ANTHROPOLOGY / •fflnwritifBiiw^ii^^ 0t0t^m^m^ A STUDY IN THE Civilization and Education OF Primitive Man BY IQNATZ SAYMON A STUDY IN THE Civilization and Education OP Primitive Man BY IQNATZ SAYMON Submitted in partial fulfillment of the rc.|ulrem«nt« for the Dejcrcc of Doctor of Philosophy. New York University, June. 191 I A Study in the Civilization and Education of Primitive Man TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapters FOREWORD Page 1 I. Distinctions between Savage, Barbarian and Civilized Man " 3 II. The Prominent Characteristics and Ideas of Primitive Life (a) Animism, {d) Totemism, (c) Taboo " 10 III. Nature of Primitive Education (a) Practical Education, (