BIOLOGY /- G ;^/^/-^4 ._<&- /, PTEROPHORID.E OP CALIFORNIA AND OREGON. BY THOMAS, LOKD WALSINGHAM. LONDON: JOHN VAN VOORST, PATERNOSTER ROW. MDCCCLXXX. BIOLOGY UBRARY FLAMMAM. PRINTED BY TAYLOE AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. MAIN OCFT. PREFACE. THE object of this pamphlet is to make known several new species of Pterophoridse occurring in California and Oregon, some of which may probably have also a wider distribution. The types are at present in my own collection, where they will always be at the service of any entomologists who may be engaged in the study of this group of insects on this side of the Atlantic ; and I have given duplicates of nearly all the species here described to a friend in America, by whose known courtesy I feel sure that they will there be made available, in the interests of science, to all who may wish to see them. WALSINGHAM. 562S5? INTRODUCTION. IN the course of a sporting-expedition through California and Oregon, extending from the middle of May 1871 to the end of June 1872, I devoted much time to collecting Lepidoptera. With the exception of about four months spent in winter-quarters, in a log hut on the site of old Camp Watson, about sixty miles from Canyon City, all my time was passed in open camp, which gave me excep- tional opportunities of collecting at all hours ; and as my outfit was purposely adapted to the requirements of a vagrant entomologist, as well as to those of a sportsman, I was able, with the help of my energetic vi INTKODUCTION. assistant Thomas Eedle, to capture and set a great number of specimens nearly every day, and to bring them to Europe in the best possible condition. One large tin case, divided into about seventy partitions, was exclusively devoted to the rearing of Microlepidoptera from their earlier stages, in as many wide-mouthed glass bottles, which were corked or covered with wire gauze, according to the circum- stances of each particular case; but, although this enabled me to ascertain the food-plants of many interesting species, I unfortunately omitted to make any sufficient descriptions or to preserve specimens of the larvae. The numerous species of Pterophoridae forming so great a proportion in the rich results of this expedi- tion prove that that group is strongly represented in the Western States, and that the close resemblance to European forms, which has so often been mentioned by different writers as one of the characteristics of the Lepidopterous Fauna of Western North America, is here fully maintained. INTRODUCTION. vii The manner in which my journey was performed has brought into some prominence the very interesting but perplexing question of the value of apparently specific differences. In consequence of my changing the collecting-ground every two or three days, with a few exceptions, throughout the season, by short marches of from fifteen to thirty miles a day (moving northwards in the summer of 1871 and southwards in the spring of 1872), I was enabled to acquire a consi- derable series of specimens of several species, ranging perhaps, in some instances, over 100 or 150 miles of country, exhibiting almost imperceptibly gradual but extensive variation both in size and colour. In one or two notable instances the range of this variation would seem to include two or even three different forms, which, if they had been found without their niter- mediate connecting-links, would certainly have been considered distinct species ; and even after a careful comparison of an extended series, it must still remain, in some cases, an open question whether they are or are not entitled to specific rank. In the genera Amblyptilns, Hiibner, (Edemato- viii INTKODUCTION. phorus, Wallengren, and even in Lioptilus, Hiibner, this difficulty especially presents itself. The Californian and Oregonian specimens of Am- blyptilus certainly include examples which correspond precisely with European specimens of A. acantho- dactylus and A. cosmodactylus respectively ; and Prof. Zeller informs me that he has bred these two forms in Europe from larvae feeding on the same plants of Aquilegia and Geranium pratense, but that he omitted to take the necessary pains to make out their characters in the larval stage. My specimens of the genus (Edematophorus^ vary- ing in size and colour between the two extreme forms represented by those hereinafter described as CE. grisescens and (E. guttatus, include several varieties showing a gradual approximation in opposite direc- tions to the intermediate species known as (E. creti- dactylus, Fitch; and some of these can scarcely be distinguished from the European (E. lithodactylus, Treitschke; yet if this last species is not to be confounded with cretidactylus (and it has certainly INTRODUCTION. ix some distinguishing characters, which have been care- fully pointed out by Prof. Zeller, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, xxiv. p. 444), the two previously mentioned must be even more clearly entitled to claim specific recognition. Under the name of (Edematophorus occidentals I have ventured to include the two very different varieties figured in Plate II. figs. 13, 14, partly on the evidence afforded by a series of eight specimens obtained on Mt. Shasta in August, which do not vary among themselves, but appear to be exactly equidistant between them, and partly because I have other specimens from neighbouring localities which are again intermediate in both directions between the Shasta specimens and the two which have been selected for illustration. Again, in the genus Lioptilus, the two varieties of L. homodactylus, Walker, would have been suffi- ciently distinguished from each other by the difference in the colour of their heads ; but an intermediate shade of colour is observable in the heads of some x INTEODUCTION. specimens, which are also apparently intermediate between them in other particulars. The time will come when a careful and minute study of these insects in their different stages of development will throw more light upon the subject, and will probably lead to some useful revision of their synonymy ; but it is difficult to foresee whether such a revision will tend to increase or to diminish the number of determined species in such genera as those above referred to. Very few species of Pterophoridse have up to the present time been recorded from North-west America. Three were described by Mr. Packard in 1873, in the 'Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History, New York,' vol. x. p. 266 &c., from California. Of these the first, Pterophorus perymcilidactylus, is the well-known Pterophorus monodactylus of Linne, as pointed out by Prof. Zeller (Verb. z.-b. Ges. Wien, xxv. p. 266). The second, Pterophorus sulphureodactyhis, belongs INTKODUCTIOK xi to the genus Lioptilus, Wallengren, and is re- described and figured in this pamphlet. The third, Pterophorus cervinidactylus, to judge from Mr. Packard's description, may probably be found to be identical with the somewhat variable and widely distributed Platyptilus bertrami, a Texan variety of which has been described by Prof. Zeller (Stett. ent. Zeit. 1867, p. 333) under the name of P. bischoffii. Mr. Walker (Cat. Lep. Het. xxx. p. 940) described Pterophorus homodactylus from Vancouver's Island ; and Prof. Zeller (Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, xxiv. pp. 444, 445) records (Edematophorus cretidactylus, Fitch, and describes Lioptihis mattlmvianus, both also from Vancouver's Island. With these exceptions I am not aware of any Pterophoridse having been alluded to by entomo- logical authors as occurring in North-west America. In this pamphlet I have described several new species, giving figures of each ; and have given xii INTRODUCTION. figures also of such known species as were met with in the course of my expedition. Three species are figured here which do not, so far as I am aware, occur in California or Oregon. Of these, two Lioptilus paleaceus, Zell., and Oxyptilus periscelidactylus, Fitch are given for convenience of comparison with some of their near allies ; the other, Platyptilus petrodactylus, Walk., to enable those who have not access to Mr. Walker's types to become acquainted, through this pamphlet, with all the three North-American Pterophoridse which he has described. The arrangement followed here is that of Herr Pastor Wallengren, as explained in his ' Skandi- naviens Fjadermott,' published in 1859 (K. Vetensk.- Akad. Handlingar, B. iii.), of which Prof. Zeller has given an abs tract in the ' Stettiner ent. Zeitung ' for 1867, and of which the Latin diagnoses have been translated by Dr. R. C. E. Jordan in a very useful paper in the ' Entomologist's Monthly Magazine,' nos. 65, 66, 67, for the months of October, November, and December of the year 1869. INTRODUCTION. xiii The genera Platyptilus, Amblyptilus, and Aciptihts, first characterized by Hiibner (Verz. pp. 429, 430), were originally spelt Platyptilia, Amblyptilia, and Aciptilia. I have followed Wallengren in adopting the termination suggested by Zeller (Isis, 1841, pp. 768-770), and in quoting Hiibner as the authority for the sense in which they are used. Dr. Jordan and Mr. Stainton both agree in re- ferring the genus Chrysocorys, Hiibn., to the Ptero- phoridre rather than to the Tineidse, and I have followed those authors in including it here. I cannot hope that this contribution to the history of the North-American Pterophoridse will be even nearly as useful as at one time I hoped and in- tended it to be ; for instead of continuing to acquire specimens of this group of insects, and to study them whilst the recollection of those which I had seen in American collections was fresh in my mind, owing to a variety of other occupations withdrawing my attention from the subject, I laid aside in 1873 (about a year after my return to England) all the material, xiv INTRODUCTION. with the steel plates which had been prepared by the late Mr. E. W. Robinson to illustrate it, and have found myself at great disadvantage in taking it up again after such a lapse of time. The plates them- selves had become rusted, and could only be utilized by printing first on stone, instead of working direct from the steel ; this has impaired the clearness of the delicate outlines in some cases, but I trust that in the colouring this will be found to have been remedied. Whilst rendering my grateful acknowledgment to Prof. P.- C. Zeller for his kind and courteous replies to numerous queries which I have addressed to him, and for the great assistance I have derived from them, I must crave indulgence for many and serious shortcomings in this humble attempt to add to the knowledge of a somewhat difficult group of insects. WALSINGHAM. April 26th, 1880. XV SYSTEMATIC INDEX, CHRYSOCORYS, Curtis. festaliella, Huln., PL I. fig. 1, p. 1. felicella, Wlsm., PL L figs. 2, 2a, 2b, p. 2. PLATYPTILUS, bertrami, Rossi, PL I. fig. 3, p. 3. adustus, Wlsm., PI. I. fig. 4, p. 5. grandis, TFkm., PL I. fig. 5, p. 6. cardui, Zell., PL I. fig. 6, p. 7. percnodactylus, Wlsm., PL I. fig. 7, p. 8. albidus, Wlsm., PL I. fig. 8, p. 10. orthocarpi, Wlsm., PL I. fig. 9, p. 11. albidorsellus, Wlsm., PL I. fig. 10, p. 13. shastse, Wlsm., PL I. fig. 11, p. 14. fragilis, Wlsm., PL I. fig. 12, p. 16. albiciliatus, Wlsm., PL I. fig. 13, p. 17. modestus, Wlsm., PL I. fig. 14, p. 18. petrodactylus, Walk., PL II. fig. 15, p. 20. AMBLYPTILUS, Hubner. pica, Wlsm., PL II. fig. 1, p. 21. cosmodactylus, Hiibn., PL II. figs. 2-4, p. 23. OXYPTILUS, Zeller. periscelidactylus, Fitch, PL II. fig. 5, p. 25. ningoris, Wlsm., PL II. fig. 6, p. 26. delawaricus, Zell., PL II. fig. 7, p. 29. nigrocUiatus. Z Z. (Verb. z.-b. LIOPTILUS. 53 Ges. Wien, xxiv. p. 445) ; on the right anterior wings it has also two dots." Mr. Chambers's description of Pterophorus lacteodactylus, Can. Ent. v. p. 72, is so meagre that it is impossible to determine even that it must have belonged to the genus Lioptilus. Lioptilus subochraceus, sp. nov. (PLATE in. FIG. 10.) Capite albido, cervice brunnea ; palpis bremssimis. Alis anticis subochraceo-albidis, apud costam post mediam ferrugineo oblique leviter adumbratis ; postids stramineis. Tibiis albidis. Head whitish above ; the face and neck brownish ; the palpi very short, not projecting as far as the front of the head ; antennse whitish ochreous, with the basal joint brown. Fore wings pale subochreous, without spots or markings, except a rather oblique delicate fer- ruginous shade above the base of the fissure, reaching the costa before the apex ; the cilia about the dorsal margin of the second lobe are slightly tinged with brownish. Hind wings very pale brownish straw-colour. The legs whitish. Expanse 28 millims. Three specimens, 6 and $, Lake County, Cali- fornia. June 19th, 1871. 54 LIOPTILUS. Lioptilus helianthi, sp. nov. (PLATE III. FIG. 11.) Capite albido ; antennis albidis brunneo supra punc- tails ; palpis brunneis. Alls anticis lacteis, apud costam brunneo atomosis, punctis duobus utrinque apud basim fissurce brun- neis liturce cost all brunnece subjacentibus, ciliis apicalibus brunneis apud angulnm analem cine- reis ; posticis dilutissime cinereis, ciliis cinereis. Abdomine et tibiis lacteis. Head and thorax white ; palpi brownish ; antennae white, dotted on their upperside with brown. Fore wings rather creamy white, dusted along the costal margin with brown scales ; a brown spot before the base of the fissure and slightly beneath it ; a second brown spot above the base of the fissure, and above this a brown shade on the costa. The apex of each lobe is dusted with brown scales, and there is a faint indication of two or three brown spots in the margin of the anterior lobe one at the extreme apex, one, very small, on the costa, and one, rather nearer to the apex, on the apical margin. The cilia are brown, except within the fissure, where they are whitish, and about the undefined anal angle, where they are pale cinereous. The hind wings are very pale cinereous ; the fringes LIOPTILUS. 55 slightly darker, especially about the ends of the two anterior lobes. Abdomen whitish. Legs whitish, dotted between the spurs, on the under- side only, with dark brown. Expanse 24 millims. Seven specimens bred from larvae found feeding on a species of Helianthus, on the Siskiyou Mountains at the southern extremity of Oregon, in June 1872. The species approaches the European L. lienigianus, but is very distinct. Lioptilus ? parvns, sp. nov. (PLATE III. Fie. 12.) Parvus. Capite griseo-albido ; palpis porrectis capite bis Ion- gioribus, acuminatis ; antennis pubescentibus gri- seis. Alls anticis cinereo-griseis fusco adumbratis, lacinia anterior e subochracea, costa supra fissuram pal- Udiore, ciliis griseis fusco punctatis ; posticis ci nereis. Abdomine et tibiis posticis griseo-albidis. Head greyish white, a scarcely paler frontal tuft pro- jecting slightly above the long, well-clothed, but sharply-pointed palpi, which are about twice the length of the head ; antennae pubescent, greyish. 56 LIOPTIL1TS. Fore wings cleft to scarcely one third of their length, with no posterior angle to the upper lobe, which is rather narrow, acuminate, and depressed at the apex, dusty greyish, sprinkled with fuscous scales, which form an elongate shade extending from an ill-defined antemedian fuscous dot to the base of the anterior and to the apex of the posterior lobe; a small fuscous dot lies imme- diately before and slightly below the base of the fissure ; there is a slight fuscous shade along the posterior margin of the upper lobe, of which the costal portion is rather pale ochreous ; the costa itself whitish. The cilia along the apical margin of both lobes are greyish, spotted along their base with four or five groups of fuscous scales, of which one is at the extreme apex of the upper lobe. The anal angle appears to be slightly more defined in the second lobe of the fore wings, and the fissure rather wider at the base than is usual in this genus. Hind wings cinereous. Abdomen greyish white ; the legs whitish, the first two pairs touched at the sides with greyish fus- cous. The first pair of spurs on the hinder tibiae are unequal in length ; the second pair equal to the longest of the other two. Expanse 15 millims. I met with one female only of this very dis- tinct little species near Mt. Shasta, California, at the end of July 1871. It differs in its palpi from the ACIPTILUS. 57 genus Lioptilus, but does not agree in its remaining characters with any other genus of the Pterophoridae. In the absence of a defined posterior angle to the upper lobe of the fore wings it is not unlike Mime- seoptilus phoeodactylus, Hiibn., of which Dr. Jordan (Ent. Month. Mag. 1869, p. 124) writes : "phceodac- tylus certainly does not belong to this group" (the Mimeseoptili) " nor to any of the Swedish genera ; " "its position is well indicated in Staudinger's list, between the Oxyptili and Mimeseoptili ; " but that insect has quite different palpi ; moreover, it has the upper lobe of the fore wings thicker, less acuminate, and less depressed at the apex than in the species above described. It may possibly become the type of a new genus when the North-American representatives of this family have been more completely studied; but 1 shall not venture to found one upon the single specimen now before me. ACIPTILUS, Hub.ier. Aciptilus cinerascens, sp. nov. (PLATE III. FIG. 13.) Capite et antennis pubescentibus, subochmceis. Alis anticis dilute subochraceis cinereo-brunneo creber- 58 ACIPTILUS. rime atomosis, lituris (una ante fissuram, duabus in costa lacinice anterioris) cinereo-brunneis, ciliis apicalibus brunneis, aliis dilutioribus ; posticis dilute cinereis. Tibiis albidis. Head subochreous ; palpi very short ; antennae pubescent, very pale subochreous. The thorax of the same colour as the head, except in front, where it is slightly paler, almost whitish. Fore wings cleft to nearly half their length, very pale subochreous, profusely dusted, except on the pos- terior lobe beneath the fissure, with cinereous brown, forming a blotch before the base of the fissure ; an indistinct subcostal spot before the middle, and two small costal blotches on the anterior lobe above the fissure. The cilia below the apex of the anterior lobe are dark brown, as well as those on the opposite side of the fissure at the apex of the second lobe ; the cilia within the fissure are pale subochreous, slightly tinged with brown at the obsolete anal angle and along the dorsal margin. Hind wings and cilia pale cinereous ; underside pale brownish. Abdomen pale subochreous. Legs whitish, the first two pairs tinged on the inner sides with brown. Expanse 19 millims. ACIPTILUS. 59 Several specimens taken, from the middle to the end of June 1871, in Mendocino and Lake Counties, California. The species has much the appearance of Lioptilus lienigianiis, Zell. ; but the second lobe of the hind wings is decidedly narrower, the fissure being longer, and the spurs of the posterior tibiae shorter and of more equal length. It is more nearly allied to L. inulce, Zell., for specimens of which I am indebted to the kindness of Prof. Zeller. Aciptilus montanus, sp. nov. (PLATE III. FIG. 14.) Capite niveo, antennis supra dilute punctatis. Alis anticis niveis, ferrugineo sparse atomosis, litura ante fissuram ferruginea, cum lituris costalibus lacinice anterioris similibus connexa, ciliis niveis (ciliis extremis subapicalibus exceptis ferrugineis), lacinice posterioris dimidio externo costali et ciliis subapicalibus ferrugineis, aliis niveis; posticis cinereo atomosis, lacinia tertia dilutiore. Abdomine et tibiis niveis. Head white; antennae white, faintly dotted above with brownish. Fore wings cleft to nearly half their length, snow- white, sparsely dusted with ferruginous-brown 60 ACIPTILUS. scales, especially towards the costa; a blotch of these lies immediately before the base of the fissure, and is connected obliquely with a similar or rather darker blotch on the costa above it, which is scarcely separated from another costal blotch beyond it, nearer to the apex. The cilia are white, except immediately beneath the ex- treme apex, where they are dark ferruginous brown. The outer half of the costal margin of the second lobe is dark ferruginous brown, and this colour runs thence through the cilia imme- diately beneath the extreme apex of this lobe ; all the remaining cilia are snow-white. Posterior wings dusted with cinereous brown ; the cilia of the same colour, the third lobe only being slightly paler towards the base. The abdomen and legs snow-white, the two anterior pairs tinged with brown on their inner sides. Expanse 16 inillims. This species occurred in some abundance at and near Mount Shasta, California, in August 1871. Aciptilus? californicus, sp. nov. (PLATE II. FlG. 9.) Capite dilute brunneo, palpis albidis brunneo striatis. Alis anticis dilute brunneis, lacinia anteriore albo bimaculata ciliis costalibus albis, dorsalibus fuscis ACIPTILUS. 61 puncto ante apicem nigro, lacinia secunda ciliis costalibus fuscescentibuS) dorsalibus albo et fusco alternates, nigro ante apicem punctatis ; posticis dilute brunneis, digit i tertii margine dorsali trian- gulum nigrum ab apice aliquot remotum gerente, ciliis albo bistriatis. Head pale brown, with a few elevated scales above the eyes ; the palpi whitish, marked with brown, projecting about the length of the head beyond it ; antennse slightly pubescent, faintly dotted with fuscous and whitish. Thorax pale brown. Fore wings cleft to the middle, pale brown, the ante- rior lobe touched before and beyond the middle with white ; the costa also white above the first white blotch and beyond the second to the apex, the second lobe having only a few white scales on its surface, but with the cilia on the dorsal margin alternated with white and fuscous, and having a small black dot before the apex. The cilia within the fissure are fuscous, with a small black dot before the apex of the anterior lobe. Hind wings pale brown, with brownish-fuscous cilia, the third lobe having a triangular tooth-like projection of blackish scales about one third from the apex. The cilia brownish fuscous, with an indistinct pale line along their base, ending in a white dash before the projecting triangle ; they are white also at the extreme apex. 62 TRICHOPTILUS. Abdomen brown, with three pairs of slender, diverg- ing, whitish streaks. Legs brown, striped and annulated with white ; the spurs white. Expanse 17 millims. Met with in Mendocino, Colusa, and Shasta Counties, California, June and July 1871. It differs from the ordinary form of the genus Aciptilus in having a tuft of projecting scales in the fringes of the third lobe of the hind wings, and in this it approaches the new genus hereinafter cha- racterized under the name of Trichoptilus ; but the projecting scales in this species are nearer to the apex, and the fore wings are less deeply cleft. Its nearest European ally is probably A. siceliota, Zell. (Isis, 1847, p. 907). TRICHOPTILUS, gen. nov. Aciptilo affinis. Antennce pubescentes, articulo basalt incrassato; floccus front alls nullus. Palpi capite longiores, tenues, articulo secundo vix fortiore guam apicalis. Pedes sat robusti. Tibice posticce nodis duobus penicillo supra ornatis ; calcaribus primis poene paribm, secundis brevi- oribus. TftlCHOPTILUS. 63 Alee anticce ultra medium fissoe ; lacinice perangustce, diversce ; angulus analis obsoletus. Alarum pos- ticarum digiti tres filiformes, tertio paulo post medium squamis projectis ornato. Antennae pubescent; palpi projecting beyond the head, slender, acuminate, the second joint scarcely thicker than the apical joint and about the same length. The legs fairly stout. The posterior tibiae thickened at the base of the spurs, and ornamented above them with erect brush-like tufts of scales; the first pair of spurs of nearly equal length, the second pair equal and shorter. Fore wings cleft to slightly beyond their middle ; the lobes very slender, diverging ; the anal angle not defined. Posterior wings with the upper cleft reaching within one fourth of their base, the lower cleft nearly reaching the base ; all the lobes very slender, almost filiform, the third being adorned with a projecting tooth of scales very slightly beyond the middle of its hinder margin. The cleft of the fore wings is deeper and the tuft of scales on the third lobe of the hind wings is situ- ated nearer to the base than in any genus with which I am acquainted. It approaches the genus Aciptilus in its narrow lobes and in the absence of a defined anal angle. 64 THICHOPTILUS. Trichoptilus pygmseus, sp. nov. (PLATE III. Em. 15.) Minimus. Alis antitis dilutissime cervinis fusco-brunneo atomosis, laciniis perangustis cum ciliis albo bistrigatis, squamis fusco-brunneis in basi ciliorum irroratis et dentatis ; posticis dilute brunneis, ciliis cinereis albo alternatis, digito tertio pallidiore^ margine dorsali paulo post medium fusco squamato, ciliis apicalibus albis. Tibiis posticis albis, cervino supra maculatis et punc- tatis, calcaribus albis. Very small and slender. The head pale fawn-colour, with some erect scales above and behind the eyes ; antennas slightly pubescent, spotted alternately with fawn-brown and white above ; the palpi projecting nearly the length of the head beyond it, whitish, touched with pale fawn-colour. Fore wings cleft slightly more than half their length, very pale fawn-colour, dusted with fuscous-brown scales along the costa, especially above the base of the fissure, also towards the base of the dorsal margin. The two slender lobes diverge considerably, and are barred before and beyond their middles more or less distinctly with white, TKICHOPTILUS. 65 which extends through the otherwise pale fawn- coloured cilia on both sides ; along the base of these intermediate fawn-coloured cilia are some scattered fuscous-brown scales, two darker tooth- like projections almost fuscous appearing on the dorsal margin of the second lobe. Hind wings pale greyish brown ; the cilia cinereous, interrupted with white behind and at the points of the lobes. The third segment has long cine- reous cilia, interrupted with white at the apex ; slightly beyond the middle of its dorsal margin is a very small square projecting tooth of fuscous scales, preceded by a scarcely conspicuous white dash in the cilia. The legs are white, dotted and barred above with fawn-brown; the spurs white, the joints above them being thickly clothed with fawn-brown scales, from amongst which project some few almost erect white ones. Abdomen whitish, faintly touched with pale fawn- colour at the sides and above posteriorly. Expanse scarcely 10 millims. This is probably the smallest known species of the Pterophoridse. I took three specimens near Millville, in Shasta County, California, on the llth of July, 1871. 66 ALUCITA. ALUCITA, Zell,r. Alucita hexadactyla, Linn. (PLATE III. FIG. 16.) Alucita tiexadactyla, Linn., Wocke, Cat. 3211. This species occurred in May and June 1871 in Mendocino County, California, and again in May 1872 on Rouge River, in Southern Oregon, the specimens being to all appearance undistinguishable from European examples. PLATE I. Fig. 1. Chrysocorys festaliella, Hubn. 2. 2a,2b. Chrysocorys felicella, Wlsm. 3. Platyptilus bertrami, Rossi. 4. adustus, Wlsm. 5. grandis, Wlsm. 6. - - cardui, Zell. 7. percnodactylus, Wlsm. 8. - - albidus, Wlsm. 9. orthocarpi, Wlsm. 10. albidorsellus, Wlsm. 11. shastsej Wlsm. 12. - - fragilis, Wlsm. 13. albiciliatus, Wlsm. 14. modestus, Wlsm. w I I _ ^^^> /UA::V *^ PLATE II. Fig. 1. Amblyptilus pica, Wlsm. 2, 3, 4. Amblyptilus cosmodactylus, Hubn. 5. Oxyptilus periscelidactylus, Fitch. 6. ningoris, Wlsm. 7. delawaricus, ZelL 8. nigrociliatus, ZelL 9. Aciptilus californicus, Wlsm. 10. Mimeseoptilus exclamationis, Wlsm. 11. (Edematophorus grisescens, Wlsm. 12. guttatus, Wlsm. 13. 14. (Edematophorus occidentals, Wlsm. 15. Platyptilus petrodactylus, Walk. 16. Pterophorus monodactylus, Linn. ft - A PLATE III. Fig. 1. Pterophorus monodactylus, Linn., var. 2. Lioptilus paleaceus, Zell. 3. stramineus, Wlsm. 4. angustus, Wlsm. 5. inconditus, Wlsm. 6. agraphodactylus, Walk. 7. - - sulphureus, Wlsm. 8. 9. Lioptilus homodactylus, Walk. 10. Lioptilus subochraceus, Wlsm. 11. - -helianthi, Wlsm. 12. parvus, Wlsm. 13. Aciptilus cinerascens, Wlsm. 14. montanus, Wlsm. 15. Trichoptilus pygmseus, Wlsm. 16. Alucita hexadactyla^ Linn. 1 ~.-_._.__,-\.^_ 1 ^ I ^i W*T A ^ . , . /-^v- _ / -^ ':V '-';. ?.-;.. ':. / V THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 5O CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. MAR 9 1933 MAR 23 1933 |? MAY' 1 1933 NOV 21 1933 DEC 7 1937 AUG 4 1966 INT LOAN ML I 1966 yy LD 21-50m-l,' UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY