Lonewood Corner. By John Halsham. New York: E. P. Button & Co. One of the marvels of English rustic life lies in the rich material it still affords, after such reapers as Walton, Borrow, Jef- fries, Hardy, and the whole host of outdoor chroniclers have loved and described its mind and aspect. A poorer field would offer scant reward to the most patient gleaner. In dealing with this life, "Lonewood Cor- ner" arrives at a certain charm from its impregnation with the quality so grateful to some palates of being unutterably, deeply English. The author respects tra- dition; he enjoys looking back. It is high- ly characteristic that he despises Marcus Aurelius ("Stodge" is the epithet he ap- j plies) as "one of those people who can only j think of infinity in one ^direction. t aa4f-it- - ' -AJ01S Pl