VANWianHbT ORIENTAL SERIES-VOL. VIU. HISTORICAL GRAMMAR OF THE ANCIENT PERSIAN LANGUAGE * JOHNSON \ thp: vanderbilt oriental series KHITKI) BY Herbekt Gushing Tolman and James Henkt Stevenson HISTORICAL GRAMMAR OF THE ANCIENT PERSIAN LANGUAGE EDWIN LEE JOHNSON, Ph.D. N AUTHOR OF INDEX VBRBORUM TO THE OLD PERSIAN INSCRIPTIONS NEW YORK : CINCINNATI : CHICAGO AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY Copyright, 1917 BY Edwin Lee Johnson VIRO • DOCTISSIMO" STVDII8 • PERSICIS • PRAESTANTISSIMO SVO ■ PRAECEPTORI • ATQVE • AMICO • HERBERTO • CVSHING • TOLMAN • HVNC • LIBELLVM ■ D • D • D' AVCTOR SS3G299 PREFACE. The work done in Ancient Persian dnring the ]iast twenty years by snch scholars as King and Thompson, Bartholoniae, Weissbach, Jackson, and Tolman has rendered the earlier grannnars of the langnage of little valne for present day stndy. To a carefnl reexamination of the inscriptions, with a consequent revision of readings, there has been add- ed a determination of forms and of interpretation through comparative study of the languages of the Iranian group. This volume is accordingly designed to serve a twofold purpose : to present in systematic arrangement the results of the most recent as well as the earlier investigation in this field, and to show by comparative examples the development of the Ancient Persian from the parent speech and its re- lation to the other languages of the family, particu- larly the Sanskrit and the Avestan. While this work was in preparation Prof. A. Meil- let published his Grammaire dti Tieu.r Perse, an ex- cellent presentation of both the inflectional forms and the syntax of the langmige. But T believe there may still be a place for a grammar the distinctive feature of which is the historical treatment of the subject. Chapter II. serves in a measure as a bibliography, lu addition to the books mentioned there, I must acknowledge my indebtedness to Thumb's Handburh (ies t^anakrit, Reichelt's Airestisehes EJementarhnch, (V) vi Preface. Wright's Comparative Grammar of the Greek Lan- yuaye, aud most of all to the work of Brugiiiaun. In the chapters ou syutax where examples have been quoted the text of I'rofessor Tolman, in his Ancient Persian Lexicon and Texts, has generally been followed. I am under obligations also to other publications of Professor Tolman. But, far more than this, I must express to him personally my deepest grati- tude, since I feel that without his careful supervi- sion this work would have been impossible. Edwin Lee Johxsox. Vandekbilt IJNivERsrrY, February 20, 1917. CONTENTS. Page. Chaptek I. The Decipherment of the Inscrip- tions, §§ 1-38 1 Chapter 1 1. The Location and Publication of THE Inscriptions, >;j5 .'{O-.")! 18 Chapter III. Ancient Persian Writing, §§58- ()(>; Proninciation, §§ (57-72 29 Chapter IV. The Indo-Et'ropean Languages, §§ 7;}-S2 37 Chapter V. The Vowels, §§ 83-131 46 1. The Indo-European Vowel System, 5!§83-86. 2. Indo-European Vowels in Ancient Persian, §§87-114. 3. Indo-European Accent, §§115-118. 4. Vowel Gradation, §§119-126. 5. Bases, §§127-131. Chapter VL The Consonants, §§ 132-193 67 1. The Indo-European Consonant System, §§132-140. 2. a. Indo-European Velars in Aryan, §§141-144. 6. The Aryan Palatal Law, §145. c. Aryan Velars in Ancient Persian, §§146-149. d. Aryan Palatalized Velars in Ancient Persian, §§150-152. 3. a. Indo-European Palatals in Aryan, §§153-156. 6. Treatment in Ancient Persian of Aryan Spirants Representing Indo-European Pala- tals, §§157-159. 4. 0. Indo-European Dentals in Aryan, §§160-163. &. Aryan Dentals in Ancient Persian, §§164-168. 5. o. Indo-European Labials in Aryan, §§169-172. b. Aryan Labials in Ancient Persian, §§173-175. 6. a. Indo-European Consonantal Nasals in Aryan, §§176-178. (Vii) viii Contents. 6. Aryan Nasals in Ancient Persian, §§179-180. 7. a. Indo-European Liquids in Aryan, i^§181-182. b. Aryan Liquids in Ancient Persian, S§183-184. 8. a, Indo-European Semivowels in Aryan, §§185-187. &. Aryan Semivowels in Ancient Persian, §§188-189. 9. a. Indo-European Spirants in Aryan, §§190-191. ?;. Aryan Original Spirants in Ancient Persian, §§192-193. Chapter VII. Sandhi, §§ 194-232 89 1. Indo-European Contraction of Vowels, §§197-198, 2. Internal Combination in Indo-European. a. Explosives and Spirants, §§199-203. 7;. Nasals, §204. c. Semivowels, §§205-206. 3. External Combination in Indo-European, §§207-211. 4. Combination of Vowels in Ancient Persian, §§213-214. 5. Anaptyxis, §215. 6. Combination of Consonants in Ancient Persian, §§216-226. 7. Permitted Finals, §§227-232. Chapter VIII. Word Formation, §§233-241... 99 1. Compounds, §§234-236. 2. Ancient Persian Suffixes, §§237-239. a. Primary Suffixes, §240. 6. Secondary Suffixes, §241. Chapter IX. The Declension op Nouns, §§ 242- 292 110 1. Indo-European Case-Endings, §§246-265. 0. Masculines and Feminines, §§247-262. 1). Neuters, §§263-265. 2. Ancient Persian Case-Endings, §§266-282. a. Masculines and Feminines, §§267-280. h. Neuters, §§281-282. 3. Paradigms of Declension: 0. Vowel Stems, §§283-287. h. Consonant Stems, §§288-291. c. Mixed Declension, §292. Contents. ix Chaptkr X. Adjectives, §5; lMKUM).") 131 1. Declension, §§293-295. 2. Comparison, §§296-303. 3. Numerals, §§304-305. Chapter XI. The Declension op I*roxouns, §55 30G 353 135 1. Personal Pronouns: 0. First Person, §§308-320. 6. Second Person, §§321-330. 2. Case-Endings of Demonstrative, Interrogative, and Relative Pronouns, §§331-340. 3. Ancient Persian Demonstratives, §§341-350. 4. Ancient Persian Interrogatives, §351. 5. Ancient Persian Relatives, §§352-353. Chapter XTI. Verbs, §§ 354-513 146 1. The Indo-European Verb System, §§354-360. 2. a. Reduplication and Augment in Indo-European, §§361-362. J). Reduplication and Augment in Ancient Persian, §§363-364. 3. Indo-European Personal Endings, §§365-426. a. Primary Endings of the Active, §§367-375. b. Secondary Endings of the Active, §§376-384. c. Perfect Endings of the Active, §§385-393. d. Imperative Endings of the Active, §§394-401. e. Primary Endings of the Middle, §§402-410. /. Secondary Endings of the Middle, §§411-419. g. Imperative Endings of the Middle, §§420-426. 4. Personal Endings of the Ancient Persian, §§427-438. a. Primary Endings of the Active, §§428-429. ft. Secondary Endings of the Active, §§430-432. 0. Imperative Endings of the Active, §§433-434. (/. Primary Endings of the Middle, §435. e. Secondary Endings of the Middle, §§436-437. /. Imperative Endings of the Middle, §438. 5. Paradigms of Conjugation, §§439-444, X Contents, 6. The Indo-European Present System — Classifica- tion of Verbs, §§445-416. a. Unthematic Verbs, §§447-452. b. Thematic Vprbs, §§453-454. c. Nasal Stems, §§455-457. d. Stems in Sibilants and Explosives, §§458-460. e. Stems in Semivowels i-yo-, -cyo-, -ico-), §§461- 463. 7. The Ancient Persian Present System, §§464-475. 8. Derivative Verbs, §§476-478. 9. Passive Formations, §479. 10. a. The Future, §§480-484. &. The Aorist, §§485-490. c. The Perfect, §§491-496. 11. a. The Subjunctive, §§497-501. b. The Optative, §§502-503. c. The Injunctive, §§504-505. d. The Infinitive, §§506-509. e. The Participle, §§510-513. Chapter XIII. The Late Inscriptions, §§514, 515 195 Chapter XIV. Ancient Persian Syntax. The Inoun, §§ 510-531 198 1. Gender, §§517-519. 2. Number, §§520-523. 3. Case: 0. Nominative, §524. b. Vocative, §525. c. Accusative, §526. d. Genitive, §527. e. Dative-Genitive, §528. /. Ablative, §529. (7. Instrumental, §530. 7/. Locative, §531. Chapter XV. Syntax of the Vkrb^ §§532-555. 210 1. Voice, §§532, 533. Contents. xi 2. Mood: ^^'"'^ a. Indicative, §534. 6, Subjunctive, §535. c. Optative, §536. d. Imperative and Injunctive, §537. e. Infinitive, §538. /. Participle, §539. 3. Tense: a. Present, §540. b. Future, §541. c. Imperfect and Aorist, §§542, 543. d. Perfect, §544. 4. Auxiliary Verbs, §545. 5. Verbal Prefixes, §§546-552. 6. Direct and Indirect Quotations, §§553-555. Chapter XVI. Uses op the Pronoun^ §§ 550-577. 220 1. Personal, §§556-559. 2. Demonstrative, §§560-567. 3. Indefinite, §§568-570. 4. Relative, §§571-573. 5. Adverbs from Pronominal Stems, §§574-577. Chapter XVII. Negatives, Connectives, En- clitics, §§ 578-59:? 228 1. Negatives, §§578-581. 2. Coordination, §§582-585. 3. Enclitics, §§586-593. Chapter XVIIT. Word Order, §§ 594-012 233 1. Nouns in Apposition, §§595-596. 2. The Noun and Its Modifier, §§597-601. 3. Subject, Complement, and Verb, §§602-606. 4. The Verb and Its Modifier, §§607-610. 5. Position of Enclitics, §611. 6. The Interrupted Sentence, §612. Chapter XIX. The Ancient Persian Months, §§ 013-015 239 ABBREVIATIONS. Aeol., Aeolic. Af7., Af7an, Afghan. AJP, American Journal of Philology. Anc. Pers., Ancient Persian. Ar., Aryan. Arm., Armenian. Art., Artaxerxes (Inscription). A. S., Anglo-Saxon. Att., Attic. Av., Avesta. Aw. Elem., Awestisches Elementarbuch (Reichelt). Bab., Babylonian. Bait., Baltic. Balto-Slav., Balto-Slavonic. Bh., Behistan (Inscription). Boeot., Boeotian. Bthl., Bartholomae. Bulg., Bulgarian. Class., Classical. Cun. Sup., Cuneiform Supplement (Tolman). Cypr., Cyprian. Dar., Darius (Inscription). Dor., Doric. Elam., Elamite. Elv., Elvend (Inscription). Eng., English. Epir., Epirote. GAv., Gatha-Avesta. Germ., German. Goth., Gothic. Grk., Greek. Hom., Homeric. I. E., Indo-European. Ind. Verb., Index Verborum (Johnson), (xiii) xiv Abbreviations. Ir., Irish. Iran., Iranian. JA, Journal Asiatique. JAOS, Journal of the American Oriental Society. JRAS, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. Kelt, Keltic. Ker., Kerman (Inscription). Kurd., Kurdish. KVG, Kurze Vergleichende Grammatik der indogerman- ischen Sprachen (Brugmann). KZ, Zeitschrift fiir vergleichende Sprachforschung. Lat, Latin. Lesb., Lesbian. Lex., Ancient Persian Lexicon and Texts (Tolman). Lith., Lithuanian. Mid,, Middle. NR., Nak§-i-Rustam (Inscription). O., Old. 0. H. G., Old High German. Osc, Oscan. Oss., Ossetish. PAPA, Proceedings of the American Philological Associa- tion. Prim., Primitive. PSBA, Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology. Pers., Persian, Persepolis (Inscription). Phi., Pahlavi. Prakt., PrSkrit. RA, Revue Asiatique. Skt., Sanskrit. Slav., Slavonic. Sus., Susa (Inscription). Ved., Veda, Vedic. Xerx., Xerxes (Inscription). YAv., Younger Avesta. ZA, Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. ZDMG, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesell- schaft. ZKM, Zeitschrift fiir die Kunde des Morgenlandes. CMAPTER I. The Dech'hekmem' of the Inscriptions. 1. Forty miles northeast of Sliiraz, in South Cen- tral Persia, is a range of limestone hills before Avhich in a semicircular hollow, and yet a1)ove the plain, is a level area extending fifteen hundred feet in one di- rection and eight hundred in another. This terrace, leveled oif and held in front by a retaining wall, forms a part of the ancient city of Persepolis, and here the Ach^emenidan kings built their royal struc- tures. The passing centuries have left extensive ruins of these gi-eat buildings, and columns and door- posts, portions of walls and staircases, with sculp- tured figures and bas-reliefs, still suggest to the trav- eler something of the magnificence of the Palace of Darius or the Palace and the Column Hall of Xerxes. 2. In 1320 a Franciscan friar named Odoric passed through Persia on a journey to Cathay, and his brief reference to what he believed had been "an huge and mightie city in olde time" {antiquitatis civitas magna fu'd)^ was the first intimation Europe had of the existence of such ruins. A hundred and fifty years elapsed before another message came, this time from Josophat Barbaro, envoy from Venice to the court of Uzun Cassan — a message that added but lit- tle to that of Odoric and in its turn was forgotten for a hundred years or more. 3. "When in 1586 Shah Abbas had begun to receive European ambassadors, Philip III. of Spain and Por- tugal sent to him Antonio de Gouvea, who wrote a (1) 2 Decipherment of Ixscrii'tioxs. [3-6 most interesting account of his visit to Persepolis. With his comments on the arrangement of doorways, paveirieuts, stairs, and columns, he says: "The in- scriptions — which relate to the foundation of the ed- ifice and no doubt also declare the author of it — al- though they remain in many parts very distinct, yet there is none that can read them, for they are not in Persian nor Arabic nor Armenian nor Hebrew, which are the languages current in those parts; and thus all helps to blot out the memory of that which the ambitious king hoped to make eternal." 4. De Gotivea was followed by Don Garcia de Sylva y Figueroa, who also visited the ruins and from w hose letter to the Marquess de Bedmar in 1619 we read as to the inscriptions (according to an English transla- tion of 1625): "The Letters themselves are neither Chaldean, nor Hebrew, nor Greeke, nor Arabike, nor of any other nation which was ever found of old, or at this day to be extant. They are all thi'ee-cornered, but somewhat long, or such a little Obeliske as I have set in the margin (A); so that in nothing do they differ from one another but in their placing and situ- ation, yet so conformed that they are wondrous plaine, distinct, and perspicuous." 5. About the same time Pietro della Valle was trav- eling in Persia, and in a letter to a friend at Naples he not only described the Persepolis inscriptions, but — what none before him had done — copied a few of the characters as a specknen and reasoned from the di- rection of the stroke of the wedges that the language must have been read from left to right. 6. Between 1630 and 1680 Thomas Herbert, an Eng- lish traveler, published saveral editions of an account 6-9] ])i:('iriii:uMK\T (if Ixsckii-tiuns. 3 of liis travels and (lesciihed Iho inscriptions much as others hud done, commenting on their unlikeness to any known language and expressing his belief that they were to be read from left to right. With this account he furnished a copy of three lines of cunei- form characters, two lines from one inscription and one from another. 7. Another Englishman, S. Flower, Persian agent of the East India Company, had made copies of char- acters found at Persepolis and at Kaks i-Rustam (43) near Persepolis. These again, unfortunately, did not form a complete inscription, but were taken at random from three languages, the Persian, the Elam- ite, and the Babylonian. This account, published after Flower's death, was criticized by Thomas Hyde, professor of Hebrew at Oxford, in his Illdorla He- Ugioju's veteru?/h Persarum^ eoruuKjue Magoruvi^ pub- lished in 1700. He expressed his regret that so much attention had been given to signs which were no lan- guage at all; in his own words, "J/*? autem juclice non sunt Literae iiec 2^0 Literis intendehantur; sed fuej'Kitt ftolitis Or/uftus caum.'''' 8. So the discussion had gone on from time to time with no real progress in the study of the strange writing. Such study may be said to have begun with the publication of a work at Amsterdam in 1711, Voyages de Monsieur le Chevalier Chardin, en Perse et outres lleux de V Orient^ in which the author gave the first copy of a complete inscription, one from the window cornice of the Palace of Darius, now known as Dar. Pers. c (40). 9. Engelrecht Kaempfer, a German phj^sician and oriental traveler, followed with a copy of the same 4: Dkch'Hermext of Inscrittioxs. [9-12 short inscription which Chardin had copied and added a longer one entire, but this in Elamite-Babjlonian, not in Persian, and, raising the question as to whether the signs were alphabetic, syllabic, or ideographic, he concluded that they were ideographic. 10. A Dutch traveler, Cornells de Bruin, published in 1714 two complete inscriptions (Xerx. Pers. c and Dar. Pers. a) in three languages, believing them to be six inscriptions; also two others (Dar. Pers. b and Xerx. Pers. b) in Ancient Persian only. The trans- lation of his work from Dutch to French ( Yoyages de Corneille le Briin par la Muscovie en Perse et aux Indes Orientales) four years later gave it wide circu- lation. Still years passed, and practically nothing was accomplished toward decipherment. Even the discovery in 1762 of a vase (56) with certain cunei- form characters alongside hieroglyphics counted for nothing, since the Rosetta stone had not yet revealed the Egyptian writing to the world. 11. A forward step was taken with the publication at Copenhagen of Carsten Niebuhr's Beisebeschreihung nach Arabien und anderii iimliegenden Ldndern (177^1837, 3 vols.), for it was Xiebuhr who discov- ered that there were three systems of writing, though he did not recogiiize in them three distinct languages. He accordingly divided the characters into the three classes and expressed his belief that they were alpha- betic signs, there being forty-two in the first and simplest class. 12. It remained for Olav Gerhard Tychsen, professor of Oriental Languages in the University of Rostock, Germany, to discover that the inscriptions copied by Niebuhr were really trilingual and to observe that I2-I5I 1 )i;tII'IIi:R.MF,\T (»!■' IXSCKII'TKI.NS. 5 the o))lique wedf^e oc-funing at intervals was a word- divider. He assigned the inscriptions to the period of the Partliian dynasty (B.C. 2^0- A.D. 227), a mis- take corrected by Friedrich Miinter, of Copenhagen, who also had independently recognized the word-di- vider and had ol)served a frequently recurring com- bination of characters which he thought must be the word for I'lng. 13. In 1762 Anquetil-Duperron, of Paris, returned from a seven-year sojourn in India, where he had made a thorough study of IModern Persian and of Sanskrit and Avestan. He brought with him numer- ous oriental manuscripts and in 1771 published, for the first time in Europe, the Avesta. In this, there was every reason to believe, would be found a vocab- ulary and a gi'ammar that would throw much light on the decipherment of Ancient Persian. Much of the value of the linguistic material gathered by Anquetil-Duperron was due to the arrangement and presentation of it by Eugene Burnouf (20). 14. Furthermore, the great Arabic scholar Silvestre de Sacy some years later succeeded in translating cer- tain inscriptions in Pahlavi writing belonging to the Sassanian period (227-641 A.D.). Their regular formula, " -, the great king, the king of kings, the king of Iran and Aniran, son of , the great king," etc., was at least suggestive of what one might expect to find in the older inscriptions. 15. Such was the progress made in the study of the cuneiform writing when in 1802 this work attracted the attention and enlisted the service of Georg Fried- rich Grotefend, of the Frankfort Gymnasium. From the material furnished by travelers mentioned above DlXirilERMEXT Ol- I.NSCIUI'TIOXS. [15 he chose two inscriptions of what he belie\ed to be Ancient Persian, since ho was convinced of tlie tri- lingual character of the writing. Of these two — now known as Darius Persepolis a and Xerxes Persepolis ea (= eh) — he had the copies that Niebuhr had made. (These inscriptions are given on the opposite page.) Each of thera appeared on door-posts and above the sculptured figure of a king, and Grotefend believed, as had Tychsen and Miinter, that here should be found titles or names of Achaemenidan rulers. In the two inscriptions he found this frequently recurring combination of signs «]] T< TTl K'-TCI IT ]<•- sometimes rejieated with several additional signs, thus: « IT T< TTt K-KI Tj K-TTt ;:< TTT -IIT- The most natural meaning for such a word was king, 'and for the coml)ination of shorter and longer form kijig of kings. This word, moreover, was followed by an- other group of characters, »-]^ I'"*'! ^I Jr:, the same in both inscriptions; and from De Sacy's translation of the Sassanian inscriptions it was easily inferred that this meant great. And from this same compari- son Grotefend decided that the group of signs before the word for king must be the king's name. This name, if it should be such, occurred again in the second inscription in a longer form, which might be a geni- tive, and followed by a word 'Xj ^Tl Yj which, in that event, ought to mean so?i. This word occm-red again in the fifth line of the first inscription following what might be a name, but Avithout the word taken to mean king. The problem then was to select three different names of rulers, the grandfather not having the title of " king" which was borne by the son and the grand- DllCll'lir.K.Mr.-NT OK iNSCKirTlONS. ^ ^ \-^ ^IH 1^ ^ ¥ ^ Hi i 5» ^1^ 5 1^ ii 1-- s/ ii ::t:: ^ i rt O -Si:, 1^ ^ Ui T s/ ii V 1^ ii r ui ill sb v^ F Ui ii i ■v ii V ii <^ ^ iii ^ t: 1^ i 1^ ^ iU i. I^ i^ -^^ s 1- - ^ lE s, "^ t- 1^ \y- [^ 4> 04 ■Ki ;:^ ^ vA* iv i*- ^ § - ►^ .— ^ "^ tl'- ilF f- * N^ i* ^ ii. ^ ^ 1^ ^ ^ -/ J^ ^"^ ^ ii^ , ,►- x^f ^:: ,^ v^ i;; I ^. C ^^ ;:! ^ ^ 5 [ti: •- iii iii*- s ^i^ X F ijz ill .^ F ^^ <» ^ V. _ s/ :=: ii ^ '^ u X if 8 DECirHERMEXT OF IXSCRII'TIOXS. [iS'I? son. Grotefend suspected that the names were Hys- taspes, Darius, and Xerxes. Partly from the Hebrew pronunciation of the name of Darius as Daryavesh, he concluded that the seven signs of the first name in the first of the two inscriptions might be D-A-R-H- E-U-SH. Relying again on the Hebrew and also on the Avestan and observing the signs common to the two names, he read the name at the beginning of the second inscription as CH-SH-H-A-R-SH-A. Simi- larly, with some help from the Avestan, he read the third name as G-0-SH-T-A-S-P. And thus he offered the partial translation: Darixts^ the mighty hing^ king of kings^ . . . so)i of Jlystaspes. . . . 2^erxes^ the onighty Mng^ king of kings^ S071 of Darius the king. . . . i6. Other scholars were still going on with their work. In 1812 J. P. Morier gave some account of the inscriptions in his Journey through T'ersia and was the fii'st to publish the Murghab Inscription (52). 17. A valuable work was published in 1822 by Sir Robert Ker Porter entitled Travels in Georgia, Per- sia, Ancient Bahylonia, dec, d:e. In his account of the sculptures on the Behistan rock, described below (39), he ventured the unique suggestion that here was a representation of the conquest of Israel by Shal- maneser, king of Assyria and the Medes, the ten fig- ures before the king being leaders of the ten tribes, the one with the high cap a Levite, and the inscrip- tion on the garment of the third standing figure rep- resenting the phylacteries of the Jews. ''What these signs may mean," he says, '* we have no means 17-21 I DlClirilHK.MK.NT dl' 1 .\S( lU 1" TIoNS. of explaining till the diligent researches of the learned may he aMc to decipher the arrow-headed character." 1 8. Champollion was now engaged in deciphering the Egyptian hieroglyphics, and when he and the Abbe Saint-Martin, Avho had caret idly examined Ch'otc- fend's work, had studied together the writing on the vase mentioned above (lo), their transliteration of the name of Xerxes as CII-SII-A-R-SH-A, with the same name occurring in the Egyptian, clearly indicated that Grotef end's work was not far from correct. Saint-Martin later (1839) published in the Memoires de rinstltut Royal de France his Xouvellei^ Ohserva- tions sur les Inscriptions de PersepoUs. 19. Here too is to be mentioned the work of the Norwegian scholar, R. Rask, who was a])le to separate the genitive plural ending of the word meaning of kings, by comparison with another w^ord which, ac- cording to the Sassanian phrase, should be of lands. He had also determined correctly the characters m and n (/. e., m" and n* as they w^ere later shown to be). 20. Eugene Burnouf,the Avestan grammarian, found in one of Kiebuhr's Naks i-Rustam inscriptions what seemed to be a list of countries, and from a study of this he made out almost a complete Ancient Persian alphabet. In 1836 he published in the Jlemoire sur deux Insc7'iptio7is cunelformes trouv'ees pres d'^IIama- dan the Elvend Inscription of Darius (49), after a copy made by Fr. E. Schultz. 21. Christian Lassen published at about the same time the list of geogi-aphical names from the Naks-i- Rustam inscription, and they proved to be almost iden- tical with Burnoufs list, insomuch that his independ- ence has been questioned. Of greater importance was 10 DlOCII'HEUMEXT OF LNSCRIl'TlOXh. [21-24 Lassen's conclusiou as to the value of the Ancieut Per- sian characters. From finding what seemed impossible combinations of consonants he reasoned that this lan- guage must be, in part at least, syllabic; that the sound of a, e. cj.^ inhered in the consonant sign and was written only when initial or when otherwise sep- arate from a consonant sound. His work was supple- mented by that of Jacquet, of Paris, who determined the characters c^ and 6". Both Jacquet and Beer reached the conclusion that i was not distinguished from 1, nor ii from u, by separate signs. 22. Claudius James Rich, an Englishman who had long lived in Bagdad, had copied in 1811 the texts at Persepolis, including those which Kiebuhr and others had failed to f m-nish or had given incomplete. These were found among Rich's papers after his death and were published in 1839 in i\iQ ]S\irrative of a Journey to the Site ofBahylon -hi 1811^ and much new material was thus placed in the hands of Lassen. 23. Then followed the Danish traveler, N. L. Wester- gaard, who visited the toml)s of the Persian kings at Naks-i-Rustam (43) and brought back copies of the gi-eat upper inscriptions of the tomb of Darius and some of the lower — a number of inscriptions not heretofore published. He not only furnished the re- sults of his investigation to Lassen, but this work called forth other treatises, among them that of Holtzmann, who correctly determined the sign for j"* and saw that iy and uv were not ahvays to be read iya and uva. 24. Between 1842 and 1852 Charles Texier published several of the inscriptions already known (as Dar. Pers. e, Xerx. Pers. b, Xerx. El v., JNIurghab) in his 24-26I DKfirilKK.MKNT Ol' I NSCUl I'TlONS. 11 work entitled Description de V ArntenU', la ]*ersc^ et la Jfesoj)ofS (D), Tolniun Le^r. 38-40, Tol- man Ciin. Sup. 50-51, "Weissljach l(i6-10S. Xerxes Persepolis b. These thirty lines in Ancient Persian only are on the Avails of the staircase at the north side of the Colunni Hall. They were published tii'st by Le Brim cxxvi., then by Niebuhr, Porter, Lassen, Grotefend, Texier, Flandin and Coste, and in Stolze's Photographs. Copies will be found in Kossowicz 101-103, Spiegel 62 (A), Tohnan Lcx. 40, Tolman Cun. Sujy. 51-52, Weissbach 108-110. Xerxes Persepolis ca was also first published by Le Brun cxxxi., later by Lassen, Rich, Flandin and Coste, and in Stolze's Photographs. It consists of fifteen lines on the door-posts at the southwest corner of the palace of Darius. In the form cb it consists of twenty-five lines on the south wall of the terrace and was first published by Rich, later by Flandin and Coste, and in Stolze's Photographs. The inscription may be found in Kossowicz 99-100, Spiegel 62-64 (Ca and Cb), Tolman Lex. 40-42, Tolman Cun. Sup. 52- 53, Weissbach 110-112. Xerxes Persepolis da, fii'st published by Rich (then by Flandin and Coste and in Stolze's Photographs) consists of nineteen lines on pillars on the north side of the palace of Xerxes. In the form db it appears in twenty-eight lines on the outer side of the stairway at the north of the palace and was first pul^lished by Flandin and Coste, also in Stolze's Photographs. Copies are given in Kossowicz 97-98, Spiegel 60-62 (Ea and Eb), Tolman Lex. 42, Tolman Cuik Sup. 53- 54, Weissbach 112-114. Xerxes Persepolis ea and eb. These four lines, first 22 Pluluatiox of Ixscuii'Tioxs. [41-43 published l)y Kiebulir, are found over the carved tio;- ure of the king, with his attendants holding the sun- shade and the fiyflap, on the door-posts of the palace of Xerxes, ea on the north side, eb on the east side of the palace. They were published also by Saint- Martin and Rich. They are given in Kossowicz 96, Spiegel 60 (G), Tolman Le'.v. 42, Tolman Cun. Sup. 54-.55, Weissbach 114. 42. Artaxerxes Persepolis a, three times repeated (aa, ac, ad), appears on the north terrace wall of the palace of Artaxerxes III. It consists of twenty-six lines and was first published by Rich, pi. xxiii. In the form of Art. Pers. b, in thirty-iive lines, it is found beside the steps on the w^est side of the palace of Darius and was first published by Flandin and Coste, Vol. iii., pi. cxxv. Copies are given in Kosso- wicz 132-133, Spiegel 68-70 (P), Tolman Lex. 42-44, Tolman Cun. Sup. 55-56, Weissbach 128. 43. Nine or ten miles northwest of Persepolis, at Naks-i-Rustam ("Picture of Rustam," a mythical hero), on the precipitous south side of the mountain, are hewn out the tombs of four Achjemenidan kings. These tombs have the same form, each with four pil- lars, with the entrance at the middle. Over this are two rows of figures upholding a platform on which the king stands before an altar, and above is the divine symbol. On one of these tombs the following in- scriptions are found: NRa, at the left of the figure of the king, consists of sixty lines and was first published by Lassen, after Westergaard's copy, given also in Stolze's Pho- tographs. NRb appears underneath the rows of figures be- 43-44] I*ri'.LI(ATI().\ OK I.NSCKirTIONS. 23 tvveen the pillars at the left of the entrance and con- sists of sixty lines. The first nine of these were first published by Lassen, after Westerguarcrs copy; while the first fifteen were pii])lished by Kawlinson, also after AVesterh. Ij) that he was the first to write an inscription in the Aryan language. 52-54I I*('i;li('ati().\' ok Ixsckh'Tions. 27 This inscription was first pultlished by Morier pi. 29, Later it is o:i\cu in Onscley Trareh 2, pi. 49, Porter 1, pi. 13, Saiut-.Martin JA 2, Rich pi. 12, Texier 2, pi. 84, Flandin and Coste 4, pi. 199 A- E, Spiegel 2 (M), DieuUifoy rArt Antique ABARY. 'nr a a -Kr T« f -«r« " ii ^ l^^ut even here it seems certain that the a-sign was sometimes added at the end of a word, not to indicate the quantity of the vowel, but to represent graphically the final a {.scriptio plena). Thus the gen. sg. ending of a-stems (I. E. -syo, Skt. -sya) is generally written -hya, i. (., -hy'^a, e. 17., aniyahya, avahya, karahya; yet we find in sev- eral instances, especially in names of months, the gen. form in -hya, i. (\, -hy"' {.'^erij^f/'o defect iva), e. g., gar- mapadahya, vahyazdatahya, viyaxnahya, etc. Scrij?- tio p/e)ifi, may be seen again in the vocative of an a- stem, martiya (NKa 50). This subject is discussed in Tolman Zex. 105. The closeness of connection between the genitive and the word following may in some cases account for the variation -hya, -hya. So we find mana, avada (probably originally -a), avahya; but when an enclitic follows, manaca, avadasis, avahyaradiy. (See 586.) But both utamaiy and utamaiy occur. The verbal prefix para becomes para before forms beginning 82 Ancient 1'ersian Writing. [61-65 with a vowel, e, r/., paraidiy, paraita (see 213), but paragmata. 62. With i- and u-consonants the vowel sign regu- larly follows, and there is no distinction of quantity; e. g., d'id'iy = didiy, k"ur"u = kuru. In a few instances an i- or u- vowel fails to be written after the i- or u-consonant. Such scriptio defectiva is illustrated by v'^am Bh. 1. 69, 71, v'staspa- hya Bh. 1.' 2-3, nabukMracara Bh. 1. 78-7l>, 84, 93. 63. The vowel signs for i and u are added to the a-consonant signs to form diphthongs, as av4na = avaina, k'^ufa = kaufa. 64. As may be seen from the table above, there are several consonants which show no differentiation of form when followed by an i- or u- vowel. Thus we transliterate p'^t'^iy, patiy; p'^ifa, pita; p'^u^'a, pu^'^a. Sometimes we are in doubt whether an a-sound still inheres in the consonant sign before i or u; thus, e. (/., c^ispi can be read caispi (Grk. T€L(nrr]<;) or cispi (Elam. zispis). See Tolman Zex. 89. Likewise it is not always possible to determine consonant groups and finals. 65. Such a system of syllabic writing necessarily gives rise to much ambiguity in the matter of trans- literation. The Ancient Persian ad^m", e. ^., could be transliterated adam (as Lassen read, mistaking the word for the first pers. aor. of da, y^/^/et), adama, adma, adm, adam, adama, adma, or adm. It is only by com- parison with etymological equivalents — e. , 7: b. 8-'.>. 10), written elsewhere parunam. c. The phrase duraiy apiy is found usually as two words, but in one place where the word-divider is not used the y is also omitted, and we have duraiapiy, Dar. NRa. 12; but in Dar. NRa. 46, durayapiy. (I. After h merely -y, not -iy, is always written at the end of a word, as ahy, you ai't\ ])ut amiy, I am; so paribarahy. But with an enclitic following, the vowel is omitted altogether in paribarah(i)dis and vi- kanah(i)dis. 34 Ancient I*ersian Writing. [66 2. y and v after consonants appear as iy and uv (see Tolman Ciin. Sup. In trod. §§ 14, l'.»); c. r/., -jamiya (Skt. jamyat); haruva, Skt. sarva. a. Occasionally aiy is written ay; e. g., -tay Bh. 4. 58, duray- Dar. KRa. 4(3, and the ending -hay (I. E. -sai) of the 2d sg. mid. pres. in maniyahay (see Tolman Lex. 116). 3. Nasals before explosives are not written, nor is final n; e. r/., bM'^k'' = baMaka, subject; cf. YAv. band, Skt. bandh, hind; ab'*r'' = abara", they hove; Skt. abharan, I. E. *ebheront, Grk. l<^(.pov. Note. — One exception in the use of the nasal before an ex- plosive occurs in the co)upound verb form hamtaxsataiy, Dar. NRb. 16. 4. Original nasalization of the vowel in Skt. gan, Av. sah, seems not to occur in the Ancient Persian forms of ^ah, nay. 5. The writing shows no double consonants; e. _f/., Anc. Pers. ^atagus, but Bab. sa-at-ta-gu-u, Elam. sa-ad-da-ku-is, Grk. SarTayvSai. 6. hy% as is mentioned above (1, d), is used as a gi-aphic representation of h'y; e. g. , 2d sg. pres. act. ending -hy {i. e. , -hiy, I. E. -si) in xsnasah'y, ah'y. 7. h is not wi'itten before u (192) — e. g., aura, Av. ahura — and it is likely it was not pronounced. Cf. Elam. uramasda, Bab. u-ra-ma-az-da for Anc. Pers. auramazda. However, the Babylonian sometimes ap- pears to preserve the h-sound as shown in the trans- literation a-hu-ur-ma-az-da- ' ; yet it never occurs with hu in the Babylonian version of the Behistan Inscrip- tion, The h of *vahu (Skt. vasu) in the name daray- avaus was lost, though it appears in the gen. daray- 66-68] An'ciext Picksiax WitrrixG. 35 avahaus; so also in the first element of vaumisa, which the Greek (Phitarch) renders *fi/xtcn;s. That the h-sound (pussing over to x) once belonged before u (uv) in certain places may be inferred from such examples as uvarazmis, Grk. Xajfjua-iMia; harauvatis, Grk. 'A/oa;(aJcrta. 8. Occasionally h before a or i is not written; e. g., 6sitiy for ^aatiy, cf. a^aha; aistata for *asistata (192). ritONUNCIATION. 67. The vowels a, i, and u have the usual sounds of the corresponding vowels in Sanskrit and Avestan, and when etymology shows them to be long, they are in this work so marked, a, i, u; so, Anc. Pers. xsa^'"a, Av. xsa^ra, Skt. ksatra; Anc. Pers. ga(9u, Av. gatu, Skt. gatu; Anc. Pers. ci^'"a, Av. ci^ra, Skt. citra; Anc. Pers. jiva, Av. jivaiti, Skt. jivati; Anc. Pers. pu^''a, Av. pu^ra, Skt. putra; Anc. Pers. bumi, A v. bumi, Skt. bhumi. Combination of these vowel sounds occurs in the diphthongs ai, au, ai, and au. 68. Tenues and Mediae (139). The tenues k, t, p are pronounced as in the Euro- pean languages. The mediae g, d, b are pronounced as the ordinary European g-, d-, and b-sounds, and possibly some- times as spirants (= Av. y, S, w). The palatals c and j were somewhat like the ts- and dz-sounds in the Italian ctmt')^ (jente; English chwch^ judge. It is possible that j in certain words was spoken as spirant Z; e. fj. , in nijayam ( = Iran, nil -|- ayam); cf. A v. niz before sonants. 36 Ancient 1*krsian Writing. [68-71 As Ar. cy became in Anc. Pers. sy (150), j of the combination jy may have been pronounced z, in adu- rujiya, he lied^ Av. druzaiti, Skt. druhyati. It may be noted also that the proper name ka"bu- jiya is rendered in Greek Ka/x/Juo-T^s. 69. Spiranta (139)- X, ^, f have the same sounds as in Av. ; x as ch in the Scotch locli^ Mod. Grk. x; ^ as th in Eng. thin; f as in English. The sound indicated by the ligature d"" is uncertain; e. g., corresponding to the Av. mi^ra we should ex- pect *mi^'"a, but we find this word written m'^ra, m'tra, -misa (vau-misa); cf. Elam. mi-is-sa, Bab. mi-it-ri, Grk. Mtrpa-SaTi;?. The sibilants s, s, z are pronounced as in Av., s much as the csA of English. 70. JTasals. n and m have their ordinary pronunciation. For the omission, in w'riting, of nasals medial before ex- plosives, and final, see 66. 3. 71. Semivowels and Lujidds. The semivowels y and v are pronounced as in Av. -, when initial they perhaps had something of a spirantal value. It is possible also that iy and uv after conso- nants were more or less spirantal in force, as in siyati, 6'uvam. r is a li(]uid, but the value of this sign when repre- senting Primitive Aryan vocalic r is imcertain. We transliterate ar, e. g. , Anc. Pers. karta, Skt. krta. It has been held that there must have been in pro- nunciation, although not in writing, a distinction Ijc- tween the consonant ra (or ar) and the vowel r. Meillet would even assign to the initial a before r the 71-73] rxDo-KuRoi-EAX La\(;iages. :J7 value of the Semitic aleph and read 'rstam, 'rstis for arstam, arstis; but of. Tolman, AJP 30, 402. It is worthy of note that 1 occurs only in two for- eign names: haldita (Elani. altita) and dubala, l)oth in Bh. 3. Ti>. The Bal). 1 is represented ^)\ the Anc. Pers. r in tigram, Bab. di-ik-lat. 72. Aspiration. h has its ordinary pronunciation, bnt the aspiration in certain positions seems to have been very weak. For the omission of h before u and medially before other vowels, see 66. T; 192. CHAPTER IV. The Indo-Eueopean Languages. 73. The following is, in general, the classification of Indo-European languages usually given by phil- ologists. INDO-EUROPEAN FAMILY. I. In do-Iranian (75). 1, Indian: A. Sanskrit (Old Indian), ) Oiiijinal initial s becomes h, but in Anc, Pers. is not wiitlen before u; e. r/., Skt. soma, Anc. Pers. hauma-, YAv. haoma-; Skt. su-, Anc. Pers. u-, A v. hu-. Medial s may l)e written in Anc. Pers. as h (always ^^V omitted before u) and in A v. as hh; c. (/., Skt. vasu, Anc. Pers. -va(h)u, YAv. vahhu. (4) The development of soft sibilants; e. (/., Skt. asuro medhas, Anc. Pers. auramazda, Av. ahura mazdah. (5) Oritu\ A v. asanga, New Pers. sang. (2) Ancient Persian ai (Phi. e) became in New Persian e, i, while Ancient Persian au (Phi. 6) became 6, u; e<(>if!fiiJ^ Phi. nev(ak), New Pers. nev; Anc. Pers. raucah, day^ Av. raocah, Phi. roc, New Pers. roz. 81-82] 1 .\i)()-Imk<)I'i:a.\ LAX(;rAi'c^']>'»''i Plil- sukur, New Pcrs. su- gur(nah); Anc. Pcrs. bratar, Irotlur^ A v. bratar, New Pers. biradar; Anc. Pers. ap, vmtcr^ Phi. ap, New Pers. ab; Anc. Pers. raucah, day^ Av. raocah. Phi. roc, New Pers. rbz. (4) Ancient Persian f and 6 sometimes appear as h; e. f/., Anc. Pcrs. kaufa, 'inoHntain^ A v. kaofa, Phi. kof(ak), New Pcrs. koh; Anc. Pers. ga^u, ^dace^ Av. gatu, New Pers. gah. ^"^ (5) Ori2:inal d and dh may appear as y, the y being interposed on account of the loss of either letter be- tween vowels; e. ip(a, Lat. fero; I. K. *nepb(t), descmrl- ant, Anc. Pcrs. napat, Av. napat (New Pers. nava), Skt. napat, Lat. nepos. r The change of In(k)-European e to a seems to be- long to the primitive Aryan period and did not occur ^. until after the e had changed the preceding velar to a palatal (145), as is shown in the example above, *qe *ce ca. Bartholomae holds that this change took place in the Indo-European period, but the gen- eral view is that it belongs to the Aryan. e. 90. I. E. e, retained as e in Grk. (generally), in Lat., and in Goth., as e in Lith., ae in A. S., e in O. Slav., and i in O. Irish, became a in the Indo-Iranian group; e. g., I. E. *dhe, put, Anc. Pers. da, Av. da, Skt. dha, Grk. rCd-qixi, Lat. feci; I. E. *esm, I was, Anc. Pers. aham, Grk. (Hom.) ^a; nom. sg. of ter-stems, I. E. *te(r), Anc. Pers. pita, father, -mata, mother, Grk. iraTrjp^ (Dor.) fmrrjp. i. 91. I. E. i remained in the Indo-Iranian group as 1^ well as in the older periods of almost all the other derived languages. In Latin before r ,s and when tinal it appears as e. Examples are: 1. E. *qid, in- detinite particle, Anc. Pers. -ciy, YAv. -cit, Skt. -cid (cf. Grk. Ti); I. E. *esti, /le is, Anc. Pers. astiy, A v. asti, Skt. asti, Grk, lo-n; I. E. *idhi, go t/iou, Anc. Pers. -idly, Skt. ihi, Grk. Wi; Grk. vipi, around, Anc. Pers. pariy, Av. pairi, Skt. pari. 4 50 The Vowels. [92-94 1. 92. 1. E. i, like i, remained in Anc. Pers., as in the oldest periods of the other I. E. languages; e. g.^ I. E. *giwos, Jiving^ Anc. Pers. jivahya, Skt. jiva. 0. 93. I. E. occurring as in Grk. and O. Slav., as (u) in Lat. and O. Irish, was changed to a in the Indo-Iranian group, as also in Goth, and Lith.; e. .9., I. E. *bheronti, they leai^ Anc. Pers. bara°tiy, Av. barainti (79. 2), Skt. bharanti, Grk. (Dor.) ^povTi, Lat. ferunt, Goth, bairand; I. E. *owo, that, Anc. Pers. ava, Av. ava; I. E. *pro, hefort\ Anc. Pers. fra-, Av. fra (79. 1), Skt. pra, Grk. Trpo, Lat. pro (later pro); I. E. *syo, demonstr. pron., Anc. Pers. hya, Skt. sya; ace. sg. o-stems, I. E. *-oin, Anc. Pers. -am, Skt. -am, Grk. -ov, Lat. -om (-um). The Aryan a5 r, 1. io8. I. E. r in the derived languages was treated differently, according to its position. Before conso- nants and when final it remains as r m Skt., appear- ino- in Av. as at generally, Grk. ap or pa (only ap hnal), La^t. or (ur), Germanic ur (ru), Balto-Slav. ir. Before vowels it becomes in Skt. ur or ir, Av. ar, Grk. ap, Lat. ar, Germanic ur. Bait, ir, Slav. ir. In Anc. Pers. it appears as ar except before n; e. r/. , I. E. *prksk(h)o, Anc. Pers. aparsam, Av. pgrasami, Skt. prchami. I. E. rr appears in Anc. Pers. tara-, hci/otid, YAv. taro, Skt. tiras. 109. I. E. r becomes u in Anc. Pers. before n; ^^ j/., Anc. Pers. akunavam, Skt. akrnavam, and this weak stem ku was carried over to the aor. 3d sg. akuta, Skt. akrta, and aor. 1st pi. akuma. For tins approximation of I. E. r to the sound of u in Anc. Pers., cf. Tolman, T/ie Middle Iranian Representation of 1. E. r, PAPA 45, xviii. ff. no. The treatment of 1 in the various languages is, for the most part, analogous to that of r; 11 appears in Anc. Pers. as ar; e. g., I. E. *pllu, many, Anc. Pers. paru, YAv. pouru, Skt. puru. n, in« III. I. E. n appears as a in Anc. Pers., Av. an or a, Skt. an or a,°Grk. va (vr,), Lat. na; e. g., I. E. *gn-na-, Inc. Pers. a-da-na (New Pers. danaS), Av. zananti; cf . Tolman Can. Sup. §11, Keller KZ 39, 195. To sup- pose, as Ilirt does, that Skt. janati received the a of the root from the participle *jata, I. E. *gn-to {Ah- laut 321; Brugm. KVG 196. Anm. 1) is very difficult. 56 The Vowels. [111-114 We could hardly imagine a participle *zata which became obsolete in the Aryan period and yet had in- fluence enough to extend its long vowel to the present system. The I. E. n doubtless belongs to the stem of the present system. Cf. Reichelt Aw. Elem. 205; Keller KZ 39, p. 157. 112. I. E. m has the same treatment as n, occurring o o ' ^ as a in Anc. Pers., Av. am or a, Skt. am or a, Grk. /xa (fiiy), Lat. ma. An Anc. Pers. example of a < I. E. m is probably preserved in ga^u, A v. gatu (New Pers. gah), Skt. gatu, from 1. E. *gm-tu-. See Tolman Gun. Suj). §11, Reichelt KZ 31), p. 26. In Skt. ga- misyati (I. E. *gem9-) bears the same relation to gatu (1. E. *gm-tu-) as bhavitum (I, E. *bhew9-) bears to bhuta (I. E. *bhu-). Some philologists propose an I. E. root *ga parallel to *gem, but this is only pushing the difficulty back to an earlier stage, as Ilirt, AUaut 752, has shown. Such a hypothetical root is not nec- essary even to explain Skt. agas, agat. Cf. Reichelt KZ 39, p. 40; Tolman, PAPA 46. The Skt. sutu, hlrth^ shows the -tu suffix with a correspondingly re- duced form of "base. f,T. O 113. I, E. r appears in Av. as ar, Skt. ir or ur, Grk. ptii (op)^ Lat. ra (ar), but no certain example of Anc. Pers. ar < L E. f is quotable. 114. I. E. 1 became in Anc. Pers. ar, as also in Av., Skt. ir or ur, Grk. Xa> (oX), Lat. la (al); e. g., L E. *(ijgho, loiig^ Anc. Pers. dargam, Av. darsya, Skt. dirghas. No examples appear in Anc. Pers. of I. E. ai, bi, au, ou, ai, qvl. us] Tin: \'()\vi:i.s. 57 3. INDO-EUKOrKAX ACCKNT. 115. By accent is meant the gradation of sound combinations according to either the pitch or the stress with -which they are uttered. Pitch accent, i. (?., musical or chromatic accent, depends on the musical tone of the syllable vowel; stress accent, called also expiratory or emphatic accent, depends on the force or energy with which the sylla])le is spoken. Where pitch accent is predominant, we may expect the vowel sounds to be preserved, each with its proper nnisical value; where stress accent prevails, the tend- ency is for syllables of weaker stress to be slurred and their vowels accordingly weakened or even lost. As in pitch accent every syllable has its musical tone, so in stress accent, strictly, no part of the S3dlable group is wholly without stress, but the syllables merely vary in the degree of stress placed upon them. Thus, in addition to the principal accent, we may often distinguish a secondary accent; while, more for con- venience than for accuracy, the remaining syllables are called unaccented. Regularly, the principal and secondary accents do not fall on successive syllables. That both systems of accentuation operated in Indo-European is evident. And from the phenomena discussed below under Vowel Gradation (iigff), it would seem that in the earlier period of the parent speech stress accent was predominant and in the later period pitch accent. In fact, both systems in some degree tind their way into the derived lan- guages, now one, now the other prevailing. In San- skrit and Ancient Greek, for example, pitch accent prevailed, and the accent signs of these languages in- dicate the rise and fall of nuisical tone. But in the oS The Vowels. [115-118 oldest stage of the Italic dialects, and in the lano;uao;'e of the Keltic and Germanic groups, stress accent is predominant. 116. Syllable accent was of two kinds. A syllable might be uttered with a single accent point from which the sound declined or was broken off by a con- sonant; or there might be a fluctuation of sound with- in the syllable, a rise and fall with more than one ac- cent point. In the former case the syllable bore the acute accent; in the latter, the circumflex. 117. "Word accent in the Indo-European was free, /. <) 4. VOWKfi CKADATION. 119. A'owcl Gradation, or Ablaut, is tho variation of vowel sounds in word forms ctyinoloofically or mor- phologically related — a variation resulting from laws operative in tho Indo-European period. Under the intiuence of Pitch Accent (115) there came a])out changes as e:o or e:o, tho two vowels of dill'ercnt musical tones, and preserved most faithfully in the Greek, e. r/., ^e'pw, op6<;. Such a change, in- volving tho quality of the vowel, is called qualitative. Under the influence of Stress Accent (115), as has been said, the vowels not receiving the principal stress were modified or even dropped; e. (/., Grk. (jxop, ^op6p-o?' Anc. Pers. aitiy, (I. E. *ei-ti), -idly (I, E. *i-dhi). This kind of change, involving the quantity of the vowel, is called quantitative. 120. Vowels which received the principal accent, and therefore kept their proper value, belong to what we may call the High Grade in the system of Vowel Gradation. Those receiving the secondary accent and those remaining unaccented belong to the Low Grade. The former of these were modified, the latter were weakened and in some instances eventually lost. Thus there appear Low Grades 1 and 2, the second being also called the Nil Grade. For short vowels with secondary accent the modification con- sisted in a reduction of quality commonly indicated by e, o, nj later, how^evcr, in the parent speech these vowels seem to have returned to their original quality and then to have followed the same treatment as the High Grade e, 0, a. But for long vowels with sec- 60 The ^"o^vELs. [120-124 ondary accent there was a reduction of both qualit}" and quantity, and e, 0, a became 8. 121. The Indo-European lengthening of vowels gives, further, what may be called the Extended Grade. This lengthening occurred by way of com- pensation for the loss of a following syllable; it ap- pears also in the change of e to e in the singular of the s-aorist (488). 122. Qualitative differences are to be observed in both the High Grade and the Extended Grade, and we have accordingly High Grade 1 and 2 and Ex- tended Grade 1 and 2. 123. For the six series, called the e-, 0-, a-, e-, 0-, a-series, these changes may be presented in tabular form as follows: Low Grade. 1. 2. High. Grade. 1. 2. e-series e o-series (0) a-series a e-series e o-series (^ a-series a Extended Grade. 1. 2. e (0) a 9 - 9 9 The first three are sometimes called light series, the last three heavy (cf. 127). The e-series is of special importance on account of the frequency of its occur- rence. It appears in the first syllable of dissyllabic heavy bases, in the last and usually the first syllable of dissyllabic light bases; also in many monosjdlabic bases (i27ff ). 124. The following roots and forms will illustrate these ofrades: 124 I Till': Vowels. 01 O -3 CO N -t-> lO J_, Pi O * A I V ^ ft Ck Is ft 2 t3 ft ft -t^ * 1 I 1 ' ^ i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 * -g- l» 4> bO icS ^ B 1 Q.-H tiC 6 s ^ o3 1 C3 ■»^ TJ ^ © 0^ l5 -a n 1— 1 qS 0) -w «f-i © « c be H ^ ^ -4^ C3 © bH a 3 03 ^ © ^, ;h © ® ^ oc ;-( o5 o -r3 1> 00 g >^ '^ . wi t5 k> d 0) 7D >. <>r W rh w CO a d I-hO I TJ -*-J /i > '> * ~^ ">■ tid bJ 1? J 1— 1 -(J 1—3 oi '0 C3 be 10 * 3 ' bfl 1 {/* -)-» ^ !> -4-3 a> 3 ■0- c3 -J-3 '^ ^ © .5 S-l 03 © rt )l/3 * r/3 C3 1 he ctf irt bfi 5 ^ rt ^ '^ ^1 -0- c3 © © ■r. K 0" 10 03 © © w 1—3 X © oT © laT , 7: © iri © • 1— t vO TS M pi ijS 03 C5 ^ do CO ■M M IV ID 1-2 rjj i-dhi) bhw-i-y a 03 .b o3 io3 r-; * io3 _>. fri '=^ 1 fi h^ d •1—5 W bjo ;h >-< E3 r^^ Id d io3 g 1 M 03 03 'd d 03 d §> d 'rt ci3 J-" >. •Si, 43 ^ -s 03 T3 hit) d H d^ ti d 1—5 d oj 3 ^ 03 103 5'§ 03 w > -d ci3 32 ^ 0) 03 64 The Vowels. [127-129 5. BASES. 127. It will be observed that the changes noted above belong both to root syllables and to suffixes, as aitiy: -idiy, and pita (I. E. -ter) : brata (I. E. -tor). These are sometimes called root bases and suffix bases. Root bases usually have no more than two syllables. ;A monosyllabic root base is called heavy if its vowel is long, light if its vowel is short; e. g.^ the root da (I. E. *dhe) is heavy; astiy (I. E. *es-) shows a light base. The first syllable of a dissyllabic base always has a short vowel; the base is heavy or light, then, according as the vowel of its second syllable is long or short; e. g.^ aparsam, I. E. root *perek, has a light base, w^hile the I. E. base geme, appearing in Low Grade in Anc. Pers. ga^u, is heavy (cf. 112). 128. The dissyllabic base did not admit of a High Grade vowel in both syllables; one syllable or both must be of Low Grade; e. ^., from the 1. E. root *geme, go, the Skt. gami-syati from the base *gem9 shows the High Grade of the first vowel and Low Grade of the second; w^hile the monosyllabic *gm, ap- pearing in Anc. Pers. a-jam-iya, results from Low Grade of both vowels. In the Ancient Persian bara-, Greek 6voi;cns. 131-134] The (.'oxsoxants. 67 L. G. 2: I. E. ■■'bhu, reduced from *bhcW8, Skt. bhuta, Grk. ««. L. G. 2 + II. G. : I. E. *bhwam, Lat. -bam. H. G. + L. G. 1: I. E. *bheva, Skt. bhavitum. *mene, t/ii/il: H. G. + L. G. 2: I. E. *men, Anc. Pers. mani- yahay, Skt. manyate. L. G. : I. E. *mn, reduced from *men9 (see Reichelt KZ 39. 26), Skt. abhi-ma-tis. CHAPTER VI. The Consonants. 1. the indo-european consonant system. 132. The Indo-European Consonants may be di- vided into Explosives, Nasals, Liquids, Semivowels, and Spirants. 133. The Explosives are formed by a complete ob- struction of the breath passages and are called Velar, Palatal, Dental, or Labial, according as the obstruc- tion is produced by the soft palate, the hard palate, the teeth, or the lips. 134. If the vocal chords cease to vibrate at the time of this breath obstruction, the explosive is voiceless or tenuis; if the vibration of the vocal chords con- tinues, the explosive is voiced or media. When ex- plosives are aspirated, they become merely the equiv- alent of the tenues or medite followed by aspiration: kh, th, ph, for instance, are not spirant sounds, but rather like the M, t/i, ph of the English words /)a in Lat.g, h, while q"h had the same treatment as g"h (144) in these lan2'uao;es; e. g., I. E. *konqho, conch-shelly Skt. gankha, (irk. ^oyxos, Lat. congius; I. E. sq'^hal, y^//, Skt. skhalati, Grk. cr6.\XofmL. g» g"- 143. I. E. g, which appears as g in Lat., O. Ir., Lith., Old Slav., in Grk. y (initially and generally medially), Germanic k, remained g in Aryan; e. g., I. E. *jugo, (/oh', Skt. yuga, Grk. ^vy6v, Lat. iugum, Goth. juk. I. E. g", which fell together with 1. E. g in Aryan, became in Lat. v, but when the labial was lost, g, and gu after n, O. Ir. b, Germanic kw, k. In Grk. it became 8 before e, y before and after v, wdth y it formed ^, and elsewhere appears as yS; e. g., I. E. g'^ous, Skt. gau, Anc. Pers. gau-, Av. gau, Grk. ^ovs, Umbr. bue (whence is borrowed Lat. bos, which otherwise should be *vos), O. II. G. chuo,0. Ir. bo. gh, g"li. 144. I. E, gh, which appears as x iu Grk., Lat. g l)efore and after consonants, elsewhere h, O. Ir. g, in Lith. and O. Slav, with the same treatment as g, occurs as gh in Aryan; <-. g., Skt. dirgha, long, 72 The Consonants. [144-145 Anc. Pers. dargam, GAv. daraga, YAv. dara-ya, Grk. BoXi\6<;. I. E. g"h, which fell together with 1. ¥j. gh iu Ary- an, appeared in Lat. as f initially, v medially (but gu after n), in Lith. and O. Slav, with the same treat- ment as g. In Grk. it became })efore e, x before and after v, with y it formed aa- (tt), and elsewhere occurs as ^; e. ^., I. E. g"h^ 'otmo, nvwu/, Skt. gharma, Anc. Pers. garma-, Av. garama, Grk. Oepfxos, Lat. formus. Note. — Since in the Aryan gx'oup the original Labio- Velar sounds were no longer distinguished from the Pure Velars (140), from this point in the present work the two classes will regularly be designated by the neutral signs q, qh, g, gh. b. The Aryan Palatal Law. 145. It must be observed that for the Ai-yan lan- guages, in addition to the changes noted above, there occurred a palatalization of the velars before palatal vowels, i. (?., before 1 (y) and the a which represents I. E. e (89, 90). In such positions (i) q became fii'st k and through this c (Ii'an. c), (2) g through g became j (Iran, j), and (3) gh through gh became jh (Iran, j, Skt. h). The following examples will illustrate this law: (1) I. E. *qjeu, inove, Anc. Pers. asiyavaiii(<*acy- avam), Skt. cyavate, Grk. ia-o-vro-, I. E. *qid, afiy, Anc. Pers. -ciy (Mid. Pers. ci. New Pers. cih), Av. -cit, Skt. -cid, Grk. n; I. E. *-qe, and, Anc. Pers. -ca, Av. -ca, Skt. -ca, Grk. re, Lat. -que. (2) I. E. *gei, I/ve, Anc. Pers. jiva, Av. jivaiti, Skt. jivati, Lith. gyvas, O. Ir. beo, Grk. ySt'os, Lat. vivus. I45"i49l TiiK Consonants. 7'] ('.]) J. E. *ghen, niii!f(\ Am-. ]*ers. ajanam, Av. jainti, Skt. hanti (but pi. ghnanti), (iik. Qdvw. c. Aryiin Velars in Ancient Persian. k. 146. In Anc. Pers., as in Av., Aryan k remained k before sonants but became x >)efore consonants; e. w^, Skt. dha, Gik. ^?/o-w, Lut. feci, con-do; I. E. *rudhros, red^ Skt. rudhira, Grk. ipv6p6s, Lat. ruber; I. E. "kludhi, /u(fr t/tou^ Skt. grudhi, Grk. kAv^c. b. Ai'yau Dentals in Ancient Persian. 164. Aryan t remained in Anc. Pers., as also in Av., regularly before vowels and after sibilants, but before consonants it became 0; e. g.^ Anc. Pers. atiy, heyond, Av. aiti, Skt. ati; Anc. Pers. astiy, Jie iv, Av. asti, Skt. asti; Anc. Pers. -^itax , father^ Av. pitar, Skt. pitar; Anc. Pers. ai-ta, thi><^ Av. tarn, Skt. tarn; Av. ustra, Anc. Pers. usa- (cf. Tolman Le.r. 78), Skt. ustra; I. E. *twe, thee., Anc. Pers. ^uvam (for *^vam), GAv. ^am, Skt. tvam. (a) Aryan ty became in Anc. Pers. sy (written sly) in hasiya (for *hasya), Av. hai^ya, Skt. satya. (b) The Anc. Pers. pronoun tya, which regularly would have been in Iranian *^ya (>*siya), probably takes its form after the analogy of the demonstrative ta (cf. Tolman Ltj-. 94). In the Anc. Pers. martiya (Av. masya, Skt. martiya) iy must have been pro- nounced as a separate syllable, as in the Veda. (c) Aryan to became so in Anc. Pers.; e. f/., aniy- asciy, any other (for *aniyat-ciy), Skt. anyaccid. 165. Aryan tr was written in Anc. Pers. as ^'■; e. g.^ Anc. Pers. xsa^''a, Jiingdom^ A v. xsa^ra, Skt. ksatra; Anc. Pers. ci^^ lineage., Av. ci^a, Skt. citra; Anc. Pers. ^"itiya, third, YAv. ^itya, Skt. trtiya (for *tritiya); Anc, Pers. pu^'"a, son., Av. pu^a, Skt. putra; Anc. Pers. pi^"'a, of a fat her ., Grk. Trarpo's. 80 The Consonants. [165-169 Note. — m'^ra, Skt. mitra, is thus Avritten in the insci'iption Artaxerxes Persepolis a (aa. ac, ad) 25, b 23, and in Artaxerxes Susa a 4 and 5. Cf. 69, and 514, (d). th. 166. In Anc. Pers., as in Av., Aryan th became 6, but when preceded by a sibilant and followed by a sonant it was changed to t; e. (/., Anc. Pers. ya^a, tvhen, Av. ya^a, Skt. yatha; Anc. Pers. sta, stand, Av. sta, Skt. stha. d. 167. Aryan d remained d in Anc. Pers. (GAv. d, which })ecame YAv. S unless initial or preceded by a nasal or a sibilant); e. g., Anc. Pers. da, (///v>, Av. da, Skt. da; Anc. Pers. hsid,sit, YAv. had, Skt. sad; Anc. Pers. -spada(in taxmaspada), GAv. spada, YAv. spaSa. dh. 168. Aryan dh, like other medije aspiratte in Ira- nian, fell together with its corresponding media, and appears in Anc. Pers. as d; e. g., Anc. Pers. da, j9i^^, Av. da, Skt. dha; Anc. Pers. ba"d, hhid, YAv. band, Skt. bandh; Anc. Pers. dars, dare, Skt. dhrs; Anc. Pers. di, see, A v. di, Skt. dhi; Anc. Pers. hi"du, I?idia, YAv. hindu, Skt. sindhu. 5. a. Indo-European Labials in Aryan. p. 169. I. E. p, which was lost in O. Ir. initially and before vowels and became Germanic f , b, remained p in Aryan, as well as in Lith., O. Slav., Lat., and Grk. (initially and in general medially); e. 7/D, Lat. pater, O. Ir. athir, Goth, fadar; I. E. prk-sk(h)6, a-^Ji-, Skt. prchami, Anc. Per.s. a-parsam, Av. p9r9sami, Lai. posco ( *por (c) -sco), O. 11. G. forsca; I. E. *apo, froin^ Skt. apa, Anc. Pers. apa-, YAv. apa, (Jrk. a-rro. ph. 170. The very rare I. E. sound ph was preserved uncliauged in Aryan, as also in Grk. (<^), while in the primiti\e period of other lano^iiages it fell together with other labials, with bh in Lat., with p in Ger- manic, Keltic, and Balto- Slavonic; e. g.^ Grk. (Tapa- yc'o), cracl\ Skt. sphurjati. b. 171. I. E. b, the rarest of the explosives in the par- ent speech, remained b in Aryan, as also in O. Ir., Lith., O. Slav., Lat., Grk. (initially and in general medially), becoming p in the Germanic group; e. g.^ I. E. *pibeti, he drinJis^ Skt. pibati; Skt. bala, mighty Lat. de-bilis. bh. 172. I. E. bh, which became Germanic b, lb, Keltic and Balto-Slavonic b, Grk. 0, Lat. f initially and b medially, remained bh in Aryan; e. pdTwp, Lat. frater, O. Ir. brathir; Skt. nabhas, mist, Grk. v£<^os, Lat. nebula, O. H. G. nebul. b. Aryan Lalnals in Ancient Persian. p. 173. Aryan p remained in Anc. Pers. and Av. be- 6 82 The Consonants. [173-176 fore sonants and after sibilants, but before consonants it was changed to f; e. g.^ Anc. Pers. apa-, yrc>///, YAv. apa, Skt. apa; Anc. Pers. pitar, father^ Av. pitar, Skt. pitar; Anc. Pers. *spada, army (in taxmas- pada), GAv. spada, YAv. spaSa; Anc. Pers. ix3i-,forth^ Av. fra, Skt. pra; Anc. Pers. ufrasta, well-jmnished (cf. a-parsam, I examined)^ Av. fras, Skt. prchati. ph. 174. Aryan ph appears in Iranian as f, but when preceded by a sibilant and followed by a sonant it be- came p; e. (/., YAv. "kaidm, yoa?n^ Skt. kapha, YAv. frasparat, he started forth ^ Skt. aphurat. No exam- ple is found in Anc. Pers. (a) In the Anc. Pers. *farnah, glory ^ occurring only in the compound proper name vi"dafarnah {finding glory) ^ the f represents an Iranian x''; cf. YAv. x^'aranah. (b) bh. 175. Aryan (b) bh became Anc. Pers. b (GAv. b, which became YAv. w unless initial or preceded by a nasal or a sibilant); e. g.^ Anc. Pers. abara, he hore^ Skt. abharat (I. E. *ebheret); Anc. Pers. baga, god^ YAv. baya, Skt. bhaga; Anc. Pers. baji, tribute^ YAv. baj, Skt. bhaj; Anc. Pers. bratar, brother^ Av. bratar, Skt. bhratar; Anc. Pers. ably, to^ GAv. aibi, YAv. aiwi, Skt. abhi. 6. a. Indo-European Consonantal Nasals in Aryan. n. 176. The I. E. dental nasal remained as n in Aryan, as generally in the other derived languages; e. er in Grk., intervocalic y disappeared in Grk., Lat., and the Keltic group, and postconsonantal y was often disguised in euphonic combinations pecul- iar to the various languages. Examples of I. E. y are the following: I. E. *yos, whlch^ Skt. ya, Grk. os; I. E. *yus, i/c, Skt. yuyam (328), Grk. v/u-ets, Goth, jus, Lith. jus; I. E. *eym, I 'tctnt^ Skt. ayam, Anc. Pers. -ayam, Grk. 3a (for ^a < ^ya); I. E. *(s)pekyo, I see^ Skt. pagyami, A v. spasyemi, Lat. specie. 8() TiiJO Consonants. [186-189 w. 186. I. E. w remained in Aryan, as generally in the other derived languages, though in Arm. it ap- peared sometimes as g, in Lat. sometimes as u after a consonant, and in Grk. it disappeared early in most dialects, tirst medially, then initially; e. g.^ I. E. *wei, we^ Skt. vayam, Av. vaem; I. E. *weq, sj?eal'^ Skt. vacas, Grk. /rcVos, Lat. vox; I. E. *ekwos, Jwrsc, Skt. agva, YAv. aspa, Anc. Pers. aspa- (219. 2, a), Grk. TTTTros, Lat, equus; Skt. sarva, inhale^ Av. haurva, Grk. oAos for oX/:os; I. E. "^ebhewet, he became^ Skt. abhavat, Anc. Pers. abava. 187. After consonants in I. E. y was interchanged with iy and w with uw, iy and uw occurring regularly after long syllables, y and w after short; e. /\ Av. va, Skt. va; Anc. Pers. abava, lirlxrcniw^ Skt. abhavat; Anc-. Pors. haruva, icJiole^ YAv. haurva, Skt. sarva. 9. a. Indo-European Spirants in Aryan. s. 190. I. Yj. s remained s in Aryan unless preceded by an i- or u-vowel, r or r, or an original palatal or velar, in which cases it became s; e. f/., I. E. *septm, seven, Skt. sapta, Grk. Itttoi, Lat. septem, Goth.sibun; I. E. *esti, he is, Skt. asti, Av. asti, Anc. Pers. astiy, Grk. eo-Ti, Lat. est; Skt. tisthati, he stands, Av. his- taiti, Anc. Pers. aistata, Grk. lo-ttjixi, Lat. sisto; I. E. *geus, taste, Skt. jostar, Anc. Pers. daustar, Grk. yeva- TT^piov; 1. E. *dhers, dare, Skt. dharsati, Av. darsis, Anc. Pers. adarsnaus, Grk. ^apo-os; Skt. vaksi (I. E. -ks-), thou vnllest, but va^mi, Ivnll; I. E. *'weq, say, Skt. vaksyami, Av. vaxsya. (a) L E. ks was in L-anian reduced to s and so ap- pears in Anc. Pers.; e. (j., niyapisam, I cut (an in- scrij}fio/i), of the s-class of verbs (471), I. E. rt. *peik. (b) The occurrence of the s< I. E. s at the beginning of certain enclitic pronouns is to be explained from the influence of a final i or u of the word to which the enclitic was joined, as in tyai-saiy; then the forms with s were generalized, and we find ava^asaiy, adam- sam, etc. Cf . Av. se after i or u, but he after a. z. 191. I. E. z became Aryan z under the same con- ditions under Avhich I. E. s became Aryan s (190), 88 The Consonants. [191-193 otherwise it appeared as z; e. g., I. E. *mizdhos, re- ward, Av. mizdsm, Grk. /xto-^os; Skt. dudhi, UJ-thlnl'- mg, Av. duzda; I. E. *sezd, redupl. from *sed, sit, Av. hazd-. b. Aryan Original Spirants in Ancient Persian. 192. Aryan s remained in Anc. Pers. before a ten- uis, but elsewhere became h, which disappeared be- fore m and r (180, b; 184, a), before u., often medially before other vowels, and also when final; e. g., Anc. Pers. astiy, he is, A v. asti, Skt. asti; Anc. Pers, haina, army, Y An. haena, Skt. sena; Anc. Pers. naham(acc.), nose, YAv. nah, Skt. nas; Anc. Pers. amiy, lam, Av. ahmi, Skt. asmi; Anc. Pers. rauta(h), river (New Pers. rod), Skt. srotas (rt. srvi,f *ekwa, 8kt. (Ved.) aQva, Grk. Aa^pa, Dor. Kpvffid. a + e > a, f'. ^., I. E. nom. pi. *ekwa-es *ekwas, Skt. (\''ed.) agvas. Cf. Goth, gibos, Osc. serif tas. e -{- a. > e, e. g., J. "E. *qe-a (prolj. ending of instr. sg., cf. 254) > qe, Grk. n^. e + e > e, i\ g. , I. E. *e-es-m > *es-m, Skt. asam, Grk. (Horn.) ^a. + e > 0, t. (/., I. E. nom. pi. *ekwo-es > *ekwos, Skt. a9vas. Cf. Goth, wulfos. + > 0, *ekw6m, Grk. ItnTiav. (Skt. agvanam is a reformation. ) ■ Contraction, of Yoii^el and DipJdhong. 198. The contraction of a, e, with a diphthong resulted in a long diphthong; <. (/., I. E. dat. sg. *ekwa-ai "^ *ekwai, and *ekwo-ai "■ *ekwoi; I. E. *e-ey-m " *ey-m, Skt. ayam, Grk. rja (for *^a *%a). 2. Internal Combination in Indo-European. a. Explosives and Spirxmts. 199. The voiced consonants (/. e.^ medife and z) be- fore voiceless sounds (/. ^., tenues and s) became voiceless; e. g., I. E., *jugom, yoJ^'e, *juqtos, yoh'd, Skt. yugam, yukta, Grk. ^^'yov, ^evKT6<;^ I^at. iugum, iunctus; 1. E. loc. pi. *petsu, from *ped, foot, Skt. patsu. 92 Saxdiii. [200-204 200. Tennes before mediffi became medi^, and the voiceless spirant before niediiB became voiced; e. (/., I. E, *ped, foot^ but bd for pd in Skt. upa-bda, Grk. eVt758ai; I. E. *nizdos, nest^ zd for sd from root *sed, sit. 201.' The immediate succession of two aspiratje twis avoided by deaspiration of the first; e. (j., I. E. *bhe- bhidh-dhi, from root *bheidh, 2)ersuade.^ became *bhe- bhid^dhi (203), whence the Grk. TrcVto-^i. 202. An aspirata before an iinaspirated sound, whether explosive, sibilant, or combination of explo- sive and sibilant, transferred its aspiration to the second sound, and if the iirst was voiced the second also became voiced; e. g., I. E. *bhndh-to, from root bhndh, J/y/cZ, became *bhndMho (203), whence the Skt. baddha; I. E. *ghsen Ijecauie *gzhen, whence the Grk. leVos, stranger; I. E. qnthsko, Isiijfer^ became " qntskho, whence the Grk. *patskho > Trao-xw. Transfer of aspiration in the combinations ths, phs, dhs, bhs, qh^, kh^, ghS, ghS, has been mentioned in 139, note. 203. The succession of two dental explosives de- veloped a spirantal glide between the two sounds, t-t, t-th, d-d, d-dh becoming t't, t'^th, d'd, dMh; e. g. , I. E. *bhebhid-dhi, from root *bheidh, ixrf^uade.^ became "■^bhebhid'dhi, Grk. TreVio-^t; I. E. *set-to for *sed-to, from root'^sed,.v/Y, became *set''to, Skt. satta, Av, hasta. Note. — ssk(h) became sk(h); e. g., I. E. *is-sk(h)o, f rom root *ais, seek, became *isk(h)o. b. JVasals. 204. The nasal was assimilated to a following ex- plosive. See 137. 205-iiog] Sandhi. 93 c. Semivmvels. 205. y and w, as well as r, n, and m, often repre- sented the corresponding vowel in consonantal func- tion before other vowels; e. (j., I. E. *bhw-i-yet, opt. 3 sg. from root *bhu, he; I. E. *treyes, t/wee, Skt. trayas; so I. E. *matr-su, loc, pi. of *mater, rnothei\ beside gen. sg. " mattes, and *k(u)wn-su, loc. pi. of *k(u)wo(n), dog^ beside gen. sg. *kun-es. 206. w Mas lost from enclitic pronominal forms, probal)ly first after certain consonants; f. ^., 2 pers. pron., loc. sg. *toi for *twoi. It also disappeared be- tween a long vowel and consonantal m; e. (j.^ I. E, ace. dyam, beside nom. dyaus, .sZv/, Skt. dyam, Grk. Zi^V. 3. External Combination in Indo-Enropean. 207. For explosives and spirants the same rule holds in external as in internal combination, the regressive assimilation of voiced and voiceless sounds; e. e as in Vedic agna; I. E. *dwo sunu, two sons, but dwow ekwou, t'tco horses. So in Sanskrit the Veda has in nom. ace. dual -a (original o-stems), seldom -au, while the classical Sanskrit has only au, the Greek only w. 209. Final i and u remained vowels before initial consonants, but became consonantal, i. e., y and w, before initial vowel sounds; e. e^ I. E. *bb,w-i-yet. 225. I. E. s or z in Aryan became s, z when pre- ceded by an i- or u-vowel, by r or r, or by an orig'inal palatal or velar explosive (190, 191), and this s (z) re- mained in such positions in Ancient Persian (193). 226. Aryan s became h in Ancient Persian in all places except before a tenuis. This h disappeared before m and r, before u, often medially before other vowels, and also when final (192). In like manner Ar. sw l)ecame Anc. Pers. uv; e. fj., I. E. *swe, *swo, oties own^ Skt. sva, Anc. Pers. uva-. 7. Permitted Finals. 227. Final i or u is supplemented by the addition of the corresponding semivowel (66. 1); e. 9., Anc. Pers. parly, ahout.^ Av. pairi, Skt. pari; Anc. Pers. naiy, t^ot^ but nai with the enclitics -sim and -maiy (yet naiy occurs with -dis); Anc. Pers. paruv (nom. sg. ), mcmy, but parunam (gen. pi.; also paruv'^nam), YAv. pouru, Skt. puru; Anc. Pers. hauv, that^ but written hau with enclitics -saiy and -ciy. 228. When the Ancient Persian fails to conform to the historical quantity of final vowels, the change is merely gi*aphic; e. g.^ Anc. Pers. abara"ta, they ho7'e tliemselves^ Skt. abharanta, Grk. It^ipovro. (See 61.) 229. Final t and d of the Aryan disappeared from Ancient Persian; e. r/., Anc. Pers. abara, he hore^ Skt. abharat. Bartholomae contends that in pronunciation there was still some trace of the omitted letter and indicates this by ^, abara^'. (a) The same disappearance occui's in the first mem- ber of a compound; as in the participial stem appear- 229-233] Word Formation. 99 ing in daraya-vau-,^/ 7/V7///'//, Iran. *dara- yat-vahu; vi"da-farnah,,/7'//^////f/ (jl<>r[/^ , Tnin. *vindat- x'ar9nah. (b) The original final dental, either explosive or si])ilant, appears as s l)cf()re the enclitic -ciy; e. r/., aniyasciy, Skt. anyaccid (anyat + cit); kasciy for *kas-ciy. It may be true, as some have held, that the d in such forms as avadim, avadis is properly the orig- inal linal dental of ava and not the initial sound of the enclitic pronoun. From its appearance in such places it might easily have become in speech and in writing a part of the following pronoun. 230. Final n is never written in Ancient Persian (179). 231. Final h representing Aryan s was lost (192, 226). Here, again, Bartholomae believes that in pro- nunciation there was a trace of the omitted letter and writes ^. (See 229.) 232. It will thus be seen that, in addition to the vowel a and the semivowels y and v, mentioned above, only m, r, and s may end Ancient Persian words. CHAPTER Vm. Word Formation. 233. A STUDY of the formation of words in the Indo- European languages leads to the belief that in the earliest period the parent tongue was composed largely of simple and distinct words which we may call roots, and that in the process of language devel- opment many of these words were joined to others, modifying the original meaning and introducing new 100 WoKL) Formation. [233-235 forms. However, it is not to be understood that the quoted roots of the grammars were, in fact, among the original words, but are rather the nearest approach to these warranted by known forms; and, again, many of the elements of derived words may never have been independent. The process of word forma- tion here mentioned, moreover, not only belonged to the Indo-European period, but has continued to a great extent all through the history of the derived languages. 1. Compounds. 234. The combination of grammatically related words into a single word forms a compound. Classified according to their meaning, compounds of nouns and adjectives are Coordinating or Subor- dinating; i. (?., there is mere addition of elements in the same construction, or else one element is in some way defined by the other. The former class are also called Copulative, and outside of Sanskrit occur but rarely in the derived languages. Such are I. E. *dwo-dekm, *duwo-dekm, tmo and ten; Skt. dva-daga, Grk. Soj-8eKa, Suoj-ScKa, Lat. duo-decim; Skt. candradit- yau, onoon cDid sun; ahoratram, day and night. 235. Subordinating compounds consist largely of what the grammarians call Determinatives, in which (1) one element stands in case relation to the other (Dependent Compounds), or (2) the first element stands to the second in the relation of adjective or adverb modifier (Descriptive Compounds); again, Determinative Compounds may have an adjective force through the addition of a secondary notion of possession, and arc then called (3) Possessive Com- pounds. 235-236] Word Formation*. 101 Examples of these classes are the following: (1) Anc. PtTs. xsa0^a.-psiYa.n, li/i;//f(i/ii-j>ff/ff < for, sa- fr((j)/ arsti-bara (act.), ,y>r('r-hra/yr', asa-bari (pass.), horse-home^ horseman; uva-marsiyu, dyhifj hy one\s oirnJidnd; Skt.,m(>fhrr''s sistvr; veda-vid, T^eda-JiUowhuj ,' Grk. vav/Aa;(ia, hit tie of ships; TTUTpo- <^oVos, shnjer of afatlt r; Lat. s.) Anc. Pers. u-martiya, possessing good men; ti- gra-xauda, having a pointed caji; hama-pitar, having a cinnmon father; Skt. brhad-ratha, having great chariot-^; agni-tejas, having the hrigJitness of fire; Grk. dpyvpo-Toio^^ having a silver hoic; Terpa-Trous, having four feet; Lat. flavi-comus, having yellow hair; bi-dens, hI{I) FoR.MATIOX. 105 hiofh ^nulc of \ owel jiiid cairios the accent in nouns, but the accent is on the endin*): in adjectives. It was commonly used in neuter ahstnict nouns or in com- pound adjectives made from such nouns; e. ^., Anc. Pers. raucah, day^ Av. raocah. - -i- < I. E. -i-. This suffix in Indo-European formed masculine and feminine nouns and adjectives. In Aryan it formed vouumi, aqoitix masculine, and abstract ver])al nouns, usually feminine. The grade of the root varied. The suffix is seen in Anc. Pers. baji, trihiif('. -is- < I. E. -9S-. This 9 seems to have originated in the second syllable of a dissylla]:)ic heavy base, having the accent on the tirst syllal)le (129), being the low grade of the suffix -es-:-os-, -es-:-os-, and having been generalized. The suffix was used in the formation of neuter nouns; e. g.^ Anc. Pers. hadfs, dwelling ■place. -u- < I. E. -U-. This suffix was generally used to form adjectives and was added to the low grade of the root, though the high grade may once have been used in certain eases; e. g.^ Anc. Pers. paru, many., YAv. pouru, Skt. puru; Anc. Pers. a-u-ra, god., Av. ah-u-ra, Skt. as-u-ra. -ka- ; I. PI -qo-. The original signification of this suffix is not plain. It occurs in Anc. Pers. uska, dry land., YAv. huska. -ta- < I. E. -to-. As a primary suffix this was used to form participial adjectives and related sul)stantives. It was, therefore, added to the low grade of a root, and commonly the form was perfect passive in mean- ing, as Anc. Pers. basta, hound., karta, done. -tar- < I. E. -ter-. This suffix occurred almost en- lOG Word Formation. [240 tirely in nomlna cujentis and nouns of relationship, the former masculine, the latter masculine or femi- nine according to sex. In its ablaut grades the suf- fix appeared also as -tor-, -ter-, -tor-, -tr-, and (before consonants) -tr-. It was added usually to the high grade of the root. Examples are: Anc. Pers. jatar or ja"tar, smiter, YAv. jantar, Skt. hantar; Anc. Pers. ^itaXy father^ Av. pitar, Skt. pitar. -tah- < I. E. -t-es-. This suffix appears in Anc. Pers. rautah, river^ Skt. srotas. -ti- < I. E. -ti-. This suffix was used in Indo- European chiefly to form feminine nomina actionls. In Aryan, infinitives were developed from these nouns. The root is regularly of the low grade, al- though before the leveling process had its efl'ect the root vowel probably varied in its grade according to the accent of the cases; e. g.^ Anc. Pers. siyati, well- heing^ YAv. sati. -tu- (or -^u- through the influence of -6^-) < I. E. -tu-. This was used in the formation of abstract sub- stantives or verbal nouns, which originally were mas- culine, but by analogy became feminine in Greek and sometimes in Aryan and Germanic. In Aryan, as in Latin and Balto-Slavonic, this ending makes in- finitives (gerunds and supines). The grade of the root vowel varied (cf. Grk. KXetrv's, kXltvs). The suf- fix is seen in Anc. Pers. ga^u, j^lace^ Av. gatu, Skt. gatu. -^'a- < I. E. -tro-. This suffix is added to the high grade of the root and indicates the instrument or the place of an action; e. f/., Anc. Pers. xsa^'a, l-ingdom^ root xsi, rule^ A v. xsa^ra, Skt. ksatra. -na- < I. E. -no-. This suHix formed verbal adjec- 240] Word Formatiox. 107 lives and substantives, the adjectives having usually tlie low orrjide of the root and the substantives usu- ally the hi.'(', Skt. trayas, (Jrk. rpcts, Cret. rpc'es; ]. K. *sunew-es, so?iii, Skt. sunavas, (irk. ^Sels *T/8£/rcs; I. E. -'mater-es, motho's^ Skt. mataras, Grk. /aT/repes. 258. In the Accusative -ns was the ending for vowel- stems, -ns for consonant stems; e. j/., I. E. *ekwa-ns, Grk. Ti^s, Cret. n/xavs, Lat. equas; I. E. *wlqo-ns, Skt. vrkan (277), Grk. Avkovs, Cret. AuVov?, Goth, wulfans, Lat. lupos; I. E. *mnti-ns, thoughts, Skt. avin, Av. azis, Grk. Cret. tto'Xivs, ion. tto'Ais, Lat. ovis, Goth, anstins; L E. *sunu-ns, Skt. sunun (277), Grk. Cret. mvVs, Lat. manus, Goth, sununs; I. E. *snt-ns, Skt. satas, Grk. oi/ras. 259. The Genitive plural ending in Indo-European was -om, which in the a-declension may have con- tracted with the -a of the stem to form -am, but re- mained -om for all other stems; e. g.^ Skt. a^vanam (278); I. E. *wlq-om, Skt. vrkan-am (278), Vcd. cara- tham, Grk. Avkwv, Lat. deum (O. Lat. Romanom); I. E. *triy-6m, ofthree^ Av. ^yam, Grk. t/:,iwv, Lat. trium; I. E. sun(u)w-om, Grk. yovVwv for *yoV/:o)v, Lat. manuum; I. E. snt-om, Skt. satam, Grk. ovtwv. 260. The Dative- Ablative was formed with -bh- or -m-, but with what vowel we have no means of knowing. (Cf. these cases in the singular and the dual.) The Sanski-it has -bhyas, Latin, -bos, -bus; Lithuanian, -m(u)s; r. _//., Skt. a^vabhyas, vrkebhyas, sunubhyas, Lat. manubus (-ibus), Lith. suniims, Skt. matrbhyas. 261. The original ending of the Locative plural is not clear, though the Aryan and the Balto-Slavonic point to an Indo-European -su, while the Greek has -CTi; c. g., I. E. *ekwa-su, Skt. aQvasu, Grk. 'AOrjvrjm; no The Declension op Nouns. I261-265 I. E. *wlqoi-su, Skt. vrkesu, Grk. Xi;'Koio-t;.Skt. trisu, Grk. T/Dto-t; I. E, *sunu-su, Skt. sunusu, (}rk. Tryxf-^i-:, I. E. *snt-su, Skt. satsu, Grk. ovai. 262. The Instrumental ended in -bhis and -mis, ex- cept in the o-declension, which had -5is; e. g., I. E. *wlqois, Skt. vrkais (Ved. vrkebhis), Grk. AvVots, Lat. lupis; Skt. agvabhis; I. E, *owi-bhis, Skt. avibhis; I. E. *sunu-bhis, Slvt. sunubhis; I. E. *matr-bhis, Skt. matrbhis. b. Neuters. 263. For neuter nouns the endings were the same as for masculines and feminines, except in the Nomi- native-Vocative and the Accusative. There were no neuters in the a-declension. In the singular of 0- stems the accusative neuter (like the masculine) ended in -m, and the nominative was the same; e. g.,1 E. *jugo-m, yoA'e, Skt. yugam, Grk. ^vydv, Lat. iugum. In other declensions the bare stem occurred as nomi- native-accusative, as Skt. suci, rein, Grk. iS/ai; Skt. madhu, honey, Grk. [ikQv; Skt. udhar, 'adder, Grk. ovOap, Lat. uber; I. E. *menos, Skt. manas, Grk. /AtVos. 264. In the dual the Nominative-Vocative- Accusa- tive of o-stems ended in -oi; other stems seem to have had -i; e. g., I. E. *jugoi, Skt. yuge; I. E. *snt-i, Skt. sati. So also Av. visaiti, Grk. Boeot. /rt'/cart, Lat. viginti. 265. In the plural these three cases of o-stems had the ending -a, i-stems had -i, u-stems had -u, and con- sonant stems had 9 (from which Skt. -i); e. g., I. E. *jug-a, Ved. yuga, Grk. C^ya, Eat. iuga, Goth, juka; Ved. tri, Lat. tri-ginta; Ved. madhu; I. E. *sent-9, *sont-9, Skt. santi (Ved.), (Jrk. ovra. 265-267 1 Tin: Dhci.kxsiox of Nurxs. 117 The -a of the iiouler phiral is the same as the end- ing of the nominative sinijular of the a-eH^ scrlptio 2)lena for -ais (cf. 61), thus dift'erentiatincf the form from the nom. (b) dip!, f., inscription, forms its loc. dipiya after the analogy of i-stems (287). (c) In the compound haxamanis the first element haxa-, friend., is the nom. sg. of an i-stem varj'ing from the regular formation in -s, just as forms in -a are made from i-stems in other Aryan languages; e. g. , Skt. sakhi, friend., nom. sg. sakha; YAv. haxi, nom. sg. haxa. This ending may be derived from I. E. -o(i) or -e(i), as are the Greek nominatives in -w, as Tret^w, gen. irei^ovs <^*-oy-o (< ^a-paSii/oaa), Lat. suavioi. Beside Skt. mahiyas, greater, is Av. mazyah, Lat. maior ( / *inagyos). The I. E. -is- appears in the Lat. magis, Osc. mais, Goth. mais. 298. The -ero-, -tero- suffixes originated from local adverbs; e. g., I. E. *uperos, over, *?idheros, under. Skt. upara, adhara, Lat. superus, inferus; so also Grk. Se^tVepos, dptaT(.po. Numerals. 304. Cardinals. The Indo-European had several stems signifying one., varying somewhat in the shade l^)4: Adjectives. [304-305 of meaning; as, I. E. *oinos, one^ Grk. oiv?;, ace; I. E, *oiwos, 8kt. eva, only^ Grk. oios, alone^ Cypr. ot/ros; I. E. *sem-:*som-:*sm-,*sip-, one^ the same. Grk. ets, Cret. evs < *o-€/i,s, Lat. semper; Skt. samas, same^ Grk. o/xos; Skt. sa-krt, <9??ce, Grk. a/i,a; Grk. /At'a < *o-/i.ta. Of these stems, *oiwo- appears in Anc. Pers. aiva, one^ and *sem- in Anc. Pers. hama, saiiie.^ as probably also with vowel gradation (see Tolman Lex. 133) in ha-matar, having the same mother. No other cardinal forms appear in the inscriptions, since everywhere for cardinal numerals above one the sign and not the word is used, as is also done even for one in the Behistan Inscriptions. 305. Ordinals. The Indo-Em*opean ordinal nu- merals were regularly formed from the cardinal stem by the addition of the suffixes -to- and -mmo-, men- tioned above in the discussion of the superlative (299); e.g.., I. E. *s(w)ektos, sixtJi, Skt. sastha, Grk. Ikto-;, Lat. sextus, Goth, saihsta; I. E. *dekmmos, tenth., Skt. dagama, Lat. decimus (beside I. E. *dekmtos, Grk. SeKaros). The Ancient Persian keeps the suffix -mmo- in navama, ninth. Skt. navama. o ' " The I. Yj. *d(u)wo(u), ttco^ is represented in com- position by *dwi-, which appears in the Anc. Pers. duvitiya, second., from Aryan *dwitiya; so Skt. dvitiya, \x. daibitya. In like manner from I. E. *trei, *tri, thi'ee., the Ancient Persian has ^''itiya (165), third., Skt. trtiya, Av. ^itya, Grk. TpiVo?, Lat. tertius. No other certain examples of ordinals are found in the inscriptions. 306-307 J '''■'■: I >i;.\' OF I'uoxouxs. 135 CHAPTER XI. The Declension of Pronouns. 306. Ix 110 other class of words do the Indo-Euro- pean lanofuaofes present such a variety of forms as in the Pronouns. From what these lano^uages have preserved, it is impossible to say either how many pronouns the parent tongue had or how many forms existed of the pronouns which we know. As com- pared with nouns, they show diti'erences of both stem and ending, and the interchange of nominal and pro- nominal formations adds to the confusion. Further- more, different stems appear in what should be a single declension, as Skt. aham, /, mam, me; Anc. Pers. adam, /, vayam, we; Grk. cy<^» Ty^iets, Lat. ego, nos, etc. Sometimes the form was extended by the insertion of an element between stem and ending, as -sm- in Skt. tasmad, or a form was changed by the addition of an enclitic particle, which in some in- stances became a part of the word, as Skt. aha-m, id-am; Grk. eyw-v, ovtoct-l; Lat. hi-c, id-em. Again, it seems that in Indo-European times there existed side by side accented and unaccented forms, of which from the prehistoric period in certain of the derived languages the accented form was generalized, in others the unaccented, and beside these, again, there developed new unaccented and accented forms. The Sanskrit preserves both accented and unaccented forms, e. te', fxl, Lat. me. 310. Of the I. E. Genitive forms, *mene, *eme, the former is preserved in YAv. mana, Anc. Pers. mana, and the latter perhaps in Skt. mama, which may be a re-formation for *ama on the analogy of Aryan *mana < I. E. *mene. *eme appears also in Grk. (Hom.) c/Acio, Ion. e/xe'o, Att. e/Liou, etc., from *€/xeo-?/o and *€/i,eo-o, taking over the ending from the genitive of the demonstrative (334). The Ancient Persian has -a by script io pl<')^'^ (61). 311. The I. E. Ablative was *med, as appears from the Skt. mad, GAv. mat, Anc. Pers. -ma (for *mad, 229), Lat. me(d). 312-317] 'J'"'- 'ni-«'f'i'^'«i'>>^' OF rnoNOT-xs. i;*»7 312. The Skt. Diitivc mahyam for mahi-am points to I. E. *meghi, as the L:it. mihi 8ho^\•s I. E. *meghei, *meghoi. 313. The I. E. Locative *mei, *inoi, served in the derived languages not only as locative, but also as lenitive and dative. Thus Skt. may-i (with loc. end- ing added), me (gen. and dat.), Av. moi, me (gen. and dat.), Anc. Peis. -maiy (dat. -gen.), (nk. dat. €/u,ot, Mot, Lat. dat. mi. 314. The Instrumental would seem originally to have been *ma (cf. 2d pers. Skt. tva of the Veda, and Av. ^a, 326), for which the classical Sanskrit maya may have been formed from the ace. mam on the analogy of nouns of the a-declension, or it may have been made from an extension of the stem (*meyo-), as Lat. mei from meus. Dual. 315. The origin of such dual forms as the Sanskrit Nominative-Ac'cusative avam, GAv. §9ava, is not clear. The same stem occurs with dual endings in Skt. avabhyam, avayos. The Indo-European unac- cented *no(u), appearing in Skt. ace. -dat. -gen. nau and the Grk. nom.-acc. vw, is from the plural stem *no(3i7). But no dual forms remain in Ancient Persian. Plural. 316. The I. E. Nominative was *wei, from which are Skt. vay-am, Av. vaem (for *vay9m), Anc. Pers. vay-am, Goth, wei-s. 317. The Accusative of the Indo-European was nos, as appears in Skt. nas (end.), GAv. na (encl.), 188 The Declension op Pronouns. [317-321 Lat. nos. From the low orrade *ns are Goth, uns, Skt. as-man, GAv. ahma, YAv. ahma, Grk. *dcr/xes > a.[Xfx.t^ (Horn. Lesb.) transferred to the nominative. 318. This low grade of the stem with the -sme- element (as in asman, ol/a/acs above), I. E. *ns-sme, was used in the formation of the Aryan genitive plural with the addition of the Aryan suffix -aka. Hence Skt. asmakam, YAv. ahmak9m, Anc. Pers. amaxam (< Ir. *ahmaxam). 319. The same stem is seen in the Sanskrit Abla- tive asmad, GAv. ahmat, Skt. dat. asmabhyam, GAv. ahmaibya, Skt. loc. asmasu, instr. asmabhis, — Avhich cases do not occur in Ancient Persian. 320. The Declension, then, of the Personal Pronoun of the first person, as far as it occurs in Ancient Persian, is as follows: Sg g. I. E. Anc. Pers. Skt. Av. N. *eghoin adam aham az9m A. *mem mam mam mam G. *mene, *eme mana [mama] mana L. *mei, *moi Ab.*med 17 maiy mayi (gen. -dat.) -ma mad moi (gen dat. ) ma£ I. N. *wei G. *9s-sme (-f Ar. -aka) vayam amaxam vayam asmakam vaem ahmakam Fl 1). Second Person. Singular. 321. The Nominative of the second person in I. E. was *tu or *tu, Skt. tvam (*tii-am), Av. tu, GAv. 321-327] Tin: Dkclhxsiox of Puoxot'xs. 1;>!) tvim, Anc. Pcr.s. tuvam, (»ik. Dor. tv, Alt. o-v, Lat. tu. The -am in Skt. tvam, Anc. Pers. tuvam, may be the I. E. particle -em, -om, or these forms may be made after the analoofy of Skt. aham, Anc. Pers. adam. 322. The original Accusative had *twe(in), *te beside *twe, *te. So Skt. tvam, tva (eiu-l.), Av. ^wam, ^a (cncl.), Anc. l*ers. ^uvam (for ^vam; see 164), Grk. Dor. re, Att. o-e (< *T/re), Lat. te. 323. The I. E. Genitive *tewe appears in Skt. tava, YAv. tava, GAv. tava. As in the tirst person, the Ancient Persian uses as a genitive the locative -taiy (written also -tay), ■ [ I. E. *t(w)ei, *t(w)oi, which, like *mei, "^moi (313), occur in the derived languages as locative, genitive, or dative; e. g., Skt. tvay-i (with loc. ending added), te (gen. dat. ), Av. toi, te (gen. dat.), and the Grk. 'dat. Hom. rot, Att. o-ot (< *TfoO- 324. The I. E. A])lative seems to have been *t(w)ed, from which are Skt. tvad, Av. ^at, Lat. te(d). 325. The original Dative was a formation in -bhi, as Skt. tubhyam, GAv. taibya, Lat. tibi (from high- grade I. Yj. *tebhei, or '^tebhoi). 326. The I. E. Instrumental was probably *twa, whence Skt.^Ved. tva, A v. ^a. The classical San- skrit tvaya then would be explained in the same way as maya above (314). Dual. 327. The Sanskrit Nominative-Accusative Dual yu-vam is probably made from the L E. *yu-, which appears in the plural; and from this are also yuvabhyam and yuvayos. So the enclitic ace. -gen.- 140 The Declension of Pronouns. [327-331 dat. vam is from the I. E. plural stem *wo (of. 1st pers. nau, 315) after yuvam. No dual cases occui' in Ancient Persian. Pluml. 328. The I. E. Nominative was *yus, GAv. yus, Goth, jus; Skt. yuyam after the analogy of the 1st pers. vayam. 329. The I. E. Accusative was *wos, as appears in Skt. vas (end.), GAv. va (end.), Lat. vos, and (like the corresponding stem of the first person, 317) in its low grade it occurs in Skt. yusman, Grk. *uo--/i,e, Lesb. vfji/xe. This stem appears further in the Skt. abl. yus- mad, Av. yusmat, Skt. dat. yusmabhyam, GAv. yiismaibya, Skt. loc. yusmasu, instr. yusmabhis — which cases do not occur in the Ancient Persian. 330. The Declension, then, of the Personal Pronoun of the second person, as far as it occui's in Ancient Persian, is as follows: Sg. I. E. Anc. Pers. Skt. Av. N. *tu, *tu tuvam tvam tu, tvim A. *twem ^uvam tvam ^am L. *t(w)ei, '^t(w)oi -taiy (gen. -dat.) tvayi (loc.> toi, te (gen. -dat.) te (gen. -dat) 2. Demonstrative, Interrogative, and Relative Pronouns. 331. Of the Indo-European case endings for other pronouns than the personal, it will be necessary to give here only those which survive in the Demon- 331-336] Tin: Dkclension of PRoxorNs. 141 stiutive, the Interrogative, and the Relative of the Ancient Persian. (a) Masculine and Feminine. Singular. 332. The Nominative, masc. and fem. occurred sometimes without ending; c. cj.^ I. E. masc. *so, fem. *sa, z'/^/.v, that^ Skt. sa, sa, Grk. 6, 17, Dor. d. Again this case had for the masc. the ending -s, as I. E. *yos, v'Jio^ Skt. yas, Grk. os; or sometimes the ending -oi (fem. -ai or -9i), as in Skt. ay-am, Lat. qui, O. Lat. qoi. 333. The Accusative of both masc. and fem. forms, like that of nouns, ends in -m (249); e. g.^ I. E. *toni, *tam, that, Skt. tam, tarn, Grk. rdi/, tt/v, Lat. istum, istam. As in nouns of the a- and the a-declension, the Ancient Persian has masc. -am, fem. -am. 334. The Genitive ended in (masc.) -syo, -so, (fem.) -syas, -sas; e. r/., I. E. masc. *tosyo, *toso or *teso, fem. *tesyas, *tesas; Skt. tasya, tasyas, Grk. Horn. TOLo < *Too-yo, Att. Tov < '^Toao. The -syo ending ap- pears in Ancient Persian as -hya (generally written -hya, 61). 335. The Listrumental appears in Ancient Persian with the long vowel (-a) which belonged to the same case of nouns (273); as ana from ana. Others regard ana as a -f- instr. ending -na (cf. Skt. tena, Grk. Tm). L'nless tyana, Bh. 1, 23, be dittography (352. a; see Tolman Lex. 94) we should have in this form also an example of -na as instr. ending. FJura/. 336. The Nominative plural for the o-stems ended in -oi; as I. E. *toi, these^ Skt. te, Grk. ot, rot, Lat. 142 The Declension of Pronouns. [33B-340 isti. As in nouns of the a-class the nom. pi. feni. ended in -as, as I. E. *tas, Skt. tas. Hence the An- cient Persian endings, reo:ularly masc. -aiy, fern. -a. 337. The original Accusative masc. and feni. had the same ending as nouns, -ns for vowel stems (258); e. (J. , I. E. *tons, *tans, Skt. tan, tas, Grk. Cret. tws, Tavs, Att, Tor's, Tas (277). The Ancient Persian varies from this in using the same form, that in -aiy, for both accusative and nominative masc, just as the fem. has the same ending -a for these two cases (276, 277. But see 342. N. ). So in Avestan, al- though the GAv. has ace. pi. anyang, the YAv. uses anye as both nom. and ace. 338. The Genitive plural of the I. E. had as masc. ending -oi-som, fem. -a-som or -a-sam; e. (.pov, I. E. *esm < *e-esm, I was^ Skt. asam, Grk. Horn. ^a. If the past signification was evident from the context, the augment could be omitted. Hence the parent language must have had *bherom beside *ebherom, and the unaugmented forms came in the course of time to be regarded as past as well as the augmented. Thus in the Vedic dialect of the Sanskrit and in Greek poetry, especially Homer, augmentless forms are very frequent. (b) Reduplication and Augment in Ancient Persian. 363. In the reduplicating syllable of the pres- ent system the Ancient Persian either preserves the i of the Indo-European or has a representing Indo- European e; e. r/., Anc. Pers. aistata < *a-sistata, Jie stood, Skt. tisthati, Av. histaiti, Grk. To-tt/zai < *o-i-o-Ta/u,i, Lat. sisto; Anc. Pers. dadatuv, let Jiim give, Skt. dadatu, GAv. dadaiti, but Grk. StSw/xi. The e which was used in the reduplication of the Indo- European aorist and perfect became a in the Ancient Persian perfect, as caxriya, 3d sg. perf. opt. of kar, do. A palatal is substituted in the reduplicating syllable for an initial guttural of the root in accord- ance with 145, as in this form caxriya. 364, The Indo-European augment e appears in 152 The Verb. [364-367 Ancient Persian as a; e. r/., I. E. *e-bherom, I lore, Anc. Pers. abaram, Skt. abharam, Grk. l^tpov. In verbs beginning with a vowel there appears the long vowel or heavy diphthong resulting from contraction of the augment with the initial vowel ; e. g., I. E. *esm < *e-esm, Ivms, Anc. Pers. aham, Skt. asam, Grk. Hom. ^a; 1. E. *eym < *e-eym, I went^ Anc. Pers. nij-ayam, Skt. ay am, Grk. ^a for *^a < *^ya. Augmentless forms with secondary endings occur as injunctives (357). 3. Indo-European Personal Endings. 365. For indicating the differences of person of the verb, the Indo-European had two groups of end- ings, the primary and the secondary. The primary endings belonged to the present indicative, the future in -syo (481), and the perfect indicative middle; the secondary to the augmented indicative tenses, the optative, and the injunctive forms. The perfect in- dicative active had endings peculiar to itself in the singular (385-387). Some subjunctive endings were primary, others secondary. The origin of the per- sonal endings is not known. 366. The endings were added to verb roots some- times with, sometimes without, the intervention of a thematic vowel, thus forming two great classes of verbs, thematic and unthematic (445). a. Primary Endings of the Active. Singula)'. 367. 1st pers. The Indo-European had in the first person the ending -mi for unthematic verbs, and -0 for thematic; e. g., I. E. *es-ini, /"«/;?, Skt. asmi, Av. 367-372] The Verb. l")-^* ahmi, Anc. Pers. amiy, Grk. Lesb. c'/x/xt, Att. tlfxi, Lith. esmi; I. E. *bher-o, Ihear^ Grk. <^€/3w, Lat. fero, Goth, baira. The Aryan hiuoruages took over for thematic verbs the endino: -mi of the unthematic; hence Skt. bharami, Av. barami, Anc. Pers, jadi- yamiy, I pray. 368. 2d pers. The Indo-European ending was -si; e. g. , I. E. *es-si, *esi, thou art.^ Skt. asi, Av. ahi, Anc. Pers. (subj.) ahy (66. 1, d), Grk. IIoiii. €o-cn', Att. Ci\ I. E. *bhere-si, tliou Ixctrest^ Skt. bharasi, Av. barahi, Anc. Pers. (subj.) pari-barahy (66. 1, d). The Grk. 2d sg. of verbs in -w is a re-formation on the analogy of secondary endings. 369. 3d pers. The Indo-European 3d person ended in -ti; e. epov, Lat. feram (inj.). 377. 2d pers. The second person ended in -s; e. g., I. E. *es-s, thou weist, Skt. asthas, A v. as, Grk. £o-Ti7s; I. E. *ebhere-s, thou didst Icttr, Skt. abharas, 377-384] ''''"' ^ ''"''• ^'^^ Ay. jaso (for -a -ah = -a-s), thoa earnest^ Anc. Ters. (inj.) ava-rada (192), leave thou, Grk. €<^ep£s. 378. 3cl pers. The hulo-Enropean ended in -t; e. g., I. E. es-t, he was, Skt. asthat, A v. as, as, Anc. Pers. aha (440. a), Grk. Dor. h < *W^', I- K. *ebhere-t, he hore, Skt. abharat, Av. barat, Anc. Pers. abara (229), Grk. €<^ep£. Dual. 379. 1st pers. The original ending was -we or -wo, as in Skt. asva, we {tvx>) were, Av. ahva, Lith. esva; Skt. abharava, we {two) hore, Av. jvava, O. Skiv. vezove; but in most Indo-Eui'opean languages the fii-st person dual was lost at an early period. 380. 2d pers. The I. E. second person ended in -torn; e. g., I. E. *es-toin, yoit {tico) were, Skt. astam, Grk. ^o-Tov; I. E. *ebhere-tom, yo\i {fu-o) hore, Skt. abharatam, Grk. ec^epcrov, O. Slav, vezata. 381. ;'.d pers. The I. E. ending was -tarn; e. g., I. E. es-tam, they {two) were, Skt. astam, Grk. y)(nr^v; I. E. *ebhere-tam, th>'i/ {two) lore, Skt. abharatam, Av. jasatam, Grk. icfiep^T-qv. Plural. 382. 1st pers. This ending of the Indo-European, like the corresponding primary ending, is not cer- tainly known; it was probably -me : -mo. Hence the Skt. asma, we v:ere, A v. ahma, Lith. buvome; Skt. abharama, ive hore, Av. bavama, Anc. Pers. akuma. 383. 2d pers. The I. E. ending was -te; e. €Te. 384. 3d pers. Three forms of the ending occurred 156 The Vrrp.. [384-388 here, as in the primary tenses: -ent was the accented ending following a consonant, -nt unaccented after a consonant, and -nt the ending after a vowel; e. g.^ 1. E. *es-ent, they were^ Skt. asan, Av. h9n, Anc. Pers. aha", Grk. Dor. r\v (=^£v, became 3d sg. after the introduction of the new formation ^o-ai/); I. E. *ebhero-nt, they Tjore^ Skt. abharan, Av. barsn, Anc. Pers. abara", Grk. l<^tpov. -at of the GAv. dadat rep- resents the I. E. -nt and, Ixit for the influence of analogy, the Greek aorist iKvaav^ cSeifav, etc., would have ended simply in -a (/. t'., -ar <; I. E. -nt). c. Perfect Endings of the Active. Singular. 385. 1st. pers. The ending was -a, w^hich survived in the Aryan languages and in Greek; e. g., I. E. *dedork-a, I have seen., Skt. dadaiQa, YAv. didvaesa, Grk. SeSopKa; I. E. *woid-a, I hnoii\ Skt. veda, GAv. vaeda, Grk. otSa. 386. 2d pers. The second person ended in -tha; e. g., I. E. *woit-tha, t//ou I'nowesf., Skt. vettha, GAv. voista, Grk. olo-^a (-as was a re-formation), YAv. dada^a. 387. 3d pers. The ending in Indo-European was -e; so Skt. -a, Av. -a, Grk. -e; e. g., I. E. *dedork-e, he has seen, Skt. dadarga, YAv. yayata, Grk. Se'Sopxe; I. E. *woid-e, //e l-nows, Skt. veda, YAv. vaeSa, (irk, oiSe. Dual 388. 1st pers. The Indo-European seems to have had hei-e the -we or -wo of the corresponding form of secondary tenses. This ending appears in San- skrit as -va, e. epofjiaL. 403. 2d pers. The original eiKling was -sai; e. j.), Grk. (Repeat, yeypai/zat, Goth. bairaza. 404. 3d pci's. In the third person the Indo-Euro- pean had the ending -tai or (in the perfect) -ai; e. (/., I. E. *es-tai, lie siis, Skt. aste, A v. vaste, Grk. lyo-rai; I. E. *bhere-tai, he hears, Skt. bharate, Av. yazaite, Anc. Pers. yadataiy (subj.), Grk. ^cperat, Goth, bai- rada; Skt. (perf.) dadhe, Av. daiSe. (The Greek per- fect in -rat is a re-formation.) Dual. 405. 1st pers. The original ending is not known. The Skt. ending -vahe is made on the analogy of the the first person plural; so also the Grk. -neOov from the endings -fieOa and -aOov. Examples are: Skt. as- vahe, we (two) sit, bharavahe, we (tvjo) hear, Grk. 406. 2d pers. The Sanskrit has -athe, the Greek -(t6ov, from which the original ending is not evident; e. g., Skt. asathe, you {two) sit, Grk. 170-^0^; Skt. bharethe, yoii {two) hear, Grk. ^ip^aOov^ Skt. (perf.) dadhathe, ye {two) have j^^^t- 407. 3d pers. The Sanskrit has -ate, and the Greek, as in the second person, has -(tOov; e. g., Skt. asate, Av. jamaete (subj.), Grk. rjcrOov, Skt. bharete, they {tivo) hear, Av. visaete, Grk. €peaOov, Skt. (perf.) dadhate, they {ttco) have iJut. Skt. bharethe, bharete, point to original Ar^'-an endings -ithe and -ite, and this -i- appears again in the Vodic aorist adhitam (cf . corresponding seconda- ry endings, 415, 416). 408-412 J TiiK \'i:ki!. 1()1 408. 1st peis. The Iiulo-European ending was probal)ly -medhai, rriui, Ar. -madhai, represented by Skt. -mahe, Av. -maide, while the Grk. -fxtOa is taken over from secondary tenses; thus, Skt. asmahe, ice sit, Av. mrumaide, Grk. 17/xe^a; Skt. bharamahe, we l)em\ Av. baramaide, Grk. ep6fjL€6a. 409. 2d pers. The Indo-European ending is not known; the Aryan was -dhvai, as appears in Skt. -dhve, YAv. -^e, GAv. -duye (for duve), but the Greek has -a^e; thus Skt. adhve, ymi sif, Grk. ^a-Oc, Skt. bharadhve, YAv. cara^we, GAv. daduye. 410. 3d pers. The Indo-European ending was -ntai after consonants and -ntai after vowels; e. (j., I. E. *es-ntai, they sit, Skt. asate, Av. raezaite, Grk. Horn. T-Jarai (r/vrai is a re-formation), T£Tpa<^aTai (perf.); I. E. *bhero-ntai, tJunj hear^ Skt. bharante, Av. baran- te, Grk. (^ipovrai^ /3efi\r]vTai (perf.), Goth, bairanda. f. Secondary Endings of the Middle. Si?igular. 411. 1st pers. The original ending cannot be de- cided from the forms in the derived languages. The Aryan group had -i, which in thematic verbs united with -a- to make -ai, Skt. and Av. -e, while the Grk. -/j-rjv is eutii'ely distinct ; e. g. , Skt. asi, / sat, Av. aoji, Grk. rj^-qv- Skt. abhare, / hore, Anc. Pers. ayadaiy, Av. baire, Grk. Icp6p.rjv. 412. 2d pers. The Indo-European had two end- ings of the second person, -thes and -so, probably using the former for unthematic ver])s and the latter for thematic; then -thes was generalized in Sanskrit, -so in Iranian, while both survive in Greek; e. g., 11 IG2 ' The Verb. [412-417 I. E. *es-thes, thou didst sit, Skt. asthas, Av. mingha (< Ar. *man-sa), Gik. ^o-o, i860r]'; (= Skt, adithas); I. E. *ebhere-so, t/iou didst lea); Skt. abharathas, Av. baranha, baraesa (opt.), Grk. iipeo, ^e'poto, Lat. seque-re. 413. 3d pers. The original third person ended in -to; e. g., I. E. *es-to, he sat^ Skt. asta, adita (< I. E. *ed9-to), Av. manta, Anc. Pers. patiy-ajata, Grk. 7/o-To, (.hoTo, Lat. datur ( ' *da-to-r. 393); I. E. *ebhere- -to, he lore, *bheroi-to (opt.), Skt. abharata, bhareta, Av. yazata, baraeta, Anc. Pers. agaubata, Grk. iip(.(TBov. 416. 3d pers. The Aryan endings were -atam, -itam, while the Greek had -(rO-qv, e. //., Skt. asatam, they {two) sat, Av. daiSitam, Grk. -^aOrjv; Skt. abha- retam, t/iey {two) lore, Av. aparasaetam, Grk. l<^(.- piO-Orjv. Plural. 417. 1st pers. The original ending was probably -medhs, from which the Aryan had -madhi and the 417-422] The Vkrh. lf)3 Greek -fj.t6a (used also as piiiuary, 408); e. //., I. E. *es-medh9, ^ve sat, Skt.-asmahi, A v. var'maidi, Grk. yJ/Ac^a; I. E. *ebhero-medh9, v/v ?M>rt', *bheroi-medh9 (opt.), Skt. abharamahi, bharemahi, GAv. baroimaidi, Grk. icf>tp6fit6a^ (f)£pOLfi.eOa. 418. 2d pers. What relation, if any, existed be- tween the Aryan ending -dhwam (< 1. E. -dhwom) and the Greek -aOe or dual -aOov is not clear. Exam- ples are, !Skt. adhvam, y(>a sat, GAv. aidum, Grk. ■^aOe; Skt. abharadhvam, //on hare, YAv. darayaSwam, Grk. i(fi€p(.(T$€. 419. 3d pers. The endings here correspond to those of this person in primary tenses (410), -nto being used after consonants, -nto after vowels; e. g., I. E. *es-nto, t/tey sat, Skt. asata, Av. varata, Grk. Horn. i7aTo (rjvTo is a re-formation). Prim. Grk. *€Tt^aTo;* I, E. ^ebhero-nto, thei/ hore, Skt. abharanta, Av, yazanta, Anc. Pers. abara°ta, Grk. l^kpovTo, Lat. feruntur ( feronto-r, 393). g. Imperative Endings of the Middle. Singular. 420. 1st pers. In Skt. the primary (subjunctive) ending -e is used. No special imperative form oc- curs. 421. 2d pers. The Aryan ending -sva represents the I. E. reflexive pronoun *swe, which was joined to the imperative; e. g., I. E. *bhere-swe, hear thou, Skt. bharasva; Skt. datsva, Av. dasva. 422. 8d pers. The ending -tarn is only Aryan; €. g., Skt. bharatam, let him, hear, Av. v9r®zyatain, Anc. Pers, varnavatam. 164 The Verb. [423-428 Dual. 423. Here, as in the active, the Sanskrit has its first person after the anah)Ofy of the tirst person plural (with the -V- element instead of -m-), and the second and third persons with secondary endings (injunc- tive). No special dual imperative endings occur. Plural. 424. 1st pers. The Sanskrit uses the subjunctive. 425. 2d pers. The secondary ending (injunctive) is seen in the Skt. -dhvam. 426. 3d pers. AVhether any connection existed between the Skt. mid. -ntam, -atam and the Grk. act. -vTwv, with change of voice, is not evident. 4. Personal Endings of Ancient Persian. 427. The personal endings that occur in Ancient Persian represent regularly the Indo-European, ac- cording to the treatment of Indo-European sounds in Ancient Persian as discussed in previous chapters. No dual num])er of the verb is found. The use of the plural verl) instead of the dual is shown in Xerx, Pers. a. 17, akuma, where two persons (Xerxes and Darius) have just been mentioned. a. Primary Endings of the Active. Shi()ular. 428. 1st pers. I. E. -mi remained in Anc. Pers. (written -miy, 66. 1) and was used not only for un- thematic but for thematic verbs, as in Skt. and YAv. 2d pers. I. E, -si appears in Anc. Pers. as -hy (/. f., -h'y, 66. 1, d). 3d pers. The I. E. ending -ti was kept (written -tiy, 66. 1). 429-433] 'Tin; Vkri5. ICm Phiral. 429. 1st pcrs, I. E. -mes(i) : -mos(i) appears in Auc. Pcrs. -mahy {i. 6"., -mah'y, 66. 1, cl). The 2(1 peis. is wantinof, 3d peis. I. E. -enti, -nti, appear in Anc. Pers. -a"tiy, -"tiy (179, 66. 1). b. Secondary Endings of the Active. Singular. 430. 1st pers. I. E. -m, -m are kept in Anc. Pers. -am, -m ( 106, 178, 180). 2d pers. I. E. -s after be- coming -h Avas h)st (190, 192), 3d pers. I. E. -t was dropped (160, 229). Plural. 431. 1st pers. I. E. -me: -mo occurs as -ma in Anc. Pers. (89, 93, 61). 2d pers. 1. E. -te, Ar. -ta is written -ta (89, 61). 3d pers. I. E. -ent, -nt lose the final consonant and appear as -a", -" (176, 160, 179. 229). 432. It is also to be observed that the sigmatic aorist endings -s (< Ir. -st) and -sa (-sa") are some- times extended to other tenses; e. (/., imperf. aduruji- yasa". The same ending is probably seen also in abaraha", NRa. lt» (-s- becoming -h- according to 192), instead of the regularly recurring abara". See Tol- man j\[adras> 93, 61). f. Imperative Endings of the INIiddlo. Singular. 438. The 1st pers. does not occur. In the 2d pers. the I. E. ending -swe appears as -uva (226, 89, 61). The 3d pers. ends in -tam. Plural forms do not occur. 438-440] TlIK VV.RV. 167 The endings given in the above sections are illus- tnitcd in the following forms: 439. Primary Active. 1. E. Anc. Pers. Skt. Av. Sy.l. -mi (unthen 1.) amiy asmi ahmi -0 (them. ) jadiyamiy bharami barami 2. -si ahy (subj.) asi ahi -barahy bharasi barahi (subj.) 3. -ti astiy asti asti ^atiy bharati baraiti /Y. i. -mes(i), -mos ;(i) amahy smas mahi ^ahyamahy bharamas baramahi 8. -enti (unthem. ) ha^tiy santi h9nti -nti (them.) bara"tiy bharanti baranti 440. Secondary Active. I. E. Anc. Pers. Skt. Av. Sfj.l. -m (nnthem. .) aham asam aram (rt. ar) -m (them.) abaram abharam baram 2. -s -rada (inj.) abharas jaso 3. -t aha asit as abara abharat barat P/.l. -me, -mo akuma abharama bavama 2. -te jata (inj.) abharata jasata - 3. -nt aha° asan h9ii abara" abharan barsn (a) The 3d pers. sg. aha (instead of original *ast) suggests the perfect forms, Skt. asa, Av. anha, but the fiK't that the final a is not written in ah'* points to the loss of the linal t, showing that the perfect 168 The Verb. [440-444 form *aha must have taken on an imperfect ending and become *ahat, then aha. (b) The fact that the 3d pers. ag. and the 3d pers. pi., aha, aha", abara, abara", were written alike may account for the introduction of a middle form with no middle meaning, as aha"ta, abara"ta, as well as the use, in this tense, of the sigmatic aorist endings mentioned in 432. 441 . Imperative Active. I. E. Anc. Pers. . Skt. Av. Sg.2. 3. PL 2. -dhi -idiy ihi GAv. idi, YAv. iSi. -t-u baratuv bharatu baratu -te jata sta 442. . Primary Middle. I. E. Anc. Pers. Skt. Av. Sg.2. 3. -sai maniyahay (su])j.) -tai gaubataiy bharase bharate p9r'sahe yazaite 443- Secondary Middle. I. E. Anc. Pers. Skt. Av. Sg. 1. 3. (Ar. -i) adarsiy (-aiy, 490) ayadaiy -to agaubata abhare baire abharata yazata PL 8. -ento (unthem.) aha"ta -nto (them.) abara"ta abharanta yazanta 444. Imperative Middle. I. E. Anc. Pers. Skt. Av. Sg.2. 3. -swe patipayauva (Ar. -tarn) varnavatam datsva dattam dasva vsr'zyatam 445"446J T'he Verb. l(i!> 6. The Indo-European Present System. 445. As has ])een stated above (366), the parent hinguage had two great classes of verljs: the Unthe- niatic, in which the personal endings were added di- rectly to the verb root, and the Thematic, in which a thematic vowel e : appeared before the personal endings. The unthematic formations are preserved best in the Aryan languages, where the th'st personal ending -mi w^as even extended to thematic verbs, but in Greek many verbs originally unthematic became thematic, and in Latin and the Germanic group very little remains of the unthematic conjugation. 446. Further classification of verbs is to be made according to their method of forming the present stem, i. 6'., the stem of their present system, which includes present, imperfect, and aorist (358). Unthe- matic verljs may have (I) Light or Monosyllabic Heavy Base (A) without Reduplication, or (B) with Reduplication; (II) Dissyllabic Heavy Base (A) without Reduplication, or (B) with Reduplication; (III) Thematic verl)s may have their stem (A) with- out Reduplication, the thematic vowel being either (1) unaccented or (2) accented, or (B) with Redupli- cation. To these must be added (IV) verbs with Nasal Stems, including (A) the na-Class, (B) stems with "nasal infix," and (C) the nu-Class; (V) Sibi- lant and Explosive Stems, those (A) in -s or -so, (1) without Reduplication, or (2) with Reduplication; (P)) in -sk(h)o (1) without Reduplication, or (2) with Redu- plication; (C) in -to-, and -dho-, -do-; and (VI) Stems in (A) -yo-, (B) -eyo-, and (C) -wo-. 170 The Verb. [447-449 a. Unthematic Verbs. 447. lu the acti\'e of unthematic verbs of mono- syllabic base the accent fell on the base in the singu- lar, which accordingly had the high ablaut grade, while in the dual and plural the accent fell on the endings, and these forms accordingly had the low grade of the base (119, 120). 448. Class I. A. Light or Monosyllabic Heavy Base without Reduplication. (Root Class.) The change of ablaut grade with change of accent be- tween the singular and the dual and plural is il- lustrated in the following examples: 1. E. *es-mi, *s-enti, Skt. asmi, santi, Av. ahmi, hanti, Anc. Pers. amiy, ha"tiy; I. E. ^-ei-mi, *i-mes, Skt. emi, imas, Grk. etfiL, i/Acv; I. E. *ghen-ti, *ghn-enti, Skt. hanti, ghnanti (cf. Anc. Pers. imperf. ajanam, pple. -jata); Skt. adham, adhama (f-or *adhima, a carried over from the singular), Grk. e^r/v, tOsfiev. (a) In the imperfect of *es a leveling of ablaut had occurred already in Indo-European times, so that the dual and plural adopted the strong or accented base that belonged to the singular; e. (/., I. E. *es-iii, *es-ent, Skt. asam, asan, Anc. Pers. aham, aha". 449. Class I. B. Light or Monosyllabic Heavy Base with Reduplication. These presents were Indo- European new formations from aorists, the original presents of which, on monosyllabic bases, had been lost. Examples arc: T. E. *dhidhe-mi, *dhidha-mes, Skt. dadhami, dadhma, (irk. TiOrjfJn^ TtOefxev; I. E. *did6-ini, ""dida-mes, Skt. dadami, dadmas, TAv. da- Saiti, Anc. Pers. dadatuv, Grk. St'Sw/xt, 8t8o/x£v. (a) Of this class with heavy reduplication are the 449-453] "^^^^ Verm. 171 presents known us Iiitcnsives or Frequentatives (361). Such are Skt. vevedmi, vevidmas; varvarti, varvrtati; Anc. Pers. niy-a-^'arayam (465. a), YAv. ni-sraraya (thematic). 450. Dissylhibic Heavy Bases. The accent of presents with dissyllabic heavy bases fell in the siu- o^ular on the lirst syllable of the base, and in the dual and plural on the personal ending. The singu- lar accordingly has High Grade + Loav Grade and the dual and plural Low Grade + Low Grade in the two syllables of the base (119, 120). 451. Class IL A. Dissyllabic Heavy Bases with- out lleduplication. In the first of the two syllables of the base the vowel or diphthong was short, in the second it was long; as, I. E. *gene:*gen6; *menei. The original accent on the first syllable changed the ablaut grade of the second so that *gene became *gen9 and *menei became *meni; but if the second syllable bore the accent these bases became *gne, *gno, mne(i) (129). Hence I. E. pres. sg. *gena-mi, but pi. *gn9-mes, Aor. *gn5-m, *gno-s, etc. So L E. *reud9-mi, "ruds-mes from base *ruda, Skt. rodimi, rudimas; I. E. *ghrebhi, Skt. agrabhit, I. E. *ghrbhi, Skt. grbhitas, Anc. Pers. agarbita; I. E. *bhwi, Anc. Pers. biya. 452. Class II. B. Dissyllabic Heavy Base with Re- duplication. Examples are: Skt. nonaviti, vavaditi, jigati, Grk. fSifSrjai (reduced root), Skt. daridrati (in- tensive; root reduced), I>,at. murmura-t, tintinna-t. b Thematic Verbs. 453. Class III. A. Thematic Verbs without Re- duplication. The accent of these verbs was on the 172 The Verb. [453-454 root in all forms of tlic present and on the thematic vowel in all forms of the aorist. In the case of pri- mary verbs the present was originally of the unthe- matic conjugation, going over, however, to the the- matic conjugation before the separation of the lan- guages. It kept the -e- : -o- from the aorist, where this vowel was in the earliest period part of the base. Thus from the I. E. *leiq, leav>\ the original forms must have been *leiq-mi, *liq-mes, which later in the Indo-European period became *leiq-5, *leiqo-mes on the analogy of *liq6-m, *liq6-me from the base *liqe-. In this class the root is of High (seldom Extended) Grade, and is constant throughout the present; e. c/., I. E. *bhere-ti, *bheron-ti, Skt. bharati, bharanti, Av. baraiti, baiQnti, Anc. Pers. bara'tiy, Grk. £/)«, ^epoDcri, Dor. ^e/DovTt, Lat. feit, ferunt. (a) Some presents of this class, however, use the aorist form of the stem and are called aorist-pres- ents, as distinguished from the so-called imperfect- presents like *bhero above. Such are I. E. *sphrr-e-ti, Skt. sphurati; I. E. *wik-e-ti, Skt. viQati. Such forms often remain special aorists. So the two forms of the I. E. bheudh and bhudhe appear in Skt. bodhati, budhanta, Grk. Trcv^crat, kirvQi.To. 454. Class III. B. Thematic Verbs with Redupli- cation. These have mostly the Low Grade of the root; e. v-ov. Examples of forms with fuller reduplication are the aorists, Skt. agigat, root ag-; (irk. -^yayov^ root ay-. 455-457] Tin; \'i;ki:. 173 c. Nasal Stems. 455. Class IV. A. Stems in na-. Here the nasal was inserted before the second syllable of a dissyl- labic base, and the various ablant grades of this syllable appear as -na-, -n9-, -n-; e. ^., from the base dm-a, I. E. *dmna-mi, *dmn9-mes, Grk. Sdfivrjfu (for -vd-), Bafj-vu/xcv; Skt. agnami, a^nimas, a^nanti; Av. afrinami, afrinanti, Anc. Pcrs. adina (imporf.); I. E. root *gn-na-, Skt. janami, Anc. Pers. adana (Tolman Cun. Suj). 124, 4; Keller KZ 39, 158; Keichelt Aw, Elein. 205). (a) As to whether the Skt. -ni- is a new formation for -ni- < I. E. -na-, or the I. E. -na- was itself a new formation to -na(i)- from which conies Skt. -ni-, scholars are not agreed. 456. Class IV. B. Stems with Nasal Intix. The nasal -n-, appearing in Skt. in the strong form as -na-, was infixed before the final consonant of the root in its Low Grade; e. d€Lpw^ Acol. ^eppoy < *^Otpyw)'^ Anc. Pers. -astayam,YAv. stayamaide. (2) Another gi-oup had the Low Grade of root and the accent on the thematic vowel. Except in Aryan passive forma- tions, the verbs of this group shifted the accent to the root. So, Skt. druhyati, Anc. Pers. adurujiya; Skt. kupyami, Lat. cupio. (a) Forms also occur with reduplication; e. . ahatiy '6. ka"tuv PI. 1, amahy 3. ha"tiy Iinperf. S(j. 1. aham 3. aha PL 2. jata (iiij.) 3. aha" Mid. Iinjperf. Sg. 3. -ajata PL 3. aha"ta (a) The strong stem of the singular is carried over to the 1st person plural amahy; cf. Skt. smas. (b) The 3d pers. sg. aha is formed after the the- matic conjugation; cf. YAv, anhat. (See 440. a.) (c) Other forms of jan are imperf. sg. 1 ajanam, 3. aja", and (with thematic vowel) pi. 3. -ajana". (d) Of this class also are imv. sg. 2 padiy, 3 patnv, Yooi T^di, jyrotcct ; ind. pres. sg. 3 aitiy, imperf. sg. 1 -ayam, root i, (jo. 465. Class I. B. Light or Monosyllabic Heavy Base with Reduplication. Strong root with High Grade; weak root with Low Grade. ^•■i, lean,' da., jnit/ da, give/ di, see. Act. Ind. Imv. Imperf. Sg. 1. -a^''arayain J^res. Sg. 2. didiy (for *dididiy) 3. adada 3. dadatuv (a) -a^''ar ayam for *-6'a^''ay- shows the simpler form 12 178 TiiK Verb. [465-467 of reduplicatiou Avith dissimilation through the sup- pression of the initial consonant after the redupli- cating syllable; cf. A v. ni-sraraya in 2 sg. sub], act. instead of *-srasray-. (b) The mid. imperf. 3 sg. aistata (for *asistata) from sta, stand ^ has been transferred to the thematic conjugation (Class III. 454), while the act. imperf. forms -astayam, -astaya are made according to Class YI. A. 1. 466. Class n. A. Dissyllabic Heavy Base without Reduplication. Low Grade of root + ay -f thematic a (I. E. -ei-o, ei-e). grab, seize. Act. Ind. Mid. Ind. Imperf. Sg. 1. agarbayam 3. agarbaya 3. agarbayata PI. 3. agarbaya" Class in. A. Thematic, without Reduplication. 467. (1) High Grade of root + a (1. E. root + : e). ^ah, say; bar, hear; gub, speah; bu, he; xsi, rule; rad, leave. Act. Ind. Subj. Sg. 2. ^ahy (for *^ahahy) -bara Pres. Sg. 3, ^atiy (for 3. bavatiy *^ahatiy) PL 3. bara"tiy Imperf. Sg. 1. abaram 2. -rada (inj. ) 3. abara PL 3. abara" - 467-469] TiiK Verh. 17!) Mid. Ind. Subj. Pre!<. Sg. 8. gaubataiy Sg. 3. gaubataiy Imperf. Sg. 1. -axsayaiy 3, agaubata PL 3, agauba"ta (a) Other forms of these verl)s are: act. imperf. a^aham, a^aha; abavam, abava, abava"; subj. pres. barahy, -barah(i)-; mid. imperf. abara^ta. (1)) Of this chiss also are: mid. pret. -ataxsaiy, -ataxsata, -ataxsa"ta, root taxs, he active; act. imperf. -anayam, -anaya, mid. imperf. anayata, root ni, lead; mid. imperf. -apatata, root pat, jly; mid. imperf. ayadaiy, sul)]. yadataiy, root yad, worship; act. im- perf. asiyavam, asiyava, asiyava", root siyu, go; act. imperf. -aha"jam, root ha"j. (c) See forms from stem vaina under Class IV. A. (d) Transferred to this class from Class I. A. are act. imperf. ajana", root jan, smite^ and mid. imperf. aya"ta, root i, go. 468* (2) Low Grade of root + a (1. E. root + 6 : e). hard, forsake; mu^, flee. Act. Imperf. Sg. 3. -harda (aharda? See Tolnmn Zex. 70). amuda 469. Class IV. A. Stems in -na- (I. E. -na-). Low Grade of root + 11a. di, injure. Act. Ind. Impeif. Sg. 1. adinam (thematic) 3. adina (a) Of this class, but formed after the thematic 180 The Veri;. [469-472 conjugation, from the present stem vaina, sec, are act. ind. pres. vainamiy, subj. vainahy; ind. imperf. avaina; mid. ind. pres. vainataiy. (b) Class IV. B. is represented in Ancient Persian by the pres. act. pple. appearing only in the tirst element of the compound proper name vi"da-farnah. 470. Class IV. C. Stems in -nu-. Low Grade of root + ^^^- • ^u- (I. E. root + neu- : nu-). kar, do. Act. Ind. Mid. Ind. Fres. S(j. 3. Imperf. Sg. 1. 3. Fl. 3. kunautiy akunavam akunaus (432) akunava'' 3. akunava"ta (a) akunava" and akunava"ta show the strong form of the stem carried over to the plural. (b) With -aya- of Class VI. B. is the mid. ind. imperf. akunavaya"ta. (c) Here also belongs adarsnaus (432) act. imperf. of dars, da7'e. Of this class, but with thematic in- flection, are mid. subj. varnavataiy, imv. varnavatam, from root var, choose. 471. Class V. A. Stems in -s-. Eoot -f s- (I. E. -S-). pis, write. Act. Ind. Irri'perf. Sg. 1. -apisam. 472. Class V. B. Stems in -sa- (Inchoative). Hoot -f sa- (I. E. -sk(h)o-). $rai]i, fear ; ir&s, e.''(ii/iinc; jsim, reach. 472-474] TiiK ^'I:u^.. ISI Act. Incl. Sul)j. Sg. 2. -parsahy Pres. Sg. 3. tarsatiy o. -parsatiy Iinpcrf. ^g. 1. tarsam (iiij.)> aparsam 3. atarsa PI. 3. atarsa" Mid. Imj^erf. Sg. 3. -ayasata (On consonant changes see 164, 173, 157. d). (a) Of this class are act. subj. xsnasahy, xsnasatiy, from root xsna, hnota; imperf . arasam from root at, go. 473. Class VI. A. Stems in -ya-. (1) High Grade of root + 7^- (I- E. -yo-:-ye-). jad, p/Y/g: ^a., j)}'ot'ct / man, th?'?il\ Denominative stems avahya, ask aid: draujiya, inal'e a, lie. Act. Ind. :\Iid. Ind. Pres. Sg. 1. jadiyamiy Pres. Sg. 1. -avahyaiy Subj. Subj. Pres. Sg. 2. draujiyahy Pres. Sg. 2. maniyahay Imv. 3. maniyataiy Sg. 2. -payauva (2) Low Grade of root + ya- (I. E. -yo- : -ye-), duruj, lir/ mar, die. Act. Ind. Mid. Ind. Imperf. Sg. 3. adurujiya Imperf. Sg. 3. amariyata (a) "With -s- of the sigmatic aorist is the act. ind. imperf. adurujiyasa" (432). 474. Class VI. B. Stems in -aya-. (1) Low Grade of root -f aya- (I. E. -eyo- : -eye-). tar, cross; ^a"d, seem. 182 TuK YhAiu. [474-476 Act. Ind. Subj. Imperf. Sy. 1. -atarayam Pres. Sg. 3. 0adaya (?) 3. ^adaya (inj.) PI. 1. -atarayama (a) From Class IV. C. is the mid. imperf. akuna- vaya"ta, from root kar, do. (2) Extended Grade of root + aya- (I. E. -eyo- : -eye-). Causative and Iterative. dar, hold; gud, conceal; had, sit. Act. Ind. Act. Subj. Pres. Sg. 1. darayamiy Pres. Sg. 2. -gaudayahy Imj>erf. Sg. 1. -asadayam 2. -gaudaya (inj.) 3. adaraya Mid. Imperf. Sg. 1. -adarayaiy (a) Here belong also act. imperf. amanaya (beside amaniya, cf. Class VI. A. 1), from root man, await; act. imperf. anasaya, from root nas, injure; act. im- perf. -aisayam, -aisaya, from root is, send. 475. Class VI. C. Stems in -v-. Root + V + thematic a- (I. E. -w + 0- • e-)- ji, live. Act. Sul)j. Pres. Sg. 2 jiva (=jiva-(h), secondary ending). Subj. Fut. Sg. 3. jivahya (?) (Jackson; see 484.) 8. Derivative Verbs. 476. Certain of the class signs mentioned above came to be used either to make secondary formations 476-478] TiiK Verb. 18:J or to iudicate some peculiarity of meaning. Such were the use of I. E. -yo-, -ye- of Class VI. A. in forming verljs from nouns, and the use of I. E. -eyo-, -eye- of Class VI. B. to give a verb an iterative or causative force. 477. Denominative Verbs. The I. E, -yo- : -ye-, Ar. -ya-, of Class VI. A. 2, appears in such verbs as Skt. bhisajyati, he heals^ from bhisaj, ^^A^/«^*(?^(7;?/ adhvaryati, he offers^ from adhvaras, offeiing; Grk. Kopv(T(T ^^ '^Kopv6i/w^ furnish with a helmet^ from Kopvs^ helmet,' dyytXXo) < *dyyeA.^w, atmOUnce, from ayyeXos, me^tsengrr; Lat, custodio, (juard, from custos, a guard; finio, end^ from finis, an end. Such also are Anc. Pers. avahya in patiy-avahyaiy, I allied for htJp^ from *avah, /u//>, Skt. avas (cf. Skt. avasya); and [draujjiyahy, {lest) he thinh it false ^ from *drauja, lie. T\"ackernagel reads patiy- ava"hyaiy in Bh. 1. 55, following the Elam. pat-ti- ya-man-ya-a, and would make the form a future — a sense not suited to the passage. 478. Iterative and Causative Verbs. As has been stated a])ove (361), one of the pm-poses served by re- duplication was to suggest the repetition of an act. Hence reduplicated forms are often found as iter- atives in the Indo-European languages, but usually distinguished from the verbs of the reduplicating class by a heavy reduplication; e. op£0) beside <^£/3w; often causative, as I. E. *pot-eye-ti, he makes to fly., beside *peteti, he flies, also *pot-eye-ti, Jie flutters (iter.), Skt. patayati, 184 The Verb. [478-479 patati, patayati; Grk. Tpo-n-ioi beside rpiiroi-^ Lat. moneo beside memini. So the Ancient Persian has darayamiy, / hold^ from root dar, Skt. dharayati, A v. darayeiti; iniperf. act. adaraya; also from stQ.,stand^ imperf. act. avas- tayam, niyastayam, niyastaya. (a) From the root man, mrait^ in Bh. 2. 28 occurs amaniya, perhaps through a mistake of the stone- cutter in writing i before y; elsewhere regularly amanaya. (b) In NRb. 6 we seem to have in niyasaya, he caused [tJie symhol of sovereignty^ to extend (?), a causative made as a secondary formation on the present stem yasa. 9. Passive Formations. 479. In the Indo-European period the middle voice had already developed passive meanings, probably from such a use of the perfect middle, which indi- cated the result produced by an action completed (359' 3). In the Aryan languages special passive forms w^ere made by the use of -ya- of Class VI. A. 2. This was added to the Low Grade of the root, and the middle endings were used. (For 3d sg. aor. pass, with ending -i, see 489.) Since other forma- tions (as Denominatives mentioned above, 477) were made by the use of this element, it is evident that the addition of -ya- in forming a stem did not in itself make a passive, ])at probably the fact that some verb or verbs having the stem in -ya- had also a passive signification led to the formation of other passives in this way, as, for example, the Greek aorist in -17V was originally active with intransitive 479-482] Tin; \'i;ki!. 1,S5 meaiiiu^ adarsiy (or adarsaiy, with thematic vowel) from root dar, 188 The Verb. [490-493 hold^ and -apisam from root pis, 'H'r'de. From dar, hold^ is also tlie Aorist Passive, 3(1 pers. sg. adariy, and from kan, dig^ is akaniy. c. The Perfect. 491. The Indo-European Perfect was distinguished from other tense formations by the endings of the singular of the indicative active, by its very common use of reduplication, by its difference of ablaut grade between the active singular and other forms, and by its special participle formation. The personal endings have been given al)ove (385ff.). 492. The perfect appeared sometimes without re- duplication, as in I. E. *woide, *widme, Skt. veda, vidma; or commonly with reduplication, as from I. E. root *gen, produce, Skt. jajana, jajnur, Grk. ye'yove, ye'ya/tev. Where forms without reduplication occur it is not likely that reduplication has been dropped, but the numerous examples of such forms in Latin and the Germanic languages, as well as the occasional instances in Sansla-it and Greek, indicate a somewhat extended use of the perfect without re- duplication in Indo-European. 493. The vowel of the reduplicating syllable was e or e (361 end), the latter of which is preserved only in Aryan, a beside a. That e was regularly the vowel of the reduplicating sjdlable is shown by the Grk. SeSopKtt, Skt. dadarga, Lat. cecidi, dedi, Old Lat. memordi, pepugi. Variations from this rule were new formations, as in the case of the Aryan assim- ilation of the vowel of the reduplicating syllal^le to the vowel of the root where the Indo-pjuropean had 493-499] Thk Vkui!. 181) oi : i or ou:u; c. ipr]Te^ Lat. feres, feremus; and with -a- are Latin forms like feras, feramus. In some instances the long vowel appearing in the su))junctive belonged also to the indicative, either remaining constant through the indicative forms or occurring in the singular active only. So in Sanskrit, from aprat, sulij. pras, and from adhat, subj. dhati. 501. The Ancient Persian Subjunctive. In the formation of the subjunctive the Ancient Persian follows the Indo-European, adding -a- (I. E. -e- ; -o-) 501-502] Tiiio Vkum. 191 to the High Gnidc root of an uiitheiimtic verl), using -a- (I. E. long vowel) for theinjitic verbs; e. < *<^e/30ya), ^e'poi, cj>epoLT€. So the middle, I. E. *bheroito, Skt. bhareta, Av. yazaeta, Grk. cjiipono. 503. The Ancient Persian Optative. Made after the un thematic conjugation are Ancient Persian op- tative forms in -ya- (I. E. -ye-), as -jamiya (66. 2), 3d sg. act. (< I. E. *gminyet, cf. Skt. gamyat), caxriya, 3d sg. act. perf. The 2d sg., biya, and 3d sg., biya, from bu, Ic, represent I. E. *bhwiyes, *bhwiyet (126). If vina^ayais is to he read in Dar. NRb. 20 (so Tolman), we have in it an example of the 2d sg. optative of the thematic conjugation. c. The Injunctive. 504. In a previous section (357) reference has been made to the Indo-European Injunctive, which in its formation resembles an augmentless indicative with secondary personal endings. It was used sometimes as indicative imperfect or present, particularly as present unaccented following an adverb. Sometimes it had a future or voluntative force. It was with this meaning that the second and third persons (ex- cept the 2d sg. act.) came to be an integral part of the imperative either in positive commands or, with I. E. *me, in prohibitions; e. , Ski. gatas, Grk. -jiaros^ Lat. ventus. 513. The -to- Participle in Ancient Persian. The I. E. -to- suffix appears in forms in -ta- of the Ancient Persian; e. r/. , Anc. Pers, basta, root ba"d, bind^ I. E. *bh9dhto-, Skt. baddha, YAv. basta. The suffix is added to a dissyllabic base in agarbita (Skt. grbhita, grhita). From the root gam we have the participle in -ata, as paragmata, ha"gmata. (a) Other examples of this participle in Ancient Persian are: paraita, root i, (jo; karta, root kar, iiiahc; avajata, root jan, smite; fratarta, root tar, cross; dita, root di, deprive; duruxta, root duruj, deceive; pata, root pa, ])rotecf; parabarta, root bar, hear; amata, root ma, measure. (For avaharta see Tolman Lex. TO.) CHAPTER XIII. The Late Inscriptions. 514. The inscriptions from which comes our knowledge of the Ancient Persian belong almost en- tirely to the period of Darius 1. and his son Xerxes (521—155 B.C.). No specimen of the language is found from an earlier time, unless indeed the jNIur- ghab inscription is to be assigned to Cyrus the Great (52), and much of what we have from a period later than Xerxes, particularly from the reigns of Arta- xerxes 11. and Artaxerxes III., shows a corruption of forms and an irregularity of construction which 196 The Latk LxscuirTiONS. [514 not merely mark the decline of the lanofuage, but indicate that those who did the work of writing had but a meager acquaintance with the language which they wrote. (a) The following irregularities in the use of cases are observed: Norn, as gen.: artaxsa^''a, Art. Pers. a. 12, 11-15; }>. 1(5, ll»-20. arsama, Art. Pers. a. 20; b. 26. xsaya%a, Art. Pers. a. 12-13, 14, 15, 1(3, 17-18; b. 16-17, 18, 20, 21-22, 23. xsayarsa, Art. Pers. a. 16; b. 21. darayavaus, Art. Pers. a. 13-14, 17; b. 18, 22-23. Nom. as ace. : artaxsa^''a, Art. Pers. a. 5; b. 7. xsaya^iya, Art. Pers. a. 5-6; b. 7-8. Gen. as nom.: artaxsa^'ahya, Art. Sus. a. 2. artaxsa^rahya, Art. Ham. 3. xsayarsahya, Art. Ham. 3-4. darayavausahya, Art. Sus. a. 1-2, 3. v'staspahya, Art. Pers. a. 19; b. 25-26. The genitive darayavausahya in Art. Sus. a. 1 2, 3, is a peculiar reformation from the nominative, made like a genitive from an a-stem. (b) Confusion of gender forms appears in the fol- lowing: Masc. as fem. : imam, Art. Pers. u. 22; b. 2J). Masc. as neut. : imam, Art. Sus. a. 3; Art. Ham. 5, 7. Fem. as neut.: imam. Art. Sus. c. 4-5. 514-515I TriR T.Aii: Txsruii'Tioxs. 307 (c-) Confusion of noun stems occurs occasionally; as. bumam for bumim, Art. Pers. a. 2, ]>. 1^: sayatam for siyatim, .Vrt. Pcrs. a. 4, b. 5. (d) The spelling of certain words varies; as, saya- tam for siyatim, just cited; also akunas for akunaus, Art. Sus. a. 3-4; a^a"ganan for a6'a"gainam, Art. Pers. a. 22, b. 20-30; artaxsa^rahya for artaxsa^'a- hya, Art. Hani. 3; ardaxcasca for artaxsa^'a on the Venice Vase, assigned to the time of Artaxerxes I. (See Tolman Lex. 66-67); darayavasahya for daray- avausahya, Art. Ilani. 2, 4 ; martihya for martiyahya, Art. Pers. a. 4-5, b. 6; m'^ra, Art. Pers. a. 2."'), b. 33, Art. Sus. a. 5; m't^*, Art. Ham. 6, instead of *mi^'a (69). (e) The construction of mam in Art. Pers. a. 22-23, 26; b. 30, 35, is not evident. (See 526. S.) 515. Very different from these are the formulaic words or expressions occurring in the earlier inscrip- tions. The language of these inscriptions was not a dialect distinct from that current among the people; it came from a truly Persian court under Darius and Xerxes; yet in the nature of the case it was official and, in a measure, religious. Certain peculiarities of form or usage may well have belonged, as ]\Ieillet believes {Gram. 8ff), to legal and religious formulas, affected by an influence foreign to the Persian; c. r/., the nom. plu. of baga, cjod^ appears everywhere as bagaha, whereas all other a-stems have the nom. plu. in -a. We may compare the GAv. -anho and Skt. (Ved.) -asas. The pronominal adjective aniya oc- curring with bagaha takes the corresponding form aniyaha. 198 Syntax. [516-519 CHAPTER XIV. Ancient Persian Syntax — The Noun. 516. The Syntax of the Ancient Persian language is for the most part exceedingly simple, the prin- ciples involved being practically the same as those governing all other ludo-Em-opean languages. These general principles may therefore be assumed or but briefly mentioned while the attention is directed especially to such peculiarities of syntax as the lan- guage presents. 1. Gender. 517. Grammatical gender and natural gender of nouns appear as in other languages. About two- thirds of all the nouns in the inscriptions are mas- culine, chiefly of Class II. (284). Among these are many proper names and other words referring to males. But further than this the meaning does not usually determine the gender, as is evident from the following: 518. Of the names of countries, armina and hi"du are masculine, uvarazm'i and saka are feminine; of names of towns, uvadaicaya and zazana are masculine, tarava and raxa are feminine; the name of a fortress tigra is masculine, while sikayauvati is feminine; of the names of months, garmapada and ^aigarci are masculine, adukanisa and bagayadi are feminine, a^'iyadiya and ^uravahara are neuter; while of words denoting periods of time, mah, montli^ is masculine, ^ard, yeai\ and xsap, vlght^ are feminine, and raucah, d(iy^ is neuter. 519. However, it may be noted that words denoting 519-522] The Norx. 10!) places of abode or worship are neuter; such are apadana, j)alact'^ ayadana, aanctuanj^ maniya, estate^ vardana, tonni^ and hadis, direlUng. Names of parts of the l)ody are mostly masculine, as gausa, <) The adverbial accusative (ncnt. ace. s*r. of an adjective used as an adxerb); e. r/., im[a| dahyava tya adam agarbayafm] apataram haca parsa, Dar. NRa. 1()-1>S, TJuse {((!•<) the j>?'ovf/ic<:s wliich I seized far from Persia. (10) The accusative with prepositions. Besides abiy and a^iy (see 6 above), the f()lk)win2f preposi- tions occur "svith the accusative: a"tar, upa, upariy, patis, patiy (postpos.), para (postpos.), pariy, and pasa (combined with its accusative in the adverl) pasava); e. g., a"tar ima dahyava martiya hya agar[ta] aha, Bh. 1. 21, Wlt/iiii these jirovinees w/iat naui was watch- ful^ etc. adam karam parsam uta madam fraisayam hya upa mam aha, l^h. 8. 2^t-o0, I sent forth the IWsian and Median, army whlcli was hy t)ie. upariy arstam upariyfaxsayaiy], Bh. 4. 61-65, With 7'eetltHde I ruled. hauv vahyazdata . . . ais . . . patis artavardiyam hamaranam cartanaiy, Bh. 3. 35-36, This Vahyazdata Wriit a(jalnst Arfarardiya to eiKjarje in hattle. ^uravaharahya mahya jiyamnam patiy, Bh. 2. 61-62, At the end of the month Thuravdhara. (On the ad- verb patiy sec Tolnian Te,r. 107-108.) xsapava raucapativa, Bh. 1. 20, FAther l>y nhjht or hy day. avapara asiyava, Bh. 2. 72, Along there he went. kasciy naiy adarsnaus cisciy (9astanaiy pariy gau- matam, Bh. 1. 53-54, A7iy one did not dare to say anything against Gaunidta. 204 Syntax. [526-527 pasava kara araika abava, Bli, 1. 33, After that the people hecaine refjellious. The adverb nipadiy seems to be used with an ac- cusative in Bh. 3. 73-74, vivana hada kara nipadi[y] t[yajiy asiyava, Yivana vnth mi army went in pur- xtiit of them. 527. Genitive. The Genitive case, as in otlier Indo-European langfuages, may be the modifier of a noun or adjective, or the complement of a verb. (1) The very common use of the genitive modify- ino- a noun is seen in vasna auramazdaha [ajdamsam xsaya^iya aham, Bh. 1. 13-14:, By the grace (fAhura 2[az/'ovinee} does not fear an. enemy ; hacama atarsa", Dur. Pers. e. 9, {The provinces\ feared me. Only in the example from Bh. 1. 50-51, 208 Syntax. [529-530 quoted under (8), do we apparently find the accusa- tive (-sim) with this verb. Some Avould even hold that -sim, while ori<^inally accusative, was used for other case forms, and here as ablative, comparing the Vedic use of im as both singular and plural in all genders. (So Meillet, Gram. 345.) In one place (Bh. 5. 15) supplied by King-Thompson, the verb ^'ah is used absolutely. 530. Instrumental, This case has the following uses : (1) Without a preposition it expresses means or instrument; e. g.^ vasna auramazdaha ima xsa^'^am darayamiy, Bh. 1. 26, By the grace of Ahura Mazda I hold th is I'ingdom. (2) Very frequently the instrumental occurs with the preposition hada to express accompaniment; e. g.^ hauv vidarna hada kara asiyava, Bh. 2. 21-22, This Jlijdarncs untJt the armij vent aivay; hauv fravartis hada kamnaibis asabaribis amu^a, Bh. 2. 71, This Phraortes with a few horsemen fled. (3) The instrumental is used also with the prepo- sition ana, throughout .^ and the postpositive -patiy, a^, in; e. g. , vasiy aniyasciy naibam kartam ana parsa, Xerx. Pers. a. 13-11, Much else (that is) heautfnl (was) done tJrroiigJiotit Persia; kara parsa hya v'^a- patiy haca yadaya fratarta, Bh. 3. 26, 27ie Persian army which {was) in the palace departed from their loyalty. Note. — On a possible instance of anuv witii tlie instru- mental in Bh. 1. 92, see Tolman Lex. 76-77, s. v. ufratu. (1) Difficult of explanation is the use of the instru- mental as subject. This occurs in the oft-repeated 530-531] The Noun. 209 phrase raucabis ^akata aha" in orivin;^ a date; e. ntli Anumala were com- pleting their course. Here raucabis has so completely lost its value as instrumental that ^akata in the pred- icate is nominative. That such is the construction seems j)r()l)al)le from comparison with the only ex- ample of the singular rauca in a similar phrase, gar- mapadahya mahya I rauca ^akatam aha, Bh. 3. 7-8, One da// in the )n<>nth Gamut pada u-as completing its course. Again it is to be noted that the Avestan shows the same use of the instrumental as nomina- tive (also as vocative and accusative), which Reichelt explains as arising from the connection of subjects thus: A with B, with C, instead of A and B and C; then the "with-B," "with C" passed into use as subjects even when not connected with the nomina- tive A (Reichelt, Av\ Elem. 4:27; see also Tolman Lex. 95, s. V. ^"k^fa). 531. Locative. (1) The locative of names of coun- tries, provinces, or towns is used without a preposi- tion; e. g.^ m[aru]s nama vardanam madaiy, Bh. 2. 22-23, i^There is) a town Jlaru ly name in Media; hauv duvitiyama udapatata parsaiy, Bh. 3. 23-24, He was the Second to ri^e (ojain-st me in IWsia. (2) In all other places the locative occurs with a preposition, usually the postpositive -a; c. g., drauga dahyauva vasiy abava uta parsaiy uta madaiy u[ta an-j iyauva dahyusuva, I)li. 1. 34-35, There was deceit to a gnat extent in the land^ hotli in Persia and in Media and in the other provinces; di[s auramazjda mana dastaya akunaus, Bh. 4. 35, Aliura Mazda put them in my hand. So also in an expression of time; 14 210 Syntax. [531-532 e. ^., ^aigarcais mahya IX raucabis, Bli. 2. 4:()-4T, Nine days in the month Thaigarci. (a) If, as Bartholomffi has held, asnaiy, Bh. 2. 11-12, is locative singular of asna, viarcJc^ without postpositive -a, we have in it an exception to the rule here stated. (See Tolman Lex. 71-72.) The adverb nipadiy appears to be a locative singular form of niy + pad, also made without postpositive -a. (See Tolman Lex. 106.) Another example of the locative as an adverb is seen in avahyaradiy, /br this 7'eason. (See Tolman Lex. 70.) (3) Other prepositions (postpositive) used with the locative are -adiy and -patiy (following -a); e. g.^ ufrastadiy (= ufrasta-adiy) parsa, Bh. 4. 69, Punish {them) 2vifh severe jmntshment: pasavasim hagma- tanaiy uzmayapatiy akunavam, Bh. 2. 76, Afterwards I put him on a cross in Fchatana. The survival of the postpositive -patiy in Middle Persian is illus- trated in the corresponding phrase of the Tm'fan MSS. ; see Tolman Lex. 79, s. v. uzma. CHAPTEK XV. Syntax of the Verb. 1. Voice. 532. The distinction of meaning between the ac- tive and the middle of the Indo-European has been pointed out (356) — a distinction that may be ob- served in Ancient Persian; e. (7., IX xs[aya^iy]a agarbayam, Bh. 4. 7, / seized nine lings; xsa^'am 532 535j TiiK N'kki!. I'll hauv agarbayata, r>h. 1. 41-12, He seized the lingdoin {for himself). 533. The use of the Indo-European middle forms as passive has ])cen mentioned above (479). This is common also in Ancient Persian, as fravartis agar- bl[ta] anayata ably mam, Bh. 2. 73, Phraortes seized ints Ird to inr, beside the passive in duvarayamaiy basta adariy, Bh. 2. 75, lie was held hound at my court. (See also 539. 2). 2. :\lood. 534. Indicative. As in the other languages, the indicative is used in clauses, whether independent or dependent, which make the statement of a fact. Such a dependent clause may be relative, temporal, causal, or substanti^e; e. r/., avam martiyam agar- baya" hyasam ma^ista aha, Bh. 2. 12-13, They seized that Martlya who was chief of them; imaiy martiya tyaiy adakaiy avada [a]ha"ta yata adam gaumatam . . . avajanam, Bh. 4. 80-81, These {a?-e) the men who were there at that time when I sleio Gaumatam ima tya mana kartam pasava ya^a xsaya^iya abavam, Bh. 1. 27-28, This {Is) what Ocas) done hy me after I hecame Icing; auramazdamaiy upastam abara yata ima xsa^'am ha[ma]darayai[y], Bh. 1. 25-26, Ahura JCd.zda here one aid 'Until I obtained this I'lngdom/ avah[ya]ra[diy] auramazda upastam abara . . . [ya^]a naiy arai[ka] aham, Bh. 4. 62-63, Tor this reason Ahwa Mazda hore {tne) aid^ hccaiise I was not an enemy; matyamam xsnasatiy tya adam naiy bardiya amiy, Bh. 1. 52-53, Tliat \thie 2»^02)hi\ may not l-noio me., that T am not Tiardiya, 535. Suhjunctive. The subjunctive is used to indi- 212 Syntax. [535 cate that the act or condition expressed by the verb is anticipated. (1) Such anticipation may be expressed as mere futurity, especially in indelinite relative or temporal clauses; e. e 535 5361 TiiK Vkru. 2i:J joined with a desire for its accomplishment. Hence the subjunctive expresses a Avish; e. g., dahyausmaiy duruva ahatiy, Bh. 4. 8t>-4U, Jf/y my country he secure. (4) In the same way the subjunctive expresses a command; e. r/., matya vikanahy . . . ava^asta pari[ba]ra, Bh. 4. 71-72, lliou shalt not destroy {tJi em) .^ t/ius tJtou sJndt guard them. (5) When an action is anticipated with a view to its prevention or with a fear of its fultilhnent, the expression becomes one of negative purpose. Here the subjunctive is introduced by matya (cf. the ex- ample of negative command under 4); e. (/., avahya- radiy karam avajaniya matyamam xsnasatiy, Bh. 1. 51-52, For this 7'eason he would slay thei^eopU., '"''that tJiey may nrot I'aom 'ine'\' avahyaradiy naiy nipistam mat[ya] . . . avahya paruv ^a[daya tyaj mana kar- tam nais[im] ima varnavataiy duruxtam maniya[taiy], Bh. 4. 47-50, For this reason it (is) not irritten, lest to him what has been, done l>y me should seem, too miieh^ {and) it shoidd not convince him, (hut) he should think, {it) false. 536. Optative. The optative occurs but rarely. The following uses are found: (1) In its proper function the optative expresses a wish. Its negative is ma. Thus, auramazdatay jata biya utataiy tauma ma biya, Bh. 4. 58-59, May Ahura Mazda he a smiter to thee., and may there not he to thee a family. (Cf. the similar expression in Bh. 4. 75-76, where the optative is parallel to the subjunc- tive and the imperative.) ably imam dahyaum ma ajamiya . . . ha[i]na, Dar. Pcrs. d. ls-i'.», Jlay not an evil come ujxni thiis country. 214 Syntax. [536-538 (2) The optative may })e potential; v. f/., naiy aha martiya . . . hya avam gaumatam tyam magum xsa^"'am ditam caxriya, Bh. 1. 48-50, There was not a man who could mal'e this Gaumdta the Magian dep7'ived of the Jcmgdom. So also with a verb of fearing preceding: karasim haca darsma" atarsa ka- ram vasiy avajaniya . . . avahyaradiy karam avaja- niya, Bh. 1. 50-52, The jjevple feared hii/i for his tyranny y he would slay the many:, for this reason he woidd slay the ])eo2)le. 537. Imjyerative and Tnjunctive. These two moods are used alike in expressing a command, a prayer, or a wish. The negative with the injunctive, as with the optative of like meaning, is ma. Examples are: paraidiy kara hya hami^'iya mana naiy gaubataiy avam jadiy, Bh. 2. 50-51, Gc^ the rebellious army that does not call itself mine., smite it; avataiy auramazda nika"tuv, Bh. 4. 79-80, This let Ahura Mazda destroy for thee; tya mana kartam varnavatam, Bh. 4. 42, Let it conmnce {thee as to) what (^/v/.s) done hy me; paraita avam karam tyam madam jata, Bh. 2. 20-21, Go, sj/iite t/iat Jledian army; haca aniyana ma [ta]r- sam, Dar. Pers. e. 20-21, 3fay I not fear an en- emy, 538. Infinitive. The infinitive occurs either as complementary to a verb or to express purpose. (1) Complementary Infinitive: kasciy naiy adars- naus cisciy ^astanaiy, Bh. 1. 53-54, Any one did not dare to say anything; pasava adam niyastayam imam dipim nipistanaiy, Xerx. Van. 23-25, Afterwards I commanded to write this inscription. (2) Infinitive of Purpose: ha[m]i^'[iya] ha"gmata paraita patis dadarsim hamaranam cartanaiy, \\\\. 2. 538-540] TiiK Veri!. 215 43-44, The rebels came together {and) went against Dadarshi to engage in hattle. 539. Participle. (1) The passive participle (513) is used sometimes merely as a modifying adjective; e. J/., duvarayamaiy basta adariy, Bh. 2. 75, He was held hound at my court. Similarly as com])lementary accusative modifier in such a circuudocution as dipim naiy nipistam akunaus, Xerx. Van. 22-23, He did not have an insci'iption written. (2) The participle in -ta occurs also with forms of the verb ah, he., making a passive construction; e. c/., xsa^'am tya haca amaxam taumaya parabartam aha ava adam patipadam akunavam, Bh. 1. 61-62, The Mngdom which was talien a^cay from our family., this T put in (its) 2)1 ace; yadiy kara parsa pata ahatiy, Dar. Pers. e. 22, If the Persian j>eople shall he pro- tected. (a) Often, however, the form of ah is not expressed; e. g.., ava^asam hamaranam kartam, Bh. 3. 8-'J, TJien the hattle {was) fought hy them. So also in the case of intransitive verbs, the participle alone may be used as equivalent to an active indicative; e. g.., hami^'^iya ha"gmata paraita patis vivanam, Bh. 3. 65, The rebels came together and went against Vivana. 3. Tense. 540. Present. This tense is used not only of an action or state properly present, but of what belongs to the past and continues into the present; e. r/., VIII mana taumaya tyaiy paruvam xsaya^iya aha" adam navama IX duvitaparanam vayam xsaya^iya amahy, Bh. a. 14-18, Eight of my family {there were) who 216 Syntax. [540-543 were formerly hinys; I am the nhitii (0); long afore- time we have heen (lit. are) kings. 541. Future. The future relation is expressed usu- ally by the subjunctive (535. 1). A periphrastic future, composed of the optative of bu, he., with a verbal noun, has been mentioned above (484); e, g., auramazda ^uvam dausta biya, Bh. 4. 55-56, May Ahura Mazda he a friend to thee. On jivahya as a possible original syo-future in Bh. 5. 19-20, 35, see 484. 542. Imperfect and Aorist. There seems to have been usually no clear distinction in meaning between these two tenses; e. <>t hare (lit. mal:) an inscription vritten ; hya avam gaumatam tyani magum xsa^'"am ditam caxriya, Bh 1. 49-50, y^lio could make iJidt Gaunidtu the Jfagiati deprived of the Jcingdom. 5. Verbal Prefixes. 546. Certain adverbial forms originally independ- ent came, in the development of the derived lan- guages, to be so closely connected with the verb as to lose their independence and serve only as prefixes. 218 Syntax. [546-556 Such ill Ancient Persian are: a, toj atiy, heyondj apa, away; ava, doicn; ud (us)> ?«^/ niy, down; nij, aicay; p&tiy, af; para., forth; i^aiiy, alout; fta.^ forth; viy, away; ham, togdJur. Of these patiy, para, and parly occur also as prepositions, and patiy (if indeed this is the same word; see Tolman Lex. 108) was sometimes used as an independent adverb. The prep- ositions ably, to; upa, to; and upariy, above., seem to be verbal prefixes in certain mutilated passao^es. 547. The meaning of the compound may be merely a literal combination of the meanings of the verb and the prefix; e. (/., niy, down, with ar, co/ne, in siyatis . . . nirasatiy abiy imam vi^am, Dar. Pers. e. 23-24:, Wefa}'e will come down %ij)on this house; para^ forth, with i, go, in ava^asaiy a^aham paraidiy, Bh. 2. 50, Thus I said to him, '''' Go foiih^\: ham, together., with gam, covie, in hami^''iya ha"gmata, Bh. 2. 57-58, TJie rebels came to(/ethcr. 548. In some instances the prefix seems to make little, if any, difl'erence of meaning; e. g. , yata adam arasam madam, Bh. 2. 63, C)itil I came to Jfedia, beside ya^a madam pararasam, Bh. 2. 65, When I came to Media. 549. Sometimes the compound is used in a sec- ondary or metaphorical sense; e. g., ya[diy] . . . paribarah[i]dis, Bh. 4. 72-74, // thou shtaU guard them, beside tyai[y] ga^um bara"tiy, NRa. 41-42, ^Vll0 bear the throne; ima stanam hauv niyastaya ka"ta- naiy, Xerx. Van. 20-21, He commanded to dig out thus jplace, beside avada aistata, Bh. 1. 85, There he Jialted {stood). 550. The verbal prefix may be used to strengthen or emphasize a meaning belonging to the simple 550-554 The Veiu!. 2VA verb; < . c '^^'^^ A/hl (= am holding) this Jiingdom, beside auramazdamaiy upastam abara yata ima xsa^'"am ha[ma]darayai[yj, Bh. 1. 25-26, Ah lira Jfasda ho re me aid until T ohtained this king- dom. 552. Two verbs show a combination of two pre- fixes, jan with ava -f a, and bar with patiy + a; e. g., karam avajaniya, Bh. 1. 52, Jle ^could slay [swite down) the -people; adam tya paraba[rta]m pa- tiyabaram, Bh. 1. 67-68, / Ironght hack what {had been) taken av:ay. 6. Direct and Lidirect Quotations. 553. A very large majority of the object clauses following verbs of saying or perceiving are in the form of direct quotations. This is everywhere the case after the very common verb ^ah. Examples after other verbs are: hauv karahya ava^a [a]duru- jiya adam bardiya amiy, Bh. 1. 3S-o9, He thus lud to the people, '■'lam Bardiya''^' yadiy ava^a maniyahay haca aniyana ma [ta]rsam imam parsam karam padiy, Dar. Pers. e. li>-22. If thus thou, sJadt thinh, ''Jlay I not f tar an enemy,'''' protect this Persian people. 554. The verb of saying or perceiving may be 220 Syntax. [554-555 merely implied; e. g.^ avahyaradiy karam avajaniya matyamam xsnasatiy tya adam naiy bardiya amiy, Bh. 1. 51-53, For this reaxon he icould slay tJce peo- j)le^ ^''that they may not liiow ine that I am not Bardiya. " The use of tya to introduce such a clause is par- allel with the original use of iliat introducing a sub- stantive clause in English, i. <:,, the clause is in ap- position with the pronoun. It may be so regarded in karahy[a naiy] azda abava tya bardiya avajata, Bh. 1. 31-32, It was not known to the people that Bardiya (was) slain. But the conjunctive use of tya becomes more evident in the sentence cited above, matyamam xsnasatiy tya adam naiy bardiya amiy, Bh. 1. 52-53, That tluy may not Inovj me., that I am. not Bardiya. 555. What seems to be an indirect quotation in- troduced by ya^a occurs in Bh. 4. -t-l, auramazd[am upavaJrtaiyHy"^ ya^a ima hasiyam naiy duruxtam adam akuna[vam], I ajypeal to Ahura Mazda {to wit- ness) that this {is) true and not false {wJiich) I did. CHAPTER XVI. Uses of the Pronoun. 1. Personal. 556. The pronoun of the tirst person is almost al- ways expressed Avith a verb of the lirst person, per- haps to emphasize the authority of the king or chief who makes the statement; e. ^., ava adam patipadam 556-559] l^sios OF Tin: ritoxorN. 221 akunavam, l)li. 1. <')!', Thix T put in {iti>) pkiee; ava^a a^aha adam bardiya amiy, Bh. b. 4-5, Thus liemld^ "/ ion ItOi'ifhja." Vn\{ the pronouii luuy be oiuiltod, as pasavasim arbairaya uzinayapati[yj akunavam, Bli. 2. 90-J>l, Aftencards 1 jjut him on a cross in Arhela. The omission of the pronoun with a verb of the first person, however, occurs usually where the pronoun has been expressed with the verl) of a preceding clause, as pasava adam karam maskauva avakanam aniyam usabarim akunavam aniyahya asam franayam, Bh. 1. 80-87, Afterwards I placed unj amnj on foats of sli!ns,' one jyart I sri on eamdx^ for ilw ofhrr ] l>rou(jht horxi'^: [avajhyaradiy vayam haxamanisiya ^ahyamahy haca paruv[iyata ajmata amahy, Bh. 1, 6-8, Tlwrtfore we are called the Achcemenides ; from long ago y:e have been of ancient lineage. 557. In each of the places where vayam is used it refers to the royal house, as in the sentence just quoted. But, without the pronoun, pasava hamara- nam akuma, Bh. 2. 67-68, Afterrwards we engaged in hattJe; tigram viyatarayama, Bh. 1. 88, ^Ye crossed the Tigrix. 558. The pronoun of the second person, as subject, is expressed only in the oft-repeated formula tuvam ka + a relative clause -f- an imperative or subjunc- tive; e. r/., tuvam ka x[saya^iya h]ya aparam ahy haca drauga darsam patipayauva, Bh. 4. 37-38, TIioii (i-lio ^ha/t he I'mg In t/ie future^ jn-otect tlnjseJfstrongJy from deceit. ])ut yafdiy] imam di[pim] vaina[hy] imaiva patikara naiydis vikanahy, Bh. 4. 72-73, Jf thoK sh((It .sv V //i/'.s' iiixrription> or tlwse sculptures {and) shalt not d'sfroij thnn. 559. In the third person the verb occurs either with 222 Syntax. [559-562 or without a proDonuDul suljjcct, the pronoun, when used, preserving its demonstrative force; e. g.^ hauv xsaya^iya abava, Bh. 1. 4-7-48, IL- (= this man) he- came king; ava^a xsa^'am agarbayata, Bh. 1. 42-43, Then he seized the hlngdom. 2. Demonstrative. 560. To Ije classed with the demonstratives, and yet serving merely as unemphatic pronouns of the third person, are certain enclitic forms occurring only in oblique cases, as -dim, -dis (229. b), -sa, -saiy, -sam, -sim, -sis. The distinction between these and pro- nouns of demonstrative force is evident in such ex- amples as the following: auramazda [ya](9a avaina imam bumim . . . pasavadim mana frabara, Dar. KRa. 31-33, Ahura Mazda^ wlun he saic this earthy afterwards gave it to me; hauv a^''[i]na basta anayata a[biy m]am adamsim avajanam, Bh. 1. 82-83, This AQ''in(i iras led to ine hound; I ,dew him; avam adam fraisayam arminam ava^asaiy a^aham, Bh. 2. 50, Jlhn I Sent fortli. to Armenia; thus I said to him. 561. The pronoun a is used of what is near the speaker, occurring alwa3\s with bumi, eartJi., except in Bh. 4. 47, where it belongs to dipi, inscrij^tlon : thus, adam xsayarsa . . . xsaya^iya ahyaya bumiya vazarkaya, Xerx. Pers. a. 6-0, / {am) Xerxes., l-ing of this great earth; aniyasciy vasiy astiy kartam ava ahyaya d[i]p[iy]a naiy nipistam, Bh. 4. 4(3-47, Jfuch else iras done; that (is) not written on this inscription. 562. aita is used to refer to what has just preceded; as, aita xsa^'am tya gaumata hya magus adina ka'bu- jiyam, Bh. 1. 44-4."), TJtis l'!ngd. , the kingdom 562-564J I'SKS OF TllK PkoXOIX. '2'2'.\ just mentioned in 1, 41); aita adam yanarn jadiyamiy, Dar. Pcrs. d. 20-21, TJ,'ix furor (/. r., the preceding prayer) / ask. (a) No distinction seems to be made between aita and ava in Dar. NRu. 4S-.jO, aita t|yaj kartam ava visam vasna auramazdaha akunavam, 77/ /y (/.y) irjiat {^ra») done; all t/ii.s Ijij thr grace of Ahiira Mazda I did. 563. ana is found only in Dar. Pers. e. 8-9, hada ana parsa kara, With tJie heJj) of this l*ersian amnj. 564. ava and ima. Tlie ancient distinction between ava, referring to what is remote, and ima, to what is near, is most faithfully preserved in the oft-repeated religious phrase used of the creation; as, baga va- zarka auramazda hya imam bumim ada hya avam asmanam ada, Xerx. Pers. a. 1-2, A great god (/.s) Ahura Mazda .^ who created this earth.^ irho created yonder heaven. But in many other phrases also this difference of the two pronouns is observable; e. y those nothing was thus done. But hya imam taca- ram akunaus, Dar. Pers. a. 5-(), TT7'6» hnilt this j/ai- 224 Syntax. [564-566 ace; imam duvar^im, Xerx. Pers. a. 12, Tlds col- onnade^ hya aparam imam dipi[m] patiparsahy, Bh. 4. 41-42, ^Vlio f in Ucd)yJon; pasava hauv vidarna hada kara asiyava, Bh. 2. 21-22, Aftenrards this Ilydarntx (mentioned in 1. I'J) trhh thie'ariny went away; hauv karahya ava^a [a]durujiya, Bh. 1. 38-39, He (Gamuata, 1. 36) tJms deceived tJie jjeople. 3. Indetinite. 568. The indetinite, made by the addition of the enclitic -ciy to the interrogative ka, occurs only in the nominative singular masculine and the accusative singular neuter, each time in a negative clause; e. ^., kasciy naiy adarsnaus cisciy ^astanaiy, Bh. 1. 53-54, Any one did not dare to say anything. 569. The enclitic particle -ciy with a generalizing force is added also to Siniya, othe/\ ava, th/s, paru- v&m., for/nr/'/y, and hauv, this; e. ^., [ap]imaiy ani- yasciy vasiy astiy kartam, Bh. 4. 4(5-47, StUl mueh :'Jse was done ly )iic; avasciy auramazda patuv, Xerx. Pers. a. 2(>, (.l//) th/'s let Ahura Mazda protect; ya^a paruvamciy ava^a adam akunavam, Bh. 1. 63, As {it irax) farnierly^ so I made {it); hauvciy aura nirasatiy ably imam vi^am, Dar. Pers. e. 23-24, This [welfare] will tJirougJi Ahura descend upon this royal house. 570. The particle ka is used to give to a preceding 15 226 Syntax. [570-571 tuvam a general or indefinite meaning; e. 'ctiirv-'< {of those) vho are hearincj the throne. 5. Adverbs from Pronominal Stems.. 574. The demonstrative or relative notion may oc- cur in adverbial expressions. Hence certain adverbs are made on the same stems as the pronouns of these classes; thus, from demonstratives ada, tJien.^ and with suffix -kaiy (cf . Grk. ttoi from I. E. *ko) adakaiy, then^ ava, thns^ ava^a, thus^ then., avada, there., ida, here. Sometimes an adverb is made by a combina- tion of a pronominal case form with another word; as, avapara, there hefore (ava, ace. sg. + P^^a), ava- 228 Syntax. [574-578 hyaradiy, therefore (avahya for loc. sg. + *radiy, loc. sg.), pasava, afterward>< (pasa -\- ace. so^. ava), hya- param, thereafter (hya, aT)l. sg. n. + *para). So also the conjunctive adverb matya (580). 575. The original Indo-European relative *yo sur- vived in Ancient Persian only in the relative ad- verbial forms; e. g.^ yata, vhUe, yaOa., vJicn^ yadiy, if; also the locative yanaiy, ivliereon. 576. Connected with the interrogative-indetinite pronoun is the adverb cita, so long. 577. Certain of these adverbs occur as correlatives; e. (/., ya^a paruvamciy ava^a adam akunavam, Bh. 1. 63, As {!t was) formerly^ .so I made {it); pasava vaumisa cita mam amanaya arminiya[iy] yata adam arasam madam, Bh. 2. Q'l-'o'd., Afterwards Yaiu/iisa so Jong aioaited me in Armenia until I came to Media. CHAPTER XVII. Negatives, Connectives, Enclitics. 1. Negatives. 578. Of the two Ancient Persian negatives, ma is used with either the optative or the injunctive to ex- press a prohibition, naiy in all other negative expres- sions; e. (/., utataiy tauma ma biya, Bh. 4. 58-59, A/id may there tiot he unto thee a family; ma apagaudaya, Bh. 4. 5-i, Do not conceal (if); avam karam tyam madam jata hya mana naiy gaubatajy, Bh. 2. 20-21, Smite that j\Itdl<(n army ivhivh does not call it-self mine; yaOa. gaumata hya magus v*^am tyam amaxam naiy parabara, lih. 1. 70-71, 7'hal Gaun/ata the Ma- 578-582] Nbgativrs. 22!) (j'tuti might not tal'c ii\\. 1. 48-40, There vyrs not a man^ ncitJor a Persian nor a Median., twr any one of our family. 580. matya, a combination of ma and tya (in its coujuuc'tive use), is used with a subjunctive in ex- pressions of negative purpose, and in negative com- mands; e. (f/., matyamam xsnasatiy, Bh, 1. 52, Tliat \fJie2)(-'^<^ tny me should seem too nuich {arid) it should not convince him. 2. Coordination. 582. The Ancient Persian has three conjunctions used to connect coordinate elements of a sentence, two copulative, uta and -ca, and one alternative, -va. -ca is a weaker connective than uta and is not found between claui^es. Each of these may be repeated with correlative force: uta . . . uta, -ca . . . -ca, hoth . . . a)Hl; -va . . . -va, either . . . or. Examples of these uses are the following: adam karam parsam uta madam fraisayam, Bh. 2. 81-82, 230 Syntax. [582-584 I sent forth the Permin and Median ai'iiny; avada aistata uta abis naviya aha, Bli. 1. 85-S6, TIk re he liidttd and tJirrrly vas a flotilla,' abicaris gai^amca maniyamca v'^'^b^'isVa, Bh. 1, 64-65, The revenue {'() and tlie personal 2^'''>J)erty and the e>nd t<> ri'h. 1. 86-88, 1 2>^actd my aruaj on f'xtix of sVvni^; one part I set on camels; f»r the other I brought horses; Ahura Mazda lore me aid. 3. Enclitics. 586. Under the discussion of the su>)ject of accent (118) it was pointed out that from Indo-European times, in the empliasizing of certain parts of a sen- tence to the neglect of others, the words that fell in the unemphatic positions might lose their accent and become proclitics or enclitics. The survival of such unaccented words in Ancient Persian is evident from the omission of the word-divider in many places be- tween certain prepositions, adverbs, conjunctions, particles, or pronouns, and the words with which they are closely connected in sense. Often also final -a is written -a before an enclitic, as manaca for mana -f ca, avadasim for avada -f sim (but probably orig- inally *mana, *avada; cf. 61, 310). Yet we find ha- cama, ava^asam, etc. Furthermore, the enclitic value of these unaccented words is sometimes indicated by the treatment of finals before them; see 66. 1. a.; 227, 229, b. 587. We have but few examples of the union of prepositions with following words, and these are usually classed as adverbial compounds rather than examples of the proclitic preposition. Such are fraharavam, hi all (fra + *harava = haruva); pati- padam, in its oim place (patiy + *pada); and, with vowel contraction, pasava, afterwards (pasa -f ava). 232 Syntax. [588-592 588. Of prepositions the postpositive -a, in^ -patiy, at^ and -para, along^ are joined as enclitics to the preceding word ; e. g., drauga dahyauva vasiy abava, Bh. 1. 34, Tliere was deceit to a yreat extent hi the land; avapara asiyava, Bh. 2, 72, Along there he went; avadasis uzmayapatiy akunavam, Bh. 3. 52, Here I put them on the cross. But patiy is also writ- ten separately, as, mahya jiyamnam patiy, Bh. 2. 61-62, At the end of the month. 589. The adverb patiy occurs sometimes as an in- dependent word, sometimes as enclitic; e. ^., patiy ^'itiyam ha[m]i^''[iya] ha"ginata, Bh. 2. 43, Again for the third time tlie rebels came together; tyapatiy kar- tam vainataiy naibam, Xerx. Pers. a. 15-16, 'What tcorl\ again, seems beautiful. 590. The conjunctions -ca and -va are enclitic; e. g., vasna auramazdaha manaca, Dar. Pers. d. !>-10, By the grace of Ahura 2[azda and of me; yadiy iin[a]m dipim imaiva patikara vainahy, Bh. 4. 77, If thou sJialt see this inscription or these sculptures. 591. The particle -ciy is always enclitic; e. -80, Hie whole Babylonian p'ople. 599. Dependent Case Forms. A modifying geni- tive commonly precedes, ])ut occasionally follows, the noun to which it helongs; f. r/., hya kuraus pu^'a, Bh, 1. 30, The i>(>n of Cyrxi^; hauv mart[iya] hya avahya karahya ma^[ista a]ha, Bh. 3. 70, Tliis man iclo teas chief of tliat army; xsaya^iya xsaya^iya- nam, Bh. a. 1-2, King ofllmja; VIII mana taumaya, Bh. a. l-t-15, Ehjht of my family. The genitive usually follows when it is connected with its sub- stantive by tya; so also souietimes with hya; e. g.^ kara hya mana avam karam tyam vahyazdatahya aja", Bh. 3. 38-30, 2fy army smote that army of Yahyaz- dCita. In one place an adverb intervenes between a genitive modifier and its noun, par[sa]h[ya] martiya- hya duraiy arst[i]s paragmata, Dar. KRa. 43-45, TJce spear of a Persian 'man has gone forth afar. 600. A modifying locative usually follows the noun to which it belongs; e. g.^ xsaya^iya parsaiy, Bh. 1. 2, King in Persia; dahyaus madaiy, Bh. 2. 28, A provhiee in JLedla. But we find also adam imanis amiy uvajaiy xsaya^iya, Bh. f. 3-7, 1 am Imanlsh^ I'lng in Susltrna. 601. The Relative Clause. The relative clause fol- lows the noun to which it be''ongs; e. g., avam karam hya darayavahaus xsaya^iyahya gaubataiy, Bh. 3. 58-59, 27iat army which calls itself of Darius the I'lng. But the antecedent may be taken over into the relative clause; e. f/., tyaisaiy fratama martiya anusiya aha"ta, Bh. 1. 57-58, Wluit fu re most men were his allies. Cf. ma[r]tiya tyaisaiy fratama anusiya 236 Syntax. [6oi 605 aha"ta, Bh. 2. 77, The men who %oere his foremost allies. 3. Subject, Complement, and Verb. 602. The usual order of the Ancient Persian sen- tence is- (1) Subject, (2) Object or Predicate Nomina- tive, (3) Verb. The indirect ol^ject may precede or follow the direct. The following are examples of the normal order: auramazda xsa^'"am mana frabara, Bh. 1. 60-61, Ahum ^[azdii gare 'in>' the I'nujdom; aura- mazdamaiy upastam abara, Bh. 1. 5.5, Ahura Mazda lore me aid. (On the position of -maiy see 611).- 603. Very rarely, except in the oft-repeated intro- ductory formula with ^atiy, says, do we find the verb preceding its subject; so, ^atiy darayavaus, Bh. 1. 6, (et passim), Says Darius; naiy aha martiya, Bh. 1. 48, There was not a man (where aha denotes exist- ence); ably imam dahyaum ma ajamiya ma ha[i]na ma dusiyaram [m]a drauga, Dar. Pers. d. 18-19, Jfay there come ttpon this land iieitlier an evil host nor famine nor deceit. 604. The direct object, especially when the empha- sis falls on it, may precede the subject; e. (/., avam nadi°tabairam adam babirauv avaja[nam], Bh. 2. 4-5, That Xadinta-Bii I shw in Balyhm. So often with an imperative in a prayer, as imam dahyaum aura- mazda patuv, Dar. Pers. d. l.")-!!). This c< dug thus, as 1' commanded. 609. The infinitive alwa3^s follows the verb on which it depends; e. g., hauv fravartis . . . ais had[aj kara patis mam hamaranam cartanaiy, 13h. 2. 6G-6T, T/tis Phraortes . . . went with (his) army afjainst one to engage in hattle,' ima stanam hauv niyastaya ka^tanaiy, Xerx. Van. 20-21, TJiis 2)lace lie coiJt- manded to dig out. 610. The negatives naiy and ma precede the word or phrase to which they belong; e. g., naiy aha mar- tiya, Bh. 1. 4S, There was not a iiain; ya^a ima hasiyam naiy duruxtam adam akuna[vam], Bh. 4. 44-45, Tliat this {Is) true {and) oa^t false {which) I did: hauvtaiy gasta ma ^adaya, Dar. NRa. 57-58, Jda// this not seem to thee repugnant. 5. The Position of Enclitics. 611. Enclitics, aside from those W'hich belong par- ticularly to certain words or phrases, tend to occupy the second place in the clause. This is almost inva- riably the position of the enclitic pronoun; e. g., auramazdamaiy upastam abara, Bh. 2. 3!»-40, Ahura Mazda ho re me aid; aitamaiy auramazda dadatuv, Dar. NEa. 54-55, This let AJuira Ifitzda gire nw; auramazdatay jata biya utataiy tauma ma biya, Bh. 4. 58-59, Hay Ahura Maxda he a sm/ter to thee, and may there not he unto thee a family; avamsam ma- ^istam akunavam, Bh. 3. 31-32, Him I made chief of them; pasavasaiy adam uta naham uta gausa fra- janam utasaiy [ujcasma avajam, Bh. 2. 8S-S!», After- wards I cut off his ouhse and ears and put out Ms eyes. This rule is followed even when it seems to dis- 611-613] Word Ordkk, 239 arrange the natural order of words; e. eople saw him; utamaiy tya pita akunaus, Xerx. Pers. a. 15, And what mij faihcr did. 6. The Interrupted Sentence. 612. A noticea])le feature of the word order in many phicos of the insi-riptions is the interruption of a sentence by the mention of a man, a time, or a phicc, after which the sentence is resumed, usually with a demonstrative pronoun or adverb; e. ^., ya^a adam gaumatam tyam magum avajanam pasava I mar- tiya a^'^ina nama upadara"mahya pu^'a hauv udapa- ta[ta], Bh. 1. 73-71, Wlmi I sleio Gaumata the Ma- (jiiiit^ afteru'cirds^ one man^ A6''ina l)y iiame^ the son of Ujxidan({n)iiia^ he rose up; xsa^'"am hauv agar- bayata garmapadahya mahya IX raucabis ^akata aha** ava^a xsa^''am agarbayata, Bh. 1. 41-i3, lie sclztd the l^lnijdoni — nine days in the month Gaiinajxida were completing their course — then he seized the li)ujdom; I martiya vahyazdata nama tarava nama vardanam yautiya nama dahyaus parsaiy avada adaraya, Bh. 3. 22-23, One man, Yahyazdata hy name — a town, TU- ravti by name, — a province, Yautiya hy name, in Per- sia^ — here he dtoelt. CHAPTER XIX. The Anciekt Persian Months. 613. Fkom the Babylonian version of the Behistan Inscription it is possible to identify live of the An- cient Persian months, as follows: 240 Ancient Persian Months. [613-615 ^uravahara (*^ura, rujorous^ + *vahara, sprmgtime) = lyyar (Bab, aiyaru), April-May. ^aigarci = Sivjin (Bab. simannu), May-June. a^^'iyadiya (*atar, fre, + *yadiya, worship) = Kis- lev (Bab. kislimu), November-December. anamaka (a + *namaka, month of the liameless^ i. 6., the highest, god) = Tebet (Bab. tebetu), De- cember-January. viyaxna = Adar (Bal). addaru), February-March. 614. From the recently discovered Aramaic Papy- rus fragments of the Behistan Inscription Professor Tolman (AJP XXXII, 444ff, 1911) was al)le to iden- tify the Ancient Persian month garmapada with Tam- muz (Bab. duzu), thus making it certain that garma- pada (*garma, heat^ -f- *pada, station) corresponds to the season of June-July. His identification has now been accepted l)y philologists and historians. 615. This leaves three Ancient Persian months still unidentified. The Elamite markazanas (Ancient Persian mutilated) may, according to the view of Weissbach (ZDMG 62, 637), correspond to the eighth Babylonian month arahsamna, October-November, while bagayadi (baga, god^ -\- *yada, worshij^), as Oppert and Marquart have held, may be the same as the seventh Babylonian month tisritu, September- October. The season of the month adukanisa (kan, dig) is even more uncertain. GENERAL INDEX. (Numbers refer t«» sections.) Ablative, 245; Nouns, 251, 256, 260, 271, 275: Pronouns, 1st pers., 311; 2d pers, 324; 529. Ablaut, 1 19fif. Accent, llSflf., 239; Syllable, 116; Word, 117; Sentence, 118. Accompaniment, Instr., 530. 2. Accusative, 245: Nouns, 249, 255, 258, 263, 264, 2ta, 269, 274, 277, 281, 282; Pronouns, 1st pers., 309, 315, 317: 2d pers., 322, 327, 329: 3d pers.,333, 337, 339, 340: Uses, 526. Achjemenides, 1, 15, 43, 58, 78. Active Voice, 35ti, 532. Adjectives. Decl., 242£f., 293ff. : Comparison, 29l)ff. : Numerals, 304fiF. ; Position, 597. 598. Adverbs, Pronom., 574fE. : Posi- tion, 608. Adverbial Accusative, 526. 9: Gen- itive, 527. 2b. Afghan. 73, 82. Agent, Dat.-Gen.. 528. 3; Abl., 529. 2. Aktionsart. 359. Albanian, 73. Anaptyxis, 215. Ancient Persian. 73, 76, 79. AnquetilDu perron, 13. Aorist, s-Aor., 358, 458, 485, 488; Root, 358, 485, 486, 487; Passive, 489; Anc. Pers., 490; Uses, 542, 543. ApiK)sition, 595, 596. Appositional Genitive, 527. Ic. Aramaic Papyrus, 36. Armenian. 73, 74. Artaxerxes (I., II., III.) Inscrip- tions, Pers., 29, 42; Sus. 29, 46; Ham., 51; 57; 514. Article, Use of pronoun, 571. Asking, Verbs of, 526. 5. Aspiration, 66. 7, 8; 72, 231; Trans- fer, 202, 217. 16 Assimilation, 194fif, 199ff., 207, 216ff. Asyndeton, 585. Augment, 79. 3, 358, 362; Anc. Pers., 364. Auxiliary Verbs, 545. Avesta, 73, 76, 77, 79. Babin, 43. Babylonian Text, 39. Balto-Slavonic, 73. Baluci, 73, 82. Bang, 32. Barbaro, J., 2. Bartbolomse, 32. Bases, 127flf. ; cf . 446fE. Beer, 21,30. Behistan, 17, 26, 33, 34, 39. Benfey, Theodor, 28. Bruin, Cornells de (Brun, Cor- neille le), 10, 40, 41. Budge, .55. Burnouf , Eugfene, 20, 49. Cardinals, 304. Cases, 24.5ff.; Nouns, I. E., 24.5ff.; Anc. Pers. 266£f. : Pronouns 308flf., 321 ff.. 332fiE.: Irregular uses, 5l4a: Syntax, 524flf. Causal Ablative, 529. 3. Causative Verbs, 474. 2, 476, 478. Caylus. 56. Centum Group. 140. Cbaldeo-Pahlavi, 82. ChampoUion, 18. Chardin, 8, 40. Classification, I. E. Languages, 73; Verbs, 445, 446. Clay, A. T., 56. Collective Nouns, 521fif. Combination of Consonants, I. E. Internal, 194ff, 199fE,; External, 194, 207ff.; Anc Pers., 216flf. Comparison, I. E., 296fif.; Anc. Pers., 301 ff. Complement, Position, 602, 604flf. (341) 242 General Txdex. Complementary Accusative, 5'^6. 4 : Genitive, 527. 2. a. : Infinitive, 538. 1. Compounds, 234fE. Conditions, 535. 2. Conjunctions, Connectives, 582ff. Consonant System, I. E., I32ff., 139. Coordinating Compounds, 234. Coordination, 582ff. Correlative, Adv., 577; Conj., 582; Neg.,579. Coste, see Flandin. Cuneiform, 58ff.; see also p. 7. Cursive Action, 359. 2. Curzon, 62. Cyrus, 52, 514. Daressy, G., 47. Darius, 15, 25, 514, 515; Inscriptions, Bh., 2li, 39; Elv., 49; Grave, 23, 78; Kerman, 48; Pers., 10, 15, 24, 40; Seal, 53; Siis.,44; Weight, 55. Deaspiration, 76. 1, 201, 220, 222. Decipherment, Iff. Declension, Nouns, 242fE., para- digms, 283ff.; Adj., 242, 293flf.; Pronouns. 306-353. Den28. l: Quotation, 554, 555. Indo-EuroiH'jiii LaiiLniaKes, 7.'5rt".: Name, 74: Vowel System, Kiff. ; (.'oiisouant System, 132ff. Indo-Iranian, 73, 75. Inflnitivo. I. E., a55, SOtiff.: Anc Pers., jOi). :ii8; Position, iHlil. Injunctive, 3.5", 504; Anc. Pers., oOo; 537. lustnmiental, 245; Nouns, 254, 25ti, 2li2, 273, 275, 2>0; Pronouns, 1st pers., 314; 2d pers., 32ti: Sdjiers., 3o5: Uses, 530. Inten.sives, 449a. Interrupted Sentence, 012. Iranian. 73; Old, 70. Italic, 73. Itt'rative Action, 359. 4; Verbs, 474. 2, 470, 478. Jackson, A. V. W., 33, 48, 49, 52. .Tacquet, 21,30. Justi, 54. Kapmpfcr. Engelrecht. 9, 40. Kernian Inscription, 48. King, L. W., 34,39,54. Kos.sowicz, C, 31, 39flf., Mi, 47, 49, .50, 53, .54, 56, 57. Kurdish, 73, 82. Labials, 13:3, 139; I. E. in Ar., 109ff.: Ar. in Anc. Pers., 173flf. Langruage of Inscriptions. 515. La.s.sen, Christian, 21, 30, 40, 41, 43. Late Inscriptions, 514. Layard, 54. Lehman, 50. Lenormant, 54. LeveUng, 75, 239, 448a. Light, 127ff. ; of. 440flf. Liquids. 71, 132, 137fiE.; I. E. in Ar., 181, 182; Ar. in Anc. Pers., 183, 184; Vocalic, 83, 85, 80, 108flE., 113, 114. Location of Inscriptions, 39flf. Locative, 245; Nouns, 2.53, 2i5»!, 201, 272, 279; Pronouns, 1st pers., 313; 2d pers., 323; Uses, 531; Position, 600. Loftus, W. K., 29. 4«;, .50. L()ng])(5rier, De, .57. Low Grade, 120, 123flf. Maghan, 48. Manner of Action, .3:58, 3o9. Mazdeism, 78. MediiP, 68, 130, 199, 207; Aspiratas. 70. 1; Anc. Per.s., 210, 221, 222. Meillet, A., 38. Mt'nant, 47, 54. Middle Voice, 356, 532. Momentary Action, 359. 1. Monosyllabic, 127, 446fif. Months, Anc. Pers., 013ff. Moods. 357, 534ff. Morgan, J. de, 45, 49, 50. Morier, J. H., 10, 52. Munter, Friedrich, 12. Murghab, 10, 24, 52. Naks -i-Eustam, 20, 21, 23, 37, 43. Nasals, &i. 3, 70, 132, 1.37, 1.39, 204, 223; Vocalic. 83, 85, 80, 100, 107, 111, 112; I. E. in Ar., 170flf.; Ar. in Anc. Pers., 179, 180, 223, 230; Nasal Infix, 45ti; Nasal Verb Stems, 455ff. Na.saUzed Vowel, 00. 4. Negatives, 578ff., 583, 610. Neuters, I. E., 203flf., 339, 340; Anc. Pers., 281, 282. Newton, 56. Niebuhr, C, 11,40, 41. Nil Grade, 120. Nomina Actioms, 240 (-ti-, -man-), 506fE. Nomina Agentis, 240 (-tar-, -man-). Nominative, 245; Nouns, 247, 255, 2,57, 20.3flf., 207, 274, 270, 281, 282; Pronouns, 1st pers., 308,315,316; 2d pers., 321. .327. 328; 3d pers., 332, ;330, 339. 340: 524. Nouns, Declension. 242fif.; Syntax, 516flf. Nimiber, Nouns, 243. 520flF.; Verbs, 360. Nxmierals, 304ff . : Position, .597. Object, Position, 602, 604, 605. Odoric, 2. 244 Geneiial Index. Oppert, F., 30, 31. 47. Optative, I. E., 357,5():i; Ano. Pers., 503, 53(5. Ordinals, 305. Ossetish, 73, 82. Ouseley, 40, 52. Pahlavi, 14, 73, 80. Palatals, 68, 133, 135, 139, 140; I. E, in Ar., 153fE.; Anc. Pers., 150ff.. 157fif. Palatalization, Nasals, 85, 137, 177; Velars, 89 end, 145, 218. Palatal Law, 145. Pali, 73. Participle, Perf., 495; Mid., 510; -to-, 512; Anc. Pers., 511, 513; Use, 539. Partitive Genitive, 527. lb. Passive Voice, 350, 479, 489, 490, 533 539. 1, 2, and a. Perfect, I. E., 358, 491ff.; Endings 385flf.; Pple.,495; Anc. Pers., 490 544. Periphrastic Future, 483, 541. PersepoUs, Iff.; Inscr., Dar., 40 Xerx., 41 ; Artaxerx., 42. Persian, 73; Anc. 79; Mid., 80 New, 81. Personal Endings, I. E., 300, 305ff. Anc. Pers., 427ff. Pettigrew, 50. Pinches, 51. Plural Tangencies, 140. Porter, Sir R. Ker, 17, 40, 41, 52. Possessive Compovinds, 235. Potential Optative, 536. 2. Prakrit, 73. Predicate Genitive, 527. la; Nom inative (.po.sition), 006. Prefixes, 546ff. Prepositions (with Ace), 520. 10 587, 588. Present, 358; Pres. System, I. E. 445ff.; Anc. Pers., 464ff.; Use 540. Primary Endings, I. E., 307ff. 402fiE.; Anc. Pers., 428, 429, 435^ 439, 442. Prohibition, 504, 578, 580. Proleptic Accusative, 526. 1, 2. Pronouns, Decl., 306ff. ; Uses, 55i)ff. ; Pers., ;i07ff., 556-559; Dem., Int., Rel., 33lff.; 500-573. Pronunciation, Anc. Pers., 07ff. Publication of Inscriptions, 39ff. Purpose, Negative, 535. 5, 580; Infinitive, 538. 2. Qualitative Vowel Change, 119fE. Quantitative Vowel Change, 119ff. Quotations, 553ff. Raife, A., 54. Rask, R., 19. Rawlin.son, H. C, 25flf., 30, 39, 41, 43. Reduplication, I. E., 301, 492, 493; Anc. Pers. 303. Relatives, 331, 352, 353, 571fif., cf. 574, 575; Relative Clause, Posi- tion, 001. Rich, C. J., 22, 41, 42, 52. Root Aorist, 485, 480, 490. Root Bases, 127ff.; Root Class, Verbs, 448. Sachau, 36. Sacy, Silvestre de, 14. Saint-Martin, 18, 30, 40, 41, 52, 50. Sandhi, 194ff. Sanskrit, 73. Sat8m Group, 140. Schulz, F. E.,49, 50. Schwa, 84. Scriptio Plena, 61 (cf. 228); Defec- tiva, 61, 62. Seal Inscriptions, 53, 54. Secondary Endings, I. E., 376ff., 411, 440, 443; Anc. Pers. 430ff., 436, 437, 440, 443. Semivowels, 06. 1, 71, 132, 138, 139, 205, 20i!, 209, 227; I. E. in Ar., 185ff.; Ar. in Anc. Pers., 188, 189;- Verb Stems, 401 ff. Separation, Ablative, .529. 1. Series, Vowels, I. E., 123, 124; Anc. Pers., 125ft'. Sibilants, 69, 76. 4; Verb Stems, 458, 459. Sigmatic Aorist, 488, 490; Ending in Iinperf., 432. Gbnp:ral rxDp^x. 24: Soprdian, 82. Spiegel, Fr., ;5I, :fiM3, 47, 49, 52-54, 5t;. 57. Spirantal Glido, 203. 210. 31). Spirauts, t59, 70. 1. i:!2, i:«), 200: Ar. ( I. E., Palatals) in Auc. Pers.. lo7fif.: I. E. in Ar., I'M. 191, 225: Ar. I original) in Anc. Pers., 192, 193. 225. Stolze. 40, 41, 43. Subject, Position, ()02ff Subjunctive, 357, 497ff. : An(r. Pers. , 501 : Uses, 535. Subordinating Compounds, 234, 235. Suez Inscriptions, 47. Suffix Bases, 127. Suffixes, 237fif. ; Primary. 240; Sec- ondary, 241. Susa Inscriptions, 44, 45. 4*5. Syllabic Writing, 21, .iHfif., 65. Syntax, 516ff. Ta-sker. 43. Tense, 3.-i8. 540flf. Tenues, C8, 70. 2, 139, 200; Anc. Pers., 219, 220. Terminal Accusative, 520. 0. Terminative Action. 3.59. 5, 551. Texier, Charles, 24. 40, 41, 49. .50, .52. Thematic Verbs, 3il6, 445, 44i), 45:^, 454. Thompson. R. C, 34, 39. Tocharian, 73. Tohnan, H. C. 32, 34, 35, 3*i, 39-57. Transfer of Aspiration, 202, 217. Tychsen, O. G., 12. Uuthematic Verbs, 3()0, 445, 440, 447ff. Vallo, Pietro della. 5. Van Inscrijition, .50. Vase Inscriptions, 50, 57. Velars, 85. 133, 135, 139, 140: I. E. in Ar., ]41flf. : Ar. in An<-. Pei-s., 146Sf. Verbs. 354ff.: Classes, 44.5. 44*!: Syn- tax, 532fif.; Position, 002, 003, 0O5, 606. Vocative, 245, 248, 255, 257, 263-265, 268. Voice, 356, 532, 533. Vowels, I. E., 83ff.; Vowel Signs, 60fE.; I. E. in Anc. Pers., 87fif.: Contraction. 197, 198, 213, 214; Gradation, 119ff. Weight Inscription, 55. Weissbach. 32, 37, 39-44, 46-57. Westergaard, X. L., 23 Wish, Subjunctive, 535. 3: Opta- tive, 536. 1: Imperative and In- junctive, 537. Word Divider, 12, 58. 59. Word FoiTaation, %3SS. Word Order, 594ff. Writing,' Anc. Pers.,58ff. ; see also p. 7. Xerxes, 15, 25, 514, 515; Inscrip- tions, Pers., 10, 15, 24, 41; Van, 50; Elvend, 24, 49:, 5. Id, tW. (J; a.stiy, 7.'>, 89, 91, 127, 100, ItU, 190. 192; amahy, 180b. 373, 404a: ha"tiy, 37.5, 448; :"iby, 501; ahatiy, 499, .501; Imperfect forms. 370tf., 44(1. 404; fiham. 90, 107, 3(vl, 448a; fiha, 440a, b, 4ti4b; Aba", 440b, 448a; aha"tri, 440b, 443. -ah-, 240. i. 21,67,91,97, 12,5, 227. -i-, 240. i {verb), .513a; aitiy, 99, 119, 126, 127, 464d; -ayam, 100, 18.5, 188, 464d; fiis", -aisa", 490; -aya"ta, 407d; -idiy, 91, 119, 126, 127, 395, 441. i, 92. -5-, 241. idfi, 574. -in-, 241. ima. Cases, 345; imai-, 60. la; imam, -am, 514b;, 504. -iya-, see -ya-. iyam. 340, 350, 500. -is-, 240. -i§, 120. -IS, -im, i-sfpm,s, 287a. i§ (verh), formic, 474. 2a. -ista-, 241, 302. u, 21, 60. 1, 67, 95, 109. 227. -U-, 240. -u (pron. particle). 95. u- (UV-), 95, 192. II, 90. ucaSma, 290.A,d, 519, 520. utfi, 01, .582. ud-, us-, 95, 540. upfi, 95, 526. 10, 546. iipariy. .520. 10, .54t). upariyaxsayaiy, 131. ufra'^ta, ufrasta, -m, 95, 157b, 173, 192a. ufrasti, 157b; -a, 272, 285. ubarta, 120, 235. 2. umartiya, 235. 3. uv < Ar. 8W, 226. uva-, 220. -uva-, -pa-, 240. uvadaicaya, 518. uvamarsiyu, 235. 1, 236. 1, 240 (-siyu-). uvarazmi, -S, 0(). 7, 518. usa-, 104. usabfiri, 294. iLska, 240 (-ka-). uzina. 241 (-a-); uzmaya, 1.59, 290e. k, 08, 81.3, 14t5. 147, 219. 1, 220. ka. 141, 146, 351; kaSciy, 229b, 351, 508. -ka-, 240,241. kil, 558, .570. -kaiy, 141, 574. kaufa, 63, 81. 4. kan, 147, 615; akaniy, 490; ka"tuv, 464; ka"tanaiy, 509. ka"bujiya, 68, 179. kar, 141, 146, 363, 545; Forms, 470 and a, b; akunavam. 109, 4,57; akunau.s, -as, 514d; akuta, 109, 490; akuma, 109, 120, 382, 440, 490; akunavaya"ta, 474. la; aka- riya"ta, 479; caxriyfi, 120, 303, 496,503; cartanaiy, 126,509: karta, 71, 120, 240 (-ta-), 513a. kiira, 207; Cases, 01, 107, 250, 209, 273. karsa, 284, 520. kfiru, -s, 02, 207; -aus, 105, 270, 280. X, 09. 140, 147, 219. 1; cf. 1.58c. xsae'a, 07, 70.2, 140, 105, 240 (-8'"a-). xsaS^apavan, -a, 2&5. 1, 207, 290.A. xisap, -a, 146, 289 and a, 518. xSiiyaWya, 131, 139N, 5,14a. x§i, 240 (-e'a-); -axsayaiy, 467. xsna, 94, 158c; xsnasahy, 66.6, 472a; xsnasatiy, 131, 459, 472a. g, 68, 148, 149, 222. gau-, 143. gausa, -a, 149, 240 (-a-), 274, 284, 519, 620. gaSn. 67, 81.4, 112, 126, 127, 131, 148, 240 (,-tu-); gaeava, 104, 286 and a. 248 Ancient Persian Index. gam, -jamiya, 66.2, 131, 503. garma-, 144, 149. garmapada, -hya, 61, 270, 284a, 518, 614. gud, forms, 474.2; -gaudaya, 159, 505. gub, forms, 467; gaubataiy, 442, 535. la; gaubataiy, 535. la; agau- bata, 413, 443. grab, forms, 466; agarbayam, 461b. c, 21, 68, 81.3, 150. -ca (-ca), 89, 145. 1, 150, 582, 590. caxriya, cartanaiy, see kar. cita, 576. cie''a, 67, 165. -ciy, 66.1a, 91. 14.5.1, 229b, 568, 569, 591. cisciy, 351, 568. cispi, 64.- -ais, 285a. j, 23, 68, 151, 152, 222. jatar, -a, 240 (-tar-), 484. jad, jadiyfimiy, SCI, 439, 461, 473. 1. jan, 552; Forms, 464 and c, 467d; ajanam, 131, 14.5.3, 152, 448; jata, ja"ta, 383, 440, 441, 5ft5; -jata, 131, 448, 513a. -jamiya, see gam. ji, forms, 475; jiva, 67, 131, 145.2, 151,433,463,501. jiyamna, 511. jivahya, 92, 475, 484. t, 68, 81.3, 164, im, 219.3, 220, 229 and a, b. -ta-, 240. tauma, 131, 247, 267; Cases, 270, 272, 283. taxmaspada, 167, 173. taxs, forms, 467b. -tama-, 241,302. ta.r, forms, 471.1; -tarta, 513a. -tar-, 240. -tara-, 241 (-ara-),301. tara-, 108. taravii, 518. tarsa-, see e'ah. -tab-, 240. -ti-, 240. tigra, 518. tigraxauda, 235.3. -tu-, 240. tuvam, 350, 558; Decl, 321ff., 330: euvam, 71, 164; -taiy (-tay)66. la, 6t). 2a, 592. tya, 164b, 219.3a, 571; Decl., 352; tyana' a35, 352a; tyaly, 101; ty- aisam, a38. e, 21, 69, 81.4; < Ar. s, I. E. k, 157, 219.2; < Ar. t, I. E. t, 164, 219.3; . 7; dfirayavans- aliyii, 5Ua; darayavasuhyil, 5Ud. dargam, 70. 1, 114, 144, 14<». dar§, U-.8; adarSnauf?, UK). 193. 470c. da-sta, 79. 5, olit; Cit.'9a; vaiuataiy, 98; avaina, (hi. vamuisa, Oti. 7, 69, .\ N c 1 1: N '1' r I : u s 1 A x I x i > r; x . 2.-, I -vant-, 241. var, varnavfitaiy, 47(K'; varnava- tam, 422, 444, 4;0c. varkfiua, 241 (-ana-), vardana, 519. va.siy, 157. va.sna, 15"a. vazarka, 158a. -va(h)u, TO. 3; c/. 301. vahyazdata, 216, 241 (-yali-), 301; -hya, 01. vikanfih-, 66. Id. via, cases, 288 B; -am, 62, 107, 1.57, 269; -a, 273. ■viein (?), 241 (-in-): v'S^b^is-ca, 288 Ba. vi"dafarnah, -a, 174a, 179, 229a, 240 ( nah-. -ut->, 267, 291 B a, 4.56. vinaeayais, 101,503. viy, 546. viyaxna, -hya, 61, 613. vista-, v'stiispahya, 62, 514a. s, 69, 79. 5, 192; <^r. s, T. E. k, 157, 219.2; < 7. B. skli, kskh, 76.5, 157d; s (sp) < Ar. sw, I. E. tw, 79. 5, 219. 2a. sakfi, 518. sikayauvati, 518. suguda, 215. sta. 88, 166: alstata, 66.8, 126, 190, 192. 193, 214, 363, 465b; -astayam, -a, 461, 465b; see 478. stana, 126. sp, 79.5, 219.2a. -spada, 167, 173. g, 69, 216a; < Ar. s, 7. E. s, 190b, 193, 225; < Ar. S, 7. E. k, 157a, b, 219. 2; < Ar. c, 150 (c/. 68); sc < Ar. tc, 164c; sy Skries. ^"oL. IV. Homeric Life. By 1*101". 10dm ind Weis- SENBOKX. Translated by (iIlisert Camimuoll Scoo GiN, Pii.!)., and Charles Gray Burkitt^ M.A. Price, |1. "Tlie Aniorican edition is especially valuable ... and will ])i'ove a valnable help to every student of Homer." — The Outlook. Vol. v., Mycenaean Troy. Based on Dorpfeld's Excavations in the Sixth of the Nine Buried Cit- ies at Hissarlik. By H. C. Tolman and G. C. ScoGGix. Price, |1. '^Laymen and even scholars will be thankful for this concise ]»resentation. The task has been fairly and successfully performed." — Prof. Rufus B. Rich- ardson, in the Independent. 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