UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ANDREW SMITH HALLIDIL: 4J ~ READY SHORTLY VOLUME TWO Movements POWERS, DEVICES AND APPLIANCES By GARDNER D. HISCOX, M.E. About Thirty Chapters. Very Fully Illustrated This volume will describe and illustrate complicated machines, giving the details of their parts, properly classified and arranged for ready reference for Engineers, Draughtsmen, Mechanics, Inventors, Patent Attorneys and all others engaged in the Mechanical Arts Chapters on Perpetual Motion will be included, giving what has been done along this line from the earliest times to the present. A special detailed circular of this book will be sent on request. Address : NORMAN W. HENLEY & CO., Publishers 132 Nassau Street, New York, U. S. A. Mechanical Movements Powers, Devices and Appliances COMPRISING AN ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION OF MECHANICAL MOVEMENTS AND DEVICES USED IN CONSTRUCTIVE AND OPERATIVE MACHINERY AND THE MECHANICAL ARTS, BEING PRACTICALLY A MECHANICAL DICTIONARY, COMMENCING WITH A RUDIMENTARY DE- SCRIPTION OF THE EARLY KNOWN MECHANICAL POWERS AND DETAILING THE VARIOUS MOTIONS, APPLIANCES AND INVEN- TIONS USED IN THE ME- CHANICAL ARTS TO THE PRESENT TIME For the use of Inventors, Mechanics, Engineers, Draughtsmen and all others interested in any way in Mechanics -X^" OF THE V- UNIVERSiTY ^/GARDNER D. HISCOX, M.E. AUTHOR OF " Gas, Gasoline and Oil Engines," " Compressed Air," etc., etc. Illustrated by Eighteen Hundred Engravings ESPECIALLY MADE FOR THIS BOOK Tenth Edition, Revised and Enlarged By the addition of One Hundred and Fifty New Engravings NEW YORK NORMAN W. HENLEY & CO., PUBLISHERS 132 NASSAU STREET 1903 HALLlDiE COPYRIGHT 1899 BY NORMAN W. HENLEY & CO. COPYRIGHT 1903 BY NORMAN W. HENLEY & CO. MACGOWAN & SLIPPER PRINTERS 30 BEEKMAN ST., NEW YORK, N. Y. PREFACE The need for an illustrated and condensed work of reference for the inventor, the mechanical student, the artisan, and the work- ingman with the ambition of an inquiring mind, has become not only apparent to teachers of mechanics, but a real want among all who are interested in mechanical thought and work. It is an interest the growth of which has been greatly encour- aged by the rapid development of the inventive and mechanical arts during the past half century. The increasing inquiries from inventors and mechanics, in regard to the principles and facts in constructive and operative mechanics have induced the author to gather such illustrations as have been found available on the subject of mechanical motions, devices, and appliances, and to place them in a form for ready reference with only sufficient text to explain the general principles of construction and operation, and as a partial exhibit of the mechanical forms in general use, with a view to place the largest amount of illustrated information within the limited means of the humblest seeker after mechanical knowledge. The field of illustrated mechanics seems almost unlimited, and with the present effort the author has endeavored partially to fill a void and thus to help the inquirer in ideal and practical mechanics, in the true line of research. Mechanical details can best be presented to the mind by dia- grams or illustrated forms, and this has been generally acknowl- edged to be the quickest and most satisfactory method of convey- ing the exact conditions of mechanical action and construction. Pictures convey to the inquiring mind by instantaneous com- parison what detailed description by its successive presentation of ideas and relational facts fail to do; hence a work that appeals directly to the eye with illustrations and short attached descrip- tions, it is hoped, will become the means of an acceptable form of 116757 mechanical education that appeals to modern wants for the en- couragement of inventive thought, through the study of illustra- tions and descriptions of the leading known principles and facts in constructive art. The designing of the details of mechanical motion, devices, and appliances for specific purposes is an endless theme in the con- structive mind, and if we may be allowed to judge from the vast number of applications for patents, of which there have been over a million in the United States alone, and of which over six hundred thousand have been granted in consideration of their novelty and utility, the run of mechanical thought seems to have become a vast river in the progress of modern civilization. To bring into illustrated detail all the known forms and ele- ments of construction is not within the limit of a human life ; but to explore the borders of inventive design through the works that have passed into record has been the principal aim of the author of this book. GARDNER D. HISCOX. PREFACE TO TENTH EDITION. The success of the previous editions of this work warrants the issue of this edition in enlarged and improved form, in which more than one hundred and fifty up-to-date mechanical move- ments and devices have been added, making it a most useful book of reference for those engaged in mechanical studies and pursuits, notably inventors and designers of machinery, in fact, for all who are interested in mechanics and its devices. May, 1903. GARDNER D. HISCOX. CONTENTS. SECTION I. THE MECHANICAL POWERS. WEIGHT, RESOLUTION OF FORCES, PRESSURES, LEVERS, PULLEYS, TACKLE. The Resolution of Suspension Lever Paradox The Lever and Its Power The Inclined Plane The Wedge The Screw Worm Gear or Endless Screw Chinese Wheel Tackle Blocks Chinese Windlass Chinese Shaft Derrick- Compound Weight Motor Rope Twist Lever Spanish Windlass Rope Grip Hook Guy Rope Clip and Thimble Rope End Hemp Rope End. . .15 to 26 SECTION II. k TRANSMISSION OF POWER. , BELTS, FRICTION GEAR, SPUR, BEVEL, AND SCREW GEAR. Alternating Circular Motion Circular Motion Eccentric Crank Capstan, or Vertical Windlass Steering Gear Jumping Motion Rope Sprocket Wheel V-Grooved Rope Pulley Rope Transmission Vibratory Motion Transmission by Rope Transmission by Rope to a Portable Drill or Swing Saw Horizontal Rope Transmission Rope Transmission Rope Transmission to a Movable Shaft Vertical Tension Carriage Belt Lacing Novel Belt Lacing Over- and-Over Lacing Interlocking Belt Lacing Cross Lacing Sectional Belt Lac- ingQuarter Twist Belt Full Twist Belt Full Twist or Cross Belt Belting to a Shaft at any Angle Quarter Twist Return Belt Change Speed Step Pulleys Cone Pulleys Curved Cone Pulleys Shifting Device for Cone Pulleys Belt Transmission Belt Transmission of Power Variable Transmission of Motion Stop, Driving, and Reversing Motion Two Speed Pulleys and Belts Pulleys, Combined with a Differential Gear Transmission of Two Speeds Two-Speed Gear Variable Speed or Cone Gearing Transmission of Power Frictional Rectilinear Motion Variable Rotary Motion Variable Motion Friction Gear Transmission of Variable Speed Variable Speed Gear Transmission of Rotary Motion Combination of Friction Gear Grooved Fric- tion Gearing Variable Motion Transmission of Circular Motion Three Crank Link Sprocket Wheel and Chain Link Belt and Pulley Toothed Link Chain and Pulley Step Gear V-Toothed Gearing Oblique Tooth Gear V-Toothed Gear Split Spur Gear Star Wheel Gear Elastic Spur Gear Internal Spur Gear and Pinion Bevel Gears Crown Wheel Spiral Gearing Oblique, Spur, and Bevel Gear Oblique Bevel Gear Gear Train Worm Gear Skew Worm and Wheel Gear Uniform Intermittent Motion Variable Speed Bevel Gear. 27 to 43 2 CONTENTS. SECTION III. MEASUREMENT OF POWER. SPEED, PRESSURE, WEIGHT, NUMBERS, QUANTITIES, AND APPLIANCES. Prohy Brake The Prony Brake Rule- " Webber " Dynamometer Measure- ment of Power " Tatham's " Dynamometer Bell-Crank Dynamometer " Neer's " Rotary Transmitting Dynamometer "Van Winkle's " Power Meter Traction Recording Dynamometer Friction Machine Torsion Dynamometer- Tensile Testing Machine Bourdon Pressure Gauge Corrugated Tube-Pressure Gauge Recording Pressure Gauge Parallel Motion of the Indicator Parallel Motion for the Indicator "Amsler " Planimeter " Lippincott " Planimeter Centrifugal Speed Indicator Speed Indicator Meter Dial Automatic Tipping Scale Double Link Balanced Scale Differential Weighing Beam Engine Counter Operation of a Counter Intermittent Rotary Motion Tire Measure Counter , 44 to 54 SECTION IV. STEAM POWER. BOILERS AND ADJUNCTS, ENGINES, VALVES AND VALVE GEAR, PARALLEL MOTION GEAR, GOVERNORS AND ENGINE DEVICES, ROTARY ENGINES, OSCILLATING ENGINES. "Stevens" Boiler Plain Cylindrical Boilers Hanging Water Drum Cylindrical Boiler Cylindrical Double Flue Boiler Internally Fired Flue Boiler Hori- zontal Tubular Boiler Locomotive Boiler Marine Boiler " Eclipse " Return Tubular Marine Boiler " Galloway" Boiler Internal Fired Cylindrical Tubular Boiler" Dion " Vehicle Boiler" Babcock and Wilcox " Water Tube Boiler " Harrison " Boiler Submerged Head Vertical Boiler " Herreshoff " Boiler " Thornycrof t " Boiler " See " Water Tube Boiler " Yarrow " Water Tube Boiler" Boyer's" Water Tube Boiler" Hazelton" Boiler" Climax " Boiler * " Moyes" Water Tube Boiler" Wheeler" Vertical Tube Boiler" Cahall " Ver- tical Water Tube Boiler Vertical Water Tube Boiler Boiler of the " Serpollet " Tricycle" Serpollet's" Steam Generator" Serves " Boiler Tube Shaking and Tipping Furnace Grate Shaking Grate for a Boiler Furnace Furnace Grate with Dumping Sections " Columbia" Stoker "Playford" Mechanical Stoker *' American" Boiler Stoker Mechanical Stoker " Jones " Model of a Mechan- ical Stoker " Meissner " Model of a Mechanical Stoker for a Furnace Feed Worm and Air Blast Petroleum Burner Pop Safety Valve Differential Seat Safety Valve Safety Valve Original Form of the ^Eolipile or Hero's Steam Engine Steeple Engine Vertical Engine, with Bell-Crank Lever Inclined Paddle-Wheel Engine Diagonal Twin-Screw Engine Twin-Screw Vertical Cylinder Engine Trunk Engine Oscillating Engine Compound Oscillating Engine Oscillating Hoisting Engine Three-Cylinder Engine Tandem Com- pound Vertical Engine Compound Engines Compound Yacht Engine High-Speed Tandem Compound Engine Modern High-Speed Engine Single D Slide Valve Balanced Slide Valve Double-Ported Slide Valve CONTENTS. 3 4t Meyer " Cut-off Valve Single D Slide Valve Gridiron Slide Valve Rotary Calves Steam Engine Valve Chest Balanced Slide Valve Balanced Slide Valve (Buchanan & Richter's Patent) " Richardson-Allen " Balanced Slide Valve Balanced Throttle Valve Wing Throttle Valve Multiple Port Piston Throttle Valve " Corliss " Valve Gear Locomotive Link-Motion Valve Gear Walschaert's Valve Gear Reversing Link Motion Valve Gear "Joy's" Valve Gear "Bremme " Valve Gear Single Eccentric Valve Gear Cam-Bar Valve Movement Valve Gear of a Cornish Engine Variable Expansion Gear Single Eccentric Variable Valve Throw " Allen " Valve Lift or Toe Tappet Lever Valve Motion Starting Lever Simple Unhooking Device Simple Re- versing Gear " Joy's " Hydraulic Shifting Eccentric Shifting Eccentric Valve Motion Eccentric " Peaucellier's " Parallel Motion Parallel Motion "Cartwright's" Parallel Motion Cross-Head Slide Rack Gear Parallel Motion "Watt" Governor Compensating Governor Gravity Centrifugal Governor Engine Governor Centrifugal Ball Governor Inverted Governor Direct-Acting Centrifugal Governor Spring Balanced Centrifugal Governor Parabolic Governor "Anderson's" Gyroscope Governor Horizontal Cen- trifugal Governor Vane or Wing Governor Governor for a Steam Engine Differential Governor " Huntoon " Governor " Proell " Governor " Porter " Governor "Richardson" Governor Principle of the " Pickering" Governor " Pickering" Governor Pulley or Fly-Wheel Governor Crank-Shaft Gover- nor Fly-Wheel or Pulley Governor Slotted Cross-Head Trammel Crank Crank-Pin Lubricator Centrifugal Crank-Pin Oiler Centrifugal Lubricating Device "Cochrane" Rotary Engine "Franchot" Rotary Engine Double Slide Piston Rotary Engine "Lamb" Rotary Engine " Cochrane " Rotary Engine Rotary Engine " Napuer " Rotary Engine Roller Piston Rotary Engine " Cochrane " Rotary Engine " Boardman " Rotary Engine " Smith" Rotary Engine "Berrenburg" Rotary Engine "Fletcher's" Rotary Con- densing Engine " Bartrum and Powell" Rotary Engine " Ritter " Rotary Engine "Holly" Rotary Engine "Stocker" Rotary Engine "Forrester" Rotary Engine " Kipp" Rotary Piston Engine " Ruth's " Rotary Engine 44 Almond " Engine Rotating Cylinder Engine Rotary Multicylinder Engine "Bates" Compound Vibrating Engine "Davies"' Disc Engine " Reu- leaux" Engineer Pump " Link "Vibratory Engine Oscillating Piston Engine Vibrating Piston Engine " Knickerbocker " Four Piston Rotary Engine *' Root's " Double Quadrant Engine " Root's " Square Piston Engine "Dake" Square Piston Engine "Wilkinson's" Steam Turbine "Dow" Steam Turbine " De Laval " Steam Turbine " Parsons' " Steam Turbine. 55 to 100 SECTION V. STEAM APPLIANCES. INJECTORS, STEAM PUMPS, CONDENSERS, SEPARATORS, TRAPS, AND VALVES. "Peerless" Injector " Shaeffer and Budenberg" Injector "National" Automatic Injector "Metropolitan" Injector " Lunkenheimer" Injector " Eberman " Injector "Nathan" Injector "Little Giant" Injector " Pen- berthy" Special Injector "Park" Injector "Sellers'" Restarting Injector 4 CONTENTS. "Little Giant " Locomotive Injector " Metropolitan " Double-Tube Injector "Brownley" Injector "Leader" Injector "Excelsior" Injector " Kort- ing" Injector " Hancock " Inspirator Ball-Valve Injector " Hancock " Loco- motive Inspirator " Standard " Injector " Sellers' " Self-Adjusting Injector Steam Pump " Misch's " Valve Tappet Independent Jet Condenser Pump Ejector Condenser Exhaust Jet Condenser Balanced Reducing Valve Pre- sure Reducing Valve " Foster " Pressure Reducing Valve " Hotchkiss " Boiler Cleaner Feed-Water Heater Steam Separator Filter for Boiler Return Steam Trap Spring Steam Trap Steam Trap " Bundy " Steam Trap Steam Trap with Valve " Heintz " Steam Trap " Moran's " Flexible Steam Joint Corrugated Expansion Coupling Flanged Expansion Joint Auto- matic Relief Valve Horizontal Swing Check Valve Globe Valve Exhaust Steam Head Centrifugal Exhaust Head 101 to 114 SECTION VI. MOTIVE POWER. GAS AND GASOLINE ENGINES, VALVE GEAR AND APPLIANCES, CONNECTING RODS AND HEADS. Gasoline Engine Sectional Plan of a Gasoline Engine Simple Gas or Gasoline Engine Gasoline Engine Valve Gear "Union " Model Gas Engine Gasoline Carriage Motor Vertical Gasoline Engine Vertical Kerosene Oil Engine "Diesel" Motor Vertical Gas Engine Street Railway Gas Motor Passenger Car Gasoline Motor Car Valve Gear Double-Grooved Eccentric Valve Gear for a Four-cycle Gas Engine Plumb-Bob Governor Inertia Governor Pendulum Governor Differential Cam Throw Governor and Variable Cam Inlet Valve Gas Engine Valve Gear Gasoline Vaporizer Carburetter Automatic Oiler Uniform Automatic Oiler Crank-Rod Head Adjustment Trunk Piston Rod Connecting Rod Head Connecting Rod End Solid Strap End Steel Ball Adjustment Solid End Connecting Rod Forked End Connecting Rod Adjustable Link Link or Connecting Rod 115 to 127 SECTION VII. HYDRAULIC POWER AND DEVICES. WATER WHEELS, TURBINES, GOVERNORS, IMPACT WHEELS, PUMPS, ROTARY PUMPS, SIPHONS, WATER LIFTS, EJECTORS, WATER RAMS, METERS, INDI- CATORS, PRESSURE REGULATORS, VALVES, PIPE JOINTS, FILTERS Overshot Water Wheel Iron Overshot Wheel Undershot Water Wheel Saw-Mill Water Wheel Breast Water Wheel Flutter Wheel Barker Wheel Current Motor Current Water Wheel Fixed Bucket Water-Raising Cur- rent Wheel Bucketed Water-Raising Current Wheel Current Wheel Water Lift Drainage Wheel Persian Wheel Ancient Water Lift "Archimedian " Screw Water Lift Volute Turbine High Pressure Turbine "Leffel"Dou ble-Runner Turbine "Jonval " Turbine Turbine and Gate " Lancaster " Turbine " Munson" Double Turbine "Camden" Turbine " Model " Turbine CONTENTS. 5 "Swain" Turbine "Warren" Central Discharge Turbine "Fourneron" Turbine Belt Water-Wheel Governor Water Wheel Governor Impact Water Wheel Pelton Water Wheel Buckets of a Pelton Water Wheel- Power of Water Compound Beam Pumping Engine " Dean " Steam Pump Worthington Duplex Pump Half-Yoke Connection Yoke Connection Reversing Movement Double-Acting Lift and Force Pump Double-Acting Differential Pump Lift and Force Pump Tramp Pumping Device Lift Pump Double Lantern Bellows Pump or Blower Diaphragm Pump " Fairburn " Bailing Scoop Pendulum Water Lift Chain Pump Reciprocating Motion Well Pulley and Buckets Swape, or New Engine Sweep Parallel Motion " Golding" Centrifugal Pump " Quimby" Screw Pump Rotary Pump " Pap- penheim " Rotary Pump " Repsold " Rotary Pump Tri-Axial Rotary Pump Rotary Pump or Motor "Cary" Rotary Pump Vacuum Jet Condenser and Rotary Pump "Ramelli" Rotary Pump " Hep pel " Rotary Pump " Emeru " Rotary Pump " Knott " Rotary Pump " Pattison " Rotary Pump " Cochrane " Rotary Pump Hydraulic Transmission of Power Siphon Ejector or Jet Pump Automatic Water Ejector Automatic Sprinkler Hydraulic Ram "Pearsall's" Hydraulic Ram and Air Compressor bilent Hydraulic Ram Double-Piston Reaction Hydraulic Ram Water Meter Disc Water Meter Water Velocity Indicator and Register Anchored Ferry Boat "Mueller" Water-Pressure Regulator "Mason" Water-Pressure Regulator Pump Water-Pressure Regulating Valve Hydraulic Press Hydrostatic Press Hydraulic Intensifier Portable Hydraulic Riveter Hydraulic Rail Bender Hydraulic Rail Punch Hydraulic Elevator Lift Horizontal Hydraulic Elevator Lift Hydraulic Pulling Jack Water Purifying Filter Reversible Filter Filtering Cistern Upward Flow Filter Domestic Filter Porous Water Filter Stoneware Filter" Ward " Flexible Pipe Joint Flexible Ball Joint Flexible Pipe Joints Universal Pipe Joint Toggle Clip Pipe Joint Bibb Disc Valve and Guard Double-Beat Disc Valve Hydraulic Valve- Multiple Ball Valve Multiple Ring Valve Double-Beat Pump Valve Vibra- ting Motion Variable Compensating Weights Sand Auger Driven Well- Automatic Flush Sewer Tank Atomizer Ball and Jet Nozzle Spray Jet Nozzle Hero's Fountain "Chapman" Aspirator or Vacuum Pump Hy- draulic Lift 128 to 162 SECTION VIII. AIR POWER APPLIANCES. WINDMILLS, BELLOWS, BLOWERS, AIR COMPRESSORS, COMPRESSED AIR TOOLS, MOTORS, AIR WATER LIFTS, BLOWPIPES. Aneroid Barometer, Box Kite Curved Vane Windmill or Motor Feathering Windmill Hemispherical Cup Windmill Windmill of our Grandfathers Windmill and Steel Tower Modern Windmill Ancient Windmill Electric Windmill Plant Smith's Circular Bellows Double Organ-Blowing Bellows Three-Throw Bellows Foot Bellows Fan Blower " Hodges " Compound Blower "Wedding" Rotary Blower "Fabry" Rotary Blower "Root" Rotary Blower Hydraulic Air Compressor Piston Hydraulic Air Compressor Tromp or Hydraulic Air Blast Air Compressor Hydraulic Air Compressor 6 CONTENTS. Automatic Air Compressor Water-Jet Air Compressor Trunk Air Com- pressor Duplex Steam-Actuated Air Compressor Compound Air Com- pressor Duplex Air Compressor Toggle-joint Duplex Air Compressor Air Compressor Cylinder Piston and Valves Air-Compressing Cylinder Air Compressor Governor Air-Cooling Receiver Single Valve Air Pump Crank Equalizing Angle Crank Equalizing Angle in Air Compression Direct Air Pressure Pump Compressed Air Water Elevator Raising Sunken Ves- sels Compressed Air Lift System Compressed Air Power Compound Pneumatic Locomotive Pneumatic Paint Sprayer Portable Fire Ex- tinguisher Fire Extinguisher Compressed Air Lift Duplex Pneumatic Riveter Pneumatic Hammer "Hotchkiss" Atmospheric Hammer "Grim- shaw " Compressed Air Hammer Compressed Air Sheepshearing Machine Portable Riveter Pneumatic Portable Riveter Pneumatic Breast Drill Pneumatic Motor Drill Stock Air and Gasoline Torch Torch Soldering Cop- per Air and Gasoline Vapor Brazer Air and Gasoline Brazing Apparatus Double Cone Ventilator Spiral Vane or Cowl Wind Instruments. 163 to 186 SECTION IX. ELECTRIC POWER AND CONSTRUCTION. GENERATORS, MOTORS, WIRING, CONTROLLING AND MEASURING, LIGHTING, ELECTRIC FURNACES, FANS, SEARCHLIGHT, AND ELECTRIC APPLIANCES. Series Wound Motor or Generator Electric Generator Construction Single- Pole Shunt Generator Four-Pole Ring Armature Ring Armature Two-Pole or Shuttle Spool Armature Shuttle Armature Multiple Brush Commutator Bipolar Shunt Generator Four-Pole Compound Generator Electric Gener- ator Construction Consequent-Pole Compound Generator Triple-Expansion Engine and Multipolar Dynamo Direct-Connected Vertical Compound Engine Flexible Coupling Car Truck Motors Electric Fusible Cut-Out Rheostat or Resistance Coils Trolley Car Sectional Feeder System Street Railway Single Motor Electric Car Brake Electric Street-Car Brake Electric Igniter Sparking Dynamo Magneto-Electric Machine Electric Thermostat Tele- phone Transmitter Telephone Receiver Electric Gas Lighter Pocket Elec- tric Light Arc Light and Regulating Gear Luminous Fountain Electric Heater Electric Soldering Copper Electric Sad Iron Electric Searchlight Electric Furnace Open-top Electric Furnace " Siemens " Electric Gas Fur- nace "Cowles" Electric Furnace Electric Welding Plant Portable Electric Motor Drill Plant Electric Perforating Pen Electric Hoist Electric Brake Electric Rock Drill Electric Fan Electric-Driven Fan 187 to 202 SECTION X: NAVIGATION AND ROADS. VESSELS, SAILS, ROPE KNOTS, PADDLE WHEELS, PROPELLERS, ROAD SCRAPERS AND ROLLERS, VEHICLES, MOTOR CARRIAGES, TRICYCLES, BICYCLES, AND MOTOR ADJUNCTS. Leg-of-Mutton Sail Skip Jack Square or Lug Sail Lateen Rig Split Lug or Square Sail Two-Masted or Dipping Lug Newport Cat-Boat Sloop CONTENTS. 7 Lateen-Rigged Felucca Pirogue Three-Quarter Lug Rig "Sliding Gunter" Skiff Yawl Rig Sloop Yawl Jib Topsail Sloop The Cutter Schooner Rig Full Schooner Rig Topsail Schooner Club Topsail Rig Hermaphro- dite Brig A Brigantine A Barkentine Full-Rigged Brig A Bark Full- Rigged Ship Ice Boat Rope Knots and Hitches Clove Hitch Half Hitch Timber Hitch Square or Reef Knot Stevedore Knot Slip Knot Flem- ing Loop Bowline Knot Carrick Bend Sheet Bend and Toggle Sheet Bend Overhand Knot Figure Eight Knot Double Knot Blackwall Tackle Hitch Fisherman's Bend Hitch Round Turn and Half Hitch Chain Stop Disengaging Hook Slip Hook Releasing Hook Boat-Detaching Hook Swinging Oar-lock Pivoted Steps Screw Anchor Floating Lighthouse Stone Dry-Dock Floating Dry-Dock Feathering Paddle Wheel or Water Motor Vertical Bucket Paddle Wheel Feathering Paddle W r heel Outward Thrust Propeller Wheel Screw Propeller Reversing Propeller Reversing Screw Propeller Screw Propulsion Thrust Bearing " Silver's " Marine Gov- ernor Deep-Sea Sounding Ball Sounding Weight Release Sampler Sounding Weight Submarine Lamp Road Builders' Level Road Machine Reversible Road Roller Road Roller Single Eccentric Reversing Gear Elastic Wheel Spring Wheel Application of Trace Springs " Serpollet's " Steam Tricycle Steam Fire Engine Jacketless Gasoline Carriage Motor Gasoline Motor Carriage Light Electric Carriage Electric Phaeton Electric Brougham Differential Gear Baby-Carrier Tricycle Electric Tricycle Ice Bicycle Bicycle Gear Bicycle Crank Swinging Ball-Bearing Bicycle Pedal A. F. Haven's Planetary Crank Gear Detachable Link Chain Ball-Bearing Problem Acetylene Bicycle Lamp Bicycle Lamp 203 to 225 SECTION XI. GEARING. RACKS AND PINIONS; SPIRAL, ELLIPTICAL AND WORM GEAR; DIFFERENTIAL AND STOP-MOTION GEAR; EPICYCLICAL AND PLANETARY TRAINS; "FER- GUSON'S" PARADOX. Ordinary Rack and Pinion Doubling the Length of a Crank Stroke Sawmill Feed Rack Motion Air-Pump Movement Circular Rack Rectilinear Vibrating Motion Vertical Drop Hammer Sector Pinion and Double Rack Reciprocating Motions Crank Substitute Alternate Circular Motion Quick Back Motion Alternate Rectilinear Motion Reciprocating Rectilinear Motion Mangle Rack Mangle Wheel Mangle Wheel Gear Continuous Rotary Motion Mangle Machine Gear Worm Screw Rack Rotary Motion Adjustable Feed Rolls Saw-Tooth Worm Gear Right- and Left-Hand Worm Gear Three-Part Worm Screw Traversing Motion Globoid Spiral Gear Wheels Internal Worm-Gear Wheel Worm-Gear Pinion Anti-Fric- tion Worm Gear Release Rotary Motion Release Cam Hunting Tooth Worm Gear Differential Screw and Gear Movement Complex Alternating Reciprocal Motion Two-Toothed Pinion Pin Wheel and Slotted Pinion- Variable Rotary Motion Scroll Gear Spiral Hoop Gear Accelerated Cir- cular Motion Roller-Bearing Gear Teeth Ball Gear Spiral Gearing Ex- S CONTENTS. panding Pulley Concentric Differential Speed Differential Motions Differen tial Gear Doubling the Number of Revolutions on One Shaft Multiple Gear Speed Variable Throw Traversing Bar Revolution of a Pinion Differential Speed Capstan Gear Slow Forward and Quick Back Circular Motion Geared Grip Tongs Variable Circular Motion Elliptical Spur Gear Elliptical Gear Wheel Irregular Circular Motion Variable Reciprocating Motion Alternat- ing Rectilinear Motion Intermittent Motion of Spur Gear Spiral Stop-Motion Gear Fast and Slow Motion Spur Gear Intermittent Gears Intermittent Rotary Motion Irregular Vibratory Motion Variable Vibrating Motion Motion by Rolling Contact Variable Sectional Motion Uniform Speed of Sectional Spur Gear Scroll Gearing Intermittent Rotary Motion Stop Roller Motion Change Gear Motion Differential Driving Gear Equalizing Pulley Equalizing Gear Doubling a Revolution on Same Shaft Continuous Shaft Motion Alternating Motion Eccentric Wheel Train Epicyclic Gear Epi- cyclic Train Automatic Clutch Motion for Reversing Eccentric Gear Sun and Planet Crank Motion High-Speed Epicyclic Train Sun and Planet Winding Gear Epicyclic Gear Train Compound Epicyclic Train Planetary Motion Planetary Gear Train " Ferguson's " Mechanical Paradox. 227 to 250 SECTION XII. MOTION AND DEVICES CONTROLLING MOTION. RATCHETS AND PAWLS, CAMS, CRANKS, INTERMITTENT AND STOP MOTIONS, WIPERS, VOLUTE CAMS, VARIABLE CRANKS, UNIVERSAL SHAFT COUPLINGS, GYROSCOPE. Ratchet Bar Lift Ratchet Lift Ratchet Governor Rotary Motion Inter- mittent Circular Motion Intermittent Rotary Motion Double Pawl Ratchet Continuous Feed of a Ratchet Double-Pawl Ratchet Wheel Intermittent Rotary Motion Intermittent Circular Motion Ratchet Intermittent Motion Pawl Lift Oscillating Motion Continuous Rotary Motion Intermittent Motion Windlass Grip Pawl Ratchet and Level Pawl Internal Multiple Cam Ratchet Head Reciprocal Circular Motion Ball Socket Ratchet Continuous Motion Ratchet Stops of Various Forms Stops for a Spur Gear Stops for a Lantern Wheel Safety Centrifugal Hooks Crank Motion Centrifugal Safety Catch for Hoisting Drums Stop Motion Variable Recipro- cating Motion Irregular Rocking Motion Rocking Arm Yoke Strap Triangular Curved Eccentric Triangular Eccentric Reciprocating Motion Uniform Reciprocating Motion Needle-Bar Slot Cam Slotted Yoke Crank Motion Trammel Gear Slotted Lever Motion Intermittent Reciprocating Motion Variable Crank Throw Variable Adjustment Four-Bolt Cam Equalizing Tension Spring and Lever Alternating Rectilinear Motion Tra- verse Bar Rectilinear Motion Intermittent Rotary Motion Vibrating Toothed Wheel "Lazy Tongs" Movement Quadrangular Rectilinear Mo- tion Parallel Motion Intermittent Motion Rocking Escapement Rotary and Longitudinal Motion Reciprocating Feed Ratchet Friction Rod Feed Ratchet Friction Hauling Ratchet Cam-Lever Grip Lever Toggle Joint Single Toggle Arm Letter-Press Toggle-joint Cam Movement Double-Screw CONTENTS. o, Toggle Press Screw Stamping Press Multiple Return Grooved Cylinder Re- ciprocating Rectilinear Motion Rectilinear Motion Six Radial Grooved Tram- mel Rectilinear Reciprocating Motion Rocking Motion Pair of Toe Levers Wiper Cam for Stamp Mills Angular Wipers Equalizing Levers or Toes Variable Crank Motion Spiral-Grooved Face Plate Lever Cam Sectors Gear-Disengaging Cam Lever Oblique Disc Motion Grooved Cylinder Cam Traverse Motion Four-Motion Feed, of Wheeler and Wilson and other Sewing- machines Reciprocating Rectilinear Motion Quick Reciprocating Rectilinear Motion Cylindrical Cam Cam-Operated Shears Irregular Cam Motion Vibrating Rectilinear Motion Irregular Vibrating Circular Motion Clover- Leaf Cam Power Escapement Rotary Motion Irregular Reciprocating Motion Bevelled Disc Cam Grooved Heart Cam Heart-Shaped Groove Laying out a Heart Cam Cam Motion Double Cam Motion Pivoted Fol- lower Reciprocating Motion Ovoid Curve Variable Power Transmitted from a Crank Elliptical Crank Curvilinear Motion Spring Lathe-Wheel Crank " Brownell " Crank Motion Ordinary Crank Motion Eccentric and Straps for Valve Motion Reciprocating Motion Variable Circular Motion Irregular Motion Variable Power Vibrating Movement Variable Crank Pin Variable Rectilinear Motion Variable Crank Throw Variable Radius Lever Combination Crank-Motion Curves Flexible Angular Coupling Sliding Contact Shaft Coupling Rectilinear Motion Angular Shaft Coupling Universal Joint Double Link Universal Joint Universal Angle Coupling "Almond" Angular Shaft Coupling " Hooke's" Angular Shaft Coupling Rack and Pinion Movement Gyroscope Globe Gyroscope Tension Helico- Volute Spring Double Helico- Volute Spring Compression Helical Spring Single Volute Helix Spring Compound Disc Spring 251 10279 SECTION XIII. HOROLOGICAL. CLOCK AND WATCH MOVEMENTS AND DEVICES. Cycloidal Pendulum Movement Compensating Pendulum Bob Compound Compensating Pendulum Centrifugal Pendulum Antique Clock Escapement Crown Tooth Escapement Double Ratchet-Wheel Escapement Star- Wheel Escapement Anchor Escapement Recoil Escapement Pendulum Escapement Stud Escapement Lantern-Wheel Escapement Pin-Wheel Es- capement Hook-Tooth Escapement Single-Pin Pendulum Escapement Three-Toothed Escapement Detached Pendulum Escapement Mudge Gravity Escapement Tri-Toothed Pendulum Escapement " Harrison " Winding Device Double Tri-Toothed Pendulum Escapement "Bloxam's" Gravity Escapement Dead-Beat Clock Escapement Endless Cord- Winding Device for Clocks Clock Train Compensation Watch Balance Watch Regulator Antique Watch Escapement Verge Escapement Cylinder Escapement Duplex Escapement Jewelled Detached Lever Escapement "Guernsey" Escapement Anchor and Lever Escapement Lever Escapement Lever Chronometer Escapement "Arnold" Chronometer Escapement Fusee 10 CONTENTS. Chain and Spring Drum Chronometer Escapement " Geneva " Stop Geared Watch Stop Watch Stop Stem-Winding Movement Pin-Geared Watch Stop Watch Train 281 to 293 SECTION XIV. MINING. QUARRYING, VENTILATION, HOISTING, CONVEYING, PULVERIZING, SEPARATING, ROASTING, EXCAVATING, AND DREDGING. Diamond Prospecting Drill Rock Drill Diamond Well-Boring Machine Portable Diamond Drill Arc Tappet Valve Motion Tappet Valve, for a Rock Drill Rock Drill Rock Drill with Balanced Piston Valve Coal-Cutting Machine Link Chain Cutter Drill for Curved Holes Box- Wing Blower Multiplex Butterfly Valve Steam-Driven Ventilating Fan Miner's Safety Lamp Horse-Power Hoisting Drum Steam Hoisting Engine Strap Brake Elevator Tower Horizontal Boom Tower Mast and Gaff Hoist Coal-Load- ing Tipple "Otis Stop" for Elevator Cars Elevator Dumping Head Mining Buckets and Skip Belt Conveyer Chain Scraper Conveyer Cable Conveyer Driving Mechanism Log Conveyer Rope Tramway Automatic Dumping Car Toggle Joint Stone Crusher " Buchanan " Rock Crusher Roller Coal Crusher Eight-Stamp Ore Mill Rolling Crusher "Arastra" Ore Mill "Chili" Mill Pulverizing Ball and Pan Mill Revolving Pulverizing Mill Hydraulic Balanced Giant Nozzle Coal Dust Press Klondike Mining Machine Gold Separator Centrifugal Separator Magnetic Ore Separator Iron Ore Separator Railway Steam Shovel Magnetic Ore Separators ( Hoffman-Edison Types) Ore Roasting Furnace Railway Excavator Railway Steam Shovel Continuous Ditching Dredge Clam-Shell Bucket Revolving Hoisting Dredge Floating Dredge Marine Dredge , 295 to 310 SECTION XV. MILL AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. HANGERS, SHAFT BEARINGS, BALL BEARINGS, STEPS, COUPLINGS, UNIVERSAL. AND FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS, CLUTCHES, SPEED GEAR, SHOP TOOLS, SCREW THREADS, HOISTS, MACHINES, TEXTILE APPLIANCES. Adjustable Bracket Hanger Adjustable Floor Bearing Adjustable Post Hanger Adjustable Floor Stand Continuous Traversing Roller Roller Wheel Anti-Friction Bearing Ball Bearings Adjustable Hanger for Shafting Screw Traversing Ball Bearing Hanging Shaft Suspended Shaft Curved Step Bearing Conical Pivot Bearing Lubrication of a Hanging Bearing Vertical Shaft Step Shaft Step Adjustment Adjustable Step Bearing Collar Bearing and Step Oil Circulating Step Lenticular Bearing Spherical Step Bearing Angle Coupling "Oldham" Coupling Flexible Link Coupling Flexible Shaft Coupling Angle Shaft Coupling Universal Joint "Hooke's" Universal Joint "Goubet's "Universal Shaft Coupling Ball Socket Universal. Joints Right-Angle Shaft Coupling Right- Angle Shaft Coupling (" Hobson ^ CONTENTS. I L Patent) Eccentric Line Coupling Simple Friction Pulley Friction Clutch V-Grooved Face Clutch Clutch and Gear Cone Clutch Multiple Plate Fric- tion Clutch Pin Clutch Friction Pin Clutch Friction Clutch Bevel Gear Spring Friction Clutch Double Toggle-joint Friction Clutch Adjustable Fric- tion Clutch Double Conic Rope Drum Variable Speed Device Expanding Pulley Variable Speed Transmitting Device Belt Holder Jointed Radial Arm Drilling Machine Clamp Screw Bench Clamp Auto- matic Bench Clamp Wood-Bending Clamp and Formers Boiler Tube Expander Roller Tube Expander Revolving Tool Head Collapsing Tap Wabble Saw Automatic Screw-Cutting Die Universal Chuck Compound Lever Shears Disc Shears Gig Saw Band Saw Toggle-joint Lever Press or Punch Power Stamping Press Hand Drilling Machine Portable Drill Multiple Drilling Machine Stamp Mill Cam Motion Blacksmith's Helper Revolving Rapid-Blow Hammer Helve Trip Hammer Friction Drop Ham- mer Beam Trip Hammer Spring Hammer Tire Shrinker Combined Tire Upsetting and Punching Machine Plate Sawing Machine Combined Punch and Shears Suspended Swing Treadle Power Rumbling Mill Centrifugal Separator Closure of Rollers Vibrating Lift Differential Pitch Movement Feed Wheel Combined Ratchet and Hand-Feed Gear Gear Train Quick Return Movement Reversing Gear Flexible Universal Steam Joint Bye Pass Cock or Valve Sight-Feed Lubricator Screw Movement Centering Tool Vernier Caliper Expansion Bit Double-Acting Screwdriver Pump Drill Stock Reciprocating Drill Stock Compound Lever Cutting Pliers- Ball Socket Screw Threads Continual Barrel Elevator Telescopic Hydraulic Elevator Traveller Hoist Travelling Crane I-Bar Travelling Tramway Swing Bracket Crane Adjustable Universal Sheave "Harrington" Chain Hoist " Yale " Duplex Hoist Safety Tackle Differential Chain-Pulley Block Double Screw-Gear Hoist Taper Tube Rolls" Yale-Weston " Differential Gear Hoist Tube-Rolling Machine Seamless Tube Making Wire-Bending Machine Hopper and Bell "Bessemer" Steel Converter Lense-Grinding Machine Grinding Mill " Bogardus " Mill Circulating Screw Propeller and Mixing Tank Double Cylinder Planer Double Toggle-joint Screw Press Steam Cotton Press Toggle-Bar Press Sector Press Bark or Cob Mill Drawing and Throstle Twisting, Rolls and Bobbin Winder Cop Winder Bobbin Winder Cloth Dresser Knitting Machine 31210346- SECTION XVI. CONSTRUCTION AND DEVICES. MIXING, TESTING, STUMP AND PILE PULLING, TACKLE HOOKS, PILE DRIVING,. DUMPING CARS, STONE GRIPS, DERRICKS, CONVEYER, TIMBER SPLICING, ROOF AND BRIDGE TRUSSES, SUSPENSION BRIDGES. Post Augur Pug Mill Conical Pug Mill Conical Mixing Barrel Concrete Mixer Cement-Testing Machine Hydraulic Sand Ejector Toggle Stump Puller Right and Left Hand Turnbuckle Swivel Shackle Slip Hook Trip Hook Balanced Riveting Machine Releasing Grip Automatic Disengaging Grip Swivelling Dumping Car Square Box Side-Dumping Car Lever Grip 12 CONTENTS. Tongs Adjustable Grip Tongs Pneumatic Dumping Car Lewis Wedge for Lifting Stone Stone Grinding and Polishing Machine Four-Guy Mast Der- rick Shears with Winch or Tackle Block Swinging Derrick Crane Portable Steam Derrick Swing-Boom Crane Cable Hoist and Conveyer Cantilever Hoisting and Conveying Machine Timber Splicing Timber Cords and Arches Truss Roof Queen Post Roof Truss Wooden Road Bridge Truss Deck Bridge Trusses Bridge Truss Arched Deck Truss Bridge Bridge Trusses Arch Truss Bridge Swing Bridge Cantilever Bridge Suspension Bridges 349 to 360 SECTION XVII. DRAUGHTING DEVICES. PARALLEL RULES, CURVE DELINEATORS, TRAMMELS, ELLIPSOGRAPHS, PAN- TOGRAPHS, Proportional Compasses Roller Parallel Ruler Slotted Parallel Ruler Three Part Parallel Ruler Spring Cyclograph Flexible Curve Scriber Helicograph Great Curve Delineator Conchoid Delineator Cyclograph Trammel for Drawing Ellipses Ellipsograph Parabola Scriber Geared Ellipsograph Hyperbola Scriber Pantograph Lazy -Tongs Pantograph Perspective Cen- trolinead Spherometer 361 to 367 SECTION XVIII. MISCELLANEOUS DEVICES. ANIMAL POWER, SHEEP SHEARS, MOVEMENTS AND DEVICES, ELEVATORS, CRANES, SEWING, TYPEWRITING, AND PRINTING MACHINES, RAILWAY DEVICES, TRUCKS, BRAKES, TURNTABLES, LOCOMOTIVES, GAS, GAS FUR- NACES, ACETYLENE GENERATORS, GASOLINE MANTLE LAMP, FIREARMS. Human Treadmill Horse-Power Tread Wheel Horse-Power Machine Dog- Power Machine Geared Horse-Power Multiple Bladed Sheep Shears Horse Clipper Machine Sheep Shears "Almond's " Flexible Metallic Tube Evo- lution of a Wood Screw Artificial Leg and Foot Mean Time Sun Dial Door Push Check Folding Ladder Simple Combination Lock Tripod Dou- ble Spherical Socket Disc Slicer Micrometer Screw Adjustment Correct Principle in Setting a Hot-Water House Boiler Under-Feed Heating Fur- nace Harvester or Mowing Machine Bell Clapper Movement Piano Key and Action Lapidary or Lithologicai Lathe Wire-Drawing Machine Wire-Cov- ering Machine Stirring Machine for Grain Mash Sector Wheel Baling Press Wood Compression Carving Machine Belt-Driven Elevator Safety Catch for Elevators Elevator Safety Gear Swing Derrick Package Elevator Post Crane Wharf Crane Automatic Balance Crane Sewing-Machine Shut- tle Sewing-Machine Feed Bar Sewing-Machine Hook and Bobbin Hook of the " Wheeler and Wilson " Sewing-Machine Sewing-Machine Spring Motor for Sewing-Machine Tinplate Lacquering Machine Single Cylinder Printing Press Typewriting Machine " Gordon " Printing Press Rack and Pawl CONTENTS. 13 Ball Bearing Screw Jack Hydraulic Transfer Jack Rail-Cutting Saw Prouty- Nooje Automatic or Self -Winding Brake Street-Car Sand Box Friction Brake tor Street Railway Cars Car Truck for Street Railways Street-Car Truck Car Truck Trolley-Car Truck Freight-Car Truck Cable Railway Gnp Cable Grip for Street Railways Linked Hinges Endless Cable Grip Car Street Railway Sweeping Car Equalizing Lever Novel Car Brake Wooden Frame Turn-Table Iron Frame Turn-Table Single-Cylinder Loco- motive Modern Locomotive and Tender Passenger Locomotive, Eight- Wheel Model Ten-Wheel Freight Locomotive Freight Locomotive Centre Valve for a Gas House Disc Valve for Large Gas Pipes Centre Guide Gas Holder Counter- Weighted Gas Holder Expanding Pipe Stopper Lantern Bellows Dry Gas Meter Wet Gas Meter Dry Gas Meter Gas Pressure Regulator Fuel Gas Burner Gas Furnace Gas-Heated Incubator Acety- lene Gas Generator Automatic Gasoline and Mantle Lamp Acetylene Gen- erator and Gas Holder Acetylene Burner Bayonet Joint Gun Lock Colt Cylinder Revolving Device for Firearms Magazine Rifle, " Lee-Metford " Model " Martini-Henry" Rifle Chassepot Gun Remington Rifle "Rem- ington " Magazine Gun " Hotchkiss " Magazine Gun " Lebel " Rifle " Mauser " Rifle "Winchester" Magazine Rifle Disappearing Gun, " Mon- crief Model " 369 to 396 ADDITIONS TO THE TENTH EDITION. SECTION I. Lever Safety Trip Lever Sector Lever and Ratchet Lever Movement Lever Action Straight-line Linkage Lever and its Office Inclined Plane. SECTION II. Parallel Plyers Transmission Circular Motion Reversing Lever Transmission, Reciprocating Link Transmission Gyrating Lever Transmission Transmission by Bell Crank Gambrel Joint Linkage Two Revolutions for One Stroke Equalizing Thrust Speed Changing Pulley Helping Crank over Center Reverse Motion Drive Intermit- tent Transmission Registering Dynamometer. SECTION III. St. John's Steam Meter Belt Shipper Three Horse Whif- fletrees Anemometer. SECTION IV. Crude Petroleum Burners Petroleum Furnace Automo- bile Boiler Feeding Pulverized Fuel Roney Stoker Sterling Boiler Worthington Boiler Compound Locomotive Cylinders. SECTION V. Pulsometer Steam Pump Edwards Air Pump Steam Soot Sucker Air Cooling Tower Flexible Metallic Hose and Tubing. SECTION VI. Stake Puller Stalk Puller Valve Gear Gasoline Atom- izers Ignition Plug Jump Spark Coil Caloric Engine Four Cylinder Motor. 14 CONTENTS. SECTION VII. Hydraulic Sprinkler Head Milk Cooler Hydraulic Irri- gation Engine Four Stage Centrifugal Pump Current Meter. SECTION VIII. Wind Instruments Ventilator Wind Gauge Compound Pohle Air Lift Prairie Wind Mill Gas Crucible Furnace Oil Burn- ing Melting Furnace Mechanical Flyer. SECTION IX. Non-Arcing Lightning Arrester Ampere Meter Re- cording Watt-hour Meter Electric Escapement Pneumatic Emergency Brake Solenoid Electric Fan Alternating Current Transformer Electro Magnetic Ratchet Driver. SECTION X. Air Ship Railroad Gates Railway Pneumatic Signal Self-Registering Tide Gauge Novel Steering Gear Ship's Steering Gear Street Cleaning Machine Spring Wheel Automobile Horn. SECTION XL Link Chain Hoist Bicycle Signal Bell Multiple Speed Gear Changeable Motion Gear Pneumatic Grain Elevator Flying Machine. SECTION XII. Hydro-Extractor Reversible Pulley Four Speed Change Gear Heddle Cam Ferris Wheel Wave Motions Sewing Machine Hook Positive Shuttle Motion A Curious Padlock. SECTION XIII. Equated Sun Dial Universal Sun Dial Electric Balance Wheel Clock Compensating Pendulum Electro-Magnetic Clock Pendu- lum Electric Time Clock Electric Winding Device. SECTION XIV. Disintegrator Ore Crusher Hand Power Rock Drill Free Running Axle Garbage Furnace Automatic Ore Dump Air Blast for Moving Coal Rope Drive for Mine Haulage. SECTION XV. Traveling Derrick Modern Cotton Gin Spool Winding Machine Conical Roller Thrust Bearing Steam Vulcanizers Right Angle Shaft Transmission Take-up and Let-off Motion for Looms. SECTION XVI. Expansion or Anchor Bolts Rolling Lift Bridge Con- crete Bridge Melan Bridge Steel Arched Concrete Bridge Hydraulic Pile Driver Log Sawing Machine. SECTION XVII. Ellipsograph Turntable Ellipsographs Omni-Telemeter Odontograph, Section Liner Dotting Instrument Eidograph Tracing Bar Reflecting Drawing Board Self-Registering Barometer Spiro- graph, SECTION XVIII. Railway Water Lift. Section I. THE MECHANICAL POWERS. w FORCES AND THE MEASURE OF THEIR WORK. FORCE may be said to be the cause of motion and power m mechanics. Its condition may be static or dynamic ; in the latter condition it becomes the means for the practical application of motion in the various forms of mechanical devices. Its statical condition is illustrated in the strains sustained in the material of construction and suspension. The first and simple form of static force may be illustrated in the column, in the various positions in which it may be used for resistance of any kind ; although in machinery, it may in itself become a moving body under stress. Static force may be represented by a column supporting weight ; a beam under compressive strain ; a body of water retained in a mill dam, steam pressure in a boiler, compressed air or liquefied gases, and a suspended weight; a coiled spring or anything that is under pres- sure without motion. The principal expressions for static force are compression, tension, and torsion, or their com- binations. The resolution of forces is the geometrical rela- tion and value of two or more forces acting upon a single point from different directions, or of a single force acting against several points of resistance. The terms of resolution may be directional, static, or dynamic. 3. THE RESOLUTION OF SUS- PENSION in which W represents a force or the weight of gravitation, and P, P' the resisting power or equivalent weights. Solution : P and P'= half the weight Sine of angle of depression a or b when the angles are equal. THE MECHANICAL POWERS. 4. For unequal angles the forces vary as the sines of the angles from the vertical, respectively. Solution : P = W X sine y Sine (y-\-v) P' = W X sine v Sine (y+v) 5. In a combination of forces the resolution involves the sines of the varying angles. P = w X sinejy P'= W X 6. The forces in the direction of P and P' in which the weight of a beam inclined and resting upon a point at P' = W, at the centre of gravity. P' = WX a P = WX a The longitudinal thrust of struts or braces is the same as for tensional strains inversely, only that the weight of timbers or heavy materials should be considered separately, as shown further on. 7. Where the members are of the same length and at equal angles. P and P'= half the weight Sine of the angle a or b. 8. For unequal angles. Solution : P = W X sine y Sine (y-\-v) P' = Wxsine v Sine (y-\-v) THE MECHANICAL POWERS. 9. With truss beams carrying un- equal weights the formulae for end thrust are for equal angles. P = w X sine y Sine (y-\-v) P' == W X sinejj Sine (y+v) \ For unequal angles, the formula is ^ the same as in No. 8. 10. LEVER PARADOX. Two levers or scale beams, one above the other, accurately b a 1- Oanced and pivo- ted at their ends to two T arms as shown in the cut, may have equal weights hung at various distances on the arms, and they will be balanced on the centre line and at any angle above or below the centre line. A nut for amateurs to crack. THE LEVER AND ITS POWER. The weight of lever is not considered. 1 1 . First order. a W PXtf j* b- * ci > = P W ) rM (^ ' 12. Second order. r~dt^ ---- P H^_w^ PX(^M)_ , w ' =1 p 13. Third order. b + a P_ Px b b ~ W' ^+~b =W, W X (^+a)__ ^ 20 THE MECHANICAL POWERS. 14. Bell Crank or Angular Lever, first order. Same notation as No. n. U .._ 15. Bell Crank or Angular Lever, second order. Same Notation as No. 12. 1 6. Bell Crank or Angular Lever, third order. Wx v ~t~ (^ x cosine of angle ) 17- Compound Lever, first order. aX a W bXV W X b X b' d x &' 1 8. Compound Lever, first and second orders. a b x ~y -PXax(a a X (a 1 + b 1 ) The differential weight of lever arms must be adjusted to the proper factor for accurate computation. THE MECHANICAL POWERS. 21 19. Revolving Lever, first order. W= P X a ~~b~ P = W X b P 20. Revolving Lever, second order. W= P X (a + b) ~y~ ' P = W X b 21. Revolving Lever, third order. W = P X b ~a~+~b' P = W X (a + b) THE INCLINED PLANE. 22. Weight sliding on inclined surface. (W X sine of angle) -j- friction = P. T> -= friction = W. Sine of angle vertical c . . . Sine of angle =-: r . inclined distance. 23. Rolling weight by horizontal push. P = ; w= -^ 22 THE MECHANICAL POWERS. 24. THE WEDGE. Strain = force of blow X / /, length of wedge. w, width of wedge. ------ y. J units or inches. 25. THE SCREW. All measures in equal W _ P x (2 X rX 3.1416) Pitch of screw P = W X pitch of screw 2 X r X 3.1416 26. WORM GEAR or ENDLESS SCREW. P = power. r = length of crank. R^ radius of pitch line of gear. p = pitch of screw. r' =. radius of winding drum. W= Px'rX 6.28 X r XR' W if screw is double-thread. 2 27. CHINESE WHEEL, or differen- tial axle, with crank or pulley. a = radius large drum. b radius small drum. W= P X r X 2 a b P = Wx (a b) THE MECHANICAL POWERS. TACKLE BLOCKS. 28. Two single sheaves, a, b, c are of equal strain, a -j- b W. Sheave A only transfers the direction of P. W 29. Simple sheave block. P = W. 30. Two single sheave blocks upper one fixed, lower movable. W W 21. Three single sheave blocks one block fixed, two blocks movable. P W . W = P X 4. 4 32. Three single sheave blocks, consisting of two fixed blocks and one movable block. Power : P = W -. W = P X 3. W 33. One fixed sheave block, one movable sheave block. P W THE MECHANICAL POWERS. 34. One fixed sheave block, two movable fixed blocks. P W . W = P X7 . ^ 35. One fixed pulley block, three fixed rope ends. W 36. Multiple sheave blocks, all single. P = W --5 26 37. Four and three sheave blocks, with end of rope fixed to top block. Four sheave block fixed, three sheave block movable. P W ~ W - P X 6. o W r 38. Roving of a three and two sheave pair of blocks, with a draw block fixed above. P=W w=p 6 6* THE MECHANICAL POWERS. 2 5 39- Roving of a two and three sheave pair of blocks, with end of rope fixed to lower block. P = ~. w - p x 5. 40. CHINESE WINDLASS. The sheave and hook rises equal to one-half the difference in the circumference of the barrels for each turn of the crank. See No. 2 7 for the power. 41. CHINESE SHAFT DERRICK. The sheaves suspended from the upper part of the derrick legs allows the bucket to be raised above the mouth of the shaft or pit by the differential windlass. 42. COMPOUND WEIGHT MOTOR, for a limited fall. The power is only equal to one- half of one of the weights. The time of fall- ing and distance equals three times the time and distance of one weight. 43. ROPE TWIST LEVER, for a temporary pull, or as a clamping device. 26 THE MECHANICAL POWERS. . 44. SPANISH WINDLASS. Much used on over- truck frames for suspending the load. 45. ROPE GRIP HOOK for taking a temporary bite on a hawser. 46. GUY ROPE CLIP and Thimble for wire rope. 47. ROPE END, with thimble, clip, and yarn seizing. 48. HEMP ROPE doubled in the eye, with two clips. The doubling in eye prevents excessive wear. 480. LEVER SAFETY TRIP, for a throttle valve. The lever L attached to a lanyard extended along the lines of machinery enables instant stoppage of an engine in case of accident. 48^. LEVER SAFETY TRIP, for a balanced disk throttle valve. The lever O holds the valve open by catching the shoulder of the spindle P. A pull on the lanyard extending through a factory quickly stops the engine in case of acci- dent. MECHANICAL POWERS. 480. A LEVER SECTOR operating the bell and indicator in a cash register. A sector on the lever moves the vertical rack and with it the pinions and striking pawl. 4&/. LEVER AND RATCHET mechanism for a cash register. The pawl on a bell crank lever is operated directly from an arm on the ringer lever. 4&>. LEVER AND RATCHET mechanism for a cash register. A ringer push pin operates the main lever, which makes three movements for the record and indicator. 4 8/. LEVER MOVEMENT of a cash register. Through a single move- ment of the finger lever, three different movements are made, including the rais- ing of the index number. LEVER ACTION in a typewrit- ing machine. A main lever with finger stud operates the type lever through a bell crank and links. 48/2. LEVER ACTION in a typewrit- ing machine. The long lever and finger stud is linked to a ratchet lever concen- tric with the type line barrel. One touch of the finger stud for close lines and two touches for open lines. 23 THE MECHANICAL POWERS. .481. STRAIGHT LINE LINK- AGE. With the joints S and P fixed thje joint B will have a ver- trical motion while the link L, M will have a horizontal motion paral- lel with the fixed points S, P. Links P, C, C, M, and B, C, are of equal length. L, B and L, M of equal lengths, as are the short links, S, L and P, D. 48;. THE LEVER AND ITS OFFICE in the pulley governor. Type of the Shepherd governor, in which centrifugal force and inertia are combined for regulating speed. THE LEVER AND ITS OFFICE in the pulley governor. Type of the Fitchburgh Steam En- gine Company. The lever weights W, W are thrown out by centrifugal force and restrained by helical springs. The auxiliary weights I, I are moved tangentially by in- ertia. 48/. THE INCLINED PLANE in a marine governor. The sprocket wheel A and inclined hub are fast on the shaft. The inertia wheel and its inclined hub are free on the shaft with its hub face pressed against the driving wheel hub by the coiled spring. Irregu- larity in the speed of the engine changes the angular position of the hub planes and so operates the throttle lever. See No. Section II. TRANSMISSION OF POWER. ROPES, BELTS, FRICTION GEAR, SPUR, BEVEL, AND SCREW GEAR, ETC. 49. ALTERNATING CIRCULAR MOTION from the curvilinear motion of a treadle. The ancient lathe motion. 50. CIRCULAR MOTION from curvilin- ear motion of a treadle through a cord and pulley. 51. ECCENTRIC CRANK and Treadle. A ' belt over the eccentric and a roller in the treadle. The equivalent of a crank. 52. CAPSTAN, OR VERTICAL WIND- LASS. The pawl falling in the circular rack at the bottom locks the windlass. The rope should always wind on the bottom and slip upward. 53. STEERING GEAR. A hand wheel and drum on a shaft, carrying a rope rove through guide pulleys and attached to the tiller. 54. JUMPING MOTION given to a weight, or other body, by a pin wheel and bell-crank lever. TRANSMISSION OF POWER. A 55. ROPE SPROCKET WHEEL, several modi- fications of which are in use in old-style hoists. 56. F-GROOVED ROPE PULLEY, having corrugated groove faces to increase the adhesion of the rope. 57. ROPE TRANSMISSION, with a tightening pulley, B. 58. VIBRATORY MOTION to two shafts, transmitted from the rocking of a lever arm and sector. 59. TRANSMISSION BY ROPE to a shaft at right angles to the driving-shaft. The guide sheaves give direction to the rope over the curve face of the driven pulley, the rope slipping towards the centre of the driven pulley. 60. TRANSMISSION BY ROPE to a portable drill or swing saw. D, driving sheave. A, double loose sheaves in a frame, suspended by weight C attached by rope over sheaves, B, B. C, counter weight. TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 61. HORIZONTAL ROPE TRANSMISSION, with tension slide and weight. 62. ROPE TRANS- MISSION from vertical to horizontal shaft, with tension slide and weight 63. ROPE TRANS- MISSION to a movable shaft at right angles from the driving-shaft, with tension slide and weight. 64. VERTICAL TENSION with slides and pulley guide, CARRIAGE, 3 2 TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 65-66. BELT LACING. The straight lacing 65 should run next the pulley, while 66 represents the outside of the belt. Lace should be drawn in at a, a, to centre ; lace each way out and return, ending at e, . 138^. GYRATING LEVER TRANS- MISSION. The lever swinging on its socket at its center and journaled at the edge of the disks will transmit power from one shaft to another in the same line. TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 45 1383. TRANSMISSION BY BELL CRANK. A bell crank lever socketed at the intersecting line of two shafts at right angles and journaled on the edge of the disks, transmits power in the same direction to shafts at right angles. It has two dead centers. 138/1. GAMBREL JOINT LINK- AGE for transmission at right angles, in which the dead centers of the bell crank linkage are avoided. The twisting motion at the dead center will be taken by the center bearing yoke. 1381. TWO REVOLUTIONS FOR ONE STROKE. The toggle links pass- ing their center line to the position shown by the dotted lines makes a second revo- lution of the wheel. 138;. EQUALIZING THRUST by cross links, not a true parallel motion. Pump rod is strained by the cross con- nection. SPEED CHANGING PUL- LEY. The principle of action as shown in Fig. 115. The frame of the transfer pulleys is fixed and the change of angle made by the two sector gears and handle is shown in the second cut. All parts run on ball bearings. 46 TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 1387. HELPING THE CRANK over the center. One of the curious devices, of inven- tors. The compression of air in one of the cylinders during the engine stroke is made the power to push the crank over the center. The cylinder frame is pivoted to the cross head at A and to the connecting rod at C. B is a slid- ing block pivoted to the engine frame. i38w. REVERSE MOTION DRIVE. A being the driving pulley, B a driven pulley, will have a reverse motion by the belt running on the near side guided by the two idler pulleys. NTERMIT- TRANSMISSION 138*. I TENT power by spur gear. A is the driver. When B and C are to- gether, gear F is locked. When pin roll D engages with E the driven gear F will revolve ^4 turn, more or less, as designed. 1380. A CONTINU- O U S REGISTERING DYNAMOMETER. Two flanged hubs on a shaft with a loose pulley between to receive or give power. The springs abut on the shaft flange and dis- place the loose pulley. An eccentric displaced by the power pull acts upon a recording dial by a lever. Section III. MEASUREMENT OF POWER. SPEED, PRESSURE, WEIGHT, NUMBER, QUANTITIES, AND APPLIANCES. 139. PRONY BRAKE, for the measurement cf power. A is power shaft and pulley, enclosed in friction blocks and strap; D, the lever; C',C, stops to control excessive movement of the lever ; B, weights to balance the friction of the pulley, which should be tightened by the strap nuts until its full power at the required speed is balanced by the weight put upon the scale platform. THE PRONY BRAKE. RULE. Diameter of pulley in feet X 3-1416 X revolutions per minute = speed of periphery of pulley per minute. The lever is of the third order. Its length from centre of shaft to the eye holding the weight, divided by the radius of the pulley, all in feet, or decimals of a foot = the leverage. Then the pounds weight X by the leverage and by the speed the foot-pounds, which divided by 33,000 = the horse-power. Weight of lever at E when loose on the pulley should be deducted from the weights put o*> olatform. 140. "WEBBER" DYNAMOMETER. A lever with cross arm on which two bevel gears are pinioned at right angles with the bevel gear of the driving-shaft. The pinions on the lever transmit the power which is weighed by the resistance of the lever at the spring balance. The H. P. indicated is: B X 6.2832 X R X W "==. Jri. Jr. 33,000 = radius of the lever in feet. R = revolutions per minute. W = weight-on the scale. 4 8 MEASUREMENT OF POWER. 141. MEASUREMENT OF POWER. The Rope Brake. Several ropes over a pulley gathered in a knot, to which is hung a specific weight less than the range of the spring scale attached to the other end. The pounds of relief from the stated weight by the motion of the pulley, multiplied by the velocity of the periphery of the pulley in feet per minute, gives the foot-pounds power per minute. 142. "TATHAM'S" DYNAMOMETER, for a vertical belt. A balance frame lever, pulleys, and dash-pot. The work of the belt isi "llf >y s^ O ./i. 33,000 W weight on scale. B = length of lever. A = fulcrum to pulleys which should be equal. S = speed of belt in feet per minute. 143. BELL-CRANK DY- NAMOMETER. - Applied to the power side of a high-speed belt for driving electric gen. erators. The angles of the belt over the bell-crank pulley should be equal, y x. Then after deducting the weight to balance the pulley and belt when not running from the weight when running, the formula will be: WX } A > x speed of belt in feet per 2 cosine x ) minute foot-pounds, which divided by 33,000 = H. P. B, long arm \ A, short arm of lever. MEASUREMENT OF POWER. 49 144. "NEER'S" ROTARY TRANSMITTING DYNAMO- METER. A shaft is disconnected at a coupling and the discs A and B are clamped one to each shaft. Chains are attached to the disc A and roll around pulleys on the disc B, and are attached to the spider C. The chain tension is resisted by the helical springs and is recorded on the dial E. The dial F indicates revolutions. 145. "VAN WINKLE'S" POWER METER. A set of helical springs attached to two discs, one of which is made fast to the pulley, unkeyed and loose on the shaft ; the other disc and hub are clamped to the shaft. A set of levers on a rock haft transmits the strain on the springs to an in- dex and dial indicating the horse-power per i oo revolutions of the shaft. 146. TRACTION RECORD- ING DYNAMOMETER. The draft-pull compresses the elliptic -shaped springs, moving the index hand D, which carries a pencil at its opposite end K. A paper ribbon is drawn under the pencil and wound on a drum, driven by clockwork, mak- ing a continual record, to be measured by a suitable scale for the average work. 147. FRICTION MACHINE, for testing the friction of wheels at various speeds and loads. The adjustable circular balance holds the wheels or vehicle in place. The pounds tension on the scale multiplied by the periph- eral velocity in feet per minute gives the foot- pound draft or friction. MEASUREMENT OF POWER. 148. TORSION DYNAMOME* TER. To a driving shaft E is attached at C a helical spring. To the other end of the spring is attached a trans- mission pulley A and a small pulley Q! , moving freely on the shaft E. At Q 2 another small pulley is fixed to shaft E. The tension of trans- mission displaces the relative position of the small pulleys and through an endless belt draws the loops F and G farther apart, which by pul- leys and index not shown indicates the power transmitted. 149. TENSILE TEST- ING MACHINE. A hydrostatic ram and system of com- pound levers, used in the tensile strength of .metals. S, article to be tested ; tion of levers ; W, weight. testing stops to control vibra- 150. BOURDON PRESSURE GAUGE. A flattened spring metal tube is bent to a circular form. One end is fixed to the inlet stud ; the other end is connected to a lever sector by a link. The sector is meshed with a small pinion on the arbor carrying the index hand. A hair spring attached to the arbor keeps all the piv- oted joints drawn in one direction for accuracy of pressure indication. 151. CORRUGATED TUBE-PRESSURE GAUGE. The pressure within the tube expands it on the cor- rugated side and through the link connections with the index hand moves the hand. MEASUREMENT OF POWER. 152. RECORDING PRESSURE GAUGE, " Edson " model. D, corrugated diaphragm bearing the pressure ; G, connecting rod from dia- phragm to crank-pin, on the shaft on which the index hand is fixed, as also the arm and pencil bar, H 2 , H 3 , in front of the record sheet ; K, K, winding barrels for the record sheet driven by a clock move- ment ; M, index dial. 153. PARALLEL MOTION OF THE INDICATOR. Proportions : c\ d\ : d\ nearly. 154. PARALLEL MOTION FOR AN INDI- CATOR. The curved slot is made proportional to the length of the two arms of the pencil lever. 155. "AMSLER" PLAN- IMETER. E is the fixed point; F the tracer. The disc has a sharp edge and a cylindrical section divided I and read from a vernier scale. 'A worm screw and index wheel indicate the number of revolutions of the rolling disc. 156. "LIPPINCOTT" PLAN- IMETER. -R is the fixed point; T the tracer ; c is a smooth round arm on which a scale is laid off from the axis ; D is a disc with a free motion on the scaled arm. 5 2 MEASUREMENT OF POWER. 157. CENTRIFUGAL SPEED INDI- CATOR. An arm and ball pivoted to a clamp on a revolving vertical shaft shows on a curved index bar the number of revo- lutions per minute, due to the position of the ball and pointer, assumed by the cen- trifugal force of revolution. 158. SPEED INDICATOR. An application of the screw gear. The screw dial counts to 100, right or left. The second dial indicates the number of hundreds. 159. METER DIAL how to read it. A revolution of the upper hand is a measure of one cubic foot. Each of the dials represents a multiple of ten. The figures following the motion of the index hands are to be noted, and if reading to the right must be put in in- verse order, and if read to the left must be put in serial order. Thus the dial here rep- resented reads 47,805 cubic feet. 1 60. AUTOMATIC TIPPING SCALE, for measuring grain or water. 1 61. DOUBLE LINK BALANCED SCALE. The upper link is fixed to the radial index plate. MEASUREMENT OF POWER. 162. DIFFERENTIAL WEIGHING ^^ BEAM. The link connection I 1 "!" 1 !"! to the lower hook allows the V-bearings to be brought much nearer together than on a sin- gle bar. 163. ENGINE COUN- TER. A series of coun- ter gears as in the fol- lowing figures, may be placed overlapping, as here shown ; each spindle mounted with a number dial and all covered by a perforated plate, showing the top figures of each dial. The spring pawl checks the first wheel in the train, to hold the number in place while the lever pawl takes its back motion. 164. OPERATION OF A COUNTER. The wheel B, with its ten pin teeth, is thrown one tooth at each vibration of the arm of the sector rim A. The wheel B also has a sector rim fixed to and revolving with it that throws the next pin-tooth wheel one tooth at each revolution, and so on. 165. INTERMITTENT ROTARY MO- TION, for counters and meters. The tappet A, revolving with the wheel C, carries the wheel D one pin notch per revolution. The pawl b is released by the notch in the wheel C while the tappet is in contact with the pin. 1 66. INTERMITTENT ROTARY MO- TION, for counters and meters. B, driving wheel, the rim of which has an entering and exit notch for pins in the driven wheel and locks the wheel C at each revolution of wheel B- 54 MEASUREMENT OF POWER. 167. INTERMITTENT ROTARY MO- TION, for counters and meters. A, the driv- ing tooth in the wheel B ; C is stopped by the concave sections that fit the periphery of the wheel B. The tooth A projects beyond the peripheral radius of wheel B, and the notches relieve the inverted curves of wheel C, allowing it to turn one notch at each revolution of wheel B. 1 68. INTERMITTENT ROTARY MOTION, for counters and meters. In this form the largest number of revolutions of the single tooth pinion B, for one revolution of wheel A, may be obtained. 169. INTERMITTENT ROTARY MO- TION, for counters and meters. Wheel C and its arm tooth B is the driver. A rim, shown by the dotted circle on wheel C, catches a pin tooth of the counter wheel A at each revolution. The opening in the rim allows the pin to enter and leave the inside of the rim. 170. INTERMITTENT ROTARY MO- TION, for counters and meters. a, driving pin plate. b, star wheel counter. t, pawl. d, spring latch. The latch d is on the back of the pin plate and holds the star teeth, after rotation, by a light spring, c is a pawl that locks the teeth ; pawl is lifted by pins in pin wheel. 171. TIRE MEASURE COUN- TER. A wheel running freely in the forks of a handle, is made of a size that will roll exactly two feet to a revolution, and graduated in feet and inches. The supplementary index is set to allow for lap in welding the tire. MEASUREMENT OP POWER. 55 1710. THE ST. JOHN'S STEAM METER. An automatic recording meter of the amount of steam passing through it for all purposes. The lift- ing of a conical valve by differential pressure operates a marking index through the lever on a small transfer shaft through the projecting arm from the cylinder. See detailed figure. I7i&. DETAILS OF THE ST. JOHN'S STEAM METER. The lifting of the conical valve by differ- ential pressure allows the required quantity of steam to pass through the annular area, which is the measure un- der the initial pressure. The valve lift is recorded on a strip of paper moved by a clock ; the mean of record curves being the measure for the time. The small chamber at the bottom is the dash pot filled with water and keeps the valve from chattering. i7ic. BELT SHIPPER. A taper pin with a flange at the large end and attached to a pole. This handy device enables the throwing of a belt off or on with safety. MEASUREMENT OF POWER. THREE HORSE WHIFFLETREES. --The second pair have their center pins at two-thirds their length from the inner end and the center single tree attached with loose links. ANEMOMETER for measuring air currents. A small windmill but a few inches in di- ameter geared to a series of dials which by known air velocities are graduated in cubic feet of air passed per minute. I7i/. ANEMOMETER for measuring the velocity of the wind. The dial indexes are geared by tenths, as i, 10, 100, 1,000 miles, which by differentiating the time gives the velocity of the wind in miles per hour. The ratio of the wind velocity to the center of the cup velocity is usually about 3 to I. Section IV. STEAM POWER. TOILERS AND ADJUNCTS, ENGINES, VALVES AND VALVE GEAR, PARALLEL MOTION GEAR, GOVERNORS AND ENGINE DEVICES. ROTARY ENGINES, OSCILLATING ENGINES. 172. "STEVENS" BOILER. An early type of tubular boilers (1806). The principle is still in use M M H 173. PLAIN CYLIN- fl . _ DRICAL and setting. One-half the surface of the equals boiler horse-power. BOILERS, showing suspension shells, divided by 10, H I M M h^ 174. HANG- ING WATER DRUM CY- LINDRICAL BOILER. The drum, hanging from the main boiler by necks, gives a large in- crease of heating surface. One-half of shell and all of drum surface, divided by 12, equals boiler horse-power. 175. CYLINDRICAL DOUBLE FLUE BOILER, Lan- cashire type. One -half the shell and all the flue surface, divided by n, equals boiler horse- power. STEAM POWER. n j'xix 176. INTERNALLY FIRED FLUE BOILER. The flue and half the shell surface, if exposed to heat, divided by 14, equals horse-power. 177. HORIZONTAL TUBULAR BOILER, with steam and dry steam pipe, a, Dry steam pipe. One-half the shell and all the tube surface, divided by 14, equals the boiler horse-power. 178. LOCOMOTIVE BOILER. All the fire-box surface above the grate and all the tube surface, divided by 14, equals the boiler horse-power. 179. MARINE BOILER, with locomotive fire-box, three flues and return tubes. The area of the fire- box, flues, back chamber, and tubes, divided by 12, equals boiler horse- power. ECLIPSE" RETURN TUBULAR MARINE BOILER All the fire-box, back chamber, direct and return tube surface, divid- ed by 12, equals boiler horse- power. STEAM POWER. 59 181. " G ALLOW AY " BOILER. An in- ternally fired oval flue, with small con- ical tubes set diago- nallyacrossthe flue. 182. INTERNAL FIRED CYLINDRICAL TUBULAR BOILER. Lower shell slight- ly inclined to facilitate circula- tion. Fire surface of tubes, fire-box, and all of shell ex- posed to heat, divided by 12, equals boiler horse-power. 183. "DION" VEHICLE BOILER. A central water and steam drum enclosed within an annular drum, and connected by short in- clined tubes. A light and quick-firing boiler for a motor carriage. 184. "BABCOCK & WILCOX" WATER TUBE BOILER. Inclined straight tubes expanded in vertical steel headers, connected to a steam drum above. Partitions repass the flame through the tube spaces. 185. "HARRISON" BOILER. A series of cast-iron globes with ground joints, held together by through bolts. 6o STEAM POWER. 186. SUBMERGED HEAD VERTICAL BOILER, with enlarged water surface, and a cir- culating diaphragm by which the fire head is swept by the circulation of the water. The central space is free from tubes to facilitate circulation. " HERRESHOFF " BOILER. A horizontal volute coil at the top acts as a heater. The inner coil is the evaporator ; the outer coil is the superheater. A separa- tor entraps the water that may be carried over from the evaporating coil. 188. THORNYCROFT " BOILER. A large steel drum above and a water drum below, connected with a large num- ber of bent tubes. The water return is through a large tube at the rear end of the boiler. 189. "SEE" WATER TUBE BOILER. A series of short straight tubes connecting a hori- zontal steam drum with a rectangular water base on each side of the furnace. Return tube at back of boiler. STEAM POWER. 6l 190. " YARROW " WATER TUBE BOILER. Inclined sections of straight tubes from water- headers each side of the fire grate to a large steam drum above. Iron casing lined with fire tile. This design is for a marine boiler. 191. "BOYER'S" WATER TUBE BOILER. Furnace walls are coils of pipe. Coils over the fire are connected from circulating pipes to steam drum. 192. " HAZELTON " BOILER. A central vertical drum in which tubes, with closed ends, are screwed radially. The grate is beneath the radial tubes and around the base of the drum. 193- " CLIMAX " BOILER. A central ^^ vertical water and steam drum, with bent tubes expanded in it, and inclined to facili- tate circulation. 194. Section showing bent tubes. STEAM POWER. "MOVES" WATER TUBE BOILER. The inclined tubes are in three groups, set in three steam drums above and three water-heads be- low. Partitions divide the groups of tubes to deflect the flame over the whole surface. 196. "WHEELER" VERTICAL TUBE BOILER. Two sections of straight vertical tubes, with drum-heads top and bottom, and a steam drum connected by necks. CAHALL " VERTICAL WATER TUBE BOILER. A water drum at the bottom forms the lower head for the tubes. An an- nular drum at the top forms the upper head, through which the smoke passes. The fur- nace and combustion chamber are outside, as is also the circulating pipe, as shown in the cut. 198. VERTICAL WATER TUBE BOILER (Philadelphia Engineering Works). Straight tubes between steel drums and a wall between the sections, so that the fire sweeps the length of all the tubes. STEAM POWER. I99-2QO. BOILER OF THE "SERPOLLET" .TRICYCLE. The steam generating surface is made of iron pipe, flattened and corrugated, then coiled into a volute form with the ^__ inner end turned up, and the outer end to project through the furnace shell. The cuts show a vertical section and horizontal plan. 201. " SERPOLLET'S " STEAM GENER- ATOR, showing the corrugated flattened tube coiled into a volute. The width of the internal space is less than one-eighth of an inch. 202. " SERVES " BOILER TUBE. The pro- jecting ribs enlarge the area of the fire surface of the tube. 203. SHAKING AND TIP- PING FURNACE GRATE, " Tupper " model. Each section rocks on trunnions by a hand lever and connecting bar. 204. SHAKING GRATE for a boiler furnace. The flanges are strung upon square bars to form each grate section, which are shaken or dumped by a key wrench at the front. STEAM POWER. 205. FURNACE GRATE, with dumping sections. "Tup- per " model grate. 206. SHAKING GRATE for a boiler furnace. The sectors are astride cross bars, and are rocked by a lever and con- necting rod to each tier of sectors. 207. SHAKING AND TIPPING FURNACE GRATE. The front and back sections can be shaken separately by the double connections and levers. 208. "COLUMBIA" STOKER, for soft coal. The coal is filled into the hopper on the outside of the furnace, and from the bottom of the hopper there is carried a chute which inclines upward into the fur- nace. A pusher pushes the coal upward along this chute and dis- charges underneath the burning fuel, displacing the latter and causing it to bulge upward and then slide down the inclined grates. Air is delivered under pressure from the air pipe, and, passing through the openings in the blast grates in the front portion of the furnace, mixes with the gases distilled from the coal before they pass through the burning fuel above. STEAM POWER. 2o 9 . "PLAYFORD" MEGHAN- ICAL STOKER, for soft coal. A link grate moved by a sprocket shaft carries the coal, fed by a hopper, forward under the boiler, returning over a drum shaft at the bridge wall. A screw conveyer brings the ash and clinker forward to the pit. 210. "AMERICAN" BOILER STOKER. The coal is carried under the grate from the hopper by a spiral screw and forced up over the grate. 211. MECHANICAL STOKER for a boiler fur- nace, " Playford " model. The coal is carried into the furnace from a hopper by a travelling grate. A gate with rack and gear, oper- ated by a lever, regulates the depth of the coal-feed. 212. MECHANICAL STOKER for a furnace, " Jones " model, under- feed to the grate. A plunger, which may be operated directly by a steam piston, pushes a charge of coal, falling from the hopper, on to the fore plate of the grate, where it is coked, the smoke and gases being drawn into the hot fire and burned. 66 STEAM POWER. 213. MECHANICAL STOKER for a boiler furnace, "Meissner" model. A wide plunger, operated from a rock shaft, pushes the charge from under the hopper on to the step- grate, where it is coked and worked down the inclined rocking gate. 1 214. FEED WORM AND AIR BLAST, for feeding fuel to furnaces or sand for an air sand blast. AIR BLAST VSW > 215. PETROLEUM BURNER, for a furnace, for a boiler, or other require- ments. A, Entrance of oil to central nozzle, which is regulated by a needle valve with screw spindle and wheel, C ; B, entrance of compressed air to the annular nozzle, the force of which draws the oil and atomizes it for quick combustion. 216. POP SAFETY VALVE. The "Lun- kenheimer," an enlarged lip disc above the valve disc, equalizes the increased tension of the spring when the valve opens. STEAM POWER. 217. DIFFERENTIAL SEAT SAFETY VALVE. The enlarged area of the upper valve compensates for the differential tension of the spring upon open- ing the valve, thus causing the valve to open wide without increase of boiler pressure. 218. SAFETY VALVE. Lever is of the third order. A, Short lever ; B, centre of gravity of lever from ful- crum ; C, distance of weight from ful- crum ; S, diameter of valve ; P, pres- sure per square inch ; G, weight of the lever at its centre of gravity ; W, weight of ball ; V, weight of valve and spindle. w = S 2 X.7854XPX A (G X B) (V X A) \^> S 2 X .7854 X P X A (Gx B) (Vx A) ~w 219. ORIGINAL FORM of the ^Eolipile or Hero's Steam Engine, 130 B.C. A reaction power, suitable for operation by the use of any gaseous or fluid pres- sure. The original type of several modern motors. 220. STEEPLE ENGINE, with cross-head and slides. 68 STEAM POWER. 221. VERTICAL ENGINE, WITH BELL-CRANK LEVER, for stern- wheel boat. 222. INCLINED PADDLE-WHEEL ENGINE, with upright crank-con- nected beam for driving air pump. 223. DIAGONAL TWIN-SCREW EN- GINE, arranged so that the connecting rods cross each other, thus economizing space. 224. TWIN-SCREW VERTICAL CYLIN- DER ENGINE. The outer gears are on the screw shafts ; the inner gears are idlers to keep the beam even. 225. TRUNK ENGINE. Does away with the slides and cross-head. It is also used for compounding by using the initial pressure at the trunk end and ex- panding beneath the piston. STEAM POWER. 6 9 226. OSCILLATING ENGINE, with trunnions on middle of cylinder. 227. COMPOUND OSCILLATING ENGINE. Cylinders at right angles. 228. TWIN-SCREW OSCILLAT- ING ENGINE. A through piston rod connects directly to crank-pins on the shaft face plates. Suitable for small boats. 229. OSCILLATING HOIST- ING ENGINE. The piston rods are attached to an eccentric strap; one fixed, the other pivoted. A lever operated by the same eccentric strap, through a short connecting rod, oper- ates the valve gear of each cylinder alternately. 230. THREE-CYLINDER ENGINE, " Brotherhood " type. Steam is admitted to the central chamber with equal pressure on all the pistons. The rotary-disc valve is oper- ated by the crank-pin, giving steam to the outside of the pistons alternately through an outside port to each cylin- der. Main shaft bearing has a stuffing box. STEAM POWER. 231. TANDEM COMPOUND GINE, with continuous piston rod. VERTICAL EN- 232. TANDEM COMPOUND VERTICAL ENGINE, with cross-head and two piston rods for low-pressure piston 233. COMPOUND ENGINES for twin screws. There may be one or two pair of compound cylin- ders. The dotted lines represent cylinders of the tandem model. 234. COMPOUND YACHT ENGINE, "Her- reshoff" model. Direct receiver pipe. End and longitudinal elevation. STEAM POWER. HIGH-SPEED TANDEM COMPOUND ENGINE, " Harrisburg " model. 236. TANDEM COMPOUND ENGINE, " Phoenix Iron Works" model. A direct pipe connection be- tween the high and low pressure cylinder. 237. MODERN HIGH- SPEED ENGINE, with pulley governor, " Atlas " modeL 238. SINGLE D SLIDE VALVE^ with lap. The length of the valve over the length from outside to outside of steam ports is double the lap. 239. BALANCED SLIDE VALVE. A ring in a recess of the valve rides against the steam chest cover, held by a spring. STEAM POWER. 240. DOUBLE-PORTED SLIDE VALVE and adjustment by double nuts in the back of the valve. 241. MEYER" CUT-OFF VALVE. C, D, Slide valve with perforated ports. The supplementary or cut-off valves are adjusted to the required distances, to meet the required cut-off, by a right and left screw, which has an index H, and wheel G, for turning the screw for cut-off adjustment on the outside of the steam chest. 242. SINGLE D, SLIDE VALVE, with double steam and exhaust ports. Central steam ports open into steam chest at the side of the valve. 243. GRIDIRON SLIDE VALVE, for large port area with small motion of the valve. 244. ROTARY VALVES.- The valves K and L are three-winged cylinders, and are nearly balanced by the double inlet ports of the valve chamber. STEAM POWER. 73 245. STEAM ENGINE VALVE CHEST. Double ported exhaust ; shortens the steam passages. " Erie City Iron Works " model. 246. BALANCED SLIDE VALVE. A bell- shaped piston, riding in a packed gland in the steam chest cover, is connected to the top of the valve by a link. J 247. BALANCED SLIDE VALVE, " Buchanan & Richter's ' 1 patent. The arm B carries a roller in the curved slot of the supporting piece D. The pressure is relieved by the nut and screw in the cover. 248. " RICHARDSON-ALLEN " BALANCED SLIDE VALVE. The valve slides under an adjustable plate fixed to the steam chest cover, and is bal- anced by a recess in the back of the valve that is open to the ex- haust port. 249. BALANCED THROTTLE VALVE, with direct governor connection. 74 STEAM POWER. 250. WING THROTTLE VALVE, or Butterfly Throttle, operated by direct connection with a gov- ernor. 251. MULTIPLE PORT PISTON THROTTLE VALVE. A perfectly balanced valve with through connecting rod. 252. "CORLISS" VALVE GEAR. Operated by a single eccentric through a lever and connecting rods. Steam and exhaust valves are worked by pins on a rocking wrist plate. The trips on the steam-valve gears are controlled by the governor. 253. LOCOMOTIVE LINK-MOTION VALVE GEAR. In this- arrangement the slotted link is moved up and down over the wrist pm block by the lever and connecting rod ; the le- ver, locking in the toothed sector, allowing for a close connection to the valve stem by a lever and short connecting rod. 254. WALSCHAERT'S VALVE GEAR. The slotted link is hung at its centre on a fixed pin. The valve-rod block is raised or lowered by the bell-crank lever. Lead is made by the cross- head link and lever. STEAM POWER. 75 255- REVERSING LINK MOTION. The slotted link is pivoted to the end of the eccentric rod and is moved up and down by the bell- crank lever. The block carrying the valve rod is stationary in the slot. 256. VALVE GEAR of an oscillating marine engine. The slotted link a, receives a rocking motion from the eccentrics and rods, and is thrown from its centre either way for forward or back motion of the engine by the lever connecting rod b. A block and pin attached to the valve rod freely traverse the link slot. The circular slot- ted frame c is concentric with the cylinder trun- nions and the valve rod by a sliding block and pin to accommodate the oscillation of the cyl- inders. 257. "JOY'S " VALVE GEAR for a ver- tical engine. Operated from a pin in the connecting rod. Reversal is made by chang- ing the position of the slotted link 258. "JOY'S" VALVE GEAR for a horizontal engine. Adjust- ment is made by the angu- lar position of the slotted link. Valve motion by crank rod and links. 7 6 STEAM POWER. 259. " BREMME " VALVE GEAR with single eccentric. T]he eccentric arm is rocked by the double link connection and is reversed by throwing the link joint over by the hand screw and sector arm, not shown in cut. 260. SINGLE ECCENTRIC VALVE GEAR, with variable travel, adjustable by a hand-wheel. The eccentric drives a block in a slotted link, which is rocked on a central pivot by the screw for varying the throw of the valve. 261. CAM-BAR VALVE MOVE- MENT. The horizontal movement of the cam bar by the bell-crank lever alternately moves the two valves. 262. VALVE GEAR of a Cor- nish engine, with trip poppet valves for steam. The governor releases the valves by varying the position of the vertical bars connected to the rocking wrist plate. Exhaust valves are oper- ated from the eccentric through the lever that operates the steam valves. STEAM POWER. 77 263. VARIABLE EXPANSION GEAR, with one eccentric. The movement of the fulcrum of the eccentric bar lever by the screw changes the throw of the valve. 264. SINGLE ECCENTRIC VARIABLE VALVE THROW." Fink " link gear for a D valve. The link block is moved in the curved slot of the link for variation of valve throw, adjustable by the hand-wheel. 265. " ALLEN )? VALVE LIFT OR TOE. The valve lifter and rod to which the valves are attached; b, the toe on the rock shaft, operated from a cam on the engine shaft. 266. TAPPET LEVER VALVE MOTION. Used on pumps, rock drills, and percussion tools. 267. STARTING LEVER, with spring to hold the bolt in the sec- tor notches. STEAM POWER. 268. SIMPLE UNHOOKING -DEVICE, much in use on the engines of side-wheel steam- ers. The turning down of the handle of the short bell-crank lever lifts the hook in the ec- centric rod off from the wrist pin of the rock- shaft crank, when the engine can be worked by a hand lever on the rock shaft. 269. SIMPLE REVERSING GEAR for steam engines. On raising the eccentric rod the valve spindle is released from the hook, when the engine can be reversed by the hand lever ; the eccentric then runs back by friction a half turn, it being loose on the shaft, and the key shoulder cut away to allow the eccentric to turn half over. 270. "JOY'S" HYDRAULIC SHIFTING ECCENTRIC. The centre block is keyed to the shaft ; pistons on each side of the block work in cylinders in the eccentric. Oil is pump- ed to one or the other piston through holes in the crank shaft and piston, for reversal of the engine. 271. SHIFTING ECCENTRIC. The ec- centric is movable on worm gear and its sleeve, which is keyed to the shaft. The tan- gent worm is pivoted in lugs on the eccentric. 272. VALVE MOTION ECCENTRIC. The rocker connecting link increases the motion of the valve rod and travel of the valve. STEAM POWER. 79 273. " PEAUCELLIER'S " PARALLEL MOTION. A, B and B, C are of equal distances, when the connecting rod will move in a straight line. When B is connected with the outer joint of the link quadrangle the inner joint C will have a straight-line motion. 274. PARALLEL MOTION, used side-lever marine engines. E, cross-head. C, F, radius bar. D, E, parallel bar. on 275. PARALLEL MOTION, for a side lever marine engine. a and b are of equal length. c and d are of equal length. Radius of rocker-shaft crank F = 276. PARALLEL MOTION and com- pensation weight for steam engines, " For- ney's " patent. The link from the cross- head traverses the slot at right angles to the engine centre, and is pivoted at its centre to the swinging link and weight. 277. PARALLEL MOTION. Length of radius J_ bar equal to beam radius. Link radii are equal. Dis- tance of radius bar pivot above beam centre is equal to link radius. 8o STEAM POWER. 278. PARALLEL MOTION for beam en* gines, in which a and b are of equal length. c and f are of equal length. d and e are of equal length. 279. PARALLEL MOTION, with two pairs of connecting bars. a and b are of equal length. c and d are of equal length. are revolved by a belt dropping the oil on the wiper e, into the small tank/, from which it flows to the cylinder. UNIFORM AUTOMATIC OILER. Used on gas engines. The shaft, driven by a belt from the valve-gear shaft of the engine, carries two hooks and dip wires, one of which raises the oil from the variable level below to a constant level oil reservoir, from which the second hook and dip wire feed the wiper that leads the oil to the cylinder. 450. CRANK-ROD HEAD ADJUST- MENT for trunk pistons. A jointed brass tightened by a long-armed screw. 451. TRUNK PISTON ROD connec- tion for a gas engine. 452. TRUNK PISTON ROD connec- tion for a gas engine. 453. TRUNK PISTON ROD connec- 1 tion for a gas engine. Most reliable form. Head of screw pin should be keyed. 126 MOTIVE POWER. 454. CONNECTING ROD HEAD, with full split brasses, held by cap. and through bolts. rrn 455. CONNECTING ROD END with set-in end block. 456. SOLID STRAP END, for connecting rod. Brasses set up by a capstan screw. 457. CONNECTING ROD END, with half brass and brass cap. Through bolts. 458. STEEL BALL ADJUSTMENT for con- necting rod brasses. A number of steel balls are enclosed in a chamber and compressed by a screw. 459. SOLID END CONNECTING ROD. Brasses slip in sidewise, and are locked in by the key. 460. FORKED END CONNECTING ROD, with keys and set screws. MOTIVE POWER. 127 461. CONNECTING ROD END with locknut key. 462. ADJUSTABLE LINK with right and left screw coupling. 463. LINK OR CONNECTING ROD, with adjustable brasses. Keys inside and outside of pins. 4630. STAKE PULLER. - An easy way to pull stakes and posts. A clevis to pinch the stake or post against the end of the lever with the lever pivoted to the foot post. 4636. STALK PUL- LER. - - The conical spiked drums catch the stalks and throw them off at one side. The cones are driven by gearing and shaft from the large wheel. Will pull cotton, hemp and other stalks that are planted in rows. 128 MOTIVE POWER. 463^. VALVE GEAR FOR EX- PLOSIVE MO-- TORS. H, air inlet ; F, air valve ; G, gas or gasoline valve; f, air valve lever ; B, gas valve lever operated from the cam at C; O, exhaust ; E, ex- haust valve ; e, ex- haust valve lever, op- erated by cams at c. 463^. GASOLINE ATOMIZER. By injection through the valve seat K which has a grooved pas- sage around it to distribute the gas- oline evenly to the indraft of the piston A, the regulating needle valve. SECTION on A-EL MOTIVE POWER. I2 9 463*. GASOLINE ATOMIZER, of the constant feed type. A, receiving tank ; B, float ; C, counter weight and valve ; E, jet nozzle ; H, air in- let ; G, perforated cone with air regulat- ing cap L. 463^. ELECTRIC IGNI- TION PLUG, for a gas or gasoline motor. Electrodes of platinum ; copper spindle with collar ; insulation porcelain or lava with mica disk between. 463^. JUMP SPARK COIL for gas and gaso- line engines. carrying it into the reservoir e, where it separates, and is discharged through the tuyere pipe at b. The outlet at / dis- charges the water through an inverted siphon, carried high enough to balance the air pressure. 635. AIR COMPRES- SOR. Elevation of duplex type, showing connecting rod and yoke frame. "Clayton 5 ' model. AIR POWER APPLIANCES. 171 636. HYDRAULIC AIR COMPRESS- OR, "Taylor" system. The principles of the old Trompe blower extended for high pressures. A number of air tubes, t, c, terminate at the conical entrance of the down-flow pipe, B, at a, a. A supply of water to the cham- ber A, A, and its flow down the pipe, draws air through the small pipes, carrying it down to the separating tank, c, c, where it is liberated at the pressure due to the hydrostatic head. The air is delivered through a pipe, as shown in the cut, and the water rises through a pipe to the tail race. 637. AIR COM- PRESSOR. Pat- tern of the " Inger- soll-Sergeant Drill Co." Ope rated by a Pelton wheel. Ver- tical section. 638. Plan. 639. AUTOMATIC AIR COMPRES- SOR, "Bennet" model. Showing the valve gear of a simple lever connected by link to the eccentric. 172 AIR POWER APPLIANCES. 640. WATER JET AIR COMPRESSOR. A jet of water from a nozzle falling through the tube C draws in air through a side tube and forces it into the air chamber, where the water and air separate under pressure. The water is siphoned off through the water seal at a height due to the required pressure and the force of the jet. 641. AIR COMPRESSOR. Driven by a Corliss engine, direct connected. 642. AIR COMPRESSOR, " Norwalk " pattern. A steam operated tandem compound with an intercooler. 643. TRUNK AIR COMPRESSOR. Mounted on receiver. Single-acting, belt driven. A very compact model. AIR POWER APPLIANCES. '73 644. DUPLEX STEAM ACTUATED AIR COMPRESSOR, " Ingersoll-Sergeant " model. The air cylinders are tandem to each steam cylinder with steam and air governors. 645. Elevation. 646. COMPOUND AIR COMPRESSOR. Air is drawn in through the ports A, passes through the annular valve in the large piston, and is forced through the valve D and pipe to the high-pressure inlet valve G; it is further compressed and delivered through the valve A', and passage L. Both pistons are single, acting in opposite directions. AIR POWER APPLIANCES. 647. DUPLEX AIR COMPRES- SOR, with parallel motion beams to two single-acting ail cylinders from <* double-acting steam cylinder. " N. Y. Air Brake " model. 648. TOGGLE-JOINT DUPLEX AIR COMPRESSOR. The crank moves the common joint of the long arms in a hori- zontal direction on a slide. The straighten- ing of the toggle greatly increases the power of the pistons during the terminal part of their stroke, when the air pressure is greatest. 649. AIR COMPRES- SOR CYLINDER, PIS- TON AND VALVES. Pattern of the "Ingersoll, Sergeant Drill Co." Takes its air through a hollow pis- ton rod at E to the interior of the piston. The annular valves, G, G, open and close by their momentum. H, H, discharge valves closed by springs ; J, J, water jacket. 650. AIR COMPRESSING CYLIN- DER, with vertical lift valves, water-jacketed cylinder and heads. "Ingersoll-Sergeant" model. AIR POWER APPLIANCES. '75 651. AIR COMPRESSOR GOVERNOR. Controlling the speed by the ordinary action of the governor balls, and also reducing the com- pressor to minimum speed when the air pressure becomes excessive. The ball and lever at the right are lifted by the air pressure in the small piston, and force the valve rod and throttle down to give the smallest motion to the compressor. " Clayton " model. 652. AIR COOLING RECEIVER, for cooling the air from a compressor. A series of tubes between headers with water circulation cools the air and condenses the excess of moisture. " Ingersoll-Sergeant " model. 653. SINGLE VALVE AIR PUMP. The upper part of the cylinder is perforated, so that the piston when drawn up produces a partial vac- uum, and when past the perforation the air or gas rushes in to fill the cylinder. The one valve holds the pressure in the delivery pipe. 654. CRANK EQUALIZING ANGLE in air com- pression. Cylinders are set at 90 . Single crank or cranks set in one direction. "Frick" and many others. I 7 6 AIR POWER APPLIANCES. 655. CRANK EQUALIZING AN- GLE in air compression. The cylin- ders are set at an angle of 90 and two cranks are set at 30 . " Burleigh," early " Ingersoll," and " De Lavergne * system. 656. CRANK EQUALIZ- ING ANGLE in air com. pression. The cylinders are set at an angle of 135 . " Davies " system in England. 657. CRANK EQUALIZING AN- GLE in air compression. Used to equalize the mean pressure of the steam and air pistons. The cylinders are set at an angle of 45 . " Waring" and " Rand " system. 658. DIRECT AIR PRESSURE PUMP. Two chambers for alternating the pumping action are placed near the water surface in a well or other water supply. The chambers have suction and force valves. A four-way switch cock near the air pump alternates the flow of compressed air to and from the pump, thus alternating the suction and force from the tanks. AIR POWER APPLIANCES. 177 659- COMPRESSED AIR WATER ELEVATOR. A tank is submerged in which there is a pivoted float that, by its raising and falling, operates a double-ported air valve for filling the tank, by discharging the air, and for dis- charging the water by the admission of compressed air. A single-flap valve at the bottom of the tank admits the water. The valve is thrown only at the top and bottom of the float stroke. 660. RAISING SUNKEN VESSELS 3 by compressed air. Casks ; or bags fastened to the sides or placed inside of a vessel, and inflated with air under pressure, are used for raising sunken vessels. r" rpm fly 0?) (OOJOLflBLJC) .00 COMPRESSED AIR LIFT SYSTEM of pump- ing water from deep wells. The pressure in the air pipe must be great- er than the hydrostatic pressure of the water at the bottom of the pipe, and in quantities sufficient to make the ascending column of air and water in the flow pipe lighter in its total height than the weight of an equal column of solid water of the depth of the well from the surface of the water to the bottom of the pipe. 12 7 8 AIR POWER APPLIANCES. 662. COMPRESSED AIR POWER for automobile trucks. Compressed air at about 4,000 Ibs. per square inch is stored in steel bottles. Reheated in a coil over a burner under reduced pressure, and made a power factor in a compound engine. Controlled by link valve gear and a reducing pressure valve. 663. COMPOUND PNEUMATIC LOCOMOTIVE, Baldwin " type. Two high-pressure air receivers. An intermediate pressure receiver fed automatically from which the high-pressure cylinders are operated. The low-pressure cyl- inders receive the exhaust from the high-pressure cyl- inders, and ex- g- haust at almost atmospheric pres- sure. 664. LOCOMOTIVE AIR BRAKE. i, Air cylinder ; 3, reducing valve. The piston is directly connected by links to the cam sec- tors, which press the brake shoes. AIR POWER APPLIANCES. J 79 665. PNEUMATIC CAR SEAT CLEANER. Compressed air is ejected against the point of the inverted cone, which in- duces a strong current of air upward and from under the bottom of the inverted funnel, drawing the dust from the fabric and projecting it through a hose out of the windows. 666. AIR SPRAY NOZZLE for dusting with compressed air. A broad, thin nozzle from which a blast of compressed air pene- trates fabrics, clearing them of dust. A good cleaner of plain and carved woodwork. 667. PNEUMATIC PAINT SPRAYER. An ejector nozzle for compressed air, with a side feed for the paint. An inverted conical nose-piece is flattened to a thin opening to project the spray paint in a thin sheet. 668. PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHER. The tank is nearly filled with a saturated solution of carbonate of soda and water. The glass cup is filled with acid and sealed by the cap. To use it, turn the tank quickly, top down, when the ball falls and breaks the acid cup, producing pressure by the libera- tion of gas. i8o AIR POWER APPLIANCES. 669. FIRE EXTINGUISHER. The tank is filled with a saturated solution of bicarbo- nate of soda in water to five-sixths of its capac- ity. A small glass bottle filled with sulphuric acid, with a loose lead stopper, is placed in a cage at the top of the tank, and the cover of the tank fastened. To use, turn the tank over, which spills the acid, generating pressure by lib- erating carbonic acid gas. 670. COMPRESSED AIR LIFT, " Clayton " model. Showing safety stop on the piston rod, which automatically stops the lift at any set point by closing the air valve. 671. DUPLEX PNEUMATIC RIVETER. - The striking piston, A, is en- cased in a striking cylinder, C, so that the tool, T, receives a blow alternately from the ham- mer piston, A, and from the cylinder, C, on the tool socket, H. The method of operation is shown by the differential piston areas. The hand is relieved from jar by this operation. AIR POWER APPLIANCES. 181 672. PNEUMATIC HAM- MER. Constructed on simi- lar lines with No. 673, with the addition of a counter- *,, balance piston, C, which, by >J its reaction and cushion, re- lieves the body of the tool and the hand from excessive jar. 673. PNEUMATIC HAMMER. F is the flexible hose con- nection. When T is pressed, compressed air enters through the piston valve and ports Ptf, into the cylinder, as indicated by the arrows in the cut. The piston will first move to the top. The effective pressure is that due to the area of the pis- ton. When P has given the blow, exhaust takes place through S and E, and the piston P is brought back by means of the pressure in the annular space B, acting only on the collar at D. 674. "HOTCHKISS" ATMOSPHERIC HAMMER. The hammer-head, A, is connected directly with the piston within the vibrating cylin- der, by a piston rod. The cylinder is connected to the crank by an outside rod, vibrating vertically by the motion of the crank, which also carries the piston and hammer with a cushioned stroke, due to compression of the air within the cylinder. 675. " GRIMSHAW " COMPRESSED AIR HAMMER. A belt-driven air compressor, D, furnishes compressed air to drive the piston, A, and hammer. A variable friction pulley on the belt shaft, E, regulates the stroke of the hammer by varying the admission of compressed air to either side of the piston. The friction-valve driving pulley slides on the feathered shaft by the action of the foot lever. 182 AIR POWER APPLIANCES. 676. COMPRESSED AIR SHEEP- SHEARING MACHINE. A small piston vibrates and oper- ates the cutters through a lever with a diagonal slot in which a pin in the piston-rod head slides. An arm on the piston rod oper- ates the valves. 677. PORTABLE RIVETER, "Allen" model. The toggle joint is pivoted to a cam and also within the trunk piston. By the differential trunk form, the return stroke econ- omizes the compressed air, the large piston area giving great power to the riveting stroke. 678. PNEUMATIC PORTABLE RIVETER. Direct piston and toggle-joint motion to the levers. The machine is balanced on a forked suspender. The piston draws the toggle joint in by air pressure. 679. PNEUMATIC BREAST DRILL. A rotary air motor is fixed to the drill- spindle, in a case to which the handles and breast-plate are attached. Com- pressed air enters through the handle with the valve lever and is exhausted through the opposite handle. AIR POWER APPLIANCES. 1*3 680-681. PNEUMATIC MOTOR DRILL STOCK. Compressed air enters through one of the handles with its flow controlled by a lever and valve. The exhaust enters the case from the port in the oscillating cyl- inder trunnions. The three double-acting pistons are di- rectly connected to cranks and pinions which mesh with an internal spur gear, which is fast to the outer shell. The spider which carries the cylinders and pinions is fast on the central spindle and revolves with it. The inlet and exhaust ports are shown in the horizontal section of the top trunnion at A, No. 681. 682. Is the vertical section, showing the compressed air valve and port passages open- ing into a cavity in the central spindle and to the trunnion ports. 683-684. PNEUMATIC MOTOR DRILL STOCK. A horizontal rotary motor, over the centre of the spindle, carries on one end of its shaft a bevel pinion, which drives a bevel gear attached by the lower section of the case to the drill spindle. The inlet and exhaust ports and valve are shown in the vertical section, No. 684. 184 AIR POWER APPLIANCES. 685-686. PNEUMATIC MOTOR DRILL STOCK, operated by four pis- tons in two cylinders, double- acting. The piston rods have a jointed connection to cam cranks on the pinion shafts. The piston valves are oper- ated by levers pivoted to op- posite piston rods, as shown in the horizontal section, No. 686. The pistons act alternately in the cylinders so that there is no dead centre. The large spur wheel is attached to the spindle and revolves with it. 687. Vertical section. 688. AIR AND GASOLINE TORCH. Air is pumped into the tank with the gasoline, and forms a saturated air and vapor gas, which is carried to the Bunsen burner through the vertical pipe. The addi- tional air for combustion is regulated at the burner, and the vapor at the valve in the pipe near the tank. A gauge shows the pressure. 689. TORCH SOLDERING COPPER. The conical tip is made of copper, and slips on to the nozzle of a plumber's gasoline torch. Used largely for electric wire connections. AIR POWER APPLIANCES. 690. AIR AND GASOLINE VAPOR BRA- ZER, double flame. The pressure of vapor to the Bunsen burners is regulated by a valve near the top of the tank. The valve handles hanging from the stems regulate each burner. 691. AIR AND GASOLINE BRAZING ^ - APPARATUS. A small attached pump forces air into a tank holding a small quan- tity of gasoline. A gauge shows the air pressure. From the top of the tank a pipe extends to two oppositely placed Bunsen burners with valves for regulating the flame. Swivels in the pipe allow the burners to be adjusted to the proper distance from the piece to be brazed. Fire- brick flame plate. 692. DOUBLE CONE VENTILATOR. The up-take enters between the cones. The smoke has its exit around the edge of the lee- ward cone. 693. SPIRAL VANE OR COWL, for a chimney top. The wind catching in the wings causes it to revolve and increase the draught i86 AIR POWER APPLIANCES. 694. WIND INSTRUMENTS. a, a'j bassoons. by cors Anglais. <:, oboe, or hautbois. d, clarionet. .'' rod. The pressure on the driven crank is continuous, but greatest on and near the central line of the two shafts. 1 120. VIBRATING MOVEMENT from a slotted curved arm, gives a variable vibrating movement to straight arm. 112 1. VARIABLE CRANK PIN. A slotted face plate backed by a spiral slotted plate by which the revolution of one plate upon the other moves a crank pin to or from the centre. The same prin- ciple is used in the universal lathe chuck in which each slot carries a grip jaw. 1 122. VARIABLE RECTILINEAR MOTION of a shaft from a vibrating, curved, slotted arm. 1123. VARIABLE CRANK THROW by slotted sector on a face plate. 276 MOTION AND DEVICES CONTROLLING MOTION. 1124. VARIABLE CRANK THROW by a movable pin block in a slotted face plate and trans- verse screw. 1125. VARIABLE RADIUS LEVER for reciprocating motion of a shaft from a continuous motion of a crank pin. 1126. VARIABLE CRANK THROW. The jointed crank and radial screw give a large variation to the throw of a crank. 1127. COMBINATION CRANK-MOTION CURVES. A revolving 6 crank A, D and the vi- brating link B, E carry- ing an extended connect- ing arm with a pencil at the end, F. A great variety of figures and curves may be made by different proportions of all the parts. The figures on the crank pin circle D correspond with the figured diagram. 1128. FLEXIBLE ANGULAR COUPLING, for light work. May be a helical spring, round or square, wire or a tube, sawed on a spiral. Used on driving handles for telescopes and other instruments. 1129. SLIDING CONTACT-SHAFT COUP- LING. A cross bar sliding in two yokes on shafts in offset lines. Will also operate on shafts somewhat out of line or at an angle. MOTION AND DEVICES CONTROLLING MOTION. 277 1130. RECTILINEAR MOTION from the rotation of an angular crank pin. A, rotating shaft carrying crank pin E ; D, arm with sleeve jointed to yoke and sliding rodB. 1131. ANGULAR SHAFT COUPLING for shafts out of line. The solid sleeve block C is bored at the same angle of the shafts, and centres of bores at a dis- tance apart equal to the dif- ference in the plane of shaft alignment. 1132. UNIVERSAL JOINT, with a single cross link. Good for angles of 45 and under. 1133. DOUBLE LINK UNIVERSAL JOINT, good for larger angles than above. The connecting link may be made short and guarded, with a sleeve to prevent kinking. 1134. UNIVERSAL ANGLE COUPLING, " Hooke's " principle. Each shell carries a double trunnion ring, the connecting link being pivoted at each end to the rings. 135. "ALMOND" ANGULAR SHAFT COUPLING. The yoke links G, G are pivoted to the sockets on the ends of the shaft, and to the right-angled arms on the sleeve which slides freely on the fixed shaft D. The sockets at F, F are ball joints. Angle of shafts may vary within limits. 2 7 8 MOTION AND DEVICES CONTROLLING MOTION. 1136. "HOOKE'S" ANGULAR SHAFT COUPLING, the knuckle universal joint. Shaft joints are double-pivoted at right angles. 1137. ANGULAR SHAFT COUPLING. In this arrangement the shafts have cranks and elongated crank pins, on which sleeves slide that are pivoted to the arms E, E of the sliding sleeve on the fixed shaft D. 1138. RACK AND PINION MOVE- MENT for tracing spiral grooves on a cylin- der. 1139. GYROSCOPE. The heavy disc C, rotating at great speed in the ring A, is suspend- ed by the point F, resting on bearing. The ro- tation of the disc keeps it from falling and slowly revolves the holding ring A around the point F. An illustration of the tendency of rotating bodies to preserve their plane of rotation. 1140. GLOBE GYROSCOPE. The outer ring A is fixed to a stand. The second ring A 1 is pivoted ver- tically to the outer ring ; the inner ring is pivoted at right angles in the second ring, and the ball is pivoted at right angles in the inner ring to its pivot in the sec- and ring. This gives the ball, rotating on its own axis, a direction free to move to every point in the sphere. When the heavy ball is made to rotate rapidly in any direction of its axis, much pressure must be made to change its direction. MOTION AND DEVICES CONTROLLING MOTION. 279 1141. TENSION HELICO- VOLUTE SPRING. 1142. DOUBLE HELICO-VOLUTE SPRING, for compression. 1143. COMPRESSION HELICAL SPRING, square rod. 1144. SINGLE VOLUTE HELIX SPRING. 1145. COMPOUND DISC SPRING. The discs are dished and perforated for a guide pin. ii45a. HYDRO - EXTRACTOR, showing method of belting with ad- justable idler and cone pulleys. Type for laundry work. At a speed of from 1,000 to 2,000 revolutions per minute the water flies off by centrifu- gal force and the material is left near- ly dry. 280 MOTION AND DEVICES CONTROLLING MOTION. 1145/7. REVERSING PULLEY. A conical disk fixed to the shaft ; a pulley loose on the shaft with a clutch ; a disk loose on the shaft, fixed as to motion by an arm, carries a set of conical rollers, which are pushed into a bearing by the shipper as shown in the right-hand figure for re- versing at increased speed as the ratio of the diameter of the two conical surfaces. The clutch is operated by the shipper bar. H45c. FOUR SPEED CHANGE GEAR. A hollow spindle with change gears running loose upon it. A rack spindle B car- ries a hinged pawl or key A, held out by a spring. A lever C carries a sector meshing in the rack, which by its movement draws the key A to catch the keyway in any of the speed gears. H45 I 1145;. POSITIVE SHUTTLE MOTION for a narrow fabric loom. The shuttle has a narrow recessed rack geared through a set of pinions to the recipro- cating rack. 1145^. A CURIOUS PADLOCK. The key is like a cork screw. The circular recess in front contains a rotating cylinder with a spiral key way and graduated face plate, which must be set to a number that Fwill allow the key to "'"^P Sral passage TopuTh "" " ~ ~~ """^ back the bolt. Section XIII, HOROLOGICAL. CLOCK AND WATCH MOVEMENTS AND DEVICES, 1146. CYCLOIDAL PENDULUM MOVE- MENT. A curved frame, acting as a stop to a flexible pendulum, gives the bob a cycloidal path. 1147. COMPENSATING PENDULUM BOB or weight. A glass jar of mercury is used for the weight, and is adjusted for length of pendulum by turning on the screw and locking in place by the cross-piece and catch. The expansion of the pendulum downward is balanced by the expansion of the mercury in the fixed bottle upward, and vice versa. 1148. COMPOUND COMPENSATION PENDULUM. The arms of the pendulum carrying the weights W, W are composed of two metals ; steel, which has the* least change of length by change in temperature, for the top section, and brass, which has a longer range of length, for the lower section. Heat, by differ- ential expansion of the parts, raises the weights to compensate for lengthening of the pendulum rod, and vice versa. 1149. CENTRIFUGAL PENDULUM. The weight or ball is hung by a thread or very fine wire from an eye, and is driven in a circle by an arm attached to a vertical spindle, rotated by the clock movement. Adjustment is made for time of beat by the vertical movement of the suspension eye of the pendulum. 284 HOROLOGICAL. 1150. ANTIQUE CLOCK ESCAPE- MENT. The oscillation of the pendulum arbor and attached pallet stops and releases the teeth of the crown wheel. f 1151. CROWN TOOTH ESCAPEMENT, with ball balance. B, the stop pallet. A, the impulse pallet. 1152. DOUBLE RATCHET-WHEEL ESCAPE- MENT and pendulum. The teeth in the escapement wheels alternate with the pallets of the pendulum. 1153. STAR-WHEEL ESCAPEMENT. B, C, the pallets of the escapement vibrating on its centre at A ; D, star wheel. 1154. ANCHOR ESCAPEMENT forelocks. The anchor pallet H, L, K oscillates on its axis #, by the swing of the pendulum. The teeth of the escapement A are radial on their forward face, and strike the curved faces of the pallet K or H, which are concentric with their axis a. By this form of teeth and pallets the escapement is anchored or in repose during the extreme parts of the pendulum stroke, and gives an impulse to the pendulum while the teeth are in contact with the planes of the pallets by a break in the rope or hoisting machine. The spring c quickens the operation of throwing out the dogs. 1218. ELEVATOR DUMPING HEAD, showing method of inverting the buckets over a hopper spout. 1219. ELEVATOR DUMPING HEAD. An inverted sector frame guides the bucket chain under the head wheel, which allows the buckets a clean discharge. MINING BUCKETS AND SKIP. 1220. d, Cornish kibble. 12 2 1. r, Hooped straight bucket. 1222. b, Water bucket. 1223. a, Tram skip. 1224. BELT CONVEYOR. A series of horizontal and inclined rollers serve to turn up the edges of a belt, enabling the material carried to be retained on the belt ; the belt returning on the horizontal rollers below. MINING. 1225. CHAIN SCRAPER CON- VEYOR. A chain supported on rollers and axles to which scrapers are fixed that fit the conveyor trough. 1226. CABLE CONVEYOR. Discs fixed to a cable running in a trough and returning overhead. 1227. DRIVING MECHANISM for a coal or grain conveyor. " Hunt " model. The heart cam is fixed. The face plate car- rying the pawls revolves with the driving gear. The cam guides the pawls to lock with the pins in the chain and lifts them again into position for their next push. 1228. LOG CONVEYOR. A link chain with hooks running in a trough. 1229. ROPE TRAMWAY, over- head system. Elevation, showing the switch rails for transferring the carrier bucket around the terminal to the return rope. Loading of unload- ing of the bucket is done at the transfer switch. 1230. Plan showing the crossing of the switch rail over the carrier rope. 34 MINING. 1231. AUTOMATIC DUMP- ING CAR. The floor of the car slopes upward to the centre at an angle that will allow the material to slide out. A chock at any point desired for dump- ing trips the holding-lever and releases both side doors at once. 1232. TOGGLE JOINT, for a stone breaker. 1233. STONE CRUSHER. --The power is transmitted from tne driving shaft by a cam operating a vertical con- necting link and toggle joint " Blake " pattern. 1234. "BUCHANAN'' ROCK CRUSHER. An eccentric on the driving shaft and toggle arm gives a powerful pressure to the crusher jaws. The adjust- ment is made by the back screws and side rods to set up the outside jaw. 1235. ROLLER COAL CRUSHER. Driven by a direct-connected steam engine with screw gear. MINING. 305 1236. EIGHT-STAMP ORE MILL, for pulverizing gold quartz or other ores. Cams on a power-driven shaft lift the bars successively to equalize the belt tension. 1237. ROLLING CRUSHER. The "Aras- tra." Rolling wheels on a cross arm of a verti- cal shaft 1238. "ARASTRA" ORE MILL. Two heavy rolls revolving in a circular trough, driven through a central shaft and overhead gear. 1239. "CHILI" MILL. A three-roller ore mill. Rollers carried around by a shaft and three-armed crab. Ore is fed inside the rollers. The crushed ore washes into the annular trough and is carried to the amalga- mators. 1240. PULVERIZING BALL AND PAN MILL. The pan is continually tilted by being swung around the vertical centre, rolling the ball down the slope side of the pan. 36 MINING. i2 4 i. REVOLVING PULVER- IZING MILL. The material is reduced to a fine powder by the high-speed impact of the revolving arms, within an iron casing. " Frisbe-Loucop " model. 1242. HYDRAULIC BALANCED GIANT NOZZLE. Used in hy- draulic mining for washing away gravel banks. The nozzle turns on a movable joint at B B, and also in the vertical by the socket at E. %*-' I2 43' COAL DUST PRESS for bituminous coal. The fine dust is fed : RAM^ down from a hopper. The nozzle has a Ik slight taper, which gives the ram suffi- cient resistance to produce a solid cake at each stroke. ill 1244. KLONDIKE MIN- ING MACHINE. The gold- bearing gravel is shovelled into the hopper and is fed to the riffle pan, which is vibrated by the pump handle. The pump supplies water to the riffle pan, from which it falls into the settling pan beneath, and is kept from freezing by a fire underneath. " Lancaster " model. 1245. GOLD SEPARATOR; dry process. A bellows furnishes an air blast, which separates the fine sand and dust from the gold on the riffle screen and blows the dust away. MINING. 307 1246. CENTRIFUGAL SEPARATOR. A central revolving shaft carries a set of conical perforated plates, between which perforated plates are fixed to the shell of the machine. Grain or other material is fed at the top, and an air blast at the bottom. Centrifugal action discharges the material at the periphery of the revolving plates, returning by gravity on the fixed plates. 1247. MAGNETIC ORE SEP- ARATOR, "Buchanan "type. Two cylinders, magnetized by powerful horseshoe electro-magnets, are re- volved at considerable speed. The pulverized ore is fed from hoppers on top of the rolls ; the iron is held to the rolls and thrown off after passing the chutes. The tailings drop directly into a box. 1247 a. Front end view. 1248. IRON ORE SEPARA- TOR, " Buchanan " model. The pulverized ore is fed from a hop- per to a revolving drum, a section on each side of which is magne- tized by a fixed electro-magnet. The magnetic particles are carried around by the drum to a part of the neutral section and discharged. An apron below, travelling over magnetic rollers, further separates the ore. 1249. RAILWAY STEAM SHOVEL, the Bucyrus " model. For railway or other excavating on movable trucks. 308 MINING. 1250. MAGNETIC ORE SEPARATOR, " Hoffman " type. The pulverized iron ore is fed to a travelling ap- ron, which passes over a series of magnets beneath the apron and over a drum where the magnetized iron particles are held to the belt until they pass the bottom side of the drum. The unmagnetized particles are thrown off, and drop into a separate compartment. i2 5 i. MAGNETIC ORE SEPARATOR, "Edison" type. A series of electro-magnets are set behind a vertically moving apron against which the pulverized ore is discharged from a hopper spout. The concentrates move along the line of magnets by the ac- tion of the apron , and fall into buck- ets attached to the apron, and are carried over the top, while the tailings are drawn away from the front by an exhaust blower. 1252. ORE ROASTING FURNACE, revolving type. The large cylinder takes charge by the manholes, and revolves on power-driven rol- lers. The furnace is on a truck to be removed when required. The heated gases pass through the revolving cylinder and to a chimney. MINING. 309 1253. RAILWAY EXCAVATOR, the " Otis " pattern. 1254. RAILWAY STEAM SHOVEL, the "Victor" model. For excavating railway cuts, or gen- eral work on temporary rails. 1255. CONTINUOUS DITCHING DREDGE. Discharging overhead on the banks by a carrier from under the bucket discharge. 1256. CLAM-SHELL BUCKET, for dredging. Operated by a double chain. One chain is attached to the joint of the long arms, the other chain passes around a sheave in the joint of the lazy tongs that opens the bucket, and is made fast to the first chain. The bucket is suspended by the first-named chain to keep it open, the second chain is then pulled to close the bucket on its load. 1257. REVOLVING HOISTING DREDGE, balanced on railway truck. "Lancaster" pattern, with clam-shell bucket. 3 io MINING. 1258. FLOATING DREDGE, " Osgbod " pattern. For har- bor and channel dredging. 1259. MARINE DREDGE, discharging on the shore through a long floating pipe. Pipe buoyed by pontoons. For harbor work. 12590. DISINTEGRA- TOR, for pulverizing ore. Two concentric shafts with disks and beating" bars run- ning at high velocity in oppo- site directions. 1259^. ORE CRUSHER, GATES MODEL. The cone on the central shaft is made to vibrate in a circular direction by the revolution of an eccen- tric bearing at the bottom of the shaft, driven by bevel gearing. The crushing cone has a slow rotation due to dif- ferential areas of cone and sta- tionary plates at the bottom or nearest contact surfaces. I259C. HAND POWER ROCK DRILL, Jackson model. A power- ful helical spring drives the drill forward. The crank operates a cam wiper for drawing back the drill ; the motion is regulated by the fly wheel. I2$ 9 d. FREE RUN- NING AXLES for mining cars. The divided axle held together by grooved bear- ings, makes a light running car on the small curves in mines. 1259*. GARBAGE FURNACE. 4 Plan and elevation. The garbage falls through openings at the top and is divided on a curved parting hearth and dried by the heat of the fire on the grate and then slides on to the grate to be burned. Coal may also be used to facilitate the burning. Plan and vertical section. 3 I2 MIXING. I259/. ROPE DRIVE FOR MINE HAULAGE. Two grooved drums with gears and an intermediate b a 1 - ance gear and fly- wheel. The driv- ing shaft geared to the hauling drum ; brake wheel and band on the same drum shaft. Shafts are horizontal. Plan and side view. 1259-. AIR BLAST FOR MOVING COAL, slack and dust. An engine and direct connected Root blower. A feed screw from the hopper to the air pipe adjusted in speed to the proper quantity for the air blast. Can be used for refuse from ore concen- tration works or other refuse that can be conveyed by compressed air. 1259/7. AUTOMATIC AIR DUMP. The cable from the drum runs over a sheave on a movable truck on inclined rails. A stop at each end of the run limits the run of the truck. A bar across the frame at the middle post holds a Yrslot into which the chain and balf un- der the bucket catches, when by lowering the bucket tips over and its contents dumped. Again hoisting the bucket is released, and be- ing light runs back over the nit. Section XV. MILL AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. HANGERS, SHAFT BEARINGS, BALL BEARINGS, STEPS, COUPLINGS, UNIVERSAL AND FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS, CLUTCHES, SPEED GEARS, SHOP TOOLS, SCREW THREADS, HOISTS, MACHINES, TEXTILE APPLIANCES, ETC. 1260. ADJUSTABLE BRACKET HANGER. 1261. ADJUSTABLE FLOOR BEARING for vertical shaft. 1262. Elevation. 1263. Section. 1264. Plan. 3*4 MILL AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. 1265. ADJUSTABLE POST HANGER. 1266. ADJUSTABLE FLOOR STAND, shaft bearing. 1267. CONTINUOUS TRAVERSING ROLLER or ball bearing for an axle. 1268. ROLLER WHEEL ANTI-FRICTION BEARING. 1269. BALL BEARINGS in an adjustable journal box. Aloosesleeve is inserted between the balls and the shaft to prevent wear of shaft, and to prevent clogging if a ball should break. The shaft will then turn in the sleeve. 1270. Longitudinal section. MILL AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. 315 1 27 1. ADJUSTABLE HANGER for shafting. A, drop of the hanger. Jointed cap to allow of removal of shaft. 1272. SCREW TRAVERSING BALL BEARING, with balls returning through outside passage. Grooves re- cessed in shaft. ~U 1273. SCREW TRAVERSING BALL BEARING. The balls returning & by a side passage. Ball grooves enlarged for full strength of shaft. i^^. 274. HANGING SHAFT on ball bearings. 275. SUSPENDED SHAFT on ball bearings. 1276. CURVED STEP BEARING, with oU reservoir. MILL AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. 1277. CONICAL PIVOT BEARING and adjust- ing screw. 1278. LUBRICATION OF A HANGING BEARING by hydraulic pressure. Oil is forced into the grooves of the bearing through the small holes and discharges into the cup around the outside. 1279. VERTICAL SHAFT STEP. Made adjustable by a movable bearing held by set screws in the foot block. 1280. SHAFT STEP ADJUSTMENT for spindles of millstones. 1281. ADJUSTABLE STEP BEARING, with hard bronze bush and step. A mor- tise through the iron base and a key drawn with a screw extension and nut are for verti- cal adjustment. 1282. COLLAR BEARING AND STEP for a vertical shaft. The thrust sleeve of bronze is split and should have a key to pre- vent rotation. MILL AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. 317 1283. OIL CIRCULATING STEP for a vertical shaft. The foot of the shaft has a groove cut across its centre. The cast-iron bearing has a hole down the centre to meet a cross hole from the oil well. The joint of the sleeve and step is packed oil tight, oil being fed at the upper end of the sleeve. i 1284. LENTICULAR BEARING for a vertical shaft. Each section is lubricated by the pressure oil feed from beneath, through the central hole. The concave discs are of hard bronze, and the convex discs of steel. The shaft terminates in a steel toe, c. The cast-iron step is chambered for water circulation. 1285. SPHERICAL STEP BEARING. Two semi-spheres, rolling on a horizontal shaft, support a vertical shaft having a concave spherical end. The semi-spheres roll in opposite directions in oil, and by the cross direction of the bearing surfaces preserve a perfect contact. 1286. ANGLE COUPLING for shafts. The jointed rod on one shaft slides in the bent crank eye of the other shaft. For small angles and light work. 1287. "OLDHAM" COUPLING for shafts slightly eccentric in alignment. The double- splined disc B runs free against the grooved face plates A, C. 1288. Disc showing grooves at right angles, front and back. MILL AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. LEATHER LINK 1289. FLEXIBLE LINK COUPLING. The end of each shaft is fitted with a four-armed hub. A series of leather links is inserted between the arms of one hub and those of the other hub, and secured with stud bolts. 1290. Side view. 1291. FLEXIBLE SHAFT COUPLING. A ball and socket shaft ends with a slot in the ball and a mortise in the socket at right angles, in which the right- angled cross piece has a free sliding motion. 1292. The cross key in perspective at the right. 1293. ANGLE SHAFT COUPLING, " Robes" patent. The shaft heads are slotted, in which cross bars are pivoted ; the ends of the cross bars are also pivoted to the arms of the double yoke, giving a free motion to the driven shaft at any angle greater than a right angle. 1294. UNIVERSAL shafting. Ring gimbal. JOINT, for 1295. "HOOKE'S" UNIVERSAL JOINT. One shaft end is keyed into a ball with trun- nions, which turn in a ring with trunnions at right angles with the ball trunnions. The ring trunnions turn in the outer shell to which the other shaft is keyed. MILL AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. 319 1296. "GOUBET'S" UNIVERSAL SHAFT COUPLING. A, A, shafts; C, a trunnion ring recessed in a ball, D. Each shell is alike, and in itself a universal joint for 45 . Both to- gether equal to 90. 1297. BALL SOCKET UNIVER- SAL JOINT. A ball with grooves around it at right angles and bearing in the spherically recessed ends of the shafts. Straps fitted in the grooves, and screwed in slots in the shaft, hold the ball in position. 1298. BALL SOCKET UNIVERSAL JOINT. A ball with grooves cut entirely around it at right angles. The tongued shaft ends have straps extending entirely around the ball to hold the joints together. 1299. RIGHT- ANGLE SHAFT COUPLING, " Hobson " and other patents. Right-angle crank pins revolve and slide in holes in the shaft couplings. 1300. RIGHT-ANGLE SHAFT COUP- =i LING, " Hobson " patent. A number of right-angle steel rods move freely in per- forated guide flanges on the ends of shafts that run at right angles. The rods draw out and in through the flanges to suit the conditions of revolution of the shafts. A larger angle rod serves as a centre bearing over which the shafts revolve. 3 20 MILL AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. 1301. ECCENTRIC LINE COUP- LING. Face plates, fixed to ends of shafting considerably out of line but parallel, may be connected by four or five bars with offsets to clear each other in their revolution on the face plates. 1302. Side view of offset links. 1303. SIMPLE FRICTION PULLEY. The self-acting clutch arms act upon the pulley rim in one direction only. When shaft motion is reversed, the pulley is free. 1304. FRICTION CLUTCH. A conical- grooved pulley and clutch rim. The clutch slides on the shaft and feather, and is controlled by a lever and carrier in the grooved hub. 1305. V-GROOVED FACE CLUTCH. A very effective clutch with teeth of small angle. 1306. CLUTCH AND GEAR. The clutch slides on the feathered shaft, and throws the gear into motion by the operation of the bell-crank lever and runner. MILL AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. 321 1307. CONE CLUTCH. Can be made at any angle greater than will cause the clutch to stick. 1308. MULTIPLE PLATE FRICTION CLUTCH. Several plates of iron or steel are fitted loosely on a three-feather shaft, be- tween which plates of wood or other hard material, sometimes steel, are placed and keyed in an iron A mmmmmmmmzM^ ///// \ \ housin s or COU P- ling to move loosely on the keys. The coup- ling is keyed to the next shaft in line. A follower sleeve and springs compress the plates, giving a very large frictional surface, which is relieved by drawing the sleeve back by a yoke lever. 1309. Section showing stops in outer case and keys on shaft. 1310. FRICTION CLUTCH, outside view, with toggle-joint thrust, sleeve, and yoke lever. 1311. Section of outside bearing, clutch, toggle joint, and sleeve. 322 MILL AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. 1312. PIN CLUTCH. The pin plate is fast on the shaft. The hole plate slides on a feather, and is operated by a bell-crank Y-lever in a hub slot. 1313. FRICTION PIN CLUTCH. A or B may be the driving shaft ; a is a friction band that slips to prevent shock when the pins are thrown into contact with it. 1314. FRICTION CLUTCH. The two sections of the friction ring are pressed out by right and left screws, operated by a sliding spool on the shaft and the toggle- joint connections, /, /'. 1315. Longitudinal section. 1316. FRICTION CLUTCH BEVEL GEAR. A A is a driving shaft extended through the gear hubs ; gear a is fast on the shaft ; gear b is loose on the shaft, with a friction clutch fixed in position by a lever extension not shown. Clutch is tightened by the screw handle/", when the gear e c ro- tates to drive gear h. The pinions are pivoted in the plane of gear e c. 1317. SPRING FRICTION CLUTCH. The lever handle, eccentric, and link are held in position by the arm A. The springs keep the cones closed for driving. The throw of the handle forward in the direction of the arrow pushes the inner cone back and releases the grip. MILL AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. 323 1318. DOUBLE TOGGLE-JOINT FRICTION CLUTCH. The move- ment of the grooved sleeve J opens or closes the grip A, upon the rim wheel C. The lever H throws the toggle links E, F into line for the grip. 1319. ADJUSTABLE FRICTION CLUTCH, with double-grip bearings. Ad- justment tightness is made by locked set screws in the arm of the bell-crank levers. The jaws- are held open by a ring spring running around the clutch. 1320. DOUBLE-CONIC ROPE DRUM. Used on some forms of winding engines, and as a fusee in a spinning mule. 1321. VARIABLE SPEED DE- VICE. Transmission is made by a stiff belt running over two coned spools, which have their inside cone bearings simultaneously changed to meet require- ment for equal belt tension, by two | levers pivoted to nuts on a right- and left-hand screw, with a fulcrum central between the shafts. Both ex- panding spools slide on feathered shaft keys. 3 2 4 MILL AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. 1322. EXPANDING PULLEY or wheel. The rim sections screw into a central hub. 1323. VARIABLE SPEED DE- VICE. An internal driving-cone pul- ley, with a smaller cone pulley rolling on its internal surface on a shaft parallel with the driving shaft, but drawn eccentric to. it for higher speed by an inclined slide operated by a lever, rock shaft, and crank con- nection. 1324. VARIABLE SPEED TRANSMITTING DEVICE. A thin disc is fast on the counter shaft. Two discs drive the speed shaft, between which and the driving disc are two rollers pivoted to trans- verse spindles. The rol- lers are kept to their slow- speed position between the discs by springs. A con- necting rod draws the rol- lers toward the high-speed position. Friction press- ure on the rollers is made by a spring pressing the discs together. 1325. BELT HOLDER, "Wellington" model. Does away with a loose pulley. The belt is guided on to a set of rollers in a fixed frame at the side of the driving pulley. Saves time and avoids danger in putting on belts. MILL AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. 325 1326. JOINTED RADIAL ARM, for drilling machines, marble polishing, and other similar machines. Elevation. 1327. Plan, showing joints and action. 1328. DRILLING MACHINE CLAMP. A handy tool about a drill press. The shank is pushed loosely through a hole in the drill-press table until the lever bears on the work, when a turn on the set- screw makes a tight grip. 1329. SCREW BENCH CLAMP, for cabinet- makers. 1330. AUTOMATIC BENCH CLAMP, for carpenters and cabinet-makers. Used for holding work on the flat. 1331. AUTOMATIC BENCH CLAMP used by carpenters and cabinet-makers for holding work on edges for planing. 1332. WOOD- BENDING CLAMPS AND FORMERS. Strips of wood are thoroughly steamed and bent while hot over the formers and clamped. I332A. Offset clamp. *333- Thill clamp. 1334. Bend clamp. 326 MILL AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. 1335. BOILER TUBE EXPANDER. A series of sets surrounding a conical driving pin. " Prosser " percussion type. A guard ring fixes the proper position of the expanding grooves of the sectional sets to match the tube head. 1336. Longitudinal section. 1337. ROLLER TUBE EXPANDER. The rollers are loosely fitted in a case to hold them in position. The slightly tapered mandril is pushed or driven within and bearing on the rollers and revolved by a bar in the mandril head, which revolves the rollers, rolling them over the interior surface of the boiler tube. " Dudgeon " model. 1338. REVOLVING TOOL HEAD, for a Monitor lathe. 1339. COLLAPSING TAP. The hook cutters C, C, slide in the taper shank B, and are drawn up to their full ) diameter for cutting by turning the shank handle in the inclined slot in the shell, and the reverse motion of the handle for collapsing the tap. 1340. Longitudinal section. 1341. WABBLE SAW, for cutting dovetail and rabbet grooves. MILL AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. 327 1342. AUTOMATIC SCREW- CUTTING DIE. The outside shell is movable on the inner shell, which holds the cutters in slots. By throwing the handle over, the cutters are re- leased from the screw. The centre pin, nut, and slot pin is the automatic release by contact with the screw, which pushes back the slot pin and revolves the outer shell. Adjustment is made by the set rings at the back of the die. A circular spring throws out the cutters. Cross sec- tion. 1343. Front view. 1344. Longitudinal section. 1345. Outside view. 1346. UNIVERSAL CHUCK, for eccentric turning. The divided gear plate and chuck- ing screw are re- volved and held at any division by the spring pawl. The slide is given its ec- centric position by a screw with an index. A great variety of designs may be made with this simple chuck. Front view. 1347. Side view. 1348. End view. 1349. Nut and screw. 1350. COMPOUND LEVER SHEARS. 3*8 MILL AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. 1351. DISC SHEARS. Two bevelled edge discs just lapping, and revolving. Largely used in tin and cardboard cutting. 1352. GIG SAW. The spring a gives tension to the saw running between guide frames, and operates by crank and connecting rod. 1353. BAND SAW, for sawing metals. The frame and third wheel are set back to give room for large plates. 1354. BAND SAW. Rectilinear motion of saw blade from rotary motion of band pulleys, with a tilting saw-table for bevel work. 1355. TOGGLE-JOINT LEVER PRESS or punch. A type of toggle-joint used in the old form of printing and stamping presses. MILL AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. 3 2 9 1356. POWER STAMPING PRESS. Driven from a pulley with crank or cam shaft. A miss im- pression is made by a stop-clutch operated by a foot treadle. 1357. HAND DRILLING MACHINE, with lever feed. 1358. PORTABLE DRILL, rope trans, mission and flexible shaft. One continuous rope over driving pulley, two double sheaves anchored, and flexible shaft pulley ; allow- ing the driving sheave of the flexible shaft to be anchored in any position, and for tightening the driving rope. 1359. MULTIPLE DRILLING MA- CHINE, for close drilling or perforating plates. Drills are operated close together by converging spindles. 330 MILL AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. 1360. MULTIPLE DRIL- LING MACHINE. For drill- ing a number of holes in flanges at one time. The drill chucks are adjusted in a spider for any size circle and Connected to the driving head with jointed rods. 1361. STAMP MILL CAM MOTION. The revolution of two or more cam wipers lifts the stamp hammers to drop by gravity. 1362. BLACKSMITH'S HELPER, or foot helve hammer. Operated by the foot on the treadle. Hammer held up by the spring. 1363. REVOLVING RAPID-BLOW HAM- MER. The centrifugal action of the revolving arms throws the hammers outward. 1364. HELVE TRIP HAM- MER. An ancient device yet in use. The treadle stops the action s of the hammer by disengaging the bell-crank catch b. work. Used for small MILL AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. 331 1365. FRICTION DROP HAMMER. The ham- mer head is attached to a hardwood board running be- tween friction rolls. One of the rolls has an eccentric sleeve shaft with a lever and lanyard to throw the roll out of contact with the board at the proper time for long or short drop. The other roll and shaft carry the driving pulley and are in constant motion. 1366. BEAM TRIP HAMMER, - The beam is vibrated by an ec- centric on the driving shaft. The cushions intensify and regulate the blow of the hammer. The treadle operates the brake and controls the blow of the hammer. " Bradley " pattern. 1367. SPRING HAMMER. The height of the hammer, to suit the size of the forging, is adjusted by chang- ing the length of the connecting rod. The treadle controls the stroke by operating a friction gear on the driv- ing pulley. 1368. TIRE SHRINKER. A link chain around the tire terminates in a fixed hook, and the hook on a powerful lever. 332 MILL AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. 1369. COMBINED TIRE UPSETTING AND PUNCHING MACHINE. The tire is made fast by the cam jaws, and the mov- able cam is set forward by the sector cam lever and pinion. A punch is attached to the movable jaw with a punch die in the horn of the machine, so that the same opera- tion of upsetting a tire may be used for punch- ing iron. 1370. Vertical section. 1371. PLATE SAWING MACHINE. A slow-running steel saw blade lubri- cated by dipping in an oil box. The saw is automatical- ly fed to the plate by a worm gear, but has a quick return by the hand wheel. 1372. COMBINED PUNCH AND SHEARS in one frame and driven from one shaft. Each con- trolled by a treadle. r 373- SUSPENDED SWING TREADLE. The foot takes a circular motion ; no dead centre. MILL AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. 333 1374. POWER RUMBLING MILL, for cleaning sand from castings, pol- ishing metal articles by tumbling with sand, charcoal, leather scrap, or any polishing powder. 1375. CENTRIFUGAL SEPARATOR, for removing oil from iron chips and turnings. The iron pan A is fixed to the spindle and pulley. The unequal load- ing of the pan is balanced by the elastic swivelled box B, held in a central position by springs. A cover with felted edge closes the top of the pan. The friction stop C acts as a brake to stop ZZZ* the motion of the pan. 1376. CLOSURE OF ROLLERS by tra- versing the angular slots guiding the roller bearings. The slot guide C is fixed. The piston-rod head D carries the angular slots that move the rollers forward and backward. 1377- VIBRATING LIFT. The revolving drum B lifts the weight W, while the crank-pin connecting rod C gives the arm A and sheave E a vibrating ver- tical movement. With certain proportions between the size of the drum B, the distance of the crank pin and connecting arm at A, a variety of motions to the cord D may be made. 1378. DIFFERENTIAL PITCH MOVE- MENT. The motion of a traversing stud by ' - 1 the revolution of a differential screw allows of measurement of minute motions and distances. A micrometer device. 334 MILL AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. 1379. FEED WHEEL for a planing machine. The corrugated upper wheel pushes the lumber to the cutter. 1380. COMBINED RATCHET AND HAND FEED GEAR. The hand screw turns in the worm- gear nut, and may be used for quick adjustment. 1381. GEAR TRAIN, with quick return, for a gear- cutting machine. 8 1382. QUICK RETURN MOVEMENT for a cutter head. A constant rotation of the cam operates the bell-crank sector, which is quickly drawn back by the weight W and pinion C. 1383. REVERSING GEAR, from a single belt and cone pulley. The gear wheel a has an outside and inside set of teeth with the pinions b, c meshing and running in opposite directions. The friction clutches operated by a lever reverse the motion of the large gear by alternately putting in motion the inside or outside pinion. MILL AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. 335 1384. FLEXIBLE UNIVERSAL STEAM JOINT." Hampson " model. The steam flows through the thick arms of the Y's, which have ground joints. 1385. BYE PASS COCK OR VALVE. To allow of a small delivery vvhen the large valve is closed, or for relief of press- ure against a large valve. 1386. SIGHT-FEED LUBRICATOR. The amount of feed is seen by the frequency of drops at the sight hole. Adjusted by a needle-point valve with milled head and screw. 1387. SCREW MOVEMENT, for the tail Stock of a lathe. The spindle moves in a key slot to prevent turning. The screw has a collar and is shouldered on the outside by the wheel hub. The back end of spindle has a thread acting as a nut on the driving screw. verses around the shaft to be centered. 1389. End view. 1388. CENTERING TOOL. Used for scratch- ing the centre on round shafting or rods. The slotted arm E swings on the spindle A, as it tra- 336 MILL AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. 1390. VERNIER CALI- BHIIJHHHJ PER, with slow-motion stop I I 1 P | vl I I I" 1 1 ijJTJTnc screw. 1391. EXPAN- SION BIT. The spring clip held by a screw clamps the cutter in position to bore any size hole within its limits of expansion. 1392. DOUBLE-ACTING SCREWDRIVER. The in- side spindle has a left-hand screw, the outside hollow spindle a right-hand screw ; and both with nuts that can lock either spindle by screwing to the thread on the lower end of each or either spindle. 1393. PUMP DRILL STOCK. A very ancient device, yet largely in use at this date in the jewelry and other light manufacturing estab- lishments. The heavy revolving disc keeps up the momentum to rewind the band upon the spindle in contrary direction for each downstroke of the bar. 1394. RECIPRO- CATING DRILL STOCK. By the double groove and follower, the drill turns the same way at each movement of the ring and follower. 1395- COMPOUND LEVER CUTTING PLIERS, in which the toggle-joint principle is used to give the greatest power at the closure of the jaws. MILL AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. 337 1396. BALL SOCKET, used on surveyor's compasses. The gland is tightened with countersunk screws. 1397. BALL SOCKET, with a screw gland. 1398. SCREW THREADS. Standard V thread, sharp at top and bottom. Depth equals 0.85 of the pitch. Angle 60. U.S.S. THREAD flf WHITWORTH THREAD [/ 1399. SCREW THREADS. United States Standard Thread. Flat top and bottom. Depth equals 0.65 of the pitch. Angle 60. 1400. SCREW THREADS, "Whit- worth ' thread. Rounded top and bot- tom. Depth equals 0.75 of the pitch. Angle 55. 1401, SCREW THREADS, Trape- zoidal thread. Angle 90 face, 45 back. Depth equals 0.75 of the pitch. MILL AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. POWELL'S THREAD 1402. SCREW THREADS, square thread. Angle square. Depth equals -f- half pitch. Width between threads equal -f- half pitch, for clearance. 1403. SCREW THREADS, "Powell's" thread. Depth of thread equals -j- half pitch. Width of top of thread, 0.3 7 -of pitch. Width of bottom, 0.37 -f- of pitch. Angle of side, u^ . 1404. CONTINUAL BARREL ELEVATOR. Sprocket wheels and link chains with curved arms to hold the barrels. ^ 1405. TELESCOPIC HYDRAULIC ELEVATOR. The several piston cylinders take a proportional lift by their differential areas and balanced pressure areas in each compartment. =9 1406. TRAVELLER HOIST, show- ing the principles of the balanced coun- ter pull and the traverse tackle. MILL AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. 339 1407. TRAVELLING CRANE for shop and foundry work. May be oper- ated by rope transmis- sion, a long shaft, or electric motor. 1408. I-BAR TRAVELLING TRAMWAY, an easily made shop device. The I bar lies sidewise, bolted to brackets from the ceiling. The double trolley can- not run off. 1409. trolley. SWING BRACKET CRANE, with 1410. ADJUSTABLE UNIVERSAL SHEAVE. It can be set in any desired direction and canted by the double-swivel foot. . "HARRINGTON" CHAIN HOIST. A gear operates a double -chain sprocket, with chains yoked at hook. 1412. YALE" DUPLEX HOIST. A worm F meshed in a gear on the same shaft with the hoisting-chain sprocket. A, Hand-chain sprocket on worm shaft B; C is a friction plug which holds the worm from running back. For self- running down, the plug may be reversed, present- ing a smaller friction surface to the worm shaft A pin holds the plug from turning. 340 MILL AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. 1413. SAFETY TACKLE. The horizontal frame is pivoted in the hook block having a friction shoulder. A lanyard from the eye of the horizontal frame releases the grip. 1414. DIFFERENTIAL CHAIN- PULLEY BLOCK. The chain sprockets, one on each side of the gear drum, run in different directions, allowing the surplus chain to hang between the draft chains. An eccentric on the hand-wheel shaft rolls a loose pinion around the discs, causing them to move in opposite directions by the differential number of teeth on each, side of the pinion. 1415. DOUBLE SCREW-GEAR HOIST. A right-and-left screw turns the chain sprockets in mesh with the lifting chain. " Box & Co." model. C 1416. TAPER TUBE ROLLS. The grooves . are turned as a taper screw. One rolls right-hand, I the other left-hand to match. Much care and U management are required in taper tube-rolling. MILL AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. 341 1417. YALE-WESTON " DIFFERENTIAL GEAR HOIST. -The hand-chain sprocket shaft runs loose in a sleeve which carries the hoist-chain sprocket. A small pinion on the right-hand end of the central shaft drives three spur gears pinioned on a circular movable frame attached to the chain sprockets. To each of the three spur gears are fixed a pinion, which meshes in an internal tooth gear fixed in the case. 1418. Section, showing gear. 1419. TUBE-ROLLING MA- CHINE. The first roller turns the strip of metal to a half-circle. The pair of vertical rolls close up the tube. 1420. SEAMLESS TUBE MAK- ING. Rolling a solid bar between a pair of angular-axled disc rollers opens a cavity within the bar which is further expanded by a second pair of disc rollers. The rolling of the tube between the discs pushes the tubular bar over a revolving conical mandrill. 1421. WIRE-BENDING MACHINE. A marvel of complex motions. Hooks and eyes, and any special shapes of wire-work can be made on these machines. 1422. Samples of wire bending. 342 MILL AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. 1423. SEAMLESS TUBE MAKING. The " Mannesmann " process. A, a, conical corrugated rolls : B, guide tube ; B", hot bar of iron or steel being pushed through the rolls ; D, mandrill for widening the inside of the tube, the hollow be- ing started by the action of the out- side rolls. 1424. HOPPER AND BELL, for a blast or other furnace, for feeding coal and ore. The hopper is filled with a charge, when the bell is quickly lowered and the charge drops into the furnace. 1425. "BESSEMER" STEEL CONVERTER. A large crucible on trunnions, through which air is blown to passages in the bottom of the shell and through the cast iron, burning out the excess of carbon, when the crucible is turned over and the cast iron, converted into steel, is poured into moulds. 1426. LENS-GRINDING MACHINE. The bell-crank arm a is made adjustable in the vertical shaft, and is pivoted for a free motion in the grind- ing cup ^, to give a variety of motions to the cup over the lens ; or the operation may be reversed and the lens given a circular motion in the cup. 1427. GRINDING MILL in section, show- ing the balancing of the upper stone and adjust- ment of step, and the cen- tering of the hopper and feed gauge. MILL AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. 343 1428. " BOGARDUS " MILL. Grooved steel discs running ec- centric to each other. Largely used for grinding paints and drugs. 1429. Plan showing grooves. 1430. CIRCULATING SCREW PRO- PELLER AND MIXING TANK. Is used in various forms in laundries, soap crutching, and oil refining. 1431. DOUBLE CYLr INDER PLANER, for lumber. Takes a rough and finishing cut by once passing the lumber through the mill. 1432. DOUBLE TOGGLE-JOINT SCREW PRESS with steam-heated platens for vul- canizing rubber or embossing by heat and pressure. 1433. STEAM COTTON PRESS, for repressing and condensing baled cotton. The geared sectors, driven by the double- rack piston rod and piston, increase the pressure immensely at the latter part of the stroke by the toggle-joint action of the con- necting rods as they approach the radial bearing of the sectors. 344 MILL AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. 1434. TOGGLE-BAR PRESS. The rota- tion of the disc a by the lever handle brings the toggle bars to a vertical position, with in- creasing pressure upon the platen. The tog- gle bars have spherical ends fitted to spherical cups in the top and bottom discs. 1435. SECTOR PRESS. The sector is rolled up by the crank and pinion, driving the platen up with increased force until the connecting rod reaches its vertical position. Much used on cot- ton presses. 1436. BARK OR COB MILL. A barbed and corrugated cone revolving within a spider and counter cone, with barbed cones and corrugations. 1437. DRAWING AND THROSTLE TWISTING ROLLS AND BOBBIN WINDER. The front rolls run faster than the feed rolls, and draw the fibre. The throstle twists the thread which is drawn tightly upon the spool that runs loose on the spindle, and is held by a friction spring to give it the winding tension. 1438. COP WINDER. The cop tube on the spindle revolves. The arm with an eye, carries the thread forward and backward on the cop. MILL AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. 345 1439. BOBBIN WINDER. The flyer revolves, while the bobbin is moved up and down the spindle for even winding. Thread passes through the hollow spindle down the arm and through the eye of the flyer arm. 1440. CLOTH DRESSER. The central wheel is the teazel drum. The cloth is guided by the rollers above and below. 1441. KNITTING MACHINE, auto- matic rib knitter, " Heginbotham " model. Vertical needles and two bobbins. 1442. KNITTING MACHINE, seamless knitter, " Bellis & Weinanmayer " model. Verti- cal needles. 346 MILL AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. 1443. KNITTING MACHINE. Multiple thread knitter, " Hep- worth " model, for web goods. 14430. TRAVELING DERRICK. Double trol- leys and lever beam putting a 75-ton gun on an armor- clad war vessel. I443&. MODERN COT- TON GIN. D, nest of saws. E, saw grate between each saw to hold back the seed. A, feeder trough and hopper. J, cylinder brush strip- ping the cotton fibre from the saw. F, adjusting lever. K, sliding mote board. AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. 347 i443 d y braces ; *, truss beam ; /straining piece; g,g, prin- cipal rafters ; /, cambered beam ; , iron string bolt to support tie beam. 1485. WOODEN ROAD BRIDGE TRUSS. CONSTRUCTION AND DEVICES. 357 DECK BRIDGE TRUSSES. 1486. Single strut deck truss for short spans, 30 to 40 feet 1 48 7 . Double strut deck truss for 50 to 70 feet span. 1488. Multi- ple strut deck truss for 100 feet span. 1489. BRIDGE TRUSS. Inclined strut and tie rod for each panel,with stiff compression upper chord. Vertical members are tie rods. 1490. BRIDGE TRUSS. Vertical struts except in end panels, which have vertical tie rods. Inclined end struts and diagonal tie rods. 1491. ARCHED DECK TRUSS / BRIDGE. The arch takes the press- ure and gives tension to the chord. Struts and tie rods give stability to the structure. 1492. BRIDGE TRUSSES. The "Whipple" truss. Ver- tical and end posts are struts; vertical tie rods from end posts ; diagonal tie rods in panels. 1493. Inclined posts and vertical tie rods. Baltimore model. 1494. "Whipple" truss, with interpanel tie rods. CONSTRUCTION AND DEVICES. I 495- ARCH TRUSS BRIDGE. The entire load is not sup- ported by the wood or iron arch alone. The truss bracing is made to equalize the load by stiffen- ing the arch and so to throw a compression strain upon the chord, which is thickened in the middle. 1496. BRIDGE TRUSSES. The "McCallum" inflexible arched truss. A wooden bridge. 1497. " Howe" truss, with inclined end posts, vertical struts and bi-panel tie rods. 1498. "Post" truss, verti- cal end posts with inclined struts from each end meet- ing at the centre. 1499. Modification of the " Whipple" and "War- ren " systems. 1500. Modification of the "Whipple" and "Post" systems. The " Warren " bridge. 1501. The "Fink" system. A railway deck bridge. No lower chord. 1502. The "Bollman" system. A girder suspen- sion. The top girder car- ries the compression load due to suspension. CONSTRUCTION AND DEVICES. 359 n ntin 1. 1 S an n 1503. SWING BRIDGE, ife " Whipple " system. 1504. SWING BRIDGE. " Post " system. 1505. CANTILEVER BRIDGE. The ends, being anchored, balance all other parts on the piers. This cut shows the principle of Cantilever construction. 1506. SUSPENSION BRIDGES The old railway bridge at. Niagara. Eight hundred and twenty-one feet span. 1507. A four-span suspen- sion bridge. Allegheny River, at Pittsburgh. 1508. SUSPENSION BRIDGE. The Cincinnati bridge, Roebling " system. Ten hundred and fifty-seven feet between piers. 1509. SUSPENSION BRIDGE. Niagara upper bridge, "Roeb- ling " system. Twelve hundred and fifty feet between piers. CONSTRUCTION AND DEVICES. 1510. SUSPENSION BRIDGE. The New York and Brooklyn bridge, " Roebling " system. Centre span, i, 600 feet; land spans, each 920 feet ; Brooklyn approach, 998 feet; New York approach, 1,562 feet; total length curb to curb, 6,0 1 6 feet; width, 85 feet; clearance above high water, 135 feet; height of towers above high water, 272 feet; number of cables, 4; diameter of cables, 15^ inches; length of single wires, 3,579 feet; total length of wires in four cables, 14,361 miles; number of wires in each cable, 5,296; strength of each cable, 12,200 net tons; cost of bridge, exclusive of land, $9,000,000; total cost, $15,552,878. Commenced 1870; thirteen years in building. i$ioc. MELAN BRIDGE. A series of arched steel I beams, filled in with Portland cement concrete. Ends of beams resting against thrust plates. I5io/. STEEL ARCHED CONCRETE BRIDGE, Thatcher type. The concrete rib of the arch is reinforced by steel bars on the inner and outer edge of the concrete rib. CONSTRUCTION AND DEVICES. 361 15100. EXPANSION OR AN- CHOR BOLT. A wedge nut and split sleeve pattern. 1510/7. EXPANSION OR AN- CHOR HOLT. A conical nut and split sleeve. T5ior. ROLLING LIFT BRIDGE. Are nearly balanced in operation with many advantages in utilizing the entire width of channel and dock space. Chicago Type. CONCRETE BRIDGE. For small bridges, a concrete arch of Portland cement, sand and broken stone are re- liable and lasting struc- tures. - 3 62 CONSTRUCTION AND IXRVICES. I5i0. LOG SAWING MACHINE. The lever being prop- erly adjusted, and the screw and dogs being placed in position, the saw is rapidly reciprocated b y turning the driving shaft. A spring at- tached to the butt of the saw and cen- ter of the pitman presses the teeth down upon the bot- tom of the kerf; this process can be easily adjusted. The blade is raised after having cut through the log, and is held in the guiding slot by a screw, so as not to interfere with shifting the machine. 1510^. HYDRAULIC PILE DRIVER. A pile with a groove on its side in which a pipe is laid to the bottom of the pile, loosely clipped in place to enable its with- drawal after the pile is set. A strong stream of water from a pump excavates a passage for the pile to the required depth. No hammer is needed; only a steady pressure. Section XVII. DRAUGHTING DEVICES. PARALLEL RULES, CURVE DELINEATORS, TRAMMELS, ELLIPSOGRAPHS. PANTOGRAPHS, ETC. 1511. PROPORTIONAL COMPASSES for re- ducing the scale of drawings. 1512. ROLLER PARALLEL RULER. The two fluted rollers of exactly equal size, on an arbor, project slightly below the under surface of the ruler. 1513. PARALLEL RULER, formed of two bars pivoted to two pieces of metal of exactly equal lengths between pivot centres and at equal distances on the bars. 1514. SLOTTED PARALLEL RULER that traverses in line. A, cross bars movable on a central pivot ; each bar being pivoted at one end to the ruler bars, the other ends sliding in slots in the bars. 1515. THREE PART PARALLEL RULER. All connecting arms of equal length. Pivots are at equal distances on each of the blades. 3 6 4 DRAUGHTING DEVICES. 1516. SPRING CYCLOGRAPH. A spring of elastic material is made thicker in its central part so that in bending its outer edge will take the form of a circular arc. By clamping the ends of the spring to the bar, the screw will bend the spring to the desired curve. 1517. FLEXIBLE CURVE SCRIBER. A spring of any suitable material may be fixed in a ruler and drawn by a string to the desired curve. There are many forms of this device, such as the string fastened to both ends of the spring and flexible rubber strips with heavy weights to hold it to any form of curve desired. 1518. HELICOGRAPH. The traversing of the disc by moving the screw arm around a fixed centre describes a helical curve, 1519. GREAT CURVE DELINEA- TOR. Thin-edged 1 1, discs of different di- ameters are attached to a bar or tube at a distance apart, so that their relative diam- ters and distance will correspond to the required radius, which may be computed by the difference in diameter multiplied by the distance of the wheels apart. C is a loose sleeve to roll the rod freely; D is an offset from the inside rod to allow the pencil to press on the paper. 1520. CONCHOID DELINEATOR, of Nicomedes. A slotted head T-piece, A, B ; a slotted arm, G H, with traverse pin at F. Distance between F, H, and pin at E may be variable to suit the required condition of curve. Pencil at H delineates a conchoidal curve, used in architectural drawings for the lines of columns. DRAUGHTING DEVICES. 1521. CYCLOGRAPH, for drawing circu- lar arcs with an inaccessible centre. Three straight rules clamped together so that when i the outer edge of the rules are against the pins B, C, representing the chord of the arc, the pencil at A will be at the vertex of the versed sine of the arc, when by moving the rules against the pins the pencil will describe a circular arc. 1522. TRAMMEL FOR DRAWING ELLIPSES. Grooves at right angles direct two studs on a ncil bar for the elliptical motion of the pencil. 'Also called an ellipsograph. 1523. ELLIPSOGRAPH. A is a fixed centre ; B, traversed in a straight line, will make the pencil at C trace an elliptical curve. 1524. PARABOLA SCRIBER. The longi- J tudinal focal distance from the apex being fixed with a pin. A straight-edge may be fixed just beyond the apex and traversed by a square. A looped string on the pin with the other end fast- ened to the longer leg of the square with sufficient sag to allow a pencil point to rest in the bight of the string at the apex of the parabola, when the square is on the axial line, will describe an arc of a parabola by moving the pencil against the square. 1525. GEARED ELLIPSOGRAPH. A spur gear A is fixed to the pedestal. An arm carrying an idle gear, B, and a gear C, one-half the diam- eter of the fixed gear. The pencil arm makes two revolutions to one revolution of the arm. The distance A' equals the difference between the major and minor axes of the ellipse. 3 66 DRAUGHTING DEVICES. 1526. HYPERBOLA SCRIBER. The foci of the opposite hyperbolas may be drawn on their longitudinal axis and pins set therein. A straight edge moving on focal point of the opposite hyperbola, and a looped string on the pin of the required arc, with the other end attached at the end of the straight edge, with enough sag to allow the pencil to touch the apex of the curve, will, on moving the pencil in the bight of the string and close to the rule, describe an arc of a hyperbola. 1527. GEARED ELLIPSOGRAPH. The arm and horizontal shaft slide through the frame and second bevel gear. The bevel gear A is fixed to the standard. The proportion of the gears should be such that the pen- cil spindle should make two _ revolutions to one revolution ' ! of the arm. Then the dis- tance A 1 equals the difference between the major and minor axes of the ellipse. 1528. PANTOGRAPH. -For perfect pro- portions the points A, B, C must always be in line. With the point B fixed, the pencil at A will produce an exact copy of tracing from point C. By changing places for the fixed point a double or half-size tracing may be made. 1529. LAZY-TONGS PANTOGRAPH, for reducing or enlarging copies of draw- ings, c or d may be the fixed points. Either one being fixed, the other should be the tracer. The pencil at a should be exactly in line with <:, d, for accurate delineation. DRAUGHTING DEVICES. 367 1530. PERSPECTIVE CENTRO- LINEAD. The edges of legs on the sides a, b, and c must be in line with their common H axis, with clamp screws to hold the movable legs in their set position. The directing pins b and c should be set on the radial lines of the back point of the perspective, when the long leg will be radial from that point in all directions. 1531. SPHEROMETER. For meas- uring the curves of spherical surfaces or of templates of lenses by means of a graduated follower at the centre between two bearings. The scale and nonius are computed for the versed sine of a fixed chord length. 1 53 ia. ELLIPSO- GRAPHIC T U R X - TABLE. - The table sits upon a trammel frame, which moves a bar with gimbal yoke and sliding rod to carry the pen or pencil. Makes an ellipse from a circle to a straight line. 15316. ELLIPSOGRAPH. A pair of dividers with points perforated like the eye of a needle allows of adjust- ing the length of the thread to any size curve and holding the end under the thumb on the head of the dividers. The points with their eyes are shown at the right-hand side. 368 DRAUGHTING DEVICES. 15310- OMNI-TELEMETER. For obtaining the distance of an ob- ject by two observations on a line at right angles. A, direct line of sight through the half silvered mir- ror D; X, reflected line of sight at 90 or variable by the mirrors D, F. The lever L varies the angle of the mirror, F, by means of the micro- meter screw C, and graduated disk G. E, adjusting screw for the mirror D. 15316. ODONTOGRAPH. A scribe template for laying out the curves of the teeth of gear wheels. i53ic. SECTION LINERS. An open triangle with a stop slide pivoted to links with the spacing adjusted by a stop pin and cam sector. 1531^. EIDOGRAPH. An instrument of precision in reproducing drawings, reduced or enlarged. Sim- ultaneous motions are trans- mitted from the tracer to the pencil through the mo- tion of pulleys on the cen- tral beam operated by a steel band. DRAUGHTING DEVICES. 369 extended for any proportion. 1531*. TRACING BAR. The yoke-shaped needle bar has tracing points in line with the gimbal ring- bearing. The points may be I53I/. REFLECTING DRAW- ING BOARD. A vertical plate of glass in a frame on a drawing board. The picture on one side and a plain sheet of paper on the other side of the glass. On looking into the glass on one side the picture is plainly projected on the other, and can be readily traced with a pencil. I53i. SELF REGIS- TERING BAROMETER.- Four aneroid disks are con- nected in series and in contact with the lever R and linked to the index lever L, its end holding a pencil that marks the variation of pressure on the graduated paper on a drum driven by a clock. 370 DRAUGHTING DEVICES. 1531/1. DOTTING INSTRU- MENT. One of the toothed wheels for the kind of dotting re- quired is placed on the pin and held by the spring clip. The wheel should roll on the edge of the T square and the frame against its side. The motion of the bell crank lever and pin follows the spacing of the teeth on the wheels. 1 53 1/. ELLIPSOGRAPH with a pen and dividers. A small friction drum is mounted inside of the pen blades, or may be mounted on the handle upon which a thread is wound for adjusting the size of the ellipse, and is passed through an eye or hole near the end of the pen blade and around the legs of a dividers, set on the foci of the ellipse. 1531;. SPIROGRAPH. An instrument for drawing spiral curves. A pair of compasses with a lengthening leg to allow of a vertical position of the stationary leg c. b is a sleeve and knurled button loose on the vertical leg by which the pencil or pen is moved along the curve, controlled by. the thread winding around the vertical leg, which may have points of varying sizes to suit the spaces in the curves. The vertical leg is held by the milled head g. Section XVIII. MISCELLANEOUS DEVICES. ANIMAL POWER, SHEEP SHEARS, MOVEMENTS AND DEVICES, ELEVATORS. CRANES, SEWING, TYPE-WRITING, AND PRINTING MACHINES, RAIL- WAY DEVICES, TRUCKS, BRAKES, TURNTABLES, LOCOMO- TIVES, GAS, GAS FURNACES, ACETYLENE GEN- ERATORS, GASOLINE MANTLE LAMP, FIREARMS, ETC. 1532. HUMAN TREADMILL. Still used in Eastern countries for raising water. 1533. HORSEPOWER TREAD-WHEEL. - One of the many designs for stationary ani- mal power. 1534. HORSE-POWER MACHINE. An endless chain and rollers, with a slat- ted platform, roll over a sprocket- wheel drivingshaft. The walking plat- form is elevated to an angle of about 372 MISCELLANEOUS DEVICES. 1535. DOG-POWER MACHINE. The plane of the track wheel is set at an angle of about 20, with its under edge bearing upon a friction pulley. Shaft and fly-wheel, with crank for operating churn. 1536. GEARED HORSE-POWER. The sweep carries the pinion and spur gear on the second shaft around the stationary spur gear, rotating the central shaft and pulley at high speed. 1537. MULTIPLE BLADED SHEEP SHEARS,- Opened by a spring handle, and closed by hand grip. 1538. HORSE CLIPPER. A sharp comb-tooth cutter is made to vibrate across a fixed cutter by vibrat- ing the handles. ible shaft from another source of power, blade with guard finger plates. 1539- MACHINE SHEEP SHEARS. The large gear is driven by the hand on a crank, not shown, or by a flex- A revolving serrated MISCELLANEOUS DEVICES. 373 i 5 4o. "ALMOND'S" FLEXIBLE METALLIC TUBE. A coil of round wire, open w r ound, with a coil of triangular wire wound tightly over it. Bending of the coil tube allows the triangular sec- tions to draw in on the outside of the bend and to push out on the inside, keeping the points of contact tight. r M 1541. EVO- LUTION OF A W O () D S C R E \V. - Stages of manufacture of the modern wood screw. "American Screw Company's" process. The thread is made by the roller process. 1542. ARTIFICIAL LEG AND FOOT. Most ingenious combinations of movements are made in producing artificial limbs, not easily explained with- out a model. 1543. MEAN TIME SUNDIAL. The length of the stile is made to just cover the entire range of the sun's altitude at the dis- tance of the scale on the hour circle. Its shape and size to be proportionate to the sun's equation of time as marked on the scale. When the sun is fast the reading should be on the left-hand side of the shadow, and when slow on the right side. 374 MISCELLANEOUS DEVICES. 1544. DOOR PUSH CHECK. The spring closes the door. The piston in the cylinder has a valve to allow quick inlet of air when opening a door, and a small hole adjustable at the bottom of the cylinder for slowly discharging the air. 1545. FOLDING LADDER. The rounds are pivoted to the side pieces, which are recessed to enclose the rounds when the ladder is shut. 1546. SIMPLE COMBINATION LOCK. A number of discs arranged on a spindle having a feather key. The discs are notched to match the notches in the key so that they readily turn to be set to the register number to release the spindle. 1547. TRIPOD. The legs are pivoted on a triangular prism, which allows the legs to be folded into a cylindrical staff. 1548. DOUBLE SPHERICAL SOCKET, used mostly on surveying instruments. The socket is clamped by drawing the plates to- gether with thumb-screw. 1549. DISC SLICER, with hopper, for cutting roots, etc. Each slot in the disc has a knife slightly projecting. MISCELLANEOUS DEVICES. 375 1550. MICROMETER SCREW ADJUSTMENT. The tangent arm is made fast or loose on the shaft by the spring clip and screw. Used mostly on theodo- lites and transit instruments. 1551. CORRECT PRINCIPLE in setting a hot-water house boiler. H, E, circulating pipes. B, water-back or coil. K, draw-off. D, cold-water supply, extending down on inside of boiler. G, hot-water supply taken from top of boiler. 1552. UNDER-FEED HEAT- ING FURNACE,"Colton-Smead" model. A smokeless furnace for house heating with bituminous coal. A plunger is operated by a lever sector and rack to push the coal beneath the fire. HARVESTER OR MOW- ING MACHINE. Application of a corru- gated or cam disc for attaining the motion 3" of the cutters. 376 MISCELLANEOUS DEVICES. 1554. BELL CLAPPER MOVEMENT. The outside stroke is the best to prevent crack- ing in large bells. 1555. PIANO KEY AND ACTION. A study of complex movement, 1556. LAPIDARY OR LITHOLOGICAL LATHE for amateur work. A vertical spindle with disc lap of lead, driven by a bevel gear and cranks, through a vertical shaft pulley and belt. A splitting disc and spindle are also driven from the main pulley. , WIRE-DRAWING MACHINE. a, the reel. b, draw plate. A hot-water tank heated by a small Bunsen burner or lamp, b, t, d, Circulat- ing pipes ; /, regulating cock ; - Well pump, compressed air ... .176, 177 Wheels, elastic 221 Wind gauge 187 Wind instruments 186- Windmills 165-167 Windmill, the prairie 188 W T indlass, Spanish 26 Wire drawing and covering 376 Wood-bending clamps 325 Worm gear 22-43 Worthington water-tube boiler 102. R^ainbow V* Packing thousands of Imitators. no qual - Ulill Rold fiicjbcst Pressure. Don't fiav/e to Use Ulire and Cloth to Reid Rainbow. Can't Blow it out. 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