UC-NRLF Ubc mnivetsttp ot Cbtcago A NEW BASIS FOR THE METRIC THEORY OF CONGRUENCES A DISSERTATION submitted to the faculty of the ogden graduate school of science in candidacy for the degree of doctor of philosophy Department of Mathematics BY LEVI STEPHEN SHIVELY Private Edition, Distributed By THE UNIVERSITY OP CHICAGO LIBRARIES CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 1921 EXCHANGE Ube TDlntrersit^ ot Cbtcago m A NEW BASIS FOR THE METRIC THEORY OF CONGRUENCES A DISSEKTATION submitted to the faculty of the ogden graduate school of science in candidacy for the degree of doctor of philosophy Department of Mathematics BY LEVI STEPHEN SHIVELY Private Edition, Distributed By THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LIBRARIES CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 1921 St \ A NEW BASIS FOR THE METRIC THEORY OF CONGRUENCES. Introduction. In the classical theory of rectilinear congruences as developed by Kummer/ the analysis is based upon two fundamental quadratic forms, formed from the expressions for the coordinates of the surface of reference and from the spherical representation of the congruence. Thus, when studied by this method, the congruence is in reality defined by its relation to two surfaces. Important results of the *Kummer theory are the existence of the two focal surfaces and of two one-parameter families of developables. These results have been used by Wilczynski as the basis of his general projective theory of congruences.^ In the present paper also, the focal surfaces will be regarded as known by means of a parametric representation, such that the ruled surfaces u = const, and v = const, of the congruence are its developables. The first section is devoted to the introduction of certain local coordinate systems, all closely related to the general line of the congruence. These coordinate systems are used to study the prop- erties of the congruence in the neighborhood of one of its lines, as well as the properties of its Laplacian transforms. Homogeneous cartesian coordinates are introduced in the second section and the equations (DY of the Wilczynski theory are derived. The coef- ficients of these equations being expressed in terms of the funda- mental quantities of the focal surfaces, and their derivatives, there is here afforded a convenient means for investigating the relations ^ Kummer, AUgemeine Theorie der geradlinigen Strahlensysteme, Crelle, Jour, fiir Mathematics, 57, 1860, 189-230. 2 Wilczynski, Sur la theorie generale des congruences. Memoires publics par la Classe des Sciences de FAcademie Royale de Belgique. Bruxelles, 1911, pp. 86. This memoir will, in what follows, be referred to as the Brussels Paper. 3 Brussels Paper, p. 16. 1 46^853 2 New Basis for Metric Theory of Congruences. between the focal surfaces and the congruence. These two sections form the basis for the present investigation. In the third section we obtain new proofs of some of the most important general theorems on congruences. These results are typical of those obtained by means of the Kummer theory. The fourth section takes up the axis and ray congruences and the cor- responding curves on the focal surfaces, all of which were recently discovered by Wilczynski.^ A number of new theorems concerning these configurations, mainly metric in character, are proven in this section. In the final section we discuss the equations of the Darboux conies of a point on one of the focal surfaces and consider some special cases. It was at the suggestion of Professor Wilczynski that this research was undertaken and I take this opportunity of expressing my appreciation of the helpful encouragement he has given as the work progressed. 1. The Congruence Referred to Local Coordinate Systems. Let the focal surfaces, which are assumed to be non-degenerate, be denoted by Sy and Sz, and let the ruled surfaces u = const, and V = const, of the congruence be its developables. Then Sy will be given by equations of the form Vk = fk{u, v) {k = 1, 2, 3), where the parametric curves u = const, on the surface Sy are the edges of regression of one family of developables of the congruence and where the curves v = const, are conjugate to u = const. Consequently, making use of the customary notation of the theory of surfaces, we have D' = and the equations of Gauss^ for Sy will assume the form yuu = Aiyu-\- A2yv + DX, (1) Vuv = Biyu + Biyv, yvv = Ciyu + C2yv + D"X, 1 Wilczynski, The General Theory of Congruences, Transactions of the Ameri- can Mathematical Society, 16, 1915, 311-327. This paper will hereafter be cited as Gen. Th. Cong. 2Bianchi, Vorlesungen iiber Differential geometrie, p. 89. Eisenhart, A Treatise on the Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces, p. 154. New Basis for Metric Theory of Congruences. where Ai = 11 1 i"l (2) ft-ifl-ft-lz' o-^in ^-i?!' are the Christoffel symbols formed for the surface Sy. The coor- dinates Zk, {k = 1, 2, 3), of P 2, the point on the second focal surface Sz, which corresponds to P^ must satisfy^ the condition 2 =2/ -^2/ 'V) that is (3) yv = Bi(y - z), and we shall have Pi ^ 0, since otherwise the surface Sy would degenerate into a curve. Let A[, A'2, - - - , C2 be the Christoffel symbols for the surface Sz, and let us denote the fundamental quantities of the first and second orders for Sy and Sghy E''^\ • • •, Z)(^)'' and E^'\ • • •, D^'^'' respectively. The first Laplacian transformed congruence consists of the tangents to the curves v = const, on Sy. Let its second focal surface be Sp. Similarly, let S^. be the second focal surface of the minus first Laplacian transformed congruence, which consists of the tangents to the curves u = const, on Sz. By the same method used for obtaining (3) we find (4) zu = B'^iz - y), (5) ' yu = B2(y - p), (6) z, = B[{z -a). From (3) and (1) we find that /yN _ {Bl)u — P1P2 \' ) ^u d2 yv) ^ Eisenhart, loc. cit., p. 405, eq. 43. 4 New Basis for Metric Theory of Congruences. where Bi 4= 0, since Sy is supposed to be a non-degenerate surface. Eliminating Zu and yv from (3), (4) and (7) gives (8) B', = B,-^-^\ From (5) and (I2) we find in the same way .o\ (^2)1; — B1B2 (9) Pv = ^2 Vw By means of (3), (5) and (6) we find the following distances between corresponding points on the focal surfaces: (10) We have also yP.= Bi yPp = ■ylE(y^ B, p - Vg(^) B[ fiy) jriz) COS CO = , , . , T , cos CO (11) . ^^^^ . , H^'^ sm CO = , , , — , sm co ■VE( !/)(;/( J/) ' ^jE(^z)Qiz)' ^ff{y) = ^E{v)Q{y) _ fiv)^^ JJiz) = ■^E^z)g(z) — 7^(2)2^^ where co and co' are the angles PzPyPp and PyPzP^ respectively, each of these angles being so defined as to be less than 180°. We shall now introduce the first of the several local systems of rectangular coordinates which we shall use subsequently. This system, which will be designated by (I), is defined as follows. The origin is the point Py. The {-axis coincides with the line of the congruence through Py, so directed that Pz lies on its positive end. The ?7-axis is in the tangent plane to Sy at Py, and is so chosen that the angle between its positive end and PyPp is acute. The ^-axis coincides with the surface normal at Py, its positive direction New Basis for Metric Theory of Congruences. 5 being chosen in such a manner that the relative orientation of (I) is the same as that of the original axes. Referred to the original axes, the direction cosines of the axes of (I) are, iyk)v J-axis : ^iG^y) ' (12) ,;-axis : ^^J^^^ [.F^^Kyk). - G^^Kyk)u^ f-axis : — Xk H(y) {yk+i)u (yk+2)u (yk+i)v (yk+2)v (k = 1,2, 3; 2/4 = yi, y^ = 2/2). With reference to (I) the lines PyPp and PzPp have the direction cosines F(y) TJiv) P P • ^ f" ' '^E^y)Q(.v) ' ^Eiy)Q(y) ' ' (13) BiF^y^ - B^G^y^ BiH^y^ ^'^^ * hi ' hi ' ^' - (^1= ^G^y\B\E^y^ - 2BiB2F^^ + BlG^y^)), and the coordinates of P2 and Pp are (14) P.- (^^,0,0). p The focal planes of the given congruence, passing through the line PyPz, are the tangent plane to Sy at Py and the osculating plane of the curve u = const, at the point Py. Their equations are (15) r = 0, and D^y^' -slG^^^r) - CiH^y^^ = respectively; the direction cosines of the normal to the latter are ,,,, ^ D^yy'ylG^ CiH^y^ (16) 0, We also find that the focal planes of the first Laplacian transform. 6 New Basis for Metric Theory of Congruences. through PyPp, are the first of (15) and the plane through Py normal to the direction (17) h ' h~' hi ' The axis of the point Pj, is the line of intersection of the planes which osculate the curves u = const, and v = const, passing through Py. By means of (16) and (17) we compute the direction cosines of the axis of Py, which are the following: A3 ' h ' ' h^ where ;^3 = JAlG^y^'D^yy' - 2A2CiF^y^G^yW^yW^yy' + ciE^y^G^yW^y^^-{- G'^yW^y^^D^y^'^ , Hence the angle between PyPz and the axis of Py is _, CiF^yW^y^ - AiG^yW^yy' cos- ^^ ,^ while the angle between PyPp and the axis of Py is found to be , -ylG^y^CiE^yW^y^ - A2F^yW^yy') cos ^ p== . h-iE^y'> Since a congruence is normal if and only if the focal planes are perpendicular we have, by reference to (16) and (17) the following criteria : A necessary and sufficient condition that the given congruence be normal is that Ci = 0; and a necessarj^ and sufficient condition that the first Laplacian transformed congruence be normal is that ^2 = 0. And similarly, A necessary and sufficient condition that the minus first Laplacian transformed congruence be normal is that CI = 0.^ 1 These criteria obviously agree with the theorem (see Eisenhart, loc. cit., p. 401): A necessary and sufficient condition that the tangents to a family of curves on a surface form a normal congruence is that the curves be geodesies. New Basis for Metric Theory of Congruences. 7 The axes of our second local coordinate system (II) are the lines of curvature tangents and the surface normal at Py. In order to define this system completely, we note that the differential equa- tions of the lines of curvature on ^S^ are dv — \idu = 0, dv — \2du = 0, where ^ ~ r / TvG)^mv)myy' i (19) ' ^ ^ ^-^ X2 = 14-^/l-J — — - ^^\-L-r(^(j/)2)(i/)"_ G<) (20) ' 1 ^ smS = = B. ■ylG^y)(E^y) + 2Xii^(^> + X^G^y^) To justify the choice of the negative sign in the last equation we observe that H(y) cos (p = — ^G^y\E^y^ + 2Xii'^(^> + \\G^y^) where

+ x; (?<^)) sin d' = VG?(^)(^(^)-f- 2x;i^(^) + \?G^'^) Also, if (p' be the acute angle from the ?7''-axis to the tangent to u = const., then cos (p sm (p 12 New Basis for Metric Theory of Congruences. A rotation of the axes of (IV) about the f ''-axis through the angle ip' -f Q' brings the f and ry^'-axes into coincidence with the lines of curvature tangents, the positive ?7"-axis coinciding with the positive tangent to l'\ . The respective positions of the axes of (IV) after this rotation are defined to be the axes of (V). Let a" = cos ((p' + (90 = p==-- , r = sin {?", (33) vi = - P"^" + a'W\ 2. The Differential Equations (D) of the Congruence. Wilczynski has shown^ that the projective theory of congruences may be based upon a completely integrable system of partial differential equations of the form yv = mz, Zu = ny, (D) yuu =ay-\-hz-\- cyu + dzy, Zvv = a'y + h'z + c'yu + d'zv. He has shown that such a system has four pairs of linearly inde- pendent solutions {yk, Zk), (k = 1, 2, 3, 4), and that if (yi, • • •, 2/4) and {zi, • • • , 24) be regarded as the homogeneous coordinates of two points Py and Pg, the locus of these points, as u and v vary, will be the focal surfaces Sy and ^Sz of the congruence. It is the object of this section to obtain the differential equations (D) of our congruence, with coefficients expressed in terms of the fundamental quantities of the focal surfaces and their derivatives. We shall ^ Brussels Paper, pp. 9-19. New Basis for Metric Theory of Congruences. 13 exclude from present consideration those congruences whose lines are the tangents to asymptotic curves on either of the focal surfaces. In our notation, this is expressed by the conditions, D^^)" y>^ and Z)(^> 9^ 0. We can then eliminate X and y^v from the first and third of equations (1) and the equation obtained by differentiating (3) with respect to t. This gives (34) yuu= ^^{y — z)^ ciyu + diz^y where 7)(y) ai = A,B, + ^(^. [(5i - C^)B, + (5i) J, Proceeding in a similar manner with the corresponding equations for the surface »Sz we obtain (35) Zvv = cl[{z — y) -\- c[yu + d[zv, where a[ = C[B', + -^^ [(5; - A[)B', + (5;) J, ^1 - ~ J)iz) ^2, di — 62 T\( y\ A2. Let now {yi, 2/2, y^, 1) and (21, Z2, zz, 1) be homogeneous cartesian coordinates of the points Py and Pz respectively. The system of equations consisting of (3), (4), (34) and (35) is satisfied by these coordinates since it is obviously satisfied by 2/ = 1, s = 1. To obtain from these equations the system (D) we set V = fBidv, q = fB'zdu, 14 New Basis foe Metric Theory of Congruences. and make the transformation y = e^y, z = e^z. Then (3), (4), (34) and (35) become yv = mz, Zu = ny, (36) yuu= ay-\-bz-\- cyu + dz^y Zvv = a'y + h'z + c'yu + d'z^, where n= - e^^B2, a = A2B1 + ^^[(5i - C2)B, + (Bi), - CpJ + AiPu — pi — Puuy (37) ^=-'''d^'^^' a' = - e^^ ^B',C[ + ^ { (5; - A[)B', + {B',)u+B',pu]'^, ^' = ^^c; + ^[(5; - A\)B'2 + (5;). - ^;gj d = C2 jyjy A2 2qv. Equations (36) constitute the system (D). They are satisfied by corresponding pairs of the homogeneous coordinates {e~^y\, e~^y2, New Basis for Metric Theory of Congruences. 15 e~^yz, e~P) and (e~^Zi, e~%, e~^Z3, e~^) of the points Py and Pz respectively. 3. Some of the Principal Results of the Classical Theory of Congruences. This section will be devoted to the proof of a few of the general theorems on congruences which are ordinarily proved by means of the Kummer theory. Use will here be made of the coordinate systems which were established in section 1. Let Py and Pz be points in the neighborhoods of Py and Pg obtained by giving to u and v the increments 8m and 8v respectively. Then by Taylor's theorem, (3), (4), (5), and (6), Y = y-\- yubu + y^bv + • • • = y-\- B2(y - p)bu + Bi{y - z)8v + • • • Z = z + Zu8u + Zv8v + • • • = z + B^iz -y) + B[{z - a)8v + • • -, where the terms not written are of higher order than the first in du and 8v. Denoting by ({, tj, and (^i, rji, fi) the coordinates of Py and Pz when referred to (I), these equations, together with (14) and (27) give, up to terms of the second order, J = a8u + P8v, Ji = ao + oii8u + ^i8v, 7j = y8u, rji = yi8v, r = 0, ri = 8i8v, where V^' ' B, ^G'^y^' V^(z)((^(?/)2)(2/)"^-|- C^H^y^^) «o = —B — , 8i= e ^1 ' V^(^)((;f(2/)2)(y)"^+ (72^(^)2) * 16 New Basis for Metric Theory of Congruences. The line which is the common perpendicular to PyPz and PyPi has direction cosines proportional to (38) 0, 8it, y - yit; (-S) and the abscissa of the foot of this common perpendicular upon the latter line is «o7(7 — TiO (39) ? = {y-7ity+dlt' In order to find the values of t for which this abscissa is a maximum or a minimum, we differentiate with respect to t and set the result equal to zero. This gives 2 (40) t'-2^i + Z^^=0' 7i 7i + Oi which is the differential equation of the curves in which the principal surfaces of the congruence intersect the focal surface Sy. Solving (40) we obtain (41) ^ J ^^ = ^(i- vwtl)' If we use these values of t in (39) we obtain the abscissas of the limit points of the line PyPz. They are Q!o7i^ (42) The midpoint of the segment joining these limit points has the abscissa |q;o = ^('sG^/Bi). This proves the well-known the- orem :^ The midpoints of the two segments bounded respectively by the limit points and by the focal points coincide. ^ This theorem and the others of this section, together with Hamilton's equa- tion, are given in sections 4 and 5 of the previously cited memoir by Kummer. New Basis for Metric Theory of Congruences. 17 Again, if the values of h and ^2 from (41) be substituted suc- cessively in (38) the directions of the common perpendiculars at the limit points are obtained. It is easy to verify that these direc- tions are perpendicular. Since these perpendiculars and the line of the congruence to which they are normal determine the principal planes, we have the theorem : The two principal planes through each line of the congruence are perpendicular. Let us denote by df and di the distances between the focal points and the limit points respectively. Then df = VCr^^V^i- Also from (42) ^G(y)D^yy'' + C'.H^yy' Therefore Q(y)J){yy df j)^yy'' di ^Q{v)D{v)"^ _|_ clH^y^^ sm r by (15) and (16), where r is the angle between the focal planes. This gives the theorem: The ratio of the distance between the focal points to the distance between the limit points is equal to the sine of the angle between the focal planes. In particular, when the congruence is normal, Ci = and this ratio is unity. Thus, the limit points coincide with the focal points in a normal congruence and conversely. In order to deduce Hamilton's equation, let co be the angle between the common perpendiculars whose directions are given by (38) for t = t and t = ti. The calculation shows that f2 = COS^ CO, which is equivalent to ? = ■■ f 1 COS^ CO + ^2 sin^ CO, This is Hamilton's equation. 18 New Basis for Metric Theory of Congruences. 4. The Axis and the Ray Congruences. The developable surfaces of the axis congruence intersect ^^ in the axis curves. Since Sy is not degenerate, m 9^ 0, and thus these curves are determined by the differential equation '} (43) -5^2 _ j5^5^ _ c'ddv^ = 0. m In terms of the fundamental quantities of the focal surfaces, the coefficients of (43) are found by (37) and the definitions of c^i and / to be '~]^B,B, + 2{B,)u- (^1), + l^^C^'^lJ^- (^2).-^^l0g;^(^,J, (44) I = A^Bi + ^, (Bl - B,C, + (5i), - B^C^) + A,B, - {B2)uy c'd = B,B, + {B,)u - (^1). + [^(yy'C^)^' A necessary and sufficient condition that the axis curves be conju- gate is which reduces to m Q2 , D(i/) (45) (5i)"-(52).-^-^-^log5^,= 0. If we confine our attention to those congruences whose focal surfaces are distinct so that Z>^^^ as well as D^^^' is different from zero, the Codazzi equations^ Z)?^ - 5i7)(^> + A^B^yy' =0, (46) Z)ir>" + CiD^y^ - B^B^yy = 0, 1 Gen. Th. Cong., p. 316. See eqs. (7), p. 315 for the definitions of di and I. 2 Eisenhart, loc. cit., page 155. New Basis for Metric Theory of Congruences. 19 enable us to express (45) by the equation ( , ^^\ _( n P^\ K^^D^y^ )u~\ 'B^yy).' This condition is obviously satisfied when the congruence and its first Laplacian transform are both normal. But this is equivalent to the condition that ^Sj, be a surface of Voss. Hence we have the theorem : The axis curves with respect to a congruence consisting of the tangents to one of the two families of conjugate geodesies on a non-developable surface of Voss, are conjugate. We shall also prove that If a congruence consists of the tangents to the lines of curvature of one system on a surface Sy, this surface being either a quadric, or a surface of revolution of constant total curvature, then the axis curves are conjugate. To prove this theorem we observe that, in case F = 0, D^y^ 9^ 0; D^y^ 9^ 0, D^^^" = 0. In the first case (46i) gives A2 = 0, showing that tangents to the curves V = const, form a normal congruence. And in the second case (462) gives Ci = with the result that the congruence consisting of the tangents to the curves u = const, is normal. 5. The Darboux Conics. The surfaces upon which the conjugate system determined by the developables of the congruence have equal Laplace-Darboux invari- ants have been studied by both Darboux and Wilczynski. We have already seen the interesting geometrical interpretation of this property by the latter, namely, the conjugacy of the ray curves. Although Darboux's interpretation is entirely different from that of .Wilczynski, the two are essentially equivalent. Darboux's theorem is that if these invariants are equal, there exists in the tangent plane to Sy Sit Py Si conic having second order contact at Pz with the curve V = const, and having also second order contact at Pp with the curve u = const., and conversely. Whether these invariants are equal or not, there are two conics (distinct if the invariants are unequal) which Wilczynski has called the Darboux conics of Py, the first of which has second order contact with v = const, at Pz ^ The excluding from consideration of surfaces for which D^^^" = is not vital to this argument. 2 That there are surfaces for which the hypothesis of the converse is satis- fied is shown by the example : E(y) = a, F^y^ = 0, G^y^ = v?f{v), D^y^ = 0, D^y^ = 0, D^y^' = u, a being a constant, not zero, and f{v) an arbitrary function of v alon e, not iden- tically equal to zero. 24 New Basis foe Metric Theory of Congruences. and first order contact with u = const, at Pp; and the second has second order contact at P^ with u = const, and simple contact at Pz with V = const. We shall hereafter refer to these as the first and second Darboux conies of the point Py with respect to the given conjugate net on the surface Sy, Let us proceed to find the equation of the first Darboux conic of Py. Denoting by Pz the point near Pz, obtained by giving to u the increment 8u, we have by (4) and (5) (53) = z+B',(z-y)8u-h hL{iB2)u+B2]{z-y) Let (J, 77, f) be the coordinates, referred to (I), of Pz- Then from (53) and (14), (54) ^= vM-\- ••., where 1 ^G^y^ f _,, . ^,2 . B^B'^F T = o 2 Bi 1 BoH^y^ [mu+B'U^-^\, V = 2 V^(y) * If we impose upon the conic (55) aif + 2A1J77 + 61772 _^ 2g,^ + 2/177 + Ci = the condition that it be satisfied, up to and including terms of the second order in 8u, by (53) we find, upon expressing ^1, /i and Ci in terms of ai, hi and 61 that it reduces to (56) aif + 2^1^77 + 61772 - 2aiQ:{ " ( ^' + 2^iq: ^ 77 + aio" = 0. New Basis for Metric Theory of Congruences. 25 We shall now determine the ratios ai : h : 61 such that (56) has first order contact with the cuspidal edge at Pp. Denote by Pr the point near Pp obtained by giving to v the increment 8v. Then by (3), (5) and (9), R= p-[- Pv8v + ~^dv^+ ", ^^^) = p + ilf (p - y)bv + ^ { (if. + M^){p - y) where M = Bi- B, Let (Ji, ryi, ^1) be the coordinates, referred to (I), of Pr. Then it follows from (57) and (14) that fi = «i + iSi5i) + yi^v^ + • • •, (58) 'r]i = \i-{- ^ihv-\- vih^-\- •• •, fi= 0+..., where JP(y) ""'^b^Tg^' 1 7i = 2l Xi = (M, + M2) ■;^^-y=^+ M^lG^y^ I , b^4g^^ Ml b^4g^^' _MPM_ b.4W^' H(y) Pi = UM. + M') B2 J - {BiF^y^ - B2G^y^)v - H^'^ V^J = 0. This is the equation of the line PzPp, the ray of Py. In case F^^^ = 0, the equation of the first Darboux conic reduces to (61) BlE^y^e + 2 <¥^^G^\Bi)uiri + BlG^y^-q^ - 2BiE^y^ ^W^i - 2B2 ^E^G^y^T] + E^y^G^y^ = 0. . / B2^lG^^ Bi^Wy^ \ Its center is the pomt [b^b2+(B,).^ B^B.+ iBOuJ' ^^ {Bi)u = 0, that is, since i^^^^ = 0, if E^^^ is the product of a function of u alone by a function of v alone, the axes of the conic are paralled to the lines of the given congruence and of its first Laplacian trans- form which intersect at Py. Then aA - h\ = E^^^G^^^BlBl and the conic is an ellipse. By means of the Gauss and Codazzi equations it may be shown that there is no surface, aside from the trivial case of the plane, for which the first and second Darboux conies of every point with respect to the lines of curvature, are coincident circles. For, suppose they are both circles and that they coincide. The first of (60) implies the existence of a function (p{u, v) such that £'"> = L>Pu + fiu)J, G = [± ^. + g{v)J where f{u) and g{v) are arbitrary functions of u and v respectively. Now, by the second of (60) and the coincidence of the conies, [(^^1 _[{G^-\ _. But these last conditions, together with (52i) show that D^^W^y^" = 0. Suppose D^y^ = 0. Then by (522), since (V^), 9^ 0, it follows that D^y^" = 0. Similarly it may be shown by (523) that D^yy = implies D^y^ = 0. VITA. Levi S. Shively was born near Cerro Gordo, Illinois on October 10, 1884. His early education was received in the public schools of Cerro Gordo. After spending several years in Mt. Morris College he entered the University of Michigan in 1906, from which he graduated two years later with the degree Bachelor of Arts. During the years 1908 to 1915 he was Professor of Mathematics in Mt. Morris College. He entered The University of Chicago for graduate study in the summer of 1915 and during nine succeeding quarters was a student of Professors Moore, Dickson, Bliss, Wilczyn- ski, Lunn, Moulton, MacMillan and Birkhoff. He received the degree Master of Arts in the summer of 1916, the thesis for same having been written under the direction of Professor Moore. The present thesis, in candidacy for the degree Doctor of Philosophy was prepared under the direction and inspiration of Professor Wilczynski. 28 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. SEP 5. baa NOV 16 V J