QC UC-NRLF Iflfl OS? ., -' HI ' ' _ , , " '.. IAXIA METEOROL COMMONWE; AUSTR METEOROLOGY. j EESUI IDEOLOGICAL OBSEEYATIOIS MADE IN TERN AUSTBALIA Pvbiwked urOA . wjf. eiMfson, 19J2. PBIXTK*. 1H 1 2. \\ I >TK!iN AUSTKA1.IA. METEOROLOGY OF AUSTKALIA. niMMoMVKAl.TII I'.rilEAU OF METEOROLOGY. RESULTS OF / METEOBOLOGICAL OBSEEYATKWS MADE IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA DURING 1908. Pvblithed with Ike Authority / th* Hon. 1h>- Mtninter of Home Afairt vnder the direction of H. A. HUNT, COMMONWEALTH METEOROLOGIST. . PERTH : BT AUTHORITY: FRKP WM. SIMPHON, QOVKKNMGNT PRINTER. 1912. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Report to the Hon. tin- Minister of II. .mr Affair* .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 Intnnlnction .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ., 7 Monthly \V.-athrr Notes 9 no* I. METEiKnl.iM,|< Al. ullsKKVATIONS AT PERTH OBSERVATORY. Daily Readings for January .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 16 February 18 March . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L'I i April 20 May 24 Inly i!h August 30 September . . . . . . . . . . 32 October 34 November.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ' .. 36 December 38 8cno!C n. MONTHLY AND ANNUAL RESULTS AT PERTH (OBSERVATORY AND BOTANICAL CARDBUS). Monthly Abstract of Results, Perth Observatory 42 Perth Botanical Gardens 43 li.-niTil Summary for the year. Observatory and Gardens .. .. .. .. 44 Diurnal Itange of Temperature, Observatory .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 46 Last of Hot Days, Observatory and Botanical Gardens . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Underground Temperatures, Observatory .... . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Rainfall Analysis, Observatory 49 U'irul No. of times the wind has blown from each point nf the Compass . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 'Die result and direction for every 3 hours . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 63 .. Total Horizontal Motion in Miles 63 Phenomena at Perth during 1908 .. .. '64 Monthly Mean Baromotrio Readings, 187B to 1907 66 Temperature Observatory, 1897 to 1907 66 Botanical Gardens, 1876 to 1907 66 Rainfall and No. of Wet Days, 1876 to 1907 68 N.B. For Sunshine Solar Radiation, vide p. 110 Terrestrial Radiation, vide p. Ill Humidity, vide p. 113 Maximum and Minimum Wet Bulb Readings, vide p. 113 Evaporation, vide p. 114 SmwnoH m OUT-STATIONa NORTH-WBSTJAND NORTH. Monthly Abstract of Results, Wyndham 60 Derby 60 Broome 60 Condon 62 Cossack 62 Onslow 62 Winning Pool 64 Carnarvon 64 Hamelin Pool 64 INLAND. Monthly Abstract of Results, Hall's Creek 66 Marble Bar 66 .. Nullagine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Peak Hill 68 WUuna Cue 8 Mnrgoo 70 .. Yalg^ 70 Sandstone L-wters Laverton - Menzi. 72 Kanowna Kalgoorlie 74 ., Coolgardie '* Southern Cross SOUTH-WEST AND SOUTH. PAGE Monthly Abstract of Results, Geraldton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7I> Walebing 7li Northam 78 York 78 Kalamunda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Guildford 80 Fremantle Signal Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Fremantle Oval 80 Rottnest 82 Mandurah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Wandering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Collie 84 Donnybrook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Bunbury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Busselton . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Cape Naturaliste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Karridale 86 Bridgetown Katanning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Mt, Barker 88 Albany 90 Esperance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Balladonia 90 Eyre 92 Cocos, Keeling Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Cape Leeuwin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 ,, Breaksea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 GENERAL ABSTRACT. Monthly Climatological Tables for the whole State with averages January . . . . . . . . . . 9<> February 97 ,. ., ,, ,, March 98 April 99 May 100 ,, ,, June 101 July 102 August 103 September 104 October 106 ,, ,, November 100 December 107 Year 108 MISCELLANEOUS. Sunshine, Perth Observatory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 10 Solar Radiation, Perth Observatory .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 110 Coolgardie .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 110 Terrestrial Radiation, Peak Hill Ill Cue Ill Coolgardie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ill Southern Cross .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Ill York Ill Walebing Ill ,, Perth Observatory .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Ill ,, Wandering .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Ill ,, Bridgetown .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 112 Karridale 112 Katanning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Mt. Barker . 112 Humidity, Perth Observatory 113 Coolgardie 113 Maximum and Minimum Wet Bulb Readings, Perth .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 113 .. -- Coolgardie .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 113 Evaporation, Perth Observatory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Perth Botanical Gardens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Cue 114 Wiluna 114 Laverton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . 114 Coolgardie .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 114 Horizontal Motion of the Wind, Cape Leeuwin .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 115 SECTION V. RAINFALL. Monthly and Yearly Rainfall, East Kimberley 118 West Kimberley '. . .... 118 North-West . . . . 118 Gascoyne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 South- West (North Coastal) 121 (Central Coastal) 121 (South Coastal) .... 122 (Inland) 122 Eastern Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Eucla Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Heavy Daily Rainfalls in 1908 \ 126 Maps Annual Rainfall Map, 1908 . . Mean Annual Rainfall Map, to end of 1910 Percentage of Annual Rainfall from April to October . . Map showing Average Wettest Month in year M KTKOIH ) LOGICAL REPORT, 1908. To the Hon. the Minister for Home Affairs. Sir, I have tin' honour to submit herewith tlio Meteorological Ueport for i he year lno^ lor Meteorological Pivisioii No. 1. wliirh compri-es the Stair of Western Australia. This \oluiiif represents tin- firsl of a proposed series published iinilcr < 'oinmonwcaltli regime. The arrangement of information and tables is the same as appealed in the former State issues, but, in addition to the annual rainfall map which we initiated last year, I have ailileil an average ruin map on a srale conforming with l!:at adopted for the oilier Mates, and already published, or in course of preparation; also a map showing the percentage of the annual total amount of rain which falls in the cereal sowing and growing season of the year, viz.. from April to October inclusive: together with a map showing graphically the wettest month of the year, compiled from all available <'entral Weather Bureau, Melbourne, 9th June, 1911. past records. For the last three maps, viz., the annual average. I he peiccntage, a nd the wettest month, the records up to the end of 1910 have been included. It will be noted in the following introductory pages that an expansion has been made in the service generally to meet (lie growing demands of the pulilic and the increasing settle- ment of new areas. An additional distribution of ~>\ rain gaujres during the 12 months raises the total of these in- struments in Western Australia to ~>\7. The daily fore- casts have been extended to a number of new centres, and it is gratifying that the percentage of accuracy in this popu- lar phase of tlie Bureau's work is steadily increasing. Finally, I have to make acknowledgments to Mr. Jos- celyne for the compilation which 1ms been made under his immediate supervision. I have, etc., H. A HUNT, Common wen 1 1 h Met eorologist. IMU01H (HON. -.iiiiiiii.n i. This is situated, ap- proximately, in South latitude .'ll.lci:. ,"i7min. 07. Iscc. and :inilr 7h. -l.'imin. lH.74sec. It stands in the middle aliniil 11 acres, on the lop of Mount Kliwi a hill rising from I In- V .onndary of tlie city m a height of about I'oo MM ah" '. -V set of ni. .il instruments ua- lirst iinled i .111 1st .lannaiv. Ivi.'. ami obsei val io-i> have lieen taken .pi-ly ul !' .1.111. an.l M p.m. since that time, an. I a 9 p.m. i was roiiiiiiciiccn (in .l;ui.ia:\ lt. lIMIs. The iu- slruiiKMiIs arc placed in :i.c middle of an extensive lawn. which had been planlcd the |i ar. and neither trees nor buildings will be permitted upon the lawn, so t.hat from tlu niii.i the records a series of readings under nilar en .. instances can be taken year by yea.-. Ill-hum, a'*. The instruments in use are: Standard Barometer, of Fortin's construction, by Neg- reiti and /amliia. Height above sea-level, 197 feet. Hi v liulli Thermometer. Wet Hull) Thennoim-ter. Maximum Dry and Wet Bulb Thermometers (Neg- retti's patent ). Minimum Dry and Wet Bulb Spirit Thermometer*. .ir Radiation Thermometer (blackened bulk in vacno). Terrestrial Thermometer. Sunshine Recorder. Kight-iiioh Rain Gauge. Pluviograph. Barograph (Redier). Thermograph (Richards) Anemograph, with cups similar to those at Kew. Kvaporation Tank. Four Platinum Resistance Thermometers. The D.P... \\.P... Max. and Min. I), and W. are compared eaeli year with a Standard Thermometer, and the iieces-ary small corrections have l>een applied. Temjiinilnr'- of III, >WJ. To obtain this, the Platinum Thermometers have lieen sunk in the eartJi to depths of Mi., .".ft.. :tft.. and "in. ropcctively. The readings of these are reduced to that of a standard mercurial thermometer, with which they have been carefully compared. They are lead with accuracy to one-tenth of a degree, the current being alvvav- re\ei>ed at each observation to insure pei led contacts. The soil in which they are placed is never watered artificially nor disturbed in any way. It is loose sand, and in order to keep the theimometers at a constant depth he- low the surface, a jarrah-wood frame surrounds the spot, and the sand is always kept level with the top of this frame. Kvaporation. This is obtained as follows: A slate tank, three feet by three feet and three feet deep, is placed inside a cement one. leaving live inches clear all round. Both tanks ink in the earth, so that their tops project six indies alio\e the -round level. They arc Hien filled with water, and a protected float in the inner tank registers the amount of evaporation daily. \ somewhat similar galvanised iron tank was erected at Coolgardie in .Tune. ISPS. An evaporation dish, eight inches in diameter, placed niM.le a dish twelve inches in diameter, so as to form a water jacket, was set up at Wiliina. Cue, and Lavertoii -liiiir. Tins is registered by means of Campbell's Sunshine Recorder. The sun's heat is not sulltciently powei- fill just alter sunrise and before sunset to mark the card, and therefore the total number of hours' sunshine regis- tered on a perfectly dear day will always be less than the computed time during which the sun was above the hori- zon. In the daily tables the figures showing the number of hours' sunshine for each day are printed in heiay type when the sun was shining uninterruptedly throughout ; and in estimating the percentage of possible nuni'.icr of Lours (pp. 17-H9) the mean of these I i Litres for iiicli i"i'i'l ; i La. 1 . been taken as the maximum possible. There are three kinds of card used for summer, equinox, and winter re- spectively and a slight change in the maximum possible is noticed when one card is substituted for the other. The dates when the changes were made are notified at the foot of t he tables. Perth Hardens. A set of meteorological instruments was mounted in grounds attached to the Surveyor General's Department in 1876. and the thermometers were removed to an octagon louvrcd house in the Botanical Gardens in August. HS.">. The readings of these were published year by year, and the site was then referred to as the Perth Observatory. Sinn-, however, an astronomical observatory is now in exist cn. uliiiiil i iiiontli IK. were slightly be'oxx normal. A* in I In- prexm.- two months tin- "low:." u! tropical "liuin. in tin 1 majority of casea, ii:ivi-lli-il . 'in tin- Norlh-VVesl co;t>t through tlie inl.-rini in a South- Fjislcrly direction to the head " .\i;.-nalimi Miirlil. ami in i-onsei|iiciiec n | |jii> \\Y-i ami South- West coastal ili-liirl- wc'e. on ihe whole, oiiicil uith nniilerai- i-umlilions. while tin- I': Mnri-liisoii, ami Coolganlie voMtiel.U .m.l cMu-n.e 8 . ,-il linn--, liail cxticmely hot wi-alher. Fxccpting two short spells of lu>: weather, the ten ; tun- at IVrtli xvas moderately waisn. i In- mean mnxiinuin temperature Ix-ing s l>ili-L:. In-low. Tht- nli- mavininm icn.ided at lh- 1'i-rth I Iliv-rv alory was lOOdeg. on the 23rd.. [In- llarilfiis' reading being !'i(.2deg. The u.Mial hi^li leii'pcraturo wri. ,| in ihc North \Vc~l anil tro|iii-s. Tin- mean < for the month at Marble a- 1 IO.."M|I-L'.. l.ldeg. aboxr the axeiauc. while Nulla gine with a monthly mean of llhi. Idci:. xvas 3deg. above normal. The highest |eni|ieratnre during the month was .ii I A re. 1 lli.-vlci;.. on tin- I 1th. the next highe- 1 being II lit leg. at Marble Mar on the Itith. 'aii'lall xxas below normal throughout the Slate with 1 Fil/.roy Cio>.-ing in I|H- West Kimberloy. when- 7!Mi point- wen- registered, as against an average of titi'i. At many stations in the \arions ilivisions no rain fell. ntiirii. l!M)S. Mi in t lie whole, were slightly below normal, ilne to the number of "lows" whieli influenced the State luring the month. Several of the usual type of varying degrees of energy overspread the tropical portion of the Stale and. unlike those of the three preceding months, travelled down the Indian Ocean instead of progressing in a South- Mast dirwtion towards the head of Che Bight. On the afternoon of the 24th a low pressure area of Ihe regular winter type was noted as approaching the in. and on the J.~>th a moderate W.N.W. gale was blowing thciv. \\iih vei \ low barometer readings generally throughout the Soiith-West in fact, the records of 29.5114 and 2D.1S5 for Perth Observatory and ('ape Leeuwin re- -I lively on that day are the lowest ever registered during February. Temperatures throughout South-West and South districts were about normal the usual cool conditions being ex- perienced on the South coast. The mean temperature for ih. month at Hie Observatory was 72.Sdeg., the normal being 73.6deg. In the tropics and on the goldflelds the usual weather conditions for this time of the year pre- vailed, while scattered thunderstorms, in some cases accom- panied by heavy rain, were recorded. The rainfall was below normal in the West Kimberley, North-West, and central West coastal and South-West in- land districts. The Goldtields. the extreme South-East, and Fast Kimberley registered normal falls, though at Turkey Creek, in the latter division, 1430 points were recorded against an average of 800. Elsewhere the falls were above .illy oxer the F.aslein portion of the 31.-) .. i 220 .. 58 :t<;2 .. 14 213 . . 15 210 .. 2M .. 105 304 .. 141 tan SH _'IMI 33 1(17 Mar,l,, l'ie>xiire ilnriii'j the month was slightly above normal betxvi-en 1'erlh ami Hsperanee, bnl elsewhere it wan below, especially in the Northern portion of the Kimberley ilis- irict. the departure from normal at Derby being .06 inches. Very loxv readings were registered on Isl at Derby and r.ioome. _'i).:i-J."> and 1*1.348 respectively. On the tifh low readings xvere also registered over the Coldfields. In faet these readings together with those in the Kimberley ,IU Irict on the 1st were the lowest on record for the month of March. On the other hand, the highest readings on record for this month were registered over the Coolgardie Coldticld. and at the Perth Observatory on the Ittth. The most noticeable feature of the month xvas the almost un- changing high pressure area whioli travelled along the South coast, being only on a few occasions displaced by an area of low pressure. With the exception of the extreme South-West coast, temperatures ranged from 2deg. to 5deg. below normal throughout the State. At Perth the mean maximum was 78.5deg., while the average for previous years is Sl.Sdeg.. Over the Eastern and Coolgardie floldfields, the Fuela division, and at most stations in the West coastal districts between Oeraldton and New Norcia. the rainfall xvas in excess of the average, especially on Hie North Coolgardie (roldflelds. Mulline recorded 190 points against an aver- age of 19, and Widgiemooltha 168 points against an ave-- age of 21. Elsewhere the rainfall, with a few exceptions in the South-West and at Derby in the Kimberley district, was below (in some cases very much -oi the average, no rain being recorded at any station between Condon, Marble Bar, and Onslow. In the Southern portion of the State rain was recorded between the 25th and 29th. whilst in the Kimberley the greater portion fell during the first week. 10 April, 1908. Pressure was above normal over the Goldfields, South- West, and South districts, Albany being .068 above the average for previous years. Elsewhere it was below, rang- ing from .023 at Geraldton to .054 at Wyndharu. The principal feature of the month was the persistency of the high pressure area over the South-West portions of the State. This was first noticed on the Weather Chart of the 3rd, and from then till the 26th was of varying degrees of intensity, but on the latter date it moved across the South Australian border, making way for a u low" which was travelling down the Indian Ocean from the North- West coast, where it had been lying since 21st. The highest barometer readings on record for April were registered at Albany and Breaksea 011 the 25th (viz., 30.513 and 30.535 respectively). Temperatures were, on the whole, below normal through- out, more especially over the Goldfields and on the South- East coast, Coolgardie being 7.8deg. and Yalgoo 7.5deg. below the average for previous years. Slight frosts were registered between the 19th and 22ud in the South- West districts. The rainfall for the month was considerably in excess of the average in the Kimberley districts, especially be- tween Derby and La Grange Bay, which excess was due to the willy-willy which visited the locality on the 26th and 27th. Over the Ashburton district, the whole of the Goldfields, and South coastal districts the rain showed an increase over the average, ranging from 18 points at For- tescue to 547 at Davyhurst. On the Goldfields and the South coast the heaviest falls occurred on the 7th and 8th. Else- where the rainfall was much below the average, none hav- ing fallen in the Shark's Bay and Cossack districts. Perth total was 124 points below the average for the month. Heavy thunderstorms were experienced in the Muirchison district during the last week of the month. Willy-willy on the North-West Coast. A willy-willy of considerable energy visited the North- West coast during the night of the 26th, and the morning of the 27th of April. Its violence was experienced from Broome to Wallal, the severity of the storm being par- ticularly marked between the latter place and La Grange Bay. The history of its development dates from several days previous to the storm, as during that period cloud movement from the North-West was observed to be general. On the 25th the observations taken at 8 a.m. indicated an area of low barometers on the North-West between Derby and Condon. By 3 p.m. this area had expanded to so much purpose that a depression covered the whole of the North-West coast, with an isobaric suggestion of two centres over the ocean, near Derby and Onslow respectively. The. barometer readings at these places then were 29.77 and 29.85, while Broome also registered 29.77. The grad- ients were moderate. At 8 a.m. on the 26th the confor- mation of the storm was more regular and had a definite centre apparently West of Broome. The barometer read- ings had undergone little change up till now, but at 3 p.m. a fall of over one-tenth of an inch had taken place, while the storm centre had shifted slightly and the gradients were steeper. During this time the wind had been light and blowing from the South-East, and light showers fell at intervals through the day. The glass now began to fall rapidly, while the wind veered to North-East and, gradually increasing in violence, blew with hurricane force, being accompanied by heavy rain, thunder, and lightning. At midnight, when the fury of the storm reached its height, the barometer reading at La Grange Bay was 29.54. By 5 a.m. the wind had died down, leaving a tremendous sea and the beach strewn with wreckage. The pearling fleet, which at this season of the year conducts operations off the Ninety-Mile beach, experienced the full force of the hurricane, many of the luggers being swamped and numbers of their crews, which are mostly composed of Manillamen and Japanese, were drowned. In fact the damage has been assessed at 40,000. while the loss of life exceeded 50. It may be remarked that the weather during the summer was extraordinary in the North-West, in so far as very little rain fell and there was an absence of the squalls known as 'Cockeye Bobs," which occur in December and January. Some heavy falls of rain were registered in connection with this storm, and its influence in this respect was felt for a considerable distance inland. The total amount of rain recorded at the principal stations within the area affected by the cyclone between the 23rd and 28th is as under: Obagama . . . . . . 365 points. Point Torment 384 Derby 313 Broome 859 Thangoo . . 988 La Grange . . . . . . 542 Yeeda 550 Upper Liveringa . . . . 345 Beagle Bay 338 Roebuck Plains 600 Rollah 543 Anna Plains . . . . . . 517 Wallal 187 May, 1908. With the exception of the Eastern Goldfields the pres- sure was below normal throughout the State, this being most noticeable in the extreme South- West and along the South coast, the decrease being about 0.05 inches. Pressure areas travelled quickly during the month, and one energetic "low" (during the passage of which Breaksea registered a pressure of 29.227) was accompanied" by stormy con- ditions and heavy rains. During the third week a high pressure area was the dominant feature of weather control, and as a consequence some very high readings were recorded on the Coolgardie Goldfields. Temperatures during the month were below the average throughout the State, except between Cape Leeuwin and Albany, the greatest difference being over the Coolgardie fields, ranging from l.Odeg. at Southern Cross to 4.3 at Coolgardie. The mean minimum temperature at Condon was 5.5deg. above the average. Slight frosts were ex- perienced inland during the month, the lowest reading on the surface of the ground being 29.0deg. at Bridgetown. The rainfall for the month was, with the exception of the Kimberley division, generally above the average. Many places in East and West Kimberley received no rain, but Fitzroy registered a total of 54 points, or 28 above the average. The excess was large and general in the Gas- coyne, ranging from 30 points at Abbotts to 390 at Woor- arnel. Several places in the Eastern division recorded falls below normal, but generally speaking the stations in this area registered totals well above the average. Some heavy rains fell over the South-West division in connection with the passage of the low already referred to, and this in conjunction with the falls recorded during several other rainy periods resulted in this division re- ceiving a greater than average total. 11 June, HMI-. I -:.inn\ condiliou> prevailed 111 Soulh Wc-t disiii'-i. e-pecially bet t\ cell Pcith :inil Albany iliii'inu ti it' tlif MHinlli, ami general i-iiin It'll o\er lilt' Stale a- lar North .1- I Similar condition* prevailed III! IWo Mll)M1|IHMII occa-ioll* during Which ill!' fit. ..i North a- \Vallal. being particularly heavy nil the Nurtii U'r- coast. Hot-bourne i c;;i-tcivd :i."iti points and I'url llcdlaiid !.")(! duriii- ' hc>c period-. From the. Stli to llii' 1'Jlh a "high" covered I hr whole Stale, causing \n\ low temperatures in the Soiiih \Ve-i and u\rr 'In (,'oldlield-. Anolhe of high pn .vine, the influence nf which was fell from 17th lill 2-4tli. w;u- responsible for ow temperaimc readings in tact, the lowest read- -. "d inland mi Ihe lllth. I'll- a le-nlt of I lie two "high.-" rel erred to alm\e. were .-lightly al>o\c normal throughout, except in .mil mi i In- North- West coast be- tween Condon and I 'o.-sack. A luari.iil di . in. ih day and night temperatures \pciiciiced throughout, ranging from 2.3 at Kyre to N aLoo. l-Vo-t- \v, al in the Sou ih- West inland districts and nxer Ihe (iuldliehls. and even at Perth the terrestrial thermometer icgiMered iil.O on the Sth. The rainfall in I lie Norlh-\VeM, ; sue, and geuer- allx -peaking over i he South-\Ye-t, Kucla, and Southern (ioldtield- divisions was above the average. In the North- ihe excess ranged from 35 points at Warrawoona to Kocliimrne, in the Uascoyne from ,">0' points at Haiiie- lin I'ool to 335 at Carnarvon, the South-West, Eucla, and Southern divisions between 22 at Narrogin and K-peianee. No rain fell in the East Kimberley n. while in the West Kimberley and over the Northern (loldiields it was below the average. The greatest fall for the month, 994 points, was registered at Yarloop. July, 1908. Pressure was above normal at many stations in the Southern half of the State, but within the tropical section it was below. Perth and Breaksea, for instance, recorded aid .067 above respectively, while Cossack and Peak Hill were respectively .048 and .061 below. On the whole tine weather was experienced; but two well defined dis- turbances accompanied by general rains visited the South- West on the Sth and 16th. During the presence of the Bnt-njuned very low readings were recorded the barometer at the Observatory falling to 29.285. which is the lowest reading ever recorded at Perth. Bunbury and Cape Naturaliste recorded 29.109 and 29.034 respectively on the same date. Heavy gales were experienced round Perth, the wind attaining a velocity of 50 miles per hour. The second disturbance lasted from the 16th to the 18th, but was not of such a severe character as that of the oth. Temperatures were generally about normal. Some very low readings were recorded at night inland. A spell of fine weather set in on the 20th, which lasted till the 4th August, and during this period severe frosts and fogs were of daily occurrence in the inland districts of the South- West. The number of wet days at Perth (10) for this month is the least since 1884. Rainfall was above the average in West Kimberley divi- sion, the majority of stations in the North- West division, and over the South- West from Rockingham and Meckering Southwards. Elsewhere, with the exception of several iso- lated stations, the totals did not reach the average. Most of Ihe rain which fell in the tropics resulted from the ili>iiirlianee which affected that portion of the Slate during the laM week nl the month. I'raetieallv the whole of the rain in the South-West division wa> recorded between the 1st and 10th. and the 17th and 20th. Ht, Pressure was below normal during I lie month in the Kimberley district, but throughout the remaining portion of the Slate it was considerably ab.-ve. Albany showing an .ise of .d-4 inches. Thi> was canx-d by an almost continuous high pressure area over the Southern part of the State, which was only on two occasions displaced by short but severe disturbances, the lirst on the 7th and Sth and the second on Ihe 301 h. Moth of these produced heavy coastal weal her and general rain over the South- West and Southern district-. Temperatures throughout the Stale were below the aver- age. especially over the Murchison and Toolgardie Gold- fields, and frosts were recorded generally South of the Tropics. The rainfall was above the average over the greater portion of the Murchison, the North Coolgardie Goldflelds, and the extreme South- West and South coastal stations. Over the rest of the State the lotals for the month fell short of the average, this being noticeably the case in the greater portion of the South- West division. No rain was recorded at any station within the tropical areas. September, 1908. The usual succession of "highs" and "lows" occurred during the month. Of the former the most intense was during the third week, when high readings were recorded throughout the Southern half of the State. Coolgardie s-howed a pressure of 30.529 on the 20th, while on the 19th Karridale registered 30.622. Of the "lows," it may be said that those of the 15th and 22nd, which both came down the West coast, caused general rains through the South-West and Southern districts, and thunderstorms were associated with the progress of the latter. Pressure, on the whole, was about normal in the Tropics, slightly above over the Murchison and Coolgardie Goldflelds, and considerably above in the coastail areas between Perth ami Esperance. Temperatures were normal throughout the State, but some very low night readings were registered during the first half of the month. The lowest temperatures on record for the month of September were observed on the 1st at many stations on the Goldh'elds, and at several places in the South-West. Appended is a table showing the mean and lowest readings of the terrestrial minimum ther- mometer : Mean. LoWMt. Date. Peak Hill Cue 47-3 89'3 34-0 25 '0 2nd Coolgardie Southern Cross York ... 897 37-3 877 28-0 23-4 29'0 1st lat Iflft Walebinff Perth Observatory Wandering Bridgetown Katanning Mt. Barker 842 n - 3l:t 34-2 860 87-8 240 364 210 20-3 271 !"> 1st 13th ttb Xiih .-.th 13th and 2Oth 12 With the exception of the extreme South-East coastal areas, the rainfall \v;is In-low the average, particularly in the South-West, whore Collie showed a shortage of 272 points. Eyre and Balladonia were the only two stations showing a total above the average in the South coastal areas, while no rain fell at any station in the Tropics. Heavy dews were recorded on several mornings throughout the State South of the Tropics, and frosts were reported from many stations in the South-West and on the Gold- fields. October, 1908. The first week of the month was marked by the persist- ence of a low pressure area off the Leeuwin, causing cloudy, squally, and showery conditions through the South-West and Southern districts, with moderately rough seas along the coast This was followed by a few fine days, when another period of unsettled showery weather lasting from the llth till the Kith prevailed in the South-West, extending inland to the fields. Thence, onward, fine con- ditions followed, with several hot days, resulting from the (passage of a shallow depression. High barometers were noted on the South coast and over the Coolgardie fields on the 20th, the reading at Balladonia being 30.498, while thai at Eyre was 30.5.19 on the same date. Pressure was about normal in the Tropics. Generally speaking, temperatures were below the aver- age in the Tropics, the decrease at Derby of the mean maxi- mum being 3deg. High temperatures were .recorded on the 10th along the South coast, and Breaksea registered the highest reading yet recorded for October at that station. Eyre with a maximum of 104.4 on the 27th also consti- tuted a record for the month. Generally speaking, seasonable conditions prevailed, and much fine weather was experienced inland. Frosts and occasional dense fogs were experienced in the South-West districts during the first half of the month. The subjoined table shows the mean and lowest readings of the terrestrial minimum thermometer during the month : Mean. Lowest. Date. Peak Hill 537 42-0 15th Cue 48'4 39'0 Coolgardie 46-4 37-2 7th Southern Cross 44-9 32-8 7th Walebing 407 31-2 2nd York 43-2 32-5 7rh Perth Observatory Bridgetown 48-2 38-1 38-3 296 28th 30th Karridale 41'U 300 13th Katunning 36-5 23-1 13th Mt. Barker 41-0 30-0 7th and 13th With the exception of the district stretching from Mul- lewa Southwards to Carnamah and Eastwards to Lake Austin and Mt. Magnet, and also at a few scattered places in the South-West and South, the rainfall was below the average. Gingin showed a total of 369 points, being 164 above average, while Collie registered 371 points, thus ex- ceeding the normal by 45. Argyle Downs, with 52 points, was the highest total in the Tropic, as the majority of stations in this area recorded no rain. November, 1908. The month opened with cloudy, showery weather over the South, the South-West, and Goldfields, while squally con- ditions and rough seas were reported from coastal stations. Atmospheric pressure was, generally speaking, below nor- mal, a circumstance due to the number of "lows," as well us the mild intensity of the three "highs" which influenced the Southern half of the State. The low pressure and high temperature registered in the tropical areas indicated the presence of nionsoonal influence during the greater part of the month. Hot, sultry conditions prevailed almost all over the State. and temperatures were, a-s a rule, above normal. Marble Bar recorded a maximum of llJ.Odeg. on the 28th, while for a week the readings varied between 103deg. and lOSdeir. The thermometers at the Goldfields stations also registered some high readings, caused chiefly by a "low" area which worked its way through the State from the North-West to the head of the Bight. The highest maximum regis- tered at Perth was 94.7, which is 6.2deg. lower than the highest ever recorded, although the mean for the month is l.Sdeg. above average. The rainfall was above the average all over the South- West and Southern districts, with the exception of the country lying between Pingelly and Broomehill, to the exclusion of Arthur River and Katanning, two stations which show totals slightly above normal. The average has also been exceeded in the Murchison and portions of the Coolgardie Goldfields. Klsewhere, with the exception of several isolated stations, the falls are below average. General rains fell throughout the South- West and South on the 10th, 25th. and 26th of the month. Scattered thuixlersiiorms were recorded at places in the Tropics, but the accompanying rainfall was very slight. 1908. The most remarkable weather feature for this month was the heat wave experienced throughout the State. In the South-West it lasted from the 23rd to the 29th, when a cool change set in. The dwellers on the Goldlields were not so fortunate. For them the heat lasted till the new year before a cool change occurred. This heat was associated with a barometric depression extending from the North- West coast right through the Goldfields to the South coast. The hottest day was the 29th, when the highest maximum shade temperature for t-he month of December was regis- tered at many places on the fields and in the South-West inland stations. Southern Cross registered a mean of 97.6deg., which is 4.9deg. higher than the mean of previous years, and its greatest maximum of 114.6deg. was reached on the 26th. Hamelin Pool recorded 115.2deg. on the 29th as against the previous highest, 111.8. Cue, with a mean maximum of 103.5deg., registered a temperature of 116.5 deg. on the 30th. The lowest mean minimum was 49.5deg.. recorded at Bridgetown, and the lowest mean day maximum, C7.6deg., at Breaksea, where the highest maximum was only 77deg. On comparing the Perth readings with those of other places, we find that the coastal stations were in every instance cooler, ranging from 3.5deg. at Geraldton to 19.7deg. at Breaksea. On the other hand, (lie inland stations, that is, those away from littoral in- fluences, were hotter in every instance, ranging from 2.5deg. at Guildford to 21.(ideg. at Marble Bar. The rain season in the Tropics commenced very late this year, the first heavy fall occurring on the 5th. The total for the month was in excess of the average in the East Kim- berley, and, with the exception of several stations, in North- Western divisions. The falls in those areas were associated with the disturbance which came in on the North-West and passed overland through the Murchison, causing mod- erate to heavy rain, which extended Southwards as far as Mingenew. Scattered thunderstorms were of almost daily occurrence in the Tropics during the rest of the month. Totals above the average, due to the aforesaid cyclone, were IS recorded over the Mim-hison Coldticlds and the Northern inn-lion of (In* Coolnardie lield-. Heavy rain fell along the Soulli coast on the 7th, bringing tin total at Ml. Maria-l- and Alhany above ihr I ,t showers, with a moderate .HII on the |.~>th. were the only rains :,,! over the S.i'il'i Wc-l tin i>ion and ( 'ool-ardie ticld>. XlKllllr... . I'M)-. The mean atmospheric v showed .at departure from iioriiuil. In the West ami E il area-, a- well a- over the South Coolgardie (!old- ;ie|.|s. a -light excess was -hown. while in addition to the North-West and North coastal districts all inland si., ifil pressures either normal or sliirliily below average. very hiir .Is in III. ul' Alhany an.! Break-. -a. weie rei orded d-iniiL' Apiil. and a'jain in September, while during the passage of another intense anticvi lone K'arriilale registered ItO.li'J'J inches A HMn willy-willy, which did enormous damage and ) -.-rioti- lo-- of lil'e. occurred on the L'tilh and 27th April on the North \\ l.etween Wallal and La . and i- de-criheil on pau'e 10 in the April monthly Some very l" hannneter ii-admin* were recorded in the South-West dutin- the pn-seiice of an Antarctic "low" on the "ith July. A- iii'licalin- its intensity it may l>e nientioned that IVr . d J'M'S") inehes (the ! reailini: eser n orded at the station), while Bnnbnry and Cape Naturalisle showed 29.HM) ami Jfi.iCU inehw respec- tixely. With il were associated heavy gales and rain. Mean I.: - were, will) few exceptions, helow nor- mal, and the only station in the Slate at which an increase ..led wiis al Albany, the c\res> amounting to 0.2deg. The la-t lew days of the year brought very hi^li tempera- it hern part of I he Slate, and many stations. inclndin- Walelir -. \ortham. Wanderiii-. Donnybrook, Bridgetown. Kyre. and Balladonia. re-isi,.,eil the highest maximum on record. Very low ni-rlit reiulin^s occurred in the South-West division and over (he (ioldlields during the winter months, and Perth. Wandering. Walebing, Honnyln-ook. and Wiliina eclip-cd all previous records in l his direction. A cursory ylance at the rainfall map for ihe year shows falls above average in West Kimberley. portion of the North West, the lia.-coyne, and a strip of country stretch- ing from the last-named division right acro the State in a Sontli-Kasicrly clirection, and embracing the greater part of the Kaslern (ioldfields. as well as the whole of the Hilda divi-ion. Owing to the failure of the rain in the South- \\e-t division during August, September, and October, the falls over this important area of the State were with iso- lated exceptions below normal. The whole of Kawt Kim- berley. with the exception of Turkey < 'reek, showed a sub- normal fall, and in Ihe greater part of the North-West divi- sion, as well as that of the Kastern (ioldlields. (he yearly totals were below average. Section I. METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS AT PERTH OBSERVATORY. 16 Meteorological Observations vtaile at Perth BAROMETER. TEMPERATURE. Corrected to 32 F, M.S.I,, ,-mil Gravity. !l a.m. > p. III. 9 p. in. Terres- DATE. .. AT" , Solar i -. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. Humi- dity. Dry Bidb. Wet Bulb. Humi- dity. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. Humi- dity. iViaxj - mum. !M I n i - mum. uiurnai Range. Maxi- mum. trial Mini- mum. ! 1 30-018 29-965 29-999 69-2 .->!> 6 54 73-1 63-2 54 65-2 01 -1 77 75-8 56-8 19-0 137-3 52-1 2 29-929 29-852 29-874 73-2 62-7 52 75-4 66-9 60 66-2 63-9 86 84-0 58-7 25-3 142-0 57-1 3 29-870 29-853 29-905 69-9 65-3 75 69-7 63-2 66 66-0 60-4 70 74-7 61-0 13-7 143-9 57-0 4 29-903 29-902 29-968 69-7 62-7 64 71-3 62 5 58 66-3 62-2 77 74-9 63-0 11-9 146-1 60-2 5 30-063 30-032 30-053 66-3 57-6 57 70-9 57-8 44 63-9 58-3 69 72-0 58-4 13-6 141-0 54-5 6 30-004 29-923 29-956 69-1 58-2 60 72-7 03-0 55 63-2 59-0 76 76-3 55-2 21-1 139-0 50-2 7 29-997 30-001 30-060 67-8 58-8 56 69-0 58-5 52 62-9 56-6 68 70-7 61-6 9-1 141-3 57-4 8 30-213 30-118 30-163 63-0 55-1 59 71-9 61-2 52 66-7 69-8 63 74-9 52-9 22-0 135-7 48-2 9 30-259 30-133 30-130 66-8 55-3 47 84-5 63-0 29 69-0 64-9 77 86-2 55-7 30-5 142-0 53-9 10 30-132 30-016 30-041 82-8 63-3 32 90-4 8-5 30 74-2 61-3 45 93-5 64-6 28-9 151-0 58-1 11 29-971 29-923 29-949 83-5 66-0 37 82-1 70-3 52 71-2 69-2 88 93-0 61-0 j 32-0 153-0 56-0 12 29-936 29-878 29-900 77-8 67-0 ,->4 81-7 68-8 57 70-8 68-4 86 87-0 59-6 27-4 143-8 54-8 13 29-859 29-776 29-818 82-0 70-2 52 90-5 72-5 38 79-8 67-6 49 94-5 66-0 28-5 149-9 61-3 14 29-861 29-883 29-916 72-0 67-2 84 71-7 67-4 77 64-9 62-2 85 77-6 61-8 15-8 147-3 57-0 15 29-884 29-835 29-911 71-3 65.2 69 73-3 66-7 68 64-6 60-5 77 76-7 56-6 20-1 140-9 53-0 16 29-977 29-930 29-958 67-0 62.2 74 71-3 62-0 42 62-5 59-1 80 72-2 62-0 10-2 141-0 60-0 17 29-845 29-780 29-822 62-6 59-7 83 66-5 60-6 69 58-0 55-0 81 70-5 60-0 10-5 129-6 57-0 18 29-965 29-986 30-092 62-9 56-7 66 66-2 57-1 56 56-7 54-7 87 68-1 55 -0 13-1 134-3 53-0 19 30-173 30-127 30-171 61-3 53-7 60 68-4 59-6 57 63-5 58-8 74 70-0 55-0 15-0 144-2 53-0 20 30-224 30-110 30-136 66-4 56-8 54 77-5 65-0 48 66-0 63-3 85 i 81-5 55-6 25-9 140-1 52-3 21 30-173 30-050 30-039 73^4 62-2 50 91-3 67-2 27 81-0 62-3 34 92-2 62-3 29-9 147-0 58-2 22 30-076 29-943 29-951 81-1 63-6 36 97-8 69-7 23 80-8 66-7 44 98-5 69-3 29-2 154-2 66-3 23 29-935 29-836 29-877 87-2 69-3 37 95-0 68-3 24 73-2 68-1 74 100-0 67-8 32-2 166-0 60-1 24 29-887 29-844 29-912 78-3 70-6 64 80-0 72-2 64 68-7 67-1 90 82-2 63-3 18-9 139-0 58-2 26 29-983 29-989 30-025 72-2 68-0 78 72-6 65-2 64 65-1 61-0 77 75-4 65-3 10-1 135-6 62-5 26 30-146 30-077 30-112 65-5 58-0 62 72-0 69-2 85 66-2 62-1 77 73-7 58-8 14-9 134-2 55-2 27 30-171 30-043 30-068 67-1 58-8 59 } 76-8 65-4 51 67-8 64-3 8(1 8(1 -:i 58-8 21-5 140-7 56-0 28 30-113 29-973 30-013 71-9 61-9 53 80-6 67-3 46 69-0 65-0 78 83-8 60-7 23-1 142-8 58-0 29 30-068 29-965 29-964 72-1 62-4 55 82-1 68-4 46 70-0 64-2 70 85-0 61-2 23-8 1 143-3 58-1 30 29-918 29-808 29-855 77-0 64-9 50 i 89-4 70-0 35 75-2 65-2 55 92-5 63-0 29-5 149-0 59-8 31 29-843 29-737 29-745 86-8 66-3 32 89-2 69-1 33 78-0 67-2 54 98-0 69-9 28-1 153-9 64-9 Means . . 30-013 29-945 29-980 j 72-2 62-2 55 78-4 65-5 48 68-3 62-6 70 81-8 60-7 21-1 143-5 58-9 Correction to be applied. .. 0-5 0.3 - 0.5 0.3 .. 0.5 -0.3 0.0 0.1 +0.1 0.0 0.0 REMARKS FOE JANUARY, 1908. 1. Fine, few clouds. Fr.-Cu. from 8.E.; Cu. bank to E. Clouds passing away, leaving afternoon and evening fine and clear, with scattered Ci. low down to W. 2. Fine and clear throughout. Dew. 3. Gloomy. Dew. Cu. from S.W. 4. Overcast. Cu. from W.N.W. In afternoon cloudy Cu. from W.S.W. ; watery in places. Overcast at 10 p.m., and smart shower 10.15. 5. Gloomy. Cu. from S.S.W. ; clouds quickly clearing, leaving afternoon and evening clear, with fresh sea breeze. 6. Fine and clear. Slight smoke haze. In afternoon cloudy. Cu. from W.N.W., but clearing away after sunset. 7. iFine but cloudy. Cu. from S.W.; Ci. from W. In afternoon few clouds. Gusty. Fr.-Cu. from S.S.W. ; Ci. bank to X horizon. Clear evening. v . Fine but i-loudy. Cu. and Fr.-Cu. from S.E. Fine and clear in afternoon and evening. 9. Fine and clear throughout. Warm in afternoon, but eool change at sunset. 10. Warm to hot. Clear throughout. 11. Cloudy and sultry. Smoke haze. Ci. to S.E.; Cu. to N. and N.W. Hot in afternoon. Cloudy. Hani Ci.-Cu. from N.W.; thunder Cu. to N. 12. Fine and clear. Warm and hazy. Slight dew. In afternoon thunder Cu. to N. and N.W. 13. iWarm to hot. Smoke haze. Slight dew. Scattered Ci. to S.E. ; bank of thunder Cu. Cloudy close evening. Ci. and Ci.-Str. from W. by S. Lunar halo between 8 and 9 p.m. 34. Gloomy and rather sultry. Cu. from N.W. In afternoon Cu. and Cu.-Nim. from W.N.W. Cloudy. with fresh sea breeze in evening. Cu. from W.N.W. ; Ci. from N.W. IS. Fine, but cloudy. Dew. Ci. and rather watery Cu. from N.W. Gusty in afternoon. Cu. and Ci. from N.W. Smart shower 6 p.m. Cloudy, with strong N.W. wind during evening. 16. Gloomy and threatening to W. Cu. and Cu.-.\im. from S.W. ; Fr.-Nim. to E. In afternoon cloudy, with fresh sea breeze. Lower Cu. from W.S.W. ; upper Cu. and Ci. from N.W. Lunar halo. 17 nluni i, 1908. 1 1 HUD. WIND. 0-10. 9 a.m. S p.m. 9 p.m. T.,-l M~ Rainfall (100 (mints Evaporation Hill-lien). . DATE. 9 .m :t p.m. '.i p.m. s .jj' ii Direo- Force Direc- ! i > LUMU nwi Koroe Of MU * 1 inrli.i shine. ti.in. (Mile*). tion. (Miles). HOB (Miles). ' 2 L' l.'ii SK II mi 24 S 19 M 0-33 1 it-a SK 6 -u 21 8 19 M 0-34 2 III 111 in 5-5 SW 8 s\\ 18 UsU 1 Ml 0-28 3 10 8 2 U 1 U 15 U\U 9 -."iii 0-27 4 in 117 B8B II SSW |] 17 :I:HI 3 0-29 5 8 Hi 7 SK 1! SSW '21 ssU 15 .'l.'l.'t n :is 6 8 ; 3 S u SSW 25 8 24 518 0-30 7 ti it- a SSE II SSW 25 8 17 432 0-41 8 1 1' ii KNK M BSE 10 8 9 325 0-35 9 it- a NK 20 BW 22 SSK 17 374 .. 0-31 10 2 I ts-o K 4 SW 15 su 15 224 .. 0-43 11 it -a a 5 sw a BSW 11 230 .. 0-30 12 1 1 5 11-8 SK 10 SW 17 SSW 4 L'L'I .. ;.i I Dry Wet Humi- Dry Wet Humi- Dry Wet Humi- Alaxr mum. BAim* mum. Jjlllrluu Range. Maxi- mum. t rial Mini- 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Bulb. Bulb. dity. ; Bulb. Bulb. dity. Bulb. Bulb. dity. . mum. 1 29-714 29-627 29-686" 79-5 73-4 71 79-3 69-6 57 69-7 66-0 79 89-8 69-0 20-8 155-3 67-1 2 29-774 29-747 29-776 68-5 59-9 58 70-2 60-6 55 64-2 57-4 64 72-7 61-2 11-5 139-5 60-5 3 29-830 29-775 29-815 59-4 55-4 76 68-1 58-7 55 62-9 58-0 73 69-8 56-8 13-0 139-6 56-0 4 29-886 29-837 29-886 65-4 57-2 58 71-5 61-6 53 64-0 60-8 81 73-6 57-3 16-3 143-0 55-0 6 29-906 29-798 29-802 69-8 60-9 56 74-8 65-6 57 67-1 62-4 74 78-5 57-2 21-3 137-5 52-9 6 29-830 29-822 29-972 66-7 60-3 66 69-2 62-3 64 62-6 56-2 65 72-0 58-7 13-3 132-0 56-3 7 30-167 30-108 30-177 60-6 52-5 58 68-6 57-0 48 64-1 57-5 65 70-0 50-5 19-5 130-3 45-1 8 30-260 30-144 30-142 69-1 58-6 52 86-8 64-6 28 70-5 66-0 76 88-1 57-3 30-8 143-3 52-0 9 30-151 29-992 30-000 77-3 62-9 43 92-5 66-3 24 74-2 65-6 60 94-0 64-3 29-7 149-0 61-0 10 29-996 29-862 29-858 82-1 62-9 33 92-0 68-1 27 77-2 61-8 40 94-9 65-7 29-2 152-0 61-0 11 29-904 29-840 29-927 80-3 66-1 44 89-6 68-9 32 72-0 68-5 82 90- 2 60-3 35-9 150-8 52-8 12 30-020 29-918 29-980 72-0 63-2 58 79-6 68-3 52 72-2 61-0 50 84-4 64-0 20-4 141-0 61-0 13 30-091 29-996 30-065 66-6 56-5 52 73-1 63-0 54 66-8 61-3 70 78-3 56-0 22-3 137-8 53-8 14 30-157 30-017 30-017 67-4 59-3 60 82-2 62-8 33 73-3 61-2 48 84-3 58-2 26-1 143-6 55-9 15 30-042 29-906 29-959 75-0 65-3 56 91-1 66-6 26 71-0 59-6 49 91-9 62-2 29-7 149-0 59-1 16 29-878 29-775 29-790 86-0 68-4 37 95-6 72-0 29 80-0 67-6 49 98-5 65-1 33-4 152-0 64-0 17 29-849 29-859 29-947 79-0 72-7 70 76-2 68-2 63 67-4 64-7 84 82-9 66-0 16-9 143-0 63-0 18 30-032 29-932 29-963 71-8 62-0 55 80-1 68-2 50 70-0 65-7 77 84-8 61-1 23-7 142-2 57-0 19 30-033 29-928 29-927 73-1 65-0 62 89-9 71-4 36 75-3 68-3 66 90-9 62-2 28-7 145-2 59-4 20 29-950 29-856 29-919 87-0 71-0 41 91-3 74-7 41 80-4 70-5 56 96-9 71-9 25-0 154-0 69-0 21 29-929 29-829 29-866 88-3 72-3 41 94-5 70-7 28 75-9 67-8 62 100-0 76-1 23-9 157-2 72-1 22 29-873 29-765 29-777 86-3 70-3 40 96-0 70-5 26 80-5 66-8 45 98-6 68-2 30-4 153-5 64-2 23 29-772 29-714 29-740 75-8 68-6 65 79-8 70-6 58 70-0 65-0 73 83-0 69-2 13-8 144-6 65-8 24 29-754 29-598 29-613 72-3 65-7 67 78-0 67-6 55 69-3 64-8 76 81-4 63-0 18-4 138-1 59-0 26 29-564 29-582 29-646 62-6 60-8 89 66-7 57-2 54 59-0 55-8 81 67-9 59-7 8-2 121-5 55-0 26 29-764 29-767 29-855 66-3 61-7 75 70-2 60-2 53 63-2 60-2 82 72-6 58-7 13-9 141-8 56-0 27 29-948 29-899 29-958 64-8 63-6 93 71-0 58-9 47 63-5 57-6 67 72-5 56-7 15-8 148-9 52-0 28 30-015 29-842 29-872 66-6 59-7 64 75-0 63-4 50 67-2 60-0 63 78-1 55-0 23-1 146-9 49-0 29 29-899 29-790 29-815 71-0 64-3 66 ^ 82-2 68-2 45 70-0 63-5 67 84-0 61-1 22-9 140-2 58-8 Means . . 29-931 29-846 29-888 72-8 63-5 57 80-5 65-7 42 69-8 62-8 65 83-8 61-8 22-0 143-9 58-4 Correction 1 to be > 0-5 0-3 0-5 0-3 . . 0-5 0-3 o-o o-i +0-1 o-o 0-0 applied J REMARKS FOR FEBRUARY, 1908. 1. Cloudy and sultry, with thick smoke haze; hot; hard A.-Cu. from N.W., Cu. to S.E. In the after- noon, hard A.-Cu. from N.W., Ci.-Cu. to N.W. ; thunder Cu. to E. Clear evening, with cloud bank to E.; lightning to E. 2. Cloudy and fresh ; Cu. from S.W. ; A.-Cu. from W. ; Mass.-Cu. to S. ; heavy Cu. to S. E. In afternoon, lower Cu. from S.W. ; upper Cu. from S.S.W. Squally and threatening in evening. One or two light showers during day. 3. Gloomy and misty; Cu. from S.W. In evening, cloudy, but overcast at 10, with light misty rain. 4. Cloudy; Cu. from S.S.E. In afternoon, fine and clear; Cu. bank showing all round horizon. 5. Fine and clear. Misty. Faint cloud bank showing to N. Cool, mod. S.W. wind in afternoon, with smoke haze along ranges. Scattered Cu. from W.N.W. 6. Cloudy and cool. Fr.-Cu. rapidly from S.S.E. ; A.-Cu. from N.W. ; Cu. all round horizon. In afternoon, squally and dusty. Fr.-Cu. from S.S.W. Clear, fresh evening. 7. Fine and clear. Cu. bank to W. ; scattered Fr.-Cu. to E. Clear and gusty in afternoon and evening. 8. Bright, warm day. In afternoon, Ci. from W.S.W. Rather close evening. 9. Fine, few clouds; warm to hot; A.-Cu. from W.N.W. In afternoon, slight smoke haze; Ci. bank to W. and N.W. Close evening. 10. Warm to hot, and sultry; clear throughout. 11. Warm to hot; smoke haze. Cool fresh evening. 12. Fine and clear. Smoke haze. Ci. from W. Cool, pleasant evening. Ci. bank to S.W. and S. 13. Fine and clear. Smoke haze. Scattered Ci. from S.W. 14. Cloudy. Ci. from W. by N. Clear evening. Smoke haze. Ci. bank to S.W. and S. 15. Warm to hot; clear. Smoke haze along ranges. Ci. from W.X.W. Few clouds in afternoon. Thun- der A.-Cu. to N.W.; Ci. bank to S. and S.W., dense to 3. '/,- MnHlli nl' I -liritarii. 7W. CLOUD. WlNl>. (0-10.) Hours .i ...m. 3 p.m. 9p.m. TVtt.1 W/* Rainfall (100 point* 11 1 L Evaporation (inch*.). DATI. 9 ..m. 3 p.m. " '"" sl- fOf DbM r Direc- K tl | 1 '. il N ot .Mile*. inch.) Sllllie. lion. Mil. tion. M,|. . tion. \1,|. . 7 7 . s S 7 38M 18 ss\\ 1!) 342 0-35 I 8 7 - SW 18 8W H SSW 211 430 u :(l 2 In 8 1 4-2 X K 6 SSW 16 88W 9 212 0-35 3 6 1 10 9 SK SSW 20 8 18 394 I L'l 4 1 12 II K 14 ssw 2:i s 18 3!)1 ii :t2 n .-, :t ll-n S 31 ^u .'17 s\\ 211 BM 0-34 6 1 12-2 1H 15 881 17 .-ill il 12 7 I 1 12 2 XXK 21 1 17 8 6 323 0-31 8 :t 1 . KXK i:. ssw IB 981 16 480 0-28 9 !! 12 1 K 16 10 SSK 19 375 0-34 10 1 1 '.i SK 7 ssw 18 B8W 18 2H!> 0-37 11 11.-. SSK it SSW a BSE 18 424 f m 0-34 12 11-7 K 18 SSW 25 S 16 439 . . 0-M 13 2 1 112 KSK 2:1 KSK 19 si: 13 387 0-36 14 i :t 11-8 KXK 22 BSE 12 SSE 13 378 0-31 15 2 2 :t in 2 KXK 12 >\\ 16 B 12 2VI 0-35 16 Ii 7 8 7-6 SW 5 WSW 15 BBffl 12 264 g TJ 17 , t 11-6 KsK 15 ssw 21 BSE 10 320 t t 0*28 18 . . 11-8 KXK 2:1 a 9 15 M . . 0-31 19 1 9 1 8-5 XXK 21 wsw 19 S 17 369 t t 0-34 20 :( 3 1 |o -s XK 16 sw 19 WSW 10 271 t m 0-29 21 S 1 I 8-9 X X K 20 sw 20 8 11 275 0-37 22 8 1 9-9 B 9 ssw 25 8 16 361 0-34 23 1 1 2 112 KSK s sw 18 ss\\ 10 297 f r 0-33 24 Hi 7 1 4-8 w 22 w 30 wxw 30 500 0-28 25 H 4 5 6-3 wsw 20 wsw 19 ssw 6 391 33- 0-31 26 :t 2 . . ll-u SSE 12 ssw 19 8 15 296 (I 0-18 27 I 7 11-0 SSK 9 ssw 20 ssK 19 368 0-31 28 5 4 10-9 KXK 18 sw 15 s 14 375 0-18 2!) 3-1 2-9 1-8 10-3 BI 15 ssw 20 8 15 366 ' 0-32 Means 297-4 fe 9-21 Totals * Card changed. EIMARKS PCK KEBRUAKY, 1'JUS -continued. 16. Few fine clouds. Warm to hot. Cu. and A.-di. from W. In afternoon, A.-Cu. from N.W. ; thunder <'n. to W. Close evening. A.-Cu. to W.; thunder Cu. to 8.W. and 8. 17. Cloudy and aultry. Thick smoke haze. A.-Cu. from W.N.W. In afternoon, Ci.Cu. to A.-Cu. from W.N.\V. Cool cloudy evening. Ci.-Cu. to A.-fti. from W.; Cu. to N.E. 18. Fine and clear throughout. Smoke haze. 19. Warm to hot. Clear. Smoke haze. 20. Fine nnd clear. Warm to hot. Smoke haze. Ci. hank to "W. In afternoon, cloudy and sultry; threntenintf in N. :in.l N.K.; Ci. from 8.W. ; heavy thunder Cu. and Fr.-Cu. from N.K. Very close night. 21. Hot. Smoke haze. Ci. and A.-Cu. from N.W. Cloudy. in afternoon. A.-Cu. from W.N.W. Close cloudy evening. Ci. from W. 22. Fine, trr clo'jdn. 8-noke haze. A.-Cu. from N.E. Hot in afternoon. Cu. from 8.W. Close evening. L'3. Cloudy and Sultry. Very thick smoke haze. A.-Cu. and Cu. from W.N.W. Few clouds in afternoon. Cu. from W. Pleaoant cool evening. 24. Fine and clear. Smoke haze. Ci. bank along ranged. Few clouds in afternoon. Cu. showing to W. horizon. 25. Overcast and showery. Nimbus from N.W. In nfternoon, ( 'u. and Cu.-Nim. from W.N.W. Cloudy and squally during evening. Cu. and Fr.-Cu. from W. 26. Pasxing showery. Ci. and Cu. frmii W.S.W. ; Fr. Xiin. to K. ; Mnss.-Cii. to 8.8.E. In afternoon, fine few clouds. Cu. from W. Smart shower 1" .!" p.m. 27. Fine. Few clouds. Cu. all round horizon; Fr.-Cu. from S.S.E.- In afternoon, Cu. and Fr.-Cu. from 8. 28. Fine and clear. Fr.-Cu. from E. Cloudy in after- noon. Cu. from E. Clear evening. 29. Cloudy. A.-Cu. from N.W. Few clouds in aft.T- noon. Ci. from W.N.W. ; Cu. from N.E. Cleirlng away after sunset. 20 Meteorological Observations made at Perth BAROMETER. TEMPERATURE. Corrected to 32 F., 9ri m DATE. M.S.L. and Gravity. 9n m a.m. 3 p. ni. P. 111. Maxi- Mini- Diurnal Solar Terres- trial mum. mum. Range. Maxi- Mini- 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. Humi- dity. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. Humi- dity. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. Humi- dity. mum. mum. 1 29-850 29-804 29-860 74-8 63-3 51 85-0 67-6 37 71-7 63-9 62 87-2 63-1 24-1 141-9 60-3 2 29-905 29-817 29-876 74-2 63-6 53 85-2 68-4 39 71-3 63-6 62 87-0 63-2 23-8 143-2 60-0 3 29-900 29-762 29-821 73-1 67-0 70 88-0 66-3 30 72-6 62-4 53 89-0 64-4 24-6 144-5 56-2 4 29-767 29-736 29-808 76-4 61-5 40 74-7 67-0 63 66-3 62-8 80 78-8 57-3 21-5 132-6 51-1 5 29-839 29-689 29-728 69-7 62-8 64 76-2 66-0 55 66-6 60-7 69 79-7 57-0 22-7 138-7 53-6 6 29-740 29-734 29-822 68-9 62-6 67 71-5 61-7 54 66-2 58-1 60 72-8 61-9 10-9 i 135-0 59-0 7 29-962 29-921 30-027 62-0 54-0 58 70-3 59-6 51 64-9 58-6 66 73-6 53-0 20-6 , 130-1 48-0 8 30-193 30-108 30-151 65-0 55-2 52 69-3 59-6 54 63-2 59-0 76 73-2 53-8 19-4 ; 130-5 48-0 9 30-163 30-039 30-084 66-4 58-1 59 74-0 64-1 55 66-2 63-2 83 77-7 56-5 21-2 133-1 51-4 10 30-043 29-928 29-971 77-5 65-3 49 87-2 67-5 54 72-1 64-3 62 88-2 63-0 25-2 142-3 58-9 11 30-007 29-946 30-030 68-7 63-6 73 77-0 67-0 56 73-1 64-3 59 80-0 59-7 20-3 134-2 56-1 12 30-148 30-027 30-069 71-3 63-4 61 79-7 67-4 49 68-4 63-9 76 82-3 60-7 21-6 137-1 58-1 13 30-106 29-993 30-055 67-9 59-6 59 80-5 66-0 43 70-6 60-8 54 83-1 60-9 22-2 ! 137-9 54-7 14 30-102 30-027 30-136 68-3 59-0 55 76-0 65-0 52 69-1 58-9 52 79-9 59-0 20-9 135-5 55-9 15 30-296 30-206 30-285 67-5 57-9' 54 80-0 61-2 33 67-2 58-3 56 80-2 57-5 22-7 i 135-0 53-5 16 30-381 30-209 30-254 64-0 54-9 55 80-9 61-0 31 64-5 58-5 67 81-0 55-0 26-0 133-7 51-9 17 30-260 30-117 30-130 73-7 63-8 54 88-2 66-8 30 71-4 60-8 55 88-4 60-1 28-3 140-8 53-8 18 30-087 29-983 30-032 82-1 63-6 34 88-3 66-4 29 64-0 62-7 92 93-5 66-0 27-5 ' 146-9 61-0 19 30-105 30-062 30-092 67-8 62-0 69 72-6 66-4 68 66-9 62-1 74 76-5 61-3 15-2 140-2 54-9 20 30-125 29-993 30-003 66-2 58-1 60 75-0 64-5 54 65-6 60-4 72 79-3 58-1 21-2 134-2 55-6 21 29-974 29-927 29-947 68-4 63-7 76 70-2 63-2 65 61-6 59-2 86 74-2 55-3 18-9 134-2 48-8 22 29-896 29-892 29-973 61-8 61-2 96 67-2 63-2 78 63-0 60-3 84 70-8 57-0 13-8 134-2 55-0 23 30-101 30-077 30-152 63-0 58-9 76 68-9 58-0 50 62-0 58-8 81 70-0 60-2 9-8 134-5 56-1 24 30-162 30-007 30-046 62-3 56-0 66 72-8 61-9 51 64-6 59-4 71 75-7 53-3 22-4 132-0 48-8 25 30-027 29-952 30-044 67-3 60-3 64 76-1 66-2 55 66-6 61-5 72 78-2 59-3 18-9 144-7 56-0 26 30-156 30-033 30-041 65-4 56-9 58 73-1 59-6 44 65-0 56-3 56 73-6 58-0 15-6 133-0 55-9 27 29-972 29-848 29-852 59-1 56-2 83 62-0 60-6 92 62-2 60-8 92 64-5 58-9 5-6 102-0 55-0 28 29-870 29-861 29-929 65-7 63-4 86 71-2 65-6 71 65-4 60-3 72 73-1 57-4 15-7 130-5 57-0 29 30-090 30-085 30-097 63-0 57-9 71 66-2 59-1 64 60-2 55-9 75 68-5 59-0 9-5 140-7 58-5 30 30-151 30-046 30-095 64-1 56-6 61 69-6 60-5 56 64-0 60-4 79 73-3 52-0 21-3 128-2 47-4 31 30-093 29-967 .29-985 67-4 60-0 62 80-0 62-6 36 65-0 62-3 85 80-8 57-3 23-5 133-6 52-3 Means . . 30-047 29-965 30-012 68-2 60-3 61 76-0 63-9 49 66-5 60-7 70 78-5 58-7 19-8 135-6 54-9 Correction^ to be i > . . -0-5 0-3 -0-5 -0-3 -0-5 -0-3 00 -0-1 + 0-1 0-0 0-0 applied. J 1 REMARKS FOR MARCH, 1908. 1. Fine and clear. Warm to hot. Smoke haze. Fr.-Cu. from E. Cool evening. 2.- Fine and clear throughout. Ci. to S. in afternoon. 3. Cloudy and Sultry. Ci. and A.-Cu. from N.W. Clear in afternoon and evening. Hot. Ci. bank to S.E. 4. Clear throughout. Smoke haze. 5. Fine and clear. Few clouds in afternoon. Cu. bank to E. Clear fresh evening. 6. Cloudy. Upper Cu. and A.-Cu. from W.S.W. ; Lower Cu. from S.W. ; Cu.-Nim. to N.E. Few clouds in afternoon. Fr.-Cu. from S.W. Coo], clear evening. 7. Fine and clear throughout. Cu. bank showing to N. and N.W. in evening. 8. Bright pleasant day. Cirrus to W. . 9. Clear throughout. Smoke haze. Warm. In after- noon, Ci. to S.W. 10. Fine and clear. Smoke haze. Cu. bank to W. 11. Pleasant, clear day. Dew. Thick smoke haze. 12. Clear. Cu. bank to E. Few clouds during evening. Ci. from W.S.W. 13. Bright pleasant day. Hazy. 14. Fine and clear. Hazy. In afternoon, gusty. Some- what dense smoke haze. Ci. from S.W. Clear, fresh evening. 15. Pleasant, warm day. Smoke haze. 16. Fine and clear in morning. Cloudy in afternoon. Ci. and Ci.-Str. from S.W. Solar halo. Few clouds in evening. Ci. from W.N.W. 17. Bright, warm day. Few clouds in afternoon and evening. Ci. and Ci.-Str. from S.W. Lunar halo. 18. Fine and clear. Smoke haze. Ci. from S.W. Cloud) in afternoon. Ci. and A.-Cu. from S.W., but gradu- ally dispersing. 19. Dull. Rather watery Cu. to S.W. from S.S.W.; A.-Cu. from S.W. Cloudy in afternoon. Cu. from S.W. Pleasant, clear evening. Obterratory during thr Month of March, 1908. Cum, \i . . (0-10.) IS*>. Uuura _* 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. lYktal Kf\ Rainfall. (100 poinU 1 inch.) Evaporation (inches). DATE. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. HI Sun- Uirrct- fane MM* I-'..!. | Dtofr |-,,., . 1 OU&l HO. of Mile.. fliiin-. I..M. (Miln). Ma* [b. tion. (lOta). , 1 1 -' HI 19 S 16 SSK 14 347 ii --: 1 11-1 KNK 26 SSW 17 ssw 11 371 f t 0-28 2 7 . .. ' 1 KNK L'l 8E 9 8 14 298 f t 0-29 3 . 11-1 NNK BSW 21 8 16 MM , , 0-29 4 o 10-8 SK 13 s\\ 24 8 15 195 0-28 6 8 1 a SSW 1!) 23 ssu 15 Ml 0-26 6 1 11-0 SK 1- 26 an 15 382 . . 0-32 7 IM SK 12 SSW 25 BBH 16 365 . . 9-n 8 . . 1(1 S SK 7 ssw 21 8 17 330 . . 0-26 9 1 . . 10-9 KNK 17 \\s\\ 18 8 14 388 0-23 10 1 10-8 -~ 10 SSW 22 SSU 11 325 0-26 11 3 10-9 KNK 20 SSW 18 8 13 387 0-26 12 , . 10-9 SK 14 SSW 24 8 17 311 0-26 13 1 . . 10-8 KSK 10 ss\\ 27 B8I 22 :i'-'.'. 0-29 14 . 10-8 KsK 20 KSK 17 SE 9 378 0-33 15 7 2 '...-, KNK 28 E 17 SSE 6 370 0-29 16 1 3 B>6 KNK 17 E 8 SSK 18 325 0-23 17 1 B - ... Id L 1 NNK 18 \\ NW 25 wsw 8 280 0-27 18 9 6 1 7-4 S 7 sw 19 8 17 293 0-25 19 8 6 8-4 ENE 20 SSW 18 8 14 338 0-26 20 10 2 3-7 C \\ NW 13 C t t 174 0-19 21 10 10 9 0-0 N N K 6 USW 16 WSW 7 208 14 0-14 22 10 5 2 7-3 v-U 13 USW 20 8 12 300 0-16 23 7 10 6 6-3 K 16 SSW 16 8 14 292 0-23 24 3 7 . . 8-7 KSK 12 ssw 17 E 8 240 0-21 26 8 2 34 KNK 26 ESE 18 SE 15 428 0-20 26 10 10 9 0-0 E 17 E 21 SE 12 425 0-23 27 10 7 7 4-0 SK 9 ssw 19 SSE 13 219 35 0-03 28 10 2 . . 5-5 ss\\ 12 SSW 20 SSK 17 309 0-13 29 1 10-0 BSI 6 ssw 23 8 10 . 262 0-20 30 .. 10-7 SE 6 SE 11 SSE 12 267 0-17 31 35 ; 3-3 1-7 8-5 ENE 14 SSW 19 8 13 313 0-24 Mr.'iin .. MM 49 7-36 Totals REMARKS FOR MARCH, 1908 continued. 20. Fine, but cloudy. Ci. from 8.W.; Ci.-Str. to S. and S.W. In afternoon, Ci. and Ci.-Str. from 8.W. Solar and lunar halo. 21. Dull. Heavy dew. Soft Cu. from 8.W.; Ci. and Ci.-Str. from W. Solar halo at noon. Overcast in afternoon. Ci., Ci.-Str. and A.-Cn. from S.W. Lunar halo. 22. Overcast. A.-Cu., Cn., Cu. Nim., and Nim. from W. In afternoon, A.-Cu. and Cu. from W.S.W. ; dense Ci.-Str. Cloudy during evening. Cu. from W. Smart shower in early morning. 23. Gloomy. Watery Cu. from S.W. Cloudy in after- noon. Cu., Ci., and Ci.-Cn. from S.W. Cu. from S. during evening. 24. Fine but cloudy. Ci. from N.W., dense to W. and N.W. In afternoon, Ci., CL-Cu. to A.-Cu. from N.W.; Cu. bank to N. Cloudy during evening. Ci. from W. 25. Fine; few clouds. A.-Cu. from N.W. Later, scat- tered A.-Cu. from N.W.; mass. Cu. to S.E. Cloudy in afternoon. Ci. from N.W. ; mass. Cn. to E.S.E. Clear evening. 26. Cloudy. Ci. from N.W.; Cu. bank to N.E. In afternoon, gloomy. Dense Ci. from W.N.W.; Cu. bank to N.E. Few clouds in evening. Lightning to W. 27.-8howery. Cu. to E.; A.-8tr. from N.W.; CiL-Nim. and Nim. from N.N.K. In afternoon, Cu. and Fr.- iNitn. from E. ; A.-Cu., A.-Str. from N.W. Thun- der and lightning during afternoon and evening. 28. Overcast. A.-Cu. and A.-Str. from E.S.E. ; Cu., watery in places, from 8. Cloudy in afternoon and evening. A.-Cu. from E. ; Cu. from S. 29. Gloomy. Cu. from S.E. In afternoon, cloudy. Cn. from S.8.W. Clear, fresh evening. 30. Fine and clear throughout. Heavy dew. A.-Cu. to S.E. and E. 31. Cli-iir. Misty along ranges. Scattered Fr.-Cn. to S. in afternoon. >2-2 Meteorological Observations nude at Perth BAROMETER. TEMPERATURE. Corrected to 32 J.F., DATE. M.S.L. and Gravity. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Maxi- Mini- Diurnal Solar Terres- trial mum. mum. Range. Maxi- Mini- 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. Humi- dity. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. Humi- dity. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. Humi- dity. mum. mum. 1 I 29-930 29-803 29-854 74-0 63-7 54 83-8 64-0 32 69-5 60-1 55 89-3 59-2 30-1 139-2 55-2 2 29-935 29-934 2!) -981 67-0 62-7 76 73-0 64-0 58 59-1 59-0 99 74-0 58-1 15-9 130-1 54-1 3 29-984 29-909 i 29-953 67-4 61-8 70 73-8 65-5 61 58-5 58-0 96 75-0 55-8 19-2 129-0 51-6 4 29-866 29-832 29-982 70-2 66-8 81 64-0 63-6 98 63-2 58-5 74 73-8 59-1 14-7 133-0 54-4 5 30-115 30-060 30-119 63-2 58-3 73 68-1 58-0 52 60-7 56-3 74 69-9 49-9 20-0 136-8 44-4 6 30-062 29-951 29-966 64-4 58-8 69 78-3 67-4 53 70-0 64-2 70 79-4 54-9 24-5 135-4 50-0 7 29-974 29-950 30-061 69-3 65-8 80 74-5 69-1 73* 65-2 62-7 86 76-0 62-7 13-3 125-5 64-0 8 30-152 30-077 30-144 67-9 61-4 66 72-6 63-0 55 65-3 61-0 76 74-8 58-3 16-5 129-0 53-9 9 30-174 30-111 30-188 68-9 62-1 65 73-0 62-1 51 64-2 57-0 62 75-8 62-0 13-8 133-0 59-7 10 30-149 29-984 30-030 62-5 56-4 67 72-3 59-2 45 62-0 54-8 61 72-7 55-0 17-7 125-9 52-9 11 30-026 29-944 30-029 66-4 59-1 64 68-3 60-2 60 62-8 56-5 66 72-9 57-6 15-3 132-0 54-0 12 .. 30-127 30-050 30-091 63-6 56-1 61 72-0 59-0 45 60-8 54-8 66 72-1 55-5 16-6 126-0 51-2 13 30-165 30-055 30-104 64-0 55-3 56 74-1 60-0 43 62-5 55-8 64 74-2 50-5 23-7 131-0 43-4 14 30-163 30-067 30-125 65-2 57-9 62 75-2 60-5 41 62-5 56-0 65 75-9 54-7 21-2 127-8 51-0 15 .. 30-207 30-120 30-183 65-9 57-1 57 72-0 59-8 47 62-0 58-1 78 77-1 53-0 24-1 138-2 46-0 16 30-265 30-164 30-216 63-9 55-8 59 75-5 59-8 39 65-7 55-1 49 76-4 55-0 21-4 131-9 50-9 17 30-290 30-183 30-232 65-1 56-0 55 76-5 59-8 37 62-0 56-5 70 77-0 53-6 23-4 127-2 48-2 18 30-270 30-210 30-268 66-8 57-1 53 73-6 59-6 42 63-3 60-2 81 77-2 54-0 23-2 131-0 49-1 19 30-312 30-237 30-273 67-6 59-1 58 73-9 64-0 55 64-2 59-2 72 77-0 54-3 22-7 128-1 47-0 20 30-341 30-240 30-262 65-1 58-2 64 75-2 63-5 50 67-3 58-7 58 78-9 57-1 21-8 129-2 54-2 21 30-225 30-089 30-138 69-0 59-7 55 77-2 61-9 40 63-5 57-5 67 80-9 56-0 24-9 130-0 51-3 22 30-156 30-075 30-129 68-6 57-5 49 79-7 60-7 33 67-8 55-6 45 81-4 57-3 24-1 132-8 49-4 23 30-199 30-166 30-221 66-1 59-8 67 63-7 61-6 87 64-0 60-0 77 68-2 61-7 6-5 93-0 59-0 24 30-261 30-218 30-289 61-3 59-3 88 67-0 61-6 71 65-0 60-2 74 69-1 59-4 8-7 113-5 56-0 25 30-353 30-245 30-315 64-6 59-5 72 70-2 61-2 57 65-0 58-4 65 72-1 59-4 12-7 124-2 57-0 26 30-300 30-154 30-167 62-5 57-2 70 69-2 59-0 52 62-0 59-0 82 70-2 56-1 14-1 133-5 53-5 27 30-098 29-955 30-010 65-3 58-9 66 70-1 59-3 51 59-6 55-7 77 72-0 56-0 16-0 126-6 51-0 28 .. 29-960 29-878 29-936 63-1 58-6 74 66-8 60-8 68 62-2 59-3 83 68-5 51-4 17-1 116-3 48-1 29 29-906 29-836 29-853 66-8 61-4 71 70-2 64-0 68 65-6 62-7 84 75-1 59-2 15-9 129-8 58-9 30 29-923 29-952 30-024 67-2 61-3 69 68-7 60-0 57 60-0 57-2 83 70-5 60-2 10-3 126-0 55-0 Means . . 30-130 30-048 30-104 66-1 59-4 66 72-4 61-7 52 63-5 58-3 72 74-9 56-6 18-3 128-2 52-5 Correction "1 to be f" . . -0-5 0-3 0-5 0-3 . . 0-5 0-3 t f 0-0 01 + 0-1 0-0 0-0 applied / * Card changed. REMARKS FOR APRIL, 1908. 1. Fine and clear. Ci. to S. In afternoon, cloudy and hot. Ci. from 8.S.W. Clear evening. 2. Cloudy. Heavy dew. Soft Cu. from S.W. Clear in afternoon and evening, with soft Cu. from S.S.W. 3. Overcast. Heavy dew. Cu. from N.W. In after- noon and evening, fine; few clouds. Cu. from W. by N. 4. Threatening. Cu. rapidly from N.W. ; mass. Cu. all round. Squally and showery in afternoon. Very low Nimbus rapidly from W.N.W. ; Cu. from W. Fine evening, with Cu. from W. 5. Fine and clear. Misty. Becoming cloudy after 10. Fr.-Cu. rfom S.E.; Ci. and Ci.-Str. from N.W. Solar halo at 1 p.m. Cloudy in afternoon. Ci. from N.W.; Fr.-Cu. to E. Clear evening. 6. Cloudy and misty. Ci. and A.-Cu. from N.W. ; hard A.-Cu. to S.W. Cloudy and warm in afternoon. Ci. and A.-Cu. from N.W. ; thunder Cu. to E. and N.E. Brilliant lightning to N. during evening. 7. Overcast. A.-Str. and low thundery A.-Cu. from S. ; Cu. from S.; Nimbus to N.W. Cloudy in after- noon. Ci. from S. ; Cu. from S.S.E. Clear even- ing. Ci. from N.W. ; Cu. to S.E. 8. Fine and clear. Dew. Cu. low down to W. Cloudy in afternoon and evening. Ci. from W.N.W. ; Cu. from E.S.E. Overcast after 9.30 p.m. 9. -Fine and fresh. Fr.-Cu. from E. In afternoon, cloudy. Fr.-Cu. from E.; Cu. along ranges. Clear, fresh evening. 10. Cloudy and gusty. Ci. from W.; Cu. to W. Few clouds in afternoon. Ci. from N.W. ; scattered" Fr.-Cu. to E. Clear evening, with Ci. bank to N. and W. ]]. Fine, but cloudy. Dew. Ci. from W.N.W.; Ci.-Cu. to A.-Cu. from W.N.W. In afternoon, Cu. from S.E., but rapidly clearing, leaving fine, fresh evening. 12. Fine. Few clouds. Heavy dew. Cu. from E. In afternoon, Fr.-Cu. from E. Clear evening. 13. Fine and clear. Dew. Cloudy in afternoon. Ci. from W. by N. Clear evening. Bank of Cu. to W. 14. Fine and claer. In afternoon few clouds. Fr.-Cu. from R.S.E. Clear evening. Obervatory during thf Month of April, 1908. CLOUD. Wl!ID. 0-10. 1 Rainfall H HUT* / < 3 p.m. 9 p.m. MM MtnM - 1 inch.) Evaporation (inches). DATB. '' '"' 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Sun- Ihrec- Force Db l-'i.i . Direc- (' ! of Mile*.' unine. tii in. (Mile*). ti.ni. M,|. - tion. a 7-9 NK 16 sw 16 ss\\ 14 293 0-17 1 4 " 10-3 SK 7 s\\ 14 C 207 . . 0-18 2 10 "2 3 8-0 X 1 W X W 17 W i. 211 . . 0-17 3 7 10 3 4-0 XX W 14 \\ \ w 36 s\\ 16 ::v. 2 0-17 4 1 4 1 i ., BNE B SSW 16 SSK 20 213 23 0-12 5 :, 1 8-3 I - ss\\ 17 B8fl 19 260 . . 0-20 6 10 3-9 BNE 10 8 10 SE 13 j:>'j . . 0-14 j 7 1 6 "7 8-6 BE 14 K>K 23 B 18 313 . . 0-12 8 1 .-, 9-1 KSK at I 24 E 23 436 , . 0-19 9 B 3 1 -, | i -: \ K KNK 21 E 10 419 . . 0-23 10 7 ' 6-4 BSE 10 SSW 19 SE 10 262 . . 0-18 11 I 1 10-5 BSE 17 K> K 10 SSK 12 261 0-17 12 1 5 'l 9-7 K 18 BBE 11 n 11 256 0-16 13 2 io :i ENE 14 KSK 10 SSE 12 287 , . 0-19 14 1 10-0 BNE u E 10 SM-: 11 267 0-16 16 '. 6 ! 9-6 BNE 20 B8E 12 SE 7 248 . , 0-18 16 10-3 K N K 16 I 10 SSE 10 253 . 0-18 17 1 5 "7 9-4 BNE 10 SW 18 SSK 12 244 0-16 18 1 1 10-2 BSE 6 ssu 23 SSK 14 226 0-16 19 10-2 ENE 15 SSK 12 SSK 11 294 0-18 20 2 9-7 BNE 10 SSW 12 S 12 246 . . 0-17 21 4 9-7 BNE 14 KM: 15 SE 11 271 . . 0-20 22 'io 10 io 0-0 BNE 15 BSE 13 KSK 11 411 , . 0-19 23 i 10 2 1-4 I 15 BSE 18 SE 16 402 19 0-07 24 3 4 10-0 E 20 E 26 E 22 533 3 0-17 25 3 4 "l 8-0 E 18 E 21 KSK 9 407 0-09 26 1 a 7-1 KSK 15 BSE 15 ENE 10 276 , t 0-16 27 2 : io 3-1 E 11 SSW 11 SSE 7 217 . . 0-12 28 ! '.' 10 4-4 NE 4 wxw 26 WXW 8 215 . . 0-08 29 7 4 7-6 WSW 16 sw 19 8 6 285 2 0-09 30 3-6 4-6 20 7-6 E 13 SSE 17 SE 13 293 0-16 Means 236-1 49 4-73 Totals * Card changed. REMARKS FOR APRIL, 1908 continued. 15. Clear throughout. Ci. to W. and N.W. 16. Fin.-, lint cloudy. Ci. from W.8.W. Clear evening. 17. Fine and clear. Heavy dew. 18. Clear in forenoon. Heavy dew. Ci. to 8.E. Cloudy in afternoon. Ci. and A.-Cu. from W. ; Cu. from S.8.W. In evening, misty on ranges. A.-Cu. and dense Ci. from W. 19. Fine. Few clouds. Hazy. Co. to N.W. 20. Fine and clear throughout. 21. Bright and warm. Dew. Misty. Scattered clouds in afternoon. Ci. from N.W.; A.-Cu. to W.; Cu. bankeil to N., but dispersing after sunset. 22. Pleasant, warm day. Cloud hank to E. Cloudy in afternoon. Fr.-Cu. from E.N.E. ; patches of Ci. to N.\V. and 8.W. Clear evening. Very thin ru. 23. Gloomy and threatening in 8.W. and 8.; dense Ci., A.-Cu., Cu., and Cn.-Nim. from E.N.E. Light rain in afternoon and evening. A.-Cu, A. Str.. Cu., Cu.- Nim. and Fr.-Nim. from E.N.E. 24. Showery. A.-Str., Cn., Cu.-Nim. and Nim. from E.N.E. ; Fr.-Nim. to E. Cloudy in afternoon. Ci.- Cu. to A.-Cn. from E.N.E. Few clouds during even- ing. A.-Cu. from E. 25. Fine. Few clouds. A.-Cu. from E.8.E.; Cn. along E. horizon. Cu. and Fr.-Cu. from E.8.E. during afternoon. Clear evening. 26. Fine. Few clouds. Ci. and Cu. from E.N.E. In afternoon, Cu. from E.N.E. Clear evening. Bank of Cu. to K. 27. Fine and clear. A.-Cn. from 8.E.; scattered Fr.-Cu. to E. Dull in afternoon. A.-Cn. from E.8.E.; Cu. from K., gradually diHpersing, leaving clear evening with gauzy Cirrus. 28. Fine. Few clouds. A.-Cu. from N.E.; Cu. bank all round horizon. Gloomy in afternoon. Soft A.-Cn. and Cu. from E.N.E. Threatening in even- ing. Heavy dark Cu. from N.E. 29. Gloomy. Cu. from N.W. Threatening in afUrnoon. A.-8tr. from W.; Cu. from W.N.W.; Mass Cu. to E., S.E., anil \V. ; Cn.-Nim. to 8. and 8.W. A few spots of rain in afternoon. Overcast in even- ing. 30. Threatening. Raining to N.W. A.-Cu., Cu. and Cu.- Nim. from W.N.W. Few clouds in afternoon. I'r. i'n. from \V. ; Mass. Cu. all round horizon. Clear evening. '24 Meteorological Ob&irvatioiU made at Perth BAROMETER. TEMPERATURE. Corrected to 32 F., DATE. M.S.L. and Gravity. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Maxi- Mini- Diurnal ! Solar Terres- trial mum. mum. Range. Maxi- Mini- 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. Humi- dity. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. Humi- dity. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. Humi- dity. mum. mum. i I 1 30-058 29-956 29-919 59-3 55-1 75 71-0 57-3 42 1 63-0 56-3 64 73-0 49-3 23-7 126-5 44-9 2 29-825 29-786 29-788 59-5 57-6 89 71-0 64-0 65 j 61-8 60-8 94 74-9 56-1 18-8 123-7 53-8 3 29-709 29-654 29-677 60-9 59-1 89 66-3 63-0 82 60-2 58-3 89 68-1 57-1 11-0 120-8 55-0 4 :. 29-813 29-852 29-954 61-1 58-8 86 68-2 61-7 66 63-2 60-9 86 70-4 57-2 13-2 119-0 54-5 5 30-186 30-159 30-253 60-2 55-0 70- 69-0 59-1 53 57-9 54-0 77 69-1 56-0 13-1 122-0 52-0 6 30-376 30-290 30-320 57-2 52-0 69 67-5 58-4 56 58-0 53-1 71 67-8 49-4 18-4 116-8 45-2 7 30-336 30-183 30-165 57-9 54-0 77 70-6 58-0 45 62-0 54-0 58 71-0 51-0 20-0 118-5 47-8 8 30-055 29-886 29-854 63-0 55-9 63 67-8 61-2 66 62-0 60-5 91 71-3 53-3 18-0 125-3 49-8 9 29-940 29-947 30-016 65-3 61-9 81 65-7 61-3 76 60-9 58-2 84 68-3 61-0 7-3 121-0 58-6 10 30-118 30-101 30-142 59-0 56-0 82 65-2 56-0 54 54-2 54-9 91 66-4 53-0 13-4 117-2 49-0 11 30-073 29-916 29-860 57-6 53-8 77 66-5 58-0 58 62-4 55-1 61 66-5 48-3 18-2 117-9 47-1 12 29-756 29-731 29-916 52-3 50-2 85 54-0 49-1 69 45-1 44-8 98 56-9 49-6 7-3 101-7 48-8 13 30-136 30-137 30-198 47-8 46-9 94 60-5 56-0 74 56-0 55-0 93 60-8 41-9 18-9 113-6 37-6 14 30-277 30-222 30-288 57-9 54-5 79 65-4 59-2 67 58-0 50-6 59 67-1 47-0 i 20-1 113-6 44-3 15 30-292 30-211 30-263 55-6 53-7 88 64-7 56-9 60 58-5 54-2 74 66-3 51-3 j 15-0 117-4 47-4 16 30-300 30-201 30-190 57-0 51-6 68 65-0 54-3 49 58-7 54-6 75 66-9 47-2 19-7 121-0 43-0 17 30-149 30-015 29-977 .60-9 52-1 55 71-5 59-6 47 57-5 52-4 70 72-9 47-3 25-6 130-6 43-0 18 29-861 29-788 29-708 63-7 54-8 55 64-0 61-2 83 57-0 56-8 99 75-5 53-9 21-6 134-6 48-0 19 29-572 29-523 29-764 62-4 61-2 93 63-8 57-9 67 58-2 52-2 66 68-0 50-3 11-7 88-0 55-3 20 30-087 30-145 30-257 59-3 54-0 69 60-5 55-4 71 55-3 53-1 86 63-4 55-2 8-2 117-2 51-8 21 30-330 30-262 30-284 55-0 52-1 82 62-0 57-3 74 56-4 54-1 85 63-0 50-4 12-8 117-8 47-3 22 30-268 30-186 30-192 57-7 54-6 80 63-5 55-5 59 57-0 54-0 81 64-8 53-6 11-2 103-4 50-8 23 30-247 30-191 30-284 56-5 54-7 88 66-9 59-4 62 57-4 55-4 87 67-6 53-6 14-0 114-2 52-9 24 30-328 30-304 30-320 56-3 53-9 85 69-2 59-2 53 59-0 54-7 74 71-0 49-9 21-1 120-5 46-6 25 30-387 30-308 30-349 58-1 53-7 74 68-7 56-1 46 55-9 50-6 68 69-5 49-1 20-4 122-1 42-8 26 30-355 30-198 30-206 57-7 50-3 59 69-5 56-0 42 58-2 50-2 57 70-3 47-3 23-0 116-3 42-3 27 30-060 29-925 29-933 58-6 50-2 55 71-0 57-6 43 58-4 56-8 89 73-6 53-4 20-2 121-2 49-0 28 29-958 29-945 30-058 58-0 57-5 96 64-0 60-3 79 58-4 56-4 87 65-2 55-9 9-3 117-2 54-0 29 30-185 30-110 30-161 54-0 51-9 85 63-5 54-5 55 53-0 50-8 85 64-9 51-1 13-4 112-0 46-4 30 30-187 30-120 30-178 49-1 46-7 83 67-8 58-8 56 56-7 53-7 81 67-8 44-1 23-7 121-5 41-3 31 30-208 30-069 30-090 56-6 52-5 74 71-8 59-7 47 62-1 56-9 71 72-8 47-6 25-2 117-0 43-4 Means . . 30-110 30-043 30-083 57-9 54-1 77 66-3 58-1 59 58-1 54-6 79 68-2 51-5 16-7 117-7 48-2 Correction 1 to be f 0-5 0-3 . . 0-5 0-3 0-5 0-3 0-0 0-1 +0-1 0-0 0-0 applied J REMARKS FOR MAY. 1908. 1. Fine and clear. Misty. Heavy dew. Fr.-Cu. from E. ; cloud bank to W. Cloudy in afternoon. Ci. from W.N.W.; Fr.-Cu. from E.; Cu. bank to W. Overcast during evening. Cu. from W. 2. Threatening. Raining to N.W. ; A.-Cu. from N.W. ; Cu. and Cu.-Nim. to N. ; Nimbus to N.W. Cloudy in afternoon. A.-Cu. and Cu. from N.W. Over- cast and raining during evening. Thunder and lightning in early a.m. and again in evening. 3. Overcast. Showery. Cu., Cu.-Nim, and Nim. from N.W. ; Fr.-Nhn. rapidly along S. Showery and squally in afternoon. Upper and Lower Cu. from S.W. ; Nim. from N.W. Cloudy evening. Fr.-Cu. from W. ; Cu. bank all round. 4. Dull. Upper Cu. from S.E.; Lower Cu. from 8.; Stratus and Cu.-Nim. along ranges; A.-Cu. show- ing to N. Cloudy in afternoon. A.-Cu. and watery Cu. from S.E. Clear evening. 5. Cloudy. Cu. from E.S.E. In afternoon and even- ing, clear. Scattered Fr.-Cu. from E.S.E. 6. 'Fine and clear. Heavy dew. Misty. In afternoon Cu. showing to S. " Bright, pleasant day. Misty. Dew. Ci. to N.W. S. Cloudy. A.-Cu. from N.W., merging to A.-Str. in N.W. ; Cu. overhead. Gloomy and- showery in afternoon and evening. Foliated A.-Cu., Cu., and Nimbus from N. 9. Fine, but cloudy throughout. A.-Cu. from S.W. ; Cu. from S. In afternoon Mass.-Cu. to E. and S.E.; Str.-Cu. to N. and N.W.; A.-Cu. from W.S.W. 10. Cloudy. Heavy dew. A.-Cu. from W.S.W. ; Cu. along E. horizon. In afternoon scattered clouds. Cu. and Fr.-Cu. from S. Clear, fresh evening. 11. Threatening to W. Heavy dew. Cu. from W.N.W.; A.-Str. and A.-Cu. from W. Cloudy in afternoon. . Cu. from N.W. Squally, cloudy evening. Cu. rapidly from W. and S. ; Cu. all round. 12. Overcast. Heavy driving showers during day. Cu., Cu.-Nim., and Nimbus from S.W. Hailstorm 6 p.m.; Lightning to N. and N.E. in evening. 13. Cloudy. Misty. Heavy dew. Cu. and Cu.-Nim. from S.W. Showery during evening. 14. Fine and clear. Thick mist. Heavy dew. Cu. bank to W. Cloudy in afternoon and evening. Cu. from S. 15. flloomy. Cu. from S.W. Cloudy in afternoon and evening. A.-Cu. and Cu. from S.W. i iliirni'i .!/,.//. of May, 1908. Cuiri>. 0-10. WIND. Hours . ' a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. lUinUll. (100 points T.IM! M*% - 1 inch } K . .| ! .'I'll, (inche*). DATE. 9 .m. S p.m. 9 p.m. OI Sllll- I-'..!. 1 ! ' .; Uirec- Force lotai no. ' "- ' ihfaw, lion. i\! iion. (Milw). lion. (Mile*). 1 UP n | NNI. 7 SB 6 161 0-16 1 5 10 .-> \\N\\ 17 XXK 7 L'.'H 14 o 12 lo 3 in 4-0 X 14 N\\ 20 SW 18 IM 44 0-(W 3 ! :< 4 >M\ in L'l it :i-'o 75 0-00 4 8 1 8-3 KSK 19 11 KM-: 9 :t2:t (i 11 5 _ i '.i K 10 K 15 E 9 314 0-12 6 in 1 KXK Hi 1 18 KM: 13 :ti7 tl 14 7 10 in 4-2 NK 23 XXK 1:1 NXW s :ii;:i 0-13 8 :t 6 8 .v:i lo M\ 12 SSU 5 L'Sl' 23 0-OH 9 8 4 1 ti 4 SSK 7 S Hi c . . 217 1 10 6 .'> :. 4-6 N X K ! \\ N W 2.-i \\N\\ 23 313 t f * 0-lL 1 11 10 1<> 5 0-7 MS III S8W 25 88E 7 418 81 0-05 12 to 5-0 XX\V 4 \\.MV 7 6 112 59 0-05 13 1 r, 9 s .-, t . M\ 8 SSE 7 141 Hi 0-04 14 10 9 3 M i : \ i : .-. SS\\ 8 "U 11 141 0-06 15 6 1 6-6 KXK 9 81 7 8SB 6 101 t f 0-09 16 11 5 8-0 XK 16 N 11 KNK 10 2-2-2 f t nil 17 t; n> io I :. S 11 NW 8 NK Hi 300 . . 0-08 18 l 10 6 ii 1 U 26 uxw 36 B8W 34 m 18!) 0-00 19 8 9 5 ! -M\ 21 saw 16 m 8 413 30 0-11 20 9 I" 5 4-1 N\V 12 XK 5 116 1 0-07 21 10 8 8 L-l XXK 7 N.NU 10 XNK 7 160 0-06 22 7 3 1 4-2 NM: 8 \\X\\ 6 C . . IM 5 0-05 23 9 7 1 1-1 \ N K 5 \VS\\ 4 88J 6 165 0-06 24 1 :i 9-7 c K N i : 10 EBB 8 179 0-06 25 3 3 NK 13 KXK 13 NE 10 297 t t 0-10 26 .s 10 4-6 XXK 16 X 13 N N W 10 330 0-16 27 10 10 g 1-9 XXU 9 \\x\\ 5 SSI 9 254 90 0-00 28 5 1 8-9 SK 5 S. 5 SE 7 157 1 0-04 29 7 4 1 7-5 NNE g wsw 4 \\s\\ 7 1BO , , 0-10 30 9-3 KXK 9 NE 13 XXK 15 249 0-06 31 ii-2 6-7 4-3 5-6 NE 10 W 13 SE 10 259 0-08 KMUM 172-5 .. 629 2-46 Totals i RF.MARK* MAY, 16. Cloudy. Heavy dew. A.-Cu. from 8.W. In after- noon Cu. and A.-Cu. from W.8.W.; Cu. and Fr.-Cu. from 8.E. Pew clouds in evening. Ci. from W. ; A.-Cu. to E. 17. Pine, but cloudy. Heavy dew. Cu. from W. In afternoon C'i.-Cu. to A_-Cn. from W. Clear even- ing. Cu. bank to W. 18. Cloudy. Misty. Heavy dew. A.-Cu. from N.W. !y run in afternoon and evening. Nimbus (ram N.W. IP. Showery. Nimbus from W.N.W. Overcast in after- noon. Cu.-Nim. from \V. Showery, gusty during evening, and overcast after 10 p.m. Cu. from W.S.W. 20. Threatening. Raining to N. Cu. i'. Xim. from S.\V. In afternoon and evening cloudy. Cu. from 8.8.W. 21. Cloudy. Heavy dew. A.-Cu. and Cu. from 8.W. Hull" in afternoon. A.-Cu., Cu., and Cu.-Nim. from W.8.W.; Ci. from W. Cloudy evening. Showery in early morning. Qlownr. Heavy dew. Cu. from W. ; A.Cu. Cloudy in afternoon and evening. Showers on early a.m. 23. Cloudy. Cu. and Cu.-Nim. from W. Scattered rlnrnls in afternoon. CM. from W.8.W.; Cli-nr. misty evening. 24. Fine, but cloudy. Very heavy dew. A.-Cu. from W. x 8. in afternoon A.-Cu. and Cu. from W.S.W. Clear evening. Cloud bank to 8.W. 25. Bright, pleasant day. Misty. Very heavy dew. Ci. from S.; A.-Cu. to W. and S. In afternoon few clouds. Ci. and Fr.-Cu. from W. Clear even- ing. 26. fine and clear. Heavy dew. Cloud bank to N.W. Pew clouds in afternoon aud evening. Ci. and A.-Cu. from W. 27. *Fine, but cloudy. Ci.-Cu. to A.-Cu. from N.W. Dull in iit'tcriKHin. <'i. from N.W. ; A.-Cu. and A.-Str. from N.W. Light rain in evening. Cu. and Nimbus from W.H.VV. 28. Passing showers. Ci., A.-Cu., and A.-Str. from N.W. ; Cu., Cu.-Nim., Nim., and Pr.-Nimbus from S.W. In afternoon thrcati'iiinj;. .\.-Cu. from N.W. ; Cti. and Cu.-Xiin. fnnn S.\V. : Stratus along ranges. Clr.ir i-M-ning. .9. Fine, but cloudy. Heavy dew. Cu. from W. x X. In afternoon, few clomls. ('n. along E. horizon. Clear evening. 30. Cloudy. Heavy dew. Ci., Ci.-Cu., and A.-Cu. from W.; soft Cu. from 8.W.; heavy Cu. bank to 8.W. In afternoon and evening, fine few clouds. 31. Pine and clear throughout. Heavy dew. Slight mist. Meteorological Observations made, at Perth BAROMETER. TEMPERATURE. Corrected to 32 F., 3pm 9 p.m. DATE. M.S.L. and Gravity. -' 9i.Hl. Maxi- Mini- Diurnal Solar Terres- trial mum. mum. Range. Maxi- Mini- Dry Wet Humi- Dry Wet Humi- Dry Wet Humi- mum. mum. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Bulb. Bulb. dity. Bulb. Bulb. dity. Bulb. Bulb. dity. 1 30-070 29-980 29-973 66-5 54-6 45 73-4 58-6 40 67-9 55-8 46 74-2 55-8 18-4 120-0 51-9 2 29-844 29-791 29-940 63-8 55-1 56 59-5 59-5 100 00-6 57-3 80 69-4 60-8 8-6 94-0 54-0 3 30-237 30-216 30-335 54-0 50-0 74 59-0 51-8 60 51-9 47-9 74 59-6 50-5 9-1 112-0 45-9 4 30-419 30-306 30-349 50-1 46-0 73 60-0 49-5 48 52-0 46-5 66 60-1 41-9 18-2 114-8 36-4 5 30-310 30-135 30-124 51-0 46-5 71 60-0 51-7 57 51-5 48-0 77 60-9 44-3 16-6 107-3 39-3 6 29-970 29-834 29-826 56-8 51-6 69 61-8 56-2 69 56-1 56-0 99 63-2 49-3 13-9 105-2 45-7 7 29-893 29-900 30-016 52-7 50-0 82 56-7 50-0 62 49-0 45-3 75 58-1 50-0 j 8-1 109-4 47-7 8 30-113 30-058 30-117 48-7 44-2 70 55-9 48-7 59 48-7 46-3 83 56-7 37-2 i 19-5 109-0 31-0 9 30-212 30-189 30-256 51-0 47-0 74 60-0 54-5 68 51-8 49-6 85 61-2 38-7 22-5 110-0 32-9 10 30-354 30-321 30-346 51-3 47-8 77 60-7 52-4 57 51-0 48-0 81 62-7 45-4 16-6 108-2 38-0 11 30-411 30-311 30-340 49-1 45-6 76 64-4 54-8 53 51-2 48-2 80 64-8 41-9 22-9 109-4 36-2 12 30-317 30-160 30-134 54-8 49-0 66 65-2 55-2 51 51-2 47-2 74 65-6 44-0 21-6 118-6 39-2 13 29-906 29-720 29-650 57-1 49-7 59 58-4 55-0 79 55-5 54-5 93 65-6 42-3 23-3 111-6 35-8 14 29-652 29-579 29-681 58-0 57-0 93 57-2 56-6 96 53-0 50-5 83 63-2 53-5 9-7 103-0 50-6 15 29-919 29-882 29-898 58-6 52-3 64 56-2 54-8 91 58-5 56-5 87 62-8 48-9 13-9 112-5 47-0 16 29-900 30-028 30-164 57-1 54-2 82 56-0 50-0 65 47-0 46-0 93 58-8 54-2 4-6 105-5 52-0 17 30-331 30-334 30-378 47-0 44-2 80 54-1 49-2 70 46-4 45-4 j 93 56-2 43-0 13-2 110-1 39-3 18 30-436 30-364 30-394 48-0 44-8 78 56-8 49-4 59 48-0 45-8 85 57-4 39-0 18-4 114-4 33-0 19 30-379 30-266 30-272 46-8 43-4 77 60-0 54-0 66 52-0 49-2 81 60-0 37-4 22-6 107-2 34-9 20 30-209 30-191 30-264 53-2 52-5 95 60-4 54-1 65 50-0 48-0 86 61-1 45-6 15-5 105-0 42-1 21 30-409 30-333 30-399 51-5 47-5 74 58-4 51-0 59 50-8 46-5 72 59-8 43-9 15-9 108-2 37-0 22 30-455 30-350 30-391 48-7 44-8 74 59-6 51-0 55 48-6 44-8 74 61-0 40-0 21-0 107-0 33-3 23 30-393 30-259 30-283 48-2 44-0 72 60-1 50-4. 51 48-2 44-4 74 61-8 40-1 21-7 108-8 33-1 24 30-225 30-095 30-046 48-5 43-6 68 61-0 52-6 56 49-1 44-6 70 61-9 40-1 21-8 109-1 35-0 25 29-898 29-831 29-878 47-8 47-0 94 54-4 53-9 96 52-3 51-2 92 55-2 45-9 9-3 76-2 42-1 26 29-845 29-861 29-998 51-1 50-6 96 56-2 52-2 75 48-1 46-8 91 58-0 47-2 10-8 109-5 47-0 27 30-031 29-904 29-892 46-3 ; 44-2 85 58-0 51-9 65 52-1 48-8 78 60-9 39-3 21-6 108-2 34-0 28 29-671 29-592 29-655 49-2 48-8 97 55-1 48-3 61 49-9 46-3 76 56-8 48-8 8-0 95-5 45-6 29 29-849 29-870 29-948 55-8 50-7 69 59-0 53-4 68 51-2 50-2 93 60-4 43-0 17-4 109-0 40-0 30 29-886 29-745 29-834 52-7 50-3 84 59-5 53-7 67 51-7 48-7 80 60-0 47-3 12-7 97-8 44-1 Means . . 30-117 30-046 30-093 52-5 48-6 76 59-2 52-8 65 51-8 48-8 81 61-2 45-3 15-9 .107-2 40-8 Correction "1 to be f -0-5 0-3 0-5 0-3 0-5 0-3 0-0 0-1 +0-1 0-0 0-0 applied J REMARKS FOR JUNE, 1908. 1. -^Fine, but cloudy. Dew. Ci. and Ci.-Str. from W. ; Solar halo 11 a.m. In afternoon A.-Cu. and Ci.- Str. from N.W. ; Solar halo 3 p.m. Overcast and threatening in evening. 2. Squally and threatening. Cu.-Nim., Nim., and Str.- Cu. from N.W. In afternoon raining. Cu.-Nim. and Nim. from N.W. Showery during evening. 3. Fine; few clouds. Dew. Cu. along W. horizon. Later, Cu. coming up from S.E. Cloudy in after- noon. Cu. and Fr.-Cu. from S.E. Clear evening. Cu. bank to S.E. 4. Fine; few clouds. Heavy dew. Misty. Cu. bank to S. and W. Cloudy in afternoon. Cu. from E. Clear evening after 8. o. Fine and fresh. Heavy dew. Misty. Ci. to S.W. ; Fr.-Cu. from N.E. Overcast between 7.30 and 9 p.m., but gradually clearing, leaving few clouds. 6. Dull. Threatening to N.W. Ci., Ci.-Cu., Ci.-Str., A.-Cu., and A.-Str from N.W. In afternoon A.- Str. and A.-Cu. from N.W. Showery evening, with thick mist. 7. Cloudy. Ci. from S.W.; A.-Cu. from S.W.; Cu. along horizon. Few clouds in afternoon. Cu. showing all round. Clear, fresh evening. Rainy in early morning. 8. Clear and sharp. Frost. Thick mist. Cu. bank to W. Cloudy in afternoon. A.-Cu. to S.W.; Cu. from S.S.W. Clear, fresh evening. 9. Frost. Thick mist. A.-Cu. to S. and W. Cloudy in afternoon. A.-Cu. from S.S.W. 10. Fine and clear. Thick mist. Very heavy dew. Cloud bank to W. Clear in afternoon and even- ing. Cloud bank to W. ; Fr.-Cu. low down to S. and S.E. 11. Bright, pleasant day. Misty. Heavy dew. Cloud bank to W. and S. Overcast from 8 to 9 p.m. Cloudy after 10 p.m. A.-Cu. from S.S.W. 12. Cloudy. Misty. Heavy dew. A.-Cu. from S.S.W.; Cu. from S. Tn afternoon few clouds. A.-Cu. from W.S.W. Clear evening. A.-Cu. to N. 13. {Fine; few clouds. Heavy dew. Gusty. Ci.-Cu. to A.-Cu. from N.W.; Ci. from W.N.W.; A.-Str. forming to N.W. Steady rain in afternoon. Nim. and Cu.-Nim. from N.W. Cloudy evening. 14. Showery and squally. Cu.-Nim. and Nimbus from N.W. Raining in afternoon and evening. Nimbus rapidly from W. Thunderstorm at 3 p.m., and again during evening. 15. Cloudy and squally. Cu. and Cu.-Nim. from W. In afternoon and evening, heavy driving showers. Cu.- Nim. and Nimbus from W.N.W. 27 : Kit, .III M. (0-10.) Boon of Sim- '.i . .m. l. m. 9p m. Tot*l No. Rainfall (100 point* 1 inch.) Evaporation (inches). DATE. -lime. r... a Direc- Force it Miles. 9 .m. 3 p.m. p.m. tl.iM. nan lion. (Miles). tion. M h . 7 1 10 6-4 SSK .. , SSK 22 NNE 20 HI 0-11 1 10 In 8 (I 2 X M wxw 27 WSW 17 1 0-15 2 1 5 1 8-7 S 10 SSK 13 BSE 18 332 45 0-08 3 2 1 1 >. i C t t KSK 2(1 SK 11 288 (I 12 4 1 4 KXK 23 KXK 14 E 8 M 0-10 5 8 to 8 17 SSK 15 U X U 9 \\x\\ 3 215 0-08 6 B 3 6-5 - 13 B8W 14 SSK 12 .-in. 'oO 0-00 7 ( 1 * s 1 - 9 - 8 1 :i;i 0-09 8 1 5 4 9-5 C BStt 13 SSK 7 U8 n 117 9 1 1 9-0 5 88W 5 . . II !l , . 0-06 10 1 5 9-6 X X K 4 N 4 X K 6 143 0-06 11 5 4 1 7-7 si: 5 si: 10 s s i ; 9 218 0-07 12 3 In 5 3-5 X 17 N 15 N 17 448 0-09 13 Hi In 10 1-3 X X U 16 \\s\\ 26 W 33 594 72 0-00 14 6 8 9 4-1 W 18 x\\ 23 NW 21 ..'.:; 78 0-02 15 ' 114 0-08 28 7 10 4-6 W 20 WSW 20 S8E 6 253 76 0-06 29 10 8 1-8 N 12 wsw 30 WSW 24 463 45 0-06 30 50 5-9 3-7 5-8 NE a WSW 14 SE 10 293 0-06 Means 173-4 681 1-87 Totals KIMAKKH FOB JUNK, 1908 continued. 16. Showery and squally throughout. A.-Cu., Cu., Cu.- Nim., and Nim. from W. 17. Dull. Heavy dew. Cu. from W. x 6.; A.-Cu. Cloudy in aftrrin>ii. Cu. and A.-Cii. from S.W. In evening, tV clnudH, thick mist. 18. Fine Hn.l rlrar. Misty. Frost. A.-Cii. from S.W. !' clouds in afternoon. Clear, misty evening. 19. Fine; few clon.ls. Misty. Heavy dew. A.t'n. from S. In afternoon A.-Cu. and Cu. from S.8.W. 20. Showery. Cu. and Cu.-Xim. from S.W. In after- noon fine, but cloudy. Ci.. A.-i'n., and Cu. from 8. Clc-ar evening. 21. Clear throughout. Slight mist. Heavy dew. 2C. Fine; few Howls. Misty. Very heavy dew. Ci. and patches of A.Cn. from W. In afternoon Ci. and A.-Cu. from S.W. Clear, fresh evening. ci 1 bank to S.W. 23. Scattered clou n\ p.m. 9 p.m. Maxi- Mini- Diurnal Solar Terres- trial mum. mum. Range. Maxi- Mini- 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. Humi- dity. Dry Bulb. 1 Wet Bulb. Humi- dity. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. Humi- dity. mum. mum. 1 30-057 30-078 30-136 56-1 52-6 78 58-2 53-6 72 52-0 51-3 84 60-8 49-0 11-8 110-6 46-9 2 30-207 30-141 30-199 51-5 50-6 94 60-4 55-4 71 54-6 53-6 93 62-8 48-0 14-8 119-0 45-0 3 30-187 30-094 30-099 54-9 49-8 69 65-5 54-3 47 50-2 47-2 80 65-8 45-6 20-2 110-5 42-0 4 29-959 29-736 29-638 55-9 50-1 66 67-0 57-8 55 57-8 57-0 94 68-9 45-0 23-9 118-6 39-3 5 29-497 29-285 29-530 61-0 54-0 62 59-3 55-9 80 58-0 53-9 75 61-1 53-9 7-2 79-8 49-7 6 29-738 29-665 29-749 55-4 53-7 89 59-8 53-8 66 56-2 53-8 85 61-3 52-9 8-4 110-5 51-9 7 30-017 30-046 30-141 58-6 53-0 68 61-2 5,3-.") 69 52-0 51-0 93 61-6 52-2 9-4 118-5 48-5 8 30-272 30-230 30-256 52-1 51-4 95 59-2 52-1 61 55-0 50-5 72 59-4 48-3 11-1 89-8 43-0 9 30-213 30-137 30-179 58-8 53-0 67 62-0 55-0 62 56-0 54-5 90 65-5 50-0 15-5 119-0 45-8 10 30-238 30-242 30-327 53-0 53-0 100 00-3 54-8 68 51-0 47-0 74 60-4 47-7 12-7 117-8 44-5 11 30-375 i 30-253 30-295 52-7 49-4 78 62-2 55-6 64 53-9 51-0 81 62-8 43-4 19-4 116-8 38-0 12 30-277 30-162 30-194 57-0 50-4 63 64-0 54-0 51 52-6 48-6 74 64-8 52-1 12-7 112-1 48-0 13 30-234 30-174 30-260 55-0 49-4 67 64-9 54-7 50 53-8 49-8 74 67-6 46-1 21-5 111-0 41-8 14 30-332 30-233 30-274 53-9 47-8 63 65-2 53-2 45 52-2 47-0 08 66-2 41-0 25-2 113-0 34-0 15 30-252 30-145 30-121 54-7 46-8 55 67-3 56-0 48 56-4 50-4 65 68-8 47-0 21-8 112-2 41-2 16 30-013 29-928 29-902 62-3 53-6 56 68-4 60-0 58 65-5 61-0 76 73-5 53-4 20-1 120-2 49-1 17 29-705 29-703 29-650 60-4 59-5 95 55-5 55-0 96 55-6 55-0 96 60-9 60-0 0-9 67-0 57-3 18 29-598 29-580 29-773 60-1 52-4 59 55-4 50-4 70 50-1 49-3 94 61-5 53-0 8-5 110-4 50-5 19 30-092 30-119 30-217 49-9 47-6 84 56-8 53-5 79 49-1 48-4 95 58-0 44-6 13-4 104-8 37-9 20 30-320 30-309 30-374 51-5 51-2 98 59-5 54-5 71 53-4 51-0 84 59-5 47-9 11-6 113-5 43-0 21 30-434 30-320 30-366 53-4 49-1 72 61-5 53-0 56 50-6 47-9 82 63-0 44-0 19-0 118-0 37-3 22 30-363 I 30-291 30-269 51-4 47-6 75 62-9 52-6 49 52-0 47-6 72 64-4 42-0 22-4 117-0 36-3 23 .. 30-239 30-176 30-249 50-4 45-9 71 63-2 53-2 51 52-1 < 48-1 74 63-6 42-0 21-6 118-0 36-2 24 .. 30-302 30-253 30-313 49-8 45-5 71 60-7 53-1 59 48-2 47-2 93 62-5 41-0 21-5 112-0 35-9 25 .. 30-327 30-258 30-277 52-2 49-3 81 62-7 53-3 53 52-0 49-5 83 63-0 41-8 21-2 110-0 36-5 26 .. 30-242 30-143 30-188 52-2 47-1 68 63-2 52-0 47 54-4 49-1 68 64-2 41-0 23-2 112-9 34-5 27 30-209 30-154 30-235 53-0 46-3 61 63-2 50-4 42 51-6 47-0 71 64-3 44-1 20-2 112-4 36-8 28 30-334 30-275 30-363 53-0 47-4 66 64-6 51-5 42 50-2 45-3 69 65-0 43-0 22-0 117-6 35-5 2!) 30-439 30-335 30-386 53-4 47-0 62 61-7 50-1 45 48-6 44-2 71 62-6 38-2 24-4 110-8 29-2 30 30-385 30-265 30-302 51-0 4-8 73 60-2 50-1 50 48-0 44-2 74 60-8 38-0 22-8 110-3 29-3 31 30-307 30-204 30-257 51-1 46-6 71 61-4 50-1 46 51-2 47-5 76 62-5 38-1 24-4 109-5 31-0 Means . . 30-166 30-095 30-146 54-4 49-9 73 61-9 53-7 58 53-0 50-0 81 63-5 46-3 17-2 110-4 41-2 Correction "I to be C ' 0-5 -0-3 0-5 0-3 0-5 0-3 0-0 -0-1 + 0-1 0-0 0-0 applied J KEMABKS FOR JULY, 190S. 1. Gloomy. Passing showers. A.-Cu., Cu., Cu.-Nim., and Nim. from S.W. Cloudy in afternoon. A.-Cu., Cu., and Cu.-Nim. from S.W. Cu. from S.W. during evening. 2. Overcast. Misty rain. Cu. from W. In afternoon dull. Cu. from W.N.W. Cloudy and misty dur- ing evening. 3. Fine and clear throughout. Heavy dew. Cu. bank showing to S.W. 4. Fine; few clouds. Heavy dew. A.-Cu. from N.W. ; Cu. to S.W. and S. Light rain in afternoon. A.-Str. to N.W.; Nim. to W. and N.W. Heavy rain with squalls during night. 5. Squally, with passing showers. Cu., Cu.-Nim., and Nim. from N.W. In afternoon fierce squalls. Showery. Lower and Upper Cu., Cu.-Nim. t and Nimbus from W.N.W. 6. Passing showers. Cu., Cu.-Nim., Nim., and Fr.-Nim. from S.W. Jn afternoon squally and cloudy. Cu. from W. rapidly. Showery during evening. 7. Dull. Cu. and Cu.-Nim. from S.W. Cloudy in after- noon. Cu. from S.S.W. Few clouds in evening. Cu. showing to W. S. Gloomy. Heavy dew. Cu. from N.; A.-Cu. from S.W. In afternoon and evening, cloudy. A.-Cu. from W.; Cu. from N. x W. 9. Cloudy. Heavy dew. A.-Cu. and Cu. from N.W. Later, threatening. A.-Str. from N.W. ; Nimbus forming to N.W. Gloomy in afternoon. A.-Str. and Cu. from W. x N. 10. Misty rain. Cu., Cu.-Nim., and Nim. from S. ; Stratus to S. and S.E. from E. Cloudy in after- noon and evening. Cu. and A.-Cu. from S.E. 11. Cloudy and misty. Heavy dew. A.-Cu. from N.E. In afternoon few clouds. Cu. showing to S.E. and N.E. Cloudy during evening. A.-Cu. from N. x W. 12. Fine, but cloudy. Dew. Cu. from N.N.E. In afternoon few clouds. Cu. showing to E. Clear evening. 13. Fine and clear throughout. Misty. Heavy dew. Cu. showing to E. In afternoon scattered A.-Cu. and Cu. to S.W. 14. Bright, pleasant day. Misty. Heavy dew. 15. Clear, bright day. Heavy dew. In afternoon scat- tered A.-Cu. from N.W. Observatory dunmi thf Month of Jnhi. CLOUD. WlM.. 0-10. 9 .m. 3 p.m. '.' p.m. Houn o( Sim- 9 .m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. ..t Mil.-. Rainfall (100 poinU = 1 inch.) Evaporation (mi-hot). DATE. K'H. Dm-.-- 1-'.,:. | l> in i nllilli'. MM, turn \1,|,. tion. M;|.- 10 8 7 3-7 VOT 12 HPH 10 C 312 66 0-00 1 10 10 5 2 :i XK 8 XW l:i C 216 1, ,.J 2 1 i fl-6 X l.'i X 15 N 4 1 . . 0-06 3 3 10 iu 9-6 X III XNW 16 NW 24 374 II US 4 10 10 10 ] X\V 29 | \V.X\V t.-l \\s\\ 10 704 h.T 0-13 I 5 a 6 4-6 \\N\\ 2:i \\ N W ..,1 W8V 20 M 70 0-00 6 4 i 3 .; ii usw 8 asu 16 8 5 24.-. M 0-03 7 10 i 8 0-5 NM: 5 N 5 C . . 91 1 05 8 1 10 H 4 II HE 7 NU 16 NNU 19 221 . . 0-03 9 10 2 t :, tax 7 ssi 11 S 8 176 18 0-09 10 5 2 7 it 1 EBB 10 KXK 12 KXK 12 201 . . 0-03 11 7 1 1 fl-8 10 NK 12 K 8 198 , . 0- i-: 119 . . 0-03 21 4 .. It-.'. KXK 8 NK fi 8SE 9 152 0-07 22 4 2 M KXK 10 SSK. 7 .SSK 8 153 0-07 23 3 3 9-8 SSK 5 ara 12 SSK 7 176 , 0-08 24 2 i,, KNK 4 8 12 SE 7 158 0-06 25 3 t 9-9 KM: 8 -i: 6 SE 7 162 0-06 26 t t 4 . , 10-0 ENE 9 981 7 SSK 7 177 0-09 27 f . B . , B4 E 4 K 10 SSK 6 178 0-09 28 1 f i 'i NE 6 K 10 SK 7 153 . . 0-07 H t 3 f r 9-8 C ESE 8 ESE 6 144 , . 0-08 30 1 10-0 ' ENE i 10 E 10 S 10 196 0-07 31 4-1 4-9 3-7 6-7 NE 10 ESE 14 an 8 246 0-06 Mean* " ' 207-8 568 1-83 Totals REMARKS FOR JULY, 1908 continued. 16. Cloudy. Ci.-Cu. to A.-Cu. from N.W. ; A.-Str. form- ing to S.W. In afternoon and evening cloudy and squally. A.-Cu. from N.W.; A.-Str. from N.W.: Str.-fu. from W.N.W. 17. Squally and showery. A.-Str., Cu., Cu.-Nim., and Ximhus rapidly from N'.W. In afternoon steady rains. Nimbus from W.N.W. Raining during evening. 18. Squally. Ci., A.-Cu., Cu., and Fr.-Cn. from W.; Maw., Cu., and Cu.-Nim. to S. Passing showers in afternoon. Cu. and Cu.-Nim. rapidly from W. Light rain in evening. 19. Passing showers. Cu., Cu.-Nim., and Xim. from S.W. In afternoon Cu. and Cu.-Xim. from S.S.W. Clear evening. Misty. Smart shower 10 p.m. 20. Dull. Heavy dew. Dense fog early morning. Soft Cu. from S.W. Cloudy in afternoon and evening, f'u. from S.S.W. rapidly. 21. Fine; few clouds. Misty. Heavy dew. A.-Cu. from E.N.E. Clear during evening. 22. Fine and clear. Misty. Heavy dew. Cloud bank to 8.W. Cloudy in afternoon. Cu. from E.N.E. Clear evening. Gauzy Cirrus about. 23. Cloudy. Ci.-Cu. to A.-Cu. from N.W.; A.-Cu. to W. and 8.; Ci.-Cu. overhead. In afternoon few clouds. A.-Cu. from 8.S.E. Clear i vcning. 24. Scattered clouds. Ci.-C'u., A.-Cu. from W. ; Mass. Cu. to S.W. In afternoon Fr.-Cu. from S.W.; Mass. Cn. to W. and S. Clear evening. 25. Fine and clear. Misty. Heavy dew. Cu. bank to W. Few clouds in afternoon. Fr.-Cu. from 8. 20. Bright, clear day. Slight mist. Heavy dew. Fr.-Cu. from R.E. in afternoon. 27. Clear throughout. Misty. Slight dew. Cu. bank to W. Cloudy in afternoon. Ci.-Cu. to A.-Cu. from S.S.W. Cu. from S.W. 28. Fine and clear. Misty. Heavy dew. A.-Cu. show- ing to W. and S.W. Cloudy in afternoon. A.-Cu. from E.8.E. Sharp, clear evening. 2P. Fine and freeh. Misty. Hoar front. In afternoon Fr.-Cu. from E.S.E. 30. Pleasant, clear day. Hoar frost. Misty. In after- noon Cu. from E.S.K. 31. Clear. Slight mist. Frost. In afternoon Cn. show- ing along E. horizon. 30 Meteorological Observations made at Perth BAROMETER. TEMPERATURE. Corrected to 32 F., 9 p.m. | DATE. M.S.L. and Gravity. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. Maxi- Mini- Diurnal Solar Terres- trial mum. mum. Range. Maxi- Mini- 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. Humi- dity. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. Humi- dity. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. Humi- dity. mum. mum. 1 30-254 30-157 30-183 52-3 47-4 70 63-3 52-2 47 51-6 46-6 68 64-8 40-9 23-9 117-1 36-1 2 30-175 30-103 30-1611 53-4 47-5 65 62-0 53-9 58 53-0 51-2 87 65-8 40-2 25-6 116-0 35-4 3 30-217 30-153 30-200 54-3 48-4 65 62-8 50-8 44 52-2 46-2 64 63-4 43-2 20-2 104-1 39-9 4 30-221 30-169 30-223 54-7 46-9 56 66-0 54-2 46 52-8 47-6 68 67-7 48-0 19-7 120-8 43-8 5 30-241 30-162 30-184 54-2 47-1 59 65-2 53-6 46 57-2 51-2 65 67-9 44-0 23-9 124-1 39-6 6 30-088 29-962 29-927 60-0 49-0 46 67-6 53-6 40 58-0 48-5 51 69-4 46-1 23-3 117-6 42-8 7 29-762 29-673 29-791 53-0 52-6 97 56-5 52-0 72 56-2 51-6 72 59-2 51-0 8-2 06-0 48-8 8 30-059 30-065 30-174 50-1 48-6 90 54-2 48-7 67 48-2 45-2 79 55-9 48-5 7-4 110-0 45-0 9 30-210 30-155 30-176 49-1 47-0 85 60-0 54-1 67 55-0 52-0 81 59-8 40-5 19-3 114-0 35-7 10 30-191 30-140 30-185 53-1 52-7 97 60-2 53-9 65 54-5 50-8 76 62-0 45-6 16-4 110-1 42-0 11 30-159 30-065 30-160 54-8 52-9 87 57-8 55-5 85 53-6 53-2 97 63-8 46-8 17-0 117-4 43-3 12 30-209 30-150 30-236 54-1 50-6 77 62-7 54-8 58 57-5 51 -fi 66 63-5 46-0 18-5 119-2 38-9 13 30-266 30-246 30-270 60-9 56-7 75 64-2 58-2 67 53-2 52-2 93 65-9 52-5 13-4 121-5 47-9 14 30-241 30-212 30-268 60-5 54-5 66 58-5 56-1 85 58-0 54-2 77 64-2 51-9 12-3 115-0 48-2 15 30-415 30-321 30-370 55-6 51-1 72 61-0 49-8 46 51-3 46-5 69 61-9 48-5 13-4 122-3 43-1 16 30-295 30-122 30-117 55-5 46-8 53 64-6 52-8 46 56-5 50-0 63 65-6 45-9 19-7 114-8 42-0 17 30-055 29-983 30-061 58-0 50-9 61 61-4 53-2 57 55-3 51-2 74 64-2 48-6 15-6 115-5 44-3 18 30-093 30-010 30-050 56-4 50-9 68 63-0 54-5 57 53-1 50-8 84 64-6 44-1 20-5 124-6 39-7 19 29-898 29-818 29-832 54-0 51-7 84 60-2 56-4 77 53-8 52-8 93 li.Vil 45-2 20-7 122-9 43-5 20 29-860 29-933 30-082 53-8 49-1 71 48-0 45-6 83 46-7 44-2 83 53-2 47-9 5-3 94-4 45-6 21 30-242 30-213 30-266 49-0 47-8 92 59-0 54-1 72 49-9 49-4 96 60-0 43-0 17-0 114-2 39-9 22 30-297 30-228 30-284 54-1 52-5 89 61-8 56-0 68 52-2 51-3 94 63-1 46-3 16-8 118-9 42-0 23 30-335 30-245 30-300 55-1 52-3 82 64-0 56-0 59 55-6 53-2 85 65-8 44-1 21-7 118-4 41-4 24 30-343 30-237 30-288 54-9 51-7 79 60-6 52-1 56 54-5 49-6 70 65-8 52-1 13-7 115-0 48-1 25 30-310 30-264 30-328 58-9 52-6 64 61-4 52-3 54 55-0 49-3 67 69-2 48-8 20-4 125-5 41-2 26 30-375 30-291 30-341 59-0 53-4 68 67-3 55-6 47 58-2 51-2 61 67-8 49-0 ! 18-8 119-7 45-2 27 30-371 30-247 30-290 58-1 52-9 69 68-3 54-5 41 60-1 50-4 51 69-1 49-0 20-1 120-9 45-1 28 30-327 30-239 30-279 58-3 51-7 63 69-2 56-9 46 56-3 52-1 74 70-1 48-0 22-1 131-6 43-4 29 30-195 30-050 30-002 58-5 51-1 59 63-8 55-9 59 53-5 52-2 91 65-3 44-4 20-9 125-8 38-3 30 30-167 30-222 30-376 47-6 43-3 71 52-2 47-2 69 46-3 42-6 75 55-3 41-0 14-3 114-0 39-0 31 30-481 30-405 30-443 50-7 46-0 70 58-4 50-6 58 50-2 45-6 70 59-2 35-4 23-8 122-8 29-9 Means . . 30-205 30-135 30-198 54-9 50-2 72 61-5 53-4 58 53-9 49-8 74 63-9 46-0 17-9 116-9 41-9 Correction ") to be ? 0-5 0-3 0-5 0-3 0-5 0-3 0-0 10-1 +0-1 0-0 0-0 applied ) 1 REMARKS FOR AUGUST, 1908. 1. Fine and clear. Misty. Heavy de\v. Cu. bank to W. In afternoon cloudy. Lower Cu. from S.W. ; Upper Cu. from E.N..E. Clear evening. 2. Fine; few clouds. Heavy dew. A.-Cu., from N.W. ; Cu. to W. and N.W. Cloudy during afternoon and evening. Ci., Ci.-Cu., Ci.-Str., and A.-Cu. from N.W.; Cu. from N.N.E.; Fr.-Str. to W. and N.W. 3. Dull. Misty. Heavy dew. Ci.-Cu., A.-Cu., and A.-Str. from N. ; Nimbus forming to W. Gloomy in afternoon. A.-Cu. from N.W. Cloudy in even- ing. Cu. bank to S. 4. Gloomy. Foliated A.-Cu. morning; A.-Cu. and Cu. from N. Cloudy in afternoon. A.-Cu. to N. ; heavy watery Cu. from N.W. Clear evening. Thunder and lightning in early morning. 5. Cloudy. A.-Cu. from N.W. Foliated A.-Cu. to S.; Cu. showing to W. In afternoon Ci.-Cu. and A.-Cu. from N.W. ; Cu. to W. Overcast during evening. A.-Cu. from N.W. Slight shower early morning. 6. Fine and clear. Gusty. Cu. bank to W. Cloudy in afternoon. A.-Cu. from N.W. Low A.-Cu. from W.N.W. during evening. 7. Showery throughout. A.-Cu., Cu., Cu.-Nim., Nim., and Fr. -Nimbus from N.W. In evening Cu. from S.W. rapidly. 8. Passing showers. A.-Cu., Cu., Cu.-Nim. and Nim. from S.W. In afternoon Mass. Cu. to S. ; Cu., Cu.-Nim., and Nim. from S.W. Clear evening. ) Overcast. .Misty. Cu. from W. Gradually clearing, leaving afternoon clear, with Ci.-Cu. from N.W. ; Cu. from W.S.W. ; clouding over again, and over- cast during evening, with light rain. Cu. and Cu.-Nim. from S.W. 10. Dull. Misty rain. Dense fog early morning. A.-Cu. and Cu. from S.W. Gloomy in afternoon. A.-Cu. and Cu. from S.W. Few clouds in evening. 11. Gloomy. Dew. A.-Cu. from N.W. ; Mass. Cu. to W. and S.W. In afternoon showery. A.-Cu. Cu., and Cu.-Nim. from N.W. -1-. -Fine and clear. Misty. Very heavy dew. Cu. bank to W. In afternoon Cu. bank to S.W. and S. ; Fr.-Cu. from W. x S. Cloudy evening. A.-Cu. from W.N.W. 13. Fine, but cloudy. Ci. and A.-Cu. from W. ; Cu. all round horizon; Stratus along ranges. In after- noon Ci. and A.-Cu. from W.S.W. ; Stratus to E. Gloomy evening. A.-Cu. from N.W. 14. Overcast. Str.-Cu., Cu., and Cu.-Nim. from W.N.W. Light rain in afternoon. Cu.-Nim. and Nim. from W. Few clouds in evening. Cu. from S.W. . 15. Fine and clear. Dew. Fr.-Cu. from S.E. ; Cu. bank all round horizon. Clear in afternoon and evening. 10. Fine; few clouds. A.-Cu. from N.E. Clear in after- noon. A.-Cu. showing to N. Few clouds during evening. A.-Cu. from N.N.E. Obttrvatory drin;i tin- Mu>ith nf .!>/ CLOUD. 0-10. WIND. II . / '.i i. HI. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Total No. Rainfall (100 poinU - 1 tnrh.) Evaporation lllH-hw). DAT*. i , in 3 p.m. 9 p.m. m Sun- 1 . >t i K !' .r. . of Mile*. slum-. Man, (Miles). th.ll. (Mil0. tion. (M,l,-< 4 10-0 1 N 1 8 7 KM: 4 184 II ,,X 1 "i 8 "7 S .1 NNK t UNW 18 SK 4 .'.'II 2 9 1 3 1 J INK 7 NK 12 KNK 10 224 0-07 3 1 1 1 6-5 NNK 10 \\N\\ Ii NI: 9 LMM 0-09 4 9 S 10 5-0 NNK 10 \\ N U 17 NNK 7 L':i:t 1 0-10 5 1 4 8 ii -:t N 18 N\V -:' N 15 i'.i 0-12 a 8 i 8 I :t N U \VN\\ 26 U 25 519 78 u !_ 7 64 20 13 S 11 306 100 000 8 in 10 NNK 4 U N\\ 5 W 11 120 0-09 9 10 4 2 c . . UM\ 13 c 184 12 0-08 10 6 10 9 N 17 w IL- c . . 111' 1 o 0:1 11 1 S ( t sraw 9 \\ 12 ll.-i 12 0-04 12 5 7 8 4-0 u 8 \\s\\ 11 c 232 7 13 in 4 M \\v Ifl w 17 SU- "u _':i7 7 0-06 14 1 m -' BSE 11 15 NK 7 264 17 0-03 15 1 1 "2 10-4 KNK M KNK n BSE 7 337 0-14 16 5 4 8-3 RNE 7 88W 18 s 8 233 0-10 17 1 1 1 9-8 KNK 4 \vsu 12 C . , 161 0-12 18 6 '.' 10 i NNK 7 \vs\v 15 NW 5 244 2 0-10 19 10 6 1-7 S\V n S 34 SSK 18 291 66 0-03 20 9 7 In 1 : NNK 6 \\N\\ 12 C , . 120 43 0-05 21 i 4 1 6-0 c t . \\>\\ 8 s 6 131 5 0-03 22 3 1 1 9-4 ( . . 5 SK 7 147 0.05 23 In 9 1 35 K n K 12 BSE 9 190 . . 0-07 24 1 g t 6-2 1 4 88E 22 SK 7 208 . . 0-11 25 2 . . Hi It KNK n BSE 15 SK 14 298 0-08 26 1 10-4 KNK 18 BSE IK 8SE 15 315 . . 0-13 27 "s 7 t m 8-2 KNK 13 s 7 saw 5 214 . . 0-16 28 1 7 10 .x .; NNW 10 W 21 s\\ 29 274 0-12 29 1 4 t 9-8 8 18 SK U SSK 14 372 83 0-06 30 1 3 1 9-0 C W 10 SSW 8 137 1 0-11 31 4-9 5-5 3-9 -i i 1 m 10 wsw 14 88E 9 237 2-49 Means . . 6-6 441 Totals REMARKS FOB AUGUST, 1908 continued. 17. Cloudy. A.-Cu. from N. ; Cu. bank to W. In after noon A.-Cu. and Cu. from N. x W. Clear in 18. Fine and clear. Heavy dew. A.-Cii. frmn S.W. ; Cu. bank to W. In afternoon Ci. rapidly from \V. ; A.-Cu. from S.W. Cli-ar evening. 19. Cloudy. Mass. Cu. to W. and S.W.; Str.-Cu. to K. ; Cu.. with scattered patches of A.-Cu. from W.N.W. Slight ho\\rrs in :it't.-rnoon and evening. Mass., Cu. and Cn.-Xim. to X.K. ; Nim. and r'r.-Nim. to W.; Cu., Cu.-Xim., Fr.-Nim., A.-Str., and A. < n. from W.X.W. 20. Showery and squally throughout. Cu., Cu.-Xim., and Ximbus from S.W. rapidly ; A.-Cu. Thunder 11.30. a.m. Slight hailstorm 2 p.m., and again 7.30 p.m. 21. Threatening. A.-Cu., Cu., and Cu.-Nim. from S.W. Showery in early morning. Cloudy in afternoon. Ci., A.-Cu., and Cu. from W.8.W. Clear by sun- set, but overcast at 8.30 p.m., with smart shower. 22. Dull. Heavy dew. A.-Cu. from W.S.W. ; Upper Cu. from 8.W. ; Lower Cu. from XVW. ; A.-Str. to N.W. Smart shower early morning. In afternoon. A.-Cn. to N.; Mass.-Cu. to 8. and E.; Pr.-Cu. from S.W. 20. Fine; few clouds. Misty. Heavy dew. Ci.-Cu. overhead from aw.; A.-Cn. from 8.W.; Cu. bank to W. ; watery Cu. from X.E. during afternoon. A few spott of rain. 84. J>ull. Dew. 8tr.-Cu. from E.N.E. In afternoon, Mass.-Cu. and Fr.-Cu. to 8.; A.-Cu. and thunder Cu. from K.N.K. (Jloomy in afternoon. Ma.iH.-Cii. all round; A.-Str. to 8.E. ; A.-Cu. and Str.-Cu. from K.X.E.; dark watery Cu. from K. 25. Fine; few clouds. Misty. Dew. A.-Cu. from N.; Cu. bank all round. In afternoon, foliated A.-Cu. ; A.-Cu., and dark watery Cu. with Ci. fringe from E.N.E. ; Mass.-Cu. to E. and S. Clear evening. Slight shower 3 p.m. 2'i. Fine and clear. Heavy dew. Cu. to E. In after- noon, few clouds. Fr.-Cu. from E.N.E.; Cu. to E. ; clear evening. 27. Bright, pleasant day. from E.S.E. 28. Fine, but cloudy. A.-Cu. from S.E. A.-Cu. from S.E. ; Cu. from E. p.m., when gradually clearing. 29. Fine and clear. Heavy dew. Mass.-Cu. to W. and 8.; Fr.-Cu. from W.N.W. Cloudy in afternoon. Cu. rapidly from 8.8. W. ; Ximbus forming to 8. and S.W. Overcast, showery and squally during evening. 30. Fine and clear. Cu. and Fr.-Cu. from 8. In after- noon, light passing showers. Fr.-Cu. and Nimbus from S. Fresh, sharp evening. 31. Fine and clear. Misty. Hoar frost. Cloud bank to 8. and S.W. In afternoon, Fr.-Cu. from 8. Clear, fresh evening. In afternoon, scattered Fr.-Cu. In afternoon, Cloudy till 8.30 82 Meteorological Observations made at Perth BAROMETER. TEMPERATURE. Corrected to 32 F., DATE. M.S.L. and Gravity. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 911 m p.m. * Maxi- Mini- Diurnal Solar Terres- trial mum. mum. Range. Maxi- Mini- 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. Humi- dity. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. Humi- Dry Wet dity. Bulb. Bulb. Humi- dity. mum. mum. i 30-382 30-271 30-273 54-7 48-9 65 60-3 53-2 62 52-0 48-8 79 62-4 41-6 20-8 122-3 37-7 2 30-145 30-114 30-229 60-9 58-0 83 58-4 54-8 78 52-5 47-8 71 64-9 51-7 13-2 123-4 45-3 3 30-386 30-303 30-340 52-3 47-6 71 60-0 50-5 52 50-0 46-2 75 60-9 41-9 19-0 126-1 37-0 4 30-319 30-184 30-196 53-0 46-3 60 62-7 52-1 48 52-4 47-4 69 63-9 43-2 20-7 115-8 39-7 5 30-079 29-945 30-044 62-1 50-9 46 74-6 58-7 37 55-8 55-0 94 76-9 46-1 30-8 126-1 41-0 6 30-135 30-116 30-148 61-2 57-1 76 65-0 55-8 54 56-1 52-6 78 65-9 55-0 10-9 121-4 49-9 7 30-160 30-117 30-193 55-2 51-5 76 62-0 52-8 54 53-1 49-6 77 64-0 50-0 14-0 122-8 44-9 8 30-242 30-168 30-200 59-9 53-6 65 64-2 56-4 60 56-3 53-4 82 66-1 47-9 18-2 125-3 39-2 9 30-143 30-026 30-022 59-2 54-0 70 64-1 56-0 59 55-2 51-8 79 66-8 45-0 21-8 120-0 38-6 10 29-997 29-921 29-965 57-9 53-3 72 62-8 56-5 66 55-7 54-4 91 64-7 49-0 15-7 119-7 44-3 11 30-032 30-030 30-149 55-1 54-3 94 59-3 53-1 65 52-2 47-4 70 61-3 52-3 9-0 120-0 48-1 12 30-255 30-242 30-259 53-3 47-5 65 59-9 52-0 58 51-8 46-8 68 60-9 43-3 17-6 123-5 39-1 13 30-263 30-102 30-118 57-6 49-6 57 60-9 55-2 68 54-6 48-8 65 67-5 41-6 25-9 121-1 36-4 14 30-067 30-028 30-067 58-7 51-2 59 65-0 57-9 63 56-8 55-2 89 64-9 43-1 21-8 117-3 37-9 15 29-987 29-982 30-131 60-9 55-0 67 55-0 51-6 79 50-0 49-0 93 61-1 51-4 9-7 85-6 47-9 16 30-190 30-156 30-223 59-1 54-7 74 61-1 54-5 64 54-2 52-2 86 63-4 44-3 19-1 124-3 40-2 17 30-264 30-093 30-250 55-2 51-0 74 62-3 54-9 60 56-0 53-2 82 64-8 45-0 18-9 128-4 39-6 18 30-275 30-254 30-333 57-9 54-2 78 62-4 54-5 58 55-6 53-6 87 64-7 45-4 19-3 127-2 39-6 19 30-466 30-367 30-354 55-7 48-1 58 64-6 52-9 46 55-3 52-4 82 65-0 47-4 17-6 119-0 44-6 20 30-441 30-320 30-358 59-0 51-4 59 69-2 56-4 45 57-8 53-4 74 69-9 47-0 22-9 123-7 43-2 21 30-306 30-201 30-202 67-3 54-1 42 77-2 57-3 30 64-0 54-1 51 78-5 49-4 29-1 130-9 43-1 22 30-035 29-890 29-840 65-6 54-9 49 65-4 63-3 87 57-0 56-0 93 74-3 51-9 22-4 131-2 47-1 23 29-908 29-876 29-889 59-9 53-3 64 61-6 57-1 74 59-5 54-5 71 64-6 51-3 13-3 124-2 48-9 24 30-014 30-014 30-081 59-3 53-2 66 62-1 54-5 60 52-0 50-0 86 62-8 55-6 7-2 128-8 53-9 25 30-064 30-004 30-044 58-2 54-1 75 62-0 56-0 67 60-0 56-4 78 64-5 44-1 20-4 123-6 40-9 26 30-182 30-178 30-223 59-1 52-5 63 61-2 52-8 56 i 56-0 51-0 70 62-6 55-2 7-4 129-6 51-6 27 30-290 30-151 30-173 60-4 52-4 58 70-0 56-5 42 61-6 54-2 60 70-0 46-0 24-0 124-0 39-5 28 30-062 29-913 29-789 69-1 56-9 46 78-9 61-2 36 72-2 59-1 45 81-1 54-(i 26-5 133-4 50-6 29 29-844 29-890 29-926 60-1 58-4 90 64-1 55-9 58 60-0 55-8 75 69-9 59-3 10-6 130-9 60-1 30 29-934 29-844 29-881 57-1 56-0 92 62-1 57-1 72 60-6 54-3 65 65-1 54-4 10-7 134-8 49-5 Means . . 30-162 30-093 30-129 58-8 52-8 67 63-9 55-4 58 56-2 52-1 75 66-4 48-5 17-9 123-5 44-0 Correction 1 to be f " 0-5 0-3 0-5 03 0-5 0-3 0-0 0-1 + 0-1 0-0 0-0 applied J REMARKS FOR SEPTEMBER, 1908. 1. Dull. A.-Cu. from W. In afternoon, A.-Cu. from W.N.W. ; Ci. from W. ; Cu.-Nim. forming to S.E. ; later, Cu.-Nim. from N.W. rapidly.; Ci. from W., but gradually clearing, leaving evening clear be- tween 7 and 9 p.m., but clouding up after. 2. Cloudy, with passing showers. Ci., Ci.-Cu., Cu., and Nim. from S.W., but quickly becoming overcast, with showers during day. Gradually clearing after 9 p.m. 3. Fine and fresh. Misty. Heavy dew. Cu. to E. In afternoon, Fr.-Cu. from E.N.E. Clear, fresh evening. 4. Fine and clear throughout. Dew. Ci. to E. and S.E. 5. Clear, with freeh N.E. wind. Dew. In evening, soft Fr.-Cu. from S.W. Dull. Heavy dew. Cu. from W.N.W. ; Stratus on ranges. Clouds quickly dispersing, leaving late morning and afternoon fine and clear. Sharp shower early morning. 7. Cloudy. Dew. A.-Cu. from N.W.; soft Cu. from S.W. In afternoon, A.-Cu. from W. ; Cu. to S.E. and E. Clear evening. 8. Fine and clear. Dew. A.-Cu. from S.W. ; Cu. to W. ; later, cloudy Cu. from S.W. In afternoon, cloudy Ci.-Cu. to A.-Cu. from 8.; A.-Str. to W. ; Cu. from S.S.W. Clear, pleasant evening, y. Bright, pleasant day. Misty. Heavy dew. In after- noon, thunder; Cu. all along E. horizon and to N. 10. Fine and clear. Misty. Heavy dew. Cu. to W. and N.W. In afternoon, Mass.-Cu. all round hori- zon; Fr.-Cu. from S. In evening, showery after 10 p.m. 11. Showery. Cu., Nim., and Str. from S.W. In after- noon and evening cloudy. Ci. and A.-Cu., and Cu. from S.W. Heavy showers in early morning, and one or two during day. 12. Cloudy. Heavy dew. A.-Cu. from S.W.; Fr.-Cu. to E. and S. ; Cu. bank all round. In afternoon, Cu. and Fr.-Cu. from S.W. Clear, fresh even- ing. 13. Fine and fresh. Dew. Cloud bank to W. 14. Fine and clear. Misty. Heavy dew. In after- noon, scattered Fr.-Cu. from S.W. ; Cu. to S., and gradually becoming cloudy to overcast, with occa- sional light showers. iliirni'i tin Month (if >' j'li -inlier, 1908. fl n. , " 1" 9 a.m. 3 p.m. p.m. Toul No. Rainfall. (100 point* = 1 inch.) Evaporation (incha). DAT*. Dirao- Force Hi' 1 .,; . of Mile* !i . m .1 -1 p.m. ti,m. M). ti.m. iMJkM)- tiupi. ita . 111 7 :i i :: i. \\.\W 13 W 9 214 0-12 1 In 4 \\ -"- su- 18 8 I 1 ' 479 6 0-07 2 1 1 1 > - SK 14 a 9 12 IP I..S 3 1 . I" 1 KM: 19 SK 8 B8I 9 254 M 0-11 4 i'> :t Ifl WNW 14 NW 7 287 .. 0-12 6 M 2 . ti-IP SM\ 4 usu 11 8 a 235 4 0-11 6 : :i K ( i . 88W 17 8 8 192 .. 0-09 7 1 s 1 7 I' 1 WSW 14 8 12 182 0-12 8 1 Hi'' c sw 11 8 19 w 0-11 9 1 L' fi 9-7 HI wsw IS \\ N \\ 6 IV. .. 0-13 10 10 a 3-6 8 4 B8M 20 6 260 63 0-06 11 2 6 8-2 SE 6 S.sW 11 8 177 1 0-11 12 10-0 NK 8 wsu 5 12 239 0-12 13 1 8 '.'-1 8 4 w 13 WSW 142 0-16 14 io 1 1 2-0 WN\V 24 WNW 5 BOTH n 270 6 0-09 16 6 6 7-6 C 88W 20 paw 8 202 61 0-00 16 10 9 10 L'-L 1 NNE 6 W8W 10 i . . 129 1 0-08 17 7 1 9-3 ra 4 8SW 20 s 9 221 0-09 18 f 10-7 KNK 20 9 SE 8 262 0-14 19 10-7 KNK 18 KNK 10 8 17 328 0-16 20 1 10-6 NE 16 WNW 16 i-> i-: 4 277 0-14 21 1 10 10 2-6 \K 10 NW 20 ssw 18 397 0-20 22 4 8 8 7-7 SSU 19 WNW 19 WNW 24 466 61 0-Ofi 23 7 3 9-4 x>\\ 26 WSW 16 sw 6 396 11 17 24 1 10 10 2-3 N 9 WNW 21 WNW 19 313 0-15 25 8 3 S I, 8 16 88W 21 8 18 437 5 0-14 26 5 1 3 10-1 8 ENE 14 ESE 11 282 0-17 27 1 10 9-6 NE 30 NE 13 ENE 13 416 0-16 28 io 6 8 6-9 WNW 30 WNW 31 WNW 10 501 1 0-21 29 1 4 2-5 C WNW 18 NNW 16 274 23 0-10 30 4-7 4-4 3-1 7-3 E 12 wsw 16 8SW 11 286 0-12 Mean* 219-0 246 3-56 Totals * Card changed. . . Signifies "Nil." REMARKS FOR SEPTEMBER, 1908 confirmed. 15. Overcast : thrcntpning. A.-Cu., Cu. ( and Cu.-Nim. from N.W.; Nimbus forming to N.W.; A.-Str. to 8. In afternoon, A.-Cu. from W.N.W.; Cn. from 8.W. ; Nimbus and Strntus along ranges. Heavj shnuere during morning. 16. Cloudy and misty. A.-Cu. from W.; Mass.-Cu. all round; Fr.-Cu. from 8.W. 17. Dull. Dew. A.-Cu. and Cu. from S.W. Overcast daring evening till 9.30 p.m., when gradually moving off. 18. Cloudy. Heavy dew. Threatening to S.W. ; A.-Cn. ami Cu. from 8.W.; Nimbus to S.W. Clouds quickly dispersing, and becoming dour through- out. Light misty rain between 9.30 and 10 a.m. 19. Pine nnd fresh. Heavy dew. 20. Bright, pleasant day. Dew. 21. Clear, (.right day. f'loud bank showing to N.W. in ' ' i.. n. ly. Slight dew. A.-Cu. from W. In afteri, ,.'ii. " n-ii.-t. A.-i'n. from W.; .lark watery Cn. fn.iii N.W.: A. Btr. to W. and S.W.: N i forming to N.W. Heavy driving showers, wit'i thunder and lightning during evening. 23. Cloudy and fresh. Mass.-Cu. all round; Fr.-Cu. from S.W. In afternoon, Cu. from W.8.W. ; Nim- bus to N. Light rain after 10 p.m. 24. Fine, but cloudy. Cu. from S.W. In afternoon and evening, Fr.-Cu. from 8.; Cu. to W. and S.W. 25. 'Pull. Heavy dew. Cu. from W. In afternoon, gloomy. Cu. from W.S.W. Threatening during i>vi>ning. 2fi. Cloudy and gusty. Cu. from 8. Smart shower early morning. Fine; few clouds in afternoon. A.-Cu to E. ; Cu. bank to W. Clear after sunset. Fine, but cloudy. Ci. from W. In afternoon and rvi'ning. few clnii.ls. <'i. from S.W. 28. Clear and gusty. Cu. bank to E. and S.W. A vrry disagreeable day. Ci., Ci.-Cn.. A.-Cu., Cu., and Fr.-Cu. from N.W. In afternoon, overcast. Lightning to S. 29. Light rain. Nim. from W. Clouds dispersing quickly, leaving cloud bank all round, and Fr.-Cu. from W. In afternoon, cloudy. Cu. from W. Showery after 9 p.m. -Mower/. Cu. and Cu.-Nim from N.W.; Xim. to X.K. In afternoon, gloomy. Cu. and Cu.-Nim. from N.W. rioiiiiy in rwning till 10, when be- came overcast, with rain. 34 Meteorological Observations made at Perth BAROMETER. TEMPERATURE. Corrected to 32 F., 90 ,,. 311 Id 9pm DATE. M.S.L. and Gravity. Or. III. jJ.lll, Maxi- Mini- Diurnal Solar Terres- trial mum. mum. Range. Maxi- Mini- 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. Humi- dity. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. Humi- dity. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. Humi- dity. mum. mum. 1 ... 29-966 29-965 30-024 58-4 51-9 64 62-8 55-3 60 52-2 49-2 80 63-8 51-9 11-9 127-1 48-8 2 .. 30-029 29-979 29-996 61-9 55-9 67 64-6 58-4 68 58-7 55-9 83 65-9 52-0 13-9 125-0 46-1 3 . .. 30-002 29-988 30-017 64-0 58-8 71 65-4 56-3 55 59-1 55-2 77 66-4 56-6 .9-8 124-6 54-2 4 .. 29-980 29-944 29-929 64-0 56-4 61 64-6 58-6 67 58-6 55-4 80 65-8 52-0 13-8 133-7 : 48-0 5 29-735 29-777 29-814 66-1 61-0 72 64-5 56-1 57 57-5 52-2 69 67-7 57-0 10-7 131-1 54-7 6 .. 30-032 30-095 30-224 58-1 53-6 73 59-4 53-1 65 52-0 50-2 87 61-1 51-6 9-5 133-2 49-1 7 30-343 30-263 30-320 59-9 52-4 60 63-8 55-0 56 54-8 50-8 74 65-3 44-6 20-7 130-9 39-3 8 .. 30-260 30-143 30-158 64-3 52-2 45 75-8 59-1 37 63-5 53-0 50 76-2 46-8 29-4 128-9 38-6 9 .. 30-068 29-953 29-939 71-8 53-6 32 83-5 61-0 27 70-5 57-2 43 83-9 57-0 26-9 134-6 47-9 10 29-943 29-925 30-016 65-8 61-1 74 66-0 59-0 64 58-8 54-5 74 74-4 52-4 22-0 130-1 48-7 11 .. 30-128 30-100 30-106 59-5 52-8 62 61-2 52-2 54 55-1 50-7 73 61-9 54-5 7-4 129-9 51-0 12 29-932 29-876 29-884 56-1 51-6 72 57-7 50-1 59 46-4 46-0 97 60-1 49-6 10-5 124-4 45-0 13 .. 29-835 29-773 29-843 53-8 49-3 72 59-6 54-9 73 52-2 52-0 99 60-5 43-4 17-1 114-9 41-3 14 29-861 29-899 29-924 58-7 53-4 69 62-7 56-2 65 59-0 55-0 76 63-3 49-8 13-5 123-0 48-1 15 .. 30-143 30-099 30-173 60-1 55-6 74 63-5 59-7 78 60-0 58-0 88 64-2 53-7 10-5 126-7 50-0 16 30-271 30-228 30-327 58-8 53-4 68 64-1 57-9 66 57-0 54-5 84 67-1 52-8 14-3 130-0 50-1 17 30-295 30-231 30-264 64-5 56-9 61 68-4 58-6 53 58-0 56-5 90 70-3 49-0 21-3 124-6 42-2 18 30-295 30-170 30-219 64-5 57-6 63 70-0 63-5 67 62-8 60-7 87 75-3 54-4 20-9 134-0 49-1 19 30-286 30-200 30-241 67-0 59-3 61 79-0 64-9 44 69-1 61-8 63 79-6 57-5 22-1 130-2 56-1 20 30-321 30-245 30-288 74-2 61-1 45 80-8 64-3 38 68-3 62-5 69 81-3 58-7 22-6 134-3 56-1 21 30-316 30-200 30-194 74-6 59-5 40 82-7 63-6 33 66-6 57-2 54 83-9 56-1 27-8 136-1 52-0 22 30-110 30-062 30-060 78-0 60-8 37 80-0 63-5 38 68-1 58-6 54 87-8 55-1 32-7 140-4 49-8 23 29-990 29-932 29-973 70-8 63-7 65 77-0 66-3 54 67-6 62-4 72 79-9 49-3 30-6 137-0 44-1 24 29-998 29-953 30-021 67-6 62-3 71 70-8 65-9 74 61-2 59-4 89 72-3 55-2 17-1 135-4 52-6 25 30-058 30-033 30-025 67-7 61-9 69 71-2 66-3 74 63-8 61-8 88 75-0 54-3 20-7 129-1 47-0 26 30-000 29-937 29-945 68-3 64-4 79 67-5 64-8 85 63-0 61-1 89 74-0 57-1 16-9 133-9 50-1 27 29-963 29-968 30-058 68-1 64-6 80 63-2 62-1 93 59-2 57-2 88 72-5 56-3 16-2 140-9 53-2 28 30-006 29-950 30-044 65-9 59-4 66 68-3 62-1 67 61-1 55-5 69 69-7 48-4 21-3 131-7 38-3 29 30-122 30-121 30-171 61-2 54-1 62 62-7 55-4 61 57-0 52-8 75 66-9 57-1 9-8 141-5 54-0 30 30-146 30-031 30-056 62-8 55-7 62 66-0 58-4 62 58-2 55-2 81 68-0 48-3 19-7 125-0 44-2 31 29-986 29-907 29-946 63-9 58-6 70 67-0 60-4 66 60-2 58-4 89 70-0 48-7 21-3 126-6 45-0 Means . . 30-077 30-030 30-071 64-5 57-2 63 67-8 59-5 60 60-0 55-8 76 70-8 52-6 18-2 130-6 48-2 Correction "1 to be f -0-5 0-3 . . 0-5 0-3 0-5 0-3 0-0 0-1 +0-1 0-0 0-0 applied ) . . Signifies ' ' Nil. ' ' EEMAEK8 FOB OCTOBEE, 1908. 1. Misty rain. Cu. from W., watery in places. Cloudy in afternoon. Eaining in S.E. A.-Cu. and Cu. from W.; Nim. and Fr.-Nim. to S.E. Cloudy evening. 2. Dull. Raining in N.E. A.-Cu. and Cu. from W. ; Nim. to N.E. Cloudy in afternoon and evening. Cu. from W. Overcast after 10 p.m. 3. Cloudy and fresh. Ci.-Cu. to A.-Cu. from W.; Fr.- Cu. from S.W. ; Mass.-Cu. to E. and S.E. ; Ci.'Cu. to A.-Cu. from S.W. during afternoon. Overcast in evening. A.-Cu. from S.W. 4. Cloudy. A.-Cu. from W. by S.; Cu. and Fr.-Cu. from W.N.W.; heavy dark Cu. to S. and S.E. In afternoon, A.-Cu. from W. In evening, A.-Cu. from W. ; soft, watery Cu. rapidly from N.W. Raining during night. 5. Squally, with passing showers. A.-Cu. from W.; watery Cu. from N.W. ; Nimbus to S. Cloudy and squally in afternoon and evening. 6. Cloudy and showery. A.-Cu. from W. ; Cu. and Fr.- Cu. from S.W. ; Mass.-Cu. all round. Cloudy in afternoon. Cu. from S.W. In evening, cloudy to overcast. Smart shower 8.30 p.m. 7. Fine and clear. Dew. Scattered Fr.-Cu. to E. ; Cu. bank to W. 8. Fine and clear throughout. 9. Bright, clear day. Warm in afternoon. 10. Fine, but cloudy. Heavy dew. Cu. from W.N.W. In afternoon, Cu. from W. Showery Between 6 and 7 p.m. 11. Gloomy. Cu. from S.W. In afternoon, A.-Cu. and foliated A.-Cu. from W.; Cu. and Cu.-Nim. from S.S.W. Overcast during evening. 12. Showery throughout. Cu.-Nim. and Nim. from S.W. In afternoon, A.-Cu. from W. ; Cu. rapidly from S.W. ; Nim. and Fr.-Nim. to N. ; Mass.-Cu. to S. Hailstorm 10 p.m. Heavy driving showers. 13. Gloomy. Cu. from S.W.; Nim. and Fr.-Nim to W.; A.-Cu. and A.-Str. from S.W. In afternoon, cloudy and fresh. A.-Cu. from S.W.; Cu. rapidly from S.S.W. Showery evening. 14. Cloudy and squally. A.-Cu. to S.E. ; Upper Cu. from S. ; lower Cu. from S.E. Cloudy in after- noon. Cu. from S.E. Clouds dispersing, leaving clear evening. 15. Dull. Str.-Cu. and Cu. from S.; A.-Cu. In after- noon, overcast. Cu. from S.W. ; Str.-Cu. to S.; heavy, dark, watery Cu. to N.W. and N.; A.-Cu. Overcast in afternoon and evening. One or two misty showers. 35 Observatory thinny the Mutilli uf \\ 6 261 19 0-09 1 9 5 4 4-7 XX W 18 NW 24 N.NU u MM 1 0-13 2 1 1 10 6-1 \\s\\ 19 \v 20 W>\\ 10 337 18 0-11 3 6 5 6 8-0 NW 10 NW 1M N 1 258 t t 0-15 4 7 3 33 X\V .1, W 30 W 20 468 12 0-16 6 | 6 4 8-1 s\\ 21 VV8W 18 am 5 366 22 0-16 6 1 2 In KNK is s 14 8 16 192 6 0-12 7 111 NK L'l E 14 8E 9 M 0-17 8 11-1 N 1 : 20 KNK 14 NE 7 349 0-21 9 6 5 8 M \V.\\\ 13 U.NW M WSW 16 356 0-16 10 9 7 10 5-8 SW 18 \\ -W 20 C m t 338 "s 0-24 11 10 6 10 3-8 \VS\\ 22 \\-.s\\ 23 C .. 401 18 0-14 12 10 6 10 2-6 NW 10 8W 21 M\ 16 319 48 0-13 13 5 7 , . 8-9 8 27 8W H SSW 23 471 67 0-01 14 10 10 10 2-1 >>W 16 ws\\ 19 8W 14 342 0-18 15 9 9-8 i:>i: 10 ssw 18 8 11 312 2 0-11 16 . . . . . . 11-0 m 4 8W 14 8 12 245 0-17 17 5 1 6 10-3 n 12 8W 18 8 19 319 0-19 18 , . 11-0 KM: 28 ESE 10 8E 9 347 ,; 0-19 19 , . 112 KNK 16 8E 11 SSK 8 332 0-22 20 3 1 10-6 NI: 18 wsw 8 ESE 16 311 , 0-23 21 5 1 2 11-4 tun 20 wsw 11 C 207 0-26 22 4 8 1 10-6 SS K 6 8W 8 SSW 9 172 0-23 23 3 8 9 7-2 N 5 W 11 SW 6 170 0-17 24 , . 1 11-3 ENE 8 WSW 16 ssw 6 179 0-17 25 8 9 10 6-8 Ben 6 wsw 14 ssw 5 197 0-16 26 9 10 1 3-1 NNW 8 BW8 19 8 10 210 0-17 27 2 5 3 8-6 NW 10 wxw 23 WSW 16 299 7 0-19 28 10 8 5 3-5 BBW 20 ssw 18 8 17 391 1 0-31 29 2 . . 10-9 KM-: 10 BBW 20 8 19 367 0-26 30 2 12-0 m 11 SW 21 SSW 9 304 0-24 31 4-8 4-2 3-8 8-0 ENE 16 wsw 18 SSW 11 300 .. 0-18 Mean* 249-1 219 5-43 Totals *Card changed. .. Signifies "Nil." REMARKS FOR OCTOBER, 1908 continued. 16. Pine, but cloudy. Dew. Soft Co. from E. In after noon and evening, fine and clear. 17. Fine and clear throughout. Misty. Heavy dew. 18. Fine, but cloudy. Heavy dew. Ci. from W. In afternoon, few clouds. Ci. to S.; Roll Cu. to S. Cloudy after 8.30 p.m. Ci. coming over from 8.W. 19. Fine and clear. Gusty. Rather close evening. 20. Slight smoke haze. Warm in afternoon. Fine and clear throughout. 21. Fine and clear. In afternoon, few clouds. Ci. from W. by 8. Ci. bank to S. during evening. 22. Cloudy. Ci. from S.W. In afternoon, scattered Ci. to 8.E. and E.; Ci. bank to S.W. in evening. 83. Fine, but cloudy. Dew. Ci. and Ci.-Cu. from N.W. In afternoon, Ci., Ci.-Cu. from W.N.W. Clear evening, with bank of Ci. to W. and S.W. 24. Fine. Fi-w clouds. Dew. Ci. from W.8.W.; Cu. bank to W. Cloudy in afternoon and evening. Ci. and soft Cu. from S.W. Lightning to S.W. duri- ing evening. 25. Fine and clear. Slight dew. In evening, soft Cu. passing over from S.W. 26. Cloudy. Heavy dew. Ci. from S.W. In afternoon, Ci., Ci.-Cu. and Ci.-Str. from 8.W.; Ci., CL-Str. and A.-Cu. from S.W. during evening. 27. Dull. Dew. Ci. from N.W.; A.-Cu., Cu. and Str.- Cu. from W. In afternoon, A.-Cu. from W.; Cu., Cu.-Nim., and Nim. from S.W. Smart shower 2 p.m. Clear evening. 28. Cloudy. Heavy dew. Scattered Ci.-Cu. to A.-Cu. to E.; Fr.-Cu. from W.; Mass.-Cu. all round. In afternoon, Ci. from W. ; A.-Cu.; dark, watery Cu. from S.W.; Mass.-Cu. all round. 29. Dull. Watery Cu. and Str.-Cn. from 8.W.; A.-Cu. Slight shower in early morning. In afternoon, Ci and ('i.-Str. from N.W.; Ci.-Cu. to N.; Roll.- Cu. to S.E. and E. Solar halo. Dense Ci. from S.W. in evening. 30. Fine. Few clouds. Fr.-Cu. from 8., gradually pas- sing away, leaving afternoon and evening fine and clear. 31. Fine and clear. Dew. In evening, soft Cu. from S.s.W. Overcast by 10 p.m. 36 Meteorological Observations made nt Perth BAROMETER. TEMPERATURE. DATE. Corrected to 32 F., M.S.L., and Gravity. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Maxi- Mini- Diurnal Solar Terres- trial mum, mum. Range. Maxi- Mini- 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. Humi- dity. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. Humi- dity. Dry Wet Bulb. Bulb. lurni- dity. mum. mum. 1 1 1 30-019 29-962 30-002 64-4 57-6 64 65-4 58-4 63 57-0 54-5 84 67-2 86- 9 10-3 124-4 52-6 2 29-966 29-944 30-003 62-0 61-3 96 67-1 63-0 77 61-8 59-8 88 68-2 52-0 16-2 124-8 45-5 3 29-993 29-891 29-907 67-3 60-2 64 71-0 62-2 58 62-0 60-0 88 73-5 49 -U 23-9 1211-2 39-1 4 29-881 29-845 29-891 69-4 63-8 70 70-0 66-0 78 62-5 60-5 88 75-8 54-6 21-2 130-8 50-9 5 29-894 29-906 30-039 68-6 61-1 62 63-2 57-9 70 57-0 49-5 59 69-6 61-3 8-3 128-5 58-9 6 30-241 30-212 30-283 56-4 51-2 69 61-5 51-5 50 55-0 50-6 73 63-8 47-6 16-2 129-4 45-6 7 30-210 30-045 29-962 63-0 52-8 50 75-4 57-8 34 67-0 59-5 62 76-1 49-2 26-9 133-4 45-4 8 29-823 29-826 29-869 74-0 57-7 36 67-9 62-9 73 61-2 60-1 93 83-5 62-] 21-4 139-5 51-6 9 29-796 29-866 30-009 63-7 60-1 79 62-1 60-6 91 60-2 56-1 76 72-4 56-8 15-6 134-3 52-0 10 30-179 30-142 30-159 65-1 58-6 66 66-0 60-5 70 60-6 55-8 72 71-8 56- 1 15-7 138-8 51-8 11 30-134 30-057 30-103 65-8 59-4 66 73-7 63-5 53 60-1 55-4 73 7.V4 51-5 23-9 132-3 45-0 12 30-101 30-035 30-079 70-5 62-1 59 75-0 64-6 54 63-6 61-6 88 77-8 49-8 28-0 131-8 49-0 13 30-049 29-955 29-947 73-7 63-6 54 78-0 67-2 54 65-4 63-1 86 81-0 58-9 22-1 134-6 53-6 14 30-034 30-023 : 30-098 70-7 62-1 59 73-5 65-8 63 64-6 60-8 78 74-8 61-4 13-4 137-9 56-9 15 30-234 30-167 30-157 66-0 55-5 50 75-4 66-7 59 68-6 58-3 51 77-7 53-5 24-2 132-8 48-6 16 30-182 30-072 30-093 67-2 56-3 49 78-0 66-5 52 65-8 63-2 85 82-0 53-8 28-2 136-4 50-2 17 30-162 30-072 30-101 71-8 60-2 49 80-4 65-9 42 69-2 63-5 (ill 85-6 58-6 27-0 139-7 53-0 18 30-127 30-046 i 30-047 78-1 64-9 46 87-2 69-7 38 72-0 64-0 61 89-0 (>-2 5 26-5 144-0 59-7 19 29-998 29-877 29-868 79-7 65-9 45 92-0 71-4 33 78-0 66-0 50 93-5 66-9 26-6 160-5 60-7 20 29-825 29-738 29-737 88-8 71-0 37 89-8 73-0 40 72-2 67-4 75 94-7 70-3 24-4 147-5 64-9 21 29-714 29-731 29-802 70-9 67-7 82 69-8 66-6 82 63-5 61-0 85 85-4 62-5 22-9 138-8 58-0 22 29-877 29-897 29-968 67-4 62-8 75 69-2 62-1 64 61-6 58-8 83 72-0 57 5 14-5 138-5 54-0 23 29-996 29-919 29-900 67-6 60-6 64 69-9 60-5 55 ; 56-0 53-0 81 72-0 54-8 17-2 130-2 51-4 24 29-723 29-751 29-847 68-9 61-1 61 59-0 54-5 73 58-1 51-1 61 69-7 51-3 18-4 133-0 46-9 25 29-993 29-997 30-032 62-1 55-2 62 66-8 57-6 55 61-0 57-0 77 67-9 47-5 20-4 132-8 41-8 26 29-999 29-958 29-969 63-9 G2-8 93 67-1 62-3 74 60-0 | 58-5 91 71-6 54-0 17-6 131-9 51-2 27 29-904 29-836 29-851 67-6 61-4 67 71-3 64-0 64 61-5 .V.I -5 88 72-9 53-1 19-8 141-2 47-8 28 29-844 29-860 29-929 66-8 62-1 75 69-9 61-8 60 61-5 56-7 73 72-0 60-5 11-5 139-0 55-7 29 29-980 29-928 29-968 68-4 59-8 58 69-4 60-8 58 61-6 57-1 74 72-5 54-4 18-1 131-6 51-0 30 29-994 29-970 30-014 68-5 60-9 62 70-4 64-2 68 64-4 60-8 79 73-9 57-1 16-8 138-9 52-9 Means . . 29-996 29-951 29-988 68-6 60-7 61 71-8 63-0 50 63-1 58-8 77 76-1 56-2 19-9 135-5 51-5 Correction ^ to be r . . 0-5 0-3 0-5 0-3 . . 0-5 0-3 0-0 0-1 + 0-1 0-0 0-0 applied J . . Signifies "Nil." REMARKS FOB NOVEMBER, 1908. 1. Fine, but cloudy. Slight dew. Cu. and Fr.-Cu. from S.W. ; Cu. all round horizon. In afternoon, Ci. from W. 2. Misty rain. A.-Cu., Cu., Ou.-Nim. and Fr.-Nim. from W. Overcast in afternoon. A.-Cu. from W. ; Cu. from S.W.; Roll.-Cu. to S.; Mass.-Cu. to S.W.; Cu.-Nim. to W. and N.W., breaking away after 9 p.m. 3. Fine and clear. Heavy dew. Ci., Ci.-Cu. to S. and S.W. Clear in afternoon, but becoming cloudy after 8 p.m. Ci. from N.W. 4. Fine. Few clouds. Heavy dew. Ci. and thunder A.-Cu. from N.W. Overcast in late afternoon and evening. Cu. rapidly from S.S.W. ; A.-Cu. from N.W. 5. 'Fine. Few clouds. Fr.-Cu. from W. ; Cu. bank all round. Overcast by 10 a.m., and showery. In afternoon, Cu. and Cu.-Nim. from W. Smart shower 6 p.m. Squally night. 6. Cloudy and squally. Heavy dark Cu. from S.W. A.-Cu. from W. One or two very light showers. Few clouds in afternoon. Fr.-Cu. from S.W. Clear, fresh evening. 7. Fine. Few Clouds. Gusty. Ci. from W. Cloudy in afternoon and evening. Ci., Ci.-Cu. and Ci.-Str. from N.W. Lunar halo. 8. Cloudy, sultry, and squally. Smart shower in early morning. Ci., Ci.-Cu., A.-Cu. and A.-Str. from N.W. in morning and afternoon. Clear evening. Very disagreeable dusty day. 9. Passing showers. Ci., A.-Cu. and Cu. from W.N.W.; Cu.-Nim. and Nim. to N.W. ; Mass.-Cu. all round. 10. Cloudy and sultry. A.-Cu., Cu., and Fr.-Cu. from S.W. In afternoon, Ci. and Ci.-Str. from S.S.W. Few clouds in evening. 11. Fine. Few clouds. Dew. Ci. from W.S.W. In afternoon and evening, fine and clear. Ci. to N.E. and S.W. from W. 12. Fine and clear throughout. Misty. Dew. 13. Fine and clear throughout. Dew. Scattered A.-Cu. to S.E. and S. In afternoon and evening, cloud bank to S. and S.W. 37 Observatory durin;i tin- Month of November, 1908. Wan. CLOUD. (! 0-20 1 10 10 In 3-1 tt'S\\ 13 ETM 17 SW 6 178 "l 0-24 2 1 1 7 LJ-O SB 4 ssw 18 8 18 Me 1 0-13 3 3 1 In 10-8 >K 6 sw 21 ssw 12 324 f t 0-22 4 3 10 2 1-9 W N \\ M w 24 W N\\ 26 424 0-22 6 8 2 9-0 S 15 SW 19 8 13 MO 'ie 0-23 6 3 7 "s 3-7 KM: 25 KM: 13 E 14 400 f , 0-23 7 10 1 4-8 NK -. NNW 31 NNE 6 Ml 2 0-30 8 ,. 2 8-7 U NW 20 wsw 23 WSW 8 ins 23 0-12 9 8 2 5-4 88B 4 16 S 14 223 17 0-14 10 3 1 11 H 4 M\ 14 SSU 18 273 . . 0-20 11 | . SB* 8 18 SSW 17 288 m f 0-20 12 1 u-o SI 8 .NW L'.'l ssw 13 MO , f 0-22 13 8 2 10-5 - 16 SSW 25 8 16 514 , . n IN 14 t t \-2- I i>i. 18 !> i-: 16 SE 10 381 f t 0-29 15 , , 12-3 E 18 SW 17 8 11 361 0-31 16 . . 12-6 ^ B8TO 16 B8K 6 339 . . 0-30 17 . t LJ-1 K\K 18 8 9 8 12 303 f . 0-31 18 4 10-1 MB 23 SE 10 an 9 341 , . 0-35 19 1 5 4 11-1 M: 7 \\N\\ 18 -sw 8 266 . . 0-34 20 9 8 8 6-2 \vs\v 7 WSW 18 WSW 9 318 . . 0-28 21 9 7 1 9-1 wsw 24 sw 19 8 8 305 1 0-33 22 8 1 . . 10-6 SM-: 4 WSW 19 SW 4 173 . . 0-26 23 8 10 3 3-8 BTW 28 WSW 26 WSW 18 416 0-30 24 6 6 1 9-8 sw 10 WSW 18 WSW 6 249 28 0-19 25 10 I 2-8 w 15 sw 19 8W 6 218 11 0-20 26 e s S 11-3 sw 8 w 16 WSW 4 175 3 0-10 27 10 5 3 7-0 wsw 18 ssw 17 8 9 288 4 0-20 28 5 1 10-7 SE 8 sw 15 WSW 6 245 t t 0-21 29 10 3 3 4-6 WSW 11 WSW 15 8 14 288 0-26 30 5-0 4-2 2-9 8-8 8 14 8W 19 SSW 11 322 0-24 Means .. Mf*l 107 7-16 Totals .. Signifies "Nil." REMARKS FOR NOVEMBER, 1908 continued. 14- Vine, hiit cloudy. Dew. Ci. and Ci.-8tr. from W.N'.W. Fine nml c]i>:ir in afternoon and l-"i. Kinr nnr 'n. from S.W. - ilnriiiK rn-ning. with cloud bank to W. J3. Cloudy and sultry. !>,. ('. from W. Clear in afternoon and evening. Cu. bank to 8.W. and scattrivd Fr.-l'u. to N.E. 24. Cloudy and squally. A.-Cu. from W.; Lower Cu. from W.N.W. ; ITpper Cu. from 8.W. Overcast lute morning and afternoon. Cu., Cii.-Xim. and Nim. from W.N.W. Showery. Thunderstorm 6 p.m. 25. Fine, but cloudy. Cu. from S.W. ; Nim. and Fr.- Nim. to 8.E. Cu. from S.W. in afternoon and evening. 26. Misty rain. Cu.-Nim. and Nim. from W. In after- noon, Ci. and A.-Cu. from W. ; Cu. from S.W. ; Roll.-Cu. to E. ; Cu.-Nim to X. Clear evening, with Cu. bank to S.W. 27. Fine, but cloudy. Heavy dew. Dark watery Cn. from X.W.; Upper Cu". from W.S.W. Cu." from W.8.W. in afternoon and evening. 28. Overcast. Heavy Cu. from 8.8. W. ; A.-Cu. from W. C|, .inly in afternoon and evening. Cu. from S.W. 29. Fine, but cloudy. Cu. from W. Clear in afternoon and evening. 30. Dull. Cu. from S.W. ; K..II. ( 'u. to S. In afternoon and evening Fr. Cu. from S.W. ; Mass.-Cli. .-ill round horizon; A.-Cn. to S.W. 38 Meteorological Observations made at Perth BAROMETER. TEMPERATURE. Corrected to 32 P., 3n TV 9r m DATE. M.S.L., and Gravity. 9 a.m. p.m. If. 111. Maxi- ' Mini- Diurnal Solar Terres- trial mum. mum. Range. Maxi- Mini- 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. Humi- dity. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. Humi- dity. Dry Bulb. Wet Kumi- Bulb. dity. mum. mum. 1 30-045 29-906 29-909 73-2 64-5 59 79-0 68-9 56 67-0 64-0 83 82-6 57-0 25-6 137-4 53-8 2 29-826 29-762 29-800 79-4 66-9 48 79-8 67-0 48 64-5 62-3 "87 89-9 58-9 31-0 146-0 54-9 3 29-871 29-812 29-813 70-5 64-3 68 84-0 70-9 48 72-8 63-6 56 85-1 59-2 25-9 141-7 56-7 4 29-885 29-800 29-847 68-1 62-8 72 79-0 69-7 58 70-7 63-8 65 80-3 62-1 18-2 143-5 59-9 6 29-902 29-829 29-820 69-0 62-8 67 76-0. 68-6 65 70-7 66-2 76 78-9 61-0 17-9 144-8 58-2 6 29-930 29-933 29-999 71-2 63-3 61 71-8 63-8 61 60-9 57-4 80 73-4 62-1 11-3 143-0 61-6 7 30-100 29-978 30-023 66-7 57-5 55 76-8 65-6 52 72-2 61-2 51 79-4 52-0 27-4 137-9 48-7 8 30-032 29-887 29-870 71-0 59-1 47 87-0 66-5 32 76-0 62-5 44 87-0 56-1 30-9 143-8 54-4 9 29-834 29-723 29-726 76-5 63-6 46 87-3 71-2 41 72-2 65-4 66 90-9 62-4 28-5 150-7 60-4 10 29-708 29-698 29-790 77-4 65-4 50 70-2 64-0 68 63-2 59-0 76 78-4 61-0 17-4 135-1 60-6 11 29-908 29-898 29-974 67-0 57-1 52 68-2 58-7 54 61-4 57-3 76 73-4 57-6 15-8 139-7 54-1 12 30-026 29-967 29-984 66-9 58-6 59 71-2 60-4 51 62-1 57-2 73 72-7 52-0 20-7 131-0 47-1 13 29-932 29-846 29-824 69-8 59-8 53 74-9 63-8 52 64-0 59-6 75 75-4 54-0 21-4 132-8 48-6 14 29-755 29-755 29-771 69-1 62-2 64 72-6 60-9 49 67-0 62-0 73 73-4 57-6 15-8 139-4 53-1 15 29-955 29-978 30-046 62-3 54-9 60 66-5 56-0 50 60-5 54-5 66 69-9 59-1 10-8 138-0 55-9 16 30-122 30-085 30-142 68-0 57-6 51 70-8 59-5 49 62-7 56-4 65 72-0 49-8 22-2 138-3 43-9 17 30-160 30-044 30-048 72-7 61-6 51 79-2 66-3 47 68-0 65-0 83 82-9 55-9 27-0 140-6 51-7 18 29-970 29-824 29-840 79-2 63-0 39 85-8 68-4 37 69-8 64-8 73 93-0 64-6 28-4 148-4 60-0 19 29-802 29-812 29-808 73-0 64-7 61 72-2 64-0 60 67-0 63-5 80 75-0 60-8 14-2 137-2 56-9 20 29-828 29-910 29-980 67-0 60-4 66 67-8 58-9 56 60-8 54-6 65 70-5 62-9 7-6 139-9 61-2 21 30-066 30-005 30-045 67-0 57-4 54 70-4 60-9 55 64-0 60-0 77 72-1 49-9 22-2 131-1 40-9 22 30-072 29-972 30-001 71-6 60-9 51 76-0 67-6 61 64-4 60-5 78 82-5 57-4 25-1 137-0 52-4 23 29-982 29-944 29-985 82-9 69-1 46 84-4 72-4 51 75-2 70-0 73 89-0 63-1 25-9 144-6 59-0 24 30-029 29-945 29-965 81-0 66-9 44 99-7 74-4 27 76-5 70-2 70 100-8 71-1 29-7 154-6 67-3 25 29-972 29-&1 29-916 88-9 70-1 35 98-6 74-7 29 74-6 71-3 83 100-7 70-1 30-6 155-4 66-8 26 29-903 29-864 29-868 84-9 73-4 53 88-3 74-0 45 72-8 69-8 84 92-0 66-0 26-0 155-7 60-9 27 29-852 29-784 29-791 89-9 71-3 36 95-4 74-0 32 78-6 65-1 46 104-7 64-0 40-7 158-8 58-1 28 29-765 29-753 29-803 91-1 72-0 36 94-7 70-2 27 74-0 66-8 65 99-5 72-6 26-9 161-0 66-1 29 29-868 29-861 29-895 78-1 70-7 65 78-0 70-5 65 68-8 66-8 88 84-1 62-2 21-9 140-4 60-0 30 29-938 29-907 29-958 78-0 69-0 59 82-0 70-9 54 69-6 67-6 88 86-3 61-9 24-4 143-7 61-0 31 29-892 29-821 29-822 83-8 70-1 46 87-3 72-8 44 76-5 69-0 65 92-8 63-6 29-2 147-6 62-2 Means . . 29-934 29-880 29-902 74-7 63-9 53 79-8 67-0 48 68-7 63-1 71 83-5 60-3 23-2 143-2 56-7 Correction 1 to be r -0-5 0-3 0-5 0-3 0-5 0-3 0-0 0-1 + 0-1 0-0 0-0 applied J .. Signifies "Nil." EEMAEKS FOE DECEMBEE, 1908. 1. Pine; few clouds. Dew. Cu. from S.W. Clear in afternoon and evening. 2. Cloudy and warm to hot. Ci. and Ci.-Cu. from N.W. In afternoon, few clouds. Cool sea breeze. Ci. to N. Cloudy, fresh evening. Cu. from S. rapidly. 3. Cloudy. Ci. and Ci.-Str. from W. In afternoon, few clouds. Ci. and Ci.-Cu. from W. ; scattered Fr.-Cu. from S.S.W. Cloudy to overcast in afternoon and evening. Ci. and Ci.-Str. from S. Lunar halo. 4. Dull. Cu. from S.E.; Boll Cu. to S. Cloudy in afternoon. Ci. from N.W. ; Fr.-Cu. from S.E. Solar halo. Cloudy during early portion of even- ing, but gradually becoming clear. Ci. from N.W. ; A.-Cu. from E. 5. Overcast. Upper Cu. from W.S.W. ; Lower Cu. from E. ; Roll Cu. to S. In afternoon, Ci. from N.W. ; A.-Cu. and foliated A.-Cu. and Cu. from E.S.E. Cloudy during evening. Thunder and lightning to S. 6. Dull. Ci. to N.; Cu. from S. ; Eoll Cu. to E. and S.E. Cloudy and squally in afternoon and evening. Ci. from S.S.W. ; Cu. from S. 7. Fine and clear throughout. Warm. 8. Fine and clear. Warm to hot. Ci. to N. and N.E. Cloudy in afternoon. Ci. and Ci.-Cu. to N.W. Close evening. 9. Warm to hot. Clear. Cloud bank to N. and N.E. Smoke haze along ranges. Few clouds in after- noon and evening. Hard A.-Cu. to N.E. and E. from N.W. 10. Fine; few clouds. Thunder Cu. from N.W. In afternoon and evening, fine and fresh. Soft Cu. from S. 11- Cloudy and fresh. Cu. from S. Clear in afternoon and evening. Scattered Fr.-Cu. to E. and N. 12. Clear throughout. Scattered Fr.-Cu. from S. Cloud bank to S.W. 13. Fine and clear throughout. 14. Cloudy. Lower Cu. from N.W. ; upper Cu. from S.W. Cloudy to overcast in evening. Showery. Heavy Cu. from W. 15- Fine and fresh. A.-Cu. to N.; Cu. bank all round; Fr.-Cu. from S.W. In afternoon, Cu. from W. Clear evening, with Cu. bank showing to S.W. Observatory duriti'i the Month of Dfcrmher. 1908. OUK 0-10. WlXD. a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Hour* Sim- -liine. 9 a.m. S p.m. 9 p.m. ToUl No. of Mik*. fUinfHlL (100 point* 1 inch.) Evaporation (inches). DATE. Pom Direc- 1 : Direc- 1... | tioll. (Mile.). lion. tion. (Mile.). 3 l-'-l K-K in SW 17 S 16 318 (1 14 1 a 2 7 1-2-2 1 7 \\SW M SS\\ 21 m 0-38 2 8 3 8 9-0 8 12 15 K-K 29 403 f t 0-31 3 10 I 4 .v teat 10 88E 12 88 K 16 414 t t 0-32 4 H 10 6 -'4 n 13 8 10 s.s\\ 16 330 n H 5 1 1 7-8 i 19 88W 30 B 20 m m t 0-22 6 If -6 BU 20 8W 16 SE 27 446 . 0-33 7 '.'. 2 1 12-5 20 E 12 BBS 9 364 . 0-32 8 2 3 12-5 12 SW 12 aero 15 339 . 0-33 9 2 1 3 12-2 81 4 SSW 30 SOT 20 M ( 0-28 10 8 1 1 11-2 21 >>W 24 8 16 479 f 0-39 11 1 12-5 B8X 10 SW 17 S 14 324 f 0-37 12 t f 12- 1 . u 11 SW 12 ssu 10 327 0-30 13 "l 2 9 10-7 u \\s 19 , NW 25 NW 20 421 1 0-27 14 3 5 1 11-3 \\s\v 19 SW 21 8 8 384 9 0-37 15 6 ll'-'i SE 7 SSW 19 8 18 303 .. 0-27 16 12-6 K-K U ssu 20 8 15 362 0-31 17 1 > 12-6 I 19 SW 23 SSW 24 383 0-38 18 9 8 10 6-0 8 6 W 15 WNVV 17 327 t ( 0-42 19 B 6 4 8-7 W.sW 29 s\v 17 8 12 499 2 0-34 20 f t t t 12-5 K- K 6 S.S\\ 18 8 15 259 0-32 21 I ' 1 12-2 SSK 7 8W 18 SSW 15 299 1 1 0-25 22 12-5 an 6 ss\\ 21 BBW 18 325 ' 0-21 23 I 3 f , 12-5 20 8 6 S 15 375 0-31 24 1 1 12-3 ENE 17 ssw 21 ssw 10 326 0-33 25 t f m f f 12-6 n 5 --u 18 8 10 209 0-31 26 1 1 2 12-6 SE 6 S :tr. 17. Bright, pleasant day. Slight ilf\\. 18. Fine and clear throughout. Ci. bank showing to S.K. 19. Dull. Slight dew. Ci. and Ci.-8tr. from 8.W. f'loiidy in afternoon. Ci.-Cu. and Ci. from 8.S.W. Cloudy to overcast during evening. Cu. rapidly from 8.W. 20. Cloudy and squally. Cu. from 8.W. throughout. Smart shower early morning. 21. Pine and clear throughout. 22. Fine and clear. Ci. bank to E. ; Cu. bank to W. In afternoon, Ci. bank to 8.E. 23. Pine and clear. Warm to hot Hazy. Heavy dew. 24. Fine and warm. Slight dew. Ci. bank to 8.E. and S. Tn afternoon, hot. Oi. to X.E. Close evening. with Ci. bank t,, S.\V. 25. Fine and clear. Hot. Ci. to N.E. In evening, thunder. A.-Cu. to X.E. 2(i. Smoke haze. Dew. Warm to hot. clear. 27. Hot. Smoke haze. Ci. to S.W. In aftt-nn <'\. to 8.W. ; hard A.-f'u. to X. Close evening, with Ci. bank all round, and tlunnliT A. C;i. in N. 28. Hot, sultry, and cloudy. Smoke haze. Ci. to W. In afternoon, hot. Ci. and Ci.-Cu. from \V.; A. I'll. to 8.; Ci. to E. and S.E., during evening. 29. Sultry. Dew. A.-Cu. from X.W. to X.E. ; Cu. bank along W. horizon. Fresh sea breeze in afternoon and evening. Thick smoke haze. Ci. from W.X.W. 30. Sultry. Dew. Thick smoke haze. Ci. from W. throughout. 31. Warm and sultry. Smoke haze. Ci. and Ci.-Cu. from N.W.; hard A.-Cu. from X.W. In ing. Ci.. Ci.-Cu., hard A.-Cu., and low thunder Cn. from N.W. 11 SECTION II. MONTHLY AND ANNUAL RESULTS AT PERTH. (OBSERVATORY AND BOTANICAL GARDENS.) 42 w 1-1 ifl i s T s S I iS o I j 3 i a I P. 1 a S 1 eOiftCOSOOOOOOSrH.-11-nn 81 II 00100010 I> O O Oi O OOJ OOOOS O & CJ 00 OS O> CO O Ol O> 00 OS oooooooooooo o .b OlOJOiOOOOOeOO :ooo^i-rHoaJO> :oooopoooso> |l -tl M S i-< N eo r-i 01 oo eo i^ o co * r- O O O O Ci CV O C: O O O O St^iocq csr- t-oocoeso o CO 00 ift Ol OiaoNos^Hi-i'*ioeDr-'- t^(Dti>roocot*f-i> t-t -osoeor-"-isicoiosoioo S g a> 1 CO W 00 ^H CO f r--i- to-tf^^-'O^H 10 * OJ C4 rH ,3E M ^cqScqS^Sr s p. I i5^ 1 = I) -r 5 = /. :-: _ H : T -.-: - - , - |4 Iliilllll?!! hi ' 888888888883 I I 1 J r -, H l sa ia -2s io '-8 io as 3 aaaaaaaaaaaa 288888888888 888888888888 i . J. 0|A -MM r-n a i-a H 1 888 852 2 SS2sa I 3 -*> 88S 888 8 8838K un 5388 S22 i 22228 _, m siliiiiiiii 1 OM OOO BOOMS . .- i i S!i5 388 8 8889S s | j*.\ illilll i mil i - ooo ooo r-wooo o 1 " q8lH 28S S8S S RSS8S 0-1 ooox ao e ao e am o*>K SS8 333 S 53SK8 S 9MO - 0*-- mi <"H S&S t:SZ S * r- ~ r-g g S22-S 09 1 oM>a 2 S 10 * * ^^IOMIB B<0 - MMMVO H oMae B qma JA 888 SS3 S SSSSS S qra Ha KSS S5S S SS28S 8 \ !!i n> 1 1! 1 , i 3 ,3ri c_i e * III .~_^^^ SiSE !- ... : : .. ... ^ - iSS JU( d a I .-- [llkJiHJ] ^fc.S^S,-i- July, 1902 .. 30-483 31 August 30-694 July, 1902 Lowest Reading 29-285 5 July .. 29-334 October, 1904 29-293 o July .. 29-335 October, 1904 Range for the year 1-196 :. 1-117 . . 1-190 1-059 Average for year . . 30-040 . * 30-020 30-033 30-017 SHADE TEMPERATURE. Maximum 104-7 27 December . . 107-9 December, 1904 103-6 27 December . . 112-0 4 January, 1896 Minimum 35-3 31 August 36-4 July, 1906 .. 36-6 31 August 33-l> 12 August, 1897 Range for year 69-4 66-4 67-0 69-1 Highest mean monthly maximum 83-8 February 87-6 January, 1897 84-4 February 91-7 February, 1886 Lowest mean monthly minimum . . 45-2 June . . 45-5 August, 1897, 44-8 June . . 42-9 July, 1890 July, 1901 Mean maximum for year 72-7 . . . . 73-0 73-1 74-9 Mean minimum for year 53-6 55-1 54-0 54-6 Mean temperature for ^year 63-2 - 64-0 63-6 64-7 TERRESTRIAL RADIATION. Mean for year 49-6 51-1 48-4 (7 years) Highest mean monthly 58-4 February 62-3 February, 1907 01 -0 January, Feb- ruary, 1879 Lowest mean monthly 40-8 June 40-6 August, 1902 . . 35-1 July, 1880 Minimum . . . . 29-2 29 July 30-2 14 June, 1898 . . . . . 24-8 13 July, 1880 SOLAB RADIATION. Mean for year 128-0 130-7 127-1 (18 years) Highest mean monthly 143-9 February 171-1 4 January, 1904 149-0 February, 1881 Lowest mean monthly 107-2 June .. .. 107-0 June, 1907 . . . . 93-0 June, 1890 Maximum 166-0 23 January . . 171-1 4 January, 1904 173-0 10 January, 1880 SUNSHINE. Total number of hours 2,971-0 9779-1 Mean per day 8-1 7-6 Number of clear days throughout 91 86 Number of clouded days throughout 40 1 CLOUD. Mean, 9 a.m. 4-4 4-4 4-0 Mean, 3 p.m. 4-3 . . . . . . 4-4 3-9 Greatest mean monthly, 9 a.m. 6-2 May 7-8 September, 1907 5-9 May Greatest mean monthly, 3 p.m. 5-9 June .. .. 8-0 May, 1905 5-7 June Least mean monthly, 9 a.m. 3-1 February . . 1-2 January, 1897 2-7 February - Least mean monthly, 3 p.m. 2-5 December 1-0 February, 1907 2-4 February and December HUMIDITY. Mean, 9 a.m. 64 63 67 Mean, 3 p.m. 64 . . * . . 52 Mean, ( n..m. 73 Mean Maximum 83 . . . . 81 Mean Minimum 60 . . 61 -- Mean 67 . . . . . 66 Highest mean for month 80 June 94 June, 1903 Lowest mean for month 42 February 37 February, 1904 I. -I liKNKKAL SUMMARY Kelt 1'KRTH. 1908 continued. KLEMKNT. < IIISKI;\ MTOBV, 19U8. Month. PKKVJ Quantity UBS YBAM. Guu>iS8, 1908. PllKVIOUS YlABfl. Month and Year. Quantity. Month. Quantity. Month and Year. RAINFALL. Total for year (point*) .. .. KM 2776 3318 Number of wot days . . . . 106 111 110 1 !> Maximum full in our m.s! June 111'.* June, 1900 .. .,.'_ June .. I2l:t May, 1879 * 189 19 May 16 June, 1900 180 19 Mav 206 17 June ' 187ti 280 20 May, 1879 114 28 June 208 1 May, 1901 .. 113 28 June 209 21 May, 1879 245 24 June, 1879 167 :> Julv 222 11 July, 1901 .. 158 5 July 218 18 April, 1883 217 14 June, 1883 It. 2 18 July 3 July, 1902 . . 144 27(1 31 May, 1887 2.VI 21 April, 1889 Heavy t ill- ..\.-r 1 im-li in 1908, _ and IIMT - inch previous 100 -U*t 279 7 August, 1903 (87) 8 August 244 !i June, 1890 22ii :t July, 1891 year 30 April, 1904 300 4 July, 1891 2211 28 August, 1892 210 19 June, 1907 208 3 May, 1893 271 16 June, 1900 24!) 7 August, 1903 1 " * " i 217 30 April. 1904 .. .. 221 20 June, 1907 EVAPOBATIOll. Total for year (inches) 66-20 65-81 52-89 52-50 Maximum for month Minimum for niniitli 10-22 1-77 January July 11-45 1-32 January, L8!W June, 1903 .. 8-25 1-53 December June 10-47 January, 1894 0-95 July, 1907 Maxinium for day . . ii r, 28 December . . II ..V.i 6 February, 1903 0-42 6 February . TEMPBBATURB OF Son.. Mean for year, 8 feet 67-4 68-1 Highest 75-6 23 March '.'. n-t 16 Mnivii. r.Mi? 1. '-' 69-5 15 August .' 14 July, 189!l Mean for year, 5 feet 67-3 68-1 Highest ' 78-0 29 February . . 79-4 4. 5, 6 March, 1907 Lowest :-. i 5, 8, 13 August 57-7 9 July, 1902 Mean for year, 3 feet 67-4 08-3 Highest ' 80-8 24 and 26 Feb- 81-9 2 February, 1898 ruary 2 March, 1907 Lowest 55-3 2 July 55-3 13 July. 1902 Mean for year, 9 inches . . 65-0 66-5 Highe.t ' 85-1 22 February .. 86-8 13 February, 1898 Lowest 48-1 27 June 48-2 9 July, 1906 46 DIURNAL RANGE OF TEMPERATURE (PERTH OBSERVATORY), 1908. Day of Month. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. December 1 19-0 20-8 24-1 30-1 23-7 18-4 11-8 23-9 20-8 11-9 10-3 25-6 2 .. 25-3 11-5 23-8 15-9 18-8 8-6 14-8 25-6 13-2 13-9 16-2 31-0 3 .. 13-7 13-0 24-6 19-2 11-0 9-1 20-2 20-2 19-0 9-8 23-9 25-9 4 .. 11-9 16-3 21-5 14-7 13-2 18-2 23-9 19-7 20-7 13-8 21-2 18-2 5 .. 13-6 21-3 22-7 20-0 13-1- 16-6 7-2 23-9 30-8 10-7 8-3 17-9 6 .. 21-1 13-3 10-9 24-5 18-4 13-9 8-4 23-3 10-9 9-5 16-2 11-3 7 .. 9-1 19-5 20-6 13-3 20-0 8-1 9-4 8-2 14-0 20-7 26-9 27-4 8 .. 22-0 30-8 19-4 16-5 18-0 19-5 11-1 7-4 18-2 29-4 21-4 30-9 9 .. 30-5 29-7 21-2 13-8 7-3 22-5 15-5 19-3 21-8 26-9 . 15-6 28-5 10 .. 28-9 29-2 25-2 17-7 13-4 17-3 12-7 16-4 15-7 22-0 15-7 17-4 11 32-0 35-9 20-3 15-3 18-2 22-9 19-4 17-0 9-0 7-4 23-9 15-8 12 .. 27-4 20-4 21-6 16-6 7-3 21-6 12-7 18-5 17-6 10-5 28-0 20-7 13 .. 28-5 22-3 22-2 23-7 18-9 23-3 21-5 13-4 25-9 17-1 22-1 21-4 14 .. 15-8 26-1 20-9 21-2 20-1 9-7 25-2 12-3 21-8 13-5 13-4 15-8 15 .. 20-1 29-7 22-7 24-1 16-0 13-9 21-8 13-4 9-7 10-5 24-2 10-8 16 .. 10-2 33-4 26-0 21-4 19-7 4-6 20-1 19-7 19-1 14-3 28-2 22-2 17 .. 10-5 16-9 28-3 23-4 25-6 13-2 0-9 15-6 18-9 21-3 27-0 27-0 18 .. 13-1 23-7 27-5 23-2 21-6 18-4 8-5 20-5 19-3 20-9 26-5 28-4 19 .. 15-0 28-7 15-2 22-7 11-7 22-6 13-4 20-7 17-6 22-1 26-6 14-2 20 25-9 25-0 21-2 21-8 8-2 15-5 11-6 5-3 22-9 22-6 24-4 7-6 21 29-9 23-9 18-9 24-9 12-6 15-9 19-0 17-0 29-1 27-8 22-9 22-2 22 29-2 30-4 13-8 24-1 11-2 21-0 22-4 16-8 22-4 32-7 14-5 25-1 23 32-2 13-8 9-8 6-5 14-0 21-7 21-6 21-7 13-3 30-6 17-2 25-9 24 18-9 18-4 22-4 9-7 21-1 21-8 21-5 13-7 7-2 17-1 18-4 29-7 25 10-1 8-2 18-9 12-7 20-4 9-3 21-2 20-4 20-4 20-7 20-4 30-6 26 14-9 13-9 15-6 14-1 23-0 10-8 23-2 18-8 7-4 16-9 17-6 26-0 27 21-5 15-8 5-6 16-0 20-2 21-6 20-2 20-1 24-0 16-2 19-8 40-7 28 23-1 23-1 15-7 17-1 9-3 8-0 22-0 22-1 26-5 21-3 11-5 26-9 29 23-8 22-9 9-5 15-9 13-8 17-4 24-4 20-9 10-6 9-8 18-1 21-9 30 29-6 .. 21-3 10-3 23-7 12-7 22-8 14-3 10-7 19-7 16-8 24-4 31 Mean 28-1 23-5 26-2 24-4 23-8 21-3 29-2 21-1 22-0 19-8 18-3 16-5 15-9 17-2 17-9 17-9 18-2 19-9 23-2 Correction to be applied }+ 0-1 + 0-1 + 0-1 + 0-1 + 0-1 + 0-1 + 0-1 + 0-1 + 0-1 + 0-1 + 0-1 + 0-1 47 HOT DAYS OR DAYS ON WHICH THE SHADE TEMPERATURE REACHED 90 IN PERTH (1908). 1'KKTIl OBSKRVATOKY. PERTH GARDENS. MM Previoiu Yean. 190a Previoiu Yean. Harm. Temper- ature. No. of Mot Day*. Avenge No. Greatest No. IxiMt NO. Temper- ature. No. of Hot Day* .U. i ._ No. Greatest No. Leait No. January 10 u -:, 94-2 .. 11 tt-6 93-8 IS 94-5 94-0 ,,21 , 93-0 ,,22 M-fl 99-2 ,. 2S 100-0 97-2 ..30 .. .. !>2-.1 92-5 ..31 .. .. !W- 8 1 12 in 1897 . . 3 in 1902 98-6 8 12 18 in 1893 and 4 in 1887 1896 Febniarv 1 90-0 .. ' 9 94-0 4-6 1" .. i ' 95-2 11 N - 94-6 15 .. ..i , 92-0 16 .. 96-2 19 .. 90-9 91-6 20 I9.g 96-6 21 100-0 100-8 . 98-6 '< 7 11 in 1898 .. .ViV in 1906 . . 98-6 10 10 16 in 1886, 4 in 1906 1892, 1896 March 18 93-5 1 6 12 in 1902 and 1 in 1900 93-1 1 8 18 in 1888 . . 2 in 1896 and 1904 1900 April M 1 4 in 1906 . . .V.7 (5 years) . . Nil 2 7 in 1890 Nil (9 yean) November 18 .. (89-0) 90-6 19 .. 93-5 94-8 20 .. ''17 2 2 5 in 1904 Nil in 1899, 1906, 95-0 3 3 8 in 1887 and Nil in 1889, 1892, and 1907 1894 1896, 1899, 1907 December 2 . . (89-9) 90-0 . 9 .. 90-9 90-6 18 .'. 93-0 93-3 24 .. 100-8 100-2 26 .. .. 100-7 99-0 . 26 .. .. 92-0 91-2 27 .. .. 104-7 103-6 28 .. .. 9-5 95-8 31 .. .. 92-8 8 ' 10 in 1905 and Nil in 1902 . . 91-3 9 7 12 in 1905 and 1 in 1902 1906 1906 48 i J 5 o s 1 B a fcox-^xr-t-QOi-HCOC; r- -i^-i oio o - COMr3COWX ' - - M} I-H co,-i g- M XO-i'-(XMCOCJi-ICO^'-l CO OOOO - OOCiCOCO OC^XCiCiOiOiO D "3 oix(-r-i-r~i>C'ir*-i"-ox OiOiOOOO OOOOCi sssssss - H O i-H I-l USO> r-Ht- CO Ocoiocoooeoooiosoeot NrHrH-*OrHiO(O tD ^ to o o o o o o o o oo ClCsC.OiCi 5* OlOOS OJOJ i (" "s 4 ~:sr- _.,-, t- ot-cq wo> a-i | S2SS3S 5 SSS SS x 1 f 1 111 11 X OS X 1 1 fl 1 -tOOOrHtMlO MrH O CO X I OOOCXtS^S iO CDo f^X CO X m B d i COCOOSiOrl^ * &!<**# t^-* oioedoirHin co IOXM om m SO SO I a 1 I- c 3 1 lOCOd'^'WrH X Xi-*W **O rH 1 ZggSSS 9 SSS 3g S 1 1 CO CM rH rH CM N -:!71 CM M 1 i I 5 SSSPSS g :ss ffs e ^.nortoioq -. 0-.M 1 giSggg S 2SS SS CO g OOOOOO C OOCOO)O 1 ^ 3 1 OrHCOOlWX CO OXi-i 01 s - CO 3 sggsss sss ss s i i 11 On O x a> i V^^,^^/ II I 1 maoaXSlrt rH r-rt05 OU5 OS M SSSKSSg g SSi g& CO j ^oa*o>^ N> CO a 1 l>OSt~COOO t- XO 1 * OJOT s B CO 1 o CO NX rHi-Hr-l rHO 71 lOC-l CO co" r-T t-T IN ^> f coiOr-Mi-Hin co r-rHOi oeo M 1 SSSKSS S SSS gg rH 1 cc c-i >n *** M NM s .is ss OSM 1 CO rH ii I OiXNOON to MXCO *H t- 00 H XOOS^rHW !> ^SS t^ i d US^O^^M to OOrHrH XO 1 t-OlXCOSOOl SO (DXW t^i-ti>bi 571 37-6 398 36-2 280 35-9 28 53-1 488 51-2 385 391-4 3064 AVEKAUB KIIR PREVIOUS 8 YEABS. January 0-6 10 0-4 4 0-4 5 0-3 i\ 9 2 0-3 OA 1 0-4 01 4 0-1 Ofl 1 0-5 01 8 3-0 1. K 35 1 A February March 0-8 10 0-8 7 0-9 7 () , 0-4 8 u 0-5 9 I 0-5 4 0-6 6 * 1 0-4 . 5 o 4-9 10 66 April 2-0 21 2-0 M 1-8 21 0-6 8 0-8 25 0-6 10 1-0 16 1-7 32 10-5 161 May 5-8 -'.' 5-5 51 6-4 73 4-1 38 3-6 55 43 73 4-0 50 4-6 70 38-3 469 .Tune 6-8 77 7-5 96 7-4 Ml 5-1 82 5-5 78 5-9 102 7-2 99 5-9 74 51-3 688 July 8-1 84 9-3 101 9-6 M 8-4 93 7-8 103 9-2 101 7-7 86 9-2 102 69-3 766 August 5-5 50 6-4 73 5-7 ;:) 5-3 75 4-1 42 4-3 49 8-0 101 7-0 71 46-3 524 September 6-2 60 5-8 .-,.-, 4-1 37 4-2 42 3-5 40 4-6 47 3-8 50 6-6 64 37-8 395 October 2-5 27 3-7 35 3-5 36 2-1 22 1-8 20 2-1 25 2-6 29 2-5 28 20-8 222 November.. 1-1 10 1-2 12 1-0 8 i,.,. :, 0-4 3 0-5 4 0-3 3 0-7 4 5-8 49 December 0-4 4 0-8 .-. 0-4 3 0-6 5 0-5 5 0-7 6 0-5 2 0-8 6 4-7 36 Year 40-2 415 44-0 471 41-2 430 31-9 381 28-8 380 33-4 427 36-7 444 39-0 465 294-2 3413 1 . . Siguifion " -VtV. " 50 WIND (PERTH OBSERVATORY), 1908. (Number of times the wind has blown from each point of the Compass.) s SS E SE ESE E E N E N E NN E N NNW N W iWNW W ws w s w SS W. i 1 JANUARY. Midnight 3 a.m. 6 a.m. 9 a.m. Noon 3 p.m. 6 p.m. 9 p.m. Totals 8 8 3 2 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 9 4 6 2 2 t t 1 1 2 3 3 2 7 3 1 1 1 t ( t r 1 1 1 1 3 3 6 5 3 3 1 2 1 1 3 2 3 2 2 2 1 - 3 1 5 5 5 2 . 1 1 1 , . 1 3 12 10 4 1 . 1 t 1 2 5 17 13 3 1 2 2 3 7 36 26 10 13 22 11 6 2 4 2 1 7 11 13 31 44 FEBRUARY. Midnight . . 3 a.m. 6 a.m. 9 a.m. . . Noon 3 p.m. 6 p.m. 9 p.m. Totals 7 12 1 1 3 .. t 1 t t t r . . .. | 1 1 3 8 2 2 5 4 1 1 t f . . 1 1 . . 4 4 2 3 3 8 1 1 1 ' 2 . . 3 3 3 3 3 5 2 3 1 1 2 . . 2 4 3 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 ( , 3 1 5 2 1 2 2 1 3 5 13 5 g t 1 1 t . . t f 1 2 19 9 9 1 1 1 1 7 35 41 12 14 18 20 4 7 3 4 3 10 13 45 MARCH. Midnight . . 3 a.m. 6 a.m. 9 a.m. Noon 3 p.m. 6 p.m. 9 p.m. Totals 5 15 1 4 1 2 .. g f 1 3 7 5 1 6 3 1 1 1 1 6 3 5 3 6 1 1 g , 1 . . . . 1 2 7 4 2 9 3 3 5 3 2 1 5 6 , . 3 1 1 4 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 111 5 2 1 2 2 2 17 12 "9 3 1 2 3 34 40 25 18 23 26 2 4 1 1 5 8 7 46 APKIL. Midnight 1 4 6 5 8 2 1 1 1 7 1 6 3 g 1 1 1 1 1 6 a.m. 2 2 5 5 8 3 1 1 1 \ \ || 1 *. 9 a.m. 2 5 6 12 2 1 1 . . 1 ^ ^ f Noon 2 3 4 4 8 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 p.m 1 1 8 5 2 3 4 6 6 p.m. 4 1 5 4 2 2 1 2. 9 9 p.m 2 10 6 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 Totals 12 25 23 40 42 38 6 2 3 2 3 8 2 4 10 17 MAY. Midnight 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 6 2 ^ , 1 2 . , 3 3 a.m. 3 . . 2 5 4 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 6 a.m. 4 3 5 3 7 2 2 f 1 2 ( 9 a.m. 2 2 1 4 4 6 2 2 1 1 2 Noon 1 3 2 2 2 4 1 2 7 1 1 1 1 1 3 p.m. 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 3 5 . . 3 ' 2 3 6 p.m. 4 . . 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 7 9 p.m. 7 "a 2 1 2 3 3 2 1 1 2 3 Totals 8 22 9 16 12 24 22 32 12 15 6 11 3 7 13 17 . . Signifies " Nil." 31 \umtitr of times tfte wind ka Uovm from earJi point o\ the C/'ompoM continued. 1 8. 8.S.E. S.E. i: - i: E. X K X X K N N.N.W. N.W. 1 W.N.W. \V \v s \v s u S s \\ .11 si: 3 a.m. 6 a.m. tt a.m. Noon 3 p.m. ft p.m. 8 p.m. 1 4 :t 3 . . 1 1 1 5 1 . . 1 1 1 1 4 1 3 4 4 6 1 1 1 g t 2 1 1 J 1 2 -' 7 1 . . 1 , 2 1 1 2 3 5 4 1 . . 1 2 1 3 2 2 I 3 7 2 1 3 1 . 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 -' 1 4 4 3 I . . 3 1 2 3 4 1 4 1 1 t 2 1 6 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 3 12 25 9 12 8 15 15 30 40 7 6 14 6 15 ~ 7 JfLY. Mi.lninht .. :( 6 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 a.m. 1 1 S 4 3 4 3 . . 1 1 1 1 1 It a m 1 2 7 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 9am J 10 3 2 3 1 2 2 '' .. 2 i 9 3 1 3 2 1 ' 2 3 p.m. 2 6 1 1 3 3 2 3 3 , . t t 3 6 p.m. 5 , . 1 2 3 . . 1 3 . . ' 2 1 6 9 p.m. 4 6 t 2 2 1 2 2 2 Totals 14 20 10 18 9 35 21 15 17 10 11 9 3 10 4 14 AUGUST. Miilniirlii 3 a.m. 6 a.m. 9 a.m. X'lXHl 3 p.m. 6 p.m. 9 p.m. Totals 3 3 4 f t 2 2 2 2 4 . , . . 1 2 1 1 ,, 1 3 1 1 3 4 3 3 3 . . . , 2 1 2 2 1 m f 8 . . 6 5 1 , . s < 1 1 1 t t 1 2 7 1 6 3 i 1 r , 1 1 |. 1 2 3 , . 3 4 . . 2 3 1 2 5 2 f t 2 2 2 1 3 1 2 1 . . t . 1 6 4 5 2 2 2 2 1 1 , . . . . . 1 3 1 5 3 1 5 3 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 15 20 16 9 12 29 8 20 19 4 8 13 17 12 5 12 SEPTEMBER. Midnight 3 A.m. 6 a.m. 9 i. m Noon 3 p.m. p.m. 9 p.m. Totals 4 5 1 4 1 2 1 1 . . . . 3 2 1 ,, 3 2 . 1 2 2 3 2 1 , . 1 2 1 1 f t 2 4 2 1 3 5 2 f f 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 t t 1 4 4 3 I , , . . 2 1 f % 3 2 1 2 . . 2 2 3 . . 1 1 4 . . 4 1 7 2 1 t 2 1 , f , , m t 1 8 1 6 2 6 1 ,, 1 1 2 2 . . . . . . 3 6 1 1 5 7 10 2 2 2 1 - - 1 1 4 1 1 1 3 25 15 10 11 7 18 16 11 2 3 8 30 9 14 11 30 OCTOBER. Midnight . . 3 a.m. 5 3 4 3 "l 2 2 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 4 1 1 2 2 3 2 6 a. m. 3 3 1 1 2 . . 1 3 . . 3 1 1 1 . . 2 9 a.m 1 3 4 m t 4 3 1 1 2 4 1 3 2 2 Noon 2 2 1 1 3 . . 1 1 . . 4 3 2 4 3 3 3 p.m. 1 f < 1 1 1 1 . . . . 2 2 4 8 6 4 2 1 2 1 3 2 e 14 9 p.m 7 2 2 1 "l ' 1 1 1 4 3 6 ToUla 22 16 7 12 8 19 r, 6 9 7 16 8 11 25 22 35 . . SigniBe* " Nil." Midnight . . 3 a.m. 6 a.m. 9 a.m. Noon 3 p.m. 6 p.m. 9 p.m. Totals Midnight 3 a.m. 6 a.m. 9 a.m. Noon 3 p.m. 6 p.m. 9 p.m. Totals 52 WIND continued. (Number of times the Wind has blown from each point of the Compass continued). s SS E S.E ES.E. E. E.N.E. N.E. N.N.E. N. N.N.W. N.W. W.N.W. W. WS W. S.W. S.S.W. NOVEMBER. 7 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 3 2 4 2 2 1 3 2 1 . . . , 2 1 3 2 1 2 2 2 3 1 3 2 2 1 1 2 . . 3 2 2 3 2 4 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 5 2 1 1 .. 1 3 2 . . . . , . . , 1 1 2 10 5 4 1 1 1 1 _ 1 2 7 9 7 1 1 . . 1 . . 1 4 7 15 9 1 1 1 1 7 3 7 25 12- 14 13 7 10 6 5 2 5 8 10 40 33 40 DECEMBER. YEAR. 14 6 1 3 1 . . , t . . 1 1 t . 1 3 8 6 2 . 2 4 2 . . , , , . , . . . 2 2 7 4 2 3 4 4 t t g t . _ 2 1 6 4 4 6 4 2 t s 1 2 1 2 1 7 2 1 . t 11 2 4 2 2 t t "l 1 1 1 12 11 2 2 1 , , . . 1 1 6 18 12 2 1 1 1 1 1 11 53 25 19 18 14 8 3 4 5 16 22 51 itidnight . . 56 69 28 33 21 15 8 19 15 4 3 12 17 8 13 14 a.m. 26 57 17 25 34 44 22 21 20 6 4 7 9 13 9 12 a.m. 29 34 17 29 30 53 23 34 21 8 5 7 5 15 8 14 a.m. 24 22 31 29 28 65 29 29 16 10 7 9 8 15 11 12 'Joon 21 19 24 22 23 41 15 15 16 15 13 27 8 42 20 38 p.m. 18 15 10 23 20 16 7 4 7 4 13 32 17 40 54 85 p.m. 35 8 8 21 17 12 2 5 5 3 16 16 14 18 39 134 1 p.m. 82 62 29 12 9 7 6 7 7 6 6 11 7 23 17 4!) Totals 291 286 164 194 182 253 112 134 107 56 67 121 85 174 171 358 . . Signifies " Nil." ~ 1 4 j 1 ^ I I* a a i S n - = ' M I 1 ' 11 _ S i. /. /. Cfcfet /7tt^" : II- A ;'; >/ x ; * x x x y - H z oo i a a w a K . V- '/I '/. J- t. 00 M 1 I I 1 f I * lOOIiiOIII SS33SSS & 3333 i 833S338S 5 i oo g- *f o . in . ber. Year. i 1876 .. 2VI-818 Ml 29-971 30-135 30-138 30-151 ..,, .,._.., 30-150 30-099 30-029 29-928 29-996 30-048 IN77 29-331 29-931 30-103 30-159 30-073 30 327 30-140 30-191 30-232 30-103 30-072 30-005 30-106 L"I '>:t'i L M .I '"HI j'i .'.., :tn Ma 30-133 30-071 29-972 ao-oeo H.l IK.I, 29-997 30-006 29-907 1 30-011 LVl '.! ._,.,,,_,, :IM -CI.-.L' 30-276 . :...'.! 30-022 30-141 30-135 30-091 30-137 .< 'isi 29-897 30-044 1880 29-814 29-877 L". :.:u 30-028 30-047 30-067 30-179 ;;,. ,.,,'. 30-104 30-076 29-990 29-972 30-013 INNI 29-913 29-971 30-019 .'in "V. n-oaq 30-136 30-176 30-210 30-140 30-053 29-915 29-897 30-060 L". '.."... L"l 'l.'tli _ '".I ". '>:(.. 3II-IIKI 30-135 30-127 30-014 30-101 :t'i.u:!N 30-010 29-903 30-019 L".l ''IN a*9 nOM o-ow M-Mfi 29-971 30-200 30-126 30-207 ;iu i i'ii 29-971 29-952 30-041 29-951 N-MB .Ma lO-OM 30-144 M-OOQ 30-211 30-074 30-094 30-077 29-958 29-963 30-041 29-974 29-960 30-030 30-110 30-046 30-186 30-090 ao-ora 30-134 30-110 30-048 29-922 30-068 1886 L", '.'.., 1>s 30-061 30-170 30-150 30-252 30-134 30-048 30-044 30-146 30-091 30-012 30-086 ISN7 j-i '.:,., n-aao 30-048 30-129 30-138 30-129 30-127 30-067 30-118 30-118 30-018 30-004 30-068 'I '..IS .>,,,,.,, 30-075 30-123 30-111 aO'OM 30-216 30-176 30-118 30-112 30-012 29-993 30-078 r i,i ,,N i". '.71 :tM HNl ;(ii ...MI 30-036 -MB 30-173 30-120 30-036 30-044 29-937 29-912 30-028 MM -. "..I 29-917 30-040 30-084 30-043 30-024 30-162 30-098 30-020 29-916 30-065 29-941 30-018 1891 ..., ,,j s 29-983 30-036 30-132 30-065 30-106 id LV.S 30-216 30-150 30-074 30-066 29-982 30-083 tO-MS at'tra 29-926 30-162 30-136 30-196 :in .MI :tu IK IN 30-100 30-084 30-005 29-954 30-048 J'l N'H, I9-870 30-045 29-976 30-027 30-121 30-038 30-194 30-006 30-010 30-022 29-918 30-011 29-934 30-017 30-006 30 135 30-160 30-114 30-194 :iu ..:>.; 80-006 30-070 30-006 29-924 30-063 29-927 29-982 30- 102 30-167 30-206 ao-uss 30-138 30-035 30-097 30-080 30-053 29-975 30-070 IN an -.".i -n.-.j 29-956 i 30-138 30-171 30-058 30-102 30-164 30-178 30-100 29-984 30-013 30-058 IV-7 L".' '.r_' Ml 30-024 , 30-109 30-150 30-036 30-176 30-178 30-100 30-082 30-014 29-955 30-063 IVN m 1". W.l 29-970 30-201 30-120 30-079 30-120 30-018 :tu I.N., 29-976 30-019 29-950 30-027 IV.'. .. '.'. '.'. 29-952 n-Ma 30-966 30-042 30-173 30-046 30-127 30-195 30-153 29-980 30-057 30-000 30-053 1 29-976 L>'.I.'..M 30-092 30-055 30-174 29-935 30-094 30-046 30-171 30-049 29-990 30-020 30-048 1901 -i '..;i naaj 30-026 30-080 30-116 30-107 30-214 30-111 30-137 30-105 30-047 29-952 30-066 1902 n-aoo L"l '.-, 30-050 30-130 30-114 30-192 30-194 30-216 30-090 30-122 30-082 29-992 30-089 1903 :t,i ,HKI :to IKKI 30-035 30-060 30-156 30-111 30-155 i 30-092 30-009 89-997 29-970 29-909 30-041 I'.MII L"I '..:tN A-M0 IB- Ma Itn-ns., 30-169 30-059 30-112 30-156 HO- MSN 30-031 30-093 29-966 30-054 I'.MI.-, 29-994 30-034 30-100 30-104 20-1133 30-180 30-157 30-196 30-083 30-118 30-050 29-986 ' 30-078 1906 itan 29-950 30-024 30-082 30-102 :-(Mii 30-086 30-188 30-000 30-044 30-010 29-927 30-033 1907 -"' -.:! 29-935 29-976 30-140 30-I.KI 30 082 29-996 3G-052 30-108 30-064 30-076 29-990 30-043 Mean for 23 yean since 1885 29-942 29-961 30-028 30-107 30-115 '""""'' 30-137 30-119 30-092 30-062 30-031 29-965 30-055 Nor*. Prior to 1885 observations were not taken at 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., and the noon reading has been entered aa the monthly mean. Since that date the mean is taken from the II n.m. and 3 p.m. readings. PERTH OBSERVATORY MONTHLY MKAN READINGS FOR THE YEARS 1897-1907. TBMPKRATUKB. i*<: 76-2 71-7 70-3 66-2 60-8 56-6 66-5 54-2 58-6 58-8 66-1 70-1 63-8 1898 73-8 76-4 73-0 66-1 61-6 53-8 56-6 67-3 60-0 61-3 65-0 70-8 64-6 1899 73-8 74-4 70-8 M-a 59-9 56-3 66-4 56-0 58-2 62-3 63-9 71-6 63-9 1'HK. 72-2 76-2 66-8 65-2 59-6 58-2 65-1 ; 65-4 57-2 63-6 67-8 70-5 64-0 1901 73-7 73-8 71-0 67-8 60-1 56-7 54-1 :,:, -x 58-6 62-0 66-8 68-0 63-9 1902 70-3 70-6 74-6 67-1 61-0 55-6 54-2 ,-,s o 57-8 .V..-I 65-3 66-8 63-4 1903 74-6 76-6 66-8 62-8 61-6 67-6 54-8 65-4 56-8 60-6 66-6 71-1 63-7 1904 76-2 73-8 74-8 66-6 58-2 57-0 54-3 66-8 58-5 60-2 66-1 71-1 64-3 1905 70-2 73-2 69-8 66-6 61-6 66-2 66-2 64-0 57-2 61-4 64-9 73-3 63-6 1906 74-6 71-0 72-9 69-2 61-6 68-2 53-6 55-8 56-4 62-8 65-8 74-0 64-6 1907 76-Z 76-1 73 67-3 62-0 67-2 66-6 58-0 58-2 60-2 64-4 68 3 64-7 Mean for 11 yean 73-6 73-8 71-2 66-3 60-8 66-6 65-2 56-1 57-8 61-1 65-6 70-6 64-0 50 PERTH GARDENS MONTHLY MEAN READINGS FOR THE YEARS 1876-1907. TEMPERATURE. Year. Jan- uary. Feb- ruary. March. April. May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. 1876 74-7 79-0 71-6 67-7 60-8 56-8 57-2 58-1 58-4 62-1 66-6 70-4 65-3 1877 73-6 76-4 77-4 67-6 61-0 54-3 55-8 57-4 62-8 68-4 71-4 70-7 66-4 1878 80-0 77-4 73-2 66-5 62-5 58-0 57-5 57-5 61-5 66-0 72-5 74-5 67-3 1879 77-8 75-6 73-2 66-6 60-8 58-0 54-6 56-3 59-0 61-6 66-4 71-0 65-1 1880 82-2 78-4 71-0 65-4 60-4 54-0 54-2 56-? 59-0 60-2 66-5 71-6 64-9 1881 72-8 77-4 75-1 68-4 61-2 53-9 55-3 55-6 59-4 06-6 70-2 73-2 65-8 1882 75-4 78-6 72-4 65-7 58-0 53-5 54-7 55-2 59-6 63-0 67-9 75-0 64-9 1883 73-5 74-5 70-4 66-8 61-8 59-4 54-6 54-2 57-4 62-6 68-6 71-4 64-6 1 ,H,H4 75-7 75-6 72-4 65-6 59-6 56-0 54-2 59-2 58-9 62-1 68-9 68-6 64-7 1885 74-2 74-1 72-6 65-0 59-1 55-8 56-2 56-8 57-4 63-1 69-2 74-1 64-8 1886 75-0 78-6 75-0 66-7 60-4 55-8 53-3 53-7 57-9 58-1 66-2 72-1 64-4 1887 71-6 72-7 70-2 62-5 58-8 53-4 53-6 54-8 56-7 61-2 70-0 71-6 63-1 1888 74-0 74-4 76-6 67-7 59-4 57-7 54-8 54-3 58-7 64-9 68-9 i 72-4 65-3 1889 72-7 74-0 73-4 68-6 58-0 55-0 54-7 56-5 59-4 59-6 65-0 71-2 64-0 1890 76-4 74-0 71-7 69-4 61-8 54-8 52-7 55-9 58-6 59-4 67-4 70-8 64-4 1891 72-3 75-2 72-4 68-0 61-0 56-4 54-4 56-4 57-3 62-8 70-0 70-2 64-7 1892 76-0 76-4 71-4 66-2 60-6 54-8 54-8 55-2 59-5 60-1 64-3 73-0 64-4 1893 76-2 76-1 73-4 63-0 59-0 54-4 55-9 56-2 59-6 60-1 65-8 71-7 64-3 1894 75-5' 74-5 71-1 65-3 60-5 58-5 54-4 56-2 58-4 61-6 70-4 73-9 65-0 1895 71-3 72-0 74-0 63-0 60-1 57-0 54-4 59-4 58-6 65-0 71-4 70-9 64-9 1896 78-5 77-6 71-3 63-6 60-9 57-6 53-4 57-4 60-2 63-9 69-4 70-0 65-3 1897 77-6 72-8 71-2 66-8 60-5 56-2 56-2 54-0 59-0 59-2 66-5 71-6 64-3 1898 75-2 77-2 73-6 66-7 61-6 54-0 57-6 57-7 61-2 62-7 66-5 72-5 65-5 1899 74-8 75-6 72-4 65-6 60-0 56-4 55-4 56-4 59-6 64-2 66-2 73-9 65-0 1900 73-4 77-6 68-0 66-0 59-4 58-7 54-6 56-2 58-1 65-3 69-8 72-4 65-0 1901 76-2 75-7 72-3 68-0 60-4 56-7 54-0 56-6 60-1 63-8 68-7 70-9 65-2 1902 72-0 72-1 75-6 67-4 60-6 55-0 53-8 57-4 58-5 60-6 66-7 68-6 64-0 1903 76-9 76-4 67-6 63-0 60-9 56-8 54-6 55-8 57-7 61-6 68-2 72-2 64-3 1904 76-6 74-5 75-1 66-3 57-8 56-6 54-2 57-6 60-0 62-4 68-2 73-0 65-2 1905 72-2 73-8 69-8 66-5 61-6 55-4 55-0 54-2 58-4, 63-1 67-4 75-4 64-4 1906 76-4 73-2 73-9 68-4 60-9 57-8 53-9 56-2 56-6 64-6 67-4 75-5 65-4 1907 .. .. .. 76-2 77-4 73-7 67-8 61-3 56-9 56-8 59-1 59-2 61-8 65-3 68-8 65-4 Mean for 22 years 74-8 75-1 72-4 66-2 60-2 56-2 54-6 56-2 58-8 62-0 67-7 72-0 64-8 The thermometers were moved from the grounds attached to the Surveyor General's Department to the Botanical Gardens in August, 1885. PERTH MONTHLY READINGS FOR THE YEARS 1876 TO 1907. RAINFALL (In Points 100 = 1 Inch). 1876 61 4 192 38 263 845 242 382 320 259 171 96 2873 1877 18 3 105 554 216 667 328 69 54 13 21 2048 1878 16 79 93 278 606 558 943 701 429 102 151 16 3972 1879 217 15 51 202 1213 656 556 535 213 350 62 64 4134 1880 28 72 114 332 334 717 375 628 254 104 212 9 3179 1881 113 2 112 113 431 535 550 108 268 52 130 64 2478 1882 15 3 90 497 273 494 852 1033 106 86 109 10 3568 1883 10 230 64 269 477 1181 512 554 207 196 118 147 3965 1884 51 25 104 283 857 365 822 236 293 75 85 3196 1885 .. .. 41 88 294 869 506 529 559 138 156 84 80 3344 1886 12 62 69 277 422 621 706 551 71 99 2890 1887 19 95 iie 234 362 582 1026 684 357 151 89 34 3752 1888 1 68 172 402 487 323 569 208 111 137 305 2783 1889 82 42 67 399 827 983 302 364 313 472 124 21 3996 1890 2 56 2 5 796 1211 391 593 601 787 44 185 4673 1891 4 86 19 732 628 712 313 458 66 15 3033 1892 12 'l9 41 131 478 528 565 975 220 49 - 97 8 3123 1893 4 67 171 363 768 322 882 439 530 303 59 104 4012 1894 . . 38 33 5 333 435 495 385 332 148 21 147 2372 1895 21 108 8 151 156 844 683 654 468 108 13 87 3301 . . SigniBea " Nil" 51 'KKi n MONTHLY I:K \in\>.~- im: 1111: I:\IMUI IP IMIII.I-. IINI I lin In M. iM)7 continued. .1.111 Near - uary. rury. March. April M,, June. .lulv. Auguiit. Septem- ber. tetober. N'liM-lll- ber. \i,. , her. H IVM, ; ID I .n 94 m TJJ ta 371 108 M 23 69 3150 IM? H 1 |i. 141 M4 B68 m 570 314 M 106 u 2717 IT L'l In 41 IM nt .,11 Ml 219 360 79 13 3176 1 18 M6 m 653 763 634 193 418 68 HI 3240 I'KHI l-'4 III 211 i:ti 307 1119 m 797 230 264 40 62 MM Mil 1:1 1 1 .'.'.I i.. 7::t 717 MO ..n.-. 275 166 M a 3675 HI:: i :t 8 8 n |VI 36 1090 46 :.l!i 122 11 1!2 2706 net .' n ill 08 623 IM MB 772 224 130 *>3 35(19 Mil 11 'ii Illl m 3l!l 770 an 634 260 403 61 33 3435 n.-. in i 29 164 K7I 487 683 360 575 168 69 77 3461 I'MHi *" 42 37 54 ,:.. M H03 663 393 112 22 4 3237 I'HiT 42 6 63 111 618 sTs l.M.S M Hfl Mi 46 7 4012 Mean (or 32 yean . . 34 34 77 . . 170 CMI 662 629 MM 3*1 L'l'T 78 60 3336 NUMBKR or WKT DAYS. i76 6 1 4 3 10 19 9 12 8 13 11 4 100 S77 3 3 t f 7 22 10 18 20 4 11 2 3 103 .-. 1 7 3 8 9 14 1!) 24 20 9 2 7 123 VM; 2 8 6 14 17 U 14 10 10 3 5 103 VI? 6 3 6 13 17 Ifl 18 12 7 7 3 106 VIS 2 3 2 3 10 16 15 17 18 22 8 2 118 sw 1 3 6 13 8 17 13 15 8 17 6 2 107 900 6 2 4 7 8 23 16 27 11 14 3 3 124 901 2 1 7 5 16 19 12 18 16 12 7 7 122 902 2 2 1 2 17 10 21 4 17 13 3 1 93 903 1 mt 6 15 13 19 18 17 20 18 7 7 140 904 3 ' 2 7 6 16 19 17 18 15 13 4 6 126 '.'.-. 2 2 6 5 23 12 19 16 14 5 8 5 116 '.>. 3 5 4 3 18 22 17 13 19 12 4 , 1 121 907 6 1 6 3 11 16 21 25 18 17 6 2 132 fean* for 32 yean 3 2 4 7 13 16 16 18 14 11 6 4 114 NOTE. The above are records from Perth Gardens, till the end of 1896, after which the Observatory records have been taken _ Signifies " A'rf." Section III. MONTHLY AND GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESULTS OUT-STATIONS. 60 GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESULTS Latitude 15 27' S. Altitude Barometer corrected to 32 Fah. M.S.L. and for Gravity. SHADE TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY. PREVIOUS YEARS. M f 9 a.m. 3 p.m. MONTH. 9 a. ni. Alejiii 9 a.m. 3 p.m. Highest Date. Lowest. Date. iind 3 p.m. i7 ft.. HI . ftlld Highest. Year. Lowest. Year. Dry Wet Humi- Dry Wet i 3 p.m. Bulb. Bulb. dity. Bulb. Bulb. IJ 3-3 January 29 783 29-662 29-852 25 29-586 30 29-72? 29-695 29-922 1900 29-481 1898 88-2 80-0 64 95-1 82-9 53 February 29-720 29-602 29-824 16 29-408 29 29-661 29-717 29-923 1900 29-496 1906 86-0 79-7 71 90-4 81-4 62 March 29-773 29-661 29-930 19 29-574 1 j 29-717 29-751 30-061 1 1901 29-261 1898 85-3 77-0 63 92-4 78-7 49 April .. 29-837 29 725 29-920 20 29-643 5 29-781 29-835 30-061 1901 29-550 1904 87-4 76-0 54 93-1 79-3 49 May 29-956 29-836 30-068 26 29-747 12 29-896 J-905 30-100 1902 29-678 1905 82-0 67-3 43 88-7 72-0 41 June 30-013 29-890 30-087 12 29-791 9 29-951 29-938 30-161 1899 29-759 1898 74-4 61-8 47 82-2 68-3 46 July 30-001 29-872 30-108 4 29-756 30 29-936 29-956 30-267 1901 29-743 1906 75-9 69-6 69 83-1 73-8 62 August 29-976 29-842 30-062 14 29-772 3 29-909 29-937 30-179 1901 29-771 1906 81-4 87-5 September 29-953 29-815 30-066 1 29-760 27 29-884 29-879 30-135 1902 29-618 1906 83-2 87-5 October 29-886 29-759 29-991 10 29-658 28 29-822 29-823 30-051 1902 29-499 1906 88-6 92-1 November 29-807 29-670 29-956 9 29-537 26 29-738 29-777 30-033 1902 29-420 1906 89-9 94-4 December 29 763 29-653 29-848 24 29-500 2 29-708 29-727 29-929 1905 29-510 1898 87-9 79-7 64 92-3 81-9 58 Year 29-872 29-749 30- 108 4 29-408 29 29-810 29-828 30-267 1901 29-261 1898 84-2 89-9 July Feb. Latitude 17 18' S. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESULTS Altitude January ?ebruary 29-851 29-767 29-722 29-663 29-917 29-882 9 8 29-565 29-435 29 3 29-786 29-715 29-723 29-736 29-978 29-948 1897 1903 29-475 29-461 1907 1902 86-6 85-5 78-6 78-6 65 68 94-7 91-4 81-0 711-8 49 54 March April . . 29-819 29-869 29-712 29-773 29-984 29-956 18 21 29-325 29-666 1 26 29-766 29-821 29-774 29-848 29-978 30-063 1900 1901 29-449 29-495 1898 1904 84-4 83-8 75-3 73-5 60 56 92-1 92-8 77-1 76-4 45 42 Vtay . . 30-025 29-890 30-110 25 29-801 12 29-958 29-917 30-131 1898 29-673 1898 76-0 64-9 52 86-6 69-1 37 Tune luly August 30-041 30-040 30-015 29-934 29-931 29-911 30- 136 30-114 30-094 22 4 31 29-857 29-822 29-855 28 27 9 29-988 29-986 29-963 29-944 29-966 29-944 30-197 30-230 30-158 1907 1901 1901 29-722 29-779 29-697 1898 1900 1898 68-3 68-9 74-0 56-7 60-3 64-8 47 58 57 81-1 80-8 84-5 62-7 67 2 71-7 35 46 49 September . . Dctober November 30-002 29-929 29-851 29-877 29-814 29-742 30-155 30-045 30-001 1 21 9 29-825 29-716 29-595 26 29 27 29-940 29-872 29-796 29-905 29-849 29-797 30-129 30-047 30-000 1897 1902 1902 29-711 29-601 29-549 1898 1906 1906 76-6 84-4 86-8 68-0 73-3 75-8 60 54 55 88-8 91-2 92-0 74-9 75-6 81-8 47 43 58 December Year 29-796 29-696 29-889 18 29-585 3 29-746 29-740 30-047 1905 29-459 1906 87-6 78-1 59 91-0 78-9 53 29-917 29-805 30-155 1 Sept. 29-325 1 Mch. 29-861 29-846 30-230 1901 29-449 1898 80-2 70-7 58 88-9 74-7 45 Latitude 17 57' S. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESULTS Altitude anuary 29-811 29-720 29-887 9 29-603 30 29-766 29-715 29-921 1905 29-417 1899 88-6 79-7 61 91-1 81-9 61 ebruary 29-729 29-636 29-872 19 29-372 29 29-682 29-731 29-951 1903 29-349 1902 86-5 78-3 63 90-1 81-6 64 [arch 29-775 29 688 29 948 20 29-348 1 29-732 29-764 29-987 1900 29-487 1904 86-1 75-2 55 90-9 79-2 54 pril . . 29-832 29-743 29-920 21 29-594 26 29-788 29-853 30-067 1901 29-453 1904 83-7 72-6 54 89-9 77-9 53 [ay 29-963 29-862 30-065 26 29-782 12 29-912 29-920 30-100 1903 29-705 1906 75-5 63-5 49 83-8 72-1 52 une . . 30-007 29-880 30-118 22 29-796 8 29-944 29-950 30-154 1905 29-717 1898 67-9 55-9 46 78-9 68-0 56 uly 30-008 29-896 30-079 3 29-785 27 29-952 lit) -966 30-238 1902 29-768 1900 68-0 59-5 58 77-8 70-5 65 lUgUSt 30-003 29-888 30-107 31 29-821 26 29-946 29-951 30- 153 1903 29-785 1907 70-9 61-7 56 82-3 72-1 56 eptember 29-979 29-866 30-137 1 29-804 26 29-922 29-914 30- 124 1902 29-736 1899 76-5 64-9 50 84-0 68-8 42 ctober 29-911 29-805 30-009 21 29-687 30 29-858 29-858 30-060 1902 29-642 1906 83-4 70-6 48 87-5 72-6 43 bvember 29-826 29-719 30-000 9 29-634 27 29-772 29-802 29-993 1902 29-546 1906 87-5 77-8 59 89-3 78-7 56 )ecember 8 29-754 29-674 29-855 17 29-522 3 29-714 29-744 29-955 1905 29-448 1898 86-4 79-0 67 88-8 80-6 64 Year 29-883 29-781 30- 137 1 29-348 1 29-832 29-847 30-238 1902 29-349 1902 80-1 69-9 56 86-2 75-3 55 Sept. Mch. Signifies fil OBTAINT.Ii AT \VYN1HIAM I 1 ;; : ]"o>. l.oiiiriiii.lc I'js i)7' K. SHAD* TKMI'KHATI-HK. CLOUD. RAIN. I'n-M.Mi- Yew. Diurnal Range. Total Mr III M. m Hi*!.- Lowi too N ..... Great- -\\i-I i.'r M l\ Mi-n. e*t MM,. !... Year. M. Great. m 9a.m. 3 p.m. |. ',:,'- - 1 wet dayi. eat fall Date. previoua yean. M.,\ \l,,i. eit. ert. - II in.-h. -^ ] 80- ! MB i II 70-0 8 70-8 111 H 1901 ,.1 I. IWIS 17-2 2s B 17-0 3-8 4-9 339 6 123 8 BM '.It -II |... M 14 73-4 Ifl 79-4 |..s :-, 1905 64-0 1808 1 1 :. 21 n H. ., 6-4 6-4 m ie 109 10 BM '.H J 78-0 SI. I 101 -0 17 72 2 18 M 1 78-6 P.O., 70-0 I'.KH Hi -2 16-7 4-2 4-8 103 9 70 30 421 '.H i; 7!l -7 s7 1 99-8 4 7l-o 14 :: a 103-2 1900 .,:; , I'.'iM 14-9 20-8 17-6 3-7 5-0 41 2 K 24 91 IKI :i ra-a IM 97-0 '-I s 90-6 72-2 I'm 1 1900 S II 1809, 17-1 21-6 18 4 1-4 in Nil 33 1900 83 1 71 1 M ., 1 H s M 68-1 "T B 190/i M " I.Vl'.l 18-0 25-0 18-8 1-3 0-8 Ml 12 ..,. ; : - K. J u 60-0 6 B8 5 66-1 -M s 1899 .MI n 1899 19-3 Ji i lit 4 0-5 0-6 .\ AT UKKI'.Y HCRING 1908. Longitude 123 40' E. M i 77-n 87-1 100-2 13 r.'i s 22 9-2 78-3 107-5 1903 70-0 1905 18-5 28-2 17-9 4-5 4-5 069 9 168 5 757 78-7 19and 71-0 24 95-1 77-7 104-5 1000, l.'.l S 1904 14-6 23 4 17-4 5-6 6-3 586 10 211 29 662 20 1901 M . 100-4 28 |.7 n 19 95-7 7,, 'i 105-0 1898 64-0 1902 17-9 28-4 18-8 3-0 2-7 782 5 308 2 392 75-1 84-7 102-0 6 70-8 7 and '.I/, I, 71-3 10.-, 2 1906 54-5 1904 2 31-2 24-3 34 34 370 5 187 28 128 18 77-6 '.!.-. 11 ! 56-0 29 and 90-2 H4-1 98-8 1900 46-0 1899 22-:, 32-0 26-1 14 1-8 72 1 72 14 99 7 30 5K-H 60-8 2 47-6 M M 1 fiO-3 96-0 1897 45-0 1907 26-0 32-6 25-2 1-0 0-8 13 1 13 9 69 70-9 S", II 21 .MX 18 U-9 59-0 94-0 1897 42-0 1899 22-0 32 2 26-3 2-9 2- 1 86 3 67 28 21 92-0 24 54-0 7 and 88 9 60-0 98-6 1903 45-2 1901 2-0 38-0 28-9 0-5 0-9 .\,l . . 14 24 i.l :, 76-2 IX ,, 19 is n 3 .,;; ., I1.V3 103-0 1899 49-0 1906 29-4 42-8 28-6 0-7 0-6 Nil 1 94-1 71-1 tt.fl 100 2 4 60-0 16 17 1 71 2 112-2 1'HKl SS-6 1901 23-0 35-8 25-9 1-0 0-5 3 1 3 21 2 79-5 87-4 100-5 Band 13 is i; 76-7 112-5 1'tOO ..!. previous M u _ iiX. Max. MM,. HMD \|. ,., HiKli- *l MI law- Year. M. ,11 Great- - ~^ !~ 1 day*. fall years. Max. Mm et. et. est. fl* inch. !i.; ii 78-2 87-1 ltl-5 1 72-0 11 M : 76-7 107-3 1906 Ix'.-i 17-8 35-3 18-0 2-0 1-9 Nil 325 77 > 85-0 I>|| u 2 71 -ii i 94-3 77 J 111-0 I'M,:. 60-6 1904 I 1-0 29-0 17-1 4-4 4-3 123 3 'so 29 307 >i i 101-2 1 61-5 n U n lus II I'.HMi 1901 .':.-, 31-0 20-6 1-8 1-8 \,l . . , . 385 '.> i 7o :, VI 1 LOfi n I re- n 28 91-5 67-1 III S 1906 46-0 1901 19-8 29-0 24 4 3-0 4-2 .\,l t . 125 ., ; i n < :i n 7 51-3 15 83-1 :,7 > 94-0 1900 42-0 taw, 19-0 28-7 25-3 4-0 3-9 32 1 32 21 41 1904 tlf>-6 Ml II 1 41-5 26 78-1 63-6 ss :, MM 38-8 1902 18-0 g 24-5 3-3 3-6 245 6 164 8 98 74 ci VI n 23 43 17 76-5 51-1 88-8 1902 W.Q 1901, 20-8 31-8 25-4 3-0 2-8 35 2 28 27 46 1902 78 5 5-5 s'> :i 13 42-0 24 Ml '1 53-3 95-2 1903 38-0 1901 25-9 3H-9 27-6 1-5 1-4 tffl f < ( 24 64 5 .s >i u n 27 44-0 1 84-8 66-3 'IS .S UN 42-0 1900 28-3 M>| 28-5 0-4 5 Nil f f f m 5 i;i :t 7.-.-0 106-2 51-0 14 91-1 111 ti 108-8 1907 49-0 1ST, 27-4 40-3 29-2 1-5 1-4 Nil . . f , f , f t '.i| 1 I'M n 4 .'I. -J7 'M s 68-5 112-8 1899 49-2 1904 22-4 33-0 26-3 2-0 2-3 Nil . , . . 10 1 !<:) 7 84 7 KM-a 2 ,;!_> It 94-4 74-5 115-0 1900, 63-0 1907 18-0 34-6 19-9 3-0 30 378 5 235 9 88 1907 s,, , M I 76-2 111-5 16 41-5 26 88-2 64-2 115-0 I'.MHt. 38-0 I'.'iH. 21-4 40-3 24-0 2-5 2-6 813 17 235 9 1454 Jan. June 1907 KNI2 1 1,,.,. OBTAINED AT COSSACK DURING 1908. .-14 (ViM. Longitude 117 12' E. IIOO-H 7 1 90-2 115-0 16 72-0 1 99-2 , 78-2 113-4 1898 ;:,- o 1906 21-5 33-5 , 21-0 1-1 0-3 Nil . , . . t m 210 87-7 106-0 1 71-4 7 98-1 78-4 113-2 i ; 61-8 1902 19-0 28-5 19-7 2-0 0-9 Nil . . 225 V-, -.; 104-3 H 68-3 21 7-0 111-2 1899 65-0 1899 24-2 33 3 i 20-6 0-8 0-1 Nil f f g f 231 7:' ii 82-3 104-5 5 6fl-5 28 92-7 70-5 108-7 1906 57-6 1904 19-3 32-0 22-2 1-2 2-0 Nil . . 198 71.-, ni n 10 .-,..:, 22 83-9 r.-.'.c, 93-9 1902 48-8 1904 16-5 25-5 21-3 3-0 3-4 167 3 126 20 84 ; 7:1 :t M- a 79-0 1. 8 -!;. . 25 76-9 57-4 91-7 1906 44-9 1898 15-7 25-0 19-5 2-7 1-9 |.i',:t 6 251 8 98 [ 7.-M 54-8 64-0 82-0 13 ':. 31 75-4 .-,.V3 90-2 1906 43-7 1902 18-3 27-0 20-1 2-1 1-6 231 4 203 26 73 :,-, M-0 27 47-0 1. 2 vi 7 57-0 ':, 7 1907 45-8 1901 22-6 33-0 23-7 0-8 0-4 .Vi/ t 43 80 -1 72-3 93 23 52-0 1, 2 88-1 61-0 99-2 1907 50-0 1903 25-6 34-0 2">-l 0-1 0-0 Nil t t 8 .;.-, :> 79-2 in.-, -:i 29 58-5 16 92-6 5-8 110-5 1898 56-0 1902 26-5 34-5 ?6-8 0-1 0-0 .\il f . t f 98-1 74-2 8-2 108-0 13 68-0 :. M 98-0 71-1 111-7 lm. 57-6 1904 23-9 33-5 26-9 0-1 0-0 Nil , . 4 IWl !' t '77-7 89-1 112-5 25 71-0 12 M. 76-0 112-9 1905 S8-8 1902 22-7 35-0 22-6 0-2 0-1 64 3 67 8 25 89-3 68-0 78-7 115-0 16 46-0 25 89-9 67-4 113 4 1898 43-7 1 1902 21-3 :i:, o 22-5 1-2 0-9 1125 16 251 8 1199 .1 in.. .Tuno 1 June OBTAINED AT ONSLOW DURING 1908. 14 feet. Longitude 114 57' E. 97-4 71-2 84-3 111-8 28 61-3 4 97-8 74-2 117-0 1898 R3-0 1905 26-2 44-1 23-6 0-8 ! 0-6 Nil 53 93-9 73 4 83-6 104-4 28 i.vn 7 97-0 75-2 115-5 1900 5-6 1906 20-5 34-7 21-8 1-7 1 2-6 29 1 29 23 70 Bff-0 68-6 81-8 107-0 8, 9 6J-5 11 96-3 73-4 112-0 1902 3-0 ivis. 26-4 41-2 22-9 2-0 1-8 an 95 1899 89-8 69 3 79-5 106-9 10 61-4 20 93-0 67-6 110-9 1906 .-.30 189T 20-5 35-9 25-4 2-3 3-2 224 3 189 27 67 80-2 61-7 70-9 93-2 9 48-0 22 83-9 59-6 98-9 1907 42-0 1904 18-5 29-7 24-3 2-6 4-0 307 5 98 19 175 73-0 53-6 63-3 80-2 1 43-0 24 77-2 54-9 87-0 1903 38-5 1898 19-4 30-2 22-3 3-0 3-1 258 6 98 4 166 72-1 51-7 61-9 77-8 24 41-5 31 75-8 52-4 88-7 1906 40-0 1905 20-4 31-2 23-4 3-9 3-7 166 5 67 26 110 f 75-5 -" J H2-8 91-0 15 41-5 11 79-3 53-4 94-7 1907 40-0 1900, 25-3 37-0 25-9 1-7 1-2 ffil . . . . 49 1901 84-6 53-8 69-2 93-5 19 41-9 83-5 56-0 101-0 1901 43-5 1900 30-8 39-2 27-5 0-7 1-0 Nil t t t t , f 7 90-5 60-2 75-3 102-2 28 55-4 19 88-9 60-3 108-5 1897 48-5 is: 17 30-3 38-8 28-6 0-2 0-1 Nil , . , , . , . , 94-7 Aft-2 80-4 107-8 14 60-0 29,30 93-6 65-3 110-0 1899 50-0 1904 28-5 46-1 28-3 0-1 0-8 Nil 2 98-5 71-5 t 85-0 113-0 1 64-5 1 97-5 70-3 115-0 1898 54-6 1897 27-0 41-5 27-2 0-3 1-2 Nil 20 87-1 63-6 i 74-8 113-0 1 41-6 11 88-7 63-5 117-0 1898 38-5 1898 24-5 46-1 25-2 1-6 2-0 984 19 189 27 813 Deo. Aug. ApL 1 I ISept. 64 I atitude 23 OS' S. (IKXERAL ABSTRACT OF RESULTS Altitude Barometer corrected to 32 Fah. M.S.L. and for Gravity. SHADE TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY PREVIOUS YEARS. Mean of 9 a.m. 3 p.m. MONTH. 9am T\* 9 a.m. 3 p.m. Highest. Date. Lowest. Date. and Mean. 3 p.m. 9,. _,, a. m. and 3 p.m. Highest. Year. Lowest. Year. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulh. Humi- dity. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. ll January 29-854 29-745 29-942 10 29-615 30 29-800 84-8 74-6 57 102-8 77-8 28 February 29-765 29-653 29-849 21 29-448 29 29-709 i 82-0 72-6 59 96-9 76-3 34 March 29-851 29-747 30-030 17 29-489 1 29-799 82-9 70-3 49 97-7 73-5 29 April 29-901 29-799 30-044 19 29-684 27 29 850 78-7 68-3 55 91-7 71-9 34 May 30-026 29-938 30-190 21 29-762 18 29-982 08-7 61-5 63 79-6 64-8 42 June 30-084 29-990 30-251 22 29-825 7 30-042 59-0 55-3 78 70-2 60-3 53 July 30-119 30-018 30-260 20 29-924 18 30-068 60 -7 54-7 67 69-6 58-4 49 August 30-121 30-020 30-339 31 29-871 18 30-070 63-1 55-7 61 74-2 61.2 45 September 30-076 29-958 30-294 1 29-847 27 30-017 71-3 02-8 59 83-3 68-6 43 October 30-002 29-890 30-137 16 29-703 31 29-946 -^ 77-5 67-9 57 89-7 74-5 44 November 29-881 29-769 30-032 9 29-613 27 29-825 82-2 70-5 52 95-7 72-4 29 December 29-803 29-681 29-927 15 29-549 8 29-742 85-4 75-2 57 100-7 76-5 30 Year 29-957 29-851 30-339 31 29-448 29 29-904 74-7 86-8 59 87-7 69-7 37 Aug. Feb. Latitude 24 54' S. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESULTS Altitude anuary .. 29-894 29-825 30-005 19 29-623 13 29-860 29-786 30-033 1903 29-375 1898 80-4 68-7 51 81-4 71-8 57 ebruary 29-802 29-738 29-926 7 29-538 29 29-770 29-807 30-046 1902 29-364 1905 80-3 69-5 54 82-4 73-4 60 [arch 29-883 29-815 30-019 17 29-564 1 29-849 29-854 30-131 1905 29-414 1907 79-8 67-1 48 82-9 72-5 56 pril . . 29-928 29-861 30-066 19 29-736 14 29-894 29-952 30-181 1900 29-647 1898 75-6 65-7 55 78-8 70-3 61 [ay 30-035 29-964 30-249 21 29-713 18 29-999 30-019 30-298 1900 29-098 1905 08-4 60-6 61 73-7 06-3 64 une . . 30-107 30-023 30-276 11 29-815 28 30-065 30-030 30-351 1904 29-666 1899 00-0 55-1 71 67-4 59-9 01 uly 30-122 30-046 30-280 20 29-881 18 30-084 30-073 30-370 1902 29-699 1897 59-7 53-5 65 66-8 57-6 55 tugust 30-133 30-059 30-361 31 29-890 26 30- OW 30 -cos 30-350 1906 29-779 1906 00-8 53-6 61 68-0 58-2 53 eptemher 30-104 30-022 30-305 1 29-852 27 30-063 30-031 30-282 1903 29-701 1897 68-3 57-3 49 71-7 02-3 56 Ictober 30-033 29-960 30-173 7 29-766 31 29-999 29-985 30-298 1901 29-731 1897 73-4 62-5 51 75-2 66-2 58 ovember 29-925 29-853 30-119 10 29-700 27 29-889 29-925 30-260 1904 29-073 1903 77-0 66-8 55 78-0 70-4 65 tecember 29-830 29-765 29-981 16 29-615 8 29-798 29-821 30-015 1904 29-479 1898 82-2 70-2 51 82-5 73-0 59 Year 29-983 29-911 30-361 31 29-538 29 29-947 29-946 30-376 1902 29-364 1905 72-2 62-6 55 75-7 66-8 59 Aug. Feb. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESULTS Latitude 26 24' S. Altitude January 29-885 29-807 30-028 19 29-649 31 29-846 29-780 30-021 1900, 29-399 1902 82-0 65-7 39 92-7 72-3 33 1903 February 29-799 29-718 29-942 8 29-523 29 29-758 29-790 30-037 1902 29-503 1898 80-0 68-0 50 89-4 71-9 39 March 29-892 29-812 30-044 17 29-549 1 29-852 29-848 30-122 1900 29-362 1907 78-2 65-5 48 89-6 71-7 37 April 29-944 29-864 30-118 19 29-713 1 29-904 29-956 30- 196 1899 29-696 1898 74-3 66-2 02 82-8 71-2 52 May 30-040 29-966 30-263 21 29-711 18 30-003 30-024 30-311 1906 29-667 1905 64-6 57-5 63 73-4 62-0 50 June 30-084 30-015 30-289 11 29-789 28 30-050 30-035 30-384 1904 29-665 1899 56-6 51-7 70 65-5 57-0 57 July 30-119 30-045 30-298 20 29-836 5, 18 30-082 30-078 30-427 1902 29-687 1907 56-3 50-7 67 66-7 56-3 50 August 30-142 30-062 30-375 31 29-899 19 30-102 30-064 30-358 1907 29-687 1906 59-8 52-1 59 69-1 50 4 44 September 30-110 30-010 30-336 1 29-854 28 30-060 30-022 30-287 1900 29-688 1905 66-4 56-2 50 76-0 61-4 41 October 30-038 29-948 30- 194 7 29-731 31 29-993 29-972 30-323 1901 29-676 1904 72-4 60-7 49 81-2 05-3 39 November 29-924 29-825 30-131 6 29-683 27 29-874 29-903 30-287 1904 29-587 1898 77-6 63-6 44 87-0 68-2 35 December 29-830 29-745 29-983 16 29-608 9 29-778 29-814 30-045 1905 29-526 1903 86-4 70-3 40 94-3 74-6 36 Year 29-984 29-901 30-375 31 29-523 29 29-942 29-940 30-427 1902 29-362 1907 71-2 60-7 52 81-5 65-7 40 Aug. Feb. Signifies oi:T AINKh AT \VINMN<; POOL ItriflMI 1'i.is. l,..iiirilu.li- 114 MM, High. '' Max !..,. out Mm. -II I HE TM, CLOUD. RAW. It'.* n i|.t\ l'n-\iiiiis Vran. l>i iini*l Range. '' . 3p.m Total 100 poinU 1 inch. \ . ... wet day*. Great- ert fall Date. Average previous M, in \l. n ,-: Year. Low- - Year. Mean. Creat- eit. ih fl-3 'I o :, i u (i : 70-9 '' i ' ! .v.i :i 17 1 S:M - 71 7 81-3 114 -J 1117-11 104-0 M ,, M ^ li.i ,, 10T.-0 113 -I'. 8 1.-, ... 1 1 1 16 16 -N u 26 61-6 48-0 III! :; n 40-0 40-6 50-0 58-8 4 1 1 ., , L'l 34-7 > 1 31-6 23-5 'i -:t 46-2 42-9 41-8 37-tt 38-4 2-2 3-2 1-6 2-7 3-8 3-0 4-1 1-9 0-6 0-4 0-8 0-6 2-5 4-0 2-0 5-0 8-3 3-6 3-6 2-3 0-6 ,, i, 1-2 2-3 JM 129 16 AW 444 448 79 5 sa \,i NU 303 "e 2 5 7 4 1 8 'TO 18 2J6 207 51 5 197 2 3 26 8 9 122 166 182 68 101 227 171 64 23 3 4 42 . . 21" .19.1 21 -8 :i2-o 37. a i i 16 1 u-< 33-7 40-0 42-0 34-1 34-6 41-8 81-2 <-i :; 74-7 114-2 23 Jan. 31 .I'ilv 28-8 61-2 2-1 2-8 1421 27 215 25 May 1153 BTAIXKD AT CARNARVON" WKIXG 190S. Longitude 113 39' E. J 77 i, ins s 23 60-8 19 V. 1 70-8 113-7 1903 88-2 ||M 16-7 37-0 18-3 1-5 0-6 Nil 38 <: -^ 7o in:, :, 10 C.2-" 7 88-6 71-8 111-2 1898 62-8 1904 16-6 36-0 16-7 2-8 2-8 318 4 i :'{.-. 19 83 17-0 77 t !<-. i. Id M-0 89-1 70-2 Ill-r, 190(1 59-0 1900 19-1 37-0 18-9 0-3 0-1 Nil 66 13 1 7:i 'i H2-II 14 .-.:i-o in 84-1 ! 64-6 103-1 1902 62-2 1903 18-4 33-0 19-6 1-1 1-1 Nil 61 v, i 7 47-7 14 78-5 67-6 97-6 1907 42-8 1904 18-1 27-8 20-9 2-1 1-8 462 "7 227 19 103 &-.'> 60-0 Ml 1 40-6 20 73-1 52-7 85-4 1906 38-2 1898 18-9 30-8 20-4 2-7 1-9 617 6 313 26 282 18 -!l r. 7 59-3 77 2 16 38-7 31 71-0 50-2 81-7 1903 40-8 1901 19-2 30-0 20-8 2-5 2-4 24 3 16 18 196 II s l'i -7 26 38 4 72-9 :.-2 >, 90-2 1902 39-8 1 IXC, 11-1 34-4 20-3 0-8 0-6 38 2 21 8 66 1. 54-3 20 42-0 1 71-7 56-3 95-7 1900 43-0 1900 21 -:t :tr,-.-, 18-4 0-0 0-2 .v,v 27 - 1 68-8 98-0 20 83-0 2, 7. 78-0 60-4 100-6 1902 60-0 1893 19-2 39-0 17-6 0-3 0-3 .Vi7 6 u 7 04-6 7:1 1 94-8 7 69-7 7 81-3 64-7 109-1 1904 80-4 1904 17-1 38-1 16-6 0-6 0-0 Nil 6 :i .,: :i 78-3 109-0 81 60-5 7 85-0 M-fl 110-8 1899 60-0 1808 18-0 38-0 16-4 0-6 0-1 Nil 4 -.-i 80-7 70-0 109-0 31 38-4 6 80-5 61-7 113-7 1903 38 2 1898 18-6 39-0 18-8 1-3 1-0 1486 22 313 26 891 Deo. Aug. June rr.MNKD AT HAMKLIN POOL DURING 1908. Longitude 114 12' E. 'rt-3 80-9 108-0 22 68-0 8 98-7 ns-6 112-0 1900 61-4 ( 1900 29-3 39-2 ' 30-1 2-2 1-8 Nil 18 Ml /, 107-0 11 68-2 2ii 96-8 68-8 116-4 1900 86-2 1906 23 4 37-0 28-0 2-5 28 225 6 130 18 87 U t H4-7 78-0 102-0 16 66-4 211 96-0 67-4 112-8 I8M 50-6 ' 1899 2(i 7 36-0 27-6 1-6 17 Ml 41 3-l 74-0 94-0 8 58-0 HI 86-6 6J -8 108-6 1897 47-6 I'.MH 21-8 32-8 24-8 3-1 2 -!l Nil f 29 f - ,,-,!, 84-0 7 44-0 13 76-8 85-6 96-1 1907 42-0 1904, I 1 ' I 32-6 21-2 3-0 3-5 418 i 267 19 107 1907 164 47-8 .M,- M 78-0 1 3-8 21 69-9 61-3 79-8 1901 33-2 1905 18-9 ' 32-0 18-6 3-3 3-3 261 4 121 26 196 86-3 76- 13 3 8 31 68-4 47-9 77-2 1902 .Vvfi 1904 22-2 3.->-fi 20-5 1-9 2-6 76 5 31 18 171 67-4 81-0 2'i 38-0 8 71-4 48-6 83-0 I'.ICL' 36-7 1897 28-1 36-2 22-8 2-4 2-9 67 6 22 7 79 7 7 47-8 62-7 90-2 27 40-2 22 76-4 61-4 96-8 1899 40-0 IW7, 29-9 48-0 25-0 1-5 0-8 n 44 1900 r.3-8 68-7 '-,:, 2(1 42-8 9 81-7 64-9 Kil r, 1903 42-8 1907 29-8 38-2 26-8 2-4 1-7 6 1 6 14 10 M KO-6 76-0 101 -0 1.1 52-0 2f> M-0 59-8 :109-0 1899 46-0 1007 20-1 370 29-5 1-3 1-1 1 1 1 e 10 18-1 linn BfO 11.V2 20 64-0 16 94-9 111-8 1901 S3-0 11H17 32-1 48-0 30-3 1-2 1-3 tra 2 ^B -.7-0 69-8 118-2 29 36-0 Dec. 6 An*. 83-8 68-4 115-4 1900 33-2 1908 28-6 45-0 25-4 2-2 2-2 1042 28 267 19 May 760 Til. ' ' 66 Latitude 18 13' S. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESULTS Altitude Barometer corrected to 32 Fah. M.S..L. and for Gravity. SHADE TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY. MONTH. Mean of PREVIOUS YEARS. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. Highest. Date. Lowest. Date. 3 p.m. and 3 p.m. Highest. Year. Lowest. Year. Dry Bulb. \V-t Bulb. Humi- dity. Dry Wet Bulb. Bulb. It January 29-824 29-684 30-006 22 29-590 29 29-754 29-733 29-976 1903 29-535 1902 90-1 76-2 47 97-3 77-9 37 Febiuary 29-759 29-633 29-856 16 29-415 29 29-696 29-745 29-980 1903 29-495 1901 85-7 77-5 64 91-7 80-0 54 March 29-809 29-696 30-019 18 29-411 1 29-752 29-802 30-010 1901 29-542 ! 1904 85-7 69-1 39 91-6 70-1 31 April . . 29-913 29-795 30-041 20 29-697 11 29-854 29-895 30-199 1901 29-658 1903 80-3 70-1 55 89-2 74-9 46 M.-iy 30-039 29-904 30-203 27 29-748 12 29-971 29-992 30-218 1901 29-784 1904 74-2 60-3 43 85-5 l>5-7 32 June 30-102 29-863 30-189 3 29-848 8 29-982 30-017 30-279 1902 29-748 1907 66-1 52-5 41 77-0 58-9 34 Jnly 30-084 29-951 30-202 12 29-810 28 30-017 30-031 . 30-404 1901 29-717 1900 67-7 55-2 44 78-4 61-4 37 August 30-066 29-912 30-151 7 29-820 4 29-989 29-986 : 30-278 1901 29-593 1 902 71-8 55-2 35 84-3 lil-8 27 September 30 -03 I 29-882 30-221 1 29-772 27 29-956 29-926 30-226 1902 29-660 1903 77 6 57 5 30 89-0 63-6 24 October 29-936 29-798 30-070 9 29-671 14 29-867 29-849 30-101 1901 29-575 1906 86-4 f 65-9 31 (14-5 69-8 \ 26 November 29-830 29-689 30-019 9 29-528 27 29-759 29-791 30-067 1904 29-545 1906 91-3 75-5 42 99-8 78-6 34 December 29-805 29-673 29-884 16 29-568 2 29-739 29-739 29-987 1904 29-482 1907 87-0 74-1 49 95-2 74-9 34 Year 29-933 29-790 30-221 1 29-411 1 29-861 29-875 30-404 1901 29-482 1907 80-3 65-8 42 89-5 69-8 34 Sept. Meh. Latitude 21 11' 'S. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESULTS Altitude January . February | March . April May June _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J-.ily . . 57^7 50-7 61 Augut . . 62-3 52-7 52 i September 71-2 56-9 40 October ' _ _ _ 80-8 65-2 40 November . 87-8 71-3 40 __ December 85-9 73-3 50 Year " " ~~~ Latitude 21 53' S. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESULTS Altitude January 29-786 29-650 29-949 10 29-529 17 29-718 29-693 29-960 1906 29-457 1907 91-7 71-9 35 103-4 74-3 23 February 29-72(1 29-603 29-875 8 29-343 3 29-664 29-717 30-000 1902 29-425 1901 86-7 72-9 47 !)5 -8 73-9 31 March 29-837 29-707 30-089 17 29-433 1 29-772 29-803 30-046 1901 29-528 1904 84-6 66-3 35 95-8 68-3 24 April 29-1MI2 29-803 30-067 25 29-702 11 29-898 29-904 30-213 1905 29-650 1903 77-5 65-6 50 86-8 67-7 34 May :ii:-o.->i> 29-930 30-226 26 29-729 12 29-993 29-994 30-404 1901 29-721 1907 68-6 58-0 50 79-4 61-0 :i5 June ::() 12.-. :>0-0<4 30-319 22 29-818 8 30-064 30-038 30-315 1904 29-775 1904 59-4 51-8 59 69-6 55-2 in July ::o- 138 30-016 30-267 9 29-877 18 30-077 30-064 30-464 1901 29-733 1900 57-0 49-4 59 67-9 53 5 38 August 30-117 29-982 30-232 5 29-847 18 30-050 30-027 30-306 1902 29-731 1900 62-3 51-0 46 75-7 55-3 L'!l Si -pt ember 30-000 29-910 30-335 1 29-738 30 29-955 29-954 30-259 1903 29-695 1903 71-0 54-6 36 85-1 60-1 23 O,,bei- 29-959 29-920 30-111 22 29-605 31 29-936 29-868 30-195 1902 29-584 1904 81-5 60-3 29 ili-2 63-6 21 November 29-839 29-695 29-974 9 29-569 24 29-767 29-779 30-137 1907 29-508 1906 90-3 69-6 33 99 7 72-3 24 Di-ivmber 29-760 29-639 29-889 24 29-554 9 29-700 29-703 29-954 1905 29-429 1907 91-9 71-1 32 100-3 71-8 22 Year 29-947 29-822 30-335 1 29-343 3 29-884 29-878 30-464 1901 29-425 1901 76-9 61-9 41 87-6 (>4-8 21 Sept. Feb. Signifies 67 <>!IT\INH> \T IIAI.I.'S iKKKK Itl'IMXC. 100S. u Yean. Diurnal Range. Total \l Mi... M. H Ku, H ' Low- M,,i. 9a.m. 3 p.m 100 |>oinU - 1 iiii-li. No. of wet daya. IJrrat- et fall. Date |,n-\ milt * v- \l v M, -, Mm eat. Year. I.A e*t. Year. \1. e*t. ffi n 107-0 :. M 63 4 1 74-5 111-0 1 60-0 tnt H i 37-2 23-6 3-9 i, 7 244 11 76 9 614 si n 19 12. Ill 97-3 74-7 110-8 IMfl i.l i Is,, 20-3 34 4 6-2 7-2 886 16 101 28 469 i-1 IIN. 1 M 19 94-0 71-1 s 1905 M s 1902 21-8 H " 22-9 4-0 5-1 89 6 70 1 321 SXi-7 9-2 :t 6 H I n i 103-8 1906 47-0 1901 21-5 M i 28-0 6-6 6-3 166 6 80 16 84 i-i 71 7 6 in. :il s| , 86-0 s ,, 1900 36-4 Is,, 2s s 45-0 28-6 1-7 1-7 : 1 6 17 60 CM 30 n-4 27 .M s , . M 1906 33-1 IS'.l'l H i 41-6 28-4 1-0 1-3 Nil 30 6 49-0 1:1 u 1 3.-.-0 1899 30-7 41-8 :IM ;, 2-7 2-7 28 "2 'J9 30 31 SI ,. :tn 1:1 ,: 16 S,, M ."> 1 .', 1900 1901 31 4 43 2 III 1 1-6 1-6 sa 1 - 72 1 27 H -' 1 101-0 | ',01. 37 4 1 "in. B-4 45-4 33-1 2-0 1-8 Nil 19 ],K, 1 .11. 31 n s M I'M,,, 48-4 1900 31 -3 44-0 29-7 1-6 3-3 Nil 41 ~l II S7-:t H'S _' -'7 59-0 12 00-8 74-3 109-4 | S',', N-4 1904 -'i ' 42-8 2,. --, 2-9 6-3 96 "e 40 28 12.-, II, II 7:1 II 2 M s 85 78-7 110-2 1900 1907 32-0 24-2 6-5 7-8 171 n 31 22 356 HI-., (13-1 76-8 IMS J 27 32-4 27 91-9 64-2 111-0 1906 32-8 l:,| 27-8 48-4 27-7 3-3 4-2 1383 67 101 28 2140 * \ June Feb. AT MAUHU-: HAH i>rui\<; IQOS. Longitude 119 42' E. IM 1 II. in 16 71-5 1 106-4 78-1 iJn -. IMS 66-2 1905 30-8 38-7 27-6 1-8 261 6 198 28 n-j :; 77 1 89-7 1120 3 71-2 ii. i:t 105-0 77-6 116-8 1903 .,', u 1904 tt-l 33-8 27-4 3-8 700 7 294 12 01 7 73-4 107-0 27 M-2 20 104-1 75-7 113-8 1905 59-6 1902 28-3 37-4 28-4 1-5 Nil >:, , 71 1 - 106-0 6 60-8 16 MS M 70-3 111-.-, 1906 52-8 l!t>4 24 4 34-6 27-7 2-3 152 4 96 ib S. - .,1 1 96-0 :i 61-0 28 ss | 60-8 97-0 1905, 44-0 1904 24-7 36-2 27-6 4-4 382 3 271 20 1907 7 I 1 i:; M M 80-2 .VJ 3 92-0 1902 40-5 1901 22 --. :i7 4 25-9 2-8 201 5 U.. 8 7:. s .-.II 1:1. .'<> 40-0 31 79-4 53-2 91-0 1906 38-0 1902 24-7 :t4 26-2 2-9 164 3 12.-. 26 8-M 53-8 67-9 .,_. s 14 42-5 6 85-4 56-0 M :i 1906 39-0 I'.MI:I 28-3 40-0 29-4 0-4 Nil 91 i 71 1 :. ., 2 90-8 60-0 101-3 1903 42-0 1903 33-S 42-2 30-8 0-0 i/a 30 S 1. 110-0 29 56-0 14 98-7 66-7 Ii:: M 1906 53-2 1902 33-3 44 32-0 0-7 13 2 10 11 g t 91-3 1141) 29 67-2 1 105-4 73-1 116-4 1905 59-8 KM 14 31 4 39-5 32 .H 1-.-, 6 2 4 11 90-1 113-0 4 69-0 2 106-7 77 1 117 M 1902 65-2 1903 2!i '.I 40-0 29-6 1-9 343 11 130 7 66-2 80-2 116-0 16 40-0 31 95-7 67-0 120-5 1905 38-0 1902 28-1 44-0 28-7 2-Q 2221 43 294 12 Jan. July Feb. 1 DETAINED AT NTI.LAUIXK IH'KIN'r; 1WS. 120 05' E. Ill' 1 7:. 2 M s 111-8 16 1 103-4 74-9 117-0 1905 : :i 1905 31-2 40-2 L'S -:, 1-3 4-3 137 8 40 14 M6 7.-, n s.. 7 IMS u 3 71-2 20 101-7 75-0 115-2 1906 U, s 1904 23-5 35-2 26-7 3-1 4-7 327 10 141 11 184 68-1 102-0 27 .-,-.!> 19 97-5 70-8 110-0 1903 84-9 1902 I'S S 40-4 2.1 7 33 l- 10 1 10 6 Ml ,,, ., 76-6 99-8 6 .%s t 20, 30 92-0 63-0 108-0 1906 41-0 1901 23 1 34 2 29-0 3-7 6-0 46 8 11 24 141 80-7 .-,7 - 1 93-0 3 44-0 28 83-0 53-3 94-0 1905 38 IHitd 23-6 36-0 29-7 3-4 37 182 2 Is 20 4.-> [r> 47-0 68-7 82-6 2 33-8 26 76-1 48-1 SM-S 1902 30-1 1907 23-.-> 36-6 27-0 3-0 3-0 145 4 109 8 68 s I. -. -_' 67-0 SI, J 13 34-2 17 73-3 45-1 89-6 1906 28-9 1902 23-6 39-6 28-2 3-6 33 102 2 70 H 83 7 48-8 62-7 87-0 14. IT, 35-4 7 79-5 47-8 94-0 1906 30-1 1903 27-9 42-4 31-7 1-7 1-6 .V,/ f f t , . r 68 16, 18 2 61-9 ,.'.,, 30 39-2 3 87-0 63-4 98-5 1901, 34-7 1905 34-3 46-4 33 6 1-5 0-4 .V,/ . . . . . . . . 1903 77-2 IM| s 30 46-0 14 95-2 -.,, s 112-0 1906 43-9 1902 32 6 46-0 34-8 1-6 1-9 ra . , . 73-2 87-6 |.i!l II 211 H3-H 27 102-0 69-3 114-0 1905 52-0 1898 L'S s 40-2 32 7 1-8 2-6 -V.V f . . . . . 4.-, - 4 H7-4 109-0 4 M M 26 104-3 73-7 1134 1905 H -'. 1904 30-1 41-6 :t,i ., 2-2 4-4 146 4 84 19 119 7 75-4 111-8 16 33-8 26 91-2 61-3 117-0 1905 28-9 1902 27 5 46-4 29-9 2-6 3-0 Kid.-, 39 188 20 l.lii'.i Jan. June May ml. ' ' 68 Latitude 2-'> :ts' S. (iK.NKKAL AI'.STIi'ACT OK RESULTS Altitude Barometer corrected to 32 Fall. M.S.L. and for Gravity. SHADE TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY. PREVIOUS YEARS. MONTH. Mean of 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 a.m. 3 p.m Hijilifil. Date. Lowest. Date. 9 a.m. and Mean. 3 p.m. it a.m. and Highest. Year. Lowest. Year. Dry UYt Humi- Dry Wet ~ . 3 p.m. Bulb. Bulb. dity. Bulb. Bulb. ;t January 29-767 29-624 29-959 10 29-519 6 29-696 29-712 30-068 1903 29-373 1899 87-6 ' 64-0 26 100-5 69-1 20 February .. 29-725 29-583 29-860 8 29-410 3, 25 29-654 29-743 30-045 1905 29-355 1901 80-4 64-8 40 92-1 68-1 27 Maivh .. .. 29-825 29-680 30- 129 17 29-379 6 29-752 29-829 30-114 1902 29-363 1 1907 78-3 HO -9 36 91-6 66- fl 28 April 29-929 29-803 30-113 20 29-733 28 29-866 29-936 30-270 1905 29-650 1904 68-8 60-1 57 78-6 63-1 4(1 May 30-043 29-915 30-233 26 29-594 19 29-979 30-037 30-383 1904 29-712 190(5 (id -4 53-0 (iO 70-4 58-1 Hi June 30-096 29-976 30-319 22 29-712 28 30-036 30-071 30-415 1904 29-652 1899 51-2 46-5 aa 80-9 51 4 52 July 30-1C1 29-980 30-247 21 29-731 18 30-040 30-101 30-543 1901 29-682 1906 51-8 45 9 64 61-9 50-5 ir, August 30-095 29-979 30-278 31 29-702 19 30-037 30-068 30-377 1906 29-725 1900 55-8 47-2 SI 66-7 52-a 38 September 30-042 29-888 30-315 1 29-655 30 29-965 29-985 30-301 1903 29-590 1903 63-8 51-4 43 77-4 56-4 28 October 29-933 29-792 30-135 20 29-554 31 29-862 29-911 30-276 1901 29-551 1904 72-7 56-5 M 84 -r. 61 -2 26 November 29-804 29-657 29-923 18 29-488 27 29-730 29-812 30-222 1904 29-528 l'.)03 81-1 61-7 32 92-9 (ili-0 23 Drrember 29-712 29-588 29-855 25 29-436 10 29-650 29-726 29-974 1899 29-385 1903 88-7 65-1 27 98-8 67 8 19 Year 29-923 29-789 30-319 22 29-379 6 29-856 29-911 30-543 1901 29-355 1901 70-1 .-,11-4 42 81-4 60-8 30 June March i Latitude 26 37' S. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESULTS Altitude January .. 29-798 29-655 30-020 10 29-493 17 29-726 29-716 30-158 1903 29-420 1902 87-1 66-1 31 99-7 72-6 25 February .. 29-741 29-618 30-045 8 29-366 6 29-680 29-765 30-095 1905 29-393 1904 79-7 64-2 40 90-9 68-1 28 March.. .. 29-855 29-719 30-174 16 29-404 6 29-787 29-843 30-129 1902 29-543 1903 76-8 59-9 36 89-1 63-9 24 April 29-976 29-858 30-150 20 29-650 1 29-917 29-951 30-309 1905 29-563 1903 66-5 58-9 61 76-8 62-0 41 May .. .. 30-073 29-954 30-264 26 29-620 19 30-014 30-030 30-407 1904 29-639 1906 59-2 52-1 61 69-0 56-0 43 June . . . . 30- 127 30-015 30-357 22 29-713 28 30-071 30-090 30-448 1904 29-710 1904 50-2 45-6 70 59-1 49-8 52 July 30-147 30-050 30-323 21 29-744 5 30-099 30-093 30-611 1902 29-613 1905 51-6 45-1 61 60-6 49-1 48 August 30-186 30-072 30-387 31 29-735 19 30-129 30-080 30-423 1904 29-729 1904 54-4 46-1 54 64-3 51-0 41 September 30-124 29-982 30-402 1 29-644 30 30-053 29-957 30-322 1903 29-562 1903 63-4 50-4 41 76-3 56-1 30 October 29-9(>6 29-834 30-196 20 29-641 5 29-900 29-895 30-274 1902 29-432 1904 72-8 54-1 31 83-6 59-8 24 November 29-314 29-709 30-06!) 8 29-427 24 29-762 29-811 30-219 1905 29-480 1906 82-0 59-7 27 92-8 64-7 22 December 29-751 29-627 29-934 25 29-460 6 29-689 29-709 29-968 1902 29-396 1903 88-9 65-6 28 98-0 68-9 22 Year .. i 29-962 29-841 30-402 1 29-366 6 29-902 29-911 30-611 1902 29-393 1904 69-4 55-7 42 80-0 60-1 31 Sept. Feb. Latitude 27 27' S. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RKST'LTS Altitude January February March 29-869 29-809 29-923 29-737 30-044 29-688 : 30-064 29-789 ! 30-195 9 29-622- 8 1 29-505 17 29-530 17 1 29-803 29-748 29-856 29-763 29-787 29-870 30- 147 30-137 30-188 1903 1905 1900 29-490 29-442 29-216 1902 1898 1907 86-5 81-7 77-4 68-5 65-9 63-8 36 41 45 100-5 93-5 91-3 76-8 73-1 69-0 29 :u 29 April . . Way June July . . August September Jctober 30-001 30-098 30-147 30- 162 30-171 30- 122 30-025 29-885 29-970 30-046 30-056 30-061 29-983 29-891 30-190 30-299 30-391 30-339 30-404 30-359 30-250 20 29-653 26 29-667 22 29-754 21 29-760 31 29-781 20 29-7'i7 20 29-669 1 19 28 18 19 30 31 29-943 30-034 30-096 30-109 30-116 30-052 29-958 29-989 30-070 30-082 30-127 30-098 30-024 29-953 30-336 30-443 30-482 30-587 30-438 30-481 30-345 1905 1904 1904 1901 1899 1897 1902 29-637 29-694 29-613 29-670 29-646 29-608 29-552 1898 1906 1899 1898 1898 1901 1904 69-5 60-4 50-9 52-7 55-3 62-9 71-1 f.2-4 M-8 47-2 47-8 49-0 52-7 57-3 64 67 76 69 63 50 42 80-1 70-0 60-1 62-4 64-8 75-7 82-9 66-6 58-9 52-2 52-9 54-4 59-1 (54-0 46 50 58 52 50 37 34 Vovember 29-912 29-767 30-126 (i 29-637 21 29-839 29-864 * 30-294 1907 29-573 1906 78-2 61-7 38 92-3 69-5 28 December 29-811 29-675 211-939 16 29-550 4 29-743 29-776 30-050 1897 29-414 1903 87-4 67-6 34 99-1 73-3 26 Year 30-004 29-879 30-404 31 29-505 24 29-941 29-950 30-587 1901 29-216 1907 69-5 58-2 49 81-1 64-1 :<7 i Fob. (H'.TAINKI. AT I'l AK llll.l. !>ri{IXi, Lonjritmle US" 47' K. SHAIIK TEMFEHATI'RK. I'D. RM>. Yew* Diurnal Range. ToUl. Mas Mm. el D - !,.. tt Mm. ILL \l. ,i Hu 6 It a.m. 3 I'.m 100 point* inch. No. of wet days. On , Mt (all. Dutc. ta iff previous jm Year. Low- e>t. Year. Mean. Oreat- eat. Average l>reviouii V i- .' : II '.( t 18 100-1 74-7 1112 1901 62-6 1900 M a 25-4 3-1 3-1 .\,1 126 71-9 ] 1 0:1-0 17 1 112 4 I 1!MI2 22 4 34-3 _:; . 5-4 .V 1 129 r, AS 14 12fi Ml. | i:, 1 I In at x 108-0 1907 I'.HMI - 31-9 21-1 20 2 :t 3 1 :t 26 180 i.i -i, 7o-!i 1 53-8 in. iv, 85-7 KM 4 1906 17 1 I'.MK IS r, 30-2 23-5 4-0 5-6 276 in .-,:, IB IM 1 71 i. n-o 2 13 71 .. 53 3 , x 19M 38-8 I'MII 19 2 21 2 3-1 :t :t fi'.i 4 42 M 90 i:t .' 7:1-0 2 19 ,,.. I 17 2 79-2 1906 :i-, x mo:, 18-11 21-3 in 3 3-7 :t-.-, 102 10 2H 4 129 ii < i., :; ,7 1 XI, I, 11 18 M :f :i M :ii 1 >.| I 70-0 76-7 II '. 17 :; 82-1 ... . 91-8 KNN. 1907 1907 :u n 36-4 38-1 I'.NIl 11MMI 1900 18-2 21 7 27-4 29-4 30-8 Mm 19-9 22-7 21 i. 4-0 3-3 D>| 4-3 3-2 0-7 48 2 6 8 1 30 20 2 19 13 10 M 84 27 7-l - .. i 15 84-6 58-4 100-4 I1NN1 41-3 1902 27 4 33 4 2li 2 1-1 1-9 Ml t f 14 94-7 80-8 I'll M II M 93-7 IM; :, KM 45-4 1904 38-2 27-2 1-8 :i- 1 44 4 20 ' 14 (Ml i. 71 1 11(1 _' 31 r. 17 i.-, N :: 73-0 109-7 1900 54-3 I9o:j 211-2 34-0 21, :t Mi 9 38 :< :ti 8 4.") X2 s 71 2 ll 2 31 34 8 30 83-9 60-2 112 4 1906 34-0 i 2:! :s 45-0 23 7 2-8 3-4 739 56 H8 14 Deo. July . Fob. 17IM) AT WILl-XA IU'RING 1906. ,;i (l| , Longitude 120 21' K. 01 4 72-1 86-7 111-3 4 111 -5 29 '.IX ., 71-9 111-4 1906 54-8 1905 29-3 41-.-, 26-6 o-r, 1-5 18 1 18 8 IM 92-8 7" 2 si ..-, 103-2 2 1 -0 8, 9. 96-6 70-7 110-6 1906 .,:. '2 1902 22-6 34-0 25-9 1-9 3-8 115 5 41 6 14:1 10 r.:i i 77 o 99-8 21 56-0 9, 10 93 3 65-9 104-2 1907 4'.i : 1002 27-2 :i7-:t 27-4 1-1 0-6 15 2 10 26 72 77 -ti .vi 1 IOQ-2 3 48-o 19 85-6 57-1 101-2 1906 3-5 1903 18-.-, :io .-, 2H-.-, 4-."> 3-4 413 10 144 25 251 70 :t ( x wo 2 :is-n 22 74 -ti r.i-7 ill o Km:, :i n 1904 20 -.'I 28-8 24 -9 2-1 2-0 111 6 30 12 IM 7 40- :t .-.o-o 72 o 2 27-0 20 66-0 4:tl 79-2 1906 tB-a KM).-> 19-4 31 3 22-9 1-8 3-2 103 7 46 4 101 ->.s 40 I 72 ii 13 :u.-, 31 64-4 II o si -2 1906 2H-1I 11102 19-7 37-0 23-4 a-fl 3-2 28 2 20 111 87 '.-, 7 |U X .VI 2 81-0 14 29-8 1 09-1 43-2 x:; x 1903 2!i :i 1905 24-9 39-5 25-9 3-9 3-8 37 7 13 13, 28 45 77- H-7 H n 2-1 31 1 76-7 48-1 '.12-7 KMilt ;{:(-7 1 :t2 :< 14 2 27-6 0-2 0-3 .Yi7 . . 40 8B-o 101-6 H-3 16 83-4 .VI :t 101-8 1906 41-5 I'.M II SI -8 44-tl 29-1 1-0 1-6 3 1 3 'is 13 IH .: 105-5 30 47-0 7 '22 H2-8 107-1 Km.-, 1904 30 1 48-8 29-4 1-6 2-0 11 1 11 5 12 00 1 71-3 85-7 112 2 :ti in-:, 9 97-9 ii'.t-7 II, '.I X 1905 53-9 1903 28-8 43-5 28-2 1-1 2-4 IM IP 117 x 29 SI -J .-,:. x 68-5 112-2 31 27-0 20 83-1 66-4 111-4 1 28-9 1902 25-4 48-8 26-7 2-1 2-3 10111 IS 144 25 107* Dw June OBTAINED AT 71-7 113-8 1900 M-] I!i2 2(i -.-, :!'.) 2 26-8 2-9 3-7 131 4 J04 is 80 lp-6 63-7 78-1 102 n 12. 13. 30 94-2 67-2 108-2 1899 49-5 1899, JX M 37-3 27-0 1-9 1-8 13 2 7 26 66 11 1900 Isl .-.: '. 70-6 100-0 1 .-,2-.-, 27 UO-2 101-8 1904 41-0 1897 22-0 33 2.-. -4 3-2 4-1 343 9 148 23 73 '171 x ii, 1 39-5 14 74-li :,l ii 93-3 1908 32-8 1907 21-9 30-2 23-0 24 3-2 260 3 193 20 91 ill , 12 I .-,17 74-0 1 33-5 10 66-0 82-5 1906 34-0 1898 18-6 29-0 in r, :i-:t 4-3 296 9 80 26 143 III,.; | 42-.-. SS-9 72-8 1.-, 2-1 r. 31 65-2 44-0 81-1 1906 32-r, 1906 20-9 30-4 21-2 2-1 3-6 90 4 46 19 106 ,,,, ;; l 2 :,: 7 77-2 14 30-0 31 68-9 45-7 88-1 1907 31-0 1897 25-1 :i7 7 2:t 2 32 :t .-, 100 6 66 17 77 77 .-> 4li 8 112 1 90-0 M 36-8 2 75-5 I'.i I W-l 1897 37-0 1900 30-7 41-2 26-1 0-5 0-8 .V,7 . . , . 47 85 :, .-,4 1 '.- x 99-5 31 44-0 7. I.', BS-fi ..17 99-0 1901 41-5 1897 31-4 44 o 27-8 1-7 1-8 14 2 13 15 14 94-11 78-8 108-0 13 61-6 25 92-8 62-4 108-2 1898. 4.-, 1904. 32-2 44-0 30-4 0-4 1-7 14 2 12 1 6 1M9 1907 OS 2 70-8 87-0 116-6 30 11 98-8 69-1 112-0 1897 .-io-.-, 1W7 32 4 43-0 29-7 0-7 1-5 90 3 M 10 35 83 ii 56- 1 60-6 116-5 M 29-r, 31 83-7 M ,i 114-0 1901 31-0 1897 26-9 44-3 25-7 1-9 2-7 1357 44 193 20 807 Deo. July May 70 Latitude 27 23' S. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESULTS Altitude MONTH. Barometer corrected to 32 ] 'ah M S \i and for Gravity. SHADE TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDIT 9 a.m. 3 p.m. Highest. Date. Lowest. Date. Mean of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. PREVIOUS YEARS. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. Mean. 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Highest. Year. Lowest. Year. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. Humi- dity. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. 'I 3 . 3- anuary February rtareh . . 71-7 - Ipril .. 66-2 if ay . . . . 57-4 Fune . . . . . 48-8 Fuly . . , 48-1 LllgUSt >eptember 50-5 58-0 Woh^r . . 63-4 _ . >' , .r . . 70-1 )ace/nber Year 77-5 64-7 45 Latitude 28 23' S. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESULTS Altitude January 29-933 ', 29-815 30-105 19 , 29-652 31 29-874 29-783 30-158 1903 29-434 | 1902 76-5 60-8 39 94-4 67-4 24 if a jr lary 29-853 : 29-749 30-108 8 29-571 23 29-801 29-801 30-192 1905 29-494 1901 74-2 62-8 51 88-8 67-9 31 I ireii . . 29-961 29-850 30-212 16 29-619 5 29-905 29-886 30-231 1900 29-200 1907 68-2 59-6 58 86-2 66-4 32 i ml . . 30-OJO 29-953 30-255 20 29-721 1 30-001 29-994 30-340 1903 29-642 1904 61-9 56-9 72 75-7 63-2 48 Ujr .. 30-123 30-040 30-337 21 29-668 19 30-081 30-067 30-419 1904 29-642 1905 86-1 5!>-l 64 Jane . . 30-164 30-079 30-431 18 29-725 28 30-120 30-067 30-484 1904 29-615 1899 46-1 43-0 77 58-9 52-8 65 J ily . . 30-188 30-107 30-390 21 29-720 18 30-147 30-114 30-581 1902 29-609 1907 61-2 53-2 58 \ i^ast 30-216 30-133 30-440 31 29-836 19 30-174 30-093 30-460 1906 29-601 1898 47-1 44-4 80 61-3 52-1 54 >) )te n')er 30- 167 30-073 30-426 1 29-884 30 30-120 30-030 30-454 1897 29-568 1905 53-7 48-2 67 70-3 56-0 40 o'o'jeT 30-061 29-934 30-275 7 29-690 31 29-997 29-965 30-392 1902 29-562 1904 66-2 54-5 47 79-8 69-2 30 < ' ' ' ! i r 29-942 29-802 30-176 6 29-615 21 29-872 29-889 30-317 1907 29-560 1898 72-8 59-6 44 88-2 65-2 27 -)!;< n )ir 21-840 23-712 30-011 16 29-548 10 29-776 29-803 30-122 1905 29-451 1903 81-3 64-1 37 96-7 68-8 23 i r eir 30-042 29-937 30-440 31 29-548 10 29-989 29-958 30-581 1902 29-200 1907 , _ _ 77-3 60-9 38 Aug. Dee. Latitude 28 05' S. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESULTS Altitude January . ' February r _ _ March April May June July 29-913 30-016 30-098 30- 145 30-159 29-764 29-898 29-970 30-024 30-032 30-216 30-219 30-320 30-386 30-354 16 20 26 22 21 29-485 29-675 29-642 29-668 29-700 5 1 12 28 18 29-838 29-957 29-034 29-084 29-095 74-1 65-8 58-7 49-1 49-7 61-0 58-5 51-9 45-4 44-9 45 62 62 75 69 86-8 74-8 67-5 57-6 60-2 65-4 61-7 56-1 49-5 50-2 30 46 47 57 50 August _ September October November December 29-987 29-878 29-780 29-867 29-737 29-633 30-231 30-115 29-940 20 7 25 29-654 29-521 29-475 31 21 4 29-927 29-807 29-706 69-4 77-1 85-2 56-8 60-6 64-7 45 37 31 80-2 88-7 97-8 62-6 65-7 68-4 36 27 21 Year ~ 71 MtT.UXKIi AT MIKOOO DKR-INO IMS. Longitude 116 27' K. SHADE TEMPERATURE. CLOUD. RAIN. Previous Yean. Diurnal Range. Total. Mill. M. , Hiuh- M v Low- Ml Mm DM* M. ,!, \I,X 9a.m. 3 p.m. 100 poinU iml, \ . i wet day*. Great- est (Ml. Date. Average i... ,.. year*. M. IB Mn, Hitli- t*t. Year. Low- t. Year. Mean. Great- est. : i , yl '.- l L3.M l!i _ 30 2 N | __ 2-1 Kil .. .. 31 ee-i M : 1,,, ,, 12 M . 39-0 2-1 100 '3 '-6 'is m .-- TT i. HH <> 14 ..7 .1 Jl M-i 39-0 0-8 M 1 34 25 7o XI 7 71 :; .., ,. 1 .-.:( B 19 20-8 32-5 28 : .. 93 3 65 7 37 70-8 (U-l '.i n s., i, \ 40-5 It 10-6 31-0 23 .. 474 5 242 19 \<:\ '.2 1 IJ s :,2-ti 1 32-0 20 _ 19-6 30-0 2-2 281 8 174 M m 11' i .-: ii 72ii 17 33-0 31 _ 11-S 30-7 0-9 48 6 23 18 120 11-7 7:i -ii _. 10 22 5 31 1 1-6 156 4 111 17 74 :.-. - ao-8 BO-0 :i.-. . 2 28-7 39-5 0-6 .. wa f m f 2-1 .-. 1 31 45-5 2 JS '. in-:. 0-7 4 1 4 13 8 77-4 KI.V.-, i:t 25 _ 29-5 40-2 0-6 n 5 100-2 84-1 ll:t 2 2S 57-0 11 32-2 44-0 0-6 64 2 30 10 15 SI 1 .... [ -.-, > 113-2 28 32-0 20 _ _ 25-3 44-0 14 1275 33 242 19 722 Deo. June OHTAINKM AT VAI.COO DURING 190S. lo) t Longitude 116 43' E. 17 80-3 109-1 13 52-9 19 99-3 68-9 115-0 1906 r>3-6- 190.) 31-2 42-7 30-4 1-7 1-8 616 13 i 1".) !H|. 1 78-3 105-7 11 53-1 26 M-l 68-7 Hi; 2 1900 53-9 1902 23 fi 43-1 28-0 1-8 3-1 94 2 89 2.", 77 til-.-. 71 1 M-I 13 56-1 30 92-1 64-5 107-7 189 48-6 1899, : 25-8 37-6 27-6 23 1-9 ! 25 2 20 2.-, 62 1906 M-a 3 KM 18 84-1 58-1 102-5 1897 42-3 18W !: :ti r. 26-0 4-1 4-1 133 6 75 7 .T I 1 ' 1 58-1 79-8 18 3!-2 13 73-0 .Vi ii 94-0 1905 35-7 1904 18-1 280 23-0 3-3 4-7 415 8 161 20 121 12 50-4 72 :t 1 31-2 19 65-3 4'i-n 80-9 1906 32 -ii l'.H.-> lK- 2S-7 lit :i 3-1 4-7 98 7 42 .'I Hl'i I.I S in-.-, .-,1-1 70-8 16 32-7 31 64-3 42-5 78-0 1998 30-7 1903 21-3 27-1 21-8 2-8 3-5 52 3 19 1, 6 13A ',_' i in 7 51-5 70-9 26 32-fl 31 67-6 44 3 H. 1907 31-5 1897 21-7 30-6 23-3 2-3 3-8 112 7 43 88 71-0 II 6 57-7 86-7 28 34-9 1 73-8 47-2 93-6 1807 3.V7 1903 2-r> 41 4 26 0-6 1-6 .V.f . . ..* M .M-r, (Ml -2 !- -0 26 40-0 7 80-3 52-3 98-6 1900 38-9 1903 2i> :t 12 n 28-0 30 2-8 20 3 14 15 37 74-8 106-1 13 50-0 7, 25 90-2 58-8 107-7 IMS 42-8 1904 30-7 41-8 31-4 1-6 1-6 24 1 24 !l 8 - 82-3 113-0 28 :,.-. -n 12. 21 96-4 65-2 113-5 1897 49-8 1902 33 1 4tl 2 31-2 2-0 1-9 31 1 31 9 23 7s B 53-6 66-0 113-0 I'S 31-2 19 81-9 55-6 116-2 1900 30-7 1903 24-fl 40-2 26-4 24 3-0 1010 39 161 20 852 DM June i Mny ' 1 ' i OBTAINED AT SANDSTONE DURING 190*. eft (ii)i),ro\.) Lonjotude 119* 20' E. _ _ pt i __ .ViY .. ' 30 ? 70 25 ill 1 74-4 100-6 14 55-6 30 26-6 33-0 Mi 1-6 59 3 33 25 7 (> t .. 'i i.i, ., n. i 3 18- f 17 19-5 34-0 4-3 4-1 119 8 33 28 I.S 'I Is 7 :,> * 86-4 2 38-8 13 14 20-2 2.1-0 32 3-7 93 4 57 - (' u .n | 71-4 1 13-0 18 16-9 27-0 3-6 4-4 212 9 56 4 r.l i 50-5 71-0 15 30-8 31 21-7 34-0 2-9 3-. r > 57 6 27 19 175 8 60 18 _ . r . .Vi7 81-8 -,-( . ( 67-5 98-0 ->>, -is 40-0 14 28-5 41-0 _ 2-2 2-2 21 1 17 15 91-0 i;i i 7>> ' 104-0 13 50-0 25 2't-ti 38-0 1-3 1-4 55 4 M 1 3-3 39 92-0 68-9 28 March 29-968 29-857 30-315 16 29-503 6 29-912 29-904 30-256 1900 29-46(> 1907 72-9 61-1 49 87-2 61) -0 31 April .. 30-067 29-995 30-294 20 29-746 1 30-031 30-011 30-411 1907 29-584 1903 65-5 57-8 60 76-1 62-5 44 May . . 30-109 30-055 30-362 25 29-667 19 30-082 30-091 30-476 1904 29-653 1906 57-3 50-9 64 68 -5 58-2 52 June 30-196 30-105 30-446 22 29-755 28 30-150 30-090 30-505 1904 29-661 1899 49-1 44-2 68 60-2 53-4 Ii2 July 30-206 30-110 30-414 21 29-710 18 30-158 30-137 30-673 1902 29-571 1 90.-) 49-2 43-0 61 61-8 53-2 56 August 30-212 30-133 30-421 31 29-761 19 30-172 30-100 30-492 1904 29-616 1900 53-0 45-2 55 62-7 54-5 57 September 30-147 30-029 30-401 1 29-738 30 30-088 30-017 30-401 1809 29-603 1902 60-3 49-6 47 74-8 61-1 44 October 30-034 29-934 30-325 20 29-732 26 29-984 29-951 30-340 1905 29-416 1904 68-9 .).'{ -7-2 21 February 29-884 29-764 30-220 8 29-381 2 29-824 29-863 30-285 1905 29-487 1903 78-1 62-2 39 86-3 <><>-0 32 March 29-996 29-864 30-378 16 29-501 6 29-930 29-952 30-284 1901 29-465 1907 72-5 60-li 48 83-4 IJ3-9 33 April .. 30-100 29-997 30-331 20 29-856 28 30-0*8 30-038 30-470 1907 29-602 1903 65-7 58-5 62 73-5 60-6 45 May .. 30-171 30-063 30-433 26 29-651 12 30-117 30- 100 30-486 1901 29-638 1906 58-8 51-4 59 66-8 r.4-7 45 June 30-204 30-099 30-430 18 29-676 28 30-151 30-133 30-511 1904 29-608 1904 50-4 44-9 65 58-4 48-7 50 July 30-216 30-110 30-395 21 2:1-751 18 30-163 30-147 30-721 1901 29-573 1907 51-2 44-7 61 59-6 49-1 48 August 30-224 30-108 30-371 31 29-665 19 30-165 30-124 30-577 1906 29-666 1904 53-0 46-6 62 61-8 49-7 44 September 30- 170 30-028 30-522 20 2!) -691 30 30-039 30-003 30-429 1905 29-582 1907 61-7 49-8 44 73-2 r.4-4 30 October 30-047 29-932 30-376 21 29-702 14 29-989 29-961 30-390 1905 29-350 1904 70-4 54-9 37 80-3 58 7 28 November 29-952 29-829 30-280 7 29 -403 24 29-890 29-8)1 30-384 1907 29-517 1903 77-5 59-4 34 79-2 63-7 40 December 29-849 29-720 30-046 25 25-535 14 29-784 29-806 30-169 1907 29-396 1904 87-6 64-8 28 97-0 68-7 22 Year . .. 30-061 29-940 30-524 20 29-381 2 30-000 29-986 30-721 1901 29-311 1902 67-6 55-1 44 76-3 58-8 35 Sept. Feb. Latitude 29 41' S. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESULTS Altitude January . . f 29-936 29-795 30-235 9 29-587 4 29-865 29-822 30-332 1903 29-323 1902 80-1 , 61-1 33 94-3 65-3 '2\ February 29-899 29-756 30-226 8 29-418 6 29-827 29-859 30-273 1905 29-408 1899 74-7 1 59-7 40 87-2 63-9 27 March 29-988 29-862 30-329 16 29-429 6 29-925 29-942 30-332 1900 29-494 1907 73-1 i 59-1 42 83-0 r,:j. ] 32 April 30-097 30-024 30-328 20 29-826 30 30-060 30-036 30-414 1905 29-589 1903 63-1 56-8 66 69-8 58-2 48 May 30- 143 30-052 30-409 26 29-645 19 30-097 30-107 30-555 1897 29-633 1906 56-4 50-7 67 64-9 54 1 48 June 30-186 30-084 30-472 21 29-666 28 30-135 30-087 30-581 1904 29-586 1904 48-0 44-1 73 56-0 47-8 55 July 30-196 30-080 30-394 21 29-615 5 30- 138 30-137 30-719 1902 29-506 1900 50-4 45-2 67 59-5 48-3 45 August 30-215 30-098 30-385 31 29-697 19 30-156 30-103 30-599 1899 29-531 1898 51-8 45-8 64 61-2 49-4 45 September 30-144 30-000 30-467 20 29-716 30 30-072 30-019 30-561 1897 29-511 1897 59-5 48-6 46 71-4 53-6 32 October 30-036 29-894 30-363 20 29-635 5 29-965 29-946 30-386 1905 29-324 1904 <>7-3 52-3 37 77-9 .->(> 4 27 November 29-934 29-782 30-271 7 29-371 24 29-858 29-889 30-306 1905 29-493 1900 75-9 57 5 33 86-4 liO-8 21 December 29-839 29-687 30-022 8 29-447 10 29-763 29-818 30-256 1897 29-425 1897 83-5 62-1 29 96-4 66-1 20 Year 30-051 29-926 30-472 21 29-371 24 29-988 29-981 30-719 1902 29-323 1902 65-3 53-6 46 75-7 57-3 33 June Nov. 73 >l;r.\INKH AT I.AWLKKS nrKIM! 1""- i ,~ !wl l;l|i|" Longitude l-'o :' K. MIK TKMFIRATUHI. CLOI i. RAIN. Previou* Year*. lii MH| lUnire. ToUL \l,x M:- M M.v. \Uv Mm. Yer. act. Yew. . i 3 p.m. loo No P HIlU W 1 d. Bt tt piv\ ion- \|. . it. Average l*reviuiu R n 71-1 113-2 14 "1 2 l'i '7-0 71-ii 1 r-2 7 tM .',23 Maa Js T 38- M i 02 0-0 .V.7 84 2 1 9 . 12 8 "1 1 70-ii 113 11 I'Nfl 23 7 II 23 8 O-'.l 14 21 2 II 'i 1 III 13 o li. It .,-o Hi - 1 '!.- 1 IK1I8 37-8 21 1 11 o-7 M 2 211 2'i 1 ,00 III :*:, 101 1 11NII 3>4 Is ., 33- 2 23 7 3-4 ., . ., Hi, 7 711 28 IIH. HI o .. i ,i 2 31-0 21 71 n lixr. 3't- 1 I'NIl 20 o I-.', 13 I 311 20 114 in :i .'MI 3 71-2 1 2s- 20 i.t-o II 7 IOM 33 2 I'HI , 111-11 31 o IH -3 31 2-0 H "I 1 1 K 1 'li l to 1 .-.12 72 1 I.'. 30- r,:t 2 H -s 83 3 I'm MM 22 2 30 l 21 t 1-2 O-H .-,7 3 41 ID 8.% HI- 1 12 i. It 31 7 :. it i. I'Ki; 11MNI n -a 34 i, 22 H 30 3 1 li 37 18 (Ml 7'i-o 47-0 i.l -:. ' 1 31 1 74-1 I1NII 313 11HI7 2H-0 11 -8 2.-i -8 0-3 O-2 Nil .1 .. 2s 12- i:, 81-8 .V,- 1 Io3- 1 I'.NI , 11 2 ISIS 27-n M-fl 211-7 0-8 0-1 Ml 12 n:t 2 77-"> loj > H :.! i In:,- 1 UN 12 10 3 1!N)7 4H-8 27 1 12 10 g 2 ."> i. 31 1900 loo :, s,, :; 113 t 12 110-4 1901 .V23 UN ci 28-:> 38 2 M 1 0-9 23 32 3 17 14 40 ,,s ,, 113-4 29 28-1 20 81-0 57-0 1 l:t H I1NHI 28-2 I'MH, 24-4 4-8 24-0 1-5 1-3 .,:;' 37 76 28 Dm Juno Apt 1 "liTAINKD AT !.. \VF.R TON ni*RTN'G 1009. 1530 Longitude 122 2.T K. 83-11 II ,u 18 .-,-,-0 11 '.I.',- 11 lil-0 113-2 I'HI'i B3-0 11 3 28-H tii-:> 2H-H 0- t 1-7 .V,/ If.l S> ' 77 J l.i. l 13 :.t 1 8 112-1 57-4 112 1 1 II l'i .-,3 3 I'.NIl 23 3 4* H 24 7 4-1 4-4 101 .', :,3 25 100 s| s Ml II 72 1 21 .'2-0 I.',. 1(1. 87-8 lii-O 103-1 1 102 ts 2 11102 2t -8 41 2 24-8 23 2-8 44 3 18 28 17 3 48-8 17 101 8 INK!. 38 ii liio:! 18-7 3.-, -, 2.-, I H-ll 5-9 144 7 3d 2H 120 1907 i.S 1 48-3 8r."i 2 3U-2 21 i i , '1 | 1 1 Nil 30 7 I: lot 19-8 28-0 22-7 34 3-."> 112 :, f, 4 131 --, I 1 70 o 1 27-o 20 it 2 11 -3 7H- 1 l-i'l , 214 li ii n 18-!' 32 1 20-11 40 4-2 78 ii .VI | 123 111 ,1 in . BO-9 72 .', 18 2 H2-8 tl'l s>; 1 1 mi 28-3 I'.MIi 20-1 2 ' ~ 22-2 :i .", 32 no 4 30 19 61 1 :,3 1 II 3o o |o 7-3 13-.", 87-7 i to; 218 11N12 21-3 34-0 23-8 3-8 l-i', in li 20 18 .V2 I'. 2 HI n 30 o 1, 2 711 17 ' 94-3 11HI2 32 -3 1908 28 tt 43-0 MM 1 11 1-.-, 6 1 11 II IOI-O - 4! IT, 103-1 1 .:>, 31-0 11HH 27 7 3'l-0 27-0 3-1 2-7 23 2 22 18 23 101 II n .vi-o 7 81-3 H2-0 10-, (> 1 101 I'l I 11107 28-8 4-0 27-3 3-1 32 .-,7 4 4.1 10 1 < 21 iM-O -. 22 1 i i - 1 110 1:HM H \ ~ 3 I1N13 28-4 41-0 2-0 22 41 311 .', Ill 7 71 7t)-l :.-, n B7-0 15 27-0 so .1 .V,-3 113-2 1908 28 3 19011 24-1 l'i :, 25-0 3-1 3-5 733 53 n Jan. .lull" Feb. OBTAINKI) AT MKXZIES DtTONG 1 H04 feel. Longitude 12T 02 1 F. '.. -1 >> 81-4 lll-il 4 .V.-O 9 94-8 (17 -.-. 113 2 I8!8 48 , 18911 2!-3 42-2 27-3 1-2 , 1-0 \,l l li 7-7 101-8 12 .-,2 K H HI -8 lili 4 112 -S 1900 47-8 ISM 2.-, 7 43-8 25-4 33 3-2 r,7 4 211 .'., 130 - 71-.> 98-8 22 :,l-o in. 17 Sii-H li-2-i! 10.1-0 IM I' " ISllll 21 -o in :, 24-H 2-.1 2-H 101 1 73 2 38 71 7 ii3-ii HI o 3 4.-. -8 2H 7H-1 .Vi-2 lol-.-, I1HII 87-0 UVI 17 3 32 r, 23 2 7-1 liii MB ii 7 i > 66-7 4tl 7 .Vi -2 M .1 2 21 1,0-2 48-.", 811-n 1897 32 1 181HI IH o 37 8 20-7 41 3-1 I'", 7 mi 20 109 S7-5 38-n 48-2 1. 2 18 (12-3 44-7 77-H llHHi 33 3 UN 12. 18-11 29-8 17-H 4-2 4 :i 218 8 90 4 133 HNNi 60-6 3 "i M- 1 7'. 17 31 5 2 61-7 41 H 81-d 11MN, HHMi 21 -0 30-.-, 111-8 4-3 2-8 87 I 27 111 Vi ..2 - to- 3 51 4 14 30-8 31 '!.-, 2 44-1 88-1 1907 211-7 1900 22-3 37-8 21-1 1 -li -.-, 88 .-> 17 81 44-8 .V(-rt SS s 32 o I 71-8 47-4 H2-1 I8H7 32 4 11107 27 7 40-0 24-4 12 0-7 29 2 23 M .,-' 13 2. 7 79-0 I1NII 311 2 MM 27-1 3H-0 26-1 27 2-3 9 2 (1 18 31. 88 :. 74 5 101 14 47 .-. 7 88-0 59-8 Ir.Vll I1KI2 37-1 IH07 2S n .TO-O 28-2 2-s 2- -i 28 3 IS Hi 98.', K8-2 83 3 112-9 ._, .V,:, 21 !3-2 li.->-ii 110 11 1897 1903 30-3 41-0 27-6 l-ll 2-6 .\a . . . 37 1 177-2 53-0 65-1 112 9 29 18 78-fl 54-8 113-2 UJM 28-3 1 24-2 .'HI II 2:i ^ :: l 3-1 1139 45 101 20 832 Dec. hiiir June 74 Latitude 30 37' S. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF KESFLTS Altitude MONTH. Barometer corrected to 32 Fall. M.S.L. and for (Iravity. SHADE TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY. il a. m. 3 p.m. Highest. Dale. Lowest. Date. Mean of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. PREVIOUS YEARS. Drv Bulb. ) a.m. Wet Bulb. Humi- dity. 3 p.m. Mean. 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Highest. Year. Lowest. Year. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. >. x'3 anuary "ebruary larch . . Ipril .. ilay . . une . . fuly LUgUSt eptember )ctober November December Year Latitude 30 4.V S. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESULTS Altitude January .. 29-967 29-818 30-277 9 29-575 4 29-892 29-864 30-330 1903 29-370 1902 76-3 60-1 38 92-4 6(M 25 February .. 29- (122 29-780 30-281 8 29-407 2 29-851 29-899 30-31.1 1900 29-434 1838 71-0 .18-9 47 85-2 <>4 -8 31 March .. .. 30-033 29-901 30-390 16 29-443 6 29-967 29-979 30-372 1900 29-453 1898 67-4 58-7 57 79-4 64-3 12 April 30-126 30-034 30-375 20 29-759 2 30-080 30-063 30-512 1907 29-546 1903 61-5 .16-5 72 69-8 59-8 53 May 30- 1 .12 30-064 30-460 26 29-587 19 ! 30-108 30-118 30-551 1897 29 592 190.1 54-2 .10-2 74 63-6 54-8 56 June .. . . i 30- 174 30-059 30-442 22 29-610 14 30-116 30-082 30-599 1904 29-430 1904 46-6 43-7 79 66-3 in- 4 48 July 30-215 30- 103 30-452 11 29-644 6 30- 159 30-133 30-777 1901 29-375 1900 48-3 44-4 73 59 -S 49-0 50 August 30-234 30-117 30-463 16 29-708 19 30- 175 30-108 30-636 1899 29-488 1898 49-8 46-2 70 59-9 .10 -4 48 September 30-166 30-006 30-51.1 20 29-713 30 30-086 30-029 30-650 1897 29-500 1897 57-1 49-3 58 70-7 ,ir,- 1 37 October 30-060 29-927 30-445 20 29-64-7!>: 30-287 8 29-410 25 29-867 29-896 30-330 190.1 2II-501 1818 09-8 58-5 49 83-7 64-1 33 March 3? 30-456 26 29-591 19 30-1)0 30-118 30-541 1904 29-580 905 .1.1-4 50-7 72 62-8 54-3 57 June 30-174 30-072 30-449 22 29-630 28 30-123 30-086 30-605 1904 29-441 904 47-9 13-9 73 5.1-8 48-3 58 Julv :tO-2IV 30-112 30-440 29 29-603 18 30-164 30- 124 30-737 1901 29-352 900 48-3 43-9 71 58-5 49-1 :,l August 30-241 30-121 30-437 16 29-697 19 30-182 30-107 30-624 189<> 29-469 898 49-8 45-0 69 59-2 49-4 50 September 30-170 30-024 30-529 20 29-718 10 30-097 30-027 30-508 [000 29-530 905 57-0 48-2 54 69-1 63-9 37 October 30-O'i!) 2'MI'iS 30-424 20 29-650 5 30-003 29-961 30-440 190.1 29-239 904 64-3 52-3 45 75-5 56-7 32 November 20-9(i4 29-842 30-320 7 29-407 24 29-903 29-921 30-398 1907 29-476 1906 72-7 57-4 39 83-8 61-6 28 December 29-887 29-740 30-107 17 29-471 19 29-813 29-859 30-329 1897 29-430 1901 79-8 61-4 34 93-6 66-5 24 Year 30-083 29-960 30-529 20 29-407 24 30-021 29-999 30-737 1901 29-239 1904 62-3 52-8 52 73-3 57-4 37 Sept. Nov. 7.s <>l:| AlXKH AT KANOWVA IMIilNT, I.M :7' K. Ml UIK TUMI-MHII UK. i> BUB. \l I] :i:t i 70-8 ,,l ii TO- a 77 i; MM, i.:t i ,.., > .-.7 1 -. J in 1 II.. KM 7s 1 IIJ 1 71 ii IIKI .;. .V, 1 IS 1 7,1 ,, 7:! I' .-,7 - J M J ,.| ,, 72 :t 80-8 11 -':. M,,,. 1 I II 21 is " 1 1 17 33-3 It :i2 o in :u -'. _'; in I IS. 14 -M. :i" 8 ia ji 19 in 31 1 7 7 21 M.x l'n-\ l< >KUK J261 1008. Lonptude 121 :)' K. M 1 7', n III n 14 .-.3--J i 03-1 ill-:, 71 1 mi :, II 8 '.,i i .-,7 7 70-0 BJ-fl JI 48-li II! s-. 1 i.:t ,. 3 is > 19 78-2 47-4 :,i; i .j 13. 21 I.S 1, 40 '.i 1 SJ-4 IS BI-0 41 !l .-,1 i 711-11 17 :r.-o 2) iil-ii i;i-7 41-7 :,l-7 14 :I2-I 31 04-9 71 s 68-.-1 TM 1 71 II 7 C M 51-8 ti.V t 21 42- 1 t 77-8 59-1 73 1 loi 7 13 4 1 '.I 7 8ii-3 Bl . 81-7 ll.'l-ii :,:(-( tl !l-4 7-4 :.-2 -.. III ii 14 32-4 IH 77-fi Jan. June 1 Sept. 4-l 114 4 1903 47-1 1899 30-8 48-0 211 o 1 .-> 2-0 .Vi7 . . , . 35 lilt S 115-0 1900 48-2 Is 1, 2.V! 42-0 2B-H 3 ti 3-4 140 4 H8 2>i 54 ... 7 104-0 !S-)8 43-8 1900 24-7 43-0 2.VI 3-7 2-9 101 4 46 2ti 88 :.vi 101-4 IfHMi 38-8 1897 Hi-li 33-3 23-1 ii-2 6-4 2.V. !l 95 28 r,:t 48-8 8S-I IS '7 4-fl Is ii !7-:> :i" 19-8 4 Ii 3-0 182 7 48 20 12.-. 4Vli 7-8 MMIIi 31 n ISIS Hi -ii 2!) 1 16-4 4-7 (M 146 8 in 4 12 1 4Mi HIM) I90K 31-4 I'NMi 19-1 2ii 7 19-0 4-3 3-8 27 .-, 12 6 M III 87-0 1(107 340 1897 20-0 33-3 20-5 4-9 6-6 72 8 29 17 101 1898 47-7 'MI-S MM >T 34 8 1907 2t>-.-> 38-0 23-3 2-1 2-2 III 2 ; n 71 .-.22 .)>() I90li 38 -ti 1907 27-2 42-9 2.1 Ii 2-9 3-0 44) :t :tii 14 7:t 57-8 107-H 1908 38-2 1907 28-0 47-3 Js .;, J 2 3-0 38 4 2!l 10 38 112 -4 Mil (i is., 47 4 1907 32-4 43-0 29-0 1-6 3-8 7 1 7 !.-> 78 53-7 II., (I I'.too 31-4 190(1 23 8 48-0 23-9 :! B 3-8 998 55 95 28 ,._, Apl. OBTAINKI) AT COOLOABDIE ni'RINO 100S. 14(12 IV,- 1. Ixmpitiide 121" 10' K. !U- 1 fil .-, 77-0 112 o 4 92-7 t52-4 113 3 1903 4H-II 1899 W-l 48 fl 30 3 1 -.-, 2-3 5 o 3 17 36 .VI -2 72 ii 101 II 11 -I'l-'.l X, 14 90-0 62-2 in-:t 1900 i'--i. I'.MI.-, M-a 3!-2 27-8 31 3-3 M 6 40 Jii 7.-, 55-5 H8-1 '.17 ii 21 17 u Hi S , ,1 58-5 lot 2 1808 43 :, l'"i:i 25 1 n-5 M-a :t-!i s-o Ii8 4 37 Ji. 70 .M-n 62-0 M-fl :i is-o lit. 21 77-7 54-1 101-1 190K 38-1 1903 l.V!) 3.-I-4 23 -ti H-3 -8 318 11 165 7 16-9 .M -!l 2 :;') 21 H8-2 47-7 ss I 1897 34 1 1904 IH-0 28-2 20-5 1 !! .VI 174 11 r.3 20 12.-, .'.. 1 .! s 48-1 K7-0 1 :il-ii 18 til-. I 44-2 78-3 1902 31 :. 1897 u-a 29-2 17 3 4-3 .Vii 138 11 in :i Ill .".'I S 40-6 50- 2 17 s,v 9 ltl-0 4l-:> 79-0 I'.MHi 30 4 UN Mi 1!) 2 28-0 hi-.-, .VI 4-1 .V2 a 17 . tl 78 Ml ."i 39-9 .VI 2 72-0 14 32 31 Ii4 4 43-1 B8-0 1907 31 2 1900 20 U 33-8 21-3 :.-2 ." ii 87 ii :<7 18 !!.-> l.'l '1 43 1 i ,i 33-0 1 70 4 4-2 !I2 I'.i7 33-.-, I'.MMi 2(1-8 17 -a 24 2 2 -> 2-3 21 1 24 93 49-0 3-0 !I.V ii 2ii 411 2 7 77-2 50-7 99-8 190C 38 7 l!04 2s o 42 4 2ii B 2-8 2-S 44 4 24 14 i.l S '. .". 71 n ,,,.._, 13 4:t ii 7 8.VB .W-3 107 1 1905 37 4 I!H>7 2!) II 48- 2'.i :t 2-1 i-a 39 4 M 10 .VI ::, i; H2-8 79-2 111-0 M .-,04 21 !H|.t IIO-8 llo 2 1899 45-4 1907 32-8 4ti-4 30 1 2-0 3-3 J7 2 23 15 78 74-8 50-7 62-7 IIJ II 4 -.1 .1 18 77-1 52-3 114-3 1900 30-4 190A Jl 1 48-A 24-8 3-9 1070 7:t iaa 7 908 Jan. .linn- A,,l. 7 Latitude 31 14' S. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESULTS Altitude Barometer corrected to 32 Fan. M.S.L. and for Gravity. SHADE TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY. PREVIOUS YEARS. M'iNTH. Mean of 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 a.m. I! p.m. Hi.<;iicst. Date, Lowest. Dte. 9 a.m. and Mean. 3 p.m. 9.1 m a.m. Highest. Year. Lowest. *1 r;i 1'. Dry Wet Humi- Dry Wet i . 3 p.m. Bulb. Itull). dity. Bulb. Bulb. c >> i =3 January 29-930 29-781 30-237 9 29-492 17 29-856 29-844 30-296 1903 29-404 1902 78-0 62-7 40 94-0 67-5 24 February 29-874 2(1-740 30-231 8 29-433 25 29-8(17 29-873 30-311 1905 29-374 1898 74-1 1)2-8 51 87-0 68-0 35 March 2!-!t81 29-852 30-335 16 29-486 6 29-916 29-948 30-326 19110 29-455 1898 70-1 60-3 54 81-7 64-7 1 37 April .. 30-087 29-993 30-339 20 39-696 2 30-0 JO 30-036 30-463 1907 29-585 1903 63-2 57-5 69 71-6 60-9 52 May 30-094 30-014 30-376 25 29-613 19 30- 054 30-093 .'(0-521 181)7 29-542 1905 55-2 51-3 75 64-8 56-7 59 June 30-116 30-030 30-4(i!) 22 29-567 28 30-076 30-058 30-593 1904 29-466 1900 47-3 42-9 71 55-5 49-5 65 July . . 30- 164 30-133 30-410 29 29-535 5 30- 14S 30-112 30-707 1901 29-429 1900 48-2 44-8 77 60-0 51-4 52 August 30-180 30-103 30 -.WO 16 29-685 1!) 30-142 30-087 30-616 1899 29-482 1898 49-8 45-5 71 61-8 51-9 50 September 30-124 29-978 30-464 20 29-702 29 30-051 30-018 30-586 1897 29-490 18H7 55-5 48-7 61 70-:! 56-2 41 October 30-020 29-893 30-343 20 29-042 5 29-960 29-953 30-396 1902 29-322 1904 88-6 53-5 51 77-7 59-3 33 November 29-927 29-790 30-240 7 29-451 T\ 29-858 29-913 30-370 1907 29-473 1906 71-8 59-5 46 84-4 0.1-0 33 December 29-84J 29-709 30-084 17 29-438 14 29-775 29-844 30-266 1897 29-390 1897 79-9 63-7 ; 38 94-3 68-6 25 Year 30-029 29-919 30-469 22 29-433 25 2!) -974 29-982 30-707 1901 29-322 1904 63-1 54 4 66 75-0 59- 9 40 June Feb. Latitude 28 46' S. (iKXERAL ABSTRACT OF RESH.TS Altitude T iinuury .. 29-955 29-910 30-147 19 29-654 31 29-932 29-863 30-099 1903 29-455 ' 1906 77-1 04-0 47 77-3 66-9 56 February . . 29 806 29-805 30-071 8 29-637 29 29-850 29-870 30-172 1903 29-541 i 1898 77-0 04-9 50 78-7 67-7 53 March .. .. 29-962 29-897 30-132 16 29-672 1 29-930 29-933 30-226 1900 29-400 1907 74-3 62-5 49 77-3 87-1 56 April 30-033 29-955 30-236 19 29-773 1 29-994 30-017 30-310 1903 29-728 1900 69-8 60-3 55 75-8 05- 1 53 May 30-087 30-023 30-304 21 29-687 18 30-055 30-064 30-400 1899 29 -(ill 190-1 62-2 56-3 68 70-6 60-3 52 June .. .. 30-118 30-048 30-398 18 29-724 28 30-083 30-049 30-440 1906 29-623 1899 56-5 51-5 70 64-7 55-9 56 July .. ..SO 1 1 ">"' 30-084 30-370 21 29-722 5 30-119 30-101 30-586 1902 29-582 1907 57-8 52-0 67 66-8 56-7 52 August .. 30-192 30-138 30-457 31 29-873 7 30-165 30-035 30-423 1906 29-029 1906 60-4 53-8 64 66-1 50-4 52 September .. 30-151 30-085 30-382 1 29-837 28 30-118 30-058 30-407 1900 29 572 1905 64-3 55-9 57 68-7 59-7 56 October .. 30-080 30-025 30-293 7 29-860 5 30-052 30-023 30-305 1901 29-577 1904 69-3 60-2 56 70-3 60-2 63 November .. 29-984 29-923 30-222 6 29-784 20 29-954 29-977 30-318 1907 29 663 18:)8 72-6 63-2 56 72-6 64 -S 60 December . . 29 900 29-834 30-097 16 29-608 9 29-867 29-890 30-152 1905 .29-491 1903 75-4 67-1 01 76-1 69-0 07 Year 30-043 29-977 30-457 31 29-637 29 30-010 29-995 30-586 1902 29-455 1900 68-1 59-3 57 72-0 62-7 57 Aug. Feb. l.iililude 30 40' S. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESULTS Altitude January February March = = = - April May . . June = July . . . August September October November . December Year _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 77 I'p.TAlNKh AT S'H T1IKKN 1 1 Til Icrt. IHKMN,. |.i,i-. lx>n-.i,,,|,. ll!t Iff E. UL ULOI i, RAW. Diurnal Rangr. T.,,.,l. Low- IIMI N... .,1 lin-Ml. Avenge \i ^' ' - 9.m. 3i-m. pointi e*t Date. i Mb * KM Hi M,,, High. Low- art. Y<-ar. Mean. ;.; 1 Ilirll. | 1 '1 11(7 1MB II o 37 2 1-0 1 II Nil 34 '.HI | III'. 1 II" " III 8 1120 1000 n. o iiMi:, 3o 3 30 ii 1-6 2 (i 26 3 17 24 47 1INI-0 21 47 H, 111 .-,70 107-9 I'.HMi I'.MMi 12 7 30 4 21 2-1 35 4 ..'. M 84 1.3 o in; o 2 I'l i ' ' ' ' :.i .. Illl 1 I'.HHi 31-7 1.S99 21 9 il . 28-0 o :,4 212 8 Bf 7 41 i.. u s| 31 IP 22 1 i* t 1 l."i 1 ML ii Is'i7 2'i s KMI7 22 2 3(1 11 24 4-8 41 I7 74 :,, 13ft 1 IS. I'.l 12 2 77 1 1902 2s o 190.-, 23 1 3.-, 3 20 4 1 .. .", -r, 107 8 45 27 137 "* i 2 71 2 I.i 2 HI ii 7.V3 I'.MMI 2:. o l'Mi-2. 23 il 37o 23 1 3 9 39 no 7 4ff 18 145 ' I'.MMi '64-1 39 1 :,l r, 72 1 I'.l 31 II 1. 31 in s liMP7 2.VO I'MMI 2.-. o 3811 21-2 3 1 40 59 34 8 101 84 2i. P. 1 7l-o Iilll7 29 liMMi 32 1 48 3 27 ., 21 23 32 4 It 23 81 ,.l u BB 31 1 7 77 7 t jw , * I ( M Mi 't'l 7 1 'M l~ 32 9 48-4 29-2 2-8 32 28 I 14 14 ...'i s7 'i 71 1 lo-2 ii 13 43-:. 7 I'.MI:, 3.-, (i 1907 33-0 (12 32 2 1-8 2 .", 88 5 113 42 97 ii i.i i 114-n .'.. 51 12.21 '2 7 fid 3 113 o 44 2 19(17 48-8 32 4 2-4 2-r, 11 * 10 11 81 I'.HMI. 7\ 'i (. ,, '.;', '. III'. 2', 18. I'.l 78-4 50-8 114-7 11HI3 -':. -ii 1902. 29-0 60-6 27-8 3-0 3-3 883 IB 7 061 Dec. .hint. 190 ApL iil'.TAINKK AT (M-lKAI.KToN Dl'KIN(! 1!HS. 114 :W K. 4-0 R3 o T 109-0 22 :,l 2 2H 84-2 '.1 n 111-2 1903 49-8 I'.HI3 21 o !.-> li 20-2 3-8 33 Nil . , , . 1 E . B4-7 7 . 1 101 (I 22 M n g 84 :. no .s 1900 .'.I (I 187 20 7 43-3 111 3 !P 1-8 II 3 7 M III NJ 1 IMI-'.I 71-.-- H-1 i .Ml -2 '.i St-ii ii2-ii no s I'.HMi 48-7 I'.Hi:, 21 2 40 1 21 4 23 24 117 3 In:, 27 M Ml 1 S7-H 21 :.2 !i 2M 7-.I-3 .->!> 3 102-3 l!Hi:. 41-8 I'.U3 211 -it 29 8 20 2 3 II 17 2 13 PS 72 ! 55-2 I 1 81-1 7 is 2 :wi 71 u .-:. .-. !I3 8 I!HI7 39-3 ItHII 17 7 27 2 18-5 4-1 4-3 MM 11 28 19 278 1.1, , n M 81-1 1 33 Ii 1!) c.!i- ii :,2 7 79-8 1006 34 7 r.'in 170 28-7 in :i 3-.-I 3-7 470 II 101 3 403 I'.S 1 T'.i-n I". 41 n 30 l>8-3 .'lit- 1 81 IS! 17 34 -9 I'.MI! 18-8 28-3 18 2 21 28 8 7fl 18 38fi l.s .. i- -. M : 77-3 2f. :is i '2 119-1 .-.07 I'MI2 37 3 I'.MI-, 111-8 31 -6 18 4 3-:> 4-1 137 8 a 7 IN 72 " .-.12 lil-i. IB 40 2 1 70-.-| Til !l .,| ,i I'.MNI 39 -0 1!HMI 20-8 3H-3 18-H ! 23 21 r. 10 23 i:n. 71 2 22 4.-1-H 8 73 1 .V.-n HHI II I!MNI II I'.MC, I7-9 40-3 18-1 41 27 47 7 19 13 113 : ^ 68-3 100-2 18 4S-I 7 7>; -i; .-,7-.'. 103-8 I'HU 45-0 1 8'.I7 17 IP 311 ii 19-1 3-:. 2 !i 7ii 3 73 (1 24 71 3 104 n 31 :,27 17 81-1 HI H 110-0 1899 19(13 17 :. 42 o l!l .-, 2-8 1-9 3 1 3 1., I.', 7.-. " 5A-8 AA-4 lu'i n 22 33-6 19 76-2 87-2 1 II J 111 13 34-7 1004 10-1 45-6 19-0 3-2 3-1 HW!> MB 10 1S25 Jut. June 1 ,, I'.TAINKIi AT \V.\I. KWX 42 s 7.'. -7 I 1 " MI 2'.i-4 l!Ki:. 21 1 330 20 ~\ 3 11 331 12 .VI II 382 i-,2 .-,1-2 73-0 16 31-n . 31 IHI-1 30-9 71-7 IWi-i 28-2 IIMI2 21 9 31-0 20 2 34 313 11 '.Ml 18 324 38-3 .-Hi-fi 70-0 i n 28-0 31 U3-3 41-8 7s liMi2 30-4 l!MMi 24-fi 3S-0 21 :, 2-fi 179 fl 83 8 302 40 4 :.4-o 86-0 H 251-2 1 ii.-. -il 43 -.- 83-7 I-MI7 2'.i '> I'.MMi 27 1 43-4 22-1 17 78 8 2(1 23 214 * 7.1 II 47 11 ill 3- 91-0 M :i.v> 71-2 4(1 -i' '.II '.I 1903 33-8 P.MI2 27 t 47 24 3 3-2 141 8 49 II 118 Ml :.-_ s r,.i (i 97-0 20 43 o 2 so-:, n-t 108-8 19(11 3H-4 I'HU 41-8 28- 30 101 4 73 9 48 ft- 4 :>8-7 7.-.-H ^f 112 o 24. 25 1'. s 21 .-,8-4 107-7 1904 44 (1 I1HII 33 7 1-9 4 1 4 16 43 48-7 H2 1 112-0 24. 20 l!l 75-7 so-r> 109-7 liMit. 28-2 I'.HI2 no 4 2fi-2 2-7 !8A! 73 277 19 I8.V, D.H-. .Iiim- 1904 My 31 Any. I alitude 31 40' S. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESULTS Altitude MONTH. Barometer corrected to 32 Fab.. M.S.L. and for Gravity. .SHADE TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. Highest. Date. Lowest. Date. Mean of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. PREVIOUS YEARS. !l a.m. 3 p.m. Wet Bulb. Mean. 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Highest. year. Lowest. Year. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. Humi- dity. Dry Bull). & -^ "C January February March April May June July August September ( (ctober November December Year j _ _ Latitude 31 53' S. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESULTS Altitude anuary 30-001 29-870 30-272 9 29-680 13 29-936 29-892 30-334 1903 29-407 1906 73-9 60-7 44 88-3 06 -1 29 ebruary 29-911 29-800 30-183 14 29-534 1 29-856 29-915 30-346 190,3 29-523 1898 73-7 60-7 45 88-2 65-7 31 Arch 30-054 29-932 30-395 16 29-659 6 29-993 29-980 30-386 1900 29-633 1901 67-8 58-8 56 80-2 63-8 38 pril 30-132 30-047 30-356 25 29-805 1 30-090 30-064 30-492 1907 29 644 1903 64-5 57-4 63 74-0 61-5 4(i lay 30-119 30-037 30-405 25 29-566 19 30-078 30-100 30-533 1904 29-522 1905 56-6 52-9 77 65-8 57-1 56 une . . 30-137 30-047 30-513 11 29-607 14 30-092 30-058 30-603 1906 29-489 1900 49-2 46-0 78 57 -fl 50-7 60 uly 30-185 30-086 30-450 29 29-350 5 30-136 30-107 30-708 1902 29-424 1898 50-6 47-4 79 60-0 52-7 (il ugust 30-230 30-118 30-472 31 29-693 7 30-174 30-103 30-606 1899 29-484 190(> 51-6 47-9 77 61-0 51-9 . 54 eptember 30-152 30-059 30-490 20 29-788 22 30-106 30-052 30-543 1897 29-519 1905 56-6 50-1 63 66-5 55-7 4!) ctober 30-069 29-991 30-359 7 29-724 5 30-030 30-000 30-450 1905 29-354 1904 64-7 54-8 51 73-0 59-0 42 ovember 29-950 29-895 30-258 7 29-616 21 29-922 29-973 30-454 1907 29-507 1906 69-8 59-7 53 79-0 63-0 39 ecember 29-925 29-806 30-169 17 29-575 10 29-866 29-902 30-290 1897 29-551 1903 75-5 63-2 48 90-0 68-0 30 Year 30-072 29-974 30-513 11 29-350 5 30-023 30-012 30-708 1902 29-354 1904 62-8 55-0 59 73-5 59-6 42 June July Latitude GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESULTS Altitude January . . 1 _ February . March April , May June July ! August September October . November _ 1 _ December , ! Year Signifies OHTAIXKIl AT NoKTIIAM IUhMNC l'ios. 119 1 .. .V,/ , f 24 118-8 MI-; is 17 :. UMi-ii 42 :i l M 78 77-n Is 111 17 n HMI7 :u :t 1904 21-1 :tf, :. 22 2 .-,-2 S25 10 240 19 210 1 M-l i- : 1 30 2 21 i.:i 7 12 '. 7:1 -s I'.IIM; I1MI2 -'ii > 33-2 2T-T 3- . ;( 2-8 a 90 23 173 17 '. M-s i 7:1 :i 47-1 M J I'.MIf. 34-7 I1MI2 211-2 17 1 2(i-2 3-3 - - M 5 n. 11 88 IOO-] 20 ii :.3-:i 1901 37 4 KM 17 411 11 211 -. 1 3-2 i u.. 61 2 HI 19 MM 25 .III III- 1 M.y OBTA1NKH AT V(U{.K m*RIN(S :.:_' i. vi. Lonjritude 116 49' E. 2 74-r. 107-4 13 48-0 111 91-7 00-9 1110 1897 46-5 I1HIL' 32 :. 48-0 30-8 I u 1-4 3 r 3 18 17 .Vi ii 74-1 105-7 1 I'M 7 '.H -2 60-8 n.vi; IV. s 46-8 I!H)2 30 2 45-5 30-4 3-H 2 A 5 1 H 33 67-8 ; ,, 18 4ii-l H s,. ;. .Mi -3 Hi:, 2 1897 41-1 HHi:t 2s 1 41-9 30 2 3-O 1 -."> 31 1 31 H III 7.'i i .M 7 90-0 1 .. n 17. 18 78-7 .-.13 101-8 HMNi 34 :. 1899 2:1 7 37-6 27-4 :(-i' 2 -H 34 3 21, 24 84 .7 7 4.-, 7 7H-0 18 38-r, 13. 14 f.'.M 4I>- 1 87 -6 1907 32-0 1899 22 -o 38-0 23 :,-i 2-11 500 11 2HH 19 225 Ml J 411 f, 7:1-0 1 30-0 21 11:1 2 43.2 78-0 1899 30-0 1 1 II !."> 21-2 30-3 20-0 3-4 3-0 34 ii 13 72 29 M .2 1 7:i o 16 :t- u 31 til -11 40-8 71-2 1898 27 ii 1901 22 3 31 8 21-1 3-3 :i 11 2li!l 11 84 * :i2n .-,!.-, 70-0 17 31-0 31 ii4-o 41-7 711 . i 11NI3 _.., ., 1901 24-1 34-8 22 :i 4-! 40 98 t) :in 8 _,,, Hi 2 81-0 '-'S o-o 1 l>7 .-> *:! ."> K4-7 1900 31-8 1900 44 3 24 o 3-8 t-l 47 11 Hi 23 168 7 ( - 7 60-0 92-0 32-5 7 Hi H n-B llMMi 31 4 I1MII 30-11 49-8 2ii-o 3-2 1-8 23 -y 4 I 9 .,-( 1.1 102 s.' I .',1 1 7 . s '.'7 s 111-3 20 25 42-8 47-0 25 Hi. 21 Kll-3 ->2 :1 M 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 :> 11X11 1897 311-4 II '. 1 1HI7 1901 31 -3 32-8 44-3 48-3 3M 1 -li 1-7 1 3 l-ll HJ 3 >.t II 45 7.-, 'i 48-6 62-3 111-3 25 30-0 24 7tt* (i 50-2 115-11 1898 27-H I1MII 27 :t I" s "J' I 3-3 ? 1423 65 288 19 1733 Dec. Juno M.y 1 Sep. I'.TAINKI) AT KALAM1NHA DfRINO T.OS. l.niiu'itiiili- __ . AQ. 1 ,..,-> M.K mi, 1 24-1 31-0 223 n HI 12 f5-7 66-6 k-7 59-9 .> 72 3 .,._. s 104-0 20 23. 26 45-rt 60-0 2.-, II 20-2 _M ^ 39-5 39-0 102 30 6 1 44 30 25 14 i . 'Nil rocord.'' Latitude 31 ~>3' S. GKNKKVL ABSTRACT OF KKSl'LTS Altitude MONTH. Barometer corrected to 32 Fah. M.S.L. and for (Gravity. SK.VDK TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. Highest.. Date. Lowest. Date. Mean of !' a.m. and 3 p.m. I'HKViors YF.AKS. Year. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. Mean. !l a.m. and 3 p.m. Highest. Year. u* Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. Humi- dity. Dry Bulb. Wet Bull). 1 i January February March .. April May June July August September October November December Year j i Latitude 32 03' S. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESULTS OBTAINED A Altitude January 30-01!) 88-968 30-278 9 29-801 13 29-9!)4 29-927 30-333 1903 29-48!! 1898 70-4 60- !l 54 ~ 73-1 64-8 80 February 29-941 29-873 30-247 8 29-577 25 29-907 29-935 30-348 1905 29-595 1898 70-6 61-4 56 73-7 66-2 64 March SO -054 29-983 30-394 16 29-719 5 30-018 29-994 30-375 1900 29-636 1901 66-9 60-3 liti 71-8 1)5-7 69 April 30-136 30-067 30-364 25 29-830 1 30-102 30-066 30-488 1907 ! 29-639 1900 64-6 57-8 64 71-4 62-4 57 May .. 30-111 30-051 30-378 25 29-523 19 i 30-081 30-083 30-475 1904 29 463 1905 58-6 53-9 73 li6-4 58 5 59 .Tune 30-112 90-008 30-453 22 29-575 14 30-082 30-043 30-493 1906 29-418 1900 53-8 49-0 70 59-9 58-0 62 July 30- 165 30-094 30-442 29 29-286 5 30- 130 30-083 30-653 1902 29-402 1907 53-9 49-3 67 111 -7 55-0 63 August 30-209 30-143 30-416 15 29-670 7 30-176 30-089 30-551 1899 29-462 1898 54-7 50-1 72 si -a 54-2 61 September 30 -170 30-109 30-493 19 29-860 29 30-140 90-056 30-487 1900 29-490 1905 57-8 51-7 57 63-7 55-7 69 October 30-090 30-04H 30-354 7 ' 29-776 13 30-068 30-022 30-450 : 1905 29-322 1904 62-7 55-4 M 65-7 58-5 62 November 30-009 2!)-97 30-253 18 29-739 24 29-992 30-013 30-458 1907 29-628 1900 66-8 58-9 60 69-6 61-6 60 December 2!) -953 29-899 30-177 17 29-715 10 29-926 29-943 30-228 1905 29-579 1903 71-2 63-1 61 73-1 66-0 66 Year 30-081 30-022 30-493 19 29-286 5 30-052 30-021 30-653 1902 29-322 1904 62-7 56-0 64 67-6 60-1 62 ' Sept. July Latitude 32 03' S. GENERAL ABSTRACT OK RKSULTS Altitude January 1 _ _ , _ February March , , April May , June July _ I . August 54-8 52-1 82 60-7 56-4 75 September 1 58-6 54-1 73 63-2 57-2 67 October November 63-6 58-0 67-4 61-2 69 67 in;-:! 69- 1 60-4 63 6 68 71 December ; i 71-6 63-9 62 74-1 67-2 66 Year Signifies AIM.D AT 'i:i .'. . 43-0 27-9 2-9 39 2 38 28 60 - M -' 1 48-2 n MI 1 64-0 im _ IM6 3H-S HUM 22 7 39-7 J'. 1 2-6 38 4 20 6 in 1 is . :,.s . 7s.,, 2 A' t 30 To 2 80-2 92-6 1907 XI-:. 1901 20-7 33-3 20-0 6-7 646 13 :: 19 484 H 41 ! .M ' 73-5 1 :ii-'.i 8 I.I S 1 , 7 71 7 i"ui, :KI _ 1901 19-9 32-9 19-1 34 674 14 108 16 640 2 II ' :.i .. Tin 10 35-0 :'s I::M 78-1 1906 31 -A I'.HII. 19-3 31-2 19-2 3-3 800 11 115 5 Mfl 1904 43-8 54-8 73-0 2S M.Q 31 48-6 -I ., 1002 30-2 1901 21-8 38-1 20-2 4-3 313 12 74 20 870 l-l 56-8 s:t n H 36-0 1 48-7 83-0 1901 M-l IMM 22-H 41-3 18-3 3-0 t . 189 9 48 16 M .-. 51-0 ._ :; 90-5 ta 42-0 7 72 1 61-3 1900 in ,, 1902 22-5 42-8 20-8 33 167 8 30 13, 14 228 8 54 3 H i . L , 20 II :, 7 :-. ,, M s 1901 30-3 1907 24-2 37-7 24-2 2-8 1 t 115 7 38 28 70 f ..> 1 73 108-0 27 II .', ia 84-9 .-,s g In. I 1904 42 1901 20-2 4-0 2(1-0 23 ' 7 1 7 16 48 tt~| 51-8 63 5 106-0 27 31-9 8 75-9 82-8 112-0 1904 30-2 1901 23-4 46-0 23-1 33 MM 86 259 19 3324 1,,. June Maj KKMANTI.K SIGNAL STATION DURING 1!>08. Longitude 115 45' E. n >12-S 69-8 :>>,< L"J :.| L' 20 80-2 64-0 106-0 Is: is 61-8 1002 14-5 :IL'J 16-2 4-4 3-3 7 3 4 18 24 H 1 83-1 70-8 93-0 9 80-0 7 81-2 64-4 106-0 1898 61-6 1902 1.-.-4 20-0 1(1-8 3-0 2-8 27 4 24 26 33 h .V.i -7 67-8 VI -S 3 52-6 30 78-8 62-4 100- 1 1902 48-3 1903 Kl-1 31-0 16-5 3-4 3-4 33 3 24 28 68 i 57 - M, | 87-5 1 n> 18 74-2 58-0 3- 1901 46-4 1901 17-2 29-0 ! 15-3 3-8 5-4 49 4 27 6 143 8 53 7 60-8 76-0 1 48-0 13 i.s 7 58-2 84-4 I1K)7 43-0 1899, 14-1 25-7 13-5 6-8 6-2 590 15 147 19 443 1900 7 is -1 84-9 76-0 1 41-0 18 64-3 82-4 72-6 1 '.">.-.. 40-0 1898 13 (i 22-6 11-9 6-0 6-6 631 15 116 26 579 1906 7 r.i J 72-5 15 43-2 31 62-8 60-4 73-4 I'.MI.-. 39-0 1900 14-6 26-0 12 4 6-2 6-1 397 13 113 18 600 48-7 M -2 74-0 27 39-6 31 63-7 r.i-i 77.3 1902 41-0 1900 14-9 2-rO 12 6-4 6-9 343 17 61 7 480 5 .113 58-4 84-5 a 43-0 13 64-7 62-5 84-0 IS! IS 41-8 1903 14-2 29-0 12-2 6-4 5-2 272 13 80 11 286 4 , 66-0 61-7 88-0 9 44-5 1.1 67-7 65-6 93 4 1906 41 -A 1903 13-4 31-5 12-1 6-1 5-2 186 i 14 64 14 169 58-8 65-4 92-0 19 48-6 6 72-0 57-9 M-fl I'.Hi:, 42-6 1904 13-2 28-7 14-1 6-9 5-1 88 10 33 10 88 62-2" 69-6 96-0 24 33-6 12, 21 77-1 i,l-i 104-0 1899 40-0 1907 14:7 31-0 1.-1-2 3-7 2-7 11 3 8 16 64 1 5 86-8 63-2 99-0 22 39-6 31 71-3 57-2 100-0 1898 39 1906 14-7 32-2 14-1 4-8 4-7 2634 114 147 19 2936 Jan. Aug. May , ,INKI) AT FREMANTLE OVAL DURING 1908. Longitude 115 45' E. - 1 " 47-6 50-1 66-5 67-8 69-0 Ml S 27 28 39-0 40-8 31 13 15-7 15-3 23-0 28-8 4-4 4-4 4-7 4-0 314 M 13 11 66 90 8 11 B-6 87-3 60-0 61-2 65-0 ;.! n 84-4 92-8 94-0 9 19 24 43-6 47-9 51-0 13 6 7 ;; I; t. ji ij 15-1 15-3 17-9 31-4 .. 28-4 34 5 .. 41 4-5 3-6 4-2 3-7 1-7 149 73 Nil 9 6 Ml 23 14 28 record. ' 82 Latitude 32 00' S. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESUL1 Altitu. Barometer corrected to 32 Fah. M.S.L. and for Gravity. SHADE TEMPERATURE AND HUMII 1 : PREVIOUS YEARS. Mean of 9 a.m. 3 p.m. MONTH. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. Highest. Bate. Lowest. Date. 9 a.m. and. Mean. 9 a TYI I 3pm a.m. Highest. Year. Lowest. Year. Dry Wet Humi- Dry Wet ' - -' " r* * 3 p.m. Bulb. Bulb. dity. Bulb. Bulb. January 30-006 29-964 30-270 9 29-736 31 29-985 29-913 30-296 1903 29-501 1906 69-5 63-8 70 72-2 66-5 February 29-922 29-866 30-251 8 29-562 25 29-894 29-916 30-349 1905 29-584 1906 69-5 61-6 60 73-2 64-9 March 30-045 29-963 30-383 16 29-724 6 30-004 29-977 30-279 1903 29-591 1904 66-8 59-1 61 71-0 63-0 April .. 30-126 30-055 30-356 25 29-818 29 30-090 30-052 30-497 1907 29 603 1900 65-3 58-8 60 69-8 62-4 May . . 30-097 30-037 30-368 6 and 25 29-639 3 30-067 30-072 30-484 1899 29-451 1905 60-6 56-2 74 65-2 58-5 June . . 30-087 30-026 30-427 22 29-528 14 30-056 30-026 30-575 1906 29-439 1900 56-4 51-8 72 58-8 53-5 July .. 30-156 30-101 30-425 29 29-288 5 30-128 30-068 30-682 1902 29-381 1907 57-2 52-4 71 60-0 54-2 August 30-182 30-134 30-477 31 29-670 7 30-158 30-075 30-547 1899 29-440 1906 56-9 51-7 69 60-6 53-9 September 30-146 30-097 30-463 19 29-839 29 30-122 30-050 30-463 1899 1 29-456 1905 59-0 53-1 66 62-3 55-2 October 30-069 30-025 30-336 7 29-711 5 30-047 30-005 30-445 1901 29-308 1904 63-1 56-0 63 65-1 57-9 November 29-986 29-954 30-237 6 29-708 24 29-970 29-996 30-457 1907 29-528 1900 66-1 59-1 63 68-1 60-6 December 29-937 29-883 30-168 17 29-703 10 29-910 29-928 30-204 1905 29-596 1903 70-2 63-2 64 71-5 64-6 Year 30-063 30-009 30-477 31 29-288 5 30-036 30-006 30-682 1902 29-308 1904 63-4 57-2 66 66-5 59-6 Aug. July Latitude 32 31' S. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESUL Altit lanuary February Vlarch . . ipril . . Vlay .. . , Fune . . July . . August September October November . . December _ Year V. ~~" _ ~ i Latitude 32 40' S. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESUL Altit; January _ - __ i' February _^ March . . ; April .. . . May .. ... - __. June . July p August ' _ _ : . . September _ _ October November . __ December " ' ' ' Year " . ^T ,.. . ..-=- , - Signifies ' ' No reec AINKD AT ROTTNKST lHIUNti 83 Unpitnde 115* Ml' K. SHADE TEMPERATURE. CLOUD. RAW. Previoiu Yean. Diurnal Range. Total High- Low- n., No. of Great- \\--i ifji aii MIMII j. Mm. Mi- in rat Hut Date. ett Mm. Mi-aii KM \ii in Mm ^-| Y e.r. Low- ett. Year. M.-,,, Great- est. km ..- PI. ,,..;,- Si-,1- 9a.m. 3 p.m. pointi inch. wet days. est fall. Mi prerioui yean. 3 '-2 '.' 69-1 92-0 23 .M ., 18 77 -2 64-2 102-2 1903 51-0 1906 12-4 25-0 13-0 4-7 3-8 9 2 7 18 23 2 Hi!'!; ..'.' 1 21 78-3 H5-0 109-0 1898 56-2 1904^ 13-6 28-2 13-3 4-9. 3-7. 43 . 4 SO 27 37 IMQ 4 >ii :; 67-3 87-0 18 ;,;... 16 76-7 ..;; .. 100-4 1906 47-9 I--..., 12-1 22-8 13-1 44 4-6 1 3 66 28 48 H . M B 1 55-0 10 72-8 60-9 H M I'.,,,. 47-8 1899 12-3 22 :t 11-9 4-1 5-2 32 4 17 6 134 til-7 71 -n 8 is - 1:1 67-9 57-5 84-4 1907 43 3 1907 10-4 16-4 in l 6-6 6-0 609 15 1.V2 19 422 :t .M :; .-,-, .-v 72 " 1 42-0 10 ,.:{,. 64-8 71-0 lwa 42-4 1900 9-0 17-2 8-8 6. 6-6 672 16 182 28 614 -,-, :,! ' M T i.s B 16 47-4 30 61-9 70-0 1905 40-4 l.s'.'i 14-8 9-0 6-5 .VI 473 13 98 18 670 M 7 67-2 n l-J-il 30 ,,2 ... 63-3 76-2 1902 43-5 1905 10-8 18-8 9-6 6-2 6-1 307 16 64 7 466 o :,:i :: 7s 1 28 47-0 4 ..I n ' .-.::. s:; n 1900 42-6 I'""' 10-7 21-3 10-4 6-6 8-5 139 13 60 11 271 I 55-8 1,1 -.-, Ml-ll '.i. 21 43 2 13 56-3 91-2 1906 43-5 i'.Mi:t 11-3 23-3 11 1 6-7 4-8 228 10 96 14 139 8 .V.t-l 65-1 90-2 20 4!> 4 6 70-8 58-9 96-2 1904 1:1 :, 1907 11-4 25 -6 11-9 6-3 8-5 30 7 12 26 61 7 16 22 84 86-1 1 42-6 13 76'3 52-7 93-4 1001 30-8 1901 22-5 33-1 23-6 3-5 , . 104 3 64 6 132 ::;:: 8 39-5 13 68>8 50-1 84-8 1907 3fi-r> 1901 19-9 30-6 18-7 3-7 604 16 173 19 607 1 31-8 8, 11 64-3 47-5 73-2 1903 33-4 1904 19-6 30-4 16-8 4-9 943 14 "210 28 775 tt'l :,2 i 70-2 16 31-2 31 62-3 46-3 70-6 1905 31-3 1901 20-3 35-2 17-0 3-9 741 13 198 6 679 43-5 53-1 70-3 31-0 31 64-1 46-8 76-2 1902 32-7 1905 111-2 34-1 18-3 4-5 617 19 129 7 667 44-0 .M.-, 79-6 28 30-2 3 64-9 49-7 BO-0 1901 :{.-> 4 1904 20-9 38-7 15-2 4-6 . . 289 14 104 11 432 49-0 59-6 84-0 9 38-0 7 69-3 60-5 91-8 1906 36-3 1!H2 21-1 41-0 18-8 3-7 163 12 37 6 255 64-8 64-8 B>4 19 42-0 3 78-7 63-7 98-4 1904 3-9 l'-"l 20-0 32-0 22-0 4-6 . . 163 8 104 10 66 67-8 70-2 101-6 27 44-6 21 81-0 88-6 100-3 1900 39-1 1907 24-8 41-0 22 4 2- 11 1 11 16 63 60-6 61-3 101-6 27 30-2 3 73-1 62-8 107-0 1901 31-3 1901 21-4 41-0 20-3 3-9 3623 108 210 28 3594 Dec. June AINED AT WANDERING DURING 1008. Longitude 116 33' E. 62-8 69-5 101-8 13 40-0 26 88-2 64-7 104-9 1903 40-1 1903 33 4 50-1 33-5 2-0 14 3 12 18 14 53-6 69-4 98-5 2, 12 39-1 8 87-1 64-9 104-9 i-.'o.-i 37-0 1802 31-5 49-5 32-2 3-0 16 1 16 26 18 48-1 63-7 96-0 2 33-4 30 83-4 50-4 102-2 1902 30-9 1902 31-2 45-0 33-4 3-0 25 1 25 28 96 47-6 59-8 85-0 1 38-0 19 76-6 46-2 M-J 1906 :!2-l 1903 24-6 39-0 29-3 4-3 204 3 125 8 105 42-0 53-3 74-2 2 31-4 31 66-7 42-7 86-1 1907 31-1 1SK>3 22-6 37-0 24-0 6-2 320 11 160 19 300 36-7 46-7 70-1 1 25-5 24 61-2 39-5 70-0 1902 "> -- 1903 22-0 36-1 21-7 4-7 431 12 130 15 442 36-3 48-1 69-0 16 26-0 31 :,s-s 39-3 68-0 1906 27-8 1902 23-6 35-0 19-6 3-4 460 9 100 6 409 36-0 48-6 67-0 17, 18, 27-0 2, 31 61-1 38-5 72-9 1902 28-2 1902 le-i 36-6 22-6 3-1 162 12 39 21 370 29 36-9 60-7 76-0 28 28-0 5, 14 60-8 40-7 76-3 1907 29-1 1906 17 -fl 45-0 20-1 3-4 . . 88 9 48 23 315 43-9 57-9 87-0 22 36-0 17 68-3 41-8 89-0 1906 30-1 1903 27-9 49-0 26-6 4-5 . . 112 14 26 6 193 46-0 61-7 '...-,-n 20 31-0 6 77-4 46-5 105-0 1901 30-5 1907 31-4 46-5 30-9 4-9 53 8 17 10 63 52-9 09-9 108-0 28 38-0 16 84-9 61-7 104-0 1901 :t.. -11 1907 33-9 60-0 HH| 3-3 4 t 3 20 70 44-4 58-3 108-0 28 26-6 24 72-8 46-6 105-0 1901 27-8 1902 27-8 50-1 27-2 3-7 .. 1889 150 May 394 Dec. June 19 ! ifie "Mi." Latitude 33 21' S. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESULT! Altitud Barometer corrected to 32 Fah. M.S.L. and for Gravity. SHADE TEMPERATURE AND HUMIE PREVIOUS YEARS. MONTH. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. Highest. Date. Lowest. Date. Mean of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. Mean. 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Highest. Year. Lowest. Year. Dry Bulb Wet Bulb. Humi- dity. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. January _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ February . March - . April May June . July . . August . September October . November . . December _ Year Latitude 30 33' S. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESULI Altitui January ; February . , __ . March April . May .. . . . June . ! July August September . October ! November . i December Year Latitude 33 18' S. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESULI Altitui January 30-024 29-964 30-315 9 29-698 31 29-994 29-947 30-342 1903 29-469 1906 71-3 61-9 55 77-2 66-7 February 29-951 29-875 30-303 8 29-488 25 29-913 29-963 30-357 1905 29-565 1898 71-4 62-1 56 78-8 66-9 March 30-070 30-002 30-405 16 29-723 6 30-036 30-016 30-429 1900 29-634 1901 67-0 59-3 61 74-7 64-0 April 30-144 30-080 30-400 25 29-786 4 30-112 30-078 30-546 1907 29-592 1900 63-0 57-8 71 72-7 63-0 May 30-086 30-033 30-401 6 29-374 19 30-060 30-086 30-525 1898, 29-432 1905 56-1 52-9 80 65-8 59-0 1899 June 30-085 30-025 30-428 18 29-476 14 30-055 30-029 30-613 1906 29-397 1897, 51-2 48-0 79 58-7 52-7 1898 July .. 30- 148 30-089 30-433 21 &29 29-109 5 30-118 30-074 30-69!) 1902 29-377 1907 52-1 48-7 78 60-9 54-1 August 30- 189 30- 132 30-489 31 29-575 7 30- 160 30-087 30-592 1899 29-387 1906 53-9 49-8 74 61-4 54-3 September 30-162 30-100 30-527 19 29-787 29 30-131 30-052 30-489 1897 29-375 1905 57-9 51-6 65 63-3 55-2 October 30-080 30-048 30-383 20 29-758 13 30-066 30-014 30-463 1905 29-240 1904 62-8 55-4 61 67-1 58-9 November 30-012 29-967 30-311 15 29-669 21 29-990 30-021 30-481 1907 29-577 1900 66-4 58-5 59 71-6 61-9 December 29-968 29-925 30-199 17 29-709 14 29-946 29-959 30-308 1897 29-585 1897 72-4 62-3 54 76-2 65-5 Year 30-077 30-020 30-527 19 29-109 5 30-048 30-027 30-699 1902 29-240 1904 62-1 55-7 65 69-0 60-2 Sept. July Signifies ' ' No reef oil IAIN HI) AT COLLIE DURING 1908. Longitude 116 OS' K. SHADE TufraurvmB. Cu>CD. RAW. Previous Yean. Diurnal Range. ToUL c KM Mi,,. Mran. Hull !,, eat Date. rat D.it.-. \1.n. Mm. M. a.m. 3 p.m. 100 |...,,lt~ - 1 inch. No. of wet ityt Oreat- Mt fall Date. Average previous year*. \|. IB M, HMB Mb Hub- ert. Year. Low- *t. Year. Oreat- ert. In HI; i 51-6 ..s " M ,, a IJ X ill s.-, 1 64-1 103-0 1901 37-7 1902 34-6 47-0 31-3 2-4 43 4 25 18 > 87-0 21 7 M I 52-5 100-7 1904 37-0 1902 33-3 53-0 32-0 2-6 .. H 3 78 .p. 21 IT > : i pp 18 37-5 30 81-3 .-i i lui-s 1907 32-3 1905 29-4 47-5 31-1 3-4 32 2 H 28 96 II s - H4-:. 1 :i.. .. It. l.s 74 1 48-1 90-7 Him 29-6 1901 28-1 41-5 3-5 I .. 100 3 65 6 too i.' a M " Til _' 2 33-0 II N T 41-8 86-8 1907 29-0 1901 22-7 :t.. | 23-9 4-4 410 16 76 19 486 ",S S N-l f.' IP 71-8 1 M-8 24 39-1 68-9 1905 27- 1904 l!l-7 36-4 21-7 fi-4 791 16 127 16 |$] (Hi .s 35-7 16 25-4 11 H 1 37-3 68-7 1MB j,,.., 1901 25-1 39-4 21-6 3-6 635 11 117 5 684 Ml '< :;- i ix : 27 M - 1 61-4 39-1 7.-. 7 1903 27-5 1905 24-0 3fl-2 22-3 4-5 434 14 91 8 607 i'>:i : :IT 4 10*6 7i;-:t is 23-0 13 42-1 78-7 1904 29-5 100ft 26-3 44-6 20-5 4-0 230 12 60 23 502 li!" 1 4:, -.' s:i-r, ii 33-8 u ..s .1 44-4 91-7 1906 31-2 1902 23-9 48-0 i:i-ii 4-8 371 14 H 14 M ::. i i'" i i ;_:; p.ii-ti i,p 7 75-5 47-9 .... 1901 32-6 1907 25-7 39-2 27-6 4-3 256 12 62 10, 26 92 84-1 :.:i 1 h >;. iT :tT -ii 16 81-7 61-7 100-2 1904 35-2 1907 31-0 43-4 30-0 3-4 20 * 10 15. 20 58 .-> 44-6 58-0 IOfl-2 DM il x .1 BH 71-7 45-4 103-0 1901 26-9 1901 27-0 47-6 28-3 3-9 3404 109 127 June MM 27 24 10 OHTAIVKD AT DONNYBROOK DURING 1908. Longitude 115 47' K. 53-1 67-7 .',i (i 23 40-5 9 84-1 66-0 101-5 1903 38-9 1905 29-1 44-3 29-1 3-1 66 4 21 16 36 53-9 67-9 '.. T 21 37-4 7 84-2 65-2 102-0 1903 33-4 I'.HI.-, 28-0 44-6 29-0 3-0 t f 134 3 125 26 33 51-0 'i:t s M-0 18 37-0 30 81-3 53-2 101-7 1907 33-0 1905 25-6 37-7 28-1 2-9 18 3 16 28 127 50-0 1,1 K 85-1 1 11 -:, 5. 12, T-" 49-4 93-6 1906 33-4 1903 23-6 39-1 25-5 2-3 t t 118 3 85 5 140 14 16 T i:, i 73-8 18 36-0 13 67-2 46-3 83-7 1907 33-0 1903 20-5 30-9 20-9 4-7 369 16 no 4 582 se-ii :tT p. 48-3 73-2 1 28-0 24 62-0 43 3 71-3 1905 30-2 1907 21-4 30-2 19-3 4-3 797 15 121 14 675 11 :< .-..i-:, R8-2 16 34-0 11 60-6 41-5 70-3 1905 29-7 1906 21-7 31-0 19-1 3-2 721 12 190 5 709 11 4 in '.i 51-2 68-0 28 31-4 31 63-1 43-9 74-2 1903 29-4 1905 20-5 33-0 19-2 3-3 605 16 280 7 IM .:i g 41 II 52-6 77-1 28 :t:t i 12 63-6 t.---7 79-6 1905 30-6 1906 22-6 35-5 17-9 4-9 253 15 87 23 496 -s 46-7 84-o 21 M-fl 13 67-7 47-5 92-9 1906 36-2 1905 23-1 36-6 20-2 4-1 224 15 35 5, 11 IV, '.-,:, 50-3 92-0 20 37-9 6 74-8 49-8 97-3 1904 36 1 1907 25-2 35-6 25-0 4-6 152 14 30 24 85 IS-!) 53-7 8-3 103-2 27 40-0 16 81-1 53-6 100-7 1904 36-1 1907 29-2 44-7 27-5 4-1 20 2 18 15 59 1 i 46-9 50-1 103-2 Deo. 28-0 June 72-1 48-7 102-0 1903 29-4 1905 24-3 44-7 23-4 3-7 3466 117 280 Aug. 371 NI 27 24 7 STAINED AT BUNBURY DURING 1908. feet. Longitude 115 38' E. 9.-, :,.. s ..s l 21 48-1 9 81-8 58-3 103-1 1901 43-4 1902 22-7 38-0 23-5 1-8 1-6 16 3 10 18 53 1 -:, 56-6 60-1 93-9 21 42-0 7 82-1 58-5 101-5 1898 41-3 1905 24-9 34-0 23-6 2-2 1-7 23 3 15 26 41 53-6 65-4 84-9 3 42-2 8 78-8 se-a 97-6 1907 39-3 1906 23-7 34-0 22-2 1-9 1-8 20 3 15 28 104 53 64-2 82-0 ii 45-0 6 73-7 53-2 B0'8 1897 36-7 1903 22-3 33-1 20-5 1-9 2-6 73 3 55 6 is:, 7-i. s 7 58 3 73-9 8 36-4 13 68-3 60-7 82-0 1900 32-1 1907 19-2 29-0 17-fl 2-8 3-9 437 13 135 4 532 ... 43-3 52-5 72-2 1 33-2 8 64-0 48-6 73-7 1900 36-2 1898 18-3 30-2 15-4 3-3 4-1 742 14 135 28 710 .-, 44 58-8 M.| 15 38-2 11 p;i :. 46-7 72-2 MM 35-9 1902 18-5 28-2 15-8 3-1 3-3 PH 12 153 5 681 44 54-0 72-5 25 34-3 31 63-9 47-3 75-5 1901 33-2 1897 18-2 29-8 16-6 3-3 3-6 436 16 no 7 547 45 56-3 79-3 28 38-0 12 64-9 49-2 83-8 1808 32-2 1899 18-9 28-4 15-7 3-8 3-6 147 12 35 16, 23 374 -1 50 .-,.. 84-0 9 40-0 7 68-2 51-0 89-2 1898 37-4 1903 18-4 33-2 17-2 4-1 36 M 13 45 13 262 1-!. 53 r,:t T 93 1 19 41-5 6 73-3 52-8 97-2 1904 39-3 1904, 20-4 40-1 20-5 3-4 3-5 159 11 65 10 109 1905 ... 56 6 87-9 M-0 24 46-0 21 78-7 .V. 4 101-6 1899 40-3 1907 22-5 :)., .. 22-3 2-8 2-2 16 4 7 15 67 1-4 60-7 61 98-0 Deo. 33-2 June 71-7 52-4 103-1 1901 32 1 1907 20-4 40 1 19-3 2-9 2-0 2801 107 198 Aug. :(.,-.:, 24 8 7 iflra "Ml." 86 latitude 33 39' S. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESULTS Altitude Barometer corrected to 32 Fah. M.S.L. and for Gravity. SHADE TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITI MONTH. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. Highest. Date. Lowest. Date. Mean of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. PREVIOUS YEARS. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. Mean. 9 a.m. and Highest. Year. Lowest. Year. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. Humi- dity. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. 1 3 p.m. x- January _ - February . March April .. - May . . June July August September ~~~ ~ October . - November . , December ~~ ~ ~ _ Year - Latitude 33 32' S. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESULTS OBTAINEI Altitud January .. 30-035 29-986 30-316 9 29-705 17 30-011 62-1 ; 57-1 72 69-4 61-9 6 February 29-966 29-916 30- 328 8 29-427 25 29-941 . 62-8 57-7 72 70-5 1 62-7 6 March 30-082 30-027 30-412 16 29-708 6 30-055 . 59-0 55-4 78 68-6 61-0 6 April 30- 155 30-103 30-427 25 29-742 4 30-129 . 57-4 55-0 86 68-4 61-0 6 May . . 30-074 30-031 30-395 6 29-211 19 30-053 56-8 i 52-9 76 62-1 56-7 7 June 30-062 30-022 30-463 22 29-451 14 30-042 . 54-2 ; 50-4 75 56-5 51-5 7 July 30-144 30-106 30-457 29 29-034 5 30- 125 54-1 50 -.3 76 57-4 52-6 7 August 30-185 30-104 30-454 31 29-572 7 30-145 54-5 50-3 73 57-6 51-9 6 September 30-149 30-095 30-523 19 29-740 29 30-122 - i ' 55-9 51-2 72 59-0 52-7 6 October 30-076 30-042 30-379 7 29-628 5 30-059 59-5 53-8 67 61-8 55-8 6 November 30-006 29-977 30-328 15 29-682 24 29-992 __ . 62-4 56-0 65 65-7 58-1 6 December 29-979 29-932 30-208 17 29-693 14 29-956 67-4 59-5 60 69-8 61-6 6 Year 30-076 30-029 30-523 19 29-034 5 30-053 58-8 54-2 73 63-9 57-3 6 - Sept. July Latitude 30 10' S. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESULT Altitvu anuary 30-032 30-005 30-329 9 29-694 17 30-018 29-982 30-387 1903 29-467 1906 67-9 60-3 62 72-1 63-5 ebruary 29-966 29-946 30-306 8 29-420 25 29-956 29-997 30-399 1900 29-456 1988 67-0 60-9 68 -71-6 62-6 iarch . . 30-086 30-063 30-404 16 29-732 6 30-074 30-029 30-465 1900 29-642 1904 64-5 58-0 64 69-5 61-0 pril 30-165 30-117 30-440 25 29-726 4 30-141 30-081 30-660 1907 29-474 1900 62.3 57-4 73 68-8 60-9 lay 30-074 30-033 30-366 25 29-304 19 30-053 30-068 30-525 1898 29-325 1905 57-2 53-9 79 62-9 57-7 une 30-055 30-018 30-445 22' 29-465 14 30-036 30-002 30-655 1906 29-247 1897 52-6 50-0 82 57-4 53-1 uly . . 30-139 30-045 30-454 29 29-249 5 30-092 30-048 30-703 1901 29-083 1900 52-3 49-4 81 58-9 53-6 LUgUSt 30-175 30-134 30-457 31 29-563 7 30-154 30-062 30-620 1899 29-343 1906 53-9 50-4 72 58-7 53-7 eptember 30- 136 30-103 30-622 19 29-696 30 30-120 30-033 30-530 1897 29-415 1905 57-3 53-9 79 60-8 57-3 'ctober 30-052 30-024 30-402 20 29-621 5 30-038 30-004 30-470 1905 29-215 1904 60-9 58-3 84 62-2 59-4 'o\ rnilior 29-969 29-947 30-225 18 29-624 24 29-958 30-028 30-403 1902 29-509 1898 65-5 63-6 89 67-1 63-9 )ecember 29-972 29-947 30-216 17 29-710 14 29-959 29-977 30-330 1897 29-542 1901 68-5 64-7 79 69-8 66-0 Year . . 30-071 30-032 30-622 19 29-249 5 30-051 30-026 30-703 1901 29-083 1900 60-8 56-7 77 65-0 59-4 Sept. July - Signifies ' ' No reco OBTAIN 1 Kit AT Ml SSK.LToN 190S. 87 Longitude 115 21' K. .Mi- in 79 3 71 '. 71 7 i.ii n 60-9 62-5 67-8 80 I SHADE TEMPERATURE. CLOUD. " Previous Years. Diurnal Range. Total Mi i: Hi K h- 100 No. of Great- A\ . t.i-t- M. M ett est Mm. M. ,:. M. ID Mb High- Yea*. Low- est. Year. M. m Great- er I |j 9a.m. 3 p.m. poinU inch. wet day*. est (all. Date. previous yean. :,:( >. \no n 45-4 ii 81-7 .-,. i 1901 40-4 I'm:, 26-1 39-2 26-3 4-4 60 4 37 18 43 :.:t .' '( | 'i L'l ... -s 54-8 95-8 1903 111 1905 26-1 39-6 M .4 4-2 49 6 37 M IB 3 7 78-5 53-7 99-1 1906 36-7 1903 23-6 33-2 24-8 3-7 38 4 H 88 49-1 ' i - 1 H LJ-0 H 72-8 4 , -, 87-3 1901 32-2 1903 30-1 22-9 3-9 98 2 66 5 130 II s 70-0 .. '.' 29 ,,,, 7 48-7 77-7 1902 35'0 1907 20-5 30-0 18-0 5-7 279 16 72 3 4A9 41 li I TJ n 8 it. J 70-1 1907 31-0 1901 18-R 34-4 16-6 6-7 809 21 158 7 569 4J J .-,11 16 :!-' i 31 60-7 44 2 77-6 1906 .TJ B 1901 17-8 IM 16-5 5-6 M 13 192 5 583 67-8 28 . . li-Jl I.V 1 73-8 1902 33-fi 1901 t t t f 17 na 20 242 7 439 72-8 28 . . 3-4 47-2 78-8 1902 :i i _ 1904 16-2 5-2 166 13 49 23 278 1906 f 79-fl 23 . 67-8 w-t 90-2 1906 37-2 1903 . . f 19-5 6-9 238 13 42 14 M 50-1 lii-i; 90-2 in IN i li 73-4 50-6 H s 1904 39-2 1904 J-J ' 33-6 22 8 5-1 . B 274 15 130 9 81 .-,:). n-7 -7 ; 24 41-8 1ft 78-8 53-4 1906 40-2 1903 26-9 42-2 H-4 4-2 12 3 9 15 53 - 97-6 24 .. .. 70-9 49-8 99-2 1901 31-0 1901 .. 21 1 6-0 3336 130 242 7 2979 Deo. Aug. AT CAPE N'ATt'RALISTE DURING 190S. feet. Longitude 115 01' E. 73 -3 74-i> 57-0 ..7 t, 88 -1 ,,:. s 87-5 88-2 -'!' 21 49-2 10- ] 18 28 16-3 16-4 35-5 26-0 4-8 4-9 3-7 3-6 67 39 6 6 47 15 18 26 71--' :..VH 63-1 80-4 3 r.i n 16 f6-2 24-0 4-7 4-1 118 4 104 28 70-2 54-7 ' .-.' B 76-5 22 :.< i 12 16-5 21-0 4-6 4-9 98 4 51 30 03-5 68-9 70-2 18 II ii 13 10-8 18-0 5-8 6-6 356 15 83 3 48-9 l.s 7 .M _> .vi :i Bt-7 67-0 2 16 U :> 43-0 8 U ' 10-6 11-2 17-6 16-5 7-0 6-5 7-5 5-6 633 667 16 16 79 145 14 17 48-6 ."-I I BflVfl '.-, -s 36-4 30 11-6 25-6 6-4 5-9 539 21 75 7 U" :; :,:, B 71-0 28 39-9 1 12-4 22-0 7-1 0-8 ISO 12 152 16 4-8 51-3 58-1 75-2 20 44-3 7 13 5 23-2 6-0 6-4 259 14 81 14 8-7 M 54-5 BB-t 61-6 Bft-a U-I 87-8 19 27 44-5 48-5 7 8 14-2 16-2 25-3 27-5 5-7 5-4 6-3 4-6 191 21 13 4 72 9 10 15 * * 66-7 :.:t ii 69-9 88-2 21 36-4 30 13-7 35-5 5-7 5-6 3137 130 145 17 Feb. Aug. July OBTAINKF) AT KARRIDALE DURING 1908. I.'i7 feet. Longitude 115 02' B. 74-8 .V, -J 65-0 91-8 22 43-0 6 75-7 67-0 99-6 1904 42-1 1905 19-6 39-8 18-7 5-0 4-3 173 6 61 18 80 74 8 .-.:, .s 65-3 93-8 10 47 3 24 76-3 105-5 UN 41-0 1906 19-0 42-8 19-8 5- 4-0 205 10 78 26 52 2-7 52-1 02-4 89-0 18 40-0 24 75-1 54-6 101-5 1897 39-0 1900 20-6 38-0 20-5 5-4 , 4-7 132 9 91 28 128 _ .; 43 3 0-6 1 34-6 27 71-3 51-7 92-0 1897 36-0 1903 29-0 43-0 19-6 4-3 4-0 123 4 76 30 .:- i 48-6 r.7-4 71-8 18 37-0 8, 26 67-4 49-2 85-1 1907 32-.-, 1901 17-5 34-4 18-2 5-8 0-2 720 23 176 28 628 ,. i:, 52-8 70- i 1 31-4 5 62-7 48-0 76-0 1897 31-3 1905 13-7 28-8 14-7 7-6 fl-8 882 19 162 3 848 -. 42-8 527 69-0 16 32-0 31 61-1 46-7 70-8 ||M 29-3 1906 19-7 33-7 14-4 5-C .'.-ft 964 16 238 17 817 43 3 -.2-3 67-0 27, 28 32-0 1 61-9 |M S 74-4 1902 32-5 1899. 17-9 33-0 15-1 5-2 5-1 691 20 208 7 646 1900 63-8 46-8 55-3 79-0 28 33-9 5 62-9 48-3 82-5 1898 31-5 1899 17-0 39-0 14-6 -2 6-4 232 14 60 15 441 N 1 1> -ii .-.S 1 84-0 22 35-.) 7 |--.-7 10-1 90-6 1906 35-2 1900 20-1 38-2 15-9 4-fi 4-7 380 15 80 6 M -1 1 .-.J n 01-6 93-3 19 II -.-, U 6ff-9 51-9 95-0 1903 :ix n 1897 19-1 40-3 18-0 3-4 4-7 143 12 38 9 119 -4-n 55-1 64-6 90-4 27 46-5 11. ~2\ 71 1 54-5 101-0 1899 41-3 1905 18-9 H-l Ifl-fl .V 4-3 82 6 45 6 117 -i 1 49 1 58-8 93-8 10 31-4 5 68-7 61-3 106-5 1898 29-3 1906 19-3 43-0 -17-4 3-5 4-7 4727 153 238 17 4431 Feb. June July "Ml." 88 Latitude 33 5/ S. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESULTS Altitude MONTH. Barometer corrected to 32 Fah. M.S.L. and for Gravity. SHADE TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. Highest. Date. Lowest. Date. Mean of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. PREVIOUS YEARS. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. Mean. 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Highest. Year. Lowest. Year. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. Humi- dity. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. 1 X^ January February March April May .. June - z ~ z z z Z July August September October November December Year .. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESULTS 1 atitude 33 42' S. . Altitude January 30-010 29-902 30-328 9 29-654 14 29-956 29-929 30-372 1907 | 29-403 1898 68-7 58-0 50 84-5 63-6 30 j February 29-951 29-842 30-301 8 29-513 25 29-896 29-953 30-375 1900 29-419 1898 67-3 57-4 52 81-4 62-1 33 March 30-068 29-960 30-409 16 29-652 4 30-014 3') -007 30-416 1900 i 29-560 1898 62-2 55-3 63 75-0 59-8 40 April 39-163 30-072 30-456 25 29-762 4 30-118 30-071 30-587 1907 2650 1903 58-3 54-1 75 69-5 57-9 48 May . . 30-100 30-013 30-417 26 29-399 19 30-056 30-093 30-540 1904 29-443 1905 52-2 49-8 84 61-4 53-9 60 June 30-091 30-019 30-453 22 29-497 14 30-055 30-034 30-610 1904 29-325 1900 47-1 44-4 82 54-0 48-3 66 July 30- 155 30-078 30-475 29 29-300 5 30-116 30-086 30-737 1902 29-341 1907 47-3 44-9 83 56-6 49-8 62 August 30-183 30-108 30-428 26 29-657 7 30-146 30-075 30-631 1899 29-386 1906 49-2 46-0 78 57-3 49-9 59 September 30-127 30-049 30-496 20 29-732 30 30-088 30-032 30-553 1897 29-405 1897 53-3 48-1 68 61-4 51-6 50 October 30-054 29-988 30-404 20 29-614 5 30-021 29-981 30-501 1905 29-219 1904 60-1 51-6 56 67-1 55-6 47 November 29-970 29-889 30-267 7 29-535 21 29-930 29-984 30-358 1902 29-549 1898 65-4 55-5 52 75-8 59-3 37 December 29-933 29; 837 30-164 17 29-583 10 29-885 29-920 30-320 1897 29-445 1897 70-4 59-1 49 83-8 63-1 28 Year 30-067 29-980 30-496 20 29-300 5 30-024 30-014 30-737 1902 29-219 KMI4 58-5 52-0 64 69-0 56-2 44 Sept. July 1 1 Latitude 34 36' S. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESULTS Altitude January . February . . March _ April . _ __ May _ . ' . June ; _ July . _ August September ' , . October November . , December Year - Signifies ' ' No record. oHTAIXKP AT HHIIHSKToWX DfKlXd UI08. Longitude 116 08' K. SHUIK TKMPKKATI KK. CLOUD. RAW. M.-.U, Mm. Huil, MM Low- Mt Mm D..t, Diurnal Rang*. 9a.m 3 p.m. ToUl. m poinU inch. No. of wt days. Croat- Mt fall. Data. U. r i.;, fan low \. ir- \|. ,,. MM. \|. , M,,, High- Mt. YMX. Low Mt. You. M, ,:. UtM.tr Mt. Hi 51-2 ,.: ,, i... ,, :;' i n 84-5 51-7 I'U . 1901 34-1 1902 :ti I 48-7 32-8 4-9 50 4 -'- 18 45 50-6 -'u - i v< a ltt-1 1904 3i 2 1902 31 4 33-9 5-2 .. 82 6 B H 43 77 -ii i.i t :t SB-0 7 S,l 17 u !.., , ]._ 31-2 1903 31-2 !. t 33-6 4-5 3 :* 23 MM 74 vi :; i M-0 II 74 :t 1.. 2 !! 1 1906 1901, _,., , 12 :; 29-1 3-2 78 4 5 161 IMG 42 1 7-' -:i 18 tt-1 8 42-5 8U-1 1907 27-6 1904 .... ,, 38-9 2:1 s 7-6 314 19 82 20 451 58-8 is i. 74 1 I L'7 i. 21 ,.i .. in -:. ..i I 1 1904 20-4 34-6 21-1 6-5 (133 17 IP' 16 585 :i7 7 Hi 31 BB . 38-8 ..| i I'M,. 1901 23-0 :i . . 20-7 t>-7 569 18 118 5 521 '.It H7 t l'< 1 -N 27 1 1 tt-1 40-0 75-9 1902 .'. J 1902 Jl n 36 2 tt-1 4-3 .. BOS 17 177 7 4S. i.l l 7 1:1. n 68-0 44-0 !>2- 1 1 31-2 1903. j>, i 44-7 24-0 6-0 15 73 14 318 1906 i.| u 93-3 20 7 75-0 l.. ., ',., I, 1901 32-5 1907 29-5 43-7 28-1 5-4 | .. 122 11 32 10 111 104-0 27 :t.. n 16 80-8 4-8 100-2 1904 34-2 1907 33-0 52-8 31-0 4-8 14 2 8 15 91 71-1 43-8 :,7 :. 104-0 27 27-1 1 71-7 45-0 102-5 1901 26-9 1901 27-3 52-8 26-7 5-4 2994 129 177 7 3298 Dec. Aug. A.* oi'.TAIXKP AT KATAXXIXii DURING 100M. loi. i feet. Longitude 117 35' E. 8S-0 .V 1 71-1 102-8 n 46-0 8 M, 7 54-9 108-7 1903 12-u IKits. :t:t-!i 49-8 31-8 3-4 1-3 3 1 3 18 25 1IK)2 63-7 >,' l 181-1 21 44-0 J* 84-7 55-1 103-0 1898 :t7 -'.i 1897 31-4 45-9 29-6 3-7 1-6 Nil t t t t t f 50 7-7 63-8 H3-0 18 40-0 24 80-H 52-0 102-8 1902 35-0 ! 1900 27-8 41-9 28-6 3-6 2-5 54 2 51 28 101 u :, .' i. 60-1 84-0 1 42-0 14 73-1 49-1 96-2 1899. 33-0 1898 20-9 35-3 24-0 3-4 4-1 77 5 36 6 82 1906 * :. '. .M 7 73-4 18 :!-;-2 30 I1.V1 45-0 88-4 1907 30-5 1898 18-1 31-4 20-1 5-0 5-6 330 13 139 4 207 | l,, ,, is :, 7i > -2 1 u-o n BO- a 43-0 71-6 MM M-fl 1898 15-8 27-0 16-3 6-4 5-6 213 12 42 29 262 t 39-3 49-0 <,'. 1 16 :t2-i 31 58-3 40-7 W-| I8M 25-0 1901 19-4 31-6 17-ti :t-r. 4-7 323 11 84 18 284 40-4 :,,, ,, 67-3 17 32-3 1 59-9 41-5 75-1 1808 30-4 loor, 19-2 29-1 18-4 3-1 4-9 182 10 58 8 233 '_ in .'. -,2 2 74 3 J8 :\-2 1 :, 63-2 43-fi 81-1 1900 29-8 |v.'. 23-4 39-9 19-6 5-7 4-5 63 6 30 23 217 43-9 57-7 87-4 22 31-3 7 68-4 45-6 90-7 1906 31-0 1897 27-0 43-7 22-8 3-7 3-4 65 11 30 14 180 7 -0 I'l M 1,1 u "1 -.-. 21 35-0 7 77 r. 49-2 106-0 1901 36-5 1907 30-0 440 28-3 44 3-2 134 6 77 22 49 i 54-3 70-4 107 2s 44-0 8 84-1 :.:( 2 105-8 1898 40-4 1907 32-1 .50-3 30-9 2-4 I 1-9 10 4 6 5 59 71-7 46-7 59 2 107-6 28 31-3 7 71-8 47-7 109-0 1898 25-0 1901 25-0 50-3 24-1 3-9 3-6 1 :. 81 139 4 1749 Deo. ivi. May OBTAIXKD AT MT. BARKKR DURING 1008. Longitude 117 30' E. 78-0 75-6 71-7 88-3 .",!' '.. 53-3 .-ji -n 49-0 5-5 64-5 60-9 58-7 99-4 n-a 81-8 -: tt'4 4,1', 39-8 43-0 6 2i 14 19 1 1 25-1 22-3 21-7 19-3 47-4 39-4 34-5 33-8 . , 6-5 6-1 5-4 3-7 * * 14 73 62 128 1 9 9 8 7 26 20 51 7 I m 5 55 83 131 175 62-7 55-6 58-3 67-8 .11 L 1 It", S 45-3 41-3 in -2 40-3 41-9 44-9 .-.in I*:, 49-3 49-1 51-6 55-4 72-0 71-4 67-0 65-0 74-0 82-0 18 1 16 6, 17 28 22 36-5 32-0 32-0 34-0 33-0 33-0 13 27 11 30 4 7 ' 17-4 14-3 18-1 17-6 l-3 20-9 30-0 24-5 29-0 28-0 35-0 Its .n 4-4 6-1 23 3-4 5-1 4-8 558 453 481 358 166 273 19 18 13 17 13 13 98 73 96 60 40 90 19 8 17 21 16 14 280 370 359 367 361 ttt 4 ., 52-4 60-3 64-5 '..:, 99-2 21 27 38-0 42-0 7 16 23-5 24-2 43-6 42-4 .. 5-0 5-8 128 243 6 10 42 85 26 6 127 96 46-7 56-9 09-4 23 Jan. 32-0 27 June U Julv ' * * ' * * - - 20-3 47-4 " 4-6 " 2931 138 98 19 May 2683 .Vil. " 90 Latitude 35 02' S. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESULTS Altitude Barometer corrected to 32 Fah. M.S.L. and for Gravity. SHADE TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY. PREVIOUS YEARS. Mean of 9 a.m. 3 p.m. MONTH. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. Highest. Date. Lowest Date. 9 a.m. and Mean. 3 p.m. \f a. m . and Highest. Year. Lowest. Year. Dry Wet Humi- Dry Wpt .A Bulb. Bulb. dity. Bulb. Bulb. ! 3 p.m. W=3 January 30-025 29-978 30-356 9 29-632 17 30-002 29-981 30-409 1907 29-422 1906 64-0 60-0 77 79-7 63-4 38 February 29-951 29-904 30-324 8 29-412 25 29-928 30-005 30-436 1900 29-404 1898 63-2 59-9 80 68-2 63-2 73 March 30-074 30-045 30-420 16 29-652 6 30-060 30-036 30-442 1900 29-582 1898 61-3 57-0 75 68-3 61-1 63 April 30-170 30-121 30-513 25 29-690 4 30-146 30-078 30-582 1907 29-479 1900 59-8 56-4 80 67-5 61-4 68 May . . 30-040 30-006 30-372 26 29-259 19 30-023 30-068 30-577 1898 29-329 1905 56-9 53-2 77 64-5 58-3 <>6 June 30-018 29-980 30-401 22 29-416 14 29-999 29-984 30-663 1906 29-135 1898 52-7 48-4 73 58-3 52-9 69 July 30-107 30-071 30-460 29 29-387 5 30-089 30-031 30-730 1902 29-093 1900 51-3 47-9 78 60-5 54-3 6r, August 30-143 30-103 30-432 26 and 29-564 7 30-123 30-039 30-644 1899 29-149 1906 51-5 48-0 77 59-2 53-6 68 27 September 30-095 30-053 30-512 20 29-667 29 30-074 30-005 30-591 1897 29-306 1905 54-1 49-9 73 61-5 55-1 65 October 30-040 30-008 30-455 20 29-480 5 30-024 29-974 30-533 1905 29-132 1904 56-9 52-6 74 63-2 57-1 67 November 29-979 29-944 30-327 15 29-598 24 29-962 30-011 30-418 1907 29-194 1900 61-6 56-8 73 66-6 60-4 67 December 29-965 29-930 30-222 24 29-577 14 29-948 29-973 30-395 1897 29-496 1901 63-9 59-7 76 69-6 63-3 117 Year 30-051 30-012 30-513 25 29-259 19 30-032 30-015 30-730 1902 29-093 1900 58-1 54-2 77 65-6 58-7 64 April May Latitude 33 50' S. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESULTS Altitude January .. 30-020 29-981 30-368 9 29-661 17 30-000 29-960 30-366 1907 29-433 1902 69-6 60-8 57 71-9 62-6 56 February 29-967 29-938 30-314 9 29-474 25 29-952 29-986 30-395 1905 29-413 1898 69-4 60-6 57 72-4 62-7 55 March 30-077 30-044 30-416 16 29-561 6 30-060 30-039 30-416 1900 29-506 1898 65-2 58-7 66 68-9 ! 61-2 61 April 30-182 30-135 30-504 25 29-758 4 30-158 30-094 30-576 1907 29-544 1906 62-7 58-1 74 66-4 i 60-8 70 May 30-107 30-073 30-461 26 29-491 19 30-090 30- 107 30-573 1898 29-495 1905 58-0 52-9 71 63-6 i 52-8 49 June 30-087 30-036 30-406 5 29-642 28 30-062 30-026 30-649 1904 29-206 1904 52-8 48-4 72 57-5 | 51-2 64 July .. .. 30-161 30-118 30-482 29 29-532 5 30-140 30-074 30-734 1901 28-951 1900 51-7 48-1 76 59-7 52-2 60 August 30-180 30-132 30-460 27 29-648 8 30-156 30-072 30-673 1905 29-355 1898 53-6 49-7 75 60-4 i 53-4 62 September 30-146 30-074 30-535 20 29-724 23 30-110 30-015 30-632 1897 29-329 1905 57-5 50-9 63 62-2 ! 54-5 59 October 30-077 30-031 30-509 20 29-627 14 30-054 29-975 30-524 1905 29-196 1904 60-9 53-8 62 64-0 56-4 61 November . . ,30-025 29-975 30-342 16 29-550 24 30-000 30-001 30-432 I 1904 29-497 1900 64-5 57-6 63 66-8 ! 59-5 62 December 29-952 29-916 30-222 24 29-605 14 29-934 29-958 30-358 1897 29-506 1897 68-3 61-0 63 69-1 62-4 66 Year 30-082 30-038 30-535 20 29-474 25 30-060 30-026 30-734 1901 29-196 1904 61-2 55-1 67 65-2 57-5 60 Sept. Feb. Latitude 32 28' S. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESULTS Altitude fanuary 30-007 29-925 30-305 9 29-643 4 29-966 29-923 30-359 1907 29-418 1902 73-4 62-3 51 87-0 67-7 35 February 29-962^ 29-849 30-292 9 29-406 2 29-906 29-969 30-379 1905 ! 29-500 1903 68-6 63-8 74 82-3 Vlarch 30-059 29-957 30-399 16 29-500 6 30-008 30-043 30-369 1905 29-577 1907 65-3 60-9 76 75-4 i 62-1 46 April . . 30-168 30-082 30-435 25 29-712 4 30-125 30-087 30-519 1905 29-541 1906 61-2 57-7 80 68-9 60-7 59 May . . 30-145 30-066 30-506 26 29-526 12 30-106 30-108 30-536 1902 29-557 1905 54-3 51-9 84 63-5 56-8 65 Fune 30-118 30-038 30-431 1 29-677 28 30-078 30-101 30-615 1904 29-355 1904 48-7 46-2 83 57-2 i 50-5 62 July 30-184 30-106 30-459 29 i 29-581 : 18 30-145 30-091 30-686 1902 29-425 1905 47-4 45-0 83 58-5 i 50-9 58 August 30-207 30-112 30-476 16 29-638 i 20 30-160 30-113 30-623 1906 29-498 1905 50-6 47-4 79 60-7 51-6 f>4 September 30-147 30-033 30-516 20 29-701 23 30-090 29-997 30-517 1905 29-380 1905 56-0 50-0 65 66-7 54-3 45 October 30-067 29-958 30-498 20 29-524 14 30-013 29-987 30-510 1905 i 29-242 1904 62-7 53-9 56 74-1 i 58-1 38 November 29-990 29-879 30-332 7 29-392 24 29-935 29-983 30-404 1905 29-477 1905 69-3 57-2 46 80-2 61-1 33 December 29-925 29-800 30-199 25 29-451 19 29-863 29-931 30-304 1906 29-424 1902 74-0 60-9 45 86-1 (>.V 7 31 Year 30-082 29-984 30-516 20 29-392 24 30-033 30-027 30-68(i 1902 29-242 1904 61-8 54-8 62 71-7 Sept. Nov. Signifies ' ' No record. ' ' OBTAINED AT ALBANY DURING 1908. 41 tV,'(. Ixmptude 117 AO' E. SHADE TBXPBKATVRB. CXOUD. RAW. Pnvioiu Yean. Diurnal Range. 1 ...,l HMD Max. Min. M-.,, Hiirh- eat Max. hit- . !/> out Min. l.ii.- 9a.m. 3 p.m. 100 poinU V. .,i wet days. Ureat- ent fall Date. \\. r .... DJM i" '- year.. M. ., M.n M. , , Mm. High- ait. Year. Low- eit. Year. HMD Great- est. Average Previous Year*. m i 87-0 -.': 50-0 ii 73-1 57-1 101-2 1903 l-J i MM 16-5 28-0 lri-0 7-8 4-9 53 7 29 19 M 71-7 :.: -. '.i : in. 21 49-0 3 ::!-.-. 57-8 94-4 MM 41-1 IMfi 14-1 M 15-9 7-5 6-6 M0 11 50 ._,., 77 '2 IH 43 -o 24 71-9 M i 1901 38-7 1903 |.i -., 37-1 16-4 5-7 5-2 76 II 15 14 137 70-0 >.2 l MI-,1 3 15 i.'i :t 52-9 98- 8 1897 n 1902 lfi-8 16-4 5-5 5-8 M 14 A4 8 251 8-S > 76-0 is 18 flft.fl l :; M | 1907 :;. l 1903 15-9 26-2 16-3 -l -4 431 Jl 73 M 475 M. t :,:i u 1 :!':, -.".I .11 7 l,, ,. 71 . IM9 35-4 MM 13-6 .... ^ l.vi 6-9 7- Ml 23 112 7 Mfl ,,2 g M-l IKI-S i;. :ts-2 31 I..P 7 45-0 73-5 IS" 33-5 1902 17-7 30-7 13-7 4-9 .VI 448 17 124 7 504 53 9 ...s , .. 3ii-s 2'i 61-6 46-0 77-5 MM 34-3 1905 16-3 M-l 15-6 5-2 8-6 359 17 68 21 514 .9 47 I 7., 1 21 :: 5 1.2 7 47-3 84-8 1900 34-0 MM 16-8 36-2 19-4 fi-6 5-4 244 18 43 23 398 57-8 s-J :, 22 :ix s i:t M'l 91-0 1906 36-2 1903 17-3 32-0 15-8 5-1 5-1 235 13 7:. 6 320 l 69-9 5fi-2 84-2 21 1:1 -1 e 68-5 52-5 93-5 1902 40-6 1M1 17-4 N'fl 16-0 5-1 4-6 221 12 100 25 125 71 ' 56-5 '.t 2 27 l., .; 8 71-6 55-1 103-0 1899 41-2 1900 16-4 30-0 16-5 5-2 4-5 224 11 184 6 111 :.I4 89 4 92-4 18 35-6 5 H7 1 61-2 103-0 1899 33-5 1902 18-1 37-1 17-9 6-9 5-6 3319 175 184 3526 M,r s,,,. Dee. OBTAINED AT BSPERANCE DURING 1908. 14 feet. Longitude 121 56' E. 71 '2 58-0 66-1 1 n 17 45-0 6 77-6 59-3 117-0 18!7 ' 40-8 1904 16-2 34-8 18 -.3 3-1 5-6 16 3 10 5 65 75-9 57-6 M-fl 102-6 Hi -o 16 78-1 60-5 109-8 1808 41-3 1004 18-3 39-6 17-6 2-8 2-5 115 5 76 7 1 66 70 .s M-a 63-3 9-0 21 :. 1 -'7 76-6 56-9 104-4 1898 40-6 1900 15-0 38-0 19-7 3-5 3-1 100 9 48 28 107 is .-, 53-4 61-0 H-o 2 40-6 18 72 4 54 3 99-0 1897 3!l-.- 1906 15-1 28-6 18-1 44 42 89 8 33 8 147 H.V.; 48-1 M-l 78-6 3 33-0 28, 30 68-3 50-0 91-5 1907 1 35-0 liMK) 17-5 34-0 ! 18-3 3-7 4-1 537 15 171 13 276 60-3 -i:, s 53-1 72-0 1 37-0 5 63-6 47-7 76-9 11X12 3.5-.-. IS'.W 14-.-. 25-4 15-9 4-8 6-1 706 20 169 17 401 til -n _ 2 51-6 67-0 4 32-8 29 62-4 4.VI 77-6 MM 33-0 1901 18-8 30-6 17-3 3-9 3-4 308 15 50 10 365 61-8 12 I 52-1 ,.> ; 14 35-0 Iti 3-!> 4-3 88-7 1907 33-3 1905 19-4 30-0 17-6 2-3 2-8 379 11 152 !i 32 64-4 46-1 55-3 83-4 22 ! 38-8 9 60-2 47-7 86 6 1900 34-3 1905 18-3 37-4 18-5 3-7 3-4 180 11 81 16 281 M.| M-fl .-..'. s 87-6 10 37-4 14 r.'i _ 50-6 lnl-1 1901 36-2 1897 20-0 37-6 18-6 3-7 3-5 169 6 120 16 223 M-I M-a 'io-8 HI-O 24 45-0 17 72 -n 54-2 105-0 1901 MM 1898 17-0 3-0 18-4 3-2 1-7 176 6 62 10 '.17 n -. :.7 :. .;:, -2 M-fl 19 tt-fl 13 76-2 57-1 108-0 1899 40-8 1900. 1.V3 40-4 19-1 3-6 2-5 44 4 M 6 93 1903 67-6 50-5 59-1 102-6 1 32-8 29 70-6 52-5 117-0 1897 33-0 1901 17-1 40-4 18-1 3-6 36 2819 113 171 13 2513 Feb. July May OBTAINED AT BALLADONIA DURING 1908. 506 feet (approx.) Longitude 123 52' E. 89-0 57-3 73-2 114-0 14 44-9 10 86-9 57-5 1111-2 1904 42-6 1902 31-7 55-8 29-4 34 2-0 1 1 1 18 62 84-0 .V, 7 m. s 101-8 2 IB- 1 14 85-7 r>7-7 : 111-0 1904 43-6 1004 28-3 41 3 28-0 4-3 2-0 58 6 30 26 54 76-5 53-1 64-8 -3 22 45-0 27 80-7 .53-9 100-1 1905 38-1 1902 23-4 41-1 2li-8 .VI 4-7 III! 8 36 M 100 70-9 M-fl 61-8 99-1 4 43-0 I'.i. 23 76-7 51-0 103-4 1904 37-6 1905 18-3 40-1 2.V7 6-7 7-1 185 11 110 7 68 63-9 45-9 54-9 72-8 1 35-9 26 rt8-7 46-4 88-2 1905 31-6 1907 18-0 22 3 4-3 5-8 :;i > : 12 227 3 96 58-3 M I, M-fl .,!,., 1 32-0 19 62-r. 43-7 75-0 1904 29-8 1905 17-7 28-0 18-8 3-0 r>-8 130 12 40 4 116 59-6 38-5 49-1 67-0 18 29-0 15 61-3 40-9 81-4 1906 31-6 1904 21-1 3l-( 20-4 3-5 4-7 no 7 22 6 74 n-o 38-2 50-1 71-0 14 n-o 16 64-7 41 -.'I 79-0 1903 28-0 1905 23-8 38-2 23-2 1-9 4-5 M 8 18 4 90 68-3 41-6 :,:, n 84-0 30 :\s 6 69-0 43-9 87-2 1904 28-8 1905 26-7 41 -(I 25-1 4-4 3-2 112 5 66 11 93 76-3 1.-- -' 60-8 97-8 27 33-0 8 75-1 47-4 .i | 1906 35-0 1906 31 1 49-0 27-7 34 3-2 43 4 26 15 108 83-1 .-.1-1 67-1 100-3 30 36-0 7 79-7 50-8 106-4 1902 37-5 1907 32-0 46-0 28-9 24 2-0 37 2 29 10 52 91-0 M.O 73 5 MB*fl 29 43-0 12 84-6 54-9 108-7 1904 41-4 1906 35-0 49-5 29-7 23 2-7 13 3 9 20 68 73-6 48-0 60-8 114-0 14 29-0 15 74-6 49-1 111-2 Jan. 28-0 Aug. 25-6 55-8 25-5 3-8 4-1 1154 79 227 3 971 Jan. July 1904 MM May 16 Aug. 92 Latitude 32 14' S. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESULTS Altitude Barometer corrected to 32 Fab.. M.S.L. and for Gravity. SHADE TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY. PREVIOUS YEARS. MONTH. Mean of 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. Highest. Date. Lowest. Date. 3pm Highest. Year. Lowest. Year. Dry \Vet Humi- Dry Wet p h 3 p.m. Bulb. Bulb. dity. Bulb. Bulb. s5 a^ January 30-002 29-960 30-298 10 29-704 18 29-981 29-956 30-303 1904 29-389 1900 76-7 63-0 45 73-3 63.6 55 February 29-962 29-897 30-287 9 29-329 2 29-930 29-980 30-353 1905 29 459 1904 73-9 62-7 51 74-6 64-0 53 March 30-051 29-993 30-374 17 29-611 6 30-022 30 044 30-361 1905 29-507 1899 68-9 61-3 62 71-3 (J2-4 57 April .. 30-159 . 30-099 30-446 25 29-700 4 30-129 30-091 30-499 1905 29-554 1906 67-4 61-1 67 68-3 61-8 66 May 30-146 30-097 30-501 26 29-558 12 30-122 30-128 30-563 1902 29-579 1905 58-4 53-8 73 63-9 56-6 62 June 30-104 30-050 30-469 1 29-703 29 30-077 30-072 30-554 1904 29-373 1904 53-2 49-0 73 59-7 53-1 64 July 30-178 30- 130 30-455 22 29-553 6 30-154 30-111 30-720 1901 29-117 1900 51-4 47-4 74 58-7 52-3 64 August 30-202 30-141 30-483 16 29-659 20 30-172 30- 102 30-614 1906 29-549 1900 54-1 49-7 72 59-8 52-5 61 September 30-148 30-080 30-470 21 29-624 23 29-114 30-022 30-511 1905 29-384 1900 58-4 52-0 64 62-6 54-3 58 October 30-072 30-013 30-519 20 29-559 13 30-043 29-994 30-470 1905 29-538 1904 65-0 55-4 53 66-6 57-0 54 November 30-011 29-959 30-344 8 29-550 24 29-985 29-994 30-438 1904 29-488 1905 69-3 58-4 49 68-2 60-0 59 December 29-952 29-896 30-246 25 29-562 20 29-924 29-950 30-336 1900 29-392 1902 73-5 62-5 51 74-0 64-0 55 Year 30-082 30-026 30-519 20 Oct. 29-329 2 Feb. 30-054 30-037 30-720 1901 29-117 1900 64-2 56-4 60 66-8 58-5 59 Latitude 12 50' 24" S. GENERAL ABSTRACT OF RESULTS Altitude January February 29-920 29-801 30-012 29-925 5 2 29-808 29-678 31 29. 29-894 29-871 30-067 30-034 1905 1906 29-552 29-484 1906 1907 83-6 82-6 80-8 79-9 86 86 March 29-881 30-032 13 29-690 1 29-868 30-027 1905 29-598 1907 82-1 79-7 88 . April May . . June 29-864 29-907 29-942 29-917 29-988 30-015 13 21 2 29-790 29-841 29-870 29 17 6 29-890 29-902 29-909 30-006 30-067 29-992 1906 1907 1904 29-768 29-742 29-676 1905 1905, 1907 1907 82-9 80-9 79-1 80-5 78-7 76-7 88 88 87 July August September 29-915 29-949 29-953 29-994 30-033 30-016 5 14 14, 15 29-793 29-839 29-893 26 19 25 29-897 29-939 29-956 30-002 30-046 30-055 1905 1905 1904 29-622 29-777 29-768 1904 1906 1906 78-0 78-1 80-0 76-5 75-9 77-5 92 87 87 October November 29-937 29-893 : 30-001 29-998 7 10 29-857 29-766 24 18 29-954 29-951 30-045 30- 125 1907 1904 29-784 29-794 1906 1907 81-0 81-4 78-1 79-6 85 90 December Year 29-864 29-924 12 29-684 29 29-893 30-041 1905 29-171 1907 81-7 79-4 89 29-901 "~~ 30-033 14 Aug. 29-678 29 Feb. 29-910 30- 125 Nov, 1904 29-171 Dec., 1907 80-9 78-3 88 Signifies "No reconl. 93 OBTAIN HI) AT KVRK Dl KlN 77 n .... , 1 18M 38-2 1900 17-6 u > Jn '. 5-7 5-0 98 8 31 66 72 1 56-7 04 4 tot-] i 42-8 a 71 .1 . 104-9 I'.KII :;. > 11NI2 16-4 41-8 19-9 5-4 5-3 133 6 34 H 70 : ,, 48-9 :.s n n ii a 34 2 M i ' n M . i IQO 34-0 I'.HXI 18-1 .!-' s 4-6 4-7 323 13 145 4 146 .VI 7 7i) '. 1 35 4 ii ,. . u i,, .. 80-3 1 1.,.. 1901 U, 1 33 2 19-0 4-1 4-8 254 U 60 23 174 1.1 : 41 .M 4 71 '. 18 28-0 16 i.'J 7 42 4 1906 27-2 1900 ao 7 :n _ 20-3 4-1 4-0 n 11 15 8 116 4"' 11 68-1 M- i r 29-2 1905 20-0 U ., 21-8 33 3-5 110 10 31 11 97 71 4 ..n :i <*>'.> UK 4 i n 33-2 9 71-9 50-5 100-2 i :;.. n I'MH 21 1 51-6 21-4 3-7 3-7 92 6 ''., 14 70 U4-1 102-7 1 36-0 8 73-5 ..:; i 108-1 :n . 1890 48-7 19-11 3-4 3-1 7 2 ! 10 66 :.7 l ,,S ! in n 42-7 n 77-2 57-1 112-2 I8M, 37-2 1905 23-0 ,J J 20-1 4-0 31 19 3 10 16 40 i 71-5 .M :. 61-6 116-8 14 13 71-9 51-7 ni. a 1904 J7 J 1900 j,, i, BiM 4-3 4-1 1514 85 145 4 lOW Jan. July May OMT.MXKD AT corns IH HIM! 1908. l.'i feel. Ungitude 96 53' 30" E. K7-K 76-0 81-9 91-2 31 72 3 in 87-2 7K-1 92-9 1903 71-0 1905 11-8 15-7 10-1 3-3 Jit-. 6 136 8 634 x : 75 8 81-5 'III M 1. _ 72-7 18 8U-H 76-6 91-0 1905, 72-5 I'.tm, 11-4 16-3 10-0 5-7 1550 17 720 11 561 1907 1905 M. I 76-S 81-3 88-5 73-0 8 8H-5 77 2 91-0 1903, 72-0 1904, 10-2 14-0 9-3 4-6 1243 18 114 6 HI 1905 1905. 1907 ' - 77 1 Ms 88-4 M 73 3 l'i 86-4 77-.-. !'4-l I1N13 73-5 1905 9-4 13 7 8-9 5-0 227 11 51 8 1009 84-7 75-7 s., _ SS I, i 71-6 20 8.1-3 77-1 8<(-8 I1KI4 72-d 1904 9-0 16-4 8-2 4-9 352 15 156 31 781 1 76-1 78-9 s.-. | rj 72-0 28, 29. 83-9 75-2 89-0 1907 63-3 1904 7-6 11-5 8-7 6-8 . . 5S 18 196 19 MiK 30 VJ II 73-9 78-0 u 70-0 8 82-4 74-4 HS II 1906 02-3 1904 8-1 12-5 8-0 6-5 3488 26 1,021 8 905 81-2 73-2 77 J 84-0 17 70- 5 7 83-2 74-7 87-5 I'.MMi 61-0 1904 8-0 12-3 8-5 2-4 376 14 172 20 411 83-7 75-4 79-6 85-4 22 73-8 2. 27 83-9 75-0 89-8 1903 70-0 1904, 8-3 10-8 8-9 43 . . 141 n 34 5 226 1907 S4 :. 74-7 79-6 -,.; n -.. :.' 70-5 10 84-5 7.-. -2 89-8 1903 71-0 1906 9-8 14-5 9-3 4-4 366 12 155 6 235 s:, :, 76 9 -i 7 MH 20 72-5 11 85-2 7.V1 90-4 1903 72-0 1904. 9-6 15-3 10-1 5-1 818 11 210 18 403 1096 v. :t 91-0 31 86-6 75-7 90-5 1904 70-5 1907 16-3 0-9 4-6 354 10 113 20 408 84-9 _ 91-2 31 70-0 8 85-1 75-9 94-1 April 61-0 Aug. 16-3 9-2 4-8 9477 168 1.021 8 7406 Jan. July 1903 1904 July lignifles "Ml." 94 w 2 . 4 n SfcttlfcSMSM "* 00 g .2 "SSHSSB2SS I to E 0* H-oiooccwoscocooccoin t- b 00 gggSSSSSSSS 5 S n rn CO ^ S 1 ssssgsssssss g d i= CMWM^-ixccocoojeosoeo CO t- 5 SD 1 2 . gssssgotggasg S ^ li 1 I 1 S *s a 0-B & >. X ft ^cccc.-c^^^^^o^o g S ** 0-*INOO- o 1 *^^=0 rt O* rt O>00 g CO ,0 =. tor- ,= aiot~t*mt~m CD *ji t-u:oooujmwoirjeo <* o ** M 00 ^5 gsssssssssss CO s lO^^CpO^^^^^CMCO t- *amoi r-.040Wrt'nOnftCD'^rt i-HnosxoCMC>]o)x ft i | siialllliiil OS CD ! 3 i o J 1 i os os' . lllllillilll i i oToTgSo7gSoi V ^* >i 3 i 1 OOr^ 2 1 H o S sisi ec BH *o -' e g^wo*at-*e^ ^t-WOONiOrHCOM^COOS CO > (3 oosoSoosoSoooTos o d 1^ COC'lOSCOCJr-t-lC'l-*X^-i r^ 1 | * S o v oesoooooooooioj NeoeoeoweoeocoN w 1 li g J t i for Ora' I tt .^ a .^ 25 Feb. I H | 00" !f < i 3 $ - N.OgOiftNCO^gOSOOOD "S s . COiOOiAt-^rmncO^OO ft fe 8r4 VVr4MM4mS9 H w a - 1 i - -r -r vj -r r - ?l i.-: i - c: i w V 00 3 588S3?, 5 ] 9 32 Fah. I ^^S3 & 92 a> 1 X T-f Ot- oo" I o 3 $ OeaGDr-"*'iAr<-ir-i oo ft oooooooocooo i ] p 13 5 g C n Cj 5. ^ !_; esosxosooincoxoir-^ X b O O *H o OOJOi S cocom^i-icocDint-oeoco r4 00 oaooooooooosoi WNMCOeOWOTCOKCONW o CO g ^aeo^MNN^or^i-o ^OiO.OOMCOOia04 04 ojosoooiaioooooioi i 5 OOOJOSCOiHf-iOOl^t-O CD * OjOjOOOlOlOOOOOlOl o-iwcoeowwcocococowo^ g ' g 2S5w040sSlSwooS 00 ' COO)l-t-OrHCOcO0>CO CO OOSOi-*OOlOrHOOOiOS 6 If S CO(Mi-'OcOOi-iQNnoiOl fc td 00 ggg8gggg8 g 5 fl V ">\ % n o T3 S | S 4-3 * && 1JI iifia^Sklllil slJlSitfffiJJ >?ii,B^-x~ae 77 - '- :-;--- : '- V iiiliiliiiil 888888888882 eiisiiiiissg BiiasMsaiii 888888888888 888888888888 aaaaaaaaaaaa saaaaasasa 888888888888 t t at n MiiiiiiiiiS 888888888888 iisssiisiiii 888888888888 1 i m L I I I I u I I ii ooioooaaaoooo a ssssasssaaas |S< S OOt-M ' a tO M e* ^ ^ M aaa"s- < 2 rs I-H 00 r- m CO CM ' rH ' tO CM CO rH ri rr. rt 11 --- -- CM CO CO CM CO >* * CO tO CO CO CM CM I-H CM CO iC -* to 1 COlOA "'cMrH - 00 . CO 00 t- OCOSOO 00 00 00 00 ooooooootoooooccxooaooot^ddi^oc co la| gjg .0000 oo e rH CO 00 rH CO ot-m-* r-ccMinrHor-t^rHCMcccor^dt^c' to rH CMrHC'lCMrHTO-tin'-t'CM CMrHrH -CO rH rH rH -|L OSdd ^frnr- CO to cs co ^eo m toot COeOCM CM CM rH rH rH -CM SHADE TEMPERATURE. N I H JH OOOOOO CM-* OCMdtOOOOO to COOO rH O O OG GO * m oootoco O-tr-t-Slt^ rH O rH O CO tO X tO Tf O go cc in m co i GO r-i o to CM CM ** CM t- o to te A 10 tOtOOrH rH rH O t-00 CO O CM~^.CM I CMtOCCMrHrH M oo m m eo * o r*-o OinocM-*o o r- o o o CM Od O \fiti-t CM tOtOmt- CM5OOCM-'d o I-H o 6 SSS2SS dOO 1 COrHrHrHd 'i -- COCMl^r-r-O OS (O CMtOrH^CMrH ^ WfrH tO0(0 rHOCMCO OOCOtOrH COt-rHOO rH.nt'-ICOtO 00 r^ >n m oo to i d co to CM dt-a r~ 13 4i^rH I xi'-r. ^ftot-tt * * CO CM OCM rHOSdOOO t-r-t-eo tot- to (Ol^OOO lindXCMOOrH tOtOOt- 1 tO <> to t^ tO CO Ii OOCOOl-CMCM 00 00 in X CJ r- OS 00 - OOU5 rH-4*^. 0OS 000 rHO CM >O t- rH O CO * o o CM d rH eo co in co rH doodtooc^iOco -r /_-*-* -H M IS f-HOSt* |*PCMCM ^ rH rH O 1 ssss -*> o -* -* in co m to m in m in in r~CMrH-* tt^doat^dto SK II f', ~.\ >-. i - *\ f T i i - ~ -r i i i~ i- M iSSSSSISS SSfSSS IS osdd losdos oo d os d 1 ssss t-t^aooo ltOM ggggsssss SPSSSS: -;-' SSSSS3S S3SS d co CM * ^ in in in *t-OCMOOOiOO Mi)o>in6drHrHd = J3 II in rH * rH CM CO O tO OS tO i-H 00 CO I> tO . s co Ad^OO-* M^i ^ rHCM 00 rHOmdt^rHf-CMOdOrH^OeOrHCMOSd 00 00 CO 00 OS CO CO 00 00 OS OS 00 CO CO 00 00 m eo I-H oo d r- 1- co co m ^< i 00 00 CO l> t~ I> t- l>f-t--t-- I CM CM rHd CSOdxt-coeOif SiSSPSSSSgPS II d os co CM ^f CM t^ eo eo to r- M os I-H co *c t* rH m co * to n oo OCMCOCM CM to to m dCMOOtOrHCOOO NNrHrtOOM0 ;3 g g CO -O -H 00 CO^-OSOO j Ci rH O CM n to to to SSSSSSSSSiSSSSSSRgg II rH^f^Hoos^*"^"oco t-in^t^^*'osQ >a otoooo 00 CO OOI>- cot^cMcMCMinr-cooocot-ootomcMo^co SSSS8SSSS 8SH3SS ;g d oo to co *< CM to r. z i dosososddd coooosos 1 BAROMETER REDUCED TO 32" FAH AND MEAN SEA LEVEL AND GRAVITY. H OO'OQrHOlrHrHCM'* OS CMrHCJM 3 CO CO t- m^CM rC O i^^"oot^t-d o op CO CO O j r-r-co CM CM CM X dOscBddoscidd os osdosd CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM M CM CM CM CM S 5 os os ddos os dpsdosdd CM CM CMCMCM CM CM S CM CM CM CM I- 3 ! m a osdddddosoo o ososoo CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CO CO CO CM CM CO CO I I>^"COt^OTO ^" |^ rH CM CM | CM CO CM rH 1 j CM 1 cocoeo cococo eo co m d oo 'ss ' m todeo ao tOincomxcM So ooo o oooooo eo cococo co co co co co co co s | to i^. t^. r- r- 1- I t*i> r. jtoi>i>i> CO R QOCOCMTtl,-,-^ co CM oo I-H CM eo to -t" so d t-OOCC I OOOOOO 00 1 1 CO 1 1 1 CMCMCM eo r- ?l 1 1 l?l 1 S dd id idososddoo SSSSSS-SS g i osdos osdos oso> (MCMCM CMCMCM CM CM IW g OS *< in CM O tO CM d OS -* to t os I??? i S8 OS rn2o * CMCr-iO asssssssa .s s ddd ddos os o> CMCMCM CMCMCM CM CM I 1 1 1 os do CM CM CO SS ggiSSS . STATION. ::::::::: :::::: 1 : : S : b* Kamdale Cape Leeuwin t Bridgetown . . Katanning Mt. Barker Albany Breaksea t . . Esperance Balladonia Eyre Cocoa* (Keeling Islands) S;' I ' I 1 1 *^c ^c^ 4 S><5 S BX*%$ B =5 W = tililllll iffii | fe :::: j : l|fo JalsSffi Pi -Wolf : illslla|f illfili^lSI il'i Ipl Iflss^ig SSZ3333S8 - -';'.- ' ":-, 3 S S3 S S SRS 8 RSS 3 I II I I I I I I I I I I I I II II SJS- U- .- * ffgigeSSS f-gSaSSSi: ,2888385 2SS8 3888 assa -.,:-,-- ---,-. --. TITJMMI SS' t-O*AiA**9.M9IM*a>Aian -. 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Average for previous Yaare. !i XtOCONOOCMIfNCM CO-*XXr-ia4|>O|COOCa ^-tOS OS-H-*CMICOmOiCO "--' <~''i ** oososososoilosos ososcsosososloslxosxlxxos osooxxlososcsoo XOOXXOOXt- 1 X X X X \assas* *j 31 IS M-r-OJ-* -M7H-SS t* ^ t- 1- 1- O I> CO CO * O ** rH rH ift CO ->-. 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T . ^^t- ssisssis; r *^*^ I 2 I 59* I ttt i x i * x t- i r-tr- IKKSS isssssst iszss ISSSSJK II ii Is BAEOMETER REDUCED TO Si' FAR. MEAN SEA LEVEL A-ID (JlUVITV. 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S s D <5 a < 00 CO * 91 r- OS in 9) 94 O 94 9) OS X CO * CO l> CO CO l> OS S "* i* I 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 H! 94 94 91 -i -< ^H 91 i-t i-H i-H 1-1 | to -t M d -* o ft M iH rl M CJ ~- in . 5> C3 tc c iH t^ | M ~ -t r' ~i -r '^t t^ X o |OOO OCOla>Oa9 XX^t~ WM^OV OOlOWt*Ogl^'CC^lt^c^Xi.-Mft -* x 94 919194*-) 91 <-t 94 I-H 94 94 iH 91 S a OJ ft * a 1 *' 'S'cjeS'aj&eSiSei ooo*oegoot-t- ao> 000.0. oo o.t-oi-.r-t-iot-4at-on- llillllll IIII : illl '1 Iiliiiitiiiiiiiiii i " i s I | i 5 - i3*2S3" SS ttH *3S* :Sg35S83*a*;3'23:&2* i I! 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N <3> SggSSSISS SSSSSSISISS SISSS SSS3ISSSU1 8893583 I3S35 I 3S233S 1 *l a * r-M094OSt- 000 0: t- 94 01 1-1 M- OS o co co to H ^" 94 h- ^^ to os os o co x in x t- ^H r- os r-cot^x >-< t^ o *c 01 1 < -OOiOOO10O|OCO -Hifti-HCOCCCOIrH OIOIXXOOOC 1 XX OSOSOJCOXX Ix o oS ^ [ Ilssllils Isss^Iil t-t^-J ^H^I^H^H^ O^H^-"I-H!COOOS|OSC r^iH rt^Hi-I^H fH f-H i-t i-l i-H-< fH r g ^- - * I* S i-.*ift91Wl>OW Q09l^9)^W0 X(^ inCOTf9ICO CO949194ICOeOCO|COi- COCO (OflStpto^p COn--ixoax * a 11 .n^Ninoeot-o -H5 ooc ^^ot-oso^9ixi-r-^^.noift.n ifSOOinX91OOt- M(Ci-(a:mtDOco t-t-t-(Oto OS Ol CO Oi ffiOSOOSOSOS ' 94 949494 91 949194 91 9191 i= 5 . H Sgc Xint-h-ncOOi-iift r-i t.OOi94^f l O iMioeo9icoi-cc(Or- 91 co o O ^ -7*-^^MM(Ncoeoco H I 8! 5 9 9 1 9 COCOCOcOCCCOMCOCO ?; COCOCOCO CO co9i94tno:cs r- co corHcor- -* 91 r* 91 co m ^- xxosr- -t >n - i 10 in M' -* . - - ^: _ gg i ggg 'g ' ggg g 1 I | ift | ih co in l ^" j in Cn ri in in o 000 o oooooo cccoeo co ec co co co ci co tfieC 2 u5 2 |l 5*6* OSOhOSCO'4< COO ^H OC - *-i O X 94 -t- -t- to r- oo 53 r- iSf3t*4il o XXXXXX OS OS or | X Os OS OS I OS was o> oocs os||O)|oooio Oi O. OS O C Ol OS O OOO O 9194 9J COCO 91 91 CO OTWCOM 111' 1 - 1 1 . T T T T T i gS g ggggg?, ^OlOlOSOSOs O1OS Ol OSOSOSOJ OS 94 9J 91 93 91 91 91 91 91 9J 94 91 91 9] as Ssii ~* to co 1*0 1 o x o -t ^f S x m o ?? ei XXXXXOUO1O1O5 XIXXCSOSIO1 ^O OSJOOOS O JO IOOOIO 1 ill I t^OOSOOOi O O OOOO 91CO 94 COC09) CO COCOCO CO g ggg g gggggs STATION. f' i "g > ^ E ^ & (8 ' C ^iiiiiii |.s* "ii ^S65l5StS llllilil] ::::::: r ::::::p ::::;:::::::::::: I l B . ..lla 3 .- if llStl Hi Jlll^ljf Jll ^ II Hill Section IV. MISCELLANEOUS. 110 o 03 ;ggg ggg I ,_, < O O CO *'* W r* r~ ~* * * o ^ __ rtP H rtrtrt 03 ^^HtOOOM'*lO C: <^ I rt IN , ^, ^ ^ m ^ ^ ^ ^ 02 , Ill TKIMM>I IMA I. RADIATION. PKAK II H.L. CUB. Month. | binary M s 47-0 14, 2ii 58-8 43-6 1905 _ .M.in-ii .-.:; I 44-9 ID 54-1 37-6 1903 April 1 U o 19 is :; 26-7 1903 50-1 42-0 17. 19 47-7 27-8 ls:.;i M..y 2 1 33-2 21 42-0 26-2 1904 41-7 31-0 25 40-6 21-3 1904 .liini- . . 341-8 27-6 19 ::' s 24-6 190.5 33-2 20-4 19 37-8 22-2 l'i.-, .Ink 36-6 30-6 26 36-3 20-9 1901 35-1 26-0 4 34-6 21-3 [:*< \- 2 MM 29-7 20-2 24 July 41-2 29-2 29 43-4 30-7 1899 31-0 19-0 31 _ Antfiit 41-9 -, ., 31 44-3 30-6 1905 31-0 21-0 31 nber .. .. 44-0 :tt;-4 13 45-9 33-2 1899 31-3 21-0 5 October .. .. 482 38-3 28 49-2 34-6 I8M November .. .. 51-5 39-1 3 52 3 36-6 1907 December 56-7 40-9 21 56-8 42-0 1902 ._ Year . . 49-6 29-2 29 July 51-1 30-2 1898 19-0 31 July 112 TERRESTRIAL RADIATION continued. BRIDGETOWN. KARRIDALE. MONTH. 1908. Previous Years. 1908. Previous Years. Mean. Lowest. Date. Average. Lowest. Year. Mean. Lowest. Date. Average. Lowest. Year. January . . February - March April 39-1 30-9 15 42-3 26-4 1907 43-3 34-6 27 47-2 31-4 1904 May 38-9 29-0 8 39-1 26-4 1907 43-6 32-0 26 44-3 24-2 1900 June 35-4 21-0 24 37-9 24-0 1905 40-4 26-8 5 42-9 23-0 1900 July 32-6 22-3 31 36-1 21-0 1901 37-9 27-0 31 41-6 24-5 1900 August September October 31-8 21-5 34-2 26-3 38-1 29-6 1 20 30 36-7 38-6 40-7 25-0 26-4 27-4 1905 1906 1906 37-2 39-8 41-0 26-0 27-0 30-0 27 5 13 42-5 26-5 43-6 25-5 44-9 28-5 1899 1899 1901 November December Year 21-0 24 June 21-0 1901 26-0 27 Aug. 23-0 1900 KATANNTNO. MT. BARKER. January . February March . . April 45-7 38-0 14, 21 43-4 26-0 1904 45-8 40-0 5 May 41-4 32-1 30 38-5 23-5 1900 43-1 35-0 13 June 36-2 26-2 24 36-7 23-0 1904 39-4 29-5 27 July 35-1 27-0 15 34-2 18-0 1901 37-9 30-0 11 August 35-6 28-3 1 34-7 22-9 1905 37-3 32-0 1, 30 September 36-6 27-1 5 37-3 i 22-5 1899 37-8 29-0 13, 20 j October 36-5 23-1 13 40-0 ' 24-9 1906 41-0 30-0 7. 13 November _ December | Year 23-1 13 Oct. 18-0 4 July 29-0 13, 20 Sept. _ 1901 Ill'MIM I \ - I'EKTH UBSEKVATOBY. COOLOAIDIE. M. 1 Previoiu You*. MM Pnrtom Yean. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 |>.m. M>. Mm 9 .m. 3 p-m. KM Mir, 9 a.m. 3 p.m. M.v Mm. 9 a.m. 3 p in. i January .... 48 7n 75 U 52 44 74 4:i M 24 68 27 48 33 Keliruarv . . . . ,">7 I- u 44 74 41 -i" 33 66 35 35 \lan-h .. .. ..I i" 70 7.. .; 56 44 75 42 66 37 78 38 ..'- 37 April .... 82 -1 >" i^ H 49 H 49 M 68 86 53 59 44 M.\ .. .. 77 7'' 88 , ..( 73 87 M 72 57 90 67 67 53 ItlMi 1 . . . . 7'' ' ' 81 8ti '." 79 64 90 '.i 73 68 s.s 69 77 60 .lulv . 7:t .'.> HI 90 67 78 63 89 H 71 51 86 50 73 66 72 58 71 65 76 ill 88 61 74 50 86 49 69 :H!MT . . . . >'>7 ..^ 7:. 87 64 70 60 87 61 64 37 80 37 62 46 IMuU-r M 7'i 84 53 66 sJ M 45 M 73 23 53 40 ilx-r . . . . 61 M 77 52 a 52 81 50 38 28 62 29 48 35 vilier ,; 48 71 83 II 62 49 77 46 34 24 60 24 46 32 Yrar 54 73 . 83 60 03 62 81 51 53 37 76 39 57 42 NOTE. -Max. taken from Dry ami Wet Min. Thermometers. Mm. taken from Dry and Wet Max. Thermometers. MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM WET BULBS. PERTH. IMS. Max. Min. Highest. Date. Lowest. Date. Max. Min. Highest. Date. Lowest. Date. January Fcliniiirv Miin-h April ?> Bt>6 K8-2 IB L> 62-4 T3-7 56-3 67-4 :. 7 5S-4 49-7 43 .4 73-8 76-7 r.'.' :. 68-2 64-5 Vi s 24 21 18 1. 4 2 2 49-2 47-2 49-5 48-5 41-8 36-5 9 7 30 17 13 19 68-7 69-0 66-7 63-7 .Vi > 57-0 :.s i 68-7 66-4 53-8 50-5 47 -ft 77-2 77-7 80-2 75-0 71-2 ii.'. ii 1900 1907 MM 1907 1907 1902 46-8 45-3 44-2 40-6 39-3 37 '0 \>.r> 1902 MM 1901 1900 1898 July August niber . . *-r Nnvi-mber December :.l ii :,.-, -u 57-1 Ml S 65-2 68-5 44-8 44 7 40-8 50-2 53-8 57-4 61 8 58-8 r,:i .; 66-8 74-9 77-8 16 13 22 23 21 28 38-2 35-3 40-3 4.3 1 46-2 48-2 29, 30 31 1 13 6 IB 65-5 56-4 67-8 60-2 63-4 !.., S 45-9 46-7 48-2 50-7 53-3 66-5 64-1 65-7 69-2 71 3 76-6 79-4 1898 1808 1901 1900 1904 1904 36-1 38 3 37-8 40-1 40-2 45-1 190ft 1905 1900 1903, 4 1907 1907 Year 61-4 51 77-8 28 Deo. 36-3 31 Aug. 62-4 52-2 80-2 Mar. 1808 36-1 July, 1906 Previous Yean. COOLOARDIE. anuary 68-5 63-7 80-2 14 46-0 20 67-9 :.; ii 79-7 1906 44 1907 'ebruary 67-3 63-3 76-9 25 47-0 8, 14 68-3 56-3 79-2 1903 44 2 1904 If arch 64-1 52-0 71-0 6 44-0 16 64-8 63-0 77-6 I'.Nl-, 41-1 1 '..:, *pril 60-0 62-1 76-0 2 46-2 19 61-2 49-4 73-0 1907 37 4 1903 *y 55-5 44-7 70-0 2 36-4 13 66-4 45-8 69 2 1902 33 2 1904 une 49-2 i 38-4 66-4 7 31 18 53-0 43-0 63-7 1903 32-7 1905 Inly 49-9 38-9 64-2 6 35-4 9, 15 51-1 40-.-, 62-1 1902 30-1 1906 Vuguflt 60-4 38-5 69-0 19 32-0 31 52-9 40-5 64-7 1902 32-1 1905 September . . 54-2 40-4 61-4 30 32-4 1 55-4 43-0 66-4 1903 33 MM )otober 58-3 )-'. M 70-0 27 38-0 7 57-8 45-2 70-8 1908 36-6 1907 November 63-7 49-8 72-4 6 39-0 7 62-3 60-0 73-9 1904 H t 1907 December 68-6 66-1 78-6 29 47-0 21 67-1 54-5 79-0 1904 | 42-0 1907 Year . . 59-1 66-8 80-2 14 Jan. I :;i > 18 June 59-9 48-1 79-7 Jan., 1906 30' 1 July, 1900 114 EVAPORATION (IN INCHBS). PERTH GARDENS. PERTH OBSERVATORY. MONTH. 1908. Previous Years. 1908. Previous Years. Total. Highest. Date. Average. Highest. Year. Total. Highest. Date. Average. Highest. Year. January 7-80 0-37 11, 26 8-39 0-46 1894 10-22 0-43 11, 26 10-35 0-50 1907 February 7-08 0-42 6 6-91 0-45 1898 9-31 0-38 13 8-65 0-59 1903 March 5-17 0-24 19 5-93 0-44 1904 7-35 0-33 15 7-61 0-48 1899 April 3-57 0-26 6 3-64 0-28 1906 4-73 0-23 10 4-78 0-31 1902 May 1-95 0-15 12 2-23 0-28 1890 2-45 0-16 1, 27 2-64 0-20 1902 June 1-53 0-21 2 1-43 0-15 1903 1-87 0-15 2 1-59 0-15 1906 July 1-77 0-17 5 1-50 0-15 1899 1-77 0-13 5 1-61 0-19 1901 August 1-95 0-15 30 1-90 0-26 1889 2-48 0-16 28 2-32 0-34 1902 September 3-15 0-22 29 2-60 0-26 1898 3-56 0-21 29 3-23 0-26 1902 October 4-53 0-25 22 4-16 0-37 1888 5-43 0-31 29 5-29 0-35 1906 November 6-14 0-36 20 6-20 0-48 1903 7-16 0-35 19 7-79 0-44 1901 December 8-25 0-38 28 7-61 0-44 1899 9-87 0-45 28 9-95 0-47 1899 Year 52-89 0-42 6 Feb. 52-50 0-48 1903 66-20 0-45 28 Dec. 65-81 0-59 1903 CUE. WlLUNA. January 23-04 0-99 10 .. 24-77 0-95 5 February 17-57 0-84 11 . , 18-43 0-97 6 p , t . f t March 16-95 0-82 10, 11 16-32 0-74 16 April 9-50 0-65 4 , . 8-27 0-61 11 t May 6-19 0-40 19, 27 5-96 0-38 19 t June 4-09 0-30 2 ( t 4-09 0-35 2 July 4-62 0-28 17 5-39 0-32 18 August 6-52 0-47 27 7-67 0-41 20, 25 September 9-54 0-67 28 11-58 0-60 24 October 15-95 0-81 22 f , 15-99 0-77 28 November 21-03 0-89 16 19-55 0-86 14, 22, 25 December 22-46 1-09 26 20-24 0-97 26 Year 157-46 1-09 26 Dec. 158-26 0-97 26 Dec. 1 6 Feb. LAVERTON. COOLOARDIE. January 21-64 1-20 15 15-16 0-72 5 12-75 0-79 1900 February 16-78 1-32 3 11-19 0-57 2 10-42 1-25 1900 March 16-05 0-79 22, 23 8-71 0-50 20 9-40 0-61 1902 April 8-90 0-69 4, 5 4-83 0-36 7 6-36 0-44 1899, 1902 May 6-91 0-45 3 2-66 0-24 19 3-81 0-40 1901 June 4-17 0-30 1 2-29 0-23 3 2-45 0-23 1901 July 3-90 0-30 19 2-34 0-12 23, 29 2-46 0-25 1901 August 4-02 0-26 18 3-11 0-20 17 3-55 0-28 1899, 1907 September 5-36 0-42 26 4-97 0-38 1907 October 7-91 0-41 29 7-36 0-48 1905 November . . 10-45 0-66 25 10-28 0-62 1904 December 13-35 0-69 26 13-01 0-87 1899 Year 87-36 0-72 5 Jan. 86-82 1-25 1900 115 HORIZONTAL MOTION OP THK WIND (m MILM). Ln WIN MM Previous Yean. Month. I'uK M. m ' .- * - 1 day. Date. Ix .- 1 day. n . (ireatcct "* I hour. DMi 1Mb M, ... Greatest 1 day. Year. Leaat 1 day. Year. ..r,-,'. - 1 hour. Year. niumry . . . . . . I'-'l 931) 18 160 23 56 18 414 868 1904 119 1903 51 1900 Ylinmry Us iu:i 26 153 21 :i> 25 407 747 1906 73 1902 43 1904 larrh ". 38 ,.;,, 23 188 4 30 R, 23, 28 in., M 1904 . 1903 44 1904 Vpnl ' 385 M ioa J ' 44 4 408 ,091 1907 90 1903 68 1904 lay IJU 20 1M 3 53 u 441 ,152 1905 79 1MO 69 1904 line no 1,101 15 180 _- 50 14 492 ,340 1904 112 1902 74 1904/05 uly 410 1,140 1 37 27 48 19 492 ,161 1907 116 1905 85 1900 \, ;__,,, 48 1.219 30 190 18 20 IS'.I ,22 1907 90 1902 84 1905 leptember M en 2 186 .' 47 2 481 ,242 1905 103 1902 60 1907 )ctobf r 478 l.oTI 14 128 17 54 14 454 ,283 1904 114 1902 70 1904 S'ovrmlier i:.l >:: 6 19H 12 ! 42 24 395 ,064 1904 66 I'.i2 64 1904 >ceinber ti'l 877 20 163 30, 31 37 3 388 i.V, 1899 85 1904 38 1904 Yrar 444 I.2:t2 20 May 37 27 July 18 Jan. 439 1,340 June, 66 March, 85 July, 20 Aug. 1904 1903 1900 n; Section V. RAINFALL. 118 RAIN IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA DURING 1908. Least Fall in previous .-* years. Qf-30t- Cl I-O TH C T * X TH GO TH 10 t- T TH I- TH 00 IO X TH M T TH TH rH N rH PI iH rH r 5 O TH CO X CO C5IO 1 * A rH 25 CO CO < CO GO Q rH O IO rH H rH ~ rH rH rH rH rH SCO C^CICMH* COCOOrHCOlN IN NOOGOl- GOCOCO^INCO CO ^ T)1 CO C5 CO O O rH CO rH ^ rH rH rH rH rH C*l C^l rH rH CM 10 00 T) O5 ?1 ^1 X IO 1 rH O 5 CM * CO C-l IN CO CO COC5 Tt O t- OJ 1- 1- CO Tt< H iH rH rH 05 1- CO 1- t- CM IN IO LO CO * 1 rH C<) rH rH rH rH rH CO 1- C> O rH rH rH rH CM O5 O5 CO CO O rH rH rH 0) i 00 t- CM TM H O O r O PI oo I o TH o t~* * 00 OCOC5OOI- i : : : : : CM ^< CO IO CM I rH 1 CM -ININCOrHrH rHrH rH 05rH rH CO O5 LO t' C? IO I- 00 CO TH CM C5 CO Cl CM PI IO CO LO 00 rH CM IO CO C^l CO CO CO IN IO 00 CO IO CO CO M IO CO CO CO t . . O IO IN IO GO CM * -^ CO rH 1 rH 1 1O OOCMrHIOI-QMrH 00 t-COrHCO TtlCOrHrHrHrHt t-CO *rH rHOCOGT c5 rH O5 CO IN 00 rH CO rH O CO CO 00 00 rH rH rH rH rH IO IO CO O CM Cl -T< 1- CO CM IO Tfi rH CM CM rH rH i rH O C$ OlO-^COCOrHCOt-CM OCMC-1 /JIOQCOOCO05OCO IO500CO HCOCMrHrHNiNCMT-H IrHrHM OOrHrHLOI-COOOOOCMOOSlOMrH rH COCOCOrHlOCOCOOOCOCOOOOSIOlO IO t- PI LO CM oo ca IO rH CO O ^ CO O O d rH rH rH LO CO i tO tO O 1 t- rH C^ CO 1 W CO "O O CO O5 t~ t DO ^ t^ CO O O5 O^CpCCT^t-lOCMCO 1 -t O C5 NINCO'CMrH (NCO IrHrHrH IOCMrHr-OOOT)IINIOCOCOOOOOOIOO5 COlOOinTPCOrHOpGOrHCCIOOOt COrH Cl TH 1- i IO iTl QO O TH CO CO I CO " 00 O5 I 1 *i I 1-- 9 Q 10 Ci D IO CM IO CO CO CO CO O rH IO O ^l-l>OOCOO05COrH IQNIO *t-rHIOCOCOOTl: f f -. z >-'::;.- i :>-:i?i-.r i- T ''S i* 5 h / i - ?. i - : i i_- ; : ._ r. r. 3ft t-t-f-rr: r i * rt ~. >~. : i - r-O'-'-'- CO O W Oi C W C O CQO*eWQDttfri - --_,. .,.,_,,-:;.;. ...,.-___._-. -, r ,gj..^ OT r ,ag .g : ss*SSas . . . . .R s :H : OWM^I- t- eo ctt-cie * e c s ei - -1 iJ CJ r< . iH iJ;5 -Wr-*rtl-C -r e - v ? i - r z ~i t > i : : -- : i-ci'ri-iooocifjC'isS'j'eee^iCiH - r : i - r /-/-::.-.-- .-. i - 5 S ri -* 1-1 --- Tin?l'-?l-'*'<'"''-l^- r-Cr-l I I I , 8to ^ tr c i k" or oc QCOCCLTO O c ^r" 1C ^CWIft^ - *'' H *'W : M c 15 - i- i- - ' :i :i L- 5 e oo ci ^ - S 3 Stli2g S&S5 88 SSSteflS li 1 $1 |S 1 h M OS S H p f p 5, i P CO rH * Ci 0 CO b- P 1- P OO 11 OS OI CO CO CO T)H CO * if rH O t- I- rH CC It P X X 1- OI P P * It f 1- 13 rH 1- CO CO O) X> 1 1 ^ P- CO S CO 5 S CO rH 00 3 f- b- iS iS 13 1< OI CO CO 5$ P 13 It rH X Ci 01 It ft 0^ 56 CO It 1- P CO CO Oi IS 00 CO M | J ~ j-t . . . rHrHrHrH -t-H 0-* 3 Zi rH *H rH POS1~ M< * lO rH 05 COCOCSt- N rH T^^P X t-tCO-tl-X13-*CCr|< h-Ol-JjLCPl^rHrHOlJP O l-t CS CI 13 * P 13 t- CO rH X * P p 1- p 1- p Or. 1- CO rH X p 01 It C~. X CO Oi t- t- rH 55 rH rH rH OI OI CO CI CO 01 OI 13 rH 01 CI * CO r- 01 CO CO CO C] 01 rHOOOl -T P Ql CS p 13 CO i 1 3 S rH 04 ol CO OI CO 0^1 CO 01 * CO * P t- Ol p rH 5 CO CO *t * if 13 * 13 1- 7. p 7- i -f Si 5 rH " CC CO 1- S 1- CO C: It 00 It 2 !"- It . . Ol rH Ol CI rH rH rH rH rH rH 01 rH rH rH r- rH rH >t 9 l-S It rH I- & 3 P I- X 01 X rH 03 t- CO X 04 13 CO rH CO * X OS rH OS 13 X X (- * CO Ol 0-1 13 P X X 5O Ol P OI U) 5 p Pi GC p Si X CC Ol Ol It CO P X - t 1- * N-^coco co^cocooi'^o^co corHCcocOT}H i t^ x^-fTt^^iiTti^co ioicitPi-OiOicocox-txoirfHitxpitxpciPTir.i- rH rH d a s -s rH CO a a Opt~Ol rHO^I3COrHPCOCO PCOrH^PI* tOPOiPrHXpltPXOSTT CTCTItCpSiCOPOCOPrHrHprHprHI-XltOlOO^'tl-rH-f H OS X fO " P X p * 3 t f T-I rH M rH t- rH rH 13 CO rH X -t< It P t 13 S f 1 1 -f T. S: Ci 1- 1 . i Si 1 P " 1- 1- P C. CO P P it Of -r 1 1 - ~C 1 1 I oo to 58 rH P rH 13 1- Ol CO P 13 -f X X rH p Tj( CO It X 13 1- t- P rH Tf CO 01 X rH X CO * 5O CO T P ' Oi 01 01 "f P 1- Ol r 1 ~ X -t " It 1- 01 CO X 01 S". 1- CO -COXrH rH5X01itixi30I Oo5oSQO3rHr-OS-*Sc:i-l--COPCOlS'* SSO-^S^OSWCOflSirHKtClCOaSiLtrHM-^ftpfeSrHO O^^CO rH rHrHrHrH*! ^l^IC1^1CO-f-fC01 1 -t" 1 t H *^-f"t'COCO rHrH OlOIOIO101O1010101OICOCOr-CtCO-t < -t* M -^COCO^- 1 f-*'- 1 t 1 -f 3 l M rH P Oi CO CO X CO CO CO 13 52 O CO CO X O 1- CO t- P 1- OO X OI CO 1- CO t 13 00 Kt P 13 X 1C CO It -f -H 5O CO P It P P CO rH Ci CO CO P P CO 13 t 1- rH 13 W CO Si CO rH CO 01 1- P CS rH 1- 1- 01 XSOSCOrfrHpCOCOI-XCTit-ltCCCSCOI-rH CI C ^ -t Cj P P CO CI CO It * It r- p X rH CO 1- * X It It -f 1- l- . 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JOOl-C4rH -MrH-^xax aoosi-o-iosiNF-caio ooos ot-i-osrn rH rH CSrH 8S ISrH OSNOS OS^rH INIOO lot-oo = rH rH O CO C > CO tN 1 IO tO I rH r^ I IN CO : *1 1" CO OS 00 * Cl C7 1" t CO 1" It r- l~ " rr Tl r- Q 05 O 'T 1 ! 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T -rrifir. C " T ft v :: 83 . .i;jr * .- 58 t-i- ec ' 't B 2 O og B as 13 ? X - = = , --=. - = = ;j>H^^; _ ==*-* - : C = -2? 5.t^--? = "" = ?I>^^M 126 HEAVY RAINFALLS IN 24 HOURS DURING 1908. EAST KIMBBRLEY. Cfirlton Do. Ivanhoe Do. 4th January 17th February 8th November . 7th December . 258 280 260 294 Lisadell Do. Alice Downs Mt. Baruett 2nd February 7th March 28th February 7th November 345 270 291 280 WEST KIMBERLEY. Leopold Downs 28th February 230 Yeeda Do. 29th February 247 Derby Fitzroy 4th February . . 370 Do. Bohemia Downs 27th February 560 Point Torment Quanbun Downs 29th February 270 Obagama Noonkanbah 24th February 250 Do. Do. 2nd March 438 Do. Myroodah 3rd February . . 255 Beagle Bay . . Oo. 1st March 314 Roebuck Plains tipper Liveringa 24th February 287 Broome Do 1st March 225 Do. Do. 2nd March 250 Thangoo Do. 3rd March 235 Do. Kimberley Downs . . 29th February 315 I A Grange Yeeda 3rd March 650 Do. Do 27th April 205 Rollah 28th April 2nd March 3rd March 28th April 17th February 22nd February 2nd March 10th February 27th April 27th April J)th December . 27th April 17th December 27th April 9th December . 27th April 295 308 260 250 310 325 295 259 600 714 381 800 260 425 391 468 NORTH-WEST. Anna Plains Do. Do. Wallal Condon De Grey Port Hedland Boodarie Warralong Strelly Mtilgie Ettrick Coongon Bel Creek Do. Warrawagine Do. Do. Bamboo Creek Taiga Taiga Do. Marble Bar . . Do. Mt. Edgar Roy Hill 27th April 434 Kerdiadery 9th December . . 270 Croydon 23rd December 238 Mallina 9th December . . 850 Whim Creek 9th December . . 235 Do. 8th June 422 Cooyapooya 8th June 440 Roebourne 8th June 336 Do. 8th June 300 Cossack 8th June 244 Do. 8th June 473 Mardie Sth June 320 Chinginarra . Sth June 320 Yarraloola Sth June 335 Peedamullah . 9th December . . 250 Point Cloates 8th June 320 Yanrie 7th December . . 157 Do. 8th December . . 220 Nanutarra Sth June 325 Do. 12th February 276 Do. Sth June 300 Red Hill llth February 294 Do. * . 20th May 271 Coorarra 20th May 310 Peake Station 19th February 275 20th February 21st May 6th June 19th May Sth June 4th June 4th June Sth June 4th June Sth June 3rd June 3rd June 4th June 4th June 3rd June 29th May 3rd June 12th February 3rd June 4th June 4th June 9th December . 20th February 27th April 325 341 295 275 308 281 325 295 236 251 255 260 288 274 260 275 450 263 286 203 355 265 247 306 GASCOYNE. Coordalia Wandagee Williambury . Towara Wogoola Maroonah Ullawarra Edmunds Minnie Creek Lyons River Mangaroon Brick House . Point Charles Carnarvon Wooramel Do. Sharks Bay . Do. Do. Kararang 3rd June 240 Hamelin Pool 20th February 252 Yederadda 3rd June 276 Yallalonga 3rd June 394 Woolgorong . . 3rd June 385 Billabalong . . 3rd June 350 Do. 19th February 240 Twin Peaks . . 3rd June 265 Do. 2nd June . 280 Murgoo 3rd June 233 Mt. Wittenoom 3rd June 300 Mindoolah 26th June 243 Lake Austin . . 2nd June 250 Pindathunga . . 26th June 313 Gabyon 18th February 250 Barnong 19th May 350 Gullewa 18th February 718 Guile wa House 19th February 230 Mellembye 19th May 26f> Golden Grove 18th February 280 Field's Find . . 19th May 20th May 19th May 18th May 19th May 26th June 19th May 26th June 19th May 19th May 24th May 20th May 19th May 19th May 19th May 19th May 19th May 19th May 19th May 19th May 267 224 290 322 310 240 316 237 242 201 202 218 254 246 215 225 207 200 209 188 117 Heavy Rainfalls in 2* Hours during 1908 contiim. <1 soi rn\\i:sr MVISH.N , NORTH COASTAL). Mur.-hlson l|.,nse .. 1 I'.Mh :ni i '"iigarra . . . . tilth May BBB Ml. Vli-w . . . . tilth May Miiuiby . . . . I'.ith May Strawberry . . . . tilth MB BOB N..rthani|iton . . tilth Ma.\ 900 i Springs . . inth MM Willow (iully .. tilth -flly . . . . tilth Mav t'.Mi Tall.i rani; . . . . ISIh 261 ' n-lla . . . . 18th May Mnllewa . . . . lint, M;,y --- 1 .",..- Nairn Tiirra . . tilth j:.:; Opawa . . . . tilth Ma\ *MO oakal.elln . . . Huh Maj _' : i Maiiitra . . . . tilth Mav HB White IVnk . . . . tilth \l i . BOO Do. . . . . inti |i....fiiilM-r . . 219 lieraldlon . . . . Huh M , 980 Arrlno . . . . I'.ith May 244 M \aive . . . . tilth Maj :;i M i Thr.-e Springs . . tilth May tie (in-enough .. .. tilth Mav 2OJ) 1 mianmh . . . . tilth Ma\ 24 May jsr, Do. L'iith June 156 It. Mind Hill .. . . liMh Mav j.;t Do r.th Julv 173 Walel.ing . . .. lilth May 277 Arraadale l!nh May 178 .M"..rn . . .. 1 19th May 151 Do .'.th July 142 liandarnigan lilth May 270 Kocklughaui . . 5th July BOB N.-w N.ir.-ia tilth May 282 Serpentine lith July 202 Waiinaniel tilth Ma\ :jiii Jarrahdale 14th June 164 (Jiiigin inth May 252 Do 28th June 212 I>". nth July 237 Mandurah 19th May 173 I " lilth o.-tober . . 209 Do 14th June 170 llelvoir tilth Ma\ 232 Do. 28th June 210 Waiini-roo liltli M.-u - 7". Do .-.th July 195 Wandu lilth May 226 Pinjarrah 19th May 157 Chidlow's Well imh May MM Do. 14th June 200 Mnndarini; \Velr tilth May 270 Do. JMh June 230 Cuildford liltli Mav LT.il Do. Kith November I.V.I Perth Cardens 19th May 180 Blythewood . . r.th Julv 184 Do .'.th Julv 158 I'pper Murray li'th May 150 Do. IHtli Julv 144 Do. Kith June 185 Perth (Hxervatorv . . liltli Mav 189 Do. 5th July 176 Do. 5th July 167 Harvey 28th June 145 Do. 18th July 162 Do. 5th Julv 184 Sul.laeo 19th Mav 183 Do. 17th July 160 Do. 5th Julv 150 Yarloop 14th June 174 Krenmntle 19th Mav 147 Do. 1st July 157 liottne-;! tilth May 152 Do. 5th July 163 Do 28th June 182 Do. 17th July 276 Jan.lakot 26th June 150 SOUTH-WEST DIVISION (SOUTH COASTAL). Ilunl.tiry 7th August 198 Karridale llriinswlok 5th Julv 160 Cape 1 ,eeu win Do. 17th July 160 Do. Do. 7th August 164 Do. Maroondah Downs . . 17th July 142 Do. (Hen Mervyn 5th July 217 Iti. Id-Ilia Iionnvbrook .. 5th July 190 Do. Do. 7th August BBB N'annup lli.vanup 4th May 201 Do. Do. 5th July 252 Do. Do 7th August 260 Do. Elgin 7th August 248 Ferndale Busselton 7th June 158 Do. Do 5th July 192 Oreeiibushps . . Do 7th August 242 Do. Qulndalup 3rd May 274 Do. Do. : . 17th Julv 168 Bridgetown Cape Xaturallste 17th July 145 Greenfields 8le 5th Julv 143 Wilgarup II... 17th July 147 Dlngnp Margaret River 6th August 200 Do. Karridale 28th May 175 Do. Do. 3rd June 162 Woodbiirn Do. 14th June 161 Cape Hiclip Do. 5th July 215 Peppermint (.rove Do 17th July BB8 Bremer Bay . . 7th August 208 28th May 158 r.th July 160 17th July 144 7th August 173 Kith July 166 7th August 177 4th April 198 1.1th June 145 r.th July 214 7th August BBO r.th July 153 7th August 220 L'Oth Kel.ruary 144 15th June 200 7th August 183 7th August 177 .-.th July 177 7th August 194 lth June 164 7th August 175 8th August .'K'th August 15-t 4th Mav no 8th April 465 8tb April 4.-!.-. 128 Heavy Rainfalls in 24 Hours during 1908 continued. SOUTH-WEST DIVISION (INLAND). Ninghan 19th Maj 207 Sunning Hill 10th May 295 Coudingnow . . 20th May 235 Coranderk 19th May 272 Wilgoyne 7tli April 300 Stock Hill 10th Mav 250 Wongan Hills 2Sth March 204 Talbot House 10th May 230 Do. I'Jth May 246 Jelcobine 10th May 269 Yulgering 21st May . . 261 Glen Ern 19th Mav 246 Uberin l!)th May 216 Marradous . . . .. j 5th July 160 Koomberkine 10th May 215 Wandering . . . . liitli May 150 Hatherlev 10th May 245 Piiigelly 10th Mav 250 Dowerin 19th May 244 Wickepin Sth April 210 E lauding 2Sth March 150 Gillimauning 10th May 156 Do. 10th May 180 Crooked Pool 8th April 200 Mangowine 7th April 150 Do 10th May 215 Do. 3rd May 145 Yornanniug 19th May 221 Baandee 3rd May 148 Wonuauiinta 10th May 213 Doongin 10th May 167 Narrogin State Farm Sth April 163 Burrayoeking 10th May 200 Narrogin Sth April 158 Meckering 4th May 158 Do 10th May 175 Do. 10th May 214 Dark an L'Sth .Time 155 Do. Ifith Juno 196 Cundinup Mav 200 Grass Valley 10th May 245 Do. 5th July 158 Northam 10th Mav 240 Denninup Vale 5th July 140 Moomberkine 10th May 246 Kojonup 4th Mav 150 Do 6th July 150 Gainsborough 8th April 180 Newcastle 10th May 266 Wagin 8th April 320 Eumalga 10th May 260 Narlyring 10th Mav 167 Baker's Hill 10th May 255 Rose Hill 19th May 207 Badine 10th May 212 Bunking 10th Mav 190 Oobham 10th May 270 Bullock Hills . . 10th May 188 York Trth May 288 Dyliabing 19th May 9f)fl Barrington 10th May 230 Woodyarrup 18th July iZflJV 156 Dale Bridge 10th May 240 Yardup 3rd May 149 Beverley 10th May 345 Chillinup Sth April 205 Bally Bally 10th May 250 Do 3rd May 290 Woodgreen 10th Mav 180 Warperup Creek 3rd Mav 180 Oakdale 10th May 250 Cheralillup . . . . 10th May 182 Quailin 10th Mav 260 Jarramongup . . '. 8th April 332 Glenora 10th Mav 200 Do. . . . , l 8th May 187 Glenalon 10th Mav 292 EASTERN DIVISION. Mebian 27th April 150 Waverley . . . . 6th April 143 Dural 18th February 195 Coolgardie . . . . 7th April 165 Do. 24th April 150 Waterdale . . . . 28th March 243 Do. 26th April 210 Do. . . . . 7th April 204 Wiluna 25th April 144 Widgemooltha . . 7th April 203 Gum Creek l()th December 185 15-Mile Condenser . . 7th April 168 Darda 5th February . . 150 Norseman . . , . 7th April 184 Mulga Queen 5th April 168 Southern Hills . . 7th April 201 Do 27th April 181 Boorabbin . . . . 7th April 170 Mulline 7th April 10 Bulla Bulling . . 7th April 305 EUCLA DIVISION. Hopetoun 8th April 180 Gibson's Soak 15th October . . 146 Ravensthorpe 8th April 152 30-Mile Condenser . . 15th October . . 144 Esperance 13th May 171 Boyatup 6th February . . 185 Do 17th June 169 Do 9th October 175 Do 9th August 152 Cape Arid 9th February . . 180 Myrup 7th February . . 152 Do. 26th February 170 Do 9th August 156 Balladonia 3rd May 227 Gibson's Soak 7th February . . *75 Eyre . . . . . . | 4th May 145 Do 10th August . . 194 129 COM M().\\\l. A 1. 1 II \1KI1.0KO|.i epaivd by (lie il Wcat. .ii to sliow Ihe annual rainfall dis- tribution thinttgl ..... t the Commonwealth. 'I'lir Map has been drawn to the same senlo as that of N'.-w So'ith Waic,. Victoria. an.l South Australia. Ihr Kimbcrlev District, which it WHS fonn.l necessary lo io the large Goldflelds District*, which have only during the last 10 or 1.'. years, il was .-on -idere.l advisable to include in the compilation ot' the Map all stations with ten or more year*' records, instead of yea iv a* in the ea>e of the olhei || is ..re <|iiite possible that when more and longei record.- are available the isohyetal lines will under;.! some slight In the older districts the records run back t<> 1^7(1 . and here little change is expected in the de- termination of the 15in. and lOin. boundaries. The heaviest rainfall \e of course over the S.W. of the Slate, which has a long roast-line exposed to the Indian and the full force of the Westerly wind* of Southern latitudes, and the rainfall there, and in faet over the S.\V. half of the State, except the Eastern Ooldfields. is a winter one. SO to 90 per cent, of the annual totals in the S.\V. Agricultural areas frilling during the growing period, April to October. From the coast, inland for about ^0 io KM! mile*, the rainfall decreases rather rapidly, but the area in the Sou'h We-t. over whieh I.T or more inches fall, amounts in 74.JIM; s.|iiare miles. The rapid decrease from the West inland is partly accounted for by the range of hills which run parallel to the coast from the extreme South e tin- Murchison River, hut they are not of sufficient elevation to serve u 1 natural -tore for precipitation in the t'.irm of snow. At some places on the Southern por- .>!' these hills the annual rainfall exceeds 42 inches. about 10 more than on II ..... oa*1. Inland, owing to tin extent of land between the (JoldHclds and the South Aus- tralian boundary, over which the Easterly winds pass, the evaporation is very great, amounting to about S" inches annually at Coolffardie. while on the- const, at Perth, it is B6 inches. The fall effects of the Westerly winds of Southern lalim.',- II..IK H,,. Souihcm Ocean are apparently II Lev.,,,,! l.at. J7 .leg.. I he I.", jnd, isohyel. and fn.li. there lo the tropic ihe rainfall is scanty and iirrasionally only amount* to three ,,r four inches j,, ,| 1( . > ,. :tl - ,..,, !. li-om I here inland, towards the Murchis,,,, ',! N',,,.,1, ,,,, gardie (ioldfields. the records only extend back some 10 "i- !'- \ear>. !,ui it is not likely that longer words will show much lar-er annual rainfall. The 111 inch isohyet H|I..II roond Peak Hill and Wiluna is probably doubtful, and may Ilimalely have to be modified, as (he ,ecor,l* used in oh- ling Ihe average rainfall at these two stations were ver> largely increased by the phenomenal falls in March and |o >7:t 30,1 ..J.iiln 15:; .- Ill-inches From :i(l io III inches From '_>.-) Io :i(| inches '. -'0 t,i _'"> inches From 1") to 2(1 inches From 111 to !."> I'mlcr 10 inches 7.1L-7 ll.f.ll 78^45 513453 The area around Peak Hill and Wiluna. depicted on the Map as h.'ivini.' a uiinfall over 10 inches, ha- nut been e*ti- I, b il has been included in the area under 10 inches. I'm tin' ie.i-n staled in i lie above notes. 130 The following Table, compiled from the records of 297 stations, shows the mean annual rainfall for each district of Western Australia: S,- District. No. of Stations with 10 or iijore Years' Record. Mean Annual Rainfall. Average No. of Years for Mean. Variation. East Kimberley 12 2.V18 14 From 32-27 at 6-Mile to 18-88 at Denison Downs. West Kimberley 13 2378 J5 From 35-24 at Obagama to 19-28 at La Grange Bay. De Grey 25 13-75 15 From 20-72 at Whim Creek to 10-90 at Mt. Edgar. Fortescue 16 12-11 10 From 16'86 at Tambrey to 7'75 at Mardie. West Gaseoyne 20 9-88 15 From 13-73 at Wogoola to 7'99 at Hamelin Pool. East Gascoyne 37 8-71 13 From 11-47 at Baruong to 6'66 at Moorarie. S.W. North Coastal 20 18-00 18 From 24-80 it Yatheroo to 12'27 at Mullewa. S.W. South Coastal 47 34-60 17 From 46-20 at Biddelia to 23'28 at Cape Eiche. S.W. North Central 19 15-58 17 From 24-16 at Eumalga to 10-60 at Burra- coppin. S.W. South Central 29 19-34 lij From 28-60 at Marradong to 14'39 at Kavens- thorpe. Eucla 17 17-85 15 From 27'75 at BoA'atup to 9"84 at Balla- donia. N.E 1 10-20 12 S.E. 41 9-61 12 From 13'41 at Southern Hills to 7'25 at Tampa. H. A. HUNT, Commonwealth Meteorologist. By Authority : PEED. WM. SIMPSON, Government Printer, Perth. 6846 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY