ST^T T r 1 V JLL* >rf 7T ^"^ Y^ 1 T'V AISED UC-NRLF GIFT OF PUB USHER EDUCATION DEPT, WILLIAMS & ROUEftC SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING REVISED A COMPLETE COLLECTION OF DIFFICULT COMMON WORDS, WITH PRONUNCIATIONS AND DEFINITIONS COMPILED BY A. S. OSBORN AND J. E. KING NEW YORK .-. CINCINNATI .-. CHICAGO AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY COPYRIGHT 1885, 1899, AND 2 to accuse in legal form. rheu'ma tism, inflamma- tion of joints or muscles. spec! men, a sample. to bac'co, a plant and its dried leaves. tur'bine (-bin), a kind of water wheel. project, a scheme ; a plan. mis'sile (-sfl), a projectile. hom'i cide, the killing, or the killer, of a human being. sen ti men'tal, having an excess of sensibility. ras'cal, a scoundrel ; an unprincipled fellow. di vine x , pertaining to God ; sacred ; a clergyman. sylla ble, a word or part of a word uttered by a single effort of the voice. rag a muffin, a disreputa- ble fellow. SEVENTY LESSONS* IN SPELLING dill gnt, industrious. pla'gia rism (pla'ja-), pass- ing off another's writings as one's own. war'rior (warmer), a sol- dier. alms (amz), a gift or gifts for the poor. leech, a worm that sucks blood. me ri'no (-re'-), a fine- wooled sheep. ruffian, a boisterous, brutal fellow. loz'enge, a small cake of medicine or confectionery. clem'en cy, mildness to- wards offenders ; mercy. aatch'el, a small bag for clothing or papers. mis de mean'or, a crime less than felony ; misdeed. trillion (-yun), in the U. S. a million millions. ad age, a proverb a maxim. re trieve', to recover ; to repair. exn'pha sis, special effort of voice in speaking. right'eous (ri'chus), just; , honest ; upright ; free from sin. czar (zar), an absolute monarch ; title of the em- peror of Russia. ap pa ra'tus (-ra'tus), ma- chinery for a special pur- pose ; a collection of ap- pliances. vac'ci nate (v&k'sl-), to inoculate with cow pox, by means of virus. cau x cus, a preparatory meeting for political pur- poses. zeph'yr (zgf'er), the west wind ; any soft breeze ; a kind of yarn. di lem'ma, a perplexing state or alternative. syn'di cate, an association of capitalists to promote some business purpose. brief, short in time ; a short legal statement of the law relied upon in trying a cause. chap'el, a place of wor- ship. solo, a song or air for one voice or instrument. ex hil x a rate (egz-Il'-), to cheer; to enliven ; to stim- ulate. spig'ot, a plug to stop a hole in a cask or in a faucet. 6 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING des'ti ny, fate ; doom. person al, pertaining to a person. classic al, pertaining to ancient Greek and Roman literature, art etc. av'a lanche, body of snow or earth sliding down a mountain. vac'u urn, an empty space. prev'a lence, wide extent or superior strength. bus 'tie (hus"l), to shake to- gether; to jostle; to hurry. hei'nous (ha'nus), atro- cious ; very wicked. fas'ci nate, to charm; to captivate. LESSON IV. choc'o late, a paste made from the cacao nut ; a beverage. rec'om pense, to repay. cen sus, an official enumer- ation of the inhabitants. rep'u ta ble, estimable ; honorable. gran'deur, imposing dig- nity or magnificence. tri'fle, to talk or act idly ; a thing of little value. o'pi ate, a narcotic. ren'dez vous (-de-voo), to assemble at a given, place ; a place of assembling. buoy 'ant (bwoi'-), having power to float; hopeful. maj'es ty, grandeur ; sub- limity; a title of rulers. i tin'er ant, traveling about ; wandering. hur rah', shout of triumph or encouragement. ex ceed', to surpass ; to outdo. mete, to measure; a limit. ex ag'ger ate (egz-Sj'-), to overstate ; to heighten by representation. wheth x er v which of two; if. dis ap pear', to go out of sight. sleigh (sla), a vehicle for traveling on snow. chore, a small job of work. marl ner, a seaman. counter feit (-fit), to imi- tate; spurious. sin'ew, a tendon; strength; to knit together as with sinews. cen'sure (-shur), to criti- cise adversely ; blame. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING sure'ty, a bondsman ; bail. au'di tor, a hearer ; one authorized to audit ac- counts. o'a sis, a fertile spot in a desert. ex'em pla ry (Sgz'-), serv- ing for a model ; com- mendable. pell-meir, in utter confu- sion. en courtage (-kur'-), to em- bolden ; to cheer. quail fy, to furnish with ability. weth'er, a male sheep. tac'tics, the science and art of military and naval evolutions. ac'me, the highest point. waltz, a round dance ; also the music for it. a ghast' (-gast'j, struck with horror or amazement. strych'nine (strik'nin), a poisonous compound. tier (te"r), a row in a series. ju've nile (-nfl), pertaining or adapted to youth. ce'dar, an evergreen tree. Fah'ren heit (fa'ren-hit), a thermometer scale intro- duced by Dr. Fahrenheit. ar'se nal, a repository for military stores. (/pi urn, a narcotic drug. a void 7 , to shun ; to keep at a distance from. sten to'ri an, very loud. her'ring, a small sea fish. till, up to the time of ; until. un tir, till , as far as. siege (sej), a besieging. in flam ma'tion, a redness and swelling with heat and fever. prom'is so ry, containing a promise. LESSON V. sar sa pa ril'la, a tropical American plant. chalk (chak), a soft white limestone. serv'ant, one who labors for another. o'ral, spoken. de cipher > to make out the sense of ; to interpret. bron chi'tis (-ki r -), a dis- ease of the bronchial tubes. spec'u late, to consider ; to buy expecting gain. 8 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING derrick, a hoisting appa- ratus. spaniel (-yel), a kind of dog. ab'scess,a collection of pus. nois'y, boisterous ; loud. scallop (skol'-), a shell- fish ; a curved notch. ro sette' (-zef), an orna- ment resembling a rose. a droit', having or showing skill. di vid'ing, parting ; sepa- rating. shuttle, a weaver's instru- ment. ci'pher, the character ; secret written character. re en force'ment, increase of force. be guile 7 (-gil'), to mis- lead ; to delude ; to amuse. res'pite (-pit), to reprieve; temporary stay of execu- tion. dis cushion, debate ; dis- putation. sua'sion (swa'zhun), a per- suading ; persuasion. al le'vi ate, to make less burdensome. mag a zine' (-zen'), store- house for munitions of war ; periodical pamphlet. comely (kum'-), good- looking ; graceful. pencil, an instrument for drawing or writing. brooch (broch), a breast- pin. zo ol'o gy (zo-61'-), the science that treats of ani- mals. tu i'tion, teaching ; price of instruction. cri te'ri on, a standard by which to judge ; a test. il lu'sion (-zhun), mislead- ing appearance. refer ence, the act of re- ferring; allusion. rep'ri mand, to chide or rebuke ; reproof. en'mi ty, hostility; hatred. car x rot, a vegetable. gaz et teer', a dictionary of geographical names. dis sen'sion, angry dis- agreement. am mu nation, powder, balls, etc. por'ti co, a porch. pe cullar, unlike any- thing else of its kind. re pel', to drive back ; to repulse. lu'bri cate, to make smooth or slippery. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING dexter OUB, skillful; ex- pert. ep'* taph, inscription on a tomb. a bol'isht to do away with utterly; tc destroy. ot fen'sivt . displeasing. cafe chism (-kiz'm), in- struction by questions and answers. cyl'in der, a long round body of uniform diameter. seize, to clutch; to snatch. vin'e gar an acid iinuor LESSON VI. haunt ;nant), to visit per- sisteritly ; a resort. rai'ment, clothing. bel'fry a bell tower. chat'tel, any movable prop erty min'i mum, the least possi ble quantity. ess cite', to rouse : to stir up. im mor x tal, having unend- ing existence. ten'e ment> a house or rooms for one family. conscious (-shus), aware: sensible. pie eede' s to go before. teg'a cy, gift by will. gourd (gord), a plant and its fruit. priv'i lege (-lej), a peculiar favor or advantage. at tach'ment, adherence; affection;; a legal process. de cease', death. dis ease', malady, soremn (-6m), serious, differ ence variation, yon x der, at a distaace within view. ex'cel lence, unusually good qualities. rouge (roozh), a cosmetic. al lop'a thy, a system of medical practice. prompt, ready ; quick. bri x dle, the head harness o a horse; to restrain. im agl na ry, existing only in the imagination. dec'o rate, to adorn. feign (fan), to pretend. in ter lin e action > writing between written lines. cy 'clone, a vast whirlwind thrardom (thraT-), bond- age; servitude neigh'bor (na'ber), otna who lives near. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING cor'dial (kOr'jal), hearty- climb, to ascend by means of hands and feet. al'ways, forever. sur vey', to view ; to meas- ure, as land. cin'der, partially burned substance. in con ceiv'a ble, beyond understanding. un veil' (-val') to remove the veil from ; to disclose. fea'ture (fe'tur), a linea- ment of the face ; trait. mer'can tile (-til), commer- cial. hoax, to deceive ; a trick. cor nu co'pi a, the horn of plenty. re mu'ner ate, to recom- pense ; to pay. none (nun), not one ; not any. cap'i tal, scat of govern- ment ; large letter; money; pertaining to the head. cap'i tol, a statehouse. nec'es sa ry, requisite ; es- sential. oc'u lar, of or pertaining to the eye. don'key, an ass. bludg'eon (bluj'un), a short stick j a club. LESSON VII. tacit (taV-), implied, but not expressed. epe'cie (-shi). coin; hard money. In tes'tate, dying without having made a valid will. f o'li age, leaves of trees. as sign'ment, a transfer of title or interest. con cede', to yield; grant. rhyme, correspondence of sound; to accord in sound, rhythm, melodious flow of movement. boun'te ous, disposed to give freely; generous. sub merge', to put undei water. am'pu tate, to cut off. mem o ran'dum, a note to help the memory. in sep'a ra ble, that can- not be separated. pro te ge r (-ta-zha'), one specially cared for by an- other. ex tinct' t extinguished dead. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING 11 as sent', mental concur- rence. as cent', a rising. poplar, a kind of tree. glu'cose, a kind of sugar. ban'quet, a grand feast. dis coun'te nance, to look upon with disfavor. an tique' (-tek'), ancient; of old fashion. in cen'tive, that wh'ch is designed to incite to ac- tion. ter res'tri al, pertaining to the earth. ad he'sion, the act of stick- ing to anything. prog nos'ti cate, to fore- tell by indications. ce ment', to stick together; an adhesive substance. mar'shal, an officer; to arrange. mar'tial (-shal), warlike. dis tin'guish, to recognize by marks ; to tell apart ; to confer eminence. mir'ror, a looking-glass. challenge, to dare to con- test ; to object to. mu'tu al, acting from each to the other ; reciprocal. in'ti mate, to suggest indi- rectly ; to hint. ac knowl'edg ment, con- fession; avowal; recogni- tion. for'ti fy, to strengthen as with forts. and'i ron, a support for wood in a fireplace. re cede 7 , to move back ; to withdraw. per'se cute, to pursue so as to injure ; to harass. ap pair, to terrify. isth'mus (is'-), a neck of land uniting larger lands. dis be lief', a conviction that a statement is untrue. thumb (thum), a part of the hand. id'i ot, one destitute of in- telligence. trans f erred', removed can'dor, frankness ; .t/in cerity. hick'o ry, an American tree of the walnut family. ex cep'tion, that which is at variance with a rule ; an objection. las'so, rope with a running noose ; to catch with a rope. gauge (gaj), to measure, as barrels and casks ; a measure. 12 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING LESSON VIII. crim'son (-z'n), deep red color. to'tal, the whole sum ; full ; complete. in de ci'sion (-sizlrun), want of firmness ; irreso- lution. piv'ot, a pin on which a related part turns. trellis, a frame of lattice- work for vines. doc'u meiit, a manuscript conveying information. lan'guid, indisposed to ef- > fort ; spiritless. flis guise', to change the appearance of ; to mask. i'so late, to place by itself. BUS pense', state of being uncertain ; cessation. cru'et, a bottle for vinegar, oil, etc. spec'ta cle, a show ; an aid to the eyes. ver'bal, pertaining to words ; spoken. e lu'ci date, to explain. billion, in the U. S. a thousand million. la per, part of a coat. aTti tude, height, eleva- tion. il le'gal, not lawful. o'clock', time of day. can'vas, coarse clou. can'vass, to examine ; to discuss ; to solicit. par ticl pate, to have a share in. rec'og nize, to recall the identity of. lu'cra tive, profitable. pho nog'ra phy, shorthand writing. clam'or, loud outcries. ob'e lisk, a tall, slender pillar ; the mark f. a vidl ty, eager relish ; greediness. in form'al, not in the regu- lar form ; without cere- mony. ex pel', to drive out. function, an office ; duty j performance. mor'tise (-tis), a hole cut into a timber to receive a tenon. de posit, to place in a re- ceptacle ; that which is deposited. car'bun cle, an inflamma- tory tumor ; a precious stone. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING 13 san'guine (-gwin), confi- dent ; deep red. bowl, a dish; a large ball. worst'ed (wust/-), a kind of woolen yarn. in cred'i ble, impossible of belief. sar'casm, a scornfully ironical expression. al'der (al-'), a kind of tree. de forml ty, a misshapen condition. hoeing, loosening, scrap- ing, or cutting with a hoe. lynch, to put to death ille- gally for imputed crime. dai'ry, a place where milk is kept and made into butter or cheese. di'a ry, a daily record; a book for record. kan ga roo'. an Australian- quadruped. ca the'dral, the principal church of a diocese. ad ver tise^to make known by a public notice; to an- nounce through the press. kitch'en, a room for cook- ing. fa cil'i ty, easiness in per* forming; dexterity. LESSON IX. ver'dict, the decision of a jury; a judgment. im pet'u ous, excitable ; hasty; impulsive. i'vo ry, substance compos- ing the tusks of the ele- phant, walrus, etc. su per fi'cial (-fish'al), per- taining to the surface; shallow. cu'li na ry, pertaining to the kitchen or to cooking. cham pagne' (sham-pan'), a sparkling or effervescent wine. syn'the sis, a putting to- gether. bar'rack, a building for lodging soldiers. part'ner, a partaker or sharer. sol'ven cy f ability to pay all debts. a pos'tro phe, the mark ' indicating an omission. per'rne ate, to pervade. in tel lec'tu al, mental. gen e al x o gy (-!'-), rec- ord of individual or fam- ily descent. 14 SEVENTY ixESSONS IN SPELLING ver'ti cal, plumb. cleat, a strip of wood or metal for fastening or strengthening. min'ion (-yun), a servile favorite; a small printing type. con tu'sion, a bruise. for'mi da ble, tending to excite fear or apprehen- sion. tep'id, moderately warm. re luc'tance, unwilling- ness. ar rears', debts overdue. mu'ci lage, a sticky fluid. cho'ral (ko'-), pertaining to a choir. sac'ri lege (-lej), the pro- faning of anything sacred. eel, a snakelike fish. iiu pel', to drive or urge forward. di vis'i ble, capable of be- ing divided. ra vine' (-ven'), a deep, narrow gorge. cor'o ner, an officer who investigates the causes of other than natural deaths. mac ad'am ize, to pave with small broken stone. en core' (aN-kor'), call for a repetition. to geth'er, not apart. ges tic'u late, to make gestures. im pan'el, to enroll as jurors. rise, to ascend; to go up. Ion gev'i ty (-jeV-), length of life. an'ec dote, a short story. sed'en ta ry, requiring much sitting. com'merce, traffic or trade on a large scale. dis cre'tion (-kr&sh'un), prudence; liberty to act. un par'al leled, without an equal ; matchless. un prej'u diced, free from bias. max'i mum, greatest attain- able quantity or value. a cad'e my, a school. vit'ri ol, sulphate of a metal, dig 'it, a finger; one of the ten figures. sim plic'i ty, plainness; artlessness. ig nite', to kindle; to take fire. pre pos'ter ous, absurd. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING 15 LESSON X. de faultier, one who fails to account for funds in- trusted to him. brevl ty, conciseness. gallant ry, courageous or chivalrous bearing. clause, part of a sentence. des serf, pastry, etc., served at the end of a meal. des'ert, a dry and barren waste, im per'ti nent, impudent; irrelevant. af fill ate, to associate with ; to adopt. pal'a ta ble, agreeable to the taste. alread'y, previously. launch, to push into the water, as a ship; a large open boat. parlance, speech; talk. aq'ue duct, an artificial channel for water. brogue, dialect pronuncia- tion of English. stu'di ous, devoted to study. morsel, a bite; fragment. tur'nip, an edible root. re echo, to echo back. vein, a blood vessel; a min- eral seam or layer. cor'al, a kind of rock. su'mac (su'inak), a kind of tree. re du'pli cate, to repeat ; to multiply. a bill ty, power ; capacity. shoeing, the act of putting on shoes. in ac'cu rate, not correct. hy me ne'al, relating to marriage. famine, scarcity of food, bul'wark, a defensive wall ; to protect. mis'cre ant, a vile wretch. granite, a kind of rock. en gi neer', one who man- ages an engine or practices engineering. un daunt'ed, fearless, hy draulics, the science of the motion of liquids. corpse, a dead human body. galler y, an elevated floor with seats ; a balcony. co op'er ate (ko-6p'-), to act with others ; to work together. re plenlsh, to fill again. 16 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING heml sphere, a half sphere. dis cern' (diz-zern'), to per- ceive. wom'en (wim'-), plural of woman. su per sede', to set aside; supplant; displace. fee'ble, weak; infirm. con ta'gion, communica- tion of disease by contact. im pos'tor, one who de- ceives by false pretenses. form'al, regular; ceremo- nious. at'ti tude, posture; position. in sane', mentally de- ranged; crazy. archives (-klvz), public records, or the place where they are kept. dis miss', to send away. in'ter val, space between things; time between events. LESSON XI. -con tin'gent, possible, but not certain; dependent. ap pa ri'tion, an appear- ance; a specter. in differ ent, neitherpartic- ularly good nor bad; pass- able; feeling no interest. jskel'e ton, the bony frame- work of an animal body; an outline. res'i dence, an abode. trans gress', to break or violate (a law). bois'ter ous, violent; noisy. ne go'ti ate (-shi-), to treat for by conference; to bar- gain; to sell. op ti'cian, a maker or seller of optical instruments. tere graph, a device for transmitting messages; to announce by telegraph. es'say, an attempt; a short treatise. sanc'tum, a sacred spot; a private room. pro tract', to prolong. belle, a conspicuously at- tractive young woman. mer'ri ment, mirth; hilar- ity; frolic. hymn (him), religious song. au'ger, a tool for boring holes. ex ec'u tor, one who exe- cutes the will of another. sus pi'cion, a suspecting; distrust. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING IT in'tri cate, complicated. bom'bast, inflated or ex- travagant language. gen'er ous, giving or be- stowing heartily; liberal. ef face', to blot out; erase. cav'ern, a cave. dis'tance, length of space between two points. prefer ence, choice of one thing rather than an- other. con's o nant, in harmony with; an alphabetic sound. e nough', sufficient. for'ceps, surgical tongs or pincers. eighth, next in order after seventh. con ceal', to hide; secrete. fres'co, painting on plas- tered walls and ceilings. de ni/al, contrary asser- tion; refusal. a'the ism, disbelief in God. set tee', a long seat with a back. fau'cet, a spout fitted with a valve. bis'cuit (-kit), a kind of bread or cracker. in flu en'tial, having in- fluence; potent. ex cres'cence, an unnat- ural growth, as a wart. ceiling, overhead covering of a room. cellar, a room under a house. mis speir, to spell incor- rectly. -weird (werd), supernatu- ral; unearthly. or'ange, a tropical fruit. si mul ta'ne ous, happen- ing at the same time. lis'ten (lis"n), to hearken. plaid, checkered cloth. sci at'i ca (si-), neuralgia of the hip or thigh. prov'en der,foodfor cattle. prov i deii'tial, effected by the care of God for his creatures. LESSON XII. blur, a blot; to obscure. fli'er, one that flies. ga zette', a newspaper; to announce officially. fem'i nine (-nm), relating to woman; womanly. in e'bri ate, to make drunk; a drunkard. 18 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING de scend', to go down. fos'sil, petrified form of a plant or animal. e'qui nox, the time at which the sun crosses the equator. clum'sy, awkward ; un- gainly. c pis' tie, a written message. be queath' (-kweW), to leave by will. paid, discharged ; recom- pensed. vag'a bond, a vagrant. par 'eel, a small bundle; a portion. or'phan, a child who has lost one or both parents. ad journ' (-jura'), to put off to another time; to defer; to suspend business. gaunt, lean; wasted. lading (lad'-), loading; freight. hon'or (Sn'-), to regard with deference ; a nice sense of right; esteem. exhaust' (egz-), to drain wholly; to tire out. cav'al ry, troops that serve on horseback. thief, one guilty of stealing. bade (bSd), ordered; di- rected. vet'er i na ry, pertaining to treatment of diseases of animals. ra'di um, an element^which emits peculiar radiations. pre pos sess', to preoccu- py the mind; to impress favorably. ar'se nic, a mineral poison. en thu'si asm, ardent zeal; lively interest. quotient, the result ob* tained by division. malice, active ill will. re mit'tance, the sending of money or credit; the sum or thing remitted. ste're o type, a metallic cast used in printing; a fixed representation, e quiv'o cal, of doubtful meaning; ambiguous. soph'o more, a college student in his second year. as sid'u ous, devoted; un- remitting; diligent. dis cour'te ous (-kur'-), impolite; uncivil; rude. reck' on, to count ; com- pute; caleulate. sal'a ry, wages; pay. con va les'cent, recover- ing health. SEVESTY LESSONS IK SPELLING 19 so ci'e ty, union of persoos in some common interest; fellowship. fiend, an intensely malicious person; devil. cor'po ral, relating to the body; a military officer. ven'ti late, to cause a cir- culation of air; to expose to examination. trai'tor, one who betrays. fa ce'tious, merry; jocular. de fi'ance, a defying; a challenge. quin'sy (-zy), a throat dis- ease. in fin i tes'i mal, incon- ceivably small. cru'el, disposed to give pain; inhuman. em bez'zle, to appropriate fraudulently. LESSON XIII. gar'ri son, to man with troops ; troops stationed in a fort. in ter rupt', to interfere with; to break into. pre pon'der ance, supe- riority in weight, influ- ence, etc. cas'si mere, a thin twilled woolen cloth. pit'tance, a small charity gift ; a trifle. ba rom'e ter, an instru- ment for indicating atmos- pheric pressure. Bol'i tude, loneliness; se- clusion. ju ris dio'tion, lawful right to exercise authority; ex- tent of legal power. ad mo ni'tion, kind re- proof. dis burse', to spend or pay out. pe'dal, of or pertaining to a foot. fe ro'cious, savage; fierce. cart'age, the act of carrying in a cart; a charge for carting. mar'riage, the act or state of being married. ex cheq'uer (-cheVer), the treasury of a state. as so'ci ate, to bring to- gether; a companion; part- ner. triv'i al, of little impor- tance. al'most, nearly. 20 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING hoa'pi tali an institution for the care of the sick. fin an cier' (-ser'), a mana- ger of financial affairs. pit'i ful, calling forth pity. sec're ta ry, one who at- tends to another's corre- spondence. am bi'tion, an eager desire for fame or power. cas'ti gate, to punish by blows. li'cense, permission; excess of liberty. ore, metal in native form. pneu mafic (mi-), per- taining to, or containing, air. bev'er age, liquid for drinking. league (leg), an alliance; three miles; to unite. ter'race, a raised bank. char'la tan (shar'-), a pre- tender; a quack. li'bra ry, a collection of, or a place for, books. cur'ren cy, that which cir- culates as money ; circu- lation. ha rangue' (-rang'), a forci- ble speech; to address earnestly. op'tion, right or power of choosing. ex'ca vate, to hollow out. ac qui esce' (-kwI-eV), to manifest assent. com bus'ti ble, that may be burned. phys i ol'o gy, the science of organic functions. af'fa ble, courteous in in- tercourse. mon 'arch, a sole ruler; a sovereign. diph'thong (dif '-) , union of two vowels into one sound or syllable. os'cil late, to move back- ward and forward. else'where, in some other place. a'pex, the summit ; highest point. windlass, a machine for raising weights. squeak, to make a shrill noise. im/ple ment, an instru- ment, tool, or utensil. beam, a large timber ; a ray of light ; to fchine forth. o be'di ence, compliance with authority. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING 21 LESSON XIV. es'sence, that which con- stitutes the nature of a thing. acut'tle, to sink a ship by making holes in the bot- tom ; a coal hod. af fair', anything done or to be done ; concern. flim'sy (-zy), weak; light. cul'ti va tor, a husband- man; a kind of plow. sap'phire (sSf'lr), a pre- cious stone. cre'dence, belief based on other evidence than per- sonal knowledge. In'sti gate, to incite to do. ves'ti bule, an antecham- ber. bu'reau (-ro), a chest 01 drawers ; an office. hack'neyed, worn out ; commonplace. cha'os (ka'-), a condition of disorder or confusion. guard'i an, one who has the care of another. eu'lo gy, laudation of a person's life or character. aer e nade', evening music in compliment to some person. co a li'tion, a union. mov'a ble, that may be moved. in dis creet', injudicious. lin'e a ment, feature ; out- line. berth, sleeping place in a ship or car ; a situation. birth, a coming into life. sa ga'cious(-ga'shus), keen of penetration and judg- ment; shrewd. com mence'ment, begin- ning ; the celebration of the completion of a course of study. flex 7 ! ble, capable of being bent. an ni ver'sa ry, annual re- turn of the day on which an event occurred or is celebrated. epl lep sy, a chronic nerv- ous disease. cau'tious, careful; watch- ful. fab'u lous, not real; ficti- tious; incredible. dea'con, a church officer. quad 'rant, quarter of a circle. bux'om, plump ; vigorous. 22 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING pre'mi um, a reward ; per- centage above par. mi'cro scope, an instru- ment to aid the eye in ex- amining minute objects. pen in'su la, land almost surrounded by water. sou ve nir' (soo-ve-ner'), a reminding keepsake. ec'sta sy, overpowering joy- for bear'ance, patient tol- eration of offenses. trans mis'sion, a sending ; dispatching. di ver'sion, a turning aside ; amusement ; pas- time. in ex cus'a ble, not to be justified. in sol'vent, bankrupt. fi'nal, conclusive ; last. ethics, the science of hu- man duty. chlo'ro form, a liquid used as an anaesthetic. fierce, ferocious ; violent. bowl'der (bol'-), a large roundish stone. in evl ta ble, unavoidable. filial (-yal), of, or befitting, a child. cavl ty, a hollow opening. per se ver'ance (-ver'-), persistence in undertak- ings. LESSON XV. too, also ; in addition. two, twice one. to, in the direction of ; op- posite to from. ar'du ous, involving great effort. cynic, a morose person ; a snarler. bur'y, to cover out of sight. un con cern', freedom from anxiety. ca na'ry, a kind of wine ; a kind of bird. ea'sel, a folding frame, dis par'age, to speak of slightingly. pri va teer r , a private armed ship licensed to take prizes. res'o lute, determined ; fixed in purpose. de lir'i um, a wild wan- dering of the mind. ad min is tra'tor, one who administers the affairs ^i an intestate. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING 23 cy'press, a kind of tree. ex as'per ate, to enrage. sac ri le'gious (-le'jus), impious; profane. pique (pe"k), to irritate j irritation. ex cept', to leave out; to exclude. ac cept', to take when of- fered ; to promise to pay (a draft). shoul'der, a part of the body; to raise to the shoulder. pe ti'tion, request ; prayer. bullion, gold or silver in mass. an ni'hi late, to destroy utterly. neu'tral, taking no part on either side. niece (nes), daughter of a brother or sister e ad join', to join to; to be contiguous. or'a tor, an eloquent speaker. har'mo ny, agreement of musical sounds ; accord. af fi da'vit, a voluntary sworn written declaration. ten'ant, one who occupies the premises of another. fra'grant, sweet -smelling. toi'let, dress. im pos'si ble, that cannot be. es'ti mate, to form an opin- ion about value, size, etc.; approximate amount. or'na ment, an adornment; to adorn. corps (k5r), a body of troops. sieve (siv), a device for sifting. e con'o mize, to use fru- gally. car'tridge, a charge for a firearm. out ra'geous, grossly in- jurious; atrocious. ac crued', accumulated. cem'e ter y, a place for the burial of the dead. in ter cede', to mediate ; to interpose. di men'sion, any measur- able extent. ap'pe tite, craving or relish for anything. in fe'ri or, lower in quality or rank. tom'a hawk, an American Indian hatchet. ow'ing, being indebted ; im- putable. in'no cent, guiltless. 24 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING LESSON XVI. squeal, to cry shrilly. em'bry o, undeveloped ru- diment of an animal or plant. ge om'e try, a branch of mathematics. cul'prit, a guilty person. trough (trof), a long tray. flue, a passage for smoke. el'i gi ble (-JI-), legally qualified; desirable. ho me op'a thy, a school of medicine, v bot'a ny, the science of plants. par quet' (-ka'), the main floor of a theater. a ver'sion, dislike. vague (vag), indefinite. im mor'al, dissolute. tar'la tan, a fine muslin. nphere, a globe ; round of duty. cro'ny, an intimate com- panion. dis creet', prudent; wary. as sure', to make sure ; to assert to positively, CO los'sal, of immense size or extent. op po'nent, one who op- poses. Sab 'bath, a day of rest or repose. com'ic al, calculated to produce mirth ; funny. in debt'ed, having incurred a debt; owing. his 'to ry, a systematic ac- count of past events. myr'tle, an evergreen shrub. ab'sti nence, self-denial. ex'er cise, to put into ac- tion ; activity for physical benefit. il lus'trate, to explain by means of figures, exam- ples, etc. stag'nant, not moving ; im- pure because motionless. in'ter est, to secure the at- tention of ; compensation for the use of money. ging'ham, a cotton cloth. ex cus'a ble, pardonable. cru'ci fy, to kill by nailing to a cross ; to mortify. fie ti'tious (-tish'us), im- aginary ; not genuine. dis o bey', to neglect or refuse to obey. vi cin'i ty, adjacent terri- tory ; proximity- SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING 25 weap'on (wep'-), an imple- ment for offense or de- fense. sym'bol, emblem. twelfth, next after eleventh. lu'cid, mentally sound ; clear; reasonable. cam'bric (kam'-), a kind of linen or cotton cloth. tomb (toom), a place for the deposit of the dead. par'a graph, a distinct part of a printed or written discourse. au then'tic, true; certain; genuine. in es'ti ma ble, that cannot be estimated. c ar'ri on, dead and putre- fying flesh. (3 vap'o rate, to convert into vapor. rec'on cile, to restore to friendship ; to make agree. jui'cy (ju'-) abounding in juice. pal'pa ble, capable of be- ing felt; obvious. LESSON XVII. res'er voir (-vw6r), a re- ceptacle for liquid ^T gas. enun'ciate (-shi-), to utter; to announce. ad dress', to speak to ; to superscribe; a superscrip- tion; manners. pre em'i nent, superior; distinguished above others. dis pel', to drive away. in dom'i ta ble, uncon- querable. a mal'ga mate, to mix; to blend ; to unite. Jiand'ker chief (han'ker- chif), a cloth for wiping the face or nose. re mon'strate, to expos- tulate. gen'ius (jen'yus), high in- dependent intellectual power ; a person of superior faculties. cal'um ny, false and ma- licious accusation. o'ver alls, trousers worn over another pair. mor'phine (-fin), the nar- cotic principle of opium. con sol'i date, to make into a coherent mass ; to combine. de funct', deceased ; a dead person. 26 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING ba rouche' (-roosh'), a two- seated, four-wheeled, fall- ing top pleasure vehicle. con fi den'tial, trusted ; private. guar an tee' (gar-), or guar'an ty, a promise to answer for another's per- formance of a duty; to warrant. bankrupt, insolvent; to make insolvent. re veal', to disclose. big'a my, the crime of hav- ing two living husbands or wives. yield, to produce; the amount produced. as cer tain'., to find out with certainty. plan'et, a celestial body revolving around the sun. chaplain (-1m), clergyman for regiment, ship, etc. per'fi dy, treachery; viola- tion of faith. pro pi/tious (-pish'us), fa- vorable; kindly disposed. in ex haust'i ble, that can- not be exhausted. effect', to bring to pass; result; consequence. af feet', to influence; to change; to assume. par 'a dise, place of bliss; heaven. in an'i mate, destitute of life or spirit. Cath'o lie, universal; not partial; pertaining to the Church of Rome. ap pli'ance, thing applied; an instrument ; a means. morgue (m6rg), a place where bodies of persons found dead are exposed for identification. prai'rie (pra'ri), a large tract of grass land without trees. lunch'eon (-un), a light meal. pha'e ton (fa'-), a kind of pleasure vehicle. bro cade', a fabric woven with raised figures. ex com mu'ni cate, to ex- clude from communion. du'ra ble, able to last. in tro duc'to ry, serving as an introduction; pre- liminary. gim'let (gim'-), a small tool for boring holes. rar'e fy (ra>'-), to make less dense. in ju'ri ous, hurtful; per- nicious. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING 27 cym'bal (slm'-), a musical instrument. per cus'sion, a sharp col- lision causing a sound or report. ech'o, a reflected sound, sanc'ti fy, to make holy j to make sacred. felic'ity (-Us'-), bliss j happiness. LESSON XVIII. du'te ous, dutiful ; com- pliant ; obedient. oc ca'sion, an incident ; favorable opportunity ; to cause incidentally. bris'tle (bris's'l), coarse, stiff hair, as of swine. aus pi'cious (as-pish'us), presaging success ; favor- able. col'or (kul'er), hue; paint. durci mer, a stringed musical instrument. In her'it, to receive as an heir. sew'er (su'gr), covered con- duit for drainage. twitch, to jerk; a jerk. BX po si'tion, exhibition ; explanation. rep'tile (-til), a creeping animal, as a snake. am bas'sa dor, a repre- sentative of the highest rank to a foreign govern- ment, li'bel, a defamatory writ- ing; to defame by writing. gos'sip, idle or familiar talk; groundless rumor. loi'ter, to linger; to lag.. ac cu'mu late, to amass j to collect. mis in ter'pret, to inter- pret wrongly. trea'son, disloyalty to one's government. con demn' (-dgm/), to pro- nounce guilty or wrong. f raud'u lent, deceitful ; un- fair; trickish. medicinal (-dls'-), heal- ing; curative. ac cuse', to charge with wrongdoing. sub'urbs, outskirts of a city. continent, to make obser- vations or criticisms; a remark or criticism. bol'ster (bol'-), to prop up; to support ; a pillow- 28 SEVENTY LESSONS IK SPELLING pal'ate, roof of the mouth. du'pli cate, a counterpart; a reproduction. BO pra'no (-pra'-), the high- est female voice. bal'co ny, a railed or bal- ustraded platform. par'tridge, a game bird, cor rode', to eat away gradually, as with rust. ex traor'di na ry (-tr6r'-) , very unusual; wonderful. tin- de'vi a ting, straight- forward ; unvarying. in co her'ent (-her'-), loose; unconnected. dis'ci pline (-plm), to train to obedience; to punish; training. des'pi ca ble, contempti- ble ; vile. or'i fice (-fis), a small open- ing into a cavity. con sist'ent, accordant. as par'a gus (-pr'-), a garden vegetable. seam, a line of junction ; a thin mineral layer; a scar ; to join by sewing together. hes'i tate, to stop or pause; to falter. cham'pi on, to uphold; one holding first prize. serge, a kind of twilled woolen cloth. home'stead, home or seat of a family. kiln '-dry (kil'-), to dry in a kiln. dis sent', to differ in opin- ion. o pin'ion (-yun) , a conclu- sion not based on positive knowledge. in iq'ui tous (-Ik'wi-tus), wicked ; criminal. franc (frank), a French coin worth about 19.3 cents. can'cer, a malignant growth or tumor. LESSON XIX. dodge, to evade by starting suddenly aside; an artifice. a skew', awry ; oblique. i'vy, a climbing plant. li'lac, an ornamental shrub serv'ice a ble, that can be made of service ; dur- able. in ter sperse', to distrib- ute scatteringly. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING 29 dis trib'ute, to divide among several. con grat'u late, to wish joy to. grat'i fy to indulge ; to please. J/mos phere, the air sur- rounding the earth. cha grin' (sha-), humilia- tion; mortification. ream, 20 quires of paper. ig no min'i ous, disgrace- ful ; shameful. flan'nel, a woolen cloth. rat'i fy, to sanction. chan'nel, course of a stream ; a groove. in fu'ri ate, to enrage. ex cla ma'tion, abrupt outcry ; interjection. mi li'tia (mi-lish'a), citizens enrolled in a military or- ganization. av oir du pois' (-er-du- poiz'), a system of weights having 16 oz. to the Ib. u ten'sil, a thing serving a useful purpose. a'bly, in an able manner. pro fi'cien cy (-flsh'en-), adeptness ; skill. dis com mode', to put to trouble. in cor'po rate, to form into one body ; to unite into one mass. rough (ruf), not smooth. dev'as tate, to lay waste ; to ravage. sub scrip'tion, a subscrib- ing; sum subscribed; sig- nature. ap'er ture, an opening through or into. dis sem'ble, to conceal by pretending something dif- ferent. in fer'nal, diabolical. chro nom'e ter, a very exact timekeeper. pet'ti fog ger, an inferior lawyer. in fringe', to violate. sep'a rate, to place apart ; to disconnect. in i'ti a to ry (In-Ish'I-a-), introductory. pro spec'tus, an outline of a plan or scheme. in'ven to ry, a list of goods. change'a ble, subject to change ; variable. e nor'mous, extraordinary in size. pan o ra'ma (-ra/-), pic- tures representing a con- tinuous scene. 30 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING con jec'ture, to surmise j an opinion or guess. fac'ile (fSsOl), not difficult to do ; pliant, as'ter isk, a star * used in writing and printing. cres'cent, growing, as the moon in its first quarter. liar 'ass (bar'-), to vex ; to worry. per ceive', to see; to dis- cern. break'fast (brgk'-), th morning meal. dec'i mal (d&s'-), a frac- tion having some power of ten for denominator. a nat'o my, the science of the structure of organic bodies. LESSON XX. Chris tian'i ty the teachings and doctrine of Jesus Christ. nee'dle, an instrument to sew with. a'cre (a'ker), 160 square rods of land. sump'tu ou, showing lav- ish expenditure. pan a ce'a, a remedy for all diseases. xplic'it (-plls'-), plain; distinctly stated. doc'ile (dos'fl), easily man- aged ; teachable. bev'el, slant of a surface. num 'skull, a dunce. leg'end (lej'-), a narrative based on tradition mon'eys, sums of money, or any material estab- lished as a medium of ex- change. re bate', to make a dis- count from ; a reduction. il lifer ate, having no book learning. bass (bas), the lowest part in a musical composition. satin, a soft glossy silk. ab er ra'tion, a wandering away ; partial insanity. or'tho dox, correct in doc- trine. twee'zers, small pinchers. a bey'ance (-ba'-), a state of suspension or tempo- rary inaction. su perb', grand, elegant. plumb'er (plum'-), a work, er in lead, especially ii pipes for drainage. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING 31 po ta'to, a well-known edi- ble tuber. I ab'ject, base ; hopelessly low ; miserable. con ges'tioi>, an unnatural accumulation. mo men'tous, very im- portant. a bom'i na ble, detestable. med'al, a piece of metal bearing a device. med'dle, to interfere offi- ciously. con stel la'tion, a cluster or group of fixed stars. ab o rig'i nes (-rij'I-ne'z), the original inhabitants. flu'id, capable of flowing ; not solid. gen teel', well-bred ; re- fined. a bu'sive, insulting; harsh. com par'a tive (-pSr'-), estimated by comparison ; not positive. klep to ma'ni a, a morbid impulse to steal. ac cel'er ate, to quicken. hu'mor ous, whimsical ; amusing. e ques'tri an, relating to horses or horsemanship. ac cli'mate, to adapt to a new climate. ac cept'a ble, worthy of being accepted ; welcome. med'i cine, anything used in treatment of disease. neu ral'gi a, acute pain in the nerves. a chieve', to bring to pass ; to perform. lat'tice (-tis), a network of slats or rods. sul'phur, a yellow non- metallic mineral sub- stance. ac qui si'tion, an acquir- ing ; thing acquired. ac'id (a"s'id), sharp ; biting ; sour; a sour substance. crouch, to stoop low. pal'li ate, to extenuate ; to mitigate. clas'si fy, to arrange in a class or classes. LESSON XXI. mon'o gram, a character composed of letters inter- woven. ter'mi nate, to put an end to. ad ja'cent, adjoining. 32 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING fac'tious (-shus), turbu- lent ; active in promoting dissensions. gi'ant, a very large man. pho net'ic, representing sounds. pre lim'i na ry, introduc- tory. tes'ta merit, a will; a part of the Bible. sword (sord), a weapon. fluc'tu ate, to rise and fall like waves; to waver. a man u en'sis, one who writes what another dic- tates. plane, flat; a carpenter's tool ; to make smooth. extol' (-tol'), to laud. mil'li ner, a maker of wom- en's hats, bonnets, etc. pic tur esque' (pik-tur- eW), fitted to form a pleasing picture. i dol'a try, worship of idols. be night'ed, involved in physical, intellectual, or moral darkness. salve (sav), an ointment. a'er ate, to expose to the action of the air. e nu'mer ate, to count or name one by one. o'nyx (o'niks), a kind ot stone. spi'ral, winding, as a screw. af fa bill ty, ease and courtesy of manner. mag na nim'i ty, greatness of soul. car'cass, a dead body. lab'y rinth, involved and tortuous passages; a maze. a do' (-dcx/), unnecessary activity or ceremony. stim'u lus, that which ex- cites increased action. con tam'i nate, to defile by contact; to pollute. hor'ror, excessive fear ; ter- ror; dread. com pul'sioii, constraint; coercion. bliz'zard, a severe snow and wind storm. dan'druff, scurf on the head. rind (rind), skin that may be peeled off, as of flesh, fruit, or trees. tor'por, stupor; dullness. bul'le tin, news, orders, etc. , placarded conspicu- ously. ap pear'ance, external show; aspect; a coming into view. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING 33 cash'mere, a fine and soft woolen fabric. hearth (harth), the stone of a fireplace. lar'ce ny, theft. but'ter ine, imitation but- ter. pi'rate, a sea robber. ir reg'u lar, out of the usual form. de cap'i tate, to behead. can'cel, to strike out. cab'i net, a piece of furni- ture ; an advisory body. e man'ci pate, to set. free. cais'son (kas'son), frame for laying deep founda- tions. vi va'cious (-va'shus), full of life and spirits. in tel'li gi ble, capable of being understood. LESSON XXII. ca'pa ble, qualified; effi- cient. extinguish, to smother; to put out; to destroy. ac'ce&s, approach; admis- sion ; a coming to. chap'er on (shap'er-on), an attendant or protector. por 'poise (-pus), a whale- like animal. trow'el, a tool used by masons or gardeners. an'swer (-ser) , to reply ; to refute; a reply. au'tumn (-turn), the third season of the year. chem'is try (kern'-), the science of the composition and constitutional changes of substances. pul'pit (pul'-) , a desk to preach from. croup (kroop), a disease of the throat. sol'dier (-jer) t a person in military service. chiffonier' (shlf-), an article of furniture. com pli'ance, a yielding to a wish or proposal. in vei'gle (-v6'-), to lead astray by hoodwinking. let'tuce (-tis), a salad herb, chron'ic (kron'-), pro- longed; inveterate. rec're ate, to refresh after labor; to divert. moun'tain, very high hill, cir'cu lar, round; an an- Douncement. 34 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING graphic, describingvividly . pal'sy (pal'z^), paralysis. de void', not possessing ; destitute. clair voy'ant, one who dis- cerns objects not present to the senses. par e gorlc, tincture of opium. sanc'tion, to approve ; ap- probation ; support. weath'er (weW-),the state of the atmosphere. man u fac'turc, to make ; operation of making ; arti- cle made. cou'ple (kup"l), a pair. col lat'er al, indirect ; property hypothecated as security for debt. dense, close ; compact. tech'ni cal (tek'-), pertain- ing to some particular art, science, or trade. com mer'cial, pertaining to commerce. com'pro mise, to settle by mutual concessions. breeching (brich'-), a part of a harness. prodl gal, wasteful ; pro- fuse. am'e thy st, a violet quartz. fer'rule (fer'ril), metal ring on a cane, tool, etc. fer'ule (fer'il), flat stick for punishing children. a bridg'ment, a shorten- ing ; contraction. cup'board (kub'berd), a closet for dishes. pee'vish, fretful. sus cep'ti ble, capable of being changed or influ- enced easily. men'tal, of or pertaining to the mind. guilt (gilt), criminality. ab scond', to depart sud- denly and secretly. tour (toor), a journey ; an excursion ; to make a tour. va'ri a ble, changeable. hy poc'ri sy, feigning to be what one is not. vane, a weathercock. LESSON XXIII. pallid, pale ; wan. ca laml ty, a great fortune. le'ni ent, merciful. mo roc'co, a kind leather. of SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING 85 un der rate', to rate too low ; to undervalue. cleave, to cling to; to sun- der forcibly. be gin'ner, one who com- mences. ac cede', to agree; to assent. dis sim'i lar, unlike. pre sump'tu ous, unduly confident or bold. mi'nor, one under the legal age; less; smaller. alien (al'yen), foreign; one owing allegiance to an- other country. suite (swet), a train of attendants; a set of con- nected rooms. ag'ile (Sj'il), nimble. port'a ble, capable of being easily carried. re'gion (-jun), a portion of country ; a tract. tran'sient(-shent), passing; fleeting. val'iant (-yant), heroic; brave. ant arc'tic, relating to the south polar regions. prob'a ble, apparently true; likely. en hance', to make higher or greater in degree. a dept', possessing a high degree of skill. in sip'id, tasteless. coarse'ness, roughness] lack of delicacy. fir'kin, a wooden tub for butter, lard, etc. pres i den'tial, of or per- taining to a president. en'ter prise, an undertak- ing. po lyg'a my, the having of more than one wife or husband at the same time. a'gen cy, office or duties of an agent. fet'lock, projection behind and above a horse's hoof. rem'e dy, a medicine; to cure or heal. con'fis cate, to appropriate by authority. mag is te'ri al (m&j-), au- thoritative; official. in still', to inculcate gradu- ally. wit'ti cism, a witty remark. sen'ior (sen'yer), older than another. o'val, a closed egg-shaped curve. di vorce', legal dissolution of a marriage. mer'oi ful- compassionate. 86 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING quit'claim, a full release; a kind of deed for land. com'pli ment, an expres- sion of admiration. com mem'o rate, to sig- nalize the memory of. nom'i nate, to name or designate. et y mol'o gy, science of the derivation of words. con viv'i al, festive; social. de cep'tion, act of deceiv. ing or misleading. quar'rel, an angry dispute,, ra'zor, a tool for shaving. hub'bub, uproar ; excite- ment. ap'o plex y, unconscious- ness caused by hemor- rhage in the brain. LESSON XXIV. gam'bol, to skip and sport about. ba'sin, a small open dish ; a hollow place. stag'ger, to reel ; to totter. chron'i cle, a register of events in order of time. di rect'o ry, a book with names and addresses. det'ri ment, something that causes damage. de vice', a contrivance. de vise' (-viz'), to contrive; to bequeath. rec tan'gu lar, having one right angle or more. deign (dan), to condescend. a'pron, a part of the dress ; a cover. naph'tha (nif'tha), a color- less, volatile oil. or thog'ra phy, the science of letters and spelling. ven'ture, to risk; an under*, taking. hoist, to raise ; a device for lifting. ob'so lete, out of use. a nal'y sis, the resolution of a thing into its constit- uent parts. plague (plag), pestilence. cash ier' (-er'), a custodian of money. op'po site, in front of, fa- cing; antagonistic. gouge (gouj), a carpenter's tool ; to scoop out with a gouge ; to cheat. de bris' (da-bre'), accumu- lated fragments. pi'geon (pij'un), a bird. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING a bun'dance, a plentiful supply. rav'el, to take apart the threads of. ca tarrh' (-tar'), inflamma- tion of mucous membrane. sluice (slus), an artificial channel for water. for'tu nate, favored; lucky; successful. par'ti ci pie, a form of the verb. blond, light colored; a per- son of fair complexion. o rig'i nate, to bring into existence. croc'o dile, a large reptile. re ferred', directed, or sent away; assigned to; com- mitted for examination. ac cus'tom, to make famil- iar by use. tru'ant, shirking duty or attendance; an idler. in de fat'i ga ble, un- wearied; persevering. plac'id (plas'-), unruffled; calm; serene. crum'ple, to press into wrinkles. ir re press'i ble, that can- not be restrained. hu mil'i ate, to humble ; to mortify. re ceipt' (-set'), a written acknowledgment of some- thing received ; a recipe. bat tal'ion, a body of in- fantry. fal'chion(fal'chun), a short, curved sword. fur 'lough (-16), a leave of absence. so'cial (-shal), relating to society ; companionable. at tend'ance, the fact of being present ; presence. re spon'si ble, answerable; able to meet claims. am a teur' (-ter'), one who practices an art for the love of it. fas tid'i ous f hard to please; overnice. ed'u cate, to develop men- tal faculties; to instruct. LESSON XXV. un in tel'li gi ble, not to be understood. gi gan'tic, very large. ker'o sene, illuminating oil produced from petroleum. sel'dom, not often. 38 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING non'sonse, that which is without sense. ei'ther, one or the other of two. daily, happening every day. nov'ice (-is), a beginner. an'ti dote, anything that will counteract; correct- ive. sched'ule (sked'-), a list; an inventory ; a time table. an'ti qua ted, grown old,or out of fashion; obsolete. chro'mo (kro'-), a litho- graphed picture in colors. ac quaint'ance, knowl- edge resulting from asso- ciation. tin con'scious (-shus), not conscious. a cous'tic (-kous'tik), re- lating to hearing or sound. tra di'tion, oral account transmitted from age to age. grimace', a distortion of the face. mus'cu lar, relating to the muscles; powerful. dis suade' (-swad'), to ad- vise against. un prin'ci pled, destitute of conscientious scruples. bi en'ni al, occurring every two years. im mac'u late, spotless. pit'i a ble, deserving pity ; wretched. grieve (grev), to make sorrowful; to mourn. ir ra'tion al, contrary to or without reason; absurd. e rase', to rub out. ti'ny, very small. com mu'ni cate, to trans- mit; to impart. planned, designed. hon'ey sue kle, a climb- ing flowering shrub. con coct'ing, preparing; scheming. per sist'ence, persever- ance. bay'o net, a weapon at- tached to the muzzle of a musket. tel'e phone, an instrument for transmitting speech ; to* speak through a telephone. tee to'tal er, an abstainer from intoxicants. in ter cept', to stop on the way. sur'name, the family name. veg'e ta ble, pertaining to plants; an edible plant. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING 39 plau'si ble, apparently true and fair. ar ti fi'cial (-flsh'al), made by art ; not real. om nip'o tence, infinite power ex cru'ci a ting, causing or inflicting intense pain. nerv'ous, having deranged or weak nerves. can'non, a large gun. im por'tant, of great con- sequence. sys tern at'ic, orderly ; methodical. bar ba'ri an, an uncivilized man; cruel; savage. oys'ter, a salt-water bi- valve. can'on, a law; a rule. skein (skan), one or more knots of yarn or thread. LESSON XXVI. guin'ea (gfa'e), an English gold coin equal to about $5. yolk, the yellow part of an egg- af fright', to alarm. mag nif'i cent, grand; im- posing. con cen'trate, to draw to- gether or to a center. prim'i tive, first; earliest; old-fashioned. clu'el, combat between two. fcrit'tle, fragile; liable to break. math e mat'ics, the science of the relations between quantities or magnitudes. ad vice', counsel ; notice. ad vise' (-viz'), to counsel; to inform. le git'i mate, lawful; gen- uine. in i'tial(-ish'al),nrst;begin- ning; first letter of a word. op por tu'ni ty, a conven- ient time or occasion. boom'er ang, a curved wooden missile; a recoil- ing statement or proceed- ing. car'pen ter, a man who builds houses or ships of wood. here to fore', previously. ba na'na (-na'-), a tropical tree and its fruit. gai'ter, a covering for the ankle; a high shoe. or'chard, a collection of fruit trees. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING 6 ter'nal, everlasting. cease, to leave off. thee, you. be nev'o lence, love to mankind; charitableness. com'mis sa ry, an army subsistence officer. arter (al'-), to change. al'tar (al'ter), a place de- voted to prayer. hy e'na, a wild animal. bur'gla ry, crime of fe- loneously entering a build- ing. ca noe' (-noo'), a boat pro- pelled by paddles. a dieu' (-du'), a formal leave-taking; farewell. this'tle (this"l), a prickly plant. lad'der, a frame for climb- ing and descending. there, in that place. rel'ic, that which remains after loss; a memento. cas'u al ty (kazh'-), an accident; death. bush'el, a measure of ca* pacity ; four pecks. fu'ner al, rites over the dead. ev'i dence, testimony) ground of belief; to show. en com'pass, to encircle; to environ. kid'nap, to steal a person. ex press'ive, serving to ex- press; full of meaning. fur'ther, more distant; to advance; besides. brawn'y, muscular. fer'vor, intense feeling. com plex'ion (-plek'shun), color of the face; aspect. af'flu ence, a profuse sup- ply, especially of riches. hag'gard, worn and gaunt in appearance. fel'o ny, a high crime. me trop'o lis, a chief city. LESSON XXVII. car'ol (k&r'-), a song of joy. in ca'pa ble, incompetent. to ma'to (-ma/-), a plant and its fruit. bi og'ra phy, written ac- count of a person's life,etc. ven'er ate, to cherish rev- erently; to adore. a sy'lum, a place of refuge) retreat; shelter. tow'el, a cloth for wiping the hands and face. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING 41 as sault', attack. cir cu'i tous, roundabout. hyp'no tize, to induce a peculiar form of sleep. im par'tial (-shal), unbi- ased; just. prin'ci pal, highest in rank ; money at interest. prin'ci pie, a fundamental cause or truth. bus'y (biz'-), actively em- ployed; diligent. ap par'el, dress; clothing. coch'i neal (koch'-), insect used for making dye. a -wry' (a-ri'), distorted. com men'su rate, ade- quate; proportionate. dis syl'la ble, a word of two syllables. ex per'i ment, a trial. dirge, a song or tune ex- pressing grief. pos'i tive, certain; actual. pol'y syl la ble, a word of many syllables. ag'i tate (aj'-), to disturb; to shake ; to stir up. cat'er pil lar, a larva or grub. ap pro'pri ate, to set apart for a purpose; to take as one's own. al ; k a li, soda ash. sum/ma ry, giving the sub- stance of; an abridg- ment. rol'lick ing, frolicsome. airspice, fruit of a West Indian tree. lease, a contract for rent; to let ; to take a lease of. ir rev'er ent, lacking in respect to superiors. al le ga'tion, positive asser- tion or declaration. sta tis'tics, a collection of facts as to population, industries, etc. lynx, a catlike beast. al low'ance, that which is allowed; deduction. tongue, the organ of speech and of taste; a language. al though' (al-tho'), not- withstanding. viv'id, very bright; intense; clear. or'de al, a severe trial or test. ballot, a ball or ticket used in voting; to cast a ballot. jus'tice, right; fairness; a magistrate. ces sa'tion, discontinu- ance. a hi 'mi num, a light, mal- leable, ductile metal. 42 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING re cu'per ate, to recover. hu mane', merciful; com- passionate. fer'tile (-til), rich; produc- tive. sponge (spunj), a soft, por- ous substance. a maze'ment, feeling of surprise and wonder. wil'y (wll'-), artful; sly. LESSON XXVIII. va nil'la, a plant and tin; bean which it produces. cor po ra'tion, a society authorized to act as a single person. cra'iii um, skull. a'mi a ble, worthy of love; genial; gracious. po'lar, pertaining to the poles of a sphere. stal'wart, brave; bold; strong. liy'drant, discharge pipe for water main. dis hoii'or (-5n'6r), to bring reproach upon; disgrace. in dul'gent, prone to hu- mor; lenient. al'li ga tor, a large lizard- like reptile. e mer'gen cy, an unfore- seen occurrence; pressing necessity. fte (fat), a festival. am pere' (-par'), the unit of electric current strength. an sea thet'ic, that which produces insensibility. gos'sa mer, a filmy sub- stance like cobwebs; a waterproof garment. es quire', a title of dignity, office, or courtesy. bough, a branch of a tree. anx'ious (ank'shiis), great- ly concerned; distressed. in trep'id, fearless and bold, clean'ly (k!6n'-), in a clean manner; pure. fi'nite, limited. ap peal', an earnest re- quest for aid; to call on another for aid. in cip'i ent, beginning. scis'sors, a cutting instru- ment. par'al lei, extending side by side equidistant. a gree'a ble, pleasing; suit- able. im pru'dent, indiscreet, SEVENTY LESSONS IX SPELLING ap pend i ci'tis (-si'-), in- flammation of the vermi- form appendix. bes'sion, meeting of am or- ganized body. i jx teii'sive, of great ex- tent. jpi'e ty, reverence for God. ar'chi tect (-kl-), one who makes plans for build- ings. nn erring, making no mis- take; certain; exact. pur 'port, meaning; tend- ency. vi'cious (vlsh'us), addicted to vice ; corrupt. la'ti o (-shi-6), the relation of degree, number, etc. prom e nade' (-nad'), a walk for amusement or exercise. sus'te nance, food. as sist'ance, help; relief. as sem'blage, a collection of persons or things. pre'mi er, first in rank or position; prime minister. schol'ar, a pupil; a. stu- dent; a man of learn- ing. mill ta ry, of or pertaining to soldiers, or warfare. un right'eoHS (-ri'chus), wicked; sinful. a lac'ri ty, cheerful will- ingness and promptitude. fur'ni ture, equipment as household articles; tables, desks, etc. ghost (gOst), spirit; spec- ter; apparition. an ti sep'tic, opposing pu- trefaction. vi'tal, pertaining to rgan- ized life; essential. tro'phy (-fy), a token of victory ; a memento. LESSON XXIX. mis 'tie toe (mlz''l-), an evergreen parasitic plant. vin dic'tive, revengeful. a vail'a ble, capable of be- in^ used. bruise, to batter; to dent; a contusion. trag r e dy, a lofty or pa- thetic drama; a fatal and mournful event. an nounce', to proclaim formally. fir'ma ment, the expanse of heaven; sky. 44 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING aw'ful, dreadful ; frightful. *re course', resort for help in exigency. ex po'sure, the act of ex- posing; exposed state. con ae quen'tial, self-im- portant; resulting. el lipse', an oval figure. be hav'ior, conduct. te na'cious, holding fast; unyielding. cri'sis, a critical moment. -ge ol'o gy, science of the structure of the earth. dem'a gogue (-gog), anun- 'i principled leader. process (pros'-), a method of operation; a legal writ. aye (ai), assent; yes; (pron. %), always; forever. in xer ence, conclusion ; deduction. co ad ju'tor, an assistant. sau'sage, a preparation of chopped meat. ad van ta'geous (-jus), profitable; favorable. con tra diet', to deny; to oppose. fu'mi gate, to smoke; to ; disinfect. am'i ca ble, friendly. >rey (pra), to procure food by violence; plunder. pray, to supplicate. scrof'u la, a disease. u nan'i nious, sharing the same views; without dis- sent. lil'y, a plant and its flower. lei'sure (le'zhur), time free from employment. pam'phlet, a small un- bound book. en'vi ous, cherishing envy. a las', an exclamation of sorrow or regret. scent, an odor; to perfume] to smell. shac'kles, fetters. ac cord'iiig ly, conform- ably. pen'e trate, to force into] to discern. re cess', an alcove; an in- termission. pos sess', to have as owner| to own. coun'te nance, the facej to approve ; to abet. de mean'or, bearing; de- portment; behavior. guess, to judge of at ran- dom, or on slight grounds. dis re spect'ful, discourte- ous. dollar, the monetary unit of the United States. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING lab'o ra to ry, a chemist's workroom. an'o dyne, medicine which relieves pain. pa rade', pompous dis- play. frag'ile (fr&j'u), brittle; frail. LESSON XXX. pe nu'ri ous, miserly, i a e'ri al, pertaining to the air. : ver ba'tim, word for word. ur 'chin, a roguish boy. ap prov'al, approbation. preface, a brief prelimi- nary explanation. en dur'ance (-dur'-), abil- ity to bear; patience. pneu mo'ni a (nu-), inflam- mation of the lungs. he red'i ta ry, holding or deriving by inheritance. i'ron, a metal. fools'cap, a particular size of writing paper. con trol' (-trol'), to gov- ern; to restrain ; authority. riffraff, rabble; rubbish. pan'el, a rectangular piece of wood set in a frame; a list of jurors. jan'i tor, a caretaker of a building; a porter. so lic'it or, an attorney; a canvasser. bal'ance, to make equal; to weigh; to adjust; a weigh- ing apparatus. ghastly (gast'-), death- like; haggard; hideous. a ro'ma, a spicy or other agreeable odor. rav'en ous, voracious. black'guard (blag'gard), a low abusive fellow. heifer (hef-), a young cow. mack'er el, a sea fish. ca dav'er ous, ghastly. ad here', to stick fast; to cling. fic'kle, changeable; incon- stant. rad'i cal, relating to the root; extreme. ax'le (&ks"l), a shaft on or with which wheels turn. ob'sta cle, a hindrance. su prem'a cy, the state of being supreme. sig'na ture, one's name written by oneself. 46 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING an tic'i pate, to foresee; to forestall. def'i nite, determined with precision; exact. treach'er y (trech'-), per- fidy; violation of faith. co logne' (-Ion'), a per- fumed liquid. sand'wich, two slices of bread with meat between. cor'pu lent, fat; obese. syin'pa thy, fellow-feeling; compassion. de fen'sive, serving to de- fend. rig'ging, entire cordage system of a ship. i o'ta, a small part; a jot. caus'tic, a substance that burns animal tissues; sar- castic. u til'i ty, usefulness. ab'sence, state of being not present. debt'or, one who owes. a tro'cious, wicked; shock- ing. met'al, gold, silver, iron, lead, etc. flea, a pestiferous insect. in suf fi'cient, not suffi- cient; inadequate. cous'in (kuz"n), a child of an uncle or aunt. LESSON XXXI. phy si'cian, one who prac- tices medicine. dyeing, coloring cloth, etc. junc'ture, a joining; a point of time when con- ditions meet. ca pri'cious (-prish'us), fickle; whimsical. pro fess'or, a high-grade college teacher; one who avows, as of a religious faith. floa'sa ry, a vocabulary of peculiar words. val'en tine, a love letter o\ token sent on St. Valen tine's day. car'i ca ture, a ridiculous likeness; to burlesque. fig'ur a tive, not literal] representing by a figure. fu'gi tive, fleeing, or hav- ing fled, as from justice. pal'ette (-et), thin wood tablet for artists' colors. an'i ma ted, endowed with animal life; vivacious. guileless, innocent; artless. SEVENTY LESSONS Ltf SPELLING 47 ! though (tho), and yet; still; however. biv'ouac (biv'w&k), to en- camp temporarily. asth'ma, a disease ol the organs of respiration. I dis solve', to change from a solid to a liquid form. I oc'cu py , to hold possession of; to employ. ir'ri ta ble, ill-tempered. ihal'ibut (hoi'-), a kind of fish. me lo'di ous, musical. cur'tain (-tin), a drapery; a screen. BU per scribe', to inscribe with a name or address, ad'ver sa ry, an opponent, cir'cuit (-kit), a circular space ; regular journeying. sten'cil, a thin sheet ^yith letters, etc., cut out for marking through. ca'ret, a sign, /\ , indicating an omissioD. car 'at (kar'-), one twenty- fourth part (fineness of gold). mam 'moth, an extinct species of elephant; very large. cu'po la, a dome. lu'di crous, laughable. sau'cy, insolent; impudent;; sprightly; pert. mo'tor, a machine that im- parts motion. mon'o syl la ble, a word of nly one syllable. al'co hoi, a colorless, vola- tile, inflammable liquid. plan'tain, a perennial weed; a tropical fruit. dem'on strate, to prove fully ; to point out. i de'a, a mental image, im- pression, or opinion. rec ol lect', to recall to mind. fa mil'iar, free; having inti- mate knowledge of; a close companion. draw ee', one on whom a draft is drawn. pre sump'tion, strong probability ; overconfi- dence ; arrogant conduct. ap pren'tice, one who serves another to learn a trade. char'i ty, kindly feeling to others; benevolence. stam pede', to rush off in a panic, as cattle ; a sudden flight through panic. lon'gi tude, distance east or west from a meridian. 48 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING cough (kaf), to expel air from the lungs noisily. de ter'mine, to decide; to settle; to resolve. a'li as, an assumed name. quar'ry (quor'-), an excava- tion from which stone is taken; game. LESSON XXXII. promise, a declaration binding him who makes it. im pa'tient, restless, as for change or relief. re li'ance, confident trust. o bey', to do as told. e clipse', to darken, as one heavenly body another; to surpass. in ces'sant, unceasing. tel/e gram, a message by telegraph. in grat'i tude, insensibil- ity to kindness or favors. chintz, a kind of cloth. meer'schaum, a white clay used for making to- bacco pipes. cal/o mel, a preparation of mercury used as medicine. re cruit', to repair with fresh supplies; to recuper- ate. for bid'ding, repulsive. court-mar'tial, court of military or naval officers. mo las'ses, sugar sirup. gra'vy, juice of roasting meat. ve loci ty (-los'-), quick- ness of motion; swiftness. de mor'al ize, to corrupt in morals, discipline, cour- age, etc. ju'bi lee, time of great joy. cir'cus, a hippodrome. sal e ra'tus, cooking soda. el'e phant, the largest ex- isting quadruped. ten'sion, a stretching or straining; elastic force. de'pot (-po), a storehouse. quar'an tine, to isolate so as to prevent contagion; such isolation. per spire', to sweat. bag'gage, trunks, etc. spu'ri ous, not genuine. car toon', a drawing; a sketch. tam'a rack, an American tree ; the larch. em balm', to saturate with antiseptic drugs. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SHELLING 49 ne ces'si ty, that which is indispensable; need. busi'ness (biz'nes), occu- pation; trade. wills 'tie, a shrill musical sound; an instrument for making such a sound. bea'con, a signal fire. gos'pel, glad tidings; the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. sen'tence, to condemn to punishment; doom; a group of words making complete sense. naugh'ty, perverse. sub'ju gate, to subdue. sub or'di nate inferior in rank. clink'er, a cinder; slag. com pel', to drive by force; to constrain. ir re triev'a ble (-trev'-), that cannot be repaired. fu'el, wood, coal, oil, etc., for fire. rogue (rog), a dishonest person; a knave. man'u script, a book or paper written by hand. bait, a lure; to feed; to tease. del'e gate, a representative; to commit authority. tran scend', to rise above in degree; to surpass. ad mis'si ble, proper to be admitted; allowable. LESSON XXXIII. pa thet'ic, arousing tender emotions, as sadness. ne go'ti a ble, transferable by assignment, indorse- ment, or delivery, as a negotiable note. chow'der, a stew made of fish, vegetables, etc. ben e facial (-flsh'al), con- ferring benefits; helpful. de spair', loss of hope; to be without hope. tropic al, pertaining to the tropics; very hot. lu'na tic, an insane person. pe tro'le urn, an inflamma- ble mineral oil. chan de lier' (sh&n-de- ler'), a frame for lights. knap'sack (n&p'-), a sol- dier's luggage bag. tal'ent, mental ability ; an ancient weight and denomination of money. 50 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING in el'e gant, not elegant. in sin'u ate, to introduce gently ; to hint. cro chef (-sha'),to net with a small hook. sub mis'sion, obedience; yielding. cab'bage, a garden plant. jaun'dice (jan'dis), a dis- ease. e las tic'i ty (-tis'-), spring- iness. pes'ti lence, a fatal infec- tious malady. therefore, for this or that reason. browse (brouz), to feed upon twigs, grass, etc. pin'na cle, turret; summit. charge'a ble, capable of being charged. o'dor, scent; fragrance. fag'ot, a bundle of sticks. pres'tige (-tij), influence coming from success, char- acter, or deeds. feud, vindictive strife. tete-a-tete' (tat-a-taf), face to face; a chat; a sofa. char'ter, an authoritative document conferring cer- tain privileges. des per a'do, a man of desperate character. chaise (shaz), a one-horse two-wheeled carriage. ri dic'u lous, absurd; droll. a'gue (-gu), a disease. neg'a tive, to reject; im- plying denial. crease, the mark of a wrinkle or fold. plea, entreaty; defense. hi er o glyph'ic, a symbolic character or writing. in de struc'ti ble, that cannot be destroyed. ar rive', to reach a desti- nation. plu'ral, denoting more than one. aes thet'ic, pertaining to the beautiful. pre ci'sion, exactness. con'sum mate, to bring to completion. re cite', to relate; tell over. em'i grate, to remove from one country to another. im'mi grate, to come into a country to reside. mu'ti late, to maim; to render imperfect. bar 'gain (-gSn), a contract; a favorable purchase. dom'i noes, a game. col li'sion, a coming to- gether violently, SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING 51 LESSON XXXIV. veil (val), a thin cloth for covering the face. Ir re proach'a ble, above reproach or criticism. ir re sist'i ble, that cannot be successfully resisted. ex ten'u ate, to lessen; to mitigate. sal'ad, a kind of food. pros'e cute, to follow or pursue; to sue. au'th,or, a creator; one who composes a book. char'ac ter (kaV-), a mark or letter; distinctive qual- ity; a person; reputation. pul'sate, to beat; to throb. def'i cit, deficiency; lack. par ti'tion, a dividing wall; that which divides. bach'e lor, a man who has not been married; one who has taken first de- gree in arts. beefsteak, a slice of beef to broil or fry. seine (san), a large fishing net. dy'na mite, an explosive compound. un change'a ble, that can- not change or be changed. lau'rel, an evergreen shrub. loathe, to abhor. in gen'ious (-J6n'-), skill- ful in originating. in gen'u ous (-j&n'-), art- less > frank. eq'ui page (6k' wl-), an equipment; carriage, horses, etc. pom'ace (pum'-), substance of fruit after juice has been expressed. pum'ice, porous substance ejected from volcanoes. fuch'si a (fu'shl-a), a plant and its flower. aub'sti tute, to put in the place of another. tol'er ate, to endure or passively permit. co nun'drum, a sort of riddle. jaunt (jant), to ramble; a short journey. chem'ic al (kSm'-), per- taining to chemistry. par'a ble, a short descrip- tive allegory. di'a mond, a precious stone; a geometric figure. bor'ough (bur'o), an incor- porated town. 52 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING pa'tient (-shent), persever- ing; uncomplaining. in cur 'a ble (-kur'-), that cannot be cured. en'er gy, inherent force; vigor. con vey'ance, a transfer; a carriage. lyre, a kind of harp. li'ar, one who is untruth- ful. in'fi nite (-nit), limitless. neg'li gent, careless; cus- tomarily neglectful. u ni ver'si ty, an institu- tion for teaching all branches of learning. es pous'al, marriage. al lay', to abate; to soothe. di ag no'sis, determining disease by symptoms. pen'ance, suffering im- posed as expression of sorrow for sin, or faults. ap pease', to pacify. as'sets, property applicable to owner's debts. pen'sion, a periodical al- lowance for past services. a non'y nious (-nSn'i- mus), without the au- thor's real name. e qua'tor, an imaginary circle around the earth midway between the poles. LESSON XXXV. nos'tril, one of the two channels through the nose. an tip'a thy, instinctive antagonism or dislike. prec'e dent, an instance serving as a guide ; custom. pre ced'ent (-sed'-), for- mer; preceding. co'pi ous, ample; plenteous. pal'pi tate, to pulsate quickly. bil'ious (-yus), pertaining to bile. gos/ling, a young goose. de mur', to offer objections. tariff (tar'-), table of duties on imports or exports. tan'gi ble, perceptible by touch. re im burse', to pay back; to indemnify. a nal'o gy, similarity with- out identity. trans par'ent (-par'-), that can be distinctly seen through. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING suffrage, the right to vote; a vote. an'arch y (-ark-), want of government; social con- fusion. con crete', to form into a mass. con'crete, a compound of gravel or broken rock and cement; not abstract. in con sist'ent, discord- ant; contradictory. com mis'sion, to appoint; ihe act of doing; an ap- pointed body; an allow- ance to an agent. va'ry, to change partially; to disagree. i'cy, frigid ; pertaining to ice. a byss', a bottomless gulf. non pa reil' (-rel'), having no equal; a size of type. coun'cil, assembly of per- sons for consultation. coun'sel, consultation; ad- vice; to give advice to. sin'gu lar, standing by it- self; peculiar. e nig'ma, an obscure say- ing; a riddle. per cent'age, rate or al- lowance per hundred. cur'rent, circulating or cir- culated; moving. cur'rant, a small fruit. pop'u lar, pertaining to the people; pleasing to people in general. mea'sles (me'z'lz), a dis- ease. pres'ents, gifts; writings. pres'ence, state of being present ; nearness ; per- sonal appearance. pres'ent, not absent; being in view. pre sent', to introduce; to make a gift of. ly'ing, telling a falsehood; reclining. mam ma', mother. mis'chief (-chlf), damage] harm. mis'chie vous (-che"-vus), making mischief. syn on'y mous, expressing the same thing. lux u'ri ant, exuberant hi growth; profusely abun- dant. pro nun ci a'tion, act or manner of pronouncing words; utterance. cour'te ous (kur'te-us), po- lite; affable. di'a logue (-log), conver- sation between two or more persons. 54 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING drug'gist, a dealer in drugs. ben'zine (-zin or -zen'), a product of petroleum. pas'sen ger, a person who travels, especially by some public conveyance. in vet'er ate, habitual. LESSON XXXVI. helve, handle of an ax. o be'di ent, willing to obey; compliant. mis'er a ble, wretched. re li'gion (-lij'un), a system of faith and worship. good-by', farewell. cis'tern, a tank; reservoir. tem'po ral, pertaining to worldly affairs. im me'di ate ly, without delay. re spect'ful ly, with re- spect; courteously. re spec'tive ly, as singly or severally considered. re spect'a bly, in a man- ner worthy of respect. de fi'cient (-fish'ent), lack- ing; insufficient. tab'er na cle, a portable shelter; place of worship. pur'chase, to buy. gro tesque' (-teW), fan- tastic; uncouth. pre'cious (pre'sh'us), of great price or worth- in def i nite, without fixed boundaries; vague. cal'dron (kal'-), a large kettle or boiler. ceFe brate, to praise; to honor; to commemorate. muffle, to wrap so as te disguise. doz'en (duz"n), twelve. sew (so), to join with needle and thread. cheat, to defraud; to de- ceive; a fraud. nei'ther, not the one nor the other. ca boose', a hands' car at- tached to a freight train. im mense', very large. stile, steps over a wall. style, choice at wordgj manner. sat is fac'to ri ly, in a pleasing manner. ve'he mence, excessive im- petuosity; violence. pe rus'al, the act of reading attentively. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELUNG 55 the o ret'ic al, speculative, as distinguished from practical. straight, not crooked; di- rect. crys'tal, a regular solid mineral body; clear. cap 'tain (-tin), a com- mander. rec'ti fy, to correct] to re- fine by distilling. con fec'tion er y, sweet- meats; candies. em broid'er, to ornament with needlework. su'i cide, self-destruction; a self-murderer. con du'cive, tending to promote. bal'sana (bal'-), a medicinal preparation; a gum. col'lo qny, dialogue; con- ference. cam'e ra, an apparatus used in photography. hap'pi ly, joyously; fortu- nately. sac'ra ment, a solemn re- ligious rite. bob'bin, a slender spool to hold weft or thread. ce leb'ri ty, renown; a famous person. gallon, a measure of four quarts. dys pep'si a, difficulty of digestion. in tim'i date, to frighten. LESSON XXXVII. me'di um, of middle place or degree; instrumentality. cal'i co, a cotton cloth. phar'ma cy, the art of compounding medicines; a drug store. in de pend'ent, free. thor'ough (thur'6), leaving nothing undone; search- ing; complete. be seech', to implore; to supplicate. ju di'cious (-dlsh'us), pru- dent; discreet; wise. ap prox'i mate, to carry or come near. stat'ute, a legislative enact- ment; a law. hi la'ri ous (-la'rl-us), bois- terously merry. fa nat'ic, one moved by intemperate zeal. va'ri e ga ted, having di- verse colors. 56 SEVENTY LESSONS IX SPELLING defer ence, respectful N submission to another's judgment. re fus'al, a refusing; an option. par'af fin (p&r'-), a waxy substance obtained from tar, petroleum, etc. su per in tend/ent, one who superintends; an overseer; a director. cer tif'i cate, a documen- tary attestation of facts. un scru'pu lous, not hesi- tating from motives of conscience; unprincipled, ges'ture, a motion express- ive of sentiment. duc'at, a European coin. tes'ti mo ny, affirmation of a fact; evidence. pa ral'y sis, loss of mus- cular power; palsy. ca price 7 (-pres'), a sudden change of mood, opinion, etc. rum'mage, to search by overturning things; to ransack. in ter fere', to clash; to in- termeddle; to interpose. bal'lad, a short popular narrative poem. rab'bit, a small animal, rab'bet, groove on the edge of a board. ab surd', unreasonable; nonsensical. fleece, the wool of one sheep; to swindle. dis in her'it, 10 cut off from hereditary rights. ere ma'tion, a burning, es- pecially the burning of the dead. sup'ple ment, to supply what is lacking; matter so supplied. pu'ri f y , to make pure ; to cleanse. bur lesque' (-iSsk'), a lu- dicrous representation. cus'tom er, a regular buyer. sur'cin gle, a girth for binding so a saddle. or'ches tra (-kes-), a band of musicians. im plic'it (-plis'-), implied; unquestioning. pal/ace, a royal residence. guest (gest), one entertained by another. guessed, judged of at ran- dom or on slight grounds; conjectured. ba'con, salted and dried flesh of the hog. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING 57 i vault, to leap over; an arched roof or ceiling; place of burial. tres'tle (tr6s"l), an open braced framework for bridge, etc. flip'pant, trifling; shallow and impertinent ; talka- tive. mor'al, pertaining to man's higher duties; virtuous. leop'ard (ISp'-), a ferocious animal of the cat kind. ni'tro gen, a gas forming, with oxygen, the common air. Zouave (zwav), a soldier wearing the Arab dress. LESSON XXXVIII. iu vis'i ble, that cannot be seen. [phase, a particular aspect. 1 me'ter, a measure of length; j an instrument for measur- ing quantity; rhythm. jshriv'el, to shrink or con- tract. hostile (-til), antagonistic. Slin'en, cloth made of flax. pro sale, like prose; un- imaginative ; common- place. com'mo dore, an officer next below rear admiral. re'g-al, kingly; royal. eas'y, not difficult; free from pain or care. waive, to relinquish. ed'i fice (-fis), a building. pro mis'cu ous, brought together without order. de scend'ant, offspring. in ter'pret, to explain the meaning of. mas quer ade' (-ker-), a party of disguised per- sons; a sham. buz'zard, a large bird. con ven'ient (-ven'yent), handy; fit; commodious. screech, to shriek. ag'gran dize, to make great or greater. ce're als, edible grains. flor'id, having a bright color, especially red. hy'a cinth, a flowering bulb. dy'ing, expiring. pyr'a mid, a solid tapering to a point from a base bounded by straight lines. ex or'bi tant, excessive. 58 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING ac'cu ra cy, exactness; correctness. ec'ze ma, a disease of the skin, min'strel, a bard; a singer and harper. hal le lu'iah (-ya), song of praise to God. dan'de li on, plant with yellow flower. gla'zier (-zher), one whose business is to set glass. ae cede', to withdraw from union or fellowship. co quette' (-kef), to trifle, especially in love; a flirt. sta'tion er y, pens, ink, paper, etc. sta'tion a ry, not moving; stable; fixed; not improv- ing or getting worse. ap pen'dix, something added ; supplement at the end of a book. pan'to mime, entertain- ment given in dumb show. brand'-new', quite new. post'al, pertaining to the mails. al'a bas ter, a fine-grained gypsum. deuce, the two-spot of cards or dice. re cur'rence, a happening again or repeatedly. pla card', to post a notice; a printed announcement posted up. con sen'sus, accord. gallows, a framework used in executing criminals. sem'i cir cle, a half circle. jean (jan), a kind of twilled cotton cloth. pro cras'ti nate, to put off from day to day. in dis pen'sa ble, abso- lutely necessary. LESSON xxxix. mor'tar, vessel in which drugs, etc., are crushed; sand, water, and lime mixed; a short cannon. del'i cate, fine, dainty; nicely adjusted; frail. blun'der, a gross mistake. habitual tem'per ance, moderation. au'di ble, capable of being heard. cir'cum stance, an attend- ant thing; a fact. be troth', engage to marry. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING 59 . por'ce lain (-lin), a trans- lucent kind of pottery. : tax'i der my, the art of preserving and mounting the skins of animals. I com mo'di ous, conven- ient; suitable. isub'tile (-til), refined; acute; crafty. ag gres'sor, the one who first attacks. phe nom'e non, anything observable ; an unusual occurrence. lev'i ty, lack of mental gravity; frivolity. blos'som, a flower. vi o lin', a musical Instru- ment. dec 'a logue (-log), the ten commandments. i den'tic al, absolutely the same. mat'tress, a stuffed tick used for a bed. co in cide', to agree; to concur; to correspond. de te'ri o rate, to grow or to make worse. pi'ous, religious; devout. mag 'is trate (maj'-), a public civil officer. be nef i cent, generous ; good. site, situation; position. im peach', to call in ques- tion; to accuse. dispense', to deal out; to distribute; to forego. pet'ulant, fretful; irri- table. con cus'sion, shock; agita- tion. per suade', to induce; to plead with successfully. es pe'cial (-pesh'al), pecul- iarly worthy of note. grey 'hound, a tall, slender, swift dog. pow'wow, an Indian medi- cine man; a noisy meet- ing. in sur rec'tion, organized resistance to authority. rite, a solemn ceremony. per'ma nent, enduring. de lib'er ate, to consider carefully; to ponder. mur'mur, to utter in a low tone; to grumble. bar'rel, a cylindrical vessel; a sort of cask. su per sti'tion, absurd credulity regarding the supernatural. re lieve', to free from; to alleviate. ter'ri to ry, a region. 60 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING con sti tu'tion, organic law, or frame, of body, mind, or government. ac com'plice (-plis), an as- sociate in wrongdoing. car'riage, a wheeled passen- ger vehicle; demeanor. dumb (dum), speechless. tri en'ni al, happenin every third year, or con tinuing three years. com'rade (-r&l), a com- panion; a mate. liz'ard, a reptile. de mol'ish, to destroy tearing down; to ruin. LESSON XL. nourish (nur'-), to main- tain; to feed; to cherish. ere den'tial, a certificate of authority. al li/ance, a league; union by agreement. fi del'i ty, faithfulness. con fes'sion, act of con- fessing; acknowledgment. el'e gy, a funeral song. pre dom'i nate, to have superior power or author- ity. hor i zon'tal, parallel to the horizon; level. re hearse' (-hers'), to re- peat; to recite. haugh'ty, proud and dis- dainful; arrogant. ca pa'cious, capable of holding much; roomy. hom'age, respect exhibited by action; deference. rar'i ty (rar'-), thinness; inf requency ; something valued for its scarcity. ep i dem'ic, widely spread, as a contagious disease. postscript, something added to a letter after it is signed. bias pheme', to speak im- piously. tra peze', a kind of swing used in gymnastics. e quiv'a lent, equal in value. crevice (-is), a crack. phre nol'o gy, a science which claims to determine mental character by the form of the skull. ap plaud', to express ap- proval with sounds. gut'tur al, a letter pro- nounced in t5he throat. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING 61 wright, an artificer, as a millwright; a workman. boy'cott, a combine to pre- vent dealings with a per- son. sac'ri fice (-fiz), an offer- ing to deity; something yielded for another. whoa, stop; stand. Be vere', harsh ; strict; hard. chas'tise ment (-tlz-), in- fliction of punishment. spe'cial ty (speWal-), a special object of attention. flourish (flur'-), to prosper; to brandish. forfeit (-fit), loss byway of penalty. cen'tral, of or pertaining to the center. noxious (nok'shus), hurt- ful; destructive. cy'cle, a recurring period; a bicycle or tricycle. pre dic'a ment, a trying position. las'si tude, languor. Bur'face, the exterior. dis sat is fac'tion, discon- tent; displeasure. criml nal, one guilty of crime; relating to crime. al lege' (-18J'), to assert to be true; to declare. fore bode', to foretell; to presage. lat'i tude, distance north or south of the equator; range or scope. com'et, a nebulous heaven- ly body with a luminous tail. pa la'tial, like or befitting a palace. im pu'ni ty, exemption from penalty. ob noxious, offensive; re- pugnant. er'rand, a short trip to carry or do something; a message. edl ble, eatable. trib'une, an ancient Roman magistrate. de moc'ra cy, government by the people. LESSON XLI. I precl pice (preVI-pis), a high, steep cliff. I peer, an equal ; a nobleman. de li'cious (-llsh'us), high- ly pleasing to the senses. fab'ric, texture; cloth. 62 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING gnaw (ria), to bite or wear away with the teeth. rout, a rabble; defeat. route (root), a course or way traveled. pro pel', to drive or urge forward. prep a ra'tion, a preparing or fitting. mas'sa ere (-ker), butch- ery ; to butcher. ballast, heavy matter to keep a ship steady. pa poose', an Indian babe or young child. con tempt'i ble, mean; despicable ; vile. re prieve' (-preV), delay of punishment. suf'fo cate, to stifle; to choke, as with gas or smoke. in im'i ta ble, that cannot be imitated. Pres by te'ri an, a mem- ber of the Presbyterian church. in el'i gi ble, legally or otherwise disqualified. traf'fick ing, bargaining; dealing; trading. cov'et ous (kuv'-), inordi- nately desirous. as cend', to move upward. in'va lid, one enfeebled by illness. in valid, having no force or weight. pre scrip'tion, a directing; a medical recipe. a me'na ble, liable to be called to account, reg'i ment, a body of troops. for'eign (-in), of another country; not to the point. in ter mit'tent, ceasing at intervals. profit a ble, producing or resulting in profit. il lus'tri ous, celebrated j distinguished. ped'i gree, one's line of ancestors. ver'i fy, to prove true. pu'er ile, childish; weak, av'e nue, a wide street. jeop'ard y (jep'-), hazard; danger. cer'tain (ser'tin), sure; un- deniable. ste're o scope, an optical instrument. pul'mo na ry, of, or affect- ing, the lungs. neph'ew, son of a brother or a sister. ac ces'so ry, aiding. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING 63 Hia fran'chise, to deprive of the privileges of a citi- zen. au to mo'bile (-bn), self- propelling; a self-propel- ling vehicle. a'er o naut, a balloonist. pul'ver ize, to reduce to powder by beating, etc. pre cep'tor, a teacher. e'go tism, self-conceit. pit'e ous, exciting pity or sorrow. mes'sen ger, bearer of a message. re lapse', to return to a former condition. an'nals, a record by years. LESSON XLII. li to strip off bark or skin. peal, a loud, prolonged, sonorous sound. pic'nic, an outdoor pleas- ure party. an'gu lar, having angles. fru'gal, exercising econ- omy; saving. bi'as, prejudice; diagonal. pu sil lan'i mous. mean- spirited; cowardly. scen'er y, a landscape view; theatrical scenes. lem on ade', a drink of lemon juice with water and sugar. in dus'tri ous, diligent. rap'tur ous, joyous; ec- static. scaffold, a temporary platform or staging. frigid (fnj'-), cold. al to geth'er, wholly. prac'ti ca ble, feasible doc 'trine, a tenet of a body ; a particular belief. im'pi ous, wanting in ven- eration for God. rec og ni'tion, the act of recognizing. u'ni form, not varying; like, as in dress. poi'son, a substance that destroys life or health ; to administer poison. cir cum'fer ence, bound- ary line of a circle or sphere. re mem'brance, a remem- bering; a memorial. val'id, capable of being proved; sound. pierce, to penetrate. 64 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING gnash (n&sh), to strike or grind the teeth together. in stan ta'ne ous, acting or occurring instantly. re pulse 7 , to repel. no'ta ry, an officer who has authority to protest paper and take acknowledg- ments. par'a sol, a small umbrella. sub stan'tial (-shal), solid; of real worth. ma'jor, greater; a military officer. e lim'i nate, to cause to disappear; to set aside; to excrete. tai'lor, a maker of men's clothes. stand'ard, a test; an up- right support; a banner. ad'mi ral, a naval officer of higuest rank. Te splen'dent, vividly bright; shining. en'vi a ble, of a nature to excite envy. breathe, to respire. salm'on (sam'un), a fish. hu man'i ty, mankind col- lectively; benevolence. nav'i gate, to go in a ship; to manage a ship. res'tau rant (-to-), an eat- ing house. hogs'head, a very large cask. wretch, a base person. re turn', to come back. pillar, a column; a post. e lab'o rate, studied; care- fully wrought out. re verse', to turn back; op- posite side ; misfortune. ga rage' (-razh'), a build- ing where automobiles are kept. mys'ter y, something un- known or incomprehensi- ble. LESSON XLIIL O bit'u a ry, relating to a person's death. in ef fi'cient, not compe- tent; remiss. os ten'si ble, professed ; seeming. de stroy', to ruin. con dense', to bring into a smaller and denser state. me rid'i an, noonday ; an im- aginary circle around the earth through the poles. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING 65 lull'a by, a cradle song. con nois seur' (k5n-nis- sur'), a critical judge of art. au da'cious (-da'-), bold; venturesome. eq'ui ta ble, just. con sci en'tious (-shi-e'n'- shus), governed by con- science; faithful; upright. in teg'ri ty, honesty; prob- ity. ma'ni ac, one violently in- sane. ad mit'tance, access. con stit'u en cy, a follow- ing; a clientele. ad ver'tise ment, notice through the press. strength, the quality of being strong; power. wheel'bar row, a one- wheeled hand vehicle. sen 'ate, a legislative body. con vert'i ble, capable of being changed. il lu'mi nate, to supply with light. rem'nant, what is leit. deg ra da'tion, loss of rank or value; abasement. bru'tal, inhuman; cruel. glim'mer, to shine faintly; an unsteady gleam of light. ere (ar), sooner than; be- fore. niche (nich), a recess in a wall for a statue ; a nook. co part'ner, a partner in business; a sharer. in con'stant, changeable. del'i ca cy, fineness; dain- tiness. cred'u lous, believing on slight evidence. tinc'ture, a solution; a tinge. eye 'let, a small hole, usu- ally for lacing, etc. un'du late, to move as waves. con serv'a to ry, a room or a house for plants; au art school. leg'is la ture, a lawmaking body. de sir'ous, experiencing a wish or craving. jamb (ja"rn), side of a door- way, window, or fireplace. de light'ful, affording de- light; charming. freight (frat), goods com- posing a load; price paid for transportation. qua drille' (-dril'), a square dance. u'su ry, illegal interest. 66 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING ex pul'sion, an expelling or being expelled. lig'a ment, a connecting tie; a bond. de lin'e ate, to draw in outline. il log'ic al, contrary to sound reasoning. meth'od, a regular order; a way; a system, shriek, to cry shrilly; a shrill outcry. knack (nSk), dexterity. di am'e ter, the distance through the center from side to side. LESSON XLIV. pyr o tech'nics, art of making fireworks. dis as'trous, calamitous. dy'na mo, an electrical machine. mul'ti pie, manifold; an exact dividend. suf fice' (-fiz'), to be suffi- cient; to satisfy. for'ci ble, vigorous; ener- getic. per'jure, to swear falsely; to forswear. dis si pa'tion, the act of scattering; excessive vi- cious indulgence. quo'rum, number of mem- bers sufficient to act. par a pher na'li a, trap- pings or ornaments. pa trol' (-troP), a guard; to go around or over, as a sentinel. au'di ence, an assembly of hearers; a hearing. rhet'o ric,theart of oratory, and of prose composition. in stall', to place in office; to establish. cour a'geous (-jus), brave; resolute. glyc'er in fells'-), a sweet, oily liquid from fat. on'ion, an edible bulb. ec cle si as'tic al, of or pertaining to the church. fa tigue' (-teg'), weariness; to tire. ap'pli cant, one who ap- plies; a petitioner. poul'tice (pol'tis), a molli- fying application for seres, boils, etc. gas'o line (-ITn or -len), a volatile product of petro- leum. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING 67 eaves, edge of a roof bri gade', a body of troops. per pet'u al, unceasing. eight! eth, next in order after seventy -ninth. athlete, one trained in acts of physical exercise. in trin'sic, inherent; real; true. be lieve', to credit; to re- ceive by faith. con geal', to freeze; thicken, e lee tri'cian (-trlsh'an), one versed in electricity. knead (ne*d), to mix and work into a mass. in'fi del, lacking the true faith; an unbeliever. a rith me ti'cian, one who is skilled in arithmetic. B lec'tro type, a metallic copy of any surface, usu- ally copper-faced. dom'i cile(-sil), a residence. ri'val, a competitor; an an- tagonist* competing. forehead (for'gd), the up- per part of the face. Frot'es tant, a member of a Protestant church. fashion, the prevailing mode; to shape. ad 'a mant, a very hard stone; impenetrable. pro vi'sion, something pro- vided; food. al le'giance (-jans), the ob- ligation of fidelity; loyalty. re source', means of sup- ply; money; device. pos'si ble, able to happen] practicable. fifteenth, fifth in order after tenth. gram 'mar, the science of language. in'cense, a mixture of gums, spices, etc.; to per- fume with incense. e lev'en, ten and one. for'ti eth, tenth in order after thirtieth. LESSON XLV. bar'ri er, something that bars out, or obstructs. nau'se a (-she-a), sickness of the stomach; loathing. health'y, having health. in con ven'ient, not suit able; not convenient. marie a ble, capable of be- ing drawn out by ham mering or pressure. 68 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING ac cess'i ble, capable of being reached, or entered. to bog'gan, a kind of sled. zeal'ous (zel'-), incited by zeal; enthusiastic. ly ce'um, a literary asso- ciation; a lecture room. hur'ri cane, a violent gale. cede, to yield or give up; to pass title to. ig'no ranee, lack of knowl- po lice', to guard with po- licemen; civil officers. pi az'za, a veranda; a porch. gor'geous (-jus), very showy; magnificent. wallet, pocketbook. gra tu'i tous, given volun- tarily; without cause. gra'tis (gra'-), for nothing. con'gress, a meeting; the United States legislature. im'i tate, to pattern after. par'lia ment (-1I-), a legis- lative body, especially the ' British. por'trait, a likeness of a person. im ma te'ri al, unimpor- tant; spiritual. ac count'ant, one skilled in bookkeeping. slight, of small impor- tance; an intentional dis- courtesy. dig'ni ty, noble bearing; impress! veness; high rank. con cise', brief, yet com- prehensive. va ri'e ty, the absence of sameness; difference. preach, to discourse pub- licly on religious topics. os'trich, a large bird. man'tel, the shelf above a fireplace. can'ni bal, a human being who eats human flesh. im mov'a ble, that cannot be moved ; fast. dis sect', to cut or take apart for examining. brig'and, a robber. im per cep'ti ble, undis- cernible ; insensible. mon'o tone, a single un- varied tone or sound. con'se crate, to set apart as sacred. re frig'er a tor, an icebox; that which cools. psalm (sarn), a sacred song. im pe'ri al ism, a policy of territorial extension. gov'ern or, one who gov- erns or controls. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING 69 di ur'nal, happening daily. re sem'blance, likeness. dox ol'o gy, a short hymn of praise to God. pleu'ri sy, inflammation of the pleura. in ad'e quate, insufficient. in ac cess'i ble, not to be reached. stitch, a feature of sewing. crit'i cise, to examine crit- ically; to judge severely. LESSON XLVI. aor'rel, an herb; a yellow- ish brown color. ir'ri gate, to water artifi- cially, as lands. in ci den'tal ly, casually. ex on'er ate, to relieve from blame. *o ra'cious, greedy in eat- ing; ravenous. al pac'a, a kind of sheep; a kind of cloth. stir'rup, the foot holder of a saddle. heir, one who inherits. in dig'nant, incensed. cu'ri ous, eager to know; strange; novel. in dul'gence, a humoring; favor granted. ir rep'a ra ble, that can- not be repaired. foun'tain, a spring or jet of water; source. in justice, want of justice; violation of rights. slay, to kill. pol'i cy, prudence in af- fairs; a course of action; a contract of insurance. in clem'ent, not mild; rig- orous, as climate. phlegm (flem), mucus of the air passages. chasm (k&z'm), a deep, yawning hollow or rent. in'no cence, the state of being innocent. vig'or, physical force] strength, or energy. di plo'ma, a certificate con- ferring some honor or privilege. con ces'sion, a grant; a granting or yielding. ter'ri ble, dreadful; for- midable; frightful. phy sique' (fi-zek'), a per- son's physical structure. venge'aiice (vgnj'ans), re- tributive punishment. 70 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING haz'ard, risk; peril. vas'e line, a yellowish product of petroleum. col'iimn (-um), a vertical supporting shaft; a verti- cal series, as of figures. mo not'o nous, uttered in one key; wearisome. in sur'ance (-shur'-), guar- anteed indemnity for loss or injury. plen'te ous, abundant. vo cab'u la ry, an alpha- . betical list of words. ab'so lute, free from limi- tation or dependence; per- emptory. ver'i ly, in truth. e'rum, the watery part of blood, milk, etc. re'al ize, to perceive as a reality; to gain; to get. sin cere', real; true; gen- uine. par'ox yarn, a violent fit. te'di ous, tiresome. dis as'ter, an unfortunate event; calamity. ho'sier y (-zher-), stock- ings, etc. il lib'er al, stingy; mean. ar'gu merit, a reason of- fered; a plea. brag'gart, a boaster. av a ri'cious (-rish'us), greedy of gain. im mer'sion, an imm< ing; state of being deeply engaged. coffin, a burial case. de co 'rum, propriety of conduct, speech, etc. pla ceau' (-to'), an elevated plain. s LESSON XL VII. fal'li ble, liable to error. hy'brid, produced from a mixture of two species. phan'tom, an apparition; a ghost. a cute', having fine discern- ment ; intense. in ter vene', to separate by coming bet ween . nup'tials, marriage. home'ly, plain; not hand- some. bap tize', to administer baptism. an tag'o nist, an oppo- nent; an enemy. ex'qui site (-zit), fine; dainty; refined. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING 71 phrase, a concise expres- sion. hy dro pho'bi a, canine madness. main tain', to sustain; to keep up. thrash, to separate grain from straw; to drub. atlas, a volume of maps. in tol'er ant, bigoted. pen'du lum, a body sus- pended so that it can swing to and fro. ob'li ga to ry, binding in law or conscience. ex pe'di ent, serving to promote a desired end. ex ist'ence, being; life. lar'ynx, upper part of the \vindpipe. mien (men), look; bearing. an'thor ize, to empower. ger'mi nate, to sprout. knob (nob), a round pro- tuberance; around handle. scoun'drel, a rascal. main'te nance, the act of maintaining. ab sorp'tion, an absorbing or being absorbed. era vat', a neckcloth. u surp' f-zurp'), to seize and hold illegally. jog'gle, to shake slightly. ec lec'tic, selecting from various systems; choosing. lus'cious, delicious. con ceit'ed, having un- warranted self-esteem. in can des'cent, white or glowing with heat. cel'er y, a salad herb. be reave', to deprive, es- pecially by death. mor'ti fy, to humiliate; to putrefy. ste nog'ra phy, short- hand. que'ry, to question; to doubt; to inquire about. cal'cu late, to compute; to plan. min'i a ture, a portrayal of anything on a small scale. mo nop'o ly, an exclusive right. ad'e quate, equal to what is required. scheme, apian; a project. ap'pli ca ble, capable of being applied; suitable. cus'tom a ry, usual. rai'sin, a dried grape. hu'mor ist, a facetious per- son. su per 'flu ous, more than is required. T2 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING LESSON XL VIII. te'ri ous, unex- plained; obscure. e qui noc'tial (-shal), re- lating to the equinoxes. plain'tiff, one who brings a lawsuit. con cern', to pertain to; to disturb; an affair. con sign'or, one who con- signs anything. mer'chan disc ( - d I z ) , goods; wares. ma lig'nant, tending to cause death; threatening. haul, to drag ; a pull. ab hor'rence, extreme de- testation. for'ay, a raid. gnat (na"t), a small fly. an'te lope, a kind of deer. el o cu'tion, art of public speaking. com pete', to strive after the same thing as another. ar raign' (-ran'), to call to account, as a prisoner. pred e ces'sor, one who precedes. dif'fi dent, timid; self-dis- trustful. coun'ter pane, a coverlet. cin'na mon, a spicy bark. ma la'ri a, noxious exhala- tions; a disease. Bap'tist, a member of tht Baptist church. lig'num-vi'tae, a tree and its wood. ab bre'vi ate, to shorten; to curtail. strafe gy, the science of military operations. chauf feur' (sh6-f5r'), the driver of an automobile. pho tog'ra phy, the proc- ess of producing pictures from nature by light on chemically prepared sur- 1 faces. ep'och, a time from which succeeding years are counted. lose, to suffer loss. loose, unbound; slack; to release. ig no ra'mus (-ra'-), an ignorant person. jour'nal, a diary; a news- paper. wea'sel (wg'z'l), a small, very alert animal. cor re spond'ence, com- munication by letters| similarity. SEVENl-tf LESSONS IK SPELLING 73 ma hog'a ny, a tropical wood. o ver seer', one who over- sees; a superintendent. a'que ous, pertaining to water. cou'pon (koo'-), an inter- est ticket on a bond. ra'di us, a semidiameter of a circle or sphere. per i to ni'tis, a disease. tor'toise (-tis), a kind of turtle. chief, principal; leader. horse'-rad ish, a plant and its root. mor'tal, subject to death] destructive to life. clique (klek), a faction; a small exclusive set. dai'sy, a plant and flower. ra'tion al (r&sh'-), endowed with reason; reasonable. ec cen'tric, peculiar; not in the center. al'ter nate (51'-). to hap- pen or to act by turns. al ter'nate (&)-), being or succeeding by turns; a substitute. pe cun'ia ry, relating to money. LESSON XLIX. gra'cious, full of grace, kindness, or love. pleas'ant (plez'-), pleasing. crunch, to crush between the teeth noisily. rec'ti tude, uprightness. tre men'dous (-dus) , awe- inspiring; dreadful. hor'ti cul ture, the science of cultivating gardens. bay'ou (bl'6o), a sluggish arm of a river or lake. ad di'tion, a branch of arithmetic; anything added. giraffe' (jt-r&f), a long- necked animal. de gen'er ate, to become worse or inferior; to de- teriorate. pre ceding, going before, as in time, place, or rank. beau, a fop; a lover. req'ui site (reVw!-zIt), necessary; essential. cha rade' (sha-), a kind of enigma. e lee tric'i ty, a subtilfc force or power. pro pri'e tor, an owner. 74 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING dough/nut, a cake cooked in lard. am'bu lance, a carriage for the sick or wounded. \ nick'el, a whitish metal. cit'i zen, one who owes allegiance to a govern- ment. en am 7 el, an external coat- ing for ornamentation. ci'der, apple juice. mul ti plic'i ty (-pits'-), a state of being many; a multitude. ex pe di'tion, a journey for a definite purpose; promptness; haste. ob liv'i ous, abstracted; lost in thought. ar'bi tra ry, capricious; despotic; tyrannical. lan'guage, speech. des'ti tute, entirely lack- ing; *very poor. burl al (ber'ri-al) , a bury- ing; a funeral. rem i nis'cence, that which is recalled to mind. con cil'i ate, to placate; to mollify. frol'ic, a prank; to play mirthful pranks. lien (len) , a legal claim. ve ran 'da, an open portico or gallery. buf fa lo, a kind of animal. a pd'o gy, a defense; an excuse. glimpse, a sight for an in- stant. mus'cle (mus"l), an organ composed of contractile fibers. dis perse', to scatter. av'er age, a mean or me- dium; to find the mean. be siege' (-sej'), to beset or harass; to hem in. sol'id, not a fluid; firm. ap pur'te nance, that! which belongs to, or is a part of. ought, to be bound by duty. du'bi ous, doubtful, swath (swath), a row or line of mowed grass. ap pre'ci ate, to see the full value or import of. ' is 'let (i'let), a little island. dis o be'di ence, neglecl or refusal to obey. tor'ture, agony ; to pain ex tremely. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING 75 LESSON L. pier, a support ; a wharf. ca rouse', to engage in a boisterous revel. pol'i tics, science of gov- ernment; party intrigues. ta bleau' (-bl5')> a living picture. com plete', perfect; fin- ished; to finish. el'o quence, art of speak- ing effectively; oratory. pa ro'chi al (-ki-), pertain- ing to a parish. por'ous, having pores. fun da men'tal, primary; essential. a poth'e ca ry, a druggist. hand'some, agreeable to the eye; comely. ex tern po ra'ne ous, off- hand; done without prep- aration. rus'tle (rus"l), a low rat- tle, as of dried leaves. chis'el, a wood-worker's tool. peace'a ble, inclined to peace; serene. con'tra ry, the opposite; opposing. lic'o rice (-rls), a plant hav- ing a sweet, juicy root. bam boo'zle, to hoodwink, no to'ri ous, well-known, especially unfavorably. dam/ask, a fabric having raised patterns. ob'vi ate, to remove, as a difficulty. collar, an article of ap- parel. mer'ce na ry, greedy; sor- did. de ceive', to mislead. con nu'bi al, pertaining to- rn arri age. nui'sance (nu'-), something troublesome or annoying. gut'ta-per'cha, hardened juice of an evergreen tree* con sec'n tive, successive. cy'a nide, a chemical com< pound. ex pan'sion, an expanding* enlargement. au'to graph, one's own signature. fu'ture, time yet to come. spir'it u ous, containing alcohol; spiritual. bos'om (bdoz'um), the breast; cherished. clap'board (kW-), a lap- ping weatherboard. 76 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING re cip'ro cate, to give and take mutually. sub'se quent, following in time. bier, a carriage for the dead. af fee ta'tion, artificial ap- pearance; false pretense. scan'dal, malicious defama- tion; disgrace. ca reer', a course of activ- ity; procedure. ex pe'ri ence, something undergone or enjoyed; knowledge gained by trial. smug'gle, to import or ex- port unlawfully. mul'ti tude, a great num- ber. proph'e cy (-sy), inspired foretelling; a prediction. proph'e sy (-si), to pre- dict; to foretell. clan des'tine (-tin), kept secret for a purpose, se rene', clear; calm. f a'vor ite (-it) , a person or thing particularly liked. par'ti cle, a minute part. LESSON LI. an'chor-(-ker), an instru- ment for holding a vessel. scarce, not plentiful. ob'sti nate, stubborn. ache (ak), continued pain. sur'ro gate, a probate judge; a deputy. con sent', compliance; to comply; to concur. ben e fac'tor, one who confers a benefit. im'mi nent, impending. er ro'ne ous, incorrect; mistaken. mas'cu line (-1m), male; manly or manlike. dam'age, injury; penalty. | choir (kwlr), a band of singers. quire, twenty -four sheets of paper. ves'tige, footprint; trace; remains. bi'cy cle (-si-), a two- wheeled vehicle. sleight, dexterity. brick'kiln (-kil), a furnace for burning brick. hal loo r , to shout. lin'i ment, a liquid appli- cation for bruises, etc. oblique' (-lek'), slanting. cred'i ble, believable. knoll (nol), a round hillock. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING 77 ea'ger, ardently desirous. chest'nut, a tree and its nut; light brown. daz/zle, to blind tempo- rarily with brilliance. friv'o lous, petty; trivial. pre oc'cu py, to occupy before another; to en- gross, as the mind. vin'di cate, to defend with success; to prove to be just or valid; to justify. tran scribe', to copy. in im'i cal, unfriendly. con'tro ver sy, dispute. hov'er (huv'-), to hang fluttering in the air. me chan'ic, an artisan. rasp'ber ry (rSz'-) , a bush and its fruit. pa ren'the sis, an explan- atory clause ; the marks ( ) . trea'tise, a discourse on a particular subject. i'ci cle (-si-), a pendent mass of ice. landscape, view of a stretch of country. bale, a large package of goods. tri'umph, a victory, or re- joicing over a victory. fla'grant, notorious; hei- nous. con ver'sion, change. whole'some, healthful. ar is toc'ra cy, hereditary nobility; chief persons. leav'en (leV-), fermenting dough. el'e merit, a component part; rudiment. liq'ui date, to settle. gym nas'tics, athletic ex- ercises. er y sip'e las, a disease. con'ju gal, relating to marriage. LESSON LII. a colorless, am mo'ni a, pungent gas. im promp'tu, without preparation. di'vers, sundry; several. cred'it or, one to whom another is indebted. per ni'cious, very injuri- ous; malicious; mischie- vous. mass'ive, ponderous. re pug'nant, offensive. en cir'cle, to surround. gua'no (gwa/-), a fertilizer, 78 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING par 'a chute (par'a-shut), an umbrellalike contriv- ance for making a descent from a balloon. ser'geant (sar'jent), a mil- itary officer. fi'nis (fl'-), the end. tithe, a tax of one tenth. con spir'a cy (-splr'-), a plot. in'fa mous, disreputable. alm'ond (a'mund), a nut. f or'ger y, an article bearing a false signature ; thing forged. cou'ri er (koo'-), a messen- ger sent in haste. ob'lo quy, infamy. civ'il ly, courteously. o'ri ole, a song bird. sar'dine(-den), a small fish. pa cif'ic, inclined to peace. an nu'i ty, an annual al- lowance. I'll, contraction of I will or I shall. aisle, a passage in an as- sembly room. mir'a cle, a supernatural event. bril'lian cy, sparkling brightness. tat too', to color the skin indelibly. an te ced'ent, being, oc- curring, or going before. cor'nice (-nis), finish at eaves of a building, etc. col'league, a professional or legislative associate; a partner. un de ceive', to free from deception or mistake. tap'es try,woven hangings, ex'tir pate, to eradicate. ex trav'a gant, immoder- ate; wasteful. re'qui em, a hymn for the dead. fi nan'cial, monetary. rep re hen'si ble, censur- able; worthy of blame. tern pes'tu ous, violently stormy. cor'ri dor, a wide gallery or passage. dis crep'an cy, disagree- ment. pa'tri ot, one who loves his country. ag grieve', to cause grief or sorrow to. wield, to use with full command. in ex pe'ri eiice, lack of experience. ran'dom, having no defi- nite aim or purpose. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING 79 fal'ter, to waver. ac com'pa ni ment, an attendant or incidental thing. cal'ou lus, hard substance formed in various parts of the body; a method in mathematics. LESSON LIII. de ri'sion, ridicule. in ter'ro gate, to put ques- tions to. ar'ro gant, haughty. mort'gage, a lien on land given as security. beech, a forest tree. beach, a sandy or pebbly shore. so lil'o quy, a talking to oneself. an'guish (S-n'gwish) , men- tal or physical distress. silence, stillness. em'a nate, to issue forth; to arise. syl'van, forestlike. droll (dr5l), comical. as cend'en cy, superior influence; power. diphthe'ria (dif -the'-) , a disease of the throat. pau'per, one dependent on charity. in ci'sion, a gash ; a cut. Chris'ten dom, Christian countries collectedly. pan'sy, a flowering plant. lieu ten'ant, a military officer. as tron'o my, the science of the heavenly bodies. bran, husks of ground grain. sur'plus, excess above what is required. ar range', to put in order. wrin'kle (rln'k'l), a crease. mem'o ra ble, noteworthy. dor'mi to ry, a building for lodgers; a bedroom. joc'und, mirthful; jolly, e lix'ir, a cordial. knuc'kle (nuk'k'l), finger joint. in cen'di a. ry, one who maliciously fires a house; seditious. neigh (na), a cry of a horse. gen til'i ty, refinement of manners. dif'fi cult, not easy. gla'cier (gla'shSr) , a stream or field of ice. 80 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING jun'ior, the younger of two. mort ga gee', one to whom a mortgage is given. co erce', to compel to or restrain from action. sue ceed', to follow; to ac- complish what is under- taken. de layed', deferred; hin- dered. com pen'di um, a brief comprehensive summary. ve loc'i pede (-16s'-), a ve- hicle propelled by the feet. men ag'er ie, a collection of wild animals. ac'tu al| real; existing. im pass'a ble, that cannot be passed through. rec i proc'i ty ( r 6 s - i - pros'-), interchange. ex te'ri or, the outside; external. Gyp'sy (jip'-), one of a wandering race, Hying by fortune telling, etc. la'bel, a slip affixed to any- thing indicating contents, etc. com prise', to include; to comprehend. in cor'ri gi ble, depraved beyond hope of reform. LESSON LIV. al ly', one joined to another j to assist; to unite. ped'es tal, base of a pillar, statue, or the like. ty'phoid, a kind of fever. ret'i cent, reserved; not talkative. in del'i ble, that cannot be effaced. civ'i lize, to reclaim from savagery. knick'knack (nik'n&k), a showy trifle. passed, did pass; went by. con de scend', to yield to an inferior; to deign. past, not present or future; time gone by. ab struse', hard to be un- derstood; obscure. man'age, to control; to regulate; to direct. woe'-be gone, overcome with woe or grief; im- mersed in sorrow. ar tiller y, cannon, mor* tars, etc. se'ri ous, grave; earnest. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING 81 con fed'er a cy, a league; an alliance. chi rog'ra phy (ki-), one's own handwriting ; pen- manship. pal'try (pal'-), trifling. an'vil, an iron block on which metal is hammered. grav'i ty, tendency of bodies toward the earth ; seriousness. chi rop'o dy (ki-), the art of treating diseases of the hands and feet. ter'mi mis, end; limit. chirp, the sharp, quick sound of a bird or insect. Jn tu i'tion, quick percep- tion or insight. de'i ty, a god or goddess; a divine person. De'i ty, the true God. wor'thy (wur'-), meritori- ous ; estimable. e lee tion eer', to be ac- tive in a canvass for votes. ru'mor, a flying report. an'cient (an'shent), old; belonging to the remote past. cogue (vog), the prevalent way. chol'er a (kol'-), a disease. pip'pin, a kind of apple. as pir'ant (-pir'-), one who seeks earnestly ; a can- didate. yoke, a connecting frame for draft cattle. squir'rel, a small animal. gran 'a ry (gran'-), a store- house for grain. au'to crat, an absolute sov- ereign. of fi'ci ate, to act as an officer or leader. nine'ti eth, next after the eighty-ninth. fif 'ti eth, next after the forty-ninth. wig'wam, an Indian abode. tyr'an ny, arbitrary use of power ; despotism. com mit'tee, a person or persons appointed to do certain things. lifer a ry, pertaining to, or versed in, literature. a nom' a lous, abnormal ; irregular. ra'di ant, beaming with brightness. chil'blain, itching sore re- sulting from exposure to cold. in au'gu rate, to induct into office ; to originate. ear'nest, zealous ; fervent. 82 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING LESSON LV. o paque' (-pak'), impervi- ous to light. an'gel, a heavenly spirit. auxiliary, a helper; an associate; supplementary. ox'y gen, a gaseous, color- less element in nature. ben'e fit, advantage; to help. singe'ing, scorching. e lee trol'y sis, chemical decomposition by the ac- tion of electricity. con vulse', to cause spasms; to agitate greatly. tres'pass, to intrude offen- sively or unlawfully. dis ap point', to fail to ful- fill expectations; to frus- trate. a pos'tle (-pSs's'l), a mes- senger commissioned as by divine authority. proph'et, one who prophe- sies. e rad'i cate, to root out; to extirpate. ns'age (tiz'-), treatment; uniform practice. com pe ti'tion, rivalry. Btu pen'dous, of prodi- gious size or en'vel ope (or en vel'op), a wrapper or case ; an in- closing cover. en vel'op, to surround or enshroud ; to wrap up. an'ces tor, one from whom descent is derived. E pis'co pal, pertaining to the Anglican church. rep e ti'tion, a repeating; iteration. cli'ent, one in whose inter- ests a lawyer acts. mu nic'i pal (-ms'-), of a town or city, or its gov- ernment. ca tas'tro phe, a fatal con- clusion ; a disaster. ran'som, price paid for re- lease from captivity. beau'te ous (bu'-) } beauti- ful. tun'nel, an artificial subter- ranean passage; to make a tunnel. dic'tion a ry, a book of words and their defini- tions, etc. e ma'ci ate (-shl-at), to waste away in flesh. quad'ru ped, having four feet; a four-footed animal. SEVENTY LESSONS JN SPELLING In com'pe tent, unable to do properly what is re- quired. beg'gar, one who begs; a mendicant. per di'tion, utter destruc- tion; ruin. cler'ic al, pertaining to the clergy, or to a clerk. sug'ar, a sweet substance. de fend'ant, one called upon to answer to a charge. BUG cumb'(-kum'), to yield. ac quif tal, a formal re- lease from a charge. as suage' (-swaj'), to allay. hic'cough (-kup), a short, catching sound from the throat. stur'geon (-jun), a fish. cen teii'ni al, the hun- dredth anniversary of an event. fric as see', a way of cook- ing fowl, rabbit, etc. o pos'sum, a small quad- ruped. lam'en ta ble, pitiable. pre co'cious, having men- tal faculties prematurely developed; too forward. crys'tal lize, to form into crystals. arch an'gel (ark-), an an- gel of highest rank. re cep'ta cle, that which holds or contains other things. prod'i gy, a person or thing of remarkable qual- ities or powers. LESSON LVI. con'fer ence, a meeting for consultation; a serious conversation. bac te'ri a, microscopic vegetable organisms. fort'night, two weeks. vet'er an, one experienced; old in service. cer'e mo ny, a formal act, rite, or observance. com pla'cen cy, self-sat- isfaction; serenity. nat'u ral ize, to make or become as if native. salt'cel lar, a small table- vessel for salt. bru nette'(-neV), a woman with dark complexion. creek, a small stream. sum'mit, the highest point. 84 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING rel'ish, pleasure; to enjoy. cam paign' (-pan'), a se- ries of military operations; any organized political, social, or commercial con- test. fa'tal, disastrous ; mortal ; deadly. de fal ca'tion, an embez- zlement; deficit. pro hib'it, to forbid. cap size', to overturn. ros'y, rose-red. sub ter ra'ne an, below the surface of the earth. com'e dy, a humorous drama. ad'jec tive, a word used to limit or qualify a noun. pe ri ad'i cal, a publica- tion appearing at regular intervals. con fla gra'tion, a general burning ; an extensive fire. re it'er ate, to say repeat- edly. fought (fat), did fight. conscience, moral sense. un for'tu nate, having ill fortune; unlucky. pros'o dy, the science of poetical forms. re vere', to venerate. fur'nace, an apparatus for heating, smelting, etc. un cou'ple (-kup'-), to dis- connect. fac sim'i le, an exact copy. sub poe'na, a writ com- manding attendance at court. e van'gel ist, a preacher of the gospel; a revivalist. con spic'u ous, clearly visible; prominent. may'or, chief magistrate of a city. cal'en dar, a table show- ing the days, weeks, and months. ag'gra vate, to make worse or more offensive. hy'gi ene, science of health. di'a lect, local peculiarity of speech. an i mos'i ty, hatred. ex pi ra'tion, termination. par'ti san, an adherent of a party or faction. pshaw (sha), an exclama- tion of disapprobation or disgust. birch, a kind of tree. cod'i oil, a supplement to a will. jeal'ous (jfil'-), suspicious of a rival; envious. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING 85 syn'o nym, a word having a meaning similar to or pre- cisely like that of another. at tack', to assault. ex cess'ive, beyond due bounds. LESSON LVII. ge ra'ni um, a plant and its flower. depth, deepness; distance from the surface down. ag'o nize, to distress; to be in agony. ven due', an auction. slug'gard, a lazy person. big'ot ry, obstinate and in- tolerant zeal. fron'tier, the border of a country. ny'phen, a mark (-) to connect syllables or the parts of a compound word. de scribe', to represent by words; to sketch. gaud'y, showy; flashy. o va'tion, an enthusiastic popular reception of a per- son. a'pri cot (a'-) , a fruit of the plum kind. rhu'barb, a plant. pis'tol, a small firearm. dun'geon (-jun), a prison. ben e dic'tion, a blessing. stu'pe fy, to make stupid. min'now (-no), a small fish, car'bine, a short gun. spec ta'tor, a beholder. de pre'ci ate (-shi-), to lower the price or value of. in sen'si ble, deprived of feeling; indifferent. coirr'te sy (Mr'-), gra- ciousness; civility. va Use' (-les'), a traveling bag. scourge (skurj), a whip; cruel punishment. hy'dro gen, a gas. myr'i ad (mir'-), a large number. vi cis'si tude, change. mim'ick ing, ridiculing by imitating. brid'al, pertaining to a bride or a wedding. hem'or rhage (-raj), bleed- ing. awk'ward, ungraceful. chi can'er y (shi-kan'-), the use of mean artifices; trickery . du'ti ful, obedient, 86 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING as sas'sin, one who kills treacherously. hap'haz ard, mere chance. vis'i ble, that may be seen. ef 'fi ca cy, effective energy. in ju di/cious (-dish'us) , imprudent. scru'ti ny, close examina- tion. cran'ber ry, a scarlet sour berry. fi'er y, pertaining to fire. ex ploit', an heroic act; to put to use. er'ror, a mistake; a fault; want of truth. in di vis'i ble, that cannot be divided. fu'ri ous, full of fury. scab'bard, a sheath; case. ob'se quies, burial service. choose, to select. re vise', to change or cor- rect. LESSON LVIII. rob'in, a kind of bird. pret'ty (prit'-), handsome. Btom'ach, an organ of the body. riv'et, a metallic pin with heads; to fasten with rivets. breadth, width. Bib'li cal, of or pertaining to the Bible. rou tine' (roc-ten') , a course. guitar' (gi-;, a musical instrument. pe'o ny, a plant and flower. rinse, to cleanse by flooding with water. weight, heaviness. rob'ber, a plunderer. cho'sen, selected. search, a quest; to seek or look over carefully. ru'di ment, a first prin- ciple or element. sec'ond, next after first; a unit of time. ob'vi ous, plain; evident. sen'ti nel, a soldier on guard. taunt, to reproach insult- ^ sig nif i cant, important. ep'i thet, a specially appro- priate descriptive adjec- tive. sir'loin, a loin of beef. liq'uor (-er), a liquid; in- toxicating liquid. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING 87 sher'bet, a flavored water ice. hid'e ous, shocking or dreadful to the eye or ear. un wield/y , unmanageable ; bulky. sem'blance, pretense. de lin'quent, neglectful of duty. sim'i lar, resembling. clothes, garments; dress. ap prais'er, one who esti- mates or values. gew'gaw, a showy trifle. cal lig'ra phy, beautiful penmanship. syn op 'sis, an abstract. ex treme', at the outmost point, edge, etc.; utmost; greatest. sub'stance, the material part; that which is essen- tial. cab'in, a small room; hut. con'se quence, result; im- portance. un war'rant a ble, inde- fensible; unjustifiable. re buff, sudden repulse. sas'sa fras, a tree. con'quer (kon'ke'r), to over- come; to vanquish. cop'y ist, one who copies. ex pense', cost; outlay. stretch, to extend j ex- panse. mar'tyr (-ter), one who dies or suffers for princi- ple. va'por, mist; a liquid changed to a gaseous form. en gross' (-gros'), to oc- cupy completely; to tran- scribe. daub, to smear. fra ter'nal, brotherly. LESSON LIX. puiic'tu al, prompt. height (hit), altitude. studied, planned ; did study. in tox'i cate, to inebriate; to exhilarate highly. am big'u ous, obscure ; equivocal; doubtful. fra'cas, a noisy quarrel. tur'pen tine, a resinous juice from various trees. ju'ni per, an evergreen shrub and its berry. ex ter'mi nate, to destroy. com'pe tent, having suffi- cient authority or ability. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING an nul', to cancel. res 'cue, to set free from peril; to deliver. pro ceed', to go forward. cam'phor, a product of the wood of an Asiatic tree. wiz'ard, a conjurer. sal'a ble, that may be sold. zinc, a metal. in vin'ci ble, unconquer- able. sher'iff , a civil officer. zig'zag, having a series of short alternating turns. her'o ine (her'-) , a female hero. sym'me try, harmonious proportion. ac cor'di on, a musical in- strument. hol/i day, a day of exemp- tion from labor. lac'er ate (la's'-), to tear rudely or raggedly. guid'ance, a leading. her'e sy (her'-), opinion contrary to accepted belief. per pen dic'u lar, straight up and down. rus'set, reddish brown. a massed', accumulated. de ci'sion, determination; firmness. pomp'ous, ostentatious. tour'na ment (toor'-), a test of skill with several competitors. qui'nine (kwl'-), a medicine from cinchona bark. tough (tuf), not brittle; tenacious; hardy. ag'ri cul ture, cultivation of the soil. post-mor'tem, after death. hy poth/e sis, a logical supposition. pick'er el, a kind of fish. el'e gant, refined; polished. po ten'tial, existing in pos sibility only, daugh'ter, a female child. in'stinct, a natural spon- taneous impulse. in stinct', animated from within; alive. per'fo rate, to bore through; to penetrate. dis crim'i iiate, to note the difference between; to distinguish. fath'om, a measure of six feet; to find the depth of. ped'a gogue (-gog), a schoolmaster. cen'tu ry, one hundred consecutive years. mos qui'to (-ke'-), a pestif- erous insect. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING 89 LESSON LX. lr res'o lute, not decided in mind; vacillating. the ol'o gy, that science which treats of God and His attributes. ef fi'cien cy, effectiveness. tel'e scope, an instrument for viewing distant ob- jects. hip po pot'a mus, a large amphibious animal. cu'cum ber, a vegetable. spon ta'ne ous, self-gen- erated; voluntary. letirar gy, sleepiness; dull- ness; inattention. arc'tic, far northern; frigid. in fal'li ble, exempt from liability to error in judg- ment. ty pog'ra phy, the art of printing with types. ga'ble, the triangular end wall of a house. island (i'land), a tract of land surrounded by water. pen i ten'tia ry, a prison. in'sti tute, an institution; to establish. tin ruf 'fled (-fid), calm; tranquil; composed. sheaf, a bundle of grain. sov'er eign (suv'er-in), a supreme ruler; princely. seis'mic (sis 7 -), of or per- taining to an earthquake. chord (k6rd) , a harmonious combination of sounds; string of a musical instru- ment. em'is sa ry, a secret agent; a spy. syn'a gogue (-gog) , a Jew- ish house of worship. li'chen (li'ken), a kind of flowerless plant. anx i'e ty (&n-zi'-) , uneasi- ness or distress of mind. van'i ty, ambitious display; shallow pride. dom i neer', to rule arbi- trarily. mus tache', beard growing on the upper lip. juice, sap; fluid of fruit, meat, etc. ve ra'cious (-shus), truth- ful. horde, a wandering troop or gang. hoard, to gather and store away. dor'mant, sleeping. 90 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING af firm'a tive, affirming or asserting; that which af- firms or asserts. glis'ten, to shine. as sess', to tax; to value; to estimate. jos'tle, to push or crowd. lau'da num, a tincture of opium. cur'va ture, a curving. satire, a sarcastic speech or essay. mas'sage, a rubbing or kneading of the body, as a remedial measure. drop'sy, a disease. as sail'ant, one who at- tacks. psy chol'o gy (si-kol'-), science of the powers and functions of the soul. bro chure' (-shur'), a pamphlet. e'gress, a place of exit. hu'mid, moist. car'ti lage, gristle; an elas- tic tissue. quer'u lous (kweV-), fret- ful; complaining. sa lute', to greet. de mise', to bequeath; bestow by will; death. REVIEW LESSONS LESSON LXL fraud'u lent, deceitful; un- fair; trickish. pal'ate, roof of the mouth. ex traor'di na ry (-trdr'-), very unusual; wonderful. dis'ci pline (-plin), to train to obedience; to punish; training. con sist'ent, accordant. dis sent', to differ in opin- ion. can'cer, a malignant growth or tumor. serv'ice a ble, that can be made of service; dur- able. in ter sperse', to distribute scatteringly. at'mos phere, the air sur- rounding the earth. ig no min'i ous, disgrace- ful; shameful. flan'nel, a woolen cloth. chan'nel, course of a stream; a groove. ex cla ma'tion, abrupt outcry ; interjection. av oir du pois' (-er-du- poiz'), a system of weights having 16 oz. to the Ib. u ten'sil, a thing serving a useful purpose. pro fi'cien cy (-fish'en-), adeptness; skill. sep'a rate, to place apart; to disconnect. in i'ti a to ry (In-Ish'I-a-), introductory. change'a ble, subject to change; variable. cres'cent, growing, as the moon in its first quarter. har'ass (h&r'-), to vex; to worry. ex plic'it (-plls'-), plain; distinctly stated. doc'ile (dos'fl), easily man- aged; teachable. leg'end (lej'-), a narrative based on tradition. per ceive', to see; to dis- cern. ab er ra'tion, a wandering away ; partial insanity. 91 92 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING ad j a 'cent, adjoining. plumb'er (plum'-), a work- er in lead, especially in pipes for drainage. ac cept'a ble, worthy of being accepted : wel- come, tned'i cine, anything used in treatment of disease. a chieve', to jring to pass; to perform, clas'si fy, to arrange in a class or classes. ad'mi ra ble (-mi-ra-b'l), worthy of being admired; delightful; excellent. lab'y rinth, involved and tortuous passages; a maze. con tam'i nate, to defile by contact; to pollute. bliz'zard, a severe snow and wind storm, com pli'ance, a yielding to a wish or proposal. tor'por, stupor; duliness. bul'le tin, ne^s, orders, etc., placarded conspicu- ously. can'cel, to strike out. be gin'ner, one who com- mences. ac cede', to agree ; to as- sent. tran'sient (-shent), pass- ing; fleeting. prob'a ble, apparently true; likely. en nance', to make higher or greater in degree. in still', to inculcate gradu- ally. chron'i cle, a register of events in order of time. naph'tha (naf'tha), a col- orless, volatile oil. a nal'y sis, the resolution of a thin ^ into its constitu- ent parts. LESSON LXIL op'po site, in front of, fa- cing; antagonistic. a bun'dance, a plentiful supply. re ferred', directed, or sent away; assigned to; com- mitted for examination. plac'id (plas'-), unruffled calm; serene. ir re press'i ble, that can- not be restrained. re ceipt' (-set'), a written acknowledgment of some- thing received; a recipe. EEVIE-W LESSONS 93 cir cu'i tous, roundabout. at tend'ance, the fact of being present; presence. ba na'na (-na'-) , a tropical tree and its fruit. bus'y (biz'-), actively em- ployed; diligent. ir rev'er ent, lacking in re- spect to superiors. sta tis'tics, a collection of facts as to population, in- dustries, etc. va nil'la, a plant and the bean which it produces. BCis'sors, a cutting instru- ment. par'al lei, extending side by side equidistant. ar'chi tect (-kl-) , one who makes plans for build- ings. un err'ing, making no mis- take; certain; exact. sus'te nance, food. as sist'ance, help; relief. a lac'ri ty, cheerful will- ingness and promptitude. be hav'ior, conduct. te na'cious, holding fast; unyielding. proc'ess (pros'-) , a method of operation; a legal writ. ad van ta'geous (-jus), profitable; favorable. ob'sta cle, a hindrance. lei/sure (le'zhur) , time free from employment. lab'o ra to ry, a chemist's workroom. an'o dyne, medicine which relieves pain. pan'el, a rectangular piece of wood set in a frame; a Mst of jurors. ad here', to stick fast; to cling. fic'kle, changeable; incon- stant. su prem'a cy, the state of being supreme. sig'na ture, one's name written by oneself. de fen'sive; serving to de- fend. dye'ing, coloring cloth, etc. ab'sence, state of being not present. lu'cra tive, profitable. met'al, gold, silver, iron, lead, etc. in suf fi'cient, not suffi- cient; inadequate. ir'ri ta ble, ill-tempered. mon'o syl la ble, a word of only one syllable. al'co hoi, a colorless, vola- tile, inflammable liquid. in ces'sant, unceasing. 94 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING plan'tain, perennial weed; a tropical fruit. rec ol lect', to recall to inind. fa mil'iar, free; having in- timate knowledge of; a close companion. charge 'a ble, capable of being charged. ri dic'u ?->us, absurd; droll. crease, the mark of a wrinkle or fold. in de struc'ti ble, tha cannot be destroyed. LESSON LXIII. pre ci'sion, exactness. con'sum mate, to bring to completion. bar'gain (-gen), a contract; a favorable purchase. ir re proach'a ble, above reproach or criticism. beefsteak, a slice of beef to broil 01 fry. un change 'a ble, that can- not change or be changed. in gen'ious (-jen'-), skill- ful in originating. con'crete, a compound of gravel or broken rock and cement; not abstract. in con sist'ent, discord- ant; contradictory. mea'sles (ine'z'lz), a dis- ease. ly'ing, telling a falsehood; reclining. Byn on'y mous, express- ing the same thing. lux u'ri ant, exuberant in growth; profusely abun- dant. def i cit, deficiency; lack. ben'zine (-zin or -zen'), a product of petroleum. re li'gion (-lij'iin), a system of faith and worship. in def'i nite, without fixed boundaries; vague. pur sue', to follow persist- ently. at tor'ney (-tur'ny), one who acts for another; a lawyer. sen'si ble, of good mental perception; judicious; dis- creet. es sen'tial, highly impor- tant; fundamental. tend'en cy, inclination; drift; bfnt. leg'i ble V 16j'-), capable of lead. BEVIEW LESSONS 96- of fen'sive, displeasing. en deav'or (-deVer), to strive to do ; an effort. in diet' (-dlf), to accuse in legal form. re trieve', to recover ; to repair. exhil'arate (6gz-Il'-) f to cheer ; to enliven ; to stimulate. rec'om pense, to repay. prev'a lence, wide extent or superior strength. fas'ci nate, to charm; to captivate. ex ag'ger ate (egz-&j'-), to overstate; to heighten by representation. marl ner, a seaman, sure'ty, a bondsman; bail. ju've nile (-nil), pertain- ing or adapted to youth, prom'is so ry, containing a promise. oc cur'rence, an event; a happening. de ci'pher, to make out the- sense of ; to interpret. refer ence, the act of re- ferring; allusion. dis sen'sion, angry dis- agreement. ehat'tel, any movable prop- erty. con'scious (-shus), aware; sensible. priv'i lege (-18J), a peculiar favor or advantage. de cease', death. seize, to clutch ; to snatch. solemn (-6m), serious. ex'cel lence, unusually good qualities. thral'dom (thral'-), bond- age; servitude. coii cede', to yield ; grant. nec'es sa ry, requisite ; es- sential. LESSON LXIV. in sep'a ra ble, that can- not be separated. re cede', to move back; to withdraw. per'se cute, to pursue so as to injure; to harass. trans ferred', removed- dis be lief, a conviction that a statement is untrue. rec'og nize, to recall the identity of. in de ci'sion (-slzh'un), want of firmness; irreso lution. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING mor'tise (-tis), a hole cut into a timber to receive a tenon. san'guine (-gwin) , confi- dent; deep red. in cred'i ble, impossible of belief. fa cil/i ty, easiness in per- forming; dexterity. in tel lec'tu al, mental. re luc'tance,unwillingness. mu'ci lage, a sticky fluid. sac'ri lege (-16j) , the pro- faning of anything sacred. im pel', to drive or urge forward. di vis'i ble, capable of be- ing divided. un par'al leled, without an equal; matchless. im per'ti nent, impudent; irrelevant. pal'a ta ble, agreeable to the taste. 3hoe'ing,the act of putting on shoes. gal'ler y, an elevated floor with seats; a balcony. hem'i sphere, a half- sphere. dis cern' (diz-zSrn'), to perceive. su per sede', to set aside; supplant; displace. sus pi'cion, a suspecting; distrust. ef face' ; to blot out; erase. bis'cuit (-kit), a kind of bread or cracker. ex cres'cence, an unnat- ural growth, as a wart. ceil'ing, overhead covering of a room. cel'lar, a room under a house. mis spell', to spell incor- rectly. f em'i nine (-nln) , relating to woman; womanly. de scend', to go down. fos'sil, petrified form of a plant or animal. par'cel, a small bundle; a portion. ar'se nic. a mineral poison. mal'ice, active ill will. re mit'tance, the sending of money or credit; the sum or thing remitted. sal'a ry, wages; pay. con va les'cent, recover- ing health. ven'ti late, to cause a cir- culation of air; to expose to examination. fa ce'tious, merry; jocular. mar'riage, the act or state of being married. KEVIEW LESSONS 97 aa so'ci ate, to bring to- gether; a companion ; part- ner. li'cense, permission; excess of liberty. bev'er age, liquid for drinking. pit'i ful, calling forth pity cur'ren cy, that which cir- culates as money; circu- lation. ha rangue' (-ra"ng'), a forci ble speech ; to address earnestly. LESSON LXV. ac qui esce' (-kwI-eV), to manifest assent. com bus'ti ble, that may be burned. es'sence, that which con- stitutes the nature of a thing. ec'sta sy, overpowering joy. in ex cus'a ble, not to be justified. per se ver'ance (-ve"r'-), persistence in undertak- ings. sac ri le'gious (-le'jus), im- pious; profane. bullion, gold or silver in mass. er'rand, a short trip to carry or do something; a mes- il Ins 'tr ate, to explain by means of figures, exam- ples 1 etc. sieve (slv), a device for sifting. in ter cede', to mediate; to interpose. jam'e ra, an apparatus used in photography. fie ti'tious (-tish'us), im- aginary; not genuine. vi cin'i ty, adjacent terri- tory; proximity. sym'bol, emblem. in ex haust'i ble, that can- not be exhausted. par'a dise, place of bliss] heaven. prai'rie (pra'ri), a large tract of grass land with- out trees. re lieve', to free from ; to alleviate. ac com'plice (-plis), an as- sociate in wrongdoing. car'riage, wheeled passen- ger vehicle ; demeanor. 98 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING nour'ish (nur'-), to main- tain; to feed; to cherish. al li'ance, a league; union by agreement. rar'i ty (rar'-), thinness; infrequency ; something valued for its scarcity. bias pheme', to speak im- piously. e quiv'a lent, equal in value. crev'ice (-is), a crack. sac'ri fice (-flz), an offer- ing to deity; something yielded for another. se vere', harsh; strict; hard. chas'tise ment (-tlz-), in- fliction of punishment. f or'f eit (-fit) , loss by way of penalty. cy'cle, a recurring period; a bicycle or tricycle. precipice (prgs'i-pis) , a high, steep cliff. allege' (-1SJ'), to assert to be true; to declare. as cend', to move upward. fore bode 7 , to foretell; to presage. lat'i tude, distance north or south of the equator; range or scope. de moc'ra cy, government by the people. pro pel', to drive or urge forward. prep a ra'tion, a preparing or fitting. con tempt'i ble, mean ; despicable; vile. in im'i ta ble, that cannot be imitated. in el'i gi ble, legally or otherwise disqualified. traf'fick ing, bargaining; dealing; trading. im pos'si ble, that cannot be. a me'na ble, liable to be called to account. in ter mit'tent, ceasing at intervals. shriv'el, to shrink or con- tract. ed'i fiee (-fls), a building. LESSON LXVI. pro mis'cu ous, brought together without order. de scend'ant, offspring. mas quer ade' (-kgr-), a party of disguised per- sons; a sham. KEVIEW LESSONS con ven'ient (-ven'yent), handy; fit; commodious. ag'gran dize, to make great or greater. ce're als, edible grains. flor'id, having a bright color, especially red. hy'a cinth, a flowering bulb. pyr'a mid, a solid taper- ing to a point from a base bounded by straight lines. ex or'bi tant, excessive. Be cede', to withdraw from union or fellowship. re cur'rence, a happening again or repeatedly. pro cras'ti nate, to put off from day to day. in dis pen'sa ble, abso- lutely necessary. tem'per ance, habitual moderation. por'ce lain (-1m), a trans- lucent kind of pottery. sub'tile (-til), refined; acute; crafty. mat'tress, a stuffed tick used for a bed. co in cide', to agree; to concur; to correspond. be nef i cent, generous; doing good. per'ma nent, enduring. dis pense', to deal out; to distribute; to forego. pet'u lant, fretful; irritable. per suade', to induce; to plead with successfully. bar'rel, a cylindrical ves- sel ; a sort of cask. crys'tal, a regular solid mineral body; clear. con fec'tion er y, sweet- meats; candies. su'i cide, self-destruction; a self-murderer. con du'cive, tending to promote. phar'ma cy, the art of compounding medicines; a drug store. in de pend'ent, free. be seech', to implore; to supplicate. gal'lon, a measure of four quarts. dys pep'si a, difficulty of digestion. defer ence, respectful sub- mission to another's judg- ment. re fus'al, a refusing; an op- tion. su per in tend'ent, one who superintends; an overseer; a director. 100 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING oer tif'i cate, a documen- tary attestation of facts. un scru'pu lous, not hesi- tating from motives of conscience; unprincipled. ges'ture, a motion express- ive of sentiment. pa ral/y sis, loss of mus- cular power; palsy. ca price' (-preV), a sudden change of mood, opinion, etc. sup'ple ment, to supply what is lacking ; matter so supplied. in ter fere', to clash; to in- termeddle ; to interpose. bur lesque' (-lesk'), a lu- dicrous representation. cus'to mer, a regular buyer. sur'cin gle, a girth for binding on a saddle. or'ches tra (-k&s-), a band of musicians. im plic'it (-plis'-), implied; unquestioning. mys'ter y something un. known or incomprehensi- ble. LESSON LXVH. phase, a particular aspect. leth'ar gy, sleepiness; dull- ness; inattention. jeop'ard y (jep'-)> hazard; danger. cer'tain (ser'tm), sure; un- deniable. neph'ew, son of a brother or a sister. nei'ther, not the one nor the other. nieoe (nes), daughter of a brother or a sister. cir cum'fer ence, bound- ary line of a circle or sphere. prej'u dice (-dis), unreason- able or biased judgment. pul'ver ize, to reduce to powder by beating, etc. re mem'brance, a remem- bering; a memorial. valid, capable of being proved; sound. re splen'dent, vividly bright; shining. res'tau rant (-to-), an eat- ing house. pal'ace, a royal residence. in vis'i ble, that cannot be seen. ad mit'tance, access. REVIEW 2$SSWS con dense', to bring i a smaller and denser state. in teg'ri ty, honesty; prob- ity. con stit'u en cy, a follow- ing; a clientele. il lu'mi 11 ate, to supply with light. de sir'ous, experiencing a wish or craving. il logic al, contrary to sound reasoning. pyr o tech'nics, art of making fireworks. dy'na mo, an electrical ma- chine. par a pher na'li a, trap- pings or ornaments. rhet'o ric, the art of ora- tory, and of prose compo- sition in trin'sic, inherent; real; true. syn'a gogue (-gog), a Jew- ish house of worship. gram'mar, the science of language, ac cess'i ble, capable of being reached or entered. par'lia ment (-1I-) , a legis- lative body, especially the British. im per cep'ti ble, undis- cernible; insensible. ically; to judge severely. ir rep'a ra ble, that cannot be repaired. in'no cence, the state of being innocent. per ni'cious, very injuri- ous; malicious; mischie- vous. venge'ance (vgnj 'cms) , re- tributive punishment. falli ble, liable to error. main'te nance, the act of maintaining. mis eel la'ne ous, of vari- ous kinds. ab hor'rence, extreme de- testation. pred e ces'sor, one who precedes. dif'fi dent, timid; self-dis- trustful. ab bre'vi ate, to shorten] to curtail o be'di ence, compliance with authority. o ver seer'j one who over- sees; a superintendent, cor re spond'ence, com. munication by letters) similarity. per i to ni'tis, a disease^ ec cen'tric, peculiar; not in the center. PROPER NAMES LESSON LXVIII. Aar'on. Al ex an'der. Al giers' (-jerz'). An nap'o lis. Ann Ar'bor Ar i zo'na. Ar'kan sas (-sa). Aus trail a. Boi'se (boi'za). Bo lo'gna (-16n'ya). Bor deaux' (-do'). Brooklyn. Brussels (brus'selz). Cae'sar (se'zar). Cai'ro (kl'ro) in Egypt ; (ka'ro) in 111. Cal i f or'ni a. >3an a jo harle (-har'-). Can an dai'gua (-da'-). Cay enne' (ka-6n'). Chau tau'qua (sha-ta/-). Ches'a peake. Chey enne' (shi-gn'). Chi ca'go (shi-ca'go). Oic'e ro (sis'-). Cin cin na'ti (-na'tl). Cleveland, Co logne' (-Ion') Col o ra'do (-ra'do).' Con nect'i cut (kon-n6t'i- kut). Del'a -ware. Des Moines' (de moin'). Dublin. Du buque' (-buk'). Eau claire' (o klar'). EC ua dor' (-dor'). E'gypt (-jlpt). E liz'a beth. Es'ki mo. Feb'ru a ry. Flor'i da. Gal'ves ton. Gen e see'. Geor'gi a. Gib ral'tar (ji-bral'ter). Glouces'ter (glos'ter). Hai'ti (ha'ti). Hall fax. Ha'vre (ha'ver). Ha wailan (ha-wl'yan). Hi mala ya (hl-ma'la-ya) 102 PEOPEB NAMES 103 LESSON LXIX. Ho no lu'lu (ho-no-loo'- loo.) II li uois' (-noi' or -noiz'). In di an'a. In di an ap'o lis. I tal'ian. Ith'a ca. Jamai'ca (-ina'ka). Je ru'sa lem. Kal a ma zoo'. Lack a wan'na. La fa yette' (la-fa-yet/)- Leip'zig (lip 7 -). Lin'coln. Los An'gel es (-6s). Lou i si a'na (loo-e-ze-a'- na). Ma cau'lay. Ma drid r (in Spain, Mad'- rid in U.S.). f Man hat/tan. Mar seilles' (-salz'). Mauch Chunk chunk'). Mas sa chu'setts. Med i ter ra'ne an. Mich'i gan (mish'-). Min ne ap'o lis. Min ne so'ta. Mis sis sip'pi. Mis sou'ri. Mon te rey' (-ra'). Mont peli er. Mont re al' (-al'). Mo roc'co. Mos'co-w (-ko.) Nar ra gan'sett (nSr-). Ne va'da ^ra'da). New'f ound land (-fund-). New Jer'sey. Ni ag'a ra. Ni ca ra'gua (ne-ka-ra'- gwa). O'ma ha (-ha). Or'e gon. Osh'kosh Pan a ma'. Penn syl va'ni a. Phil a del'phi a. Plym'outh (plim'uth). Po to'mac. Pough keep'sie (po-klp'- si). Prov'i dence. Que bee'. Qui'to (ke'to). 104 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING LESSON LXX. Raleigh (rail). Rhine. Rhode Island. Rich'mond. Ri'o de Ja nei'ro (re'6 da zha-na'ro). Roch'es ter. Roths'child. Rus'sia (rush'a). Sac ra men'to. St. Au'gus tine (-ben). Sam'u el. San Fran cis'co. San Jo se' (san ho-sa'). San ta Fe' (-fa/). Sat'ur day. Sa van'nah. Sche nec'ta dy (ske-). Schuyler (ski 7 -). Schuyl'kill (skool'-). Seine (san). Shang ha'i (-ha'i). Spaniard (-yerd). Steu ben'. Sus que han'iia. Swit'zer land. Syr'a cuse (sir'-). Tal la has'see. Ten nes see 7 . Ten x ny son. Ter're Haute (ter're hot'). Thack'er ay. Thames (teniz) in Englaud; (thamz) in Connecticut. To le'do. To pe'ka. To ron'to. Tuc son' (tu-son 7 ). Val pa rai'so (-rl'so). Ver sailles' (ver-sa'y'). Ve su x vi us. Vi en'na (ve-). Vir ginl a (-jin'-). Wau'ke sha (-sha). Wednes'day (vvenz"-). Wilkes'bar re (-bSr-rl). Wil la'mette (-la 7 -). Wis con'sin. Worcester (wdos'-). Yo semi te. Yp si lan'ti (ip-si-lan'ti). Zu'rich (zoo'rik). SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES WORDS COMMONLY USED IN BUSINESS FIRST EXERCISE. inventory. commercial. freight. acknowledgment remittance recommend. invoice. competition. judgment negotiable. telegram. acceptance. wholesale. insurance. account. convenience genuine. dunning. syndicate. defalcation. jobber. financier merchandise- concern. correspondent. disbursements assets. sue. address. business. surplus. warranty. resources. concede, accrued. respectfully. 105 106 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING valid owing injunction. dividend. currency. bargain. advice settlement certificate. insolvency rebate debtor. compromise, advertisement SECOND EXERCISE. lease, teller. quotations. ledger. execution. gauging. assignee. tariff. preferred. attachment. coupon. payee. classification. manifest. liabilities. reference. plaintiff. creditor. allowance confidence. package. shipped. consignee. experience usury. certified. expense. immediate. appraisal. commodities. receiver. guarantee. remunerate. concession. mortgage. accommodation. SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES 107 Commerce. collector. maturity, approximate, conveyance. propagate. monopoly. deficit. balance. indemnity. capital. void. indenture. consolidate. THIRD EXERCISE. interest. calendar. voucher. . statement. compliments. bankrupt. promissory. collateral. weight. affidavit. damage. deferred. copyright. notary. administrator mucilage. lien, liquidate. proceeds. ratify. license. partnership. counterfeit. abbreviate. infringement. embezzlement. protest. compensation. indorsement. auditor, discrepancy. commission. stenographer. journal. herewith. soliciting. 108 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING pecuniary. confidential. premium. barrel. chattel. deposit. bushel* tonnage. average. baggage. schedule. responsibility. discretion. amanuensis. TEST LESSONS FOR FINAL REVIEW LESSON A. excellence. preference. cemetery, catarrh. independent. specimen. privilege. apoplexy. paroxysm. assets. opportunity. hypocrisy. precision. implement. vaccinate. promissory chronicle. reciprocity. perseverance. equivalent. aqueduct. mucilage. SUPPLEMENTABT EXERCISES 109 recommend. monopoly. enthusiasm. obstacle. sacrilegious. catechism. site. discipline. separate. variety. tenant. negotiable. prejudice. twelfth. parachute. beginner. intellectual. pronunciation. dessert. ascertain. commencement. lucrative. promenade. architect. admittance. physician. comrade. definition. LESSON B. pursue. grandeur. vehicle. reference villain. cylinder. accommodate. calendar abolish. asthma. miscellaneous. supersede. victuals. ballast. occurrence. delirium. disciple. annihilate. prairie. impossible. diligent. appetite. exhilarate. abstinence 110 SEVENTY LESSORS IN SPELLING vicinity. initiatory. harass. amateur. teetotaler. parallel. absence. fugitive. despair. ridiculous. mischievous. paralysis. exorbitant. dissension. seize. transferred. genuine. genealogy. sacrilege. pierce. simplicity. diminutive. optician. excusable. excrescence. stereotype. ineligible. gratuitous. reminiscence. icicle. illegible. tyranny. competent. prevalence. rendezvous. exceed. exaggerate. inflammation. together. LESSON C. sophomore. convalescent. interrupt. exchequer. license. charlatan. acquiesce. oscillate. automobile. souvenir. perennial. disparage. ragamuffin. SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES 111 affidavit. ventilate. accrued. pneumatic. eligible. illiterate. fictitious. orthodox. gauge. neuralgia. chaplain. testament. accumulate* idolatry. despicable. labyrinth. iniquitous. stimulus. serviceable. appearance* militia. intelligible. utensil. inveigle. LESSON D. consonant. abridgment underrate. positive. dissimilar. summary. commemorate. statistics. providential bulletin. naphtha. leisure. sluice. pamphlet. referred. signature. humiliate. palsy. persistence obsolete. plausible. capricious. magnanimity dissolve. banana. ludicrous, burglary. alcohol. 112 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING meerschaum. jubilee. petroleum. chandelier. pestilence. feud. ridiculous. mutilate. deficit. bachelor. fuchsia. courteous. vehemence. variegated. prosaic. accomplice. inimitable. indefatigable integrity. preparation, pitiable. boycott LESSON E. allegiance. bivouac. toboggan- frolic. caterpillar. nuisance. parliament. obstinate. pleurisy. liniment, criticise. erysipelas. irreparable. chargeable. physique. miracle. sustenance. extravagant. acute. emanate. baptize. diphtheria. exquisite. elixir. cardinal. vaseline. Protestant. auxiliary. pecuniary. trespass. SXJPPLEMENTABY EXERCISES 118 inaugurate. heresy. incompetent. lacerate. fricassee. infallible. subterranean. nonpareil. subpoena. unscrupulous facsimile. studious. indelible. religion. vicissitude. necessary. hemorrhage. detriment. prodigal. crisis. LESSON P. Cincinnati. Me diterr anean. Louisiana. St. Augustine. Illinois. Tennessee. Massachusetts Nicaragua. Ann Arbor. Quito. February. San Jose*. Hawaiian. Wednesday, Los Angeles. Yosemite. Boise. "Worcester. Mississippi. assassin. Omaha. describe. Chautauqua. financial. Missouri. singeing. Nevada. mosquito Santa Fe. martyr. Delaware. bicycle. 114 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELIANG suicide. surcingle icy. dyeing. laboratory. pneumonia. busy. persistence, surname. owing. censure. bouquet. hypothesis. accordion. mimicking. lose. petulant. misspell. LOCAL WORDS Local geographical and other words to be selected by the teacher, and written here correctly by the pupil from copy furnished by the teacher. This list of words to be studied and spelled the same as the other lessons. 115 116 SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING APPENDIX RULES FOR THE USE OF CAPITAL LETTERS. Rule I. Every sentence should begin with a capital letter. Rule II. Proper nouns as names of per- sons, places, months, days of the week, etc. should begin with capital letters. Ex. John, Sunday, July, New York, Mr. James A. Jones. The names of the seasons spring, summer, autumi\ winter do not begin with capital letters except when they are personified. Rule III. Every line of poetry should begin with a capital letter. Rule IV. Every direct quotation should begin with a capital letter. Ex. He asked, Who will go with me ? " A direct quotation is one in which the exact words are OLUOted. 117 118 APPENDIX Rule V. Titles of honor or distinction, used alone or accompanied by nouns, should begin with capital letters. Ex. Mr. Smith ; Dr. Jones ; Hon. Henry Wilson. Rule VI. All words denoting the Deity should begin with capital letters. Ex. God; Lord; Creator; the Almighty; the All-wise; Infinite One; Supreme Being; Most High. Personal pronouns or common words referring to the Deity, are usually capitalized, as: "The unseen Powet above " ; " the Judge of the world." Rule VII. Words derived from proper nouns should begin with capital letters. Ex. American ; Roman ; Scotchman ; Spanish ; English. Rule VIII. Names of things spoken of as per- sons should begin with capital letters. Ex. " The Morn, in russet mantle clad ." " When Music, heavenly maid, was young * BULES FOB CAPITAL LETTERS 119 Rule IX. Words of special importance, words used as names of particular objects or localities, and the important words in a heading, should begin with capital letters. Ex. Niagara Falls ; the Tariff Bill ; the White House ; the Western States. North, south, east, and west, are capitalized only when referring to some particular locality : as, "The North and the South are one." When there is a question as to which should be used, a capital or a small letter, use a small letter. Rule X. The pronoun I, and the interjection 0, should be capitals. Ex. " 0, that I had the wings of a dove ! " ABBREVIATIONS USED IN WRITING AND FEINTING A. A. or a. Adjective ; an- swer ; acre ; alto ; in com- merce, accepted. a. or @ (L. ad.} To or at. A. B. (L. Artium Baccalau- reus.) Bachelor of Arts. Abbr. Abbreviated; abbre- viation. Abp. Archbishop.. Abr. Abridgment. (Occ. Accusative. Ace., Acct., OT a / c . Account. Acct. cur. Account current. Acct. Sales. Account of sales. A. D. (L. anno Domini.) In the year of our Lord. Ad. or adv. Advertisement; adverb. adag. (It. adagio.) A slow movement, in music. k. Bank ; book. bkts. Baskets. B. L. Bachelor of Laws. b /l Bill of lading. bis. Bales. Bor. Boron ; borough. Bot. Bought. Bp. Bishop. llque. Barque. Br. Brother ; brig. l>r. ov Brit. Britain; British. Brig. Brigade ; brigadier. Bro. Brother. b / s Bill of sale. bu., bus., or bush. Bushel. B. V. (L. Beata Virgo.) Blessed Virgin. (L. bene vale ) Farewell. bxs. Boxes. C. c. Cent or cents. C. Carbon ; centigrade ; church. c 1 In care of. Cal. California ; calendar. (L. calendar.} Calends. 122 APPENDIX Can. Canada. Cap. Capital. (L. caput.) Chapter. Capt. Captain. Cash. Cashier. Cat. Catalogue. Cath. Catholic; Catharine. C. C. County Commis- sioner ; County Court ; contra credit. cc. Cubic centimeter. C. E. Civil Engineer. cent. (L. centum.) A hun- dred. if. (L. confer.) Compare. C. /. i. Cost, freight, and insurance. C. G. Coast Guard ; Con- sul-general. C. G. S. Centimeter, gram, second. C. H. Courthouse ; custom- house. Ch. Church ; chapter. Chal. Chaldron. Chanc. Chancellor. Chap. Chapter. Chas. Charles. Chem. Chemistry. Chron. Chronicles ; chro- nology. Cit Citation ; citizen. Civ. Civil. C. J. Chief Justice. ck. Cask ; check. CL Clergyman ; clerk. cl Cloth. Clk. Clerk. C. M. Common meter. cm. Centimeter. C. O. D. Cash (or Collect) on delivery. Col. Colonel; Colossians. Coll. College ; collector ; colleague. Colo. Colorado. Com. Commissioner; Com- modore ; committee ; commerce; commissary ; commonwealth. Comdg. Commanding. Comp. Compare ; compar- ative ; compound. Con. (L. contra.) Against; in opposition. Cong. Congress ; Congre- gation ; Congregationalist. Conn. Connecticut. Cons*. Constable ; consti tution. Contr. Contraction. Cor. Corinthians. Cor. Mem. Corresponding Member. Cor. Sec. Corresponding Secretary. C. P. Court of Probate.- Common Pleas. ABBREVIATIONS 123 Cf. Credit; creditor; chro- mium. ores. Crescendo. C. S. Court of Sessions; Clerk to the Signet. (L. Gustos Sigilli.) Keeper of the Seal. Ct. Count; Court. ct. Cent. (L. centum.) A hundred. cts. Cents. cwt. (L. centum, 100, and E. weight.) A hundred- weight. Cyc. Cyclopedia. D. d. Bay ; died ; dime ; daughter ; deputy ; de- gree. (L. denarius or denarii.) A penny, or pence. d. or dol. Dollar. Ban. Danish ; Daniel. dot. Dative. D. B. Day book. 1). C. District of Columbia. (It. Da Capo.) Again, or From the beginning. D. C. L. Doctor of Civil (or Canon) Law. D. D. (L. Divinitatis Doc- tor.) Doctor of Divinity. D. D. S. Doctor of Dental Surgery. Dec. December ; declina- tion; declension. def. Definition. Deft, or deft. Defendant. deg. Degree. Del. Delaware; delegate. Del. or del. (L. delineavit.) He, or she, drew it, af- fixed to the draughtsman's name. Dem. Democrat ; Demo- cratic. Dep. or D<%)t. Deputy; de- partment ; deponent. diff. Different ; differs. Dft. or dft. Defendant. dft. Draft. D. G. (L. Dei gratia.) By the grace of God. diam. Diameter. Diet. Dictionary; dictator. Dig. Digest. Dis. or Disci. Discount. Dist. District. Dist. Atty. District Attor- ney. Div. Dividend ; division; divide; divided; divisor. D. L. 0. Dead Letter Office. D. M. Doctor of Music. dm. Decimeter. 124 APPENDIX D. M. D. Doctor of Dental Medicine. do. (It. ditto.) The same. dols. Dollars. doz. Dozen. D. P. Doctor of Philosophy. Dpt. Deponent ; department. Dr. Debtor; Doctor. dr. Dram, drams. Dram. Pers. (L. Dramatis Personoe.) Characters of the play. dwtf. Daily [and] weekly till forbidden. dwt. (L. denarius and E. weight.} Pennyweight. Dyn. Pynamics. E. E. Earl; east; English. ea. Each. E. C. Eastern Central (Post- al District, London). Ecclus. Ecclesiasticus. Eclec. Eclectic. Ed. Editor; edition. E. E. Errors excepted ; ells English. E. E. and M. P. Envoy Ex- traordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary. e.g. (L. exempli gratia.) For example. E. I. East Indies, or East India. Elec. Electricity; electrical. Encyc. Encyclopedia. E. N. E. East-northeast. Eng. England; English; engineer; engraver. eq. Equal; equivalent. Esq. or Esqr. Esquire. et al. (L. et alibi.) And else- where. (L. et alii or olios,.) And others. etc. or (fee. (L. et coeteri, cceterce, or ccelera.) And others; and so forth. et seq. (L. et sequentes, or et sequentia.) And the following. Ex. Example. Exc. Excellency ; excep- tion. Exch. Exchequer ; Exchange. Exec, or Exr. Executor. Execx. or Exx. Executrix. Exod. Exodus. Exp. Export; exporter. E. & 0. E. Errors and omissions excepted. F, F. Fahrenheit; France; French; Friday; Fellow; fluorine. ABBREVIATIONS 126 /. Feminine; franc; florin; farthing; foot; folio. Fahr. or F. Fahrenheit. F. A. S. Fellow of the So- ciety of Arts; Fellow of the Antiquarian Society. fcp. Foolscap. Fe. (L. ferrum.) Iron. Feb. February. fern. Feminine. Fig. orfig. Figure; figures; figuratively. fir. Firkin. fl. Florin; flourished. Fla. Florida. fo.orfol. Folio. F. 0. B. or/, o. 6. Free on board. Fr. France ; Francis; French. F. R. C. S. Fellow of the Koyal College of Sur- geons. F. R. G. S. Fellow of the Royal Geographical So- ciety. F. R. S. Fellow of the Royal Society. F. R. S. E. Fellow of the Royal Society, Edinburgh. F. R. S. L. Fellow of the Royal Society of Litera- ture ; Fellow of the Royal Society, London. F. S. A. Fellow of the So- ciety of Arts. Ft. Fort. ft. Foot; feet. fth. Fathom. fur. Furlong. G. G. German; guinea; gulf. g. Gram; guinea. Ga. Georgia. Gal. Galatians. gal. Gallon; gallons. G. A. R. Grand Army or the Republic. G. B. Great Britain. G. B. & L Great Britain and Ireland. Gen. Genesis; General. gen. Genitive; generally. Geo. George. Geog. Geographv. Geol. Geology; geologist. Ger. or Germ. German, G. M . Grand Master. Gov. Governor. G. P. 0. General Post Ot- fice. gr. Great; gross; grain; grains. G. T. Good Templars; Grand Tyler. gtt. (L. guttce.) Drops. 126 H. Hydrogen. h. High; height; harbor; husband; hour; hours. hdkf. Handkerchief. H. E. Hydraulic engineer. Hebr. Hebrew; Hebrews. hf. Ms. Half chests. Hg. (L. hydrargyrum.) Mer- cury. hg. Hektogram. H. H. His Holiness (the Pope) ; His (or Her) High- ness. hhd. Hogshead. H. I. H. His (or Her) Im- perial Highness. Hist. History. H. J. S. (L. Hie jacet sep- ultus.) Here lies buried. H. M. His (or Her) Majes- ty. H. M. S. His (or Her) Maj- esty's steamer, ship, or service. Hon. Honorable. Hort. Horticulture. H. R. House of Represen- tatives; Home Rule. H. E. H. His (or Her) Roy- al Highness. hund. Hundred. 7 Iodine; island. ib. or ibid. (L. ibidem.) In the same place. id. (L. idem.) The same. i.e. (L.idest.) That is. 7 H. S. (L. lesus [or Jesus] Hominum Scdvator. ) Jesus the Savior of Men. III. Illinois. Imp. Imperial; Emperor. imp. Imperative ; imperfect. in. Inch; inches. incog. (It. incognito.) Un- known. Ind. Indiana; India; Indian; index. ind. or indie. Indicative. Ind. T. Indian Territory. inf. Infinitive. in lim. (L. in limine.) At the outset. inloc. (L. in loco.) In its place. Ins. Inspector. inst. Instant, the present month; institute; institu- tion. int. Interest. interj. Interjection. in trans. (L. in transitu.) On the passage. ABBREVIATIONS 127 Inv. Invoice. /. 0. Q. T. Independent Order of Good Templars. I. 0. 0. F. Independent Order of Odd Fellows. /. O. U. I owe you, an ac- knowledgment for money. i. q. (L. idem quod.} The same as. Is. or Isa. Isaiah. Id. Island. It. or Ital. Italian; Italic. Itin. Itinerary. J. J. Judge; Justice. * I 'a Ji nt account. J. A. G. Judge Advocate General. Jan. January. Jap. Japanese. Jas. James. J. C. JESUS CHRIST; Jus- tice Clerk; Julius Caesar. Jno. John. Jona. Jonathan. Jos. Joseph. J. P. Justice of the Peace. J. Prob. Judge of Probate. Jr. or jr. Junior. Jul. July; Julius; Julian. Jun. or Junr. Junior. Jur. Jurisprudence; Jurist. K. Knight; King. (L. ka- lium.) Potassium. Kans. Kansas. K. G. Knight of the Garter. kg. Kilogram. km. Kilometer. Knt. or Kt. Knight. Ky. Kentucky. L. Lord; Latin; Lady; low; lake; line. I. Liter. L.,l. ,or . A pound sterling. Ib. or tfr. (L. libra.) A pound, in weight. La. Louisiana. Lot. or L. Latin. Lot. or lat. Latitude. 1 / c Letter of credit. I. c. Lower case. (L. loco citato.) In the place be- fore cited. Ld. Lord. Ldp. or Lp. Lordship. lea. League. led. Ledger. Leg. or Legis. Legislature. L. I. Long Island; Light Infantry. lib. (L. liber.) Book. Lib. Library; Librarian. 128 APPENDIX Lieut, or Lt. Lieutenant. Lit. Literature lit. Literally. LL. B. (L. Legum Bacca- laureus.) Bachelor of Laws. LL. D. (L. Legum Doctor.} Doctor of Laws. Lon., Ion., Long., or long. Longitude. Log. (L. loquitur.) Speaks. L. S. Left side. (L. locus sigilli.) Place of the Seal. -L,S. D. or Z. s. d. (L. libra, solidi, denarii.) Pounds, -shillings, pence. M. M. Monday ; Marquis ; Mon- sieur; morning. (L. rnille.) Thousand. (L. meridies.) Meridian; noon. M. or m. Masculine; moon; month, months; minute, minutes; mill, mills; mile, miles. m. Meter; married. M. A. Military Academy; Master of Arts. Mad. or Mme. Madam. Maj. Major. Manuf. Manufacturing. Mar. March. mas. or masc. Masculine. Mass. Massachusetts. Math. Mathematics. Matt. Matthew. M. B. (L. Medicince Bacca- laureus.) Bachelor of Medicine. M. C. Member of Congress; Master of Ceremonies; Master Commandant. M. D. (L. Medicince Doctor.) Doctor of Medicine. Md. Maryland. Mdlle. Mademoiselle. M. E. Methodist Episcopal; Military or Mechanical En- gineer; Most Excellent. Mech. Mechanics. Med. Medical; medicine. Mem. Memorandum ; re- member. Messrs, or MM. (F. Mes- sieurs.) Gentlemen; Sirs. Meth. Methodist. Mfg. Manufacturing. M. G. Major General. Mgr. Monsignor. Mich. Michigan; Michael- mas. Mil. Military, Min. Minute. Minn. Minnesota. Miss. Mississippi. Mile, Mademoiselle. ABBREVIATIONS 129 MM. Their Majesties. (F. Messieurs.} Gentlemen. mm. Millimeter. Mme. Madame. Mmes. Mesdames. Mo. Missouri. mo. Month. Mod. Modern. Mon. Monday. Mont. Montana. M. P. Member of Parlia- ment; Member of Police. Mr. Master, or Mister. Mrs. Mistress, or Missis. MS. Manuscript. MSS. Manuscripts. Mt. Mount, or mountain. Mus. D., Mus. Doc., or Mus. Doct. Doctor of Music. N. N. North; new; nitrogen. n. Noun; neuter; nail; nails. N. A. North America. Nat. National; natural. Nath. Nathaniel. Naut. Nautical. N. B. New Brunswick. (L. nota bene.} Note well, or take notice. N. C. North Carolina. N. Dak. North Dakota. N. E. Northeast. Nebr. Nebraska. nem. con. (L. nemine con- tradicente.) No one con- tradicting; unanimously, nem. diss. (L. nemine dis~ sentiente.) No one dissent- ing. neut. Neuter. Nev. Nevada. N. F. Newfoundland. N. H. New Hampshire. N. J. New Jersey. N. Mex. New Mexico. n. L (L. non liquet.) It appears not; the case is not clear. No. or wo. (L. numero.) Number. nol. pros. (L. nolle prose- qui.) Urwilling to prose- cute or proceed. nom. Nominative. non con. Not content; dis- senting. non pros. (L. non prose- quilur. ) He does not pros- ecute, a judgment en- tered against the plaintiff when he does not appear to prosecute. non seq. (L. non sequitur.) It does not follow. Nos. or nos. Numbers. Nov. November. 130 APPENDIX N. P. Notary Public. N. S. Nova Scotia; New Style (since 1752). N. T. New Testament. n. u. Name unknown. N. W. Northwest. N. Y. New York. N. Zeal. New Zealand. O. 0. Oxygen; old. %. Percent. ob. (L. obiit.) Died. dbj. Objective; objection. Obs. Observation; observa- tory; obsolete. .Oct. October. O. F. Odd Fellow. O. K. All correct. Okla. Oklahoma. Ont. Ontario. 0. S. Old Style (previous to 1752). 0. T. Old Testament. 02. Ounce; ounces. [The z is here used to represent the character 3 > anciently an abbreviation for termi- nations.] P. P. Phosphorus. p. Page; pint; pole; piano. V . Per. Pa. Pennsylvania. par. or If. Paragraph. par. or ||. Parallel. payt. Payment. P. B. (L. Philosophic Bac- calaureus.) Bachelor of Philosophy. Pd. Paid. P. D. (L. Philosophic Doc- tor.) Doctor of Philoso- phy. P. E. Protestant Episcopal; Presiding Elder. P. E. I. Prince Edward Island. per an. (L. per annum.) By the year. per cent, or per ct. (L. per centum.) By the hun- dred. Phar. Pharmacy. Ph. D. (L. Philosophic Doc- tor.) Doctor of Philoso- phy- Phil. Philip; philosophy;; Philemon. Pinx. or pinx. (L. pinxit.) He, or she, painted it. P. I. Philippine Islands. pk. Peck. pkgs. Packages. pi. Plural; place. Plff. Plaintiff. ABBKEVIATIONS 131 P. M . Postmaster. ( meridiem.} Afternoon. P. M. G. Postmaster-Gen- eral. P. 0. Post Office. P. 0. D. Pay on Delivery. P. 0. 0. Post Office Order. Port. Portugal; Portuguese. pp. Pages. P. P. C. (F. pour prendre conge.) To take leave. pph. Pamphlet. P. E. Porto Rico. pr. or ^. (L. per.) By the. pref. Preface; prefix. prep. Preposition. Pres. President. Presb. Presbyterian. >rim. Primary. Prof. Professor. vron. Pronoun. pro tem. (L. pro tempore.) For the time being. Prov. Proverbs; Provost; province. prox. (L. proximo.) Next; Of the next month. P. S. (L. post scriptum.) Postscript. Ps. Psalm or Psalms. ps. Pieces. pt. Pint; part; payment. Pub. Public; publisher. Pulv. (L. pulvis.) Powder. pwt. Pennyweight. Pxt. or pxt. (L. pinxit.) He, or she, painted it. Q. Q. Question; query; Queen. q. d. (L. quasi dicat.) As if he should say. Q. E. D. (L. quod erat de- monstrandum.) Which was to be demonstrated. Q. M. G. Quartermaster- General. qr. Quarter (28 pounds)^ farthing; quire. q. s. (L. quantum sufficit.) A sufficient quantity. qt. Quart; quantity. Qu. Queen; question quar- ter. Qu. or Qy. (L. qucere.) Query. Quar. Quarterly; quarter. Que. Quebec. Ques. Question. q. v. (L. quantum vis.) As much as you will. (L. quod vide.) Which see. R. E, Re'aumur; railroa^. (L. rex.) King. (L. re- gina.) Queen. (L. re- cipe<) Take. 132 APPENDIX r. Rod; rood; resides. Rod. (L. radix.) Root; rad- ical. E. C. Roman Catholic. Bee. or R. Recipe. Reed. Received. Rec. Sec. Recording Secre- tary. Ref. Reformed; reformer; reformation; reference. Reg. Register; regular. Rep. Representative; re- porter; reported. Rev. Reverend; revise. R. I. Rhode Island. Rom. Cath. Roman Catholic. R. R. Railroad. R. S. V. P. (F. repondez s'il vous plait.) Answer, if you please. Rt. Hon. Right Honorable. S. S. South; sign; saint; sul- phur; Sunday; scribe. 5. Shilling; second; son. $. Dollar; dollars. S. A. South America; South Africa; South Australia. Sat. Saturday. S. C. South Carolina. 8. c. Small capitals. Sc. or Sculp. (L. sculpsit.) He, or she, engraved it. sell, or sc. (L. scilicit.) To wit; namely. -S. Dak. South Dakota. S. E. Southeast. Sec, Secretary. sec. Second; section. Sec. Leg. Secretary of Le- gation. sect. Section. Sen. Senate; Senator; Sen- Sep. or Sept. September; Septuagint. seq. (L. sequentes or se- quentia.) The following; the next. Serv. or Servt. Servant. sh. Shilling. sing. Singular. sld. Sailed. S. M. State Militia; Short Meter; Sergeant Major. S. M. I. (F. Sa Majeste- Impe'riale.) His, or Her, Imperial Majesty. s. o. Seller's option. Soc. Society. Sol. Solomon; solution. sq. Square. (L. sequens.) And the following. sq. ft. Square feet. Sr. Senior; strontium. S. S. Sunday school; Saint Simplicius (the mark on ABBREVIATIONS 132 the collar of the Chief Justice of England). St.. Saint; street; strait. (L. stet.) Let it stand. Stat. Statute; statuary. Ster. or Stg. Sterling. Sun. or Sund. Sunday. Sup. Superior $ supplement. Supt. Superintendent. Surg. Surgeon; surgery. s v. (L. sub wee or verbo.) Under the word or title. 8. W. Southwest. Switz. Switzerland, t. T. Tenor; Tuesday; Terri- tory. t. Township; town; ton. tal. qual. (L. tails quails.) Just as it comes; average quality. Tenn. Tennessee. Tex. Texas. Th. Thursday; Thomas. Theor. or theor. Theorem. Thurs. Thursday. tier. Tierce. t. i. d. Three times a day, Tp. Townslu v . Tr. Translation; transpose; Treasurer; Trustee. Treas. Treasurer. Typ. or Typo. Typographer. U. K. United Kingdom, ult. (L. ultimo.) Last; ox the last month. ung. (L. unguentum.) Oint- ment. Univ. University; Univer- salist. U. P. United Presbyterian. U. 8. United States. U. S. A. United States of America; United States Army. U. S. M. United States Mail. U. S. M. A. United States Military Academy. U.S.N. United States Navy. V. F. Victoria; vanadiumf Viscount. v. Verse; verb; vocativef volume; violin; village. (L. versus.) Against, (L. vide.) See. Fa. Virginia. F. G. Vicar General; Vice Grand. Vice Pres. Vice President. vid. (L. vide.) See. viz. (L. videlicet ) Namely; to wit. 134 APPENDIX Vol. or vol. Volume. V. P. Vice President. F. E. (L. Victoria Eegina.) Queen Victoria. vs. (L. versus.) Against. Vt. Vermont. Vul. Vulgate. vv. II. (L. varice lectiones.) Various readings. W. W. West; Welsh; Wednes- day; Warden. Wash. Washington. Wed. Wednesday. wf. Wrong font, in print- ing. W. I. West India; West Indies. Wis. Wisconsin. W. Lon. West longitude. Wm. William. W. M. Worshipful Mas- ter. Wt. or wt. Weight. W. Va. West Virginia. Wyo. Wyoming. Y. Y. or Tr. Year. Yd. or yd. Yard. ye. The. [The y in this abbreviation is a corrupt representation of the Anglo-Saxon character th, introduced when the Anglo-Saxon alphabet was superseded by the Old English or Black Letter, in which y resembled the Anglo-Saxon character^.] Y. M. C. A. Young Men's Christian Association. Z. Zn. Zinc. Zobl Zoology ; zoological , UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. 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