%M..-^ UC-NRLF MEMCAL SCHOOL IN MEMORIiUyi DR. S.J.S. ROGERS / IBbik,. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/elemephysioOOcarprich ELEMENTS OF PHYSIOLOGY. By the same Author, PRINCIPLES OF GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY WITH NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATIONS. (AT PRESS.) PRINCIPLES OF HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY. WITH NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATIONS. A POPULAR TREATISE ON VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY. WITH NUMEROUS CUTS. PUBLISHED BY LEA AND BLANCHARD. ELEMENTS OF PHYSIOLOGY, INCLUDING PHYSIOLOGICAL ANATOMY, FOR THE USE OF THE MEDICAL STUDENT. BY WILLIAM B./CARPENTER, M.D.,F.R.S., rULLERIAN PROFESSOR OF PHYSIOLOGY IN THE ROYAL INSTITUTION OF GREAT BRITAIN j MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, AND CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF THE UNITED STATES; ETC. ETC. WITH ONE HUNDBED AND EIGHTY ILLUSTBATIONS. PHILADELPHIA: LEA AND BLANCHARD. 1846. PHILADELPHIA : T. K. AND P. G. COLLINS, PRINTERS. AMERICAN PUBLISHERS' ADVERTISEMENT. The sheets of this volume, in their passage through the press, have been carefully examined by Dr. Meredith Clymer, the Editor of Dr. Carpenter's "Principles of Human Physiology." The perfect adaptation of the work to its purposes as an elementary text-book, and the manner in which it is brought up to the day, have rendered unnecessary any notes or additions ; the efforts of the publishers, therefore, have been directed to a correct reprint of the London edition. That it may correspond in size with the Author's other works on Physiology, the publishers have employed a type larger than that used in the London edition, and consequently they have been induced to substitute the word '^Elements^^ in place of ^^ Manual, ^^ which was adopted by the Author more with reference to its original size than to its contents, as stated in his Preface. Philadelphia, • April, 1846. il ()•>{} PEEFACE. The present volume owes its origin to a desire, on the part of the Publisher, that an elementary treatise on Physiology should be added to the series of admirable Students' Manuals, on the various depart- ments of Medical Science, which he has already issued. But for this desire, the Author would have preferred not again to present himself so soon before the public, in a capacity in which he fears that he has already trespassed too much on their indulgence ; his wish being rather to devote as much time as possible to original inquiry in various departments of Physiology, which stand in great need of elucidation. Although this Manual combines, in some degree, the scope of the Author's two larger works on the same subject, yet it cannot be regarded as a mere abridgment of them ; having been written with very little reference to them, and on a plan which is in many respects different. His object has been to convey to the Student as clear an idea as possible of the principles of the science, to point out the manner in which these principles should be applied, and to give an outline of the most important facts which indicate the nature of the various changes taking place in the living organism. In following out this intention he has thought it right to adopt a plan which, so far as he knows, is a novel one : — namely, to commence his exposition of the characters of Organized Structures and of Vital Phenomena by a full account of the Development and Metamorphoses of Cells, and of the purposes which these effect in the living body, either in their original or in their altered condition. He is of opinion that the inferences, "which may be drawn from the observations on this subject, that have rapidly accumulated during the last few years, are entitled to hold the same rank in Physiological Science as that taken by the doctrine of Mutual Attraction in General Physics, or of Elective Affinity in Chemistry ; and that the enunciation and development of these should viii PREFACE. consequently hold the first place in an Elementary Treatise on Physi- ology. The third chapter, constituting more than one-fourth of the entire Treatise, is therefore devoted to this subject. The topics em- braced in the first two chapters, and in the whole of the Second Book, are treated of on a much more extended scale in the Author's "Principles of General and Comparative Physiology," and *' Prin- ciples of Human Physiology," to which he would refer those who desire further information upon them. As the matter of which those volumes are composed is itself condensed to the utmost possible de- gree, it is manifestly impossible that the present Manual should con- tain more than a mere outline of the subjects of which they treat. The Author has endeavoured to select what is of the most import- ance to the Student, and lies most readily within his comprehension ; and has rather desired to impress the minds of his readers with a clear notion of what he considers the leading or typical facts of the science, than to load his memory with details. The Author may be permitted to direct attention to the copiousness and beauty of the illustrations, which the liberality of the Publisher has allowed him to introduce. The greater part of the wood-engrav- ings have been executed, expressly for this volume, by Mr. Vasey, whose skill and fidelity have recently shown themselves to be as great in the treatment of anatomical subjects as they have been long known to be in the representation of objects of natural history. Stoke Newington, Feb. 20th, 1846. TABLE OF CONTENTS BOOK I. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY. Chapter Page I. Ox THE Nature and Objects of the Science of Phtsiologt - - 17 1. Of Organic Structures - - - - - - 18 2. Of Vital Actions ------- 25 3. Connection between Vitality and Organization - - - 48 II. Of the Vital Stimuli -------58 1. Of Light, as a Condition of Vital Action - - - 61 2. Of Heat, as a Condition of Vital Action - - - - 72 3. Of Electricity, as a Condition of Vital Action - - - 98 4. Of Moisture, as a Condition of Vital Action - - - loi III. Of the Elementary Parts of Animal Structures - - - 109 1. Of the original Components of the Animal Fabric - - IH 2. Of the Simple Fibrous Tissues - - - - - 123 3. Of the Basement or Primary Membrane - - - - 133 4. Of Simple Isolated Cells, employed in the Organic Functions - 136 6. Of Cells connected together, as permanent constituents of the Tissues - -- - - - - - 159 6. Of Cells coalesced into Tubes, with Secondary Deposit - - 203 BOOK II. SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. IV. Of Food, and the Digestive Process ----- 243 1. Sources of the Demand for Aliment - - - - 243 2. Of the Digestive Apparatus, and its Actions in general - - 261 3. Of the Movements of the Alimentary Canal - - - 266 4. Of the Secretions poured into the Alimentary Canal, and of the Changes which they effect in its contents - . . 273 5. Of Hunger, Satiety, and Thirst - - - - - 282 V. Of Absorption and Sanguification ----- 285 1. Of Absorption from the Digestive Cavity - . . 285 2. Of the Passage of Chyle along the Lacteals, and its admixture with the Lymph collected from the General System - - 289 3. Of the Spleen, and other Glandular appendages to the Lymphatic System ...----- 294 4. Of the Composition and Properties of the Chyle and Lymph - 299 5. Of Absorption from the External and Pulmonary Surfaces - 303 6. Of the Composition and Properties of the Blood - - - 304 Page • • • 312 t Fluid . 312 . . 314 . . 329 . . 337 . m 340 - - 349 . . 353 . . 353 . . 355 . . 361 . . 362 X TABLE OF CONTENTS. Chaptek VI. Of the CiHCULATio^r of the Blood 1. Nature and Objects of the Circulation of Nutrient Fluid 2. Different forms of the Circulating Apparatus 3. Action of the Heart 4. Movement of the Blood in the Arteries 5. Movement of the Blood in the Capillaries 6. Movement of Blood in the Veins - VII. Of Nutritiok --.-_. 1. Selecting Power of Individual Parts 2. Varying Activity of tne Nutritive Processes 3. Of Death, or Cessation of Nutrition 4. Disordered Conditions of the Nutritive Processes Vni. Of Respiration - - - - - - - - 367 1. Essential Nature and Conditions of the Respiratory Process - 367 2. Different forms of the Respiratory Apparatus in the lower Animals 373 3. Mechanism of Respiration in Mammalia and in Man - - 385 4. Chemical Phenomena of Respiration - - - - 392 5. Effects of Insufficiency, or Suspension, of the Aerating Process - 399 IX. Of Secretiox ---.---. 403 1. Of the Secreting Process in general; and of the Instruments by which it is effected -..-.- 403 2. Of the Liver, and the Biliary Excretion - - . - 410 3. Of the Kidneys, and the Urinary Excretion - - - 416 4. Of the Cutaneous and Intestinal Glandulae - - - 425 5. General Summary of the Excreting Processes - - - 430 X. Of the DETELOPMEiirT OF Light, Heat, and Electricitt in the Animal BoDr ........ 434 ^I. Of Reproduction -.-.--- 443 1. General View of the Nature of the Process ... 443 2. Action of the Male ..----- 446 3. Action of the Female ..---. 449 XII. Of the Nervous System -._.-- 476 1. General view of the operations, of which the Nervous System is the Instrument --.--.- 476 2. Comparative Structure and Actions of the Nervous System - 481 3. Functions of the Spinal Cord and its Nerves ... 498 4. Functions of the Medulla Oblongata .... 507 5. Functions of the Sensory Ganglia .... 510 6. Functions of the Cerebellum ----- 518 7. Functions of the Cerebrum . . - - - 520 8. Functions of the Sympathetic System - - - - 526 XIII. Of Sensation, General and Special ----- 528 1. Of Sensation in general ------ 528 2. Of the Sense of Touch ------ 533 3. Of the Sense of Taste .-.--- 535 4. Of the Sense of Smell ..---- 537 5. Of the Sense of Hearing - 539 6. Of the Sense of Sight ------ 542 XIV. Of the Voice, and Speech ------ 552 LIST OF WOOD ENGRAVINGS. Fig. Page 1. Simple isolated Cells, containing reproductive molecules - - 33 2. Fibrous structure of exudation-membrane . . - > 120 3. Fibrous membrane lining egg-shell (original) - - - - 120 4. White fibrous tissue of areolar tissue and tendon - - . 124 5. White fibrous tissue of ligament _ _ - _ _ 125 6. Yellow fibrous tissue of ligamentum nuchae - - - - 125 7. Capillary vessels of Skin; after Berres - - - - - 132 8. Capillary vessels of Intestinal villi; after Berres ... 132 9. Capillary vessels around orifices of Mucous follicles; after Berres - 132 10. Capillary vessels around follicles of Parotid Gland; after Berres - 132 11. Distribution of Sensory nerves in Skin; after Gerber - - ' - 133 12. Primary membrane, with germinal spots ; after Goodsir - - 134 13. Primary membrane, showing component cells ; after Goodsir - - 135 14. Simple isolated cells, containing reproductive molecules - - 137 15. Cells from fluid of Herpes; after Addison ... - 133 16. Oblique section of Epidermis; after Henle - - - - 145 17. Epidermic cells from Conjunctiva; after Gerber - - - 145 18. Portion of Choroid-coat, showing pigment cells; after Gerber - - 147 19. Separate Pigment-cells ------- 147 20. Detached epithelium-cells from mucous membrane of mouth - - 149 21. Pavement-epithelium from bronchial tubes; after Lebert - - 149 22. Layer of cylindrical epithelium, with cilia; after Henle - - 150 23. Follicles from liver of Crab, with contained secreting cells; after Goodsir 153 24. Follicles of Mammary gland, with contained secreting cells ; after Lebert 153 25. Secreting Cells of Human Liver ------ 154 26. Formation of Spermatozoa within cells; after Wagner - - 154 27. Diagram of Intestinal Mucous membrane, during digestion and absorption of chyle; after Goodsir ------ 156 28. Diagram of Intestinal Mucous membrane, in intervals of digestion; after Goodsir -------- 156 29. Extremity of Placental villus ; after Goodsir - - - - 157 30. Parent-cells, with contained secondary cells, of cancerous structure ; after Lebert --------- 160 31. Progressive stages of cell-growth, in shell-membrane (original) - 162 32. Progressive stages of coalescence of cells, in shell-membrane (original) 162 33. Transition from cellular to fusiform tissue; after Lebert - - 164 34. Fusiform tissue of plastic exudations ; after Lebert - - - 164 35. Areolar and Adipose tissue; after Berres - - - . 164 36. Capillary network around Fat-cells; after Berres - - - 165 37. Section of Cartilage; after Schwann ----- 168 38. Distribution of vessels on surface of Cartilage; after Toynbee - - 170 39. Nutrient vessels of Cornea; after Toynbee - - - - 171 40. Cancellated structure at extremity of Femur - - - - 173 41. Lacunae of Osseous substance ------ 174 42. Section of Bony Scale of Lepidosteus (original) - - - 174 43. Network of Haversian canals, from vertical section of Tibia - - 176 44. Transverse section of long bone - - - - - 177 Xll LIST OF WOOD ENGRAVINGS. Fig. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 60. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. . Shell of Echinus (original) - - - . , Sections of Shell of Pinna (original) Tubular shell-structure from Anomia (original) Section of Cartilage, near seat of Ossification - Section of Cartilage, at the seat of Ossification - Vessels of Dental Papilla; after Berres Oblique section of Dentine; after Owen Vertical section of Human Molar Tooth; after Nasmyth Development of Teeth ; after Goodsir Fasciculus of Striated Muscular fibre ; after Mandll Non-striated Muscular fibres; after Bowman Ultimate fibriilae of striated fibre (original) Muscular fibre cleaving into disks; after Bowman Transverse section of muscular fibres; after Bowman Structure of ultimate fibriilae of striated fibre (original) Nucleated fibres from non-striated muscle ; after Bowman Nuclei in striated muscular fibres of foetus; after Bowman Capillaries of Muscle ; after Berres Distribution of nerves in Muscle; after Burdach Capillaries of Nervous centres ; after Berres Components of gray substance of Brain; after Purkinje Structure of Ganglion of Sympathetic; after Valentin - Distribution of Sensory Nerves in lip; after Gerber Capillaries at margin of lips; after Berres Diagram of Nervous System (original) - - - Section of Human Stomach . . - . Mucous coat of small intestine, showing Villi, and orifices of follicles ; after Boehm ...... Stomach of Sheep - - . . . Section of Stomach of Sheep, showing demi-canal ; after Flourens Lobule of Parotid Gland - - . . - Gastric glandulae; after Wagner . - . Orifices of gastric tubuli; after Boyd - Distribution of Capillaries in Intestinal Villi; after Berres Commencement of lacteal, in intestinal villus; after Krause Diagram of Lymphatic gland; after Goodsir Epithelial cells of intra-glandular lymphatic; after Goodsir Course of Thoracic duct . _ . - Appearance of inflamed Blood; after Addison - Vascular area of Fowl's egg; after Wagner Diagram of the Circulation in Fish . - - Diagram of the Circulation in Reptile . - - Diagram of complete Double Circulation Anatomy of Human Heart and Lungs - . - Capillaries of Muscle ; after Berres - - - Capillaries of Nervous centres; after Berres Capillaries of Glandular follicles; after Berres Capillaries of Conjunctival membrane ; after Berres Capillaries of Choroid coat; after Berres Capillaries around orifices of mucous follicles; after Berres Capillaries in Skin of finger; after Berres Capillaries in fungiform papilla of Tongue ; after Berres Doris, showing branchial tufts; after Alder and Hancock One of the arborescent processes of gills of Doris; ditto Respiratory apparatus of Insects Diagram of different forms of Respiratory Apparatus (original) Capillaries of Gill of Eel (original) _ - - Section of Lung of Turtle; after Boganus - r Capillaries of Human Lung (original) - - - Simple glandular follicles; after Miiller Embryonic development of Liver; after Miiller Rudimentary Pancreas, from Cod; after Miiller Pass 181 183 184 187 187 192 193 196 198 204 204 205 205 205 206 207 208 208 209 226 226 227 228 228 236 263 264 269 270 273 275 275 287 288 289 289 290 311 319 327 328 341 342 342 342 342 342 342 343 372 375 377 378 379 382 386 407 407 407 LIST OF WOOD ENGRAVINGS. xiii Fio. Page 106. Mammary Gland of Ornethorhyncees ; after Miiller - - - 407 107. Meibomian Glands; after Miiller - - . . . 408 108. Portion of Co wper's Gland; after Miiller - - - . 4O8 109. Lobule of Lachrymal Gland; after Miiller - - ' - - 408 110. Hepatic Follicles from Crab; after Goodsir - - - - 409 111. Ultimate Follicles from Mammary gland; after Lebert - - 409 112. Surface of Lobule of Liver of Squilla; after Miiller - - - 410 113. Interior of Lobule of Liver of Squilla; after Miiller - - - 410 114. Liver of Tadpole; after Miiller - - - - - 411 115. Distribution of Blood-vessels in Lobules of Liver; after Kiernan - 412 116. Connections of Lobules of Liver with Hepatic vein; after Kiernan - 412 117. Distribution of Hepatic ducts around Lobules of Liver; after Kiernan 413 118. Secreting Cells of Liver ...... 413 119. Development of Kidney, in embryo of Lizard; after Miiller - - 416 120. Kidney of foetal Boa; after Muller ..... 417 121. Portion of Kidney of Coluber; after Miiller ... - 417 122. Fasciculus of tubuli uriniferi of Bird; after Muller . . - 417 123. Section of Kidney ....... 4I8 124. Section of portions of Kidney, slightly magnified; after Wagner - 418 125. Distribution of vessels in Kidney ; after Bowman ... 418 126. Vertical section of Skin - - - - - - - 425 127. Hepatic Cells gorged with Fat; after Bowman - - - - 432 128. Simple isolated cells, with reproductive molecules - - - 443 129. Formation of Spermatozoa within seminal cells; after Wagner - 446 130. Anatomy of the Testis ....... 447 131. Plan of early Uterine Ovum ; after Wagner .... 457 132. Vascular Area of Fowl's Egg ; after Wagner .... 460 133. Diagram of Ovum, at commencement of separation of digestive cavity; after Wagner ........ 462 134. Diagram of Ovum, showing the formation of the Amnion ; after Wagner 462 135. Diagram of Human Ovum, in second month, showing the Allantois; after Wagner ........ 463 136. Extremity of Placental Villus; after Goodsir .... 464 137. External membrane and cells of placental villus ; after Goodsir . 464 138. Diagram illustrating the arrangement of the placental decidua ; after Goodsir ..-...-. 465 139. Plan of the FoBtal Circulation ...... 466 140. Termination of portion of milk-duct in follicles ; after Sir A. Cooper - 470 141. Portion of the Ganglionic tract of Polydesmus; after Newport - - 488 142. Human embryo at sixth week ; after Wagner - - - - 496 143. Diagram of the origin and termination of Spinal and Cerebral nerve - 502 144. Section of the base of the Brain ..... 512 145. Mesial surface of longitudinal section of Brain .... 522 146. Capillary network at margin of Lips; after Berres ... 533 147. Distribution of tactile nerves in Skin ; after Gerber ... 534 148. Capillaries of fungiform papilla of Tongue; after Berres . - - 536 149. Distribution of Olfactory nerve ...... 637 150. Refraction of rays of light through convex lens .... ,543 151. Formation of images in eye ...... 544 152. Capillary network of Retina; after Berres - - - - 546 153. Structure of the Larynx; after Willis ..... 553 Two plates embracing 27 figures, making altogether 180 figures. EXPLANATION OF PLATE L The Figures in this Plate represent the Cells floating in the various animal fluids ; and they are all, with the exception of Figs. 4 and 5, copied from the representations given by M. Donne in his Atlas de I'Anatomie Microscopique. These representations are transcripts of Daguerreotype pictures, obtained from the objects, by a solar micro- scope, with a magnifying power of 400 diameters. Fig. 1. Red Corpuscles of Human Blood, viewed by their flattened surfaces (§ 215). Fig. 2. Red Corpuscles of Human Blood, adherent by their flattened surfaces, so as to form rolls ; — at a, the entire surfaces are adherent; at 6, their surfaces adhere only in part. Fig. 3. Red Corpuscles of Human Blood, exhibiting the granulated appearance which they frequently present, a short time after being withdrawn from the vessels. Fig. 4. Colourless Corpuscles of Human Blood (§ 212). Fig. 5. The same, enlarged by the imbibition of water. Fig. 6. Red Corpuscles of Frog's Blood (§ 215). Fig. 7. The same, treated with dilute acetic acid ; the first effect of which is to render the nucleus more distinct, as at b ; after which the outer vesicle becomes more transparent, and its solution commences, as at a. Fig. 8. The same, treated with water ; at a is seen a corpuscle nearly unaltered, ex- cept in having the nucleus more sharply defined ; at b, others which have become more spherical, under the more prolonged action of water; ate, the nucleus is quitting the centre, and approaching the circumference of the disk ; at c? it is almost freeing itself from the envelop ; and at e it has completely escaped. Fig. 9. Globules of Mucus, newly secreted (§ 237). Fig. 10. The same, acted on by acetic acid. Fig. 11. Globules of Pus, from a phlegmonous abscess (§ 632). Fig. 12. The same, acted on by acetic acid. «^"/cf *V7?'-'<'''7=^/ :mw^' Zl m J ^ 01 \ * \TDiFy ^' 0^ ^^ <^ i^@ n^^ ^j^ (» 7" y^rrj EXPLANATION OF PLATE IL The Figures in this Plate represent the principal forms of the Nervous Centres in different classes of animals. The 1st is copied from a recent Memoir by M. Blanch- ard; the 2d, 3d, and 4th, from Mr. Newport's delineations; the 5th to the 13th from the interesting work of M. Guillot on the Comparative Anatomy of the Encephalon in the different classes of Vertebrata; and the two last from the work of M. Leuret on the same subject. Fig. 1. Nervous System of Solen; a, a, cephalic ganglia, connected together by a transverse band passing over the (Esophagus, and connected with the other ganglia by cords of communication ; b, pedal ganglion, the branches of which are distributed to the powerful muscular foot; c, branchial ganglion, the branches of which proceed to the gills d, d, the siphons c, e, and other parts. On some of these branches, minute ganglia are seen ; as also at /,/, on the trunks that pass forwards from the cephalic ganglia (§ 852). Fig. 2. Nervous System of the Larva of Sphinx ligustri,- a, cephalic ganglia; 1 — 12, ganglia of the ventral cord (§ 856). Fig. 3. Thoracic portion of the Nervous System of the Pupa of Sphinx ligustri; a, b, c, three ganglia of the ventral cord ; d, d, their connecting trunks; e, e, respiratory ganglia (§ 862). Fig. 4. Anterior portion of the Nervous System of the Imago of Sphinx ligustri; a, cephalic ganglia ; b, b, eyes ; c, anterior median ganglion, and d, d, poste- rior lateral ganglia of stomato-gastric system; e,f, large ganglionic masses in the thorax, giving origin to the nerves of the legs and wings (§ 863). Fig. 5. Brain of the Perchy seen from above (§ 869.) Fig. 6. The same, as seen from below. Fig. 7. Interior of the same, as displayed by a vertical section. The following references are common to the three preceding, and to the succeed- ing figures. a, a. Olfactory lobes or ganglia. b, by Cerebral ganglia or Hemispheres. c, c. Optic lobes. d, Cerebellum. e, Spinal Cord. /, Pineal gland. f, Lobi inferiores (their precise character not determined). , Pituitary body. i, Optic Nerves. Fig. 8. Brain of the Common Lizard, seen from above (§ 871). Fig. 9. The same, as seen from below. Fig. 10. The same, as displayed by a vertical section. Fig. 11. Brain of the Common Goose, seen from above (§ 872). Fig. 12. The same, as seen from below. Fig. 13. The same, as displayed by a vertical section. Fig. 14. Brain of the Sheep, viewed sideways (§ 873). Fig. 15. The same, as displayed by a vertical section. In addition to the parts indicated by the preceding references, we have here to notice;— A;, the corpus callosum; /, the septum lucidum, and m, the Pons Varolii. fj^atjE ir. a--^ li 15 ■^'i/tdaj-ri- lUk.Pfiim BOOK I. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY, CHAPTER I. ' ON THE NATURE AND OBJECTS OF THE SCIENCE OF PHYSIOLOGY. 1. The general distribution of the objects presented to us by ex- ternal Nature, into three kingdoms, — the animal, the vegetable, and the mineral, — is familiar to every one ; and not less familiar is the general distinction between living bodies, and dead inert matter. True it is, that we cannot always clearly assign the limits, which sepa- rate these distinct classes of objects. Even the professed naturalist is constantly subject to perplexity, as to the exact boundary between the animal and the vegetable kingdoms; and the distinction between animal and vegetable structures, on the one hand, and mineral masses on the other, — or between living bodies, and aggregations of inert mat- ter, — is by no means so obvious in every case, as to be at once per- ceptible to the unscientific observer. Thus, a mass of Coral, if its growing portion be kept out of view^, or a solid Nullipore attached to the surface of a rock, might be easily confounded with the mineral bodies to which they bear so close a resemblance; and a minute ex- amination might be required to detect the difference. Nevertheless, a well-marked distinction does exist between the organized structures of plants and animals, and the inorganic aggregations of Mineral matter ; as well as between the condition of a living being, whether Animal or Plant, and that of dead or inert Mineral bodies. It is upon these distinctions, which are usually obvious enough, that the sciences of Anatomy and Physiology are founded ; these sciences taking cognizance, — the former of those structures which are termed organ- ized^ — and the latter of the actions which are peculiar to those struc- tures, and which are distinguished by the term vital. It will be desirable to consider, in a somewhat systematic order, the principal ideas which we attach to these terras ; as we shall be thus led most directly to the distinct comprehension of the nature and object of Physiological science. 2 18 NATURE AND OBJECTS OF THE 1. Of Organic Structures. 2. Organized structures are characterized, in the first place, by the peculiarities of their form. Wherever a definite form is exhibited by Mineral substances, it is bounded by straight lines and angles, and is the effect of the process termed crystalization. This process results from the tendency which evidently exists in particles of matter, espe- cially when passing gradually from the fluid to the solid state, to arrange themselves in a regular and conformable manner in regard to one another. There is, perhaps, no inorganic element or combination, which is not capable of assuming such a form, if placed in circum- stances adapted to the manifestation of this tendency among its parti- cles; but if these circumstances should be wanting, and the simple cohesive attraction is exercised in bringing them together, without any general control over their direction, an indefinite or shapeless figure is the result. Neither of these conditions finds a parallel in the Organized creation. From the highest to the lowest we find the shape presenting a determinate character for each species or race^ with a certain limited amount of variation amongst individuals ; and this shape is such, that, instead of being circumscribed within plane surfaces, straight lines, and angles, organized bodies are bounded by convex surfaces, and present rounded outlines. We may usually gather, moreover, from their external form, that they are composed of a number of dissimilar parts, or organs ; which are combined to- gether in the one individual body, and are characteristic of it. Thus, in the Vertebrated or Articulated animal we at once distinguish the head and extremities from the trunk, which constitutes the principal mass ; and where there exist no external organs of such distinctness, as in some Mollusks, the rounded character of the general form is sufficiently characteristic. The very simplest grades of animal and vegetable life present themselves under a form, which approaches more or less closely to the globular. It is among the lower tribes of both kingdoms, that we find the greatest tendency to irregular de- partures from the typical form of the species ; and thus is presented an approach, on the one hand, to that indefiniteness which is charac- teristic of uncrystaline mineral masses ; and, on the other, to that variety of crystaline forms which the same mineral body may pre- sent, according to the circumstances which influence its crystaliza- tion. 3. With regard to size, again, nearly the same remarks apply. The magnitude of Inorganic masses is entirely indeterminate, being alto- gether dependent upon the number of particles which can be brought together to constitute them. On the other hand, the size of Organized structures is restrained, like their form, within tolerably definite limits, which may nevertheless vary to a certain extent among the indi- viduals of the same species. These limits are least obvious in vegetables, and in the lower classes of animals. A forest tree may SCIENCE OF PHYSIOLOGY. 'f9 go on extending itself to an almost indefinite extent ; certain species of sea-weed attain a length of many hundred feet, and their growth does not appear to undergo any check; and the same may he said of those enormous masses of coral, which compose so many islands and reefs in the Polynesian Archipelago, or of which the debris seem to have constituted many of the calcareous rocks of ancient formation. But in these cases the increase is produced, not so much by the con- tinued development of the individual, as by the continued production of new individuals, which remain in connection with the original. Thus each bud of a tree may be regarded as a distinct individual ; because, if placed under favourable circumstances, it can maintain its life by itself, and can perform all the actions proper to the species; and, consequently, the indefinite extension of the tree by the multi- plication of buds is not in reality that exception to the rule just laid down, which it would appear to be. Precisely the same may be said in regard to the extension of a coral mass ; for this is accomplished by the multiplication of polypes, by a process of budding from the original ; and yet these remain connected with other, so as to form a compound whole, bearing a strong analogy to a tree. The same cannot be said, however, of the extension of a sea- weed, for this can- not be regarded as composed of a collection of distinct individuals; and we may therefore consider it as an illustration of the tendency to indefiniteness in point of size^ which has been already pointed out in regard to fornix as characteristic of the lower grades of organized structure, and as therefore leading us towards the inorganic world. Where this is the case, we find that the increase depends, as in Minerals, upon the multiplication of similar parts. Thus, in the sea- weed, each portion of the frond is almost a precise repetition of ev^ery other; and there is scarcely any of that mutual dependence among the diflferent parts, which makes up our idea of one individual. 4. It is, however, in the internal arrangement or aggregation of the particles, respectively composing Organized structures and Inorganic masses, that we find the diflference between the two most strongly marked. Every particle of a Mineral body (in which there has not been a mixture of ingredients) exhibits the same properties as those possessed by the whole ; so that the chemist, in experimenting with any substance, cares not, except as a matter of convenience merely, whether a grain or a ton be the subject of his researches. The mi- nutest atom of carbonate of lime, for instance, has all the properties of a crystal of this substance, were it as large as a mountain. Hence we are to regard a mineral body as made up of an indefinite number of constituent particles, similar to it and to each other in properties, and having no further relation among themselves than that w^hich they derive from their juxtaposition. Eachparticle, then, maybe considered as possessing a separate individuality ; as w^e can predicate of its properties all that can be said of the largest mass. The organized structure, on the other hand, receives its designation from being made up of a number of distinct parts or organs, each of which has a tex- 20 NATURE AND OBJECTS OF THE ture or consistence peculiar to itself; and it derives its character from the whole of these collectively. Every one of these, as we shall hereafter see, is the instrument of a certain action or function, which it performs under certain conditions ; and the concurrence of all these actions is required for the maintenance of the structure in its normal or regular state, and for the prevention or the reparation of those changes, which chemical and physical forces would otherwise speedily produce in it, from causes hereafter to be explained. Hence there is a relation oi mutual dependence among the parts of an Organ- ized structure ; which is quite distinct from that of mere proximity. Thus, the perfect plant, which has roots, stem, and leaves, is an ex- ample of an organized structure, in which the relation of the different parts to the integrity of the whole is sufficiently obvious ; since, when entirely deprived of either set of them, the plant must perish, unless it have within itself the power of replacing them. 5. In the lower animals, as in vegetables, we find a marked tend- ency to the repetition of similar parts, which shows an evident affi- nity to the mineral kingdom ; and this not only in a composite tree, or in a coral mass, which, as just stated, must be considered as an aggregation of distinct individuals; but also in many animals, which cannot be divided without the destruction of their lives, — especially among the Radiated, and the lower Articulated tribes. Where such a repetition exists, some of the organs may be removed without per- manent injury to the structure ; their function being performed by those that remain. Thus, it is not uncommon to meet with specimens of the common five-rayed starfish, in which not only one or two, but even three or four, of the arms have been lost without the destruction of the animal's life; and this is the more remarkable, as the arms are not simply organs of locomotion or prehension, but contain prolonga- tions of the stomach. In the bodies of the higher animals, however, where there are few or no such repetitions, and where there is conse- quently a greater diversity in character and function between the different organs, the mutual dependence of their actions upon one another is much greater, and the loss of a single part is much more likely to endanger the existence of the whole. Such structures are said to be more highly organized than those of the lower classes ; not because the whole number of parts is greater, — for it is fre- quently much less ; but because the number of dissimilar parts, and the consequent adaptation to a variety of purposes, is much greater, — the principle of division of labour, in fact, being carried much further, a much larger class of objects being attained, and a much greater perfection in the accomplishment of them being thus provided for. 6. Keeping in view, then, what has just been stated in regard to the divisibility of a Tree or a Zoophyte into a number of parts, each capable of maintaining its own existence, we may trace a certain gra- dation from the condition of the Mineral body to that of the highest Animal, in regard to the character in question. Thus the individu- SCIENCE OF PHYSIOLOGY. 34 I ality of a Mineral substance may be said to reside in each molecule ; that of a Plant or Zoophyte, in each member; and that of one of the higher Animals, in the sum of all the organs. The distinction is much greater, however, between the lowest organized fabric and any mineral body, than it is between the highest and the lowest organized structures ; for, as we shall hereafter see, the highest and most com- plicated may be regarded as made up of an assemblage of the lowest and simplest ; whose structure and actions have been so modified as to render them mutually dependent ; but which yet retain a separate individuality, such as enables them to continue performing their functions when separated from the mass, so long as the proper con- ditions are supplied. 7. Between the very simplest organized fabric, and every form of mineral matter, there is a marked difference in regard to intimate structure and consistence. Inorganic substances can scarcely be re- garded as possessing a structure ; since (if there be no admixture of components) they are uniform and homogeneous throughout, whether they be existing in the solid, liquid, or gaseous form ; being composed of similar particles, held together by attractions which affect all alike. Far different is the character of Organized structures ; for in the minutest parts of these may be detected a heterogeneous composition, — a mixture of solid and fluid elements, which are so intimately combined and arranged, as to impart such peculiarities to the tissues, even in regard to their physical properties, as we never encounter amongst Mineral bodies. In the latter, solidity or hardness may be looked upon as the characteristic condition ; whilst in Organized structures, softness (resulting from the large proportion of fluid components) may be considered the distinctive quality, being most obvious in the parts that are most actively concerned in vital operations. This softness is evidently connected with the roundness of form characteristic of organized fabrics, w^hich is most evident when the tissues contain the greatest proportion of fluid ; whilst the plane surfaces and angular contours of mineral bodies are evidently due to the mode in which the solid particles are aggregated together, without any intervening spaces. 8. The greatest solidity exhibited by Organized fabrics is found where it is desired to impart to them the simple physical property of resistance ; and this is attained by the deposition of solid particles, usually of a mineral character, in tissues that were originally soft and yielding. It is in this manner that the almost jelly-like substance, in which all the organs of animals originate, becomes condensed inlo cartilage, and that the cartilage is afterwards converted into bone ; it is in the same manner, also, that the stones of fruit, and the heart- wood of timber-trees, are formed out of softer tissues. But, as we shall hereafter see, this kind of conversion, whilst it renders the tissue more solid and durable, cuts it off from any active participation in the vital operations; and thence reduces it to a state much more nearly analogous to that of mineral bodies. This resemblance is rendered 22 NATURE AND OBJECTS OF THE more close by the fact, that the earthy deposits frequently retain a distinctly crystaline condition ; so that, when they are present in large proportion, they impart a more or less crystaline aspect to the mass, and especially a crystaline mode of fracture, which is evident enough in many shells. It must not be hence concluded, however, that such substances are of an inorganic nature ; all that is shown by their crys- taline structure being, that the animal basis exists in comparatively small amount, and that the mode in which the mineral matter w^as deposited has not interfered with its crystaline aggregation. 9. It is not to be disputed that a certain degree of homogeneity is apparently to be found in the minutest elements, into which certain organized tissues are to be resolved. Thus, in the membranes vf\\\c\i form the walls of Animal and Vegetable cells^ the highest powers of the microscope fail in directing any such distinction of fluid and solid components, as that which has been described as characteristic of organized structures. Nevertheless it is indubitable that such distinct components must exist; and this especially from the properties of these membranes in regard to water. For it is one of the most remarkable facts in the whole range of science, that a membrane, in which not the slightest appearance of a pore can be discovered under the highest powers of the microscope, should be traversed by water ; and that, too, with no inconsiderable rapidity. The change which these mem- branes undergo in drying is another proof that they are not so homo- geneous as they appear, and that water is an element of their structure, not merely chemically, but mechanically. The same may be said in regard to the fibres^ which form the apparently ultimate elements of the simple fibrous tissues in Animals, and which are also met with in the interior of certain cells and vessels in Plants. These fibres would appear to be of perfectly simple structure; yet we know from the loss of fluid, and the change of properties, which they undergo in drying, that water must have formed part of their substance. — It may be remarked, however, in regard to both these elementary forms of organized tissue, that the simplicity of their function is in complete conformity w^ith the apparent homogeneousness of their structure ; for the cell-membrane is chiefly destined to act, like the porous septum in certain forms of the voltaic battery, as a boundary-wall to the con- tained fluid, without altogether interfering with its passage elsewhere; the forces which produce its imbibition or expulsion being probably situated, not in this pervious wall, but in the cavity which it bounds. And, in the same manner, the function of the fibrous tissues, to which allusion was just now made, is of an entirely physical character ; being simply to resist strain or pressure, and yet to allow of a certain degree of yielding by their elasticity. 10. In all cases in w^hich active vital operations are going on, we can make a very obvious distinction of the structures subservient to them, into liquid and solid parts ; and it is, indeed, by the continual reaction which is taking place between these, that the fabric is main- tained in its normal condition. For, as we shall hereafter see, it is SCIENCE OF PHYSIOLOGY. g|| liable to a constant decomposition or separation into its ultimate ele- ments ; and it is consequently necessary that the matters which have undergone that disintegration should be carried off, and that they should be replaced by new particles. These processes of removal and re- placement, with the various actions subservient to them, make up a large proportion of the life of all Organized beings. Now as all the alimentary matter must be reduced to the liquid form, in order that it may be conveyed to the situations in w^hich it is required, and as all the decomposed or disintegrated matter must be reduced to the same form in order to be carried off, the intermingling or mutual penetra- tion of solids and liquids in the minutest parts of the body is at once accounted for. We shall hereafter see that a cell^ or closed vesicle, formed of a membranous wall, and containing: fluid, maybe regarded as the simplest form of a living body, and tne simplest independent part or instrument of the more complex fabrics (§ 30). 11. Organized structures are further distinguished from Inorganic masses, by the peculiarity of their chemical constitution. This pecu- liarity does not consist, however, in the presence of any elementary substances, which are not found elsewhere ; for all the elements, of which organized bodies are composed, exist abundantly in the world around. It might have been supposed that beings endowed with such remarkable powers as those of Animals and Plants, — powers which depend, as we shall hereafter see, upon the exercise of properties to which we find nothing analogous in the Mineral world, — would have had an entirely different material constitution ; but a little reflection will show, that the identity of the ultimate elements of Organized structures with those of the* Inorganic world, is a necessary conse- quence of the mode in which the former are built up. For that which the parent communicates, in giving origin to a new being, is not so much the structure itself, as the power of forming that structure from the surrounding elements; audit is by gradually drawing to itself certain of these elements, that the germ becomes developed into the complete fabric. Now, of the fifty-jive simple or elementary sub- stances, which are known to occur in the Mineral world, only about eighteen or nineteen are found in Plants and Animals ; and many of these in extremely minute proportion. Some of these appear to be merely introduced to answer certain chemical or mechanical purposes ; and the composition of the parts w^hich possess the highest vital en- dowments, is for the most part simpler and more uniform. 12. The actual tissues of Plants, when entirely freed from the sub- stances they may contain, have been found to possess a very uniform composition, and to agree in their chemical properties. The substance which is left after the action, upon any kind of Vegetable tissue, of such solvents as are fitted to dissolve out the matters deposited in its cavities and interstices, is termed Cellulose. It consists of 24 Carbon, 21 Hydrogen, and 21 Oxygen ; or, in other words, of Carbon united to the elements of w^ater, in the proportion of eight of the former to seven of the latter. It may be very easily converted into gum or 24 NATURE AND OBJECTS OF THE sugar, by Chemical processes, which effect the removal or the addi- tion of the elements of water. Now there is no compound known to exist in the Inorganic world, which bears the remotest analogy to this ; and we have no reason to believe that it could be produced in any other way, than by that peculiar combination of forces which exists in the growing Plant. 13. In like manner, a large proportion of the Animal tissues, espe- cially those most actively engaged in the operations of nutrition, have a nearly uniform composition, when freed from the substances they contain. We may distinguish among them two chiei proximate prin- ciples, which appear under various modifications in a great variety of dissimilar parts, and which seem capable of conversion into other principles by the addition or subtraction of some of their constituents. The first and most important of these, named Proteine, consists of 40 Carbon, 31 Hydrogen, 5 Nitrogen, and 12 Oxygen ; and although its composition is so complex, it appears to act like a simple body, in uniting with Oxygen, Acids, &c., in definite proportions, as well as with Sulphur and Phosphorus; — with which last, indeed, it is always found combined, in the Albumen, Fibrin, &c., that are commonly regarded as the organic constituents of the Animal tissues. The second of the chief proximate principles, termed Gelatine, is largely diffused through the Animal body ; but there is much uncertainty whether it exists in a condition that can be properly termed organized, or whether it is a mere deposit, possessing a definite form, like many of the deposits in the Vegetable tissues. It consists of 13 Carbon, 10 Hydrogen, 2 Nitrogen, and 5 Oxygen; and it is principally cha- racterized by its solubility in hot water; and by the insolubility of its compound with tannic acid. 14. We shall hereafter dwell more in detail upon the Chemical Constitution of the Animal tissues and products (Chap. III). These substances are only noticed here, in illustration of the general state- ment, that the proximate principles of Animal and Vegetable bodies, — that is, the simplest forms to which their component structures can be reduced, without altogether separating them into their ultimate elements, — are of extremely peculiar constitution ; being made up of three elements in Plants, or four in Animals; of which the atoms do not seem to be united two by two, or by the method of binary com- position ; but of which a large number are brought together to form one compound atom, of ternary or quaternary composition. This com- pound atom, like Cyanogen, and many others derived from Organic products, acts like a simple or elementary one in its combinations with other substances. It is worthy of remark that, in this respect as in others, the Vegetable kingdom is intermediate between the Animal and the Mineral. For the two bases of the Animal tissues, whose composition has been just given, are remarkable not only for containing ybwr elements, but for the very large number of atoms of each which enter into the single compound atom of the Proteine or Gelatine ; and the proportions of these elements to each other are not SCIENCE OF PHYSIOLOGY. 39^ such, as to lead to the suspicion that the compound atom may be regarded as made up of simpler ones, united together in the manner of the acids and bases of Inorganic Chemistry. On the other hand, the Cellulose of Plants is much simpler in its composition, since it includes only three elements, and the numbers which represent their proportions are smaller; whilst these proportions are themselves such, as suggest the idea of simplicity in their method of combination, — the union of water and carbon in the common binary method. This idea is confirmed by the mode of the original production of cellulose, which indicates a direct union of carbon with water; as well as by the fact, that the chemical difference between cellulose and numerous other substances found in Plants, may be represented by the simple addition or subtraction of a certain number of atoms of water ; and that the chemist can effect an actual conversion of the former into certain of the latter, by means which are calculated to effect such an addition or subtraction. 15. We shall hereafter see that Vegetables are intermediate be- tween the Animal kingdom and the Inorganic world in another most important particular — the nature of the Chemical operations they effect ; for, although their own organized tissues uniformly have the composition of Cellulose, they nevertheless have the power of secret- ing and storing up, in the interstices of these tissues, compounds which are nearly or exactly identical with animal Proteine in com- position and properties: and they derive the materials for these com- pounds — the quaternary as well as the ternary — directly from the Inorganic world ; being endowed with the wonderful power of elabo- rating them from the carbonic acid, water, and ammonia, supplied by the atmosphere and by the soil in which they are implanted. On the other hand, Animals possess no such power; they are entirely de- pendent upon Plants for their alimentary materials ; and they employ for the building-up of their own structures, not the tissues of Plants, but the substances secreted by them. 2. Of Vital Actions. 16. We are now arrived at the second head of our inquiry, — namely the nature of those actions, which distinguish living beings from masses of inert matter, and which are designated as Vital, to point out their distinctness from Physical and Chemical phenomena. There can be no doubt whatever, that, of the many changes which take place during the life, or state of vital activity, of an Organized being, and which intervene between its first development and its final decay, a large proportion are effected by the agency of those forces, which operate in the Inorganic world ; and there is no neces- sity whatever for the supposition, that these forces have any other operation in the living body than they would have out of it under similar circumstances. Thus the propulsion of the blood by the heart through the large vessels, is a phenomenon precisely analogous 26 NATURE AND OBJECTS OF THE to the propulsion of any other liquid through a system of pipes by means of a forcing pump ; and if the arrangement of the tubes, the elasticity of their walls, the contractile power of the heart, and the physical properties of the fluid, could be precisely imitated, the arti- ficial apparatus would give us an exact representation of the actions of the real one. The motor force of the muscles upon the bones, again, operates in a mode that might be precisely represented by an arrangement of cords and levers ; the peculiarity here, as in the for- mer case, being solely in the mode in which the force is first gene- rated. So, again, the digestive operations which take place in the stomach are capable of being closely imitated in the laboratory of the chemist: when the same solvent fluid is employed, and the same agencies of heat, motion, &c., are brought into play. Moreover we shall hereafter see reason to believe, that the peculiar form of Capillary Attraction, to which the term Endosmose is applied, performs an important part in the changes which are continually taking place in the living body. 17. But after every possible allowance is made for the operation of Physical and Chemical forces, in the living Organism, there still remain a large number of phenomena, which cannot be in the least explained by them, and which we can only investigate with success, when we regard them as resulting from the agency of forces as dis- tinct from those of Physics and Chemistry, as they are from each other. It is to these phenomena that we give the name of Vital; the forces from whose operation we assume them to result, are termed vital forces ; and the properties, which we must attribute to the sub- stances exerting those forces, are termed vital properties. Thus we say that the act of contraction in a Muscle is a vital phenomenon ; be- cause its character appears totally distinct from that of a Physical or Chemical action ; and because it is dependent upon other vital changes in the muscular substance. The act is the manifestation of a certain force^ the possession of which is peculiar to the muscular structure, and which is named the Contractile force. Further, that force may remain (as it were) dormant in the muscular structure, not manifest- ing itself for a great length of time, and yet capable of being called into operation at any moment; and this dormant force is termed a property ; thus we regard it as the essential peculiarity of living Mus- cular tissue, that it possesses the vital property of Contractility. Or, to reverse the order, the muscle is said to possess the property of Contractility ; the property called into operation by the appropriate stimulus gives rise to the Contractile Force ; and the Force, produces, if its operation be unopposed, the act of Contraction. 18. It may be said that the distinction here made is a verbal one ; and that a very simple thing is thus made complex : but it will be presently seen that it is necessary, in order to enable us to take cor- rect views of the nature of Vital phenomena, and to understand their analogies with those of the Inorganic world. And, in fact, the dis- tinction between the property ^ the force^ and the action^ becomes ap- SCIENCE OF PHYSIOLOGY. gfJT parent upon a little consideration. Of the property we are altogether unconscious, so long as it is not called into exercise ; we could not, for example, determine by the simple exercise of any of our senses, whether a certain piece of muscle retained, or had lost its contrac- tility. When the property is called into action by its appropriate stimulus, we may convince ourselves that a force is generated, even if no sensible action is prevented; thus, if we were to hold the two extremities of a muscle so firmly, as to prevent them from approxi- mating in the least degree when its contractility was excited, we should be conscious of a powerful force tending to draw our hands together ; and we might measure the amount of that force, by me- chanical means adapted to determine the weight it would sustain. And lastly, if no obstacle be interposed to the act of Contraction, it then becomes obvious to our senses, by the change in the shape of the muscle, and by the approximation of its two extremities, as well as of the bodies to which they are attached. 19. The advantage of this method of viewing the phenomena of Life is best shown, by turning our attention for a moment to the mode of investigation practised in Physics and Chemistry. Thus, when a stone falls towards the earth, we say that this is an act or phenomenon of Gravitation. The force with which the stone tends to fall to the ground, whether it actually falls or not, is called the force of Gravitation ; and the property, by the exercise of which that force is generated, is called the property of Gravitation. Now, from observation of the moon's motion it is shown that she too descends towards the earth by an act of Gravitation ; and that she does so with a certain force, which, acting in conjunction with her tangential or centrifugal force, produces her movement in an elliptical orbit round the earth ; which force is the result of the exercise of her property of Gravitation. Could we conceive the Earth to be withdrawn, or an- nihilated, the property of Gravitation would still exist in the stone, or in the Moon's mass ; but the force would be extinct, for want of the excitement of the property ; and the action would consequently not take place. — Now, it may be further established from Astronomi- cal observation, that not only does the Moon gravitate towards the Earth, but the Earth gravitates towards the Moon; so that, if the two bodies were entirely free from the action of all other forces, they would fall towards each other (the distance traversed by each being in proportion to the size of the other), and would meet in their com- mon centre of Gravity. Hence it is evident that the attractive force is similar in both bodies ; and our idea of the property of Gravitation must be extended, therefore, from the Earth to the Moon. Again, we find ample reason to believe that the same force acts between the Sun and the Planets, — between the Planets and the Sun, — and amongst the Planets themselves ; and further, careful experiment shows that masses of matter upon the Earth's surface are not only attracted by it, and attract it in their turn, but that they attract and are attracted by each other. Hence we arrive at the idea of the univer- 28 NATURE AND OBJECTS OF THE sality of this property of mutual attraction ; and we perceive that, in spite of the varieties in the actions it produces, and of the differences in the amounts of the forces to which it gives rise, the property is the same throughout ; so that we can predict all these actions, and anti- cipate the forces which will be developed, from the simple general expression of the property of Mutual Attraction, and of the conditions according to which it operates, — constituting the Law of Gravitation or Mutual Attraction. 20. Now in this case of Mutual Attraction, we have no opportu- nity of witnessing the dormant condition of the property in any mass of matter ; for, as nothing is wanting but the presence of another mass to call this property into operation, it is always generating force, and giving rise to actions. If we could conceive of the existence of but a single mass of matter in the universe, we shall at once see that, though possessed of the property of mutual attraction, it would not be able to exercise it so as to generate an attractive force, or to produce a movement. 21. But we will turn to another case; in which there is a closer analogy to the condition of living beings ; and by which, therefore, the view here put forth may be more clearly illustrated. When a magnet (itself a bar of iron, having no peculiarity of appearance), draws towards it a piece of iron, we may say that a Magnetic action or phenomenon takes place ; further, we speak of the power which pro- duces the movement, as the Magnetic force ; and we attribute this force to a certain property inherent in the Magnet, by virtue of which it draws towards itself all pieces of iron that are within the sphere of its operation, — and we speak of the iron bar as endowed with the property of Magnetic attraction. Now we cannot ascertain the pre- sence or absence of this property in a certain bar of iron, by any dif- ference in its aspect, its specific gravity, its chemical properties, nor, in fact, by any other mode than the putting it in circumstances adapted to call the Magnetic property into action if it really exist ; thus we dip it into iron filings, and judge by their adhesion whether it is capable of attracting them ; or, as a still more delicate test, we ascertain whe- ther it is capable of exerting any repulsive power on a delicately- suspended needle already magnetized. Again, a needle, or bar of iron, which exhibits this magnetic power of attracting other portions of the same metal, exhibits another power which would seem at first sight totally distinct ; namely, that of constantly turning one of its extremities towards the north, and the other towards the south, when it is so supported as to be free to do so. And yet there is no doubt whatever, that this directing power is only another manifestation of the same magnetic attractiveness ; depending on the relation between the magnetized bar, or needle, and the Earth, which must itself be regarded as a great magnet. Hence the idea of a peculiar kind of mutual attractiveness, — existing in a limited class only of bodies, capable of being excited in one by a certain agency on the part of the SCIENCE OF PHYSIOLOGY. 29 other,* — and requiring for its exercise or manifestation a certain set of conditions, without which no phenomenon results, — is that which we regard as fundamental in the Science of Magnetism. 22. We may now turn from these departments of Physical Science to Chemistry; and here we shall find that the investigation is carried on upon the very same plan. In fact, the whole science of Chemistry is founded upon the idea of a certain attractiveness or affinity existing among the ultimate particles or molecules of the different elementary substances ; and therefore entirely distinct from the homogeneous at- traction which holds together the particles of the same mass, or from the gravitative attraction, which operates alike upon all masses, what- ever be their composition. Thus we say that Sulphuric acid and Pot- ash have an affinity for each other; because they unite when they are brought together, and form a new compound. This is a Chemical action or phenomenon. Now we know that they tend to unite with a cer- tain ybrce; a force, however, which cannot be measured mechanically, and which can only be expressed by comparing it with some other force of the same kind. Thus we say that the mutual affinity of Sul- phuric acid and Potash is greater than that of Nitric acid and Pot- ash ; because, if we pour Sulphuric acid upon Nitrate of Potash, the Sulphuric acid detaches (as it were) the Potash from its connection with the Nitric acid, forms a new compound with it, and sets the Nitric acid free. Hence we say that it is a property of Sulphuric acid to have a very strong affinity for Potash. This property exists in every particle of Sulphuric acid that exists, whether free or com- bined ; but it remains dormant, until it is called into operation by the contact of Potash ; and it then develops a force, which may com- pletely change the combinations previously existing, and give rise to new ones. 23. Now of this property we are not informed by any of the other properties of Sulphuric acid ; and we only recognize its existence by the action which is the result of its exercise. If a new element or compound be discovered, the chemist is totally unable to predict its force of affinity for this or that substance ; and he can only guess by analogy, what will be its behaviour under various circumstances. Thus if it have the external properties of a Metal, he presumes that it will correspond with the Metals in possessing a strong affinity for oxygen, sulphur, &c.; whilst if it seem analogous to Iodine, Chlorine, &c., he infers that it will be a suppprter of combustion, that it will form an acid with hydrogen, and so on. But even though such guesses may be made with a certain amount of probability, nothing but experience can show the positive degrees of affinity, which the substance may have for others of different kinds ; and the experimental determina- tion can only be made by observing the actions of the body when placed in different circumstances, from which we judge of its pro- * As when one magnet ismade by another; or when iron rails, pokers, &c., become magnetic by the influence of the earth. 30 NATURE AND OBJECTS OF THE perties, and of the forces to which these properties give rise when they are called into operation. 24. It is hoped that the propriety of the distinct use of the terms vital action, vital force, and vital property , will now be evident ; and that the student will be now prepared to attach distinct ideas to each of them. It is the business of the Physiologist to study those actions or phenomena which are peculiar to living beings, and which are hence termed vital; he endeavours to trace them to the operation of the fun- damental properties of organized structures — ^just as the Astronomer traces all the movements, regular and perturbed, of the heavenly bodies to the mutual attraction of their masses, acting concurrently with their force of onward rectilinear movement; or as the Chemist attri- butes the different acts of combination or separation, which it is his province to study, to the mutual affinities of the substances concerned : and the physiologist, like the astronomer or the chemist, seeks to de- termine the laws according to which these properties act, or, in other words, to express the precise conditions under which they are called into play, and the forces which they then generate. It is only in this manner, that Physiology can be rightly studied and brought to the level of other sciences. There can be no doubt that its progress has been greatly retarded by the assumption that its phenomena were all to be attributed to the operation of some general controlling agency, or Vital Principle; and that the laws expressing the conditions of these phenomena must be sought for by methods of investigation entirely distinct from those which are employed in other sciences. But a better spirit is now abroad ; and the student cannot be too strongly urged to discard any ideas of this kind as absolutely untenable; and to keep steadfastly in view, that the laws of Vital Action are to be at- tained in the same manner as those of Physics or Chemistry, — that is, by the careful collection and comparison of vital phenomena, and by applying to them the same method of reasoning, as that which is used in determining the forces and properties on which other phenomena depend. True it is, that we can scarcely yet hope to reach the same degree of simplification, as that of which other sciences are capable; and this on account of the very complex nature of the phenomena themselves, and the difficulty of satisfactorily determining their con- ditions. The uncertainty of the results of Physiological experiments is almost proverbial ; that uncertainty does not result, however, from any want of fixity in the conditions under w^hich the vital properties operate, but merely from the influence of differences in those condi- tions, apparently so slight as to elude observation, and yet suflficiently powerful to produce an entire change in the result. And, owing to that mutual dependence of the different actions of the organized structure, to which reference has been already made (§ 5), we cannot seriously derange one class of these actions, without also deranging, or even suspending others; — a circumstance which obviously renders vital phenomena much more difficult of investigation than those of inorganic matter. SCIENCE OF PHYSIOLOGY. 31 25. All sciences have their " ultimate facts ;" that is, facts for which no other cause can be assigned than the Will of the Creator. Thus, in physics, we cannot ascend above the fact of Attraction (which ope- rates according to a simple and universal law) between all masses of matter ; and in chemistry, we cannot rise beyond the fact of Affinity (limited by certain conditions which are not yet well understood) between the particles of different kinds of matter. When we say that we have explained any phenomenon, we merely imply that we have traced its origin to these properties, and shown that it is a ne- cessary result of the laws according to which they operate. For the existence of the properties, and the determination of the conditions, we can give no other reason than that the Creator willed them so to be ; and, in looking at the vast variety of phenomena to which they give rise, we cannot avoid being struck with the general harmony that exists amongst them, and the mutual dependence and adaptation that may be traced between them, when they are considered as por- tions of the general economy of Nature. — There is no difference in this respect between Physiology and other sciences; except that the number of these (apparently) ultimate facts is at present greater in physiology, than it is in other sciences, because we are not at present able to include them under any more general expression. Thus we find a certain peculiar endowment existing in one form of structure ; and another endowment, equally peculiar, inherent in another; but we can give no reason why the structure called muscular, should possess contractility, and w'hy the structure called nervous should be capable of generating and conveying the force which excites that contractility to action. Each of these facts, therefore, is for the pre- sent the limit to our knowledge ; we can ascertain the conditions, according to which the muscular contractility, and the exciting powder of the nerve, are called into operation, and can form some estimate of the amount of the forces which they generate ; but we cannot see clearly that they are necessarily connected by any common tie, such as that which binds together the planetary masses, at the same time that it weighs down the bodies on the surface of the earth towards its centre. 26. The present condition of Physiology, however, finds its parallel in the history of some other sciences, in which there was an equal number of such facts that were for a time regarded as ultimate. Thus, until the phenomena of Terrestrial Magnetism had been investigated, the polar direction of the magnetic needle, its dip, and its variation, were regarded as phenomena altogether distinct from the phenomena of attraction and repulsion w^hich are exhibited between two magnets ; and the former seemed " ultimate facts," of which no further account could be given. So, also, before the time of Newton, the movements of celestial and terrestrial bodies were supposed to be entirely desti- tute of connection with each other. But, as the knowledge of the Earth's Magnetism has shown that the direction, variation, and dip of the compass are referable to the very polar forces which show 32 NATURE AND OBJECTS OF THE themselves on a small scale when two magnets are brought near each other ; and as the mutual attraction of the earth and moon, of the sun and planets, has been shown to result from the same property, as that which draws together any two masses that are freely suspended ; so may it be fairly anticipated that an increased attention to vital phe- nomena, and a more philosophical method of reasoning upon them, will tend towards the same kind of generalization, and, therefore, to the simplification of the principles of the science. 27. To satisfy ourselves — as some have done — with attributing the phenomena of Life to the agency of a " Vital Principle," is cer- tainly a very easy way of extricating ourselves from the difficult path of physiological inquiry. But we are not in that manner conducted one step nearer to the object of that inquiry. For it is just as if, after the manner of the Ancients, we were to attribute the movements of the heavenly bodies to a " principle of motion," without inquiring into the conditions according to which it acts. Now, as Modern Physics show that all these varied movements (so different in kind, that no two of the heavenly bodies move at the same rate, or in paths of similar curvature), are the results of two forces, each acting accord- ing to its own laws, and modifying the other ; and as it refers these forces to the exercise of simple properties of matter ; so should the Physiologist seek for the common sources of the phenomena he wit- nesses, and for the properties of the organized structures, by the exercise of which they are produced. These properties do not differ more from those which he elsewhere encounters, than organized fabrics differ from masses of inorganic matter, both in structure and composition ; and there is no necessity, therefore, to call in the aid of any other agency, to account for the peculiar endowments of those fabrics. 28. The advocates of the existence of a separate Vital Principle, as the unknown cause of the phenomena of life, rely much upon the peculiar adaptation, which may be observed amongst the several actions of an organized being ; and upon their common subserviency to the maintenance of the integrity of the structure, and to the repara- tion of the effects of disease or injury, which imparts to them a cha- racter of unity that seems to be wanting elsewhere. But if we take a general survey of the phenomena of the universe at large, we shall find the adaptation just as complete, the mutual dependence as close, the unity of the whole as perfect. And as the Philosopher can do nought else than attribute this harmony, this mutual adaptation and dependence, this unity of purpose, in the phenomena of the Macro- cosm or Universe, to the Infinite VV'isdom and Power of the Design- ing Mind, so must he depart from all right methods of reasoning, to suppose that the like harmony, adaptation, and unity in the operations of the Microcosm^ or little world in his own body, can have any other source. 29. The only sense in which the term "Vital Principle" can be properly used, is as a convenient and concise expression for the sum SCIENCE OF PHYSIOLOGY. 33 total (so to speak) of the powers which are developed by the action of the Vital properties of Organized structures — these being not yet fully understood, and the conditions of their action being but imper- fectly known. In this manner it has been customary to talk of the principles of Gravity, of Electricity, of Magnetism, &c., as the un- known causes of certain phenomena, which seemed to be connected by the same general conditions; but as the advance of Physical sci- ence has done away with these modes of expression, by referring all the phenomena to the simple properties of matter, and by fixing the conditions under which they occur, so should we aim at a corre- sponding simplification and precision in Physiology. The use of a term like Vital Principle, even in the restricted sense now specified, is attended with this danger: — that it rather checks inquiry, by giving rise to the idea that a reference to the agency of such a principle is alone sufficient to explain the phenomena ; and, as it is attended wdth no corresponding advantage, it seems preferable to discard the term altogether. It will not be again introduced, therefore, in this Trea- tise ; the object of which is to place the student in possession of what has been ascertained regarding the peculiar or vital properties of Organized Tissues. This may be most advantageously effected, by first making him acquainted with the general history of the series of phenomena exhibited by Living Beings of the simplest character, and by then tracing these phenomena, so far as possible, to their hid- den sources. For this purpose w^e must have recourse to the sim- plest forms of Cryptogamic Plants, which consist of mere aggrega- tions of cells, every one of which may be regarded as a distinct indi- vidual, since it is perfectly independent of the rest, and performsybr and by itself, all the functions of Growth and Reproduction. We shall find, then, in the operations of the simple cell, an epitome, as it were, of those of the highest and most complex Plant ; whilst those of the higher Plants bear a close correspondence with those which are immediately concerned in the Nutrition and Reproduction of the Ani- mal body. The functions peculiar to Animals, and distinguishing them from Plants, must be separately considered. 30. A Cell, in Physiological language, is a closed vesicle or minute bag, formed by a membrane, in w^hich no definite structure can be discerned, and having a cavity, which may ^. , . , . , „ ' 'IT • o 1 Simple isolated cells, con- contam matters of variable consistence, ouch taining reproductive moie- a cell constitutes the whole organism of such simple plants as the Protococcus vivalis (Red Snow), or Palmella cruenta (Gory Dew); for although the patches of this kind of vege- tation which attract our notice, are made up of vast aggregations of such cells, yet they have no dependence upon one another, and the actions of each are an exact repetition of those of the rest. In such a cell, every organized fabric, however complex, originates. The 3 34 NATURE AND OBJECTS OF THE vast tree^ almost a forest in itself, and the feeling, thinking, intelli- gent man^ spring from a germ, that differs in no obvious particular from the permanent condition of one of these lowly beings. But whilst the powers of the latter are restricted, as we shall see, to the continual multiplication of new and distinct individuals like itself, those of the former enable it to produce new cells that remain in closer connection with each other; and these are gradually converted, by various transformations of their own, into the diversified elements of a complex fabric. The most highly organized being, however, will be shown to consist in great part of cells that have undergone no such transformation, amongst which the different functions per- formed by the individual in the case just cited, are distributed, as it were ; so that each cell has its particular object in the general eco- nomy, whilst the history of its own life is essentially the same as if it were maintaining a separate existence. 31. We shall now" examine, then, the history of the solitary cell of the Red Snow% or of any other equally simple plant, from its first development to its final decay; in other words, we shall note those Vital Phenomena, w^hich are as distinct from those of any inorganic body, as is its organized structure (simple as it appears) from the mere aggregation of particles in the inert mass. In the first place, the cell takes its origin from a germ, which is a minute molecule, that cannot be seen without a microscope of high power. This molecule appears, in its earliest condition, to be a simple homogeneous par- ticle, of spherical form; but it gradually increases in size ; and a dis- tinction becomes apparent between its transparent exterior and its coloured interior. Thus we have the first indication of the cell-wall, and the cavity. As the enlargement proceeds, the distinction be- comes more obvious; the cell-wall is seen to be of extreme tenuity and perfectly transparent, and to be homogeneous in its texture; whilst the contents of the cavity are distinguished by their colour, which is bright-red in the species just mentioned, but more com- monly green. At first they, too, seem to be homogeneous; but a finely granular appearance is then perceptible ; and a change gradu- ally takes place, which seems to consist in the aggregation of the minute granules into molecules of more distinguishable size and form. These molecules, which are the germs of new cells, seem to be at first attached to the wall of the parent-cell ; afterwards they separate from it and move about in its cavity; and at a later period, the parent-cell bursts and sets them free. Now, this is the termination of the life of the parent-cell; but the commencement of a life of a new^ generation ; since every one of these germs may become de- veloped into a cell, after precisely the foregoing manner, and will then in its turn propagate its kind by a similar process. 32. By reasoning upon the foregoing history, we may arrive at cer- tain conclusions, which will be found equally applicable to all living beings. In the first place, the cell originates in a germ or reproduc- tive molecule, which has been prepared by another similar cell that SCIENCE OF PHYSIOLOGY. 35 previously existed. There is no sufficient reason to believe, that there is any exception to this rule. So far as we at present know, every Plant and every Animal is the offspring of a parent, to which it bears a resemblance in all essential particulars; and the same may be said of the individual cells, of which the Animal and Vegetable fabrics are composed. But how does this germ^ this apparently homo- geneous molecule, become a Cell ? The answer to this is only to be found in its peculiar property of drawing materials to itself from the elements around, and of incorporating these with its own substance. The Vegetable cell may grow wherever it can obtain a supply of Water and Carbonic acid ; for these compounds supply it with Oxy- gen, Hydrogen, and Carbon, in the state most adapted for the exer- cise of the combining power, by which it converts them into that new compound, whose properties adapt it to become part of the growing organized fabric. Here, then, we have two distinct opera- tions ; — the union of the Oxygen, Hydrogen and Carbon, into that gummy or starchy product, which seems to be the immediate ■pabulum of the Vegetable tissues ; — and the incorporation of that product with the substance of the germ itself. 33. The^r5^ of these changes may Z>e, and probably ^5, of a purely Chemical nature ; and analogous cases are not wanting, in the pheno- mena of Inorganic Chemistry, in which one body, a, exerts an influ- ence upon two other bodies, b and c, so as to occasion their separa- tion or their union, without itself undergoing any change. Thus Platinum, in a finely-divided state, will cause the union of Oxygen and Hydrogen at ordinary temperatures; and finely-powdered Glass will do the same at the temperature of 572°. This kind of action is called Catalysis. A closer resemblance, perhaps, is presented by the act oi fermentation ; in which a new arrangement of particles takes place in a certain compound, by the presence of another body which is itself undergoing change, but which does not communicate any of its elements to the new products. Thus, if a small portion of animal membrane, in a certain stage of decomposition, be placed in a solu- tion of sugar, it will occasion a new arrangement of its elements, which will generate two new products, alcohol and carbonic acid. If the decomposition of the membrane have proceeded further, a differ- ent product w^ill result; for instead of alcohol, lactic acid will be generated. There appears no improbability, then, in the idea, that the influence exerted by the germinal molecule is of an analogous nature; and that it operates upon the elements of the surrounding water and carbonic acid, according to purely Chemical laws, uniting the Carbon with the elements of Water, and setting free the Oxygen. This result of the nutritive operations of the simple cellular plants may be easily verified experimentally, by exposing the green scum, which floats upon ponds, ditches, &c., and which consists of the cells of a minute Cryptogamic Plant, to the influence of light and warmth beneath a receiver; it is found that oxygen is then liberated, by the decomposition of the carbonic acid contained in the water. 36 NATURE AND OBJECTS OF THE We shall presently have to return to the consideration of the Chemi- cal phenomena of living beings; and shall pass on, therefore, to con- sider those to which no such explanation applies. 34. The second stage in the nutritive process consists in the appro- priation of the new product thus generated to the enlargement of the living cell-structure; — a phenomenon obviously distinct from the pre- ceding. It is well to observe, that this process, which constitutes the act of organization, may be clearly distinguished in the higher Plants and Animals, as consisting of two stages ; the first of these being the further preparation or elaboration of the fluid matter, by certain altera- tions whose nature is not yet clear, so as to render it organizable, or fit to undergo organization ; the second being the act of organization itself, or the conversion of the organizable matter into the solid text- ure, and the development in it of the properties that distinguish that texture. Thus, for example, we do not find that a solution of dex- trin (or starch-gurn) is capable of being at once applied to the deve- lopment of vegetable tissue, although it is identical in composition with cellulose ; for it must first pass through a stage, in which it pos- sesses a peculiar glutinous character, and exhibits a tendency to spon- taneous coagulation, that seems like an attempt at the production of organic forms. And in like manner the albumen of Animals is evi- dently not capable of being applied to the nutrition of the fabric, until it has been first converted into fibrin ; which also is distinguished by its tenacious character, by its spontaneous coagulability, and by the fibrous structure of the clot. Now, in both these cases, there is pro- bably some slight modification in Chemical composition, that is, in the proportions of the ultimate elements; but the principal alteration is evidently that which is eflfected by the re-arrangement of the con- stituent particles; so that, without any considerable change in their proportions, a compound of a very diflferent nature is generated. Of the possibility of such changes, we have abundant illustrations in ordinary Chemical phenomena ; for there is a large class of sub- stances, termed isomeric, which, with an identical composition, pos- sess chemical and physical properties of a most diverse character. 35. But we cannot attribute the production of Fibrin from Albu- men, the organizable from the unorganizable material, to the simple operation of the same agencies as those which determine the produc- tion of the different isomeric compounds; for the properties of Fibrin are much more vitally distinct from those of Albumen, than they are either chemically or physically ; that is, we find in the one an inci- pient manifestation of Life, of which the other shows no indications. The spontaneous coagulation of fibrin, which takes place very soon after it has been withdrawn from the vessels of the living body, is a phenomenon to which nothing analogous can be found elsewhere ; for it has been clearly shown not to be occasioned by any mere physical or chemical change in its constitution ; and it takes place in a man- ner which indicates that a new arrangement of particles has taken place in it, preparatory to its being converted into a living solid. For ( SCIENCE OF PHYSIOLOGY. 37. this coagulation is not the mere homogeneous settings which takes place in a solution of gelatine in cooling, nor is it the aggregation of particles in a mere granular state, (closely resembling that of a che- mical precipitate), which takes place in the coagulation of albumen: it is the actual production of a sim^Xe fibrous tissue^ by the union of the particles of fibrin in a determinate manner, bearing a close resem- blance to the similar process in the living body (§ 188). We say, then, that the coagulation of Fibrin, and the production of a fibrous tissue, are the result of its vital properties, rather than of chemical or physical agencies; because no substance is known to perform any such actions, without having been subjected to the influence of a liv- ing body; and because the actions themselves are altogether different from any which we witness elsewhere. This production of an organ- izahle or partially vitalized substance, from an unorganizable one, possessing none but chemical properties, and therefore as yet inert^ so far as the living body is concerned, may be termed Assimilation ; and it may be conceived, as we have seen, to consist of a new arrangement of the particles of the substance thus changed, analo- gous to that which occurs when one isomeric product is converted into another by some ordinary chemical agency, — Heat or Electricity for example ; but not ideiitical with it, because it cannot be produced by any other agency than that furnished by a living structure. 36. We now come to the act of Organization itself; which seems to consist of a continuation of the same kind of change, — that is, a new arrangement of the particles, producing substances which differ both as to structure and properties from the materials employed, but which maybe so closely allied to them in chemical composition, that the difference cannot be detected. Thus, from the dextrin of plants is generated, in the process of cell-development, the cellulose which constitutes the walls of the cells : chemically speaking, there seems to be no essential distinction between these two substances ; and yet between the living, growing, reproducing cell, and the inert, un- changing starch-grain, how wide the difference ! So in the animal body, we find that the composition of the fibrin of muscular fibre scarcely differs, in regard to the proportion of its elements, from the fibrin, or even from the albumen, of the blood; and yet what an en- tire re-arrangement must take place in the particles of either, before a tissue so complex in structure, and so peculiar in properties, as muscular fibre, can be generated! 37. Both in the Plant and the Animal, we find that tissues present- ing great diversities both in structure and properties, may take their origin in the same organizable material ; but in every case (at least in the ordinary processes of growth and separation) the new tissue of each kind is formed in continuity with that previously existing. Thus in the stem of a growing tree, from the very same glutinous sap or cambium, intervening between the wood and the bark, the wood ge- nerates, in contact with its last-formed layer, a new cylinder of wood; whilst the bark produces, in contact with its last-formed layer, a new. 38 NATURE AND OBJECTS OF THE cylinder of bark, — the woody cylinder being characterized by the predominance of ligneous fibre and ducts, and the cortical by the predominance of cellular tissue. In like manner we find that, in animals, muscle produces muscle, bone generates bone, nerve deve- lops nerve in continuity with it, — all at the expense of the materials supplied by the very same blood. The JVutrition of tissues, by the organization of the materials contained in the nutrient fluid with which they are supplied, may be superficially compared therefore to the act of crystalization, when it takes place in a mixed solution of two or more salts. If in such a solution we place small crystals of the salts it contains, these crystals will progressively increase by their attraction for the other particles of the same kind, which were previously dissolved ; each crystal attracting the particles of its own salt, and exerting no influence over the rest. But it must be borne in mind, that such a resemblance goes no further than the surface ; for the growth of a crystal cannot be really regarded as in the least analogous to that of a cell. The crystal progressively increases by the deposit of particles upon its exterior ; the interior undergoes no change ; and whatever may be the size it ultimately attains, its pro- perties remain precisely the same as those of the original nucleus. On the other hand, the cell grows from its original germ by a pro- cess o{ interstitial deposit; the substance of which its wall is composed, extends itself in every part ; and the new matter is completely incor- porated with the old. 38. Moreover, as the increase proceeds, we see an evident distinc- tion between the cell-wall and its cavity ; and we observe that the cavity is occupied by a peculiar matter, different from the substance of the cell- wall, though obviously introduced through it. Of the essential difference which may exist in composition, between the cell-wall and the contents of the cavity, we have a remarkable exam- ple in the case of the simple Cryptogamic plant, which constitutes Yeast, and which differs in no essential part of the history of its growth from the species already referred to. The substance of its cell-walls is nearly identical with ordinary Cellulose ; whilst the contents of the cells are closely allied in composition to Protein, the material of many Animal tissues. Again, in the fat-cells of Animals, the cell- wall is formed from a protein compound ; whilst the oily contents agree, in the absence of nitrogen, and in their general chemical rela- tions, with the materials of the tissues of Plants. It is evident, then, that one of the inherent powers of the cell, is that by which it not only combines the surrounding materials into a substance adapted for the extension of its wall^ but that which enables it to exercise a similar combining power on other materials derived from the same source, and to form a compound, — of an entirely different character, it may be, — which occupies its cavity. Now this process is as essential to our idea of a living cell, as is the growth of its wall ; and it must never be left out of view, when considering the history of its deve- lopment. SCIENCE OF PHYSIOLOGY, 3^ 39. Every kind of cell has its own specific endowments ; and ge- nerates in its interior a compound peculiar to itself. The nature of this compound is much less dependent upon the nutrient materials which are supplied to the cell, than upon the original inherent powers of the cell itself, derived from its germ. Thus we find that the Red Snow and Gory Dew invariably form a peculiar red secretion ; and that they will only grow where they can obtain, from the air and moisture around, the elements of that secretion. Again, the Yeast Plant invariably forms a secretion analogous to animal protein ; and it will only grow in a fluid which supplies it with the materials of that substance. Hence the Red Snow would not grow in a ferment- ible saccharine fluid ; nor would the Yeast Plant vegetate on damp cold surfaces. Yet there is little diff*erence, if any, between their cell- walls in regard to chemical composition. — So, also, we shall find hereafter, that one set of cells in the animal body will draw into themselves, during the process of growth, the elements of bile ; ano- ther, the elements of milk ; another, fatty matter, and so on ; — the peculiar endowments of each being derived from their several germs, which seem to have an attraction for these substances respectively, and which thus draw them together ; whilst the cell-wall appears to have a uniform composition in all instances. 40. The term Secretion, or setting-apart, is commonly applied to this operation, to distinguish it from Nutrition or growth ; but it is obvious from what has now been stated, that the act of secretion is in reality the increase or growth of the cell-contents, just as the pro- cess of enlargement is the increase or growth of the cell-wall ; and that the tw^o together make up the whole process of Nutrition, which cannot be properly understood, unless both are taken into account. It is to be remembered, however, that the contents of the cell may not be destined to undergo organization ; indeed we shall find here- after, that the main use of certain cells is to draw off from the circu- lating fluid such materials as are incapable of organization ; and the operation may be so far attributed, therefore, to the agency of Che- mical forces. But we shall find that, in other instances, the cell-con- tents are destined to undergo organization, and this either within the parent-cell, or after they leave it ; here, then, we must recognize a distinct vitalizing agency, as exerted by the cell upon its contents. 41. This organizing or vitalizing influence must be exerted upon a certain portion of the contents of every cell that is capable of repro- ducing itself; for it is in this manner that those germs are produced, in which all the wonderful properties are inherent, that are destined to manifest themselves, when they are set free from the parent-cell. This power of Reproduction is one of those, which most remarkably distinguishes the living being ; and we shall find that, in the highest Animal, as in the humblest Plant, it essentially consists in the prepa- ration of a cell-germ, which, when set free, gradually develops itself into a structure like that from which it sprang. The reproductive molecules or cell-germs are formed, like the tissue and the contents 40 NATURE AND OBJECTS OF THE of the parent-cell, from the nutrient materials which it has the power of bringing together and combining ; and in their turn they pass through a corresponding series of changes ; and at length produce a new generation of similar molecules, by which the race is destined to be continued. Notwithstanding the mystery which has been sup- posed to attach itself to this process, it is obvious that there is nothing in reality more difficult to understand in the fact that the parent-cell organizes and vitalizes the cellulose which it has elaborated, so that it should form the germ of a new individual possessing similar pro- perties with itself, than in its incorporating the same material with its own structure, and causing it to take a share in its own actions. 42. Finally, the parent-cell having arrived at its full development, having passed through the whole series of changes which is charac- teristic of the species, and having prepared the germs by which the race is to be propagated, dies and decays; — that is, all those opera- tions, which distinguish living organized structures from inert matter, cease to be performed ; and it is subject to the influence of chemical forces only, which speedily occasion a separation of its elements, and cause them to return to their original forms, namely, water and car- bonic acid. It must not be hence supposed, however, that there is anything peculiar in the forces which hold together those elements during the life of the cell, and that the operation of the ordinary che- mical agencies is resisted by the superior power of vitality. On the contrary it is certain that interstitial death and decay are incessantly taking place during the whole life of the being ; and that the main- tenance of its healthy or normal condition depends upon the constant removal of the products of that decay, and upon their continual re- placement. If, on the one hand, those products be retained, they act in the manner of poisons ; being quite as injurious to the welfare of the body, as the most deleterious substances introduced from without. On the other hand, if they be duly carried off, but be not replaced, the conditions essential to vital action are not fulfilled, and the death of the whole must be the result. 43. Now it is to be observed that, as Plants obtain the materials oi ih^u growth from water and carbonic acid, taking the carbon from the latter and setting free the oxygen, so do they require, as the con- dition for their decay, the presence of oxygen, which may unite with the carbon that is to be given back to the atmosphere. If secluded from this, the vegetable tissues may be preserved for a long time without decomposition. Generally speaking, indeed, they are not prone to rapid decay, except at a high temperature ; and hence it is that we have so little evidence, in Plants, of the constant interstitial change, of which mention has just been made. Its existence, how- ever, (at least in all the softer portions of the structure,) is made evi- dent by the fact, that a continual extrication of carbonic acid takes place, to an amount which sometimes nearly equals that of the car- bonic acid decomposed, and of the oxygen set free, in the act of Nutrition (§ 33). The latter operation is only effected under the I SCIENCE OF PHYSIOLOGY. 41 stimulus of sun-light ; the former is constantly going on, by day and by night, in sunshine and in shade ; and if it be impeded or prevented by want of a due supply of oxygen, the plant speedily becomes un- healthy. Now this extrication of the products of interstitial decay is termed Excretion. It is usually confined in Plants to the formation of carbonic acid and water, by the union of the particles of their tis- sues with the oxygen of the air, — a process identical with that which occurs after the death of the entire structure. But in Animals it is much more complicated, owing to the larger number of constituents in their fabric, and to the much greater variety in the proportions in which these are combined ; hence the products of interstitial decom- position are much more numerous and varied, and several distinct modes are devised for getting rid of them. Moreover, as the animal tissues are much further removed than the Vegetable from the com- position of Inorganic bodies, they are subject to much more rapid and constant decay; and we shall find that this decay is so consider- able in amount, as to require on the one hand a very complex excre- tory apparatus to carry off the disintegrated matter, and on the other a large supply of nutrient material to replace it. 44. The preceding history may be thus summed up. — 1. The Vege- table cell-germ or reproductive molecule draws to itself, and combines together, certain inorganic elements; and thereby produces a new and peculiar compound. This compound, however, exhibits no properties that distinguish it from others, in which ordinary Chemical agencies have been concerned ; and we may, therefore, regard the first act of the cell-germ as of a purely chemical nature. We shall presently see that chemical agencies are undoubtedly concerned in it, to a very con- siderable degree. The Animal cell-germ does not possess the same Chemical power ; it is not capable of decomposing the water, carbonic acid, and ammonia, which include the elements of its tissues ; and it is entirely dependent for its growth upon the supply of nutriment pre- viously prepared for it by the agency of the vegetable kingdom, many species of which possess, as we have seen, the power of generating a protein compound within their cells, though they cannot organize it. — 2. The cell-germ then exerts an agency upon the pabulum thus pre- pared ; by which a new arrangement of its particles is produced. This new arrangement gives new and peculiar qualities to the fluid, which show that it is something more than a mere chemical compound, and that it is in the act of undergoing the process of organization. — 3. The Organization of this elaborated pabulum then takes place: its materials are withdrawn from the fluid, and incorporated with the solid texture ; and in thus becoming part of the organized fabric, they are caused to exhibit its own peculiar properties. — 4. At the same time another portion of this pabulum is gradually prepared to serve as the germ of a new cell, or set of cells, by which the same properties are to be exhibited in another generation. — 5. By a Chemical opera- tion resembling that concerned in the first preparation of the pabulum, a certain secretion more or less differing from it in character, but not 42 NATURE AND OBJECTS OF THE destined to undergo organization, is formed in the cavity of the cell. — 6. A decomposition or disintegration of the organized structure, is continually going on, by the separation of its elements into simpler forms, under the influence of purely Chemical agencies; and the setting free of these products by an act of excretion, is thus incessantly restoring to the inorganic world a portion of the elements that have been withdrawn from it. — 7. When the term of life of the parent- cell has expired, and its reproductive molecules are prepared to con- tinue the race, the actions of nutrition cease; those of decomposition go on unchecked ; and the death of the structure, or the loss of its distinguishing vital properties, is the result. By the decomposition, which then takes place with increased rapidity, its elements are re- stored to the inorganic w^orld; presenting the very same properties as they did when first withdrawn from it; and becoming capable of be- ing again employed, by any successive numbers of living beings, to go through the same series of operations. 45. Thus, then, we see that our fundamental idea of the properties of the simplest living being consists in this : — that it has the capability of drawing into its own substance certain of the elements furnished by the inorganic w^orld ; — that it forms these into new combinations (which the Chemist may find out methods of imitating); — that it re- arranges the particles of these combinations, in that peculiar mode which we call organization; — that in producing this new arrangement it also calls forth or develops in them a new set of properties, which we call vital, and which are manifested by them, either as connected with the parent structure, or as appertaining to the germs of new structures, according to the mode in which the materials are applied ; — that, notwithstanding its peculiar condition, it remains subject to the ordinary laws of Chemistry, and that decomposition of its struc- ture is continually taking place ; — and finally, that the duration of its vital activity is limited ; the changes which the organic structure un- dergoes, in exhibiting its peculiar actions, being such as to render it (after a longer or shorter continuance of them) incapable of any longer performing them. 46. There is abundant evidence, that the duration of the Life^ or state of Vital Jlctivity^ of an organized structure, is inversely propor- tioned to the degree of that activity ; and consequently that Life is shortened by an increased or abnormal activity; -whilst it may often be prolonged by influences which diminish that activity. Thus we shall hereafter find reason to believe, that the duration of life in the Muscular and Nervous tissues of Animals is entirely dependent upon the degree in which they are exercised ; every call upon their activity causing the death and disintegration of a certain part; whilst if they be allowed to remain in repose for a time, only that amount of decom- position will take place to which their chemical character renders them liable. Again, we may trace the connection between the vital activ- ity of a part and the duration of its life, by comparing the transitory existence of the leaves of a Plant, which are its active organs of nu- SCIENCE OF PHYSIOLOGY. 43 trition with the comparative permanence of its woody stem^ the parts of which, when once completely formed, undergo very little subse- quent change. The most striking manifestation of this connection, however, is afforded by that condition in which, without any appre- ciable amount of vital activity or change, an organized structure may remain unaltered for centuries ; not only presenting at the end of that time its original structure, but being prepared to go through its regular series of vital operations, as if these had never been interrupted. This state may be designated as Dormant Vitality. It differs, on the one hand, from Life; because life is a state of Jidivity. On the other hand, it differs from Death; because Death implies not merely a sus- pension of activity, but a total loss of vital properties. Now in the state of Dormant vitality, the vital properties are retained ; but they are prevented from manifesting themselves by the want of the neces- sary conditions. When these conditions are supplied, the state of vital activity is resumed, and all the functions of life go on with energy. 47. Of this Dormant Vitality it may be well to adduce some ex- amples ; which may assist in impressing on the mind of the student the general views here put forth. This condition is manifested in the most remarkable manner by the seeds and germs of plants : many of which are adapted to remain, for an unlimited period, in a state of perfect repose, and yet to vegetate with the greatest activity, as soon as ever they are subjected to the necessary influence. Thus the sporules of the Fungi, which can only germinate in decaying organ- ized matter, seem universally diffused through the atmosphere, and ready to vegetate with the most extraordinary rapidity, whenever a fitting opportunity presents itself. This at least appears to be the only feasible mode of explaining their appearance, in the forms of Mould, Mildew, &c., on all moist decaying substances; and that there is no improbability in the supposition itself, is shown by the excessive multiplication of these germs, a single individual producing not less than ten millions of them, so minute as when collected to be scarcely visible to the naked eye, rather resembling thin smoke, and so light as to be wafted by every movement of the atmosphere ; — so that, in fact, it is difficult to imagine any place from which they can be ex- cluded. Moreover it is certain that an equally tenacious vitality exists in the seeds of higher plants. Those of most species inhabiting tempe- rate climates are adapted to remain dormant during the winter; and may be easily preserved, in dry air, and at a moderate temperature, for many years. Some of those which had been kept in the Herba- rium of Tournefort during upwards of a century, were found to have preserved their fertility. Cases are of no unfrequent occurrence, in which ground that has been turned up, spontaneously produces plants dissimilar to any in their neighbourhood. There is no doubt that in some of these cases, the seed is conveyed by the wind, and becomes developed in spots which afford congenial soil, — as already remarked in the case of the Fungi. Thus it is commonly observed that clover 44 NATURE AND OBJECTS OF THE makes its appearance on soils which have been rendered alkaline by lime, by strewed wood-ashes, or by the burning of weeds. But there are many authentic facts, which can only be explained upon the sup- '^josition, that the seeds of the newly-appearing plants have lain for a long period imbedded in the soil, at such a distance from the surface as to prevent the access of air and moisture ; and that, retaining their vitality under these circumstances, they have been excited to germi- nation when at last exposed to the requisite conditions. Thus Pro- fessor Lindley states as a fact, that he has raised three raspberry-plants from seeds taken from the stomach of a man, whose skeleton was found thirty feet below the surface of the earth, at the bottom of a barrow which was opened near Dorchester ; as his body had been buried with some coins of the Emperor Hadrian, there could be no doubt that the seeds were 1600 or I'TOO years old. Again, there are un- doubted instances of the germination of grains of wheat, which were inclosed in the wrappers of Egyptian mummies, perhaps twice that number of years ago ; the wheat being different in some of its charac- ters from that now growing in the country. 48. These facts make it evident, that there is really no limit to the duration of this condition ; and that when a seed has been thus pre- served for ten years, it may be for a hundred, a thousand, or ten thousand, — provided no change of circumstances either exposes it to decay, or calls its vital properties into activity. Hence in cases where seeds have been buried deep in the earth, not by human agency, but by some geological change, it is impossible to say how long anteriorly to the creation of man they may have been produced and buried, — as in the following very curious instance. Some well-diggers in a town on the Penobscot river, in the State of Maine (New England), about forty miles from the sea, came at the depth of about twenty feet upon a stratum of sand, which strongly excited curiosity and interest, from the circumstance that no similar sand was to be found anywhere in the neighbourhood, and that none like it was nearer than the sea- beach. As it was drawn up from the well, it was placed in a pile by itself; an unwillingness having been felt to mix it with the stones and gravel which were also drawn up. But when the work was about to be finished, and the pile of stones and gravel to be removed, it was necessary also to remove the sand-heap. This, therefore, was scat- tered about the spot on which it had been formed, and was for some time scarcely remembered. In a year or two, however, it was per- ceived that a large number of small trees had sprung from the ground over which the heap of sand had been strewn. These trees became in their turn objects of strong interest, and care was taken that no injury should come to them. At length it was ascertained that they were Beach-Plum trees ; and they actually bore the Beach-Plum, which had never before been seen, except immediately upon the sea- shore. The trees had therefore sprung from seeds, which were in the stratum of sea-sand, that had been pierced by the well-diggers. By what convulsion they had been thrown there, or how long they had SCIENCE OF PHYSIOLOGY. 45 quietly slept beneath the surface, cannot possibly be determined with exactness ; but the enormous length of time that must have elapsed, since the stratum in which the seeds were buried formed part of the sea-shore, is evident from the accumulation of no less than twenty feet of vegetable mould upon it. 49. Numerous instances will be related in the succeeding Chapter, of the occurrence of a similar condition in fully-developed Plants, and even in animals of high organization. In some of these it is a regular part of the history of their lives, coming on periodically like sleep ; whilst in others it is capable of being induced at any time, by a withdrawal of some of the conditions essential to vital activity. In regard to all of them, however, it may be observed, that the vitality can only be retained, w^hen the organized structure itself is secluded from such influences as would produce its decay. Thus the hard dry tissue of the seed is but little liable to decomposition ; and all that is usually required for the prevention of change in its structure, is seclu- sion from the free access of air and from moisture, and a steady low or moderate temperature. If a seed be exposed to air and moisture, but the temperature be not high enough to occasion its germination, it will gradually undergo decay, and will consequently lose its vitality. The animal tissues are more liable, as already mentioned, to sponta- neous decomposition ; and the only instances in which they can retain their vitality for a lengthened period, without any nutritive actions, are those in which all decomposition is prevented, either by the action of cold, or by the complete deprivation of air or of moisture — as when Frogs, Snakes, &c., have been preserved for years in an ice- house, or Wheel-Animalcules have been dried upon a slip of glass. 50. The class of phenomena last brought under notice, serves to exhibit in a very remarkable manner the dependence of all Vital Action, upon certain other conditions, than those furnished by the organized structure possessed of vital properties. Thus a seed does not germinate of itself ; it requires the influence of certain external agents, such as warmth, — air, and moisture ; and it can no more pro- duce a plant without the operation of these, than warmth, air, and moisture could produce it of themselves. Hence these agents supply a set of conditions which are equally essential to vital action, with the properties of the organized structure itself; and as they excite those properties, or call them into activity, they are termed Vital Stimuli. Now^ we have in this fact a complete analogy with the phenomena which we may elsewhere notice. Thus, as already pointed out, the property of mutual attractiveness between masses of matter is only manifested, when more than one mass is present ; and unless that condition be supplied, the property remains dormant. Or, again, the attractive property of a magnet is only manifested, when a piece of iron is brought into its proximity. We find still closer ana- logies in the phenomena of Chemistry ; thus there are many chemical operations, which require a certain amount of heat as a necessary condition ; and the heat may be justly said to be the stimulus to the 46 NATURE AND OBJECTS OF THE chanpje. We find, indeed, that the amount of heat is even capable of subversing the relative affinities of two bodies for a third ; and that thus two changes of an opposite character may be induced by the simple regulation of temperature. For example, at a white heat, the affinity of iron for oxygen is so much stronger than that of potassium, that, by placing iron in contact with potassa, the latter is decomposed, and the result is oxide of iron and potassium. At ordinary tempera- tures, on the other hand, the affinity of potassium for oxygen is much the stronger of the two ; and if potassium and oxide of iron be then brought to act upon each other, the oxygen quits the latter, and restores the former to the condition of potassa. Hence we may justly say, that a particular temperature is the stimulus to each of these actions. In the same manner, the influence of light is con- cerned in producing a large number of chemical changes, including all those which are concerned in the formation of Photographic pictures of various kinds ; the materials concerned in these changes remain dormant or inactive, so long as they are not subjected to its influence ; but when it is allow^ed to operate upon them, it gives occasion to acts of decomposition and new combination, to which acts it may be properly said to be the stimulus. 51. Hence the dependence of Vital actions upon certain external stimuli, as well as upon the properties of the organism w^hich manifest them, is no greater than the dependence of any of the phenomena, exhibited by an inorganic substance, upon some other agency external to itself. In fact, no change whatever can he said to be truly sponta- neous; that is, no property can manifest itself, unless it be called into action by some stimulus fitted to excite it. Thus when spontaneous decomposition (as it is commonly termed) occurs in an organized or inorganic substance, it is due to the forces generated by the mutual attraction between certain elements of the substance, and the oxygen of the atmosphere ; and this attraction is sufficient to overcome the attraction, which tends to hold together the particles in their original state. If the air be totally excluded, decay will not take place ;* because no new force comes into operation, to cause a separation of the components from their original modes of union. The influence of the Vital Stimuli, — that is, the conditions in regard to Heat, Light, &c., which are essential to Vital activity, — will be fully explained in the next Chapter ; and at present it will be sufficient to remark, that the degree in which they are supplied possesses a well-marked influence upon the amount of activity and energy manifested in the actions of the organized structure ; that there is a limitation in the case of each of them, as to the degree in which it can operate bene- ficially, the limitation being usually narrower and more precise, accord- ing to the elevation of the being in the scale ; that an excessive supply * On this principle, meats, vegetables, and even liquid sonps, are now largely pre- served, for the use of persons undertaking long voyages; by enclosing them in tia cases, carefully soldered up. There is no limit to the time, during which decompo- sition may thus be prevented. SCIENCE OF PHYSIOLOGY. 47 may be destructive to the vital properties of the structure, by over- stimulating it and thus causing it to live too fast, or by more directly producing some physical or chemical change in its condition ; and that a deficiency will keep down or suspend all vital activity, leaving the structure to the unrestrained operation of those agents which are always tending to its disintegration, and consequently occasioning a speedy loss of the vital properties, — save in those cases in which they may be preserved in a dormant condition, and which are exceptions to the general rule, that the death or departure of the vital properties follows closely upon the cessation of vital actions. 52. Our fundamental idea of Life^ then, is that of a state of con- stant change or action ; this change being manifested in at least two sets of operations ; — the continual withdrawal of certain elements from the inorganic world ; — and the incorporation of these with the peculiar structures termed organized, or the production from them of the germs that are hereafter to accomplish this. As the conditions of this con- tinual change, we recognize the necessity of an organized structure on the one hand, or of a germ which is capable of becoming so; whilst we also perceive the necessity of a supply of certain kinds of matter from the inorganic world, capable of being combined into the materials of that structure, which may be designated as the alimentary substances; and, further, we see that the organism can exert no influ- ence upon these, except with the assistance of certain other agencies, such as light, heat, &c., which are termed vital stimuli. This ex- pression includes all the essential phenomena of vegetative or organic life ; whether as witnessed in the lowest or highest members of the Vegetable kingdom ; or as displayed in a large proportion of the structures composing the Animal fabric. 53. But just as we find among Inorganic bodies, that various kinds are to be distinguished by their different properties, whilst all agree in the general or essential properties of matter, so do we find that living organized substances are distinguished by a variety of pro- perties inherent in themselves, whilst they all agree in the foregoing general or essential characters. In many instances, the difference of their properties is as obviously coincident with differences in their structure and composition, as it usually is among the bodies of the Mineral world : thus we always find the property of Contractility on the application of a stimulus, restricted to a certain form of organized tissue, the Muscular ; and we find that the property by which that stimulus is capable of being generated and conveyed to a distance, is restricted to another kind of tissue, the Nervous. In a great number of cases, however, very obvious differences in properties manifest themselves, when no perceptible variations exist, either in structure or composition ; thus it would be impossible to distinguish the germ-cell of a Zoophyte from that of Man, by any difference in its aspect or composition ; yet neither can be developed into any other form than that of the parent species, and they must be regarded, therefore, as essentially different in properties. In the same manner we shall find 48 CONNECTION BETWEEN VITALITY AND ORGANIZATION. that, in the same organized fabric, there are very great varieties in the actions of its component cells, which indicate a similar variety in their properties ; and yet they are to all appearance identical. But there can be no reasonable doubt, that differences really exist in such cases ; though our means of observation are not such as to enable us to take cognizance of these, by the direct impressions they make upon our senses. Analogous instances are not wanting in the Mineral world ; for the Chemist is familiar with a class of compounds de- signated isomorphous, in w^hich, with perfect similarity in external form and physical properties, there is a difference, more or less com- plete, in chemical composition. 54. Whatever may be the peculiar vital properties possessed by an organized tissue, we find that they are always dependent upon the maintenance of its characteristic structure and composition, by the nutritive operations of which we have spoken ; and that they thus form a part, as it were, of the more general phenomena of its Life. They manifest themselves with the first complete development of the tissue ; they are retained and exhibited so long as active nutritive changes are taking place in it; their manifestation is weakened or suspended if the nutritive operations be feebly exerted; and they de- part altogether, whenever, by the cessation of those actions, and the uncompensated influence of ordinary Chemical forces, the structure begins to lose that normal composition and arrangement of parts, which constitutes its state of organization. Hence we may regard these peculiar properties as conformable, in all the essential condi- tions of their existence, with those more general properties, which have been previously dwelt upon as characterizing a living organized structure. 3. Connection between Vitality and Organization. 55. The idea that new properties may be called forth or developed by a new combination of elements, and by a new arrangement of par- ticles, — and that, consequently, the class of properties included under the general term vital is dependent upon the peculiar state of matter which is designated as organized, — is so perfectly conformable to what is seen elsewhere, and is so fully sufficient to explain all ob- served phenomena, that it would scarcely seem necessary to use any further argument in support of it. But the notion has been enter- tained, that Vitality is a something superadded to matter, and that it is absurd to suppose that the phenomena of Life can be produced by any combinations of matter ; and this indeed so generally prevails, that it seems desirable to carry our investigations with regard to the causes of Vital phenomena a little further. 56. We have seen that the properties of any kind of matter, even those with which we are most familiar, require certain conditions for their manifestation. Even the properties of which we take most direct cognizance by our senses, do not manifest themselves to us, CONNECTION BETWEEN VITALITY AND ORGANIZATION. 49 until they have made a change in the condition of our own organs. And in regard to those, which require a stimulus of some kind to call them into action, our acquaintance with them entirely depends upon whether the conditions of their action have been afforded. Thus, to go back to a former illustration, supposing a new chemical element to be dis- covered, we could not know its properties in regard to heat, electri- city, or magnetism, the mode of its combination with other elements, the nature and properties of the compounds produced, their reactions with other compounds, &c. &c., until we have tried a complete series of experiments upon it, — that is, until we have placed it in all the circumstances or conditions requisite to manifest the properties, with which we seek to become acquainted, or whose absence we seek to determine if they do not exist. Now we might have made all the experiments we could devise upon such a body ; and yet we might have failed in detecting some remarkable and distinguishing property inherent in it, simply because w^e had not placed it in the requisite circumstances for the manifestation of this peculiarity. Further, even in the elements or compounds with w^hich we are best acquainted, it is very possible that properties exist, of which we as yet know no- thing, simply because they have not yet been called into action by the requisite combination of conditions. For example, no one would have thought it possible, a few years since, that water could be frozen in a red-hot metallic vessel ; and yet this is now know^n to be effected with ease and certainty, in the proper combination of conditions. 57. Again, it is by no means a sufficient definition of one of these elements, — Oxygen, for example, — to enumerate its properties in its simple or uncombined state ; these are the properties of oxygen gas ; but a complete enumeration of the properties of oxygen itself w^ould include a reference to those of every compound substance into which it enters, as well as to the conditions under which they manifest them- selves. We are accustomed to think of the properties of these com- pounds, as if they were something altogether distinct from those of the elements of which they are composed ; thus in considering the properties of water, we commonly lose sight of the fact, that it is formed by the union of oxygen and hydrogen, and that we must re- gard these elements as possessing, in a dormant state, the capability of manifesting such properties, when they are brought together under certain conditions. Yet we cannot reason upon the ordinary opera- tions of Chemistry, without coming to the conclusion?^ that the very act of combination calls forth or develops properties, which were pre-existent in the components, and which became manifest as soon as these were placed in the circumstances required to display them. 58. It must not be forgotten, that the properties of a compound substance are, in general at least, altogether different from those which present themselves in either of its components ; so that we could not in the least degree judge of the former from the latter, or of the latter from the former. What more different, for example, from the physi- cal and chemical properties of Water, from those of either the Oxygen 4 50 CONNECTION BETWEEN VITALITY AND ORGANIZATION. or the Hydrogen that enter into its composition ? Or what more dif- ferent than the properties of a neutral salt, from those of the acid and alkali by whose union it is produced ? We are continually witness- ing, then, the complete change effected in the sensible properties of bodies, by acts of combination or separation ; these acts calling forth or developing properties that were previously dormant, and reducing to the dormant condition those which were previously sensible. That this is the true way of accounting for the phenomena would appear from the fact, that in all cases the converse change brings back the original properties ; thus the oxygen and hydrogen resulting from the decomposition of water, have all the properties of oxygen and hy- drogen that are being combined into water. Their properties, then, have undergone no real change ; the ostensible change being due to the development of some of the properties of the elements, and the reduction of others to the dormant state, by the very alteration of their conditions. — Even a change in the condition of a single body, without any combination, may cause new properties to be manifested by it, and old ones to become dormant. Thus the particles of water have so strong an attraction for each other, at a low temperature, as to become aggregated in a crystaline form, and to produce a dense solid mass ; at somewhat a higher temperature, their mutual attraction is so slight, that a very small amount of mechanical force is sufficient to separate them, and they move upon each other with the utmost freedom ; whilst at a still higher temperature, they manifest a power of mutual repulsion, which increases with the greatest rapidity with every augmentation of temperature. Yet when the temperature of the substance is lowered to its former standards, we observe that it first returns to the liquid, and then to the solid form ; and that, in those states, it manifests all the properties which before characterized it, 59. Again, not merely the physical, but the chemical properties of bodies may be affected by a change in their mechanical condition. Thus, it is well known that oxygen and iron, at ordinary tempera- tures, have a mutual affinity, which is only sufficient to produce a slow combination between them ; whilst at high temperatures, that affinity is such as to cause their rapid and energetic union. Now if iron, in a state of very minute division, — such as it possesses when set free from the state of oxide by means of hydrogen, at the lowest possible temperature, — be brought into contact with oxygen or even with atmospheric air, at ordinary temperatures, it immediately be- comes red-hot, and is converted into an oxide. The minuteness of the division, predisposing to chemical union, appears to be the occa- sion of our power of causing many substances to combine, when one or both are in the nascent state (that is, when just set free from some other combination), which could not be made to unite in any more direct manner ; thus, when a quantity of any preparation of Arsenic, however minute, is dissolved in fluid in which hydrogen is being generated, the hydrogen will detach the m^etal from its previous com- I CONNECTION BETWEEN VITALITY AND ORGANIZATION. 51 bination, and will pass forth in union with it, as arseniuretted hydro- gen, — a compound which cannot be formed by the direct union of the elements. In like manner, in that mechanical mixture of three finely-divided substances, which we call Gunpowder, the rapidity with which combustion is propagated through the largest collection of it, is entirely dependent upon the minute subdivision of its com- ponents, and the very close approximation of their particles. Hence it may be very correctly said, that the true chemical properties of the substances are not manifested, except when they are in a state of very minute division ; and that these are in fact obscured, by the aggrega- tion of the particles into masses. 60. Thus, then, we are at no loss to discover examples, in the Inorganic world, of an interchange of the sensible properties, both Chemical and Physical, of the bodies composing it, by a change in the conditions in which they are placed. And it may be stated as a general fact, that we never witness the manifestation of new proper- ties in a substance, unless it has undergone some change in its own condition, of which altered state these properties are the necessary attendants. We have no right, therefore, to speak of any property as distinct horn the matter which exhibits it; or as capable of being superadded to it, or subtracted from it. On the other hand we are led to the conception oi properties as either dormant or latent^ on the one hand; or as active or sensible on the other; the difference being entirely due to the condition of the substance. Thus, oxygen and hydrogen have a latent or dormant affinity for each other ; this does not manifest itself in either of them, so long as they are separate; nor does it manifest itself at ordinary temperatures, when they are min- gled together. But if through such a mixture we transmit an electric spark, or if we raise the temperature of the smallest part of it by the contact of a heated body, or if we simply introduce into it a portion of platinum in a state of minute division, the requisite stimulus or excitation is given to these affinities, and chemical union of the two substances is the result. 61. Now if we apply these views to the phenomena of Life and Organization, we see that they enable us to regard these phenomena as analogous in character to those of the Inorganic world, though not identical with them ; and they lead to a simplification of our ideas of them, which more clearly marks out the path to be pursued in their investigation. We find that the essential materials of Animal and Vegetable structures are the four elements. Oxygen, Hydrogen, Car- bon, and Nitrogen ; these are distinguished by the extraordinary number and variety of the combinations into which they will enter, — so much so, indeed, as to constitute, in this respect, a group quite distinct from all the other elementary substances. Now we are per- fectly justified by what we elsewhere see, in attributing to these ele- ments the property or dormant capability of exhibiting vital actions (in addition to the ordinary chemical ones with which we are fami- liar), so soon as they are placed in the requisite conditions; in other 52 CONNECTION BETWEEN VITALITY AND ORGANISATION. words, as soon as they are made a part of the living system by the process of Organization. It is only the peculiarity of the conditions required to manifest this capability, which prevents us from recogniz- ing it as an ordinary property of matter, or at least of those forms of it, which we know by experience to be capable of entering into organized structures. 62. Thus we perceive, that Vital properties are called forth or de- veloped in the substance of the germ, whilst this substance is being organized by the agency of its parent; these vital properties are such as to give it the means of assimilating and organizing the materials supplied by the inorganic world, and whilst thus making them a part of its own structure, to cause them to manifest their vital properties ; and these are exercised in their turn, in making further additions to the growing structure, and in the formation of the reproductive germ. In this germ we cannot perceive a single trace of the future being ; the various organs and structures of which are evolved by a process of subsequent development. And it is probable that, in the complete organism, not a single particle remains of those which originally con- stituted its germ. Now it seems absurd to suppose that in a single cell- germ, a molecule almost invisible with a high magnifying power, a force is concentrated, which is afterwards to be diffused through the whole structure of a vast tree; or through the ever-changing fabric of a complex animal ; and which is not only to animate the individual organism, but is to occasion the production of thousands or tens of thousands of germs, each possessing a similar force, and capable of imparting it to their successors. On the other hand, if we suppose that the germ calls forth, or excites, the dormant properties of the combining elements (like the spongy platinum, or the electric spark, in a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen), — that it thus originates, first a chemical combination, and then a peculiar structural arrangement, — that in consequence of this new combination and arrangement, the elements then manifest peculiar properties in place of their old ones, which last as long as they exist in that condition, — that, when their union in the organized fabric is dissolved, they lose these newly- manifested properties, return to their original form, and manifest precisely the same properties as before they were combined, — and that they are capable of being thus operated on, time after time, their properties not being added to, or lost, but those which were latent being developed, and those which were at first sensible becoming latent, — we get rid of every difficulty, at the same time that we reason in accordance with the fundamental principles of Logic and Philoso- phy, which forbid us to assume any agency that is not requisite to explain the phenomena. 63. The elements. Oxygen, Hydrogen, Carbon and Nitrogen, in a certain state of combination and arrangement, form the substance which we term Muscular fibre ; and they then manifest certain pecu- liar properties, which we designate as vital. On the other hand, those same elements exist in nearly the same proportions, but in a CONNECTION BETWEEN VITALITY AND ORGANIZATION. 53 different state of combination and arrangement, in the substance which we term Cyanate of Ammonia ; and they then exhibit a differ- ent set of properties, which we call Physical and Chemical. Now we have just as much right to say, that the contractility of muscular fibre results from the peculiar combination and arrangement of the elementary particles in its substance, as we have to say that the solidi- ty, translucency, hardness, and other qualities of the salt (all of which are opposed to the vital properties, and cannot co-exist with them), are necessarily connected with its peculiar mode of combination and crystaline aggregation. If we were acquainted with these elements only as they exist in organic compounds, their transposition into a crystaline salt would be almost as marvelous to us, as the opposite change is now. 64. The general history of the Phenomena of Life is fully conform- able with the view, that the Vital properties of a tissue are dependent upon that state of combination and arrangement which is termed Organization. As long as each tissue retains its normal or regular constitution, renovated by the actions of absorption and deposition through which that constitution is preserved, and surrounded by those other conditions which a living system alone can afford, so long, we have reason to believe, it will retain its vital properties, — and no longer. And just as we have no evidence of the existence of vital properties in any other form of matter than that which we call organ- ized, so have we no reason to believe that organized matter can re- tain its regular constitution, and be subjected to its appropriate stimuli, without exhibiting vital actions. The advance of pathological science renders it every day more probable (indeed the probability may now be said to amount to almost positive certainty), that de- rangement in function, — in other words, an imperfect or irregular action, — always results, either from some change of structure or com- position in the tissue itself, or from some corresponding change in the stimuli by which the properties of the organ are called into action. Thus, when a Muscle has been long disused, it can scarcely be ex- cited to contraction by the usual stimulus, or may even be altogether powerless; and minute examination of its structure shows it to have undergone a change, which is obvious to the microscope, though it may not be perceptible to the unaided eye, and which results from imperfect nutrition. Or, again, convulsive or irregular actions of the Nervous system may be produced, not by any change in its own com- position, but by the presence of various stimulating substances in the blood, although their amount be so small that they can scarcely be recognized. 65. As there is a constant tendency, in the Animal tissues more especially, to spontaneous decay, so must the maintenance of the vital properties depend upon their continual regeneration by the nutritive operations. Hence we have no difficulty in accounting for the Death of the whole system, on the cessation or serious disturbance of any one important function ; for any such check or change must suspend or 54 CONNECTION BETWEEN VITALITY AND ORGANIZATION. disorder the nutrient processes, in such a degree that they can no longer maintain the normal constitution of the several tissues. But as there is a great variety in the rapidity of the decomposition of the tissues, when the act of nutrition is suspended, so do we witness a corresponding variety in the duration of their vital properties, after that permanent severance of the chain of functions, which is distin- guished as somatic death, — i. e., the death of the body as a whole. It is by the Circulation of the Blood, that the connection of the dif- ferent functions is essentially maintained ; that fluid being not only the material for the nutrition of the tissues, but in many cases serving also as the stimulus to their activity. Hence with the permanent cessation of the Circulation, 5oma/ic death must be regarded as taking place. 66. Yet after this, we observe that vitality lingers in the tissues; and that it departs from them only as they lose their proper composi- tion. Thus we find that, although the Nervous centres cannot originate the stimulus necessary to produce Muscular contraction, after the Cir- culation has ceased, — yet the Nervous^6re5 can convey such a stimu- lus, long after somatic death ; so that contractions may be excited in muscles by the application of galvanism, or of mechanical or chemical stimulants, to the trunks that supply them. The molecular death of the Nervous tissue, therefore, has not yet taken place. After a time, how- ever, this power is lost ; the tissue no longer exhibits its distinguishing vital properties ; and incipient decomposition and change of structure manifest themselves. Yet for some time after this, the Muscular tissue, especially in a cold-blooded animal, continues to possess its peculiar contractility ; for contractions may be excited in it, by stimuli directly applied to itself, long after the nerves have ceased to convey their influence. Sometimes, indeed, the contractility of muscle endures, until changes in its structure and composition become evident to the senses; thus the heart of a Sturgeon, removed from the body, and hung up to dry, has been known to continue alternately contracting and dilating, until the movement produced a crackling noise, in conse- quence of the dryness of the texture. Again, there is evidence, that various processes of nutrition and secretion may go on, for some time after somatic death, and even after the removal of the organs from the body, provided a sufficient quantity of blood remains in them ; and the blood itself retains its vitality, so as not to coagulate, whilst contained in the vessels of tissues still living. 67. Hence it is, that parts which have been completely separated from the body may often be reunited with it, if they were previously in a healthy state, and too much time has not elapsed ; thus, there are many cases on record, in which fingers, toes, noses, or ears, that have been accidentally chopped off, have been made to adhere and grow as before, by bringing the cut surfaces into contact, even some hours after their severance. It is evident, then, that the parts so severed cannot have lost their vitality; since no treatment could pro- duce union between a dead mass and a living body. And we are CONNECTION BETWEEN VITALITY AND ORGANIZATION. 55 fully justified in assuming that, in cases where attempts at such re- union have not been successful, the death of the separated part has resulted from the too-prolonged interruption of its regular nutritive operations, whereby chemical and physical changes have taken place in it, and destroyed the peculiar structure and composition of its several parts. The ordinary phenomena of Death, therefore, as well as those of Life, bear out the views which have been here advanced. 68. But it has been maintained by those who consider Vitality as something superadded to an Organized Structure, essentially independ- ent of it, and capable of being subtracted from it, that Death fre- quently takes place under circumstances, which leave the organism as it was ; so that " the dead body may have all the organization it ever had whilst alive." For such an assumption, there is not the least foundsstion. In nearly all cases in which death takes place as a result of disease, the connection between changes of structure and composition, either in the tissues or in the blood, and such a loss of the vital properties of some part or organ as is sufficient to bring the Circulation to a stand, is so palpable as to require no proof; and in by far the greater majority of cases in which it is not at once obvious, a more careful scrutiny will reveal it. It must be confessed on both sides, that our means of investigation, and our knowledge of the normal structure and composition of the tissues and the blood, are not yet sufficient to enable us to detect minute shades of alteration, nor to assert what extent of change is inconsistent with the continu- ance of life. And as no one has yet shown, by the careful and exact microscopical and chemical examination of the solids and fluids of a dead body, that it has all the organization it had whilst alive, the assertion above quoted is totally unwarranted by experience, and is contradicted by all our positive knowledge of the matter. (See § 187.) 69. But it has been urged, that Death may result from the sudden operation of some agency of an immaterial character, which leaves no trace behind it, — such as a powerful electric shock, or a violent mental emotion. Here, too, the argument entirely fails. It is impos- sible that a powerful electric shock could be transmitted through a mass like the animal body, composed of elements in such a loose state of combination that they are always undergoing decomposition, without producing important chemical changes in it ; and its imper- fect conducting power renders it equally liable to physical disturb- ances. As a matter of fact it has been noticed, that the bodies of animals killed by electricity pass into decomposition with unusual rapidity ; showing that the ordinary chemical affinities of their com- ponents have received a powerful stimulus; and it has also been ascertained, that when Eggs in process of development have had their vitality destroyed by an Electric shock, the minute vessels of the vascular area (Chap. XI.) have been ruptured. — Nor is it more difficult to explain the immediate cause of death, as a result of Men- tal emotion. In some cases, an obvious physical change has been 56 CONNECTION BETWEEN VITALITY AND ORGANIZATION. produced by the too violent action of the heart, the movements of which are stimulated by the emotion ; thus, even in a healthy person, rupture of the heart or aorta has been known to take place, an occur- rence to which those affected by previous disease of that organ are much more liable. Where there is any disorder in the heart's action, resulting from thickened valves, narrowed orifices, &c., the physical influence of mental emotion can be easily accounted for. But it must be admitted that cases have occurred, in which no such explana- tion can be offered ; sudden death having taken place without any perceptible structural cause. We are not obliged, however, to have recourse to any hypothesis for an explanation of even these cases, which is not borne out by ample analogy. For it is well known that mental emotions exert a powerful influence over the composition of the fluids of the body, and are capable of instantaneously altering these. Thus in many human beings, and still more in the lower animals, alarm or agitation will occasion the immediate disengage- ment of powerfully odorous secretions, which must have resulted from new combinations suddenly formed. And there can be no doubt that a fit of passion may immediately occasion such a change in the milk of a nurse, as renders it a rank poison to the infant. There is no reason to doubt, therefore, that the blood itself may undergo changes of analogous character from the same cause ; and that it may become a violent poison to the individual himself, instead of being the source of wholesome nutriment, or the stimulus to vital activity. 70. To conclude, then ; — we only know of Vital action^ as exhi- bited by an Organized structure, under the influence of certain stimuli; and we only know of Vitality^ or the state or endowment of the being that exhibits that action, as conjoined with that particular aggregation and composition which we term Organization. The real cause of that endowment must be traced to the properties of the original ele- ments of the structure exhibiting it, and to the conditions under which they came into action. We have thus two objects for con- sideration, in regard to the process of organization and the develop- ment of the vital properties ; namely, the original component elements, and the organizing germ which is the means of bringing them into combination. The former are permanent in their character, for what- ever be the nature of the changes they are made to undergo, in the various acts of combination, they manifest their original properties when restored to their pristine state, and can thus be successfully made to form part of innumerable compounds, organic or inorganic. On the other hand, the properties of the germ are but transitory ; its own existence, as well as the duration of the entire organism to which it gives rise, is limited ; and the whole Organized Creation would speedily come to an end, and would be resolved into its pristine elements, if a provision had not been made in the reproductive pro- cess, for antagonizing the continual decay of living beings by a con- tinual succession. CONNECTION BETWEEN VITALITY AND ORGANIZATION. 57 71. For the existence of those dormant properties in the elements commonly termed inorganic, which enable them to become component parts of organized structures and then to perform vital actions, we can assign no other cause than the Will of the Creator. The constancy of the actions which result from them, when the conditions are the same, — that is, their conformity to a fixed plan, or (in the language commonly employed) their subordination to laws^ — indicates the con- stancy and unchangeableness of the Divine Will, as well as the Infinity of that Wisdom, by which the plan was at first arranged with such perfection, as to require no departure from it, in order to produce the most complete harmony in its results. 72. So also, if we endeavour to assign a cause for the existence of a cell-germ, we are led at first to fix upon the vital operations of the parerital organism by which it was produced.; and for these we can assign no other cause than the peculiar endowments of 27^ components, brought into activity by the cell-germ that originated it. Thus we are obliged to go backw^ards in idea from one generation to another ; and when at last brought to a stand by the origin of the race, we are obliged to rest in the Divine Will as the source of those wonderful properties, by which the first germ developed the first organism of the race from materials previously unorganized, this organism producing a second germ, the second germ a second organism, and so on without limit, by the uniform repetition of the same processes. Yet we are not to suppose that the continuation of the race is really in any way less dependent upon the Will of the Creator, than the origin of it. For whilst Science leads us to discard the idea that the Deity is con- tinually interfering^ to change the working of the system He has made, — since it everywhere presents us with the idea of uniformity in the plan, and of constancy in the execution of it, — it equally discourages the notion entertained by some, that the creation of matter, endowed with certain properties, and therefore subject to certain actions, was i\i& final act of the Deity, as far as the present system of things is con- cerned, instead of being the mere commencement of His operations. If it be admitted, that matter owes its origin and properties to the Deity, or, in other words, that its first existence vj^ls but an expression of the Divine Will, what is its continued existence, but a continued operation of that same Will ? To suppose that it could continue to exist, and to perform its various actions, hy itself, is at once to assume the property of self-existence as belonging to matter, and thus to do away with the necessity of a Creator altogether ; — a conclusion to which it may be safely aflSrmed that no ordinarily-constituted Man can arrive, who reasons upon the indications of Mind in the pheno- mena of Nature, in the same way as he does in regard to the creations of Human Art. 58 VITAL STIMULI. CHAPTER II. OF THE VITAL STIMULI. 73. It has been shown in the preceding Chapter, that the most general conditions of Vital phenomena are two-fold ; — one set being supplied by the organized structure, which is endowed (in virtue of its organization) with certain peculiar properties, but which is inert so long as it is altogether secluded from the influence of external agents ; — and the other being furnished by external agents of various descrip- tions, some of which supply the materials from which the organized structure is built up, whilst others serve to stimulate or excite the process of organization, or call forth the peculiar properties of the organized structure. Thus in the case of the germinating seed, the embryo within, possessed of a peculiar organization, and capable of development into a living fabric of complex structure, remains in a dormant state, until it is aroused to activity by the influence of warmth, air, and moisture. Here, then, we have the distinction between the organism and the external agents most palpably exhibited. No vital activity can manifest itself without the concurrence of both; and the germ could no more produce a plant without the materials supplied to it by the external world, and the stimuli which excite it to the action of appropriating these, than the latter could develop themselves into a plant, without the formative agency of the germ. 74. In this dependence of Vital action upon the concurrence of several conditions, we only see that which is true, under a simpler form, of Chemical action ; and here, too, we trace the distinct agency of the materials employed, and the stimuli which excite their mutual aflSnities, and thus bring about their union. The materials of Chemi- cal Action are the substances (either elementary or composite), which are ready to enter into new combinations with each other ; and that readiness or Affinity is one of their distinguishing properties. Thus the mutual affinities of oxygen and hydrogen, or of an acid and an alkali, are characteristic properties of these substances respectively. Sometimes this affinity is strong enough to cause union between the substances under any ordinary circumstances. But in many other cases, a stimulus of some kind is necessary to bring these aflinities to bear (so to speak) upon one another. Now the stimuli to Chemical action belong to the class of agents commonly termed imponderable^ — namely. Light, Heat, and Electricity; and the union between two substances, which were previously altogether dormant in regard to each other, although in close contact, may be frequently caused to take place, wath various manifestations of energy, by the momentary influ- ence of one of these agents. Thus, when chlorine and hydrogen are VITAL STIMULI. 59 mingled together in a bottle, and this is placed in darkness, they may be kept for any length of time without change ; but if they are exposed to diffused daylight, they slowly Unite ; and if they be subjected to the direct rays of the sun, instantaneous explosion takes place, with production of hydrochloric acid. Here, then, the agency of Light brings the previously-dormant affinities of these two bodies into a state of activity in regard to each other. The same effect may be produced by Heat ; for a union of the two gases, with a violent explosion, takes place when any incandescent substance is introduced into the mixture. And a like result is produced hy Electricity ; hydrochloric acid being generated under the same circumstances, by the influence of the electric spark. "* 75. In like manner it is requisite to distinguish, among the external agents that concur with the organic germ to produce an organized structure, between those which furnish the materials of that structure, or which enter into chemical union with its elements, and those which act as stimuli to its actions ; and we find that this distinction coincides, as in the former case, with the division between the ponderable or material, and the imponderable agents. Under the former group are included the various elements, which are capable of being appro- priated by the organism as the materials of its own structure, and which are possessed of peculiar propAies that are then developed ; in other words, the various articles of food. The oxygen of the atmosphere, whose union with certain elements of the organism, in the process of Respiration, is also an agent essential to its functional activity, — belongs to the same division. The general dependence of the living organized body upon food and oxygen, has been, however, already noticed ; and it will be preferable to defer the detailed con- sideration of the mode and conditions under which they act upon it, until the history of the Nutritive operations is more fully entered upon. This will be the fitting opportunity, however, for the examination of the general influence of the Imponderable agents, and of some others which cannot be so well treated of elsewhere. 76. In regard to all these Vital Stimuli it may be observed, that the dependence of Vital Action upon their constaiit influence is greater in proportion to the high organization of their structure, and vice versa; so that beings of simple organization are capable of enduring a depri- vation of these stimuli, which would be fatal to those higher in the scale. This will be partly understood, when it is borne in mind that the higher the development of the living being, the more complete is the distribution of its different actions amongst separate organs, — the more close, therefore, is their mutual dependence, — and the more readily, in consequence, are they all brought to a close by the inter- * Although the conditions of this union appear linDited to the mutual proximity of the two bodies, and to the influence of one of these three stimuli, yet it may be asserted that they are probably more complex than they appear; for although a high tempera- ture is competent to produce their union when Heat is employed alone, yet it is pro- bable that neither Light nor Electricity would suffice to effect it, if they were Dot kepi in the gaseous state by the large amount o{ latent heat they possess. 60 VITAL STIMULI. ruption of any one. But there is no doubt, that the actions of even the individual parts of the higher organisms require for their excite- ment a greater supply of these stimuli, than the similar actions of the corresponding parts in the lower : whilst if these stimuli be exerted upon the lower with the intensity that is required for the higher, they destroy the vital properties of the tissues altogether, by the excess of their action. This distinction is most obvious in regard to the rela- tive influence of Heat, upon warm-blooded and cold-blooded animals; of which examples will be given hereafter. 77. It may also be observed of the influence of these, as of that of other stimuli whose agency is less general, that it is rather relative than absolute; being frequently dependent upon the degree of change, rather than upon the actual measure of the amount of the stimulus. This constitutes a marked difference between the influence of these stimuli on mere chemical compounds, and their operation on bodies endowed with vitality. In the former case, their action is always uniform ; thus the same amount of heat, the same exposure to light, the same charge of electricity, would be required to produce a given Chemical effect, how often soever the action might be repeated. But this is not the case with living bodies ; since an increase or diminution in the intensity of the vital stimuli, which, if made suddenly, would be scarcely compatible with the TOntinuance of Life, may be so brought about, as to produce no marked change in its phenomena, — the or- ganism possessing a certain power of adapting itself to conditions which are habitual to it, and thus allowing great changes in these conditions to be gradually effected, without any serious disturbance. — Thus of two individuals of the same species, one may become torpid at a temperature of 60°, because it has been accustomed to a tempe- rature of 70° ; whilst another, habituated to a temperature of 60°, would require to be cooled down to 50°, in order to induce torpidity ; — the influence of temperature upon the vital conditions being propor- tioned, more to the variation from the usual standard, than to the actual elevation of that standard. Yet the first of these individuals might be gradually habituated to live in the same temperature with the second ; and to require the same amount of further depression to in- duce torpidity. (See § 129.) 78. It is a very curious fact that, whilst the lower classes of living beings are more capable than the higher of bearing the deprivation of these Vital stimula, they are at the same time more liable to alterations in their own structure and development, in consequence of variations in the degree of their agency, or from other causes external to them- selves. Thus ihe. forms of the lower tribes of Plants and Animals are liable to be greatly affected by the conditions under which they grow ; and these especially modify their degree of development. It seems as if the formative power were less vigorous in the lower, than in the higher classes ; so that the mode in which it manifests itself in the former is more dependent upon external influences ; whilst in the latter it either predominates over them, causing the regular actions OF LIGHT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. 61 to be performed, or gives way altogether. — The same principle applies to the early condition of the higher organisms ; their embryos, like those beings of permanently low type which they resemble in degree of development, being liable to be affected by modifying causes, which the perfect beings of the same kind are able to resist. It is in this way that we are to explain the influence, which the female parent exerts upon the embryo ; the germ of which she receives from the male, but to which she supplies the materials for its development. 1. 0/ Light ^ as a Condition of Vital Action. 79. The importance of this agent, not only to the Vegetable, but to the Animal World, is not in general sufficiently estimated. Under its influence alone, can the first process be accomplished, by which inorganic matter is transformed into ^an organic compound, adapted by its nature and properties to form part of the organized fabric. The following is an example of the simplest phenomenon of this kind; and it demonstrates the influence of Light the more clearly on account of that simplicity. " If we expose some spring-water to the sunshine, though it may have been clear and transparent at first, it presently begins to assume a greenish tint ; and, after a while, flocks of green matter collect on the sides of the vessel, in which it is contained. On these flocks, whenever the sun is shining, bubbles of gas may be seen, which, if collected, prove to be a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen, the proportion of the two being variable. Meanwhile the green matter rapidly grows ; its new parts as they are developed, being all day long covered with air-bells which disappear as soon as the sun has set. If these observations be made upon a stream of water, the cur- rent of which runs slowly, it will be discovered that the green matter serves as food for thousands of aquatic Insects, which make their habitations in it. These insects are endowed with powers of rapid locomotion, and possess a highly organized structure ; in their turn they fall a prey to the Fishes which frequent such streams."* Such is the general succession of nutritive actions in the Organized Creation. The highest Animal is either directly dependent upon the Vegetable Kingdom for the materials of its fabric, or it is furnished with these by some other Animal, this again (it may be) by another, and so on ; the last in the series being always necessitated to find its support in the Vegetable kingdom, since the Animal does not possess the power of causing the Inorganic elements to unite into even the simplest Organic compound. This power is possessed, in a high degree by Plants ; but it can only be exercised under the influence of Light. We shall now examine, more in detail, the conditions of this influence, both in the instance just quoted, and in others drawn from the actions of the higher Vegetable organisms. 80. The " green matter of Priestley," (as it is commonly called,) • Prof. Draper, on the Forces which produce the Organization of Plants, p. 15. 62 OF LIGHT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. which makes its appearance when water of average purity is sub- mitted to the action of the Sun's light, and which also pnesents itself on the surface of walls and rocks, that are constantly kept damp, is now known by Botanists to consist of cells in various stages of de- velopment, — the early forms, it may be, of several different species of Confervee. That these cells all originate from germs, and not from any direct combination of the inorganic elements, appears not only from general considerations, but also from the fact that, if measures be taken to free the water entirely from any possible infusion of or- ganic matter, and to admit into contact with it such air alone as has undergone a similar purification, no green flocks make their appear- ance, under the prolonged influence of the strongest sunlight. We find, then, that the presence of a germ is one of the conditions indis- pensable to the chemical transformation in question. It maybe asked how it can be certainly ascertained that light and not heat is the essential condition of this process ; seeing that the two agents are combined in the solar beam. To this it may be replied, that a certain moderate amount of heat is undoubtedly necessary ; but that no degree of heat without light will be effectual in producing the change, as is easily proved by exposing the water to warmth in a dark place. Moreover, when a certain measure of light is afforded, variations in the amount of heat make very little difference ; but we shall presently see that under the same degree of heat, the amount of the change is directly proportional to the intensity of the light. Although, there- fore, heat furnishes an essential condition, it cannot be questioned that light is the chief stimulus to that process, by which the germ brings into union the elements to be employed in the development of its own fabric. 81. The next question is, — What are these elements, and whence are they obtained ? All water that is long exposed to the atmosphere, absorbs from it a certain amount of its constituent gases ; but these do not enter it in the proportions in which they are contained in the atmosphere itself; their relative quantities, in a given measure of water, being proportioned to the facility with which they are respect- ively absorbed by the liquid. Thus carbonic acid is most readily absorbable ; oxygen next, and nitrogen least so. From the expe- riments of Prof. Draper it would appear, that notwithstanding the very small proportion of carbonic acid contained in the atmosphere (usually not more than l-2000th part), it forms as much as 29 per cent, of the whole amount of air expelled from water by boiling. Of the residue, one-third consists of oxygen, and the remaining two- thirds of nitrogen ; so that the proportion of the oxygen to the nitro- gen is as one to two, instead of being one io four, as in atmospheric air. The absolute quantity of this water-gas, contained in any mea- sure of water, is subject to variation with the temperature; the quan- tity being diminished as the temperature rises. — Now when water thus impregnated with carbonic acid, oxygen, and nitrogen, and con- taining the germs of aquatic plants, is exposed to the sun's light, a J OF LIGHT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. 63 development of vegetable structure takes place, indicated by the green flocculent appearance, as already mentioned. If the changes, which are now occurring in the water, be examined, we find that the carbo- nic acid is diminishing in amount ; and that oxygen is being evolved. The growing mass increases in volume and weight ; and after a time exhausts the whole carbonic acid originally contained in the water. If then it be prevented from receiving an additional supply, the pro- cess stops ; but as conducted naturally, there is a free exposure to the atmosphere, through which carbonic acid is diffused ; and hence, as fast as it is removed by decomposition, it is restored by absorption. 82. Here then are the conditions and materials ; what is the re- sult ? As a consequent of the conjoint action of light and of a vege^ table cell-germ, with a moderate degree of heat, upon carbonic acid and water, we find a vegetable structure produced, whose fabric con- sists of carbon, united with the elements of water. Whether this union is really as simple and direct, as is implied by this expression, or whether the same proportions of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon are united in a different form, is not a matter of consequence to the present inquiry ; the general fact being, that by the decomposition of the carbonic acid, oxygen is set free, and carbon is made to unite with the elements of water ; so as to form an organic compound, which is appropriated by the Vegetable organism as the material for its growth. — How far Light is also concerned in the production of the protein-compounds (of which azote forms a part), that are pre- pared by Plants for the use of Animals, has not been yet ascertained ; but it is probable that these are not the less dependent upon its agency for their formation, since they are generated under the same circum- stances with the preceding. Indeed it may be questioned whether a minute quantity of azote is not an essential part of the contents of every vegetable cell, though it does not enter into the composition of the cell-wall. 83. The process whose conditions we have thus examined, is car- ried on in the individual cells, that compose the highest and most complex Plants, precisely as in those which constitute the entire forms of the lowest. Thus if a few^ garden-seeds of any kind be sown in a flower-pot, and be caused to germinate in a dark room, it will soon be perceived that although they can grow for a time without the influ- ence of light, that time is limited ; the weight of their solid contents diminishes, although their hulk may increase by the absorption of water; their young leaves, if any should be put forth, are of a yellow or gray-white colour, and they soon fade away and die. But if these plants are brought out sufficiently soon into the bright sun- light, they speedily begin to turn green, they unfold their leaves, and evolve their different parts in a natural way ; and the proportion of their solid contents goes on increasing from day to day. If the fabric be then subjeeted to chemical analysis, it is found to contain oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, and azote ; united in various proportions, so as to form compounds that differ in the various species, though some, — 64 OF LIGHT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. such as gum, starch, and cellulose, — are the same in all. If the plants be made to grow in closed glass vessels, under such circum- stances that an examination can be accurately made as to the changes they are impressing on the atmosphere, it is discovered that they are constantly decomposing its carbonic acid, — appropriating its carbon, and setting free its oxygen, — so long as they are exposed to the in- fluence of sunshine or bright daylight. They also appropriate a part of the minute quantity of ammonia which is diffused through the atmosphere ; extracting its nitrogen to employ it in the production of their azotized compounds. It is capable of being demonstrated by experiment, that these changes are confined to the green surfaces of plants, and therefore to the leaves or leaf-like organs, the young shoots, and the stems of herbaceous plants, or of those in which (as in the Cactus tribe) the leaves are wanting and the enlarged succu- lent stem supplies their place. When these surfaces cease to become green, the decomposing action also ceases; carbon is no longer fixed, and oxygen set free ; but, on the contrary, carbonic acid is exhaled : this is the case when the leaves change colour, previously to their fall, in the autumn. The compounds which are thus generated in the green surfaces, are conveyed to the remote parts of the fabric, by the circulation of the sap, and become the materials of their nutrition ; and thus the green cells of the leaves have exactly the same function, in ministering to the growth of the fabric of the largest tree, which the green cells of the humble Conferva perform in regard to them- selves alone. 84. It has been already mentioned, that the decay which is always taking place in the softer vegetable structures, gives rise to a con- tinual production of carbonic acid, even in the living plant ; this process, which must be regarded as a true Respiration, is effected, as in Animals, by the union of the carbon of the Plant with oxygen derived from the atmosphere ; and it is carried on, not by the green parts only, but also, perhaps chiefly, by the darker surfaces. Being antagonized during the day by the converse change just described, it can only be made sensible, by placing the plants for a time in an atmosphere in which no carbonic acid previously existed ; and it will then be found that, even in full daylight, a certain amount of that gas is exhaled. The fact, however, becomes much more obvious at night, or in darkness ; since the decomposition of the surrounding carbonic acid by the green surfaces is then completely at a stand, and a full effect of the respiratory process is seen. Moreover, when a plant becomes unhealthy, from too long confinement in a limited atmosphere, it begins to exhale more carbonic acid than it decomposes ; and the same is the case, as just now stated, in regard to leaves that have nearly reached the term of their lives. It does not admit of question, however, that, under ordinary circumstances, nearly the whole carbon of a slow-growing plant is derived from the carbonic acid of the atmosphere ; either directly through the leaves, or indirectly by absorption through the roots ; and that there must be OF LIGHT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. 65 a vast surplus, therefore, of the carbonic acid decomposed, over that which is exhaled, during the whole life of the tree, — that surplus being in fact represented by the total amount- of carbon contained in its tissues. 85. It is probable that the minute amount of carbonic acid at pre- sent contained in the atmosphere, is as much as could be beneficially supplied to Plants, under the average amount of light to which they are subjected, over the whole globe, and throughout the year. It has been clearly shown, that, under the influence of strong sunlight, an atmosphere containing as much, as 7 or 8 per cent, of carbonic acid may be not merely tolerated by Plants, but may be positively bene- ficial to them, producing a great acceleration in their growth ; but as soon as the light is withdrawn, it acts upon them most injuriously, causing them speedily to become unhealthy, and altogether destroying their vitality, if they are long subjected to it. Under more cloudless skies than ours, however, the continual supply of a larger quantity of carbonic acid, than our atmosphere contains, is found to be quite com- patible with healthy vegetation ; especially in the case of Cryptoga- mic plants, w^hich (as wdll be presently shown) require a less amount of this stimulus than those of a higher kind. Thus in the lake Sol- fatara in Italy, an unusual supply of carbonic acid is afforded by the constant escape of that gas from fissures in the bed of the lake, with a violence that gives to the water an appearance of ebullition ; and on its surface there are numerous floating islands, which consist almost entirely of Confervse and other simple cellular plants, growing most luxuriantly on this rich pabulum. And it has been remarked, that the vegetation around the springs in the valley of Gottingen, w^hich abound in carbonic acid, is very rich and luxuriant; appearing several weeks earlier in the spring, and continuing much later in the autumn, than at other spots in the same district. Many circumstances lead to the belief, that at former epochs in the Earth's history, the atmosphere was much more highly charged with carbonic acid than at present ; and that to this circumstance, in conjunction with a more intense and constant influence of light and heat, we are to attribute that extraordinary luxuriance of the vegetation of those periods, of which we have most abundant evidence, in the vast beds of disin- tegrated vegetable matter — Coal — that are of such value to Man, and in the remains which have been more perfectly preserved to us, and which indicate that not only the general forest-mass, but many of the individual forms attained a degree of development, which cannot now be paralleled even between the Tropics. 86. Various experiments have been recently made, with the view of determining more precisely the conditions under w^hich Light acts, in producing the chemical changes that have been now discussed. These experiments for the most part agree in the very interesting re- sult, that the amount of carbonic acid decomposed by plants subjected to the differently coloured rays of the solar spectrum, but otherwise placed in similar circumstances, varies with the illuminatwg power 5 66 OF LIGHT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. of the rays, and not with their heating or their chemical power. The method adopted by Prof. Draper, which seems altogether the most satisfactory, consisted in exposing leaves of grass, in tubes filled with water which had been saturated with carbonic acid (after the expul- sion of the previously dissolved air by boiling), to the influence of the different rays of the solar spectrum, dispersed by a prism; these were kept motionless upon the tubes for a sufficient length of time, to produce an active decomposition of the gas in the tubes which were most favourably influenced by the solar beams ; and the relative quantities of the oxygen set free were then measured. It was then evident that the action had been almost entirely confined to two of the tubes, one of them being placed in the red and orange part of the spectrum, and the other in the yellow and green. The quantity of carbonic acid decomposed by the plant in the latter of these, was to that decomposed in the former in the ratio of nine to Jive; the quan- tity found in the tube that had been placed in the green and blue por- tion of the spectrum, would not amount, in the same proportion, to one; and in the other tubes, it was either absolutely nothing, or ex- tremely minute. Hence it is obvious that the yellow ray, verging into orange on one side, and into green on the other, is the situation of the greatest exciting power possessed by light on this most important func- tion of plants ; and as this coincides with the seat of the greatest illu- minating power of the spectrum, it can scarcely be doubted that light is the agent here concerned ; more especially as the place of greatest heat is in the red ray, and that of greatest chemical power is in the hlue^ both of which rays were found to be quite inert in the experi- ment just quoted. It must not be supposed from this experiment, how^ever, that the yellow ray, and those immediately adjoining it, are the only sources of this power in the Solar spectrum ; since it proves no more than that, when the leaves were exposed to a highly car- bonated atmosphere, they could only decompose it under the influence of these rays. It is certain, from other experiments, that plants will grow, in an ordinary atmosphere, under rays of different colours; and it appears that the amount of carbon they severally fix, bears a con- stant proportion to the illuminating powers of the respective rays. 87. Although this fixation of carbon by the decomposition of car- bonic acid, is the most universally-dependent, of all the processes of the Vegetable economy, upon the influence of Light, yet it is not the only one, especially among the higher Plants, in which that agent becomes an important condition. Of the whole quantity of moisture imbibed by the roots, and contained in the ascending sap, a large proportion is exhaled again by the leaves ; a small part only being retained (together with the substances previously dissolved in the whole) to form part of the fabric. Now upon the rapidity of this ex- halation depends the rapidity of the absorption ; for the roots will not continue to take up more than a very limited amount of fluid, when it is not discharged again from the opposite extremity (so to speak) of the stem. The loss of fluid by the leaves appears to be a simple OF LIGHT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. 67 process of evaporation, depending in great part upon the temperature and dryness of the surrounding air; this evaporation, however, does not take place solely, or even chiefly, from the external surface of the leaves, but from the walls of the passages which are channeled out in their interior. Into this complex labyrinth, the outer air finds its way through orifices in the cuticle, which are termed stomata ; and through these it comes forth again, charged with a large amount of vapour communicated to it by the extensive moist surface, with which it comes into contact in the interior of the leaf. Now the stomata are bounded by two or more cells, in such a manner that they can be opened or closed by changes in the form of these ; and this alteration is regulated by the amount of Light, to which the leaves are sub- jected. When the stomata are opened under the influence of light, the external air is freely admitted to the extended surface of moist tissue within the leaf, and a rapid loss of fluid is the result; more especially if the temperature be high, and the atmosphere in a dry state. On the other hand, if the stomata be closed, the only loss of fluid that can take place from the internal tissue of the leaves, is through the cuticle ; the organization of which seems destined to enable it to resist evaporation, so that the exhalation is almost entirely checked. The influence of light upon this important function is easily shown by experiment. If a plant, which is actively transpiring and absorbing under a strong sunshine, be carried into a dark room, both these operations are almost immediately checked, even though the surrounding temperature be higher than that, to which the plant was previously exposed. 88. The effect of the complete and continued withdrawal of light from a growing plant, is to produce an etiolation or blanching of its green surfaces; a loss of weight of the solid parts, owing to the con- tinued disengagement of carbon from its tissues, unbalanced by the fixation of that element from the atmosphere ; a dropsical distension of the tissues, in consequence of the continued absorption of water, which is not got rid of by exhalation ; a want of power to form its peculiar secretions, or even to generate new tissues, after the mate- rials previously stored up have been exhausted; in fine, a cessation of all the operations most necessary to the preservation of the vitality of the structure, of which cessation its death is the inevitable result. A partial withdrawal of the influence of light, however, is frequently used by the Cultivator, as a means of giving an esculent character to certain Plants, which would be otherwise altogether uneatable ; for in this manner their tissues are rendered more succulent and less stringy, whilst their peculiar secretions are formed in diminished amount, and communicate an agreeable flavour instead of an un- wholesome rankness of taste. 89. There is one period in the life of the Flowering Plant, how- ever, in which the influence of Light is injurious instead of beneficial ; this is during the first part of the process of germination of seeds, w^hich is decidedly retarded by its agency. This forms no exception, 68 OF LIGHT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. however, to the general rule ; since the decomposition of the carbonic acid of the atmosphere, and the fixation of carbon in the tissues, do not constitute a part of it ; on the contrary, the chemical changes that take place in that substance of the seed, which has been stored up for the nutrition of the embryo, involve the opposite change, — the extrication of carbon, which is converted into carbonic acid by unit- ing with the oxygen of the atmosphere. It is obvious, then, why light should not only be useless, but even prejudicial, to this process ; since it tends to fix the carbon in the tissues, which ought to be thrown off. As soon, however, as the cotyledons or seed-leaves are unfolded, the influence of light upon them becomes as important, as it is on the ordinary leaves at a subsequent time ; their surfaces be- come green, and the fixation of carbon from the atmosphere com- mences. Up to that point, the young plant is diminishing day by day (like a plant that is undergoing etiolation), as to the weight of its solid contents ; although its bulk is increased by the absorption of water. From the time, however, that its cotyledons begin to act upon the air, through the stimulus of light, the quantity of solid mat- ter begins to increase ; and its augmentation subsequently takes place, at a rate proportional to the amount of green surface exposed, and the degree of light to which it is subjected. 90. The influence of Light upon the direction of the growing parts of Plants, upon the opening and closing of flowers, &c., is probably due to its share in the operations already detailed. Thus the green parts of Plants, or those which effect the decomposition of carbonic acid (such as the leaves and stems), have a tendency to grow towards the light; whilst the roots, through whose dark surfaces carbonic acid is thrown out by respiration, have an equal tendency to avoid it. That the first direction of the stems and roots of plants is very much influenced in this manner, appears from the fact, that, by reflecting light upon germinating seeds, in such a manner as that it shall only fall upon them from below, the stems are caused to direct themselves downwards, whilst the roots grow upwards. There can be no doubt, however, that Light has also a more direct influence on the develop- ment of particular organs in certain Vegetables. Thus when the gemmules* of the Marchantia polymorpha (one of the Hepaticce or Liverworts) are in process of development, it has been shown by repeated experiments, that stomata are formed on the side exposed to the light, and that roots grow from the lower surface ; and that it is a matter of indifference which side of the little disk is at first turned upwards, since each has the power of developing stomata, or roots, according to the influence it receives. After the tendency to the for- mation of these organs has once been given, however, by the suflS- ciently prolonged influence of light upon one side, and of darkness * These geramules are analogous to the buds of higher plants; and they consist of little collections of cells, arranged in the form of flat disks; which are at first attached by footstalks to the parent plant, but afterwards fall off", and are developed into new iadividuals. I OF LIGHT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. 69 and moisture upon the other, any attempt to alter it is found to be vain; for if the surfaces be then inverted, they are soon restored to their original aspect by the twisting growth of the plant. 91. The same amount of this stimulus is not requisite or desirable for all Plants ; and we find in the different habitats which are charac- teristic of different species, even amongst our native plants, that the amount congenial to each varies considerably. Generally speakings the succulent thick-leaved Plants require the largest amount ; their stomata are few in number; and the full influence of light is requisite to induce sufficient activity in the exhaling process ; accordingly we find them growing, for the most part, in exposed situations, where there is nothing to interfere with the full influence of the solar rays. On the other hand, plants w^ith thinner and more delicate leaves, in which the exhaling process is easily excited to an excessive amount, evidently find a congenial home in more sheltered situations ; and there are some which can only develop themselves in full luxuriance in the deep shades of a plantation or a forest. By a farther adaptation of the same kind, some species of Plants are enabled to live and acquire their green colour, under an amount of deprivation which would be fatal to most others ; thus in the mines of Freyberg, in which the quantity of light admitted must be almost infinitesimally small, Humboldt met with Flowering-Plants of various species ; and Mustard and Cress have been raised in the dark abysses of the colleries of this country. 92. Generally speaking, however, the Cryptogamia would seem to be better adapted than Flowering-Plants, to carry on their vegetating processes under a low or very moderate amount of this stimulus. Thus Humboldt found a species of Sea-weed near the Canaries, which possessed a bright grass-green hue, although it had grown at a depth of 190 feet in the sea, where, according to computation, it could have received only l-1500th part of the solar rays that would have fallen upon it at the surface of the ocean. Many Ferns, Mosses, and Lichens seem as if they avoided the light, choosing the northern rather than the southern sides of hedges, buildings, &c., for their resi- dence; so that the former often present a luxuriant growth of Crypto- gamic vegetation, whilst the latter are comparatively bare. It must not be supposed, however, that they avoid light altogether, but only what is to them an excessive degree of it. The avoidance of light seems to be much stronger in the Fungi, which grow most luxuriantly in very dark situations ; and the reason of this is probably to be found in the fact, that, like the germinating seed, they form rather than de- compose carbonic acid ; their food being supplied to them from the decaying substances on which they grow ; and the rapid changes in their tissues giving rise to a high amount of Respiration, — a change exactly the converse of that, on which, as we have seen. Light exerts such a remarkable stimulating power. 93. In regard to the influence of Light upon the functions of Ani- mals, comparatively little is certainly known. It is evident that the 70 OF LIGHT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. influence it exerts on those chemical processes, which constitute the first stage of Vegetable nutrition, can have scarcely any place in Ani- mals; because they do not perform any such acts of combination, but make use of the products already prepared for them by Plants. Hence we do not find that the surface of Animals undergoes that extension, for the purpose of being exposed to the solar rays, which is so cha- racteristic a feature in the Vegetable fabric, and so important in its economy. Still there can be no doubt, that the degree of exposure to light has a great influence upon the colours of the Animal surface ; and here we seem to have a manifestation of Chemical agency, analogous to that which gives colour to the Vegetable surface. Thus it is a mat- ter of familiar experience, that the influence of light upon the skin of many persons, causes it to become spotted with hvov^'i\ freckles; these freckles being aggregations of brown pigment-cells, which either owed their development to the stimulus of light, or were enabled by its agency to perform a chemical transformation which they could not otherwise eflfect. In like manner, the swarthy hue which many per- sons acquire in warm climates, is due to a development of dark pig- ment-cells diffused through the epidermis; and an increased develop- ment of the same kind gives rise to the blackness of the Negro-skin. There can be no doubt that the prolonged influence of light upon one generation after another, tends to give a permanent character to this variety of hue; which will probably be more easily acquired, in pro- portion to the previously-existing tendency to that change. Thus it is well known that a colony of Portuguese Jews, which settled at Tranquebar about three centuries ago, and which has kept itself dis- tinct from the surrounding tribes, cannot now be distinguished, as to colour, from the native Hindoos. But it is probable that a similar colony of fair-skinned Saxons would not, in the same time, have acquired anything like the same depth of colour in their skins. 94. There can be no doubt that the brilliancy of colour, which is characteristic of many tribes of animals in tropical climates, espe- cially Birds and Insects, is in great part dependent, like the bright- ness of the foliage and fruit of the same countries, upon the brightness of the light to which their surfaces are exposed. When birds of warm climates, distinguished by the splendour of their plumage, are reared under an artificial temperature in our own country, it is uni- formly observed that they are much longer in acquiring the hues characteristic of the adult ; and that these are never so bright, as when they have been produced by the influence of the tropical sun. And it has been also remarked, that if certain Insects (the Cockroach for example), which naturally inhabit dark places, be reared in an entire seclusion from light, they grow up almost as colourless as Plants that are made to vegetate under similar circumstances. 95. There is abundant proof that Light exercises an important in- fluence on the processes of development in Animals, no less than in Plants. Thus, the appearance of Animalcules in infusions of decaying organic matter is much retarded, if the vessel be altogether secluded OF LIGHT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. 7X from it. The rapidity with which the small Entomostracous Crusta- cea (Water-Fleas, &c.), of our pools, undergo their transformations, has been found to be much influenced by the amount of light to which they are exposed. And it has been ascertained that, if equal numbers of Silk-worm's eggs be preserved in a dark room, and exposed to common daylight, a much larger proportion of larvae are hatched from the latter than from the former. — The most striking proof of the influence of Light on animal development, however, is afforded by the experiments of Dr. Edwards. He has shown that, if Tadpoles be nourished with proper food, and be exposed to the constantly- renewed contact of water (so that their respiration may be freely carried on, whilst they remain in their Fish-like condition), but be entirely deprived of light, their growth continues, but their meta- morphosis into the condition of air-breathing animals is arrested, and they remain in the condition of large tadpoles. — Numerous facts, collected from different sources, lead to the belief that the healthy development of the Human body, and the rapidity of its recovery from disease, are greatly influenced by the amount of light to which it has been exposed. It has been observed, on the one hand, that a remarkable freedom from deformity exists amongst nations who wear very little clothing ; whilst, on the other, it appears certain that an unusual tendency to deformity is to be found among persons brought up in cellars or mines, or in dark and narrow streets. Part of this difference is doubtless owing to the relative purity of the atmosphere in the former case, and the want of ventilation in the latter; but other instances might be quoted, in which a marked variation pre- sented itself, under circumstances otherwise the same. Thus, it has been stated by Sir A. Wylie (who was long at the head of the medical staff* in the Russian army), that the cases of disease on the dark side of an extensive barrack at St. Petersburgh, have been uniformly, for many years, in the proportion of three to one, to those on the side exposed to strong light. And in one of the London Hospitals, with a long range of frontage looking nearly due north and south, it has been observed that residence in the south wards is much more conducive to the welfare of the patients, than in those on the north side of the building. 96. These facts being kept in view, it is easy to perceive that there must be differences among the various species of Animals, as among those of Plants, in regard to the degree of light which is congenial to them. Among the lowest tribes, in which no special organs of vision exist, there is evidently a susceptibility to the in- fluence of light, which appears scarcely to deserve the name of sensibility, but which seems rather analogous to that which is mani- fested by Plants ; thus among those Polypes which are not fixed to particular spots, and amongst Animalcules, there are some species which seek the light, and others which shun it. And it appears from various observations upon the depths at which marine animals are found, especially from the extensive series of facts collected by 72 OF HEAT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. Prof. E. Forbes,* that there are a series of zones, so to speak, to be met with in descending from the surface towards the bottom of the ocean, each of which is characterized by certain species of animals peculiar to itself, whilst other species have a range through two or more of the zones ; — the extent of the range of depth, in each species, bearing a close correspondence with the extent of its geographical distribution. Now there can be no doubt, that the restriction of particular species to particular zones is due in great part to the degree of pressure of the surrounding medium ; but there can be as little doubt, that the variation in the degree of light also exerts a most important influence, the solar rays in their passage through sea water being subject to a loss of one half for every seventeen feet. From the results of Prof. Forbes' researches, it appears that no species of Invertebrated animals habitually live at a greater depth than 300 fathoms ; and although Fishes have been captured at a depth of from 500 to 600 fathoms, it is probable that they had strayed from their usual abodes. It is interesting to remark, that the Proteus anguineus, an animal which closely corresponds in its fully-developed form with the transition stage between the Tadpole and the Frog, finds a congenial abode in the dark lakes of the caverns of Styria and Carniola, and in the underground caverns that connect them ; — thus showing its adapta- tion to a condition, which keeps down to the same standard the deve- lopment of an animal, that is empowered under other circumstances to advance beyond it. 2. Of Heat, as a Condition of Vital Action. 97. The most perfectly-organized body, supplied with all the other conditions requisite for its activity, must remain completely inert, if it do not receive sufficient stimulation from Heat. The influence which this agent exerts upon living beings, is far more remarkable than its effects upon inorganic matter ; although the latter are usually more obvious. We are all familiar with its power of' producing ex- pansion, — with the liquefaction which is the consequence of its appli- cation to solids, — with the evaporation which it occasions in liquids, — and with the enormous repulsive force which it generates among the particles of vapours; but it is not until we look deeper than the surface, that we perceive how immediate is the dependence of every action of Life upon this mysterious agent. The temporary or perma- nent loss of vitality, in parts of the body subjected to extreme cold, is a *' glaring instance" of the effect of its withdrawal. This change, however, is not immediate. Its first step is a mere depression of the vitality of the part, involving a partial stagnation of the capillary circulation, diminution of sensibility, and want of muscular power. But the continued action of cold on the surface, not compensated by a sufficient generation of heat within, causes the circulation of the • Report on the Invertebrata of the ^gean Sea, in Transactions of British Associ- ations, 1843. t ( OF HEAT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. 73 part to be completely suspended ; its small vessels contract so that they become almost emptied of blood, its sensibility and power of movement are destroyed, — in a word, its vitality is completely sus- pended. In such a state, a timely but cautious application of warmth may produce the gradual renewal of the circulation, and the restora- tion of the other properties of the part, which are dependent upon that function ; but any abrupt change would complete the mischief which the cold has begun ; and would altogether destroy, by the violence of the reaction, the vitality which was only suspended, causing the actual death of the part. Hence, when the extremities are frost-bitten, no- thing can be more injurious than to bring them near a fire ; whilst no treatment has been found so safe and effectual, as the rubbing them with snow. 98. The influence of Heat upon Vital activity, is attested on a larger scale, by the striking contrast between the dreary barrenness of Polar regions, and the luxuriant richness of Tropical countries, where almost every spot teems with Animal and Vegetable life. And the alternation of Winter and Summer in temperate climates, may be almost said to bring under our own view the opposite conditions of those two extreme cases. The effect of the withdrawal of Heat is most obvious in the Vegetable kingdom ; since all its operations are dependent upon a certain supply of that agent ; and in no case are Plants possessed of the power of generating that supply within them- selves, — excepting in certain organs which do not impart it to the rest of the structure. When the temperature of the air falls to the freezing-point, therefore, we find all the operations of the Vegetable economy undergoing a complete suspension ; yet a very trifling rise will produce a renewal of them. It is not only in Evergreens, that the vital processes continue to be performed to a certain extent during the winter ; for there is abundant evidence that, even in the trunk and branches of trees unclothed with leaves, a circulation of sap takes place, whenever there is even a slight return of warmth. In this manner, the leaf-buds are gradually prepared during the milder days of winter, so as to be ready to start forth into full development, with the returning steady warmth of spring. 99. The influence of Heat upon Vegetation is easily made apparent by experiment ; in fact experimental illustrations of it, on a large scale, are daily in progress. For the Gardener, by artificial warmth, is not only enabled to rear with success the plants of tropical climates, whose constitution would not bear the chilling influence of our winter ; but he can also, in some degree, invert the order of the seasons, and produce both blossom and fruit from the plants of our own country, when all around seems dead. This process o^ forcing, however, is unfavourable to the health and prolonged existence of the plants sub- jected to it; since the period of repose, which is natural to them, is interrupted; and they are caused, as it were, to live too fast. The same result occurs, when a plant or tree of temperate climates is transported to the tropics. Within a very short period after one crop 74 OF HEAT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. of leaves has fallen off, a new one makes its appearance. This goes through all its changes of development and decay more rapidly than it would do in its native clime ; and in its turn falls off, and is speedily succeeded by another. Hence the fruit-trees of this country, trans- ported to the East or West Indies, bear abundant crops of leaves, — three, perhaps, in one year, or five in two years, — but little or no fruit ; and the period of their existence is much shortened. 100. As Plants are almost wholly dependent upon the temperature of the surrounding medium, for the supply of Heat necessary for their growth, many regions must have been devoid of Vegetable life alto- gether ; if there were not a remarkable adaptation, in the wants of different species, to the various degrees of temperature of the habita- tions prepared for them. Thus we see the Cacti and Euphorbise attaching themselves to the surface of the most arid rocks of tropical regions, luxuriating, as it would seem, in the full glare of the vertical sun, and laying up a store of moisture from the periodical rains, of which even a long-continued drought is not sufficient to deprive them. The Orchideous tribe, on the other hand, whose greatest develop- ment occurs in the same zone, find their congenial habitation in the depths of the tangled forests, where, with scarcely an inferior amount of heat, they have the advantage of a moister atmosphere, caused by the exhalations of the trees on which they cling. The majestic Tree- Fern, again, reaches its full development in insular situations; where, with a moist atmosphere, it can secure a greater equability of tempe- rature than is to be met with in the interior of the vast tropical con- tinents. None of these races can develop themselves elsewhere, to their full extent, at least, unless their natural conditions of growth are imitated as far as possible ; and in proportion as this imitation can be made complete, in that proportion may the plant of the tropics be successfully reared in temperate regions. 101. There are some examples of the adaptation of particular forms of Vegetable life to extremes of temperature, which are inte- resting as showing the extent to which this adaptation may be carried. In hot springs near a river of Louisiana, of the temperature of from 122° to 145°, there have been seen to grow not merely Confervae and herbaceous plants, but shrubs and trees ; and a hot-spring in the Manilla islands, which raises the thermometer to 187°, has plants flourishing in it, and on its borders. A species of Chara has been found growing and reproducing itself in one of the hot-springs of Iceland, which boiled an egg in four minutes ; various Confer vse, &c., have been observed in the boiling-springs of Arabia and the Cape of Good Hope ; and at the island of New Amsterdam, there is a mud- spring, which, though hotter than boiling-water, gives birth to a species of Liverwort. On the other hand, there are some forms of Vegetation, which seem to luxuriate in degrees of cold, that are fatal to most others. Thus the Lichen, which serves as the winter food of the Rein-deer, spreads itself over the ground whilst thickly covered with snow; and the beautiful little Protococcus nivalis j or Red Snow, OF HEAT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. 75 reddens extensive tracts in the arctic regions, where the perpetual frost of the surface scarcely yields to the influence of the solar rays at Midsummer. 102. It is, for the most part, among the Cryptogamic tribes, — the Ferns, Mosses, Liverworts, Fungi, and Lichens, — that the greatest power of growing under a low temperature exists ; and we accord- ingly find that the proportion of these to the Phanerogamia, or Flowering Plants, increases as we proceed from the Equator towards the Poles. It has been estimated by Humboldt, that, in Tropical regions, the number of species of Cryptogamia is only about one-tenth that of the Flowering Plants ; in the part of the Temperate zone which lies between Lat. 45° and 52°, the proportion rises to one-half; and the relative amount gradually increases as we proceed towards the Poles, until, between Lat. 67° and 70°, the number of species of Cryptogamia equals that of the Phanerogamia. Among the Flowering Plants, moreover, the greatest endurance of cold is to be found in those, which approach most nearly to the Cryptogamia in the low degree of their development ; thus the Glumaceous group of Endo- gens, including the Grasses, Rushes, and Sedges, which forms about one-eleventh of the whole amount of Phanerogamic vegetation in the Tropics, constitutes one-fourth of it in the Temperate regions, and one-third in the Polar; and the ratio of the Gymnospermic group of Exogens, which chiefly consists of the Pine and Fir tribe, increases in like manner. Still the influence of a high temperature is evident even upon the Cryptogamia and their allies ; for it is only under the influence of the light and warmth of tropical climes, that the Ferns, — the highest among the former, — can develop a woody stem, and assume the character of trees ; and it is only there that the tall Sugar- Canes, and the gigantic Bamboos, which are but Grasses on a large scale, can flourish. 103. It appears, then, that to every species of Vegetable there is a temperature which is most congenial, from its producing the most favourable influence on its general vital actions. There is a consi- derable difference between the power oi growing, and oi flourishing^ at a given temperature. We may lower the heat of a plant to such a degree, as to allow it to continue to live ; yet its conclition will be unhealthy. It absorbs food from the earth and air, but cannot assi- milate and convert it. Its tissue grows but becomes distended with water, instead of being rendered firm by solid deposits. The usual secretions are not formed ; flavour, sweetness, and nutritive matter, are each diminished ; and the power of flowering and producing fruit is lost. We see a difference in the amount of heat required for the vegetating processes, even in the various species indigenous to our own climate ; thus the common Chickweed, Groundsel, and Poa annua evidently grow readily at a temperature but little above the freezing- point, whilst the Nettles, Mallows, and other weeds around them, remain torpid. But the difference is much more strongly marked in the vegetation of different climates ; showing an evident adaptation 76 OF HEAT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. of the tribes indigenous to each, to that range of temperature which they will there experience. Instead of being scantily supplied with such of the tropical plants as could support a stunted and precarious life in ungenial climates, the temperate regions are stocked with a multitude of vegetables which appear to be constructed expressly for them ; inasmuch as these species can no more flourish at the Equator, than the equatorial species can in these Temperate regions. And such new supplies, adapted to new conditions, recur perpetually as we advance tow^ards the apparently frozen and untenantable regions in the neighbourhood of the Pole. Every zone has its peculiar vege- tables ; and while w^e miss some, we find others making their appear- ance, as if to replace those which are absent. 104. Thus in the countries lying near the Equator, the vegetation consists in great part of dense forests of leafy evergreen trees. Palms, Bamboos, and Tree-Ferns, bound together by clustering Orchidea^ and strong creepers of various kinds. There are no verdant meadow^s, such as form the chief beauty of our temperate regions ; and the lower orders of Vegetation are extremely rare. It is only in this torrid Zone, that Dates, Coffee, Cocoa, Bread-fruit, Bananas, Cinnamon, Cloves, Nutmegs, Pepper, Myrrh, Indigo, Ebony, Logwood, Teak, Sandal- wood, and many other of the vegetable products, most highly valued for their flavour, their odour, their colour, or their density, come to full perfection. As we recede from the Equator, we find the leafy Evergreens giving place to trees with deciduous leaves ; rich mea- dows appear, abounding with tender herbs ; the Orchideae no longer find in the atmosphere, and on the surface of the trees over which they cluster, a sufficiency of moisture for their support, and the para- sitic species are replaced by others which grow from fleshy roots implanted in the soil; but aged trunks are now clothed with Mosses; decayed vegetables are covered with parasitical Fungi ; and the waters abound with Confervse. In the warmer parts of the tempe- rate regions, the Apricot, Citron, Orange, Lemon, Peach, Fig, Vine, Olive, and Pomegranate, the Myrtle, Cedar, Cypress, and Dwarf Palm, find their congenial abode. These give place, as we pass northwards, to the Apple, the Plum, and the Cherry, the Chestnut, the Oak, the Elm, and the Beech. Going further still, we find that the fruit-trees are unable to flourish, but the timber-trees maintain their ground. Where these last fail, we meet \vith extensive forests of the various species of Firs ; the Dwarf Birches and Willows replace the larger species of the same kind ; and even near or within the arc- tic circle, we find wild flowers of great beauty, — the Mezereon, the yellow and white Water-Lily, and the Globe-flower. Where none of these can flourish, where trees wholly disappear, and scarcely any flowering-plants are to be met with, an humbler Cryptogamic vegeta- tion still raises its head, in proof that no part of the Globe is altogether unfit for the residence of living beings, and that the empire of Flora has no limit. 105. But distance from the Equator is by no means the only ele- OF HEAT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. 77 ment, in the determination- of the mean temperature of a particular spot, and of the Vegetation which is congenial to it. Its height above the level of the sea is equally important ; for this produces a variation in the amount of heat derived from the Sun, at least as great as that occasioned by difference of latitude. Thus it is not alone on the summits of Hecla, Mount Blanc, and other mountains of arctic or temperate regions, that we find a coating of perpetual snow ; we find a similar covering on the lofty summits of the Himalayan chain, which extends to within a few degrees of the tropic of Cancer ; and even on the higher peaks of that part of the ridge of the Andes, which lies immediately beneath the Equator. The height of the snow-line be- neath the Equator, is between 15,000 and 16,000 feet above the level of the sea ; on the south side of the Himalayan ridge, it is as much as 17,000 feet, but on the north side only 13,000 feet; and in the Swiss Alps it is about 8000 feet. Its position is very much affected, however, by local circumstances, such as the neighbourhood of a large expanse of land or of sea ; hence the small quantity of land in the Southern Hemisphere, renders its climate generally so much colder than that of the Northern, that in Sandwich land (which is Lat. 59° S., or in the same parallel as the north of Scotland), the whole country, from the summits of the mountains down to the very brink of the sea-cliffs, is covered many fathoms thick with everlasting snow ; and in the island of Georgia (which is in Lat. 54° S., or in the same paral- lel as Yorkshire,) the limit of perpetual snow descends to the level of the ocean, the partial melting in summer only disclosing a few rocks, scantily covered with moss and tufts of grass. Yet the highest mountains of Scotland, w^hich ascend to an elevation of nearly 5000 feet, and are four degrees more distant from the equator, do not attain the limit of perpetual snow ; this is reached, however, by mountains in Norway, at no greater elevation. 106. If, then. Temperature exert such an influence on Vegetation as has been stated, we ought to find on the sides of lofty mountains in tropical regions the same progressive alterations in the characters of the Plants that cover them, as we encounter in journeying from t^e equatorial towards the polar regions. This is actually the case. The proportion of Cryptogamia to Flowering Plants, for example, is no more than one-fifteenth on the plains of the Equatorial region ; whilst it is as much as one-fifth on the mountains. In ascending the Peak of Teneriffe, Humboldt remarked as many as five distinct Zones, which were respectively marked by the products w^hich characterize differ- ent climates. Thus at the base, the vegetation is altogether tropical ; the Date-Palm, Plaintain, Sugar-Cane, Banyan, the succulent Eu- phorbia, the Draccena, and other trees and plants of the torrid zone there flourish. A little higher grow the Olive, the Vine, and other fruit-trees of Southern Europe ; there Wheat flourishes ; and there the ground is covered with grassy herbage. Above this is the woody region, in which are found the Oak, Laurel, Arbutus, and other beau- tiful hardy evergreens. Next above is the region of Pines; charac- 78 OF HEAT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. terized by a vast forest of trees resembling the Scottish Fir, inter- mixed with Juniper. This gives place to a tract remarkable for the abundance of Broom ; and at last the scenery is terminated by Scro- fularia, Viola, a few Grasses, and Cryptogamic plants, which extend to the borders of the perpetual snow that caps the summit of the mountain. 107. The effects of Temperature on Vegetation are not only seen in its influence upon the Geographical distribution of Plants, that is, in the limitation of particular species to particular climates; for they are shown, perhaps even more remarkably, in the variation in the size of individuals of the same species; when that species possesses the power of adapting itself to widely-different conditions, which is the case with some. Thus the Cerasus Virginiana grows in the southern states of North America as a noble tree, attaining one hun- dred feet in height ; in the sandy plains of the Saskatchawan, it does not exceed twenty feet ; and at its northern limit, the Great Slave Lake, in Lat. 62°, it is reduced to a shrub of five feet. Another curious effect of heat is shown in its influence on the sexes of certain Monoecious flowers ; thus Mr. Knight mentions that Cucumber and Melon plants will produce none but male or staminiferous flowers, if their vegetation be accelerated by heat; and all female or pistillife- rous, if its progress be retarded by cold. 108. The injurious influence of excessive heat can be, to a certain extent, resisted by Plants, through the cooling process kept up by the continual evaporation of moisture from their surface. But the power of maintaining this cooling process entirely depends upon the supply of fluid, with which the plant is furnished. If the supply be adequate to the demand, the effect of heat will be to stimulate all the vital ope- rations of the plant, and to cause them to be performed with increased energy ; though, as we have already seen, this energy may be such as to occasion a premature exhaustion in its powers, by the excessive luxuriance which it occasions. But if the supply of water be deficient, the plant is burnt up by the continuance of heat in a dry atmosphere ; and it either withers and dies, or its tissues become dense and con- tracted, without losing their vitality. Thus it has been remarked, that shrubs growing among the sandy deserts of the East, have as stunted an appearance as those attempting to vegetate in the Arctic regions ; their leaves being converted into prickles, and their leaf-buds pro- longed into thorns instead of branches. — The influence of excessive heat in destroying life, can sometimes be traced through the direct physical changes which it occasions in the vegetable tissues. Thus it has been ascertained that grains of corn will vegetate, after exposure to water or vapour possessing a considerable degree of heat ; provided that heat do not amount to 144° in the case of water, and 167° in that of vapour. At these temperatures, the structure of the seed under- goes a disorganizing change, by the rupture of the vesicles of starch which form a large part of it ; and the loss of its power of germinating is therefore readily accounted for. The highest temperature which OF HEAT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. 79 the soil usually possesses in tropical climates, is about 126°, though Humboldt has once observed the thermometer rise to 140°. Seeds imbedded in such a soil, therefore, may not lose their vitality, although they will not germinate in such temperatures. The temperature most favourable to germination probably varies in different species, and is one of the conditions that produces their adaptation to different climates. Thus it appears that Corn will not germinate in water at a higher temperature than 95°, whilst Maize will germinate in water at 113° ; and, as is well known, Maize will flourish in countries in which Corn cannot be grown. 109. We must not confound the power which Plants possess of vegetating^ or exhibiting vital activity, under widely-different degrees of temperature, with the power of retaining their vitality in a dormant condition, which many of them possess in a very remarkable degree. When the external temperature is much below the freezing-point, it is impossible that any vegetating processes can go on ; since the Plant does not possess the power of generating heat within itself. Now such a complete cessation of activity is quite compatible, in many in- stances, with the preservation of the organized structure in a condition perfectly unchanged, and, in consequence, with the continuance of its peculiar properties ; so that these properties may be again called into operation, when the temperature shall have risen. But in other cases, the plant may be killed by the intensity of the cold ; that is, the return of warmth will not excite it to activity. We have occasion to notice, in every severe winter, the difference in this respect amongst the plants which are cultivated in our own climate ; some of them being killed by a hard frost, the effects of which are resisted by others, even though their situation be more exposed. In general it will be found, that the cold acts most powerfully (as might be expected) upon plants which are not indigenous to our country, but which have been introduced and naturalized from some warmer regions. But it is worthy of note, amongst other peculiarities in the relation of Heat and Vegetation, that many plants are readily killed by a low temperature, which yet flourish well under a very moderate amount of warmth ; so that they will grow in situations where the mean temperature of the year is low and the summers cool, provided the winters are not severe ; whilst they cannot be preserved without special protection, in situa- tions where the w^inters are colder, even though the summers should be much hotter, and the mean temperature of the whole year should be considerably higher. Thus there are shrubs growing in the Botanic Garden of Edinburgh, which cannot be safely left in the open air in the neighbourhood of London, and which would be most certainly killed by the winter-cold of central France. 110. It does not admit of doubt, that the destructive influence of a very low temperature upon the Vitality of Plants, is immediately exerted through its chemical and physical effects upon the tissues and their contents. Thus it will produce congelation of their fluids ; and the expansion which takes place in freezing will injure the walls of 80 OF HEAT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. the containing cells, — distending, lacerating, or even bursting them. The same cause will probably occasion the expulsion of air from some parts which ought to contain it ; and the introduction of it into other parts which ought to be filled with fluid. And a separation will take place, in the act of freezing, between the constituent parts of the vegetable juices ; which will render them unfit for discharging their functions, when returning warmth would otherwise call them into activity. Hence we are enabled in some degree to account for the differences in the power of resisting cold, which the various species of Plants, and even the various parts of the same individual, are found to possess. For, other things being equal, the power of each plant, and of each part of a plant, to resist a low temperature, will be in the inverse ratio of the quantity of water contained in the tissue ; thus, a succulent herbaceous plant suflfers more than one with a hard woody stem and dense secretions ; and young shoots are destroyed by a degree of cold, which does not aflfect old shoots and branches of the same shrub or tree. Again, the viscidity of the fluids of some plants is an obstacle to their congelation, and therefore enables them to resist cold ; thus it is, that the resinous Pines are, of all trees, those which can endure the lowest temperature. The dimensions of the cells, too, of which the tissue is composed, appears to have an influence ; the liability to freeze being diminished by a very minute subdivision of the fluids. And when the roots are implanted deep in the soil, where the temperature does not fall so low as that of the surface by many degrees, the fluidity of the sap may be maintained, in spite of an ex- tremely cold state of the atmosphere. 111. It is in Cryptogamic plants, that the greatest power of sustain- ing cold exists; as might be inferred from what has been already stated in regard to their geographical distribution. The Little Fungus (7b- Tula Cerevisice) which is one of the principal constituents of Yeast, does not lose its vitality by exposure to a temperature of 76° below zero; though it requires a somewhat elevated temperature for its active growth. It would appear that Seeds are enabled to sustain a degree of cold without the loss of their vitality, which would be fatal to growing plants of the same species; thus grains of corn, of various kinds, will germinate after being exposed for a quarter of an hour to a temperature equal to that of frozen mercury. It is not diflficult to account for this, when the closeness of their texture, and the small quantity of fluid which it includes, are kept in view. The act of Germination, how- ever, will only take place under a rather elevated temperature ; and we find in the Chemical changes which it involves, a provision for maintaining this, w^hen the process has once commenced. 112. The influence of Heat upon the vital activity of Animals, is quite as strongly marked as we have seen it to be in the case of Plants ; but the mode in which it is exerted is in many instances very differ- ent. In those animals which are endowed with great energy of mus- cular movement, and in which, for the maintenance of that energy, the nutritive functions are kept in constant activity, we find that a provi- I OF HEAT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. 81 sion exists for the development of heat from within, so as to keep the temperature of the body at a certain uniform standard, whatever may be the climate in which they live. Their energy and activity are, in fact, so dependent upon the steady maintenance of a high temperature in their bodies, that, if this be not kept up nearly to its regular stand- ard, a diminution or even a complete cessation of vital action takes place, and even a total loss of vitality may result. In these warm- blooded animals, as they are termed, we do not so evidently trace the effects of Heat, because they are constantly being exerted, and because external changes have but little influence upon them, unless these changes are of an extreme kind. But if those internal operations, on which the maintenance of the temperature is dependent, are, from any cause, retarded or suspended, the effect is immediately visible in the depressed activity of the whole system. In the class of Birds whose muscular energy, and whose general functional activity, are greater and more constant than those of any other animals, the temperature is pretty steadily maintained at from 108° to 112°; and we shall pre- sently see, that a depression of the heat of the body to about 80° is fatal. Among Mammalia, the temperature is usually maintained at from 98° to 102°; and it seems that here, too, a depression of about thirty degrees is ordinarily fatal. 113. In the different tribes of Birds and Mammals, we find a very diversified power of generating heat; and on this depends their adapt- ation to various climates. Where the usual temperature of the atmo- sphere is but little below the normal standard ®f the body, a small amount of the internal calorifying power is required ; and accordingly we find that animals which naturally inhabit the torrid zone, cannot be kept alive elsewhere, except, like the Plants of the same regions, by external heat. On the other hand, the animals of the colder-tempe- rate and frigid climes are endowed with a much greater internal calo- rifying power; and their covering is adapted to keep in the heat which they generate. Such animals (the Polar Bear, for example,) cannot be kept in health, in the summer of our own country, unless means are taken for their refrigeration. The constitution of man seems to ac- quire, by habituation to a particular set of conditions through succes- sive generations, an adaptation to differences of climate, of which that of few other animals is susceptible ; and thus we find different races of human beings inhabiting countries, which are subject to the ex- tremes of heat and cold. The Hindoo or the Negro, suddenly trans- ported to Labrador or Siberia during the depth of winter, would pro- bably sink in the course of a few days, from want of power to generate within his body a sufficient amount of heat to resist the depressing in- fluence of the external cold ; whilst, on the other hand, the Esquimaux, suddenly conveyed to the hottest parts of India or Africa, would speedily become the subject of disease, which would probably terminate his life in a short time. It is in the inhabitant of temperate climates, who is naturally exposed during the seasonal changes of his year, to a wide range of external temperature, that we find the greatest power of 6 82 OF HEAT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. sustaining the extremes of either cold or heat; and yet, even in such, the continued exposure to either extreme during a long series of years, will so much influence the heat-producing power, that the constitu- tion does not adapt itself readily to a change of conditions. 114. We see, then, that the variations observable between different races in this respect, are only exaggerations (so to speak) of the alter- nations which an individual may undergo in the course of a few years; and it is easy to understand how such an adaptation may take place to an increased extent in successive generations; — this being the regular law, not merely in regard to Man, but in regard to other animals placed under new conditions, to which they have a certain, but limited, power of adapting themselves. Thus we find that an European, who has lived for several years in the East or West Indies, suffers considerably from the cold, when he first returns to \vinter in his na- tive country : his constitution having, for a time, lost some of its power of generating heat. After a few years' residence, however, this power is commonly recovered to its original extent, unless the age of the individual be too far advanced; but his children, if they have been not only born, but brought up, in the hotter climate, experience much greater difficulty in adapting themselves to the colder one. 115. The conditions on which the power of maintaining the heat of the body, in despite of external cold, is dependent, will become the subject of inquiry hereafter (Chap. X). It is sufficient here to state, that this power is the result of numerous Chemical changes going on within the body ; and especially of a process analogous to combustion, in which carbon and hydrogen, taken in as food, are made to unite with oxygen derived from the atmosphere. It is dependent, therefore, as to its amount, upon the due supply of the combustible material on the one hand, and of atmospheric air on the other. If the former is not furnished, either by the food or by the fatty matter of the body, (which acts as a kind of reserved store laid up against the time of need,) the heat cannot be maintained ; and it is in part for want of power to digest and assimilate a sufficient amount of this kind of aliment, that animals of warm climates cannot maintain their temperature in colder regions. On the other hand, if the supply of oxygen be deficient, as it is when the respiration is impeded by- diseased conditions of various kinds, there is a similar depression of temperature. 116. Now, if, from either of these causes, the temperature of the body of a Bird or Mammal (except in the case of the hyhernating species of the latter, to be presently noticed) be lowered to about 30° below its usual standard, not only is there a cessation of vital activity, but a total loss of \\\.?\ properties ; in other w^ords, the death of the animal is a necessary result. This occurrence is preceded by a gradu- ally-increasing torpidity ; which shows the depressing influence of the cooling process upon the functions in general. The temperature of the superficial parts of the body is, of course, first affected ; the circu- lation is at first retarded, causing lividity of the skin ; but, as the tern- OF HEAT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. 83 perature becomes lower, the blood is almost entirely expelled from the surface, by the contraction of the vessels, and paleness succeeds. At the same time, there is a gradually-increasing torpor of the nervous and muscular systems, which first manifests itself in an indisposition to exertion of any kind, and then in an almost irresistible tendency to sleep. At the same time, the respiratory movements become slower, from the want of the stimulus that should be given by the warm cur- rent of blood to the medulla oblongata, which is the centre of those movements; and the loss of heat goes on, therefore, with increased rapidity, until the temperature of the whole body is so depressed, that its vitality is altogether destroyed. 117. But when there is a deficiency of the proper animal heat, the vital activity of the system may be maintained by caloric supplied by external sources. This fact is of high scientific value, as giving the most complete demonstration of the immediate dependence of the vital functions of warm-blooded animals upon a sustained temperature ; and its practical importance can scarcely be overrated. It rests chiefly upon the recent experiments of Chossat, who had in view to determine the circumstances attending death by Inanition or starvation. He found that, when Pigeons were entirely deprived of food and w^ater, their average temperature underwent a tolerably regular diminution from day to day ; so that, after several days, (the exact number vary- ing with their previous condition,) it was about 4^° lower than at first. Up to this time, it seems that the store of fat laid up in the body sup- plies the requisite material for the combustive process ; so that no very injurious depression of temperature occurs. But, as soon as this is exhausted, the temperature falls rapidly, from hour to hour; and as soon as the total depression has reached 29^° or 30°, death super- venes. Yet it was found by M. Chossat, that when animals thus reduced by starvation, w^hose death seemed impending, (death actually taking place, in many instances, whilst the preliminary processes of weighing, the application of the thermometer, &c., were being per- formed,) were subjected to artificial heat, they were almost uniformly restored, from a state of insensibility and want of muscular power, to a condition of comparative activity. Their temperature rose, their muscular power returned, they took food when it was presented to them, and their secretions were renewed ; and, if this artificial assist- ance was sufficiently prolonged, and they were supplied \vith food, they recovered. If the heat was withdrawn, however, before the time when the digested food was ready, in sufficient amount, to supply the combustive process, they still sank for want of it. 118. Various important practical hints may be derived from the consideration of these facts. There can be no doubt that, in many diseases of exhaustion, the want of power to sustain the requisite temperature, is the immediate cause of death ; the whole combustible material of the body having been exhausted, and the digestive appa- ratus not being able to supply what is required. Now where this is the case, there is no doubt that life may be prolonged, and that 84 OF HEAT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. recovery may be favoured, by the judicious sustentation of the tem- perature of the body. This may be effected either by internal or by external means. Of the internal, the most efficient is undoubtedly the administration of alcoholic fluids; which, for reasons hereafter to be given, (§ 496,) will be absorbed into the circulating system, when no other alimentary substance can be taken in; and w^hich, moreover, exert a favourable influence by their specific stimulating effect upon the nervous system. It is a matter of familiar experience, that in such conditions of the body, the quantity of alcohol which may be administered with positive and evident benefit, is such as w^ould in ordinary circumstances be productive of the most injurious results; and this is fully accounted for by the reflection, that it is burnt off as fast as it is taken in. But a most important adjunct in all such cases, — and in many instances a substitute for alcohol, when the latter w^ould be inadmissible, — will be found in the application of external heat ; and especially in the subjection of the whole surface to its in- fluence, by means of the hot-air bath. This is a valuable portion of the treatment, in the recovering of persons who have been reduced to insensibility by suffocation of any kind; and especially in cases of Irowning, since the heat of the body is rapidly withdrawn by the conducting power of the water. Indeed it may be stated as a general rule, that, where the temperature of the body is lowered from any ause, external heat may be advantageously applied ; and much evi- dence has lately been produced to show, that the reparative processes by which extensive wounds are healed, go on more favourably under the contact of warm, dry air, than with any other application. 119. On the other hand, where the object is to keep dow^n a ten- dency to a too violent action, the local application of moderate cold is found to be of the greatest value ; all surgeons of eminence being now agreed upon the efficacy of water- dressing in restraining the in- flammatory process, especially in cases of wounds of the joints, in which this action is most to be apprehended. The general applica- tion of cold to the surface, by means of continued exposure to cool air, or by a short immersion in cold water, is frequently in the highest degree beneficial, by imparting tone to the system, i.e., by producing a firmer condition in the solids w^hich were previously relaxed, and more especially by calling into action the tonicity of the walls of the blood-vessels, wdiich imparts to them an increased resistance, and thus favours the regular and vigorous circulation of blood, upon principles which will be hereafter stated (§ 609). But so far from producing any permanent depression in the temperature of the body, this mea- sure has a tendency to elevate it, by the increased vigour it produces in the circulation ; hence the glow which is experienced after the use of the cold bath. If this effect be not produced, and a chilling of the body, instead of an invigorating warmth, be the result of the use of cold, it is evident that this cannot be beneficial. The inju- rious results of the too-prolonged application of even a moderate degree of cold, are seen in the depression of temperature, without a OF HEAT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. S& corresponding reaction, which is the consequence of an immersion in water of 50° or 55° prolonged for several hours ; and still more in that chilling of the whole surface frequently productive of the most serious consequences, which arises from the evaporation of fluid from garments that have been moistened, either by perspiration from with- in, or by the fall of rain or dew upon their exterior. There is no doubt that the obstruction to the continuance of the perspiration, presented by a covering already saturated with moisture, is one cause of the injurious results that so commonly follow such an occurrence; but there is as little doubt that the chilling influence of the external evaporation has a large share in producing them. For experience shows that, if the evaporation be prevented by an impenetrable covering, the contact of a garment thoroughly saturated with mois- ture is not productive of the same injurious consequences. 120. The practical importance of the due comprehension of the principles upon which heat and cold should be employed, in the treatment of disease and the preservation of health, has required this digression. We now proceed to consider the influence of temperature upon a certain group of warm-blooded animals ; which offers a remarkable peculiarity in this respect, — their power of gene- rating heat being for a time greatly diminished or almost completely suspended ; the temperature of their bodies following that of the air around, so that it may be brought down nearly to the freezing- point ; their general vital actions being carried on with such feeble- ness as to be scarcely perceptible ; and yet the vital properties of the tissues being retained, so that, when the temperature of the body is again raised, the usual activity returns. This state, which is called hybernation, appears to be as natural to certain animals, as sleep is to all ; and it corresponds with sleep in its tendency to periodical return. 121. No account can be given of the causes to which it is due; but the condition of the animals presenting it offers several points of much interest. There are some, as the Lagomys, in which it appears to differ but little from deep ordinary sleep ; they retire into situations which favour the retention of their warmth ; and they occasionally wake up, and apply themselves to some of the store of food, which they have provided in the autumn. In other cases, a great accumu- lation of fat takes place within the body in autumn, favoured by the oily nature of the seeds, nuts, &c., on which the animals then feed ; and this serves the purpose of maintaining the temperature for a suf- ficient length of time, not indeed to the usual standard, but to one not far below it. The state of torpor in these animals is more pro- found than that of deep sleep, but it is not such as to prevent them from being easily aroused ; and their respiratory movements, though diminished in frequency, are still performed without interruption. But in the Marmot, and in animals which, like it, hybernate com- pletely, the temperature of the body (owing to the want of internal power to generate heat) and the general vital activity, are proper- 86 OF HEAT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. tionably depressed ; the respiratory movements fall from 500 to 14 per hour, and are performed without any considerable enlargement of chest ; the pulse sinks from 150 to 15 beats per minute ; the state of torpidity is so profound that the animal is with difficulty aroused from it ; and the heat of the body is almost entirely dependent upon the temperature of the surrounding air, not being usually more than a degree or two above it. When the thermometer in the air is somewhat below the freezing-point, that placed within the body falls to about 35° ; and at this point it may remain for some time without any apparent injury to the animal, as it revives when subjected to a higher temperature. When, however, the body is exposed to a more intense degree of cold, the animal functions undergo a temporary re- newal ; for the cold seems to act like any other stimulus in arousing them. The respiratory movements and the circulation increase in ac- tivity, so as to generate an increased amount of heat ; but this amount is insufficient to keep up the temperature of the body, which is at last depressed to a degree inconsistent with the maintenance of life ; and not only the suspension of activity, but the total loss of vital proper- ties is the result. 122. Now the condition of a hybernating Mammal closely resem- bles that of a cold-blooded animal, in regard to the dependence of its bodily temperature upon external conditions. There is this important difference, however ; — that the reduction of the temperature of the former to 60*^ or 50° is incompatible with a state of activity, which is only exhibited when the temperature rises to nearly the usual Mam- malian standard ; — whilst a permanently low or moderate temperature is natural to the bodies of most cold-blooded animals, whose func- tions could not be well carried on under a higher temperature. Thus all the muscles of a Frog are thrown into a state of permanent and rigid contraction, by the immersion of its body in water no warmer than the blood which naturally bathes those of the Bird ; and we find, accordingly, that cold-blooded animals which cannot sustain a high temperature, are provided with 2i frigorifying rather than with a calo- rifying apparatus. Although we are accustomed to rank all animals, save Birds and Mammals, under the general term cold-blooded, yet there exist among them considerable diversities as to the power of generating heat within themselves, and of thus rendering themselves independent of external variations. Thus among Reptiles, it appears that there are some which can sustain a temperature several degrees above that of the atmosphere, especially when the latter is sinking ; and among Fishes it is certain that there are species, — the Tunny and Bonifo, for example, — which are almost entitled to the name of warm- blooded animals, their temperature being kept up to nearly 100°, when that of the sea is about 80°. It is uncertain, however, to what extent it would be depressed, by a lowering of that of the surround- ing medium. The greatest power of developing heat in cold-blooded animals appears to exist, when their bodies are reduced nearly to the freezing-point, and when that of the surrounding air or water is much OF HEAT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. 87 below it. Thus Frogs have been found alive in the midst of ice whose temperature was as low as 9°, the heat of their own bodies being 33° ; and it has been observed that even Animalcules contained in water that is being frozen, are not at once destroyed, but that each lives for a time in a small uncongealed space, where the fluid seems to be kept from solidifying by the caloric liberated from the Animal- cule. 123. The peculiar condition of the class of Insects, in regard to its heat-producing power, exhibits in a very striking manner the con- nection between an elevated temperature and vital activity. In the Larva state of Insects, the temperature of the animal follows closely that of the surrounding air, as in the cold-blooded classes generally ; but it is usally from \^ to 4° above it. In the Pupa condition, which is one of absolute rest in all insects that undergo a complete meta- morphosis, the temperature scarcely rises above that of the surround- ing medium ; except nearly at the close of the period, when it is about to burst its envelops and to come forth as the perfect Insect. The elevation of temperature which different Insects present, varies in part according to the species, and in part with the condition of the individual in regard to rest or activity ; but the same principle is evi- dently operating in both cases, since the variation existing amongst diflferent species, in regard to their heat-producing power, is closely connected with the amount of activity natural to them. The highest amount is to be found in the industrious Hive-Bee and its allies, and in the elegant and sportive Butterflies, which are almost constantly on the wing in search of food ; next to these come the Beetles of active flight ; and lastly those which seldom or never raise themselves upon the wing, but pursue their labours on the ground. The temperature of individual Bees has been found to be about 4° above that of the atmosphere, when they are in a state of repose ; but it rises to 10° or 15° when they are excited to activity. When they are aggregated together in clusters, however, the temperature which they possess is often as much as 40° above that of the atmosphere. When reduced to torpidity by cold, they still generate heat enough to keep them from being frozen, unless the cold be very severe ; and they may be aroused by moderate excitement to a state of activity, in which the temperature rises to a very considerable height. Now although the increased production of heat is in these cases, as in hybernating Mam- mals, similarly aroused, the consequence of the increased activity, there can be no question that it is a condition necessary to the continuance of that activity ; since we find that, if the temperature of the body be again reduced by external cold, the activity cannot be long main- tained. 124. Whilst the foregoing facts exhibit the connection between an elevated temperature, and the most active condition of the muscular and nervous systems, in cold-blooded animals, there is abundant evi- dence of the same kind in regard to the influence of heat upon the processes of nutrition and development. Thus the time of emersion 88 OF HEAT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. of Insect-larvse from their eggs, — or in other words, the rate at which the previous formative processes go on, is entirely dependent upon the temperature. In the case of the Bird we find that, if the tempe- rature be not sufficient to develop the egg, chemical changes soon take place, which involve the loss of its vitality ; or if the tempera- ture be reduced so low as to prevent the occurrence of those changes, the loss of heat is in itself destructive of life. But this is not the case in regard to the eggs of cold-blooded animals in general ; for, like the beings they are destined to produce, they may be reduced to a state of complete inaction by a depression of the external temperature ; whilst a slight elevation of this renews their vital operations, at a rate corresponding to the warmth supplied. Hence the production of lar- vae from the eggs of Insects may be accelerated or retarded at plea- sure ; and this is, in fact, practised in the rearing of Silk-worms, in order to adapt the time of their emersion from the egg to the supply of food which is ready for them. The same may be said in regard to the eggs of other cold-blooded animals; those, for example, of the minute Entomostracous Crustacea (Water-Fleas, &c.,) which people our ditches and ponds. In many of these, the race is continued solely by the eggs, which remain dormant through the winter ; all the parents being destroyed by the cold. The common Daphnia pulex produces two kinds of eggs; from one, the young are very speedily hatched: but the others, which are produced in the autumn, and en- veloped in a peculiar covering, do not give birth to the contained young until the succeeding spring. They may be at any time hatched, however, by artificial warmth. 125. We sometimes find special provisions, for imparting to the eggs a temperature beyond that which is natural to the bodies of the parents; thus it has been lately shown that in Serpents, the tempera- ture of the posterior part of the body rises considerably, when the eggs are lying in the oviduct, preparatory to being discharged, — evidencing a special heat-producing power in the surrounding parts at this period, which is obviously for the purpose of aiding the matu- rity of the eggs. The Viper, whose eggs are frequently hatched in the maternal oviduct, so that the young are brought forth alive, is occasionally seen basking in the sun, in such a position as to receive its strongest heat on the parts that coverthe oviduct. Certain Birds have recourse to substitutes for the usual method of incubation. The Tallegalla of New Holland is directed by its remarkable instinct, not to sit upon its eggs, but to bring them to maturity by depositing them in a sort of hot-bed, which it constructs of decaying vegetable matter. The Ostrich is believed to sit upon its eggs, when the temperature falls below a certain standard, but to leave them to the influence of the solar heat when this is sufficient to bring them to maturity; and this state- ment derives confirmation from a similar fact observed in a Fly- catcher, which built in a hot-house during several successive years, — the bird quitting its eggs when the temperature w,as high, and resuming its place when it fell. In all these cases, as in many more OF HEAT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. 89 which might be enumerated, we observe the influence of an elevated temperature upon the processes of development; and the provisions made by Nature, in the physical or mental constitution of animals, for affording that influence. The development of heat around the oviduct of the Serpent is a process over which the individual has no control, being entirely dependent upon certain Organic changes; whilst the imparting of warmth to its eggs by the Bird, either from its own body or through artificial means, is committed to the guidance of its Instinct, — which same instinct leads it to suspend the process when it is not necessary. 126. Phenomena of an equally interesting and instructive charac- ter may be observed in the history of the Pupa state of Insects ; which, in those that undergo a complete metamorphosis, may be almost cha- racterized as a re-entrance into the egg. In fact we shall obtain the most correct idea of the nature of that metamorphosis, by considering the Larva as an embryo, which comes forth from the egg in a very early and undeveloped condition, for the sake of obtaining materials for its continued development, which the egg does not supply in sufficient amount. When these have been digested and stored up in the body, the animal becomes completely inactive, so far as regards its external manifestations of life ; and it forms some kind of envelop for its protection, which may not be unaptly compared to the shell or horny covering of the egg. Within this are gradually developed the wings, legs, and other parts which are peculiar to the perfect Insect ; whilst even those organs, which it possesses in common with the Larva, are for the most part completely altered in character. When this process of development is completed, the Insect emerges from its Pupa case, just as the Bird comes forth from the egg ; then only does its Insect life begin, its previous condition having been that of a Worm; and the alteration of its character is just as evident in its instinctive propensities, as it is in its locomotive and sensorial powers. 127. Now this process of development is remarkably influenced by external temperature ; being accelerated by genial warmth, and retarded by cold. There are many Larvae, which naturally pass into the Pupa state during the autumn, remain in it during the entire winter, and emerge as perfect Insects with the return of spring. It was found by Reaumur, that Pupse, which would not naturally have been disclosed until May, might be caused to undergo their meta- morphosis during the depth of winter, by the influence of artificial heat ; whilst, on the other hand, their change might be delayed a whole year beyond its usual time, by the prolonged influence of a cold atmosphere. In order to hasten the development of the pupse of the Social Bees, a very curious provision is made. There is a certain set, to which the name of Nurse-bees has been given, whose duty it is to cluster over the cells in which the Nymphs or Pupse are lying, and to communicate the heat to them, which is developed by the energetic movements of their own bodies, and especially by respi- ratory actions of extreme rapidity. The nurse-bees begin to crowd 90 OF HEAT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. upon the cells of the nymphs, about ten or twelve hours before these last come forth as perfect Bees. The incubation (for so it may be called) is very assiduously persevered in during this period by the Nurse-bees ; when one quits the cell, another takes its place ; and the rapidity of the respiratory movements increases, until they rise to 130 or 140 per minute, so as to generate the greatest amount of heat just before the young bees are liberated from the combs. In one instance, the thermometer introduced among seven nursing-bees stood at 92^° ; the temperature of the external air being 70°. We observe in this curious propensity a manifest provision for accelera- ting the development of the perfect Insect, which requires (as already pointed out) a higher temperature than the larva, in virtue of its greater activity. The Nurse-bees do not station themselves over the cells which are occupied by the larvae ; nor do they incubate the nymph-cells with any degree of constancy and regularity, until the process of development is approaching its highest point. 128. We have seen that the animals termed cold-blooded are greatly influenced as to the temperature of their bodies, by the tem- perature of the surrounding medium ; although many of them are endowed with the power of keeping themselves a certain number of degrees above it. Now the consequence of this is, that all of them which are subject to any considerable and prolonged amount of cold, pass into a state of more or less complete inactivity during its con- tinuance ; which state bears a close correspondence with the hyber- nation of certain Mammalia. Among the Reptiles of cold and tem- perate countries, this torpid state uniformly occupies a considerable part of the year ; as it does also with Insects, terrestrial Mollusks, and other Invertebrated animals, which are subject to the influence of the cold. On the other hand. Fishes, Crustacea, and other ma- rine animals, do not usually appear to pass into a state of torpidity; the temperature of the medium they inhabit never undergoing a degree of depression nearly so great as that of the atmosphere. The amount of change necessary to produce this effect, or on the other hand to call the animals from a state of torpidity to one of active energy, differs for different species ; and there is probably a considerable difference even among individuals of the same species, according to the temperature*under which they habitually live. Thus one animal may remain torpid under a degree of warmth which will be sufficient to arouse another of the same kind accustomed to a somewhat colder climate ; because the stimulus is relatively greater to the latter. 129. It was observed by Mr. Darwin, that at Bahia Blanca, in South America, the first appearance of activity in animal and vegeta- ble life, a few days before the vernal equinox, presented itself under a mean temperature of 58°, the range of the thermometer in the middle of the day being between 60° and 70°. The plains were ornamented by the flowers of a pink wood-sorrel, wild peas, evening primroses, and geraniums ; the birds began to lay their eggs, numer- OF HEAT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. 91 ous beetles were crawling about ; and lizards, the constant inhabit- ants of a sandy soil, were darting about in every direction. Yet a few days previously, it seemed as if nature had scarcely granted a living creature to this dry and arid country; and it was only by dig- ging in the ground that their existence had been discovered, — several insects, large spiders, and lizards, having been found in a half torpid state. Now at Monte Video, four degrees nearer the Equator, the mean temperature had been above 58° for some time previously, and the thermometer rose occasionally during the middle of the day, to 69° or 70° ; yet with this elevated temperature, almost equivalent to the full summer heat of our own country, almost every beetle, several genera of spiders, snails, and land-shells, toads and lizards, were still lying torpid beneath stones. We have seen that at Bahia Blanca, whose climate is but a little colder, this same temperature, with a rather less extreme heat, was sufficient to awake all orders of animated beings; — showing how nicely the required degree of stimu- lus is adapted to the general climate of the place, and how little it depends on absolute temperature. 130. We may learn much from the Geographical distribution of the different species of cold-blooded animals, in regard to the influence of temperature on Animal life. No general inferences of this kind can be founded upon the distribution of warm-blooded animals ; since'' their own heat-evolving powers make them in great degree inde- pendent of external warmth. And it is probably from the distribu- tion of the marine tribes, whose extension is less influenced by local peculiarities, that the most satisfactory deductions are to be drawn. In regard to the class of Crustacea, which is the one that has been most fully investigated in this respect, the following principles have been pointed out by M. Milne Edwards ; and they are probably more or less applicable to most others. I. The varieties of form and organization manifest themselves more, in proportion as we pass from the Polar Seas towards the Equator. — Thus on the coast of Norway, where there is frequently a vast multi- plication of individuals of the same species, the number of species is very small ; but the latter increases rapidly as we go southwards. Thus the number of species of Crustacea of the two highest Orders, known to exist on the coast of Norway and in the neighbouring seas, is only 16 ; but 82 are known to be the inhabitants of the wes- tern shores of Britain, France, Spain, and Portugal; 114 are known in the Mediterranean Sea ; and 202 in the Indian Ocean. A similar increase may be observed in following the coast of the New World, from Greenland to the Caribbean Sea. II. The differences of form and organization are not only more nu- merous and more characteristic in the warm than in the cold regions of the globe; they are also more important. — The number of natural groups, which we find represented in the polar and temperate re- gions, is much smaller than that, of which we find types or examples in the tropical seas. In fact, nearly all the principal forms which 92- OF HEAT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. are met with in colder regions, also present themselves in warm ; but a very large proportion of the latter have no representatives among the former. Of the three primary groups composing the Class, in- deed, one is altogether wanting beyond the 44th degree of latitude ; and in the other two there are whole Orders, as well as numerous subordinate divisions, which are as completely restricted to the war- mer seas. III. JYot only are those Crustacea^ which are most elevated in the scale^ deficient in the Polar regions ; but their relative number increases rapidly as we pass from the Pole towards the Equator. — Thus the Brachyoura,*^ which must be considered as the most elevated of the whole series, are totally absent in some parts of the arctic region ; and we find their place tak;en by the far less complete Edriophthalma, with a small number of Anomourous and Macrourous Decapods. In the Mediterranean, however, the Decapods surpass the Edriophthal- ma in regard to the number of species; and the Brachyourous division of the former predominates over the Macrourous, in the proportion of two to one. And in the East and West Indies, the species of Brachyoura are to those of Macroura, as three, four, or even five, to one. Again, the Land Crabs, which are probably to be regarded as taking the highest rank among the Brachyoura (and therefore in the entire class), are only to be met with between the tropics. Moreover, of the fluviatile Decapods (inhabiting rivers, brooks, and fresh-water lakes,) a large proportion belong, in tropical regions, to the elevated type of the Brachyoura ; whilst all those found in the temperate and arctic zones (the River Cray-fish and its allies) belong to the Macrou- rous division. IV. When we compare together the Crustacea of different parts of the world, we observe that the average size of these animals is consider- ably greater in tropical regions, than in the temperate or frigid climes. — The largest species of the arctic and antarctic seas are far smaller than those of the tropical ocean ; and they bear a much smaller proportion to the whole number. Further, in almost every natural group, we find that the largest species belong to the equatorial regions; and that those which represent them (or take their place, as it were,) in tempe- rate regions, are of smaller dimensions. V. It is where the species are most numerous and varied, and where they attain the greatest size, in other words, where the temperature is most elevated, — that the peculiarities of structure which characterize the several groups are most strongly manifested. Thus the transverse de- velopment of the cephalo-thorax, which is so remarkable in the Bra- chyourous Decapods (the breadth of the carapace or arched shell in the typical Crabs being much greater than its length from back to front), is carried to its greatest extent in certain Crustacea of the Equatorial re- * The DECAronA or ten-footed Crustaceans constitute the highest or most perfectly organized Order of the class. This Order is composed of the Brachyoura (short- tailed) or Crabs; of the Macroura (long-tailed) or Lobsters, Shrimps, &c.; and of the Anonioura (dissimilar-tailed) or Hermit-Crabs, &c. OF HEAT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. 93 gion ; and the same might be said of the characteristic peculiarities of most other natural groups. Further, it is in this region that we find the greatest number of those anomalous forms, which depart most widely from the general structure of the Class. VI. Lastly, there is a remarkable coincidence between the temperature of different regions, and the prevalence of certain forms of Crustacea. — Thus there are few genera to be met with in the West Indian seas which have not their representatives in the East Indian, — the species, however, being usually different. The same may be said of the genera inhabiting the temperate regions of the globe ; — similar generic forms being usually met with in the corresponding parts of the Old and New World, and of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, although the species are almost invariably different. 131. Now although, as appears from the foregoing general state- ments, the number of species of Crustacea inhabiting the colder seas bears a very small proportion to that which is found within the tro- pics, and although the species formed to inhabit cold climates are so far inferio-r, both as to size and as to perfection of development, yet it does not follow that the same proportion exists in regard to the rela- tive amount of Crustacean life in the two regions: for this depends upon the multiplication of individuals. In fact it may be questioned whether there is any inferiority in this respect; so abundant are some of the smaller species in the Arctic and Antarctic, as well as in the Temperate seas. Thus we see that a low range of temperature is as well adapted to sustain their life, as a higher range is to call forth those larger and more fully developed forms, which abound in the tropical ocean. This is an obvious reason why the seas of the frigid zones should be much more abundantly peopled than the land; the mean temperature of the former being much higher. And it would almost seem as if Nature had intended to compensate for the dreariness and desolation of the one, by the profuseness of life which she has fitted the other to support. 132. The influence of Temperature in modifying the size of indi- vidual Animals of the same species, is not so strongly marked as it is in the case of Plants; for this reason, perhaps, that an amount of con- tinued depression or elevation, which might be sustained by a Plant, but which w^ould exert a modifying influence upon its growth, would be fatal to an animal formed to exist in the same climate. Instances are not w^anting, however, in which such a modifying influence is evident; and these, as might be anticipated, are to be met with chiefly among the cold-blooded tribes. Thus the Bulimus rosaceus, a terrestrial Mol- lusk, is found on the mountains of Chili of so much less a size than that which it attains on the coast, as to have been described as a dis- tinct species. And the Littorina petraa, found on the south side of Plymouth Breakwater, acquires, from its superior exposure to light and heat (though, perhaps, also from the greater supply of nutriment which it obtains), twice the size common to individuals living on the north side within the harbour. The following circumstance show^sthe 94 ' OF HEAT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. favourable influence of an elevated temperature, in producing an un- usual prolificness in Fish ; which must be connected with general vital activity. Three pairs of Gold-fish were placed, some years since, in one of the engine-dams or ponds common in the manufacturing dis- tricts, into which the water from the engine is conveyed for the pur- pose of being cooled; the average temperature of such dams is about 80°. At the end of three years the progeny of these Fish, which were accidentally poisoned by verdigris mixed with the refuse tallow from the engine, were taken out by wheelbarrows-full. It is not improbable that the unusual supply of aliment, furnished by the re- fuse grease that floats upon these ponds (which would impede the cooling of the water, if it w^ere not consumed by the Fish), contri- buted w^ith the high temperature to this unusual fecundity. 133. The influence of variations in the Heat of the body upon its vital activity, is further manifested by the very remarkable experi- ments of Dr. Edwards, who has shown that cold-blooded animals live much faster (so to speak) at high temperatures than at low^ ; so that they die much sooner when deprived of other vital stimuli. Thus when Frogs w^ere confined in a limited quantity of w^ater, and were not per- mitted to come to the surface to breathe, it w^as found that the dura- tion of their lives was inversely proportioned to the degree ofheatof the fluid. Thus when it was cooled dowm to the freezing point, the frogs immersed in it lived during from 367 to 498 minutes. At the tempe- rature of 50°, the duration of their lives w'as from 350 to 375 minutes; at 72°, it was from 90 to 35 minutes ; at 90°, from 12 to 32 minutes ; and at 108°, death was almost instantaneous. The prolongation of life at the lower temperatures w^as not due to torpidity, for the animals perform the functions of voluntary motion, and enjoy the use of their senses; but it is occasioned by their diminished activity, which occa- sions a less demand for air. On the other hand, the elevation of tem- perature increases the demand for air, and causes speedier death when it is withheld, by increasing the general agility. The natural habits of these animals are in correspondence with these facts. Duringthe winter, the influence of a sufficient amount of aerated water upon their exte- rior serves to maintain the required amount of respiration through the skin, so that they are not obliged to come to the surface to take in air by the mouth. As the season advances, however, their activity in- creases, a larger amount of respiration is required, and the animals are obliged to come frequently to the surface to breathe. During summer the yet higher temperature calls forth an increased energy and activity in all the vital functions; the respiration must be proportionably in- creased ; the action of the air upon the cutaneous surface, as well as upon the lungs, is required ; and if the animals are prevented from quitting the water to obtain this, they die as soon as the warmth of the season becomes considerable. 134. The result of experiments on Fishes, in regard to the depri- vation or limited supply of the air contained in the water in which they are immersed, is exactly similar ; the duration of life being in- OF HEAT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. 95 versely as the temperature. And precisely the same has been ascer- tained with respect to hybernating Mammals ; which, as already remarked, are for a time reduced, in all such conditions, to the level of cold-blooded animals. 135. Conformably to the same principle, we find that cold-blooded animals are enabled to sustain the deprivation of food during a much longer period, at cold temperatures, than at warm. The case is pre- cisely the reverse in regard to most warm-blooded animals ; since in them a due supply of food is a condition absolutely necessary (as we have already seen) for the maintenance of that amount of bodily heat, whose loss is fatal to them ; and exposure to a low temperature w^ill of course more speedily bring about that crisis. Hence it is that Cold and Starvation combined are so destructive to life. But in this respect, also, the hybernating Mammals correspond with the cold-blooded classes ; their power of abstinence being inversely as the temperature of their bodies. 136. Although a very low temperature is positively inconsistent with the continuance of vital activity^ in Animals as in Plants, yet we find that even very severe cold is not necessarily destructive of the vital properties of organized tissues ; so that, on a restoration of the proper amount of heat, their functions may continue as before. Of this we have already noticed an example, in the case of frost-bitten limbs ; but the fact is much more remarkable, when considered in reference to the whole body of an animal, and the complete suspen- sion of all its functions. Yet it is unquestionably true, not only of the lowest and ^simplest members of the Animal kingdom, but also of Fishes and Reptiles. In one of Captain Ross's Arctic Voyages, several Caterpillars of the Laria Rossii having been exposed to a temperature of 40° below zero, froze so completely, that, when thrown into a tumbler, they chinked like lumps of ice. When thawed, they resumed their movements, took food, and underwent their transform- ation into the Chrysalis state. One of them, which had been frozen and thawed four times, subsequently became a Moth. The eggs of the Slug have been exposed to a similar degree of cold, without the loss of their fertility. It is not uncommon to meet, in the ice of rivers, lakes, and seas, with Fishes which have been completely frozen, so as to become quite brittle ; and which yet revive when thawed. The same thing has been observed in regard to Frogs, Newts, &c.; and the experiment of freezing and subsequently thawing them, has been frequently put in practice. Spallanzani kept Frogs and Snakes in an ice-house for three years ; at the end of which period they revived on being subjected to warmth. 137. It does not appear, however, that the same capability exists, in regard to any warm-blooded animals ; since if a total suspension* of vital activity take place in the body of a Bird or Mammal for any * In the case of hybernating Mammals, the suspension is not total; and if it be rendered such, the same result follows as in other instances. .$§ OF HEAT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. ^ length of time, in consequence of the prolonged application of severe cold, recovery is found to be impossible. The power which exists in these animals, however, of generating a large amount of heat within their bodies, acts as a compensation for the want of the faculty pos- sessed by the cold-blooded tribes ; since they can resist for a great length of time (if in their healthy or normal condition) the depressing influence of a temperature sufficiently low to produce a complete suspension in the activity of the latter. 138. It only remains to say a few words regarding the degree of heat w'hich certain Animals can sustain without prejudice, and which even appears to be genial to them. Among the higher classes, this range see?ns to be capable of great extension. Thus many instances are on record of a heat of from 250° to 280° being endured, in dry air, for a considerable length of time, without much inconvenience ; and persons who have become habituated to this kind of exposure can (with proper precautions) sustain a temperature of from 350° to 500°. In all such cases, however, the real heat of the body under- goes very little elevation ; for, by means of the copious evaporation from its surface, the external heat is prevented from acting upon it. But if this evaporation be prevented, either by an insufficiency in the supply of fluid from within, or by the saturation of the surrounding air with moisture, the temperature of the body begins to rise ; and it is then found, that it cannot undergo an elevation of more than a few degrees, without fatal consequences. Thus in several experiments which have been tried on different species of warm-blooded animals, for the purpose of ascertaining the highest temperature to which the body could be raised without the destruction of life, it was found that as soon as the heat of the body had been increased, by continued immersion in a limited quantity of hot air (which would soon become charged with moisture), to from 9° — 13° above the natural standard, the animals died. In general. Mammals die, when the temperature of their bodies is raised to about 111°; the heat which is natural to the bodies of Birds. The latter are killed by an equal amount of elevation of bodily heat above their natural standard. 139. Hence we see that the actual range of temperature, within which vital activity can be maintained in warm-blooded animals, is extremely limited ; a temporary elevation of the bodily heat to 13° above the natural standard, or a depression to 30° below it, being positively inconsistent, not merely with the continuance of vital ope- rations, but also with the preservation of vital properties ; and a con- tinued departure from that standard, to the extent of only a very few degrees above or below it, being very injurious. The provisions ■with which these animals are endowed, for generating heat in their interior, so as to supply the external deficiency, and for generating cold (so to speak), w^hen the external temperature is too high, are therefore in no respect superfluous : but are positively necessary for the maintenance of the life of such animals, in any climate, save one whose mean should be conformable to their standard, and w^hose OF HEAT AS A VITAL STIMULUS. 97 extremes should never vary more than a very few degrees above or below it. Such a climate does not exist on the surface of the earth. 140. The range oi external temperature, within which cold-blooded animals can sustain their activity, is much more limited, as well in* regard to its highest as to its lowest point ; notwithstanding that the range of bodily heat, which is consistent with the maintenance of their life, is so much greater. In those which, like the Frog, have a soft moist skin, which permits a copious evaporation from the surface, a considerable amount of heat may be resisted, provided the air be dry, and the supply of fluid from within be maintained.* But immersion in w^ater of the temperature of 108°, is almost immediately fatal. In many other cold-blooded animals, elevation of the temperature induces a state of torpidity, analogous to that which is produced by its de- pression. Thus the Helix pomatia (Edible Snail)' has been found to become torpid and motionless in water at 112°; but to recover its energy when placed in a colder situation. It would seem to be partly from this cause, but partly also from the deprivation of moisture, that the hottest part of the tropical year brings about a cessation of activity in many tribes of cold-blooded animals, as complete as that which takes place during the winter of temperate climates. 141. The highest limit of temperature compatible with the life of Fishes has not been certainly ascertained : and it appears probable that there are considerable variations in this respect amongst different species. Thus it is certain that there are some which are killed by immersion in water at 104°; whilst it is also certain that others can not only exist, but can find a congenial habitation, in water of 113°, or even of 120°; and examples of the existence of Fishes in thermal springs of a much higher temperature than this, have been put on record. Various fresh water Mollusca have been found in thermal springs, the heat of w^hich is from 100° to 145°. Rotifera and other animalcules have been met with in water at 112°. Larvae of Tipulee have been found in hot springs of 205°; and small black beetles, which died when placed in cold water, in the hot sulphur baths of Albano. Entozoa inhabiting the bodies of Mammalia and of Birds must of course be adapted to a constant temperature of from 98° to 110°; and they become torpid w^hen exposed to a cool atmosphere. These lowly organized animals seem more capable of resisting the effects of extreme heat, than any others; — at least if we are to credit the statement, that the Entozoa inhabiting the intestines of the Carp have been found alive, when the Fish was brought to table after being boiled. — In all such cases, it is to be remembered, the heat of the animal body must correspond with that of the fluid in which it is * The Frog has a remarkable provision for this purpose ; in a bladder, which is strudurally analogous to our Urinary bladder, but which has for its chief function to contain a store of fluids for the exhaling process. It has been noticed that, when this store is exhausted by continued exposure of the animal to a warm dry atmosphere, the bladder becomes full again, when the animal is placed in a moist situation, even though it take in no liquid by its mouth. 9^ OF ELECTRICITY AS A VITAL STIMULUS. immersed ; and we have here, therefore, evident proof of the compati- bility of vital activity, in certain cases, with a very elevated tempera- ture. Additional and more exact observations, however, are much wanting on this subject. 3. On Electricity y as a Condition of Vital Action. 142. Much less is certainly known with respect to the ordinary influence of this agent, than in regard to either of the two preceding ; and yet there can be little doubt, from the efiects we observe when it is powerfully applied, as well as from our knowledge of its connection Avith all Chemical phenomena, that it is in constant though impercep- tible operation. Electricity differs from both Light and Heat in this respect ; — that no -manifestation of it takes place so long as it is uni- formly diffused, or is in a state of equilibrium; but in proportion as this equilibrium is disturbed, by a change in the electric condition of one body, which is prevented, by its partial or complete insulation, from communicating itself to others, in that proportion is ^ force pro- duced, which exerts itself in various ways according to its degree. The mechanical effects of a powerful charge, when passed through a substance that is a bad conductor of Electricity, are well known ; on the other hand, the chemical effects of even the feeblest current are equally obvious. The agency of Electricity in producing Chemical change is the more powerful, in proportion as there is already a pre- disposition to that change ; thus, as already remarked, the largest col- lection of oxygen and hydrogen gases, or of hydrogen and chlorine, mingled together, may be caused to unite by the minutest electric spark, which gives the required stimulus to the mutual affinities that were previously dormant. Hence it cannot but be inferred, that its agency in the Chemical phenomena of living bodies must be of an important character; but this may probably be exerted rather in the way of aiding decomposition, than of producing new combinations, to which (as we have seen) Light appears to be the most effectual stimulus. Thus it has been shown that pieces of meat, that have been electrified for some hours, pass much more rapidly into decom- position, than similar pieces placed under the same circumstances, but not electrified. And in like manner, the bodies of animals that have been killed by electric shocks, have been observed to putrify much more readily than those of similar animals killed by injury to the brain. It is well known, moreover, that in thundery weather, in which the electric state of the atmosphere is much disturbed, various fluids containing organic compounds, such as milk, broth, &c., are peculiarly disposed to turn sour ; and that saccharine fluids, such as the wort of brewers, are extremely apt to pass into the acetous fer- mentation. 143. The actual amount of influence, however, which Electricity exerts over a growing Plant or Animal, can scarcely be estimated. It would, perhaps, be the most correct to say, that the state of Elec- i GF ELECTRICITY AS A VITAL STIMULUS. 90 trie equilibrium is that which is generally most favourable ; and we find that there is a provision in the structure of most living beings, for maintaining such an equilibrium, — not only between the different parts of their own bodies, but also between their own fabrics and the surrounding medium. Thus a charge given to any part of a Plant or Animal, is immediately diffused through its whole mass; and though Organized bodies are not sufficiently good conductors to transmit very powerful shocks without being themselves affected, yet a discharge of any moderate quantity may be effected through them, without any permanent injury, — and this more especially if it be made to take place slowly. Now the points on the surfaces of Plants appear par- ticularly adapted to effect this transmission ; thus it has been found that a Leyden jar might be discharged by holding a blade of grass near it, in one-third of the time required to produce the same effect by means of a metallic point ; and an Electroscope furnished with Vegetable points has been found to give more delicate indications of the electric state of the atmosphere, than any other. Plants designed for a rapid growth have generally a strong pubescence or downy covering; and it does not seem improbable that one purpose of this may be, to maintain that equilibrium between themselves and the atmosphere, which would otherwise be disturbed by the various ope- rations of vegetation, and especially by the process of evaporation, which takes place with such activity from the surface of the leaves. 144. There appears to be sufficient evidence that, during a highly electrical state of the atmosphere, the growth of the young shoots of certain plants is increased in rapidity ; but it would be wrong thence to infer that this excitement is useful to the process of Vegetation in general, or that the same kind of electric excitement universally ope- rates to the benefit or injury of the Plant. From some experiments recently made it would appear, that potatoes, mustard and cress, cine- rarias, fuchsias, and other plants, have their development, and, in some instances, their productiveness, increased by being made to grow between a copper and a zinc plate, connected by a conducting wire ; while, on the other hand, geraniums and balsams are destroyed by the same influence. The transmission of a series of moderate sparks through plants, in like manner, has been found to accelerate the growth of some, and to be evidently injurious to others. It is not unreasonable to suppose, that, as a great variety of chemical processes are constantly taking place in the growing plant, an electric disturb- ance, which acts as a stimulus to some, may positively retard others; and that its good or evil results may thus depend upon the balance between these individual effects. This would seem the more likely from the circumstance, that, in the process of Germination, the che- mical changes concerned in which are of a simpler character, Elec- tricity seems to have a more decided and uniform influence. The conversion of the starch of the seed into sugar, which is an essential part of this change, involves the liberation of a large quantity of car- bonic, and of some acetic acid. Now as all acids are negative, and IGO OF ELECTRICITY AS A VITAL STIMULUS. as like electricities repel each other, it may be inferred that the seed is at that time in an electro-negative condition ; and it is accordingly found that the process of germination may be quickened, by connection of the seed with the negative pole of a feeble galvanic apparatus, whilst it is retarded by a similar connection with the positive pole. A similar acceleration may be produced by the contact of feeble alka- line solutions, which favour the liberation of the acids; whilst, on the same principle, a very small admixture of acid in the fluid with which the seed is moistened, is found to produce a decided retarda- tion. 145. It is well known that Trees and Plants may be easily killed by powerful electric shocks; and that, when the charge is strong enough (as in the case of a stroke of lightning), violent mechanical effects, — as the rending of trunks, or even the splitting and scattering of minute fragments, — are produced by it. But it has also been ascertained, that charges which produce no perceptible influence of this kind, may destroy the life of Plants; though the effect is not always immediate. In particular it has been noticed, that slips and grafts are prevented from taking root and budding. There can be little doubt that, in these instances, a change is effected in the chemi- cal state of the solids or fluids ; although no structural alteration is perceptible. 146. In regard to the influence of Electricity upon the Organic functions of Animals, still less is certainly known ; but there is evi- dence that it may act as a powerful stimulant in certain disordered states of them. Thus in Amenorrhea, a series of slight but rapidly- repeated electric shocks will often bring on the catamenial flow ; and it is certain that chronic tumours have been dispersed, and dropsies relieved by the excitement of the absorbent process, through similar agency. Again, it is indubitable that a highly electric state of the atmosphere produces very marked effects on the general state of many individuals ; and brings on in some a degree of languor and depres- sion, which cannot be accounted for in any other way. An instance is on record, in which the atmosphere w^as in such an extraordinary state of electric disturbance, that all pointed bodies within its influ- ence exhibited a distinct luminosity ; and it was noticed, that all the persons who were exposed to the agency of this highly electrified air, experienced spasms in the limbs and an extreme state of lassitude, 147. Animals, like Plants, are liable to be killed by shocks of Elec- tricity; even when these are not sufficiently powerful to occasion any obvious physical change in their structure. But, as formerly men- tioned (§ 69) there can be no doubt that minute changes may be produced in their delicate parts, which are quite sufficient to account for the destruction of their vitality, ev^en though these can only be discerned with the Microscope. The production of changes in the Chemical arrangement of their elements, is, however, a much more palpable cause of death ; since it maybe fully anticipated beforehand, and can easily be rendered evident. To take one instance only ; — OF MOISTURE AS A VITAL STIMULUS, IQl it is well known, that albumen is made to coagulate, i. e., is changed from its soluble to its insoluble form, under the influence of an elec- tric current; and it cannot be doubted that the production of this change in the fluids of the living body (almost every one of which con- tains albumen), even to a very limited extent, is quite a sufficient cause of death, even in animals that are otherwise most tenacious of life. " I once discharged a battery of considerable size," says Dr. Hodgkin, " through a common Earth-worm, which would in all pro- bability have shown signs of life long after minute division. Its death was as sudden as the shock; and the semi-transparent sub- stance of the animal was changed like Albumen which has been exposed to heat.^' 148. Electricity possesses, in a remarkable degree, the power of exciting the Contractility of Muscular fibre ; but this series of pheno- mena will be more fitly described, when the properties of that tissue are under consideration. 4. Of Moisture, as a Condition of Vital Action. 149. Independently of the utility of Water as an article of food, and of the part it performs in the Chemical operations of the living body, by supplying two of their most important materials (oxygen and hydrogen), there can be no doubt that a certain supply of moisture is requisite, as one of the conditions without which no vital actions can go on. It has been already remarked, indeed, that one of the distin- guishing peculiarities of organized structures, is the presence in all of them of solid and fluid component parts ; and this in the minutest portions of the organism, as well as in the aggregate mass. And in all the vital, as well as in the chemical actions, to which these struc- tures are subservient, the presence of fluid is essential. All nutrient materials must be reduced to the fluid form, before they can be assimi- lated by the solids ; and, again, the solid matters which are destined to be carried ofi' by excretion, must be again reduced to the liquid state, before they can be thus withdrawn from the body. The tissues in which the most active changes of a purely vital character are per- formed, — namely, the Nervous and Muscular, — naturally contain a very large proportion of water; the former as much as 80, and the latter 77, per cent. On. the other hand, in tissues whose function is of a purely mechanical nature, such as Bone, the amount of fluid is as small as is consistent with the maintenance of a certain amount of nutrient action in its interior. By the long-continued application of dry heat to a dead body, its weight was found to be reduced from 120 pounds to no more than 12 ; so that, taking the average of the whole, the amount of water, not chemically combined, but simply interstitial, might be reckoned at as much as 90 per cent. It is cer- tain, however, that much decomposition and loss of solid matter must have taken place in this procedure ; and we shall probably estimate the proportion more accurately, if we regard the weight of the fluids 102 OF MOISTURE AS A VITAL STIMULUS. of the human body as exceeding that of the solids by six or seven times. 150. There is a great variation in this respect, however, among different tribes of living beings. There are probably no highly- organized Animals, v^^hose texture contains less fluid than that of Ver- tebrata (unless, it may be, certain Beetles); but there can be no ques- tion that, among some of the Zoophytes, the proportion of solids to fluids is just the other way. In those massive coral-forming animals, which, seem to have been expressly created for the purpose of build- ing up islands and even continents from the depths of the ocean, we find the soft tissues confined to the surface, and all within of a rocky hardness. It is not, however, correct to say (as is commonly done), that the coral-polypes build up these stony structures as habitations for themselves; for the stony matter is deposited, by an act of nutri- tion, in the living tissue of these animals, just as much as it is in the bones of Man. But the parts once consolidated henceforth remain dead, so far as the animal is concerned ; they are not connected with the living tissues by any vessels, nerves, &c.; their density prevents them from undergoing any but a very slow disintegrating change, so that they require and receive no nutrient materials ; and they might be altogether removed, by accident or decay, without any direct in- jury to the still active, because yet unconsolidated, portions of the polype-structure. 151. There is a close correspondence, in this respect, between the condition of the stony or horny stem of a Coral, and the heart-wood of the trunk of a Tree ; for the latter, becoming consolidated by internal deposit, for the purpose of affording mechanical support, is thence- forth totally unconnected with the vegetative operations of the tree, and might be removed (as it frequently is by natural decay) without affecting them. In all the parts, in which the nutrient processes are actively going on, do we observe that the tissue contains a large pro- portion of water ; and that, if the succulent portions be dried up, their vital properties are destroyed. Thus it is in the soft tissue at the extremities of the radicles or root fibres, that the function of absorption takes place with the greatest activity; so that these parts have received the name of spongioles: it is in the cells which form the soft parenchyma of the leaves, that the elaboration of the sap takes place, the fixation of carbon from the atmosphere, and the pre- paration of the peculiar secretions of the plant: and it is in the space between the bark and the wood, which is occupied (at the season of most active growth) by a saccharine glutinous fluid, that the formation of the new layers of wood and bark takes place. Now, as soon as these parts become consolidated, they cease to perform any active vital operations. The spongioles, by the lengthening of the root- fibres, become converted into a portion of those fibres, and remain subservient merely to the transmission of the fluids absorbed ; the leaves gradually become choked by the saline and earthy particles contained in the ascending sap, which they have had no power of OF MOISTURE AS A VITAL STIMULUS. 103 excreting, and they wither, die, and fall off; and the new layers of wood and bark, when once formed, undergo but little further change, and are subservient to little else than the transmission of the ascend- ing and descending sap to the parts where they are to be respectively appropriated. 152. There are some remarkable instances in both the Animal and Vegetable kingdoms, of an immense preponderance in the amount of the fluids over that of the solids of the structure. This is character- istic of the whole class of Jicalephce or Jelly-Fish^ giving to their tissues that softness from which their common name is derived ; these animals, in consequence, are unable to live out of water; for, when they are removed from it, a drain of their fluids commences, which soon reduces their weight to a degree that destroys their lives, — a Medusa weighing fifty pounds being thus dried down to a weight of as many grains. The most remarkable instances of a parallel kind among Plants, are to be found in the tribe of Fungi ; certain mem- bers of which are distinguished by an almost equally small proportion of solid materials in their textures, presenting a most delicate gossa- mer-like appearance to the eye, and possessing such little durability, that they come to maturity and undergo decay in the course of a few hours. These are not inhabitants of the water, but will vegetate only in a very damp atmosphere. 153. As we find various Plants and Animals very differently con- structed in regard to the amount of fluid contained in their tissues, so do we also find them dependent in very different degrees upon a con- stant supply of external moisture. There is no relation, however, between the succulence of a plant, and the degree of its dependence upon water; in fact, we commonly find the most succulent plants growing in the driest situations; whilst the plants, which are adapted to localities where they can obtain a constant supply of fluid, are not usually remarkable for the amount of water in their own structure. This, however, is easily explained. We find the most succulent plants, — such as the Sedums or Stone-crops of our own country, and the Cacti and Euphorbice of the tropics, — in dry exposed situations, where they seem as if they would be utterly destitute of nutriment. The fact is, however, that they lose their fluid by exhalation very slowly, in consequence of their small number of stomata ; whilst, on the other hand, they absorb with great readiness during rainy weather, and are enabled, by the fleshiness of their substance, to store up a large quantity of moisture until it is required. In some parts of Mexico, the heat is so intense, and the soil and atmosphere so dry, during a large part of the year, that no vegetation is found at certain seasons, save a species of Cactus ; this affords a wholesome and refreshing article of food, on which travelers have been able to subsist for many days together, and without which these tracts would form impassable barriers. On the other hand, the plants of damp situations usually exhale moisture almost as fast as they imbibe it ; and consequently, if their usual supply be cut off or diminished, they 104 OF MOISTURE AS A VITAL STIMULUS. soon wither and die. Plants that usually live entirely submerged, are destitute of the cuticle or thin skin, which covers the surface in other cases ; in consequence of this, they very rapidly lose their fluid, when they are removed from the water ; and they are hence depend- ent upon constant immersion in it for the continuance of their lives, although their tissues may not be remarkable for the amount of fluid which they contain. 154. There are some Plants which are capable of adapting them- selves to a great variety of situations, differing widely as to the amount of moisture which their inhabitants can derive from the soil and atmosphere ; and we may generally notice a marked difference in the mode of growth, when we compare individuals that have grown under opposite circumstances. Thus a plant from a dry exposed situation, shall be stunted and hairy, whilst another, of the same species, but developed in a damp sheltered situation, shall be rank and glabrous (smooth). But in general there is a certain quan- tity of moisture congenial to each species ; and the excess or deficiency of this condition has, in consequence, as great an influence in deter- mining the geographical distribution of Plants, as the amount of light and heat. Thus, as already remarked, the Orchidese and Tree Ferns of the tropics grow best in an atmosphere loaded with dampness ; whilst the Cactus tribe, for the most part, flourishes best in dry situations. The former become stunted and inactive, if limited in their supply of aerial moisture ; whilst the latter, if too copiously nourished, become dropsical and liable to rot. Among the plants of our own country, we find a similar limitation ; a moist boggy situation being indispensable to the growth of some, whilst a dry exposed elevation is equally essential to the healthy development of others. There is a beautiful species of exotic Fern, the Trichomanes sped- osum ; the rearing of which has been frequently attempted in this country and elsewhere, without success ; but which only requires an atmosphere saturated with dampness, for its healthy development, being easily reared in one of Mr. Ward's closed glass cases. In this, as in similar examples, it is only necessary to imitate as closely as possible the conditions under which the species naturally grows ; and sometimes this can only be accomplished, by surrounding the plant with small trees and shrubs, so as to give it a moister atmosphere than it could otherwise attain. Professor Royle mentions the growth, under such circumstances, of a fine specimen of the Xanthochymus dulcis, one of the Guttiferce or Gamboge-trees, in the garden of the King of Delhi ; this tree is naturally found only in the southern parts of India; and the success of its cultivation in this northerly situation is entirely due to its being sheltered by the numerous buildings within the lofty palace wall, surrounded by almost a forest of trees, and receiving the benefit of perpetual irrigation from a branch of the canal which flows through the garden. 155. In regard to the influence of external moisture upon Animal life, there is much less to be said ; since the mode in which fluid is OF MOISTURE AS A VITAL STIMULUS. 105 received into the system is so entirely different. It may be remark- ed, however, that Animals habitually living beneath the water, like submerged Plants, are usually incapable of sustaining life for any length of time when removed from it, in consequence of the rapid loss of fluid which they undergo from their surface. It is, however, by the desiccation of the respiratory surface, preventing the due aera- tion of the blood, that the fatal result is for the most part occasioned; since we find that when there is a special provision to prevent this, as in the case of certain Fishes and Crustacea, the animals can quit the water for a great length of time. There can be no doubt that the amount of Atmospheric moisture is one of those conditions, which are collectively termed Climate, and which influence the geographical distribution of Animals, no less Ihan that of Plants. But it is difficult to say how far the variations in moisture act alone. There can be no doubt, however, of their operation ; for every one is conscious of the effect, upon his health and spirits, of such variations as take place in the climate he may inhabit. The two principal modes in which these will operate, will be by accelerating or checking the exhalation of fluid from the skin and from the pulmonary surface ; for when the air is already loaded with dampness, the exhaled mois- ture cannot be carried off with the same readiness as w^hen it is in a condition of greater dryness ; and it will consequently either remain within the system, or it will accumulate and form sensible perspira- tion. 156. Now each of these states may be salutary, being the one best adapted to particular constitutions, or to different states of the same individual. A cold drying wind shall be felt as invigorating to the relaxed frame, as it is chilling to one that has no warmth or moisture to spare ; on the other hand, a warm damp atmosphere, which is refreshing to the latter, shall be most depressing to the former. All who have tried the effect of closely-fitting garments, impervious to moisture, are well aware how oppressive they soon become ; this feel- ing being dependent upon the obstruction they occasion to the act of perspiration, by causing the included air to be speedily saturated with moisture. When the fluids of the system have been diminished in amount, either by the suspension of a due supply of water, or by an increase in the excretions, there is a peculiar refreshment in a soft damp atmosphere, or in a warm bath, w^hich allows the loss to be replaced by absorption through the general cutaneous surface. The reality of such absorption has been placed beyond all doubt, by observations upon men, who had been exposed to a hot dry air for some time, and afterwards placed in a warm bath ; for it was found that the system would by this unusual means supply the deficiency, which had been created by the previous increase in the transpiration. 157. The effect of a moist or dry atmosphere, then, upon the Ani- mal body, cannot be by any means unimportant ; although, as we shall hereafter see, there exists in it a series of the most remarkable 106 OF MOISTURE AS A VITAL STIMULUS. provisions for regulating the amount of its fluids. The influence of atmospheric moisture, however, is most obvious in disordered states of the system. Thus in persons who are subject to the form of Dyspepsia called atonic, which is usually connected with a gene- rally-relaxed condition of the system, a very perceptible influence is experienced from changes in the quantity of atmospheric moisture ; the digestive power, as well as the general functions of the body, being invigorated by dryness, and depressed by damp. Again, there is no doubt that, where a predisposition exists to the Tuberculous Cachexia, it is greatly favoured by habitual exposure to a damp atmosphere, especially when accompanied by cold ; indeed it would appear, from the influence of cold damp situations upon animals brought from warmer climates, that these two causes may induce the disease, in individuals previously healthy. On the other hand, there are some forms of pulmonary complaints, in which an irritable state of the mucous membrane of the bronchial tubes has a large share ; when this irritation presents itself in the dry form, a warm moist atmosphere is found most soothing to it; whilst a drier and more bracing air is much more beneficial, when the irritation is accom- panied by a too copious secretion. 158. Although, as already stated, no vital actions can go on with- out a reaction between the solids ^nd fluids of the body, yet there may be an entire loss of the latter, in certain cases, without necessarily destroying life; the structure being reduced to a state of dormant vitality, in w^hich it may remain unchanged for an unlimited period ; and yet being capable of renewing all its actions, when moisture is again supplied. Of this we find numerous examples among both the Vegetable and the Animal kingdoms. Thus the Mosses and Liver- worts, which inhabit situations where they are liable to occasional drought, do not suffer from being, to all appearance, completely dried up; but revive and vegetate actively, as soon as they have been thoroughly moistened. Instances are recorded, in which Mosses that have been for many years dried up in a Herbarium, have been re- stored by moisture to active life. There is a lycopodium (Club-Moss) inhabiting Peru, which, when dried up for want of moisture, folds its leaves and contracts into a ball ; and in this state, apparently quite devoid of animation, it is blown hither and thither along the surface by the wind. As soon, however, as it reaches a moist situation, it sends down its roots into the soil, and unfolds to the atmosphere its leaves, which, from a dingy brown, speedily change to the bright green of active vegetation. The Anastatica (Rose of Jericho) is the subject of similar transformations; contracting into a ball, when dried up by the burning sun and parching air ; being detached by the wind from the spot where its slender roots had fixed it, and rolled over the plains to indefinite distances; and then, when exposed to moisture, unfolding its leaves, and opening its rose-like flower, as if roused from sleep. There is a blue Water- Lily, abounding in several of the canals at Alexandria, which at certain seasons become so dry, that OF MOISTURE AS A VITAL STIMULUS. 107 their beds are burnt as hard as bricks by the action of the sun, so as to be fit for use as carriage roads ; yet the plants do not thereby lose their vitality ; for when the water is again admitted, they resume their growth with redoubled vigour. 159. Among the lower Animals, we find several of considerable complexity of structure, which are able to sustain the most complete desiccation. This is most remarkably the case in the common Wheel- Animalcule; which may be reduced to a state of most complete dry- ness, and kept in this condition for any length of time, and which will yet revive immediately on being moistened. The same individuals may be treated in this manner, over and over again. Experiments have been carried still further with the allied tribe of Tardigrades ; individuals of which have been kept in a vacuum for thirty days, with sulphuric acid and Chloride of Calcium (thus suffering the most complete desiccation the Chemist can effect), and yet have not lost their vitality. It is singular that in this desiccated condition, they may be heated to a temperature of 250°, without the destruction of their vitality; although, when in full activity, they will not sustain a temperature of more than from 112° to 115°. Some of the minute Entomostracous Crustacea, which are nearly allied to the Rotifera, appear to partake with them in this curious faculty. Many instances are on record, in which Snails and other terrestrial Molhisca have revived, after what appeared to be complete desiccation ; and the eggs of the Slug, when dried up by the sun or by artificial heat, and reduced to minute points only visible with the Microscope, are found not to have lost their fertility, when they are moistened by a shower of rain, or by immersion in water, which restores them to their former plumpness. Even after being treated eight times in this manner, the eggs were hatched when placed in favourable circumstances ; and even eggs in which the embryo was distinctly formed, survived such treatment without damage. That such capability should exist in the animals and eggs just mentioned, shows a remarkable adaptation to the circumstances in which they are destined to exist ; since were it not for their power of surviving desiccation, the races of Wheel- Animalcules and Entomostraca must speedily become extinct, through the periodical drying-up of the small collections of water which they inhabit ; and a season of prolonged drought must be equally fatal to the terrestrial MoUusca. 160. It would seem that many cold-blooded animals are reduced, by a moderate deficiency of fluid, to a state of torpidity closely resem- bling that induced by cold ; and hence it is, that during the hottest and driest part of the tropical year, there is almost as complete an inactivity, as in the winter of temperate regions. The common Snail, if put into a box without food, constructs a thin operculum or parti- tion across the orifice of the shell, and attaches itself to the side of the box: in this state it may remain dormant for years, without being affected by any ordinary changes of temperature ; but it will speedily revive if plunged in water. Even in their natural haunts, the ter- 108 OF MOISTURE AS A VITAL STIMULUS. restrial Mollusca of our own climates are often found in this state during the summer, when there is a continued drought; but with the first shower they revive and move about. In like manner it is ob- served that the rainy season, between the tropics, brings forth the hosts of insects, which the drought had caused to remain inactive in their hiding-places. Animals thus rendered torpid seem to have a tendency to bury themselves in the ground, like those which are driven to winter-quarters by cold. Mr. Darwin mentions that he observed, with some surprise, at Rio de Janeiro, that, a few days after some little depressions had been changed into pools of water by the rain, they were peopled by numerous full-grown shells and beetles. 161. This torpidity consequent upon drought is not confined to Invertebrated animals. There are several Fish, inhabiting fresh water, which bury themselves in the mud when their streams or pools are dried up, and which remain there in a torpid condition until they are again moistened. This is the case with the curious Lepidosiren, which forms so remarkable a connecting link between Fishes and the Batrachian Reptiles; it is an inhabitant of the upper parts of the river Gambia, which are liable to be dried up during much more than half the year; and the whole of this period is spent by it in a hollow which it excavates for itself deep in the mud, where it lies coiled up in a completely torpid condition, — whence it is called by the natives the sleeping-fish. When the return of the rainy season causes the streams to be again filled, so that the water finds its way down to the hiding-place of the Lepidosiren, it comes forth again for its brief period of activity; and with the approach of drought, it again works its way down into the mud, which speedily hardens around it into a solid mass. In the same manner, the Pi^oteus^ an inhabitant of certain lakes in the Tyrol, which are liable to be periodically dried up, retires at these periods to the underground passages that connect them, where it is believed to remain in a torpid condition; and it thence emerges into the lakes, as soon as they again become filled with water. The Lizards and Serpents, too, of tropical climates, appear to be subject to the same kind of torpidity, in consequence of drought, as that which affects those of temperate regions during the cold of winter. Thus Humboldt has related the strange accident of a hovel having been built over a spot, where a young Crocodile lay buried, alive though torpid, in the hardened mud; and he mentions that the Indians often find enormous Boas in the same lethargic state ; and that these revive when irritated or wetted with water. — All these examples show the necessity of a fixed amount of fluid, in the animal structure, for the maintenance of vital activity ; whilst they also demonstrate, that rtie preservation of the v\\?i\ properties of that structure is not always in- compatible with the partial, or even the complete, abstraction of that fluid; the solid portions being then much less liable to decomposition by heat, or by other agencies, than they are in their ordinary con- dition. ELEMENTARY PARTS OF ANIMAL STRUCTURES. 109 CHAPTER III. OF THE ELEMENTARY PARTS OF ANIMAL STRUCTURES. 162. In the investigation of the operations of a complex piece of Mechanism, and in the study of the forces which combine to produce the general result, experience shows the advantage of first examining the component parts of the Machine, — its springs, wheels, levers, cords, pulleys, &c., — determining the properties of their materials, and ascertaining their individual actions. When these have been completely mastered, the attention may be directed to their combined actions; and the bearing of these combinations upon each other, so as to produce the general result, w^ould be the last object of study. 163. This seems the plan which the Student of Physiology may most advantageously pursue, in the difficult task of making him'self acquainted with the operations of the living fabric, and with the mode in which they concur in the maintenance of Life. He should first examine the properties of the component materials of the structure in their simplest form ; these he will find in its nutrient fluids. He may next proceed to the simplest forms of organized tissue, which result from the mere solidification of those materials, and whose pro- perties are chiefly of a mechanical nature. From these he will pass to the consideration of the structure and vital actions of those tissues that consist chiefly of cells; and will investigate the share they take in the various operations of the economy. Next his attention will be engaged by the tissues produced by the transformation of cells ; of which some are destined chiefly for affording mechanical support to the fabric, and others for peculiar vital operations. And he will be then prepared to understand the part, which these elementary tis- sues severally perform in the more complex organs. A due know- ledge of these elementary parts, and of their physical, chemical, and vital properties, is essential to every one who aims at a scientific knowledge of Physiology. True it is, that we may study the results of their operations, without acquaintance with them ; but we should know^ nothing more of the worldng of the machine, than we should know of a cotton-mill, into which we saw cotton-wool entering, and from which we saw woven fabrics issuing forth ; or of a paper-mak- ing-machine, which we saw fed at one end with rags, and discharg- ing hot-pressed paper, cut into sheets, at the other. The study of these results affords, of course, a very important part of the know- ledge we have to acquire respecting the operations of the machine ; but we could learn from them very little of the nativre of the separate processes effected by it ; still less should we be prepared, by any dis- order or irregularity in the general results, to seek for, and rectify, 110 ELEMENTARY PARTS OF ANIMAL STRUCTURES. the cause of the disturbance in the working of the machine, by which the abnormal result was occasioned. 164. Now just as in a Cotton-mill, there are machines of several different kinds, adapted to effect different steps of the change, by which the raw material is converted into the woven fabric, so do we find that in the complex animal fabric there is a great variety of or- gans for performing the several changes, by which the fabric itself is built up and maintained in a condition fit for the performance of its peculiar operations. These operations are the phenomena of sensa- tion, of spontaneous motion, and of mental action. They are the great objects of .y3?iimaZ existence ; just as the combination of ele- ments into organic substances, that are to furnish the materials of the Animal fabric, seems to be the great purpose of Vegetative Life. The vital phenomena which are peculiar to Animals, are manifestations of the properties of certain forms of organized matter, — the Nervous and Muscular tissues, — which are restricted to themselves ; just as those which are common to Animals and Plants, are effected by organized structures, which are found alike in both kingdoms. Here, then, w^e have the essential distinction between these kingdoms ; — namely the presence in Animals of a peculiar apparatus, and the consequent possession by them of peculiar endowments, which are totally wanting in Plants. In the lowest forms of Animal life, we are obliged to infer the presence of the characteristic structure, from the obvious exist- ence of the peculiar endowments ; the minuteness of their entire fabric being such, as to prevent the discovery of distinct muscular and nervous fibres. But there are many species, indeed whole tribes, in which it is impossible to say with certainty, how far sensibility and spontaneity of action may be justly inferred from the movements they exhibit ; and as other distinguishing characters are deficient, it is undetermined (and perhaps will ever remain so) to which kingdom they ought to be assigned. 165. All the operations, then, which are common to Animals and Plants, are concerned in the building-up of the organized fabric, in the maintenance of its integrity, and in the preparation of the germs of new^ structures, to compensate for the loss of the parent by death. These operations, as formerly explained (§ 44), involve a series of very distinct processes ; which, although all performed by the simple cell of the humblest plant, are distributed in more complex structures through a number of parts or organs ; whose several actions are almost as separate as those of the dissimilar machines of the cotton-mill, — although, like them, sustained by the same powers, and so far mutu- ally dependent, that neither of them can be suspended without in a short time putting a stop to the rest. Now just as in each of the machines of the cotton-mill we may have similar elements, — such as wheels, levers, pulleys, bands, &c., — put together in different me- thods, and consequently adapted for different purposes, as carding, spinning, weaving, &c,, so shall we find in the animal body, that these different organs are composed of very similar elements, and that ELEMENTARY PARTS OF ANIMAL STRUCTURES. HI the individual actions of these elementary parts are the same ; but that the difference of result is the consequence of the variety in their arrangement. Thus we shall find that the growth of cells, their ab- sorption of certain matters from the surrounding fluids, and their sub- sequent liberation of these by the bursting or liquefying of the cell-wall Avhen their term of life is come to an end, are means employed in one part of the body to introduce nutrient materials into the current of the circulation, whilst in another the same processes are used as means to withdraw, from that very same current, certain substances of which it is necessary to get rid. Now certain combinations of elementary structure, adapted to the performance of a set of actions tending to one purpose, and thus resembling one of the machines of a cotton- mill, is termed an organ; and the sum-total of its actions is termed its function. Thus w^e have in the function of Respiration, which essen- tially consists of an interchange of oxygen and carbonic acid between the air and the blood, a multiiude of distinct changes, some of them of a character apparently not in the least related to it, but all neces- sary, in the higher and more complex fabric, to bring the blood and the air into the necessary relation. The sum-total of these changes constitutes the function of Respiration ; and the structures by which they are effected are organs of Respiration. 166. The whole organized structure, then, may be regarded as made up of distinct organs^ having their several and (to a certain ex- tent) independent purposes ; and these organs may be resolved, in like manner, into simple elementary parts, whose structure and composi- tion are the same, in whatever part of the fabric they occur. And in like manner, the phenomena of Life, considered as a whole, may be arranged under several groups or functions, according to the imme- diate purpose to which they are directed ; and yet in every one of these groups, we shall find repeated the same elementary changes which are concerned in the rest. Thus in the act of Respiration, the same kind of muscular movements, the same sort of nervous agency, are concerned, as contribute to the ingestion of the food ; and a simi- lar circulation of the blood, to that which supplies the materials for the nutrition of the tissues. Hence we see the propriety of applying ourselves first to the consideration of the elementary parts of the living structure, and of the properties by which they effect the changes, that are characteristic of its several organs. 1. Of the original Components of the Animal Fabric. 167. As we can best study the original Components of the Animal Fabric, by investigating their properties before the process of Organi- zation begins, or whilst it is taking place, we must have recourse for this purpose to the nutrient fluid, — the Blood, — in which these are contained in the state most completely prepared for the reception of the Vitalizing influence. The same substances may be found, in an earlier stage of preparation, in the Chyle and Lymph ; and also in the 112 PROTEINE-COMPOUNDS. Eggs of oviparous animals. The circumstances attending the develop- ment of the latter afford, indeed, the most satisfactory proof of the convertibility of the simple chemical product. Albumen, with certain inorganic substances, into every form of organized structure. For the white of the egg consists of nothing else than albumen, combined with phosphate of lime ; whilst the yetk is chiefly composed of the same substance, mingled with oily matter, and a minute quantity of sul- phur, iron, and some other inorganic bodies. Yet this albumen and fatty matter are converted by the germ, after the lapse of a few days, under the simple stimulus of an elevated temperature, into a complex fabric, composed of bones, muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments, car- tilages, fibrous membranes, fat, cellular tissue, &c. &c., and endowed with the properties characteristic of all these substances, which, when brought into consentaneous activity, manifest themselves in the Life of the chick. In tracing these wonderful transformations, therefore, we should rightly commence with Albumen. But as recent Chemical researches have shown, that this may be considered as a compound of the more simple substance termed Proteine, with Phosphorus and Sulphur, and as its relations to the compounds formed in Vegetable growth are thereby rendered more apparent, it will be desirable to commence with the latter, which has been truly said to be the most universally-present, and most important to life, of all the substances known to the Organic Chemist. 168. Proteine may be detected in almost every part of the Vegeta- ble as well as of the Animal fabric, in various conditions and states of combination ; being found in a soluble form in their fluids, and in an insoluble state in their solid parts. It may be obtained by dissolv- ing boiled Albumen in a weak solution of caustic alkali; and by then neutralizing the liquid by an acid, which causes its precipitation in the form of grayish-white flocks. And it may also be obtained from the Gluten of wheat flour (the substance which is left when dough is washed with w^ater so as to separate the starch from it), by the very same process. After being washed, it is gelatinous, of a grayish colour, and semi-transparent ; when dried, it is yellowish, hard, easily pulverized, tasteless, insoluble in water and alcohol, and decomposed by heat- without fusing. There is no perceptible difference, either in elementary composition, or in chemical relations with other sub- stances, between the two specimens of Proteine thus obtained by the same process from the Animal and Vegetable kingdoms. They are both composed, according to Mulder, of 40 Carbon, 31 Hydrogen, 5 Nitrogen, and 12 Oxygen ;* they are rendered soluble by alkalies, and are precipitated again by acids ; and they form with the latter and with oxygen, definite chemical compounds, from which the combining equivalent just stated is determined. Proteine unites also with Sul- * The formula of Liebig is different ; being 48 Carbon, 36 Hydrogen, 6 Nitrogen, 14 Oxygen. That of Mulder agrees equally well with the proportions of the elements, as deduced from analysis; and seems to represent more accurately the combining equivalent of this substance. PROTEINE-COMPOUNDS. 113 phur and Phosphorus, in various proportions ; and it is never found free from these, or in a simple uncombined state. 169. The azotized substances obtained from Plants, which have received the names of Vegetable Albumen^ Vegetable Fibrin, and Vegetable Casein, are all compounds of proteine with the last-named elements; but the exact amount of the latter has not been certainly ascertained in each case ; the proportion they bear to the proteine being so small, as to render the analysis difficult. These proteine- compounds are found in the youngest parts of the roots of plants; and are probably formed there, and transported by the circulation of the sap into distant parts. The milk-white colour of certain vegetable juices is partly due to the large quantity of these substances which they contain. The deposition of the proteine-compounds in certain groups of cells, in a solid condition, would be sufficiently accounted for by the agency of an acid, which changes it from its soluble to its insoluble form ; whilst, on the other hand, its removal from one set of cells, and its transference to others, might be accomplished by an alkaline solution, which would re-dissolve it. That such a transference really does take place, appears from the fact, that the proportion of the proteine-compounds contained in old cells is much less than that of the young and growing parts; from which, therefore, it seems to be removed at a subsequent time. The principal differences in the properties of the three compounds above named are these. Vegetable Albumen, and Legurain or Vegetable Casein, are both of them solu- ble in cold water; but the former is coagulated by heat, and may be obtained in this manner from the fresh saps of most plants ; whilst the latter is not coagulated by heat, but may be precipitated by acids from water in which the meal of peas or beans has been soaked. The substance termed Vegetable Fibrin, or more correctly Coagulated Vegetable Albumen, is insoluble in water ; and is the azotized matter existing in the seeds of corn, in almonds, &c., which is not taken up by water. Besides these, there is another termed glutin to be obtained from wheat flour, by the agency of alcohol, in which it is soluble. 170. It is certain that the proteine-compounds of Plants are trans- ferred into the bodies of Animals, and become, with little or no change, the materials of their organizing processes. Whether similar com- pounds may be formed within the animal body, at the expense of any of the other materials supplied by plants, has not yet been certainly ascertained ; but the preponderance of evidence appears on the nega tive side. According to Mulder, the proportions in which Sulphur and Phosphorus are united with Proteine, in the Animal body, are as follows : — in the Albumen of blood-serum, 2 Sulphur, and 1 Phospho- rus, to 10 Proteine; — in Fibrin and the Albumen of eggs, 1 Sulphur, and 1 Phosphorus, to 10 Proteine; — in Casein, 1 Sulphur to 10 Pro- teine; — and in the substance of which the Crystaline lens of the eye is chiefly made up, 1 Sulphur to 10 Proteine. The small proportion of the additional elements is no argument against their being of great importance in the constitution of these bodies ; for Inorganic Chemistry 8 114 PROTEINE-COMPOUNDS. furnishes numerous examples, in which the presence or absence of a body that bears a very small proportion to the whole, makes a vast difference in the properties of the compound. Thus Arseniuretted Hydrogen, which is one of the most poisonous of all gases, contains less than 2 per cent, of Hydrogen; yet it is to this small quantity, that the peculiar character and gaseous state of this compound are owing. Still more remarkable is the fact mentioned by Sir J. Herschel, that by alloying mercury with a millionth of its weight of sodium, a power of not less than 50,000 times that of gravity is instantaneously gene- jated, when the alloy is submitted to galvanic influence. — It cannot be doubted, however, from considerations presently to be stated, that « far greater diflerence exists between animal Albumen and animal Fibrin^ than between any of the corresponding principles in Plants ; «nd that this difference is due much less to diversity in composition (for according to Mulder, the amount of all the components is the •same in the Fibrin of blood and in the Albumen of the egg), than to « -change in the arrangement of the ultimate particles. 171. According to Mulder, Proteine unites with Oxygen in definite proportions, so as to form a binoxide and a tritoxide. These are both produced when Fibrin is boiled in water for some time ; the latter being then found dissolved, whilst the former remains insoluble. The tritoxide may also be formed by boiling Albumen for some time in water, and is in like manner taken up in solution ; but the insoluble residue is still albumen. It is further obtainable by decomposing the chlorite of proteine with ammonia. In its properties it somewhat resembles gelatin, and has been mistaken for that substance. There is reason to think that this compound really exists as such in the blood ; a small quantity of it being formed every time that the blood passes through the lungs, and given out again when it returns to the system ; and a much larger amount being generated during the in- flammatory process, so that it may be easily obtained from the " buffy coat" by boiling. It is also contained in pus, which is a product of the inflammatory process. — The binoxide is quite insoluble in water, but dissolves in dilute acids. It may be obtained by dissolving hair in potash, adding a little acid to throw down the proteine, and then adding a large excess of acid, which precipitates the binoxide. Ac- cording to Mulder, this compound also is produced in small quantity at every respiration; and it enters into the normal composition of several of the animal tissues. These views, however, must still be received with some hesitation. 172. One of the most characteristic and important properties of Proteine, is the facility with which it undergoes decomposition, when acted on by other chemical substances, especially by alkalies. If a proteine-compound be brought into contact with an alkali, ammonia is immediately disengaged ; indeed, the alkaline solution can hardly be made weak enough to prevent the disengagement of ammonia. This is a property, which must be continually acting in the living body ; since the blood has a decided alkaline reaction. If either albumen, PROTEINE-COMPOUNDS.— ALBUMEN. • 115 or any other proteine-compound, be boiled with potash, it is com- pletely decomposed ; — not, however, being resolved at once into its ultimate constituents, or altogether into simple combinations of them, but in great part into three other organic compounds, Leucin, Protid, and Erythroprotid. — Leucin is a crystaline substance, which forms colourless scales, destitute of taste and odour ; it is soluble in water and alcohol, and sublimes unchanged. It consists of 12 Carbon, 12 Hydrogen, 1 Nitrogen, and 4 Oxygen. There is not at present any evidence that it is produced in the living body; and the chief interest which attaches to it arises from the fact, that it may^be procured from Gelatin as well as from Proteine ; which indicates a near relationship between these two substances. — The two other compounds, Protid and Erythroprotid^ are uncrystaline substances, the former of a straw- yellow, and the latter of a reddish-brown colour ; they belong to the class of bodies which was formerly included under the vague general term of extractive matter; and both in their chemical composition, and their solubility in water, they bear a strong resemblance to Gela- tin. The first of them consists of 13 C, 9 H, 1 N, 4 O ; and the second of 13 C, 8 H, 1 N, 5 ; whilst the formula of Gelatin is 13 C, 10 H, 2 N, 5 O. — Besides these substances, Ammonia, with Formic and Carbonic Acids, are produced ; the acids unite w^ith the potash, employed to effect the decomposition ; and the ammonia is set free. 173. We have next to speak of that one of the proteine-compounds in the living body, which corresponds most closely with those yielded by Plants, and which serves as the material at the expense of which all the rest may be formed, by chemical transformations analogous to the preceding. This is Mbumen ; which exists in solution in the Blood and Chyle ; and which makes up the largest part of the yelk, and the whole of the white, of the Egg. In its soluble state, it is always combined with a small quantity of free soda, with which it seems to be united as an acid with its base ; and to this state of com- bination, its solubility is regarded by most Chemists as being due. When the fluid in w^hich it is dissolved is evaporated at a low tem- perature (not exceeding 126°), the Albumen, or rather Albuminate of Soda, maybe dried, without losing its solubility ; when dried, it may be exposed to a temperature of 212°, without undergoing change ; and it forms, when again dissolved in water, the same glairy, colour- less, and nearly tasteless fluid as before. When a higher temperature is employed, however, the Albumen passes into the insoluble form ; and presents itself either as a cloudy or flocculent precipitate, or as a firm consistent coagulum, according to the strength of the original solution. The same condition regulates the amount of heat requisite for the purpose ; thus if the quantity of albumen be so great that the liquid has a slimy aspect, a temperature of 145° or 150° is suflScient for the purpose, and the whole becomes solid, white, and opaque ; but in a very dilute condition, boiling is required, and the albumen then separates in the form of white finely-divided flocks. In either case, the soda, and other soluble salts are separated from the albumen. 116 ' ALBUMEN; CASEIN. and remain dissolved in the water. When the coagulation of Albu- men takes place rapidly, the coherent mass seems quite homogeneous, and shows no trace of anything like definite arrangement ; hut when the process is more gradual, minute granules present themselves, which do not, however, exhibit a tendency towards any higher form of structure. The insoluble coagulum, or pure Albumen, dries up to a yellow, transparent, horny substance ; which, when macerated in water, resumes its former whiteness and opacity. — Pure Albumen may also be obtained from the solid mass, which remains when an^ Albuminous fluid is dried at a low temperature, by reducing it to a fine powder, and then washing it with cold water on a filter ; common salt, with sulphate, phosphate and carbonate of soda, is dissolved out ; and a soft swollen mass remains upon the filter, which has all the characters of Albumen, obtained by precipitation, except that it is readily soluble in a solution of nitrate of potash, which will not dis- solve the latter substance. 174. Albumen may also be thrown down from its solution, in a coagulated state, by Alcohol, Creasote, and by most Acids, when these are added in excess, so as to do more than neutralize the alkali. Nitric acid is particularly eflBcacious in occasioning coagulation ; on the other hand. Acetic acid, and common or tribasic Phosphoric acid do not precipitate it, these acids having the property of dissolving pure Albumen. In the precipitation of Albumen by an Acid, definite compounds are formed between the two ; in which the Albumen acts the part of a base. On the other hand, as already remarked, it serves .as an acid in its combinations with the caustic Alkalies, and is held in solution by them. Most of the metallic salts, as those of copper, lead, mercury, &c., form insoluble compounds with albumen, and thus give precipitates with its solution ; hence the value of white of egg as an antidote, in cases of poisoning with corrosive sublimate. The best method of detecting the presence of soluble albumen in very small quantity, is to boil the liquid, and add nitric acid; if tur- bidity is then produced, the existence of albumen may be inferred. 175. The existence of unoxidized Sulphur in Albumen, is shown by the familiar fact of the blackening of a silver spoon by a boiled egg; which is due to the formation of an alkaline Sulphuret during the coagulation. A very important property of soluble Albumen is its power of uniting with Phosphate of Lime, and rendering it solu- ble; it is in this way, that the consolidating material of bones is introduced into the body. About two per cent, of this salt may be separated from Albumen in its coagulated state. 176. Nearly allied to Albumen is the substance termed Casein, which replaces it in Milk; and this is worthy of notice here, because it is the sole form in which the young Mammal receives Proteine into its body, during the period of lactation. Like Albumen, this sub- stance may exist in two forms, the soluble, and the insoluble or coagulated ; and it further agrees with it, in requiring, as a condition of its solubility, the presence of a free alkali, of which, however, a ALBUMEN; CASEIN; FIBRIN. 117 very small quantity suffices for the purpose. It differs from Albumen, however, in this ; that it does not coagulate by heat, and that it is precipitated from its solution by Acetic acid. Casein is further re- markable for the facility with which its coagulation is effected by the contact of certain animal membranes, as in the ordinary process of cheese-making. This change is considered by some Chemists to be due, however, not to any direct action of the membrane upon the casein, but to its influence in converting some of the milk-sugar into lactic acid, which, separating the alkali of the casein, will occasion the precipitation of the latter. The only difference w^hich can be detected between Albumen and Casein, in regard to the proportions of their elements, consists in the absence of Phosphorus in the latter; but this can scarcely be the cause of the foregoing differences in their properties. Casein appears to surpass Albumen in its power of com- bining with the phosphates of lime and magnesia, and rendering them soluble. 177. Albumen and Casein, then, may be regarded as constituting the raw materials, at the expense of which the organized tissues of the Animal fabric are built up ; and w^e have sufficient evidence, in the development of the Chick from the egg, and of the young Mam- mal from milk, that they may be transformed into any of the proteine compounds which are to be found in the Animal body. How far they may require to be united with fatty matter in producing some of these, — as the Nervous, — can scarcely be yet determined ; but it is a cir- cumstance worthy of note, that in both the foregoing cases, fatty mat- ter is mingled with the albumen, in the aliment destined for the development of the young animal. The purpose of this, however, may be nothing else than the production of the Adipose tissue, and the maintenance of the respiration. — Further evidence that Albumen is the raw material of the Animal tissues, is derived from this; — that it is the form to which all the proteine-compounds contained in the food, whether derived from the Animal or from the Vegetable king- dom, are reduced by the Digestive process; and in which, therefore, they must be first received within the living system. 178. We find, however, in the fluids that are formed at the ex- pense of this Albumen in the living body, namely the Chyle and the Blood, another substance ; which is so closely related to Albumen in its ultimate Chemical composition, as not to be distinguishable from it with any degree of certainty; but w^hich yet differs from it in some of its chemical properties, and still more in the tendency w^hich it ex- hibits to assume the organized form and to manifest vital properties. This substance is named Fibrin* \i is found in the Chyle or crude blood, soon after it is drawn from the food ; it presents itself in gradu- * According to the analyses of Dumas, there is a slight difference between Fibrin and Albumen in ultimate composition; the former having less Carbon, aad more Azote than the latter. The difference, however, is so trifling, that it may be doubted whether the Analytical process is yet sufficiently certain and definite to substan- tiate it. 118 FIBRIN. ally-increasing proportion, as the Chyle slowly passes along the Lacteal vessels, and through the Mesenteric glands, towards the ter- mination of the Absorbent system in the Venous ; and it is also found in the fluid contents of that other division of the Absorbent system, the Lymphatics, which is distributed through the body at large, and Avhich seems to have for its chief office to take up, and to re-introduce into the circulating current, such particles contained in the fluids of the tissues, as do not require to be at once cast out of the body, but may be again employed in the process of Nutrition. But it is found, above all, in the Blood, — the fluid whose ceaseless and rapid course through the body supplies to every element of the structure the mate- rials of its growth and development : and the varying proportions in which it presents itself there, are evidently closely connected with the formative powers of that fluid. It is also a principal element of certain colourless exudations^ which are poured forth from wounded or inflamed surfaces, or which are deposited in the interstices of in- flamed tissues; these exudations, when possessed of a high formative property (that is, a readiness to produce an organized tissue), are said to be composed of coagulable or organizable lymph, which is nothing more than the fibrinous element of the blood, in an unusually concentrated state. We shall first notice the Chemical properties of Fibrin ; and shall then inquire into those, which present the first dawnings or indications of Vitality. 179. Like the other Proteine-compounds, Fibrin may exist in solu- tion, or in an insoluble form ; but there is this important difference, — that its soluble form is not a permanent one, and cannot be maintained in any fibrinous fluid that has been drawn from the living vessels, without the influence of re-agents, w^hich totally destroy its peculiar properties. All investigations of a Chemical nature, therefore, must be made upon insoluble Fibrin; and this may be obtained in its purest state, by whipping fresh blood with a bundle of twigs, by w^hich opera- tion, it will i3e caused, in coagulating, to adhere to the twigs, in the form of long, white, elastic filaments, with scarcely an admixture of foreign matter. When dried in vacuo, or at a gentle heat, it becomes translucent and horny; and in this condition, it closely resembles coagulated albumen. It further resembles that substance, in being soluble in very dilute caustic alkali, and in phosphoric acid ; and the solutions exhibit many of the properties of the similar solutions of albumen. When the fibrin of venous blood is triturated in a mortar with a solution of nitrate of potash, and the mixture is left for twenty- four hours or more at a temperature of from 100° to 120°, it becomes gelatinous, slimy, and eventually entirely liquid. In this condition, it exhibits all the properties of a solution of Albumen which has been neutralized by acetic acid. It coagulates by heat ; it is precipitated by alcohol, corrosive sublimate, &c.; and, when largely diluted, it deposits a flocculent substance, not to be distinguished from insoluble albumen. The close Chemical relation of Fibrin and Albumen is further proved by the ready conversion of the former into the latter in the act of di- FIBRIN; ITS COAGULATION. 119 gestion; Animal flesh, which consists of Fibrin, being reduced to the form of Albumen with the same facility as the Vegetable compounds, which resemble the latter much more closely in the first instance. The Fibrin of arterial blood, however, cannot be reduced to the fluid form by solution with nitre ; and this appears to be due to the oxidized condition of its Proteine; for in a solution of Venous fibrin in nitre,, contained in a deep cylindrical jar, and having its surface freely ex- posed to the air, a fine flocculent precipitate is gradually seen to form; and this, when collected, is found to have the properties of arterial fibrin. The Fibrin of Animal flesh agrees with that of venous, rather than with that of arterial blood. Fibrin, like Albumen, unites with acids as a base, forming definite compounds; and with bases as an acid. It also possesses the property of uniting with the earthy phos- phates; of which from '7 to 2*5 per cent, are found in the ash that is left after its combustion. 180. We see, then, that when considered in its simply-Chemical relations. Fibrin does not differ in any essential particular from Albu- men ; and that the chief point of obvious variation, is the spontaneous coagulation of the former, when it is removed from the living body. There is, however, in the structure of the coagulum itself, a most im- portant difference ; for instead of consisting of a homogeneous struc- tureless mass, or of a simple aggregation of minute granules, it is found by the Microscope, to possess a definite ^6roM5 arrangement, the fibres crossing one another in every direction. In the ordinary coagulum or clot of Blood, these fibres do not present any great degree of firmness : they may be hardened, however, by boiling; and their arrangement then becomes more definite. They may be seen much more clearly, however, in the *' huffy coat" of Inflammatory blood ; in which there is not only an increased proportion of Fibrin, but the Fibrin itself seems to have undergone a higher elaboration, — that is, to have pro- ceeded still further in the change towards regular organization. In this state, the process of coagulation is unusually slow ; the clot formed by the fibrous tissue is much more solid ; and it continues for some hours, or even days, to increase in solidity, by the mutual attraction of the particles composing the fibres, which causes them to contract and to expel the fluid contained in their interstices. 181. The most perfect fibrous structure originating in the simple coagulation of fibrin is to be found, however, in those exudations which take place either from inflammation, or from a peculiar forma- tive action, destined to repair an old tissue or to produce a new one. Thus in Fig. 2 is shown the fibrous structure of a false membrane formed by the consolidation of a fibrinous exudation from the surface of an inflamed peritoneum. And in Fig. 3 is displayed a similar fibrous structure (in which, however, the fibres have more of a reticulated arrangement), which incloses the fluid contents of the egg, and enters into the composition of the shell itself. As the ovum (which, at the time of its quitting the ovarium, consists of the yelk-bag only) passes along the oviduct of the parent, it receives its coating of albuminous 120 FIBRILLATION OF FIBRIN. matter, of which layer after layer is thrown out by the vessels of the oviduct. When a sufficient supply has thus been furnished, it appears Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fibrous structure of inflammatory exudation from peritoneum. Fibrous membrane, lining the egg-shell, and forming the animal basis of the shell itself. that fibrinous instead of albuminous matter is poured forth ; and this, in coagulating, forms a very thin layer of fibrous tissue, which en- velops the albumen. Layer after layer is gradually added ; and at last, by the superposition of these layers, that firm tenacious mem- brane is formed, which is afterwards found lining the egg-shell. The process is then continued, with this variation, that carbonate of lime is also secreted from the blood in a chalky state ; and its particles lie in the interstices of the fibrous network, and give it that solidity which is characteristic of the shell. If they be removed by the agency of a weak acid, or if the bird be not sufficiently supplied w^ith lime at the time of laying, the outer membrane has the same consistence as the inner ; and either may be separated, after prolonged maceration, by dextrous manipulation, into a series of layers of a fibrovis matting like that represented in Fig. 3. 182. It is scarcely possible to deny to such a tissue the designation of an organized structure, even though it contains no vessels, and may not participate in any further Vital phenomena. We shall here- after find, that a tissue presenting very similar characters forms a large part of the Animal fabric ; and that the vessels with which it is copiously supplied, have for their object nothing else than the remo- val of its disintegrated or decaying portions, and the deposition of new matter in a similar form (§ 194). In the production of new parts, w^e find this simple fibrous tissue performing the important function of serving as a matrix or bed for the support of the vessels ; and as, by the more gradual transformation of the nutritive materials they bring, new and more permanent tissues are formed, the original one gradu- ally undergoes disintegration, and all traces of it are in time lost. This would appear to be the history of the Chorion of the Mammalian ovum ; which is at first nothing else than a fibrous unvascular bag, formed round the ovum in its passage through the Fallopian tube, FIBRILLATION OF FIBRIN. 121 precisely after the manner of the shell-membrane of the Bird's egg; but which is afterwards penetrated by vessels proceeding from the embryo, and in time acquires a new structure (Chap. XI.) 183. The completeness of the production of such a fibrous tissue depends in part, as we have seen, upon the degree of elaboration which the Fibrin has undergone ; but in great part also upon the nature of the surface, on which the coagulation takes place. Thus we never find so perfect a membrane formed by the consolidation of the Fibrin out of the living body, — on a slip of glass for example, — as when it takes place on the surface of a living membrane, or in the interstices of a living tissue. This may perhaps be accounted for by the fact, that the coagulation takes place much more slowly in the latter case than in the former ; and that the particles may thus have more time to arrange themselves in the definite fibrillation^ which seems to be their characteristic mode of aggregation : — ^just as crys- talization takes place best when the action is slow ; and as a substance, whose particles would remain in an amorphous or disunited form if too rapidly precipitated from a solution, may present a most regular arrangement when they are separated from it more slowly. Of this view it would seem to be a confirmation, that the most perfect fibril- lation out of the body is usually seen in those cases, in which coagu- lation takes place least rapidly. 184. The conditions under which the spontaneous coagulation of Fibrin takes place, are best known from the observation of that pro- cess as it occurs in the Blood; and although this fluid, as we shall hereafter see, is of a very complex nature, yet as the Fibrin alone is concerned in its coagulation, and as that act appears to take place in the same manner as if no other substance was present, there appears to be no objection to the employment of the phenomena of Blood-coagu- lation as the basis of our account of the properties of Fibrin. — There can be no doubt, from Microscopical observation of the circulating Blood, that Fibrin is in a state of perfect solution in the fluid ; and in this condition it remains, so long as it is in motion in the living body. That its fluidity, however, does not depend only upon its movement, is evident from two facts; — first, that no kind of motion seems effectual in preventing the coagulation of the blood, after it has been drawn from the vessels; — and second, that a state of rest within the living body does not immediately produce coagulation ; a portion of blood, included between two ligatures in a living vessel, remain- ing fluid for a long time. On the other hand, it seems certain that the state of vitality of the parts with which the blood is in contact, has a great influence in preserving its fluidity ; thus it has been found that, if the Brain and Spinal Cord of an animal be broken down, and by this measure the vitality of the body at large be lowered, clots of blood are formed in their trunks within a few minutes. Nevertheless, a mass of blood effused into a cavity of the living body, undergoes coagulation almost as soon as it would in a dead vessel; but this may be accounted for by the very small surface which is in contact with 122 COAGULATION OF FIBRIN. the blood, as compared with the mass of the latter. It must be re- membered that the circulating blood is continually being subdivided into countless streams ; and that each of these passes through the living tissue, in such a manner that all its particles are in close rela- tion with the living surface. Moreover it is probable that the form of matter which we term Fibrin never remains long in that condi- tion, in the ordinary state of the system ; being continually withdrawn by the nutritive processes, and as continually reformed from the Al- bumen, by an elaborating action hereafter to be considered. Hence we may regard the state of motion through living vessels, as essen- tial to the permanent continuance of fibrin in the fluid form. 185. The length of time, however, during which Fibrin may re- main uncoagulated, after it has been withdrawn from the living body, varies according to various conditions ; some of which are not well understood. In the first place, as already remarked, the more ela- borated and more concentrated the condition of the Fibrin, the more slowly does it usually coagulate. Thus when a large quantity of blood is drawn at one bleeding, into several vessels, that w^hich flows first takes the longest time to coagulate, and forms the firmest clot ; whilst that which is last drawn coagulates most rapidly and with the least tenacity. The coagulation is accelerated by moderate heat, and retarded by cold; but it is not prevented even by extreme cold ; for if blood be frozen immediately that it is drawn, it will coa- gulate on being thawed, — thus preserving its vitality, in spite of the freezing process, like the organized structures of many of the lower animals. Again, the coagulation is accelerated by exposure to air ; but it is not prevented, though it is retarded, by complete exclusion from it. Various Chemical agents retard the coagulation, without preventing it ; this is the case especially with solutions of the neutral salts. The coagulation is not so firm, however, or the fibrillation so perfect, after the use of these ; and there can be no doubt that they modify the properties of the fibrin by acting chemically upon it. 186. After remaining in this condition for a certain length of time, the Fibrin undergoes a further change, which is evidently the result of decomposition ; the coagulum becomes soft, and exhibits appear- ances of putrefaction. This takes place the more rapidly, as the first coagulation was less complete. Thus in the imperfectly-elaborated Fibrin of the Chyle, the coagulum is sometimes so incomplete that it does not separate itself from the serum, and liquefies again in half an hour. In certain states of disease, the solidifying properties of the Fibrin are very much impaired ; so that it soon liquefies and decom- poses. In these cases, there is scarcely any trace of the characteristic fibrous arrangement of the particles. — On the other hand, the fibrin- ous coagulum of inflamed blood, as it is more solid, is also more per- sistent, than that of ordinary blood ; and the greatest persistency of all is seen in the fibrous network formed by exudation, as in the cases just now mentioned. 187. The coagulating power of Fibrin, — in other words, its pecu- SIMPLE FIBROUS TISSUES. 123 liar vital property, — may be destroyed by various causes operating within the living body; so that the blood remains fluid after death. These may be classed under three heads. In the first place, the vitality of the fibrin may be destroyed by substances introduced into the blood from without; which have the power of acting in the man- ner of ferments^ and which occasion an obvious chemical change in its condition. This is the case in the severe forms of Typhoid fever, which are termed malignant ; and especially those which result from the contact of putrescent matter, as Glanders, Pustule maligne, &c. Secondly, it may be impaired or altogether destroyed by morbid ac- tions originating in the system itself, and depending upon irregular nutrition or imperfect excretion ; thus the blood has been found fluid after death, in severe cases of Scurvy and Purpura, also in cases of Asphyxia (consequent upon the retention of carbonic acid in the blood), and in the bodies of over-driven animals. The same result may follow, Thirdly, from violent shocks or impressions, which sud- denly destroy the vitality of the whole system at once; these maybe such as are obviously capable of producing a chemical or mechanical change, as in the case of death by Lightning or by a violent Electrical discharge; or they may act through the nervous system, in a manner not yet clearly understood, as when death results from concussion of the brain, from a blow upon the epigastrium, from violent mental emotion, or from a coup de soleil. — It is not to be supposed that the non-coagulability of the Blood is a phenomenon by any means invari- able under the foregoing circumstances ; but it has been occasionally observed in all of them. We must not mistake, for the absence of coagulating power, the remarkable retardation of the act of coagula- tion which sometimes occurs. Thus, the blood is occasionally found in a fluid condition in the bodies of persons that have been dead for some days; and yet when withdrawn from the vessels it coagulates. An instance has been lately put on record, in which blood drawn from a patient suffering under an attack of pneumonia, did not coagu- late for fifteen days, but then formed a firm clot, and was a month before it putrefied. 2. Of the Simple Fibrous Tissues. 188. A large part of the Animal fabric, especially among the higher classes in which the parts have the greatest amount of motion upon one another, is composed of tissues, which seem as if they consisted of nothing else than fibres, of the simple character already described, woven together in various ways, according to the purposes they are destined to serve. These fibres are altogether different from those hereafter to be described as constituting the Muscular and Nervous tissues, and must not be confounded with them. The former are solid, and possess none but physical properties ; the latter are tubular, and are distinguished by their peculiar vital endowments, which seem chiefly, if not entirely, to reside in the contents of the tubular fibre. 124 SIMPLE FIBROUS TISSUES. Fig. 4. Simple fibrous tissue ; a tissue ; 6, tendinous fibres. fibres of areolar The simple fibrous tissues, of which we have now to treat, appear to have for their sole office in the animal body to bind together the other elementary parts into one whole, without uniting them so closely as to render them immov- able; and we find the same elements arranged in very different modes, according to the purposes they are destined to fulfil. Thus in the TeTi- dons^ by which the Muscles are con- nected with the Bones and impart motion to them, the only property required is that of resisting strain or tension in one direction ; and in these we find the fibres disposed in a parallel arrangement, passing continuously in straight lines between the points of attachment. In the Ligaments which connect the bones together, and which also have for their purpose to afford resistance to strain, but which are liable to tension in a greater variety of directions, we find bundles of fibres crossing each other according to these directions ; and in some in- stances we find the ligaments endowed also with a certain degree of elasticity. The structure of the strong Fibrous Membranes^ which form the envelops to different organs and bind together the contained parts, is very similar ; each of these membranes being composed of several layers of a dense network, formed by the interweaving of bundles of fibres in different directions. In the Fibro- Cartilages, we find a mixture of the characteristic structure of Ligament with that of Cartilage ; bundles of fibres, similar to those which constitute the former, being disposed among the cells which are the chief organized constituents of the latter. In certain Fibro-Cartilages, however, these fibres are endowed with a high degree of elasticity. 189. These two qualities, — that of resistance to tension without any yielding, — and that of resistance combined with elasticity, — are cha- racteristic of two distinct forms of Fibrous tissue, the Wliite and the Yellow. The White Fibrous tissue presents itself under various forms ; being sometimes composed of fibres so minute as to be scarcely dis- tinguishable ; and sometimes presenting itself under the aspect of bands, usually of a flattened form, and attaining the breadth of l-500th of an inch. These bands are marked by numerous longitu- dinal streaks, but they cannot be torn up into minute fibres of deter- minate size ; hence they must be regarded as made up of an aggrega- tion of the same elements as those which may become developed into separate fibres. The fibres and bands are occasionally somewhat wavy in their direction. This tissue, which is perfectly inelastic, is easily distinguished from the other by the effect of Acetic acid, which swells it up and renders it transparent, at the same time bringing into view certain oval corpuscles, which are supposed to be the nuclei of SIMPLE FIBROUS TISSUES. 125 the cells that were concerned in the formation of the tissue. — The Yelloto Fibrous tissue exists in the form of long, single, elastic, branched Fig. 5. Fig. 6. Fasciculus of fibres of white fibrous tissue from lateral ligament of kiiee-jaijit. Yellow fibrous tissue from ligamentum, nuchae ; a, the fibres drawn apart, to show their reticulate arrangement; b, the fibres in situ. filaments, with a dark decided border; which are disposed to curl when not put on the stretch. They are for the most part between l-5000th and l-10,000th of an inch in diameter; but they are often met with both larger and smaller. They frequently anastomose, so as to form a network, as shown in Fig. 6. This tissue does not undergo any change, when heated with acetic acid. It exists alone (that is, without any mixture of the white), in parts which require a peculiar elasticity, such as the middle coat of the Arteries, the Chordae Vocales, the Ligamentum Nuchae (of Quadrupeds), and the Ligamenta sub- flava ; it enters largely into the composition of certain parts, which are commonly regarded as Cartilaginous, such as the external ear; and it is also a principal component of other tissues to be presently described. 190. These tissues are very different in Chemical composition. Those which are composed of the White fibrous element, — namely, Tendons, Ligaments, &c. — are almost entirely resolved by long boil- ing into the substance termed Gelatin or Glue ; and this is also largely obtained from the skin, and from Mucous and Serous Mem- branes, into which, as we shall presently see, that element enters largely. The composition of Gelatin is much simpler than that of the Protein-compounds ; so far, at least, as regards the number of atoms of its several elements ; for it consists (according to Mulder) of 13 Carbon, 10 Hydrogen, 2 Nitrogen, 5 Oxygen. This compo- sition is the same, whether the Gelatin be obtained from isinglass, from fibrous membranes, or from bones. The distinctive characters of Gelatin are its solubility in warm water, its coagulation on cooling into a uniform jelly, and its formation of a peculiar insoluble com- pound with Tannic acid. Gelatin is very sparingly soluble in cold water; though prolonged contact with it will cause the Gelatin to swell 126 SIMPLE FIBROUS TISSUES. up and soften. Its power of forming a jelly on cooling is such, that a solution of one part in 100 of water will become a consistent solid. And its reaction with Tannic acid is so distinct, that the presence of one part of Gelatin in 5000 of water is at once detected by infusion of Galls. — There can be no doubt that Gelatin does not exist ex- actly as such in the Fibrous tissues ; since none can be dissolved out of them by the continued action of cold water, and it usually re- quires the prolonged action of hot water, to occasion their complete conversion. There are some substances, however, in which this is not requisite; and from which the gelatin may be more readily ex- tracted. This is the case, for example, with the air-bladder of the Cod and other fish ; which, when cut into shreds and dried, is known as Isinglass. It is the case also with the substance of bones, from which the calcareous matter has been removed. In both instances it would seem that the state of organization is very imperfect; scarcely any traces of the fibrous structure being perceptible. When the fibrous arrangement is more complete, the solubility of the tissue is much diminished. Hence it would seem that the particles have a different arrangement in the tissues, from that w^hich they have in the product obtained by boiling. Their ultimate composition, however, is the same ; for w^hen any serous membrane, or other tissue princi- pally composed of the w^hite fibrous element, is analyzed by combus- tion, the elements are found to have the same proportion to each other as in Gelatin, allowance being made for the small admixture of other substances. The action of Tannic acid, too, is the same on the organized tissue, as it is on the gelatin extracted from it ; and hence results its utility in producing an insoluble compound, not liable to undergo decomposition, in the substance of the skin, con- verting it into leather. 191. It is not yet known how Gelatin is produced in the Animal body. There can be no doubt that it may be elaborated from Albu- men ; since we find a very large amount of Gelatin in the tissues of young animals, which are entirely formed from albuminous matter; and also in the tissues of herbivorous animals, which cannot receive it in their food, as Plants yield no substance resembling gelatin. It has been suggested by Mulder, that Gelatin may be formed by the decomposition of Protein, which has been already mentioned as taking place from the agency of weak Alkaline solutions, (§ 172,) and which must probably, therefore, be continually occurring in the blood. For if to each atom of Protid and Erythroprotid, we add one of the atoms of Ammonia, which are given off in that decomposition, we have compounds, of which the former differs from Gelatin only by the presence of two additional atoms of hydrogen and the deficiency of one of oxygen, whilst the only difference in the latter consists in the presence of one additional atom of hydrogen. Thus the ammoniated erythroprotid, when exposed to oxygenation in the lungs, may have its one superfluous atom of hydrogen carried off in the form of water, and will then have the composition of Gelatin ; and the same result SIMPLE FIBROUS TISSUES. 127 will be obtained from the ammoniated protid, by the addition of three atoms of oxygen, which will convert it into gelatin and two atoms of water. These transformations must be regarded for the present as altogether theoretical; but it does not appear at all unlikely that they may really take place. 192. The composition of the Yellow fibrous tissue appears to be altogether dissimilar. It scarcely undergoes any change by prolonged boiling; it is unaffected also by the weaker acids; and it preserves its elasticity, if kept moist, for an almost unlimited period. According to Scherer it consists of 48 Carbon, 38 Hydrogen, 6 Nitrogen, and 16 Oxygen ; and he considers it to be composed of an atom of Proteine with two atoms of water. (See § 168, note.) 193. The simple Fibrous tissues appear to be very little susceptible of change in the living body; and we find them very sparingly supplied with blood-vessels. In the solid Tendons, the bundles of straight parallel fibres are a little separated from each other by the intervention of the Areolar tissue to be presently noticed ; and this permits the sparing access of vessels to their interior. In the Fibrous Membranes and Ligaments, this is found in somewhat larger amount; and the vascularity of these tissues is rather greater. 194. The great use of the foregoing Tissues appears to be, to aflford a firm resistance to tension; by which they may either communicate motion, as in the case of Tendons ; or restrain it, as in the case of Ligaments ; or altogether prevent it, as in the case of Aponeuroses and Fibrous Membranes. With this firm resistance, a considerable amount of elasticity may be combined. But we have now^ to notice a tissue, in which a very different arrangement of the same elements presents itself; and the object of this is, to bind together the elements of the different fabrics of the body, and at the same time to endow them with a greater or less degree of freedom of movement upon one another. This tissue, which is called the Areolar, consists of a network of minute fibres and bands, which are interwoven in every direction, so as to leave innumerable areola or little spaces, which communicate freely with one another. Of these fibres, some are of the yellow or elastic kind ; but the majority are composed of the white fibrous tissue, and, as in that form of elementary structure, they frequently present the form of broad flattened bands, or membranous shreds, in which no distinct fibrous arrangement is visible. The interstices are filled during life with a fluid, which resembles very dilute serum of the blood, consisting chiefly of water, but containing a sensible quantity of common salt and albumen. This tissue, — which has been frequently but erroneously termed Cellular, — is very extensible in all directions, and very elastic, from the structural arrangement of its elements. It cannot be said to possess any dis- tinctly vital endowments ; for although it has a certain amount of sensibility, this merely depends upon the presence of nerves which it is conveying to other parts ; and the small amount of contractility 128 AREOLAR TISSUES. which it shows, depends rather upon the muscular tissue of the ves- sels that traverse it. 195. As already mentioned, we find this tissue in almost every part of the body ; thus it binds together the ultimate fibres of the Muscles into minute fasciculi, unites these fasciculi into larger ones, these again into larger ones which are obvious to the eye, and these into the entire muscle. Again it forms the membranous septa between distinct muscles, or between muscles and fibrous aponeuroses. In like manner it unites the elements of nerves, glands, &c. ; binds together the fat-cells into minute bags, these into larger ones, and so on ; and in this manner penetrates and forms a considerable part of all the softer tissues of the body. But it is a great mistake to assert, as it wais formerly common to do, that it penetrates the harder organs, such as bones, teeth, cartilage, &c. Its purpose obviously is, to allow a cer- tain degree of movement of the parts which it unites ; and hence we find it entering much more largely into the composition of the Mam- mary gland (which, from its attachment to the great pectoral muscle, must have its parts capable of being shifted upon one another), than into that of the Liver, Kidneys, &c. It also serves as the bed, in which blood-vessels, nerves, and lymphatics may be carried into the substance of the different organs ; and it often undergoes a degree of condensation, in order to form a sheath for the larger trunks, which gives it almost the characters of a Fibrous Membrane. 196. The quantity of fluid in the insterstices of Areolar tissue is subject to considerable variations; but these depend rather upon the state of fullness or emptiness of the vessels which traverse it, and upon the condition of the walls of those vessels, than upon any change in the tissue itself. It has been shown that, when an albuminous fluid is in contact with an animal membrane, the watery part of the fluid will pass through by transudation ; but that the albuminous matter will be for the most part kept back, so that only a very small propor- tion of it is to be found in the transuded liquid. This appears to be a sufficient explanation of the presence of a weak serous fluid in the cavities of areolar tissue ; and there is not any necessity, therefore, to imagine the existence of a secreting power, either in the areolar tissue itself, or in the walls of the capillaries which traverse it. When there is a want of firmness or tone in the walls of the vessels, pro- ducing (as we shall hereafter see, § 609) an increased pressure of the contained fluid on their walls, and diminished resistance, the watery part of the blood will have an unusual tendency to transudation ; and we accordingly find that it then distends the areolse, and produces dropsy. The physical arrangement of the parts of the tissue is so much altered, that its elasticity is impaired ; and it consequently pits on pressure, — that is, when pressure has made an indentation in the surface, this is not immediately filled up when the pressure is with- drawn, but a pit remains for some seconds or even minutes. The free communication which exists amongst the interstices, is shown by the influence of gravity upon the seat of the dropsical effusion; this SEROUS MEMBRANES.— SKIN, AND MUCOUS MEMBRANES. 129 always having the greatest tendency to manifest itself in the most depending parts, — a result, however, which is also due to the in- creased delay, w^hich takes place in the circulation in such parts, when the vessels are deficient in tone. This freedom of communica- tion is still more shown, however, by the fact, that either air or water may be made to pass, by a moderate continued pressure, into almost every part of the body containing Areolar tissue; although introduced at only a single point. In this manner it is the habit of butchers to inflate veal ; and impostors have thus blown-up the scalps and faces of»their children, in order to excite commiseration. The whole body has been thus distended with air by emphysema in the lung; the air having escaped from the air-cells into the surrounding areolar tissue, and thence, by continuity of this tissue with that of the body in gene- ral at the root or apex of the lungs, into the entire fabric. 197. The structure of the Serous and Synovial Membranes is essentially the same with that of Areolar tissue. Their free surface is covered with a layer of cells ; but these constitute a distinct tissue, the Epitheliuniy of which an account will be given hereafter. The epithelium lies upon a continuous sheet of membrane, of extreme deli- cacy, in which no definite structure can be discovered ; the nature of this, which is called the basement or primary-membrane, will be pre- sently considered (§ 206). Beneath this is a layer of condensed Areolar tissue, which constitutes the chief thickness of the serous membrane, and confers upon it its strength and elasticity ; this gradu- ally passes into that laxer variety, by which the membrane is attached to the parts it lines, and which is commonly knowm as the sub-serous tissue. The yellow fibrous element enters largely into the composi- tion of the membrane itself; and its filaments interlace in a beautiful network, which confers upon it equal elasticity in every direction. The membrane is traversed by blood-vessels, nerves, and lymphatics, in varying proportions ; some of the synovial membranes, especially that of the knee-joint, are furnished with little fringe-like projections, which are extremely vascular, and which seem especially concerned in the secretion of the synovial fluid. The fluid of the serous cavities is so nearly the same as the serum of the blood, that the simple act of transudation is sufficient to account for its presence in their sacs; on the other hand, that of the Synovial capsules, and of the Bursae Mu- cosae which resemble them, may be considered as serum with from 6 to 8 per cent, of additional albumen. 198. The elements of Areolar tissue enter largely also into two other textures, which perform a most important share in both the Organic and the Animal functions ; — namely, the Mucous Membranes and the Skin. These textures are continuous with each other; and may, in fact, be considered as one and the same, modified in its dif- ferent parts according to the function it is destined to perform. Thus it is everywhere extremely vascular ; but the supply of blood in the skin is chiefly destined for the nervous system, and is necessary to the act of sensation ; whilst that of the internal skin or mucous mem- 9 130 SKIN, AND MUCOUS MEMBRANES. brane is rather subservient to the processes of absorption and secre- tion. This tissue is continued from the external surface of the body by the several orifices and outlets of its cavities ; and it is further continued most extensively from its primary internal prolongations, into the inmost recesses of the glandular structures. 199. Thus the gastro-intestinal mucous membrane commences at the mouth, and lines the whole alimentary canal from the mouth to the anus, where it again becomes continuous wath the skin ; and it sends off as branches, the membranous linings of the ducts of the sali- vary glands, pancreas, and liver ; these membranes proceed into all the subdivisions of the ducts, and line the ultimate follicles or ccEca in which they terminate. Again the bronchia-pulmonary mucous membrane commences at the nose, and passes along the air-passages, down the trachea, through the bronchi and their subdivisions, to line the ultimate air-cells of the lungs ; communicating in its course with the gastro-intestinal. Another mucous membrane of small extent commences at the puncta lachrymalia, lines the lachrymal sac and the nasal duct, and becomes continuous with the preceding. Another, w^hich may be considered a kind of offset from either of the first two, passes up from the pharynx along the Eustachian tube, and lines the cavity of the tympanum. 200. Near the opposite termination of the alimentary canal, more- over, we have the genito-urinary mucous membranes ; these com- mence in the male by a single external orifice, that of the urethra ; — passing backwards along the urethra, the genital division is given off, to line the seminal ducts, the vesiculse seminales, the vasa deferentia, and the secreting tubuli of the testis ; another division proceeds along the ducts of the prostate gland, to line its ultimate follicles, and an- other along the ducts of Cowper's glands ; whilst the miliary division lines the bladder, passes up along the ureters to the kidney, and then becomes continuous with the membrane of the tubuli uriniferi. In the female, the urinary division commences at once from the vulva ; whilst the genital passes along the vagina into the uterus, and thence along the Fallopian tubes to their fimbriated extremities, where it be- comes continuous with the serous lining of the abdominal cavity, the peritoneum. 201. Besides the glandular prolongations here enumerated, there are many others, both from the internal and external surface. Thus we have the Mammary mucous membrane, commencing from the orifices of the lactiferous ducts, passing inwards to line their subdi- visions, and forming the walls of the ultimate follicles. In the same manner the Lachrymal mucous membrane is prolonged from the con- junctival mucous membrane, w^hich covers the eye and lines the eye- lids, and w^hich is continuous with the skin at their edges. There are several minute glands, again, in the substance of the skin, and in the walls of the alimentary canal, which need not be here enume- rated; but which contribute immensely to the extension of the sur- face of the raucous membrane ; a prolongation of this being the essen- SKIN, AND MUCOUS MEMBRANES. 131 tial constituent in every one. In their simplest form, these glandulae are nothing more than little pits or depressions of the surface ; these are found both in the Skin and Mucous membrane, and are particularly destined for the production of their protective secretions, hereafter to be described. 202. We have seen, then, that the essential character of the Mu- cous membranes, as regards their arrangement, is altogether different from that of the serous and synovial membranes. For whilst the latter form shut sacs, the contents of which are destined to undergo little change, the former constitute the walls of tubes or cavities, in which constant change is taking place, and which have free outward communications. Thus in the gastro-intestinal mucous membrane, we have an inlet for the reception of the food and a cavity for its solution, the walls of which are endowed in a remarkable degree with absorbing power, whilst they are also furnished with numerous glan- dulae, which pour the solvent fluid into the cavity. On the other hand, it has an outlet, through which the indigestible residuum is cast forth, together with the excretions from the various glands that pour their products into the alimentary tube. In the bronchio-pul- monary apparatus, the same outlet serves for the introduction and for the expulsion of the air; and here, too, is continual change. In other cases, there is but a single outlet ; and the change is of a simpler cha- racter, consisting merely in the expulsion of the matters eliminated from the blood by the agency of the glands. Now it is, as we shall see hereafter, in the digestion and absorption of food, on the one hand, and in the rejection of effete matters on the other, that the commencement and termination of the nutrient processes consist; and these operations are performed by the system of Mucous-membranes, including in that general term the Skin, which is an important organ of excretion, besides serving as the medium through which sensory impressions of a. general character are received by the Nervous system. 203. The Mucous Membrane may be said, like the serous, to con- sist of three chief parts ; — the epithelium or epidermis covering its free surface ; — the subjacent basement-membrane ; — and the areolar tissue, with its vessels, nerves, &c., which forms the thickness of the membrane, and connects it with the subjacent parts. The Epidermis and Epithelium alike consist of cells ; but the function of the former (which consists of several layers, of which the outer are dry and horny) is simply protection to the delicate organs beneath ; whilst that of the latter is essentially connected with the process of Secretion, as w^ill be shown hereafter. The basement-membrane resembles that of the serous membranes ; but its separate existence is unusually evident in some parts where it exists alone, as in the tubuli uriniferi of the kid- ney ; whilst it can with difficulty be demonstrated in others, as the skin. The Areolar tissue of Mucous membranes usually makes up the grea4:est part of their thickness ; and it is so distinct from that of the layers beneath, constituting the sub-mucous tissue, as to be readily separable from them. It differs not in any important particular, how- 132 SKIN, AND MUCOUS MEMBRANES. ever, from the same tissue elsewhere ; and the white and fibrous elements may be detected in it in varying proportions, in different parts, — the latter being especially abundant in the skin and lungs, which owe to it their peculiar elasticity. Hence the Mucous mem- branes yield Gelatin in abundance, on being boiled. The skin also appears to contain some of the non-striated Muscular fibre (§ 337), in varying proportions in its different parts. 204. The relative amount of Blood-vessels, Nerves and Lympha- tics, as already mentioned, is subject to great variation, according to Fig. 8. Distribution of Capillaries at the surface of the skin of the finger. Distribution of Capillaries in the Villi of the Intestine. the part of the system examined. The first, however, are most con- stantly abundant, being required in the Skin for sensation, and in the Mucous membranes for absorption and secretion. In fact we might say of many of the mucous membranes, especially those of the glands, that their whole purpose is to give support to the secreting cells, and to convey blood-vessels into their immediate neighbourhood, whence these cells may obtain materials for their development. The Skin is the only part of the whole system which is largely supplied with Fig. 9. Fig. 10. Distribution of Capillaries around follicles of Mucous Membrane. Distribution of Capillaries around the follicles of Parotid Gland. Nerves, except the Conjunctival membrane, and the Mucous mem- brane of the nose ; hence the sensibility of the internal mucous mem- brane is usually low, although its importance in the organic functions is so great. The Skin is copiously supplied with Lymphatics ; and the first part of the alimentary canal with Lacteals ; some of the glandular organs are also largely supplied with Lymphatics. BASEMENT OR PRIMARY MEMBRANE. Fig. 11. 133 Distribution of the tactile nerves at the extremity of the human thumb, as seen in a thin perpendicu- lar section of the skin, 205. The Areolar tissue, whether existing separately, or as forming a part of the Serous and Mucous Membranes, is capable of being very quickly and completely regenerated ; indeed, we often find that losses of substance in other tissues are replaced by means of it. As to the precise mode of its production, there is not yet a general agreement amongst Microscopists ; some holding that its fibres are produced by the transformation of cells in the manner hereafter to be described (§ 258 and Fig. 33); whilst others regard it as originating in the simple con- solidation of Fibrin under peculiar circumstances. To the latter of these opinions the Author inclines ; chiefly on account of the strong resemblance between the fibres of Areolar tissue, and those which are unquestionably formed by such a consolidation. It is not to be denied, however, that traces of cells are to be met with amongst these tissues; but as it will be shown that most, if not all, fibrinous exuda- tions contain cells, their presence affords no proof that the mass of fibres have originated in a process of transformation ; — the fact that a definite fibrous tissue may have its origin in the coagulation of fibrin, being beyond a doubt. 3. Of the Basement or Primary Membrane. 206. In many parts of the Animal body, w^e meet with membranous expansions of extreme delicacy and transparency, in which no definite structure can be discovered ; and these seem, like the simple fibres already described, to have been formed, rather directly from the nu- tritive fluid, than indirectly by any previous process of transformation. Hence we may regard such membranes and fibres as constituting the most simple or elementary forms of Animal tissue. The characters of membranes of this kind were first pointed out by Mr. Bowman and Mr. J. Goodsir ; by the former of whom it was termed basement- membrane, as being the foundation or resting-place for the epithelium- cells which cover its free surface (§ 231); w^hilst by the latter it was termed the primary membrane, as furnishing the germs of those cells. These terms appear equally appropriate, and may be used indiffer- ently. — In its very simplest form, the basement-membrane is a pellicle of such extreme delicacy, that its thickness scarcely admits of being 134 BASEMENT OR PRIMARY MEMBRANE. measured ; it is, to all appearance, perfectly homogeneous, and pre- sents not the slightest trace of structure under the highest powers of the microscope, appearing like a thin film of coagulated gelatin. Examples of this kind may be easily procured, by acting upon the inner layer of any bivalve shell with dilute acid ; this dissolves away the calcareous matter and leaves the basement-membrane. In other cases, however, the membrane is not so ho- ^'s'^^- mogeneous; a number of minute granules being scattered, with more or less of uni- formity, through the transparent substance. And w^e not unfrequently find, in place of these uniformly distributed granules, a series of distinct spots, arranged at equal or varia- ble distances, and in different directions, as shown in Fig. 12. Moreover, the mem- Portion of the primary mem- braue thus coustitutcd is disDoscd to break brane of Ihe human intra-glaud- . . _ , . ^ ^ n •> • \ ular lymphatics, with its germi- Up lUtO portlOUS Of equal SlZC, Cach 01 WhlCh SlseToV^Jit""''^""' ""'"' contains one of these spots; whilst in the more homogeneous forms previously de- scribed, we find no such tendency, no appearance of any definite arrangement being perceptible when they are torn. — Hence it would seem as if the first and simplest form were produced by the simple consolidation of a thin layer of homogeneous fluid ; the second, by a layer of such fluid, including granules; and the third, by the coa- lescence of flattened cells, whose further development had been checked. — We find the primary membrane under one or other of these forms, on all the free surfaces of the body, beneath the epithe- lial or epidermic cells. Thus, as already mentioned, it constitutes the outer layer of the true Skin ; it lines all the cavities formed by Mucous membranes, and is prolonged into all the ducts and ultimate follicles and tubuli of the Glands which are connected with them (§ 198); in- deed it may be said in many instances to be the sole constituent of the walls of these follicles and tubuli, the subjacent tissue not being con- tinued to their finest ramifications. Again, it forms the innermost layer of the serous and synovial membranes ; and it also lines the blood-vessels and lymphatics, forming the sole constituent of the walls of their minutest divisions. 207. In every one of these cases, we find ihefiee aspect of the pri- mary membrane in contact with cells, which form a more or less con- tinuous layer upon its surface. These cells can only receive their nutriment by the imbibition of fluid, through the primary membrane, from the blood brought to its attached surface by the capillary ves- sels of the tissue with which it is in relation. Thus in the skin and mucous membranes, a very copious supply of blood is brought to the attached surface of the primary membrane, by the minutely-distributed capillaries which form a large part of the subjacent tissue ; and it is from these that the epidermis and epithelium draw their nourishment, through the primary membrane. In like manner, the ultimate follicles BASEMENT OR PRIMARY MEMBRANE. 135 and tubuli of the glands are surrounded by a copious network of capillaries (Fig. 10) ; and it is from these, through the primary mem- brane, that the cells of these follicles draw their nourishment. Hence this membrane, in every instance, forms a complete septum, on the one hand between the stream of blood in the vessels and the surround- ing tissues, since it forms the lining even of the minutest capillaries ; and on the other between the fluids in the interstices of the substance of the true skin, the mucous membranes, &c., and the cells covering their free surfaces. It is evident, therefore, that whilst bounding th^se tissues and restraining the too free passage of fluids from their surfaces, it allows the transudation of a suflScient amount for the nu- trition of the cells which lie upon it; and, as we shall presently see, these cells frequently pass through all their stages of growth so rapidly, that a very free supply of nutriment must be required by them. Hence, notwithstanding its apparent homogeneousness, the primary membrane must have a structure which readily admits the passage of fluid. In this respect it corresponds with the membrane, which forms the wall of the cells of both Animal and Vegetable tissues ; for this also appears completely homogeneous and structureless, when seen under its simplest aspect, and yet allows the free passage of fluids from one cell to another. 208. But it is probable that this membrane performs a much more important office than that of simply limiting the fluids, whilst allow- ing the requisite transudation. We cannot account for the new pro- duction of cells, which (as will presently appear) is continually taking place on its surface, without referring to it as the originator of these cells, — that is, as the source of their germs. The new generations of cells cannot here be developed by the reproductive powers of the old ones (§211); since the latter are often completely cast off* entire, before they can liberate the reproductive granules ; or they undergo changes which evidently unlit them for such a purpose. Thus in the Epidermis we shall find that they become flattened into dry scales, forming an almost horny layer on the* surface of the body ; whilst the new cells are originating beneath, from the surface of the basement- membrane (§ 224 and Fig. 16). Hence we cannot find any other origin for these cells than in the basement-membrane itself; and there seems every probability that the granules, which have been mentioned as being frequently diffused through it, are in reality the germs of cells to be developed from its surface ; Fig. is. whilst the distinct spots are collections of similar granules, each of which may give origin to a large number of such cells, which spring from them as from a centre. We shall presently see that these _ '' germinal centres" closely resemble the nuclei of component ceiis cells in general, from which it is unquestionable that ^^ primary mem- r n • /c- ^r^ rr«i 1 i-^ brane, with adhe- new crops ot cells may arise (§ 250). ihe only dii- rem epitUeUai ceus. ference is, that in the latter case, the groups of new cells are for a time contained within the parent-cell (Fig. 30) ; whilst 136 SIMPLE ISOLATED CELLS. in the former, they are developed on the free surface of the base- ment membrane. In Fig. 13 is shown a portion of the same mem- brane as that represented in Fig. 12 ; but having been rendered transparent by acetic acid, its real nature as a layer of flattened nu- cleated cells is more obvious; the nucleus or germinal spot of the central cell has given origin to a cluster of oval epithelial cells, of which five still adhere to it. 209. Hence w^e are probably to regard this primary or basement membrane as transitional, rather than a permanent structure ; and to look upon it as furnishing the germs of all the cells, which are de- veloped upon its surface; as well as the medium, through which they are supplied wdth nutriment. It must be continually undergoing disintegration, therefore, on itsyree surface; and must be as continu- ally renewed, at the side in relation with the blood-vessels. 4. Of Simple Isolated Cells, employed in the Organic Functions. 210. The active functions of the Animal body are performed, to a much greater extent than was until lately believed, by the agency of simple isolated cells; of which every one grows and lives quite inde- pendently of the rest, just as if it were one of the simplest cellular plants (§ 30); but of w^hich all are dependent upon the general nu- tritive fluid for the materials of their development, imbibing it from the currents that circulate in their neighbourhood. It may be said, indeed, that all the Vegetative functions of the body, — all the pro- cesses of Nutrition and Reproduction, — all those operations, in short, which are common to Plants and Animals, — are performed in the Animal and Vegetable structures by the very same means, the agency of cells; and this is true, not only of the healthy actions, but of vari- ous morbid operations, in which the unusual development of cells, possessing peculiar endowments, performs a most conspicuous part. Hence it will be necessary to enter somewhat at large into the history of cell-development in the Anit^ial body ; and the various modifica- tions under which this process may take place. In fact, a knowledge of the Physiology of Cells may be regarded as the foundation of all accurate acquaintance with that department of the Science, which relates to the Nutritive and Reproductive processes; and it has a con- siderable bearing, as we shall see hereafter, upon the history of the purely Animal functions. 211. The history of the Animal cell, in its simplest form, is pre- cisely that of the Vegetable cell of the lowest kind. It lives for itself and by itself; and is dependent upon nothing but a due supply of nutriment, and of the appropriate stimuli, for the continuance of its growth and for the due performance of all its functions, until its term of life is expired. It originates from a reproductive granule, previously formed by some other cell ; this granule attracts to itself, assimilates, and organizes, the particles of the nutrient fluid in its neio-hbourhood ; converts some of them into the substance of the SIMPLE ISOLATED CELLS.— LYMPH-CORPUSCLES. 137 cell-wall, whilst it draws others into the cavity of the cell ; in this manner the cell gradually increases in size ; and whilst it is itself approaching the term of its life, it usually makes preparation for its renewal, by the development Fig. u. of reproductive granules in its interior, which ~ may become the germs of new cells, when set free from the cavity of the parent. There is an important difference, however, in the endow- ments of the Animal and Vegetable cell. We have seen that the latter can in general obtain its nutriment, and the materials for its secretion, by itself combining the inorganic elements into organic compounds. The former, however, is simple isolated ceiis. con- totally destitute of this power ; it can produce no "^ reproductive moie- organic compound, and we have yet to learn how far its power of transforming one compound into another may extend ; and its chief endowment seems to be that of attracting or drawing to itself some of the various substances, which are contained in the nutritive fluid in relation wdth it. This fluid, as we shall see here- after, is a mixture of a great number of compounds ; and different sets of cells appear destined severally to appropriate these, just as the different cells of a parti-coloured flower have the power of draw- ing to themselves the elements of their several colouring matters. As far as is yet known, however, the composition of the cell-wall is everywhere the same ; being that of Proteine. It is in the nature of the contents of the cell, that (as among the cells of Plants) the greatest diversity exists ; and we shall find that the purposes of the different groups of cells, in the Animal economy, depend upon the nature of the products they secrete, and upon the mode in which these products are given back after they have been subjected to the action of the cells. 212. The very simplest and most independent condition of the Animal Cell is probably to be found in the Blood, the Chyle, and the Lymph ; in all of which liquids we meet with floating cells, which are completely isolated from one another, and which are consequently just as independent as the vesicles of the Red Snow or other simple cellular Plants. Indeed in the nature of their habitat^ we may com- pare them with the Yeast- Plant; for as this will only vegetate in a saccharine fluid containing vegetable albumen, so do we find that these floating cells will only grow and multiply in the albuminous fluids of animals. In their general appearance they very closely cor- respond with the figure already given as the type of the simple cell. Their diameter is pretty uniform in the different fluids of the body, and even in different animals ; being for the most part about l-3000th of an inch. They are sometimes nearly spherical, and sometimes flattened -, when they present the latter shape, they may be made to swell out into the spherical form (see Frontispiece^ i^igs. 4 and 5), by the action of water, which they imbibe according to the laws of En- dosmose, — the thinner fluid, water, passing towards the more viscid 138 COLOURLESS CORPUSCLES OF BLOOD, LYMPH, AND CHYLE. contents of the cell, and mingling with them. By the continuance of this kind of action, the cell will be caused to burst. These cells, which are known as the corpuscles of the Chyle and Lymph, and as the White Corpuscles of the Blood, are observed to contain a num- ber of minute molecules in their interior {Front. Fig. 4); and at a certain stage of their development, — probably that which immediately precedes the maturation and rupture of the parent-cell, — these mole- cules may be seen, with a good Microscope, in active movement within the cavity. The action of a very dilute solution of potash causes the immediate rupture of these cells, and the discharge of the contained molecules, which are probably the germs of new cells of a similar character. And when they rupture spontaneously, which they are much disposed to do under the influence of contact with air, the fluid which they set free shows an obvious tendency to assume a fibrous arrangement. 213. There is reason to think that these cells have for their office the transformation of Albumen into Fibrin ; that is to say, the ela- boration of the spontaneously-coagulating and fibrillating substance, from the mere chemical compound which forms the raw material of the Animal tissues. For we find these cells in every situation in which we know the transformation to be going on ; and we observe their number to bear a close relation with the amount of fibrin pro- duced in the fluid. Thus in the Inflammatory process, the quantity of fibrin in the blood is very greatly augmented ; and the number of white corpuscles found in that fluid, when it is drawn from the body, is very largely increased. Moreover they are observed to accumulate in great numbers in the vessels of inflamed parts ; and not only in these, but in all parts where processes of growth and reparation are going on, which require a large supply of highly-elaborated fibrin. They are found, too, in the exudations of fibrinous matter, poured out from the blood upon wounded or inflamed surfaces ; and here they show the very same properties as the w^hite or colourless corpuscles of the blood, — that is, they exhibit moving molecules in their inte- rior ; they burst and emit these when brought in contact with an alka- line solution ; and their fluid contents show a disposition to fibrillate, when they are not al- tered by any chemical reagent. Hence it may be concluded that they belong to the same class of cells ; being probably developed from granular germs set free from the blood, along with the matter of the fibrinous exudation itself. 214. The history of the simple Animal cell corresponds, therefore, in all essential parti- culars with that which has been already de- scribed as the simplest form of Life or Vital Activity ; but we now see how the separate Colourless cells, with.factive Hfc of the individual cells is made to contri- Sn'i^iTpesftPaiis!^ ""^ ^^''"' butc to the general life of the entire organism, Fig. 15. COLOURLESS AND RED CORPUSCLES OF BLOOD. 139 and is at the same time dependent upon it. If the nutrient material were not prepared by other processes, these cells could not exist; on the other hand, if this nutrient material were not further elaborated by their action, no subsequent processes of growth could take place. The compounds which are formed as products of secretion in the simple Vegetable cell, are given back to the external world from which their materials were drawn, when that cell ceases to exist; to be used, perhaps, in the general economy of nature, as the material for some other and higher structure. But when such cells themselves form a portion of a higher and more complex fabric, whether of the Plant or Animal, the substances they yield back as the products of their action, are made use of in some other set of processes in the economy of the same being. Thus the fibrin-elaborating cells, of which we have been speaking, appear to be continually growing, dying, and reproducing themselves ; drawing albumen from the fluid in which they float, and returning it as fibrin, to supply the constant drain of that substance, which is occasioned by the nutritive opera- tions. 215. Besides the cells already mentioned, the blood of Vertebrated animals also contains others, which are distinguished by their red colour and flattened form. These are equally isolated, and lead an independent life ; undergoing all their changes whilst floating in the rapidly-circulating current. These Red Corpuscles are found but very sparingly in the blood of invertebrated animals ; and only in that of the higher clavSses. Their proportion in the blood of Vertebrata varies considerably in the several groups of that sub-kingdom ; and seems to be closely connected with the relative activity of respiration in each case. They present, in every instance, the form of a flattened disk, which is circular in Man and in most Mammalia {Front. Fig. 1), but which is oval in Birds, Reptiles, and Fishes, and in a few Mam- mals (Front. Fig. 6). This disk is in both instances a flattened cell, whose walls are pellucid and colourless, but whose contents are co- loured. Like the corpuscles already described, they may be caused to swell up and burst, by the imbibition of water ; and the perfect transparency and the homogeneous character of their walls then be- come evident. (Front. Fig. 8, e.) These red corpuscles are not only distinguished from the others by the colour of their contents; they are also characterized by the absence of the separate molecules, which formed so distinctive a feature in the preceding; and in Oviparous Vertebrata by the presence of a distinct central spot or nucleus. This nucleus appears to be composed of an aggregation of minute granules, analogous to those which are elsewhere diffused through the interior of the cell ; and it is undoubtedly the source from which new cells may originate within the parent, as will be presently explained. The nucleus (where it exists) may be easily obtained separate from the cell- wall and its contents, by treating the red corpuscles with water. The first effect of this is to render the nucleus rather more distinct, as is seen by contrasting the corpuscle which has been thus slightly acted 14Q RED CORPUSCLES OF BLOOD. on {Front. Fig. 8, «), with the unaltered corpuscle [Front. Fig. 6) of the same animal. After a short time, the corpuscle swells out and becomes more circular {Front. Fig. 8, h)\ and in a short time longer, the nucleus is seen, not in the centre of the disk, but near its margin (Front. Fig. 8, c, d). Finally, the wall of the cell ruptures ; the nu- cleus and its other contents are set free ; and whilst the colouring matter is diffused through the surrounding fluid, the cell-walls and the nuclei are separately distinguishable. {Front. Fig. 8, e.) 216. It is remarkable, however, that the red corpuscles of the blood of Mammals should possess no obvious nucleus ; the dark spot which is seen in their centre {Front. Fig. 1), being merely an effect of refrac- tion in consequence of the double-concave form of the disk. When the corpuscles are treated with water, so that their form becomes first flat, and then double-convex, the dark spot disappears ; whilst, on the other hand, it is made more evident when the concavity is in- creased by the partial emptying of the cell, which may be accomplished by treating the blood-corpuscles with fluids of greater density than their own contents. Observers are much divided upon the question, whether or not the blood-disks of Mammals really contain a nucleus. There seems every probability, from analogy, that a nucleus exists in them as in all other red corpuscles ; but it cannot be brought into view by any ordinary method. Dr. G. O. Rees states, however, that by carefully examining the deposit at the bottom of water through which red corpuscles had been diffused, he could distinguish appear- ances that indicated the existence of nuclei ; although they escape observation when within the corpuscles themselves, on account of their high refractive power. He describes them as being circular and flattened like the red corpuscles themselves ; and about two- thirds their diameter. 217. The size of the Red Corpuscles is not altogether uniform in the same blood ; thus it varies in that of Man from about the l-4000th to the l-2800th of an inch. But we generally find that there is an average size, which is pretty constantly maintained among the differ- ent individuals of the same species ; that of Man may 6e stated at about l-3400th of an inch. The round corpuscles of the Mammalia do not in general depart very widely from this standard ; except in the case of the Musk-Deer, in which they are less than l-12000th of an inch in diameter. It is in the Camel tribe alone that we find oval corpuscles among Mammals : these have about the same average length as the round corpuscles of Man, but little more than half the breadth. — In Birds, the corpuscles are occasionally almost circular ; but in general their diameters are to each other as 1 J or 2 to 1. The size of the corpuscles is usually greater according to the size of the Bird ; thus among the Ostrich tribe, the long diameter is about l-1650th of an inch, and the short diameter l-3000th ; whilst among the small Sparrows, Finches, &c., the long diameter is about l-2400th, and the short frequently does not exceed half that amount. 218. It is in Reptiles that we find the largest red corpuscles ; and RED CORPUSCLES OF BLOOD. 141 it is in their blood, therefore, that we can best study the characters of these bodies. The blood-discs of the Frog, from the facility with which they maybe obtained, are particularly suitable for the purpose ; their long diameter is about the 1-lOOOth of an inch, whilst their short or transverse diameter is about 1-I800th. The curious Proteus, Siren, and other allied species, which retain their gills through their whole lives, are distinguished by the enormous size of their blood- disks. The long diameter of the corpuscles of the Proteus is about l-337th of an inch ; they are consequently almost distinguishable with the unaided eye. The long diameter of the corpuscles of the Siren is about l-435th of an inch, and their short diameter about l-800th ; the long diameter of the nuclei of these corpuscles is about 1-lOOOth, and the short diameter about l-2000th of an inch, — so that the nuclei are about three times as long, and nearly twice as broad as the entire human corpuscles. 219. There can be little doubt that the Red Corpuscles go through the same history as other cells ; and there is evidence that they are rapidly regenerated, under favourable circumstances, when a large number of them have been lost. When much blood has been drawn from the body, the proportion of red corpuscles in the remaining fluid is at first considerably lowered : since the fluid portion of the blood is replaced almost immediately, whilst these floating cells require time for their regeneration. Their amount progressively increases, how- ever, until it has reached its proper standard, provided that a due supply of the materials be afforded. We shall presently see that one of these materials is Iron ; and it is well known that iron administered internally is an important aid in recovery from severe hemorrhages, as well as a valuable remedy for certain constitutional states, in which there is a diminished power of producing red corpuscles. Thus in Chlorosis, under the administration of iron, the amount of red cor- puscles in the blood has been doubled within a short period. Hence there can be no doubt that the Red Corpuscles are produced from germs, and grow like other cells, under circumstances favourable to their development ; and it is probable that, in the healthy state of the system, the constant production, and the constant death and disin- tegration, balance one another. In some instances (as in Chlorosis) the production is not sufficient to make up for the loss by death ; and the total amount in the blood undergoes an extraordinary diminution, sometimes even to less than a quarter of their proper proportion. In other cases, under the influence of excessive nutriment (as in the state termed Plethora), the proportion of Red Corpuscles is increased beyond the normal amount ; and in this condition, the loss of a small quantity of blood may be a preservative from the evils to which it is incident, from Hemorrhage of various kinds. 220. The precise mode in which the Red Corpuscles are usually de- veloped, has not yet been positively determined ; and there is still a degree of uncertainty with respect to their parentage, — in other words, as to the source of their primitive germs. In the fluid withdrawn from 3y< SIMPLE ISOLATED CELLS.— BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. the heart of the embryo chick about the third day, the whole process of the formation of the oval red corpuscles from minute granules has been distinctly traced ; and there is every probability that these gra- nules are cell-germs set free by some of the cells of the primary embry- onic structures, which thus originate blood-corpuscles, in the same manner as other cells originate bone, nerve, muscle, &c. The subse- quent increase and constant maintenance of the number of red corpus- cles, can scarcely be due to any other process, than that by which simi- lar isolated cells are regenerated; that is, by the continual production of new generations by germs prepared by the parent. According to the celebrated Leeuwenhoek, certain red corpuscles are occasionally seen to divide themselves into six, which, at first very small, gradu- ally increase to the size of their parents ; and this observation has been confirmed by Dr. Barry, w^ho regards the multiplication as due to the development of six young cells, which sprout from the circum- ference of the nucleus, and grow at first within the cell-wall of the parent, but afterwards rupture it, and become free. On the other hand, Dr. G. O. Rees affirms, that, when examining a portion of blood maintained at about its natural temperature, he observed some of the corpuscles to assume an hour-glass form, by a contraction across their middle ; and that, by the increase of this contraction, producing the division of the corpuscles, two unequal-sized circular bodies were eventually produced from each ; which, when treated with a strong saline solution, were emptied of their contents, like ordinary blood-disks. It can scarcely be doubted that, in one of these modes, the Red corpuscles reproduce themselves; and that in this manner a continual succession is kept up. Some have supposed that the Red corpuscles originated from the White or colourless corpuscles previously described ; but this idea seems to have little other foun- dation, than the correspondence in size between the colourless cor- puscles of the Frog's blood, and the nuclei of its red corpuscles. This correspondence is quite accidental, however; for in Man, the colourless corpuscles are somewhat larger than the entire red disks ; in the Musk-deer, they are far larger; and in the Proteus they are far smaller than the nuclei of the latter. For the diameter of the Colour- less corpuscle varies extremely little ; whilst that of the red, as we have seen, has a range from 1-337 th of an inch to less than l-12,000th. 221. The Chemical composition of the walls and nuclei of the Red corpuscles is very different from that of their contents. The substance of the former has been termed Glohuline ; but it does not seem to differ in any essential character from other substances resulting from the organization of the proteine-compounds. The compound which forms the contents of the red corpuscles, however, and gives them their characteristic hue, is altogether peculiar, and has received the name of Hcematine. Its composition is notably different from that of the proteine-compounds ; the proportion of Carbon to the other ingre- dients being very much greater; and a definite quantity of iron being \ SIMPLE ISOLATED CELLS.— BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. 143 an essential part of it. Its formula is 44 Carbon, 22 Hydrogen, 3 Nitrogen, 6 Oxygen, and 1 Iron. When completely separated from albuminous matter, it is a dark brown substance, incapable of coagu- lation, nearly insoluble in water, alcohol, ether, acids, or alkalies, alone ; but readily soluble in alcohol mixed either w^ith sulphuric acid or ammonia. The solution, even when diluted, has a dark colour; and possesses all the properties of the colouring matter of venous blood. The iron may be separated from the hasmatine by strong re- agents which combine with the former, and the latter still possesses its characteristic colour. This hue cannot be dependent, therefore, on the presence of iron in the state of peroxide ; as some have sup- posed. On the other hand, the iron is most certainly united firmly with the ingredients of the hsematine, as contained in the red corpus- cles; for this may be digested in dilute sulphuric or muriatic acid for many days, without the least diminution in the quantity of iron, the usual amount of which may be afterwards obtained by combustion from the hsematine that has been subjected to this treatment. This experiment seems further to prove, that the iron cannot be united with the hsematine in the state of either protoxide or peroxide, as maintained by Liebig; since weak acids would then dissolve it out. 222. Regarding the nature of this compound, and the changes w^hich it undergoes in respiration, there is still much to be learned ; and until these points have been more fully elucidated, the precise uses of the red corpuscles in the animal economy cannot be understood. There is evidence, however, that the production of Hsematine is (like the production of the red colouring matter of the Protococcus nivalis, § 31), a result of chemical action taking place in the cells them- selves; for no substance resembling Hsematine can be found in the liquid in which these cells float, and scarcely a trace of iron can be detected in it; whilst, on the other hand, the fluid portion of the chyle holds a large quantity of iron in solution, which seems to be drawn into the red corpuscles, and united with the other constituents of hsematine, as soon as ever it is delivered into the circulating cur- rent. The colouring matter appears to exist in two states, the pre- cise chemical difference between which has not yet been ascertained. In arterial blood it is a florid scarlet; w^hilst in venous blood it is of a purpler hue. By circulating through the capillaries of the system, the arterial or bright hsematine becomes converted into dark or ve- nous hsematine ; and the converse change takes place in the capillaries of the lungs, the original florid hue being recovered. Now it is cer- tain that the blood, in its change from the arterial to the venous con- dition, loses oxygen, and becomes charged with an increased amount of carbonic acid, although its precise mode of combination is not known ; on the other hand, in its return from the venous to the arte- rial state, the blood gives off" this additional charge of carbonic acid, and imbibes oxygen. The change of colour, under similar con- ditions, takes place out of the body, as well as in it. Thus if venous blood be exposed for a short time to the air, its surface 144 SIMPLE ISOLATED CELLS.— BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. becomes florid ; and the non-extension of this change to the interior of the mass is evidently due to the impossibility of bringing air into rela- tion with every particle of the blood, in the manner in which the lungs are so admirably contrived to effect. If venous blood be exposed to pure oxygen, the change of colour will take place still more speedily; and it is not prevented by the interposition of a thick animal mem- brane, such as a bladder, between the blood and the gas. On the other hand, if arterial blood be exposed to carbonic acid, it loses its brilliant hue, and is rendered as dark as venous blood; or even darker, if exposed very completely to its influence. The simple removal of this carbonic acid is not sufficient to restore the original colour ; for this removal may be effected by hydrogen, which has the power of dis- solving out (so to speak) the carbonic acid diffused through the blood, without the restoration of the arterial hue, unless oxygen be present, or saline matter be added to the blood. 223. These changes in the condition of the contents of the Red corpuscles, taken in connection with the fact, that these bodies are almost completely restricted to the blood of Vertebrata, (whose respi- ration is much more energetic than that of any Invertebrated animals save Insects, which have a special provision of a different character,) and that their proportion to the whole mass of the blood corresponds with the activity of the respiratory function, — leave little doubt that they are actively (but not exclusively) concerned as carriers of Oxygen from the lungs to the tissues, and of Carbonic acid from the tissues to the lungs ; and that they have no other direct concern in the functions of Nutrition, than the fulfilment of this duty. Their complete absence in the lower Invertebrated animals, in the earliest condition of the higher, and in newly-forming parts until these are penetrated by blood- vessels, seems to indicate that they have no immediate connection with even the most energetic operations of growth and development ; whilst, on the other hand, there is abundant evidence, that the normal activity of the animal functions is mainly dependent upon their pre- sence in the blood in due proportion. 224. Next in independence to the cells or corpuscles floating in the animal fluids, are those which cover the free membranous surfaces of the body, and form the Epidermis and Epithelium. Between these two structures there is no more real difference, than there is between the Skin and the Mucous membranes. The one is continuous with the other; they are both formed of the same elements; they are cast off and renewed in the same manner ; the history of the life of the individual cells of each is nearly identical ; but there is an important difference in the purposes, which they respectively serve in the gene- ral economy. The Epidermis or Cuticle covers the exterior surfaces of the body, as a thin semi-transparent pellicle, which is apparently homogeneous in its texture, is not traversed by vessels or nerves, and was formerly supposed to be an inorganic exudation from the surface of the true Skin, designed for its protection. It is now known, how- ever, to consist of a series of layers of cells, which are continually SIMPLE ISOLATED CELLS.— EPIDERMIS. 145 wearing off at the external surface, and are being renewed at the surface of the true skin ; so that the newest and deepest layers gradu- ally become the oldest and most superficial, and are at last thrown off by slow desquamation. Occasionally this desquamation of the cuticle is much more rapid ; as after Scarlatina and other inflammatory affec- tions of the Skin. 225. In their progress from the internal to the external surface of the Epidermis, the cells undergo a series of well-marked changes. When we examine the innermost layer, we find it soft and granular; consisting of nuclei, in various stages of development into cells, held together by a tenacious semi-fluid substance. This was formerly considered as a distinct tissue, and was supposed to be the peculiar seat of the colour of the skin ; it received the designation of rete mucosum. Passing outwards, we find the cells more completely formed ; at first nearly spherical in shape ; but becoming polygonal where they are flattened against one another. As we proceed further towards the surface, we perceive that the cells are gradually more and more flattened, until they become mere horny scales, their cavity being obliterated ; ^'o i^- their origin is indicated, howcA^er, by the ^t-- - -^~^^ nucleus in the centre of each. This flattening - appears to result from the gradual desiccation or drying-up of the contents of the cells, which ' J^ results from their exposure to the air. Thus ^ ,^ each cell of the Epidermis is developed from ^S^^^^^m the nucleus on the surface of the basement '^^\<^s~*^ membrane, (which nucleus is probably fur- '^ ^ ^9^ nished by the membrane itself, § 208,) and is ^ c^'S Cr^ gradually brought to the surface by the deve- ^(SM^^ml. lopment of new cells beneath, and the removal ~^^^^fe^^^/^ of the superficial layers ; whilst at the same ^, ^^'^'^'^^^~^~^, . . * • 1 1 ^ • r •! Oblique section of Epider- tirae it is progressively changed in lorm, until mis, showing uie progressive it is converted into a flattened scale. The cdi^firnuciL'resSnlTpTu accompanying representation of an oblique iJiLrnSef L^rr^ee'/rbe' section of the Epidermis, exhibits the principal gradually developed into ceiis, , . r' 1 at 0. c, and a,- and the ceils are gradations OI its component structures. flattened into lamellae. forming 226. The Epidermis covers the whole ex- ^^--^eno;^ portion of the ep. terior surface of the body ; not. excepting the Conjunctiva of the eye, on which, however, it has more the character of an Epithelium ; and the Cornea, on which it participates in the horny character of the Epidermic covering of the skin. The con- tinuity is well seen in the cast skin or slough of the Snake ; in which the covering of the front of the eye is found to be as perfectly exu- viated, as that of any part of the body. The number of layers varies greatly in different parts; being usually found to be the greatest, where there is most pressure or friction. Thus on the soles of the feet, particularly at the heel and the ball of the great toe, the Epi- dermis is extremely thick ; and the palms of the hands of the labouring 10 146 SIMPLE ISOLATED CELLS.— EPIDERMIS. Horny Epidermis, from conjunctiva covering the cornea; a, single scales; b, simple lamina of epithelium; below is seen a double layer of the same. raan are distinguished by the increased density of their horny cover- ing. It would seem as if the irritation of the Skin stimulated it to an increased production of this substance. The Epidermic membrane is pierced by the excretory ducts ^'^•^^- of the sweat glands, and of the sebaceous follicles, which lie in the true skin and immediately beneath it ; or we should rather say that it is continuous with the delicate epi- thelial lining of these. — The JYails may be considered as nothing more than an altered form of Epidermis. When examined near their origin, they are found to consist of cells which gradually dry into scales; and these remain coherent together. A new production is continually taking place in the groove of the skin, in which the root of the nail is imbedded ; and probably also from the whole subjacent surface. 227. The Epidermis, when analyzed, is found to differ from the proteine-compounds in its composition ; but not in any very striking degree. The proportion of its elements is considered to be 48 Carbon, 39 Hydrogen, 7 Nitrogen, 17 Oxygen ; and this corresponds exactly with the composition of the substance of which Nails, Horn, Hair and "Wool are constituted. It seems probable, however, that the cell-walls are formed, as elsewhere, of Fibrin; and that the horny matter is a secretion in their interior, which is drawn from the elements of blood during their growth and development. 228. The Epidermis appears solely destined for the protection of the true Skin ; both from the mechanical injury and the pain, which the slightest abrasion would produce ; and from the irritating effects of exposure to the external air, and of changes of temperature. We perceive the value of this protection, when the Epidermis has been accidentally removed. It is very speedily replaced, how^ever ; the increased determination of blood to the Skin, which is the conse- quence of the irritation, being favourable to the rapid production of Epidermic cells on its surface. 229. Mingled with the Epidermic cells, we find others which se- crete colouring matter instead of horn ; these are termed Pigment- cells. They are not readily distinguishable in the epidermis of the White races, except in certain parts, such as the areola around the nipple, and in freckles, nsevi, &c. But they are very obvious, on account of their dark hue, in the newer layers of the Epidermis of the Negro and other coloured races ; and, like the true Epidermic cells, they dry up and become flattened scales in their passage towards the sur- face, thus constantly remaining dispersed through the Epidermis, and giving it a dark tint Avhen it is separated and held up to the light. SIMPLE ISOLATED CELLS.— PIGMENT CELLS. 147 In all races of men, however, we find the most remarkable develop- ment of Pigment-cells on the inner surface of the Choroid coat of the eye, where they form several layers, known as the Pigmentum Fig. is. nigrum. Here they have a very regular arrangement, which is best seen where they cover the blood- vessels of the Choroid coat in a single layer, as shown in Fig. 18. When examined separately, they are found to have a polygonal form (Fig. 19, a), and to have a distinct nucleus (6) in their inte- rior. The black colour is given by the accumulation, within the cell, of a number of flat, rounded or oval granules, measuring about l-20,000th of an inch in diameter, and a quarter as much in thick- ness ; these, when separately viewed, are observed to be trans- parent, not black and opaque ; and they exhibit an active movement when set free from the cell, and even whilst enclosed within it. The pigment-cells are not always of a simple rounded or polygonal form; they sometimes present remarkable stel- late prolongations, under which form they are well seen in the skin of the Frog. — The Chemical nature of the black pigment has not yet been made evident; it has been shown, however, to have a close relation with that of the Cuttle-fish ink or Sepia, which derives its colour from the pigment-cells lining the ink-bag ; and to include a larger proportion of Carbon than most other organic substances, — every 100 parts containing 581 of this element. 230. That the development of the Pigment-cells, or at least the formation of their peculiar secretion, is in some degree due to the influence of Light, seems evident from the facts already mentioned (§ 93). To these it may be added, that the new-born infants of the Negro and other dark races do not exhibit nearly the same depth of colour in their skins, as that which they present after the lapse of a few days ; which seems to indicate that exposure to light is necessary for the full development of the characteristic hue. An occasional development of dark pigment-cells takes place during pregnancy in some females of the fair races ; thus it is very common to meet with an extremely dark and broad areola round the nipple of pregnant women ; and sometimes large patches of the cutaneous surface, on the lower part of the body especially, become almost as dark as the skin of the Negro. On the other hand, individuals are occasionally se^n A portion of the choroid coat from the eye of the Ox, showing the pigment-cells, where they cover a, a, a, the veins, in a single layer; &, b, ramifi- cations of the veins near the ciliary ligament, covered with less regular pigment-cells ; c, c, spaces between the vessels, more thickly covered with pigment-cells. Fig. 19. % Caopuscles of Pigment, magni- fied 300 diame- ters;— a, cell; b, nucleus. %4B SIMPLE ISOLATED CELLS.— EPITHELIUM. with an entire deficiency of pigment-cells, or at least of their proper secretion, not merely in the skin, but in the eye ; such are termed Albinoes ; and they are met with as well among the fair, as among the dark races. The absence of colour usually shows itself also in the hair, which is almost white. 231. The Epithelium may be designated as a delicate cuticle, covering the free internal surfaces of the body ; and apparently de- signed, in some instances, simply for their protection; whilst in other cases, as we shall presently find, it serves purposes of far greater importance. It has long been known that the Epidermis might be traced continuously from the lips to the mucous membrane of the xnouth, and thence down the (Esophagus into the stomach; and that in the strong muscular stomach or gizzard of the granivorous birds, it becomes quite a firm horny lining. But it has been only ascer- tained by the use of the Microscope, that a continuous layer of cells may be traced, not merely along the whole surface of the mucous membrane lining the alimentary canal, but likewise along the free surfaces of all other Mucous membranes, with their prolongations into follicles and glands ; as well as on Serous and Synovial membranes, and the lining membrane of the heart, blood-vessels, and absorbents. The Epithelial cells, being always in contact with fluids, do not dry up into scales like those of the Epidermis; and they differ from them also in regard to the nature of the matter, which they secrete in their interior. In this respect, however, the Epithelial cells of different parts are unlike one another; fully as much as any of them are unlike the cells of the Epidermis ; for we shall find that all the secretions of the body are the product of the elaboration of Epithelium cells ; and consequently there are as many varieties of endowment, in these im- portant bodies, as there are varieties in the result of their action. 232. The Epithelium covering the Serous and Synovial mem- branes, and the lining of the blood-vessels, is composed of flattened polygonal cells, (resembling those shown in Fig. 20,) lying in appo- sition with each other, so as to form a kind of pavement ; hence this form is termed pavement or tesselated-Epithelmm. There is no reason to believe that it possesses any active endowments in these situations; since it does not appear to be concerned in the elaboration of any peculiar secretion. It has been already pointed out (§ 196), that the fluid of serous membranes is separated from the blood by a simple act of mechanical transudation, (which often takes place to a great extent after death ;) the walls of the blood-vessels do not appear to be con- cerned in forming any peculiar secretion; and the only product of this kind, which indicates any special endowment in the epithelium-cells, is the synovia, which is probably elaborated by the cells covering the vascular fringes of the synovial membrane, formerly mentioned (§ 197). The cells draw it from the blood, during the progress of their growth, form it as a secretion within themselves, and then cast it into the general cavity of the joint, (when their term of individual life is ended,) either by the rupture or the liquefaction of their walls. SIMPLE ISOLATED CELLS.— EPITHELIUM. 149 In other cases, it would seem as if the epithelial cells were not fre- quently cast otf and renewed, but possessed a considerable perma- nency. It is to be remembered that, in the healthy state of the serous and synovial membranes, and in that of the lining membrane of the blood-vessels and absorbents, they are entirely secluded from sources of irritation ; and that they lead a sort of passive life, very different from the active life of the mucous membranes. In fact, it would appear to be the sole object of the serous membranes, to enclose and suspend the viscera, in such a manner as to allow of the access of blood-vessels, nerves, gland-ducts, &c. ; and at the same time to permit them the required freedom of motion, and to provide against the irritation of opposing parts, by furnishing an extremely smooth and moistened surface, wherever friction takes place. Hence we find membranes, with all the characters of serous surfaces, in the false joints formed by ununited fractures, and in other similar situations. 233. The Epithelium of the Mucous membranes and their pro- longations is found under two principal forms, the tesselated, and the cylindrical. An example of the Tesselated form is shown in Fig. 20, Fiar. 21. Separated Epithelium-cells, a, with miclei, b. and nucleoli, c, from mucous membrane of mouth. Pavement-Epithelium of the Mucous Membrane of the small- er bronchial tubes; a, nuclei with double nucleoli. which shows the separate epithelium-cells of the mucous membrane of the mouth, as they are frequently met with in saliva. The cells are not always so polygonal in form, however ; sometimes retaining their rounded or oval form, and being separated by considerable interstices, so that they can scarcely be said to form a continuous layer. A specimen of this kind is seen in Fig. 21, which represents a group of epithelium-cells from one of the smaller bronchial tubes. This form of tesselated epithelium is more commonly met with, where the secreting operations are more active, the life of the cells conse- quently shorter, and the renewal of them more frequent ; so that they have not time, so to speak, to be developed into a more continuous layer. — The Cylinder-Epithelium is very differently constituted. Its component cell are cylinders, which are arranged side by side ; one extremity of each cylinder resting upon the basement-membrane, whilst the other forms part of the free surface. The perfect cylin- drical form is only shown, when the surface on which the cylinders rest is flat or nearly so. When it is convex, the lower ends or base- 150 SIMPLE ISOLATED CELLS.— EPITHELIUM. Fig. 22. // ments of the cells are of much smaller diameter than the upper or free extremities ; and thus each has the form of a truncated cone, rather than of a cylinder. (Fig. 22.) This is well seen in the cells which cover the villi of the intestinal canal. (Fig. 28.) On the other hand, where the cylinder-epithelium lies upon a concave surface, the free extremities of the cells may be smaller than those which are attached. Sometimes each cylinder is formed from more than one cell, as is shown by the nuclei it contains ; although its cavity seems to be continuous from end to end. And occasionally the cylinders arise by stalk-like prolongations, from a tesselated epithelium beneath. The two forms of Epithelium pass into one another at various points; and various transitional forms are then seen, — the tesselated scales appearing to rise more and more from the surface, until they project as long-stalked cells, truncated cones, or cylinders. 234. Both these principal forms of Epithelial cells are frequently observed to be fringed at their free margins with delicate filaments, which are termed cilia; and these, although of extreme minuteness, are organs of great importance in the ani- mal economy, through the extraordi- nary motor powers with which they are endowed. The form of the ciliary filaments is usually a little flattened, and tapering gradually from the base to the point. Their size is extremely variable ; the largest that have been observed being about l-500th of an inch in length, and the smallest about l-13,000th. When in motion, each filament appears to bend from its root to its point, returning again to its original state, like the stalks of corn when depressed by the wind ; and when a number are affected in succession with this motion, the appearance of progressive waves following one another is produced, as when a corn-field is agitated by frequent gusts. When the ciliary motion is taking place in full activity, however, nothing whatever can be distinguished, but the whirl of particles in the surrounding fluid ; and it is only when the rate of movement slackens, that the shape and size of the cilia, and the manner in which their stroke is made, can be clearly seen. The motion of the cilia is not only quite independent (in all the higher animals at least) of the will of the animal, but is also inde- pendent even of the life of the rest of the body ; being seen after the death of the animal, and proceeding with perfect regularity in parts separated from the body. Thus isolated epithelium-cells have been seen to swim about actively in water, by the agency of their cilia, for some hours atler they have been detached from the mucous surface of the nose ; and the ciliary movement has been seen fifteen days after death in the body of a Tortoise, in which putrefaction was far advanced. In the gills of the River-Mussel, which are among the Vibratile or ciliated Epithelium ;— a, nucleated cells, resting on their smaller extremities; b, cilia. SIMPLE ISOLATED CELLS.— EPITHELIUM. 151 best objects for the study of it, the movement endures with similar pertinacity. 235. The purpose of this ciliary movement is obviously to propel fluids over the surface on which it takes place ; and it is consequently limited in the higher animals to the internal surfaces of the body, and always takes place in the direction of the outlets, towards which it aids in propelling the various products of secretion. The case is different, however, among animals of the lower classes, especially those inhabiting the water. Thus the external surface of the gills of Fishes, Tadpoles, &c., is furnished with cilia; the continual move- ment of which renews the water in contact with them, and thus promotes the aeration of the blood. In the lower Mollusca, and in many Zoophytes, which pass their lives rooted to one spot, the motion of the cilia serves not merely to produce currents for respiration, but likewise to draw into the mouth the minute particles that serve as food. And in the free-moving Animalcules, of various kinds, the cilia are the sole instruments which they possess, not merely for pro- ducing those currents in the water which may bring them the requisite supply of air and food, but also for propelling their own bodies through the water. This is the case, too, with many larger animals of the class Acalepha (Jelly-fish), which move through the water, sometimes with great activity, by the combined action of the vast numbers of cilia that clothe the margins of their external surfaces. In these latter cases it would seem as if the ciliary movement w^ere more under the control of the will of the animal, than it is where it is concerned only in the organic functions. In what way the will can influence it, how- ever, it does not seem easy to say ; since the ciliated epithelium-cells appear to be perfectly disconnected from the surface on which they lie, and cannot, therefore, receive any direct influence from their nerves. Of the cause of the movement of the cilia themselves, no account can be given ; they are usually far too small to contain even the minutest fibrillee of muscle ; and we must regard them as being, like those fibrillse, organs sui generis, having their own peculiar en- dowment, — which is, in the higher animals at least, that of continuing in ceaseless vibration, during the whole term of the life of the cells to which they are attached. The length of time during which the ciliary movement continues after the general death of the body, is much less in the warm-blooded than in the cold-blooded animals; and in this respect it corresponds with the degree of persistence of muscular irritability, and of other vital endowments. 236. The Tesselated-Epithelium, as already mentioned, covers the Serous and Synovial membranes, the lining membrane of the blood- vessels and absorbents, and the Mucous membranes with their glan- dular prolongations, except where the cylinder-epithelium exists. It presents itself, with some modifications presently to be noticed, in the ultimate follicles of all glands, and also in the air-cells of the lungs. In this latter situation it is furnished with cilia ; and these are also found on the cells of the tesselated-epithelium, which covers the deli- 159 SIMPLE ISOLATED CELLS.—EPITHELIUM. cate pia mater lining the cerebral cavities. — The Cylinder-Epithelium commences at the cardiac orifice of the stomach, and lines the whole intestinal tube; and, generally speaking, it lines the larger gland- ducts, giving place to the tesselated form in their smaller ramifica- tions. A similar epithelium, furnished with cilia, is found lining the air-passages and their various offsets, — the nasal cavities, frontal sinuses, maxillary antra, lachrymal ducts and sac, the posterior surface of the pendulous velum of the palate and fauces, the Eustachian tubes, the larynx, trachea, and bronchi, — becoming continuous, however, in the finer divisions of the latter, with the ciliated pavement-epi- thelium. The upper part of the vagini, the uterus, and the Fallopian tubes, are also furnished with a ciliated Cylinder-epithelium. The function of the cilia in all these cases appears to be the same ; that of propelling the viscid secretions, which would otherwise accumulate on these membranes, towards the exterior orifices, whence they may be carried off*. 237. The simplest office which the Epithelium-cells of Mucous membranes perform, appears to be that of elaborating a peculiar secretion, termed Mucus; which is destined to protect them from the contact of air, or from that of the various irritating substances to which they are exposed, in consequence of their peculiar position and functions. This Mucus is a transparent semi-fluid substance, dis- tinguished by its peculiar tenacity or viscidity. It is quite insoluble in water ; but is readily dissolved by dilute alkaline solutions, from which it is precipitated again by the addition of an acid. A substance resembling Mucus may be produced from any fibrinous exudation, or even from pus, by treating it with a small quantity of liquor potassse. The secretion of Mucus, like the formation of Epidermis, appears to take place with an activity proportioned to the degree of irritation of the subjacent membrane. On many parts of the mucous surface, a sufficient supply is afforded by the epithelium-cells which cover it ; but in other situations, especially along the alimentary canal, the demand is much greater, and it is supplied not merely by the cells of the surface, but by those lining the crypts or follicles which are formed by involutions of it. There is reason to believe that the whole epithelial covering of the stomach and intestinal tube (along the upper part of the latter at least) is cast oft' at every meal (Fig. 27); the cells growing from their germs, elaborating their mucous secretion, and then bursting or liquefying to set this free, in the course of a few hours. The debris of these secreting cells may be recognized in the substances voided from the intestine ; as well as in the mucus taken from the surface of any mucous membrane. 238. The Epithelium-cells, which are thus being continually re- newed on the Mucous surfaces, commonly seem to have their origin in the granular germs diffused through the basement-membrane ; but it is different in regard to the cells of the follicles, which seem rather to occupy their cavity than merely to line their walls, and which appear to be in course of continual production from a germinal spot, SIMPLE ISOLATED CELLS.— SECRETING CELLS. 153 or collection of reproductive granules, at the blind extremity of the follicle. This is the case in the ultimate follicles of the more complex glands; which may be regarded as so many repetitions of the simple crypts or follicles in the substance of the mucous membranes ; — the only difference being, that the former pour their secretion into a branch of a duct, which unites with the other ramifications to form a trunk ; and this trunk conveys them to their destination in some cavity lined by a mucous membrane ; — whilst the simple follicles or crypts at once pour forth their secretions upon the surface of the membrane. The accompanying figure represents two follicles of the Fig. 23. Fig 24. Two follicles from the liver of Carcmt« Ultimate follicles of Mammary mcBnas, (Common Crab), with their con- gland, with their secreting cells, a, tained secreting cells. «;— *, b, the nuclei. liver of the Common Crab, which are seen to be filled with secreting cells ; it is evident, from the comparative sizes of these cells in dif- ferent parts, that they originate at the blind extremity of the follicle, where there is a germinal spot; and that, as they recede from that spot, they gradually increase in size, and become filled wath their characteristic secretion, being at the same time pushed onwards towards the outlet by the continual new growth of cells at the ger- minal spot. In Fig. 24 are shown the corresponding ultimate folli- cles of the Mammary gland ; filled, like the preceding, wuth secreting cells. 239. The whole of the acts, then, by which the separation of the different Secretions from the Circulating fluid is accomplished, really consist in the growth and nutrition of a certain set of cells, usually covering the free surfaces of the body, both internal and external, or lining cavities which have a ready communication with these by means of ducts or canals.* These cells differ widely from one an- other, in regard to the kind of matter which they appropriate and assemble in their cavities; although the nature of their walls is pro- bably the same throughout. Thus we find biliary matter and oil, easily recognizable by their colour and refracting power, in the cells of the liver; milk in the cells of the mammary gland ; sebaceous or fatty matter in the cells of the sebaceous follicles of the skin ; and so on. All these substances are derived from the blood ; being either contained in it previously, or being elaborated from its constituents * The Synovial secretion is, perhaps, the only one which is poured into a closed sac. 154 SIMPLE ISOLATED CELLS^-REPRODUCTIVE CELLS. by a simple process of transformation, — as, for exam]5le, that which converts the albumen of the blood into the casein of milk. Hence they may be considered as the peculiar aliments of the several groups of cells ; whose acts of nutrition are the means of drawing them off or secreting them, from the general circulating fluid. When they have attained their full growth, and ac- complished their term of life, their walls either burst or dissolve away, and thus the contents of the cells are delivered into the cavity, or upon the surface, at which they are required. Now as all the canals of the glands open either directly outwards upon the Fig. 25. Secreting cells of Human Liver; a, nu- cleus; ft, nucleolus; c, oil-particles. surface, or into cavities which communicate with the exterior, it is evident that the various products of the action of these epithelial cells must be destined to be cast forth from the body. This we shall find to be the case ; some of them, as the bile and urine, being excretions, of which it is necessary to get rid by the most direct channel ; whilst others, like the tears, the saliva, the gastric fluid, the milk, &c., are separated from the blood, not so much for its purification, but because they are required to answer certain purposes in the economy. 240. Now whilst thus actively concerned in the Nutritive functions of the economy, and exercising in the highest degree their powers of selection and transformation, these Secreting cells appear to have nothing to do with the operation of Reproduction. We have seen that they do not even regenerate themselves ; all their energies being, as it were, concentrated upon their own growth ; and the successive production of new generations being provided for by other means. But special Reproductive cells, destined to furnish the germs for the continuance of the race, are not wanting. These are developed within the tubuli of the Testicle ; where they appear to hold exactly the same relation to the membranous walls of those tubuli, as do the secreting cells to the tubes and follicles of the proper Glands. The contents of these repro- ductive cells are peculiarly granular; and the granules are at one time dif- fused through the entire cell. They are afterwards seen, however, to pre- sent a regular linear arrangement ; forming a bundle of fibrous bodies, still comprehended, however, within the cell. After a time, however, the con- taining cells burst, and the fibrous bodies within separate and are set free. From the very peculiar motion which they possess, they were long regarded as distinct Animalcules, and received the designation of Spermatozoa. It is now generally admitted, however, that they have Fig. 26. Formation of Spermatozoa within semi- nal cells ; a. the original nucleated cell ; 6, the same enlarged, with the formation of the Spermatozoa in progress ; c, the Sper- matozoa nearly complete, but still enclosed within the cell. SIMPLE ISOLATED CELLS.— ABSORBENT CELLS. 155 no more claim to a distinct animal character, than have the ciliated epithelia of mucous membrane, which will likewise continue in move- ment when separated from the body. The so-called Spermatozoa appear to be nothing else than cell-germs, furnished with a peculiar power of movement, by means of which they are enabled to make their way into the situation where they may be received, cherished, and developed, — as will be shown hereafter. (Chap. XT.) It is a curious fact that the seminal cells, in which the Spermatozoa are formed, are sometimes ejected from the gland, not only before they have burst and set free the Spermatozoa, but even long before the development of the Spermatozoa in their interior is completed; — thus affording a complete demonstration of their independent vitality. 241. We now proceed to a class of cells, which are equally independent of each other, which begin and end their lives as cells, without undergoing any transformation, but which form part of the substance of the fabric, instead of lying upon its free surfaces and being continually cast off from them. Still their individual history is much the same as that of the cells already noticed ; and they differ chiefly in regard to the destination of their products. — The first group of this class deserving a separate notice, is that which effects the introduction of aliment into the body; — of those kinds of aliment, at least, which are not received in solution by any more direct means. Along the greater part of the intestinal tube, from the point at which the hepatic and pancreatic ducts enter it, to the rectum, we find the mucous membrane furnished with a vast number of minute tufts or folds, by which its free surface is vastly extended ; these are termed villi. They may be compared to the ultimate root-fibres of trees, both in structure and function ; for each of them gives origin to a minute lacteal or chyle-absorbing vessel, which occupies its centre ; whilst it also contains a copious network of blood-vessels, (Fig. 8, p. 118,) which appears likewise to participate in the act of absorption, by taking up substances that are in complete solution. Now at the end of every villus, there may be seen, whilst the process of digestion and absorption is going on, a cluster of minute cells, in the midst of which the origin of the lacteal is lost. These cells, whose size varies from 1-lOOOth to l-2000th of an inch, are turgid with a milky fluid, which is evidently the same with that which is found in the lacteals ; and there is good reason to believe, that it is by the growth and nutrition of these cells, that this milky fluid, the chyle, is selected from the contents of the digestive cavity. Their function, therefore, is precisely the converse of that of the secreting cells already described; whilst the history of their individual lives is the same. These absor- bent cells draw their materials from the fluid in the digestive cavity, instead of from the blood ; and when they burst or liquefy, they set free their contents where they may be taken up by a lacteal and con- veyed into the circulating current, instead of pouring them into a cavity through which they will be shortly expelled. 242. In the intervals of the digestive process, the extremities of the 156 ABSORBENT CELLS. villi are comparatively flaccid ; and instead of cells, they show merely a collection of granular germs. These begin to develop themselves, as soon as the food has been dissolved in the stomach and transmitted to the intestine; and their development goes on, as long as the villi are surrounded with nutrient matter. The cells rapidly grow, select, absorb, and prepare the nutritious matter, by making it a part of themselves; and, when their work is accomplished, they deliver it to the lacteals by their own rupture or deliquescence. The accompany- ing diagrams represent the comparative condition of the Mucous Fig. 27. Diagram of mucous membrane during diges- tion and absorption of chyle; a, a villus, turgid and erect; its protective epithelium cast off from its free extremity; its absorbent vesicles, its lac- teals, and its blood-vessels turbid ; b, a follicle discharging its secreting epithelial cells. Diagram of mucous membrane of jejunum, when Absorption is not going on ; a, protec- tive epithelium of a villus; &, secreting epi- thelium of a follicle ; c, c, c, primary membrane, ■with its germinal spots or nuclei, d, d; e, germs of absorbent vesicles;/, vessels and lacteals of villus. membrane, its villi, and its secreting follicles, during the time when absorption is going on, and in the intervals of the process. It will be seen that, in the former state, the epithelium-cells are not only being cast off from the free surface of the membrane, and from the interior of the follicles ; but they are also detached from the surface of the villus, that they may offer no impediment to the process of absorption. During the intervals of digestion, the secreting epithe- lium of the follicles, and the protective epithelium of the villi, are alike renewed, from the germs supplied by the basement-membrane. 243. Although the mucous membrane of the intestinal tube is the only channel through which insoluble nutriment can be absorbed in the completely-formed Mammal, and the only situation, therefore, in which w^e meet with these absorbent cells, there are other situations in which similar cells perform analogous duties in the embryo. Thus the Chick derives its nutriment, whilst in the egg, from the substance of the yelk, by absorption through the blood-vessels spread out in the vascular layer of the germinal membrane surrounding the yelk ; which vessels answer to the blood-vessels and lacteals of the permanent digestive cavity, and are raised into folds or villi as the contents of the yelk-bag are diminished. Now the ends of the vessels are sepa- rated from the fluid contents of the yelk-bag, by a layer of cells ; ABSORBENT CELLS. 157 which seems to have for its object to select and prepare the materials supplied by the yelk, for being received into the absorbent vessels. 244. In like manner, the embryo of the Mammal is nourished, up to the time of its birth, through the medium of its umbilical vessels ; the ramifications of which form tufts, that dip down, as it were, into the maternal blood, and receive from it the materials destined to the nutrition of the foetus; besides effecting the aeration of the blood of the latter, by exposing it to the more oxygenated blood of the mother. Now around the capillary loop of the fcetal tuft, there is a layer of cells, closely resembling the absorbent cells of the villi ; and these are enclosed in a cap of basement-membrane, which completes the foetal portion of the tuft, and renders it comparable in all essential respects to the intestinal villus. It is again surrounded, however, by another layer of membrane and of cells, belonging to the maternal system ; — the derivation and arrangement of which will be explained hereafter. The maternal cells (6, Fig. 29) may be regarded as the Fig. 29. Extremity of a placental villus:— a, external membrane of the villus, continuous with the lining membrane of the vascular system of the mother; b, external cells of the villus, belonging to the pla- cental decidua ; c, c, germinal centres of the external cells ; d, the space between the maternal and fecial portions of the villus; e, the internal membrane of the villus, continuous with the external membrane of the chorion;/, the internal cells of the villus, belong- ing to the chorion; g, tlie loop of umbilical vessels. first selectors of nutriment from the circulating fluid of the parent: the materials, partially prepared by them, are poured into the cavity (d) surrounding the extremity of the tuft; and from this they are taken up by the foetal cells {/), which further elaborate them, and impart them to the capillary loop (g) of the umbilical vessels. 245. Thus we see that the several functions of Selection, Absorp- tion, Assimilation, Respiration, Secretion, and Reproduction, are performed by the agency of cells in the Animal as in the Vegetable kingdom, — in the complex Human organism, as in the humblest Cryptogamic Plant ; the only difference being, that in the latter there is a greater division of labour, different groups of cells being appro- priated to different functions, in the general economy, whilst the history of their own processes of nutrition and decay is everywhere essentially the same. Thus we have seen that the Absorbent cells, at the extremities of the intestinal or placental villi, select and draw into themselves, as the materials of their own growth, certain substances in their neighbourhood ; which are still as much external to the tissues of the body, as are the fluids surrounding the roots of plants. Having come to their full term of life, they burst or dissolve away, and give up their contents to the absorbent vessels, which carry them into the general current of the circulation, where they are mingled with the fluid previously assimilated, — the blood. Whilst passing through the vessels, they are subjected to the action of another set of cells, (the 158 SIMPLE ISOLATED CELLS. lymph and cbyle-corpuscles, and the colourless corpuscles of the blood,) by which they are gradually assimilated, or converted into a substance of a more directly organizable character ; these assimilating cells being developed from germs that float in the fluid, drawing into themselves the albuminous matter, converting it into fibrin, and then setting it free by their own dissolution. In the same fluid another set of cells, the red corpuscles of the blood, are observed to float, in the higher classes of animals ; whose special function appears to be the conveyance of oxygen from the lungs to the tissues, and of car- bonic acid from the tissues to the lungs; in other words, that of Respiration: these cells do not appear to pass through their course of existence as rapidly as the preceding. Next we have various groups of cells, external to the vessels, on the free surfaces of the body; whose oflSce it is to draw from the blood certain materials, which are destined for Secretion or separation from it ; either for the sake of preserving that fluid in its requisite purity, or for answering some other purpose in the system. These cells grow at the expense of the substances, w^hich they draw into themselves from the blood ; and on their dissolution, they cast forth their contents on the free surfaces communicating with the exterior of the body, to which they are in time conveyed. And, lastly, we have a special set of cells, destined to prepare the germs of new beings ; which are, in like manner, set free by the rupture of the parent-cell, in a condition that enables them to be conveyed to a place appropriated for their further develop- ment, and thus to perform the essential part of the process of Repro- duction. 246. The cells which are thus the active instruments of the Organic functions, are produced and succeed one another with a rapidity pro- portional to the energy of those functions. The causes which influence their growth and decay are not always evident; thus we occasionally find an extraordinary tendency to the elaboration of Fibrin, as mani- fested in the increase in the proportion of that ingredient of the blood, and in the number of the Assimilating cells or white corpuscles that float in that fluid ; and as to the causes of this condition, which is one important part of the disordered state termed Inflammation, we are almost entirely in the dark. The development of the Absorbent cells appears to depend upon the supply of alimentary materials afforded by the contents of the digestive cavity ; and also upon the supply of blood furnished by the capillaries of the villi, from which last the materials of the cell-walls are probably derived. The conditions of the development of the Secreting cells are not sufficiently understood ; it does not appear to depend solely upon the supply of their materials ; for, as we shall see hereafter, these materials may accumulate unduly in the blood, through the insufficient production of the cells which are destined to separate them ; whilst, on the other hand, the presence of certain substances in the blood appears to accelerate their develop- ment. Of these stimuli. Mercury is one of the most powerful ; and we have continual opp©rtuniti€s of witnessing its effects, in giving an CELLS CONNECTED TOGETHER IN SOLID TISSUES. 159 increased activity to the secreting actions. There is probably not a gland in the body, which is not in some degree influenced by its pre- sence in the blood ; but the liver, the kidneys, the salivary glands, and the glandulae of the intestinal canal, appear to be those most affected by its stimulating powers. The action of the glands, in other words the development of the secreting cells, appears to be influenced by mental emotions ; being sometimes accelerated, and sometimes retarded, through their agency. This is especially the case in regard to the secretion of Milk, Tears, Saliva, and Gastric juice. But we shall hereafter see that the influence thus manifested is probably exerted through the capillary circulation, which is known to be power- fully affected by mental emotions, as in the acts of blushing and erec- tion ; and that the increased production of the secretion is immediately due to the increased flow of blood to the gland. We have an example of this, in the " draught" (as it is termed) experienced by Nurses, when the child is applied to the breast ; which is a perceptible rush of blood into the organ. 5. Of Cells connected together as permanent constituents of the Tissues. 247. We now pass on to consider those Cells which enter as com- ponent elements into the solid and permanent fabric of the body, and which do not take so active a part in its vital operations. These we shall find to be usually more or less closely connected together, either by a general enveloping membrane, or by an intercellular substance, which is interposed between their walls, and holds them together by its adhesive properties. Before entering upon the description of the tissues thus formed, it will be desirable to consider a little more fully the mode in which the component cells are developed, and the cha- racter of the transformations they may undergo. 248. We have seen that a minute isolated molecule, prepared by a parent-cell, and set free by its dissolution, may become the germ of a new cell ; and that the assimilating cells which float in the animal fluids seem to have their origin, like the equally-simple cells of the Yeast- fungus, in such floating germs ; whilst the epithelial and epidermic tissues arise from similar granules diffused through the substance of the basement-membrane, or aggregated in its germinal spots. But the usual mode of development of the cells of a higher and more perma- nent character, is somewhat different ; for these are developed within the parent-cell, which, instead of dissolving away, may remain as a thin membrane around them ; — all traces of it, however, at last disappearing, in consequence of the distension which it undergoes. Even whilst still evidently contained within the parent-cell, the secondary cells may themselves be developing a third generation within them. The rapidity of the process, and th« number of cells thus developed, appear to bear a close relation with the transitory or permanent character of the structure. It is in Cancerous growths, that we meet with the most remarkable examples of rapid production ; 160 CELLS CONNECTED TOGETHER IN SOLID TISSUES. Fig. 30. Parent-cells, a, a, of cancer- ous structure, containing se- condary cells, b, b, each having one, two, or three nuclei, c, c. a large number of secondary cells being developed within each pri- mary ; these secondary cells again becoming the parents, each one of an equally large generation ; and so on. Here the whole energy seems concentrated upon the reproductive process ; and we find that growths composed of such cells have a very rapid increase, but very little solidity or per- manence. — On the other hand we find that, in structures which are destined to undergo a higher development, and to possess a more permanent character, the number of cells developed within each parent is more limit- ed ; thus in the early development of the embryo of Mammalia it is limited to two; and the first pair of cells is thus progressively developed into four, eight, sixteen, and so on. The same tendency to a binary multiplication is apparent also in the cells of Cartilage (§ 267) ; and it probably exists also in other cellular structures of a permanent character. 249. It is most coipmonly to be observed in these cells, that the reproductive granules, instead of being diffused throughout the cavity of the cell, — as they are in the cells of the Cryptogamic Plants, the White Corpuscles of the blood of Animals, &c. &c., — are concen- trated in one spot, forming a nucleus (Figs. 20, 21); and it is from this nucleus that the new cells originate. The granules appear to undergo the same changes, when developed in this situation, as they do when isolated within the cell, or altogether set free ; at first they show a simple enlargement, looking like little warts projecting into the cell ; this enlargement continues, until the difference between the cell-wall and the cavity, the containing and the contained parts, becomes perceptible ; and the character of the young cell is then obvious. 250. According to Dr. Barry's observations on the processes of cell-growth in the germinal vesicle and early embryo of the Rabbit, it is the outer circle of granules forming the nucleus, which is first developed into young cells ; the next then commences, and pushes outwards the ring of cells previously formed; and by the continuance of the same process, the parent-cell may be completely filled with a new generation. Of these, however, the greater part may be destined to liquefy or dissolve away; their office having apparently been, to assimilate or prepare the materials that are destined for the nutrition of the permanent ofispring, which are the cells latest formed in the centre of the nucleus. A pellucid spot, which is frequently seen in the centre of the nucleus, has received the name of nucleolus (Fig. 20, c); sometimes two or even three nucleoli may be seen in a single nucleus (Fig. 21, a). The cause of this appearance is not precisely understood ; but it seems to be of a transitory character, indicating a certain stage in the conversion of the nucleus into new cells. CELLS CONNECTED TOGETHER IN SOLID TISSUES. 161 251. The function of the nucleus in the development of new cells, is thus evidently identical with that of the " germinal spots" already described as existing at the extremity of the secreting follicles (§ 238), or in the substance of the basement-membrane. In fact'we are pro- bably to regard each secreting follicle as a large parent-cell ; of which the functions are permanent, instead of transitory ; and which, having opened into a neighbouring duct, instead of remaining closed, con- tinues to develop new secondary or secreting cells, from the nucleus or germinal spot at its opposite extremity, to an unlimited extent. And it is probable, also, that the " germinal spots" in the substance of the basement-membrane are really the nuclei of cells, by the coales- cence of which it is formed, in the manner to be presently noticed. 252. Now if the walls of the parent-cells, instead of liquefying or thinning away, are thickened or strengthened by additional nutrition, they may remain as permanent vesicles, enclosing and holding together numerous secondary cells; and this appears to be the case in Adipose tissue, and also in tumours of various kinds. 253. Where such enveloping membranes are wanting, we fre- quently find the component cells of the permanent tissues of Animals (Rke those of the higher plants) held together by an intercellular sub- stance ; which generally presents no distinct traces of organization ; and which usually consists of Gelatin, or of a substance allied to it in composition. The proportion of this substance to the cells may vary in different cases ; and very different characters may thus be presented by a tissue made up of the same elements. Thus the subjoined figure represents a portion of one of the animal layers included between the calcareous laminse of a bivalve shell ; in which we see on the one side a number of nuclei or incipient cells, scattered through a bed of homo- geneous intercellular substance, and bearing but a very small propor- tion to it; whilst the opposite end exhibits a set of polygonal cells, in close contact with each other, the intercellular substance being only represented by the thick dark lines, which mark the boundaries of the cells, and which are rather thicker at the angles of the latter. Between these two extremes, we observe every stage of transition. 254. The presence of a very large amount of intercellular substance, through which minute cells are scattered at considerable intervals, (Fig. 31, a,) is characteristic of various forms of Cartilage; and more particularly of that soft semi-cartilaginous structure, of which the Jelly-fish are for the most part composed. In other forms of cartilage, we find the cells more developed, and in closer proximity to each other, the proportion of the intercellular substance being at the same time diminished (as seen at h and c. Fig. 31) ; but it is not often, save in embryonic structures, that we find the cells in such close proximity, and the intercellular substance so nearly wanting, as at d. Such examples do occasionally present themselves, however, even in the soft tissues. Thus the chorda dorsalis, which replaces the verte- bral column in the lowest Fishes, and of which the analogue is found in the embryos of the higher Vertebrata, is made up of a structure of 162 CELLS CONNECTED TOGETHER IN SOLID TISSUES. this kind. The true Skin, in the Short Sun-fish, is replaced by a similar layer of cellular tissue, which extends over the whole body, varying in thickness from one-fourth of an inch to six inches. And Fig. 31. Portion of shell-membrane, showing theorigin of cells in the midst of horny intercellular substance; a, nuclei; b, incipient cells; c, the same further advanced, but separated by intercellular substance d, the cells become polygonal by mutual pressure. in the Lancelot (a little fish which is destitute of so many of the characters of a Vertebrated animal, that its right to a place in that division has been doubted), a considerable portion of the fabric is made up of a similar parenchyma. 255. Now we shall find that one method, by which the requisite firmness and solidity are given to the animal fabric, consists in the deposition of earthy substances in the interior of such cells, by a peculiar secreting action of their own. Thus in Shell, we find them completely filled up with carbonate of lime ; and in Bones and Teeth with car- bonate and phosphate of lime. When this is the case, there is a tendency to an apparent coalescence of the cells, by the obliteration of their partitions ; or rather, perhaps, by the removal of the whole intercellular substance from between them, the actual cell-walls being so very thin, that they are not distinguishable. The incipient stages of this coalescence, as seen in another portion of the same membrane as that represented in the last figure, are shown in Fig. 32. At a. Fig. 32. Portion of shell-membrane, showing the gradual coalescence of distinct cells ; at a, the cells sepa- rated by iatercellular substance ; at 6, the partitions are thinner ; and at c, they almost disappear. COALESCENCE AND METAMORPHOSIS OF CELLS. 163 the nucleated cells are very distinct; and are separated by a large quantity of intercellular substance. At b, they approach each other more closely, the amount of intercellular substance being less ; the widest intervals are seen at the angles of the cells. At c, the approxi- mation is much closer ; and the cell-walls are scarcely distinguishable at the points where they come into immediate contact. Proceeding further, we observe that the partitions are much less complete ; so that the originally distinct cellular character of the membrane is chiefly indicated by the bright nuclei, which are regularly dispersed through it, and by the triangular dark spots, which show the remains of the intercellular substance at the angles where three cells join each other. The coalescence may be traced further than it is shown to do in the figure ; so that, if it were not for the evidence afforded by the transi- tion-stages here represented, it would be difficult to prove that the membranous layer had its origin in cells. 256. These facts, respecting the gradual coalescence of cells, ex- plain not merely the appearances presented in Tooth, Shell, &c. (hereafter to be described) ; but also those which are exhibited by the Basement-membrane, as already detailed (§ 206.) 257. There is no evidence, in the preceding case, that the cavities of the cells coalesce ; and there is no reason why they should do so. But we often find such an union, where the production of a continuous tube is required. The long straight open ducts, through which the sap of Plants rises in the stem, are unquestionably formed by a coalescence of the cavities of cells of a cylindrical form, placed regularly end to end ; and it seems probable that the network of anastomosing vessels, through which the elaborated sap finds its way to the various parts of the vegetable fabric, is formed, in like manner, by the coalescence of cells, arranged obliquely and transversely in regard to one another. In like manner, the capillary Blood-vessels of Animals are usually believed to originate in rows of cells, the cavities of which have run together by the obliteration of the transverse partitions ; as the per- sistent nuclei of such cells may be occasionally brought into view in the walls of the capillaries. And the same appears to be the origin of the tubular fibres of Muscular and Nervous tissue, which contain the elements characteristic of those tissues; these elements, — the fibrillae of muscle, and the granular pith of the nerve-tube, — being evidently the secondary products of parent-cells, which seem to remain as their investing tubuli, in the walls of which the original nuclei are often to be seen (§§ 338 and 388). 258. Besides these changes, the original cells may often undergo marked alterations of form; and this quite independently of any pres- sure to which they may be subject. Thus the pigment-cells, as already mentioned (§ 229,) frequently exhibit a curious stellate form; arising from the development of radiating prolongations, which are put forth from the original spheroid. A form which is frequently assumed by the cells that are developed in fibrinous or plastic exu- dations, and which is also met with in the cells of tumours, both 164 FUSIFORM CELLS.—ADIPOSE TISSUE. malignant (or Cancerous) and non-malignant, is that which has re- ceived the designation oi fusiform or spindle-like, from its prolonged shape and pointed extremities. The various stages of transition, which may be observed between the simple rounded cell and the fusiform cell, are shown in Fig. 33 ; and it is there seen that, when the transformation has gone to its utmost extent, the nucleus of the cell is no longer visible, so that it bears a close resemblance to a simple fibre. Such cells are found amongst the simple fibrous tissues ; and, in the opinion of many, they give origin to them. — The appear- ance of tissue, composed of fusiform cells, is shown in Fig. 34; this is seldom met with as a permanent part of the normal fabric ; but it is a frequent product of morbid action. Fig. 33. Fig. 35. Fusiform tissue of plastic exudations; o, fusiform bo- dies without nuclei ; b, nu- cleated fusiform cells ; c, granular intercellular sub- stance. Areolar and Adipose tissue ; a, a, fat-cells; 6, 6, fibres of are- Transition from cellular to fusiform tissue ; a, circular or oval cells; 6, the siime becoming pointed; c, fusiform cells con- taining nuclei ; rf, fusiform cells more elongated, and destitute of nuclei. 259. We now proceed with the description of the various tissues in the Human body, which are composed of cells united or trans- formed in the foregoing manner ; and we shall commence with Adipose or Fatty tissue, which may be considered as a sort of link, connect- ing the permanent tissues with those which are more actively con- cerned in the processes of Nutrition, Secretion, &c. The Adipose tissue is composed of isolated cells, which have the power of appro- priating fatty matter from the blood, precisely in the same manner as the secreting cells appropriate the elements of bile, milk, &c. These cells are sometimes dispersed in the interspaces of the Areolar tissue ; whilst in other cases they are aggregated in distinct masses, — consti- tuting the proper Adipose tissue. In the former case they are held in their places by fibres, that traverse the areolae in different directions ; whilst in the latter, each small cluster of fat cells is included in a common envelop, on the exterior of which the blood-vessels ramify; and these sacculi are held together by areolar tissue. We are thus probably to regard each fatty mass in the light of a gland, or assem- I ADIPOSE TISSUE. 165 blage of secreting cells, penetrated by blood-vessels, and bound together by fibrous tissue ; but having its follicles closed instead of open, (which, as just now stated, appears to be the early conditions of the follicles of all glands, § 251 ;) and consequently retaining its secretion within itself, instead of pouring it forth into a channel for excretion. 260. The individual fat-cells always present a nearly spherical or spheroidal form ; sometimes, however, when they are closely pressed together, they become somewhat polyhedral, from the flattening of their walls against each other. Their intervals are traversed by a minute network of blood-vessels, from which they derive their secretion ; and it ^^g- ^^- is probably by the constant moistening of their walls with a watery fluid, that their contents are retained without the least transudation, although they are quite fluid at the temperature of the living body. If the watery fluid of the cell- walls of a mass of Fat be allowed to dry up, and it be kept at a temperature of 100°, the escape of Capillary network around Fat-cells. the contained oily matter is soon percep- tible. — By this provision, the fatty matter is altogether prevented from escaping from the cells of the living tissues, by gravitation or pressure ; and as it is not itself liable to undergo change when secluded from the air, it may remain stored up, apparently unaltered, for an almost unlimited period. 261. The consistency, as well as the Chemical constitution, of the fatty matter contained in the Adipose cells, varies in different animals, according to the relative proportions of three component substances, which may be distinguished in it, — Stearine, Margarine, and Oleine. The two former are solid when isolated, and the latter is fluid; but at the ordinary temperature of the warm-blooded animal, they are dissolved in it. Of these, Stearine is the most solid ; and it is most largely present, therefore, in the hardest fatty matter, such as mutton^ suet. It is crystaline like spermaceti ; it is not at all greasy between the fingers, and it melts at 143°. It is insoluble in water, and in cold alcohol and ether ; but it dissolves in boiling alcohol or ether, crystalizing as it cools. The substance termed Margarine exists along with stearine in most fats; but it is the principal solid con- stituent of Human fat, and also of Olive oil. It corresponds with Stearine in many of its properties, and is nearly allied to it in Chemi- cal composition ; but it is much more soluble in alcohol and ether, and it melts at 118°. On the other hand, Oleine^ when pure, remains fluid at the zero of Fahrenheit's thermometer; and it is soluble in cold ether, from which it can only be separated by the evaporation of the latter. It exists in small quantity in the various solid fats ; but it constitutes the great mass of the liquid fixed oils. The tendency of these to solidification by cold, depends upon the proportion of 166 ADIPOSE TISSUE. stearine or margarine they may contain. All these substances are neutral compounds, formed by the union of Stearic, Margaric, and Oleic acids, respectively, with a base termed Glycerine; this base may be obtained from any fatty matter, by treating it with an alkali, which unites with the acid and forms a soap, setting free the Glycerine. They contain no Nitrogen ; and their proportion of Oxygen is ex- tremely small in regard to their amount of the Carbon and Hydrogen : thus Stearine has 142 Carbon and 141 Hydrogen to 17 Oxygen ; and in the other substances the proportions are similar. The fatty bodies appear to be mutually convertible ; thus margaric acid may be pro- cured from stearic acid, by subjecting it to dry distillation; and there is ample evidence that animals supplied with one of them may pro- duce the others from it. 262. Since these fatty matters are abundantly supplied by the Vegetable kingdom, and are found to exist largely in substances which were not previously supposed to contain them, it is not requisite to suppose, that Animals usually elaborate them by any transforming process from the elements of their ordinary food. The mode in which they are taken into the blood, and the uses to which they are subserv- ient, will be hereafter investigated ; but it may be here remarked, that the portion separated from the circulating fluid to form the Adi- pose tissue, is only that which can be spared from the other purposes, to which the fatty matters have to be applied. Hence the production of this tissue depends in part upon the amount of Fatty matter taken in as food ; but this is not entirely the case, as some have main- tained ; for there is sufficient evidence that animals may produce fatty matter by a process of chemical transformation, from the starch or sugar of their food, when there is an unusual deficiency of it in their aliment. 263. The development of Adipose tissue in the body appears to answer several distinct purposes. It fills up interstices, and forms a kind of pad or cushion for the support of movable parts ; and so necessary does it seem for this purpose, that, even in cases of great emaciation, some fat is always found to remain, especially at the base of the heart around the origin of the great vessels, and in the orbit of the eye. It also assists in the retention of the animal temperature by its non-conducting power ; and we accordingly find a thick layer of it, in those warm-blooded mammals that inhabit the seas, — either immediately beneath their skin, or incorporated with its substance. And it also serves as a reservoir of combustible matter, at the expense of which the respiration may be maintained when other materials are deficient; thus we find that the respiration of hybernating animals is kept up, during the period when they cease taking food (§ 121), by the consumption of the store of fat which was laid up in their bodies, previously to their passing into that state; and it is also to be noticed that herbivorous animals, whose food is scanty during the winter, usually exhibit a strong tendency to such an accumulation, during the latter part of the summer, when their food is most rich and abundant, ADIPOSE TISSUE.— CARTILAGE. 167 in order to supply the increased demand created by the low external temperature of the winter season. Other circumstances being the same, it appears that the length of time during w^hich a warm-blooded animal can live without food, depends upon the quantity of fat in its body ; for the rapid low^ering of its temperature, which is the imme- diate cause of its death (§ 117,) takes place as soon as the whole of this store has been exhausted. Of the means by which the fatty secretion is taken back again into the current of the circulation, when it is required for use in the system, we know nothing whatever. 264. In the simpler forms of Cartilage^ we have an example of a tissue of remarkable permanence, composed entirely of cells scattered through an intercellular substance. This substance has a close resemblance to Gelatin, in composition and properties ; but is not identical with it ; and has received the distinguishing appellation of Chondrine, which marks it as the solidifying ingredient of Cartilage. It requires longer boiling than Gelatin for its solution in water ; but the solution fixes into a jelly in cooling, and dries by evaporation into a glue that cannot be distinguished from that of gelatin. Chondrine is not precipitated, however, by tannic acid, but, on the other hand, it gives precipitates with acetic acid, alum, acetate of lead, and proto- sulphate of iron, which do not disturb a solution of gelatin. That the Chondrine obtained by boiling cartilage is an actual component of that tissue, and is not a product of the operation, appears from the fact that its elementary composition agrees with that of pure cartilage, when analyzed by combustion. According to Mulder, the propor- tions of the elements are as follows: 32 Carbon, 26 Hydrogen, 4 Nitrogen, 14 Oxygen ; with which one-tenth of an equivalent of sul- phur is combined. This formula is deduced from the definite com- pound which Chondrine forms w^ith Chlorine. 265. Now it is a very curious fact, that all the Cartilages of the foetus, — those which are to be converted into bone, as well as those which are to remain unossified, — are composed of Chondrine ; and yet, as soon as the process of ossification commences, the chondrine is replaced by gelatin, which is the sole organic constituent of the intercellular substance of bones. The permanent cartilages, however, still contain only Chondrine ; but if accidental bony deposits should take place in them, (as frequently happens in old persons, especially in the cartilages of the ribs,) the Chondrine gives place to Gelatin. There can be little doubt that, in these cases, there is an actual con- version of the Chondrine into Gelatin ; but the mode in which this is effected, is not in the least understood. As Chondrine agrees more nearly with Proteine, in its elementary composition, than Gelatin does, it may be surmised that it is a sort of intermediate stage in the conversion of Proteine into Gelatin ; but it must be kept in mind, that no such substance is met wdth in any other of the gelatinous tissues, — Chondrine being restricted to pure cellular cartilage. Those in which the intercellular substance has the characters of the white fibrous tissue (§ 189), yield gelatin on boiling, in the manner of the 168 CARTILAGE. ligaments and tendons ; whilst those which contain much of the yel- low or elastic tissue, undergo very little change by boiling, and only yield, after several days, a small quantity of an extract which does not form a jelly, but which has the other chemical properties of Chondrine. 266. Besides the organic compounds already described, most Car- tilages contain a certain amount of mineral matter, which forms an ash when they are calcined. This ash contains a large proportion of carbonate and sulphate of soda, together with carbonate of lime, and a small quantity of phosphate of lime ; as age advances, the propor- tion of the soluble compounds diminishes, and the phosphate of lime predominates. This is especially the case in the costal cartilages, which almost invariably become converted into a semi-ossified sub- stance, in old persons ; and it is remarkable that, even before they have themselves become thus condensed, they are united by ossific matter, when they have undergone fracture. 267. When a pure Cellular Cartilage is examined microscopically, its cells are seen to lie, sometimes singly, and sometimes in clusters of two, three, or four, in cavities excavated in the intercellular sub- stance ; and these occur at very variable distances. From the various appearances which may be observed in the same cartilage, at different stages of its growth, it would appear that the component cells multiply by the doubling process already described (§ 248); that they then separate from one another, each of them drawing towards itself (as it were) an envelop of intercellular substance ; and that, by the repeti- tion of the same process, the number of cells in the cartilage may be indefinitely multiplied. Various stages of this history are shown in the accompanying figure, which is f''s-37. taken from a section of the a J cartilaginous branchial ray of 4^^/^'^^ '"' ""^ ^ ' ^^^ \?irv3. or tadpole of the Rana '^-"^^^' esculenta, or Edible Frog. In the centre of the figure are shown three separate cells, which have evidently been at one time in closer proximity ^, with each other. In one of ti^ these cells, the nucleus is seen to be developing two new cells in its interior; and a continua- tion of this process would give Section of the Branchial cartilage of Tadpole ; a, risC tO the appearance shown group of four cells, separating from each other; i, ^^ J where tWO Cclls are shoWn pairof cells in apposition; c, c, nuclei of cartiluge-cells; «i. i^, y» nv^i v. i v^ v^w ^^ a.^ rf, cavity containing three cells. in cloSC COUtact, being evi- dently the offspring of the same parent. Now if each of these cells in like manner develops two others within itself, a cluster of four will be developed, as shown at a; and after a time, intercellular substance being accumulated around I CARTI..1GE. 169 each, their walls will separate, and they will acquire the character of distinct cells. It would seem as if, in other cases, one of the first pair of cells develops another pair in its interior, whilst the other (from some unknown cause) does not at once proceed to do so; and thus only three cartilage-cells instead of four are clustered together in the cavity, as seen at d. 268. The primitive cellular organization now described is retained in some Cartilages through the whole duration of their existence. This is the case, for example, in most of the articular cartilages of joints ; in the cartilaginous portion of the septum narium, in the car- tilages of the alse and point of the nose, in the semilunar cartilages of the eyelids ; in the cartilages of the larynx, (with the exception of the epiglottis,) the cartilages of the trachea and bronchial tubes, the car- tilages of the ribs, and the ensiform cartilage of the sternum. When partial ossific deposits take place, it is usually in the substance of cellular^ rather than in that oi fibrous cartilage. 269. When the intercellular substance, instead of being homo- geneous, has a fibrous character, the tissue called Fihro- Cartilage is produced ; and this may be either elastic or non-elastic, according as the yellow or the white form of fibrous structure prevails. In some instances, the fibrous structure is so predominant over the cellular, that the tissue has rather the character of a ligament than of a car- tilage. The white fibrous structure is seen in all those cartilages, which unite the bones by synchondrosis, and which are destined not merely to sustain pressure, but also to resist tension. This is the case especially in the substances, which intervene between the verte- brae, and which connect the bones of the pelvis; these in adult Man are destitute of cartilage-corpuscles, except in and near their centres ; but in the lower Vertebrata, and in the early condition of the higher, the fibrous structure is confined to the exterior, and the whole interior is occupied by the ordinary cartilage-corpuscles. The yellow-fibrous or reticulated structure is best seen in the epiglottis, and in the concha of the ear ; in the former of these, scarcely any trace of cartilage-cor- puscles remains ; and in the latter, the cellular structure is only to be met w^ith towards the tip. 270. We have seen that the elements of the cellular tissues hitherto described, do not come into direct contact with the blood-vessels. The Epidermic and Epithelial cells are separated from them, by the continuous layer of basement-membrane, which forms the surface of the true skin, the mucous membranes, the glandular follicles pro- duced from them, &c. &c. In like manner, the cells of Adipose tissue are formed within membranous bags ; on the outside of which the blood-vessels form a minute network. The cells of Cartilage are not nourished in anymore direct manner; and are sometimes at a considerable distance from the nearest vessels. It is certain that the substance of the permanent cellular Cartilages is not permeated, in a state of health, even by the minutest nutrient vessels ; none such being brought into view under the highest magnifying power. They 170 CELLS CONNECTED TOGETHER.—CARTILAGE. are, however, surrounded by vessels, which form large ampxdlce or varicose dilatations at their edges, or spread over their surfaces ; and it is by the fluid which is drawn from them by the Cartilage-cells, that the latter are nourished. The nutrition of a mass of Cartilage thus seems to bear a strong resemblance to that of the thick fleshy Sea-weeds, which are in like manner composed entirely of cells, with Fig. 38. Vessels situated between the attached synovial membrane, and the articular cartilage, at the point where the ligamemtum teres is inserted in the head of the os femoris of the human subject, between the third and fourth months of foetal life ;— a, the surface of the articular cartilage; h, the vessels between the articular cartilage and the synovial membrane; c, the surface to which the ligamentum teres was attached ; rf, the vein ; e, the artery. intercellular substance disposed between them in greater or smaller amount. The cells in nearest proximity to the nutrient fluid, draw from it the requisite materials, and transmit these to the cells in the interior of the mass, receiving a fresh supply in their turn from the source in their own neighbourhood. When the Articular or other cellular Cartilages are inflamed, however, we find vessels passing into their substance; but these vessels are formed in an entirely new tissue, w^hich is the product of the inflammatory process, and cannot be said to belong to the Cartilage itself. 271. The temporary Cartilages, which have a like cellular struc- ture, but which are destined to undergo metamorphosis into Bone, are equally destitute of vessels when their mass is small ; but if their thickness exceed an eighth of an inch, they are permeated by canals for the transmission of vessels. Still these vessels do not ramify with any minuteness in the tissue ; and they leave large islets^ in which the nutritive process must take place on the plan just described. 272. The Fibro-Cartilages, formed as it were by the intermingling of two distinct elementary structures, have a degree of vascularity proportioned to the amount of the fibrous tissue which they contain ; but these vessels do not penetrate the cellular portions, where such are distinct from the mixed structure. 273. The Cartilaginous tissue appears to be more removed than almost any other in the body, from the general tide of nutritive action. Its properties are simply of a physical character; and they are not impaired for a long time after the death of the tissue, its tendency to CORNEA.— CRYSTALINE LENS. ni Fig. 39. decomposition being very slight, so long as it is exposed to ordinary temperatures. It is protected by its toughness and elasticity from those mechanical injuries, to which softer or more brittle tissues are liable ; and consequently it has little need of any active power of reparation. It seems doubtful whether, when loss of substance occurs as a result of disease or accident, this is repaired by real cartilaginous tissue. In the process of ulceration, as observed by Mr. J. Goodsir, it appears that the formation of depressions in the surface is due, not so much to any change originating in the substance of the Cartilage, as to the eroding action of the cells of the false membrane, which is the product of inflammatory action upon its surface ; and it is in this false membrane, that the new vessels are formed, which dip down into nipple-like prolongations of the membrane, that enter corre- sponding hollows excavated in the cartilage. 274. The Cornea of the Eye bears a close resemblance to Cartilage, both in structure and composition ; and it corresponds rather with the cellular than with the fibrous form of that tissue. The cells are not so numerous as those of the articular cartilages ; and they are sur- rounded by a plexus of bright fibres, loosely connected together, so as to resemble areolar tissue. Two sets of vessels, a superficial and a deep-seated, surround the margin of the cornea. The former (Fig. 39, a.) belong rather to the Conjunctival mem- brane, which forms the outer layer of the cornea; and they are prolonged to the distance of one-eighth or half a line from its margin, then returning as veins. The latter (b) do not pass into the true Cornea, but terminate in dilatations from which veins arise, just where it becomes con- tinuous with the sclerotic. In diseased conditions of the Cornea, however, both sets of vessels extend themselves through it. Notwithstanding the absence of ves- sels in the healthy condition of the corneal tissue, incised wounds of its substance commonly heal very readily, as is well seen after the operation for Cataract ; but there is a danger in carry- ing the incision around a large propor- tion of its margin, lest the tissue should be too much cut off from the supply of nutriment afforded by the am- pullae of the vessels that surround it. 275. The Crystaline Lens of the Eye approaches Cartilage, in its structure and mode of nutrition, more nearly than any other tissue. It may be separated into numerous laminse ; which are composed of fibres that lock into one another, by their delicately-toothed margins. Each of these fibres appears to be made up of a series^of cells, linearly Nutrient Vessels of the Cornea a. Superficial vessels Deionging to me Conjunctival membrane, and continued over the margin of tlie Cornea ; b. ves- sels of the Sclerotic, returning at the margin of the Cornea. 172 CRYSTALINE AND VITREOUS BODIES.— BONE. arranged, which coalesce at an early period. The lens is not per- meated by blood-vessels ; at least after it has been completely formed ; these being confined to the capsule. During the early part of foetal life, and in inflammatory conditions of the Capsular membrane, both its anterior and its posterior portions are distinctly vascular; but at a later period, only the posterior half of the Capsule has vessels distri- buted upon its surface. It has been shown by optical experiments devised for the purpose, that a moderate vascularity of the posterior capsule does not interfere with distinct vision ; whilst if the anterior capsule were traversed by vessels, the picture on the retina would be no longer clear. The substance of which the lens is composed ap- pears to be soluble Albumen, or perhaps more closely resembles the Globulin of the blood. 276. The Vitreous body, which fills the greater part of the globe of the eye, also seems to possess a cellular structure ; the cells contain- ing a fluid, which is little else than water holding in solution a small quantity of albumen and saline matter ; and the membrane which forms their walls being so pellucid as to be scarcely distinguishable. Indeed, the cellular character of this substance is chiefly inferred from the fact, that when its capsule or enveloping membrane is punctured, even in several places, the contained fluid does not speedily drain away, — as it would do if it were merely contained in the interstices of an areolar tissue. The blood-vessels which traverse the Vitreous body do not send branches into its substance ; and it must derive its nutriment from those which are distributed minutely upon its general envelop, and probably also from the large plexiform vessels of the ciliary processes of the Choroid coat. 277. We next proceed to examine the nature of the tissues, which have a cellular structure at their original basis ; but which have undergone a metamorphosis in regard to the arrangement of their ele- mentary parts ; and which have received an additional consolidation, by the deposition of earthy matter in their substance. These tissues are the Osseous and the Dental, — Bones and Teeth. The structure of both of them is well adapted to demonstrate the distinction between the tissues themselves, and those subsidiary parts, by which they are connected with the rest of the structure. We have seen that Car- tilage is essentially no7i-vascular ; that is, even when it exists in a considerable mass, it is not traversed by vessels, but is nourished by absorption from the fluids contained in the vessels distributed on its exterior. Now every mass of Bone is penetrated by vessels; never- theless these do not penetrate its ultimate substance, and may be easily separated from it, leaving the bone itself as it was. In fact, as Mr. J. Goodsir observes, " a well macerated bone is one of the most easily made, and, at the same time one of the most curious anatomical preparations. It is a perfect example of a texture completely isolated ; the vessels, nerves, membranes, and fat, are all separated, and nothing is left but the non-vascular osseous substance." Precisely the same may be said of the substance of a Tooth, from which the vascular STRUCTURE OF BONE. 173 lining of the pulp-cavity has been removed ; for it then possesses neither vessels, nerves, nor lymphatics ; and yet, as we shall presently see, it has a highly-organized structure, peculiar to itself. 278. The general characters of Osseous texture vary according to the shape of the Bone, and the part of it examined. Thus in the long bones, we find the shaft pierced by a central canal, which runs con- tinuously from one extremity to the other ; and the hollow cylinder which surrounds this is very compact in its structure. On the other hand, the dilated ends of the bone are not pene- trated by the large central canal ; nor are they ^!Ls^ composed of solid osseous substance. They are made up of cancellated structure, as it is termed ; that is, of osseous lamellae arid fibres interwoven together (like those of areolar tissue, on a larger scale) so as to form a multitude of minute cham- bers or cancelli, freely communicating with each other, and with the cavity of the shaft; whilst the whole is capped with a thin layer of solid bone. Again, in the thin flat bones, as the scapula, we find the two surfaces composed of solid osseous texture, with more or less of cancellated structure Extremity of os fe- interposed between the layers. And in the thicker ["oris, showing^ancei- flat bones, as the parietal, frontal, &c., this can- layer ofbone, in contact cellated structure becomes very distinct, and tTiageJ^6%ancdir ^^^' forms the diploe ; this, however, is sometimes deficient, leaving a cavity analogous to the canal of the long bones ; whilst the plates which form the surfaces of the bone (the external and internal tables of the skull), resemble in their thickness and soli- dity, as well as in the intimate structure presently to be described, the shaft or hollow cylinder of those bones. Finally, we frequently . meet (especially in the Ethmoid and Sphenoid bones), with thin lamellae of osseous substance, resembling those which elsewhere form the boundaries of the cancelli ; these consist of but one layer of bony matter, and show none of the varieties previously adverted to ; they are not penetrated by vessels, but are nourished only by their sur- faces ; and they consequently exhibit to us the elements of the osseous structure in their simplest form. It will be desirable, therefore, to commence with the description of these. 279. When a thin natural lamella of this kind is examined, it is found to be chiefly made up of a substance which is apparently homo- geneous, but which may be seen (especially after prolonged boiling) to consist of minute granules, varying in size from l-6000th to l-14000th of an inch ; these are more or less angular in shape, and seem to cohere by the medium of some second substance, which is dissolved by the boiling. They are composed of Calcareous salts, apparently in chemical union with the Gelatin that forms the basis of the osseous substance. In the midst of this granular substance a number of dark spots are to be observed, the form of which is very 174 STRUCTURE OF BONE. peculiar. In their general outline they are usually somewhat oval; but they send forth numerous radiating prolongations of extreme minuteness, which may be frequently traced to a considerable dis- tance. These spots, known as the osseous corpuscles, (sometimes termed the Purkinjean corpuscles, after the name of their discoverer,) are highly characteristic of the true bony structure, being never deficient in the minutest parts of the bones of the higher animals, although those of Fishes are frequently destitute of them. These corpuscles were formerly sup- ^'^- ^^- posed, from their dark appearance, to be opaque, and to consist of ag- gregations of calcareous matter which would not transmit the light: but it is now quite certain, that they are lacunce or open spaces ; and that the radiating pro- longations from them, which are far smaller than the minutest capil- lary vessel, are canaliculi or deli- cate tubes. Of these canaliculi, some may be seen to interlace freely with each other, whilst others proceed towards the surface of the bony lamella ; and thus a system of passages, not by any means wide enough to admit the blood-corpuscles, but capable of transmitting the fluid elements of the blood, or matters selected from them, is estab- lished through the whole substance of the lamella. The lacunae have an average length of 1- 1800th of an inch ; and they are usually about half as wide, and one-third as thick. The diameter of the canaliculi Lacunae of Osseous substance, magnified 500 diameters ;— a, central cavity; b, its ramifications. is from l-12000th to l-20000th of an inch. Fis. 42. Section of the bony scale of Lepidosteus;— a, showing the regular distribution of the lacunse and of the connecting canali- culi ; b, small portion more highly magnified. The succeeding figure represents the arrange- ment of these lacunae and canaliculi in the bony scale of a Fish (the Lepi- dosteus) ; which is al- most the only existing representative of a large class of bony-scaled Fishes, that formerly tenanted the seas. This subject is selected on account of the peculiar distinctness with which these elementary parts are shown ; and the entire absence of any of that more complex arrangement, caused by the penetration of blood- vessels, which we shall presently have to describe. 280. The lacunae of the solid osseous texture are not unoccupied, however, in the living Bone. They are filled with a minute granular substance ; which is probably to be regarded (as first pointed out by Mr. J. Goodsir) in the light of a germinal spot or nutritive centre, STRUCTURE OF BONE. 175 that has the power of drawing to itself, through its own system of canaliculi, the nutritive materials supplied by the blood-vessels on the nearest surface, and of diffusing these through the surrounding substance. Between the blood-vessels and the surface of the bony lamella, however, there is a layer of cells ; which are probably the immediate agents in the selection and elaboration of the nutritive matter, and which then deliver it to betaken up by the canaliculi. — Thus the nutrition of the ultimate osseous texture is carried on upon the same plan with that of Cartilage ; being effected by the imbibition of nutrient matter from the surface, through the agency of cells. But it differs in this ; — that there is a provision in Bone for the ready transmission of nutrient matter through its texture, by means of minute channels, which does not exist in Cartilage ; — a difference obviously required by the greater solidity of the substance of the former, which does not allow of the diffused imbibition, that is permitted by the softer and moister nature of the latter. We shall presently find that they are only formed at a late stage of the development of bone, when the remaining tissue has acquired its completest consolidation. 281. Now, as already remarked, the simple structure just described is found, not merely in the delicate plates which form the thinnest part of certain bones in Man ; but also in those lamellae, which form the walls of the cancelli of the larger and thicker bones. Every one of these lamellae repeats, in fact, the same history. The cancelli are lined by a membrane derived from that of the cavity of the shaft, over which blood-vessels are minutely distributed ; between these blood-vessels and the osseous texture, is a layer of cells ; and from the materials selected and communicated by these, each lamella is nourished, through its system of radiating canaliculi and nutritive centres. The cancelli, at the time of their formation in the f