front (except if
solid fuel is used, in which case 24 inches are required), also
12 inches sides and rear. If ranges have four-inch legs, only
one course of terra cotta needed. If 18-inch clear space
metal shield only is required. See Gas Ranges.
^oM he Sef *^^& O^ /jre^r€>o///<>or^. ff^oorj are,
(ontBusf/h/&,^an^>s /Tfusf oe ser or? rz /ci^^e^aihofv c»w/s//^
of ftvo C^i/r^eJ of terra c^i^a. (eacA -f'^S^/c^fve// /aJe/ )/?
Copyright. 1916. G. A. Ins. Co.
RAPE OIL — An oil resembling olive oil, pressed from
rape seed. Flash, 440 to 580 dcg. F. Used at altars,
RATES — The object sought in fixing fire insurance rates
in New York City.— By W. O. Robb.
1. To provide such a premium income from the aggregate
of fire underwriting operations in the' metropolitan district
as will in average years be sufficient to pay the losses in-
curred in that district plus the specific expense and a pro
rata share of the general expense of doing business, and yet
leave margin enough both to pay a fair profit on the capital
and surplus invested and to provide for the accumulation of
a reserve against extraordinary . or conflagration losses not
occurring in average years and not to be treated as exclu-
sively a metropolitan district contingency.
2. To so apportion this levy, or insurance tax, among the
various classes of risks as to make each class come as near
as possible to the payment of its own losses and the con-
tribution of its proper proportion toward the expense, profit
and reserve accounts.
3. So to distinguish among individual risks of the same
class that proper credit will be given or proper charge made
for all variations above or below the standard of the aver-
age risk of the class, according to best judgment of under-
writers and the fire protection experts; that every property,
owner can be made to see just what it is that operates, and
how far it operates, to make his insurance cost more or less
than his neighbor's in the same business, so that the sus-
picion as well as the actual practice of unfair discrimination
may be removed, and that every proper kind of pressure
and inducement may be brought to bear in the direction of
the improvement of the fire hazard and the reduction of the
fire waste. See Schedules.
RATS, FIRES CAUSED BY— The following is quoted
from a bulletin of the United States Biological Survey:
It is generally believed that rats and mice cause fires by
igniting matches with their teeth. The testimony of chiefs
of fire departments and adjusters of fire insurance claims
confirms this belief, and many specific instances have, been
given of fires caused in this way. A fire, which resulted in
the partial destruction of the Sultan's place at Scutari, Asia
Minor, in 1856, had such an origin. During 1907 the fire de-
partment of Washington, D. C, gave a similar explanation
of a fire which seriously damaged a large store and its con-
Manufacturers of matches often dip them in paraffine to
protect the phosphorus. The parafiine is attractive to rats
and mice, and the matches are often carried under floors
and behind partitions, where they are subsequently gnawed.
Paper and other combustible materials collected by the ani-
mals add to the danger of fires. Moreover, since the heads
of phosphorus matches contain from 14 to 17 per cent, of
phosphorus, it does not require actual gnawing by rats to
ignite them. Hot weather, excessive heat from furnaces, or
friction of any kind may effect the same result as the teeth
of rats, when the matches have been carried into a nest made
of combustibles.
Fire§ in mills and warehouses have been traced to the
spontaneous ignition of oily and fatty rags or waste carried
under floors by rats or mice. Cotton mills are said to be pe-
culiarly subject to fires from this cause.
Phillip's Warehouse, Church Street, London, was twice set
on fire and damaged by reason of gas leaks. In both in-
stances the lead gas pipe leading to the meter had been eaten
through by rats, and the escaping gas was accidentally set
on fire by workmen who were searching for a leak. In a
similar instance of gas leak caused by rats in a London pri-
vate residence, no fire resulted, but a sleeping family of four
persons narrowly escaped death by asphyxiation. An in-
spector in the employ of the Washington Gas Light Com-
pany recounts a similar instance in that city where pipes
were gnawed by rats, but fortunately it occurred when the
inmates were awake.
The most common way in which rats cause fire is by
gnawing away the insulating covering from wires used in
electric lighting, where the wires pass under floors or in-
side of partitions. The insulating materials are used for
nests, which rats often build of combustibles placed in con-
tact with the naked wires. Insurancecompanies, a few years
ago, estimated the fire loss of the United States due to de-
fective insulation of wires at $15,000,000, yearly; and since
rats and mice are the chief agents in impairing the insulation
after the wires are in place, a large part of the above sum
must be charged to these animals.
RAW RUBBER— See Crude Rubber.
RAZOR STROPS— After being tanned and dressed, they
may be oiled with tallow or neatsfoot oil dressing, and then
embossed. Wooden handles may also be made on the prem-
ises. See Leather.
REAR YARDS which are untidy with rubbish, old boxes,
etc., have been the cause of many fires. Should be kept
clean. See Vacant Lots.
RECEIVING STATIONS are depots where customers*
goods are received to be sent away to factories, such as
goods to be dyed, laundered, etc. Usually good risks if only
minor repairs are made.
RECIPROCATING MOTION— The opposite of revolv-
ing motion.
RECORDS — On wooden racks, tier upon tier, offer no re-
sistance to fire and the dried-out bindings and paper con-
duce to the rapid spread of a fire. Government archives
with records of surveys, and similar records of private firms
are irreplaceable, when once destroyed. Heads of institu-
tions show a marked lack of thoroughness in leaving such
records exposed to the fire fiend. See Patterns.
RECTIFYING— A cold process by which the "proof" of
the liquor (percentage of alcohol contained therein), is either
raised or lowered. Water is used to reduce, and additional
alcohol to raise the proof. Commercial alcohol is about 90
proof. Aside from the .handling of alcohol, there is no haz-
ard to this process. See Concentration by Fractional Dis-
tillation; see Liquors and Distilleries.
RED LEAD — An oxide of lead. In its making, special
furnaces are required. The cuppellation furnace converts
metallic lead into litharge. The reverberatory furnace or oven
reduces metallic lead into litharge.
RED OIL is oleic acid. When impure, said to ignite
RED-SANDERS WOOD— An East Indian wood used in
REDUCTION — A process carried on by treating the com-
pound to be reduced with powdered metal, the purpose being
to abstract a certain amount of oxygen by forcing it into
combination with the reducing element.
REDWOOD— Although a soft wood offers considerable
resistance to fire; is very slow to ignite and will not burn
except under the most favorable condition. Used for out-
side walls of frame buildings in the western part of the
United States.
REED AND RATTAN— See Artificial Flowers and Feath-
ers. See Willow.
naces, kettles, pits, etc., should be carefully inspected as to
setting and clearance. Usually occupy ramshackle properties.
See Sweep Smelters.
REFRIGERATION— There are two systems of producing
artificial refrigeration in common use at the present time, in
both of which the use of volatile liquids is necessary. They
are commercially known as the "compression" and "absorp-
tion" systems, named in order of their popularity. In the
compression system, ammonia and carbon dioxide are com-
monly used, the former being the more dangerous from
nearly all points of view.
The compression system is divided into three parts,
namely the compressor, the condenser and the expansion
sections. The compressor draws the expanded or heated
gas from the expansion coils, compresses and forces it un-
der pressure through the condenser coils (coils of pipe
cooled by running water), where the gas is again reduced to
a liquid and conducted to the expansion coils which it en-
ters through an expansion valve (usually a needle valve).
The expansion coils are iron pipes in which the volatile boils
or vaporizes. Volatiles in use require a great deal of heat
to vaporize. This heat is taken from the surroundings of
the expansion coils. As the gas becomes heated it is again
withdrawn by the compressor and forced through the same
cycle of operation as before.
The absorption system is not as hazardous as the com-
pression system inasmuch as no mechanical energy is nec-
essary except a small pump used in forcing the solutions
from one part of the system to another Volatile gases will
not condense at the temperature produced by the running
water at the condenser unless they are under pressure. In
the compression system, the pressure is maintained by the
compressor. In the absorption system, the pressure is main-
tained by boiling. A solution of aqua ammonia is placed in
a boiler (usually steam-heated). The ammonia having much
the lower boiling point is promptly vaporized at a pressure
sufficient for condensation and is conducted through various
sections (purifying and separating), until it reaches the con-
densers, where it returns to liquid form and is conducted to
the expansion coils (refrigerator) as in the compression
After the gas has done its frigorific work, it is conducted
to a chamber in which it is mixed with and finally absorbed
by water, the mixture returning to the boiler or generator
where it undergoes the process of distillation as before. The
expansion coils are sometimes used in direct refrigeration,
i. e., the volatile is allowed to expand in coils of pipes in
the refrigerator, usually located at the sides or top. Where
high temperatures are desired, however, the expansion coils
are immersed in tanks containing a rich brine, which is
cooled by the expansion of the volatile, and forced through
pipes in the refrigerator.
Hazards — Boiler and engine-room hazards usually exist in
connection with refrigeration plants, and the inherent haz-
ards should be properly guarded. In addition there are se-
vere incidental refrigeration hazards, especially where am-
monia is used. Ammonia forms explosive mixtures with
lubricating oils in the compressor. In order that this haz-
ard be confined to the least possible space, oil traps are
placed in the pipe line between the compressor and con-
denser, designed to remove the oil from the gas. No open
lights should be allowed in engine room. No ammonia
cylinders (filled) should be kept on the premises except in
room at low temperature.
Fire Department Connections are now required in New
York City for plants above a certain tonnage capacity. A
connection is made between by-pass connected with safety
valve and sewer. The connection is provided so that water
may be injected to absorb and cool ammonia, and neutralize
the inflammable gas, if any be present. — W. J. Tallamy.
See Bunker Rooms; see Cold Storage.
REFRIGERATION (iceless) in the home. The refriger-
ator is made on the principle of the "ammonia absorption"
system. The machine has a combined absorber, generator or
still, condenser and receiver. Into the generator (which is
heated by artificial means), is placed a mixture of ammonia
and v^ater. The heat distills the ammonia, which passes
through a water jacket pipe to the condenser and cooler,
and passes on in the form of anhydrous ammonia to the re-
ceiver. The ammonia vapor in the receiver takes up con-
siderable latent heat, and the receiver becomes intensely
cold, cooling the surroundings. The process is repeated
automatically by cooling of the generator by means of a
water jacket, which creates a vacuum in the generator, and
the vaporized ammonia rushes from the receiver back to the
generator. A small apparatus.
'refrigerating PLANT FIRE— Fire was caused by
ignition of waste paper, etc., and generated an intense heat
which melted the lead joints in the condenser, releasing the
ammonia gas. This gas (probably foul gas), composed
largely of hydrogen, due to the disassociation of ammonia
gases under heat from pressure, ignited and burned like
huge blow-torches under heavy pressure. After the inflam-
mable foul gases had been expelled from the piping, pure
ammonia vapor undoubtedly issued and probably aided in
smothering the fire. It is recommended th^t all rooms con-
taining refrigerating apparatus be cut off from the balance
of plant by fireproof partition, with approved automatic fire
doors at the openings.
REGULATING RHEOSTATS are boxes containing re-
sistance coils. They are attached to the motor generators
and can be adjusted to give any resistance desired. The
Speed of machines can be thus varied at will and their
voltage thus controlled.
RE-INSURANCE— Oftentimes a company will write a
larger policy on a risk than the **line sheet" calls for, to ac-
commodate a broker or an assured, who desires policies for
large amounts. To reduce its net liability, the company
then places part of its line in another company. A re-insur-
ing company may require "a retainer clause" to be put on its
policy, especially on poor risks, which, in brief, states that
the company holding the original policy and reinsuring
agrees to retain as much liability as it is reinsuring. See
Liability; see Placer.
RE-LYT — A water-proofing compound used in shoe fac-
tories for softening leather. Made of oils and greases. Flash
about 350 deg. F. Classed non-inflammable, non-hazardous.
No thinner required.
REMOTE RISKS should be written with extreme care.
The one fact of being in territory not readily accessible for
inspection is efiough to satisfy the company that low lia-
bility should be assumed. See Accessibility.
class. The entire interior is usually grease-soaked and
burns rapidly. The tankage, or solid matter left after render-
ing, is pressed into blocks and used as fertilizer. See Fat
RENEWAL — A policy continued in force at the expira-
tion of the original contract by the issuance of a '^renewal
receipt" or by issuing a new policy under the same condi-
tions as the original, to take eflfect as the old policy expires.
RENT INSURANCE is written mainly on apartment
houses to cover loss of rents in case of fire. Two forms are
used, occupied or occupied and vacant. Better than build-
ing insurance. While the fire loss may be 50 per cent., the
rent insurance may be one-third or less, figured on the length
of time it takes to repair the building. Only competent un-
derwriters should accept "rent" insurance.
RENTS AND LEASEHOLDS— Sums derivable from
real property, which are lost by the assured if a fire inter-
rupts the continuous enjoyment of the property. As to the
tenant under lease, a fire means the destruction or impair-
ment of the property right for which he has paid or is ob-
ligated to pay.
REPELLO — Waterproof comxpound used in shoe factories,
not volatile or inflammable. Can be used inside of building.
RESERVE of an insurance company is based upon the
amount of unearned premiums of policies in force. States
require a definite percentage of all premiums to be set aside
by the company ranging from 40 to 100 per cent. It is for
the protection of outstanding policy holders.
RESIDENCE SECTIONS— Usually deteriorate when
changing from one class of people to another less desirable
class. Values depreciate especially near the border of a
growing "colony" section. Very important to watch the
growth and changes in all sections of a large city.
RESIDENT BUYER— One who buys from manufactur-
ers or wholesalers for other concerns. They receive goods
for examination and act as a buying agent. Stock therefore
is only on trust, belonging to the manufacturer who sh-ps
same, or to the consignee.
RESIN can be obtained by distilling the exudations of the
fir tree, oil of turpentine passing over, and resin remaining.
Inflammable. See Rosin.
RESINATE (precipitated) of zinc. If moist may ignite
spontaneously. The New York Board of Underwriters ex-
cludes this from listed storage stores.
RESIN OIL— Distilled from resin.
RESISTO — A water-proofing compound for sole leather.
Used in shoe factories. No thinner required. Flash 400
deg. F. Not inflammable.
poleon in France, a man is held responsible for fire damage
to his neighbor. Each fire is investigated and the owner or
tenant of any premises must show he is not responsible for
a fire starting in any premises occupied or owned by him.
In France a tenant usually insures by one policy the fol-
lowing items. (1) His own property; (2) The risk of re-
sponsibility for damage to the building; (3) The risk of
responsibility for damage to his neighbors. A landlord in-
sures in one policy the following items: (1) His own prop-
erty; (2) His responsibility for damage to the property of
tenants; (3) His responsibility for damage to the property
of neighbors.
RESTAURANTS— Kitchens in hands of careless people
are apt to become very greasy. Bread is frequently dried in
a wood box on shelf over range, under hood. See Ranges,
also Hotels and Chinese Restaurants.
RETAIL BUSINESS has been said to embrace everything
good, bad and indifferent. It is this class which requires
careful scrutinizing both by inspectors and underwriters.
RETAIL STOCKS— Considerable value is under counters
and subject to water damage in case of fires. Those in
w^ardrobes are better protected if top is watertight to pre-
vent staining or streaking of goods from water. See Second-
hand Stocks.
RETAINING WALL— A wall which retains adjoining
earth or other material producing lateral thrust.
RETENE — Highly inflammable hydrocarbon.
REVETMENT— A retaining wall.
RHEA — A species of nettle, the stalks of which contain
RHEOSTAT — An electrical device for introducing and cut-
ting out resistance. See Regulating Rheostat.
RHEXITE— A sort of dynamite.
RIBBONS — Usually rolled in paper strips on a pasteboard
centre. This method gives considerable protection from
water, smoke and dirt. If dried quickly, the salvage should
be large. If this stock is laid sidewise on racks instead of on
ends, the salvage will be greater.
RIBBONS (manufacturing) — Consists of weaving, braid-
ing, tubing, singeing, yarn preparing, curling, gilling (comb-
ing and straightening).
RICE, if wet and left in bags will mildew and be unfit for
RICE MILLS — Classed as a cereal mill but with less haz-
ard. Process is cleaning, separating, removing outer shell
RISK 381
(shelling), hulling, separating bran, "pearling'* or scouring,
drying bran, grinding in iron attrition machine at high speed,
and polishing. Hazards are overheated bearings, steam dry-
rooms, friction and dust at attrition mills and polishing. Ele-
vator legs, spouts and hoopers set through floors conduce to
rapid spread of fire.
RIDGE OF A ROOF— Its peak or sharp edge along its
very top.
RIDGE POLE (ridge piece or ridge plate)— The highest
horizontal timber in a roof extending across the tops of the
rafters of the truss.
RIDGE ROLL— The roll along the ridge of the roof and
on the peaks of dormer windows.
panies only insure money pawnbroker advances on goods
pledged or pawned together with the interest accrued. The
form covering right and interest of the assured in the articles
and stock of merchandise in fireproof safes is considered good
insurance. See Pawnbroker.
RING ICE FORMATION— A condition sometimes found
in sprinklered refrigeration plants. It is the formation of ice
inside of the pipes due to condensation of moisture in the
compressed air. See Ice Formation.
RIP-RAP— See Random Stones.
RIP-SAW — A kind of circular saw.
RISERS— See Dead Risers; also Live Risers.
RISK — In insurance literature the term "risk" is a term
applied to any piece or kind of property which an insurance
policy may cover. A "risk," therefore, is any article or com-
modity or building which is liable to be damaged or de-
stroyed by fire, which liability or danger the insurance com-
pany assumes for a stated price, called "the premium." (Fire
Facts, issued by Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau.)
See Occupancy; also Hazard.
RISKS declined by other companies should only be ac-
cepted after careful survey and trade reports. Usually the
other company had a very good reason for declining. See
Full Risk; also Prohibited Risk.
ROAD HOUSES — Usually conduct a season business.
Most of them are of light frame construction and located
in open country subjected to high winds. They may be left
unguarded part of the year. Moral hazard should be investi-
gated. Fire record of this class is poor.
ROASTING is accdtnplished in high temperature kilns or
ovens, see Kilning.
ROCK OIL — See Petroleum. A mineral naphtha.
ROCK SHAFT— One that rocks or only makes part of a
revolution each w^ay.
resembling a lathe. Ordinarily consists of a cutter-head and
chuck mounted in line with the pulley driving them, the stock
passing through the axis of both. Considerable refuse is
ROLLING STOCK— The cars, locomotives and all other
equipment on wheels of a railway. See Railroads.
ROOF LATHS— Narrow strips, laid on rafter to which
the shingles are nailed.
ROOF SPACES— The space between the top floor ceiling
and roof. They are usually accessible from the scuttle open-
ing leading to the roof and may be used for storage pur-
poses. The openings leading from scuttle to roof space
should be closed in with one-inch boards or trapped at ceil-
ing. In frame rows, roof spaces between buildings must be
cut off by incombustible partitions. Usually, unless the party
walls are brick filled to the lower part of the roof boards
plaster boards are nailed each side of the studs, the joints
filled with cement plaster. Many disastrous fires have spread
through these concealed spaces, and firemen experience dif-
ficulty getting at the seat of the fire. See Attics; see Frame
ROOFING — A five-ply composition roof properly laid is
considered the equal of a metal roof by some rating bureaus.
ROOFING CEMENT— Consists of pitch, tar or asphalt
with inflammable solvents.
ROOFING MOPS — Those dipped in asphaltum or coal
tar and left to dry or drain may ignite spontaneously. Used
in making tar and gravel roofs. Should b^e^r'eitioyed frotti
the' building when not in use. ' ."- .. .•...;.. •'^;. .,
ROPE MANUFACTURING— The fibred u^ed are HerriiJ;
jute and coir. Machinery consists of tearing ihiacliiii^i
Co/i/^wMc/irm 7^00F3FAC£3
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Copyright/ ikr/ai A. Ins. Co.
(devils) which break up the long tow ready for treatment in
the breakers, finishers and carding machines; the hemp sof-
tening machines, which. reduce the harshness of the fibre by
the crushing action of the fluted surface of the rolls; the
spreading or preparing machines, called "chain drawer"
which dress the hemp fibres, parallelizing them and forming
them into "sliver." At the back end of this machine there
is a tank containing an emulsion of oil and water used as a
lubricant for the fibre under treatment. The drawing frame
machine is a fibre dressing machine somewhat similar to the
chain drawer, but used for the more_refined finishing process
of dressing. \^— v
ROSETTES — Circular or ornamental fixtures from which
drop cords for electrical lamps are suspended.
ROSIN — Common resin or rosin is obtained as a residium
in the distillation of oil of turpentine. It burns rapidly with
dense yellow sooty flame.
ROSIN OIL is distilled from rq^in., ,ItJs a light oii
Same inflammability as turpentine. ^^ v^ . v4
ROTARY CONVERTOR— An appaTaTui tor cfian^^^^^
ternating currents into direct currents.
ROT-STEEP — An alkaline lye used to remove the sizing
on calico cloth before it is printed.
ROTTEN-STONE— An earthy mineral used in hand rub-
bing and finishing furniture.
ROUTING is grooving out.
ROYAL SPIRITS— Not approved by underwriters as a
benzine substitute.
with naphtha in power mixers and put in open dip tanks.
Wood forms, previously shellaced, are dipped in this rubber
solution until coated, and then dried by hot air. When dry
the thin rubber skin is stripped from the form, cured in bath
of bisulphide of carbon, chloride of sulphur and alcanin paste,
powdered with soap stone and packed. Water colors and
lamp-black are used for coloring. A poor fire record class.
RUBBER CEMENT— A heavy solution of rubber in gaso-
line, naphtha or carbon bisulphide. Inflammable. In facto-
ries underwriters permit only two quarts for each floor, same
to be kept in safety pots and thinned with carbon tetra-
chloride. If a greater quantity is required, the excess must
be stored outside of building.
RUBBER-COATED CLOTH— Rubber grinding machines
wash and remove the impurities. It is then mixed with min-
eral powders such as paris white, pyrites, etc., and dried by
air. A machine with two steel rolls grinds the mineral mat-
ter into the rubber. It is then churned in gasoline. The dis-
solved rubber is spread upon sheets of cloth in a spreading
machine which coats the cloth, after which it is either coated
with potato starch and printed or the printing is done with a
solution containing carbon tetra-chloride as a solvent. All
machines should be grounded especially at the knives of
spreaders to remove any static electricity. The rubber iis
vulcanized by being draped on racks in steam heated room
at about 250 deg. F. or cured by passing the goods over a
roll partly submerged in a trough of carbon-bisulphide, car-
bon tetra-chloride and chloride of sulphur'.' ''^-fo i'.uj, :LMi ^
RUBBER, Crude — Considered desirable insurance, as it
has practically no fire hazard. It is apt to deteriorate from
heat if piled closely, therefore it should be piled loosely in
a cool place such as a basement. It is received in this coun-
try in large chunks called "biscuits." .'^^i -^Aor^i fJ:
Raw Rubber shrinks greatly in transit, and the'losiS is made
up by covering the rubber with sulphur, rosin and turpen-
tine after it reaches the warehouse. The rubber absorbs
this mixture and the loss is made up in a few weeks. There
is some danger of rubber igniting when treated : i^i tjhjs. man-
ner. • ■ . ^--.rry. ^-.~r,;-.r-.n^
RUBBER (imitation) — As used for parts of electrical 'ap-
paratus, telephone receivers and transmitters and for insu-
lating. Made of crude shellac, ground mica, terra elba (or
infusorial earth) ground asbestos and tar oil. These are all
placed in a steam heated mixer and reduced to a pliable pulp,
then rolled into sheet or block form, or placed in hydraulic
presse-s containing steel moulds. From presses they are
cooled by natural air, then passed to cutting, trimming and
buffing machines. No benzine or cement. Hazards, mixing,
rolling; pressing, buffing, packing, trimming. The material
is; worked on machines for ordinary use. '-^t
RUBBER (old) — Rubber or old metals are considered de-
sirable insurance by themselves; but in connection with rag
QF paper stock are poor risks.
. \RUBBER for mechanical purposes— Process
similar to manufacturing other forms of rubber. The rubber
is made into strips or sheets from the crude stock.
^^JRUBBER LINED CLOTH is made by inserting a sheet
;oi rubber between two thicknesses of cloth and drawing. them
tnrpugh steam heated calender. The cloth is coated ,|«rat>i
, talcum to prevent adhering when it is rolled up.
J.' A lire r occurred in a coating machine when in operation,
probably from static electricity. The coating mixture was
being poured into a tank which communicated with trough
in "dope" (mixture) machine by pipe. The difference be-
tween "dope" machine and the spreader is that the dope ma-
chine runs over roller which revolves in mixture in trough,
while the spreader mixture runs directly on the upper surface
of stretched cloth and is spread out by the cloth passing
under knife edges.
RUBBER RECLAIMING— Old shoes, rubber boots, hose
and the like are used. Much foreign matter, such as
nails, tacks, fabric are extracted by hand. The stock is then
cut up by hand and broken in small pieces in a "cracker,"
then placed in a lead lined wooden tank of sulphuric acid,
which eats out the remaining foreign matter. It is then
washed, ground, calendered, dried, mixed with coal tar resid-
ium and vulcanized.
RUBBER SHODDY— Regenerated or reclaimed rubber
consists of old rubber which has been subjected to chemical
treatment to prepare it for further use in the rubber indus-
try. Liable to ignite spontaneously. Called "springs." :
RUBBER TIRES for automobiles. Crude rubber is washed,
cut, dried by air or vacuum, made into sheets. Fabric is im-
pregnated with rubber in calender rolls, cut into bias strips
(a cotton cloth being placed between strips to prevent ad-
hering). Tire is built up in successive layers and cemented
together with rubber cement, then worked on core or form.
The rubber cover is applied and the mass pressed, under hy-
draulic power, vulcanized, painted with chalk on inside, in-
spected and packed.
Some makes, when received from the factory, are wrapped
in a waterproof paper, lined on the inside with a water-
proofing solution containing black asphaltum. When this
paper is thoroughly wet, the black sticks to the tires, and
unless it can be readily cleaned off with benzine, the tires
must be sold as seconds. All tire stocks should be skidded.
RUBBING OIL — That used by furniture dealers usually
has a crude oil base. Rags saturated with this are subject
to spontaneous combustion. i .;
RUBBISH of most any sort is a breeding place- f6r' fires.
RUBBLE — Masonry of rough undressed stone. '•' '
RUINS— See Fire Ruift'S; >wi>no3-nKnr u bn/.
lofi fi i>..
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SACCHARINE — Similar to sugar, the saccharine matter
of the cane juice. It is artificially prepared from toluene,
the substance found in the light distillate of coal tar. Used
in making candy.
SACKETT BOARD— Made of four layers of wool felt
and three layers of gypsum plaster, the outer surface bejng
felt. Made in thicknesses of 54 inch, ^ inch and 5^ inch.
Fire retardant and a non-conductor of heat and sounds
SADDENING — In the mordanting of cotton, iron or cop-
per sulphates are used for saddening or darkening.
SAFES are rendered fireproof by the moisture held in the
intermolecular spaces of the fireproof composition. When
the safe gets hot this moisture is driven by the exterior heat
into the interior of the safe in the form of steam, thus keep-
ing the interior or temperature of the safe below the point of
ignition or charring. This is proved after the safe has passed
through a hot fire and is opened. Everything inside the safe
is protected, owing to the condensation of the steam. In-
spectors should measure thickness of all walls and doors.
See Vaults.
SAFETY-VALVE— A valve on a boiler which automati-
cally opens at a predetermined pressure, and above which
pressure it would not be safe to force the boiler. It lessens
the danger of explosions.
SAGAX WOOD — Made of ground straw and cement
SALAMANDER — A paper used between floors. It is wa-
terproof and fire-resisting.
SALAMANDER — An open top, portable, cylindrical stove
on legs. Used in buildings in course of construction, stone
y^rds, sheds and foundries for heating purposes. Coal and
coke are commonly used as fuel.
nTI>iW5: ' SALOONS •'lii^ijU: ^89
SALIENT — An angle or corner projecting outward.
SALOL — A modern drug made by treating phosphorus
with chlorine and carbonic acid gas. The product is mixed
with salicylic acid in powdered form and carbolic acid in a
heated glass retort.
y SALOONS — The bar fixtures and advertising signs are
usually owned by the brewery supplying the beer. Ordina-
rily only the stock is owned by the saloonkeeper. They are
considered good fire risks, and the loss ratio. i§ very good.
Saloons situated along water fronts and in "dive" localities
catering to a low element are not considered good risks,
but when profitable to the owners, can be written with cau-
tion. Prohibition legislation, police activities, etc., have
forced liquor stores out of business. Many fires in this class
are caused by men of a nationality naturally hot tempered
and quarrelsome, who may upset a stove or lamp in a saloon
brawl. Usually have gas stove on wood with rubber tube
connection behind lunch counter and an unsafe swinging gas
bracket in basement at ice box.
SALT, if placed with kerosene or other hydrocarbon oil,
will arrest hydrogen and prevent an explosion.
SALT DEALERS — The incidental hazards are mixing,
milling and packing salt. Power belt conveyors should be
given special attention by inspectors. Salt in bins is ren-
dered inedible if wet with dirty water.
SALT HAY is recommended for packing material in glass-
ware and other risks where large quantities are used. It
burns very much slower than ordinary hay. See Packing
SALT HIDES— See Hides.
SALTPETRE — (Extracting saltpetre from nitre and chlor-
ide of potash.) A saturated solution of water and nitre is
made in flat, iron, open-top steam-heated tanks, to which is
added chloride of potash. The mixture is boiled for about 24
hours, pumped to cylindrical steam-heated kettles where it is
concentrated by re-boiling. Both .the water and the residue
are drawn ofif to open-top iron tanks where they are allowed
to settle and evaporate. The mixture at this point consists of
saltpetre with impurities, dirt and sodium carbonate. The
salt settles at the bottom of the tanks containing the water of
solution, and after the water is drained off, the salt is shov-
eled out. The mixture when evaporated, is placed in other
tanks where it is boiled and washed, then crystalized in
wooden tanks. The crystals are carried in a worm conveyor,
and are dried while passing through a dryer which is usually
frame, steam and hot-air heated. The crystals are sifted and
ground in burr mills. About 100 pounds each of nitre and
potash will make 116 pounds of saltpetre and 60 pounds of
salt. The nitre while in bags absorbs moisture from the
air and is always damp. When empty, the potash and nitre
bags are boiled to reclaim the remaining substances. The
floors are soaked and dripping with saltpetre when the plant
is in operation. If the plant were shut down, there might
be some danger from spontaneous combustion in wood floors
when very dry, as they might ignite spontaneously, as do dry
nitre bags. Brick drying ovens are sometimes used for the
higher grades of crystals. See Potassium Nitrate.
cipally in the warm sections of India where rain rarely falls.
It is produced by the decay of nitrogenous substances in the
presence of air, moisture and alkaline earths. It is used in
the manufacture of high explosives, gunpowder and fire-
works, as a preservative and for medicinal purposes. . ^' '
SALTPETRE AND NITRE, storage and handling.~£ike
the chlorate, it gives up its oxygen very readily and has many
similar characteristics. In contact with any combustible mat-
ter it decomposes rapidly, five-sixths of its oxygen being
available for the oxidation of combustible matter. Its ca-
pacity for supporting combustion will be appreciated when
it is known that one volume of nitre represents 3,000 volumes
of air in its power for supporting combustion. Fires in the
empty bags in which the nitre has been kept are therefore
imminent and burn fiercely. In fact, in the presence of car-
ton (as in wood) nitre burns stubbornly in all cases. When
in contact with hot coals occasioned by an external fire or
by a fire resulting spontaneously it deflagrates violently.
It oxidizes sulphur with unusual ease. — Hooker's Chemistry.
SALTS — This term ordinarily used by^ chemists, means
substances which are neither acid nor alkaline and yet contain
the main ingredients of both acids and alkalis, like sulphate
of potash.
SALVAGE (buildings) — When a large fire is reported most
insurance companies immediately send an inspector to give a
rough estimate of the amount of loss, so, that they may know
their approximate losses each day. In a six story and base-
ment brick building of ordinary construction, the brick walls
can be figured at 40 per cent, of value and 8.5 per cent, for
each floor and roof. See Valuation of Building.
SALVAGE CORPS— The New York Salvage Corps is
maintained by the New York Board of Fire Underwriters
for the purpose of salvaging goods when a fire occurs. Tar-
paulins are thrown over the merchandise, water is pumped
out of basements, temporary roofs are put on buildings, to
prevent further water damage. A patrolman is stationed on
the premises to prevent removal of goods by trespassers.
The corps is financed by the company members of the Board
of Underwriters by a system of taxation according to the
amount of premiums received by each company in the terri-
tory covered by the Salvage Corps. A number of wagons
are employed which race to the fire when an alarm is sounded.
SALVAGING STOCK— The New York Salvage Corps
now employ a gasoline-driven pump which will pull 1,800
gallons of water a minute out of any flooded basement.
Care must be taken where the "forced out" water is thrown
or there is a likelihood of choked sewers and more trouble.
SANDPAPER MACHINE, for smoothing stock. There
are five types — belt, drum, disc, spindle, and slip-and-slap.
Belt Sanders consist of carrying sanders or other belts cov-
ered with sandpaper operating over two pulleys some dis-
tance apart. Drum sanders are cylindrical in shape, resem-
ble planers. Disc sanders consist of discs covered with can-
vas and at the end of shaft, revolving rapidly. Spindle sand-
ers are small in diameter and either vertical or horizontal.
Slip-and-slap sanders consist of strips of sandpaper fastened
to hub-radials. All these machines create a great deal of
dust and should have blower systems attached.
SANDSTONE, used for building fronts, withstands the ac-
tion of fire better than any other stone front. The fire and
water will in time flake off the stone.
SANGAJO— Flash point 139 deg. F. Classed non-volatile.
SANITAS^— A disinfecting and preservative Solution made
by forcing a current of air through vessels containing hot
water and turpentine.
SAPONIFICATION— Decomposing fats into fatty acids
and glycerine, as in soap manufacturing.
SAPON-WOOD— A dye wood.
SARDINE FACTORIES— The fish are dumped into a con-
veyor and carried to the cutting room, where in the case
of large fish, the heads and tails are removed by knives
and the entrails cleaned out. They are then washed auto-
matically and scales are removed by attrition during the con-
veying and washing. The fish are then deposited in pick-
ling bins. An endless belt with cups scoops up the washed
'fish, elevates them to the packing room and deposits them
on a flaking machine with a carrier belt which receives
fish from the conveyor and deposits same side by side and
passes them between large hollow belt-covered squeeze rolls
to remove the excess water. The fish are then deposited
on metal trays or "flakes," and as the trays are filled they
are removed to the drying process or the cooking ovens.
The hazards of cooking, drying, oil filling, bathing and test-
ing require special attention.
SASH — The framework which holds the squares of glass in
a window. A,'i-3f. ^' v', . -
SASH FRAME— The frame which receives th^'sasK.''
SATOLITE — A substitute for celluloid made from soya
beans. Claimed by the manufacturers to be non-inflam-
SAUSAGE CASINGS— The casings are packed in salt in
barrels, pounded down to make them compact, and water is
added to fill the barrel. Clean water will npt have any bad
effect on this stock, but dirty water will have a very bad
effect, especially to the stock at the top of the barrel. Ex-
cessive heat will injure the quality of the casings.
SAV-ON ,§PIR^TSrTTA h^nm^^m^^^tnte.^cla^.^sei .^#j non-
volatile. ,l^^^ biir> nbiyjyiotq etti "^riiFffiiailr vc( 'V'ujiir) ttaow;'
SAWDUST mixed with bicarbonate of soda has been
found efficacious in extinguishing oil and grease fires. Saw-
dust in a finely divided state excludes the oxygen from the
fire without which it must die out. It is used by store-
keepers; in factory spittoons, and at gas engines and mo-
tors. No sawdust is permitted on the floor (except in meat
and fish markets). Sand should be substituted in place of
sawdust for these purposes.
SAW-TOOTH ROOFS are generally used by textile mills
and machine shops because they slope like a mound and of-
fer better lighting facilities than the flat skylight. They are
sometimes called "Northern Lights."
SAXON BLUE-rr;A-L.l»ixtii^e^.p|^iijdigQ,, sulphuric acid, pot-
ash and water. ^r^G^ qiiog r,musoo^ .xgiI
SCANTLING — A timber less than five inches square a.t the,
end., .,.::, ...iUv^r: -rAHO^
SCENIC STUDIOS (painting scenery) not in connection
with theatres. The main part of the studio building is a
very high one-story, tower-like structure which permits the
stretching and painting of very large canvasses. Use coal or
gas stoves for heating glue for sizing, and water. May also
use benzine thinned paint. Considered poor insurance risks.
SCHEDULE, as used by rating bureaus, is the make-up
of the insurance rate, as, for example, Metal Workers, whose
base rate is 75 cents plus five cents for skylights, plus 10
cents for floor openings, less 10 cents for water pails, etc.
SCHEDULE is a general form used in writing insurance
on plants consisting of several buildings instead of writing
a separate policy on each building or contents thereof. The
total amounts of each item are arranged in order, and the
insurance companies write a certain percentage of the en-
tire schedule. This also simplifies matters for the assured and
reduces danger of non-current forms. See Blanket Policy.
SCHEDULE EXPERT is primarily an inspector of merit
who is thoroughly conversant with the many schedules in
use. He must be well versed in construction, hazards, sal-
vagie oi various merchandises, heating apparatus, chemistry,
etc. His mission is to reduce the rate of insurance to its
lowest figure by installing fire protection and other devices.
SCHOOL HAZARDS— Manual training rooms, with oily
rags, rubbish, shavings, glue-pots and domestic science rooms
with gas stores; janitors' rooms with floor oil, paints for use
about building, janitors' supplies; small repair shop, and
storage rooms for old fixtures and desks; floor mops, chemical
laboratory. Where plumbing is taught small plumbers' shop
Inspectors should be very careful to note the termination
of the air ducts in schools built a decade ago, whether they
terminate at the floor of the attic or are carried through
roof. Unless through roof, a fire can be sucked through the
duct to the attic and burn oflF the roof. >•>!!/. :->iiuv}uu>^
SCOURING SOAP POWDER, usually miarfe of caustic
soda, soda ash and silax. Scouring soap same as above with
cocoanut oil added.
SCRATCH COAT of plaster; the coat applied directly to
the lath, then scratched with a trowel to form a key tor-fhe
finishing coat of plaster. * ^
SCREED — A wooden strip or a strip of mortar laid on
a wall to gauge the thickness of the plastering to be applied.
SCULPTORS* STUDIOS— Work consists of composition,
plaster, clay, bronze, and stone-work and sometimes wood-
working of frames.
SCUPPERS— Holes or tubes to allow the floors to be
drained of water in case of fire. If standard scuppers are in-
stalled they usually have a bearing on the insurance rate; gen-
erally used in warehouses and fireproof or mill constructed
factories. ^
SCUTCHING (in bleach works), the process of opening
the cloth after it has been washed.
SCUTTLE— The small opening leading toai^xoo^.^'^-.^^'^^./.^
SEA GRASS — Used for upholstering and polishing furfii-
ture. See Piano Manufacturing.
SEASHORE HOTELS— Usually large area frame, subject
to sweeping winds, undermining by high tides, etc. Few
companies write them. Season occupancy. In case of bad
season by reason of epidemics, unseasonable^ » weather or
similar circumstances, a severe moral hazard creeps 4h;'' See*
Hotels. • >:. : - ■ ■.1^'-
SEAMEN'S OUTFITTERS— The stock consists of meii's
furnishings, hats, caps, ready-made overcoats and clothing,,
notions, novelties, toilet soaps, perfumes, overalls, oil suits,
rubber boots, shoes, cheap jewelry, musical instruments and
similar articles used by sailors on board ship. See Ship
Chandlers. / ; ;
SEARCHLIGHT ENGINES are used by the New York
Fire Department in cases where the lighting system of the
building or street have been put. out i;^:^!, commission on ac-
count of fire. '■ ., hr--
SEBASTIN— A high explosive.
SECOND-HAND STOCKS should always be avoided.
Sometimes when a line covers new stock, together with
second-hand stock, a clause is added, "It is understood
and agreed that this company shall not be liable for a loss or
damage to any of the above-described property for an
amount in excess of the actual cost price to the assured."
SECRETAGE — A process of crisping hair to make it iato
felt by means of mercury and nitric acid.
SECRET PROCESSES should not be written, even
though the inspector is told "nothing of a dangerous char-
acter is used," because the fire record shows that in many
instances this statement has been untrue or misleading. . .-
SECURITE— An explosive compound.
SEEDS IN BINS on storage will not burn readily, but
when wet will sprout and be rendered useless. The swelling
of wet seeds and hops in large quantities in compact masses
has been known to push out the walls of brick buildings. »-^
SEGMENTAL ARCH— A curved arch, forming the segf^i
ment of a circle. n .((•».■> tin/i
SEIDLITZ POWDERS contain bicarbonate df '^so'd^i'f
rochelle salts and tartaric acid. The hazards are grinding,
mixing and sifting. . /
SELF-CLOSING DOOR— One ordinarily closed and
which closes automatically after being opened.
SELF-REDUCING CLAUSE— Used in connection with .
leasehold insurance. See Profits of a Lease.
SERPENTINE PAPER— Colored; used for decorating
narrow papers. ..^i::-'J-'iv :;
SETTING — Term used iniboileiDDn furnace installations to
denote the enclosing walls. 4 fictJiIy »«3orl3 ^ajood Ti^d .
SEVIN OIL — Same as olive oil. Shale oil and petroleum.
Each liquid yields on fractional distillation a heavy volatile
and inflammable gasoline.
SEWERS FROM GARAGES— These are used for draiti'^
ing off surface of cleaning floors, the water from which con-
tains oils and grease and gasoline. The sewers are always
warmer than the air above the streets. In many cases they
are made warm from the escape of steam or hot water from
factories. With volatile oils in the sewer, we therefore have
the conditions for their ready conversion into vapor. The
gasoline vapors rise and mix with the air, while the heavy
oils find their way into the river, or when the mouth of the
sewer is closed they gather at the water level within the
sewer at some distance from the river, to be discharged only
at low tide. The law forbids the throwing of gasoline into
the sewer, hence oil separators are required in garages. See
Oil Separators. -''i^ ^'^^uon^
SEWING TABLES— Where a double row of tables \k tisitf
a continuous trough should be built between the rows in
which to place the work as it is made, thus preventing it
from falling in between the rows of machines. See Cutting
Tables. ;j >. ic; ' ■ *
SHAFTINGS AND BEARINGS of all^oHs may be dan-
gerous on account of heating, especially if connected to rapid-
ly moving machinery, due to poor alignment, binding, or in-
sufiicient oil. They are likely to become oily, and to accumu-
late dust and inflammable "fly" or lint, and also saturate
nearby woodwork with flying oil.
SHAPERS OR FRIEZING (spindles) consist of two ver-
tical projections through a table and rotating rapidly in op-
posite directions. Make considerable refuse and bearings
become overheated. Classed as heavy woodworking ma-
chines. ^-.,., - _-,— ^^^.
SHAFTS — Open shafts are the quickest and most natural
means for a fire to travel through a building, aiding the quick
destruction of the building and endangering the lives of the
occupants. See Dumbwaiter Doors.
SHARP SAND— Sand, the particles of which have facet*
with sharp edges.
SHAVING SOAP— Principally tallow, stearic acid, pal«?
oil, barium chloride, peroxide of hydrogen, oil of euchrelytU'
A steam process, using kettles, filters, stills, rolling an<^
moulding presses. Also use solution of lye, ammonium sul-
phate and glycerine.
! SHAVING VAULTS should be constructed of brick or
concrete walls not less than 12 inches thick and parapetted at
least 3 feet above roof and situated outside of building, with
no communication. Vault should be used only for the stor-
age of shavings and dust. No machinery, shafting or belts
should be operated within or pass through the same. The
roof to be of fireproof material with proper vent. The floor,
of concrete, with an incline from the rear to the front. There
should be only one opening, three feet from floor (not over
9 square feet) for the removal of the shavings to the boiler
room, and this opening should be protected by a ^-inch
boiler iron drop door, operated automatically in vault chan-
nels, which should be bolted through the wall. The boiler
iron vault door opening just mentioned should be at rigl^t
angles to the firing door of the boiler and not nearer th{aii
6 feet from same. Steam jets or automatic sprinklers are
sometimes placed inside of the vaults. Feed-pipes which
empty their shavings directly into the boilers are not recom-
mended. See Direct Feed. — (See Illustration on page 398.)
SHEATHING — Matched or unmatched boards on the ex-
terior of a building; covering a surface with wood boards,
metal, etc.
SHEAVE — A grooved pulley with block and bearings, and
sheave brackets over which cables or ropes are rtin.
SHEEP DIP sometimes contains inflammable liquids. A
liquid into which sheep are dipped to remove vermin.
y!A2 qHAH2
(Copyrighted. Patent applied for.)
Sterling Automatic Improved Furnace Feeder, Showing Method of
"Direct Feed to Boiler from Blower System
(Side Elevation)
SHEEPSKIN — Dyers and dressers use sumac, ,logwp^,d,
quebracho, sulphuric acid, ammonia and alcohol, anilines,
potash. Splitters, staining with air brush, embossing presses
for fancy articles, greasing, fur dyeing and dressing, are
principal hazards. See Hides.
;: [,» SHIP-BUILDING :^i
SHOEMAKERS' FINDINGS — Miscellaneous findings
consist of leather, buttons, nails, polishes, brushes, rubber
cement, stains. If mercantile rating, is good, stock ;c2lii«>b6s
written at a profit. v.:^^;j rri
SHOE POLISH may contain shellac, nigrosine, caustic
soda, potash, aniline colors, salicylic acid, japan, beeswax, oil
of mirbane, alcohol, ammonia, lamp-black, glue, benzine, gum
tragacanth, canauher and candellia waxes and borax. Haz-
ards of direct fire heat for kettles, oily floors, storage of raw
materials. A poor fire record class. A quick burner.
SHOES, RETAIL—- Considered very desirable insurance.
Stocks usually give a salvage. Inspectors should note if any
work is being done on premises.
SHOOKS — Sets of boards in knock-down shape, used ih'
crate or box-making. '^'^' ';- ^j -l<^i^? 'd^y'^^'-'' •';
SHOOTING GALLERIES usuall/Stctipy gra3e' flooVs or
basements. Some are located in poor sections and cater to
low element. Temporary occupancy with makeshift heating
apparatus, smoking, oily rags for wiping guns, gas lights in
rows under targets, and untidiness constitute the hazards.
SHORING — Bracing by means of props.
SHORT CIRCUIT— A contact between electrical conduct-,
ors of different potentiality without the intervention of re-
sistance, so that for an instant a theoretically unlimited cui:-
rent flows through the conductors and the -centact 'point;
See Electrical Terms. ■ ; f.i ^n' sfi-.;
SHORT-RATE TABLE— Used in writing insurance for a
term less than one year. Also applied to contracts for any
term when the assured desires cancellation ' of a policy. See
Pro Rata. > r^'^rii
SHRAPNEL, in anfimunition manufacture, is tbmpostd^i
three major parts, the cartridge, the projectile and' the fii^e.
SHUTTERS— All windows should be protected either by
standard lock-joined shutters (similar to firedoor construc-
tion), or iron shutters having angle-iron frames. The old
style "flat bar" iron shutters are not recommended because
they buckle under intense heat. Most engineers advise wire-
glass windows in ^'labeled" hollow metal frames instead of
shutters, because they are sure to be in place when a fire
starts. Many a risk protected by shutters suffered severe
damage because they were open and could not be closed in
time. See Window Protection. • '= '
SIAMESE CONNECTION— Called fire department con-
nections. An intake pipe located outside of a building,' with
two hose coupling connections. In sprinkler systems thfey
are connected with header system or at base of live riser.
In standpipe systems, connect with riser. In both instances
have flap-check valve. Connection should point horizontally
and be at least 18 inches above the sidewalk in order that
the fire department can make a quick hose connection to
steamer or hydrant. Many Siamese connections point dowh^
ward and are only several inches above the sidewalk, making
it almost a physical impossibility to connect the ;hose« - ^ Sea
Standpipes. ijvj ^>fn«j>oa
SIDE CONSTRUCTION in fireproof arches, the terra*'
cotta blocks are placed on the sides. *'{
SIDEWALK STANDS may have gasoline torches hyr
light, electric wires on nails, swingng gas brackets, unsafe
stove for heating or cooking.
SIGN PAINTING— Light painting hazard. All colors are
ih small lots but use considerable turpfentine, and some-
times benzine for cleaning brushes. Usually located in "run-
down" properties. Not a very desirable class on account
of cheapness of work, smoking, oily rags, crowded condi-
tions and making wood frames.
SIGNS (on a roof) especially if of wood, are great handi-
caps to the firemen. All signs should be built of incombus^
tible material and be so located that firemen may get under
them so as to gain access to the roof. .ji/i f*i!
SILESITE— An explosive compound. Ja[ll*?AHH8
SILICA — An oxygen compound, or oxide of a substance
called silicon.
SILICATE OF SODA consists of 31 parts sand, freed from
iron, and 53 parts of dry carbonate of soda melted together.
It is used as a sizing to render fabrics, paper, wood, etc.,
fireproof, also used as a mordant for aniline colors. Some-
times called soluble glass. — Harris.
SILICATES— See Silicic Acid.
SILICIC ACID — Sometimes called Silica. Silicic acid unites
with potash and soda and lime-forming bodies called sili-
SILICON — Not a metal, but a very hard substance re-
sembling carbon in appearance.
SILLS for fire doors (usually concrete or iron frames)
should be raised at least 1^ inches above the floor and set
entirely undf.r the fire-doors. These sills prevent water
running from one section to another.
SILK (ARTIFICIAL) is cellulose fibre artificially pre-
pared from suitable solutions of cellulose by forcing the
liquid through fine orifices and coagulating the cellulose
as it emerges in the form of a delicate thread. Artificial silk
resembles true silk very closely, in general appearance pos-
sessing even a higher lustre than the latter. It is not as
strong or durable as true silk and its strength is greatly
lessened when wet with water. One variety is made from
wood-pulp. :?iJAw:
SILK (BROAD) is woven piece silk. It is wound, reeled,
woven and "quilled." Weavers use benzine for removing
SILK CONDITIONING— Practically the same as wool
SILK DYEING— Use acetic, sulphuric, muriatic and tan-
nic acids, bicarbonate of soda and bicarbonate of potash.
Nitrate of iron is used in black dyes. Where good^ "are
sold by wei.^ht, gambia is usually used. '■ • '^r
SILK FINISHING— Process consists of cutting, rolling,
calendering, singeing, rubbing, straightening, steaming, clean-
ing, spraying, stretching. .ix.di ' ■:
SILK FINISHING COMPOUND^A secret mixture, said
to contain potato flour, glycerine, glue and soap. Silk is
bleached with sulphide of soda.
SILK FLOSS— A vegetable fibre from the Kapoc trees
of the Dutch Indies, used in mattresses, etc.
SILK-GUT — Derived from the silk worm; similar to cat-
gut; used on ends of fish hooks.
SILK NECKTIES are sometimes cut on boards similar to
cutting boards in shoe factories with same hazard, also singe-
ing with gas flame
, SILK NOILS — The short fibres or waste silk from mills.
"'Silk plush — The* cop yarn as used in this territory is
rcceive'd in skeins from the mills making same, and is woven
by the local mills into the various materials. In silk and
plush works, it forms the strands for the warp and filling
for the backing of plush goods. The plush or piling is made
of silk, cotton and mohair threads woven into a single strand.
Plush is made on a weiaving loom similar to a silk loom
with the exception that two backings are used between which
is woven the silk piling for the plush. As the woven piece
leaves the loom a rapidly moving knife cuts the piling which
leaves two pieces of plush. Sec Plush.
"Striking out" machines, "tigers," "brushes" are then used.
These; are smilar in design with the exception that the wires
forming the comb are heavier for the first process. The ma-
chine consists of a wooden roller spiked with wire cotribs
over which the goods pass. They are employed to remove
any loose piling and to whip it up. The "tigers" tear out
most of the loose stufif, which is found oh the floor. :A(3: this
is silk the hazard is light. Very little lint is made. 1 '^'
The "Nellies" is next employed. This machine is a fouf-
sided wooden frame in upright position. At the bottom, a
wooden roller with light wire comb; at top a similar roller
with bristles. The plush is wound on a centre roller, the
upper roller turned by hand. As it turns an employee "bat-
ters" the plush to open up the piling.v It" theft enters a dry
room as the plush is put on the "Nellies" wet.
At the "striking out" machine, the plush is attached to a
strip of cambric which is first drawn over the rollers and
brushes so that as soon as the machine is started the end of
the plush will be combed. At this machine the material is
first steamed to soften the texture.
The cambric cloths are dried in a dryer similar to laun-
dry drier. oh ij^j/rtvvi - i uc/--/iUio
Silk is woven on a single looml f\?.i\ *<<> j».f»(i** rtf* h^i>.n ;iu v.
Winders and spoolers are similar to those in knitting
mills. Dyeing is a wet process; aniline colors, muriatic acid,
bichromate of potash and nitrate of soda being used.
SILK (RAW)-— Silk as it comes from the cocoon. It is
spun into threads, skeined, wrapped in bundles called "books,"
in colored or white tissue paper (tissue should be white, as
colored paper. will streak the silk if wet),, baled and wrapped
in matting for shipment. It is tested for elasticity, strength
of thread, quantity of natural gum, weave and twist. Moisture
causes mildew. Water and smoke do not seriously affect its
quality unless the smoke contains chemical agents which
will eat the fibre. Mildew and discoloration by smoke or
water can be removed by boiling, as in any event, it must
be boiled in water to remove the natural gum before it
can be dyed. The loss would be practically the cost of
labor for re-boiling, drying and re^reeling. A salvage of
about 75 per cent, may be expected in smoke or water dam-
age. It does not support combustion. It smolders, but burns
only upon the application of fire. Considered good insurance.
Silks art "loaded" or "weighted" with tin, sugar and
other materials. It is claimed to make the silk firmer and
cheaper without lowering the quality. Silks are sometimes
40 to 60 per cent. tin. The raw silk is first boiled to remove
the natural gum of the silk worm. About 4 ounces in weight
is lost in every 16 ounces boiled. It is "dyed to a certain
weight/' according to tlie purpose i^oi* which the silfe 13 --to
be used. If silk is dyed to' 14 ounces it nleans that 2 dtincif^^
of the lost weight is made up in loading and 14 ounces re-
turned to the dealer in place of the original 16. The tin,
in very minute particles, is added during the dyeing pto-
cess. "Weighting" — This process adds on an average of
seven-tenths of a pound to 100 pounds of dyed goods. ' ^'1
Silks of cheap texture may contain considerkble' cbttoft,*
and if wet, every color is liable to run. ' ' - fc !\»!-.'J\r. •^nirm^iv- -^'AU
SILK VELVET generally suffers very'little froriiwa^W^
damage if immediately salvaged. ' '!"'-'!>; ?< n>Tv^»»]
SILK (WASTE) is prepared for the weavers and spinners
as follows: It is put through "lappers," fillers or combers,**
"dressing frames," "spreaders," "catds," "pomers," "flossing
tnachines." The poor pieces of silk are picked out by hand
by means of strong electric lights under glass top tables.
Slow-speed machinery is used but lint covered journals re-
sult. Steam jets are used to keep down the lint and prevent a'
dusty atmosphere in the work rooms. See Noil6.'' ''" ' -'^''^
SILK (WATERPROOFING)— The silk is fitst'V<^n^M
with dilute mixture of sulphate of alumina; theti with a solu-
tion of soap made of light-colored resin and crystalized car-
bonate of soda and water. The soap thus formed is sepa-
rated by adding corhmou salt. The soap ife dissolved ill bdH-^
ing water and the silk rinsed in same. ^' •■ '- '^ ^';. '^ _'. **
SILK (WILD) is divided commercially into three classes:
true silk, wild silk and artificial silk. Wild silk is the fibre
obtained from numerous wild vatieties of silk^pfo&emg
moths. '
SILK YARN AND FLOSS DYERS— Use sulphuric, nitric
and acetic acids, caustic soda. Hazards of dry rooms, silk
pickers, centrifugal extractors.
SILVERING— See Mirror Backing.
SILVER-PLATED WARE— Hazards are heavy and light
machine shop work, with drop hammers, rollers, hydraulic
presses, plating, buffing, pitch-heating, forging, soldering,
burnishing, engraving, lacquering, making lead, copper and
plaster moulds.
SILVERSMITHS— For cementing handles on sticks, use
canauba wax or a mixture of yellow ochre and resin, or a
mixture of resin, pitch and lime. Direct fire heat used. Platn
ing— See Goldsmiths. >I JIB "Siq^IAHOa" to VJl\J^Z .^{Jlg
SISAL— See Fibres. V V. .. ,„.,;^^ .. ...... ...a
SKATE — A term used in the insurance business when
speaking of a very undesirable risk. — Eugene Eagles.
SKATING RINKS— If built of frame or ordinary brick
constructon, are avoided by most insurance companies. Heat-
ing and refrigerating apparatus should be in cut-off section..
They are "seasojn" occupancies, the moral hazard is an im-
portant consideration.
SKELETON CONSTRUCTION— A term applying to a
simple framewoork of columns and beams whose efficiency is;
dependent largely on the existence of exterior walls and parti-
tions which brace the building and hold the framework in^
position, just as the utility of the human skeleton is depend-
ent on the covering of sinews and muscles that hold the
component parts together. On the other hand, the light
framework of an ordinary wire cage bound intp one compact,
unit is suggestive of an inherent strength and elastic per-
sistence that renders any covering an incident rather than
a necessity. (J. F. Kendall.) See Cage Construction.
SKEWBACK — The inclined stone from which an arch
springs. The protecting tile at the web to the lower flange
of a beam or girder.
SKIDS-^Stock of a susceptible nature should be raised at
least six inches from the floor so as to prevent water damage.
SKINS are obtained from calves, sheep, goats, etc. See
SKIRTING — Narrow boards nailed along a wall.
SKIVING — Removing thin shavings from the flesh side
of skins. See Hides.
SLAG — The dross left in the process of refining metals.
Also a compound of silica with metals, lime and clay. ii
SLAG ROOF — A covering of slag spread over tar orf^-ji
SLATE (ARTIFICIAL) is formed of clay which has been
hardened under pressure and heat. ivmv/v-^'i 't/r, .fi^il
SLATE ROOFS are a source of danger iaafiid^dfOSWKon
account of pieces dropping on the firemen. :>>x:im bn;v ,b^ii
SLEEPER— A strip embedded in arches of fif^prbof con-
struction to which the top flooring is nailed.
SLEEVE— See Thimble.
SLIP — The water lost in the delivery of pump due to
leakage past piston, and too much clearance between piston
and cylinder.
SLIPPERS (carpet and cloth) are usually made from small
pieces or ''tag ends" of carpet or cloth. The inner sole is
pasted and the outer sole tacked on the upper. Cold paste
or glue is used. Shops employ cheap labor and are usually
untidy. A class avoided by most underwriters.
SLIPPER TRIMMINGS— Skived leather, laces, buckram
and felt tops, metal ornaments, embroidery. Concerns
usually give the sewing to "home workers," who do it as
piecework. Shopwork consists of making lead buttons, metal
working, enameling metal parts, cementing linings with rub-
ber cement, sewing, embroidering, skiving leather. ,tr.
SLOW BURNING— See Mill Construction.
SMALT — A powdered blue glass, colored with cobalt.
Used by sign painters.
SMELTERS— See Refiners, ^ui gtibl
SMOKE-HOUSES should be' btiilt of incombustible ma-
terial with a vent to the outer air. The doors should be at
least three-sixteenths inch iron, with angle-iron reinforce-
ments to prevent the doors from buckling. The hanging racks
ahd grating over the fire should be of iron. The meat is
suspended from racks, and the lower grate is to prevent the
meat from falling into the fire. Sills should be raised six
inches. If possible smoke-houses should be in a detached
structure. Steam jets are sometimes used to extinguish
fires in these compartments. The fires used for smoking may-
be of sawdust, beech shavings, hickory wood, charcoal. These
fires are either built directly on the floor or are placed in
earthenware pots. The 'entire interior of the smoke com-
partments becomes in time thickly coated with a black,
greasy covering from the grease-laden fumes ^fro,in.-meats. or
fish. See Provisions. 'r'aii T.ihnw b'jMrWn«d
SMOKELESS POWDER consists of nrtrb-ligriufti; piiri-
fied, and mixed with nitrates other than nitrate of lead.
SMOKEPIPES must not be nearer than 18 inches to any
lath-and-plaster or board partition, ceiling or any woodwork,
nor shall they pass through any wood floor, partition, or
roof. Smokepipes of furnaces, laundry stoves, large cooking
ranges, etc., shall be not less than 18 inches from woodwork
unless guarded by shields; then not less than 9 inches.
SMOKING— The National Board records for 1916 state
that careless smokers caused a total loss of $4,505,963 in the
United States. In Philadelphia, 413 fires are credited to
smokers. It should be made a penal offense to throw away
a burning cigar, cigarette in or about any building, structure,
car, or where it may ignite any inflammable material. In
New York City, a specifi.c charge of five cents per $100
per annum is applied to sprinkler risks, and is removable
upon the proper posting of ''No Smoking" signs. In gar-
ment manufacturing establishments a charge of 25 cents is
made, at present, removable only after a series of unan-
nounced inspections covering a period of six months. Be-
cause of the class of labor employed in this kind of business,
this requirement becomes necessary to absolutely assure the
bureau that all smoking has been stopped. In garages a
charge of 25 cents is applied, which is added upon the recom-
mendation of the New York Board of Fire Underwriters,
and is removable upon the installation of proper signs. For
theatres, 10 cents is added if smoking, by other than the
actors during the play, is allowed. S. T. Skirrow,, "Liye Articles
on Special Hazards," The Weekly Uuderwriter.) See Matches.
SNAP FASTENERS— A machine-shop hazard. Machin-
ery consists of die presses, drills, lathes, emery wheels, mill-
ing machines, blowpipefe and annealers,'in ia'ddition to clean-
ing with acid and japanning.
SNOWFALLS (fire danger of)— In Northern climates,
heavy snowfalls which remain on the roofs of houses are
apt to cause the roof to sag and the consequent cracking of
the chimney. Snow should be cleaned oflf roofs.
SNUFF MANUFACTURING— The lower leaves of the
tobacco plant come to the factory in hogsheads. After age-
ing in the factory warehouse for a few years the leaf is
coarsely cut up, "ordered," and' reprised back in the hogs-
heads to sweat or ferment. It is then ready for dessicatioh
and pulverizing. It is toasted in a furnace dryer or toaster
(which is an iron cylinder revolving in a breeching of brick,
in which are heating fir^s), or shaken in a series of trays
in a room heated by steam to a high temperature. The
toasted flake is groiiiid or pulverized in machines termed
"mulls" and the snuff cleaned in a bolting reel and packed.
The principal hazards aire toasting, grinding and cleaning.
Also kettles for heating water, salt and licorice; labeling and
lacquering the inside of boxes; dry-rooms. — Ira G. Hoagland.
SOAP FACTORIES— The hazards of the usual modern
soap factory are not very bad, as the entire process is by
steam heat. The rendering of fats is usually carried on in
a special plant for this purpose. There may be. glycerine
evaporators (steam-heated), stearic acid making, refrigerat-
ing machinery for cold-storage rooms. The oils used are
palm, olive, fish, whale, rape, cottonseed, cocoanut and corn.
The alkalis, soda, bicarbonate of soda, soda ash, carbonate
of potash, caustic soda. Soap making is mainly a boiling
process. "Crutching" is mixing the soap in an agitator ket-
tle with coloring matter, perfumes, etc. When soap rises
to the surface of the kettle, it is skimmed off and run into
"frames" to cool. A "frame" is a rectangular metal box on
wheels, with detachable sides and ends. 'When the soap
cools, the sides and ends of the frames are rerhoved. The
slab of soap is cut by vertical wires protruding through a
flat bed on which is placed the soap. See Shaving Soap.
SOAP POWDER and Dressings for Textile Workers—
Manufacturers use lactic acid, corn-syrup, gluten, tallow, gel-
atine, sugar, boric acid, formic acid, carbon tetra-chloride,
aqua ammonia, chalk. Hazard that of soap factory, includ-
ing chemical laboratory with usual chemicals, such as ether,
ethyl alcohol, tin-chloride, nitrate of soda, and caustic soda
in small bottles. Other soap powders are generally made
from absolutely dry chip soaps, ground into a fine powder.
, SODA — The general term applied to compounds of sodium.
Sodium is metalic in nature. Usually found in areas resem-
bling frozen lakes that consist of carbonate of soda in pow-
der or crystals. Has an affinity for oxygen and should be
kept in air and water-tight receptacles, because the least
moisture may start a blaze. Soda is oxide of sodium. See
SODA ASH— See Sodic Carbonate.
SODA WATER SIPHONS are sometimes charged up to
160 pounds pressure and have been known to explode with
great violence.
SODIUM is made from soda. It is not inflammable, but
its presence increases the intensity of a fire by the evolu-
tion of oxygen. When wet, it is combustible.
SODIUM BISULPHIDE— A chemical not dangerous in
itself, but if allowed to come in contact with chlorate of
sodium will cause a fire. Should be stored outside of main
building in same manner as chlorates or other oxygen agents.
SODIUM CARBONATE— Called soda-ash and is used for
bleaching cotton goods, scouring wool, and in the manufac-
ture of soap.
SODIUM CHLORATE— Dangerous on account of its
capacity for liberating oxygen.
SODIUM HYDRATE— Called caustic soda, and is used
in soap making.
SODIUM NITRATE— A yellowish white salt, and a great
oxidizer. When mixed with organic matter will ignite.
SODIUM NITRATE CRYSTALS (in litharge manufac-
turing) are dried in a wooden, rotary, cylindrical dryer, hav-
ing open ends, driven by gearing and cogwheels, and heated
by hot air. Fires have started at the greasy driving-gears
due to friction. See Litharge.
SODIUM PEROXIDE— A white or yellow powder.^ A
strong oxidizer. When in contact with organic matter will
cause fire.
SODIUM SULPHIDE— Used in tanning leather.
SODIUM TUNGSTATE— See Fire-Resistive Solutions.
SOFFIT — The lower or underneath surface of an arch.
SOFT WOODS are those from coniferous or needle-leaved
trees, such as pine, spruce and cedar. See Coniferous Woods.
See Hard Woods.
SOLDER — Usually composed of lead and zinc. ^ r/^qqp
SOLE TENANT RISK— One having but one tenant. ' An
allowance is usually given in the rate for this feature.
SOLIDIFIED ALCOHOL consists of wood alcohol which
has been colloided to a soft semi-transparent mass; made by
colloiding with nitro-cellulose or soap. Gives off inflammable
vapors at about 50 deg. F. See Alcohol.
SOLUBLE BLUE— Apt to cause fires in color works
through friction and spontaneous combustion. See Chromes.
SOLUBLE COTTON— See Nitrocellulose.
SOLUBLE GLASS— Silicate of soda.
SOLVENTINE— Used as a varnish. Has a low flash and
fire test. Composed of low-grade varnish, linseed oil, benzine
or its equivalent. Cotton waste, saturated with it, will ig-
nite spontaneously. ■nnn:^ \);u
SOLVENTS are likely to include inflammable liquids con-
taining such substances as acetone, ether or naphtha.
SOOT — Mostly carbon. It is made up of little particles
which are thrown off from the burning wood and lodge on
the chimney sides.
SOUND VALUE— The actual value at the time of fire
after depreciation has been deducted. The terms "market
value," "cost price," etc., as sometimes used, are misleading.
SOURCE OF SUPPLY— See Water Mains.
SPALL — To chip or flake off. Stone or brick, or other
masonry walls spall after being heated and subjected to
hose streams. See Platforms. ^^^^^. ,1^,.^^,,^^^
SPAN — The space between the iron beams, as for instance,
the terra-cotta arches are spanned 5 feet on centers.'
SPANISH BLACK or cork black is made from, ftll^^cofn-
bustion gases of burning cork. .vfbtxo v
SPANISH MOSS— Used in upholstering; willignlt^ spon-
taneously. "''''\::' ^'"^-' ^^
SPANISH WHITIS— Same as whiting. - '
SPARK ARRESTER— Used on foundry cui)plas,thimneys,
to catch sparks and prevent them from flying and igniting
shingle roofs. Made of wire netting and built like a cage
over the top of the stack.
SPECIAL BUILDING SIGNAL is a manual device requir-
ing some one to pull the lever which sends in the alarm. See
Manual Alarm. See Alarm.
pancy; also Leases and Profit Insurance, Improvements.
SPECIAL HAZARDS^ are the fire dangers incident to
manufacturing plants in their pfocess bf'/wprk^^^^
also Risk. ■- >= ^ ■• . u ...■:: • .
part in the engineering end of fire insurance, in that it points
out the connection between weight and bulk. In other words,
the specific gravity of the liquid is its weight in proportion
to the same bulk of water. Example: A bottle which holds
lOOQ grains of water will only hold 830 grains of spirits of
wine, which shows the comparison of weight under the
same bulk. The density of the liquids containing alcohol is
used by the excise to determine the amount of alcohol they
contain. — W. D. Grier.
SPECIFIC RATES— Those properties subject fo a' speci^f
rate by a central rating board or bureau by reason of ah occu-
pancy more hazardous than called for under a minimum rat-
ing. See Rates.
SPECIFIC WEIGHTS— See Specific Gravity.
SPERMACETI— A solid wax taken from the mixture |of
solid and liquid matter which occurs in the head of the spefm
whale. Melts 110 to 120 deg. ¥.
SPHINCTER HOSE— Rubber or other hose wound with
wire. Prevents wear and tear and gives added strength to
SPICE MILLS — The principal hazard is grinding. If the
spices are ground w^et, the hazard is mild. If they are ground
dry, the grinder should be in a separate fireproof room and be
equipped with magnets. Burr mills are often used. Addi-
tional hazards are found at the sifters, bolters, and dryers
where considerable dust abounds. Considered by most com-
panies as an unprofitable class of insurance.
SPINDLE CARVER— A small cutter rotated at the end of
a horizontal spindle. . , , x \ «
SPIRITS OF HARTSHORN— See Ammohia.*'' '^^
SPONGES — The best are grown in salt water where no
sandy bottom abounds as the sand smothers the growing
sponge. Sponges, when brought to the surface are black and
slimy and filled with water and animal matter called "gurry."
Several days are required for the gurry to run ofif when the
sponges are dead. They are squeezed out with the hands
and strung on lengths of coarse twine. Sponges, contrary to
general belief, suffer a. very severe water damage, and in-
surance should be written carefully.
ing redecorated, the painters frequently use a wood polish
containing raw linseed oil and turpentine. In one instance,
a piece of waste with this oil was found smoldering in a
workman's pocket and he did not know it until his attention
was called to it. Polishing cloths about the home should
not be placed in drawers of cupboards, but hung where air
can circulate around them. Oily floors left when soap man-
ufacturers, furriers and machine shops vacate buildings have
caused spontaneous combustion when a new tenant has laid
new floor over the oily one. Sawdust in ice houses and cold
storage plants has been known to ignite spontaneously when
moist. Soft coal piled in bulk and dampened will ignite spon-
taneously. See Vegetable Oils. Oily Waste Cans.— (See
illustration on page 416.) •.- v^a,» .\ . -vV\
temperature at which gases, vapors or solids will take fire of
their own accord without being brought into contact with
burning or incandescent substances. See Flash Point.
SPORTING GOODS— Hazards of repair shops with var-
nishing, hand woodworking, stock of gun-powder and car-
tridges, rubber cement, calcium carbide, automobile special-
ties, photo supplies.
Combust/on ,^
, /s SrouaAt
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I ^ fro du e it on of htaCt
li a. »i««-^#»«r of
^^ Meat - I . .
^ few ianitlcn fK>int
i^ff^AOT^- IF rH/3 CAN
^^^^^ J is USepfCR WASTiS
the abore is n€Kt
l^srAL CAN en Jys,
Copyright. 1915. G. A. Ins. Co.
SPREADING — A spreader machine is a skeleton table-like
structure made up with steam coils or steam-heated plates.
At the feed end of the spreader is located a roll, above which
and parallel to it, is set a knife-like piece of metal, fitted with
proper adjustment device so that it may be set a greater or
less distance from the roll. There is also provision for a
roll of fabric at the feed end and a reeling up device at the
other end of the machine. See Static Electricity.
SPRINGER— The lowest stone of an arch.
SPRINGS — A name given by manufacturers to rubber
speaking, consists of iron piping filled with water or air,
rhoto by Paul Thompson.
Distribution of Water by Automatic Sprinkler.
securely supported immediately beneath the floors, i.e. the
ceilings. At intervals of eight to ten feet are attached fusi-
ble plugs called sprinkler-heads having deflectors designed to
Spray water over the area desired. In the ordinary sprinkler
a solder having a melting point of about 160 deg. F. is em-
ployed (solder of bismuth, tin, lead and cadmium). The
melting of this solder releases the disc from the valve-seat
and the water is forced out under pressure through the orifice
formerly closed by the valve-seat. The deflector causes the
water to spray in all directions like rain thus effectually wet-
ting anything within the area which the sprinklers arc de-
signed to cover.
Among the important questions to be considered after the
design and probable occupancy has been considered is that
of heating. It should be definitely determined that all por-
tions of the building will be heated to about 40 6tg. F. dur-
ing the winter. Unfortunately water will freeze at 32 deg. F.
even when in pipes, a condition that some of those planning
equipments must realize if a wet-pipe system of sprinklers is
under consideration.
The latter system is preferable for the following reasons: It
costs less to install and to maintain and results in a slightly
greater reduction in insurance rates. By way of illustration:
A complete wet-pipe system of 1,000 sprinklers including
tanks and alarm service will cost about $5,000, maintenance
cost about $300 per annum, insurance reduction approximately
60 to 75 per cent., depending upon the grading of the equip-
ment. The same equipment, but dry-pipe system, including
tanks and alarm service, will cost approximately $16,000,
maintenance cost about $450 per annum, insurance reduction
approximately 50 to 60 per cent., depending upon grading of
the equipment. It may also be said that the dry-pipe system,
being under the control of one or more automatic valves un-
der constantly maintained air pressure of forty pounds in the
pipe system, is somewhat complicated and with its auxilary
attachments calls for much more care than the wet system.
— E. P. Boone. Author's Note: The figures given above are
pre-war figures. See Alarm, Central Station, Coal Shortage,
Curtain Boards, Dry Pipe Sprinklers, Dead Riser, Gate Valve,
Gravity Supply, Hoops, Live Riser, Open Sprinklers, Pres-"
sure. Sprinkler and Heating System, Sypho-chemical Sprink-
lers, Tables, Valves, Staggered, Tell-tales.
.' » SPRINKLERS oa^iaWl 419
SPRINKLERS are made to fuse as follows:
Without color except that of its composition, 160 deg. F.
Black-corro-proof to prevent corrosion, 160 deg. F.
White color, 212 deg. F. Blue, 286 deg. F. Red, 360 deg. F.
Automatic sprinklers in the following occupancies may not be
expected to control a fire if it has a good start owing to the
construction, processes involved, and the hazardous mate-
rials: Celluloid workers, cereal mills, cooperage plants, cork
factories, cotton warehouses, grain elevators, flour mills, fur-
niture factories, match factories, oilcloth works, rubber
works, saw mills, starch factories, varnish works, window-
shade factories, rough woodworking and sugar refineries.
■ \
Auluinatic Sprinkler Head in Operation.
aluminum powder factories, chemical risks using substances
which might explode or ignite from the application of water,
such as sodium. It can be readily seen that fires of a flash
nature which inight be expected in many of the above lines»
or those where dust explosions are immirrent, could spread
a fire throughout an entire floor before sufficient heat would
be confined in one place to operate a sprinkler head, or which
might disrupt the sprinkler system.
sprinkler equipment has been drained or is known to be
frozen, the following precautions should be exercised
in placing the equipment in commission in order to avoid
water damage and prolonged interruption of protection.
In order to prevent unnecessary annoyance and delay, it
is suggested the making of repairs be left with the company
that installed the equipment.
Have equipment examined by competent party, pipe system
including filling and steam pipes for tanks tested for ice and
leaks, and repairs effected where necessary.
Open all drain valves and remove plugs at low points to
insure the pipe system being properly drained.
Close all controlling valves and fill tanks slowly one at a
Turn water slowly into system one floor at a time, after
having closed all drain valves and replaced plugs at low
The following day if no leaks develop, place air on pres-
sure tanks and notify central station company where such
service obtains to restore alarm service.
Note. — The above precautions apply to both wet and dry
pipe sprinkler systems.
Where sprinklers are in a pendant position it may be neces-
sary to remove each sprinkler so located in order to test for
ice, and in doing this extra care must be exercised not to in-
jure the sprinklers. Those injured must be replaced with
new sprinklers before placing equipment in commission. (N.
Y. Fire Ins. Exchange.)
Upon the approach of winter, test all post indicator valves
for proper drainage to prevent freezing. Open all valves that
should be opened and ascertain if all pipes are free from
sediment and ready for instant use. Box in and pack all ex-
posed piping, both water and steam, the latter so that there
will be sufficient heat for building and for tank coils. Have
extra sprinkler heads on hand for emergency.
Sprinklers (Dry-Pipe) should be controlled all year on
approved dry-pipe valves rather than being "wet system"
for eight months and "dry system" for four months. In
changing from a dry system to a wet system there is an in-
creased amount of sediment deposited in the pipes. The
pipes are not always drained when cold Weather sets in, and
the dry valve is not always properly adjusted. All pipes
should be pitched to properly drain so that water could not
collect in them and freeze.
Cold Weather Lines, i. e., branch lines in driveways, halU
ways, elevator shafts, coal holes and other unheated portions
which arc shut off during winter should be thoroughly ex-
amined in the spring to detect frozen or bursted pipes and
imperfect valves. Upon the approach of warm weather the
valves should be kept open.
furnished by shipowners show that approximately 20 per cent,
of the ocean travel hazard is caused by fire or explosion. A
large percentage of these losses could be overcome by the
installation of an adequate automatic fire-fighting system.
Sec Fires at Sea; also Ship Fire Prevention.
SPRINKLER FAILURES are due to allowing steam pres-
sure to run down below minimum pressure over Sundays
and holidays, inadequate electric power to drive fire pumps,
shutting off water and then delaying repair work. Notify the
insurance company when it is necessary to shut off water.
When extensive repairs are necessary, provide additional fire
pails, bcse and watchmen. Put red tag (as used by Factory
Mutuals) on closed valves.
Fires quite often occur in unsprinklered portions, even
those parts where it seems impossible for a fire to originate,
or just after the equipment has been shut off or before its
installation is complete.
SPRINKLER LEAKAGE is protection against loss or
damage due to accidental discharge of water from the sprink-
ler system or tanks supplying same (including accident
caused by freezing). Does not protect against loss due to
discharge of water when fire occurs nor for collapse of
building unless the latter is caused by accidental leakage of
water from automatic sprinkler system or the tanks supply-
ing it. Penalties are imposed in rating for absence of floor
control valves, lack of proper watchman service and (or)
alarm service, wood tanks on wood trestle, tanks with flat
hoops, concealed spaces and furring.
Sprinkler leakage.- "It is claimed from experience that about
50 per cent, of the losses are caused by the sprinkler head
itself, 30 per cent, of the losses being attributed to piping,
including freeze-ups, and the remaining 20 per cent, arise
frorft the occasional, but very severe losses which occur in
connection with the collapse of the tanks or the eruption of
a header or equivalent full volume of water supply. The main
thing is "what device have they on system to notify those in
charge in case of a break in order to shut off the supply?"
(N. F. P. A. Vol. 10, 1916.)
Sprinkler Leakage — Some of the causes of tank collapse,
preciptations and leakage for which the inspector should
constantly look, are as follows:
1. Freezing; excessive pressure, settlement of tanks On
risers, belts unguarded, near pipes; wearing out of packing
on valves; defective castings; overloading floors; light cast-
ings and heavy pressure; neglect to drain and put on dry
pipe valves; alternating systems in exposed places during
winter months, which, if undiscovered, would result in the
bursting of pipes.
2. Sun's rays through skylight; pendant heads on dry sys-
tems in extremely cold climates from condensation of moist-
ure; extraordinary heat and low-degree heads; belts un-
guarded near heads; chemical action on pipes and heads;
disintegration of fusing material on old heads; carelessness
of employees handling stock, hanging or leaning things on
or against pipes; leaving open in cold weather windows,
doors, ventilators, hatchways, monitors and other openings,
which, if undiscovered, would result in the discharge of
3. Use of timber, which, if exposed, is unduly subject to
rot; filling tanks before concrete or masonry is thoroughly
dried to the core; neglect of tanks and supports, resulting in
rot, rust, corrosion and decay; defects in casting or rolling of
metal supports; constant vibration or jarring of building; in-
adequate supports; inadequate size of bearing plates under
tank supports; crumbling of cement or mortar; flat hoops;
faulty construction; heating water in tanks to too high tem-
perature; using old buildings without consulting architects
as to carrying strength and builders as to condition of build-
ing; overloading floors, which if undiscovered would result
in the collapse of tanks.
4. Carelessness in maintenance of system (uninstructed em-
ployees, especially new ones; alarms out of order; no alarms
on system); watchman not visiting all parts of plant; con-
cealed spaces in which sprinklers are located not known or
indicated in some manner, which, if undiscovered, would re-
sult in excessive losses.— Thos. M. Donaldson in "Weekly
TEMS — The most interestin'g feature of this system is the
method used for preventing the operation of the sprinkler
heads from the heat of the water. The hot water has an
average temperature of 180-200 deg. F. The maximum tem-
perature used being about 245 deg. F. The melting point
of ordinary sprinklers is 160 deg. F. In order to prevent the
overheating of the sprinklers, they are placed on short off-
sets in which the water does not circulate. At first straight
off-sets were used, but at present a curved pipe ^-inch
diameter and 18 to 20 inches long is used. — Gorham Dana.
SPRINKLERS, OPEN TYPE— These are used to protect
the windows facing serious exposures and are not automatic
in action (having no seal at the valve outlet). They depend
upon human hands to operate a valve at the base of the
riser through which water is conveyed to the sprinkler heads.
They are also used at eaves and cornices and are sometimes
called eave and cornice-sprinklers.
Below Sprinklers — Full effective action of sprinklers requires
about 24 inches wholly clear space below the sprinklers, so
that they may form an unbroken spray blanket from sprink-
ler to sprinkler and sides of room. Any stock piles, racks
or other obstructions interfering with such action are not
permissible. Sprinkler piping should not be used for the
support of stock, clothing, etc.
Position of Sprinkler — Shall be located in an upright po-
sition. When construction or occupancy of a room or en-
closure makes it preferable, permission may be given, except
on dry-pipe systems, to locate sprinklers in a pendant posi-
Position of Deflectors — Sprinkler deflectors shall be par-
allel to ceilings, roofs or the incline of stairs, but when in-
stalled in the peak of a pitched roof they shall be horizontal.
Distance of deflectors from ceilings of mill or other smooth
construction, or bottom of joists of open joist construction,
shall be not less than 3 inches nor more than 10 inches; 6 to
8 inches is the best distance with average pressure and pres-
ent types of sprinklers. Note particularly that the rule for
distance refers to the deflector of the sprinkler.
In the case of fire-resistive buildings, the distance between
deflectors and ceilings may be increased where conditions
warrant; i. e., under panel ceilings. In semi-mill or other
unusual construction, consult the inspection department hav-
ing jurisdiction.
Detailed Locations — Sprinklers shall be placed throughout
premises, including basement and lofts, under stairs, inside
elevator wells, in belt, cable, pipe, gear and pulley boxes
inside small enclosures such as drying and heating boxes,
tenter and dry-room enclosures, chutes, conveyor trunks and
all cupboards and closets unless they have tops entirely open,
and are so located that sprinklers can properly spray therein.
Sprinklers are not to be omitted in any room merely be-
cause it is damp wet or of fire-resistive construction.
Spacing of Automatic Sprinklers — Distance from Walls —
The distance from wall or partition to first sprinkler shall not
exceed one half the allowable distance between sprinklers
in the same direction. Additional sprinklers may also be
required in the narrow pockets formed by bay timbers or
beams and wall.
Partitions — A line of sprinklers should be run on each side
of partition. Cutting holes through a partition to allow
sprinklers on one side thereof to distribute water to the other
side is not effectual. This rule applies to both solid and slat-
ted partitions.
Where no inflammable material is stored close to the ceil-
ing, the inspection department having jurisdiction may waive
the requirement for providing extra sprinklers in narrow-
pockets formed by beams and partitions where the construc-
tion is entirely fire-resistive, including the partitions.
MILL CONSTRUCTION— Under mill ceiling (smooth
solid plank and timber construction, ^5 to 12-foot bays) one
line of sprinklers should be placed in center of each bay and
distance between the sprinklers on each line should not exceed
the following:
8 feet in 12 foot bays.
9 feet in 11 foot bays.
10 feet in 10 foot bays.
11 feet in 9 foot bays
12 feet in 5 to 8 foot bays.
Measurements should be taken from center to center of tim-
Ceilings of modified mill construction having bays less than
three feet should be treated as open joist construction and
sprinkler heads spaced accordingly. '
Bay timbers spaced three feet or more on centers but
less than five feet on centers, will require special ruling by
the inspection department having jurisdiction.
JOISTED CONSTRUCTION— Under open finish joisted
construction, ceilings, floors, decks and roofs, the lines shall
be run at right angles to the joists and the sprinklers "stag-
gered spaced," so that heads will be opposite a point half
way between sprinklers on adjacent lines and the distance
between sprinklers not exceeding 8 feet at right angles to
the joists or 10 feet parallel with joists; the end heads on
alternate lines being not more than 2 feet from wall or
Exception — An exception may be made to this rule if the
conditions warrant, viz., special permission may be given to
install but one line of sprinklers in bays 10 to 11^ feet wide
from center to center of the timbers which support the
joists. In all cases where such bays are over 11^ feet wide,
two or more lines of sprinklers should be installed in each
bay as required by the rules for spacing. Where permission
is given, the sprinklers should be placed closer together on
a line so that in no case will the area covered by a single
sprinkler exceed 80 square feet.
Smooth Finish, Sheathed or Plastered Ceilings — Under
smooth finish, sheathed or plastered ceilings, in bays 6 to 12
feet wide (measurement to be taken from center to center of
timber girder or other projection or support forming the
bay), one line of sprinklers shall be placed in center of each
bay, and distance between the sprinklers on each line should
not exceed the following: 8 feet in 12 foot bays; 9 feet in 11
foot bays; 10 feet in 6 to 10 foot bays. Bays in excess of
12 feet in width and less than 23 feet in width should con-
tain at least two lines of sprinklers; bays 23 feet in width or
over should have the lines therein not over 10 feet apart. In
bays in excess of 12 feet in width not more than 100 square
feet ceiling area should be alloted to any one sprinkler.
Pitched Roofs — Under a pitched roof sloping more steeply
than 1 foot in 3, sprinklers shall be located in peak of roof,
and those on either side of peak spaced according to above
requirements. Distance between sprinklers should be meas-
ured on a line parallel with roof. Where the roof meets the
floor line, sprinklers should be placed not over 3^ feet from
where roof timbers meet floor.
Sprinklers not more than 2^ feet distant each way from
peak of roof, measured on a line with the roof, may be
used in lieu of sprinklers located in peak of roof as above.
In sawtooth roof the end sprinklers on the branch line
shall not be over 2^/2 feet from the peak of the sawtooth.
slow-burning construction should apply as far as practicable.
The rule may be modified, however, the intent being to ar-
range the spacing of sprinklers to protect the contents rather
than the ceilings; but in no case shall the distance of a sprink-
ler on a line exceed 12 feet to a sprinkler on an adjoining
PIPE SIZES — General Schedule — In no case should the
number of sprinklers on a given size pipe on one floor of
one fire section exceed the following:
Size of Maximum No. of
Pipe. Sprinklers Allowed.
^-inch 1 sprinkler
1 " 2 sprinklers
UA " ..!!..!!!!..!!..!!!*'*'!'*'!***!!! ■^'^' ' '
2 " ,....,^,,.,,.,, 10
2^ " :?^:'.?''^;-^... 20
3 " .....;wvT,,yjM;iiv. 36
4 " .v'^J.vv..j*::v;J..;>w^:*;.'i.;v..:v>a 80
5 *' ...?i. J: :....,....;'. .^;f^,;. 140 *\
6 " ............ -^...^ ....7^.^. .200
Where practicable, it is desirable to arrange the piping so
that the number of sprinklers on a branch line will not exceed
FEED MAINS AND RISERS— Location of Risers-^^
"Center central" or "side central" feed to sprinklers is
recommended. The former is preferred, especially where
there are over six sprinklers on a branch line. In high build-
ings, allowance must be made for frictional loss and sizes of
risers increased accordingly. Risers should not be located
close to windows, and should be properly protected from
mechanical injury or a possible freezing. ., .^tfii>,oinf
Pressure Gauges — A standard make, 45^-inch dial, spring
pressure gauge shall be connected with the discharge pipe
from each water supply, including each connecting pipe from
public waterworks, and also as follows:
In each sprinkler system above and below the alarm check
or dry-pipe valve.
At the air pump supplying the pressure tank.
In each independent pipe from air supply to dry-pipe sys-,
Use of High Degree or Hard Sprinklers — High degree
sprinklers should be used only when absolutely necessary
and Inspection Department having jursdictibn should be con-
sulted in each instance. When used, the following table
should be referred to:
. 158
.. .
. 36
34 .
2 .
. 34
For ceiling temperature exceeding 100 degrees but not 150
degrees, install 212 degree heads.
For ceiling temperatures exceeding 150 degrees but not 225
degrees, install 286 degree heads.
For ceiling temperatures in excess of 225 degrees, install
360 degree heads.
Sprinkler Thermo- Super-
Watchman. Alarm. stat. visory. TotaL
Satis- Fail- Satis- Fail- Satis- Fail- Satis- Fail-
fact'y. ure. fact'y ure. fact'y. ure. fact'y. ure.
Watchman & Sp'kler Al'm 77
Watchfnan & Thermostats. 6
Sprinkler Alarm & Thermo. ..
Watchman, Sprinkler Alarm
& Thermostats 1
Spr'kler Alarm & Sup'vis'y . .
Watchman & Supervisory. 2
Watchman, Sprinkler Alarm
& Supervisory 8 9* 16 1 .. .. 17 .. 17
Sprinkler Alarm, Thermo-
stats & Supervisory 5 1 5 1 6.. 6
Efficiency of Alarm Service, 1897-1916, Inclusive.
Satisfactory. Failure. Total.
No. of Per No. of Per
Fires. Cent. Fires. Cent.
Watchman alone 1383 89.5 162 10.5 1545
Sprinkler alarm alone 1460 93.6 100 6.4 1560
Thermostats alone 170 78.7 46 21.3 216
Sprinkler Thermo- Super-
Watchman. Alarm. stat. visory. Total.
Satis- Fail- Satis- Fail- Satis- Fail- Satis- Fail-
fact'y. ure. fact'y ure. fact'y. ure. fact'y. ure.
Watchman & Sp'kler Al'm.1008 631* 1439 200 1639
Watchman & Thermostats 19 6* .. .. 23 2 .... 25
Sprinkler Alarm & Therm 439 35 361 113 .. .. 474
Watchman, Sprinkler Alarm
& Thermostats 35' 55* 83 7 70 20 .. .. 90
Watchman & Supervisory. 4 4* .. 8 .. 8
Spr'kler Alarm & Sup'vis'y .... 147 7 .. ..150 4 154
Watchman, Sprinkler Alarm
& Supervisory 47 54* 100 1 .. .. 100 1 101
Sprinkler Alarm, Thermo-
stats & Supervisory .. 26 1 22 5 27 .. 27
*These include fires where sprinkler alarm or thermostats notified the
Note. — These tables do not include fires where alarm service does or
does not operate promptly if fire is at once discovered by employee, the
alarm service having no bearing on such fires one way or the other.
Table No. 4
Number of Sprinklers Operating.
No. of Sprinklers No. of Fires Per Cent of Whole
Operating 1915-1916 1897-1916 Inc. 1915-1916 1897-1916 Inc.
1 450 5314 34.6 31.1
2 226 2797 17.4 16.4
3 149 1761 11.5 • 10.3
4 86 1262 ^J^ 7.4
5 57 815 4.4 4.8
6 49 695 3.8 4.1
7 26 445 2.0 2.6
8 30 440 2.3 2.6
9 20 294 1.5 1.7
10 9 260 .7 1.5
11 12 226 .9 1.3
12 16 245 1.2 1.4
13 7 140 .5 .8
14 15 170 1.2 1.0
15 8 132 .6 .8
16 to 20, 29 460 2.3 2.7
21 to 25. 28 306 2.2 1.8
26 to 30 12 210 .9 1.2
31 to 35 15 133 1.2 .8
36 to 40 8 104 .6 .6
41 to 50. 12 155 .9 .9
51 to 75 17 212 1.3 1.2
76 to 100 10 104 .8 .6
Over 100 .... 8 413 .6 2.4
Total with
data given. 1299 17093
Water shut
off sprinklers 19 178
No data .... 22 262
Total.... 1340 17533
Table No. 5
Number of Sprinklers Operating.
No. of Sprinklers No. of Fires Per Cent of Whole
1897-1916 Inc. 1897-1916 Inc.
1 *. 5314 31.1
2 or less 8111 47.5
3 or less 9872 57.8
4 or less 11134 65.2
f 5 or less 11949 70.0
"6 or less 12644 74.1
7 or less 13089 1(^:1
8 or less 13529 79.3
9 or less 13823 81.0
10 or less 14083 82.5 ;'
11 or less 14309 83.8 \
|:12 or less 14554 85.2 '\
13 or less 14694 86.0
14 or less 14864 87.0
15 or less 14996 87.8
20 or less 15456 90.5
25 or less 15762 92.3
30 or less 15972 93.5
35 or less 16105 94.3
40 or less 16209 94.9
50 or less 16364 95.8
75 or less 16576 97.0
100 or less 16680 . 97.6
Over 100 413 fUr,V2,4UJo-l
Total with data given 17093
Water shut off sprinklers 178
No data 262
Total 17533
Table No. 6
Sprinklers Opened on Wet or Dry Systems.
Per Cent of No.
No. of Fires No. of Fires with Data Given
1915-1916 1S971916, Inc. 1915-1916 1897-1916 Inc.
Wet system 1046 12236 79.3 80.2
Dry system :. 272 3016 20.7 19.8
Total with data
given 1318 15252 ^rme iaoi
Water shut off n:\AiK.ir)
system 19 178
No data 3 279
Total 1340 . .15709
Table No. 7
Primary Water Supplies to Sprinklers Opened.
Per Cent of No.
No; of Fires No. of Fires with Data Given'
1915-1916 1897-1916. Inc. 1915-1916 1897-1916, Inc.
Waterworks .... 707
Gravity Tank .... 270
Pressure Tank .. 252
Auto. Steam Pump 85
Auto. Elec. Pump
Steamer Connectiion
Total with data
given 1314 15232
Water shut off
system 19 178
No data 7 309
Total 1340 15719
Table No. 8
Effect of Sprinklers.
Practically or entirely
extinguished fire .
Held fire in check..
Total successful
Unsatisfactory 51
Total 1340
No. of
No. of
Percent, of No.
with Data Given
1915-1916 1897-1916,
73.43 64.51
22.76 30.84
96.19 95.35
3.81 4.65
Table No. 9
Showing Effect of Sprinklers by Class of Occupancy.
Held Fire
Extinguished in
Fire. Check.
No. % No. %
Agricultural Implements 42 59.2 26 36.6
Auto. & Bicycle Fact's 53 59.5 31 34.9
Awning Factories 5 100.0
Bag Factories 4 57.2 3 42.8
Bakeries 27 67.5 11 27.5
Basket Factories 7 100.0
B't, N't & Screw Wks. 11 73.3 4 26.7
Boot and Shoe Shops.. 371 74.7 107 21.5
Bottling Works 4 100.0
Braiding Mills 4 80.0 1 20.0
Breweries 5 83.4 1 16.6
Broom Factories 8 61.5 3 23.1
Brush Factories 8 80.0 2 20.0
Button Manufactories . 15 88.3 2 11.7
Candle Factories 4 66.7 2 33.3
Candy Factories 49 74.3 16 24.3
Canning Works 7 70.0 2 20.0
Car Houses 19 47.5 16 40.0
Car Works 52 65.8 25 31.7
Carpet Mills 102 57.7 66 37.3
Carriage Factories .... 81 66.4 34 27.9
Cel'u'd (PyroxylinPl's'c, 77 66.3 23 19.8
Cement & Plaster Wks. 2 66.7
Cereal Mills 25 67.6 8 21.6
Chemical & W'te Lead. 32 56.1 21 36.9
Clothing Factories .... 344 78.8 85 19.5
Total Total
Satis- Unsatis- No. of
factory. factory. Fires
No. % No. %
, ,
, ,
, ,
Coflfee and Spice Mills. 34 72.3 13 27.7 47 100.0
Coffin Factories 32 80.0 7 17.5 39 97.5
Cold Storage Plants.... 3 50.0 3 50.0 6 100.0
Co6perage Plants 41 55.4 25 33.8 66 89.2
Cordage Works 173 66.3 79 30.3 252 96.6
Cork Factories 6 50.0 4 33.3 10 83.3
Corset Factories 4 57.2 2 28.6 6 85.8
Cotton Ginnery 10 66.7 5 33.3 15 100.0
Cotton Mills 2808 60.7 1763 38.2 4571 98.9
Cotton Warehouses ... 86 43.2 92 46.2 178 89.4
Cotton Seed Oil Mills.. 36 53.8 21 31.3 57 85.1
Cutlery and Hardware. 7 53.8 5 38.5 12 92.3
Department Stores .... 256 79.6 65 17.0 311 96.6
8 10.8 74
9 3.4 261
2 16.7
1 14.2
52 1.1 4623
21 10.6 199
10 14.9 67
1 7.7 13
11 3.4 322
derwriter." 1. No gate valve in the sprinkler system can be
closed, wholly or in part, without immediate notice to the
outside central office.
2. The presence of water leakage equal to the discharge
of one or more sprinkler heads is instantly recorded at the
Central Station and from there, if necessary, to the fire de-
3. Thus the operation of a sprinkler head, or the pulling of
a manual fire alarm box, that is included in this equipment,
assures at the earliest possible moment notice to the fire
department of the presence of a fire and brings immediately
the most important auxiliaries to the aid of the sprinklers.
4. Not more than six inches of water can drop in any
of the sprinkler tanks without immediate notice to central
5. The water in any exposed tank can neither freeze nor
become dangerously warm without instant signal to the cen-
tral station.
6. There cannot be a drop of more than five pounds of
pressure in either the pressure tanks or fire pumps without
immediate notice to Central Office.
In short, no defect or disorder in the sprinkler system can
occur without due notice to the district office.
SPRINKLER VALVES (Closed) have resulted in total
losses even in risks with 100 per cent, equipments. A closed
valve prevents water from reaching the seat of fire. Fre-
quent causes of closed valves are repair work to system and
then forgetting to turn water on, cutting off mains or sup-
plies which are subject to freezing. If it is necessary to
r-jntPGRAmy tahk hoat
10 PRESSURE TAttK '' .
12 conbuiT
\S GATE VALVE 3wiTCH - " ^'
\7 C0/1DUIT ,^.,,,j- ^,^.
2BCITY MAIH '^ "^'^f'
2SDRAmPIPE'' sTJnmf h«n gtB
34 5r/?/^Ai 5(/;'Piy
'U\r, J5 326]^
SupervisorYahd Valve-Alarm Servic!?^'^^^ ^^^^^'^p
DlAORAMATIC DRAWING " " ' "; ' " ' '^ ;i ' ' ' ' ' /^ \
Typical Sprinklered Risk. ' ^ '
•-'-. r tip ft
close a valve, station a man at the valve to turn it on in
case of fire.
STABLES (horses)— It is important that the location
and number of horses be fully brought out in an inspection
report of a stable risk, also whether the runway is straight
or winding and leads directly to the street or whether it may
be blocked at night by wagons. The fire record proves that
you may count on a total loss in almost all cases where the
animals are above or below the grade floor, unless the exits
and runways are standard. A horse cannot be led from a
burning building until his eyes are blindfolded.
Oat Crushers — Should have magnet attachments so that
nails and other foreign metallic substances will not pass
through the roller and cause sparks to ignite the dust.
Stable Lanterns — Whenever gas lights are used in stables,
the jets should be protected with glass enclosed lanterns
which prevents the hay and straw from coming in contact
with the naked flame. Kerosene lanterns should not be per-
mitted. Electricity is the best method of lighting.
Private Family Stable — This is perhaps the best that can
be had and is one used exclusively by one family for housing
of horses and pleasure vehicles. Usually the upper portion
of the building is occupied for dwellings by the coachmen,
but may be a hay loft containing rubbish.
Private Business Stable — This is one where the occupancy
is that of a single tenant housing horses and business vehicles
and run as part of or in conjunction with some regular busi-
ness. This class would include stables run in conjunction
with retail stores, breweries, dairies and large merchants.
These are usually desirable as the conditions present are in
most cases better than the ordinary stable because more at*
tention is paid to care and maintenance.
Boarding Stables — These are comjnonly used by individ- j
uals or merchants for the boarding of their horses, carriage^ n
and wagons. In other words, the proprietor reaps a profit ^^
for assuming this care.
Livery Stables — In these stables, horses, carriages and
wagons are kept for renting to others, and quite often they
are run in connection with boarding stables. While not so
on ITmwaaci STABLES t, 437
desirable as a private business stable, they are good as sec-
ond choice.
Riding Academy — This is usually an adjunctr to^-ii/JivJ^ry
stable and consists of a large covered addition with tan-bark
floor for indoor riding. It can be placed in the same class
as a livery stable.
Express and Trucking Stables — While similar to a private
business stable, attention should be given to the kinds of mer-
chandise apt to be stored on the premises overnight.
Contractors* Stables— Private business in nature, but
usually filled with wooden forms and moulds, tools, machin*
ery, etc.
Sales Stables — At these stables, usually only horses are
kept and they are held for private sales or auctions. This
is one of the most carelessly kept classes, mainly because the
help employed is not of the best. The sporting trade and
representatives of buyers frequent these stables smoking,
etc. As a rule, there is not much interest in keeping these
stables clean, because the horses are kept for a short time
only. They are not so good as would be in a private busi-
ness or family stable.
Veterinary Stables — In these stables, horses are doctored
and treated for wounds, lameness, etc. The class can be
likened to hospitals, for in case of fire, many of the horses
will perish because some cannot be moved except with great
difficulty. In some cases it will be found that horses are
suspended from the ceiling by braces. — S. T. Skirrow in "The
Weekly Underwriter."
STACK — The brick chimney of a boiler or furnace.
STAGGERED — A term used in connection with spacing
of sprinkler heads; also casks of water on piers or foundry
roofs. Say casks of water on one side of pier are placed
every 100 feet. The next row should be placed so that the
casks will be opposite a point half-way between casks on
the opposite side.
STAGING the temporary flooring of scaffolds or plat-
forms. In fireproof buildings, especially theatres and
churches, this constitutes an extra hazard while the building
is in course of construction because of the large amount
of light wood framing used in the interior.
STAIN REMOVERS— Sometimes contain inflammable
liquids. '^>'^ '^ '^'^
STAIR-^A' ^6xed stairway is one that is enclosed without
a hallway, the enclosing material being fastened against
the under sid^ of the stairs and boxing in the sides. If
thefe is d s(ilf-cldsing door at the top of each stair-landing,
it is much better than a wood enclosed hallway.
A wood enclosed stairway is one with a continuous
shaft including the hallway. Fire in this class of shaft could
travel from the lower floor to the top of the building. Box-
ing is better. '.^tdi^j'ci
STAIRCASES of wood may be rendered pra'cticatlly fire-
resisting, if the spaces underneath the treads and risers and
between stringers, and also under the lower joists of land-
ing's are closed solid with mortar or other incombustible
material. See Shafts.
STAIR PADS — Usually made in mattress factories, and
th'e hazards are practically the same. A cheap grade of stock
is generally used. Some manufacturers buy up old cotton-
stufifed settees and upholstered furniture and use the stuff-
ing for the stair pads. Jute, moss and other fibres are used.
Hazards of pickers, "garnet''' machines, lappers, untidy prem-
ises, dust-laden atmospheres. A. K. O. class.
STAMP COLLECTIONS— Many single stamps are quitt
valuable, and a small collection of rare stamps reaches a large
sum. An expert is needed to determine values as minor de-
fects or flaws render an otherwise valuable stamp nearly
worthless. A class of insurance not usually solicited.
STAMPING— See Embroideries.
STANDPIPE — A water tower or a vertical water pipe with
hose connections for fire purposes. Those installed in new
'buildings should always bfe given a fire test. A recent test
in New York City showed many risers to be badly clogged.
A fire chief in New York City declared that carelessness and
lazy workrnen frequently throw bricks, dirt and cement into
the open riser rather than take the trouble of carting them
downstairs. The hose should be inspected occasionally, as
they have been found badly rotting close to the nozzle and
couplings. This is caused by the porters cleaning the brass-
work with polishing acids, and the seepage of water. Siam-
ese or fire department connections on the street become
clogged unless properly capped. They should be carefully
examined periodically as caps become rusted at the threads
or are stolen. On piers, or other similar places where many
outsiders have access, it is quite customary to remove the
brass nozzles so that they will not be stolen, or substitute
iron ones. As a ruse, some owners paint brass nozLles
black to resemble iron. See Siamese Connection.
STANFOIL is tinfoil made of pure tin.
STARCH is composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen,
made from wheat, potatoes, corn, rice, etc.
All machinery such as pulverizers, grinders, attrition ma-
chines should be grounded to carry off static electricity gen-
erated by rapidly-moving machinery. All conveyor pipes
and ducts, elevator legs, should have dust collectors to pre-
vent dust explosions. Explosion boxes to vent and reduce
the force of explosion are necessary on legs and conveyors.
Fires occur in pressing and drying rooms where the drying
and pressing oil from "germ" (ground corn) takes place.
The germ left in dryer tank decomposes from the heat given
off, generating a gas which ignites.
Starch (as made from potatoes) — The potatoes are
washed in water in revolving tube and grated. The grater
is a cylindrical tube of iron, encased in wood, having per-
forated iron bands and rough side which, in revolving grates
the potatoes. The pulp passes over a moving screen upon
which water is played from hose streams. This forces the
pulp through the screen, the waste matter being shaken off.
The pulp travels through troughs to precipitating tanks»
where, after settling, the water is drawn off and the starch
placed in agitator vats. The mass is then dried by atmos-
phere on slatted wood floor and barrelled.
STARCH BUCK — A wood enclosed automatic machine
with an inner screen working back and forth, and a hopper
at one end for candy, and at the opposite end an opening
for the starch. This machine automatically separates the
Starch from the candy, cleans and delivers candy, refills and
delivers trays w^ith a minimum amount of dust, and is there-
fore recommended for factories making candies. See Candy
Factories. See Illustration.
STARTING BOX— A rheostat used for starting and coti-'
trolling motors.
liable to be generated v^^hen the atmosphere is clear and
dry than when it is moist. It is generated by the rubbing
together of substances that in themselves are non-conductors
of electricity (or one conductor and a non-conductor); such
as, dry wood or rubber. It may be generated by friction be-
tween a non-conductor and a conductor; such as, gasoline
and a metal pipe; although in the latter, the intensity is much
diminished. During the process of filling an automobile there
should be a good metallic disc connection between the stor-
age tank and the tank of the motor vehicle, so that all elec-
tricity generated may readily pass off to the ground as fast
as generated. (Automobile Topics.) In filling tanks of
automobiles or can with gasoline strained through chamois
from metal cans, the can should rest on metal to afford a
good ground. See Lightning.
STATIC PRESSURE is pressure created by the weight
of water while at rest.
STATIONERS' SUPPLIES— Consist of various wood,
metal and paper articles and novelties, school supplies, toys.
Celluloid goods are sometimes included.
STATIONERY STORES (together with penny candy
trade) should be written only as an accommodation risk,
after a survey has been made and a trade report examined.
Failures and fires are quite frequently reported in this class.
STATUARY (bronze) — Those of large size are made
from miniatures, or replicas of wax which are covered with
a plaster form or a covering applied by hand. The wax is
melted out in a furnace and the hollow space remaining is
filled with molten bronze. The wax used is a mixture of
glycerine, gelatine, canauber wax and bees-wax. The foun-
dry work is extensive. Here we find built-up brick kilns,
core ovens, wooden flasks, furnaces. Dilute sulphuric and
nitric acids are used for cleaning bronze parts. The waxes
used are usually heated by direct fire. This work is found
in- most of the departments. Large stocks of models con-
stitute considerable proportion of the value of the contents
and should be considered the same as patterns. Usually
frame risks of foundry type. See Sculptors.
STAYS— ^Generally applied to props, struts and ties for
keeping timbers in place. *;.*:
STEAM — Water converted into an elastic vapor by the
application of heat. Low pressure steam has a pressure be-
low 15 pounds to the square inch.
High pressure steam according to the rules of the Ex-
change has a pressure above 15 pounds to the square inch.
They will treat boilers as low pressure if the safety valve
is set at 15 pounds. If boiler room is cut off with 12-inch
brick or concrete side walls with standard doors at openings
and 8-inch concrete or brick ceiling on steel beams, no extra
charge is made in rate.
STEAM JETS— The efficiency of steam jets for fire ex-
tinguishment lies in the confinement of the steam and its
smothering effect on the fire, depriving it of its life-giving
STEAM PIPES must be at least 2 inches from all un-
protected woodwork. If protected by a metal collar, the
distance may be 1 ifich. There is much less damage likely
from low pressure than from steam at high pressure. ';;
Steam pipes, if in contact with wood, have been known\(o
c^use occasional fires. It is claimed that any steam pipe in
contact with wood no matter how low the pressure, will in
time produce charcoal, and as charcoal is unquestionably
subject to spontaneous combustion, the recommendation to
remove woodwork from all steam pipes is well founded.
Before heat is turned on, all dust and refuse around pipes
should be removed. See Pipe Openings.
STEAM TANKS or kettles (set through flooring) where
high temperatures are needed, should be 2 inches from wood
: STEARIC ACID— Usually prepared from beef tallow by
saponification with sulphuric acid, distilling, and hot press-
ing. Used in soap and candle manufactjiring. .,;, .-,
STEARINE — Similar to paraffine-wax. , Non-volatilgii*Q9>fir9d
In a ourn'fnQ Pui/Jifta
tr)€ sSirucit/re, *
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Copyright, 1915. G. A. Ins. Co. •,f{|offT ,; snno} \y
carbon. In every 100 lbs. of steel there are from 2 to 2}^
lbs. of carbon. Steel is made from either cast or wrought-
iron. There are two kinds of steel, one is brittle, the other
is just the opposite, i. e., very flexible. If steel is heate
To find area of a circle multiply square of diameter by
To ascertain the capacity of a cylindrical tank — Ex-
ample: Tank is eight feet high, ten feet 'diameter at base,
eight feet diameter at top. Take mean diameter which is
nine feet. Square the diameter (9 times 9) times .7854 equals
the square feet of diameter times eight feet (height) which
equals the cubic feet times 7.48 (gallons in cubic foot of
water); the total is capacity of tank in gallons.
Table Showing Dimensions and Capacity of Standard
Water Tank:
6 feet
5 feet
11 inches
8 "
5 '
11 "
10 "
5 '
11 "
11 "
5 '
11 "
13 "
5 '
11 "
8 "
7 '
11 "
10 "
7 '
11 "
12 "
7 '
11 "
10 "
9 '
11 "
12 "
9 '
11 "
11 "
11 *
10 "
13 "
11 '
10 ''
16 "
11 '
10 ''
18 "
11 '
10 "
20 "
11 '
10 "
28 "
11 '
10 "
Cylindrical Tank with Round Bottom — To find the capacity
in gallons of the hemispherical portion of a steel cylindrical
tank, cube the diameter of the tank (11x11x11) and multi-
ply by 1.96.
Rectangular Tank — The capacity of a rectangular tank in
gallons is found by multiplying its inside length, breadth and
height together (to find cubic contents), and dividing this
result, if in. inches, by 231, or multiplying it, if in feet, by
7.4805. Example: Tank eight feet by eight feet by eight
feet. Ascertain cubic feet by multiplying eight times eight
times eight, equals 512 cubic feet, times 7.48 (gallons in cubic
foot of water), equals capacity of tank in gallons.
Amount of water necessary for gravity and pressure tanks
in sprinklered risks — Example: A six-story and basement
building; add the number of heads required for each floor
and divide by seven, (number of floors including basement)
to get the average, number which we will say is 150 heads.
Allow 100 gallons of water for each head, i. e., 150 times
100 equals 15000 gallons for gravity tanks and one-half that
.amount or 7500 gallons for pressure tank. Pressure tanks
should be two-thirds full of water and one-third full of air
under pressure. Another way to figure, producing the same
result would be to average the number of heads per floor
(150) and take one-quarter (the number which might be ex-
pected to operate at one fire) which equals 37.5 heads. Al-
low 20 gallons of water a minute for each head (20 times
37.5) which equals 750 gallons per minute. For a fire of
twenty minutes duration (length of time of average small
fire) multiply 750 by 20 which equals 15,000 gallons for grav-
ity tank and one-half that amount for pressure tank.
Communicating Buildings — Two buildings may communi-
cate in a standard manner, i, e., with approved fire doors at
each side of each opening. One building may have a floor
area of 5,000 square feet, and the other 10,000 square feet.
The size of tanks in such a case would be that required for
the largest cut-ofif section (10,000 square feet) which will
be considered by most rating bureaus sufficiently large
enough to supply both sections. See Pressure.
TAILORS' TRIMMINGS— Consist of buttons, piece
goods, ornaments for cloaks and suits, braids. Usually kept
in tills or pasteboard boxes.
TALLOW — A solid fat extracted from the suet of beef
or sheep. Melting point 115 to 121 deg. F.
TANKAGE (dried blood) — The waste material from ren-
dering plants. Used in fertilizer plants. Non-hazardous, non-
inflammable. See Extracting Plants.
TANK FIRES— If the contents of a tank is on fire, it can
usually be extinguished if the cover is quickly put on as this
shuts off the supply of oxygen, providing the cover is tight-
fitting. See Oil Tanks.
TANNERIES — Process consists of tanning, coloring,
stuffing, oiling, drying, finishing, embossing. Some plants ex-
tract grease from wool by naphtha process. Fires are apt
to take place in any of these processes. Lime and tan pits,
storage of hides and pickled skins should not be in main
building. All storehouses should be detached. Dry rooms
are usually heated by hot air blown from steam coils. If
fans are used in dry rooms they should be self-oiling to pre-
vent overheated bearings. In oiling and stuffing, grease is
used which should be heated by steam. Floors become very
oily from dripping hides hung up after oiling. Lime should
be slacked outside of building. Fleshings and scrapings are
subject to spontaneous combustion. Buff wheels should have
blowers. Hair and wool should be dried in iron textile
dryers. Lamp-black should be stored outside of main build-
ing free from dampness. Bark mill (grinding bark) should
be detached. In writing use and occupancy it is well to re-
member that tanning is a continuous process. Small fires
may stop entire process. Tanning liquors are spoiled by
water (which would happen if a fire occurred) in the leach
house, and a fresh supply of liquor is not always available.
See Hides; see Tanning; also Skins.
TANNERS — Some use a compound of paint containing
pyroxilin or gun-cotton dissolved in amyl acetate.
TANNERS* OIL — A by-product of the operation of the
TANNIN occurs very vividly in nature as a constituent
of many barks, leaves and wood. Used for tanning pur-
TANNING— Is done in three different ways: (1) With tan
bark extracts and other vegetable substances containing tan-
nin. (2) With alum or bichromate of potash and other min-
eral salts. (3) By impregnating or *'shamoying" the raw
skin and oil. See Tanneries.
TANQUA NUTS— A product of South America; are used
for making vegetable ivory buttons.
TAR is obtained as a residue from wood distillation.
Fires in this material can be readily extinguished by covering
with sand. Water will scatter the flames.
TARCOLINE — A benzine substitute classed as non-vola-
TAR PAPER while cooling after being made, sometimes
takes fire spontaneously due to chemical changes. Fires in
this stock burn fiercely.
coal tar oil containing impure carbolic acid, anthracene and
naphtha. The liquid will not flash at ordinary temperature,
but the vapor given off during coating process is inflam-
mable. The "saturating" machine consists of a steam-heated
tank containing the coating material through which is
passed the felt paper. A rack, supported by an iron frame,
forces the paper into the coating material. A coated and an
uncoated roll of paper are then pressed together. Fires
have occurred from static electricity igniting the fumes at the
machine. Susceptible stocks in the neighborhood of these
plants are likely to suffer a severe loss o'n account of pun-
gent odors from burning tar. See Tobacco.
TARPAULIN — A waterproof canvas used for covering
merchandise. It is usually coated with linseed oil. Those
used by the fire patrol to cover stocks in case of fire are
made of brown twill and given two coats of a preparation
composed of linseed oil mixed with lithia. It takes 120 days
to dry.
TAR POTS, boiling over, have caused frequent fires in
buildings in course of construction. When on fire, should
be smothered with sand. Water will scatter the burning
TARTARIC ACID— Made from crude argol or tartar, or
from the mass remaining after wine is removed from the
casks. The mass is pressed and dried and used as a basis
for making cream of tartar.
TAXIDERMISTS— Stock consists of stuffed birds and
animals and is very susceptible to fire, smoke or water. Use
glue, cement, excelsior and hair, wood for frames and shel-
lac. For museum work on large animals the skin is placed
on a model of plaster of paris reinforced with iron and wood
strips. The clay is put on about an inch thick, then shel-
laced and the skin glued on. Glass or celluloid eyes are
inserted and nose and mouth retouched with wax. Hand
carpenter shop, glue and wax heating, shellacing and stuffing
material are main hazards.
TAX LIEN INTEREST (Double the Regular Fire Rate)
— The form should read as follows:
On the tax-lien interest of the assured in the building
situate No
It is especially understood and agreed that it is the intention
of this insurance to cover the assured's tax-lien interest in
the above-mentioned property, the nature of such interest
being transfer of a tax by virtue of the assignment from the
City of New York to collect taxes, assessments and water
It is mutually understood and agreed that if the above-
described building is totally destroyed by fire or damaged
to such an extent that it must be demolished in order to
comply with any law or ordinance of the city, or the
owner and or the mortgagees elect not to repair, then this
company shall pay the assured the full sum hereby insured.
or such a sum as would be sufficient to reimburse the as-
sured for whatever actual loss he ma-y have sustained by-
reason of such total or partial destruction, this sum in case
of disagreement to be determined by appraisement in the
manner provided for in the conditions of the policy.
It is further understood and agreed that whenever this
company shall pay the assured any sum, this company shall
to the extent of such payment, be thereupon legally subro-
gated to all the rights of the assured under such a tax-lien
assignment (or at its option, in the event of the full sum
hereby insured being paid to the assured, receive an as-
signment and transfer of such tax-lien) to the extent of the
payment made by this company.
TAXPAYERS — A term sometimes applied to a row of one
or two-story buildings erected for store purposes-"'and built
to derive enough rent to pay for taxes until such time as
a higher building is erected or the property is sold.
TAWING— Leather treated with alum and salt.
TEA — Almost as susceptible to smoke or water damage
as tobacco.
TEAK — A very durable wood for all work that is exposed
to the weather. It contains a resinous oil.
TEA RISKS— The main hazard is cleaning. A motor
blower "blender and dust remover" is used which should
have an enclosed fan with suction to draw off the dust to
outer air.
TEAR-OFFS are the portions of the hide or skin which
are;forn off when they are being stretched. Classed as rem-
nants. Used for horse collars and corners for suit cases.
TEASING MACHINE OR "DEVIL''— Used to break up
long tow or fibre to prepare it for the cards.
TEEL OIL— Used to adulterate olive oil. Non-hazardous.
TELEGRAPH OFFICES— Practically an office occupancy
with telegraph instruments. Fires caused by messenger boys
smoking and short circuits.
TELEPHONE STATIONS— See Power Houses; see
TELL-TALES— On sprinkler equipments should be sealed
shut. It is an electrical mechanism by means of which an
alarm is sounded when water in gravity or pressure tanks
gets below the prescribed level.
TEMPER — If cast iron or other metals are relieved of
some of their carbon by heating to "red heat" with an oxi-
dising agent, it is called tempering.
TEMPERATURE— This question is of vast importance to
the fire underwriter. The ignition temperature varies greatly
with different materials and with the same materials under
varying conditions of pressure, moisture, fineness of division,
etc. It does not require the actual contact of a flame or
spark to cause a fire. Radiated heat alone from a burning
building, if intense enough may ignite nearby property. See
Chemistry of a Candle. See Illustration.
From observations, temperatures in very large fires aver-
age slightly over 2000 deg. F.
TEMPERING STEEL TOOLS— The tools are heated to
white heat in furnaces, plunged into cold water, then re-
heated and plunged into fish oil.
TEMPLATE — An iron plate inserted in a wall on which
the floor beams rest to distribute the load over a wider area.
TEMPLET— The outline of a moulding cut out of wood
or sheet iron.
boxes of coal stoves) — See Kerosene Burners.
TENEMENTS — Buildings classed as tenements are oc-
cupied by three or more families. The New York City law
states that in rooming houses or other buildings occupied
by more than two families there shall be no cooking unless
the buildings are classed as tenements. This is to offset the
number of fires due to "light housekeeping" in theatrical or
other rooming houses. See Apartments.
TENON — A projecting tongue fitting into a corresponding
cavity called a mortise.
TENONING MACHINES— Woodworking machines; pro-
duce considerable refuse.
TENSILE STRESSES tend to pull fibres of materials
TENSION~See Compression.
TERCERA — A roofing compound made of chalk, tar and
TERPENES— Volatile oils of coniferous resins.
TERRA COTTA— A fine quality of clay. The'highly orna-
mental terra-cotta fronts of buildings are easily damaged by
fire. Porous terra-cotta tile, used in building construction,
is porous as compared to hard or dense tile. Sawdust is
used in its manufacture which burns out leaving pores. Un-
der intense heat the faces of terra-cotta tile blocks crack
badly and fall away. See Tile Works.
TERRORALL (a recent discovery) — High explosive, more
violent than T. N. T.
TESSELATED FLOOR— One formed of small blocks of
wood or mosaic work.
TEXACO SPIRITS— A benzine substitute, classed as non-
TEXAS — A large frame roof structure or room, smaller in
area than the roof itself, having one or more stories in it.
Sometimes called a lantern.
TEXENE — A benzine substitute, class non-volatile.
THATGH ROOFS— Consist of bundles of wheat straw.
Used for decorative purposes on summer cottages.
THEATERS (Stage Building)— Usually a high one-story
building equal to 6 stories, with a deep basement; walls
should be of brick or concrete at least 16 inches thick, para-
petted and coped. The roof should have a steel truss with
steel beams and with either brick or terra-cotta arches,
spanned about 5 feet. The roof topping should be tile or
plastic slate, the cornice brick or tile, and the windows of
wired glass in hollow metal sash and frames; shutters, if any,
to be standard lock-jointed. The stage floor in wings each
side of stage to be of brick, tile or concrete arch, supported
by protected iron columns or brick walls. Wood flooring is
permitted only on the working part of the stage (center). The
fly galleries, which are located at the sides and over the
stage, should be constructed of steel be^ms and fireproof
arches. These are used to handle the drops, etc., and are
at quite an elevation above the stage floor. The painters'
bridge is always located against the rear wall of the stage,
connecting the fly galleries. This should be of steel slats
laid about 2 inches apart. Above the fly galleries, about 5
feet under the roof is the gridiron (sometimes called rigging
loft), built Entirely across the stage.
Proscenium Wall — This separates the real hazard of a
'c i'l-vX'L'iiiitin ^Methods.
theater from the auditorium section. The proscenium
wall (between the stage and auditorium) should be built
of brick walls, thickness the same as the outside, walls,
never less than ' 12 inches, with 4-inch pilasters, and
should extend the entire w^dth of building. It must start
at the ground, and extend at least 4 feet above the auditorium
roof. If stage building is the highest, wall should extend 4
«ITI8[W>! THEATERS ■-'^'l&Vil ^jj
feet above the same. The steel girder over the proscenium
opening must be protected v^ith at least 2 inches of portland
cement concrete. There must be a relieving arch in the
proscenium wall over the girder. This is compulsory as it
relieves the w^eight of the wall resting on said girder. The
proscenium wall under the stage should extend to the under
part of the stage flooring level, or flooring should be cut
away the width of the curtain and filled in with concrete.
This would form a complete separation of the stage floor
from the apron. The only openings allowed in the pro-
scenium wall should be the curtain opening and not more
than two others, to be located either below the stage level,
or one on either side of the stage on first floor; no opening
of any kind should be permitted above, the first floor. Open-
ings are not to exceed 21 square feet, each with 3-inch stan-
dard double lock-jointed, tin-clad fire door on each side of
the wall. Only one standard automatic fire door is re.-
quired at openings to musicians' pit. The proscenium frame
should be of non-combustible material, i. e., wire lath Qr
plaster, stucco or concrete.
Skylights over stage — Thin glass on metal frame skylight,
at least one-eighth the stage area should be installed. To be
fitted with rolling sash and glazed, glass ^ inch thick and
no one to exceed 300 square inches. Rolling sash should bie
fitted with brass wheels not less than 2^/2 inches in diameter;
the latter should roll on brass plate on iron frame extending,
entire length of sash. The skylight must be set on curb so
that the lowest portion of the tracks will be not less than 12
inches above the roof. The angle of the skylight frame to
be on basis of 1 inch rise to 1 foot length. The skylights to
be constructed as to open instantly on the cutting or burning
of a hempen cord which should be arranged to hold the sky-
light closed. The said ropes should come together at the
first fly gallery by iron triangle and then by single rope
directly under skylight to stage floor. Skylight frames to
close under metal hood at top, sides and bottom with metal
aprons lapping 4 inches downward to prevent the elements
lodging on same. See Asbestos Theatre Curtains. — Doming^
"Weekly Underwriter."
THEATRICAL TENANTS— Usually not attractive unless
well known and at the top in their profession. See Actors;
see Furnished Room Houses.
THERMIT^Pulverized aluminum for welding; inflamma-
ble. See Gas Evolution.
THERMOSTAT — A self-acting apparatus for regulating
temperatures by the unequal expansion of different metals
by heat. See Automatic Alarm.
THIMBLE (sometimes called a "sleeve")— Perforated or
plain, single or double pipe. It is used for fire protection
when placed about a smoke pipe which passes through a
partition or roof. Should be eighteen to thirty-six inches
larger in diameter than the pipe enclosed.
THORIUM — A powder, metallic in nature, obtained by
smelting process from a mineral known as monozite. Re-
claiming thorium from discarded mantles or clippings from
new mantles. They are very brittle and are received from
concerns who make a business of collecting them. The
mantle dust is washed and filtered in water in stone tubs,
then boiled in thin solution of sulphuric acid and water,
then treated with pickling solution of anhydrous ammonia,
sulphuric, acetic or nitric acid. Ammonia is added to crys-
tallize the sediment. Product is then in crystal form, put in
porcelain cups and dried over gas burner. Gas heat is used
for boiling and drying cups. Storage of acids important.
THREAD WORKS— The thread is spun at spinning mills
and skeined. It is received in this form at the ordinary
thread mill where it is wound on spools. The spools are
either wood or ''tubes" made of cardboard. Cotton thread
is "silk finished" on a "dressing-machine." The thread is on
reels on a frame, drawn through a sizing tank, then over a
hair-covered, steam-heated iron drum which dries and pol-
ishes the thread, which is respooled. The sizing is made of
gelatine or glue, borax, dextrine, starch, water, cocoanut or
other similar oil. The sizing kettle should be steam-heated.
The steam pipes at machine are apt to become covered with
fine dust or "fly" from the thread and should be cleaned
THROWSTER— One who throws, twists or winds silk.
TIN 467
TIE-BEAMS — Ties that are also subjected to a transverse
TIGERS— See Plush.
TILE WORKS— In brick and tile works, driers about 6
feet high, 8 feet wide and 100 feet long are used, built of
brick and iron frame, heated by furnace at one end and below
level of ^flooring or by heat passing off from kilns. Tile or
brick is put on boards, called ''pallets," placed on racks on
cars, and run slowly through this tunnel. Fires are caused
here by racks becoming very dry; alternating moisture and
heat, and the rapid absorption causes the wood to ignite
spontaneously. The lowest pallet becomes heated very
TILLS as applied to stocks refer to wooden drawers or
TIMBER — Heavy timber resists fire better than small iron
columns. When superficially charred, the coating does not
necessarily weaken the timber.
TIN — Recovering tin from used cans. An air-tight masonry
room is filled with cans, and warm chlorine gas forced into
the room, which unites with tin and forms tin chloride
(highly volatile). The gaseous mixture, (free chlorine, air
and vapor of tin chloride) passes through a condenser
where the tin chloride is separated from the other gases,
and by a chemical means, pure tin is precipitated.
I. C. Tin — This term is used to denote the covering to
lock-jointed fire doors. I. C. tin is charcoal iron, i. e., iron
with the charcoal removed.
In sheets, tin will sustain considerable water damage
unless each sheet is thoroughly dried immediately after be-
coming wet.
TIN-CLAD FIRE DOORS— See Standard Fire Doors.
TINCTURE OF IRON and diluted aqua regia, sometimes
mixed as a tonic, gives off an explosive gas which has been
known to shatter the bottle.
TINFOIL — Melted pig lead, antimony, and block tin. The
alloy is cast in slabs, and rolled out in plates or sheets. The
machinery consists of furnaces, heavy and light rolling-
machines and cutters, presses for coloring and printing.
TIN PLATE consists of iron or steel rolled into very thin
sheets, coated with a composition of tin and lead.
TINSMITHS have caused fires in buildings by leaving
gasoline torches unattended when lighted. In shops, may
use gas-heated soldering mufflers, gasoline torches, sheet-
metal cutters; paint,
TITAN POWDER— A form of dynamite.
TOBACCO — As a general rule tobacco is very susceptible
to smoke and water. Some tobaccos offer practically no
salvage as in the case of Sumatra leaf. Havanna filler is
tougher and offers more salvage than most other leaves. The
damaged leaves, however, have some little value as fertilizer.
At a recent fire, in a burlap bag risk adjoining a tobacco
warehouse, tons of water were poured to drown the fire. The
moisture penetrated the walls of the warehouse and a large
loss was paid on tobacco. Tobacco should not be stored
in basements against the walls of the building. See Cigarette
Factories; see Tar Paper Manufacturing.
consists of making cosmetics, face creams, pomades, nail
buffers, nail polish, wood, celluloid or metal articles and
packing powders. Use cologne spirits, alcohol, glycerine,
Russian white oil, vaseline, petrolatum, vegetable oils, and
waxes and clay. Hazards of woodworking, metal working,
celluloid working, powder grinders, sifters and mixers;
stoves for wax and oil heating, benzine for cleaning metal
parts, painting and varnishing wooden parts.
TOLUENE— Coal tar distillate, boils at 230 deg. F. Vat^Or
very inflammable, smells like benzine, but not as dangerous
to handle. Solvent for fats, rubber and resins.
TOLUOL — Is a chemical substance. It is the basis of thfe
explosive called tri-nitrotoluol, more familiarly known as T.
N. T. The Ordnance Department of the United States Army
says that this is the best explosive for our use in the war,
ks it is manufactured and transported with comparative safety
and is a very effective destructive agent.
The chief source of toluol are the retorts of the ga§ com-
panies throughout the country.
So great is the demand that steps are being taken to begin
TOW i^
the recovery of toluol from every gas plant in the Urlited
] What that means is vital. Tqluol to-day is v^hat gunpow-
der was yesterday. Sec Toluene.
TOOLS AND INSTRUMENTS of all kinds, if polished,
are easily damaged by water. Their value, as far as sale
is concerned, is thereby lessened. See Hardware; see Cut-
TOPOGRAPHY OF LAND— Very important to the Un-
derwriter in considering surburban or "out of town" prop-
erties. All hilly or inaccessible sections should be noted with
advices as to whether fire apparatus can reach the risk and
fire hydrants adequate, also kind and condition of roads.
TOW — After such fibres as hemp, jute and the like, are
.put through the cleaning process, the residues left are known
as tow, a ligneous product used by upholsterers. Tow is
dangerous inasmuch as it will glimmer at about 257 deg. F.
and therefore one of the most easily kindled of fibres. This
material in large piles is apt to give off certain gases during
storage, which gases when mixed with dust and ignited
by contact with a flame produce a violent explosion.
TOY CAPS consist of small portions of a mixture of
antimony, sulphide, red phosphorous and postassium chlora,te
between two layers of paper. They do not ignite spon-
TOY TORPEDOES— Contain red phosphorus and
TOYS, (metal) — Manufacturing machine shop hazard with
numerous heavy and light stamping presses, cheap paints,
soldering, lacquering and japanning. See Celluloid.
TRACK TORPEDOES— Consist of hollow discs filled
with a mixture of sulphur, potassium chlorate and sand or
TRADE NAMES often hide the identity of the owners
who may have bad fire record or poor financial record.
TRADE REPORTS— These reports usually assist the Un-
derwriter or Examiner to intelligently pass or reject a line.
They usually give a brief outline of an assured's business
career including failures, antecedents, fires, standing in the
trade and credit. See Blank Rating; also Branch Stores and
Mercantile Reports.
TRAIL — The pipe from the reservoir to the intake of
pump; should not be over 25 feet long.
TRANSEPT — One of the lateral members or projections
between the nave and the choir of a church.
TRANSFORMER— A device acting by induction to lower
or raise the voltage of an electric circuit.
TRANSIT CLAUSE— This clause covers the goods being
brought to or from lower floors of a fireproof building to
those occupied by the assured. When writing insurance cov-
ering contents of a fireproof building (unless sole tenant),
underwriters require the floors on which the merchandise
is located to be stipulated in the policy.
TRANSLUCENT FABRIC— Is a wire gauge cloth cov-
ered by a layer of solidified linseed oil which penetrates be-
tween the meshes. Used for skylights. Process consists
of dipping the wire fabric several times into linseed oil until
covered to the required thickness.
TRANSOM — A beam over the opening for a door. Tran-
som light is the glass window above.
TRANSPARENT LEATHER— Ordinary skins are shaved,
cleaned, stretched on frames and rubbed with glycerine,
salicylic, picric and boric acids.
TRANSPARENT SOAP— Ordinary soap mixed in hot
TRANSVERSE SECTION— A drawing showing a section
across the object.
TRAPPED — A floor opening is trapped when it has a door
which can be raised or lowered so as to completely close
the opening. Automatic traps are those held open by rope
and fusible link.
TRAP-ROCK— On account of its strength and its fire-re-
sisting properties, is considered the best of the stones for
use as aggregate in concrete making.
TREATY COMPANIES— Re-insurance companies who by
agreement accept a percentage of lines taken by a company
on any and all kinds of risks.
TRIM 471
TRESTLE — A braced framework for supporting sprink-
ler or water tanks, stringers of bridges, etc.
TRIM — Woodwork used for wood finish. It is now be-
ing replaced by metal-covered or kalameined-covered wood.
Wood trim, in fireproof office buildings tends to cause a fire
to spread.
TRIMMER — A short cross timber framed into two joists
to sustain the ends of intermediate joints. Example — trim-
mer in arch so as to prevent joists from entering the chim-
ney breast.
TRIMMINGS — Most stocks may contain bright colors
which run when wet or the goods may be drawn entirely
out of shape. Very susceptible.
TRI-NITRATING is a very hazardous process.
TRINITRO BENZOL, compound, when dry is a high ex-
plosive. When wet with not less than 20 per cent, water
and in water-proof containers, may be shipped as inflamma-
ble solid.
TRINITROPHENOL (or picric acid)— A very powerful
explosive used in military work under the name of Melinite,
Lyddite or Shimmse. (See Nitro Fenzole.)
TRINITROTOLUOL (T. N. T.)— A pale, yellowish finely
crystallized substance somewhat resembling brick dust or
powdered rosin, made by treating toluol, one of the lightest
distillates of coal tar with strong nitric acid in three suc-
cessive operations. It takes fire and burns at about 480 deg.
F. When heated by a fire it may explode with tremendous
violence. (W. D. Grier.)
TRIPOLI — Buffing wax, composed of decomposed silica,
iron oxide, paraffine, mineral colors, rosin, lamp-black, Vienna
lime. This lime is unslaked lime with 40 per cent, magnesia,
and is not dangerous.
TROCHAS SHELLS are imported from Fiji Islands; used
for making buttons.
TROTTER OIL — Made by boiling sheep- feet, called hair
TRUNKS AND BAGS, (manufacturing)— Use wood,
leather, imitation leather, fibreboard or fibre for covering.
Woodworking hazard, glue heating, cabinet work, caul boxes,
dry-rooms, veneering; enamelling, japanning, painting, var-
nishing, using benzine as thinner; metal working, soldering.
Celluloid articles for trunk accessories. Shops are crowded,
as a rule. Fire record of class is poor.
TRUSS — Timbers assembled for supporting purposes.
TUMBLER (for polishing metal or other wear) is usually
a barrel in a horizontal position on an axis with sawdust,
carborundum or sand inside.
TUNG OIL— See Chinese Oil.
TUNGSTATES of sodium, potassium and molybdenum
are used for fireproofing inflammable material.
TUNGSTEN— A heavy steel-gray metallic element. Used
extensively in making incandescent lamps. It is a deposit
in rock formation. It is blended with steel for use in armor-
plate and projectiles; as a mordant* in dyeing; calico print-
ing; fireproofing vegetable fibres; as an alloy with aluminum,
copper, nickel, titanium or zirconium; as filaments for electric
TURKISH AND OTHER BATHS— The setting of boiler,
which is usually high pressure, is important, also clearance
of all woodwork around pipes. Majority of buildings are
converted dwellings or of similar construction, divided into
many small rooms. Hazards are swinging gas brackets,
portable gas radiators, smoking by patrons, dormitories.
TURNOVER — A business term applying to the value of
the produce sold.
TURPENTINE— Distilled from crude resin, the sap ol
fir or pine trees. Flashes at 103 or 104 deg. F. When brought
in contact with a mixture of muriatic or nitric and sulphuric
acids it TAKES FIRE. Adulterated with crude petroleum
and benzine.
An odorless turpentine has been produced from sulphate
turpentine, a product in the manufacture of sulphate pulp.
Substitute turpentines are usually petroleum distillates with
a flash point below 80 deg. F. HHTTOHT
TURPENTINE (Mineral) — The spirit or most volatile
part of the native rock oils, or from artificial parafline pre-
pared from coal and shales. Very volatile.
TURPENTINE OIL— Obtained from the resinous exuda-
tions from the wood, bark or leaves of pine or fir trees. It
is volatile, giving off inflammable vapors at about 95 deg.
F. Burns with a smoky flame because it contains consid-
erable carbon.
TURPENTINE TANKS— Several fires have occurred
where tanks were being filled with turpentine which was being
poured through a brass wire strainer, probably from static
electricity. See Static Electricity; see Oil Tanks.
TURPENTOLE— Distilled from parafiine; highly inflam-
mable spirit.,, .. ;
TURPINO SPIRITS— Flash 112 deg. F.; an acceptable
benzine substitute.
TURPO SPIRITS— Flashes at 98i/4 deg. F. by open
cup test. Classed as volatile and inflammable.
TURPOZINE— A substitute for turpentine; has a high
flash point. Classed as non-volatile.
TURPSITINE— Flash 105 deg. F. Classed as non-vola-
TUXY — The thin ribbon which contains the cordage fibre
is known as the tuxy.
TWIN-BEAMS — Two beams of same dimensions laid side
by side on edge.
TWIN-GIRDER— Same as twin-beam, but larger.
has two hose connections. See Siamese.
makes should be used. Many contain naphtha.
BON — Ink factory hazard. Grinding mills for ink, steam
kettles, laboratory testing, mills, mixers. Use lard oil, cot-
tonseed oil, alcohol, benzine, sulphuric and nitric acids, etc.
Ribbon-winding wheels and eyeletting machines, ribbon ink-
ers (cold), knitting, looms for weaving, steam baths, drying
machines (gas heat), singeing machines (gas blow-pipe ar-
rangement), extractor, steam-heated rolling-machines. See
Carbon Paper.
making sticks or handles, wire ribs, cementing handles on
sticks and covering the frame with fabric. Handle and stick-
making involves wood and metal-working and silversmith
work. The handles are cemented on sticks with canauba
wax, varnished, and the metal parts plated and buffed. The
fabric is sewed by hand or power-machines. Sometimes use
benzine for removing spots from fabric. Write this class
UNBROKEN AREA— An area with no subdivision walls
or fire-resistive partitions, and where fire could have a full
sweep. See Area of a Building.
UNDERGROUND WORK— See Contractors.
UNDERMINE— To excavate beneath anything. This
work is going on continually in subway-building.
UNDER-PIN— Add to the height of a wall already con-
structed by excavating and building beneath. Also to intro-
duce additional support of any kind beneath anything already
completed. See Builder's Risk.
UNDERTAKERS— Good risks, if well established. In-
spectors should report on casket-lining, stuffing, embalming
and varnishing. They use a small amount of muriatic, acetic
and sulphuric acids, alcohol, and formaldehyde in embalm-
ing work.
UNDERWRITER— One who authorizes the lines the
company will accept, and passes on the business taken by
the countermen. Should be thoroughly acquainted with con-
struction, hazards and losses. See Map Clerk.
to establish the relative fire strength of materials and de-
vices for insurance purposes. It is an institution supported
by stock fire insurance companies of the United States. In-
spection is also made at the shops of manufacturers and
labels issued by the Underwriters' Laboratories as evidence
of compliance with standards are affixed to the appliances.
UNDERWRITING— Increase of lines and resulting pre-
mium, rather than indiscriminate cancellations, is what pays.
An ideal risk is scarce, and with proper regard of hazard and
line, the best underwriter is one who uses good judgment
in selection rather than wholesale declinations. Look at the
risk from the average of its class.
Successful underwriting requires knowledge of hazards
and construction from personal inspection, familiarity with
local conditions, fire and loss costs o£ various classes of risks,
the adequacy of rates, trade conditions, and common sense.
Conditions and hazards in all manufacturing processes
change, usually for the better, as years advance and a more
intimate knowledge is had, and a more minute study of pro-
cesses is made, to reduce producing costs. Probably the best
example of this is in the shoe industry. Only a short time
ago this class was tabooed by most underwriters on account
of the fire record of the class. The manufacturers were
charged very high rates and only small lines were written
by individual companies. With increased knowledge as to
hazards, such as the handling of rubber cement and benzine,
cutting-board scrapings, etc., the hazards and also the fire
loss and rates were greatly reduced. Breweries and wood-
workers were in the same class. They now show a profit in
underwriting. See Upper Floor Contents; also Accommoda-
tion Line; see Authorizations; also Average Risk.
UNDISCLOSED INTERESTS, such as "for account of
whom it may concern," etc., should always be investigated
before line is passed. See Enemy Alien.
UNEARNED PREMIUM— That portion of the premium
which is returned to the insured in case of cancellation of
the policy. It represents the premium for interim between
the date of cancellation and date of expiration of the policy.
UNIT SYSTEM of construction is making each building
and each floor of each building a separate fire risk.
UNIVERSAL MACHINE— A woodworking machine of
patented type capable of performing different kinds of work.
In general, they are a combination of jointers and borers
with mandrels for saws. Produce considerable refuse and
should have blower attachments.
ings rapidly depreciate in value. Those without caretakers,
especially if located outside of protection, are not considered
favorably by most companies. Tramps or mischievous boys
may gain access and set fire to the building. See Vacancy.
UNPROTECTED IRON— See Steel (for protection).
UPPER FLOOR CONTENTS— Those above the reach of
fire departments should be written cautiously. Hose streams
can hardly be expected to be effective above the sixth floor,
consequently firemen usually rely on the standpipe system in
the building for upper floor fires, See Stocks.
USNIC ACID— A yellow dye material.
tended to protect the assured against the loss of the use of
premises, also to cover net annual profits, general main-
tenance cost to the extent of taxes, heating and lighting, and
legal liability for royalties and salaries or. wages which may
not be discontinued by reason of an interruption of business
by fire. This class of business is intended for manufacturing
concerns; mercantile establishments usually carry profit
insurance. Use and occupancy insurance is somewhat diffi-
cult to understand unless you make a specialty of this form
of coverage. It is desirable that the words "not exceeding"
appear before the amount per day to be agreed upon so that
the form will not be a "valued" one; also that the words "if
the property mentioned is destroyed by fire" instead of "if the
firm is destroyed by fire." The reason for the above being
to cover only the property mentioned in the policy, as the
firm may have a fire in another location which would in turn
affect their use and occupancy. Should the assured, while
their building is untenantable as the result of fire, conduct
their business at another location the loss to the insurance
company would be correspondingly less, because the profits
made by the assured at their temporary quarters could be
deducted when final adjustment is made, and this feature
should be incorporated in policy forms.
It is well to avoid risks that are not well established and
managed or those manufacturing "fads" or catering to a tem-
porary trade. Summer resort hotels, concessions at sum-
mer parks, seasonable business, hotels located on roads which
are becoming less popular with motorists or situated in lo-
calities which have lost their prestige are poor for use and
occupancy insurance. In the case of seasonable trades, the
fire may occur during a dull season and the fire damage be
entirely repaired before the busy season has resumed. If the
concern carries use and occupancy insurance, the companies
might be obliged to pay the claim even though no actual loss
through use and occupancy had resulted. In seasonable
risks, some forms specify a larger amount for busy months
and only a nominal amount for dull months. The following
would be a good use and occupancy proposition: A clock
factory of good mill construction, modern machinery, raw
materials being mainly brass goods, and easily obtainable;
duplicate power system; boilers in fireproof section cutoff by
approved fire doors. A line of $24,000 insurance offered would
be. divided by 300 working days which equals $80 per day.
On account of the good construction and splendid arrange-
ment of the factory with duplicate power plant, cutoff boiler
room, and raw materials easily obtainable, this plant would
probably be in operation again inside of 30 days.
In some cases the building and contents of a plant may not
be desirable as a fire risk and yet may be a good use and oc-
cupancy risk; as for instance, a large one-story frame planing
mill would not appeal to most underwriters as a fire risk on
account of probably suffering a total loss and yet the use and
occupancy might only suffer a 20 per cent. loss. The build-
ing could be erected and all machinery, being modern and
purchasable near the risk, be set up inside of two months.
The following are examples of poor use and occupancy prop-
ositions: $200 a day on use and occupancy of a hotel having
150 rooms at $2 per room, decline unless the amount is $300 a
day, i. e., 150 times $2.00 for each room. Another case of
note was the recent fire in a lace paper factory in Brooklyn
where a small fire put the boiler and engine room and a few
6f the imported dies out of commission, with the result that
the manufacturing was stopped for about two months. The
loss on the building and contents did not amount to over
$1,000, while the use and occupancy loss amounted to eight
times that figure. Use and occupancy insurance is written
very cautiously during war times on account of shortage of
labor and inability to receive raw materials and machinery
except after considerable delay.
The principal features to be considered are construction;
whether sprinklered or not, nature of occupancy; average
daily output, idle periods, market favorable for steady oper-
ation, future outlook, would assured hasten to resume oper-
ations, arrangement for any other plant to produce output,
special processes, processes in duplicate, specially made or
foreign machinery or dies, source of raw materials, power
plant in duplicate, would a small fire cripple entire plant or
could part of the work continue, length of time it would take
to replace any portion of plant.
Only competent underwriters should accept Use and Oc-
cupancy business.
William H. Gartside of the National Fire in a recent ad-
dress to the Examiners' Club of Chicago — ''When we cover
the use and occupancy of a manufacturing plant," said Mr.
Gartside, "we are covering a more or less intangible some-
thing, the characteristics and features of which are not as
plain to the underwriters as are the physical aspects of the
risk. The value of a building, machinery and stock may be
fairly judged from an inspection, but who can tell what the
value of the plant is as a producer?
"Two plants with physical values approximately the same
may vary widely from the standpoint of productivity or
profit, and in a large degree it is necessary to rely on the
owner's figures as to the use and occupancy value.
"That is one reason why some companies restrict their
lines to well-established firms and individuals of good finan-
cial standing who have demonstrated their ability to conduct
their business profitably."
Increases the Moral Hazard — He thinks that use and oc-
cupancy insurance is more apt to increase than decrease
the moral hazard. It is human nature to lose the sense
of responsibility as the penalty for failure to exercise that
sense lessens, and the man who is so completely insured that
he cannot lose by any fire is likely to be less vigilant than
the man who will have a material loss regardless of the
amount of insurance collected.
VACANCY — A building is vacant when all movable prop-
erty has been removed except that belonging to the building
proper. It is unoccupied when no one is living in it (in
case of a dwelling), even if some of the furniture remains
or building is in hands of a caretaker. Vacant buildings
should always be inspected to see if they are clean and in
charge of a watchman. When located outside of protection,
they are not considered attractive fire risks. A burglar haz-
ard is present when no watchman is employed. Thieves re-
move lead pipe and fittings, brass, etc., and sometimes rig
up a melting furnace by connecting to the gas supply pipe
with a rubber tube. See Unoccupied or Vacant Buildings.
VACANT LOTS (not enclosed) are not a serious menace
to surrounding property if kept clean. Those enclosed or
partly enclosed by fences are usually "hangouts" for boys
and men wh.o are apt to commit acts of depredation, such
as building bon-fires, etc. Where lots adjoin tenements, they
are apt to become the depository of rubbish thrown by ten-
ants. Fires communicate to cellars of risks through areaway
windows or doors. See Wagons; also Rear Yards.
VACUUM OIL— See Hydrocarbon.
VALERIANIC ACID— A colorless, oily liquid, not inflam-
VALLEY — The space between two inclined sides of a
VALUATION OF BUILDINGS— Thumb rule for finding
the approximate valuation of buildings in normal times. The
following figures should be increased approximately 30 per
cent, at the present time.
Frame, 10 to 15 cents per cubic foot.
Brick, 18 to 25 cents per cubic foot (stores and dwellings,
6 stories or under).
.! "Brick, 18 to 20 cents per cubic foot (lofts).
if'iFireproof, 25 to 30 cents per cubic foot (lofts).
Fireproof, 30 to 40 cents per cubic foot (theaters).
Fireproof, 35 to 50 cents per cubic foot (apartment houses,
^t^tels, office buildings). a a^W^^SS^.q HJ^A
Example: A brick store and dwelling. , Frpnt, 36 feet
multiplied by 85 feet (depth) equals 3060 square feet, times
height, 60 feet (10 feet to a story including basement of 5-
story building), equals 18360 cubic feet. At 18 cents per
cubic foot, the cost would be $33,048. Note— In New York
City, "New Law" tenements may occupy not over 85 per
cent, of area of building lot, which is usually 100 feet deep;
hence 85 feet depth as above. See Depreciation; also Sal-
VALUE OF A LEASE— See Leasehold Insurance.
VALUED POLICY — A contract where no co-insurance is
required and the company accepts the amount of insurance
as the value of the property. Horses and paintings are
usually written under a valued form. See Profits.
VALUES — One of the important features to be ascer-
tained before the underwriter assumes liability on a risk.
VALUES OF BUILDINGS— When prices of building ma-
terials rise and thereby increase the cost of replacing same
in case of fire, the value of buildings increase and the insur-
ance should be increased proportionately to maintain the
ratio to co-insurance. See Depreciation; see Salvage.
VALVES — Various devices. for permitting or stopping at
pleasure the flow of water, steam, gas, etc. i;
Valve, O. S. & Y. (meaning outside screw and yoke)^-
The approved gate valve for sprinkler equipments. The dis-^
tance the stem projects, indicates at a glance exactly the dis-
tance- it is open. See Sprinklers; see Gate Valve.
Valves (control) — On a sprinkler equipment should be kept
open with a leather strap, with ends sealed so that the valve
cannot be closed without breaking tiie seal. They are placed
on feed lines on each floor or each section of a risk, so that
water can be shut off from small areas in case of accident.
VANADIUM STEEL is steel that has been treated with
vanadium — a semi-rare mineral, which washes the molten
Steel of its impurities, bringing the molecules closer together,
giving them greater adhesiveness and making the resultant
product infinitely tougher and stronger.
VAPOR-PROOF GLOBES— See Open Arc-lights.
When the v^ater flows just slightly, the check valve partly
rises and some of the water flows through a small pipe con-
nected to a long receptable known as a "niggerhead" cham-
ber. If this is only a temporary flow the water will only go
about one-half or one-quarter way up this chamber and will
find its way out of the chamber by means of a disk valve;
but should the check valve completely open (as in case of
fire) the water will immediately fill the chamber and travel
up to the "niggerhead" at top and bend the diaphragm,
causing an electrical circuit, thereby sending in an alarm to
headquarters or allowing water to ring the water motor
alarm and at the same time the diaphragm will close the
drip valve. See Sprinkler Equipment.
VARIETY STORES— Stock is very susceptible. Consid-
erable packing material is used. Financial standing of firms
is important, as they cannot buy to advantage in the open
market in competition with large firms. See Five and Ten-
Cent Stores.
VARNISH is composed of three essential ingredients:
Gum to give hardness and lustre, oil to impart elasticity, a
solvent or thinner to keep it in a liquid state and dryer
usually composed of lead and manganese. It is invariably
added to' the oil before the varnish is made and varies ac-
cording to the kind necessary to produce required results.
Fossil gums are used for the best varnishes; and are the
hardened sap of trees that lived thousands of years ago. The
gum known as kauri is the chief and most widely used. The
oils for varnish are made chiefly of linseed and china oils,
specially prepared and well aged. The solvent is chiefly tur-
pentine. In the manufacture of varnish, the varnish-maker
first melts the gum over a coke fire in a copper kettle. When
the gum is properly melted, the oil which is hot having been
separately heated, is added. After adding the oil, the gum
and oil are heated together until the two are uniformly com-
bined, when the kettle is withdrawn from the fire. The kettle
is next taken to the thinning room where the mixture is al-
lowed to cool to a certain temperature and the thinner (ben-
zine or turpentine) or solvent added (called reducing). After
thinning, the varnish is pumped through a pipe to a vat or
cooler where, in addition to cooling, it settles and becomes
clearer. From the cooler the varnish is passed through a
filter press, which removes all the dirt and foreign matter.
The varnish is next pumped to the ageing tanks where it is
allowed to thoroughly ripen. This ageing makes the varnish
bright and clear. Filter cloths are cleaned with caustic soda,
but sometimes with benzine. Filter cloths in piles, unless
clean, might ignite spontaneously. — Pratt and Lambert.
Some varnishes have a flash point below 80 deg. F.
Spirit Varnish is made by dissolving resin in methyllated
spirit or other volatile solvent.
dissolved in benzol and gelatinized by an alcoholic or ke-
tonic body, usually wood alcohol. Flash point same as gaso-
line, but on account of wax used (to prevent evaporation)
the flash point is not considered as dangerous except when
in use by workmen.
VARNISH WORKS— If a fire occurs in the boiling house,
the doors opposite the fires should be opened. This will
create a draft, which will suck the flames up the brick stacks
and prevent the fire spreading to the balance of the plant.
If the thinning and boiling buildings are detached, without
communication, the class ought to be profitable.
VARNOLENE — A benzine substitute approved by Under-
VAULT — A compartment of brick, concrete or similar ma-
terial used for storage of records, paints, etc. See Bank
VAULT LIGHTS— Usually small, heavy bull's-eye glass
in heavy iron frames.
VAULTS FOR SHAVINGS or other refuse should be of
fireproof construction and located outside of main building
w^ith communicating openings as small as possible. Doors
to same should be standard, tight-fitting and automatically
arranged. See Shaving Vault; also Direct Feed.
VEGETABLE ALBUMEN, if wet will form a jelly like
the white of an egg. Unless immediately dried will be total
loss. Used chiefly in medicine.
VEGETABLE IVORY— Made from Tanqua nuts. Used
mainly for making buttons.
VEGETABLE OILS are extracted by hydraulic pressure
after cooking, or by what is known as the bisulphide of car-
bon or mineral naphtha process. Naphtha is put in a steam-
heated receptacle with the material which has been previously
crushed. This digester is sealed up, allowed to remain for a
while, the liquid is drawn off and the naphtha vapor passed
out through a condenser. Electric lights and steam-heat
should be used because in case of accident, the naphtha vapors
may escape into the room and be ignited if any open flame
is present. They are more hazardous than mineral oils as
they have an affinity for oxygen and dry quicker by the ab-
sorption of the oxygen. Animal oil, unless rancid, is not
apt to cause spontaneous combustion, but all oil-soaked sub-
stances should be treated as hazardous. See Mineral Oil.
Vegetable Waxes such as those extracted from candelila
plant are being widely used. Candelila wax is used in mak-
ing candles, phonograph records, wood and leather polishes,
floor wax, varnish, linoleum, rubber compounds and cellu-
loid, also for electrical insulating compounds.
VELLUM — Parchment made of suckling calves' hides.
VELOCITY — The rate of motion or the degree of quick-
ness with which an object rrioves.
VELOCITY OF EXPLOSION— See Explosion and Ex-
The heat and gas evolved are the two principal factors
which govern the power of an explosive, i. e., the amount of
work it can do in the way of displacing objects. But the
time taken by the explosion is also a matter of great im-
portance. The rate of explosion is measured by making a
column of the explosive, confining it if necessary in a metal
tube, and measuring the time that the explosive wave takes
to travel a known distance. In black powder and similar
nitrate mixtures the velocity of explosion is only a few hun-
dred metres a second but with modern high explosives the
velocity of detonation is from two to seven thousand metres
a second. This naturally makes them much more violent and
destructive. Explosives of the gunpowder type are used
when earth or soft rock is to be blasted or when the material
must not be broken up too much. — A. Marshall.
VELVET BEANS— A product of Florida, used as a for-
age crop and for fertilizer. A growing industry is that of
converting the beans into meal. They are dried and ground
in machines similar to a disc cottonseed huller, and also in
a velvet bean "beater." The former cracks the pods and the
latter cut them up. The meal is collected in hoppers, sacked
and shipped. The machines used should have magnets to
catch metallic substances. The beans do not burn readily and
are only remotely subject to spontaneous combustion,
whether whole or ground.
VELVETEENS are easily damaged by water.
VENEER — Made by sawing lumber into thin slices, or by
turning off the veneer from short lengths of logs which have
been previously soaked or steamed in vats. The lathes used
in the latter process are of heavy type with automatic fea-
tures for turning the log slowly and at the same time ad-
vancing the cutting blade against the log. Other processes
may include gluing and pressing the veneer upon a backing,
drying and filling, varnishing. The hazards are those of
woodworking. Stocking susceptible to fire and water dam-
age, as these elements will destroy or cause the veneer to
VEJNTILATING SHAFTS— Should be enclosed in a stan-
dard manner, and have thin glass skylights. Those opening
to toilets should have standard louvres. See Pipe Shafts; see
Illustration on page 486.
VENTURES— See New Ventures.
VERANDAS — Enclosed porches if continuous along rows
of buildings, act as communications.
VERMILLION — A red pigment consisting of powdered
cinnabar, or red sulphate of mercury.
VIBRATION OF BUILDINGS— Buildings, large or small.
vibrate like a tuning fork whenever a heavy train passes by
or a storm beats against the structure. Accidents from vi-
bration are rare as it is well understood and guarded against.
The most violent are felt in the low buildings rather than the
VtNT/LATJN(r^^^ L/(x/ir SHAFTS
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Copyright, 1915, G. A. Ins
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Shoo LI? B£ 'LABeUici'
or JfA/sf^AHD SHUTteRS,
high ones, and, as a rule, those of solid construction with
masonry walls and foundations. The pulsations are regis-
tered and recorded on a delicate instrument such as records
earthquakes, a movement of 1-100 of an inch being noticeable.
VINEGAR (cider or apple) — The product made by the al-
coholic and subsequent acetous fermentation of the juice of
apples. Wine or grape vinegar, same as above, only made
from the juice of grapes. Imitation vinegar consists of a
diluted solution of acetic acid.
combined processes. Yeast is made from grain, beet pulp,
malt sprouts, corn sugar, beet meal and similar ingredients.
They are milled, mashed, cooked, fermented, germinated,
filtered, dried, pressed into cakes. Vinegar is fermented from
spirits and beech shavings and such other ingredients as the
manufacture may add. Hazards are in some respects similar
to breweries, including malt milling. Twenty per cent, proof
spirits are usually distilled from grain for use in the process.
Incidental hazards of barrel painting and re-coopering. The
alcohol stills require good ventilation to the outer air.
VISCOL — Used in shoe factories as rubber substitute. A
water proof dressing for dressing leather. Thinned with pe-
troleum oil or benzine. In liquid form classed as benzine
hazard. Dipping should be done in detached building.
VISCOLOID— A trade name for celluloid.
VOLATILE ESSENTAL OILS— Are oils of turpentine,
camphor and the like. See Essential Oils.
VOLATILE OILS— If in doubt as to whether an oil is
volatile or not, place a small amount on the finger or hand.
If it dries very quickly, consider it volatile. See Benzine or
VOLATILE SOLVENTS— Ether, carbon bisulphide, gaso-
line, acetone, benzol, flavoring or fruit ethers, ethyl chloride,
naphtha, benzine.
The hazard depends largely on the flash point or tempera-
ture at which the volatile solvents begin to give off inflam-
mable vapors. All the above named are highly inflammable
,nd evolve inflammable vapors at temperatures from below
'reezing point up to 80 deg. F.
I^Kand <
The less hazardous solvents amyl alcohol, fusel oil, wood-
alcohol, grain alcohol, amyl acetate, turpentine and kerosene
are all inflammable, and some of them have low flash points
and are capable of generating inflammable vapors at tem-
peratures of from 60 to 120 deg, F. — W. D. Grier.
VOLATILITY— A property of bodies by which they are
disposed to assume the state of vapor and dissipate on the
application of heat, whether natural or artificial.
VOLT — The electrical unit of pressure. See Amperes; also
Electrical Terms.
VOMITORIES are short, intermediate exit passages con-
necting to the larger or main exitway. Used in theaters be-
tween main aisles of balconies to facilitate exit and for con-
VULCANIZERS— The same rule applies as to the setting
of gas stoves. Gas heat is penalized, no matter how safely
arranged, because gas heat at an appliance where rubber ce-
ment is used is considered dangerous. Steam heat is ap-
VULCANIZING — Cementing two or more pieces of rub-
ber together to form a compact mass. High temperature
steam or gas-heated machines of various designs are used.
WAFERS AND CONES (ice cream cones)— The hazards
are gas-heated bakers, mixers, automatic wafer and cone-
baking machines. The cones are made up in winter for sum-
mer trade. The largest stock is on hand in March. The
busiest season January to March, but the plants start active
production in October. The machines are of several types,
flat-rotating, pan-revolving (operated by hand) sheet wafer,
and large automatic cone bakers. The gas heat is directed
on the moulds from inside burners. The dough is poured on
the moulds, and baked in one revolution of the baker. An
operator at each machine scrapes off the charred baked
dough from the edges of the wafer or cone and the charred
parts fall to the floor. In low setting bakers, the scraps ac-
cumulate under the baker and are frequently blazing piles.
All baking machines should set on at least six inches of con-
crete. Baffle plates, although advocated by most rating bu-
reaus, under machines, tend to bank up the burning scraps
and should be omitted. Over the large bakers, there should
be a metal ventilated hood, the same as over a range, to
carry the heated air to the outside. Paper box making, ma-
chine shop for repairs, printing labels and pasting labels are
incidental hazards. This class has a bad fire record.
WAFERS (cocoanut) — Hazards are similar to ordinary
bakery. Glucose is heated in kettle with cocoanut, cooled
on marble slab, toasted in gas or coal ovens. Note the kind
of heat used for kettles and ovens.
WAGONS in open yards arc good insurance if the yard is
fenced in, and the neighborhood is free from rowdies. Open
trucks are preferable to closed wagons because they ofifer
no concealment to trespassers. See Vacant Lots.
WAINSCOT — A wood facing to walls in rooms, extend-
ing from floor.
WALLS — Several important considerations enter into the
construction of walls. The first is the nature of occupancy
of the structure bearing in mind that at some future time
the occupancy may radically change. The wall must be suf-
ficiently thick to safely carry a maximum live or dead load,
to stand upright to resist wind pressure and vibration and
form a solid fire wall especially where there is an adjoining
building. See Fire Wall.
Walls — For the warehouse class of buildings should be
common brick as follows: Twelve inches if not over 40 feet
high. If over 40 feet high require 16 inches for first 40
feet, and 12 inches above up to a height of not exceeding 60
feet. If over 60 feet, 20 inches for 25 feet and 16 inches
the balance up to 75 feet. If over 75 feet, 24 inches for 40
feet, then 20 inches for 35 feet, and 16 inches the balance up
to 100 feet. If over 100 feet, 28 inches for 40 feet, then 24
inches for 35 feet, then 20 inches for 25 feet and 16 inches
balance up to 125 feet. If over 125 feet, 32 inches for 30 feet,
then 24 inches for 35 feet, then 20 inches for 35 feet and
balance 16 inches to 150 feet high. See Bearing Wall.
WALL CHIMNEY— A chimney built into and forming
part of a wall. See Bracket Chimney; also Corbel.
WALL COVERINGS— Some are made of oxidized linseed
oil, Swedish clay, wood flour, chrome and earth colors, paraf-
fine, lithopone, or similar materials. Mixed dry, passed
through calender, spread over and pasted to paper backing.
Surface is polished with linseed oil and turpentine.
WALL-HYDRANT or fire plug. One set against or close
to a wall, connected with a supply pipe through or under the
months, July to October. Unless stock is turned over an-
nually, there is apt to be considerable shop-worn stock, and
out-of-date patterns on hand.
WALL PAPER — Finishing Process — Paper is varnished in
"varnishing and printing" machine by passing the paper over
a rubber-covered drum, coated with benzine or turpentine-
thinned varnish, which deposits a thin coat of varnish on the
paper. Paper then passes by means of a traveling belt over
steam pipes to dry, and carried in festoons a long distance,
being thoroughly dried before being removed at far end.
A ventilator, with a suction fan is located over the steam
pipes, which sucks the benzine or turpentine vapors to the
outer air. Static electricity is often produced in this proc-
ess if paper is passed too close to the metal ventilator. The
hazards consist of color-mixing, using clay, glue, lard and oil;
drying and embossing. Inspectors should note color room,
glue heaters, machine shop, sample book making, care of
waste and storage of oils. Fires in this class are usually
Very severe.
WALL PLATE— Timber laid along the tops of walls for
the roof trusses or rafters to rest upon so as to distribute
their weight more equally upon the wall. See Template. -
WALL SIZING — Consists of caustic soda, soda ash, tap-
ioca flour, cornstarch, dextrine, neutral salts, gum arabic
and dry soap powder. Grinding, mixing, sifting and packing-
are the important hazards.
WALNUTS— See Nuts.
"WAR CONDITIONS"— Constitute the great outstand-
ing cause for the high loss record. These conditions must
be classified as due to —
(a) Malice, to inflict damage from hostile motives or to
cripple war supplies. This has been a very serious factor,
affecting particularly grain depots, waterfront properties,
lumber, tobacco, factory and warehouse risks.
(b) Fires occasioned by the high pressure under which
the work of production and distribution has been rushed
and which has been the direct cause of large factory and
pier fires, including many sprinklered risks of large values.
With this should be included the menace of employment of
masses of untrained, inefficient help on technical processes.
(c) Fires and explosions resulting as an inevitable con-
sequence of the handling of vast quantities of explosive and
inflammable materials of which the Kingsland, N. J., and the
Halifax explosions and conflagrations -are typical instances.
— (Frank Lock.) See Guards.
WAR RISK INSURANCE can be written under two
forms, limited and broad. The limited form covers losses
caused by war, invasion, insurrection, riot, civil war, civil
commotion, including strikes, military or usurped power, bom-
bardment and for explosion directly caused by any of the
hazards mentioned. The broad forms affords protection
against all of the hazards covered by explosion and war
risk policies.
WAREHOUSE, PRIVATE— One where the contents are
owned by an individual or a corporation who agrees to cer-
tain specifications laid down by local rating bureaus.
WAREHOUSES— Bonded warehouse is one where the
goods are stored under government bond or control and
from which goods cannot be removed until certain govern-
ment requirements have been complied with. See Storage
Warehouses. See Alphabetical List; see Fibre Warehouses;
also Wharf Clause.
Listed Storage Stores are divided into two classes: fibre
and non-fibre, a distinction made to denote those which store
cotton and other vegetable fibres and those which do not.
In turn, non-fibre warehouses are dividjed into stipulated and
non-stipulated and chemical warehotisesITiCT/iOO 5IAVv""
Stipulated Warehouse will not accept certain merchandise
and chemicals. For instance, ammonia, benzine, chlorates,
etc., must be stored in a non-stipulated store.
Non-stipulated warehouse will accept, in addition to what
is allowed to be stored in a listed store, such chemicals and
merchandise which is not allowed in a stipulated warehouse.
Warehousemen sign an agreement stipulating that, they will
not store any fibre (in case of non-fibre warehouse) and to ex-
clude from their premises explosives and all drugs of a poi-
sonous or nauseous character. Non-stipulated warehouses
may store any kind of goods except fibre. See Chemical
Warehouses. :
WARP in weaving is the threads which are extended
lengthwise in the loom and crossed by the woof.
WASHING POWDERS usually contain soap powder, soda
ash and fine sand.
WASH-TUBS— Usually made from soapstone, called Al-
berene (taken from the name of the town from which the
stone is quarried).
mWASTE (cotton) if clean, i^;i^.t , subject to spontaneous
.combustion. See Oily Waste. f-.>-> y,...;! .,,
WASTE CANS (for oily waste or rags) provide a metal
can well riveted and with legs or rims holding bottom off
the floor, and the cover with a short spring or bar to keep
the lid off center so as to keep the can normally closed. For
rubbish or ashes, provide a metal can with metal rim at bot-
tom, so as to keep the base off the floor, and a metal coyer.
WASTE-PAPER STOCKS are prolific fire breeders. A
K. O. class with most insurance companies,
WATCHMAN AND CLOCK— Rounds are made hourly
nights from 6 P. M. to 6 A. M. and during the day on Sun-
days, holidays, and all idle periods. The clock must be ap-
proved bytlie underwriters. Central stati6h^supervisio'h'^re-
f erred. ';
WATCH OIL— Obtained from the dolphin, walrus, black-
fish, snuffer, or shark.
WATER — The total amount of water used in la'rg^ 'fires,
is not as great as frequently thought. A fire, for example,
requiring ten streams for five hours would use 750,000 gal-
lons. However, the rate of draft for fire fighting is fre-
quently high in comparison with the ordinary consumption.
Three standard fire streams discharging 750 gallons per
minute use water at a rate of a little more than a million
gallons a day, and ten streams means a rate of flow of about
three and one-half million gallons per twenty-four hours.
Pipe sizes must, of course, be proportioned for the maximum
rate of demand which any fire is likely to cause. — French.
See Tables.
. WATER CURTAINS— See Open Sprinklers.
, WATER GAS — A process in which the main volume of
gas, consisting of hydrogen; is taken out of the water. The
process* in brief, is: Steam is passed through retorts filled
with anthracite coal raised to a white heat by the air blast.
In its passage it is decomposed and the gas coming from
the pipes at the top consists of a mixture of hydrogen and
carbon dioxide. This serves as the carrier for the true il-
luminating agents which are a comparatively small percent-
age of the entire volume, and these are combined by mingling
with naphtha vapor. This mixture has now about the same
composition as ordinary coal gas, but must be fixed — that is,
made a staple compound by subjecting it to the effect of
heat and cold. This is accomplished by conducting it through
two series of pipes, surrounded in one case by cold running
water and the other by steam. It is then purified in the
same manner as mentioned. By passing it through a water-
tower loosely filled with material such as charcoal, down
through which water trickles as the gaseous vapor ascends,
the ammonia is dissolved; then, passing it through thin
layers of lime, the other main impurity, sulphureted hydro-
gen, is removed. It is then ready for distribution through
the city.
WATER-HAMMER in water pipes may best be overcome
by introducing devices which compel the slow opening and
closing of cocks and valves.
WATER JACKET— A device to prevent combustibles
from flowing on a naked flame. See Jacketed.
WATER PUTS OUT FIRE (HOW)— In order to under-
stand this, we must first know what fire is and what keeps
it burning.
Fire is a form of chemical combustion in which flames
make their appearance. There may be combustion or burn-
ing without flame, although not without heat. When a body
becomes heated from any cause and wastes away, turning
into something else (as smoke or ashes), it is said to under-
go combustion.
In the process of combustion or burning there must always
be at least two things. First, there must be the combustible,
and second, some supporter of combustion. When wood
burns in the open air, the wood is the combustible and the
air the supporter of combustion. The wood could not con-
tinue to burn if it were not surrounded by air. The air
supplies the gas (oxygen) which is essential to the act of
Water in small quantities is of no use because the elements
of water themselves are combustible (consisting of oxygen
and hydrogen), but when poured in from large streams and
falling in a deluge upon the flames, the heat of the latter is
insufficient in quantity to rapidly turn the water into steam
and then disassociate the oxygen and the hydrogen. Water
has a very high specific heat, i. e., it takes a great amount
of heat to change water from the cold liquid to the hot vapor-
ous form which we call steam. The heat of the fire is swiftly
devoured, so to speak, by thc^water falling upon it and ab-
sorbing it. The constant streams of water pouring in and the
clouds of steam arising serve as a blanket (not itself com-
bustible), which shuts off the air from the flames and thus
prevents them from obtaining oxygen from the surrounding
atmosphere as fuel as they did before. (Extracted from lec-
ture by Prof. Garret P. Serviss.) .See Water Pressure.
WATER MAINS should be laid in complete citcuit and
be of sufficient size, not less than 6 inches, to provide vol-
ume under such head or pressure as will insure the delivery
of full streams at each outlet in the service with a loss of
head of not over 10 to 12 pounds below normal pressure.
Exposed water pipes in dwellings can be prevented from
freezing by covering them an inch thick with a paste made
of boiled starch and sawdust, using a hemp twine or similar
cord as a binder, and then coating with tar. See Water Sys-
tems; see Dead Ends.
WATER PRESSURE— A cubic foot of sea water weighs
64 pounds. Each cubic foot may be regarded as standing on
a base of one square foot. Therefore, the pressure at the
base of a cubic foot of sea water is 64 pounds per square
foot. A cubic foot of water having a base of one scjuare
foot must be one foot high. The pressure at its base (64
pounds per square foot) is, therefore, the same as the pres-
sure which would be encountered at one foot below sea level.
One hundred and forty-four square inches make one square
foot. A vertical column of water having a sectional area
of 1 square inch would therefore weigh 1-144 as much as a
column equally high, but having a section area of one square
foot. Since the pressure per square foot is 64 pounds, the
pressure per square inch is 1-144 of 64 = 64-144 = 4-9 = 0.44
pounds per square inch. At two feet below sea level, or
double the depth, double the height and weight of water
Stands on each square inch, therefore the pressure is double,
or 2 X 0.44 = 0.88 per square inch.
Each extra foot of depth adds an extra pressure of 0.44
pounds per square inch. To find the pressure at any depth,
multiply the depth in feet by 0.44 pounds per square inch.
— The Steamships. See Pressure.
How to determine the number of gallons of water dis-
charged at a fire — Let us assume that a gravity tank is ele-
vated 20 feet above the roof and the height of the tank is
12 feet and the building is six stories high.
The fire takes place on the second floor. Example:
: .: :■.:•]..> .: Feeti^ Off.
Height of tank, full ^jr^? •'glJflAW •5^:^T'i^\W
Distance above roof 20
Height of sixth floor 12
Height of fifth floor 12
Height of fourth floor ,..,^. ,,.... 11
Height of third flour .,,^;..,. ^,. ... U
Height of second floor... (at sprinkler head) 2
To get the pressure at second floor, multiply
elevation by 434 *
Which equals 34.720 lbs. -
Say pressure is 35 pounds. With Grinnel type "A" head
21 gallons of water per minute would be discharged. (Al-
ways find out type of head, as amount of discharge differs.)
If 21 gallons of water per minute from each head, for two
heads it would be 42 gallons, and if heads operated for ten
minutes' duration there would be approximately 420 gallons
of water discharged. See Water Puts Out Fire.
—Paper is treated in nitric acid solution, then piled in sheets
and placed in hydraulic press.
* See Pressure.
subject has received great attention from architects and
builders owing to the natural tendency of concrete to ab-
sorb moisture. One method, and perhaps the oldest, is the
tar and asphalt method of coating either with or without a
paper or fabric binding or reinforcement. This method is
useful in most cases but could not be used to advantage on
the outside surface of a sea wall or under similar conditions.
On the outside surface of a building, or on a floor where
acids or alkali liquids are used, the integral method might
be employed. In substance, this method is the introduction
of a waterproofing compound into the cement or concrete
which does not hasten or retard the setting of the concrete
but which tends to close up all pores or voids and thus render
the concrete work a solid moisture resisting body. There
are other methods employed by builders, and many patented
compounds on the market; but all of them rely on the prin-
ciple that there must be a continuous bond between the
aggregates of the concrete of sufficient strength and dura-
bility to withstand the elements of time and weather.
WATERPROOFING PAPER— Paper is coated with a
resinous soap, given bath of zinc chloride, pressed in rollers,
washed, dried, coated with paraffine, then run through a cal-
WATER SUPPLIES— See Tables for Capacity of Tanks.
Also Private Fire Plants.
WATER SYSTEMS— The first duty of an inspector is to
find out the merit of the water supply available in case of
fire, and if inadequate, lay out a private water supply to
properly protect the property. See Water Mains.
WATER TABLE— A slight projection of the lower ma-
sonry or brickwork on the outside of a wall and reaching
to a few feet above the ground surface.
WATER-TIGHT FLOORS should be required in all plants
where a heavy water loss is possible to the lower floors.
The use of scuppers for carrying off the' water is recom-
WATER TOWERS should be constructed so as to send
a horizontal stream into a building at a height of 80 feet.
Sometimes they throw streams almost vertical, which are
of no use.
WATER-TUBE BOILER— A boiler in which the water
circulates in tubes, aroand which the heat and gases of com-
bustion pass.
WATER VARNISHES— Gum lac dissolved in hot water
and mixed with ammonia and borax.
WATT — See Electrical Terms; also Kilowatt.
WAX KETTLES should be steam-heated. If gas-heated,
the kettle should be provided with a suitable water jacket.
WAX POLISH may be beeswax and turpentine.
WEATHER BOARDS— The boards nailed to vertical or
inclined timbers at the sides of a building.
WEAVE — To unite, as threads of any kind, in such a man-
ner as to form a texture; to entwine or interlace into a fabric.
WELD — To join two pieces of metal together by first
softening them under the action of heat and then hammering
them in contact with each other. See Oxy-acetylene Weld-
WELL HOLE — A larger opening than an ordinary light
or ventilating shaft, piercing a series of floors for purposes
of light and ventilation. Are dangerous features. Their
large area makes all floors practically gallery floors, and
fires quickly spread from floor to floor. See Shafts.
WHARF CLAUSE is attached to insurance policies when
lines are to cover in storage, so that the assured is covered
for ten days while the goods are on the wharf waiting as-
signment to a warehouse. See Piers.
WHEELWRIGHT— The hazards are those of small wood-
workers and machine shops with painting.
WHITE LEAD is a compound consisting of carbonate of
lead and hydrate of lead in chemical solution.
The Carter Process — Metallic lead is melted, and while
molten is riven into fine particles, like flour, by a jet of
high-pressure superheated steam. This amorphous powder,
of a steel gray or dark blue color, is charged into a revolv-
ing cylinder 5 to 7 feet in diameter, by 8 x 12 feet long. One
end of the cylinder is connected to an exhaust fan, and the
other to a flue leading from a furnace where carbonic acid
gas is generated from burning charcoal. Generally the prod4
ucts from combustion from a coke fire under a steam boiler
of the plant are used for the corroding gas, the furnace gases
having been washed and purified to free them from the sul-
phur present. The temperature of the revolving cylinder and
the charge of powdered lead is kept at 140 deg. F. Diluted
acetic acid and hot water is sprayed into the chamber at dif-
ferent times during the corroding process. The agitation is
constant, as is also the heat. Balance of treatment, such as
grinding, is the same as Dutch process. "Rustless Coatings;
Corrosion and Electrolysis of Iron and Steel." — John Wiley
& Sons, Inc., publishers.
Dutch Process — In this process thin perforated sheets of
lead are exposed in gall pots containing a weak solution of
acetic acid (water 25/2 parts of strong acid) or common cider
vinegar. The pots are placed in long tiers, each tier being
loosely covered with boards and stacked in large numbers.
The bed of pots is then imbedded in tan bark, sawdust, stable
litter, etc., that ferments and soon raises the temperature of
the mass to 140 to 165 deg. F. A quantity of vinegar con-
taining 50 lbs. of strong acid converts two tons of lead into
the carbonate of lead in about 100 days. The only attention
the beds require during the process of corrosion is to con-
trol the temperature of the mass by regulating the admission
of air to the interior of the bed by opening or closing the
apertures left for that purpose. The corrosion is practically
completed at the end of sixty days; but the lead is of light
specific gravity, so it is the practice to allow the beds to re-
main 30 to 40 days longer, in which time the lead acquires a
proper density. If the lead is allowed to remain in the bed
too long, say 5 or 6 months, it is liable to become crystalline
and transparent, and will be of poor covering power. Care
is necessary in the use of stable litter to change the white
carbonate of lead as it forms, into a dark sulphide of lead
from the sulphurous hydrogen evolved during the process of
decomposition of the manure.
At the time of stacking, the air in the beds contains 20 parts
oxygen; after two weeks it contains only 17 parts; in five or
six weeks 7 to 15 parts, while the carbonic acid element will
have increased from % to 23 or 27 per cent, during the
process of corrosion. (Note. I believe there is not enough
oxygen and too much carbonic acid gas to support combus-
tion. W. O. L.)
From 30 to 40 per cent of the lead remains unchanged,
which is separated from the carbonate by passing contents of
the pots through a series of rolls, beaters and screens. The
corroded lead is then mixed with water and ground in burr
stones to a powder. Generally this part of the process is
omitted (by the quick process lead manufacturers) because of
the fine state of division necessary to reduce the metal lead
for these processes. The uncorroded particles are so inti-
mately associated with the carbonate that they are indiffer-
ently eliminated in the separator and if run over the water
stones, will cover the face of the stones with a coating of
metallic lead that soon impairs the grinding power and im-
parts a dark color to the product.
After grinding, the mixed carbonate and water is mechan-
ically floated to remove any coarse particles, then pumped to
large settling tanks where it is double washed with pure soft
water and bicarbonate of soda to remove any trace of acetic
acid. When settled pumped to large copper drying pans and
water evaporated. Drying requires 6 to 8 days, the tem-
perature of the dry rooms being 140 to 165 deg. F. Then
pulverized and marketed as dry white lead or ground in burr
stones with linseed oil for a paste or paint.
A modification of. the Dutch process, known as pulp lead,
consists of taking the pulp lead from the settling tanks and
placing same in a tank of linseed oil and subjecting the
moisture to a high speed mechanical stirring for a number
of hours. Some of the water rises to thie top and is drawn
off but a great part is whipped into the emulsion or forced
into combination with the lead. Pulp lead is inferior.
All processes are detrimental to the health of the men
owing to the gases evolved during the process. ''Rustless
Coatings; Corrosion and Electrolysis of Iron and Steel." —
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., publishers.
WHITE LEAD, IMITATION— Made of lithopone, ba-
rytes, zint oxide, linseed oil, fish oil, corn oil, tallow,. water,
WHITE VITRIOL— Also known as zinc sulphate and is
soluble in water.
WHITEWASH— Merely pure lime mixed with water and
perhaps a little salt.
WHITING — Made from chalk which is ground in a chaser,
settled in vats, cooked in water, dried and ground. Dry room
WIND — That the direction of the prevailing wind should
be a factor in the underwriting of a fire insurance risk on ac-
count of the exposures is a fact not apt to be taken in con-
sideration by the inexperienced. A building to windward of
another, which is peculiarly liable to take fire, will be penal-
ized less than one in the lee of the dangerous building.
WIND MILLS — The old style types are subject to a serious
fire hazard due to the ignition of the wooden shafts, by rea-
son of over-heated gearing caused by racing in a heavy wind.
WINDOW DECORATIONS have caused numerous fires,
especially where gas lights are used. Highly inflammable
fnateifial, such as tissue paper streamers, cotton wadding
wrapped around strings, should not be permitted in win-
dows, where gas is used. A draft of air may blow the ma-
terial into the gas flame. Such materials should never be
wrapped around electric light globes. Celluloid articles can
be set on fire by heat radiated from lamps and sun's rays.
WINDOW PROTECTION— In the Alwyn Court apart-
ment house fire, March 4, 1910, the fire burst through the
windows at tenth floor and by means of thin glass windows
at court gained access to floors above. Being out of reach
of fire department hose streams, it was hard to combat. In
fireproof buildings, the intense heat of burning material is
projected through windows, and as smoke and flames curl
upward from the top of the window it thus spreads to upper
floors. Wired glass window protection is recommended. See
Wired Glass.
WINDOWS — The different parts are sill, horizontal mun-
tins, vertical muntins, transom bars, stop stile, upper rail,
jamb, head and walling-in flange.
WINDOW SASH WEIGHTS are made from old tin cans
which are placed in rotary furnaces and come out as molten
metal; then cast into window sash weights. Foundry hazard.
An unattractive class.
WINDOW SHADES— Factories are usually one long
frame building without lights, and heated by steam from a
boiler in a detached structure. The sheets of cotton or mus-
lin are fastened to large swinging wood frames. The first
day, the cloth is sized with thin glue. The following day,
it is coated with paint reduced about two-thirds with benzine.
Usually a nuisance to neighborhood. A bad fire record class.
WINE contains about 8 to 25 per cent, of alcohol. No ex-
plosive vapors generated in manufacturing or handling. Man-
ufacturing is not hazardous. See Distilleries.
WIRE is covered with cotton thread by drawing the wire
over a roller revolving in a trough of glue then thread
twisted on, dried by passing over steam plate, and wound
on reels. An automatic machine.
WIRE FABRIC— Fine wire fabric of copper or brass is
made into mesh by spinning, weaving and carding, similar to
the process of making yarn. Other hazards are plating, an-
nealing, tempering and light metal working.
WIRE LATH — A fabric or mesh of wires used in furring
in place of wood lath.
WIRE SPIRAL COLUMNS— Consist of a continuous
spiral of wire held upright and spaced equidistant by ver-
tical reinforcing and spacing bars. Used as concrete rein-
WIRE TEMPERING— The wire is drawn through the
flame of a coke furnace. As it emerges, it passes through a
sand pit and is reeled up slowly for gradual cooling. It
then passes through a lead bath and is reeled. The lead pot
is coke-heated. This method is called lead tempering.
WIRE WORKS— Hazards are drawing, spinning, anneal-
ing and tempering, metal working and machine shops. Con-
sidered good insurance risks!
WIRED GLASS— Its value lies in the fact that when
broken, the pieces do not fall apart. Should not be less
than one-fourth inch thick with wire fabric not larger than
WOOD 503
seven-eighths inch and wire not smaller than 24 B. and S.
gauge. Plate glass is better than thin glass. See Shutters.
WIRED GLASS WINDOWS (efficiency of)— As a fire re-
tardant wired glass has two defects: First, it will not stand
as high a temperature as is known to occur in some fires and
under some conditions; and second, it radiates heat to such
an extent that combustible material at a distance of six feet
may be ignited on the side away from the fire, even when the
glass remains intact. Fusing point of glass is about 2200
deg. F. See Window Protection.
WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY outfits require extreme care
in wiring and grounding.
WOAD — A plant used in blue dye manufacturing.
WOMEN'S NAMES— See Names. See Moral Hazard.
WOOD (spontaneous combustion of) — When wood is ex-
posed to the long continued action of heat, it undergoes
progressive changes nearly akin to those which have taken
place during the conversion of vegetation into coal. If the
wood remains in contact with the heated surface for a con-
siderable length of time, a temperature of a few degrees
above the boiling point of water is enough to produce a
semi-carbonized film. The wood will start smoldering at a
very low temperature. The heat from an oil lamp or gas
flame some distance away is sufficient to start the smolder-
ing combustion. Even the temperature of a steam pipe has
been found sufficient to cause ignition. — Frank R. Fair-
weather, in "Insurance Engineering."
WOOD ALCOHOL— Clear, colorless, obtained by dry dis-
tillation of wood. Flash, 45 deg. F. Classed as inflammable.
See Alcohol.
WOOD ENGRAVERS— Light woodworking hazard.
WOOD FENCE HAZARD— Boys with bonfires oc-
casionally ignite fences, which in turn set fire to nearby
INGS — Ex-Chief Croker of New York at the meeting of the
International Municipal Congress, said: "If I had my way
^fi^ INSPECTION aUD underwriting
about it, I would not permit a piece of wood even the size
of a lead pencil to be used in the construction of finish of
any building in the United States exceeding a ground area
of 25 by 50 feet, or three stories in height. If there was still
an absolute necessity for its use, if we could find nothing to
replace it, it would then be well to attempt to conceive of
something better. I am opposed to the use of wood in any
form in fireproof buildings, and the law ought not to permit
its use. Wooden floors, wooden window frames, doors and
casings burn, and trim and bases burn, everything that is
made of wood burns and helps the fire to spread. Eliminate
wood — remove the cause, and you have precluded the possi-
bility of fires."
WOOD (fireproofing of) — Lumber is run into large steam
cylinders and vacuum is used to draw out the air; then it is
run into a solution of ammonia salts or alum, then to dry
kiln. Inspect this class and write cautiously.
WOOD FIBRE— Called wood pulp. Shavings boiled in
caustic soda then chloride of lime.
WOOD FLOORS— In fireproof buildings should be laid
without air space, i. e., "cement and cinder fill" should be
laid around the sleepers to the underpart of the floor boards.
WOOD FLOUR— Wood reduced to fine powder. Not-
hazardous and will not ignite spontaneously.
WOOD GAS— Obtained by the distillation of wood. Very
WOOD HEEL MANUFACTURING— Process consists of
woodworking, nailing, trimming, sandpapering and covering
with leather or celluloid. Glue heating. Celluloid is worked
in acetone. A poor fire record class.
WOOD NAPHTHA— See Wood Alcohol.
WOOD OIL — A drying oil similar to linseed oil, derived
from the nut of the Chinese tree; sometimes, called Tung
Oil. Likely to cause spontaneous combustion.
WOOD PRESERVATIVES— In preserving wood, the fbl-'
lowing materials are generally used. Coal-tar creosote, hard-
wood tar, wood creosote, copperized oil, sodium silicate, bi-
product zinc sulphate, zinc chloride, zinc sulphate, cresol
calcium, sodium flouride; heavy coal-tar oils mixed with small
pertentage of linseed oil, and a trace of turpentine, then
chlorinated; i. e., treated with chlorine. Oil preparations in-
crease the inflammability of the wood. Inspect class. See
Preservation of Timber.
leys. See Strut Boards.
WOOD PULP — Commonly called wood flour when in
finely divided state.
WOOD SPIRITS— See Wood Alcohol.
WOODWORKING— See Cabinet Factories.
WOOL (green) — Wool which has been shipped promptly
after shearing, instead of lying in storage, as is usually the
case. It is slightly heavier and contains more moisture than
that which has been allowed to take the customary course
through the warehouse.
WOOL NOILS are the short fibres combed out of the
long wool.
WOOL PULLERIES— The principal hazards are the dry-
ers which should be of standard construction; dusters which
should have blowers, and the sweat room. Fair insurance
WOOLEN CLIPPINGS, if clean, are considered fairly
good insurance risks.
(washed) to remove dirt, natural oil and grease in steam-
heated vats with water and soap, then dried. Dryers are
usually heated by air blown from steam coils. The wool is
placed on a continuous wire belting which travels through
the dry room. See Worsted Mills.
WOOLENS — If of good texture and of dark color, they
are not readily damaged by fire and smoke. Clean water
causes little damage if dried immediately. If in bolts (piece
goods), considered good insurance.
WOOLEYS SOLVENT— A cleaning fluid, classed as kero-
WORK TABLES— See Cutting Tables.
WORSTED MILLS — Raw stock is green wool. Proc-
esses in the main consist of wool sorting, wool scouring,
carding, combing, drawing, spinning, weaving, wet finishing
and dry finishing.
WORT is extract from malt, hops and water.
WROUGHT-IRON is not brittle like cast-iron, because
there is only ^ to ^ lb. of carbon in every 100 lbs. of
wrought-iron. It seems to be composed of threads of fibres
of the metal lying alongside of each other, so it is said to
have a fibrous structure. It can be molded. — Hooker's Chem-
WROUGHT IRON OR STEEL when heated have a ten-
dency to twist, due to the softening of the material and the
consequent reduction of the resistance to tension and com-
pression. They should be protected when used as structural
members of a building. See Cast Iron. See Illustration.
XCIX — Special reducer, flashes at 180 deg. F. Classed as
XGLOGRAPHY — The act or art of cutting figures in
wood, in representation of natural objects.
X-RAYS — A delicate, very susceptible piece of machinery
used by physicians. The rays produced are able to penetrate
many substances that are impermeable to light. The rays
are produced with a glass vacuum tube and a battery, from
which a current of electricity is sent through the tube. The
wires of the battery are connected with two electrodes, one
of which consists of a concave disc of aluminum, and the
other of a flat disc of platinum.
XVIII SPECIAL— A benzine substitute, flash 103 deg. F.
Classed as non-volatile.
XYLODIN — Paper immersed for a moment in strong nitric
acid and then washed in distilled water. The paper acquires
the toughness of parchment and the combustibility of tinder.
XYLOGLODINE— An explosive compound.
XYLOL — Inflammable liquid, used as solvent for paint.
XYLONITE — Produced from tissue paper, treated with
sulphuric acid and nitric acid, and converting the resulting
nitrocellulose into a pulp, which is afterwards mixed with
camphor and spirits of wine worked into a dough, pressed
into blocks, and cut into sheets. Very inflammable. See
XYROLENE — An imitation ivory; similar to celluloid.
Very hazardous.
YARN — Woolen or other thread spun and prepared for
YEAST is a living plant used for the purpose of causing
fermentation. The yeast we use in baking is artificial, com-
posed of a dough made of flour and starch and a little com-
mon yeast made into small cakes and dried. It is necessary
to add water to start the fermentation: *
YEAST FACTORIES— The process consists of receiving,
elevating, cleaning, malting, grinding, conveying, mashing,
cooking and fermenting the grain. The scum (yeast) from
the tops of fermenting tanks is removed, mixed with water
and starch, filtered and then pressed into cakes. The hazards
are those of breweries. See Vinegar Works.
YELLOW METAL— A kind of brass.
YELLOW WOOD— A hard wood of the dyers' mulberry
tree. Used as a yellow dye in consequence of the large
amount of tannic acid it contains.
YUCCA GRANCA— A wild grass of the Southwest, is now
being used in paper-making.
,DVllWJi\d j/ii.\
ZACATON— See Yucca Granca.
Z BAR — An iron or steel rail, shaped at end or cross-sec-
tion like the letter "Z," except that angles are 45 degrees.
ZANTE— Used as yellow dye.
ZAPON LACQUER— Used for varnishing metal. It is a
solution of gun cotton.
ZEA FIBRE — May be used in paper or cordage manu-
ZERO — In Fahrenheit's scale, 32 degrees below freezing
point of water. In Centigrade and Reaumur's scales, zero
is the freezing point of water.
ZERO WEATHER— Always brings numerous claims for
fires caused by overheating stoves or furnaces. See Coal
ZINC — A bluish-white metal; is brittle when cold, but can
be rolled into sheets when heated to a certain degree. Explo-
sions in chemical risks are known to have been caused where
zinc is dissolved in hydrochloric acid.
ZINC (resinate of) — Not permitted in listed storage stores
on account of the fine state of division of the resin in the
compound. It may be expected to heat and ignite spon-
taneously, if moist; similar to zinc dust.
ZINC CHLORIDE— The salt obtained by heating zinc in
chlorine gas; a powerful dehydrant.
ZINC DROSS — A material skimmed from zinc; a by-
product of galvanizing iron.
ZINC DUST — Consists chiefly of finely-divided metallic
zinc. Subject to spontaneous combustion when wet. Classed
as inflammable. Not permitted in stipulated stores.
ZINC ETCHING, up to a certain point, is quite similar to
half-tone work, and is usually employed to reproduce pen
sketches or designs which are photographed, as in half-tone
process. In printing on the zinc plates from the negatives,
however, no screen is used as in making half-tones. After
the sensitized zinc plate has been printed from the negative
it is "rolled up" or inked. The ink is then removed from all
parts of the plate except those affected by the light. On
these parts it remains and then the plate is rubbed with
dragon's blood, which adheres to the ink portions only. The
application of dragon's blood is frequently necessary to pro-
tect the parts of the plate which are not to be etched. After
sufficient number of etchings, or "bites" as they are called,
the plate is passed to the router.
ZINC ETHYL ignites in air of ordinary temperature.
ZINC FLUE DUST is sometimes similar to zinc dust.
ZINC METHYL is very volatile and takes fire in contact
with air.
ZINC OXIDES — Prepared by burning zinc in atmosphere,
air or by heating the carbonate to redness. To prepare
zinc on a large scale, metallic zinc is volatilized in large
earthen mufflers whence the zinc vapor passes into a small re-
ceiver where it comes in contact with a current of air and is
oxidized. The zinc oxide thus formed passes immediately
into a condensing chamber, divided into compartments with
cloths. Then filtered, pressed, dried, ground and pulverized.
Attrition mills, burr mills and ball mills are used for grind-
ing. Considerable dust is generated in the process.
ZINC SMELTERS— Hazards similar to foundries. Fur-
naces resemble those used in glass works.
ZINC SULPHATE— See White Vitrol.^^^^^^.^^ ^
ZINKENITE — A mineral containing sulphur, lead, anti-
mony and copper.
ZUMIC ACID— An acid discovered in vegetable substances
which have fermented.
ZYMONE— The residue of the gluten of wheat after it
has been treated with alcohol.
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