Californi egional acility <*** /***'/' MEMOIR, ETC. ETC. YorXG. M. L)._T. R.S._F. L.S. c.fcc. f /* 1^/044*71* ^^J) *s F1EHF.R. SOU * C? LONDON. 163O. MEMOIR LIFE THOMAS YOUNG, M.D. F.R.S. FOREIGN ASSOCIATE OF THE ROYAL INSTITUTE OF FRANCE, ETC. ETC, A CATALOGUE WORKS AND ESSAYS. LONDON: JOHN & ARTHUR ARCH, CORNHILL. MDCCCXXXI. LONDONs PRINTED BY J. t,. COX, GREAT QUEEN STREET, Lincoln's-Inn Fields. MEMOIR, THE following slight Memoir of the Life of the late Dr. Young was drawn up, from some short memoranda of his own writing in the possession of a near connexion, by one who had the advan- tage of long and intimate acquaintance with that distinguished scholar and philosopher ; but who, never having been engaged in the pursuits of accu- rate science, feels himself incompetent to give more than an imperfect sketch, which he trusts to see filled up hereafter by an abler hand. Dr. Thomas Young, a man eminently distin- guished in more departments of literature and science than any other individual of his age and country, was born at Milverton in Somersetshire, the 13th of June, 1773. He was the eldest of ten children of Mr. Thomas Young of that place, and his mother was a niece of Doctor Richard Brocklesby, a physician of eminence in the metro- 6 polls, who was well known both from his con- nexion with the first literary societies, and with the highest political circles of the times in which he lived. His parents were both of them of the society of Quakers, and of the strictest of a sect, whose fundamental principle it is, that the perception of what is right or wrong, to its minutest ramifi- cations, is to be looked for in the immediate in- fluence of a Supreme intelligence, and that there- fore the individual is to act upon this, lead where it may, and compromise nothing. To the bent of these early impressions he was accustomed in after- life to attribute, in some degree, the power he so eminently possessed of an imperturbable resolu- tion to effect any object on which he was en- gaged, which he brought to bear on every thing- he undertook, and by which he was enabled to work out his own education almost from infancy, with little comparative assistance or direction from others. From a very early period Dr. Young was chiefly an inmate in the family of his maternal grand-fa- ther, Mr. Robert Davies, of Minehead ; a gentle- man who amidst mercantile avocations, though no very deep or accurate scholar, had culti- vated a taste for classical literature, which it was his earnest endeavour to impress upon the mind of his grandson. It is stated that whilst domesticated with him, he had learnt to read with fluency when he was two years old, and that soon after this, in the intervals of his attendance on a vil- lage schoolmistress, he was made to commit to me- mory a number of English poems, and even some Latin ones, the words of which he retained without difficulty, although at the time unacquainted with their meaning. Before he was six years old, he attended the seminary of a dissenting minister, and went after- wards to a school at Bristol, where he remained about a year and a half, and where the deficiency of the instructor appears to have advanced the studies of the pupil, as he here first became his own teacher, and had by himself studied the last pages of the books used, before he had reached the middle under the eye of the master. His father had a neighbour, a man of great ingenuity, by profession a land surveyor and land steward ; and in his office, during his holidays, he was indulged with the use of mathema- tical and philosophical instruments, together with the perusal of three volumes of a Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, which he also found there. These were to him sources of instruction and delight of which he seemed never to weary, and which, thus accidentally thrown in his way, had probably no small influence on the issues of his future life. In 1782, he was sent to the school of a Mr. Thompson, at Compton, in Dorsetshire, of whom he was always accustomed to speak with great respect, as a person of an enlarged and liberal mind ; and who, possessed of a moderate and miscellaneous library, permitted and encouraged his scholars to turn it to their profit ; the prin- ciple which he adopted in the course of his instructions, being to allow them a certain degree of discretion in the employment of their time. Here Young went through the ordinary course of Greek and Latin Classics, together with the ele- mentary parts of the Mathematics ; and by rising- earlier and sitting up later than his companions, with the assistance of a schoolfellow who had some French and Italian books, he rendered himself tolerably familiar with those languages. He had acquired, in his visits to his father's neighbour, the art of land surveying, and the amusement of his walks was to measure heights with a quadrant. 9 The next study he undertook was Botany, and for the sake of examining the plants which he ga- thered, he attempted the construction of a micro- scope from the descriptions of Benjamin Martin. This led him to Optics ; but in order to make his microscope, he found it necessary to procure a lathe. Every thing then gave way to a passion for turning, and science was forgotten for the acquire- ment of manual dexterity ; until falling upon a demonstration in Martin which exhibited some fluxional symbols, he was never satisfied till he had read and mastered a short introduction to the doctrine of Fluxions. Mr. Thompson had left in his way a Hebrew Bible. He began by enabling himself to read a few chapters, and was soon absorbed in the study of the principal Oriental languages. At the age of fourteen, when he quitted Mr. Thompson's school, he was thus more or less versed in Greek, Latin, French, Italian, Hebrew, Persic, and Arabic ; and in forming the characters of those languages, he had already acquired much of the beauty and accuracy of penmanship which was afterwards so remarkable in his copies of Greek compositions, as well as of those subjects connected with the literature of ancient Egypt. 10 In 1787, the friends of Dr. Young were begin- ning to think seriously of the line in life which might be most advantageously taken by a youth of such extraordinary promise. When at the house of one of his relations he accidentally met a connexion of Mr. David Barclay, of Youngs- bury, in Hertfordshire, who was then wishing to form an arrangement for the education of his grandson, and through the intervention of Sir William Watson, it was agreed that Dr. Young and the grandson of Mr. Barclay should pursue their studies together, under a private tutor, in Mr. Barclay's house. The tutor who was engaged, found a situation of greater permanence, and never came ; so that two boys being left together, whose ages differed only about a year and a half, Young, then little more than fourteen, took upon himself, provisionally, the office of preceptor. They were afterwards joined by a gentleman who was then in progress of perfecting himself in the higher branches of classical attainment, of somewhat maturer years, and who has since been known to the world as the author of the " Calligraphia Grseca." But Dr. Young did not relinquish the task which he had previously undertaken, and already far advanced beyond the limits of ordi- 11 nary scholastic attainment, was the principal director of the studies of the whole party. When about the age of fourteen, he was at- tacked by symptoms of what was feared to be incipient consumption. But under the attend- ance of his uncle Dr. Brocklesby, and Baron Dimsdale, he recovered his health, without suffer- ing any ultimate inconvenience, and was enabled for the most part, to pursue his labours through the whole duration of his indisposition, merely reliev- ing his attention by what, to him, stood in the place of repose a course of Greek reading in such authors as amused the weariness of his confine- ment. In the five years between 1787 and 1792, re- siding during the summers in Hertfordshire, and for some months of the winter in London, with no other assistance than that of a few occasional masters in the latter place, he had rendered him- self singularly familiar with the great poets and philosophers of antiquity, keeping ample notes of his daily studies. Of the various and con- flicting opinions of the ancient philosophers he had drawn up a most admirable analysis ; and as his reading was not merely the gaining words and phrases, and the minuter distinctions of dialects, B 2 12 but was invariably also directed to what was the end and object of the works he laboured through, it is probable that the train of thought into which he was led in this analysis, was not without its effect, in somewhat mitigating his attachment to the peculiar views of the sect amongst whom he had been born. He had acquired a great facility in writing Latin. He composed Greek verses which stood the test of the criticism of the first scholars of the day, and read a good deal of the higher mathematics. His amuse- ments were the studies of botany and zoology, and to entomology in particular he at that time gave great attention. In the winters of 1790 and 1791, having pre- pared himself by previous reading, he attended the lectures of Dr. Higgins in chemistry, and began to make some simple experiments of his own on a small scale. But he was afterwards accustomed to say, that at no period of his life was he particularly fond of repeating experiments, or even of very frequently attempting to originate new ones ; considering that, however necessary to the advancement of science, they demanded a great sacrifice of time, and that when the fact was once established, that time was better employed 13 in considering the purposes to which it might be applied, or the principles which it might tend to elucidate. His uncle Dr. Brocklesby had at this time de- sired to receive from him a regular report of his literary and scientific pursuits, intending to take upon himself the supervision of his further educa- tion for the practice of physic, which was the line he recommended him to adopt ; and having com- municated some of his Greek translations to Mr. Burke and Mr. Windham, with both of whom Dr. Brocklesby had lived in intimacy, an acquaintance with these two distinguished persons ensued ; in the course of which, Mr. Burke was so greatly struck with the reach of his talents and the extent of his acquirements, more particularly by his great and accurate knowledge of the Greek language, that Dr. Young may be considered as in no small de- gree indebted to the good offices of that eminent statesman, for the extent of interest which his uncle took from this period in his future settle- ment in life. It may probably be considered that it was in these years that his character received its deve- lopement. He was never known to relax in any object which he had once undertaken. During the whole term of these five years, he never was seen by any one, on any occasion, to be ruffled in his temper. Whatever he determined on, he did. He had little faith in any peculiar aptitude being implanted by nature for any given pursuits. His favourite maxim was, that whatever one man had done, another might do ; that the original dif- ference between human intellects was much less than it was generally supposed to be ; that strenuous and persevering attention would accom- plish almost any thing ; and at this season, in the confidence of youth and consciousness of his own powers, he considered nothing which had been compassed by others beyond his reach to achieve, nor was there any thing which he thought worthy to be attempted, which he was not resolved to master. This self-conducted education, in the privacy of a singularly regular family, was not however with- out its disadvantages. The acquisitions he was thus making in seclusion were great, but he was not in the way of gaining that which is acquired insensibly in the conflict of equals in the commerce of the world the facility of communicating know- ledge in the form that shall be most immediately comprehended by others, and the tact in putting it 15 forth, that shall render its value immediately ap- preciated. It was in 1791 that he made his first communi- cations to the press, through the Monthly Review and the Gentleman's Magazine, being Greek cri- ticism, chemical theories, and remarks on botany and entomology. Towards the end of 1792, Dr. Young esta- blished himself in lodgings in Westminster, in which he resided about two years, for the purpose of pursuing his medical studies, attending the lectures of Baillie and Cruickshank in the Hun- terian school of anatomy ; and he was during that period amongst the most diligent of the pupils of St. Bartholomew's Hospital. In 1793, he made a tour in the west of England, principally with a view of studying the mineralogy of Cornwall ; and about this time having been in- troduced to the acquaintance of Charles Duke of Richmond, who had long been a friend of his uncle's, and was then Master- General of the Ord- nance, he was offered by his Grace the situation of assistant- secretary in his house. He felt that this was an opportunity for entering into public life which might lead to ad vantage and distinction. Mr. Burke and Mr. Windham recommended him 16 rather to proceed to Cambridge and study the law ; but after some consideration of these con- flicting proposals, he determined to adhere to the pursuits of science, and to proceed to the practice of physic, as most congenial both to his predilec- tions and his habits, and to which the position occupied by his uncle appeared to offer a natural introduction. In this year he gave to the Royal Society his Observations on Vision, and his Theory of the Mus- cularity of the Crystalline Lens of the Eye, which became the subject of much discussion, and John Hunter immediately laid claim to having pre- viously made the discovery. Dr. Young was soon afterwards elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, when he had just completed his twenty-first year. In the autumn of 1794 he went to Edinburgh, and there attended the lectures of Doctors Black, Munro, and Gregory. He pursued every branch of study in that university with his accustomed intensity, but made the physical sciences more peculiarly the objects of his research. He now separated himself from the Society of Quakers, and amidst his medical, scientific, and classical la- bours, he determined on cultivating some of those arts in which he considered that his early education had left him deficient. But every thing, be its na- ture what it might, was with him a science ; what- ever he followed, he followed scientifically. He was extremely fond of music, and of the science of music he rendered himself a master. He had at all times great personal activity, and in youth he delighted in its exercise. But perhaps it may provoke a smile, though too characteristic an anec- dote to omit, that in instructing himself in the figure of a minuet, he made it the subject of a mathematical diagram. Towards the close of 1795 he went to the uni- versity of Gottingen, where he took his doctor's degree. His extraordinary attainments, and the almost incredible industry with which he pur- sued his studies in all their variety, excited the wonder of the laborious school in which he had now placed himself. He found their academical library peculiarly rich in works of reference ; and in composing his inaugural dissertation, " De Corporis Humani Viribus Conservatricibus," he left few volumes unconsulted which had any con- nexion with the subject on which he was treating. In all periods of his life Dr. Young was entirely exempt from those dissipations into which young persons unhappily very generally fall, and here, as 18 at Edinburgh, he diversified his graver studies by cultivating skill in bodily exercises. He took les- sons in horsemanship, in which he always had great pleasure, and practised under various mas- ters all sorts of feats of personal agility, in which he excelled to an extraordinary degree. The victories of the French at this time pre- vented him from visiting Italy, which he had intended to do previously to his return to England ; and unwilling to be deficient in any species of knowledge, he proceeded to Dresden ; where he spent some time for the purpose of studying the works of Italian art in the galleries of that city, and to compare what he saw with that which he had learnt of them from the Lectures of the professors of Gottingen. Before returning home, he completed his stay on the Continent by a short visit to Berlin. Dr. Young, during his residence in Germany, had gained a very general and accurate acquain- tance with the language and literature of that country, which he kept up throughout his life ; but he remarked that he found in Germany a love of new inventions, singularly, and somewhat pedantically, combined with the habit of sys- tematizing older ones, and giving an importance to things in themselves trifling, which in his 19 case rather confirmed an original habit of dwelling on minutiae more than his subsequent experience led him to think was advantageous. In consequence of some new regulations of the College of Physicians, which had taken place during his residence abroad, he found himself pre- cluded from immediately practising as a licentiate in London; he therefore entered himself as a fellow-commoner in Emanuel College, Cambridge, of which Dr. Farmer was then master, who was an intimate friend of his uncle's. He here pro- ceeded to take his regular degrees in physic in that university, pursuing, during his residence, the various studies in which he was engaged ; but finding no rival in the variety of his knowledge, and few competitors in most of its branches, he lived with those most highly gifted, discussing subjects of science with the professors, but not attending any of the public lectures, considering that they were in their nature intended for a junior class of students, and relating to branches of knowledge with which he had already made him- self acquainted. Dr. Brocklesby died in December 1797, when the larger part of his fortune was inherited by his nephew, Mr. Beeby ; the remainder, with his 20 house, his books, and his pictures, was left to Dr. Young. He now found himself in circumstances of independence, surrounded by a circle of aca- demical friends and associates, and formed many friendships in distinguished and highly cultivated society, which he continued to prize and to enjoy through life. He had, during his residence at Cambridge, given some papers to the Royal Society, and had amused himself by contributing several essays on philosophical and other subjects to some periodical publications ; a part of these he afterwards re- printed, but considered others of a lighter texture than would bear the criticism of severer expe- rience. When his necessary residence at college was completed, Dr. Young settled himself as a phy- sician in London, in Welbeck-street, where he continued to reside during twenty-five years. It was not long, however, before he accepted the situation of Professor of Natural Philosophy in the Royal Institution, where he was for two years colleague as lecturer with Sir Humphrey Davy. The first volume of the Journals of the Royal Insti- tution and a part of the second were edited, and for the most part composed by him. He gave two 21 Bakerian lectures on the subjects of Light and Colours to the Royal Society, and in 1802 he pub- lished a Syllabus of a Course of Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosophy, with mathematical demonstrations of the most important theorems in mechanics and optics ; and containing the first publication of his discovery of the general law of the Interference of Light, being the application of a principle which has since been universally ap- preciated as one of the greatest discoveries since the time of Newton, and which has subsequently changed the whole face of Optical science. As a lecturer at the Royal Institution, Dr. Young was apt, in no small degree, to pass the capacities of his audience, who at this conjuncture were led to their attendance more as a matter of fashion, than from a love of re- search, and who for the most part had little previous knowledge. His style was compressed and laconic ; he went into the depths of science, and indeed gave more matter than it would perhaps have been possible for persons really scientific to have followed at the moment without considerable difficulty. In the summer of 1802 Dr. Young accompanied the present Duke of Richmond and his brother, 22 Lord George Lennox, in his medical capacity, to Rouen in Normandy, with their tutor, Mr .Vincent; and in an excursion from thence to Paris, was first present at the discussions of the National Institute of France, at that time attended by Napoleon ; where he made the acquaintance of several lead- ing members of that distinguished body, into which he himself was eventually elected. On his return he was constituted foreign secretary to the Royal Society, an office which he held during life, being long their senior officer, and always one of the leading and most efficient members of their council. In 1804, Dr. Young married Miss Eliza Max- well, daughter of James Primrose Maxwell, Esq., of Cavendish-square, who has lived to lament his loss, after an union which was attended with unin- terrupted happiness. At this time he resigned his office as lec- turer to the Royal Institution, it being thought by his friends that his holding it longer would be likely to interfere with his success as a me- dical practitioner. This view, as regarding his continuance in a situation which would appear to the public to be anomalous to his profession, and hardly compatible with its duties, was probably a 23 just one. But in settling in married life, Dr. Young carried a deference to the supposed feelings of the world towards those physicians who distinguished themselves in lines of research not obviously con- nected with their calling, to an excess which, in a man of his extraordinary talents and attainments, was certainly to be lamented, and possibly even with reference to those objects proposed to be com- passed by it. His resolution at that juncture was to confine himself for the most part to medical pursuits, and to make himself known to the public in no other character. But he had resolved on that which to him was impossible. He never slackened either in his literary or philosophical researches. He was always aiding, and always willing to be the counsellor of any one engaged in similar inves- tigations. He was living in the first circles of London, amongst all who were most eminent. The nature of his habitual avocations was necessarily well known ; and therefore in putting forth his non- medical papers, separately and anonymously, he was making a fruitless as well as voluntary sacri- fice of the general celebrity to which he was entitled ; and shrinking as it were from the cumu- lative reputation which he must otherwise have 24 enjoyed, he waived, in some degree, the advantage which is given by a great name towards the pur- suit even of professional success. In 1807 however, Dr. Young published his " Course of Lectures on Natural Philosophy and the Mechanical Arts," in two volumes quarto. This elaborate work he stated to have been the result of the unremitting application of five years ; two having been given to the composition of the original lectures, and three more to the compilation of the mass of references in the second volume, to all those works to which the student might advan- tageously have recourse who wished to pursue any more minute enquiry ; and to incorporating at the same time with the Lectures, as at first given, such results as might require insertion. The booksellers engaged in this publication failed at the moment of its coming out, which greatly injured the immediate sale of the work ; but it was a mine to which every one has since resorted, and contained the original hints of more things since claimed as discoveries, than can perhaps be found in a single production of any known author. For some years, indeed, it seem- ed hardly to have made its way to general use in England, but it was so appreciated by the phi- 25 losophers of the Continent, that one of the men most distinguished for science in Europe has been known to say, that if his library were on fire, and he could save only one book from the confla- gration, it should be the Lectures of Dr. Young. For sixteen successive years from the period of his marriage, Dr. Young passed his winters in London and his summers at Worthing, having been in 1810 appointed physician to St. George's Hospital. In his profession his published labours would prove him to have been of the most learned of scientific physicians, and his judgment and acuteness were equally great : but in the prac- tice of medicine Dr. Young was not one of those who were likely to win the most extended occupa- tion amongst the multitude. He was averse to some of the ordinary methods by which it is ac- quired. He n'ever affected an assurance which he did not feel, and had perhaps rather a tendency to fear the injurious effects which might eventually re- sult from the application of powerful remedies, than to any overweening confidence in their imme- diate efficacy. His treatises bear the same impress. That on Consumption, is a most striking instance of his assiduity in collecting all recorded facts, and his abstinence in drawing inferences from isolated D 26 cases, or putting forth that which he did not feel was established with certainty. Possibly he herein was an example, that increase of knowledge does not tend to increase of confidence, and that those whose acquirements are the greatest, meet in the progress of their investigations with most that leads to distrust. However it might be, his practice, though respectable, was never very extensive. Dr. Young afterwards published a " Syllabus of Lectures on the Elements of the Medical Sciences," as delivered by him at the Middlesex Hospital, and his " Introduction to Medical Lite- rature, including a System of Practical Nosology" the latter a work of great labour, forming like his Natural Philosophy, a text book of the highest practical utility, and accompanied by a mass of references, which, to industry and perseverance less than his, it should seem almost impossible to have accumulated. The Lectures, like every thing which proceeded from Dr. Young, were, even in his own estimation, too full of matter and too much compressed to be conveniently followed by the hearer in a course of oral instruction. Indeed, in all things he was ra- ther too apt to presume a knowledge in other per- sons which they did not possess, and consequently 27 to fail in his estimate of how much of explanation was needed in communicating the results of science to those who were comparatively ignorant. To the larger of these works he prefixed a " Preliminary Essay on the Study of Physic;" in which he gives a singular picture of what, in his opinion, is required to constitute a well-educated physician ; enumerating nearly every possible quality of which man could wish, but of which few could hope, the attainment. Dr. Young contributed to the Quarterly Review a variety of articles, literary and scientific. He first engaged, at the suggestion of Mr. George Ellis, one of his most intimate and most valued friends, to furnish those on medical subjects to that work. But his communications soon branched into other lines, many of them connected with the higher departments of science, and containing the results of some of his most laboured re- searches. The Review of Adelung's Mithridates, Vol. X. October 1813, is perhaps the most remark- able, not only from the immense knowledge it displays of the structure of almost all languages, but as having been the composition which first led him to the investigation of the lost literature of ancient Egypt. 28 In the year 1814, Sir William Rouse Bough ton had brought with him from Egypt some fragments of Papyri, which he put into the hands of Dr. Young ; the fragment of the Rosetta stone having been about this time deposited in the British Museum, and a correct copy of its three inscrip- tions having been engraved and circulated by the Society of Antiquaries. Dr. Young first proceeded to examine the enchorial inscription, and after- wards the sacred characters, and after a minute comparison of these documents, he was enabled to attach some " Remarks on Egyptian Papyri, and on the inscription of Rosetta," containing an inter- pretation of the principal parts of both the Egyptian inscriptions on the pillar, to a paper of Sir Wil- liam Boughton's, which was published by the So- ciety of Antiquaries in 1815, in the eighteenth vo lume of the Archaeologia. Dr Young now found he had discovered a key to the lost literature of ancient Egypt. He had occupied himself, though without deriving from it the asistance he had at first expected, in the study of the Coptic andThebaic version of the Scriptures ; but having satisfied himself of the nature and origin of the enchorial character, he produced the result to the world anonymously in the Museum 29 Criticum of Cambridge, part the sixth, published in 1815; being then determined to prosecute the discovery, but at the same time abstaining from claiming it in a more substantive form, from the resolution he had previously taken to be known only as a medical author. The labour he bestowed on these investigations, and the minuteness and accuracy with which he copied the papyri, and compared the materials which came into his hands, would be nearly in- credible to those who had not access to him whilst employed on this pursuit. In 1816, he printed and circulated two addi- tional Letters relating to his hieroglyphical dis- coveries, and the inscription of Rosetta ; the first addressed to the Archduke John of Austria, who had recently been in this country, the other to M. Akerblad. These letters announce the pro- gress of the discovery of the relation between the Egyptian characters and hieroglyphics, forming the basis on which Dr. Young continued his enquiries, as well as of the system afterwards carried further in its details by M. Champollion, whose attention had long been directed to similai studies, and in which he has since so greatly dis- tinguished himself. The letters were Jirst pub- 30 llslied when re-printed in the seventh number of the Museum Criticum in 1821 ; and were, with the former letters in that work, beyond all ques- tion or dispute, the earliest announcement of the discovery of a key to a character which had remained uninterpreted for ages. In the same year he agreed with Mr. M'Vey Napier to furnish various articles to the Supple- ment to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, conducted under the superintendance of that gentleman ; and in this work, under the head " EGYPT," he first brought out the whole results of his disco- veries in a perfect and concentrated form. To the Supplement of the Encyclopaedia Bri- tannica, Dr. Young furnished sixty-three articles, scientific, biographical, and literary ; the signature by which they are marked, being two consecutive letters of the sentence " Fortunam ex aim'' His adoption of such a motto appears to have been caused by his considering at this period of his life, that he had not succeeded to his wish or expecta- tion in the profession which he had chosen, and that he had reason to complain of some injustice, in that the extent and utility of his labours in science, after having been fully appreciated by the philosophers of the Continent, had not appeared 31 to have met with the same acceptance amongst his own countrymen. But this feeling-, as it was transitory, so it should seem that it was hardly well-founded. By those competent to form a judgment, he was known to stand at the head both of the letters and of the science of England ; but from the time of his quitting the professorship of the Royal Institution, all his philosophical and literary tracts, with the exception of his Lectures and his communications to the Royal Society, were scattered through so many and such diverging channels of publication, as well as branched into such varied lines, that they never were within the reach of any one class of readers, nor ever in the aggregate came before the public as proceeding from him; to which may be added, that the slightest reference to his non-professional works will shew him, in these years, to have used expressions studiously to conceal himself. Of Dr. Young's philosophical articles in the Supplement to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, some of which contain the results of his most elaborate investigations, the writer of the present memoir is not competent to speak. Many of his biographi- cal sketches are admirably given ; but he would refer to the Life of PORSON, not only as being in 32 itself a most masterly production, but as contain- ing a very interesting indication of some of Dr. Young's opinions, both on the value of classical studies, and on the mechanism of the human mind ; and he would instance the dissertation on " LANGUAGES," as containing the stupendous collections he had made for the subject, when led to it by reviewing Adelung's Mithridates for the Quarterly Review. Early in 1817, Dr. Young having occasion to visit a patient in Paris, was greatly pleased with his reception in the scientific circles of that metro- polis. With the Baron Alexander Von Humboldt, Messrs. Arago, Cuvier, Biot, and Guy Lussac, he had made previous acquaintance in this coun- try. He found himself happy in renewing his intercourse with these very eminent men, and after his return to London, he went back to Paris for a few weeks in the summer of the same year. In 1818, he was appointed by a commission under the Privy Seal, together with Sir Joseph Banks, Sir George Clerk, Mr. Davies Gilbert, Dr. Woollaston, and Captain Kater, a commis- sioner for taking into consideration the state of the weights and measures employed throughout Great Britain. Dr. Young acted as secretary at the 33 meetings of this Board, and to the three Reports which were laid before Parliament he furnished both the scientific calculations, and the attached account of the various measures customarily in use. It seems right to state, that in pursuing these in- , vestigations it was his opinion, that however theo- retically desirable it might be, that all weights and measures should be reducible to a common standard of scientific accuracy, yet that, practi- cally, the least possible disturbance of that to which people had long been habituated was the point to be looked to, and on this ground he was extremely averse to unnecessary changes. Towards the end of the year 1818, Dr. Young was appointed secretary to the Board of Longitude, with the charge of the supervision of the Nautical Almanack, under a new Act of Parliament brought in by Mr. Croker and Mr. Davies Gilbert ; having in the first instance been nominated in the Act as one of the Commissioners, without his previous knowledge. This appointment was to him a very desirable one, though the labour in which it in- volved him was great, as his anxiety to increase his medical practice henceforth ceased, and it made that the business of his life which had always been his inclination. 34 He now discontinued his residence at Worthing, and devoted the summer to a hasty tour into Italy, an object which he always had in view. In about five months he visited all the most remarkable Italian cities, and amongst other objects of inte- rest, gave the first place to the examination of the Egyptian monuments preserved in that country. He returned to England by Switzerland and the Rhine. From the year 1820 to the end of his life, Dr. Young continued to furnish a variety of astrono- mical and nautical collections to Brande's Philo- sophical Journal, the greater part of which were original, and others which were translated were accompanied by his own comments. In 1821, he published anonymously an " Ele- mentary Illustration of the Celestial Mechanics of La Place, with some additions relating to the motion of Waves and of Sound, and to the cohesion of Fluids." This volume, and the article " Tides," in the Supplement to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, were considered by him to have contained the most fortunate of the results of his mathematical labours. He proceeds in his own course and man- ner of investigation, and uses his own processes, and the great reach of mind displayed in these 35 works seems universally acknowledged ; but whe- ther he have sufficiently established all the points which he considered himself to have proved, re- mains matter of dispute amongst those best quali- fied to judge. They were spoken of in the highest terms of praise by Mr. Davies Gilbert from the Chair of the Royal Society ; but there are some amongst the most distinguished of surviving Eng- lish philosophers, who still think that his theory of the Tides rests too exclusively on analogies, and that many of the elements of the computation are too much out of human reach to render the boldness of the original thought susceptible of being subjected to the severity of mathematical deduction. Dr. Young as a mathematician was of an elder school, and was possibly somewhat preju- diced against the system now obtaining, both amongst the continental and the English philoso- phers ; as he thought the powers of intellect exer- cised by a preceding race of mathematicians, were in no small danger of being lost or weakened by the substitution of processes in their nature me- chanical. The next year he went again to Paris, and in 1823 he published his "Account of some recent 36 Discoveries in Hieroglyphical Literature and Egyp- tian Antiquities," in which he gave his own ori- ginal alphabet, his translations from papyri, and the extensions which that alphabet had received from M. Champollion. This was the first non-pro- fessional publication since 1804, to which he had prefixed his name, and made open claim to his dis- coveries ; having, as stated in his Preface, now attained his fiftieth year, and having at last deter- mined to throw off the shackles by which he had hitherto considered himself to be bound by the etiquette of a medical practitioner. At this time he attempted to form a society of about fifty subscribers, for the lithography of a collection of plates of Egyptian antiquities, subservient to the study of hieroglyphical lite- rature. This work was, however, entirely carried on by Dr. Young, and was afterwards made over to the Royal Society of Literature, and continued during the remainder of his life, to be executed under his supervision. In 1824, he made an excursion to Spa and to Holland, and on his return undertook the medi- cal responsibility and mathematical direction of a society for life insurance. This was esta- blished at a moment when a mania for joint stock 37 companies was springing up in England, and which at the time was supposed to offer great pe- cuniary advantages ; but Dr. Young's most scru- pulous regard to what he supposed the strictest justice, never forsook him : he declined all parti- cipation in the speculation, and confined himself to the performance of the duties which he under- took. The connexion however with this company led him into new lines of research, in which he took great interest. He contributed to the Royal Society a " Formula for expressing the Decrement of Human Life," in a letter addressed to Sir Edward Hyde East, which was published in the Phi- losophical Transactions for 1826; and a " Prac- tical Application of the Doctrine of Chances," to Brande's Philosophical Journal for October in the same year ; whilst he had a singular satis- faction in witnessing the prosperity of the concern in the department under his direction. The year before this he removed from Welbeck- street to a house which he had built in Park Square in the Regent's Park, where he continued to reside during the remainder of his life, and where, in a situation to which he was extremely attached, he led the life of a philosopher, sur- rounded by every domestic comfort, and enjoying 38 the pleasures of an extensive and cultivated society, who knew how to appreciate him. He expressed himself as having now attained all the main objects which he had looked forward to in life as the sub- ject either of his hopes or his wishes. This end being, to use his own words, " the pursuit of such fame as he valued, or of such acquirements as he might think to deserve it." In 1827, Dr. Young was elected one of the eight foreign members cf the Royal Institute of France, and was much gratified, not only by the honour conferred, but by being associated with so many distinguished persons, with whom he had long been in habits of correspondence and of friendship. His health had hitherto, with the exception of the consumptive tendency which had visited him in youth, been uninterrupted by a day's serious illness, and no person would have appeared as giving a promise of greater longevity ; but in 1828 there was a perceptible diminution of strength. In that summer he went to Geneva, and appeared to suffer what was to him an unusual degree of fatigue on great bodily exertion, and his friends from that time could not help remarking symptoms of age which appeared to be on the increase, and which 39 contrasted strongly with the singular freedom from complaint which he had hitherto enjoyed. During the time that Dr. Young was abroad, the general state of the finances of the country had been submitted to the examination of a Committee of the House of Commons. Amongst other things, some of the severer economists had brought under their consideration the construction and utility of the Board of Longitude as being under the direction of the Admiralty, and as giving an allowance of a hundred pounds a year to certain professors of the two universities, whose attendance was not often called for. The committee did not consist of mem- bers who were much acquainted with science ; not one scientific person was examined before them. The amount of saving by the abolition of the only salaries which the government of England held forth for the encouragement of science, little if at all exceeded 500 a year ; and though many pro- jects which might not prove of utility were referred by Government to this Board, yet the sums actually expended through them on such as they might conceive to be useful, had been extremely limited. But on the recommendation of this committee a bill was passed abolishing the Board, at the same time permitting the Admiralty to retain the officer 40 entrusted with the calculations of the Nautical Almanack. Dr. Young continued to execute these duties ; but this singular, and as it should seem ill-advised proceeding, caused great heart-burnings and dis- content in the scientific bodies, amongst those who considered themselves or their friends treated unhandsomely as well as illiberally, in the manner in which their services had been dispensed with ; and the assistance of men of science was soon found to be so indispensable to many departments connected with the Admiralty, that a new council of three members, consisting of Dr. Young, Cap- tain Sabine, and Mr. Farraday, was appointed for the performance of the duties which had before devolved upon the Board. The discussions incident to this subject, and the various reports which Dr. Young had in conse- quence to draw up, together involved him in more labour than the situation of his health rendered him competent to perform without injury, and exacerbated a complaint which it afterwards ap- peared must have been long in progress, but which now was bringing him rapidly to a state of extreme debility. He had from the month of February 1829, suf- fered from what he considered repeated attacks of asthma, and though he said little of it, as unwil- ling to alarm those about him, was evidently un- easy at the situation of his health. This gradually deteriorated. He had in the beginning of April great difficulty in breathing, with some discharge of blood habitually from the lungs, and was in a state of great weakness. His friends and physi- cians, Doctors Nevinson and Chambers, con- sidered that there was something extremely wrong- in the action of the heart, as well as that the lungs were very seriously affected. Though thus under the pressure of severe ill- ness, nothing could be more striking than the entire calmness and composure of his mind, or could surpass the kindness of his affections to all around him. He said that he had completed all the works on which he was engaged, with the exception of the rudiments of an Egyptian Dic- tionary, which he had brought near to its com- pletion, and which he was extremely anxious to be able to finish. It was then in the hands of the lithographers, and he not only continued to give directions concerning it, but laboured at it with a pencil when, confined to his bed, he was unable to hold a pen. To a friend who ex- F 42 postulated with him on the danger of fatiguing himself, he replied it was no fatigue, but a great amusement to him ; that it was a work which if he should live it would be a satisfaction to him to have finished, but that if it were otherwise, which seemed most probable, as he had never witnessed a complaint which appeared to make more rapid progress, it would still be a great satisfaction to him never to have spent an idle day in his life, His last anxiety concerning the proceedings of one or two persons who had made him the object of reiterated attacks, in consequence of being dis- satisfied with the arrangements of the Nautical Almanack, was, that nothing should go forth on his part to increase irritation, and when papers were sent him which went to enumerate and to prove the errors, into which these individuals had fallen, his desire was that they should be sup- pressed. In the very last stage of his complaint, in the last lengthened interview with the writer of the present memoir, his perfect self-possession was displayed in the most remarkable manner. After some in- formation concerning his affairs, and some instruc- tions concerning the hieroglyphical papers in his hands, he said that, perfectly aware of his situation, 43 he had taken the sacraments of the church on the day preceding ; that whether he should ever partially recover, or whether he were rapidly taken off, he could patiently and contentedly await the issue : that he thought he had exerted his faculties through life as far as they were capable of, but that for the last eight years he had been careful of straining them to more than he thought they could compass without injury; that he had settled all his concerns ; that if his health had been conti- nued to him, he might have looked forward to the prolongation of much that was to be enjoyed ; but that though he was in no other suffering than that of great oppression and weakness, still that if life were continued in the state he then was of inability to any of his accustomed employments, he could hardly wish it to be long protracted. His illness continued with some slight variations, but he was gradually sinking into greater and greater weakness till the morning of the 10th of May, when he expired without a struggle, having hardly completed his fifty-sixth year. The disease proved to be an ossification of the aorta, which must have been in progress for many years, and every appearance indicated an advance of age, not brought on probably by the natural courses of time, 44 nor even by constitutional formation, but by un- wearied and incessant labour of the mind from the earliest days of infancy. His remains were depo- sited in the vault of his wife's family, in the Church of Farnborough in Kent. To delineate adequately the character of Dr. Young would require an ability in some propor- tion to his own, and must be ill supplied by one incompetent to judge of the talents of a man, who as a physician, a linguist, an antiquary, a mathe- matician, scholar, and philosopher, in their most difficult and abstruse investigations, has added to almost every department of human knowledge that which will be remembered to aftertimes "who," as was justly observed by Mr. Davies Gilbert, in his eloquent address to the Royal Society, over which he so worthily presided, " came into the world with a confidence in his own talents growing out of an expectation of excellence enter- tained in common by all his friends, which expec- tation was more than realized in the progress of his future life. The multiplied objects which he pur- sued were carried to such an extent, that each might have been supposed to have exclusively oc- cupied the full powers of his mind ; knowledge in the abstract, the most enlarged generalizations, 45 and the most minute and intricate details, were equally affected by him ; but he had most plea- sure in that which appeared to be most difficult of investigation." The president added, that " the example is only to be followed by those of equal capacity and equal perseverance ; and rather re- commends the concentration of research within the limits of some defined portion of science, than the endeavour to embrace the whole." Dr. Young's opinion was, that it was probably most advantageous to mankind, that the researches of some inquirers should be concentrated within a given compass, but that others should pass more rapidly through a wider range that the faculties of the mind were more exercised, and probably rendered stronger, by going beyond the rudiments, and overcoming the great elementary difficulties, of a variety of studies, than by employ- ing the same number of hours in any one pursuit that the doctrine of the division of labour, how- ever applicable to material product, was not so to intellect, and that it went to reduce the dignity of man in the scale of rational existences. He thought it so impossible to foresee the capabilities of improvement in any science, so much of acci- dent having led to the most important discoveries, that no man could say what might be the compa- rative advantage of any one study rather than of another ; and though he would scarcely have recommended the plan of his own as the model of those of others, he still was satisfied in the course which he had pursued. It has been said, that the powers of imagination were the only ones of which he was destitute. From the highly poetical cast of some of his early Greek translations, this is at least doubtful. It might, perhaps, have been said more justly, that he never cultivated the talent of throwing a bril- liancy on objects which he had not ascertained to j belong to them. Dr. Young was emphatically a man of truth. The truth, the whole truth, and no- thing but the truth, was the end at which he aimed in all his investigations, and he could not bear, in the most common conversation, the slightest degree of exaggeration, or even of colouring. Now, all exercise of what is ordinarily called imagina- tion, is the figuring forth something which, either in kind or in degree, is not in truth existent ; and whether originally gifted with this faculty, or other- wise, Dr. Young would, on principle, have abstained from its indulgence. To sum up the whole with that which passes 47 all acquirement, Dr. Young was a man in all the relations of life, upright, kind-hearted, blameless. His domestic virtues were as exemplary as his talents were great. He was entirely free from either envy or jealousy, and the assistance which he gave to others engaged in the same lines of research with himself, was constant and un- bounded. His morality through life had been pure, though unostentatious. His religious sentiments were by himself stated to be liberal, though ortho- dox. He had extensively studied the Scriptures, of which the precepts were deeply impressed; upon his mind from his earliest years; and he! evidenced the faith which he professed, in an un- bending course of usefulness and rectitude. A CATALOGUE OF THE WORKS AND ESSAYS OF THE LATE DR. YOUNG. (Found in his own Hand-Writing, to 1827.) 1. A short Note on Gum Ladanum, with a verbal Criticism on Longinus, signed with his initials, and inserted in the Monthly Review for 1791, seems to have been his first appearance before the Public. The criticism was admitted by Dr. Burney to be correct. 2. In the Gentleman's Magazine for April 1792, Observa- tions on the Manufacture of Iron : an attempt to remove some objections to Dr. Crawford's theory of Heat, which had been advanced by Dr. Beddoes. 3. Entomological Remarks ; Gentleman's Magazine, Decem- ber 1792 : on the habits of Spiders ; on a passage of Aristotle, with an illustration of the Fabrician System ; and a plate of the mouth of an insect. 4. Observations on Vision : Philosophical Transactions, 1793, p. 169, explaining the accommodation of the Eye, from a mus- cular power in the crystalline lens a theory not altogether new, but immediately afterwards claimed by John Hunter, as a dis- covery of his own. 5. Contributions to Hodgkin's Calligraphia Graeca, 4to. London, 1794 ; including Lear's Curses in Iambics. 6. Description of an Opercularia. Linnaean Transactions, Vol. III. p. 30. London 1797: read in 1794. The Opercularia, 52 Aspera of Gaertner, called by Persoon, Cryptospermum Youngii, from the name here suggested. 7. Some Notes and an Epigram, in Dalzel's Collectanea Graca, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1795. 8. De Corporis Humani viribus conservatricibus, Disserta- tio, 8vo. Gottingen, 1796: an Inaugural Dissertation, col- lected from a multiplicity of authors. 9. Translation of Lichtenstein on the Genus Mantis. Lin- naean Transactions, Vol. VI. p. 1. : read in 1797. 10. The Leptologist. British Magazine, 1800: a series of Essays on Grammar, Criticism, Geometry, Paintings, Manners, Riches, Exercises, Medicine, and Music ; some of them reprinted afterwards. 11. 12. There is also an account of the French Calendar and Measures, and an Essay on the Morals of the Germans. 13. Experiments and Enquiries respecting Sound and Light. Philosophical Transactions, 1800, p. 106 : the vibrations of the air observed by means of smoke ; those of strings counted, and their orbits observed with a microscope ; their harmonics sup- pressed at pleasure. 14. A Bakerian Lecture on the Mechanism of the Eye. Philosophical Transactions, 1801, p. 23 : describing a new Optometer, and shewing that the eye retains its power of ac- commodation under water ; measuring also the dispersive power of the eye. (Dr. Y. remarks, that he " afterwards found that his own eye lost almost the whole of its power of accommoda- tion soon after fifty, remaining fixed at its greatest focal dis- tance.") 15. A Letter respecting Sound and Light. Nicholson's Journal, August 1801, in answer to Professor Robison, of Edinburgh. 53 16. A Syllabus of a Course of Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosophy; 8vo. London, 1802: presenting a Mathematical Demonstration of the most important Theorems in Mechanics and in Optics; and containing the first publica- tion of the general law of the INTERFERENCE OF LIGHT, which has been considered as the happiest result of all the Author's efforts. It was not till the year 1827, that the importance of this law could be said to be fully admitted in England : it was in that year that the Council of the Royal Society adjudged Count Rumford's Medal to M. Fresnel, for having applied it, with some modifications, to the most intricate phenomena of pola- rized light. 17. A Bakerian Lecture on the Theory of Light and Colours ; Phil. Trans. 1802, p. 12, developing the law of Interference, and entering into all the details of the theory to which it leads ; dwelling, at the same time, upon the difficult points, with some- what more of candour than might have been consistent with his object, had he been anxious to obtain proselytes. 18. An Account of some Cases of the Production of Colours, p. 387, containing a simpler statement of some applications of the same law, intended to exhibit the facts in a more concen- trated form. 19. A Reply to Mr. Gough's Remarks. Nicholson, Novem- ber 1802, p. 1. This Letter, together with some subsequent Correspondence, relates principally to the coalescence or com- position of Sounds, affording an analogy to the interference of Light. 20. Journals of the Royal Institution, 8vo. London, 1802-3. A first volume, and part of a second, were edited, and chiefly written, by Dr. Young. 21. Experiments and Calculations relative to Physical Optics. Phil. Trans. 1804, p. 1. Another Bakerian Lecture, continuing the demonstration and the application of the law of Inter- ference. 54 22. A Reply to the Animadversions of the Edinburgh Re- viewers, 8vo. 1804: a defence of the Papers printed in the Transactions against two articles supposed to have been written by Mr. Brougham. 23. To an Imperial Review, which was an unsuccessful spe- culation of some booksellers in 1804, he contributed several medical and some other miscellaneous articles. The works that he reviewed were, Dumas Phisiologie, Darwin's Temple of Nature, Blackburn on Scarlet Fever, Percival's Medical Ethics, Fothergill's Tic Douloureux, Crichton's Table, Nisbet's Water- ing Places, Rowley on Madness, Hutton's Ozanum, Buchan on Sea-Bathing, Robisons Astronomy, Winterbottom's Sierra Leone, Macgregor's Medical Sketches, Wilson's Philosophy of Physic, Richerand's Physiology, and Joyce's Scientific Dialogues. 24. An Essay on the Cohesion of Fluids. Phil. Trans. 1805, p. 71, containing many of the results which were published as new, about a year afterwards, by La Place. The mathematical reasoning, for want of mathematical symbols, was not under- stood, even by tolerable mathematicians ; from a dislike of the affectation of algebraical formality, which he had observed in some foreign authors, he was led into something like an affecta- tion of simplicity, which was equally inconvenient to a scientific reader. 25. A COURSE OF LECTURES ON NATURAL PHILOSOPHY AND THE MECHANICAL ARTS ; two volumes, 4to. London, 1807. This elaborate work was the result of the unremitting application of five years ; two, whilst the Author was engaged in giving the Lectures at the Royal Institution, and three more in compiling the mass of references contained in the second volume, and in incorporating their results, when requisite, with the text of the first. By means of numerous plates, and by indexes of various kinds, he had endeavoured to render the book as conve- nient for occasional reference, as it was correct for the purposes of methodical study. (The failure of the Booksellers who pub- 55 lished this work, at the moment of its appearance, so greatly in- jured its sale at the time, that it did not repay the expenses of the publication; and Dr. Young considered that his labours were first generally appreciated by the Natural Philosophers of the Continent.) 26. Remarks on Looming, or Horizontal Refraction. Nichol- son, July 1807, p. 153, supplying some deficiencies in Dr. Wollaston's Theory, particularly with regard tothe occurrence of actual Reflection. 27. A Table of Chances, with remarks on Waves. Nichol- son, Oct. 1807, p. 116. 28. A Theory of Covered Ways and Arches. Nicholson, Dec. 1807, p. 24. 29. Remarks on a Pamphlet of Professor Vince. Nicholson, April 1808, p. 304; pointing out the mathematical fallacy of the Professor's supposed refutation of the hypothesis of Newton re- specting the cause of Gravitation. 30. Calculation of the rate of Expansion of a supposed Lunar Atmosphere Nicholson, June 1808, p. 117. 31. Determination of the Figure of a gravitating Body. Nicholson, June 1808, p. 208. 32. Calculation of the Attraction of a Spheroid. Nicholson, August 1808, p. 273. 33. A Review of Sinclair on Longevity. British Critic. 34. Abstracts and Criticisms in the "Retrospect," about 1808 and 1809. 35. Hydraulic Investigations. Phil. Trans. 1808, p. 164; principally subservient to an intended Croonian Lecture. 36. A SYLLABUS OF A COURSE OF LECTURES ON THE ELEMENTS OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES ; 8vo. London, 1809. These Lectures were delivered for two seasons at the Middlesex 56 Hospital. (Dr. Young remarks, that "they were little frequented, on account of the usual miscalculation of the Lecturer, who gave his audience more information in a given time, than it was in their power to follow.") 37. Computation of the Depression of Mercury in the Baro- meter. Nich. March 1809, p. 215. Continuation of the Paper on the Cohesion of Fluids, Oct. p. 81. 38. Remarks on the Friction of Wheels, in Buchanan's Essay on Wheel-work, 8vo. Glasgow, 1809. 39. A Croonian Lecture on the Heart and Arteries. Phil. Trans. 1809, p. 1 : attempting to demonstrate, on Mathematical principles, that the larger arteries can have little or no concern in propelling the blood by their active muscular powers. 40. A Numerical Table of Elective Attractions. Phil. Trans. 1809, p. 148: with remarks on the sequences of double decom- positions, shewing that if numerical expressions of electric attractions are possible, their effects in double decompositions may be compendiously expressed by tables of sequences only. 41. A Memoria Technica for Elective Attractions, in a few Latin hexameters. Nich. April, 1809. 42. Account of the Pharmacopeia Londinensis, in Cumber- land's London Review, 1810. 43. To the earlier Volumes of the Quarterly Review he con- tributed a variety of Articles, which frequently, according to the custom of modern times, contained more of original research than of immediate criticism. To Vol. I. La Place, Action Capillaire. Vol. II. Haslam, Pinel, Cox, and Arnold, on Insanity; La Place, Refraction Extraordinaire. Vol. III. Her- culanensia ; Jones on the Gout ; Memoires tf ArcueiL Vol. VI. Cuthbert on the Tides. Vol. VIII. Davy's Chemical Philo- sophy. Vol. IX. Blackall on Dropsies. Vol. X. ADELUNG'S MITHJRIDATES ; Gothe on Colours. Vol. XI. Malus, Biot, 57 Seebectc, and Bremter, on Light; Bancroft on Dying; Davy's Agricultural Chemistry ; Adams on Ectropium. Vol. XIII. Wells on Dew. Vol. XIV. Jamieson and Townsend on Lan- guages; Pym and Fellowes on Yellow Fever, an article printed, but not published in the Work. Vol. XIX. p. 411. Restoration and Translation of the Inscription on the Sphynx. 44. Berzelius on Definite Proportions, from the German, appeared in several successive numbers of the Philosophical Magazine, from January 1813 to April 1814. 45. A Theory of the Tides. Nicholson, July Aug. 1813. 46. AN INTRODUCTION TO MEDICAL LITERATURE, INCLU- DING A SYSTEM OF PRACTICAL NOSOLOGY, 8vo. London, 1813 : a work of considerable labour, though far less arduous than the " Natural Philosophy." The Appendix contains an abstract of Berzelius's Animal Chemistry, from the Swedish. To a second edition, published in 1 823, were added the References to later Journals, and an Essay on Palpitations, which first appeared in the fifth Volume of the Medical Transactions of the College of London. 47. Remarks on the Employment of Oblique Riders, and on other Alterations in the construction of Ships. Phil. Trans. 1814, p. 303 ; the substance of a Report before presented to the Board of Admiralty, relating to Sir Robert Sepping's Improvements, with some additional illustrations. 48. An Investigation of the Thrust of soft Substances. Hutton's Mathematical Dictionary, Edition 2, 1815. Article, Pressure. 49. A PRACTICAL AND HISTORICAL TREATISE ON CON- SUMPTIVE DISEASES: 8vo. London, 1815; being a condensed abstract of every thing recorded to have been said or done, with regard to Consumption. Particular circumstances had pressed the publication of this Work within nine months after it had been commenced. H 58 50. In the eighteenth Volume of the Archaeologia, London, 1815, appeared some Remarks on Egyptian Papyri, and on the INSCRIPTION OF ROSETTA, annexed to a communication made by Sir William Edward Rouse Boughton, Bart. They contain an interpretation of the principal parts of both the Egyptian Inscriptions on the Pillar found at Rosetta, AND CONSEQUENTLY A KEY TO THE LOST LITERATURE OF ANCIENT EGYPT ; though, for professional reasons, the discovery was made public with as little parade as possible. 51. Extracts of Letters and Papers relating to the Egyptian Inscription of Rosetta, in the Museum Oiticum of Cambridge, Part VI. 8vo. 1815 ; a Correspondence with MM. Silvestre de Sacy, and Akerblad. 52. An Investigation of the Pressure sustained by the fixed supports of flexible Substances. Phil. Mag. Sep. 1813, applied to the Hoops of Casks, and to Dock Gates. 53. An Algebraical Expression of the Values of Lives. Phil. Mag. Jan. 1816, with a Diagram. 54. Account of some Thebaic Manuscripts, written on leather. Legh's Narrative, 4to. London, 1816. 55. Additional Letters relating to the Inscription of Rosetta ; the first addressed to the Archduke John, who had lately been in England ; the second to M. Akerblad, Museum Criticum VII. The Letters lucre printed and distributed in 1816 ; the Journal uas not published till 1821. THEY ANNOUNCE THE DISCOVERY OF THE RELATION BETWEEN THE DIFFERENT KINDS OF EGYPTIAN LETTERS, OR CHARACTERS the basis on which the system of M. Champollion was afterwards erected. 56. Letters of Canova, and two Memoirs of Visconti, trans- lated from the French and Italian. 8vo. London. 1816. A volume of 200 pages, which was completed in twelve days ; together with remarks on an error of Delambre, which was afterwards confuted more at large by MF. Cadell. 59 57. It was in 1816, that Dr. Young complied with an appli- cation made to him by Mr. M'Vey Napier, to write some articles for a Supplement to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, conducted under the superintendence of that gentleman, and completed in 1825. The Articles which he furnished were : Atwood Adden- dum to Annuities Bathing G. Beccaria Bloch Borda Boulton Bramah BRIDGE Brisson Bryant Camus Notes on Carpentry Cavallo Cavendish Chromatics Cohe- sion Condamine Coulamb Dolland Dolomieu Duhamel EGYPT Fermat Fluents F. Fontana G. Fontana J. R. Forster J. G. A, Forster Fourcroy Frisi Guyton de Mor- veau Herculaneum Hydraulics Ingehousz Lagrange La Lande Lambert LANGUAGES Lemmonier Luc Mai us Maskelyne Mason Mechain Messier Orme Pallas Pauw PORSON Preservers of Life Road-making Robison Rush Steam-Engine Tennant Thomson Count Rumford TIDES Tooke Wakefield Watson Weights and Mea- ures Polarization by Arago, translated, with Notes. In all, about sixty-three articles, each marked with two different letters. (These were two consecutive letters of the sentence " Fortunam ex aliis ;" the u in fortunam being sometimes printed as a u.) 58. Remarks on some Theorems relating to the Pendulum. Phil. Trans. 1818, p. 95, in a Letter to Captain Kater. 59. Translation of some Greek Inscriptions. Light's Tra- vels. 4to. London, 1818. 60. Specimen of a Greek Manuscript in the possession of the Earl of Mountmorris, 1819. Archaeologia, vol. XIX. This may possibly have been a pawnbroker's account : another piece nearly resembling it was sent by Mr. Salt to the British Mu- seum. Gl. Remarks on the Probabilities of Error in Physical Ex- periments, and on the Density of the Earth, considered espe- 60 cially with regard to the reduction of Experiments on the Pen- dulum. Phil. Trans. 1819, p. 70, computing the density of the earth, upon the supposition of the compression of a homogeneous elastic substance only. 62. Dr. Young edited the Nautical Almanac, from the year 1819, for the remainder of his life. 63. Remarks on Laplace's latest Computation of the Den- sity and Figure of the Earth. Brande's Journal, April 1820 ; determining the Ellipticity, on the supposition of a compressed elastic substance. 64. Dr. Young furnished quarterly, for many years, to Brande's Philosophical Journal, about twenty pages of Astro- nomical and Nautical Collections, beginning in 1820 ; the greater part either original or translated by himself. 65. Appendix to the second edition of Belzoni's Travels, 4to. London, 1821. 66. ELEMENTARY ILLUSTRATION OF THE CELESTIAL ME- CHANICS OF LAPLACE, 8vo. London, 1821 ; with some ad- ditions relating to the motions of Waves, and of Sound, and to the cohesion of Fluids. (This volume, and the article "Tides," in the Supplement to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Dr. Young considered as together containing the most fortunate of the results of his mathematical labours.) 67. AN ACCOUNT OF SOME RECENT DISCOVERIES IN HIERO- GLYPHICAL LITERATURE AND EGYPTIAN ANTIQUITIES, in- cluding the author's original Alphabet, as extended by M. Champollion, 8vo. London, 1823 ; with a translation of some Greek Manuscripts on Papyrus, the most remarkable of which was Mr. Grey's " Antigraph " of an Egyptian original then lying on his table ; the discovery of which singular coincidence was the immediate cause of the publication of the volume. 68. Hieroglyphics, collected by the Egyptian Society, folio. London, 1823 a collection of Plates of Egyptian Antiquities 61 subservient to the study of Hieroglyphical Literature, litho- graphized at the expense of about fifty subscribers, but not at that time publicly sold. The second number, plates 16 to 40, contains nearly all that was known of the interpretation of the Hieroglyphics, the evidence for each word being exhibited in a comparative Index. (This work was entirely carried on by Dr. Young ; but the subscriptions not being adequate to the expenses, it was after- wards made over to the Royal Society of Literature, he under- taking to continue the supervision as before.) 69. A finite and exact Expression for the Refraction of an Atmosphere nearly resembling that of the Earth. Phil. Trans> 1824, p. 159 ; a computation derived from an optical hypothesis not exactly agreeing with the probable height of the physical atmosphere, but affording correct results. 70. Remarks on Spohn and Seyffarth. Brande's Phil. Jour- nal, Oct. 1826, in a Letter addressed to the Baron William Von Humboldt. 71. A Formula for expressing the Decrement of Human Life ; in a Letter addressed to Sir Edward Hyde East, Bart. Phil. Trans. 1826, intended to render the interpolation from the best observations more regular : it is followed by a correction of Dr. Price's mistake, respecting the periodical payments of an- nuities. 72. Practical Application of the Doctrine of Chances, as it regards the subdivision of Risks. Brande's Phil. Journ. Oct. 1826 ; shewing the Limitations under which Speculations on Probabilities may be conducted with prudence. 73. Remarks on Mr. Peyron's Account of the Egyptian Papyrus. Brande's Phil. Journ. Jan. 1827 the great Greek Papyrus of Turin : in which Mr. Grey's three contracts are cited and explained, not two of them only, as had been sup- posed by Mr. Peyron. 62 The follarvaing Articles, of a later date than those contained in the above Catalogue, are known to have been "written by Dr. Young. 74. Hieroglyphical Fragments. Brande's PhilosophicalJournal, April June, 1827. Hieroglyphical Fragments; with some Remarks on English Grammar : in a Letter to Baron William Von Humboldt. Brande's Phil. Journal, July September, 1827. Hieroglyphical Fragments, illustrative of Inscriptions preserved in the British Museum ; with some Remarks on M. Champollion's Opinions: in a Letter to the Cavalier San Quintino. Brande's Phil. Journal, October December, 1827. Hieroglyphical Fragments. Brande's Phil. Journal, Ja- nuaryMarch, 1828. 75. A Letter to M. Arago, relating to M. Champollion's Discoveries : dated, Geneva, July 1828. Inserted in the Clas- sical Journal, No. 75. 76. Comparison of different Tables of Mortality. Brande's Phil. Journal, December 1828. 77. Letter to Mr. Bailey, April 1829. 78. A Translation of Fresnel's Elementary View of the Undu- latory Theory of Light. In various Numbers of Brande's Phil. Journal; commenced in January 1827, and concluded in April 1829. 79. Dr. Young left also Rudiments of an Egyptian Dic- tionary in the ancient Enchorial Character; containing all the Words of which the Sense has been ascertained. Intended as an Appendix to Mr. Tattam's Coptfc Grammar. (This Work was under the hands of the Lithographer at the time of his death.) LONDON: Printed by J. L. Cox, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's-Inn Field*. ADVERTISEMENT. THE progress that has been hitherto made in the investigation of the modes of writing of the ancient Egyptians, however inconsiderable in its extent, is yet sufficient to throw some important lights on the philosophy of language in general. It is obvious that a written language may be either essentially expressive of sounds only, or may represent the objects to which the words relate, like our numerical cyphers, without any reference what- ever to the sounds. It is now generally understood that the Chinese written language is an original, independent of any sounds supposed to be pro- nounced by the reader : and the Hieroglyphics of Egypt, as well as those of China, appear clearly to have been, at first, rude pictures only of sensible objects. In the course of ages, the resemblance seems to have been forgotten in both countries, and imitations of the imitations only were employed ; sometimes for denoting the same objects, and some- times for expressing either the whole or a part only of the sounds of the names which were applied to them. IV The Hieratic characters of the Egyptians appear to have been intended for simple imitations of the distinct Hieroglyphics ; and from these the Enchorial or Popular characters seem to have been gradually derived, without any abrupt or systematic changes : the written language being in both cases principally independent of the sounds employed in speaking, except in the case of foreign proper names ; and retaining always some parts which were never fully expressed in speaking. Neither this nor any other intelligible account of the Egyptian modes of writing can be derived from the vague descrip- tions of the Greek authors ; which., among other reasons, are probably the more confused from the habitual use of the same word to express writing and drawing. The essential identity of the Enchorial characters with the distinct Hieroglyphics had been conjectu- rally suspected by some former critics, but was first fully demonstrated in the MuseumCriticum for 1816. The examples of dates, which are here exhibited, will serve to illustrate the steps by which the changes of forms took place between the reign of Psam- metichus, and the dynasty of the Ptolemies: the manuscripts, which belong to the time of Psammeti- chus, appearing to be decidedly Hieratic, and to follow closely the traces of the distinct characters, while those of Darius approach in some degree to the Enchorial form, which probably came into common use as the " epistographic" character, while the Hieratic was so called as being more employed by the Priests for the purposes of their religion. In the mean time other changes must have been made in different parts of the language ; which caused the characters to vary more widely from each other. The report that a manuscript of the age of Sesostris, written "in superb demotic characters," still exists at Aix, appears in many respects to require confirmation. A single example will be abundantly sufficient to show the way in which some of these changes took place. The city of Cairo was probably first called Memphis or Memphe, the Hieroglyphic name being read MA-M-PHTHAH, the place of Phthah or Vulcan : its elements consisting, according to the most natural reading, of TEMPLE, or SACRED PLACE, and PHTHAH. Before the time of the Ptolemies, the place had apparently assumed the synonymous appellation of PANUF or PHANOUPHIS, the NOPH of the Hebrews, meaning the temple of the Good god, which is clearly the sense of the two Enchorial characters H and T-, while the sound PANUF is as little expressed by the distinct Hieroglyphics as MEMPHE is by the popular characters. But in neither case did the sound adequately express the written characters; the sacred of the one, and the god of the other, being equally omitted in the pronunciation. The correct interpretation of the Enchorial dates depends almost entirely on the ingenious and suc- cessful investigations of the justly-celebrated Jean Francois Champollion, applied to the manuscripts VI which he had the good fortune to discover at Paris and at Turin, and which exhibited a great variety of numbers in the form of accounts : and he has been equally happy in illustrating the characters denoting the months, which an unaccountable error of the original engraver of the pillar of Rosetta had before thrown into confusion. His SYSTEM of phonetic characters may often be of use in assisting the memory, but it can only be applied with confidence to particular cases when supported in each by the same kind of evidence that had been employed before its invention. His manuscript communications have furnished many valuable additions to this work, all of which have been acknowledged in their proper places. From the mixed nature of the characters em- ployed in the written language or rather languages of the Egyptians, it is difficult to determine what would be the best arrangement for a dictionary, even if they were all perfectly clear in their forms, and perfectly well understood : at present, however, so many of them remain unknown, and those which are better known assume so diversified an appearance, that the original difficulty is greatly increased. Every methodical arrangement, how- ever arbitrary, has the advantage of bringing together such words as nearly resemble each other : and it appears most likely to be subservient to the purposes of future investigation, to employ an imitation of an alphabetical order, or an artificial Vll alphabet, founded upon the resemblance of the characters to those, of which the phonetic value was clearly and correctly determined by the late Mr. AKERBLAD ; "and to arrange the words, that are to be interpreted, according to their places in this artificial order ; choosing, however, in each instance, not always the first character that enters into the composition of the word, but that which appears to be the most radical, or the most essential to its signification, or sometimes that which is merely the most readily ascertained or distinguished. It is obvious that neither the numbers nor the names of months require to be admitted into this arrangement, their natural order being so much more simple and determinate: they are therefore placed at the beginning of the work. If, on the one hand, the meagerness of this catalogue should be considered as somewhat humiliating, it must be remembered, on the other, that thirty years ago, not a single article of the list existed even in the imagination of the wildest enthusiast : and that within these ten years, a single date only was tolerably ascertained, out of about fifty which are here interpreted, and in many instances ascertained with astronomical precision. It must still be confessed that notwithstanding all the efforts of the few well-qualified persons who have laboured in this field, it still remains extremely uncertain whether these Enchorial words can be properly said to belong to an ancient Coptic Vlll language, or no : at any rate, the historical evidence of the antiquity of the original Coptic words collected by Wilkins, Lacroze, and Jablonsky, affords fuller demonstration of the truth than any thing hitherto obtained from Hieroglyph ical literature : though some of the particles and some forms of gram- matical construction do appear to coincide with the Hieroglyphical characters more nearly than those of any other language would do. But on the whole, I have little to add to the opinion which I published in a letter to M. Silvestre de Sacy, dated October, 1814. Mus. Crit. "The remark of Varro upon the Egyptian language is even more correctly applicable to this inscription [on the pillar of Rosetta], than to the Coptic ; that is, that the nouns are the same in all the cases. Aetos Aetos, for example, is Aetos the son of Aetos ; Mptolomeos, Mptolomeos, Ptolemy the son of Ptolemy : and indeed we sometimes find the same relation similarly expressed in the Coptic ; thus, NIUDAS SIMON, Jo. xiii. 26, Judas the son of Simon. Verbs are scarcely distinguished from par- ticiples or from nouns, in the Coptic, and still less in this inscription. The Copts had their articles, which they used nearly as the French, or rather as the Italians ; in the inscription there is [rarely] a definite article [p or P] in the singular, and the prefix, which assists in the formation of the plural, may represent either the definite or the indefinite article, but seems to resemble the latter rather than IX the former. The prefix M of the Copts, which can- not be translated, is frequently found in the inscrip- tion, with the same indifference as to the sense : [representing apparently a part of the royal ring.} In short, we may venture to assert, that this language is formed entirely on the model of the Hieroglyphics, and that the rules of grammar, which are almost superfluous in Coptic, would here be totally inapplicable. [Perhaps the strongest coinci- dence of the old Egyptian with the Coptic is that of the article masculine, which occurs in many places in the same form with some of the characters representing a P ; characters not easily recognised in the pillar of Rosetta, but more lately identified in several manuscripts by Professor Ungarter as well as by myself. We also often find the passive tense expressed as in Coptic by the M, followed by F, him as it.~\" It was in a subsequent letter dated August, 1821 r and addressed to the Archduke John of Austria, that I first made known the original identity of the different systems of writing employed by the old Egyptians, observing that "A loose imitation of the Hieroglyphical characters may even be traced by means of the intermediate steps in the Enchorial name of Ptolemy, which is the only proper name that remains among the Hieroglyphics of the stone at Rosetta." The same comparison I afterwards extended to the name Berenice: and it is well known how much further M. Champollion has since had the ingenuity and good fortune to carry it. It deserves to be mentioned as an encouraging circumstance for the application of the Hierogly- phical literature to the subject of chronology, that a German Professor as well as myself had recognised in an inscription found near Cosseir, published at Cairo by Mr. Burton, the names of three Persian kings, with dates confirming the testimony of the Greek chronologers, and which seem to be the same that M. Champollion has since mentioned in one of his letters from Egypt, with a similar interpretation. I have reprinted, from the Quarterly Journal, as an illustration of this subject of chronology, an enumeration of the principal events mentioned by the astronomer Ptolemy and his commentators, with a mathematical determination of the times of their occurrence, so accurate and indisputable, as to remove all scepticism respecting the precision not only of these epochs, but of many others which are connected with them by a similar train of evidence and reasoning. The dates are principally referred to the exact instants of the true equinoxes or solstices of the year concerned, in a manner suggested by the mean equinoctial time of Mr. Herschel, which supersedes every artificial regulation of the length of the year. The words have all been accurately compared with the original documents, except the last 16 pages, which have been taken of necessity from the rough copy. The following Rudiments of an Egyptian Dictionary in the ancient Enchorial Character were completed by the late lamented DR. YOUNG during the progress and under the pressure of his last illness. He had composed the Advertisement, and overlooked the Proofs as they came from the Lithographer to the 96/A page; and those following, to the end of the Work, have been carefully compared with his own Copy, under the supervision of the Rev. MR. TATTAM, who had also the kindness to furnish the Index on the plan in which it had been commenced by DR. YOUNG. REFERENCES. H ....... Hieroglyphics, arranged by Dr. Young. Lond. Vol. I. collected by the Egyptian Society, 1823. Vol. II. continued by the Royal Society of Literature, 1828. Th ....... Notice de deux papyres Egyptiens. Par M. Champollion Figeac. 8vo. Par. 1823. Journ. Asiat. Champ. Tabl. Champollion le jeune, Sybteme Hiero- glyphique. 8vo. Par. 1825, 1827. Tableau general. Mai ...... Catalogo dei Papiri Egizj del Museo Vaticano. 4to. Rom. 1825. Cb. Bl. ii. . . Seconde Lettre a M. le Due de Blacas. Par M. Champollion le jeune. 8vo. Par. 1827. Koseg ..... Kosegarten, de prisca Aegyptiorum Lit- teratura commentatio prima. 4to. Weimar, 1828. A. Z, A'. . . Z', A". See Dates. i. ASTRONOMICAL CHRONOLOGY of EGYPT, deduced from PTOLEMY, and his Commentators. Year 1 of the canicular cycle, called by Theon, (MS. "2390") as cited by Larcher and Champollion Figeac, the epoch of Me- nophres, is ascertained by the testimony of Censorinus, chap- ters 18 and 21; he says that the 986th year of Nabonassar, in which he wrote, was the 100th of the canicular cycle of 1461 Egyptian years : the 1st year of that cycle, which may be called the 1462d of the preceding cycle, was consequently the 887th of Nabonassar, and the 1st of Nabonassar the 576th of that cycle, which began 575 Egyptian years before the epoch of Nabonassar, or as many tropical years wanting 139.3 days ; and, this epoch having been determined to be 746>' 30. 4d (Collections for April, 1828), in true equi- noctial time, the date was nearly _ $ 132iy+108.9 d . This determination is very simply and directly obtained from a comparison of the mean motions of Saturn and Jupiter, which agree perfectly with those of the modern tables, so as to make it impossible that they could belong to any other year than that which is assigned : the early eclipses, com- puted by Ideler and others, afford us still more precise con- firmations of the dates. It appears from Censorinus, that the canicular period began when the 1st Thoth was the 20th July. The number of years allotted to it seems to have been very simply deduced from the supposed length of the true year, as consisting of 365J days, without any knowledge of the distinction between the tropical and the sidereal year : and it commenced when the apparent heliacal rising of Sirius was on the first day of the Egyptian year; the sun being supposed to be about ten degrees below the horizon. Professor Ideler has shown (Halma's Ptolemy III., p. 31, 38) that this occurred on the 1 Thoth in 1321 as well as in + 139, exactly at the in- terval of 1460 tropical years ; but that in + 1599 it must have happened about two days later : and he very truly observes, that there was nothing in this phenomenon that could serve to establish or to correct the supposed length of the year, deduced, as it must have been, from the regular return of the seasons. The nature of the heliacal rising of the stars is illustrated by a passage of Geminus (Halraa, p. 57). " The heliacal risings of the stars are either true or apparent ; the true are when the sun and star are at the same instant on the horizon; A 2 Astronomical and Nautical Collections. Year but these are not visible, on account of the strength of the sun's light. The sun, however, moving gradually among the stars from west to east, the given star will rise every morning afterwards a little more and more before the sun ; when it has become so remote from it as to be visible, the star is said to be at its apparent heliacal rising: and in this manner the risings are predicted and are observed." " It is a vulgar prejudice," he continues, (p. 67,) " to suppose that the rising and setting of the stars have any influence on the atmosphere: they are far too remote for the clouds to come within their reach. The weather has been observed at certain times of the year, and the places of the sun at these times having been noted, the rising and setting of the stars have been employed as marking those places and those seasons only : and a lighted beacon might as well be called the cause of a war, as the appearance of the stars the cause of a change of weather. And since the sun has been about 40 days in the neighbour- hood of the tropic, about the time of the rising of the dog star, the coincidence serves to mark the hottest time of the year, without giving the dog star any claim to be the cause of heat: and in fact it is the time of the apparent heliacal rising that we remark : not that of the true rising, as it ought to be, if any immediate operation of the stars were concerned." Mr. Champollion Figeac has attempted to go back to the era of Menophres, in order to bring down from it, by the tes- timony of miscellaneous authors respecting some facts of very high antiquity, the dates of the series of reigns enumerated by Manetho. But unless we prefer these authorities to that of Manetho himself, we gain nothing by this substitution. The name of " Menophres" cannot be identified with any kind of certainty among Manetho's kings : while the date of the reign of Darius is as well ascertained as that of the accession of Lewis the 14th: and this reign belongs as clearly to Manetho's 27th dynasty, as to Ptolemy's records of eclipses. Egyptian year of Nabonassar. 1, Thoth (I.) 1 ; true noon at Alexandria. This is the general epoch of Ptolemy's tables, except those of the stars, which are reduced to the first year of Antonine. His mean solar time is reckoned from the true time of this epoch. In order to proceed with regularity in the computation of the correct date of the epoch, it will be necessary to antici- pate some of the observations of Hipparchus : premising also a table of the length of the true tropical year, beginning from the reign of Nabonassar, according to the numbers lately employed by Mr. Poisson, which afford us, for any number a; of years beginning about this time, 365.2423854# Astronomical and Nautical Collections. Egyptian year <>r Nabonassar. .000()00033275a; 2 , for the days that they contain. Hence, if we include in the variation that of the time of the true equi- nox, as shewn in the Supplement to the Nautical Almanac for 1828, we obtain the number of days wanting in the Egyptian years. Egyptian years. 100 200 Days wanting of in. tr. years. 24.23854 48.47708 (.000333 .001331 Corr. of true E. -.01) .05 Sum. .010 .051 300 72.71562 .002995 .07 .073 400 96.95416 .005324 .09 .095 500 121.19270 .008319 .12 .128 600 145.43124 .011979 .15 .162 700 169.66998 .016304 .17 .186 800 193.90832 .021296 .18 .201 900 218.14686 .026955 .19 .217 1000 242.38540 .033100 .20 .233 2000 484.77080 .133100 .20 .333 2500 605.96350 .207975 .19 .398 The principal observations of the vernal equinox, made by Hipparchus, were in the years 602, Mechir27, 2h. before N.; 60F 175.917 d 145.512". 613, Mechir 29, 12h ; 612* 178.5 d 148.176 d . 620, Phamenoth 1, 6h. ; 619^ 180.25" 149.870". The first gives 30.405, the second 30.324, and the third 30.389, for the time of the vernal equinox in the first year of Nabonassar : the mean being 30.366. But the two latter observations being confirmed by their coincidence with those of the intervening equinoxes, they must be allowed to prepon- derate in some small degree, and we must call the most probable mean about 30.360, and the epoch 0746'' 30.36 d . TT It can hardly be supposed, however, that this number is much more decidedly accurate than 30.40; but some further corrections might possibly be obtained from the early eclipses, if greater precision were of any importance. 1, Paophi (II.) 1, at 9^h., was consequently the eq. 746^. 27, Thoth (I.) 29, 2^ hours before midnight at Babylon was the middle of a total lunar eclipse, which lasted in the whole four hours. (Ptolemy, p. 95, Ed. B. p. 244, H.) The interval is 26 E. y. 28|| days, allowing for the difference of longitude ; the days wanting 6.29; and the whole time elapsed 26 y 22.15, making 72oy 8.2l d . Ideler has computed the time of this eclipse from Mayer's* tables, and finds the beginning a minute later, the end six 4 Astronomical and Nautical Collections. Egyptian year of Nabonassar. minutes earlier than the observation recorded by "Ptolemy. Burg's tables agree much less accurately : but still later astro- nomers have corrected the node nearly in the manner that Ideler has suggested. The sun's true longitude is made by Ptolemy 354 30'. " This was the 1st year of Mardoc Empadus." 28, Thoth (I.) 18, at the midnight of Babylon, was the middle of a lunar eclipse of three digits, (p. 95, B. p. 245, H.) Now, 27 E. y. 17.46 d are 27 eq. y. 10.93 d ; whence we have 0719* 19.43 d . Ideler makes the middle 48 minutes earlier than the re- corded time, and the magnitude only 1| digit. (H. IV. 172.) 28, Phamenoth (VII.) 15, 3h. before midnight at Babylon, somewhat more than 6 digits on the moon's northern limb were eclipsed, (p. 95, B. p. 245, H. The date is I76.7 d later than that of the preceding observation, or 719^+157. 3 d . Ideler finds the time assigned to the middle, 12 minutes too early. 127, Athyr (III.) 27, 17h. true Alexandrian time, 16fh. mean time, reckoned from the epoch of the tables, the middle of an eclipse of 3 digits on the moon's southern limb was observed at Babylon, (p. 125, B. p. 340, H.) Now 126 E. y. 86 7 d require a correction of 30.52 d , leaving 126 y 56.18 d , which makes 620y+25.82 d . nr Ideler finds the middle Ih. 4m. earlier, and the magnitude only li digit. The year was the 5th of Nabopolassar, consequently the 1st of Nabopolassar was the 123rd of Nabonassar. 219, 1st Cambyses. See 225. 225, Phamenoth (VII.) 17, 1 hour before midnight at Babylon, the moon was eclipsed half a diameter on the northern limb, (p. 125, B. p. 346, H.) For 224 E. y. 6m. 14 days, the correction is 54.24 d , leaving 142.16 : 522 y +111.80 d . Ideler makes the time of the middle ll^h. ; the magnitude as observed. This year was the 7th of Cambyses; whence the 1st of Cambyses was the 219th of Nabonassar. 246, Epiphi(XL) 28, 10|h., Alexandrian time, the moon eclipsed ^ of a diameter on the south side, according to the records employed by Hipparchus : the moon being near the apogee. The correction is 59.56 d , for 246 E. years, of which the inter- yal wants 37.36 d . 5007127 .28 d . Astronomical and Nautical Collections. 5 Egyptian year of Nabonassar. P. 102, B. p. 269, H. Ptolemy observes that the date is 218 E. y. 309d. 23h. 12m. after the eclipse in the second year of Mardoc Empadus. Ideler finds the middle 12 minutes later than the observation, and the magnitude 2 digits only. The year was the 20th of Darius, the successor of Cam- byses ; whence the last of Cambyses must have been the 226th of Nabonassar, which was also the eighth of Cambyses. 257, Tybi (V.) 3, lOh. 30m. true time at Alexandria, or lOh. 15m. mean time reckoned from the epoch, the moon was eclipsed 3 digits (p. 102, B. p. 267, H.) : the 31st Darius I. Correction, 61.99 d . 490?. +30.09*. Ideler makes the middle 35 minutes earlier, the magnitude 1 digit (H. IV. p. 177). 316, Phamenoth (VII.) 20-21, (p. 62, B. p. 162, H.) The summer solstice, roughly observed by Meton and Euctemon, is recorded as having occurred when A pseud es was archon of Athens, in the morning of the 21st Phamenoth : from this observation to that of Aristarchus in the 50th year of the first period of Calippus, according to Aristarchus himself, there were 152 years ; and this 50th year was the 44th from the death of Alexander : it was 419 years earlier than that of Ptolemy made in the 463rd year after Alexander : so that from Meton to Ptolemy there were 571 years. Now the 476th of Nabonassar is called the 52nd from the death of Alexander (p. 252, B.) ; and the 468th would be the 44th ; whence, deducting 152, we have 316; and the correction 76.27 d , giving 43iy+94.12 d . The interval between the vernal equinox and the solstice, as assigned by Hipparchus and Ptolemy, was 94^ days : at present it is 92.9. The first year of Calippus must have been about the 419th of Nabonassar. See 547. The names of the archons, mentioned by Ptolemy, are found in their proper places in the Anonymous Catalogue of the Olympiads, not improbably compiled by Africanus, and published in Scaliger's Eusebius. 366, Thoth, (I.) 26-7, ((p. 105, B. p. 275, H.) According to Hipparchus, a lunar eclipse was observed at Babylon, of which the middle was apparently 18^ hours, " correctly" 18|, after the Alexandrian noon of the 26th Thoth. 381? 92.98 d . 476, Athyr (III.) 20, (p. 252, B. vol. 2, p. 226, H.) In Diony- sius's 13th year, the 25th of his month Aegon, the planet Mars came close to the northernmost star in the forehead of Astronomical and Nautical Collections. Egyptian year of Nabonassar, , - . j i ., the scorpion ; this was in the 52nd year after the death o f Alexander, or the 476th of Nabonassar ; the 20-21st of the Egyptian month Athyr, toward sunrise: the star being in nt 2 o 8 i 5 '. -2717-65.62*. 476, Mesore (XII.) 17. (p. 242, B. vol. 2, p. 205, H Timo- charis records an observation made in the 13th year of Phila- delphus, on the 17-18th of Mesore; Venus passed exactly over the star opposite to the forerunner of Vindemiator, which is the star following the star at the end of the southern wing of Vir-o, the year being the 467th of Nabonassar ; the time near sunrise. " 0-271"+ 201.38". It follows that the first year of Philadelphus was the 464th of Nabonassar, or the 40th after Alexander. The astronomers seem not to have continued to date from the epoch of Ptolemy Soter so long as the medals. 484, Thoth (I.) 18. (P. 237, B. vol. 2, p. 187, H.) In the 21st year of the era of Dionysius, which was the 484th of Nabo- nassar, on the 22d of the month which he calls Scorpion, or the 18 19th of the Egyptian month Thoth, in the morning: the planet Mercury was at the distance of the moon's diame- ter from a line passing through the northern and the middle star in the Scorpion's forehead, and was two diameters to the north of the northernmost. 263? 129.56 d . 486, Choeac (IV.) 17. (p. 231, B. vol. 2. p. 168, H.) In the year called the 23d of Dionysius, the 27th of Hydron, the planet Mercury was three diameters of the moon to the north- wards of the bright star in the tail of Capricorn. The year was the 486th of Nabonassar ; Choeac 17-18, in the morning. _26iy 41. OS". 486, Phamenoth (VII.) (p. 232, B. vol. 2, p. 169, H.) In the 23rd year of Dionysius, the 4th of Tauron, in the evening, Mercury was at the distance of 3 moons from the line drawn through the bull's horns, or in y 23 2' ; the year being the 486th of Nabonassar : the mean sun being in v 29| : the time was " Phamenoth, the evening of the 30th to the 1st:" this must have been the evening between the 30th of Mechir and the 1st of Phamenoth, in order that the sun's longitude may have been less than 30 : or 261 y -f 31. 6 d . 486, Payni (X.) 33. (p. 232, B. vol. 2, p. 170, H. In the 24th of Dionysius, the 28th of Leonton, in the evening ; Mercury preceded Spica, according to Hipparchus's reckoning, a little more than 3 ; being in 19 of -njj 26iy+151.6 d . 491, Pharmuthi (VIII.) 5. (p. 232, B. vol. 2, p. 169, H.) In the 28th year of Dionysius, the 7th of Didymon in the evening, Astronomical and Nautical Collections. 9 Egyptian year of Nabonassar. Mercury was in a line with the heads of the Twins, If moons to the south of the southernmost, or in n 29 20'. 256y + 65.39 d . op 504, Thoth(L) 27. (p. 232, B. vol. 2, p. 171, H.) In the 67th year according to the Chaldeans, on the 5th of Apellaeus, Mercury was in 1TL 2 20' : this was the 27-8th of Thoth, 504 N. towards the morning. 243* 125.55 d . Hence the first Chaldean year must have been the 438th of Nabonassar. Apellaeus is the second of the Macedonian months; and if Dius the first had 30 days, this Macedonian year must have begun about 159| days before the vernal equinox; if 29, 158|. 507, Epiphi (XI.) 17. (p. 261, B. vol. 2, p. 263, H.) In the 47th year of Dionysius, the 10th of Parthenon, Jupiter eclipsed the star called the southern ass, near the nebula of Cancer, in 11 20', the 17-18th of Epiphi in the morning, the 83d year after the death of Alexander. 240?+ I63.82 d . 512, Thoth (I.) 9. (p. 232, B. vol. 2, p. 170, H.) In the 75th year according to the Chaldeans, the 14th of Dius, Mercury was above the southern star of Libra, half a cubit, or in =d 14 6': this was the 512th of Nabonassar, the 9-10th of Thoth in the morning. 235 y 145.39' 1 . The 1st of Dius and of the Macedonian year, was here consequently about 158| days before the equinox : so that if Dius had 29 days, there were exactly 8 correct years from the beginning of the 67th to that of the 75th Chaldean year. See 504. 519, Tybi (V.) 14. (p. 269, B. vol. 2, p. 288, H.) In the 82d year of the Chaldeans, the 5th of Xanthicus, in the evening, Saturn was below the southern shoulder of the Virgin 4 digits: this was in the evening of the " 12 Tybi, the 519th of Nabonassar;" but, for 12, Ideler and Halma read 14. 228 y 22.38 d . Jfc If the five Macedonian months preceding Xanthicus con- tained 147 days, the 5th of this month was the 152d of the year, which must have begun 173g d before the vernal equinox, instead of 158| ; that is, 15 days earlier than in the year 512. 547, Mesore (XII.) 16. (p. 106, B. p. 279, H.) An eclipse of the moon, quoted by Hipparchus, was observed at Alexandria, in the 54th year of the second Calippic period, on the 16th of the Egyptian month Mesore : the middle was 5| hours before midnight, 546? 345 d 6| h from the epoch. 200y+182.74 d . 10 Astronomical and Nautical Collections. Egyptian y*ar of Nabonassar. . ., i / . The 51st year of this Calippic period began therefore about the 9th Egyptian month of 544 N ., that is, soon after the summer solstice of that year; which was 76 years later than 468, the date of the solstice observed by Hipparchus, at the end of the 50th Calippic year of the first period : the begin- ning of which was 50 years earlier, or in 418 of Nabonassar. 548, Mechir (VI.) 9. (p. 106, B. p. 280, H.) In the 55th year of the same period, the middle of a total lunar eclipse was 547? 158 d I3^ h after the epoch, or 199? 4.24 d . The interval from the last eclipse, according to Hipparchus, was 178 d 6 h ; according to Ptolemy, 178 d 6 h 50 m . 548, Mesore (XII.) 5. (p. 106, B. p. 281, H.) A second total eclipse of the moon occurred in the same 55th year of the second Calippic period, on the 5th of Mesore: the middle, according to Hipparchus, was at 14 J, simply; or accurately, reckoning by mean time, at 13 h , giving 547? 334 d 13f h from the epoch, and an interval of 176 d f h from the time of the preceding eclipse, that is, () 199?+171.78 d . There can be no ambiguity respecting the succession of the first and third of these eclipses, which happened at the distance of a lunar year from each other, and which must naturally have happened in two successive years of any system of chronology. But it is much less intelligible, that the second eclipse should be referred to the latter rather than the former of the Calippic years, which must be supposed to have begun about 94 d after the vernal equinox of 199, while the eclipse happened a few days before the equinox; though certainly in the same Egyptian year. There cannot well be an error in the manuscripts; because the years are expressly called the same. 552, Mechir (VI.) 18. The date of the Pillar of Rosetta. The 476th of Nabonassar being the 13th of Philadelphus, the 38th, or last of this prince must have been the 501st N.; the 25th of Evergetes the 526th; the 17th of Philopator the 543d, and the 9th of Epiphanes the 552d. 195*+4.2 d . The same inscription bears the date of the 4th of Xanthicus, which was probably the 151st of the Macedonian year, and the beginning of this year was about 154 days before the vernal equinox : while in 512, that is 40 years before, it had begun 158 days before the equinox: the difference amount- ing but to 4 days, which is probably less than the error that would attend any other date that could be substituted : and Mr. St. Martin's attempt to prove, that the year of the young Astronomical and Nautical Collections. 11 Egyptian year oi Nalwnassar. king began with the 15th of his father, appears to be completely unsuccessful. Dr. Young seems to have been too hasty in allowing the opinion of this ingenious antiquary to influence his dates of the reigns of the Ptolemies in this particular, (Discoveries, p. 143.) The perfect agreement of the Macedonian year, at least as observed by the " Chaldeans," in 504 and 512 of Nabonassar, with the true tropical year, leads us at once to suppose, that they must have retained the very ancient mode of intercala- tion which consisted in inserting three months in each " octaeterid :" and the example of the year 519, when the Macedonian year began "15 days earlier than it must have done in 520, shews that there must have been an intercalary month at the end of 519, though there seems to be but 26 days left for it. The precise order of the intercalations has not been fully explained in any good authority : and it is certain that it must have varied greatly among the different nations of the Greeks : for we have the direct testimony of several historians, and particularly of a letter of Philip, quoted by Demosthenes, to prove that the Macedonian names of the months were employed with considerable variations in Macedon and at Corinth. But the best account of these periods is found in Geminus, the author of the Introduction to the Phenomena. (Halma's Ptolemy, vol. 3, p. 44.) " The first chronological period employed by the ancients was the Octaeterid, which contains 99 months, 3 of them intercalary, and 2924 days. The solar year containing 365| days, and the lunar 354, they observed, that the lunar year was 11| days shorter than the solar, and they inquired what multiple of this time would give them complete months. Now, 8 times 11| are 90 days, or 3 months: and these months they introduced in the 3d, 5th, and 8th years of each cycle : leaving two years unaltered between two of the pairs of intercalations, and one between the other pair: and since two lunar months make 59 days, they reckoned the months alternately of 29 and 30 days, or deficient and complete, as they were called. " The octaeterid, thus constituted, agreed sufficiently well with the course of the sun, but not so accurately with that of the moon : for the true month consists of of a day more than 29|, so that the 99 true months made 2923^ days: while the 8 solar years gave only 2922 days: and the lunar period was a day and a half greater than the solar, two octaeterids wanting 3 days of the corresponding 198 months: of course, in 20 octaeterids, the difference amounted to a month ; and it was necessary to omit an intercalary month once in 160 years, and to make only 29 instead of 30 intercalations in that period. 12 Astronomical and Nautical Collections. Egyptian year of Nabonassar. " These proportions, however, are still in want of further correction, and instead of omitting an intercalation in 20 octaeterids, it is more accurate to omit one in 19: and instead of 3 x 19 or 57 intercalations in this time, to make only 56, that is 7 in each period of 19 years. " On this last correction the periods of [Meton,] Euctemon, Philippus, and Calippus, were founded. They first took the solar year as containing 365 -fg days, making 6940 days in 19 years, and of the 235 months in this period they made 125 complete and 110 defective; the complete and defective months not being always alternate : and 110 being [about] the 63d part of 6940, they left out one day of a complete month every 63d day of the period. Calippus afterwards found that the year, thus measured, was T '^ of a day too short : he therefore established a period of 76 years, in which he corrected the error by dividing it into 940 months, of which 28 are intercalary; the whole containing 27759 days." This arrangement of Calippus was admirably adapted for preserving the order of the true lunar months: but it must have deviated very considerably from that of the solar years; and we have no positive evidence of the manner in which the seven intercalary months were distributed among the 19 years into which each quarter of the period was divided. The same period of nineteen years is still of considerable use in modern chronology : for in the present century, if we divide the date of the Christian year by 19, multiply the remainder by 11, and divide by 30 ; the last remainder will be the EPACT, or the moon's supposed age on the first of January; and the former remainder, increased by 1, will give the GOLDEN NUMBER. Thus in 1828, the golden number is 5, and the epact 14. But to return to the Pillar of Rosetta; it is perfectly true, that the agreement of the two dates would be more satisfactory, according to the evidence of 504 and 502 N. if we supposed the time 3 years earlier, as Mr. St. Martin has done. For at those dates the Macedonian year began 158 days before the vernal equinox ; and if it had done the same in 552, as we should expect, the date would have been the 8th of Xanthicus: in 551, since an intercalation must have inter- vened, as in 519, the date of the same Egyptian day would have been 19 days later, or the 27th; the year before, the 16th; and in 549, probably about the 5th of Xanthicus, instead of the 4th. But this analogy is by no means sufficient to make it probable, that the real 6th year of Epiphanes should have been called the 9th : and we may oppose to it the direct inference from the later date of the year 519, in which the 5th of Xanthicus was 22 days before Astronomical and Nautical Collections. 13 Egyptian year of Nabonassar. the vernal equinox, and according to the regular observance of the octaeterid, this must probably have happened again in the year 551 : and to the 5th of Xanthicus in 552 there must have been 354 + 29 = 383 days, or 18 days above the solar year: which deducted from 22, leaves four days for the date of the 5th of Xanthicus before the vernal equinox, or 5 days for that of the 4th : while the Egyptian date of Ptolemy gives us 4| : and no greater perfection can reasonably be descried in such a coincidence : indeed we have only to suppose the intercalary month to have contained 30 days, which is perfectly admissible, to have the 4th of Xanthicus, instead of the 5th, for the synonym of the 18th of Mechir. The knowledge, which we have thus acquired of the Mace- donian calendar, will enable us to form a satisfactory estima- tion at least, if not a certain demonstration of the date of the death of Alexander, which was clearly in the Egyptian year 424 of Nabonassar, and which, as Plutarch informs us, on the authority of the official journal of his illness, happened on the 28th of the month Daesius, which was the eighth month of the year, and the day the 234th. Now, if the Macedonian year began 158 days before the vernal equinox of 504, it probably did the same in 424, and the former year beginning about 243? 158 d , the latter must have begun about V' >^ 323 y 158 d , and the day in question must have been about 323y + 76 d : that is, in the common language of chrono- logers, about the 9th of June, 324 B. C. This date agrees sufficiently well with the season of the year assigned by an ancient author, quoted by Mr. St. Martin, to the death of Diogenes, which is supposed to have happened on the same day with that of Alexander: but even if it was on the 22d of June, as Mr. St. Martin supposes, it could scarcely have been on his road to the Olympic games, that Diogenes died. The intercalary month this ingenious critic thinks the " Dioscorus" mentioned in the Maccabees. Plutarch tells us, that Alexander was born on the 6th of the month of Lous, which was the tenth of the Macedonian year; and this date agrees well enough with the story of Philip's receiving an account of a victory at the Olympic games, and of the birth of his son on the same day. 574, Phamenoth (VII.) 27. (p. 142, B. p. 389, H.) In the 7th year of Philometor, which is the 574th of Nabonassar, the 27-8th of Phamenoth, the moon was eclipsed to the extent of 7 digits on the northern limb; the interval from the epoch to the middle of the eclipse being 573? 206 d 14 h mean time in Alexandria. 173^+37.51*. 14 Astronomical and Nautical Collections. Egyptian year of Nabonassar. The last year of Philopator having been 543 N., that of Epiphanes 567 N"., the 7th of Philometor must have been 574 N. : so that the lengths of the reigns of these kings assigned by the chronologers is fully confirmed by the authority of Ptolemy, as well as by that of the manuscripts of the Cholchytae still existing at Turin. 586, Mesore (XII.) 30. (p. 60, B. p. 156, H.) Hipparchus says that in the 17th year of the third Calippic period, the autumnal equinox was observed the 30th of Mesore, about sunset. 16iy+187.0 d . The interval 187 days agrees with the direct observation of Ptolemy, (p. 72, B.) The autumnal equinox of the first year of this period must have been in 570 N. We have already seen that Mesore 547 was in the 54th year of the second period, and Mesore 570 would have been in the 77th of that period, or the 1st of the succeeding. 589, Epagomenae (XIII.) 1. (p. 60, B.) Three years afterwards, that is, in the year 20, the equinox was at, on the 1st of the Epagomenae in the morning, 158 y -|-186,9 d . 590, Epagomenae (XIII.) 1. In the 21st year the equinox was observed at the 6th hour. Q 157 y +186.9 d . 601, Epagomenae (XIII.) 3-4; after 11 years, in the 32d year of the period, the autumnal equinox was observed at midnight, the 178th year after Alexander, 285 years before the 9th of Athyr in 463 after Alexander: the observation was made with great care. 146 y +186.87 d . 602, Mechir (VI.) 27. (p. 62, B. p. 154, H.) Hipparchus says, that the vernal equinox was very accurately observed in the 32d year of the third period of Calippus, on the 27th of Mechir in the morning, about the 5th hour : the year being the 178th after the death of Alexander, which is the 602d of Nabonassar. 145y+.05 d . if Ptolemy says that this observation was 285 years before that of the 7 Pachon, 463 after Alexander: this must there- fore have been subsequent to the autumnal equinox last mentioned, which he refers to the end of the same Egyptian year after the death of Alexander ; and there must either have been a mistake in some of the numbers, or Ptolemy must have reckoned the year after the death of Alexander from the summer. The error has been already corrected by making the dates of the autumnal equinoxes from 586 to 601, a year earlier than would be inferred from the year of Astronomical and Nautical Collections. 1& Egyptian rear of Nabonassar. Alexander: and it has been found that the date of the Calippic period becomes correct 686 N. We find also that both these equinoxes happened 285 Egyptian years and 70 days before those of Athyr (IV.) and Pachon (IX.) of the 3rd of Antonine, and this could only have been true, if one was at the end of 601, the other in the middle of 602. 602, (p. 61, B.) Hipparchus found the longitude of Spica 186 30'. 602, Epagomenae (XIII.) 4. (p. 153, H.) After a year the autumnal equinox of Calippus's 33d year was on the 4th of the Epagomenae in the morning. 145^+186. 88 d . 603, Mechir ( VI.) C(P- 60 > B The vernal e q ui - } 144.00*. . n/r 1.- /TT-T \ 1 nox, according to Hipparchus, I *X! , ,. _ 604, Mectur (VI.) 1 was ' obaerve< f yery ^ a j \ $ -143.00X. 605, Mechir (VI.) f intervals of 365| days. ' J 142.00 y . 605, Epagomenae (XIII.)4. (p. 60, B. p. 153, H.) The autumnal equinox was observed in the evening. 142*+186.9 d . 606, Mechir (VI.) Vernal equinox. 141.00*. 607, Tybi (V.) 2. (p. 142, B. p. 390, H.) In the 37th year of the third Calippic period, the middle of a lunar eclipse observed at Rhodes, was 606? 121 d 10 h 10 m after the epoch, both in apparent and in correct time, or 140? 55.65 d . 607, Mechir (VI.) (p. 60, B.) Vernal equinox. 140.00*. 613, Mechir (VI.) (p. 60, B. p. 156, H.) In the 43d year of the third Calippic period, the observation of the vernal equinox was made at midnight of the 29-30th of Mechir, agreeing with the time of the observation made 11 years before. 134y+0.03 d . T> 614 . . 620, (p. 60.) The agreement of the equinoxes with the regular interval of about 365| days was observed in each of these years by Hipparchus, about 133.0? to 127. 0*. 620, Phamenoth (VII.) 1. (p. 60, 63, B. p. 163, H.) The equi- nox was observed about sunset, that is l|d. later than the ob- servation made 7 years before, in the 43d year of the period. 0127.00*. 620, (p. 167, B. vol. 2, p. 12. 13, H.) In the 50th year of the third Calippic period, the longitude of the Lion's heart, according to Hipparchus, was 29 50'. Ptolemy made it 2 40' more in the 2d year of Antonine. 620, Epiphi (XI.) 16. (p. Ill, B. p. 295, H.) Hipparchus found 16 Astronomical and Nautical Collections. Egyptian year ot'Nabonassar. at the interval from the epoch of 619^ 314 d I7 h 50 m , appa- rently, but accurately 45 D1 , the distance of the sun from the moon 86" 15'. 127^+134.51". 621, Pharmuthi (VIII.) 11. (p. 1 12, B. p. 299, H.) Hipparchus relates, that he observed at Rhodes the true distance of the sun and moon, 313 42' very nearly, 620? 219 d 18^ h , appa- rently, but correctly 18 h , after the epoch I26y+39.28 d . 621, Payni (X.) 17. (p. 114, B. p. 304, H.) In the same year, 197 after the death of Alexander, Hipparchus observed in Rhodes the moon's longitude 20 of Si, both apparently and truly, for she had then no parallax in longitude: the time was 62Qy 286 d 4 h , apparently, but correctly 3|h. after the epoch. 126*+ 105.66*. 719. The first year of Augustus, (p. 79, B. p. 204, H.) From the 1 Augustus to the 17 Adrian, the interval is 161 Egyptian years: from the epoch to the 17 Adrian. 879: this year was therefore the 880th of Nabonassar, and the first of Augustus the 719th. 723. Hence the 5th of Augustus was the 723d of Nabonassar. It was in this year, as we are informed by the fragment of the emperor Heraclius, published in Dodwell's Dissertationes Cyprianicae, 1684, (p. 111.) that the Greeks of Alexandria adopted the Julian system of intercalation : and "the number of days added is found by dividing the number of years elapsed from the 5th of Augustus, and neglecting the remainder." This year began with the 28th, or rather the 29th of August, which was the 1st of Thoth: and in the August of the year preceding each bissextile, the Alexandrians reckoned 6 Epagomenae, instead of 5. In Raima's Ptolemy, vol. 3, p. 9, there is a note of Logothetes, from a manuscript in the king's library at Paris, which tells us that the tetraeterids of the Alexandrian year are reckoned from the beginning of the 6th year of Augustus : the bissextile having been introduced at the time of the taking of Alexandria by that emperor. See 1112. The 1 Thoth 723 was 24 y 205.2". = 25 y +160.0 d . nr This is about 27 days before the autumnal equinox. It has been generally admitted that the 1st Thoth of this year was the 29th of August. The words of Heraclius are, "the Alexandrians call the first month Thoth, which is Astronomical and Nautical Collections. 17 Egyptian year of Nabonassar. September, comprehending three days of August:" and the 29th would give but two days of August, and would make the autumnal equinox the 25th or 26th of September. The calendar of the stars attributed to Ptolemy (Halma, v. 3, p. 21,) has, indeed, an interpolation of a Roman, after the 1st Thoth, " according to our date, the 29th of August :" and the autumnal equinox is marked on the 28th Thoth : the vernal the 26th of Phamenoth; the summer solstice the 1st Epiphi; the winter the 26th Choeac : agreeing sufficiently well with the reduction from Ptolemy; for 205 days from the 1st Thoth give us the 26th of Phamenoth. Logothetes, and the other later chronological fragments published by Halma, agree in making the 29th of August the 1st of Thoth. 840, Tybi (V.) 2. (p. 170, B. vol. 2, p. 22, H.) Agrippa relates that he observed in Bithynia, in the 12th year of Domitian, the 7th of "their month Metroiis," an occultation of the southern following part of the Pleiades; whence the true place of the moon is made 3 7 ' , the date being the 840th year of Nabonassar, 2d Tybi, 6f h apparent time, 6 h correct time. +93* 112.23 d . nr The 1st of Domitian was therefore 829 N. 883, Athyr (III.) 13. (p. 332, H.) Ptolemy observed the moon's transit in the 20th of Adrian, the 13th Athyr, just before sunset, 5h. 50m. after noon : the altitude of her centre being 50 55' ; whence the parallax is found 50' 55" : the interval from the epoch was apparently 882y. 72d. 5h. 50m., but correctly 5h. 20m. +136^ -171.69 d . In this computation the latitude of Alexandria is made 30 58', instead of 31 12' : and it is inconceivable how an error of such magnitude can have been committed by astrono- mers so numerous and so accurate as those of the school of Alexandria. 1112, Phamenoth (VII.) 6. (Theon, p. 284, 277, 281, B.) An eclipse of the moon was observed by Theon the commentator, 6^ hours after noon of the 6th Phamenoth, or 7 T ^.hours apparent time : the moon being in y 28 15' 10". +365V 113.9 d . This was " the 81st year of Diocletian, according to the Alexandrians, in the month of Athyr ; but according to the Egyptians, the 81st year, in the month of Phamenoth." " The conjunction which took place in the month Thoth, was on the 24th, according to the tables, and reckoning back 97 for the difference of the years, we have the 22d 18 Astronomical and Nautical Collections. Egyptian year ofNabonassar. . Payni of the preceding year for the Alexandrian date, since 24+36597=389 97=292." The Alexandrian year having been introduced in 723 of Nabonassar, we have 1112 723 389=4 x 97|. And in the same manner the 6th Phamenoth, deducting 97 days, gives the 29th of Athyr, which was the Alexandrian time of the eclipse. The preceding conjunction, was, according to the tables, oa the 21st Mechir. It follows that the years of Diocletian are found! by deducting 1031 from those of Nabonassar, and that the first of Diocletian was 1032 of Nabonassar. Heraclius says that there were 313 from the 1 Augustus, to the 1 Diocletian, and 7J9+313=1032. We are informed in the same chapter of Theon, (p. 280,) that the "table of cities" gives the longitudes East from the " Fortunate islands;" and we are directed to take out of it the difference of the longitude of a given place from that of Alexandria, in order to find the time of that place. In Heraclius's example of Alexandrian time for the 77U* of Diocletian, the time reckoned from the 5th of Augustus is 385 years, or 4 x 96J, and 96 days are deducted. P. 111. See 723. 1223, Athyr (III.) 21. (Halma, vol. 3, p. 11.) The 192d year of Diocletian, the 21st Athyr, the moon was observed by Thius at Athens to pass over Venus, in 13 V? > and 48 from the sun. This would be -f 477* 24(i d . <> But the longitude of Venus being 283, that of the sun should have been 235, or 331, which it could not be 246 days before the equinox. The time must therefore have been Alexandrian, that is, 125 days later, or +477* 121 d . -f 476y+244 d . and the sun must have been behind Veaus. The other obser- vations of Thius are probably recorded in the same time. 1245, Paonon (IX.) 6. (Halma, vol. 3, p. 10.) Heliodonts observed in the 214th year of Diocletian, the 6-7th Pachon, the second hour of the night, Mars in perfect contact with Jupiter. The interval from the epoch was 1244? and either 245.33<. or 375.33 d . E. T. +498* 38. l d . or A. T. Q +498y+91.9 d . 1250, Mechir (VI.) 27. (Halma, vol. 3, p. 10.) Heliodorus observed in 219 of Diocletian, an occultatiou of the planet Astronomical and Nautical Collections. 19 Egyptian year of Nabonassar. Saturn by the moon, the 27-8th Mechir, a little after the 4th hour of the night, the middle being about 5 hours after sunset : the emersion was at the middle of the enlightened part of the moon. Either E. T. +50 8V 156.3 d . or A. T. +503V 24.3 d . 1256, Thoth (I.; 30. (Halma, vol. 3. p. 11.) Thius observed the passage of Jupiter 3 digits to the North of Regulus, the 225th of Diocletian. The 133 days of intercalation make this the 163d day of the old Egyptian year, and the equinoctial date +509? 182.0 d . 1256, Phamenoth (VII.) 15. (Halma, vol. 3, p. 11.) Thius found that the moon in 16^ must have occulted the Hyades in the day time: 225 of Diocletian. +509? 6.2 d . 1256, Payni (X.) 29. (Halma, vol. 3, p. 11.) Thius observed that soon after sunset the planet Mars was near to Jupiter 1 digit to the west: in the situation which the tables indicated for the 23d of the same month : the year was the 225th of Diocletian. +510y+98.3 d . i|S 1257, (Halma, vol. 3, p. 12.) In 226 after Diocletian, Thius found that Venus was 20 digits before Jupiter .... and on the 29th. . . 10 digits behind him, in the same latitude : while the ephemerides made the conjunction on the 30th: Bouillaud says, of Mesore. The year began in Alexandrian time -f511 y 20l d . the 30th Mesore, noon, -f511 y +158 d . DATES from the Catalogue of OLYMPIADS. Olympiadte Solstitial date of year. the beginning. In Scaliger's edition of Eusebius, there is a Cata- logue of the Olympiads, among the Collections not translated, which has every appearance of high authen- ticity: the author was acquainted with the principal astronomical occurrences which are mentioned by Ptolemy, and he has introduced many of them in their proper places, at intervals agreeing with those which are assigned by Ptolemy : he seems to have been a person of correct judgment, and he was a Christian, though too fond of recording fictitious prodigies. There is great reason to suppose that he was no other than Africanus, to whom Scaliger himself attributes the more meager catalogue of Oympic victors. 20 Astronomical and Nautical Collections. OUmpiadic Solstitial date of year. the begiuning. Troy taken by the Greeks. See 692. The begiuning of Grecian history. About 1016 1. Establishment of the Olympic epoch. See 366 N. 775 6. p. 313, Ol. II. 2. Birth of Romulus and Remus. 770 S3 23. Ol. VI. 3. " Rome founded according to some authors." 25. Ol. VII. 1. Rome founded. 751 S3 This date is confirmed by Dionysius and others. Tarutius, the friend of Varro, as quoted by Plutarch, makes the birth of Romulus the21stThoth following the 23d Choeac, in the 1st year of the lid Olympiad, and says, that Rome was founded the 9th Pharmuthi, VI. 3: but the Varronian era has not been generally considered as of high authority. Pharmuthi was about the autumnal equinox. 30. Ol. VIII. 2. The begiuning of the era of " Na- busar." 746 S3 This Olympic year must have ended about rj< 746' '+94 d , that is, at the first midsummer in the reign of Nabonassar: consequently, the first Olympic year should have begun 30 years earlier, or 7767 +94 d . or 776*, and not 775*. ^ S3 Hence it appears that the beginning of the era of Nabonassar is here set down as belonging to the Olympic year which began soon after it, and not to the year which was nearly ended at that epoch. 55. p. 314, Ol. XIV. 3. The 1st year of Mardoc Empadus; an eclipse of the moon. See N. 27. 721 S3 The eclipse happened a little before the vernal equinox following this solstice, that is, 720. 137. p. 315, Ol. XXXV. 1. Thales born. 639 188. p. 316, Ol. XL VII. 4. Vaphres began to reign in Egypt. 588 S3 The article Egypt has 590 B. C. ; which, expressed in astronomical language, is 589. 191 . Ol. XLVIII. 3. Foundation of the Pythian games. An eclipse of the sun foretold by Thales. 585 35 Astronomical and Nautical Collections. 21 olympiadic Solstitial date of year. the beginning. Mr. Baily makes the eclipse mentioned by Herodotus as foretold by Thales, 610, B. C. that is 609. Ph. Tr. 1811. Both these dates might have been in the reign of Alyattes : and if the story of Herodotus is true, Mr. Baily's computations are sufficient to prove that the earlier date is correct ; and that the eclipse here mentioned was not that of Herodotus. Pliny is the oldest author that has recorded this eclipse, in the reign of Halyattes, as having happened Ol. XLVIII. 4. Mr. Baily makes it 30th Sept. 610, B.C., the sun's declination being 8": that is, 609.0y; the 167th Olympiadic year. 251. p. 318, Ol. LXIII. 3. Amasis dies, having reigned 55 years. Cambyses conquers Egypt. 525 254. Ol. LXIV. 2. The moon eclipsed in the 7th year of Cambyses. 522 23 This was 225 N. about 13 days after the solstice of 522 ; so that the Olympic games must have followed very shortly after the solstice. 275. Ol. LXIX. 3. The moon eclipsed, in the 20th of Darius Hystaspis. 501 See 246 N. 344. p. 321, Ol. LXXXVI. 4. Apseudes being Archon, Meton, the son of Pausanias, erected a dial, and made known his cycle of 19 years. 432 The solstice observed by Meton, while Apseudes was Archon, appears from Ptolemy to have been 431, 94 days after the vernal equinox: and the Olympic year having begun soon after the solstice of 431, this observation must have been made at the end of the archonship of Apseudes: and we find, in Nabonassar 468, Aristarchus observed the summer solstice at the end of a Calippic year. 394. p. 324, Ol. XCTX. 2. Phanostratus being Archon, an eclipse of the moon in Posideon, and again in Scir- rophorion. 382 S3 The latter was only 10 days before the solstice of 381, which was near the end of this Olympic year: the former about the winter solstice, or the middle of the year. See N. 366. 22 Astronomical and Nautical Collections. 395. Ol. XCIX. 3. Menander or Evander being Archon. An eclipse of the moon in Posideon. 381 About midwinter. See N. 367. 413. p. 326, Ol. CIV. 1. An eclipse of the sun. 363 415. Ol. CIV. 3. Tachos, king of Egypt, went through Arabia to meet Artaxerxes, who died this year, after a reign of 43 years. 361 417. Ol. CV. 1. The reign of Philip began ; it lasted 24 years. 359 J 420. Ol. CV. 4. Alexander born. Some say a year later. 356 25 427. p. 327, Ol. CVII. 3. Nebtanebos, king of Egypt, abdicates, and flies into Ethiopia. Artaxerxes con- quers the whole of Egypt. 441. p. 238, Ol. CXI. 1. Philip is killed, having reigned 24 years. 335 3 442. Ol. CXI. 2. Alexander crosses into Asia. 334 446. p. 329, Ol. CXII. 2. Alexandria founded; an eclipse of the moon; battle of Arbela; beginning of the periods of Calippus of Cyzicum. 330 452. Ol. CXIII. 4. Alexander marries Statira. 324 3 453. Ol. CXIV. 1. Alexander issues a proclamation before the opening of the Olympic games, for the return of all the Grecian fugitives. He dies in Babylon, having reigned 12 years and 7 months. Diogenes, the cynic, died the same day. See N. 552. 323 23 The proclamation was probably issued after the king's actual death. [467. Phil. Tr. 1811. Mr. Baily makes the eclipse of Aga- thocles, mentioned by Diodorus, _ 309] 23 602. p. 333, Ol. CLI. 2. An eclipse of the moon, in the 7th year of Philometor. _ 174 r\ Nab. 574. $ I73y+37.51<; of course before the solstice 173. The 7th of Philometor began about the autumnal equinox 174. 692. p. 335, Ol. CLXXIII. 4. Troy taken by Sylla, 1100 years after its capture by the Greeks. _ 84 Astronomical and Nautical Collections. 23 Olympiadic Solstitial date of year. the beginning. 714. p. 330, Ol. CLXXIX.2. Cicero consul. Augustus born. 62 729. p. 337, Ol. CLXXXIII. 1. Battle of Pharsalia. Siege of Alexandria. Epoch of Caesar's empire, and of the era of the Antiochians. 47 731. Ol. CLXXXIII. 3. End of the History of Diodorus. Caesar corrects the Roman year. 45 735. Ol. CLXXXIV. 3. Battle of Philippi. 041 737. Ol. CLXXXV. 1. Herod called king of the Jews. 39 O 746. Ol. CLXXXVII. 2. Battle of Actium, " to- wards the middle of the Olympiad," that is, towards the end of the year. 30 747. Ol. CLXXXVII. 3. Antony kills himself. Q 29 748. 4. Octavius triumphs over Egypt. 28 771. Ol. CXCIII. 3. Herod dies, and Archelaus succeeds him, 5 Q 789. p. 338, Ol. CXCVIH. 1. Augustus dies. +13 808. p. 339, Ol. CCII. 4. Passion of our Saviour Christ. +32 816. Ol. CCIV. 1. Death of Tiberius. 0+40 835. p. 340, Ol. CCIX. 3. Nero puts to death Agrippina. An eclipse of the sun, during which the stars are seen. +59 844. Ol. CCXI. 4. Nero destroys himself, and is suc- ceeded by Galba. +68 855. Ol. CCXIV. 3. Vespasian succeeded by Titus. Herculaneum and Pompeii destroyed by an eruption of Vesuvius. +79 876. p. 341, Ol. CCXIX. 4. End of the Chronicle of Justus of Tiberias, which begins with Moses. +100 892. Ol. CCXXIII. 4. Trajan dies, after a reign of 19 years. His bones are deposited in his column. +116 916. p. 342, Ol. CCXXIX. 4. So far the Olympiads were written by Phlegon of Tralles, a freedman of Adrian, in 16 books. 24 Astronomical and Nautical Collections. Olympiadic Solstitial date of year the beginning. 979. p. 343, Ol. CCXLV. 3. Secular games celebrated. +203 992. Ol. CCXLIX. Heliodorus conquers in the stadium. +216 TP DATE of the Letter of MANUMISSION. Hier. 46. " Constantius Augustus VII.; and Constantius the most lllustrious.Caesar III. Tybi 17; the XIII Induction." 1130. p. 282. Epitome of Chronology. Ol. CCLXXIII. "3:" or, in the margin, 2. Constantius Augustus " IX." and Constans Caesar III. Indiction XII. +354 Q The numbers are greatly confused, but this seems to be the year intended : the consuls for the next are Arbetion and Lollianus; and in the Catalogue of Idatius, p. 31, these names are preceded by Constantius VII. and Constantius III. The Indictions of Constantine beginning in September, it is very possible that the number 12 in the catalogues belongs to the earlier part of the year, and 1 3 to the later. The catalogue in Dodwell's Diss. Cypr. (p. 103), has Constantius VII., Constantius Caesar III., in the year 354. And the common school books exhibit the same date. In p. 260, the first year of the Indiction is marked Ol. CLXXXIII. 2; in the margin, CLXXXIV. 3: the 6th year of Cleopatra, the 1st of Julius Caesar: the An- tiochians began their era on the 12th of Artemisius, and the Indiction began the 1st of Gorpiaeus." See 729 O. In p. 279, the 1st Indiction of Constantine is marked Ol. CCLXXIII. 2; in the margin CCLXXIII. 1. The year 1828 is now called the 1st Indiction; and 1828 15 X 125 =47; agreeing with the catalogue of Olympiads. ENCHORIAL NUMBERS. 2. H30 t 34- A 70,36'. -^^L ^ 3. S25, 30, 3*. 3 3 ' 4. *? ^ 2 ** M "***i * * > * ^ ^ ^ 6. B. 37. 1,1. 3j ii ^.' t ai a? TI n 15. -Q.ff34A f . T/t t \Jl Peyron,. JT. 52 60. 70. 80. 90. 1OO. ( SeeP/OS) ENVHORJAL LUMBERS EruAvriai. Hienafcc SOO.ffJS. feyrtm 4OO. 60O. 6OO. 700. 800. 0oo. 20OO 3000 4OOO. ^ 6OOO. 6OOO. 7000. fgy 8OOO. *^\ i. 4 ENCHORIAL FRACTIONS. Fr. 2 .3433. /\ Hz*Ais./\ Ma+An.t 1 B '7. /? B'G. r. 7AAVttHB4H Oui-^^V S'tften 5 ff8. Champ, 5? -5 -*" "// CJuunja. M MnJirmtttrvl't ftt⁢ ^ iZMECHIR. JUL6TEIP. S >H 'OV I27JHAMENOTH . mjREARMUTHl . ^cnl YAl eg& St . ETtHTC. ^ess 2t lar.EPAGOMi-a^AE. r/?ci?. ENCHORIAL DA TJKS . ? PSAMMETICHVS A . C/iarnpallion, Z (ff L fttre P. op. Pi 2K . Frorn a Papyrus of receipts a. 'n . Supposed to fa In tKe reign of Memnon .year XTV.PliarmuthilO Fy.J. . .. or Ramses the tentk a> vfryea.rb/ r&0n,j SOILS & exemplify t&fjDny C. Champot&trn, w- 3fa. i. N. 23 . T. IS. Front Osfraymit.nfcf papyrus at~ "The year Xtt, Mecbir 11 , of P SAMJMLBTiCHrS 7 The Jtrsf year v TsammtticAiuf wru probably ffo 84-th ofJMzfonanu7vu7iiafectiy ^ Mechir ^rBiameiiotli 28 , of Kmg PSAMMETICHUS.T;.^ CHUS ? 1.76 . 'Dxe^earXIAV/MecliirZS, of King P SAM MBIT CSUS . . everlivijag . year o sammetciu^, ti#72'7ti tiaonassar, or e -SfA oflfaZopolaASar/fa'pafv G* _ 620 y ~ 6i*f t-fiatij 67 days before the (rue tunar ecl pse E. T>sttesef a papyrus usifb (tdviuifo Ll Tke year XLV, TjJbiS .of King PSAMMETICHU5 . L6. Thejeaj X5CS , Pkarmuthi 6 of King PSAMMETJCHUS . ENCHORIAL DATES . DARIUS . f. Date of a papyrus as ff&ligi sent fa/ Mr. San. Qu,t.nin#, a-7id a, #pz/ fy Hfr. C/iamp>0Hion. . The vear V , Pharmuaii 6 , of King DARIU5 : It is .declared ...... Tfa r>ame DARIUS i*s said fa tiepin tvitk JS in the Zendish,, its of CAIR0! ca of Mr. o U14r' nno in in IA: L /YearXXTVl ;YearVIof ;[TE]L (xESJiafNTALiosH; CAUBTSES Ist.yearef Darius wcut the 22? 'tk. 0/ 6?. A papyrus 6 wag kt by Mr. CaMiaud fa the Musfztm at Paris, framed and am,.7nuntfated fy Mr. C/tampoUwn .- dated The year VI , Tybi , of King DARIUS . ENCHORIAL DATES . DAJtIUS . ALEXANDER . 9 2T . Da2eofaspapy-ruaket bearer of AR SIN OE ,tKe Brother loving. It is declared ...... Tkisappearsfo ENCHORIAL DATES . PHLLOPATOH . 11 KyO / The year HI, i 7'V 'Pachon? of KLug PTOLBMY$oiLof PTOLEMTazidBKRKNlCE , godsBeneficeut, DEMKTRJUg Sou of 'APELLA? being priest of ALEXANDER and of the Fraternal gods.of Uiegods Beneficent ,acl. of the Pather loving gods : tkebstsket bearer of ARSINOE tke Brother lo- ving ... It is declared . . . See ChampoUion, in. Miai . PZ4. Oil . @. Papyrus at jfans, tmccdiy direction. ^MrC/u&njv0lt'07v t dafai Th.e yearVlljEpipKi, of Ifin^ PTOLEMY Son of PTOLBMYand BBRNICE , gods Beneficent : AET17S Son of AETtJS bebgpriet of ALEXANDER and tke Fraternal gods , the gods Beueticeut, tie gods father loving-. PHLLESIA daughter of DEMETRIUS being Jbasket hearer of ARSINOK the Brother loviug ... ENCHORIAL DATES . KPIPHAJVES ^ . Papyrus at Dale : The year vm, PharrautKi , of King PTOLEMY, Son of PTOLEMY audARSixOK tke gods [father loving! : the priest of ALEXANDER ztnd the Praiternal gods , the gods Beneficent, and tte Father loving gods, and of King PTOLEMT the Illustrious , being DKMETRIUS the Son of . PoriioTis . Theyearl of bis late father. ) Q \/,M Jj \ -o<*egr. Pl.JHE . The year JCXBI , Cluoeax 19 _, of King PTOLE>tY,Sonof PTOiBJdX aaxd ARSlNOE , the ^odbs TatKer loving , a-nd the prieat of ALEXANDER and the Fraternal gods , tke god* Berteficeixt . . . f, c h4^Xo.f>/u ul >./ X. Tapyrus at^erUn^^. Koseg. PI.JJH. TJie year VI , Tybi 2O , of King OPTOLEMY.Son of PTOLEMY and CLEOPATRA: tke gods lUustriouS; AdthepriestofALEXAXDER . . . The year TO , Tybi 2O, of King PTOLEMY. . . 18 JE&CHORIAL DA TES. PffLLOMETOR . ,T -. , : - / 1* - J ^ r \.z A' JT HMGneyA) Z, of^fr/^hampolli^. aaid CUEOPATRA. . < Y, 7., His Trife , son and daughter o PTOLEMY ^Ul.d CLEOPATltA, IllustTious . Z , Living; for ever. J.'. n'. Hb sister ami-wife > Qff8prmgHILOMEIVJl . 19 .4^' BeaeCLcerLt , tie Fatkerloving- gods,ilie gods Ulustrious , tiie gods . Y t A',B'. Mo tber loving ; and iiuepruse bearer of BERENICE . . r Y, A', B'. The B eaeficeai , and tke basket iearer of AUSINOE ^l'5'The BID loving and th.e priest of AR SINCE 20 ENCHORIAL DATES . PHlIjOMETOR . / i -ju* v r J^^5! < Appcmited?iafliein.etropolis[Racotis];aiidm tke Royal citj. V\ v u if YA/L\k ^(ni/n^f/i^ /l2^.\X w ^Vl . F //f M Jx. Y,A',E'. The 'noble? priest of PTOLEMY SOTER , and tie priest . .*l ^ O U ?n (jl\/li^>Tf2 -Y x- /i ./ Of PTOLEMY tibeMotber loving;, and tke priest of PTOLEMY. r,^'5' The Brother loving, andtke priest of PTOLEMT the B eneficent and. die priest . ENCHORIAL DATES . PHILOMETOR . 21 ^.ut~i. <;> X F.' ^/^'TkeyearXXXVI^AtliyrlS, of King ITOLEJMY x/r- Uff. ,'/!'' And CLEOPATHA Ms sister, son and daughter o PTOLEMY". //I'And CLEOPATRA the gods . . . Ulizstrious , and oil Thepri&stof ALEXANDKB and tKe Savioitr gods ,the gods Illustrious -jX^xj .*fc * nfe - A ^ ^^ ir^ JLj r^ , f^ ^/\i^ v^j fa* . r The gods JB eneficeot , the gods Fatherloving, the godslllustrious , tic god i ji 'Defender of ? his father and the god Mofiier loving : and thetearer of .V. PHILOMETOR . 2J .' E:F.' frizes of BE REN1CE the Beneficent , and the hearer of ____ of ARSINCE the Blotter loving, and thepiiest of ARSFNOE E'.F' The Fatherloving appointed in the metropolis .- andin. the Royal city uu /2 7 :' The 'nohle ? priest of PTOLE^IY SOTER Pip 7 lv . ^' ' n ' ^ ' !-> '^ . ^ ^ 'And thepriest of PTOLEMY the EatLerlovin^ : and the priest : - A ! { 'A ^^i^^^p^ . / /: / Of PTOLEMY theBTotherlovmg, and the priest of PTOLEMY 26 ENCHORIAL DATES . PHILOMETOR . > : F. "The Beneficent , and the priest of PTOLEMY. E .'The Mother-loving JK' Tke'Fatherloviug j" /r'Andtkepiiest oTPTOLEMYthe god Defenderof tis fadier,ajidtiiepriMtafPTo LEMT ti ifumficnt; and ^J/| tf. V-^ 6^ I -ATi 1 1 'V * Jl. * i J : J*.7r^lidtheprie5tessEiestess of CLE OPATRA. VtJ if? ings daughter. J7^ 'And the priestess of CLEOPATRA the'Mofherlsis ? The goddess lll\tricnis ,aiid the basket Jjearer of AR SISTOE The Brother loving . . . It is declared ___ . ENCHORIAL DA TES . PHlLOJMETOfr . PBYSCON. 2 7 5 E'.F.' The year XXXVI, Atkyr, of die King everhving. frl^ The priest* of,\itONRASONTHER aad tlie Fraternal ^oda^thegods Beneficent .'^' The god Father defending and die ds Mother loving Amen . Signed wtnesses 16 ..... ..... The 16 . \- G'. Pap.Berl. 15. osef,Pl.Xm. The.yeaT^DCDC'Mesore 14 ? of Ki PTOLEMY the Beneficent , Son of PTOLEMY and_Queeu CLEOPATRA and CLEOPATRA Ms vrife. .and the priest of ALEXANDER and the Sa- viour gods. Tkwwaj the <$itfi. i/fftr of Physwnj sara.te- restjrntffr, years 28 ENCHORIAL DATES .PKYSCON. f- t y-1iKS2 . f f(v fci< uo OC e^q/i ffaj.l\/x> 1 ; 1>XO >' ;0& fcQ|^> C^ttP2>P^ ' " t R'PapBerl.W . b. Koseg.Pl.Xni. The year XXXIV ( K.) TVbi2, of Kin^ PTOLEMY the odBeaeficent, son of PTOLEMY and CLEOPATRA gods Illustrious , and Queen CLEOPATRA his sister, and Queeu. CLEO- PATRA his wife, gods Beneficent ,and tke priest of ALEXANDER ____ =1. 4% > Q V t l'. Papyrus at Pares traced by direfb'0n 0f Mr. C/tam/wMon. (1 ) The yearXLV/Tybi?!*, of Kiu PTOLEMY the god Beneficent , son of PTOLEMY} (2) and Quen CLEOPATRA his wife ,gods Beneficent : se#. PI.XH.L'. Pap. ert.*6. cvntinuecf frem* a ctytM/fiuMr. C'/uzjnpe>tlion> . The^yea^r J? on The gods Beneficent, ard tKe priest of ALEXANDER.Zta&.Ai!, L 1 . Saviours, die ^od*fi i aterual,the^'ods Beneficent, the j^ods Father loving. ft, TlicodsIlliistriou^tlieotlMotiierLoving.tliegodDefeHJ^r ofhisfalher,tlieoftr the god Beneficent, son of PTOLEMY; and Queeix CLBOPATRA his sister, and. Queen. ClOPATRA.his\v-ife,gods Beneficent : and f.Le piiest ofA-LEXANDER . . . The date tflhtyect-r i* ENCHORIAL DATES . PNYZCON. ALEXANDER . 3 1 , Thoflil9,of Kin^ PTOLEMY in^ ^_BoTussffnofBonusa/uLSenpo(Tiii~^ has declared . The name of recedes the won/ declare , ft* in the piflar o 5? P'Jb/>.Bfrl. ty.Kos-cy. Pl^IL. 'J^eyearXI,Mecl)ir l l2 ? 'of Queen. CLBO EA.TEA and Kmg PTOLEMY suroained ALKXANDER,andtiie ptiest of ALEXANDER andtlie Saviour ^ocls , and (iie aods . . . It WCLA later m this year that acckcun,.L7. Year IXL/EpipM? 9 , of thegpeafc PTOLEMl r , the ^od^EUS ? DIO2ST5TSUS ... ever living HI L\ . The great SSn^PTOLEMY the god *NEUS? DIONYSUS ever living. 7% tablet is of a, later reign , but these fa'ti&s belong fo Auletes , the yoiuig ^^ Dicmysius or Denys, as he is sometimef called. ENCffORIAL DATES. TRY PHAENA. CAESAR. r ' Thpyriis at Paris. tmcedltyeitactianrtfMr. QuanpaUwri . Ll. The v ear VI.IL , Phaiueuotii29, of King PTOLEMY atid Queen CLEOPATR_\ , simiainfd TRYPHAKNTA god Fafliei- loving and Mother loving , aivd ike priest of ' the great Bn^ ?. . . . It is declared . L 2,3. L 2.3 Sfcreelmrly. Tkeyear VHI .Phaxnoioth 29 of the 'great ? King TTOLE^IY, andCLEOPATRA simiamedTRYPHAEXA,gods Fatherlorm^aiitOrother loving, everiiving . It is uncertain tvfw these sovereigns were . Y.'H7lB. Tablet fivrn. Setccha,. with If) stars. Year XIX ot' tke King tke ^reat god "NE r S ?? PTOLEMY " the ivarlike , JjeloTed. ITV Ph Aali and Isis?? . . . Cleopatra and Gzesar being 'afterwards mentioned i/ithe- . it M jarcbaMctJiat thi^ Ptolemy must hare bee?i L o,b. The year \H ot^ Qiteen CLEOPATRA "NEi L.b .The vearlX. 4>| ENCHORIAL DA TE S . CL EOPA TRA . CAESAR . 35 .L^. The year XX? . . [to CAESAR ] * J tKO^, lt> which. iJiis passage $ec/nst(> njer, w&>**^^^^^ i The year XXI of Queen CLEOPATRA 'the munificent ? The year A XXI?.AUTOCRA1X)R CAESAR ' the munificent ? >. The year VI. ENCHOJUAL DA TES. CLEOPATRA . CA ESAJL <~\ J " H51 . Ettcfwncd tablet BR. Jf. Ll. The year *FX , whict is IV 'Payni 1? of Queen CLEOPATRA ..... and King [PTOLEMY] sur- nanied CAESAR. Z//.TearXIX:,whichisyearIV"Payiu < ? K^^^ ' 1 ^T<( M^i^ VM La .Year XK, whickis year IV. Q Vsb i t *CA II 1 1 learXESl, wiiickisyearIV,Ea,ym,. . . ct'Kin^ PTOLEMYazid Queen CLEOPATRA. xji>r UL 3 B"H7o,7#. OtaJk tablet famr-Seucha. . Li. .. Of Kiii<; PTOLEMlf siraiajxied CAESA1* , ihe god ' Fa iho- loving *? aitd Mother loving, ererliving . Caesarian stem* to be called. Philopatvr and Pfiil&mefor, as Peynm /ut,t already remarked. , in fAe Greek injcriptiem of the PiMa.r of Turin/, which, >m(bably?iave read- Qxoea^/tTrHjamnithi \6itt thedih.i?s a an g-t O Hiamenotb 5 ... PharmutM 26. Ju e F."Pap. Berl.55. Koseg. flXXV. Year iVI.Choeac, 2S of the divine King . Perhaps Auleles . ARTIFICIAL ALPHABET. onrnn-Tt, REJEMBXAX-CES . iDEumfiBTt AS Z.EGIBC.E . FA.GK. y o p p' /* j_j 3 , clCSl tt /A ;/ J 3 0. 74,11 ? -0 -A .75.N 7 J <0 I /.95. P P V"i ^< >) ,; ; oi^-oe.c r ^02.117 --* tu cw *X I -^- ^ * .100, 5dr 59 RUDIMENTS OF A DICTIONARY. LEGIBLE TA, ,*&,; ?ANUCIS, Vesta,. Champ. Toll. N. /,f Diegenzs. HARPOCHRATES . See Petckarpochratc 41 APKLLA ? /^. APOLLONIUS ..#.32 Z2^. APOLLOS *? - ^. p CU BARMEN IS "J7J2 ZJJ, ?T^S?n, ARBESI . ) 42 DOTTBTFUL HASOS .HASYS . A' 4 (XJ)43 Which had been . J2" 1$ uc 6 T AX Jftf CU1X J ? U Remlered Men celebrate . ff2 As is Ame . ^ 26' zr-. tfe ^j/. ^ Lj Acrustouieti UlQ 'Hi. ^ V) Inmakm^ processions. Ht&jucv. T hC/^ M i^ Time ffZ3 ^L ? Gx l PONCVM . *f ? >3 Crave . .# /* ^/i . AN AT E o H K t.H. Swperiorto. Hrf i .YOE^TEpOY. Animal s . HZJ xviu. \JLl < W . Ck. V. Men. H37L70.7/JZ. Hispeople . I ii. Ill men. l# vii, 111 other men . 1 \" LI p 1 TlJ Regarding. H24xv. . ENTO12 v. Inwkicli . ffZf) ocxiv. JL/ Mav become. Hl6jc.r.v. Hemi^Kt make R21 -xii,. tJ I HlS&ziriit . MaJdng;. p I Things proper. If 23 xiiii, | ^O )J P^ They had treated ill . JST27 . /5A| I O i. V" P P V Z2 a-.ut. ..... <^>/>^ WT^U P I Who had-, who were. HJJiv. * ^f ^ Is kept ; when they keep. ff2<9 axzii.. **^$ \J i-^ Shafl be called -, 'shall men callit? J"^ II . 4J Milk. ,#32 LI A . epCU-'f' ; "in- ( EL 32 L 76'. F'.Koseg. PLX. t ti O viO^ A PL3Z. 1 >- Egyptians . ZT/6^'. CC>^ -2^. JD Hiero gramm ate *.HlJ iv. . . ' Writing men < 'J^l'PM^v Tea: tlie use, or service . ^2-3 r*-). I D OL)Oc * Sometimes tnerely a terminal mark, a*? in SYN2jXES : aL r* efertutwnerAa/M^Ta^raSfoapfr^rnafne. See H Than . ^r/ ffasc/s. rc\'-j^f\^\ ?^.^'? Part of the saidplace? *. A certain part . Set WEH, VE&, orBER. in, 0SORO&HJ3 ffjut, SENPOERIS, (B)... rbrever. Everliving. Life . Living. Rj6 it. Hostile > hostilelv . Attacked . Obsidional. Strength , or health . ff24 xri<-. Restored. H2O ec-. Ordered, or fixed them . Hl&iii. Sec LIMIT abave. Prize . See j^. . 48 CB)... Baskets. (Bj... fjuf in I) I ,it: i.s fiwivliketfae bee T/ie sound, is < H 26'. wt.' . Queen . H 37 LJ . Sovrrotiiisx^^ Sue Bo/fas ff-3-/ 8/.">. . Queea. R st Lf,>. H Si Lib. H82 L 6 ? UnjouMished teMetJlr. M'us. *> OBJ--. Altar. City ^2/ .r//-. -e^lt J . #2^ 77^^. ,.. RJ. Racoiis v.HJJZJ. M&randria . jLK O x See Dates. Phylacteries. U37 Guards . H2J,rw. Funerals. 7/?J j.-iiu. See Bujirif. \ *V^* Al Lycopolis ,i'^M. i-gy. H3J L.g . ttCPAnCY IIH . ^1 c^Oi 6ff ? ^ 2J 2 Temple. 51 LEGIBLE. ZBENDETES . fftlLM. f LEGIBL [ 5 ll J^t- H*rff>/7HS of R' and, CH . SXACNOMES. /- JTOT-TO? ^- f". Koseg .PiX. K'j. Cha m/ ,. 2-N J T NTI S . ^ J/ Z, /^. ^ S. > 'V ASS UMPTION . ^ 77 v . Jtuj e H ? Y \L ffu CAESAR . H6J LZ . Se$ Dates. Ej4-A6a. Caesans S V^ CLEOPATRA . ff3JCr.2. HdJ LJ.J . EGYPT. H)6i. BWvi. W NE' ; CHTH1MONTHES. H31 L/o. ffj'f Lto. H3fL7/. X-&- K'e,6. a. MS. CHAP O CRATES . JMrLg. F'. Kesey. Pi. SI. K'. fO. Champ. K'.ro. Ch. CHAPOCHONS-IS. F'. fosey. H3J LH. K 6". Chump CHOLCHYTA? * *. 1^. t'^^t^t^ ^J^of/^lfff-i) ^ * j/r!7^r/^ >$a^z-j>4^ ^r/2 2 rx- VAOJLd \JU2^1 |>3/>io^ PO |y/ C? f-o|u6[ ro 4 x/ r;^?^j<> F,K,:>C,Cr'? DornTfvi. ?< 53 Land . H21 .xit. < \ H27MU. Them K? Gardens . ^ &r. (T^f ? ! t It Feasting : making' sacrifices . J72.3 cr&r . dA I X ? p | \ fK? X ^ - 1 5i (r) . . . iLLECrl FILE . Shrine aud staiue . Affairs." ff/6' rii . Who fought-, \vlio defended . Fiuthifcr. MZZ . ffZZ .?t: Laid waste. IVClitarv. . See Great , A . Conquered. . BlZxv. Sec Goad , ~+^9 Also. HZ+xtJ- . KC ? Hh J? <^^^. 7*3<9 Gavelvim. Sj6u. r . Have (r)... Bank #27, ctu .XAMA. Rod, oecopedic cubit . ff34A HZ5C8. H35 Cg. Cubit square. M$4 An. Peyn>n,l$Z$. Collection. ff3/ L # . , r4, IS. T'3 . Koseq. FIX. F'3. Koseg. TlX. K'4. C/iatnp.MS. i <; " V7 TT, w, z z'; | CJ I ^H~+*rr a.iui rwl "fAe yc'cfo of the coimtry ." Collection .Hw i3 F^ Corrected. ^2-^ <2ir. npoi.AmPOflZXTo.^-^w^^'. / | 58 (F)... 4 - Bestowed. Kl4.xijc. See /\ ^ ^ Image. H iff n. / / rut.--. Images . | L-"C 'C < $ O ^ 59 TBAEAIS. ff3J-4. y ||| ;r f/i x ->- ^ f < ; TOTOES. ff3ZZ2?. TO *r;^/^^ ^ ^ ? Clt.T.j&S. Ti?" << DIOGENES. DIONYSUS ^/o/;/ BlJLy. T^EPHIBI S , T EE PHJSTI S . ^J / A //. f ( V / J DKSfETRlA. Tl. Tro6a6l v . Y D EME TRTTS . ^ 7. Pro6aMy. JP7. fll TRYPHAEtfA. 7*7.- X.'J, 3. A THE . See Dates . T ,*f- ; t/t *t"pOJLLTl 1 . 1" DAUGHTER ? #J4 ^<9 , ^J . Raffie.rT f tJuui Tifcf pp I . ^ Jr , -b THF. .. t&if-ke.fanrdncartidf. S&J)atf#.ewr,/\Tii\, 7 OTH . //7 compounds . and perhaps Tke list . H 32 L 27. jl V The list of them. A r ty 6UO3T ?/z //.f t'-igjnal state. ff seems ti> Jtifan fi- urrit ,7vni, THOTK the Clerk of &e priests . Zf32 L 1$. | } Q< I \\&- f. Fnw. PI XI. H.ORSIESI >. V HARSIESIS. H31JLW, alsoR,'. % c J ^1^4 , ^* H32L30. His progenitor. Is, being? H31L6. Perhaps TG Who had been -.Who lias. Wherever may l>e . HJtfjzKzu. J ^-X. ^Vhick lia A teen . Hjg ix, t Rendered. AYepE? See &, p LJ As is clone . RluSxacw. ^^^) U L3 0~\ Who liad-, vrko were. Stj iv, **^\J \ When, they keep . Hltfxxiii. ^3 p 10 For the use . <5^ Fo J>^5> \J JJ ? ^N'lakin.^ sacrifices . c5V -*~5 J ' ' M-^x / Who -were assembled . HZljcui-. \ { ^ J^) I \Vkat Kad been done . H2O*. "JLJ - jQ \ Who said; they said . ETJ i'. That. See ^ . Belong to, H2J axcvn-. Feast. JS 76 i. At>\ HZijciii. III! ^ _ | 62 Also ordered. H.Jg i/iii. See And,(T ) Vi/^^ ? \\ << Of And. H51LI2. OW H32LTA. i>M B37 LJ2. ] Q | A"J. Also in. . ^f^. r'4. His women. Ch.AfS. K'4- . Their wive i.Ch.M.S. \ , *Fp > We have elsewhere ^Hpd'r j Hvja'V" ma prvper Muniftceut . JV $cicrecl. See ccc I ^ Granted. Tolnm. H24,rjci. Gavcliim'? S Gave "him. HjGii. Hi /_/_. Gave ? ^-^^ ^^. 6W //?/^/ /fe ^7^j- . ? "Vi- NEPH.THT ? X> 4 . **S ^ S /\ e A- ^-T ? ffwm&'e The rcudtng 2fLPHTTY is very ingeniously de/htced /?/ ChaJnpflH(v?i front tke sacrad dkamc&rj arid, certainly fen/fa b> Cfirifirrri (Ae- soujitt 'which, ke. aMrihttc s fo Gave tke victory. Hf4Aa. 64 To place? ShaULe placed . #2/3az>. tn \ . . - " H 30 xxx. le .TI M I ftTATA . &L CT *JO Venerate. H3Ojzxi. Enter ; be sent . JS /7 iv. HZO&ii. Glorioxcs. ff?&i; . <_ *=r i= V C- 65 e. H2/ t r(C. ..- ^ X~ \ tT Approaching. E'l/.rii. ''/ \**L* Great . flj&i . X '2 . Ilie great queen . \C///\ 2M P -^/' Ty? fbrar3matkxn.Jf^&t < . SeeGatv^ll ^ r^v y>^ Aims . J72/*Y. Jc. OHAON Piizes . 2T/7 ^ Cp f i 1 M ^-/ CJZ. -If 34- A3 . Tl'fi/t fa tAr/nosfchffjincfcnslirvart CL^L -4 O j^6/ ? -^ **,^*>4)*Kjn**~r constant in a//. From. HjQvtii. From in en. -^^ wi. Troni a time . i ij ,J^ |^^- #30 jc. Excused ironi . I ^_ H23jcvfi '. Iraiutlie temples. } ^___^ , 'f ^J^ Arura^2^crw'. Sec Rod , r. f-^i ^ f^T Proplets . j!77/ m ^tt^^<&erblad.SeeChimna.rnu3. | S I M > 2 . Defender? H3SC23. Defender j? *v. npOXOAOYJi, 1 I 2L J^ . 1 (A.) Foot-, private. ffl& vii-. OAAOZ-, , nEXIKM #27 r- . n eiov . \ v. People. I ^ Assembled . ^'22 OVY; --OU OT T ? <&? THOTS Bare ground.. 5i?X Z/3 ^lAorVAcihTX^xciTor? pMM B31JLJ6'. I ? "Pbxecages" Thrjr said . ^T //.ta*. ^A- E JUU ? v^5 ^5 t ! Itis declared. ff34A#,H3. See Dates . _ * Svmiamed. Ttf y* ES7LZ. SS/ L1J. ' Surnamed . A''/. Fern,. C/w-C^ . 7 X'2.Tryphaf!tia..SeeJ) JO Gave? W hich are placect . Jf2/.Kxvi . belonging to.//^> ix. K.AOHKOYI AT. . Authorsjcauses^ff^o^et/^. APXHFOI . pi7l. y I Going oixt . HZ&JCJCV. To keep . ^J "^jj * (A.) That-, for that. J'lhfw. To do ; to give . H'16 , r,s /. v. To do to , or as . //? .<%. . XAET. 0-. Su&ject. . m ; / D C/ . 1 v | (J / , I , l\\j SISOIS . See W seem* tn&eer. * L (l( U Order. U2oac. Hj6U. HSJLiJ.ChamotiUort. < /TCU v/ II . Not in order. ^LT"? C7// . Decorously. tr In j into . E293COCCC. /// Manjr. ,)"<&? Numerate. Hundxeds? /U .21. "** C( 11 TO?^/2/; ^.Champ.T.71,.6 \ Hieratic. / Being . /f/^z/i . YnAfX^N . OJ ? ^ J v H32X/6. H/SLJ. possibly. Adversaries . ^/^'. VJ i t (H) A 7i , : n,, - n,. i;, yearly. Illustriotis . ^TJ/X 2 Ipijofaw*} p&tr,- HUL2. S To. ffZOx To Alexandria-: Temples. Hljiv. kA\\l"i ] ? Countrv? K?ffj.. FtMs ami forces ? /\ \ 3 1 Those under . .Kjtfvi. House -, temple . JZ 2 4- **>^V < ^, 72 (H) Walls Lower. Hie. Chapelt Hjfv. At Memphis. lerfuzps simph/ into. | Place. \^\ '^/ Peiithebaic. ^Txole field ^/- piece '? H3+A7A, SW :H36 C/O, //. Money-, stores. Hl&vis. See JUL C//A H23 JCVu . *L I TOY TE. KAI A.Vr>T P Y . J/z, ^>L? names of the months &iis character always to n greatly Ttem2>le3 if. seems fate THY, in. UTITKABUlfUX, being perhaps related fo ecu JUC , burial .- thus *,.. // LUBAIS . JfMAj, 10, BS. if / l+>\ V &34B3. -<-^ \y Child. ni6i. 4*/\ or? ^. Crime . Hi? viti. ENA\TlA]X.?\OUi2tn Vineyards. ^. J^A-^OAI ? !5 1 VX y I > Ml AJ &? On tke altars? Hj I ~ Sacrifices. Feast. - Dates? Hzpjxcjc. x?HMXTirMOY . Descriptions ? HsrLp. JVfD AAXTtA^ . |\ ^ 74 H. WITNESSES . H32L20. . a ee p . Kasegarten. If I MUTHE $M3iLg. Grab dovJhtfuL?ni 9 hlle&iSESorMA.SES. MAESIS . ^2 < \ V 1/3^ , UIRRJSIS? Who has or is . jffrt* . i . .- its place ^ Same plaxv, . H3OJZKxii. Perhaps ratAfr^ tkan.**.. X CW% Besides. ^2^, ratr. L) ^ jcuv.^K*\ . \J\\S ] ^JU ,-, AC K K1 . t$!w v^/z^ O. ?"/ | t/ Liberally. ffM.wui. . (II)... Lycopolis. EZT.xiu. SIOUTU. _> 7 This might be OTCUffJ T-&*XJ; theirdtialis something Like Contiibutions ; impositions . Hftii'ii. See^ * \ /1 Expending. HZ7 guflty; captive . | ^ ^. OT ON . iac, uc. Tributary ; was due . L/^ I V Having inquired . Ornamented . SZ4azc. See Illu.*truruj . y 1 / S HONNOPHRIS <7TCHOKOPRES . ^J/Z/. J^ <3Wj-. | . O TO/1 - ffO*VpX? I K ^i 76(11),.. A dd -, luauiier . ffZS-KXf,. E H W ^ \ N . Parents .ffttaxu. o. JUL^pe .xxiv. Placed . ^* jj \ *O / ^^ I O . Held. Xr El VI . t;'. Raced . C n I OE ; NA. I . Csy I fcxvu,. Placed. .xrw. Honoured? ti'. Pla.cecLXTHXAI . ixndi,, Placed . C/ 44- / 1 /^ ! O / ^ X, ssiv . Carded . 3Y N E 2OAEY E IK | 7*>\ I . Plared. . Placed. lA^Y^A^QAl. i l(-f->V IO Ptit o^er. tri KE -QA . W O;J ^ I C <> J-O (IIJ o-O'O .3 77 Wore in state. UZJazcvi.. The only past tense. v> /M C^ - A.I2 Shall be written. H2ycc^z^c^/4^^> >^ ? ^^ ^ Day. O EH .JU,gp?&feyK>&we7tta& QODV. Hljiv. This day and year '? '. This day. uc. Five days . \) } vO i,. Both days? i. Eadiday. Da% ; quotidian. IfTE? w.\ Birth day. j .///$> V-. hi the dav s . ~L^2 \ { H24MC. In Ms days. ff23wii. To the day ; until . 78 (II) . . . From Htyjctar. TTit&ne. The year and day aforesaid ^ ? SSL Justice .Hz0x>i: TOA)KAoKI . O^-K . 'Itao Illustrious. 7V. ... Gl . A^J j Loving. See Dates. JH.P I ?lt6i>rpE?ia? =^ ?^ ? ^ S^^PP.^fB/ Wefuu/e JM, R/; mokinyin, RJ a,J#minute title t/f \\\ ) < \ )O rik Plur. UU fvp vL ' ff//ur. Fern,. E37I.4-. F&K. A} I /5|/1 */./*. (ID... oo<3 Pliilopaor. 7?x X7 Philometor. JEf>. / . Y ' ) A- rJ . Philafielplms . IffJ u>. Fern . M L3. /9 < o. Aforesaid. ^%%at^9rwkfiezL .nPoitpHMENON . #34 A 8. very cemwmly *^,^ ^ enJ, encfi^ruil charaste,rx have been; nrtpleyea. '/&rM N instead . Jitao ? H > * C .034- V15. Juno ? / AMENOTHB t> . H3 tAfO, B5. AmunlJiotJiesi '." See Tkotk. \ ^ J13 1 > AMIVXORYT1US . H.3ZL31. AmtatJtor. U AMONRASONTHER. t M R . Win r of Tnrin,8. J Y\ f'l I I' '' Inthe GtwkL 3, tie/utse . . . TOY C^/SHNtKOtZ KAI O V.Z3 tf .TO A*. ^M A\tHHtiToii rfA**IA*(. .'. TOY MNH "A0 YNHN . This wcu therefore a. biti is again called n0?DJ53f0n:c but EtnCHo . deify 9 EOSfl ****** \\ i or 77 TT TT i -^ those two inscri!G&07L$ : ffie i figure uith. a fauvks food a?id 2u- E 20 scavc. To the lempks. Higviii. Those under. *^\ &Z4&X. Wherefore . *^J v. Rite 8; cuxvirting to Jaw. * ^O*^^ a;. Rites. HowixowseKK . \ *^J & . MOM i M ON, Savioxrrs. Hiffii. ^ ^z^ u cv ff2ff,jzciv. Golden. iv. Ck>lden. J/^ distinct cheimcter appears fo t>c pSS in- Mr. CTuunfvlli'OTt^ opiruen t,n> washing gotd* dust " heh^frund il'Jl26vJlL, . .Inthe same line there i-s *^SSL Entkcruil' c/utnxcfgr. Gold . H 7t) ex. To pa\' . \ ^ KlZacvi. 3Ioney due ? ^ V f ^ ^ Ej4Aja. Gold , silver , gems *? .Gold, silrer, mucli. . Gold, gems , all ^ . Sold? 0/p. I as . Cfi. ' ' ' 9, OTJ of plurals. f ,or *T of participles ?? Field. ^2<3< r^V. lEPAZTHZ. ir. Gardens. ^. Vineyards. E23jaiii. Vineyards. AwnEMTVfcoi. " ff34Al3. Bare ground. I 2. /tt PHABIS E32L7&. F'.&oseg. Pl.XT. i / -pOOT .\"A "X Hfr-httnx CD &'l . li . Hi6ii,u. Ki] Hi. H37 LI. S34A1. &34B7. H34J. 7. Hi. See Dates. PHILIWS. SJjiU. T7. PYRRHLA. Hi] id. PYRRHIUS. S3SC&. PATS AS. PORTIS. H32L2&. PHAKRES. H3ZL12. P. R. OSIRIS. w OTHp, B . FIX. ^JfAmenf-Art. Egypfr ] fli Ch. M. S. j as weli ets the eye oftfu distinct ffwrotflypkie , Rossi's ISIS. JIf&ii. ^L KCJ?^^rt*fctolJUU/f, rfdkiw*. I \ lf&2L34 . Ins Jfaeju . perhaps & jynoTix/ms. \\4r\ *?f . CERES ? A.HA\h rf '/ ?<"**& Synonyms. 88 II. Tffl TO PET. Champ. TaJfl. n,g, /, // o , A PETEUTEMLS, Ch.MS. F'J&sy.PlX. W UL.IU ? | Z PETJ5ARTRES. &3ZL23. PETEARPRES ?Gi. I "t O * ^ /> PETE URIS . ^.32 Z 2^. ^ > WX ( V PETECHONSIS . E 32 LJ3. XL PETEMESTUS. H37LJO. J ^^V\ 1 '** f\-<, **fS i / > E31I.20. \ > ^Vl < I C/ F'.Koseg. PIX. j A tT 1 Tl I U ^TV ^vi. ^V/^. Petfmnesitt^ . PETO SIRI S . ^J^ J, J/ PETOFHOIS. H3Z.L36. fT PECHYTBS. ff-^^^f JtafvA*.!**'* 1 t ^JL> >tm^ > ^ PACHEMI S . PaiBTSjPHIVIS. PSAMMETICHUS . ' #/. SeeDaies . *C <7^X PSEXCHONSIS. H32Z26. [ !J* < ^4' pSEis'AjvrtJNis. sasCff. \3j P4. 90 in) Menmonia. Hc>l Lg. , To wkom . H26 &riii. y Q> Silver U/.yri; H27 rw'. APFYP1KAZ Ceramiimi ; pot . Baskets. Hd I L Z . Perhaps of silver. Sw Dates. &ctsu By which? \j W In it? On it . if] 2\ Put. ff2? \*O-SL a. See Advertisement. .J i | X*-*'^- Which ahaH be placed. HZSOSXOXM,. Illustrious . 72 /. ir Deceatly. Ki&viii. Prizes. yr A . HIM-, IT. HZQMrix. J. ,x t "9" Ch.T.15. / > BEARER BEARER , 1ORB- Hljiii. BEARER. AkerMad. TO H1AT. " o on " PHTHAH. ///^.Vidcan J a Ch.TW. j^/^X/.Appravcd^vJPBTBAB. ^> I ( /I I Ht6'ii. Loved iy PHTHAH . I O ) c7 HIS. UWMKiiHtoLg. Possibly *j X y. Rxnu Ms Jhmihis fetter. , His fatter. [ < r* i. Their owa . ... OT ? '^^^fy v . Tluml. To . ffZ/eawM-. Belong to . Going out. IL'zGtVacv. Going in to. KlfiXx^i. Singul/ir. GOOD. $ . J- , r. ftCkOfOVC beneficent. 11 14 MV. ttPrtTiKe>tM JJ.r 4^ f| *1^ M" a^ A**" Munificent. H7J r. \\/ **-$jS . Also? F'Xoseg. PIJK. Granted. ff/% Mayprosper. ff7pi^. tN tVHM\A aZ\N ( \JV\~}\ f Apprcn-ed; resolved. Hl5jcjci t EAOS 6.N. 334 A -5. See Dates. f/ f/^ ( ^ *J PB.1C E . &J2 L 7ff. TTCOT etf 1 See Sold CD 5 I *1 // H34-L76. #34- 73. A'4. . Have sola . ^ - ^ t/ t ^ I 2.1 I *f F 2. V. Darius. _ ^3. ^TT.Z>77W . >r Z J 3TJ. ^ - ^ ^/y f | ^ ff 23 XtH. TA.TMAJL. ^ | hU-n ?-. y > i ^t Bare gix>und ? H32L/& . Toss idly OLOTTJ ro>ywr.wjTov r 1 1 1 I M H37I.7Z. II 32 73. ff-32 1,74-. F.' ose#. FIX. F.' Ff (O) 4 97 Fixed. Higiaz. MENE.IN enix^XPAE. Perha/osG . i5^XNl T ^/2 A / Established. TTitfY. KATAETHZAM ENOY . K ATA TH 21A GA I . MENOYZHZ . C/ r Cl . It Ls e paid "? ^^? ^^. Sea.; \\-ater. See A. . \\JD . J SITALTHES ?J27. Or. CLITUS ? 0/^.>iuJU/ O | SISO1S . H34AW. Perhaisr > . j L Hi I L Their. B23xviu. ^ /. Canie . HZZxvi. ^E ? J <^ C... Brothers. HIS ami. CJSMOV CA,. T.n.260. 4VW* H31 L 2 . Possttfy htwever \ JS3lAl. ffis sister. T-cq COONS. ISLS jVv JT. Likewise. Liketojas. OMotn.1 AE KAI . . CON\ KAOA. i. As. iii. As is custonisuiy. Tke same; the like ? ff23J Tl >- j ^3 100 ( C ) . . - Horsemen ; horse . Jf2o &ii. i n n i K A H2J icii'. E verlivino . Sec & . o lait^ H 2S axaiii, ^Vas ^ood. ff/Siic. Approved . See S. - Mother. See Philornetor,X4_; Dates. . HisMotlier. PJiilometores . I'6,J. With a, flower. Sacred scribe . HJJ&. iEPorpAM(v\Are<. Ipllp'Jh^ Letters. H3Oac,xxii. CjS&t ? I i 1r ^.^ JKKXU. Co... r, r,i 101 Secretary . H-3>2Li6\ MO vorp A <|>oz . "c<$s uir" Ck M 2. ~ I Written. ^J/Z/. ^ J J? V f Feather bearers . HIJ w. n T E 1 Po*o PA \ . /< II t J-5 f 1 1 I P x Named? 5"^Z.a?. II 102 u;. . . f O . See Ptolemy , Cleopatra,. AictocraloT. \ GREEK. SoO,XMXZi. OTtirfirf. Ionian. ^j&s^) \\\\ God-, godlike. ffj OT, &kry. (T ff/<9ti. A goddess. \ . The opd . TT . (fu jR /. God and goddess . \^}\ Wvs R7. J?G&^ . Goddess. < f . (I Sacred ..... H23asviii. h^ I ^ v. Divine. !TFv) U. Characters. \ y tO O SIRIS . y//^ D eceased . See TT . T 2 ISIS ? ^ J/X < D eceAsed- . \ 103 The Sun . Sjffi. $ p H . I-/ 1/ JE7ffii. \U Hrffii. \*J ThotK } Hermes . JW J& . 1 Z. , I l/U Apis. S. 23 JCWJ.1/. \ '%_ | . <** ^^ i ~* - * JMneui s . Ji 23 xi/ut^. ^ Venerable . Sl3 caiH. See Faiker. i 111 Assumed. Solemnity; feast. Sjjv. See (T ) Af&embl. . (EOPrAis. KAI < Decent. Hiox-. x A HKOYXAN . iX-^*! 104 (UJ) . .. Solemnized: Ended. HdZLtg. F: fosey. n. xr. I FTI~ ii. Remitted. Dismissed ffifvii,. See (p) V ^/"M f" v. E&ciuai. y ^7 5 f \ i 6\ Cfdtd. O ^ (U/)... 1 f 105 Taking CATC. H2O PON rizn. IN. cu* ) HlOXU. nPOE-INOHGH. 4. "1 I I <^5 HZfazcvii. Considerable .notable. /All I U \ /A I I I <. \ To pour 9 \ CUTfcN ? kisl/ }\ \J | } a. Sanctuary ? 4 4 A \ | i*x. Ordination -. inauguration. < I v ^ / \ See Dates. JfJ/J^l/J&tA-f.Aipeadiarpiiest in, Ptolenuzis J^ U*? *l Portion. Rjgijc. See Numbers. Vn 106 Hf... r, +-,-i-,- SOX. ffrfii. Tt^E. YOY. -LU EK *-' 4 I -, Children.. TEKNOIZ ^ U4 ff37 LI. Son and dLaxighter. H3/ Lg. His Sons and daughters. '. J&seg. Pi SI. E34A7. Son ;md daughter. JS3-/-S2. R /; Tl, /. B T* SI RI S . H27 aeui. Scarcely A n SENCHONSIS .H34AH. Seen-ewhonsis, PtfrcTumsis. A'4. JB'S. SENAMUN IS . B34 A/Oj S6. See Psenawtnis. SEXERIEUS. A'3. '4. ... -1-.107 SENOSORPHIBIS. H34-A/O. B'S. SENPOERIS. Zfo/Z/. E34B8. And elsewfarefretpuently. fcZ. O I > ". J? OYH jo . B . C^l ^ / < < DAU GHTE R . M// ill. %j E pi . ff/jiv. R2,2. T2. . Prolatfy. TAXES. Hyi-tii. ZYNTA^EIJL 108 (Jiff)... o en Birth, dav. Burials. Times H25xvOT- < *?<- U 22. Little ? OAro.i ? Sochoris. Champ. T.n.ty ffiervtfic. PimLshed;beat. H22xvi. Rites. JW^xx.. Great. Hwxi. OMerAZ KAI MErAr.. C* / Greatest. SZSjxcui/. KYPI^ITATOZ.. / ^^^^ ( J i i > Much ; many things . ^>cP z^. JV/ I r. n HALECIS. HERACLITUS./^Sonof MEMNON. $S2^I^ J HERIEUS. HIRENE.ZT//^. EIPMNH. RZ. 7-2. HZ.) XX) AXE ? ZTbr^.o.J_. ^t ? Ctu&np. T.rt.38. See T *i\} tra ILLUSTRIOUS ^^^wZ^.^p.^lp, C?uzmp.Tn.34<5., 5. etucntT, 67. r, 73, 108. ecjoire, 5. % 70. I.,&.XoXl, 73, 85. J, 43, 61. I0p, 95. >, 70. K, 53. J, 65. K.,I, 53. ?, 43. KG, 54. v, 46. XtUlXl, 73. i, 46. ,XA&.n:u}XiX, 50. I, 47. JULi-pe, 76. oojjpi, 106. Axeepc, 74. >, 48. JULGI, 78. ), 46. jutenpe, 78. e, 70. juiep, 77. eie6.T, no. Axepe, 73. eAXi-cgo, 74. jutectopw, 5. enHH, 5. JULGTOTH&, 69. epoq, 95. juteTXtupi, 69. epurf , '45. juiHini, 75. GT^CClJtOni, 43. JU.ITH, 74, 95. HI, 60- JULIO}!, 74. HCI, 87. JUlOp, 74. * 60. *APP, 78. L, 67. H, 80. HI, 50. n^.K, 104. i, so. ne&-eT, 63. XIV INDEX. , 83. ftOYql, 93, 94. no&ejui, 82. t\n, a. ItTe, 77. flTpIUXLJ, 80. Jiq, 93. 01, 70. Of, 92, 105. cnremm, 102. OYH&, 105. OfHp, 46, 87, 107. OYI, 85. OYOJUL, 75. cnroit, 75. oYoit-noYq-pH, 75. OYT, 85. 108. 54. tfXlX, 53. 109. tfO 1 ? 53. , 74. *f 5y - , 77. fpOJULTII, 59. Hotflett Hrhnmer, Printers, 10, ^VV/i Strtet, Soho. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000 049 624 o Uni