soei'irNvrivd 'A 'N 'asuDBJiig ■SOjg^ pJOtiCBf) BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Department of Economics and Sociology OF THE CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON BY Henry W. Famam, Chairman Origmally Prepared for the Exhibit of December, 1911 Second Edition issued December, 1912 Third Edition iMued December, 1914 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Department of Economics and Sociology OF THE CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON BY HENRY W. FARNAM, CHAIRMAN Originally prepared for the Exhibit of December, 1911 Second Edition issued December, 1912 Third Edition issued December, 1914 ntFT THH TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE & TAYLOR COMPANY EXPLANATORY NOTE This department has been engaged since its organization in 1903 upon a work which is to be entitled "Contributions to American Economic History." On account of the mag- nitude of the undertaking, it has been necessary to secure the cooperation of economists and historians throughout the country, and to subdivide the work of collecting material. Changes have taken place from time to time in the depart- ment, as the work has developed, and as it has become neces- sary to fill vacancies in the list of collaborators, caused by death or resignation. At the present time the organization of the department is as follows: Division I. Population and Immigration, Prof. Walter F. Willoox, Division II. Agriculture and Forestry, President Kenyon L. Butterfield, Mining, Mr. Edward W. Parker, Manufactures, Dr. Victor S. Clark, Transportation, Dr. B. H. Meyer, Domestic and Foreign Commerce, Prof. Emory R. Johnson, Money and Banking, Prof. Davis R. Dew^ey, Labor Movement, Prof. John R. Commons, Industrial Organization, Prof. J. W. Jenks, Social Legislation, Prof. Henry W. Farnam, Federal and State Finance, Prof. Henry B. Gardner, Division XII. The Negro in Slavery and Freedom, Mr. Alfred H. Stone. While the work which is being done under each of the divisions is, as a rule, directed by the collaborator in charge, 326118 ' Division HI. Division IV. Division V. Division VI. Division VII. Division VIII. Division IX. Division X. Division XI. 4 Bibliography of the in a very few cases special grants have been made to secure the pubHcation of studies or material needed for a division though not planned by it. In addition to the work of investigation carried on by the several divisions, the department as a whole is engaged upon the preparation of an index of the economic material found in the public documents of the States of the United States. The compilation of this index has been entrusted to Miss Adelaide R. Hasse, librarian in the Department of Public Documents of the New York Public Library, under the gen- eral direction of a special committee consisting of Professors Dewey, Gardner, and Willcox. The Carnegie Institution of Washington is publishing the Index, but has not undertaken the publication of any of the studies, some of which have been issued under arrange- ments made by their several authors, some of which have been printed in whole or in part in the form of magazine articles, and many of which are still in manuscript. All of the work thus far printed is preparatory to the final sum- mary which still remains to be issued by the several collabora- tors. From the explanation just given, it will be seen that the bibliographical list which follows falls into four divi- sions : — I. The volumes of the Index of State Documents, pub- lished by the Carnegie Institution of Washington. II. Monographs prepared under the direction of the Department, published elsewhere. This division includes the Documentary History of American Industrial Society in eleven volumes, which was issued under the immediate direc- tion of the Bureau of Industrial Research, aided by a grant of money made on behalf of the Division of Labor, by the late Carroll D. Wright. Upon the death of Dr. Wright, Professor John R. Commons, the editor-in-chief of the Docu- mentary History, was chosen to take charge of the Division Department of Economics and Sociology 5 of Labor, so that this collection of material was made under the present head of the Division though planned by him before he became officially associated with it. III. Shorter studies, or parts of monographs published in periodicals. IV. Unpublished monographs. The following table summarizes the titles entered in the three editions of this bibliography and thus indicates the extent of the revision, but does not take account of the num- ber of volumes. Edition of 1911. Edition of 1912. Edition of 1914. I. II 13 14 11. 46 52 64 III. 42 61 72 IV. 108 108 112 The publications enumerated under I and II are deposited in the library of the Administration Building in Washington, when issued. The compiler cordially acknowledges the valu- able aid of his secretary. Miss V. A. Timm, without whose constant and vigilant care many errors and omissions would have remained uncorrected. If, in spite of every effort, inaccuracies have crept in, he will be grateful to any who will point them out. Henry W. Farnam. Yale University, December, 1914. BIBLIOGRAPHY I. INDEX OF STATE DOCUMENTS. Hasse, Adelaide R. Index of Economic Material in Documents of the States of the United States. Prepared for the Department of Econom- ics and Sociology of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publishers. California. 1849- 1904, pp. 316, 1908. Delaware. 1789-1904, pp. 137, 1910. Illinois. 1809- 1904, pp. 393, 1909. Kentucky. 1792-1904, pp. 452, 1910. Maine. 1820-1904, pp. 95, 1907. Massachusetts. 1789-1904, pp. 310, 1908. New Hampshire. 1789-1904, pp. 66, 1907. New York. 1789-1904, pp. 553, 1907. Ohio. 1787-1904, Part I, pp. 1-638; Part II, pp. 639-1136, 1912. Rhode Island. 1789-1904, pp. 95, 1908. Vermont. 1789-1904, pp. 71, 1907. New Jersey. (In press.) Pennsylvania. (In preparation.) South Carolina. (In preparation.) II. MONOGRAPHS PUBLISHED. I. Coolidge, Mary Roberts. Chinese Immigration. American Public Prob- lems. Henry Holt and Company, New York, pp. 531, 1909. Fairchild, Henry Pratt. Greek Immigration to the United States. Illus- trated. Yale University Press, New Haven, pp. 278, 191 1. Faust, Albert Bernhardt. The German Element in the United States. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston and New York, 2 vols., pp. 591 and 605, 1909. See also Das Deutschtum in den Vereinigten Staaten. B. G. Teubner, Leipzig, 2 vols., pp. xii -f 447 and viii + 504> 1912. Willcox, Walter F. The Expansion of Europe in its Influence on Popula- tion. In Studies in Philosophy and Psychology, by former students of C. E. Garman. Houghton, Mifflin and Company, Boston and New York, pp. 41-70, 1906. 2. Banks, Enoch Marvin. The Economics of Land Tenure in Georgia. Columbia University Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, Department of Economics and Sociology 7 The Macmillan Company, agents, vol. xxiii, No. i. New York, pp. 142, 1905. Coulter, John L. Industrial History of the Valley of the Red River of the North. State Historical Society of North Dakota, vol. iii, pp. 146, 1912. Thompson, John Griffin. The Rise and Decline of the Wheat Growing Industry in Wisconsin. Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin, Economics and Political Science Series, vol. v, No. 3, Madison, Wis., pp. 295-544, May, 1909. 3. Crane, Walter R. Gold and Silver. John Wiley & Sons, New York, pp. 727, 1909. Ingalls, Walter Renton. The History of Lead and Zinc Mining. Hill Pub. Co., New York, pp. 368, 1909. Ries, Heinrich; Leighton, Henry. The History of the Clayworking Industry in the United States. John Wiley & Sons, New York, pp. 270, 1909. Bishop, Avard Longley. The State Works of Pennsylvania. Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, Publications of Yale University, vol, xiii, pp. 149-297, New Haven, November, 1907. Buck, Solon Justus. The Granger Movement. A Study of Agricultural Organization and its Political, Economic and Social Manifestations, 1870-1880. Harvard Historical Studies, No. xix, Cambridge, pp. xi -{- 384, 1913. Cleveland, Frederick; Powell, Fred Wilbur. Railroad Promotion and Capitalization in the United States. Longmans, Green & Co., New York, pp. xiv -f 368, 1909. Railroad Finance. D. Appleton and Company, New York, pp. 463, 1912. Daggett, Stuart. Railroad Reorganization. Harvard Economic Studies, Houghton Mifflin Co., New York, pp. x -|- 402, 1908. Gephart, William F. Transportation and Industrial Development in the Middle West. Columbia University Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law, Longmans, Green & Co., agents, vol. xxxiv, No. i, New York, pp. 273, 1909. Haney, Lewis Henry. A Congressional History of Railways in the United States to 1850 (vol. i); 1850-1887 (vol. ii). Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin, Economics and Political Science Series, vol. iii, No. 2, Madison, Wis., pp. 167-439, 1906; vol. vi. No. i, pp. 336, 1910. Jones, Chester Lloyd. The Economic History of the Anthracite-Tidewater Canals. Publications of the University of Pennsylvania, Series in Political Economy and Public Law, No. 22, Philadelphia, pp. 181, 1908. Phillips, Ulrich B. A History of Transportation in the Eastern Cotton Belt to i860. With maps and tables. Columbia University Press, The Macmillan Company, agents. New York, pp. xvii + 405, 1908. 8 Bibliography of the Potts, Charles S. Railroad Transportation in Texas. Bulletin of the Uni- versity of Texas, No. 119, Humanistic Series, No. 7, Austin, Texas, pp. 214, 1909. Weld, L. D. H. Private Freight Cars and American Railways. Columbia University Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, Longmans, Green & Co., agents, vol. xxxi, No. i, New York, pp. 185, 1908. 6. Giesecke, A. A. American Commercial Legislation Before 1789. Publica- tions of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, D. Appleton and Company, agents, pp. 167, 1910. Johnson, Emory R. Ocean and Inland Water Transportation. D. Appleton and Company, New York, pp. 395, 1906. Jones, Chester Lloyd. The Consular Service of the United States, its His- tory and Activities. Publications of the University of Pennsylvania, Series in Political Economy and Public Law, No. 18, Philadelphia, D. Appleton and Company, agents, pp. 126, 1906. McFarland, Raymond. A History of the New England Fisheries. With maps. Publications of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, D. Appleton and Company, agents, pp. 457, 191 1. Smith, J. Russell. The Ocean Carrier; A History and Analysis of the Service and a Discussion of the Rates of Ocean Transportation. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York and London, pp. 344, 1908. Tower, Water S. History of the American Whale Fishery. Publications of the University of Pennsylvania, Series in Political Economy and Public Law, No. 20, Philadelphia, D. Appleton and Company, agents, pp. 145, 1907. 7. Mitchell, W. C. Gold, Prices, and Wages Under the Greenback Standard. University of California Publications in Economics, vol. i, The Uni- versity Press, Berkeley, pp. 627, 1908. Swanson, William Walter. The Establishment of the National Banking System. Kingston, Ont., pp. 117, 1910. 8. Abbott, Edith. Women in Industry; A Study in American Economic His- tory. D. Appleton and Company, New York, pp. 409, 1910. See also studies published in periodicals. Barnett, George E. The Printers; A Study in American Trade Unionism. American Economic Association, 3d series, vol. x. No. 3, Cambridge, Mass., pp. 387, 1909. Barnett, George E. (Editor). A Trial Bibliography of American Trade- Union Publications. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical Department of Economics and Sociology 9 and Political Science, series xxii, Nos. 1-2, Baltimore, pp. 112, ist ed., 1904; 2d ed., 1907. Glocker, Theodore W. The Government of American Trade Unions. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science, series xxxi, No. 2, Baltimore, pp. 242, 1913. Hollander, Jacob H.; Barnett, George E. Studies in American Trade Unionism. Henry Holt and Co., New York, pp. 380, 1906. Kennedy, James B. Beneficiary Features of American Trade Unions. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science, series xxvi, Nos. 11-12, Baltimore, pp. 128, 1908. Kirk, William. National Labor Federations in the United States. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science, series xxiv, Nos. 9-10, Baltimore, pp. 150, 1906. McCabe, David A. The Standard Rate in American Trade Unions. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science, series XXX, No. 2, Baltimore, pp. 251, 1912. Motley, James M. Apprenticeship in American Trade Unions. Johns Hop- kins University Studies in Historical and Political Science, series xxv, Nos. 11-12, Baltimore, pp. 122, 1907. Sakolski, A. M. Finances of American Trade Unions. Johns Hopkins Uni- versity Studies in Historical and Political Science, series xxiv, Nos. 3-4, Baltimore, pp. 152, 1906. Spedden, Ernest R. The Trade Union Label. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science, series xxviii. No. 2, Balti- more, pp. 100, 1910. Stockton, Frank T. The Closed Shop in American Trade Unions. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science, series xxix. No. 3, Baltimore, pp. 187, 191 1. Wolfe, F. E. Admission to American Trade Unions. Johns Hopkins Uni- versity Studies in Historical and Political Science, series xxx. No. 3, Baltimore, pp. 181, 1912. A Documentary History of American Industrial Society. Edited by John R. Commons, U. B. Phillips, E. A. Gilmore, Helen L. Sumner, and John B. Andrews. Prepared under the auspices of the American Bureau of Industrial Research, with the cooperation of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. The Arthur H. Clark Co., Cleveland. Phillips, U. B. Plantation and Frontier, 1649-1863. 2 vols., pp. 375 and 379, 1909 and 1910. Commons, John R.; Gilmore, Eugene A. Labor Conspiracy Cases, 1806-1842, 2 vols., pp. 385 and 341; supplement, pp. 136, 1910. Commons, John R.; Sumner, Helen L. Labor Movement, 1820-1840, 2 vols., pp. 392 and 353, 1910. Commons, John R. Labor Movement, 1840-1860. 2 vols., pp. 364 and 346, 19 10. Commons, John R.; Andrews, John B. Labor Movement, 1860-1880. 2 vols., with Finding List of Sources Quoted and Index to the eleven volumes, pp. 37^ and 370, 1910 and 191 1. lo Bibliography of the 10. Barnard, J. Lynn. Factory Legislation in Pennsylvania; Its History and Administration. Publications of the University of Pennsylvania, Series in Political Economy and Public Law, No. 19, Philadelphia, pp. 178, 1907. Downey, E. H. History of Labor Legislation in Iowa. Iowa Economic History Series, State Historical Society of Iowa, Edited by Benjamin F. Shambaugh, Iowa City, pp. 283, 1910. Eaves, Lucile. A History of California Labor Legislation, with an intro- ductory sketch of the San Francisco Labor Movement. University of California Publications in Economics, vol. ii. The University Press, Berkeley, pp. 461, 1910. Edwards, Alba M. The Labor Legislation of Connecticut. American Economic Association, 3d series, vol. viii. No. 3, The Macmillan Com- pany, New York, pp. 320, 1907. Fairchild, Fred Rogers. The Factory Legislation of the State of New York. American Economic Association, 3d series, vol. vi, No. 4, The Mac- millan Company, New York, pp. 218, 1905. Field, Arthur Sargent. The Child Labor Policy of New Jersey. American Economic Association, 3d series, vol. xi. No. 3, Cambridge, Mass., pp. 229, 19 10. Groat, George Gorham. Trade Unions and the Law in New York. Colum- bia University Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, The Macmillan Company, agents, vol. xix. No. 3, New York, pp. 134, 1905. Towles, John Ker. Factory Legislation of Rhode Island. American Eco- nomic Association, 3d series, vol. ix. No. 3, Princeton, N. J., pp. 119, 1908. II. Bogart, Ernest Ludlow. Financial History of Ohio. University of Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences, vol. i, Nos. 1-2, Urbana-Campaign, 111., PP- 358, April, 1912. See also studies published in periodicals. Fankhauser, William C. A Financial History of California. Public Reve- nues, Debts and Expenditures. University of California Publications in Economics, vol. 3, No. 2, Berkeley, pp. 101-408 + a-d, November 13, 1913- Haig, Robert M. A History of the General Property Tax in Illinois. University of Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences, vol. iii, Nos. i and 2, Urbana-Campaign, 111., pp. 235, 1914. Hanna, Hugh Sisson. A Financial History of Maryland, 1789-1848. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science, series XXV, Nos. 8-9-10, Baltimore, pp. 131, 1907. Larson, Laurence M. A Financial and Administrative History of Mil- waukee. Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin, Economics and Political Science Series, vol. iv, No. 2, Madison, Wis., pp. 182, 1908. Phelan, R. V. The Financial History of Wisconsin. Bulletin of the Uni- versity of Wisconsin, Economics and Political Science Series, vol. 2, Madison, Wis., pp. 183-475, 1908. Department of Economics and Sociology ii Sowers, Don C. The Financial History of New York State from 1789 to 1912. Columbia University Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, Longmans, Green & Co., agents, vol. Ivii, No. 2, New York, pp. 346, 1914. Walradt, Henry F. The Financial History of Connecticut from 1789 to 1861. Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, Published under the Auspices of Yale University, vol. xvii, New Haven, pp. 1-139, March, 1912. Williamson, C. C. The Finances of Cleveland. Columbia University Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, Longmans, Green & Co., agents, vol. xxv. No. 3, New York, pp. 266, 1907. Wood, Frederick A. The Finances of Vermont. Columbia University Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, Longmans, Green & Co., agents, vol. Hi, No. 3, New York, pp. 147, 1913. 12. Dubois, W. E. B. Economic Cooperation Among Negro Americans. Atlanta University Publications, No. 12, Atlanta, Ga., pp. 184, 1907. Wright, Richard Robert, Jr. The Negro in Pennsylvania; a Study in Economic History. A. M. E. Book Concern, printers, Philadelphia, pp. 250, 1912. The Philadelphia Colored Directory: A Handbook of the Religions, Social, Political, Professional, Business and other Activities of the Negroes of Pennsylvania. The Philadelphia Colored Directory Co., Philadelphia, pp. 107, 1908; pp. 89, 1910. in. ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN PERIODICALS. Boeckh, Richard. The Determination of Racial Stock Among American Immigrants. Translated by C. H. Ibershofif from "Deutsche Erde," Nos. 3 and 4, 1906. Publications of the American Statistical Association, vol. X, pp. 199-221, December, 1906. Goldenweiser, E. A. Laws Regulating the Migration of Russians Through Germany. Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. xxi, pp. 488-491, May, 1907. Houghton, Louise Seymour. The Syrians in the United States. Illustrated. I. Sources and Settlement. The Survey, pp. 481-495, July i, 191 1. II. Business Activities. The Survey, pp. 647-665, August 5, 191 1. III. Intellectual and Social Status. The Survey, pp. 787-803, Sep- tember 2, 191 1. IV. The Syrian as an American Citizen. The Survey, pp. 957-968, October 7, 191 1. Willcox, Walter F. Assimilation and Immigration. National Civic Federa- tion Review, p. 5, November and December, 1906. 12 Bibliography of the The Change in the Proportion of Children in the United States and in the Birth Rate in France during the 19th Century. Publications of the American Statistical Association, vol. xii, pp. 490-499, March, 191 1. Discussion of Immigration in "Facts About Immigration." Report of proceedings of conferences on immigration, held in New York City, September 24 and December 12, 1906, by the Immigration Depart- ment of the National Civic Federation. National Civic Federation Review, pp. 50-58, 103-108, 1 15-120, 1907. Our Gain in Population Through Immigration. National Civic Fed- eration Review, p. 7, November and December, 1906. Reprinted as an appendix to Edward Alfred Steiner's "On the Trail of the Immigrant," pp. 365-370, 1906. Views of Experts on Distribution of Immigrants. National Civic Federation Review, p. 10, March and April, 1907. 2. Blackmar, F. W. The Economics and Politics of the Reclamation Service. The Forum, July, 1906. The Salton Sea. The World To-day, July, 1906. Jones, Edward D. Standardization in Modern Commerce. Mill Supplies, February, 191 1. Buyers' Specifications. Ibid., April, 191 1. Quantity Prices. Ibid., May, 191 1. The Cancellation of Orders. Ibid., June, 191 1. The Price of Resale and Its Control. Ibid., July, 191 1. The Relation of Brands and Advertising. Ibid., August, 191 1. Our System of Weights and Measures. Ibid., September, 191 1. Our System of Commercial Grading. Ibid., October, 191 1. Modern Problems of Price. Ibid., December, 191 1. Price Changes. Ibid., January, 1912. The Ideal of a Perfect Market. Ibid., February, 1912. The Marketing of Agricultural Products. Ibid., April, 1912. The Cost of Living and Retail Trade. Ibid., July, 1912. The Principles of Modern Retail Merchandising. Ibid., August, 1912. The Functions of the Merchant. Ibid., September, 1912. Wells, George Frederick. An Answer to the New England Country Church Question. Bibliotheca Sacra, pp. 314-330, April, 1907. Church Federation as a Practical Proposition. Christian Advocate, March and April, 1906. The Need of Church Federation in Vermont. First Annual Report of Executive Committee of International Church Conference on Federa- tion, New York, January, 1907. Congregationalist and Christian World, pp. 512-513, April, 1906. The Country Church and Its Social Problem. The Outlook, pp. 893- 895, August, 1906. Department of Economics and Sociology 13 The Country Church and the Making of Manhood. Homiletic Review, August, 1907. What Our Country Churches Need. Methodist Review, pp. 540-550, July, 1907. 3. Ingalls, Walter R. A Chronology of Lead Mining. Transactions of Ameri- can Institute of Mining Engineers, vol. xxxviii, pp. 979-990, July, 1907. 5. Phillips, Ulrich B. An American State-owned Railroad (The Western and Atlantic). Yale Review, vol. xv, pp. 259-282, November, 1906. Transportation in the Ante-bellum South; An Economic Analysis. Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. xix, pp. 434-451, May, 1905. Ripley, W. Z. The Trunk Line Rate System; A Distance Tariff. Quar- terly Journal of Economics, vol. xx, pp. 183-210, 1906. Reprinted in Ripley's "Railway Problems," Ginn & Co., Boston and New York, pp. 308-332, 1907- 6. Byall, J. Bruce. The American System of Improving and Administering Commercial Facilities. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. xxiv, pp. 489-506, November, 1904. Huebner, G. G. Tariff Provisions for the Promotion of Foreign Trade in the United States. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. xxix, pp. 498-514, May, 1907. Huebner, Solmon S. Relation of the Government in Germany to the Pro- motion of Commerce. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. xxiv, pp. 525-539, November, 1904. The Development and Present Status of Marine Insurance in the United States. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. xxvi, pp. 421-452, September, 1905. Federal Supervision and Regulation of Insurance. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. xxvi, pp. 681- 707, November, 1905. Smith, J. Russell. The British System of Improving and Administering Ports and Terminal Facilities. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. xxiv, pp. 507-524, November, 1904. History of the Organization of Ocean Commerce. Published serially in Railway Age-Gazette under title "The Ocean Carrier," 1908. (See Monographs Published.) 7. Gilbert, James Henry. The Development of Banking in Oregon. Univer- sity of Oregon Bulletin, new series, vol. ix. No. i, pp. 30, 191 1. 14 Bibliography of the Griffith, Elmer C. Early Banking in Kentucky. Proceedings of the Mis- sissippi Valley Historical Association, vol. ii, pp. 168-181, 1908-1909. Ruggles, Clyde O. The Economic Basis of the Greenback Movement in Iowa and Wisconsin, Proceedings of the Mississippi Valley Historical Association, vol. vi, pp. 142-165, 1912. 8. Abbott, Edith. The Early History of Child Labor in America. American Journal of Sociology, vol. xiv, pp. 15-38, July, 1908. Employment of Women in Industries: Cigar Making; Its History and Present Tendencies. Journal of Political Economy, vol. xv, pp. 1-26, January, 1907. The History of the Industrial Employment of Women in the United States. An Introductory Study. Ibid., vol. xiv, pp. 461-501, October, 1906. Harriet Martineau and Employment for Women in 1836. Ibid., vol.- xiv, pp. 614-626, December, 1906. History of Employment of Women in the American Cotton Mills. Part I. Statistics of Employment; Displacement of Women by Men. Ibid., vol. xvi, pp. 602-621, November, 1908. Part II. Early Mill Operatives; Conditions of Life and Work. Ibid., vol. xvi, pp. 680-692, December, 1908. Part III. Early Mill Operatives; The Period of Transition. Ibid., vol. xvii, pp. 19-35, January, 1909. (See Monographs Published. The substance of these studies is con- tained in "Women in Industry.") Commons, John R. American Shoemakers, 1648-1895; A Sketch of Indus- trial Evolution. Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. xxiv, pp. 39-81, November, 1909. Cross, Ira B. First Seamen's Unions. Coast Seamen's Journal, San Fran- cisco, July 8, 1908. Labor Papers of the Pacific Coast. Labor Clarion, San Francisco, June 5, 1908. Early Labor Day Parades in the Metropolis. Ibid., September 2, 1910. The First Labor Council. Ibid., September 2, 1912. The Labor Movement in California. International Typographical Union, Official Souvenir for the 57th Convention, San Francisco, August 14, 1911. Co-operation in California. American Economic Review, vol. i, pp. 533-554, September, 191 1. 10. Baldwin, F. S. Recent Massachusetts Labor Legislation. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. xxxiii. No. 2, pp. 287-300, March, 1909. Department of Economics and Sociology 15 Steele, H. Wirt. Outline of Labor Legislation of Maryland. Johns Hop- kins University Circular, pp. 47-52, May, 1908. Bogart, E. L. The History of the State Debt of Ohio. Journal of Political Economy, vol. xix, pp. 249-266, pp. 385-401, pp. 456-478, 191 1. Recent Tax Reforms in Ohio. The American Economic Review, vol. I, pp. 505-518, September, 191 1. Taxation of the Second Bank of the United States by Ohio. Ameri- can Historical Review, vol. xvii. No. 2, pp. 312-331, January, 1912. (See Monographs Published. The substance of these studies is con- tained in "Financial History of Ohio.") Miller, E. T. The State Finances of Texas During the Civil War. Texas State Historical Association Quarterly, vol. xiv, No, i, pp. 1-23, July, 1910. The State Finances of Texas During the Reconstruction. Ibid., vol. xiv, No. 2, pp. 87-112, October, 1910. Repudiation of State Debt in Texas since 1861. The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, pp. 169-183, October, 1912. Young, F. G. The Financial History of Oregon. Published in part in the Quarterly of the Oregon Historical Society, vol. vii, No. 4, 1906; vol. viii. No. 2, 1907; vol. x, Nos. 3 and 4, pp. 129-190, 1909. (Additional portion in MS.) 12. Fleming, Walter L. "Pap" Singleton, the Moses of the Colored Exodus. American Journal of Sociology, vol. xv. No. i, pp. 61-82, July, 1909. Stone, Alfred Holt. Some Problems of Southern Economic History. American Historical Review, vol. xiii. No. 4, pp. 779-797, July, 1908. Surface, George T. The Negro Mine Laborer: Central Appalachian Coal Field. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. xxxiii, pp. 338-352,^ March, 1909. Wilson, Calvin Dill. Negroes Who Owned Slaves. Popular Science Monthly, pp. 483-494, November, 1912. Wright, R. R., Jr. Economic Condition of Negroes in the North. L Home Ownership and Savings Among the Negroes of Philadel- phia. Southern Workman, vol. xxxvi, pp. 665-676, December, 1907. IL Negro Rural Communities in Indiana. Ibid., vol. xxxvii, pp. 158-172, March, 1908. III. Negro Communities in New Jersey. Ibid., vol. xxxvii, pp. 385- 393, July, 1908. IV. Negro Governments in the North. Ibid., vol. xxxvii, pp. 486- 498, September, 1908. V. Recent Improvement in Housing Among Negroes in the North. Ibid., vol. xxxvii, pp. 601-612, November, 1908. 1 6 Bibliography of the VI. Negroes in Business in the North. Ibid., vol. xxxviii, pp. 36-44, January, 1909. VII. The Negro Skilled Mechanic in the North. Ibid., vol. xxxviii, pp. 155-168, March, 1909. VIII. The Negro in the Professions in the North. Ibid., vol. xxxviii, pp. 237-244, April, 1909. Negroes in the North. I. The Northern Negro and Crime. Ibid., vol. xxxix, pp. 137-142, March, 1910. II. Tendencies Downward. Negro Criminal Statistics. Ibid., vol. xl, pp. 291-307, May, 191 1. III. Poverty Among Northern Negroes. Ibid., vol. xl, pp. 700-709, December, 191 1. IV. Growth of the Northern Negro Population. Ibid., vol. xli, pp. 333-344, June, 1912. IV. MONOGRAPHS UNPUBLISHED. Goldenweiser, E. A. Russian Immigration to the United States. 1909. Houghton, Louise Seymour. The French Contribution to the Economic Development of the United States. 1910. Lewis, H. M. Summary of Decisions Affecting Chinese Immigration to the United States. 1908. Blackmar, Frank W. The Economic and Social Influence of Irrigation in the United States. 1909. Agriculture of the Indians and the Early Colonists. 1911. Cotton and Tobacco. 191 1. Brooks, R. B. Reorganization of Agriculture in Georgia, 1865 to 1910. 1912. Cance, Alexander E. Land Tenure in Mississippi. 1908. Carver, T. N. The Economic Characteristics of the Agricultural Industry. 1910. Coulter, John L. Land Tenure in the Wheat Region of the Northwest. 1908. The Land Policy of North and South Dakota. 1908. The Agricultural History of Brown County, Minnesota (including the history of the New Ulm German Colony). 1908. Davis, Jasper P. History of Marketing around Sheridan, Indiana. 1906. Dodge, C. W. A History of the Dairy Industry in the Township of Windsor, Wisconsin. 1908. Everett, Milton. Marketing Texas Cattle via the Kansas Trail, 1870-1883. 1906. Hibbard, B. H. Land Policy of Iowa. 1908. Department of Economics and Sociology 17 Holcomb, Wilbert. Land Tenure in Minnesota. 1908. Kuntz, William. The Minneapolis Market and the Wheat Region of the Northwest. 1908. Marquis, J. C. Agriculture in New England. 1908. Messerole, C. G. Cooperative Marketing in Iowa. 1906, Selden, Rich L. Development of Agricultural Interests in Western New York since 1840. 1906. Smith, L. F. Land Policy of Colorado. 1908. Stone, Reilley. A History of the Dairy Industry in Sauk County, Wiscon- sin. 1908. Strong, S. W. History of Illinois Grain Dealers* Association. 1906. Swift, Louis L. Land Tenure in Oregon. 1908. Taylor, Henry C. Land Tenure in Wisconsin. 1908. Thompson, J. B. Agricultural Changes in Wisconsin since 1840. 1907. Tormey, John L. The Swine Industry in the United States Since 1840. 1908. Tower, W. S. The Problem of the Nation's Forests. 1908. Young, F. G. Land Policy of Oregon. 1908. Day, David T. Quicksilver, Platinum, Antimony. 191 1. Eckel, E. C. History of the Cement, Gypsum and Magnetite Industry. 1907. Graton, L. C. The Copper Mining Industry. 1914. Grimsley, George P. The History of Petroleum and Natural Gas. 1908. Landis, W. S. The History of Bituminous Coal Mining. 1907. The History of Manganese Mining in the United States. 1905. The History of Chromium. 1907. Leith, C. K.; Holden, R. J. Iron Ore Mining. 1914. Stoek, H. H. The History of Anthracite Mining. 1907. Williams, Ira A. Chapters on Aluminum, Lithographic Stone, Fluorspar, and Graphite. 1910. 4. Douglas, R. L. The History of Manufactures in the Western Prairie States. 1909. Klein, Julius. The History of Manufactures in California. 1909. Lippincott, I. P. The History of Manufactures in the Central Mississippi Valley. 1909. Riley, Elmer A. The Development of Chicago and Vicinity as a Manu- facturing Center Prior to 1880. 1909. 5. Adams, A. D. Railway Pooling. 1908. Brownson, H. G. History of the Illinois Central Railroad. Doten, Carroll W. Railroad Accidents. 1908. 1 8 Bibliography of the Leutscher, George D. Atlantic Tide Water Canals. 1909. (Part published in "Anthracite-Tidewater Canals.") MacGill, Caroline E. Contributions to the History of Transportation in the United States before i860. Prepared under the direction of Balthasar Henry Meyer. 1914. Way, R. B. History of Navigation on the Lower Mississippi. 1908. Young, F. G. Transportation in the Pacific Northwest. Part I, 1910. 6. Conway, Thomas, Jr. History of the Coastwise Commerce. 1913. Huebner, S. S.; Huebner, G. G. History of the Foreign Trade of the United States. 1910. Tower, Walter S. The History of American Fisheries. 1908. 7. Austin, Charles B. The Free Banks and Banking System of Indiana. 191 1. Griffith, Elmer C. The History of Banking in Kentucky. 1914. See articles published in periodicals. Hancock, Glover D. The History of the National Banking System. 191 1. Hess, R. H. The History of Banking in Wisconsin. 1909, Holdsworth, J. T. The History of Banking in Pennsylvania. 1907. Huntington, C. C. The History of Banking in Ohio. 1909. Iseley, W. H. The History of Banking in Kansas. 1908. (The author died before final completion of manuscript.) Parlette, Snowden. The History of Banking in Oklahoma. 1908. Peck, E. M. Savings Banks in Connecticut. 1909. Phillips, J. B. Bank and Trust Company Legislation. 1910. Pope, J. E. The History of Early Banking in Missouri. (In part.) 1909. Raper, C. L. The History of Banking in North Carolina. 1909. Scroggs, W. O. The History of Banking in Alabama. 1909. Sioussat, St. George L. The History of Banking in Tennessee. 1910. Sprague, R. J. The History of Banking in Illinois. 1909. Thomas, D. Y. The History of Banking in Florida. 1907. 8. Blum, S. Jurisdictional Disputes Among American Trade Unions. 1909. Cross, Ira B. California Labor History to 1883. Vol. I, 1912. Hoagland, Henry. History of the Labor Movement during the Forties and Fifties. 1912. Hubbell, George A. Economic History of the Mountain Region of Ken- tucky. 1909. Jefferson, Lorian P. Movement for Shorter Hours, 1825-1880. 1912. Mayer, Louis. The Greenback Labor Party of 1876-1884. 1913- Pidgin, Charles F. Average Wages Previous to i860, and from i860 to 1906, in Forty Leading Occupations. 1908. Tolman, William H. Influence of Industrial Betterment as an Economic Factor. 1908- Department of Economkr ind:SbdokigT',''\:\S'' ^9 10. Austin, Charles B. The Labor Legislation of Indiana. 1909. Bailey, W. L. Mechanics' Lien Laws of the United States. 1910. Baldwin, F. Spencer. Recent Labor Legislation in Massachusetts. 1909. Bedford, S. E. W. The Labor Legislation of Kansas. 1909- Coulter, John L. Educational Land Grants of North Dakota. 1909. Crafer, Thomas. Trade Unions and the Law in Wisconsin. 1909. The Administration of Public Poor Relief in Wisconsin. 1908. Day, Clive. Social Legislation of the Colonies. 1909. Dyer, G. W. The Origin of the Population of the South. 1908. The Mountain Whites and Social Legislation. 1908. Edwards, Alba M. Federal Legislation for the Protection of American Seamen. 1907. The Marine Hospital Service of the United States. 1909. Hagerty, James Edward; Sheets, Beatrice H. The History of the Poor Law of Ohio. 1910. Isaacs, Nathan T. The Mining Laws of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. 1908. McKitrick, R. Land Legislation of Texas. 191 1. Parry, Carl E. The Labor Legislation of Michigan. 1909. Peacock, D. L. The Mining Laws of the Southern States. 1909. Riley, T. J. The Poor Law and Public Relief in Missouri. 1909. Underwood, J. H. Homestead and Exemption Laws in the Northern States. 1909. II. Bechtel, G. Gerald. The Financial History of Montana. 1908. Bond, Beverley W., Jr. The History of Clergy Taxes and Quit Rents of Maryland. 1909. Boyd, William K. Early Currency and Banking in the State of North Carolina. 1912. Boyle, James E. The Financial History of North Dakota. 1908. The Financial History of Topeka, Kansas. 1908. Ellison, J. W. The Financial History of Colorado. 1908. Flisch, Julia A. The Financial History of Georgia. 1908. Scroggs, William O. The Financial History of Alabama. 191 1. Young, F. G. The Financial History of Oregon. 191 1. 12. Ambler, C. H. The Free Negro in Virginia. 1908. Puckett, E. P. The Free Negro in Louisiana. 1910. Thomas, D. Y. Free Negroes in Florida. 1908. Wright, James M. The Free Negro in Maryland. 1913. The Free Negro in Philadelphia. 1910. An Economic History of the Negroes of the Free States. "VTTf?. UBRARy Anm r