w'i»^»*^..v-. k ^ ^V. •' ;s* ..f Mm If^ REESE LIBRARY lo-Sax()n. Beitr., Paul nnd Brauue's Beitrage ziir doiitsi-hon SijraclH,' und Littoratiir. et al., and dscwliere. et seq., and tlie foUowinsi,'. f. w., forcift'n word. 0. li. (I., (lid llijili (Tin-nian. 0. N.. Old Nonso. 0. S., Old Saxon, pret.-pr. v., preterit present verb, pr. n., proper name, w. v., weak verb. Zs. fda., Zeitsclu-ift fiir deutsches Alt(^rtlmm. Zs. fdpli., Zeitselirift tVir deiitselie I'liilolojj'ie. Words marked with -;;■ are supposed words. Such abbreviations as pret. for preterit, noni. tV»r nominative, and others, are obvious. Corrections. Page 2, i; l,ii--, line 4, read before and behind, nol or. „ 6, § 10, „ II, speech for speach. „ S, § 14, n. 1, „ I, for preceded read followed. „ 11} I 21, n. 1. ^ ;$, for Hanpt read Haupt. ,, 13, I 2.5, ■ , 4, delete {). „ 14, I 28, ,, 5, delete as intermediates. „ 16, § 30, , :<, increase /br increasse. — § ."J.'J, 1. .'5, All/VirAlle. , 18, § ;^7, , (;, to for tho. , 18, § :is, . „ ), discharging /lyr discharching. — 1. 4 , thereby for liereby. Page 19, § 40, n. I, line i, proper for propre. „ 19, ^ 41, ,, 7, read decline for nigli. „ 2.5, vj 61, n. 1, ,, 2, omit for onimit. ■, 31, § 74,n. 1, ,, 1, developed for developped. — n. 2, 1.5, read \\o\>ii for wods. Page 32, § 7S (c), line 3, read medial for initial. „ 36, § 87, . 2, read has for have. „ 40, § 101, , 1, 101 for 161. — number for numbre. „ 48, 5< 122, ., II, passed for past. , 53, § 137, ., 2, read suffixes for suffix. , 60, i? 161, , 5, read form for from. , 61, § 167, „ 4, occurring for occurinii'. , 67, § 176, n. 4, „ I, The for Te. , 73, § 189, u. 1, , 2, read they for it. „ 80, § 212, „ I , developed /o?- developped. — 1. 2, degrees /o?' degress. Page 83, § 220 (1), line 5, speech for speach. PHONOLOGY. CHAP. I. LETTERS. § 1. The monuments of tlie Gothic language liave been handed down in a peculiar alphabet whose inveutov, according to Grecian ecclesiastic writers, was Ulfilas. The Gothic al- phabet, however, is not entirely a new creation, but Ultilas took, for foundation, the Greek alphabet which he accomodated to the state of the Gothic sounds, increasing it by several signs from the Latin alphabet, and, in a few eases, availing himself also of the runic alphabet. Of the Greek alphabet he also retained the order and the value of numbers. The Gothic alphabet is now sufficiently represented by the Latin one. In the following we give in the first line the original Gothic characters, in the second their numerical value, in the third the transcription of the Gothic characters by Latin letters which latter we shall henceforth employ exclusively. A B \ Cl e U z h ^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b g' d e q z h \ U K A tl II Q n n M 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 i k 1 m u .J u P — Brauue , Goth. grammar. 1 2 Plionolof:;y. ('hup. I. 100 200 ;{0o 4iH> r)Oo ()Oo 700 800 Ooo r s t w f / Iv — Note 1. Of these signs one (i, 10) is rei)resentcd by two forms. The i witlioiit dots ooeurs oftener, the i with dots stands at the beginning of a word and in tlie middle of a word after a vowtd sign, i. e. when it begins a syllable by itself and does not form a dii)litliong with the prece- ding vowel, e.g., /'raili/^ {= fra-UiJ'). In transerijjtion i is employed thnmghont. Note 2. Two signs taken from the Greek alphabet, the episema koppa (90) and sampi (900), are without any phonetic value, but serve only as numeral signs. — The letters, when denoting numerals, are marked by a horizontal stroke above, or by dots before or behind them: ib or •ib- = 12. Note J. In some cases the transcription of the Gothic signs is fluctuating, v is quite often written instead of w (§ 39, n. 1); — for the simple signs q and h are used: kv or gu (for q § 59, n. 1), h or w (for h § (13); — for /> which had been adopted from the Norse-A.-S. alphabet, also Ih is used (^i "1, n. 1). Note 4. The Gothic monuments show only a few abbreviations; the holy names, gup, frauja, iesus, yrisius, are always abbreviated. The abbreviations in the latter case are expressed by a stroke above them, and are in our texts usually written in full. E. g. g\> = gup, fa, fins = frauja, fraujins. Note 5. The Goths had already before Ulfilas the Germanic runic letters. The names of these letters were also made use of for the new signs. The Gothic letters together with a few Gothic words and alphabets have been handed down to us in a Salzburg-Vienna manuscript of the 9. century: W. Grimm, Wiener Jahrbiicher der Literatur 43, p. 4. et seq. Massmanu, Ilaupts Zeitschrift I. p. 29(1 et seq. — The form of the names, however, is very corrupt. As to this, comp. especially A. Kirchhoff, das gotische Runenalphabet, 2. edit., Berlin 1854; J. Zacher, das gotische Alphabet Vulfilas und das Runen- alphabet, Leipzig 1855. § 2. Of the 27 signs two being- only numeral signs, are (.iropi)ed (§1, n. 2), a third, the Xi '^^ retained only in Greek foreign words, esi)ecially in the name ChrUfns, and it denotes no Gothic sound. Hence there remain 24 signs for simjjle sounds, whose phonetic value is to ])e established. These are: Letters. 3 a) Consonant sig-ns: |) b f m w I t d )^ s z n 1 r I k q g- h lir j. b) Vowel signs : a e i u, and e) The combinations of two vowel signs: ei iu ai au. For the establishing of the pronunciation of these signs the following means are before us: 1) The Gothic alphabet is originally the Greek; hence, the pronunciation of the Greek letters, as that held in the 4"' century, is also to be taken for that of the Gothic letters so long, as w^e have no proof to the contrary. 2) The use of the numerous Greek foreign words and proper nouns by Ulfilas. 3) The transcription of the Gothic proper nouns in Latin documents and by Latin authors of the 4"' — 8"' centuries. 4) The testimony of the cognate Germanic languages. 5) Phonetic mutations and gram- matical examples in the Gothic language itself enable us to draw conclusions as to the nature of the sounds. Note ]. Conceniing the pronuuciation of the Gothic, coiup. Weiu- gaertner, die Aussprache des Gothischen ziir Zeit des Ulfilas, Leipzig 1858; Fr. Dietrich, iiber die Aussprache des Goti- schen wiihreiid der Zeit seines Bestehens, Marburg 18G2; for the consonants especially Paul, zur Lautverschiebung, Beitriigel. p. 147 et seq. Note 2. An old testimony for the Gothic pronunciation in the Salzburg -Vienna MS. uuorlun olan auar euaiigeliU tlicr lucain waur)nin u}:'}^an afar aiwaggeljo jiairli Lokan uuorlhuit auar ihuo uickuedanl iacliaulun waurJHin afar )'o jah que]nin ubi dicit . genuit .j. ponitur ubi gabriel jj. pcnunt et alia his siiii ubi aspiratione . ut dicitur gah libeda jah iibaida diptongou ai pro e longa p ch q ponunt. — Conip. § 1, n. 5, and for explanation especially Kirch- hoff p. 20 et seq. CHAP. II. THE VOWELS. a § 3. The Gothic a signifies as a rule the short a -sound [as iu Germ. Manu\. 1* 4 Phonology. Chap. T. Nffte I. Forrit"!! words and names, I'or example; Annas, '^Irraq; Ahaja, li/uuc bni bants, i-it'({>j->(n>(i^ ; fu/r/i/us, uyyiXo^;.; hailiara, career; Inhiirn, lueenia; httfarnauni, xannivaovn. Note 2. (lotliie uanies: Alhanaricus , Ariaricns , Amalafr'nuUi (Annnian). i> 1. The short a in frecineut hotli in steni -sylhibles and in inliet'tion. Kxaniples: a) Steni-syllaldes: «^/,v, terror; aljls, alius; lagr , tear; r//ra, acjiia; fadar, father; (ilan, to g-row; hafjan, to heave; saltim, to salt ; Jidldan, to hold; iraldan, to rule. — ahtau, ocXo] Ji'dpar, liter; nwlsir, .shee])-fold (O. II. (J. atvi, ovis); bandi, fet- ter; ham, ehild ; sa(/(//rs, eautus; all preterits of the III. — V. ablaut*- series: har, T bore; hlaf, stole; band, l)ound; c/a/', ^■ave, etc. b) Inflections : daf/a (dat. sing-., § 00) , rvaurda (n. a. ])1., § It;*)), giba (u. a. s., § OtJ), yuma (u. s., § 107), hmrtbna (n. a. ])!., § lOit); — hlindamma, blindanu^ hlinda, blindata (strojig adj., § 123); — hnma, ma, iia, ija, meina (pron., § 150 et seq.); -- nima (1. s. pres. ind.); nmmma^ nimama, nhna'ma (1. ])1., du.; 3. pi. optat); liaUada (niedio-passive, § 170); sdkida (weak pret, §184); — adverbs: -ha (e. g. glaggnmba)^ mha, inna, ana, /valla, etc. Note 1. Apocope of an imaccented a before enclitics: pat-ist, ]>al-ei , ]>an-nlt, pamm-uh, pan-ei, pamm-ci, kur-isl. — Also frel and fretum (pret. of fra-Uan, to consume. (§ ITd, n. ;J). Note 2. For n in the dijjhthongs a\, an, see vj§ 21. 25. § 5. In a few cases a is also equivalent to long a [as iu Eugl. father], (Comp. lloltzmanu, Altdeutsche Graninia- tik I, 3 et seq.). a) In foreign words: Silhanus (Silvanus), aurdl't (orale), .^palkuldtur (speculator) ; PeUdtiis etc. ; b) in the following Gothic words : fahan^ to catch (0. H. G. fdhan) , hdhan , to hang (0. H. G. hdhan) , pdhta (Pret. of pugkjan, to think) ; hrdhta (pret. of. hvUjgan, to bring) ; gafdhs a haul; faurhdh, curtain; gahdhjo, coherently; gdlUs, a going. — In all these words ah stands for original anh. To this belong probably pdhb, clay; umvdhs, blameless. '^') For the meaning of this word, see remark on page 15. The Vowels. 5 e § 6. The sigu c always sigDifies a long- vowel, i. e. a close e being very near to the sound of i [like a in Engl. name]. Note 1. In Greek words ?/ is regularlj' represented by e; e.g., Gabriel, Kef as, aikkldsjv, Krcta; — but a few times also /; ISaen, Naiv; Ti/kekus, Tv/i/ioc; aUde, iXioi; and lastly f, as in Jared, 'laQbS. Note 2. In Gothic names Latin writers first employ e for Gothic d: Sigismeres, Qe/mer, Reccared; but also already at an early period i which since the 7. century has been used alone; e.g., Tlieodenar, Valamir (Comp. Dietrich, p. 62 et seq.). § 7. Gothic e (con-esponcling regularly to 0. H. G, and 0. S. a) is found: a) In reduplicated verbs, in part with the aldaut*) o (§§ 179. 181): gretan, lelan, slepan. b) In the plural preter. of the IV. and V. ablaut-series : setiim (from sifan, to sit), nemum (from ni?nan, to take), lenmn (from ti?7ian, to behoove), etum (ilan), and in the sing. pret. ; fret (Luke XV, 30), c) In derivations from the verbal stems given under (b); e. g., andanms, agreeable; andanem, a receiving; gatemiha, becoming; uzeta, manger, d) In other words , like jer, year ; qens, wife, woman ; mena, moon ; lekeis. physician; merjan, to preach; manasefjs, seed of man, world, etc. e) In formative syllables : falieps, joy; amepi, flock of sheep ; azels, easy ; 2. pers. pret. of weak verbs, -des {nasides §174). f) Final: In the termination of the gen. plur. ; e. g., dage; in monosyllabic instrumentals, hi, pe ; in pai-ticles and adverbs, as swe, unte, hidre, hlsunjane, lastly in the datives, hammeh, harjammeh, ainumme-hiin (Comp. §§ 163 — 66). Note 1. t' before vowels appears as ai, see § 22. Note 2. ei for e is quite often found in the Gospel of St. Luke; e.g., qeins {=qens), faheid {=fahed), fraleitais (= fraletais), Luke II. 5, 10, 29; afleilan, Matth. IX. (i, etc. Note 3. Sporadically occurs also i for e, often in the Gosp. of St. L.; e. g., b'vusjos, Luke II. 41 ; q'xpeina VIII. 56, IX. 21; tawididema VI. 1 1 ; duatsnhvun, Mk. VI. 54. Note 4. On the contrary also e occurs in place of / and ei (§ 10, n. 5; § 17, n. 1). § 8. From this e must be separated the e in some Gothic words which corresponds to 0. H, G. ea, ia (not a) : her, here ; Kreks, Greek; fera, region, side; mes, table, dish. *) See remark on page 15. 6 Plionolofjjy. Chap. II. i i? 0. / regularly denotes the short vowel i [as in Eng-l. mj, while the eorresi)oiulini:: long- I is expressed hy ci (§ 10). Note 1. Tlli^^ / corrospuuds to (Jrcek i, only exccptioniiUy docs it stand I'or Greek // which is generally expressed ]»y c; c. g., Aunisimus, 'Ovr/ai/Aoq; BiJ'ania, Ihjd^aviu. Note 2. The i in Gothic words denotes the lon^' sound, when it is incorrectly eiui)loyed for c (Conip. § 7, n. .(). § 10. The Gothic /, from a historical point of view, is of two kinds: In it two originally se])arated sounds wliich, from a i)urely (lothic standpoint can no longer be distinguished, have coincided, 1) Gothic / = Early Germanic e (0. 11. G. ('; — 0. H. G. / before n, in + conson., and before / following) ; e. g., in the present tense of the verbs of 111. — V. ablaut-series (§§ 32 — 34) niman, 0. H. G. ncman; gihan, 0. H. G. gcban] giba, 0. H. G. gcba\ b'mdaji, 0. II. G. hinian; itan, to eat; inidjis , medius; h/i/'an, to steal; smtstar, 0. H. G. stviisler; ftdwor , four; gifts, gift; qias, speach; partic. pret. of the V. ablaut-series: glbans, itans, lisam, wigans, qipans. 2) Gothic / = Early Germanic i (0. H. G. i) ; e. g., lists, stratagem; /isks, fish; is, he; ivissa, I knew; skrilnari, to be rent, torn; plur. pret. and part. pret. of the verbs of the I. ab- laut-series (§ 30): hilun, hitans (from beUau), sligun, stigans (from steigan), lipun, lipans (from leipan). Note 1. Final i stands in id, bi, si, hiri; in the nominatives of feni. and. neut. J-stems: bandi , band; kimi , kind; in ace, voc. of the masculines: luiri ; ',\. sing. opt. preter. , iicmi. This final / appears as j, when it becomes medial (§ 45). Note 2. Final i before a following « cf an enclitic word is elided in nis (= }u-isl), sci (= si-ci), niba {ni-iba). Note 3. Every i before h and r is broken to ai (Comp. § 20). Note 4. ij is found in ija, cam; prija, tria; frijan, to hate; frijuv, to love; sijum, we are; kijans, germinating, and others. For ij also (but rarely) simple i is used: fian, sium, etc. — very frequently j is omitted only in fi-ial'Wa (besides frijapwa) love. Note h. Sometimes c is employed for i; e.g., nsdrebi, Mc. V. 10; sencigana, I. Tim. V. 1. The Vowels. 7 § 11. The sign o in Gothic always denotes long- o, i. e. a close near to ii [as in Engl. 7w(e]. Note 1. In Greek words o corresponds regularly to oj, rarely to o; e.g., Makidovja, M(r^t6oria ; it also takes the place of ov: lodas, 'lovSac, Luke III. 20. Note 2. o in fiothic words often stands for (short) u (§ 14, n. 3). § 12. in Gothic (= 0. H. G. uo) is frequent, e. g., hropar, brother; flodus, flood, hoka, beech; frbps, wise. ~ In the pret. of the VI. ablaut-series (§ 35) and of the e- o- series (§ 30) : ol, liof, 6g ; plur. olum , hdfum , ogum ; lailot, laUotum, saiso. In terminations; e. g., n. pi. gibos, dagos; w. V. II. salhon; final, in genii pi., gibo , tuggono; nom. sing. tuggo, hairtd. Pronouns: ho, po , so, hano-h, ainno-hun, harjano-h. Verb, salbo. Note 1 . For u we find sometimes ii : gakrdtuda (from kro(oti), he is crushed, Luke XX. IS; uhtedun, they feared (from dg), Mark. XI. ,32. Note 2. In some words o before vowels is changed into au, % 26. Note 3. Change from o to m in the inflection of fan, gen. funins. Concerning this and other relations between u and u, compare Kluge, Beitriige VI. 377 et seq., and Sievers VI. 504. U § 13. The sign u in Gothic denotes both a short [as in Engl, put] and a long vowel [as in Engl, rude] ; but short u is more frequent than long i\. Note ]. M in foreign words takes regularly the place of Greek ov. It often stands also for Greek o: diabulus , 6ia,^olog (and diabaidus); apauslulus (and apauslaulus): paintekuste, nevzi/xoar/j. Note 2. u for u rare (§ 12, n. 1), ?< for an (§ 25, n. 3). § 14. Short u is very frequent in Gothic. Examples: a) Juk, yoke; swius, son; drus, fall; us- drusts, a ftilliug; fralusis, lost; lusnan, perish; jus, you; — in plur. pret. and partic. of the verbs of the II. series (§ 31) ; e. g., gutum, gut cms, lusum, lusans ; — in terminations of subst. of the M-decl., e. g., handus, Iiandu; final, e. g., in l^u, thou; tiu, now; -u, an interrogative particle. b) fiml/'s, wolf; wulla, wool; gaqumps, council, synagogue; gulp, gold; swumfsl, pond; hund, 100; sibun, 7; taihun, 10; 8 rii()noI(tjj:y. Chap. II. fulls^ full; iin-, privative prefix; in the ])lur. pret. and part. pret. of the verbs of the III. series (4?;52): hnndum, bunddus, })art. pret. of the verbs of the IV, series (§ 3;i): numam, stulans. hrukans, broken; us-hruknan, to be broken ott"; tnidan, to tread, jjartie. Irudans] snufrs, wise. Note 1. y, when i)rec't'de(l by a vowel or /, beemnes w: Icniu, gcnit. knirvis ; skadus, shadow; skadrveins, sliadiiific; skadrvjan; to shadow (comp. § 42). Note 2. Before h and r every u is broken to au; comp. § 24. Note 3. M is eight times (mostly in Luke) represented by o; e.g., lauhmoni, lightning, Luk. XVII. 24; sunjos , sons, L. XVI. S; ushdfon, Luke XVII. 13; aimmclmn, L. VIII. 43; faiho, cattle, Mk. X. 23. Note 4. For ?< sometimes au is found in the terminations of the ?/-decl., e. g., sunaus (n. sing.) L. IV. 3; comp. § 105, ii. 2. § 15. u is certainly loni;- in a) dUbo, dove; rima, mystery; rtims , room, roomy; * mtil (in faurmilljan, to bind up one's mouth, to muzzle); hrlxps, l)ride; hils, house; skura, shower; uhtwo, morning-time; dhteigs, uhtiugs, timely; hluirs, pure, clear; fids, foul; muks soft (in mukamodei) ; pusundi, 1000; hrilkjan, to need, use; (brf/hta, adj. briiks); Itikan, lock (§ 173, n. 2); hrukjan. to crow (See Beitrjige VI. 379); uf, out {^ita, etc.). b) Through the omission of n: JAhta (prefer, oi pugkjan, to think); puhtus , conscience; adj. puhts, huhrm , hunger; juhiza (from juggs, young) disciple. Note 1. sills, sweet, probably trom '-'swots; but instead ^)i (idur-, 4, in compounds (besides fidwdr), we should rather write fidur-, with short u (Comp. § 141, n. 1). Note 2. In Riima, Rome; Rumdneis , a Roman, ii stands for Latin o. Note 3. is found for ic only in dhleigd, II. Tim. IV. 2, Cod. B (= Uhteigd A). Note 4. For u before vowels to au, see § 26b). ei J- ~ § 16. The sign ei stands for long i [like ce in Engl, bee], following the Greek which at the time of Ulfdas likewise gave ei the sound of i. Note 1. In Greek words ei stands commonly for/, but also fort/, and sometimes for ?/. Note 2. For ei in place of Gothic e, see § 7, n. 2. The Vowels. 9 | § 17. In Gothic ^YOl•ds ei occurs in stem-syllables in the i pres. of the verbs of the I. series (§ 30): beitan, to bite; steigan, \ to mount; it interchanges in the inflection of these ver])S with | ai and /. ! Other examples: heila, time; eisarn, iron; leipus, (fruit-) ; wine; Jelhts, light; iveihs, holy; skeirs, clear. Pronouns: /reis, \ we; mei)is, peins, seins] — very frequent in formative and in- j flective syllables; e. g., adj. in -eigs {inahteigs) ; in -eins {a'meins, ! eternal); uomina actionis in -(?m^ {laiseins, doctrine); nom. gen. \ sing, of the masc. stems : hairdeis, herd; laisarcis, teacher; and j opt. pret. ncnieifi, etc.; final, in feminines in el: managei (§ 113); ] imperatives, sokel etc. (§ 186); relative particle ei (§ 157) and i the combinations formed with it. ' Note 1. Quite often occurs the sound ei expressed by i, e.g., \ wShsa, Mk. VIII. 26, 27; ake, Gal. II. 14; ize, Mk. IX. 1 ; Luke VIII. Ki, ; 15, et al. Note 2. ci for in occurs in the rare seileina , II. Cor. XI. 2S (from sinfeins, daily; sinleino, always). _^ § 18. The Gothic iu is pronounced r^^fc;2^®Wf^b^* iforms the syllable, u being consonant; hence, iu. Note 1. In Gothic words Latin writers render iu hy cu, co: Thcu- des, Theudicodo, The odor icus. Note 2. iu is dissyllabic in sium (§ 10, n. 4), niu (interrog. particle =^ ni-n, § 216); thus i-u. § 19. iu is a normal present vowel of the 11, series (§ 31): hiugan, bow ; biiidan, offer ; it interchanges in tliese verbs with au, u. — In other words, for instance, piuda, people; dius, animal; liuhap, light; diups, deep; sinks, sick; jiiujis, new; niun, nine; iup, upwards; — - iu does not occur in formative and inflective syllables, except in the rare dhtiugs (§ 15). Note 1. In kiiiii, knee; triu, tree; qius, living, m is taken to the following syllable (as tv), as soon as these words become dissyllabic by inflection: kniivis, triwis, qiwis; comp. § 42. ai The sign ai in Gothic stands for two etymologically, and certainly also phonetically, different sounds. 10 Phonology. Cliap. II. i? I2t). 1. Tlic short vowel ni [like a in Eiij;-]. ftif]. — (It is employed in (Jotliie to denote a sliort, open (?- sound. l<'or the sake of distinction ^Tannnarians folloAvinj^ Grimni'si exanijjle, i)nt an ju'cent on the / (ai). To (Jotliie al eoiTes])ond8 in 0. 11. (1. and in the otliev Germanie languages short e or /. The short 6' -sound represented by ai oeeurs: 1) Before h (Ir) and r whieli sounds eliange every short / into (' {ai) (i^ 10, u. ;^). E. g., airpa, earth; wairpan, to throw; bairhls, bright; faihu, eattle; maihshis, dung; raihis, right; luihun, 10; saihan, to see; pal hum, i)lur. pret. (of pei/iau, to grow). 2) In redu- plicated syllables (§ 178) haihald, aiaik etc. o) In some single words: ha'ifrs, bitter; tva'ila (= 0. H. 0. wi'la), well; aippau (= 0. 11. (}. e(fdo), or; and perhaps also in the i)ronoun Jains, that one (= 0. 11. G. jiiner). Note 1. Tlie law for the transition of i to ai before h, r (so-called breaking) is almost without exce]>ti(m, and, likewise, liokls good for the i whicli is common to all (Tcrmanic languages, and for the specially Gothic i {^ 1(1). / is retained betbre /( and r in: nili, neque (= ni uh), hiri, come!; du. hirjats; plur. hii'jip (§ 219), and in the rare forms: silm, victorj^, I. Cor. 1.5, \M (a gloss, instead of sif/is); the related, probably corrupted, form parihis (adj. gen. sing.), not yet fulled (= now, said of cloth), Mt. IX. 16. Note 2. Not every ai before k, r is ai; it can also be the old diphthong. E. g.. pdili (pret. = 7-ais) [But \i\m. paihum (== risuni) § .'^0]; dill. I have Mills, property; lidihs , one-eyed; air, early; (0. II. G. c/-); sdir, sorrow (0. II. G. .?, saijands, Mk. IV. 14 ; saijip XL Cor. IX. 6, A (= saiipB), Gal. VI. 7, 8, (= saiip B). § 23. The fact that the Gothic sign ai may denote both short and long e (a) is evident from its regularly representing Greek sounds. As a rule ai =^ e , for example in aikldesjd, ixxXijoia; Aileisabaijj , 'EXiod^tr ; Baiailzaibul , Bi^eX^e^ovX; Gainncsnraip , FevrrjOaQST ; likewise = ca (i. e. «?): Idumaia, 'idovnala; Haibraius, 'E^QUlog; hairaisis, aiQeon, etc. Note 1. Gothic ai corresponding to Greek rj is exceptional; E.g., Hairodiadins, gen. belonging to nom.'//pcyrf/ac, Mk. VI. 17; Neikaudai- mus (Skeir. 52), Nixodrjfioq (otherwise written Nikaudemus). 12 Phonolojiy. ('liaj). II. au Also fJotliic au st:m(ls (like ai) for liistorically mid plio- netically (litKcrciit soiiiids. i? iM. 1. The sliort vowel au [like Eiii;-]. o in n<)l\. — iiu ill (Jotliic denotes a sliort open o- sound. In this case it is rej)resented in f^rammatical writings liy an in order to di- : Q sting-uish it from the dii>htliong au. To Gothic aa corresponds or u in 0. H. G. and in the other Germanic languages. au in Gothic words stands before h and r. It has de- veloped from u which, when standing before those sounds, is always ^J)roken„ to o. Y Examides: waurms. worm; liaurn, horn; hdurgs, (0. 11. G. burg), city; wai'ird, word; tvaurpum, plur. pret. of irairpan, to throw (Comp. § 32) ; sauhts, sickness (0. H. G. suht) ; dauhlar, daughter; auhsa, ox; lauhum, pret. plur. oi tiulian (§31); bauhla, ])ret. of bugjan, to buy. Note 1. The use of «« before otlier sounds is entirely exceptional, and its correctness is doubtful. Tims in aufto, perhaps (also omM; iiflO, ]\It. XXVII. (>4); bisauljan to sull_\ ; bisaulnan, to be detiled. Here belongs, according to Iloltzmanu, also ufbauljan, to putf up (II. Tim. Ill, 1). Note 2. a) short ii has become an before h and r without any exception. An ajjparent exception is the enclitic -%ih, and, but here u is owing to a secondary development: it is not found at all after a short accented vowel nor after a long vowel or diphthong; e. g., sa-h, ni-h, fmi-h, wUjdu-h, harjnnd-h; u occurs after consonants, and in polysyllables which have dro]>ped a final short a; e.g., Iwaz-vli, pammuh {=^ fmrnma uh), qipuh (= qipa uh). — Other ?/s standing before h are long, e. g., pu/ita (comp. § 15). b) u before ?• is a fcAv times found in unaccented syllables, namely in the foreign words spaikidaha- iind patirpiira {■iiml pai'trpaiira); also in the Gothic word fidur- (§ 141, n. 1). The prefix u?-- (in urreisan, nrruns, etc.) which has developed by assimilation from us-, (hjes not belong here (§ 7S, n.4). Note ;5. au before h and r has not in every case devehtped from u, but may also be the diphthong du, e.g., hduhs, high; /uuh, pret. of tiuhan (but plur. laidium §.'51); gdurs, sad, grievous (to which 0. II. G. gurag belongs). Note 4. We will have to take the au which occurs in the M-decl. in place of u (§ 14, n. 4) also as an). Comp. also nftu for aufto (§ 24, n. 1). Note 5. The Greek o is regularly represented by ad; e.g., apau- staulus, unoazokog; alabaslraun, akdl^aaxQov ; Barpaulaumaius , BaQ- &oXofxaioc; Pauntius , IlnvTioc. — ad = v in Sanr, Si'-Qog; padrpadra, noQ(fv()u. The Vowels. 13 § 25. IT. The old diplithoiif;- an [like ou iu Engl, house]. au, when not standing- before li and r (sometimes also before these, § 24, u. 3), is a diplithongal sound to whieh correspond mi, on or o in 0. H. G. , o in 0. S. , au iu 0. N. (Following ^.. Grimm) we express this sound by cut, whenever it is to be distinguished from aii. Examples: The preterits sing.of the II. ablaut-series (§31), gaut, I poured (from ghilan); laug, I lied, etc.; laugnjan, deny; daupjan, baptize; galauhjan, believe; galaubeins; belief j daupus, death ; — aukan, increase ; hlaupan, to run ; slautan, smite. — haubijj, head; augo, eye. In the ?/ -declension au occurs in inflections and final: sunaus, sunau; 1. p. sing, opt, niinau, ncnijau; 3. s. imjjer. lausjadau; opt. middle, haitaidau. Note 1. an often interchanges with aw (comp. §42); e.g., laujan pret. taivida, to do: maivi \c,^i\\. maujos, girl; stuwan\)XGi. snau, to hasten. Note 2. Latin anthors express ati bj' ati; e. g., Aus'Ua, Auslrovuld us, Audericus. Note 3. For du often occnrs u in tlie w-decl.; conip. 105, n. 2. § 26. Another uu both historically and most likely also phonetically different from the former ones, is found before vowels. a) For original o: stauida jtret. of siojan, to judge; siaiia, f, judgment; staua, m., judge; taui, n., gen. 1(yis, deed (comp. also nhUl()Jis, evildoer, thief; laujan, ia/rida, to do); a/mauidat and afdaiiidui part, pret, ^^ defatigati „, (from * afmojan smdi * af- ddj'an); sanii n., sun. b) For u of the other Germ, languages : trauan (0. H. G. Iruai), to trust, hauan (0. H. G. buan), to dwell, and hnauan, to rub (0. H. G. rdian, 0. N. nita) of Avhieh only bnauandans is found (Lu. VI. 1), This au is not changed into an> before vowels, therefore it must denote a single sound; it is very likely to be long- corresponding to uu, and thus a long open o [E. a in fall] distinct from the close sound (which is nearer to u) denoted by Gothic 6. Accordingly, Gothic o, u before a vowel have passed over into au {a). For other explanations, comp. Beitr. VII. p. 152 et seq., VIII. p. 210 et seq. 14 riidiioiijf?}'. ciiap. III. Nil to 1. Also (Irt'ck 10 whicli in oilier <;;ist'S is rt'jiiilarly transcribed by o, is rei)rescnt('(l by aii before vowels: Trauadu, 7'(>wac:; Nauil, Nu>e ; Lauiiija, Uoiq. Note 2. d before the vowel m is however found in the ])ret. forms, lailotat, ivaiivoun (from laian, waian (5; 182)). APPENDIX. s? 27. IJesidcs tlie above discussed vowel sif;-ns, also other si^'iis liaviiiy- generally a eoiisonaiital value, may discliarg-e the fmu'tiou of vowels. The Gothie /, ni, u, r are very often vo- ealie, i. e. syllable, e. g'., at the end of words whieh very often have dropped an original vowel suffix, eonipensation for whieh is made by the liquid becoming syllable. Thus the (lothie has dissyllable words with vocalic liquids, e. g., akrs (tield), fug\s (fowl), (aikns (token, sign), niuipms (gift). Note I. Tlic West -Germanic languages have developed a new vowel (0. H. (t. «) from these vocalic liquids; e. g., 0. H. (t. alckur, fogal. zeihhan, 0. 8. ineboin. CHAP. III. VIEW OF THE GOTH. VOCALISM. A. PHONETIC SYSTEM. § 28. In the preceding paragraphs we have arranged the Gothic vowels according to their written characters. Now they will be arranged according to the nature of the sounds whieh are expressed by those characters. We lay down as a basis the natural vowel scale moving as intermediates between the extremes / and u in a sevenfold division: i e il a a o u. e and o denote here the close e and o lying respectively near / and u; a denotes the open e, a the open o. In the following view it will be stated whether each of these stages is present in Gothic and by what character it is expressed. i: short / (§ 10). long- ei (§§ 10. 17). e: short wanting long- e (§§ G — 8). View of the CTuthic Vocalism. 15 Ji: short ai (§ 20). long wjinting (eonip. however ai. § 22':') a: short a (§§ 3. 4). long- a (§ 5). a: short ai'i (§ 24). long? (perhaps au in § 26). o: sliort (wanting). .j_. long (§§ 11. 12). .JT^M.!*^- ^ ^^'-"' u: short u (§§ 13. 14). long u (§ 15). Also the dii)hthongal sounds: iu (§§ 18. 19). ai (§ 21). au (§ 25). B. HISTORICAL SYSTEM (ABLAUT -SERIES). § 29. The (lothie vowels regarded from a historioo-ety- mologieal |)oint of view, may he grouped into a numher of related vowels. Vowels belonging to any one of these series may, in formations with the same root, change among them- selves; in the formations of tenses, as also in the verbal and nominal derivations all vowels which belong to the same series may occur, but not such as do not belong to the same series. This change of vowels within a series is called ablaut,*) the series themselves ablaut-series. The ablaut-series are seen most distinctly iu the verb. The relation between vowels in the same ablaut-series is not a phonetic but a historical one, its foundation lying without the domain of the Germanic but within that of the comparative Indo- Germanic grammar. Here follow the ablaut-series, as they occur in the verlial in- flection (comp. § 172 et seq.). § 30. I. Series: ei ai i {ai) i {ai) *) English writers have no settled name lor this kind of vowel change. Sweet, in his Anglo-Saxon Reader, calls ablaut „gnidation„ and umlaut „mutatiou„, whereas iu his „ History of English Sounds „ he speaks of „uuilaut„ and „unilauts„. March uses the terms „umlaut„ and „ablaut„ throughout. — I follow his example. — (Transl.). IG Phonology. Chap. III. Exuiiiples: rei.san (lUTeisan) , rais, risimi, risans, to rise; vrraisjan, to iiiuke to rise, to raise up; urrisis f., resurrection; — peihfin, Jji'iih, pa/hum, palhatis, to floiirisli, inereas/ic; — wait, J know, ])1. ivilnm; iveiUtn, to see; nwU-wods, witness; Inbja- Iclsel, 1'., witi'hcral't; lists, f., onnninf;'; laisjan, to teaeli. Note. Tin* i in this sc^riey is thi! Early (Jeniianic i uieiitiouetl in § 10, 2. § 31. 11. Series: iu au u {au) u {au) Exanj])les: yiuta, yaul, gnlutn, (jntuns, to pour; guinan, to be ])Ourecl; liugan, lang, lugum, lugans, to lie; liugnja, ni., liar; liugn, u., lie; anaUmgiis^ secret; hmgnjan, to deny; — galmibjdu, to believe; galauheins , belief; inihs, beloved, dear; luiii), f'., love; hihains, f., lio]je; — sinks, sick; sduhls, f., sickness; — (Iriusan, to fall; dransjan to make to tall; drus, m., lall; (Iriuso, f., slope. § :}2. 111. Series: i («/) a u {au) u {an) The tlienies of this series always have a double consonsant after the vowel, o-enerally a double liquid, or a liquid (/, m, n, r) with another consonant. Examples: hindan, hand, himdutn, hnnd/ins, to hind; hand, f., band; handja, m., prisoner; gabinda, f., band, bond; and- hundnan, to be loosened; gahundi, f., bond; — 7'innan, to run; rannjan, to cause to run; runs, m., a run, course; rinno, f., brook; — walrpan, warp, nmurpum, wmrpans, to throw; us- wanrpa, f., a casting- away, au outcast; — pairsan, to be dry (withered); paursnan, to wither away; paursus, dry, parched; paurslei, thirst; — drigkan, to drink; dragkjan, to give to trink; dragk, n., a drink; — ■ drugkja, m,, drinker; drugkanei, f., drunken- ness; priskan, to thrash; gaprask, u., thrashing-floor; Note. The / of this and the following- two series is that given in § 10, 1 (= Early Germanic e). § 33. IV. Series: i {ai) a e u (iiii) AHpf stems of this series have simple liquids ij , m, n, r) after the vowel. View (if tli(^ Vocalism. 17 Examples: niman, nam, mhimm, numans , to take; -numja, m., taker; anda-numis, f., a reeeiviiig-, aeeeptatiou; anddnems, agreeable; andanem, n., a receiving; — 'bairan, bar, hermn, hauram, to bear; haur , m., uatus; ha7'n, ii., fliild; henisjos, parents; — ga-liman, to belioove, agree; ga-lamjan, to tame; galemiha fitly. Note 1. To this series belong also hrikan, hrak, brekurn, hrukans, to break; gahruka, f., fragment; us-hrukiian, to ))e broken oti"; hrakja, f., strife, struggle. — Also Irudan, to tread (§ 175, n. 2). § 34. V. Series: i {ai) a e i {ai) The vowel of the stems of this series is followed by a single consonant, not a liquid. Examples; giban, gaf, gcbnm, gibans , to give; giba, f., gift; gabei, f., riches; — si/ an, to sit; satjan, to set; anda-sets, abominal)le; — inUan, to measure; miton, to think, reason upon; milaps, f., measure; nsmct, n., manner of life (conversation); — to l)e saved; ga-nisan, Jiasjan, to save; ganisls^ salvation. Note 1. Here belongs also sailiHin, sah, sckrmn, saihuftsT^^3t;%stn^e h has the value of a single sound (^ 0;j, n. 1). - rT § 35. VI. Series: ^ \^^r°L^^f'%\ a o o a X^^^/A ^^> All stems of tl»is series end in a single consonant. ^i^-i?/^'A//>^ Examples: wakan, wok, wbknm, trakuns, to wake; ivaktiTtlT;^-^' to be awakened; wahtwb, f., watch. — graban, to grave, dig; grbha, f., hole, pit, graha, f., ditch; — f'rapjan, fro}?, to under- stand; frapi, n., understanding; frops, wise, prudent; frbdel, f., understanding; — Jiafjun, lidf, to heave; -hafnan, to be exalted; haban, to have; ungaJidbains , f., incontinency; — og , I fear; unagands , fearless; ogjan, to frighten; usagjau, to terrify; agis, u., fear; — sakan, to strive, contend; sakjo, f., strife; sokjan, to seek; sokns, f., question, inquiry; iinand-soks, irrefutable. § 36. Series e 6 (VII. ablaut-series). A connection between c and o is found in the so-called reduplicated ablaut-verljs, as in Ulan, lailbt, etc.; saian (= *sean, § 22), saub^ etc. Comp. § 180 et seq. Note 1. ThiiS series is no longer found in the verbal inflection of the other Germanic languages, but its existence is proved by its occurring in word-formation, for example 0. H. G. {a : o) lid, f.: Ion, tuon, to do; — knaan, to know: knot, chimal, f. kin, race. Braune, Goth, grammar. 2 18 ]'li(»iiolo{;y. Cliiip. IV. CHAP. IV. CONSONANTS. § 37. Tlic ('(Misoiinnt, sii;ns wluist^ vnliic and occurrence W(^ have to discuss licrc. liavc aln^adv been mentioned in § 2. We divide tlie sounds dis('Iiari;-in^' tiie function of consonants into sonorous*) consonants and noise-sounds. Comp. Sievers, (lrundzuj;'e der riionetik ]). 40 et scq. According tlio this the (Jothic consonant signs, w,j^ /, ?«, n, r, fall into the class of sonorous consonants, the rest into that of noise sounds. A. SONOROUS CONSONANTS. THE SEMIVOWELS w AND >. . § 38. 7v and j are the vowel sounds u and / discharching a consonantal function. Hence in Gotliic tlie cliange between / and y, u and //;, according to their position in tlie word and tlie hereby conditioned function of the sounds as vowels or as consonants. The consonantal / and u wlncli in other languages are expressed by the same characters as the vowels / and ?/, have special signs in Gothic, ./ and w. These sounds are also termed ^^semi-vowels,, an expression, liowever, not quite proper. w. § 39. The sign of the Gotliic alphabet which we represent by w, is, in form and in ali)liabetic order, the (ireek v. This it also represents in Greek foreign nouns, uniformly, for example, Pawlus^ IJavloc; Daweid^ Aavid; abraggeljo^ ivayyiliov; paras- kahve, jcaQa6xtvr). But Gothic //' is not only employed in the combinations aw^ e/r^ in which the Greek v had perhaps at that time already the value of a spirant, but it stands also for simple Greek v with a vocalic function, for example, Swmaidn^ 2^v{nc6i'; swuagoge, (jwaycoyi); marlwr^ (lagrvQ. But in the latter case our transcriptions of the Gothic texts put (obscuring the true state of affair) y instead of w {Sijma'mi^ synagdge., martyr. *) I have literally rendered tlie terms ^snnore Consonanten,, and „Geriiuscldaute„ by „sonor()us consonants,, and „noise sounds,,, but instead of the former the term „simple voice sounds^ may be used as well. In usinj? the term ^sonorous, the student uuist carefully distinguish between the latter and „sonant„. For this see the above cited work of .Sievers p. 41, n. I. — I desire gratefully to record my obligation to Prof. Sievers for kindly revising my original remarks on the above mentioned terms. — Tr. Consonants. 19 Note 1. In most of the later texts the transcription of the Gothic sign is V, but because of the correspondence in the other Germanic langua- ges, we recommend the use of w (e. g. (lothic iviljn, M. H. G., N. H. G wille, A.-S. rvilla, N. E. will). § 40. lu Gothic \Yords we may rightl}' ascribe to iv tlie I)liouetic value of the eousonantal u (= Eug-l. ■w). Note 1. Latin writers have commonly rendered iv in propre nouns by uu: Vvilia, JJualaniir ; but there occurs also frequently Ub: TJbadila (= Wadila), Uhada7nirus (= Wadamers), etc. Comp. Dietrich pp. 77 — 80. § 41. Gothic initial fv is frequent, for inst, rvasjan., to dress; witan. to know; wiljan^ to will; wa/r, man. Initial before / and r; e. g., rvlits, countenance; 7v/ikan, to persecute; rvrohjan, to accuse. After the consonants: ?, f/, />, s; e. g"., fwai^ two; dwa/s^ foolish; pfrahan, to wash; sivislar^ sister. ]\[edial before vowels, for example, awisl?-, sheep-fold; sainala, soul; hneirvan, to nigh; siggwan, to sing; uhtwo, dawn; taihswo, right hand; nidiva, rust. Note 1. The signs q (ktv) and h (/i/v) are also generally taken as combinations of k and w and h and )v. But the fact is proved that g and }v are simple labialised guttural sounds (§§ 5i). 63). On the other hand, however, q and Jv in H. G. are treated the same as, for example, Gothic trv, gw, etc. which drop medial w. E. g., Gothic uhtwu , siggivan = 0. H. G. tihta, singan; likewise Gothic sigqan, saihan = 0. H. G. sinkan, sehan. This, of course, proves nothing as to the value of the Gothic signs, but establishes the fact, that in Early Germanic the sounds Iw, gw, etc. must have been analogous to kw and hw. § 42. 1) w remains unchanged after long vowels, diph- thongs, and consonants a) when final, b) before the s of the nominative, c) before /. E. g., lew .^ u., occasion, opportunity; hlain\ n., grave; waurstw.^ n., work; b) snabrs^ snow, triggws, true, faithful; c) lervjan., to betray; hnaiwjan., to abase; skadwjan.^ to shadow {skadus^ a shadow); arrvjo, adv., in vain. 2) In all three cases, however, fi> becomes u after a short vowel. E. g., a) snau (pret. of sniwan, § 176, n. 2); triu^ ti'ee (gen. trhvis)\ kniu, knee (gen. kniwis)\ b) naus., m., a dead man 'x^ (g. 7iafris), phis, servant (gen. piwis); c) mawi (gen. maujos), girl; gatvl (gen. gai(Jis), country, region; pbvi (piujos), maid; tawida, pres. inf. taujan, to do; straujan, to strew, pret. stra- wida; qmjan, to quicken, pret. qiwida. Note 1. Thus a word does not end in mv , iw, aws , iws , except Jasiws, weak, which is found only once (II. Cor. X. 10). 2* 20 Phonology. Cliaii. TV. Note 2. aw occurs Itcforc ; in usskawjan, to (re-) juviikc (I. (!nr. XV. 'M; II. Tim. II. 215 (!>)), where we would (jxpcct an. Note :i. Examples for the position of medial ?v before consonants other than / and s arc not found; — before n after a short vowel u is found ill '/iii/iiiii, t

aii,?'pura, pur])le. b) 7;, medial and final, is found in purely Gothic words. E. g'., slepan, to sleep; greipan, to gripe; Ivopan^ to boast; skap- jan, to make; hlaupan, to run; dhips, deep; tva'irpan, to throw; liilpan, to help; skip, ship; mp, u])wards. — The initial com- bination sp: sparnm, sparrow; spilldn, to tell; spinndn, to spin. Note 1 . p]> (Iocs not oeriir. Note 2. p is changed into f before / in: gaskafls, f., creature (from skapjan); Ivuftuli, f., glory (from ludpan). f. § 52. Gothic / in foreign words corresponds to Greek 9). E. g., FiUppus, 'PlXijijToc; Kajafa^ Ka'i'acfag. Latin writers render Gothic f mostly by ph (Dietrich p. 75),, e. g., Dagalaiphus, Phaeha. Hence, Gothic f has probably been labial, not labio- dental, as is evident from the Gothic /zm/", hnmfs. § 53. a) Initial / in Gothic words abounds. E. g., /oft^-y, foot; fadar, father; flddus^ flood; faihu^ cattle; flils, foul; frops, wise; frius^ frost, coldness. b) / final and medial is found in but a few words; e. g., hlifan^ to steal; liafjan^ to heave; hiufan^ to lament; Idfa, m.? palm of the hand; ufar^ over; a/ar, after. Before consonants' e. g., luflus^ air; hamfs, maimed; hveifls, doubt; tvulfs, wolf; — final, fimf, five; hof (from liafjmi)\ parf] I need. Note 1. f final and before nominative s occurs very often for medial b. See § 56. Note 2. Medial /"s before / {n) represent h (§50, n. :>), before t also p (see § 5 1 , n. 2). Note 3. If does not occur. b. § 54. h corresponds to Greek /9 which it represents in foreign words; e. g., barbarus^ (kxQi-iaQog; Jakob, ^Iax (pret. of brukjun)^ fuihla (cf. pmikjan). — Since examples are entirely \ wanting, it is nncertain, whether the 2. pers. pret. of verbs in k (e. g., tvakan, aukan, tSkan) takes k or h before the /; thus wokl or tvokt {'f). q § 59. The Gothic sign q does not occur in the Greek ■ alphabet, it had been adopted from the Latin (Q). In Latin words it corresjionds to qu {qartus Rom. XVI. 23), and it is ; tolerably certain that its phonetic value is that of Latin qu \ which denoted a la1)ialized A-sound, the latter being' a simple ■ consonant, not forming- position. Comp. Collitz, Zeitsehrift i filr deutsche Philologie XII. 481 et seq. j Note 1. The double sign krv {kv) which occasionally occurs for < the single sign q, is founded on the perception that in the cognate j Germanic languages Gothic q corresponds to a combination of consonants j which appears as k immediately followed by a w-sound, and is therefore , represented by two signs, in A.-S. by crv, in O.N. by kw, in 0. H. G., J N. H. G. by qu. Thus Gothic qipan = A.-S. crve^an, O.-S. kve'd'a, 0. H. G. ; quedan. This, however, does not prove anything as to the phonetic vahie of Gothic q, although it is possible that its pronunciation was entirely equivalent to that of the N. H. G. qu. — Comp. also § 41, n. ; § 60. Examples for q: qino, wife, woman; *qius, plur. ; qiwai.1 alive; qainius, mill; qiman^ to come; naqaps., naked; aqizi., j axe; riqis., darkness; sigqan., pret. sagq. ^<^ f^'"" j § 6L Gothic h in Greek words represents ^^^^-oflgli^-fy breathing (e. g., Haihra'ms, '^E^Qaioq; Her odes, ^ HQ(ii6riqjT^ka«//. § ()2. 1) Examines for h: a) Initially: haurn, horn; hana, eock; Ii/ilrlo, iii^art; /ia//s, salvation (hail); /n(7id, hundred; ha/'- jcm, to heave; — initial eonibinations: hlaifs, bread; hliuma, ni., hearin.i;'; hli/'an, to steal; hluhs, pure, clean; hlahjan^ to lau^h; hndhvs, low; hrains^ clean; hropjan^ to call; hrot, n., roof. — Medially: fa'ihu, cattle; taihun, ten; Icihan., to show, teach; saihs^ six; nahls^ night; Uuhtjan^ to shine; fithan^ to con- ceal; swaihra, socor. — c) Finally: j'aJf, and; -uh, and (corap. § 24, n. 2); faUi (from filhan)\ Iduh (from fiuhan), etc. Note 1. Before h (as before r) / is broken to ai, u to au; coinp. §§ 20 and 24. Note 2. Dropping of tlie nasal before li, witli compensation; e.g., fdhan (from faiihmi), Jnihla (from punhla)^ etc. Conip. § 5(», n.; §5, b; §15,b. Note 3. Final h in ah (or -h § 24, n. 2), jah, nth, may be assimilated to the initial sound of the following word. This is seldom found in the Gospels (Cod. argent.) and in Cod. B, and only before particles or pro- nouns beginning with p; but frequently, and also before other consonants, in Cod. A and Skeir.-, e.g., wassuppan, (= wasuh pan, but there was) Mk. I. 0; summaippan (= sumaih-pan, but some) Mt. XXVI, 27; sijaippan (== sijaih-pan, but it shall be) Mt. V. 37; jappt (= jah-pS, and if); niplnvi {=^ nih-pan, and not); — before other consonants in A: jallibnn (= jahliban, and to live) II. Cor. I. S; jaggatraiia (= jah galraua, and I trust) Kom. XIV, 14; jaddu {^=jah du, and to) II. Cor. II. 16; jabbmsts (z=i jah brusts) II. Cor. VII. 16; nukkant (= nuh kani doest thou know now?) I. Cor. VII. 16; exceptionally also in cod. argent., but only in Luke: janni (= jah ni) Lk. VII. 32; nissijai {^= nih sijai) Lu. XX. 16. Note 4. Final h is sometimes dropped (in consequence of having lost its sharp sound): karja Mk. XV. 6 (for harjuh), hramme Gal. V. 3 (for luammeh), harjano Skeir. 43 (for Ji/a?janvh), frequently inu for inuh, without, in A; — Droj^ping of h will be observed in consonant com- binations, as in hiuma Lu. VI. 17; VIII. 4; for hiuhma (multitude) elsewhere; drausnds Skeir. 50 (cf drauhsna, fragment); ah (for alhs) Mk. XV. 3S, and others. Each of these cases is probably owing to the copyist and has as a rule been corrected by the editors. Comp. Bernhardt, Vulfila LIU et seq. Also superfluous h occurs in snauh (for snau) I. Th. II. 16. Note 5. In word-formation h is found as well as A: (See § 58, n. 2), also li for fj elsewhere (see § ^)^i, n. 1). lu. § 63. The sign /r denotes a sound peculiar to the Gothic, it has no equivalent in Greek. The Gothic character (whose Consonants. 27 alphabetical place is that of Oreek T) is commonly rendered -__ by /f Qifi') the cause of wliich lies iu the fact that the corre- sponding- words of all the other Germanic languages (at least ^ initially) have hw {liu, hv)\ e. g., Gothic Jve'its = 0. H. G. hwlz^ 0. S., A.-S. hwit^ 0. N. Iivilr, white. There are however reasons iu ffiYor of the supposition that the Gothic h- was a simple consonant, which we then may regard as a labialized li. It is therefore recommendable to render the single Gothic sign by the ligature h-. Note 1. Gothic h and hw are not identical. This is proved by the fact that in composition h and w remain unchanged: pairhwakaiids keeping watch throughout, Lu. VI. 12; ubu/itvopida (belonging to uf- Tvdpjan) and he cried out, Lu. XVIII, .'58. — There are still more reasons for h representing a single sound, namety the fact that the verb saihan inflects like verbal stems ending in a single consonant (§ 34, n.) and that in reduplication h has the value of a single consonant {kaUudp § ITS). Comp. Holtzmann, Altdeutsche Grammatik I. 25. § 64. Examples for /r; Initially: has, who, Jvairnei, f., skull; hairhmi, to walk; Jveila, time; hopan, to boast: /raitcis, wheat; — medially: aka, water; saihan, to see; leihan, to "C lend; peUvb, thunder; mka-tundi, f, bramble-bush; neha, near; — also finally: suhr, saJvt (pret. of sal/ran), neh-, near. Note 1. With reference to the breaking of / and u lu has the same force as h (§ G2, n. I). S- § 65. g corresponds to Greek y, even when having- the value of a guttural nasal. Examples are: synagoc/e, 6v)'ayojy7j ; /i, aggilus, ayytXo^. — The pronunciation of Gothic initial g was most certainly that of a soft stop-sound; g final and medial had possibly a spirant pronunciation. Note 1. Latin writers represent g in Gothic words by g, but also by c, for example, Caina and Gahia (Jornandes); Commundus (= Gum- tmmdus); medially, especially before i, it is often dropped. E. g., J^ilu and Agila, Egila, Aiulf {^=^ Aigidf), Alhanaildus (= Al/uniagildiis). Comp. Dietrich p. 73 et seq. § 66. g stands in Gothic frequently, both when initial and medial. Examples: a) gasts\ guest; guma, man; gulp, gold; gops, good; glut an, to pour; greipan, to gripe, seize; graban, to dig. b) agis, terror; awe; tvigs, way; gawigan, to move; steigan, to mount; Uyan, to lie; pragjan, to run; — augo, 28 I'lionoh.-y. Cliap. IV. eye; inrjr, tear; ligns^ ten; alt/an, to poSHCSs; in the suffix: mahteigs, mig'lity; modags, ang'ry, AIho final g remains nncliang-ed: og, I fear; mug, I can; wig (aec. of /rigs), ete. No to I. >/ liccdiiics h lii'loiT siil'tixal I, for example, inaliis . mahta (ef. nut(i)-^ dhui (cf. vg\^ bai'ihta (cf. btigjan, to buy); bruktu (cf. brir/gan); but 2. Iters, pret. in / does not seem to admit of a change of consonants. There occurs only 7nag/ from mag (§ "201). — Also elsewhere in word- formation an interchange between h and g takes place in words behingiug to the same n)ot: tnihun, 10, and ligns, 10; fillinn, to hide, and fulgins (adj.), hidden; fagindn, to rejoice, and fahe/>s, f., Joy; laiggrjan, to hunger, and liuhrus, liunger; juggs, young, comparative jiihizu; for the inter- change between liig and (lih see § 2u;}, n. 1. § t)7. g denotes also the gnttural nasal (see § 50). E. g. (« + corresponds to Greek }) , as in /jomos, f)ojf{aQ. Napan, i\a{i-(w)\ l)otli had the same sound, namely that of the modern Greek //, i. e. an interdental hard spirant (= Eng-l. Ih). Note I. Latin writers render Gothic /> by Ih, e.g., Tlieodoriciis, Theodomirus. Also some later texts have III for J>. § 71. /> in Gothic words is frequent. Examples: a) Initially: Jndan, to tolerate; panjan, to stretch; gapairsan, to wither; paursus, torrid; paurslel, thirst; pal a (pron.) tliat; pu thou; prels, three; pliuhan, to flee; gapldlhan, to emhrace, con- sole; pwahan, to wash, h) Medially: hrbpar, brother; tanpus, tooth; tviprus, lamb, wether; frapi, n., imderstanding; frapjan to understand; anpar^ other; /r«/>ar, which of the two; nuitrpan, to become; qipan, to say. c) Final /> also remains unchanged; e. g,, piup, good {pinpis)^ qap (from qipan) ^ aips, oath, ace. alp. Note 1. pji in aippnu, or; fnrthermore by assimilation from h-p, nippan, etc. See § (10, n. 3. Note 2. /' final and before the nominative-.? often represents d, and is to be distinguished from p in the words given under c), the latter having also /> medially. See § 73. Note 3. /' becomes s before t. E.g., 2. pers. s. pret. qast (from qij'an); war si (from wairpan); snaist (from saeipan, to cut). d § 72. d corresponds to Greek rV. The modern Greek pronnnciation of (i is that of a soft interdental sjiirant (5' = Engl, soft ///). This pronunciation is also to be given to d, 30 Phonology, ('luip. H'. at least medially after vowels. l>iit initially and medially after )i, I, r, z — d has tlie value of a soft stop-sound. § 78. Examples for d : a) Initially: daur, n., door: dauhlar, dauj;'liter; dal^ dale, vally; danns , odor; daddjan, to suckle; ga-daursan, to dare; driusan, to fall; dwals, foolisli (dull); b) Medially: sidiis, custom; wadi, n., ])ledi;*e, bet; inidjia, medius; fiidu/ro, widow; btndun, to offer; blndan, to bind; ha'trda, herd; waldan, to rule, wield; mizdo, reward. — fadar, father; frbdei, understanding- (hereto l)elong-s adj. frops, frodis^ wise); fidwbr, four; pridja, tertius; pluda, people; -\da, as in uupida, desert; gahugds, understanding; gards, house, yard; liardus, hard; hund, hundred; and, on, at; aids, ag-e (ef. alpeis old); kalds , cold; gazds, sting. Note 1. In Gothic words dd\n found only in: waddjus, wall; dadd- jan, to suckle; (waddjS (gen- of Iwai, 2); iddja, I wont; hence always in the combination ddj. § 74. d tinal and before the s of the nominative is retained only after consonants; e. g'., hund, nimand (8 pers. plur. pres.), gards, aids, gazds, gahugds. When d after a vowel becomes final, it is changed into p, because p denotes the hard sound corresponding to d. The greater number of the Gothic final ps have for the sake of euphony arisen from medial d, the smaller number are original, also medial pa (§ 71, n. 2). Examples: slaps, sladis, place (but slaps, slapis, coast shore); haubip, haubidis, head; liuhap, Uuhadis, liglit; frops, frbdis, wise; gbps, gbdls, good; hdup pret. of biudan; bidjan, to pray, pret. bap; all partic. pret. w. v., as nasips, nasidis; salbbps, salbbdis; furthermore all final />s in verbal inflection (3. p. s. 2. pi.), as in nimip, nemup, nemeip, — but with enclitic uh; nimiduh, nemnduh, tie?neiduh; — adverbs like /trap, whither (eomp. § 213); prepos. tnip, with. Note 1. The change of final d into p is not found in all cases in our texts. This appearance cannot be referred to the original text of Ulfilas, but is a deviation from the normal state, owing to the copyists, a fact proved by the frequent occurrence of final d in the Gospel of St. Luke, especially in the first ten chapters, not unfrequently also in the Gospel of St. John, more rarely in the other books. Examples from the (Itii chap, of Luke are samnlaud 34, guds 35. -13, gud 43, mi/ads 38, partic. gamanwids 40, gasiiUd, and especially many verbal forms: tmijid 2, ussugg- wud 3, fnghtod , laikid 23, habaid 24, nshairid 45, etc. — Since the (!ospcl of Luke contains younger forms of speech (§ 220, 1), we Consonants. 31 will have to regard these forms as having developi)ed at a later period, introduced into our texts by individual writers. — Couip. also Kock, zs. t'da. XXV. 22(1 et seq., who shows tliat these (Is for ps are most frequent after unaccented vowels (e. g., tnilads), but after an accented vowel only when the latter is long or a diphthong, rarely however after a short accented vowel (e.g.rnid Luke VII. 11). Note 2. Since final p has by all means to be taken as regular, it must also be employed in words of which only forms with medial d are found: biu}>s, biudis, table; raups . red; usdaups, zealous; gamaips, maimed; mdj>s, anger; knaps, stock, I'ace. Therefore we must also write gara'ips, ready; luUeps, poor, each of which, besides the forms with medial d, has once the final form garaid and uuleds. But both forms stand in Luke. With final d only are repeatedly found; weilwuds , witness, ace. Tveitrvud: twice gariuds {gariud) honorable, only one final form with d (but none with />) occurs in braids, broad, deds , deed; tvods, raging, possessed ; grids, grade, degree ; skaiskuid (pret. of skaidan). Also here we will consequently have to regard the form deps, nwds, etc. as normal, for the forms with d were probably introduced by the copjists. Note 3. This final f? for d must not be confounded with the radical p in words that have the same root as those with d, for instance, frud- (n. frops) wise; frudei, wisdom, but frapi, understanding; fra]>jan, to understand; sinps, waj'; but sandjan, to send; aids, age, but alpeis, old. Note -I. p is seldom found where initial d is expected. Thus gupa Gal. IV. S instead of guda, unfrdJMins Gal. III. '6. § 75. The d of weak preterits, which stands g-euerally after a vowel {nasida, habaida), is retained after / and ti (skulda, munda)^ wliile after s , h, f it appears as /; kmipasia, most a, daursta, pahta, pulita, hrulita^ rvaurhta, hauhta, ohta, mahta, dihta, paurfia; it becomes p in kunpa^ ss from s/ through assimilation in /rissa. Conform to this rule are the participles no sips, hahaips, skulds, munds; but ivaurlits, haulits , tvahls, binauh(s, pnurfts, kunps. Comp. § 187, n. 1; § 197 et seq.; 208. 209. Note 1. d becomes s before the t oi'2^^ p. pret: baust {from biudan, bauj>). s for d occurs in word- formation as well, for example, gi/str (cf. gildmi), tribute; anabusns, commandment (cf. biudau). § 7G. s is a hard dental spirant corresponding to Greek 0. s, especially when initial, is very frequent in Gothic words. Examples: a) Initially: sunns, son; sitan, to sit; skadus, shadow; speiman, to spit; slandan, to stand; sirav.jan, to strew; sic pan, to sleep; smals^ small; snuirs, wise; swaihra, tather-iu-law. 32 Plionology. ("iKip. IV. 1)) jMi'diaU}': kiusdii, choose; wisan, to h(i\ w^/iyan, to vest, clothe; ]->ilsundi, thousiiiul; gasls, i;-uest; liama, host, multitude; ai'i/is'ti, ox; pfiNrsNs, withered. (•) Also t'iinil .V reuKiiiis uiich;iiii;('d, ;is in yrds, i;'r;(ss; mes, table; was (])vet. of tvison); hals, neck. Note 1. .s* occurs often; e.g., bassei, severity; (//.s'.v, spcacli; wissa (prct. of ivitan); termination -assus {/nudinassus , kingdom, etc. Note 2. Final .? stands in most cases tor medial i; this is esi)ecially the case in inflection. ('om|i. 5; 7s, (lroi)i)iiig ol' the nominative .y § Ts, n. 2. Note l{. .V from /. />, d ln'fore consonants (/); see § (ii), n. 2; i? "], n. ;); § 75, n. z § 77. z corresponds in Greek words to c;, e. g., Zaihai- cla'ms Zilkdaloq; azymus, a^i\i/0Q. '^Fhe sound of z is the soft sound whose corresponding- hard sound is .?; therefore it is a sonant dental spirant (Engl. z). The Greek c; denoted this sound already at the time of Ulfilas (as in modern Greek). § 78. a) In Gothic words z never occurs initially. b) Medial z is frc(iuent. Final z, however, becomes s, the corresponding hard sound (comp. b — f, d — />). azets, easy; liazjan, to praise; hazeins, praise; dlus^ gen. diuzis, animal; halis, gen. halizis, hatred; hatizon, to be angry; huzd, treasure; gazds, sting; mizdo, reward; azgo, ashes; marzjan, to offend; — comparatives: maiza, major; frodoza, alpiza, etc.; pronominal forms; e. g., izwura, pizos, pize, hlindaizos; 2. sing, middle, as hailaza. c) Most of the final as re])resent a z, especially the in- flectional .?s; these are changed to z as soon as they become initial by an enclitic addition, for example, the s of the nom. has, whoV, but hazuh; is, he, \n\i izei, who (relative); us, out, but uzuh, uzu; dis-, an intensive prefix = Lt. dis- {dizuhpansal Mk, XVI. 8); pos, fern. n. pi., pozuh; /reis, we, tvelzuh; wUeis 2. ])ers. s., wilcizu; adv. jnais, more (cf. maiza); diris, earlier (ef, dirizd), etc. Note 1. 2 was rarely retained when becoming final: )ninz , less, II. Cor. XII. 15. Codex B instead oi' mins elsewhere; riqiz (4 times), dark- ness, besides 7-iqis, gen. riijizis; aiz, ore, only Mk. VI. S; tnimz, flesh, I. Cor. VIII. n. Note 2. 'i'he s [z) of the nom. sing, drojis 1) after s {ss, z): drus, m., gen. drusis, fall; srvcs, g. swcsis, adj. one's own; laus, Umsis, empty, Consonants. 33 vain; iis-slass, t"., gcu. usslassais, rL'surrection; 2) after r, wlicu immedia- tely preceded by a short vowel: wair-, wairis, man; baur , son; kaisar, Caesar; anpar, another, second; unsar, our; s remains however after a long syllable: akrs, field; Aor:?, lecher; skeirs, c\Qdx\ swers, dear, worthy; gdurs, sad. Irregular is the once oecnrriiig nom. (Nehem. V. 18) stiur. Note ;<. 2 and .s occur interchangeably in the prefer, of slepan, to sleep; saislej),m.\lU.-n; Luke VIII. 2;j; 1. Th. IV. 11; saizlep , Joh. XI. 11; I Cor. XV. (i. Note 1. The z of the prep, us is in combinations assimilated to following r (comp. §24, n. 2), as in urnms , a running out, departure; urreisan, to arise; urrunman , tt) be enlarged (besides usrumnan Codex B. II Cor. VI. 11). In other cases us retains its final form, as in usagjan, to frighten, usbeidan, to expect, abide for (Comp. §56, n. 2). Only in uzon (pt. of *usanan, to breathe out, expire) Mk. XV. 37, 39, and uzitin (dat. of *useta, manger) Lu. II. 7, 12, 16 z for s appears before a vowel. Note 5. When us comes before a word beginning with si, one s is sometimes dropped: uslaig (from us-steigan) Mk. III. 13, tisldf? Lu. VIII. 55, X. 25; ustandip Mk. X. 31 {iYO\a.us-standan)-, ustassai (from usstass) Lu. XIV. 14. — Comp. diskritnan (for dis-skrilnan) Mt. XXVII. 51; there is no analogon for sp. APPENDIX. GENERAL REMARKS ON THE CONSONANTS. " § 79. In Gothic the soft spirants, b, d, z, are changed into the corresponding hard sounds, f, p, a, when final and before the s of the nominative (Comp. §§ 56. 74. 78). The fourth soft spirant, medial g (§ 66), however, remains soft when final, at least in writing, while in pronunciation the analogy of the other cases suggests hardening. Note 1. Also the bs, ds, zs are sometimes retained when final; z however rarely (§ 78, n. 1), but b and d frequently, especially in certain places where also other forms of a later origin are found. Comp. § 56, n. 1, § 74, n. 1, and Kock zs. fda. XXV. 226 et seq. § 80. Double consonants in Gothic are especiall}' tlie liquids, //;, mm, mi, rr, and also ss; other cases, as kk (§ 58, n. 1), (t (§ 69, n. 1), pp (§ 71, n. 1) dd (§ 73, n. 1), are rare; — the frequently occurring gg» (§§ 67. (j8) are of a different kind. Double consonants at the end of a word and before the Brauue, Goth, grammar. 3 34 Phonology. Chai). IX. uominative s are retained: skalls, full, kann, rami, 7vam?n, gawiss. Likewise before j: fnlljan, skultja, kannjan; but before other consoiiMiits they generally become single: kant , kimpa (from kmui), rani '2. sing. ])ret., rmu, m., a running (ef. rinnau)\ snm7n/s/, ]>()n(l (el". -•'s)rhnmari)\ — commonly, however, fiiUnan; fiilnan occurs but a few times. Note 1. In tlic MSS. doiililo consonants are sometimes found tor single ones, as allh Lu. 11. 1(1, and single consonants for double ones, as wiscdiin Lu. 11. i;{, inbranjada (i'or inbrannjad a) John. XV. 0. Both cases are mistakes which are generally corrected by the editors. Comp. Bern- hardt, ^'ulfila 1). LVII. § 81. The consonantal changes before dentals, Avhich considered from an etymologieo- comparative standpoint, are, of course, of a various nature, may, practically from a mere (iothic standpoint, l>e embraced in the following rule. Before the dentals, d, p, I , all labial stoi)-S(»unds and si)irants are changed into f, all gutturals to A, all dentals to s; the second dental of such a combination is always kept as /. Examples: skapjan, gaskafls (§ 51, n. 2); paurhan {'•'paurbda), paurfla, giban, gifts (§ 50, n. 3); — sinks, stmh/s; pugkjan, pah/ a (§ 58, u. 2); magan, mahta (§ (36, n. 1.); — jvait, ivaist (§G9,n.2) rva'/rpan, wars/ (§71,n.3); biudan. banst (§75,n.l). Note 1. An exception is mar/t {2. pers. of ma^ ^ 201), and {/ahu(/t/s, understanding. Note 2. si may become ss by wa}' of assiuiilation, as ivissd from ivitan (see § 7(i, n. 1). ('omj). Kiigel, Beitr. YIl, p. 171 et seq. § 82. Cases of assimilation only with li (§ (32,u.3) and with US (78, u.4). INFLECTIONS. CHAP. T. DECLENSION OF NOUNS. GENERAL REMARKS. A) OF THE GOTHIC DECLENSION IN GENERAL § 83, lu the Gotliic declension there are three genders, as in the other Germanic dialects — mascuHue, neuter, and feminine. Note 1. By form the neuter and masculine ot all declensiims are alike, except in the nom. and ace. of both numbers. Note 2. A distinction of gender is wanting only with the personal pronoun of the 1. and 3- persons; likewise also with the refle:!^ive pronoun (§ 150), and with the numeral adjectives 4 — 19 (§ 141). § 84. There are two numbers in tlie Gothic declension — singular and plural. Note 1. The dual which originally existed in all Indo-({ermanic languages, is found in the Gothic declension only in the personal pron. of the 1. and 2. persons (§ 150). § 85, There are four complete cases in the Gothic "declen- sion — nominative, genitive, dative, accusative. Inmost cases the vocative resembles the nominative, only in the singular of some declensions there occurs a vocative difl'ereut from the nominative, which, then, however, is always the same as the accusative. Note 1. The Gothic dative represents several Indo-Germanic cases (dative, ablative, instrumental). Relics of the neuter instrumental are still present in the pnmominal declension — /<^ (§ 153), he (§ 15!)). 3* 3(3 hitk'ctioii.s. Chap. I. B) OF THE DECLENSIOK OV SUBSTANTIVES. >? S(). 'I'lio (leelciisioii of sul)staiiti\es in (Jotliic is divided into a vowel and a consonantal declension, according- as the stems of tlie snbstantivcs end in a vowel or a consonant. Note I. 'flu' original ronii of tlic stems lias in jtart been olisciinnl l»y hlondiiif;' tlu- stt^iis \vitli tlie ciidiiij^'s, hy kiss of vowels at tlu; end, ami the like, so tliat a rorreet division into \i>wi'l and consonantal (U'l-loiisions is altofi'etlier snbjfct to the Comiiarative Indo-Gernianie (iranimar. From the es])eeially Uothle staiidi)oint we should not have been led to tids division. § 87. Of the classes of the consonantal stems in Ootliie that of the n-stems (stems in -an, -on, -ein) have widely devel- o]»ed, while of other consonantal inflections ])ut a few remains are |>reserved (§ 114 et seq.). According to Jacol) (Jrimm the ^/-declension is also called weak declension. § 88. There are four classes of the vowel declension — stems in it, 6, /, n. According to this, we disting'uish between a-, 0-, /-, and //-declensions. The stem-characteristics are still clearl}' seen in all classes in dat. and ace. pi., as in dagam, (lagans; — gibom, glbos; — gantim, gas tins : — smnim, sununs. According- to Jac. Grimm the vowel declension is also called strong- declension. Note ]■. Of the four vowel declensions the a and /) declensions stand in close connection; the ^-declension contains only masculine and neuter nouns {dags, /vai'ird), to the (^-declension belong only t'eminines. Both declensions are therefore generally reduced to one class called a- declensiou. Note 2. 'J'he 'Gothic ^-declension corresponds to the second or o-declension in (Jreek and Latin (Gr. masc. -o?; neut. -or; Lat.-/<^, -mn) the Gothic (5-declension corresponds to the first or //-declension in Greek and Latin. Now since Comparative Grammar teaches us that the vowels of the Greek and Latin are older than those of the Germanic, and that at an early period in Germanic the stems of the corresponding niascnlines and neuters must have ended in o^and those of tlie feminines in a, we often employ also in Germanic grammar the term ^j-decleusion for the masculines and neuters, the term ^-declension for the feminines. A) VOWEL (STRONG) DECLENSION. LA) ^-DECLENSION. . § 89. The (rothic a-decleusion contains only masculines ^ud neuters. We distinguish between ])ure «-stems and .//-stems. Declension (»t" Nouns. ^7 Note I. 'riie wd-atcms in (lothic diHt'er but very little t'roni the pure rt-steuis, and they occur ouly in a few words (§ 92, n. 3; § 93; § !»4, n. 1). MASCULINES. § 00. Pai-adiii:ms of the masculines, a) Pure «-stems: dags, day (from more aiicieut *ihigaz, Early Germ. *dago-z, § 88, n. 2); Mai/'s, bread (E. Germ. '*hIaWo-z). b) ./a-stems: hah'deis, lierd, shepherd (E. Germ, '^herdio-z), hle; words in -arela: Jaisarcis , master; hokareis, scribe, and others; b) of nouns with short syllables: nipjis, cousin; andasfapjis, adversary. Note I. andeis, end, has K, but whether yM/'«.y or gudis, is nncertain. Therefore we have employed the abbreviated form gnps which is fonnd in all editions ; the same for the dat. gupa. Note 4. fadrein (.paternity,,, when signifying (^parents,,, may be used as an indeclinable plur. preceded by the masc. article; pai fadrein, pans fadrein. But also the regular neuter plur. fadreina is used in the sense of jiparents,,. Fadreins (fern.) familj' , generation, must be distinguished from this (§ 103). Note 5. The gen. sing, of hatis, liatred is once (Codex B) found as hatis, Eph. II. 3 (hatize A). For the neuters in -is comp. (jVon Bahder, Verbalabstracta,, p. 52 et seq. § 95. Like kuni inflect stems in ja, botli long* and short syllables; e. g-., badi, bed; nati, net; fmrguni, mountain; garvi, gaujis , region (§42.2); /aui, tojis, deed (§26); mA/, reikjis, kingdom, power; arhi, arbjis, heir; galigi^i, eomsummation of marriage; gawaurkl, work, business; garuni, counsel; and/ralrpi, presence. Note 1. Besides -jis a contracted gen. in -cis (comp. ij 44 c, § 92) is found in but a few long- and polysyllabic nouns, for instance, Irausleis (from trausti, covenant) Ei)h. II. 12; andbahti, service, has gen. andbahtjis (3 times) and andbahteis (once) (Lu. I. 23); gawairpi, peace, has gen. gawairpjis (6 times), gawairfeis (3 times). l.B) 0-DECLENSION. § S\) maid, virgin, fadreins, generation, family; arhaips (d) work; asans, harvest; those in -diips (p): mikil- rf^z/'.s greatness ; munagdups, abundance; oyM/frfM/?*, eternity; ga- maindups, communion. Very numerous are the >erbal abstracts which may be formed from all strong verbs by means of the sufhx t (/>, d)\ e. g., gaskafls, creation, shaping; paur/js, need; ganisls, sal- vation; lists, wile; fralusls, lost; gakusts, experiment; .gabaurps, birth; galnurps, destruction; manaseps {d\ world; deps (d) deed; gahugds, thought. Note 1. Here belong also abstracts formed from weak verbs, as those in -eins belonging to the First, those in -ains to the Second, and those in ons to the Third weak conjugation^ e. g. nase'ms (cf. nasjati), salvation; laiscins, doctrine, teaching; hnuheiws. glorj', a raising on high; galaubeins, faith; naUeins, blasphemj-; lapons (cf. /«/>()«), invitation; salbons, ointment; mitons , thought, judgment, measuring; pulains (cf. pulati), ]iatience; libains, life. — But those in eins have their n. g. pi. according to the o-declension. Thus, for example. Sing. N. naiieins G. naiteinais D. nidieinai A. V. nailcin Plur. N. naileinds G. naiteino D. naiteinim A. naileinins. The dative plur. unkaureinom is found but once II. Cor. XL 9. — Those in -dns, ains form their plur. regularly; mituneis, mitone, etc. Note 2. Whether certain nouns are masc. or fern, cannot be deci- ded, as they do not occur in a sufficient varietj' of cases. Thus, for instance, ahaks, dove; fulieips, fullness. 'z' •12 IiiHcctidiis. Cliaii. 1. Note ;>. 'I'lic !i.iiiiiii;iri\(' .v is dropped accdnliui;- to ij 7*>, 11. J, c. 1;., HS-stt/ss, usstdssttis, ivsurrection ; f/aruiis, -runsttis, street. Note 1. luiiins, villag*', forms its i)liir. according? to tlie «^/-deeleiision: /itiiiilas, ete. :^) r-l)EC LENS ION. MASOUfJNES AND FEMININES. i? I'M. The nuisc. and fern, nouns of tlic ?<-(led. luivc the // same rorni. raradigm: s/oms, son. r Siiif?. N. sunns Plur. N. siinjus ' '•' '. • ''1 _r^ (!. sunaus (t. sunivc D. snnau D. sunnm A. sunn A. sninms V. sunn § 105. Further Examples: a) Masculines; e. g., dirus, messenger; asilus, ass; danpus, death; w)dpm, glory; huhnis, hunger; paurnus, thorn; halrus, sword; lipus, limb; /us/us, lust; liiftus, air; wr/^//.?,- child, hoy \ fairJv us, world;^ij/i', foot; slubjus, dust; nouns in -assi/s: draulUinassns, warfare; ihna.ssi/s, evenness, equality; Jjiiidinassus, kingdom. h) The 0]dy Feminines are handas, hand; kinnus, cheek; 7vripus, herd; asilus, a she-ass; waddjus, wall. The gender of some nouns is dou1)tful, as tjuh-nus, mill; fJodus, flood. Note I. Foreign words, as aggilus, angel; sabbatns , sabbatli, fluctuate in the i)lural between the u- and e-decl., see § 120, n. 1. Note 2. In the singular terminations of this declension there oceurs a noteworthy fluctuation between ?< and mi {aii? comp. § 24, n. 4). All cases of this kinu. IV.:i; fiiirlidus Gal. VI. 14 codex B (= fairhnis codex A); Barlimauis Mk. X. 46; — ace. hatulau Mk. VII. 32; /nudhuissnii L. IX. 27 ; hairau II. XIII. 4 codex A {= /uiiru codex Car.); — voc. 5?<^ namt) G. namiits I), namin A. namu Pliir. N. namna (1. [namni] D. namnam A. tiamna. Of llitvsc there oeciir ii. a. namna, d. tvatnam. Conip. . Nearly all substantives going like nuniagei are formed from adjectives. Abstracts in -ei may be formed from every adjective, hence the large number of these words; e. g., diupei, dejith; laggei, length; hleipei, mercy; mlkilci, greatness; braidei, breadth; frodei, wisdom; hardu-hairiei, hard-heartedness; drugkayieK drunkedness. iSome have no corresponding adjectives, but they likewise denote a state; e. g., Imurstei, thirst; magapci, virginity. Only a few have a concrete meaning, as aipei, mother; pramsfei, grasshopper, locust; kilpei, womb; tmirei sea; ha'irnci, skull. Note 1. Adjectival abstracts in -ei and verbal abstracts in -<'/// ,v (comp. § !(i;{, n. 1) are closely related, as hduhei, height (from hduhs) but hduheins, elevation (from lu'mhjan). Both have ace. sing, hdnhcin. In one case there is confusion. There has been formed as genit. sing, of wajamercins, blasphemy, wajamereins, (.John. X. 3^), in consequence of which a nom. wajamirei is supposed to have existed. But such a form is, according to its meaning, impossible. Note 2. In codex B three noms. sing, in -ein are met with: liuhadein, o Declension of Nouns. 45 light, II. Cor. IV. 4 {liuhadeins A; comi». Tor this j^Beruluirdt^), wiljuhal- ]>eiii, favor, Col. III. '25 (A wM\img)^ gatjndein, jiiety 1. Tim. IV. S [gagiidei A). Note 'S. The comparatives, the siii)erlatives in -ma, and the pres. participles form their feminine according to vianagci (com]). § l.'Ci, d. 4). C) MISCELLANEOUS INFLECTIONS. (CONSONANTAL STEMS. ANOMALIES). § 114. Names deuotiug relatioiisliip in -r. The words bropar, brotlier; dauhtar, daughter; swisfar, sister; faclar, father, having lost their original consonantal inflection in u. a. d. phir., follow in these cases the z^-declension (§ 104). Paradigm: Sing. N. bro|?ar Pliir. brofrjus (x. br6[7rs brojn-e D. brotr bro}'rum A. brol'ar br6]?runs. § 115. Pres. participles in Gothic decline like weak ad- jectives (§133). An older (substantival) inflection, however, is still retained in some participles used as nouns. Paradigm : nasjands, savior. Sing. N. nasjands Plur. nasjands G. uasjandis nasjaude D. nasjand nasjandam A. nasjand nasjands V. nasjand — Other exam])les are: fijands, enemy; frijonds, friend; daupjands, the Baptist; merjatids, preacher; bisltands, neighbor; (ahjands^ master; all- waldands , all-ruling, almighty; frarveitands, avenger; fraiijindnds, ruler; midujiidnds, mediator; gihands, giver. § 116. A number of feminines following in some cases the /-decl. {ansts §102), appear in others as short forms; the latter are remains of an old consonantal inflection. Paradigm : haurgs^ burg, town. Sing. N. baiirgs Plur. N. baurgs G. baurgs G. baurge D. baurg D. baiirgim A. baurg A. baurgs. Like haurgs inflect also alhs , temple; spaurds, race-course, furlong; brnsts, breast; dulps^ feast; waihts, thing; miluks, milk; mitaps (d), measure. The word nali/s, night, goes exactly like baurgs, with the exception of the dat. pi. which has nahtam. 40 Inflectii>ns. Chap.;!. Note 1. jvailils and dulj>s follow also the j-dedousion throughout. Tints gen. sing, tvaihls and jvaihlais, dulpais. § 117. Masculines with short (consonantal) cases: manna, man; menops, montli; reiks , ruler; welttrocls, witness (conij). i^7l, n. 2). They ditler however in some forms. 1) manna has some forms of the w-tleel. {gnma % lo7). These forms we have put in Italics: Sing. N. manna Plur. N. mans, manitans (f. mans G. manne D. maun D. mannam A. mannan A. mans, maanans. 2) menops goes like hadrgs (§ 116), but has dat. i)lur. menopum. 3) Sing'. Nom. reiks Gen. reikis Dat.V Ace. re'ik. riur. Nom. Ace. reiks Gen. reikc Dat. relkam. Also weitwods occurring only in n. a. sing., n. g. pi. — Ac- cordingly, the short forms only in n. (a.) plur., the other cases are the same as in the ^/-decl. {dugs %%)). Whether dat. sing, be 1-eik or rclka, remains doubtful. Note 1. Here belongs also n. bajops, d. bajujnim, both (see §H(),n. 1). § 118. I on, lire, is in n. a. sing, a neuter of the «-decl. {traurd § 03), while gen. dat. have funins, fim'in. — Plur. does not occur. Comp. § 12, n. \\. APPENDIX. DECLENSION OF FOREIGN WORDS. § 119. A number of foreign words were fully adopted from the Greek and Latin into the Gothic through commercial intercourse, so that their inflection is the same as that of ge- nuine (iothic words. E g., pund, u., pound; marikreitus, m., pearl; Kreks, m., Greek; kurkaru, f, dungeon; alcw, n., oil; kaisar, Caesar. § 120. A second portiim of foreign words were forced on the Gothic language by Christianity and especially by the version of tlie Bible. To these belong for the most part ])ro- per nouns; these are still felt to be foreign elements and Declension of Adjectives. 47 have but imperfectly adopted the Gothic inflectiou. For their treatment in Glothie no fixed rules can be given. Sometimes they retain their Greek inflection, sometimes they adopt either closely related Gothic or arbitrarily formed cases. — Comp. Vulfila ed. Benihardt p. XXVIII. Note ]. Greatest consistency of inflection ol" foreign words is foimd in the Greek masculines in -og, Lat. -us: tliey intlect like nouns of the M-decl. (§§ 104. 105); e.g., Faitrus, Burpttulaumaius, Teihis, aipiskaupus, eniaxoTiog; apaustmUus, dnoaroXog; aggilus, ayyfXoq; sahbatus, sabbath; but only in the sing.; plural forms which, however, are rare, follow the f-declension ; e.g., itpauslauleis, sabbalins , aggilcis , aggile, besides ag- giljus. Note 2. The following are cases where Greek inflection is retained — alabalstraun, aXu^^uGj t^ov ; praildriaim tiquitojqiov ; of Israeleites nom. plur. Israeleitai = ^loQu^Xlrai R. IX. 4 or (with Gothic inflection) Israelileis II. Cor. XI. 22. Note 3. One example of arbitrary inflection may suffice: the Greek iniaxoh] is uoui. sing. Gothic aipistuide. Of this occur dat. sing, {lipi- slaulein, d. pi. aipislaulem, ace. pi. aipislaidans. CHAP. II. DECLENSION OF ADJECTIVES. § 121. In Gothic, as in all other Germanic languao-es, adjectives have two forms of inflection — the weak and the strong. The strong inflection is the original one, correspon- ding- to that of the related languages, the weak arose first on Germanic soil. Every normal adjective may have both a weak and a strong inflection. The distinction is a syntactic one: the former is employed after the article and in most cases where the adjective is used substantively, the latter when the adjective is used ])redicatively, or attributively without the article. A) STRONG ADJECTIVES. § 122. The strong inflection of adjectives is in part the same as the vo>vel- (or strong) inflection of substantives with which it was originally identical. Some cases in the Germanic languages, however, have adopted the pronominal inflection, in consequence of which the adjectival inflection no longer fully corresponds to that of the substantives. The nom. sing. neuter has two forms of the same value: that of the substantive and that of the pronoun (in -atct). 48 luricrtioiis. Cliap. II. Adjec'tiNos in (iutliii- lia\c three \u\vel deeleiisiouH, like substantives. — 1) Adjectives o\' the ^'/-declension which coi- res])()nd to the a-dccl. <»t' nouns in the niasc. and neut. (§ 81> etseci.), to the T^-decl. (i? iKi et se([.) in the fern. — A sub- division is tuinied by the ./Vz-stenis, analogously to tiie eorre- S])ondini;' substantivt^s. 2) Adjectives of tlie /-deel. eorrespon- din.n' to tile substantives under i?i5 W — 103. ->) Adjectives of the w-decl. belonging to the nouns under §§ 104—106. There are however only a few remains of classes 2) and 3). The few adjectives of these classes have in most cases past into tiie iirst ehiss, so that the normal strong declension of adjectives in (lothic embraces tlie /^/-declension and its subdivisions, the y«-stems. Note 1. To the strong declension belong all pronouns exc'e|)t sama and silba (§ 132, n. :<), the cardinal numbers, inasmuch as they in- flect adjectively. Also an/>(ir, other, second, and adjectives of a more general meaning, -as hI/s, all; f/unohs, enough; /(«/&*, half ; midjis, medius; fulls, full. § 123. Paradigm of the strong adjective declension. blinds, blind. Pronominal forms differing from the inflection of the corresponding substantives, are put in Italics: Sing. Masc. Neut. N. blinds blind, hiindata G. blindis D. blindamma A. blindana blind, blindala Plur. N. blindai blinda G. blinduizi D. blind aim A. bliudans blinda Fern, blinda blindaizos blindai blinda blindos blind aizo blind aim blindos § 124. Here belong most adjectives. H g., hails, healthy; sinks, sick; juggs, young; Iriggws, true; swinps, strong; ubils, evil; aiireins, eternal; hdipiwisks, wild; mahteigs, mighty; un- slcigs, merciful; manags, many, much; modags, angry; handugs, wise, handy. ■ — Also adjective pronouns, as meins, my; }>eins, thy; seins, his; jains, that; the superlatives (§ 137), the ])ai-ti- eiples pret. ])ass., as nurnans, taken; nasips, saved (comp. § 134). Note 1. According to § 7S. n. 2, the s of tl^e nom. sing, is dropped 1) after .?, for example, swSs, swesis, one's own; //ar/iss, gftqissis, con- senting. 2) after r preceded by a short vowel: iinj'ur , other, second; Declension of Adjectives. 49 unsar, our; izwar, your; kapur, which of tiie two; the noiii. pi. ivarai must have had a nom. sing. *n;«?-, wary. Note 2. The rules for the hardening of tinal soft spirants (§ 79) nuist be noted, for example in: fi'df^s, frodis, wise: gof>s, godis, good {v5 74) liufs, liubis, beloved; daufs, dar, have in the neuter sing, onlj' the shorter forms unsar, izwar., etc. § 125. Adjective stems whose case-euclings are preceded l^y J (ya-stems) have most of their forms like blinds. Only a few forms undergo* a change under the influence of the j. Also here, as with nouns, we distinguish between short- and lougsyllabic y«-stems. Paradigm of a short-syllabic /a-stem: inidjis, middle. 8ing. Masc. Neut. Fern. N. midjis uiidi, midjata midja G. midjis midjaizos D. midjamma midjai A. midjana midi, midjata midja Plur. I N. midjai midja ! midjos G. midjaize raidjaizo D. midjaim midjaim A. midjaus midja I midjos § 126. The inflection of the masc. midjis is related to that of the noun harjis (§§ 90, 92) , the neuter 7nidi to kuni (§ 93. 95). The fem. midja has no deviation whatever. To this class belong very few adjectives. Like midjis go also those whose stems end in a vowel: niujis new, -tojis, doing (as ubUtojis evil-doing). Note 1. It is owing to the small number of these adjectives that a few forms of the above paradigm are not met with. Thus the short form of the neuter midi is taken only according to those with long syllables (§ 127), and that of niujis would be ni7vi: only niujala occurs. Note 2. The adjective stem frija-, free, which occurs in the fem. sing., frija, frijaizds. frijai, frija, and in the masc. forms — a. s. frijana, n. pi. frijai, a. frijans, is contracted in the n. s. masc. — freis (for frijis). The g. s. also, if found, would be freis. Brauue, Goth, grauimar. 4 no liiticctioiis. Cliuii. II. § 127. Tlic |)lur;il of loni;-syHn1)i(' stems in -/>/ (l(»es not (lilVer from tli;it of mkljis. 'IMie sini;'. ol tlio i)unulii;ni wi/jjeis (stiMii n-ill^Jd-). wild, inflects thus: Sing. .\lahc. Neul. ] Fern. N. \vil(H'is wiij'i. \vi]|>j:it.'i wilf^i (J. |\vil)>('is| [wiil'jaizo.sj \). wil|/|aimiiii wiljjjai A. \\il|'iaii:i wiij'i, wilj^'jata | wilj>ja § 12S. The mase. is rcluted to tlie noun hairdeis (§i; 90. 02), tlic fern, to handi (^ OO. 08 j. None of the few adjeetives of thin elass oeeurs in the i;en. sin<:,'. Further Exaini»les: (i/peis, (dd; /'alnifis. (dd: /ih-zeis, astray; ivojjeis, s\veet. § 120. Of adjeetives of the /- and ?<-de(d. in (^othie, us has been stated in § 112, only a few remains are I'ound, vi/.: nom. sin^'. of all gender.s and ace. sing", neut. All other eases adopted the inflection of they«-stems (§§ 125 — 127). The same is the case with the weak forms (§ 132, n. 1). § 180. The adjective stems in -/ are related to the sub- stantives halgs, ansls (§§ 90 — 103). Such arc: hrains, clean; gatna'ms, common; bricks, useful; analaugns, secret; anasiuns, visible; midancms, agreeable; andasets, abominable; sels, kind; sals, sweet; gafdiirs, sober {unfdurs, not sober, tattling); aljd- ktmps, alien. The ])aradigui hrains is thus inflected: Sing. Masc. Neut. Fern. N. brains lirain [hraiujata] liraius G. [liraiueis] jhrainjaizos] D. lirainjamuia lirain jai A. hraiujata lirain lirainja Plur. N. lirainjai hrainja lirainjos e(c. Note 1. Examples fur the geu. plur. and the longer neuter form {kraiujala) are wanting. Note 2. A word may witli certainty be referred to this olas.s 1) if it occurs in the n. s. f. {hrains), 2) if, besides n. s. mase. and neut., also cases witli/are found. If only noms. niase. and neut. Iirai/is, hraiu, occur, then the word may also inflect like blinds (^ 12.'!); if only /-cases (as lirain j(ini)tia) are found, it may decline like iviljwis , niidjis (>i, 127. 12.'.). UtliL-r adJectiNCs also, however without sufticient examijles but for other Declension ot' Adjectives. )1 considerations, arc included in this class, as skaiins, beautiful; ((u/>s, waste; luiuns, base; hli'if>s, kind; (jaddfs , fitting'. Note ;{. From adverbs in -ihn (§ 210) adjectival /-stems ma}- be inferred, as arniba, gatemiha. § 131. The iuljective stems in n are rehitetl to the substan- tives, siinus (feni. handus), faJhu (><§ 104 — lOG). Such are: hardus, hard; qa'trnts, patient; jMii'irsns, dry; tiilgus, steadfast; manwns, ready; aggirus, narrow; mjhis, dit'tieult; seipus, late; fjlaqus, tender; twalihuintriis, twelve years old. The paradigm hardus inflects thus: Neut. Fern, liardu, hardjata [hardus] hardu, hardjata hardja Sing'. Masc. N. hardns A. hardjaiia Plur. N. hardjai [hardjaj etc. hardjos Note 1. Whether adjectives belong here may be seen from their nom. sing. Others also however, merely because of their /-cases, have been put into this class, ah Imisliandus. empty-handed; hnasqus, soft, kaurus, heavy. Note 2. From the adverb ylaggwubu (§ 210) the existence of an adj. glaggwus maj' be inferred. B) WEAK ADJECTIVES. § 132. The weak declension of adjectives is in every respect identical with the weak or n-declensiou of nouns (§§ lf>7 — 112). But it must be borne in mind, that the fem. of the weak adj. follows the inflection of the paradig-m luggo (comp. § 112, n. 1). — Paradigm of a weak adjective {blinds § 123): Sing. Masc. Neut. ! Fem. N. blinda blindo blindo G. blindins blindOns D. blindin bliudon A. blindan blindo blindon Plur. N. bliudans blindona ' bliudons G. blindane I blindono D. bliudam blindoui* A. blindans blindona i blindons Note 1. Like blinda inflect all weak adjectives. Ofya-stems: n. s. niidja, mid jo , midju (comp. § 125), ivilpja (§ 127); — /-stems: hrainja, hrninjo; — ?<-stems: hardja, hardjo (comp. § 129 et seq.). Note 2. Some adjectives occur only in their weak forms, as us- f/nidjit, idle, desjjondent; ulaj>arba, poor; usfiiirinu, blameless; iiikilj'o, •6* Inflections. Cliap. 11. I)rt'j;nant, and a few others wliic-li will in part lia\ e to be regarded as stib- stantive.s. (eonip. Liclitenlield, zs. fda. XVllI, 4 1 n.). Note 15. All ordinal iiiinil)er.s from ;j onwards are intlec-ted only as weak adjectives (eonip. ^ 110), and the pronouns siDna and silba {% 15t)). Note 1. l^astly prs. participles (§ 1;j;j), comparatiAes (5; 13Gj, and the superlative tbrmatious in -ma (§ i;U)) are inflected oidy as weak ad- jectives. All these adjectives, however, havt^ the feminine a<'- cording to tlie paradigm managci (J; 113, ii. :>). Oj DECJ. ENSIGN OF THE rAimCIl'LES. § 138. The i)reH. i)Hi-tic'iplc lui!^ lost the .stroug- inflection and declines like a weak adj., hut with the feminine in -el (§132. u. 4). The noni. sing-, niasc. only has frequently both the strong and the weak inflection. Paradigm gihands, giving: Sing. Masc. X, gibands gibanda ^ G. gibandins D. gibandin A. gibandan j Plur. I N. gibandans \ G. gibandane D. gjbandam A. gibandans £ Note 1. Concerning the shorter inflection of some participles used as substantives, see § 115. § 134. Pret. participles passive, like an ordinary adj., have the strong and weak inflections. Thus of the strong verb giban: Partic. pret. strong: m. gibans w. giban, gibanata i.gibana weak: gibana gibano glbano Of the weak verb nasjan: Partic. pret. strong.: m, nasips u. 7iasip, nasidata f. nasida weak: nasida nasido nasido. Note 1. For the interchange between /' and d in the i)art. pret. of strong verbs, see § 7-1. D) COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES. J) COMPARATIVE DEGREE. § 135. In Gothic the comparative degree of adjectives is fomi^ by means of two sufflxes — -iz- and -oz- to which the endings of the weak adjective are added. The formation by means of -iz- is the more common. It Neut. Ffem. ibaudo gibandei gibandeins gibandein jibando gibanddn pbanddna gibandeins gibandeino gibandeim 'ibandona gibandeins Deoleiision of .Xdjfctives. 58 is found in adjectives of any kind; c. g., managiza (from ma- nags, r/-stem), aiyiza (from alpe'is §§ 127. 28), hardiza (from hardus § 131). — The suffix -qz.- is found only witli //-ste ms — frodoza (from /rop), s/rinpoza (from swbips). Note 1. The adj. juf/gs (youug has compar. ju/iiza aceording to § 50, n. 1. The superl. does not occur. § 136. The inflection of comparatives goes exactly like adjectives, the feminine ending- in ei (§ 132, n. 4). Sing. N. masc. frodoza neut. frodozo fern, frodbzci G. frodozbis froddzeius etc., exactly like the pres. ])artic. (^ 133). 2) SUPERLATIVE DEGREE. § 137. The superlative degree, like the comparative, is formed in two ways: by means of the suffixe -isl- or -ost-; e. g., managists (from manags), armosfs (from arms, poor). The superl., like an ordinary adjective, follows the strong and the weak inflections. Note 1. No rule cau be given in couneotiou with the apijearaucc of the o- or the /-forms, save that tlie ^y-forni is fonnd only Avith rt-stenis. It must be taken for granted that a word forming the compar. by means of /, does the same also in the superlative, and that, likewise, the ^-torms ecu'respond to one another. But since we have not sufficient examples, this can only be applied to a few words. Note 2. The strong superlative does not seem to have had a neuter form in -ala. 3) IRREGULAR COMPARISON. '§ 138, Some adjectives do not admit of any comparison. In this case comparatives and superlatives of a corresponding- meaning, whose positives are wanting, are used instead. 'jdps, (d) good Comp. badza Su])erl. baiists ubils, evil , wairsiza „ — mikils, great „ inaiza „ tnaisls leiiils, little „ minniza „ minnists sineigs, old „ — „ sinista. § 139. The following six superlatives which have no positive are formed from adverbial stems by means of an w-suffix, wliich is either simple, as in fru-ma or InniMna, aulm-ma — or compound, as in af-tuma, if-tuma, hiei-duma. Two of them have received a comparative meaning: uu- huma, higher; hleidnmn left {nQiGx^Qoa); the rest have a super- lative or an intensive meaning: aflnma, the last; Ifiicma, the next; innuma, the innermost; fruma, the first. ni Iiiflcctiitiis. (liap. III. These \V(»r(ls follow tlio weak indcetion. Imi with the t'eininiiie in ei, exaetly like eompavatives. Note J. S(»mo of the above words arc again (•oiiii)are(l in the usual manner: aftumisis, the last; auhumisls, the liighest; frumists, the first. — From the forms Iiinflimiisls , the outeruujst; spedumisls, the last (from ''Sjuy>s , and si/cdiza, sjicilisis) \vc may infer llie existence of the forms hiiidiimd and spSduma, \vliicli do not occur. CHAP. III. NUMERALS. 1) CARDINALS. § 140. The lirst three numerals are deelinable in all eases and genders. 1. ains, n. din and dhmUi., f. ama, infleet like the strong adjeetive ll'indx (§ 123). The ])lur. has the meaning- of ^^only,,. The weak form a/wa, ainb = ^^ solus,,. Masc. Neut. Fern. N. twai twa twos G. twaddje — D. twaim twaim A. twans twa twos N.' ..ftL<. JTija — G. ]n-ije — D. I'rim — A. I^rins I'rija I ]?rins. Nom. mase. and fem. whieh do not occur, can with cert.ainty be taken as preis. Note 1. Tlie definite dual number two, both, ainporeQoi is expressed by bni declining like Iwai. It is found in masc. n. bai, d. bairn, a. bans; neut. n. a. ba. There occurs also a longer form with the same meaning, n. ba- jdps, d. bajopum; its inflectifin is that of a consonantal substantive (§ 117). § 141. The numbers from 4 — 10 are of one gender. Of these occur: 4 fidwor, T) fmif, *> saihs, 7 sibun, 8 alitau, 9 niun. It) taihun,, 11 am/// (§ 5Gn.l), 12 ttralif, 44 fidwor I mhun, 15 /imflaihun. The}' are all used as indeclinable^, but gen. and dat. may follow the inflection of the /-decl. (§ 99 et. seq.). Thus of 4 dat. fidrvbrim, of 9 gen. niune, of 10 dat. iaihunim, of 11 dat. ainlibim, of 12 gen. iiralihe, dat. Iwulibim. Note ]. In compounds /i(hir- (see ii 15, n. 1) is found for /idtvur: ftdurfalps, fourfold; fiditrdogs. sjiacc of 1 days; fidrirragineis , tetrarch. Comp. Kluge, Beitr. YI. .'ill4. Nunierids. 55 ^ § li2. The tens tVoni 20- -(j(» arc ninucd by adding tlic ' plural tigjus (from * tigus, decade) to the units, t'lgjus goes regularly like sunus (§ 104). Tiie thing counted is always put ,[ in the genetive. 20, hraitigjus; oO, ''"p/yistj^jus (of which arc found, gen. prijetigirve , ace. prinstigims)^. 40, /idwortigjus; 50 fimftigjus, GO saihstigjus. ^ § 143. From 70 onwards lehund takes the place of ligjus: 70, sihwntehu7id; 80, ahtauiehund; 00, nkintehund ; 100, taihun- Ichund and faihuniaihund. lehund is a noun generally left un- declined. An inflected gen. sing, is once (Luc. XV, 7) met with: Mi niunlchundis jah niune garaihlaize. § 144. The hundreds are formed with the plur. of the neuter Imnd (a hundred). Of these are found twa hunda, 200; ftrija hunda, 300; fimfhunda, 500; n'mn hunda, 900. § 145. The number 1000, pusundi, is a feminine noun (going like handi § 96) and is followed by the gen. Besides the regular plur. ptisundjos, the neut. plur. twa pihundja is found once (Esdr. II, 15), Tlie thousands occurring are: 2000, twos pusundjos; 3000, .g. pusundjos; 4000, fidnor pusmidjos; hOQO, fimf pusundjos; 10000, taihunp.; 20000, dai, mip Uvalm- tigum pusimdjo. Note 1. Numbers are very often expressed l»y letters (conip. § 1, n. 2). Therefore so many examples for numbers are wanting. 2) ORDINALS. § 14G. The first two ordinals have stems different from the corresponding cardinals. 1'' fruma, n. frumb, f. frumci (§ 139), and the superlative formation frumists, the first (§ 139, u. 1). 2"*^ anpar, the second, other, inflects as a stroiig adjective (§ 122, u. 1, § 124, ns. 1.4). — All other ordinals are connected with the cardinals and inflect like weak adjectives (§ 132, n. 3). Of these are found: o'^ prldja, 5"' ^-fimfta (only in 15"'), 0"' sa'thsta, 8"' ahliida, 9'^' niunda, 10"' (athunda, 15"' /imfla- tmhunda. Only the second ])art suffers inflection: dat. sing. in jcra /im/'ta(aihundin Luc. Ill, 1. ;3) OTHER NUMERALS. § 147. A distributive number is f/reihnai, two at a time, which occurs only in the dat. ace. fem. tiveihnaim, liveihnos. 56 IiiHcctinns. Cap. IV. Note I. The dislrihiitivrs arc o.xi)rcssc(l by means of haziih, harji zuh (§§ Hi). U>.")), or hy the prepus. bi, as insnndida his ttvans banzuh J)y two.s, Liiki' X. I, bi ttvans 1. Cor. XIV. 27. § 148. Mnltiplieatives are formed by means of the adj. falp-: (I'mfalps, sin.ulo; fidurl'alJjUj fourfold; falhunfaihund/'a/ps, a hundredfold; m/niag/'alfjs, manyfohl. § 149. Numeral adverbs indicating? J\o\y many times, are expressed by the dats. sinpa, sinpam (nom. ships, Journey, a time, motion) ])reeeded by the cardinal: ainanuna sinpa, once; hvaim sinpam, twice; prim sinpam, thrice; fimf s., five times; sibwi s., seven times. — With the ordinal number: a,nparamma sinpa, the second time. Note 1. As an adverb is also t'oinid the, nent. fvidjo, the third time TI. Cor. XII. 14. CHAP. IV. PRONO UNS. 1) PERSONAL PRONOUNS OF COMMON GENDER (REFLEXIVUM). § 150. I. person. 2. person. Reflcxivuni. Sing. N. ik l>ii — G. meinu j^eina seiua D. mis l>iis sis A. mik l^iik sik Dual N. wit >- ' — G. iigkara igqara seina D. ugkis igqis sis A. ugkis, ugk igqis sik Plur. N. weis jus — G. unsara izwara seina D. uns, unsis izwis sis A. uns, unsis izwis sik. N ofe 1. For ugkis, igqis, etc. also uggkis, iggqis is written; coinp § 67, n. 1. Note 2. The n. dual. 2'"! pers. not being found, may with certainty be inferred to be jut. § 151. From stems of these pronouns adjectives are derived, the so-called possessive pronouns. 1"^ p.: m. meins, n. mein, meinata, f. meina, mine; 2"'^ \i. peins, thine; re^. seifis, \m. Plurals: 1'' p. unsar, our; 2"'' ]). izwar, your. Of dual forms only igqar is found, 1"** \). would be ugkar. Note J. Tlicse prouuuiiuul ndjec-tivcs inflect exactly like the strong PrmiDiiTis. r,7 adjective; for unsar, izwar. comp. 5; \'l\, n. I and 4. — No weak inflection is met with. Note 2. The reflexive seins occurs only in g. d. a. The nominatives of all genders and numbers are replaced by the genitives of the third person; is, izds\ izc, iza. (§ 1 52). § 151 2) THIRD PERSON. Sing. Masc. Nciil. N. is, he ita, il G. is D. imma A. ina ita Plnr. N. eis ija G. izc P. im A. ins [iiiil I Fern. si, she j izos I izai I ija I [ijos] I izo im ' ' ijos Note 1. Ace. and gen. pi. masc. and nom. plur. fem. do not occur, but the forms given are quite certain. 3) demonstrativp: pronouns. § 153. The simple demoiiBtative pronouu .sa, so, paUi is used both as demonstrative pronoun this, that, (to express the flreek ovtoq or avtoc) and, with a weakened force, as article (the). The latter use is predominant. — The neuter sing-, (as also the inter rog*. pr. § 159) has preserved its instru- mental case. Masc. Neut. Fem. sa I'ata so |?is J'izos [»amnia l^izai l>ana )?ata ]?6 I'e Sing. N. G. D. A. Instr. Plur. N. G. D. A. l?ai ]>o jnze )?aim )?6s ]?iz6 I'aim )?6s. j'ans ]>o Note 1. The tinal an of the dissyllabic forms are dropped before the vowels of words attached to them as enclitics; comp. § 4, n. 1. § 154. A compound demonstrative pronoun is foraaed by affixing- the enclitic jiarticle uh to the simple demonstrative pronouns. Comp. § 24, n. 2. It is used like the simple dem. 58 Inflections. ('Iim)i. IV. sa moaning- ..litis, flint. ( - drook orroj or nrro^), but always (loiiionstrativclv, not as article. - Its forms arc: Sill};. (i. I). A. Mast sail I'lZUll I'aiiiiiiiil 'aiiiili riiir. N. (J. I). A. 'aih I'izrlil I'aiiimlil Ncut. batiil) atiili IH'i Notl! I. § 155. soli ll^izuzulij ||?izail)| ll-oh] U'ozuh) fl>izoli] ||'aiiiiuli| f|7(JZUhJ Ihinzulil ll'oli] The forms in | | arc not found. A definite iironoun hi- (noni. */«a- = /*■ § 152) nieauing- ,this„, occurs only in tenqioral phrases in the dative ni. n. hinwm and in the ace. ni. n. hina, ito, e. g*. himma daya, hina daya, to-day, till to-day; und hit a, till uow. § 15(5, Jains'*), n. jainata, f. jaina ^.tliat, (for the ai comp. § 20) inflects like blinds (§ 124). As weak adjectives decline silba, self, and sama, or, with the article, sa sama, the same (comp. § 132, n. 3). 4) RELATIVE PRONOUNS. § 157. The (lothic lanii,uage has no simple relative pro- noun, but forms the latter from the simple demonstr. pron. by adding the ]nirtiele ei which, when used independently assumes the meaning of the conjunction ^ that, in order that,. The relat. pronoun inflects thus: Fern, sooi I'rzozci J^izaiei fwei pozci [J^izoei] l^aimei bozei. Sing. JNIasc. Neul. N. saci I'atci G. pizei D. I'aiiunci A. jninci I'atfi Instr. — pcci Plur. N. I'aici Voci G. pizeci D. ):>ainiei A. I'anzci I'oei ■ ) (Joiii]». N. E. yon. — Trofessor St. II. Carpenter in his Anglo-Saxon Grammar \). 17, i; ;>2, n. 2. says: yon is still used as a demonstrative at tlie South-, e.g., yon house fur that house. — Tr. Pronouns 59 Note 1. Tlu' iieiit. iiistniiiu'iital J'cci is used diily as ;i coiijimctioii. Note 2. A secondary form of fMiIci is />tv' being used only in eon- nection with -hah (5; ]()4, n. 1) and (like fmlei) as a eonjunetion (that). Comp. Beitr. IV. p. 407. Note 3. Instead of the n. s. niase. saei, the form izei is used, formed from the 3. IV. (\) INDKI INITE PRONOUNS. § |H2. Tlio indefinite pvononn sunin, f. suiiia , n. snjii, si/ffia/t/, s()nu>. inflects like a strong- adjective and is used adjectively; in the sense of ^^ sonic one, somebody., it stands also as a substantive. Note 1. An cTHniitTativc expression is sums-sums (= (4r. /) //?'»• — o rU). In most eases uh (ij 24, n. 2) is added to the second part, some- times also to tlie first, as sutnai-sumai/i or sumaih-sumaih, some — otliers. Note 2. 'I'he interrofjative i)ron. huis (150) is also very often used as an indcf. prou. ^Jmy one,. § 163. The enclitic particle -Inut forms indefinites all of which occur only with the nej::ative pai-tielc m. Their meaning- is .nobody.. — a) The singular of manna, man (§ 117) combined with -hun in the sense of .nobody „. — The forms occurring are: n. ni mannahun, g. ni mamhun, d. ni mannhun, a. ni mannanlum. b) Likewise there is used substantively ni hashun, nobody (from has § 159). Only the nom. sing, is found.. c) By far most frequent is ni ainshun used both without none,, and with a following substantive ..no„ not any,,. The substantive following- always takes the partitive g-enit., e. g., ni ainshun fjiwc no servant Luke XVI. 3 — The forms of ainshun in some cases differ from the simple form ains (§ 140). Sing. Masc. Neut. Fem. N. ainshun ainhxm ainohun G. ainishun — D. ainummehuu ainaihuu A. alnnohun j .^j^^^^^ amohun ainohun. Note 1. -hun occurs also in combination with the subst. heila (§ 07), as heildhun, for an hour, Gal. II. 5 {ni heildhun ov6l nQog oipav). § 164. The word for ^^ every „ is formed by adding uh to the interrogative pronouns. a) h-azuh, every. The noun, or pronoun, following takes the genitive, hazuh which in some cases differs from the simple from has (§ 159) is thus inflected: Conjugation. I. Strong \'orbs. Sing. Masc. Neut. Fern N. hrazuli hrah lir»)li G. luizuh — D. Ivanimeli — A. luaiiuh li'ali — Plnr. A. liranznli — — Gl Of the i)lur. only the aec. hanzuh is found. Note 1. The iudetinite relative j^whoever^ ^jWhusooverfl (Lat. quicun- que, German wer unr immer) is expressed 1) by hazuh saei, or, with sa prefixed, sahazuh saei. In place of saei also /i^2 occurs (§'157, n. ;{). — These forms hold good only for the n. s. masc. But the nom. neut. palahah JKi {pei =^ Imlei % 157, n. 2) occurs also twice (John XV. 7, 16). ^ 2) by pishazuk followed by saei or ei in all cases, the first part, pis, remaining uninflected: Masc. n. pishazuk saei, d. pishammeh saei, a. pislvandh saei; — Neuter n. a,, pishah pei (or patei), g.piskizuh pei, d. pishammeh pei. § 165. b) harjizuh, eveiy, each. Sing. Masc. Neut. Fern. N. luarjizuh hrarjatoh G. hrarjizuh D. hrarjammch A. hrarjanoh [hrarjatoh] hrarjoh Note 1. harjizuh is also compounded with (undeclinable) ain, as ainharjizuh, every (one); neut. ainharjaloh d. ainharjammeh, etc. § 166. ^^Each of two„ is rendered by haparuh which is found only in the dat. Jvaparammeh Skeir. 46 (an evident cor- rection for the hraparanmia of the MS. For this comp. ^Bern- hardt„). — A more emphatic form is ainhaparuh (comp. § 165, n. 1), each one of two. CHAP. V. CONJUGATIOIV. GENERAL REMARKS. § 167. The Gothic verb has the following forms: 1) Two Voices, Active and Passive. The Active Voice alone shows still a great variety of forms. The Middle Voice is retained in only a few, but frequently occuring, forms of the Pres. Ind. and Optative. The middle forms have a passive force. Hence the Middle Voice is also called Passive Voice or Medio-Passive. 2) Two Tenses, Present and Preterit (Perfect). The (l2 IlltlcCtiolls. ('li;l|). V. Preterit is tlie oiilv tense tor the past. A Future is not found; it is i;ener;ill\ represented l)_v the i)resent, rarely by (•ireundoenti«»n with auxiliary verbs (.s7.//A/?/, shall: Itahtni. luive; (highuKin, bei;iu). :?) Two ('oni])kite Moods, lndi('ati\e and ()]>tati\e (also ealled Subjuneti^ e). An Imperative is formed from the Present only, from whieh it takes the Seecuul l\'rsons ol all three Nund»ers. and one First Person Plur. — A Tliird IVrsun Imper. Sinj;-. and Plur. oceiirs only in a lew exanrples. The 'IMiird Person Imper. is generally expressed by the Third Person Opt. i>ut also the Seeoiul and First Persons Imper. are otten expressed by the Optat. 4) Three Numbers, Sinj;ular, Dual, and Plural. The Third Person Dual is wanting'. T)) Three Verbal Nouns, Infinitive, Present Partieiple with an aetive, Perfect Parti ciijle. with a ])assive meaning. § 1G8. V^erbs in (Tothie are, from a (iermano-CJothie stuudpoiut, to be arranged aeeording as they form their Preterits iu relation to the Presents: Thus we have Two Chief C 1 a s s e s : 1. STRONG VERBS. Strong- verbs form their ])reterits without a^i addition, but by a change of the radical vowel, or in some cases by redupli- cation. Thus we have the following subdivisions: 1) Verbs with an al)laut. These form the preterit without reduplication, but by changing the vowel of the present (comj). §29), e.g., hinda, 1 bind; hand, 1 bound. 2) Reduplicated Verbs. The preterit has a redupli- cation but no vowel-change, e. g., halda, 1 hold; haihald, I held, o) Verbs with l)oth a reduplication and an ablaut. To this class belong only a few verbs, e. g"., let a, I let; la'ildt, 1 let (])ret.). IT. AVEAK VERBS. Weak verbs form the jireterit by an increase at the end, which begins with a dental consonant, e. g., nasja, I save; jiasida, 1 saved. In this added -da some see a form ol" the verb ^to do. ((iermanic doit), and s(» the weak ]>reterit is also ealled ^ compound preterit,. Conj ligation. I. Strong Verbs. OR Weak verbs are all derivative verbs. Aceordiiif;- to the formative suffixes wliieli appear most clearly in the preterit forms, the weak verbs are divided into four classes: I) Suffix: '/ (in the present/): nasju, nasi-da. 2) Suffix o: salbo, sa/ho-du. ;>) Suffix t(i (])artially obscured in the present): haba, Jialidi-da. 4) Suffix no (present n): fuUna^ fullm-da. Note 1. The small imiuber ot" verbs whieli cannot be referred to the two chief chi.sses, must, according to tliis chissification, be considered irregular. I. STRONG YERIJS. A. INFLECTION OF STRONG VERBS. § 160. The inflection of strong- verbs is the same in all three classes (§ 108). Therefore we first give the paradigms of inflection and then discuss the formation (different in each class) of tense-stems. As i)aradig"ms we give a redujjlieated verb, ha'ttan, to be called, and two ablaut verbs, niman, to take; b'tndun, to offer, § 170. a) PRESENT ACTIVE. indicative. Sing. 1. 2. nima nimis nimi|' biiida biiidis biudil> haita haitis liaiti)' Dual 1. 2. nimos ~ nimats biiidos liiiidats h.aitos haitats Phir. 1. 2. :i. nimam nimil^ , nimand - biiidam biudi|> bliidand liaitam haiti)' haitand Optative. Sing. 1. 2. 3. nimau > uimai!?^ nimai biudaii biudais biudai haitau haitais haitai Dual 1. 2. nimaiwa nimaits biudaiwa biudaits haitaiwa haitaits Phir. 1. 2. 3. nimaima nimai|' niniaina biudaima biudaij? biudaina haitaima haitai)^ baitaina Imperative. Sing. 2. nim 3. nimajjaii bin)' l)iudadaii halt haitaduu Dual 3. uiuiats biiidats haitats «)4 lnH('ctit)iis. CliM)). V O IMiir. 1. iiiiiiaiii liiiulaiii haitaiii 2. niiiii|> ItiiKlij' liaitij' ;;. iiiniaiidaii liiiulandaii liaitandan 1 iifinitiN I iiiuian biiidau liaitaii I'a r t ic ipl ('. iiiinauds iMiitlaiids liairaiids. 1)) PKK :tkkit. I 11 (1 i (• a t i \ e. Siiiji,-. 1. nam Iiau)' liailiait 2. iiaint ]»aii.st liaihaist :i. nam bail)' liailiait Dual 1. IKUllU hiidii haihaitii 2. nennits biiduts liaihaitiits Phir. 1. iicnmui biidimi bailiaitum 2. nemu)' budiil> liaihaitu|' ;i. nC'iuun Imduu liailiaitiiu "Optative. Sing. 1. nenijau budjau haihaitjau 2. nemeis biidcis liailiaiteis 3, nemi budi haihaiti Dual 1. nemeiwa budeiwa haihaiteiwa 2. neiueits budeits liaihaiteits Plur. 1. nemeima budeima haihaiteiiua 2. nemei|j budei}^ haihaiteil' 3. nemeina budeiua liaihaiteina. c) PARTICIPLE PRETERIT PASSIVE. numans biidans haitans d) MEDIO-PASSIV : PRESENT. Indicative. Sing. 1. nimada biudada liaitada 2. nimaza biudaza haitaza 3. uimada biudada haitada riiir. 1. 2. 3. uimanda biiidanda haitanda Optative. Sing. 1. uimaidau biudaidau haitaidau 2. nimaizaii biudaizau liaitaizau 3. uimaidau biudaidau haitaidau Plur. 1. 2. 3. nimaindau bludaindau haitaindau. Note 1. biudan tails under the rules for final soft spirants (§ 79): Imperat. s. bhtp, i)ret. bauj> (couip. § 74); likewise gibun: gif, gaf (eomp. § J<)). Conjiigatio!!. I. Strong' Verbs. (35 ^ Note 2. Tlic termination of the 2'"^ pers. s. pret., -/, yho\v« the :i[)plieiition of the rule for consonants before dentals (§ 81). Final b of the stems becomes /".• f/af/ (from giban), grufl (from graban)^ no examples for pi : skopl or skoff? (from s/iH/iJ^n); — g remains unchanged in magt (§ fid, n. 1), other cxam])les are wanting; neither are tiiere anj- examples for kt (7vdkl or tvuht'i eomp. si 5s, n. 2) ; — dentals are changed into s: qast from iiijmn (v;71,n. :}), bonsl from hmdan (§75, n. 1), haihaist from hailan (§ B9, n. 2). — From saion, saisd , we have 2 uppers, saisdsl. On account of the want of examples it is not certain whether all stems ending in a vowel received -si. — rinnan has 2>"i p. pret. rant (§ SO). Note 3. The tliird i)erson sing, imperat. of one strong verb is only found twice : ulsleigadau , y.axa^jaxo) Mt. XXVII, 42 ; Mk. XV, 32 (eomp. ISC). 1). The 3^1 pers. plur. maj- witli certainty be formed according to the weak verb (i; J!l2, n. 1). Note 4. Dual forms of verbs occur scantily; the 1-^' p. dual opt. pret., nememu, etc. never occurs; it is given according to the corre- sponding form of the present, nimama. Also 2nci pers. d. pret. opt. is inferred form the form of the anomalous tvileils (§ 205). Note 5. Ckmcerning the irregular formation of the present of some strong verbs with j, see § 20(i, n. B) TENSE FORMATION OF STRONG VERBS. 1) ABLAUT VERBS. § 171. These verbs form their tense-stems by a regular chang-e of the root -vowel, by the so-called ablaut. The several ablaut-series and the conditions of their appearance have already been given in §§80 — 35. To each of these series belong ablaut verbs of which, accordingly, six classes are to be distinguished. Each series consists of four vowels which appear in the formation of the verb in the following manner: 1) The first vowel belongs to the present and the tenses formed from it (pres. partic, infinitive, also medio- passive). 2) The second vowel is that of the sing. pret. indie. 3) The third vowel appears in the plur. pret. indie, and throu- ghout the pret. optative. 4) The fourth vowel belongs to the preterit participle. In order accurately to determine the inflection of a strong verb, the following forms are usually given; 1) 1^* p. sing. pres. indie, or also inlin. pres.; 2) 1^' p. s. pret. indie; 3) P* p. pi. pret. ind.; 4) partic. prefer. The following are the ablaut verbs arranged into their several classes. Brauue, Goth, grammar. ' 5 {\{\ liitii'ctioiis. Cliap. V. i? 172. (Mass 1. Verbs of the lirst ahhiut-scvies: ei ai i (ai) i {((/) (eonij). § ;»0). E. i^-.. (jreijta, graip , gr'nmm, gripun^, to gTii)e. seize. / l)et'ove h (/r) is broken to a/ (§20): /ei/ra, lallr, /ai/rum, /al/runt;, to lend. Note' I. llorc lu'luii^': i/cigtoi, to kiu'iul; steigau, to iiioimt: yalciltaii, to show; jmhnn, to thrive, iia-rciisc ; /'vciluin, to throng; iveihan, to tiglit; — beitim, to bite; dis-skrcUan, to rciid, tear; ga-smeitan, to tinoiut, .siucar; -weUun {inweildu to worship; frawcilaii, to imnish): beidun, to ^^ait; IcifHin, to j^o; sncij>iin, to cut; — weipan, to crown; dreiban, to drive: bi-Uibitit, to stay: s/veib/iu, to cease; — rcisdn, to rise; skcinati, to sliine: linciivan, to decline: speinuin, to spit. Note 1. Tlie a of kcinnn , to g'unninate (0. 11. G. /(.7m««) occurs only in the jiresent stem (conip. ^i 2U0, b) ; the part. pret. kijans only in uskijanald (Luke VIII, G). The pret. '^kai, ■■'kiJu/H is not found, a weak pret. of the fourth weak coiij. (keinvda ^ 19."), n. 2) occurring instead. Conip. Klugc, Germauische Conjugation ]). 14:3. § 173. Class II. Verbs of the second ablaut-series: iu au u (au) II {au) (eomp. § 81). E. g., hiuda, baitp, hudum, hudans, to otter; with breaking (§ 24): tluha, tduh, lauhum, tauhans, to tow, lead. Note 1. Here belong: siukan, to be sick; biugan, to bend, bow; driugun, to serve as a soldier; liugan, to lie; pliuhan, to flee; — giiilan, to pour; uspriutan, to grieve; niulun, to enjoy; liudan, to grow; — dis-hniupan, to tear to pieces; sliupau , to slip, creep; af-skiuban, to shove, cast away; kiufan, to weep; — driusan, to fall; kiusan, to choose; fru-Uus(iH, to lose; h'iustan, to gnash with the teeth. Note 2. The voAvel of the present is irregular iu liika, lauk, lukuin, lukans, to lock. — Some also suppose '''wulan, to boil, according to pres. part, wulandans, R. XII, 11 (comp. § 175, n. 2). § 174. Class III. Verbs of the third ablaut-series: / (m) a u (au) u {au) (eomp. 32). E. g., hinda, hand, hundum, bundans, to bind, or with breaking (§§20.24): wairpa, irarp, ivaurpum, rvanrpans. Note 1. Other verbs of this class: brinnan , to burn; du-ginnan, to begiun; aflmnan, to depart; rinnan, to run; spinnan,Xo ii\)\\i\ tvinn/t/i, to trouble oneself; — Irijupan, to tread, tramp; — fra-slindun, to swallow- up; ivindan, to wind; hinpan, to catch; finpan, to find; pinsan, to draw; — sllggan, to sting (only b}- conjecture inMt. V, 29); bliggwan, to beat; siggwan, to sing; sigqan, to sink; sligqun, to thrust; drigkon, to drink: — gUdau, to be of value, yield; stvillan, to die; hilpan, to help; fdhan, to hide; ivibvan, to rob: — bairgan, to hide, keep; gairdan, to gird; wairj'un, to become; ga-pairsun, to wither; S7vairban, to wipe; hairban, to walk; — priskan, to thresh; ga-wrisi/an, to bear fruit (found only in the present tense, Lu. VIII. 14). Conjugafion. I. Stroni;- Verbs. 67 Note '1. Aecording" to its present ulso britjfjcDi would helmii;' liere; see § 208. § 175. Class IV. Verbs of the fourth al)h\ut-seiies: i (at) a e u (ai'i) (eouip. § o3). E. j-'., luma, nam, nemwn, numans, to take, or witli breaking* (§§ 20. 24): baira, Ixir, benan, ba/h-ans, to bear. Note 1. Like these go: qimun, io come; gu-Uman, to suit; stilan, to steal; ya-tairan, to tear to pieces; — hrikan, to break (§ ;{3, n. 1). Note i. Here belongs also Irudan, [trap], [iredum], irudans, to treiiit, the present vowel being u instead of/, (0. N. troda, trad, Irddum, /rotiinn; O.H. G. according to V: Irelati, iral, trdturn, (relan). According to Irudan also rvulan, to boil, is more correctly to be supposed (§ 173, u. 2). § 17(5. Class y. Verbs of the fifth ablaut series: i {at) a e i {at) (eomp. § 84). E. g*. mlla, ma/, mcluni, milans, to mea- sure; giba, gaf, gebum, glbans, to give. Note 1. Here belong: ivrikun, to persecute, wreak; rikan (found only in the pres.), to heap up; I'ujan, to lie; ga-wigun, to mowe, wag; saihun, to see (comp. § 34, n. 1); — hit fan, to steal; — higitan, to obtain, get; sitan, to sit; fiian^ to bear (V), widan, to bind; qipau, to say; idpan, to help (V); — lisau, to gather; ga-nisan, to recover; 7visau, to remain. Note 2. snlwan, to hurry, has sniwa, snau (§ 42), snervum, snirvans. Once occurs the pret. snauh in which li is added (comp. § 02, n. 4), once sniivun instead of sneivun (§ T,'n. 3). — Like siirmin goes in all probability dirvan, to die, of which only the past part., />a(u diwaiw, is found. Note 3. The pret. sing, of ilmi has irregularly el instead of al ; it is found only in the comjiound fret (from fra-ilan, to consume, eat up, § 4, n. 1. § 7 b). Thus itayi, et, eluin, ilans. Comp. 0. H. G. pret. dz, frdz Notker, O.N. at. Moller, Englische Studien 3, 154. Note 4. Te n in frailman, to ask, occurs only in the pres. stem: frailiiia, frah, frcliurn, fruihans (see § 200 b). Note 5. The J in t^djan is found only in the present stem: bidja, bap, bediun, bidans (Comp. § 200 a). Once the present occurs without j ; usbida Rom. IX, 3. § 177. Class VI. Verbs of the sixth ablaut series; a o 6 a (Comp. § 35). E. g-., «/«, 61, oliun, aluns, to grow. Note 1 . Like alan go : sakan , to fight ; wakan , to wake , watch ; dragan, to carry, drag; slahan, to strike; pwahan, to wash; hlapan, to load; ga-dabuu, to behoove; ga-draban, to hew; graban, to dig, grave; skabaii, to shave; malan, to grind; sivaraa, to swear; far an, to fare; us-anan, to breathe out, die. Note 2. Seven verbs of this class have j in the present stem which is wanting in the pret. and past partic, e.g. hafjan, to heave, forms: hafja, hof, hdfum, ha fans. Like this go: frapjan, to understand; hlahjan, to langh; garapjan, to count; skapjan, to make, shape; skap- jan, to hurt; wahsjan, to grow (comp. § 200a). 5* 68 liiHi'ctions. Cliait. ^'. Note .'1. 'I'lic // t>\' sltiHffti/i , t(t stand, occurs only in tlic present stem, tlius: sl/nn/(i, slaj'. std/>uiii. \staf->aiis\ (coiiiii. i; 2(Mi l>). 2) KEDUPLICATED VERBS. § 178. lveilu|)licjitc(l verbs form tlie preterit without a chan^-e of the root- vowel, hut only by i)retixiii,i;' a redupli- eatioii. Tiiis re(ln])lieati<))i consists of the initial consonant to<;'ether with a constant re(lu])lieation ^■owel u'l (short e, see § 20). as lia'tta, 1 am called, pret. haihail ; Ivoj/a, 1 boast, lutiilvdp. ^^'hen the word begins witli tw o consonants, only the first is repeated, e. g., fraisa, 1 tempt, faifrais. The initial combinations, si. sk, \sp\ are repeated as a whole, e. g-., {ga-) slulda, I possess, slaisiuld: skaida, I separate, sk 180. A number of verbi«i having- the stem vowel e (or ai at the end of the root) take the ablaut of the e — o-series (see § 80). The prefer, has the vowel o, and also, in addition, a reduplication. The pret. part, shows the same vowel as the present. According- to the vowel of the present, these verbs are divided into two classes: § 181. I. Stems ending- in a consonant liave c in the present, e.g. Ician, to let. This forms: leta, 1 allot, la'ildtum, lelans. Like this go: gri'lan {ga'igrbl), to weep; Ukan iiaitbk)^ to touch; redan {ralrop) to counsel. § 182. II. Roots ending in a vowel change the c into ai (§ 22). Tlius go three verbs: saian, to sow: saia, saiso, sai- soum, saians (for additional forms, comp. § 22, n. 1, § 170, n. 2); waiau (rvaiwo)^ to blow: laian (fa/lo)^ to revile. II. WEAK VERBS, § 18:3. The four classes of the Aveak verbs (§ 1(58) have the formation and inflection of the preterit alike. This is also the case in the ])artic. pret. which reg-ularly adds the suffix -da- (nom. masc. ps) in all classes to the verbal stem. The latter varies according to the formative suffix and causes in the present forms a considerable difference of inflection. We first gi^e the preterit which has an inflection common to all classes. 1) INFLECTION OF THE WEAK PRETERIT. § 184. Paradigms: nasida, salboda, habaida, fullnoda. One paradigm may suffice to show the inflection of all classes. Iiillcctioiis. ("liap. V. liuUcalivc. Siiitr. 1- iiasi-da 2. nasi-dcs [\. nasi-da ])ital I. iiasi-df'du 2. iiasi-deduts riiir. I. nasi-dedmu 2. iiasi-dC'diij' ;$. iiasi-dr(lim Optative, iiasi-dedjaii iiasi-dcdeis nasi-dSdi nasi-dedehva iiasi-dcdcits iiasi-dedeinia uasi-dC'dei)? iiasi-dedcina. Note 1. The remarks in i; 170, n. I as tn l^t and 2"(' dnal hold ijood here also. 2) FIRST WEAK CONJUGATION {-Jan). § 185. Verbs of this class have the formative suffix / whieli appears? in the present as ,/ (ioHn. -Jan). This / is con- tracted with a following- / into ei after a long close syllable, while in other cases Ji is retained (comp. 44). Thus we arrive at two subdivisions: a) Verbs with short stem syllables, e.g. nasjan, to save, or with long- open syllables, e. g., stojan, to judge, b) Verbs wath long close syllables, as sokjcm, to seek, and polysyllables, e. g., mikiljan, to praise. § 186. a) PRESENT (ACTIVE). INDICATIVE. Sing. 1. 2. 3. nasja nasjis nasji}^ stoja st6jis stoji)? sokja sokeis sokei}' Dual 1. 2, nasjos nasjats stojos stojats sokjos sokjate Pliir. 1. 2. 3. iiasjam nasjij' nasjand stojam stoji]' stojaud sokjam. sokei}? sokjand OPTATIVE. Slug. 1. 2. 3. nasjau uasjais nasjai stojau etc. sokjau etc. Dual 1. 2. nasjaiAva nasjaits . Plur. 1. 2. 3. nasjaima nasjaif^ nasjaina. Conjugation. II. Weak Verbs. niPEKATIVE. Sing. 2. 3. nasei uasjadau [stauci] stojadau sokei sokjadau Dual 2. Plur. 1. 2. nasjats nasjaui na.sji}' nasjandau stojats stojani stoji)? stdjandau sokjats sokjam sokei)' sokjandau. INFINITIVE, uasjan stojan sokjan. PAR nasjands TICIPLE. stojands sokjands. b) PRETERIT. nasida stauida j sokida. {Infleclion, see § 184). ej PARTICIPLE PRETERIT (PASSIVE). iiasij's staui)>s sokij's. d) MEDIO-PASSIVE: PRESENT. INDICATIVE. Sing. 1. 3. nasjada stojada 2. nasjaza stojaza sokjada sokjaza sokjanda. Plur. 1.2. 3. nasjanda stt'ijauda OPTATIVE. Sing. 1. 3. nasjaidau stujaidau ! sokjaidau 2. nasjaizau stojaizau sokjaizau Plur. 1. 2. .i. uasjaiudaii stojaindau sokjaindau. Note 1. As an example for 3«^| \). s. impcrat. occurs lausjadau, nvac'.o&M Mt. XXVII, 43 (Comp. § 170, u. 3). The 3'i ]>. plur. would bo lausjandau (accord, to § 192, n. 1). Note 2. The 2n'' p. s. imperat. of stojan is, in accordance with the prefer, stauida, slauei (§ 2()). § 187. Further examples of this very numerous ehiss are: a) 1) Short-syllabie verbs: iraljan, to choose; ga-tamjan, to tame; uf-ponjan, to extend; ivarjan, to forbid, beware; lagjan, to hiy; us-wakjan, to wake up; sat Jan, to set; ivasjan, to clothe, vest; hazjan, to praise; Imljan, to cover, 2) Verbs ending- in a vowel: laujan (imperat. sing, tawci, pret. lan-ida, p. p. iairips). to do; ^slraujan (stt^awida) to strew; qiujan, {qi?vida), to quicken; 72 liitlrclioiis. Cliiii). ^'■ (ina-iiiu/an (-)tin>/da). to renew; siujan, to sew; — 1^'or '*mdjan, to weary, and *ddjau, to harass, see § 26, a. b) Long"- and polysyllabic verbs : mc/Jan, to M'rite: merjan, to preach; sipunjan, to be a disciple; hnaiwjan, to humble; hrainjan, to cleanse; hausjmi, to hear; piupjan, to bless; — hrannjfin, to burn; sand/an, to send; namnjan, to name; and- hahtjan to serve; glilmuujan, to shine, glitter; haurnjan, to blow the horn. Note 1. /laupatjau , io buffet, lias pret. kaupasta (the / being syncoputed), but past partie. kaupatij->s (Comp. 209). Note 2. A few primary verbs witli j in tlie present stem have the present the same as the weak verbs of tlie first class. Their preter. inflection is either strong, or weak without the formative suffix /. Comp. § 206 a. (§ 209). Note 3. In a very few cases there appears a leaning towards the 2n>i weak couj. For hausjati, to hear, kausjun is fcmud several times; gabeisljan, to leaven, but past partie. un-beisljops, unleavened. Note 4. Like the 2"^' pers. du., phu-. of the imperat. of nasjan go the interjectional /u'?7«/a-, hirjip. The slug. ///V/ is irregular. Comp. § 210. § 188. Verbs of this class are derived from verbs, ad- jectives, and substantives. They have predominantly a causative meaning. Causatives from ablaut verbs have the vowel of the preter. sing., as )vandj(ut, to wend, turn (from irmdan)\ dragkjan, to give to drink (from drigkmi)\ ur-r^aisjan , to cause to rise (from ur-?^eisan, to rise); ga-drnusjan, to cause to fall (from driusan). — Also verbs derived from adjectives and substantives possess, with a few exceptipns, a causative meaning, e. g., hduhjan, to make high, exalt (from huuhs)\ hailjan, to heal (from Jiails)] wannjan, to warm (from warms)\ — dailjan, to deal (out) (from dails)] taiknjan, to make a sign, show (from taikns), etc. — A few, however, have an intransitive meaning, e. g. siponjan, to be a disciple; faurhtjan, to fear. 3) SECOND WEAK CONJUGATION {-on). § 189. The formative suffix o occurs not only in the prefer., but also throughout the present, and crowds out the vowels at the beginning of the endings of the strong' verb. Paradigm: salbdn, to anoint. C«)iijiipilii)ii. II. Weak \'('rbs. n) PRESENT. Tiulicat. Optat. Impev. Siiiir. 1. salbo salbo — 2. salbos salbos salbo 3. salbo]? salbo salbodau Dual 1. salbos salbowa — 2. salbdts salbo ts salbots riur. 1. salbom salboma salboni 2 salbO)}? salbo}? salboj? ;f. salbond salbona salbondan Infinitive salbou. Participle: salbonds. h) PKETEKIT. salboda, -des, -da, elc. (sec § IS4). e) rAKTICirLE PRETEK. PASSJVE. salbots. d) MEDIO-PASSIVE: PRESENT. Indicat. Optat. 8iug. I. ."i. salboda salbodau 2. salboza salbozau Plur. 1.2. :i. salboiida salboudau. Note 1. No example for the 3'' p. s. and pi. imperat. of this eoujug. is found, but it may, like other forms, be inferred with certainty, e.g., the dual forms, or the 2n'i pers. s. middle: salbdzu. salbozau, which have also been moulded after the analogy of the other conjugations. § 190. The number of verbs of the .seeoud class is kxrger than that of tlie third, 1)ut is far smaller than that of the verl)S in -Ja7L Examples: /nUd)i, to think; /t^at'bdn, to walk; ftskon, to fish; sidon, to practice; idreigon, to repent; ani/iudon, to thank; piudanon, to be king; faginon, to rejoice; fraujinm, to rule; reikinm, to reign; fr'ijon, to love; sunjon, to justify; liausjbn (§187,n.3). 4) THIRD WEAK CONJUGATION (-aw). § 191. Verbs of this class have the formative suftix -al. This, however, appears only throughout the preterit (and in the partic. prei). while in the present and in all formations belonging to it, it occurs in only a few forms, the greater 7-1 Intlcctiiiiis. t'li;i|i. ^^ hiuiiIkm' jippciirini;' ;is juvsont tonus oi the stroiii;' \cv\). The at is found in the present only where the termination of the strong- verb beii'ins with i whieii is erowded out by the ai (thus in the 2'"' nnd o'' sing-., 2'"' plur. indie., and 2'"' plnr. impcrat). and in tlic 2'"' sing. inii)erat. (whieli has no tcrnii- inition). The ai is wanting before endings l)eginning with a (o). § 102. Faradigni haban, to have. a) PRESENT. liulica Sill- Dua riur. 1 liulical. Optat, Inipcial. I . liaba haban — 1. liabais liabais liabai "!. liabail^ liabai habadau 1 . habos liabaiwa — 2. liabats lialiaits liabats 1. liabam liabaima habaiii 2. liabaij' habai)? habaij' ^^. liaband liabaina habaiidaii Infinitive haban. Participle habands. b) PRETERIT. habaida, -des, -da elc. {s. ^ 1:54). e) PARTICIPLE PRET. habai]:'s. d) MEDIO-PASSIVE: PRESENT. Indicat. Optat. Sing. 1. ;5. habada habaidau 2. habaza habaizau Plur. habanda habaiudau. Note 1. lu this conjug. only a 3^ jiers. pi. inipcrat. is found: liu- gandau, yafitjodrwauv I. Cor. VII, 9. § 193. Verbs of this class are mostly intransitive. Their number is comparatively small. Examples: pahan, to be silent; pu/an, to suffer; liban, to live; ana-silan, to grow still; fijan, to hate; trauan, to trust (comp. § 26), saurgan, to sorrow; liugan, to marry. Note 1. hatan, to hate, shows a tendency to merge into the first weak conjug. {Imtjan)\ — bauan, to dwell, has 3d s. pres. indie, strong: hauip, comp. 179, n. 2. ('oningatioii. II. Weak Verbs. ~^) /•-■- - - ■■ ■ ■ 5) FOUKTH WEAK CONJUGATION {-mmX § 194. In Gothic verbs with a passive meaning- are for- nied by means of the suffix -no in the preter., « (no) in the present. They are derived either from adjectives or from strong" verbs. In the latter case they attach tliemselves to the tense stem of the partic. pret. pass. Examples: a) From sti'ong- verbs: and-bundnan (bindan), to be unbound, loosened; us-bruknan {brikan) to be broken off; dis-ski'itnan (dis-skreitan), to be torn to pieces, shreds; fra-lusnan {fra-Uusan), to be lost; gaskaidnan {skaidan), to be separated, divorced; and/ cf nan (letan) to be dismissed; — b) from adjectives: gahailnan (hails) to be healed; mikilnan (mikils), to be magnified; tveihnan {weihs), to be hallowed; gadaupnan, to be put to death, die. , § 195. The present of passive verbs inflects like that of strong verl)S. Passive verl)s have no medio-]>assive and no l)artic. pret. Paradigm: fallnan {fulls, full; fulljan, to fill), to be filled. a): PRESENT. Sing. 1. 2. '6. Indicat. fullua fullnis fullnijj Optat. fulliiau fullnais fulluai Impevat. fullu fullnadau Dual 1. 2, fullnos fuUuats fuUnaiwa fuUnaits fullnats Plur. J. 2_ 3. fulluaui fuUui)^ fullnand Infiu, Partic fullnaima fullnai]? fullnaina , : fulluan. . : fuUnands. fulluaui fullni)' fuUnandau, b) PEETERIT. fuUnoda, -des, -da {s. § 1S4). Note 1. The iuiperat. of this class occurs only in one verb in 2nd sing. Note 2. The pret. keindda, germinated, is a new formation from the strong present keinan (§ 172, u. 2), and even its meaning shows that it cannot be referred to this class. 7t» liillcclidiis. ('li;i)i. \\ III. IRREGULAR YERBS. 1) PUETERIT-PRE8ENT VERBS. § I *.•(■.. 'II10 i)reterit-presciit verbs are stroni;' verl)s the preterits of wiiicli assumed a present iiieaninji,-. In eonseciuenee thereof the re;il presents have been b)st. These verbs form their preterits aeeording- to the weak eonjugation by adding- d(i {la, pu, .va; eump. §§ 75. 81); tlieir inflection is that o\' nasida (§ 181). The prctent-]»resent verbs may, with reference to their ]>resent .structure, be distributed amoni;' the different classes of the strong- verbs. The i)reteritive present has ])re- cisely the .same inflection as tlie strong preterit. In (Jothic there arc thirteen verbs of this kind, which we arrange ac- cording- to the corresponding ablaut-series. § 197. First Ablaut-Series. 1) Pres. waif, I know, 2'"' ]). ?vaisl, plur. irilmn, Opt. wiljau; Pret. /rma, Opt. Pret. wisscdjau: Pros. Partic. ii'ilands; Infin. \triian\. 2) lais, I know (occuring in this form only, causative lais- Jan, to teach. Note 1. Tlie full strong verb ot wail 'v> *weitun, wait, wiliitn, wilans, retained iu tlic compounds fruweiiun. to avenge, and inwcilan, to worship. — Also a verb of tlie 3d weak con jug. , wiian , witaida (to observe) is related to it. § 198. Second Ablaut-Series. 3) daug, impers.: it is fit (found only in this form). § 199. Third Ablaut-Series, 4) kann, T know, 2'"^ p. kaiit (also kminl, com}». i< 80), jdur. kiamnm; Pret. Indie. Ininpa, Opt. Pret. kunpedjuu, Partic. Pret. kunps. known; Infin. kunnan; Pres. Partic. kunnunds. 5) parf, I need; 2"'^ p. parfl, plur. paurhum: Opt. paurhjau; Pret. paurfta; Partic. Pret. paurfts, needy, necessary. Pres. V 2i,xi\c. paiirhands , needing; Inf. [paurban\. Comp. § 5G, n. 2. 6) ga-dars, I dare, \)\. ga-daursimi, 0\)t gadaursjau; Pret. gadaursta, Inf. gadaursau. Note J. To kann belong tlie compounds witli tlie same iatiection: frakann, I despise; gakann, I subject myself. — With this kaiin must not be confounded the derivative verb kmuian, to know, of the 3^ weak conjug., Pret. kuunaida, with is compounds: aiiakunnan avayiyvujaxeiv, to read; al kunnan, to grant; gakunnan, to know. — uf kunnan (to know, Coiijn,i;ntion. III. Irrci^'iiliir ^\>l•bs. 77 recognize) forms the pre.seiit .'U'conliiig' to the 3'' \ve;vk c-mijui;'., luit has the Fret, ufkunpa, Partie. Tret., liowever, iifkuunaij's. § 200. Fourth Ablaut- Series. 7) skill, I .shall, 2'"' ]). skalt, pi. sknium. Opt. skuljau: Prct. skulda, Opt. Fret, skuldrdjau, P;irt. Tret, skalds, owing-; Inf. \skidan\\ Pres. Part, skuiands. 8) man, I mean, 2'"' p. [m«w/|, plur. munum. Opt. nuinjau; Pret. muuda, Partie. Pret. munds Luke III, 23; Inf. munan, Pres. Part. ?nimands. Note 1. Like mem goes gaman, I remember. — To this there behiiigs also a derivative weak \-erb of the .^' eonjiig., innnan, munaida, to M'i.sh, have in mind. § 201. Fifth Ablaut-Series. 9) mag, I can, 2"'' p. magi , 3^' mag. dual mag a, maguts, plur. magum, magup, magun; Opt. magjau; Pret. mahla, Opt. Pret. mahtedjau, Partie. Pret. mahts; lufiu. [magan\ Pres. Partie. magands. 10) ga-nali, it suffices, is enough; hinah, it is permitted, must. Besides the impersonal 2>^ pers. there occurs only the Partie. Pret. hinauhts. Plur. -nauhwn, Pret. -nauhta. Inf. -nauhan are to be inferred. § 202. Sixth Ablaut-Series. 11) ga-mol , I have room, can, 2"'' p. [mosl], pi. [motmn]. Opt. gamotjau; Pret. gamosta; Inf. [gamotan]. 12) 0^, I fear; 2"*^ [dht\, plur. [o^uwj, Opt. ogjau, Pret. oAto; Infin. [ogan], causative ogjan, to frighten. Note 1. From og we have an anomalous 2n(i s. Imperative: o^^, fear. As corresponding 2"'! pi. the Opt. ogeip is used. Note 2. Of the original complete verb '^agan there still exists the negative Pres. Partie. unagands (fearless). § 203. The verb dih, I have, does not belong- to any ablaut- series. If we disregard its want of reduplication, the verb follows, according to its formation, a reduplicated preterit, like haihail (§ 179, 3). The forms occurring are : P* and 3'' sing. dih (once aig)^ 1*' plur. aigiun and a/hum, 2'"^ dihup (once), 3"^ aigun; Opt. 3'' s. aigi, 2"'' pi. aigeip, 3*^ aigeina\ Pret. dihta, Pres. Part, aigands (hve times) and dihands (once); Inf dihan (only once in falrdihaii, to partake. Note 1. There is a peculiar fluctuation between g and h in most forms, but in such a manner that h is predominant in the sing. («//<), g in the other forms. 78 liiHcctioiis. (']\i\]t. \ . 2) THE VERBS ,Jo be,, AND ,Jo will,,. sj 204. Hie siibstautive verb tonus ['rum the old root t'*-- oeeuvnii<;' in nil lndo-(Jennuuic huig'iuig'es ouly the present indie, and opt., the other forms are su])])licd by the strong- verb ffisuii (s? I7(). Ji. 1). I'KESENT. Inclicat. Optal. ShiK. 1. iiii . ' sijau •_)_ is .sijais :i. ist sijui Duiil 1. siju [sijaiwa •) [sijutsj [sijaits] Plur. J. sijum sijaima 2_ •sijup sijaij' ;5. sind sijaina. Infinit. wisan. Pari . praes.: wisancls. PRETERIT. In die at.: Avas, wast, was, e(c. Op tat.: wesjaii. Part. pt. wisans. Note I. For ij (of the opt. and pres. iudicat. dual and plur.) also simple i is sometimes found (§ 10, n. 4), e. g., plur. ind. l'*' slum, 2n'i siu/\- opt. siau, etc. But the full forms occur far more frequently. The forms with i are confined to the Epistles (especially in codex B) and to the Gospel of St. Luke which latter often shows also other irregular forms (V. 10, VIII. 25, IX. 12, 41, XIV. 31). Where there are two codices, one (in three cases A) always has the correct forms with j (II. Cor. VII. 13; Phil. IV. 5 ; Col. IV. 6; I. Tim. V. 22). Note 2. Instead of the imperat. the optative forms, sing, sijais, sijai, plur. sijaip, are used. The form sai (= Grk. eotm) for sijai, siai, occurring in the MS. (II. Cor. XII. 16) is either wrong, or, according to Osthoff (Beitrlige VIII. 311), to be taken as interjection sai, ecce!. Note 3. nisi = ni is I, is not (§ 10, n. 2), patist = paUt isl, there is; karist = kara isl, it concerns, John X. 12 (§ 4, n. 1). § 205. The verb ^^to will,, has in the present only an optative which has however an indicative meaning. This present-optative has the terminations of the prefer, optat. The prefer, takes the weak form. The forms occurring- are: Conjugation. TIT. Trrci^ulnr A'erbs. 70 Pre sens: 8. 1. wiljaii. 2. wileis. ;^. wili. D. 2. wileits. ri. 1. wileiuia. 2. wilei|'. ;i. wileina. Infinitive: wiljan. Pros. Part.: wiljauds. Pre t. : wilda. [) t. : wildedjaii. [Inflection like lIuU of uasiila s; 1S4.) IRREGULAKITTP]8. § 201). Streug'thenings of tlie Pret^eiit. The clis- tiuetion between the present stem and the preterit stem of strong- A'erbs consists only in the change of the vowel. The consonantal skeleton of the word always remains the same. This was not always so , l)ut in the Early Germanic as well as in other Indo- Germanic languages there existed for- mations of the present tense by means of consonantal ele- ments. Of these some remnants are still retained in Gothic, but have from the Gothic standpoint to l)e considered as irre- gularities. a) Present-formations with j. In the words which belong here and inflect in the whole present like weak verbs of the first conjugation (like nasjun, sokjan), the J is no formative suffix and is dropped in the pret. and pret. partic. The words have already been given above: hidjan (§ 176, n. 5) hafjan, frapjan, lilahjan, rapjan, skapjan, skapjan, wahsjan (§ 177, n. 2). Comp. also § 209. b) Nasalized present-formations are found in keina7i (§ 172, n. 2) and fraihnan (§ 176, n. 4), with the nasal at the end, — and standan (§ 177, n. 3) with the nasal in the middle of the verbal stem. § 207. The verb gangan which, according to its present form and the testimony of the other Germanic languages, belongs to the reduplicated verbs (§179, n. 3), has a weak prefer., gaggida occurring however only once Lu. XIX. 12, The prefer, of gaggan is generally represented by the defective iddja which conjugates like a weak prefer. Thus: iddja, I went, iddj'cs, iddja, etc.; optat. iddjedjau. § 208. hriggan, to bring, is, according to its present, an ablaut verb (III); but the pret. has the weak inflection: hinihia (from ^branhta § 5 b), partic. pret. \hrdhts\. § 209. Some verbs whose presents follow the first weak 80 Iiillfctioiis. Cliai,. V. (•(). ;i.) take the weak preter., hiit without the formative siifiix /. These A'er1)s are: huf/Jmi. to buy. hauhta: hj-fikj/in, to use, hrnhia: traurkjan. to work, tvuurhtu: pagkjnn, to think, pdhfa (§ 5 b); Ijiigkjan, to seem, jjuhid (§ 15 b). Of tiieir i)ret. part, there are found: hauhls troni biujjan. nmurhls troni waurkjan . the others wouhl be: bruhls, pCihls, pulils (§ 75). Note 1. {'(luip. also k(ii(i>alj/, first: iiiaisi, at tlic most. i? -l\'-\. Adverbs of Place are formed for tlie ([uestion wliitlierV either wiliout a suffix or hy tlie suffixes -p (-d) and dre: for the question whereV hy the suffixes -r and -(/ : for the question wheneeV hy tlie suffixes -/>/'o- and -a7ia. Note 1. From i)Voii(iiuiual stems are tliiis formed the eorrelatives : h^ap, Icadre, A\liitlierV Ji/a7'. where | k-aprd, whenct !/'«/'] {padei, where) , bar. there Jaind, jautdrc tliitlier ^ jainar, there a/jap. in another direction aljar, elsewhere hidre, hither. i her, here paprd, thence jainpro, thence aljaprd, hy anotlier way Note 2. Other examples are: a) Whither? dalap , downward; saiiiap, together: iup, upward: ut, out; inu, into, b) Where? dalapa, below: iiipa, above; ulu, without; m?iaM, perhaps. — Affirmative particles are: ja, jai, yes, indeed! A negative particle is ne, no! These adverbs, however, rarely stand alone as answers, the verb of the question being generally repeated. As negative particle in the sentence ni is used. Note 1. The interrogative particle -w is enclitically affixed to the first word of the sentence, e. g., skuldu ist kaisaragild giban Mk.XIl. 14. In combinations with prefixes the u is attached immediately to the latter ; e.g., gauluubjats patei magjau paia taujan? Mk. IX. 2S. Braaue, Goth, grammar. (j S2 [iiflccti.ms. Cliap. V. 2) r UK POSITIONS. >? 217. :i) With tlic l):iti\e: «//>/, besides; af. of. fmni; ////, t(t: /////>. with: us, out: faiwa. hetore; frimi, fnmi; neka, near. I») With the Acciistitive: and. aloH^\ at; pa'irh. tlirodiih: ///////, without; inidtir, under; 7oijrra, a^'rtiiist; four, hetore. tor. (•) With the l)ati\(' and Accusative: itwi, on. ii])on; aL at; afur. atter: ///, with. hy. about. <»n: hiitdar, behind: intd. with dat.. about, for; with ace, to. till; ?//'. under: }(/'iir. o\er. d) Witii the an. or: amliznli — alppau. either — or; Jappe — Juppe, whether — or. e) Adversative: ip, pan. appan. akei, hut; ak. hut. d) Causal. a His, auk. unle , raiJitis , for. e) Coiielusive: pmmh, parnli. eipan. nu. nuh, panuu. 7mnu, uovv, therefore, hence, t) Con- ditional: jabai. if; niba. nibai, if not (§ 10, n. 2), ii,-) Con- cessive: pau, thouii,'h; pauhjabai. even if; sirepauh, however: althoug'h, h) Final; ei, patei, peei, pei,i\vAi\ ei, swaei, sirasme, so that; ibai (iba) lest, i) Comparative: k-aiira, how? mre, as; ^«'a,s'w^t', just as. kj Teiuixn-al: .sv/*:;, as, when; pan, pandv. when, if, as long" as; bipe,^ mippanei. wliilst; sunsei, as soon as; funrpizei, before; unle, mid pat ei, pandc. till, until, as long as. 4) Interjections. § 21l>. 0, oh! ah! wai, w^oe! sai, hehold! — Interjeetional in meaning: come here! sing, hiri, du. liirjals., ])lur. hirjip (coin]). § 20, n. 1; i? IS7. n. 4> APPENDIX. § 220. SOURCES OF THE OOTHIC LAXOUAGE. The Gothic hiug-uage is known to us from the fragments of a version ot the Bibk' which is — and that with great probability — ascribed to bishop Ulfilas, or (Gothic) Wnlfila 310 — 380 A. D. The fragmelits have come down to ns in the following- manuscripts. 1) Codex argenteus at Upsala. The codex contained on 830 leaves the four Gospels in the following order: Matthew. John, Luke. Mark. Of these are still preserved 177 leaves. The Gospd of St. Luke shows abnormal deviations, younger forms of speech (comp. §§ 7, n. 2; 14, n. 3; 56, n. 1; 62, n. 3; 67. n. 2; 74, n. 1; 105, n. 2; 204, n. 1). 2) Codex Carolinus, a palimpsest in Wolfenbiittel con- taining pieces of the 11"' — 15^'' chapters of the Epistle to the Romans. 3) Codices A m b r o s i a n i , live fragments (jialimpsests) in the Ambrosian library at Milan containing chiefly the Epistles of St. Paul, namely: Codex A containing on 95 leaves fragments of the Epistles to the Romans, Corinthians, Ephesians, Galatians, Philippians, Collossians, Thessalonians , Timothy, Titus, Philemon, and, besides, a fragment of a Gothic calendar. Codex B containing on 77 leaves the second Epistle to the Corinthians complete, fragments of the Epistles to the Corinthians I, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Collossians, Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus. — Codices 6* 84 Apix'iiiiix. A ;iii(l r> ;(!•(' ill iiart identical ms to tlicir conteDts. ;i t'.ict ()l\i;re;it iiii])(>rtiiiuH' tor the cntici.siii of the text. Codex ('. Two U'incs with trii^ineiits of Matthew '2'> 27. Codex I). 'IMirtM' h':i\es with fra.u'ineiits from the ( )hl Te.'^taiiUMit. nainelv of the Ixxtks of f^sdras and Neheiiiias. Codex 1%. I'iiiiht leaves three of \\hieli are in tlie N'atiean Hl»rarv at liome. They eontaiii frai;"Mieiits of an inter])retatioii of the (,T0,si)el of St. John and were ealled hy tlieir editor. Massmann. Skeire/ms ahraggcl- jons pa/rh Jnharmcn, and ai"e therefore still cited as Skeireins. 4) Codex Turin ens is. four nineh damaged leaves on which lune been dceiphered small ])ieees of the Ey)istles to the Galatians and Collossiaus. Note I. For luuro about the Gothic mauuscripts, see Beruhardt"s \'iilfila, iiitrodiiction XXXIX et ,seq.; for the history of codex argentcnis, coiiip. also the recent writings by Schiiltz, ^^Gothica minora, in the ^,Zeitschrift f ii r dentschcs Altertlinni, 2.3, 51, .318 and 2 1. •^24 etseq. Note 2. Besides the version of the Bible (and Skeireins) there are only a few more — however less weighty — monuments of the Gothic language left. The most imi)ortaiit of these are two Latin records with Gothic signatures from Xai)les and Arezzo, and the fragment of a Gothic calendar mentioned above with codex A. Both pieces are printed in the editions of Ulfilas. As to the Gothic words and alphabets gi\-en in the .jSalzburg-Vienna M.S. (§ 1 , n. .5, § 2, u. 2) and other remains of the Gothic language, conip. Massmanu's essay ^(Gotthica minora,, Haupt's Zeit- schrift 1. 2(14—31)3. i? 221. EDITIONS. The lirst print of the eodex arg-enteus is that of Fr. Junius, Dortrecht 16()5. All later editions (for the titles, see Bern- hardt's Vultila, pag-e LXIII et seq.) are of a more historical value. The editions now important for the study of the Gothic language are the following: a) The large edition of JJIfilas^ by Cabelentz and L<»be in 3 quartos published in 1843—40. Though the text of the iirst A olume is antiquated (in consequence of Uppstrcim's edition), the dictionary (vol. II. 1) and especially the grammar (vol. II. 2) A)ipcnili\. 85 arc because cf tlicir cojtious material (also on syntax) of great value. b) For an exact establishment of the MSS. there are of tlie g-reatest importance the new readini^-s of tlie learned Swede, Andrew Uppstrom, who had exact texts printed according to them (Codex argenteus Upsala 1854, — Decem codicis argentei rediviva folia Upsala 1857. — Fragmenta gothica selecta 18H1, — Codices gotici ambrosiani 1864— (58). c) A critically arranged text based on the readings of Uppstrom, ])rovided with critico-exegetical notes and supple- mented by the original Greek text is given in tlie edition of E. Bernhardt; Vulfila oder die gotische Bibel, Halle 1870. d) A handy edition of Ultilas wWh glossary and granimar is tluit by M. lleyne (7''' edit.), Faderboru 1878. Its text is, liki^ tliat by IJeniliardt, based on Uppstrrnn's readings, l)ut is treated liowever more conservatively than that by Bernhardt, § 222. Of the nnjre important grammatical and lexical aids there remain to be mentioned: a) Ga])elentz and Lobe — in the edition mentioned § 221, a. b) Leo Meyer, ,^Die gotische Sprache,,, Berlin 1869. — A coml)arati^■e treatment of the (iothic phonology, and com- plete material. cj The treatment of the Gothic phonology in Holtzmann's ^Altdeutsche Grammatik., Leipzig 1870. d) Lorenz Diefenbach. _^\'ergleichendes Worterbuch der got. Sprache,,. Vol. 1 and 2. Frankfurt 1851. e) Ernst Schulze, ^^Gotisches Glossar,., Magdeburg 1847. The most complete (lothic dictionary. Note I. For the establishment of some graniiuatical faets may l»c used the writings of J. H. Crallee, Gutisk-a (I.) Lijst van gotische woorden, wier geslacht of buiging naar analogic van andero gotisehe woordeu, of van het oudgermaansch wordt opgegeAeu. Haarlem ISSU; — 11. De atl- jectiva in het gotisch en hunne suftixen. Utrecht 1ns2. SELECTIONS Foil HEADINO. 1. FROM THEGOSrKL OF ST. .>rAM^THKAV. (CODEX ARGENTEUS). Chap. V. 17 Ni liug-jai)' ei qenijau i;-atairaii wito)^ ai)'l^aii ])vautetims; iii (|am i;ataira]L ak nsfulljaii. 18 ainen auk (ii|ni izwis: nnd |>atei iiMlei|^i|^ liiiDiiis jali airl^a. jota aiiis ai)?|:>aii ains striks iii nslei|>ij^ af witoda. mite allata \vair|/i|'. lit \]) saci mi gatairi}-* aina anal)usiK' \>'r/A) iiiiniiistoiKi, jali laisjai swa mans, iniiiiiista, haitada in )'iiidaiii;'ardjai liiiiiiuo: i]^ saci taiijif^ jah laisjai swa, salt niikilK liaitada in )'iiidani;'ardjai liimine. 20 Qi)?a auk i/wis l>atci nibai nianaii,'iz() \vaiii''i|> izwaraizus g'araihteins j^au );>i/e hokavje jali Fareisaie, iii }^au (jinii)^ in ]nudang-ardjai liimine. 21 liausidedii]' |>atei (jipan ist |niim airi- zam: ni niauiin-jais; i]> saei niaur}>veip. skula wairj^]' stauai. 22 al^|?an ik (|ipa izwis j^atei hazuli inodag'S bvojn- seinamma swave skula Avair|'i|' staiiai: i|^ saei qi)>il'' broj^v seinamma raka, skula wair|>i|^ ii'a(|nm|'ai: a|'|^an saei qil^ij-' dwala. skula \vair)?i]> in gaiainnan fiinins. 2;} jahai nil liairais ailir f-'ein du liunslastada, jali jainar ganiuneis J-'atei hrojnir )-»eins liabaip ba l)i }>uk, 24 afict jainav po giba ]?eina in andTs-aiv]?ja liunsla- stadis, jail gagg t'aiirl'is gasi1)jon bvo)>r j^einamnia, jali bil^e atgaggands atbair l-"*) giba J^eina. 25 sijais uaila liugjands an- dastauin |'einamma s]»raut(i. und )'atei is in wiv^n mi]> iinnia. ibai Iran atgibai ]n\k sa aiidastaiia stauin. jali sa staua |?uk atgibai andbalita, jali in karkara galagjaza. 20 ainen qij^a |nis: ni usgaggis jaiujn'u, unte usgibis j^ana minnistan kiutu. r 27 Hausideduj? }>atei qi]?an ist: ni lioriuos. 28 af^pan ik qi)?a izwis, ]^atei Ivazuh saei sailri}^ iwe ]>einaize. jah ni allata leik ') usslagg MS. Matthew V. VT. R7 ]mn g'adrinsai in i^'jiiainnan. ."JO j.-ili jal)ai taihswo |;eiiia lumduK niarzjai |nik. atVnait ]>o jah wairp af f^us; batizo ist auk |>ui^ ei fraqistnai ains li|'i\ve j^einaize. jali iii allata leik l^cin ga- driusai in g-aiainiiau. 31 (j(ij>anuli pan ist ]\atei kazulii) saei afletai qeu. g-il)ai izai afstassais boko.s. 32 i)> ik qipa izwis Jnxtei li-azuli saei atieti]> qen seina, imili fairina kalkiiiassans, tanji|.> po lioi'inon; jfili sa ize afsatida liugaij?, Uorino]-'. 33 Aftra liausideduj^ )?atei (pj-'aii ist )?aim airizam: ni ufar- swarais, \]> nsg-ibais franjin ai|niiis j^einans. 34 a)>|?aii ik qipsi izwis ni swaran allis. ni bi liiniinji, nnte stol!:^ ist .g'u|?s; 35 nih l>i aiv|>ai, nnte fotubanrd ist fotiwe is, nih bi lairusaulymai, unte baurgs ist )>is mikilins piudanis: 36 iiili bi haubida j^einamraa swarais. nnte ni mag't ain tagl Ireit ai)^]?au swart gataujan) 37 sijaij^Jziin waurd izwar: ja, ja; ne, ne; i|^ j^ata managizo l^aini ns j^amnia ul)i1in ist. 38 Hausidedul^ l^atei qipan ist: ango iind augin. Jah tun|>u nnd tnn]?an. -V,) \p ik qipa izAvis ni andstaudan allis f»anima unseljin; ak Jabai has ]n\k stantai ))i taihswou |?eina kinnn, Avandei imma jah };<) anj^ara. 4<> jah |?ainma Aviljandin mi]' jnis stanajah paida j^eina niraan, aflet ininia jah wastja. 41 jah jabai hits ]?uk ananauj-'jai rasta aina, gaggais mi)? imma twos. 42 )?amma bidjandin j>iijj^_gibais. jali j^annna wiljandin at' )?us leihaiijiis ni uswandjais. 43 llansidedul' }>atoi (lijvan ist: tVijos nehnudjan j^eiuana, jah tiais tiand jnnnana. 44 aj-'j-'an ik (jipa izwis; t'rijo|> fijauds i/Avarans. )'iii)jjai)> |'aus wrikandans izwis, waihi taujai)-' J>aim hatjaudam izAvis, jah liidjai]? ))i f>ans n8)?rintandans izAvis. 45 ei Avaiii-'ai]' sunjus attins izAvaris |'is in hiininam, nnte snnnon seina' nrrannei|> ana ubihnis jah godans. jali rignei|> a,na. garaihtans jah ana iiiAvindaiis./ 4() jabai ank fVijo]' pans tVijondans izwis ainans, ho mizdono liabai)'/ niu jah \>iu [yiid++ }>ata samo tanjandV 47 jali jabai goleip |'ans tVijonds izwarans )>atainei.- he managizo tauji}/.'' niu jah niotarjos j'ata sanio tanjandV 48 sijail? nn jus t'ulbitojai. swaswt' atta izwar sa in liiminam t'ulla- tojis ist. (Mia]). \'l. 1 Atsaihij' annaion iz^val•a ni tanjan in and- Avairf>ja inaune du saihan im; aijd^au hinn ni haliaij' tram attin izAvaraninia }>aninia in hiininam. 2 f>aii nu taujais armaion. ni liauriijais taura )>us. swaswe pai liutans taujand in ga(j[um}nm jah in garunsim. ei haulijaindau tram mannani; amen qij>a izAvis: andnemnn mizdon seina. 3 i|> |?uk taujandan ^armaiou ni Aviti hleidumei j^eiua, h-a taujif? taihsAvo j^eina, 4 ei sijai so armahairtil'a )?eiua in fulhsnja, jah atta |?eins saei saibip in fulhsnja. "-) usgibij' |nis in bairhtein. 5 jah j^an bidjai|\ ni sijaij-* ') lou hazuh MS. ^) falksja i\IS. 88 M.ittli.'w VT. swaswo I'jii liiit;nis. mito tvijond in ,i;a(|iiiiit'ini jali waihstani l)lai)io staiidaiulans Mdjaii. ei i^'ainiijaindau Tiiaiinaiii. amen, (|ipa izwis. l^atei lial»aiid luizdoii seiiia. (5 i)^ \)n j?aii bidjais, j;'at!,'j;' ill licl'Joii l^eiiia. jali iialukaiids liaiirdai j^eiiiai bidci dii attiii l^cinamiiia. I'aiimia in t'liliisiija, jali atta ]Hnns saei saih'i}> ill fiilhsnia. ') usi;ibij^ [^ns in bairlitein. 7 Hidjandansu|>-|;an ni lihiwanrdjai)-'. ,swa8We )nii |>iiulo; Iniji'kcii' ini ank ei in liluwaiirdein scinai andbaiisjaindan. 8 ni i;-aleik()l' nu |>aini: wait auk atta iz-war j'izei Jus |>aur))af>, t'anr- Vizei jus l)idjail' ina. !) sua uu l)idiai]> jus: atta iinsar Jni in himinani. weilmai namo j^oin. lU ((iniai I'iiidinassuH }>cins. waiv- ]>ai Avilja l>ein.s, swe in biraina jali ana airj^ai. 1 1 Idail unsarana j^'ana sinteinan j;'if uns liimma daga. 12 jali aflet uns patei skulans sijaima. sAvaswe jali wcis atictam l^aini sknlani nnsaraim. 13 jab ni briggais uns in IVaistiibnjai, ak biusei nns at" t^amnia ubilin; unte |?eina ist ]?iudang'ardi jab niabts jab avuIJ^us in aiwius. amen. 14 Unte jabai aileti|> niannani niissadcdins i/e. alleti)>jali izwis atta izwar sa iifar himinani. lo i|> jabai ni aHeti}> manuani niissadedins ize. ni j^au atta izwar afleti]' niissadedins izwaros. US Aj-'l^an bil^e fastaiJ->, ni wair)\ii|^ swaswo f^'ai liutans gaiirai; frawardjand auk andwaivpja seiua, ei gasaih'aindau niannani fastandans. amen, qi}^a izwis. l^atei andncmun mizdon seina. 17 i|> pn fastauds salbo baubi]^ |^eiu, jab bulja |?eina ]nvab, 18 ei ni gasaibaizau niannani f'astands. ak attin peinanima j^amma in fulbsnja. jab atta }?eins, saei saihil^ in fulhsnja. usgibi]' ]mis. 10 Ni buzdjai{> izwis liuzda ana aiiinii, parei mab> jfib iiidwa fi•awa^dei|^ jail parei |>iul)os ufgraliand jali lilitand. 20 i}-* huzd- jai}^ izwis liuzda in bimiiia. [;arei nib malo nili nidwa f^awal•dei|^ jab )nirei jnubos ni ufgraband nib stiland. 21 j'arei aulc ist bnzd izwar, f^arub ist jali bairto izwar. 22 Lukarn leikis ist augo: jabai un augo )>eiu aintal)> ist, allata leik l^ein liubadein wairj^il^: 28 i]> jabai aug-o ]>ein uusel ist, albita leik )>ein riqizein wairf-iil?. jabai nu linba]^ }>ata in ]mH riqiz ist, pata ricjiz Ivan tilul 24 Xi manna mag twaim fraujam skalkiuou; unte jabai bjai):' ainana, jab au);>araua frijop; ai}')>au ainamma iifliausei]^ }\> ant>araniina frakaun. ni maguj^ gul^'a skalkiuon jab niam- mouiu. -) 25 du|?j?e qi|'a izwis: ni maurnail'' saiwalai izwarai ba matjai]? jab ha drigkai[>. nili leika izwaramma Ive wasjaij?: niu saiwala iiiais ist fodeinai jab leik wastjomV 26 insailrij? dn fuglam biminis. |^ei ni saiand nib sneipand., nib lisand in ban- stins, jab atta izwar sa ufar biminam tbdei)> ins. niu jus mais wul}>rizans sijii}> jniim? 27 i]> b^as izwara maurnands inag ana- ') fulhlsnja MS. -) iu tlic uiargiu failnipra . . , i.e. faihu- praihna Luke XVI. 13. Matthew VT Mark T. 89 ; aukMii ;mM wahsitu scinana aloina ainaV 28 jali hi ^^■a8tjos h-a ; saiiri;-ai)>V i;aknnuaif> bloiuanf^ hail'jos, haiwa waliMJaiid; nih ; arhaidjand nil) siniinand. 2<) (\\]m\\ ]ku\ izwis patei nib Sau- lannion in allamnia. wulj'an seinanima i^awasida sik svve ains I'izc. .10 jail J'ando Inita liawi hai)>jos bininui dai;'a wisando i jab y-istradaps in anlm pdag'ij? i;-n]' s^wa wasji|>, baiwa niais izwLS. loitil ii'alaubjandansi? 31 ni niauniaip nn qipandaiis: ha niatjani ai|?l^an ba drigkani, aif^ij^an b-e AvasjainiaV o'J all auk j I'ata )>indo8 sokjand; waitub |>an atta, izwav sa nfar bimiuani j •_'. FROM 'I'liE (iOSPKl, OF ST. M AHlfe''*-^.'-*'^^^? (CODF.X ARGENTEUS). XvQo "^'^ AlWAGGELJO I>ATKI1 I\IARKU ANAISTODEII'. ^4^ rbap. I. 1 Anastodeins aiwaggeljous lesnis Xristaus sunauf< 2 Swe i;'anielil^ ist in Esiaiin praut'etau: sai, ik iusandja ag- j;!,-ilu nieinana faura )nis. saei g-amanweij? wig- J^einana faura fnis. ;> stibna AVO])jandius in au|>idai: mamveil-' wig- franjins. raibtos Avaui-keil> staigos guj^s nusaris. i was lobaunes daiipjands in anj^idai jab nierjands daupeiu idreigos dn aflag-einai frawaurbte. 5 jab usiddjednn du inima all ludaialand jab lairusaulymeiK, jail daiipidai wesuu allai in laurdane ab^ai fram imnia, and- haitandau8 fmwanrbtini seinaini. wasn)?-|>an lohanues g-awasi|^s taglani ulbandans jab gairda iilleiua bi bii]t seiuana, jab niatida }>rani,steins jail niili}> liai)?iwisk. •) 7 jab merida qi}>andf?: qinii]? swinl'oza mis sa afar mis. ]?izei ik ni im waii-]^'^ anabueiwauds andbindau skandarai]) skobe is. 8 a^-ian ik daupja izwis in watin, ip is daupeif? izwis in abmin weibamma. 9 Jab Avar}> in jainaim dag-am, qam Jesus fram Nazaraij^ (laleilaias, jali daupi)^s was fram lobanne in laurdane. 10 jab suns usgagg'ands us |>amma watin gasah'^ uslukauans'-) bimi- nans. jab abmaii swe abak atgaggaudan ana ina. 11 jab stibna qam us biminam: ]m is sunus meins sa liuba. in )'uzei waila galeikaidii. '^j 12 jab suns sai. abina ina ustaub in au)>ida. 13 jab was in j-'izai auj'idai dage fidwor tiguns fraisans fram Satanin. jab^ftas m\]> diuzam, jab aggileis andbabtidedun imma. i4 Ip afar }?atei atgibans war|> lobanues, qam lesus in Ga- leilaia merjands aiwaggeljon I'iudangardjos guf»s. 15 qi)?ands l-'atei usfullnoda |?ata mel jab atueluida sik |>iudangardi guj-'s: idreigo]^ jab galaubei|> in aiwaggeljon. 16 jab Ivarbonds faur marein Galeilaias gasalv Seimonu jab Andraian brojmr is, ') gloss wilj'i. -) iisluknaus MS. ^) in the margin pukei wUda. 00 Mark 1. |?is SeiiiMMiis. \v:iii|»;iml;uis ii.-iti in iii;urin; wcsuii ;iuk (iskjjins. 17 ,j;ili (|al' im Icsiis: liirjnts utiw mis. Jjili i;-atjuij;i ii;(|is \vjuv|^Mn iiufinis niaiine. 18 jali suns ailotandans Jx) natja seina laistidcdim afar imnia. 10 Jali jainfn'o inn pii;-i;-aiuis fVan)is leitil') g-asalr lakobu I'ana Zaibaidaiaus Jali lolianne In-oj^'ar is, jali pans in skipa inainvjandans iiatja. 20 Jali suns liailiait ins. jali afie- taiidans attan scinana Zail)aidain in j^aninia skijta nii|' asnjain, i;'ali|^nn afar inuna. 21 Jail pilipun in Kafarnauni. jali suns sabhato dapi i;'alei- I'ands in synai;'oii,-en laisida ins. 22 jali usfihnans wanr[>un ana j'i/ai laiseinai is; nnte was "laisja.nds ins swe waldnfni liabands jab ni SAvaswc |^ai bokarjos, 2:5 jalfvvas in f;izai synag-og-en ize manna in iinlirainjaniina abniin, jab nfbro])ida 24 qil'ands: fralct, b*a nns jab I>us. lesu Xa/orenaiV (|amt fra<(ist)an uns; kann ]mk. lias Ini is, sa weiba ^'ul'S. 2.") jab andbait ina lesus (|i]'ands: J-'abai jab usgag-g- nt ns I'amma. alima unbrainja. 2() jab tabida ina abnia sa unlirainja. jali lini]ijands stibnai niikilai nssidja us imma. 27 jab afsian|'nudodtin allai silda- Icikjaudans. swaei sokidedun mii> sis niisso (|i|>aiidaiis: b'a sijai l^ata? ko so laiseino so ninjo. ci mi|-> vvaldufnja jab abmani I'aini unbrainjam anabiudi]> jail iiriiaiisjand immaV 28 nsiddja jnin meripa is suns and allaiis hisifands < lalcilaias. 29 Jab suns ns }>izai syna.i;oi;'cn usi;'a,ii'i;'andans (|emun in f;'arda Seimonis jab Andraiins mi}-' lakobaii jali i»<> iindi^')'ei]»ands liaudu i/.os. jab aflailot ]m) so brinno suns, jab andbabtida im. 82 Auda- nalitja pan waurpanainma, Jnin ii,'asag'i;'(j sauil berun du imma allans pans ubil baliandans jab unbulpons babandaiis. 'A'A jali so haurii'S alia iiarunnana. was at daura. ;)4 jab ,<:'abailida niaiiaii-ans ubil liabandans missaloikaini saiditim. jab unliiil|'oiis manag'os uswar]). jab ni fralaik»t rodjan pos tinliulpons, nnte kiinpedun ina. ?).") Jab air ubt\v(fli usstandands nsiddja. jali pilaip ana aiipjana stap. jali jainar bap. 8() jab iialaistans Avaurpnn imma SoinKtn jab pai mip imma. 87 jab bi^itandans ina qepun du imma. J-'atei allai puk sokjaud. 88 jab qap du im: i!,-agg'ani du paim bisunjane baimom -j jab baurg-im, ui jab jainar merjau. nnte duj-'e (|am. ".VJ jab was meijands in synag'oii'im ize and alia (iiueilaian jab unbulpons usAvair])ands. fo Jab (|am at imma prutstill liabands. bidjaiids ina jali kniwam kniissjands jab qipands du imma patei jaliai wileis, magt mik i:i,abrainjan. 41 ip lesus infeinands, ufrakjands liandu seina attaitok imma jab qap imma: wiljau, wairp brains. 42 jab bipe qap pata lesus, suns pata prutstill atiaip af imma, jab brains warp. 43 jab galiotjands imma suns ussandida ina, ') k'Ua MS. ^) huimon MS. Mark I. 11. 91 44 jail qn]) (In immn : Railr ei maiinhiiii iii ([ijniis waiht; ak ii'ag-g- jnik silbaii ataui;;jaii j;'iuljiii, jnli atbair tram ,i;'aliraineiiiai i^'eiiiai I'atei annbanf? Moses du weitwodi]>ai im. i 45 i)^ is us- o-aggaiids dui^-aiin iiieVjaii tilii jali usqipan jnitn Avanrd. swaswe is jiipan ni iiiahta aiidaiiiiju in hiuwi^ i;5ileil^jiii. ak iit;i :ma auj'Jiiim stadiin was: jali iddjediin du iiinua alla[n-o. CUiap. n. 1 Jail g-alai}? aftra in Kafarnanm afar dagaus, jali gafreliuu |?atei in g-arda ist. 2 jali suns gaqemiin manag-ai, swaswe jii|?an ni gamostedun nib at daura. jali rodida ini waiird. 3 jab qeniiin at imnia uslij'an l)aivandans, bafaftana train tid- worim.'j 4 jab ni niagandaiis nelua qiman imina faiira ma- nag-eim. andlmlidednn brot I'lirei was lesns, jab usgrabandans insailidedun |>ata liadi, jab tValailotnn ana ]'ammei lag- sa nsli)?a. 5 Gasaili-ands pun lesus galaiibeiu ize qaj? du |?amma nslil?in : barnilo, afletanda j^iis tVawaurbteis ]>einos. 6 wesunub |^an siimai ]>he bokarje jainar sitandans jab l-'agkjandans sis in bairtam seinaiin : 7 IrM sa swa rodei|> luiiteininsV Iras mag afletan frawanrbtins, niba ains gu|>V 8 jab suns nt'kunnands lesus abmin seinamnia l^atoi swa pai mitodedun sis. qa[> du im: dulve niito|> ]nita in bairtsun izwaraimV '.» Iral-'ar ist azetizo du qipan ]>ainma uslijnn : afletanda 2) f>us trawaurbteis peinos, |>au qi)>an: urreis jab niin pata badi l^einata jab gag-gV 10 a]>)-'an ei witei]^ [>atei waldnt'ni b;ibai|^ sunns innns ana air)nii atletaii frawaurlitins. (|ap du )>iininia uslif-'in: 1 1 ]>iis ([\\n\: urreis nimub I'ata l)adi |'ein jab gngg du gnrda |?c'in;nnina. 12 j;ili iirrais suns jail usbatjands badi iisi(blja faura andwair|>ja allaize. swaswe usgeisnodedun allai jali baubidediin niikiljandaus gu)'. ([ij^audans f-'atei aiw swa ni gaseliuni.-') 13 Jab galaip aftra faur inarein, jab all manageins iddjeduii du iinma, jali laisida ins. 14 jab Irarbonds gasalr Laiwwi p'ana Altaians sitandan at inotai, jab qaj' du inima : gagg afar mis. jail usstandands iddja afar inima. 15 jab Avar]'. bif>e is ana- kumbida in garda is. jab nianagai motarjos jali frawaurbtai mi]* anakumbidedun lesua jab sijionjam is; wesuii auk nianagai jab iddjedun afar iniina. 10 jab l^ai bokarjos jab Fareisaieis g-a- sailvandans iua matjandan niif^ paini niutarjam jab frawaurli- taim. qe]nin du jniiiii siixmjain is; h'a ist |;'atei inip inotarjam jail frawaurbtaim ^j niatjij? jab driggki)^V 17 jab gabausjauds Tesus qa]^ du im : ni I>aurbiiii swinpai lekeis, ak |>ai ubilaba babandans: ni qam laj?on uswaurbtans ak frawaurbtans. 18 Jab wesun siponjos iobannis jab Fareisaieis fastandans; jab atiddjedun jab qej^un du inima : duhre siponjos lobauues jab Fareisaieis fastand. i];' ]^ai J^'einai siponjos ni fastandV 19 jab ') fidworin MS. -) (iflcjmnda MS. ■'■) gaseka MS. *) fruurh- taim MS. 02 >lMrl< II. III. (|;ij' iiii losiis: ilcii iii;ii;iiii siiiijiis linij-it'adis, und pjitci mi|> iiii ist itriij4;il's. lastauy swa la^f;a Iroila svvc iiii)^ sis liabaiul lirul'fad. iii iiiaiiiiii fastan. 20 aj^l^ui at^-a^-ii'aiul dag-os |>au afni- iiiada at" iiii sa l>ni)>lal^s. jali pan fastand in jaiiianiiiia daga. 21 ni niauiia i)lat fanins niujis sinjil^ ana sna^an fairnjana; ihai afiiiniai t'lilloii af J>ainnia sa niuja I'anuiia fhinijin. jali wair- si/a iiataiira A\air)>il'. 22 ni niaima -iiiti)' W('in.)iii;'i;'ata in l)alj;-ins rairnjaiis: ihai aut'to distaiiai wciii f.>ata niiijo |^ans hali^-ins, jail Avciii usi;iitni}>. jali pai ltal,:L;('is fi-a(|istnand; ak \vein jiii;- ,i;ata in hali;ins ninjans i^'iutand. 20 .lali war)' j'aiiii2,'aii,pui imnia sahbato da.ua j^airli atisk. jali dnjAunnun siiionjos is skewjandans ran]t.jan alisa. 24 jali Farei- saieis (ie|>nn du ininia: sai, Ira tanjand si])(mjos poinai sab- batini );a,tei ni skuld istV 25 jali is (|a|^ du ini: iiin ussugj.;'vvul> aiw Iva g-atawida Dawcid, f^an I'aurtta jali .i;Tcdag's was, is jali |>ai nii}> ininiaV 2() haiwa g-alai}> in pird i;'ul-'S ufAlnaj-'ara g'udjiii jail lilaibans t'aurlag'einaif^ inatida, |>an/ei ni skuld ist niatjan niba ainaini pidjam, jali pif jali jniiiii ini]^ sis wisandamV 27 jali qn]} iin: sabbato in mans warj^ gaskapaus, ni manna in saJi- bato dag-is; 28 swaei frauja ist sa suuus niaus jali |>amma sabbato. Chap. III. 1 Jail galai}; aftra in synag'Og-eii, jali was jaiuar manna gaj>aursana liabands liandu. 2 jali witaidcdun inima. liai- lidediu sabliato daga, ei wroliidedeiiia ina. 3 jali qaj' du Jnimma mann }niinma gaj^aursana liabandiu liandu : urreis in midumai. I jail ([t\\> du iin: skuldu ist in sabbatim |4iil' taujan ai|'l'aii nn|nul> taujan, saiwala nasjan ai|>]^au usqistjanV i]' eis paliai- dedun. 5 jali ussailvands ins mi)' moda, gaurs in daubi)?os liaivtins ize, (\'Ap du |>amma mann: utVakei )^o liandu j^eina! jail nfrakida, jali gasto]-* aftra so liandus is. () Jail gaggandans pan Farcisaicis sunsaiw \n]\/ \>:\'un llevu- diauum garuni gatawidedun In ina, ei inima usqemeina. 7 jali Jesus aflai)> mip siiionjam seinaim du inavein, jali tilu manageins us Galeilaia') laistidedun afar imma, 8 jali us Tudaia jali us laii'usaulymim jali us Idumaia jali liindana laurdanaus; jali l^ai bi Tyra jali Seidona. manageins tilu, galiausjandaus' luau tilu is tawida, qemun at imma. 9 jah qa]' paim siponjam seinaim ei skip liabai]-' wesi at imma in pizos manageins, ei ni l^railieina ina. 10 managans auk galiailida. swaswe driisun ana ina ei imma attaitokeina, 11 jah swa managai swe habaidedun wundufnjos jah ahmans unbrainjans, )?aih j'an ina gaselrun, drusuu du imma jah hropidcdun (jijnmdans jnitei pn is suuus gu)?s. 12 jah iilu andbait ins ei ina ni gaswikun)ndedeina. 18 Jah ustaig in fairguui jah athaihait panzei wilda is, jah gali|^uu du imma. 14 jah gawaurhta twalif du wisau mi];* siSj. ') GaleUaian MS. Mark IIT. TV. 98 Jail ci insandidcdi in^ iiiei'jaii. 15 jali liaban vvaldufui du liailjaii saidvtins jail uswaivpan iiniiu1(^oiis. l(i jali i;,'asatida Seimona namo Paitriis: IT.jali Iakol)au j?aimna Zaibaidaiaus. jali loliaiiiie bro]>r lakol)aus. jali i^asatida iui naimia l^aiiaiiairg-ais. ]>atei ist: sun- jus peilrous: IS Jali Audraian Jali Fili])i)u Jali r>aii'aulauniaiu Jail .Mat)>aiu Jali I'oinau Jali lakobu jnina Altaiaus. Jali I'ad- daiii Jail Seiviioiia \y<\m\ Kaiianciteii. l'.> Jali liidan Tskarioteii. saoi jail ,i;alcwida ina 20 Jail atiddjeduii in g'ard. jali i;aj(ldja sik iiiaiiai:,'ei, swaswe iii lualiteduii uili lilait' iiiatjan. 21 jali liausjandaiis train imina bokarjos Jali au|>arai usiddjedun galiaban ina; qefnin auk I'atei usii'aisil'S ist. 22 Jah bokarjos |'ai af lairusaulymai qi- niandans (|e|>un I'atoi IJaiail/aibul liabai)>, Jali ]>atei in |>amma reikistiii unliul|^ono uswair])if> j^aini unluil)?om. 23 jali atliaitands ins in g'ajukoiii (la]-" du ini: Iraiwa mag- vSatanas Satanan uswairpanV 24 Jali Jabai {>iudaiij^'ardi wijn-a sik g-adailjada. ui mag staiidan so j^iudaugardi Jaiua. 25 Jali Jabai g-ards wipra sik g-adailjada, ni mag- standan sa g-ards Jains. 26 Jali jabai Satana nsstol> ana sik silban jali gadaili}?s war|^ ni mag- g;astandan. ak audi habai|^ 27 ni manna mag' kasa swin|?is g-alei|^ands in g'ard is wilwan, uiba taur|>is f>ana swinl^an g;abiudip; jali />an\) l^ina g-ard is diswilwai. 28 amen, qil>a izwis, l^-atei allata alletada j>ata trawaurlite sununi nianne, jali naiteinos swa mauag'os swasvve wajameijand; 20 a]?}?an saei wajamerei]^ alimaii weiliana, ni liabai)^ fralet aiw, ak skula ist aiweinaizos fra- waurlitais. 30 unte (lejnin: aliinan unlirainjana liabai)?. 31 Jail ((einun pan ai|>ei is jali bro)n;jus is Jali uta stan- dandona insandidedun du imma, haitandona ina. 32 jah setun bi ina managei ; qe)>un pan du imma , sai, aipei j-ieina jali bro- ]n-jus l-'einai jah swistrjus j^einos uta sokjand jnik. 33 Jah andhof imqi)niuds: Ivo ist so aipei meiua aij^J^au j^ai brof'rjus ineinai'? 34 jah bisaihrands bisunjane |?ans bi sik sitandans qaj?: sai, ai|>ei meiua jah ]>ai bro)?rjus meinai. 35 saei allis waurkeij? wiljan g'n|?s, sa jah broJ>ar meins jah swistar jah ai|>ei ist. Chap. IV, 1 Jah aftra lesus dugann laisjan at marein, jah g-alesun sik du imma manag:eins filu, swaswe ina g'alei|>andau'-) in skip g-asitau in marein; jah alia so managei wi]>ra marein ana sta}->a was. 2 jah laisida ins in gajukom mauag", jah qa}> im in laiseinai seinai: 3 hausei]^! sai, urrann sa saiands du saiau fraiwa seiuamma. 4 jah war]^, mij>)-'anei saiso, sum raihtis ga- draus faur wig-, Jah qemun fuglos Jah fretuu l?ata. 5 an|?arup- ]^an gadraus ana stainahamma, l^arei ni habaida air)?a managa, jah suns urrann, in |>izei ni habaida diupaizos air]?os; at sun- nin pan urriuuandin ufbrann. jah unte ni habaida waurtins. 'J wanting M.S. -) galeipan MS. 04 l^ark TV. gaVanrsnoda. 7 Jali smii 2,-adraus in |>aurnuns: jali ufarstigun j^ai I'aunijiis jali anvapidediin ]>ata. jali akrau iii gat". 8 jah Slim gadraiis in aiii^a goda. jah gal' akraii urriiinaiido jah wahsjaiidd. jah l)ar aiu "1" jah aiii "j" jah aiii t. '.•jah qa)': saei lial)ai aiisoiia haiisjaiidoiia. gahaiisjai. 10 1 1' l»i|'('. war]' siuidro, frehiin iiia ):>ai hi iiia mij> j-'aim tvva- libiiii I'i/os gajukoiis. 1 1 jali (|a|' im: izwis atgihaii ist kunnaii riiiia I'iiidaiigardjos gul-'s. ip jaiiiaiiii ]>',\un iita in gajnkoni ') allata \vairt'i|^ 12 ei sailraii(laiis sailuaiiia jah iii gauinjaina. jah hansjaiidans hausjaiiia jah iii t'ra|>jaiiia. iiihai luan gawand- jaiiia sik jah aHetaiiidaii im tVavvaiirliteis. lo ,iah qa}-* dii im: iii witu]'' )^o gajiikou. jali liraiwa alios [-"os gajukoiis kunueij^V 14 sa saijauds waiivd saijil^ 15 aj^paii ]n\\ wipnx wig siiid. ]?arei saiada |?ata waiird, jah }?aii gahansjaiid unkarjaiis, suns qimip Satanas jah usiiimi|> Avauvd puta insaiano in liairtam ize. 10 jali sind sanialciko )>ai ana stainahannna saianans, |>ai(!i pan haus- jand |nita wanrd. suns mi|> f'ahedai niniand ita. 17 jah ni haband waurtins in sis, ak h'^eilaluair))ai sind; [>a)^roh, hij^e qimi)> aghi ai[>Van wrakja in jns waurdis, suns gannirzjanda. IS jali }>ai sind |>ai in ]?auvnuns saianans, ]^ai waurd hausjandans, 19 jah saurgos |:nzos lihainais jah afmarzeins gabeins jah j^ai hi |>ata au|:>ai" lustjus inn atgaggandans aflvapjand j-'ata waurd, jah akranalaus wairl-'lj^ 20 jah |>ai sind J^ai ana airjnii l^izai godon saianans, ]miei hausjand )?ata wauvd jah andnimand, jah akrau bairand, ain 'l' jah ain j jah ain 'v. 21 Jah (jal' du im: ibai lukarn qimi):' du]>e ei uf melan satjaidau ait-'pau undar ligr? niu ei ana lukarnastaj-'an satjai- dauV 22 nih allis ist lua fulginis J^atei ni gal)airhtjaidau : nih wsLYp analaugn, ak ei swikuu]^ wair|?ai. 2;i jalmi bas habai ausoua hausjandona, gahausjai. 24 Jah qa]> du im: sailvi}^, lua hausei)?! In |>izaiei mita)-' mitij^, mitada izwis jah biaukada izwis j^aini galaubjandam. 25 unte j^islvammeh saei liabail> gil)ada imma; jah saei ni habai ]> jah l^'atei habai)^ afniniada imma. 20 Jah (|a)?: swa ist l^udangardi gul-is, swaswe jabai manna wairpi]' traiwa ana airj^a. 27 jah slei)i}? jah urreisi)' naht jah daga, jah pata fraiw keinij^ jah liudip swe ni wait is. 28 silbo auk airj^a akran bairi)-': frumist gras, |?a|n-()h ahs, ]>a- jn'oh fulleil> kaurnis in )>amma ahsa. 29 l-ianuh bi}?e atgibada akran, suns insandei)^ 8'ill^'i, wute atist asans. 30 Jah qa]j : lire galeikom piudangardja gu|?s, aipj^au in luileikai gajukon gabairam )'oV 81 swe kauruo sinapis, |?atei l>an saiada ana airjni, minnist allaize t'raiwe ist |>ize ana airpai; rVl jah I'an saiada. urrinni]' jah wair|'i|' allaize grase maist, jah Mark IV. V. 95 ii,-atauji)> astaiis iiiikilans, swaswe iiiai^iui iif skadau is fug'los liiminis g-abauau. 88 jali swaleikaim inaiia£,aim i;-ajuk()iii rodida du iin l>atn vvaurd. sAvaswe inalitedun liausjoii. 84 i|^ iiudi p\jn- kon ni rodida iiii. i|' suiidro siponjain seinaira andbaiid nllata. '^') .I:i1i (\i\\) dii ill! in jainaiinna da£,'a at aiidaiiniit).! \kiu waiutaiiamiiin : uslci|'am jainis stadis. 8(5 jnli ntietandans j^o inauai;'eiii aiiduemiiii in;i swe was in skipM; Jjili j-aii aiipara skipa Mcsuii mil'' inima. 87 jali wai')^ skura wiiidis mikila jah vveii,()S ^^altidednll in ski]), swaswe ita Jii|'an ,n'afulln(»da. ;;8 Jali was is ana notin ana ^vag■l;■al;ja slepands, jali nrraisidedun ina jah qe]?iin du imnia: laisari, nin kara ]ndv \nze\ tVaqistnam ? 8V) jali nrreisands g'asok winda jali qa]^ du marein: o-aslaAvai. afdumbn! jail anasilaida sa winds jali war)? wis niikil. 40 jali qaj' du ini: dukre fanrlitai sijuf> swa? Ivaiwa ni nauU lialiaij^ g-alaubeinV 41 jali ohtediin sis ag-is niikil. jah qej>un du sis inisso: Iras |>annu sa sijai. unto jah winds jah niarei ul'haus- jand iniinaV Chap. V. 1 Jah qeinun hindar niareiu in landa ( iaddareue. 2 jah usg-aggaudin inima us skipa suns ganiotida ininia manna us aurahjom in ahniin unhrainjainma, 8 saei bauain habaida in aurahjom: jah ni naudibandjom eisavneinaim manna mahta ina gabindan. 4 ante is ufta eisarnam bi Ibtuns gabuganaim jah naudibandjom eisarneinaiin gabundans was, jah galausida at" sis j?os naudil)andjos, jah |h> ana fotum eisarna gabrak jah manna ni mahta ina gatainjan.^j 5 jah sinteino nalitam jah dagam in aurahjom jah in faivgunjain Avas hropjands jah bligg- ^^■ands sik stainam. (> gasailrands^) )>an lesu fairra}n-o rami jah inwait ina, 7 jah hr(»])jands stibnai mikilai qa|': lua mis jah ]?us, lesu, sunau gu]>s ]?is hauhistinsV biswara Inik bi gujni, ni balwjais mis! 9 ante (ial> imnia: usgagg, ahma unhrainja, us l>aninia mann! 9 jah frali ina: lua naiiio |>einV jah ([a|? du imma: namo inein Laigaion, ante managai sijuin. 10 jah ba]> ina filu ei ni usdrebi im us landa. 11 wasuli f>au jainar hairda sweine lialdana at ]>amma fairguuja. 12 jah bedun ina alios |?os unhul)?ons qi}?audeins: insandei unsis in po sweina, ei in j^o galei|?aima. 13 jah uslaubida im lesus suns, jah usgaggaudans ahnians ]?ai unhrainjans gali|>un in po sweina, jah rann so hairda and driuson in marein; Avesunul^-fnm swe twos |nisundjos, jah aflvapnodedun in marein. 14 jah l^ai haldaudans )^o sweina gal?lauhun, jah gataihun in baurg jah in liaimom, jah qemun sailuan lira wesi ]>ata waurp'ano. 15 jah atiddjedun du lesua, jah gasailuand ]>ana wodan sitandan jah gawasidana jah fra]^- jandan, )?ana saei habaida laigaion, jah ohtedun. 10 jah S])il- lodedun im |?aiei gaselvun, Ivaiwa war)? bi )>aiia wodan jah ') gloss lu the marg'in, (jiihindun. '-) (jusuisuihuiuls M.S. 96 Mark V. I»i ]h) swoiiia. 17 jali (hii;iiiiiiuii liidj.-iii iiia i;'alei}>an liiiular iiiarkos seiiios. IS jali iiiii ,:nai;'i;'aii(laii iiia in ski]) liaJMiia, saei was wods. ci iiii|^ iiiiiiia wesi. I'.t jali iii laildt iiia. ak qa)^ du iiiiiiia: j^-ai^'j;- dii j-ai'da l^eiiiaiimia dii peinaiiii . Jali gateih iui. kail tilu I'us fraiija i;-ata\vida jah i^aaniiaida |-'uk. 2()|ali i;'alai)> Jail diifi-aiiii nicriaii in l)aika])anl('ii). k-aii Hlii pitawida iimna Icsus: Jah allai sikiak'ikideduii. 2i Jak iisk'i)>aiidin lesiia in ski])n aftra liindar niarein. i;a(|('nuin sik maiia.ii'cins iilii i\\\ ininia. Jali was faura inarciii. 22 Jak sai. (|iini|> aiiis \>ho syna^ji^afarli' iiainiii Jaeirus; Jali saikands ina pidraiis dii Ibtuni lesnis. 2;) Jak l)af> iiia tiln. (|i- I'ands |>atei dauktar iiicina aftmnist liakaiJA oi (jimands lagjais ana \>o kaiiduiis, ci yanisai Jak lihai. 24 Jak i;alai|^ mip imiiia. Jak iddjedmi afav iimna niaiiaii'cins filii Jak tn-aikun ina. 25 Jak (|inonu sunia wisandci in riina ))lo|'is Jora twalif, 2(j Jak iiiaiia«- i;'a|nilaiidei Irani nianapiiin Ickjani Jak tra(|iinaiidei allanuna seinaninia Jak ni waiktai kotida, ak mais wairs kakaida. 27 g'a- kausjandci bi lesu, atj^'aj^'i^-andci in inaiiai:;c'in aftaiia attaitok wastjai is. 28 uiitc (jaf; {-'atoi Jakai Avastjoni is atteka, ganisa. 29 Jak siinsaiw i;'a}>aursnoda sa krnnna klolvis izos, Jak ufkunj>a ana leika jnitei gakailnoda at' }>amnia slalia. oO Jak sunsaiw lesus ntkuujni in sis silkin |^o us sis inakt usgag-g-andeiu; ga- waudjauds sik in nianagein i[i\]r. Jiras mis taitok wastJomV 31 Jak ([clnm du ininia siponjos is: saiMs l-'o manag-ein pvei- liaudein ]nik, Jak ([il-'is: k^as mis taitokV 32 Jak wlaitoda sai- Irau ]^o )nita taujandein. 33 i|^ so qiuo ogandei Jak reiraudei, witaudei l^atci war)> hi ija. qam Jak draus du imma, Jak qa|> iinma alia |'o sunja. 34 i]> is qap du izai: dauktar, galaubeins j^eiua ganasida }>uk, gagg in gawairpi, Jah sijais liaila af |?amma slalia |?einanmia. 35 Nauk|niuuk inima rodjandin qemun fraiii j^amma syna- gogafada, (jij^'andans j?atei dauktar peina gas^valt; Iva |>ana- inais draihcis )>aua laisari? 36 i]> Tesus sunsaiw galiausjands j-'ata waurd rodi|>, qa)^ du j-'amma synagogafada : ni faurktei; ):'a- tainei galauhei. 37 Jak ni fralailot ainokun ize mij' sis afar- gaggan, nibai Paitru Jak lakobu Jak lokannen broj-'ar lakobis. 38 Jak galai)-' in gard pis synagogafadis, Jak gasalv aukjodu jak gretandans jak waifairkrjandans iilu. 39 jak inn atgaggands (laV du ini: Iva aukjop Jak greti)'V j^ata barn ni gadauf-'noda, ak slepil^ 4(> Jak bililoiiun ina. ij; is uswair])ands allaim gaiii- mif>' attan pis harnis Jah aipeiii Jah jnins mip sis, Jak galaip inn parei was pata barn ligando. 41 Jak fairgraip bi kandau pata barn qapuk du izai: taleipa kumei, patei ist gaskeirip: inawiio, du pus qipa: urreis. 42 jak suns urrais so mawi jak iddja; was auk Jere twalibe; jak usgeisnodedun faurkteiu iniki- lai. 43 Jak anabau|' ini tilu ei manna ni t'unpi pata: Jak kaikait izai gibau matjan. St. I.iikc. TI. 97 :',. FKOM 'rilK GOSPEL OF ^'W LTKK. (( ODKX AHGEXTEUS). Clui]). 11. 1 WiU'l^ ]k\u ill (lapms jaiiuius. nrraiiii i^ag-refts tram kaisava A.ii'iistaii. i;aiiieljan allaiia iiiidjuii^'anl. 2 soli |>au li'ilstraiiieleiiis tVuiiiista waii' at |^visall(lin kindiua Synais] i) raii'iiKiiuliii ►Sauriiii Kvi-eiiiaiaii. ;! jali iddjedun allai. ei melidai weseiiia. harji/uli in sciiiai baiir^-. 4 iirraiiii |'au jali Toset us (ialcilaia. lis bain^i;' Na/,arai|'. in liidaiau. in banri;- Daweidis sei liaitada l>e|'laliaiiu. dnj-'e ei was us garda fadreiiiais Daweidis, 5 anaiiieljau iiii|' Mariin sei in tVai^iFtiiii was inuna qeius, wi- sandein inkil|'on. <> War|> pan, ini}>panei ]>o wesun jainar, usfull- nodedun da,i;'os dii bairan izai. 7 jali i;'a1)ar suuu scinana l^aua trnmabaur. Jali biwaud ina. Jali ,iiabi|;ida iiia in uzetin. uute ni was ini vuniis in stada panniia. 8 jali liairdjos wesun in |'»amma samin landa. }^aii-ln\akaiidans jali Avitandans walitwoni iiahts ut'arii liairdai scinai. 1> ij^ agii'ilus tVanjiiis anaqain ins jali wul- )>us traujins biskain ins. jah olitedun apsa mikilamma. lOjah ([al^ du im su ag-g'iliis: ni ogei]^, unte sai, si)illo izwis falieid niikila, sei waiv}>i|> allai nianaj^-ein, 1 1 jnitci i;'abaurans ist izwis liinima dai^a nasjands. saci isf Xristus trauja, in baurg- Dawei- dis. 12 jah l^ata izwis taikiis: bigitid l)arn biwundan jali galagid in uzetin. l-! jali anaks waiiMnip I'aimna aggilau managei har- jis liiininaknndis liazjandane gn|^ jah (ii|^andane: 14 wulpus in hauhistjani gn^a jah ana airj^ai gawairj^i in inannam godis Aviljins. 15 Jah waii--. bi}>e galipuu fairra ini in hiniiu pal aggiljus, jah )>al mans |nii hairdjos qe|nm du sis misso: l-'airhgaggaima ju und Befdahaiin. jah sailvaima waurd |^ata waurpauo, j^'atei trauja gakannida unsis. Hi jah qeniun sniunijandans, jah bigetun Marian jah losef jah |^ata barn ligando in uzetin. 17 gasailuau- daus l-'an gakannidednn hi j-iata waurd I'atei rodi|> was du im hi l^ata barn. 18 jah allai [^ai gahausjaudans sildaleikidedun bi I'o rodidona tram |^aim hairdjam dn iin. 19 i|^ Maria alia ga- fastaida ]>o waurda, l^agkjandei in hairtiu seiuamma, 20 jah ga- waudidedun sik l^-ai hairdjos mikiljandans jah liazjandans gnp in allaizc f-»izeei gahausidedun jah gasehnin swaswe rodi|^ was du im. 21 Jah bi|^e ustulnodcdun dagos ahtau du bimaitan ina, jah haitau was namo is lesiis. |^ata qil^ano tram aggilau. faurpizei ganumaus wesi in wamba. 22 Jah bi}>e ustulnodcdun dagos hraineiuais ize bi witoda Mosezis, brahtedun ina in lairusalem, atsatjan faura tVaujiii, 23 swaswe gamelid ist in witoda traujins: |?atei luazuh gumakun- ') wisandiu kindiua Syriais is evidently a marginal gloss of the manuscript which tvas accidental I y put in the text. U rail III', (jotU. grauuiiar. ": il,s St. T.iikc. II. (hii/.c iislnk;iii(ls (|i|Mi ^V('illS IVjuijiiis li;iitii(l;i. 21 j:ili ei ^•cbciiia Inmi iiiiina liiiiisl. .swnswc (|i|'aH ist in Avitoda iraiijiiis. i;'ajiik liraiwadnhoiio ai|>|'au twos Jni;'ii()iis aliakc. 1') \Kwn\\ was mamia in lairusak'iii. |n/,oi uanio Syinaioii. jah sa inaniia was g-araihts jah <;'iulataiirhts. heidaiids lapoiiais Isracdis. jali ahma ^vcills was ana iniiiia. 2() Jali was iinina Jiataihaii train akniin I'anuna woiliin ni saihan dan|'U. f'auii'i/c schi Xristii fraiijins. 27 jali (|ani in alinnu in ji/ai ;illi: j;ili nii|'|'anei inn attaiiliun Iionis- Jos pata hani Icsn. ci tawidodcina hi Innhtja witodis hi ina. 28 jail is andnani ina ana avnuns seinans. Jali f^inj^'ida i;'u|';i jali qa|>: 2tt nil tVak'itais skalk K'inana, traiijinond traiija. In waurda poinamina in li'awairpja: oU |>ande sekun aui;-ona meina nasein K'ina. 31 I'ooi nianwides in andwair|>ia ') allaizo nianaji'eino. 32 lin- ha|> du andhuk'inai j^indoni Jali wnlfni niana.u'ein I'einai Israela. -'5o jah was losef jah aij^ei is siklakMkjaiHhuia ana |^aim |>oei rodidii wesun hi ina. .'U jali kiii|nda ina Syniaion jah (lap du Mariiii, ai|'ein is: sai. sa ligil-' du drusa jali usstassai mana- i;-aiyA' in Israeki jah du taiknai andsakanai. .'!.") jah I'an )?eiua silhons saiwahi l'aii'hi;'aii,'i;-il> hairus. ci andhiiljaiiidaii us niana- ii'aiin hairtain mitoneis. ;!(') jah was Anna prauteteis, dauhtar Fa- nuelis. us kuiija Aseris; soh tVamaldra da^-e inanag-aizc lihan- dei nii|' aliin jera siliun tram ina^ii-alnMu seinai. 37 soh |^an widuwo jere ahtaiitehund jali lidwor. soh ni ahddja fairra alh fastuhn- jani jah hidoni hlotandc t'raiijan nahtain jah dai;-ani. 38 soh |'izai Ireilai atstandandei andhaihait trail jin. jah rodida lii ina in allaini j^aiin usheidandani lal'on lairusaiilynios. iiU jahhi|n' nstau- liun allata hi witoda fraiijins. <;awandideduii sik in (ialeilaian. in hauri;' seina Nazaraij'. 40 \\> \n\ii\. haru wohs jah swin|nioda ahmius fuUnands jah handuii'eins, jah ansts g-u}>s was aua iinina. 41 Jah wratodedun f-'ai hirusjos is jera lianimeh in lairu- salem at dul|> iiaska. 42 jah hi|H' war|' twalihwintrus, usgag'gan- dam I'an iiii in lairusaulyina hi hiuhtja dulf^ais. 4:5 jah ustiuhan- dain pans dai;'ans. ini|'|'aiie i;-awandidediin sik at'tra , i;'asto|' iosiis sa niai^'us in lairusalem. jah ni wissedun-) loset' jah ai(^ei is. 44 huiijandona in i;'asiii}>jani ina wisan (|eiiiun da<;is wi^- jah sokidedun ina in g'ani|>jani jah in kun|>ain. 45 jah ni liiy-itandona ina gawandidedun sik in lairusalem sokjandona ina. 4(3 jah war)-* afar dagaiis |n-ins. hii;etun ina in alh sitandan in inidjaim lai- sarjam jah hausjandan ini jah fraihnandaii ins. 47 iisgeisnodedun j-'an allai |^ai hausjandans is ana frodein jah andawaurdjain is. 48 jah i;asailiandaiis ina sildaleikideduu. jah (ya\> du ininia so ail'ei is: magau. Ira gatawides uns swaV sai, sa atta Jhmiis jah ik winnandona sokidedum |nik. 49 jah qa|> du im: Ira patei sokidedup mikV uiu wissedu)'' ]>atei in |>aim attins nieinis skulda wisan? -^u jah ija ni fn^jniu ]nimina waurda )>atei rodida ') .■iii;iii(l\\;nr|'i;i MS. -) wLscmIiiii iMS. St. r>uk('. IT. - II. Cor., I. 99 (111 iiii. 'A Jail iddja iiii|' I'lii Jali ((am in Nazai'aif^. Jali was uf- liansjaiids iiii; jali aifnn is i;'at'astai(la j'o waurda alia in iiairtiii •seiiiainina. o'i Jali iesiis j'aili tVodeiu Jali Avalistau Jah aiistai at ^•iij'a Jail iiiaiuiaiii. 4. FROM THE SK(M)Xl) EPIS1M.E TO TRK CORINTHIANS. (CHAPS. I— V IN CODEX AMBR. B: I. 8— IV, lO AND V ALSD IN CODEX AMBR. A). DU KAURI>^DAIILM ANl)Al{A DUSTODElD. Cliap. I.') 1 Pawhis apaustaulus Icsnis Xristaiis l-iairli wiljaii i;'ii}>s Jail Teiniaiipains liroj^ar aildvlesjou i;-u|'s l-iizai wisaiidein ill Kaurinl-'on ini|' allaim ]^aim weiliaiii l-'aim wisaudaiii in allai Alvaijai. 2 aiists izwisjali ii;'awair}n fraiii ii'ul'a attiii uiisarainma Jail traujin Jesii Xristau. 3 r*iuln|As i;-h|> Jail atta tVauJiiis unsavis lesuis Xristaus, atta lileij^eiiio Jali g'ul' allaizo i^'ajdaiiite, 4 saei i;'a|'ral'stida iins ana allai agloii unsarai. ei niag'cinia weis p,'a|'rafstjan j^ans in allaim aiilom Iniirli ]>o g-ajdailit l^izaiei i;'a)n-aistidai sijuni silbans tram ^•u|ni. ") nnte swaswe ut'arassus ist jnilaine Xristaiis in iins, swa Jail J^airli Xvistu ntar tihi ist Jali g'al'rafsteius unsara. 6 aj-'f-'an Jal^l^e l-reilianda. in izwaraizos i;"a|4ailitais jali naseinais f^izos waurstwei.g'ons in stiwitja j^izo samono jnilaine. pozei jah weis winnam, Jali wens unsara i;-a.tiili;ida, t'aiir izwis; Ja]>|>e galn'afst- Jauda in izwaraizos i;a|4ailitais Jail naseinais, 7 witandans I'atei swaswe gadailans |nilaine siju|>, Jali gajdailitais wair|n|\ S uute ni wileima izwis imweisans. In-ojnjiis, bi agloii unsarii po waur- panou uns in Asiai, unte ntarassan kauridai wesiiin ut'ar inalit, swaswe-) skamaidedeima uns Jali liban. 9 akei silbans in uns silbam andaliaft dauj^aus liabaidedum, ei ni sijaima tranandans du uns siibain. ak dii gul^a I'ainma nvraisjandin daupans, 10 izei us swaleikaim daulnim uns galausida Jah galausei)', du )>ammei Avenidedum ei galauseij'. ] 1 at liiljiandam Jali izwis bi uns bidai, ei in inanagamma andwaii'I'Ja so in uns giba l^iirli mauagaus awiliudodau faur uns, 12 uute liottuli unsara so ist, weitwodei mij^wisseins uusaraizos, l-'atei in ainfal}>ein Jali hlutrein g"u]As, ni in handugein leikeinai, ak in anstai guJ-'S usmeitum^) in l>aninia fairlvau, if-* ufarassau at izwis. 13 unte ni alja meljam izwis, alJa ]>oe\ anakunnail-' aij^pau Jali ufkuiinai|'; aj^jnin wenja ei uud audi ufkunnai)/, 14 swaswe gakunnaidedu]-' uns bi sumata, unte luoftuli izwara siJuni, swaswe Jali Jus unsara in daga fraujins lesuis Xristaiis.-*) ') According to codex B, from verse S. onward, jvilli /he various readings of A. -) In A: swaswe atswa;j',i;'wi(lai weseiiua jal liljaii, and the additional /»«/-i^/75.v skainaidedeiiua. •') iisini'liiui J. ^) Xristaiis 7V an ling in A. lOII II. Col-.. I. II. I."» .hill |'i/.;ii ti'aiiaiiKii \vil(la laur|MS (|iiiiau at izwis. ci aii- I'aia aiist liahaidcdiMl'. lli Jali ') l>airli i/wis i;'alei|^aii in Maki(I(»ii- ja'-j jail at'tra at' Makidoiijai ((iuiaii at i/vvis, jali tVaiii i/wis H'asaiidjaii iiiik in liidaia. 17 |'atii|'-|^an nil niitonds. ihai aiilto Icilitis In'nlita'.-' aij^l'aii I'atci iiiitn. hi Icika |^ai;'kiaii. v\ sijai '■) at mis j'ata ja ja jail |^ata nr lie? iS a|'|'an trij;'j;'\vs ,i;-ii|'. v'l \>:\U\ waurd iinsar jata dii izwis nist ja jali M iic li) imte •;ii|^s sunns losus Xristus. saoi in izwis j-airli iiiis \\ailani('rjada •'). |^-iirli mik jah Silhanii iali 'rciniaiil'aiii. iiili'''j way\> ja jali") nc ak ja ill iiiiiiia warj'. "Jn Iraiwa nianai;a, ;i;aliaita iiii|'S. in iiiinia I'atn ja. (Ui1'|h' jali*^) j^airli ina anicn. 'j;n\>i\ dii wiilt'an l^airli uns. "Jl at>l'an sa i;'a}n\astjaiids iinsis'') nii|^ izwis in Xristaii jali salhonds"') ims unj'. '22 jali siju'ljaiids mis jali phaiids wadi ali- man in liairtoiia iinsara. 2;! aH>an ik wcitwod guj' analiaita ana ineinai saiwalai, ci freidjauds izwara j-'anasei|^s ni (|aiii in Kauvinl'oii; 24 ni [^atci tVaiijinonia ") izvvnrai i^-ahuihcinai, ak i;a- waiirstwans sijinii anstais izwaraizos; niitc ^•ahmheiiiai ^"astolMil'. (Mia]>. II.'"-) I A|>|>an i^'astanida |>ata silho at mis, ei aftra ill SMiiri;ai ni qimau at izwis. 2 unte jahai ik gaurja izwis, jali Ivas ist saoi gailjai inik. niha '■'•) sa g-anrida ns misy :>ja}^-'\j I'ata silho gamelida izwis. ci (|imands saurga ni hahaii tram l^ainu'i skulda taginon. j;'atrauands in allaiin izwis jvatei meiiia falicl's '•') allaize izwava ist. 4 a}>l^an ns inana^-ai ag'lon jali aii'j;- wi}'ai haivtins i;anielida izwis j^airli managa tai;Ta, ni l^eci sanrpiiK ak ei t'nja|nva '«) kunneij^ K>ei liaha ufarassaii dn izwis. •") aj't^an iahai has i^aiirida. ni mik ganrida, ak hi sn- niata''), ei ni anakanrjau allans izwis. (> g'unali |nuiiina swalei- kumma andaheti*) pata train maiiagizam, 7 swaei j^ata andancih) izwis mais tVagihan jag- '•')i;'a|daib!in, ihai aut'to maiiagizein saurgai gasiggqai sa swaleiks. 8 iuutJ-'-'^) )^is hidja izwis tul- gjaii in iinma tria|Ava. 2 dnH-'c gamelida. ei ntkniiiiati knstii izvvarana, sijaidn in alhimma utliansjandans. lt> a^^an l^ammei Ira t'ragihi|^ .jali ik; jali |nui ik, jahai Iva fragaf, tragaf-') in izwara in andwairpja Xristans, 11 ei ni gaaiginoiidau -2) tram Sataiiin; unte ni sijum unwitaiidans munins is. 12 A]?)?an qimands in I'rauadai in aiwaggeljons-'') Xristaus jail at liaurdai mis iisliikanai in tVaiijin, 13 ni hahaida galueilaiii alimin meinainma, in Iniinmei ni higat Teitaun hrojnir meina- lui: ak twisstandands im'-^) galai]-' in Makaidonja. "-■-') 14 apl^an ') ja|7 A. '■^) Makaidoiiju, Makaidoiijai A. •') ei iii sijai />'. ') jan A. ■') iiitTJada A. •*) 'riuiai|jaiii ni A. ') Jan A. «) "ja)' A. ■') uns A. '") salbonsd A. ") fraujoma B. '■■') Vhaps. 11. 111. acconlbtcf to A, witli I he various i-mding.<; of 1>. '^) nibai B. '") jali B. ''■'] faliods />'. '«) iVial^wa B. •") bi suniataj hi Slim ain B. " '«) audahcit B. ''■') jah B. -") inidi i). -') For Iraji'af in hot/i cftsrs tVaii-iba />'. '-■') mnrginol ///os.s- ni jiafailiondaii in A. "j aiwag^fljuu />'. '-*) twistandands iuiiua B. '-■■) in in .Maiiidcjnja f>. Tr. (w. n. rn. loi ii'iiI'M ;nvilin]''j |';iiimi:t siiitciiio ust.'iikiijniHliii lir()]'('ii;;itis mis in Xristnu J;tli (biini kmi|'jis seiiiis i;';il);iirltti:m(lin Jniirli mis ill nllniiu sfjulim;-) 15 mite Xristans"^) (hums sijmii woj'i i;'np;i in I'iiini pinisiviidain jail in ]niini tVaqistiiaiuIanT*): 19 smiiaim dauns lis daul^au"') (In (lau}>au. smiiaiiim|>-|^aii dauns us libaiuai du lihaiiiai; Jad-'Odu |'aiiiiiia Ivas wairl'sV 17 mite iii sium SAve\) smuai uiaidjaiidans waiird i;'ii|'s, ak us lilutril'ai. ak swaswe us ii'ul^a- ill aiHh\air|>Ja i;'u|^s iu Xristau rudjaiii. Clia]). III. 1 Dui^imiani attra mis silltaiis anaiillianV ai|'|^au iliai t'JUirbuiii sA\e smiiai aiiafilliis boko du izAvis. ai|'|>au us i/Avis anatilliisV -2 aipistaulc misara jus siu|^'^). ^'ainelida iu liair- tain unsavaiiu. kmil'a jali auakuiinaida tVam allaiui luauuani. ;') s\vikmi|nii'') l^atei siu|>'") ai]»istaule Xristaiis. aiidbalitida tVaui mis. iyu " ) iiaiuelida ui swartiza '-), ak aliinin i;"u|^s lihaudiiis. iii ill s]iildoiii staiiicinaiiii. ak iu spildoui liairtaue leikeiuaiiu. i .\}>|'au trauaiu swaleika lialiaiu |>airh Xvistu du gu|^a, 5 at' I'atoi A\air|''ai sijaima f'ai^'kjaii ha at' mis silbam. swaswe ni mis silbain, 1^) lik so Avaivjnda misara us i;upa ist. (> iz.ei jali wair- I'aus bralita uus audbalitans uiujai/.os trii;'i;\vos. ni bokos. ak aliiiiins; mite b(ik;i us(|iuii]'. i|' aliiiia i;'a(|iuji!'. 7 a}>|niu jabai aiullialiti dauf^aus in i^'auieleiiiiiii iiafrisaliti)> iu stainani war|> Avulj^ai;', swaei ui iiialitedoiua") suujus Isvjielis tainveitjaii du wlita ]\losezis iu \\ul|'aus wlitis is |^is i;atauvuaudins. S Ivaiwa iiei uiais aiidbaliti almiius wairpai iiMvul|>auV it jaliai auk aud- lialitja''^) \variii|''us wulj^iis. uud tiiu mais ut'arist audl)aliti ga- raihteius in '**) Avull'au. 1<> mite ui was wuli^a:;' pata wul]?ag'0 iu I'izai lialbai iu ut'arassaus wul|^aus; 11 jaliai auk l^-ata i^-ataur- iiaiulo pairli Avulj-'U. mid lilu uiais }>ata wisando in wull^-ui. 12 llabambms uu swaleika Aveu ina)iai;aiz(>s l)al|^eius bruk- jaiuia, l;*) jaii-'')ui swaswe JMosez '*)]a.:;ida hulistr ana audawleizn, du]>e ei ui fairweitidedeiua suujus Israelis iu audi pm g'ataur- uaudins; 14 ak at'daubuodedmi "^Wva]'ja ize. uute mul liiua daji; I'ata samo liulistr iu anakuunaiuai |4zos tairnjous trig-ywos wisi|' miaiim]>\ jusiju)' B. '') swikuii]^ B. '") sijuj:' B. ") iiiiiii B. '-) swartizla B. '^) s^vas^\'c af uus silbaiii wanlinq in A. ") raahtcdedeiua B. '^) andbahti B. *'') us B. "I jail B. '«) Moses B. "•) g/oss at'dauhnodedun in A. -") freijlials A. 10'2 II. |'an jabai ist ^^-aliiilida ai\vai;'i;'<'lj(» uiisara. in |;aini iValnsnandani ist i;'aluilida, I in l^-iinici ,i;u|' |'i,s aiwis _i;altlindida iVal'ja I'ize nni;alaidijandano. ci ni linlitjai im liuliadcin '') ai\vai;'i''oljuns ^v^l)^ans Xristans, saei ist tVisalits i2,"n|>s unj^'asai- lianins.') 5 a|^|-'an ni uns silbans nierjani, ak lesu Xristii tran- jan. \\> nns skalkans'^j izwarans in Icsuis. (i nnte i:,'np saei (|a)' nr-ri(|iza liulia|' skeiinm. saei jali liiilitida in liairtani nnsaraini (In linliadein knnl'jis Avnll'ans i;mi|'s in andwaii'l^ja lesnis Xristans. 7 Al'pan liabandans )^ata liuzd in airl'cinaini kasani, ei nt'aras- sus (a sijai. 1 1 sinteino weis liliandans in (binj-'U ati;-ibaiida in lesuis. ei Jab libains lesnis swiknn|'a waiv)?ai in riuvjaninia k^ka nnsaraninia. VI swaei nu danj'ns in uns A\anrkei}>, \\> libains in izwis. \\\ babandansnii I'ana sanian abnnm i;'abiubein:iis l)i I'aninia i^-aniclidin; i;abui- liida, in }'»izei jab rodida, jab weis i;ahiubjani, in }>izei jab rod- jam, 14 witandans )nitei sa nrraisjands franjan lesu jab unsis j^airb lesu nrraisei]^ jah i'aurai;'asatjil> mi)-' izwis. 15 j^ajtub |nui albita in izwara. ei ansts manaj.;'nandei j-iairb manapzans awi- liud ut'arassjai du \vul)^au ii'iij'a. IC) innb pis ni wairj^ani usi;'rud- jans. ak |^anlijal)ai sa utana unsar manna frawardjada. aij^j^au sa innum;i ananinjada daga jab dag-a. 17 unte j^ata andwair)^(» Ireibdiair]) jail leibt ") ai^'lons unsaraizus bi utarassau aiweinis wulj^aus kaurei Avaurkjada unsis, 18 ni tairweitjandani j-'izci ga- siailranane, ak j^izci ungasaili^ananc : unte \n) gasailuanona riurja sind, \\> ]'() ungasaib'anona aiwcina. (-bap. V. I Witiini auk patei, jabai sa airK'ina unsar gards }nzus Ideif^ros gatairada. ei gatimrjdn us'-) guj^a babam. gard unliauduwaurbtana aiweinana in biminam. '1 unte jali in )^amma ') w iill^aii B. -) Cliiiiis. W . W occurdiiuj lo l>., ivilk ihc various readiuffs Jahai swol'aiili jail 'j i;'a\vasi(lai. iii" luuiadai hin'itaiii- (lau. 4 jail auk wisaiidaiis in )>izai ltloi|'rai swoiiatjam kaiiridai. ana I'aiiniici iii ^vileinul at'liamtui. ak analianuMi. ei fraslin- (laidaii |'ata (li\\aii() tVani libainai. •") ajd-'aii saei jah"-) pniiaii- \vid;i ims du I'ainma i;'ii|'. ^aci jali i>-af uns^) wadi aliiiian. () i;atrauandans im sinteiiio jali witandann I'atei wisandans in j'amnia leika at'liainijai sijuni tVani tVaujin: 7 unte j^airli g-alau- hein piiiii-ani. ni j airli siuu. 8 a|'|'an i;atrauani jah waljani niais iisleil'an us I'anmia leika jali analiainijaiiii wisan at tVaujin. !> inuli^i pis usdaudjain. jald^c analiainijai ia|')>(' at'liainijai. waila ii'aleikan iiiinia. lU unto allai Aveis atauij:;jan skuldai sijuin faura stauastola Xristaus. ei ;naniniai Irarjizuli |'(» s\vesona leikis, afar painiei ii'atawida. ja|^f?e f>iu)> ia]>|H^ un}nii|'. 11 Witandans nu aps traiijins mannans fullaweisjani, \]> ii'uj^a s\vikun]'ai sijum. a[>|'an wenja jali in nii}nvisseiin izwaraini swikunjaus Avisan uns. 12 ni ei attra uns silbans uskaniijaiina-'j izwis. ak lew i;il)andaiis izAvis kot'tuljos tram uns.'') ei liabaij' wifvra l^ans in andwair)>ja Ivoitandans jali ni liairtiii.') 13 unte jaH^e iisiiX'isnodeduin. i;'u|'a. jappe t'ullat'ra|'jani. izwis. 14 unte triajnva Xristaus disliabai}? nus, 15 donijaudans |nit;i j^atei ains faur allaus g-aswalt, ]>auuii allai gaswnltuu, jali fjiur alltius ^•aswalt, ei t^ai libaudaus ni pauaseij's sis^) silbam libaina''), ak pamma faur sik gaswiltandin jah urreisandin. 10 swaei wei.s fraiii I'anmia nu ni ainnoliun kunnuin bi leika; i|' ja1)ai ufkun- i'eduni l)i leika Xristu. akei nu ni )nuiasei]'s ni kuiinum ina.'*'j 17 swaei jabai Wo in Xristau niuja g-askafts. I'o alf^joua uslifniu; sai, waurjnin uiiija alia. 18 aj'l^au alia us guf^a, l^amnia gafri- l-'uudiii uus sis'i) |>airli Xristu julii-j gibaudiu uns '3) andbaliti gafripoujiis. l!> unte swct^auli g'up was iu Xristau mauase}> gafri- ]'onds sis, ni ralinjands iin niissudedins ize, jah lag;iauds in uns waurd gafrif^onais. 'J<> faur Xristu nu airiuoin, swe at guj^a gal'laihandin I'airli uns; bidjani'^) faur Xristu gagawairj^nan gupa. "21 unte j^ana izei'^j ni kun|ni frawaurht, faur uus gafa- wida frawaurht. ei Aveis waurpeinia garaihtei gups in iunna. ') jail ivanliiKj in A. -) jag A. •') luisis A. *) iniip A. •') gloss auatilliaiiua in A. '^') uusis A. ') jau-iii in liairtin A. ■*) sis WKnliiKJ in A. '■') libaiuai B. '") iiui wauling iu A. ") uns sis] uiisis AB. '-) jag A. '^) unsis A. 'M bidjandaiis A. '■•) ize A. REES£ 10 I SkcirtMiis l!l. :.(>. f). KKOM ^IMIK SKKIKKINS. (UiAVK VJJ. — OF JOJIN VI, 0-13.)') [a hi) — jibun knjiiiiMuliiis tVnujiiis iiialit jnli ;ni(l|'ngiH'kijiii- (liiis sik is AViiUluhu'is. iiili St;iiiis «///,v, -) ak jali Aiidraias, saoi v lilaihaiis l»a ri/i'i iiaiis jali twaiis t'iskans. aiialciko swc l^Mli])])iis i^-a- saknda. iii wailit iiiikilis liui^iands iiili waii'l^iclos laisareis aiid- |>ai;jik)ands. I'airli };oci nsbar (pf^ands: akci j^ata. Ira ist dii swa man aii'aimV i|' fVauja. aiidtiloiids i/.c iiiuklalicin (li) «|al': waurkcil' j^aus mans a nakiniiltjan. i|' eis. at liaiija inanaii'aninia Avisandin in ^annna stada. j'o liliisna anakiunhjan liatawidedun. linif |nisnndjos Avairc jnnli ([inoiis Jali bania. s\v(> at nn'kilaniHia iialitaniata anakund)jandans jvesun'-^) at ni wisandcin *j aljai wailitai ut'ar l^ans linif Idaibans Jali twans liskans. j'anzoi niniandsjali awiliudoiids i;a|^iu|nda. Jali swa nia- naji'ai yauoli.jands ins waihuviznai ni j'atainci ii-anauliaii j^aml- tais ini tra-(c "»()) o-af. ak lilaiis niaizo; afar |'atoi niatida so nianag'ci, higitan was )'i/ei Idaibe 'ih' tainjons tuUos, ]>atci allithoda. sanialeikoli jnin Jali jn/.c t'isko. swa t'iln swo wildcdun. nili jnui ana jniini lilaihani ainaini soinaizos niali- tais (ilnsna ustaiknida, ak jali in Iniini tiskaiii: swa tilu aiik-'j pnnaiiwida ins wairjnin, swaei ainlraijanimcli swa tiln swc wilda aiidninian is,'') tawida; Jali ni in wailitai A\aniiiassii |'izai filus- iiai waiii>an li'atawida. akci {(\) iiaiili iis l>aninia iilu niais siponjaus t'ullafaliida Jali anl-'arans i;aiiiaiidida .:::auiii.jan, j^atci is was sa saina, saei in anfndai 'nr Jere attaus izc tudida. I'annli. l)i)'c sadai wanv}>iin. (|a|> siponjam scinaini: i;'alisil' }mis aflif'nandcins drausnos, ci wailitai ni fra- qistnai. J'anuli i;'alcsun Jali i;'atnllidcdnn 'ilr tainjons m'abniko us j^aini t' lilaibam bari/.cinani jali \y tiskani, j^atei aflit'noda at |?aini — ') Jdhn VI, i) — i.V itccurditKj to Codex Art/euleus: !l. ist uKigula iiiii^! licr, saci luibaij' •«• hhiibaiis barizeiuaus jah "b" fi.skans; akei j'ata h'a isf (bi swa iiiauagaiuiV to. \\> lesiis qa)': waiirkcij? j'aus mans aiiakuiiilijaii. wasiib [;aii hawi iiiaiia};^ ana l^anuiia stada. j'anili anakiinilncbMbin wairos ra|7J()ii SAvaswc iimt I'lisimdjos. II. iianiuli ['an J^ans lilaibans losus jali awiliiidonds ji'adailida j^ann nnakuDibjandaiu ; saiualinko jab |'izo fiskc, swa tibi swe wildediui. 12. |nundi, liijn' sadai waiir)'iiH, (|aj^ du si])(>iijaiii seinaim: ijalisi]^ j'os afiil'iiaudi^iiis draulisiios. j'ci wailitai ni 1ra(|istn;ii. I.'f. )"'aiinli pdesun jali ii'afullidcdnn •ilr taiiijniis i;-al)niko ns finif bkiibam j'aini l)ari/,oinani, j'atci aflitnoda ['aim uiatjandaui -) ains Interpol alcd by LJppsirvm. ■') wesnn interpolated by VoUiner. '^) \\isandin MS. ') swe after auk in MS. ^) ist MS. (M.0S8VUY. ]\. cm arks: Verbs compoiuuled arc L;i\cn nmlor the simple verbs. — .ifter li. /:, I rcspcclivoly. — The li; the grammar. ^C Ab:i, w. (K)'^. 11.1) ItHsband. /nun. " Abiaj'ar. //r. >i., 'l,iic(l}f((). .\ bra haul, ^>?\ n.. (61,ii.3). at" (."id. ii;l) prp. w. dat. (217): of,. from, out of, nway from. afar, prp. (217) (1) w. dal.: aflcr, nc cor ding lo ; (2) ^v. ace: aflcr [only of time), atar J^atci, after thai. ;it'-etja, ///. (oCi, ii. 2) , voracious ealer, glullon. '■'af-liaiuieis, adj. (127) ahscnl {from liaims, home; cf. aiialiai- iiieis). af-hiiceins, f, a, laying aside, re- mission ]\Ik. I. 4 {from lagjan). a f - 111 a r z e i n s , f., off en se , deceil- fulnes {from uiarzjau). at'-stass. /'. (10"5,n.3), a {standing) falling away ; afstassais bokos, a n-riling of divorccmenl {from staiKhin). a ft a adv. (213, u. 2), behind. a ft a 11 a, adv. (213, ii. 2), from held lid. aftaro, adv., (21l,ii. I) behind. aftra, adv., bock, again. aft urn a (139) and aftiniiistfs (I3!),n.l), sup., the last; aftuinist haban, to lie al the point of death Mk. V. 2.!. aggilus. m. (120, u. I), uyyi-htc^ angef messenger. aggwifja, f., anguish, distress, tribulation. ga-aggwjaii. w. v.. to constrain, distress. with- prefixes ami preposilinnal adverlis The sii;iis Jr. i/, f come immediately aires enclosed in ( ) refer to tlie §v? ol agg'wus. adj. (OS; 131). narrow.- agis, g. agisis. n. (^.'S. ItJ), awe, fear. iis-agjan. w. v. (3"). 7S. n. 1), lo frighten utterly. agio, f, anrpiish, distress. aghis, adj.'iV-U), difficult. Agustus, pr. H. .i'lyoraioc. aliaks, f.'f (103, ii. 2), . fairailuui (203). ga-aigiiion, w. v., to take /losses- sion of, lo get an advanta^/e of II.Cor.Il.il. ailits, f. (20, u. 2). properly. ailva-tiindi^ f. {M). bramble-bush. af-aikau, red. v^. (179), lo deny. - aikklC'SJo, /"., tuy.hioiu, church. Ailcisabai)?, pr. a. (23). ailoe ((), 11. 1 ) l).o)t. my l^od! ain-falj^ei, /„ simplicity. aiii-falj's, adj. (14^), single. ain-lvarjizuh (105, n. I), every one. ain-h'a|'anili (100), each of two. "aiulif, num. (56, u. 1 ; 141) eleven. lOG ailMM-lH'l 'S. ;iiii.s. //;////.( 1 1(1). (///(■. (Hill/, n/oiic. ;i ill s- li 1111. ///•//. (Ki.'lc). ((/(/// ill iici/dlivc si'iilciiccs : not uinj, none. a i ]> iskjiiiii IIS .///.( I Jd. II. I ). hislio}!. :ii liistai'ilr (120. n.:!). ;:ii,U(>).i], ciiisUc, Ivllvr. ;iir, ailv. CJll.ii.l). lun-hi [crc). ;'i iriiKui. iv. v., la he i, f., ell, culnl Mt. VI. 27. ;i!cw_. n. (11!)), oiJ (Lat. oleum). A I fa ills, pr. n., liXipaloq. a Ills, /". (1 16), leniple. alja, con}., except, unless; prep. (•-M7). alja-kinis, adj. (130), foreiyn. alja-loikos, adv. i'l\l,n.t),' oiker- ivise. aljar. adv. (21.), u. I), elsewhere. alja I', ailv. (21.1, ii. I). //( miiiilicr direelion. aljaJTu, adv. (21.;. ii. 1). by anoiher way, from elseirliere. aljis, adj., anollier, oilier. allal'ro. adv. (21.!. n. 2). from every (piurler. ^Ik. 1. \'k a II is, (1) adv. (21.")), in. /jencral. wholly, al all; ni — allis, nol at all; (2) conj. (always folloiviny the word to which il beloii^/s\. for (21 s). alls, adj. (122. ii. 1 ). all . whole, every. a 1 1 - w a 1<1 a u d s. m. (\\'> ). almiyhly. iis-al]'aii, red. r. ( i7!i.ii.l ), lo f/roiv old. ^IJMMs, adj. (12.S), idd : iienl. pi. ]^o alj^joiia (II. Cnr. \'. 17), obi things. .V ill aial) t!i".i!,a, pr. n. (■")!, ii. 2). A nialafrii^da, pr. n. (.'{,ii.2). allien, up-i'iv (verily). a iiisa, in., shoulder. an, inlerrogaiivc parlicle (2U)) (Lai. an. Germ. dennY). ana. preji. w. dal. and ace. (217), to, on, upon; in, over; — ana j'anmiei. for that (i(ation. an da- sots. atlj. (:{-J; IIWI), abomi- nable. anda-s ta I'ji s. ///. |!)2). an adver- sary. aiida-staua. an (ippiuient in court. aiid-aiigjo, apen/y, pub/ic/y (and- augi, H., face). a n d a - A\' a n r d i , ;/ . , answer. anda-wleizn, //. (V), counlenance. a n d-b a h t i, H. (1)5, n. I ). o/fice, service. a n d - b a h t j a n , w. v. ( I ^T), lo serve; — also with ace, of the tinny, lo perform, udniinisler. aud-balitr<, m. (a), servant, niinisler. aiideis, ni. (U2,n.J). end. and-huleins, /".. uncovering, itlti- niination Lu. II. '.VI: revelation {comp. aud-liuljan). a n d i z u li, conj. ( 2 1 s ), c the r wise, else. Andraias. y. Andraiius, ace. Au- draian, pr. n., Ihi'ifiulc^. and-Avair)'i, n. (!I5), presence, face; in andMairj^Ja, in presence of, before. v/and-wairj-'s, adj., present. Anna, pr. n., 'lAvvu. Annas, pr. n. (:i,n. I ). '■ans, m. (!t|,n.4), beam. ansteigs, adj. (124), yraoious. ansts, f. (1'i2), favor, grace, joy ; donation, qift. an|nir,a^/7'. (122,u.l; 121n.I.l: I4(i), another, the second. ai»ilustauliis, m. (12(i.n. I), u:in- ijTo'/.oQ. apai'istidus (13,n.l). "^ arbaidjan, w.v, to work. arbaijj's, /". (10:j), work. arbi, /(. (HS), inheritance. a rbj a, m. (I US), heir. — arl)j6. /'.()] 2). Ariamirus, pr. n. (01,n. 1). Ariaricus, pr. n. (:i,n. 2). ark-aggiliis (57). archangel. arma-liairti}ni, /'., mercy. armaio, /"., mercy, alms. ariuan, w. v., to have mercy on. — Compound ga-anuan, Ih. s. arms, m., (i) arm, arniba, adv. (i:{0,u.:'); iU)), surely. arwjo, adv., yrataitously. asaus, /'. (1(»:{), harvest. Aser, pr. n. .'i(T//(j. Asia, ///•. II. f., Asia. asilus, m. f. (H'o), ass {in. and f). asneis, tn. (1»2), servant. asts, m., (a) branch. at, prep. tv. dat. and ace. (217): at, by, to. 1) ?vith the dat. when it lias reference lo place or to space: at, to by. 2) 7V. ace. when tt refers to lime: at, at dnl|\ at the feast; w. dat. especially for the sake of emphasis with the dative absolute expressing lime, for example, .Alk. IV. li. ;i">; Lit. II. 2. Athanaildns. jir. n. ((■.."),n. 1 ). Atlianarieiis. pr. n. (;?.ii.2). atisk, n. (oratisks, m. V), seed, corn- field. atta. m. (()!>,u. 1; los), father. Attila, pr. n. (Kis), JiUle father,. a];»]>an. conj., (2ls), but, however, but yet, bul still [always at the be//inniny of the sentence). Aiuiericiis. pr. n. (25, u. 2). a II ft 6 (24,n. 1 : 211, ii. I), adv., per- haps, probably, surely. aiigjan, w. v., to show. — Comp. ataugjan, ih. s. auga-'dauro. n. (110), icindoiv. augo, n. (I 10). eye. aulijodiis (auhJudusV), m.. (untult, noise. aiilijnn (aiiliJunV). w.v., lo make a noise. *aulius, m. (ltl,n.2), oven Mt. VI.30. $ aiilisa, m. (lus,u. 1). ox. auliuma {V.W), higher, aiiliiuuists (i:j!),n.l), the highest.- auk, conj. {immediately following ihe word with which it is closely eonjiecteil], for, bul. auk an, red. v. (179) , lo increase. — Compounds (a) an;i-aukau, to add. (b) bi-aukan, io increase, add to. Aunisiuius, pr. n. ( (awiliud), n., thank. awiliudOu, w. v. (lUO), to ihank. awistr, n. (4), sheen fold. j azcts, adj., easy, light. I azg«), /■ (112), ashes. azymus (77), unleavened bread. I (IS T'>a), to hear, briiifj, (•(irri/. — ('ohi/xiiiikIs: (a)at-liairaii, lo hriiif/ . carry, of/'cr. (h) <;-a- liairaii. io hear {chihlreit): lo carrt/ iiif/cthcr, compare Mk. IV. :i(). (c) i(s-liairaii. to hear, cam/ out, briiifi forth [fiiistver). hairiraii. si. r. (171. ii. I), lo liitle, kccji. liairlitalia. m/r. (21(1). hrif//il/i/. li;1irlitri , /'., hrit/lilncss. c/eanwss, iiianifeslaiioH, ii.Cur. I^'. 1: in itairlitt'iii, opeulij. lia irlitjiiii, w. IK, lo brif/hleii, s/io/r, ininiifesl, — Compoioul ji'a-ljairlit- Jan. III. s. hairlits . (iilj.. hr/f//il. liaitr.s. dilj' CJit, ;;), bilier. lia jol's (I'lT.ii. 1 ; Mo.ii. 1 ). bol/i. lialirs. HI. (100). wiiie-skiii. l>al|>('i, /'.. boldness {xdj. •■liai|'s. Iiohl). liahvjaii. ir. v., lo loniieiil. Itaiidi, /'. (00), bond, bond. baiiilja, m. (iri), prisoner. liamlwa, /'. (!t",ii.i), s/f/n. hail sts, ni. (i). barn. 1 1 a r i z e ins, adj. , of barley. liarii. II.. ('■'>'S). child. b ami 10. n. (110). lilllc child, dear child. .l*>arl>aulai'iuiaiii.s, pr. n. (21,11.5), ]tfcoiho?.oi(fdo.:. liatiza, compar. (I^i^), belter. liauaiiis, f, a dwelling. liaiiaii. )V.v.{2i\\ 17!l,ii.2; ]'.»3,ii.l), lo dwell. — Compound ga-)»aunii, th.s. Uai'iaiiairgais, Hoart it'^i^. a sur- name of James and .John. iif-ltauljaii, rv. v. (2J,ii.l) lo puff up, blow up. hai'ir, m. (;i;i; l(»l,ii.2), son. biii'irgs, f. (1 Hi), hurgh, lown, city. bcidan, st.v. (I72,ii. 1) w. g. lo expect, lo abide, wait for ; Com- jtound iis-licidan w.ucc, lo wail patiently. ga-bcistjaii ()s7.ii..'{), to leaven. ])eitau, st.v. (172ii. 1), to bite. — Comp. ami - beitaii . lo address harshly, rebuke, ihrealen. lurusjns (biriisjoN 7. ii.:i). /'/'//'. {sing. ■iKTii.si'is, m.). jnirenis {X.^). r>r I'laliaiiii (conip. i\\.r\.^), pr. n., liiilhhiii. bi. i>rp. (217). by. (1) n\ ace. (tvf- pressing bolh space and li^ue: by, al, about, towards : concer- ning, bi siniiata, in pari. (2) w. dal, by, al, on account of: ac- cording lo. liiiia. f. (07), rc'/ucst, prayer. Itiii Jan. .s7. V. ( 17(),ii..")). lo ask, beg, pray {cf. E. bid). b i 11(1 an , st. V. (171). lo hind. - Compounds (a) aiid-biiidaii. lo un- bind, loosen, eapouiid Mk. 1 V. :; 1. (Ii) i;a- biiKJaii, lo bind, tie up. iii -s i taiids, m. (ll-'*), see .sitaii. bi-s 11 11 j aiic. adv., about, round about. r. i|'aii ia, pr. n. (O.ii. 1 ). lii-|'r. (I) adv., hereafter, then, afterward. (2) cnnj. (2 IS), whilst, when. liiiidaii, SI. r. (170: 1 7;V). lo offer: only in compounds , aiia-biiidan. /.') comtnand, instruct, bid. biii};-aii, si. v. (173,ii. 1), lo bow, • bend. — Compound ga-biiii;'aii. Ih. s. bi iiliti, //., custom. liiiij's. m. (71.11.2), table. 1)1 a 11 da 11 . red. v. (I7'.t, a. 1 ), to blend, communicate with. ble'iln'i. f. pitij, mercy. bk'i^. ailj. {\.W.\\.i),' kind. Ill"- blO .sail. red. r. (170, ii. 1) lo blow up. blii;-i;-waii, st.v., (0^. 171. ii. I), lo beat {cf. E. blow). ga-blind jail. w. v., to bliud. blinds, adj. (12:}), blind. bluiiia, m.. (lOS),' fower [cf. E. bloom). -blostrcis (oy, 11.2), worshipper (only in i^'upltlostivis). blotaii, red.v. (170, ii. I), lo wor- ship. b]ol^ g. blupis, n. (04), blood. b 11 a nan (26; I70,n.2), torub. boka, f., letter; />/. bokOs , Ike tvritings, scriptures, hook, letter [comp. atstas.s). b u k a r e i s , m. (^02), scribe. bOtj an , 7V. v. w. ace, lo boot, better, help, advantage. braidci, /'. (113), breadth. *brai j^s, braids, adj. (74, n. 2) broad. liraki.'i ilr('ili;iii 100 hrakJH. w/. C."):!.!!. I), slnujf/lc. ill- liniiui jail, IV. r. (st),n.l: 1*^7). lo set OH fire. Id'iii'gaii . ati.v. (174, u. 2: 2iis). //> bring, lo t/uiilc, ledd; lo itiake {f. ff. \vair|'aiis hrii>-naii . /n iiiiilcc worthy). brikaii, si. v. (:>;!. ii. I ; 17."). n. 1), to break. — Vompowiil g'a-brlkaii, lo break, break to pieces. liriniian, si. v. (I71,ii.l). lo burn [iiilr.). — Comi>oiind ut-hriiuiaii. lo burn up. lirinno, /., fever. ItrObar, m. (IJ4), brolher. lirukjan, an. v. (15: 20!)). to want, make use of (>v. fjen.): k'ilitis Itrukjan. lo use linltlitess 11. ("or. I. 17'. iis-liriikuaii . iv. v. (194). lo be broken o/]'. linik.s, adj. (lo: I. "lit), useful. Iiriinjo, f. (112), breusl-plate. iiruiina, m.,well . sprimi, fountain Mk. V. 29. -briiusts, /'. (49), ill ala - hninsts, liolocausl. bnists, f. (llii), breast. I > r u I' - fa )' s , ^. -fadis, w/. ( K 1 1 ). bride- groom. I I nil's, /; (K)), bride. biiii,'jan, an.v. (209), lo buy. aii(t-l) iiiulnau, aw. (191). lo be unbound, loosened. .^■a-Dabaii. si. v. (177, u. I), lo be fil. (laddjaii, ?v. v. (7;i,n. 1), to give suck to, suckle. Dag-alaiplius, pr. n. (2i,n. 1; 52). (lag-s, m. (90), day; — daga jali (laga day by day, daily; himma daga, lo-day. D a i k a \) a I'l 1 i s , dative Daikapaulein, pr. n., Jf^cc:io}.u. dailjau, 7V.V. (ISS), to deal {out) — Compound ga-<\ailjan, deal, disiribule, divide. dails, f. (103), deal, pari, portion. dal, n. (94,11.2), dale, valley. dalaj', adv. (21. {,11.2), downtvard. dalaj'a, adv. (2i;i,ii.2), belotv. dalajn'u, adv. {'l\o.n. 2) from be- low, beneath. daiibif'a,' f, deafness, hardness of heart Mk. III. 5. af-danbnan. rv. v., lo become deaf, obtuse (camp, preceding word). iis-da ud j an, w.v., to apply one's self (to), lo strive (cf. us-daufs). ■daufs. adj. (56,ii. I; 121. n. 2), I deaf. dang, pri.-prs.v. ( 19s). // is i/ood , for, fil. k daiilitar. /'. (11 1). daughter. \ daiiiis, /'. . (idnr. savor 11. Cor. 11.15. dan i» fills, f. Implism. ata diwanO that which is mortal, mortality II. Cor. Y. 4. af-dojan, w.v.,-l{S; Is7), lo lire, harass. doiiijau, w. v., lo deem, judge (donis, m., doom, judgment). ga-drabau, si. v. (177,ii. 1), lo hew. dragau, st. v. (177, u.l), to drag, dratv. dragk, //. (32), diink. dragkjan, w. v. (ISS), to give to drink. draibjau, w.v., lo trouble, vex (cf. dreibau). drai'ihsna (draiisua (J2,n. 4), /., crumb, fragmenl. drai'ilitinassus, m. (105), war- fare. ga-drausjaii, w. v. (ISs), lo cast down. dreibau, *•/. v. (172, ii. jj, lo drive. (Iriii'kaii tii.'iiKls. ■lill — ('uiiii>()iiitil iis-drcili.iii (iisdrclii Kt, II. .")) lo drive oiif, disi)el. (Irijikaii. .«/. v. (17^, u. I ), lo drink. (lriiij;':iii, si. r. (IT.i.ii. I), in scrrc us a soldier. (lriiis:iii. si. V. (IT:!.ii. 1), m fall {down). — ConipDiind i;-;i-(lriiis;ni. l<> fall, be cusi. ilriuso, /; (:tl ). siojic. (Iniiikiinci. /'. (:i"2: IIH). driiiikcn- ncss. -(lrui;"k ja. ni. I 12). ilrinl,cr: in \v(un(lnij;kja. (Inis, ;/*. (1(11. II. 1. 2), fall. (ill (217), jirp. /r. d. {denolin// niotinn tonuirds). lo. -(liilto. /'. (1-')), sec liraiwadiiltn. dii-hC', adv., wherefore, wliii. diilj^s. /: (lie. and ii. 1). fedsl. at -,),lo hale. fijands, Hands, parlic. subsl. {\\h). in., e/iemy. filliaii — f'lilh' 111 t'illiiiii. .s7. p. (17 1,11. 1). /o hide, conceal, bunj. — L'oinfKtund ;in;i- tilliuii, lo deliver up, h ), ///'///. t'iiiit'ta-tailiinula, ord.nu/nb. {\ Ki), the fifteenth. fin|>au, st.v. (I74.ii.l). to find, to find out. fi s k i a , //(. ( 1 (IT ). fisher. fiskoii, w. V. (lilH). lo fish. t'isks, m. (91), fish. t'itan, st.v. (? ITti.n.l), to travail (in birth), bear. flodiis (105), flood. flokaii, red. v. (IT'.t and ii.4). to lament. t'udL'iiis. f., food. t'udjaii. w. v., to feed, briny up. I'on, y. fuiiins (US), fire. futu-bai'ird. n., foot-board, foot- stool. fotus. m. ( 1115), foot. t'ra-git'ts . /'., promise, esjxtusal Lji. II. 5. Irailuiaii. st.v. (17('),ii.4), to ask. — Compound ga-fraihiiaii, to find out by askiny , hoar (cf. A-S. gvt'ric'g'can tvilh the same meaniny). t'raisan, red. v. (17'.)), to tempt. rraistiibni, f. (ys), temptation. fraiw, n. (94,ii. 1), seed. fra-lets. m. (or fralet, n. 'i) re- mission , foryiveness. fra-1 lists, /: (1(13), lost. t'raiii, prep. w. d.(i\~) (1) with re- ference lo space; from, away [ or distant from; (2) referriny to time, since: W) tropically, of, on. the part of; with, of, for. t'ram-aldrs. adj., very (dd. I'ramis. adv. compur. (212), fur- ther, onward. fraui-wigis, adv. (214), conii- nually. fraJM. n. (74,n.;{), unders.andinq, mind 11. Cor. III. 14. fra)'Jaii. st.v. (177.ii.2), lo under- stand, know, perceive, to be sen- sible. — Com p. fiiUatraj-'jan. frail j a. m. (I,ii.4). lord, master. fraujinuu, ;/'. v. ( i;)(i), to be muster, to rule; fraiijinuuds. ///. (II.')). fra-waurhts,, adj. sinful; subst.. m., s/nner. fra-waurhts. fra- woitands. frcidjan, 7V. v. f, sin. , m. (1 15), s. -wi'itan. , lo spare. frci-hals, m. (ill, a. 4), freedom. fr e i s , adj. ( 121), ii. 2), free. frija}?wa, tria}nva, /'. (10,u.4), love. fri'juu (10,11.4; ISMi) w. v., to lore. frijoiidi. /'. (IJS), friend (fem.). frijonds, par tic. , m. (115) friend. fri-sahts, /'.. imaye, example. ga-frisahtjaii, fv. v., lo make an imaye. enyraue II. ("or. III. 7. ga-fri|'On, w.v., to reconcile. frius, n., cold, frost. fnnU'i, /. (74,11.3: li:i), under- slandiny , prudence , judicious- ness. fru|'s, adj. (:}5: 124, ii. 2), prudent, wise. fruiua and frumists, superl. (I. 'ill an/la.\) the first (Uf)); friiuiist, adv. (212,11.3), first. friima-haiir. ///. (l(il,n.2), a first- born. fiigls, 7n. (ill), fowl, bird. fulgins. adj. ((j(i,n. 1), Iddden. fiilhsui, }i. , that which is hidden. fiilla-fahjau, tv. v., lo satisfy. fiilla-frat?Jaii, st. v., lo have a sound understanding , lo be sober [I. Cor. y. 13. — Camp. fraj'Jan. f iilla-tojis, adj., perfect. fiilla-weis j an, iv. v., lo convince. fulleil's (103,11.2), fullness. fiilljaii, 7V.V.. to fill. — Cotnpounds (a) gafulljau, to fill out , (b) us- fulljan, lo fill out, fulfill. fiilliiaii, fulnaii (SO), 7V. v. (1!I5). to become full, be fulfilled. — Compounds (a) ga - fiilluaii, to be filled up, to fill up. (]>) iis-fiilliiau lo be fulfilled. fiillo. /'., fullness, a filliny up. -■;i-|'l;'iilit^ fulls, fid J. (122.11.1), /////. I'll I s . (Ill j. (15). /mil. (l;i-. iiisi'iKirahlf /utrlicle pre/ixeil In vrrlis . su})sla)ilivfs , mid ail- Jcoliri's. .H"a-I»:ii'i r. ///. ('.li.ii. 1). '/ /'I'slivc meal. ii':l-h;iiirt's. f. ( KiH). \iirlli. .-;-:il)ci. /; (:il). riclu's. li'u-liiinl.i . (li'i). hand, hctid. ( i :il» rit'I. /'/•. /(. ((!). i;';i- t>ni k ;i. /'. (^i.'i.ii. 1 ). a hrnltcn I'll. /'riif/iiirn(. U'ii-lt II II (li. /. (:<'2), ho/id. ii";i-(l;ii la . ///., jiar Inker. (Jiuldaronus. /»/•. //., rni\i/.<>iiri'i4. ^■.ii-a- (lot's. «(■(/. (.".(i. II. I : l;!(i. n.2). fit, fitihifj. ji':i-t'alis . m. (5li), calch. iiaiil. ii-a-fi'iurs. ^/(//. ( 1. ■)()), well behaved. ii,-a-fri j'uiis. /"., recoiiciliiilinii {cf. ga-t"ri)'6n). i;'aj;'gaii. an. v. (IT'.I, n.;<; 207), In (JO, walk, come. — ('ompoiiiids: (a) at'- fi,'aj;'gaii In (jo away., (b) afar-gati,'g"aii. la ijo after, to follow (after), (c) at-gaggaii , lo go lo, come. (Ill atgaggaii, inn atgaggan, tli. s. (d) ga-gaggan . to come lo- de liter, assemble, (o) t^'airli-gaggaii, to go through, (t) ii.s-gaggan, to go out, come out; to go up, go awag. ga-jvret'ts. f., decree, command. ga-gudei, /'. (ll;j,n.2), piety. ga-h;'lhj(">, adv. (5b) connectedly. ga-hait, n., promise. ga-liraiucins. /'., n cleansim/ (hrainjan). -galit.s, /'. (5 It) a going (only in compounds). ga-hugds, /'. (S),n. 1; lOii). under- standing, mind. ga-li'Cilaius, f., a slaying for a . . while, rest (lueilan, w. v., to cease). Gaiaiuiia, m., yitvvu. Gehenna. gailjan, iv. v., to make glad. Gaiua, pr.ii. (21,n. 1; t»o, n. 1). Gainiiesaraib, pr. n. (2:i). if?, pr. n. (2:i). gairda. f, girdle. bi-gairdaii . st. v. (174, n.l). lo begird. gairnjaii, w. v., to yearn for, desire. gaini, 11. (2IM1.2; KIC), sting. iis-gaisjaii, w. v., to make aghast, to dislracl. ga-jiik, n., a pair {comp. jiik). ga-jiikr), /'.. parable. ga-Jiik('». //. ( I \^^). yoke- follow, com- jianinn. ga-kiisfs. /: (lo;;). irial, lesl. g a - ( I i s s , adj. ( 1 2 1 , n. 1 ). consenting. ga-i| Hill l^s. /; . iissembly, meeting. ga-laista. ///. . n follower, com- panion. ga- la II be ins. f. (:;i : jo:',. \\. i ). belief. '■ ga - la II fs . adj. (.".(I. ii. 1 j, precious, costly. ga-l('i'k<">. adr. (21 1), like. (iahwiaia. g. (Jak'ilaias. d. (Jalci- laia, ace. (ialcilaiaii . pr. n. /.. l\'.).r/.('.i(c. ga-ligri, a/. ('.I5), consummalinn of marriage. ga-liiig. n., lie. galiug taujaii, to falsify. gaiiiaiiiduj^s , Z'. (lo.'l), fell owshiji, cnmmuninn. ga-niains, adj. (KiO), common. *ga-uiai|'s. adj. (7 hi. 2), maimed. ga-UK^'lcins, f., a writing, the scripture (cf. mcljan). ga- 11 anil a, m., sufficiency (.vft' ga- imli). ga-nist.s, f. (M; 10:5), salvation. ga-iii|?jis, m., kinsman. g a - n (") li s , adj. ( 1 2 2 , u . I ), eno ugh . ga-railit('i, f., justice, righteous- ness. ga-railits, adj., righteous, just. *ga-rai}ns, adj. (74, a. 2), cinii- manded, fixed, ready. gards. 7n. (101), yard, house, do- mestic concerns, family. *ga-riu]'.s, adj. (74, n.2), honest, honorable. ga-runi, n. (\)^)). coimsel (cf.vnnn). ga-rnns, f. (lo:},n.:}), street. ga-sin|^Ja, m., travelling com- panion. ga-skat'ts, f. (51, n.2; 103), crea- tion, creature {a shaping) (see gaskapjan). gasts, m. (101), guest. ga-taura, ?n., a rent (see ga-tairau). ga-taur|'.s, /', (I OH), destruction. ga-temiba, adv. (;;:!; lO.'i.n.."); 21(t). ga - 1 i lu r j o , f., a building (tiniijan, w. v., to build (timber)). gat wo, f. (112), street, lane. ga-]7ai'irb s , adj. (5(l,n.;i) temperate. ga- t'la ill ts, /"., consolation, com- fort, {see ga-)?laihau). s^a-j^rafsteins — haitan. 113 ,H;a-}'riit'ste ins. /'. , cnnso/ation (see jt>;a-)'ratstjun). ga-l'rask. //. (;!2), ihreshhif/fldor. j^auinjan, w.v., lo see. perceive. i?;iiirjan. w.v.. lo make somj, to qrieve. i>' :i 11 rs, adj. (21. n..>). sorro7vfHl,su(l. s>-a-M'air}M. n. ((i").n :i), pence. i^- a - w a I'l r k i . ii. (9.") ). work, h usiness. ji,' a - w a u r s t a\- a . vi. . a fellow- worker. 2:awi, n. (1).")). dislricl. rcf/ion. pro- ritice. s;a-wis.s, /.. junclnre, joint, oon- neclion. 2,'azds. m., sliny. iis-o;eisiiau. w. v., lo be ntrifized. (rolimC'r. pr. ti. ((•,n.2). gil)a, /•. OtC), r/if/. si:il)an, .s/. I'. {.")(), n. 1 ; IT(i). to <^ive. — Compounds (a) at-gilian, to deliver ]\It. ^'. 2."). to give over. lo give Mk. IV. 1 1, (b) fra-gibaii. to forgive, grant, (c) ns-gibaii, to give awatf , restore, pay, re- ward. — g'ibands, m. (1 1.')), giver. -gifts, f. (."•(;. n. 4), gift, in fragifts. -gildan, st.v. (ITJ.ii.l). to pai/ [yield) (only in compounds). gilstr. n. (T-"),!!. 1). tribute. gilstra-mC'lcins. f, assessment. gilj'a, /"., sickle. (in -gin nan, st.v. {114, n.\), to begin. (11 sale i(* us, pr. n. (2l,n.l). gistra-dagis'- ). adv. (211). to- morroiv. bi-gitan, st. v. {I7(;,n.l), lo fnd. meet, get., gill tan. St. V. (IT.l.n.l). to pour [cf E. gush). g 1 a g g w o , adv. (21 I ) . carefully, accurately. glaggwiiba. adv.(;l\y\), accurately. *glaggwus, adj. (dS; i:{|,n.2). g 1 1 1 m 11 n j a n , ?v. v. (187), to glitter. go )'s , ), good, able. goljan, w. v., to salute, greet, welcome. grab a, f. (:!")), ditch {cf. grave). grab an, st. v. (ot),n I ; 17T,n. 1), to grave, dig. — Compounds (a) uf- graban, to dig up. (b) iis-gral>an, to dig out. gras, g. grasis, n. (',) 1), grass, herb. gredags. adj.. greedy, hwtyry. grelpau, si. v. (172) to gripe, seize. — Compounds (a) tair-gveipan, to take hold of, seize, (b) iindgreipan. th. s. gretan, red. v. (ISl). to ?veep. grets, m. (lOl.n. 1). weeping. =■ griffs, f. (74, n. 2), step, degree. gruba, /; (.■!•")), hole. cave. guda-faurlits, adj.. G^od- fearing, devo)(t Lu. II. 25. gudja, m., jiriest. gulf', n. (94). gold. gum a, m. ( |(»7), man. g u m a - k 11 n d s , adj., m ale. G u m u n d u s . pr. n. (Oo, n. 1 ). US-gut nan, w.v., to be poured, fpished out, to flow out. gii]^. m. (1 n.4; itl), God. Habaii. w V. (I'.t2). lo have, hold, lialtai]' wisan at. to be kept {be wailing, ready Mk. III. 9). attiimist liaban, to lie at the point of death (lit. to have the last); willi adv., to be, as ubilaba liaban, to be ill, sick; raais wairs haban, to be tvorse. — Compounds (a) dis- liaban, to seize, constrain, (b) ga- haban, to have, hold fast, catch. liafjan, st.v. (I77.n.2). to heave. - Compiuinds (a) and-hatjan, to answer, h) us-liat'jau, lo heave or take up, lift, ufar-liafnan , /i'. t'. (:{.")), to exalt one s self. Iiahaii. red. v. (ob.; 179), lo hang. llai'braius, pr. a. (2.5; (il). liaihs, adj. (2(i,n. 2), one-eyed. liailjan, w, v. (I^s), to heal. — Compound ga-liailjan, th. s. ga-liailnan, w. v.{\\^\), to be healed. il a 11 s , adj. (12 1), whole , hale, sound. h aim s ,/'.(! '»•>, u. 4), village, country town. liiiiralsis (2.'>), heresy. liairda, f, herd, flock. liaink'is, m.. (9(i), herd, shepherd, hair to , n. ( 109), heart. hairiis, ui. (HT)), sword. liaitan, red. v. (170; 179), to name, passive, to be called, call, invite, bid, command. — Cotnpounds '■') Probably an error owing lo ihr translator, Ul/ilas; the Crothic word for jnorrow , is atardags. Uia.iiic, Gotli. fri'a'i'i'iai'- 114 li :u}>i — liorinoti. (a) aiia-liaitaii , lo call ait, i/pon ]\) and- liaitaii n\ dal. lo confess jmhiicly. /miise. o) at-liai1aii, io call lo {unto) one ail'i, /. C.ts), Jiealli. /u'lil. ai|>i\v isles, adj. (IJl), irilil. a Ilia, f., llie half, part: in |'i/.ai lidlhai . ill this res/hwl. alhs, ai/j. (1-22,11. t ), lialf a 1(1 an. red. v. (17!t), /" /'''''/. /.'■'■/' [Iiolit). a Idis u(fr. C2\'l), -more. alja, /'. (!t7,ii. !). /lell. a Is. 7/1. ('.il,n.l), nec/c. anil's, adj. i")-5), niaiined. anion, 7V. v. only in coniponmls (a) af-liaiuon , / > strip af dollies. ilivesl. (h) ana-hanian, lo put on clothes, (c) ufar-lianiun iv. d., to put on clothes over, to he clothed upon II. Cor. V. 2. ana, in. (lOS), cock. andiigei, /., tvisdotn [handiuess). andu}i;s, adj. (i'i-l), wise. andiis, f. (10.")), hand. ansa, /. (ttT), company, hand of men. arduba, adv. ('2\i) and n. \) /lard. ardu-liairtci, /". (IKi), hard- heartcdness. ardiis, adj. (Kil), hard. arjis, ?«.(',)()), army, mul/ilude. atis, n. {'i)A and ii.o), hatred. atizOn, 7V. v. (IS), to hale. atjan (and h-.itan I'.K} n. 1 ), w. ?'., to hale. a 11 1)1]' n. (!>H), head. a all el, f. (Ii:),n.l), heiyhl. an lie ins, /'. (10.'i,n. I), a raisinr/ 0)1 high, ylory. a 11 his, adv. (212), higher. aiihisti, /(. that ivhich. is highest. a all) an, 7V, v. (I'>S), lo raise on high, glorify. a uhs, adj. Iiigh. aims, adj. (Kid, u.2), lore. hase. aurds, /'., door. ai'irn, /(. (94), liorn. ai'irnja, m. (1(»S), horn-hlo7ver. ai'irnjaii, iv. v. (I ST), lo hlo7v a horn. ausjan, iv. v. (1S7), rarely liaiis- jon, 7V. V. (IS7,n..'i), to hear, listen. — ■ Compounds (a) and-liaiisjan lo hear , grant, (b) ga-liaiisjan , to hear, (c) ut-liausjaii 7V. d., to obey. iifliaiisjaiids, obedient, sidjeet. AW i, //., hay, grass liazciii s, /'. praise. liazjan, 7V. v. (187), lo praise. licr, adv. (S; 2 1. 'i. n. 1) /<(■/■<'. hither. II urodOs, pr. n. (dl ). II dro dian II s , ///. 'Hoi')iSif(ru^, ti //erodian. li v]\] o. f. cha7nher. hidfr, adv. (2i:;.ii. 1), Irillirr. II i Idcric IIS. /;/•. //. ((i| a. 1 I. II il(lil»ald. pr. n. (.')lii.2; (;i ii. I), hi I]) an, si. v. (17l,n. 1), lo help. h ill! ilia- kiinds, adj., heavenly. hi 111 ins, 7n. (!M), heave/i. hi 111 111 a, hina, hita (Ij.")). forms of a defeclive pron., this. hiinuia daga, to-day, iind hina dat;'. nnlil to-day. hindana. ado. n\ gen., behind, beyond. hindiiniists, sup. (ll'.l.ii.l) hind- most, 7illermosl. -hiii)^an, si. v. (174, n. I) to calch (only m compounds). hiiidar. prep. 7V. d. and ace. (217), behind, on thai side of, beyond. liiri, inlerjectional imperative (20 n. 1 ; 219), come here! h in fan st. v. (17;3,n. 1) to lament . h in h ni a , m. (62, n. 4), cro7vd, multi- tude. hlahjan, si. v. (177n.2), to laugh. — Compound bi- hlahjan, lo laugh at. hlaii's, g. hlailiis, w<. (")(;,n. 1; 90), bread, (cf. E. loaf). hlaiw, n. (42), grave. at'-]ila]'an, si. v. (177,n. 1), to load. us-hlaupaii , red. v. (179,n. 1), lo leap uj>. lilciduiua, superl. (I."i9), left. — subsl. f., the left hand. hlcif^ra, f., hut, tent. hlifan, st. v. (176, n. I), to steal. hi in ma, wt. (HtS), hearing. lilutrei, /■., and \\\\\\\-\\ta. f, purity, sincerity. hlfitrs, adj. (Io), pure. hnaiwjan, 7V. v. (1^7), lo abase. east down. huaiws, adj., loiv, humble. ]inas(|us, adj. (i;iJ,ii. 1), soft. dis -hniupan, st. v. (17:5, n.l), to tear lo pieces. Inieiwan, st.v. (172, n.!), to be/i'd doiviuvards , bo7V, decline. — Compound aiia-hneiwan, Ih. s. horinon, 7V. v., lo conwiil adultery. — Compound f^a-huriiion, ///. s. hors li; 1 1 r s , III. , whoTciHoiKjcr. liraineins, /"., pnrifxcal'wn. liraiiijaii, iv.v. (1^7), to cUuinse. — VoiiijioHiiil ii,'a-liv:uiij:iii, ///. .s\ lira ills, ailj. (K>()), pure, clean. liraiwa-dfiho, f., lurllc-dovc. liropjan, 7V. v.. to call, cri/ out. Compound ul'-liropiaii, ih. s. lirut, n., roof. liroj'cigs, adj , victorious. lirukjan, n\ v. (15), to crow. li uggTJan, VK V. ((Id, 11. I), to hunger. liiio'jan, w. v., to think, mean. linlinis, /».(lo; (ill, 11. 1 ; ]{)')), hunf/er. liiili.str, n., veil, covering. liuljan, 7r.v. (1^7), to cover, veil. — Compound.s (a) aiid-luiljaii, to uncover, reveal, (b) ga-liuljnn to cover, veil. -Imn, enclitic (IC^i), ani/. liund, n. (144), a hundred. liinisl, n., sacrifice {cf. E. h ousel). luiusla-staj^s, m. (i), place of offering, altar. Imps, m. (i), hip. -lifts, n. (lo), house (in giul-lius). liiizd, n., a treasure. liiizdjau, rv. v., to heap up trea- sure. hrairbaii, st. v. (174, ii. I), to walk, wander. luairnoi, /. (li;>), skull. kraiteis, m. (!>2), wheat. iuaiwa, adv. and conj. (21^), how, as. Iran, «r/z;. (214,11. 1), when'! at any time, perhaps (ibai luan, lest); before adv. and adj., how; Ivan fihi, how much. af-lirapjan, w.v., to choke. at-luapnan, w. v. inir., to he choked. luar, adv. (2l.'l,ii. 1), where. h-arbon, w.v. (I'.io), to go ahoui, walk {cf. Ifairltaii). luarjis, pron. (Hid), which! luarj iz-iili, pron. (147,ii. 1; l(i5), every, each. luas, vron. (l->!() intcrrog., who! indefin. (I(i2, ii. 2), any one, some- body. — neul. lua what? why? ; instrumental case luo, wherewith? in what? how much ]\It. V. 47? to what? luas-hiin, pron. (Iti.l), any one, some one. Ivassei, f, severity. hyn]>, adv. ( 2 1 :<, n . I ), ?vhither. Iraf^ar, pron. (124, n. 1.4; l(lt»). which of two ? lua|'ar-uli, pron..(\(\{)). each of two. ll^a|n•o, adv. (2i;i,n. 1), 7vhence. luaz-iih, jiron. (147ii.l; I."')4), each. every. Iveila', f. ('.)7), 7rhil.e, time, hour. — IveilOliiin (i)7,n.2; I(i;{,n. 1). Iveila-luairbs, adj., lasting only for a while, transitory, incon- stant. If cits, adj., white. lvulaii|;'s. adj. (HH), ivhat . how great. hrilciks, adj. (Kil), 7vhal sort of a, what kind of a. hiuftuli, /". (.">1 a.2; ys), boasting. glory. luopan, red. v. (17!)), to boast. lirotjan and compound ga-lv6tjan, 7V. v., to threaten (Irota, /., threat). lairusalem , f. ^ItQovaaXi'ifi, and lainisaulyiiia, f. '^leQoaoXvfxa Jerii- salem. lair iisai'ilynieis, plur., Jerusa- lem; also the inhabitants of Je- rusalem. lakob, ]ir. n. (ol). lakobiis, pr.n., g. lakubaus rt«^/ lakobis Idxiofiot;. Tared, pr. n. ((i). lai'irdanes, yr. n. 'loQ<\avijg and lai'irdanus 7('n>()ayog pr. n., the river Jordan. ibai, iba (1) interr. particle (210): if, perhaps, perchance. (2) conj. (2 IS), that not, lest. ibiiassus, in., (K)')), evenness, equality. ibns, adj., even, flat. iddja, (7;>n.; 2(t7), see gaggan. idrciga, f, repentance, penance. idrcigon, iv. v. (I'H)), to repent, do penance. Idiiniaia, pr. n. f, 'iSov/caia. Icsiis, //. lesiiis, d. Icsua, a. lesu., pr. n, (J,n.4) Iijoovg. iftiuua, sup. (l^i'.t), (he folloiving, next. ik, pron. ( I ")()), 1. im, aii.v. (2ti4), see wisan. in, prep. (217), (1) w. gen., on ac- count of, through, by. in jMs, in-iili ]>i'A, on this account, there- fore; in l^iz-ei, for the reason no kriiist;in. that, because ; therefore. — ['!) 7V. dtit. and dee., in, at, on, lo , to- wards, etc.. iiii I'aiiiina. in ihat; in t'amnu'i, for lluit because, since. iii-kill'o, /'., adj. ( l:!"J.ii.J), /rre;/- ntint (cf. kilj^ci). '[nn,a/fr. ("il;<, ii."J), //(. If'il/i verbs its force is often n'eahened . fur e.va/ii/de. inn !J';i^';;';ui Mk. l.U. In (/i> fonvunl. inn a. adv. (Jl.'i,n. 2), within. innanu and innat'ru, adv. (■Jl.i,n.2j. within. innnnia, stiperl. (I'i'.O. ll>c inner, innermost. in nil, pr/). >r. ace. (217). without. \ n - w i n d s , adj. , unjust. lodas, pr. n. s (I l,n.2). lohannus, pr. n. ((il.n. I ) 'hora-rtj^. I o s I' t", pr. n . 'h')<-,i](f . is, pron. (152). he. LskariOtcs, pr. n., 'loaatJiojTtjg. Israel, pr. n., 'l<>()ai\/.. Israclcites, pr. n. (r2(»,n.2). itan, si. V. (IT(),u. il), to eat. — Com- pound tra-itan, to eat up, devour. \\> , conj. (2 IS) {always preceding the first word of the sentence) (I) but, no7V. t/ius, (2) if. Indaia, pr. n., 'imuSairx. Indaia-land, n., the counlri/ of Judaea. Indas, Judas, ace. Indan. pr. n., lovduQ. iup, adv. (2J."!,n.2) up, upivards. inpa, adv. (21.'{,n. 2), above. iup ana, and iupaj^ru, ad vs. (21.'i,n. 2) from above. iz-ei (\7.i-) ])ron. (loT.n. ;i), lie who, he thai. i z w a r , pron. ( 1 2 1 , n . 1 . 1 ; 1 •') 1 ). yonr. .la, jal, adv. (21ti), yes. jabai, conj. (2 IS), if, jabai — aij;)?au, either — or. .Jaeirns, pr. n., 'ldtn>nc. jail, conj. (217), and, also, jali — jail, both — and. — For assimi- lation of h, see (12, ii..!. jaiiiar, adv. (2i;f,ii. 1 ), there. | jai'nd. jaindrc, advs. (2I.'5, n. I), there, thither (cf. E. yonder). \Ains, jiron. (1">('>), i/uil (cf. E. yon). jainjJrO, adv. (2l.'i. u. I ). from that \ ]dace, thence. ja)> I'C'. conj. (21s), and if, jaj'j'e — | jaj'|>G, be it that — or that, either — [ or ; it matters not. ivhelher — or. \ jail, adv. (2l(i), whether, if. jer, n. (!»-l), year. Jota, m. iwTn. - jn, adv. (211,11.1), already, now. jtiKgs, (124), adj.. you in/, fresh. new. — compar. jfilii/.a {\'>: tiCi. n. 1: l;i:.,n. 1). j 11 1< . /(. (!) 1), yoke. jii-|'an. adv.. a/readi/. jiij'aii ui ///) more .Mk. I. i:>. ival'a rnaiiiu, jir. n., h'a7ii(_ty«orii. kaisar, ?//. ('.li.ii.l: II')). yrdoKo. Ka jafa, pr. n. (r)2). kaibu, /•., calf. X kaliTs, adj., cold. k a 1 k i n a s s n s , m . . fo rn iealio n , adultery. Kaiianeites, m., Kararirij^. kannjan, w.v., to make known, announce. — Compounds (a) ga- kannjan, Ih. s. (1>) us -kannjan. to make known, conn'nend {cf. kunnan). kara, /"., care, niik ist kara, / care, care for (and without ist) karist (2()l,n.;5). karkara,/". ( 1 1'J), prison {L. career). kas, g. kasis, /«., vessel, pitcher. kaii])atjan, w. v. (ls7,ii. 1) to box one s ears. K a I'l r a z c i n , pr. n. {'^1). kai'irc i. /"., yravitji, iveight, plenty. Kai'irin trains, Kaurin)?ius, m., Ko- (tivxYioq. Kaiirin]n», pr. n., f., KoqivS-oc. kai'irjan, w. v., to press, trouble, burden. — Compound ana-kai'ir- jaii, th. s. kai'irn, n., corn, grain. k ail rn o , /«. ( 1 1 o), corn, grain of corn. k a I'l r u s , adj. ( 1 :> I , n. 1 ), heavy. KGt'as, pr. n. ((1)- keiiian, si. v. (172, n. 2; l!»."),n.2), to f/erminale, spring up. kilj'oi, f. (li;{), womb. k i 11 d i n s , m.. governor. k inn us, /'. (1 ().")). cheek. kintiis, m., farthing. kiusan, st. v. (17:!, n. I), lo choose, lest , prove. kniii, /(. (!).')). knee. knot's, (74, n. 2), race. kuussjan, w. v., to kneel dotvn. Kreks, m. (s ; llii), a Creek. Kreta, pr. n. ((>). kriiistan, st. v. (I7.'i.n. I) to gUash with the teeth. ga-krdton — sxa-leikon. ga-krohni, ii\ r. (I2,ii. I) in hrcak /(> /raffmoils, crns/i, briii.s-c. knists, m. {\(\\,u.\), fjiKis/iiiif/ of Icclli. ana -k 11 nil) jail, w. v. (.M,ii. I), lo lie (li)Wit, recline {at table) ^ si/ ilown [Lat. Hoeiittibere). kiniici, xoviu {Hebrew), arise I )C kuni, /'. (!I3), liin, race, tribe. "kunnaii, jirei.-pr. v. (I'.iii), to knoiv. — VoiiipoiDKis (l!)9,ii.l) (a) tVa- - " kninian, /^> f/f.s7/?,yc. (b)ga-kuinian, lo subject one's self. kuniiaii, w. v. {J!M),ii. J) [only in compounds), (a) aiia-knniuin, to read, (b) at-kimiian , to award, 'live, (c) ga-ktmuaii , lo become acquainted willi, gain knowledge of, know, consider, (d) iit'-kiiiiiian (jircl. -kuiij'a Ht',>,ii.l), to knoiv. recognize, learn. i kini]M, n., inlcUif/ence, knowledge. kini|'s, jiart. pre/., known. Sitbsl. III., ncquainlance. k list us, m., proof, lest (from kiiisaii). Kyreinaius, pr. n., KcQi'/riog. Qairnus (lofi), i/iill (in. asiluMiair- nns). (lairnis, adj. (I •■>!), gentle. Q art us , pr. n. (.")'.»). (|("'ns (qcins 7,n.2), f (Hi;;), wife (coin p. E. (lueen). fliuKin, si. V. (175,n. J), to come, arrive. — Compounds (a) aua- (liniaii, w. ace. io apjiroach. (h) lra-((iniaii. w. dat., to expend, spend, (c) ga-qiniau, lo come to- getlier. gac]. sik, to assemble, (d) ns-<|iinaTi. w. dnl., to kill. (|iiio, /". (II-), woman. -(|iss, (7(t,u. I), speech (only in compounds). i|istjaii, w v., to spoil, destroy. — Compounds (a)tra-qist-jau, tli.s. (b) ns-qistjan w. dat. or ace. lo ruin, kill. I'ra-qistnan, w. v., to be ruined, to perish. ( I i I ' a n , st.v.{\l^'KW.[). lo say, speak, mean, name. — Compound us- ((i)'au. lo speak out, blaze abroad. (li|>us, in., wond). ga-qiujan, w. v. (12; 1ST), lo quicken. ga-qiunan (4i,ii.:'i), to lie ipiicken- ed, become alive. (lias (12 1,11. :i), alive. (|iinis, m. (Htl,Ti. I), arrival Laggoi, f (il.'i), length. laggs, adj., long (only used wi reference to time). lagjan, w. r. (1^7). lo lay (down), give. — Compound ga-lagjau. lo lag (down) (cf. ligan). laian red. v {22; rs2), lo revile. laigaiuii, Xtynov. legion. laikau, red. v. (IT".)), to leap. laiktJT), /■ (.iT), lesson (Lat. leclio), \-a\^ , pret.-pr. V. (M); 17!)), I know. laisarcis, m. (92), teacher, master. laiseins, f (lt):),i).]), a leaching, doctrine. laisjan, 7V.v. (:tO; i;)T), to teach. laistjan, w. v., lo follow, follow after. Laiwweis, pr. n. Atvic. lamb, n., lamb. land, n.. land, region, country. I'ata bisuujanc, environs. — gen. iandis, adv. (215), overland. lasiws, adj. (42,n. 1), 7veak. la]' on, w. v., lo invite, call. laj'ons, (103, n.l), invitation, con- so la tio n , redemp tio n . laubjan, tv. v. (31), only in com- pounds, (a) ga-laubjan, lo believe. (b) us-Iaubjan, lo permit, suffer. laiifs, m. (5(1,11.1; 1)1) foliage, leaves. laugiijan, //'. v. (31), to deny. lauiiuiuni, /'. (14, n. 3), lightning. Tiauidja, pr. n. (26,ii.l-). laun, n.. pay. wages, reward. laus, adj. (T8,n.2) williout {cf. E. -less). laus-liandus, adj.(\'.\\,n.\), empty- handed. la us j an, w. v.. lo loosen, redeem. — Compound ga-lausjan, ih. s. bi-lciban, .?/. i'. (5(!,u. 1 ; lTT,n.l), lo remain. leihts, adj., light; — subsL, m., leihts (?), levity. leiliran, si. v. (1T2), to lend. Icilnan sis, lo borrow. U'ik, n., body, flesh. leikan, w. v., to please. — Com- pound ga-lcikan. to please. Availa galeika, / am well pleased. leikeins, adj., bodily, of flesh, . fleshly. ga-loikon, w. v., to liken., to be like. — Compound in-ga-leiknn. to change into the image or like- 118 leitils - - iiianwiis. 1). (i/ijKirli/iiili/. oc- I'o bdrai/. Coiii- ntxs (if II. Cnr. III. IS. (u:;ilcil, g. linliadis n. (114), lighl. 1 ill lit J an, W.V., lo lighten, shine. fra-liusan, sl.v.(\~i'S,\\.\), lo lose. |iuta, m., hypocrite. 1 6 fa, m., the pahn of the hand. ^nbains, /". (31), ho]ie. " .iibja-lcisci, f. (3(i), witcherafl. liil)o, /; (;!l), love (in brn)'ra-lubu). ludja. /., fice. Ill ftns, ///. ( lor)), ,■///•. 1 1'l k an , .>7. V. ( 1 ."i ; I 73, n. 2), lo lock ; only in compounds (a) .t;a-lukan, to shut, sliHl up. (b) iis-lfikan, lo unlock, ojien. 1 iikarn , /(., light. 1 nkarna-s ta|'a, ///., candlcsiii h. fra-liisnan, w.v. (MM), to lie lost. perish. Ill stun, w. v., lo desire. Instils, /;/. (105), lust, desire. Magan, prel.-pr. v. (2o|), /o he able: can. niagal'ci. /'. (113), virginilg. inagal's, /. (I03), niaift, virgin. mag II la, m. (los). Utile hoy. hoi/. mag lis, m. (105), b/ig. malitcigs, adj. (I2i), mightg. nialits^ f. ((;B,n. I), might, strength. maidjan , fv. v., to deform, cor rapt, fa/sify. maihstns, m., diiiK/. Ill a is, adv. {belonging lo inai/.a (212)), more, rather, ban inais, Ivaiwa niais, how much more: iiiais, w. d., more ilian. inaitan, red. v. (IT!I), to cut. — Compounds (a) af-inaitan, lo cut ojf. (b) lii-inaitan, lo circnincise. maif'ms, m. (!)l,n. I), a present . inaiza, conijuir., greater: siipcrl. niaists, the greatest (liis). Jdr. inaist (212,n.3). Makaidonja, j\Iakidi)iija , pr. n.. (1 l.n. I), MaxtiSoria. nialan, st. v. (177, ii. I), lo grind. nialo, /'., moth. Ill am in on a, m., /(ap/novixc, riches. iuanagdu]'s, /'. (103), abundance. nianagci, /'. (Ill), muUiludc. managnan, w. v., to increase; abound. manags, adj. (124), much. many. mana-niaiir]7rja, m. (los), mur derer. inana-se]js, g. -scdis, f. (103), man- kind, world (-se)'s, seed, belon- ging lo saian). manna, m. (117), man. ni manna, nobody. manna-liun, pron. (1()3), with ni, no one. iiianwjau, w. v., to prepare. — Compound ga-manwjan, th. s. manwiis, adj. (131), ready. — Adv. man\viib;i (2lo). uiarei — nasjan. 119 niarr i, /. ( 1 1:>). scii. Maria, Marja, jir. n.. Mrci^nK. niarikrcitus, //'. (M'M. /'carf. iiiarka, /"., f/oion/nn/ (<•/. /i., Mfi'^>xoc. martyr, (ol>)- i/iar/i/r. marzjan, w. v., lo ojj'end. — Com- l>oiutd ga-iiiarzjaii , ///. .v. mat jail , w. v., lo cut. mats, m. (10 1), food (of. t'. meal). Mat|Mius, pr. //. Marihiioc. maj'l, n. (•,>■!, u. '21, innrkct. maudjaii, iv. c. lo ron.'uid. — Compound i;'a-iiiaudjaii, th. s. maurghis, wr (',)l,n. 1 ; 214), wuni- iiii/. mailman, iv. v., lo iitonni, lo be anxious. maurj'r, n. (iM), murder. mauri'rjan, w. v., lo murder, kill. iiiawi, /. (42; 94), (lirl. maAvilO, /'., damsel Mk. V. 41. megs, m. (UluJ), son-in-law. m (• i n 8 , jmss. proii. (151), my, mine. mcl , ;(., lime, hour. mcla, a measure, bushel. m (Hi a 11, IV. V. (1"^"), lo write, wrile down. — Compounds (a) g;i-iiieljaii, ///. .v. (b) aiia-meljan, lo enroll. mcna, m. (lus), /noon. mciioj^'s, ni. (117), month. mtjri|>a, f. rumor, fame. morjaii, w.v., to announce, preach. Partic. mcrjaiwis, m. (115). — Compounds (a) waila-iiicrjaii, lo briny glad tidings. (b)\vaia-iiicrjaii (21,11.2), to blaspheme. mcs, n. (S), table. Ill i (1 j i s , adj. ( 1 22, 1!. 1 ; 1 25 >, middle. Ill i rtj II 11 - g ar d s , m. (i I, world, earth (literally middle-world). "ill id mil a (or iiiidiimsV), f., midst. Ill iduiiid lids, part. m. (115), me- diator. mikildii)'s, /. (1K'>), yrealness. iiiikilci, f. (l]:f), yrealness. Ill i k i 1 j a 11 , w. V. (185), to praise, ylorify. Ill i k i 1 11 ■Ar\.,w.v. ( 194), lo be maynified. uiikils, adj. (l-'iS), great, strong {cf. K. much, ^miefcle .). luildij^a, f. (97), mildness. mi 111 111 a, m. (lOS), cloud. mili|^, n. honey. iiiiluks, f. (IHJ), millc. '•'raims, luimz, )i.(~'>,n.\), flesh, meat. iiiiuiiiza compar.; miiiisls, super!. (cf. leitils (i:{8)). mills, adv. (7*^,ii. 1 ; 212,n. 1 ), /t'.v.s\ in iss;i -de I's (miss;idrdsK /'.. w(>- dced, sin (camp, di-j's). iiiis.sa-l c'iks, adj., various. iiiissn, adv. (21 l,ii. 1), one another, reciprocally ; always with pers. pron., iz\sis, mis missn {you. us) one another. iiiitaii, St. V. (I'd), lo mete, mea- sure. — Comj/ound iis-mitaii, lo dwell permanently, behave. iiiita]?s, /". (KKi, 11.1), tneasure. mi to 11, w. V. (19(1), lo think, con- sider, think over. mitoiis, f. (lii;{,n. 1), consideration, lho}if/]U. mi]' (liiid 74,11.1) {\) prp. w. ^/. (217), with, together with. (2) adv., th. s. {used in connection, with verb.i). iiiit>-)^an-ci, conj. (218), 7vlu'n, ?vhile. mi)? -Avis.se i, /". (ii'O^ conscience. iiiizdo, /., reward. modags, adj. (124), anyry. moody. *at'-iii6jan, w. v. (2(i; 1^7), 'to weary. Mo SOS, g. Mosczis, pr. n., Mconfjc. 1110 ta, custom. ga-motaii, prci.-pr. v. (202), to find room. motareis, m., loH-galhcrer. publi- can. ga-iiiotjau, w. v., lo meet. iiio}?s, (jr. iiiodis, ///. (74,ii.2; 91.11.2), courage, anger. iiiuka-uiO)dei, /. (15), meekness. fai'ir-mulj an, m. v. (15), lo bind up one's mouth, muzzle. miiiian, pret.-pr. v. (2(»ti), lo think. — Compound ga-miiiiaii. lo remember, be mindful (2(H»,n.l). munau, w.v. (2(i(i,n. 1), lo remem- ber, intend. muns, m. (101), thought, purpose, device II. Cor. II. 11. Nacii, pr. n. (ti). ga-nali, bi-iiah (201), see iiai'ilian. nahta-mats, m. (i), supper. nahts, f (110), night. n a i t e i n s , f. (1 (13, n. 1 ), blasphemy (ga-uaitjan, w. v., to abuse). uaqaj's, y. uaqadis, adj.. tiaked, bare. uaiiinjan, w.v. (187), to name. namo, n. (ll(i,n.l), name. 11 as c ill s, f. (l(t:<,n. 1), rescue, sal- vation. nasjan, iv. v. (185), to save, nas- jands, ?//. (115), the Savior. — 120 nati — rahnjan. fr;i-jiasi;in, lit molic soxiuL la heal, save. nati, II. (Itfi), >uU. Na|';ni , jir. n. (7(»/. Na iiliaiiii l),i ir. (.Mn.l), Aorciiihcr. naudi-liaiidi. /:, fc/tir. Naunl fir. II. (2(i,ii. I), nai'ili. adv., i/cf ; iii iiauli, imi ijcl. ija-iiaulian, />;-<7.-/*/-. /'. (Jdl),' i,i sn/'fu'c, lo be eiidiiffh. 11 ;) 11 ii - 1' a 11 II li , adv., ' still, i/cl. Tiaus, til. (l(H,]i.:(), a dead man. naiil'Jan, w.v., (o force, connicl. — Coiiipoiiiid •M\;\-r\\wY'y.m .^ III. s. na Ill's, /; (I (»;{), ttced. Na/, arai)', }ir. n., Nfc'Cn^iiT. Nazorrniis, jir. n.. Na'Connjvnc. vocative Nazoronai Mk. I, 2]. n("'. adv. (2 Hi), no, naij. nohr, iidv. ((ij), near.' neh'a, adv., prep. ("217), near. n ell- is, eom/iar. adv. {2\-l), nearer. nfilvjan and eomponnd af-nehrjan, ic. V. {with or ivilhonl sik),* to draiv near, oppronch. nch'undja, ///., neiijhhor. nei, inlerrog. particle , not'.' ni neg. particle (2I(>), not, nor. niba and nihai (l(i,n.2), conj. (2 IS), except, if not, unless. nihai ]\van , lest al ami lime Mk. IV. 12. nidwa, /'., rust. jiili (2(l,n. 1 and (;2,n.;i) eoiij. (2is), and not, tior ; not; nili - nih, nili ni, ni nil), ncilher — nor, Nika ridcnius, pr. n. (2.ia. I), niinan, .y/. r. (17(1; 17.")), to take, accept, receive. Compounds (a) a(-niinan, to take off, to lake away {from), (b) aiid-niman , to accept, receive, (c) ga-ninian, lo lake with one, to conceive Lii. II. 2;, lo receive, (d) iis-niinan, lo lake out, take away. fja-nisan, st. v. {17(i,n. J), lo be rescued, saved ; to become whole, recover. iiij^an, sl.v. (I7(),u.l), to help. ni 'J is, m. (92), cousin. "iKi", /"• (112), cousin. ni-u, inlerrog. particle (2ltJ), nol'f is it not so ? ana-niujan, w.v. (187), to renew. niujis, adj. (I2(')), new, young. n i 11 - k 1 a li c i , f., pusillanimity (niuklalis, adj., childisli . under age). II i nil . num. (Ill) nine. ni Hilda, ord. numb. (Iit>). the ninth. ni nil t ('Ini 11 d. num. (\ \'.\) ninety. II i 11 1 M II , St. V. ( 1 7:>, n. I ) , to enjoy. ,i;a - II o li j :i ii , tv. v., satisfy, coiileut. iiota, in., hinder part of a ship, slern. nil, adv. and conj. (2l4,n. I; 21^), noiv, at present, therefore, hence- forth. - Subsl. train liiinnia nil, I'rotn henceforth. null, adv. (21(1; 2 IS), then, thus. -iiiiinja, m. (M.'l), taker {in ariii- niiinj:i). 11 11 nil, t'onj. (2 IS), I here fare. iiiita. m.. catcher, fisher. (>, inlerjeclioii (21".l), //.' oh.' ah! oi;an , pret.-pr. v. (.'iTi; 2(l2), lo fear, be afraid of: also ogan sis. ogjan, «'. /'. (:if)), to frighten. osanna, foreii/n w. ((H). Taj da, /'. (M), coal. jiaint Ok iistc (lli.n.l), I'cnlccosl. V n i t r II s , pr. n. IH r ()o^-. paraskaiwc (•'!'■>), day o/' prepa- ration. pa ska, ixtur/a., the feasl of the passovcr. Pai'intius, ///■.//. (21,ii.a). paurimra paiirjiaiira (21, ii. 2. ">), purple. Pawliis, pr. II., Uarloc. jicika- bagiiis, m. (Til), palm-lree. Pcilatus, }ir. n. (fia). Pliacba, pr. n. (52). pistikcins, adj. (51), genuine. lilajija. /. (!)7,n.l), street (Lat. platea). plats, m. (a fj?' iV), patch. pi in sj an, w.v. (51), to dance. ana-praggan, red.v.(^{), toharass. praitoriaun (120,n.2), I'relorium. praufcteis, /', 7iQO(fi'/ii^. praufctus or prautetes,- ?n., tiqo- (pi'jtl/C, puggs, wj.V (51), purse. pund , n. (51), pound. Q, see the letter following K. Radagaisiis, pr. n. (2(),n. 1). raginon, w.v., to he counselor, governor (ragin, n., advice; ra- gineis, ni., counselor). rahnjan , rv. v., to reckon, cmnpute, impute. niilitis — Sai'ibn'inion. 121 raihtis, adr. (l]"^). i/icii. /'cr/iiips. indeed. railits, (idj., rif//il, slit/if/Zit. iir-raisj;ui, w. v. (I^*^), lo cause to rise, lo raise ii)>. ur-raniijan . iv. v. (:5"i), lo make 1(1 rise. raka. (xixn {lleliretv. aood-/ ur-no- ihiuff felloie). ur-vakjan, iv. c, lo sirelrh onl. rasta, /., aii/e. .i;a-ra|'Jan, si. v. (ITT, n. 2), /(/ iinniher. ra|'jn, /'. (Il.2\ nitinber, aeeoanl. hi - ran b on, iv.v.. lo rob, des/x^L raiij)j,aii, w. v., lo plit/c. ' r a 11 1 ' s , adj. ( T 1 n . 2 ), red. Ri'ccarod, pr. a. ((i, n.2). -redan, red. v. (1^1), lo counsel. (only in eontpounds). reiki, //.. (",)5), power, aulltorili/. ri'ikinon, w. v. {I '.'<»), l<> govern, rule. rriks. in. ( I IT), ruler. reiks. adj.. mifjiilij. honorable. reiran, w. v., lo irendile. nr-rcisan, st. v. ( IT'i.n. 1), lo arise. rifinjan, w. v., lo rain {rign, n., rain). rikan, st.v. (IT»),n. 1), lo heap. ri(|is, riqiz (T8,n.l), n. (!)'!), dark- ness. riqizcins, adj., dark, gloomy. rinnan, si. v. (174, n. 1), lo run, race. Compounds (a) ga-rinnan, lo run logclher . come Utgclher. (h) iir-rinnan, lo go out, come oul, come forth, spring up. j rinno; /". (.{2), or oak. I ■riureis {or riurs according to i §1. '«)?), adj. transitory. rodjan, iv. v., lo speak. \\ u m a , R u ni 6 n o i s , jir. ns. ( 1 "i, ti.2). iir-runinan, n\ v. (78, n. 4), lo spread oul, be enlarged. r finis, m.'.' (15), room, space. run a, f. (15), mystery. runs, »j. (:{2; 4!); 101, n. 1.2), a running, course, issue. 8a, pron. (lo.'i), this, the, he. s a b 1 ) a t o , indeclinable subst. . or sabbatus, m. (120, n.l), ad^/ia- TOV. sa-^i, pron. (157), that, who. sag'gws, w. (101), song, singing. sa-li, pron. (154), this, thai', he. sa-kaz-uli, pron. (l(»4,n. 1). sai. inlerj. (21'.i: 201. n..') sec! be- hold! saian (saijan 22,n. I), red. v. (22; 1^2). lo Strw. — Compound in- saian, to sow in. saili s, num. (Ill), s/,v. s a i li s t a , ord. nund). ( 1 4(1 ), the si.vlh. sailvan, ;?<. r. (:{4,n. I ; lT(i,n. 1), lo see, look at, look into, look on. — Compounds (a) at-saih'an, to look on. regard, lahe heed lo (b) bi-sailvan, lo view, look al, look round about, (c) ga-saih'an, lo see, behold, (d) in-saih'an, to look at with attention, (c) [»airii- saihan, to look throur/h, look into, (f) ns-saih'an, lo look up: to look round about for. in -sai I j a n , w. v. , in I he phrase insailjan )'a.ta badi, ]\Ik. 11, 4, to lei down the h. with cords. sair, n. (20,n. 2; 114). jxiin, sorrow. saiwala, /". ('J7), soul. saiws m. (loi.n. 1), sea, lake. sakan, st. v. (177.n. I), to dispute. — Compounds (a) and-sakan , to speak against. (It) ga-sakan, lo threaten, forbid. sakjo, /'. (."55), strife. s a k k u s , m. (58, n.l), sack. salbon, w. v. (18!t), lo uuoint (salve). salbons, /". (I(i;>,n. 1), o/ulmeni, salve. saltan, red. v. (I7'.l,n. I), lo sail. s a ni a, pron. ( 1 .Ti, n..'i ; 1 .51")), the same. sania-lau]'s, adj. (74, n. 1) of equal size or /juuntily, as much. sama-leiko, adv., equally, like- wise. sania)^, adv. (21.1, n.2), together. sand Jan, iv. v. (74,n.;>; |S7), lo send. — Compounds (a)ji'a-sandjan, to accompany, (b) in-sandjan, lo send in, send, (c) us-sandjan, lo send out, away. Satan a and Satanas, m. oaravuc. satjan, iv.v. (l'^7), lo set, put. — Compounds (a) at-satjan, to dis- miss , divorce Mt. V. ;<2. (b) at- satjau, lo present, (c) ga-satjan, to sel, place; to give {a jiame). (d) fai'ira-gasatjan, to place before, present. saj^s, g. sadis, adj., enough, full. saulits, (58, n.2), sickness. sanil (2(i; 94), n., sun. Sau la union, pr. n., ^o/.oiaur. 122 bisauljau — afslaii)'ii;ui. lM-saiilJ;iii. ir. r. {1\.\\. I), i„ siilhi. hi -sail hi, 1 11. ii\ V. C.'l.ii. I) /,/ dc- I'llc one's sri'/'. Sai'ir, i>r. n.. ni. (i), '^{•o^ (2 I, ii. .">). saijr,i::a. /'.. care [sorra/r). sa II rii'aii , /v. r.. la Cdrc, //<• /ni.i/ous iihtnil. saiil's, ,11. (lul), s(tcri/icc. Scid oil a, )n\ n., ^'/rfwr. Si'inioii (//(■<•. SciiiioTKi) ninl Sci- iiionus, ///•. n.. l^idof. SI- ilia, ;/ni. rc/l. jiron. (l.Mi). sciiis, proii. (IT) I), his, [licir. scil'iis, adj. (|:{|), /<((c. scls, tulj. (I lid), kind. sih.ja, /: (1)7,11.1), rch(lii,nsliii>. i;-a-silt)6ii, w. r., lo ho reconciled 10. sill II 11, nnni. (I II), seven. sib nil -tell 11 11(1, num. (ll:!), sev- en.li/, sidon, w. V. (I'.iu), i,, pnte/iee. sid us, ni.. cnsi'oni. sii>-i,Mvaii, ,v/. e. (dS; i7l,ii. i), i„ sinij, read, read xioud. — Com- pound iis-siiixwan, to read, read, aloud. sijjis, M., viclori/. Siijis-iiicros, pr. n. (r,,n.2). sij;qaii (si^ifqan), st. v. (I71,ii. 1) lo sink. Compound f;'a-,sii;'i!;(|n.ii, to sink, sink under . ' lo lie ah- sorhed, snuilioived up in. siii;-lJ6, H. (I 10), seal. siliii, n. (-2(1,11.1; lOU), viclorij. f^\iX.\'y,\.n, w. v., 10 seal. ana-silaii, w. y. (1!);{), lo Oc silenl. silba, pron. (i:{2,n..{; 150), self. Silbauus, pr. n. (5, a; 5 1,ii. 1), 2t!i).oi'Ciro^. silda-U'ikjaii, )v.v., lo wonder. silubr, u. (UJ), silver. siiulc, adv. (2J4,ii. 1), once. .sinaps. III. (V), mustard. sincigs, «(i,ii. I ; I 7.'i,ii. 1), lo shove away. skolis, m. (aV), shoe. dis-skrcitan, st. v. (172,ii.l), lo tear to j>ieces [shreds]. dis-skritnan, w. v. (191), lo be torn to shreds. skuggwa, ni. (OS), mirror. sknla, m. adj., guilty, liable lo penally ; subst. (los), debtor. skill an, prel.-pr. v. (200), to owe, to be (ibliyed lo ; skiild ist, it is lawful, suitable, permilled:, skiild wisan, lo be obliged. skfira, /'. (15), shower. slaban, st. v. (177, n. I), to slrihe, beat (cf. E. to slay). slabs, m. (i), stroke, plague. at'-slau|'jan, w. v., lo itespair. at"-sl a 11 1' It an . w. r.. lo be ama- zed. slawan — swaihra. 123 ;c' slawan, w. v., lo he si/cn/. - Ci>miioinid ga-f>laM'an, ik. s. slC'pan, red. v. (17!)), Id sleep. slC'i^s, ///. (ill. 11. 2), sleep. tVa - 1^ 1 i 11 (1 a n , si. v. ( 1 7 1 , ii. I ) . lo snudliitv lip. sliui)a]i, .s7. V. (17;;, 11. I), lo slip. s in a Iv k a , /ii. (o^, ii. 1 ). /?>/. t siuals, (ufj., small. liUle. ira - s 111 i t a ii , si. v. ( 1 7 2, ii . I ) , lo besmear. siiai;*a, ///., t/artuenl. eloak. siiaiws, ///. (!M,ii. 1), snow. siu'i|'aii, si. V. (172,11.1). lo cm. (ef. K. lo sual/ie). siiiiimjan, w. r.. lo hasleii. s n i 11 uniiidus, «c/;'. (212,a. 2), willi more hasle. siiiwaii, si. V. (17()ii.2), III luisleii. sii II t rs, adj., wise. so k Jan. w.v. (.iS; I8(i), lo seek, desire : lo inquire into, dispute. s ok 11 8, /'. (a.i; 10:f), research, r/iieslioii. spaikiilatur (oa; 21, n. 2), Sjii/. s ]» a r w a , ?)i., sj>arrow. sjiaurds, /". (lid), race-course. sped u mist s, sup. ( I .Hi), n. 1 ), ilie last. speiwan, si. v. (172,ii. 1), lo sjiil. (cf. E. lo spew). sjiilda, /'., tablet. s]iill6ii, 7V. v.. to nnrrale, tell (si)ill. /(., lale) (cf. A', spell). siiiiinaii, St. v. (17],ii. I), lo spin. s )i r a 11 1 6 , adv. (2 1 1 , ii. 1 ), quic/.ii/. stafs, ?n. (5(),ii. I), element. slaiga, /"., path, way. s 1 a i 11 a h s , adj. , stony. staiuoiiis, adj., of stone, stony. st a ins, m. (iH), .ilone, rock. — As pr. n. = Peter Skeir. 4!). f? fair no, /'., star. sa - s t a 1 d a n, red. ?;. ( 1 79 ), to possess. Stan dan, si. v. (I77,u. M), /" sliind. — Compounds (a) af-staudan, to renounce, fall away. (I)) and- standan w. d., lo fvilhstaud , op- pose, (c) at-standan, lo stand by, come near , approach, (d) ga- standan, to stand, stand firm, slay; to be restored ^\k.\\\, h. (c) hvis-standau(twistandau, comp. vj 7^, n..')) UK d., lo depart from one, bid farewell to. (f) us- standan, lo stand up, rise, arise. stabs, y. stadis, m. (101), stead, place, counlry_ jaiiiis stadis (comp. § 215) on the other side, across. sta)'s, y. staj'is. w. (i?), shore. coast. staiia, f. {2{\), Jiidyineni , law suit. daninalion. staua, m. (2(1; \n^}, jinlye. s taiia-sto Is, ///. (a), jiiilgmcnl- scat. an d-staurran, w. v., to ihrealeii. Stan tan, red. v. (I7i>,n.l), to thrust, strike. stcigan, st. v. ( 17 1, ii. 1 ), lo mount. — t'ompoi/nds (a) iil'ar-stt'igan to iiioiuil up, yroiv uj> Mk. IV. 7. (li) us-stoigan (ustcigaii 7s,n.5), to mount up, ascend. stilma, /'. (!>7), voice. us-stiggan, st. v. (174,n. 1), to pluck out {cf. E. to stiny). stigijan, St. v. (17-1, n. I), lo thrust. s til an, St. v. (175,n. I), lo steal. s t i \\' i t i , n., pa lien ce . stinr, m. (7s,ii.2; iil,n. 1), steer. sTTrdfan, w. v., only in compounds (a) ana-studjau, to beyin. (Ii) tlu- stodjan, th. s. stojan, w.v. (2l'p; |S(i), to jiulye. — Compound ga- stojan, to judye, determine. stols, ?n. (a), stool. straujan, w. v. (42; 1^7), to sirew. striks, ///. (aV), stroke, lillle. stubjus, ///. (lt)5), dvsl. ga-suljaii, w. v., to found. sunian, adv. (214,ii. 1), once. sums, pron. (lt>2), some, some one : one, plur, some, b'i siiniala /// part. suiidro, adv., asunder, separately, (done. siinja, /■. (97, n. I; 21n). Iruth. siinjalia, adv. (2l(i), truly. siiiijon, w. V. (19(1), lo jiislify. suuna, m., and suiino, /"., sun. suns, adv.. soon, suddenly, iinme diately. suns-aiAS', adv., imniedialely. suns-ei, conj., as soon as. sunus, m. (KM), son. j.^.- suts, adj. (Ion. J; V.W). sweei. . sw a , adv., so. swa-ei, conj. (2 IS), so thai : there- fore. af-swaggwjan, w. v., lo make de- spondent. bi-swairban, si. v. (174, ii. I), to wipe. swailiva, ///. (lii"^), father-in- law. 124 Rwailiro — IriiTffwa. swailiro /'. {WD. innilui-iii- Inir. swii- laii I's. ihlj. (Kll). so (;, n.i; I72,n.l), It) CCllSC. s we ill, //., swiiif. jiiff. swrrs, iiilj. (T'^.ll.■-'), htiiiorcd. s w (■ s , tidj. (124,11.1), o wii . s w c - \> ;i u li , II dv. ( 2 1 N ), ijcl, how- ever, Ihouijh. pi - s w i k 11 n \>] a ii , w. v. . to intikc kiioivn. iiiiuiifesl. s wi-k nn|'s, ndj.. iiuinifesl, kiiniOH. swiltaii, .?/.?'. (174,11. I ), Iodic. ('m/if)()iiiif/ s;-a-.swiltai), l/i. s. s w i 11 I'll an , w. n., lo ticeoinc slroiit/. swinj's, tidj. (114), strontj , whole ^Ik. U. 17, powerful, miijlili/. s wis tar, /'. (114), sister. swoijatjan, w. v., lo sir/h. swiiinfsl, H. (SO), jtoinC pool. Sy iiiai»')ii, pr. n. (;{'.!), ^viii-tih: synai,^o j?a-fa|'s, {/. -fadi.s, ///. (i) the ruler of ti syiitiffoijue. s,vnafi:6gC', f. (:v,)), o-iraj'ty/^. Syria, pr. n., I^vi^>ia. i'ai;], //., httir. taij,T, II.., tear. tall) an, w. v., lo Icur. taili.swa, iv. adj.., ri;/hl: taijiswo, /'., Ihe ritjhl hand. t ailiim , num. (141), leu. tai lunula, ortl. vuinh. (1 Hi), ihe leiilh. tailiiin- 1 (]■ IhuhI and - tailiund, nam. (1 l.i; comp. 14^), a hundred. t a i k n j a ii , iv. v. ( 1 88), lo t>eti>ken, show. --- (Jomfnmnd lus-taikiijan, III disliai/iiish, iip/miiil : (i> show. approve: list, sik dii. lo conimctid one s self lo. talk lis, /'. ( Hi:;), lokcn. sii/ii. taiiiJM, /: (1 12), haskel. tains, ///. (ill ), Iwif/. i a i V a ii , si. r. ( 1 7."), ii. 1 ) : "/(/// in conipoiinds. (a) dis-tairaii, lo tear asunder, tear lo pieces, Inirsl. (1)) pi-tairaii , lo Itreak , ttcslroi/. cease. \ a 1 1' i I' a rfc?.i lit': {a Chaldcnn word = damsel). talzjaii, m. v., lo leach, inslrncl : panic, talzjands, ni. ( 1 I-t), icnchcr. master. pi- 1 a 111 j a II, w.v. (Hit; |S7). lo lame. taiii, n. (2(j; it.'i), deed. taujan, w.v. (187), lo do, mnke. act, canse. - Conipotind ,i:;a-taii- Jaii , III. s. pi- tail man, w. v., lo he lorn, be- come void; pa-tai'irnands , transi- lory, void. pi-tei]i:in, st. v. (172n.l). lo tell. tmnounce. Tcimai'ij'aius , pr. n. 'riin'iiho^. Tcitns, pr. n. 7Yroj. ti'kan, red. V. (IS I), lo touch. - Compound at-ti'kan, ih. s. 'riicodcmir, 'riicodoiiiinis, pr. a: ((),n.2; 7(l,n. 1). 'I'licod oriciis, pr. n. (l'^,!!.!; 7u,n.l). Til cud OS, pr. n. (\'>,n. I ). T h c 11 d i c o d o , pr. n. ( I S, n. 1 ). "tigus, m., decade (142). and -til on, w.v., io .vtvcf (pUils, adj., convenienl, fit, til, n., aim). ga-timan, st.v. (17r>,n. I), lo sail. timrja, n. (108), carpcnler. titilian, sl.v. (IT.'i), lo pull, low, luf). — Compounds (a) at-tiiilian, to pull Inwards, bring {lo a cer- tain place), (b) iis-tiulian, lo lead out, lead aivaij : le execute. finish. -tojis, adj. (riCt), doinij (onli/ in compounds). trail a ins, /'., Irusl, confidence. tniuan, 7V.v.('h\; 17!i,n.2-, r.C!), lo Irusl. — Compound pi-traiian, lo trust, be courageous. 'V r a lias, dat. Traiuiflai , pr. n.. traiisti, n. (;i.'),n. I), covenant. triggwa, /'. ((•7,11.1), covcnanl, alliance. triffffws I2r. triggws, adf.iCt^: \'li). Irxc. fdilh- ■ fill. anu-trimpan. .v/. ?'. (I T-I.ii. I), lo approach. trill, n. (il-J.u. 1), Irer. triidan, si. v. (175,ii.2). /<> Ircad. tiigg"l, //•. sl(ti\ liimiiiari/. tuji\ii;o, f. (Ill), tinigiie. tiiigjan, //'. v., 10 co/i/irm. — Com- pound o-a-tulg'jan, ///. .v. till g' 11 s , adj. ( I ;i I ), si end fast. tun [mis. ill., loolh. twai, iniiii. (140). tiini. t w a lib- w i n t r u s . ad j. ( 1 :'> I ), Iwelve years old. twalif. num. (5(iu. I; 141), livelre. tweifls. in. (91 n. 2), douhl. tweilinai, nuin.^Wl), two apiece, two at a Ihiie. twis-st.indan. see standaii. T3'kekns, pr. n. ((i). Tyra, pr. n, Tvqoq. I^addaius, jn-. n. OuMaloq. I'adei. adr. (2i;i,n. 1), wldlher. j'ag-kjan, an. v. (2o;i), to ihiiik, meditale , consider, jnigkjan sis, to reason. — Compound and- l-'agkjan sik, to reinember. Italian, w.v. (I'jri), to he silent. I^aho, /'. (51^), clay, rcrjXoq. j'airli, prep. w. ace. (217), tlirouok; l)y , by means of : f^airli j'lH'i, wherefore , for which reason Skcir. 41). Jjairko, n. (1 lu). hole. ga-l^airsan, st. v. (174, ii. 1), lo wither. )'an, (1) rel. {commonly at the Oe- yinniny of a sentence), when, as long as, (2) denionslr. (followiny the first closely-connected word), then, at that time, tliereiipoh (214,11.1); (.}) conj. (21S), tint, however, therefore, for {imme- diately after iili). )7ana-mais, adv., further, still. )?ana-sei}>s (212,11.1), adv., fur- ther, still; iii I'aiiascit's, no longer. l^audO, conj. (21S), if, liecause, till. uf- 1' auj an, iv. v. (1*^7), lo stretch out. )'au-uii, adv. (2 IS), indeed, titer e- fore. I'an-uh. adv. (2 lb), ihen. t'ar, adv. (2l;i,n. I), there. t'ar-ei, adv., ivhere. I'arilis, «^//. (20, 11. 1), not yet full- ed {said of new cloth). j'ar-uli, adv.. there: conj.. hut (2ls). )^at-aiiici, adv., only. [>at-ei, (1) neat. ret. ]iron. (I.')7). (2) conj. (21S), that, liecause. in order thai. It often ansivers Greek on. wlien precediny direcl quotations. \> a \> r o and |\a)'rOi-li , adv. (2 1 :>. n. 1 ), thence; after thai, then. )?au and \>iv\\-\\ (1) conj., than {after comparatives), or {in double questions). (2) /7^/r. (21(»), yet, indeed, perhaps (commonly unsweriny Greek av). ]> a u li - i a b a i , conj. (218), even if. }' a 11 r b'a n . pret.-pr. v. (lUO). to want, need, to stand in, need of. I'ai'irfts, f. (5(i,n.4; 10.5), need, necessity. I' a 11 rn lis, m. (105), thorn. \> a I'l r p , n. (94, n. 2), village. ga-l'aiirsnan, w. v. {'.Vl), to wither. [nxiirstei, /: (32; li;<), thirst. {' a 11 r s u s , adj. ( ;}2 ; I .'! I ), dry, with- ered. I^e-ei (I57,n. I; 2 IS), conj., for, because. |>Gi (157,11.2) {\)rel. (= f^utci) after l^atalvali, t'isluali, etc. (I(i4, u. I). (2) conj. (2I'<), that, in order that. iM'ilian, st.v. (I72,n. I), to thrive. ju'. ilr o, /'., thunder. i^eiiis, pron. (151), thine. at- 1' ill sail, St. ?;. (174,n. I), to draiv towards. I' i s - Iv a z u h , pron. , followed by a rel. prn. (I(5l,n. I), whoever, who- soever. I'iubjo, adv. (211), secretly {like a thief). pint's, jnubs (50,11. 1), m. (a), thief. 1' ill da, f. (97), people; in plur. the Gentiles, jnii jniidct, those of the Gentiles, the (Tenttles. jnudan-gardi, /'. (9s), kingdom. [' i u d a n s , in. ( a ), king. I'i iidaiioii, w.v. (190), to be king. JMiidinassus, m. (105), kingdom. ' Inus, m. (91,ii.:{); servant, ni., good. ')aii, w. f. (Is7), to bless. — Compound ga-t>iut'jan, ///. s. I'iwi, /. (9S,ii. 1), maid-servant. ]m u I? , JMiiH i2t"; s:a|M;tilifin iinsOls, i;-;i-|'l:i iliaii , red. r. (17!l,ii.1). lo rnrt'ss, ciitiso/c. |'l;i(|iis, H//J. (i:U). sti/'t. I'l i 11 li:i 11 , //> /h-c. ('iinijiDiiiiil i;';i-t'liiilKUi. ///. \. I'uiniis, /ir. II. HctKt'ij. I'rafst j ;ni. /r. r., to coiiitoli'. ~ Coin/ioiniil i;';i-|'r;irsti;ui, ///. .v. I'r.-iii'jn n , ?/'. r.. to run. i'rniiis tci. /'. (1 i;i). locii.'il. |>ri'i li;iii . \/. r. (lT2.ii.l). lo thronii. trouliic. |>nMs, iiinii. (140). Ihri'c. I'ridia. ord. niimh. (I ir, ; M'.i.n.l). the lltiril. I'risk :i 11, .%•/.?;.( 171. u. 1). lo /hrr.s'h. iis-)'riiit:in, si. r. (ITH.ii.l). lo Ironhli;. coiilenut. I'm ts-t'ill, 11., Icpni.'nj. I'll, pro)t. (1 ")()), Ihoii. |'Ui>-kjan, nn. c. (2(i',)), lo ihinic ; iin/HTSona/, ]n\gkv\\> mis, it .teems lo vie. 'i)ielhink.<:, I t/tin/i, suppose. -)>rilits, adj. (!•")'')' ih'nikiiKi (oiilij in coiiipound<;). )> ft li 1 11 s . in. ( 1 •") 1') , conscience. I ' u 1 ;i i n s , /'. ( I n :{, n . l ) , .su//'erinf/. piilience. )'ul;ni. IV. V. (r.i:'>), to lolerale, sit/fer. — Conipo iind v;'A-\>nhm. l/i.s. I'fisiindi, num. (\'>-, I !■">), /'. . a Ihousand. )>\viili!in, st.v. (177,11. I), to ?iuis/t. wash, one's self. }^;i-]' w;i.s tj an , w. v. lo coiijirm, -11, an. encUlic particle den,ol.in,ij a iiaeslion (2 Hi), for exnnipic, skuld-u i.st, is it per milted? abii (at' + ii) t^iis .sill)in I'll ]'uta ([ij'is, say est ihon this ihiny/ of Ihi/selff Prefixed In/ .i^-a- ci I (i, ii. i). Cornp. niu. Ubadaiiiinis, }ir. n. (lit,ii.l). Ubadila, pr. n. (J(i, ii. I), iibilaba, udr. (210), evilly, ill. 11 b i 1 s , adj. (121; I HS), evil, ill, bad ; — nenl. snhsl. j'ata iiliil and I'ata ii))ilo. 11 b i 1 - 1 oj i s , adj. ( 1 211), mischievous, (evil-doiiuj). 11 f (.Ml, 11.1; 217) prep. 'W. d. and ace., under. iif-ai}uMs. adj. (.j2,n.2), under an oath. ufar, prep. w. d. and ace. (217), over, above, beyond. 11 t'aras.sjan, w. v., to make lo abo and, increase. 11 fa ras s lis . ///., overfliDv . nbun- ilance : ^/rt/. ufarassau, adverb, in abundance, extremely. II t'a ro , adv. (2ll,n. I ), above ; prep. >r. qen. and dal. (217), over, ve. 11 ft a, adv. (21 1,11. 1), often. -nil, or -h (comp. 2J,ii.2, and (■)2, 11. .■'.>, enclilic pnriicle (= Ll. (]IU'. 2 Is), and, a/ so, bul. — /// com- position with pronouns and par- ticles it ofien. adds intensity In the siyniftcalion, comp. sail (l">l); )>al'r6'-h, faii-h, |'ar-uli, I'au-ulu — modifyiny the siynif. Ira-ziih. Irarjizuli '(l(i"4 el seq.). I'lli ti'io-s, filitiiig'S. adj.{\:>: !'.»). /// yood lime . sufficiently early : — adr. filitei,iju (l.T,ii.:i;"2 I 1). I'llitwn, /'. (].t; 112), dawn, air uht\\'(')n before day. 11 lb and us, w.(V), camel. iin-ai;'aiids, partic. (.'io; 2(i2. ii.2) fearless. iin-aiid-li ulit's, p.p. (from aud- liiiljan), not uncovered , not dis- closed. 11 11 -and- so ks, adj. (•'>'>). irrefut- able. iindar, prp. w. ace. (217). under. iindaro, adv. (2Il,ii.l), bebiw: also used as prep. w. d., under. II nd, prep. (217) (1) 7V. d. for, in- slead of. (2) 7v. ace., up lo, until. und l-iatei (218), until, till, as lony as. und tilii niais, much more. uii-f;liirs. adj. (I. 'SO), lallliny, talkative. un-l'rol>s, adj. (71,n.r), injudi- ciirus, /onlish. un-ga-hobains, /. (:>•">), inconti- nency. iin-ga-laubjands, pres. jiariic. {from ga-laubjau), iinbelieviny. iin - g a - s a i lir a n s , part. prel. (from ga-sailvan) not seen, invisible. iin - liandu - wai'ii'hts, oor. un - maua - riggv/s, (ulj. ((is). fierce. iiusar, /;?v>». (r24,n. l.-l; \h\).onr. iin-sels, adj. (KiO), evil, wicked. unto - warinirm. 127 iinte, conj. (2 IS), U)ilil. as Ioihj as; f\w, because, thai. II n-)' ill)', //.. evil: iin-wahs, (dlj. (">1>). blaniclcss. ini-weis. adj., vjnora)il . iiikic- ipiaiiUt'd. nil- wit a 11(1 s, y/v.v. ixirlic. {/'ruin witan) if/nord/il. iir-rists, /'. (.'io). resiirreel/oii. nr-runs, tn. (7S,n.4), decease. us (iiz- TSc*., iir- 7s,ii. 4; />j/- s heiiif/ (/ropped . see ^ 7 S, 11.5), prep. w. iL ('217), OHI. (nil of, fori)) from, from. us-daut's, adj. (74, u. 2), zealous, diligenl. {see daudjan). us- d r u s t s , f, a faUhtg a ivuij . (from driusan). us - fa i rill a, adj. (K!2,n."i), guilh less, blameless. ns - t'i 1 111 a , .'('. adj. . frigliiened, amazed. us-grudja, rv. adj. (1:52, n. 2), weary, idle, dislieartened. u s - li a i s t a , iv. adj. (()9, n. 2), needi/. us-kuii)7s, adj., fully kiiotvn, evidenl. us-li]?a, ///.. a 2>erso)t a/fecleit willi palsy. us-mct, H, (:}4), manner of life {conversallon). u s - s k a u s , adj. ( ] 24, ii. .{), canliovs. u s - s t a s s , /. { 1 03, II .3 ), resurrection. u s - w a u r h t s , adj.. jusl. ns-waurpa, f. (32), a lliing casi away, an oulcasl. fit, adv. (In; 2l3n.2), out. uta, adv. (213, ii. 2), without. fitana and iitaJTu, adv. (2IH,n.2), from wUliout, wilJiout. 11/ -eta (us-ctaV 7s, n. 4), m.. maiujer. - Wad d jus, /'. (105), wall [only in compounds , as baurgs-waddjus). wadi, n., bel, pledge. -waggari, /<■(?), pillow. walisjan, st.v. (177, n. 2), iogrow. =• w a li s t u s , m. , growlh , sta in re {cf. E. to wax). *walitw6 (or walitwaV) f (5*^, ii.2), rvalch. wai, inlerj. (2iy), woe! waian, red. v. (22; 182), to blow. wai-dfidja, ///. (2!,n.2), malejaclor. wai-fairlujau, w. v., to wail. wailista, m., angle, corner. waihts, /. ( I Hi c//*^/ n. I), tiling, soinething ; generally with the negative ^larlicle ni, as ni wailits, nothing ; ni wailitai. ni in wailitai. not at all {no whit). wai I a (20,:!), adv., well, rightly. wai la-nuTJan, w.v.. see xwi'yxw. w a i 1 a - w i z n s^, /'., wellrbeing. food. wair. m. (!)l,n.4), man. wairpan, st. v. (174), to throw. - Compound us-Avairpan w. dai.. or ace., to throw out, east on!. wairs. eomjiar. adr. (212. n. 1), worse. w a i r s i z a , com pa r. adj. (13s), worse. wair]'an, si. v. (I 74, a. I), to be- come (also as auxiliary verb), arise, be born, /laj/pen. occur. — Compound tra-waivt>aii , see fra- wardjan. w a i r I? i d a , f, worlhin ess , abilily. ga-ga-wairj^nan, 7V.v., to be re- conciled {comp. ga-wairj'i, f.). w a i r t' s , adj. , ivorth , worthy. w aj a - m e r e i n s . f.{\\ 3, n. I ), Idas- pheiny. waja-ni e'l'j an, 7v.v., .SY^f niGrjan. wakan, st. v. (177,n. 1), to 7vaLe. — Compound f'airli-wakan (((3, n. 1), to ?va.lch , keep wai eh llirouglioul. us - Av a k j a n , w. v. ( 1 s7), to wake up. ga-wakuan, w. v. (35). to be ayvaked. Valaniir, ///•. n. ()ii/>i)un/f ga-AvaiirkJan. Ih. s. wai'irms. //(., 7Vor?/i. wai'irstw. )i.. work. \\ a 11 r s t w iM 1? s , adj. . effectual. wai'irs t \v ja, in., workinau, la- borer. wai'irsts, /'. rooi. w o- s , ///. (01, n. .")). shock nfa 7vare. billow, ware. Weill a, )i. (ins), priesl. wt;ilian, st. v. (1"2). /o fiyhl. Weill nail. w. v. (U»4), la he halbnv- ed. weihs, adj.. ludij. Weill, /(., wine. weijjaii. */. t). (172, n. 1 ), lo crawa. -wcitan, si. v. (I72,n. 1; H)7,n.l). lo see, oiilij in caiiiponnds (a) fra- weitan, lo avenge \ par lie. fra- vveitands , m. , ( 1 1 ■">) , avenger. (b) in - weitan , lo worshiji. fair-weitjan, 7V. v., lo lank round aboul wilh intention, lo view with fixed allenlion {w. g., dii or in). w e i t w o d e i , f., leslimoni/. w ei t w o d 1 }> a , f, Ih. s. *weitwu)'s, wcitwods, in. (:iO; 74, n.2; 117), witness. wenjau, 7V. v., lo hope, expect {of. E. to ween). wens,/' {W)'.',), hope, cxpeclalion. ga - w i d a n , si. v. ( 1 7(>, n . 1 ). la join logelher. widuwo, /'., widow. ga-wigan, si. v. (I7t;,ii. 1), to wove, shake. wigs, m. ('.H), ?V(fg. wilja, m. (HIS), will. Wilia, /'/•. a. (4"(l,n. 1). w i 1 j a - li a 1 )' e i , /. ( 1 1 .'!, n . 2 ), favor. wiljan, an. v. (2(1")), to will, wish. wil|?eis, adj. (J 27), wild. w 11 wan, St. V. (171,n. 1), lo rob. — Compound dis-wilwan lo plunder. -windan, si. v. (174, n.l), l(i wind\ only in compounds hi-windan, lo wind round, wrap. w i II ds, m. (a), wind. winiian, si. r. (171, n.l). lo sii/fer, feel pain. wis, n., calm [of lite sea). w i s a n , st. v. ( 1 7(i, n. 1 ; 20 1. — I'res. iiu, :i. p. ist; wilh ni, nist; ivith I'ata, )>atist(2()4, n.:i), to be{aux.v.), to be ihere, present, remain, be- long lo (w. //.), /// have [w. dot.). — Compounds (a) at-wisaii, lo be there, present. (!») iil'ar-wisaii, to be over, to abound. witan, 7V.V. (1117, n.l). lo hod; al, give attention : lo 7vatch. witan, pret.-pr. v. (:iO; li)7), to knoiv. wit Of?, g. witodis, n. (94), hnv. witiihni, //,. (."W)), knoivledqc. wi|;ra, prcj). 7V. ace. (217). against, towards; opposite, before. wit^riis, ?/«., lamb {welher). w 1 ai to n , iv. v., to look round about. wilts, 7n. (l(tl,n. I), countenance. wokalns, /'. (:{5), 7valching. wokrs, »t. (Ill, 11.2), usu7y. '■'\\o\>^, wOds (74. n.2), adj., furious, /lossessed. wnjijan, M'. r., to call, erg, erg out. — Compound ut'-wOpjan ((>;5,n. 1), to erg out. w 1' e 1 s , adj. { 1 "is), siveel, pleasant. wrakja, f, persecution. wratOn, 7V.v., logo, travel. wrlkan, st. v. (I7(i,n. 1), to per- secute (c/. I£. to wreak) ga-wrisqan. st. v. (I74,n.l), to bear fniil. wrll^iis, 711. (Ht-i), herd. wrolijan, w.v. to accuse. wiilau, SI. t\ (I7;{.n.2; 17.j,n.2), lo boil. w II It's, 7n. ('.»!), 7Volf. Wnlfila, /yr. •«. (HIS), little 7Volf,, Greek Ovhpikac. wtilla, /'., wool. wiil|mgs, adj. )vonderful , glo- rious. wul|>rs, adj., valuable. w u 1 jy u s , m. ( 1 05), glory. w u n d u fn 1 , /'., 7Vound. Xristus, /'?•.«. (I,n.4), X^igto^. Y, see ^ :t'.i. Z a 1 b a 1 d a 1 u s . pr. n. . '/FfiFiSaToi^. Zak arias, pr. n. ( l.'t). llnllf, iiiiiited l>y K. Karras i -— XXVO._c^„OK.Z..,3^, Reti BERKELEV J^eturn to desk frr.«, u • , Thf. book is due!" ^ T '"" '^"'"'^'J- — ^E on Ae last date .,a„ped below. M 1 S 70D3 18Ji;n- ^- ^ I; F£8 y 1855 I4Sep'6I0A «»» APR 3 0,986 U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES S/ 9o9 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY gw ! ^ ■ f -■.. '■,"■■ ! - ^ ;■ 4 '^J^ ■:#'^t ffislfc'-'*'^' ii -^