-iT\CK ANKEX CT RADIO t RAFT Booklet No. 1 Miidel Illustrating Arrangement o1 Radio Kfffi\ inu Set. Handcraft Projects for School antl Home Shops RADIO CRAFT (Radio Booklet No. 1) FRANK I. SOLAR Nortliorn lliuh Stiiool, Detroit, Michigan. Editor of "Tool Craft, roys and Useful Articles a Buy Can Make.' "Practical Construction Work for Home and School Shops," "Bird Housts uf Simplt- Constiuction" The liriice I'lihlishing Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Cupyiight 1S)22 The Bi-uce Publishing Company Printed in V. S. A. TABLE OF CONTENTS Radio Sets as Manual Trainin.u- Prujects 7 Eadio Craft 9 The Aerial 13 Tuning Coil No. 1 Ki Plate of Tuning Coil No. 1 IT Tuning Coil No. 2 18 Plato of Tuning Coil No. 2 19 Making the Condenser 20 Plate of the Condenser 21 Making a Detector 22 Plate of a Detector 23 Receiving Transformer or Loose Coupler 24 Plate of Receiving Transformer 2.t Hook Ups for Coils and Coupler 2S Plate of Hook Ups and Coupler 29 2065680 RADIO SETS AS MANUAL TRAINING PROJECTS The making: of toys, boats, bird houses, kites and aeroplanes have all been accepted in turn with great enthusiasm by boys in manual training classes. Noth- ing however, like the Radio Craze has ever caused the boys to beg to come in and work, the girls to inquire if it would be possible for them to do work, and fathers and mothers, to come to our shops for parts and infor- mation, for setting up Radio receiving sets. Most of the projects made in our shops such as book racks, etc., will serve the purpose if H-inch longer or shorter than the drawing. This is not true with the wireless receiving set, which requires less material than the usual models, but each part must be a certain size to make the next part work, and the boy appreciates the meaning of real accuracy. It also instills in him a desire to search the shelves of the public library and to study books on this subject. It makes him rack his brain to figure out how to make use of available sci'ap material to take the place of parts that he has not the money to purchase. The crowning feature, however, of this project is that when finished it looks so different from the usual article the boy brings home, almost like an infernal ma- chine, that the whole family is interested to the extent of offering their help to get the thing rigged up for a tryout. This is so different from the usual interest shown when the boy's work is brought home, which con- sists of an expression — isn't it nice. Then the article is forgotten. The boy has a chance to tinker with the elements and with many different kinds of materials. This is the best kind of education, and the desire for learning comes from within. It is a chance for father and son to get together and work on a problem that is of interest to both. Let the boys experiment, for it will drive them off the streets into the school and home work shops where ever.v boy and man should spend some of his spare time. While there he will make articles that will not only afford pleasure and pastime but will be a benefit edu- cationall.v to the household. Let the good work go on. F. I. S. RADIO CRAFT lllustratiun 1. Tunini.'' Coil. See page Ifi. RADIO CRAFT Radio and wireless experinientins' by amateurs in this country had gotten nicely underway about the time the World war started. Due to the fact that war de- partment reg'ulations required aerials to be disman- tled, amateurs had to lay aside their equipment for a while. However, after peace was declared experi- menting' soon became popular again. After the special training received in service many more young people were interested and had considerable more practical and theoretical knowledge of the work than those interested before the war. The average person was not any more interested in Radio, than in any other new feature brought to his attention. The reason for this was that most broad- casting was done in code, and it is a considerable task to master the code so one can receive. And even for those who could receive, the information gained, was of little interest. When different agencies began broadcasting music, entertainments, lectures, news, etc., to be heard by the aid of the radio-phone, everyone became interested. And today we have thousands of people all over the world enjoying entertainments daily. There are no laws governing the use of receiving sets and the handy person can make one that will receive the broadcasting in his vicinity. The sending, how- ever, requires an expensive apparatus and also a license, the obtaining of which involves certain qualifications and requirements. This is of little concern to most people as they are content to listen to others of interest rather than spend their time jamming the air. Almost any of the apparatus used for broadcasting and receiving can be made or assembled by the handy man, boy and mechanic. Although material required is quite expensive for the larger outfits, the average ex- pert worker, even if competent to make a set, could not afford to invest a great amount in material. Per- sons who can afford to will no doubt buy a complete set, and even if they were capable would not have the time to make their own sets. There are thousands of people who would like to listen in on the programs offered. They would like to make their own outfits and can do so by following the directions given in the following pages. The following drawings and instructions are given to be used by the handv man and boy in the home and school shops. It is not intended to give any technical discussion in this description but to show by drawings and a brief explanation how to set up a receiving outfit at a minimum cost. This set is similar to many that my boys have already made. By the aid of such sets they are receiving gi-eat enjoyment listening to the code and the wondei-ful programs they are able to get. 10 RADIO CRAFT One of these little receiving sets will be worth a great deal to the busy mother unable to leave home evenings, to crippled people confined to their beds or chairs, to convalescents, and people living far out in the country and at resorts in the summer time. Do not be misled by statements that for a dollar or two you can make a set that can be connected to your victrola and heard all over the house, or that will re- ceive concerts broadcast at a great distance. This is not true. To do this requires a set composed of at least the following equipment, in addition to the receivers and aerial : a rheostat, amplifier panel, bulb, grid con- denser, grid leak, six volt (A) battery and a (B) bat- tery. An outfit of this kind costs $65 and up. The wireless and radio-phone are still in an experi- mental stage and it is advisable to investigate and pick a reliable standard set rather than to invest consider- able money in inferior wireless apparatus. In a short time marvelous new equipment will be on the market and an outfit may be hooked to the electric circuit and even the ordinary telephone may be used to receive broadcasting. It would be well woith while for those interested in this new venture to make a home made receiving- set first and do a little experimenting until they decide on the larger set they want. Most of this beginning apparatus can later be hooked in with the more expensive set. lllustratiun .\ I'lirlabk- Hume .\lLide Outfit. RADIO CRAFT 11 Illustration 3. A Pocket Outfit. Illustration 4. A Tuning Coil and the Boy \\'ho Made It. 12 RADIO CRAFT Illustration 5. Home Mr.de Loose Couplers, Condenser. Detector .thH Coil Wound on Nails. THE AERIAL The first thiiiK to be cun.sidered when installing a receiving set is the aerial. Of course it is possible to get results from your bed spring's, the eaves trough, a metal railing and many other things, but natuially a specially erected aer'al is the most satisfactory. A loop aerial may be erected indoors. It may be stretched in the attic or any room. Some have .strung' the aerial across the room from the picture molding on one side to the molding on the other. A row of picture hooks or sci-ew eyes will do to support it. While it is up out of the way it is not very convenient on house clean- ing day. Two coat hangers hunLi' at either end of the room will make good stretchers. Sound waves travel through the ether and are caught by the antenna of the aerial, which is the part sus- pended between the stretchers. Almost any length of aerial at any height from the ground will give results for receiving from a short distance. The higher from the .uround and the longer the antenna the better. Excellent results will be obtained by a 7.5 to 1.50 ff Coupler and Picture of Commercial Type. 26 RADIO CRAFT Purchase or make a slider, and also get a i',-. " slider rod 6^4" long. Fasten the rod to the top of the box as indicated and connect it to a binding: post at Z with a piece of insulated wire having one end turned under the screw at Y. Now we shall wind the secondary. For the secondary we need about one quarter pound of No. 30 silk covered copper wire, a rotary lever switch, twelve V*" taps or brass headed tacks and two pieces of flexible copper wire, each 18" lonir. Silk covered electric light cord will do for the flexible wire. Along the top of the secondary, divide off' the space into twelve parts and at each division punch a hole with a darning needle. Start about '^ inch from the end to make the divisions and end about th's distance from the other end. Start winding by thread- ing the end of the wire through the first hole No. 1 at the back end of the secondary. Scrape the end of this wire and solder it to one end of one of the pieces of flexible wire. This flexible wire is to be threaded out of the tube through hole A when this front disc is finally fastened in place. Start now and wind until the wire comes to the center of the next hole. {Do not cut the wire but make a long loop tliut irill reach two inches out of the front of the tube) thread through hole No. 2. Contimic to wind and loop through holes until hole 12 is reached. Now scratch the insulation off" of the wire at the end of each loop and fasten under the nut of the taps or solder to the ends of brass-headed tacks, if they are used for taps. Of course the location of the taps must be spaced off on the front disk of the secondary and holes bored for them, and also for the switch. Fasten one end of the other flexible wire to the switch post inside the tube and thread out with the other flexible wii-e through hole A. Now place the front head in the tube and fasten with '4" round head screws so it can be easily removed if repairs have to be made to the wires inside of the tube. Scratch the insulation off the wire coil on tlic pri- mary, directly under the slider rod so that the slider will make a good contact. The tongue of the slider will have to be bent no doubt to the proper shape. For the hook up look at the diagram on the sheet of hook ups. Z is connected to the aerial, X is connected to the ground, the switch of the secondary to the condenser and the other flexible wire from hole 1 to the detector. To improve the looks of your instrument stain ma- hogany, varnish and rub down or enamel it black. RADIO CRAFT 27 Illustration 7. Kadio Apparatus Made by Boys Under the Author's Direction and Successfully Used. HOOK UPS FOR COILS AND COUPLER The term hook up is one used commonly by radio operators and means the method of wiring the pieces of apparatus together to mal