THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE CATALOGUE FOSSIL MAMMALIA. PART I. CATALOGUE FOSSIL MAMMALIA BRITISH MUSEUM, (NATURAL HISTORY) & CEOMWELL BO AD, S-W. PART I. CONTAINING THE ORDERS PEIMATES, CHIROPTERA, INSECTIVORA, CARNIVORA, AND RODENTIA. BY RICHARD LYDEKKER, B.A., F.G.S., ETC. LONDON: PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. 1885. JPRINTED BY TAYLOB AND FRANCIS, KED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. PREFACE. THE recent removal of the Geological Collections from the over- crowded apartments of the British Museum in Bloomsbury to the new and spacious galleries of the present building, has afforded ample convenience to the scientific staff of the Department to carefully examine and re-arrange the entire Collection a work upon which they are still engaged, and one that must necessarily occupy many years to complete. One result of the re-arrangement has been to bring into greater prominence the need, long felt, of a series of Descriptive Catalogues of each class of Fossil Eemains, suited to the wants of the scientific worker, in the same manner that it is hoped the Guide-books satisfy the requirements of the ordinary visitor. The present volume, which has been most carefully prepared by Mr. R. Lydekker, forms Part I. of a series intended to embrace the whole of the Fossil Vertebrata. Catalogues of other Classes have been already printed or are now in course of preparation ; and it is confidently hoped that, before many years have elapsed, similar records of the entire Geological Collection will have been published. HENRY WOODWARD. British Museum (Natural History), Department of Geology, January 1, 1885. INTRODUCTION. Iif the present Catalogue I have endeavoured, as far as possible, to follow in the lines laid down by Professor "W. H. Mower 1 in respect to the nomenclature of species and genera, and in regard to general systematic arrangement. A larger number of synonyms are, how- ever, introduced, because in the case of fossils there is at present, unfortunately, but little uniformity in nomenclature, and the same species is still quoted by different writers under different designa- tions. In the case of the less frequently employed synonyms references are not always given. For each generic and specific name adopted I have given, as far as possible, the place and date of its first occurrence, and in many of the less perfectly known forms references are added to figures or full descriptions. Great care has been taken in endeavouring to find the proper name of each genug and species. In regard to systematic arrangement, I have endeavoured to so modify that adopted by Professor Flower as to make it include the host of extinct forms which are here dealt with, as it would be inconvenient to be continually referring groups to an Incerta sedes. In the case of well-known forms very frequently no specific or generic characters are given ; but in instances where there are a number of closely allied genera, or a large number of species be- longing to one genus, and distinguished by characters which are not always readily apparent, I have frequently added a short notice of some of the more important generic and specific characters which are applicable to fossils. These characters are more fully given in the case of imperfectly known forms ; and in some instances indi- vidual specimens which are of more than ordinary interest are more or less fully described. Species which still exist are indicated by their names being printed in Old-English characters. 1 Catalogue of Specimens of Vertebrated Animals in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons, part ii. (1884). viil INTRODUCTION. There has been some difficulty in deciding on the number of specimens which should bo introduced into tho Catalogue, since the Museum contains such vast quantities of the remains of some of the commoner species that the introduction of the whole would be utterly useless. In such instances the principle of introducing nearly all the specimens displayed to the public in the cases of the Mammalian Gallery has been adopted, together with such speci- mens in the drawers as are of interest, either from their intrinsic characters or on distributional grounds. As far as possible references are given to all works in which individual specimens have been either described or figured. In the case of figured specimens the word (-?%/.) is placed below the number of the specimen. The specimens are referred to in this Catalogue by their Register numbers. In the majority of cases these numbers are written on oval yellow labels attached to the specimens, the more recent acquisitions being ranged under the letter M. In the case of some of the specimens which have been longest in the collection the numbers are written on oblong white labels, these numbers referring to a separate volume known as the " Old Catalogue." Such specimens are entered with the affix O.C. to their numbers. In the present state of science it is almost impossible to render mammalian genera of equivalent value,, since some writers regard extremely minute differences as of generic value, while others (among whom is the present writer) use generic terms in a wider sense. Thus, among the Carnivora, the genera Hyaena, Viverra, and Cynodictis, as these terms are employed below, are examples of generic terms used in the latter sense ; while some of the other genera of the Viverridce are founded on very small differences 1 . In cases of imperfectly known forms, or those whose existing allies belong to groups very difficult to distinguish merely by those cha- racters available in the case of fossils, the generic terms employed by contemporary writers are very generally retained. In enumerating the teeth of the typical heterodont eutherian Mammals, each tooth of the cheek-series is referred to its proper position in the complete series, the first premolar always meaning the first tooth in the typical series of four, and so with the succeed- ing teeth. 1 Thus, as far as can be judged from the mandible, it seems very doubtful whether Palaoprionodon can be distinguished from Prionodon. "With regard to geological horizons, I have adopted, after mature consideration, the following classification of the Tertiaries of Europe, which is modified from the tables given hy Messrs. Gaudry, Boyd Dawkins, and Max Schlosser. I have included the Pikermi and Mont-Lcberon beds in the Pliocene, but have retained the Eppelsheim beds, which are sometimes classed in the same division, at the top of the Miocene. As regards their mammalian fauna, the Eppelsheim beds seem transitional between the Pliocene and the Miocene. Thus they contain Dinotherium, which is common to the Middle Miocene and Lower Pliocene (Pikermi) ; and likewise Rhinoceros schleiermacheri, which ranges from the Middle Miocene of Sansan 1 to the Lower Pliocene of Pikermi, as well as the Middle Miocene Lutra dubia 2 . Their affinity to the Lower Pliocene is marked by the commencement of the genera Hipparion and Simocyon, the Pikermi species of which genera are identical with those of Eppelsheim. Professor Gaudry 3 is also inclined to identify the Pikermi Aceratherium with the Eppelsheim A. incisivum. The Eppelsheim beds do not, however, contain the highly specialized Euminants of Pikermi. The probable nearness in time of the (Eningen beds to 'those of Eppelsheim, and the affinity of the mam- malian fauna of the former to that of the Middle Miocene of Sansan, tends to connect the Eppelsheim beds with the Miocene. I have discarded the term Oligocene (although its place is shown in the table), as it appears to me to be an unnecessary encumbrance. The Honzon beds, with which, from the occurrence in both of Hyopotamus bovinus*, the Hempstead beds are associated, are placed at the bottom of the Miocene, while the French phosphorites are placed at the top of the Eocene, as transition beds between the Miocene and Eocene. The mixture of Miocene and Eocene forms in the latter deposits is shown by the circumstance that they contain species like Cephalogale brevirostris 5 , Hycenodon vulpinus 6 , Anihracoiherium magnum, and Hyotherium ti/pus, common to the Lower Miocene, and others like Hycenodon heberti 7 , Pterodon dasyuroides, Palcto- therium magnum, and P. crassum, common to the Upper Eocene. The Egerkingen beds of Switzerland are placed in the Upper Eocene, following in this respect the views of Dr. Max Schlosser 8 . They This is on the assumption that B. sansaniensis is specifically the same. Vide infra, p. 192. Les Enchaineraents, Mam. Tert. pp. 47, 51 (1878). Vide Geol. Mag. dec. 3, vol. i. p. 547 (1884). Vide infra, p. 147. e Ibid. p. 28. 7 Ibid. p. 21. PalEeontographica, vol. xxxi. p. 96 (1884). X INTRODUCTION. contain AntJiracotherium gresslyi (Meyer), common to the Headon series of Hordwell 1 . These observations indicate that the terms Pliocene, Miocene, and Eocene cannot be categorically defined, but must merely be regarded as marking stages in geological evolution. The subvolcanic alluvium of Puy-de-D6me, from the number of its extinct mammalian forms, is classed at the top of the Pliocene ; but it is quite probable that it may really be transitional between the Pliocene and Pleistocene. The ossiferous strata of the typical Siwalik hills of India, the contemporary strata of Burma and China, and part of the Siwaliks of the Punjab are referred to the Pliocene ; while the lower Siwaliks of Sind and the Bugti hills may not impro- bably be referred to the lower part of the same epoch, or may be regarded as transitional between the Pliocene and Miocene. The Narbadas of India are classed with the Pleistocene. TABLE OF EUROPEAN TERTIARY STRATA 2 . 1. UPPER PLIOCENE. ( Alluvium of Puy-de-D6me. a. s Val d'Arno (in part). [ Norwich Crag. b. (?) Bed Crag (Suffolk, &c.). 2. LOWER PLIOCENE. f Montpellier and Casino (Tuscany). 1 Coralline Crag (Suffolk). f Pikermi (Attica) and Mont Lebcron (Vaucluse). b. { Baltavar (Hungary). [ Concud (Spain). 3. UPPER MIOCENE. f Eppelsheim (Hesse Darmstadt). \ (Eningen (Switzerland). b. Georgensmiind (Wiirtemberg). 4. MIDDLE MIOCENE, a. Vienna basin (in part). Eibiswald (Styria). Kapfnach (Switzerland). Steinheim (Bavaria). Sansan and Simorre (Gers). St. Gaudens (Haute-Garonne). Grive St. Alban (Isere). Chaux-de-Fonds (Switzerland). fMontabuzard. Orleannais. Monte Bamboli (Tuscany). 5. LOWER MIOCENE. f Weissenau (near Mayence). a. ! Haslach (near Ulm). ( Hochheim (near Wiesbaden). , / St. Gerand-le-Puy (Allier). ' \Puyde-D6me. 1 See Lydekker, Geol. Mag. dec. 3, vol. ii. February 1885. 2 It has not been considered necessary to introduce the Pleistocene. INTRODUCTION. LOWER MIOCENE (con- tinued'). UPPER EOCENE. 7. MIDDLE EOCENE. 8. LOWER EOCENE. ( Fontainebleau (Seine-et-Marne). Ferte Alais (Seine-et-Loirej. I Yillebramar (Lot-et-Garonne). c. \ Lausanne (Switzerland). | Cadibona (Italy). | Ronzon, near Puy-en-Velay (Haute-Loire). [? Hempstead (Me of Wight). fQuercy phosphorites, Caylux, Mouillac, &c. (Central Prance), j (Erlinger-Thal (Switzerland). ' Pappenheim, (?) Egerkingen (Switzerland) (in part). Brie (Charente). Paris gypsum. Debruge (Vaucluse). Bembridge (Isle of Wight). Souvignargues (Gard). f Beauchamp, New Forest. | Headon (Isle of Wight). c. { ? Mauremont (Switzerland) (in part). | ?Egerkingen (in part), and Ober-Gosken (in ^ part). Calcaire Grossier. Argenton (Indre). Issel (Aude). Bracklesham (Sussex). f London Clay. a - \ Cuyse-la-Motte. b. Soissonnais. c. La Fere (Aisne). In regard to the history of individual specimens, a large number of them have been obtained from dealers, and these are entered merely as Purchased, with the date of such purchase. The same remark applies to many specimens bought at sales ; the original ownership of such specimens not being a matter of especial interest. Specimens which form part of Collections of more or less historic value, are entered with the name of the collection to which they respectively belonged. The following list gives some particulars relating to these Collections : Bean Collection. Purchased from Mr. William Bean of Scar- borough in 1859. Brady Collection. Purchased from Sir Antonio Brady, late of Stratford, Essex, in 1878. Consists of specimens from the Pleis- tocene deposits of Ilford, Essex ; and is described in a Catalogue by Mr. "W. Davies, F.G.S., printed for private circulation in 1874. Bravard Collection. This collection comprises two portions, both of which were collected by M. Bravard, and were purchased from Xll INTRODUCTION. him by the Trustees. The first part consists of specimens from the Tertiaries of France, and was acquired in 1852. The second portion is from the Pleistocene of South America ; it was collected in 1852 and 1853, and acquired in 1854. Van Breda Collection. Purchased in 1871 from the executors of Professor Van Breda of Haarlem. Brixham-Cave Collection. Presented through the Council of the Royal Society in 1876. Bronte Collection. Consists of specimens from the caves of Gib- raltar ; it was made by Captain F. Brome, sometime Governor of the Military prison at Gibraltar, and was presented through the Governor of Gibraltar in 1876. Buclcland Collection. Purchased at the sale of the Collection of the Eev. Prof. Buckland, D.D. (Dean of Westminster). Cautley Collection. This magnificent collection" is entirely made up of specimens from the Siwaliks of India, and was presented by Colonel Sir Proby T. Cautley, K.C.B., in 1842. Claussen Collection. Purchased from M. Claussen in 1845 and 1848. It consists of specimens from the caverns and Pleistocene deposits of South America. Croizet Collection. Purchased from the Abbe Croizet in 1848 and 1849. This collection comprises specimens from the Tertiaries in the district of the Auvergne. Egerton Collection. Purchased from the executors of the late Sir Philip de Malpas Grey Egerton, Bart. (Trustee Brit. Mus.), in 1882. Enniskillen Collection. Purchased from the Eight Hon the Earl of Enniskillen, D.C.L., in 1882. Green Collection. Purchased in 1843 from the Eev. C. Green, of Bacton, Norfolk. Mainly consists of specimens from the Forest- bed of Norfolk and the fens of the adjacent counties. Hastings Collection. Purchased from the Marchioness of Hastings in 1855. A collection rich in specimens from the Tertiaries of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. Leitli-Adams Collection. Purchased from the late Professor Andrew Leith-Adams, M.D., in 1873. Composed of specimens from the caverns and fissures of Malta. Owles Collection. Purchased in 1874 from Mr. J. J. Owles of Great Yarmouth. This collection mainly consists of specimens dredged off the " Dogger-Bank " and the Eastern coast of England. McEnery Collection. Purchased in 1842 at Torquay, at the sale of the collection of the Eev. J. McEnery. Mainly a collection of specimens from Kent's-Hole Cavern, Torquay. INTRODUCTION. Xlll Mantell Collection. This was purchased in two parts : the first from Dr. Gideon A. Mantell in 1836, and the second from his executors in 1853. Pomel Collection. Purchased from M. J. Pomel in 1851. The greater part of this collection is made up of specimens from the French Miocene. SommeniKj Collection. Purchased from Herr Sommering in 1827. Spratt Collection. Presented by Admiral Spratt, C.B., in 1874 and 1878. Exclusively from the caverns and fissures of Malta. Tesson Collection. Purchased from M. Tesson in 1857. Toulmin- Smith Collection. Purchased in 1869 from the widow of Mr. Toulmin- Smith. Wetherell Collection. Purchased from Mr. N. T. Wetherell, of Highgate, in 1871, through Mr. J. Tennant. The specimens presented by Mr. C. Falconer are from the collec- tion of Dr. Hugh Falconer. The abbreviations employed for serial publications are in the main those used in the ' Geological llecord ' for 1878 ; but an explanation of those used in this part has been appended. The metrical system is employed for all measurements. In conclusion, I have to express my best thanks to Mr. William Davies, of the Geological Department of the Museum, for the valuable information he has given me regarding the history of individual specimens, and of the different collections, as well as for some MS. notes. I also owe him thanks for having looked over the proof-sheets of this Catalogue. My thanks are likewise due to Mr. Oldfield Thomas, of the Zoological Department of the Museum, for much valuable assistance in identifying existing species of Mammals, and more especially in the case of the Eodents 1 . EICHARD LYDEKKEK. The Lodge, Harpenden, Hertfordshire. Christmas, 1884. 1 It may not be out of place to observe that, in my work on the Fossil Mammals of India, published in the ' Palceontologia Indica ' (Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India), ser. 10, vols. i., ii., and iii., the names employed for several species of European fossil mammals are different from those given in the present work. This is owing to the circumstance that I had not then the time, or in many cases the means, of entering into the question of the right of priority of the names employed, but merely took them on the authority of other writers. Some errors in the authority for various specific names also occur in that work. SYSTEMATIC INDEX. [Existing species are denoted by an asterisk.] 9 Page Order PEIMATES 1 Suborder ANTHEOPOIDEA 1 Family SIMIID^E 1 Dryopithecus fontani 1 Hylobates antiquus 2 Family CERCOPITHECID^E 2 Semnopithecus palaeindicus 2 monspessulanus 3 Macacus pliocenus 4 Cynocephalus subhinialayanus .... 4 sp 6 Genus non det 6 Mesopithecus pentelici 7 Family CEBHLE 7 *Cebus apella 7 *Mycetes ursinus 8 Suborder LEHUROIDEA 8 Family LEMUEID^E 8 Subfamily ADAPISIN.E 8 Adapis magna 262 parisiensis 9 , var. crassus 10 Necrolemur antiquus 10 edwardsi , 10 XVI SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Page Order CHIROPTERA 11 Suborder MICROCHIROPTERA 11 Family RHINOLOPHID^E 11 *llhinolophus ferrum-equinum . . . . 11 antiquus 11 Phyllorhina (?), sp 13 Family VESPERTILIONID^E 13 Vespertilio murinoides 14 iusignis 14 Order INSECTIVORA U Suborder INSECTIVORA VERA 15 Family TALPID^E 15 Subfamily TALPINJE 15 *Talpa europaea 15 telluris 15 sp 15 Subfamily MYOGALIJOS 16 *Myogale moschata 16 Family SORICID^E 16 Sorex, sp 16 *Crossopus fodiens 17 * remifer. 17 Family ERINACEHLE 17 Erinaceus arvernensis 17 Genus non det 19 Family TUPAIDLE 19 Plesiosorex soricinoides 19 SYSTEMATIC ODEX. XV11 Page Order CAKNIVORA 20 Suborder GAENIVOEA PBIMIGENIA 20 Family HY^EtfODONTID^E 20 Hyaenodon heberti 21 brachyrhynchus 23 minor 25 leptorhynchus 26 dubius 27 vulpinus 28 (?),sp. _ 31 Pterodon dasyuroides 33 Oxyaena gallias 35 Family non det 40 Argillotherium toliapicum 41 Suborder GAENIVOEA VEEA 41 Family FELICE 41 Machaerodus meganthereon 42 cultridens 42 latidens 43 sivalensis 44 palaeindicus 46 neogseus 47 *Felis leo 50 cristata 58 brachygnatha 58 prisca 59 pardus 59 sp 60 * oiica 60 * pardalis 61 * pardina 61 * caffra 62 brevirostris 62 issiodorensis 63 ogygia 63 * catus 64 PseudaBlurus intermedius 64 I SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Page Family FELIDJ3 (continued). Proselurus lemanensis ..._.... 65 ^Elurogale sivalensis 66 ^Eluropsis annectans 66 Family HY^NID^E 68 *Hysena crocuta 69 perrieri 79 sinensis 80 felina 80 colvini 84 esimia -" 87 antiqua 87 * striata 88 sivalensis 88 macrostoma 91 Lepthyaena sivalensis 93 Family YIVERRID^E 93 Ictitherium hipparionum 93 robustum 94 Palaeoprionodon mutabilis 94 sp 95 sp 96 Stenoplesictis cayluxi 96 Viverra bakeri 99 durandi 99 hastingsiae 100 angustidens 102 Amphictis antiqua 102 sp 103 Genus won det 103 Herpestes minimus 104 Genus non det 106 Family URSHLE 106 Subfamily CANUTE , 107 Cynodictis lacustris 108 crassidens ...,,..,, 109 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. xix Family UESID^E (continued). Page Cynodichs gryei 110 longiro.stris Ill compressidens 112 , var. viverroides 113 curvirostris 114 brachyrostris 114 intermedia' 115 boriei ]15 dubia 116 , var. . .- ... .... 116 leptorhyncha 117 , var. viverroides 117 sp . 118 (?), sp 118 *Icfcicyon venaticus 120 Lycaon anglicus 122 *Canis lupus 123 cautleyi 128 sp 129 S P 129 neschersensis 130 -sp 130 * vulpes 130 S P 134 S P 134 curvipalatus 135 palustris 135 - (?), sp .136 Amphicyon giganteus 136 major 13 7 palaeindicus 133 lemanensis 139 ambiguus 141 dominans 142 - (?), sp ! .* 142 Simocyon diaphorus 145 Cephalogale geoffroyi 147 brevirostris 147 62 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Family URSID^E (continued). Page Subfamily UKSIN^ 150 Dinocyon thenardi 150 Hysenarctos sivalensis 150 punjabiensis 153 palaeindicus . 154 sp 155 (?),sp 155 sp f 156 Arctotherium bonariense 157 Ursus spelaeus 159 * horribilis 166 * arctos 173 arvernensis 175 namadicus 175 * americanus 176 Family MUSTELINE 176 *Mustela martcs 176 sp 177 * putorius 179 * vulgaris 179 * erminea 180 angustifrons 180 sectoria 181 mustelina 181 waterhousei 182 (?),sp 183 sp 183 Plesictis palustris 184 croizeti 184 lemanensis 185 (?),sp 186 *Gulo luscus 187 Mellivora sivalensis 188 *Meles taxus 189 *Lutra vulgaris 191 pateindica 191 dubia .191 campani 192 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Xx Family MFSTELIDJE (continued). Page Lutra sivalensis 192 valetoni 194 minor 195 Suborder CAENIVOEA PINNIPEDIA 196 Family OTAKHILE 196 *0taria forsteri 196 -sp 196 Family TEICHECHID^E 197 *Tricbecbus rosmarus 197 huxleyi 197 Alachtherium cretsi 198 Tricbecbodon konincki 200 Family PHOCIM) 201 Mesotaria ambigua 201 Palaeophoca nysti 202 Callopboca obscura 203 Platyphoca vulgaris 203 Grypboca similis 204 Phocanella pumila 204 minor 205 Pboca vitulinoides 205 Monatberium delogni 206 affine 206 aberratum 207 Prophoca rousseaui 208 proxima 208 Order EODENTIA 209 Suborder RODENT I A SIMPLICIDENTATA ... 209 Section SCITTEOMOKPHA 209 Family SCIUEID^ 209 *Sciurus yulgaris 209 feignouxi 209 cbalaniati 210 sp. (cf. 8. bredai) 211 Pseudosciurus suevicus 211 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Family SCIUBID^E (continued). Page Sciuroides quercyi 212 intcrmedius 212 Spermophilus superciliosus 212 erythrogenoides 212 Plesiarctomys gervaisi .. < .... 213 *Arctomys marmotta 214 Family CASTORIM] 214 *Castor canadensis 263 * fiber 214 Trogontherium cuvieri 216 Chalicomys eseri 218 jasgeri 220 Castoroides ohioensis 221 Genus non det 221 Section MYOMOEPHA 222 Family MYOXID^E 222 Hyoxus melitensis 222 sansaniensis 224 murinus 224 sp 225 Family MFBID^E 225 Nesokia, sp 226 Cricetus musculus 226 *Mus lineolatus 22? - (?), sp 227 *Mastacomys fuscus 227 *Hapalotis albipes 227 Cricetodon minor 228 medius 228 cadurcensis 228 gergovianus 229 sansaniensis 229 Hesperomys, sp. 1 229 sp. 2 230 sp. 3 230 sp. 4 230 *Arvicola amphibius 230 SYSTEMATIC IXDEX. XXlil Family MURID^E (continued). p age Arvicola ambiguus ........ 231 * - ratticeps ......... 232 * - agrestis .......... 232 * - glareolus ......... 233 - sp ............ 233 Family SPALACID^J . . . * . . . '. . . 233 Bhizomys sivalensis ........ 233 Section HrsmicoMOBPH A ......... 234 Family THERIDOMYID^E . . . ..... 234 Theridomys lembronicns ...... 235 - aquatilis ......... 237 Protechinomys major ....... 240 - gracilis .......... 241 - breviceps ......... 241 Archseomys laurillardi ....... 242 Trechomys platyceps ....... 243 -- intermedius ........ 244 Family OCTODOXTID^E ......... 244 Lonclieres, sp .......... 244 *Carterodon sulcidens ....... 245 Ctenomys, sp. 1 ......... 245 - sp. 2 .......... 246 Family HYSTRICIM; ......... 246 Synefcheres fossilis ..... ... 246 Hystrix refossa ......... 247 - sp ............ 247 - sivalensis ......... 248 Family CHINCHILLID^l ........ 249 *Lagostomus trichodactylus ..... 249 Family DASTPROCTID^] ........ 250 Dasj-procta, sp. . . . . . . . . . 250 *Ccelogenys paca ......... 250 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Page Family CAVIID^E 251 *Cavia porcellus 251 Microcavia, sp 251 Issiodoromys pseudanaema 252 Nesocerodon. quercyi 253 minor 253 Dolichotis, sp. 1 254 sp. 2 254 *Hydrochoerus capybara 254 Suborder EODENTIA DUPLICIDENTATA . ... 255 Family LAGOHYIM: 255 *Lagomys pusillus 255 sardus 256 ceningensis 256 meyeri 257 visenoviensis 258 Family LEPOEID^E 259 *Lepus timidus 259 lacosti 260 * braziliensis 260 * cuniculus 261 sp. . 262 LIST OF WOODCUTS. Page Fig. 1. Hyaenodon indicus. Lower premolar 31 2. (?), sp. Lower molar 32 3. Oxyaena gallise. Palate 36 4. JIachaerodus sivalensis. Upper teeth 45 5. . Mandible 46 6. neogaeus. Skull 48 7. Hyasna felina. Cranium 81 8. colvini. Mandible 86 9. Stenoplesictis cayluxi. Cranium 97 10. Yiverra zibetha. Palate 98 11. hastingsise. Skull 101 12. - . Upper dentition 101 13. Herpestes minimus. Mandible 104 14. Cynodictis gryei. Upper molars 110 15. longirostris (?). Palate Ill 16. compressidens. Mandible 113 17. dubia. Mandible 117 18. Canis cautleyi. Palate and mandible 128 19. vnlpes. Palate 131 20. Cepbalogale brevirosfcris. Mandible 148 21. Hysenarctos punjabiensis. Upper molar .... 153 22. sp. Upper molar 155 23. sp. Lower molar 157 24. Arctotherium bonariense. Palate 158 25. Mustela, sp. Mandible 177 26. sectoria. Mandible 181 27. Mellivora sivalensis. Palate and mandible . . . 189 28. Lutra campani. Upper carnassial 192 29. sivalensis. Upper carnassial 193 30. Castoroid, gen. non det. Lower molar .... 221 31. Rhizomys sivalensis. Mandible 234 32. Hystrix sivalensis. Mandible 248 33. (?). Cranium 249 xxvii ABBREVIATIONS USED IN REFERENCES TO SERIALS QUOTED IN PART I. [Where not otherwise stated, the works are in 8vo.] Abh. k. Ak. Wiss. Berlin. Abhandlungen der koniglichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 4to. Berlin. Abh. math.-phys.Cl. k.-bay. Ak. Wiss. Abhandlungen der mathematisch- physikalischen Classe der koniglich-bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Miinchen. Munich. Abh. schweiz. pal. Ges. Abhandlungen der schweizerischen palaeonto- graphischen Gesellschaft. 4to. Basle. Act. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux. Actes de la Socie"te" Linne"enne de Bordeaux. Bordeaux, Amer. Journ. The American Journal of Science and Arts. Newhaven (U.S.A.). Amer. Nat. American Naturalist. Salem, Mass. (U.S.A.~). Ann. d. Museum. Annales du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle a Paris. Paris. Ann. F>: et Etr. d'Anat. et de Physiol. Annales Frai^aises et Etrangeres d'Anatomie et de Physiologie, &c., &c. (Laurent). Paris. Ann. Mus. R. Hist. Nat. Belg. Annales du Muse"e Koyal d'Histoire Natu- relle de Belgique. Brussels. Ann. Sci. Geol. Annales des Sciences Geologiques. Paris. The memoirs of Dr. Filhol quoted in this serial are also published in the ' Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des Hautes Etudes/ Paris. Ann. Sci. Nat. Annales des Sciences Naturelles. Paris. Ann. Soc. Agric. Sci. le Puy. Annales de la Societe d' Agriculture, Sciences, Arts et Commerce du Puy. Le Puy. Ann. Soc. Sci. Pliys. Nat. Toulouse. Annales de la Societe" des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles de Toulouse. Toulouse. Arch. d. Museum. Nouvelles Archives du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle / a Paris. 4to. Paris. Arch. Mus. Lyon. Archives du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Lyon. 4to. Lyon. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat. Bibliotheque Universelle et Revxie Suisse. Archives des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles. Geneva. Archiv fur Natur. Archiv fiir die gesammte Naturlehre (Kastner). Nuremberg. XXV111 ABBHEVIATIONS. Asiatic Researches. Calcutta. Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat.Aiti della Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali. Milan. Bull. Ac. R. Belg. Bulletin de 1'Acaddmie Koyale des Sciences, &c. de Belgique. Brussels. Bull. Soc. Geol. France. Bulletin de la Societe" G<5ologique de la France. Paris. Bull. Soc. Philom. Parts. Bulletin de la Societ6 Philomatique de Paris. Paris. Bull. Soc. Sav. Bulletin des Soci6te Savantes, &c. Paris. Comptes Rendus. Oomptes Eendus hebdomadaires des Stances de rAcade"mie des Sciences de 1'Institut de France, 4to. Paris. Denkschr. k. Ak. Wiss. Denkschriften der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-naturwissenscliaftliche Classe. 4to. Vienna. Denkschr. schw. nat. Oes. Denkschriften der schweizerischen natur- forschenden Gesellschaft. 4to. Various Swiss Towns. Gelehrte Anzeigen. Gelehrte Anzeigen der koniglich-bayerischen Aka- demie der Wissenschaften. Munich. Geol. Mag. Geological Magazine. London. Isis. Isis von Oken. 4to. Leipsic. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Calcutta. Journ. -R. Dublin Soc. Journal of the Koyal Dublin Society. Dublin. Journ. Zool. Journal de Zoologie. Paris. K. Danske Vid. Selsk. Skr.Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrifter, naturvidenskabelig og mathematisk Afdee- ling. 4to. Copenhagen. Magazin Encydopedique. Magazin Encyclope"dique, &c. (Milin). Paris. Mem. Ac. Imp. St. Petersbourg. Me"moires de 1'Acad^mie Impe'riale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg. St. Petersburg. Mem. Ac. R. Belg. M^moires de 1'Academie Royale des Sciences, &c. de Belgique. 4to. Brussels. Mem. d. Museum. Memoires du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle a Paris. 4to. Pans. ABBREVIATIONS. XXIX Mem. de TInstitut. Memoires de 1'Institut de France : Acade"mie des Sciences. Paris. Mem. Geol. Surv. Eng. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain. 8vo and 4to. London. Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India. Cal- cutta. (Palaeontologia Indica. 4to.) Monatsb. k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. Monatsberichte der koniglich-preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Berlin. Nature. Nature, a weekly illustrated Journal of Science. 4to. London. Neues Jahrb. Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Geologic und Palaonto- logie. Stuttgart. Nova Acta Ac. Cces. Leap.- Car. Nova Acta Physico-Medica Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinse Germanicae Naturae-Curio- sorum. Dresden. Nov. Comm. Petrop. Novi Comnientarii Acadenriae Scientiarium Impe- rialis Petropolitaua. 4to. St. Petersburg. Palceontograpliica. Palaeontographica. Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte der Vorwelt. 4to. Cassel. Pal(eontologia Indica. See Me m. Geol. Surv. 2nd. Pal. Soc. Palaeontographical Society (Monographs of). 4to. London. Phil. Trans. Philosophical Transactions of the Eoyal Society of London. 4to. London. Proc. Geol. Soc. W. Riding Yorksh. Proceedings of the Geological and Polytechnic Society of the West Riding of Yorkshire. Leeds. Proc. JR. Dublin Soc. Scientific Proceedings of the Eoyal Dublin Society. Dublin. Proc. R. Irish Ac. Proceedings of the Eoyal Irish Academy. Dublin. Proc. Zool. Soc. Proceedings of the Scientific Meetings of the Zoological Society of London. London. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. The Quarterly Journal of the Geological So- ciety of London. London. Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind. Eecords of the Geological Survey of India. Calcutta. Rep. Brit. Assoc. Eeportof the British Association for the Advancement of Science. London. Report U.S. Geogr. Surv. W. of 100th Meridian. Report upon United- States Geographical Surveys West of, the One-Hundredth Meridian. 4to. Washington. Revue Encyclopedique. Eevue Encyclopedique &c., &c. (Julien). Paris. XXX ABBREVIATIONS. Trans. Geol. Soc. Transactions of the Geological Society of London. 4to. London. Trans. Linn. Soc. Transactions of the Linnean Society. 4to. London. Trans. Zool. Soc. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London. 4to. London. Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges. Zeitschriffc der deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft. Berlin. Note. The abbreviations of separate works are readily recognizable, and do not require explanation. Memoirs that appeared in serials are always quoted from such serials, with one or two exceptions, like Pomel's ' Catalogue Me"thodique ' 1 (Paris, 1853) and H. von Meyer's ' Die fossile Zahne und Knochen von Georgensmund ' (Stuttgart, 1834), which ori- ginally appeared in serials but are better known as separate volumes. 1 The first part of this Catalogue appeared in its original form in 1852, in the ' Ann. Sci. Auvergne ' ( Clermont-Ferrand). CORRIGENDA. Page 67. In the description of Nos. 40827 a, and 40827 b, transpose the words right and left. Page 74. For No. 15436 read 15434. CATALOGUE FOSSIL MAMMALIA. Class MAMMALIA. Subclass EUTHEEIA. Order PRIMATES. Suborder ANTHROPOWEA. Family SIMIID^. Dentition-. 1. f, C. -J, Pm. f, M. |. Genus DRYOPITHECUS, Lartet 1 . Dryopithecus fontani, Lartet 2 . Hob. Europe. 40340. Cast of two portions of the mandible. The original was obtained from the Middle Miocene of St. Gaudens (Haute- Garonne), France, and is preserved in the Paris Museum. It is figured by Lartet in the memoir cited, and also by Gervais in the second edition of the ' Zoologie et Paleon- tologie Frangaises,' p. 8. The specimen probably belonged to a female, and is "of the same size as the existing Chimpanzee, though in dental characters more resembling the Gorilla." Purchased, 1867. 1 Clpmptes Kendus, vol. xliii. p. 219 (1856). * Loc. cit. B 2 PRIMATES. 26491. Cast of the right femur. The original (which is said to be lost) was obtained from the Upper Miocene of Eppelsheim, Hesse-Darmstadt, and is figured by Kaup in the ' Beitrage,' pt. 5, pi. i. figs. 3, 3 a (1861). Purchased, 1851. Genus HYLOBATES, Hliger 1 . Syn. Pliopithecus, P. Gervais 2 . Hylobates antiquus (Blainville 3 ). Syn. Pithecus antiquus, Blainville 4 . Pliopithecus antiquus, P. Gervais 6 . Pliopithecus platyodon, Biedermann. Hob. S. Europe. 29614. Cast of the greater portion of the mandible. The original is from the Middle Miocene of Sansan (Gers), France, and is preserved in the Paris Museum. It is figured by Gervais in the second edition of the Zool. et Pal. Frangaises, p. 9. Eutimeyer refers the species to Hylobates. Hastings Collection. Purchased, 1855. Family CERCOPITHECID^. Dentition. The dental formula is the same as in the Simiidce. The cusps on the molars are, however, more strongly developed, and form ridges running directly across the crown. Genus SEMNOPITHECUS, F. Cuvier 6 . Semnopithecus palseindicus, Lydekker 7 . Hob. India. 15710. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible, containing (Fig.) the last premolar and the three true molars, in an early condition of wear ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills, India. This specimen is described by Falconer and Cautley in the ' Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal,' vol. vi. p. 354, and is figured in ' Falconer's Palseontological Memoirs,' vol. i. pi. xxiv. figs. 5, 6. The teeth correspond Prodromus Syst. Mamin. et Avium, p. 67 (1811). Zool. et Pal. Francises, 1st ed. p. 5 (1848-52). Osteographie, Genus Pithecus, p. 57 (1841). Loc. tit. 6 Loc. cit. Hist. Nat. d. Mammiferes (1821) (Semno-pitheque). Palseontologia Indica (Mem. Geol. Sury. Ind.), ser. 10, vol. iii.p. 123 (1884). CEECOPITHECID^!. 3 precisely in size and form 1 with those of Semnopithecus entellus, but the depth of the ramus is considerably less. The resemblance is so close that there is every probability that the fossil belongs to the same genus ; and as it can- not be identified with any living form, it has received the name of S. palceindicus. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 15711. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible, containing the (Fig.) last true molar, in an unworn condition ; from the Plio- cene of the Siwalik Hills. This specimen is described by Falconer and Cautley in the memoir cited above, and is represented in figs. 7, 8 of the above-mentioned plate of ' Falconer's Palaeontological Memoirs.' It is regarded by its describers as belonging to the same species as the last specimen, with which it agrees in size. There is a slight difference in the form of the talon of the last molar, but it is quite probable that this may be merely an individual variety. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. M. 1539. Cast of the right astragalus. The original was obtained from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills, and is preserved in the Museum of the Geological Society. It is described and figured by Falconer and Cautley in the Trans. Geol. Soc. ser. 2, vol. v. p. 499 ; and differs very slightly from the corresponding bone of Semnopithecus entellus, whence it is highly probable that it may belong to the same species as the two mandibles noticed above. Made by permission of the Council of the Geological Society. Semnopithecus monspessulanus, P. Gervais 2 . Hob. France. M. 1893. Five casts of detached teeth. The originals are from the Lower Pliocene of Montpellier (Herault), France ; and are described and figured by P. Gervais in the Zool. et Pal. Frangaises, 2nd ed. p. 19, pi. i. figs. 7-11. Presented ly Sir E. Owen, K.C.B., 1884. 1 Falconer and Cautley stated that there is a difference in the form of the last molar ; but many specimens of -S. entellus exhibit the same character. In consequence of this supposed difference they were disposed to refer the spe- cimen to Macacus (Pithecus). It may be observed that a species of that genus allied to M. rhesus has been described from the Siwaliks by the present writer (Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind. vol. xi. p. 66, xii. p. 41) under the name of M. sivalensis. 2 Zool. et Pal. Fran9aises, 1st ed. vol. i. p. 6 (1848-62). B2 4 PRIMATES. Genus MACACUS, Cuv. and Geoffrey 1 . Syn. Inuus, Geofiroy 2 . Macacus pliocenus, Owen 3 . Nab. England. M. 1892. Fragment of the right maxilla, with the penultimate true Fig.) molar, in a partially worn condition ; from the Pleistocene of Grays, Essex. This specimen is the type of the species, and is figured by Owen in the passage cited. It appears extremely doubtful whether the specimen is sufficient for the determination even of the genus to which it belonged ; and it is highly probable that it may be specifically iden- tical with one of the existing African species of Macacus or Cercocebus*. Presented by Sir R. Owen, K.C.B., 1884. Genus CYNOCEPHALUS, Lacepede 6 . Syn. Papio, Erxleben 6 . Cynocephalus subhimalayanus, H. v. Meyer 7 . Syn. Semnopithectts subhimalayanus, H. v. Meyer 8 . Hob. India. 31157. The greater portion of the right maxilla and premaxilla, (Fig.} showing the root of the zygomatic arch and the inferior border of the orbit, and containing the whole of the five teeth of the cheek-series and the broken base of the canine; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills, India. This specimen is described and figured by Baker and Durand in the ' Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal,' 1 Magasin Encyclope"dique, 1795 (teste Geoffrey), Macaque. 2 Ann. d. Museum, vol. xix. p. 97 (1812). 3 British Fossil Mammals and Birds, p. xlvi (1846). 4 Assuming the correctness of the ordinal determination of this specimen (of which there seems no reasonable doubt), it disproves the statement made by Prof. Boyd Dawkins in the Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxxvi. p. 394 (1880), that " the family of Apes passed away from among the European fauna " with the extinction of Macacus florentinus of the Upper Pliocene. 8 "Nouvelle Table Methodique " (1799), in Mem. d. 1'Institut, vol. iii. p. 490 (1801). 6 Syet. Reg. Animal, p. 15 (1777). * In Bronn's 'Index Palseontologicus,' p. 1133 (1848), Semnopithecus. Loc. tit. CEKCOPITHECmB. 5 vol. v. p. 739 (1836), but the genus was not determined. It is figured in ' Falconer's Palseontological Memoirs,' vol. i. pi. xxiv. figs. 1, 2; and has been referred by H. von Meyer, in the passage cited, to Semnopithecus, with the specific name subhimalayanus. This generic reference has been till lately provisionally adopted by the present writer 1 . The small size of the canine shows that the specimen belongs to a female individual, while the horizontal flat- tening of the infraorbital portion of the maxilla, the nearly horizontal and elongated inferior border of the orbit, the forward position of the cheek-teeth relatively to the orbit, and the general " prognathism," conclusively show that it belongs to a species of Cynocephalus 2 . This identifica- tion is confirmed by the character of the molars, which are of relatively large size, and have their inner cusps, or columns, expanded antero-posteriorly, so as to partially block the median transverse valleys 3 : in both these respects these teeth diifer from the molars of Semnopithecus , Ger- copithecus, Macacus^ &c. The writer has been unable to compare the specimen with female skulls of all the species of the genus. The general contour is not unlike that of Cynocephalus babouin; but the lateral surface of the maxilla is convex instead of concave ; and the teeth are of considerably larger size. In respect of the form of the maxilla, the female of C. anubis comes nearer to the fossil. The space occupied by the five cheek-teeth is the same as in a full- sized male of C. porcarius, but the true molars of the fossil are considerably wider. The males of the fossil species were probably considerably larger than any of the existing species. In the absence of a complete series of female skulls of the various existing species, the affinities of the fossil cannot be further indicated 4 . Presented by Generals Sir W. E. Baker, K.C.B., and Sir H. M. Durand, K.C.B., 1848. 1 The specimen is referred to Cynocephalus in the ' Palaeontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. iii. p. 123 (1884). 2 The latter features are shown in the figures ; the perforation in the lateral wall of the maxilla is accidental. 3 Well shown in the figures. 4 It may be observed that the maxilla of a large Siwalik ape ha8 been de- scribed and figured by the writer (Eec. Geol. Surv. Ind. vol. xii. p. 33) under the name of Pal&opithecus sivalensis ; the molars of this species are, however, like those of the living Anthropoid apes. 6 PRIMATES. Cynocephalus, sp. Hob. India. 15709. The greater portion of the mandible of a species of the (Fig.} present genus, showing the three true molars of the right side (in a much-worn condition), the broken bases of some of the premolars and two incisors. This specimen is described by Falconer arid Cautley in the ' Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal/ vol. vi. p. 354 (1837), and is figured in 'Falconer's Palaeontological Memoirs,' vol. i. pi. xxiv. figs. 3, 4. It was originally compared with the mandible of Semnopithecus entellus, and shown to be of much larger size, with a relatively narrower symphysis, and was considered too small to belong to the same species as the large maxilla described above. In general form the specimen corresponds so closely with the mandible of Cynocephalus that it may be safely referred to that genus. The canine is unfortunately wanting, but the protuberance of the jaw at the point where this tooth should be, the form of pm."3, and the generally elongated form of the jaw, seem to indicate that the specimen probably belonged to a male. The length of the three true molars is the same as in a female jaw of C. babouin ; and the form of the teeth is precisely the same in the two, the last molar having a very short talon. The teeth are considerably smaller than those of a male C. porcarius, in which the talon of m. 3 is much longer. The size of the present specimen indicates that it probably belongs to a second Siwalik species of Cyno- cephalus, smaller than C. subhimalayanus. The occurrence of this African genus in the Siwaliks of India is a well- marked instance of the former unity of the faunas of these two countries. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. GENUS non det. Hob. India. 17135. The premaxillse of a species of Monkey, containing the in- cisors, in a much- worn condition ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills, India. In size this specimen agrees nearly with Semnopithecus entellus ; but the inferior border of the nasal aperture is much wider than in that genus or Macacus, being more like that of some of the higher Primates. The specimen is apparently too small for Palaopithecus or Cynocephalus. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. Genus MESOPITHECUS, Wagner 1 . Mesopithecus pentelici, Wagner 3 . Syn. Mesopitheeus major. Roth and Wagner 3 . Semnopithecus jtentelici, Gaudry and Lartet 4 . Hob. S. Europe. 49671. Cast of the cranium, much crushed and wanting the pre- maxillae. The original is from the Lower Pliocene of Pikermi, Attica, and is preserved in the Museum at Munich. It is figured by Wagner in the Abh. math.-phys. Cl. k.-bay. Ak. Wiss. vol. viii. pi. iii. fig. 2. Purchased, 1879. 49672. Cast of the cranium of a small individual. The original is from the Lower Pliocene of Pikermi, and is preserved in the Museum at Munich. It is figured by Wagner (op. cit. fig. 1). Purchased, 1879. 49672 a. Cast of the mandible of an adolescent individual. The original is from the Lower Pliocene of Pikermi, and is preserved in the Museum at Munich. Purchased, 1879. 49719. Fragment of the premaxillae and the right maxilla, showing the anterior teeth, and another of the left ramus of the mandible, showing the last two molars, in a well-worn condition ; from the Lower Pliocene of Pikermi. Purchased, 1879. Family CEBIM1. Dentition : 1. 1, C. \, Pm. \, M. J. Genus CEBUS, Erxleben 3 . Ctbtul apella (Linn. 6 ). Syn. Simia apetla, Linn. Cebus macrocephalus, Spix (teste Gray). ? Cebus macrognathus, Lund. Hob. Brazil. 1 G-elehrte Anzeigen, vol. viii. no. 38, p. 310 (1839). 2 Loc. cit. The name was originally given pentelicus, but was amended by Gaudry. 3 Abh. math.-phys. CL k.-bay. Ak. Wiss. vol. vii. pi. L (1864). 4 Oomptes Eendus, vol. xliii. (1856). 5 Syst. Eeg. An. p. 44 (1777). 6 Syst. Nat. ed. 12, vol. i. p. 42 (1776). 8 PEIMATEB. 18870. The greater portion of the left ramus of the mandible, showing the first and second true molars and the alveoli of the other cheek-teeth ; from a cavern in Minas Geraes, Brazil. This specimen agrees exactly with the mandible of the form known as C. macrocephalus, which is included by Gray in C. apella. This species is not mentioned by H. Gervais and Ameghino in ' Les Mammiferes Fossiles de 1'Amerique de Sud ' (Paris, 1880) ; but it is not improbable that the so-called C. macrognathus, Lund (G. & A. op. cit. p. 7), is really the same. Claussen Collection. Purchased, 1845-8. Genus MYCETES, Illiger 1 . Dentition. The crowns of the molars have a structure not un- like those of certain Selenodont Artiodactyla like Anthracotherium ; a similar structure prevailing in many Lemuroids. (Geoffroy 2 ). Syn. Stentor ursinus, Geoff. 3 Hal. Brazil. 18866. The cranium (wanting the zygomatic arches and some of the anterior teeth) and the greater part of the mandible ; from a cavern in Minas Geraes, Brazil. No species of this genus is mentioned from the Brazilian caverns by Gervais and Ameghino (op. cit.). Claussen Collection. Purchased, 1845-8. Suborder LEMUROIDEA. Family LEMURID^E. Subfamily ADAPISINJE. Genus ADAPTS, Cuvier 4 . Syn. Aphelotherium Gervais 5 . (?) Coenopithecus, 'Riitimeyer 6 . Paleeolemur, Delfortrie 7 . Prodromus Syst. Mam. et Av. p. 70 (1811). Ann. d. Museum, vol. xix. p. 108 (1812). 3 Loc. cit. Ossemens Fossiles, 2nd ed. vol. iii. p. 265 (1822). Zool. et Pal. Fransaises, 1st ed. vol. ii., Explanation no. 34 (1848-52). Denkschr. schw. nat. Ges. vol. xix. art. 3, p. 88 (1862). Comptes Eendus. vol. Ixrvii. p. 64 (1873). LEMTTRID.S:. Dentition: 1. f, C. \, Pm. J, M. |. This and the next genus are referred by Filhol, in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. v. art. 4, pp. 1-36 (1874), to a separate group, under the name of " Pachylemuriens." Adapis is referred, however, by Flower to the family Lemuridce and the subfamily Lorisince. It is, however, distinguished from the latter by the presence of an additional pre- molar. The two fossil genera are here provisionally referred to a distinct subfamily. Adapis parisiensis, Cuvier l . Syn. Aphelotherium dtivernoyi, Gervais 2 . Palceokmur betittei, Delfortrie 3 . Adapis duvernoyi, Gaudry*. Hob. S. Europe. M. 1345. The nearly complete cranium, wanting the premaxillae and nasals, and pm. 1 of either side; from the Upper Eocene of Cay lux (Tarn-et-Garonne), France. Purchased, 1884. 44892. Cast of the cranium. The original is from the Upper Eocene of Beduer (Lot), France; and is described and figured by Delfortrie in the Act. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, vol. xxix. pt. 1, pi. v. (1873). Presented by M. Delfortrie, 1874. M. 1633. Cranium, with the hinder portion of the right ramus of the mandible attached ; from the Upper Eocene of Bach, near Lalbenque (Lot), France. This specimen, although somewhat obscured by matrix, is valuable, as it shows the enormously developed coronoid process of the mandible, as in the perfect specimen figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. xiv. pi. x. fig. 4. Purchased, 1884. M. 1634. The mandible, imperfect posteriorly, and wanting the incisors, canines, and first premolars ; from the Upper Eocene of Bach. This specimen is precisely similar to one figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. viii. pi. v. fig. 229. Purchased, 1884. 1 Ossemens Fossiles, 2nd ed. vol. iii. p. 265 (1822). 2 Loe. cit. (1848-52). 3 Loe. tit. (1873). 4 Les Enchainements, Mam. Tert. p. 224 (1878). Gaudry identifies A. pari- siensis with A. magna, Filhol ; but Filhol (Ann. Sci. Geol. -vol. xiv. art. 5) does not accept this. Cope was inclined to identify Notharctus, Leidy, with Adapis ; but this is not accepted by Filhol. 10 PRIMATES. M. 1721. Five imperfect rami of the mandible ; from the Upper Eocene of Bach. Purchased, 1884. Var. crassus, Filhol 1 . M. 1721 a. Portion of the right ramus of the mandible ; from the Upper Eocene of Bach. This specimen agrees very closely with the specimen figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. xiv. pi. xi. figs. 11, 12. Purchased, 1884. Genus NECROLEMUR, Filhol 2 . Dentition: I. \, C. J, Pm. |, M. |. Necrolemur antiquus, Filhol 3 . Hah. France. M. 1647. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the three true molars, the third and fourth premolars, and the alveolus of pm. 2 ; from the Upper Eocene of Bach, near Lalbenque (Lot), France. This specimen appears to agree precisely with the mandible of the specimen figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. viii. pi. iv. fig. 213. Purchased, 1884. M. 1648. Fragments of the mandible ; from the Upper Eocene of Bach. Purchased, 1884. Necrolemur edwardsi, Filhol 4 . Hob. France. M. 1649. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the first and second true molars ; from the Upper Eocene of Bach. This specimen agrees exactly with the mandible figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. xiv. pi. xi. fig. 4. Purchased, 1884. 1 Ann. Sci. G6oL vol. xiv. art. 5, p. 34 (1883). 2 Oomptes Eendus, vol. Ixxvii. p. 1112 (1873). Cope considered this genus the same as Anaptomorphus; but this is denied by Filhol (Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. xiv. art. 5, p. 3). 3 Loc. tit. 4 Comptes Eendus, vol. xc. p. 1580 (1880). CHTROPTEBA. 1 I Order CHIROPTERA. Suborder MICROCHIROPTEEA. Family EHINOLOPHID^. Genus RHINOLOPHUS, Geoffroy 1 . Dentition: I. \, C. j, Pm. |, M. |. fnTum-tijuinum (Schreb. 2 ). Syn. Vespertilio ferrum-equinum, Schreb. 3 Hob. Europe, Asia, and Africa. 15082-92. Fragments of the cranium and mandible ; from Kent's- Hole Cavern, Torquay. These specimens are mentioned by Owen in the ' History of British Fossil Mammals and Birds,' p. 16. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. Rhinolophus antiquus, Filhol 4 . Hob. France. M. 1346. Palatal portion of the cranium, showing the cheek-dentition of both sides ; from the Tipper Eocene of Caylux (Tarn- et-Garonne), France. A figure of the upper dentition is given by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. pi. xi. fig. 2 ; but in that specimen the minute pm. 3 is not shown. This tooth is present in the British-Museum spe- cimen, and is wedged in between the canine and pm- 4 ? which are almost in contact. In this respect, therefore, the species agrees with the R. ferrum-equinum section of the genus 5 ; but it will be shown to differ in the denti- tion of the lower jaw. Purchased, 1884. M. 1640. Cranium, with the mandible attached ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. This specimen is much obscured by matrix ; and the minute pm. 3 is not visible. Purchased, 1884. 1 Desm. Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. vol. xix. p. 383 (1803). 2 Saugeth. vol. i. p. 174 (1775), Vespertilio. 3 Loc. cit. 4 Comptes Eendus, vol. Ixv. p. 94 (1872). 5 Vide Dobson, ' Catalogue of Chiroptera in the British Museum,' pp. 101, 104 (1878). 12 CHTROPTERA. M. 1637. Three specimens of the right maxilla ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. The two complete specimens show the minute pm. 3. Purchased, 1884. M. 1638. Two specimens of the maxilla; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. These specimens are rather smaller than any of the others ; hut as the dentition is precisely similar, it is not improbable that the difference in size is merely an individual or sexual character. Purchased, 1884. M. 1639. The hinder portion of the cranium ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. This specimen agrees precisely with the smaller crania figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. pi. x. Purchased, 1884. M. 1635. Two specimens of the right ramus of the mandible ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. One specimen shows the three true molars, the alveoli of three premolars, the alveolus of the canine, and the two incisive alveoli. The other speci- men shows the three true molars and the three premolars. The penultimate premolar is in contact with the two teeth on either side, and is placed in the tooth-row. In this respect the species differs from the R. ferrum-equinum section, and agrees with the B. ccelopTiyllus section 1 ; which is precisely contrary to the condition prevailing in the upper dentition. This is one more of the many instances where the fossil forms do not agree with the subdivisions in which the recent forms are arranged. These specimens agree precisely with an enlarged figure of the mandible, in which the anterior teeth are wanting, given by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. pi. xi. fig. 4. Purchased, 1884. M. 1636. Eleven specimens of the mandible, more or less complete ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. Purchased, 1884. Genus PHYLLORHINA, Leach 2 . Dentition : I. \, C. {, Pm. =&, M. |. The genus is confined at the present day to the tropical regions of the Old World and Australia. 1 Vide Dobson, op. cit. 2 Syst Cat. Indig. Mauiin. and Birds Brit. Mus. p. 5 (1816). VESPERTILIONTDJB. 13 Phyllorhina (?), sp. Hob. France. M. 1641. Cranium, with the mandible attached, and two specimens of the left ramus of the mandible ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux (Tarn-et-Garonne), France. The dentition is that of Phyllorhina (there being only two premolars in the mandible) ; and the specimens are practically indistin- guishable from the skull of the existing Australian Phyl- lorhina cervina ; and it is therefore most probable that they belong to the same genus. The occurrence of that genus in the Lower Tertiaries of Europe is quite what might have been expected. It may be added that Palceo- nycteris robustus, from the Lower Miocene of St. Gerand- le-Puy \ and Vespertilio murinoides 2 , from Sansan, are distinguished by the presence of three lower premolars. Purchased, 1884. M. 1642. Numerous rami of the mandible ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. Purchased, 1884. Family VESPEUTILIONID^l. Genus VESPERTILIO, Linn. 3 Dentition : I. f, C. \, Pm. J, M. |. O* L* o" o It is probable that for palaeontological purposes this generic term must be employed in a wider sense than in recent zoology, although it may be restricted to forms having the above-mentioned dental formula 4 . 1 Fide Filhol, Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. x. art. 3, p. 4, pi. i. (1879). 2 Videinfrct. 3 Syst. Nat. ed. 12, vol. i. p. 46 (1766). 4 In the so-called Vespertilio bourguignati, Filhol (Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. art. 7, p. 45, pi. xi. figs. 5,8 [1876]), the second and third upper premolars are well developed, and the third is larger than the second ; in the mandible the third premolar is minute. This species does not therefore agree with Vesper- tilio, as denned by Dobson (op. cit. p. 284), in which the second and third upper premolars (first and second of Dobson) are very small, and the third always smaller than the second ; the lower dentition is not dissimilar. In respect of the upper premolars the fossil agrees with the South-American genera Natalus and Thyroptera (Dobson, op. cit. pp. 341, 345) ; but in those genera jSnTs is a large tooth. 14 Vespertilio murinoides, Lartet 1 . Hob. France. 33265. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the last premolar and the first and second true molars, as well as the alveoli of pm. 2 and pm. 3 and of the canines ; from the Middle Miocene of Sansan (Gers), France. This spe- cimen seems to agree with the enlarged figures given by Gervais in the Zool. et Pal. Francises, 2nd ed. pi. xliv. figs. 5-7. Judging from the size of its alveolus, it appears that pm. 3 was relatively large ; and it is therefore doubt- ful whether the species belongs to the genus in the sense in which it is employed in recent zoology. Presented by M. Ed. Lartet, 1858. 33265 a. Distal half of the femur ; from the Miocene of Sansan. Presented by M. Ed. Lartet, 1858. Vespertilio insignis, H. von Meyer 2 . Hob. Europe. 25452. The greater part of the humerus ; from the Lower Mio- cene of Mayence. The specific distinctness of this form is very doubtful, as it was mainly named from the humerus ; there is equal doubt as to the correctness of the generic determination. Purchased, 1850. Order INSECTIVORA. It has been deemed advisable to follow the arrangement adopted in the Zoological Department of the Museum, and to place this order and the Chiroptera between the Primates and the Carnivora. The writer would, however, have preferred placing the present order after the Carnivora, in proximity to the Carnivora Primigenia, whiqh would then have been placed after the existing Carnivora. As will be noticed below, it is highly probable that the present order should be regarded as a suborder of Carnivora. 1 Notice siir la Colline de Sansan, p. 12 (1851). 8 Neues Jahrb. 1845, p. 798. TALPIDJS. 15 Suborder IfrSECTIVORA VERA. Family TALPID^. Subfamily T ALPINE. Genus TALPA, Linn. 1 (Including Geotrypus and Hyporyssus, Pomel. 2 ) Dentition : I. |, C. [, Pm. f, M. |. Calpa ntropfea, Linn. 3 Hob. Europe. 17645-52. Fragments of the mandible, and several bones of the axial and appendicular skeleton ; from the Forest-bed of Ostend, near Bacton, Norfolk. Green Collection. Purchased, 1843. Talpa telluris (Pomel 4 ). Syn. Hyporyssus telluris, Pomel 5 . Talpa sansaniensis, Lartet 6 . Hob. France. 21849. The greater portion of the humerus ; from the Middle Mio- cene of Sansan. This specimen agrees with the one from the same locality figured by De Blainville (' Osteographie,' Insectivores, pi. xi.), which is referred by P. Gervais to T. telluris. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848-9. Talpa, sp. non. det. Hob. Europe. 48196. Two humeri ; from the Middle Miocene of Steinheim, Bavaria. Purchased, 1877. 21849 a. Humerus ; from the Lower Miocene of Allier, France. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848-9. M. 413. Several specimens of the humerus ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux, France. These bones are more elongated than in typical forms. Purchased, 1884. 1 Syst. Nat. ed. 12, vol. i. p. 73 (1766). 2 Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat. vol. ix. pp. 159-161 (1848). 3 LOG. tit. * Op. cit. p. 161. 8 Ibid. 6 Notice sur la Colline de Sansan, p. 14 (1851). 16 INSBCTTVOBA. Subfamily MYOGALIN^E. Genus MYOGALE, Cuvier 1 . Syn. Pakeospalax, Owen 2 . Desman, Lace"pede. Dentition : 1. f, C. J, Pm. J, M. |. iHjjogale mofttfjata (Linn. 3 ). Syn. Castor moschatus, Linn. 4 Mygale muscovitica, Geoffrey. Palceospalax magnus, Owen*. Talpa magna, Pomel 6 . Hab. Europe. 16120. Portion of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the (Fig.) three true molars and the last three premolars ; from the Forest-bed of Ostend, near Bacton, Norfolk. This spe- cimen is described and figured by Owen in the ' British Fossil Mammalia and Birds,' pp. 25, 26, figs. 12, 13, under the name of Palceospalax magnus, of which it is the type. For the authority for the present generic reference, see Newton, Geol. Mag. dec. 2, vol. viii. p. 256 (1881). Green Collection. Purchased, 1843. Family SORICLD^E. Genus SOREX, Linn. 7 Dentition: I. =p, C. \, Pm. ^, M. |. Sorex (?), sp. non det. 28079. Fragments of the mandible ; from the Pleistocene of Grays, Essex. Presented by J. Broun, Esq., 1852. 31059-60. Fragments of the mandible and humerus ; from the Lower Miocene of Allier, France. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 1 Tab. de Classification, appended to ' Lemons d'Anat. Coinp.' vol. i. (1800) (Mygale). Brit. Foss. Mamm. and Birds, p. 25 (1846). Syst. Nat. ed. 12, vol. i. p. 79 (1766), Castor. Loc.cit. 6 Op. tit. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat. vol. is. p. 160 (1848). Syst. Nat. ed, 12, vol. i. p. 73 (1766). EKINACEIM). 17 Genus CROSSOPUS, Wagler 1 . Dentition. Teeth nearly the same in number as in Sorex, but different in colour. Cro&iopus! fofctenS (Pallas 2 ). Syn. Sorex fodtens, Pallas. Hab. Europe. 15949, 17653 a. Three portions of the mandible; from the Forest- (Fig.) bed of Ostend, near Bacton, Norfolk. One of these speci- mens is figured in Owen's ' British Fossil Mammals and Birds,' p. 28, fig. 14. Green Collection. Purchased, 1843. CroSgopttf rtmtfer (Geoffrey 3 ). Syn. Sorex remifer, Geoffr. 4 Hab. Europe. 15949 a, 17653. Two rami of the mandible; from the Forest-bed of (Fig.) Ostend, near Bacton, Norfolk. One of these specimens is figured by Owen in the figure cited. Newton (Geol. Mag. dec. 2, vol. viii. p. 259) expresses some doubt as to the correctness of the specific determination of the present specimens, as well as those referred to the preceding species. Green Collection. Purchased, 1843. Family EBINACEID^E. Genus ERINACEUS, Linn. 5 Dentition : I. |, C. [, Pm. f, M. |. Erinaceus arvernensis, P. Gervais 6 (non Blainv.). Hab. Europe. History. The name E. arvernensis was assigned by De Blainville (' Osteographie,' Insectivores, p. 102, pi. xi.) to certain remains from France, which were said by Croizet to exhibit affinities with Tupaia. Subsequently Gervais, in the passage cited, figured certain remains from Auvergne (noticed below) under the same name. Still later Isis, 1832, p. 275. In Schreber's ' Saugethiere,' vol. iii. p. 571 (1778), Sorex. Ann. d. Mus. vol. xvii. p. 182 (1811), Sorex. 4 Loc. tit. Syst. Nat. ed. 12, vol. i. p. 75 (1766). Zool. et Pal. Franchises, 2nd ed. p. 53, figs. 10, 11 (1859). 18 INSECTIVORA.. Fraas (' Pauna von Steinheim,' p. 4) referred Blainville's specimens to another genus, under the name of Parasorex socialis. It appears, from a comparison of Gervais's specimens with De Blainville's figures, that the two belong to different genera, the former heing really an Erinaceus. Under these circumstances it appears, on the whole, advisable to apply the name arvernensis to the Erinacem, and to take another specific name for De Blainville's specimens, which are referred below to Plesiosorex. 27825. The nearly complete left ramus of the mandible, showing (Fig.) all the teeth ; from the Lower Miocene of Cournon (Puy- de-D6me), France. This specimen is the type, and shows all the teeth, which agree precisely with those of Erina- ceus, especially in the small size of the last true molar and of the three teeth in front of pm. 4 ; it is figured by Gervais in the Zool. et Pal. Frangaises, 2nd ed. p. 53, fig. 11. In size and form it is very like the mandible of some of the smaller Asiatic species '. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. 27825 a. Part of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the last premolar and the first true molar ; from Lower Miocene of Cournon. This specimen is figured by Gervais, op. cit. figs. 10, 10 a. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. 27825 b. Part of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the broken bases of pm. 4 and ^Ti ; from the the Lower Miocene of Cournon. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. 27825 d. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible, containing the inner incisor and the last premolar ; from the Lower Miocene of Cournon. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. 27825 C. Part of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the inner incisor, pm. 4, and m . 1 ; from the Lower Miocene of Cournon. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. 27814. Fragment of the right ramus of a mandible, without teeth, which may belong to the present species ; from the Lower Miocene of Sauvetat (Puy-de-D6me), France. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. 1 E. g. E. microptis, Blyth. Vide Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. xlvii. pt. 2, pi. Va (1878). 19 GENUS non det. M. 1492. Two fragments of the symphysial extremity of the right ramus of the mandible, and a fragment of the maxilla, of an Insectivore apparently allied to Erinaceus ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux, Prance. The specimens are too imperfect to admit of certain determination. Purchased, 1884. Family TUPAIID^. Genus PLESIOSOREX, Pomel 1 . Syn. ParasoreXj H. von Meyer 2 . Dentition: 1. |, C. \, Pm. |, M. f. Plesiosorex soricinoides (Blainville 3 ). Syn. Erinaceus soricinoides, Blainville 4 . Erinaceus arvernensis, Blainville 5 (non Gervais). Plesiosorex talpoides, Pomel 6 . Parasorex socialis, H. von Meyer 7 . Hob. Europe. 48197. Two fragments of the mandible ; from the Middle Miocene of Steinheim, Bavaria. A perfect cranium and mandible are figured by 0. Fraas, in the ' Fauna von Steinheim,' pi. i. figs. 2-5, under the name of Parasorex socialis. The species differs from the genus Tupaia by the presence of an additional premolar in both jaws, but is otherwise closely allied, and it is not improbable that it should really be referred to the same genus. Purchased, 1 877. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat. vol. ix. p. 162 (1848). Neues Jahrb. 1865, p. 844. ' Osteographie,' Insectivores, p. 100, pi. xi. (1842?), Erinaceus. Loc. cit. 5 Loo. cit. p. 102. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat. vol. ix. p. 162 (1848). Neues Jahrb. 1865, p. 844. c2 20 CARNIVORA. Order CARNIVORA. Suborder CARNIVORA PRIMIGENIA. The present suborder includes the genera Hycenodon, Pterodon, Oxycena, and probably Proviverra (Cynhycenodon, Filhol), together with numerous other forms from the older Tertiaries of North America and Europe. In his latest memoir on these animals, Cope 1 includes the whole of them, together with the existing Insectivora, in the suborder Creodonta of his order Bunotheria 2 , the latter being a group of primitive mammals comprehending a number of types, and being somewhat analogous to the subclass Metatheria (Harsu- pialia). By Huxley 3 it is considered probable that Hycenodon and its allies occupy a position connecting the Carnivora with the Insectivora ; and as Proviverra seems to connect them very closely with some of the canoid Carnivora Vera, they are provisionally placed in the former order, with the title of Carnivora Primigenia 4 . It is highly probable that the so-called Insectivora should really form another suborder (Carnivora Insectivora) of the Carnivora; but as it seems best, as far as possible, to avoid interfering with the arrangement adopted in recent Zoology, the order has been retained for the present. One of the most distinctive points of the present suborder is the small size of the brain, which in Proviverra is more like that of an Insectivore than a Carnivore ; while another is the structure of the last three cheek-teeth, all of which assume a sectorial character. Family Cope 5 includes in this family only the single genus Hycenodon, referring the genera Oxycena, Pterodon, and others to the family Oxycenidce* ; the relations between Hycenodon and Pterodon seem, however, to be so intimate that it appears more advisable to include them in a single family. 1 Amer. Nat. 1884, pp. 255, 344, 478. 8 In a former work (Eep. U.S. Geog. Surv. West of 100th Meridian, rol. iv. pt. ii. p. 89) Hycenodon, on account of its larger brain, was separated from the Creodonta and referred to the Carnivore,. 8 Proc. Zool. Soc. 1880, p. 284. 4 The term " Creodonta " would be inappropriate if applied in this con- junction. Amer. Nat. 1884, p. 261. 6 Ibid. p. 480. 21 Genus HY-ffiNODON, Laizer and Parieu 1 . Syn. Taxotherium, Blainville 2 (teste P. Gervais). Eutemnodus, Bravard, MS. Dentition: 1. 1, C. |, Pm. |, M. |. Cope 3 gives the number of cheek-teeth as Pm. |, M. |, reckoning the fourth upper tooth as a molar instead of a premolar. If, however, the crania of Hycenodon and Pterodon, figured by Filhol in the Ann. Soc. Sci. Phys. N"at. Toulouse, 1882, pis. i. & ii., be compared together, it will be pretty evident that the fourth cheek-tooth in the two specimens is homologous ; and it is quite clear that this tooth is a premolar in Pterodon. Filhol, in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. art. 7, p. 211, remarks that Hycenodon vulpinus differs from all the other species by the presence of six in place of seven upper cheek-teeth ; but the present writer has never seen any instance of the presence of m. 3 in any species, and it is certainly wanting in all the specimens figured by Filhol. The genus is abundantly distributed in the Lower Tertiaries of Europe and Xorth America, and one species (or a closely allied form) has been described from the Siwaliks of India (vide infra). Hysenodon heberti, Filhol 1 . This is the largest European species of the genus. It has not hitherto been recorded from Vaucluse. Hob. France. 26749. The greater part of the right ramus of the mandible 5 , con- taining the whole of the cheek-dentition and the canine ; from the Upper Eocene of Debruge, near Apt (Vaucluse), 1 Comptes Kendus, vol. vii. p. 442 (1838). 2 Osteographie,' Genus Subursm, p. 55 (1841). TaxotJierium is identified with Hycsnodon on the authority of P. Gervais (Zool. et Pal. Fran9- 2nd edit. pp. 232-235) ; but it is very doubtful what Taxotherium (Hycenodon) parisiense really is. Gervais refers Pomel's Pterodon cuvieri to it ; but that species seems to be the same as Pterodon dasyuroides. 3 Amer. Nat. 1884, p. 345. 4 Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, ser. 6, vol. xi. pp. 16-21 (1874). 5 This and other specimens from Vaucluse have been hitherto labelled H. requieni ; but they are of much larger size, as will be shown below. Some (e. g. No. 28203) are entered in Bravard's MS. Catalogue as Eutemnodus eury- rhynckus, Bravard. The same generic term has been employed by Bravard (vide H. Gervais and Ameghino, ' Les Mammiferes fossiles de 1'Amerique du Sud,' p. 21 [1880]) for a fossil Carnivore from the Pleistocene of S. America, which cannot now be identified. It would be very remarkable if Hycenodon were found in those deposits. 22 CARNIVOBA. France. This specimen agrees precisely with the type mandible figured by Pilhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. pi. xxxii. fig. 160. The following are the dimensions of the type and the present specimen, viz. : Type. No. 26749. Length of pm. 3 0,017 0,016 pm. 4 0,0175 0,0161 m . 1 0,009 0,010 ,. m. 2 0,014 0,0141 m. 3 0,021 0,023 Space occupied by last five teeth .. 0,080 0,079 Interval between canine and hinder border of m. 3 0,107 Depth of jaw at m. 1 0,043 0,040 The present specimen shows the first and second pre- molars, which are wanting in the type ; the crown of the first premolar is very low, while that of the second is not very high and is elongated antero-posteriorly. The canine, of which the summit is broken on , is relatively short and thick. There is but one mental foramen. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 28203. The cranium and mandible in a much-crushed condition ; from the Upper Eocene of Debruge. This specimen is important, as showing the association of the cranium and mandible, although all the mandibular teeth are wanting, except the canine and pmT2 ; the form of the mandible agrees precisely with that of the last specimen. The last upper premolar has a small anterior talon. The interval between the canine and the hinder border of the last true molar is 0,090, and the antero-posterior diameter of the canine is 0,017. This specimen is the type of Bravard's Eutemnodus. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 28172. The mandible, wanting the symphysis, and showing all the cheek-teeth except pm. 1 ; from the Upper Eocene of Debruge. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 26756. The greater portion of the left ramus of the mandible, with the teeth much worn ; from the Upper Eocene of Vau- cluse. Pomel Collection. Purchased, 1851. M. 1673. The hinder portion of the cranium of a Hycenodon, which, from its large size, may probably be referred to the pre- sent species ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux (Tarn-et- Garonne), France. Purchased, 1884. M. 1674. Part of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the second and third true molars ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. This specimen seems to he precisely similar to the type mandible figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. pi. xxxii. fig. 160. Purchased, 1884. M. 1675. Three canines, not improbably belonging to this species ; from the Upper Eocene of Bach, near Lalbenque (Lot), France. Purchased, 1884. 23181. The left ramus of the mandible, -with the teeth in a broken and much- worn condition ; from the Upper Eocene of Debruge. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 27180-6. Several incisor and premolar teeth ; from the Upper Eocene of Debruge. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 28204. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, containing five cheek-teeth ; from the Upper Eocene of Debruge. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 28178-9. Two canines ; from the Upper Eocene of Debruge. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 28206-9. Four canines ; from the Upper Eocene of Debruge. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 28222. A canine ; from the Upper Eocene of Debruge. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 28174. The second left upper true molar, of unusually large size and in an unworn condition ; from the Upper Eocene of Yaucluse. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 28205, 28227. A premolar and an upper true molar ; from the Upper Eocene of Vaucluse. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. Hyaenodon brachyrhynchus, Blainville 1 . Syn. Pterodon brachyrhynchus, Pomel 2 . Pterodon requieni, P. Gervais 3 . Hycznodon reyuieni, P. Gervais 4 . 1 ' Osteographie,' Genus Canis, p. 113(1842?). 2 Bull. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 2, yol. iv. p. 392 (1846). 3 Comptes Kendus, vol. xxii. p. 846 (1846). * Zool. et Pal. Fransaises, 1st ed. vol. i. p. 129 (1848-52). 24 CARNIVOKA. This species has been identified by Filhol, in the Ann. Soc. Sci. Phys. Nat. Toulouse, 1882, p. 12, with Hycenodon requieni. The name H. brachyrkynchus apparently has the priority 1 . This species is of considerably smaller size than the last, and is readily distin- guished by the crown of the second lower premolar being extremely tall and narrow. The last upper premolar has no distinct anterior talon, and the crown of the second upper premolar is very tall and narrow ; the first premolar is small. Hob. France. M. 1668. Anterior portion of the cranium and mandible of an immature individual; from the Upper Eocene of Bach, near Lalbenque (Lot), France. This specimen is very important and valuable, as it shows the cranium and mandible in association, which is a comparatively rare condition. It exhibits the upper incisors, the upper and lower canines, most of the upper premolars, m. 3, and the second and third lower premolars the latter not fully protruded. In the long and narrow pmJJ, and the absence of a distinct anterior talon to pm. 4, this specimen agrees with the cranium figured by Filhol in the Ann. Soc. Sci. Phys. Nat. Toulouse, 1882, pi. i. It also agrees precisely in every detail of shape and size with a more perfect cranium figured by the same writer in a memoir not yet published. The specimen shows that pm. 2 was a tall narrow tooth, very different from that of H. heberti (No. 26749). The interval between the canine and mTT is 0,041, as compared with 0,051 in H. heberti (No. 28203). Purchased, 1884. M. 1351. Fragment of the middle portion of the cranium, com- prising part of the palate, the frontals, and nasals, and showing the last three premolars and the two true molars ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux, France. This spe- cimen belonged to an immature individual ; but, except in being slightly smaller, it agrees precisely with the cranium figured by Filhol in the Ann. Soc. Sci. Phys. Nat. Toulouse, 1882, pi. i. There is no anterior talon to pm. 4. Purchased, 1884. M. 1363. Fragment of the right maxilla, containing the last two molars ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. This spe- 1 In the notice by Filhol, already cited, the impression is given that the specific name brachyrhynchus was applied in the original notice by Dujardin (Comptes Rendus, vol. x. p. 134 [1840]) ; but this is not really the case. HY^NODONIIDJE. 25 cimen agrees exactly with the corresponding portion of the last specimen. Purchased, 1884. M. 1669. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible, containing the three true molars, the last two premolars, and the alveolus of the canine ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. This specimen appears to agree very closely with the mandible figured by P. Gervais in the ' Zoologie et Paleontologie Franchises,' 2nd ed. pi. xxiv. fig. 11. The space occupied by the last five cheek-teeth is 0,057, and the interval between the alveolus of the canine and the hinder border of m. 3 is 0,070. Purchased, 1884. Hyaenodon minor, P. Gervais 1 . This species is larger than Hycenodon brachyrhynchus, from which it is distinguished by its relatively longer mandible, larger canine, and smaller last lower true molar. The type specimen was obtained from the Upper Eocene near Alais (Gard), France. Hab. Europe. 29752. The mandible of a very aged individual ; from the Headon beds (Upper Eocene) of Hordwell, Hampshire. The teeth are very much worn, the crowns of most of the true molars having completely disappeared ; the incisors and the first premolar are wanting, and the crown of the left canine is broken off. The specimen seems to agree precisely with the type mandible figured by P. Gervais in the Zool. et Pal. Franchises, 2nd ed. pi. xxv. fig. 9. It differs from the mandible of H. brachyrhynchus by its more elongated form, and is considerably larger than that of H. compressus, FilhoP, although somewhat similar in form. It is on the evidence of this specimen (which has been already noticed by the present writer in the Geol. Mag. dec. 3, vol. i. p. 444) that the occurrence of Hycenodon in the Hamp- shire basin 3 is recorded in the Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxxix. p. 571. The interval between the canine and the hinder border of m73 is 0,076. Hastings Collection. Purchased, 1855. 1 Zool. et Pal. Frangaises, 1st ed. vol. i. p. 129 (1848-52). 2 Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. pi. xxxiii. figs. 161-163. 3 The exact position of the bed from which this fossil was obtained is given in the memoir cited. In the Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xrrvi. p. 383, Boyd Dawkins mentions the occurrence of Hycenodon leptorhynchus in the Headon beds. This statement probably rests on a misidentification of the present specimen. -60 CARNIVORA. 29814. The last right lower true molar ; from the Headon beds of the Isle of Wight. Hastings Collection. Purcliased, 1855. 29807. A canine ; from the Headon beds of the Isle of Wight. Hastings Collection. Purchased, 1855. Hysenodon leptorhynchus, Laizer and Farieu . Syn. Pterodon leptorhynchus , Pomel 2 . In this species the last upper premolar has a well-marked anterior talon, and the second upper premolar has a long and low crown. Hal. France. M. 1350. The nearly complete mandible, wanting the incisors and the articular extremity of the left ramus ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux (Tarn-et-Garonne), France. This beautiful specimen, in which the teeth are but very slightly worn, agrees very closely with the one figured by P. Gervais in the Zool. et Pal. Frangaises, 2nd ed. pi. xxv. fig. 10, but is slightly smaller, and the crowns of the two middle premolars appear slightly higher. Purchased, 1848. 27821. The imperfect mandible, showing the canine and all the cheek-teeth of the right side except m. 3 ; from the Lower Miocene of Sauvetat (Puy-de-D6me), France. Slight dif- ferences can be detected between the premolars of this and the last specimen. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. M. 1379. The last left lower true molar ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. Purchased, 1848. 27793, 27820. A premolar and the last molar of the lower jaw ; from the Lower Miocene of Sauvetat. These specimens are provisionally referred to the present species ; they are somewhat larger than the corresponding teeth of the fore- going specimen, but they are not larger than those of a specimen figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. pi. xxix. fig. 143. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. M. 1670. Part of the right maxilla, containing the last premolar and the two true molars ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. This specimen agrees precisely with the corresponding 1 Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. 2, TO!, xi. p. 27 (1839). 2 Bull. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 2, vol. iv. p. 392 (1846). 27 portion of the skull figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. pi. xxix. fig. 143, showing the distinct anterior talon and the low crown of pm. 2, and differing thereby from No. M. 1351 (H. brachyrhynchus}. It appears that the present specimen cannot, however, be distinguished from the corresponding portion of the skull of H. aymardi figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. xii. pi. vii., although that species is distinguished from H. leptorhynchus by the presence of a distinct anterior talon to the last lower premolar. Purchased, 1884. M. 1671. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the last premolar and the three true molars ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. This specimen is precisely similar to the corresponding portion of No. M. 1350. Purchased, 1884. M. 1672. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible, containing the last true molar ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. The tooth has the elongated form characteristic of this species and If, cayluxi ; in the relatively greater depth of the jaw the present specimen agrees more nearly with H. leptorhynchus than with H. cayluxi. (Vide Filhol, Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. art. 7, pp. 183, 206.) The dimensions of the specimen are compared below with those of the mandible of H. leptorhynchus described by Filhol, viz. : Filhol. B.M. Length of carnassial 0,018 0,019 Height of first lobe of carnassial . . 0,010 0,010 second 0,006 0,007 Depth of jaw at carnassial 0,026 0,027 Purchased, 1884. This species is about the size of H. brachyrhynchus; from which it is at once distinguished by the much greater vertical depth of the mandible. Hob. France. M. 1676. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible, containing the third and fourth true molars ; from the Upper Eocene 1 Ann. Sci, GeoL vol. iii. art. 7, p. 29 (1872). 28 CARNIVORA. of Bach, near Lalbenque (Lot), France. This specimen is precisely similar to the one figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. pi. xxxv. figs. 182, 183, with the exception that the depth of the mandible is still greater in the present specimen, being 0,029 at the interval between pm. 3 and pm. 4. Purchased, 1884. M. 1677. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible, containing the first and second true molars ; from the Upper Eocene of Bach. This specimen agrees precisely with the one figured by Filhol in the plate cited above. Purchased, 1884. Hyaenodon vulpinus, P. Gervais '. Syn. Hyeenodon exiffuus, P. Gervais (teste Filhol). Pterodon exiguus, P. Gervais. This species is readily distinguished from any of the preceding by its greatly inferior size. The species has not hitherto been recorded from the Lower Miocene of Puy-de-D6me. Hob. France. 36766. Fragment of the cranium, containing all the teeth of the right side as far back as the first true molar, and a frag- ment of the right ramus of the mandible, containing the last premolar and the first and second true molars ; from the Lower Miocene of Puy-de-D6me, France 2 . The teeth are unworn and in beautiful preservation : and the speci- men is valuable as showing the upper and lower jaws in association. The specimen is of considerably smaller size than the cranium of H. vulpinum figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. pi. xxxiv. fig. 170 ; but it will be seen, from the figures of three specimens of the man- dible given on the same plate (figs. 167-169), that there is a considerable range of variation in size ; and since the three teeth of the mandible of the present specimen agree precisely with the corresponding teeth of the specimen represented by Filhol in fig. 168, the present specimen may be pretty safely referred to the same species, thus extending its range into the Lower Miocene. The upper teeth agree exactly with those of the specimen No. M. 1678, noticed below. The following dimensions indicate the 1 Journ. Zool. vol. ii. p. 374 (1873). 2 The specimen is entered in the Museum Register as Hyceiwdon croiteti, Kaup ; the name being apparently a manuscript one. 29 difference in the size of this specimen and the larger specimens described by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. art. 4, pp. 200-214, viz. : Upper teeth : B M . Filhol . Length of pm. 1 0,0065 0,0066 Height 0,004 0,0069 Interval between pm. 1 and pm. 2 0,006 0,002 Length of pm. 2 0,009 0,0095 Height 0,005 0,009 Length of pm. 3 0,011 0,01 Height 0,005 0,0089 Length of pm. 4 0,009 0,0096 Height 0,006 0,009 Length of m. 1 0,006 0,009 Height 0,003 0,007 Interval between canine and m. 1 .... 0,0475 0,037 Lower teeth : Length of pm. 4 0,015 0,009 Height 0,008 0,0096 Length of m. 1 0,006 0,0065 Height 0,004 0,0065 Length of m. 2 0,008 0,0085 Height 0,006 0,0073 Purcluised, 1859. M. 1678. Fragment of the right maxilla, containing the third and fourth premolars and the two true molars ; from the Upper Eocene of Bach. This specimen, with the excep- tion of being slightly smaller, is very similar to the corre- sponding portion of a cranium figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. pi. xxxiv. fig. 170 ; but the last premolar is relatively smaller. Purchased, 1884. M. 1679. Fragment of the right maxilla, containing the four pre- molars and the alveolus of the canine; from the Upper Eocene of Bach. This specimen is of the same size as the last, but corresponds otherwise to the cranium figured by Filhol (loc. cit.). Purchased, 1884. M. 1680. The symphysis and part of the left ramus of the mandible, showing the premolars and the first true molar ; from the Upper Eocene of Bach. This specimen is rather larger 30 CARNIVORA. than the mandible figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. pi. xxxiv. fig. 169, but is otherwise similar. Purchased, 1884. M. 1365. Symphysis of the mandible, showing the right canine, the first two premolars of either side, and a part of the left pm. 3 ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. This specimen is rather smaller than the last, and agrees in size with the one figured by Filhol, loc. cit. fig. 167. Purchased, 1884. M. 1681. Part of the right ramus of the mandible, containing the last premolar and the second and third true molars ; from the Upper Eocene of Bach. This specimen agrees very closely with the mandible figured by Filhol, loc. cit. fig. 1 69. Purchased, 1884. M. 1682. Part of the right ramus of the mandible, containing the first and second true molars, and the broken base of ^~2 ; from the Upper Eocene of Bach. The teeth of this specimen agree in size with those of the last, but the depth of the jaw is considerably greater. Purchased, 1884. M. 1683. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the last true molar ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. The tooth is smaller in this specimen than in any of those noticed above. Purchased, 1884. M. 1684. Hinder portion of the cranium of 'a small Hycenodon, which may perhaps belong to the present species ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. Purchased, 1884. M. 1367. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the last two premolars and the first true molar ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. Purchased, 1884. M. 1367 a. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible, containing the last premolar and the first and second true molars ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. Purchased, 1884. M. 1367 b. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the last premolar and the first true molar ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. Purchased, 1884. M. 1364. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible, containing the last true molar ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. Purchased, 1884. 31 M. 1379. The last right lower premolar ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. Purchased, 1884. Hyaenodon (?) sp. (Cf. Hycenodon indicus, Lydekker J .) Hab. France and (?) India. The species H. indicus was founded on the evidence of a fourth right lower premolar from the Pliocene Siwaliks of the Punjab, India, which indicates a species of very large size. This tooth is represented in the accompanying woodcut (fig. 1). At the same Fig. 1. Hyanodon indicus. The fourth right lower premolar ; from the Siwaliks of Kushalghar, Punjab. Indian Museum, Calcutta. }. (From the ' Palse- ontologia Indica.') time two other teeth, which were regarded as heing third lower true molars, were described and figured (' Palaeontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. pi. xliii. figs. 5, 6), and provisionally referred to the same species, although it was suggested that they might possibly belong to a distinct species, or even genus. The most perfect of the two Indian teeth belongs to the left side, and was described in the following words, viz. : " It is divided into two distinct lobes, of which the first is the stoutest : externally there is a stout cingulum forming the base of the crown. Posteriorly the lower border of the enamel of the crown runs suddenly upwards on both sides, nearly to the summit of the hind lobe." The tooth comes nearest to " the last lower true molar of Hycenodon 2 ; in some species of which (e. g. 1 Palajontologia Indica (Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind.), ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 349 (1884). 2 The tooth might be taken for the lower carnassial of a feline ; but is distin- guished by the form of the lower border of the enamel, and of the worn sur- faces of the summits of the lobes, by the presence of the cingulum, and the size and direction of the fangs. In the large primitive felines (e.g. Mlurogale inter- media) there is a hind talon to the lower carnassial. 32 CARNIVORA. H. heberti, H. leptorliynclius) the lower border of the enamel bends upwards at the posterior extremity of the tooth in precisely the same manner, although not quite to the same extent, as in the Siwalik teeth. In none of the European or American species, how- ever, is there the marked cingulum of the latter ; while in all the larger forms the hinder lobe is relatively larger ; although in the much smaller H, crucians, Leidy 1 , the two lobes are more nearly of the same length. In all, the anterior lobe is much stouter than the posterior ; and the wear of the summits of the lobes is similar to that of the Indian teeth." The length of the complete Indian tooth is 0,026. M. 1685. The third right lower true molar ; from the Upper Eocene (Fig.) of Bach, near Lalbenque (Lot), France. This tooth, which is represented in the accompanying woodcut (fig. 2), Fig. 2. Hy&nodon (?) sp. The third right lower true molar ; from the Upper Eocene of Bach. }. has lost the anterior fang, and agrees precisely, with the exception of its inferior size, with the Indian teeth noticed above. Its length is 0,020, and it evidently belonged to the same genus, if not to a smaller race of the same species, as the Indian specimens. It is different from the corresponding tooth of all the European species of Hycm- odon described by Filhol, and presents no resemblance to Proviverra, Pterodon, or Oxycena ; while the writer has been unable to identify it with any of the allied genera from the American Tertiaries. To whatever genus it really belongs, the occurrence in the Lower Tertiaries of 1 Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Philadel. vol. vii. pi. ii. HY^ENODOlfTIDJE. 33 France and the Upper Tertiaries of India of this peculiar form of tooth is a very interesting and noteworthy circum- stance, and affords a well-marked instance of the survival in India and other eastern regions of forms which dis- appeared at a much earlier period in Europe. Purchased, 1884. Genus PTERODON, Blainville l . Dentition 2 : I. ^, C. -J, Pm. -~^, M. |. Cope places this genus and Oxycena in a distinct family Oxyasnidce. Pterodon dasyuroides, Blainville 3 . Syn. Pterodon parisiensis, Blainville 4 . (?) Pterodon cuvieri, Pomel 5 . (?) Pterodon coquandi, Pomel 6 . Hob. Europe. M. 1361. Fragment of the right maxilla, containing the first and second true molars, in an almost unworn condition ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux (Tarn-et-Garonne), France. These teeth are rather larger than those of a fine cranium figured by Filhol in the Ann. Soc. Sci. Phys. Nat. Toulouse, 1882, pi. ii. Purchased, 1884. 27579. Fragment of the right maxilla, containing the last premolar and the three true molars, in a partially worn condition ; from the Upper Eocene of Debruge, near Apt (Vaucluse), France. The teeth of this specimen (which apparently corresponds to P. cuvieri, Pomel) are considerably smaller than those of the last specimen, but do not present any structural difference, and seem to belong to a smaller race of the same species. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. M. 1689. Part of the left maxilla, containing the three true molars ; from the Upper Eocene of Bach, near Lalbenque (Lot), France. The teeth of this specimen are slightly smaller 1 Ann. Fr. et Etr. d'Anat. et de Physiol. vol. iii. p. 23 (1839), teste P. Gervais. 2 Cope (Amer. Nat. 1884, p. 481) gives the number of the cheek-teeth simply as Pm. , TVI. f . There are, however, seven of these teeth in typical examples of P. dasyuroides ; vide Filhol, Ann. Soc. Sci. Phys. Nat. Toulouse, 1882, pi. ii. 3 Loc. cit. * Osteographie, genus Subursus, p. 48 (1841). 5 Bull. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 2, vol. iv. p. 392 (1846). 6 Catalogue Methodique, p. 117 (1853). 34 CAKNIVOKA. than those of the cranium figured by Filhol in the Ann. Soc. Sci. Phys. Nat. Toulouse, 1882, pi. ii. Purchased, 1884. It. 1690. Fragment of the right maxilla, containing the second and third true molars ; from the Upper Eocene of Bach. The teeth are slightly larger than those of the last. Purchased, 1884. M. 1691. Detached teeth ; from the Upper Eocene of Jamblouise, near Limogne (Lot), France. Purchased, 1884. 27578. Fragment of the right maxilla, containing the second and fourth premolars and the first and second true molars ; from the Upper Eocene of Debruge. This specimen agrees with the last. Bravard Collection, Purchased, 1852. 26759. Fragment of the left maxilla, containing the three true molars, the first in a well-worn condition ; from the Upper Eocene of Vaucluse. Pomel Collection. Purchased, 1851. 28152. Cast of the dental portion of the maxilla, showing most of the teeth ; the original is from the Upper Eocene of Debruge '. The teeth of this specimen agree exactly in size with those of the above-mentioned cranium figured by Filhol. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 27577. The second or third left lower true molar 2 , in a well-worn condition ; from the Upper Eocene of Debruge. The talon is relatively small. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 36947. Three specimens of the second or third lower true molar, two of which have lost their talons ; from the Bembridge Limestone (Upper Eocene) of the Isle of Wight. These specimens appear to agree exactly with specimens figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. pi. xxxiii. figs. 164, 188 ; and there can be no doubt as to the generic reference. These specimens (which have been previously noticed by the present writer in the Geol. Mag. dec. 3, vol. i. p. 444) are important as proving the occurrence of the genus in England. Purchased, 1861. 28153. A canine 3 ; from the Upper Eocene of Vaucluse. This 1 This specimen is entered in the Museum Begisteras Pterodon Laurillardi, Bravard & Pomel, which is apparently a manuscript name. 2 Entered in the Museum Register as P. laurillardi. 3 Entered in the Museum Register as P. laurillardi. HYJEXODONTIDJE. 35 specimen is referred to the present genus on the authority of Bravard. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 28163-4. Three lower premolars 1 of small size, not improbably belonging to a small race of the present species ; from the Upper Eocene of Vaucluse. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 28154. Cast of a portion of the right ramus of the mandible, showing the last three premolars : the original is from the Tipper Eocene of Yaucluse. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. M. 1719. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible of a large- sized individual, containing the two last molars ; and a fragment of the anterior part of a ramus with two worn teeth ; from the Upper Eocene of Bach. Purchased, 1884. Genus OXY-ffiNA, Cope 2 . This genus is apparently distinguished from Pterodon merely by the absence of the third molars in both jaws, and by the diminu- tion in the number of the incisors. Since one species of Pterodon (P. biincisivus) has only two pairs of incisors in the upper jaw, and possibly only the same number in the mandible, there is a transition in this respect towards the present genus ; and as the only other distinction is the absence of the last true molars, the writer is strongly inclined to think that Oxycena might be merged in Pterodon. The following formula 3 represents the range of variation in the number of teeth of Oxycena, viz. I. ( ^f>, C. \, Pm. |, M. f. Oxysena gallise, Filhol 4 . Dentition : I. ?, C. \, Pm. \, M. |. Filhol founded this species on a fragment of the maxilla in which the incisors were not shown. He was not, therefore, aware that these teeth were only two in number, in place of three, as in the American species. Hob. France. 1 Entered in the Museum Eegister as P. aymardi, Bravard, MS. 2 Report U.S. Geogr. Surv. W. of 100th Meridian,1874, p. 11. Vert. FOBS. New Mexico. 3 In his latest notice (Amer. Nat. 1884, p. 480) Cope gives the number of cheek-teeth as Pm. f, M. f . The figure of the upper dentition given on the opposite page of his memoir shows, however, that this is incorrect. * Ann. Soc. Sci. Phys. Nat. Toulouse, 1882, p. 3i. D2 36 CARNIVORA. M. 1692. The extremity of the muzzle ; from the Upper Eocene of (Fig.) Mouillac, near Caylux (Tarn-et-Garonne), France. This specimen ', of which the palatal aspect of one side is repre- sented in the woodcut (fig. 3), shows on the left side the Fig. 3. Oxycma gallice. Anterior part of the left half of the palate ; from the Upper Eocene of Mouillac. \. alveoli of the two incisors (of which the outer is much larger than the inner), the caaine (with the greater part of the crown broken away), and the first and second pre- molars. There is a small interval between the outer incisor and the canine ; the first premolar (which has but one root) is in apposition to the canine ; and the second premolar (which has two roots) is very close to the first. In the following table the dimensions of this specimen are compared with those of the type specimen as given by Filhol, viz. : B.M. Filhol. Antero-posterior diam. of base of canine . 0,021 0,020 Transverse . 0,014 0,012 Antero-posterior diam. of base of pm. 1 . . 0,012 0,006 pm.2.. 0,0135 0,0137 1 This specimen has been previously noticed and figured by the present writer iu the Geol. Mag. dec. 3, vol. i. p. 445. 37 B.M. Antero-posterior diam. of alveolus of inner incisor 0,008 Antero-posterior diam. of alveolus of outer incisor 0,013 Interval between canines 0,026 It will be seen that the only difference in the two specimens consists in the superior size of the first premolar in the present specimen. Purchased, 1884. M. 1693. The symphysis of the mandible ; from the Upper Eocene of Escamps, near Lalbenque (Lot), France. This specimen shows the alveoli of the canines and the first premolars, the second premolars, and parts of the third. The dimen- sions are as follows : Length of symphysis superiorly 0,067 Vertical diameter of alveolus of canine .... 0,019 Transverse 0,013 Length of crown of pm. 2 0,0158 This specimen is important, because no portion of the mandible has been described by Pilhol. It is considerably larger than the mandible of 0. forcipata, Cope *, which is the largest American species, and the incisors appear to have been inclined more directly forwards. Purchased, 1884. Limb-bones of Hycenodontidce 2 . A large series of limb-bones probably belonging to this family are contained in the Museum, and many of these have been labelled Hycenodon or Pterodon. There do not appear, however, to be any reasons known for assigning any of them to one genus rather than to the other; and they are accordingly entered here merely as belonging to the family, although suggestions are in some instances made as to the species to which they may possibly belong. 28165. Glenoidal extremity of the right scapula of a large species ; from the Upper Eocene of Vaucluse. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 27576. The greater portion of the right humerus of a large species ; 1 In the Report U.S. Geogr. Surv. W. of 100th Meridian, TO!, iv. pt. 2, pi. xxxri. (1877), a fine specimen of the mandible is figured. 2 These specimens are mainly referred to this family on the authority of Bravard. 38 CARNIVORA. from the Upper Eocene of Vaucluse. There is a large entepicondylar foramen. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 28187. The imperfect distal portion of the left humerus of a large species, different from the last ; from the Upper Eocene of Vaucluse. It is not improbable that this specimen and the last respectively belong to H. brachyrhynchus and P. dasyuroides. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 26758. The broken distal portion of the right humerus, apparently similar to No. 27576 ; from the Upper Eocene of Vaucluse. Pomel Collection. Purchased, 1851. 28166. The greater portion of the broken right humerus of a large species ; from the Upper Eocene of Vaucluse. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 28167. The greater portion of the left humerus of a smaller form ; from the Upper Eocene of Vaucluse. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 27709. The greater portion of the right humerus of a small species ; from the Lower Miocene of Sauvetat, Puy-de-D6me. It is not improbable that this specimen may belong to H. vul- pinus. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. 28188. The greater portion of the right ulna of a large species ; from the Upper Eocene of Vaucluse. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 26760. The proximal half of the left ulna, slightly smaller than the last ; from the Upper Eocene of Vaucluse. Pomel Collection. Purchased, 1851 . 28168. The lesser sigmoidal fossa of the right ulna, similar to the last specimen ; from the Upper Eocene of Vaucluse. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 11909. Cast of the right ulna, wanting the distal epiphysis. The original is from the Upper Eocene of Paris, and is figured in De Blainville's ' Osteographie ' (genus Suburvus), pi. xii., under the name of Taxotlierium parisiense. It is of the same size as the last two specimens. Mantell Collection. Purchased, 1836. 29869. The right radius of a small species ; from the Headon beds (Upper Eocene) of Hordwell, Hampshire. This bone is too small to have belonged to Hycenodon minor (unless HT^NODONTIDJE. 39 that species varied greatly in size), 'and more nearly corre- sponds to H. vulpinus. It probably belongs to the same species as a femur from the same locality noticed below, and would seem to indicate a second British species of Hycenodon, since no small forms of Pterodon are known. Hastings Collection. Purchased, 1855. 28155. The left radius of a large species, imperfect distally; from ~ the Upper Eocene of Vaucluse. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 28169. The left radius, slightly smaller than, but otherwise similar to, the last specimen ; from the Upper Eocene of Vaucluse. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 26759. The right radius, similar in size to the last, but with a squarer proximal articular surface ; from the Upper Eocene of Yaucluse. Pomel Collection. Purchased, 1851. 28239. The left radius, similar in size to the last two specimens, but with the distal articular surface more elongated ; from the Upper Eocene of Yaucluse. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 28289. The right radius, agreeing in size and the form of the proximal articular surface with No. 26759 ; from the Upper Eocene of Vaucluse. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 28210. The greater portion of the right radius of a smaller form ; from the Upper Eocene of Vaucluse. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 28196. Distal two thirds of the radius of a small form ; from the Upper Eocene of Vaucluse. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 27583. The bones of the right fore-foot of a medium-sized form ; from the Upper Eocene of Vaucluse. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 26751. The three inner right metacarpals of a larger form ; from the Upper Eocene of Vaucluse. Pomel Collection. Purchased, 1851. 26752. The left scapho-lunar ; from the Upper Eocene of Vaucluse- Pomel Collection. Purchased, 1851. 28193. The distal half of the femur of a large specimen, in a much- crushed condition ; from the Upper Eocene of Vaucluse. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 40 CARNIVORA. 29726. The left femur of an animal probably belonging to the pre- sent family ; from the Headon beds (Upper Eocene )of Hordwell, Hampshire. This bone indicates a small species and corresponds in size to the ulna, No. 29869. Its extreme length is 0,127, and the width of the distal ex- tremity 0,027. The larger and smaller trochanters are strongly developed, and there is a very distinct ridge on the upper portion of the outer border, foreshadowing a third trochanter. Hastings Collection. Purchased,'IS55. 28195. The left tibia of a large species, in a much-crushed condi- tion ; from the Upper Eocene of Vaucluse. The cnemial crest extends far down the shaft. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 30132. The greater portion of the left tibia of a small species ; from the Headon Beds of Hordwell. This specimen agrees in relative size with the femur, No. 29726 : it exhibits an elongated cnemial crest. Hastings Collection. Purchased, 1855. 27582. The distal extremity of the right tibia of a large species ; from the Upper Eocene of Vaucluse. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 26750. The right calcaneum of a large species ; from the Upper Eocene of Vaucluse. Pomel Collection. Purchased, 1851. 27581, 28197. Two specimens of the left astragalus of a large species ; from the Upper Eocene of Vaucluse. Bravard Collection. PurcJiased, 1852. 28162, 28170. Two specimens of the four metatarsals ; from the Upper Eocene of Vaucluse. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 30342. Three terminal phalangeals, very probably belonging to the present genus ; from the Headon beds of Hordwell. Hastings Collection. PurcJtased, 1855. Serial position uncertain. Genus ARGILLOTHERIUM, Davies '. This genus has been established on the evidence of the cranium noticed below, the teeth of which are unfortunately wanting. The describer considered that it might be allied to the Ganoids ; but the 1 GeoL Mag. dec. 3, vol. i. p. 438 (1884). FELID.E. 41 present writer thinks it may possibly be intermediate between some of the Carnivora Primigenia (like the N. American Mesowyx} and the Carnivora Yera. The brain-case is larger than in Mesonyx, and the dentition less numerous and more macrodont. Argillotherium toliapicum, Davies l . Hob. England. 35688. Part of the cranium, showing portions of the parietals, the maxillae, palatals, pterygoids, and presphenoid ; from the Lower Eocene (London Clay) of the Isle of Sheppey. The alveoli of pm. 3, pm. 4, and m. 1 are shown ; if m - % was present it must have been very small. This specimen is the type, and is described by Davies in the passage cited. Purchased, 1859. Suborder CARNIVORA VERA. The true Carnivora which come nearest to the Carnivora Primi- genia are some of the Yiverro-canoids ; but it is necessary that these should be placed near the middle of the suborder. The juxtaposition of the Felidse to the Carnivora Primigenia does not therefore indi- cate any close relationship between the two. Family FELID^E. This family is taken to include the Nimravidce of Cope as well as the typical felines 2 . Genus MACHJERODUS, Kaup 3 . Syn. Agnotherium, Kaup *. Cultndens, Croizet 5 . Drepanodon, auct. 6 MeganthereoHj Pomel 7 . Smilodon, Lund 8 . 1 Geol. Mag. dec. 3, TO!, i. p. 438 (1884). 2 Vide Palaeontologia Indica (Mem. Geol. Surv- Ind.), ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 313 (1884). 3 Oss. Foss. d. Darmstadt, pt. 2, p. 24 (1833), Machairodus. 4 Ibid. p. 28 (1833). 5 In Huot's 'Nouveau Cours Elementaire de Geologie,' vol. i. p. 265 (1837). 6 Given in 1826 as a specific name by Nesti. 7 Catalogue Methodique, p. 58 (1853). Originally given by Croizet and Bravard as a specific name. 8 K. Danske Vid. Selsk. Skr. vol. ix. p. 293 (1842). 42 CA.RNTVORA. Steneodon, Croizet 1 . Trudfelis, Leidy (teste Cope). Dentition: 1. |, C. J, Pm. (T ^, M. [. Machaerodus meganthereon (Croizet and Jobert 2 ). Syn. Drepanodon meganthereon, Cope. Felis meganthereon, Croizet and Jobert 3 . Felis meganthereon, Bravard 4 . Meganthereon macrocelis, Pomel 5 . Steneodon meganthereon, Croizet 8 . Hab. S. Europe. 28882. Cast of the cranium and the right ramus of the mandible. The original is from the Upper Pliocene of Mont Perrier, near Issoire (Puy-de-D6me), France, and is in the Paris Museum : it is figured by Gervais in the Zool. et Pal. Frangaises, 2nd ed. pi. xxvii. figs. 1, 2. It shows Pj^ and pm. 4 on the left, and pm. 4 on the right side ; there is an alveolus for m. 1. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 15433. The right upper canine, wanting the lower half ; from the Pliocene of the Val d'Arno, Italy. This specimen belongs to a larger individual than the last. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. Machaerodus cultridens (Cuvier 7 ). Syn. 8 Agnotherium antiquum, Kaup (in parte). Cultridens arvernensis, Croizet. Drepanodon aphanista, Cope. Felis aphanista, Kaup. Felis cultridens, Bravard. Felis gigantea, Wagner. Mach&rodus leoninus, Roth and Wagner. Meganthereon aphanista, Pomel. Meganthereon cultridens, Pomel. Steneodon cultridens, Croizet. 1 Eevue Encyclopedique, vol. lix. p. 76 (1833) (teste B. Geoffi-oy). This name has the same date as Macharodus. Oss. Foss. d. Puy-de-Dome, vol. i. p. 215 (1828), Felis. Loc. cit. Monographic de deux Felis d'Auvergne, p. 143 (1828). Catalogue Methodique, p. 55 (1853). Revue Encyclop6dique, op. cit. Ossemens Fossiles, vol. v. pt. 2, p. 517 (1824), Ursus. The synonymy is taken from Gaudry's ' Animaux fossiles et Geologie de 1'Attique,' p. 105, where full quotations are given. FEL1DJE. 43 Ursus cultridens, Cuvier. Ursus cultridens arvernensis, Or. and J obert. Ursus drepanodon, Nesti. Hab. S. Europe. 59674. Cast of the dental portion of the upper and lower jaws. The original is from the Lower Pliocene of Pikermi, Attica, and is preserved in the Museum at Munich ; it is figured by Roth and Wagner in the Abh. math.-phys. Cl. k.-bay. Ak. Wiss. vol. vii. pi. ix. fig. 1, under the name of M. leoninus, and by Kaup in the ' Beitrage,' pt. 5, pi. ii. fig. 2 (1861), under the name of M. cultridens. The spe- cimen exhibits pm. 3 and pm. 4, and the three mandibular cheek-teeth. Purchased, 1879. 11929. Cast of the left upper canine. The original is from Puy-de- Dome (? Lower Pliocene), and is preserved in the Paris Museum ; it is figured by De Blainville in the ' Osteo- graphie,' genus Felis, plate xvii. Mantell Collection. Purchased, 1836. 49674. Cast of the right ramus of the mandible. The original is from the Lower Pliocene of Pikermi, and is preserved in the Museum at Munich. It is figured by Wagner in the Abh. math.-phys. Cl. k.-bay. Ak. Wiss. vol. vii. pi. v. fig. 11, under the name of M. leoninus. From its slender form and small canine, this specimen may probably be referred to a female. Purchased, 1879. 49967 a. Anterior portion of the left ramus of the mandible ; from the Upper Miocene of Eppelsheim, Hesse Darmstadt. The crown of the canine, and the summits of pmT4 and ^7T are broken away, but nTl is perfect. This specimen belongs to Kaup's so-called Fells aphanista ; but appears to differ in no respect from the mandible of No. 49674. No history. M. 413. Cast of part of the right ramus of the mandible. The original is from the Upper Miocene of Eppelsheim. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. 40873. A fragment of the upper canine of a Machcerodus, probably belonging to the present species ; locality unknown. Presented by C. Falconer, Esq., 1867. 28845 x. Wax model of a right upper canine, of comparatively small size. The original is from the Lower Pliocene of the Yal d'Arno, Italy. Presented by J. B. Pentland, Esq., 1853. 44 CARNIYORA. Machserodus latidens, Owen 1 . Syn. Drepanodon latidens, Cope. Meganthereon latidens, Pomel. Hab. England. 46842. Cast of the right upper canine ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern, Tor- quay, Devon. The original of this specimen is preserved in the Museum of the lloyal College of Surgeons (no. 443), and is figured by Owen in the ' British Fossil Mammals and Birds,' p. 180. Presented by Professor Flower, 1875. 14954. Left upper canine ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. This speci- (Fig.) men is figured by Dawkins and Sanford in their ' Mono- graph of the British Pleistocene Mammalia ' (Palaeonto- graphical Society. 1872), p. 184, pi. xxv. figs. 1-3 ; and is mentioned by Falconer in a note published in the ' Palaeontological Memoirs,' vol. ii. p. 461, who remarks on its excessively crenulated edges. Presented by Dr. L. Phillips, by whom it was purchased at the sale of the McEnery Collection in 1842. 46842 a. Cast of the upper canine ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. JVo history. 46767- Cast of the third left upper incisor ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. The original of this specimen is figured by Owen in the ' British Fossil Mammals and Birds,' p. 182, and is in the Albert Museum, Exeter 2 . Made by permission of the Committee of the Albert Museum, Exeter. M. 582. The third right upper incisor ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. This specimen is mentioned by Pengelly in Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1872, p. 46 (No. 5962). Presented by Lord Naldon, 1883. Machserodus sivalensis (Falconer and Cautley 3 ). Syn. Drepanodon sivalensis, Falc. and Caut. 4 Meganthereon falconen, Pomel 5 . Mach&rodus falconeri, Gaudry 6 . Hab. India. 1 British Fossil Mammals and Birds, p. 179 (1846). 2 In the ' Catalogue of the Osteological Specimens in the Royal College of Surgeons,' Pt. II. Mammalia, p. 92 (1884), this specimen (No. 445, cast) is stated to be in the British Museum. 3 Palaeontological Memoirs of Hugh Falconer, vol. i. p. 550 (1808), Drepan- odon. 4 Loc. cit. s Catalogue Methodique, p. 56 (1853). 6 Animaui fossiles et Geologic de 1'Attique, p. 113. 45 39730. Fragment of the left maxilla, containing pm. 3, pm. 4, and (Fifj.y mj. ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills, India. This specimen, of which the last two teeth are represented in the accompanying woodcut (fig. 4), has been described and Pig. 4. pm. 4. Machtsrodus sivalensis. Posterior left upper cheek-teeth ; from the Plio- cene of the Siwalik Hills, i. (From the ' Palaeontologia Indica.') figured by the present writer in the ' Palaeontologia In- dica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 338, pi. xliv. fig. 4, and is also figured in plate N". figs. 5, 5a of the ' Fauna Antiqua Siva- lensis.' It exhibits the small pm. 3 characteristic of the species, of which this and the following specimens are the types. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 16350. Fragment of the right maxilla of a young individual, (Fig.) showing the milk-canine, the penultimate milk-molar, and the alveolus of the last milk-molar ; from the Pliocene of the Siwaliks. This specimen is figured in the ' Fauna An- tiqua Sivalensis,' plate N. figs. 3, 3 a in ' Falconer's Palaeontological Memoirs,' vol. i. pi. xxv. fig. 5 ; by Bose in the Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxxvi. pi. vi. fig. 5 ; and by the present writer in the ' Palaeontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. pi. xliv. figs. 1, 1 a. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 16557. The middle portion of the left ramus of the mandible of a (Fig.) female ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. This specimen has been described and figured by the present writer in the ' Palaeontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. pi. xliv. figs. 4, 4 a ; and is also figured in the ' Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis,' pi. N. fig. 6, and in Falconer's Palae- ontological Memoirs,' vol. i. pi. xxv. fig. 6. It shows pmTi and ^. i , and the broken base of pm. 3. The specimen of the 46 CARNIVOEA. mandible of a male, figured in the' accompanying woodcut (fig. 5), shows the larger symphysial expansion charac- teristic of that sex. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. Rg. 5. pm. 3. pm. 4. m. 1. Mackcerodus sivalensis. Outer view of the left ramus of the mandible of a male ; from the Siwalik Hills. Dublin Museum. (From the ' Palscon- tologia Indica.') 16554. The middle portion of the right ramus of the mandible ; from (Fig.) the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. This specimen is figured in the ' Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis,' pi. N. figs. 8, 8 a, and is briefly mentioned by the present writer in the ' Palseontologia Indica/ ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 336. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. Machserodus palseindicus, Bose . Hob. India. 48436. Symphysial extremity of the left ramus of the mandible, (Fig.) showing the alveoli of an incisor, the canine, and p m. 3, with the broken crown of p m . 4 ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills, India. This specimen, which is the type of the species, is described and figured by Dose in the Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxxvi. p. 125, pi. vi. figs. 1-3 ; and by the present writer in the ' Palseontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 341, pi. xliv. fig. 3. The species seems more nearly allied to the last Siwalik species and the American forms than to any of the European species : although in the structure of the mandible and pm . 3 it presents certain indications of affinity with the latter. Iresented by C. Falconer, Esq., 1867. 48437. Part of tha right ramus of the mandible, containing p m . 4 (Fig.) and m71 ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. This specimen is figured by Bose in the Quart. Journ. Geol. 1 Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxxvi. p. 125 (1880). FELLOE. 47 Soc. vol. xxxvi. pi. vi. fig. 4 ; and is described by the present writer in the ' Palseontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 341. Presented by C. Falconer, Esq., 1867. M. 1567. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible, containing (Fig.) the broken pm. 4 and the roots of pm. 3 ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. This specimen is described and figured by the present writer in the ' Palaeontologia In- dica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 341, pi. xliii. fig. 8. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 39728. Occipital portion of the cranium ; from the Pliocene of the (Fig.) Siwalik Hills. This specimen is described by the present writer in the 'Palaeontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 343 ; and is figured by Falconer and Cautley in the ' Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis,' pi. N. figs. 1, 1 a, 1 b, 1 c. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 39729. A much-damaged cranium, probably belonging to this (Fig.) species ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. This specimen is mentioned by the present writer in the ' Palse- ontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 344 ; and is figured by Falconer and Cautley in the ' Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis,' pi. N. fig. 2. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. Undetermined Specimens. 43525. Hinder portion of a cranium ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. This undescribed specimen indicates an individual of gigantic size, larger even than M. neogceus. It differs in some respects from No. 39728 ; but both speci- mens are too imperfect to determine whether they belong to the same species. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 49177. Occipital portion of a cranium ; from the Pliocene of the Siwaliks. This specimen is in too imperfect condition to determine whether it belongs to the present genus or to Felis. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. Machaerodus neogaeus (Lund 1 ). Syn. Felis smilodon, Blainville. Hycena neogcea, Lund 2 . Meganthereon neogceiw, Pomel. 1 K. Dankse Vid. Selsk. Skr. vol. yiii. p. 94 (1841), memoir dated 1837, Hycena. 2 Loc. tit. 48 CARNIVORA.. Smilodon neog&us, Cope. Smilodon populator , Lund 1 . Hob. S. America. 21000. The cranium and mandible, wanting the maxillae and the left premaxilla ; from the Pleistocene of Buenos Ayres. The upper portion of the left canine remains ; there are only two cheek-teeth on each side of the mandible. Purchased, 1846. M. 1572. Cast of the cranium and mandible ; from a cavern in Minas Geraes, Brazil. The original of this specimen (from which the woodcut fig. 6 is modified) is in the Paris Fig. Machcerodus neog&us. Cranium, much reduced ; from South America. Museum ; and is figured by De Blainville in his ' Osteo- graphie,' genus Felis, pi. xx. A small pm . 3, of different sizes on the two sides, is present in the mandible. No history. 43235. The left ramus of the mandible, wanting the cutting-teeth ; from the Pleistocene of Buenos Ayres. In this specimen pinTs is absent. Presented % Senor L. J. Fontana, 1871. 43236. The left ramus of the mandible, wanting the cutting-teeth ; from the Pleistocene of Buenos Ayres. In this specimen the teeth are in beautiful preservation ; pm . 3 is present, and is of considerably larger size than in the Paris skull (No. M. 1572). Presented by Senor L. J. Fontana, 1871. 1 Loc. cit. vol. ix. p. 293 (1842). 49 18972. The associated third and fourth left upper premolars ; from a cavern in Minas Geraes, Brazil. This specimen, with the bones under the same number, is believed to belong to the same individual as the Paris skull (No. M. 1572). Claussen Collection. Purchased, 1845. 18972 a. Shaft of the left femur, associated with No. 18972. 18972 b. The greater part of the right humerus, broken off infe- riorly at the entepicondylar foramen ; associated with No. 18972. 18972 C. The right ulna, wanting the proximal articular extremity; associated with No. 18972. 18972 d. The distal extremity of the right tibia ; associated with No. 18972. 18972 e. The right astragalus; associated with No. 18972. 189721 A phalangeal bone; associated with No. 18972. 18972 g. Three cervical vertebrae ; associated with No. 18972. 18975. The right calcaneum ; from a cavern in Minas Geraes, Brazil. Glaussen Collection. Purchased, 1845. 32993. The centrum of a dorsal vertebra ; from the Pleistocene of Buenos Ayres. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1854. 32992. The proximal half of the right radius ; from the Pleistocene of Buenos Ayres. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1854. 43234. The left femur, wanting the articular extremities ; from the Pleistocene of Buenos Ayres. This bone is of rather more slender form than No. 18972 a. Presented ly Senor L. J. Fontana, 1871. 39400. Distal extremity of a right femur, probably belonging to the present species ; from the Pleistocene of the Eio Negro, Uruguay. This bone is apparently very similar to the last. Presented by D. A. Stoddart, Esq., 1865. 21000 i. The root of an upper canine, of enormous size ; from the Pleistocene of Buenos Ayres. The crown of this specimen appears to have been broken off during the life of the animal. Purchased, 1846. 50 CABNIVOBA. Genus FEUS, Linn. 1 (including Leo, Leopardw, Lynx, Tigris, Uncia, &c.). Dentition: I. f, C. \, Pm. =*>, M. \. Ito, Linn. 2 Syn. Felts spekea, Goldf. 3 ffab. Africa and South-western Asia (Eecent) ; Europe (Pleisto- cene). 28553. The nearly complete cranium and mandible, wanting the (Fig.) zygomatic arches, two upper incisors, and the first and second upper premolars of either side ; from the Gailen- reuth Cave, Franconia. This specimen is described and figured by Owen in the Phil. Trans. 1859, p. 317, pi. xii. figs. 1, la. PurcJiased, 1853. 17921. Part of the right maxilla and premaxilla, containing the Fig.) third incisor, canine, pm. 3, and pm. 4, from Kent's-Hole Cavern, Torquay. This specimen belonged to a male, and is described and figured in Owen's ' British Fossil Mam- mals and Birds,' pp. 161, 164, fig. 63 ; and is described in Dawkins and Sanf ord's ' British Pleistocene Mammalia ' (Pal. Soc. 1866), p. 31. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. 43681. The right upper canine; from the cavernous fissures of Oreston, near Plymouth ; identical in form with the corresponding tooth of No. 17921. Purchased, 1872. 40967. Two fragments of the right ramus of the mandible, contain- ing the canine and the third and fourth premolars, in an unworn condition ; from the Pleistocene of Crayford, Kent. Purchased, 1868. 44920. The anterior half of the right ramus of the mandible ; from the Pleistocene of Ilford, Essex. The specimen is broken off behind the carnassial ; and, with the exception of a portion of the last premolar, the crowns of all the cheek- teeth are wanting ; the symphysis is entire, and there are three mentary foramina. This specimen is noticed by Dawkins and Sanford in their ' Monograph of the British Pleistocene Mammalia ' (Pal. Soc. 1866), pt. 1, p. 4, and 1 Syst. Nat. ed. 12, vol. i. p. 60 (1760). 2 Loc. cit. J Nova Actu Ac. Cses. Leop.-Car. vol. i. p. 489 (1821). 61 is No. A 1 of Davies's 'Catalogue of the Brady Collection' (1874). Brady Collection. Purchased, 1878. 44921. The second phalangeal of the second digit of the left fore- foot ; from the Pleistocene of Ilford. This specimen is No. A 2 of the Catalogue cited above. Brady Collection. Purchased, 1878. 48691. Fragment of the right maxilla, showing part of the alveolus of the canine, the alveolus of pm. 2, and the complete pm. 3 ; from Brixham Cave, near Torquay. Brixham-Cave Collection. Presented, 1876. 48687. The corresponding portion of the left maxilla to No. 48691, (Fig.~) showing the same teeth ; from Brixham Cave. This specimen is figured by Busk in the Phil. Trans, for 1873, pi. xlv. fig. 4. Brixham-Cave Collection. Presented,! 87 Q. 48688. The left premaxilla, containing the outer incisor, and the bases of the other two teeth of the same series ; from Brix- ham Cave. Brixham-Cave Collection. Presented, 1876. 48690. The right upper carnassial, in a much-worn condition ; from {Fig.} Brixham Cave. This specimen is figured by Busk, loc. cit. fig. 6. Brixham-Cave Collection. Presented, 1876. 34 (0. C.). A part of the left maxilla, containing the much-worn pm. 4, and the alveoli of the canine and the other cheek- teeth ; from a cavern in Muggendorf, Franconia. Presented by W. Salmond, Esq. Before 1836. M. 179. The right upper canine, with the enamel of the crown broken ; from the cave of Durdham Down, Gloucestershire. Ennislcillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 176. The right upper canine ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. Ennislcillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 180. The right upper canine ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Ennislcillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 177. Three specimens of the upper carnassial ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. Ennislcillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 181. Three specimens of the upper carnassial, and one third pre- molar ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Ennislcillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. 62 CABNITOKA. M. 369. The right lower carnassial, of very large size, and much worn ; from a cave at Adelsberg. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 178. The left lower carnassial; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. Enniskillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 178 a. The third and fourth lower premolars ; from the Gailen- reuth Cave. Enniskillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 369. The third and fourth right lower premolars ; from a cave at Adelsberg. Egerton Collection. Purchased,l882. 48683. A left outer incisor ; from Brixham Cave. Brixham-Cave Collection. Presented, 1876. 48689. A canine ; from Brixham Cave. This specimen is figured (Fig.) by Busk in the Phil. Trans, for 1873, pi. xlv. fig. 5. Brixham-Cave Collection. Presented, 1876. 48686. A canine ; from Brixham Cave. Brixham-Cave Collection. Presented, 1876. 16691. Two specimens of the lower carnassial of opposite sides ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. 17921. The left lower carnassial ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. 43191. The left upper canine, of an extremely small individual (determined by Falconer) ; locality unknown. Wether ell Collection. Purchased, 1871. 28554. The greater portion of the right ramus of the mandible, showing the canine (broken) and cheek-teeth: from a cavern in Sundwig, Westphalia. Purchased, 1853. M. 272. The greater portion of the right ramus of the mandible, showing the canine and cheek-teeth ; from the Gailen- reuth Cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 273. The perfect left upper canine, exhibiting very clearly the ver- tical groovings on the outer and inner surfaces ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1852. 40951. The left lower canine of a Felis ; from the cavern of " North (Fig.) Hill Tor," Gower, Glamorganshire. This specimen is figured in ' Falconer's Palaeontological Memoirs,' vol. ii. pi. xxxvi. figs. 5 & (j, and is said by Falconer (ibid. p. 457) to resemble very closely the corresponding tooth of a young 53 Lion ; it not improbably belongs to a small individual of the present species. Presented by Gen. Wood, 1865. It. 209. A right upper canine tooth, from the Gailenreuth Cave : probably belonging to the milk-dentition of this species. EnnisTcillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 186. The glenoidal half of the left scapula ; from the Gailen- reuth Cave. Enniskillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 187. The left humerus, wanting the distal extremity ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Enniskillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 271. Middle portion of the shaft of the left humerus, in a much-rolled condition ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. 28041. The distal extremity of the right humerus ; from the Pleisto- cene of Clacton, Essex. Presented by J. Brown, Esq., 1852. 23735 C. The distal extremity of the left humerus ; from the Pleis- tocene of Slade Green, near Erith, Kent. Purchased, 1852. 43685. The broken distal extremity of the right humerus ; from the cavernous fissures of Oreston. Purcliased, 1849. 40875. The left radius of a large individual. The locality of this fine specimen is unknown. Presented by C. Falconer, Esq., 1867. 43686. Two specimens of the proximal extremity of the radius belonging to opposite sides ; from the cavernous fissures of Oreston. Purchased, 1872. 43687. The distal extremity of the radius ; from the cavernous fissures of Oreston. Purchased, 1872. M. 207. The right scapho-lunar ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Enniskillen Collection. Purchased, 1882 43698. The left scapho-lunar : from the cavernous fissures of Oreston. Purchased, 1872. 43699. The left scapho-lunar : from the cavernous fissures of Oreston. Purchased, 1872. M, 103. The left scapho-lunar; from Cat's-Hole Cave, Gower, Glamorganshire, Presented by Gen. Wood, 1865, 64 CARTOVORA. M. 195. The associated second and third left metacarpals ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 196. The associated second and third left metacarpals ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. These bones are longer and more slender than No. M. 195. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 179. The associated fourth and fifth left metacarpals ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 194. The associated fourth and fifth right metacarpals ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 194 a. The second right metacarpal ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Enniskillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 197. The second right metacarpal ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Enniskillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 369 b. The third left metacarpal ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. ME. 369 a. The fifth right metacarpal ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 369. Three specimens of the second metacarpal ; from the Gai- lenreuth Cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. 43688. Two specimens of the proximal half of the left fifth meta- carpal ; from the cavernous fissures of Oreston. Purchased, 1872. 43689. The proximal half of the right third metacarpal ; from the cavernous fissures of Oreston ; the articular surface im- perfect. Purchased, 1872. 43690. Three specimens of phalangeals of the proximal row ; from the cavernous fissures of Oreston. Purchased, 1872. M. 204. Two specimens of phalangeals of the proximal row; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Enniskillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 280. Two specimens of phalangeals of the proximal row ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Egerton Collection. Piirchased, 1882. PELIDJE. 55 43691. A phalangeal of the middle row ; from the cavernous fissures of Oreston. Purchased, 1872. M. 281. Two specimens of the second phalangeal of the fourth digit of the right manus ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 205. The second phalangeal of the third digit of the right manus ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. EnnisTcillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 275. lingual phalangeal ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 206. Three specimens of the ungual phalangeal ; from the Gai- lenreuth Cave. EnnisTcillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. 48684-5. Two phalangeals of the proximal row; from Brixham (Fig.) Cave. These specimens are figured by Busk in the Phil. Trans, for 1873, pi. xlv. figs. 7, 8. Brixham- Cave Collection. Presented, 1876. 23733. The left innominate hone, wanting the greater part of the (Fig.) pubis ; from the Pleistocene of Slade Green, near Erith, Kent. This specimen is described and figured (|) by Dawkins and Sanford in their ' Monograph of the British Pleistocene Mammalia ' (Palseontographical Society, 1866), p. 10, pi. iii. fig. 1. Purchased, 1849. M. 188. Acetabulum and ischiatic portion of the left innominate bone ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. This specimen is of considerably smaller eize than the last. Ennisldllen Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 270. The right femur ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. This (Fig.) specimen is figured in plate xviii. fig. 4 of Dawkins and Sanford's ' Monograph of the British Pleistocene Mammalia.' Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 189. The proximal half of the left femur ; from the Gailen- reuth Cave. Enniskillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 190. The distal half of the left femur, from the Gailenreuth Cave. Enniskillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. 40642. The greater portion of the left femur, wanting a portion of the head, the great trochanter, and the distal articular 56 CAKNIVOHA. extremity ; from the Pleistocene gravels of Barnwell, Cambridge. This specimen, although of smaller size, agrees so closely with No. M. 270 that it may be safely referred to the same species. Purchased, 1867. M. 191. The right tibia, wanting the greater part of the cnemial crest, the proximal articular surface, and the inner mal- leolus; from the Gailenreuth Cave. This specimen belonged to a small individual. Enniskillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. 43692. The distal extremity of the left tibia ; from the cavernous fissures of Oreston. This specimen is of very large size. Purchased, 1872. 43694. The right astragalus, associated with the last specimen. Purchased, 1872. M. 193. A broken left astragalus ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. EnnisUllen Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 277. The right astragalus, of very large size ; from the Gailen- reuth Cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. 43693. A broken right astragalus ; from the cavernous fissures of Oreston. Purchased, 1872. M. 276. A left astragalus ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 277. A right astragalus ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 192. A left calcaneum ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. 43695. The articular portion of the left calcaneum ; from the cavernous fissures of Oreston. . Purchased, 1876. 43696. The cuboid ; from the cavernous fissures of Oreston. Purchased, 1876. 43697. The right navicular ; from the cavernous fissures of Oreston. Purchased, 1876. M. 203. The right ecto-cuneiform ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Enniskillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 198. The associated second, third, and fourth metatarsals of the FE1IDJE. 57 right side ; from the Gailenreuth Cave ; associated with No. M. 203. Enniskillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 273. The associated first, second, third, and fourth metatarsals of the left side ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Enniskillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. 51 (0. C.). The second right metatarsal of a small individual ; from Kirkdale Cave, Yorkshire. _ resented by W. Salmond, Esq. Before 1836. M. 201. Two specimens of the second left metatarsal ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Enniskillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 370. The second left metatarsal ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 202. The third left metatarsal ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Enniskillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 199. Two specimens of the fourth right metatarsal ; from the Gai- lenreuth Cave. Enniskillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 370. The fourth right metatarsal ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. 40368. The proximal extremity of the fourth right metatarsal ; from Kirkdale Cave. Purchased, 1867. M. 200. Two specimens of the fifth left metatarsal ; from the Gailen- reuth Cave. Enniskillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 370. The fifth left metatarsal ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 182. The atlas vertebra, imperfect on the left side ; from the Gai- lenreuth Cave. Enniskillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 18. A cervical vertebra ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Enniskillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 184. A dorsal vertebra ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Enniskillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 274. Two broken specimens of lumbar vertebrae ; from the Gai- lenreuth Cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 185. A lumbar vertebra, with the processes broken and the 68 CARNIVOKA. neural canal coated with stalagmite; from the Gailen- reuth Cave. EnnisUllen Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 208. Three caudal vertebrae; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Enniskillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 208 a. Three caudal vertebrae ; from the Gailenreuth cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. Felis cristata, Falconer and Cautley 1 . Syn. Uncia cristata, Cope. Uncia grandicristata, Cope. Felis grandicristata, Bose' 2 . (?) Felis palceotigris, Falc. (MSS.). Hob. India. 28913. Cast of the cranium. The original specimen, which is the type, is from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills, India, and is preserved in the Museum of the Eoyal College of Sur- geons (No. 358) ; it is figured and described by the pre- sent writer in the ' PalaBontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 320, pis. xli. and xlii. The original was presented to the College of Surgeons by Walter Ewer, Esq. Presented by the Directors of the East-India Company, 1854. 49176. Hinder portion of the cranium ; from the Pliocene of the (Fig.} Siwalik Hills. This specimen is described and figured by the present writer in the ' Palseontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. pp. 323-4, pi. xl. fig. 1. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 49175. Hinder portion of the cranium of a very large individual. (Fig?) This specimen is described by Bose in the Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxxvi. p. 127, under the name of F. grandi- cristata ; but is figured and referred by the present writer in the ' Palaeontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol.ii. p. 324, pi. xl. fig. 2, to the present species. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. Felis (? Cynaelurus) brachygnatha. Lydekker 3 . Hob. India. 16537. Greater portion of the right ramus of the mandible, wanting (Fig.} the canine ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills, India. 1 Asiatic Eesearches, vol. xix. p. 135 (1836). 2 Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxxyi. p. 127 (1880). 3 Pakeontologia Indica (Mem. Qeol. Surv. Ind.), ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 326 (1884). FELID.3!. 59 This specimen (which with the next forms the type of the species) is described and figured by the present writer in the ' Palseontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 326, pi. xliii. figs. 2, 2a. ' Gautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 16573. The greater portion of the right ramus of the mandible of {Fig.} an immature individual; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. This specimen is described and figured by the present writer in the ' Palaeontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. pi. xliii. figs. I, la. Gautley Collection. Presented, 1842. Felis prisca, Kaup \ Hob. Germany. M. 1575. A cast of the right upper carnassial tooth ; from the Upper Miocene of Eppelsheim, Hesse-Darmstadt. The original, which is preserved in the Museum at Darmstadt, is the type of the species, and is described and figured by Kaup in the ' Ossemens Fossiles du Museum de Darmstadt,' pt. ii. p. 20, pi. ii. fig. 2. Purchased. fftlis parting, Linn. 2 Hob. Southern Asia and Africa (Eecent), and Europe (Pleistocene). 47704. Fragment of the left maxilla and premaxilla, containing the (Fig.} broken canine, the alveolus of pm/2, and the complete pm. 3 ; from the Genista Cave, Gibraltar. This specimen is de- scribed and figured by Busk in the Trans. Zool. Soc. vol. x. pi. iii. fig. 2, p. 79 (1877). Brome Collection. Presented, 1876. 47693. The mandible, wanting the hinder half of the left, and the (Fig.} condylar and angular portions of the right ramus ; from the Genista Cave. This specimen is figured by Busk in the Trans. Zool. Soc. vol. x. pi. iii. fig. 1. Brome Collection. Presented, 1876. 47695. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible of a young individual ; from the Genista Cave. Brome Collection. Presented, 1876. 27659. The left lower carnassial of a Felis of the size of the present species ; from a cave near Montpellier. This tooth is apparently indistinguishable from the corresponding tooth of the present species ; it is, however, possible that it may 1 Oss. Foss. de Darmstadt, pt. ii. p. 20 (1833). 2 Syst. Nat. ed. 12, vol. i. p. 61 (1766). 60 CARNITOEA. belong to some of the other species described by Bourgui- gnat l from the French Pleistocene. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 47705. Two specimens of the proximal extremity of the ulna of opposite sides ; from the Genista Cave. Brome Collection. Purchased, 1876. 47703. The distal extremity of the left tibia ; from a cavern at Wind- mill Hill, Gibraltar. Brome Collection. Purchased, 1876. M. 373. The left lower carnassial of a large Felis which may belong to the present species ; from the Pleistocene (?) of the Yal d'Arno. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. Felis (sp. ; allied to F. pardus). Hob. India. 16537 a. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, showing the (Fig.) three cheek-teeth ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills, India. This specimen is described and figured by the present writer in the ' Palaeontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 328, pi. xliii. figs. 4, 4a. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 48929. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the two last cheek-teeth ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. This specimen is mentioned by the present writer in the ' Palseontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 329, where it is referred to the same species as the last. It is, how- ever, possible that it may belong to F. brachygnatha. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. oiua, Linn. 2 Syn. (?) Felis affinis onca, Lund 3 . Hob. America. 18892. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible, containing pm. 3, and m. 1 in an almost unworn condition, and the broken base of pm . 4; from a cavern in Minas Geraes, Brazil. This specimen is indistinguishable from the man- dible of large individuals of the Jaguar. H. Gervais and Ameghino (loc. cit.) record this species from the Pleistocene 1 Histoire des Felidse fossiles constates en France, etc. (1879). 2 Syst. Nat. ed. 12, vol. i. p. 61 (1766). 3 Vide H. Gervais and Ameghino, 'Les Mammiferes fossiles de I'ArnSrique du Sud,' p. 17 (1880). FELIILS. 61 of Buenos Ayres ; and it seems highly probable that the so-called F. affinis onca, Lund, should be referred to the same species. Claussen Collection. Purchased, 1845. 37684. The fourth right metatarsal, probably belonging to the present species ; from the Pleistocene of Buenos Ayres. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1854. parttalfe, Linn. 1 Syn. (?) Felis affinis pardalis, Lund 2 . Hob. America. 18877. Three specimens of the humerus of a Felis, agreeing pre- cisely with the corresponding bone of the Ocelot; from a cavern in Minas Geraes, Brazil. This species is not recorded by H. Gervais and Ameghino from the S. American Pleistocene ; but it is probable that Lund's F. affinis pardalis is really the same. Claussen Collection. Purchased, 1845. dfrlfe ?artJtna (Oken 3 ). Syn. Lynx pardalis, Oken. Hob. Spain. 47690. Fragment of the anterior portion of the cranium, showing (Fig.} the complete dentition ; from the Genista Cave, Gibraltar. This specimen is figured by Busk in the Trans. Zool. Soc. vol. x. pi. iii. fig. 3. The second premolar is absent. Brome Collection. Presented, 1876. 47691. The nearly complete mandible, wanting a large portion of (Fig.} the right ramus ; from the Genista Cave. This specimen is figured by Busk in the Trans. Zool. Soc. vol. x. pi. iii. fig. 4. Brome Collection. Presented, 1876. 47694. Fragment of the right maxilla, with the teeth broken; from the Genista Cave. The second premolar is absent. Brome Collection. Presented, I87t>. 47699. Distal portion of the left humerus ; from the Genista Cave. Brome Collection. Presented, 1876. 47700. Proximal extremity of the left ulna; from the Genista Cave. Brome Collection. Presented, 1876. 1 Syst. Nat. ed. 12, vol. i. p. 62 (1766). 2 Vide H. Gervais and Amegbino, op. cit. p. 15. a In Ternminck's ' Monographic de Mammalogie,' p. 116 (1827). CABNIVOBA. caffra, Desmarest 1 . Syn. Felts caliyata, Temm. 2 Felis maniculata, Riippell 3 . Hob. Africa and S. Asia (Recent), and Europe (Pleistocene). 47696. The left ramus of the mandible, from a cavern in Windmill (Fig.) Hill, Gibraltar. This specimen is figured by Busk in the Trans. Zool. Soc. vol. x. pi. iii. fig. 6 (1877), under the name of F. caligata. Brome Collection. Presented, 1876. 47697. The hinder portion of the left ramus of the mandible, showing the carnassial tooth ; from a cavern in Windmill Hill. Brome Collection. Presented, 1876. 46798. The right humerus ; from a cavern in Windmill Hill. Brome Collection. Presented, 1876. 47701. The distal extremity of the left humerus; from a cavern in Windmill Hill. Brome Collection. Presented, 1876. 47702. The proximal extremity of the left radius ; from a cavern in Windmill Hill. Brome Collection. Presented, 1876. 47706. The left tibia; from a cavern in Windmill Hill. Brome Collection. Presented, 1876. 47707. The fourth and fifth left metatarsals; from a cavern in Windmill Hill. Brome Collection. Presented, 1876. Felis brevirostris, Croizet and Jobert 4 . Syn. F. leptorhyncha, P. Gervais 5 (ex Bravard). Hob. France. 29622. Cast of the cranium. The original is from the tipper Pliocene of Mont Perrier, near Issoire (Puy-de-D6me), France ; and is figured by P. Gervais, under the name of F. leptorhyncha, in the Zool. et Pal. Franchises, 2nd ed. pi. xxvii. fig. 3. The second premolar is absent. Hastings Collection. Purchased, 1855. 29623. Cast of the mandible. The original is from the Upper 1 Mammalogie, Suppl. p. 540 (1822). 2 Monographic de Mammalogie, vol. i. p. 123 (1827). 3 In Temniinck, op. cit. p. 128. 4 Oss. Foss. du Puy-de-Dome, vol. i. p. 200 (1828). 5 Zool. et Pal. Francises, 1st ed. pi. xxvii. (1848-52). 63 Pliocene of Mt. Perrier ; and is figured by P. Gervais in the Zool. et Pal. Frangaises, 2nd ed. pi. xxvii. fig. 4. Hastings Collection. Purchased, 1855. 28864. The greater portion of the left ramus of the mandible, showing the canine and the three cheek-teeth ; from the Upper Pliocene of Puy-de-D6me. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 28865. The right humerus ; from the Upper Pliocene of Puy-de- Dome. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 28866. The right ulna ; associated with No. 28865. 28867. The right radius ; associated with No. 28865. 27651. The distal extremity of the left humerus ; from the Upper (Fig.) Pliocene of Mont Perrier. This specimen is figured by Croizet and Jobert in the ' Oss. Foss. du Puy-de-D6me,' vol. i. pi. vi. fig. 6. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. 27658. The proximal extremity of the radius ; from the Upper (Fig.) Pliocene of Mont Perrier. This specimen is figured by Croizet and Jobert, op. cit. fig. 9. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. 28868. The left femur ; from the Upper Pliocene of Mont Perrier. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. Felis issiodorensis, Croizet and Jobert '. Hob. France. 27614. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the (Fig,) carnassial; from the Upper Pliocene of Mont Perrier. This specimen is figured by Croizet and Jobert in the 'Oss. Foss. du Puy-de-D6me,' vol. i. pi. iv. fig. 4. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. 28860. The nearly complete left ramus of the mandible ; from the Pliocene of Puy-de-D6me. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 28861. The left ulna; from the Pliocene of Puy-de-D6me. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. Pelis ogygia, Kaup*. M. 1574. Cast of the symphysial extremity of the left ramus of the 1 Oss. Foss. du Puy-de-Dome, vol. i. p. 198 (1828). - Oss. Foss. de Darmstadt, pt. ii. p. 21 (1833). CAKNIYOKA. mandible. The original of this specimen was obtained from the Upper Miocene of Eppelsheim, Hesse Darmstadt ; and is figured by Kaup in the ' Oss. Foss. de Darmstadt,' pt. ii. pi. ii. fig. 3, and by De Blainville in the ' Osteo- graphie,' genus Felis, pi. xvi. Purchased. catus (Linn.) 1 . Hob. Europe. 16710. The left ramus of the mandible, from Kent's-Hole Cavern, (Fig.) Torquay. This specimen is mentioned in Owen's ' British Fossil Mammals and Birds,' p. 173, and the teeth are figured in outline in the figure on p. 172. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. M. 95. The left ramus of the mandible, containing the carnassial ; from Cat's-Hole Cavern, Gower, Glamorganshire. Presented by Gen. Wood, 1865. M. 96. The left ramus of the mandible, containing the canine and the three cheek-teeth ; from Cat's-Hole Cavern. Presented by Gen. Wood, 1865. Genus PSEUDJELURUS, Gervais 2 . Dentition : 1. 1, C. \ Pm. ^ )t M. ( -~. The inner cusp of the lower carnassial is absent in the typical forms, but is present in P. Pseudselurus intermedius, Filhol 4 . Hob. France. M. 1367. Two portions of the opposite rami of the mandible, one showing the two last premolars and the carnassial, and the other the last premolar and the carnassial (broken), and both showing the alveolus of a small 5T2 ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux (Tarn-et-Garonne), France. These specimens are similar to the type specimen figured by Filhol 5 , with the exception of the presence of m71L In the presence of a minute inner cusp to nTTl this species forms Syst. Nat. ed. 12, vol. i. p. 62 (1766). Zool. et Pal. Francises, 1st ed. vol. i. p. 127 (1848-52). In the ' Palaeontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 314, it is stated that this cu p is invariably absent. Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. art. 7, p. 167 (1876). Ibid. pi. xxv. figs. 128-9. FELID-E. 65 an almost complete transition from more typical species of the genus to the viverrine Palceoprionodon. Purchased, 1884. Genus PRO-ffiLURUS, Filhol \ Dentition : I. |, C. \, Pm. J, M. |. This genus is doubtfully placed in the present family ; it seems to connect Pseudcelurus with the viverrine Palceoprionodon, and also exhibits affinity with the Mustelidce. There is a talon and 1 a small inner cusp to the lower carnassial. The first lobe of P]^- 4 is rudimentary or wanting. Proaelurus lemanensis, Filhol 2 . Hob. France. M. 1645. Hinder portion of the left ramus of the mandible, show- ing the third and fourth premolars, the carnassial (broken), and the alveolus of the minute in. 2 ; from the Upper Eocene of Bach, near Lalbenque (Lot), France. This specimen agrees precisely with the mandibles figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. x. pi. xxvi. figs. 7-10. Purchased, 1884. M. 1646. Two specimens of the right maxilla of a Carnivore, probably belonging to the present species ; from the Upper Eocene of Bach. The more perfect specimen contains the third premolar and the carnassial, and the alveoli of pm. 2 and m- 1, behind which there was no other tooth. The carnassial is musteline, having a rudimentary anterior lobe, and the third premolar is feline. The teeth agree so exactly in size and general character with those of the mandible, that there is every probability that the maxilla belongs to the same species. The length of the upper carnassial is 0,014. Purchased, 1884. Genus -ffiLUROGALE, Filhol 3 . Dentition :-L f, C. 1, Pm . _1_, M . ^. 1 Ann. Sci. G6ol. vol. x. art. 3, p. 192 (1879), Proailurus. Ibid. 3 Ibid. vol. iii. art. 7, p. 14 (1872). F 66 CABNIVORA. JElurogale sivalensis, Lydekker 1 . Syn. Pseudfelurus sivalensis, Lydekker 2 . Hob. India. M. 1560. Cast of the greater portion of the right ramus of the man- dible, showing the broken base of the canine, the alveoli of the three premolars, and the broken carnassial. The original of this specimen, which is the type of the species, is preserved in the Indian Museum, Calcutta, and was obtained from the Siwaliks of the Punjab. It is described and figured by the present writer in the ' Palseontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 317, pi. xliv. figs. 7, 7a. Purchased, 1884. Genus JELUROPSIS, Lydekker 3 . Dentition : I. f , C. {, Pm. (?), M. |. JEluropsis annectans, Lydekker 4 . Hah. India. M. 1559. Cast of the hinder portion of the right ramus of the mandible, containing the last premolar, the broken car- nassial, and the aveolus of m. 2. The original of this specimen, which is the type of the genus and species, is preserved in the Indian Museum, Calcutta, and was obtained from the Siwaliks of the Punjab. It is described and figured by the present writer in the ' Palaeontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 316, pi. xxxiii. figs. 4, 4. Purchased, 1884. LIMB-BONES OF UNDETERMINED FELINES. a. From the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills, India. 37144. The centrum of the axis vertebra of a large species of Felis or Machcerodus. Gautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 37146. The distal extremity of the right humerus of a large species. (Fig.). This specimen is described and figured by the present writer in the ' Palaeontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. 1 Eec. Geol. Surv. Ind. vol. x. p. 83 (1877), Pseudcelurus. 2 Loc. tit. 3 Palseontologia Indica (Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind.), eer. 10, vol. ii. p. 316 (1884). * Loc. eit. 67 pp. 345-6, pi. xliii. fig. 11, where it is suggested that it may belong to Felis cristata. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 37142. The distal extremity of the left humerus, of still larger size than the last specimen. This specimen is alluded to by the present writer in the passage quoted above. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 37156. Fragment of the left carpus and metacarpus of a species about the size of F. pardm, showing several of the carpal bones, and the proximal extremities of the third, fourth, and fifth metacarpals. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 40827. Distal extremity of the left femur of a very large species, which is probably either Felis cristata or Machcerodus palaAndicus. The dimensions of this specimen are given by the present writer * in the ' Palaeontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 347. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 40827 a. The distal extremity of the right femur, of smaller size than the last. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 40827 b. The distal extremity of the left femur, of the same size as the last. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 37145. The proximal extremity of a right tibia, of about the same size as Felis pardus. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. M. 1566. The distal half of a right tibia, of about the game size as the corresponding bone of a small Tiger. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 15135. The left astragalus of a species about the size of a large Leopard. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 16565. The distal elements of the left tarsus, with the proximal halves of the five metatarsals, belonging to a species about the size of Felis pardus. This specimen not improbably belongs to the same individual as No. 37156. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 1 The number is erroneously given as 40527. 68 CA.KNIYORA. b. From the Pleistocene of Buenos Ayres. 37682. The distal extremity of the left humems of a feline Car- nivore about the size of a Leopard, exhibiting a large ent e-picondylar foramen. This bone belonged to an adult animal, and is far too small for Machcerodw neogceus. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1854. c. From the Pleistocene of the Narbada Valley, India. 15924. Distal extremity of the right femur of a species of the size of a large Tiger. Presented by C. Fraser, Esq. 15922. Distal extremity of the left femur, of rather smaller size than the last specimen ; collected at the village of Naogaon in 1839. No history. d. From ilie Pleistocene of England. M. 1625. Portion of the humerus (apparently) of a large feline ; from the Forest-bed of Kessingland, Norfolk. This speci- men is noticed by Newton in the Mem. Geol. Surv. England and Wales, " Vertebrata of Forest-bed Series of Norfolk and Suffolk," p. 23 (1882). Presented by Miss L. Martineau, 1884. Family HY^ENIDJE. In many respects the typical genus is more intimately allied to Canis (notably in the structure of the feet and the absence of an entepicondylar foramen to the humerus) than to the preceding family ; and as some of the Viverridce are extremely close to the Felidce, the former family is very frequently placed next to the latter. The relationship of Oynodictis to the Viverridce is, how- ever, so extremely intimate that it seems imperative to place the Ganoids and Viverroids in juxtaposition. The dentition of some of the most specialized species of Hycena is moreover extremely feline, while some of the more generalized forms (Leptliyazna) are very like those of some of the primitive felines, so that there are strong indi- cations of affinity between the two families. On the other hand, the more generalized species of Hycena (H. macrostoma) exhibit very strongly marked affinities to the Canoids, while the genus Ictithe- rium closely connects other species {H. sivalensis) with the Viver- roids ; so that the impossibility of exhibiting the full affinities of a group by any lineal system of classification is very strongly exem- plified. Genus HY7ENA, Zimm. 1 Syn. Crocotta, Kaup. Crocuta, Gray. Euhycena, Falconer. HycenictiS) Gaudry 2 . Lycycena, Hensel 3 . Dentition. The normal adult dental formula of Hycena, in which, for palaeontological purposes, at all events, Crocuta is best included, is I. |, C. p. Pm. |, M. |. In certain fossil forms, however, pm. 1 is, either occasionally or normally, absent, while in others pm. i is normally developed ; and in others again m . 2 may be present. The range of variation in the dentition may therefore be expressed by the following formula : viz. I. f , C. \, Pm. <|=g, M. (1 _J_ 2) . It (1 __ 2) . is, however, not improbable that the upper true molar may be entirely wanting in some instances. Utama crocuta (Erxleben 4 ). Syn. Hycena capensis, Desmarest. Hycena maculata, Zimmermann. Hycena rufa, Cuvier. Hycena spelcea, Goldfuss 5 (? var.). Crocotta maculata, Kaup. Crocotta spelcea, Kaup (? var.). Crocuta maculata, Gray. Canis crocuta, Erxleben 6 . In this species m . i has a small talon and no inner cusp ; m. 1 is always minute, and may possibly bejabsent'in some instances ; it has either one or two fangs. In one skull 7 there is on one side the alveolus of a minute m . 2. The hinder lobe of pm. 4 is larger than the middle ; and there is no distinct anterior talon to pm. 3, which is set parallel to the molar alveoli. Hob. Africa (Recent), and Europe (Pleistocene). 1 Specimen Zoologicse Geographies, p. 365 (1777). The genus also has the pre-Linnean authority of Brisson, under which it is frequently quoted. 2 Comptes Eendus, vol. lii. p. 722 (1861). The reasons for including this genus in Hycena are given under the head of H. sivalensis. 3 Monatsb. k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. 1862 (vol. for 1863), p. 667. The reasons for including this genus in Hycena are given under the head of H. maerostoma. 4 Sysfc. Reg. Animal, p. 578 (1777), Cam's crocuta. 5 Nova Acta Ac. Cses. Leop.-Oar. vol. xi. pt. 2, p. 456 (1823). 6 Loc. cit. 7 This specimen is in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons (No. 523). ~ *Q CA.KNIVOBA. 28557. The nearly complete cranium, wanting the left zygomatic region, the incisors, the right canine, and the second left premolar; from a cavern in Sundwig, Westphalia. This specimen belonged to an extremely aged individual, the teeth being very much worn ; there is no sign of the presence of m- 1. Purchased, 1853. 29 (0. C.). Cranium, wanting the zygomatic, nasal, and premaxillary (Fig.) regions ; from a cavern in Muggendorf, Pranconia. This specimen exhibits a severe lesion in the parietal region, which had, however, healed before the death of the animal. It has been described and figured by Som- mering in ' Nova Acta Ac. Caes. Leop.-Car.' vol. xiv. p. 1, pis. 1, 2 ; by Cuvier in the ' Ossemens Fossiles,' ed. 1822, vol. iv. p. 399, pi. xx. figs. 6, 7 ; and by Owen in the British Fossil Mammals and Birds,' pp. 153-4, fig. 59. The teeth are well worn, the greater portion of pm- 4 being broken away ; there is no trace of m. 1. The condition of the bone is remarkably fresh, there being no adhesion to the tongue in any part. Sommering Collection. Purchased, 1827. 14274. The right maxilla, showing the whole of the teeth in an al- most unworn and very perfect condition ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern, Torquay. There is a minute alveolus for m. 1. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. 16693. A portion of the left maxilla, showing the three last pre- molars ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. There is no trace of m. 1. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. 37162. A portion of the left maxilla, showing the three last pre- molars; from Brixham Cave, near Torquay. The teeth are well worn, and there is no trace of m. 1. Presented by E. W. Wolston, Esq., 1863. 32 (0. C.). Damaged occipital portion of a cranium ; from Kirkdale Cave, Yorkshire. Presented by W. Salmond, Esq. Before 1836. 27959. The hinder half of the cranium ; from "Westeregeln, near Magdeburg. Presented by J. Brown, Esq., 1852. 37165. The hinder portion of the cranium ; from Brixham Cave. Presented by B. W. Wolston, Esq., 1863. 71 37166. A fragment of the parietal portion of the cranium ; from Brixham Cave. Presented by R. W. Wolston, Esq., 1863. 28582. Basis of the cranium ; from a cavern in Sundwig, West- Phalia. Purchased, 1853. 30 X (O.C.). Fragment of right maxilla, containing the last three premolars ; from Kirkdale Cave. Presented by W. Salmond, Esq. Before 1836. 42927. Fragment of the right maxilla, containing the unworn pm. 3 and the alveoli of the other teeth ; from the Grotto de Remouchamps. Purchased, 1853. 44748. Fragment of the left maxilla, containing pm. 3 and pm. 4 and the alveolus of m. 1 ; from a cavern at Bleadon. The teeth are little worn and of very large size. Presented by B. BrigU, Esq., 1873. 44750. Fragment of the upper canine tooth; from a cavern at Bleadon. Presented by B. Bright, Esq., 1873. 18982. The greater portion of the left maxilla and premaxilla; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. All the teeth are present with the exception of pm- 1 and m. 1, of both of which the alveoli are visible. Presented by Rev. Upton Richards, 1845. 16695. The greater portion of the right maxilla ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. The canine is broken ; the four premolars are present, in a well-worn condition ; but there is no trace of m. 1. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. 37163. Fragment of the left maxilla, containing pm.3 and pm. 4 ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. The teeth are little worn, and there is a minute alveolus for m. 1. Presented by R. W. Wolston, Esq a , 1863. 18273. Fragment of the left maxilla of a very old individual, con- taining the alveolus of pm- 2, the complete pm.3, and a part of pm. 4 ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. 18982. Fragment of the left maxilla, containing the three last cheek-teeth in an early stage of wear ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. (URNIVORA. 35 (0. C.). The right premaxilla, containing the three incisors ; from Kirkdale Cave. Presented by W. Salmond, Esq. Before 1836. 48708. Part of the left maxilla, containing the second and third premolars and the canine ; from Brixham Cave. Brixham-Cave Collection. Presented, 1876. M. 1340. Casts of the associated canine, and second, third, and fourth upper premolars ; from the Forest-bed Series of Gorton Cliff, Suffolk. The originals of these specimens are in the possession of J. J. Colman, Esq., and are described and figured by Newton in the ' Geological Magazine ' for 1883, pp. 433-5, pi. x. Presented by E. T. Newton, Esq., 1884. 47708. Palate ; from the Genista Cave, Gibraltar. This specimen (Fig.) is described and figured by Busk in the Trans. Zool. Soc. vol. x. p. 75, pi. ii. figs. 1, 2, 3. It shows the first three premolars, in a well-worn condition, and the broken carnassial of the right side. Brome Collection. Presented, 1876. 47709. The occipital portion of the same cranium as the last ; from (Fig.) the Genista Cave, Gibraltar. This specimen is described and figured by Busk in the Trans. Zool. Soc. vol. x. p. 75, pi. ii. fig. 4. Brome Collection. Presented, 1876. M. 91. The right maxilla, containing the canine and the first three premolars, in a much-worn condition ; from Cat's-Hole Cave, Gower, Glamorganshire. Presented by Gen. Wood, 1865. M. 1573. The right ramus of the mandible, wanting the incisors (Fig.) and the last premolar ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. This specimen is figured by Cuvier in the 1 836 edition of the ' Ossemens Fossiles,' pi. cxcii. fig. 9 ; it belonged to an animal of medium age. Sommering Collection. Purchased, 1827. 17988. The greater portion of the right ramus of the mandible of an immature individual ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. 14174. The greater portion of the right ramus of the mandible, showing all the teeth except the third incisor ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. The true molar is much worn. No history. 73 28559. The nearly complete right ramus of the mandible, wanting the incisors and canine ; from a cavern in Sundwig, Westphalia. The teeth are well worn, and indicate an old animal. Purchased, 1853. 18982 a. The horizontal part of the right ramus of the mandible, wanting the symphysis ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. All the cheek-teeth are present, and are but slightly worn. Presented by Rev. Upton Richards, 1845. 14172. The anterior portion of the mandible of an immature in- dividual ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. This specimen lacks the incisors, but shows all the other teeth in beautiful preservation. No history. 28560. The greater portion of the right ramus of the mandible, containing the last three cheek-teeth ; from a cavern in Sundwig, Westphalia. Purchased, 1853. 28560 a. The horizontal portion of the left ramus of the mandible, showing all the teeth except the incisors, in a well-worn condition ; from a cavern in Sundwig, Westphalia. Purchased, 1853. 28560 b. The greater portion of the right ramus of the mandible of an immature individual, showing the partially pro- truded canine, the third and fourth premolars, and the alveoli of pm . 2 and m. 1 ; from a cavern in Sundwig, Westphalia. Purchased, 1853. 28015. The greater part of the horizontal portion of the right (Fig.) ramus of the mandible ; from the Pleistocene " till " of Walton-on-the-Na/e, Essex. This specimen is described and figured by Owen in the ' British Eossil Mammals and Birds,' p. 151, fig. 58. It shows the whole of the cheek-teeth in a much-worn condition, and the alveolus of the canine and one incisor. Presented by J. Brown, Esq., 1852. 33 (0. C.). The greater portion of the left ramus of the mandible, showing all the teeth except the incisors ; from Kirkdale Cave. Presented by W. Salmond, Esq. Before 1836. 46135. The greater portion of the left ramus of the mandible of ati old individual ; dredged off the Dogger Bank. Owles Collection. Purchased, 1874. 74 37167. The anterior portion of the left ramus of the mandible, showing the canine and cheek-teeth; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. Presented by E. W. Wolstm, Esq., 1863. 37168. The middle portion of the left ramus of the mandible, show- ing the four cheek-teeth, in a very slightly worn condition ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. Presented by K W. Wolston, Esq., 1863. 37169. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the second and third premolars ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. Presented by R. W. Wolston, Esq., 1863. 37170. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible of a young individual, showing the canine and pm . 3 ; from Kent's- Hole Cavern. Presented by R. W. Wolston, Esq., 1863. 37171. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible of a young individual, showing the third premolar ; from Kent's- Hole Cavern. Presented by R. W. Wolston, Esq., 1863. 22028. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the canine, pmT3, and pm . 1, with the associated carnassial of the opposite side ; from the Pleistocene of Grays, Essex. Purchased, 1848. 48698. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, showing the two last premolars and the carnassial ; from Brixham Cave. Brixham-Cave Collection. Presented, 1876. 15436. Anterior portion of the right ramus of the mandible, showing the canine and the three premolars ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. In this specimen pm . 3 is double, there being one tooth in the regular line (which is much more worn than the teeth in front and behind), and a second tooth on the outer side of the regular line, which is in the same state of wear as the teeth in front and behind ; the large size of the much- worn tooth proves that it cannot be a retained milk-molar. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. 17964. The left half of the symphysis of the mandible, containing two incisors, the canine, and ^72; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. 16700. The anterior extremity of the right ramus of the mandible, 75 containing the incisors, canine, and premolars; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. M. 441. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible, containing pm. 4, and m. 1 ; both in a much- worn condition. This specimen is marked " Kent's Hole ? " ; but its condition is not that of the bones from that place. Enniskillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. 48721. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the (Fig.) canine and the three premolars; from Brixham Cave. This specimen is figured by Busk in the Phil. Trans. 1873, pi. xlv. fig. 1. Briccham-Cave Collection. Presented, 1876. 22038. An associated left lower j^mTl and the right upper pm. 3 ; from the Pleistocene of Grays, Essex. Purchased, 1848. 50020. Eight specimens of teeth and fragments of the mandible; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. Bequeathed by Sir Walter C. Trevelyan, 1879. 18982. Several fragments of upper and lower jaws ; from Kent's- Hole Cavern. Presented by Rev. Upton Richards, 1845. 16694. Greater portion of the left ramus of the mandible, containing nearly all the teeth, in a well-worn condition ; from Kent's- Hole Cavern. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. 17987. Greater portion of the right ramus of the mandible, showing the four cheek-teeth and the canine ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. 16706. Part of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the three last cheek-teeth ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. 32260. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, with the three unworn premolars ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. 17933. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible of a young individual ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. 17932. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible, containing the four cheek-teeth ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. 76 CABNIVORA . 16702. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, showing the four cheek-teeth ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. 16701. The greater portion of the left ramus of the mandible, want- ing pnT3 ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. 33 a (0. C.). The condylar extremity of the left ramus of the man- dible ; from Kirkdale Cave. Presented by W. Salmond, Esq. Before 1836. 32509. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the last two teeth ; from the osseous breccia of Vallieux (Loir- et-Cher), France. Tesson Collection. Purchased, 1857. M. 92. Two specimens of the mandible, one very perfect and con- taining all the cheek-teeth ; from Cat's-Hole Cave, Gower, Glamorganshire. Presented by Gen. Wood, 1865. 28560. The greater part of the left ramus of the mandible, contain- ing all the cheek-teeth except the incisors ; from a cavern in Sundwig, Westphalia. Purchased, 1853. 16696. The greater part of the left ramus of the mandible, contain- ing the four cheek-teeth and the alveoli of the incisors and canines ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. 17989. The greater part of the left ramus of the mandible, contain- ing the four cheek-teeth in an early stage of wear ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. 17437. The left ramus of the mandible, showing the milk-teeth, and the germs of the permanent teeth in alveolo ; from Kent's- Hole Cavern. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. M. 440. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, showing the germs of the permanent cheek-teeth ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. EnnisJcillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. 36 (0. C.). A fragment of the right maxilla, and the left ramus of the mandible, containing the milk-teeth and the germs of those of the permanent series ; from Kirkdale Cave. Presented by W. Salmond, Esq. Before 1836. 17909. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible of a young 77 individual, with the second and third milk-molars ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. 37164. Fragment of the right maxilla of a very young individual, showing the three milk-teeth in an unworn condition \ from Brixham Cave. Presented by R. W. Wolston, Esq., 1863. 37 (0. C.). The glenoidal extremity of the left scapula; from Kirk- dale Cave. Presented by W. Salmond, Esq. Before 1836. 40 (0. C.). The distal two-thirds of the left humerus; from Kirk- dale Cave. Presented by W. Salmond, Esq. Before 1836. 37181. The right humerus, wanting the proximal extremity; from Brixham Cave. Presented by E. W. Wolston, Esq., 1863. 41 (0. C.). The right radius, wanting the distal extremity ; from Kirkdale Cave. Presented by W. Salmond, Esq. Before 1836. 37180. The right radius, wanting the distal extremity; from Brixham Cave. Presented by E. W. Wolston, Esq., 1863. 42 (0. C.)- The right ulna, wanting the distal extremity arid the summit of the olecranon ; from Kirkdale Cave. Presented by W. Salmond, Esq. Before 1836. 37181 a. The right ulna, wanting the distal extremity and the greater portion of the olecranon ; from Brixham Cave. Presented by M. W. Wolston, Esq., 1863. 48 (0. C.). The pisiform ; from Kirkdale Cave. Presented by W. Salmond, Esq. Before 1836. 44 (0. C.). The second left metacarpal ; from Kirkdale Cave. Presented by W. Salmond, Esq. Before 1836. 16758. The third right metacarpal ; from Brixham Cave. Presented by E. W. Wolston, Esq., 1863. 16758 a. The fifth left metacarpal; from Brixham Cave. Presented by E. W. Wolston, Esq., 1863. 44 a (0. C.). The fifth left metacarpal; from Kirkdale Cave. This bone is of a much stouter type than the last. Presented by W. Salmond, Esq. Before 1836. 39 a (0. C.)- The iliac and acetabular portion of the left innominate; from Kirkdale Cave. Presented by W. Salmond, Esq. Before 1836. 78 CARNTVOKA. 39 (0. C.). The proximal half of the right femur, wanting the great trochanter ; from Kirkdale Cave. Presented by W. Salmond, Esq. Before 1836. 19843. The right femur, wanting the distal extremity ; from the Pleistocene of Grays, Essex. Purchased, 1845. 37184. The left tibia ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. 37185. The distal portion of the right tibia ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. 43 (0. C.). The distal extremity of the right tibia ; from Kirkdale Cave. Presented by W. Salmond, Esq. Before 1836. 49 (0. C.). The left calcaneum ; from Kirkdale Cave. Presented by W. Salmond, Esq. Before 1836. 45 (0. C.). The left astragalus ; from Kirkdale Cave. Presented by W. Salmond, Esq. Before 1836. 18278. The left astragalus ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. McEnery Collection. Purchased. 1842. 47 (0. C.). The right navicular ; from Kirkdale Cave. Presented by W. Salmond, Esq. Before 1836. 16783. The distal portion of a metatarsal ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. 37197. A second phalangeal ; from Brixham Cave. Presented by E. W. Wolston, Esq., 1863. 38 (0. C.). The atlas vertebra, wanting the alre ; from Kirkdale Cave. Presented by W. Salmond, Esq. Before 1836. 37176. The atlas vertebra, wanting the afce from Brixham Cave. Presented by R. W. Wolston, Esq., 1863. 48709. The atlas vertebra, nearly perfect; from Brixham Cave. Brixham-Cave Collection. Presented, 1876. 37175. The atlas vertebra, wanting the alee; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. 37177. The axis vertebra ; from Brixham Cave. Presented by B. W. Wolston, Esq., 1863. 79 38 (0. C.). The axis vertebra, much broken ; from Kirkdale Cave. Presented by W. Salmond, Esq. Before 1836. 58719. The fourth cervical vertebra ; from Brixham Cave. Brixham-Cave Collection. Presented, 1876. 38 b (0. C.). The fourth cervical vertebra ; from Kirkdale Cave. Presented by W. Salmond, Esq. Before 1836. 38 (0. C.). The fifth cervical vertebra ; from Kirkdale Cave. Presented by W. Salmond, Esq. Before 1836. 38 C (0. C.). The sixth cervical vertebra ; from Kirkdale Cave. Presented by W. Salmond, Esq. Before 1836. 48722. The seventh cervical vertebra ; from Brixham Cave. Brixham-Cave Collection. Presented, 1876. 37178. A late cervical vertebra; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. Hyaena perrieri, Croizet and Jobert '. In this form the lower carnassial has a large talon, but no inner tubercle ; the upper true molar is of medium size. It is probable that it is closely related to H. crocuta, of which it has been con- sidered merely a variety. Hob. Europe. 27654. The germ of the left lower carnassial tooth ; from the Upper (Fig.) Pliocene of Mt.Perrier, near Issoire, (Puy-de-D6me), France. This tooth is about the size of the corresponding tooth of a small individual of H. crocuta, but has a relatively larger talon, bearing two cusps, which are more developed than in that species. The specimen is figured by Croizet and Jobert in the Oss. Fpss. du Puy-de-D6me,vol.i. pi. iv.fig. 3. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. 27650. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible of a young Hyaena, probably belonging to the present species ; from the Upper Pliocene of Arde, near Issoire. This specimen shows the three milk-molars and the germ of the per- manent canine. The second and third milk-molars are longer in proportion to the length of the milk-carnassial than in H. crocuta ; there is no inner tubercle to mm. 4. This specimen and the last appear to indicate that the present form is distinct from H. crocuta. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. 1 Oss. Foss. da Puy-de-Dome, vol. i. p. 169 (1828). gO CARmVORA. Hyaena sinensis, Owen 1 . ffab China. It has been suggested by the present writer, in the ' Pateontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. pp. 288-9, that this species is not improbably the same as the Siwalik H. felina. The species is described solely upon the evidence of the three teeth mentioned below, all of which were obtained from a cave in the province of Sechuen (Sez-chuen), N.W. China, near the city of Chung-king-foo. 41937. The third right upper premolar. This specimen is figured (Fig.) by Owen in the Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxvi. pi. xxviii. figs. 5, 6. Purchased from R. Swinhoe, Esq., 1870. 41938. The third right lower premolar. This specimen is figured (Fig.) by Owen, op. cit. pi. xxviii. fig 7. Purchased from R. Swinhoe, Esq., 1870. 41939. The lower canine, wanting the greater portion of the crown. Purchased from R. Swinhoe, Esq., 1870. Hyaena felina, Bose 2 . Syn. Hycena sivalensis, Falconer and Cautley (in parte). The dentition of this species is of the general type of that of H. crocuta, m. 1 being of small size. The first upper premolar is absent in some instances. Hab. India. 15902. Cranium of a very old individual, with the teeth much worn (Fig.) and battered; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills, India. The alveolus of a minute m. 1 may be seen on the right side : pm. 1 is absent. This specimen, which is the type of the species, is figured by Falconer and Cautley in the ' Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis,' pi. K. 3 figs. 1, 1 a, 1 6, 1 c ; but it wanted at that time the left half of the palate, which has been subsequently added ; it is also described and figured by Bose in the Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxxvi. p. 130, pi. vi. fig. 6, and is described by the present writer in the ' Palseontologia Indica ' in the pas- sage cited below. The accompanying woodcut (fig. 7) 1 Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxvi. p. 422 (1870). a Loc. cit. vol. xxxvi. p. 130 (1880). 3 This plate was erroneously lettered Felis cristata in place of Hycena siva- lensis. 81 82 CAKNIVORA. represents another cranium, with the mandible attached, belonging to the present species, which was obtained by Messrs. Baker and Durand from the Siwalik Hills, and is now preserved in the Museum of Science and Art, Dublin. This specimen is described and figured by the present writer in the ' Palseontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. pp. 282-5. The teeth are but little worn, and show that the diastema was short, and that ^Tl had large fore-and- aft talons ; the first upper premolar is present in this specimen. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 37138. Fragment of the right maxilla, containing the last three (Fig.) premolars and the broken base of a minute m. 1 ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. The greater part of the crown of the carnassial is broken away, and the other teeth are in a middle condition of wear. This specimen is figured by Falconer and Cautley in the ' Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis,' pi. L. fig. 8 ; and is described and figured by the present writer in the ' Palaeontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 283, pi. xxxv. A. fig. 2. It is referred to the present species on account of its precise resemblance to the corresponding portion of the Dublin skull ; and from being the only specimen exhibiting the inner sides of the undamaged teeth, has been taken as the type specimen of the teeth. The second premolar is relatively long and narrow, and pm. 3 has a relatively low crown with an extremely convex external vertical contour. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. M. 1549. Cast of the left ramus of the mandible of a sub-adult indi- vidual, showing the canine (not fully protruded) and the four cheek-teeth. The original of this specimen is from the Siwaliks of the Punjab, and is in the Indian Mu- seum, Calcutta ; it is described and figured by the present writer in the ' Palaeontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 285, pis. xxxvii.-ix. fig. 1. It is referred to the present species from its large size and its agreement with the Dublin skull, especially in the presence of large fore-and- aft talons to pm. 4 ; the preceding tooth exhibits a highly convex external vertical contour. Purchased, 1884. 16565. Hinder portion of the right ramus of the mandible, showing (Fig.) the last three teeth in a much battered and worn con- 83 dition; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. This specimen is figured by Falconer and Cautley in the < Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis,' pi. M. fig. 1 ; and has been described and figured by the present writer in the ' Palaeontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 285, pi. xxxix. figs. 2, 2 a. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842 39731. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible of a Hysena, no (Fig.) improbably belonging to the present species; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. This specimen shows the broken base of the canine, the second and third premolars, and the carnassial ; it is figured by Falconer and Cautley in the ' Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis,' pi. M. figs. 5, 5 a ; and is briefly noticed by the present, writer in the ' Palseon- tologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 286, where it is pro- visionally referred to the present species. It agrees with No. M. 1549 in the long interval between pm . 3 and m . i, thus indicating the large size of pmTl ; but differs in having a cingulum to m . 1, which is a character of the specimens referred to the next species. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 37141. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible of a Hya3na, (Fig.) containing the last three cheek-teeth in a somewhat broken condition ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. This specimen has been figured by Falconer and Cautley in the ' Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis,' pi. M. fig. 7 ; and is alluded to by the present writer in the ' Palseontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 287, and provisionally referred to the present species 1 . ' Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. M. 1550. Cast of a fragment of the right ramus of the mandible of a Hyaena, containing the last three cheek-teeth in a middle condition of wear. The original of this specimen is from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills, and is preserved in the Indian Museum, Calcutta : it is figured and described by the present writer in the ' Palseontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 286, where it is provisionally referred to the present species. Purchased, 1884. 1 The number is erroneously given 37140. G 2 CAENIVOEA. 16584. Distal extremity of the left ramus of the mandible of a (Fig.) ' Hyama, containing the broken base of the canine and the three premolars ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. This specimen is figured by Falconer and Cautley in the ' Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis,' pi. M. fig. 3 ; and is alluded to by the present writer in the ' Palaeontologia Indica/ ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 287. Its teeth agree with those of No. 39731, and the two evidently belong to the same species. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. Hyaena colvini, Lydekker 1 . This species is distinguished from the preceding one by the larger size of the upper true molar, and by the taller and more slender crown of the third upper premolar, and the shorter crown of the second tooth of the same series ; the first upper premolar is absent. In the lower jaw the premolars are likewise tall and slender, but there is very great difficulty in determining which jaws belong to this specimen and which to the last. It is highly probable that there is in reality an almost, or quite, complete passage from the last to the present species. Hob. India. M. 1552. Cast of the cranium of an adult individual, containing the third and fourth premolars of the right side, and showing the broken bases of most of the other teeth, but wanting the greater part of the left maxilla. The original of this specimen, which is the type of the species, is from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills, and is preserved in the Indian Museum, Calcutta ; a specimen in the Science and Art Museum, Dublin, is believed to be the missing portion of the left maxilla. The cranium is described and figured by the present writer in the ' Palseontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 290, pi. xxxv. fig. 2. It shows that pm. 3 is very different from the corresponding tooth of H. felina in No. 37138. Purchased, 1884. M. 1551. Cast of the cranium of an immature individual, showing the bases of all the teeth and the complete pm. 2. The original of this specimen is from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills, and is preserved in the Indian Museum, 1 Palaontologia Indica (Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind.), ser. 10, vol. ii. p 290 (1884). 85 Calcutta. It is described and figured by tbe present writer in the ' Palaeontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 292, pis. xxxv. fig. 1, xxxvi. fig. 1, and exhibits the distinctive characters of pm. 2, which tooth is very different from the corresponding tooth of H. felina in No. 37138. Purchased, 1884. 37139. Fragment of the left maxilla, containing the last two pre- (Fiy.) molars; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. This specimen, in which m. 1 has probably been broken away, has been figured by Falconer and Cautley in the Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis,' pi. L. fig. 7 ; and is described and figured by the present writer in the ' Palseontologia In- dica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 293, pi. xxxv. A. fig. 1. The teeth are very similar to those of the type cranium. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 37139 a. The germ of a right upper carnassial tooth, probably be- (Fig.) longing to the present species ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. This specimen is figured by Falconer and Cautley in the ' Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis,' pi. L. fig. 9. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 37140. Fragment of the left maxilla, containing the last two pre- (Fig.) molars and the true molar, in a slightly worn condition ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. This specimen is figured by Falconer and Cautley in the ' Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis,' pi. L. fig. 5 ; and is described and figured by the present writer in the ' Palaontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 293, pi. xxxv. A. figs. 3, 3 a. The teeth agree very nearly with those of the type cranium. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 16578. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible, containing the (Fig.) last three cheek-teeth, in an unworn condition ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. This specimen is figured by Falconer and Cautley in the 'Fauna Antiqua Siva- lensis;' and is described and figured by the present writer in the 'Palaeontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 296, fig. 14, from which the accompanying woodcut (fig. 8) is taken. The teeth agree so closely with those of the type cranium of the present species, that there is little doubt 66 CAHHTFORA. but that the specimen should be referred to the same species. The premolars are very different from those of the mandible (No. M. 1549) ofH.felina, but they come pm. 3. Hycena colvini. Part of the right ramus of the mandible ; from the Siwalik Hills. \. (From the ' Palseontologia Indica.') very near to those of No. 16565. The present specimen and No. M. 1549 have their teeth in precisely the same condition of wear. There is a cingulum to mTl in the present specimen, which is wanting in No. M. 1549, although present in No. 39731. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 16526. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible of an imma- (Fig.) ture individual, containing the canine and the three pre- molars; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. This specimen is figured by Falconer and Cautley in the ' Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis,' pi. L. fig. 9, and is briefly mentioned by the present writer in the ' Palaeontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 296. The teeth are similar to those of the last specimen. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 87 M. 1553. Cast of a fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, showing pm. 4 and m . i. The original of this specimen is from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills, and is preserved in the Indian Museum, Calcutta. It is described and figured by the present writer in the ' Palaeontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 295, pis. xxxviii. fig. 3 and xxxix. fig. 4. Purchased, 1842. Hyaena eximia, Roth and Wagner 1 . Syn. Hy&na hipparionum, Suess (non Gerv.), in parte. In this species m . 1 has a large talon, but no inner cusp ; m^l is large ; pm. 1 is present ; and in one specimen pm. 1 is absent. Pm. 3 has no anterior talon ; and in pm. 4 the inner tubercle is very small, and the third lobe slightly larger than the second. Hob. Greece and Hungary. 49673. Cast of the complete cranium and mandible, showing the whole of the teeth, in a partially worn condition. The first upper premolar is wanting on both sides, and there is apparently no room for it on the left side. The original is from the Lower Pliocene of Pikermi, Attica, and is pre- served in the Museum at Munich. Purchased, 1879. 49678. Cast of the left ramus of the mandible of an immature individual; the original is from the Lower Pliocene of Pikermi, and is preserved in the Munich Museum. Purchased, 1879. Hyaena antiqua, Lankester 5 . Hal. England. This is a very doubtful provisional species, founded upon the evidence of the one tooth noticed below ; it is said to be allied to H, striata. 37983. The third upper premolar from the Bed Crag (Newer Plio- (Fig.) cene) of Felixstowe, Essex. This specimen, which is the type, is described and figured by Lankester in the Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. vol. xiii. p. 56, pi. viii. figs. 5, 6 (1864). Purchased, 1864. 1 Abh. math.-phys. 01. k.-bay. Ak. Wiss. vol. vii. p. 396 (1864). 2 Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. vol. xiii. p. 56 (1864). gg CABNIVOBA. Strata, Zimmermann 1 . Syn. Hycena antiquorum, Temminck. Hycena fasdata, Thunberg. Hycena intermedia, M. de Serres. Hycena monspesstdana, Christol. Hycena orientalis, Tiedmann. Hycena prisca, M. de Serres. Hycena veterum, Ksempfer. Hycena virgata, Gray. Hycena vulgaris, Desmarest. Euhycena striata, Falconer. Cants hycena, Linnaeus. In this species the lower carnassial has a large hind talon and inner cusp, and the upper true molar is large ; there are large fore- and-aft talons to pm. 3, and the third lobe of pm. 4 is not larger than the second. Hob. South-western Asia and North Africa (Recent), and South Europe (Pleistocene). It. 469. Fragment of the left maxilla ; from the Pleistocene (?) of the Val d'Arno. This specimen contains the complete carnassial, in a well-worn condition, the hinder half of pm. 3, and the broken base of m - 1. EnnisMllen Collection. Purchased, 1882. Hyaena sivalensis, Rose 2 . Syn. H. sivalensis, Falc. and Caut. (in parte). The permanent dentition of this species is mainly of the type of Hycena striata, but differs by the presence of m72. In this cha- racter it agrees with the genus Hycenictis of Gaudry, but differs by the absence of pm. 1. The absence of the latter, and the minute size of m. 2 in one specimen, coupled with the one instance of the presence of this tooth in E. crocuta, induces the present writer to include Hycenictis in Hycena. Hdb. India. 37133. The nearly complete cranium ; from the Pliocene of the {Fig.) Siwalik Hills, India. This specimen is figured by Falconer and Cautley in the ' Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis,' pi. K. figs. 2, 2 a, 26, 2c, and in 'Falconer's Pafceontological 1 Specimen Zool. Geog. p. 366 (1777). 2 Quart. Journ. G-eol. Soc. vol. xxxvi. p. 128 (1880). The name H. sivalensis, Falc. and Caut., has been dropped. 89 Memoirs,' vol. i. pi. xxv. figs. 1-4, being in both instances erroneously named Fells cristata. It is also described by Bose in the Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxxvi. p. 128 ; and is described and figured by the present writer in the ' Palseontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. pp. 304, 305, pi. xxxiv. It is the type specimen of the species, and exhibits the three last premolars and the first true molar, the latter being of unusually large size; the sockets of pm- 1 are also visible, as well as a portion of the canine of the right side. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 37136. Anterior portion of the cranium ; from the Pliocene of the (Fiy.) Siwalik Hills. This specimen is figured by Falconer and Cautley in the ' Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis,' pi. K. figs. 4, 4 a, 46 ; and has been noticed by the present writer in the ' Palaeontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 306. It has been somewhat damaged by rolling, but comprises the greater part of the skull as far back as the middle of the brain-case, where it is broken off by an oblique fracture. The teeth are much worn and broken ; but the whole of the four premolars are present, and the left pm. 4 exhibits clearly the subequality in size of its three lobes. The superior aspect is extremely like that of the skull of H. striata; and the large postorbital processes of the frontals are well displayed, and, in conjunction with the corresponding zygomatic processes, enclose a large portion of the hinder border of the orbit. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 37134. The hinder portion of the cranium; from the Pliocene of {Fig.) the Siwalik Hills. This specimen is figured by Falconer and Cautley in the 'Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis,' pi. K. figs. 3, 3 a, 3b; and is noticed by the present writer in the 'Palaeontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 306. It agrees precisely in size and general form with the two skulls noticed above, and doubtless belongs to the same species. It exhibits the sagittal crest more fully deve- loped than in the type skull, and is therefore nearer to H. striata. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 16555. The greater portion of the left ramus of the mandible ; from (Fiy.) the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. This specimen is figured by Falconer and Cautley in the ' Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis,' pi. M. figs. 2, 2 a; and is described and figured by the 90 CAKNIVOKA. present writer in the ' Palseontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 306, pi. xxxviii. fig. 5 and xxxix. fig. 7. It is complete, with the exception of the summit of the coronoid process, and shows the whole of the dentition, the cheek- teeth being much worn and the greater part of the crown of the canine broken away. A fragment of the right ramus is attached to the symphysis ; while the condyle is still clasped by the glenoid cavity, which has been torn away from the skull. Behind the carnassial there is the broken root of an exceedingly minute mT2, which the present writer had not detected in the notice quoted above 1 . The small size of this tooth evidently indicates one on the point of disappearance; and from this circumstance, and the absence of pm. 1 and its presence in H. (Hycenictis) grceca, the writer is not inclined to alter his previously expressed opinion as to the advisability of including Hycenictis in Hycena. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. M. 554. Cast of a fragment of the right ramus of the mandible, containing pmTl and niTl, in an unworn condition. The original of this specimen was obtained from the Pliocene Siwaliks of the Punjab, and is preserved in the Indian Museum, Calcutta. It has been described and figured by the present writer in the ' Palseontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 307, pis. xxxviii. fig. 2 and xxxix. fig. 5. Behind the carnassial there is the empty cylindrical alveolus of a small second true molar, which must, how- ever, have been considerably larger than the corresponding tooth of the last specimen. In this specimen niTl has a large talon (the summit broken) and a relatively small blade, on the inner side of the hinder lobe of which there is a small cusp. Purchased, 1884. 16585. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the (Fig.) incisors, canine (broken), and the second and third pre- molars ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. This specimen is figured by Falconer and Cautley in the ' Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis,' pi. M. figs. 6, 6 a. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 15714. Distal portion of the right ramus of the mandible, showing (Fig.) pm72 and pm73, and the broken bases of the incisors, canine, and pmfi ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. 1 It has been made visible by subsequent cleaning. .91 This specimen is figured by Falconer and Cautley in the 'Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis,' pi. M. figs. 4, 4a; and is mentioned by the present writer in the ' Palaeontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 308. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 14618. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, showing p^T2 and pm. 3, in a well-worn condition ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 15917. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, showing ^72 and pm. 3, in a partially worn condition ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. Hyaena macrostoma, Lydekker 1 . In this species, which is apparently closely allied to the Pikermi H. choeretis, the first lower premolar is present, and it is highly probable that m72 was likewise present. The cheek-teeth and cranium exhibit many well-marked canoid and viverroid characters. Since describing this species in the ' Palreontologia Indica,' the writer has noticed that H. chceretis, Gaudry, has been referred by Hensel, in the Monatsb. k. preuss. Ak. Wiss. 1862 (volume for 1863), p. 567, to a distinct genus, under the name of Lycy&na. The pre- sent species would likewise belong to the same genus ; but the writer being strongly opposed to the multiplication of generic terms, prefers to continue to class it with Hycena and to abolish the term Lycycena. Hob. India. M. 1547. Cast of the nearly complete cranium, with the crowns of all the teeth, except one carnassial and the true molars, hammered off. The original of this specimen, which is the type of the species, was obtained from the Siwaliks of the Punjab, and is preserved in the Indian Museum, Calcutta. It is described and figured by the present writer in the ' Palseontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 298, pis. xxxvi. fig. 2 and xxxvii. Purchased, 1884. M. 1548. Cast of the anterior part of the left ramus of the mandible. The original of this specimen was obtained from the Siwaliks of the Punjab, and is preserved in the Indian Museum, Calcutta. It is described and figured by the present writer in the 'Palseontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 301, pis. xxxviii. fig. 4 and xxxix. fig. 6. The specimen shows anteriorly the broken bases of two incisors, 1 Palasontologia Indica (Mem. Geol. Sury. Ind.), ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 298 (1884). 92 CAKNIVOKA. the base of the canine, of pm. 1 and pm. 2, the nearly complete ^m73 and ^4, and the alveoli of ^TT, behind which it is broken off. Part of the summit of pm . 4 has been carried away ; but this and the preceding tooth are otherwise nearly perfect, and being considerably worn indicate that the jaw belonged to a fully adult animal. The two remaining premolars are constructed on the type of those of Hycena, but are considerably longer and narrower than those of any existing species of the genus. Purchased, 1884. SPECIFICALLY UNDETERMINED From the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills, India. 37137. Fragment of a right maxilla, containing the broken base of (Fig.) pm. 1, the other three premolars in a half-worn condition, and the base of m. 1. This specimen is figured by Falconer and Cautley in the ' Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis,' pi. L. figs. 6, 6 a ; and is noticed and figured by the present writer in the ' Pala3ontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 309, who was unable to refer it to either of the four species of Siwalik Hyaenas noticed above. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 39718. Anterior extremity of a cranium, in a much-damaged con- (Fiy.) dition. This specimen is figured by Falconer and Cautley in the ' Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis,' pi. L. figs. 1, la. It exhibits the base of a pm. 1. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 15915. The occipital half of the base of a cranium. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 16583. Fragment of the right maxilla and premaxilla, showing the (Fig.) incisors, canine, and the alveoli of pm. 1 and pm. 2. This specimen, which belongs to an immature individual, is figured by Falconer and Cautley in the ' Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis,' pi. L. fig. 2 ; and not improbably belongs to H. sivalensis. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 39719. The right premaxilla, containing the three incisors. This (Fig.) specimen is figured by Falconer and Cautley in the ' Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis,' pi. L. fig. 3. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 15916. The olecranal extremity of the left ulna of a Carnivore, pro- bably belonging to the present genus. This bone differs from the ulna of Hycena crocuta in the less-complete deve- lopment of the lower sigmoid cavity and in the wider posterior surface ; the two are, however, in other respects very similar. Cauiley Collection. Presented, 1842. Genus LEPTHY-ffiNA, Lydekker 1 . Dentition : I. 1, C. \, Pm. ?, M. \. Lepthyaena sivalensis, Lydekker 2 . Syn. Ictitherium sivalense, Lydekker 3 . Hub. India. 1555-6. Casts of two associated fragments of the mandible, con- taining the two last premolars, the carnassial (imperfect posteriorly), and the alveolus of m. 2- The original of this specimen, which is the type of the genus and species, is preserved in the Indian Museum, Calcutta, and was obtained from the Siwaliks of the Punjab. It is described and figured by the present writer in the ' Palaeontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 312, pi. xlv. figs. 8, 9, 9 a. Purchased, 1884. Family Genus ICTITHERIUM, Wagner 4 . Syn. ThaUasictis, P. Gervais 5 (ex Nordmann). Gakotkerium, Wagner 6 . Palhyana, P. Gervais 7 . Dentition : I. f , C. \, Pm. \, M. f . Ictitherium hippariontun (P. Gervais 8 ). Syn. Hy&na hipparionum, P. Gervais 9 . Palhycena hipparionum, P. Gervais . Hab. Europe. PabEontologia Indica (Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind.), ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 312 (1884). Kec. Geol. Surv. Ind. vol. x. p. 32 (1877), Ictitherium. 3 Loc. tit. Abh. math.-phys. 01. t-bay. Ak. Wiss. vol. v. pt. 2, p. 335 (1848). Zool. et Pal. Fra^aises, 1st ed. vol. i. p. 120 (1848-52). Abh. math.-phys. Cl. k.-bay. Ak. Wiss. vol. iii. pi. i. (1840). This name has the priority over Ictitherium. 7 Zool. et Pal. Frangaises, 2nd ed. p. 242 (1858). 8 Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool. ser. 3, vol. v. p. 261 (1846), Hyena. 9 Ibid- 10 Zool. et Pal. Fran9aises, 2nd ed. p. 242 (1858). 94 CARNTVORA. 28121. A metatarsal and a proximal phalangeal; from the Lower Pliocene of Cuuron (Vaucluse), France. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. Ictitherium robustum (P. Gervais 1 ). Syn. Thattasictis robusta, P. Gervais 2 . Ictitherium viverrinum, Roth and Wagner 3 . Hob. Europe. 49676. Cast of the cranium and mandible. The originals are in the Museum at Munich, and were obtained from the Lower Pliocene of Pikermi, Attica. Purchased, 1879. Genus PAKffiOPRIONODON, Filhol 4 . Dentition : I. L C. ?, Pm. \, M. -,. The second lower molar is 3" 1" 4 ? & small, and there is a minute inner cusp to m . 1, by which the genus is distinguished from the musteline genus Plesiictis. The genus seems to pass almost insensibly in one direction into the feline genus Pseudcelurus, and in another through Stenoplesictis to Cynodictis. The lower teeth are exceedingly like those of Prionodon. Palseoprionodon mutabilis, Filhol 9 . Syn. Pksiogale mutabilis, Filhol. Palceoprionodcni lamandini, Filhol. Palceoprionodon lamandini, var. mutabilis, Filhol. History. In 1877 Filhol (Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. viii. art. I, p. 42, vol. vii. pi. xxv. figs. 6 110-113) described and figured certain mandibles of a viverrine Carnivore under the name of Plesiogale mutabilis. In 1880 (Compt. Rend. vol. xc. p. 1579) he described another lower jaw under the name Palceoprionodon lamandini. In 1882 (Ann. Soc. Sci. Phys. Nat. Toulouse, p. 68, pi. iv. fig. 4) the same writer figured and fully described the lower jaw on which that species was founded. At the same time (ibid. p. 74) he came to the conclusion that the so-called Plesiogale mutabilis was only a variety of Palceoprionodon lamandini, and proposed to call it by the name of Palceoprionodon lamandini, var mutabilis. It is clear, however, Zool. et Pal. Francises, 1st ed. vol. i. p. 120 (1848-52), Thailasictis. Ibid. Abh. math.-phys. Cl. k.-bay. Ak. Wiss. vol. viii. pt. 1, figs. 5, 6 (1857). Comptes Eendus, vol. xc. p. 1579 (1880). Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. viii. art. 1, p. 42 (1877), Plesiogale. There is some incorrectness in the references to these figures. 95 that the name mutabilis has the priority and must stand for the species, the type of which will be the original Plesiogale mutabilis ; the name lamandini, if employed at all, should be used in a varietal sense for the form with a large ^~2, figured in the Ann. Soc. Sci. Phys. Nat. Toulouse, 1882, pi. iv. fig. 4. Hob. France. M. 1643. Two specimens of part of the right ramus of the mandible, showing the third and fourth premolars, the carnassial, and the alveoli of m72 and the other teeth; from the Upper Eocene of Bach, near Lalbenque (Lot), France. These specimens appear to agree precisely with the form figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. pi. xxv. figs. 112, 113, under the name of Plesiogale mutabilis. Purchased, 1884. M. 1369. The greater portion of the right ramus of the mandible, containing the canine and all the cheek-teeth except pmH (of which the crown is broken oft 7 ) ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux (Tarn-et-Garonne), France. This specimen appears to agree precisely with the mandible figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. pi. xxv. figs. 110, 111, under the name of Plesiogale mutabilis, and that in the Ann. Soc. Sci. Phys. Nat. Toulouse, 1882, pi. iv. fig. 1, under the name of Palceoprionodon lamandini, var. muta- bilis ; both these specimens differing slightly from the preceding specimens. Purchased, 1884. 9 Palseoprionodon, sp. Hab. Europe. M. 1370. The greater portion of the left ramus of the mandible, con- taining the canine and all the cheek-teeth ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. In this specimen the length of the space occupied by the last four cheek-teeth is the same as in No. M. 1369 ; the interval between pm . 3 and the canine is, how- ever, considerably less, and pm. 2 is smaller. The second true molar is small, and there is a distinct inner cusp to the carnassial. It is not improbable that these differences should be regarded as of specific value. Purchased, 1884. M. 1644. Symphysial extremity of the left ramus of the mandible, very similar to the last specimen ; from the Upper Eocene of Bach. Purchased, 1884. Hub. France. CARNIVOBA. Palaeoprionodon, sp. M. 1371. The greater portion of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the canine and all the cheek-teeth except j^TT; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux (Tarn-et- Garonne), France. In this specimen the space occupied by the cheek-teeth is the same as in No. M. 1370 ; but p m> 2 is larger, the crowns of the other cheek-teeth lower, and the ramus of the jaw considerably more slender. These distinctive characters are not improbably of specific value. Purchased, 1884. M. 1373. The greater portion of the left ramus of the mandible ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. This specimen, which is in every respect similar to the last, contains the last three cheek-teeth and the alveoli of the first three pre- molars and the canine. Purchased, 1884. Genus STENOPLESICTIS, Filhol 1 . Dentition : 1. 1, C. j, Pm. |, M. |. The present genus connects Pal&oprionodon with Cynodictis and also presents an approxi- mation to the Mustelidce. In typical forms the lower carnassial has a distinct inner cusp, but this disappears in some varieties ; the last lower premolar has fore-and-aft talons. The characters of the upper dentition will be gathered from the description of the speci- men noticed below. Stenoplesictis cayluxi, Filhol 2 . Hob. France. M. 1723, The cranium, imperfect anteriorly and posteriorly ; from (Fig.) the Upper Eocene of Caylux (Tarn-et-Garonne), France. A specimen of the cranium has been described by Filhol in the Ann. Soc. Sci. Phys. JSTat. Toulouse, 1882, pp. 66-7, but is not figured. The present specimen, which is repre- sented in the accompanying woodcut (fig. 9), agrees pre- cisely with the description of the type specimen ; the length of the space occupied by the cheek-teeth being 0,0255 in the present and 0,027 in the type specimen. 1 Oomptes KenduB, vol. xci. p. 345 (1880). 2 Loo. tit. 97 On the left side the specimen shows the alveolus of the canine, the broken base of pm. 1, the other three premolars in a perfect condition, the broken base of m. 1, and the extremely minute alveolus 1 of m. 2. The right side shows the last three premolars and the first true molar, in an uninjured condition. The first three premolars agree very Stenoplesictis cayluxi. Palatal aspect of the cranium ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. \. closely with those of Viverra malaccensis ; the third tooth wanting the inner cusp which occurs in Herpestes. The inner tubercle of the carnassial is small, as in Mustela. The first true molar is similar to that of Herpestes ; and the alveolus of the second molar is only slightly smaller than in some species of the same genus. The posterior border of the palate extends only a slight distance behind the last molar, which is a character of some species of Viverra (woodcut, fig. 10, p. 98), and is different from Herpestes and Mustela. The elongated form of the skull is a viverrine character. In the mandible (Filhol, Ann. Soc. Sci. Phys. Nat. Toulouse, 1882, pi. vi. figs. 7, 8, 9) the inner cusp of the carnassial is less distinct than in 1 This is made rather too large in the figure 98 CAENIVOEA. Herpestes, and the anterior talon of pm . 4 is more strongly developed 1 . On the whole it appears that the present form is de- cidedly a viverrine ; and presents well-marked affinities both with Viverra and Herpestes. In the tendency to the disappearance of m. 2 and the form of the upper carnassial there are indications of a transition to Prionodon and the musteline genus Plesictis, which presents viverrine affi- nities in the form of m. 1. Purchased, 1884. Genus VIVERRA, Linn. 2 Dentition : I. |, C. j, Pm. ^i^, M. \. The accompanying wood- cut (fig. 10) shows the characters of the upper dentition in the existing Viverra zibetha. of India. Fig. 10. Viverra zibetha, Linn. Palate. \. (From the 'Palseontologia Indica.') 1 The mandible of the present form is much larger than that of Herpestes minimus (woodcut, fig. 12, p. 101) ; and is also distinguished by the higher crowns of the teeth, the shorter ^2, and the presence of a distinct anterior talon to m.4. 2 Syst. Nat. ed. 12, vol. i. p. 63 (1766). VIVERKIM:. 99 Viverra bakeri, Bose l . Syn. Canis ? sp., Falc. and Caut. Hob. India. 40183. Cranium, much damaged posteriorly and superiorly, but (Fig.) exhibiting the last four cheek-teeth of either side ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills, India. This specimen, which is the type, is figured by Falconer and Cautley in the ' Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis,' pi. Q. figs. 1, 1 a, 1 6, 1 c, where it is doubtfully referred to Canis and is described and figured by the present writer in the ' Palasontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 269, pi. xxxiii. figs. 1, 1 a. In the relative size of the carnassial teeth this specimen is nearer to V. zibetha than to V. civetta, from which it is concluded that the species cannot in all probability have been the ancestor of the African V. civetta ; it is, however, extremely probable that it may have given rise to the Indian V. zibetha, the reduced size of the true molars of the latter being a later specialization. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 40180. Fragment of the left maxilla, containing pm. 4 and m. 1 ; (Fig.) from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. This specimen is figured by Falconer and Cautley in the ' Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis/ pi. Q. fig. 3 ; and is described and figured by the present writer in the ' Palaeontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 270, pi. xxxiii. fig. 2. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. Viverra durandi, Lydekker 2 . Syn. (?) Canis, sp., Falc. and Caut. Hab. India. M. 1338. Cranium, wanting the anterior portion ; from the Plio- (Fig.) cene of the Siwalik Hills, India. This specimen, which is the type of the species, shows the last three cheek-teeth of either side in fair preservation. On the left side the zygo- matic arch is preserved ; but the specimen is so fragile that it has not been deemed advisable to clear it from the matrix. It is described and figured by the present writer 1 Quart. Journ.Geol. Soc. vol. xxxvi. p. 131 (1880). 2 Palseontologia Indica (Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind.), ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 271 (1884). H2 100 CARNIVORA. in the ' Palseontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 271, pi. xxxiiii. fig. 3. This species is the largest known Civet ; and in respect of dental characters is more nearly allied to the Indian V. zibetha and V. bakeri than to the African V. civetta ; presenting in some respects characters intermediate between the two former. In its cranial cha- racters it is markedly distinct from each of the other three species. Presented by Prof. George Busk, 1883. 37150. Anterior portion of the cranium, wanting the extremity of (Fig.) the premaxillfe and all the teeth, which have fallen from their sockets ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. This specimen is figured by Falconer and Cautley in the ' Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis,' pi. Q. figs. 2, 2 , where it is doubtfully referred to Canis ; and is described by the present writer in the ' Palseontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 273. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 37131. Hinder portion of the cranium of a large Civet, apparently belonging to the present species ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. Viverra hastingsise, Davies 1 . This species is about the size of Canis vulpes, and presents cha- racters connecting it with Herpestes and Cynodictis ; its nearest ally probably being Viverra antiqua of the Lower Miocene of St. Gerand-le-Puy. Hob. England. 30203. The associated cranium and mandible ; from the Headon beds (Fig.) (Upper Eocene) of Hordwell, Hampshire. This specimen is the type of the species, and is described and figured by Davies in the Geol. Mag. dec. 3, vol. i. p. 433, pi. xv. The specimen, which is figured in the woodcuts (figs. 11 and 12), is on the whole in very perfect condition, and exhibits all the dentition. The anterior cervical vertebrae are still in contact with the occiput. The penultimate upper premolar (pm. 3, fig. 12) exhibits an inner cusp, as in Herpestes. The upper carnassial (pm. 4, fig. 12) and the true molars (m. 1, m. 2) are also like the corresponding teeth of that genus. The inner cusp of mTT is largely developed. Hastings Collection. Purchased, 1855. 1 Geol. Mag. dec. 3, vol. i. p. 437 (1884). 101 Fig. 11. riverra ^^.-Masticatory aspect of the right upper cheek- dentition of the same specimen as fig. 12. Fig. 12. Viverra hastingsice. Cranium and mandible from the Headon beds of Hord- well. The two lower figures show the upper and outer aspects of the right raums of the mandible. \, 102 CA.RNIVOBA. Viverra angustidens, Filhol l . Hab. France. M. 1358. Anterior portion of the left ramus of the mandible, con- taining the canine and the four premolars, the crown of ^1 being broken off; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux (Tarn-et-Garonne), France. This specimen agrees with the type mandible figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. pi. xxvi. figs. 121-2, in the extremely minute size of pmTI; pmT2 is, however, rather smaller in the present specimen than in the type, and has apparently but one root. Purchased, 1884. Genus AMPHICTIS, Pomel 2 . This genus is mainly distinguished from existing species of Viverra by the form of the second lower true molar, which is elongated and implanted by two distinct roots. Amphictis antiqua, Pomel 3 . The mandible of this species was originally referred by De Blain- ville to his Viverra antiqua (Herpestes antiquus, Pomel), and a simi- lar specimen is figured by P. Gervais in the Zool. et Pal. Franchises, 2nd ed. pi. xxviii. figs. 8, 8 a, under the same name, although a doubt is expressed in the text as to the correctness of the generic reference. It has beeen shown by Filhol 4 that there is a very con- siderable probability that the mandibles which he has figured under the name of Herpestes antiquus 5 are really those of Viverra antiqua. The length of the space occupied by the six cheek-teeth in those specimens is 0,041. Hab. France. 31057. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible, containing the last three premolars, the anterior half of m . i, and the alveoli of the canine and p m . 1 ; from the Lower Miocene of St. Gerand-le-Puy (Allier), France. This specimen appears to agree exactly with the mandible figured by P. Grervais in the Zool. et Pal. Frangaises, 2nd ed. pi. xxviii. figs. 8, 8 a, under the name of Viverra antiqua, which is very similar 1 Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. art. 7, p. 144 (1876). a Catalogue Methodique, p. 63 (1853). 3 Ibid. * Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. x. art. 3, p. 166. 5 The description in the text is headed Herpestes priscus, but in the Arch. Mas. Lyon, vol. iii. art. i. p. 63, this is corrected. VIVERRID^!. 103 to the specimens figured by Pilhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. x. pi. xxiv. figs. 1-4, under the name of Amphictis antiqua. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 31058. The left ramus of the mandible of an immature individual, showing the milk and permanent dentition ; from the Lower Miocene of St. Gerand-le-Puy. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 31058 a. The distal half of the femur ; apparently associated with the last. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. Amphictis, sp. (cf. A. leptorhyncha, PomeP). Hob. France. 26705. The greater portion of the left ramus of the mandible, showing the alveoli of the canine and pmTl, the other three premolars in a perfect condition, and the alveoli of \ the two true molars; from the Lower Miocene of St. Gerand-le-Puy (Allier), Prance. This specimen differs from the mandible of A. antiqua (No. 31037) by its generally more slender form, by the absence of a distinct interval between p m . 1 and pm72, and the presence of one between pm. 2 and pm. 3. In these respects the specimen appears to agree with Pomel's A. leptorhyncha, of which it is not improbable that the present specimen is the type 2 . In the Zool. et Pal. Frangaises, 2nd ed. p. 223, it is stated that this specimen had been referred by Pomel to the genus Amphicneumon. The length of the space occupied by the six cheek-teeth is 0,039 ; and the second true molar is inserted by two distinct fangs. Pomel Collection. Purchased, 1851. GENUS, non det. Hab. Prance. M. 1381. The hinder portion of the cranium of a Viverroid, not improbably belonging either to Viverra or Amphictis ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux (Tarn-et-Garonne), Prance. This specimen is considerably smaller than the cranium of Viverra antiqua figured by Pilhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. x. pi. xix. Purchased, 1884. 1 Catalogue Methodique, p. 63 (1853). 2 Filhol (Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. x. art. 3, p. 176) mentions that he could find no specimen referable to this species. 104 CABNIVOBA. Genus HERPESTES, Illiger 1 . Dentition:-!. J, C. \, Pm. g^' M. f. In existing forms the inner cusp of the lower carnassial is well developed and its talon short. S~2 is short, with three main cusps ; pm . 4 has a cusp on its poste- rior cutting-edge. Fossil forms seem to indicate a complete tran- sition from Viverra to Herpestes. Herpestes miniums (Filhol 2 ). Syn. Viverra minima, Filhol 3 . Hob. France. M. 1372. The greater portion of the right ramus of the mandible, (Fig.} containing all the cheek-teeth, and showing the broken base of the canine ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux (Tarn-et-Garonne), France. This specimen, which is represented in the accompanying woodcut (fig. 13), on an Fig. 13. Herpestes minimus. Part of the right ramus of the mandible ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. f. enlarged scale, appears to agree exactly with the less per- fect specimen figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. viii. pi. xx. figs. 334, 336, under the name of Viverra minima. The first premolar is present, and of compara- tively large size ; and there is a large inner cusp to the carnassial. The space occupied by the six cheek-teeth measures 0,022, or the same as in the type specimen. The present specimen is very slightly larger than the mandible of the existing Indian Herpestes nipalensis, but is otherwise very similar. The only points of difference, indeed, between the two are that m7~2 is relatively larger in the fossil, that the cusp on the posterior cutting-edge of pm. 4 is placed on the median line, instead of to the outer 1 Prodromus Syst. Mamm. p. 135 (1811). a Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. art. 7, p. 150 (1876), Viverra. 1 Loc. tit. VIVERRID-E. 105 side, as is generally the case in existing species, and that the anterior border of the coronoid process inclines back- ward to a considerably greater extent, thus indicating a form of jaw of inferior biting-power. The lower jaw of the existing African H. gracilis is also of nearly the same size as the fossil, but, in addition to the points distinguishing the jaw of H. nipalensis from the latter, differs in the very general absence of pm . i and the considerably smaller size of that tooth -when present. It does not appear that any other of the living species (most of which are of consider- ably larger size) comes so near to the fossil as H. nipa- lensis. Although the lower teeth of Genetta are very like those of Herpestes 1 , yet the inner cusp of the carnassial is usually less strongly developed in the former, and in this respect the fossil differs from the smaller Genets, although the form of the hinder part of the jaw is more like that of Genetta. The extremely close resemblance of the denti- tion of the fossil to H. nipalensis renders it extremely probable that it should be referred to the same genus rather than to Viverra. All the sufficiently described fossil species of the genus are of considerably larger size than the present specimen ; and this is especially the case with H. crassus, Filhol 2 , and the so-called H. antiquus 3 , Pomel, which appears to be the same as Viverra antiqua, Blainv. It may be added that the present specimen is distin- guished from Mustela gracilis' 1 ' by the absence of any interval between the anterior premolars, by the larger size of pm. 1, of the inner cusp of m7l (which is only rudimen- tary in that form), and of mT2. It is distinguished from Cynodictis exilis 5 , which is of nearly the same size, by the absence of mT3, and by the larger and lower crown of the carnassial, which does not exceed the height of the pre- molars 6 . Purchased, 1884. Vide Mivart, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1882, p. 177. Arch. Mus. Lyon, vol. iii. p. 63, pi. iv. figs. 10, 11. Fide Filhol, Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. x. art. 3, pp. 161-163, pi. rriv. figs. 5-9 (wrongly named H. priscus in letterpress, vide Arch. Mus. Lyon, loc. cit.). Vide Filhol, Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. viii. art. 1, p. 45, Plesiogale. Ibid. vol. vii. art. 7, pi. xxiv. figs. 97-101 (misnamed Cynodictis gracilis in the description of the plates ; the real mandible of the latter is represented in vol. viii. pi. xx. fig. 337). 6 The present specimen has been already referred to Herpestes by the present writer in the Geol. Mag. dec. 3, vol. i. p. 442 (1884). 106 CABN1YOEA. M. 1374. The greater portion of the right ramus of the mandible, containing all the cheek-teeth except pmTT; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. This specimen is precisely similar to the last. Purchased, 1884. GENUS non det. (serial position uncertain). Hob. England. 36791. Portion of the cranium; from the Headon beds (Upper Eocene) of Hordwell, Hampshire. This specimen has been described by Davies in the Geol. Mag. dec. 3, vol. i. p. 437 (1884), who was unable to determine its affinities. It indicates an animal of considerably larger dimensions than Viverra hastingsice (p. 100). It shows a canine and three premolars in fair preservation; and one premolar and a carnassial, with their crowns broken, are present in their respective alveoli. Presented by Samuel Laing, Esq., 1862. Family URSID^E. In the * Palseontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. pp. 202-204, the present writer has shown that it is impossible to draw any distinc- tion of more than generic value between the Ganoids and the Ursoids. and he accordingly united the two modern families of the Canidce and Ursidce, adopting the latter name as the family one 1 . The same arrangement has been adopted in the present work. It may, how- ever, be observed that there are almost equally strong reasons for uniting the Ganoids and Viverroids ; but as it is absolutely necessary to have a certain number of divisions, the family Viverridce is maintained. Although, as above said, it is logically impossible to draw any divisions of family value between the different genera of the Ursidce as thus extended, yet the convenience of having some division for working purposes among such a multitude of genera is so great, that it will be found advisable to rank the most Bear-like genera under one arbitrary group, and the most Dog-like under another. These two groups may respectively be termed Ursince and Canince, and their most typical representatives will be the members of the modern families Ursidce and Canidce. The genus Dinocyon will be ranked under the first group, on account of at least one of the species 1 Were it not for the inadvisability of introducing new terms, and the in- trinsic objection to the name Hycenarctos, the name Hycenarctidcs would be in many respects more advisable for the family name. 107 referred to it 1 having an upper carnassial of the Hycenarctos type ; but it must be distinctly understood that its separation from the true Dogs is a purely arbitrary one, it being connected with the group through Cephalogale just as intimately as it is with the Bears through Hycenarctos. Subfamily CANINE. Genus CYNODICTIS, Bravard and Pomel 3 . Dentition and Affinities. In typical forms the dentition of this genus is numerically the same as that of typical forms of Canis, or 1. 1, C. |, Pm. |, H. |. In some species, e. g. 0. compressidens, how- ever, the last lower molar is normally very small, and in some in- stances is entirely absent 3 ; those races in which this tooth is absent being frequently distinguished by the varietal name of viverroides. In those races the dentition is very close to certain Viverroids (e. g. Amphictis and Herpestes), the blade of the lower carnassial being tall and the inner cusp large, and placed relatively far forwards, the " cusp-line " being transverse. The dentition of Herpestes is, however, distinguished by the presence of an inner cusp to the upper third premolar, and by the smaller size of the second lower true molar. In other forms (e. g. G. leptorhyncha*) the blade of the lower car- nassial is relatively low, the inner cusp small, and the " cusp-line " slightly oblique ; and the dentition is then but very slightly removed from that of some of the least specialized species of Canis, like the existing C. bengalensis and the fossil Indian C. curvipalatus (although a " meinocreodont " character is more marked in the Cynodictis) ; and it thus seems probable that there is an almost perfect transition from Cynodictis to Canis, the genera Cynodon (distinguished by the absence of a cusp on the posterior cutting-edge of pm. 4) and Amphi- cynodon being allied forms. One variety of C. leptorhyncha has, however, lost its last lower molar, and thereby shows a viverrine 1 It should be observed that the writer, after a suggestion of Filhol, refers the so-called Hycenarctos hemicyon to this genus, under the name of Dinocyon hemicyon (vide ' Palseontologia Indica,' op. cit.\ 2 Notice sur les Ossemens Fossiles de la Debruge, p. 5 (1850). This refer- ence is given by P. Gervais in the Zool. et Pal. Fra^aises, 2nd ed. p. 216. The present writer has been unable to find the memoir quoted in any of the lists to which he has access, and it is probable that it was published on the Continent in a separate form, and that copies never reached the English scientific libraries. The writer is unable to say whether any specific names were given in this memoir. 3 Vide Filhol, Ann. Soc. Sci. Phys. Nat. Toulouse, 1882 ("Notes sur quel- ques Mammiferes fossiles des Phosphorites du Quercy"). ' 4 . Vide Filhol, Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. pis. xxi., xxii. 108 CARN1VORA. tendency. Huxley has indicated a strong resemblance between the skulls of some species of Cynodictis and certain existing American forms of Canis ; and the close resemblance of the skeleton of Cyno- dictis to that of Amphicyon has been noticed by Filhol, who has also shown that in some of the larger forms the lower dentition is very like that of Amphicyon, which is again very like Cephalogale. The humerus of Cynodictis (or, at all events, of most of the species) had an entepicondylar foramen, thereby differing from that of Canis, and agreeing with Viverra, Amphicyon, and Cephalogale. It thus appears that Cynodictis is an extremely generalized genus, connecting the Viverroids and the Ganoids so intimately that it is almost impossible to say with which family it should be classed. Future discoveries will probably ere long render it impracticable to generically distinguish Herpestes, Amphictis, Cynodictis, and Canis from one another, or from the forms to which the names Amphi- cynodon and Cynodon have been applied. In quite another direction Filhol 1 has indicated that in those forms of Cynodictis in which the last lower molar is absent there is a complete passage through Stenoplesictis to Palceoprionodon (vide Ann. Soc. Sci. Phys. Nat. Toulouse, 1882, pp. 67-8) ; while from the former the transition to the musteline genus Plesictis is gradual, and the latter is but slightly removed from the feline Pseudcelurus. Cynodictis lacustris, P. Gervais 2 . Syn. C. mungoides and C. antiqua, Bravard, MS. Hob. France. 27572. Fragment of the left maxilla, containing m. 1 ? m. 2 ? and a portion of pm. 4 ; from the Upper Eocene of Apt ( Vaucluse), France. These teeth, although more perfect, appear to be indistinguishable from the corresponding type specimens figured by P. Gervais in the Zool. et Pal. Franchises, 2nd ed. pi. xxv. fig. 2 ; together with the next specimen, they are entered in Bravard's MS. Catalogue in the Museum as C. mungoides, Bravard 3 . Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 27573. Portion of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the 1 Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. viii. art. 1, p. 49, and Ann. Soc. Sci. Phys. Nat. Toulouse, op. cit. 2 Zool. et Pal. Fran 9 ai 8 es, 1st ed. vol. i. p. 133 (1848-52). The present writer is unacquainted with the date of publication of this portion of the work. 3 This name, together with the names C. dubia (non Filhol), C. antiqua and C. angustidens, occurs in some (apparently) unpublished plates of Bra- Yard's in the Museum, in which the specimens noticed aboye are figured. UHSIDJE. 109 last three premolars, the carnassial, and ^~2 ; from the Upper Eocene of Apt. The dentition of this specimen appears to agree precisely with that of the mandible figured by P. Gervais (pp. cit. fig. 1). Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 28122. Part of the right ramus of the mandible, showing the last three premolars ; from the Upper Eocene of Apt. In this specimen p m . 4 is rather larger than in No. 27573, and the ramus is somewhat deeper ; it is, however, very doubtful if these differences can be considered more than individual characters. The present specimen is entered in Bravard's Catalogue as C. antiqua, Bravard. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 28123. The greater portion of the right ramus of the mandible, con- taining the whole of the teeth in a damaged condition and the perfect lower carnassial of the opposite side ; from the Upper Eocene of Apt. These specimens are precisely similar to No. 27573. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 28124. Detached teeth provisionally referred to this species ; from the Upper Eocene of Apt. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. This is a large species, which, in the small size and backward position of the inner cusp of the lower carnassial and the low crown of its blade, connects the more Yiverroid species (e. g. C. compres- sidens) with Amphicyon and Canis. Hab. France. M. 1664. The greater portion of the left ramus of the mandible, con- taining the second premolar, the carnassial, the second true molar, and the alveoli of the other cheek-teeth ; from the Upper Eocene of Bach, near Lalbenque (Lot), France. This specimen agrees precisely with the less perfect portion of the mandible figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. pi. xvii. figs. 50, 51. The space occupied by the seven cheek-teeth is 0,070. Purchased, 1884. M. 1661. Two specimens of the middle portion of the right ramns of the mandible, containing the second and third premolars and the carnassial ; from the Upper Eocene of Bach. Purchased, 1884. 3 Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, eer. 6, vol. xi. pp. 16-21 (1874). HO CAKNIVOKA. M. 1662. Hinder portion of the left ramus of the mandible, showing the carnassial, mT2, and the alveolus of m . 3, with the complete coronoid process ; from the Upper Eocene of Bach. Purchased, 1884. M. 1663. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible, showing the second true molar ; from the Upper Eocene of Bach. Purchased, 1884. Cynodictis gryei, Filhol '. A large species, with " microdont " and " meionocreodont " denti- tion. Hob. France. M. 1368. Fragment of the left maxilla, containing the last four (Fig.) cheek-teeth ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux (Taru-et- Garonne), France. This specimen (woodcut, fig. 14) Fig. 14. Cynodictis gryei, Filhol. Fragment of the left maxilla ; from the Upper Eocene of Oaylux. \. agrees precisely with the type cranium figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. pi. xix. fig. 60, but shows m. 2, which is wanting in that specimen. This tooth is remarkable for the great development of its inner portion, and the extremely low elevation of the cusps on the crown. A similar character is presented by m. 3, and the carnassial is also remarkable for its antero-posterior shortness and great transverse breadth. In all these characters there is good evidence of the species belonging to a very primitive type. Purchased, 1884. 1 Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. art. 7, p. 74 (1876). Ill Cynodictis longirostris, Filhol \ This species has heen hitherto known only by the mandible, which is of an elongated form, and indicates a medium-sized species. The crown of the lower carnassial is comparatively low. Hob. France. M. 1665. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible, containing m. 2 and the alveolus of m . 3, apparently belonging to this species ; from the Upper Eocene of Bach, near Lalbenque (Lot), France. Purchased, 1884. M. 1666. Anterior portion of the cranium of a Cynodictis ; from (Fig.) the Upper Eocene of Bach. This specimen, of which the left half is figured, from the palatal aspect, in the accom- panying woodcut (fig. 15), differs from the crania of any Fig. 15. Cynodictis langirostris (?). Left half of the palate ; from the Upper Eocene of Bach. \. species figured by Filhol. It agrees so well with the man- dible of 0. longirostris in size and general character that it may not improbably belong to that species, although, from the number of species of the genus described on the 1 Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. iii. art. 7, p. 24 (1872). 112 CARNIVORA. evidence of the mandible, it is very difficult to make any certain determinations of the corresponding crania. The whole of the cheek-teeth are shown on the left side, and the first incisor of the same side is also in situ, the other teeth being represented merely by their alveoli. The first premolar is small and one-rooted, and is separated by a considerable interval from pm. 2, which is likewise small, and separated by an interval from pm. 3 ; the latter has a minute cusp on its posterior cutting-edge. The carnas- sial is a relatively short tooth, with a well-developed inner tubercle. The true molars are transversely elongated. The cranium seems not dissimilar in shape and size to that of Cynodictis gryei (Filhol, op. cit. vol. vii. pi. xix.) ; but the two are very readily distinguished by the different form of the teeth (compare woodcut, fig. 14). Purchased, 1884. It. 1667. Anterior portion of the right ramus of the mandible, con- taining the third and fourth premolars and the alveolus of the canine ; from the Upper Eocene of Bach. Purchased, 1884. Cynodictis compressidens, Filhol '. Syn. Cynodictis angustidens, Pomel and Bravard, MS. (?). This is a medium-sized species, with relatively well-developed teeth, the cusps of the lower carnassial being very tall. In one race m72 is absent. The species has not hitherto been recorded from Vaucluse. Hob. France. M. 1352. The greater portion of the left ramus of the mandible ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux (Tarn-et-Garonne), France. This specimen appears to agree precisely with the type mandible figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. pi. xxv. figs. 117-119, and shows part of the alveolus of the canine, the alveolus of piuTl, the last three premolars, the first two true molars, and the alveolus of m73, which is of extremely minute size. Purchased, 1884. M. 1353. The complete left ramus of the mandible, wanting the incisors, canines, pm. 1, pm. 3, pm. 4, and m. 3; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. Purchased, 1884. 28128. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible, containing pm. 3 and the anterior half of mTl ; from the Upper 1 Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. iii. art. 7, p. 26 (1872). 113 Eocene of Apt (Vaucluse), France. This specimen appears to agree precisely with the last specimen ; it is entered in the Museum Eegister as G. angustidens, Pomel and Bra- vard. The present writer is unaware whether that name is merely a manuscript one, or whether it occurs in the memoir by those writers already mentioned under the head of the genus Cynodictis (p. 107) : if the latter should be the case, the name angustidens has the priority over compressidens. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. M. 1653. Two fragments of the mandible ; from the Upper Eocene of Bach, near Lalbenque (Lot), France. One specimen shows the three true molars, and the other the last pre- molar, the carnassial, and the alveoli of m72 and m . 3- Purchased, 1884. Var. viverroides, Filhol J . M. 1359. The greater portion of the left ramus of the mandible, containing all the cheek-teeth, and part of the alveolus of the canine ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux (Tarn-et- Garonne), France. This specimen, which is figured in the accompanying woodcut (fig. 16), differs from the man- Fig. 16. Cynodictis compressidens, var. viverroides, Filhol. Part of the left ramus of the mandible ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. j. dible of the type form by its slightly inferior size, by the absence of m73, and by the slightly more backward posi- tion of the inner cusp of mTT, and in these respects agrees perfectly with the type mandible of the variety described by Filhol. This jaw presents a marked resemblance to that of Herpestes, but is distinguished by the relatively larger size of in72 and of the hinder lobe of the blade of m~l ; in the form of m72 it comes very close to Amphictis. Purchased, 1884. 1 Ann. Soc. Sci. Phys. Nat. Toulouse, 1882, p. 56. I 114 CABNTVORA. M. 1360. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the four last cheek-teeth; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. This specimen is precisely similar to the last. Purchased, 1884. M. 1654. The complete right ramus of the mandihle, showing all the teeth, except the incisors, canine, and p m . 1 ; from the Upper Eocene of Bach, near Lalbenque (Lot), France. This specimen agrees precisely with the type mandible figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. pi. xxv. figs. 118, 119, with the exception of the absence of mT3. Purchased, 1884. M. 1655. Two specimens of the anterior portion of the ramus of the mandible, with the canines and premolars; from the Upper Eocene of Bach. These specimens are slightly smaller than the last ; and it is uncertain whether they belong to the type form or the present variety. Purchased, 1884. M. 1367. Two portions of rami of the mandible ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. These specimens agree very closely in size with the last. Purchased, 1884. Cynodictis curvirostris, Filhol 1 . This species is of rather large size, and the crowns of the lower cheek-teeth are relatively low. Hob. France. M. 1660. Part of the right ramus of the mandible, containing the last premolar, the carnassial, and ni7~2, with the alveoli of the other teeth ; from the Upper Eocene of Bach, near Lalbenque (Lot), France. This specimen agrees precisely with the one figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. pi. xviii. figs. 52-54. Purchased, 1884. Cynodictis brachyrostris, Filhol \ This species is nearly the same size as the last ; but the mandible is much shorter. Hob. France. M. 1355. The nearly complete left ramus of the mandible ; from the 1 Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. art. 7, p. 97 (1876). * Ibid. .71 115 Upper Eocene of Caylux (Tarn-et-Garonne), France. This specimen shows all the cheek-teeth, except pmTl, and appears to agree precisely with the type specimen figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. pi. xxiv. fig. 102, in which the earlier premolars are wanting. It differs from the mandible of G. compressidens by the shorter pmTl, the longer mTT, and the larger mTg. Purchased, 1884. Cynodictis intermedia, Filhol 1 . Hob. France. M. 1356. The anterior portion of the cranium ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux (Tarn-et-Garonne), France. This speci- men, which wants the nasals, shows the two true molars and the last three premolars, as well as the alveoli of the remaining teeth. It apparently agrees precisely with the type cranium figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. pi. xxiv. fig. 105 2 ; and exhibits well the extreme shortness of the facial part and the great width of the zygomata, which are such characteristic features of the species. The teeth agree very closely with those of the type (Filhol, op. cit. fig. 104) ; but the inner portion of the true molars is rather shorter antero-posteriorly. In the sudden contraction in width immediately in advance of the carnassial, this cranium more nearly resembles some of the meionocreodont species of Canis (e.g. G. bengalensis) than Viverra ; and in the extreme shortness of the face and palate is more like Herpestes than either of the other two genera. The cheek-teeth are, however, readily distin- guished from those of existing species of Herpestes by the absence of the inner cusp of pm. 3 : the palatine foramina are of the elongated form of those of Canis and Viverra. Purchased, 1884. Cynodictis boriei, Filhol 3 . A large species, with a remarkably meionocreodont dentition. Hab. France. M. 1652. Fragment of the left maxilla, containing the four last 1 Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. art. 7, p. HO (1876). 2 In the explanation of the plate, fig. 105 is given as C. leptorhyncha and fig. 106 as C. intermedia ; marginal corrections made by M. Filhol in a copy presented to the writer indicate, however, that these names should be trans- posed. 3 Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, ser. 6, vol. x. p. 86 (1874). i2 116 CABNIVORA. cheek-teeth ; from the Upper Eocene of Bach, near Lal- benque (Lot), France. This specimen, agrees very closely with the dentition of the cranium, figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. pi. xv. fig. 34; but the last molar is slightly narrower antero-posteriorly. Purchased, 1884. M. 1357. The anterior portion of the left ramus of the mandible of a Cynodictis, not improbably belonging to the present species ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux (Tarn-et-Garonne), France. This specimen shows the canine, the four pre- molars, and the blade of the carnassial ; and in the interval between the carnassial and the canine agrees very closely with the mandible of the smaller race of C. boriei, figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. pi. xvii. figs. 46- 48 ; it apparently differs, however, in the greater relative height of the carnassial, which exceeds that of pm. 4 ] . Purchased, 1884. Cynodictis dubia, Filhol 2 . Syn. (?) Viverra leptorhyncha, Filhol 3 . The typical form of this species is of medium size, and is distin- guished by the lowness of the crown of the inferior carnassial, which does not exceed that of the last premolar 4 . As noticed below, it appears impossible to distinguish one variety from Filhol's so-called Viverra leptorhyncha, which is really more like Amphictis than Viverra proper, and whose resemblance to Cynodictis is noticed by Filhol. Hob. France. M. 1650. Part of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the canine, the last three premolars, and the carnassial ; from the Upper Eocene of Bach, near Lalbenque (Lot), France. Purchased, 1884. Variety. M. 1651. The nearly complete right ramus of the mandible, contain- (Fig.~) ing the alveolus of the canine and all the cheek-teeth 1 In his description of Cynodictis dubia (Ann. Soc. Sci. Phys. Nat. Toulouse, 1882, p. 48), Filhol mentions that that species is distinguished from all others by the circumstance that the lower carnassial is not higher than ^K71 ; it may be therefore that the figures of the mandible of C. boriei are erroneous in this respect. 2 Ann. Soc. Sci. Phys. Nat. Toulouse, 1882, p. 48, pi. vii. figs. 11, 13. 3 Arch. Mus. Lyon, vol. iii. p. 69, pi. iv. figs. 16-19. The volume is dated 1883 ; but separate copies of this memoir are dated 1881. 4 Filhol remarks that this feature is peculiar to the species ; but it appears to obtain in C. boriei and others (vide note 1). URSID.J;. 117 except pm. 1 ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux (Tarn-et- Garonne), France. There is no trace of mTs (of which a minute alveolus exists in the type specimen figured by Filhol, op. cit. fig. 13) ; but in all other respects the two specimens are precisely similar, with the exception that the present specimen (woodcut, fig. 17) is slightly larger. Fig. 17. Cynodictis dubia, Filhol, var. Part of the right ramus of the mandible ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. |. There do not seem any points by which the present speci- men can be distinguished from the mandible of Viverra leptorhyncha, Filhol (Arch. Mus. Lyon, vol. iii. pi. iv. figs. 16, 17), in which only the last two teeth remain. The present form seems to be one of those generalized species of which the generic position is extremely doubtful. Purchased, 1884. Cynodictis leptorhyncha, Filhol 1 . This is a smaller species than the last, with the crown of the lower cheek-teeth slightly taller, but otherwise very similar. The last lower true molar is absent in one race. Hob. France. M. 1658. Part of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the canine, the alveoli of the first three premolars, the fourth premolar, the carnassial, and the alveoli of m . 2 and mTs, the latter very minute ; from the Upper Eocene of Bach, near Lalbenque (Lot), France. This specimen agrees very closely with the type mandible figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. pi. xxi. figs. 73, 74. Purchased, 1884. Var. viverroides, Filhol 2 . M. 1656. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible, containing the two last premolars, the carnassial, and m72, "with no 1 Ann. Sci. Geol. TO!, vii. art. 4, p. 124 (1876). 3 Ann. Soc. Sci. Phys. Nat. Toulouse, 1882, p, 54. 118 CABNIVOBA. trace of nT3; from the Upper Eocene of Bach. This specimen appears to agree very closely with the one figured by Filhol in the Ann. Soc. Sci. Phys. Nat. Toulouse, 1882, pi. vi. figs. 3, 4. Purchased, 1884. M. 1376. Part of the right ramus of the mandible, containing the two last premolars, the carnassial, and mT2, with no trace of m73 ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux (Tarn-et- Garonne), France. This specimen agrees precisely with the last. Purchased, 1884. M. 1367- Part of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the four premolars ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. In this and the next specimen it is impossible to say whether m. 3 was present. Purchased, 1884. M. 1657. Part of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the last three premolars and the carnassial ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. Purchased, 1884. Cynodictis, sp. Hab. France. M. 1659. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible, of smaller size than any of those referred to the last species, but agreeing in general characters, and wanting niTs ; from the Upper Eocene of Bach, near Lalbenque (Lot), France. It is not improbable that this specimen may belong to a small race of G. leptorhyncha. Purchased, 1884. Cynodictis (?), sp. Hob. France. M. 1354. Part of the left ramus of the mandible, showing the second and fourth premolars, and the three true molars, from the Upper Eocene of Caylux (Tarn-et-Garonne), France. This specimen appears to come nearest in form to Cynodictis leptorhyncha but is readily distinguished by its much shorter form, and the lower crown of the carnassial, which is lower than that of ^71. The inner cusp of in7l is strongly developed and very distinct, and the talon short and wide ; there is a cusp on the posterior border of p m . 4. These characters distinguish the speci- men from Cynodon. In Amphicynodon, Filhol \ there is a similar cusp to pm . 4, but the ascending ramus of the 1 Ann. Sci. Q4ol. vol. xii. pi. viii. fig. 29. 119 jaw is nearly vertical, whereas it is oblique in the present specimen. It appears, on the whole, that the latter should probably be referred to the genus Cynodictis ; and the lowness of t"he crown of the carnassial indicates that it is one of the least specialized forms. Purchased, 1884. LIMB-BONES OP UNDETERMINED SPECIES OF CYNODICTIS OR ALLIED GENERA. a. From the Upper Eocene of Apt ( Vaucluse), France. 27574. The distal half of the right humerus ; perhaps belonging to C. lacustris. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 28126. The distal extremity of a humerus. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 28127. The proximal extremity of a right femur. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 28121-2, 28129. Three specimens of metacarpals and metatarsals. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 28125. The bones of the right manus, nearly complete. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. b. From the Upper Eocene of Caylux and Bach, France. (Purchased, 1884.) M. 1696. Three humeri, probably belonging to a medium-sized species. These bones agree with a specimen figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. iii. pi. xviii. fig. 44, and provisionally referred to C. compressidens. M. 1382. Three humeri, slightly smaller than the last. M. 1697. Pour humeri, considerably smaller than the last; and slightly larger than a specimen figured by Filhol (op. cit. fig. 45), and suggested to belong to Viverra. M. 1384. A right humerus, considerably smaller than the last. This specimen is precisely similar to one figured by Filhol (op. cit. fig. 46). This and the preceding specimens have a well-developed entepicondylar foramen. M. 1698. Seven ulnae, of various sizes. M. 1699. Five radii, of various sizes. 120 CARNIVORA. M. 1700. Several calcanea, of various sizes. M. 1701. Several astragali, of various sizes. M. 1702-3. Numerous metapodial bones, of various sizes. M. 1704. Four specimens of the axis vertebra; and a fifth appa- rently belonging to a distinct species. M. 1705. Two specimens of the sacrum. M. 1706. Numerous caudal vertebrae. M. 1412. Numerous limb-bones. M. 1380. Numerous canine teeth. M. 1707. Ditto. Genus ICTICYON, Lund 1 . Syn. Speothos, Lund 2 . Dentition (usually) : I. | C. \, Pm. |, M. \. In a recent female specimen of J. venaticus in the Museum of the Eoyal College of Surgeons (No. 533) a small m. 2 i present ; and in a large recent male skull in the British Museum m . 2 is absent on both sides ; the range of variation in the number of true molars is therefore [j^- In its dentition this genus is the most specialized of the Canince ; this being shown by the suppression of the hinder molars, and by the absence of the inner cusp of the lower carnassial. In a lineal classification it is impossible to assign a satisfactory position to the genus, since it is necessary that Cynodictis should be placed next to the Viverridce, and Canis close to Amphicyon, which comes next to Dinocyon and Hycenarctos. flcttcgon bmattcuS, Lund 3 . Syn. Cynogale venatica, Lund 4 . (?) Speothos pacivorus, Lund 5 . Ict.icyon affinis venaticus, Lund 8 . (?) Icticyon major, Lund 7 . 1 K. Danske Vid. Selsk. Skr. vol. xi. p. 62 (1845). a Ibid. vol. viii. p. 93, pi. xix. figs. 1, 2 (1841). The probable generic iden- tity of Speothos with Icticyon has been indicated by Huxley (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1880, p. 280) ; the former name has the priority. The same remark applies to the specific names pacivorus and venaticus. 3 Ibid. vol. ix. p. 201 (1842), Cynogale. * Loc tit 6 Ibid. vol. viii. p. 93 (1841). 6 Vide H. Gervais and Ameghino, ' Mammiferes fossiles de 1'Amerique du Sud,' p. 35 (1880). T Rid T7R8IDJE. 121 A comparison of the specimens mentioned below with, specimens of the existing form shows that the only difference that can be de- tected between the two is that the teeth of the fossil are slightly narrower. Judging from Lund's figures it seems very doubtful if the so-called Speothos pacivorus and Icticyon major (described from a single tooth) can be regarded as more than large races of the present species. Hob. S. America. 18911. The hinder portion of the cranium ; from a cavern in Minas Geraes, Brazil. Claussen Collection. Purchased, 1845. 18911 a. Fragment of the left maxilla, containing the four pre- molars and the true molar; from a cavern in Minas Geraes. It is noteworthy that this and other fossil spe- cimens show no trace of m- 2. Claussen Collection. Purchased, 1845. 18911 b. Fragment of the right maxilla, containing pm. 4 and m. 1 ; from a cavern in Minas Geraes. Claussen Collection. Purchased, 1845. 18911 C. Fragment of the premaxilla3, containing the outer in- cisors ; from a cavern in Minas Geraes. Claussen Collection. Purchased, 1845. 18911 d. Fragment of the mandible, containing the canines of both sides, and the last three premolars and m. 1 of the left side ; from a cavern in Minas Geraes. Claussen Collection. Purchased, 1845. 18911 e. Hinder part of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the last two premolars, the carnassial, and the alveolus of in72 ; from a cavern in Minas Geraes. Claussen Collection. Purchased, 1845. 18911 f. The greater part of the right ramus of the mandible, containing the whole of the cheek-dentition; from a cavern in Minas Geraes. Claussen Collection. PurcJiased, 1845. Genus LYCAON, Brookes 1 . Dentition : 1. 1, C. J, Pm. \, M. f. The lower dentition differs from that of Canis by the presence of an anterior talon, or cusp, to pm. 4- 1 Iij Griffith's Animal Kingdom, vol. T. p. 151 (1827). 122 CARWIVOKA. Lycaon anglicus, Lydekker 1 . Hob. England. 40950. The greater portion of the left ramus of the mandible, con- (Fig.) taining the four premolars and the carnassial, with the alveoli of the incisors, canine, and m.~2 ; from the cave of Spritsail-Tor, Gower, Glamorganshire 2 . This specimen was described by Falconer in a manuscript note, which has been published in his ' Palseontological Memoirs/ vol. ii. p. 462, under the name of " Hyaenoid Wolf," and full measurements are given. Two small-size figures are given in plate xxxvi. figs. 1, 2 of the same volume. The length of the cheek-teeth is somewhat in excess of that of average-sized specimens of Canis lupus, and is very con- siderably greater than in Lycaon pictus. The carnassial corresponds very closely with that of C. lupus, and has a wider talon than in L. pictus : this tooth conclusively proves the canoid nature of the specimen. The fourth premolar is a very remarkable tooth, being relatively much wider than the corresponding tooth of C. lupus or L. pictus. It agrees with the latter, and differs from the former (and that of all species of Canis} by the presence of a distinct anterior talon. The second and third pre- molars are also relatively wider than in Canis lupus or Lycaon pictus, and have a trace of a minute anterior talon, which is generally more or less distinctly developed in the latter. The first premolar does not present any noteworthy characters. There is no question but that the specimen is specifically distinct both from Canis lupus and Lycaon pictus. The form of the fourth premolar being nearer to the corre- sponding tooth of the latter than to that of the former, it has appeared advisable to refer the specimen provisionally to the genus Lycaon, with the specific name of anglicus. The relatively great width of j^T4 seems to indicate affinity with some of the more generalized species of Hycena, like H. macrostoma. Presented by Gen. Wood, 1865. 1 Geol. Mag. dec. 3, vol. i. p. 443 (1884). 2 For the position of this cave see < Falconer's Palasontological Memoirs ' voL ii. p. 522. 123 Genus CANIS, Linn. 1 Following Flower's classification this genus is taken to include all the existing Ganoids, with the exception of Lycaon, Icticyon, and Otocyon it also includes the fossil genera Galecynus, Owen, and Lycorus, Bourguignat. Dentition. In typical forms the dental formula is 1. 1, C. \, Pm. |, M. Jj in some aberrant forms (Cyori), however, the true molars are | ; and in the fossil C. (Lycorus) nemestrinus the pre- molars are reduced to |. The formula embracing this range of variation 2 will be I. f , C. \, Pm. JL-, M. ^ There is a great amount of variation in the relative proportions of the different cheek-teeth ; and in the degree of development and position of the inner cusp of the lower carnassial 3 . There is no entepicondylar foramen to the humerus. Cante lupudj Linn. 4 Syn. Cants spelceus, Goldfuss . Lupus spelaus, Blainville e . Canis juvillacm, Blainville 7 (ex Bravard). Hab. Europe and North Asia. 44739. Cranium and mandible, wanting several teeth ; from Hutton Cave, Somersetshire. This specimen is remarkable for the circumstance that the first upper premolar of the left side (of which the anterior half is broken away) is of an elon- gated form like pm. 2, and is inserted by two distinct fangs. The first three premolars are in contact with one another. In the mandible pmTl has only a single root; but the three preceding teeth are relatively long, and are in contact with one another. Presented by B. Bright, Esq., 1874. 1 Syst. Nat. ed. 12. vol. i. p. 56 (1766). 2 In C. cancriwrus the molars are |-|^> . an( l Filhol has shown that in the long-jawed domestic races like the greyhound m 3. is occasionally present, while in the short-jawed races like the bull-dog m. 3 is sometimes absent. 3 For a full account of these variations, see Huxley, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1880, p. 238 et seq., and the present writer in the ' Palaaontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 240 et seq. 4 Syst. Nat. ed. 12, vol. i. p. 50 (1766). 5 Nov. Acta Ac. Cses. Leop.-Car. vol. x. pt. 2, p. 456 (1823). 6 Osteographie, genus Canis, p. 101 (1841 ?). 7 Ibid. pp. 125-6. 124 CABNIVORA. M. 404. Greater portion of the cranium, showing all the cheek- teeth ; from Banwell Cave, Somersetshire. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 404 a. Hinder portion of a small cranium ; from Banwell Cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. 38144. The nearly complete cranium and mandible ; from the Pleis- tocene of Bernburg, Germany. This is a very typical specimen. Purchased, 1864. M. 404 h. Fragment of the right maxilla, containing the last three cheek-teeth and the alveolus of pm. 3 ; from the Gailen- reuth Cave, Franconia. The teeth of this specimen are in beautiful preservation, and are of very large size. Egerton Collection. Put-chased, 1882. M. 223. Fragment of the left maxilla, containing the four last cheek-teeth ; from Banwell Cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 403. The greater part of the right maxilla, containing the three last cheek-teeth ; from Banwell Cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 437- Fragment of the right maxilla, containing pm. 4 and m- 1 ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Enniskillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. 24 (0. C.). Fragment of the left maxilla, containing pm. 4 and m. 1 ; probably from the Gailenreuth Cave. Sommering Collection. Purchased, 1827. 28582. Fragment of the right maxilla, showing pm. 4 and m. 2 ; from a cavern in Sundwig, Westphalia. Purchased, 1853. 28571. The complete left ramus of the mandible, wanting the first incisor and the canine ; from a cavern in Sundwig. Purchased, 1853. 23 (0. C.). Part of the left ramus of the mandible, with the cheek- teeth ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Sommering Collection. Purchased, 1827. 15636. The greater part of the right ramus of the mandible, show- ing the canine and all the cheek-teeth except m73 ; from Kenfs-Hole Cavern, Torquay. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. 28572. The complete mandible, wanting all the teeth except mTT and m72 ; from a cavern in Sundwig. Purchased, 1853. TJRSID^E. 125 M. 223 a. Part of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the four premolars and the carnassial ; from Banwell Cave. EnnisTcillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. 46981. The greater portion of the right ramus of the mandible, containing all the cheek-teeth except pmTT and m73 ; from the cavernous fissures of Oreston, near Plymouth. Purchased, 1876. 23140. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the last three premolars and the carnassial ; from the Pleisto- cene of Grays, Essex. Purchased, 1849. 28056. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the canine and the four premolars ; from the Pleistocene of Westeregelen, near Magdeburg, Saxony. Presented by J. Brown, Esq., 1852. 28056. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the canine and the two middle premolars ; from the Pleisto- cene of Westeregelen. Presented by J. Brown, Esq., 1852. M. 403 a. The greater part of the left ramus of the mandible, con- taining all the cheek-teeth except m . 3 ; from the Gailen- reuth Cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 403 b. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible, containing the unworn carnassial ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 403 C. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the canine, pm. 1, and pm. 2 ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 404 C. The complete right ramus of the mandible, wanting two incisors and mT3 ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 403 d. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, containing mTT and nT~2 ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. 23732. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible, containing pm . 2, P m. 3, and the blade of STT; from the Pleistocene of Slade Green, near Erith, Kent. Purchased, 1849. 28573. The hinder part of the left ramus of the mandible, con- 126 CAKITTVOKA. taining the two last premolars and the first molar ; from a cavern in Sundwig, Westphalia. Purchased, 1853. M. 436. Portion of the left ramus of the mandible, containing four cheek-teeth ; from a cavern in Sundwig. Enniskillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 404 d. Part of the right ramus of the mandible, showing all the cheek-teeth except pmTT and m . 3 ; from Banwell Cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 404 e. Part of the left ramus of the mandible, showing the four premolars and the carnassial ; from Banwell Cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. 28570. The greater portion of the mandible, containing several teeth in a much-worn condition ; from a cavern in Sundwig. Purchased, 1853. 28872. The left ramus of the mandible, containing all the teeth except the incisors and the last molar ; from the Pleisto- cene of Tour-de-Boulade (Puy-de-D6me), France. This specimen, together with the others from the same locality, is the type of Bravard's Canis juvillacus (vide De Blainville, * Osteographie,' genus Canis, pp. 125-6) ; but it does not appear to differ in any respect from typical mandibles of Canis lupus. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 28873. The right ramus of the mandible, wanting the two inner incisors and pm. 1 ; from the Pleistocene of Tour-de- Boulade. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 28870. Greater portion of the left ramus of the mandible, in a much-broken condition ; from the Pleistocene of Tour-de- Boulade. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 28871. Greater portion of the right ramus of the mandible, in a much-broken condition ; from the Pleistocene of Tour-de- Boulade. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 27625. Greater portion of the right ramus of the mandible, with the teeth much broken, and a fragment of the scapula and ulna ; from the Pleistocene of Vic-le-Conte, near Issoire (Puy-de-D6me), France. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. 29699. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible, containing TTRSID-B. 127 the broken canine, the alveoli of the three first premolars, and the complete ^^. Purchased, 1853. 23141. The germ of the right lower carnassial; from the Pleis- tocene of Grays, Essex. Purchased, 1849. 18982. The left lower carnassial ; from the Pleistocene of Kent's- Hole Cavern. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. M. 213. Two humeri ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Enniskillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 215. A left ulna ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Enniskillen Collection. M. 218. A left radius ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Enniskillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. 28875. The distal half of the right humerus ; from Tour-de-Boulade, Puy-de-D6me. This and other limb-hones from the same locality are referred by Bravard to his Canis juvillacus. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 40714. The proximal half of the right femur ; from Banwell Cave, . Somersetshire. Purchased, 1867. M. 219. The right tibia , imperfect at the proximal extremity ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Enniskillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. 28876. The left tibia ; from the Pleistocene of Tour-de-Boulade. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 28877. The left astragalus ; from the Pleistocene of Tour-de-Boulade. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. M. 214, 216, 217, 222. Various limb-bones; from the Gailen- reuth Cave. Enniskillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 403. Numerous limb-bones and vertebrae; from the Gailen- reuth Cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. 46137. An atlas vertebra, of large size; dredged off the eastern coast of England (Pleistocene). Owles Collection. Purchased, 1874. 46138. A lumbar vertebra, of large size : dredged off the eastern coast of England. Owles Collection. Purchased, 1874. 128 CARNIVORA. 18831. The third cervical vertebra; from the Pleistocene of Grays, Essex. Purchased, 1845. 28874. The sixth cervical vertebra ; from the Pleistocene of Tour- de-Boulade, Puy-de-D6me. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 37190. A dorsal vertebra; from Brixham Cave, near Torquay. Presented by R. W. Wolston, Esq., 1863. 37189. The sacrum ; from Brixham Cave. Presented by R. W. Wolston, Esq., 1863. M. 210-11. Numerous vertebrae ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Ennislcillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. II. 285. The axis vertebra ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. It. 372. A proximal phalangeal ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. Canis cautleyi, Bose \ Hub. India. 40182. The hinder portion of the left ramus of the mandible, con- C%-) Fig. 18. A. B. Canis of the left ramus of the mandible (A) and the left side of the palate (B) ; from the Siwalik Hills. Dublin Museum, i. (From the ' Palaeontologia Indica.') 1 Quart. Journ. G-eol. Soc. vol. xxxvi. p. 135 (1880). TTRSIIXE. 129 taining the three true molars, the last of which is of very small size ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills, India. This specimen, with the next, is the type of the species, and is described and figured by Bose in the Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxxvi. p. 135, pi. vi. figs. 7, 8. It is also described and figured by the present writer in the ' Palseon- tologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 259, pi. xxxii. figs. 6, 6 a. The accompanying woodcut (fig. 18) shows the hinder cheek- dentition of a skull of this species, in the Museum of Science and Art, Dublin, from the Siwalik Hills. The carnassial teeth are relatively longer than in the existing Wolves of the Old World. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842 40181. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the ( Fig.) first two true molars and the alveolus of m. 3 ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. This specimen, in which the summit of the hinder lobe of the blade is broken off, is described and figured by Bose in the memoir quoted above (pi. vi. fig. 9). Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 15918. The left upper carnassial ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842 15920. The associated bones of the hind foot of a Carnivore; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. These bones agree with those of Canis lupus, but are of rather smaller size ; they may very probably belong to the present species. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. Canis, sp. Bab. Brazil. M. 24. Two fragments of the maxillas of opposite sides ; from a deposit called " Tipitata," in the neighbourhood of San Angelo, 10 miles from the city of Mexico. These spe- cimens indicate an animal of the size of C. lupus, but with a larger pm. 1 ; they are too much damaged for spe- cific determination. Presented by P. Geddes, Esq., 1880. Canis, sp. (allied to C. aureus, Lima.). Hob. India. 15921. Fragment of the right maxilla, containing rin. 4 and in-J, (Fig.) and the alveolus of ym- 3 ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik 130 CARNIVORA. Hills, India. This specimen has been described and figured by the present writer in the ' Palseontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 264, pi. xxxii. fig. 2. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. Canis neschersensis, Blainville 1 (ex Croizet). Syn. Lupus neschersensis, Bourguignat 2 . Hob. Prance. 28877. Cast of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the canine and all the cheek-teeth except p m . 1 and in73. The original of this specimen is from the Pliocene of Neschers, France, and is described and figured by De Blainville in his * Osteographie/ genus Canis, p. 125, pi. xiii. It indicates a species intermediate in size between the Wolf and the Jackal. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 27620. The left upper carnassial ; from the Pliocene of Neschers, France. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. 27620 a. The associated left upper true molar ; from the Pliocene of De-la-Grave, France. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. 28878. The distal extremity of the tibia; from the Pliocene of Neschers. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. Canis, sp. Hah. Italy. M. 415. A fragment of the right maxilla, containing pm. 3 and the anterior part of pm. 4, and a detached canine ; from the Pliocene of the Val d'Arno, Italy. It is highly pro- bable that these specimens belong either to Canis etruscus or C. falconeri of Forsyth Major. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. Cante bulpw!, Linn. 3 Syn. Vulpes vulgaris, Owen * (ex Brisson). Vulpes major, Schmerling 5 . Osteographie, genus Canis, p. 125 (1841?). Ann. Sci. Geol. yol. vi. art. 6, p. 45 (1875). Syst. Nat. ed. 12, vol. i. p. 59 (1766). Brit. Foss. Mamm. and Birds, p. 134 (1846). Recherche* Oseemens Fossiles de Li6ge, vol. ii. p. 39 (1834). TIRSIDJE. 131 Vulpes minor, Schmerling 1 . Canis vulpes fossilis, Pomel 2 . Cunis spelceus minor, Wagner 3 . An imperfect cranium has recently been described by the present writer (Geol. Mag. dec. 3, vol. ii. p. 443), from the Eed Crag of Boyton, Suffolk (woodcut, fig. 19), which is indistinguishable from Fig. 19. Canis vulpes. Eight half of the palate; from the Eed Crag of Boyton, Suffolk. \ crania of the present species, with the exception of its superior size. If, as seems probable, the specimen is really contemporary with the Crag, it is the earliest recorded occurrence of the species. Hob. Europe. M. 225. The palate ; from Hutton Cave, Somersetshire. Enniskillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. 1 Eecherches Ossemens Possiles de Liege, vol. ii. p. 39 (1834). 2 Catalogue Methodique, p. 69 (1853). e Owen. K2 3 Archiv fur Natur. TO!, xv. p. 17, teste Owen. 132 CABNIVOKA. 48901. Part of the left' maxilla, containing all the cheek-teeth except pm. 1 j from Brixham Cave, near Torquay. Brixham-Cave Collection. Presented, 1876. M. 406. Anterior portion of the cranium, showing the hinder cheek- teeth of the right side; from a cavern in the Mendip Hills. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 406 a. Anterior portion of the cranium, showing the last four cheek-teeth of the left side ; from a cavern in the Mendip Hills. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 226. The left ramus of the mandible, showing five cheek-teeth ; from Hutton Cave, Somersetshire. EnnisJcillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. 41667. The mandible and the upper dentition ; from the Pleistocene of Dartford, Kent. Toulmin-Smith Collection. Purchased, 1867. 55 (0. C.). The right ramus of the mandible, containing the canine and all the cheek-teeth ; from Kirkdale Cave, Yorkshire. Presented ly W. Salmond, Esq. Before 1836. 35681. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible, showing jnTT and in. 2 ; from Kirkdale Cave. Bean Collection. Purchased, 1859. 38495. Part of the right ramus of the mandible, showing all the cheek-teeth except pm. 2 and mT3 ; from the Pleistocene of Grays, Essex. Purchased, 1864. 28574. The mandible, showing all the teeth except the incisors and the last molar ; from a cavern in Sundwig, Westphalia. This specimen is of very large size. Purchased, 1853. 27 (0. C.). The right ramus of the mandible, wanting all the teeth except mT2 ; from a cavern in Sundwig, Westphalia. Sb'mmering Collection. Purchased, 1827. 17936. The right ramus of the mandible, showing p m . 2, pm. 3, mT, and in72 ; from Keut's-Hole Cavern, Torquay. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. M. 94. The right ramus of the mandible of a very old individual, wanting p m . i (of which the alveolus has disappeared) and nT"2. From Cat's-Hole Cave, Gower, Glamorganshire. Presented by Gen. Wood, 1865. TJR3ID.E. 133 18982. Two broken rami of the mandible, from Kent's-Hole Cavern. Presented by Rev. Upton Richards, 1845. 37187. The two upper true molars of the left side ; from Brixham Cave, near Torquay. Presented by R. W. Wolston, Esq., 1863. 37188. Part of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the last three premolars and the carnassial ; from Brixham Cave. Presented by R. W. Wolston, Esq., 1863. 16712. Anterior portion of the left ramus of the mandible, contain- (Fig.) ing the canine, the two last premolars, and the canine ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. This specimen is figured by Owen in the British Fossil Mammals and Birds,' p. 134, fig. 51. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. 16707. Hinder portion of the left ramus of the mandible, contain- (Fig.) ing the carnassial, m72, and the alveolus of m73; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. This specimen is figured by Owen in the ' British Fossil Mammals and Birds,' p. 137, fig. 53. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. 16727. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible, containing the last three premolars and the carnassial ; from Kent's- Hole Cavern. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. 18236. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible, containing {Fig.) m. 2 and the alveolus of m. 3 ; from the Pleistocene of Bacton, Norfolk. This specimen is figured by Newton in the Memoirs of the Geological Survey of England, " Ver- tebrata of the Forest-bed Series," pi. iv. figs. 2, 2 a, and is noticed in the Geol. Mag. dee. 2, vol. vii. p. 153 (1880) \ Green Collection. Purchased, 1843. 48902. The right ramus of the mandible ; from Brixham Cave. Brixnam-Cave Collection. Presented, 1876. 48907. The lower cheek-teeth of the right side, in a fragment of one side of the ramus of the mandible ; from Brixham Cave. Brixnam-Cave Collection. Presented, 1876. 16757-8. Two specimens of the distal half of the humerus and the left ulna ; from Kent's Hole Cavern. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. 1 Mr. Newton has some doubt whether this specimen may not belong to a small Dog ; it seems, however, most probable that it really belongs to a Fox. 134 CARNIVORA. 40948 The left ulna ; from a cavern at Gower, Glamorganshire. Presented by Gen. Wood, 1836. 48903. The left innominate ; from Brixham Cave. Brixham-Cave Collection, Presented, 1876. 16757 1, 16758 a. Two specimens of the femur, one broken ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. 16757 a, 16758 b. Two specimens of the tibia, one broken ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. McEnery Collection. Purchased,I842. 44922. Part of the shaft of the right tibia of a small Carnivore of the size of the Common Fox ; from the Pleistocene of Ilford, Essex. This specimen is No. A*l of Davies's Catalogue of the Brady Collection ' (1874), where it is provisionally referred to the present species. Brady Collection. Purchased, 1878. Canis, sp. Hob. Brazil. 18893. Fragment of the right maxilla, containing pm. 4 and the two true molars, and a portion of the mandible containing mTT, ^72 ; from a cavern in Minas Geraes, Brazil. In size these specimens agree very closely with C. cancrivorus ; but they differ by the presence of an additional cusp in m. 2 between the two main cusps of the anterior side, and another extra cusp in m. 2, situated on the inner border behind the first main cusp ; this tooth is also relatively wider and has a more distinct cingulum. This specimen does not appear to come so near to any other existing American species of the genus. The occurrence of Canis cancrivorus in the fossil state is not mentioned by P. Ger- vais and Ameghino in their Catalogue of the Fossil Mammals of S. America. Claussen Collection. Purchased, 1845. Canis, sp. Hab. 18916. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible, belonging to a species rather smaller than the last ; from a cavern in Minas Geraes, Brazil. The second true molar wants the accessory cusp on the inner side, and has not such a distinct main cusp as in the last specimen. The present UESID.S. 135 specimen is too incomplete to determine whether it is specifically the same as one of the living species. Claussen Collection. Purchased, 1845. 18911. Numerous canines of an undetermined Ganoid ; from the caverns of Brazil. Claussen Collection. Purchased, 1845. Canis curvipalatus, Bose \ Hob. India. 37149. The associated cranium and mandible ; from the Pliocene of (Fig.) the Siwalik Hills, India. This specimen, which is the type of the species, is described and figured by Baker and Durand in the Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, vol. v. pi. xxxvii. figs. 9-12; it is also described by Bose in the passage cited ; and is described and figured by the present writer in the < Palseontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 254, pi. xxxii. figs. 1, la, 7. It exhibits some very curious points of affinity with the South-African genus Otocyon. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 15919. Five associated limb-bones, comprising the two femora, the tibia, astragalus, and calcaneum ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. These bones are somewhat smaller than those of C. vulpes, and on this account might well belong to the present species. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 15913. The distal two-thirds of the right tibia; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. This specimen agrees with the corresponding bone of the specimens under the last number. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. Canis palustris, H. von Meyer 2 . Syn. Galfcynus oeningensis, Owen 3 . Hob. Switzerland. 27402. Complete skeleton ; from the Upper Miocene of (Eningen, (Fig.) Switzerland. This specimen, which is the type of the species, and of the genus Oalecynus, Owen, was originally described and figured by Murchison and Mantell in the 1 Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxxvi. p. 134 (1880). 2 Neues Jahrb. 1843, p. 701. 3 Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. iii. p. 55, figs. 1, 3, 5 (1847, read 1846). Owen supersedes Meyer's name palustris from the circumstance that Blain- ville had previously referred to the specimen as Vulpe tf (Eningen. 136 CARNIVORA. Trans. Geol. Soc. vol. iii. p. 277, pis. xxxiii.-iv., under the name of Cards vulpes. It was subsequently described and figured by H. von Meyer in the ' Fauna der Vorwelt,' pt. i. p. 4, pi. i. (1845), under the name of Canis palustris, and finally by Owen (loc. cit.) under the name of Galecynus ceningensis. Huxley has shown in the Proc. Zool. Soc. 1880, p. 280, that there seems no valid reason why it should be separated generically from Canis. Presented by Sir R. I. Murchison, Bart., K.G.B., 1852. Canis ?, sp. Hab. France. M. 1708. Three humeri, about equal in size to the humerus of Canis aureus ; from the Upper Eocene of Bach, near Lal- benque (Lot), France. These bones differ from the humerus of Cynodictis, Cephalogale, and. Amphicyon in the absence of an entepicondylar foramen, and thereby agree with Canis. They probably indicate the existence of a species of that genus in the phosphorites, and would therefore seem to confirm the generic reference of the so-called Canis filholi and C. cadurcensis. Purchased, 1884. M. 1709. Four specimens of the femur, agreeing fairly well in relative size with the last specimen, and coming from the same locality. They may possibly belong to the same species. Purchased, 1884. Genus AMPHICYON, Lartet 1 . Syn. Agnotherlum, Kaup (inpartt). Cynelos, Jourdan (MS.). Pseudocyon, Lartet. Dentition : I. \, C. [, Pm. |, M. f . Amphicyon giganteus, LauriUard 2 . Syn. Canis tfune taille gigantesque, Cuvier. This is the largest species of the genus. Hab. Europe. 1 Comptes Rendus, vol. v. p. 424 (1837). The name Agnofherium was applied by Kaup (Oss. Foss. de Darmstadt, pt. ii.) in 1833, and has there- fore the priority over Amphicyon ; but the latter has obtained universal accep- tation. 2 Diet. Univ. d'Histoire Naturelle, vol. iii. p. 567 (1849). TJR8ID.E. 137 15542 a. Cast of the first left upper true molar. The original, which is the type of the species, and is helieved to be in the Paris Museum, is from the Lower Miocene of Avaray (Loir-ei^Cher), Trance ; and is figured by Cuvier in pi. cxciii. fig. 20 of the 4th ed. of the ' Ossemens Fossiles ; ' it is also figured by De Blainville in the ' Osteographie,' genus Subursus, pi. xiv., under the name of Amphicyon, d' Avaray ; De Blainville was inclined to consider it as a variety of A., major. Purchased. Amphicyon major, Blainville 1 . Syn. Amphicyon crassidens, Pomel. Amphicyon laurillardi, Pomel. Amphicyon minor, Blainville (in parte). (?) Pseudocyon sansaniensis, Lartet. This species is as large as a Brown Bear. Hob. France. 29615. Cast of the left maxilla and premaxilla, showing the canine, pm. 1 ? pm. 4, m. 1, and m. 2. The original of this specimen, which is the type, is preserved in the Paris Museum, and was obtained from the Middle Miocene of Sansan (Gers), France. It is figured by De Blainville in the ' Osteo- graphie,' genus Subursus, pi. xiv. Hastings Collection. Purchased, 1855. 28150. The first left upper true molar (wanting a part of the outer half), and the anterior part of the left lower carnassial, both in a well-worn condition, and probably associated ; from the Middle Miocene of Sansan. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 29616. Cast of the distal half of the left humerus, wanting the bridge over the entepicondylar foramen. The original is from the Middle Miocene of Sansan, and is preserved in the Paris Museum. Hastings Collection. Purchased, 1855. 1 ' Ost. Syn. Plesiogale waterhousei, Pomel 2 . Dentition: I. f, C. J, Pm. , M. J. Hob. France. 27815. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the (Fig.} two last premolars and the carnassial, of which the inner cusp is broken off; from the Lower Miocene of Eonzon (Puy-en-Yelay), France. This specimen is the type of the species, and is described by Pomel in the following words: "Espece un peu plus petite que le putois, re- marquable par 1'acuite des avant-molaires inferieures. Cette espece et la suivante[Jf. mustelina]noMs montrent que 1'apophyse coronoide est tres-elargie au soumet et comme termine'e en fer de hache. La grande etendue de la fosse masseterine acheve d'indiquer une tres-grande force dans 1'appareil musculaire qui mouvait les machoires ". It would appear that the coronoid process has been broken off since the time of Pomel's description. In the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. x. art. 3, p. 183, pi. xxv. fig. 10, Filhol describes and figures a right ramus of the mandible from 1 Catalogue Methodique, p. 49 (1853), Plesiogale. 2 Loc. cit. MTJSTELIM!. 183 St. Gerand-le-Puy, which he refers to the same species ; he mentions that he was unable to find the present speci- men, which was not labelled at the time of his visit to the British Museum. The specimen figured by Filhol appears very similar to the present specimen, but the blade of the carnassial is slightly longer. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. Mustela?, sp. Hal). France. M. 1366. The greater part of the palatal portion of the cranium, showing the canine and all the cheek-teeth; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux (Tarn-et-Garonne), Prance. This specimen is rather larger than the cranium of M. angus- tifrons, from which it is also distinguished by a great difference in the form of m. 1. Purchased, 1884. M. 1375. The right ramus of the mandible, showing ^73 and the alveoli of all the other teeth j from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. It is not improbable that this specimen may belong to the same species as the last. Purchased, 1884. Mustela, sp. 18232-4. The third lower premolar and the carnassial of a small specise ; from the Pleistocene of Suffolk. The carnassial is intermediate between that of M. ermineus and M. vulgaris. Green Collection. Purchased, 1843. Genus PLESICTIS, Pomel \ Dentition : I. |, C. ^ Pm. |, M. \. This genus is distinguished from Mustela by the circumstance that the temporal ridges of the cranium do not unite to form a sagittal crest. The lower carnassial is always furnished with a well-developed inner cusp, and the upper true molar is distinguished from that of existing species of Mustela by its triangular form, but is very similar to that of M. angustifrons. In the above-mentioned general characters the genus indicates viverrine tendencies, and the transition to the extinct genus Steno- plesictis (page 96) is so gradual that the viverrine and musteline families are practically united by the two genera. 1 Bull. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 2, vol. iv. p. 379 (1846). 184 CAKNIVOBA. Plesictis palustris, Pomel l . Syn. P. ekgans, Pomel (var.). P. genetoides, Pomel (var.). Hob. France. 31024. The hinder portion of the cranium, exhibiting the third and fourth premolars of the left side ; from the Lower Miocene of St. Gerand-le-Puy (Allier), Prance. This specimen appears almost identical with a cranium, from the same locality, figured by Pilhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. x. pi. xx. figs. 8-10 ; the only difference between the two being that the temporal ridges are more widely separated in the present specimen ; these differences, are, however, probably due to differences in age. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 31025. Fragment of the right maxilla, containing the carnassial and the alveolus of TO- 1; from the Lower Miocene of St. Gerand- le-Puy. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 24943. The greater portion of the right ramus of the mandible, containing pm. 4 and m. 1, and the alveoli of the other cheek-teeth and canine ; from the Lower Miocene of St. Gerand-le-Puy. This specimen appears to be precisely similar to a left ramus figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. x. pi. xxii. fig. 2. Presented by Talbot, Esq., 1849. Plesictis croizeti, Pomel 2 . Syn. ? P. robusta, Pomel. ? P. gracilis, Pomel. Sab. France. This species was originally described in 1846 by Pomel, on the evidence of the mandible catalogued below (No. 26702). Filhol unites, in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. x. art. 3, p. 124 et seq., this species with P. robusta and P. gracilis, taking P. robusta as the name of the species. As, however, those names were not published tiU 1853 (' Catalogue Methodique,' p. 60), it is evident that the 1 Catalogue Methodique, p. 62 (1853). See also Filhol, Ann. Sci. Geol. rol. x. art. 3, p. 144 et seq., on whose authority the synonymy is given a Bull. Soc. Ge-ol. France, ser. 2, yol. iy. p. 385 (1846). MUSTELID.E. 185 name croizeti should stand for the species, on the assumption that the three forms are the same. In his quotations from Pomel, Filhol (p. 131) has, however, given Pomel's description of P. lemanensis as that of P. croizeti, and that of P. croizeti (p. 134) as that of P. lema- nensis. According to Pomel's original description, it is P. lemanensis that is stouter than P. croizeti ; but as Filhol has reversed the two descriptions, it of course happens that P. croizeti is the stouter species according to him. It appears, however, that the stouter type of skull figured by Filhol under the name of P. rolusta, var. croizeti, does agree more nearly in relative size with the type mandible of P. croizeti, Pom., than does the slighter skull figured by Filhol under the name of P. lemanensis ; and it therefore seems well to provisionally adopt Filhol's identifications, although they appear founded on a misconception. On this view P. croizeti will be (con- trary to Pomel's original definition) a larger species than P. lema- nensis. 26702. The greater portion of the right ramus of the mandible, (Fig.) containing the last two premolars and the carnassial, and the alveoli of the other cheek-teeth and the canine ; from the Lower Miocene of St. Gerand-le-Puy (Allier), France. This specimen is the type of the species, and is figured by Pomel in the Bull. Soc. Ge'ol. France, ser. 2, vol. iv. pi. iv. fig. 4. Pomel Collection. Purchased, 1851. 31022. The hinder part of the cranium, containing the left true molar ; from the Lower Miocene of St. Gerand-le-Puy. This specimen agrees with the cranium figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. x. pi. xxi. figs. 3, 4, 5, with the exception that the temporal ridges are less closely ap- proximated, this character probably depending to a great extent on age. As mentioned above, these two specimens may be provisionally referred to the present species. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. Plesictis lemanensis, Pomel 1 . For the doubt as to the correct identification of this species see above under the head of P. croizeti. Hob. France. 31028. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible, containing 1 Catalogue Methodique, p. 61 (1853). 186 CARHTVORA. the carnassial and the alveolus of m. 2 ; from the Lower Miocene of St. Ge'rand-le-Puy (Allier), France. This spe- cimen appears to be very similar to the one figured under the above name by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. x. pi. xxii. fig. 3. Bravard, Collection. Purchased, 1852. Plesictis (?), sp. Hal. Italy. 31028, a. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible, containing the two true molars ; from the Upper Pliocene of the Val d'Arno di Sopra, Italy. This specimen is larger than any of those mentioned above, and not improbably indicates a new species. Presented by the Earl of Enniskillen. Limb-bones and Vertebrae of undetermined species of MUSTEIA or allied GENUS. From the Lower Miocene of St. Gerand-le-Puy (Allier), France. Bravard Collection. 31012. The glenoidal part of the scapula. 31029-30. Two humeri, of the same size. These bones have an ent- epicondylar foramen, and differ thereby from living species of Mustela. 31013-4. The proximal halves of two ulnse. 31015. The distal half of the radius. 31016. The distal half of the femur of a large species. 26704. The greater portion of the tibia. 31021. The tibia, of smaller size than the last. 31011. A lumbar vertebra, of large size. 31020. A cervical vertebra, of small size. Genus GULO, Store 1 . 3. !, Pm. J, M. |. In c wanting. Prodromus Meth. Mamm. p. 34 (1780). Dentition : 1. J, C. \, Pm. J, M. |. In one of the specimens noticed below m72 is wanting. MTJSTELID^. 187 luScul (Linn. 1 ). Syn. Mustela gulo, Linn. 2 Ursus luscm, Linn. 3 Gulo borealis, Nilsson (teste Wagner). Gulo spekeus, Goldfuss 4 . Hah. Northern Europe and America. 21 (0. C.). The cranium and mandible ; from the Gailenreuth (?) Cave, Franconia. The cranium wants thezygomatic arches, and the carnassials and canines ; the mandible has lost the summit of the coronoid process of either side. Sommering Collection. Purchased, 1827. 28556. The left ramus of the mandible, containing the last three premolars and the carnassial : from a cavern in Sund- wig, Westphalia. Purchased, 1853. 28556 a. Part of the right ramus of the mandible, containing all the cheek-teeth except pliiTT; frojn a cavern in Sund- wig, Westphalia. Purchased, 1853. M. 227. Part of the left ramus of the mandible, containing jmTB, pm. 4, and 1^71, in a well-worn condition ; from the Gai- lenreuth Cave. Enniskillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 228. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the last premolar and the carnassial, in a very much worn condition; from the Gailenreuth Cave. This specimen is remarkable for the circumstance that there is not the slightest trace of the alveolus of the second true molar. EnnisTdllen Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 228 a. Part of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the last pm. 3, pm. 4, and m. 1, in an unworn condition; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased,I882. M. 228 b. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the unworn last premolar ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 229 a. The distal two-thirds of the right humerus, exhibiting the entepicondylar foramen ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. 1 Syst. Nat. ed. 12, p. 71 (1766), Ursus. 2 Ibid. p. 67 (1766). 3 Ibid. p. 71 (1766). 4 Nova Acta Ac. Cses. Leop.-Car. vol. ix. p. 319 (1818). 188 CARNIVORA. M. 229. The right tibia ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Enniskillen Collection. Purchased, 1882. M. 229 b. The centrum of the axis vertebra, wanting the odontoid process ; from the Gailenreuth Cave. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. Genus MELLIVORA, Storr 1 . Syn. Ursitaxw, Hodgson 2 . Ratelus, Bennett 3 . Dentition : I. |, C. \, Pm. f , M, \. Mellivora sivalensis (Falconer and Cautley*). Syn. Ursitaxus sivalensis, Falconer and Cautley 5 . Gulo, sp., Baker and Durand 6 . Hah. India. 40184. The cranium ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills, India. (Fig.) This specimen is the type of the species, and is described and figured by Baker and Durand in the Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. v. p. 581, pi. xxvii. fig. 1, under the generic name of Gulo. It is also figured by Falconer and Cautley in supplemental plate Q of the ' Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis/ figs. 4, 4 a, 4b, 4c', under the name of Ursitaxus; and is described and figured under the above name by the present writer in the ' Palasontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 180, pi. xxvi. In this specimen all the teeth are shown, but the crowns of the canines are broken off and the cheek-teeth are very much worn. In the accompanying woodcut (fig. 27) there is represented one half of the palatal portion of the cranium and the left ramus of the mandible, also from the Siwalik Hills, which are preserved in the Science and Art Museum, Dublin, and are the only other known remains of the species. These speci- mens are likewise described by the present writer in the ' Palaeontologia Indica '. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. ProdromuB Meth. Mamm. p. 34 (1780). Asiatic Researches, vol. six. p. 60 (1836). Gardens &c. Zool. Soc. vol. i. p. 13 (1830). In ' Falconer's Palaeontological Memoirs,' vol. i. p. 553 (1868), Ursitaxus Loc. cit. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. v. p. 581 (1836). MUSTELINE. Fig. 27. 189 Mellivora sivalensis. The right half of the palate (a) and the left ram us of the mandible (5). j. Dublin Museum. (From the ' Palseontologia Indica.') Genus MELES, Storr 1 . Dentition : I. |, C. \, Pm. \, M. \. J, Boddaert 2 . Syn. Ursus meles, Linn. 3 Meles vulgaris, Desmarest 4 . Meles vulgaris fossilis, H. von Meyer. Hob. Europe and Northern Asia. 20 (0. C.). The hinder part of the cranium and the left half of the palate, containing the carnassial and the true molar ; from a cavern in Sundwig. Sommering Collection. Purchased, 1827. 20 a (0. C.). The left ramus of the mandible, containing the canine and the carnassial ; from a cavern in Sundwig. Sommering Collection. Purchased, 1827. 1 Prodromus Meth. Mamm. p. 34 (1780). 2 Elenchus Animalium, vol. i. p. 80 (1785). 3 Syst. Nat. ed. 12, vol. i. p. 70 (1766). * Mammalogie, p. 173 (1820). 190 CARNIVORA. 20 b (0. C.) The right ramus of the mandible, containing the car- nassial ; from a cavern in Sundwig, Westphalia. Sommering Collection. Purchased, 1827. 16711. The left ramus of the mandible, containing all the teeth except (Fig.) the incisors, pmTI, and pmT3 ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern, Torquay. This specimen is figured by Owen in the ' British Fossil Mammals and Birds,' p. 107, fig. 37. The teeth are in an unworn condition, and the alveolus of plnTl is of minute size. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. M. 1884. The cranium and mandible ; from a brick-field at Grove- hurst, Sittingbourne, Kent. The age of this specimen is doubtful. Presented by George Payne, Esq., 1884. 27659. The distal half of the left humerus (showing the entepi- condylar foramen) and the proximal half of the left ulna ; from a cavern at Montpellier, France. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. Genus LUTRA, Erxleben 1 (ex Ray). Including : Aonyx, Lesson. Enkydriodon (Amyxodori), Falconer 2 . Lutrictis, Pomel 3 . Potamotkerium, E. Geoffroy 4 . Stephanodon, H. von Meyer 5 . Dentition. In the typical living forms the dental formula is I. |, C. j, Pm. |, M. |; but in L. (A.) leptonyx the first upper pre- molar is not unfrequently absent ; and in some fossil forms this tooth is invariably wanting. In another fossil species m. 2 is present ; so that the dental formula for all these variations must be written as follows, viz. 1. 1, C. \, Pm. (3 ~ 4) , M. ^f. The reasons for including EnJiydriodon in the present genus are given by the writer in the ' Palasontologia Indica,' ser 10, vol. ii. pp. 195-201. 1 Syst. Eegn. Animal, p. 445 (1777). 2 In 'Falconer's Pakeontological Memoirs,' vol. i. p. 331 (1868). The name Amyxodon dates from 1836, but was never defined. 3 Bull. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 2, vol. iv. p. 380 (1846). 4 Revue Encyclopedique, vol. lix. p. 88 (1833). 8 Neues Jahrbuch, 1847, p. 182 ; and Suppl. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat. vol. v. p. 307 (1847). 191 Hutra imparts, Erxleben 1 . Syn. Mustela lutra, Linn. 2 Lutra antiqua, M. de Serres 3 . Hob. Europe and North Asia. 39904. The cranium and mandible, showing all the teeth except the incisors, canines, and m72 ; from Watcham Fen, near Ely, Cambridgeshire. Purchased, 1866. 39907. The right scapula ; from Watcham Fen. Purchased, 1866. 36631. The left humerus, wanting both extremities; from the Pleistocene of Grays, Essex. Purchased, 1848. 39908. The right ulna ; from Watcham Fen. Purchased, 1866. 39468 a. The left ulna ; from the fens of Lincolnshire. Purchased, 1866. Lutra palaeindica, Falconer and Cautley 4 . Rob. India. 37151. Cranium, wanting both zygomatic arches, part of the right (Fig.) maxilla, and all, the teeth except pm. 2 and -m. ^ of the right side ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Trills, India. This specimen is the type of the species, and is figured in plate xxvii. figs. 6, 7 of 'Falconer's Pala3ontological Memoirs,' and in supplemental plate P. fig. 1 of the 'Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis.' It is also described and figured by the writer in the ' PalaBontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 191, pi. xxvii. fig. 1. Gautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 37152. Part of the left ramus of the mandible, wanting all the (Fig.) teeth except the carnassial, of which the blade is broken ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Kills, India. This spe- cimen is described and figured in the same places as the last specimen. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. Lutra dubia, Blainville 5 (ex Croizet). Hob. Europe. 27486. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible, containing Syst. Eegn. Animal, p. 448 (1777). Syst. Nat. ed. 12, vol. i. p. 66 (1766). Ann. d. Museum, vol. xviii. p. 334. In ' Falconer's Palseoutological Memoirs,' pi. xxvii. (1868). Osteographie, genus Mustda, p. 67, pi. xiv. (1848?). 192 CARMVORA. the carnassial and the base of pm. 4 ; probably from the Tipper Miocene of Eppelsheim, Hesse Darmstadt. This specimen appears to be precisely similar to the type spe- cimen figured by De Blainville (loc. cit.\ from the Middle Miocene of Sansan (Gers), France. If the locality of the present specimen be correct, it extends the range of the species to Hesse Darmstadt. Hastings Collection. Purchased, 1855. Lutra campani, Meneghini 1 . Dentition : I. 1, C. \, Pm. f , M. |. Hal. Italy. 37347. Cast of the palatal portion of the cranium. The original is from the Middle Miocene of Monte Bamboli, Tuscany. The original of this specimen, which is the type of the species, is believed to be in the Museum at Pisa, and is described and figured by Meneghini in the Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. vol. iv. pi. i. A ; the right upper carnassial is re- presented in the accompanying woodcut (fig. 28). The Fig. 28. Lutra campani. Right upper carnassial ; from the Middle Miocene of Monte Bamboli, Tuscany. }. (From the ' Palseonlologia Indica.') affinities of the species are alluded to by the present writer in the ' Palaeontologia Indica,' vol. ii. p. 198, and are shown to be nearest to those of the next species. Purchased, 1863. Lutra sivalensis (Falconer and Cautley 2 ). Syn. Enhydriodon sivalensis, Falconer and Cautley 3 . Enhydriodon ferox, Falconer and Cautley. Amyxodon, sp., Falconer and Cautley. 1 Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. vol. iv. p. 18 (1862). 2 In 'Falconer's Palseontological Memoirs,' vol. i. p. 331 (1868), Enhy- driodon. The history and synonymy are given by the present writer in the Palseontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 196. 8 Loc. cit. MUSTELID^E. 193 Dentition: 1. 1, C. [, Pm. |, M. \. Hob. India. 37153. The greater part of the cranium, wanting both zygomatic (Fig.) arches and part of the premaxillse ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills, India. This specimen, which, with the two next, is the type of the species, contains the hinder cheek-teeth of the right side, in a broken condition ; there is no sign of the presence of pm. 2. It is figured in 'Falconer's Palseontological Memoirs,' vol. i. pi. xxvii. figs. 3, 4, and in supplemental plate P of the ' Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis :' together with the two next specimens it is noticed by the present writer in the ' Palaeontologia Indica/ ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 197. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 37154. The anterior portion of the cranium, exhibiting the alveoli (Fig.) or the crowns of all the teeth ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. This specimen is represented in figs. 1, 2 of the above-mentioned plate of 'Falconer's Palseontological Memoirs ' and in plate P of the ' Fauna Antiqua Siva- lensis.' It shows the alveolus of pm. 2, which is of extremely minute size, and also that of the outer incisor, which is of relatively large size. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 37155. The anterior portion of the cranium, showing the alveoli of (Fig.) the outer incisors and of the canines, and the broken crowns of the last three cheek-teeth of the left side ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. This specimen is repre- sented in fig. 5 of the above-mentioned plate of ' Falconer's Palseontological Memoirs,' and in plate P of the ' Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis.' The left upper carnassial of this specimen is represented, of the natural size, in the accom- Fig. 29. Lutra Sivalensis. Left upper carnassial, broken on the outer side ; from the Siwalik Hills, |. (From the ' Palseontologia Indica.') panying woodcut (fig. 29). There is no trace of the alveolus of pm. 2, which tooth was probably absent. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 194 CAKNTVORA. Lutra valetoni, E. Geoffrey 1 . Syn. PotamotJierium valetoni, E. Geoffroy 2 . Lutrictis valetoni, Pomel 3 . Stephanodon mombachiensis, H. von Meyer 4 . Lutra clermontensis, Blainville 5 (in parte). Dentition: 1. f, C. \, Pm. |, M. f. #a&. Europe. In his memoir on the Fossil Mammals of St. Gerand-le-Puy 6 , Filhol refers this species to the genus Lutra ; and the present writer is inclined to adopt this view. If it be referred to a distinct genus, the name Potamotherium is the correct one 7 . 31031. Fragment of the right maxilla and premaxilla, containing the canine and P m - 2 ; from the Lower Miocene of Allier, France. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 25448. The left ramus of the mandible wanting the proximal extremity, and containing the canine and all the cheek- teeth except m. 2 ; from the Lower Miocene of Mombach, near Mayence. Purchased, 1850. 31032. Hinder portion of the left ramus of the mandible, con- taining the carnassial ; from the Lower Miocene of Allier. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 31033. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible, containing the carnassial in alveolo ; from the Lower Miocene of Allier. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 26699. The left humerus, imperfect superiorly, showing the ent- epicondylar foramen ; from the Lower Miocene of St. Gerand-le-Puy (Allier), France. Pomel Collection. Purchased, 1851. 31040. The right humerus, wanting the proximal extremity; from the Lower Miocene of Allier. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852 Revue Encyclopedique, vol. lix. p. 88 (1833), 2 Loc. cit. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 2, vol. iv. p. 380 (1846). Neues Jahrti 1847, p. 182. Osteographie, genus Mustela, p. 59 (1842?). Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. x. art. 3, p. 58. In the ' Palseontologialndica,' ser. 10, vol. ii. p. 190, the present writer, who had not, at the time of writing the passage, entered into the question of priority, followed Gaudry in referring the present species to Pomel's genus Lutrictis. 195 31041. The proximal extremity of the right humerus ; from the Lower Miocene of Allier. Bravard Collection. 2-urchased, 1852. 40899-900. Two imperfect specimens of the right humerus ; from the Lower Miocene of Allier. Presented by C. Falconer, Esq., 1867. 26701. The left ulna ; from the Lower Miocene of St. Gerand-le- Puy. Pomel Collection. Purchased, 1851. 31044. Two specimens of the proximal portion of the right ulna ; from the Lower Miocene of Allier. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 31045-6-8. Three specimens of the radius ; from the Lower Miocene of Allier. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 26701. The right femur; from the Lower Miocene of St. Gerand- le-Puy. Pomel Collection. Purchased, 1851. 31050. The right femur ; from the Lower Miocene of Allier. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 31053. The proximal half of the left femur ; from the Lower Mio- cene of Allier. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 31053 a. The left calcaneum ; from the Lower Miocene of Allier. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 31034. The atlas vertebra ; from the Lower Miocene of Allier. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 31035. The axis vertebra, imperfect posteriorly ; from the Lower Miocene of Allier. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 31037-8-9. Three trunk vertebrae ; from the Lower Miocene of Allier. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. Lutra minor (H. von Meyer 1 ). Syn. Stephanodon minor, H. von Meyer. Hob. Europe. 25440. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible, containing the last premolar and the carnassial ; from the Lower Miocene of Mombach, near Mayence. Purchased, 1850. 1 The writer has been unable to find a reference to this species, which may be only a smaller form of the last. o 2 1Q6 CAKNIVOKA. Suborder CARNIVORA PINNIPEDIA. Family OTARIID^E. Genus OTARIA, Peron 1 (including Arctocephalus, &c.). Dentition:-!. | C. \, Pm. J, M. <*=9. (tarta totm, Lesson 2 . Syn. Arctocephalus forsteri, Gray. i?a6. Australian and New-Zealand seas. 32173. The palatal portion of the cranium, together with numerous limb-bones and vertebra? ; from Prehistoric or Pleistocene deposits at Euamora, South Island, New Zealand. The cranium agrees precisely with the one figured by J. W. Clark in the Proc. Zool. Soc. 1875, pi. Ixxii., showing the small cusp on the anterior side only of the cheek-teeth. These remains were associated with those of Dinornis and a species of Dog 3 . Purchased from Walter Mantett, Esq. Otaria, sp. Hob. New Zealand. 32173 a. Fragment of the anterior portion of the cranium of a young male of a large species, containing a canine tooth ; from Prehistoric or Pleistocene deposits at Euamora, South Island, New Zealand. This specimen seems too imperfect for specific identification. Purchased from Walter Mantell, Esq. 1 Voyage aux Terres Australes, vol. ii. p. 37, note (1816). 2 Diet. Class. d'Hist. Nat. vol. xii. p. 421 (1828). 3 The occurrence of the remains of this genus, associated with those of Din- ornis and a Dog, in similar deposits is recorded by Haast in 'Nature,' vol. xiv. pp. 577-578 (1876). The name of the smaller Otary there found is given as Otaria cinerea ; it is, however, not improbable that that form really belongs to the present species, since many crania from New Zealand have been erroneously referred to 0. cinerea (vide J. W. Clark, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1884, p. 196). That species is characterized by the presence of fore-and-aft cusps (talons) to the cheek-teeth, as is well exhibited in the figure on p. 191 of the memoir last quoted. 197 Family TRICHECHLILE. Genus TRICHECHUS, Linn. 1 Dentition. In the adult of the existing species it appears that the following teeth are usually present, viz. : _ I. -, C. -, Pm. P. ricf)td)u$ rosmarus, Linn. 2 Syn. Odobcenus rosmarus, Allen 3 (ex Malmgren). Hob. Arctic Ocean and Northern Europe. 46134. The nearly complete mandible; dredged on the Dogger Bank, Eastern coast. This specimen shows the alveoli of the teeth ; it is noticed by W. Davies in the Geol. Mag. dec. 2, vol. v. p. 98 (1878). Owles Collection. Purchased, 1874. M. 1133. Cast of the centrum of the twelfth dorsal vertebra. The original is from the Antwerp Crag, and is figured by Van Beneden in the Ann. Mus. E. Hist. Nat. Belg. vol. i. pi. viii. fig. 7 (1877). Purchased. M. 1134. Cast of the right scaphoid. The original is from the Antwerp Crag, and is figured by Yan Beneden, op. cit. %s. 8, 9. Purchased. Trichechus huxleyi, Lankester 4 . Syn. Trichechodon huxleyi, Lankester 5 . This species was originally referred by its founder to the new genus Trichechodon, but subsequently (Trans. Linn. Soc. ser. 2, Zool. vol. ii. p. 213 [1882]) to Trichechus, the name Trichechodon being abolished. By Van Beneden 6 the species is identified with Alach- iherium cretsi, but this is doubted by Lankester : if correct, the name huxleyi has the priority, and A. cretsi should be referred to this species. Hob. Europe. 1 Syst. Nat. ed. 12, vol. i. p. 49 (1766). 2 Loo. cit. 3 History of North-American Pinnipeds, p. 23 (1880). 4 Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxi. p. 226 (1865), Trichechodon. Loc. cit. 6 Ann. Mus. E. Hist. Nat. Belg. vol. i. p. 53 (1877). On page 46, Trichechodon huxleyi is given as a synonym of Trichechodon konincki. 198 CAENIVOEA. 46000. Fragment of the distal portion of the tusk ; from the Eed (Fig.) Crag of Suffolk. This specimen is the type, and is described and figured by Lankester in the Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxi. p. 226, pi. x. figs. I, 5, 6. Purchased, 1874. 40135. Fragment of the basal portion of a very large tusk ; probably from the same locality. Purchased, 1866. 44208. Terminal portion of a crushed tusk ; from the Eed Crag of Suffolk. Purchased, 1873. 43175. Fragment of a tusk ; from the Eed Crag of Suffolk. Wetherell Collection. Purchased, 1871. 46921. Portion of a tusk, cut and polished ; from the Eed Crag, near Woodbridge, Suffolk. Purchased, 1875. 40136. Transverse section of a tusk ; from the Eed Crag, near "Woodbridge. Purchased, 1866. 44629. Transverse section of a tusk; from the Eed Crag, near Felixstow, Essex. Purchased, 1873. 43394. Cast of the basal portion of a tusk of a large male. The original (from the Eed Crag of Suffolk) is figured by Lankester in the Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxi. pi. x. fig. 3, and in the Trans. Linn. Soc. ser. 2, Zool. vol. ii. pi. xxii. fig. 3 ; it is now in the York Museum. Purchased, 1872. 43395. Cast of the extremity of a tusk, much compressed laterally. The original (from the Eed Crag of Suffolk) is figured by Lankester in the Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxi. pi. x. .fig. 2, and in the Trans. Linn. Soc. ser. 2, Zool. vol. ii. pi. xxii. fig. 4 ; it is now in the Ipswich Museum. Purchased, 1872. Genus ALACHTHERIUM, De Bus 1 . Alachtherium cretsi, De Bus 2 . Hob. Europe. As mentioned above, this species is identified by Van Beneden with Trichechus (Trichechodon) huxleyi; but this cannot be con- sidered certain. If the two are really the same, the name huxleyi tas the priority ; and if generically distinct from Trichechus it seems 1 Bull. Ac. E. Belg. ser. 2, vol. xxiv. p. 562 (1867). 2 Loc. cit. TRICHECHIM:. 199 best that the generic name Alachtherium should be applied, as Tri- chechodon has been withdrawn by Lankester and has been used in another sense by Yan Beneden. The originals of the casts of A. cretsi and the next species were obtained from the Antwerp Crag, and are preserved in the Brussels Museum. M. 1148. Cast of the hinder portion of the cranium. The original is figured by Van Beneden in the Ann. Mus. R. Hist. JS"at. Belg. vol. i. pi. i. fig. 1. Purchased. M. 1166. Cast of the left ramus of the mandible, showing seven teeth. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. pi. iii. figs. 1, 2. Purchased. M. 1151. Cast of the left humerus. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. pi. iii. figs. 1, 2. Purchased. M. 1170. Cast of the distal part of the left ulna. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. pi. ii. fig. 5. Purchased. M. 1169. Cast of the proximal part of the right radius. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. pi. iv. figs. 5, 6. Purchased. M. 1168. Cast of the right humerus of a young individual. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. pi. iv. figs. 3, 4. Purchased. M. 1171. Cast of the left ilium. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. pi. v. fig. 5. Purchased. M. 1172. Cast of the right femur. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. pi. v. figs. 1-3. Purchased. M. 1173. Cast of the left femur of a young animal. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. pi. v. fig. 6. Purchased. M. 1174. Cast of the distal part of the left tibia. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. pi. vi. figs. 1-3. Purchased. M. 1175. Cast of the shaft of the tibia of a young animal. Purchased. M. 1176. Cast of the left astragalus. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. pi. vi. fig. 4. Purchased. 200 CAKNITOKA. JVL 1177. Cast of the inner left metacarpal. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. pi. ii. fig. 6. Purchased. M. 1149. Cast of the centrum of the fifth cervical vertebra. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. pi. v. fig. 6. Purchased. M. 1167. Cast of the fourth lumbar vertebra. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. pi. v. fig. 7. Purchased. M. 1150. Cast of the sacrum. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. pi. v. fig. 4. Purchased. Genus TRICHECHODON, Van Beneden 1 (non Lank.). Trichechodon konincki, Van Beneden 2 , Hah. Europe. Whether this form is really generically distinct from Trichechus may be considered doubtful. M. 1135. Cast of part of the right ramus of the mandible. The original is figured by Van Beneden in the Ann. Mus. E. Hist. Nat. Belg. vol. i. pi. vii. figs. 5-7. Purchased. M. 1140. Cast of the distal part of the left humerus. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. pis. vii. & viii. figs. 1, 2. Purchased. M. 1144-6. Casts of the associated first and second right meta- carpals. The originals are figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. pi. vii. fig. 6. Purchased. M. 1145. Cast of the first left metacarpal. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. pi. vii. fig. 6. Purchased. M. 1147. Cast of a first phalangeal. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. pi. vii. fig. 7. Purchased. M. 1142. Cast of the calcaneum. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. pi. viii. fig. 6. Purchased. M. 1143. Cast of the astragalus. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. pi. viii. fig. 5. Purchased. 1 Bull. Ac. E. Belg. ser. 2, vol. xxxii. p. 5 (1871). a Loc. cit. 201 M. 1139. Cast of the first rib. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. pi. vii. fig. 5. Purchased. M. 1138. Cast of a portion of the sternum. The original is figured by Yan Beneden, op. dt. pi. viii. fig. 4. Purchased. M. 1136. Cast of the sixth cervical vertebra (imperfect). The original is figured by Yan Beneden, op. dt. pi. viii. fig. 3. Purchased. M. 1137. Cast of the sacrum (imperfect). The original is figured by Yan Beneden, op. cit. pi. vii. fig. 4. Purchased. M. 1141. Cast of the ilium (imperfect). The original is figured by Yan Beneden, op. cit. pi. vii. fig. 3. Purchased. Family PHOCID^. Dentition (in existing forms) : 1. 1, C. \, Pm. J, M. \. Genus MESOTARI A, Yan Beneden l . This genus is provisionally referred by its founder to the Otariidce ; but Allen, in the 'History of the North-American Pinnipeds,' pp. 217-220 (1880), classes it in the present family. Mesotaria ambigua, Yan Beneden 2 . This species is considered to be allied to the existing Cystophora cristata. Hob. 3 Europe. M. 1152. Casts of two molars. The originals are figured by Yan Beneden in the Ann. Mus. R. Hist. Nat. Belg. vol. i. pi. ix. figs. 1, 2. M. 1165. Cast of the left scapula. The original is figured by Yan Beneden, op. cit. fig. 7. M. 1155. Cast of the humerus. The original is figured by Yan Beneden, op. cit. figs. 9, 11. M, 1156. Cast of the right innominate. The original is figured by Yan Beneden, op. cit. fig. 8. 1 Bull. Ac. E. Belg. ser. 2, vol. xli. p. 783 (1876). 2 Loc. cit. 3 The originals of the casts of this and the following genera of Seals were obtained from the Antwerp Crag, and are preserved in the Museum at Brussels. The casts were acquired by purchase. 202 CARNIVORA. M. 1163. Cast of the left femur. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. figs. 12-14. M. 1164. Cast of the proximal portion of the left tibia. The ori- ginal is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. figs. 15, 16. M. 1153. Cast of the axis vertebra. The original is figured by Vau Beneden, op. cit. figs. 4, 5. M. 1154. Cast of a cervical vertebra (imperfect). The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 6. Genus PA1JEOPHOCA, Van Beneden l . Palaeophoca nysti, Van Beneden 2 . This species is allied to the existing Monachus albiventer. Hob. Europe. M. 1181. Cast of part of the left ramus of the mandible. The ori- ginal is figured by Van Beneden in the Ann. Mus. R. Hist. Nat. Belg. vol. i. pi. x. figs. 3, 4. M. 1178. Cast of a canine. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 7. M. 1180. Cast of a canine. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 6. M. 1179. Cast of a molar. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 8. M. 1182. Cast of the right humerus. The original is figured by Van Beneden, vp. cit. fig. 10. M. 1183. Cast of part of the innominate. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 9. M. 1186. Cast of the left femur. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. figs. 14, 15. M. 1186 a. Cast of the proximal extremity of the right tibia. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 17. 1 Bull. Ac. E. Belg. ser. 2, vol. viii. p. 142 (1859). 2 Loo. cit. 203 Genus CALLOPHOCA, Van Beneden l . Callophoca obscura, Van Beneden 2 . This species is allied to the existing Phoca grosnlandica. Hab. Europe. M. 1157. Cast of the humerus. The original is figured hy Van Beneden in the Ann. Mus. R. Hist. Nat. Belg. vol. i. pi. xi. figs. 1-4. M. 1158. Cast of the left radius. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. figs. 5, 6. M. 1161. Cast of the left innominate (imperfect). The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 7. M. 1160. Cast of the left femur. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. figs. 8-10. M. 1159. Cast of the left tibia. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. I'd. M. 1162. Cast of the calcaneum. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. figs. 11, 12. Genus PLATYPHOCA, Van Beneden 3 . Platyphoca vulgaris, Van Beneden 4 . This species is allied to the existing Phoca barbata. Hob. Europe. M. 1187. Cast of the left humerus. The original is figured by Van Beneden in the Ann. Mus. R. Hist. Nat. Belg. vol. i. pi. xii. figs. 1-4. M. 1188. Cast of the innominate. The original is figured by Van Benedeu, op. cit. fig. 5. M. 1189. Cast of the left femur. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. figs. 6-8. M. 1190. Cast of the right tibia. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 9. 1 Bull. Ac. E. Belg. ser. 2, vol. xli. p. 799 (1876). a Loc. cit, 3 Loc. cit. * Loo. cit. 204 CARN1VOBA. Genus GRYPHOCA, Van Beneden 1 . Gryphoca similis, Yan Beneden 2 . This species is allied to the existing Halichoerus gryphus. Hob. Europe. M. 1191. Cast of the left scapula. The original is figured by Van Beneden in the Ann. Mus. R. Hist. Nat. Belg. vol. i. pi. xiii. figs. 1, 2. M. 1192. Cast of the left humerus. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op.dt. figs. 3-6. M. 1195. Cast of the innominate. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 11. M. 1196. Cast of the right femur. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. figs. 14-16. M. 1197. Cast of the proximal extremity of the right tibia. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. figs. 19, 20. M. 1198. Cast of the astragalus. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 21. M. 1193. Cast of a lumbar vertebra. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. M. 1194. Cast of the sacrum. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. Genus PHOC ANELLA, Van Beneden 3 . Phocanella pumila, Van Beneden 4 . This species is allied to the existing Phoca foetida. Hob. Europe. M. 1199. Cast of the right humerus. The original is figured by Van Beneden in the Ann. Mus. E. Hist. Nat. Belg. vol. i. pi. xiv. figs. 1-4. M. 1200. Cast of the distal half of the left radius. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 5. 1 Bull. Ac. E. Belg. ser. 2, TO!, xli. p. 799 (1876). 2 Loc. cit. * Loc. cit. * Loc. cit. PHOCID.E. 205 M. 1202. Cast of the innominate. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 7. M. 1203-4. Casts of two humeri. The originals are figured hy Van Beneden, op. cit. figs. 8-10. M. 1205. Cast of the proximal extremity of the right tibia and fibula. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 12. M. 1201. Cast of a lumbar vertebra. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 6. Phocanella minor, Van Beneden '. This species is allied to the existing Phoca foetida. Hub. Europe. M. 1206. Cast of the right humerus. The original is figured by Van Beneden in the Ann. Mus. R. Hist. Nat. Belg. vol. i. pi. xiv. figs. 13-16. M. 1209. Cast of the innominate. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 20. M. 1208. Cast of the right innominate. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. figs. 21-23. M. 1210. Cast of the right tibia and fibula. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 24. M. 1207. Cast of the sacrum. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 18. Genus FHOCA, Linn. 2 Phoca vitulinoides, Van Beneden 3 . This species is allied to the existing Phoca vitulina. Hob. Europe. M. 1211. Cast of a portion of the scapula. The original is figured by Van Beneden in the Ann. Mus. E. Hist. Nat. Belg. vol. i. pi. xv. fig. 5. M. 1212. Cast of the left humerus. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. figs. 6-10. 1 Bull. Ac. R. Belg. ser. 2, TO!, xli. p. 799 (1876). 2 Syst. Nat. ed. 12, vol. i. p. 55 (1766). 3 Bull. Ac. B. Belg. ser. 2, vol. xxxii. p. 5 (1871). 206 CARNIVORA. M. 1217-8. Casts of parts of the radius and ulna. The originals are figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. figs. 10, 11. M. 1215. Cast of the innominate. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 28. M. 1216. Cast of the right femur. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. figs. 19-21. M. 1219. Cast of the left tibia. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 22. M. 1213. Cast of the distal portion of the tibia and fibula. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 25. M. 1214. Cast of the associated femur, innominates, sacrum, and three vertebrae. The originals are figured by Van Beneden , op. cit. Genus MONATHERIUM, Van Beneden 1 . The genus is considered to be closely allied to the existing Mona- chus. Monatherium delogni, Van Beneden 2 . Hob. Europe. M. 1220. Cast of the sacrum and innominate. The original is figured by Van Beneden in the Ann. Mus. K. Hist. Nat. Belg. vol. i. pi. xvi. figs. 5, 6. M. 1221. Cast of the centrum of a dorsal vertebra. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 1. M. 1222. Cast of the centrum of a lumbar vertebra. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 2. M. 1223. Cast of the centrum of a caudal vertebra. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 3. Monatherium affine, Van Beneden 3 . Hdb. Europe. M. 1224. Cast of the right humerus. The original is figured by Van Beneden in the Ann. Mus. E. Hist. Nat. Belg. vol. i. pi. xvi. figs. 7-9. 1 Bull. Ac. R. Belg. ser. 2, vol. xli. p. 800 (1876). a Loc. cit. a ^ cit PHOCID.E. 207 M. 1225. Cast of the proximal extremity of the ulna. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 10. M. 1226. Cast of the right radius. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 11. M. 1228. Cast of the astragalus. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 12. M. 1229. Cast of the calcaneum. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 13. M. 1227. Cast of the tibia. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 14. Monatherium aberratum, Van Beneden 1 . Hob. Europe. M. 1230. Cast of the right humerus. The original is figured by Van Beneden in the Ann. Mus. R. Hist. Nat. Belg. vol. i pi. xvii. figs. 1-4. M. 1238. Cast of the radius. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 5. M. 1233. Cast of the astragalus. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 14. M. 1235. Cast of the fifth left metatarsal. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 11. M. 1235 a. Cast of the fifth left phalangeal. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 10. M. 1236. Cast of a portion of the sternum. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 6. M. 1232. Cast of the centrum of a cervical vertebra. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 9. M. 1231. Cast of the centrum of the fifth dorsal vertebra. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. figs. 7, 8. M. 1236-7- Casts of numerous associated bones. The originals are figured by Van Beueden, op. cit. ' Bull. Ac. E. Belg. ser. 2, vol. xli. p. 800 (1876). 208 CAKNIVOBA. Genus PROPHOCA, Van Beneden l . Although this genus is a true Phocid, its affinities with any one of the existing types rather than with another are not apparent (Allen). Prophoca rousseaui, Yan Beneden 2 . Hob. Europe. M. 1239. Cast of the right humerus. The original is figured by Van Beneden in the Ann. Mus. R. Hist. Nat. Belg. vol. i. pi. xviii. fig. 1. M. 1241. Cast of the left radius. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 3. M. 1242. Cast of the right femur. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 8. M. 1243. Cast of the left tibia. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 8. M. 1240. Casts of three associated lumbar vertebrae, the sacrum, and pelvis. The originals are figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. Prophoca proxima, Van Beneden 3 . Hob. Europe. M. 1244. Cast of the left humerus. The original is figured by Van Beneden in the Ann. Mus. R. Hist. Nat. Belg. vol. i. pi. xviii. figs. 12-14. M. 1246. Cast of the left radius. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 15. M. 1245. Cast of the left ulna. The original is figured by Van Beneden, op. cit. fig. 16. 1 Bull. Ac. R. Belg. ser. 2, rol. xli. p. 802 (1876). 2 Loc. cit. a Loc. cit. EODENTIA. 209 Order RODENTIA. Suborder RODENTIA SIMPLICWENTATA. There is but one pair of incisors developed in the upper jaw. Section SCIUROMOEPHA. Family SCIUBmE. Dentition:-!. J, C. Pm. ( ^>, M. J. Genus SCIURUS, Linn. 1 (Including Palaosciurus, Pomel 2 .) Dentition: I. \, C. Pm. -J, M. |. &ctunuf fcuigartS, Linn. 3 ' Hob. Europe and Northern Asia. 17644. The right humerus ; from the Forest-bed of Ostend, Nor- (Fig.) folk. This specimen is figured by E. T. Newton in the Geol. Mag. dec. 2, vol. viii. p. 259 (1881), and in the Mem. Geol. Surv. Eng. " Vertebrata of Forest-bed Series," p. 92, pi. xiv. fig. 12 (1882). Green Collection. Purchased, 1843. Sciurus feignouxi, Pomel 4 . Syn. Palccosdurus feignouxi, Pomel 5 . Spermophilus speciosus, H. v. Meyer 6 (teste Schlosser). Hah. Europe. 26713. The greater portion of the right ramus of the mandible, showing all the cheek-teeth except the first true molar; from the Lower Miocene of St. Gerand-le-Puy (Allier), France. This specimen is precisely similar to a mandible figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. x. pi. iv. figs. 14, 15. Pomel Collection. Purchased, 1851. 1 Syst. Nat. ed. 12, vol. i. p. 86 (1766). 2 Catalogue MSthodique, p. 17 (1853). 3 Syst. Nat. ed. 12, vol. i. p. 86 (1766). In P. Gervais, Zool. et Pal. Fran^aises, 1st ed., explanation of pi. xlvii. p. 7 (1848-52). 8 Catalogue Methodique, p. 17 (Ib53). " Neues Jahrb. 1859, p. 474. 210 RODENXIA.. 26714. The right femur ; from the Lower Miocene of St. Gerand-le- Puy. A similar specimen is figured by Filhol, op. cit. figs. 7 ? g. Pomel Collection. Purchased, 1851. 31086. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible 1 , containing pm _ 4 and mTT ; from the Lower Miocene of Allier. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 31087. An upper incisor ; from the Lower Miocene of Allier. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 31088. A lower incisor ; from the Lower Miocene of Allier. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 31090 a. Distal half of the humerus ; from the Lower Miocene of Allier. A similar specimen is figured by Filhol, op. cit. figs. 1, 2. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 31089-92. Four specimens of the tibia (two imperfect) ; from the Lower Miocene of Allier. A similar specimen is figured by Filhol, op. cit. figs. 19, 20. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 31093. The left calcaneum ; from the Lower Miocene of Allier. A similar specimen is figured by Filhol, op. cit. figs. 4, 5. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. Sciurus chalaniati, Pomel 2 . This is a very minute species, which Filhol thinks does not approximate to any existing form. It has hitherto been recorded only from the Lower Miocene of St. Gerand-le-Puy ; but the writer has been unable to distinguish the Upper Eocene specimens noticed below from the type form. Schlosser 3 refers a mandible from the phosphorites to a new species, under the name of S. dubius ; that mandible is slightly larger than the type of S. chalaniati, but the points in which it differs are not distinctly defined. Hob. France. M. 1630. Three specimens of rami of the mandible, with the den- tition imperfect ; from the Upper Eocene of Cay lux (Tarn- et-Garonne), France. These specimens apparently agree This and the other specimens from the Bravard Collection are entered in the Museum Register as Amphisciurus typus, Bravard, MS. 2 Catalogue Methodique, p. 17 (1853). 3 Palajontographica, vol. xxxi. p. 70 (1884). 211 precisely with the mandible of S. chalaniati figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. x. pi. xii. fig. 31. Purchased, 1884. Sciums, sp. (cf. S. bredai, H. v. Meyer 1 ). Hob. Europe. 42826. The much-crushed skeleton of a rodent, probably belonging to the present genus, from the Upper Miocene of (Eningen, Switzerland. It is not improbable that this specimen, which indicates an animal rather smaller than S. vul- garis, may belong to Meyer's ill- defined S. bredai, which Schlosser 2 suggests may be identical with one of the Sansan species. Van Breda Collection. Purchased, 1871. Genus PSEUDOSCIURUS, Hensel 3 . Dentition. The cheek-teeth of this genus are distinguished from those of Sciurus by their more elongated crowns. The number of the teeth is the same as in Sciurus. Pseudosciurus suevicus, Hensel 4 . Hab. Switzerland. 35820. Fragments of the mandible and incisors; from the Upper Eocene (" Bohnerz ") of (Erlinger-Thal, Wiirtemberg. Purchased, 1860. 35821-2. Two incisors ; from the Upper Eocene of (Erlinger-Thal. Purchased 1860. 35823. Three vertebra ; from the Upper Eocene of CErlinger-Thal. Purchased, 1860. 35824. Fragments of various limb-bones ; from the Upper Eocene of CErlinger-Thal. Purchased 1860. Genus SCIUROIDES, Forsyth-Major 5 . The cheek-teeth of this genus are also of an elongated form. The number of the teeth is the same as in Sciurus. 1 Neues Jahrb. 1848, p. 472. 2 Palajontographica, vol. rsxi. p. 70 (1884). a Zeitschr. deutech. geol. Ges. vol. viii. p. 660 (1856). 4 Ibid. p. 670. 5 Palseontographica, vol. xxii. p. 83 (1878). p2 212 EODENTIA. Sciuroides quercyi, Schlosser 1 . Hab. France. It. 1349. Three rami of the mandible ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux (Tarn-et-Garonne), France. The perfect spe- cimen agrees precisely with the one figured by Schlosser, loc. Git. pi. i. figs. 3, 8. The space occupied by the four cheek-teeth measures 0,016. Purchased, 1884. Sciuroides intermedius, Schlosser 2 . This species is smaller than the last. Hah. France. fit. 1348 C. Fragment of the left maxilla, containing the first three cheek-teeth ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux (Tarn-et- Garonne), France. This specimen agrees precisely with the one figured by Schlosser, loc. cit. pi. i. figs. 9, 13. Purchased, 1884. Genus SPERMOPHILUS, F. Cuvier 3 . Dentition : I. ], C. ?, Pm. \ , M. ?. Spermophilus superciliosus, Kaup 4 . Syn. Arctomys superciliosus, Pictet. Hab. Europe. 21500. The cranium and mandible (imperfect) ; from the Pleistocene of Eppelsheim, Hesse-Darmstadt. Purchased, 1847. 26720-4. Two rami of the mandible and numerous limb-bones ; from the Pleistocene of Coredes (Puy-de-D6me), France. Pomel Collection. Purchased, 1851 . Spermophilus erythrogenoides, Falconer 5 . Hab. Europe. 47500. Anterior portion of the cranium, three portions of the mandible, numerous limb-bones, and five vertebrae of a species of Souslik ; from the Pleistocene of Erith, Kent. 1 Palseontographica, vol. xxxi. p. 60 (1884). 2 Ibid. p. 62. 3 Mein. d. Mus6um, vol. ix. p. 293 (1822), Spermopkile. 4 In Meyer's ' PaUeologia,' p. 58 (1832). 5 In ' Falconer's Palaeontological Memoirs,' voL ii. p. 453 (1868). 213 The mandibles appear to be indistinguishable from Fal- coner's type mandible of S. erythrogenoides, figured in the ' Palaeontological Memoirs,' vol. ii. pi. xxxv. figs. 1, 2, 3; the space occupied by the three true molars being pre- cisely the same in both (0,010). Nehring 1 considers S. erythrogenoides very close to S. eversmanni, Brandt (S. altaicus, Eversmann). - The molars of the Erith cranium seem indeed indistinguishable from some upper teeth from the Forest-bed, figured by E. T. Newton in the Geol. Mag. dec. 2, vol. ix. pi. ii. (1882), and provisionally referred to that species ; but the three lower molars of the Forest- bed form measure only 0,085 ; and the recent mandible of S. eversmanni figured by Falconer (loc. cit. figs. 6, 7) is decidedly smaller than the Erith specimens, and rela- tively lower at pm. 4. On the whole, apart from the question as to the specific distinctness of S. erythrogenoides, it appears highly probable that the Erith Souslik belongs to that form. Presented by R. W. Cheadle, Esq., 1876. Genus PLESIARCTOMYS, Bravard 2 . The molars of this genus approach those of the Squirrels. Plesiarctomys gervaisi, Bravard 3 . Syn. Sciurus arctomynus, Pomel 4 . Hob. France. 27584. Part of the left ramus of the mandible, showing the four {Fig.) cheek-teeth ; from the Upper Eocene of Apt (Vaucluse), France. This specimen, which is the type, is figured and described by P. Gervais in the Zool. et Pal. Frangaises, 2nd ed. pp. 24, 25, pi. xlvi. fig. 13. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. Genus ARCTOMYS, Schreber 5 . Dentition : I. }-, C. jj, Pm. \ , M. |. 1 Neues Jahrb. 1880, vol. ii. p. 121. 2 In P. Gervais's Zool. et Pal. Fra^aises, 1st ed., explanation of pi. xlvi. p. 2 (1848-52). 3 Ibid. 4 Catalogue Metkodique, p. 18 (1853). 5 Saugethiere, vol. iv. p. 721 (1792), 214 RODENTIA. <&vttom$& marmotta (Linn. 1 ). Syn. Mus marmotta, Linn. 2 Arctomys primigenius, Kaup 3 . Myoxus primigenius, Kaup. Hob. Europe. There appear to be no sufficient grounds for separating Arctomys primigenius from the slightly smaller existing European form. 27624 a. The cranium and two portions of the mandible ; from the Pleistocene of Champeix, near Issoire (Puy-de-D6me), France. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. Family CASTORID^E. Dentition : I. \, C. ?, Pm. \, M. |. Genus CASTOR, Linn. 4 Cantor fifoer, Linn. 6 Syn. Castor fossilis, Goldfuss 6 . Castor europesus, Owen 7 . Hob. Europe. 39889. A nearly complete skeleton ; from Watcham Fen, near Ely. Cambridgeshire. Purchased, 1866. 39889 a. The cranium and mandible; from Isleham Fen, near Cambridge. Presented by Barrett, Esq. 41368. The cranium and mandible ; from the turbary of the Lea valley, near Walthamstow, Essex. Purchased, 1869. 42922. The cranium, wanting the zygomatic arches, the incisors, and some of the cheek-teeth ; from the turbary of Ghent, Belgium. Van Breda Collection. Purchased, 1871. 46133. Cranium, wanting the malar bones ; dredged off the Dogger Bank. Owles Collection. ' Purchased, 1874. 37199. Cranium, wanting the right zygomatic arch; from Ditton Fen, Cambridgeshire. Purchased, 1863. 1 Syst. Nat. ed 12, vol. i. p. 81 (1766). 2 Loc. cit. 3 In Meyer's ' Palteologia,' p. 61 (1832). 4 Syst. Nat. ed. 12, vol. i. p. 78 (1766). Loc. cit. G Nova Acta Ac. Cffis. Leop.-Car. vol. xi. pt. 2, p. 488 (1823). 7 'British Fossil Mammals and Birds,' p. 190 (1846). CA.STORIM;. 215 37200. The right ramus of the mandible, wanting the incisor ; from Ditton Fen. Purchased, 1863. 39468. The anterior portion of the cranium and the mandible; from the Fens of Lincolnshire. Purchased, 1865. 42715. The mandible ; from the Fens near Ely, Cambridgeshire. Purchased, 1871. 23767. The greater portion of the left ramus of the mandible; from the Pleistocene of Ilford, Essex. Purchased, 1849. M. 1623. The greater portion of the right ramus of the mandible, wanting the greater part of the canine ; from the Pleisto- cene of Ilford. Brady Collection. Purchased, 1878. 39900. The right ramus of the mandible of a young individual ; from Burwell Fen, Cambridgeshire. Purchased, 1866. 22038. Two portions of incisors ; from the Pleistocene of Grays, Essex. , Purchased, 1848. 23768. Five cheek-teeth ; from the Pleistocene of Ilford, Essex. Purchased, 1849. 41369. The two scapula?, humeri, radius and ulna, tibia, and parts of the vertebral column ; from the turbary of the Lea valley, near Walthamstow, Essex. Purchased, 1869. 41451. The left humerus, wanting the head ; from the turbary of the Lea valley, near Walthamstow. Purchased, 1869. 41452. The left humerus, wanting the epiphyses ; from the turbary of the Lea valley, near Walthamstow. Purchased, 1869. 36629-30. Two humeri (imperfect) ; from the Pleistocene of Grays, Essex. Purchased, 1855. 39468. The associated humerus, radius, ulna, femur, and tibia ; from the Fens of Lincolnshire. Purchased, 1865. 39895. Two humeri, two femora, the tibia and fibula, innominate, and part of the vertebral column ; from the Fens, near Cambridge. Purchased, 1866. 41750. The pelvis; from the turbary of the Lea valley, near Walthamstow. Purchased, 1869 216 RODENTIA. 41450. The right innominate ; from the turbary of the Lea valley, near Walthamstow. Purchased, 1869. 39468 a. The scapula, the humerus, radius, and ulna of a young indi- vidual; from the Fens of Lincolnshire. Purchased, 1865. Genus TROGONTHERIUM, Fischer 1 . Syn. (?) Diobroticus, Pomel 2 . History. The genus Trogontherium was originally described by Fischer on the evidence of a cranium from the Pleistocene of Siberia. Eemains of a large Eodent from the Pleistocene of England and France were subsequently referred by Owen 3 to the same genus and species. P. Gervais 4 came, however, to the con- clusion that both the English and French specimens were generically distinct from Fischer's specimen, and adopted for them Pomel's name of Diobroticus. This view is followed by Alston 5 and Flower" ; but E. T. Newton 7 comes to the conclusion that Owen's view is correct, alleging that the difference between Fischer's specimen and the English and French form is merely due to differences in the degree of wear of the cheek-teeth. As this view has not been dis- proved, it is provisionally adopted here.* Trogontherium cuvieri, Fischer ". Syn. (?) Diobroticus schmerlingi, Pomel 9 . Castor trogontherium, Cuvier 10 . Hob. Europe. M. 472. Cast of the cranium, wanting the zygomatic arches and the nasals. The original, which is Fischer's type specimen, was obtained from the Pleistocene of Siberia, and is pre- served in the Museum at Moscow. Presented by the Moscow University. M6m. Soc. Imp. Nat. Mosc. vol. ii. p. 260 (1809). Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat. vol. is. p. 167 (1848). Catalogue Foss. Eem. of Mammalia and Aves in Mus. Eoy. Coll. Surgeons, p. 35(1845); British Foss. Mammals and Birds, p. 184(1846); Q-eol. Mag. vo . vi. p. 49 (1869). Zool. et Pal. Generales, 1st ser. p. 81 (1867-69). Proc. Zool. Soc. 1876, p. 78. Catalogue of Mammalia in Mus. Eoy. Coll. Surg. p. 602 (1884). Geol. Mag. dec. 2, vol. viii. p. 256 (1881). Loc. cit. 9 Loc. cit. Ossemens Fossiles, 1st ed. vol. v. pt. 1. p. 59 (1823). The specific name trogontherium has the priority over cuvieri ; but the former has been so gene, rally used in a generic sense that it seems best to retain the latter. CASTOKIRE. 217 16449. The right ramus of the mandible ; from the Forest-bed of (Fig.) Bacton, Norfolk. This specimen (which may be regarded as the type of Pomel's Diobroticus schmerlingi) is figured by Owen in the ' British Fos"sil Mammals and Birds,' fig. 71, p. 184. Green Collection. Purchased, 1843. 40978. Part of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the pre- (Fig.) molar and the first and second true molars ; from the Forest-bed of Cromer, Norfolk. This specimen is figured by Owen, op. cit. figs. 72-3, pp. 186, 189. Presented by Sir 0. Lyell, Bart., 1868. 16119. Greater portion of an incisor ; from the Forest-bed of Bacton. Green Collection. Purchased, 1843. M. 1570. Casts of an incisor and parts of the mandible. The originals are from the Forest-bed of Mundesley, Norfolk. No history. 40979. Distal extremity of the femur ; from the Norwich Crag of Thorpe, Norfolk. This specimen is the one mentioned by Owen in the ' British Fossil Mammals and Birds,' p. 191, where it is referred to Castor fiber (europceus). Presented by Sir C. Lyell, Bart., 1868. 40979 a. Casts of the femur, tibia, and calcaneum. The originals are from the Forest-bed of Mundesley, Norfolk, and are figured by Owen in the Geol. Mag. vol. vi. pi. iii. (1869). The originals were in the collection of the Eev. S. W. King. No history. Genus CHALICOMYS, Kaup 1 . Syn. Steneofiber, Geoffrey 2 . Steneotherium, Geoffrey 3 . Chloromys, H. v. Meyer 4 . The writer follows Schlosser, " Die Nager des europaischen Ter- tiars " ' Palffiontographica, vol. xxxi., p. 21 (1884), in uniting Chalicomys and Steneojtber. The former name, having the priority, is adopted for thfe genus. The genus is distinguished from Castor by the presence of an entepicondylar foramen to the humerus. The molars are more distinctly rooted and have squarer crowns, with i Isis, 1832, p. 994. * K*vtie Encyclopedique, vol. lix. p. 95 (1833). Loc. cit. * Neues Jahrb. 1843, p. 390. 218 RODENTIA. the enamel-folds obliterated at an earlier stage of wear. The cranium presents weD -marked differences from Castor. Chalicomys eseri, H. v. Meyer 1 . Syn. Chloromys, H. v. Meyer 2 . Steneofiber eseri, Pomel 3 . Steneofiber viciacensis, P. Gervais *. Steneofiber nouleti, Pomel 5 (in parte?). Steneofiber castorimis, Pomel 6 . The authority for most of the synonymy is that of Filhol, in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. x. art. 3, p. 44 (1879). The species is a diffi- cult one to define, as there seems a great amount of variation in the size of the teeth of different specimens, which appear, however, to pass so gradually into one another as to forbid their specific separation. Hob. Europe. 26707. Anterior portion of the right ramus of the mandible, con- taining the canine and the first three cheek-teeth ; from the Lower Miocene of St. Gerand-le-Puy (Allier), France. This specimen agrees very well in relative size with the cranium figured by P. Gervais in the Zool. et Pal. Fran- gaises, 2nd ed. pi. xlviii. fig. 9 a, and is of very nearly the same size as the mandible figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. x. pi. v. fig. 3 ; the length of the space occupied by the first three cheek-teeth is, however, somewhat less. Pomel Collection. Purchased, 1851. 26708. Articular portion of the left ramus of the mandible ; from the Lower Miocene of St. Gerand-le-Puy. Pomel Collection. Purchased, 1851. 40897. The greater part of the left ramus of the mandible, showing all the teeth ; from the Lower Miocene of Allier. The premolar is smaller than in No. 26707, but the true molars are of the same size. Presented by C. Falconer, Esq., 1867. 1 Neues Jahrb. 1846, p. 474. (The species is often quqj#d as Neues Jahrb. 1838, p. 414 ; 1843, p. 390; but these are incorrect : the names eseri and cos- torinus were applied in the same year.) Ibid. 1843, p. 390. Catalogue Methodique, p. 21 (1853) ; errorim, eschari. Zool. et Pal. Francises, 1st ed. vol. i. p. 22 (1848-52). Catalogue Methodique, p. 24 (1853). Bull. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 2, vol. iv. p. 385 (1846). CASTORTDJE. 219 35747. Fragments of the mandible, showing the cheek-teeth of both sides ; from the Lower Miocene of Germany. The pre- molar is of the same size as that of No. 26707, but the true molars are larger, and are also slightly larger than those in the specimen figured by Filhol, loc. tit. The length of the space occupied by the first three cheek-teeth in this specimen is 0,0165, and in No. 26707, 0,0155. Purchased, 1865. 35748. Part of an incisor ; from the Lower Miocene of Harlach, near Him, Wiirtemberg. Purchased, 1865. 31064. Part of the left ramus of the mandible, with the four cheek- teeth ; from the Lower Miocene of St. Gerand-le-Puy. The teeth are slightly smaller than those of No. 40897, the length of the first three being 0,0135. The differ- ence in the size of this specimen and No. 35747 is very considerable, but the other specimens afford such a tran- sition, that it appears impossible to separate them. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 31063. Part of the right ramus of the mandible, agreeing in size with the last ; from the Lower Miocene of St. Gerand-le- Puy. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 31062. Part of the left ramus of the mandible of an immature in- dividual, containing the milk-molar and the three true molars ; from the Lower Miocene of St. Gerand-le-Puy. This specimen agrees in size with the two last. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 40901. The right humenis, wanting the head ; from the Lower Miocene of Allier. This specimen is similar to one figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. x. pi. vi. figs. 8, 9. Presented by C. Falconer, Esq., 1867. 26709. The left humerus ; from the Lower Miocene of St. Gerand- le-Puy. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 26710. The left innominate ; from the Lower Miocene of St. Gerand- le-Puy. This specimen agrees precisely with a less per- fect one figured by Filhol, op. tit. fig. 10. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 26711. 31067, 31072. Three specimens of the femur ; from the Lower Miocene of St. Gerand-le-Puy. No. 31072 agrees precisely with a specimen figured by Filhol, op. cit. figs. 13 ? 14. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 26712, 31070-1. Three specimens of the tibia ; from the Lower Miocene of St. Gerand-le-Puy. No. 26712 agrees pre- cisely with a specimen figured by Filhol, op. cit. figs. 11, 12. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 27756 b. Part of an incisor ; from the Lower Miocene of Puy-de- Dome. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. Chalicomys jaegeri, Kaup 1 . Syn. Castor jageri, Kaup 2 . Castor subpyrenaicus, Lartet 3 . Steneofher jageri, Sclilosser 4 . Hob. Europe. 48474. Fragments of the upper and lower jaws ; from the Middle Miocene of Kapnach, Switzerland. Presented by C. Falconer, Esq., 1867. 21500 a. Cast of a part of the right ramus of the mandible ; the original from the Miocene near Mayence. Purchased. 33263. The third right lower true molar ; from the Middle Miocene of Sansan (Gers), France. This specimen belongs to Lartet's Castor subpyrenaicus, which Schlosser identifies with the present species. Presented by M. Ed. Lartet, Genus CASTOROIDES, Foster 5 . In this genus, which is of gigantic size, the incisors have nume- rous longitudinal grooves, and the cheek-teeth have their enamel- folds completely separate and extending quite across their crowns ; there are four folds in the last upper true molar and the lower premolar, but only three in all the other teeth. 1 Isi8, 1832, p. 995. 2 Oss. FOBS. d. Darmstadt, pt. 5, p. 115 (1839). 8 Notice sur la Colline Sansan, p. 21 (1851). * Palaontographica, vol. rrxi. p. 23 (1884). 5 In Mather's Second Annual Eeport of the Geological Survey of the State of Ohio, p. 81 (Columbus, 1838). CASTOEID^!. 221 Castoroides ohioensis, Foster 1 . Hab. N.America. 40341. Cast of the cranium and the right ramus of the mandihle. The original is from the Pleistocene of Clyde, New York, and is preserved in the Geneva College, New York. Purchased, 1869. GENUS non det. Hab. England. 27985. A lower cheek-tooth of a large Rodent ; from the Pleisto- (Fig.) cene of Copford, Essex. This specimen is figured in the Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. viii. p. 188 (1852), and is there provisionally referred to Castor. The figure is re- produced in the accompanying woodcut (fig. 30). The Fig. 30.' Lower cheek-tooth of a castoroid rodent ; from the Pleistocene of Copford. \. (From the Geological Society's ' Journal.') tooth differs from the molars of all species of Castor known to the writer, by the circumstance that the enamel-folds run directly across the crown. It comes nearer to the molars of Trogontherium, but does not seem to agree exactly with any specimens available for comparison. Presented by John Brown, Esq., 1852. 1 In Mather's Second Annual Report of the Geological Survey of the State of Ohio, p. 81 (Columbus, 1838). Section MYOMORPHA. Family MYOXID^E. Dentition: -I. \, C. J, Pm. \, M. |. Genus MYOXUS, Schreber 1 . For palaeontologies! purposes it seems that this genus must be taken to include Muscardinus, Eliomys, and Graphiurus, as many of their distinctive characters are not applicable to fossils. Myoxus proper and Muscardinus have well-marked and numerous enamel- folds on the flat crowns of the cheek-teeth, and no perforation in the angle of the mandible. In Eliomys the mandible is perforated, and the crowns of the cheek-teeth are concave and have few and faintly- marked enamel-folds. In Graphiurus the mandible is imperf'orate, and the crowns of the cheek-teeth are flat, with scarcely any traces of enamel-folds. Myoxus melitensis, Leith Adams 2 . Syn. Myoxus cartei, Leith Adams 3 . This is the largest species of the genus. The cheek-teeth have flat crowns with complex foldings, and there is no perforation in the angle of the mandible. The species consequently belongs to Myoxus proper. Hob. Malta. 49342. The nearly complete cranium, wanting the incisors, but showing the whole of the cheek-teeth, in a well-worn con- dition j from the Crendi Cave, Malta. The length from the inferior border of the foramen magnum to the ex- tremity of the premaxilla is 0,060, and the length of the space occupied by the four cheek-teeth 0,013. Spratt Collection. Presented, 1878. 49343. Anterior portion of the cranium, wanting several of the cheek-teeth ; from the Crendi Cave. Spratt Collection. Presented, 1878. 49344. Anterior portion of the cranium, wanting the nasals, and 1 Saugethiere, vol. iv. p. 824 (1792). 2 Journ. E. Dublin Soc. vol. iv. p. 18 (1863) (read Nov. 1861). The uaine is misprinted miletensis. 3 Loc. cit. pL ii. MTOXIDJ3. 223 with the teeth in an unworn condition ; from the Crendi Cave. Spratt Collection. Presented, 1878. 49345. Anterior portion of the cranium, somewhat damaged, hut with the teeth in an unworn condition ; from the Crendi Cave. Spratt Collection. Presented, 1878. 49346. Anterior portion of the cranium, with the teeth in a slightly worn condition ; from the Crendi Cave. Spratt Collection. Presented, 1878. 49347. The anterior portion of the cranium, with the crowns of the teeth hammered off ; from the Crendi Cave. Spratt Collection. Presented, 1878. 49348. The palatal portion of the cranium, wanting the cheek-teeth of the left side ; from the Crendi Cave. Spratt Collection. Presented, 1878. 49349. The occipital portion of a very large cranium ; from the Crendi Cave. Spratt Collection. Presented, 1878. 44574. Numerous specimens of the upper and lower dentition ; from the caves of Malta. Leith-Adams Collection. Purchased, 1873. 49350. Numerous specimens of the mandible; from the Crendi Cave. The space occupied hy the four cheek-teeth in the largest individual is 0,016, and the width of the penulti- mate molar 0,005. Spratt Collection. Presented, 1878. 49342 a. Five specimens of the mandible ; from the Zebbug Cave, Malta. Spratt Collection. Presented, 1878. 44574 a. Glenoidal extremity of the scapula, one complete and five (Fig.) broken specimens of the humerus, and two specimens of the proximal extremity of the ulna; from the caves of Malta. The portion of the scapula and the humerus are figured by Leith Adams in the Trans. Zool. Soc. vol. vi. pi. liv. figs. 10-13. Leith-Adams Collection. Purchased, 1873. 44574 b. Pour imperfect specimens of the innominate, one perfect (Fig.) and three imperfect specimens of the femur, and three imperfect specimens of the tibia ; from the caves of Malta. The perfect femur is figured by Leith Adams in the Trans. Zool. Soc. vol. vi. pi. liv. figs. 8, 9. Leith-Adams Collection. PurcJiased, 1873. 224 RODENTIA. 49342 b. Five specimens of the femur (two imperfect) ; from the Zebbug Cave. Spratt Collection. Presented, 1878. 49351. Five imperfect specimens of the tibia and five of the cal- caneum ; from the Crendi Cave. Spratt Collection. Presented, 1878. 44574 C. Several vertebrae and ribs ; from the caves of Malta. Leith-Adams Collection. Purchased, 1873. 49351. Several vertebrae and ribs ; from the Crendi Cave. Spratt Collection. Presented, 1878. Myoxus sansaniensis, Lartet 1 . This is a minute species, distinguished by the complex arrange- ment of the enamel-folds of the lower molars ; the mandible is imperforate. Hob. France. 33274. Fragments of the mandible and maxillae (with teeth), and of the humerus, femur, and tibia, with several complete specimens of the calcaneum ; from the Middle Miocene of Sansan (Gers), France. These specimens agree precisely with those figured by Gervais in the Zool. et Pal. Franchises, 2nd ed. pi. xliv. Presented by M. Ed. Lartet. Myoxus murinus, Pomel 2 . Syn. Brachymus ornatus, H. von Meyer 3 . Myoxus obtusangulus, H. von Meyer *. (?) Myoxm primeevm, Schlosser 5 . This species has not hitherto been recorded below the Lower- Miocene horizon of St. Gerand-le-Puy. Schlosser has separated a mandible from the French phosphorites under the name of M. primcevus, that specimen being slightly larger than the typical form, but apparently not distinguished by other characters. The folds on the crowns of the cheek-teeth are comparatively simple, and the angle of the mandible is perforated; whence it is not improbable that the species belongs to the so-called genus Ellobius. Hob. France. M. 1629. The greater part of the right ramus of the mandible ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux (Tarn-et-Garonne), France. 1 Notice sur la Colline de Sansan, p. 20 (1851). a Catalogue M6thodique, p. 24 (1853). 3 Neues Jahrb. 1847, p. 454. * Ibid 1859> p m< Palfflontographica, vol. xxii. p. 76 (1884). MTOXID^. This specimen appears to agree precisely with the spe- cimens figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. x. pi. ii. figs. 3-6. The space occupied by the four cheek- teeth measures 0,004, or the same as in one of Filhol's specimens. The corresponding space in the mandible described by Schlosser as M. primcevus measures 0,0046. Purchased, 1884. 34904. The greater portion of the left ramus of the mandible, con- taining the incisor and the four cheek-teeth; from the Lower Miocene of Puy-de-Dome 1 . The space occupied by the four cheek-teeth is 0,0036. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 31118. The right ramus of the mandible, showing the incisor and the first true molar ; from the Lower Miocene of Allier 2 . This specimen shows the perforation of the mandible, which is broken posteriorly. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 31189. The femur, apparently associated with the last specimen. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. Myoxus, sp. This species is smaller than M. melitensis, and is also distinguished by the perforation of the mandible, in which respect it agrees with the group Ellobius. The specimens are too imperfect for specific determination. Hob. Europe. 49342 C. The right ramus of the mandible, wanting the cheek- teeth ; from the Crendi Cave, Malta. Spratt Collection. Presented, 1878. 49351. The left ramus of the mandible, wanting the cheek-teeth; from the Crendi Cave, Malta. Spratt Collection. Presented, 1878. Family MURID^E. Dentition : I. \, C. , Pm. , M. | (except in Sminthus [Pm. -J] and Hydromys [M. |]). 1 Entered in Kegister as Canomys typus, Brav. MS. a Entered in Eegister as Mus antiquus, Brav. MS. Q 226 RODENTIA. A. Molars rooted. Genus NESOKIA, Gray 1 . Characterized mainly by the stoutness of the incisors ; the first molars have three, and the others two ridges. Nesokia, sp. (cf. N. hardwicki, Gray 2 ). Hob. India. 16529 a. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the incisor, first molar, and the broken bases of the two succeeding teeth ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills, India. This specimen is noticed by the present writer in the ' Palseontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. iii. p. 126, under the name of Mus (?) sp. ; and is probably the source of the statement by Falconer and Cautley, in the Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, vol. iv. p. 706 (1835), that the genus occurs in the Siwaliks. It is practically undistinguishable from the corresponding part of the mandible of the existing Nesokia hardwicki, Gray ; but, in view of the doubts as to the number of existing species, it would be unwise to say that it belongs to the same species, although it is quite possible that this may be the case. The Eodents of the Siwaliks are precisely the forms of mammals which might be expected to have continued unaltered to the present day. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. Genus CRICETUS, Cuvier 3 . Molars with tubercles arranged in pairs, of which the first has three and the rest two only ; these entirely disappear in aged spe- cimens (Alston). Cricetus musculus, Pomel 4 . A minute species. Hob. Europe. 26727-9. Two rami of the mandible, and two specimens of the humerus and femur ; from the Pleistocene of Coudes (Puy-de-D6me), France. The humerus shows the ent- epicondylar foramen characteristic of the genus. Pomel Collection. Purchased, 1851. Genus MUS, Linn. 5 Molars with transverse ridges, each composed in youth of three tubercles (Alston). 1 Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. vol. x. p. 264 (1842). 2 Ibid. vol. i. p. 585 (1837), Mus. 3 Begne Animal, ed. 1, vol. i. p. 198 (1817). * Cat Math. p. 31 (1853). Syst. Nat. ed. 12, vol. i. p. 79 (1766). MTTRID.E. 227 JIHuji ImcclatuS, Gould 1 . Hal. Australia. The modern race of this species is confined to Tasmania, while the Pleistocene race occurred on the mainland of Australia. A similar distribution occurs in the case of Mastacomys and Napalotis, as well as in Thylacinus. 43895. Several fragments of the cranium and mandible ; from the caves of the Wellington Valley, Australia. Presented by the Trustees of tlie Australian Museum, 1867. Mus (?) sp. Hab. Switzerland. 42823. The greater part of the skeleton of a murine rodent, in a much-crushed condition ; from the Upper Miocene of CEningen, Switzerland. The condition of this specimen seems to preclude its exact determination. Van Breda Collection. Purchased, 1871. 42821. The skeleton of a murine rodent, in a much-crushed con- dition ; from the Upper Miocene of CEningen. This spe- cimen, in which only the impression of the bones remains in many places, indicates an animal of about the size of M. musculus, but is too damaged for specific deter- mination. Van Breda Collection. Purchased, 1871. Genus MASTACOMYS, Thomas 2 . Distinguished from Mus by the excessive width of the molars, as well as by certain differences in the pattern on their crowns. iftaStacomgS fuSntS, Thomas 3 . Hab. Australia. 42673. Fragments of the maxilla and mandible, and two specimens of the tibia ; from the caves of the Wellington Yalley, Australia. Presented by the Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1867. Genus HAPALOTIS, Lichtenstein 4 . The molars of this genus have the same structure as in Mus. ^apalotte alfotpcS, Lichtenstein 5 . 43895. Two imperfect rami of the mandible, and three detached 1 Proc. Zool. Soc. 1845, p. 77. 2 Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 5, vol. ix. p. 413 (1882). 3 Loc. cit. 1 Dar=t. neuer Saugetb. Tol. iv. pi. xxix. (1829). s Loc. cit. Q2 228 RODENTIA. first molars; from the caves of the Wellington Valley, Australia. Presented by the Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1867. Genus CRICETODON, Lartet l , The molars are not unlike those of Cricetus, but there are only two pairs of tubercles on the first tooth in each jaw. The molars are also very like those of Hesperomys ; and it is not improbable that the fossil genus may have been the ancestral form of several of the allied existing genera. Cricetodon minor, Lartet 2 . Syn. Cricetodon pygmceus, Fraas 3 . This is a very minute species. Hab. Europe. 33270. Numerous molars ; from the Middle Miocene of Sansan (Gers), France. As these teeth, as well as the specimens of the other two named species from the same locality, were determined by Lartet, the correctness of the specific reference may be assumed. Presented by M. Ed. Lartet. Cricetodon medius, Lartet '. Syn. Cricetodon minor, Fraas 5 (teste Schlosser). This species is rather smaller than Mus rattus, the length of the space occupied by the cheek-teeth being about 0,006. Hab. Europe. 33269. Detached teeth and fragments of the maxilla and mandible ; from the Middle Miocene of Sansan (Gers), France. Presented by M. Ed. Lartet. Cricetodon cadurcensis, Schlosser . Hab. France. M. 1632. A ramus of the mandible ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux (Tarn-et-Garonne), France. This specimen agrees precisely with the one figured by Schlosser, loc. cit. pi. viii. figs. 22, 28. The length of the space occupied by the Notice sur la Colline de Sansan, p. 20 (1851). 2 Loc. cit. Fauna von Steinheim, p. 14 (1870). Notice sur la Colline de Sansan, p. 20 (1851). Fauna von Steinheim, p. 13 (1870). Palaeontographica, vol. xxxi. p. 90 (1884). MTJE1D2E. 229 three molars is 0,0068, the dimensions of Schlosser's spe- cimens ranging from 0,0067 to 0,0073. Purchased, 1884. Cricetodon gergovianus (P. Gervais 1 ). Syn. Mus gergovianus^ P. Gervais 2 . Hob. France. 27756. The greater portion of the left ramus of the mandible ; from the Lower Miocene of Cournon (Puy-de-D6me), France. The length of the space occupied by the three molars is 0,0058, the length in the type form being 0,006 according to Schlosser. It is almost impossible to distinguish the present specimen from the mandible of the Upper-Miocene C. medius (No. 33269) ; and it appears quite probable that the two may be specifically the same. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. Cricetodon sansaniensis, Lartet 3 . This species is rather larger than the Hamster. Hob. Europe. 33268. A molar tooth ; from the Middle Miocene of Sansan (Gers), France. Presented by M. Ed. Lartet. 48190. Three fragments of the mandible ; from the Middle Miocene of Steinheim, Bavaria. The length of the space occupied by the three molars is 0,0084. Purchased, 1877. Genus HESPEROMYS, Waterhouse 4 . Molars narrow, with tubercles arranged in pairs, which soon wear away, leaving the crown flat with indenting folds. Cranium with or without marked supraorbital ridges. Hesperomys, sp. 1. Hob. S. America. 17616. Anterior portion of the cranium of a comparatively large species, wanting the incisors, but showing the cheek- teeth ; from a cavern near Lette-Lagoas, Brazil. This specimen is allied to the existing H. angouya, Desm., but is distinct. Claussen Collection. Purchased, 1845. 1 Zool. et Pal. Fransaises, 1st ed. vol. ii. explan. pi. xlviii. (1848-52), Mus. 2 Loc. cit. 3 Notice sur la Colline de Sansan, p. 20 (1851). 4 Zoology of the Voyage of the ' Beagle,' vol. i. p. 75 (1839). 230 RODENTIA. Hesperomys, sp. 2. Hob. S. America. 17616 a. Anterior portion of the cranium, and two rami of the mandible ; from the caverns of Minas Geraes, Brazil. This cranium is smaller than the last, and has not been identified with that of any living species. Claussen Collection. Purchased, 1845. Hesperomys, sp. 3. Hob. S. America. 18898. Middle portion of the cranium, showing the cheek-teeth; from a cavern in Minas Geraes, Brazil. The teeth of this species are larger than those of the last. It comes nearest to the group Oxymycteris. Claussen Collection. Purchased, 1845. Hesperomys, sp. 4. Hab. S. America. 18897. Anterior portion of the cranium, showing all the dentition; from a cavern in Minas Geraes, Brazil. This specimen belongs to the group Halrotlirix, and comes nearest to the existing H. arviculoides, Pictet. Claussen Collection. Purchased, 1845. B. Molars semirooted or rootless. Genus ARVICOLA, Lacepede 1 . Molars rootless (rarely semirooted), separated into prisms, which are placed alternately. ilrbtcola ampfitfriuS (Linn. 2 ). Syn. Mus amphibius, Linn. 8 Four outer and five inner angles in first lower molar ; three outer and two inner angles in second upper molar; molars rootless throughout life. Hab. Europe and North Asia. 15081. Anterior portion of the cranium and three imperfect rami of (Fig.) the mandible ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern, Torquay. The cranium and one ramus of the mandible are figured by Owen in the Brit. Foss. Mammals and Birds, p. 201, fig. 76. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. 1 M6m. de I'lnstitut, vol. iii. p. 495 (1801). 1 Syst. Nat. ed. 12, vol. i. p. 82 (1766), Mus. 3 j^ cit 231 54 (0. C.) The middle portion of the cranium, the left ramus of the mandible, the ulna, innominate, femur, and tibia ; from Kirkdale Cave, Yorkshire. Presented by W. Saltnond, Esq. Before 1836. 30518-9. Seven rami of the mandible; from the Pleistocene of Hayence. Hastings Collection. Purchased, 1855. 35682. The greater portion of the right ramus of the mandible ; from Kirkdale Cave. Bean Collection. Purchased, 1859. 55 (0. C.). Part of the right ramus of the mandible and some detached teeth ; from the Bromberg Cave, Posen. Sommering Collection. Purchased, 1827. M. 1125. Anterior portion of the right ramus of the mandible of an Arvicola, apparently belonging to a small individual of the present species; from the Forest-bed of West Runton, near Cromer, Norfolk. Presented by W. Barker, Esq., 1883. 17643. A considerable portion of the skeleton; from the Forest-bed of Ostend, near Bacton, Norfolk. Green Collection. Purchased, 1843. 15944, 17641, 17626, 18231. Numerous specimens of the upper and lower jaws ; from the Forest-bed of Ostend. There are numerous other specimens from this locality in the same collection, which it has been considered unnecessary to enter in this Catalogue. Green Collection. Purchased, 1843. 36568. Two fragments of the mandible ; said to have been obtained from the Eocene clay of Kyson, Suffolk. There is every probability that these specimens were introduced. Purchased, 1853. Syn. Arvicola gulielmi, Sanford 2 . Five outer and six inner angles in the first lower molar ; four outer and three inner angles in the second upper molar. This 1 Catalogue Methodique, p. 27 (1853). 2 Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxvi. p. 125 (1870). 232 BODENTIA. species is slightly smaller than A. amphibius. There seems no reasonable doubt of the identity of A. ambiguns with A. gulielmi. Hob. Europe. 21501. The cranium, mandible, and tibia; from the Pleistocene of Eppelsheim, Hesse-Darmstadt. Purchased, 1847. 55 b (0. C.) The first lower molar ; from the Bromberg Cave, Posen. Sommering Collection. Purchased, 1827. ratttcepS, Keys, and Blasius 1 . Syn. Lemmus medium, Nilsson, Four outer and five inner angles ia the first lower molar ; three outer and two inner angles in the second upper molar; the first angle of mTT very large ; molars rootless throughout life. Nab. Europe. 55 a (0. C.). The greater part of the right ramus of the mandible, showing the incisor and the first and second molars ; from the Bromberg Cave, Posen. Sommering Collection. Purchased, 1827. (Linn. 2 ). Syn. Mus agrestis, Linn. 3 Mus gregarius, Linn. 4 Five outer and six inner angles in the first lower molar ; three angles on either side of the second upper molar; molars rootless throughout. Hob. Europe. 15084. The greater portion of the right ramus of the mandible, and (Fig.) the tibia; from Kent's-Hole Cavern, Torquay. These specimens are figured by Owen in the Brit. Foss. Mammals and Birds, p. 206, fig. 77. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. 15084 a. Numerous fragments of the upper and lower jaws ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. 30520. Two rami of the mandible ; from the Pleistocene of Mayence. Hastings Collection. Purchased, 1855. 1 M6m. Ac. Imp. St. P^tersbourg, vol. iv. p. 333 (1841). 2 Fauna Suecica, ed. alt. p. 11 (1761), Mus. 3 Loc. cit. 4 Syst. Nat. ed. 12, vol. i. p. 84 (1766). SPAEACID^. 233 &rbicola glareoluS (Schreber 1 ). Syn. Mus glareolus, Schreber 2 . Arvicola pratensis, Baillon 3 . Arvicola riparia, Yarrell 4 . Four outer and five inner angles in the first lower molar ; tbree outer and two inner angles in the second upper molar; molars rooted in adult. Hob. Europe. 48924-5. Numerous specimens of the cranium and mandible ; from Brixham Cave, near Torquay. Brixham-Cave Collection. Presented, 1876. 15095. Anterior portion of the cranium, and the left ramus of the (Fig.) mandible ; from Kent's-Hole Cavern, Torquay. These specimens are figured by Owen in the Brit. Foss. Mammals and Birds, p. 208, fig. 78, under the name of Arvicola pratensis. McEnery Collection. Purchased, 1842. Arvicola, sp. Hab. Europe. 48190. Fragments of the cranium and mandible ; from the Middle Miocene of Steinheim, Bavaria. These specimens indicate an animal of the size of A. glareolus, and having the same number of angles in the first lower molar ; but they are probably insufficient for specific determination. No species of the genus is mentioned by Fraas in the 'Fauna von Steinheim ' (1870). Purchased, 1877. Family SPALACID^B. Genus RHIZOMYS, Gray 5 . Dentition: 1. J, C. , Pm. , M. f. Rhizomys sivalensis, Lydekker". Syn. (?} TypModon, Falconer 7 . Hob. India. 15925. Part of the right ramus of the mandible, containing the three molars; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills, 1 Saugeth. TO!, iii. p. 680 (1774), Mus. 2 Loc. tit. 3 In R CuTier'8 Hist. Nat. Mamm. vol. iv. pt. kviii. p. 2 (1834). 4 Proc. Zool. Soc. 1832, p. 109. 5 Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, p. 95. 6 Kec. Geol. Surv. Ind. vol. xi. p. 101 (1878). 7 Falconer's Palseontological Memoirs, vol. i. p. 23 (1868). 234 KODENIIA. India. This and the next specimen are slightly larger than the type specimen (woodcut, fig. 31) ; but as they are otherwise precisely similar, they have been provisionally referred by the present writer, in the ' Palaeontologia In- dica,' ser. 10, vol. iii. p. 107, to the same species. The length of the space occupied by the three molars is 0,019. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. Fig. 31. m.\. in. 2. m. 3. Ehlzomys sivalensis. Part of the left ramus of the mandible ; from the Siwaliks of the Punjab. Indian Museum, Calcutta. |. (From the ' Palseontologia Indica.') 15926. Part of the right ramus of the mandible, containing the second molar and the broken bases of the teeth on either side ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 15927. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the first and second molars, in a more worn condition than in either of the preceding specimens ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. 15927 a. Two molar teeth ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. Cautley Collection. Presented, 1842. Section HYSTEICOMOEPHA. Family THERIDOMYID^. This family was established by Alston 1 for the reception of the genera Theridomys, Arcliceomys, and Issiodoromys. Schlosser 2 con- siders that the first two genera, together with Protechinomys and TrecJiomys, are most nearly allied to the existing Octodontidce (Lon- cheres and Echinomys) ; while he refers 3 Issiodoromys and the allied Nesocerodon to the Caviidce (Dolichotis). This arrangement has been adopted here. Dentition: 1. _J, C. J, Pm. \, M. ?. 1 Proc. Zool. Soc. 1876, p. 88. 2 Palaeontographica, vol. xxxi. p. 33 (1884). 3 md p 15 THEBIDOMYIDJE. 235 Genus THERIDOMYS, Jourdan 1 . Cheek-teeth rooted, with three or four reentering enamel-folds, which become isolated enamel-loops on the worn crowns (Alston). The structure of the cheek-teeth approaches that of some species of Loncheres and Echinomys ; the humerus referred to the fossil differs from that of the recent genera in possessing a supracondylar per- foration. Theridomys lembronicus (Bravard 2 ). Syn. Neomys lembronicus, Bravard 3 . Theridomys duUus, Pomel 4 . This species is of relatively large size ; on the worn crowns of the upper cheek-teeth the large internal enamel-fold persists, and there are four enamel-islands on the outer side. Hob. Europe. 34946. The palate, showing the cheek-teeth of both sides ; from the Lower Miocene of Antoin (Puy-de-D6me), France. This specimen agrees very closely with the one figured by P. Gervais in the Zool. et Pal. Frangaises, 2nd ed. pi. xlvii. figs. 1, 1 a. The length of the space occupied by the four cheek-teeth is 0,011. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 34922. The cheek-dentition of the left side ; from the Lower Miocene of Antoin. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 34924. The first three cheek-teeth of the right side, in a well-worn condition ; from the Lower Miocene of Antoin. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 27760. The palate, showing the cheek-dentition of both sides ; from the Lower Miocene of Sauvetat (Puy-de-D6me). Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. 27715. The right ramus of the mandible, showing the incisor and the two first cheek-teeth; from the Lower Miocene of St. Yvoine (Puy-de-D6me). Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. 1 Comptes Eendus, vol. v. p. 483 (1837). ' 2 Consid. s. la Distrib. d. Mamm. FOBS, du Puy-de-D6me, p. 40 (1844), teste P. Gervais, Neomys. 3 Loc. cit. 4 Catalogue Methodique, p. 34 (1853). 27638. Part of the left ramus of the mandible, showing all the teeth ; from the Lower Miocene of St. Tvoine. The length of the space occupied by the four cheek-teeth in this speci- men is 0,012. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. 27757. The lower cheek-teeth of the right side : from the Lower Miocene of Perrier (Puy-de-D6me). Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. 26718. Part of the left ramus of the mandible, showing the incisor and the first three cheek-teeth ; from the Lower Miocene of Perrier. Pomel Collection. Purchased, 1851. 27757. Part of the right ramus of the mandible, showing the incisor and the first three cheek-teeth ; from the Lower Miocene . of Perrier. The teeth are of large size ; and this is pro- bably one of the specimens on which Pomel founded his T. dubius. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. 34956. The nearly complete left ramus of the mandible ; from the Lower Miocene of Antoin. This specimen agrees exactly with the one figured by P. Gervais in the Zool. et Pal. Prangaises, 2nd ed. pi. xlvii. figs. 3, 3 a. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 34949. The greater part of the right ramus of the mandible, con- taining the four cheek-teeth ; from the Lower Miocene of Antoin. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 34940. The left ramus of the mandible ; from the Lower Miocene of Antoin. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 34927. Part of the left ramus of the mandible, showing all the den- tition, with the roots of the molars exposed; from the Lower Miocene of Antoin. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 34948. Part of the right ramus of the mandible, with all the den- tition ; from the Lower Miocene of Antoin. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 34931. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, containing three cheek-teeth ; from the Lower Miocene of Antoin. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 34931 a. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the incisor and three cheek-teeth from the Lower Miocene of Antoin. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. IHERIDOMYID^. 237 27760. Three fragments of the mandible ; from the Lower Miocene of Sauvetat. Oroizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. 27636. Part of the left ramus of the mandible, showing the first three cheek-teeth and the complete incisor; from the Lower Miocene of Sauvetat. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. 34944-5. Fragments of the cranium and mandible ; from the Lower Miocene of Antoiu. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. Theridomys aquatilis, Aymard 1 . Syn. Theridomys jourdani, Aym. (non Gieb.). Isoptychus jourdani, Pomel 2 . Isoptychus aquatilis, Pomel 3 . P Theridomys rotundidens, Schlosser 4 . ? Theridomys cuvieri, Pomel. This species is considerably smaller than the last, the average length of the space occupied by the upper cheek-teeth being 0,008, and that by the lower 0,010. The four cheek-teeth are nearly equal in size, and there are only three distinct enamel-islands on the worn crowns of the upper teeth. Hob. Europe. 27756. The palatal portion of the cranium, showing the left incisor and the four cheek-teeth of either side ; from the Lower Miocene of Cournon (Puy-de-D6me), France. This spe- cimen agrees precisely with the one figured by P. Gervais in the Zool. et Pal. Franchises, 2nd ed. pi. xlvi. figs. 7, 7 a, and by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. xii. pi. vi. fig. 12. The length of the space occupied by the four cheek-teeth is 0,009. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. 27756 a. The nearly complete left ramus of the mandible, containing the incisor and the four cheek-teeth ; from the Lower Miocene of Cournon. This specimen agrees very closely with the mandibles figured by P. Gervais (op. cit. fig. 6) and Filhol (op. cit. fig. 14). The length of the space occupied by the four cheek-teeth is 0,010. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. 1 Ann. Soc. Agric. Sci. le Puy, vol. v. p. 82 (1850), teste Filhol. 2 Catalogue Methodique, p. 35 (1853). This species is identified with aqua- tilis on the authority of Filhol, Ann. Sci. Ge"ol. vol. xii. art. 3, pp. 14, 16. 3 Ibid. * Paleeontographica, vol. xxxi. p. 38 (1884). 238 KODENTIA. 27635. Two specimens of part of the upper and lower dentition ; from the Lower Miocene of Sauvetat (Puy-de-D6me). Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. 27760. Several specimens of the upper and lower jaws ; from the Lower Miocene of Sauvetat. One specimen of the man- dible shows the milk-molars. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. 27760 a. Part of the left ramus of the mandible of an immature individual, showing the premolar partly protruded ; from the Lower Miocene of Sauvetat. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. 27760 b. The first three right lower cheek-teeth of a young indi- vidual, with the milk-molar in situ ; from the Lower Mio- cene of Sauvetat. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. 27694 a. Part of the left ramus of the mandible ; from the Lower Miocene of Puy-de-D6me. No history. M. 1628. The greater part of the left ramus of the mandible, show- ing the four cheek-teeth ; from the Upper Eocene of Cay lux (Tarn-et-Garonne), France. This specimen agrees in size with the one from Eonzon figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. xii. pi. vi. fig. 16. Schlosser 1 refers a very similar specimen from the Upper Eocene of Caylux to the new species T. rotundidens, remarking that the only differ- ence from T. aquatilis consists in its slightly smaller dimen- sions. This distinction does not appear of specific value. Filhol (Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. viii. art. 1, p. 302) records the present species from Caylux. PurcJuised, 1884. referred to the present Species. Schlosser 2 and Filhol 3 refer the species of Theridomys from the Upper Eocene of Vaucluse to T. siderolithicus, Pictet (T. vaillanti, P. Gervais), and T. cuvieri, Pomel ; but the writer has not been able to distinguish the specimens from those deposits mentioned below from the present species. Seeing that T. aquatilis occurs in the phosphorites, there is no reason why it should not also occur in the Vaucluse beds. Schlosser is, indeed, inclined to identify the Vau- cluse T. cuvieri with his T. rotundidens, which the present writer cannot distinguish from T. aquatilis. 1 Palseontographica, vol. xxxi. p. 38 (1884). 3 Ibid. 8 Ann. Sci. G6ol. vol. viii. art. 1, p. 320. 28137. Part of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the four cheek-teeth ; from the Upper Eocene of Vaucluse, France. This specimen agrees precisely with the Lower Miocene specimen Xo. 27756 a. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 26730. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the first three cheek-teeth ; from the Upper Eocene of Vau- cluse. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 28147. Part of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the four cheek-teeth ; from the Upper Eocene of Vaucluse. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 28146. Part of the left ramus of the mandible, containing the four cheek-teeth ; from the Upper Eocene of Vaucluse. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 28136. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible of an imma- ture individual, containing two cheek-teeth, the first of which is the milk-molar ; from the Upper Eocene of Vaucluse. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 30159 a. Numerous fragments of the maxilla and mandible, with the cheek-teeth ; from the Headon beds (Upper Eocene) of Hordwell, Hants. These teeth apparently agree pre- cisely with those of the continental specimens of T. aquatilis. Hastings Collection. Purchased, 1855. 25228. Cranium, with the cheek-teeth in a very much worn con- dition ; from the Headon beds of Hordwell. Owing to their worn condition the cheek-teeth of this specimen do not exhibit the characteristic marking; but from the resemblance of the specimen in other respects to the cranium of T. aquatilis, there seems little doubt but that it belongs to the same species. Presented by S. V. Wood, Esq., 1850. 36797. The greater part of the left ramus of the mandible, with the cheek-teeth in an almost unworn condition; from the Headon beds of Hordwell. Presented by S. Laing, Esq., 1862. 40212. The greater part of the right ramus of the mandible of a small individual, showing the four cheek-teeth ; from the Headon beds of Hordwell. Purchased, 1867. 240 RODENTIA. 30322. Part of the left ramus of the mandible ; from the Headon beds of HordweU. This specimen is slightly larger than the preceding specimens, but probably belongs to the same species. Hastings Collection. Purchased, 1855. 28905 a. Pour upper cheek-teeth, not improbably belonging to a large individual of the present species ; from the Headon beds of Headon Hill, Isle of Wight. The crowns of the teeth do not exhibit the characteristic pattern sufficiently clearly to be sure of the specific determination. Presented by F. E. Edwards, Esq., 1854. 36798. Numerous detached teeth ; from the Headon beds of Hordwell. Presented by S. Laing, Esq., 1862. Genus PROTECHINOMYS, Schlosser 1 . Cheek-teeth very like those of Archceomys, but rooted ; they also resemble those of some species of Echinomys (e. g. E, leptosoma, Wagner). Protechinomys major, Schlosser 3 . The worn upper cheek-teeth exhibit either three or four bands of enamel. Hub. Prance. M. 1348e. Several specimens of the maxilla; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux (Tarn-et-Garonne), Prance. These specimens agree precisely with those figured by Schlosser (he. cit. pi. v. figs. 3, 4, 15), exhibiting three bands of dentine on the crowns of the molars. Purchased, 1884. M. 1347. Several specimens of the maxilla; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. These specimens exhibit four bands of dentine on the crowns of the molars, but agree otherwise with the type forms. Purchased, 1884. M. 1347 a. Numerous rami of the mandible ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. Most of these specimens agree with the speci- mens figured by Schlosser (loc. cit. pi. v. figs. 1, 17, 20) ; but some of the smaller ones may correspond with his P. gracilis, if that form be really distinct. Purchased, 1884. 1 Palaeontographica, vol. xxxi. p. 45 (I88^ 2 Ibid. p. 48. THBBIDOMYID^!. 241 Protechinomys gracilis, Schlosser 1 . This is a smaller species than the last. Hob. Prance. M. 1348b. Fragment of the maxilla; from the Lower Eocene of Caylux (Tarn-et-Garonne), France. This specimen agrees with the one figured by Schlosser, loc. cit. pi. v. figs. 14, 23. Purchased, 1884. Protechinomys breviceps (Laizer and Parieu 2 ). Syn. Echinomys breviceps, Laizer and Parieu 3 . Echinomys curvistriatus, Laizer and Parieu 4 . Theridomys breviceps, P. Gervais 5 . Theridomys jourdani, Giebel 6 . (?) Theridomys blainvillei, P. Gervais 7 . Schlosser (loc. cit. p. 41) observes that Theridomys blainvillei un- doubtedly belongs to Protechinomys, and that it is most probably identical with T. breviceps, which he likewise rqfers to Protechinomys (loc. cit. p. 42). In a partially worn condition the upper molars show three oblique bands of dentine. The species is about the size of Theridomys aquatilis. Hab. France. 27760. Part of the cranium, showing the cheek-dentition of the right side ; from the Lower Miocene of Sauvetat (Puy-de-D6me), France. This and the next specimen agree in all essential characters with the one figured by P. Gervais in the Zool. et Pal. Franchises, 2nd ed. pi. xlvii. figs. 17, 17 a, under the head of Theridomys blainvillei ; but the length of the space occupied by the cheek-teeth is slightly less. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. 27702. The left upper cheek-dentition ; from the Lower Miocene of Sauvetat. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. 27760 a, 27712, 34900. Numerous specimens of rami of the man- dible, several of which are nearly perfect ; from the Lower 1 Palceontographica, vol. xxxi. p. 46 (1884). 2 Comptes Bendus, vol. viii. p. 206 (1839), Echi[no]mys. 3 Loc. cit. 4 Ibid. p. 25. This name has the priority, but breviceps is very generally adopted. 5 Zool. et Pal. Francises, 2nd ed. p. 31 (1859). 6 Fauna der Vorwelt, vol. i. p. 96 (1847). 7 Zool. et Pal. Fran9aises, 1st ed. vol. ii., explan. pi. xlvii. (1848-52). 242 Miocene of Sauvetat. The teeth of these specimens agree precisely with those figured by Gervais (op. cit. figs. 18, 18 a), and are provisionally referred to Protechinomys breviceps. Bravard and Croizet Collections. Purchased, 1848-52. 27689. The palate, showing the cheek-dentition of both sides ; from the Lower Miocene of St. Yvoine (Puy-de-D6me). Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. 27757. The right upper cheek-dentition ; from the Lower Miocene of Perrier (Puy-de-D6me). Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. Genus ARCHJEOM YS , Laizer and Parieu 1 . Cheek-teeth rootless ; the enamel-folds continuing across the crown and dividing it into laminae ; the lamina? are subequal in the lower teeth, but in the upper the first lamina is the largest. The genus is connected by the last with Theridomys, and leads on to the Chinchillidce. Archaeomys laurillardi, P. Gervais 2 (ex Brav.). This is the largest species ; there are four lamina? of dentine on the worn crowns of the upper molars. Hob. France. 25099. Fragment of the cranium, showing the cheek-dentition of the left side ; from the Lower Miocene of Cournon (Puy- de-D6me), France. This specimen agrees with the type cranium figured by P. Gervais in the Zool. et Pal. Fran- caises, 2nd ed. pi. xlvii. figs. 15, 15 a, with the exception that the length of the space occupied by the four cheek- teeth is somewhat less. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. 25100. Part of the right ramus of the mandible, containing the four cheek-teeth ; from the Lower Miocene of Cournon. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. 25098. Fragment of the palate, containing some of the cheek-teeth ; from the Lower Miocene of Cournon. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. 27674. Fragment of the left maxilla, containing the first three 1 Oomptes Eendus, voL yiii. p. 206 (1839). 2 Zool. et Pal. Frances, 1st ed. vol. ii., explanation of pi. xlvii. (1848-52). 243 cheek-teeth ; from the Lower Miocene of the neighbourhood of Clermont (Puy-de-D6me). Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. 27713. Part of the palate, containing the first three cheek-teeth of the right side ; from the Lower Miocene of Perignat (Puy- de-D6me). Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. 34898. The nearly complete left ramus of the mandible ; from the Lower Miocene of Perignat. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 34899. The greater part of the right ramus of the mandible ; from the Lower Miocene of Perignat. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1852. 27634. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible, containing the premolar ; from the Lower Miocene of Perignat. Croizet Collection. Purchased, 1848. Genus TRECHOMYS, Lartet 1 . Upper cheek-teeth with four outer and one or two inner enamel- folds ; lower teeth usually with three inner and one outer enamel- fold. The general structure of the cheek-teeth is somewhat similar to that of Theridomys, but the incisors are distinguished by their lateral compression. Trechomys platyceps (Filhol 2 ). Syn. Theridomys platyceps, Filhol 3 . Trechomys insignis, Schlosser 4 . Schlosser had some doubts whether his Trechomys insignis was the same as Filhol's Theridomys platyceps : the specimens in the Museum show decisively that this is the case. Hob. France. M. 1627. Two fragments of the maxilla, showing some of the cheek- teeth; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux (Tarn-et-Garonne), France. These specimens agree precisely with the maxilla figured by Schlosser, loc. cit. pi. iii. figs. 16, 23. Purchased, 1884. 1 Ann. Sci. Nat. vol. xii. p. 151 (1869). 2 Ann. Sci. CWol. vol. vii. art. 7, p. 50 (1876). 3 Loc. cit. 4 Palaeontographica, vol. xxxi. p. 54 (1884). E2 244 RODENTIA. M. 1627 a. Five rami of the mandible ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux. These specimens agree with the mandible figured by Filhol in the Ann. Sci. Geol. vol. vii. pi. xii. fig. 16, and also with the less perfect one figured by Schlosser, loc. cit. pi. iii. figs. 6, 11. The length of the space occupied by the four cheek-teeth in the specimen in which the pre- molar is present is 0,0121, and the depth of the ramus at the second true molar 0,009. Purchased, 1884. Trechomys intermedius, Schlosser 1 . This species is smaller than the last. Hob. France. M. 1348 a. Part of the right ramus of the mandible, showing the four cheek-teeth and the incisor ; from the Upper Eocene of Caylux (Tarn-et-Garonne), France. This specimen agrees precisely with the type mandible figured by Schlosser, loc. cit. pi. iii. figs. 21, 24, 28. Purchased, 1884. Family OCTODONTID^ 2 . Dentition : I. J, C. J, Pm. \, M. | ; except in Ctenodaetylus (Pm. ?). Genus LONCHERES, Illiger 3 . Loncheres, sp. Hub. S. America. 18898. Anterior extremity of the left ramus of the mandible, show- ing the incisor and the first two cheek-teeth; from a cavern in Minas Geraes, Brazil. H. Gervais and Ame- ghino 4 mention one fossil species under the name of L. affinis eleyans. Claussen Collection. Purchased, 1845. Genus CARTERODON, Waterhouse 5 . Incisors broad and furrowed longitudinally; upper cheek-teeth with one inner and two outer enamel-folds ; the lower similar, but reversed. The genus was originally described from a fossil, but has subsequently been found existing. 1 Palseontographica, vol. xxxi. p. 55 (1884). 2 It is not improbable that this family should be fused with the last. 3 Prodromus Syst. Mamm. p. 90 (1811). * Les Mammiferes fossiles de 1'Amerique du Sud, p. 59 (1880). 8 Natural History of the Mammalia, rol. ii. p. 351 (1848). OCTODONTID2E. 245 CartmrtJon Sulcftens (Lund 1 ). Syn. Echi[iio]mys suicide ns, Lund 2 . Hob. S. America. 17617. The cranium, wanting the left incisor and the last true (Fig.) molars ; from a cavern in Minas Geraes, Brazil. This specimen, which is the type of the genus, is described and figured by Waterhouse in the 'Natural History of the Mammalia/ vol. ii. p. 352, pi. xvi. fig. 7. Claussen Collection, Purchased, 1845. 17619. Cranium, covered with calcareous incrustation; from a cavern in Minas Geraes. Claussen Collection. Purchased, 1845. 17618. Anterior portion of the cranium, with three cheek-teeth remaining ; from a cavern in Minas Geraes. Claussen Collection. Purchased, 1845. 17620. The greater portion of the cranium, with five cheek-teeth remaining ; from a cavern in Minas Geraes. Claussen Collection. Purchased, 1845. 17621. Two specimens of the left ramus of the mandible ; from a (Fig.) cavern in Minas Geraes. One of these specimens is figured by Waterhouse, op. cit. fig. 7 a. Claussen Collection. Purchased, 1845. 18891. Five rami of the mandible; from a cavern in Minas Geraes. Claussen Collection, Purchased, 1845. 17620 a. Anterior portion of the cranium, with one much-worn molar remaining ; from a cavern in Minas Geraes. Claussen Collection. Purchased, 1845. Genus CTENOMYS, Blainville 3 . Incisors broad. Cheek-teeth rootless, with kidney-shaped crowns ; the third true molar above and below small and subcylindrical (Alston). Ctenomys, sp. 1. Hob. S. America. 40675 a. Several broken rami of the mandible and incisors ; from the Pleistocene of Buenos Ayres. Four fossil species belonging to this genus are recorded by H. Gervais and Ameghino from South America. Bravard Collection, Purchased, 1854. 1 K. Danske Vid. Selsk. Sir. vol. viii. p. 99 (1841 ), Echimys. 2 Loc. cit. 3 Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1826, p. 24. 246 KODENTIA. Ctenomys, sp. 2. Hob. S. America. 40675 b. The associated cranium and mandible, in a somewhat broken condition; from the Pleistocene of -Buenos Ayres. These specimens, which indicate a smaller species than the last, come very close to the existing C. leucodon. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1854. Family HYSTRICID^. Dentition : I. \, C. J, Pm. \, M. |. Genus SYNETHERES, F. Cuvier '. Syn. Sphingurus, F. Cuvier 2 . Cercolabes, Brandt 3 . The teeth of this genus can only be distinguished from those of Erefhizon by the circumstance that in the latter the first tooth of the cheek-series is considerably longer than the last, whereas in the former all the teeth are subequal. Synetheres fossilis (Waterhouse 4 ). Syn. Cercolabes fossilis, Waterhouse 6 . (?) Synetheres magnus, Lund 8 . As the remains on which this species is founded do not show the first tooth of the cheek-series, it is impossible to say whether it really belongs to Synetheres or Erethizon. On distributional grounds it is, however, more probable that it belongs to the former, to which it is accordingly provisionally referred. In size it considerably exceeds the existing Erethizon dorsatus, and is therefore very much larger than any of the existing species of Synetheres. Hob. S. America. 18869. Two fragments of the opposite rami of the mandible : from the caverns of Minas Geraes, Brazil. The more perfect specimen shows the three true molars, and the less perfect 1 M6m. d. Mus6um, vol. ix. p. 413 (1822), Synethere. 2 Loc. cit., Sphingure. 3 M6m. Ac. Imp. St. PStersbourg, ser. 6, vol. iii. p. 391 (1835). 4 Natural History of the Mammalia, vol. ii. p. 436 (1848), Cercolabes. " Loc. cit. K. Danske Vid. Selsk. Skr. vol. vii. p. 250 (1840). HYSTRICID^. 247 the first and second true molars, the teeth in both speci- mens being in an early stage of wear and in beautiful preservation. The specimens are provisionally referred by Waterhouse, in the passage quoted, to the present genus, and are said to be too small to belong to Lund's S. maf/nus ; the description of that form seems, however, to be too vague to be certain on this point. The following dimensions show the length of the space occupied by the three true molars in the more perfect fossil and in two specimens of the existing Erethizon dorsatus, viz. : 8. fossilis. E. dwsatus. 0,0238 0,0208-0,0195. The superior size of these specimens probably indicates at least their specific distinction from Erethizon dorsatus. If they are identical with Synetheres magnus, that name has the priority over S. fossilis. Claussen Collection. Purchased, 1845. Genus HYSTRIX, Linn. 1 The teeth of this genus are indistinguishable from those of Athe- rura ; but none of the living species of the latter attain anything like the dimensions of the larger species of Hystrix. Hystrix refossa, F. Gervais 2 . Syn. Hystrix major, P. Gervais 3 (teste Schlosser). Hob. Prance. 34958-9. A right upper premolar and a first or second left upper true molar 4 ; from the Upper Pliocene of Perrier (Puy- de- Dome), France. The premolar appears to agree exactly with the lower premolar figured by P. Gervais in the Zool. et Pal. Frangaises, pi. xlviii. fig. 11, and both specimens agree with the type in the complexity of the enamel-folds : they appear rather larger than average specimens of H. cristata, and thereby approach the Pleistocene so-called H. major. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1854. 34957. Fragment of the base of the incisor, associated with the above. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1854. 1 Syst. Nat. ed. 12, vol. i. p. 76 (1766). 2 Zool. et Pal. Frangaises, 1st ed. vol. ii., explanation of pi. xlviii. (1848-52). 3 Zool. et Pal. Generates, 1st ser. p. 76 (1876-79). 4 Entered in the Itegister as Castor elaveris, Bravard, MS. 248 Hystrix, sp. Hab. Italy. 29692. The right upper premolar ; from the Upper Pliocene of the Val d'Arno, Italy. This specimen is smaller than H. refossa (No. 34959), and the folds of the enamel are apparently simpler. Presented ~by ike Earl of EnnisJcillen, 1855. 29692 a. Terminal portion of an incisor ; from the Upper Pliocene of the Val d'Arno. Egerton Collection. Purchased, 1882. Hystrix sivalensis, Lydekker 1 . This species is founded on the evidence of a fragment of the man- dible, from the Siwaliks of the Punjab, India, figured in the accom- panying woodcut (fig. 32), and is described by the writer in the Fig. 32. pm. 4. m. 1. m. 2. m. 3. Hystrix sivalensis. Fragment of the right ramus of the mandible ; from the Siwaliks of the Punjab. }. Indian Museum, Calcutta. (From the ' Palseontologia Indica.') ' Palaeontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. iii. p. 109 ; the characteristic point of the specimen being the short crowns of the cheek-teeth. Hab. India. 15923. The greater portion of the cranium and mandible of a young (Fig.) Porcupine ; from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills, India. This specimen, of which the cranium is figured in the accompanying woodcut (fig. 33), has been described and figured by the present writer in the ' PalaBontologia Indica,' ser. 10, vol. iii. pp. 110, 111, and provisionally referred to the present species. The cranium has suffered considerably from crush, and has lost the nasals and a part of the maxilla. In the upper jaw there are only two teeth, and but three in the lower ; thus showing that the 1 Eec. Geol. Surv. Ind. vol. xi. p. 100 (1878). HYSTEICIB^;. CHZNCHILLID.E. 249 specimen is not adult. The first tooth in each jaw is the prernolar, and the second the first true molar. On the left side of the mandible the whole length of the crown of m71 Fig. 33. Hystrix sivalensis (?). Left lateral aspect of the cranium of a young individual, with the nasals restored ; from the Siwalik Hills. \. (From the ' Palaeon- tologia Indica.') is exposed ; and it is thus seen that in its lower part the dimensions of this tooth are similar to those of the corre- sponding tooth of the type mandible represented in fig. 32. Presented by Generals Sir W. E. Baker, K.C.B., and Sir H. M. Durand, K.C.B., 1848. Family CHINCHILLID^l. Dentition:!. \, C. ?, Pm. -}, M. |. Gtenus LAGOSTOMUS, Brookes 1 . Hagogtomud trtdjottactylus, Brookes 2 . Hob. S. America. M. 1339. The cranium, mandible, and greater portion of the skeleton; from the Pleistocene of Buenos Ayres. Purchased, 1882. 43246. Part of the cranium and mandible ; from the Pleistocene of Buenos Ayres. Presented by Senor L. J. Fontana, 1871. 1 Trans. Linn. Soc. vol. xvi. p. 102 (1828). 2 Loc. tit. 250 KODENTIA.. 43246 a. Greater portion of the cranium ; from the Pleistocene of Buenos Ayres. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1854. 43246 b. Numerous limb-bones and vertebrae ; from the Pleistocene of Buenos Ayres. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1854. 43246 C. The nearly complete hind foot ; from the Pleistocene of Buenos Ayres. Bravard Collection. Purchased, 1854. Family DASYPROCTID^l. Dentition : I. J, C. 5, Pm. \, M. |. Genus DASYPROCTA, Illiger l . Syn. CMoromys, Cuvier (non Meyer). The existing species resemble one another so closely in dental and cranial characters that it seems impossible to apply specific names to fossil forms. Dasyprocta, sp. Hdb. S. America. 18869. Occipital portion of the cranium ; from a cavern in Minas Geraes, Brazil. Claussen Collection. Purchased, 1845. 18871. Premaxillse and incisors ; from a cavern in Minas Geraes. Claussen Collection. Purchased, 1845. 18894. Two specimens of the palate, and three rami of the man- dible ; from a cavern in Minas Geraes. Claussen Collection. Purchased, 1845. 18894 a. The tarsus ; from a cavern in Minas Geraes. Claussen Collection. Purchased, 1845. Genus CCELOGENYS, F. Cuvier 2 .