n "f APPY ne I WHO IN HIS none AT MIGHT r FINDS IN HIS BOOKS DeUGHT, > j AND sweer socieTY; L ; WHILST ne WHO sees MO PROFIT IN THeiR USe I WILL Live A FOOb, AMD 5 Die AS GReAT A GOOSC'V THC KMOWLS RYCRSOWS University of California Berkeley Gift of Dean and Mrs. Knowles Ryerson THE GENTLEMEN'S BOOK OF ETIQUETTE, AND MANUAL OF POLITENESS; BEING A COMPLETE GUIDE FOR A GENTLEMAN'S CONDUCT IN AH HIS RELA m IONS TOWARDS SOCIETY. RULES FOR THE ETIQUETTE TO BE OBSERVED IN THE 8TBEET, At TABLE, IN THE BALL ROOM, EVENING PARTY, AND MORN- ING CALL; WITH FULL DIRECTIONS FOR POLITE COR- RESPONDENCE, DRESS, CONVERSATION, MANLT EXERCISES, AND ACCOMPLISHMENT*. FROM THE BEST FRENCH ENGLISH. AND AMERICAN AUTHORITIES, BT CECIL B. HARTLEY. BOSTON: J. S. LOCKE & COMPANY. 1875. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1873, BY J S. LOCKE & CO., In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington* INTRODUCTION. MAN was not intended to live like a bear or a hermit, apart from others of his own nature, and, philosophy and reason will each agree with me, that man was born for sociability and finds his true delight in society. Society is a word capable of many meanings, and used here in each and all of them. Society, par excellence; the world at large; the little clique to which he is bound by early ties ; the companionship of friends or relatives ; even society tete a fete with one dear sympathizing soul, are pleasant states for a man to be in. Taking the word in its most extended view, it is the world ; but in the light we wish to impress in our book it is the smaller wcrld of the changing, pleasant intercourse of each city or town in which our reader may chance to abide. This society, composed, as it is, of many varying natures and elements, where each individual must submit to merge hia own identity into the universal whole, which makes the word and state, is divided and subdivided into various cliques, and has a pastime for every disposition, grave or gay ; and with each division rises up a ne^ set