GIFT OF SPANISH GRAMMAR FOR THE USE OF COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS BY SAMUEL GARNER, PH.D. RECENTLY PROFESSOR OF MODERN LANGUAGES, UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY "El que quiere hablar bien, debe principiar por hablar mal" NEW YORK- : CINCINNATI-:- CHICAGO AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY SERVATION >Y ADDED u as u in rule : mulo. b. DIPHTHONGS (of Strong and Weak Vowels) ai, ay as in baile, ay. ia as in diario. au as in aula. ua as in cuando, guarda. ei, ey as in veinte, ley. ie as in miel. eu as in deuda. ue as in luego. oi, oy as in oigo, hoy. io as in dios. ou as in bou. uo as in cuota. 10 SPANISH GRAMMAR Note that in diphthongs formed of a strong plus a weak vowel, or of a weak plus a strong, the chief stress is on the strong vowel. Where this is not true, the accent is marked : traigo, but traido. Also that strong vowels in contact make separate syllables, but only when one of them bears the stress : poeta, but linea. c. DIPHTHONGS (of two Weak Vowels) iu as in diurno ui, uy as in ruin, muy. Note that in diphthongs of two weak vowels the last is stressed, unless the first bears the written accent : buitre, but fliiido, where the diphthong is dissolved by the accent. Also that in all unaccented final diphthongs neither vowel has any decided stress : lirio, antiguo. d. TRIPHTHONGS (of a Weak plus a Strong plus a Weak Vowel) The stress is on the strong vowel. iai as in estudiais. uai, uay as in amortiguais, guay. iei as in pronunci&s. uei, uey as in desagii&s, buey. CONSONANTS 2. In Spanish nearly all consonants are pronounced much more indistinctly than in English. So much is this the case that many careless speakers allow them to be assimilated or absorbed by contiguous sounds. They are best studied and classified from their relation to the vocal organs. a. LABIALS (Lip Sounds) v as in vivo. p as. in pavo. f as in faena. m as in mam&. b as in bebo. w as in Wlber, Windsor. NOTE. Bring the lips lightly together in the middle, but keep them apart in the corners of the mouth. Then pronounce the corresponding English letters, V and / are the weakest and are PRONUNCIATION I j made by the merest contact of the lips ; b, p, and m require a little more pressure. W occurs only in foreign proper names. In those coming from German, w is sounded as v, while in English names it is like u : Weber = Ve"ber / Windsor = Uindsor. b. DENTO-LINGUALS (Tooth-Tongue Sounds) c before e and i \ . . f cebo, ciencia. ' >asm m thin \ z in all positions J ( zapa, baza. ch as ch in church : muchacho. d as d in did, but with the vanish of th in the : dedo. I as /in let: lecho, alma. II as li'vo. filial: bello, llamo. n as n in bone : uno, mente. n before hard g and c as n in ring: tengo, bianco, n (n with the tilde) as ni in union : nino. t as / in ten : todo, entonces. Note that these Spanish sounds are produced by placing the tip of the tongue against the lower edge of the upper front teeth, while the position of the tongue in English is just where the gums join the upper teeth.* c. ASPIRATES g before e and / ) , . . f agente, gime. f . [ as h in hat \ j in all positions j (. bajo, junto. NOTE. Set the vocal organs for a in hat; then expel the breath lightly a^s if clearing the throat. It is much more strongly aspirated than our) English h. h is silent in all positions : ahora, hablar. d. GUTTURALS (Throat Sounds) J before a, o, u, and ' \ before a consonant qu before e, i ( cabo. codo. cuando, acci6n. as c m cat \ , , . ( quedo, aquf, kiosco. k in all positions * Except, however, n before hard g and c, which is a tongue-palate sound. 12 . SPANISH GRAMMAR J before a, o, u, and ] g 1 before a consonant as ^ in ^ I flto ' S ota > gu before ,, / J ( si ue > ^ NOTE. When the u of * and gui is pronounced, it receives the diaeresis : antigiiedad, lingiiistica. e. LIQUIDS (trills) r is slightly trilled : pero, leer. r initial or after /, n, s is rana, rosa, malrotar, strongly trilled : honra, israelita. rr strongly trilled : perro, tierra. NOTE. The finals ar, er, ir, or, z/r are pronounced with a short, clear trill : fiar, comer, vivir, olor, tahur. Observe also that the Spanish r is made with the tongue vibrating against the gums just back of the upper teeth, never in the throat. f. s is always s in base : casa, sastre. x is a double consonant and is generally equivalent to ks t k very slightly pronounced : examen. y is a consonant only when initial or between two vowels and is y in yes : yeso, cay6. 3. Dialectic and other peculiarities. In some parts of Spain and generally in Spanish America certain consonants are interchanged with others and certain others are sup- pressed. This is not uncommon even with well-educated people. Vowels coming into contact with each other in the same sentence are merged into a single sound : <; Que^estajiaci- endo? What is he doing? De esta manera, in this way; ,;C6mo esta usted ? How are you? This is done by all classes, and the learner should adopt it ' at once. PRONUNCIATION 13 4. As to the consonants : b interchanges with v, and vice versa, as bibo and bivo for vivo, vevo and bevo for bebo. c (before e and t) is pronounced as s : coser for cocer. c and p before /are assimilated : perfetto for perfecto, ratto for rapto (both t's being sounded). d final and between two vowels is absorbed : verda for verdad, naa for nada, vivio for vivido, dao for dado. g is absorbed before u : aua for agua. n final is pronounced as though followed by g: Don(g) Juan(g). 11 as y (consonant) : cabayo for caballo, and as English// llorar. x loses its /^-element, becoming s: espresar for expresar. s is dropped, especially when final and before consonants : pue for pues. i C6mo eta ute ? for <: Como esta usted ? La mima cosas for las mis mas cosas. y is pronounced as English// yo, yeso. z is substituted for s, and vice versa : C6mo eztd ozte" ? for or the father and mother, the parents. And so : los reyes, the king and queen. amos, master and mistress. los tios, the uncle and aunt. esposos, husband and wife. los parientes, the kinsmen (both duques, duke and duchess. sexes) . hijos, sons and daughters. los hermanos, the brothers and abuelos, grand parents, ances- sisters. tors. f 2O SPANISH GRAMMAR GENDER 18. Natural gender. Most nouns indicating living be- ings are masculine or feminine according to sex: el h ombre, the man. la mujer, the woman. el padre, the father. la madre, the mother. el hijo, the son. la hija, the daughter. el tio, the uncle. la tia, the aunt. el caballo, the horse. la yegua, the mare. el toro, the bull. la vaca, the cow. el gallo, the cock. la gallina, the hen. NOTE. It is well to learn all nouns of this kind in pairs, as they are more easily remembered thus. 19. Grammatical gender. All nouns having no natural gender are, by a kind of grammatical fiction, treated as either masculine or feminine. The gender of such nouns can only be learned by observation. The best aid to this is to attach the. proper article to each noun when learned. The student should fix in his mind the general rule that o is a masculine and a a feminine termination. Hence : a. Excepting la mano, hand, la nao, ship, la seo, cathedral church, nouns in o final are masculine : el vino, wine. siglo, century. deseo, desire. el vaso, glass (vessel) . ano, year. fuego, fire. el vicio, vice. tiempo, time. patio, yard, court. el vidrio, glass. verano, summer. espacio, space. el estado, state. viento, wind. encanto, charm. b. A large majority of nouns ending in a are feminine. Ob- serve particularly the terminal part, in heavy type, as being characteristically feminine : la pereza, laziness. afrenta, affront. gracia, grace. , fortune, comida, dinner. doctrina, doctrine. NOUN 2 I laabeja, bee. llanura, evenness, disputa, dispute. la lechuga, lettuce. linea, line. empresa, undertaking. la arrogancia, arrogance, alegria,/0y. entrada, entrance. ladiferencia, difference, derrota, course. escalera, stairs. la alianza, alliance. descarga, discharge, escena, scene. la prensa, press. fabula, fable. estufa,.j/0ztf. la envidia, envy. fa\.\g&, fatigue, excusa, excuse. la divisa, device. entrega, delivery. flotilla, flotilla. NOTE. The exceptions under this heading are chiefly words having the final syllable ma : el tema, thente. ^Q\>\Z\T\&, problem, idioma, language. el drama, drama. sistema, system. dilema, dilemma. el poema, poem. clima, climate. enigma, enigma. Exceptions : la diadema, diadem ; la rima, rime. c. Many nouns ending in consonants are masculine ; but the exceptions are too numerous to make a rule of any practical value. All phrases and parts of speech used as nouns, and gener- ally the names of ships, are masculine: el si, the consent (yes); el por que", the why ; los vivas, the hurrahs ; el comer, the eating; El Reina Regente, El Vizcaya, El Oquendo, El Plut6n. d. Feminine are the letters of the alphabet and all nouns end- ing in ion, tad, dad, tud, umbre, ie, and abstract nouns in ez : la pasi6n, passion. mitad, half. virtud, virtue. la naci6n, nation. libertad, liberty. esclavitud, slavery. la creaci6n, creation. edad, age. serie, series. la estaci6n, season. bondad, goodness, especie, species. la muchedumbre, crowd, vejez, old age. sencillez, simplicity. FORMATION OF FEMININE NOUNS 20. The feminine of nouns denoting- living beings is expressed either by changing the ending of the mascu- line, by a different word, or by using macho, male, or hembra, female. 22 SPANISH GRAMMAR a. The ending o becomes a : el abuelo, the grandfather. la abuela, the grandmother. el hijo, the son. la hija, the daughter. el hermano, the brother. la hermana, the sister. el tio, the uncle. la tia, the aunt. el primo, the cousin. la prima, the cousin (/em.). el sobrino, the nephew. la sobrina, niece. el viudo, the widower. la viuda, the widow. b. Most nouns ending in a consonant add a : el patr6n, the patron. la patrona, the patroness. el Ie6n, the lion. la leona, the lioness. el traidor, the traitor. la traidora, the traitress. el lector, the reader. la lectora, the reader (fern.), el marque's, the marquis. la marquesa, the marchioness. el ingle's the Englishman. la inglesa, the Englishwoman. el senor, the gentleman. la senora, the lady. el capitan, the captain. la capitana, /5for captain's wife. el dios, /-# god. la diosa, //z friisimo. 32 SPANISH GRAMMAR b. Final co, go, z become respectively qu, gu, c : rico, rich, riquisimo ; vago, restless, vague, vaguisimo ; atroz, atrocious, atrocisimo. c. The ending die is changed to bil : amable, amiable, ama- bilisimo. Except feble, feeble, endeble, weak, and doble, double, which are regular (31, a) : feble, feblisimo, very feeble, etc. d. Tonic ie and ue revert to e and o, the primitive Latin vowels : ardiente, ardent, ardentisimo ; cierto, certain, certisimo ; nuevo, new, novisimo ; fuerte, strong, fortisimo. e. The following form their absolute superlative in accordance with their Latin radicals : acre, sour, ace"rrimo. libre,y)r minimo, very small, {youngest. } los mas (de), the most. muchisimo, very much. los menos (de), the fewest. poquisimo, very few. a. The comparatives and relative superlatives of the above ad- jectives, as well as all comparative forms, such as superior, inferior, interior, exterior, etc., have but one termination for the mascu- line and feminine : la mayor parte, the greater part; el mejor de mis amigos, the best of my friends. 33- Participles used as adjectives undergo all the modi- fications of the latter : querido, dear (from querer, to love), mas querido, dearer, el mas querido, the dearest, queridi- simo, very dear. POSITION OF ADJECTIVES 34. The adjective may stand either before or after the noun it qualifies, but its position is not altogether arbitrary. SPAN. GRAM. 3 34 SPANISH GRAMMAR While in some instances it depends on the choice of the speaker, in others the harmony of the sentence or usage determines its place. 35. The more common position is after the noun, es- pecially when it is desired to attribute to a noun a quality which does not necessarily belong to it. Many adjectives which follow the noun may be ranged under certain headings : i st. The names of colors and other qualities appreciable to the senses : un caballo bianco, a white horse ; una vaca negra, a black cow; vino tinto, red wine ; la fiebre amarilla, the yellow fever ; una mesa redonda, a round table ; una superficie liana, a smooth surface. 2d. Adjectives derived from proper names : la lengua cas- tellana, the Castilian language ; las dependencias espanolas, the Spanish dependencies ; la musica alemana, the German music. NOTE. Nouns used as adjectives invariably follow : el proceso Dreyfus, the Dreyfus case. 3d. Participial or verbal adjectives : una hija amada, a beloved daughter; un edificio cuadrado, a square edifice ; un deseo ar- diente, an ardent desire ; una herida penetrante, a deep wound. 4th. Adjectives modified by adverbs or containing more syl- lables than the nouns they qualify : un hombre tan bueno, such a good man; un tiempo demasiado largo, too long a time; una romeria sumamente grata, a highly agreeable pilgrimage ; un dis- curso kilome"trico, a speech a mile long; una mujer doctisima, a very learned woman. 5th. Two or more adjectives qualifying a noun in the plural : Las lenguas italiana, espanola y francesa se derivan del latin, The Italian, Spanish and French languages are derived from the Latin; los capitulos primero y segundo, the first and second chapters. ADJECTIVES 35 36. The adjective stands before the noun : i st. When it expresses a characteristic quality : la dulce miel, the sweet honey ; el duro hierro, the hard iron. 2d. When used figuratively : una negra acci6n, a dark deed; la dulce y encantadora voz del ruisenor, the sweet and enchant- ing voice of the nightingale ; la meliflua armonia, the mellifluous harmony. 3d. For rhetorical effect : \ Dichosa edad y siglo dichoso aquel ! Happy age and happy century that! Las claras fuentes y corrientes rios les ofrecian sabrosas y transparentes aguas, The clear fountains and running streams offered them delicious and trans- parent water. 4th. When expressing quantity : mas dinero, more money ; con toda prisa, with all speed; muchas riquezas, much riches ; tanto ardor, so much ardor; demasiado calor, too much heat; poco pan, little bread ; menos oro, less gold. NOTE. Mero, mere, bueno, good, malo, poor, regularly stand before the noun, but observe : e"! lado malo 6 el lado bueno de la medalla, the wrong or the right side of the medal. 37. The meaning of certain adjectives may vary accord- ing as they precede or follow, while others may take either position without any appreciable difference in meaning : Una mala pluma, a bad pen ; un hombre malo, a wicked man ; un gran libro, a great book ; un libro grande, a large book ; ciertas palabras, certain wt>rds ; una promesa cierta, a sure promise ; un pobre poeta, a poor poet ; un poeta pobre, a poet without means ; el caballero de la triste figura, the knight of the rueful countenance ; un asunto triste, a sad affair. NOTE. The above rules must not be taken as absolute guides. In many, if not the majority of cases, the rhythmical balance of the sentence, more than anything else, determines the position of the adjective. IV 38. NUMERALS CARDINALS ORDINALS Cero, Uno, -a, i Primero, ISt Dos, 2 Segundo, 2d Tres, 3 Tercero, 3d Cuatro, 4 Cuarto, 4th Cinco, 5 Quinto, 5th Seis, 6 Sexto (sesto), 6th Siete, 7 Septimo (setimo), 7 th Ocho, 8 Octavo, 8th Nueve, 9 Noveno (nono), 9th Diez, 10 De"cimo, loth Once, n Undecimo, nth Doce, 12 Duodecimo, 1 2th Trece, 13 De"cimotercio, i 3 th Catorce, 14 De"cimocuarto, 1 4th Quince, 15 Decimoquinto, i5th Dieciseis, 16 Decimosexto, 1 6th Diecisiete, 17 Decimoseptimo, 1 7th Dieciocho, 18 Dcimoctavo, i8th Diecinueve, 19 De"cimonono (-noveno), 1 9th Veinte, 20 Vigesimo, 2Oth Veintiuno, 21 Vigesimo primero (primo), 2ISt Veintid6s, 22 Vigesimo segundo, 22d Veintitr6s, 23 Vigesimo tercero, 23d Veinticuatro, 24 Vigesimo cuarto, 24th Veinticinco, 25 Vigesimo quinto, 25th NUMERALS 37 Veintiseis, 26 Vige"simo sexto, 26th Veintisiete, 27 Vigsimo se"ptimo, 27th Veintiocho, 28 Vige"simo octavo, 28th Veintinueve, 29 Vige"simo nono, 29th Treinta, 30 Trigsimo, 30th Treinta y uno, 3i Trige"simo primo, 3 ISt Cuarenta, 40 Cuadrage"simo, 40th Cincuenta, 5 Quincuage'simo, 5oth Sesenta, 60 Sexage"simo, 6oth Setenta, 70 Septuage"simo, 7oth Ochenta, 80 Octoge"simo, 8oth Noventa, 90 Nonage"simo, 90th Ciento, 100 Cente*simo, looth Ciento (y) uno, IOI Centesimo primo, TOISt Ciento (y) dos, 102 Centsimo segundo, I02d Doscientos, -as, 2OO Ducent^simo, 2OOtll Trescientos, -as, 300 Trecent^simo, 30oth Cuatrocientos, -as, 4OO Cuadragent^simo, 4ooth Quinientos, -as, 500 Quingent^simo, 5ooth Seiscientos, -as, 6OO Sexcent^simo, 6ooth Setecientos, -as, 700 Septengent^simo, 7ooth Ochocientos, -as, 800 Octogent^simo, Sooth Novecientos, -as, 9OO Nonagent^simo, 90oth Mil, IOOO MiMsimo, loooth Dos mil, 20OO Dosmil^simo, 2000th Cien mil, IOO,OOO Cien mile"simo, ioo,oooth Doscientos, -as mil, 2OO,OOO Doscientos mil^simo, 2OO,OOOth Un mil!6n, 1,000,000 Millon^simo, i ,ooo,oooth Diez millones, 10,000,000 Diez millone"simo, 10 ,ooo,ooOth Cien millones, 100,000,000 Cien millonsimo, ioo,ooo,oooth CARDINALS 39. Except nno, ciento, and the higher numbers, mil, millon, etc., the cardinals are treated as invariable adjectives. 38 SPANISH GRAMMAR a. Uno, -a, being the same as the indefinite article, drops o when it precedes a noun : un libro, one book. When preceded by another number, both o and a are dropped before nouns : veintiun plumas, 21 pens ; treinta y un manzanas, 31 apples. See also 12, a. b. The numbers 16 to 19 and 21 to 29 are likewise written separately : diez y sets, veinte y uno, etc., but custom is fast decid- ing in favor of the forms given in the list. c. Ciento is invariable for gender but loses the final to, if followed immediately by a noun or adjective : cien ciruelas, a hundred plums; cien buenos poemas, a hundred good poems. When multi- plied or used as a noun, ciento takes the plural sign : doscientas aves, two hundred birds ; unos cientos pesos, some hundreds of dollars ; cientos de hombres, hundreds of men. But centena or centenar may be used in the latter case. d. Mil is used as an invariable adjective : mil hombres, dos mil mujeres, or as synonymous with millar : miles de or millares de soldados, thousands of soldiers. e. Millon is a noun : un mi!16n de gracias, a million thanks (a Spaniard's exaggerated way of saying : many thanks) ; dos millones de duros, two million dollars. f. After 1000, numbers are expressed by thousand(s) plus hundred (s) : mil doscientos caballos, 1200 horses ; tres mil qui- nientos habitantes, 3500 inhabitants. g. The conjunction y (and) is usually placed between the last two numbers, when the last number is one of the units from i to 9, inclusive: mil ochocientos noventa y nueve, 1899; but even in this case y may be omitted : ciento seis ciudades, 106 cities. ORDINALS 40. The ordinals are grammatically treated as adjectives and vary for gender and number. They usually stand after, but may stand before, the noun : leccion primera, the first lesson; la decimocuarta fila, the 1 4th file. NUMERALS 39 a. For the apocopation si primero and tercero, see 25. b. The Spanish ordinals are little used beyond vigesimo, 20 th, and not always up to that point. The cardinals take their place, because shorter, and when so used are always placed after the noun: pagina veintiuna, page twenty-one; el dia dos de mayo, the second day of May. c. To distinguish rulers, when there has been more than one of the same name, the ordinals are used up to decimo and generally the cardinals thereafter : Carlos segundo, Felipe cuarto, Luis catorce. d. In numbering the days of the month primero is used for the first, but the cardinal numbers for all the rest : el primero de marzo, March ist ; a doce de abril, on the \2th of April. e. The ordinals may be abbreviated in writing or printing, as follows : i, 3% io 08 , 20 as , etc. FRACTIONS 41. With the exception of \ to tenths, which generally correspond to the English method of formation, Spanish fractions have special forms. La mitad ] t Un quinto \ Un medio ) Un sexto Uno y medio ) ! Un se"ptimo Una y media ) Un octavo (ochavo) \ Un tercio \ Un noveno \ Un cuarto J Un de"cimo -fa a. From decimo on, avo is added to the ordinals : Un onzavo -fa cinco cincuentavos -fa Un trezavo T V tres setentavos -fa Dos quinzavos % doce noventavos -J-f Un diecisieteavo YV ^ os centavos 1 2 Tres veintiunavos ^- dos cente"simos / Siete treintavos -fa quince mile'simos io8 - o 40 SPANISH GRAMMAR b. As in English, fractions may be expressed by parte, part: la cuarta parte, the 4th part; la decimoquinta parte, the i$th part. COLLECTIVES 42. Collectives generally express approximate numbers ; as, una decena, about ten. Other forms are : un par, a pair, couple. una treintena, thirty. una docena, a dozen. una cuarentena,/^^r, zV. ello, i/. si {reflexive). nosotros, -as }us. nos vosotros, -as vos lo, le, him, to him, it, la, le, her, to her, it, lo, le, //, to it, so, se (reflexive), Nosotros, -as] Nos jo/no. Se le compra una naranja. Se te-pide una limosna. A'mis amigos se les pregunt6 si vendrian. Se les ofrece una copa de agua fresca. I care not a fig whether he comes or not. An orange is bought for him. An alms is asked of thee. My friends were asked whether they would come. A glass of cool water is offered you (pi.). 62. The prepositional forms of the pronouns, when used for direct or indirect object, or after neuter verbs of motion, may stand either before or after the verb: A el no le quiere nadie. No one likes him. Se lo dar a usted y no a ella. I will give it to you, and not to her. se portan a. Affirmative p6rtate, behave (thou) p6rtese V., behave (you) p6rtese, let him behave portmonos, let us behave portaos, behave (ye) p6rtense VV., behave (you) p6rtense, let them behave Subjunctive PRESENT / may behave myself, etc t me porte te portes V. se porte se porte nos portemos os porteis VV. se porten se porten Imperative Negative no te portes, behave (thou) not no se porte V., behave not no se porte, let him not behave no nos portemos, let us not be- have no os porteis, behave (ye) not no se porten VV., behave not no se porten, let them not be- have Note that, in the affirmative, the reflexive pronouns follow and are attached to the verb, while, in the negative, they precede ; also that the negative forms of the 26. person singular and plural (familiar address) differ from the affirmative. This is true of the imperative of all verbs, that is, the, affirmative forms can not be used with a negative ; but the corresponding persons of the present subjunctive mast be substituted therefor. See 59 to 63 for full explanation of the position of all pronouns. VERBS TO/ SYNOPSIS OF OTHER FORMS b. Indicative Imp. me portaba Pret. me port Fut. me portare" Cond. me portaria Perf. me he portado Plup. me habia portado P. Ant. me hube portado Fut. Perf. me habr portado Subjunctive Imp. i. me portara Imp. 2. me portase Fut. me portare Perf. me haya portado Plup. i. me hubiera portado Plup. 2. me hubiese portado Fut. Perf. me hubiere portado Cond. Perf. me habria portado Inf. haberse portado Gerund. habie"ndose portado 151. Emphasis is secured for the reflexive pronoun by using the corresponding prepositional forms of the pronoun and mismo Q? propio (see 52 and 53) : Me felicito a mi mismo. V. se engana a si mismo. Ella se figura a si misma. Nos armamos a nosotros mismos. W. se lisonjean a si mismas. I congratulate myself. You deceive yourself. She imagines (to herself)- We arm ourselves. You flatter yourselves. a. This form of construction is, of course, only possible, where the reflexive verb is, of itself, transitive, and hence capable of case-government. Should this not be so, mismo must go with the subject-pronoun : Me voy yo mismo. Marche"monos nosotros mismos. Ella misma se arrepiente. I am going away myself. Let's be off ourselves. She herself repents. RECIPROCAL VERBS 152. Certain reflexive verbs represent two or more per- sons, or things, as mutually acting upon each other. In 108 SPANISH GRAMMAR such cases, instead of mismos, el uno . . . el otro or uno . . . otro may be used for emphasis, the first of the pair being syntactically nominative, the second, governed by a prepo- sition : Nos.felicitamos el uno al otro. We congratulate each other. VV. se acercan los unos a los otros. You approach one another. Se aman imas a otras. They love one another. Se chancean los unos con los otros. They joke with one another. Se rien el uno del otro. They laugh at each other. El hombre y la mujer se ayudan Man and woman are mutually el uno al otro. helpful to each other. OTHER REFLEXIVE CONSTRUCTIONS 153. An occasional reflexive construction occurs, in which the agent is represented by a pronoun in the dative case and the verb is conjugated reflexively in the third person : Se le crey6 todo perdido. He (they) thought he had lost everything. Se me ha olvidado el libro. I have forgotten the book. Se les figura que V. no vendra. They imagine you will not come. 154. When serving as a substitute for the passive, the reflexive may be employed a. To avoid a direct personal construction : Se me ha enterado ya. They have already told me. No se le imputa tal cosa. We do not attribute to him any such thing. Se nos engafia. They or you are deceiving us. Se me pidi6 una limosna. Some one asked alms of me. Se me concede mas tiempo. I am granted more time. VERBS I0 9 b. On signs and in public notices and other general statements : Se componen zapatos en seguida. Shoes mended while you wait. Aqui se habla espanol. No se regatea en nuestra casa. En aquella fonda se come bien. Spanish spoken here. You don't have to drive bar- gains in our house (we have but one price). In that hotel they keep a good ' table. c. As a true passive in speaking of things and of such actions as animate beings can not perform for themselves : Esa novela se escribi6 por Juan That novel was written by Juan Valera. Eso se cree de todo el mundo. La ropa sucia se debe lavar en casa. Se venden caballos a precios bara- tisimos. Valera. That is believed by everybody. Dirty linen ought to be washed at home. Horses sold at very low prices. NOTE. But whenever a wrong meaning would ensue, the verb must be conjugated impersonally and the subject represented by a pronoun or noun in the dative, usually by both, when the noun is necessarily expressed : John was asked. The horse will be thrown into the water. They were killed at once. A Juan se le pregunt6. Al caballo se le arrojara al agua. Se les mat6 en el acto. No se les puede creer. But Juan se pregunt6. El caballo se arrojara al agua. Se mataron en el acto. No se pueden creer. They can not be believed. John asked himself. The horse will throw himself into the water. They killed each other at once. They can not believe each other. no SPANISH GRAMMAR 155. There is a certain- use of the reflexive pronoun, which is evidently an echo of the Latin dative of advantage and disadvantage : Me lo bebi todo. I drank it all (to myself). Se come las uvas con gran sabor. He eats the grapes with much relish. Se los tragaron uno a uno. They swallowed them down one by one. Me hall una buena colocaci6n. I found me a good position. 156. Intransitive verbs used impersonally take the re- flexive pronoun to limit their meaning. From this has doubtless come the custom of applying the reflexive to such verbs conjugated personally: Se vive bien en esta ciudad. Por aqui se va a la entrada. No*se entra por esta puerta. Estemonos bajo el toldo. " rase un hombre a una nariz pegado." Me quedar aqui por dos dias. Living is pleasant in this city. This is the way to the entrance. No entrance allowed by this door. Let's stand under the awning. "There was (once) a man at- tached to a nose." I shall remain here for two days. 157. While the use or omission of the reflexive with some intransitive verbs makes no appreciable difference in meaning, with others it does. Such are : Ir, to go. Marchar, to march. Venir, to come. Volar, to fly. Dormir, to sleep. Morir, to die. Irse, to go away. Marcharse, to go away. Venirse, to come along. Volarse, to fly away. Dormirse, to go to sleep. Morirse, to be dying. VERBS 1 1 1 IMPERSONAL VERBS 158. Strictly defined, an impersonal verb should be one which has no personal agent, but this definition must not be taken too literally. Where not susceptible of a personal construction, these verbs are confined to the infinitive, the gerund, and the third person singular of the various moods and tenses. The most generally impersonal are those which indicate the workings of the laws of nature, but even in their case, Dios t God, and some few other words are, at times, employed as personal subjects. The most common of this class only will be here given : Infinitive Pres. Ind. Pres. Sub. Alborear, to dawn. alborea. alboree. Amanecer, to dawn. amanece. amanezca. Anochecer, to become night. anochece. anochezca. Escampar, to stop raining. escampa. escampe. Granizar, to hail. graniza. granice. Helar, to freeze. hiela. hiele. Deshelar, to thaw. deshiela. deshiele. Llover, to rain. llueve. llueva. Lloviznar, to drizzle. # llovizna. llovizne. Nevar, to snow. nieva. nieve. Tronar, to thunder. truena. truene. Relampaguear, to lighten. relampaguea. relampaguee. a. The other tenses of the above are all regular and follow the conjugations indicated by their respective in- finitive endings. Amanecer and anochecer are used per- sonally in the sense of to arrive at dawn and to arrive at nightfall : Amaneci en Madrid y anocheci I arrived in Madrid at dawn en Segovia. and in Segovia at nightfall. Amaneceran mejores dias. Better days will dawn. 112 SPANISH GRAMMAR b. Hacer, to do, to make (conjugated in 197), is used impersonally in numerous combinations in speaking of the weather and time : Hace calor, frio. Hacia buen, mal tiempo. Hizo viento, sol, lima. Hara fresco en la sombra. Hace un ano, dos rneses, ocho dias, un siglo. It is hot, cold. It was good, bad weather. It was windy, the sun shone, there was moonlight. It will be cool in the shade. A year, two months, eight days, a century ago. See 137, b, for haber used impersonally." 159. The following are used both personally and im- personally but, from their nature, usually in the third person : Acaecer, ^ Constar, to be evident. Acontecer, I to ha PP en > Convenir, to suit, be proper. Suceder, J " Importar, to concern, be im- portant. Bastar, to suffice. Parecer, to seem, appear. 160. There are numerous other expressions which occur impersonally. Some of the more important will be seen in the following : Mas vale tarde que nunca. Mas valdria or mejor seria que viniera. Es precise, necesario. Es ve.rdad, mentira. <: Qu hora es? 0riqu6 horas son? What time, what o'clock is it? It is one o'clock, it is two o'clock, etc. It is better late than never. It would be better that he came. It is necessary. It is true, false. Es la una, son las dos, etc. Se dice, diz, dicen. It is said, they say. VERBS 113 Note, in the last line, the impersonal use of the third person plural : dicen. This construction occurs with other verbs and is exactly analogous to our English indefinite they say, they think, etc. IRREGULAR VERBS 161. In the broadest sense, an irregular verb is one whose conjugation does not agree in every particular with one of the three model verbs given in 142. So denned, there are over eight hundred irregular verbs in Spanish, and if each one had to be learned individually, it would be a formidable task ; but it is found that all but about thirty may be arranged in certain classes, in which the variation from the model will be regular and constant. Many of these variations are mere letter-changes made to conform to the Spanish method of spelling. These have been fully explained in 143, and should now be reviewed and mas- tered. The rules for the formation of tenses, set forth in 145, should also be learned. 162. In the development of Spanish words from Latin, it is found that e breaks up into ie and o into ue whenever the tonic (syllabic) accent falls on these letters : LATIN SPANISH Dens (dentis}, tooth. diente. Certus, certain. cierto. Nego, I deny. niego. Fans (fontis), fountain. fuente. Bonus, good. bueno. Dormio, I sleep. duermo. It is of trie highest importance to keep this simple prin- ciple in mind when learning Spanish irregular verbs, as the greater number have no other irregularities. It will be SPAN. GRAM. 8 114 SPANISH GRAMMAR seen that the vowel changes under the influence of the tonic accent, but as soon as this accent shifts to another syllable, the original vowel is restored. This vowel-change is indicated by heavy type, which is also used to call atten- tion to the stems from which the derivative tenses are formed (see 145). NOTE. As usted and ustedes take always the same form as the third person : us fed, el ama, ustedes, ellos aman, only one form for both will be given in conjugating the irregular verbs. 163. All verbs referrible to any one of the following classes have uniformly the same irregularities that appear in the model-verb of their respective classes, and no others, where none are specified. As the imperative of the first person singular occurs very seldom, and its existence is even denied by some grammarians, it will not be given in the irregular verbs. CLASS I 164. Pienso, pensar, pense, pensado, to think. Pres. Ind. piens-o, piensas, piensa, pensamos, pensais, piensan. Pres. Sub. piens-e, pienses, piense, pensemos, pensais, piensen. Imperat. piensa, piense, pensemos, pensad, piensen. REGULAR TENSES Imperf. pensaba, -abas, -aba, pensabamos, pensabais, pensaban. Fut. pensar-^, -as, -d, pensaremos, pensareis, pensaran. Cond. pensar- ia, -ias, -ia, pensariamos, pensariais, pensarian. Gerund, pensando. Pret. pense", pensastc, pens6, pensamos, pensasteis, pensa-ron. 1. Imp. Sub. pensa-ra, -ras, -ra, pensaramos, pensareis, pensaran. 2. Imp. Sub. pensa-se, -ses, -se, pensasemos, pensaseis, pensasen. Fut. Sub. pensa-re, -res, -re, pensaremos, pensareis, pensaren. VERBS 1 1 5 165. Errar, to err, miss, falls under Class I> but is also subject to the orthographic law laid down in 143, d. Hence : Pres. Ind. yerr-o, yerras, yerra, erramos, errais, yerran. Pres. Sub. yerr-e, yerres, yerre, erremos, errais, yerren. Imperat. yerra, yerre, erremos, errad, yerren. Other tenses like pensar above. 166. Entiendo, entender, entendi, entendido, to under- stand. Pres. Ind. entiend-o, entiendes, entiende, entendemos, -eis, en- tienden. Pres. Sub. entiend-a, -as, -a, entendamos, entendais, entiendan. Imperat. entiende, entienda, entendamos, entended, entiendan. REGULAR TENSES Imperf. entendia, -ias, -ia, entendiamos, entendiais, entendian. Put. entender-e", -as, -d, entenderemos, entenderis, entenderan. Cond. entender-ia, -ias, -ia, entenderiamos, entenderiais, enten- derian. Gerund, entendiendo. Pret. entendi, -iste, -i6, entendimbs, entendisteis, entendie-ron. 1. Imp. Sub. entendie-ra, -ras, -ra, entendie"ramos, entendierais, entendieran. 2. Imp. Sub. entendie-se, -ses, -se, entendie"semos, entendieseis, entendiesen. Put. Sub. entendie-re, -res, -re, entendieremos, entendiereis, en- tendieren. CLASS II 167. Cuento, contar, conte, contado, to count, relate. Pres. Ind. cuent-o, cuentas, cuenta, contamos, contais, cuentan. Pres. Sub. cuent-e, cuentes, cuente, contemos, conte"is, cuenten. Imperat. cuenta, cuente, contemos, contad, cuenten. Il6 SPANISH GRAMMAR REGULAR TENSES Imperf. contaba, -abas, -aba, contabamos, contabais, contaban. Put. contar-e, -as, -a, contaremos, contare"is, contaran. Cond. contar-ia, ^ias, -ia, contariamos, contariais, contarian. Gerund, contando. Pret. cont-e", -aste, -6, contamos, contasteis, conta-ron. 1. Imp. Sub. conta-ra, -ras, -ra, contaramos, contarais, contaran. 2. Imp. Sub. conta-se, -ses, -se, contasemos, contaseis, contasen. Fut. Sub. conta-re, -res, -re, contaremos, contareis, contaren. a. When g precedes the tonic o in verbs of this class, a diaeresis must be placed over the u, when o becomes ue. In all other respects they are conjugated like contar : Degiiello, degollar, degolle, degollado, to behead. Pres. Ind. degiiell-o, -iiellas, -iiella, degollamos, -ais, degiiellan. Pres. Sub. degiiell-e, -es, -e, degollemos, degolle"is, degiiellen. Imperat. degiiella, -iielle, degollemos, degollad, degiiellen. 168. The u of jugar becomes ue analogously to the o of contar, and g changes to git before e in accordance with 143, 2. Hence: Juego, jugar, jugue, jugado, to play. Pres. Ind. jueg-o, juegas, juega, jugamos, jugais, juegan. Pres. Sub. juegu-e, juegues, juegue, juguemos, jugue"is, jueguen. Imperat. juega, juegue, juguemos, jugad, jueguen. Pret. jugue", jugaste, jug6, jugamos, -asteis, jugaron. Other tenses like contar above. 169. Desosar, to bone, and desovar, to spawn, take h before ue. Pres. Ind. deshues-o, -as, -a, desosamos, -ais, deshuesan. Pres. Sub. deshues-e, -es, -e, desosemos, -is, deshuesen. Imperat. desues-a, -e, desosemos, desosad, deshuesen. And so desovar. Other tenses regular. VERBS 117 170. Muerdo, morder, mordi, mordido, to bite. Pres. Ind. muerd-o, -es, -e, mordemos, morde"is, muerden. Pres. Sub. muerd-a, -as, -a, mordamos, mordais, muerdan. Imperat. muerd-e, muerda, mordamos, morded, muerdan. REGULAR TENSES Imperf. mordia, -ias, -ia, mordiamos, mordiais, mordian. Fut. morder-, -as, -a, morderemos. mordere"is, morderan. Cond. morder-ia, -ias, -ia, morderiamos, morderiais, mordenan. Gerund, mordiendo. Pret. mordi, -iste, -16, mordimos, mordisteis, mordie-roti. 1. Imp. Sub. mordie-ra, -ras, -ra, mordie"ramos, mordiefais t mo* dieran. 2. Imp. Sub. mordie-se, -ses, -se, mordie"semos, mordieseis, mor- diesen. Fut. Sub. mordie-re, -res, -re, mordie'remos, mordiereis, mordieren. 171. Vuelvo, volver, volvf, vuelto, to return. Absuelvo, absolver, absolvi, absuelto, to absolve. Disuelvo, disolver, disolvi, disuelto, to dissolve. Resuelvo, resolver, resolvi, resuelto, to resolve. All verbs in -olver change their stem-vowels like morder y and have the past participle in -uelto, but are otherwise regular in their class. 172. Tonic o of oler changes to hue. The addition of this // is a device dating from the time when it was necessary to distinguish the initial vowel u from the consonant u (v). Huelo, oler, oil, olido, to smell. Pres. Ind. huel-o, hueles, huele, olemos, ole"is, huelen. Pres. Sub. huel-a, huelas, huela, olamos, olais, huelan. Imperat. huele, huela, olamos, oled, huelan. Olia, olere", oleria, oli, oliera, oliese, oliere. Gerund, oliendo. Il8 SPANISH GRAMMAR CLASS III 173. Verbs of this class belong exclusively to the third conjugation. They not only break up the tonic vowels e and o into ie and ue respectively, but substitute i and u for them in the first and second persons plural of the subjunc- tive and first person plural of the imperative as well as in third person singular and plural of the preterit and the tenses derived from the latter. 174. Siento, sentir, sentf, sentido, to feel, regret. Pres. Ind. sient-o, sientes, siente, sentimos, sentis, sienten. Pres. Sub. sient-a, sientas, sienta, sintamos, sintais, sientan. Imperat. siente, sienta, sintamos, sentid, sientan. Imperf. sentia, -ias, -ia, sentiamos, sentiais, sentian. Fut. sentir-e", -as, -a, sentiremos, sentirels, sentiran. Cond. sentir-ia, -ias, -ia, sentiriamos, sentiriais, sentirian. Pret. senti, -iste, sinti6, sentimos, sentisteis, sintie-ron. 1. Imp. Sub. sintie-ra, -ras, -ra, sintie"ramos, sintierais, sintieran. 2. Imp. Sub. sintie-se, -ses, -se, sintie"semos, sintieseis, sintiesen. Fut. Sub. sintie-re, -res, -re, sintiremos, sintiereis, sintieren. Gerund, sintiendo. 175. Erguir, to straighten up, to strut with pride, has as a tonic stem either yerg or irg. Elsewhere it follows the conjugation of sentir. ' I erguir, ergui, erguido. Irgo, J Pres. Ind. yerg-o, yergues, -e, j j fa fyerguen. irg-o, irgues, -e, J [ irguen. Pres. Sub. yerga, -as, -a, h s> { Ais (yergan. irga, -as, -a, j ^irgan. Imperat. yergue, yerga, | . id | yergan. irgue, irga, j ( irgan. VERBS 119 Pret. ergui, -iste, irgui6, erguimos, erguisteis, irguie-ron. Sub. i. irguie-ra, 2. irguie-se, Put. Sub. irguie-re. Gerund, irguiendo. 176. The present stem-vowel of adquirir, to acquire, and inquirir, to inquire for, changes to ie, when accented, like the e of sentir, but remains intact elsewhere : Adquiero, adquirir, adquiri, adquirido. Inquiero, inquirir, inquiri, inquirido. Pres. Ind. adquier-o, -es, -e, adquirimos, adquiris, adquieren. Pres. Sub. adquier-a, -as, -a, adquiramos, adquirais, adquieran. Imperat. adquier-e, -a, adquiramos, adquirid, adquieran. And so inquirir. All other parts regular. 177. Duermo, dormir, dormi, dormido, to sleep. Pres. Ind. duerm-o, duermes, duerme, dormimos, dormis, duermen. Pres. Sub. duerm-a, -as, -a, durm^imos, durmais, duerman. Imperat. duerm-e, duerma, durmamos, dormid, duerman. Imperf. dormia, -ias, -ia, dormiamos, dormiais, dormian. Fut. dormir-e", -as, -a, dormiremos, dormire"is, dormiran. Cond. dormir-ia, -ias, -ia, dormiriamos, dormiriais, dormirian. Pret. dormi, -iste, durmi6, dormimos, dormisteis, durmie-ron. 1. Imp. Sub. durmie-ra, -ras, -ra, durmie'ramos, -erais, durmieran. 2. Imp. Sub. durmie-se, -ses, -se, durmie'semos, -eseis, durmiesen. Fut. Sub. durmie-re, -res, -re, durmie"remos, -ereis, durmieren. Gerund, durmiendo. 178. Morir, to die, premorir, to die before another, are conjugated exactly like dortnir above, but have the past participles muerto and premuerto. NOTE. The past participle muerto is also used with an active signification : Fu6 muerto uno de ellos. One of them was killed. El policia ha muerto al Iadr6n. The policeman has killed the thief. I2O SPANISH GRAMMAR 179. Pudrir and podrir, to rot, has had a double conjuga- tion based on the two infinitives, but, excepting the past participle podrido, the Spanish Academy recommends that it be conjugated regularly throughout QT\ pudrir. CLASS IV 180. In the conjugation of verbs of the fourth class the e of the infinitive stem, when accented, becomes i. This change is likewise extended to the unaccented stem-vowel in the third persons singular and plural of the preterit and to the derivative forms of the latter. 181. Pido, pedir, pedi, pedido, to ask for, beg. Pres. Ind. pid-o, pides, pide, pedimos, pedis, piden. Pres. Sub. pid-a, pidas, pida, pidamos, pidais, pidan. Imperat. pide, pida, pidamos, pedid, pidan. Imperf. pedia, -ias, -la, pediamos, pediais, pedian. Fut. pedir-e", -as, -a, pediremos, pedirels, pediran. Cond. pedir-ia, -ias, -ia, pediriamos, pediriais, pedirian. Pret. pedi, -iste, pidi6, pedimos, pedisteis, pidie-ron. 1. /;;//. Sub. pidie-ra, -ras, -ra, pidie"ramos, pidierais, pidieran. 2. Imp. Sub. pidie-se, -ses, -se, pidiesemos, -eseis, pidiesen. Fut. Sub. pidie-re, -res, -re, pidie"remos, -ereis, pidieren. Gerund, pidiendo. 182. Verbs of this class terminating in -eir not only change e, when accented, to,/, but also lose this i before id and ie of the preterit and its derivatives. The written accent is also necessary to separate certain vowels. Desli'o, desleir, deslei, desleido, to dilute. Pres. Ind. desli-o, deslies, deslie, desleimos, desleis, deslien. Pres. Sub. desli-a, -ias, -ia, desliamos, desliais, deslian. Imperat. deslie, deslia, desliamos, desleid, deslian. VERBS 121 Imperf. desleia, desleias, desleia, desleiamos, desleiais, desleian. Fut. desleir-6, -as, -a, desleiremos, desleire"is, desleiran. Cond. desleir-ia, -ias, -ia, desleiriamos, desleiriais, desleirian. Pret. deslei, desleiste, desli6, desleimos, -isteis, deslie-ron. 1. Imp. Sub. deslie-ra, -ras, -ra, deslieramos, -erais, deslieran. 2. Imp. Sub. deslie-se, -ses, -se, deslisemos, -ieseis, desliesen. Fut. Sub. deslie-re, -res, -re, deslie"remos, -ereis, deslieren. Gerund, desliendo. a. Reir is conjugated like desleir, but may retain the i in the preterit stem and its derivatives, and the following i then changes to 7, according to rule (143, d) : Riy6, riye-ron, riyera, riyese, riyere, riyendo, for ri6, etc. 183. The following have two past participles : Freir, to fry, freido and frito. Refreir, to overfry, refreido " refrito. Sofreir, to underfry, sofreido " sofrito. CLASS V 184. To the fifth class belong all verbs in -uir (except inmiscuirse, to meddle with) and -giiir. Their peculiarity is that, except before z, they retain, in the present stem, the i of the infinitive, and this z, falling between two vowels, is consonantized to y according to the orthographic law stated in 143, d. The diaeresis of those in -giiir is dropped as unnecessary before the consonant y. 185. Huyd, huir, hui, huido, to flee, run away. Pres. ~Ind. huy-o, huyes, huye, huimos, huis, huyen. Pres. Sub. huy-a, -as, -a, huyamos, huyais, huyan. Imperat. huye, huya, huyamos, huid, huyan. Imperf. huia, -ias, -ia, huiamos, huiais, huian. Fut. huir- ? -as, -a, huiremos, huireis, huirdn, 122 SPANISH GRAMMAR Cond. huir-ia, -ias, -ia, huiriamos, huiriais, huirian. Pret. hui, -iste, huyo, huimos, huisteis, huye-ron. 1. Imp. Sub. huye-ra, -ras, -ra, huyeramos, -erais, huyeran. 2. Imp. Sub. huye-se, -ses, -se, huye"semos, -eseis, huyesen. Put. Sub. huye-re, -res, -re, huye'remos, -ereis, huyeren. Gerund, huyendo. 186. Arguyo, arguir, argiii, argiiido, to argue. Pres. Ind. arguy-o, arguyes, arguye, arguimos, argiiis, arguyen. Pres. Sub. arguy-a, -as, -a, arguyamos, arguyais, arguyan. Imperat. arguye, arguya, arguyamos, argiiid, arguyan. Imperf. argiiia, -ias, -ia, argiiiamos, argiiiais, argiiian. Put. arguir-e", -as, -a, argiiiremos, argiiire'is, argiiirdn. Cond. argiiir-ia, -ias, -ia, arguiriamos, -iais, argiiirian. Pret. argiii, -iste, arguy6, arguimos, argiiisteis, arguye-ron. 1. Imp. Sub. arguye-ra, -ras, -ra, arguyeramos, -erais, arguyeran. 2. Imp. Sub. arguye-se, -ses, -se, arguye" semos, -eseis, arguyesen. Put. Sub. arguye-re, -res, -re, arguye"rernos, -ereis, arguyeren. Gerund, arguyendo. UNCLASSABLE IRREGULAR VERBS 187. A few verbs, while having in some tenses certain irregularities in common, vary in others to such an extent that it becomes impossible to make a logical classification. The best that can be done is to group together those that have similarities of tense-formation in order that these may be easily seen and associated in the mind. As the regular endings have been repeated so often, it is not now deemed necessary to give the conjugation of every verb in full. 188. Ando, andar, anduve, andado, to go, walk. Pres. Ind. and-o, -as, -a, -amos, -ais, andan. Pres. Sub. and-e, -es, -e, -emos, -e"is, anden. VERBS 123 Imperat. and-a, -e, -emos, andad, anden. Imperf. and-aba, -abas, -aba, -abamos, -abais, andaban. Put. andar, Cond. andaria. Gerund, andando. Pret. anduve, anduviste, anduvo, -imos, -isteis, anduvie-ron. 1. Imp. Sub. anduvie-ra, -ras, -ra, -frames, -erais, anduvieran. 2. Imp. Sub. anduvie-se, -ses, -se, -esemos, -eseis, anduviesen. Fut. Sub. anduvie-re, -res, -re, -remos, -ereis, anduvieren. ^x NOTE. Andar is to go, to walk, with no definite aim, and hence would be said of animals and things, but is not confined to them. Ir is to go when the aim or limit is named : El barco, mi reloj, el caballo, la The ship, my watch, the horse, maquina anda bien. the engine goes well. But Yo voy a casa, a palacio, a la I am going home, to the palace, iglesia, al baile. to the church, to the ball. 189. Doy, dar, df, dado, to give. Pres. Ind. d-oy, das, da, damos, dais, dan. Pres. Sub. d-e, des, de, demos, de~is, den. Imperat. da, de, demos, dad, den. Imperf. daba, dabas, daba, etc. Fut. dar-, Cond. dar-ia. Gerund, dando. Pret. di, diste, di6, dimos, disteis, die-ron. Imp. Sub. i. die-ra, 2. die-se, Fut. Sub. die- re. Idioms with dar. Doy a usted los buenos dias. Good morning to you, or I wish you good day. Dar el pesame. To condole. Dar a Iuz To publish, bring to light. 124 SPANISH GRAMMAR El reloj va a dar las cinco. The clock is going to strike five. Dar con alguno. To fall in with, to meet any one. La ventana da a la calle. The window opens on the street. Da cuerda a su reloj. He winds up his watch. Vamos a dar un paseo. Let's take a walk. No se me da un higo. I don't care a fig. A mi me da lo mismo. It's all the same to me. El nino di6 a reir. The child began to laugh. 190. Asgo, asir, asi, asido, to seize. Pres. Ind. asg-o, ases, ase, asimos, asis, asen. Pres. Sub. asg-a, asgas, asga, asgamos, asgais, asgan. Imperat. ase, asga, asgamos, asid, asgan. Regular, asia, asir-, asir-ia, asiendo, asi, asiera, asiese, asiere. NOTE. The irregular forms of asir are rarely used. 191. Yazco, yazgo, yago, yacer, yaci, yacido, to lie, recline. Pres. Ind. yazc-o, yazg-o, yag-o, yaces, -e, yacemos, -e"is, yacen. Pres. Sub. yazc-a, yazg-a, yag-a, -as, -a, -amos, -ais, -an. Imperat. yace or yaz tii, yazc-a, etc., yasc-amos, yaced, yazcan, etc. Regular, yacia, yacere", yaceria, yaciendo, yaci, yaciera, yaciese, yaciere. 192. Caigo, caer, cai, cai'do, to fall. , Pres. Ind. caig-o, caes, cae, caemos, cae"is, caen. Pres. Sub. caig-a, caigas, caiga, caigamos, caigais, caigan. Imperat. cae, caiga, caigamos, caed, caigan. Imperf. caia, caias, caia, caiamos, caiais, caian. Fut. caere", caeras, etc., Cond. caeria, caerias, etc. Pret. cai, caiste, cay6, caimos, caisteis, caye-ron. Imp. Sub. \. cayera, 2. cayese, Fut. Sub. cayere. Gerund, cayendo. VERBS 125 Idioms with caer. Va caigo en ello. Now I have it (understand it) . Las ventanas caen al rio. The windows overlook the river. Se cayo en la cuenta de que ... It was discovered that . . . Ese traje le cae a usted bien. That suit becomes you very well. Cai malo (enfermo) en Madrid. I fell sick in Madrid. 'Este color cae bien con este This color matches this other otro. one very well. Al caer el sol. At sunset. Estoy cayendome de sueno. I am ready to drop with sleep. 193. Traigo, traer, traje, trai'do, to bring. Pres. 2nd. traig-o, traes, trae, traemos, trae"is, traen. Pres. Sub. traig-a, traigas, traiga, traigamos, traigais, traigan. Imperat. trae, traiga, traigamos, traed, traigan. Imperf. traia, traias, traia, traiamos, teaiais, traian. Fut. traere", traeras, etc., Cond. traeria, traerias, etc. Gerund, trayendo. Pret. traje, -iste, trajo, trajimos, trajisteis, traje-ron. Imp. Sub. i. trajera, 2. trajese, Fut. Sub. trajere. 194. Oigo, oi'r, of, oido, to hear. , Pres. Ind. oig-o, oyes, oye, oimos, ois, oyen. Pres. Sub. oig-a, oigas, oiga, oigamos, oigais, oigan. Imperat. oye, oiga, oigamos, old, oigan. Imperf. oia, oias, oia, oiamos, oiais, oian. s Fut. oire, oiras, etc., Cond. oiria, oirias, etc. Pret. oi, oiste, oy6, oimos, oisteis, oye-ron. Imp. Sub. i. oyera, 2. oyese, Fut. Sub. oyere. Gerund, oyendo. 195. Digo, decir, dije, dicho, to say, tell. Gerund, diciendo. Pres. Ind. dig-o, dices, dice, decimos, decis, dicen. 126 SPANISH GRAMMAR Pres. Sub. dig-a, digas, diga, digamos, digais, digan. Imperat. di, diga, digamos, decid, digan. Imperf. decia, decias, decia, deciamos, deciais, decian. Put. dire, diras, dira, diremos, dire"is, diran. Cond. dir-ia, dirias, diria, diriamos, diriais, dirian. Pret. dije, dijiste, dijo, dijimos, dijisteis, dije-ron. Imp. Sud. i. dijera, 2. dijese, Fut. Sub. dijere. NOTE. An antiquated form diz for dice still occurs, in familiar style, in the sense of dicese, it is said, or dicen, they say : Diz que habrd guerra, It is said (they say) there will be war. 196. Like decir are conjugated all its compounds with a few variations. Among these are : ist. That they all have the imperative second person singular -dice instead of -di. 2d. That bendecir, to bless, and maldecir, to curse, have, besides bendicho and maldicho, the older participles bendito and maldito ; although the latter are only used as adjectives. 3d. That these two, while occasionally occurring with the contracted future of decir, now regularly have the future stem -decir: Fut. bendecire, bendeciras, etc., Cond. bendecir-ia, -ias, etc. Fut. maldecire", maldeciras, etc., Cond. maldecir-ia, -ias, etc. 197. Hago, hacer, nice, hecho, to do, make. Gerund, haciendo. Pres. Ind. hag-o, haces, hace, hacemos, haceMs, hacen. Pres. Sub. hag-a, hagas, haga, hagamos, hagais, hagan. Imperat. haz, haga, hagamos, haced, hagan. Imperf. hacia, hacias, hacia, haciamos, haciais, hacian. Fut. har-e", haras, hard, haremos, hare"is, haran. Cond. har-ia, harias, haria, hariamos, hariais, harian. Pret. hice, -iste, hizo, hicimos, hicisteis, hicie-ron. Imp. Sub. i. hicie-ra, 2. hiciese, Fut. Sub. hiciere. VERBS 127 Idioms. Hacer occurs in numerous idiomatic expressions, some of which we have seen in 158, b. A few others are : Yo hago hacer un traje nuevo. Voy a hacerme la barba. Hace las veces del capitan. Ese actor hace el papel de Hamlet. Ha hecho bancarrota. Lo hare venir manana. Hacia de escribano ayer. Hizo gran papel en Paris. Hacer cara or frente a . . . Hacer penetencia con alguno. Hicimos vela or nos hicimos a la vela para San Juan. Hago por acabarlo. I am having made a new suit. I am going to shave. He is discharging the duties of the captain. That actor plays the part of Hamlet. He has failed (in business). I will send for it to-morrow. He was acting as notary yester- day. He cut a great figure in Paris. To face, to resist . . . To take pot-luck with any one. We set sail for San Juan. I am trying to finish it. 198. All the compounds of hacer are conjugated like it. Some of them appear with the older form -facer, but this does not cause them to vary from those in -hacer. Satis- facer, to satisfy, alone has the two imperatives satisfaz and satisface tu. The Academy condemns the regular forms satisf&ciera, satisf&ciese, and satisf&ciere, which are some- times found. 199. Salgo, salir, sail, salido, to go or come oiit, depart. Pres. Ind. salg-o, sales, sale, salimos, sails, salen. Pres. Sub. salg-a, saigas, saiga, salgamos, salgais, salgan. Imperat. sal, saiga, salgamos, salid, salgan. Imperf. salia, salias, salia, saliamos, saliais, salian. 128 SPANISH GRAMMAR Fut. saldr-e, -as, -a, saldremos, saldreis, saldran. Cond. saldr-ia, -ias, -ia, saldriamos, saldriais, saldrian. Pret. sail, saliste, sali6, salimos, salisteis, salie-ron. , Imp. Sub. i. saliera, 2. saliese, Fut. Sub. saliere. Gerund, saliendo. Idioms with salir. El sol sale. The sun rises. Saiga lo que saliere. Come out of it what may. El caballo me sali6 en cien pesos. The horse cost me a hundred dollars. El libro saldra a luz el diez del The book will be published on corriente. the loth of the current month. Ella salia de si. She was in raptures. Ese barril se sale. This barrel leaks. Ha salido con la suya. He has carried his point. A causa del arancel salen caros Because of the tariff, those esos generos. goods come dear. Salir a caballo, en coche. To go riding, driving. 200. Valgo, valer, vali, valido, to be worth. Pres. Ind. valg-o, vales, vale, valemos, valis, valen. Pres. Sub. valg-a, valgas, valga, valgamos, valgais, valgan. Imperat. val or vale, valga, valgamos, valed, valgan. Imperf. valia, valias, valia, valiamos, valiais, valian. Fut. valdr-, -as, -a, valdremos, valdreis, valdran. , Cond. valdr-ia, -ias, -ia, valdriamos, valdriais, valdrian. Pret. vali, -iste, vali6, valimos, valisteis, valie-ron. Imp. Sub. i. valiera, 2. valiese, Fut. Sub. valiere. Gerund, valiendo. Idioms with valer. Mas vale saber que haber. Wisdom is better than riches. No vale la pena de hacerlo. It is not worth while to do it. VERBS 129 No se valdra de su ventaja. He will not avail himself of his advantage. i Valgame Dios ! Good gracious ! Gracious me ! Vale lo que pesa. He is worth his weight (in gold) . Mas vale tarde que nunca. Better late than never. Sera dificil hacerlo valer. It will be difficult to make use of it. Valga lo que valiere. Let whatever may, come to pass. No se puede valer con 61. It is not possible to manage him. 201. Pongo, poner, puse, puesto, to put, put on. Gerund, poniendo. Pres. Ind. pong-o, pones, pone, ponemos, poneis, ponen. Pres. Sub. pong-a, pongas, ponga, pongamos, pongais, pongan. Imperat. pon, ponga, pongamos, poned, pongan. Imperf. ponia, -ias, -ia, poniamos, poniais, ponian. Fut. pondr-e, -as, -a, pondremos, pondreis, pondran. Cond. pondria, -ias, -ia, pondriamos, pondriais, pondrian. Pret puse, pusiste, puso, pusimos, pusisteis, pusie-ron. Imp. Sub. i. pusiera, 2. pusiese, Fut. Sub. pusiere. NOTE. The compounds of poner are conjugated in the same manner. Idioms with poner. El sol se pone. The sun is setting. Se pone el sombrero y despue"s He puts on his hat and then se lo quita. takes it off. Se me pone carne de gallina. My flesh creeps (I have goose flesh). Puse ayer un telegrama. I sent a telegram yesterday. Puso fin a su vida por medio de He put an end to his life by gas del alumbrado. means of illuminating gas. Pongalo V. por escrito. Put it down in writing. Ponerse palido, Colorado, malo. To grow pale, to blush, to get sick. SPAN. GRAM. 9 130 SPANISH GRAMMAR Se pone en jarras. He sets his arms akimbo. Ella se puso a llorar. She began to weep. Ponerse bien con Dios. To make one's peace with God. 202. Vengo, venir, vine, venido, to come. Pres. Ind. veng-o, vienes, viene, venimos, venis, vienen. Pres. Sub. veng-a, vengas, venga, vengamos, vengais, vengan. Imperat. ven, venga, vengamos, venid, vengan. Imperf. venia, -ias, -ia, veniamos, veniais, venian. Fut. vendr-e, -as, -a, vendremos, vendreis, vendran. Cond. vendria, -ias, -ia, vendriamos, vendriais, vendrian. Pret. vine, viniste, vino, vinimos, vinisteis, vinie-ron. Imp. Sub. i. viniera, 2. viniese, Fut. Sub. viniere. Gerund, viniendo. NOTE. All compounds of venir have the same irregularities as above. Idioms with venir. Esa chaqueta no me viene. That jacket does not fit me. Vino a conseguir la plaza. He has obtained the place. Vengo con quien vengo. That's my business and not yours. Venga lo que viniere. Come what may come. Se viene durmiendo. He is falling to sleep. Vengamos al caso. Let's come to the point. 203. Tengo, tener, tuve, tenido, to have, hold. The full conjugation is given in 136. The compounds of tener have the same conjugation. Idioms with tener have been given in 138, 2 and 3, and only a few others will be set down here : Que no tenga V. novedad. I hope you will find things all right at home. Buenos dias tenga usted. I wish you good morning. VERBS 131 Tenga V. la bondad de Have the goodness to tell decirme . . . me . . . Tiene mucho de miserable. He has a good deal of the miser about him. No se podia tener en pie. He could not stand up. 204. Quepo, caber, cupe, cabido, to hold, be contained. Gerund, cabiendo. Pres. Ind. quep-o, cabes, cabe, cabemos, cabeis, caben. Pres. Sub. quep-a, quepas, quepa, quepamos, quepais, quepan. Imperat. cabe, quepa, quepamos, cabed, quepan. Imperf. cabia, -ias, -ia, cabiamos, cabiais, cabian. Fut. cabr-, -as, -a, cabremos, cabreis, cabran. Cond. cabr-ia, -ias, -ia, cabriamos, cabriais, cabrian. Pret. cupe, -iste, cupo, cupimos, cupisteis, cupie-ron. Imp. Sub. i. cupiera, 2. cupiese, Fut. Sub. cupiere. Idioms with caber. Este hombre no cabe por la This man can't get in through puerta. the door. No cabe duda. There is no doubt about it. Si cabe. If it be possible. Cabe usted ? Is there room for you ? No caben tantas personas en la The church will not contain so iglesia. many people. No cabe mas. That settles it, caps the climax. No cabe en el mundo. The world is not big enough to hold him. Cabe suponer se tratara de la There is room for supposing guerra y no de la paz. it will be a question of war and not of peace. Todo cabe en fulano. So and so is capable of any- thing. Yo no quepo de gozo. I am overjoyed. 132 SPANISH GRAMMAR 205. Veo, ver, vi, visto, to see. Pres. Ind. ve-o, ves, ve, vemos, ve"is, ven. Pres. Sub. ve-a, veas, vea, veamos, veais, vean. Imperat. ve, vea, veamos, ved, vean. Imperf. veia, veias, vela, veiamos, veiais, veian. Put. ver-e, veras, vera, veremos, vere"is, veran. Cond. ver-ia, verias, veria, veriamos, veriais, verian. Pret. vi, viste, vi6, vimos, visteis, vie-ron. Imp. Sub. i. viera, 2. viese, Put. Sub. viere. Gerund, viendo. NOTE. Occasionally in poetry are found the old forms of the imperfect : via, vias, via, viamos, vlais, vlan, and the populace still use the old preterits yo vide for vl and el vido for vib. 206. The compounds of ver are inflected like the simple verb. The infinitive was formerly veer, and this form ap- pears in some of the compounds. In that case the con- jugation is regular like any other verb in -eer, as leer, creer, poseer, in whose conjugation unaccented i between two vowels becomes y. See 143, d. Proveo, proveer, provei, proveido or provisto, to provide. Pres. Ind. proveo, provees, provee, etc. Imperf. proveia, etc. Pres. Sub. provea, Imperat. provee, , , proveed, . Put. proveer^, Cond. proveeria. Pret. provei, -iste, provey6, proveimos, -isteis, proveye-ron. Imp. Sub. i. proveyera, 2. proveyese, Put. Sub. proveyere. Gerund, proveyendo. Idioms with ver. Eso esta de ver. That is worth seeing. Eso esta por ver. That remains to be seen. A ver or vamos a ver. Let's see. Ya se ve. It is evident, to be sure. VERBS 133 No te veras en ese espejo. You will not see yourself in that glass, i.e. will not suc- ceed in that way. Hagamelo ver. Show it to me. Yo le har ver las estrellas. I will make him see stars. 207. Ducir, to lead, as an independent verb, is no longer in use, but it has several compounds which are conjugated in the present stem according to 143, a. In the preterit the stem changes to duj. Induzco, inducir, induje, inducido, to induce. Gerund, induciendo. Pres. Ind. induzc-o, induces, induce, -imos, -is, inducen. Pres. Sub. induzc-a, -as, -a, induzcamos, -ais, induzcan. Imperat. induce, induzca, -amos, inducid, induzcan. Imperf. inducia, -ias, -ia, induciamos, -iais, inducian. Put. inducire, Cond. induciria. Pret. induje, -iste, indujo, -imos, -isteis, induje-ron. Imp. Sub. i. indujera, 2. indujese, Put. Sub. indujere. NOTE. For loss of i in preterit stem see 143, c. 208. Placer, to please, is of infrequent use and is con- fined to the third person, chiefly singular, i.e. as an im- personal verb. Its place is usually taken by other verbs, as agradar, to please, gustar, to suit, please, querer, to wish, etc. Place, placer, plugo (placio), placido, to please. Gerund, placiendo. Pres. Ind. place. i. Imp. Sub. pluguiera (placiera). Pres. Sub. plazca (plegue). 2. Imp. Sub. pluguiese (placiese). Imperat. plegue (plega). Fut. Sub. pluguiere (placiere). Imperf. placia. Fut. Ind. placera. Pret. plugo (placi6). Cond. placeria. 134 SPANISH GRAMMAR NOTE. DesjUacer, to displease, is found in about the same forms, and an occasional plural form of both verbs occurs. The Academy is of opinion that there is no special reason why both should not be conjugated in full like other verbs in -cer, but that as an impersonal the forms above are preferable. Complacer, to oblige, may be conjugated regularly in full, inserting z before c when this letter comes before a or o: Pres. Ind. complazco, complaces, complace, etc. Pres. Sub. complazca, complazcas, etc. See 143, a. 209. The following verbs are grouped together, because they perform many of the functions of the English modal auxiliaries. Deber is regular, but is given for convenience. Puedo, poder, pude, podido, to be able, may, can. Se", saber, supe, sabido, to know, can. Quiero, querer, quise, querido, to wish, will, like. Debo, deber, debl, debido, to owe, ought, must. Gerunds : pudiendo, sabiendo, queriendo, debiendo. PRESENT INDICATIVE puedo s quiero debo puedes sabes quieres debes puede sabe quiere debe podemos sabemos queremos debemos podis sabe"is quere"is debels pueden saben quieren deben PRESENT SUBJUNCTIVE pueda sepa quiera deba puedas sepas quieras debas pueda sepa quiera deba podamos sepamos queramos debamos podais sepais querais debais puedan sepan quieran deban VERBS 135 IMPERATIVE puede sabe quiere debe pueda sepa quiera deba podamos sepamos queramos debamos poded sabed quered debed puedan sepan quieran deban IMPERFECT INDICATIVE podia sabia queria debia podias sabias querias debias podia sabia queria debia podiamos sabiamos queriamos debiamos podiais sabiais queriais debiais podian sabian querian debian FUTURE INDICATIVE podre" sabr querr debere CONDITIONAL podria sabria querria deberia PRETERIT pude supe quise debi pudiste supiste quisiste debiste pudo supo quiso debi6 pudimos supimos quisimos debimos pudisteis supisteis quisisteis debisteis pudie-ron supie-ron quisie-ron debie-ron i. IMPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE pudiera supiera quisiera debiera 2. IMPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE pudiese supiese quisiese debiese FUTURE SUBJUNCTIVE pudiere supiere quisiere debiere 136 SPANISH GRAMMAR 210. Poder expresses physical or moral ability, possi- bility, liability, authority, permission, etc. It is constructed with a dependent infinitive and is variously equivalent to our may, can, might, could ; but as these may have differ- ent shades of meaning, it is best, when there is any doubt, to resolve them into the equivalent forms of the verb to be able. The following examples will show some of the many uses of poder : No puede alcanzarlo. No pueden menos de sentirlo. Yo no puedo verle. Mama, everywh For todas partes, j ere. 162 SPANISH GRAMMAR Adentro, inside, within. Cerca, near, \ejos,far. Adelante, delante, forward. Aqui mismo, in this very place. Ahi, there (near or towards you) , En alguna parte, somewhere. En otra parte, elsewhere. En ninguna parte, nowhere. Alii mismo, in that very place. NOTE. Donde, where (i.e. without the written accent) is fre- quently used as a relative (which}, referring to things, and may be governed by a preposition : La ciudad (en) donde vive. El lugar de donde viene. El camino por donde venimos esta en muy mal estado. b. Adverbs of time : ( grandisimamente, ) Cerca, near, Lejos, far, Mal, badly, Poco, little, Bien, well, Felizmente, happily, Grandemente, greatly, very near, very far. very badly, very little, very well, very happily, very greatly. 242. Tanto and cuanto lose their final syllable to before adjectives and adverbs in the positive degree, but not before comparatives : No liable V. tan de prisa. Yo lo hallo tan bien que no puedo menos de aceptarlo. Don't speak so fast. It pleases me so much that I can not do less than accept it. 1 68 SPANISH GRAMMAR i Cuan despacio caminan ! How slowly they walk ! i Cuan contento esta aqui ! How contented he is here ! Tanto mejor (peor) para usted. So much the better (worse) for you. a. Como stands in the second term of comparisons of equality, when tan, is in the first : Este c6mico trabaja tan bien como This comedian plays as well as el otro. the other. b. But como or cuanto may be used in the second term, where tanto is an independent adverb : No juega tanto como antes. He does not play so much as formerly. Hoy he escrito tanto como (or To-day I have written as much cuanto) he podido. as I could. c. Note also the following expressions. In the first two, tanto may be omitted, the sense remaining the same : Cuanto mas bebe, (tanto) mas The more he drinks, the se emborracha. drunker he gets. Cuanto mas gana el pobrecito, The more the poor fellow (tanto) menos tiene. earns, the less he has. Tanto mas tarde trabajo hoy, I work the later to-day, as T cuanto que no podr venir shall not be able to come manana. to-morrow. Cuanto mas se discute, mayor The more it is discussed, the es la confusi6n. greater is the confusion. VIII PREPOSITIONS 243. The prepositions, especially , en, de, por, and para, constitute one of the great difficulties of the Spanish lan- guage. The examples here given cover pretty well most of the uses. They should be studied very thoroughly : A, to, at, in, into, on (frequently not translated into English). a. In expressions of time : A las diez ; al mediodia. Al dia siguiente. A su nacimiento. A cuantos estamos hoy? Estamos a primero ; a tres. A primeros de Marzo. A fines de verano. Cuatro veces al ano. Llegara a tiempo. A poco sali6 el tren. Al'amanecer ; a la noche. Al entrar ; al llegar. A tiempo que pasaba un tren. Fiie" extraido del pozo a los nueve dias. At ten o'clock ; at midday. On the following day. At his birth. What is the day of the month? It is 'the first ; the third. Early in March. Towards the end of summer. Four times a year. He will arrive in time. In a short time the train went out. At dawn ; at night. On entering ; on arriving. Just as a train was passing. He was taken from the well at the end of nine days. b. Position, direction, etc. : A la puerta ; a la derecha. Esta a bordo del barco. Voy a casa ; a casa de Juan. Ire a Espana ; a Madrid. j Al tren, sefiores viajeros ! At the door ; to the right. He is on board the ship. I am going home ; to John's. I shall go to Spain ; to Madrid. All aboard, ladies and gentlemen! 169 SPANISH GRAMMAR Vive d dos leguas de aqui. Lo traducire al ingle's. A medio camino entre Madrid y Toledo. A su paso tom6 la ciudad. Sie"ntese usted a la mesa. Cay6 d tierra, al suelo. Estamos a vista de tierra. Todavia no esta a mi servicio. Tropas al mando del capitdn. c. Manner, means, cause: Hizo una resena a grandes rasgos. Vino a caballo ; a pie. A fe de caballero. Lo hizo a ruegos de mi tio. Se le mat6 a sangre fria. Ri6 a carcajadas. Dispar6 a quemarropa. Gota d gota ; paso d paso. A lo fi!6sofo. d. Price, rate, etc. : Se vende d tres pesetas el metro. La descontare al cinco por ciento. Al contado ; al fiado (d crdito). Al por mayor ; al por menor. Estd empleado d dos duros dia- rios. Andando d diez nudos por hora. He lives two leagues from here. I will translate it into English. Halfway between Madrid and Toledo. On his way he captured the city, Take your seat at the table. He fell down (to the earth, to the ground). We are in sight of land. He is not yet in my service. Troops under the command of the captain. He gave a description in large outlines. He came on horseback ; on foot. On the word of a gentleman. He did it at the instance of my uncle. He was killed in cold blood. He roared out laughing. He fired point blank. Drop by drop ; step by step. In a philosophical manner. It is sold at three pesetas a meter. I will discount it at five per cent. For cash ; on credit. At wholesale ; at retail. He is employed at two dollars a day. Going at ten knots an hour. PREPOSITIONS I/I e. Note also : Jugar a los naipes, al ajedrez. Una soluci6n al conflicto. Temor a la publicidad. Amor a la patria. La sala huele aun d tabaco. La carne sabe a ajo. NOTE. Other uses of a will and verbs. To play cards, chess. A solution of the difficulty. Fear of publicity. Love of country. The parlor still smells of to- bacco. The meat tastes of garlic. be found in the syntax of nouns 244. En, at, on, tipon, in, into (the general idea being rest in or on, or motion in or into). a. In time relations : El ataque comenz6 en la noche del viernes. No se habia separado de e"l en toda la noche. Volvi6 en el momento en que yo lo esperaba. En e"poca en que estamos. Curan el dolor de muelas en un momento. La situaci6n del banco en 21 de Octubre. De hoy en ocho dias. De dia en dia. En la noche y en la manana. b. Position, direction, etc. : El senor esta y quedara en casa The gentleman is in and will todo el dia. remain at home all day. La comida esta en la mesa. The dinner is on the table. Sentarse en la mesa, en la cama, To take a seat at the table, en la silla. upon the bed, in the chair. The attack began on Friday night. He had not parted from him during the whole night. He returned at the moment when I was expecting him. In these days. They cure toothache instantly. The condition of the bank on the 2ist of October. To-day week. From day to day. At night and in the morning. SPANISH GRAMMAR Muri6 en la silla ele"ctrica. El vapor iba en su socorro. Se alej6 en su bicicleta. El crucero naufrag6 en un arre- cife. Se ofrece en venta en la libreria. En la estaci6n del ferrocarril. Esta en el fondo de ese corredor. En la esquina de la calle. Vamos a pasear en el parque. Entran en el domicilio de los deudores. El peri6dico en que trabaja. c. Note also : Se castigara en juicio sumarisimo. La reconoci en el crujido de sus botinas. by means of, in place of, is one of the most overworked of all the prepositions ; but its various uses fall, in general, within certain lines which make their classification rather easy : PREPOSITIONS 175 a. Time : No durara por mucho tiempo. Creo que cae por pascua. Cuatro pesos por un ano. Una lluvia de cenizas caia por instantes. Por entonces habia estallado una guerra. Por la noche la vi salir del res- taurant. b. Place, movement, etc. : Pasa por la calle. Se escap6 por la ventana. Sin bajas por su parte. Mis investigaciones por ese lado. Las aves vuelan por el aire. Se ech6 a andar por montes y por llanos. Luego revolvi6 su mirada por la mar y por el espacio. Un viaje de inspecci6n por las costas. Cuando ve al conde por la calle. c. Price, value: Vendere" mi casa por mil pesos. Una carta puede ir a Manila por dos perras chicas. ^Cuanto pide V. por este som- brero ? Madera por valor de doscientos duros. Un real por pieza. It will not last for a long time. I think it falls at Easter. Four dollars (for) a year. A shower of ashes fell at times. At that time a war had broken out. At night I saw her come out of the restaurant. He passes along the street. He escaped by the window. Without casualties on their side. My investigations in that line. The birds fly through the air. He began to wander about aimlessly. Then he looked around over the sea and into space. A tour of inspection along the coasts. When he sees the count in the street. I will sell my house for a thou- sand dollars. A letter can go to Manila for two pennies. How much do you ask for this hat? Wood to the value of two hun- dred dollars. One real apiece. 7 6 SPANISH GRAMMAR d. Vause, manner, means :- Los regales llaman la atenci6n por su elegancia. No hay que palidecer por eso. Alguna vez ocurria por descuido. Ella esta loca por 1. Acudi6 por el ruido que caus yo. La dolencia se agrav6 por ines- perada complicaci6n. Por Dios y por Espafia querri- amos evitarlo. Merezco por ello la muerte. No se podian ver por la oscuri- dad. La ciudad sufri6 por falta de agua. Por el amor que le tenia ella. La mujer lo hizo por vanidad. Tememos por los colonos. Por haber tolerado tales gober- nantes. Por un golpe de buena fortuna. Se le formara causa por embria- guez. Lo hara por fuerza. Lo divide por la mitad. Entonces empez6 por decir. Le llaman por su nombre. Explic6, por modo concise, sus razones para augurar exito brillante. The presents attract attention by their elegance. There is no reason to get pale on that account. It occurred sometimes through oversight. She is madly in love with him. He ran up (to me) because of the noise I made. The disease grew worse be- cause of an unexpected com- plication. For God's sake and for Spain's we should like to avoid it. I deserve death for it. They could not see each other on account of the darkness. The city suffered for lack of water. For the love she had for him. The woman did it for vanity. We fear for the colonists. For having tolerated such rulers. By a stroke of good luck. He will be prosecuted for drunkenness. He will do it by force. He divides it into halves. Then he began by saying. They call him by his name. He explained, in a concise manner, his reasons for pre- dicting brilliant success. PREPOSITIONS 1/7 Se estableci6 por su cuenta. Esta obligado a mirar por si mismo. Se la siti6 (a la ciudad) por hambre. Se despachan pedidos por correo. <; Debo venir por mar 6 por tierra ? Ya lo 86" por experiencia. Nadie me vi6 bajar gor aquella soga. La situaci6n se explica por si misma. Muchos, por falta de sentido, no le pierden. He went into business on his own account. He is obliged to look out for himself. The city was besieged and starved out. Orders sent by mail. Shall I come by sea or by land ? I already know it by experience. No one saw me come down by that rope. The situation explains itself. Many do not lose their senses because they have none. e. Purpose, exchange, instead of, in behalf of, etc. : Salgo sin capa por (para) ir mas ligero. Hubo un pleito por divorcio. Tenia impaciencia por defender a su amigo. La filosofia lucha por resolver este problema. Tenia prisa por otra explicaci6n. Lo que V. ha hecho por mi. Estoy siempre velando por ti. Asisto por mi companero. Habla por su amigo. Fu por lefia y agua. Doy mi gaban por el de usted. Vayase el uno por el otro. I go out without cape in order to go more rapidly. There was a suit for divorce. He was impatient to defend his friend. Philosophy strives to solve this problem. He was anxious for another explanation. What you have done for me. I am always watching over thee. I attend in place of my com- panion. He speaks for his friend. He went for wood and water. I will give my greatcoat for yours. Let one go for the other. SPAN. GRAM. 12 1/8 SPANISH GRAMMAR /. Note further : Ruin sea el que por ruin se tiene. Fui por Madrid a Toledo. Echaronle por tierra. Ella le cogi6 por la mano. h ' . j ay ! j guay I j \ ja ! \ ja ! \ ja ! (laughter). i bah ! pshaw / \ ojala ! God grant ! \ ca ! or \ quia ! nonsense / \ ox ! shoo ! \ caramba ! the deuce ! \ puf ! ugh ! pah / I caspita ! zounds / j sus ! courage ! come on / \ ea ! come ! \ tate ! beware ! \ eh ! eh ! say ! j uf ! (weariness), oh ! \ hola ! (ola) oh / hello f \ zape ! scat! goodness ! 271. Besides the pure interjections, various parts of speech are used as such. Among the more common are : j al asesino ! murder / \ cuidado ! take care ! \ al Iadr6n ! stop thief! \ de veras ! indeed '/ truly ! \ & lincharle ! lynch him f \ fuego ! fire ! \ anda ! pshaw f nonsense! \ otra ! j otra ! j otra vez ! en- \ a quemarle vivo ! burn him core / alive/ j toma ! indeed! really! IQ2 SPANISH GRAMMAR i basta ! enough ! \ socorro ! help ! help / i bravo ! bravo ! good for you! \ vamos ! come ! well! \ calle ! shut up ! nonsense ! \ vaya ! indeed ' ! of course ! \ c6mo ! how ! why ! \ voto va ! thunderation ! \ corriente ! all right ! \ ya ya ! yes, yes, of course ! NOTE. Hombre, man, and mujer, woman, often occur as interjections, particularly to add emphasis or to protest against a statement. 272. The names of holy personages and evil spirits are freely used as exclamations, Spaniards not feeling the same aversion to their use as we do. In translating into English, they may be rendered by dear me ! heavens ! gracious me! or any other equivalent appropriate to the context : i cielos ! heavens ! \ ave Maria ! hail Mary ! \ ay Dios mio ! oh, my God! \ ave Maria purisima ! hail Mary \ Dios ! God! most pure ! \ Dios mio ! my God! \ Virgen Santa ! Holy Virgin / \ por Dios ! for God's sake ! \ Jesus ! or, \ Jesus, Maria, Jose" ! i sefior ! lord! sir! \ demonio ! 1 i pardiez ! by George ! \ diablo ! i valgame Dios ! God help me ! \ diantre ! J 273. Adjectives and ay and guay are connected by de with a following noun or pronoun : i triste de mi ! poor me ! \ ay de ti ! alas for thee ! \ pobre de mi amigo ! my poor \ guay tie la victima ! woe to the friend! victim ! 274. Finally qu6 and qu6 tan introduce many exclama- tory phrases : i que" lastima ! what a pity ! \ que" hombre ! what a man ! \ que" bonita ! how pretty ! \ que" nina tan hermosa ! what a pretty child ! X SYNTAX THE DEFINITE ARTICLE 275. The English and Spanish definite articles coincide in many of their uses. In general we shall note only such cases as differ from English usage. The Spanish article is used a. With the names of certain countries, provinces, mountains, and cities, and with others when they are lim- ited by some qualifying word or are not preceded by a preposition : el Brasil, el Canada, la America del Sur. el Peru, la Coruna. la Carolina del Norte. la Habana, el Vesuvio. la Gran Bretana. el Helic6n. Castilla la Nueva or la Vieja. el Jap6n, el Paraguay. la Francia produce mucho vino. NOTE. Familiarly also before the baptismal names of women : la Carlota, la Dolores, la Pepita. b\ In expressing periods or points of time : Volver6 a los ocho dias v I shall return in eight days. Lo vi el lunes y lo vere" el mie>- I saw him on Monday and shall coles. see him on Wednesday. Doy mi Iecci6n de musica los I take my music lesson (on) martes y los jueves. Tuesdays and Thursdays. La semana entrante ; el ano que Next week ; next year. viene. SPAN. GRAM. 13 193 194 SPANISH GRAMMAR Es la una ; son las dos, las tres It is one o'clock ; it is two, y media. half- past three. A or por la noche. At night. c. In expressions of rate, measure, weight, etc. : Al tanto por ciento. At so much per cent. A dos pesos la fanega. At two dollars a bushel. A tres pesetas la libra. At three francs a pound. A diez centavos la milla. At ten cents a mile. NOTE. But the article is frequently omitted and por may be used : Este pafio vale dos pesos vara This cloth is worth two dollars (la vara or por vara) . a yard. La mantequilla se vende a 25 Butter sells at twenty-five cents centavos libra (la 1. or por 1.). a pound. d. With nouns expressing universal or abstract ideas: El mentir es un vicio abomi- Lying is an abominable vice. nable. . Mas vale la alegria que la ri- Mirth is better than riches. queza. El hombre propone y la mujer Man proposes and woman dis- dispone. poses. El oro es mas precioso que la Gold is more precious than plata. silver. El perro es un animal muy util. The dog is a very useful animal. e. Before titles when used in the third person, except don and dona : El doctor Sanchez ; el general Dr. Sanchez ; General Espar- Espartero ; el almirante Cer- tero ; Admiral Cervera ; Mr. vera ; el senor Silvela ; la Silvela ; Mrs. Bazan ; Pope senora Bazan ; el papa Le6n Leo the Thirteenth. trece. THE DEFINITE ARTICLE 195 But Buenos dias, senor Garcia. roct&en.te, proceeding, coming. obediente, obeying. referente, referring. THE VERB 237 Examples : Una carga consistente en mine- rales, cueros, y cafe\ Efectos pertenecientes a la Cruz Roja. Una cruz de brillantes pendiente de su cuello. A cargo consisting of minerals, leather, and coffee. Effects belonging to the Red Cross. A cross of brilliants hanging from her neck. THE GERUND 329. The present participle being no longer in general use as such, its functions are discharged by the gerund, which has but one form, and differs but little, in its use, from our present participle. We need only to note the principal differences, which are a. To indicate a completed action: Llegando mi amigo, partimos a My friend having arrived, we cazar. started out hunting. b. To express cause, manner, means, time: Gana su pan cotidiano vendiendo He earns his daily bread by sell- ing newspapers. Misfortunes come rapidly. She carried her point by flatter- ing him. He died when he was very young. He did not wish to advance while the general was absent. c. Absolutely in place of a finite verb : Les consult^ si creian que podia I consulted them as t whether continuar el combate, con- they thought I could continue peri6dicos. Los males vienen corriendo. Ella se sali6 con la suya lison- jeandole. Muri6 siendo muy joven. No queria avanzar, estando au- sente el general. testando que no. the fight, and they answered no. 238 SPANISH GRAMMAR d. The gerund occurs with en to express an action completed before that of the personal verb ; but as the same idea can be rendered without en, this preposition is rarely used : iQue" no hara (en) llegando a What will he not do after be- ser tu marido ? coming your husband ? e. The compound forms are of quite frequent use, but as they are constructed in the same way as the simple, a single example will suffice : El senador habiendo concluido The senator having concluded su discurso se sent6. his speech sat down. NOTE. For the use of the gerund with estar and verbs of motion, see 140 and 140, a. THE PAST PARTICIPLE 330. The past participle used as such or as an adjective varies for gender and number : El proyecto de ley votado por el The bill having been passed by Senado fue" rechazado por la the Senate was rejected by Camara. the House. Su hija amada muri6. His beloved daughter died. See also 138, 4, and 145, d. 331. Special cases of its use are a. In absolute constructions : Pasado el momento de peligro, The moment of danger having renovamos nuestros esfuerzos. passed, we renewed our efforts. THE VERB 239 b. After despufe de, antes de, luego de : Despue"s de acabada la tarea, After having finished the task fuimos a casa. we went home. Antes de concluido su discurso Before having concluded his se desmay6. speech, he fainted. Luego de contadomelo no quiso As soon as he had related it to hablar mas. me, he would not speak any more. c. After para and par : No es una proposici6n para It is not a proposition to be rechazada. rejected. Entonces se di6 por vencido. Then he gave up as conquered. XI FORMS OF ADDRESS (TRATAMIENTOS) 332. a. Senor Garcia, Mr. Garcia. Senor Carlos Garcia, Mr. Charles Garcia. Senor Don C. Garcia, Mr. Charles Garcia. Don Carlos (no equivalent in English). b. Senora Garcia, Mrs. Garcia. Senora Josefa Garcia, Mrs. Josephine Garcia. Senora Dona J. Garcia, Mrs. Josephine Garcia. Dona Josefa (no English equivalent). c. Senorita Garcia, Miss Garcia. Senorita Maria Garcia, Miss Mary Garcia. Senorita Maria, Miss Mary. d. The above are the forms of address when speaking to people. When speaking about them, senor, senora, and senorita must be preceded by the definitive article : El senor, la senora y la senorita Mr., Mrs., and Miss Garcia. Garcia. e. Caballero and senor are our sir, the latter (senor) being a little more distant and formal and consequently always used in addressing deliberative bodies. For in- stance, in the Cortes, a speaker would address his auditors as senores ; but, if speaking to an audience of ladies and gentlemen, he would say : Senoras, senoritas y caballeros. After si t yes, and no, no, senor is always used : Si, senor; no, senor. FORMS OF ADDRESS 24! f. Senor is used before all titles in formal address : Buenos dias, senor capitan. Good morning, Captain. <; Esta el senor profesor? Is the professor at home? g. El senor y la senora (or los senor es) are used by servants in speaking of the master and mistress of the house. h. In speaking of a person's relatives, politeness re- quires us to say : sit (your) senor padre, su senora madre, su senorita hermana, etc., instead of su padre, etc. i. When talking to a man of his wife; we say su (your) senora; while he will mention her as mi senora or mi esposa, or less formally, mi mujer. j. Don and dona are only used before baptismal names, which are the common forms of address, where we use Mr., Mrs., etc., with the family name. As in English, men are also addressed familiarly by their family names. k. Senorito is used by servants in their intercourse with their masters who are young men. It is also quite gen- erally used by the lower orders in addressing men who are not their masters. /. Spanish family names consist of two parts connected by y. The first is the name of the father, the second, that of the mother : Pascual Cervera y Topete. The second part is frequently dropped. m. A woman, when she marries, keeps her maiden name but joins it to the family name of her husband by de. For instance, if Josefa Perez marries a Mr. Garcia, her name becomes Josefa PJrez de Garcia. She is commonly known as Senora Ptrez, or Dona Josefa, but not as Senora Garcia. SPAN. GRAM. 1 6 242 SPANISH GRAMMAR SPANISH ABBREVIATIONS 333. The following is a list of the more common abbre- viations. Where usage varies in regard to small or capi- tal letters, the former have been given in parenthesis. When beginning a sentence any of them may be written with a capital. (a), alias, alias. @, arroba ( = 25 Ibs. ; also 4 gals.), and a, at. A., afecto, obedient, affectionate. A. C. (ano de Cristo) = A.D. a eta., a cuenta, on account. a v/a, a la vista, at sight. adm6n., administraci6n. admor., administrador. af"?, afectisimo, most obedient, affectionate. af '., afecto, obedient, affectionate. ag*?, agosto, August. am?, amigo, friend. apble., apreciable,/#z>0r. art. or arto., articulo, article. atr?, atento, respectful. B. L. M. (b. 1. m.) , besa la mano. B. L. P. (b. 1. p.), besa los pies. brl., barril, barrel. c/., cuenta de, account of. cap. or cap?, capitulo, chapter. cap 1 ?, capitdn, captain. etc., corriente, instant. eg., centigramo, centigram. cia., compania, company. cl., centilitre, centiliter. com., comisi6n, commission. cm., centimetre, centimeter. C. M. B. (c. m. b.), cuya mano beso. comp* (cia.), compania Co. consig., consignaci6n, consign- ment. corr*?, corriente, instant. C. P. B. (c. p. b.), cuyos pies beso. c. , cuenta, account. c./c*?, cuenta corriente, account current. eta. d/v., cuenta de venta, ac- count of sales. c 4 ?, cuarto, quarter, fourth. cy., currency, currency. D. or Dn., Don. die?, 10?, diciembre. d/v., dias vista, days sight. doz., docena, dozen. dro., derecho, duty, right. dup d ., duplicado, duplicate. E., este, east. en?, enero, January. feb?, febrero, February. fha., fecha, date. fol., folio, page, folio. SPANISH ABBREVIATIONS 243 g., gramo, gram. gral., general. grs., gruesa, gross. h., hora, hour. HI., hectolitre, hectoliter. ib., ibidem, in the same place. id., idem, ditto. II?, ilustre, noble, honorable. II 1 ? , ilustrisimo, most noble, etc. izq, izquierdo, left. Kg., kilogramo, kilogram. Km., ki!6metro, kilometer. Ibs., libras, pounds. m., minuto, metro, minute, meter. mg., miligramo, milligram. mm., milimetro, millimeter. mrz., marzo, March. N., norte, north. N. B., nota bene, 0& w^//. n/., nuestro, tf&r. n, r. pag., pagina, /<*#?. pc/o., % , por ciento, per cent. P. D., posdata, postscript. pgdro., pagadero, payable. p/cta., por cuenta, for account. p. ej., por e]tm$\o, for example. p?, pero, but. p. o., por orden, by order. P. P., porte pagado, postpaid. P. P., por poder, by power of attorney. pp d -, pr6ximo pasado, ultimo. p r , por, by, for. pral., principal. P. S., poscriptum, postscript. pxo., proximo, proximo, next. Q. B. S. M. (q. b. s. m.) , que besa sus manos. . Q. B. S. P. (q. b. s. p.), que besa sus pies. Q. D. G.(q. D. g.), que Dios guarde. q?, que, that, which, who. ql., quintal, quintal (cwt.) . q", quien, who, whom. q. e. g. e., que en gloria este*. q. e. p. d., que en paz des- canse. q. s. g. h., que santa gloria haya. R. I. P., requiescat in pace. R!*, recibi, (I) received. Re., re"cipe, recipe. rl, real, "real" (about 10^). s/., sobre, on. S. e. u. o., salvo error u omision, save errors and omissions. serv?, servicio, service. serv or , servidor, servant. sept?, set?, 7?, septiembre. sig 1 . 6 , siguiente, following. 244 SPANISH GRAMMAR Sr., sefior, Sir, Mr. spre., siempre, always, ever. Sra., senora, Mrs., Madam. Srta., senorita, Miss. S. S. S., su seguro servidor, your faithful servant. test?, testigo, witness. tom.(t?), tomo, volume. tpo., tiempo, time. tilt?, ultimo, ultimo, last. V. E., Vuestra Excelencia, Vue- celencia, Vuecencia, Your Grace. v. gr., verbigracia, for example. vol., volumen, volume. vro., vuestro, your. v/ta., vista, sight. v* a , vuelta, forward. EPISTOLARY FORMALITIES 334. Spanish letter-headings and forms of address differ but slightly from our own. We need only note the use of nuestro or nuestros, whenever several persons address one or more persons, as if we should say : Our dear sir or our dear sirs; and further that, in certain forms of address, the adjectives, while essential in Spanish, have no equivalents in English, and have either to be omitted in translating or rendered by our simpler forms of address. The following will suffice as examples of the common modes of address : a. Formal : Muy senor mio, Dear Sir. Muy sefiores mios, Dear Sirs. Muy senor nuestro, Dear Sir. Muy sefiores nuestros, Dear Sirs. Mi distinguido amigo, Esteemed friend. Muy senorita mia, Dear Miss . Muy distinguido senor mio, Dear Sir. Muy senora mia y de mi mayor consideraci6n, Dear Madam. Reverendo Padre or Respetable senor. (To a priest or clergy- man.) Muy senoritas mias, Dear Misses . Muy senora mia, Dear Madam. Muy senora nuestra, Dear Madam. Muy estimada senora N., Dear Mrs. N. EPISTOLARY FORMALITIES 245 b. Less formal : Muy Sr. mio y distinguido amigo, Dear Sir and {distinguished) friend. Muy sefior mio y amigo, Dear Sir and friend. c. Informal: Apreciables amigos mios, My dear friends. Querido amigo nuestro, Dear friend. Muy estimados amigos nuestros, Esteemed friends. Mi respetable amigo, My dear friend. Estimado amigo mio, My esteemed friend. Mi bueno y querido amigo, My {good and) dear friend. d. Familiar: Mi querido Juan, My dear John. Amigo Jose", Friend Joe. Queridisima Anita, My dearest Anita. Mi mas querido amigo, My dearest friend. NOTE. The above are the usual forms, but there may be others, depending on the will and temperament of the writer. 335. Letters may begin in one of many ways, but the following may be taken as specimens in formal and infor- mal correspondence. For abbreviations see 333: Aunque no tengo el honor de conocer d V., me tomo la libertad de dirigirle estas lineas para . . . Ya es tiempo que coja la pluma para dedicar un rato d mis buenos amigos . . . Adjunto remito a V. una libranza de 30 pesetas en pago de . . . Lleg6 d sta su deseada en e"poca que yo me encontraba en Madrid . . . Refine" ndome a su favorecida del 25 del pp d -, tengo el honor de contestar que . . . 246 SPANISH GRAMMAR Tengo el gusto de acusar recibo de su atenta fechada el 10 corriente . . . Contestando su grata fechada el 7 del actual, desearia infor- marle que . . . Es en mi poder su muy atenta de ayer, y me apresuro a con- testar que . . . Acusando recibo de su favorecida fechada en 22 de octubre, me permito mandarle la eta. d/v. de . . . 336. Of the many ways of closing letters, the following will serve as specimens : a. Formal (more or less) : Nos repitimos de V. con afecto S. S., r 13 c A/T { Jj. o. 1V1. Tenemos mucho gusto en ofrecernos S. S. S. y amigos, Q. B. S. M. Dios guarde a V. muchos anos como desea su muy atento ser- vidor - Q.B.S.M. Reitero a W. mi afecto y quedo como siempre S. S. S., Q. B. S. M. Soy (quedo) de V. su muy afecto seguro servidor, q. b. s. m. Entre tanto queda a sus 6rdenes su atto. S. S., b s m Con tal motivo me ofrezco de V. afmo. S. S., , q. b. s. m. b. Fam iliar and informal : Salude V. a su senora y ninos y sabe que es su afmo. que le quiere > LOPE DE VEGA. Afectos de toda la familia y sabe V. es su afmo. y S. S., ESTEBAN BANCHS. EPISTOLARY FORMALITIES 247 Saludo carinosamente a V. y a todos los suyos, y quedo su am? y S " S '> ENRIQUE GARCU. Que le vaya bien y disponga de este su am? y servidor, MANUEL MENDOZA. Sin mas por hoy sabes que puedes disponer del afecto de este tu amigo y S. S., DIEGO GuTI RREZ NOTE. While the letters Q. B. S. M. are still in good use, especially in very formal communications, it is becoming more and more customary to omit them, as in the last examples and more particularly in business letters. 337. Letters are addressed as follows : When sent by mail, Senor Don (or Sr. Dn.) E B . Senora Dona (or Sra. Da.) M O . Senorita A G de P . The direction coming immediately after, as in English. When sent by hand, B. L. M. B. L. M. B. L. M. Al Sr. Dn. L. de Q . A Don R . Al Sr. M . S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. Enrique Pe"rez. D. de Manj6n. Benito Bazan. B. L. P. B. L. P. A mi Sra. Da. J P . A la Sra. Da. J- S. A. S. S. S. A. S. S. Rodriguez Guevara. Emilio Castelar. B. L. P. A la Sra. A S . S. A. S. S. Ram6n Rey. XII EXERCISES REMARKS. The grammar references and Spanish exercises should be thoroughly learned before an attempt is made to write the English exercises, as many words, expressions, and explana- tions are there given which could not be so clearly stated in the vocabulary, and hence are not therein repeated, unless they occur in other exercises, in which case they are again properly provided for. In the English exercises, translate all words in parentheses ( ), and leave out all those in brackets [ ]. The small figures to the right of several English words indicate the order in which their Spanish equivalents are to be placed. The figures in heavy type in parentheses refer to sections of the grammar, and should always be looked up before the sentences are translated. Words connected by a dash (-) will be found in the vocabulary under the first word. 1 338. Learn 136 and 142 o imperfect tense, and read 135-135, c. Learn also 11-15, e. i. La tierra gira alrededor del sol en un ano. El ano tiene doce (12) meses y cuatro (4) estaciones. 2. Los meses son: enero, febrero, marzo, abril, mayo, junio, Julio, agosto, se(p)tiem- .bre, octubre, noviembre y diciembre. 3. Las estaciones son : la primavera, el verano 6 estio, el otono y el invierno. 4. Un ines tiene cuatro semanas ; una semana tiene siete (7) dias, que son: lunes, martes, mie"rcoles, jueves, viernes, sabado y domingo. EXERCISES 249 5. Dia significa un espacio de veinticuatro (24) horas, y tambie'n el tiempo entre la salida y la puesta del sol. 6. Cuando el sol se pone, comienza (comenzar) la noche, y el sol parece pasar por debajo de la tierra. 7. La cortesia es la flor de la humanidadl. 8. The sun seems [to] revolve around the earth. 9. There are (137, ,3) twelve (38) months in a year and three months in a season. 10. An hour has sixty (38) minutes, and a minute, sixty seconds, n. (The) Monday is the first (25) day of the week, (the) Tuesday is the second (38), (the) Wednesday is the third, (the) Thursday is the fourth, (the) Friday is the fifth, (the) Sat- urday is the sixth, and (the) Sunday is the seventh or last. 12. [On] (the) Sunday the good (25) Christian goes to (the) church and prays; the other six days he works. 13. But [he does] not work all the time, for [he] is 2 not 1 a machine, and has to (138, 3) rest when [he] is (139) very tired. 2 339. Study 16-19, d, and review 14-15 and 136 and 142. i. Podemos (209) hacer tres divisiones del cuerpo humano : la cabeza, el tronco y las extremidades. 2. Las dos (2) primeras (38) son las mas importantes, porque sin ellas (44) no podemos vivir. 3. Los cabellos (el pelo) cubren la cabeza que tiene una forma redonda. 4. La cara (el rostro) forma la parte anterior de la cabeza. 5. La frente es la parte superior de la cara, y la barba es la parte inferior. 6. Debajo de la frente tenemos los ojos con los cuales (90) miramos y vemos (205) si no somos ciegos. 7. En medio de la cara (del rostro) esta (139) la nariz que es el 6rgano del olfato. 8. Con la nariz olemos (172), olfateamos ; los olores pasan por las dos ventanas de la nariz, llamadas narices (15, a). 9. Las mejillas son las prominencias del rostro debajo de los ojos. 10. Las dos orejas estan colocadas la una a un lado de la cabeza, y la otra al otro lado. n. Con las orejas escuchamos y oimos (194), cuando no somos sordos. 12, The mouth is (139) between the chin and the nose, and is. 25O SPANISH GRAMMAR (esta) formed (146) by the two lips. 13. When a young-man arrives at the age (19, d) of sixteen or eighteen years, a mustache grows (nace) on his (= the) upper 2 lip, 1 and then he (44) is very proud. 14. In the mouth are the teeth, the tongue, and the palate. 15. These (estos) with the nose, the throat, and the lips, are the organs of (the) speech. 16. With the mouth (the) man and (the) woman eat, drink, speak, flatter, deceive, and slander (13, Note) their (sus) friends. 17. The tongue is the worst enemy of (the) man. 18. The five senses are the sight, the hearing, the taste, the touch, and the smell. 340. Review references given for Exercises l and 2. i. El cuello (= pescuezo) une la cabeza al tronco. 2. A los hombros estan unidos los brazos cuya (90) extremidad forman las manos (19, a). 3. Los dedos, que forman la extremidad de la mano, son : el dedo pulgar, el indice, el dedo de en medio (6 del corazon), el dedo anular y el dedo menique. 4. La parte dura en la extremidad de cada (116) dedo es la una. 5. Con el puno (= la mano cerrada) el hombre se defiende contra su enemigo. 6. El pecho es la parte anterior y superior del tronco y encierra el coraz6n y los pulmones. 7. El coraz6n es un musculo hueco y carnoso que imprime movimiento a la sangre y la hace circular por las venas y arterias. 8. Los pulmones son los 6rganos de la respiraci6n. 9. The food is masticated and swallowed and enters into (en) the stomach, where the organs of (the) digestion transform 2 it 1 into blood. 10. Then the blood ascends to the heart, whence (de donde) [it] passes through the veins, n. To the lower part of the trunk are fixed the legs, which are divided by the knees. 12. The feet form the lower extremity of the legs. 13. (The) men and (the) women use the feet and (the) legs to (para) walk, run, dance, and skate. 14. A biped is an animal that has two legs, but a quadruped has four legs. EXERCISES 251 341. Study 20-20, /, and review the verbs. i. La familia se compone (149 and 150) del padre, de la madre y de los nifios. 2. Los nifios son los hijos y las hijas de los padres (17, a). 3. El abuelo y la abuela son los padres del padre y de la madre. 4. El tio es el hermano y la tia es la hermana del padre 6 de la madre. 5. El hijo de mi (63) tio es mi primo y la hija es mi prima. 6. Si mi hermano 6 mi hermana se casan y tienen hijos, ellos son mis sobrinos 6 sobrinas. 7. Cuando un hombre pierde su esposa (=mujer), es viudo, y una mujer que pierde su marido (= esposo) es viuda. 8. Todas (116) las per- sonas que tienen el mismo (116) parentesco se llaman parientes. 9. Safo era (was) gran poetisa lirica de la antigua Grecia, pero nos (tq us) quedan muy pocos de sus poemas. s ib. The family lives in a house which is small or large accord - ing-to the requirements or the taste of the persons who occupy 2 it. 1 ii. The house contains various rooms which are (139) in the different stories. 12. We go-up or come-down the stairs, when [we] wish (209) [to] go from one story to another (127). 13. In the kitchen the cook prepares the food which the family eats in the dining-room. 14. Generally [we] eat three times (veces) each (116) day. 15. [We] take (the) breakfast in (por) the morning, (the) dinner at (the) noon and (the) supper at. (the) nightfall. 16. When the servant sets (pone) the table, [she] covers 2 it 1 (la) with the table-cloth; then [she] puts a plate, a knife, a fork, a spoon, a glass and a napkin for (para) each person. 17. Next she puts the victuals on (en) the table and tells (195) (to) her mistress that (que) the meal is (139) ready. 5 342. Study 21-23, f t and review the verbs. i. (22). El hombr6n y la mujerona tienen un hijo quien es un mocet6n y lleva zapatones. 2. (a). Una punalada es la herida SPANISH GRAMMAR que se hace (is made) con el punal. 3. (b). El populacho em- briagado de vinacho tira piedras contra la casucha de mi amigote. 4. (c). Un ventarr6n acompanado de un nubarr6n derriba los caserones del poblachon. 5. El enano con un narig6n espantoso asusta a (13, Note) los ninos. 6. El politicastro es el veneno de todo buen gobierno. 7. (23, a) . Jennie, the little-daughter of my neighbor, has in her (la) little-hand (b) a beautiful little-flower. 8. Jack's (13) little- dog kills a little-bird. 9. Little-Lou, the little-son of the laundress, carries-on a flirtation with his little-cousin (#). 10. (c}. A silly- little-girl becomes usually a dawdling- woman. n. (d). The petty-king lives in a palace which is (139) on a rivulet and has small-doors and little-windows. 12. (e}. The poor-girl, who lives in the small-town, sells to the small-boy [some] young-pigeons. 13. The water (11, b} of this spring is (139) full of animalcules. 14. She gives (to) the poor-fellow (23, a) [some] fritters with butter (/) and cheese. 15. [He] has 3 not 2 yet (aun 1 ) come-out (salido) of-his (del) shell, and already [he] is presumptuous. 6 343. Review references for Exercise 5. i. La familia se reune en el comedor ; la madre se sienta a la cabecera, el padre enfrente y los otros miembros a los lados de la mesa. 2. El padre pide (181) la bendicion, y la comida co- mienza. 3. La madre echa el cafe", el te 6 el chocolate en tazas. 4. El padre trincha y sirve (servir) la carne, el pan y la mante- quilla, y las personas del lado sirven la leche, las legumbres y otras viandas, si las (56) hay (137, ^,3). 5. Mientras comen, la conversaci6n esta animada y chistosa, porque saben (209) que la alegria es la mejor (32) ayuda a la digesti6n. 6. Despue"s de acabada (331, b) la comida, todos se levantan ; el papa enciende (encender) un tabaco (= puro), los ninos van (214) a la escuela, y la mama atiende a sus quehaceres dome"sticos. EXERCISES 253 7. The other rooms of the house are : the parlor, the hall, the library, the bathroom, the pantry and the bedrooms. 8. In the parlor we receive (13, Note) our friends, when [they] make 2 (197) us l visits. 9. In the library there are (137, b, 3) a book-stand with many books, a table, various chairs and an easy-chair. 10. The pantry is the room where the eatables 2 are-kept 1 (154, c). n. The bedroom is where [we] sleep (177). We lie-down in the bed and sleep seven or eight hours and then rise. 12. [We] go to the washstand, pour water from (de) the pitcher into the basin and wash ourselves (150) with soap and water. 13. Then [we] wipe our (la) face and (the) hands with the towel, put-on our clothes, arrange (componer) our hair with the comb and the brush and go-down (the) stairs, where [we] read (leemos) the paper, while [we] wait for (the) breakfast. 344. Study 24-26 and review the verbs. i . Las casas se construyen de madera, de piedra y de ladrillos. 2. Hay casas pequenas y grandes, bonitas y feas, altas y bajas. 3. Nuestras casas tienen puertas y ventanas que sirven (servir) para dar aire y luz a las habitaciones. 4. El techo y las paredes nos protegen contra el calor del sol y contra los rigores del frio y de la humedad cuando llueve (158). 5. El jardin y los huertos rodean la casa y nos dan hermosas flores, buenas frutas y legum- bres diversas. 6. For las puertas entramos y salimos, y por las ventanas miramos. 7. Si un incendio se declara, vienen (202) los bomberos, vestidos de camisas rojas (24, a) y brillantes cascos negros ; con la bomba (= maquina) arrojan torrentes de agua sobre las llamas y apagan el fuego. 8. In the orchard grow (crecer) fruit-trees which produce (pro- ducir) fruits of exquisite taste, as (the) pears, (the) apples, (the) peaches, (the) pineapples, (the) grapes, (the) plums, (the) cherries, (the) strawberries and others. 9. The common 2 flowers 1 are : the rose, the pink, the dahlia, the violet, the tulip, the lily, the camellia, 254 SPANISH GRAMMAR and many others, which are the ornament of our gardens. 10. The principal vegetables are : the potato, the kidney-bean, the tomato, the pea, the chick-pea, the lentil, etc. n. In the sea, in the rivers, and in the ponds [we] catch (coger) the fish(es), which form part of our food. 12. [We] eat also the flesh of othei animals, as that (la) of the ox, of the cow, of the lamb, of the hog, etc. 13. The flesh of (the) domestic 2 and wild 3 birds 1 fur- nishes 2 us 1 a sweet and delicate food. 14. Such (tales) are : the hen, the turkey, the duck, the goose ; and the quail and the par- tridge which [we] hunt in the fields, woods, and mountains. 8 345. Review 24-26 and study 34-37. i. La fiebre amarilla es indigena de los climas tropicales. 2. Los muchachos holgazanes y las muchachas holgazanas apren- den poco. 3. Los ingleses y los franceses no se aman (152) los unos a los otros. 4. Los franceses desprecian tambie"n a los (13, Note) alemanes desde la guerra franco-prusiana y dicen (say) de un hombre muy aficionado a los placeres del paladar : come como un ingle's y bebe como un aleman.- 5. La poesia alemana, especialmente la poesia lirica, es deliciosa ; pero la len- gua francesa siendo (being) mas ret6rica, su poesia no es tan buena. 6. Ella tiene ojos burlonesy una boca chiquitma. 7. Las andaluzas son muy guapas y graciosas. 8. Las clases agricolas son oprimidas (223) por las combinaciones comerciales e" industriales. 9. My good father comes (202) by the first train. 10. The subjects of a good king are always happy, n. No (25) man can (puede) serve equally well two masters. 12. Unfortunately none of my friends are (139) here to-day. 13. San Juan is the capital of Porto Rico, which is one of the islands of the Great [er] An- tilles. 14. Lope de Vega was (me") a great poet. 15. A great soul pardons easily an injury. 16. Any house is better (mejor) than no house. 17. Every day brings (trae) its (63) trials and its pleasures. 18. The others (25, e) remain at (en) home all (the) EXERCISES 255 day. 19. A (el) good name is worth more than much riches. 20. When a noble 2 sentiment 1 sways the heart, [it] inspires great actions. 21. A large house is 2 not 1 always a great house. 22. Nothing is more despicable than a great man who vacillates between two actions for (por) lack of courage. 9 346. Study 27-28 and review 24-25, /. i. El sol es mas grande que la tierra y los otros planetas, pero la luna es menos grande que la tierra. 2. Las estfellas fijas son mucho mas distantes de nosotros que el sol. 3. En el invierno los dias son mas cortos que en el verano, pero las noches son mas largas. 4. Un buen perro es mucho mas fiel que un buen gato. 5. El ejercicio de hoy es mas facil que el (that) de ayer. 6. Cier- tas casas de una ciudad son mas altas que otras, y ciertas calles son menos anchas que otras. 7. Mi prima es mas hermosa que mi hermana, pero es menos inteligente. 8. El dinero, como el fuego, es un muy buen criado pero un muy mal duefio. 9. [He] spends in a banquet every week more than (de) five hundred (38) dollars. 10. He needs more than (de) the half of the sum necessary to (para) pay the debt. n. We [do] not need more than twenty dollars this week. 12. They are more skillful than [they] seem. 13. [He] spends more money than [he] admits. 14. The general has less soldiers than [he] needs. 15. [We] have more inhabitants than we can (podemos) support. 1 6. Yes, he is a great orator, but [he] is 2 not 1 so eloquent as Castelar. 17. A good dog is as faithful as [he] is brave. 18. The captain is not so prudent as the lieutenant. 19. That (esa) little- girl is as innocent as a lamb. 20. The teacher has as much wisdom as prudence. '21. This (este) exercise has as many mis- takes as that (el) of yesterday. 22. (The = la) ( Florida produces as many oranges as [the = la] California. 23. When a man spends as much money as [hej earns, [he] can 2 (puede) not 1 get-rich. 256 SPANISH GRAMMAR 10 347. Study 29-33 and review the verbs. i. El hierro es el mas util y el acero es el mas duro de los metal es. 2. El rubi, el diamante y la esmeralda son las mas her- mosas y mas preciosas de las piedras, pero no son las mas utiles". 3. Los pajaros .(= las aves) mas comunes son : el aguila (11, <), el buitre,' el buho. el cuervo, la corneja, el papagaya. el payojrejfl (= pav6n), el estbrnirio, la golondrina, el 'ruisenor'y la avestruz. 4. Mi libro mas entretenido es obra de un autor muy conocido. 5*- Una madre esta mas contenta cuando esta rodeada de sus hijos. 6. La mas dichosa de las mujeres es la (she) que tiene buenos y sanos hijos. 7. Mi querido amigo, el mas honrado de, los hombres, pasa la mayor parte de su tiempo viajando. 8. La manzana, fruta la mas saludable, no es tan dulce como el melocot6n. 9. To-converse with one's friends after [a] long absence is exceedingly pleasant. 10. The rose and the violet are very- beautiful, ii. The winters of the north are very-cold (31, a). 12. The robber commits a very-atrocious 2 (31, b) crime. 1 13. The juice of the orange is very-sweet. 14. The translation of this (esta) letter is very-easy (31, c, Note). 15. The very-celebrated 2 (31,^) poets 1 of this century are very-few (32). 16. She is the best (32) of my friends. 17. This (esta) beer is dearer than the wine but it is very-bad (32). 18. [We] are here in the mountains, a very- healthy 2 place. 1 19. [It] is the youngest (32) of my brothers who is dead. 20. My cousin is in the upper 2 class 1 and my brother is in the lower 2 class. 1 21. (The) very-candid 2 men 1 (31, e) are rarely popular. 22. [He] leads a very-wretched 2 life 1 (31, e) on account of his bad health. 23. The most of (the) men prefer (the) repose to (the) activity. 24. A good (25) man is an acci- dent, a good woman is an incident. 11 348. Study again 34-37. Learn (38) tbe cardinal and ordinal numbers to 30, and read the remainder. EXERCISES 257 i. Ella tiene ojos azules y pelo castafio. 2, Un rayo de luz blanca contiene los elementos de todos los colores. 3. La guerra anglo-boer continiia todavia en el Africa austral. 4. La herida penetrante fue" (was) el resultado de una punalada. 5. La peste bub6nica es una de las enfermedades mas horrorosas. 6. La telegrafia policiaca espanta al ladron y el salta por la ventana. 7. Un acto tan bueno merece el reconocimiento de toda buena gente. 8. La miisica alemana difiere mucho de la musica italiana. 9. La edad media es el tiempo transcurrido desde el siglo quinto de la era vulgar hasta mediados del siglo de"cimoquinto. 10. Una negra acci6n es caracteristica de un coraz6n malo y ruin. n. Mucho ruido y pocas nueces es un refran espanol que significa que el mucho trabajo trae poca ganancia. 12. Los mimeros cardinales sirven (servir) de (as) base a toda operaci6n aritme'tica; los ordinales senalan el lugar en que colocamos las personas 6 las cosas. 13. The four cardinal 2 points 1 are : the North, the South, the East and the West. 14. To Flavio Gioia, [a] Neapolitan 2 navi- gator 1 of the fourteenth 2 century, 1 is attributed (se le atribuye) the invention of the mariner's compass. 15. The consumption of soap is the best measure of the manners, intelligence, civilization, and morality of a people. 16. [It] is a great misfortune for (para) a man, when his mother and three sisters think (that) he is perfect. 17. The Greeks, (the) nation [the] most cultured of (the) antiq- uity, are to-day mere shadows of their (sus) ancestors. 18. The dreams of the morning of (the) life are the nightmares of (the) old-age. 19. What o'clock (hora) is [it]? [It] is (the) one [o'clock]. 20. Saturn makes (hace) the revolution in his orbit in thirty years. 21. The moon revolves around the earth in twenty- seven days, seven hours, and forty- three minutes. 22. I am (tengo) eighteen years [old] . 23. To-day is the thirteenth (40, d) of April. 24. My music-teacher comes. every third day (25). 25. Leo [the] thirteenth (40, c) is the present 2 Pope 1 ; his predecessor was (fue") Pius [the] ninth. 26. Sancho Panza calls (13, Note) Don Quijote the knight of the rueful countenance (37) . SPAN. GRAM- I 7 258 SPANISH GRAMMAR 12 349. Study 39-43. Review 38 and the verbs so far as studied. i. La navidad (el veinticinco de diciembre) es el dia en que celebramos el nacimiento de Jesucristo. 2. El cuatro de Julio se celebra (150) como el aniversario de la declaraci6n de indepen- dencia de nuestra Republica. 3. Tres multiplicado por seis es igual a diez mas ocho, y veintiocho dividido por siete es igual a trece menos nueve. 4. Multiplicamos todos los guarismos del multiplicando por cada uno de los (those) del multiplicador. 5. Escribimos el dividendo y el divisor sobre una misma linea, separados por una vertical ; el divisor se separa (150) del cociente por una horizontal. 6. El mes de febrero tiene veintinueve dias en los anos bisiestos. 7. Cien valientes soldados valen (200) mas que todo un regimiento de cobardes. 8. Ciento y cincuenta pesos (=duros) bastan para hacer el viaje. 9. Carlos segundo, rey de Espana, muri6 (died) a los treinta y nueve anos de edad. 10. A Spaniard calls (13, Note) his wife jocularly : his dear half 'or his half orange, n. A quarter of [an] hour is equal to fifteen minutes. 12. A watch has three hands : the hour-hand marks the hours, the minute-hand the minutes, and the second- hand the seconds. 13. I am 2 not 1 (138, 2) hungry in (por) the morning ; [I] only take a couple of eggs, a cup of coffee, and a little (of) bread with butter. 14. They take (dan) a walk towards four o'clock (42, Note). 15. His story has [a] double meaning. 1 6. Our men-of-war and other steamers have engines of triple and quadruple expansion, but (the) locomotives [do] not have 2 them 1 (las). 17. He gives 2 me 1 a dozen (of) oranges and about twenty (42, Note) apples. 18. Some forty soldiers witness the execution of the traitor. 19. They need about twenty dollars to (para) com- plete the sum which [they] propose (se proponen) [to] raise. 20. Without money (the) honor is only a malady. 21. The hog is your (el) true gentleman, because he alone has nothing to do (138, 3 ). EXERCISES 259 13 350. Study 44 and 135, a and 140. Review present indic- ative and learn imperfect indicative (136 and 142). i. Cuando yo estaba en el campo, vivia con mi tio (302, a). 2. ) choose the lesser evil. 7. For a like reason they refused to (a) promise their support. 8. He entered the fruit-store and bought half [a] dozen oranges. 9. What a pity ! Surely [he] knew what (cuales) would be the consequences. 10. (if it were properly indorsed, but I can not accept that (82) man ; he is bankrupt. 17. (V). He was crazy, of course, or he would not have done it. 18. (310,0). They told (195) me that the bank would have honored the draft. 19. (311).* "Come (2d sing.) here, little-girl," said the bishop ; " tell me where God is, and I will give thee an orange." "Tell (usted) me where [He] is not, Monsenor, and I will give you two." 20. Bring me my overcoat and gloves. Where are they? I don't know; look-for them [for] me. 21. Let (que) him go away; I don't wish to see him. 22. Let us keep our word, although they have not kept theirs (73). 23. Abandon all hope, ye (44) who enter here. 24. Do (ustedes) me the favor to (de) pay (prestar) attention while I am talking. 25. (a). And lead (meter) us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. 26. And when ye fast, be not (p. 81) as the hypocrites. 44 381. Study 312-315, b, committing to memory the Span- ish examples. Study also 188-188, Note. i. (313). The general orders the first corps to advance as far as (258) the river. 2. We shall entreat them (44) to delay the matter for the present (235, a). 3. My attorney will insist that (en que) the surplus be equally distributed amongst the shareholders. 4. (fr). The court will not permit the accused to give bail. 5. The court of appeals decides that the State shall refund the bail. 6. The defendant prays (pedir, 181) that the court dismiss the suit for want of jurisdiction. 7. (c). The plaintiff desires that he be granted (154, a) sufficient time to (para) procure the sworn 2 state- ment 1 of an absent 2 witness. 1 8. The judge regrets that he can not extend the time (plazo). 9. For that reason (309, b) the plaintiff fears (that) he may lose his suit ; but in that case he will enter-an- appeal. 10. (d\ It is a disastrous 2 failure 1 ; the liabilities are (es) enormous, and we doubt whether the assets will suffice to (para) * Read over Spanish of Exercise 21. 286 SPANISH GRAMMAR pay the depositors, n. The board-of- directors denies that there^ is (137, b, 3) [any] fraud or misappropriation of funds, and we our- selves (53) do not think that such a thing is probable. 12. (e). The creditors believe it is necessary that a receiver be appointed, and it is possible that a meeting may be called to-day. 13. If it is desirable that this (esto) be done, it is very important that the meeting be held at once. 14. (315, a). There is a Spanish prov- erb which says : There is no evil which lasts 3 a hundred 1 (39, c) years. 2 15. We have not in the store a hat which will fit you better. 16. (). I want a suitor who will love my daughter for (por) herself (53) and not for her money. 1 7. If that man invents a watch that will wind itself up, he will have solved the problem of perpetual 2 motion. 1 45 382. Study 316-320, learning by heart the Spanish sen- tences. Study also 268. i. In order that you may know the condition of the company, I have arranged that the members of the board and the manager shall be here to-morrow in my office. 2. I shall be here without fail unless something unforeseen shall happen. 3. (317). As to the other matter, if you will come to my house this afternoon at five [o'clock], we will discuss it thoroughly. 4. I shall be there at the hour agreed-upon, if the board shall have finished its deliberations ; if not, a little later. 5. (318). We demanded that he should be treated justly (313). 6. He preferred that we should start that afternoon (&). 7. He wished him not to consent to it (c). 8. We doubted whether it would snow that night ( quien tambien estd SPANISH READINGS 333 herido en un pie y cuyo buque tiene en este dia una historia tan gloriosa como su companero, y ambos como no puede pedir mas ni el mas exigente. ******* Restame decir a V. E. I., para completar los rasgos ca- racteristicos de esta lugubre Jornada, que nuestros enemigos se han conducido y se conducen actualmente con nosotros, con una hidalguia y delicadeza que no cabe mas ; no solo nos han vestido como han podido, desprendiendose de efectos no solo del Estado, sino de propiedad particular, sino que han suprimido la mayor parte de los " hurras " por respeto a nuestra amargura ; hemos sido y somos objeto de entusiastas felicitaciones por nuestra accion, y todos, a por- fi'a, se han esmerado en hacernos nuestro cautiverio lo mas llevadero posible. Ignoro aun las perdidas de gente, por estar repartidos en diversos buques, pero estaran en las ideas que hace conce- bir el telegrama antes inserto. En resumen : la Jornada del 3 ha sido un desastre ho- rroroso, como yo habia previsto ; el numero de muertos es, sin embargo, menor del que yo tern fa ; la Patria ha sido defendida con honor y la satisfaccion del deber cumplido deja nuestras conciencias tranquilas, con solo la amargura de lamentar la perdida de nuestros queridos companeros y las desdichas de la Patria. ******* Dios guarde a V. E. I. muchos anos. En la mar, a bordo del San Luis> 9 de Julio de 1898. PASCUAL CERVERA. 395. UN MONSTRUO DEL MAR En Chatham (Inglaterra) fue lanzado al agua ayer tarde un enorme acorazado de primera clase, el mayor de la flota 334 SPANISH GRAMMAR inglesa. Bautizole con el n ombre de Magnificent la con- desa Spencer, esposa del jefe del Almirantazgo. Esta asombrosa maquina de guerra, cuyas condiciones justifican su nombre, mide 370 pies de eslora, 75 de manga y 2J\ de puntal, desplazando 14,900 toneladas. Su andar ordinario es de i6|- nudos por hora, pero con tiro forzado puede alcanzar una velocidad de 17^. En la bateria principal se colocaran cuatro canones de a 12 pulgadas, recubiertos de alambre, y colocados, dos en barbeta en la parte anterior y dos a popa. La bateria auxiliar se compondra de seis canones de a 6 pulgadas de tiro rapido y la bateria secundaria de 16 de a 12 libras y doce de a tres, tambien de tiro rapido. Llevara cinco tubos lanza-torpedos, cuatro de los cuales podran descargarse de- bajo del agua. Los canones de a 12 pulgadas se colocaran de modo que sea facil cargarlos en todas posiciones, a mano 6 por maquinaria, y protegidos por planchas de tres pul- gadas de diametro colocadas de modo que giren con el canon. La construccion de este buque empezo hace solo un ano y los trabajos se ban llevado a cabo con rapidez notable. 396. LA POLVORA INGLESA La polvora infume que usan los ingleses es la llamada "cordita," mezcla mtima de 58 partes de nitro-glicerina, 37 de algodon-polvora y 5 de vaselina, y se llama cordita porque para comprimirla y secarla se presenta en masas gelatinosas en forma de cuerdas. Se inflama en un mini- mum de 1 80 grados cuando esta en grano, y en tempera- turas mas elevadas cuando en forma de cuerdas de 50 centimetres de largo y centimetro y medio de grueso. La fabrica de Waltham Abbey manufactura unas mil toneladas al ano. Al decir de un colega frances, la cordita se ase- SPANISH READINGS 335 meja a ia polvora francesa conocida bajo la denomination " B," aunque la inglesa tiene menos potencia explosiva y desarrolla mas calor, lo que ofrece el inconveniente de de- teriorar rapidamente las piezas. La lyddita, que segun el mismo colega, no es otra cosa que la melinita, cuyo secreto robaron los ingleses a Francia, solo se emplea en la carga de bombas y granadas. 397. EL COMERCIO ESPANOL EN AMERICA La Camara de Comercio espanola de Buenos Aires con- tinua en su meritoria labor de abrir nuevos mercados en America a los productos espanoles. Al efecto ha dirigido cartas a las Camaras de Comercio espanolas y a los centres de production, manifestandoles que el Consejo directive de dicha Camara insiste en su laudable proposito de celebrar en aquella republica una exposition de productos espanoles y argentinos. En dichas cartas se hace constar que los argentinos y los espanoles alii residentes, en vista de las desgracias que pesan sobre Espana con la perdida de las colonias, quieren poner todo su empeno en protegerla y dan cabida en sus regiones a los productos de nuestra patria. No solamente en la Argentina, sino en otras republicas sud-americanas hay tambien el proposito de estrechar los lazos comerciales con Espana, fomentando alii la venta de los articulos espanoles. Importantes casas de Valparaiso estan decididas a pagar, para reembolsarse despue"s de la venta, los derechos de aduanas y otros gastos que originen las remesas de merca- denas, debiendo ser enviadas libres hasta el puerto. Creen los conocedores de aquellos mercados que lo mas rapido y seguro para abrirlos a la exportation espanola 336 SPANISH GRAMMAR seria el envi'o de medianas remesas en consignation, forma que daria lugar a que sin p&rdida de tiempo y en terreno practice se pudieran hacer algunas operaciones. Los articulos de mas facil y segura venta, segun la nota enviada, son : Aceite de oliva, aguardiente embotellado, alambre, alam- brados, almendras, alfombras, arroz, azucar refinado, bara- jas, calzado para ninos, camisas, cepillos, chocolate, clavos de todas clases, colchas, cominos, conservas, corbatas, ta- pones, cortinas y transparentes, cristaleria surtida, cueros bayos, charoles, drogas, efectos para el culto divino, en- cordaduras, escopetas, cobertores, generos de punto en general, guitarras, jabon comun y perfumado, ladrillos y azulejos, loza y porcelana, mantas, mantones, chales y panuelos, panos y cachemires, papeleria en general, para- guas, peifumeria, pimienta, pistolas y revolvers, rifles y carabinas, sardinas, sillas de madera curvada, sombreros de lana y fieltro, toallas, velas de esperma y composicion, artfculos para cazar. 398. BOLSA DE MADRID Empezo la contratacion de la semana con alguna parali- zacion y pesadez en las operaciones ; pero luego mejoro algun tan to el aspecto del mercado, debido a la mejor fiso- nomia que ofrecian los del extranjero. Resultado de esta mejor disposicion de los hombres de negocios es el alza que ofrece el cuadro comparativo, ob- servandose que se han repuesto los valores, siendo los mas f avorecidos los de Aduanas, y los que no han tenido altera- cion, los de Filipinas. La situacion de la plaza no se ha modificado en lo esen- cial; sigue abundando el dinero para colocaciones lucrativas, y no aspiran mas los capitalistas que a un interes que se SPANISH READINGS 337 aproxime al 5 por 100, admitiendo hasta el 4^ siempre que se cuente con firmeza y alguna esperanza de alza que aumente el capital. En la semana ban circulado rumores que pudieron alarmar a los tenedores de valores, como el de que se iban arebajar los intereses de las obligaciones del Tesoro y de las demas operaciones del mismo ; pero este rumor ha sido rectificado de un modo terminante por el ministro de Hacienda, mani- festando que no tiene semejante proposito, entre otras razones, porque no podria imponerse por una ley la rebaja, puesto que dependera de que los acreedores la admitiesen 6 que el Tesoro tuviera fondos para reembolsarles sus cre- ditos, y no ocurre lo uno ni lo otro. En cambio, las noticias que circulan sobre las economias efectivas que se introducen y de la combinacion financiera que se prepara, para encomendar a una Sociedad el pago de los haberes de las clases pasivas mediante un canon fijo, permiten esperar que los gastos del presupuesto se rebajaran en unos sesenta millones, y esto asegura la nive- lacion y aun la posibilidad de suavizar los impuestos que puedan ser mas gravosos, con lo cual podria restablecerse la normalidad financiera y darse alguna satisfaccion a los que piden alivio en los tributes. Sin embargo, esta perspectiva halagiiena viene a turbarla la actitud de resistencia que mantienen los industriales de Barcelona, y que en otras poblaciones quieren imitar, porque hasta que no termine ese conflicto, que puede hacer nece- sario el empleo de la fuerza, si no hay medio de resolverlo en forma conciliadora, no solo no habra tranquilidad com- pleta en el mercado bursatil, sino que pueden surgir altera- cionos violentas, si ocurre algiin suceso desagradable. Por eso la contratacion de valores se halla, al presente, en circunstancias especiales, que exigen prudencia y no SPAN. GRAM. 22 338 SPANISH GRAMMAR dejarse impresionar sin motive justificado, teniendo la se- guridad de que en definitiva el afianzamiento y la mejora del credito es un hecho que se impone por el conocimiento que se va teniendo de las f uerzas del pai's y por la tendencia que existe de acometer empresas que desarrollen la riqueza y engendren el movimiento industrial. Los valores mercantiles siguen siendo predilectos, por- que se capitalizan al 5 por 100 y se tiene la seguridad de que redituan mas con los dividendos que se vislumbran. El cambio internacional ha descendido porque ha cesado el acaparamiento de oro para la guerra del Transvaal, y hay mas papel de que disponer sobre las plazas extranjeras. No sabemos si en esto habra influido tambien algun cambio en el comercio exterior, y habra que esperar a la publica- cion de la estadistica para conocer ese dato. He aqui la cotizacion comparada de la semana: DIA 14 OCTUBRE Df A 22 OCTUBRE DIFERENCIAS EN LA ULTIMA SEMANA VALORES DEL ESTADO 4 por 100 interior 64..80 6c oo -j- O 2O 4 por 100 exterior 71 OO 71 3O + O 3O 4 por 100 amortizable 72.3O 72 cc V.JW + o 25 Billetes de Cuba, 1886. 72 7C /*'jj 72 QO + OI5 Idem 1890 60 80 6l IO + O 3O Obligaciones de.Aduanas . . . . Idem de Kilipinas 96.10 78 QO 9650 78 QO + 0.40 o VALORES MERCANTILES Banco de Espana Compafiia de Tabacos 424.OO 348.OO 427.25 3C4.OO + 3-25 + 6.00 Cddulas Banco Hip. al 5 . . . . Ce'dulas al 4 103.00 IOO OO 102.90 I OO . OO O.IO o CAMBIOS Londres . 32 4C 31 ?? O QO Paris .... . . j**r3 28 40 2C OO 3 4O SPANISH READINGS 339 399. ANUNCIOS Fonda Leones de Oro, stituada en la calle del Carmen 30, proximo a la Puerta del Sol. Tiene hospedaje desde 20 reaies diarios, chocolate, almuerzo y comida, todo ser- vido a la hora que les convenga. Hay restaurant en la planta baja, donde se sirven almuerzos y comidas desde 8 reaies en adelante. JORGE BLANCO Y CIA., IMPORTADORES, FABRICANTES Y DETALLISTAS. GRAN SURTIDO DE GENEROS DE PRIMAVERA Y VERANO en estilos de alta novedad y absolutamente correctos. Telas de Seda, Lana, Lino y Algodon, Vestidos para Sefioras, Senoritas y Ninas. Abrigos, Impermeables, Encajes, Corses, Sombreros, Calzado y Guantes, Ropa Interior, Manteles, Frazadas, Plateria y Tapiceria. ROPA HECHA PARA NESTOS v ARTICULOS PARA CABALLEROS, PARAGUAS, SOMBRILLAS para Sefioras y Sefioritas. Un escogido y elegante surtido de Sedas para vestidos, chaquetas y adornos, y ge"neros blancos de todas clases. Secci6n especial de confecciones para sefioras y niiios. Precio fija invariable. Hay ascensor. Se despachan pedidos por Correos y por Expreso. Se envian rauestras y catdlogos. 340 SPANISH GRAMMAR Aranas bronce y cristal, de nuestra fabricaci6n, para iglesias y salas. Objetos para regalos de utilidad y adorno. Lamparas de comedores, gabinetes y todo uso. Mueble- citos y otros mil articulos de fantasia. Instalaciones de campanillas electricas, telefonos, telegrafos, pararrayos, luz electrica y gas y construction de todo aparato de alumbrado. Calle Mayor 10, Perez Hermanos. Un Medico Especialista garantiza la cura perfecta de todas las enfermedades de la piel, del pecho, del corazon, del higado, del estomago, dolores musculares y de la cabeza, falta de memoria, cansancio, debilidad organica, tumores, cancer, palidez, etc. Todas las enfermedades nerviosas, gota, reumatismo, epilepsia, apoplejia, etc. Los defectos de nacimiento, lombriz solitaria,. todas las formas de hernia, etc. Emplea los mejores aparatos electricos para el trata- miento de las enfermedades nerviosas. Cura TODAS LAS ENFERMEDADES en pocos dfas. El envenenamiento de la sangre y todas las afecciones cutaneas. Los males de garganta, boca, nariz y oidos. GARANTIZA EN TODOS LOS CASOS UNA CURA PERFECTA. TRATAMIENTO ESPECIAL DE LAS ENFERMEDADES CRONICAS. Examen y tratamiento cientifico. EXAMEN PERSONAL GRATIS. CONSULTAS FOR CORRESPONDENCIA. HORAS DE CONSULTA: De 9 a I y de 5 a 8. Domingos, de 8 a 10 y de 2 a 4 y por convenio. SPANISH READINGS 34! 400. LETTERS AND BUSINESS FORMS* CARTA DE COMERCIO CEBALLOS Y CIA., NEW YORK. Cable: CEBALLOS. Setbre. 9, 1895. SRES. B. SANCHEZ Y CIA., Habana. Muy Sres. nuestros : Confirmamos n/. anterior de 5 del cte. y acusamos recibo de su apble. del i, de cuyo contenido quedamos impuestos y seguiremos sus instrucciones respecto al embarque de las sillas para el Sr. D. Julio Sanchez. Ahora tenemos el gusto de acompanar factura corres- pondiente al embarque que hemos hecho en el vapor City of Washington de 200 rollos alambre para cercas, cuyo importe de $646.65 dejamos cargado a VV. en cuenta. Somos sus muy atos. S. S., Q. B. S. M. * See page 242 for all abbreviations hereinafter found. 342 SPANISH GRAMMAR FACTURA FACTURA de lo siguiente embarcado por CEBALLOS Y CIA., por el vapor City of Washington con destino a la Habana de orden y cuenta de B. SANCHEZ y CIA. y a la consignation de los mismos. B. S. y Cia. Habana. No. 598. 200 rollos alambre para cercas Brutas 20,000 Ibs.. Netas 19,000 Ibs., 2.15 Descuento 2 % . . . . . . $408.50 8 17 GASTOS Seguro maritime s/ $715 @ \ % Despacho de aduana y menudos . . . Flete s/ conocimiento $3-57 3-5 220.00 $400.33 Factura consular -2. CQ 27Q.S7 oo Comisi6n 2\ fo $630.90 IC.7C AL DEBE de la cuenta de los SRES. B. SANCHEZ Y CIA. $646.65 S. e. ti. o. NEW YORK, 9 de Setbre., 1895. CEBALLOS & CIA. SPANISH READINGS 343 CARTA DE COMERCIO CEBALLOS Y CtA., NEW YORK. Cable: CEBALLOS. Agosto 15, 1897. SRES. B. SANCHEZ Y CIA., Habana. Muy Sres. nuestros : Confirmamos n/. anterior del 6 de Julio ppdo. y care- cemos de sus apbles. a que referirnos. Ahora tenemos el gusto de acompanar la c/venta de 1 1 balas caucho y 7 sacos cafe por el vapor City of Wash- ington , cuyo liquido producido de $489.26 dejamos abonado a VV. en cuenta. Sentimos que no hayamos podido sacar mejor partido por el cafe pero su calidad era tan inferior que no pudimos vender el articulo por mejor precio. Nos repetimos sus muy atos. S. S., Q. B. S. M. 344 SPANISH GRAMMAR CUENTA DE VENTA No. 952. CUENTA DE VENTA de lo siguiente recibido por vapor City of Washington llegado Julio 7, 1897, y vendidos por CEBALLOS & CIA. por orden y cuenta y riesgo de los Sres. B. Sanchez y Ci'a. A A A J s 7 Balas caucho 648^7 Ibs. @ 51 J . . 4 idem idem 3563^5 idem 45 .... $322.90 i55- 2 5 ft A 'iR T C 1 7 sacos Caf 1189 17^ 1171! @ 6J . Menos 2 % descuento .... 76.15 1.52 # > 47 5 ' I 5 74.63 GASTOS Seguro maritime s/. $600 a \ % . . . Flete caucho y cafe ($10.46) .... Gastos de Aduana $3.00 3M3 ^?.6o $552.78 Conducci6n al almacen I.7C Almacenaje y trabaj adores S6 Pesar ^6^ Seguro de incendio .CQ Corretaje i % s/. $552.78 .... Comisi6n 2% % 5-53 13,82 6-Z.Z2 Liquido producido .... $4.80.26 AL HABER de la cuenta de los SRES. B. SANCHEZ Y CIA. S. e. ri. o. NEW YORK, Agosto 15, 1897. CEBALLOS & CIA. For $150.24 cy. SPANISH READINGS 345 LETRA DE CAMBIO HABANA, 26 de Marzo, 1897. A cinco di'as vista de esta Primera de Cambio (no habien- dolo hecho por la Segunda 6 Tercera) se serviran VV. mandar pagar a la orden de los SRES. CEBALLOS Y CIA. la cantidad de Ciento cincuenta -ffa pesos currency valor recibido que cargaran VV. en nuestra cuenta, segun aviso de A los S. S. Q. B. S. M. SRES. ALVARO BAZAN Y CiA.. 563 Pearl Street, B ' SANCHEZ Y CiA. NEW YORK. UN PAGARE Vence en 23 de Octubre de 1903. Por $1575.57 oro americano. Pagaremos en esta Ciudad prefijamente el dia Veintitres de Octubre de Mil Novecientos tres a la orden de los Sres. Ceballos y Cia. la cantidad de Un mil quinientos setenta y cinco -f-^-Q pesos en oro americano, 6 su equivalente en oro espanol, valor por saldo de nuestra cuenta corriente, segun convenio, con intereses al seis (6 %) por ciento desde esta fecha hasta el dia de su vencimiento. HABANA, 23 de Octubre, 1898. B. SANCHEZ Y CiA. 346 SPANISH GRAMMAR 401. QUIEBRA INDUSTRIAL La firma de A. D. & Son de Nueva York se ha de- clarado en quiebra con un pasivo que se hace subir a $500,000. Dedicabase la sociedad a diversos negocios, pero con especialidad a la fabrication de fieltros para pianos y cajas para los mismos. En sus talleres trabajaban unos mil obreros, y setenta empleados en sus almacenes y escritorios. Atribuyese la quiebra a la imposibilidad en que se en- contro la firma de levantar fondos con su papel, pues aunque gozaba de buen cre"dito, los rumores de guerra que ban causado tanta perturbacion en los negocios, le imposibilitaron hacerse con el numerario indispensable. Dicese que la firma espera poder continuar mas tarde sus operaciones. ENGLISH VOCABULARY All -nouns are preceded by the definite article to indicate their gender. In writing the sentences, this article must be used or omitted, according as it is required by the syntax or not. A dash ( ) means the repetition of the English word previously defined in Spanish. admiral, el almirante. admire (to), admirar. admit (to), admitir. admittance, la entrada. adopt (to), adoptar. advance (to), avanzar (143, 4). advice, el consejo. affair, el asunto. affliction, la afliccion. after, despues de. afternoon, la tarde. against, contra. age, la edad. ago, hace (before the expression of time, as : hace un afio, a year ago). agreeable, agradable. agreed upon, convenido, -a. aid (help}, la ayuda; pecuniary) t abandon (to), abandonar. abhor (to), detestar. able (to be), poder (209). about, acerca de. absence, la ausencia. absent, ausente. absolute, absolute, -a. absolutely, absolutamente. absurd, absurdo, -a. accept (to), aceptar. accident, el accidente. accompany (to), acompanar. according to, segdn. account, la cuenta; on causa de. accuse (to) oneself, acusarse. accused, el reo. accustomed, acostumbrado, -a. acknowledge reception, acusar recibo. acquittal, el descargo. act, el acto. act (to), obrar; (discharge func- tions}, actuar. action, la accion. activity, la actividad. actor, el actor. adage, el adagio. adjective, el adjetivo. Of, a el auxilio. aid (to), ayudar. air, el aire. aisle, la nave. all, todo, -a; all that, todo lo que. allege (to), alegar. alleviate (to), aliviar. allow (to), dejar. almost, casi. alone, solo, -a. already, ya. 348 SPANISH GRAMMAR also, tambien. altar, el altar. although, aunque. always, siempre. American, americano, -a. amiable, amable. amongst, entre. an, un, una. ancestors, los antepasados. anchor (to), fondear. ancient, antiguo, -a; el antiguO. and, y (e before i- and hi-). Anglo-Boer, anglo-boer. animal, el animal. annual, anual. another, otro, -a. answer (to), responder; (a letter), contestar. Antilles, las Antillas. antiquity, la antigiiedad. any one (after negat.}, nadie. aphelion, el afelio. appeal (to), apelar. appeals, la apelacion. applaud (to), aplaudir. applause, el aplauso. apple, la manzana. appointed (to be), nombrarse. April, (el) abril. Aragon, (el) Aragon. area, el espacio. argue (to), argtiir (186). arm (to), armar. army, el ejercito. around, alrededor de. arrange (to), componer (201); (dis- pose} , disponer (201). arrival, la llegada. arrive (to), llegar. arrogate to oneself, arrogarse. art, el arte. [cuanto a. as, como; (=so), tan; as to, en ascend (to), subir. ask (as a question}, preguntar; ask for, pedir (181) ; (= to beg}, pedir. aspect, el aspecto. ass, el burro. assembly, la reunion; (deliberative'}, la asamblea. assets, el active (used in singular}. associate (to), acompanarse. assure (to), asegurar. astronomy, la astronomia. at, a. attack, el ataque. attack (to), atacar. attend (to), atender. attention, la atencion. attorney, el procurador; ge- neral, el procurador general. audience, el auditorio. aunt, la tfa. author, el autor. await (to), esperar. awake (to), despertar (164). axis, el eje. axle, el eje. B back-seat, el postrer lugar. backward, atrasado, -a. bad, malo, -a (25). badly, mal. bail, la fianza. balloon, el globo. bandit, el bandido. bank, el banco. bankrupt (to be), estar en quiebra. banquet, el banquete. bark (to), ladrar. basin, la jofaina. batch, la porcion. bathroom, el cuarto de banos. battle, la batalla. ENGLISH VOCABULARY 349 be (to), ser, estar (136); back, estar de vuelta. bear (to suffer}, sufrir; (to carry}, ' llevar. bear, el oso. bear and bull (to) the market, jugar (168) a la baja y al alza. beat (to), batir. beaten, batido. beautiful, bello, -a; the , lo bello. beauty, la beldad. because, porque. because of, a causa de. become (to), llegar a ser, meterse a (226). bed, la cama. Bedeviled, el Hechizado. bedroom, la alcoba. beer, la cerveza. before (prep.), antes de; (adv.\ antes. begin (to), principiar. believe (to), creer (206). belong (to), pertenecer (143, a). besieger, el sitiador. best, mejor; best man, el padrino. better, mejor; is better, mas vale, between, entre. big (earnings}, pingiie. bill, la cuenta. biped, el bipedo. bird, el pajaro. bishop, el obispo. bite (to), morder (170). bitten, mordido, -a. bitter, amargo, -a. bivouac (to), vivaquear. blood, l.i sangre. blundering, el desatino. bluster, la jactancia. board, la junta; of directors, la junta directiva, el consejo adminis- trative; (of boat}, el bordo. body, el cuerpo. Boers, los boers. bold, osado, -a. boldness, la osadfa. book, el libro. bookcase, la biblioteca. bookkeeper, el tenedor de libros. bookkeeping, la teneduria de libros. bookstand, el estante. born (be), nacer (143, a}. borrow (to), pedir prestado. boss, el cacique. bossism, el caciquismo. both, ambos, -as. box, la caja; (letter}, el buzon. branch office, el sucursal. brave, valiente. bravery, la valenti'a. bread, el pan. break (to), romper, quebrar (164); (burst, break ouf} , estallar. breakfast, el almuerzo. breakfast (to), almorzar (143, 4, 167). bride, la novia. bridegroom, el novio. bring (to), traer (193). broken, quebrantado, -a. brother, el hermano. brother-in-law, el cunado. brush, el cepillo. bucolic, bucolico, -a. budget, el presupuesto. bugle, la corneta. burning, abrasador, -a. business, los negocios; house, la casa de negocios; man, el hombre de negocios. bust, el busto. but, pero; but for, a no ser por. 350 SPANISH GRAMMAR butter, la mantequilla. buy (to), comprar. by, por. by-laws, el reglamento. call (to),llamar; be called, llamarse ; be called (of a meeting}, convo- % carse (143, i). calm, la bonanza, camellia, la camelia. camp, el campamento. campaign, la campana. can, poder (209). capable, capaz, -ces. Cape Horn, el Cabo de Hornos. capital (city), la capital ; (money}, el capital. captain, el capitan. card (playing), el naipe. cardinal, cardinal. care, el cuidado. carnivorous, carnivore, -a. carry (to), llevar; carry on, llevar, hacer (197). case, el caso. casket, la cajita. cat, el gato. catch (to), coger; a cold, res- friarse. cavalry, la caballeria. cease (to), cesar. celebrated, celebre. cellar, el sotano. cent, el centavo. center, el centre, central, central, century, el siglo. ceremony, la ceremonia. certain, cierto, -a. certainly, por cierto. Chaeronea, Queronea. chain, la cadena. chair, la silla. chamber of commerce, la camara de cotnercio. change (to), cambiar de; one's mind, mudar de consejo. changing, el cambiar. charitable, caritativo, -a. charity, la caridad. Charles, Carlos, charm, el encanto. charming, encantador, -a. charter, la escritura de fundacion. chase (to), cazar. cheap, barato, -a. cheek, el descaro. cheese, el queso. cherry, la cereza. chestnut (color}, castano, -a. chess, el ajedrez. chickpea, el garbanzo. child, el nifio. chin, la barba. choose (to), escoger. Christian, el cristiano. church, la iglesia. cite (to),citar. city, la ciudad ; government, el ayuntamiento. civilization, la civilizacion. class, la clase. clerk, el dependiente. climate, el clima. close (to), cerra (164). closing, el cerrar. clothes, los vestidos. clothing, la ropa. cloud, la nube. coffee, el cafe. [ci6n. coin, la moneda; coinage, la acuna- COld, fn'o, -a. collect (to get together}, juntar. ENGLISH VOCABULARY 351 colonel, el coronel. colony, la colonia. color, el color. comb, el peine. come (to), venir (202); down, bajar; out, salir (199); up, subir. command (to), mandar. commercial paper, los valores endo- sables. commission business, los negocios de comision. commit (to), cometer; suicide, el suicidarse. common, comtin; (//.) comunes. company, la compafiia, la sociedad. complete (to), completar. complicated, complicado, -a. conceal (to), ocultar. concentration, la concentracion. concert, el concierto. conclude (to), comprender. condition, el estado, la condicion. conduct (to), conducir (207). congratulate (to), felicitar; each other, felicitarse. congress, el congreso. conjugation, la conjugation, conscientiously, concienzudamente. consent (to), consentir (174). consequence, la consecuencia. consequently, por consiguiente. consider (to), considerar; (deliberate over}, tener (136) sobre el tapete. considerable, considerable, consolation, el consuelo. console (to), consular (167). conspiracy, la conspiracipn. constitution, la constitution. consult (to), consultar. consumption, el consumo. contain (to), contener (136). contemplate (to), contemplar. contented, contento, -a; to be 9 estar contento, -a. continue (to), continuar. contractor, el contratista. converse (to), hablar. convince (to), convencer. cook, la cocinera. copper, el cobre. corner (street}, la esquina. corps, el cuerpo. corpse, el cadaver. cost (to), costar (167). councilman, el vocal, country (general), el pais, (//.) los paises ; (in contrast to town}, el campo; (fatherland}, la patria. country-seat, la finca. couple, el par. coupon, el cupon. courage, el valor, course, el rumbo; of , por su- puesto. court, el tribunal, cousin, el primo, la prima. cover (to), cubrir (222). cow, la vaca. cracker, el bizcocho. crank, el chiflado. crazy, loco, -a. Creator, el Criador. credit, el haber. creditor, el acreedor. crime, el crimen. criminal, el reo. crisis, la crisis, critical, critico, -a. cross (to), cruzar. crowd, la multitud. cruiser, el crucero. cube, el cubo. cultivate (to), cultiva:. 352 SPANISH GRAMMAR cultured, culto, -a. cup, la taza. curate, el cura. custom, la costumbre. custom-house, la aduana. dahlia, la dalia. daily, cada dia; papers, la prensa. damage, el dano ; any d., d. alguno. dance (to), bailar. danger, el peligro. daughter, la hija. day, el dia; every , todos los dias. dead, muerto, -a. dealer, el traficante. dear, caro, -a. death, la muerte. debit, el debe. debt, la deuda. deceive (to), enganar; oneself, enganarse. decide (to), decidir. declare (to), declarar. deep, profundo, -a. defend (to), defender (166). defendant, el demandado. defense, la defensa. degenerate (to), degenerar. dejected, abatido, -a. delay (to), delatar. deliberation, la deliberation. delicate, delicado, -a. delicious, delicioso, -a. delightful, delicioso, -a. deliver (to), librar. demagogue, el demagogo. demand (to), exigir. democrat, el democrata. Demosthenes, Demostenes. deny (to), negar (143, 2, 164). depend (to), depender. depositor, el depositante. derived (to be), derivarse. deserve (to), merecer (143, a). desirable (to be), ser de desear. desire, el deseo. desire (to), desear, querer (209). desperation, la desesperacion. despicable, despreciable. despise (to), menospreciar. despotism, el despotismo. detachment, el destacamento. devil, el diablo. devise (to), inventar. devour (to), tragar. dictate (to), dictar. die (to), morir (178). differ (to), diferir (174). different, distinto, -a, diferente. difficult, dificil. difficulty, la dificultad. digestion, la digestion. dimension, la dimension. dining-room, el comedor. dinner, la comida. direct, directo, -a. disagreeable, desagradable. disappear (to), desaparecer. disastrous, desastroso, -a. discontented, descontento, -a. discount (to), descontar. discouraged, desanimado, -a. discover (to), descubrir. discovery, el descubrimiento. discuss (to), discutir. disease, la enfermedad. dismiss (to), sobreseer. dismount (to), apearse. disposed, dispuesto, -a. disposition, la disposition. dissolve {active tr.}, disolver (171) (neuter}, disolverse. ENGLISH VOCABULARY 353 dissuade (to), disuadir. distance, la distancia. distant, distante. distinction, la distincion. distract (to), molestar. distribute (to), distribuir (185). divide (to), dividir. do (to),hacer (197). dog, el perro. dollar, el duro, peso. domestic, domestico, -a. dominoes, el domino (used in sing.}. done, hecho, -a. door, la puerta. double, doble. doubt (to), dudar. doubt, la duda. dozen, la docena. draft, la letra, libranza. drama, el drama. dramatist, el dramaturgo. draught, el golpe. drawn, tirado, -a. dream, el suefio. dress (to), vestirse (181). drink (to), beber. duck, el pato. dude, el polio. durable, duradero, -a. during, durante. duty, el deber. dwell (to), residir. dwelling-place, la morada. E each, cada. early (very), con las gallinas. earn (to), ganar. earnings, las ganancias. earth, la tierra. easily, facilmente. East, el este. easy, facil. easy- chair, la butaca. eat (to), comer. eatables, los comestibles. edition, la edition. effect, el efecto. effrontery, el descaro. egg, el huevo. eight, ocho. eighteen, dieziocho. elect (to), elegir (143, 8, i8i>. election, la election. electric, electrico, -a. elephant, el elefante. eleven, once ; o'clock, las once. elliptical, eliptico, -a. eloquent, elocuente. embalmed, embalsamado, -a. employment, el empleo. end, el fin. end (to), terminar. ended, terminado^-a. endorse (to), endorsar. enemy, el enemigo. engine, la maquina. [el ingles. English, ingles, inglesa; (language*), enlightenment, la ilustracion. enormous, enorme. enter (to), entrar (en before object} ; an appeal, interponer (201) una apelacion. entertaining, entretenido, -a. entreat (to), suplicar. envelope, el sobre. equal (to), igualar. equal, igual. equality, la igualdad. equally, igualmente. escape (to), escapar. especially, sobretodo. establish (to), establecer (143, a). established, establecido, -a. 354 SPANISH GRAMMAR establishment, el establecimiento. esteemed, estimado, -a. eternal, eterno, -a; the Eternal, Eterno. Europe, (la) Europa. European, europeo, -a. even, aun. evening, la tarde. event, el suceso. ever, nunca. every, cada; body, todo man do. evident, evidente. evil, el mal. evil (adj.}, malo, -a (25). example, el ejemplo. exceedingly, sumamente. excuse (to) oneself, excusarse. execute (to), ejecutar. execution, la ejecucion. exercise, el ejercicio. exist (to), existir. expansion, la expansion. expect (to), esperar. experiment, la experiencia. explain (to), explicar. explode (to), reventar (164). express (to), expresar. exquisite, exquisito, -a. extend, prorrogar. extremity, la extremidad. eye, el ojo. F face, la cara, el rostro. fail (to), dejar de. fail, (la) falta. failure, la quiebra. faint (to), desmayarse. faithful, fiel. fall (to), caer (192). falling off. la rebaja. family, la familia. el famous, afamado, -a. farmer, el labrador. fast (to), ayunar. faster, mas de prisa. fat, grueso, -a. father, el padre. fault, la falta. favor, el favor. fear (to), temer. fear, el miedo, terror. feared, temido, -a. feasible, hacedero, -a. fellow-citizen, el conciudadano. few, pocos, -as. field, el campo. fifteen, quince. fifteenth {date), el quince. fifth, quinto, -a. fight (to), batirse. finale, el final. finally, por terminar. find (to), encontrar (167), hallar. fine, fino, -a. finer, mas fino, -a. finish (to), acabar. fire, la lumbre. fired, tirado, -a. firm, la razon. first, primero, -a (25). fish, el pez, los peces. fit (to), venir a (202). fit, apto, -a. five, cinco. fix (to), fijar. flag of truce, la bandera de parla- mento. flank, el flanco. flatter (to), lisonjear. flattery, la lisonja. flee (to), huir (185). fleet, la escuadra. flesh, la carne. ENGLISH VOCABULARY 355 flock (in proverb}, la camada; (other- wise}, el rebano. floor (in a meeting}, la palabra; to take the , tomar la palabra. Flora, Flora. flower, la flor. fly to (to), buscar. focus (pi. -ci), el foco. fog, la niebla. fold, el corral. follow (to), seguir (143, 10, 181). followed, seguido, -a. following, siguiente. folly, la locura. food, el alimento. fool, el necio. foot, el pie. for (prep.}, para. for (= because}, porque. ford, el vado. forget (to), olvidar, olvidarse. fork, el tenedor. form (to), formar. former, aquel, -la, aquellos, -as. formerly, en tiempos pasados. forsake (to), abandonar. fortnight, quince dfas. fortune, la fortuna. forty, cuarenta; three, cuarenta y tres. found (to be), encontrarse (167). foundation, el fundamento. fountain-pen, la pluma de fuente. four, cuatro; o'clock, las cuatro. fourteenth, decimocuarto, -a. fourth, cuarto, -a. fracture, la fractura. fragrant, fragrante. France, (la) Francia. fraternity, la fraternidad. fraud, la estafa. free, libre. French, frances, francesa; (language} ^ el frances. frequent, frecuente. fresh, fresco, -a. Friday, el viernes. friend, el amigo, la amiga. from, de. fruit, el fruto, (in general} la fruta. fruit-store, la fruteria. fruit-tree, el arbol frutal. full, lleno, -a. fund, el fondo. fundamental, fundamental furious, furioso, -a. furnish (to), proporcionar. gain (to), ganar. garden, el jar dm. gardener, el jardinero. gender, el genero. general, el general. generally, generalmente. gentleman, el caballero. Germany, (la) Alemania. get (to), buscar; oneself, po- nerse (201); along, adelan- tarse; drunk, embriagarse; married, casarse; out, salir (199); rich, enrique- cerse; up, levantarse. gift, el regalo, el don. give (to), dar (189). glass, la copa, el vaso. glove, el guante. gnaw (to), roer (219). go (to), ir (214), andar (188); astray, enganarse; away, irse; down, bajar; driv- ing, ir. andar en coche; to bed, acostarse (167); out, salir (199); up, subir. 356 SPANISH GRAMMAR God, Dios; god, el dios (//. -es). gold, el oro, golden, dorado, -a. good, bueno, -a (25); good deal of (adj.}, mucho, -a. goodness, la bondad. goods, los generos. goose, el ganso. government, gobierno ; - bonds, los valores del estado. governor- general, el gobernador ge- neral. grammar, la gramatica. grand, grandiose, -a. grant (to), conceder. grape, la uva. gravitation, la gravitacion. gray, pardo, -a. great, grande (25, c). greater, mayor. Greeks, los griegos. greyhound, el galgo. grip, la maleta. groom, el novio. grow (to), crecer (143, a}. guarantee, la garantia. guard, el guarda. guess (to), adivinar. guitar, la guitarra. gunner, el artillero. Gypsy, (el, la) gitano, -a. hair, el pelo. half (noun), la mitad; (adj^), me- dio, -a. hall (room'), la sala; (entrance), el vestibule. halt (to),hacer (197) alto, hand, la mano; (of a watch}, la manecilla. handkerchief, el pafiuelo. happen (to), acertar (164); (imper- sonal), suceder. happy, feliz (//. -ces). harbor, el puerto. hard, duro, -a. hare, la liebre. harm, el dano. hat, el sombrero. hatbox, la sombrerera. hate (to), aborrecer; each Other, aborrecerse. have (to), tener, haber (136); to have to, tener que. he, el; he who, el que. head, la cabeza; of the firm, el jefe de la casa. health, la salud. hear (to), oir (194). hearing, el oi'do. heart, el corazon. heavenly, celeste. held (to be), verificarse; held up, detenido, -a (detener, 136). hen, la gallina. her (post. adj.}, su, sus; (pronoun), ella; (obj. of verb), la. herbivorous, herbi'voro, -a. here, aqui. herewith, con esto. higher, superior. highest, mas alto, -a. hill, la colina. him, el; (obj. of verb}, le. his, su, sus (71-72). historian, el historiador. hog, el cerdo. hold one's tongue (to), callarse. home, la casa; at home, a casa. Homer, Homero. honey, la miel. honor, el honor. en casa; (to) ENGLISH VOCABULARY 357 honor (to), honrar; (a draft), aceptar. honorable (honored), honrado, -a; honorable. hope (to), esperar. hope, la esperanza. Horace, Horacio. horrible, horroroso, -a. horse, el caballo. horseman, el jinete. hotel, la posada. hour, la hora; hour-hand, el ho- rario. house, la casa. how, como; ? como; much, cuanto, -a; much? cuanto, -a; - many? cuantos, -as; long? cuanto tiempo. howl (to), aullar. hubbub, el bullicio. human, humano, -a. humble, humilde. humbug, el charlatan, hunt (to), cazar, hunter, el cazador. hurl (to), tirar. husband, el marido. hyena, la hiena. hypocrite, el hipocrita. I idiom, el modismo. idle, ocioso, -a. if, si. ignorance, la ignorancia. ills, los^males. imagine (to), figurarse. imitator, el imitador. immensity, la inmensidad. immortality, la' inmortalidad. impetus, el fmpetu. important, importante. impossible, imposible. imputed (to be), imputarse. in, en. incapable, incapaz (//. -ces). incident, el incidente. inclemency, la inclemencia. inconsiderate, inconsiderado, -a. individuality, la individualidad. induce (to), inducir (207). indulgent, indulgente. infantry, la infanteria. influence, la influencia. inform (to), informar. inhabitant, el habitante. inherit (to), heredar. injury, la injuria. injustice, la injusticia. ink, la tinta. innocent, inocente. insist (to), insistir. inspiration, la inspiracion. inspire (to), inspirar. instant, del actual. instantly, en el acto. instruct (to), instruir (185). intelligence, la inteligencia. intelligent, inteligente. intend (to), pensar (164). intention, la intencion. interest (to),interesar; oneself^ interesarse. interesting, interesante. international, internacional. intimate, intimo, -a. into, en. intricacies, las dificultades. intrinsic, intrinsico, -a. invent (to), inventar. invention, la invencion. invest (to), invertir (174). involuntary, involuntario, -a. iron, el hierro. island, la isla. 358 SPANISH GRAMMAR it, m. le, lo,/ la; (neuter}, lo (when obj. of a verb}* ello (when obj. of a prep.}. Italian, el italiano; (adj.), italiano, -a. its, su, sus. jewel, la alhaja. jocularly, jocosamente. joke (to), burlarse, chancear. journey, el viaje. judge, el juez. juice, el jugo. jurisdiction, la jurisdiccion. jury, el jurado. just, justo, -a. justify (to), justificar. justly, con justicia. K keep (to), fijar; (word}, cum- plir con; to be kept, guardarse. kicks, las coces. kidney bean, el frijol. kill (to), matar; oneself, ma- tarse. kind, la clase, especie. kind-hearted, benevolo, -a. kindness, la amabilidad. king, el rey, -es. kingdom, el reino. kiss (to), besar. kitchen, la cocina. knee, la rodilla. knife, el cuchillo. knock (to), llamar. know (to), saber (211,0); conocer (211, b}. knowledge, el conocimiento. known, conocido, -a. labor, la labor, lack, la falta. lamb, el cordero. land, la tierra. landlady, la huespeda. language, la lengua. large, grande; {bulky}, grueso, -a. last, pasado, -a; tiltimo, -a; last night, anoche. last (to), durar. late, tarde. later, mas tarde. Latin, el lattn. latter, este, esta. laugh (to), rei'r (182, a}. laughing strain (in a), riendo. laundress, la lavandera. law, la ley, -es. lawyer, el abogado. lay {to establish}, echar. laziness, la pereza. lazy, holgazau, holgazana. lead (to), llevar, conducir (207); (into temptation}, meter, leading, principal. learn (to), aprender. leave (to), dejar; (by inheritance}, legar. left, izquierdo, -a. leg, la pierna. lend (to), prestar. lentil, la lenteja. Leo, Leon, less, menos. lesser, menor. lesson, la leccion. letter, la carta. liabilities, el pasivo (used in sing.}. liberty, la libertad. library, la biblioteca. license, la licencia. lie down (to), acostarse (167). lieutenant, el teniente. life, la vida. ENGLISH VOCABULARY 359 lifetime, la vida. light, la luz. like, como. lily, el lirio. line, la li'nea. lion, el Icon. lip, el labio. liquid, el Kquido. listen to (to), escuchar. little (adj.\ poco, -a. little (a), un poco (de); the , el poco (de). little girl, la chiquita, nifiita, mucha- chita. little mote, la motita. live (to), vivir. loan (to) , prestar. locomotive, la locomotora. long, largo, -a. look for (to), buscar (143, i). Lord, (el) lord. lose (to), perder (166). loss, la perdida. lost, perdido, -a. love (to), amar, querer (209). low, bajo. lower, inferior. M machine, la maquina. made, hecho, -a. maiden, soltera. mail, el correo. make (to), hacer (197); make (one's) hair stand on end, ponerle (201) (a uno) el cabello de punta. malady, la enfermedad. man, el hombre; man-of-war, el buque de guerra. manager, el gerente. mandate, el precepto. manners, los modales. manuscript, el manuscrito. many, muchos, -as. mariner's compass, la brdjula. mark (to), marcar. Mars, Marte. master (to), veneer. master, el sefior; (teacher), el maestro. masticate (to), masticar. masticated, masticado, -a. matter (thing, affair'}, el asunto; (material), la materia. may (to), poder (209). mayor, el alcalde. meal, la comida. mean, medio, -a. meaning, la intencion. means, los medios. measure, la medida. meat, la carne. meditate (to), pensar (164). meet (to), encontrar (167) ; (to assem- ble), reunirse. meeting, la junta. member, el miembro; (of a council}, el vocal. mend (to), componer (201). mendicant, el mendigo. mere, mero, -a. merely, meramente. merit (to), merecer (143, a). message, el mensaje. metaphysics, la metaffsica. method, el metodo. Mexico, Mexico or Mejico (spelling with x is preferred, but pronuncia- tion is always that of j). midnight, (la) media noche. mineral, el mineral. minute, el minuto. minute-hand, el minutero. misappropriation, la malversacion. misfortune, la desgracia, el infortunio. 360 SPANISH GRAMMAR misogynist, el misogino. miss (to), errar (165). mistake, la falta. mistress, la senora. mitten (the), caiabazas. modern, moderno, -a. modest, modesto, -a. moment, el momento. Monday, el lunes. money, el dinero. month, el mes (-es). moon, la luna. Moor, el moro. morality, la moralidad. more, mas. moreover, ademas. morning, la mafiana. mortal, mortal, most, mas. motion, el movimiento. motive, el motivo. mother, la madre. motto, el mote, mountain, la montana. mourning, el luto. mouth, la boca. move (to), moverse (170). movement, el movimiento. much (adv.}, mu'cho; so , tanto. much, mucho, -a. murder, el asesinato. murmur (to), murmurar. muses, las musas. museum, el museo. music-teacher, el maestro de musica. mustache, el bigote. my, mi, mis. N nail (of finger}, la ufla. name, el nombre. namely, a saber. napkin, la servilleta. narrow, estrecho, -a. nation, la nacion. national, nacional. native (adj.}, maternal. native, el natural. nature, la naturaleza. navigator, el navegante. Neapolitan, napolitano, -a. near (prep.}, cerca de. near (adj.}, cercano, -a. nearer, mas cerca de. necessary, necesario, -a. need (to), necesitar. neglect (to), descuidar de. negligence, la negligencia. neighborhood, el vecindario. neighbor, el vecino. nephew, el sobrino. never, nunca (verb preceded by no). new, nuevo, -a. news, la noticia. newspaper, el periodico. next (adv.}, despues; (adj.}, que night, la noche. [viene, entrante. nightfall, la cafda de la noche. nightmare, la pesadilla. nine, nueve. no one, nadie. noble, noble. noise, el ruido. noon, el mediodia. North, el norte. northern, septentrional. nose, la nariz. not, no. note (promissory), el pagare. noted, famoso, -a. nothing, nada. noun, el nombre. novel, la novela. novelist, el novelista, ENGLISH VOCABULARY 361 now, ahora. number, el ntimero. obey, obedecer (143, a). object (gram.}, el regimen. observe (to), observar. Obtain (to), conseguir (143, 10, 181). occupy (to), ocupar. ocean, el oceano. O'clock, la (sing.}, las (followed by the number of the hour or hours}. Of, de. offer, la oferta. offer (to), ofrecer (143, a}. office, el despacho. officer, el oficial. often, a menudo. I Old, viejo, -a; old-age, la vejez. on, sobre; on account of, a causa de. once (at), en seguida. one, un(o), -a; one's, su, sus. only (adv.}, solo. open (to), abrir (222); open fire, romper el fuego. opening, el abrir. operation, la operacion. opinion, el parecer. oppose (to), oponerse a (201). or, 6; VL (before o or ho), orange, la naranja. 'orate" (to), orar. orator, el orador. orbit, la orbita. orchard, el huerto. order (to), mandar. organ, el organo. organize (to), formar. ornament, el adorno. orphan, el huerfano. other, otro, -a. ought (to), deber (213). Our, nuestro, -a, Outset, el principio. over, sobre. overcoat, el abrigo, sobretodo. overtake (to), alcanzar. OX, el buey. P painter, el pintor. palace, el palacio. palate, el paladar. pale, palido, -a. panic, el panico. pantry, la despensa. paper (material}, el papel; (news-) el periodico; paper money, el pa- pel moneda. par (at), a la par. parade, la revista. pardon (to), perdonar. pardon, el perdon. parents, los padres. parlor, la sala. part, la parte. particularly, particularmente. partner, el socio. partridge, la perdiz. party, el partido. pass (to), pasar; (a law}, votar. passenger, el pasajero. passionately, apasionadamente. pastor, el pastor. path, la senda. patience, la paciencia. patrol, la ronda. pay (to), pagar; (attention}, prestar. payment, el pago. pea, el guisante. peach, el melocoton. pear, la pera. pen, la pluma. pencil, el lapiz, -ces. penetrate (to), penetrar. 362 SPANISH GRAMMAR people, el pueblo. per cent, por ciento. perfect, perfecto, -a. perfectly, absolutamente. perform (to), cumplir con. perihelion, el perihelio. perilous, peligroso, -a. perish (to), perecer (143, a). perpetual, perpetuo, -a. person, la persona. personalty and realty, los bienes muebles e inmuebles. petition, la peticion. Philippines (islands), las Filipinas. photograph, la fotografi'a. piece, la pieza. pineapple, la pina. pink, el clavel. pistol, la pistola. pistol-shot, el pistoletazo. pitcher, el jarro. pity, (la) lastima. Pius, Pio. place, el lugar, la plaza; (occupation), el puesto. plaintiff, el demandante. plan, el plan. planet, el planeta. plate, el plato. play (drama), el drama. play (to), tocar (music); (a game}, jugar a (168). plead (to), abogar. pleasant, agradable. please (to), agradar, gustar a, corn- placer (143, a). pleasing, agradable. pleasure, el placer. plum, la ciruela. pocket, el bolsillo. poem, el poema. poet, el poeta. poetic, poetico, -a. point, el punto. pole, el polo. political, politico, -a. pond, el estanque. Pope, (el) Papa. popular, popular. portion, -la porcion. Porto-Rican, portorriquefio, -a; the Porto-Ricans, los portorriquefios. position, la posicion, el puesto. possessions, los bienes. possessive, posesivo, -a. possibility, la posibilidad. possible, posible. postage prepaid, franco, -a de porte. postage-stamp, el sello (de correo). postal-card, la tarjeta postal. post-office, el correo. potato, la patata, papa. pour (to), derramar. practical, practice, -a. praise, la alabanza. prank, la calaverada. pray (to), rezar. precious, precioso, -a. predecessor, el predecesor. prefer (to), preferir (174). preparation, el preparative. prepare (to), preparar. present, actual; to be , asistir. present (to), presentar. preserve (to), preservar. president, el presidente. presumptuous (to be), tener (136) presuncion. pretty, bello, -a. prevent (to), impedir (181). price, el precio. primary, primero, -a. primary, el primario. prime minister, el primer ministro. ENGLISH VOCABULARY 363 prince, el principe. principal, principal. prisoner, el preso. privilege, el privilegio. prize, el premio. probable, probable. problem, el problema. proceeds, el producto. procure (to), conseguir (143, 10, 181). produce (to), producir (207). produce exchange, la lonja de vfveres. professor, el profesor. profitable, provechoso, -a. progress (to), adelantar. projectile, el proyectil. promise (to), prometer. promissory note, el pagare. promoter, el promoter. pronoun, el pronombre. pronounce (to), pronunciar. properly, debidamente. proportional, proporcional. propose (marriage), determinarse. proposed, propuesto, -a. proposition, la proposicion. prosper (to), prosperar. protest, la protesta. proud, orgulloso, -a. proverb, el refran. Providence, la Providencia. prudence, la prudencia. prudent, cuerdo, -a. publish (to), publicar. punish (to), castigar. pupil, el discfpulo. purchase, la compra. pure, puro, -a. purpose, el proposito. pursue (to), perseguir (143, 10, 181). put (to), poner (201), meter; to put On, poner; to put (his), ponerse. Pyrenees, los Pirineos. quadruped, el cuadrtipedo. quadruple, cuadruple. quail, la codorniz. quality, la calidad. quarter, el quarto. queen-regent, la reina regente. question, la cuestion, or (simply} lo. quiet, la quietud. quiet, tranquilo, -a. R rabble, la gentuza. radius-vector, el radio vector, railroad, el ferrocarril. rain, la lluvia. rain (to), Hover (158). rainbow, el arco iris. raise (to lift}, levantar; (to col- lect], juntar. ransack (to), revolver (171). rapidly, rapidamente, de prisa. rarely, raras veces. rather, de mejor gana. ration, la racion. rattlesnake, la culebra de cascabel. ravenously, vorazmente. reach (to), alcanzar, llegar a. read (to), leer (206). reading-room, la sala de lectura. ready, servido, -a. ready-made, hecho, -a. rear guard, la retaguardia. reassert (to), reafirmar. rebel (to), rebelarse. receive (to), recibir. receiver, el comisario de quiebra. reception, la recepcion. recourse, el recurso. Red Cross, la Cruz Roja. reelection, la reeleccion. reenforced, reforzado, -a. 364 SPANISH GRAMMAR reinforcements, los refuerzos. Reformation, la Reforma. refund (to), devolver (171). refuse, rehusar, negarse a (143, 2, regiment, el regimiento. [164). registered, certificado, -a. regret (to), sentir (174). reject (to), rechazar. rejoice (to), regocijarse. rejoicing, el regocijo. relative, el pariente. relieve (to), aliviar. religion, la religion. religious, religiose, -a. remain (to), quedar; (to manecer (143, a). remedy, el remedio. remember (to), recordar (167). renewed, nuevo, -a. repeat (to), repetir (181). repent (to), arrepentirse (174). repose, la quietud. represent (to), representar. reprove (to), reprender. republic, la republica. republican, el republicano. reputation, la reputation, repute, la fama. requirements, las necesidades. reside (to), residir. residence, la casa morada. resignation, la resignation, respect (to), respetar. rest (to), descansar. result, el resultado. retire (to), retirarse. retreat (to), retirarse. return (to), volver (171, 227), re- gresar. return mail (by), a vuelta de correo. return ticket, el billete de ida y vuelta. reveal (to), revelar. review, la revista. revolution, la revolucidn. revolve (to), girar. riches, las riquezas. rift, el claro. right, derecho, -a. rise (to), levantarse. river, el no. road, el camino. rob (to), robar. robber, el ladron. Romanic, romance. Rome, (la) Roma. roof, el tejado, techo. room, el cuarto. rose, la rosa. rout (to), derrotar. royal, regio, -a. rub (to), frotar, restregar. rule, la regla. run (to), correr; (to flee), huir (185); run across, dar con (189); run out, acabarse. running noose, el lazo corredizo. Russia, la Rusia. sad, triste. sailor, el marinero. salt, la sal. same, mismo, -a; the same,lo mismo. satisfaction, el contento. satisfactory, satisfactorio, -a. satisfied, satisfecho, -a; to be , estar (136) contento, -a. Saturday, el sabado. Saturn, Saturno. save (to), salvar. say (to), decir (195). saying, el dicho. school, la escuela. schooner, la goleta. ENGLISH VOCABULARY 365 science, la ciencia. scissors, las tijeras. scorn (to), desdefiar. sea, el, la mar. season, la estacion. second, el segundo. second, segundo, -a. second-hand, el segundario. secret, el secreto. sect, la secta. secure (to), conseguir (143, 10, 181). see (to), ver (205). seek (to), buscar; shelter, refu- giarse. seem (to), parecer (143, a). seen, visto, -a. select (to), escoger. self-defense, la defensa propia. self-government, el gobierno propio. sell (to), vender, send (to), enviar (143, 3); for, mandar por. sense, el sentido. sentiment, el sentimiento. servant, m. el criado; / la criada. serve (to), servir (181). service, el servicio. set (to), poner (201); to set out, partir. settled (to be), arreglarse. seven, siete. seventh, septimo, -a. several, muchos, -as. severe, severe, -a. severely, severamente. shade, la sombra. shadow, la sombra. shameful, bochornoso, -a. share, la accion. shareholder, el accionista. she, ella. Sheep, la oveja. sheepfold, el aprisco. shop, la tienda. shortly, dentro de poco; - after, poco despues. show (to), mostrar (167). shrug (to) one's shoulders, enco- gerse de hombros. sick (to be), estar (136) malo, -a. sick-nurse, la enfermera. side, el lado. sight, la vista. sign, la serial. l silencio. plata. since (adv.}, puesto que; (prep.}, sing (to), cantar. [desde. single, solo, -a. sinking fund, el fondo de amortiza- cion. sir, senor. sister, la hermana ; sister-in-law, la cufiada. sit down (to), sentarse (164). situation, la situacion. six, seis. sixteen, dieziseis. sixth, sexto, -a. skate (to), patinar. skillful, diestro, -a. slander (to), calumniar. slave, el esclavo. slavery, la esclavitud. small, pequeno, -a. smell, el olfato; (odor}, el olor. smoking (no), no se fuma. snood, el cordon. snow (to), nevar (158). SO, tan ; so much, tanto. soap, el jabon. society, la sociedad. soldier, el soldado. 366 SPANISH GRAMMAR solve (to), resolver (171). some, alguno, -a (25). something, algo. son, el hijo. soon, pronto; as soon, tan pronto. soul, el alma (/.}. sound (to), sonar (167). South, el sur. South-American, sud-americano, -a. Spain, la Espafia. Spaniard, el espanol. Spanish (language}, el espanol. Spanish, espafiol, -a, -es, -as. speak (to), hablar. special, especial. species, la especie. speculate (to) in stocks, jugar (168) a la bolsa. speech (faculty}, el habla,/ (n, b}; (oration}, el discurso. spend (to) , gastar. spite (in ), a pesar. spoon, la cuchara. spring (water}, el manantial; (sea- son}, la primavera. spring up (to), originarse. squadron, el escuadron. square, cuadrado, -a. square, el cuadrado. stairs, la escalera. start (to), partir; up, saltar. State, el Estado. statement, la declaracion. statesman, el estadista. stay (to), permanecer (143, a}. steal (to), robar. steamer, el vapor. still, sin embargo. stock-exchange, la bolsa. stomach, el estomago. stop (to cease}, cesar (325); (to stop moving}, pararse. store, la tienda. storm, la tormenta. story (of a house}, el piso; (narra- tive}, la historia, el cuento. stranger, el desconocido. strawberry, la fresa. street, la calle. stretch oneself (to) , estirarse. strewn, sembrado, -a. strictly, estrictamente. strike, la huelga. striker, el huelguista. strive (to), esforzarse (167). strong, fuerte. structure, la estructura. student, el estudiante. study (to), estudiar. sty, la pocilga. [los subditos. subject, el sujeto ; (subjects of a king}, submit (to), someterse. subscription, la suscripcion. succeed (to), lograr (327). success, el exito. successor, el sucesor. succumb (to), sucumbir. such, such a, tal, (//.) tales, suffer (to), padecer (143, a}. suffering, el sufrimiento. suffice (to), bastar. sufficient, bastante. sugar, el azticar. suggest (to), sugerir (174). suicide, el suicidarse, el suicidio. suit (law}, el pleito, la causa. suitor, el pretendiente. sulk (to), permanecer (143, a} terco. sum, la cantidad. sun, el sol. Sunday, el domingo. sunrise, la salida del sol. supper, la cena. supply, la provision. ENGLISH VOCABULARY 367 support, la ayuda. support (= to bear), soportar; (to maintain), mantener (136). supreme, supremo, -a. sure, seguro, -a. surely, de seguro. surgeon, el medico, surplus, el excedente, el sobrante. surprise (to), sorprender. surrender, la rendition. surrender (to), rendirse (181). suspect (to), sospechar. suspended, suspendido, -a. swallow (to), tragar; swallowed, tragado, -a. sway (to), dominar. sweet, dulce. sword, la espada. sworn, jurado, -a. table, la mesa. tablecloth, el mantel. tactics, la tactica. take (to), tomar; to out, sacar; to a bath, bafiarse, to a walk, pasear or pasearse. talk (to), hablar. tariff, el arancel. task, la tarea. taste, el agrado, el gusto, taxes, las contribuciones. teacher, el maestro. tear up (to), romper, telegram, el telegrama. tell (to), decir (195); tell ( = relate), contar (167). temptation, la tentacion. ten, diez ; tenth, decimo, -a, tent, la tienda. term, la condition. than, que. that, ese, esa ; those, esos, esas (88). that (rel. andconj.), que; that which, el, la que; that (neuter), eso. the, el, la, los, las. theater, el teatro. thee, te. their, su, sus. then (at that time), entonces ; then (in the next place), luego. there, alia, alii. thing, la cosa. think (to), pensar (164). third, tercero,.-a (25). [nueve. thirty, treinta; thirty-nine, treinta y this, este, esta; this {neuter), esto; these, estos, estas. thorn, la espina. thoroughly, a fondo. three, tres. throat, la garganta. throne, el trono. through, por. throw (to), arrojar. thunder, el trueno. Thursday, el jueves. thus, ast'. tiger, el tigre. time (duration}, el tiempo; (at law), el plazo; (occasion), la vez (//. las veces). tired, cansado, -a; fatigado, -a. to, a. tobacco, el tabaco. to-day, hoy. tomato, el tomate. to-morrow, manana. tongue, la lengua. to-night, esta noche. tooth, el diente. top (like a), como una piedra (stone). touch, el tacto. towards, hacia. 368 SPANISH GRAMMAR towel, la toalla. townhall, el ayuntamiento. train, el tren. traitor, el traidor. transform (to), transformar. translation, la traduccion. travel (to), viajar. traveler, el viajero. treat (to), tratar. tree, el arbol. trench, la trinchera. trial, la pena. tribulation, la tribulacion. trim (to), cortar. trip, el viaje. triple, triple. troops, las tropas. true, verdadero, -a; the true, lo ver- dadero. trunk, el tronco. trust company, la liga mercantil. truth, la verdad. try (to), tratar (325). Tuesday, el martes. tulip, el tulipan. turkey, el pavo. turn out (to), resultar; turn into cash, convertir (174) en dinero. twelve, doce. twenty, veinte. twenty -five, veinticinco. twenty-seven, veintisiete. two, dos. U ultimo, del proximo pasado. uncle, el tio. under, bajo. undersigned, el infrascrito. understand (to), entender (166), comprender; to give to , dar (189) a entender. unforeseen, imprevisto, -a. unfortunately, desdichadamente. united, unido, -a. United States, los Estados Unidos. universal, universal. university, la universidad. unnatural, contranatural. unravel (to), desenredar. unusual, inusitado, -a. upon, sobre. upper, superior. us, nos (obj. of verb}, nosotros (obj of preposition}. use (to), emplear, usar; to be used, usarse. usually, generalmente. vacillate (to), vacilar. vain, vano, -a; in , en vano. valuable, de gran precio. value (to), valuar. value, el valor. vanguard, la vanguardia. vaporings, los disparates. various, diverse, -a; vario, -a. vegetable, la legumbre. vein, la vena. verdict, el veredicto. very, muy (before pos, degree); mucho (before comp. degree}; very much. muchisimo; very bad, pesimo, -a. victory, la victoria. victuals, las viandas. village, el pueblo, la aldea. violet, la violeta. virtue, la virtud. visit, la visita. visit (to), visitar. vitals, las entranas. voluptuous, voluptuoso, -a. vulgarity, la vulgaridad. ENGLISH VOCABULARY 369 wages, el salario. wait, wait for (to), esperar. waiting room, la sala de espera. Wales, Gales. walk, el paseo. walk (to), andar (188). wall, la pared. want (to), querer (209); to be wanted, desearse. want, la falta; for of, por falta de. war, la guerra. warm (very), mucho calor. wash (oneself) (to), lavarse. washstand, el lavabo. waste (to), disipar, gastar. watch, el reloj. water, el agua (/). wear (to), traer (193). weather, el tiempo. Wednesday, el miercoles. week, le semana. welcome (to), dar (189) la bienvenida. well (adv.} , bien. West, el oeste. what? ique? what! ;que! what (= that which}, lo que. wheat, el trigo. when, cuando; when? ,Jcuando? where, donde; where? <;d6nde? whether (that}, que; whether (if), which, que. [si. while, mientras (que). who, que; who? quien? whole, todo, -a; the , todo el, toda la. whom, quien. why? <; por que? wicked (the), el impio. wife, la mujer, esposa. wild, silvestre. . will, la voluntad. win (to), ganar. wind itself up (to), darse (189) cuerda a si mismo. window, la ventana; little , la ventanilla. wine, el vino, wing, el ala (/). winter, el invierno. wipe (to), enjugar ; to out, agotar. wire, el alambre. wisdom, la sabidurfa. wise (the), los sabios. wisely, sabiamente. wish (to), querer (209). with, con. within, dentro de. without, sin. witness, el testigo. witness (to), presenciar. wolf, el lobo. woman, la mujer. woods, los bosques. word, la palabra. work, el trabajo, la obra. work (to), trabajar. world, el mundo. worse, peor. worst, peor. worth (to be) more, valer (200) mas. wounded (the), los heridos. write (to), escribir (222). year, el ano. yes, sf. yesterday, ayer. yet, todavfa. you, usted; ye, vosotros. young, joven (//. jovenes). young man, el joven (//. jovenes). your, su, sus. youth, la juventud. SPANISH VOCABULARY Ch, 11, and n, being separate letters, stand after c, 1, and n. Verbs should be looked for under their infinitives, which, when irregular, are referred to the sections where their model verbs are conjugated. All forms so irregular as not to be easily traceable to their infinitives are given. In looking for the infinitives of irregular forms observe that 1. Forms in ue and u are to be sought for under 0: puedo, pude, from poder. 2. Those in ie and i under e : siento, sintio from sentir. The gender of nouns is indicated by the letters m and f. All references are to sections. , to, with, of, at, after, on, in, for, upon, according to. abalanzarse, to rush forward. abandonar, to abandon. abismo, m. abyss. abnegaci6n de si mismo, self-abnega- tion. abogado, m. lawyer. abominarse, to revile. abonar, to credit ; en cuenta, to credit to one's account. abrasador, -a, suffocating, fiery. abrazar, to embrace. abrigar, to entertain. abrigo, m. overcoat. abril, April. abrir (222), to open. absolutamente, absolutely. absurdo, -a, absurd. abundar, to abound, be plentiful. abur, good-by, " so long." aca, here. acabar, to finish; de, to have just (216). acaparamiento, m. monopolizing. acariciar, to caress. acci6n,/ action. acechar, to waylay, spy upon. aceite (;.) de oliva, olive oil. aceptar, to accept. acerca de, about. acercarse, to approach. acero, m. steel, sword. acerque (pres. sub. of acercar), to bring near or to (143, i). acertar (164), to happen. aclamaci6n, f. acclamation, shout. acobardar, to daunt. acometer, to attack, undertake. acompanar, to send herewith, enclose, accompany; se, to associate. acontecer (143, ), to happen, acorazado, -a, armored; armored ship. acordes, m. strains. acreditar, to prove. acreedor, m. creditor, actitud,/! attitude. actividad,yC activity. 370 SPANISH VOCABULARY 371 acto, m. act. actriz,/ actress. actual, instant, present (month}. actualmente, at present. acudir, to come or run up. acunaci6n,/ coinage. acusar, to acknowledge. Adan, Adam. adelantado, -a, in advance of. adelantar, to advance, get along; se, to advance. adelante (en), upward, onward, for- ward; ya en , from now on. adelantos, m. progress, most modern improvements. ademas, moreover. adi6s, good-by, good day. adivinar, to guess; se to be guessed. adjunto, herewith, accompanying. admirable (lo), admirable part. admiraci6n, / admiration. admitir, to admit, accept. ad6nde, where? adoptar, to adopt. adoraci6n,/ adoration. , adorno, m. ornament, trimming. aduana,/ custom-house. advertir (174), to warn. aerolite, /. aerolite. afamado, -a, famous. afecci6n,/ affection. afecto, **. regards, affection, love. afectu, -a, obedient, affectionate, re- spectful. afianzamiento, m. security. aficionado, fond of, given to. afirmar, to affirm. aflojar, to relax. afortunadamente, fortunately. afuera, outside; casa , outside the house. agareno, m. Mahometan, Moor (Jrom Agar, flagar}. agarrar, to cling to. agitado, -a, agitated. agolpar, to drive, bring, agosto, August. agradable, pleasant. agradar, to please. agradecer (143, ), to thank. agradecido, -a, grateful. agradezco (agradecer, 143, a\ I thank. agregado, m. attache. agrupado, -a, grouped, agua,/ water. aguantar, to suffer. aguardar, to wait for. aguardiente, ;;/. brandy, aguila, / eagle ; pintar el , to spend money freely. ah, ah. ahi, there. ahogado, -a, dull, smothered. ahora, now. ahuyentar, to frighten away, airadamente, angrily. aire, m. air; aires, airs, ajedrez, m. chess, ajustar, to transact. al (=a el), at that. al 4, al 5, at 4, at 5 per cent, alambrado, m. wire trellis. alambre, m. wire. alarmar, to alarm, alcanzar, to reach. Alcazaba,/ stronghold, citadel, alegrar, to delight. alegria, / joy, mirth, alejar, to make retire. alfrez de navio, junior lieutenant, alf ombra, f. carpet. algo, somewhat, something. 372- SPANISH GRAMMAR algod6n, m. cotton; p61vora, gun cotton. alguien, some one. algiin, any, some. alguno, -a, some, few, any. aliento, m. breath, alimentar, to feed. alivio, m. relief, alma, f. soul, heart ; sentir en el , to regret deeply, almacen, m. store, warehouse, almacenaje, m. storage. almendra,/ almond. almid6n, m. starch. almirantazgo, m. admiralty. almirante, m. admiral. almuerzo, m. breakfast. alrededor de, around. alteraci6n, f. change, commotion, alto, aloud, alto, -a, high, latest, alto, m. halt. altura,/ height, distance up stream, alumbrado, m. illumination, alza,/ (el), rise. alzarse, to rise, alii, there, ama,/ mistress. amable, amiable, kind, amar, to love, like. amargura, f. bitterness. amarillo, -a, yellow. ambos, -as, both. amenazar, to threaten. America,/ America, americano, -a, American, amiga,/ friend, amigo, m. friend, amiguito, m. little friend, amo, m. master. amortizable, redeemable, anciano, -a, old (man, woman). anchisimo, -a, very broad. ancho, -a, broad. andante, walking. andar (188), to go, walk. andar, m. speed. angel, m. angel. dngulo, m. angle. animalucho, m. ugly brute. animado, -a, animated. aniquilarse, to annihilate each other. aniversario, m. anniversary. anoche, last evening, last night. anterior, front, forward. anteriormente, formerly. antes, above, formerly. antes de, before. antes de que, before. anticuado, -a, antiquated. antiguo, -a, ancient, veteran. anunciar, to announce. anuncio, m. advertisement. anadir, to add. anicos (hacer ), to smash into bits. ano, m. year, apagar, to silence, put out; se, to go out. aparato, m. apparatus. aparecer (143, a), to appear. aparici6n, apparition. aparte, aside. apearse, to get out. apenas, scarcely. aplanchadora, ironer (woman). aplauso (un), hurrah! aplicar, to apply. aplomado, gray, leaden, apoderarse, to take possession. apoplejla,/! apoplexy. apostar (167), to station. apoyar, to support, aprender, to learn. SPANISH VOCABULARY 373 apresurarse, to hasten. aprop6sito (mas), most convenient, nearest. aprovechar, to take advantage. aproveche (que a), may it do you good (said to any one who eats, etc.). aproximarse, to approach, be near, apuntar, to point. aque"!, the former. aquSlla, that, its. aquel, aquella, aquellos, -as, that, those. aqui, here, arabe, Arab, arancel, m. tariff, arana,/ chandelier, arbol, m. tree, ardiente, fiery. arengar, to harangue, argentine, -a, Argentine. aritme"tico, -a, arithmetical, arma,/ arm. armado, -a, armed, " converted." armonfa,/ harmony, arrancar, to rush out. arrastrarse, to crawl, arrebatar, to transport. arreciar, to grow hotter. arreglar, to arrange, make, arreglo (con), conformably, arriar, to strike, lower, arrimarse, to stick to, approach, arrogante, haughty. arrojar, to knock down, throw. arrojo, m. dash, boldness, arroyo, m. brook, arroz, m. rice. arte, m. and/ art. arteria, / artery, articulo, w. article; s paracazar, hunters' goods, artificial, artificial. artillado, -a, fortified. artillero, m. gunner. artista, m. artiste {player). asambleista, ;. delegate. ascensor, m. elevator; de muni- ciones, ammunition hoist. asegurar, to insure, assure, asemejarse, to resemble, asfixiarse, to be stifled, asi, so, thus. asir (190), to seize, asistentes, m. those present, asombroso, -a, marvelous, aspecto, m. aspect. aspirar, to aspire. asunto, m. matter, affair, asustar, to scare, frighten, atacar, to attack, atajar, to fight, intercept, put out. ataque, m. attack. atenci6n,/ attention, consideration. atender (166), to attend to, care for. atenta,/ favor. atento, -a, obedient, respectful, aterrar, to appall, terrify. atm6sf era, f. atmosphere. atolondrada,/. rattlepate. atormentar, to worry, atractivos, m. attractions. atraer (193), to attract. atravesar (164), to pass through, atrevido (lo), the daring. atribuirse (185), to be attributed. atrincheramiento, m. entrenchment, augusto, august. aullar, to howl, aumentar, to increase, aiin, even, yet, still, aunque, although. Aurora, / Aurora (the goddess of dawn) . ausencia,/ absence. 374 SPANISH GRAMMAR austral, south, southern. autor, m. author. autoridad,/ authority. auxiliar, to aid. auxiliar, auxiliary. avant (en), forward! {French}. avanzar, to advance. ave, f. bird. aventurero, m. adventurer. averia, / damage. - averiguar, to find out. avestruz,/ ostrich. aviso, m. advice, notice. avistar, to descry. ayer, yesterday. ayuda,/ aid. ayudante, /. aide. ayudar, to help. azotar (to whip'}, to tramp. azucar, m. sugar. azul, blue. azulejo, m. Dutch tile. B bachiller, m. bachelor. bailar, to dance. baile, m. ball. bajar, to descend, drop, stoop down. bajas,/ casualties. bajo, -a, low. bajo, under, below. bala,/ ball, bale. balsa,/ raft. bancario, -a, banking. banco, m. bank; hipotecario, bank that lends on mortgages, stocks. bandera,/ flag, colors. banquero, m. banker. banarse, to be bathed, baraja,/ pack (of playing cards}. barba,/ chin, barbaro, -a, barbarous. barbero, m. barber. barbeta,/ barbette. barco, m. ship. barrer, to sweep. base,/ basis, base. bastante, enough. bastar, to suffice, be enough. batalla,/ battle. batallador, m. fighter. batal!6n, m. battalion. bateria,/ battery, gun deck. batir, beat, attack. batirse, to fight. bautizar, to baptize. bayo, -a, russet. bayoneta, / bayonet; a la , charge bayonets. bebe", m. baby. beber, to drink, bebida,/ drink. becerro de oro, golden calf. Beethoven, famous German musician, beldad,/ beauty. belicoso, -a, warlike, bello, -a, pretty. bendici6n, / benediction, blessing, grace. beneficio, m. benefit. besar, to kiss; a uno la mano, to extend greetings to any one. bestia,/ beast, animal. bien, well, very; mas , rather. bienvenido, -a, welcome, bigote, m. mustache. bigotito, m. small mustache, billar, m. billiards, billete, m. bill, note, warrant. bipedo, m. biped. bisiesto, leap (year). bizarrisimo, -a, very gallant, bizarro, -a, gallant. bianco, -a, white. SPANISH VOCABULARY 375 boca, / mouth ; de f uego, can- non; a de jarro, point blank. bocado, m. mouthful. boda,/ wedding. bodega, f. wine-vault. bola,/ball. bolsa, f. stock-exchange. bomba,yC bomb, pump, fire engine. bombero, m. fireman. bondad,/ goodness. bonito, -a, pretty. bordo (a), aboard. bote, m. boat; de vapor, steam launch. botica,/ drug store. bot6n, m. bud, button. bracete (de), arm-in-arm. bramar, to roar, scream out. bravo, -a, brave. bravura, f. bravery, gallantry. brazo, m. arm. breve, short, few. bribonada,/ rascality. brid6n, m. charger. brigada,yC brigade. brigadier, ///. brigadier. brillante, shining. brillantez,/ brightness. brindar,to drink (health). brio, m. dash and vigor. bronce, m. bronze, cannon (of bronze). brusco, -a, sudden. bruto, m. brute. bruto, -a, gross, brute. bub6nico, -a, bubonic. buen (bueno), good. bueno. -a, well, good. buho, m. owl. buitre, /*. vulture. b T ique, m. ship; hospital, hospi- tal ship; de insignia, flag- ship. burla,y? jesting, joke, burlarse, to make fun of. burlesco, -a, burlesque. bur!6n, burlona, roguish, burro, m. donkey. bursatil, of the stock-exchange, buscar, to look for, seek. busques (pres. subj. of buscar), look for; no le , don't look for him. cabal, common; cabal ! exactly, you are right. caballeria, f. cavalry. caballero, m. gentleman. caballo, m. horse; de silla, rid- ing horse; de d , horsemen, cavalry. cabe (si) (caber, 204), if possible; no mas, leaves nothing to be desired. cabecera,/ head (of the fable). cabello, m. hair. cabeza,/. head, lead. cabida,yC room, space. cabido (/. part, of caber), befallen. cabo de mar, ship's corporal; a cabo, to a finish. cabra, f. goat. caciquismo, m. bossism. cachemir, m. cashmere. cachimba,/ (familiar), pipe, cada, every, each, all. caddver, m. corpse. caer (192), to fall. caf6, m. coffee. caja,yC case. cajita, / package. calavera, / madcap. calcular, to calculate. caldera, / boiler. calentura, f. fever. 376 SPANISH GRAMMAR calidad,/ quality. calor, m. heat. calzado, ;. shoes. calzas,/ breeches. callar, to hold one's tongue, be silent (abouf) . calle,/ street. callejero, tn. loafer, calle j6n, m. passage, gangway, cama, / bed; haoer , to keep one's bed (from sickness). camada, / pack, camara,/ cabin, chamber, cambiar, to change, cambio, m. change, exchange; en , on the other hand. caminar, to march (on) . camino, m. road. camisa, / shirt. campamento, m. camp, encampment. campanilla,/! bell. campana, /. campaign. [country. campo, m. camp, field, dueling ground, cancer, m. cancer. canci6n, / song. cangrejo, m. crab; de popa, afterdeck. canibalismo, m. cannibalism, canon, /;/. rate, fee. cansancio, m. lassitude. cansar, to tire, be tired, cansarse, to get tired, cantar, to sing. cantaro, m. pitcher. cantidad, / sum, quantity. Can6n, m. cannon, gun. canonazo, m. cannonade, canonear, to cannonade. canoneo, m. cannonading. canonera, mounted with cannon, capaz, capable, capital, m. capital (wealth*). capital,/ (chief city), capital. capitalista, m. capitalist. capitalizarse, to be capitalized. capitan, m. captain, leader; de navlo, captain; de bandera, flag captain; de infanteria de marina, captain of marines. capricho, m. whim. cara, / face. carabina,/ carbine, rifle. cardcter, m. character. caracteristico, -a, characteristic. icaramba! zounds! \ y cara- coles! thunderation ! carcajada, / (soltar, 167), to burst out laughing. cardinal, cardinal. carecer, to be without, not to have re- ceived. carga,/ loading^ load. cargar, to load, charge. caricias, / caresses; hacer , to caress. carinosamente, lovingly, affection- ately. carinoso, -a, affectionate. Carmen, name of a street. came, /. meat ; poner de gallina, to make one's flesh creep, have goose flesh. carnoso, -a, fleshy. carrera,/! charge, run. carta,/ letter. cartero, m. letter-carrier. casa,yC house ; de banca, bank- ing house; en , at home. casar, to marry; se, to get mar- ried. casco, m. helmet. caseta (/) del puente de popa, chart house. casi, almost. SPANISH VOCABULARY 377 caso, m. case, fact, matter ; hacer de, to pay heed to. castano, -a, chestnut (color}. Castillejos. The first skirmishes with the Moors took place in the Plain of Castillejos, in the latter part of December, 1859. Castillo, m. castle. catalago, m. catalogue. catastrof e, / catastrophe. caucho, m. caoutchouc (rubber). caudillo, m. commander. causa,/ cause; a de, because of. causar, to cause. cautiverio, m. captivity. cay6 (caer, 192), (he) fell; cayeron, (they} fell; cayeran, (they) would fall. cazador, m. chasseur. cazatorpedero, m. torpedo-boat de- stroyer. ceder, to yield. cedilla, / warrant. celebrar, to hold, celebrate, be glad of. cena,/ supper. censura,/ censure. censurar, to blame. centauro, m. centaur. centimetre, m. centimeter. centre, m. center, middle, midships. cenudo (ponerse), to scowl. % cepillo, m. brush, plane. cerca,/ fence. cerca de, near. cero, m. zero. cerrado, stubborn. cerrar (164), to close. certero, -a, sure, certain. certidumbre, / certainty. cerveza,/beer. cesante, m. (ex-office holder}, out of office. cesar, to cease, cielo, m. heaven, ciencia,/ science, cientifico, -a, scientific. ciento (cien), hundred; por , per cent. cierto, -a, certain, cigarillo, in. cigarette. cigarro, m. cigarette. cinco, five. cincuenta, fifty. circular, to circulate, circulo, m. circle, club, circunstancia, /. circumstance. circunvecino, -a, surrounding, citas (darse, 189), to have meetings. ciudad, / city. claro, clearly. claro, m. interval, space between, clase, / category, class, kind. clavo, m. nail, clima, m. climate. club, m. club. cobarde, m. coward, cobertor, m. coverlet, quilt. cobrar, to collect. COCer (143, 5 and a}, to cook, boil, cociente, ;//. quotient, cocina, / kitchen. COChe, m. carriage. codiciado, -a, coveted, coger, to catch, take. coja (coger), I take.' cola,/ tail, colear, to wag the tail, colega, m. colleague, contemporary. COlcha,/ coverlet, counterpane. colocaci6n, / investment. colocar, to place; se, to be placed. Col6n, Columbus. colonia, / colony. color, m. color. 378 SPANISH GRAMMAR columna, / column. comadrero, -a, gossipy. comandante, m. captain, commander. combate, m. fight. combatiente, m. combatant. combinaci6n, f. combination, arrange- ment. comedor, m. dining-room. comenzar (143, 4, and 164), to begin. comer, to eat; se, to eat, swallow. comercial, commercial. comercio, m. commerce, business. cometer, to commit. c6mico, -a, comic. COmida, / dinner, meal. cominos, m. cumin seed. comisi6n/ commission. como, like, as, about, as if; que, as; el, la que mas, as much as any one. <:c6mo? how? comodoro, commodore. companero, m. companion. companfa, yC company. comparaci6n, f. comparison. comparado, -a, comparative. comparative, -a, comparative. completamente, completely. completar, to complete. completo, -a, complete. compone (se) (componer, 201), is composed; se compondrd, will be composed. composici6n, / (de) composition. compositor, m. composer. compra, / purchase. comprar, to buy; se, to be bought. comprender, to understand. comprimir, to compress. comprometido, -a, precarious. comun, common. comunicar, to communicate. con, with, on. concebir (181), to conceive. conceder, to grant. conciencia, f. conscience. concierto, m. concert. conciliador, -a, conciliatory. conciudadano, m. fellow-citizen. concluir (185), to finish. concordar (167), to agree. Conde de Lucena, Count of Lucena, a title acquired by General O'Don- nell for his valor in defending this city against the Carlists, in the civil war of 1834-1839. condenar, to condemn. condesa,/ countess. condici6n, f. condition, quality, state. conducci6n,/ cartage. conducir (207), to conduct; condu- cirse, to behave. conf ecci6n, f. manufacture, making up (of goods} . confesar (164), to confess. confianza,/ confidence. confiar, to trust. confirmar, to confirm, refer to. conflicto, m. conflict. confundido, -a, mingled with. confundirse, to get confused. conmigo, with me (58). conmover (170), to stir up. conocedores (los), those acquainted with. conocer (143, a), to know. conocido, -a, known. conocimiento, m. acquaintance, knowl- edge, bill. conozco (conocer, 143, a), I know. consecuencia (en), consequently. conseguir (143, 10, 181), to bring it about; conseguirse. to be accom- plished. SPANISH VOCABULARY 379 consejo directive, m. board of direc- tors. consentir (174), to consent. conserva,/ conserve. considerar, to consider. consignaci6n,/ consignment. consiguiente (por), consequently. COnsolarse, to console oneself. conspiraci6n, / conspiracy. constar, to consist; hacerse , to be set forth, stated. construcci6n, f. construction. construir (185), to construct; se con- struyen, are constructed. consular, consular. x,onsulta, f. consultation. consultar, to consult. contador, m. paymaster. contar (167), to relate, tell, count, count on; se, to be counted (on) ; se hace , it is stated. contener (136), to contain; contiene, contains. contenjdo, m. contents. contentarse, to be satisfied. contento, -a, happy, content, satisfied. contento, m. delight. contestar, to answer. COntigO, with thee (58). continuar, to continue. COntinuo, -a, continuous. contra, against; en de, against. contraalmirante, rear admiral. COntrario, -a, enemy, hostile; m. oppo- nent. contrataci<5n, / operation, contract. contrincante, m. adversary. convenio, m. agreement, contract. conve r iir (202), to suit. conversaci6n, f. conversation. convertir (174), to convert; se, to convert oneself. convite, m. banquet. copa,/ glass. copia, / copy, coqueta,/ coquette. coraz6n, w. heart, corbata,/ cravat, neckwear, cordita,/ cordite. corneja,/ crow, corneta,/ bugle, corona,/ crown, coronel, m. colonel. corpulento, -a, thick and large. correcci6n,/ correctness, correcto, -a, correct, corredor, m. broker, correo, m. mail. correr, to run; d todo , at full speed; correrse, to run, fall, correspondencia, / correspondence. correspondiente, for {corresponding corresponsal, m. correspondent. corretaje, m. brokerage. corriente, instant, present, current ; i corriente ! all right ! corrigir, to correct. corruptor, corrupting. corse", m. corset. cortedad, / shortcomings. corte"s, polite. cortesia,/ courtesy. cortina, / curtain, cloud. corto, -a, short. cosa, / thing. costar (167) un ojo, to cost very high. costumbre, / custom; de , cus- tomary; como de , as usual. cotidiano, -a, daily. cotizaci6n,/ quotations. crSdito m. credit, public credit. creer (206), to think, believe. SPANISH GRAMMAR crescendo, crescendo (increase in volume}. criada,/". (ma'i(T) servant. criado, m. servant. criatura,/ creature. crisma,/ pate, head. cristal, m. glass. cristaleria,/ glassware. cristiano, -a, Christian. Cristo, Christ (image}. cr6nico, -a, chronic. crucero, m. cruiser. cruz, / cross. cuadro, m. list. cuadrupedo, m. quadruped. cual ? what, which ? cual, as. cual (el, los, la, las), which, who, whom; lo , which; conlo , whereby. cualidad,/ qi*ality. cuan, how. cuando, when. I cuando? when? cuanto, -a? how much? how many? cuanto, -a, how much, how many; as much, as many ; en cuanto a, as to. cuarenta, forty. cuartel general, m. general quarters; a/so, the general staff composed of the staffs of all the commands. cuarto, fourth, quarter. cuarto, m. quarter, room. cuatro, four; de a , of four cen- timeters. cuatrocientos, four hundred. Cuba, i.e. Santiago de Cuba, as it is commonly known by the natives. cubierta,/ deck. cubrir (222), to cover. cuchichearse, to whisper to each other. cuello, m. collar, neck. cuenta,/ account. cuentecito, m. story. cuento, m. story. cuerda,yT cord, rope. cuero, m. leather. cuerpo, m, body, corps; ese , that body, i.e. you; cuerpo a cuerpo, hand to hand. Cuervo, m. raven. cuidado, m. care; jcuidado! look out! culebra, / snake. culminante, culminating. cultivo, m. worship, cultivation. culto, m. worship. cumplido, performed. cumplimiento, m. compliment, compli- ance. cumplir con, to perform. cunado. m. brother-in-law. cura,/. cure. curar, to cure, give medical aid to. curiosidad, f. curiosity. curso, m. course. curvado, -a, bent, curved. custodiar, to have charge of, serve. cutaneo, -a, cutaneous. cuyo, -a, whose, which. Ch chal, m. shawl, chaleco, m. vest. chancear, to joke. chanza,/. joke ; en- , jokingly. chapurrado, m. gibberish. chaqueta, / jacket, coat. charlar, to chatter, gabble ; el talking, prattling. charol, m. Japan varnish, chica,/ little girl, chico, m. boy. SPANISH VOCABULARY 381 chiquilla,/. young lady, chiquillo, m. (little boy), darling. chiquitas (andar en ), to trifle. chismear, to gossip, carry tales. chiste, m. pleasantry, joke. chistoso, -a, gay, witty. chocar, to clink, touch. chocolate, m. chocolate. chucho, m. {familiar for dog)> towser. chupar, to suck, draw. dale (dar) con Juana, still harping on my daughter. dama,/ lady. danza,/ dance, dano, in. harm, dar (189), to give, shake (hands}, fa\\ into, strike (clock}; dar en, to be getting into ; darse, to be given. dato, m. datum, truth, fact. de, of, from, with, by, to, on, in, under; than, as ; de a, of ; de entre, from (among) ; de a, between. debajo, below ; de, under. debe, /. debit. deber, m. duty. deber (see 213), to owe, ought, must. debido, -a, due, proper. debilidad, / weakness. decepci6n, / deception. decidido, -a, decided. decidirse, to be decided. de'cimoquinto, -a, fifteenth. decir, m. statement. decir (195), to say, tell; por decirlo asi, so to speak; se, to be said. declaraci6n, f. declaration, declararse, to break out ; en quiebra, to go into bankruptcy. dedicar, to devote; se, to be en gaged in. dedo, m. finger; de en medio, middle finger; anular, ring- finger, menique, little finger; pulgar, thumb. defecto, m. defect. defender (166), to defend; se, to defend oneself. definitiva (en), ultimately. dejar, to leave, allow, lack; de, to fail; (as an auxil^ t to have, delante de, before. delgado, -a, fine, thin, delicadeza,/ delicacy. delicioso, -a, delightful. delirio (con), rapturously. demas (el, los, lo), the remaining, other. demasiado, too much, too. democratic, -a, democratic, j demonic j the deuce ! denodadamente, boldly. denominaci6n,/ denomination, name, dentadura, / set of teeth. dentro (de), within. depender, to depend. dep6sito, m. deposit, depository; de las baterias, ammunition room. derecha, / right (hand). derecho, m. duty, right. derecho, -a, right. derramar, to spill, pour. derribar, to knock over or down, blow down. derrochar, to squander. derrumbarse, to go to pieces, desafiar, to challenge. desagradable, disagreeable. desagradar, to displease, desarrollar, to develop; se, to be developed. desastre, m. disaster. 382 SPANISH GRAMMAR desastroso, -a, disastrous. descargarse, to be discharged. descarrilado (off the track}, impe- cunious. descender (166), to fall. descolgar(i43, 2, and 167), to unhang, take down. descomunal, unusual. desconcertado, -a, disconcerted. desconfiar, to distrust. describir, to describe. descubierto, -a, bare* descubrir (222), to discover. descuento, m. discount. desde, since, from, for; que, since. desdicha,/ misfortune. deseada,/! welcome letter. deseado, -a (desired), welcome. desear, to desire, like. desembarco, m. landing. desesperado, -a, desperate. desfavorable, unfavorable. desgarrador, -a, heart-rending. desgracia, f. misfortune. desgraciadamente, unfortunately. desgraciado, -a, unfortunate, unhappy, deshecho, -a, undone, destroyed. desheredado, -a, disinherited. desigual, unequal. desistir, to desist. deslumbrante, dazzling. desmontar, to dismount. desnudo, -a, naked, drawn. despacio, slowly. despacharse, to be sent. despacho, m. office. despedir (181), to dismiss. desplazar, to displace. despreciar, to despise. desprenderse, to give up, part with. despue"s, afterward ; de, after ; que, after. destacamento, m. detachment. destacarse, to be detached. destine (con a), bound for, destrozar, to mangle, tear. destrozo, m. destruction, havoc. destrucci6n, / destruction, destructor, m. (destroyer) torpedo boat. desventaja, f. disadvantage. detail, m. detail, retail. detalladamente, in detail, detallista, m. retailer. deteriorar, to impair, injure, detras de, behind, after. devolver (171), to restore. di (dar, 189), I gave. di (decir, 195), tell (imp. 2a sing.}. dia, m. day; festive, holiday; buenos , good morning, day (greeting). diablo, m. devil ; de todos los t as the very devil; mil veces, by the eleven devils, diamante, m. diamond. diametro, m. thickness, diameter. i diantre ! the deuce ! diario, -a, daily, a day. diciembre, December. dicha,/ good fortune. dicho, m. saying. dicho (/. part, decir, 195), said, told; dichos, the same. dichoso, -a, happy, fortunate. diente, m. tooth. diera (dar, 189), should give. diez, ten, ten o'clock. diez y seis, sixteen. diferencia,/ difference. diferenciarse, to differ. diferir (174), to differ. diga V. (decir, 195), say, tell you (imp.} ; no digas, do not (thou) tell. SPANISH VOCABULARY 383 di6se por se di6, was digesti6n,yi digestion. dignidad,/ dignity. digno, -a, worthy. digo (decir, 195), I say. dije, dijiste, dijo (tret, decir, 195), I said, told, etc.; dijera, should say; dijeramos, we should say. dilatado, -a, extended. dime = di me, tell me. dinamita,/ dynamite. dinero, m. money. di6 (dar, 189), gave; (darse), was declared: given. Dios, m. God; de , blessed. dique, m. dike, dam. dir6 (decir, 195), I will say, tell (of). direcci6n,/ direction, guidance. directo, -a, direct. dirigir, to direct; se, steer, take a course, direct oneself. discreci6n,/ judgment, discurso, m. speech, discutir, to discuss. disiparse, to be dissipated. disparar, to fire; se, to be fired. disparo, m. fire, shot, discharge. dispensar, to excuse. disponer (201), to dispose, make use of ; disponga de, consider at your disposal. disposici6n,/ disposition. dispuesto, -a, arranged, distancia, / distance, distante, distant, distinguir, to distinguish. distinto, -a, different. diversi6n,/ amusement, diverse, -a, various. divertido, -a, entertaining, divertirse (174), to amuse, enjoy one- self. dividendo, m. dividend. dividir, to divide. divino, -a, divine. division,/! division. divisor, m. divisor. divulgar, to divulge. diz, they say. doce, twelve. docena,/ dozen. doler (170), to ache. dolor, m. pain, ache. domSstico, -a, domestic. dominar, to control; se, to be controlled. domingo, /. Sunday. domin6, m. dominoes. don, don (a title used before the bap- tismal names of men} ; Don Quijote, the famous book of Cervantes. d6nde ? (en) where, in what place ? donde, where, wherever, which. dona,/ donna. dos, two. dotacion,/crew. droga,/. drug. duda,/ doubt. dudar, to doubt. dudoso, -a, doubtful. duelo, m. duel. dueno, m. master. dulce, sweet. dum sumus juvenes (Latin), while we are young. duplicarse, to be doubled. durante, during. durar, to last. d-uro, -a, hard, stiff. duro, m. dollar. E 6, and. j ea ! come, say. economia,/ economy, saving. SPANISH GRAMMAR echar, to pour, take, put forth ; se, be put, thrown ; echar de ver, to notice; -a perder, to spoil, edad,/ age. educado, -a, educated, efectivo, -a, effective. efecto, m. purpose, effect ; al , with this intent ; por , by rea- son of ; ef ectos, goods, effects. egoista, selfish. ejecutar, to execute ; se, to be executed. ejemplo, m. example ; por , for instance. ejercer, to exercise. ejercicio, m. exercise. ejSrcito, m. army, el, the, that, the one ; el que, he who, el que, which ; del, than that. 61, he, him, it. elecci6n,/ election, elector, m. voter. ele"ctrico, -a, electric, elegante, elegant. elemento, m. element. elevaci6n (por), to get the range, elevado, -a, high, elevarse, to rise, elocuentemente, eloquently, ella, she, her, it. ellas, they, them, ello, it. ellos, they, them; jd ellos ! upon them ! Embajada, / embassy. embarcacitin, / boat, embarcar, to ship ; take aboard, embarco, m. embarkation, rescue. embargo (sin), however, notwith standing. embarque, m. shipment, embarrancada,/ beaching. embarrancar, to run aground, beach. mbestida, / assault. mbotellado, -a, bottled. mbriagado, intoxicated. mbriaguez, / intoxication. mpenado, -a, hard pressed. mpenar, to engage in. mpeno, m. diligence, energy. empezar (143, 4, 164), to begin. empleado, m. employee. emplear, to employ, use ; se, to be used. empleo, m. use. emprender, to undertake. empresa,/ enterprise. empujar, to push. en, in, on, at, to ; as. enamorado, -a, in love. enano, m. dwarf. enardecer (143, a), to inflame. enardecido, -a, inflamed. encaje, m. lace. encantador, -a, charming. encanto, m. charm. encargado de negocios, m. charge d'affaires. encargo, m. care, charge. encender (166), to light. encendido, -a, burning, lighted ; in- cendiary (as shells; i.e. containing inflammable material). encendio, m. fire. encerrar (164), to enclose. encima (por), over. encogerse de hombros, to shrug one's shoulders. encomendar (164), to entrust, encontrar (167), to meet, find; se, to be, find oneself. encordaduras, f. strings for musical instruments, encuentro, m. encounter. SPANISH VOCABULARY .385 endulzado, -a, sweetened. enemigo, m. enemy. enemigo, -a, hostile. energia,/ energy. enero, January. enfadado, -a, angry. enfermedad, /. disease, sickness, affec- tion. enfermizo, -a, sickly. enfermo, -a, unwell, sick. enfrente, opposite, in front. engendrar, to engender. enigma, m. riddle. enojo, m. vexation. enorme, enormous. Enrique, Henry. ensaladera, /. salad dish. ensenar, to teach ; se, to learn, be taught. ensordecer (143, a), to make a deaf- ening sound in. entender (166), to hear, understand; se, to deal with. entendido, -a, wise, intelligent. enterarse, to inform oneself. entero, -a, entire, whole. entonar, to intone. entonces, then; por , for the time, then. entrar, to enter. entre, between, among, amidst ; de , from among. entregar, to hand, give. entretenido, -a, entertaining. entusiasmarse, to become or be en- thusiastic. entusiasmo, m. enthusiasm. entusiasta, enthusiastic. enveneramiento, m. poisoning. enviar, to send ; se, to be sent. envio, m. sending. envolver (171), to surround, involve. envuelto, -a, surrounded. epilepsia,/ epilepsy. episodic, m. episode. 6poca, f. time, period ; en que, at a time when. equivalente, m. equivalent. equivaler, to be equivalent. equivocado, -a, wrong. era (ser, 136), was ; eran, they were ; era de ver, was worth seeing. era,/ era. eres (ser, 136), (thou) art. erigir, to erect. erizarse, to bristle up. escalar, to scale. escaldado, -a, scalded. escalera,/ ladder, stairs. escapar, to escape ; se, to slip. escape (a todo), with all speed. escaso, -a, chary, stingy. escena,/ scene. escoger, to choose. escogido, -a, choice. esconderse, to hide oneself. escopeta,/ gun. escotilla, f. hatchway ; de la maquina, engine hatchway. escribir, to write. escritorio, m. office, counting-house. escuadra,/ fleet. escuadr6n, m. squadron. escuchar, to listen. escuela,/ school. ese, esa, esos, esas, that, those. esencial (en lo), essentially. esforzarse (143, 4, and 167), to en- deavor. esfuerzo, m. effort. eslora,/ length. esmeralda,/ emerald. esmerarse, to strive, endeavor. eso, that, this; a eso de, about; por 386 SPANISH GRAMMAR , for that reason ; eso si, of course ; eso si que no, not by any means, esos, those. espacio, m. space, air, atmosphere, espada, f. sword ; &. espada, with swords. espantar, to frighten. espanto, m. fright. espantoso, -a, frightful. Espana,yC Spain. espanol, -a, Spanish, Spaniard ; d la espanola, in Spanish style. especial, special. especialidad (con), especially, especialista, m. specialist. especialmente, especially, especie,/. kind, espectaculo, m. spectacle. espejo, m. mirror, esperanza,/ hope. esperar, to hope, wait for. esperma,/! sperm, espeso, -a, thick. espingarda, /. large musket or small piece of ordnance, espontanea (mente), spontaneously (234)- esposa,/! wife. esposo, m. husband. estaci6n,yC season. estadistica,/. statistics. estado, m. condition, state, govern- ment. Estados Unidos, United States. estallar, to burst out. estallido, m. cracking, roar. estampido, m. crack, crash, bursting. estancia,/ stanza. estandarte, m. standard. estar (136), to be, stand; be at home; para, to be about to, be enough; a no estarlo ella> if she were not. estatua,/ statue, este, esta, estos, estas, this, these ; en esta, in this city. e"ste, sta, e"stos, 6stas, this, these, the latter, estilo, m. style. estio, m. summer, estirar, to stretch, estirpe,/! race, stock. esto, this, this matter ; en , by this time, est6mago, m. stomach. estopa,yi tow. estornino, m. starling. estoy (estar, 136), I am. estragos, ;;/. havoc, ruin. estramb6tico, -a, strange, odd. estrechar, to tighten, squeeze, close, estrecho, -a, narrow. estrella,/. star. estremecerse (143, a), to be shaken. shudder. estrepitoso, -a, loud. estruendo, m. noise, estudiantino, -a, students', estudiar, to study. estudioso, -a, studious. estuvo (estar, 136), was; estuviera. estuviese, should or would be. eternidad,/ eternity. Eterno, m. Eternal, evidencia,/ evidence, view, evitar, to avoid, overcome. examen, m. examination, excelente, excellent. excelentemente, excellently, excitadisimo, -a, very excited, excitar, to excite. exclamar, to exclaim, exclusivo, -a, exclusive. SPANISH VOCABULARY 3*7 excmo. (excelentfsimo)', most excel- lent. excusar, to excuse. exhibici6n,/ exhibition. exigente, exacting. exigir, to require. existir, to exist. 6xito, m. result. expansi6n,/ transport. experiencia, / experience. expiar, to watch for. explosi6n,/ explosion. explosive, -a, explosive. exportaci6n, / exportation. exposition,/ exposition. expresar, to express. eapresi6n,/ expression. expreso, m. express. extenderse, to extend. extensi6n,/ extension, distance. exterior, foreign, exterior. extirpaci6n, f. extirpation. extranjero, -a, foreign. extranjero, m. foreign countries, abroad. \ extranar, to wonder, be surprised. extraordinario, -a, extraordinary. extremidad, / extremity. extreme, m. extremity. extreme, -a, extreme. F fabrica,/ factory. f abricaci6n, f. make, manufacture. fabricante, m. manufacturer. f acil, easy. factura,/ invoice, bill. falta,/ lack, want, fault. faltar, to fail, be wanting, missing. f amilia, / family. f amoso, -a, famous. fantasia, / fancy. farsa,/ farce. fatigar, to make tired. favor, m. favor. favorecer (143, a), to favor. favorecida,/ favor. favorecido, -a, favored, favorite. febrero, February. fecha,/ date. fechado, -a, dated. felicidad,/ happiness. f elicitaciones, f. congratulations. feliz, felices, happy. fenecer (143, a), to die. feo, -a, ugly ; lo feo, ugliness. ferrocarril, m. railroad. festivo, -a, festive, gay, jocular. fiarse (de), to trust. fidedigno, -a, reliable. fiebre,/ fever. fiel, faithful. fieltro, m. felt. fiesta,/ rejoicing, gayety. fijar, to fix. fijo, -a, fixed. fila,/ file, rank. Filipinas,/ Philippines (islands). filosofia,/ philosophy. fi!6sofo, m. philosopher. fin, m. end ; al , finally ; en , in fine ; por , at last ; al y al fallo, to sum up ; al y al cabo, in the end. finalizar, to end. financier, -a, financial. fino, -a, fine. firma,/ firm. firmar, to sign. firmeza, / firmness, certainty, fisico, -a, physical. fisionomia, / aspect, flanco, m. flank. flaqueza,/. weakness. 333 SPANISH GRAMMAR flete, m. freight. flor,/ flower. flota,/ fleet. fogoso, -a, impetuous. fomentar, to encourage. f onda, / inn, hotel. fondo, m. essential part, essence; fondos, funds. forma,/ form, way, procedure. formar, to form, build. formidable, formidable. fortificaci6n,/ fortification. f ortuna, / fortune. forzado, -a, forced, fragor, m. noise, fragrancia,/ perfume, francos, -esa, French. Francia,/ France. franoo-prusiano, -a, French-Prussian, franqueza,/ frankness. f razada, / blanket, frecuentar, to frequent, attend. freir (183), to fry. frenesi, m. frenzy, f rente,/ forehead, front, head; &., in front of ; de , to the front. frio, m. cold. frio, -a, cold. f ruta, / fruit. fruto, m. fruit. fu6 (ser, 136), was. file" (ir, 214), went ; se a pique, foundered. fuego, m. fire, fuente,/ fountain, well, fuera, out of, without ; de aqui ! get out of here. fuera (ser, 136), should be; si no , had it not been. fueron (ser, 136), there were, fuerte, strong. fuerte, m. fort. fuerza,/ force, strength, resource. fuese (ser, 136), were. fueses (ser, 136), thou shouldst be. fuga,/. flight. fugaz, fleeting. fui (ser), I was; fui (ir), I went fuimos, fuisteis (ir, 214), we went, you went, fumar, to smoke. f unci6n, / entertainment, " function." furiosamente, furiously. furioso, -a, furious. furor, m. anger, fury. fusil, m. gun, musket. gabinete, m. drawing-room. galope, m. galop. gallardear, to parade, make merry. gallina,/ hen. gallo, m. cock. gama, / scale. ganancia, / gain. ganar, to earn, gain. garantizar, to guarantee. garganta,/ throat. gas, m. gas. gaseosa, / soda water. gastar, to spend, waste. gasto, m. expense, charge, amount. gatito, m. kitten. gato, m. cat. gaudeamus igitur (Latin), let us, therefore, be jolly. gelatinoso, -a, gelatinous. general, m. general. general (en), in general. generalizarse, to become general. gSnero, m. kind, race ; gSneros goods ; de punto, lace goods. generoso, -a, generous. gente, / people, men. SPANISH VOCABULARY 389 gesto, m. gesture. gigante, m. giant. ginebra,/ gin. girar, to revolve, turn. globo, ///. ball, sphere. gloria,/, glory, dear. glorieta, f. summer house. glorioso, -a, glorious. gobernador, m. president, governor,, gobernante, m. ruler. gobernar, to govern, rule. gobierno, m. government. golondrina,/ swallow. golpe, m. blow, rap. golpear, to strike. gorro, m. cap. gota, f. gout, drop. gozar, to enjoy; gozarse, to enjoy oneself. gOZO, m. joy. gracias,/. thanks. gracioso, -a, graceful; lo gracioso, the funny part. grado, m. degree. graduado, m. graduate, gramatica,/ grammar, granada,/ shell. grande (gran), great, high, grandeza, f. grandeur. grano, m. grain, lump. grata,/, favor, gratis, gratis. gratitud, f. gratitude, grato, -a, pleasant, agreeable, grave, grave. gravoso, -a, grievous, heavy. Grecia,/! Greece, gritar, to cry, shout, grueso, m. thickness, main part, gnteso, -a, large, thick, guante, m. glove. guapo, -a, pretty. guardar, to guard, keep, protect; guardarse, to beware. guarismo, m. figure. guarnecer (143, a), to garrison, guasa,/. joke. guerra,/ war. guerrero, m. warrior. guerilla, / skirmisher; batirse en , to skirmish. guia,f. line, rope. guitarra,/ guitar. gurrumino, m. henpecked husband. gustar, to please, like ; to partake (said in inviting any one to eat}, gusto, m. taste, pleasure,, ha (haber, 136) has; ha, ago. haba,/bean. haber (136), to have, be; no habia que, it was impossible,, haber, m. credit. habitaci6n,/ room. habitar, to inhabit. hablador, m. chatterer, talker. hablar, to talk, speak. habra (haber, 136), there will be. hacer (197), to do, make ; hace, ago; no le hace, no matter ; hacer gracia, to amuse ; hacerse con 9 to procure. hacia, towards. hacienda,/ exchequer. hago (hacer, 197), I do, cause,, halagarse, to flatter oneself. halagiieno, -a, flattering. hallar, to find ; hallarse, to find one- self, to be, be found. hambre (tener, 136), to be hungry. hambriento, -a, hungry. han (haber, 136), have. hara (hacer, 197), will make, do haremos (hacer, 197), we shall do. 390 SPANISH GRAMMAR harias (hacer, 197), thou wouldst do. hasta, until, even, even to, as far as ; hasta que, until, hay (haber, 136), there is, are; hay que, it is necessary. haya (haber, 136), has, may have, should have, should be. hayamos (haber, 136), we have, may have. haz (hacer, 197), do (thou'). hazana,/ exploit. hazmerreir, m. laughing-stock. he (haber, 136), I have. he", behold; he" aqui, here are. hecho, m. fact, deed, hecho (hacer, 197), made, done, broken; lo , what is done. hemos (haber, 136), we have. hender (166), to split. heno, m. hay. herida,/. wound. herido, -a, wounded. hermana,/. sister. hermano, m. brother. hermoso, -a, beautiful, pretty. hernia,/ hernia. hlroe, m. hero. heroico, -a, heroic. hice (hacer, 197), I made ; hicieron, they made. hidalguia, / magnanimity. hierro, m. iron, higado, m. liver, hija,/ daughter. hijo, m. son ; hijos, children, hipocrisia, f. hypocrisy. historia, f. history, story. hizo (hacer, 197), made, did, opened; se , was accomplished, made. hoja de servicio, record. hola, hello, holgazdn, -ana, lazy. hollar, to tread. hombre, m. man ; de negocios, business man. hombro, m. shoulder. hondamente, deeply, dully. honor, m. honor, honra, /. honor. honrado, -a, honest, honored, honrar, to honor, hora,/ hour, o'clock. Horacio, Horace, a Roman poet, horizontal, horizontal (line). horrible, horrible. horroroso, -a, horrible. hospedaje, m. board. hoy, to-day ; mismo, this very day. hubiera (haber, 136), might have, would have. hubiese, -es (haber, 136), could, would have, had. hubo (haber, 136), there was, were, had. hueco, -a, hollow, soft, huerto, m. orchard. hueso, m. bone, hueste,/ host, army, huevo, m. egg. humanidad, / humanity. humano, -a, human. humeante, smoking. humedad,/ dampness, wet. hiimedo, -a, wet, damp. humilde, humble. humo, m. smoke, huye (huir, 185), flees. I. = ilustrisimo, most illustrious. iba, iban (ir, 214), was, were going, ictericia,/ jaundice. idea,/ idea, conception. SPANISH VOCABULARY 391 ideal, /. ideal, idem, the same, ditto, ido (ir, 214), gone, iglesia,/. church, ignorar, not to know, igual, equal. igualar, to equal. iltmo., ilustrisimo, most illustrious. ilustraci6n, /. culture. imagen,/. image. imitar, to imitate, impaciencia, / impatience, impaciente, impatient, impagable, " rich," too funny for any- thing. impermeable, m. waterproof, rain-coat, impertinencia, / impertinence, impetu, m. impetus. impetuoso, -a, impetuous. imponente, imposing. imponerse (201), to be imposed, importador, m. importer. importante, important, large. importar, to import, matter, concern, importe, m. amount, imposibilidad, / impossibility. imposibilitar, to prevent, imposible, impossible. impotente, powerless, imprenta,/ printing-office, impresionarse, to be affected. imprimir, to exert, give. imprudente, imprudent. impuesto, m. tax, duty. impulsado, -a, impelled, incendiar, to set fire to. incendio, m. fire, incesante, incessant, incidente, m. incident, incluso, -a, included. incomparable, incomparable. inconveniente, m. objection, obstacle. increible, incredible. incremento, m. increase, proportions. independencia, / independence. indicar, to indicate. indice, m. forefinger. indigena, indigenous. indio, m. Hindoo. indirectamente, indirectly. indiscreto, -a, indiscreet. indispensable, indispensable. indispuesto, -a, indisposed. indole,/. nature, disposition. indulgente, indulgent. industrial, industrial; m. tradesman. infante, m. foot-soldier. infanteria, /. infantry. inferior, inferior, lower. infinite, infinite, very much. inflamado, -a, inflamed. inflamar, to inflame. inflamarse, to burn, ignite. influencia,/ influence. influir (185), to influence, exert an influence. informar, to "inform. informarse, to inform oneself, infume, smokeless. ingeniero, m. engineer. Inglaterra,/ England, ingle's, -esa, English. iniciado, -a, begun, inicial,/ initial, iniciarse, to begin, inimitable, inimitable. injuria,/ insult, injury. inmediatamente, immediately, inmenso, -a, immense, great. inmortal, immortal. inm6vil, stationary. inocencia (con), innocently, natvely. inquietar, to disturb, insensato, /. fool. 392 SPANISH GRAMMAR inserto, -a, inserted. insignia, flagship. insistir, to insist, persist. instalaci6n, f. putting in, construction. instantaneamente, instantly. instante, m. instant, interval; en el , at once. instrucci6n,/ instruction. instrumento, nt. instrument. insultar, to insult. insurrecto, m. insurgent. inteligencia (mala), misunderstand- ing. inteligente, intelligent. intenci6n,/. intention; con , sig- nificantly. intentar, to try, attempt, undertake. interns, m. interest. interesante, interesting. interesar, to interest, to be to one's interest. interin (en el), in the meantime. interior, domestic, internal. internacional, international. interponerse (201), to get between. interpuesto, -a, interposed. interrumpir, to interrupt; se, to be interrupted. Intimo, -a, thorough. introducir (207), to introduce; to be introduced. inundaci6n, f. inundation. inundar, to flood, overwhelm; to be flooded. inutil, useless. invadir, to invade. invariable, invariable. invierno, m. winter. invitaci6n, / invitation. invitar, to invite. ironia (con), ironically. irresistible, irresistible. irse (214), to go away, islamita, Islamite. italiano, -a, Italian, izquierda, left hand. izquierdo, -a, left. ja, ja, ja (laughter). jab6n, m. soap. jamds, never, ever. jardin, m. garden. jefe, m. chief, commander. Jesus, Jesus; j Jesus! gracious me. Jesucristo, Jesus Christ. jicara,yC chocolate cup. jinete, m. horse-soldier. Jorge, George. Jornada,/! day. joven, m. orf. young man or woman; (as an adj.}, young, joya,/ jewel, jubilo, m. joy. jubiloso, -a, joyous. juego, nt. play, game, set; de palabra, pun, play on words, jueves, m. Thursday, juez, m. judge; justice (of the peace), jugar (168), to stake, play. juguete, m. plaything. juicio, m. sense, judgment. Julio, m. July. junio, June, juntos, together, justicia, / justice. justificado, -a, justifiable. justificar, to justify. juvenes dum sumus (Latin), while we are young. kilome'trico, -a, long-winded. kil6metro, m. kilometer (3280.8 ft.). SPANISH VOCABULARY 393 la, her, you, it, that, the; que, which. labio, m. lip. labor,/ work. lado, m. side, line, score; alia, farther side. ladrar, to bark. ladrillo, m. brick. Iadr6n, m. robber, thief, lagrima,/ tear, lamentar, to lament for. lampara, /. lamp, lana, / wool. lance, m. incident, lancero, m. lancer, lancha,/ launch; lanchas canoneras, gun launches (i.e. mounted with cannon}. lanchita, f. small launch, lanzar, to launch; se, to rush to meet. largo, -a, long, prolonged; d la larga, in the long run. las, the, you, those; las (=calzas), the breeches. Idstima, f. pity. laudable, laudable, lavado, m. wash, lavandera,/ washwoman, lavarse, to wash oneself, be washed. lazo, m. bond. le, you, to you, him, it, her, to him, her. Iecci6n,/ lesson, leche,/ milk. leer (206), to read. Iegaci6n, / legation, legitimo, -a, legitimate, legua, / league. legumbres, / vegetables. lejos, far. lengua,/ language, tongue; poner la en, to backbite. Ie6n, -es, m. lion. les, them, to them, on them; you, to you. " letra, f. bill (of exchange), hand- writing. levantar, to raise, clear off; se, to rise, leve, light. levemente, lightly. ley, / law. libertad,/ liberty, libra,/ pound. libranza,/ check, draft, libre, free ; libre-cambista, free-trader, libro, m. book, licencia,/ liberty. lid, -es,/ fight, contest, ligeramente, lightly, limonada,/ lemonade, limpiar, to clean, linea,/ line, lino, m. linen, liquido, -a, net. lirico, -a, lyric, lirismo, m. grandiloquence (language characteristic of high-flown lyrical poetry} . lisonjearse, to flatter oneself, lista,/ list (of prizes); wash list, listo, -a, ready, literate, m. savant. lo, the, that, it, so, him; lo que, which, what; por lo que, wherefore; lo que, how; lo todo, every' thing. lobo, m. wolf. loco, m. fool; de atar, hot-headed fellow. locomotora,/ locomotive. locura,/ folly, madness, frenzy. 394 SPANISH GRAMMAR lombriz solitaria,/ tapeworm. Londres, London. los, the, them, those; los que, those who, whom. loteria, / lottery. loza,/ crockery, fine earthenware. Lucena, a city of Southern Spain, in the province of Andalucia. lucir (143, a), to wear (display}. lucrative, -a, lucrative. lucha,/ struggle, fight. luego, then, soon; desde luego, from then on. lugar, m. place; dar , to make it possible. liigubre, lugubrious, mournful. luna, / moon; de miel, honey- moon. lunes, m. Monday. tax,/ light lyddita,/ lyddite. LI llama,/ flame. llamado, -a, so-called. llamar, to call, knock, ring ; se, to be called. llanto, m. weeping, tears. llanura,/ plane. llegada, / arrival, llegar, to arrive, succeed, get there ; ser, to become. llegue (p. subj.