GIFT OF CATALOGUE OF 1905 FOE THE EQUINOX 1865-0 FROM OBSERVATIONS MADE AT THE ItOYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, \ \ DURING THE YEARS 1861 TO 1870, UNDER THE DIRECTION OP SIR THOMAS MACLEAR, KNT., F.R.S., HKR MAJESTY'S ASTRONOMER AT THE CAPE. REDUCED AND PUBLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF DAVID GILL, C,B,, LLD,, F.K.S,, Hon. F,K,S, Ed., &c. HER MAJESTY'S ASTRONOMER AT THE CAPE. PUBLISHED BY OEDER OF THE LORDS COMMISSIONERS OP THE ADMIRALTY OBEDIENCE TO HER MAJESTY'S COMMAND. LONDON: PRINTED FOR HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, BY EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODB, PRINTERS TO THE QUKEN's MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. And to be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from EYRE & SPOTTISWOODE, EAST HARDING STREET, FLEET STREET, B.C. ; or JOHN MENZIBS & Co., 12, HANOVER STREET, EDINBURGH, and 90, WEST NILE STREET, GLASGOW; or HODGES. TIGGIS, & Co., LIMITED, 104, GRAFTON STREET, DUBLIN. 1890. Price Four Shillings. Astron. Dept. *-0 ONOMY BSFT, P R E F A E. THE publication of this Catalogue marks an epoch in the history of the Observatory. For the first time in that history the Director can feel that the accumulated labours of his predecessors are available for the use of Astronomers, and that the work being done under his own direction is in a healthy and forward state of reduction and publication. How heavily the load of arrears pressed upon my predecessor is evidenced by his remarks in the introduction to the Cape Catalogue for i8oo : "When I assumed the Directorship in 1870, I found myself, with a very limited staif, unexpectedly confronted with the results of 36 years of miscellaneous observing in all stages of reduction, nothing completed, and nothing which could be brought forward for publication and use without a very considerable expenditure of time and skilled labour." Astronomers are greatly indebted to Mr. Stone for the energy ami determination with which he faced the odds against him, and for tho manner in which he cleared off a large share of these arrears by his publication of the Catalogues for 1840 and 1860. Together with the discouragement and vexation which the existence of such arrears gives to an Astronomer who is desirous of pushing forward investigations in which he is more immediately interested, there must also be the feeling that every increase in the delay of publication means a hindrance to the progress of science. How serious those hindrances have been will be evident from the following table, which shows the dates at which the various series of Cape Meridian Observations, made previous to 1870, were published in the form of Star Catalogues : Delay in Astronomer under Period Name of Publication whose Direction the covered by Date of Astronomer after Com- Observations were the Observa- Publication. by whom pletion of made. tions. Published. the Observa- tions. Fallows - 1829-31 1851 Airy - 20 years. Henderson 1832-33 fR.A. 1844 IDec. 1837 i Henderson {": Maclcar - - 1834-40 1878 Stone 38 Maclear 1843-48 1866 Maclear 18 Maclear - 1849-52 1885 Gill - 33 M aclear 1856-60 J873 Stone 13 Maclear - 1861-70 1899 Gill - 29 ,, r.oo. i / 1 ooo. Wr. 9:>f>i . E. & s, 701151 a 2 11 Xo blame can be attached to the earlier Cape Astronomers for these delays. Their official instructions were to carry on the same work as at Greenwich, but it did not apparently occur to the authorities at home that a similar staff to that at Greenwich was required for its regular reduction and publication. There was no Board of Visitors, as at Greenwich, to support the demands of the Astronomer for adequate assistance, and his requests were too often treated with coldness and neglect. Fortunately i\ more enlightened spirit now prevails, and it is due to the wise liberality of the Admiralty, and to the devotion of his staff, that H.M. Astronomer is now able to report that the arrears of publication of the Cape Meridian Observations no longer exist. The services of Mr. J. Power are specially noteworthy in connection with the preparation of the present work for press. Ill INTRODUCTION TO THE CAPE CATALOGUE, 1865. This Catalogue of 1,905 Stars is based on observations made with the Cape Transit-Circle under the direction of Sir Thomas Maclear during the years 1861, '62, '63, '64, J 6j, '66, '67, '68, '69, and part of the year 1870. The Eight Ascensions and Declinations of the Catalogue are given for the Mean Epoch of Observation, reduced without Proper Motion to the Equinox 1 865 o. The Royal Observatory at the Cape of Good Hope was established by an Order in Council dated 1820, October 20, but it was not until 1829 that the buildings and instruments were erected and regular observing was commenced. The Reverend Fearon Fallows, who had supervised the work and waited patiently through years of worry and delay for an opportunity to realize the hopes which had brought him to the Cape, lost his excellent assistant Captain Ronald in 1830. He struggled on as best he could with his wife's aid through many difficulties and under much discouragement, and died in July 1831, at the age 01*43. Fallows' observations, 1829-31, were finally reduced under Airy's direction, and published in 1851. (Mem. R.A.S., Vol. XIX.) Henderson succeeded Fallows, but was driven by the discomforts of his position and the want of adequate assistance to resign the appointment in 1833, after occupying his post for little more than a year. The valuable observations obtained during that short period were reduced by him in Edinburgh. In 1837 he published the Mean Declinations of 172 stars (Mem. R.A.S., Vol. X.), and in 1844 the Right Ascensions of 174 stars derived from observations made by himself and his only assistant, Lieutenant Meadows, in 1832-33 (Mem. R.A.S., Vol. XV.). Henderson's brief tenure of office at the Cape will ever be memorable from the fact that he obtained from his observations of Centauri the first reliable evidence of the parallax of any fixed star. Mr. (afterwards Sir Thomas) Maclear, succeeded Henderson in 1834, and during the 36 years of his directorate (1834 to 1870) great stores of Meridian Observations were accumulated, but his work on the Arc of Meridian, and the weakness of his staff, did not permit him to complete the reduction. The observations with the Transit Instrument IV and Mural Circle 1834 to 1840 had, however, been nearly completed by him, and the results were finally revised and published in 1878, under the direction of his successor, Mr. E. J. Stone, in form of the Cape Catalogue of 2,892 Stars for the Equinox 1840. In 1841 Maclear commenced the field work of his "Verification and extension of Lacaille's Arc of Meridian," and until its termination in 1848 the Meridian work of the Observatory was necessarily limited in extent, being chiefly confined to the determination of time and the observation of stars with the Zenith Sector in connection with Geodetic operations. The results of his observations with the Zenith Sector, 1843-48, were published by him in 1866 (Verification and Extension of Lacaille's Arc of Meridian, Vol. II.). Maclear's immediate object in the arrangement of the observations from 1849 was to observe all stars of the British Association Catalogue South of the Equator, and a great deal of time was spent in endeavours to reconcile the observations of Lacaille and others with his own recent determinations. Many interesting discussions on this subject are printed in the Memoirs of the R.A.S., Vol. XX., but apart from this the reductions were left by Maclear in a very incomplete state. Some further work towards their reduction was done as opportunity offered during the period of Mr. Stone's directorate, 1870-79. The work was finally completed, and the results prepared for press, under the direction of the writer ; it was published in 1885 as the Cape Catalogue of 4,810 Stars for the Equinox 1850, from observations made during the years 1849 to J ^5 2< During 1853-54 and '55 regular observing, except for time, &c., was discontinued, the staff being probably chiefly occupied with computations connected with the Arc of Meridian and with preparations for the erection of the new Transit Circle. Regular observing with the new Transit-Circle was begun in 1856, and the reduction of the observations of that and the four succeeding years was finally completed by Mr. Stone, and published by him in 1873, under the title of the Cape Catalogue of 11^9 Stars for the Equinox 1860. Mr. Stone also published in separate form the results of the annual observations for 1856, '57, '58, '59, and '60. There remained for reduction the observations made during the years 1861-70, both inclusive, but it was not until the policy was adopted, in 1892, of suspending all meridian observing during that and the following year, to allow arrears of reduction to be overtaken, and a subsequent increase of the Staff was granted, that it became possible to undertake this work. LIBRARY OF THE ASTRO v NOMiCAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC The annual results for the years 1861 to 1865 were published in 1897, those for 1866 'to 1870 are in the press, and should appear before this Catalogue. EXPLANATION OF THE SEPARATE COLUMNS OF THE CATALOGUE. Left-Hand Page. il No. " is the rotation number. An asterisk (*) attached to this number signifies that the star is one of the Fundamental Stars for the zones of Schonfeld's Durchmusterung (Ast. Nnch. 2890-91); a dagger (f), that the star is one of the Fundamental Stars for subsequent meridian observation of the zones of the Cape Durchmusterung. between 20 and 80 of South Declination (Auwers, Monthly Notices, R.A.S., Vol. XLVIT., pp. 455-473, and Ast. Nach. 3431-32). When a star not contained in one of the above-mentioned lists occurs in Auwers' Catalogues (Pub. de Astron, Gesellschaft, XIV. and XVII.), it is denoted by a double dagger (J). " Star's Name." For stars contained in Auwers' Bradley the nomenclature of that work has been retained, only substituting Argus or Puppis for Navis. For stars not in Auwers' Bradley the nomen- clature of Auwers' Fundamental Lists was adopted. For stars not contained in these lists between Declination 23 and the South Pole the nomenclature of the Argentine General Catalogue was employed, and for stars North of Declination 23 that of the B.A.C. The only exceptions to these rules are a very few close Circumpolar Stars, which are designated by letters long in use at the Cape. For stars otherwise unnamed the Catalogue number is referred to in the following order of preference : ( i .) Auwers' Bradley, referred to as Bradley. (2.) British Association Catalogue of Lacaille's Observations, referred to as Lacaille. (3.) The Hour and Number in Piazzi's Catalogue (Edition of 1814). (4.) Lalande's Catalogue, published by the British Association. (15.) The Hour and Number in Weisse's Catalogues of the Stars in Bessel's zones, the zones 15 to -f 15 being referred to as W.B., and the zones -f 15 to + 45 as W.B.(2). (6.) Brisbane's Catalogue. (7.) Gould's " Catalogo General Argentine," referred to as C.G.A. VI (8.) The Cape Catalogue of 1 2,44 1 Stars, referred to as Cape (1880). (9.) The Hour and Number in the Cordoba Zone Catalogue, referred to as C.Z. (10.) The Banner Durchmusterung , referred to as B.D. (u.) The Cape Photographic Durchmusterung, referred to as C.P.D. (12.) The Cordoba Durchmusterung, referred to as Cor. D. All notes respecting nomenclature are given on the left-hand page. "Mag." This column gives the magnitude of the star. Those magnitudes which are unmarked are taken from the Harvard Photo- metry or the Southern Meridian Photometry. Magnitudes marked * are taken from the C.G.A., C.Z., or Cor. D., those marked f from B.D., and those marked J from Cape observations. Where a doubt exists as to whether the " Mass " or one component of a double star was observed, an asterisk is inserted instead of the magnitude. The particulars respecting variable stars are from Chandler's Catalogue (Astron. Journal, No. 379), unless otherwise stated. "" Mean Date." The mean epoch of the observations in R.A. expressed in years from 1800. " No. of Obs." The number of observations in Bight Ascension. "Mean R.A. 1865*0." The formation of the Right Ascensions is explained on p. viii. ; the results here given refer to the mean epoch of observation and the Equinox 1 865 o. "Corr. for /xa to 1865*0." For the convenience of Astronomers who may desire to compare this Catalogue with others reduced to the Epoch and Equinox 1865*0, this column gives the correction to be applied on account of Proper Motion to the R.A. of the present Catalogue, to reduce the catalogue-place from the Epoch of Observation to the Epoch 1 865 * o. " Prec. i865 - o" The annual Precession in R.A., computed from the formula 3 s *o72i -f I s -3370 sin a tan 8. " Sec. Var." The Secular Variation, computed by the formula A + B tan 8 + C tan 2 S, where A = o 8 -00190 + o 8 '00650 sin 2 . B = o 9 ' 00057 s i n a H- o 9 * 02987 cos a. C = -f o s '01300 sin 2 a. Vll " Proper Motion, /^ a . J> Proper Motions without mark or note were taken from Auwers' determinations, the latest determination being preferred. Those taken from the Cape Catalogue, 1880, or the Kadcliffe Catalogue, 1890, are marked with an asterisk, those from the Cape Catalogue being given to 2 and 3 decimal places in R.A. and Dec. respectively, those from the Badcliffe Catalogue to 4 and 3 places. Those from other authorities are mentioned in notes on the right-hand page.. Right-Hand Page. " No." An asterisk attached to this number signifies that there is a foot-note referring to the star. " Mean Date." The mean epoch of observation expressed in years from 1865 'o. "No. of Obs." The number of Observations in Declination. "Mean Dec. 1865*0." The formation of the Declinations is fully explained pp. viii.-xiii. ; the results here given refer to the Mean Epoch of Observation and the Equinox 1865*0. " Corr. for fJL" 8 ' to 1865*0." This column gives the correction to be applied on account of Proper Motion to the Declination of the present Catalogue, in order to reduce the catalogue-place from the Mean Epoch of Observation to the Epoch 1865-0. "Prec. 1 865*0." The annual Precession in Declination computed by the formula 20" '0551 COS a. " Sec. Var. 1865-0 " The Secular Variation for 1865 * o computed by the formula : AHB 1 tan 5, where A 1 = - o"*oo86 cos a, o"'448o sin a. B 1 = o" * 1950 sin 2 a. " Proper Motion, ft s /' The annual Proper Motion in Declination. The authority for the adopted values is denoted in the same manner as for the Right Ascensions. " Bradley or Lacaille." This column gives the corresponding number in Auwers' " Neue Reduction der Bradleyschen Beobach- tungen" or that in the British Association Catalogue of Lacaille's Observations " Catalogue of 9,766 Stars in the Southern Hemi- sphere" When the star is in one of these Catalogues only, the Numera- tion or the Declination is sufficient to indicate to which of the two Vlll - catalogues it belongs ; when the star is in both catalogues the Kradley Number is given with an asterisk attached. The other columns of reference are sufficiently explained by their respective headings. RIGHT ASCENSIONS. The system of Right Ascension is that of Auwers' Fundamental Catalog fur die Zonen Beobachtungen am Nordlichen Himmel. . The lit of Clock Stars actually employed is given, p. viii. and ix. of the Cape Meridian Observations, 1861-65, together with the corrections required to be applied to the Right Ascensions given in the Nautical Almanacs for 1860 and 1870 to reduce to the places of Auwers' Catalogue. The Right Ascensions of Clock Stars have not been retained as determinations unless clock-error was obtained from at least five Fundamental Stars on the same day. DECLINATIONS. The Declinations given in the Annual Catalogues, 1861-70, were formed on the assumptions : 1. That the correction for instrumental flexure is o* // 26 sin Z.D. 2. That the refractions of Bessel's Tabulce Regiomontance require no correction. 3. That the Latitude is 33 56' 3" -20. Unfortunately the data for a rigorous determination of Latitude are both scanty and unsatisfactory. The thermometer employed was placed in a crib in the S.W. window of the Transit Room ; it was constructed by Dollond, had a large cylindrical bulb, and its graduations were engraved on an attached ivory scale. This thermometer was accidentally broken many years ago, and we have no certain knowledge of its calibration and index-errors. The situation of the crib, sur- rounded as it is by the heavy masonry of the walls, gives no true indication of the temperature of the air, and there are instances when thermometers in this crib indicate a temperature 10 F. different from that of the outer air. The number of Circumpolar Stars is also comparatively small, and the range of Declination is insufficient to afford data for discussing the general errors of the refractions. Assuming the Refractions of the Tabulae Reg., corresponding to the readings of the; crib-Dollond Thermometer, to represent the true refractions, we have the following corrections to the assumed Latitude -33 56' 3" -*o. IX OBSERVATIONS OF CIRCUMPOLAR STARS FOR LATITUDE. Declination. Above No. of Obs. No. minus Weight. Above Pole. Below Pole. Below. Above. Below. 1861. o / // // rt 16 -89 8 10-23 9-16 -1-07 i 2 2 23 -78 2 14-18 H'95 4-0-77 6 II 9 423 -75 8 53-77 54-32 + Q-55 2 2 3 727 -88 27 33-70 34-97 + 1-27 4 2 4 1047 89 2 7 '66 7-07 -0*59 3 I 3 '243 -87 34 10-39 i"43 + 0*04 9 5 8 1568 89 16 41-62 41-92 + 0-30 3 13 7 1720 -89 28 38-64 ! 39-86 + 1-22 7 10 9 1782 -86 40 7-62 8-41 + 0-79 2 4 4 1845 -88 14 36-23 : 36-77 + 0-54 2 ii 5 1862. 23 o / // -78 1 54-15 // 54-64 + 0-49 II IO 10 392 -81 53 15-53 '7-95 H-2'42 4 5 6 1419 -86 5 10-53 12-78 + 2-25 4 4 6 1782 -86 39 48-69 50-24 + 1-55 2 3 4 i4S -88 14 16-34 17-29 + 0-95 9 IO 10 1863. o / // // // 23 -78 I 32-90 34-43 + i'53 3 3 7 392 -81 53 7-81 io- 10 + 2-29 3 2 4 727 -88 27 57-01 58-23 + 1-22 10 3 6 1047 -89 2 46-17 48-13 + I'96 3 2 4 "43 -87 34 42-56 45'5' + 2-95 7 6 8 1419 -86 5 19-08 21-15 + 2*O7 2 2 3 1568 89 16 42-90 44-52 + 1-62 22 I 3 1720 -89 28 12-87 14-32 + i'45 6 *3 9 1740 -83 16 25-12 25-18 + 0-06 2 2 1782 -86 39 32-81 33-86 -t- i -05 4 5 6 '845 -88 13 56-77 59-80 + 3-03 4 5 6 OBSERVATIONS OF CIRCUMPOLAR STARS FOR LATITUDE continued. No. Declination. Above minus Below. No. of Obs. | Weight. Above Pole. Below Pole. Above. Below. 1864. / // // // 16 -89 7 8-78 10-37 + 1*59 3 3 5 23 -78 i 12-56 13-91 + i-35 2 5 16 12 392 -81 53 1-32 1-84 + 0-52 2 2 3 1047 -89 3 6-68 10-09 + 3'4 J 7 4 7 1243 -87 34 59-03 60-78 + i'75 7 6 8 1568 89 16 42*96 44'83 4-1-87 2 T 5 5 1720 -89 27 59-13 60-89 + 1-76 3 4 5 1782 -86 39 13-99 J 5'33 + !*34 2 i 2 i845 -88 13 38-96 38-75 0-21 7 17 IO 186^. / // // // 16 89 6 48^96 5o '33 + i'37 2 4 4 23 -78 o 52-23 54 '43 + 2-20 18 10 ii 392 -81 52 54-31 54 '40 + O-O9 3 2 4 498 -80 33 58-03 59'7 + 1-04 i I 2 727 -88 28 19-85 22-99 + 3'M 2 3 4 1047 89 3 26-41 28-63 + 2-22 5 2 4 1243 -87 35 !3-6i 17-07 + 3-46 4 3 ; 5 - 1311 84 o 18-42 19-64 + 1-22 i I 2 1419 -86 5 39-09 39-56 + 0- 4 7 i 3 3 1423 -78 35 8-38 9'95 + i-57 2 i 2 i54i -87 39 2-05 3'93 + 1-88 2 i 2 1568 -89 16 43-62 45^5 + 2-03 5 16 9 1680 -83 42 57-91 59-62 + 1-71 2 3 4 1685 -80 o 16-86 19-68 + 2-82 2 3 4 1720 89 27 46-02 48*20 + 2-18 5 5 7 i845 -88 13 16-99 19-20 + 2-21 6 9 8 XI OBSERVATIONS OP CIRCUMPOLAB STARS FOR LATITUDE continued. Declination. Above No. of Obs. No. Above Pole. Below Pole. minus Below. Above. Below. Weight. 1866. 16 o / // -89 6 30-51 // 30-83 n + 0-32 3 6 6 392 -81 52 46-59 46-78 + o- 19 i i 2 727 -88 28 31-48 32-32 + 0-84 i 2 2 ; 1047 -89 3 46-84 48-64 -f 1-80 5 2 4 1243 -87 35 3!'46 32-45 + 0-99 4 2 4 1419 -86 5 47-14 49-98 + 2-84 2 I 2 1501 -80 43 26-13 27-18 + 1-05 I I 2 I 5 68 -89 16 44- 15 45-30 + 1-15 I '7 3 I72O -89 27 32-73 36'54 + 3-81 2 i 2 1782 -86 38 38-12 39'3 + I'OI 2 i 2 845 -88 12 57-35 60-44 43-09 2 2 3 1867. / // a // 16 -89 6 8-26 10-47 + 2-21 2 2 3 23 78 o 11-70 13 '5 6 + I-86 7 H 12 727 -88 28 41-69 43'98 + 2-29 3 3 5 801 -85 7 31-28 34'9o 4-3-62 3 3 5 1047 89 4 6-69 8-43 + i'74 3 2 4 1243 -87 35 47-58 49*59 + 2-01 8 4 7 1311 -84 044-17 44*49 4-0'32 6 2 5 1501 -80 43 31-42 34-02 + 2-6O 2 3 4 1720 -89 27 16-49 21-38 + 4-89 3 6 6 1752 -83 19 31-40 54-I7 -1-2-77 12 2 5 1782 -86 38 20-54 22'2O 4-1-66 3 6 6 1815 -82 435-75 37-01 + 1-26 4 i 3 1845 -88 12 40-48 40-32 o- 16 2 6 j Xll OBSERVATIONS OP CIRCUMPOLAR STARS FOR LATITUDE continued. No. Declination. Above minus Below. No. of Obs. Weight. Above Pole. Below Pole. Above. Below. 1868. / // // // 23 -77 59 S 1>6 4 53'53 + 1-89 18 17 13 1047 -89 4 23-99 27-82 + 3'83 2 i 2 ^243 -87 36 4 ii 5*3o + 1-19 6 3 6 1311 -84 o 57-37 56-61 -0-76 4 2 4 1419 -86 6 4-83 7-61 + 2-78 2 I 2 1423 -78 35 36-70 41-04 + 4' 34 2 1 2 1752 -83 19 15-19 18-52 + 3'33 4 5 6 1782 -86 38 3-65 4-07 + 0-42 3 3 5 i845 88 12 18-69 21-01 + 2-32 7 10 9 1869. o / // // o 23 -77 59 30*95 33*20 + 2-25 7 6 8 392 81 52 22-08 23-70 + 1-62 i i 2 1243 87 36 20*69 24-84 + 4'*5 5 i 3 1311 -84 i 11-44 10-85 -'59 i i 2 1419 -86 6 14-83 18-50 + 3-67 i i 2 i845 -88 ii 59-91 60-58 + 0-67 5 6 7 1870. o / // // 23 -77 59 10-61 12-33 + 1-72 ii 4 7 1311 -84 i 25-44 25-71 + 0-27 i 2 2 i54i -87 39 I2 '94 *S'3S 4-2-41 i I 2 1568 89 16 42-36 44-82 + 2-46 2 2 3 11845 -88 ii 38-56 41-87 + 3'3i I 1 2 ^ The resultiDg corrections to the Latitude <, which was employed in tho formation of the Annual "Results, and the corrections to that Xlll Latitude which have been adopted in the formation of the present Catalogue are as follows : Year. Correction to <, derived from Obs. of Circinnpolars. Corrections adopted in formation of the Catalogue. 1861 1862 // -0-27 0*67 Weight. 54 36 // I -0-50 1863 -0-93 58 1 1864 0*72 57 1865 I'OO 75 1866 1867 -0-71 -1-05 32 70 -0-90 1868 ~'9S 49 1869 -0-93 24 1870 -0-98 16 J I have been unable to find any satisfactory explanation for the marked apparent change of Latitude between 1862 and 1863. The separate observations of a Canis Majoris a Canis Minoris, /3 Centauri, and Centauri reduced to the Equinox 1865*0, are given in an Appendix to the Catalogue. GENERAL KEMAKKS AND COMPARISON WITH NEWCOMB. Besides the uncertainties which exist in the Declinations, there are other reasons why this Catalogue should not be regarded as a Fundamental one. Sir Thomas Maclear, Mr. Mann, and Mr. Geo. Maclear were good observers, but only the last-mentioned of these took any considerable share in the work. The personal equations of the other observers are both large and variable, and their work is unsatisfactory. There is a want of plan and method in the conduct of the work, and many observations had to be rejected from -want of reliable determination of clock-error or other instrumental constants. It is hoped that the observa- tions which have been retained are sufficiently reliable, and that the Catalogue may not be without some value. XIV The following comparison with Newcomb's New Fundamental Catalogue, 1875 and 1900, may serve for determining the systematic errors of the present Catalogue, and for its comparison with others. For this comparison the stars common to both catalogues were selected, and their places in the r 865 Catalogue were reduced to the Equinox and Epoch 1875, employing the Precession sand Proper Motions of Newcomb's Catalogue; the differences " Newcomb Cape" were then formed. These differences were then combined in groups corre- sponding to zones of 5 in Declination and the mean value of N. C. was taken having regard to the following system of weights : No. of Obs. in the Cape Cat., 1865. Weight. i i 2-4 2 5-8 3 9 or more 4 Grouping similarly for each hour of li.A., the mean value of N. C. was found, in which equal weight was given to each value of N. C. The results are given in the following table : XV COMPARISON OF THE CAPE CATALOGUE FOR 1865 WITH NEWCOMB'S NEW FUNDAMENTAL CATALOGUE FOR 1875 AND 19- R.A. Dec. A. New- New- comb No comb No. minus of minus of Cape, Stars. Cape, Stars 1865. 1865. :\ + 0-009 19 + 0-07 21 V - -013 19 - -06 '9 '016 19 + -23 20 1 + -007 28 - '24 28 4 } '001 18 M2 18 I + *OJ2 2 5 - ^5 25 (.] I + '013 '5 + MI IS + -028 25 - '03 24 1 - '022 20 + -07 21 ,:,} - -017 23 + M6 25 | - -043 16 + M6 16 n < } + '019 18 + MI 18 f + -031 18 + '34 19 j4 - -004 18 + *43 '9 itl ooo 20 + '22 24 l *\ + '014 20 + -04 21 i6\ [ + *OOI 18 + '01 '9 a + "O2I 20 + MO 22 1 + -014 '7 + *i5 18 I9 } f -031 16 + -07 18 20^ I" + -035 13 + -06 13 '} - -042 19 + '21 21 22< f - -017 7 + M8 '9 + -004 + -03 18 K.A. Dec. New- New- 5 comb comb minus Cape, Weight. minus Cape, Weight. 1865. 1865. o s // -9| f 0-094 4i + O'2O 5* -85 1 + 'US 21 + -08 35 -80 + '"5 28 + '33 32 -75 : + '176 18 + -36 18 -70 + '158 32 + -16 33 -65 = -f- '080 29 + -28 30 -60 } + *022 4 8 + -19 49 -55 j + '002 18 + -42 18 - 5 o } + '010 28 + '43 30 -45 : -006 39 + *2I 39 -40 = - -025 24 + -26 23 -35 : + '018 29 - *9 32 -3o| + -039 58 + MI 59 -5| + '033 54 + -16 53 20 =| } - -004 "3 * ' 1 5 in ~ f 'OIO 85 - '05 85 10^ } - -023 no MO "3 5 } - -017 90 - -0 9 9 | - -036 81 + -0 9 83 + ${ '019 I0 5 + '03 1 06 + 10^ y - '028 89 MO 86 **j - -013 66 - -12 68 + 20^ J- *oi6 86 + '21 88 + 25 j - -015 38 + '57 37 + 3 | + -088 5 + "85 6 + 35| o / + "030 3 + '37 3 *} no 2 - MI 2 IH> - -089 8 - '5' 8 E 8567. XVI From this comparison the following table was derived : CORRECTIONS APPLICABLE TO THE CAPE CATALOGUE FOR 1865 TO REDUCE IT TO THE SYSTEM OF NEWCOMB'S FUNDAMENTAL CATALOGUE FOR 1875 AND 1900. Arg. Dec. s o + 30 O'O2O + 0-72 + 25 '020 + -40 + 20 'O2O oo + 15 *O2O - -15 + 10 '021 '02 + 5 - -025 + '05 o -026 oo - 5 '022 '02 10 - -018 + -03 -15 '010 + '10 20 + -013 + -16 -25 + '040 + '20 -30 + -025 + -25 -35 - -005 + -30 -40 '010 + '35 -45 - -004 + '35 -So ooo + '33 -55 + '010 * '33 -60 + '056 + '31 -65 + -120 + -30 -70 + M65 + -28 -75 + 'MO + -25 -80 + -130 + -23 -85 + -115 + '20 -90 + 100 + '20 Arg. K.A. iv -. k o 0'02 i - "05 2 * IO 3 - -16 4 - -16 5 * 10 6 - -06 7 - '03 8 + '01 9 + -04 10 ii 12 4 i l + -07 + "ii + -17 3 + -16 14 + -07 15 + -03 16 + -oi 7 + -oi 18 + -oi 19 oo 20 oo 21 oo 22 oo 23 *OI Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, 10th October 1899. DAVID GILL. O -A. IF IE GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOB 1865 0. E (3)8567. 500. 1/1900. Wt. 9561. E. & S. 2 1 k - CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1865*0. rr^ I - Mag. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1865-0. Corr. for Fa to 1865-0. Prec. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion Fa. No, Star's Name. 2 33 4 S 6 73 8 9 10* ii 12 '3 14 l$t 16 '7 18 '9 20 21 22 3t 24 25 26f 27 28 29* 30 31 I 32 33 34 35 C.Z. 0.13 8-5* 7'8* 2'I 6-4 7'5* 5'3 3*o 7'3* 6-6* 4'6 6-3 6-7* 7-0* 7-of 4' 3 7* 2 5'6 IOJ 5'3 5'5 7'3* 5-8 2-9 7'3t 4-0 2> 5 6-2* 9t 6-2 7-of 4'5 4'3 9-5* 5' 1 6-9* 65-S8 68-80 63-67 68-85 62*90 67'59 64-82 68-85 68-90 67-83 61-87 67-21 67-76 62-90 67-81 65-84 6 4 '53 65'59 67-82 67-80 68*83 64-13 66-15 62-30 67-78 67-82 68-05 65-5I 65-96 62-90 67-50 67-79 65-5' 67-49 67-86 5 i 6 3 7 i 33 3 3 i 5 3 7 2 25 *7 5 2 2 2 II 367 5 4 4 6 5 23 7 3 3 5 6 2 h m a o o 2*25 o o 31-73 o i 24-82 2 I3-II o 3 0-43 o 3 50-91 o 6 17*22 o 7 9-36 o 7 32-36 o 7 46-78 o 8 1-74 o 9 42-24 o 10 46-48 o 10 51-79 o 13 1-52 o 13 13*92 o '3 39*23 o 14 18 43 o 14 21-98 o 14 43-90 o 16 6*03 o 18 29-07 o 18 37*06 o 18 44-40 o 19 33'39 o 19 36-33 o 19 42-15 22 15*52 o 23 9-04 o 23 12-44 o 25 20-49 o 25 21*05 o 26 30-76 o 26 33-85 o 27 46-08 + 0-01 + 0-04 o-oo + 0-01 + 0*02 + 0*01 0*76 0*01 o-oo o-oo -0-82 o-oo 0*05 O'OI o-oo +3-0721 + 3*0671 + 3*0765 + 3 '0538 + 3-0710 + 2-8898 + 3-0815 + 3-0058 + 3-0071 +3-0558 +3-0787 + 2-8335 + 2-7323 +3-0731 + 2 ' 9040 1*9181 + 3*0824 + 2-9468 + 2-8370 + 3-0229 + 2-8972 +3-0743 + 2-5615 +3-0854 + 2-9603 + 2-9653 +3*0705 + 2-8763 + 3-0610 + 3-0818 + 2-7735 + 2-7731 + 2*8374 + 2-7581 + 2*9204 8 0-042 -0-045 +0-OI8 o - 040 O'OOO 0*211 + 0-010 -0-044 0*040 0-008 + 0*007 0-104 0*122 + 0-003 -0-056 + 4-342 + 0-007 0-038 0-067 O-OI4 0-046 + o 004 0-090 + 0-007 0-024 -0-023 + o 003 -o-03f5 + 0-001 + 0*005 -0-045 -0-045 -0-035 -0-045 0-021 + 0-0095 -0-014* O ' OO I 2 O-OO28 + 0-0054 + O-OO7O 1 ! + 0-2714 + o-oo8f 0-0013 0*0028 + 0-7102 + 0*0002 + 0-0170 + 0-0038 --0*0015 Lacaille 9730 : 21 Andromeda... a Lacaille 9740 ... . Piazzi XXIII. 286.. Octantis "y 3 88 Pegasi 7 Lacaille 13 7 Ceti 35 Piscium pr Lacaille 33 Piazzi O. 33 41 Piscium d C.P.D-56No. 65. Toucani v Sculptoris t Lacaille 63... 44 Piscium... . Hydri..., B 45 Piscium Phoenicis...... . . K 10 Ceti C.P.D.- S 6No. 82 12 Ceti Piazzi 0. 98 Toucani 1 Toucani p- C.P.D.- 5 6No.io4 Lacaille 123 Lacaille 133 ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. No. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1865-0. Corr. for PS to 1865-0. Prec. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865*0. Proper Motion PS. Bradlej or Lacaille C.G,A. 1875. Cape 1880. B.A.C. 1850. I 2 65-58 68-80 5 i o / // -55 54 43^5 -57 35 l6 *49 tr ff + 20-055 + 20-055 // O'OI O'OI // ... 9730 '7 IO 8377 3 67*00 2 + 28 20 39-76 + 0-31 + 20*055 o-oi -0-157 3215 ... '9 4 4 68-85 3 -54 45 i3'96 ... + 20-054 o-oi ... 9740 50 2 5 9 5 62'82 ii - 3 18 44*04 ... + 20-053 O'OI ... 64 ... ... 6 67-68 5 -82 58 29-56 + 0-13 + 20-052 0-02 -0-05* 9756 78 37 '9 7 64-21 28 + 14 25 58-85 o-oo + 20-048 0'02 0-005 I ... 56 26 8 68-85 3 -57 45 8-32 ... + 20-045 O*O2 ... II 127 65 30 9 68-90 i ~55 49 woo ... + 20-044 0-02 ... '3 '34 67 3i 10 67-83 3 -19 40 52-29 + 0*18 + 20-044 O-O2 -0-063 4 142 7o 33 ii 61-87 , +84 16*85 -0-07 + 20-043 0'02 0-021 5 ... 3^ 12 67-27 6 -76 39 44-40 ... + 20-037 0-03 ... 30 i75 82 45 '3 67-76 4 -79 3i 46-54 ... + 20-033 0-03 ... 33 '95 92 56 14* 62-8I '7 + o 56 16-80 + 0-05 + 20-033 o-o.- + 0'025f ... ... ... 57 15 67-81 2 -65 40 1-98 -3-21 + 20-023 0-03 + 1*143 40 233 107 64 1 6* 65-65 30 -89 6 49-74 o'oo + 2O*O22 + 0'OI + 0-OOI-] 260 222 100 * r 7* *7 If '9 64-69 65'59 67 82 18 5 2 + 7 26 25-08 56 19 22-69 -70 22 28-35 + 0*01 + 2O-O2O + 2O*Ol6 + 2O"Ol6 0*04 0*04 -0-04 + 0*019 16 ... ... 66 ... 53 253 114 7o 20 67-80 2 -29 43 41-30 ... + 20-014 0-04 ... 54 263 118 72 2* 68-83 2 -61 47 3-72 ... + 20*006 0-04 ... 63 290 127 76 22 63-44 22 + i ii 30-62 O'O2 + 19*990 0*05 0*011 25 ... ... 87 23 65-47 2 3 6 -78 o 53-08 -0-15 + 19*989 0-04 + 0-309 74 336 146 88 2 4 62-26 4 + 6 56 41-19 -0-13 + 19-988 -0-05 -0-049 26 ... ... 89 2 5 67-78 4 -44 25 43-98 ... + 19*982 0*05 ... 89 351 '53 93 26 67-82 4 -43 2 22-90 + I-I 5 + 19-982 0-05 -0-408 87 355 155 94 27 28 29 3 3i- 68-21 65-51 66-78 62-80 67-50 8 5 23 21 4 - o 47 51-21 -56 29 10-47 - 4 42 13-09 +46 46-39 -63 42 8-81 O-O4 O'OO + 19-981 + 19-961 + '9-953 + 19*953 + I9-933 0-05 -0-05 0*05 0*05 -0-05 + O-OI2 29 356 156 95 O ' OO2 38 4i5 178 112 ... 119 45i 190 127 32 33 34 67-72 65-5 1 67-49 4 5 6 -63 42 34*85 -S 6 39 54-i6 -63 46 30-87 ... + i9'933 + 19-921 + 19-921 -0-05 0-06 0*06 ... 120 452 191 128 ... 123 467 194 134 35 67-86 2 -43 10 36-28 ... + 19-908 0-06 ... 133 496 209 141 14. Proper Motion from Bonn Observations, Vol. VII. 1 6. Proper Motion determined at the Cape. A 2 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STAES FOR 1865'0. No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1865'0. Corr. for P* to 1865-0. Prec. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion j^a 36t 37 38 39* 40 4t 42 43 44 45* 46f 47t 48 49 50 SJ 5 2 53 54* 55t 56 57 58 59 60* 61 62f 63 64 65 66 6 7 J 68 6 9 t 70* 5*4 5'3 Var. 6-8* s:.7 4'6 5'8 6-1 8-5* 2'I 4'5 5!8 5'7 6-8f 5*7 4'6 6-1 9t. 5 '3 5! 5' 6-8* 5'o 5'6 5-6 6-9* 5'4 5-8 6-3* 8-of 8J 4' 5 5'9 5'9 6-0 64-29 69-26 68-88 63-64 66-92 67-79 67-80 67-78 6 5'5 2 65-21 68-35 67-78 61-49 62*90 64-46 64-70 68-91 6 5'5 2 68-83 67-65 67-48 68-94 65-79 68-89 68-83 67-83 66-92 67-88 68-91 66-91 65-5 64*39 68-83 67-42 62-90 6 14 3 8 3 4 2 2 5 48 2 2 I 6 5 3* i 5 i 6 6 i ii 3 i i 3 i i i 4 23 i 8 6 h m s r o 28 1-79 o 28 18-12 o 29 14-75 o 31 10-56 o 34 5 '40. o 34 56-28 o 35 36-48 o 36 12-93 o 36 3-1-24 o 36 48-70 o 37 16-56 o 37 40-02 39 59' 2 7 o 40 24-91 o 41 18-27 o 41 40-87 o 42 40-47 o 42 44-46 o 43 21-94 o 43 53-44 o 44 3i'97 o 45 51-08 o 46 6*64 o 48 0-34 49 15*33 o 49 53' 6 5 o 49 57-10 o 5 1 58-44 o 52 44-92 o 55 5'64 55 26-65 o 55 56'38 o 56 12-92 o 56 18-78 o 56 52-29 8 + 0-01 o- ii o-oi -0-23 + O-O2 O'OO + O'OI 0*04 + 0*01 O'OO + 0-03 O'OO + 0-07 0-07 O'OO + 0-01 + O'O2 + O'OI -0-03 O'OO O'OO + 0-03 + 0-02 + 0-01 s + 2 '8545 + 3-0596 + 2-8238 + 3-0682 + 2-7256 + 2 '555 + 2-7506 + 2-9003 + 2-7502 + 2-9996 + 2-7226 + 2-8938 + 3-1182 + 3-0967 + 3-0912 + 3-1011 + 2-8025 + 2-6928 + 3-0214 + 2-0765 + 2-7449 + 2-2596 + 3-0633 + 2-5118 + 3-0115 + 2-6756 + 2-2664 + 3-0076 + 2-5120 + 3-1123 + 2-5811 + 3-1127 + 3-0405 + 2'557 + 3'0757 a -0-030 + 0-001 -0-033 + 0-003 -0-036 -0-023 -0-032 0-017 0-031 0*006 -0-033 0-017 + 0-010 + 0-007 + 0-007 + 0-008 O-O22 O-O29 O'OOI -0-035 -0-025 -0-037 -t- o 004 -0-032 O'OOI 0*025 -0-033 O'OOI 0-029 + o 009 -0-025 + o 009 + O-O02 0-025 + 0-005 8 + 0-020 + 0-0265 o 0048 + o- 1 20* 0*0060 + 0-0141 0*0022 + 0-0139 + O-OOI7 O'OOIO + 0-051 + 0*0037 -0*0173 + 0-0263 0-0022 -0-0034 -o-oio 0-0046 + 0-008* 0-0020 0-007I o ' 009 1 O'OoS + O-OO68 13 Ceti Lacuillc 144 15 Ceti PhoBnici.s ju Sculptoris A 1 C.G.A. 651 16 Ceti PhcBnicis. . . .. .17 Sculptoris . . i . A 2 58 Pisoium ... ... .. 63 Piscium 8 C.P.D.-s6Ko.iS3 19 Ceti .... Hydri A Phoenicis p Lacaille 244 20 Ceti Lacaille 253 22 Ceti Lacaille 259 23 Ceti Lacaille 271 70 Pisciuin C.P.D.-56No.i98 >j j Piscium f 2g Ceti Lacaille 288 ........ 26 Ceti 54. 2 in B.A.C. 63. 4 in B.A.C. 59. A 1 Toucani in B.A.C. 69. w Phoenicis in B.A.C. 60. 3 in B.A.C. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. No. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs Mean Dec. 1865-0. Corr. for PS to 1865-0. Prec. 1865'0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion. j"S Bradley Lacaille C.G.A. 1875. Cape 1880. B.A.C. 1850. o / // // // // // 36 64-29 6 -53 7 9'66 4-0-01 + 19-905 -0-06 + 0-01 137 501 211 143 37 69-20 H - 4 20 11-42 + 0-09 + 19-903 O*o6 O"O2I 50 505 "3 '45 38* 68-88 3 -55 33 5i'59 ... + 19-892 o - o6 ... 144 518 218 151 39 61-77 9 - i 14 46-97 O'OI + 19-870 0-07 0-002 55 558 231 163 40 66-92 3 -60 12 47-48 -0-81 + 19-834 0-07 + 0-42* 172 617 253 176 4i 67-75 5 -46 49 34'98 4-0-08 4 19*823 0*07 -0-030 177 626 258 183 42 67-71 3 -57 14 40-65 ... + 19-814 -0-07 ... 1 80 633 262 188 43 67-78 2 39 12 12-88 ... + 19-805 -0-07 ... 183 645 2 7 192 44 65-52 5 -5 6 35 2-64 ... + 19-800 0-07 ... ... 651 ... ... 45 64-52 88 -18 43 41-10 + 0-02 + 19-797 -0-08 + 0-043 7o 657 277 196 46 6835 2 -58 12 13-75 + 0-03 + 19-790 0-07 o-oio 190 662 280 199 47 67-78 2 -39 9 57'7 -0-33 + 19-785 0-08 + 0-119 192 666 283 202 48 61-49 I + 11 14 13-55 -0-05 + I9-751 0-09 0-013 76 ... ... 213 49 62-76 4 +6 o 12-28 o-oi + 19-744 0-09 -0-003 80 ... ... 216 50 63-42 13 + 4 35 11-76 -1-80 + I9-730 0-09 -1-14 ... ... 3'7 221 5i 63-97 49 + 6 50 59-35 -0-04 + 19-724 0-09 0-041 85 ... 3i8 222 52 53 54* 68-91 65-5 2 68-83 5 i -47 26 7-18 -56 49 32-49 II 22 20-79 + 0-83 + 19-708 + 19-708 + 19-697 -0-08 -0-08 0-09 ... 226 745 323 231 0-217 89 757 328 233 55 67-55 7 -75 39 31-48 -1- O'OI + 19-688 -0-06 -0-002 235 762 330 236 56 67-48 6 -5 1 43 27-10 ... + 19-678 0-09 ... 233 769 335 238 57 68-94 i -7 1 53 15-98 ... + I9-655 0-08 ... 244 788 340 241 58 63-68 42 - i 52 40-59 O'OI + 19-651 o-io 0*009 93 792 343 2 4 2 59* 68-89 3 -63 36 17-34 ... + 19-617 0-09 ... 253 825 354 25 * 60* 68-83 i -ii 59 52-96 O'OI + I9-594 o-io + 0-003 103 851 364 260 61 67-83 i 53 55 20-26 ... + 19-582 0-09 ... 259 861 367 265 62 66-92 3 70 15 28-08 + o- 10 + 19-581 -0-08 -0-05 262 860 366 266 t>3* 67-88 i -12 6 32-83 + 0-07 + 19-542 O'll O-O24 1 06 900 376 271 64 68-91 i -61 25 36-31 O'OO + 19-526 0-09 o-oo* 271 910 380 276 65 66 67 66-91 65-51 64-00 i 4 5o + 7 12 45-76 -56 53 9'8i + 7 9 45'42 -0-13 4-0-04 + 19-478 + 19-471 + 19-461 0-12 o- 10 0-12 + 0-07 no ... ... 28l + 0-036 "3 ... 400 288 68 68-83 i - 5 33 33'2i + 0-34 + I9'455 0-12 0-090 IJ 5 958 404 291 69* 67-42 8 -57 43 48-17 o-oo + i9'453 O f 10 o-oo 288 959 402 2 9 2 70 62-73 38 + o 38 32-90 -0-08 + 19-441 0-12 -0-035 116 ... ... 295 m m 38. Suspected Variable ; 5-7 6*5 in Uranometrta Argentina. GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1865'0. Xo. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1865-0. Corr. for Pa to 1865*0. Free. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion t*+ 7' 72 73 74 75 76f 77 78 79 80 Si 82 83 84 85 86 7 88 89 90 9* 92 93 94 95* 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 i03t io4f 105 Lacaille 298 Lacaille 206. .. . 6-7* 6*5* 5"9 7'ot 5'7 5-2 4-1 6-5 6'3 6-8* 6-8 5'2t 7'7t 8-5* 5-8 4'9 7* 5'i 7-0* 5'5* 6-9* 6-2 6-3 6-7* 3'8 6-9* 5*3 6'3 5'2 5'6 6-6* 4-8 5'8 3*3 5'2 67-84 67-89 67-88 62-90 63-19 66-91 67-67 68-83 70-05 68-93 67-83 66-35 65-84 68-87 69-57 66-94 68-91 63-91 67-88 67-44 68-90 69'93 68-88 62*90 65*89 67-82 66-91 67-83 61-94 62-54 62-90 7o-95 68-91 67-76 66-17 2 I I 6 6 3 4 i 3 2 3 *5 4 i i i 7 8 3 4 i 6 35 5 i i i 6 3 3 4 3 h ni S o 57 31-06 o 58 10*06 i o 59-06 i i 2-16 i i 25-12 i i 57*36 I 2 42-21 i 3 25-80 i 3 36-81 i 3 44'55 i 4 42-78 i 6 40-89 i 6 42-31 i 7 8-53 7 55-67 * 9 5-58 i 9 28-32 i 10 50-33 i 10 55-47 i ii ii -16 i ii 51-82 I 12 22-12 1 J2 54*33 I 15 40-66 I 17 16-60 I 17 17-59 i 18 42-08 i 18 49-87 i 18 59*01 i 19 24-43 i 19 32-97 i 19 35-82 I 20 24-91 I 22 30-00 I 23 6'93 a 0-03 + 0-02 0*04 + 0-01 + 0-01 + 0-01 O'OI O'QI 40-03 -0'I3 o-oi O'OO O*2O o-oo o-oo + O"O1 0*02 o-oo o-oo 0-19 + 0-01 + 0-01 O'O2 a + 2-3196 + 2-8433 + 3 0068 + 3-0800 + 3-1026 + 2-3860 + 2-5372 + 3-0101 + 3-0831 + 2-4998 + 2-4854 + 3-1182 + 3-1182 + 3*0154 + 3-0605 + 2-6572 + 2-4724 + 3-0927 + 3-0121 + 1-9735 + a- 0439 + 2-0887 + 3-0631 + 3*0633 + 3-0029 + 2-0251 + 2 ' 6639 + 2-6174 + 3-2229 + 3-2243 + 3*C633 + 3-5225 + 2*0830 + 2-6l7l + 3-II73 i 0-028 O'OI2 O'OOO + o 006 + 0-008 -0-025 0-022 + 0-001 + 0-006 -0-013 O'O22 + o 009 + O'OO9 + O'OO2 + 0-005 0*016 O'OZO + 0*007 + O-OO2 -0*015 -0-017 o-oiS + 0-005 + 0-005 + O'OO2 0-015 0-013 0-014 + 0-016 + 0-016 + 0-006 + 0-042 -0-015 0-013 + o 009 + 0-0090 + 0-0072 -0-0195 0-007 0-0030 0*0017 + 0-0075 + 0-0072 o 0063 + 0*067* o - 0049 - o 0004 + 0-080* o-ooio 0-0013 0*0069 -o-ooj* + O-OOI2 + o 0006 + ' 0.2 I 2 -0-003 O-OO52 + 0'OI77 30 Ceti 20 Ceti . . . 32 Ceti 31 Ceti . Lficaille 321 86 Piscium pr 86 Piscium seq Lalaode 2204 38 Ceti Plicenicis v 89 Piscium .j 41 Ceti. Lacaille 36i... 42 Ceti (as one mass) 43 Ceti . 4; Ceti.... ,...0 Lacaille 391 93 Piscium p Bradley 191 48 Andromedae ....w Lacaille 400 PhcBiiicis *v 8,.CinB.A.C. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. Xo. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1S65'0. Corr. for A** to 1865 '0. Prec. 1865*0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion PS Bradley or Lacaille C.G.A. 1875. Cape 1880. B.A.C. 1850. o / // // // // it /I 67-84 2 -66 10 55-88 ... + 19-427 0-09 ... 298 978 412 301 7 2 67-89 I -34 15 25-07 ... + 19 413 o-ii 296 987 418 306 73 67-88 I 10 30 29-66 0-03 + I9-349 0'12 + O*OII 135 1044 438 323 74 62-82 II + i 17 i3' 6 5 -0-95 +19-348 -0-13 -0-438 133 ... ... 324 75 62-77 26 + 4 56 4-90 -0-39 + I9'339 -0-13 -0-174 136 44 t 328' 76 66-91 3 62 29 49-80 + 0-02 + 19-327 O" 1O O'OI 316 JQ57 445 333 77 67-67 4 -55 58 4'43 ... + 19-309 o-ii ... 3'8 1069 450 340 78 68-83 - 9 37 30'43 + 0-18 + 19*292 -0*13 -0*047 J47 1079 452 342 79 69-98 4 + i 43 34-09 + O'O2 + 19-288 -0-13 0*004 148 ... ... 344 80 68-93 2 -57 18 53'2i ... + 19-284 O* II ... 321 1083 454 347 81 67-83 3 -57 34 48-45 ... + 19-261 o-ii ... 325 I IOO 457 354 \ 82* 65 '94 17 + 6 51 37-95 + 0-05 + 19-212 -0-14 -0*051 158 ... 468 363 83 65-84 4 + 6 51 48*10 + O-O4 + 19*212 -0-14 -0-043 *59 ... ... 369 84 68-87 i 8 20 16-67 + 19-201 -0-14 ... ... 1142 470 37J 8 5 69*57 i - i 41 49-56 i -oi + 19-181 -0-14 + 0*220 165 1156 475 374 86 66-94 i -46 15 12-90 0-29 + 19-151 O'I2 + 0-15* 337 "74 483 380: 87 68-91 i -56 20 51-05 ... + 19-141 O- 12 ... 34 1180 485 383 88 64-19 zo + 2 54 9-46 O'O2 + 19-105 -0-I 5 0-019 J7i ... ... 388 89 67-88 - i - 8 22 21-55 0-12 + 19-103 -0-14 + 0-042 172 1209 495 389 90 67-44 8 -69 35 37 '03 -0-17 + 19-096 o- 10 + 0*07* 356 1210 496 392 9 1 68-90 3 -68 8 40-45 + 19-077 O" IO ... 359 1217 498 393 9 2f 93 69-22 68-88 7 i -67 6 58-06 ... i 13 8-900-01 + 19*064 + 19-049 O" IO -0*15 + O-OO2 36i 75 1231 1241 502 507 398 400 94 6z-77 9 - i 9 24-11 O'OO + 18*972 -0-15 + O-OO2 181 1294 523 406 95 65-16 32 - 8 52 51-24 + 0-03 + 18*926 -0-15 0*210 184 1326 543 420 : 96 67-67 6 -67 5 27-33 ... + 18-926 o- ii ... 39 1322 537 422 97 66-91 i 42 ii 46-04 ... + 18-884 -0-14 ... 392 345 551 426 98 67-83 i -45 13 56-78 ... + 18-880 -0-14 ... 395 1347 554 428 99 61-94 i + 18 28 6-85 + 0-09 + 18-876 -0-17 + 0*029 185 ... 427 IOO 62-54 2 + 18 32 23-66 0-09 + 18*864 -0-17 -0-038 189 ... 43i IOI , 62-75 70-94 5 4 1 i 6 5-010-05 + 44 42 30-41 +0-62 + 18-859 + 18-858 0-16 -0-18 O'O2 o 1 04 191 186 1361 557 433 432 103 68-91 3 65 4 19-40 +o- 08 + I8-833 O* II O*O2 409 1373 563 436 104 67-76 4 -44 o 38-38 +0-58 + 18-770 -0*14 0*209 419 1411 580 447 105 64-11 3i -f 5 26 48-71 0-03 + 18-751 -0*17 -0*031 199 ... 585 448 ni m " 92. 6*3, 9*3 ; 2*5 | 340. Fainter star probably not seen. GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1865'0. No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1865*0. Corr. for /^a to 1865-0. Free. 1885-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion pa. 106$ 107 io8f 109 no III 112 "3 114 "5 116 117 118 ii9f 120 121 122* '23 I2 4 t 125* 126* 127 128 129 '3t 3 132 i33* '34 '35 136* "37J 138 39t 140 99 Piscium/>r 77 C.P.D.-5oNo.3ii 3'7 8'St 3'9 7* 5*5 6-6f 5'9 7-0* 3'7 6-0 9'5* 9*0* 6 i "5 7* 7-2* 4*7 6-1 4'4 5"7 5'3 6-9* 9*5* 9*0* 5'i 6'5t 6-4* 3'9 6-4* 5'9 4'7 2-8 9'5* 4'i 5-o 65*2S 65-55 66*92 68-93 68-55 162-99 62-91 67-90 70 '94 68-64 65-53 6 5 '59 62-69 66-56 67-89 68-94 65-96 68-96 66-52 68-55 66-91 68-91 65'55 65'6o 66-93 62-90 67-88 68-55 68-96 68-58 65'76 65-56 65-53 67-64 66-93 16 4 4 3 3 3 i 2 3 4 4 3 2 9 2 I 25 I 21 3 2 2 4 4 3 6 3 3 i 3 ii 9 4 7 2 h m . I 24 15-85 I 24 41-93 I 25 37-68 I 25 43-70 i 28 2-16 I 28 33-61 I 28 36-84 I 28 37-30 I 29 43-28 I 31 47'So I 31 50-22 I 32 4-94 I 32 24-17 I 32 40-98 i 33 34-14 i 34 24-51 i 34 24-56 i 34 40-44 i 38 16-10 i 39 i2'9i 1 39 !9 f 37 i 40 0-23 i 40 23-71 i 40 52-73 1 40 57*34 i 41 26-65 ' 4i 33*33 i 44 47-85 i 44 54-91 i 45 40-03 i 46 34-J9 i 47 11-28 i 47 28-54 i 48 13-88 i 48 45-83 o-oo 0'02 o-oi O'OO 0-03 + 0-01 O'OI o-oo O'OI O'OI OT02 0-02 O'OO O'OO O'OO + 0-04 + 3-I977 + 2-3316 + 2-495 1 + 2-4772 + 2-9249 + 3-1974 + 3-2237 + 2-5427 + 3-6375 + 2-2057 + 2-2765 + 2-2683 + 3-2197 + 2-2324 + 2-3381 + 1-8530 + 3-1170 + 2-2493 + 3-I549 + 3-0090 + 2-8015 + 2-0227 + 2 * 2063 + 2-1958 + 2-2814 + 3-I022 + 2-5479 + 2-9573 + 2-4044 + 2-3407 + 3 '0984 + 3-2933 + 2-1495 + 2-4206 + 2-4991 s + 0-014 -0-015 0-014 0-014 o-ooi + 0-014 + 0-016 0*012 + 0-048 0-013 -0-013 0-013 + 0-015 0-013 0-013 o-co6 + 0-009 O-OI2 + O'OII + o 004 o 004 0-008 O'OII O'OII O'OII + 0-008 o ' 009 + 0*002 O'OIO O'OIO + 0-008 + 0-018 - o 009 0-009 0-008 + 0*0002 + 0*OII5 + O*OO4O 0-0016 + 0*0048 + 0*0032 + 0*0092 0*0028 + 0-0035 0*0028 + 0*0094 + 0*0091 + O'OOiC o oooo + 0*0054 0*014 40 Ceti.... Lacaille 460 C.Z. I 8u... C.Z. 1. 860 Eridani a Lacaille 489 pr no Piscium <> Piazzi I. 167 .. Sculptoris , .. c Lacaille 516 C.Z. I. 1044.... C.Z. I. lOtJQ... Eridani q 2 Piazzi I. 175 Lacaille 524 ce Ceti .. C Lacaille 542 in Piscium... C.Z.I. 1242... Phoenicis ^ 114. 51 Andromedae in B.A.C. 123. B.A.C. gives no letter. 126. Fundamental Star for Southern Zones. 139. B.A.C. gives no letter. EOYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. No. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1865-0. Corr. for PS to 1865-0. Free. 1865*0. Sec. Var. 1865*0. Proper Motion l"5 Bradley or Lacaille C.G.A. 1875. Cape 1880. B.A.C. 1850. Of // // // // // 1 06 IO7 63-11 6c * c s 27 4" + H 38 55-9 2 ;6 n ? 26 * S2 O'OO + 18*715 + 18* 701 -0-18 O* I 3 0*002 203 ... 594 453 w 1 08 3 33 66-92 . 4 3" SO * v S* -49 46 30-59 0*29 + 18*672 w * O -0*14 + ''53 440 1462 600 461 109 68-93 3 -50 35 5i'i8 ... + 18*668 -0*14 ... 445 H65 603 462 no 68-55 3 -16 22 8-86 0*02 + I8-594 -0-17 + 0*007 210 '55 620 475 III 112 62*69 62*01 2 j + 13 58 11*89 + l6 Ad. 20 * 3J. O'OO + 18-576 + 18* <7*> -0-18 O* IQ 0*001 21 t ... ... 476 4.77 "3 * y * 67-90 2 L\J t^.^. &y t^ -46 23 13-05 ... * v / O + 18-575 m y -0-15 ... 4 60 1525 623 ^/ / 478 II 4 * 70*94 4 + 47 56 33-75 + 0*69 + 18*538 0*21 o* 117 212 ... 487 "5 116 68*64 6s * c* 4 -58 57 37-17 e6 4< 20*40 ... + 18*468 + 18-467 -0-13 O*I4 ... 479 1580 644 479 117 3O 65*58 4. 3 V n-3 **7 T 1 e6 57 32 "6Q + 18*458 o* 14 118 J O" 62-69 *r 2 3 3 / O 7 + 15 43 10*98 O'O2 + 18*447 o- 19 -0*008 223 ... ... 500 119 65*89 19 -57 55 24-61 + O-O4 + 18-438 -0*14 o * 040 484 J 594 650 57 120 67*89 2 -54 7 26-09 ... + 18*407 -0-14 .- 489 1606 657 5i3 121 68*94 I 66 17 29*64 ... + 18*378 0*12 ... 499 1625 663 520 122 65*02 53 + 4 48 11-58 o-oo + 18-377 o- 19 + 0-007 228 ... 665 5i8 123* 68*96 i -56 52 52-15 ... + 18*369 -0-15 ... 495 1633 667 521 124 66*64 23 + 8 28 37-33 0*09 + 18-240 O'2O + 0-055 232 ... 688 537 I2 S 68*55 3 - 6 24 34*60 + 0*09 + 18-205 0*I9 0-024 .... 1709 695 539 126* 66-91 2 -25 43 42-13 + 0*06 + 18-201 -0-18 -0-033 5" I7U 696 54i 127 128 68*91 6s* cc 2 -6i 41 47-78 <\6 4.7 3 * 38 ... + 18*176 i- 18-161 -0-13 0-14 ... 5i6 1722 698 543 1 20 "3 33 6*6o 3 U T-/ o o" c6 e8 16*06 + 18* 143 o* 14 * *y 130 13 C "3 vw 66*93 62*68 i 3 10 ^V ^O J V WW -54 12 3'84 4. 5 O 36* 80 0*09 + 18*141 +l8* 122 W **f -0*15 0*20 +0*047 523 1737 703 550 *o * 132 67*88 L y 3 ' O O 42 26 12*90 ... + 18* 119 -0-17 ... 524 1750 706 552 A 33 68'55 3 ii o 10*89 + 0*09 + 17*995 0*20 -0-025 247 1805 734 363 34 68*96 i -48 29 19*83 ... + 17*990 0*16 ... 542 1806 732 567 '35 68*58 3 -50 52 32-38 ... + 17-961 0*16 ... 547 1816 738 57i 136 64*23 25 -f 2 31 11*17 + 0*02 + 17-926 O*2I + 0-025 251 ... ... 574 '37 138 63*42 6s- *i 26 A + 20 8 47*98 s6 4.6 44-08 o* 16 + 17-902 + 17* 8qo 0*22 o- 1 ; -0*103 252 ... 749 577 O 139* "3 3 J 67-64 *T 7 3 ^ T 1 " -46 57 53-62 + 0*37 / *-'y** + 17*860 3 -0*17 -0-14 559 1864 754 582 140 67-16 3 -43 9 37*79 ... + 17*839 -0*18 ... 565 1871 756 585 10 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1865'0. No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 18C5-0. 1 Corr. for /*a to 1865-0. Prec. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 18(J5'0. Proper Motion pw 141 142 H3 144 MSt 146 147 148 *49t 1 5 151 152 153 154 155 156: '57 158 159* 1 60 161 162 163 164 165 1 66 167* 1 68 169 170 171 172 173 J 74 175 Hydri 77* Var. 5*2 6'5* 6-4* 4'7 6-0 7-2* 5'4 3'o 6'3* 6-3* 5'4 7-of 5'7 8* 2'O 6-9* 7'4* 7*i 6-5* 6-oJ 6-9* 7*3* 5'5l 4*5 : 5-5 67*21 64-86 68-88 68-87 66-96 68-93 68-96 67-90 70-92 68-58 66-93 68-88 64-86 67-88 6 5'54 65'S4 68-91 67-89 68-88 67-88 63 '59 67-89 68-94 62-82 67-32 6S-55 66-17 68-96 62-84 68 90 65-55 67-88 67-96 67-89 68-94 3 i I 3 i i 2 9 3 4 2 I 4 28 2 2 3 I 2 4 3 22 5 29 i 3 4 3 1 2 h m s i 49 io- 10 i 49 58-82 i 50 57*65 i 51 7-80 i 51 31-22 i 5' 51-25 i 53 49^8 i 54 4-82 1 54 30-99 i 56 8-24 i 56 8-72 i 56 16-43 i 56 18-59 i 56 28-63 ' 57 4i-4i i 59 34'i4 2 o 4-50 2 i 47-94 2 2 19-43 2 2 36-07 2 3 9-01 2 3 37-29 2 4 50*02 2 5 14-88 2 5 5=>'9 2 6 18-45 2 10 I5-I2 2 IO 21 -73 2 10 37*28 2 12 40-29 2 I 3 17-32 2 14 1*55 2 14 25'IQ 2 15 -1-89 2 15 31-83. s o-oo O'OO O'O2 0-20 O'OI O'OI + O-O3 + 0-01 + 0-02 + O'OI o-oi o-oi O'OO s + 1-5068 + 3-2626 +l'955 + 3-0424 + I ' 5000 + 2-2 5 6 9 + 0-0351 + 2-4833 + 1-8558 0-2689 + I'5637 + 3'o66l + 3-278J + 2-8860 + 2-0650 + 3-3525 + IM220 + 2-0777 + 3-0367 + 2-4469 + 3-3059 + 1-4860 + 2-1733 + 3-3329 + 3-I728 +I-9998 + 2-9831 + 0-3589 + 3-3243 + I '227O + I ' 9468 + 2-3963 0*1285 + 3 * 0692 + 1-9430 s + 0-010 + 0*016 -0-005 + 0-006 + Q-OIO -0-008 + 0-129 0-007 -0-003 + 0*168 + 0*007 + 0-007 + 0-017 + o oo i 0-006 + O-O2O + 0-028 -0-005 + o 006 0-006 + 0-018 + 0-010 0-006 + o - oi9 + 0-012 o 004 + 0*005 + 0-080 + 0*018 + 0-O2I O-OO2 -0-005 + 0-125 + o 008 O-OO2 + 0-OOII + O-QOI + 0*0117 + 0-0345 + 0-0034 + 0-0124 -0-0075 + 0-0047 + 0-CI02 0-0032 + o - 0044 0-0026 0-0015 8 Arietis i Lacaille 584 (mass) 58 Cetj Hydri...., tf- Lacaille 588 Lacaille 621., Lacaille 599 Hydri a Hydri.... ... a Lacaille 616 60 Ceti Piazzi I. 243 C.G.A. 2026 C.G.A. 2051 13 Arietis a Lacaille 640 62 Ceti Lacaille 641 ......... 15 Arietis ............ Lacaille 664 Lacaille 662 17 Arietis..., rj 6s Ceti.... ..P C.P.D.-56No. 3 8 9 67 Ceti 22 Arietis 6 7 4 6-0: 5"4 8-3* 6-6* 66* 5-8 5*4 C G A 2369 Lacaille 7 03 . . . 69 Ceti 150. B.A.C. gives no letter. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 11 No. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1865-0. Corr. for PS to 1866-0. Free. 1855-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion H Bradley or Lacaille C.G.A. 1875. Cape 1880. B.A.C. 1850. / // // // // // 141* 67*21 3 68 36 36-19 ... + 17-823 O'll ... 577 1878 758 589 142 64-86 i + 17 9 26-25 O'OO + 17-790 -0-23 0-019 262 ... ... 59 2 M3 68-88 I -60 58 22-87 ... + 17-750 -0-14 ... 584 1909 766 599 144 68-87 I - 2 43 10-19 -0-08 + 17*743 O*21 + 0*020 268 1921 772 598 4S 66-96 3 -68 18 43-4 2 O'lO + 17-728 O*I I + 0-052 594 1924 774 603 146 68-93 i -52 26 7-25 ... + 17-714 0*l6 ... 588 1932 778 606 147 68-96 i -78 9 13-26 ... + 17-632 O'OI ... 621 ,96, 787 622 148 67-90 2 -42 40 58-67 ... + 17-621 -0-18 ... 599 973 793 621 149 70-91 II -62 13 38-83 0-07 + I7'603 -0-14 + 0-OII 605 1981 795 623 150* 68-41 4 -79 o 29-54 + I7-535 + O-QI ... 637 2004 804 638 !5 67-07 5 -66 43 17-80 ... + 17*534 0-12 ... 616 2009 805 635 13* 68-88 2 - o 31 25-30 O*I2 + I7-529 0*23 + 0-032 280 2019 810 633 i53 64-86 I + 17 36 10-96 ... + I7-527 0-2.4 ... ..V ... ... 632 i54 67-88 I -15 57 27-82 ... + 17-520 O*2I ... ... 2026 812 636 *55 6S*S4 4 -56 53 47*07 ... + 17-469 o* 15 ... ... 2051 ...' ... 156 63-78 32 + 22 49 20-83 -0-17 + 17-387 0*25 -0-140 287 830 648 '57 68-91 2 -71 4 9-96 ... + 17-365 O'O9 ... 643 2095 828 652 '58 67-89 I -55 43 38-13 ... + 17-289 -0-16 ... 640 2128 840 659 J 59 68-88 2 - 2 58 17-66 + 0'IO + 17-266 0*23 0*027 295 2H3 844 660 1 60 67-88 3 -42 31 19-88 ... + 17-253 -0-19 ... 641 2146 845 664 161* 63'59 i + 18 51 42*00 -0-03 + 17-229 0-25 0*021 296 ... ... 665 162 67-91 3 -66 35 14-07 ... + 17-208 O- 12 ... 664 2165 854 67* 163 68-94 4 -52 22 18-54 ... + I7-I53 o- 17 ... 662 2195 866 680 164* 63-11 4 + 20 34 30-00 + 0-03 + I7'i34 0-26 + O-OI7 303 ... 682 '65 166 167 67-39 65-55 65-06 23 5 16 + 8 12 43-21 -56 51 46-15 -72 44-18 o-oo + 0-01 + 17-107 + 17-086 + 16-903 0-25 0-16 0-24 O'OOI -0-103 306 ... 872 684 321 2310 904 704 168 68-96 i -75 8 3-97 ... + 16-897 0-03 ... 704 2298 900 79 169* 62-84 3 + 19 16 30-61 + O-QI + 16-885 0-27 + 0-006 320 ... ... 707 170 68-90 i 68 22 21-72 + 16-788 o-i ... 706 2352 916 724 171 65-55 4 -56 52 14-49 + 16-758 o'lt ... ... 2369 ... ... 172 67-88 3 42 28 16-70 + 16-722 0'2C ... 703 2383 927 726 ^73 67-96 i -76 59 5-26 + 16-704 O'OC 734 2382 924 73o '74 67-89 i O 13 21 'Of + 0-0.4 + 16-674 0-26 -0-015 333 2405 934 729 *7s 68-94 2 -56 33 56-57 + 16-649 O'l ... 717 2412 936 734 141. Magnitude in Uranometria Argentina 6 '6 7*5. 161, 164, 169. Magnitude and Proper Motion from Cape Annals, Vol. VII. GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1865'0. No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1865-0. Corr. for ^a to 1865-0. Free 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion Pa 176 177 178 179 180 i8if 182$ i83t i4f 185 186 187 188* 189 190 191 192 193 194 !9St i 9 6f 197 i 9 8f 199 200 20lJ 202 20 3 20 4 zost 2O6 207J 208 209 210 Lacaille 722 7'3* 6-5* 7'3* 6-5* 6-9* 4*2 4'4 5*4 6-0 5*9 6-5t 6-3 4*7 7'3* 9t 4'9 5-6 6-5* 5'8 5*4 S'i 5* 5"3 5'8 7-1 3-6 5'2 6-5 7-0* 4*2 5-2 4-4 4-7 6-1 7-0* 67-92 67-88 67-93 67-90 67-91 66-94 6S-94 68-91 67-93 61*72 70-27 67-90 66-94 65-61 70.03 67-06 67-89 67'93 62-70 67-94 67-90 68-96 61*72 67-88 65-72 67-93 67-89 68-92 66-94 64-64 67-76 67-90 68-41 66-94 2 3 i 2 2 I 31 3 i i 12 2 I s I 5 3 i i 2 2 I I 2 25 I 2 3 I 4 22 2 2 h m 2 16 6*79 2 16 54-03 2 17 20-73 2 18 9-28 2 I 9 9-92 2 19 21-28 2 20 59* 10 2 21 7-56 2 22 5 2 22 46-22 223(24-93) a 24 55-5 2 25 41'32 2 27 15-06 2 27 18-05 2 28 47-58 2 29 16-45 2 2 9 18-53 2 29 21-43 2 31 9*44 2 32 57*37 2 33 2-16 2 34 37-05 2 34 45-54 2 35 40-26 2 36 18-47 2 36 27-56 2 36 37*79 2 37 13-30 2-37 31-19 2 37 36-49 2 37 38-95 2 3 8 48-15 2 39 50-85 2 40 28-53 a O'OO + 0-02 o-oo + O-O4 O'OO + 0'02 + 0*03 0*04 + O*O1 O'OO O'OI -0-02 -0-15 O'OO + O'OI -0-03 O'OO 0-05 0-06 s + I -9020 + 2-3504 + 2-628I + 3'027i + 1-8777 + 1-0535 + 3-1785 + i ' 6834 + 0-3162 + 2-5901 + 3-3131 + 1-3846 + 2-8468 + 2-2288 + 1-8481 + 3-1428 + 3 '2423 + 2 ' 0460 + 2-9520 + 3'3927 +1-9687 + 2-8893 -1-5223 + 3-3669 + 1-0053 + 3-III3 +I-86I5 + 1 -2726 +1-0237 + o 8794 + 3-2505 + 3-2I47 + 2-7755 + 1*9265 + 2-257I 8 o-ooi o 004 O-OO2 + 0*007 O'OOO + 0-029 + 0-012 + 0-004 + 0-077 O'OO2 + 0-017 + 0*014 + 0-002 -0-003 + 0-001 + O'OIO + 0-014 O'OOI + 0-005 + 0*019 O'OOO + o 004 + 0-266 + 0-018 + 0-029 + o 009 + 0-002 + O'oi8 + 0-028 + 0-034 + 0*014 + 0-013 + 0*002 + 0-001 O'OOI 0'0009 O'OIZO + O'OOI2 0*0098 -0-030 + 0*0014 0'007I o 005 1 + 0-OI77 O-OO4O O-OOI9 + 0*0021 + 0-008I + 0-0390 + o 0009 O-OII2 + O-OI47 + 0-0073 + O-OI73 + 0-02I8 Lac ai lie 720 . . .. 71 Ceti . ... Lfic;ville 739 Hydri 8 73 Ceti.... ... f 2 Horoloffii . A Hydri K Lacaille 7 15 i 27 Arietis >... Lacaille 770.... 76 Ceti ff Lacaille 785 C.P.D.- s 6No.44' 78 Ceti v 3j Arietis. Lacaille 799 80 Ceti. ., 32 Arietis v Horologii 77 83 Ceti e Hydri /* Lacc.ille 854 86 Ceti SCO *y Horoloffii ... Lacaille 863. Lacaille 867 Hydri e 87 Ceti /u Lacaille 874 . 207. B.A.C. assigns to Aries. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 13 No. Mean Date 1800 + No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1865-0. Corr. for- PS to 1865-0. Free. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion PS Bradley or Lacaille C.G.A. 1875. Cape 1880. B.A.C. 1850. o / // // // // // 176 67-92 2 -57 24 10-51 ... + 16*621 o" 16 ... 722 2424 938 736 177 67-88 3 -43 49 5 >l8 ... + 16-582 -0-20 ... 721 2446 946 739 I 7 8 67'93 i -30 28 51-25 ... + 16-560 -0-22 ... 720 2460 951 742 179 67-90 2 - 3 23 32-65 O"O2 + 16-520 -0'26 + 0*007 339 2482 956 747 180 67-91 2 -57 2 5 40-75 ... + 16*470 -0-16 ... 739 2496 961 753 181 66-94 I 69 16 29*10 O'OI + 16*461 o-jo + o 007 747 2498 960 756 182 66-28 43 + 7 51 12-12 o-oo + 16-379 -0-27 + o 003 347 ... 973 760 183 68-91 3 -60 55 2-27 + o*55 + 16-371 o- 15 o- 140 752 2541 971 762 184 6 7 - 9 6 2 -74 15 26-51 + 0*06 + 16-323 0-04 0*020 774 2552 975 767 185 67-93 1 -31 42 24-51 ... + 16-288 -0-23 ... 75i 2576 984 768 186 61 72 I + 17 6 1 7 04 -0-28 + 16-255 -0-29 -0-086 35i ... ... 771 187 70-36 14 64 54 12-01 ... + 16-178 -0-13 ... 779 2622 IOOO 779 188 67-90 2 -15 5o 19-37 + 0-34 + 16-138 -0-25 o* i 16 356 2642 1009 781 189 I OO 66*94 6c-6i 1 -46 28 3-76 s6 A.I 18" c8 + 16-056 + 16 * OKJ. 0-20 o* 17 ... 785 2668 1018 787 iyw J 9 I "3 Ul 70-03 I 3 U T/ * 5 +50 8-07 + 0-14 T > V <->^. +I5-976 1 0-28 -0*028 362 1034 794 1 9 2 66-37 6 + 11 5 1 36-34 + 0-10 +I5'950 0*29 -0*075 364 ... ... 798 '93 67-89 3 -51 41 8-99 ... +I5-948 o* 19 799 2725 1035 801 194 67'93 i - 8 25 13-87 + o- 19 +15-945 -0-27 0*064 365 2728 1037 799 195 62-70 2 + 21 22 32-05 0-04 +I5-84 9 -0*31 0*016 367 ... ... 808 196 6 7-59 3 -53 7 43-44 + 0-13 +I5-752 o* 19 -0-049 821 2802 1058 820 197 67-90 2 12 26 49*l8 + 0-71 + I5'748 -0-27 -0-245 375 2810 1064 8i5 198 68-96 I -79 4i 53'" + 0-15 +I5-662 + 0-13 -0*038 883 2824 1071 833 199 62-32 2 + 19 26 2-31 o- jo +15-654 -0-31 -0*037 377 ... ... 825 200 67-90 3 -67 52 59-10 +I5'604 o- 10 854 2853 1085 835 2OI 63-89 27 + 2 39 53*99 0-16 +15'569 0-29 -0*143 383 ... 1096 837 2O2 67-93 i -55 7 44'56 ... +J5-560 0-18 ... 847 2866 1093 839 203 67-89 2 -64 51 44-98 ... +15-55 1 0-12 ... 863 2868 1095 841 20 4 68-92 3 -67 32 10-14 ... +I5-519 o-io 86; 2878 IIOO 846 205 66-94 I -68 50 47*61 o-oo +15-502 0*09 O * OO2 871 2887 1105 849 206 64-64 4 + 11 52 32-78 0-02 +15*497 -0-31 0*069 386 ... ... 844 20 7 * 67-69 23 + 9 32 3i'9i + 0-05 +15-495 o - 30 O-OI9 387 ... IIII 845 208 67-90 2 -19 8 43-51 o- 16 +I5-430 0*26 + 0-054 39<> 2924 1124 856 209 - 68-41 ' 2 -53 8 30-79 ... +I5-372 0-19 ... 874 2935 1126 862 210 66-94 2 -43 24 20-39 ... +15*336 0-22 ... 875 2957 1136 864 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1865'0. No. Star's Xame. Mag. Mean Date 1800 + No. of Obs. Moan R.A. 1865*0. Corr. for Pa to 1865*0. Free. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865*0. Proper Motion Pa 211 6-1 61-87 I h m a 2 40 58*12 s + 0-01 8 -h 3 * 3480 + 0*017 s + 0*00l8 212 6-2 68-23 2 2 41 5-69 0*05 + 1-0075 + 0-028 + 0*OI7* 21 3 Lacaille 898 6*6 68-96 I 3 41 42*49 + 0*7240 + 0*041 214 2iet 42 Arietis it S'6 V8 63-86 61-84 6 2 2 4i 45'79 2 42 2*63 0*00 + O'OI + 3'335 6 + 3* c.o8o + 0*016 + 0*023 O'OOII + o * 0038 216 Fornacis if 6-7* 67*03 I 2 42 5'2I + 2*4382 0*001 217 43 Arietis ff e* c 66-89 I 2 44 2-71 O'OO + V2Q03 + o*ois 0*0002 218 2JQ Lacaillc 884 Fornacis if 7'3* S* 7 67-89 67*QO 3 i 2 44 4-05 2 44 47' 1C + 2-1341 + 2*4226 0*001 o * oo r 2 2O Horologii . v S, 68 '04 3 2 46 2*1^ + 1 * 3OC3 + 0*016 221 Lacaillo 919 7' 5* 68-63 3 2 47 23*16 + i-6fj83 + 0*006 222 6*7* 67-03 i 2 47 36*82 + 2*2695 0*001 223 6-9* 68-92 2 48 49*76 + 1*2227 + 0-018 224 6 -.4* 67-02 i 2 49 25-12 + 1-2683 + 0*017 22S* 4*0 67-00 2 2 49 co* 06 O'OI + 2*9220 + o*ooc + 0*0037 226 Lacaille 048 ., 6-Q* 67-80 2 2 CO 32*46 + 1 'o^y**, + 0*025 229 Lacaillc 031- ... 7*0* 67*06 I 2 co 3C*67 + 2*3333 o oo i 228 Hydri v 4*7- 68-04 I 2 $ I 22*9-1 0*4727 + o* 123 220 t'A 67 *QO 2 2 C I 23* CO O*OI + 2*6SQ3 + o * oo t + o 0040 230 231 48 Arietis (mass) e QI Ceti A. 4'6 4*6 63-06 60* O4 13 r 2 51 29-88 2 52 28*97 o-oo + O *OI + 3-4176 + 3 * 2O6 C + 0*018 + O *OI 2 -0-0025 o * oo 1 4 232 Lacaille 960 6-7* 67'Q3 i 2 C3 41-72 + I ' 732O + 0*005 233* 92 Ceti .... ..... a 2* 7 6s " 44 27 2 CS I V C3 O* OO + 3 " I 206 + O* OIO 0*0024 2 24 9 Kriduni p S4 67 * oo 2 2 c6 4-87 o* oo + 2 * Q38o + o* 006 + o *ooo8 23=t Horolosrii . 8 S.o* 67* 14 6 2 C.6 I * * 22 O* OO +1*11 3O + O* O2 1 o* ooo 2^6 Brisbane 465 . . 7 .5* 68-69 4 2 C7 C'4I + 1 ' IJ.4 3 + 0*020 237 Lacaille 982 7-0* 67'QC 3 3 O I0'6l + 1 * 86co J- 0*003 2}8 27 Persei K 4'O- 7O ' Q4 3 O 24*28 O* OQ + 3 * QO76 + o * 04 1 + o * o 1 1; i 2 3Q Brisbane 477 8* 68*04 i 3O 47 *7o + I " 3343 + 0*014 24O+ Hydri.... e *4 67-43 e 3 i co'7C 0*01 + o*o6oc + 0*073 -*- O * OO 3 3 241 7* 67*00 i 3 3 21 * 76 + 2* 3T6c O'OOO 2421 4' C. 6<*c7 14 3 3 <4*87 O'OI + 3*4O7 I + 0*017 + O OOO 3 243 -... iot 65*6c 5 3 4 3O-68 + I "6071 + 0*007 244 7*.e* 68-28 3 3 f? I3*8C + I * 2702 + 0*015 245* S*O 67*00 2 3- C 3 28 O*O4 + 3 * O432 + o * 008 + 0*0124 3 OO *' 216 234 , 220. B.A.C. gives n< p 2 in B.A.C. ) lettei ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 15 No. Mean Date 1800+ Xo. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1865-0. Corr. for PS to 1865-0. Free. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion PS Bradley or Lacaille C.G.A. 1875. Cape 1880. B.A.C. 1850. Of// // // // it 211 61-87 I + 17 43 9-18 O"O + 15-309 -0-3 0-021 393 ... ... 867 212 68-31 3 -67 16 59-19 + 0'20 + I5'30I 0*IC -0-06* 893 2965 H38 869 213 68-96 i -69 43 57-02 ... + 15-267 O-o! ... 898 2973 H43 874 214 63'86 6 + 16 54 2-74 O'OO + 15-263 -0-32 + O'OOI 397 ... "47 870 2'5 61-84 2 + 26 42 6-32 -0-33 + IS-247 -o-34 -0-105 395 ... ... 8 7 2 216* 67-93 I -36 6 54-22 ... + 15-245 0-24 ... 879 2989 1148 873 217 66-89 I + J 4 3i 25-90 + 0-07 + 15-133 -0-32 -0-039 400 ... 1161 88 1 218 67-89 3 ~46 54 33'9 8 ... fi5' I 32 0-21 884 30l8 "57 884 219 67-90 i -36 24 15-19 ... + 15-091 0-24 . . . 897 3030 1162 886 220* 68.94 3 -63 22 2-42 ... + 15-019 0-13 ... ... 3054 ... 895 221 68-63 3 ~57 44 53*97 ... + 14-940 0-17 . 919 3080 1176 899 222 67-93 i -4i 56 45-13 ... + 14-926 0-23 ... 912 3092 1182 900 223 68-92 i -64 5 35-77 ... + 14-855 -0-13 ... 934 3"4 1188 906 22 4 67-78 2 -63 27 44-23 ... + 14-821 0-13 ... 937 3128 1196 911 225 67-90 2 9 26 14*03 + 0-62 + 14-796 0-29 O-2I4 4'3 3U6 1204 910 226 67-89 4 -66 o 18-61 ... + H-755 o-ii ... 948 3154 1206 919 227 67-96 j 39 " 56-08 ... + I4-75I O*2^ ... 93i 3162 I2IO 917 228 68-94 i -75 37 7'i6 ... + 14-704 + 0-04 ... 972 3171 121 I 928 22 9 67-90 2 -24 24 18-47 + 0-JO + 14-703 0-27 -0-033 418* 3185 1219 922 2 3 63-05 H + 20 47 53-52 O'OI + 14-697 -0*35 0-006 415 ... ... 921 231 69-04 5 + 8 22 2-57 + O-O2 + 14*639 -o-33 o 006 419 ... ... 929 232 67-93 i -55 33 24-48 ... + 14-566 -0-18 ... 960 3234 1234 942 233 64-56 36 + 3 33 29-24 -0-03 + I4-473 -0-32 0-072 428 ... 1250 949 2 34 * 67-90 2 - 8 13 5-82 O'OI + 14-422 -0-30 + 0-005 432 3281 "57 952 235 67-14 6 -64 36 32-9 + 0-09 + 14-4" 0-12 0-04 ... 3279 1256 956 236 68-69 4 -64 9 49-99 ... + 14-361 0-12 ... ... 3290 I26O 958 237 67'95 3 -5i 5i 2-17 ... + 14-161 0-20 ... 982 335 1273 9/0 238 70-94 8 + 44 20 33-68 + 0-95 + 14-156 -0-42 0-160 .438 ... 1280 967 239 68-94 i 6r 22 3-08 ... + 14-132 -0-I 4 ... ... 3360 1277 973 240 67-46 6 -72 35 48-55 + O'OI + 14-057 0-02 -0-003 IOOI 3375 1286 982 241 67-90 i -35 56 45'95 ... + 13-971 0-26 ... 993 3399 1292 984 242 243 64-68 65'65 3i 6 + 19 12 50-02 56 39 32-98 O'OO + I3-937 + 13-800 -0-36 o- 17 + 0*009 446 ... 1295 986 244 68-20 4 -61 39 59-43 ... ** S7 + 13-854 / -0-14 t ... 3435 1302 992 245 67-90 2 - i 42 10-47 + 0-14 + 13-812 -0-33 -0*048 450 3455 I3II 994 16 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1865'0. No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1865-0. Corr. for /*a to 1865*0. Free. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion /*a. 246 247t 248 249 250 251 2S2f 253* 254 255 256 257 258 259* 260 261 262 263 264 265: 266 2 6;t 268J 269 270 271 272 273 274 275J 276 277 278* 279 280 Lacaille 1 006 6-0 * 6-0 4*9 6-8* 6-2 5'7 4-8 6' 4 * 5'7 7-1 5*7 7-0* rs 6-9* 1-9 5' 5 r* *i 3'8 6-7* 5'5 3'8 6-6* 6-1 6-2 6-5* 5*4 6-8* 4*3 6-4 n 4'8 5'9 6-4* 68-99 66-93 67-87 63-58 67-90 67-96 68-94 68-96 67*93 67-90 69-01 67-27 67-89 67-90 67-96 70-00 68-74 68-92 68 96 68 -14 67-94 66-87 69-13 67-89 68-92 67-87 69-01 67-96 68-96 67-64 68-48 65-64 67-91 68-97 68-96 2 3 3 5 2 I I I 2 I 5 4 i i 6 4 i i 4 2 6 3 i 3 i 3 i 18 2 4 3 4 i h in s 3 6 3'99 3 6 20-25 3 6 47-27 3 7 8-82 3 7 16-78 3 7 44-22 3 9 8-04 3 9 16-69 3 10 37-37 3 ii 28-12 3 ii 48-89 3 12 13-87 3 13 2-62 3 13 30-70 3 13 59*39 3 H 42-i6 3 14 5'-57 3 IS 30-16 3 16 28-09 3 17 33*04 3 18 19-47 3 19 23-45 3 19 51-33 3 20 35-63 3 20 40-60 3 20 42-80 3 21 22-36 3 22 19-69 3 23 4*94 3 23 25-42 3 23 29-32 3 23 46-26 3 23 55-29 3 24 59-74 3 25 24-99 0-04 o-oo + 0-01 + 0-01 0-05 + O"O2 O'OI O'OI -0-73 + 0-02 -0-06 O'OI o-oo o-oo + 1-9463 + 2-5221 + 0-4302 + 3'4372 + 1-4922 + 2-3506 + 1-5104 + 2-9107 + 2-4705 + 3-0474 + 1-3514 -2-2939 + 0-9384 + 2-6631 + 2'3579 + 4*2425 + i "0924 + 2*6211 + 2-5775 + 3-2247 + 2-4062 -1-6864 + 3-2389 + 1-7798 + 2-5308 + 2-3149 + 2-1416 + 2-3173 + 2-0604 + 3*3014 + 0-2071 + '"4795 + 2-9713 + 0-2368 + 2-1375 + 0-003 + 0-001 + 0-049 + 0-018 + 0-010 + 0-001 + 0-009 + 0*005 + 0-001 + 0-008 + 0-013 + 0-279 + 0*026 + o 003 + o - ooi + 0-048 + 0-020 + 0*002 + 0*002 + O*OI2 + 0-002 + 0-199 + 0*012 + 0-005 + 0*002 + O*OO2 + O * OO2 + O-OO2 + 0-002 + 0-013 + 0-054 + O'OIO + 0*007 + 0-052 f 0-002 + 0-0232 -0-0032 -0-0023 O'OO21 + 0*0156 O*OO6* + O-OO2I + O'OOII + 0-194* -0-0056 + 0-033 + 0-0025 -0-0003 O-OOO6 Lacaille 1035 58 Arietis Lacaille 1023 Lacaille 1014 Lacaille 1040 13 Eridani .. Lacaille 1034 QS, Ceti... Lacaille 1057 Lacaille 1105 Lacaille 1069 33 Persei a Keticuli f 1 Lacaille 1067 i TaurL o Lacaille 1081.... Hydri i 2 Tauri Lacaille 1 1 06 . Lacaille 1096 Lacaille 1107 Lacaille 1117 e; Tauri.... .. f Lac HI lie 1132 .. C.P.D.-56 No. S 36 17 Eridani Lacaille 1139 Lacaille 1125 247. Erroneously designated a Eridani in B.A.C. ; a Foruacis in C.G.A. 273. B.A.C. gives no letter. 278. v in C.G.A. KOYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 17 No. Mean Date 1800 + Xo. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1865-0. Corr. for f*a to 1865-0. Prrc. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion t*d. Bradley or Lacaille C.O.A. 1875. Cape 1880. B.A.C. 1850. o / // // // // // 246 68-99 2 -49 '4 43'27 ... + I3-80I 0-21 ... 1006 3454 1309 996 247* 66-93 3 -29 31 14-07 -1-24 + I3-784 -0-27 + 0-644 454* 3462 1317 997 248 67-87 3 -69 46 47-90 ... + I3-755 -0-05 ... 1035 3465 1316 IOOO 249 63-58 5 +20 32 30-47 o- 10 + I3-732 -0-37 0-070 45i ... ... 999 250 67 -.90 2 -58 19 12-49 ... + 13-723 -0-17 ... 1023 3480 1323 1 002 251 67-96 I -36 27 2-57 ... + 13-695 O-26 ... 1014 349 1330 1003 252 68-94 1 -57 49 40-38 + 0-09 + I3'605 -0-17 0-024 1040 35H 1339 1014 253 68-96 2 - 9 19 23-50 O*2I + I3-595 -0-32 + 0-053 457 3523 1345 1013 254 67'93 I -31 19 38-41 ... + I3-5 9 -0-27 ... 1034 3555 1356 1019 255 67-90 2 - i 25 24-79 + o- 19 + I3H54 -0*34 0-066 461 3573 1365 IO22 2 5 6 69-01 I 60 o 48-60 ... + I3-43I -0-15 ... 1057 3574 '364 1027 257 67-22 6 -79 30 2-93 ... + 13-404 + 0-24 ... 1105 3568 '359 1038 258 67-89 4 64 56 22-71 + O'2O + I3-35I o-ii -0-07* 1069 3594 !373 1036 259* 67-90 i -22 15 3-18 -0-15 + 13-321 -0-30 + 0-050 469 3607 1377 1037 260 67-96 i -35 29 41-&5 ... + 13-290 O-26 ... 1059 3615 1381 1042 261 70-00 6 + 49 22 41-70 + o* 15 + I3-243 -0-47 0*029 464 ... 1392 1043 262 68-74 4 ~ 6 3 5 31-89 -2-43 + 13*232 -0-13 + 0-65* 1074 3626 1385 1048 263 68-92 i -24 7 I7-I3 ... +13-190 O-29 ... 1067 3641 '395 1049 264 68-96 2 -26 4 21-78 ... + 13-127 0*29 ... 1071 3656 1401 1054 265 68- 14 4 + 8 33 4-86 + 0'22 + I3-055 0-36 0-069 477 ... 1407 I0 57 266 67-94 2 -33 ii i6'93 ... + 13-004 -0-27 ... 1081 3694 1410 1060 267 66-87 I -77 52 48-28 o- ii + 12-933 + 0-18 + 0-06 1131 374 1412 1070 268 69-13 6 + 9 15 3S'o + 0-l6 + 12*901 -0-37 0-038 481 ... 1425 1068 269 67-89 3 -51 32 24-26 ... + 12-851 0-21 ... 1106 3740 1426 i75 270 68-92 1 -27 47 37*74 ... + 12-845 0*29 ... 1096 3743 1429 1073 271 67-86 4 -36 23 44-06 ... + I 2 ' 843 -0-27 ... IIOI 3744 1428 1074 272 69-01 i 42 6 41 *6i ... + 12-799 -0-2 5 ... 1107 3757 '433 1077 2?3* 67-96 3 -36 9 7-i6 ... +12-734 -0-27 ... 1108 3778 1440 1082 274 68-96 i -44 19 36-36 ... +I2-683 -0-24 ... 1117 3795 H47 1086 275 67-66 ! 9 + 12 28 17-76 o-oo + 12 '680 -0-38 O'OOO 486 ... 1450 1087 276 277 278* 68-31 65-64 67-91 3 4 3 -70 5 56-79 -S 6 53 5'62 -5 32 23-79 0-06 + 12-656 + 12-637 + IZ-627 0-03 -0-17 -0-34 ... 1132 3801 '445 1091 + O-O22 487 3818 T453 1090 279 68-97 4 -69 48 31-26 ... +12*553 -0-03 ... "39 3830 1454 1094 280 68-96 2 -41 49 36 44 ... + I2-525 -0-25 ... 1125 3846 1461 1093 m m 247. Binary; 3-9, 6-9. Probably seen as one star. m m ;/ 2 59- 3 '8, 9 '4, 5-4, 282. fainter star probably not seen. E 8567. 18 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1865 '0.' No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date 1800 + No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1865-0. Corr. for P to 1865-0. Prec. 1865'0. Sfic. Var. 1885'0. Proper Motion Pa 281* 282f *8 3 t 284 28 5 t 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 3Qit 302 303 304t 305 306 307* 308 39t 310 3" 3i2t 313 3H 3i5 3*7 4-8 4-2 6-9* 5'6 6-7* 5*7 6- 9 t 4'4 ">t ioj 7-0* 6-4* 6-7t 7* 5-8* 6-9* 5'6 7'3 7-1* 3'8 5'6 6-7* 3-0 7-2 5'i 4'3 6-2 3'8 6-0 4-8 3'8 7-0* 7'3* 7* 68-93 67-89 67-90 69-01 67*9S 67-14 69-89 67'93 67-92 65-66 65-72 68-46 67*99 63-67 68-97 68-93 67-97 67-87 68-06 67-91 63'34 67-96 68-99 65-21 68-18 68-21 68-93 68-95 62-13 69-03 67-93 67-33 68-94 69-01 68-96 2 3 i i 4 4 ii i i 4 4 2 2 6 2 2 3 2 3 10 2 2 14 5 ii 2 2 6 i i 5 i h >n 8 3 26 34-10 3 27 1-79 3 27 49'45 3 27 55-24 3 28 33-34 3 29 8-89 3 29 29-27 3 29 51-75 3 29 59-11 3 30 59'78 3 3 1 2-24 3 3i H-36 3 32 21 53 3 32 42 79 3 32 54-I9 3 33 10-88 3 34 55*99 3 34 58-65 3 35 28-39 3 36 22-70 3 36 51-84 3 37 7*04 3 37 49*99 3 39 27-86 3 4 5 I>2 5 3 40 52-28 3 41 2-29 3 4i 7'55 3.4i 8-43 3 4i 43-36 3 4i 5 1 * 28 3 42 31-12 3 42 32-84 3 45 4-4i 3 45 '5-28 8 + 0-27 O'li O'OO O'Ol O'OO + 0-05 + O-QI O'OO O'OO O'OO O'OO + 0-05 O'OO O'OO O'l I 8 + 2-8888 + 0-9738 + 2-6448 -1-5680 + 1-7760 + 2*4026 + 0-5840 + 3-0747 + 3-0715 + 1-4472 + "4397 + 2-0375 + 2-9585 + 3-5686 + 0-6423 + 2-4928 + 2*1418 -2-3740 + 1-1851 + 2-1238 + 3-5479 + 2-8627 + 1-9300 + 3-55I7 + 1-5092 + 3-2800 + 2-5909 + i -5200 - 3*553' -2-4659 + 2-5749 + o'68oi -2-9004 0-0570 + 2-0295 8 + o - 006 + O-O22 + 0-003 + 0-174 + 0-005 + 0-002 + 0*036 + O'OOS + o * 008 + O'OII + 0*011 + 0-003 + o 006 + O'oi9 + 0-033 + O'OO2 + O'O02 + 0-240 + 0-016 + 0-003 + 0-018 + 0-005 + o 004 + 0-018 + 0-009 + O'OI2 + 0-003 + 0-009 + 0-018 + 0-231 + 0-003 + 0-029 + 0-272 + 0-057 + o 003 a -0'0675 + o ' 048 + O-OOI7 + O'OO2O -0-0014 -0-OI59 -0-0035 0-0002 + O'OOO3 + O'OOO2 '0005 0*0130 + o ooo i + 0*0014 + o * 0464 Reticuli K 19 Eridani r 5 Lacaille 1185 Lacaille 1144 Lacaille 1138 Lacaille 1164 Bradley 406 .., 10 Tauri ... Y- .. ii Tauri Lacaille 1188 Brisbane 593 Lacaille 1197 Lacaille 1190 17 Tauri Piazzi III. 138 Lacaille 1208 Lacaille 1233 2 7 Eridani r 6 27 Tauri Reticuli |3 Lacaille 1307 . Lacaille 128? . .. Lacaille 1 2 c s ,. 282. B.A.C. gives no letter, 296. B.A.C. assigns to Eridanus. 307. Fundamental Star for Southern Zones. 312. B.A.C. gives no letter. HOYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. No. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1865-0. Corr. for ^8 to 1865*0. Free. 1805-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion /*S Bradley or LacaiUe C.G.A. 1875. Cape 1880, B.A.C. 1850. o / // // // // // 281 68- 93 2 - 9 55 '5o -0-08 +12" 446 -o'34 + O'O2O 493 3872 1467 IIOO 282* 67-89 3 -63 24 49 -46 I'OI + 12*414 0-12 + o'35 H43 3879 1468 1103 283 67-90 i -22 5 15-73 + 0*07 + 12-360 -0-3I -0*023 495 3897 1471 IIO4 284 69-01 i -77 12 39-27 ... + 12-353 + 0-17 ... 1185 3886 1469 1108 285 67-95 4 -50 50 16-63 O-2O + 12-309 O-2I + 0*067 1144 3912 H74 1106 286 67-19 3 -32 19 39-16 ... + 12-268 -0-28 ... 1138 3931 1480 1109 287 69-89 ii -66 56 49-47 ... + 12-245 -0-07 ... 1164 3932 1479 1113 288 6 7'93 i + o 8 41 -96 + 0'47 + J2'2l8 -0* 3 6 0*160 496 ... ... IIIO 289 2QO 67-92 65-66 i - o i 44-59 c6 A$\ 9fl * 2? + I'46 + 12-210 + 12* I 3Q -0-36 O* 17 -0*501 497 ... I 4 8 9 1112 *7V 2QI 6s* 72 4 3 U ^ w ^y o^ C6 C 2 3J.* 33 ' " ^ * oy + 12*137 A / O- 17 s 292 / m - 68-46 *T 2 0" i>o OT- oo -44 9 54-93 ..." > / + 12-123 / -0-24 ... H54 3973 I 49 8 1118 293 67-99 I 63 40-21 + 0'6o +12*044 -'35 0*202 502 4008 I 5 II 1124 294 63-67 2 + 24 53 25-97 -o-oi + I2-OI9 -0- 4 2 O'OII 500 ... 1515 1126 295 68-97 6 66 12 46-94 ... + I2*OO7 O*o8 ... 1188 4011 1510 1131 296* 68-93 2 -28 23 9-74 ... + 11*987 -0-30 ... 1163 4022 J5l8 1130 297 67-97 2 -40 47 27-30 ... + 11*864 -0-26 ... 1181 4055 1529 1136 298 67-87 3 -78 48 8-10 + 11-860 + 0-27 ... ... 4040 1521 ... 299 68-03 3 60 13 3-76 ... + II-826 0-15 ... 1197 4062 !533 1141 300 67-91 3 41 12 IO'2O +ll*76l -0-26 ... 1190 4088 1543 "45 301 62-47 9 + 23 41 IO'O2 o-io +II*727 -o-43 -0-039 509 ... 155' 1147 302 67-96 2 -io 54 52-24 ... + 11*709 -0*34 ... ... 4108 1552 1152 303 68-98 3 -46 23 21-53 ... + 11*658 -0-23 ... 1208 4119 '555 1160 304 64-17 30 + 23 41 6-55 0-04 +II-54I -o'43 -0-045 521 ... i57i 1166 35 68-18 5 -54 54 23-26 ... + II-442 o* 19 ... 1233 4176 1583 1183 306 68-2T ii + 10 43 31-57 + 0-07 +II-44I -0-40 0-021 529 ... ... 1174 307* 68-93 2 -23 39 2-96 + 2*04 +1I-429 -0-32 -0-518 530* 4191 159* 1181 308 68-95 2 -54 41 59-87 ... + II-422 -0-19 ... 1237 4185 1586 1185 309 62-23 7 + 23 38 16-54 0-11 + II-422 0-43 0-040 527 ... ... 1176 310 69-03 I -78 45 24-01 ... + II-380 + 0*29 ... 1296 4181 1580 1198 3" 67'93 I -24 17 39-90 -0-14 + H'37 -0-31 + 0-049 532* 4208 '598 1191 312* 67-33 5 -65 13 55-8o -0-13 + II-322 0-09 + 0-057 1253 4211 1599 1197 3i3 68-94 i -79 3 1 50-21 ... + II-320 + 0-34 ... 1307 4200 1592 1 200 3'4 69*01 i -70 26 16-53 ... +11*137 o-oo ... 1285 4263 1618 ... 3'5 68-96 2 -43 8 15-83 ... + 11*124 0-25 ... 1255 4276 1628 1208 B 2 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1865'0. No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1865-0. Corr. for J"a to 1865-0. Prec. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865 '0. Proper Motion Pa 3i6* 317 3i8 319 320 321 322 323t 324 325 326f 327* 328J 329 33of 33i 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 34-t 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 35 30 Eridani 5*4 6-4* 4'8 4"7 5'i 8'3t 7-of 3*i 6-8* 6-9* 6-3 3*i Var. 10-5* 4'6 6-0 5'2 7-0* 6-4* 6-of 4'5 4*4 8'5* 4-8 8-5* 5*5 9'5* 6-7* 8-5* 8* 8-8* 7-2 5'8 6-2 4*2 67-96 68*04 67'95 66 '99 67-03 64-96 64-05 67-47 67-90 67-85 68-50 66-06 67-91 65-66 68-93 69-03 67-96 68-96 68-95 63-22 67-46 61-64 66-94 67'93 67-97 61-76 68-65 61-65 67-91 61-73 69-03 68-00 68-96 70-94 2 4 3 i 4 3 i 3i T 3 2 31 15 4 2 I 2 I 2 II 2 4 4 i 3 5 3 4 3 3 i 2 I 3 h m s 3 46 i'73 3 46 7-38 3 47 3o-8o 3 47 57'89 3 48 30-42 3 48 47*27 3 49 3*83 3 49 21-91 3 50 2 4'77 3 50 24-93 3 5i i'44 3 5i 43*94 3 53 12-25 3 53 53-21 3 54 JO' 12 3 54 19-59 3 54 41-78 3 54 55*55 3 55 49-27 3 56 18 3 56 43-08 3 58 57-23 3 58 59-48 3 59 7-27 3 59 25-93 4 o 3-65 4 o 14-38 4 i 32-58 4 i 36-97 4 i 40-68 4 i 50-88 4 3 2-93 4 3 47-55 4 4 22-64 4 4 59-82 O'OO O*OI O'OO O'OO 0-02 O'OO O'OO O'OO o-oo o-oo O'OO + O-OI 0-04 O'OO + O'OI + 0-01 8 + 2 9595 -0-3758 + 3 0064 + 2-5489 + 2-2818 + 3-6228 + 3 '5444 i -0289 + 2-1528 + 1-8692 + 1-5667 + 2-7918 + 3-3161 + 1-3210 + 2-5548 + 0-7475 + 3-0336 + 1-9567 + 1-2748 + 3-5763 + 3-5292 + 0-8503 + 2-4084 + 0-9479 + 1-9219 + 2-4556 + 2*4160 0-4101 + 2-4231 + I ' II2O + 2-4259 + 1-6820 + 2'9228 + 1-8506 + 4-3768 R +O'OO6 +0-072 +0-007 +0-003 +0-003 +0-0l8 +O'OI7 +0-107 + o 003 + 0*005 + 0*008 + 0-005 + O'OI2 + O-OI2 + o 003 + 0*025 + 0*007 + o - 004 + 0-012 + 0-016 + 0-015 + 0-021 + 0-003 + 0*019 + O-OO4 + 0-003 + 0-003 + 0-065 + 0*003 + 0-015 + 0-003 + 0-006 + o * 006 + 0-005 + 0-036 s 0-0016 + 0-0019 + O-OOI2 + o * 0045 + O-OO82 o-ooo + o 003 1 0-0016 0-0008 0-0009 O'OOO* o 0005 + 0-0053 + 0-0134 Lacaille 1208 Eridani .. .....,./ W.B.(2) III. 1046 32 Tauri... Lacaille 1203. . Lacaille 1207 , .. Lacaille 1304. 34 Eridani y &... Lacuille 1327... 36 Tauri C.P.D.-29 No. 494 C.G.A. 4*64... Lacaille 1344 C.Z. IV. 26 Lacaille 1380 C.G.A. 4606 Brisbane 658... C.Z. IV. 76 0-0017 0*0009 51 Persei ... . u 320. u 3 in B.A.C. 336. A 1 in B.A.C. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 21 No. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1865-0. Corr. for PS to 1865-0. Prec. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion PS Bradley or jacaille C.G.A. 1875. Cape 1880. B.A.C. 1850. '/ // // // // // 316 67-96 2 - 5 46 0-49 + 0-01 + 11-067 -o-37 0-002 538 4303 1641 1212 317 68-02 5 -72 4 30-85 ... + ii -061 + 0-04 ... 1298 4289 1632 1215 3i8 67-95 3 - 3 21 22-13 + 0*01 + 10-958 -o-37 -0-003 540 4328 1648 1216 319 67-03 2 -25 o 51-57 + 0-01 + 10-925 -0-32 O'OO6 543* 4336 1649 1217 320* 321 322 67-03 64-96 64-05 4 3 i -35 7 58-88 + 26 6 44*40 + 22 46 50*89 0-02 + 10-886 + 10-865 + 10-844 -0-28 -o-45 -o-44 ... 1275 4346 *655 1220 O'O2 54i ... 1664 1223 323 66-48 27 -74 39 7'44 -0-15 + 10-822 + 0-12 + 0-102 1322 4353 1656 123^ 324 67-90 i -39 9 l8< 98 ... + 10*745 -0-27 ... 1293 4387 '675 1231 325 67-85 3 -46 48 48-32 ... + 10-745 -0-24 ... 1297 4383 1673 1232 326 68-50 2 -53 5 8-25 + O*2I + 10-701 O'2O 0*06 1304 4395 1680 1233 327 63-78 5 -13 53 40-44 O* 12 + 10-647 -0'35 O" IOI 546 4407 1683 1234 328* 3 2 9 330 67-98 65-66 68-93 18 5 2 + 12 6 22-84 -56 56 29-85 -24 24 3-61 + 0-02 -0-05 + 10-538 + 10-488 + 10*466 -0-42 -0-17 -0-32 0-007 548 ... ... 1241 + 0-013 55i* 4447 1693 1243 331 69-03 I -63 51 18-65 ... + 10-454 o-io ... 1327 4444 1692 I24& 332 67-96 2 - * 55 48-77 + 0-07 + 10-427 -0-38 -0-025 550 4458 1697 1245 333 68-96 2 -44 18 4-25 ... + 10-409 -0-25 ... 1320 4460 1696 1249 334 68-95 2 -57 29 11-61 + 0-28 + 10-343 0*16 -0-07* 1330 4476 1700 1255 335 6 4-95 II + 23 43 54-26 O'OO + 10-307 -o-45 O'OIO 552 ... 1708 1253 336* 63-26 13 + 21 42 36-63 O'lO + 10-275 -0'45 -0-058 554 ... 1713 1257 337 338 339 67-32 61-64 67-17 3 4 5 62 32 12-68 -29 53 8-25 -61 27 27-59 ::: + 10- 107 + 10-105 + 10-095 O'll -0-31 0-12 ... 1357 4545 i73i 1270 ... *355 455 1732 1271 340 67-93 i -44 5o 59-37 ... + 10*071 -0-25 ... ... 4564 ... ... 34i 342 343 67-97 61-76 68-48 3 5 4 -28 i 23-86 29 31 19-60 -71 32 27-56 -0-31 0*03 + 10-023 + lO'OIO + 9-910 -0-32 -0-31 + 0-05 + 0-104 1344 4580 1744 1273 + O'OI* 1380 4597 i75i 1278 344 61-65 4 29 IO 31 *2O ... + 9-905 -0*31 ... ... 4606 ... ... 345 346 347 67-91 61-74 69-04 3 4 2 -59 19 21-78 -29 3 8-86 -49 59 28-19 ... + 9-900 + 9-887 + 9-796 O'I5 -0-31 0-22 ... ... 4601 1753 1277 ... i37i 4626 J 759 1283 348 68-92 I - 7 16 43-07 + 0*07 + 9-740 -0-38 -0-018 567 4642 1766 1284 349 68-96 2 -46 13 22-05 ... + 9-694 O'2^ ... 1376 4649 1767 1288 35 70-94 3 + 48 3 45-89 + o- 16 + 9*646 0-56 0-027 564 ... 1776 1287 d. h. m. 328. Limits of Magnitude 3 '4-4 -2. Period 3 22 52-2; ^oZtype. Periodical inequalities. GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1S65'0. No, Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date 1800 + No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1865-0. Corr. for Pa. to 1865-0. Prec. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion i"a. 351* 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359t 36of 36if 362 363 364 365 366J 367 368 369 3/o* 37 372 373 374 375 376 377t 378J 379 380 38i 382 383 384* 385 38 Eridani . . . . o 1 4'i 6-4 6-8* 4'5 6-8* 7t 7'4* 7'3* 3'9 3'4 3'8 6-1 6-9 4*4 6'4 4-0 5*9 7-5* 6'5 5*3 8-5t 4*2 4'6 5'5 7'3* 9'2t 5'2 3*7 3-6 9 -it 6-5* 7* 6-2 4' 9 5-6 66-33 69-66 68-35 67-92 68-10 61-65 69-03 68-02 67-84 69-17 66-87 67-97 67-83 66-20 67-90 66-06 67-89 68-98 67-02 67-96 61-65 69-06 61-99 61-80 68-96 61-70 67-30 66-23 68-76 61-78 67-96 68-06 68-52 67 f 93 68-06 39 i 5 i 4 i 3 ii 4 i 2 I 4 9 3 2 3 2 4 2 2 I I 3 2 39 i 2 I I 2 2 I i m a 4 5 16-65 4 8 6-52 4 8 53-59 4 9 3'i6 4 10 1-16 4 10 16-69 4 " 4'30 4 ii 45-32 4 12 6-83 4 12 4i*5 4 12 47*33 4 12 51*41 4 14 3'76 4 J 4 9*79 4 H i8'77 4 15 9'i4 4 15 20-36 4 16 9-67 4 16 10-04 4 16 57-70 4 16 59-60 4 17 40*93 4 18 13*96 4 19 ^'ZS 4 20 16*30 4 20 24-66 4 20 26-26 4 20 44-21 4 20-57-47 4 21 11-80 4 21 34*ii 4 21 34-35 4 23 7'97 4 24 58-18 4 27 20-28 o-oo -0-03 + 0-42 O-O2 O'O2 O'OI + 0'OI o-oi + 0-01 0*03 + O-O2 O'OO s + 2-9240 + 3-3898 -3-0095 + 2*9082 + 1-8236 + 2-5226 + 1*1423 + 2-I003 + 3*398o + 0-7492 + 2-2632 + 2-5580 + 2-5050 + 1-0297 + 0-8863 + 3*4439 + 1-4686 + 0-2388 + 0-6522 + 2-9866 + 2 6080 + 3'455o 8 +0-006 + 0'OI2 + 0-221 + 0*006 + O-OO5 + 0-003 + 0-013 + 0-003 + O f Ol2 + 0-022 + 0-003 + 0-004 + o 003 + 0-015 + 0-018 + 0-012 + 0-008 + 0-034 + 0-023 + 0*006 + 0-004 + O-OI2 + 0-014 + 0-014 + 0-005 + o 004 + 0-023 + O-OI2 + 0-OII + 0-004 + 0-012 + 0-012 + 0-006 + O-OO7 + o 005 s - O-OOO5 + 0*0074 -0-1442 + 0*0069 +^0-0036 + 0-OO28 O'OIlf + 0*0064 0-0039 + 0*0065 + 0-0068 0*0010 + 0*0109 + 0-0069 + 0*0064 O'OOIO -0-0003 48 Tauri Lacaille 1444.. . . 40 EridaDi o^ Lacaille 1402......... C.P.D.-2 4 No.559 Lacaille 1413 Lacaille 1408 Ic j. Tauri . , . . y Lacaille 1400 ........ Lacaille 141 c. ........ Lacaille I43o(mass) 61 Tauri 8 Lacaille 1443 (S*).. B.D.-2iNo.852.. 68 Tauri 72 Tauri.... + 3 57 2 3 + 3*-5779 + i*7739 + 2-6382 + 0-6173 + 3*4870 + 3-4104 + 2 ' 6404 + I-I728 + 1-1727 + 1-7534 + 3-0649 + 2-9206 Lacaille 1454 B.D.-i9No. 918. Reticuli . . . . i . . t\ 74. Tauri. . e O'OI 78 Tauri 8 C.P.D.-i9No.923 C.G.A. 4984-5 Lacaille 1475 o-oo O'OO Lacaille 1479 45 Eridani 361. X in C.G.A. 366. Si in B.A.C. 369. 6 Reticuli in B.A.C. 372. S 3 in B.A.C. . 373. yi in B.A.C. 374. in B . A . C . ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 23 No. Mean Date 1800 + No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1865-0. Corr. for to 1865-0. Free. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 18C5-0. Proper Motion Bradley or Lacaille C.G.A. 1875. Cape 1880. B.A.C. 1850. 35 1 65-10 29 - 7 ii 30-75 O-OI + 9-626 -0-38 + 0-089 568 4668 1774 1290 352 69-66 I + !5 3 35-09 + 0-05 + 9-408 -0-44 o-oio 572 .... ... 302 353 68-28 6 -78 &9 33-23 ... + 9-346 + 0-38 ... 1444 4723 1785 1319 354 67-92 i - 7 52 3-36 + 10*0$ + 9*334 -0-38 -3'44 2 578 475 * 1801 1309 355 356 357 68-10 61-65 69-03 i 4 46 28 12-62 -24 50 48-07 -58 21 50-52 ... + 9-259 + 9-238 + 9-I78 0*24 -0-33 -0-15 ... 1402 4769 1805 1317 ... 1413 479i 1808 1325 358 68-02 3 -39 13 4-86 ... + 9-124 -0-28 ... 1408 4804 1815 1327 359 67-67 12 + 15 17 56-08 + 0-05 + 9 096 -0'45 O-O2O 583 ... 1819 1328 360 69- r7 4 -62 48 44-43 O'2O + 9-050 o- 10 + 0-047 1423 4812 1818 1336 361* 66-87 i -34 7 48-04 O'OO + 9-044 -0-30 o-ooo 590* 4821 1822 1333 362 67-97 2 -23 18 5-48 ... + 9-039 -0-34 ... 1409 4822 1824 1334 363 67-83 I -25 21 7-29 ... + 8-943 -0-33 ... i4!5 4846 1832 1340 364* 66-20 4 -59 37 38-29 + 0-20 + 8-936 -0-14 -o-i7t 1428 4840 1828 1344 365 67-93 2 61 16 52-01 ... + 8-924 O- 12 ... 1430 4845 1830 1345 366* 66-06 9 + 17 13 22-69 + 0-03 + 8-858 -0-45 0-027 594 ... ... 1346 367 67-89 3 -53 ii 22-14 ... + 8-844 O'2O ... 1429 4868 1842 '354 368 68-98 2 -67 o 35-24 ... + 8-779 O-O4 ... ... 4877 1847 *359 369* 67-03 4 -63 35 1-46 ... + 8-779 -0-09 ... 1443 4880 1848 1358 37 37 1 372* 67-96 6. -65 69-06 2 4 2 -43 34'9 -2i 4 31-80 + 17 36 59'io + 0-13 + O* IO + 8-716 + 8-713 + 8-659 -0-40 -0-35 -0-46 -0-045 602 4903 1855 1360 -0-025 601 ... ... 1365 373* 64*35 IO + 22 30 15-78 O'O2 + 8-616 -0-47 -0-034 604 ... ... 1367 374* 61-80 I + 22 41 19*95 0*01 + 8*538 -0-48 0-003 606 ... ... *37 375 376 377 68-96 61-69 2 4 2 -46 57 18-93 19 41 1-98 -63 42 26-48 -0'33 + 8-455 + 8-443 + 8-441 0-24 0-09 ... *454 4963 1877 1375 + 0-143 U73 4962 1876 1383 378 65-78 63 + 18 52 41*27 + O'O2 + 8-418 -0-47 0-031 609 ... 1884 1376 379 380 381 68-76 61-75 67-97 I 4 2 + 15 34 6-61 '9 33 46-82 -57 22 40-57 + O'OI + 8-400 + 8-380 + 8-351 -0-46 -o*3S -0-16 -0-003 613 ... ... 1381 4984-5 1888 -q 382 68-06 2 -57 22 40-34 ... + 8-351 -0-16 ... 1475 4985 l88 9 1387 383 68-52 2 -47 14 23-23 ... + 8-226 0-24 ... 1479 5'7 1905 1396 384 67-93 2 o 20 10-47 O*O2 + 8 080 -0-41 + 0-006 624 5059 1924 1403 385 68-06 1 - 7 i 27-12 + O-O2 + 7-890 -0-40 0*007 631 ... I95 1 1416 364. Proper Motion from Cincinnati Publications, No. 12. 24 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1865'0. No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date 1800 + No- of Obs. Mean R.A. 1865-0. Corr. for Pa to 1865'G. Prec. 1865 -Q. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper- Motion Pa 36t 387 388 39t 39t 39 1 392 393t 394 395 396 397* 398 399 400 401 402 43t 404 4<>5 406* 407 408 409 410 411 4i 4 4i3 414 4i5 416 4i7 418 M9J 420 87 Tauri a 1-0 Var. 6'5* 3'8 3'5 4'9 5'8 4*4 5' 2 5*7 5-6 4' 3 7-0* 5"3 9'5t 6-7* 6-4* 5'4 5-8* 5'i 5'2 6-7* 6-8* 4'3 5*9 6-7* 2'7 4'3 5'4 5-8 6-9* 5'7 4'7 4*7 6-4* 66 '04 67-78 67-97 67-02 66-89 61-65 65'94 63-27 6S-7I 61-65 68-05 68-03 68-10 66-93 61-72 68-02 62-92 68-03 68-08 67-01 67-99 68-53 67-97 68-06 68-10 68-02 65-00 67-45 68-08 68-05 68-19 68-03 67-97 63-69 68-57 67 3 2 3 2 4 33 16 2 4 i 2 I 3 4 i 2 3 i 2 I 2 2 I I I 3 4 i i 6 2 2 II 2 b m g 4 28 10-62 4 28 12-78 4 29 i7-9 2 4 3 18-15 4 31 4-96 4 32 35'99 4 33 3-88 4 34 8'77 4 37 '7* 11 4 37 36-22 4 37 56-40 4 38 45-22 4 38 49-48 4 39 !9'o8 4 39 5 2 -85 4 40 50-02 4 41 21*80 4 42 19*22 4 42 28-12 4 43 28-80 4 44 6-61 4 44 24-79 4 44 59*55 4 46 15-83 4 46 33*4i 4 46 56-17 4 48 12-33 4 48 47'Qi 4 49 45 -40 4 5 23-70 4 53 18-56 4 53 27-17 4 54 53-84 455 1-76 4 55 21-94 O'OO + 0-03 + 0-01 + 0-01 O'OI o-oo O'OO o-oo O'OI O'OO o-oo o-oo o-oi O'OI + 0-01 o-oo + 0-01 o-oo O'OO + O'OI + O'Ol 8 + 3*4305 + 2-3600 + 2-9881 + 2-3341 + 1-2830 + 2-7993 -5-6343 +3-5923 + 2-1153 + 2-8792 + 2-3190 + 2 "9953 + 2-4100 + 1-5367 + 2-8757 + 2-2154 + 2-0303 + 0-8896 + 2-6968 + 3-4973 + 2-6986 + 1-8411 + 0-9332 + 2-9459 + 2-1790 + 2 2OO5 +3-8964 + 3-3729 + 2-9518 + 2-0072 + 0-0707 + 2-8355 + 2-9060 +3-5750 -1-0334 + 0-OII + o ' 003 + 0*006 + 0-003 + 0-010 + 0-005 + 0-372 + 0-012 + o 004 + 0*005 + o 003 + o 006 + 0-003 + 0-007 + 0-005 + 0-003 + o - 004 + 0-014 + o 004 + 0-010 + 0-004 + o 005 + 0-013 + 0-005 + o 003 + o 003 + 0-015 + o 008 + 0-005 + o 004 + 0-026 + o 004 + 0-004 + 0-010 + 0-052 s + 0-0036 O'OIOI -0-0025 -0-0065 + 0-0041 O'OOO* 0-0008 0*006* 0-0017 O'OOOO O'OOl o - 0003 + 0*0047 + 0-0018 -0-0044 OOO1 -0-0059 O'OOIO + 0-0009 O'O022 + 0-0039 co Eridani v^ Bradley 6 3 c . . . c2 Eridani .. iP Piazzi IV i<54 - Mensaj v QA Tauri T Cseli Lacaille 1^64 ... c 7 Eridani u Lacaille 1569 Pictoris A B.D.-8No.937... Lacaille 1587 Lacaille 1 1?94 Doradus K -o Eridani... 60 Eridani. .1 ... . Lacaille 1616. . .. Lacaille 1632 6 1 Eridani w Lacaille 1628 Lacaille 1630 62 Eridani , b Lacaille 1 658 63 Eridani 5 c Eridani t// Lacaille 1721 . . 387. u 6 in B.A.C. 389. o 7 iu B.A.C. 392. B.A.C'. gives no letter. EOYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. No. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Moan Dec. 1865-0. Corr. for PS to 1865-0. Free. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion ^5 Bradley or Lacaille C.G.A. 1875. Cape 1880. B.A.C. 1850. / // // // // // 386 64-69 129 + 16 14 5-76 0-o6 + 7-82I -0-46 -0-181 630 ... 1962 1420 387* 67-78 3 -30 2 31-77 + 0-72 + 7-819 _0- 3 2 -0-259 636* 5'37 1959 1422 388 67-97 2 - 3 S3 27-42 + 0-03 + 7-731 -0-41 O'OI 635 5 l6 3 1969 1427 389* 67*02 3 30 50 26-21 o-oo + 7-65I -0-32 O'OOO 645* 5>87 1981 433 390 66-89 2 -55 19 30-67 + O'O2 + 7-587 -0-18 O'OIO '539 5 '98 1983 1438 39 l 61-65 4 -12 23 33-93 ... + 7-464 -0-38 ... ... 5239 1996 H43 392* 64-50 27 -8r 52 54-23 + 0*05 + 7-426 + 0-75 + O'IO* 1639 5219 1985 *454 393 63-89 21 + 22 41 41-55 O*O2 + 7-338 -o-49 -0-015 648 ... 2007 1449 394 63-88 4 -37 24 36-56 + 0-22 + 7-082 0-29 + 0-20* 1559 5313 2028 1464 395 61-65 4 - 8 45 29-71 O'OO + 7-056 -0-40 + 0-001 656 5321 2033 1465 39 6 68-05 i -3' i 6-97 ... + 7-029 -0-32 ... 5 6 4 5328 2041 1467 397 68-03 2 - 3 30 15-74 + 0-02 + 6-962 -0-41 -0-008 657 534i 2047 1469 398 68-10 I -27 49 45*83 ... + 6-957 -0-33 ... 1569 5340 2044 1471 399 400 401 66-93 61-72 68-02 3 4 i -50 44 12-36 - 8 52 57-51 -34 15 8-15 ... + 6-915 + 6-869 + 6-791 0-21 -0-40 -0-31 ;.. 1585 5350 2050 H73 ... 1587 5386 2064 1480 402 62-92 2 -39 36 7 '7 ... + 6-747 O-28 ... 1594 5397 2068 1483 43 68-02 4 -59 58 51-66 0-12 + 6-668 -0-13 + 0*04 1614 54i8 2075 1489, 404 68-08 i -16 34 13-58 -0-18 + 6-656 -0-37 + 0-058 668 5430 2080 1487 405 67-01 2 + 18 36 25-66 + 0-07 + 6-572 -0-49 -0-034 666 ... ... '493 406 67-99 I 16 27 12-68 0-22 + 6-520 -0-38 + 0-073 673 5462 2090 1498 407 68-53 2 -44 13 5"8 ... + 6-495 0-26 ... 1616 5465 2094 1499 408 67-97 2 -59 22 34-81 ... + 6-447 -0-13 ... 1632 5475 2096 '503 409 68-06 I - 5 40 51-47 -0-13 + 6-342 -0-41 + 0-044 676 55i8 2118 1507 410 68-10 I -35 8 4'8o ... + 6-318 -0-30 ... 1628 5524 2120 i5'i 411 68-02 1 -34 27 59-80 ... + 6-286 -0. 3 I ... 1630 5537 2I2 4 1513 412 63*00 2 + 32 56 54-23 o ' 03 + 6-181 -o-54 0-016 677 ... 2138 1520 4*3 67-45 4 + 13 17 53-60 + O*II + 6-132 -0-47 o 046 682 ... ... 1525 414 68-10 2 - 5 23 14-49 0*03 + 6-052 -0-41 + 0-OII 689 5601 2143 '529 415 68-05 I -39 5 So-io ... + 5-997 -0-28 1658 5610 2148 1533 416 68-17 7 -66 53 28-02 ... + 5'755 O'OI ... 1701 5672 2164 1548 417 68-03 2 -10 27 47-63 + 0-37 + 5-742 0*40 O*I2I 697 5684 2170 1544 418 67-97 2 7 22 28-11 0-06 + 5-620 -0-41 + O-O2I 701 5723 2l82 '552 419 63-65 IO + 21 23 38-40 -0-05 + 5-6o 9 0-50 -0-037 698 ... ... '55 1 420 68-57 2 -72 37 49-28 ... + 5'58i + 0*14 1721 57i9 2179 1556 m m 387. Suspected variable ; 4-3 5-0 in Uranometria Argentina. 26 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1865'0. No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date 1800 + No. of Obs. Mean It. A.. 1865-0. Corr. for Pa to 1865-0. Free. 1865'G. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion f* 421 422 423 424 425* 426 427 428 429* 43t 43i 432 433* 434t 435 436t 43 7 1 438 439* 440 44i* 442 443 444t 445 446f 447 448f 449 450 45i 452 453* 454 455 Piazzi IV. 285 5** 4'7 5*2 5"i 3"3 5*5 5*2 6-9* 2-9 4'9 6-5* 4-8 4'4 4'7 7* 5'3 O'2 6-8* 0-3 6-7* 3'7 5'2 7-0* 5-o 4"3 4'8 4'7 5'6 7'5* 6-9* 4*3 8* 1*9 7-1* 7'5* 68-05 67-79 64-13 66-05 67-17 67-02 68-08 68*04 68-00 66-90 68-09 66-53 68-06 69-03 68-10 67-97 70-00 67-75 6 4'75 68-07 68-04 65-20 68-27 62-08 68-09 65-94 68-04 67-90 68-76 68-14 68-04 68-10 65*35 68-05 69-03 2 5 7 3 12 4 i 2 4 3 2 5 i i i 4 87 2 3 3 4 i 5 3 3 i 2 3 i 17 3 i h m s 4 55 34^9 4 56 5 I "43 4 59 5'58 4 59 28-42 4 59 44-8o 4 59 49* 2 5 5 o 5*29 5 o 58-55 5 i 12-86 5 i 28-50 5 * 52-38 5 i 58-48 5 2 41-26 5 3 11-91 5 4 10*17 5 4 28-59 5 6 43-18 5 7 3*94 5 8 3-06 5 10 45-44 5 " 3-23 5 ii 10-05 5 12 32-21 5 12 37-06 5 13 21-41 5 13 52-22 5 J 4 52-27 5 16 3-46 5 16 16-70 5 l6 59'5 2 5 17 26-81 5 i? 29-57 5 17 45*55 5 18 12-38 5 18 52-09 o-oo 0-04 O'OO + 0-01 o-oo + O'O2 O'OI o-oo O'OO o-oo + 0*04 + 0-04 + 0-01 0-04 o-oo o-oo + O"OI o-oo + 0*02 o-oo O'OO O'OO o-oo + 0*02 o-oo o-oo s + 2-5981 + 3-4219 -1-7913 +3-5029 + 2-5358 +3-5481 + 2-9627 + 2-8712 + 2-9529 + I "5433 + 2-8707 + 3-4291 + 2-8685 + 1-0250 + 1-9281 0-8069 + 4-4126 + 2-8819 + 2-8806 + 1-3888 -t 2-9118 + 3-5988 + 1-3772 + 2-1547 + 2-7621 0-0654 + 3-0602 + 1-4655 + I '6550 + 3-0492 + 2-8889 + I 7804 + 3-7854 + 1-4067 + 0-7073 + o 003 + o 008 + 0-072 + 0-008 + o 003 + 0-009 + 0*005 + o - 004 + 0-005 + 0-006 + 0-004 + o 008 + 0-004 + Q-OIO + 0-004 + 0-039 + 0-017 + 0-004 + o 004 + 0-006 + o 004 + 0-008 + 0-006 + 0-003 + 0-003 + 0*021 + o 004 + 0-005 + 0-004 + 0-004 + 0-004 + 0*004 + 0*008 + 0*006 + 0*010 s 0*OOO2 + 0-0375 + 0*0011 -0*0034 0*0011 -0-0075 + 0*0027 0-0013 0-0013 0-0013 0-0090 -o-oi3f 0-004 + 0-0070 -0-0018 O'OOII O-OO22 + 0-OOII + 0-0060 0-0014 0-0005 0-0009 + 0*0012 0-0060 -o-ooii + 0-0012 104 Tauri . in 2 Leporis ....... .. 6 106 Tauri / 66 Eridani . , .... Lalande 9667 67 Eridani $ Bradley 718 Doradus Lacaille 1737 Mensse j8 Bradley 729 19 Orionis , )8 Lacaille 1791 Lacaille 1802 . Doradus 6 22 Orionis . o Pictoris .... Lacaille 1821 Bradley 'itf .. Lacaille 1830 . ... 112 Tauri )8 Lacaille 1851... . . 423. B.A.C. gives no letter. 425. Fundamental Star for Southern Zones. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 27 No. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1865-0. Corr. for w to 1865-0. Free. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion t*i Bradley or Lacaille c.a.A. 1875. Cape 1880. B.A.C. 1850. o / // // // // // 421 68-05 2 -20 15 2-32 ... + 5'564 -o-37 ... ... 5736 2190 1553 422 67-79 5 + 15 12 47-6l + 0*09 + 5*456 -0-48 -0-031 702 ... ... 1557 423* 65-29 10 -75 8 33-78 ... + 5-267 + 0-25 ... 1752 5787 2210 1587 424 67*01 2 + 18 27 39-76 0*04 + 5*236 0-50 + O-O22 705 ... ... 1568 425* 64-29 7 22 33 16-52 0-05 + 5-212 0-36 0-071 713 5816 2225 1575 426 67-02 4 + 20 14 13-20 + 0*06 + 5-206 0-50 O'O29 708 ... ... 1570 427 68-08 i - 4 50 19-56 + 0-05 + 5-184 -0-42 -0-015 712 5823 2228 *579 428 68-04 2 - 8 50 4-28 ... + 5-109 -0-41 ... ... 5843 ... ... 429 68-00 4 - 5 M 49-9 1 + 0-23 + 5-088 -0-42 -0-075 715 5848 2234 1588 430 65-69 4 -49 45 45'93 O'OO + 5-066 0*22 0-007 J7 2 8 5850 2232 1589 43 1 68-09 2 - 8 50 34-61 + O'I2 + 5-033 -0-41 0*04 718 5864 224O *592 432 66-53 5 + 15 25 18-24 O'OI + 5-023 -o*49 + 0*008 7H ... ... J59 1 433 68-06 i - 8 55 47-55 o-oi + 4-964 -0-41 + O'OO2 720 5888 2248 J 597 434 69-03 i -57 39 27-36 -0-44 + 4-920 -0-15 + 0-109 1744 5893 2249 1600 435* 68-10 i -41 23 54-09 -0-99 + 4-838 -0-28 + 0'32f 1737 5922 2256 1603 436 67-97 i -71 29 58-98 O* 12 + 4-811 + o-ii + 0-04 1778 5919 2253 1606 437 70-00 i + 45 51 20-49 + 2-15 + 4-621 -0-63 -0-429 722 ... 2285 1613 438 67-97 3 - 8 18 34-27 -0-03 + 4-59i -0-41 + O'OI 729 599 2284 1618 439 63-76 152: - 8 21 36-60 + 0-01 + 4*507 -0-41 + 0*007 736 6004 2292 1623 440 68-07 2 -52 ii 7-93 ... + 4-277 O'2O ... 1791 6056 2313 1640 441 68-04 3 - 6 59 34-41 0*04 + 4-251 -0-42 + 0-012 742 6066 2319 1638 "442 65 ' 20 3 + 21 57 12-97 + 0-02 + 4-241 -0-52 0*082 741 ... ... 1637 443 68-27 4 -5 2 19 57*79 ... + 4*124 O*2O ... 1802 6095 2333 1652 444 62-07 2 -35 i 43-47 '99 + 4-117 -0-31 -0-337 J 793 6098 2335 1650 445 68-09 I -13 19 5-90 + 0-01 + 4*054 0*40 0*004 748 6117 2343 1653 446 65-69 4 67 20 14-94 0-02 + 4-010 + 0-01 + 0*036 1828 6119 2341 1659 447 68-04 3 ~ o 31 5-75 0-03 + 3-924 -0-44 + 0-009 75 1 6i47 2352 1660 448 67-90 3 -5 45 8-25 -0-58 + 3-822 O*2I + 0*200 1825 6167 2357 1672 449 68-76 i -47 ii 7-24 ... + 3-802 -0-24 ... 1821 6i75 2361 1674 45 68-14 2 - o 59 45-24 + 0*06 + 3-742 -0'44 O'O2 757 6199 2367 1678 45 i 68-04 3 - 7 56 4-92 + 0-08 + 3-702 0*42 O-O25 764 6211 2373 1680 452 68-10 i -44 30 22-39 ... + 3-699 -0-26 ... 1830 6208 237* 1686 453 63-68 25 + 28 29 24-53 0-22 + 3-675 -0-54 o- 169 756 ... 2382 1681 454 68-05 3 -51 42 27-49 ... + 3-638 0-20 ... 1836 6224 2380 1691 455 68-50 2 -60 54 45-28 ... + 3-58o o- 10 1851 6237 2385 1697 435. Proper Motion from Cincinnati Publications, No. 12. 28 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1865 '0. No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date 1800 + No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1865-0. Corr. for /*a to 1865-0. Free. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion Pa 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465: 466 467 4 68f 469* 470 47 J 472* 473t 474 475t 476 477 478 479 480 48 it 482 483 4 8 4 t 485* 486 487* 488 489 49 115 Tauri 5*4 4-8 6-4* 5*5 6-6* 6-6* 6-6 6-9* 4-6 2-4 5*4 7*5* 5'6 2-7 5'6 5'3 1-8 3-o 6-3 3'7 6-0 8'5t 6-8* 4'9 1-9 2-7 6-6* 6-6* 5' 3*7 5"4 2'2 5-i 7'3* 3*9 66-86 67-49 62-08 68-84 68-04 67-96 63-67 68-10 68-29 64-84 68-14 68-10 68-09 66-05 68-10 64-11 66-00 66-58 68-76 68-02 68-04 68-14 68-09 64-05 68-06 64*99 68-10 68-40 62-08 68-06 64-32 68-03 64-01 68-u 64-65 5 4 i i 2 3 3 i ii 89 i i 3 20 i 6 43 42 i x 3 i 3 2 3 129 i 2 2 I 3 5 5 2 2 h m s 5 19 I 7'7i 5 19 3i-74 5 19 53-13 5 20 0*28 5 20 47'53 5 20 54-43 5 21 42-46 5 21 59-05 5 24 18-00 5 25 6-65 5 25 20-94 5 26 7-28 5 26 26-80 5 26 46-57 5 28 17-56 5 28 18-76 5 29 21-86 5 29 34-68 5 3i 3-92 5 3' 58'" 5 32 47-72 5 33 7-99 5 33 29-44 5 33 29-65 5 33 56-94 5 34 45*63 5 36 30-55 5 S 6 55*24 5 37 14-58 5 4 50-37 5 40 58'93 5 4i 21-24 5 42 43'i2 5 43 M'66 5 44 5-25 8 O'OO O'OO O'OO o-oo O'OO O'OO o-oo O*OO o-oo o-oo O'OO O'OO O'OO o-oo + 0-07 + 0*01 O'OO o-oo + 3-4957 + 3-5990 + I 1006 +3*4436 + 2-7916 + 1-7841 + 1-3583 + 2 4088 +3*5138 + 3-0628 + 2-5656 + 1-6449 + I 6448 + 2 6442 + 2-1367 + 2-0145 + 3-0422 +3-5823 + 1-1783 + 3-0099 + 2-9875 + 3-0255 + 0-6502 + 3-4645 + 3-0253 + 2-1707 + 2 1907 -0-0074 -2-4419 + 2-7182 + 2-2277 + 2-8438 + 1-6598 + 1-8866 + 1-4181 8 +0-006 +0-007 +0-007 +0'006 +0-003 + o - 004 + 0-006 + o 003 + 0-006 + 0-004 + 0-003 + o - 004 + 0-004 + 0-003 + 0-003 + 0-003 + 0-004 + o 005 + 0*006 + 0-003 + 0-003 + 0-003 + 0-008 + 0-005 + 0-003 + 0-003 + 0-003 + 0-OJ2 + 0-037 + 0-003 + 0-003 + O-OO3 + 0-003 + 0-003 + 0-004 B O'OOIl O'OOII -0-0004 o - 0003 0-0014 o oo 1 1 -0-0013 - o 0008 0-0013 -0-0005 0-0014 + o ooo i o - 0008 O'OOIO + 0-025 O-OO2I O'OOIO o ooo* 114 Tauri ...tO Liicaillc 1 8*3 116 Tauri Piazzi V.ioz Pictoris i jo Tauri 34 Orionis 8 Lacaille 1886 Lacaille 1888 Lacaille 1895 Lacaille 102? .. . 48 Orionis (mass).(T Piazzi V. 178 Lalande 10705 Liicaillc 15 1)4*1 126 Tauri 50 Orionis (mass).f ColumbcB a Lacaille 1955 Lacaille 1985 ColujnbcC.* ........ u 153 Orionis K Lacaille 2003 Lacaille 2005 Pictoris )8 458. K Pictoris in B.A.C. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 29 No. Mean Date 1800 + No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1865-0. Corr. for /*5 to 1865-0. Free. 1865'G. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion PS Bradley or Lacaille C.G.A. 1875. Cape 1880. B.A.C. 1850. o / // // // // // 4 5 6 66-86 5 + '75 34' i 2 + Q-OI -f 3*543 0-50 -0-003 767 ... ... I6 9 2 457 67-49 4 + 21 49 3-78 O'OI + 3-523 -0- S 2 + 0-006 768 ... ... 1695 458* 62-08 i -56 15 43*73 ... + 3*493 0-16 ... 1853 6268 2397 1704 459 68-84 i + 15 45 27-16 + 0-09 + 3*483 -0-50 -0-023 771 ... ... 1701 460 68-04 2 12 i 0-83 ... + 3*4i5 -0-40 ... ... 6298 2410 1708 461 67-96 3 -44 20 49 97 ... + 3*405 0-26 ... 1850 6296 2409 1710 462 64-48 4 -52-26 7-56 ... + 3*336 0-20 ... 1863 6317 2417 1712 463 68-10 i -26 41 55-20 ... + 3*3" -0-35 ... 1849 6323 2423 1713 464 68-29 ii + 18 29 26 23 + 0-01 + 3-112 -0-51 O'OO2 783 ... ... 1726 465 63-56 93 - o 24 6-55 + 0-01 + 3*041 -o-44 + 0-007 787 6401 454 1730 466 68-14 2 -20 57 56-79 + 0-13 + 3-021 -0-37 o 040 791 6404 2455 1732 467 68- ir 2 -47 10 51-18 ... + 2'954 -0-24 ... 1886 6418 2460 1738 468 68-09 3 -47 10 35'98 + 0-52 + 2-925 -0-24 0-169 1888 6423 2461 1740 469 62-00 4 -17 55 17-11 + 0-03 + 2-897 -0-38 + 0-010 796 6436 2466 1741 470 68-10 i -35 '4 3'oo ... + 2-767 -0-31 ... 1890 6466 2480 1753 47i 64-11 6 -38 36 33'34 ... + 2-764 0*29 ... 1895 6465 2479 1756 472 63-69 29 i 17 27-08 O'OO + 2-673 -0-44 + 0-001 809 6501 2495 1765 473 66-62 40 + 21 3 24-91 + 0-03 + 2-654 -0-52 0-021 800 ... ... 1767 474 68-76 i -54 59 34*49 ... + 2-525 -0-17 ... 1923 6530 2504 1779 475 68-02 i - 2 40 51-30 -0-03 + 2-447 -0-44 + 0-OII 814 6558 2517 1780 476 477 68-04 68-14 3 f - 3 38 32-83 2 O 1 2 * 7,8 ... + 2-375 + 2 " 2 4.6 -o-43 0*44 ... ... 6582 253i 1789 *TI 1 478 W A ^ 68-09 3 -61 15 34-46 ... * o^-" + 2-315 *f T O'lO ... 1554 6589 2532 T 795 479 64-05 2 + 16 27 39*40 o-oi + 2-314 -0-50 -0-013 817 ... ... 1792 480 68-06 3 20 59*08 0-03 + 2-275 -0-44 + 0-010 819 6614 2539 *794 481 63-67 126 -34 8 52-26 -0-05 + 2 ' 204 -0-32 -0-034 1938 6633 2547 1802 48*. 68-10 i -33 28 9-93 ... + 2-05I -0-32 ... 1955 6676 2562 1809 '3 68-40 2 66 38 10-72 ... + 2-016 o-oo ... 1985 6679 2560 1815 484 62-06 4 -76 26 8-29 +0-95 + 1-987 + o*35 + 0-322 2027 6674 2558 1819 485 68-06 I -14 52 28-07 0-02 + 1-675 0*40 + 0-008 843 6778 2596 1840 486 64-32 3 -32 21 35-39 ... + 1-662 -0'33 ... 1982 6780 2597 1841 487 68-03 5 - 9 43 12-42 o-oi + 1-630 -0-41 + 0-004 844 6788 2601 1843 488 64-50 6 -46 38 54-11 ... + 1-511 -0-24 ... 2003 6817 2612 1855 489 68-n 2 -41 38 14-39 ... + 1-464 0-28 ... 2005 6831 2619 1858 490 64-65 2 -5 1 7 0>I 5 + 0-04 + 1-392 0-21 + 0-10* 2021 6848 2628 1861 30 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1865'0. No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1865-0. Corr. for pa to 1865-0. Prec- 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion Pa 491 49 2 t 493 494 495 496 497J 498 499 500 501* 502 53 S4 So5t 506 57 508 509 5io 5 11 512 5i3 5*4 515* Si6 5*7 5'8 Si9 520 521 S24 523 524 S 2 5t Laoaille 2202 5*7 4*5 5 -.3 6-4 4*7 4'8 Var. 5'6 5-o 5'o 3'7 4*9 7-0* 5'i 4-,o 4-8 7'3* 4'8 4'3 8-5t 7'3* 10 -o* 4*9 5*9 4'4 4*6 6-9* 6-9* 6-6* 5'o 5-8 Var. 6-2 9t 4'8 68-13 65-66 68-00 68-05 65'93 65'37 64'35 65-21 67-13 63-69 68-01 68-06 68-04 68-u 62-06 67*99 68-07 67-16 61-13 61-94 68-35 61-94 68-08 68-05 66-80 68-14 68-02 68-05 68-16 68-07 68-26 65-12 68-04 61-94 67-18 4 3 2 3 27 3 74 2 4 3 3 2 2 5 2 3 3 5 2 3 3 3 i 3 20 2 I I I 4 4 27 3 3 2 h m 5 44 15-18 5 44 3f97 5 44 5'93 5 45 38-85 5 46 23-39 5 47 5 053 + 1*031 + 0*72 -0-32 + 0- 9 3* + 0*03* 2138 2044 6907 6937 2653 2673 1898 1891 500 64-51 4 -66 56 5-62 ... + 0*872 + 0*01 ... 2093 6972 2686 '90S 501 68-01 3 14 ii 40*46 -0-43 + 0-853 0*40 + 0*I42 866 6992 2696 1901 502* 68-06 2 37 8 30-80 ... + 0-800 -0*30 ... 2069 7OII 2700 1906 53 68-04 2 - 9 23 46*73 0-02 + 0-647 -0-42 + 0*008 872 7063 2719 1919 504 68-n 5 - 9 34 11-65 + O*II + 0*642 -0-42 -0-034 874 7065 2723 1920 55* 62-06 2 -42 49 27*41 -0-06 + 0*436 -0-27 O*O2O 2099 7120 2735 1933 506 67-99 3 -10 36 11-35 0*07 + 0-395 -0-41 + 0*025 883 7'36 2741 1936 507 68-07 3 -Si 13 55'25 ... + 0*362 O*2I ... 2114 7142 2742 1940 508* 67-16 5 + 20 8 17-88 0*01 + 0-359 -0*52 + 0-006 881 ... ... *939 59 51 5 J1 512 51.3 61*13 61-94 68-35 61-94 68-08 i 3 3 3 i + 23 16 3-44 -47 9 29-10 -58 6 16-96 -46 46 17-35 -16 28 37*67 -0*36 -0*03 + 0*357 + 0-325 + 0-130 + 0*101 + 0*090 -o'53 -0-24 -0-14 -0*24 -0*39 -0-093 880 ... 2746 1938 ... 2133 7206 2761 1954 + O*CIO 890 7226 2768 1955 SM 68-05 3 -10 14 9-50 0-08 + 0-080 -0-41 + 0*026 889 7232 2770 1956 5^5 64-76 4i + 14 46 53-78 o-oo + 0*012 0*50 0-016 887 ... 2779 1958 5i6 68-14 2 -H 55 32'5 0*04 0*004 0*40 f 0*014 892 7253 2780 J 959 5i7 68-02 I -ii 9 39*47 -0*03 0-048 -0*41 + 0*010 894 7272 2 79 l 1961 68-05 I -48 26 50-03 + 0-15 O- 112 -0-23 -0-05* 2145 7297 2795 1972 5*9 68-14 2 44 20 6*46 ... - 0-403 0*26 ... 2174 7384 2828 1993 520 68-07 4 6 31 18*96 - 0-464 -o*43 ... ... 7408 2838 1994 5 2 i 68-31 3 -66 i 15-58 ... - 0-525 0*01 ... 2203 7413 2837 2003 522* 64-99 30 + 22 32 33-28 o-oo - 0-589 -0*53 0-003 909 ... 2853 2OO2 523 524 525* 68-04 61-94 67-18 3 3 2 -45 15 I0 '59 -45 34 52-43 -54 56 22*58 + 0-04 - 0-5 9 5 0*646 0-671 -0*25 -0-25 -0-17 ... 2191 7444 2850 2OO6 0*020 2201 7467 2857 2013 497. Limits of magnitude 1 1*4. Irregularly periodic, d 522. Limits of magnitude 3 -2 3' 7 to 4*2. Period 231*4. Periodic inequality. GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 18C5'0. No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1865-0. Corr. for Pa to 1865-0. Prec. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion j"a 526 527* 528 S 2 9 530* 53' 532J 533 534 535* 536 537 538 539 540 54i 542f 543 544 545 54 6 547t 54? 549 550 55i 552t 553 554t 555 556 557 558 559 560 - 8'St 4-0 9'St 6-4 6'5 5*i 3'2 6-7* 6-9 2'0 7-6 6-2 6-9* 6*1* 5-8 4-0 I-O 7'3* 4-0 3*9 7-0 4-6 8-0 5*7 5'3 6-8* 5'4 5'9 2*0 6-4* 4'3 lOj 4-7 5*2 7-0* 61-93 68-05 61-94 68-14 68-10 68-04 66-33 68*04 68-09 68-n 68-16 68-14 68-04 68-17 68-06 69-32 63-56 68-14 68-13 68-08 68-12 67-18 68-10 68-14 62-04 68-04 68-u 68-19 66-14 68-10 68- 18 61-93 68-12 68-09 68-19 2 2 2 2 2 3 30 3 3 2 I 3 5 2 3 8 64 i i i i i i 2 3 2 I 22 3 i 4 i 2 I h m a 6 8 12-99 6 8 16-32 6 9 37^6 6 10 45 '33 6 ii 14*57 6 13 12-68 6 14 47*57 6 14 53'03 6 15 28-83 6 16 45*26 6 17 14 70 6 19 19 92 6 20 19 63 6 20 21 54 6 20 31 27 6 20 56-83 6 20 57*26 6 21 53 94 6 22 16-39 6 22 16-54 6 22 16-77 6 23 9-95 6 24 43-99 6 26 24-62 6 26 29-85 6 26 32-21 6 26 37-62 6 27 35-96 6 29 54-75 6 30 28-15 6 30 47-78 6 31 3*86 6 31 57*23 6 35 r "53 6 35 21-12 O'OO + 0*01 O'OO o-oo O'OO o-oo o-oi + 0-01 O"OO + 0-01 + O'OI + 0-01 + O'OI + Q-OI + 0-01 O'OO + 0-01 0*01 o-oo a + 1-7152 + 2-9260 + 1-7236 + 2-3088 + 2-8203 + 2-8899 + 3-6269 + 1-3219 + 1-4651 + 2-6416 + 1-7528 + 2 08 1 2 + 2-9724 + 3-0675 + 1-0754 + 3-5644 + 1-3292 + 3-0607 + 2-9099 + 2-9099 + 2-9099 + 2-2247 + 1-9453 + 2-1363 + I 48 1 2 + 0-5677 -0-50II + 2-2448 + 3-4650 + 2-6273 + 2'6l2I + 1-9146 + 2-6387 +1-5992 + 2-0386 8 + 0-002 + O ' OO2 + O-OO2 + O-OO2 + O*OO2 + 0-001 O'OOO + O-OO2 + O-OO2 + O'OO2 + O-OO2 + O'OO2 + Q-OOI + O-OOI + Q-OOI o-ooi + 0-001 + 0-001 + 0-001 + 0-001 + o oo i + 0-002 + O-OO2 + 0-002 + O'OOI -0-003 o-oio + O'O02 o-oor + O-QOI + O'OOI + 0-002 + 0-001 + 0-001 + 0-001 s O'OOIO 0-0026 O'OOOI + 0-0037 o-coi6 0-0008 + O'OO22 O-OO22 + O'OOI3 O-OO26 O-OO22 O'OO22 O'OO22 o ' 0049 0-002 + O'OO2I 0-0026 + 0-0028 O'OOH 5 Monocerotis ... 6 Monocerotis 7 Monocerotis 13 Geminorum.... p 2 Canis Majoris... ft Lacaille 2253... 9 Monocerotis 1 8 Geminorum.... v Argus a Bradley 950 1 1 Monocerotis A. ... 1 1 Monocerotis ABC. 1 1 Monocerotis BC... Canis Majoris A Lacaille 2310 Lacaille 2319 Lacaille 2333 Lacaille 2348 ... Doradus TT^ Lacaille 2330 24 Geminorum ... y 6 Canis Majoris.. v 1 7 Canis Majoris.. v 2 8 Canis Majoris.. i^ Lacaille 2402. seq... Lacaille 2397. 540. B.A.C. gives no letter. 545. in C.G.A. 547. B.A.C. gives no letter. 550. z Puppis in B.A.C. 559. v Puppis in B.A.C. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 33 Corr. No. Mean Date 1800 + No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1865-0. for ^5 to Prec. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion f*a Jradley or Lacaille C.G.A. 1875. Cape 1880. B.A.C. 1850. 1865*0. o / ' // // it // // 526 61-93 2 -45 26 24-76 ... -0-719 -0-25 527 68-05 2 6 14 9-26 + 0-06 -0-723 -0-43 0*020 920 7495 2868 2015 C28 6 1 "04. 2 4.S l6 8 * 2 J 4.U 529 y-r 68-14 2 ^3 IU 3^ -29 44 41-18 ... -0-940 -o-34 ... 2206 756i 2880 2027 530 68-10 2 10 40 40-04 + 0-04 -0-984 -0-41 O'OI2 927 7572 2887 2030 531 68-04 3 - 7 46 8-23 -0-03 -IT56 -0-42 + 0-009 928 7628 2905 2040 532 65-08 80 + 22 34 46-27 + 0-01 -1-294 -0-53 o- 104 929 ... 2923 2047 533 68-04 3 -52 40 45*49 ... -I-30I 0-19 ... 2238 7668 2916 2052 534 68-09 3 -50 18 11-93 ... -i*354 0-22 ... 2241 7689 2927 2055 535 68-n 2 -'7 53 27-91 0-03 -1-464 -0-38 + O'OIO 936 7719 2940 2o6l 536 68 -16 I -44 4i 45*9 ... 1-508 -0-25 ... 2253 7730 2943 2068 537 68-14 3 -36 38 19-47 ... i 690 -C'30 ... 2265 7801 2971 2079 538 68-04 5 4 16 40-26 0-02 -1*777 -0-43 + 0-007 945 7832 2988 2087 539 68-17 2 o ii 51-80 0-04 -1-780 -0-45 + O'OI2 944 7834 2989 2088 540* 68-06 3 -5 6 '7 52M 5 ... -1*793 0-16 ... 2292 7827 2982 2093 54i 69-36 7 + 20 I? 38-41 + 0-03 -1-831 -0-52 o 006 942 ... 2994 2090 542 63-99 76 -52 37 22-84 + 0-01 -1-831 0-19 + 0-008 2291 7843 2 99 2 2096 543 68-14 i o 29 18-24 + 0-05 -1-913 -0-44 0-016 95 7873 3005 2099 544 68-13 i - 6 56 57-36 O'OI -i*945 -0-42 + 0-004 ... 7883 3 OC 9 ... 545* 68-08 i - 6 56 58-72 O'Ol -i*945 -0-42 + 0-004 952 ... ... 2105 546 68-12 2 - 6 57 1-57 O'OI -1-946 -0-42 + o 004 ... 7885-6 ... ... 547* 67-18 I -32 29 47*20 0*05 2-024 -0-32 + 0-021 2295 7904 3 OI 4 2109 548 68-10 1 -40 17 6-55 ... 2-160 -0-28 ... 2310 7939 3026 2122 549 68-14 2 -35 9 53*24 ... -2-306 -0-31 2319 7992 3045 2136 55o* 62-04 2 -50 8 41-73 ... -2-314 O'22 ... 2333 7991 3044 2137 55i 68-04 3 -62 3 41-91 ... -2-317 O'OS ... 2348 7988 3040 2142 55 2 68-n 2 -69 36 44-28 0-65 -2-326 + 0*07 + O*2I 2368 7985 3034 2145 553 68-19 I -3' 55 56-86 ... -2-409 -0-32 ... 2330 8017 3057 2147 554 64-91 46 + 16 30 40-22 o-oo 2-610 -0-50 0*036 969 ... 3087 2163 555 68-10 3 -18 33 5-74 0-07 -2-658 -0-38 + 0-023 975 8088 3089 2l68 556 68-18 i -19 8 33*87 + O"I; -2-687 -0-38 O'O4I 978 8ior 3094 2171 557 61*93 4 41 8 44*20 2-710 -0-28 558 68-12 i 18 7 20*96 0-05 1 -2-787 -0-38 + 0-016 979 8i39 3108 2174 559* 68-09 2 -48 6 1-8; ... -3*054 0-23 = .. 2402 8227 3136 2193 560 68-10, -38 2 7-17 ... -3-081 0-29 ... 2397 8^43 3Hi 2'95 - E g:,G7. GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1865'0. Corr. No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1865-0. for ^a to Prec. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion ^a 1865-0. h m g 8 , , 8 561* 27 Geminorum .... e 3*2 64-84 5 6 35 37'S* O'OO + 3-6953 o 003 O*OOI2 562* 31 Geminorum.... 3'4 66*01 6 6 37 42*74 + 0-01 + 3-3774 0-002 0*0087 563* 9 Canis Majoris ...o -1*4 ... 74 6 39 ii ... + 2-6810 + 0-001 -0-0379 c64 Puppis . x C'2 67*17 i 6 42 44.' I ? + 2*O<'?6 + O'OO I 3 "T- 565 o o 5'7 / / 68*08 i " t* ^'t *a 6 44 40 ' 7 3 T ^'5O vf + 1 1713 O'002 3 O 566 *7 t 6'5 68-04 2 *T*T T^^ / O 6 44 42-20 + 2*3985 + 0-001 o 567 5'7 68-13 2 6 45 17-12 + 2-2671 + 0*001 } / 568 4*9 66-91 I 6 41; fs7'7fj + 2* 1813 -t 0*001 3 e6of 3'3 62-06 2 TO O 4 / O 6 46 48-25 0*04 + o 6308 0-006 0-0123 O " I 570 4'4 63*34 4 6 46 55*36 + I 305 1 O'OOI *7i Lacaille 2493 6-1 68-21 i y 46 56-80 + 2-1186 + 0*001 / 172 37 Geminorum 6'2f 67 -09 i S 47 0*44 + 0*01 + 3*6976 o * oo c 0-0037 Of 573 15 Canis Majoris.... 4'4 68-15 2 ^/ T"T" 6 47 42-74 + O'OI & y t + 2*5944 + 0-001 0-0026 574* 14 Canis Majoris...0 4-2 68-n 3 6 47 55'3 + 0-03 + 2*7971 + 0-001 0-0107 57: Lacaille 2518 6-7* 68-07 3 6 48 21; -84 + 1 8808 + O'OOI O / 576 17 Canis Majoris.... 5'9 / 68-14 2 ***-* **0 v -*f 6 49 12-91 + 0*01 + 2-5905 + O'OOI O'OO2I 577* 19 Canis Majoris ... 4'5 68-19 I 6 49 46-27 0*01 + 2-5977 + 0-001 + 0-0029 578 3 9 Geminoruni 6'5t 67-08 I 6 50 28' 12 + O'O^ + 3-7156 0-006 0-0134 o / S7Q Lacaille 2539 6-3 68-16 I 6 si 54*80 + 2* U42 + O-OOI / x 58ot 21 Canis Majoris.. e !'5 64-77 77 u 6 53 ig'iS 0*00 T + 2-3571 + 0-001 0-0009 581 Puppis... ... t C-2 67-01; 2 6 53 28-63 O'OO + 2" 1060 + O'OOI o ooo* D 582: 43 Geminorum.'... < O Var. 1 u 66-42 3 2 6 56 6-04 O'OO S S + 3-5640 -0-005 o-ooi i 583* 23 Canis Majoris. y 4'i 67-04 23 6 57 39*05 O'OO + 2*7145 + O'OOI o 0003 584 5'3 66-92 1 6 so 46' 20 -f-O'Ol + I -9032 + O'OOI 0-007* 3"T 585 Lacaille 2608 5'5 y 68-16 I V ^JV^ *J.VJ A\^ 6 59 48-88 + O'O^ + l ' 8495 + 0-001 0-012J- 586 Lacaille 2638 6-0 68-21 I 7 2 41-97 ... + 1*9654 + 0-001 ... 587- 25 Canis Majoris.. 8 i"9 62*08 I 7 2 54'3 O'OO + 2*4393 + 0-001 0-0014 5 88 47 Geminorum 5'5 67-09 10 7 3 0-66 0*00 + 3-7298 o'coS 0-0018 589* 20 Monocerotis 5'i 68-09 2 7 3 31-38 O'OO + 2-9815 O'OOI o - oo 1 6 590 Lacaille 2651 6-0 68-07 3 7 3 59*09 ... + 1-441.3 0*002 ... CQI 4*9 62*09 3 7 410*17 + 2*0152 + 0*001 3V 1 59 2 22 Monocerotis .... 4*o 68-15 i / ^ Jr * 1 7 4 58-24 O'OO + 3 o66c O OO2 0-0014 593 23 Monocerotis 7-8< 68*12 i 7 6 24*09 ... + 3'o7it 0*002 ... 594 Lacaille 2665 7-1^ 68-19 i 7 6 47-60 ... + 2-0394 -f 0*001 ... 595 Lacaille 2660 6-6* 68-18 i 7 6 52-01 ... + 2-314* + 0-001 ,.. 1 563. The separate observations are printed in the Appendix. 565. o Carinr- 570. The letter B is inserted to Nos. 2259 and 2770 in B.A.C. 571. u Puppis in B.A.C. 577. it in C.G.A. 586. D Puppis in B.A.C. 590. P Cariure in B.A.C. 592. 5 in C.G.A. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, APE OF GOOD HOPE. 35 No. Mean Date 1800 + No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1865-0. Corr. for to 1865-0. Prec. 1865*0. Sec. Yar. 1865-0. Proper Motion PS Bradley or Lacaille C.G.A. 1875. Cape 1880. B.A.C. : 1850. o / // 561 65*73 8 + 25 15 40-33 O'OO -3-104 -0'53 o 006 983 ... ... 2194 562 65-91 6 + 13 2 17-94 + 0-17 -3*285 -0-49' 0-191 989 ... 3165 2206 563* ... 257 l6 32 ... -3*4I3 i 994 8348 3 T 76 2213 564 67-17 i -37 46 56-17 ... -3*7*8 -0-29 2455 8455 3212 2231 565* 68-08 1 -55 23 27-13 ... -3-885 -0-17 ... 249 8511 3229 2250 566 68-04 2 27 10 46-84 ... -3-88; -0-34 247 8515 3233 2244 567 68-13 2 -3i 33 3*04 ... -3 '937 -0-32 ... 2479 8528 3239 2251 568 65*30 3" -34 12 34-92 ... -3*995 -0-31 ... 2486 8551 3248 2252 569 62-06 3 -61 47 48-85 + 0-82 -4-067 0-09 + 0-278 2525 8570 3253 2260 570* 63*34 4 -53 27 56-01 ... -4*077 -0-18 ... 2511 8573 3255 2259 571* 68-21 i -36 4 3-46 -4-080 0-30 ... *493 8577 3257 2258 572 67-10 2 + 25 32 29-21 0-02 -4-084 -0-53 + 0-011 IOO/ ... ... 2254 573 68-15 2 -20 3 33-61 0-09 -4*145 -0^+0-029 1012 8602 3267 2263 574 68-n 3 -ii 52 18-03 + 0-01 -4-163 0-40 0-002 1011 8614 3270 2264 575 68-07 3 -42 20 23-23 ... -4-207 -0-27 ... 2518 8621 3275 2263 576 68-14 2 -20 14 4-42 -0-03 -4*274 -o'37 + 0-OII 1016 8646 3286 2269 577* 68-19 I ~ 1 9 57 59'7* -0-17 -4*32i -o'37 + 0-052 1018 8658 3292 2272 578 67-08 6 + 26 15 18-49 -0-17 -4*38i -o'53 + 0-083 1013 ... ... 2275 579 68- 16 i -35 9 54*20 ... -4*504 -0-30 ... 2539 8720 3312 2282 580 64-13 141 -28 47 25-35 O'OO -4-624 -o-33 + 0-003 1023* 8752 3331 2293 58i 67-01 3 -33 55 5 * 01 -0-14 -4*638 -0-31 + 0-07* 2554 .8757 3332 2295 582* 65-67 46 + 20 45 54-05 o-oo 4-860 0-50 + 0*007 1024 ... ... 2305 583 65'44 16 15 26 9-80 O'OO -4-992 0-38 O'OOI 1028 8880 3385 2319 584 66-92 i 42 8 20-81 O'O2 -5*i7i -0-27 + 0-01* 2607 8935 3404 2327 585* 68- 16 i -43 25 J 9'6 -1-14 -5*'75 0*26 + o- 3 6t 2608 8936 3405 2328 586* 68-21 i -40 41 1-42 ... -5*4^9 0-27 ... 2638 9'3 3435 2344 587 62-06 2 26 10 51-50 + 0-02 -5*435 -o-34 + 0-006 1042* 9021 3438 2345 588 67-10 17 + 27 4 30-19 + 0-09 -5*445 -0-52 -0-045 1034 ... ... 2343 589- 68-09 2 - 4 i 42-25 -0-70 -5*487 -0-42 + 0-225 1041 9044 3446 2348 59* 68-07 3 -51 45 27-22 ... -5*526 0'20 ... 2651 9046 3447 2353 59 1 62-08 4 -39 26 26-30 ... -5*555 -0-28 ... 2649 9060 3453 2355 592* 68-15 i o 16 17-72 O-O9 -5-609 -0'43 + 0-027 1047 9083 346i 2358 593 68 -"i 2 i 02 0-61 ... -5*729 -0-43 ... ... 9117 3474 2366 594 68-19 i -38 52 49-76 ... -5*763 -0-28 ... 2665 9124 3477 2372 595 68 -18 _J -30 35 5i*8i ... -5*769 -0-32 ... 2660 9128 3478 237 1 d. 582. Limits of Magnitude 3-7 4-5. Period 10*154. 585. Proper Motion from Cincinnati Publications, No. 12. C 2 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR ]865'0. No. Star's Name. Ma*. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1865*0. Corr. for A*a to 1865*0. Prec. 1865*0. Sec. Var. 1865*0. Proper Motion /*a Ko6 S g 62'OC 2 h m s 71 J.7 6fi s s o - 006* 9yv CQ7t 3 4" < W 3 6s 34. 7 4/ U 3 78 A.2 ' 7O f i 95 yyt 1 S9 (QQ 27 Canis Majoris... 4*5 e- 1 65-50 67*02 6 2 7 8 45-07 7O 1 1 * OO O'OO 1 7 2 43 + 2-4457 + Q-OOI o * ooo u Wt 55 0*0022 600 6O1 Lacaille 2702 Brisbane 1518 7-0* 7-5* 68-17 68-21 I I 7 9 16-25 7Q 2? * Q7 ... i 7970 + 1-1848 0*004 + O * OOI ... 602 c*a 67* 17 2 7Q SO* 27 ~ * J**3 o ' j.8 c c O* O33 6O 3 Volantis -y 2 5 6 3*8 67* 17 2 y a" * i 7O 42 * ?Q O * O33 604$ 605 6o6J 6o7t 54 Geminoruin.... \ Lacaille 2715 55 Geminorum 8 3-6 6-9* 3'7 2* 66-55 68-13 66-29 62-08 21 2 7 2 7 10 20-00 7 i 37'54 7 " 3'54 712 22 ' C7 + O'OI o-oo O 'OO u 45/ + 3'45 6 4 + 1*3544 + 3-5917 -0-005 0-003 0*007 + O" OOI 0-0042 0-0022 o* 001 7 608 609 30 Canis Major is.... 4"3 c* a 67-215 4 * 5/ 7 13 6-60 71 2 S 7 o-oo T & A i y$ + 2-4878 + 0*001 + O ' OO I 0*0018 610 611 612 Brisbane 1556 57 Geminorum.... A Lacaille 274.0 7-5* 5'o 6'?* 68-18 67-04 68-14 i 7 2 7 14 2 6'S4 7 J 5 I4-5S + 0-01 + 2-0898 + 3-6705 i > . j< ^Q + 0*001 o 009 0-0063 613 6i 4 t 61* Piazzi VII. 86 Volantia 8 Lacaille 2779 5'8 3'9 6-8* 68-10 63-69 68-17 3 3 2 * 5 o l uu 7 15 48-12 7 16 53*24 o-oo + 2*9452 -0-0077 0*001 -0*025 O'OOIO 616 C.G.A. 0422 ... 7-0* 71 T 7 + r 453 O * OO 2 617 618 60 Geminorum.... t Lacaille 2766.. ...... 4-0 7*rj* 62*04 68* 10 1 / / 7 17 20*37 0*03 T 45 o 1 + 3-7446 O'OIO o * 0096 610 Lacaille 2769 s-6 68-21 I */ *" 3 620f 621 31 Canis Majoris.. ?? 2*4 S* 3 62-06 68* 10 I 7 a* 2 7 18 45-31 O'OO * 2 2 945 + 2-373I + 0*001 0-0007 622 63 Geminorum . S* 3 J 9 33 43 623* 624 Piazzi VII. 116 Lacailie 2810.. 5-8 6*c* u / o4 68*ii 68* 18 5 *y 4o 4 7 21 30-91 + 0*01 + 3 57 2 7 + 2-8219 0*001 0*0022 625 626 6 Canis Minoris .... Lacnille 2829 " 3 5'0 S 1 o 65*22 68- 10 2 *' 4 1 o/ 7 22 16-97 O'OO + 3-3446 0-005 O'OOI 627 Lacaille 2821 v 7*O 68- 10 22 53 2 T i 541 / 628 Lacaille 2823 6-1 2 3 39 9 T * o u 45 + 2 ' 2 l6c 629 Puppis , v c-6 U 4 y/ 68*14 2 3 5 2 2 5 T * O 1U 3 + 2*O"8^ 630 Ar#us ff 3- ft 64-16 *4 *3 -*4 5 7 2 4 56 97 603 608 619 626 y in B.A.C. r in C.G.A. s Poppis ip B.A.C. R Cannae in B.A.C. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. Corr. No. Mean Date 1800 + No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1865-0. for /*fi to Prec. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion P-8 radley or acaille C.G.A. 1875. Cape 1880. B.A.G. 1850. 1865-0. Off/ ff ff ff / 596 62-05 2 40 16 19-00 O'OO -5-847 -0-28 o-oo* 2672 9152 3490 2380 597 65'34 3 -46 32 6-73 -0-03 -5-923 -0-24 + 0-079 2687 9176 3493 2389 598 65'50 6 26 7 19*46 0-03 -5-926 -0-34 + 0-050 1059* 9181 3499 2388 599 67:05 3 -44 56 58-49 ... -5-962 -0-25 ... 2690 9194 350i 2392 600 68-17 i -55 55 45'47 ... -5-969 o- 16 ... 2702 9*93 35 2396 601 68-21 i -30 25 26-85 ... -5-981 -0-32 ... ... 9202 357 2394 602 67-17 2 70 16 39*10 ... -6-017 + 0-07 ... ... 9199 ... ... 603* 67-21 3 -70 16 43-98 ... 6"O2O + 0-07 ... 2746 9206 353 2400 604 65-76 28 + 16 46 51-62 + 0*02 6-058 -0*48 0-032 1058 ... ... 2398 605 68-13 2 -53 26 7-56 ... 6-084 0-19 ... 27*5 9233 3522 2402 606 65*02 41 + 22 13 39-98 O'OO 6*203 -0.50 O'OOO 1062 ... 35 5 i 2410 607 62-08 2 -36 51 24-02 + 0-02 -6-229 0*29 + 0-006 2720 9288 3550 2414 608* 67-26 4 -24 42 36-23 -0-07 6-290 -0*34 + 0-031 1069* 93 T 3 3562 2418 609 6465 2 -38 57 55'43 ... -6-359 -0-28 ... 2739 934i 3571 2427 610 68-18 I -37 47 3i'02 ... 6-401 -0-28 ... ... 9348 3574 2430 611 67-05 M + 25 18 24-54 + 0-03 -6-467 -0-50 0-017 1068 ... ... 2431 612 68-14 2 -25 38 24-36 ... -6-491 -o-34 ... 2749 9378 3586 2436 613 68-10 3 - 5 43 40-14 ... -6-513 -0-40 ... ... 9394 359 2437 614 63-69 3 -67 42 35-9 2 O-O2 -6-602 o-oo 0-014 2809 9407 3593 2447 615 68-17 2 -5 2 3 49*23 ... 6-620 0-20 ... 2779 9420 3598 2445 616 68-17 2 -5 2 3 39-69 ... -6-622 0-20 ... ... 9422 3599 ... 617 62^04 I + 28 3 46-45 -0-21 -6*639 -0- S I 0-071 1072 ... 2442 618 68-10 I -3i 47 I9-53 ... -6-648 -0-3I ... 2766 9442 3613 2446 619* 68-25 2 -3i 39 57*42 ... -6-682 -0*31 ... 2769 9455 3615 2449 620 62-06 I 29 2 29*87 + 0*03 -6-756 -0-32 + O*OI J 1081* 9476 3627 2458 621 68-10 ! -31 32 44-29 ... -6-822 -0*31 ... 2793 953 3633 2 4 6l 622 67'34 II + 21 43 5-21 + 0-24 -6-836 -0-49 O" IOI 1077 ... ... 2460 623 68-11 5 -ii 17 5-9 1 O'O^i -6-984 -0*38 + 0-013 ... 956i 3653 2470 624 68-18 j -33 52 i4'95 ... -6-997 -0-30 ... 2810 9564 3655 2471 625 64-85 3 + 12 16 58-82 o-oo -7-047 -o*45 O'OO2 1085 ... ... 2473 626* 68-19 i -50 44 SO'M ... -7-097 0-21 ... 2829 9594 3665 2476 627 68-10 2 -31 34 21-24 7- 160 -0*31 ... 2821 9616 3672 2477 628 64-97 5 -31 10 45-11 ... -7-176 -0*31 ... 2823 9621 3676 2478 629 68-14 2 -38 32 5-67 ... -7-221 -0*28 ... 2832 9637 3681 2479 630 64-68 6 -43 i 47'47 + 0*0^ -7*265 O-26 + 0'l8* 2837 9652 3683 2482 38 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1865'0. No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date 1800 + No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1865-0. Corr. for ^a to 1865'0. Prec. 1865-0. Sec. Tar. 1865-0. Proper Motion /'-a. 631 632 633: 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642* 643 644 645* 6 4 6f 647 648 _ 6 49 650 651* 652 653 654t 655J 656 657 658f 6 59 660 661 662 6j fctt 665 Lacaille 2834 4"7 5*> 2'2 5'9 6-7* 5-6 4-2 5*9 6-1 65-36 64'94 66-33 68-12 68-17 68-21 64-19 68-21 3 12 3 3 i i 10 2 h in * 7 25 27-69 7 25 54-i6 7 25 58-66 7 26 43-21 7 27 27-78 7 2 7 3i'i5 7 27 36-05 7 28 36-44 7 28 37 7 28 55*i7 7 29 57'79 7 30 33*96 7 3 37 '45 7 3i 40- 7 i 7 32 14 7 32 19-26 7 32 58*61 7 33 i7'33 7 33 17*78 7 34 41-85 7 34 47-95 7 35 44'9 7 35 52-68 7 36 17 63 7 37 2 99 7 38 15-52 7 38 18-36 7 38 23-38 7 38 53-66 7 38 55*89 7 39 6-09 7 39 16-55 7 39 45-65 7 40 26-71 7 41 54'07 s O'OO + 0'02 o-oo + O*O2 o-oo o-oo + 0'02 + O'OI o-oo + 0-08 -o-oi O'OO o-oo O'OI s + 2-3333 + 3-4315 + 3-8549 + 1-4604 + 1-3569 + 2-5086 + 3-7094 + 2-5417 + 2-5416 + 2-4731 + 2-4131 + 2-9898 + 1-8805 +3-4717 + 3-1920 + 1-4845 + 2-1222 + 2 ' 4600 + 2 -4600 + 2-H54 + 2-8729 +I-4525 + 3-6706 + 3-6340 + 3-7297 + 2-1972 + 3-4868 + 2 " 4083 + 2-5223 + 2-1273 + 2-03I3 + 2-76/3 + 2-1376 + 2-1382 + 2-0689 s + 0-001 0-007 0-013 O'OO2 O-OO4 + 0-001 -o-oii + 0-001 + 0*001 + 0*001 + 0-001 0*002 o-ooo o 008 0-004 o 003 + 0*001 + O-OOI + Q-OOI + 0-001 O'OOI -0-003 0*011 O'OII 0-013 + 0-001 o 009 + O'OO I + 0-001 + O'OOI + O-QOI o-ooo + Q-OOI + 0-001 + O-OQI 1 0-0023 0*014^ 0-0023 0*0062 0*0019 -0*0479 o oooo '." 0-0074 0-0028 0-0031 0-0481 0-0062 0-0015 68 Gemiuorum 66 Geminorum o Lacaille 28*1 . . . 69 Geminorum.... v Piazzi VII. 149 Lacaille 28:54 .. . 7-0* 4*4 S'i 7-0* 5*2 '5 4*9 7-0* 4*4 4'9 S'i 4'2 6-6* 5'3 3'6 1*1 5'8 S'i 4'2 5*4 7* 5'i 7'5* 6-8* 3'4 6-9 65'35 68-18 68-15 68-19 66-90 68-08 67-27 67-20 67-22 68-10 68-21 68-14 67-03 65-34 66-67 68-26 63-83 66-96 68-18 68-14 63-72 68-12 67-77 62-06 68-14 3 i i i 3 83 i 2 4 3 i i 3 3 7 6 2 9 i 2 3 I 2 I 2 Puppis ... . . 25 Monocerotis Lacaille 2874. 74 Geminorum...../ 10 Canis Minoris.. a Lacaille 2900.. ....... Piazzi VII. 177 26 Monocerotis 76 Geminorum.... c 77 Geminorum.... K 78 Geminorum.... Lacaille 2939 8 1 Geminorum.... g 3 Argus T Lacaille 2943.,....,.. Lacaille 2945 2 Puppis , Lacaille 2954 0*0013 0-0042 Puppis ... . c Lacaille 2984 638, 639. n l and n- Puppis in B.A.C. 640. g Puppis in B.A.C. 645. The separate observations are printed in the Appendix. 648, 649. A 1 and & Puppis in B.A.C. 651. y in B.A.C. : a in C.G A. B A.C. ; / in C.G.A. 661. w Puppis in B.A.C. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 39 Xo. Mean Date 1800 + No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1S65-0. Corr. for PS to 1865-0. Prec. 1865-0. See. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion PS. Bradley c G A Lacaille 1875 ' Cape 1880. B.A.C. 1850. / ff // // // 631 65*36 3 -30 40 49*40 ... - 7'307 -0-32 ... 2834 9664 3689 2484 632 64-70 15 + i 6 6 51 -05 o-oo - 7*342 0*46 -0-005 1091 .'.. ... 2486 633* 66-33 3 + 32 10 51-06 + 0-09 - 7^349 -0-52 0-071 1087 ... 3696 2485 634 68-12 3 -52 22 13-79 ... - 7-408 o- 19 2851 9697 3698 2490 635 68-17 i -54 6 58-14 ... - 7*469 0-18 ... 2861 9712 3705 2496 636 68-21 i -24 25 22-38 .. . - 7*474 -o-34 2844 9719 3710 2494 637 64-64 9 + 27 ii 32-46 0-04 - 7-480 -0-50 o- 101 1094 ... ... 2493 638* 68-21 2 -23 I0 53 '43 ... - 7*56i -o'34 ... 2849 9744 3719 2497 639* 68-21 2 -23 10 56-85 ... - 7*563 -o-34 ... ... 9745 3720 2498 640* 65*35 3 -25 50 22-90 ... - 7*587 -o-33 ... 2854 9752 3723 2500 641 68-18 i -28 4 22-88 ... - 7-672 -0-32 ... 2867 9782 3737 2508 642 68- ,5 i 3 48 40-26 0-08 - 7*72i -0-40 + 0-025 IIO2 9804 3745 25'3 643 68-19 i -44 o 2-42 ... - 7*725 0-25 ... 2874 9797 374i 25'S 644 65-67 4 + 17 58 44-05 o-oi - 7-811 -0-46 + 0-018 1103 ... ... 2519 645* ... 52 + 5 34 - 7-855 -o-43 i -020 1106 ... 376o 2522 646 68-08 i -52 H o'39 + 0-09 - 7-862 0*20 0-030 2902 9 8 45 3756 2524 647 67-27 2 -37-42 31-38 ... - 7'9'5 -0-28 ... 2900 9867 37-68 2528 648* 67-19 6 -26 29 47*84 ... - 7*939 -o-33 ... 2896 9880 3773 2530 649* 67-19 6 -26.29 55^8 - 7-94t -o-33 ... ... 9881 3774 2531 650 68-10 1 -37 59 54-97 - 8-053 -0-28 ... 2909 9925 3/87 2543 651* 68-19 2 - 9 14 19-45+0-05 - 8-061 -0-38 0-015 IIIO 9933 379 1 2542 652 68-14 3 -52 57 49-69 .- - 8-137 0-19 ... 2926 9954 3803 2552 653 67-03 4 + 26 6 9- ii + 0-05 - 8-148 -o-49 0-026 1109 ... ... 2549 654 64-58 U + 24 43 7 20 O-O2 - 8-181 -0-48 -0-044 II1I ... ... 2551 655 64-17 6 + 28 20 58-11 0*04 - 8-241 -0-49 -0-045 I 112 ... 3823 2555 656 68-26 2 -35 43 50-65 . . . - 8-33 0-29 ... 2939 10031 3829 256l 657 63-82 12 + 18 50 ii 20 0-05 - 8-341 -0-46 -0-044 l ... ... 2 55 8 658* 66-96 I 28 38 2-10 0-00 - 8-347 -0-32 O'OOI I I 2O* 10033 3831 2562 659 68-18 I -24 21 5-28 ... - 8-388 -o-33 2940 10055 3839 2565 660 68-14 2 -37 52 50*12 - 8-391 -0-28 ... 2943 10053 3836 2568 661* 63-72 3 40 36 19-01 - 8-404 -0-27 ... 2945 10060 3840 257 662 68-12 2 14 21 53-490-01 - 8-419 -0-36 + 0*002 II2I 10077 3848 2569 663 67-77 2 -37 37 9-97; - 8 '457 -0-28 2954 10088 3852 2575 664 62-06 I -37 38 32-29 -o-oi - 8-511 -0-28 0-002 2958 10113 3864 2580 665 68-14 2 -39 43 45 ": - 8-626 -0-27 ... 2984 10169 3885 2593 633. " Castor " in observing book ; tbc observations may refer to a Geminprum seq. 40 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1865'0. No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date 1800 + No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1865-0. Corr. for ft. to 1865-0. Prec. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion f*m 666 66 7 f 668 66 9 f 6 7 ot 671 672 673 674* 675 676 6 7 7f 678 679 680 68if 682 683* 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694: 695 696 697 698 699 7t Bradley 1130 6-3* 3'8 5'7 3*4 4"i 4'9 6-8* 6-2 5'5 5'6 6-9* 3'7 5'4 4-8 5'9 4'3 6-8 4*3 7-5* 5'5 4-8 5'2 6-0 7 'of 6-4f 4*9 Var. 5'2 S'o 6-6* 5'i 6-2 6-4 6-7* .-J 68-21 67-08 68-17 64-61 66-97 65-06 68- 18 68- 16 66-n 68-17 68-23 68-22 68-18 62-06 66-22 67-18 68-14 68-21 67-04 68-10 64-69 68-13 66-23 66-97 65-90 68-25 65*47 68-29 67-00 68-23 66-14 66-90 68-12 68-16 62-04 i 3 i 2 2 3 2 4 3 i 2 9 i 2 I 2 2 2 2 2 6 3 i 2 2 6 i i 2 I h m 7 43 21-34 7 43 27-74 7 43 35-*i 7 43 36-90 7 45 7'69 7 45 13-85 7 45 22'07 7 45 26-48 7 45 31-23 7 46 12-65 7 46 25-13 7 47 34-56 7 48 5-78 7 49 15*50 7 49 19-44 7 49 20-10 7 50 59'85 7 5i 3*22 7 5 1 49'9 J 7 S 2 5'3o 7 52 17*22 7 52 SS-M 7 53 2-94 7 53 35-05 7 53 48-49 7 54 21-42 7 54 21-53 7 54 42'47 7 55 i3-4i 7 56 41-06 7 57 33'i8 7 58 18-42 7 58 22-46 7 58 41-88 7 58 50-32 8 4- 0-03 -o-oi O*O1 O'OO O'OO O'CO O'OO + 0'OJ + 0-01 O-OO O'OO + O'O1 O'OO O'OO o-oo o-oi + 0-01 o-oo + 0-01 O'OO o-oi + 2-5217 -0-6936 + 2-7069 + 2-5234 + 1-8291 +3-6857 + 2-8070 + 1-2870 + 2-7836 + 1 2942 + 1-9077 + 2-0633 + 2-2062 + 1-6927 + 3-4160 + I 7643 + 2-3909 + 2-5815 + 1-5303 + 1-2582 + 2-3916 + 1-9444 + 3-4473 + 3-6320 + 3-4275 + 3-0512 + 1*7272 + 2-1245 +3-6995 + 2-1951 + 3-35 1 ? +3-5661 + 1-4067 + 2 6642 + 2-1106 + 0-001 0*061 O'OOO + O'OOI 0*000 -0-013 O-OOI 0-006 O'OOI 0-006 O'OOO + 0-001 + 0-001 O'OOI o 008 o-ooi + 0-001 + o oo i -0-003 -0-006 + 0-001 + 0-001 0-009 -0-013 0*009 -0-003 o-ooi + 0-001 -0-015 + 0-001 -0-008 O-OI2 -0-005 O'OOO + 0-001 8 O'OIO + 0-003 + 0-0045 0*0016 o - oo j 9 0-0023 0-0005 0-0058 O-OO2O 0-0030 O-OOO2 -0-0044 O OO2 2 0-0024 -0-0018 + 0*0024 0-0025 0-0024 0-0028 + 0-0001 -0-0031 Volantis 6 Puppis... !7 Arffus seo PuDDis.. p 83 Geminorum....

75 1 752f 753 754 755 756 757J 758 759t 760 76if 762f 763 764t 765* 7 66f 767 768 769 770 Lacaille 3325 7'5* 4'i 5-8 7-0* 4-2 5*5 7'8* 8- 7 t 5'9 7'3* 6-4* 5'i 7'of 5*2 4-9 6-7* 3'9 4'8 5'6 3'7 3'6 4'3 5'8 3-6 4'4 2-0 4-0 5' 1 4*3 5'5 5'7 9'4t 5'7 5'7 7* 68-26 67-06 63-16 68-20 65-38 66-67 68-14 65-95 64-74 68-29 68-21 68-23 63-81 68-18 68-13 68-26 62-06 65-96 66-20 6 5'79 67-09 66-36 65-26 66-33 68-18 67- ii 67-23 68-17 68-26 68-14 67-03 6 5-94 68-21 63*31 I 4 3 3 12 3 4 4 i 3 2 3 4 i i i 6 6 4 4 27 i 9 2 2 2 1 I I 4 4 3 i h in s 8 21 50-83 8 21 57-99 8 23 53-68 8 23 58-58 8 24 37-91 8 24 53-91 8 25 19-41 8 28 44-60 8 29 46-63 8 31 18-36 8 31 50*16 8 32 6-19 8 32 20-35 8 33 37"72 8 34 6-28 8 34 12-05 8 34 49" J 4 8 35 28-21 8 35 45'86 8 36 8-95 8 36 25-54 8 37 0-60 8 39 31-91 8 39 37'5o 8 39 59-9 2 8 40 58-57 8 41 27-08 8 42 34*59 8 44 48-12 8 44 56-43 8 45 50-23 8 46 57-64 8 48 9-82 8 48 33-14 8 48 52 8 0-06 O'OT + O"O2 + O'OI O'OO O'OI + 2-4117 -1-4593 + 3-435 1 + 1-5518 -1-6216 + 3-4839 + 2 ' 7001 + 2-8536 + 3-2615 + 2-5581 + I ' 7930 + 2-5632 + 3-4651 + 2-8494 + 2-4903 + 2-3086 + 2-3460 + 3-4916 + 3-3152 + I ' 9902 + 1-7227 + 5-4215 + 3-30I4 + 3-1964 + 2-8345 + 1-6561 + 2-0336 + 3-0199 + 2-5548 + 2-9544 -1-8405 + 2-7814 + I'5356 + 3-2853 + 2-9425 + O'OO2 -0-145 O'O12 0-003 0-160 -0-013 O'OOO O'OOI o 008 + O'O02 o-ooo + O'O02 -0-013 o-ooi + 0-002 + 0-003 + 0-003 0-014 -O'OIO + O'OO2 -O'OOI O'OI2 O'OIO 0-007 O'OOl O'OO2 + O'OO2 o 004 + O'OO2 O'OO2 O-2l6 O'OOO o 004 O'OIO O-OO2 s + 0-028* 0-0051 o 0440 -0-0033 o 0042 -0-0075 0-0078 o-oooi -0-0087 0-0012 O-OO2O 0*0063 0-0139 + O-OOO5 + o ' 0005 O-OC25 0*0036 O-OII7 o 0046 0*0170 0-0019 0-0017 Chamseleontis o Lacaille 3362 Chamseleontis 6 33 Cancri 73 Piazzi VIII. 94. ... Luliinde 16913 36 Cancri . . . c Lacaille 3423.. Lacaille 3443 Pyxidis T\ 30 Cancri.... 6 Hydrae . + O'O2 o-oo + O-O1 o-oo o-co o-oo + 0-02 O'OO o-oo + 0*01 + O*OI + 0*04 + O'OI + 0-03 o-oo Pyxidis.. . <* Lacaille 3456 . .. Pyxidis 4 c Cancri . . A^ Velorum. . b 47 Cancri.. , 5 50 Cancri A 2 1 1 Hydrse AB e 12 Hydrse Arsrus finass} 8 Velorum ... a 14 Hydrse Pyxidis.. y i t Hydra? . . . Chamseleontis t\ B.D.-i6No. 2621 17 Hydrae ( s* ) 744. c 1 in B.A.C. 746. E Velorum in B.A.C. 747. g Mali in B.A.C. 750. /Mali in B.A.C. 752. b Mali in B.A.C. 764. c Mali in B.A.C. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 45 Corr. No. Mean Date 1800 + No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1865-0. for p& to Prec. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865'0. Proper Motion /*5. Bradley or Lacaille C.G.A.. 1875. Cape 1880. B.A C. 1850. 1865-0. / // // // n // 736 68'26 i -31 13 45-34 ... -11-635 -0-28 ... 3325 "35 4363 2843 737 67-06 4 -76 29 29-89 -0-25 -11-644 + 0-18 + 0-12* 3400 "334 4351 2849 738 63-16 2 + 18 32 54-28 0*09 -11-781 0*40 -0-050 1203 ... ... 2853 739 68-20 3 -54 33 54-09 ... -11-787 0-18 ... 3362 11404 4395 2858 740 65-38 3 -77 2 51'M o-oi -11-833 + 0-20 + O'O2O 3435 11405 4389 2870 74i 65-17 4 + 20 53 50*52 + 0-01 -11-852 -0-41 -0-036 1207 ... 4411 2862 742 68-14 3 -19 3 5-28 ... -II-88I -0-3I ... ... "443 ... ... ^ tf * A tf TT 3 tf *> A *7 T 12* 122 o* 33 743 5 95 4 11 o5 y i 1 * * * oo 744* 64 1 74 4 + 10 7 20-83 O'OO -I2M94 -o-37 o-ou 1213 ... ... 2897 745 68-29 1 ~ 2 5 56 49*55 ... -12-299 -0-29 ... 3423 11603 4493 2910 746* 68-21 3 -5 30 9-08 ... -I2-336 0-20 ... 3443 11614 4496 2 9 J 5 747* 68-23 2 -25 47 1-90 ... -12-354 0-29 ... 343i 11627 456 2916 748 63-81 3 + 20 28 55-52 + 0*02 -I2-370 -0'39 + 0-018 1222 ... ... 2917 749 68-19 3 12 O O*79 0*04 -12-459 -0-32 + 0-013 1229 11678 4525 2929 75* 68-13 1 -29 4 56-20 ... -I2-49I -0-28 ... 345 11696 4529 2932 75i 68-26 i -36 7 59'53 ... -12-498 -0-26 ... 3456 11698 4530 2933 752* 62 - 06 i -34 49 5'oi O-O7 -I2-540 -0-26 0-024 3462 11714 4538 2935 753 67-17 6 + 21 57 4-54 + 0-07 -"585 -0-39 -0-033 1230 ... 4546 2937 754 66' 20 6 + i3 9 45'5i + 0-01 -I2-605 -0'37 O'OIO 1232 ... ... 2942 755 66-04 5 46 10 11-40 ... -12-631 0-22 ... 3470 "755 455i 2947 756 67-09 4 -52 26 37-07 ... -I2-650 o- 19 ... 3482 11760 4555 2950 757 66-12 34 + 18 38 53-38 + 0*25 12*690 -0-38 0*221 1236 ... ... 2953 758 65-26 i + 12 36 12-74 + O'OI -12-860 -0-36 -0-034 1242 ... ... 2970 759 63-67 18 + 6 54 42-56 0-05 -12-867 -o-35 0-041 1243 ... 4610 2971 760 68 -18 2 -13 3 21-54 + 0-03 12-891 -0-31 0-009 1244 11866 4613 2975 761 67-11 2 -54 12 53-40 + 0-20 -12-957 -0-18 -0-094 3532 11887 4627 2979 762 67-23 2 -45 32 57-55 0-02 12-988 0*22 + 0*008 3526 11900 4632 2981 763 68 -16 2 - 2 56 38-16 + 0'06 -13-064 -o-33 0-019 1249 11946 4660 2987 764* 68-26 I -27 12 38-34 0-27 -13-210 -0-28 + 0-082 3553 12006 4685 3010 765 68-14 I 6 40 24- 2* -0-06 -13-219 -0-32 + 0-018 1256 I20I2 4688 3011 766 67-03 3 78 28 19- 14 O'O^i -13-278 + 0-21 + 0-019 3623 I2Ol6 4684 3023 /: 6c 04. l6 I A 3Q ' 2' I 2 * 2 S2 O* 30 7 7 u o y4 * v 14 jy ** 1 63* W JV 768 68-21 3 -57 7 34-73 ... -I3-430 -0-16 ... 3594 12090 4717 3036 769 63'3i 2 + 12 8 23-92 O'OI -13-455 -0-35 -0-005 1262 ... ... 3035 770 68 -16 2 - 7 27 23-52 fO'O; -13-476 -0-31 -o-oio 1264 I2Il6 473i 3037 I 1 46 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1865'0. No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1865-0. Corr. for Pa to 1865-0. Prec. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion Pa 771 772 773 774 775 776f 777t 778 779 780* 781 782- 783 784 75t 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795* 796t 797 798t 799 800 801* 802 803 804 805* 6 3 Cancri o 5-6 4'3 5'9 6-8* 6*6 3*7 4' 1 5' B' 2 5'5 4'8 2'I 7'0* 5'4 4'5 6-1 3*5 5'6 4-2 5*3 5'4 4-8 S' 2 4'7 6-6 i'7 4'9 2'2 5'3 4'9 4'9 5'5 6-4* 5"7 2'0 69*19 65'35 68-14 68-26 68-21 66-04 65'83 65-08 70-20 68-13 68-25 67-24 68-29 67-31 67-16 68-17 67-08 66-59 67-23 68-25 68-09 67-11 68-20 68-26 66-71 69-10 68-25 64-79 67-09 68-17 67-04 66-16 68-26 68-24 65-24 2 32 I I 3 5 4 23 3 3 2 I I 2 I 3 7 2 I I 2 2 I 14 18 i *9 3 i 4 9 2 I 33 h m s 8 SO 2 ' 7 3 s O'O O'O O'O. + 0-0 O'OC O'OC + O-Q + 0-0 + 0*0 + O'O; + O"O1 O'OO + O*O; + O'OI + 0*02 + o* 13 + O'OI o-oo + 0-01 f O'OI + 0-13 + 0-01 s + 3-356 + 3-2874 + 2-799 + 2-549 + 2-6264 + 2-071. + 0-9655 + 3-259 + 3-4625 + 2-939 + 2-6290 + 2-205,5 + 2-6336 + 2-5402 + 0-2130 + 2-9661 + 1-5848 + 3. ' 32 S\2 a O-OI2 0*010 O'OOO + 0-003 + 0-002 + 0*004 0-021 O-OO9 o*oi6 0*002 + 0-003 + o 004 + 0-003 + r 004 0-061 Q'OO2 O'OO2 O*OI2 o - oo8 + 0*005 0*002 + 0*005 + O-QOI + 0-005 -0*013 -0*035 8 + o - 003 1 + 0*0013 + 0*0120 O*OO82 O*OO4I O-OO28 O'OOI I 0-0027 -0-0052 0-015 0*0026 0*0029 -0-015* 0*0022 0*0090 o 03 1 6 0-0027 o - 005 1 0-0016 o * 003 1 o-io8f 0-OC22 6^ Caucri . . o. 8 51 6-n 8 52 23-75 8 53 31-95 8 c7 14- 1 2. Piazzi VIII. 227... Lacaille 3610 . Lacaille 3652... Velorum c 8 59 30-11 9 o 18-35 9 o 26*00 9' i 35-61 9 2 5-79 9 2 7-35 9 3 i'9 1 9 3 50-10 9 4 13-31 9 446-10 9 5 46-00 9 7 24-87 9 7 46-50 9 8 12-45 9 9 22-33 9 9 59'53 9 io 17*39 9 io 17-67 9 io 20-89 9 11 26-58 9 ii 42-20 9 13 16-29 9 i3 28*49 9 13 36-51 9 13 53-38 9 I 5 30-90 9 i5 39'34 9 17 28-41 9 !7 43'35 9 20 S7*2i Volantis ct 76 Ca.ncri K 77 Cancri , , io Hydrae..., Lacaille 3698 Carinse G 21 Hydrac . . Carinaj . . . . CL 82 Cancri IT Carinsc i + J-3755 + 2-2370 + 2-9804 + 2-3670 + 1 "78*1 22 Hydra;..., Velorum I Lacaille 3762 Velorum k + 2-3961 + 3-3683 + 0-7177 + 2-8927 + 1-6103 + 1-9958 + 2-9319 + 2-6547 -7-2141 + 2-1868 + 1-8329 + 2-9507 83 Cancri Ar r dras 0*002 + o * 004 O'OOI + 0-003 -1-502 + 0*006 + 0*002 Fyxidis & Octantis Lacaille 3808 Lacaille 3813 ....... 30 Hydrsc . . . . ct 0*002 784. e Mali in B.A.C. 788. * 2 in B.A.C. 794. A 2 in B.A.C. 800. P in C.G.A. 801. Fundamental Star for Southern Zones, h Mali in B.A.C. KOYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. No. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1865-0. Corr. for /*fi to 1865-0. Prec. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865'0. Proper Motion PS radley or jacaille O.G.A. 1875. Cape 1880. B.A.C. 1850. o / // // // // tf 771 69-19 2 + 16 5 50-81 -0-15 -I3-55I 0-36 + 0-036 1266 ... ... 3052 772 65-32 38 + 12 22 41'77 + O-QI -13-620 -0*35 O'O2I 1269 ... 4752 3055 773 68-14 I -15 37 8-82 0-60 -I3-703 0*29 + 0-I90 ... 12192 4765 3065 774 68-26 1 -28 17 1-05 ... -I3-775 0-26 ... 3619 12223 4772 3070 775 68-21 3 -24 58 19-96 ... -14-009 -0-27 ... 3652 12325 4813 3096 776 66-04 5 -46 33 41 '22 + 0-02 -14-150 0-21 O-OI9 3677 12372 4830 3110 777 66-08 5 -65 51 28-31 + 0-12 14-200 0-09 -0-108 3696 12378 4831 3"4 778 65-13 25 -Ml 12 34-32 O'CO 14-208 -o-33 + 0-009 1287 ... 4839 3111 779 70-20 i + 22 35 19-91 -0-13 14-280 -o-35 + 0-025 1289 ... 4847 37 780 68-13 3 - 8 2 41-65 O'OO -14-310 0*29 + 0-001 1292 12417 4851 3120 781 68-25 3 -25 18 54 96 -14-312 0*26 ... -3685 12415 4850 3121 782 67-25 3 -42 53 20-40 O'O2 -14-368 0-22 + 0-010 3699 12438 4860 3126 783 68*29 i -25 15 23-40 ... -14-416 0-26 3698 12460 4868 3127 784* 67*31 i -29 48 57-43 ... -I4-440 -0-25 ... 3702 12466 4874 3*30 785 67-13 3 -72 3 34'46 O'OI -I4'473 o-oi + 0-007 3736 12472 4872 3136 786 68-17 i - 6 33 29-59 0*15 -I4-533 -0-29 + 0-047 1301 12508 4888 3137 787 67-08 3 -58 24 53-87 ... -I4-633 0-15 ... 3738 12535 4898 3M9 788* 67-03 8 + 15 29 58-02 O-O^s -I4-653 -0-33 + O'O2O 1304 ... ... 3H7 789 67-23 2 -61 45 50-14 o-oo -14-680 -0-13 O'OO* 3753 12557 4910 3152 790 68-25 I 42 40 10-07 ... -14-749 O'2I ... 3749 2593 4926 3156 791 68-09 I - 5 47 29-11 0-06 -14-786 0*29 + O-O2I 1307 12608 4934 3160 792 67-16 3 -38 o 30-45 ... -14-803 0-23 ... 3756 12617 4938 3*63 793 68-20 2 -55 041-16 ... -14-804 -0-17 * 3762 12613 4936 3167 794* 68-26 I -36 $1 4-63 ... -14-807 O-23 ... 3755 12620 4940 3165 795 65-64 28 + 18 16 33-14 + 0-07 -14-872 -0-32 -0-II5 1309 ... 4956 3 1 ? 1 796 67-56 24 -69 9 40*92 O'2; -14-886 -0'06 + 0-093 379i 12636 4949 3177 797 68-25 I -ii 24 23-97 o'oi -14-978 -0-27 + 0-024 i3H 12673 497 * 3184 798 64*94 18 -58 42 35-5 2 O'OO -14-989 o- 15 O'OOO 3792 12672 4968 3186 799 67-09 3 -50 29 4-10 ... -14-998 o* 19 ... 3786 12676 4973 3i87 800* 68-17 i - 8 59 6-79 + 0-02 -I5-OI4 0*28 0-007 13*7 12687 4978 3188 801* 67-04 5 -25 23 32-11 + 0-01 -15-108 -0-25 0-007 3793 12728 4996 3195 802* 66-77 10 -85 7 3-30 0-07 -15-116 + 0-70 + 0-042 3953 12688 4967 3211 803 68-26 2 -45 28 21-13 ... -15-220 0-20 3808 12776 5013 3208 804 68-24 I -54 5 6 32-4 ... -I5' 2 34 -0-17 ... 3813 12785 5 OI 7 3210 805 63-85 8 4 - 8 4 30-3 + 0-0 -15-416 -0-27 + 0-041 1330 12862 555 3223 802. Proper Motion determined at the Cape. GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1865'0. No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean E.A. 1865-0. COIT. for (** to 1865-0. Free. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion 806 807 808 809 810* 8nf 812 8i4t 816 8i8f 8i 9 f 820 821* 822J 823 824 825 826 82 7 828f 829* 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 2 Leonis *> 4'9 5'4 4-6 3'5 6-0 7* Var. 5'7 4-2 5'5 4'4 4' 2 4'9 4'6 7* 5'7 5'4 C 2 63-56 68-21 64 14 65-60 68-09 65-82 68-23 68-33 67-03 68-28 63-99 67-08 68-23 67-06 68-26 68-23 65-32 62-06 68-33 69-88 68-29 4 2 2 TI I 3 3 j 4 4 4 5 i 5 i 2 26 I 4 i h m s 9 21 13-57 9 22 17-84 9 24 40-02 9 24 43-26 9 25 5-90 9 25 23-17 9 25 45-86 9 26 29-63 9 27 7-36 9 27 48-52 9 30 4-98 9 30 3I-77 9 30 34-35 9 3i 59'88 9 32 57-74 9 33 5' J 4 9 33 56-62 9 35 36-73 9 35 53-98 9 36 22-65 9 36 33'i8 9 37 45 9 38 11-03 9 38 10-94 9 39 2-67 9 39 6-82 9 39 25-75 9 4i 30-33 9 43 28-55 9 44 I 3"9 I 9 44 59" I 4 9 45 49-56 9 46 55-25 9 50 17-20 9 5o 57-47 s o-oo 0-03 O'OI O'OO + 0-01 + 0-02 + O-QI O'OO O'OI + 0-01 + 0-03 + O'O2 o-co + Q-OI O'OO o-oo O'OO O'OO + O'O2 O'OI O'OO + O'O2 + o-oS + 0-01 + 3-2171 + 3-0397 + 3-2487 + 3-2245 + 3-0634 + 2-3743 + 2-5657 + 0-6346 + 1-8252 + 2-9954 + 3-1783 + 1-7410 + 0-5017 + 2-1544 + 3-0646 + 2-8777 + 3-2196 + 1-6673 + 1-2850 + 3-2768 + 1-8486 -1-4934 + 2-6742 + 3-4238 + 3-1712 + 3-2420 + 2-6351 + 2-9839 + 3-1374 + 1-9742 + 2-8838 + 2-9752 + 2-7032 + 2-6504 + 3-2380 o 009 0-004 O'OIO 0-009 o 004 + 0-006 + 0-005 -0-044 + 0-003 O-OO2 0-008 + 0*001 + 0*007 0*004 + 0-001 o * 009 o-ooo -0-013 O'OII + 0-004 -0-284 + 0-005 0-018 -0-008 O'OIO + o 006 0-002 o 006 + 0-007 + 0-002 O'OOI + o"oo6 + 0-007 O'OII + 0-0024 + 0-0079 0-0076 o 0005 0-0019 0-0192 o 0064 0-0015 0-0058 0-0032 o - 009 0-012 + 0-0015 0-0032 0-0107 0-0009 0-0036 -0-0043 0*0016 0-0049 0-0094 0-0009 0-0049 0-0250* -0-0034 1 1 Hvdrae . . r l c Leonis .. { Arffus (mass) . .. "^ Antliae 2 Lacaille 3922 Velorum j; 33 Hydras A i Sextantis . . . Carinae .... A Carinaj H Velorum ... M 38 Hydras K 14 Leonis ..... o Carinae ni C.G A. 13221 1 6 Leonis . . $ Lacaille 3990 .... Chamsjleontis .. Antlias 4'9 6-0 6-1 6-7* 6-8* 6- 7 t 6-7* 4'3 5'3 6-9* 5'3 68-34 66-14 65-26 64-45 68-36 68-25 63-99 68-33 68*29 68-26 68-36 68-26 68-89 i 7 2 8 i 3 i i i 3 i 2 IO i >T Leonis . f B.D. + 7lS T o. 2181.. 1 8 Leonis ... Lacaille 3997 . 3 Sextantis . 4 Sextantis Lacaille 4049 30 Hydras , . v^ 8 Sextantis Lacaille 4056 27 Leonis . v 815. B.A.C. and C.G.A. give no letter, 816. 10 Leonis in B.A.C. . 837. 7 in C.G.A. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. No. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1865-0. Corr. for PS to 1865-0. Free. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion PS Bradley OP Lacaille C.G.A. 1875. Cape 1880. B.A.C. 1850. o / / // // // tt 806 63-44 5 + 9 38 34-7i + 0-03 -I5*432 0-29 + 0-018 1328 ... 3227 807 68-21 2 2 IO 5O-O8 + 0-01 -15-492 0-38 0-004 1334 12897 575 3 2 37 808 64-14 2 + 11 53 45-43 -0-05 -15-622 o- 29 0-060 1338 ... S'*4 3250 809 65-60 II -10 18 33-25 O'OI -I5-625 0*29 + o 009 1339 ... ... 3251 810 68-09 I - o 35 24-56 O'OI -15-646 -0-27 + 0-002 1341 12981 5121 3253 811 65-82 3 -39 52 36-94 -0-07 15*662 0-21 + 0-083 3885 12989 5124 3257 812 68-23 3 31 16 41*36 ... -I5-683 -0-23 ... 3884 I300I 5130 3262 B3 68-33 i -71 ii 31-14 ... -I5-723 -0-05 ... 39 22 I30IO 5133 3266 8 I4 * 67-03 4 -56 26 22-83 0-02 -I5'756 o* 16 + 0*010 3910 '3030 5*43 3269 8<5* 68-28 4 - 5 18 49-91 + 0-09 -I5-794 o- 26 0-027 1344 13050 5150 3 2 7' 81,6* 63-99 4 + 7 26 21 -.37 + O-O2 -i5'9 I 5 0-28 + 0-019 349 ... ... 3286 8i7 67-08 5 -58 37 43 Vi 7 O'O2 -'S'939 -0-15 + O-QIO 3949 13112 5i79 3289 818 68-23 i -72 28 59-74 o-oo -i5-94i 0-04 o-oo 3968 13107 5174 3291 819 67-06 5 -48 45 4-62 -0-06 16-017 -0-18 + 0-03 3952 '3M5 5*03 33 820 68-26 1 - o 31 53-78 + O*2I -16-068 0-26 o 063 1356 13164 5216 333 821 68-23 2 -13 43 16-44 + O'OI -16-113 0-24 O'OO2 1362 13184 5 2 25 33" 8*2 65*33 29 + 10 30 17-35 + 0-01 16* 119 -0-27 O-O2I 1360 ... 5227 33 * 2 823 62-06 I -60 43 4-85 ... 16-205 -0-14 ... 3987 13217 5240 3320 824 68-33 I 66 14 59-44 ... 16-220 O'lO ... ... 13221 524^ 3322 825 69-88 4 + 14 38 16-02 + 0-01 -16-244 -0-27 0-002 1366 ... ... 332i 826 68-29 , -57 22 15-15 ... -16-253 -0-15 ... 3990 13234 5247 3326 827 68-25 2 80 20 o--7J ... -16-314 + o* 14 ... 4048 13246 5252 3334 828 68-34 I -27 9 11-35 o- ii -i6-337 0-22 + 0-032 399 1 13265 5261 3332 829 830 831 64-00 64-21 64'4S 6 3 8 + 24 23 39-45 + 7 19 48 -.87 + 12 25 49 -.69 O'OI + 0*02 -16-337 -16-380 -16-384 -0-28 -0-26 -0-27 0*005 1368 ... 5263 333J 3336 3337 + 0*029 137 832 68-36 i -29 34 5 8 '39 ... 16-400 0-21 ... 3997 13289 5272 3340 833 68'2 S 3 - 6 37 13-42 + 0-02 -16-503 -0-24 0-005 1376 13342 5293 3349 834 63'99 i + 4 58 27-33 O'O^ 16-601 -0-25 0*028 1380 ... ... 3359 83* 68-33 i -55 47, 4 '-35 ... -16-638 -0-15 ... 46 7 + 0*07 -17-058 0-19 O'O2I 4095 13618 54io 3-117 843 68-34 2 61 40 18-66 ... -17" M3 -0-13 ... 4112 ^655 5420 3424 844 68-29 2 -12 38 50-31 ... -17-191 0-21 ... ... 13686 5431 3428 845 61- 19 6 -16 45 15-02 ... 17-286 -0-23 ... ... ... ... ... 846 68-25 2 -12 24 40-31 O'll -17*305 O'2I + 0-033 1402 *3743 5462 3444 847 64-14 I + 6 16 6-59 + O-O2 -17-357 0-22 + 0-018 1404 ... ... 3449 848 65-11 II + 10 39 28-05 o-oo -17-400 -0-23 -0-038 1405 ... ... 3457 849 68-23 I 46 42 41 -01 ... -i7'405 -0-16 ... 4158 13797 5486 346i 850 64-62 125 + 12 37 32-68 + 0-01 -17-420 0-23 + 0-014 1406 ... 549 3459 851 68-27 I -60 30 57-11 ... -17-431 o- 13 ... ... 13804 ... ... 852 67-03 3 30 26 32-19 ... -17-480 -0-18 ... ... 13822 ... ... 853 68-23 i -60 33 18-68 ... -17-487 0-13 ... ... 13823 55oo 3467 854 68-20 3 - 7 44 46-58 o- ii -17-516 O-2I + 0-033 1410 13838 5502 347 55 68-22 i - 6 39 8-68 O'O2 -17-564 0-20 + 0-005 1414 13871 5522 3476 856 68-36 i -32 21 59-57 O'lO -17-685 -0-18 + o ' 030* 4196 13935 5559 3494 857 68-32 i -39 40 42-21 ... -17-708 0-17 ... 4202 i394i 5562 3497 858 68-27 i -55 55 6-50 ... -17-729 o- 1/ ... 4215 I395I 5570 3504 859 7*35 i + 14 23 59-84 -f 0-13 -17-766 0-21 -0-025 1426 ... ... 35io 860 67-15 2 -69 22 5-33 0*02 17-810 0*09 + 0*007 4243 14008 5593 35i6 861* 68-24 5 - 7 23 44-64 -0-08 .-17-826 -0-I 9 + 0-024 1428 14031 5607 357 862 68-22 i -28 19 4-76 ... -17-867 -0-17 ... 4234 H045 5613 3521 863 63'37 30 + 20 31 23-66 0*22 -17-890 0-21 0-136 1432 ... 5620 3523 864* 67-31 i 60 39 30-09 ... -17-892 0-12 ... 4249 i454 5617 3526 865* 67-42 i -54 21 8-32 ... -17-970 -0-14 ... 4263 14105 5636 3536 866 68-28 2 -63 59 57*63 ... -17-983 O*II ... 4268 14115 5639 354i 867* 67-02 2 -55 21 50-64 O'OO l8'O22 -0-13 O'OO* 4272 I4H5 5655 3546 868 64-16 5 + 7 i3 38-58 -0-08 I8-O24 o* 19 0-091 1441 ... ... 3544 869 67-08 3 -40 58 17-23 0-15 -18-046 o ' 1 6 + 0-07* 4271 14156 5662 3552 870 68-32 i - 2 57 4i-35 ... -I8-052 -0-19 ... ... 14165 5667 3553 871 65-24 3 + 9 28 12-93 o-oo 18* 107 OM9 0*02 ... ... ... 356i 872 68-27 2 - 6 22 47-53 -'45 -18-139 0-18 + 0-139 1447 14225 5689 3563 873 68-29 I - 5 44 30-18 0-09 -18-158 o- 19 + 0-027 1449 H235 5696 3566 8 7 4 68-34 I o 18 10-50 0-06 -18-166 -0-18 + 0-017 1450 14241 5698 357> 875 64'37 9 + 10 26 58-99 + O'OI -18-195 0-19 + 0-015 H53 ... ... 3575 m m 864. Suspected Variable ; 3 -3-4 -5 in Uranometria Argentina. D 2 52 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1865'0. No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs Mean R.A. 1865-0. Corr. for i"a to 1865'0. Free. '1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion Pa 8;6t 877t 878 8/9 880 881 882 883 884* 88 5 t 886 887 888 889 890 891* 892 893 894 89St 896* 897 898 899 900 9 oif 902 93t 904 9St 906 907 9 o8f 909 910 4'2 Var. 8* 7 t 6-4* 9 -2t 7'3* 6-1 4'9 6-4 4-0 8-3* 5'2 6-0 6-6* Var. 5' 2 6-6* 4'7 7'4* 4' i 6-2 7'7t 6-9* 5'9 6'5t Var. 5*4 2-8 6-4 5''3 5'5 8-of 4-6 6-8* 7-5* 67-18 67*34 61-18 68-22 61*27 68-27 67-07 63*42 68-36 67-00 68-27 63-39 68-31 68-22 68-36 68-27 68-26 67-05 68-23 67-12 65-23 64-5 1 68-22 68-29 63-42 66-42 68-34 67-18 68-25 67-50 67-15 61-26 67-40 68-29 68-23 I 4 6 i 4 i 2 3 i 12 2 I 2 I 2 2 I I 4 2 6 i i 3 36 2 I I 10 4 4 3 i i h m i 10 20 58-52 10 21 42-37 10 21 48-2I 10 21 53-46 10 22 5-55 10 22 59-02 10 23 IO'I2 10 23 23-36 10 24 13-26 10 25 42-07 10 26 7*24 i + 0*02 g + 2-7437 -rl'2135 + 3-1727 + 3-0425 43-I694 + 2*242I + 1-8959 + 3-0726 + 3-0059 + 3-1663 + 2 " 9167 + 0-010 O-O2I 0-008 O'OOI 0-008 + 0-016 + O-QII o 003 O'OOO 0-008 + o 004 0*007 + 0-007 + o 004 + 0-003 + 0-005 + 0-019 + 0*019 + 0-017 -0*065 O'OO2 -0*005 + 0-008 + 0-012 0*004 + 0-022 + 0-005 + O-OI9 + O-O22 0-008 o 090 o 004 0*090 + 0*006 + 0-023 B -0-0079 O-0092 O'OOOS 0-0032 o' 0041 -0-0015 0-0050* 0-0086 0*0106 -0-0043 0-0092 o-ooo* 0-0172 O'OIIO o 0090 0-0019 -0-0053 -0-0015 0-0026 + 0-0052 o-oon 0-0197 o 0040 Carinae .. i Lalande 20312 Bradley 1456.... ..... O'OO 0*00 + O'OI o-oo + O'O2 B.D. + ioNo.2i6i Lacaille 4313 Luciiille 4321 20 Sextantis ... Bradley 1462 i4*7 Leonis.... .. p 10 27 45-38 10 28 32-28 IO 29 41 '2i 10 30 53-32 10 32 0-2^ 10 32 47-98 10 33 36-81 J o 33 39 >6 3 10 33 50-60 10 34 32-12 10 35 39-27 10 36 24-07 10 36 27-82 10 38 12*05 10 39 49-92 10 40 15-35 10 40 58*14 1041 6 - 10 o-oi + 0-04 + 0-01 + 0*03 + 3-I424 + 2-8571 + 2-9283 + 2-9579 + 2-9268 + 2-3203 + 2*2696 + 2 '0483 Bradley 14 74 Hydrae (u) Hydras 24 H <> O'OO + 0-04 o-oo O'OO + O-QI O'OI o-oo + O-QI O'OI O'OO + 0-05 + 0*01 Carinse t^ Chamaeleontis y 33 Sextflntis + 0-7806 + 3-0633 + 3*1081 + 2-8711 + 2-7741 + 3-0981 + 2-3100 + 2-9363 + 2-5573 + 2-2939 + 3-1608 + 0-6618 + 3-0980 + 0-6609 + 2-9347 + 2-4818 Bradley 1489 Lacaille 44 ic.... 36 Sextantis A.TS'flS 1} Hydrae 6 1 Argus f u Lacaill6 4464 . 53 Leonis ......... I 10 42 9-56 10 43 56-73 10 44 15-21 10 44 28-94 10 44 29*85 10 46 22*49 Chamaeleontis..*.. S 1 Lalandc 20889 ...... Chamceleontis S 2 Bradley 1507 Lacaille 4500 886. 1 in B.A.C. 889. 3 in B.A.C. 909. 6 2 Hvdrse in B.A.C. and C.G.A. ; Auwers' Bradley 1515 is &'. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 53 No. Mean Date 1800 + No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1865-0. Corr. for PS to 1865-0. Free. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 18(35-0. Proper Motion !*S Bradley! or. Lacaille C.G.A. 1875. Cape 1880. B.A.C. 1850. o / // // // // ff 876 64-70 2 -30 22 53-04 0*00 -l8'2I2 0-16 + 0-010 4298 14266 57H 3578 877* 878 879 880 88 1 67'34 61-18 68-22 61-27 68-27 4 6 i 4 i 73 2O 42-00 + 10 15 17-88 - 3 3 9'5' + 9 57 46-5 1 -56 30 35'6i + 0-05 -0-03 -18-239 -18-242 -18-245 -18-252 -18-285 -0-07 -0-18 0-18 -0-18 -0-13 O-O22 43 '9 14276 5717 3585 + 0-01 US 6 14288 5722 3582 4313 14307 5732 3595 882 67-06 4 -65 i 0-89 ... 18-292 o-io ... 4321 14310 5734 3599 883 63-32 5 +03 15-17 O'O2 -18-299 -0-18 -O'OII H59 ... 5739 3597 884 68-31 2 - 6 56 45-98 -0-07 -18-329 -0-17 + O-020 1462 H336 575i 3603 885 65-27 51 +10 1-02 O'OO -18-381 -0-18 + 0-013 1467 ... 5763 3609 886* 68-27 2 -16 15 42-23 + 0-29 -18-396 -0-16 o - 090* ... 1437 577' 3611 .887 63-39 2 + 7 38 5I-79 + o- ii -18-452 -0-17 + 0*067 1468 ... ... 3621 888 68-31 3 22 28 51-68 0-04 -18-479 o- 15 + 0-012 1472 14426 5796 3627 889* 68-22 I -15 38 46-75 -0-06 -18-518 -0-16 + 0-019 1474 14453 5807 3632 890* 68-36 I -12 41 1-88 ... -18-558 -0-16 ... ... ... 5827 3637 891* 68-27 2 16 10 35-26 O- 12 -18-595 -0-15 + 0-038 H79 14522 5842 3646 892 68-26 2 -56 33 '7*95 -I8-62I 0- 12 ... 439 MS36 5850 3651 893 65-44 3 -58 28 51-36 + O'OI -I8-647 O'll O'O2* 4396 14558 5861 3655 894 68-23 i -64 20 25-47 ... -18-649 O" 10 ... 4405 14559 5860 3656 95 67-12 4 -77 54 27*89 0*07 -18-654 -0-03 + 0-032 4428 H557 5859 3660 896 64-19 3 - ' i 58-73 0-09 -I8-677 -0-15 O- 112 1482 H589 5879 3663 897 -898 64-49 68-22 8 i + 4 17 15-29 -22 50 35-46 i+O'O2 + 0-14 -I8-7I2 -18-738 o- 16 -0-14 + 0-033 -0-045 1484 1489 M634 5891 5902 3667 3674 899 68-29 i -32 o 38-78 ... -18-738 -0-14 ... 4415 H635 593 3677 900 63-62 4 + 3 u 49-68 + 0-01 -18-791 -0-15 + o 006 1491 ... ... 3684 .901* 65-96 49 -58 58 31-46 O'O2 -18*841 -o-ii + o'oi8 4457 14720 5938 3695 ^02 68-34 2 -16 35 8-07 O'OI -18-853 -0*14 + 0-003 1496 14734 5947 3697 93 904 67-18 68-25 | 48 42 27-20 -59 53 3 I-8 2 + 0-12 -18-875 -18-878 0' 12 O'll -0*053 4461 4464 H75 1 '4754 5957 5958 372 373 905 66-77 26 + 11 15 31-23 + O'O2 18-910 -0-I 5 0*014 1500 ... 5974 3708 906 907 908 67-15 61-26 67-26 4 4 4 -79 45 2 4-38 + 3 25 36-60 -79 49 42-42 O'OC 18-961 18-970 -18-976 0-02 -0-14 O"O2 ... 4509 14817 599 1 3723 O'OOO 45'3 14829 5994 3724 909* 68-29 i -*7 37 3-25 O' II -18-977 -0-13 + 0-048 !57 14836 ... 3722 910 68-23 i -54 25 20-54 19*029 O* II ... 4500 14862 6007 373 in m 877. Suspected Variable; 4*2 to 5-1 in Uranomttria Argentina. 890. Limits of Magnitude 4 -5 6' i to 6-3. Irregularly periodic. 901. Limits of Magnitude > i 7 4. Period irregular. GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR iSGo'O. No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date 1800 + No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1865*0. Corr. for Pa to 1865-0 Prec. 1865-0. See. Tar. 1865-0. Proper Motion Pa 911 912 9 J 3t 914 9i5 916 917 918 919 920 921* 922 9 2 3 924 9 2 5 926^ 927 928 929 93> 93i 932 933* 934 935 936 9371 938 939 940* 941 942* 943 944t 945 B.D. + 3 No. 2428 . Lalande 20061 ...... 8'8f 5*9 3'9 6-7 7* 6-0 4'i S'o 5'i 7-0* S-o 6-5* 8-8f 6-8* 6-9* 4'7 5'7 4'8 7* 5'4 6-9* 5'8 4'4 6-9* 4'7 5'5 2-8 9-6f 6-9* 4'5 7-8* 3'9 6-8* 4'i 5' 6l-26 68-25 68-28 68-34 68-38 63*5* 68-22 64-77 65-35 68-33 64*45 61-20 61-25 68-25 68-35 67-63 63'74 68-33 68-25 67*21 68-31 67-37 68-29 68-35 68-33 64-65 67- 10 61-25 68-32 64-14 68-40 66-81 68-34 68-54 68-29 5 2 3 i 2 4 i 13 6 i 6 5 6 i 2 '9 2 I 2 4 3 3 2 I 5 10 5 i 21 I 21 2 12 2 h m s 10 46 28-62 10 46 51-33 10 48 i'o8 10 48 6*64 to 48 23-03 10 48 45-78 'o 53 ii '93 10 53 35*33 10 53 44-9 10 53 48-51 10 54 56-48 10 56 20-05 10 56 26-81 ^ 56 50-34 !o 57 25-03 10 58 3-10 ii o 1-05 II I 0-82 II I 23-25 II 2 12 2O II 2 2O-I4 n 3 24-25 ii 5 1-24 ii 5 23-10 ii 6 49 -22 ii 6 50-92 11 6 55-49 ii 6 59-93 ii 9 18-71 ii 9 47-94 ii ii 23-16 II 12 35*57 II 13 38-20 II 14 10-42 ii 16 40-23 s O"O2 + O'OT + O* II O'OO O'OO O'OO O'OO + 0-06 0-04 + 0-01 4 O'OI + 0-01 o-oo O'O2 O'OI -OM7 + O*O2 + 0-03 -fO-07 s + 3-0946 + 3-0617 + 2-4075 + I-5M5 + 2-7504 + 3-0824 + 2-9503 + 3-IOII + 3-II77 + 2-3962 + 3-0606 + 3-0720 + 3-0708 + 2-8513 + 3-0686 + 3-1226 + 3-0883 + 2-4400 + 3-0651 + 2-8995 + 3-0686 + 2-8706 + 2-9431 + 2-9176 + 2-5482 + 3*0756 + 3'I9 T 5 + 3-0549 + 3-0579 + 3*0573 + 3'0507 + 3-0034 + 2-5250 + 3-1036 + 2-9902 s o 004 O'OOI + 0-024 -0-003 + 0*016 -0-003 + 0-007 o 004 -0-005 + 0*027 O'OOI O-OO2 O ' OO I + 0-013 O'OOI 0-006 -0-003 + 0-031 O'OOI + 0*012 O'OOI + 0-014 + o-oio + O'OI2 + 0-032 O'OOI -0-013 + O'OOI O'OOO + O'OOI + O'OOI + 0-006 + 0-038 0*004 + o 009 + 0*0068 + 0-0057 -0-0343 0-0018 -0-0057 O'OOOI O'OOOO* -0-0243 0-0287 0-0065 -0-003 0-0017 0-0028 + 0-0097 0-0080 + 0-0510* O'OIO2 -0-0075 0-0226 Lacaille 4528 Lacaille 4517 cS Leonis ....... d t q Leonis c Lacaille 45*56 61 Leonis p 2 Piazzi X. 225 ........ WB X 1003 Lacaille 45 7 i Piazzi X 232 6 5 Leonis Y 5i Leonis p* CariusB z Piazpi X ** "o Bradlpy 1544 66 Leonis ............ Lacaille 4623 ii Crateris $ Lacaille 4639 68 Leonis . . . 8 B.D. -3 No. 3071 . Lalande 2is2S ... . hA Leonis +3*08H +3*0284 +2*998l +2*903I +2-6692 + 3-0714 +3'0637 +2-89I2 + 3-05I7 + 3*0400 +3-0474 + 2^572 +2-9091 +2-9541 + 2*9I22 +2*7352 +3-044I + 3-07I8 + 3*067I +2'7754 + 3*040I + 2*98l9 + 3-058I + 3*03I3 +3-0878 +2-8008 + 2*9753 + 3*0451 + 3' 1005 + 2-9762 + 3*0763 + 3*0249 + 3 0646 > +0*008 0-007 0*002 + 0*005 + 0-008 + 0*018 + 0-038 0*000 + 0*001 + 0*023 + 0*003 + 0-005 + o 004 + 0*016 + 0-022 + 0*OI7 + 0*022 + 0-044 + 0-005 0*000 + 0*001 + 0*044 + 0*006 + 0*017 + 0*004 + 0-010 -0*033 + 0*056 + 0*024 + 0*008 -0*007 + 0*026 o-ooo + 0*015 + 0-003 + 0*0096 0*0034 78 Leonis 79 Leonis. 14 Cniteris. ...... .c 15 Crateris 7 ~0*0082 O'OIII Lactiille 4.7 30 ... Lacaille 4751 _ Q OOOI Piazzi XI. 78 87 Leonis.... . e Lacaille 4768 , o - 004 o-ooi 0-0043 0*0175 -0*0086 - o 005 1 O-OOI2 0-006 + 0*0009 0*0026 O'O2O -o-i33t -0-0354 + o - 0480 Piazzi XI. 94 B.D.-9No. 3310. Piazzi XI. 98 "d *r i II 25 20-4I " 25 55*90 II 26 13-84 II 26 14*22 i 26 21-99 i 27 2 - 8? 0*00 + 0*01 + 0*04 + 0*02 + 0-02 O'OO + 0*02 O'OO Lacaille 4778 Hvdrse... l8 37 + 3'455i + 3-6018 + 3'456i + 3-0949 + 3-1933 + 3-1023 + 3-II55 + 3-0549 + 3-3670 + 3-0853 + 3-4797 + 3-ii45 + 3'4859 + 3-2094 + 3-0885 + 3-2579 + 3-8520 + 3*2699 + 3-0864 + 3-3967 + 3-6348 + 3-0889 + 3-2816 + 3-4663 + 3-1586 + 3-7935 + 3-3017 s + 0-004 + o 004 + 0-O04 + O-OO7 + 0-042 + 0-054 + 0-038 + O-O2O + 0*069 + 0-099 + 0-065 + 0-007 + 0-020 + 0-008 + O-O09 + 0-003 + 0-043 + 0-006 + 0-060 + O-QOO + 0-060 + 0-020 + O'O06 + 0-025 + 0*II7 + O-O26 + o 006 + 0*041 + 0-072 + 0-007 + 0-026 + 0-047 + 0-013 + 0-095 + 0-027 -0-0392 -0-0392 -0-0392 O-OOI2 o * 0044 0-0098 -0-0074 O-OOI4 0-016 0-003 0-0036 0*0174 -0-0033 0-0036 0-0041 0-0060 0-0051 Centauri . w 12 35 7-87 12 35 10-90 12 36 35*55 12 36 49-09 12 37 43-28 12 38 2-07 12 39 51-27 12 40 35-07 12 41 14*82 1243 7-73 12 44 21*62 12 44 44-77 12 45 29-25 12 46 16-49 12 46 4O '80 12 47 20-10 12 48 1*12 12 49 14-87 12 52 42-38 12 52 49-19 12 53 8-28 12 53 9-62 *2 53 38-97 12 53 47-23 !2 56.55' 2 7 12 56 57-17 12 57 18-88 12 59 2-74 12 59 19-68 12 59 26-38 '3 o 44-34 Lacaille 5249.1... . . C.P.D.-45No.6oi 4 Muscas (mass) Crucis j8 M, $22 .. Lacailie 5285 , t Piazzi XII. 193 Piazzi XII. 196 37 Virlnis .. Centauri B 38 Viro'inis Crucis ..... p. 4.0 Virerinis ... . . il/ Lacailie 5321 ,,. C.G.A. 17684 C G A 17699 . .. Lacailie 3 7.1 46 Virginis .<.......: C.P.D.-46No.6ioi Brisbane 4305...... C.Z. XII. 3409 Piazzi XII. 262 C.Z. XIII. 75 1055, 1067. B.A.C. gives no letter. 1069. B.A.C. assigns to Centaurus. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 63 Corr. No. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1865-0. for to Pree. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1895*0. Proper Motiou radley or acaille C.G.A. 1875. Cape ] 1880. B.A.C. 1850. 1865-0. o / // 1051 65-12 17 o 42 28-50 O'OO -19*823 + 0-08 + 0-020 1698 17291 7027 ... 1052 68-31 13 o 42 30-67 0-07 -19*823 + 0-08 + O*O2O ... ... ... 4268 1053 70-00 i - o 42 33-15 O* IO -19*823 + 0-08 + O'O2O 1699 17292 7028 ... 1054 64-18 5 - 6 45 27-41 O'O2 19*822 + 0-08 0-028 1700 17295 ... 4269 1055* 68-33 j -48 4 15-97 ... 19*820 + 0-08 '". 525 17300 7032 4272 1056 68-08 i -55 12 19*05 ... 19*819 + 0-08 ... 5249 I730I 733 4273 r f\ F h \C\ * T r S" A * A V A A ' -7 A 19 * 800 + 0-08 IO 57 )U 1 i 40 4^ 44 ^4 t 1058 68-40 i -27 34 57*62 + 0-17 -19-797 + 0-08 0-050 5263 17343 743 4278 1059 68-34 i -60 14 22-60 ... -19*784 + 0-09 ... 5265 17366 7049 4279 1060 67-15 3 67 22 6*06 + 0*03 -19*780 + 0-10 0-014 5267 17374 753 4280 1061 65-62 20 -58 57 0*22 + 0-02 -19*753 + o- 10 0*025 5277 17411 7062 4289 1062 68*12 3 - 5 33 43*21 + O* IO -19-742 + 0*09 -0*033 ... 17422 ... 4294 1063 68-37 5 26 51 27*16 ... ~ I 9'73 1 + 0-09 ... 5285 '17436 7072 4297 1064 68-42 2 - 6 53 45*92 -0*07 -19-701 + 0*09 + 0-02 ... 17467 ... 4306 1065 68-24 3 - 9 36 9*79 0*03 -19*681 + o- 10 + 0*01 ... 17485 ... 4312 1066 70*21 i + 3 47 26*38 -0-16 -19-674 + O' IO + O*O3O 1714 ... ... 43 '4 1067* 68*40 i -48 12 30*44 ... 19-662 +)O* IO ... 5308 17506 7IOI 4317 1068 68*49 6 - 2 49 8-45 + 0-02 19-648 + 0-10 0*007 1718 17527 ... 4323 1069* 67-21 4 -56 26 38-53 ... -19*641 + 0-II ... 53'7 I754I 7112 4325 1070 63-96 14 - 8 48 17 56 o-oi -19-629 + 0-10 0*006 1721 17557 ... 4330 1071 68-08 i 56 6 10*6^ ... -19-617 + 0-II ... 532i 17572 7119 4333 1072 68-39 3 -25 43 39*63 ... -!9*594 + 0-1 ... 5332 17601 7128 4343 1073 68*39 6 - 3 4 58-36 0-03 -19*527 + 0*1 + 0*010 1729 17683 ... 4352 1074 61*24 5 -31 18 49-96 ... -19*525 + 0-12 ... ... 17684 ... ... 1075 68-34 3 68 30 2*36 ... -i9*5i9 + O* 1^ ... ... 17699 7162 4354 1076 68-42 3 -32 46 25-94 ... -19-518 + o- 1 ... 5357 17695 7158 4355 1077 68-24 2 - 2 38 28-75 0*2 -19-508 + 0-1 + 0*064 1732 17704 ... 4358 o 66*11 5" 46 14 3O*2( JQ. - Q g + O* I 1079 68* 16 I -59 4 2 53*5 ... -I9-440 ... ... 17774 7190 4372 1080 68*04 II 2 56 10-05 + o-o fc -19*439 + 0-1 0*018 1738 17772 7l88 4373 T /*\Q T 61*30 S" 32 2O "?I * I? : -i + O* I- I Oo i 1082 67-15 3 -49 10 55-99 + o*o v -I9-393 -0-025 539 6 17826 7207 4379 1083 68-44 2 -14 i.i 35*o ... -19-387 + O* I ... ..V 17833 ... 4382 1084 68-35 2 -64 34 59*33 ... -19*385 + 0*1 ... 5394 17840 7213 438i Q 6l * 2Q 22 1C II 'A IQ' 2 tf (? + O* i: OO * 3 4. 64 -GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1865U No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1865-0. Corr. for /* *4 /^ I 3 T 3 K 3 n*i *o *o ;>;> 97 I 3 I 3 26 2J Piazzi XIII. 59 Piazzi XIII. 62 . 13 14 14-62 1109 1 1 IO *3 J 5 3 2 13 16 19-32 13 17 31-82 3 18 5-06 3 19 38-19 13 19 42 13 20 I5/36 3 21 51-12 3 22 42-55 3 23 13-61 3 24 50-11 3 24 56-98 3 25 2-20 mi* 1 1 1 2 Lacaille 5540 .. .. 1113 1 1 14. 4'9 8-3* 8* 4-0 8-5* 4-9 6:4 68-45 61-26 68-43 67'37 68-42 67-87 67-50 i 5 3 4 i 6 i 1115 ni6 ni'/t C.P.D.-36No.5 93 8 Piazzi XIII. 97 Centauri ...,,.. d 1118 I IIO Piazzi XIII. 114 ... II2O Lacaille -{578 1086. g in B.A.C. 1 1 06. B.A.C. gives no letter. 1117. B.A.C. gives no letter. 1119. P in B.A.C. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 65 Corr. j No. Mean Date 1800 + No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1865-0. for PS to Free. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion /*S Bradley or - Lacaille C.G.A. 1875. Cape 1880. B]A.C. 1850. i 1865-0. \ / // // // // // I 1086* 65-63 2 -io i 3-71 O'Ol -I9-353 + 0-13 f 0*008 1742 17864 ... 439 1087 61*32 4 32 57 19-80 I 9'35 + o- 13 1088 68-40 i ~i5 47 40-50 ... -19-313 + 0-13 ... ... 17902 ... 4396 1089 66-78 5 9 36 30-00 + 0-03 -19-309 + 0-13 0*019 1746 17905 ... 4397 1090 OS'H 44 - 4 49 2*42 O'OO - I 9"33 + 0-13 0*028 >747 17912 7228 4401 i 1091 67-50 4 -42 38 53*40 19-286 + 0*14 ... 5422 17929 7235 4469 1092 68'26 2 -59 12 3-29 + o- 10 19-281 + o* 16 0*03 54i8 17936 7238 4412 1093 62-39 4 -15 28 8-51 -0-73 -'9-257 + 0-14 -0-279 1752 '7955 ... 4418 1094 66-31 6 -67 io 41*47 + 0*03 19-226 + 0-17 0*02 5433 17989 7259 4426 1095 68-29 2 -18 6 32-63 + O-O2 -19-223 + 0-14 -0-005 ... 17986 ... ... 1096 68-42 I -18 6 30-95 + O'O2 -19-223 + o- 14 -0-005 1754 17986-5 ... 4428 1097 68-43 3 -19 13 13-18 0*67 -19-205 + o* 14 + 0-195 *756 18005 ... 4430 1098 68-43 3 -19 13 27-25 + 0-35 19-161 + 0*15 O'lOI 1758 18045 ... 4435 long 66-ic? 4.6 38 46* co 19* IS4 + o* 16 jy IIOO J o 68-40 i T-" 0" T 1 " 5 W -14 49 59-03 ... s O -19-117 + 0*15 ... ... 18087 ... 444 i IIOI 65-26 3 -95 1<6 3 o-oi -19*117 + 0-15 + 0*032 1761 18088 ... 4442 IIO2 62-28 2 -17 33 30-32 -2-87 19-091 + 0-15 -1-055 1763 18112 7295 4449 1103 67.20 4 -35 59 58-83 + 0- 21 19*046 + 0-16 -0-094 549 l 18149 7306 4458 1104 68-42 i -io 35 39-86 -0-03 19-040 f 0*15 + 0*009 1766 *8i55 ... 4459 1105 68-27 2 -60 15 46-79 ... 19*022 + o* 19 ... 5490 18172 73l8 4461 1106* 68-27 4 60 16 46- 16 ... 19-021 + 0-19 ... 5492 18174 73'9 4463 1107 68-45 i 18 46 50-00 ... 19-012 + 0*16 ... ... 18183 ... 4466 1108 68-42 i -ii 52 15-92 O'OO -18-991 + 0-16 0*00 ... 18196 ... 447i 1109 70-28 i - 4 13 1-92 + 0-05 -18-953 + 0-16 O'OIO 1772 18230 ... 4477 IIIO 65'85 6 - 4 27 25-96 + 0-02 18-919 + o- 16 0*022 J 773 18255 ... 4478 IIII 63'54 127 10 27 20-07 0-03 18-902 + o- 16 O'O2I 1774 18262 7352 4480 III2 68-36 i -58 49 44-11 ... -18*857 + 0*20 ... 5540 18300 7372 449 ! III3* 69-71 3 -85 5 28-43 + 0-08 -18-855 + 0*42 -o-oiS-j- 5482 18321 7387 4483 III4 68-45 i -15 16 21*29 5-0-09 -18*838 + 0-17 + 0*027 1778 18316 ... 4494 III C 61-26 q6 h Cor.D.-37No.87i9 1126 PiazziXIII. 119.... 8* 68-40 2 13 26 0-23 + 3-0870 + 0-007 ... 1127 1128* IZ29 1130 ai3i C.P.D.-46No.64o8 9-St 3'5 6-5* 5*9 9'5* 66-22 67-92 68-29 69-16 61-33 4 13 3 i 5 13 26 48-58 13 7 48'95 13 28 4-99 13 28 30-08 13 29 45-21 + 0*06 o-oo + 3-6005 + 3-0712 + 3-9763 + 3'"35 + 3-4686 + o 046 + 0*006 + o f o86 + o 009 + 0-033 0*0207 o 0006 Lacaille 5589 80 Virginia C.P.D.-37No.57i2 1132 '"33 "341 "35 C.P.D.-37No.57i4 10* 5'6 2-6 7'3t 61-38 67-41 67-20 68-45 5 4 3 i 13 29 48-96 13 3i 7-39 13 3i 21-33 13 32 7-61 + 0-01 + 3-4700 + 3*3574 + 3-755I + 3-I776 + 0-033 + 0-024 + 0-058 + O'OI2 o 0049 PiazziXIU. 152.... 1136 Piazzi XIII. 158.... 8* 68-32 i 13 33 48-54 ... + 3-1860 + 0-013 ... H37* 82 Virginia m 5'3 67*93 10 13 34 3'8o + 0-02 + 3-1476 + 0-OII 0-0080 1138 C.P.D.-38No.5S74 9'3* 61-33 4 13 36 7'96 ... + 3-5116 + 0-035 ... "39 PiazziXIII. 171.... 7-0* 68-44 i 13 36 30-60 ... + 3- 106-4 + 0-008 ... 1140 Lacaille 5657 7-0* 68-52 2 13 36 57*29 ... + 4-0945 + 0-091 ... 1141 *I42 "43t 1144 "45 1146 1147 1148 C.P.D.- 3 8No.5s82 83 Virginia 8-9* 5*8 4'6 6*7t 6-0 9'St 7'5* 9-0* 61-31 65-11 67-32 62-56 65'35 65 ''4 68-20 61-36 4 4 4 3 5 4 i 4 13 36 59'05 13 37 13-12 13 38 7,83 13 38 19-19 '3 38 44*94 13 38 51-68 13 40 0-43 13 4<> 8-15 O'OO o-oo o-oi o-oo + 3-5136 + 3-2247 + 3-75J6 + 3-2220 + 3-1882 + 3-145 + 4-0538 + 3' 5353 + 0-035 + 0-OI5 + 0-054 + 0*015 + 0-013 + Q-OIO + 0-084 + 0-036 -0-0002 + Q-OOII -0-0059 O-OOlS 86 Virginia B.D. - 7 No. 3695 CGA 18738 C.P.D.-39No.6o76 "49 Piazzi XIII. 192... 7-0* 68-34 2 13 40 22-35 ... + 3-i3'9 + 0*010 ... 1150 "5i i?$a "53 s * "54 C.P.D.-39No.6i78 8-6* 3'5 3 '3 5'2 8-0* -61-39 67-44 68-19 64-21 68-53 5 3 i 13 i 13 40 33'63 13 41 25-14 13 41 29-89 13 42 32-49 13 43 27-62 + 0*02 O'OI + 3-5387 + 3-57oo + 3*5842 + 3-2540 + 3* '430 + 0-036 + o 038 + 0-039 + 0*016 + 0*010 o 005 1 0-0082 Centauri /* Piazzi XIII. 213... "55 B.D. -8 No. 3648. 9 -2f 65-" 5 13 43 59*59 . + 3-1613 + 0*011 1143. B.A.C. gives no letter. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 67 No. Mean Date 1800 + No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1865-0. Corr. for PI to 1865-0. Prec. 1865*0. Sec. Var. 1865*0. Proper Motion PS Bradley or Lacaille C.G.A. 1875. Cape 1880. B.A.C. l&JO. / // // - tr // /f II2I 1122 68- 3 2 66- IK I -39 l6 34'6o 4,6 l?O 24*QO ... -18-686 18-681 + 0*19 + O'2O ... ... 18426 7423 45'8 1 1 2 3 6l * 34 37 I 7 45 * IO 18*678 + O* IQ H24 1125 64-58 6l " 3 7 24 ot */ 43 lw - 9 28 5-65 3^ JO 28 ' ?6 -O'O1 -18-664 18-663 T w *y + 0-18 + O" 10 -0-023 1786 '8445 ... 452* 1126 I I 27 68-40 66-22 2 5" - J 43 43'7 46 54 3 I ' 72 ... -18-660 18*633 + 0*17 + o* 20 ... ... 18447 4523 1128 65-57 21 + 05 43-87 0-03 u oo -18-601 + 0-18 + 0*048 1789 ... 744i 4532 1129 68-29 3 -60 59 46-64 . ... -18-592 + 0-23 5589 18492 7446 4533 1130 | I 3 1 69-16 I - 4 42 25-62 0-40 -18-578 l8* C37 + 0*18 + o* 20 + 0*096 1790 18495 ... 4535 1 1 32 U1 oo 6l- 38 6i 3 U 3* *O 37 5 " 46* ^O 301 l8* C3S + O ' 2O H33 67-41 4 si so -t" /y 28 52 n-6i . .. 003 -18-491 + 0*20 ... 5623 18554 7475 4548 H34 1 1 3 67-20 68*45 3 -S 2 46 43*02 i i 2A. I 2 * 26 + 0-07 -18-483 _ l8-4e6 + 0*22 + O' 10 -0-031 5618 18559 7478 4549 45. C4 1136 68-32 j -12 5 50-01 -18-398 + 0-19 18600 4560 "37 I T 58 67-93 10 - 8 i 13-30 38 54 41 * 7 C -0-14 -18-374 1 8 ' 317 + 0-19 + O* 22 + 0-047 1796 18613 7506 4565 "39 u .* 66 68-44 i - 3 35 33'? 1 ... -I8-303 + o* 19 ... ... 18658 ... 4571 1140 1 1 4.1 68-52 61 * 3i 2 4. 61 46 19-31 38 48 ID* 38 ... 18-287 I8-286 + 0-26 + O" 22 ... 5657 18668 7528 4569 1142 65-11 4 -15 29 56-72 O'OO -18-277 + 0-20 -0*007 1801 18673 ... 4574 1143* 1144 67-32 63-48 4 3 -50 45 14-27 -15 5 15-89 + 0-07 -0-04 -18-245 -18*238 + 0-24 + O'2O -0-032 -0-029 5664 1804 18700 18702 7538 4580 4582 i '45 1 146 65 '35 65*14. 5 5" -n 44 55-60 7 2 e 5 7 ' 06 o-oo -18-222 18* 218 -1- O*2O + O" 2O + 0*013 1805 18711 ... 4585 1147 1148 u a J 4 68-20 61-36 i 4 -60 4 37-11 30 18 38*03 ... -18*176 18-171 + 0-26 4- O" 23 ... ... 18738 7550 4588 1149 I I SO 68-34 6l * 3Q 2 e 6 i 46-21 30 24 l8*47 . ... -18-163 l8' 155 + O'2O f- O ' 2 3 ... ... 18744 ... 4593 1151 67-44 3 -41 o 48-70 -18*124 + 0*23 5683 18772 7562 4601 1152 68-19 i -41 47 5 8 ' 02 + 0-04 -18*120 -f-o-23 -0*013 5684 18773 75 6 3 4602 "53 64H3 *3 -17 27 36-73 O'O2 -I8-080 + 0-21 0-030 1811 18793 ... 4608 "54 Iise 68-53 6s* 1 1 i 1 - 6 55 33'02 8 30 40* OS ... -18*046 l8" O2 5 + 0-21 + O* 2 I ... I88I2 ... 4619 ... E 2 68 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1865'0. No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1865-0. Corr. for /*a to 1865-0. Free. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion /*. 1156 "57 1158 "59 1160- 1161 1162* "63" 1164 1 1 65 f 1166 1167 1168 1169 ii7of 1171 1172 1173* Lacaille 5711 6*1 4'9 5'7 6*6 2-8 9'5* 5'3 2-9 8-9* 4-0 9'5* 4' i 8-3* 6-8* 0-8 9'3* 8'5* 4'4 7'7t 8'3t 6-9* 4-6 6-7* 7'5t 9-6* 3'5 2*2 6-8f 9'4* 5*7 9'5* 9-0* 4-8 7-5* 5'o 68-53 67-87 68-45 68-40 67-52 61-34 68-39 67-67 61-33 67-37 61-37 68-04 68-47 68-34 64-53 61-32 61-36 68-14 65-10 65 ''3 68-42 67-29 68-45 68-53 61 -40 67-46 67-34 67-05 61-48 68-79 6i-35 6i'35 68-53 65-11 67-44 I 2 1 I 2 4 i 3 4 5 4 4 3 2 18 4 5 7 5 4 3 3 i i 4 2 2 9 5 2 4 4 i : h in s 13 44 S 8 '5 13 45 26-86 13 45 39-82 13 46 38-49 1347 7 "Ql s + 0*01 + O*O2 + O' O2 + 3*8482 + 3-4324 + 3-4885 + 3-3897 + 3-7095 + 3-5837 + 3-0809 + 2-8617 + 3-5976 + 3*6174 + 3*6051 + 3-6729 + 3-1978 + 3-1038 + 4-1674 + 3-6282 + 3-6356 + 3-0474 + 3-1876 + 3-I943 + 3-1711 + 3-6341 + 3-2568 + 3-2386: + 3 ' 6630' + 3-3953, + 3'548o + 3-1683 + 3*6638 + 3-1736 + 3-6781 + 3'6749 + 3-9587 + 3-2055 + 7-0564 s + 0-059 + 0-027 + 0-03I + 0-024 + 0-047 + 0-037 + 0-007 O'OOI + 0-037 + 0/039 + o 038 + 0-043 + 0-013 + 0-009 + 0*084 + 0-038 + 0-039 + 0-006 + O'OI2 + 0-013 + O-OI2 4 0-038 + 0-016 + 0-015 + 0-039 + 0-023 + 0-032 + 0-012 + 0*039 + O'OI2 + 0*040 + 0*040 + 0*061 + 0*013 + o-55* a 0-0031 0-0090 0-0073 -0-0055 0-0042 + 0*0060* ... 0-Oo6l O-OOO2 o 004 + O-OOI5 4 Centauri h Centauri .... y Lacaille 5742..., Centauri C.Z. XIII. 2975 90 Virginis p 13 47 44-04 13 47 46-30 i3 48 15*39 13 49 22-55 *3 5 4-74 13 50 17-72 13 50 21-29 13 5* !2-83 '3 52 49*73 '3 54 19*50 !3 54 3'6i J 3 54 33*i6 13 54 46-64 '3 5 6 J9-94 13 56 41-87 13 57 12-65 13 57 48-94 *3 57 52-93 J 3 57 55-39 i3 58 32-43 '3 58 4i-44 13 58 44-8o *3 59 9'9 13 59 28-23 '3 59 34-55 14 o 19-43 14 o 24-70 14 o 56-83 14 i 15-32 14 i 29-47 8 Bootis f] + 0-01 + 0*01 O'O2 O'OO O'OO + 0-01 O'OO -t-O* II + 0-01 + 0-05 + 0-04 C.P.D. -40^0.6368 C.P.D.-4oNo.6376 Centauri u 1 Piazzi XIII. 256 ... Piazzi XIII. 269 ... Centauri C.P.D.-4iNo.66*2 C.Z. XIII. 3387 93 Virginis ., r 1174 "75 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 n8if Il82f 1183 1184 "85 1186 1187 1188 1189 i'9t Lalande 2s7oQ. W.B. XIII. 970 Piazzi XIII. 287.... Centauri % Lalande 25842. ... Piazzi XIII. 290.... Cor.D. -4iNo.8466 40 Hydra?. TT 5 Centauri 6 -0*0459 0-0032 0-0122 -0*015 94 Virginis .. C.P.D.- 4 iNo.6642 C.Z. XIV.66 CZ. XIV. 71 . .. . Lacaille 5827 Piazzi XIII. 308 Apodis t\ 1138. B.A.C. gives no letter. 1170. The separate observations are printed in the Appendix. UOYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 69 No. Mean Date 1800 4- No. of Ubs. Mean Dec. 1865-0. Corr. for ft to 1865-0. Free. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion PS. Bradley or Lacaille C.G.A. 1875. Cape 1880. B.A.C 1850. o / // tt // // ft H56 68-53 I -52 42 17-65 ... -I 7 -988 + 0-26 ... 57" 18849 7597 4625 "57 67-87 2 -31 15 32-59 o-oo -I7-970 + 0-23 O'OOO 1817* 18855 7599 4629 1158* "59 1160 1161 68-45 68-40 67-54 61 * id I I I -34 59 46-58! -27 54 4-30 ~46 37 19'3'i 40 ii ^7*16 -HO' II -17-961 -I7-923 -17-904 17- 880 + 0*23 + 0*23 + 0-25 j_ o * 24. -0-043 5726 5742 5737 18863 18890 18897 7604 7620 7623 4631 4636 4638 ir6 2 68-39 I o 50 14-86 + 0*04 -17-879 f O'2I -0-013 1819 18910 ... 4645 "63 1164 62-67 6l * 32 3 + 19 4 34-40 40 22 22 *4,7 0-81 -I7-859 I7'8l5 + 0*20 T O" 2 C -0*347 1821 ... 7638 4648 "65 1166 67-37 61 * 37 5 4" 41 26 22-28 4O 44. 6*6% + 0-07 -17-786 1J*777 + 0-25 f O" 2 S -0-031 5768 18960 7655 4653 1167 68-04 4 -44 8 33-25 ... -17-775 1 + 0-25 .,, 5770 18968 7661 4654 1 1 68 68-47 3 -ii 23 40-37 + 0-56 -17-740 + O-22 o- 160* 18984 ... 4658 life 68-34 2 - 2 53 25-26 ... -17-673 + O'22 ... ... 19016 ... 4665 1170* 1 1 7 1 64-84 61*23 21 -59 43 10-56 4O S 7 S 2 ' 2 2 O'Ol 17-611 I 7 * 60 \ H-0'30 + O'26 -0*049 5784 I9>43 7691 4669 1 1 72 6 1 - 26 41 2O 2 ' O7 17 "602 + o* 26 "73 I 1 74. 64-88 6c 10 8 e + 2 II 57-65 10 4 46* 89 O'OO -17-592 17* 527 + 0'22 + O' 2"\ 6*018 1829 ... 7692 4672 6'I2 1 7 * a 1 1 4- o 22 "7a 1176 u i> *o 68-42 3 JW o/ If 7 yo - 8 36 27-49 o-oo 1 / 3 l l -17-489 + 0-23 O'OO 19092 4680 "77 67-29 3 -40 31 51:72 ... -17-46.3 + 0*27 ... 5810 19107 7710 4681 1178 1 1 7O 68-45 68-1; 2 j -15 4i i5'43 14 12 22.* 6" 1 .... -I7'46o 17*4:0 + O-24 + O*24 ... ... 19108 4682 4683 i i/y 1 180 6 1 -40 4. 41 47 3.2. '68 17 "422 + O' 27 1181 67-46 2 26 I 49-6,2 + 0-36 -17-425 + 0-25 0*146 1832* 19128 7718 4685 1182 67'34 2 -35 42 i7'57 +-I 23 -I7-422 + 0-26 -0-524 1831* 19129 7719 4686 1183 i 184 67-25 61-48 IO e - 8 14 45'37 4,1 3.7 28'87 0-03 -I7-405 17* 202 + 0*24 + O" 27 + O-OI2 1833 19141 7724 4688 1185 T rRfi 68-79 2 - 8 40 3-77 0-06 -I7-387 I 7 ' 2 ?4 + 0*24 + O*27 4-0-015 1834 19152 ... 4690 i 18- 61 - 2C _ I 7 j ;Q + O* 2 7 1188 68-53 I -5 2 47 36-76 1 / ^3^ -I7'3 2 7 + 0-30 ... 5827 19179 7737 4695 1189 65-11 5 ii ii 10-65 -J7-313 + 0*24 ... 19182 ... 4697 1 190 67-44 2 80 22 15-61 4-o-ic -17-303 + "53 0*04 579 2 19197 7745 4692 70 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1865*0. No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1865-0. Corr. for Pa to 1865-0. Free. 1865'0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion Pa. 1191 1192* "93 1194 "95 1196 1197 1198* 1199 1200 I2OI I2O2 1203 I2O4 1205 I2O6 I2O7 1208* 12091 I2!Of I2Ilf 1212 J2I3 I2I 4 I2IS 1216 1217 1218 1219 I22of 1221 1222* I223f 1224 1225 W.B.XIII. 1082 ... Virginis 40 H Piazzi XIV. 2 Lalande 2^083... 9*t 5*3 8-3* 8-.8f 5*2 7'3* 4*i 4'3 5 '3 9t 6-1 6-7* 9*5t 9 -it 5*5 ioj 8-8* 4-2 O'O 3'9 4*4 6-2* 5'9 4'6 8-of 4-2 5*2 6-6* 9*ot 4-6 6-7 6'3 5'4 7'7t 4-6 ^S'H 62-89 68-37 65'i3 68-32 68-42 66-80 67-42 66-03 67-46 68-53 65-15 65-12 61-24 66-22 61-36 68-77 66-39 67-47 68-28 68-44 68-40 65*97 65*13 67-29 68-39 68-32 65*13 67-41 68 40 66-82 61-24 65*13 67-44 4 5 2 4 i 2 2 9 5 2 I 6 4 2 4 4 4 18 2 2 2 I 35 5 4 i i 5 4 i 10 2 4 3 h m a I 4 T 33-92 J4 3 28-33 H 3 53*59 H 3 54*49 14 5 2-42 [4 5 21-96 H 5 4 14 5 41-88 14 6 14-46 H 7 5*54 14 7 12-74 14 7 19-64 14 7 26-02 14 7 33*2i H 7 57*9 8 14 8 4*26 H 8 5-36 14 8 56-40 14 9 30-18 14 10 46-60 14 10 55-22 14 ii 10-51 14 ii 21-57 14 ii 48-58 14 12 14-45 14 12 21-45 14 12 35-19 14 12 47-75 14 14 36-67 14 14 43-80 I 4 I 5 1-36 14 16 10-07 14 17 6-97 14 17 16-10 14 17 29-29 i o-oo + O'OI O'OI o-oo + 0-08 O'OI -i-o-oi + 0-II o-oo + 0-02 + 0-09 o-oo + 0-03 + 0*02 + 0-01 + 0-02 O'OO O'O2 s 4-3-2025 + 3-2644 + 3-2161 + 3-2160 + 3*4198 + 3*1855 + 8-7846 + 3*1903 + 6-8408 + 3-8219 + 3'457 + 3*i377 + 3-2221 + 3*2255 + 3-2962 + 3-8300 + 3-7249 + 3*1389 + 2-8131 + 3*8051 + 4*1342 + 3*3086 + 3*4i32 + 3*2366 + 3-2416 + 3*6274 + 3*0930 + 3*i505 + 3*2447 + 3-6702 + 3-0898 + 3-2188 + 3*4103 + 3-2526 + 3-8166 + 0-013 + 0-016 + 0-013 + 0-013 + 0-023 + 0-012 + 0-992 + 0-012 + 0-480 + 0-048 + 0-025 + 0-010 + 0-014 + 0-014 + 0-017 + 0*048 + 0-04I + 0-010 O'OOO + 0-045 + 0*070 + 0-017 + 0-022 + O-OI4 + O-O14 + 0-034 + o 009 + O'OII + 0-014 + 0*036 + 0-008 + 0-013 + 0-O2I + 0-015 + o 044 o-ooio o oo 1 9 + 0-00191 - -053* : o-ooio -0-0225 0-0027-1 0-0029 -0-0795 -0-0015. o 006 0'026f -0-0025 -0-0088 -0-007 -0-0054 -0-0073; 0'OO2O o - 0065 co Hvdrae .. 07 Vireinis ... Octantis 5 C.P.D.- 4 6No.6697 Lacaille 5869 Bradley 1843 B.D. -ii No. 3695. B.D.-i2No.4oo8. Piazzi XIV 22 C.P.D.-46 No.67o8 C.Z. XIV. 569 16 Bootis a Lupi i Centauri , v Lnlandc 26150 . . Lacaille 5892 . . 100 Virginis \ Lalande 26177 Centauri ty 1 02 Virginis v Piazzi XIV. 44 W.B XIV. 241 .. 103 Virginis 2 LibrsB Lacuille 5929 WB XIV. 293 Lupi . . . . . T* 1 21 1. B.A.C. gives no letter. 1217. t;' in B.A.C. 1220. B.A.C. gives no letter. 1221. v 2 in B.A.C. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 71 Corr. No. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1865-0. for PS to Prec. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion Bradley or Lacaille C.G.A. 1875. Cape 1830. B.A.C. 1850. 1865-0. ., / // tf f/ 1191 6c* 14 4 10 cc 18*44 17* 299 + o" 24 119? O 62-83 *r 6 33 'TT 1 -'5 39 45*62 O'OI -17-215 + 0-25 -0-003 ... 19222 ... 4700 "93 68-37 2 -ii 18 45*38 ... -I7-I95 + 0-25 ... ... 19233 ... 4702 I IQ4 6< ' I 3 ii 48 58-42 17* IOC + O* 2C 3* "95 68-32 I -26 37 28:63 + 0-16 -I7-I44 + 0-27 -0*047 1837* 19253 7764 4708 1196 68-42 2 - 9 15 49-05 + 0-08 -I7-I29 + 0*25 -0-023 1841 19261 ... 4710 1197* 70-93 2 -83 2 41-50 + 0*12 -I7-II5 + 0-68 O-O2* 5802 19284 7780 4/05 1198 66-83 36 - 9 38 36 -&9 -0-27 -I7-II4 + 0-25 + 0-I50 1842 19272 7771 4716 "99 67-42 I -79 28 54-16 ... -17-089 + 0-53 ... 5828 19289 7782 4712 1290 66 - 03 Aft 48 JO' 2. 1 T/7 O jrQ + o* 2,0 1201 67-46 2 -28 3 8 56-68 -I7-044 + 0*27 5869 19299 7784 47*9 I2O2 68-53 I - 5 19 5-83 -0-35 -I7*039 + 0-25 + 0-10 1843 19301 ... 4720- I2O2 6c-r; 6 12 O O * 06 17 *O34 + O* 25 O 1204 3 3 6c.* 12 4 I ^ T C O * ^.2 17 "029 4-0*26 1205* W J * 61-24 ^ 2 1 * * 5 " *^j -17 34 9-7-3 0*06 -I7-009 + 0-26 -o-oi5f ... 193" ... 4722 1206 66-22 6 " -17-00 + 0*30 1207 61-36 4 1 7 * 004 + o* 29 1208 O 68-77 4 - 5 2I 18*59 + I-57 16-964 + 0-25 -0-417 1846 19324 ... 4727 1299 62-50 5 + 19 53 16*7,3 -4'96 16-938 + 0-23 -1-984 1847 ... 7795 4729* I2|0 67-47 2 -45 25 58:37 + 0-03 -16-878 + 0'3I 0*014 5881 19354 7806 4734 I2II* 68-28 2 -55 45 44-19 + 0-13 16-871 + 0*33 0-04 5879 '9358 7809 4735 1212 68-44 2 -18 5 22-.37 ... -16-859 + 0-27 ... ... 19362 ... 4739- 1213* 68-40 1 -25 12 13:78 I-I2 -16-850 + 0-28 + o'33f 5892 19366 7812 474<> 1214 65-89 41 -12 44 52-33 -0*03 -16*829 + 0-26 + 0*029 1850 19372 7815 4743 121 C 65* I 3 is c 8-to 16*809 + O---26 A * * 3 1216 67-33 3 *O O "O W -37 15 4S'io -16-803 + o * 29 5895 19387 7821 4745 1217* 68-39 i i 38 22-43 + 0-23 -16-792 + 0-25 -0-068 1851 19392 ... 4748 I2l8 68-32 i - 6 7 21*13 + 0-03 -16-782 + 0-26 O'OI ... 19399 ... 475<> I2IO 6c 1 3 e i a T f -06 _ 1 6 * CfQA. + o* 27 I22O* 67-41 O 4 -38 53 34-84 + O* IO -16-688 + 0*30 0-040 59" 19445 7841 4759 1221* 68-40 i I 22 8--30 + O'O2 -16-674 + 0*26 0*007 1858 19449 ... 4762 1222 66-59 ii -ii 5 44-67 + 0-09 -16-618 + 0-27 -0-055 1860 19475 ... 4765 1223 61 -24 2 24 ii 29*86 0- 12 -16-572 + 0-29 -0*033 5929 1950S 7861 4767 1224 65*13 I 3 2*7 CO ' 80 16- cfij. + O ' 27 1225 67 '44 3 O / 3V -44 36 29-91 ... -16-554 T^ v * i + 0-32 ... 5928 .95-4 7864 4768 1197. Observed only S.P. 1205. Proper Motion from Newcomb's 1098 Standard Start. 1213. Proper Motion from Cincinnati Publications, No. 12. 72 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR I865'0. No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1865-0. Corr. for Pa. to 1865-0. Prec. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion /*. 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 I232f '233 1234 '235 1236 237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 245 1246! 1247 1248 1249 I250f 25if I252t 253t 1254 *255t 1256 '257 I2 5 8f 1259* 1260 123 124 125 125 4'4 6-9* 6-7* 6-3* 8-St 7-of 5* 8*5t 6-5* 9-0* 6-8* 8-8f 7'3t 6-9* 7* 4-6 7-0* 6'5 6-9* 8-8* 2'5 5*3 4-0 6-6* o'3 2'8 3-8 3*4 6-9* 2'5 4*2 7* 3-8 3'9 8-5* 67-33 68-45 68-33 68-25 66-15 65-11 67-40 66-03 68-39 66*22 68-42 65*15 65-11 68-48 68-34 67-29 67-47 65-95 68-32 6i-33 67-29 68-28 67-30 68-17 67-54 7 '93 68-34 67-31 67-29 68-16 67-52 68-17 68-25 .4 i 3 3 4 5 2 5 2 4 i 5 4 2 3 4 3 9i i 4 2 3 i 37 5 3 i 2 I 1 I 3 i 3 h m s '4 '7 30*73 14 17 45-48 H 17 59"3 14 18 30:8.6 14 19 26-72 14 20 0-72 14 20 16-41 14 20 17-39 14 20 19-37 14 20 49-18 14 21 19-48 14 22 9-15 14 22 50-83 14 22 58:66 14 23 28-97 M 23 32-57 14 25 21-46 14 25 31-07 '4 25 35-37 14 26 36*83 14 26 56-66 14 27 29-77 14 28 49-40 I 4 29 48-92 14 30 26 14 30 27. 14 3 I 14-96 H 3i 37*64 14 31 45-19 14 32 58-20 H 33 34 "95 '4 34 43*13 H 35 24-55 H 35 57-00 14 36 45-88 a + 0-02 o-oo + 0-01 + 0-O2 + 0-02 *t + O*IO t + O-QI + 0-19 + 0-03 + 0-21 + 0-01 + 0*01 o-oo + 0-01 O'O2 s + 3-8209 + 3*7458 + 3*2433 + 3- 8 457 + 3*8843 + 3*2665 + 3*4958 + 3-8897 + 3-1462 + 3-8877 + 3-2000 + 3.27*7 + 3*2760 + 3-1218 + 3*ii94 + 4-0012 + 3*58io + 21-897 + 3-7740 + 3-8622 + 3-7810 + 3-8928 + 3-9967 + 3-2407 + 4'5 OI 3 + 4'5 OI 3 + 7 0892 + 4-7855 + 3-2165 + 3-9535 + 3-7026 + 3*2444 + 3-6504 + 3*1467 + 4*3563 + 0-044 + 0-039 + 0*014 .+ 0-045 + 0-047 + 0-015 + 0-025 + 0-047 + O'OII + 0-047 + 0*012 + 0-OI5 + 0-OI5 + 0-010 + 0-010 + 0*054 + 0*029 +7-563 + 0-039 + 0-044 + 0-039 + 0-045 + 0-051 + 0-014 + 0-088 + o 088 +0-425 + 0-II2 + 0-013 + 0'047 + 0*033 + O-OI4 + 0-030 + 0-010 + 0-072 4* 0-006 0-0150* 0*0046 0064 -0-005 -o-io8f -0-0043 -0-059 0-4831 -0-4831 O'OIO2 -0-0348 O-OO2 -0-0033 O'OOl -0-0093 + O OO5 2 Lacaille 5930 Piazzi XIV. 76 Lacaille 5934 C.P.D.-46No.68oS Lalande 26376 C.P.D.-46No.68i2 1 04. Vinnnis. C.Z. XIV. 1366 Piazzi XIV. 89 W.B.XIV. 388 Lalande 26453 Piazzi XIV. 95 Piazzi XIV. 98 ... Lacaille 5985. ... Lacaille 5984.... C.G.A. 19729 Piazzi XIV. 127 Centauri. o? Apodis a Circini o Piazzi XIV. 137...... Piazzi XIV. 146 Cape (1880) 802 2... 2. / in C.G.A. 3. Letter z used at the Cape since 1836. o, 1251. The separate observations are printed in the Appendix. 6, 1258. B.A.C. gives no letter. KOYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 73 Corr. No. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1865-0. for /*S to Free. 1865*0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion ^5 Jradley or jacaille C.G.A. 1875. Cape 1880. B.A.C. 1850. 1865-0. o / // // // // // 1226 67'33 4 44 46 0-88 ... -16-552 ^-0-32 ... 5927 J 95'5 7866 4770 1227 68-45 i -41 42 17-49 ... -16-540 + 0*32 ... 5930 i95'9 7867 4774 1228 68-33 3 12 44 26-91 0*03 -16-529 + 0-28 + o-oi ... J 95M ... 4777 1229 68-25 3 -45 3i i5- J 3 ... -16-502 + 0-32 ... 5934 19540 7875 4779 1230 65 '95 6 -46 44 32-70 ... -16-456 + 0-33 1231 65-11 4 -14 13 39-98 + 0'01 -16-427 + 0-28 0-070* 1232* 67-40 2 -28 52 58-00 + 0-07 -16-414 + 0-30 -0-031 1862* 19577 7884 4784 1223 66*02 J.6 J.6 C 2 * 2 l6 "4.1 A. -f- O" 2 2 1 oo 1234 "" ^*o 68-39 2 ^.U ^}.U J ^^ - 5 30 33-67 + 0*19 A \J -} * *T 16-412 ~ w OO + O*27 -0-056 1863 19576 ... 4786 1225 66-22 A.6 27 I 7 * 6 1 16' 287 -if o* 22 ^oS 1236 68-42 I T-" O / L t ul - 9 23 48-98 + O* IO ** o"/ -16-361 * w oo + 0-28 0-03 19594 ... 4794 1237 65 -!5 5 -14 24 31-19 16-320 + 0-28 1238 65-11 4 -14 38 50-24 ... -16-284 + 0*28 1239 68-48 2 - 3 38 36-46 ... -16-277 + 0'27 ... 19638 ... 4799 1240 68-39 2 - 3 27 45-80 ... -16*252 + 0-27 ... 19658 ... 4802 1241 67-29 4 -49 51 22-68 ... -16-248 + 0*35 ... 5964 19661 79 J 3 4801 1242 67-47 3 -32 43 7"n ... - l6< i55 + 0*32 ... 5985 19702 7922 ... 1243* 65 '5 82 -87 35 16-11 + 0-03 -16-147 + 1*90 o-o6of 5823 19776 7960 479 1244 68-32 i 41 30 10-05 ... -16-143 + Q-33 ,,. 5984 19710 79 2 5 4807 1245 61-33 4 -44 42 44-72 ... -16-089 + Q-34 ... 19729 ... ... 1246 67-29 i -41 33 46-18 + 0-07 16-072 + 0*34 0-032 5993 !9737 7935 4811 I2 4 7 68-28 2 -45 39 11-87 ... -16-043 + 0*35 ... 5995 19746 794i 4815 1248 67-30 4 -48 50 7-11 ... -15-974 + 0-36 ... 6003 '9785 7952 4821 1249 68-17 i -n 43 45-26 -1-24 -15-921 4-0*29 + 0-39 ... ^9808 ... 4828 1250* ... 75 -60 16 ... -15-887 + 0-41 + 0-747 6017 19825 7964 4832 1251* ... 44 -60 16 ... -15-887 + o'4i + 0-747 6014 19826 7965 4831 1252 67'54 3 -78 28 1-94 + 0-08 -15-844 + 0*64 -0-033 5980 19851 7979 4833 1253 70-92 2 -64 23 4-59 + I-43 -15-823 + 0-44-0-241 6012 19849 7975 4835 I2S4 68-34 2 - 9 58 10-75 -0-03 -15-817 + o-29' + o-oi ... 19845 ... 4837 255 67-31 1 -46 48 21-33 + 0-07 -I5-752 + 0-36 0*029 6034 19873 7986 4839 1256* 67-30 2 37 12 41*85 ... -15-718 + 0-34 6048 19890 7994 4842 1257 68- 16 I -ii 39 20-78 -0-03 -15*656 + 0-30+0-01 ... 19912 ... 4848 I2 S 8* 67-52 3 -34 35 25-27 + 0-50 -15-618 + 0-340-201 6063 i993i 8008 4852 "59 68-17 i - 5 4 10-91 + 0-99 -15-588 + 0-30 0-313 1880 19941 8013 4855 1260 68-25 3 -56 39 46-67 ... -I5-544 + 0-41 ... ... ... 8022 4856 1243. Proper Motion determined at the Cape. 74 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1865'0. No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date 1800 + No. of Obs. Corr. Mean R. A. ! { r 1865-0. -Jj. \ 1865-0. Free. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion Pa. 1261 1262 1263 1264 265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271* 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276! 1277 1278* 1279 I28of 1281 I282f 1283 1284 I28 5 1286* 1287 I288f 1289* 1290 1291 1292: 1293 1294 1295 C.Z. XIV. 2395 8' 5* 5' 6-6* 2!7 5*7 6-1 5*7 5'5 5*o 4'4 3'o 8-8* 6'5* 5'6 5*9 5*3 7-0* 5'8 7*o 2-7 4' 5 3'4 5'8 7'ot 6*2f Var. 5*5 3'8 3*3 7-5* 9-0* 4'5 7'4* 5'4 6-8f 61-35^ 68-40 66-05 66*00 6i"S4 68-42 68-53 65-58 68-42 67-31 66-34 6i-35 68-18 68-53 68-96 67-50 68-42 69- 16 68-53 67-31 68-43 67-47 68-55 68-28 68-19 68-45 67-56 67-31 62*96 68-51 61-39 63-71 67-54 68-n 68-27 , 4 i 10 3 i i i i i 32 4 2 I 5 2 I I I 2 3 4 i 2 1 9 3 i '5 3 5 7 2 8 3 h m 8 H 36 53*82 14 38 11-41 H 38 3I-44 H 39 5:58 14 39 5 2 '44 14 40 4-07 14 41 31-03 M 4i 37*97 14 42 21-88 14 42 50-66 14 43 24-86 14 44 3-81 14 44 17-08 14 46 41-86 '4 47 3-36 14 47 27-98 14 49 2-52 14 49 26-81 H 49 38-49 14 49 42-43 14 50 8-19 '4 50'23-47 14 50 40-26 H 5 54'45 M 5 1 35-63 H 53 45'77 14 54 44-05 H 55 56-72 14 56 10-49 14 58 22'J2 14 58 32-26 H 58 39*67 14 58 56-04 14 59 6-06 14 59 17-01 8 + 0-05 0*00 O'OO O'OI * + 0-07 + 0*01 + O'O2 + O'O2 O'OO + 0-01 + 0-01 + 0'02 + O'Ol + 0*02 + O'OI + 0-03 + O'O2 + O-QI O'O2 0-02 + O-O2 + O'O2 8 +3-9266 +3-4666 +3-2988 + 2 ' 6240 + 3-4821 + 3'4927 + 3*4520 + 9 ' 6465 + 3-5229 + 3-8857 + 3-3142 + 3*9829 + 3*3540 + 4-2205 + 3*2507 +3*6583 + 3*5054 + 3-2449 + 3-4905 + 3-9010 + 3-1320 +3-8743 + 3*5360 + 3-2420 + 3-2424 + 3-2011 +3-6515 + 4-0511 +3-5005 + 3-4666 + 4-0852 + 2-5833 + 3-6689 + 3-3373 + 3-3416 8 +0-044 + O'O22 + 0-015 O'OOO + 0-022 + 0-022 + 0-021 + 0-917 + 0-023 + o 040 + 0-016 + 0-045 + 0-017 + 0-058 + 0-013 + 0-028 + 0-022 + 0-013 + 0-021 + 0-039 + O-O1O + 0*038 + 0-023 + 0*013 + 0*013 + O*OI2 + 0-027 + 0*045 + O*O21 + 0*OI9 + 0-046 + 0*001 + 0*027 + 0-015 + 0-015 8 -0-0145 0-0028 o 0043 0-0027 II -0-0195 0*0091 0-0048 -0-0061 + 0*0017 0*0013 -0*0065 -0-0061 0-0041 -0*0052 0*0041 o * 0084 -0*0065 0-0047 -0*0074 -0*0142 -0-0052 0*0078 36 Booti&seq e K7 Hvdrae.... Lacaille 6111 Octantis ?r 2 58 Hydras 9 Libras. . . . . a C.Z. XIV. 2843 jo Librae.. .. Lupi c 13 Librae . . ... Lacaille 6146 ........ Lacaille 6161 Lacaille 6168 Lupi . . . . $ 1 6 Librae Centauri K 59 Hydras (mass)... 17 Librae 1 8 Librae. 1 9 Librae 8 Lacaille 6198 Lupi (mass) IT Scorpii i H 7 PiazziXIV. 262 C Z XIV 3-78C A\ Bootis vl/ Lac ail 1 6229 1268. B.A.C. gives no letter. 1269. .E in C.G.A. 1274. B.A.C. gives no letter. 1275. I 1 in B.A.C. and C.G.A. 1278. ? in B.A.C. and C.G.A. 1279. 14 Librae in B.A.C. 1289. Fundamental Star for Southern Zones. 20 Librae in B.A.C., 5-536 -15-464 // ,+ 0'37 + 0-33 // 0-102 1881* 19997 803* 4865, 1263 66-05 10 -H 53 18-33 O'OI -15-446 + 0-31 + O*OO6 1882 20008 ... 4868 1264 64-50 2 + 27 38 42-44 O'OO -I5-4H + 0-25 + 0-001 1890 ... 8039 4876 1265 6l'54 2 -25 31 9-48 o- 10 -I5-37I + 0-33 -0-030 1886* 20044 8051 4880 1266* 68-42 I -26 443-I7 + 0-10 -I5-359 + 0-33 -0-028 1887* 20048 8053 4882 1277 68-53 I -23 41 14-27 ... -I5-278 + 0-33 ... 6m 20080 8066 4888 1268* 65-58 I -82 29 25-46 ... -15-271 + 0-92 ... 6009 20104 8083 4883 1269* 68-42 1 -27 23 46-00 + 0-19 -I5-229 + 0-34 -0-056 1892* 2OIOO 8074 489 * 1270 67-31 I -43 5o*9 2 ... -I5-202 + 0-38 ... 6114 2OIO9 8078 4892 1271 1272 1273 63-82 6i-35 68-18 99 4 2 -15 28 43-17 -46 4 21-99 -'7 47 46-53 -0*08 0-04 -15-169 -15-132 -15-119 + 0-32 + 0-39 + 0*33 -0-066 1894 20II9 8084 48 9 5 + 0-014 1896 20130 ... 4900 1274* 68-53 I -52 '5 32-14 -14-980 + 0-41 ... 6132 20189 8ll8 4914 1275* 68-86 6 -ii 20 43 -78 + 0-04 - I 4'959 + 0-32 0-OIT 1901 20193 ... 4915 1276 67*50 2 -33 18 17-86 + 0-03 -H'935 + 0-36 0-012 6146 20203 8121 4916 1277 68-42 1 -25 44 12-43 ... -14-843 + 0-35 ... 6161 20243 8134 4920 1278* 69-16 I -10 51 44-83 -0*05 -14-818 + 0-33 + 0-013 1903 20249 8137 4922 1279* 68-53 I -24 53 44-44 14-808 + 0-35 ... 6168 2O26O 8141 4925 1280 67-33 4 -42 35 J 5"66 + 0-14 -14-804 + 0-39 -0-058 6160 20263 8143 4924 1281 68-43 3 - 3 47 40-86 + 0-53 -14-778 + 0-32 -0-155 905 20276 8148 49 2 r 1282 67-47 4 -4i 33 35-o6 + 0-04 -14-764 + 0-39 0*018 6170 20286 8152 4928 1283 68-55 i -27 6 47-26 + 0-17 -14-747 + 0-36 -0-049 1904* 202 9 5 8156 4930 1284 68-25 3 ~io 36 37-39 O'OO -14-730 + o'33 O'OOI 1907 20301 ... 4932 1285 68-18 2 -*o 35 57'45 + 0-23 -14-692 + 0-33 0-072 1909 20318 ... 4935 1286* 68-45 9 - 7 58 51-84 o-oi -14-562 + 0-33 + o 003 1911 20363 ... 4939 1287 67-56 3 32 6 30-40 ... -14-503 + 0-37 ... 6198 20392 8183 ... 1288 67-33 3 -46 31 12-43 + 0-08 -i4*43i + 0-42 -0-034 6201 20428 8191 494 1289* 63-02 H -24 44 56-83 O' IO -14-416 + 0*36 0-051 1913* 20431 8192 495 1290 1291 1292 68-51 6i'39 63-17 3 5 6 -22 47 45-79 -47 9 52-16 + 27 28 32-52 o-oo 14-282 -14-272 -14-264 + 0-36 + 0-42 + 0*27 ... ... 20482 ... 4964 0*002 1922 ... 8212 4969 1293 67-54 2 -32 23 7-14 ... -14-247 + 0-38 ... 6229 20495 8218 ... 1294* 68-13 9 -5 43 5'74 + 0-09 -14*237 + 0-35 0-030 1919 20498 ... 4970 1295* 68-27 3 -15 57 32-94 + 0-04 -14-225 + 0-35 O'OI2 1920 20504 ... 497 * s. 1266. Auwers considers Bradley's R.A. i in error and that there is no Proper Motion in R.A. d. h. m. s. 1286. Limits of Magnitude 5- o 6-2. Period 2 7 51 22*8 Algol-type. 76 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1865'0. No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date 1800 + No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1865-0. Com for ^a to 1865-0. Prec. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion f'0. 1296 1297 I2 9 8 I2 99 t 1300 I 3 OI* 1302 J 303f !34 *305t 1306 '307 1308* 1309 i3iof 1311 1312 1 3 1 3 J3'4 i3i5 1316* i3*7t 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323* 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 i33t 129 130 !3* 132 4-3 5*3 6-8* 3'5 9' Si 4*9 9l 3'o 6-5* 4'o 7-s: 5*4 2-7 7-5* 3*4 5'7 6-0 4*7 7-0* 6-2* 6-1 5-6 5'2 8: 6- 9 * 9'3t 9 -it 6-2 6-8* S'8 9l 8'St 7'6* 5'9 3 -o 67-44 68-44 68-45 67-31 61-41 63-98 61-46 68-66 61-41 68-53 61-50 68-32 65'93 68-16 67-50 68-38 68-42 67-48 69-84 68-46 68-55 68-32 68-60 61-43 68-53 62*22 62-16 66-21 68-53 68-30 6i'45 61-49 68-32 68- 18 67-44 3 i 2 I 5 3i 4 3 5 S 2 28 34 i 4 2 I I 2 4 5 i 3 4 H i 2 4 5 2 I 4 h m s '4 59 45'89 '5 i 2 5'36 *5 i 59' 2 3 IS 2 36-53 15 4 i5'53 15 43i-9i 15 5 22-44 15 6 20-97 15 6 31-14 15 6 58-14 15 7 16-14 5 7 58-56 15 9 44-74 '5 12 5-57 15 12 31-26 15 12 40-58 I 5 13 28 "8 4 15 14 32-44 15 .15 30-23 15 16 28-02 15 16 46-26 15 16 52-41 15 16 52-99 15 17 26-34 5 18 37'37 15 18 44-56 15 18 49-81 15 20 38-84 15 20 47-13 15 23 3'7' 15 23 59-65 1 5 24 39-31 15 24 49-86 15 26 0-82 1 5 26 9-33 s O'OO 4-0-03 O'OO + 0-05 -rO'o6 + O-QI o-oo + 0*01 0-27 o-oo fO'OI + 0'O2 o-oi + O"OI + 0-03 O'OO o-oo O'OO f O'OI s + 4-0085 + 5-6252 + 3-4859 + 4-2775 + 4M2 4 8 + 3-4092 + 4-1287 + 5-4975 + 4-'352 + 4-6483 + 4-1468 + 4-7653 + 3'226o + 3-2233 + 3-9I2I +12-558 t-3'34 I c> + 3-8111 + 3-3353 + 3 ; 2848 + 3-0816 + 6-3661 + 3-2476 + 4-2129 + 4*3359 + 2-0513 + 2-0469 + 3*3712 + 3-6273 + 3'37 l8 + 4-257 1 + 4*2585 + 4-6743 + 3-0853 + 3-9728 i + 0-042 + 0-157 + O'O2O + 0-055 + o 046 + 0-017 + 0*046 + o- 140 + 0-046 + 0-075 + o 046 + 0-082 + O'OI2 + O'OI2 + 0-034 +1-367 + 0*014 + 0-030 + O-OI4 + 0*OI3 + o 009 + 0*207 + O'OI2 + 0*046 + 0-052 + O-O02 + O-002 + 0-015 + 0*022 + 0-015 + o 046 + 0*046 + o 066 + o 009 + 0-033 s o-ooo* 0*0149 0*0048 -0-0137 -0*0157 0*0079 o-ooo o 003 1 + o-o8if + 0*0007 -0-0025 0*005 + 0-0032 -0-003 -0-0077 0*0006 0-0006 0-0007 -0-0054 Lncuille 6222 ........ Lticnille 6250 Lllpl ,. C.P.D.-47No.696i 24 Libra) t .V. , Trianguli Aust. ...7 Lacuille 6270 Circini /8 C.P.D.-47No.6998 Lacaille 6272 H Libra? )8 Piazzi XV 32 Octantis p t(\ Libra) o Lllpi (h 5Q Libra) . . Piazzi XV. 54 8 Serpentis . . .... C.P.D.- 4 8 No.7 4 82 Luciiillc 6373 B.D. + 45No. 2282 B.D. + 45No. 2283 22 Libra) Luciiillc 6395 C.P.D.-48 No. 7610 C.P.D.-48No. 7622 ii Serpentis A 1 6. A. in B.A.C. andC.G.A. ; Anwers assigns this letter to 1360. i. i l in B.A.C. 1312. o l in B.A.C. 1313. 2 in B.A.C. 4. o 2 in B.A.C. 1323. C 1 in B.A.C. 1325. C 3 in B.A.C. 9. B.A.C. gives no letter; see note to 1341. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 77 No. Mean Date 1800 + No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1865-0. Corr. for A*5 to 1865-0. Prec. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865*0. Proper Motion /*a Bradley or Lucaillc C.G.A. 1875. Cape 1880. B.A.C. 1850. o / // ii // n // 1296* 67-44 3 -44 45 27-27 + 0*07 -14-196 + 0-42 -0-03* 6232 20514 8225 4973 1297 68-44 I -69 33 58-77 ... -14-093 + '59 ... 6222 20554 8242 49/6 1298 68-45 2 23 28 2-22 ... -14-058 + 0-37 ... 6250 20557 8243 4984 1299 1300 1301* 1302 U03 67-31 61-41 63-91 61-46 69*43 I 5 32 4 7 -5i 34 S7'55 -47 33 23-20 19 1 6 42-04 -47 31 26-07 -68 10 36-60 + 0-16 0*04 + 0-17 14-018 -13-916 -13-898 -I3'845 -I3-783 + 0-45 + 0-44 + 0-36 + 0-44 + 0-59 0*069 6245 20572 8253 4987 -0-035 1927 20601 8261 4995 0-038 6255 20657 8280 55 1304 61-41 5 -47 34 4-47 ... -13-772 + 0-44 ... 6270 20655 8278 5010 J305 1306 1307 68-53 61-50 68-32 i 5 2 -58 17 37-07 -47 47 16-86 -59 59 47^8 + 0-56 -I3-744 -I3-724 -13-680 + 0-50 + 0-45 + 0-51 -0-158 6266 20668 8284 5011 ... 6272 20695 8297 5021 1308 63-84 68 - 8 52 57-17 O'O2 - I 3'565 + o-35 0-016 1934 20723 8313 5034 *39 68 -16 i - 8 39 2-72 + 0-16 -13*413 + 0-35 0-05 ... 20765 ... 5043 1310 67-50 i -40 9 22-13 + 0-08 -13-386 + 0-43 0-031 6326 20779 8340 5046 1311* 68-18 23 -84 o 17-98 0-26 -13-376 + i'37 + o-o8if 6216 20818 8363 5037 1312* 68-42 2 -15 3 33-33 -0-13 -13-323 + 0-37 + 0-038 939 20799 ... 5057 1313* 67-48 4 -36 22 17-48 ... -13-252 + 0-42 ... 6349 20825 8361 5060 i3H* 69-84 2 -14 38 58 58 0-06 -13-19 + 0-37 + 0-013 1941 20835 8367 5063 i3'5 68-46 I -ii 53 6-24 + 0-10 -13-126 + 0-37 0-03 ... 20855 ... 5070 1316 68-55 I o 32 19*67 + 0-09 -13-107 + 0*35 -0-025 1945 20864 ... 50/3 1317 68-32 2 -7 2 54 57-96 + 0-13 -13-100 + 0-72 0-04 6323 20878 8386 5068 1318 I3 r 9 1320 1321 1322 1323* 68-60 61-43 68-53 62-23 62-16 66-04 4 5 4 4 18 - 9 50 5-82 -48 21 13-67 -51 7 24-77 + 45 2 31-07 + 45 9 I 9' 2 7 16 14 36-02 + Q-55 + 0-04 -13-099 13-062 -12-984 -12-975 -12-969 -12-848 + 0-36 + 0-47 + 0-48 + 0-23 + 0-23 + 0-38 -0-153 1944 20866 ... 574 ... 6373 20910 8399 5080 -0-034 1949 20960 8414 5089 1324 68-53 i -28 23 38-33 ... -12-839 + 0-41 ... 6395 20964 8417 5090 1325* 1326 1327 1328 68-30 61-44 61-49 68-32 2 5 5 2 16 8 37-02 -48 45 20-53 -48 43 18-41 -56 57 35' 6 5 + 0-03 -12-684 IZ'62I -12-577 -12-564 + 0-39 + 0-49 + 0-49 + o"54 O'OIO '953 2IOI4 ... 5100 ... 6407 21057 8452 5106 1329* 68- 18 I - o 43 32-99 + 0-15 -12-483 4-0-36 o 046 1959 ... ... 5"9 1330 67-44 4 -40 42 34-57 + 0*09 -12-474 + 0-46 -0-037 6422 21084 8464 5118 1311. Proper Motion determined at the Cape. 78 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1865'0. No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date 1800 + No. of Obs Mean R.A. 3865-0. Corr. for Fa to 1865-0 Prec. 1865-0. Sec. Var. j 1835-0. Proper Motion pa M3i 1332 333 1334+ 1335 r 336f 1337 1338 i339t 1340 1341 134* 1343 '344 1345 M46 M47 '348 1349 1350 I35 1 1352* *353t '354 I35S 356 1357 *358 '359 36of 1361* 1362 1363 1364! 1365 37 Librae 4'9 7*3 9t 4-0 7* 3'9 6-4* 4-0 2-4 7'5* 6-8* 8'9f 3'9 8J 7-3* 4'S 9t 5' 8* 7'3* 6-7* 5'5 2-7 7-8* 8-2f 9'3t 5*9 S'S 5-3' 4-2 3'5 4'8 6'3' 3'i 6-4* 68-62 68-55 <>2-2l 67H9 -68-53 62*03 68-53 67'49 66-71 68-44 68-16 62-22 67-59 62-25 68-46 67'47 62-22 66-04 68-55 68-32 68-53 68-46 66-41 68-42 62-16 63-27 68-53 68-52 67'54 67-50 68-28 67-48 68-44 70-96 68-19 4 I 5 22 I 2 3 17 i i 4 i i I 4 3 8 t 2 I 3* 6 5 i 2 4 3 4 2 1 2 I h m 15 26 48*24 15 27 6-85 15 27 7-96 '5 27 58-71 15 2 7 58-90 15 28 50-17 '5 28 55-39 15 28 58-06 15 28 58-40 15 29 34-96 15 29 38-13 *5 29 59-49 15 30 22-28 15 30 48-11 '5 30 57'75 15 3i 55-32 15 33 29-46 15 34 10-29 15 35 JO' 86 5 35 30 64 5 35 5 '9 15 36 28-96 '5 37 37- 2 4 '5 37 47-93 15 39 3 I<6 9 '5 39 35-46 r 5 39 53-46 '5 4* 52-72 15 42 11-73 15 42 23-25 ^5 4 34-63 15 42 51-91 *5 42 53*5 2 15 43 16-45 15 43 29-04 s O'O O'O 0*0 + ' 5 + o'5 O'O -+-O-O + o * 02 g + 3-249 + 3-644 1-2-050 + 3-34! + 3-645 + 3-626 + 4-863 + 4*0278 + 2-529 + 4-670 + 3-074 + 2 0486 + 3-6688 + 2-0546 +3-3387 + 4- 1106 + 2-0470 + 3-4473 + 3-3728 + 4-7598 + 3'353 8 + 3-3672 + 2-9414 + 3-5629 + 2-0471 + 2-4399 + 4-5140 + 3-I375 + 5-8280 + 3-7943 + 3-1302 + 3'5952 + 4*3983 + 5-2438 + 5-0154 + O-OI2 + O'O22 -t- o 003 + O'OI4 + O-O22 + 0-021 + 0-074 + 0-035 + O ' OO2 + 0*064 + o 008 + 0-003 + O-O22 + o 003 + 0-013 + o 037 + o 003 + 0-016 + 0-014 + 0-065 + 0-013 + 0-014 + o 006 + 0*018 + 0-003 + O'OO2 + 0-05I + o 009 + O-I24 + 0-024 + 0-009 + O'OlS + 0-045 + 0-086 + 0-074 a + 0-0186 + 0-0029 0-0029 -o-oist 0-019* + o 008 1 0-0030 - o 0060 o 004 0-016* 0-0046 O'OI I o-ooi 0*0041 + 0-0078 -0-0042 -0-0023 -0-0077 -0-0058 0*0302 Lacaille 6433 .. ^8 Librae *v Lacaille 6442 Scorpii 3 H Lacaille 6431 Lupi a 5 Coronae Borealis a Lacaille 6440 14 Serpentis B.D. + 44 No. 2483 Scorpii 4 H o .V... + 0-01 f 0-04 O'OO + 0-04 O'OO + 0-01 O'OI + 0-01 + 0-01 + 0'02 + 0-01 -i-o-i8 PiazziXV. 132 Lupi... . a . 43 Librae K Piazzi XV. 150 Lacaille 6487 Bradley 1987 44 Librae t\ 24 Serpentis a Lalande 28670 Lalande 28758 B.D. + 30 No. 2703 Lacaille 6520 30 Serpentis .. . Trianguli Aust...,. K c Lupi . A 52 Serpentis ju i Scorpii b Lact'llc 6543 Trianguli Aust ft Lacaille 6540 . 1336. 39 Librae in B.A.C. ; v in C.G.A. 1338. t in B.A.C. 1341. A 1 in B.A.C.; see note to 1329. 1343. 40 Librae in B.A.C. : r'm C.G.A. 1346. B.A.C. gives no letter. 1360. x in B.A.C. and C.G.A. ; see note to 1296. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 79 Corr. No. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Cbs. Mean Dec. 1865-0. for W to Prec. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion PS Bradley or Lacaille C.G.A. 1875. Cape 1S80. B.A.U. 1850. 1865-0. o / // // // rt // 1331 68-62 4 - 9 35 58'75 + 0-85 -12-430 + 0-38 -0-236 1960 21096 ... 5* 2 5 1332 68-55 i -28 35 42-93 ... -12-408 + 0-42 ... 6433 21106 8472 5127 [333 62 * 2 1 5" + 44 1 2 4.8 * I 3 12 -4.07 + 0*24 * JOO 1334 67'58 21 6 ^r" *O 14 20 12*49 o'5 M. ft .4J.W J -I2-348 i \* ai^ + 0-39 + 0-OI8 1964 2II27 ... 5134 1335 68-53 I -28 32 47-65 ... -I2-348 + 0-42 ... 6442 21131 8479 5*33 1336* 62-03 2 -27 41 7'25 0-04 I2-290 + 0*42 0-012 1966* 21146 8484 5'38 1337* 68-53 I -59 27 16-05 + 0-92 -I2'284 + 0-57 -0'26f 6431 2H55 8488 .5'37 1338* 67 '43 5 -42 7 15-30 -0-27 I2-280 + 0-47 + Q-II* 6443 2II53 8487 539 *339 63-50 4 + 27 10 15-99 0-13 I2-280 + 0-30 -0-086 '973 ... 8483 5 r 43 1340 68-44 i -56 28 6 40 ... -I2-238 + 0-55 ... 6440 21175 8495 5 '44 1341* 68 -16 i -06 40*57 + 0-04 -12-234 + 0-36 0-014 1971 21167 ... 5H8 T 2 A 'J 62 * 22 4* + 43 58 C C * 21 12* 2IO + O' 24 *o4' i 1343* 67-60 2 ^ 4o 3 30 ** -29 19 5I-22 + 0-09 -12-183 + 0-43 -0-034 1970* 2II86 8498 S'5 1 r 5 A A 4 62 * 2 I 4-4.3 4,3 C4 ' 1 6 12* IC3 + o- 24 *o44 1345 \j & ^ j) 68-46 I ~ 4 o 4j 3T- * " -14 4 6-31 + 0-24 * 3d I2-I4t + 0-39 0-07 ... 21200 ... 5158 I 34 6* ^7-47 4 -44 12 39-86 + 0-72 -12-075 + 0*48 0-29* 6464 21226 8513 5165 1347 62-22 3 + 43 41 48-58 ... -II-965 + 0-24 M48 66-43 7 19 14 18-46 + 0-14 -II-9I7 + 0*41 -0-097 1981 21276 8532 5i7 6 1349 65-55 i -15 34 41-93 + O" li -11-846 + O*4O 0*05 ... 21305 ... 5^4 1350 68-32 2 -57 23 0-90 "... -11-822 + 0-57 ... 6487 21316 8547 5*83 1351 68-53 I 14 36 28-21 + 0-29 -11-799 + 0-40 0-083 1987 2I3I8 ... 5188 1352 68-46 I -15 14 20-43 + O*22 -"754 + 0-40 0-064 1985 21327 ... 5!9 '353 62-75 24 + 6 51 9 71 + 0-12 -11-673 + 0-35 + 0-054 1990 ... 8557 5196 1354 68-42 I -24 17 17-95 ... ii- 660 + 0-43 ... 21350 8559 5!97 '355 T 1 -f\ 62-17 fit i 5 + 43 8 47-10 -i- i r\ T 2 A i -u-537 1 1 ' K 33 + 0-25 + O ' 3O I 3a 6 '357 03 27 68-53 4 i T35 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410* 1411 1412 HI3 1414 HIS 1416 1417* 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 '4*3t r.4Mt 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429* 1430 H3i 1432 H33 M34 1435 B.D. - 9 No. 4313 Lacuille 672(5 . . 9'2f 5'i 7'3 4-2 4-8 9-of 9"t r$ 8-5t 2-8 5*7 7-0* 7-2* *J 5'8 3'4 8-7* 6-0 8-St 8*5* 7'4* 3*9 3-0 9*0* 7-2* 9'0* 5'3 4'6 9-0* 8* 7-5* 5'5 6-6* 9-6* 63-28 67-58 64-23 65-77 63-33 63'3 2 63-37 68-25 63-29 66-91 68-22 63-35 68-53 61-42 61-50 67*44 68-33 63-3S 65*53 61*51 63-28 68-44 66-85 63-05 61-42 63-37 61*51 67*55 67*57 61-50 63-28 68-55 68-42 68-44 63-32 4 5 i '9 4 4 6 i 4 32 i 5 i 4 4 5 2 4 i7 4 4 i 15 23 4 5 4 4 8 4 4 i i 4 h ra s 16 2 32-09 16 2 39-13 16 4 8-07 16 4 9*21 16 4 37'38 16 5 24-17 16 6 7-96 16 6 23-16 16 6 23-69 16 7 16-42 16 8 17-33 16 9 1-77 16 9 55-88 16 10 1-73 16 10 46*32 16 ii 0-68 16 ii 10-85 16 ii 10-92 16 ii 22*40 16 ii 45-89 16 12 3-00 16 12 41-58 16 12 51-11 16 12 59-23 16 13 2-88 16 13 13*61 i 6 15 0*05 16 15 26-37 16 16 12-42 16 16 42*14 16 if 2*32 J 6 17 5'54 16 17 29-67 16 18 30-65 16 18 41-75 + O'O2 o-oo o-oo O'OI + O'OI + o-oi 0-04 O'OI O'OI o-oo + 0-08 O'OI + 0-01 + 0-01 + 3-2681 + 3-7196 + 3'477 2 + 3 '4773 + 3-2725 + 3*3394 + 3-4082 + 3-31" + 3-4652 + 3-1409 + 3-2383 + 3*5255 + 3-6947 + 4-5446 + 4*5420 + 3*7744 + 3-1627 + 3-6374 + 20-496 + 4*5547 + 3*6356 + 5-0024 + 8-9838 + 3-6355 + 4-556o + 3*5885 + 4*5645 + 5'555 + 3*5029 + 4*5833 + 3*8617 + 3-8070 + 3-5870 + 4-9647 + 3*8932 + o-oio + O-OI9 + O-OI4 + O-OI4 + 0-010 + 0-011 + 0*012 + O-QII + 0-013 + 0-008 + 0-009 + 0*014 + 0*017 + 0*040 + 0*040 + 0-019 + 0*008 + 0*016 + 2-466 + o 040 + 0-016 + 0-056 + 0-328 + 0-016 + 0*039 + 0-015 + 0-039 + 0*074 + 0*013 + 0*039 + 0*020 + 0*018 + 0*014 + 0*051 + 0*020 s 0*009* O'OOI 0-0028 -0*0035 0*0028 -0*0045 + 0*0112 + o - 006* + 0-0036 -o-oo3f -0-0459 0-0027 -0-0032 -0*0032 Piazzi XVI-3 (mass) 14 Scorpii (mass) v is Scorpii ^ B.D. -i 2 No. 4448 B.D. -i5No. 4271 17 Scorpii x B.D. -i 8 No. 4247 C G A. 22OsS ..i C.P.D.-5iNo. 9 3o5 C.P.D.-SiNo. 9 340 Lacaille 6788 2 Ophiuchi f CG A. 22116 Lacaille 6>>4<\ . . C.P.D.- 5 iNo.9388 C G A. 22129 CG A 22156 20 Scorpii. . .... o" CZ XVI 976 CZ XVI. 1099 Trianguli Aust i 4 Opniuchi *J C.Z. XVI. 1229 Lacaille 6832 Lacaille 6834 5 Ophiuchi(N.*&) . p Lacaille 6827 Cor.D.-34No.i 1005 1419. Identical with Brisbane 5607. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 83 No. Mean Date 1800 + No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1865-0. Corr. for pa to .1865-0. Free. 1865*0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion f* Bradley or Lacaille C.G.A. 1875. Cape 1880. B.A.C. 1850. 1401 1402 63-28 67-58 4 5 / // - 9 33 4-20 -29 3 24-51 // + o- 1 // -9-835 -9-826 // + 0-42 + 0-48 // 0-07* 6725 21913 793 5374 1403 64-23 i - J 9 5 45-74 O'O2 -9-713 + 0*45 -0-03 ... 21953 ... 5383 1404 65-88 '7 19 6 25-41 +0*01 -9-711 + 0-45 0-013 2055 21954 8809 5382 H05 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 63*33 63-32 63'37 68-25 63-29 63-20 4 4 5 i 4 35 - 9 42 42-09 -12 50 14-56 -i5 57 43-o6 ii 29 24-38 18 29 9-04 - 3 20 38-95 O'OI + 0-01 0-25 -9-676 9*616 -9'559 -9*540 -9-539 -9-472 + 0-42 + 0*43 + 0*44 + 0-43 + 0*45 + 0-41 0-007 2056 21962 ... 5386 o 004 2059 21994 ... 54oi 0-140 2065 22017 8838 54H 1411 68-22 i 80 33-01 + 1-66 -9"393 + 0-42 -0-514 2067 22036 ... 5420 1412 63-35 4 -20 57 54-06 ... -9-335 + 0-46 ... ... 22055 ... ... *4'3 1414 1415 1416 68-53 61-42 61-50 67-44 4 4 5 27 42 20-01 -51 9 7-64 -5* 3 8-47 -30 34 32'3i + 0'2O -9-266 -9-258 9*201 -9-181 + 0-48 + 0-59 + 0-59 + 0-49 ... 6778 22077 8858 5430 -0-08* 6788 22108 8869 5435 1417 68-33 2 4 21 37-26 o- 14 -9-169 + 0-41 + 0*041 2073 22III ... 5437 1418 63-35 4 -25 25 40-11 ... -9-169 + 0-48 ... ... 22Il6 ... ... 1419* 1420 1421 65'i3 61-51 63-28 25 4 4 -86 5 39-18 -5i 13 58-29 -25 18 56-55 o-oo -9" J 54 -9-123 9-101 + 2-66 + 0-60 + 0-48 + 0-014- 6545 22l8o 8914 54'2 22129 1422 68-44 i -58 16 49-30 ... -9-051 + 0-65 ... ... 22156 8888 5443 1423 67-31 TO -78 35 10-24 + o- 17 -9*038 + 1-18 -0-075 6727 22170 8896 5439 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 63-32 61-42 63-38 61-51 67-55 23 4 4 4 4 ~ 2 5 15 56-7 -51 10 42-99 -23 22 52-96 -51 13 8-45 -63 44 45-96 0-04 9-028 -9-023 -9-008 -8-870 -8-836 + 0-48 + 0*60 + 0-47 + 0-60 + 0-73 0*025 2077* 22158 8887 5447 ... 6801 22l6l 8891 5449 ... 6795 22212 8917 5454 1429 M3o M3i 67-57 61-50 63-28 8 4 4 - J 9 43 5*95 -51 27 56-79 -33 *5 9'96 + 0-13 -8-776 -8-736 8-710 + 0-46 + 0-60 + 0-51 -0-049 2082 22219 ... 5467 6832 22235 8928 ... 1432 68-55 i -31 23 19-04 ... -^8-706 + 0-50 ... 6834 22237 8929 547 1 H33 68-42 i -23 7 58-75 + 0-03 -8-673 + 0-47 0*009 2083 22250 ... 5477 1434 M35 68-44 63-32 i 4 -57 27 3-14 -34 ii 48-38 ... -8-593 -8-579 + 0-66 + 0-52 ... 6827 22268 8940 5485 1419. Proper Motion determined at the Cape. F 2 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1S65'0. No. Star's Name. Ma*. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1865-0. Corr. for ^a to 1865'0. Prec. 1865-0. Sec. Tar. 1865-0. Proper Motion P-a. H36 '437 M38 1439* 1440! 1441 1442 '443t 1444 '445 1446 IAA*]^ Lacaille 6843 7-5* 5*o iot i* i 4'5 4'4 8-5* 4'2 4*7 7'5* 7'5* 2-9 6-0 4'i 5-8 7-2 7-2* 8'2* 6-9* 8J 7-0* 5-2 5*7 1*9 6-8* 3'i 3'6 8 * 6-4 2-3 6-7* 4*7 3'3 3'7 7t. . 68-53 69-32 63-36 66-50 67-63 68-77 63-27 68-37 65'46 68-42 68-40 65*25 67-51 67-64 68-57 68-42 63-30 63-33 68-44 63-29 68-55 68-21 68-24 67-69 67-58 63-68 67-27 63-30 68-61 67M5 68-55 68-24 67-53 67-59 63*31 I I 5 46 2 10 5 8 3 i 2 4 4 i 3 i 4 4 i 4 i 10 3 55 i 2 I 6 i 4 3 9 2 4 h m t 16 IQ 3*03 8 + 0-02 O'OO + 0-01 + O*O2 + 0'32 O'OO o-oo o-oo o-io O'OO + O'OI O'OO o-oo -0-05 0*00 O'OI + O* 12 4 O'OI O'OI + 0*01 + 0-01 8 + 3-7419 + 3-4686 + 4-0271 + 3-6678 + 3-9062 + 3-4292 + 4-0628 + 8-4585 +3-5453 + 3-8141 +3-4158 + 3-7240 + 6-1186 + 3-9322 + 3-1158 + 3-7762 +4-2792 +4-3600 + 6-I22I + 4-3671 +3-4709 +3-4636 +3-5165 + 6-2773 + 3-8460 + 2 ' 2964 + 5-I400 + 4" 54I + 3-6641 + 3-9228 + 3-6433 + 3-3067 + 4-05I2 + 4'0508 + 4-6099' 8 +0-017 + O-OI2 +,0-023 + 0-015 + O*O2O + 0-OII + 0-023 + 0-246 + 0*OT3 + 0*017 + 0-OII + 0-015 + 0-091 + 0-019 + 0*007 + 0-016 + 0-026 + 0-028 + 0-086 + 0-027 + 0-OTI + 0-OII + 0-OII + 0*091 + 0-016 + 0*003 + o * 046 + 0-029 + 0-013 + 0-016 + O-OI2 + o 008 + 0-018 + 0*018 + 0*029 8 O-OO38 0-0024 O*OO49 -0-0055 0-096 + 0*0001 0*0030 o ooo* + 0*0282 + 0*001 0-0036 O'OOI + 0*0010 -0*0364 + 0-0003 + 0*0019 0*0501 0-C02 + 0-0043 O-OO2O 0*0030 7 Ophiuchi x 16 19 12*09 16 20 38* 16 16 21 8-02 l6 22 34.*O3 C.P.D.-38No.64i4 21 Scorpii (mass), o Scorpii N 8 Ophiuchi . , d> 16 23 24-87 16 23 48-21 16 23 52-47 16 24 8-31 16 24 25-48 16 24 56-53 16 27 28-96 16 27 29-26 16 27 29-82 16 29 16-18 6 30 45*26 16 30 46-13 16 31 32-98 16 33 1-23 16 33 15 22 16 33 28-83 16 33 46-10 !6 33 57*69 16 34 23-78 C.Z. XVI. 1674 9 Ophiuchi u Lacaille 6875 Piazzi XVI. 101 23 Scorpii T i W{ 1 I 44 8 1449 '450* HSl H5 2 H53 J 454 '455 1456 1457* MS8 '459t 1460 1461: I 4 6f 1463 1464 i4*5t 1466 1467* i 4 68f i 4 6 9 t 1470 Trianguli Aust.... if Scorpii H Lacaille 6919 Brisbane 5787 C.G.A. 22541 Trianguli Aust.... ij 2 C.P.D.-46No.8i5i Piazzi XVI. 142 24 Scorpii Bradley 2115 Trianguli Aust a Lacaille 6950 .. . . 40 Herculis(mass) Arjc. . .... t\ 34 5 J 5 16 36 i2-oi 6r.O . . C.P.D.-48No.7964 3 8 o 45 16 38 25-73 26 Scorpii.. , ... e *6 38 35 43 16 41 25-26 16 41 3i 54 16 42 22-13 16 42 43-81 6 43 11-94 6 43 50' i i 18 Ophiuchi 20 Ophiuchi C.P.D.- S o No.974i 1440, 1449. B.A.C. gives no letter. 1457. B.A.C. assigns to Ophiuchus. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, 85 No. Mean 1800 + No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1865-0. Corr. for to 1865-0. Prec. 1866-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion Bradley or Lacaille C.G.A. 1875. Cape 1880. B.A.C. 1850. 1436 68-53 I -28 58 46-55 " -8-55I + 0-50 " 6843 22274 8941 5487 1437 '438 69-32 63-36 63-18 I 5 119 -18 8 49-14 38 12 30-02 -26 7 45-11 + 0-08 0*04 -8-539 -8-425 -8-386 + 0-46 + 0-54 + 0-49 0*018 2088 22280 ... 5489 0*022 2091* 22314 8954 5498 1440* 67-63 2 -34 24 23-25 + 0-07 -8-272 + 0-52 0-026 6859 22347 8963 5508 1442 H43 69-06 63-27 68-64 8 5 6 -16 18 55-42 -39 3 30-86 -77 i3 39*77 + O* II + 1-22 8-204 -8-173 -8-168 + 0*46 + 0-54 + 1-13 0-028 2094 22358 ... 55i6 -0-335 6817 22393 8984 55 10 1444 65-46 3 21 10 28-25 -0-02 -8-147 + 0-48 + 0*047 2095 22374 ... SS 1 9 1445 68-42 j -31 15 41-43 ... -8-124 + 0-51 ... 6875 22385 8979 5522 1446 68-40 2 -15 41 30-46 ... -8-082 + 0-46 ... ... 22405 ... 5528 1447 65*25 4 -27 55 56-35 + O'OI -7-878 + 0-50 0-028 2103* 22451 8999 5539 1448 67-51 5 -68 i 18-08 ... -7-878 + 0-83 6865 22459 9005 5536 1449* 67-64 i -34 58 25-52 + 0-11 -7-876 + 0-53 o ' 04* 6890 22454 9001 5538 145 68-57 3 -22 3-10 + I-I2 -7-734 + 0-42 -0-313 2108 22479 9011 5547 1451 68-42 i -29 39 8-04 ... -7-614 + 0-51 ... 6919 22516 9025 5556 MS 2 63*30 4 44 18 ii-oo ... -7-613 + 0-58 ... ... 22524 ... ... 1453 63-33 4 -46 7 3-06 ... -7*549 + 0-59 ... ... 22541 ... ... 1455 1456 H57* 68-44 63-29 68-55 68-24 4 i ii 67 50 42-62 -46 14 37-6o -17 47 53*74 17 28 40*00 0-07 o-oi -7-430 -7-4H + 0-83 + 0-60 + 0-47 + 0-47 ... 6900 22577 9057 5565 + O'O2 + 0-002 2114 22578 22588 9060 5573 5579 1458 68-24 3 -19 39 44-33 -0-18 -7*353 + 0*4$ + 0-057 2115 22592 ... 558o H59 68-25 28 -68 46 26-87 + 0*15 -7-318 + 0-86 -0-047 6911 22607 9070 5578 1460 67-58 i -3 1 50 46-53 ... -7-271 + 0-53 ... 6950 22610 9069 5588 1461 64*00 i + 3 1 5 57-82 + 0-40 -7-I7I + 0-32 + 0-403 2127 9074 5604 1462 1463 1464 1465 67-27 63-30 68 -61 67-46 i 5 i 5 -58 47 42-62 -48 48 35-58 25 16 46-89 -34 2 40-79 + 0*09 + 0-67 -7-013 -6-988 -6-974 -6-743 + 0-70 + 0-62 + 0-50 + 0-54 0-04I 6956 22672 9 l 5 5609 -0-03 0-27I 2126* 2132* 22675 22731 9106 9 I2 3 5614 5632 1466 68-55 i -24 24 2-17 + 0*07 -6-733 + 0-50 0-02 3245* 22733 9124 5633 1467 68-24 3 10 32 27-90 +0-30 -6-664 + 0-46 0-092 2158 22751 ... 5637 1468 67-54 8 -37 48 43*27 + 0-08 -6-634 + 0-55 0-030 7006 22761 9132 5638 1469 1470 67-59 63-3 1 2 5 -37 47 2-44 -5 35 6-75 + 0-09 1 -6-595 -6-543 + 0-56 + 0*6^ -o-o.,3 7009 22778 9141 5640 86 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1 865*0. No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1865-0. Corr. for "a to 1865-0. Prec. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1565-0. Proper Motion. l"a. 1471 1472 M73 r 474 M75 1476 M77 '478 '479 1480 148, t A S*4. Lacaille 7003 7'3* 5*o I0j 6-6* 6-6 8-9* 7'7* 5'6 9-0* 6*6J 9t 4-2 6-7* 8J 3*4 9* 5'4 5"9 5*o 6-8* 6-8* 5*o 7-8* 6-6* 5-6 7-0* 7'3t 3'4 2-6 7'3* 6-0 5 '5 4'7 6-2 4*7 68-44 67-60 63-35 68'53 68-57 63 '37 68-61 68-25 63*38 68-22 63*34 67-46 68-25 63-28 65-39 68-64 67-64 68-53 68-25 68-67 68-55 67'49 68-24 69-02 68-63 68-53 68-24 67-58 66-12 68-55 67-18 62-67 68-61 68-6 4 67-48 I 4 5 i i 5 i 5 6 4 i 4 18 i i i i 7 i 5 2 3 2 I 2 3 2 4 i 4 3 i 6 h in s 16 43 51-88 16 44 28-67 16 44 33-47 16 44 33-96 16 45 27-10 16 45 56-70 16 46 27-50 16 47 22*91 16 47 46-55 16 48 14-47 16 48 41-96 i 6 48 49^99 i 6 49 8-07 16 50 25-61 16 51 16-84 16 51 38-81 l6 52 22-11 '6 52 55-59 16 53 56-68 *6 53 57-64 16 i 17 21 24-63 17 22 43-73 17 23 IO'8o 17 23 27-04 17 25 7-85 17 27 37-32 17 28 40*16 17 29 51-48 J 7 29 51-59 o-oo + 0-01 0-06 O'OO O'OO + 0-01 + O-QI o-oo O'OO O'OO + 0-03 + 0*03 + 0-01 O'OO + 4-6277 + 2-7338 + 3-0787 + 3-4872 + 3-5736 +3-3673 + 3-6790 + 5-0327 + 4'97" + 4-6638 +3-7852 + 3 6600 +3-6587 + 3-8236 + 5-4036 +3-1863 + 5-0847 + 4-6299 + 3-4386 + 3-6556 +3-0939 + 3-4861 + 4-3024 + 2-7745 + 3-4349 + 3*4393 + 4-6147 + 3-2592 + 3*6032 + 3-9048 + 3-9058 + 5-8748 + 4-1457 + 3-3738 + 3-4404 a + 0-020 + 0-004 + 0*005 + O-OO7 + 0-007 + 0-006 + 0-008 + 0*024 + 0-023 + 0-018 + 0*009 + 0-007 + 0-007 + 0-008 + 0*026 + 0-005 + 0-022 + 0-015 + 0-005 + 0-007 + o 004 + 0-005 + 0-010 + 0-003 + 0-005 + 0-005 + O-OI2 + O*OO4 + 0*005 + 0-007 + 0-007 + 0-023 + O*OO8 + 0*004 + 0*004 8 O*OOI9 -0*0032 +0*OI5I +0*0005 0*0024 0-003I O-OO27 O-OOO2 -0*0025 O-OOO2 O-OIO4 -0*0077 -0*0058 O-O02O 0*0084 O'OOO 0*0016 0*0066 0*0048 -0-003 0*0018 0-0042 o-ooo* 0*000* -0-0055 -0*0032 0-0068 O'COI jPiazzi XVII. 43 40 Ophiuchi ....... i C3 Scrpentis . ... > 42 Ophiuchi 6 Arse /S 1516 J 57 1518 1519 1520 1521* 1522 '523t 1524 1525* 1526 '527 '528f !529t 1530* '53i 532 1533* '534 '535 1536 '537t !S3*t iS39* 54 Lacaille 7270 ....... Bradley 2106 . . 44 Ophiuchi 45 Ophiuchi a Aree 8 Ophiuchi 2 7 H Lacaille 7281. . . .... PiazziXVII. 114.... c i Ophiuchi . . C G A 23'7.i3 PiazziXVII. 128... Scorpii 6 o-oo O'OO O'OO + 0*01 + 0*01 + 0-01 + 0-01 o-oo O'OO + 0-01 + 0-01 + 0-01 o-oo ceODniuchi cc 55 Serpentis Piazzi XVII. 156... Arae A. J7 Ophiuchi u. *7 z y 3 44 17 30 30-55 17 30 38'45 17 3 I3-34 17 32 10-61 17 32 29-23 17 33 9'oi '7 33 49*78 [ 7 34 55-35 Bradley 2219 Lacaillo 7382 Piazzi XVII. 167... Pavonis ... . i) K.6 Serpenti^ . .. o PiazziXVII. 188... 1510. Fundamental Star for Southern Zones. 1515. /c 1 in B.A.C. 1518. b in B.A.C. and C.G.A. jf-2/;. Fundamental Starfor Southern Zones, c 2 in B.A.C., c in C.G.A. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. Corr. No. Mean Date 1800 + No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1865*0. for PS to Free. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion PS .Bradley or Lacaille C.G.A. 1875. Cape 1880. B.A.C. 1850. 1865-0 o / // // // // 1506 68-54 2 -50 3 26-20 ... -4-5*4 + 0*66 ... 7183 23372 9395 58l2 1507* 63-00 25 + 14 32 48-05 + 0-08 -4-470 + 0-39 + 0-041 2183 ... 9396 5821 1508 68-24 2 - o 17 24-63 + 0*15 -4-368 + 0-44 o 046 2184 234M ... 5830 I5>9 68-55 I -17 S 6 44"4i ... -4-I67 + 0-50 ... ... 23460 ... 5839 1510* 68-63 II -20 57 53-55 + 0-72 -4-091 + 0-51 -0-197 2186 23481 ... 5844 *5" 66-69 5 -12 42 24-67 O'o6 -4-064 + 0-48 + 0-034 2190 23485 ... 5845 1512 63'53 53 -24 51 40-94 O"O2 -4-023 + 0-53 0-017 2189* 23500 9452 5851 ISI3 67-67 5 -56 14 43-73 + 0-03 -3-996 + 0*72 o-oio 7233 23515 9457 585* I5H 67-58 5 -55 23 50-43 + 0'06 -3-99I + 0-71 0-022 7237 23516 9459 5852 15*5* 67-64 i 50 30 20-06 ... -3-871 + 0-67 ... 7253 23549 9469 5859 1516 68-64 i -28 31 22-48 ... -3-838 + 0-54 ... 7270 23560 9474 5861 1517 61 -24 i -24 7 1-24 + 0-02 -3'7S5 + o*53 + 0-004 2196* 23583 9483 5868 1518* 64-24 i -24 * 5"49 0-09 -3*643 + o-53 -0*125 2198* 23614 9503 587& *5'9 62-09 7 -29 44 27-51 -0-42 -3*592 + 0-55 0-146 2200* 23629 9508 588l 1520 67-49 4 -60 33 57-95 -rO'27 -3-576 + 0-78 O" IIO 7271 23636 95*3 5877 1521 68-59 i - 4 57 50-56 + 0*14 -3-528 + 0-46 0-038 ... 23641 95" 5890 1522 68-54 2 -56 48 31-32 ... -3-490 + 0-73 ... 728l 23656 9522 5889 i5 2 3 67-57 6 -49 45 53*29 + 0*20 -3*36o + 0-67 -0-078 7301 23694 9530 5899 1524 68-58 2 -15 3i 35-4I ... -3*247 + 0-50 ... ... 23726 ... 5905 1525* 63-19 I -23 51 16-46 0-05 -3-208 + 0-53 0*027 2209* 23739 9544 5907 1526* 68-64 I - o 56 54-57 + 0-50 -3*l8 5 + 0-45 -o-i36f ... 23743 ... 59 10 152? 68-59 I -17 23 43-69 O'll -3-039 + 0-50 + o * 03 ... 23797 ... 5920 1528 67-52 4 -42 54 27-10 + 0-03 2-824 + 0*62 0-012 735' 23849 9586 5935 i5 2 9 63-07 28 + 12 39 39-40 -0-44 -2-733 + 0-40 0-226 2218 ... 959 1 594* 1530 66-75 ii -'5 18 37-76 + o* 10 -2-63I + 0-50 -0-058 2217 23879 9601 5949 i53r 68-25 i -15 29 5-64 O'lO 2-629 + 0-50 + 0-03 ... 23880 ... 5948 1532 68-57 2 -49 J 9 39-76 ... 2-62I + 0-67 ... 7363 23888 9603 5947 1533 68-55 I -8 2 1-44 + 0-03 -2-573 + 0-47 0-009 2220 23892 ... 5955 *534 67-31 I -2i 49 47-07 + 0-08 -2-563 + 0-52 -0-035 2219 23898 ... 5954 1335 67-58 5 -32 7 16-23 O'OO -2-512 -1-0-57 o-oo* 7382 23911 9611 596o 1536 67-67 i -32 8 15-80 o-oo -2-428 + 0-57 o-oo* ... 23943 9622 5964 1537 67-66 4 -64 39 11-73 + 0-12 2-402 + 0-85 -0-045 7364 23958 9628 5963 IS38 67-62 4 -38 57 22-26 + 0-03 -2-344 + 0-60 O'OII 7393- 23966 9632 5970 1539 66-61 3 I 2 48 0-40 + 0*07 -2-285 40-49 -0-044 2225 239 8 3 9637 5976 1540 68-59 i 15 29 22-OI o-oo 2- 191 + 0-50 o-oo ... 24015 ... 5984 1507. Limits of Magnitude 3 I - 3 9. Period irregular. 1526. Proper Motion from Bonn Observations, Vol. VII. 90 GEXER1L CATATOGUE OF STARS FOR 1S65'0. No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1865-0. Corr. for ^a to 1865-0. Free. 1865-0. Sec. Tar. 1865-0. Proper Motion /-a. 1541 1542 IS43 1544 '545t i546f 1 547 '548 !549t iS5<>: i55i 1552 I5S3 1554* 1555 1556 1557 I5S8 ! 559 1560 1561 T 5 62t 1563 1564 '565 1566 i567t 1568 1569 I S7t i57i <572 1573* '574 575t Octantis % 5*2 5' 6-8* 6-6* 3' i Var. 6-7* 5'o 3*2 3'5 7'5* 7'9 8-8* 6-5 7'3* 5'9 7'5* 4'6 9'3* 7-0* 6-9* 4*4 5'7 3'8 Var. 6-5* 3*o 5'5 7* 4' 5 5-6 7-5* 4'i 5-6 3'0 68-71 67M5 68-67 68-57 67-63 67*53 68-58 67-59 67-68 66 -oo 68-64 68'55 68-53 68-61 68-67 66-96 68-64 65'39 68-53 69-70 68-56 67*49 68-64 67-61 65-69 68-67 67-67 65-30 68-54 67-7! 67-59 68-61 64-83 64-62 67-61 9 13 i 2 5 4 2 5 3 i i i i 3 i 8 i i 3 4 5 6 i 4 22 2 2 5 i 36 i 4 h m 8 !7 35 18-56 '7 35 20-53 X 7 36 15*63 !/ 37 23-9! 17 38 8-64 i7 39 3-83 17 40 1-34 17 40 24-37 17 40 40-16 17 41 10-56 17 41 42-19 X 7 44 47'79 17 47 40*00 J 7 47 58-58 '7 47 58-74 '7 48 33-19 17 48 52-63 r 7 5 1 33'5 i7 54 7-78 *7 54 34*09 '7 54 39*34 *7 55 34-89 1 7 55 35-79 17 56 7-41 i *i c6 52*83 s f 0-4 i- O'O O'OQ + O'O O'OO O'OO -O-OI + 0-03 o-oo + 0-01 o-oo o-oo o-oo + O'OI + O'O1 o-oo + O'O2 0-02 T O'OI O'OO o-oo + 0-04 s + 35-476 + 3-5986 + 3*6129 + 5-5390 + 4-1916 + 3-7734 + 3-7484 + 3-8933 + 4-0758 + 2* 3604 + I -720 + 0*005 + 0-005 + 0-015 + 0-007 + 0-005 + 0-005 + 0-005 + 0-006 + 0-003 + o 004 + 0-010 + 0*007 + 0-003 + 0-003 + 0-003 + 0-003 + o 003 + 0-004 + O ' OO2 + O-OO4 + o 004 f O-OO2 + 0-003 + O"OO2 + O'OO2 + O-OO2 f 1-936 + O'OOI + O'OOI o oo i + O'OOI + O-QOI s o- i26f O'OO/I 0-0014 0-0024 O'OOI O'OOI* + O-OO2I -0-0253 0*0007 -0-003 0-OCI2 O-OOJ3 O'OOO -0-0031 0-002* o-ooo* 0*0060 + o-o82f -0-0045 0*0019 0-0018 -0-0138 58 Ophiuchi Piazzi XVII. 195.. Lacaille 740 ? Scorpii t^ 3 Sagittarii (x) Lucaillc ^4 ?o Lacaille 7451 86 Herculis. ... /u + 3-6699 + 5'4I0 + 4-9478 + 3-5259 + 3*7449 + 3-4495 + 3 ' 6643 + 3-6613 + 4-9574 + 3*5779 + 5- 2 595 + 5-7730 + v6?72. Brisbane 6232 C.Z.XVII. 3281.... M. ^03... Lacaille 7506 Piazzi XVII. 281... C.Z. XVII. 3710.... Piazzi XVII. 323... Lacaille 7528 Pavonis. . ir 9 Saoittarii. .,...., Arac 6 + 4-6707 + 3-8309 + 3-6785 +3-8571 + 109-30 + 4-4072 + 4-4553 + 5-7055 + 3-6435 +3-5876 3- c'rRfi Sagiftarii (AV) Piazzi XVII. 342... 10 Sagittarii 7 l / o u o 6 17 56 53-88 1 7 57 8-1.3 '7 57 '3*35 7 59 53-36 18 i 12-56 18 2 51-43 18 4 50-60 18 5 41-41 18 7 9-77 18 8 29-45 Lacaille 7575.. .. Telescopii e Lacaille 7577 Lalaude 33386 15 Sagittarii Sagittarii pr i\ 3/ + 4-07I5 O'OOI 1541. Identical with Brisbane 6058. B.A.C. gives no letter. 1549. B.A.C. gives no letter. 1565. y l in B.A.C. 1567. T 2 in B.A.C. 1573. Fundamental Star for Southern Zones. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 91 No. Mean Date 1800 + No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1865-0. Corr. for i"S to 1865*0. Prec. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion w Bradley or Liacaille C.G.A. 1875. Cape 1880. B.A.C. 1850. o r tr // // // // 1541* 68-46 8 -87 39 3'57 + Q-43 -2-156 + S* J 4 -0'123t 7001 24176 9725 5936 '542 67-49 T 5 -2i 36 51-05 + o- ii -2-154 + 0-52 -0-043 2226 24030 9653 5987 1543 68-67 i -22 7 49-88 ... -2-073 + 0-52 ... ... 24051 ... 5992 1544 68-53 i _6i 39 36-30 ... -1-974 + 0-81 ... 7403 24091 9672 5995 J54S 67-63 5 -40 4 13-90 O'OO -1-909 + 0-61 + 0-001 7425 24107 9675 6004 1546* 67-53 4 -27 46 32-54 + 0-05 -1-829 + o'55 0-018 2230* 24120 9679 6008 1547 68-58 2 -26 55 23-61 + o' 14 -1-746 + 0-54 0-04 7450 24156 9691 6015 1548 67-59 5 -3 1 39 9*79 + O'IO -1-713 + 0-57 0-04* 7451 24169 9698 6016 1549* 67-68 4 -36 59 45'78 O"o6 1-690 + 0-59 + 0-023 7449 24179 975 6018 1550 65-00 2 + 27 48 4-10 o-oo -1-646 + 0-35 -0-738 2237 ... 9706 6021 I55 1 68-64 I -24 9 34-48 ... I 600 + o"53 ... 7460 24203 9712 6023 '552 1553 J 554 68-55 68-53 68-61 I I I -60 17 40-44 -54 33 29-86 18 46 29- ii + 0-01 -1-329 -1-079 -1-051 + 0-79 + 0-72 + 0-51 ... ... 24278 9744 6040 0-003 ... 24337 ... 6060 1555 68-67 I -26 44 42-50 ... 1-051 + 0-55 ... 7506 24339 9766 6059 1556 66-96 3 -15 47 6> 79 + o- 14 I 002 + 0-50 -0-07 ... 24357 ... 6065 1557 68-64 i -23 54 59-67 + o 1 1 -0-972 + o-53 o ' 03 2242 24362 6066 1558 1559 1560 65-40 68-53 69-70 9 i [ -23 48 i -2i -54 39 55-Qi -20 43 59-74 + 0-02 -0-739 -0-513 -0-475 + 0-53 + 0-72 + 0-52 -0-054 2246* 24438 9803 6077 ... ... 24525 ... 6098 1561* 68-56 3 -58 34 21-07 ... -0-468 + 0-77 ... 7528 24532 9823 6093 1562 67-49 4 -63 40 6-65 40-55 -0-386 + 0-84 0'22O 7527 24559 9833 6100 1563 68-64 i -24 21 37-19 + O'O2 -0-385 + 0-54 -0-005 2260* 24550 9827 6102 1564 67-61 5 -5 5 44-67 + 0-03 -0-338 + 0-68 O'OI* 7535 24574 9836 6105 1565* 66-31 5 29 34 56-03 + 0-01 -0-315 + 0-56 o-oi* 755 2 2 4577 9839 6107 1566 68-67 i -24 24 5-75 ... 0-271 + 0-54 ... 24587 9845 6111 156? 67-67 4 -30 25 19-26 + 0-50 -0-249 + 0-56 -0-188 2266* 25596 9852 6115 1568* 64-16 I0 5 -89 16 44-34 o-oi -0-244 + 15*91 o-oo9t 6295 25049 10085 5959 1569 68-54 2 -44 57 38-02 ... O'OIO + 0*64 ... 7575 24663 9873 6128 1570 67-69 3 -45 58 24-66 + 0-10 + 0-107 + 0-65 0-036 758i 24703 9889 6140 i57i 67-59 5 -63 5 4'93 ... + 0-249 + 0-83 ... 7577 24745 995 6148 IS72 68-61 i -23 8 49- 18 ... + 0-424 + 0-53 ... ... 24788 ... 6165 1573* 64*59 7i -2i 5 27-04 o-oo + 0-497 + 0-52 + 0-005 2284 24812 9932 6168 1574 64-62 i -20 45 54-93 O'OO + 0-627 + 0-52 + 0-009 2288 24850 ... 6179 1575 67-61 4 -36 47 53-9 1 + 0-42 + 0-742 + 0-59 0*161 7643 24888 9962 6186 d 1541. Proper Motion determined at the Ope. 1546. Limits of Magnitude 4 6. Period 7-01185. d 1565. Limits of Magnitude 4' 8 5 '8. Period 7*59460. 1568. Proper Motion determined at the Cape. 92 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1865*0. No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean E.A. 1865-0. Corr. for /*a to 1865-0. Prec. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion f-a. '576 J 577t 1578 1579 i 5 8ot ISit 1582 1583 '584 'S85t 1586 1587 1588 1589* !59 I59 1 *59 2 IS93 *594t IS95 1596 IS97 iS9t '599 1600 1601 1602 160.3: 1604 1605* 1606 1607 1608 1609 i6iof 17 Saf'ittarii ..... 7* 2-8 5-8 7-0* 1-9 3'7 4'9 4-0 4'9 3"i 6-5* 6-6* 7'9* 4*7 6-7* 5'* 5'3 5*5 4'4 6-3* S'4 5'9 4-0 6'3* 6-S 7'3* 4'8 0'2 5'9 S' 1 7-0 3'3 5*6 7'3* 4'4 68-64 62-63 68-67 68 54 65-65 66-99 67-71 64-70 67-56 63-61 68-53 68-67 66-31 66-54 68-68 67-64 66-24 67-64 66-33 68-64 64-50 65-74 67-53 68-54 68-68 68 67 63-70 64-00 66-95 68-66 68-54 62-94 67'38 63-71 63-69 I 9 2 4 6 J7 4 4 18 i i 3 7 i 3 3 3 5 i 5 2 I I 6 8 4 2 2 5 3 i 6 h in s 18 8 32-74 18 12 21-09 18 12 22-53 18 13 43-32 18 15 12-68 18 16 57-69 18 17 18-64 18 18 25-84 18 18 45-66 18 19 38-36 18 19 46-58 18 20 3-85 18 21 9-78 i 8 21 30*23 18 21 39-02 18 21 45-27 l8 22 2-89 18 22 13-43 18 23 51-64 18 24 58-71 18 25 6-38 18 2c 38*62 8 -t-O'OI O'OO O'OC O'OO + 0*01 + O-QI O'OO O'OI o-oo o-oo o-oo o-oo O'OO O'OO o-oo + O'O2 + O-QI O'OO hO-02 0'00 O'OO o-oo O'OO O'Oi + 3-5739 + 3-8391 + 3-45*9 + 5-1398 + 3-9870 + 4-4546 + 3-5735 + 4-6128 + 5-6166 + 3-7072 + 4-5*56 + 3"5 01 7 + 3-9410 + 3-4200 + 5-2695 + 4-4504 + 4-4428 +3-9387 + 4-2865 +3-0975 +3-9388 + 3-6672 + 7 0485 +4-5463 + 5-8851 + 3-4860 + 5-9101 + 2-0131 + 5-9329 + 3-2672 + 4-6318 + 3 748o + 3 6 i 90 + 4' 7746 + 5-5845 + 0*001 O'OOI O'OOO 0*006 o-ooi o - 004 O'OOO -0-005 -0-013 O'OOl 0-005 O'OOI -0-003 O'OOO O'OI2 0*006 0-006 -0-003 0-005 O'OOO -0-003 0-002 0-040 1 0-0023 + o-ooi i + 0^0009 0*0048 -0-0037 0-0019 + 0-005* -0-0053 -0-0013 O'OOO* 0-003* o ooo* 0-0003 0-0007 O'O022 -0-0079 0-OC2 o ooo* + 0-0164 o ooo* O'COO2 + 0-0014 O'OOOI o - 0069 IQ Stittarii .....6 Bradley 2296 L'iCciillc 766 } . 20 Sii^ittarii .. f Tele^copii . ..... a 2 1 Sasrittarii Telescopii I'ttvonis v 22 Sagittarii A Lacaille 7713 Lalande 34035 Scuti 2 H Telescopii S 2 Lacaille 7746 seq... Coronse Australis..0 61 Serpentis .. c Lacaille 7 761 24 Sa"ittarii . 18 27 14-84 18 29 i-n 18 29 10*71 18 30 1-16 18 32 ii -oi 18 32 22-02 18 35 20-77 18 36 10-25 18 37 0-36 8 37 !3'24 18 38 12-14 8 39 H'39 8 39 41-91 Lacsille 7J66 0-024 o oo i 0-028 + 0-002 0-030 O'OOI O'OI2 o 004 o 003 O ' O I C Piazzi XVIII. 128... Lacaille 778^5 3L\ T8D fl Pavonis . 6 Scuti 5 H Lacaille 7835.. 27 Sao'ittarii ,... 28 Sa^ittarii Lacaille 7845 Pavonis A WI 3 0-027 1586. r Telescopii in B.A.C. 1589. 7 in C.G.A. ; B.A.C. assigns to Sagittarius. 1605. 3 Aquilse in B.A.C. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOFE. 93 No. Mean Date 1800 + No. of Obs. Mean Dec.' 1865-0. Corr. for /* to 1865-0. Free. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion f*. ?radly or ^acaille C.G.A. 1875. Cape 1880. B.A.C. 1850. o / // // ft // // <576 68-64 I -20 35 7-66 + 0-10 + 0-748 + 0-52 0-028 2290 24887 ... 6l8 9 1577 62-83 IO -29 52 53-88 0-07 + I * 080 + 0*56 0*032 2294* 24987 9992 6209 1578 68-67 i -15 53 2-17 + 0-22 + I-083 + 0-50 -O'o6 2296 24986 ... 62IO 1579 68-54 2 -57 9 32-37 ... + I ' 200 + 0-75 ... 7663 25026 10007 6219 1580 65-26 5 -34 26 40-38 + 0-04 + I'33l + 0-58 -0-138 2297* 25060 10015 6233 iS8r 66-66 8 46 2 18-24 + 0*09 + 1-483 + 0-65 -0-057 7694 25105 10029 6240 <582 67-76 20 20 36 38-60 + 0-01 + i'5H + 0-52 o ' 004 2303 25108 ... 6247 '583 64-70 4 49 8 21-41 0-08 + 1-611 + 0-67 -0-25* 7702 25140 "0035 6250 '5>M 66-89 6 62 21 31*60 ... + i 640 + 0-82 ... 7691 25153 10043 6253 '585 63-48 20 -25 29 33'70 -0-28 + 1-717 + o*54 -0-183 2310* 25171 10049 6263 .586* 68-53 i -47 18 5-59 ... + 1-729 + 0-65 ... 77-3 25179 10052 6262 '587 68-67 i -17 52 44-24 ... + 1*754 + 0-51 ... ... 25182 ... 6267 1588 66-31 3 -33 7 53*2 2 ... + 1-850 + 0-57 ... 7735 25224 10069 6275 .589* 66-54 7 -14 38 55*47 0*02 + 1-879 + 0*50 + 0-013 2313 25230 10072 6279 '59<> 68-68 1 -58 47 42-19 ... + 1-892 + 0-77 ... 7716 25244 10077 6276 '59i 67-65 2 -46 o 5-47 + 0-19 + 1 - 900 + 0-65 0*07* 7729 25243 10075 6278 '592 66-02 5 -45 50 43*66 + 0-05 + 1-927 + 0*64 -0-05* 7734 25255 10080 6282 '593 67-66 4 -33 4 29-26 + 0-19 + 1-941 + 0*57 0-07* 7746 25259 10081 6285 594 66-33 3 -42 24 19-54 + 0*04 + 2-085 + 0*62 -0-030 7756 25297 10092 6296 r 595 68-64 i - * 5 47*43 0*00 + 2-182 + *45 O'OOO 2325 25327 ... 6307 1596 64-50 5 -33 6 46-05 ... + 2-192 + o*57 ... 7761 25330 IOIOI 6305 1597 6 5'74 i -24 7 45-90 o-oo + 2 ' 240 + 0*53 + 0-004 2324* 25344 10107 6312 1598 66-89 6 -71 32 13-95 + 0*32 + 2-379 + 1*02 o* 169 7736 25383 1OI22 6315 '599 68-54 2 48 i 18-24 + 2-532 + 0*66 ... 778o 25411 IOI33 6330 1600 68-68 I -64 45 31*26 ... + 2*547 + 0-85 ... 7766 25418 10137 6328 1601 68-67 I -17 20 33-04 0*04 + 2*619 + 0-50 + 0-01 ... 25427 ... 6340 1602 63-70 7 -64 59 32-52 0*23 + 2-807 + 0-85 -0-18* 7785 25500 10170 6352 .603 65-00 6 + 3 8 39 34*99 o-oo + 2*823 + 0-29 + 0-286 2341 ... 10163 6355 1604 66-95 4 65 12 42-2O + 0-10 + 3-081 + 0-85 -0-05* 78'3 25574 10191 6360 1605* 68-66 2 8 24 21-19 0-09 + 3*152 + 0-47 + 0-025 2343 25583 10193 6367 1606 68-54 2 -49 46 2-34 + 3*224 + 0-67 ... 78.35 25613 10205 6370 1607 62-66 6 -27 7 34*07 -0-04 + 3*242 + o'54 0*019 2344 :: 25614 10204 6371 1608 67-42 2 -22 31 47-78 + O'O; + 3*327 + 0-52 O'OII 2345 25642 ... 6380 1609 63-71 I -52 15 58-56 + 3*4i6 + 0-69 ... 7845 25678 10223 ... 1610 63-69 7 62 2O 12-59 0*07 + 3*457 + 0-80 -0-055 7841 25692 10227 6383 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1865'0. Xo. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date 1800 No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1865-0. Corr. for Pa to 1865-0. Free. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion ^a. 1611 1612 6i 3 t 1614 1615 16161 1617 1618 1619 i62of l62lf l622f 1623 1624* i62 5 f 1626 i62 7 f 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632! i6 3 3t 1634* 1635 1636 1637 1638* 1639* 1640 1641 i*4*l 1643 1644 1645 Telescopii > K 5'2 6-9* Var. 6-8 7-0* Var. 8'5t 5' 8* 2-3 4'9 3'5 6-9* 6-4 2-7 4-0 5'o 3*9 4*3 4*4 6-5* 3*1 4-2 3'i 6-4 7'3* 6-7* 5-8J 4'9 6-7* 6-6* 5'i 4-0* 7-0* 5'3i 68-68 68-54 65-70 65'S7 68-64 65-00 66-00 67-53 68-67 62-97 68-53 67-44 68-68 68-64 67-64 68-67 68-54 67-05 63-69 65-70 67-59 66-40 63-71 65*46 68-64 68-54 68-65 68-67 66-64 68-65 68-64 66-50 63-70 63-68 68-67 i 2 2 4 I I I I 9 i 16 i i i i 2 16 3 6 4 10 3 26 2 I I II I 10 7 i i h m s 18 41 56-58 18 42 31-00 18 43 0-79 18 44 1-64 18 44 1-74 18 45 5-81 18 45 7-82 18 46 1-15 18 46 13-57 !8 46 53-55 18 47 39*34 18 49 40-53 '8 51 14-53 18 53 50*54 18 54 1-19 18 54 28-41 '8 55 38-25 ' 56 35'55 18 57 17-38 18 58 56-85 18 59 0-68 18 59 12-35 19 o 17-13 19 i 44*01 19 2 45'56 9 3 I4-59 19 3 51-01 19 5 21-39 19 944-I3 19 9 58-68 19 ii 18-09 19 ii 28-80 19 12 55-64 19 12 58-29 19 *3 20-53 8 + O'OI o-oo O'OO O'OO + O-QI o-oo -f-O'OI O'OO + 0-08 + O"OI + 0-02 + 0-01 -O'OI fO'Ol o-oo o-oo + 0-01 0*00 0-04 O'OO O'OO + 0-03 O'OO O'OO O'O2 s + 4-7705 + 4-7593 + 6-2273 + 3-8572 + 3-6043 + 2-2138 + 2-2141 +3-6257 + 3-7410 + 3-7237 + 4-8151 + 3-5806 + 5-7417 + 3-4319 + 3-8247 + 3-2069 +4-7655 +3-5942 + 4-0572 + 4-1843 + 3-7841 + 2-7578 +4-0847 + 3-5729 + 3-8068 + 5-1486 + 5-8867 + 3-2561 + 3-5160 + 6-3291 + 3-4314 + 2-8165 +4-3290 +4-3289 + 3-1980 s 0-016 0-016 -0-043 0-006 0-004 + O-OO2 + O"OO2 0-004 -0-005 0-005 0-019 o - 004 o 040 o - 004 0*007 O'OO2 O-O2I o - 005 -O'OII -0-013 -0-008 O'OOO 0-012 0-006 0-009 -0-033 -0-054 -0-003 0-006 -0-075 0-005 O'OOO 0*019 0*019 -0-003 s O'OIO 0-0008 0*0006 o 0006 0-0028 0-0016 O-OO2 + 0-0006 0*0021 0-0039 0*0048 0-0030 + 0-0029 + 0-007* O'OOO* 0-0019 + 0*0041 -0-0020 + o-oiot o 0004 0-0025 0-009 0-0017 -0-003* + 0-0059 Lacaille 7870. Pavonis. . i... K Lacaille 7898 i o Lyras pr |3 10 Lyras seo, , , )8 3 2 Sag ittarii ..... v^ Lacaille 7911 34 Sagittarii a Telescopii .. . ... A 3 7 Sagittarii | Lacaille 7924 Piazzi XVIII. 260 .. 38Sagittarii(inass) 12 AouilaB i..... Telescopii p 39 Sagittarii o Coronas Australis y Coronas Australis 5 Lacaille 7996 17 Aouilas .. Coronas Australis a 41 Sag ittarii. ..... if Lacaille 8024 Lacaille 8011 Lacaille 8004 20 AouiltG 4 3 Sao'ittarii .... d Piazzi XIX. 50 Sagittarii /3 1 C G A. 26486 26 Aouilae / 1622. ? Sagittarii in B.A.C. and C.G.A. 1634. Fundamental Star for Southern Zones. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 95 Ts T o. Mean Date 1800 + No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1865-0. Corr. for /*8 to 1865-0. Free. 1865-0. Sec. Tar. 1865-0. Proper Motion f*. Bradley or jacaille C.G.A. 1875. (Jape 1859. B.AC. 1850. o / // it // ii // 1611 68-68 I -52 I 5 28-25 ... + 3*650 + 0-68 ... 7867 25748 10244 6398 1612 68-54 2 -5* 5 n'79 ... + 3-699 + 0-68 ... 7870 25765 10251 6402 1613* 65-70 2 -67 23 47-82 O'OI + 3-742 + 0-89 + 0-013 7856 25786 10258 6405 1614 65-98 5 -30 53 26-82 ... + 3-830 + 0-55 ... 7898 25806 10259 6414 1615 68*64 i -22 4 35-48 + 0-12 + 3-830 + 0-51 -0-033 2359 25803 ... 6415 1616* 1617 1618 64'75 66-00 67'53 4 i i + 33 12 28-58 + 33 ii 52*13 -22 54 30-18 O'OO O'OI + 0-05 + 3-921 + 3-924 + 4-000 + 0-32 + 0-32 + 0-52 + 0-005 + 0-005 0*019 2369 ... 10270 6429 2364* 25853 10278 6434 1619 68-67 i -27 3 16-13 ... + 4-018 + o-53 ... 7911 25860 10280 6437 1620 63-15 8 -26 27 39*30 O'll + 4-076 + 0-53 0*061 2365* 25874 10284 6440 1621 68-53 i -53 6 39-41 0-04 + 4*140 + 0-69 + 0-01 7910 25897 10296 6443 1622* 67-05 18 21 16 51*18 + 0-03 + 4-314 + 0-51 -0*015 2373 25927 10308 6461 1623 68-68 z -63 58 15-91 + 4-446 + 0-81 ... 7924 25966 10324 6472 1624 68 64 I 15 28 12-07 0*04 + 4-668 + 0-48 + 0*010 ... 26035 ... 6488 1625 67-64 i -30 4 9 73 2 j 20 19 35-36 2O 21 J " 2O O'OO + 3-4422 + 6* 3617 0-012 o' 160 0*0009 I 7O2* 1 1 Capricorni p 7 oo 73 .0 + 3 '4.32 1 O* OI I 0*0028 i 703 Bradley 3258 5' r. . -* 65 22 f\*i 'f\r\ 2 2O 22 J.O*.43 O" OO + 3-6882 0-018 O'OO 1704 <7o5 1706 Lacaille 8485 Lacaille 8484 5* 7-1 6-7* 07 09 67-72 68-64 CiR* " 4 i 20 25 32-92 20 28 I7*56 20 28 So* 28 O* 14 + 3*6872 + 5-I998 + 4*QQ28 0*019 0*091 o* o7o + 0*038* I 7O7 Pavonis v 5 2 Var oo 75 2O 2O 31 * AS o * oo + S *6O3S O* I 2O 0*000* 1708 14 Capricorni r 03 72 66'nr 16 2O 3 1 J.2. " 3.O o * oo + 3* 363O O'OI I O*OOI2 I 7OQ Piazzi XX. 229 .. 5 3 Q. 2 * 2O 3. 1 SO "7S + 3 " 3632 O'OI I 1710* 15 Capricorni v 8 3 07 77 ''O 32 2 I * 78 + o * 02 + 3 -4264. O"O12 O'OO33 I7II + Pavonis . .,....,../: o fi + S * S IO4 o - 1 16 O'OOQQ I7T2 3 5 66 94 6e * 73 *** O'* 45 u o 2o 36 28 ' 43 + 5 "8122 O' 144 ^7l3t 1714* 1 6 Capricorni ^ 2 A quarii e 3 4*3 3 .Q u i> /o 63-71 20 38 5-91 O'OI + 3*5696 + 3*2 S22 0*017 o * 008 0*0061 o - 0004 ill* Microscopii a U 4 34 6s * 7i X 7 + 3* 7662 O* O24 O * OOO* w U 5 / L 1 68 170 9. ? in B.A.C. 3. T S in B.A.C. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 90 No. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean Doc. 1865-0. Corr. for PS to 1865-0. Prcc. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion ft Bradley or Lacaille C.G.A. 1875. Cape 1880. B.A.C. 1850. o / // // // if // 1681 64-83 7 -32 25 54-56 O'OI + 9'75 + 0-48 0*07* 8322 27463 10774 6877 1682 68-65 i 21 41 29-06 + 0-04 + 9-801 + 0-45 0*01 ... 27492 ... 6889 1683 67-39 i -II 58 43*07 + O*O2 + 9-848 + 0*42 0-009 2560 27502 ... 6892 1684 68-65 2 -57 54 52-4 1 ... + 10-039 + 0*62 ... 8337 27553 10801 6902 1685 65'30 5 80 o 18-37 ... + 10-083 + 1-19 ... 8281 27585 coSii 6900 1686 68-43 i -10 27 2-35 + O-O7 + 10- i 13 + 0-41 0-02 ... 27573 ... 6911 1687 63-70 6 36 26 12- II -2-08 + 10-203 + 0-49 -I -60* 8362 27600 10813 6922 1688 68-75 2 -67 51 28-99 ... -Mo'335 + 0-73 ... 8353 27658 10829 6929 1689* 66-79 I -12 47 26-35 + O'O2 + 10-365 + 0*41 O'OI2 2575 27657 ... 6935 1690 68-65 2 62 19 0-42 ... + 10-557 + 0-64 ... 8370 27721 10837 6946 1691 66-12 8 -30 24 50-29 ... + 10-587 + 0-46 ... 8386 27726 10838 6948 1692 68-67 i -55 28 5-71 ... + 10-777 + 0-57 ... 8389 27798 10863 6964 1693 64-50 12 -12 55 21-86 + O'OI + 10-788 + 0*41 + 0-012 2 593 27796 10861 6972 1694 64-36 47 -12 57 38-50 + O'OI + 10-817 + 0-41 + 0-013 2595 27800 10864 6974 1695 69-81 5 -19-32 14-57 0*04 + 10-893 + 0-42 + O'OOS 2597 27827 ... 6981 1696 66-n 5 -15 12 18-55 O'OI + 11-027 + 0-41 + 0-013 2609 27880 10888 6995 1697 64*25 12 -57 9 5'' 0*06 + 11-138 + 0-58 O'OSO 8416 27918 10899 7004 1698 67 -.6 1 5 -29 30 3i'7 ... + 11-245 + 0-44 ... 8427 27957 10903 7011 1699 67-69 4 -29 3 35-87 ... + H-379 + 0-44 ... 8442 28003 10916 7026 1700 68-66 2 18 39 6- ii 0*04 + 11-473 + 0-41 + 0*012 2623 28036 ... 7031 1701 68-73 I ~7* 38 3i-94 ... + 11-579 + 0-75 ... 8424 28090 10936 7038 1702 65-20 51 18 15 27-06 O'OO + 11-585 + 0-40 -0*008 2626 28073 10934 7042 1 73 67-68 3 -29 33 42-64 O'OO + i i 693 + 0-43 O'O 3258* 28108 10939 7057 1704 67-72 4 -29 44 57-67 ... + 11-897 + o*43 ... 8485 28156 10960 ... 1705 68-64 i -63 22 23-75 ... + 12*090 + o'6o ... 8484 28223 10984 7095 1706 68-75 i -60 59 50-81 + 1-84 + 12-128 + 0-57 -0-49* 8490 28236 10988 7099 1707* 63-72 2 -67 13 56-18 o-oo + 12-175 + 0-64 o-oo* 8488 28259 10994 7106 1708* 66-25 18 -15 2 5 32-87 + O'O2 + 12-328 + 0*38 0-012 2652 28298 ... 7127 1709 67-77 i 15 26 50-48 ... + 12-347 + 0*38 ... ... 28309 ... ... 1710 70-02 5 -18 36 42-17 + 0-08 + 12-372 + 0-39 -0-015 2657 28317 ... 7134 1711 66*94 6 -66 41 i'53 + 0-0; + 12-399 + 0-63 0-OI3 8500 28338 IIO2I 7129 1712 65'73 5 -69 15 55-22 ... + 12-653 + 0-65 ... 8521 28430 II045 7165 1713 63-71 i -25 45 13-84 0-20 + 12-763 + 0-39 -0-157 2676* 28455 II0 53 7177 1714 64-68 i7 - 9 59 15-69 O'OI + 12-916 + 0-36 O-026 2681 28511 11066 7196 1715 65-71 2 -34 16 35-16 + 0-03 + 12-994 + 0*41 o 04* 8579 28544 1107; 7207 ra. m. 1707. Suspected Variable ; 5*2 6- 1 in Uranometria Argentina. G 2 100 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1865'0. No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date 1800 + No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1865-0. Corr. for /*a to 1865'0. Prec. 1665-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion Pa. 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 ijaif 722 1723 1724 172? ludi i 5"i 6-9* 7-2* 4-8 6-6 5'3 8'5* 8* 6-8* 5'9 8-3* 5'6 4'3 9-9* 7-2 7'8* 7-1* 6'5 4'6 5-8 7-0* 9'S* 3'5 4'8 6-5 6-7 4*4 7-0* 4-2 Var. 7-8* 5"4 7-6 5*4 3'i 67-67 62-65 68-74 65-09 63-89 66-67 62-67 62-66 68-75 68-73 62-67 63-71 67-36 62-65 68-76 62-66 68-75 63-77 64-86 65-42 68-73 62-66 66-00 63-75 63-36 67-72 68-74 68-76 63-75 66-70 62-65 66-49 68-76 67-71 65-63 4 5 2 7 53 4 5 5 2 I 4 i 21 2 I 7 i 3 20 4 i 4 2 4 3 i 18 2 8 4 5 3 2 4 27 h m 8 20 41 43-38 20 42 32-54 20 45 '2-35 20 45 22-24 20 46 47*03 20 48 13-88 20-49 44-42 20-49 5 8 '66 20-53 5-7i 20 55 9' 8 9 20 55 54-68 20 57 37'78 20 58 21-33 20 59 31-66 20 59 56-38 21 40-24 21 I 30-02 21 I 59-18 21 2 14-31 21 3 32-97 21 4 57-31 21 5 22-30 21 7 11-68 21 9 44-70 21 II 30-09 21 13 47-82 21 14 43-61 21 14 48-07 21 15 H'33 21 16 36-43 21 16 36-97 21 16 48-59 21 22 52-03 21 2 3 32-55 21 24 27-06 + O'O1 o-oo 0-09 + 0-02 -0-40 O'OO O'OI 0-02 O'OO O'OO O'OO o-oo -0-06 o-oo + O-QI o-oo O'OI O'OO 8 + 4*3797 +3*5555 +5-6799 +3-2398 + IO9-6O +7-562I + 3-53M +3-5336 +7-3009 +6-372I +3-576 +3-9296 +3-3772 +3'5I09 +4-7067 +3'5065 +4-5 2 I3 +3-6I90 +3-2696 +3-8757 + 4 ' 6408 + 3-4956 + 2-5505 + 3-6534 + 10-666 + 3-5787 + 3-3488 + 4*4749 + 5-0470 + 4-3321 + 3*4589 + 3-2811 + 4-5557 + 3-8254 + 3-1627 8 0-05I 0-OI7 0-I42 0-008 -I49-I9 0-362 O-OI7 0*017 -0-327 -0-228 O-OI7 -0-034 -0-013 0-OI7 O'OSO O-OI7 0*069 O'O22 O'OIO -0*033 -0-077 O*OI7 + 0-004 0-024 -I-I2J O'O22 0-013 -0-073 0-I2I 0*064 0-017 O'OII -0-085 -0-035 O-O07 B O* OO2* + O'OOO8 -o*o7 9 t 0*0091 + o*io8f 0-002* + o - 0040 + 0*004* f + o - 0049 4 0-OOSf O ' OO,I 2 + O-O028 -0*035* o * 0003 + 0*0110 0*0029 + 0*0048 o - 0005 Lacaille 8578. . .. 6 Aquarii u Octantis B Octantis sco- .. . o CGA 28722 C.G.A. 28724 Lacaille 8615 Lacaille 8625 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 '73 1 1732 1733 1734* '735 1736 737 1738 '739t 1740 1741 1742 1743 '744t '74St 1746 1747 1748 749 i75o* Lalande 40721 Microscopii TJ 2 3 Capricorni 6 C.P.D.-24No.7i62 Lacaille 8680 Lalande 40897 Lacaille 8692 Lacaille 8707 13 Aquarii v Lacaille 8715 .... Lacaille 8714 C.Z.XXI. 179 64. Cvgni... ... C 4 Piscis Australis.... Lacaille 8672 Lacaille 8787 32 Capricorni t Lacaille 8784 Indi , 7 Piazzi XXI. 101 1 8 Aquarii Lacaille 8826 Gruis 1720. Letter B used at the Cape since 1836. 1 739. f Microscopii in C.G.A. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GC'Ot) 101 No. Mean Date 1800 + No. of Obs Mean Dec. 1865-0. Corr. for /*$ to 1865-0. Prec. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865'G. Proper Motion A*. Bradley or Lacaille C.G.A. 1875. Cape 1880. B.A.C. 1850. o / // // // // // 1/16 67-67 4 -52 6 27-32 + 0*16 + 13-006 + 0-48 -0-06* 8567 28555 11074 7208 1717 62-65 5 -25 28 40*85 ... + 13-060 + 0-39 ... 8590 28569 11080 7216 1718 68-74 2 -68 56 8-8. ... + 13-236 + 0-61 ... 8578 28643 inn 7231 1719 65-05 8 - 9 29 15-39 O'OO + 13-247 + 0-35 -0-031 2696 28640 11107 7239 1720* 64-16 69 -89 27 47-06 O'O t + I3-340 + 11-93 -0-034 6460 29042 11301 7020 1721 66-88 5 -77 32 1-19 + o* 70 + I3'435 + 0-8o -0-370 8570 28706 "135 7250 1722 62-67 5 -25 o 18*90 ... + 13-532 + 0-37 ... ... 28722 ... ... 1723 62-66 4 -25 4 53'66 ... + I3-548 + 0-37 ... ... 28724 ... ... 1724 68-75 2 -76 44 44-50 ... + 13-748 + 0-75 ... 8615 28806 11168 7272 1725* 68-73 I -73 4i 5'-5 4-1-42 + 13*879 + 0-66 -o- 3 8f 8625 28851 11185 7293 1726 62-67 4 -24 51 12-65 ... + 13-926 + 0-36 ... ... 28857 ... ... 1727 63-71 i -41 55 17-68 -0-06 + 14-034 + 0-40 -0-05* 8675 28904 11196 73M 1728 1729 1730 67-47 62-65 68-76 23 2 1 -17 46 1-86 -24 51 3-33 -59 57 3'6o + 0-13 O* II + 14-079 + 14-152 + I4-177 + 0-35 + 0-36 + 0-48 -0-054 2733 28921 uaoH 7322 + 0-03* 8680 28967 11222 7329 1731 62-67 4 -24 44 47-85 ... + 14*222 + 0-36 ... 28985 ... ... '732 68-75 i -57 3 48-15 ... + 14-273 + 0-46 ... 8692 29009 "233 7339 '733 63-77 3 -30 15 58-83 ... + H-303 + 0-36 ... 8707 29020 H236 ... '734 65-15 22 -ii 54 58-30 o-oo + I4-3I8 + 0-33 o 004 2747 29024 H238 7344 '735* 65-42 4 -40 48 38-66 + 0-08 + 14-399 + 0-39 0'20-j- 8715 29048 II243 7349 1736 1737 1738 68-73 6a-66 63*5 I 4 2 -59 28 54-18 -24 38 55-63 + 29 40 27-17 -0-08 + 14-484 + 14-509 + 14-618 + 0-46 + '35 + 0*25 ... 8714 29088 "255 7355 -0-053 2760 ... 11269 7368 '739* 63-75 4 -32 44 3*75 0-05 + 14-771 + 0*35 0-036 2762* 29200 II290 7386 1740 63-36 3 -83 15 55'i3 o- 16 + I4-875 + 1*04 -O'lO* 8672 29257 "323 7384 1741 67-72 i -29 44 10-31 ... + 15-009 + 0-34 ... 8787 29281 II326 ... 1742 68-74 18 -17 24 26-94 -0*05 + 15-063 + 0-32 + 0-013 2772 ... "330 7407 1743 68-76 2 -57 49 5o'72 ... + 15-067 + 0*42 ... 8784 29287 "33 74o6 '744 63-75 8 -65 58 27-29 +0-99 + 15-092 + 0-48 + 0-789 8778 29309 "336 7409 '745* 66-87 5 -55 14 27-03 0-04 + 15-170 + 0-41 + 0-024 8792 29331 "347 7423 1746 62-65 4 -23 52 3-09 ... + 15-171 + 0-32 ... ... 29330 ... ... '747 66-49 3 -13 27 19*43 o-oo + 15*182 + 0-31 + O-O02 2781 29332 ... 7427 '748 68-76 2 60 17 31-04 ... + I5-523 + 0-41 ... 8826 29475 1383 7464 '749 67-71 4 -41 46 17-52 ... + T5-563 *-o*35 ... 8833 29482 1384 747i '750 63-3 1 61 -69 47-74 o-oo + 15-610 + 0-28 + 0'OOI 2797 29491 13897478 1720. Proper Motion determined at the Cape. 1725, 1735. Proper Motion from Cincinnati Publications, No. 12. m m 1745. Suspected variable ; 6*0-6*6 in Uranometria Argentina. 102 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1S65'0. No. Star's Name. Mas. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1865-0. Corr. for Pa to 18G5'0. Prcc. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion f-a. '751 '75 2 1753 1754 <755* '756 '757t 1758* r 759t 1760$ 1761 1762 1763! i764t 1765 1766 1767 i 7 68f 1769 1770 1771 1772 '773t 1774* 1775 1776* '777t 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 f&f Lucaille 8849 6-4* * 4'8 6-5* 3'8 4'7 2'4 5'4 5-6 3"o 8* 5'2 5"o 4'5 6-4* 8-8* 6-3* 4'8 9t 5'6 4'7 5-6 4'5 3-2 6-9* 4*3 1-9 lot 9-0* 5'4 7 '.5* 5'7 6:8* 7'3 2-9 67'74 68-30 64-S5 68-76 69-31 70-76 65-21 66-17 68-76 69-51 65HI 68-47 66-50 63'77 66-90 65'4i 68-76 68-80 65-41 61-86 62-75 68-80 67-68 65-79 68-76 68-70 64-31 65-42 65-44 69-94 68-75 65-24 63-84 68-80 63-77 3 U 19 2 12 2 H 5 i i5 4 10 2 6 5 4 i i 4 i i 2 6 '9 i H 16 5 4 5 i 44 i i 4 h ra s 21 26 54-83 21 29 50-58 21 30 33-85 21 31 I -08 21 32 36-55 21 35 7-06 21 37 33*35 21-39 1 5'99 21 39 18-96 21 39 35-26 21 40 18-33 21 45 56-11 21 46 55' 2 9 21 48 42-55 21 48 55^9 21 49 11-52 21 51 IO-05 21 53 2-44 21 54 37-04 21 56 10-26 21 56 19-99 21 56 20-53 21 57 58-12 21 58 50-95 21-59 3-99 21 59 8-66 21 59 42-66 22 2 I'8l 22 2 14-36 22 3 24-39 22 3 54-22 22 4 45-24 22 6 22-89 22 8 24-4^ 22 9 13-43 1 O'OO O'OO -0-05 0-04 O'OO O'OO + 0*04 0-07 0*06 O'OO O'OO -1-80 o-oo O'OO + 0-01 o-oo o-oo + 0-01 O'OO + 0-01 + 0-05 0-02 8 + 3-5558 + 10-043 + 3-1927 + 4-2875 + 3-3213 + 3'35 I 5 + 2-9452 + 3-2356 + 5-2176 + 3-3033 + 3-9076 +3-2587 + 2-7255 + 4-1316 + 4-3082 +3-8797 + 4-1498 + 4-1691 + 3-8699 + 3-1586 + 3-1057 + 4-2755 + 3-6455 +3-0835 + 5-9366 +3-2463 + 3-8061 + 3-8491 + 3-8427 + 3-2132 + 4-0561 + 14-078 + 3-6451 + 3-9652 + 4-1898 -0-023 -1-130 O'OOS 0'068 0-013 0-015 O'OOI O'OIO 0-167 0-013 o 046 O'OII + 0-005 0*067 0-082 -0-047 0-069 0-072 -0-049 0-007 0-005 0-084 -0-034 o 004 -0-317 s o ooo* + 0*0058 + 0-0115 + 0-0072 + o 0005 + o 0006 0-0117 + 0-0160 + 0*0181 0-0008 + o ' 0033 + 0-4747 + 0*0010 0*0011 0-0030 0-0005 + 0*0007 + 0-0105 + 0*0008 -0-043! + 0-047* 0-0128 Octantis A 23 Aquaril Lacaille 8858 40 Capricorni y 43 Capricorni K 48 Capricorni A 49 Capricorni 8 C.P.D.-47No.976o > i Capricorni /* 1 6 Pesrasi Indi 8 Lacaille 89^9 CGA 30014 j n ^i e C.P.D.-48No.io69i GTUIS A 34 Acjuarii o- o 046 0-050 0-050 O'OIO 0-069 -3-657 0-036 -0-063 0-086 C.P.D.-49No.ii553 CZ XXII 98 Octantis (c) ... ^ Lscaille 9061 Lacaille 9071 1765. /c 1 Indi in B.A.C. 1772. /c 2 Indi in B.A.C. 1780. e 2 in B.A.C. 1782. Letter c used at the Cape s'nce 1836. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 103 No. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1865-0. Corr. for ^8 to 1865-0. Free. 1865 '0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion j"S Bradle.y or Lacaille C.G.A. 1875. Cape 1880. B.A.O 1850. o / // // // // // J75* 67-74 3 -30 17 37-57 ... + 15-745 + 0-32 ... 8849 29535 "399 1752* 67'95 26 -83 20 4-46 o-oo + 15-902 + 0-89 o-oo* 8798 29624 "435 7498 J753 64-5 1 20 - 8 27 28-48 O'OI + I5-94I + 0-28 0-022 2808 29613 11421 75H i754 68-76 2 56 20 46-79 ... + 15*965 + 0-37 8858 29628 11429 75*6 i75S 69-35 13 -'7 l6 13-53 + 0-06 + 16*049 + 0*28 0-OJ4 2815 29656 11441 7525 1756 70-76 2 19 28 48-46 + 0-02 + 16-179 + 0-28 -0-003 2821 29708 ... 7543 1757 63-78 18 + 9 15 27-21 + O'Ol + 16-304 + 0-24 + 0*005 2835 ... 11474 756i 1758 66-17 5 -II 59 12-22 O'OO + 16-391 + 0-27 0-003 2844 29774 ... 7577 '759 68-76 i -70 15 16-90 + 0*09 + I6-394 + 0-43 O'O24 8899 29790 11488 7572 1760 1761 1762 69'53 65*41 68-47 16 4 10 16 44 18-76 -47 30 3i-i4 -14 ii 8-48 + 1-31 0-05 + 16*407 + 16-443 + 16-720 + 0*27 + 0-32 + 0-26 0-290 2847 29788 11484 758o + 0-013 2860 29938 11528 7618 1763 65-5 2 + 25 17 27-75 O'OO + 16-768 + 0-21 + 0-003 2864 ... "530 7627 1764 63-77 6 -55 37 56-06 o'5 + 16-853 + 0*32 0-04I 8962 29999 "544 7633 1765* 66*90 5 -59 39 J 2'96 ... + 16-864 + 0'33 ... 8959 30009 "549 7 6 34 1766 65-41 4 -48 n 13-11 ... + 16-877 + 0-30 ... ... 30014 ... ... 1767 68-76 i -56 3 38-34 ... + 16*969 + 0-32 ... 8973. 30057 "563 7645 1768 1769 1770 68-80 65'4i 61-86 i 4 i -57 20 25-20 -48 55 2-87 - 7 10 25-70 + 9-91 + 0*04 + 17-055 + 17-128 + 17-198 + O-3 1 + 0-29 + 0-23 2 * 609 8975 30105 11576 7656 + 0-013 2882 30169 ... 7670 1771 62-75 i - 2 48 21-55 O'OO + 17-206 + 0'23 0-002 2883 ... ."592 7672 1772* 68-80 2 -60 17 13-86 ... + 17-206 + 0-3I ... 9001 30176 "594 7669 773 67-68 6 -40 ii 34-78 + 0-31 + 17-279 + 0-26 0-II4 9017 30209 11603 7684 774 63-29 4i - o 58 27-26 O'OI + 17*318 + 0-22 0-003 2890 30221 11608 7688 '775 68-76 1 -76 46 29-29 ... + 17-327 + 0-42 ... 8996 30235 11613 7687 1776 68-70 H -14 31 24-08 + O'20 + I7'33i + 0-23 -0-053 2889 30229 11609 7691 1777 1778 1779 1780* 63-73 65-42 65-44 69-94 45 5 4 5 -47 36 47-09 -49 43 38*48 -49 33 4'96 -12 13 39-47 0-22 < -0-05 + 17-356 + I7-457 + 17-465 + 17-5*5 + 0'27 + 0-27 + 0-27 + 0*22 -0-175 9021 30241 11617 7692 + 0*010 2909 30315 ... 7722 1781 68-75 i -56 36 31-91 ... + I7*536 + 0-28 ... 944 30332 11644 7728 1782* 65-20 44 -86 38 57'*4 O'OI + I7-.572 + 0*98 + o-o7ot 8924 30380 11665 77'3 1783 63-84 i -42 i 9-85 0-87 + 17-641 + 0*25 -0-75* 9061 30378 11656 7748 '78.4 68-80 i -54 59 28-46 ... + 17-725 + 0-26 ... 9071 30408 11670 7764 1785 63-77 4 -60 55 50-77 o ' 07 + I7-757 + 0-28 -0-055 9074 30422 11679 7767 mm" !752. 5"5 7*7 ? 3- No note of duplicity. 1782. Proper Motion determined at the Cape. 104 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STABS FOR 1S65'0. No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date 1800 + No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1865-0. Corr. for Pa to 1865-0. Prec. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion Pa. 1786* 43 Aquarii 6 4* 3 65-81 32 h m i 22 Q 42 ' K2 O ' OO s + 3*1 64.O o * 008 + O' OOCQ 1787 1788 C.P.D.-5oNo.n685 46 Aquarii p ioj C 'A 65'4' 66-71 4 2 22 II 17-87 22 13 C * 77 O ' OO + 3-82 5 8 + 3 * l6l Q -0-053 o 008 r 5y o* 0008 1780 Lucnille 9090 .. 6-1 68-8 I 22 14 2 * IO + C ' 4.1 14 o" 268 I/QO* 48 Aquarii y 4* i 6?' S2 16 22 14 41 ' OO O* OI + 3 * OO 3 R O ' OO4 + 0*0068 I7QI Lacaille 9112. . .. S A 68 -7S i 22 IS S7*OI O " O 7 + 4* O277 O* O74 + o*oi8f 1792 1703* B.D. + 3 No. 4700 50 Aquarii 9'3t 6-0 62-81 60-86 4 2 22 17 6-78 22 17 12' O3 O* OI H-3'0376 + v 2180 O-OO2 O ' OI I + 0*0017 1 7 04 Lalande 43731 8-st 62* 74. 22 I 7 37 * 24 -f. 2 QAQA O ' OO2 1 70S Laluudc J.37J.J. 0-3 + 62-6c 3 22 l8 Q ' 86 O' OO2 1706 2 Aquarii . .. TT 4'6 61-78 2 22 l8 23' O2 O ' OO 3 O *OOI 2 1707 Lacaille 9121! 6-Q* 68-80 I 22 l8 26' 3 7 TO ""o 1 O" O74 i7o8 Lulando 4376? w y 8-3t 62 '80 4. 22 l8 3O* A 3 W4 O ' OO I 1799 1800 B.D. + 3 No. 4703 3 A Pecrasi 9*3t 5- 7 62-79 62 73 4 e 22 19 20-73 ^o U o 1 4 + 3'03I7 0*001 O * OO I + o* 01 7 1 1801 3 c Peffasi S*O 62*67 mm l y 45 10 2221 I *4Q T o W o54 O" OO1 + o * 003 1 1802 Gruis 5^ 4* 3 6v 78 7 22 21 4O'82 T o "o 1 */ + 3 * 6 1 74 O* O3O 1803 s*J Anuzirii VT C 4-6 6v 73 I 22 21 C2*72 + 3 * O"8o w oy O" OO3 + O* OI IO 1804 S s Anuarii . . C 3-8 6j.* 37 22 21 S2 ' 80 + 3 * O78Q O * OO3. + O* OI IO i8os 6-6* 68*81 2 22 22 26*46 O*434 1806 *8o7* B.D. + 6 No. 5028. c7 Aquarii. * ^4y + 3-558I + 4* 32l8 -0*054 o* 185 1844 Lacaille 0306.... 6-4* 68*80 I * 37 1 l 23 S 4.S * 66 O*28 + ^* 6084 o" 082 + O* O7 ^t 184* Octuntis.. T c-6 6s * 7 c no +i 3 oo7 7 * O44 184.6 4* 2 v o /o 66*7 12 23 7 I O ' 84. + ^ ' 1082 1847 1848 184.0 Lacaille 9406 C.P.D.-54No.i0243 91 Aquarii .. ., .. ^ 6-6* iot 4.* S 68*86 65'52 7O * 12 2 5 7 *6 1 l y 4 23 7 29-30 23 8 48*79 23 8 4.O * I 2 + 3-5473 + 3*485I + 3*1233 0-062 -0-053 o" 006 + O " O2 27 i8so Lacaille 0300 . 6*2 / w * 23 8 SI + 4" 787O o* 360 i8ut Touciini. ...... *) 4*O 6v76 c 23 O 3 1 * 7 S O *OI + 3* SS76 o " 06 S O'OO86 1852 92 Aquarii Y f\'2 68*70 I 23 Q SI* O7 + O* OI + 3" 1 1 S2 o* oos Q OO 3 I 18*3* 6 Piscium y v8 64.*6i 28 23 10 10*07 _L Q* O2 + 3 ' OSO2 WW 3 O ' OOO + o 0488 l8S4 03 AQ uarii.... ... U^ 4' * 68*49 S' 2 3 IO S3* 2O O* OO T o W 3y^ + 3 * I 2l8 o* 006 + o * 0004 iSsst Sculptoris y 4" 3 67-32 23 11 31 * 62 + O* OI + 3*2 S6l O* O22 _ o* 0027 182 184 5. r 2 in B.A.C. i. A 1 in B.A.C. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 107 No. Mean Date 1800 + No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1866-0. Corr. for PS to 1865-0. Free. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865'0. Proper Motion j"S. Bradley or Lacaille C.G.A. 1875. Cape 1880. B.A.C. 1850. Off/ // // // // 1821 63-81 2 -54 12 31-77 O'OO + 18-765 + 0-18 o-oo* 9223 30968 11851 7925 1822 68-75 2 70 II 4-89 ... + 18-783 + 0-21 ... 9220 30983 11858 7927 1823 68-85 I -64 25 47-28 "... + 18-846 + o- 19 ... 9240 3*036 11882 7942 1824 69-79 2 II l6 2-21 -0-13 + 18-887 + 0-15 + 0*027 3012 31061 11890 7952 1825* 69*96 6 -14 18 16-08 + 0-14 + 18-917 + 0-15 0-028 3013 31082 11897 7954 182$ 68 -80 i -63 54 7*04 + o" 19 + I8'944 + o- 18 0*05 9268 31100 11905 7956 1827 65*41 4 -52 56 20-99 ... + 18-977 + o* 16 ... 9280 31117 11915 ... 1828 67-83 2 -7047 35'74 o'i6 + 18-997 + 0-19 + 0-056 9276 31127 11921 7965 1829 68-54 12 - 8 17 49-65 0*14 + 19-007 + 0*14 + 0*040 3019 3"30 11922 7970 1830 1831 1832 1833 70-76 65-51 65*54 66-83 2 7 5 2 12 20 1-22 -53 18 46-39 -53 16 13-44 - 7 55 17-02 + 0-07 + 0-06 + 19-029 + 19-030 + I9*033 + 19-061 + 0-14 + 0-16 + 0-16 + 0-13 0-012 3021 3"43 11928 7974 -0*034 3027 31164 ... 7981 1834 64-10 143 -30 20 I2-32 -0-15 + 19-132 + 0-14 o- 164 3032* 3 J 2i3 11951 7992 1835 1836 1837 67-40 65-42 67-84 1 4 2 -30 ii 5'97 -53 32 37'8i -59 9 38-14 ... + 19-184 + 19-186 + 19-198 + 0-13 + 0*15 + 0-15 ... 9321 31247 11961 8002 ... 9320 3"59 11967 8006 1838 68-84 3 56 25 21-91 ... + 19-276 + 0-14 ... 9345 31323 II 99 8022 1839 62-83 ii +35 38-56 0*03 + I9'303 + o-ti -0-015 3046 ... 1 200 1 8031 1840 65-17 4i + 14 28 46-09 + O-QI + 19-327 + 0-II -0-035 3050 ... 12006 8034 1841* 1842 1843 69-70 65-42 67-83 4 4 2 8 25 16-94 -53 54 42-87 -74 18 54-00 O'lO + 19-329 + I9-339 + 19*352 + 0*11 +0-13 + o- 15 + O-O22 3048 31367 12008 8035 ... 9358 31381 I2OI5 8040 1844* 68-80 I -63 25 5-68 + 1-52 + 19-496 + 0'I2 -o-4of 9396 3M96 12052 8081 1845* 65-20 122 -88 13 18-55 o-oo + 19-504 + 0-44 + 0-OIO-] 9225 3*530 12069 8072 1846 66-75 12 - 6 46 34-57 + 0-32 + 19-528 + 0-10 -0-184 3076 31521 12060 8085 1847 1848 1849 68-86 65*52 70-12 2 5 7 -57 25 32-92 -54 21 48-63 - 9 49 21-84 + 0-03 + 19*531 + I 9'557 + ^557 + O'II + 0-10 + 0-09 ... 9406 31526 12063 8087 0-005 3078 31545 ... 8095 1850 67-84 2 -80 12 35-34 + 19*558 + 0*14 9399 31548 12074 8090 1851 63-76 5 -58 58 30-41 + 0*09 + 19-571 + 0-II + 0-075 9420 31563 12083 8098 1852 68-79 i - 8 27 43-70 + O'OI + 19-577 + 0-09 0-003 3081 31565 ... 8102 1853 63-67 43 + 2 32 42-75 + O*O; + 19*583 + 0-09 + 0-019 3082 ... 12088 8105 1854 68-71 6 - 9 55 8-75 + O'o6 + 19-596 + 0-09 -0-015 3083 31585 12094 8109 1855 67-37 5 -33 16 i -08 + 0-17 + 19-608 + 0-09 0-071 9435 3i59i 12096 8113 1844. Proper Motion from Cincinnati Publications, No. 12. 1845. Proper Motion determined at the Cape. 108 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1865'0. No. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Ohs. Mean R.A. 1865-0. Corr. for ^a to 1865*0. Prec. 1865*0. Sec. Var. 1865*0. Proper Motion ^a. i8;6 5' l 68 '44 2 ii m B 23 II 56-14 t O'OI s + 3-1229 8 O*OO6 + 0*0015 jgc7 06 Aquarii e- 7 66-63 4 23 12 23-96 0*02 + 3* 1004 O*OO4 + O*OII I 1858 07 Aqiuirii e- a 68-80 2 23 15 34*30 0*02 + 3- 1448 O'OOO + 0*054 iSso Ijacuillc Q-t?2 .. 6-9* 68-18 3 23 15 40-65 -f-o'oi + 3*4573 o*o";8 o * 004* 1860 Lacaille 0455 .. % *Q 66-57 6 23 16 15*2* + 3-4284 0*051 1861 LacBille 9463 ....... TS 63*76 5 23 17 36-33 + 3*4504 0-058 1862 1863* C.P.D.-5 4 No.io284 9t c*o 6SMS 64-83 4 30 23 18 7-25 23 20 0*77 o-oo + 3-4158 + 3 '0700 0*051 0*000 + 0*0042 1864 10 Piscium 4'4 62-61 i 23 21 7*28 O'O2 + 3 0498 + o * 003 0*0104 1865 i866f Lacaille 9495 Lacaille 9494 6-7* 5-8 64-39 67-84 5 2 23 23 16-52 23 24 31*52 O'OO + O'OI + 3-2691 + 4*OS27 -0*031 0*220 0*000* 0*003 1867 1868 Lacaille 9518 Lacaille 9520 7'3* 6-6* 68-87 68-90 3 i 23 27 29-28 23 27 32*98 + 3-4857 + 3*3691 -0-084 0*055 1869 1870 Lacaille 9525 Lacaille 9538 6-4* 6-8* 68-80 68-80 i i 23 29 56-11 23 31 8*95 ... + 3*8686 + 3-4106 -0*203 0-072 ... 1871* 4*3 65*29 24 23 33 0-50 O'OI + 3*0586 + 0*003 + 0*0235 1872 1873 Piazzi XXIII. 153. 1 8 Piscium .... A 6-1 4'7 70-71 66-08 *3 23 34 9'8i 23 35 0*58 + O ' OI + 3-IQ5 1 + 3*0604 0-006 + O'OO I 0*0107 1874 C.G.A. 32032 '3* 68-85 i 23 35 14*56 + 3* 3OQ2 0*055 87St 1876 Lacaille 9566 6-0 S* 5 67-84 68-85 2 3 23 36 39-85 23 36 44" 2O -0-13 + O'OI + 3-472I + 3*3645 O' III 0*075 + 0*046 0*002* 1877 Lacaille os74. 6-4* 66-87 3 2 3 36 46*89 O ' O3 + 3*2112 0*033 + 0*017* 10 // 1878 19 Piscium . 5* 2 65*68 2 23 3Q 2Q'6o O * OO + 3*0663 + 0*002 O* OO5O 1870 Lacnille 9588 7'0* 68-80 I 2a an CA'A + 3 ' 3702 O*OQ2 ioyy i88of S'4 68-00 I 2 3 4.O C * "1 3 + O ' O? 4. a- 21 SI O'O30 0*00 7 7 1881 1882 Piazzi XXIII. 185 . 6-0 T7 70-76 67-84 2 6 23 40 18-79 23 4.1 O* 15 + 0-04 0*01 + 3-0978 + 3-O788 0*006 O'OO I 0*007 + o * 0048 i88 3 f 1884 Sculptoris seq.. n . 5 4-6 6-1 65*14 67-18 22 23 41 53-36 23 42 32*8^ O'OO O* OO + 3*1308 + 3*O7I5 -0*016 + O * OO I + 0*0040 o - oo 1 6 1881: C G.A. 32178.. 8* 68-80 j 2 3 42 4.3 * 22 + a * 2607 0*062 1886 Octantis 7 1 S i 67* CQ 2? 44 4* 2O + o* 08 + 3*8O4I o* 346 O* O3O* 1887 5*0 66* 73 2 2 3 4 5 * 3O + 3 ' 068 7 + 0*002 O" OOOO 1888 Brisbane 7 34 1 6-7* 68-87 3" 2 3 46 28 * 2 3 + 3 * 2 d 52 o* 076 1889 26 Piscium . .. . ... 6-1 62 * QI 2 2 3 48 I 3 * R2 O * OO ^3 *33* + 3 * 0644 + o * oo 5 + 0*0005 1890 Octantis 7 2 5*6 67- so I 2 3 tin 2 ' 2O + o * 04 + t * 5 303 O * 312 O'OI7* ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 109 No. Mean Date 1800 + No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1865'0. Corr. for /** to 1865-0 Free. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion /* Bradley or Lacaille C.G.A. 1875. Cape 1880. B.A.C. 1850. o / // // n // it 1856 68-44 2 -10 20 53-41 0-03 + 19-616 + 0-09 + 0-008 3087 31601 I2IOI 8116 1857 66-63 4 - 5 51 41-61 O'OO + 19-624 + 0-09 + 0-002 3090 31614 ... 8119 1858 68-80 2 -15 46 47-91 -0-08 + 19-679 + 0-08 + 0-O2O 3102 31667 I2II8 8142 1859 68 -18 3 -56 17 35-45 o-oo + 19-681 + 0*09 O'OO* 9453 31670 12120 8i43 1860 66-57 6 -54 3 2 52*55 ... + 19-691 + 0*09 ... 9455 3'687 I2I26 ... 1861 1862 63-76 6s 'AX 5 4' -57 35 22-50 HA AK AO ' 2 3 ... + 19-713 + IQ" 72 1 + 0-09 + 0*08 9463 3I7I4 12133 8i57 1863 "o ^3 64-33 49 3*t to *ty *& + o 31 i-ii 0-06 *y I * + 19-75! + 0*07 0-089 3116 ... I215I 8169 1864 62-61 i + 5 38 15*48 o-ii + 19-767 + 0-07 -0-045 3120 ... I2I58 8177 1865 64-39 5 -42 43 46-87 0*06 + 19-798 + 0-07 o-io* 9495 31809 12170 8186 1866 67-84 2 -78 749'38 o-oo + 19-816 + 0-08 o-oo 9494 31840 I2I84 8190 1867 68-87 3 -65 26 7-98 ... + 19-854 + 0-06 ... 9518 31896 I22OI 8207 1868 68-90 i -57 34 i5"97 ... + i9' 8 55 + 0-06 ... 9520 31900 12203 8208 1869 68-80 i -77 36 57*02 ... f 19-883 + 0-06 ... 9525 31946 I22I5 8219 1870 68-80 i -63 37 57'32 ... + 19-897 + 0-05 ... 9538 31965 12223 8226 1871 64-13 32 + 4 53 4i'76 -0-38 + 19-916 + 0*04 -0-437 3'48 ... 12234 8233 1872 70-71 3 -12 2 5 45'3i ... + 19*928 + 0-04 ... ... 32014 12242 8239 1873 66-33 6 + I 2 14-23 + 0-18 + 19-938 + 0-04 -0-137 3i5/ ... 12250 8243 1874 68-85 i -5 8 42 37-65 ... + 19-938 + 0*04 ... ... 32032 ... 8244 1875 67-84 2 -71 14 29-25 -0-23 + 19-951 + 0*04 + o'o8 9566 32064 12262 8251 1876 68-85 3 65 9 17-06 + 0-15 + 19-952 + 0-04 0-04* 9571 32065 12264 8253 1877 66-87 3 -45 49 56-71 + 0*02 -f 19-952 + 0-04 0*01* 9574 32067 12265 8254 1878 65-68 2 + 2 44 17-17 + O-O2 + J9'97S + 0-03 0-023 3162 ... ... 8262 1879 68-80 I -69 8 33-69 ... + 19-978 + 0-03 ... 9588 32129 12283 8263 1880 68-90 I -50 58 32-85 + 0-08 + 19-980 -rO'03 O'O2 959 1 32130 12284 8264 1881 70-76 2 -12 39 27-77 + 0-40 + 19-981 + 0-03 0-07 ... 32134 12286 8266 1882 67-84 6 - 3 3 42-57 o-oi + 19-986 + 0-03 + 0-003 3165 32147 ... 8271 1883 64-81 16 -28-52 36-11 O'O2 + 19-993 + 0'03 O* III 9603 32161 12297 8275 1884 67-18 4 + o 19 36-11 + 0'07 + 19-997 + 0-03 -0-030 3167 ... ... 8281 1885 68-80 i -61 53 10-49 ... + 19-998 + 0*03 ... ... 32178 ... 8283 1886 67-31 5 -82 46 8-92 + 0-07 + 20-007 + 0*03 o - 03* 9607 32200 12313 8290 1887 66-73 2 + 2 10 48-49 + 0-02 + 20-013 + O'O2 O'OII 3174 ... ... 8295 1888 68-87 3 66 42 4-06 ... + 20*020 + O'O2 ... ... 32240 12334 8305 1889 62-91 2 + 6 19 14-94 O'O2 + 2O'O29 + O*O2 - o 009 3183 ... ... 8312 1890 67-58 7 -82 55 14-23 + O'o8 + 20-036 + O'Ol -0-03* 9651 32303 12360 8319 110 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1S65'0. Corr. Xo. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date 1800 + No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1865-0. for fe to Prec. 1865-0. Sec, Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion Pa 1805-0. h in s g 8 8 a 1801 i' i 66-88 2 23 z;o 28*80 O*O3 + V 1014 O-O67 + O-OIK* 1892 C.P.D.-55JSTo.ioi2i 9'St 65'S2 6 2 3 5 38-01 + 3-1529 -0*04.5 1803 i Ceti 6-8* 68 -80 2 2 3 S [ 24. * 4.4. O ' OI + 3 '0870 0*008 + 0*0038 1804* 27 Pisciutn S'O 68x4. 23 Ci 4S 72 + O'O2 + VO7S7 O'OOI 0*0051 189 t c' i 68-83 3 22 ci cc; ' 34 O'OO + V 1 3^7 o - 040 O'OOOO 1896: 28 Piscium (a 4-2 64-47 '5 23 52 22-84 O'OO + 3-0673 + 0-005 + 0*0086 1807 Lacaille 9688 7*c* 68-87 2 22 S2 C6'O6 + 3- 1160 0*037 1898 C.P.D.-55No. 10137 IOJ 65'50 6 23 54 0-96 ... + 3-1238 -0-045 ... 1899 29 Piscium 5' 1 66-95 3 23 54 54*37 O'OO + 3*0740 o-ooo 0*0002 IQOO 30 Piscium 4*6 60 ' 72 22. t!? 2*IQ O "OI + VO7SC O " OO2 + o* 0019 jqoi 6-0 5 e ' 60 i 22 CC 2C 'Q2 O'OO + 3 '0686 + 0*006 o * oo 7 1902 Piazzi XXIII. 270... 6-5* 68-80 2 23 58 8-59 + 3-0722 + 0-001 1903 Lacaille 9712 7'5* 68-89 2 23 58 16-04 ... + 3-0853 -0-038 ... 1904 33 Piscium 4'6 69-72 8 23 58 25-54 + 0-01 + 3-0731 0-002 o'ooi9 1905 C.Z. XXIII. 1639... 9*0* 6 5'5 I 5 23 59 22-93 ... + 3'Q773 -0-044 ... 1901. c 2 in B.A.C. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. Ill No. Mean Date 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1865-0. Corr. for PS to 1865-0. Free. 1865-0. Sec. Var. 1865-0. Proper Motion /*S Bradley or ^acaille C.G.A. 1875. Cape 1880. B.A.C. 1850. o/// // // // // 1891 1892 66-88 6s * 2 2 -65 2 52-I 9 C S S*? J.O* 31 + 0-06 + 20-038 + 20 * o?8 + O'OI + O* OI 0-03 9661 323" 12365 8323 1893 1894 68-80 68-54 2 9 -16 35 56-14 4 18 18-21 -0-03 + 0-22 + 20*041 + 20-042 + 0*01 + 0*01 + 0*008 0*063 3188 3189 32325 3 2 330 12375 8327 8328 i8 9 S 68-83 3 -53 29 59-06 -0-17 + 20-043 + 0*01 + 0-045 9671 32333 12376 8329 1896 63-21 28 +6 6 58-11 0*19 + 20-044 + 0-01 o* 105 3 l 9 l ... 12380 8331 1897 1898 68-87 6s * ?o 2 6 -51 ii 53-62 s6 2 IO" Q7 ... + 20-048 + 20*048 O'OO O'OO ... 9688 32362 12397 ... 1899 66-95 3 - 3 46 44-46 O'OO + 20*050 O'OO 0*002 3196 32379 12406 8346 1900 69-72 9 - 6 45 51-07 + 0-15 + 20-050 O'OO -0-031 3'97 32383 12409 8349 1901* 65-60 i + 7 44 7*58 + 0-02 + 20-051 o-oo 0-027 3201 ... ... 8354 1902 68-80 2 - i 15 10-38 ... + 20-055 O'OI ... ... 32426 12428 8365 1903 68-89 2 -S 2 53 55*43 ... + 20-055 "o-oi ... 9712 32428 12429 8367 1904 loos 69-72 6c - K i 8 - 6 27 45-93 s6 is o* 8 K -o'45 + 20-055 + 2O'OCC O'OI O ' OI + 0-096 3208 32431 12431 8368 *y^3 "3 L 113 CAPE GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STABS FOB 1865-0. APPENDIX. MERIDIAN OBSERVATIONS OE THE STARS a CANIS MAJORIS, a CANIS MINORIS, CENTAURI a 1 AND a 2 CENTAURI. Corrected for Flexure (-O r/ -26 Sin Z.D.), Latitude (1861-2 = -33 56' 3"70 : 1863-70 = 4^-lQ) and reduced, without Proper Motion, to the Equinox 1865 0. E 8567. 114 APPENDIX. MERIDIAN OBSERVATIONS of a CANIS MAJORIS. DIRECT OBSERVATIONS. 1 Date. Obser- rer. K.A. Dec. Date. Obser- ver. B.A. Dec. h m / h m o / 6 39 -16 31 6 39 -16 31 1861. 8 1862. g Feb. 12 T. 11 '96 55-2i Aug. 10 G. ... 55-97 13 T. II*87 54-60 1 * C.F. ... 54-94 21 G. ... 55-96 Dec. 3 W. ... 1863. > 4 W. 11*85 55' 2 9 Jan. 5 T. ... 58-19 6 W. II- 9 6 55'" 6 T. 11-89 58*87 9 W. 11-86 7 T. 11*97 ... 17 G. 54-96 8 T. ii '91 58-18 9 T. ii '96 58*21 1862. 10 T. ... 57-04 Jan. 15 C.F. 11-87 56*29 ,, 12 T. ... 59-13 20 C.F. .. 56-30 14 C.F. 11-96 56*64 22 C.F. 12*00 57*62 '5 G. 11*86 58-70 *9 C.F. 11*89 54-95 n 16 C.F. 11-94 57-02 > 3i C.F. U'99 56-22 17 G. u'93 59-i8 Feb. 4 C.F. 11-93 55-82 21 C.F. 11-99 55-90 ,, 6 C.F. 12-05 57-23 23 C.F. 11-76 56-94 May 9 C.F. II- 99 ... 24 G. 11-83 58-34 10 C.F. 12*08 ... 26 C.F. 11-98 56-76 20 C.F. 12*05 ... 27 G. 11-82 58-30 June 29 T. 11*93 ... 28 C.F. 11*91 56*92 July i G. "'97 ... 30 C.F. 11*85 56*12 6 G. 11-94 56-69 Feb. i C.F. ... 57-48 > 7 T. 11-97 56-07 3 I.F. 11*93 56-78 8 G. 11-90 56*90 M J G. 11*88 59* H ,, ii G. ... 56-30 13 G. 11*89 58-16 13 G. ... 56-10 16 C.F. 11*76 58'47 16 G. 11-93 56-21 17 G. 11-78 58*53 w J 7 G. 11-97 55-38 18 I.F. 12-03 57-57 18 C.F. 11-93 55 '73 9 C.F. 11-80 56-13 21 G. "'95 55'53 20 I.F. n-88 56*92 >, 23 C.F. 11-93 55*94 21 G. 11*87 58-91 24 G. 11*92 55-65 25 G. 11-90 58-64 25 C.F. 11-83 56-06 26 C.F. 11-79 57" J 3 M 3 G. 11-93 ... 27 I.F. 11-90 57-4I APPENDIX. 115 MERIDIAN OBSERVATIONS OF a CANIS MAJORIS. DIRECT OBSERVATIONS. Date. Obser- ver. R.A. Dec. Date. Obser- ver. R.A. Dec. h m / h m o / 6 39 16 31 6 39 16 31 1863. 1864. , Mar. 1 2 G. n-86 57*69 Mar. 5 W. M. 59-06 13 C.F. 11-81 57-23 7 G. II'95 ... H I.F. 11-76 56-89 8 W. 11-85 ... 6 G. 1 1 -80 58-42 10 W. ... 58-66 17 C.F. 11-70 59-37 X 5 I.F. I1-7I 58-73 18 I.F. 11-94 57 ' 64 Apr. 7 T. ... 57'9 8 23 G. 11-89 59 * 27 9 T. ... 59-03 24 C.F. 11-79 57-30 12 I.F. 11-93 59-20 April 8 T. 11-87 58-33 >. 13 C.F. ... 56-01 23 T. 11-90 57-21 July 1 7 G. 11-83 ... July 5 G. n-86 57-66 18 G. 11-80 ... 6 C.F. 12-01 57-59 20 G. 11-77 ... 7 I.F. ... 57*09 22 G. 11-83 58*71 8 G. II-84 57-82 25 G. ... 60-25 ,, 9 C.F. 11-95 57* 2 9 26 G. ... 59*56 10 I.F. ... 57-95 , 27 G. ... 58-86 12 G. ... 58-80 28 G. ... 59-42 13 C.F. II-89 57-74 , 31 G. ... 59-34 *5 I.F. ... 57-09 Aug. i G. ... 59-73 16 C.F. n-85 58-02 2 G. ... 59-31 24 C.F. ... 56-90 7 G. ... 60-33 26 G. ... 58-11 8 G. ... 59-82 27 G. ... 57-7 2 9 G. ... 63 1 1 30 I.F. ... 57*94 10 G. ... 59-66 >, 31 C.F. ... 57-87 H G. ... 59*57 Aug. 2 G. ... 57*58 '5 G. ... 60-98 4 G. 11-96 58-54 16 G. ... 59-88 IO C.F. ... 58-36 28 G. 11-90 BJ C.F. ... 57-66 30 G. "'95 60-28 . ,j G. 11-93 1864. Feb. 4 I.F. Sept. 8 G. y*j 11-90 59-42 " 5 , 14 G. 11-84 59*47 6 W. ... 59*02 Nov. 1 6 J'.S. 11-87 59*9' 18 W. ... 58-85 Dec. 13 G. 11-85 60-17 Mar, 3 W. n-86 60-03 116 APPENDIX. MERIDIAN OBSERVATIONS OF a CANIS MAJORIS. DIRECT OBSERVATIONS. Date. Obser- ver. R.A. Dec. Date. Obser- ver. K.A. Dec. h m o / h m o / 1865. 6 39 -16 31 1866. 6 39 -16 31 Jan. 28 J.S. ... 60-72 Jan. 23 J.S. 11-82 ... 30 J.S. 11-81 60-02 May 12 G. 11-77 ... -> 31 J.S. 11-90 60-51 Oct. 2 G. ... 64-77 Feb. 2 J.S. ... 60- 1 1 5 C.F. ... 60-95 3 J.S. ... 60-75 7 C.F. ii'75 62-44 6 J.S. ... 60-27 8 G. ... 62-74 7 C.F. 11-62 58-89 9 J.S. n-88 61-86 9 J.S. ii-73 60- 16 10 C.F. ... 62*00 , 10 J.S. "57 59'4i 18 B. 11-70 ... 13 J.S. u-86 59*9 19 C.F. ... 61-35 14 J.S. 11-71 60- 14 21 J.S. ... 61-79 17 J.S. 11-79 60* 21 22 G. ... 62-76 20 J.S. ... 60 '60 23 J.S. ... 61 -oo v 22 J.S. ... 60-63 24 C.F. ... 60-45 23 J.S. "73 60-64 26 J.S. ... 63-47 28 J.S. ... 60-66 2 9 C.F. ... 62-32 Mar. 4 J.S. ... 61-46 , 30 J.S. 11-74 61-86 6 J.S. 11-67 60-99 Nov. i J.S. ... 60-05 June 23 J.S. ... 59-01 2 C.F. . 62-27 26 C.F. ... 59-83 4 J.S. 11-73 62-51 27 J.S. ... 60-05 5 G. ... 63-84 28 J.S. ... 59-67 6 C.F. ... 62-45 ,, 29 C.F. ... 58-8I 8 G. ... 59'25 July 2 C.F. ... 59-86 9 I.F. ... 62-55 ii J.S. ... 60-33 16 J.S. ... 62*24 12 C.F. 11-76 59'73 18 I.F. 12-02 62-78 > 13 J.S. ... 59-18 21 G. 11-81 6 1 -96 14 C.F. 1 1 -80 59'99 22 J.S. ... 61*77 16 G. 11-82 59-83 23 C.F. 11-64 60-99 17 G. 11-90 60-19 26 G. 11-78 62-13 21 G. 11-83 59-84 28 G. ... 62-28 27 G. ... 60-81 Dec. 10 J.S. ... 62-98 28 G. 11-77 60-15 ii C.F. ... 63-69 Sept. 12 C.F. 11-73 ... 14 I.F. " 62-05 Dec. 4 C.F. 11-87 60-87 18 I.F. 11-68 59'99 APPENDIX. 117 MERIDIAN OBSERVATIONS OF a CANIS MAJORIS. DIRECT OBSERVATIONS. Date. Obser- ver. R.A. Dec. Date. Obser- ver. K.A. Dec. h m o / h m / 6 39 16 31 6 39 -16 31 1866. H 1867. s // Dec. 19 G. ... 62-98 Apr. 23 B. 11-79 62-63 20 J.S. II'79 ... 25 J.S. ... 63-00 21 C.F. II '80 62-01 29 G. ... 62-48 22 C.F. H'59 62-88 May 6 G. ... 63-82 10 C.F. ... 62-93 1867. 17 C.F. n'75 63-15 Jan. 7 J.S. ii-75 62-96 18 I.F. 63-3! 9 B. ii'57 61-80 20 I.F. ... 64*21 22 B. 11-78 64-02 July 28 G. ... 63-28 23 I.F. ... 62-21 Aug. 4 G. 11-90 24 B. ... 64-42 6 C.F. 63-10 Feb. 21 I.F. 11-65 63-87 9 C.F. 62-81 26 I.F. 11-79 63-71 Sept. 20 C.F. 11*70 62-09 27 B. ii-59 ... Dec. 1 1 I .F. 11-82 Mar. 4 B. 11-61 ... S I.F. 11-69 61-67 13 C.F. n-75 62-28 1868. H J.S. ... 63-55 Jan. 9 I.F. 11-70 ... i 15 C.F. 11-64 60-19 10 C.F. 11-69 65-16 23 I.F. ... 63-69 14 C.F. 11-71 66-56 25 G. ... 64-39 15 I.F. 11-61 66-16 26 C.F. 11-69 63-30 . '7 I.F. 1 1 '43 65-38 M 27 I.F. ... 63-81 20 J.S. n-68 63-04 28 J.S. ... 64-00 22 I.F. ... 65-55 30 G. ... 64-09 24 C.F. 11-76 62-67 Apr. 2 C.F. 11-76 62-81 30 B. 11-71 ... 3 J.S. ... 63-57 31 C.F. ii'6o 62-82 4 G. ... 61-41 Feb. 4 C.F. ii'75 64-40 5 C.F. 11-82 62-45 5 I.F. 11*69 65-78 8 B. 11-70 62-55 7 J.S. ii'54 64-31 , 10 J.S. ii 65 63-86 ii I.F. ... 65*11 ,, Ji C.F. 11-72 62-88 13 J.S. 11*70 66*02 12 I.F. ... 64*40 M C.F. 11-62 62-98 15 B. ... 62-22 i7 B. ... 64-38 17 B. ... 63-69 19 I.F. 11-58 63-99 118 APPENDIX. MERIDIAN OBSERVATIONS OF <* CANIS MAJORIS. DIRECT OBSERVATIONS. Date. Obser- E.A. Dec. Date. Obser- R.A. Dec. ver. ver. h m o / h m / 6 39 -16 31 6 39 16 31 1868. 8 // 1868. s // Feb. 20 B. II-58 64-44 Apr. 17 I.F. n-66 65-12 21 I.F. II-63 64-41 May 15 C.F. ... 64'37 25 I.E. 11-77 66-56 Oct. 7 I.F. 11-65 ... 28 J.S. 11-71 64-83 9 C.F. ... 64-67 Mar. 4 B. ii 63 64-79 5 J.S. 11-63 65-57 1869. 6 I.E. ii '64 64-50 Jan. 26 I.F. 11-65 ... II I.F. 11-64 65-36 Feb. 3 I.F. 11-69 ... 18 I.F. 11-74 64-63 July 15 G. 11-62 ... 3i J.S. 11-58 66-24 16 G. 1 1 -60 ... |Apr. 6 I.F. 11-64 63-60 NOV. 22 I.F. 11-74 ... REFLEXION OBSERVATIONS. 1866. 1866. Oct. 2 G. ... 62-04 NOV. 22 J.S. ... 63-26 5 C.F. ... 63-9S 28 G. ... 6 3-57 8 G. ... 62-84 Dec. 19 G. 63-35 10 C.F. ... 66- 16 , 19 C.F. ... 63 '74 1867. 21 C.F. 64-82 Mar. 14 J.S. ... 64-71 22 G. ... 63 1 7 30 G. ... 65 ' 96 23 J.S. ... 62-92 April 3 J.S. ... 65-04 24 C.F. ... 64'75 12 I.F. ... 64-08 26 C.F. ... 64-02 24 I.F. ... 64-13 29 C.F. .. 64-75 25 J.S. ... 64-47 Nov. i J.S. ... 64-03 May 10 C.F. ... 65-36 2 C.F. ... 64-13 18 I.F. ... 63'94 5 G. ... 63-96 20 I.F. ... 63-49 6 C.F. ... 66-32 8 G. ... 64-48 1868. 16 J.S. ... 62-03 Jan. 22 I.F. .. 7''54 APPENDIX. 119 MERIDIAN OBSERVATIONS OF * CANIS M1NORIS. DIRECT OBSERVATIONS. Date. Obser- ver. K.A. Dec. Date. Obser- ver. R.A. Dec. b m o / h m / 7 32 + 5 34 7 32 + 5 34 1861. s 1863. , Jan. 25 C. 14-21 ... July 2 1 C.F. ... 7-46 Feb. 13 T. I4-26 9'5 23 C.F. ... 7*54 Mar. 2 1 G. 14-43 9-45 24 C.F. ... 6-80 July 14 C. I4-32 ... 30 I.F. ... 7-12 Aug. 21 C. I4-22 ... Aug. 2 G. ... 7'49 3 C.F. ... 7-66 1862. 4 G. I4-16 7-21 Jan. 13 C.F. 10*82 10 G. I4-I9 7-08 15 G. ... 7-65 ii C.F. ... 7*37 17 C.F. 13-82 8-89 16 G. ... 6* 19 22 C.F. 14-I9 ... 18 C.F. ... 7-69 24 C.F. I4-24 9-30 25 I.F. ... 7-61 >, 27 C.F. I4-I2 Nov. 28 G. ... 5-84 31 C.F. 9*94 Dec. 25 W. 14-27 ... Feb. 4 C.F. I4-I9 6-99 26 W. ... 6-20 12 G. ... .7-06 Apr. 7 G. ... 7-6 9 1864. May 20 C.F. I4-27 ... Feb. 18 I.F. 6-32 June 4 C.F. 14-35 ... 19 G. 14-12 6-74 5 C.F. I4-29 ... March 2 G. 13-90 6-21 July 30 G. 14-23 ... 4 C.F. 8-13 Aug. 10 G. ... 8-18 16 G. M-05 ii C.F. ... 9*27 17 W. I4-I3 5*9 13 G. ... 8-80 >, 29 T. 6-31 18 C.F. ... 7*42 ,, 30 G. 5'9 6 19 G. ... 8-78 April 1 2 I.F. I4-03 8-27 21 G. ... 8-44 13 C.F. 7*47 22 C.F. ... 8-44 May 23 C.F. ... 7-13 Aug. 28 G. I4-12 ... I86 3 . Sept. 12 G. I4-I8 ... Mar. i C.F. ... 7-38 14 G. 14-12 ... 3 G. ... 6-77 25 G. I4'04 ... Apr. 8 T. I4-IO 6*91 26 G. 14- 10 ... 25 T. ... 7-33 Nov. 1 7 G. I4-IO 4'94 120 APPENDIX. MERIDIAN OBSERVATIONS OF * CANTS MINORIS. DIRECT OBSERVATIONS. Date. Obser- ver. R.A. Dec. Date. Obser- ver. K.A. Dec. h m / h m o / 7 32 + 5 34 7 32 + 5 34 1865. // 1868. / Feb. 7 C.F. 14-06 5-37 Feb. 4 C.F. 13-84 ... Mar. 7 J.S. 13-98 ... 13 J.S. 13-83 ... July 1 8 G. i3'95 ... 14 C.F. 13-83 ... 28 G. 14*05 ... i7 B. 14*09 ... Aug. 1 8 G. 14-07 ... ,> 19 I.F. 13-75 ... Dec. i W. 14-06 5-00 20 B. 13-89 ... 5 G. 14-01 ... 21 I.F. 13-89 ... Mar. 2 I.F. 13-67 ... 1866. 25 I.F. 13-92 ... Jan. i G. i4'i5 ... April i I.F. 14-03 ... 29 G. I3-94 ... } > 2 B. i3'9 6 ... Mar. 24 J.S. 14-07 ... 6 I.F. 13-91 ... Apr. 21 J.S. 14-00 ... 17 I.F. 13-86 ... Aug. 5 G. 13-96 ... 23 B. 14-06 >, 6 G. 13-98 ... July i o G. '3-91 9 G. '3-94 ... Aug, 9 G. I 3'93 Nov. 9 I.F. I3-99 4-87 10 G. 13-72 25 C.F. 14-01 ... 3<> B. 13-96 3-42 Dec. 22 C.F. 14-00 ... 1869. Feb. 23 G. 13-63 ... 1867. Aug. 2 G. I3-75 ... Jan. 1 6 G. i3'93 ... 6 G. I3-79 ... Feb. 16 G. 13-93 ... 8 G. 13-78 ... May 2 C.F. ... 3-66 '3 G. 13-82 ... Aug. 6 G. 14-00 ... 15 G. 13-81 ... 12 G. 14-19 ... 24 G. J3-88 ... Nov. 15 J.S. 13-92 ... NOV. 22 I.F. 13-82 ... 1868. iSjO, Jan. 9 I.F. I3-93 ... Feb. 13 G. 13-75 ... 3' C.F. 13-90 ... April 9 G. 13-82 APPENDIX. 121 MERIDIAN OBSERVATIONS OF AND CENTAURI. DIRECT OBSERVATIONS. Date. Obser- ver. Right Ascension. Declination. 0. a-. a 2 . 0. A o 2 . 1861. Oct. 31 - Nov. 6 - 19 - - 21 - Dec. 19 - 1863. Jan. 9 ii - 12 27 Feb. 3 - Apr. 15 - 16 - 20 27 - July 8 9 - 10 13 17 - ' C.F. C.F. C.F. C.F. C.F. C.F. C.F. T. T. T. G. G. I.F. C.F. G. G. G. G. C.F. I.F. C.F. G. I.F. h m 13 54 19-81 19-56 b m 14 30 a h m 4 3 28-62 28-90 28-45 28-82 28-52 o / -59 43 / -60 16 / 60 16 38-87 39-26 38-67 39-67 4i*43 39*39 38-16 38-94 39'03 38-37 38-67 37-16 38-72 37-6i 37-96 4i*57 9 * 31-01 - 31-36 30-3' 30-50 30-35 34*i7 - 28-72 29-97 30- 25* ... 28-I8 28-28 27-92 ... ... 27 : ; 27-77 27-74 28-25 ... 14-68 10-64 10-07 9-68 10-74 10-41 10-06 14-28 25 C.F. I.F. ... ... 27-89 Aug. i 4 ' 5 10 - 12 17 - 19 - I.F. G. I.F. G. I.F. G. I.F. 19-36 19-40 ... 27-60 27-78 27-75 27-70 19-46 ... 27-71 12-04 E 8567. 122 APPENDIX. MERIDIAN OBSERVATIONS OF j3 AND a CENTAURI. DIRECT OBSERVATIONS. Date. Obser- ver. Eight Ascension. Declination. . a\ a 2 . /3. a 1 . a 2 . 1863 Aug. 25 - 26 - - 28 - ,,29 - - 3i Sept. i 3 - 4 1864. Nov. 8 - 9 - I.F. I.F. I.F. G. G. I.F. I.F. I.F. G. G. G. '3 54 s 19-56 H 30 s 14 30 s 27-69 -59 43 // 10-61 9-81 -60 16 // 30 '23 30-61 29-93 29*57 30-08 29-48 27-91 27-92 28-28 3'5i 29-50 28-91 28-86 29-01 28-44 29-58 29-05 27-98 30-85 28-13 30-29 3i*H 29-34 60 1 6 a 37'45 41-67 38-11 40-11 38-27 39M2 37-73 37'46 36-97 39-56 38-47 37-42 36-89 36-26 38-57 37-74 38-06 38-88 36-21 38-33 37-85 36-94 37-13 37-08 35^5 39-11 38-61 19-32 19*51 19-63 J9*57 27-52 27-82 27-90 27-87 10-87 10-69 10-31 10-50 10-29 J3 IS - '7 18 ^ ,,21 22 - 27 Dec. i - 6 - 1865. Nov. 12 - ,,20 21 - 23 - 24 - 26 - Dec. i - 3 - 4 - G. G. G. G, C.F. CF. C.F. C.F. G. G. C.F. J.S. G. C.F. G. C.F. C.F. J.S. ... ... 27*40 ... ... ... ... - ... ... 27-27 ... * APPENDIX. 123 MERIDIAN OBSERVATIONS OF ft AND CENTAURI. DIRECT OBSERVATIONS, Date. Obser- ver. Eight Ascension. Declination. * a*. a 2 . 0. o 1 . a 2 . b m b m h m / / / 13 54 14 30 14 30 -59 43 -60 16 -60 16 1867. s 3 8 // & 9A April 10 - B. 19-24 ... 25-88 8-71 26-66 35'86 May 10 C.F. 4O ' 2 7 t 13 - J.S. 19-62 ... ... 7-96 ... T^ / '5 - I.F. 19-42 ... ... 11-27 ... ... , 17 - C.F. ... ... 25-99 ... ... 36-71 27 J.S. ... ... ... ... 27-08 37-46 June 3 - J.S. ... ... 25-88 ... ... 36-72 4 I.F. ... ... 25-68 ... ... 36-56 July 2 - I.F. 19-49 ... ... ... ... ... ., 9 - I.F. ... ... 25-7I ... ... 36-28 1868. April 22 - I.F. 19-42 ... ... ... ... ... May 22 C.F. ... ... 25-07 ... 24-27 36-96 26 - C.F: ... 25-48 ... ... 26-55 37-o6 27 - I.F. ... 25-62 ... ... 26-09 ... 20 - ** I.F. 36-90 *y June 3 I.F. ... 25-64 ... ... . 27-34 *> s o - I.F. 34'QI y 12 C.F. .. . ... 25-70 ... 25*57 O*r y * 15 ' I.F. ... ... 25-42 ... ... 36-29 July 14 I.F. ... ... 24-99 ... ... 36-46 1870. May 10 - I.F. ... ... 24-39 ... ... 35' 6 ,,20 I.F. ... ... 24-28 ... ... 36-58 June 8 - & ... ... 24-92 ... 23-35 34-47 9 ' I.F. ... ... 24-77 ... ... 35'85 ii - G. 34-60 July 13 I.F. ... ... 24-44 ... ... Xov. 16 - G. ... ... ... 9 -20 ... 34"3 J 7 G. ... ... ... 8-99 ... 34-66 21 - G. 33-45 99 * * ,,22 G. ... 124 APPENDIX. MERIDIAN OBSERVATIONS OF AND a CENTAURL DIRECT OBSERVATIONS. Date. Obser- ver. Bight Ascension. Declination. 0. a 1 . a 2 . 0. a 1 . a?. 1870. Nov. 23 - 24 - G. G. b m '3 54 > b m 14 30 h n 14 3<> / -59 43 // / -60 16 // O f -60 16 // 34-10 33-56 REFLEXION OBSERVATIONS. m 1863. Jan. 27 - 1864. Nov. 8 9 - *, ii 13 ,,IS - - 18 - 21 22 - 27 1865. Nov. 12 - ,,20 G. G. G. G. G. G. G. C.F. C.F. C.F. G. C.F. J.S. 29*53 30-29 3f85 30-89 29-72 26*42 29-23 29-92 30-27 30-09 28-43 30-60 30 60- 28-53 39'53 39*24 38-83 39*22 38-75 38-03 37*13 40-84 39-11 39 *U 37-92 40-09 38-05 38-23 38-42 38-90 38-79 38-77 37'86 ... ... ... ... ,,23 n 24 - 26 - Dec. i - 3 4 - G. C.F. G. C.F. 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