n*: fftt ft* it 5V * jf * tm if / .- * f ^*~*s\ 5"" X - f # JicW V \ % ' ft ^^ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF FREDERIC THOMAS BLANCHARD flbrue anfc If <3eorge IKHUliam Curtis. Chicago : Donobue Brotbers, 407-429 Dearborn Street. College Library PS CONTENTS. I. DINNER-TIME II II. MY CHATEAUX 45 III. SEA FROM SHORE 83 IV. TITBOTTOM'S SPECTACLES 127 V. A CRUISE IN THE FLYING DUTCHMAN 179 VI. FAMILY PORTRAITS 225 VII. OUR COUSIN THE CURATE t.... 245 10536C6 A WORD TO THE GENTLE READER. AN old bookkeeper, who wears a white cravat and black trousers in the morning, who rarely goes to the opera, and never dines out, is clearly a person of no fashion, and of no superior sources of information. His only journey is from his bouse to his office ; his only satisfaction is in doing his duty ; his only happiness is in his Proe and his children. What romance can such; a life have? What stories can such a man tell ? Yet I think, sometimes, when I look up from the parquet at the opera, and see Aurelia smiling in the boxes, and holding 1 her court of love, and youth, and beauty, that the historians have not told of a fair er queen, nor the travelers seen devouter homage. And when I remember that it 8 A WORD TO THE GENTLE READER. was in misty England that quaint old George Herbert sang of the "Sweet day so cool, so calm, so bright The bridal of the eartli and sky," I am sure that I sec days ns lovely in our clearer air, n nd do not believe that Italian sunsets have a more gorgeous purple or a softer gold. So, as the circle of my little life revolves, I console myself with believing, what I cannot help believing, that a man need not be a vagabond to enjoy the sweetest charm of travel, but that all countries and all times repeat themselves in his experience. This is an old philosophy, I am told, and much favored by those who have traveled ; and I cannot but be glad that iny faith has such a fine name and such competent wit nesses. I am assured, however, upon th suspect a man must have Italy and Greece in his heart and mind, if he would ever see them with his eyes. I know that this may be only a device of that compassionate imagination designed to comfort me, who shall never take but one other journey than my daily beat. Yet there have been wise men who taught that all scenes are but pictures upon the mind ; and if I can see them as I walk the street that leads to my office, or sit at the office window looking into the court, or take a IO A WORD TO THE GENTLE READER. little trip down the bay or up the river, why are not my pictures as pleasant and as profitable as those which men travel for years, at great costs of time, and trouble, and money, to behold ? For my part I do not believe that any man can see softer skies than I see in Prue's eyes ; nor hear sweeter music than I hear in Prue's voice ; nor find a more heaven-lighted temple than I know Prue's mind to be. And when I wish to pl3ase myself with a lovely image of peace and contentment, I do not think of the plain of Sharon, nor of the valley of Enna, nor of Arcadia, nor of Claude's pictures; but, feeling that the jfairest fortune of my life is the right to be mamed with her, I whisper gently, to myself, \vith a smile for it seems as if my very heart smiled within me, when I think of her ^"Pjuennd I." DINNER-TIME. " Within this hour it will be dinner-time I'll view the manners of the town, Peruse the traders, gaze upon the buildings." Comedy of Errors DIXXER-TIME. " Within this hour it will be dinner-time ; I'll view the manners of the town, Peruse the traders, gaze upon the buildings," Comedy of Errors. Ix the warm afternoons of the early sum mer, it is my pleasure to stroll about Wash ington Square and along the Fifth Avenue, at the hour when the diners-out are hurry ing to the tables of the wealthy and refined. I gaze with placid delight upon the cheerful expanse of white waistcoat that illumes those streets at that hour, and mark the variety of e' .otions that swell beneath all that purity. ^ man goinor ou t to dine has a singular O O *-2 cheerfulness of aspect. Except for his gloves, which fit so well, and which he has careful ly buttoned, that he may not make an awk ward pause in the hall of his friend's house, 1 am sure he would search his pocket for a 13 14 PRUE AND I. cent to give the wan beggar at the corner. It is impossible just now, my dear woman ; but God bless you ! It is pleasant to consider that simple suit of black. If my man be young and only lately cognizant of the rigors of the social law, he is a little nervous at being seen in his dress-suit body coat and black trou sers before sunset. For in the last days of May the light lingers long over the freshly leaved trees in the Square, and lies warm along the Avenue. All winter the sun has not been permitted to see dress-coats. They come out only with the stars, and fade with ghosts, before the dawn. Except, haply, they be brought homeward before breakfast in an early twilight of hackney-coach. Now, in the budding and bursting summer, the sun takes his revenge, and looks aslant over the tree-tops and the chimneys upon the most unimpeachable garments. A cat may look upon a king. I know my man at a distance. If I am chatting with the nursery-maids around the fountain, I see him upo;i the broad walk of DINNER-TIME. 15 Washington Square, and detect him by the freshness of his movement, his springy gait. Then the white waistcoat flashes in the sun. "Go on, happy youth," I exclaim aloud, to the great alarm of the nursery maids, who suppose me to be an innocent insane person suffered to go at large, unattended, "go on, and be happy with fellow waistcoats over fragrant wines." It is hard to describe the pleasure in this amiable spectacle of a man going out to dine. I, who am a quiet family man, and take a quiet family ^ut at four o'clock ; or, when I am detained down town by a false quantity in my figures, who run into Delmonico's and seek comfort in a cutlet, am rarely invited to dinner and have few white waistcoats. In deed, my dear Prue tells me that I have but one in the world, and I often want to con front my eager young friends as they bound along, and ask abruptly, " What do you think of a man \vlio:u 0:13 white waistcoat suffices ? " By the time I have eutea my modest re past, it is the hour for the diners-out to 36 PRUE AND I. appear. If the day is unusually soft and sunny, I hurry my simple meal a little, that I may not losa any of my favorite spectacle. Then I saunter o:it. If you met me you would see that I am also clad in black. But black is my natural color, so that it begets no false theories concerning my intentions. Nobody, meeting me in full black, supposes that I am going to dine out. That somber hue is professional with me. It belongs to bookkeepers as to clergymen, physicians* and undertakers. \ "We wear it because jye follow solemn callings. Saving men's bodies and souls, or keeping the machinery of busi ness well wound, are such sad professions that it is becoming to drape dolefully those who adopt them. ( I wear a white' cravat, too, but nobody supposes that it is in any danger of being stained by Lafitte. It is a limp cravat with a craven tie. It has none of the dazzling dash of the white that my young friends sport, or, I should s:iy, snorted ; for the white cravat is no\v ab:m;lm 1 to the somber professions of \v'i;c'i I K*V!C\ ?Iy young DIXXF.R-TIML. \? friends suspect that the flunkeys of the Brit ish nobleman \vear such ties, and they have therefore, discarded them. I am sorry to remark, also, an uneasiness, if not downright skepticism, about the white waistcoat. Will it extend to shirts, I ask myself with sor row. I3ut there is something pleasanter to con template during these quiet strolls of mine, than the men who are going to dine out, and that is, the women. They roll in carriages to the happy houses which they shall honor, and I strain my eyes in at the carriage win dow to see their cheerful faces as they pass. I have already dined ; upon beef and cab bage, probably, if it is boiled day. I am not expected at the table to which Aurelia is hastening, yet no guest there shall enjoy more than I enjoy, nor so much, if he con siders the meats the best part of the dinner. The beauty of the beauti t'ul Aurelia I see and worship as she drives by. Tlie vision of many beautiful Anrelins driving t > dinner, is the mirage of that pleasant journey of mine alonir the avenue. I do not envy the Persian 1 8 PRUE AND I. poets, on those afternoons, nor long to be uo. Arabian traveler. For I can walk that street, finer than any of \vhich the Ispahan architects dreamed ; and I can see sultanas as splendid as the enthusiastic and exag gerating Orientals describe. But not only do I see and enjoy A uremia's beauty, I delight in. her exquisite attire. In. these warm days she does not wear comuch as the lightest shawl. She is clad only in spring sunshine. It glitters in the soft dark ness of her hair. It touches the diamonds, the opals, the pearls, that cling to her arms, and neck, and fingers. They flash back again, and the gorgeous silks glisten, and the light laces flutter, until the stately Aurelia seems to me, in tremulous radiance, swimming by. I doubt whether you who are to have the inexpressible pleasure of dining with her, and even of sitting by her side, will enjoy more than I. For my pleasure is inexpress ible, also. And it is in this greater than yours, that I see all the beautiful ones who are to dine at various tables, while you only DINNER-TIME. 19 see your own circle, although that, I will not deny, is the most desirable of all. Beside, although my person is not present at your dinner, rny fancy is. ' I see Aurelia's- curriuge stop, and behold white-gloved serv ants opening wide doors. There is a brief glimpse of magnificence for the dull eyes of the loiterers outside ; then the door closes. B:it my fancy went in with Aurelia. With her, it looks at the vast mirror, and sur veys her form at length in the Psyche- glass. It gives the final shake to the skirt r the last flirt to the embroidered handkerchief^ carefully held, and adjusts the bouquet, com plete as a tropic nestling in orange leaves. It descends with her, and marks the faint blush upon her cheek at the thought of her exceeding beauty ; the consciousness of the most beautiful woman, that the most beauti ful woman is entering the room. There is the momentary hush, the subdued greet ing, the quick glance of the Aurelias who have arrive;! e:irlier, and who perceive in a moment the hopeless perfection of that- attire ; tlie courtly g::z3 of gentlemen, who 2O PRUE AND I. feel the serenity of that beauty. All this my fancy surveys ; my fancy, Aurelia's in visible cavalier. You approach with hat in hand and the thumb of your left hand in your waistcoat pocket. You are polished and cool, and have an irreproachable repose of manner. There are no improper wrinkles in your cravat ; your shirt-bosom does not bulge ; the trousers are accurate about your ad mirable boot. But you look very stiff and brittle. You are a little bullied by your unexceptional shirt-collar, which interdicts perfect freedom of movement in your head. You are elegant, undoubtedly, but it seems as if you might break and fall to pieces, like a porcelain vase, if you were roughly shaken. Now, here, I have the advantage of you. My fancy quietly surveying the scene, is subject to none of these embarrassments. My fancy will not utter commonplaces. That will not say to the superb lady, who stands with her flowers, incarnate May, ** What a beautiful day, Miss Aurelia." DINNER-TIME. 21 That will not feel constrained to say some thing, when it has nothing to say ; nor will it be obliged to smother all the pleasant things that occur, because they would be too flattering to express. My fancy perpetually murmurs in Aurelia's ear, "Those flowers. "Would not be fair in your hand, if you your self were not fairer. That diamond neck lace would be gaudy, if your eyes were not brighter. That queenly movement would be awkward, if your soul were not queenlier." You could not say such things to Aurelia,. although, if you are net worthy co dine Jit. her si;le, they are the very things you are- longing to sav. What insufferable stuff you are talking about the weather, and the opera,, and Alboni's delicious voice, and Newport,, and Saratoga ! They are all verv pleasant, O * ** 1 subjects, but do you suppose Ixion talked Thessalian politics when he was admitted to- dine with Juno 1 I almost begin to p'ty you, and to believe that a scarcity of wlr'to waistcor-ts h tr::e wisdom. Tor no-v >".\v; : s ;nnnimr<>y the side of Aurelia, stately as she. There! you stumble on the stair, and are vexed at your own awkwardness, and are sure you saw the ghost of a smile glimmer along that superb face at your side. My fancy doesn't tumble down-stairs, and what kind of looks it sees upon Aurelia's face, are its own secret. Is it any better, now you are seated at table ? Your companion eats little because she wishes little. You eat little because you think it is elegant to do so. It is a shabby, second-hand elegance, like your brittle be havior. It is just as foolish for you to play with the meats, when you ought to satisfy your healthy appetite generously, as it is for you, in the drawing-room, to atfect that cool indifference when you have real and noble interests. DINNER-TIME. 2$ I grant you that fine manners, if you please, are a fine art. But is not monotony the destruction of art? Your manners, O happy Ixion, banqueting with Juno, ar^ Egyptian. They have no perspective, no variety. They havj no color, no shading They are all on a dead level ; th-;y ara fl.-l. Now, for you ara a m:i:i of sense, you are conscious that those wonderful eyes of Aurelia s^e straight through all this net work of elegant manners in which yoj have entangled yourself, and that consciousness is uncomfortable to you. It is another trick in the game for me, because those eyes do not pry into my fancy. How can they, since Aurelia does not know of my existence ? Unless, indeed, she should remember the first time I. saw her. It was only last year, in May. I had dined, somewhat hastily, in consideration of the fine day, and of my confidence that many would be wending dinnerwards that afternoon. I saw my Prue comfortably engaged in seating the trousers- of Adoniram, our eldest boy an economical care to which inv statues and pictures ; yes, and by the spoons and forivs also, if they should chance neither to be so genuine nor so useful as DINNER-TIME. 35 those instruments ? And, worse than this, when your fancy wishes to enjoy the picture which mine forms of that feast, it cannot do so, because you have foolishly interpolated the fact between the dinner and your fancy. Of course, by this time it is late twilight, and the spectacle I enjoyed is almost over. But not quite, for as I return slowly along the streets, the windows are open, and only a thin ha/o of lace or muslin separates me from the Paradise within. I see the graceful cluster of girls hovering over ,tho piano, and the quiet groups of the elders in easy -chairs, around little tables. I cannot hear what is said, nor plainly see the faces. But some hoyden evening wind, moro glaring than I, abruptly parts the cloud to look in, and out comes a gush of light, music, and fragrance, so that I shrink away into the dark, that I may not seem, even by chance, to have invaded that privac} T . Suddenly there is singing. It is Aurelia, who does not cope with the Italian Prima Donna, nor sing indifferently to-night, what 36 PRUE AND I. was sung superbly last evening at the opera. She has a strange, low, sweet voice, as if she only sang in the twilight. It is the ballad of " Allan Percy " that she sings. There is no dainty applause of kid gloves, when it is ended, but silence follows the singing, like a tear. Then you, my young friend, ascend into tho drawing-room, and, after a little grace ful gossip, retire ; or you wait, possibly, to hand Aurelia into her carriage, and to ar range a waltz for to-morrow evening. She smiles, you bow, and it is over. But it is not yet over with me. My fancy still follows her, and, like a prophetic dream, rehearses her destiny. For, as the carriage rolls a\\ ;.y into the darkness and I return homewards, how can my fancy help rolling away also, into the dim future, watching her go down the years ? Upon my way home I see her in a thou sand new situations. My fancy says to me, *' The beauty of this beautiful woman is heaven's stamp upon virtue. She will be equal to every chance that shall befall her, DINNER-TIME. 3f and she is so radiant and charming in the circle of prosperity, only because she has that irresistible simplicity and fidelity of character, which can also pluck the sting from adversity. Do you not see, you wan. cli I bookkeeper in faded cravat, that in a poor man's house this superb Aurelia would be more stately than sculpture, more beauti ful than painting, and more graceful than the famous vases. Would her husband re gret the opera if she sang ' Allan Percy ' to him in the twilight? Would ho not feel richer than the Poets, when his eves rose from their jeweled pages, to fall again daz zled by the splendor of his Avife's beauty ?" At this point in my reflections I some times run, rather violently, against a lamp post, and then proceed along the street more sedately. It is yet early when I reach home, where my Prue awaits me. The children are asleep, and the trousers mended. The admirable woman is patient of my idjosjncrasies, and asks me if I have had a pleasant walk, and if there were many line dinners to-day, as 38 PRUE AND I. if I had been expected at a dozen tables. She even asks me if I have seen the beauti ful Aurelia (for there is always some Aurelia,) and inquires what dress she wore. I re spond, and dilate upon what I have seen. Prue listens, as the children listen to her fairy tales. AVe discuss the little stories that penetrate our retirement, of the great people who actually dine out. Prue, with iine womanly instinct, declares it is a shame that Aurelia should smile for a moment upon - , yes, even upon you, my friend of the irreproachable manners! " I know him," says my simple Prue ; " I have watched his cold courtesy, his insincere devotion. I have seen him acting in the boxes' at the opera, much more adroitly than the singers upon the stage. I have read his determination to marry Aurelia ; and I shall not be surprised," concludes my tender wife, sadly, " if he wins her at last, by tiring her out, or, by secluding her by his constant devotion from the homage of other men, con vinces IKT thnt f lw > Ind better marry him, since it u so tlis;:;ai to live on unmarried." DINNER-TIME. 39 And so, my friend, at the moment when the bouquet you ordered is arriving at Aurelia's house, and she is sitting before the glass while her maid arranges the last flower in her hair, my darling Prue, whom you will never hear of, is shedding warm tears over your probable union, and I am sitting by, adjusting my cravat and incontinently clear ing my throat. It is rather a ridiculous business, I allow ; yet you will smile at it tenderly, rather than scornfully, if you remember that it shows how closely linked we human creatures are, without knowing it, and that more hearts than we dream of enjoy our happiness and_ share our sorrow. Thus, I dine at great tables uninvited and unknown, converse with the famous beauties. If Aurelia is at last engaged, (but who is. worthy ?) she will, with even greater care, arrange that wondrous toilette, will teach that lace a fall more alluring, those gems a. sweeter light. But even then, as she rolls to dinner in her carriage, glad that she is fair, not for h-T '> -, < i!;- nor for the world's, 40 PRUE AND I. but for that of a single youth (who, I hope, has not been smoking at the club all the morning), I, sauntering upon the sidewalk, see her pass, I pay homage to her beauty, and her lover can do no more ; and if, per chance, my garments which must seem quaint to her, with their shining knees and carefully brushed elbows ; my, white cravat, careless, yet prim ; my meditative movement, as I put my stick und^r my arm to pare an apple, and not, I hope, this time to fall into the street, should remind her, in her spring of youth, and beaut}', and love, that there are age, and care, and poverty, also; then, perhaps, the good fortune of the meeting is not wholly mine. " For, O beautiful Aurelia, two of these things, at least, must come even to you. There will be a time when you will no longer go out to dinner, or only very quietly, in the family. I shall be gone then : but other old bookkeepers in white cravats will inherit ray tastes, and saunter, on summer after noons, to see what I loved to see. They will -not pause, I fear, in buying ap- DINNER-TIME. 4! pies, to look at the old lady in venerable cap, who is rolling by in the carriage. They will worship another Aurelia. You will not wear diamonds or opals any more, only one pcari upon your blue-veined linger your engage ment ring. Grave clergymen and antiquated beaux will hand you down to dinner, and the group of polished youth, who gather around the yet unborn Aurelia of that day, will look at you, sitting quietly upon the sofa, and say, softly, " She must have been very handsome in her time." All this must bo : for consider how few years since it was your grandmother who was the belle, by whose side the handsome young men longed to sit and pass expressive mottoes. Your grandmother was the Aurelia cf a half-centurv ago, although vou cannot %> O 7 O t/ fancy her young. She is indissolubly asso ciated in your mind with caps and dark dresses. You can believe Mary Queen of Scots, or Nell Gwyn, or Cleopatra, to have been young and blooming* although they be long to old and dea 1 centuries, but not your grandmother. Think of those who 42 PRUE AND I. believe the same of yon you, who to-day are the very flower of youth. Might I plead with you, Aurelia I, who would be too happy to receive one of those graciously beaming bows that I see you be stow upon young men, in passing, I would ask you to bear that thought with you, always, not to sadden your sunny smile, but to give it a more subtle grace. Wear in your summer garland this little leaf of rue. It will not be the skull at the feast, it will rather be the tender thoughtfulness in the face of the young Madonna. For the years pass like summer clouds, Aurolia, and the children of yesterday are the wives and mothers of to-day. Even I do sometimes discover the mild eyes of my Prue iixed pensively upon my face, as if searching for the bloom which she remem bers there in the days long ago, when we were vounir. She will never see it there / ^j again, an^ more than the flowers she held in her hand, in oui'oll spring rambles. Yet the tenr that slowly :at!K-rs as she giizes, is not grief that t!r> hloovi \\ -s !'a .led from my DINNER-TIME. 43 cheek, but the sweet consciousness that it can never fade from my heart ; and as her eyes fall upon her work again, or the children climb her lap to hear the old fairy-tales they already know by heart, my wife Prue is dearer to me than the sweetheart of those days long ago. MY CHATEAUX, **In Xanadu did Kubla Khan A stately pleasure-dome decree." Coleridge, MY CHATEAUX. bo found in the grounds. They comman-l a noble view of the Alps; so- 54 PRUE AND I. fine, indeed, that I should be quite content with the prospect of them from the highest tower of my castle, and not care to go to Switzerland. The neighboring ruins, too, are as pictur- ^?que as those of Italy, and my desire of st.inding in the Coliseum, and of seeing the shuttered arches of the Aqueducts stretching .along the Campagna and melting into the Alban Mount, is entirely quenched. The rich gloom of my orange groves is gilded by fruit as brilliant of complexion ana exquisite" of flavor as any that ever dark-eyed Sor- ronto girls, looking over the high plastered walls of southern Italy, hand to the youth ful travelers, climbing on donkeys up the narrow lane beneath. The Nile flows through my grounds. The Dfsert lies upon their edge, and Damascus tst;inds in my gmlen. I am given to under stand, also, that the Parthenon has been removed to my Spanish possessions. The Golden-lion is my fi si i -preserve ; my flocks of goMe-i fierce sire p"s f< ired on the plain of -Marathon, and the honey of Ilymettus is MY CHATEAUX. 55 distilled from the flowers that grow in the vale of Enna all in my Spanish co- mains. From the windows of those castles lock the beautiful women whom I have never seen. whooj portraits the poets l.ave painted. They wait for me there, and chiefly the fair haired child, lost to my eyes so long "go, no.v bloomed, into an impossible beauty. The lights that never shone, glance at ev< n- inj in the vaulted halls, upon banquets that were never spread. The bands I have never collected, play all night long, and er,ch:i:it the brilliant company, that was never as sembled, into silence. In the long summer mornings the children that I never had, play in the gardens that I 'never planted. I hear their sweet voices sounding low and far away, calling "Father! Father!" I see the lost fair- haired girl, grown now into a woman, de scending the stately stairs of my castle in Spain, stepping out upon the lawn, and playing vi'li those children. They bound away together (!ow:i the garden ; but those 56 PRUE AND I. voices linger, this time airily calling, *' Mother ! mother ! " But there is a stranger magic than this in my Spanish estates. The lawny slopes on which, when a child, I played, in my father's old country place which was sold when he failed, are all there, and not a flower faded, nor a blade of grass sere. The green leaves have not fallen from thfi spring \\ oods of half a century ago, and a gorgeous autumn lias blazed undimmed for fifty years, among the trees I remember. Chestnuts are not especially sweet to my palate now, but those with which I used to prick my fingers when gathering them in New Hampshire woods are exquisite as ever to my taste, when I think of eating them in Spain. I never ride horseback now at home ; but in Spain, when I think of it, I bound over all the fences in the country, bare backed upon the wildest horses. Sermons I am apt to find a little soporific in this country ; but in Spain I should listen as rev erently as ever, for proprietors must set a good example on tiicir estates. MY CHATEAUX. 57 Plavs are insufferable to me here Prue and I never go. Prue, indeed, is not quito sure it is moral ; but the theaters in my Spanish castles are of a prodigious splendor,, and when I think of going there, Prue sits IH a front box with me a kind of royal box the good woman, attired in such wise as I have never seen her here, while I wear my white waistcoat, which in Spain has no appearance of mending, but dazzles with, immortal newness, and is a miraculous fit. Yes, and in those castles in Spain, Prue is not the placid, breeches-patching helpmate, with whom you are acquainted, but her face has a bloom which we both remember, and her movement a grace whidi my Spanish, swans emulate, and her voice a music sweeter than those that orchestras discourse. She is always there what she seemed to me when I fell in love with her, many and many years ago. The neighbors culled her then a nice, capable girl ; and certainly she did knit and darn with a zeal and success to which my feet and my legs have testified for nearly half a century. But she could spin a finer 58 PRUE AND I. web than ever came from cotton, and in its subtle meshes my heart was entangled, and there has reposed softly and happily ever .since. The neighbors declared she could iihike pudding and cake better than any girl of her age ; but stale bread from Prue's hand was ambrosia to my palate. " She who makes everything well, even to making neighbors speak \vell of her, will surely make a good wife," said 1 to myself when I knew her ; and the echo of a half 3?ntury answers, " a good wife." So, when I meditate my Spanish castles, I see Prue in them as my heart saw her standing by her father's door. " Age can not wither her." There is a magic in the Spanish air that paralyzes Time. He glides by, unnoticed and unnoticing. I greatly admire the Alps, which I soe so distinctly "from my Spanish windows ; I delight in the t-iste of the southern fruit that ripens upon my terraces ; I enjoy the pensive shade of t!;e Italian ruins ia my gardens ; I like to shoot crocodiles, and talk with the Sphinx upon the shores of the Nile, flowing through MY CHATEAUX. 59 my domain : I am glad to drink sherbet in .Damascus, and ileece my flocks on the plains of Marathon ; but I would resign all thase forever rather than part with tliat Spanish portrait of Prue fora day. Nay, have I not resigned them a-H forever, to live with that portrait's changing original ? I have often wondered how I should reach my castles. The desire of going comes over me very strongly sometimes, and I endeavor to S3e how I can arrange my affairs, so as to g3t away. To tell the truth, I am not quite sure of the route, I mean, to that particular part of Spain in which my estates lie. I have inquired very particularly, but nobody seems to know precisely. One morn ing I met young Aspen, trembling with ex citement. " What's the matter ? " asked I with in terest, for I knew that he held a great deal of Spanish stock. " Oh ! " said he, " I'm going out to take possession. I have found the way to my castles in Spain." " Dear me!" I answered, with the blood 60 PRUE AND I. streaming into my face; and, heedless of Prue, pulling my glove until it ripped " what is it ? " " The direct route is through California," answered he. " But then you have the sea to cross after ward," said I, remembering the map. " Not at all," answered Aspen, " the road runs along the shore of the Sacramento Kiver." He darted away from me, and I did not meet him again. I was very curious to- know if he arrived safely in Spain, and was expecting every day to hear news from him of my property there, when, one evening, I bought an extra, full of California news, and the first thing upon which my eye fell was this: "Died, in San Francisco, Edward Aspen, Esq., aged 35." There is a large body of the Spanish stockholders who be- liove with Aspen, and sail for California every week. I have not yet heard of their rrrval out at their castles, but I suppose tluy are s.> !;isy with their own affairs there, taut they i:av3iio time to write to the MY CHATEAUX. 6l rest of us about the condition of our property. There was my wife's cousin, too, Jonathan Bud, who is a good, honest, youth from the country, and, after a few weeks' absence, he burst into the office one day, just as I was balancing my books, and whispered to me, eagerly : " I've found my castle in Spain." I put the blotting-paper in the leaf de liberately, for I was wiser now than when Aspen had excited me, and looked at my wife's cousin, Jonathan Bud, inquiringly. " Polly Bacon," whispered he, winking. I continued the interrogative glance. *' She's going to marry me, and she'll show me the way to Spain," said Jonathan Bud, hilariously. " She'll make you walk Spanish, Jon athan Bud," said I. And so she does, lie makes no more hilarious remarks. He never bursts into a room. He does not ask us to dinner. He says that Mrs. Bu 1 do^s not like smoking. Mrs. Ba.l h.is :v - vo> an I b.jbies. She has a 62 PRUE AND I. way of saying, " Mr. Bud ! " which destroys conversation, and casts a gloom upon society. It occurred to me that Bourne the mil lionaire, must have ascertained the safest and most expeditious route to Spain ; so I stole a few minutes one afternoon, and went into his office. He was sitting at his desk, writing rapidly, and surrounded by files of papers and patterns, specimens, boxes, every thing that covers the tables of a great mer chant. In the outer rooms clerks were writing. Upon high shelves over their heads, were huge chests, covered with dust, dingy with age, many of them, and all marked with the name of the firm, in large black letters " Bourne & Dye." The}' were all numbered also with the proper year ; some of them with a single capital B, and dates extending back into the last century, when old Bourne made the great fortune, before he went into, partnership with Dye. Every thing was indicative of immense and increas ing prosperity. There were several gentlemen in wait- MY CHATEAUX. 63 ing to converse with Bourne (\ve all call him so, familiarly, down town), and I waited until they went out. But others came in. There was no pause in the rush. All kinds of inquiries were made and answered. At length I stepped up. " A moment, please, Mr. Bourne." He looked up hastily, wished me good morning which he had done to none of the others, ond which courtesy I attributed to Spanish sympathy. "What is it, sir?" he asked, blandly, but with wrinkled brow. ; 'Mr. Bourne, have you any castles in Spain ? " said I, without preface. " He looked at me for a few moments with out speaking, and without seeming to see me. His brow gradually smoothed, and his eyes ? apparently looking into the street, were really, I have no doubt, feasting upon the Spanish landscape. " Too many, too many," said he at length, "musingly, shaking his head r and without * addressing me. I suppose he felt himself too much ex- 64 PRUE AND I. tended as we say in Wall Street. He feared, I thought, that he had too much im practicable property elsewhere, to own so much in Spain ; so I asked, " Will you tell me what you consider the shortest and safest route thither, Mr. Bourne ? for, of course, a man who drives such an im mense trade with all parts of the world, will know all that I have come to inquire." " My dear sir," answered he wearily, " I have been trying all my life to discover it ; but none of my ships have ever been there none of my captains have any report to make. They bring me, as they brought my father, gold dust from Guinea; ivory, pearls, and precious stones, from every part of the earth ; but not a fruit, not a solitary flower from one of my castles in Spain. I have sent clerks, agents, and travelers of all kinds, philosophers, pleasure-hunters, and invalids, in all sorts of ships, to all sorts of places, but none of them ever saw or heard of my castles, except one young poet, and he died in a madhouse" "Mr Bourne, will you t;.ke five thou- MY CHATEAUX. 6$ sand at ninety-seven ? " hastily demanded a man, whom, as he entered, I recognized as a broker. " We'll make a splendid thing of it.** Bourne nodded assent, and the broker disappeared. " Happy man I " muttered the merchant, as the broker went out ; " he has no castles in Spain." " I am sorry to have troubled you, Mr. Bourne," said I, retiring. " I am glad you came," returned he ; " but I assure you, had I known the route you hoped to ascertain from me, I should ha* r e stiiled years and years ago. People sail for the Northwest Passage, which is nothing when you have found it. Why don't the English Admiralty fit out expeditions to discover all our castles in Spain ? " lie sat lost in thought. " It's nearly post-time, sir," said the clerk. Mr. Bourne did not heed him. He was still musing ; and I turned to go, wishing hrn good morning. When I had nearly VM 'icd the door, he called me back, saying us ' "ontin'iing his remarks 5 66 PRUE AND I. " It is strange that you, of all men, should come to ask me this question. If I envy an y man, it is you, for I sincerely assure \ ou th:it I supposed you lived altogether upon your Spanish estate?. I once thought I khe\v the way to mine. I gave directions for furnishing them, and 01 dried bridal bouquets, which were never used, but I t;up- pose they are there still." He paused a moment, then said slowly " How is your wife 1 " I told him that Prue was veil that she was alwavs remarkably well. Mr. Bourne r * shook n:e warmly by the hand. " "Tlr.mk you,-' said he. " Good morning." I knew why he thanked me; I knew why he thought that T lived altogether upon my Spanish estates ; I knew a little bit about those bridal bouquets. Mr. Bourne, the mil lionaire was an old lover of I 'rue's. There is something very odd about these Spanish castles. "When I think of them, I somehow r -.' th<> fair-li-'ired girl whom I knew when I VM'.S rot out of short jackets. When Bourne meditates them, he sees Pruc and MY CHATEAUX. 67 me quietly at home in their best chambers. It is a very singular thing that my wife should live in another man's castle in Spain. At length I resolved to ask Titbottom if ho had ever heard of the best route to our estates. He said that he owned castles, and sometimes there was an expression in his face, as if he saw them. I hope he did. I should long ago have asked him if he had ever ob served the turrets of ray possessions in the "West, without alluding to Spain, if I had not feared he would suppose I was mocking his poverty. I hope his poverty has not turned his head, for he is very forlorn. One Sunday I went with him a few miles into the country. It was a soft, bright day, the fields and hills lay turned to the sky, as if every leaf and blade of grass were nerves, bared to the touch of the sun. I almost felt the ground warm under my feet. The mead ows waved and glittered, the lights and shadows were exquisite, and the distant hills seemed only to remove the horizon farther away. As we strolled along, picking wild flowers, for it was in summer, I was think- 68 TRUE AM) I. ing what a fine day it was for a trip to Spain, when Titbottoin suddenly exclaimed : " Thank God ! I own this landscape." " You," returned I. " Certainly," said he. "Why," I answered, "I thouglit this was part of Bourne's property ? " Titbottoin smiled. " Does Bourne own the sun and sky ? Does Bourne own that sailing shadow yonder ? Does Bourne own the golden lus ter of the grain, or the motion of the wood, or those ghosts of hills, that glide pallid along the horizon ? Bourne owns the dirt and fences; I own the beauty tl.at makes tlie landscape, or otherwise how could I own castles in Spain ? " That was very true. I respected Titbot toin more than ever. *' Do von k -ow," said ho, rftrr a lor.fr . O pnu e, "that 1 fancy my castles lie just be yond t'-os'* distant hills. At ;.!! events, I can see t!uin distinctly from their : umniits." lie s'nil'^1 s : on. As the years go by, I am not conscious, that my interest diminishes. If I i\ e that. age is subtly sifting his snow in tl.e dark hair of my Prue, I smile, contented, for her hair, dark an:l heavy as when I first saw it, is all carefully treasured in mv castles in Spain. If I feel her arm more heavily lean ing upon mine, as we walk around the squares, I press it closely to my side, for MY CHATEAUX. 77 I know that the easy grace of her youth's motion will be restored by the elixir of that Spanish air. If her voice sometimes falls less clearly from her lips, it is no less sweet to me, for the music of her voice's prime fills, freshly as ever, those Spanish halls. If the li^-ht I love fades a little from, her eyes, I know that the glances she gave me, in our youth, are the eternal sunshine of my castles in Spain. I defy time and change. Each year laid upon our heads, is a hand of blessing. I have no doubt that I shall find the shortest route to my possessions as soon as need be. Perhaps, when Adoniram is married, we shall all go out to one of my castles to pass the honey-moon. Ah ! if the true history of Spain could be written what a book were there ! The most purely romantic ruin in the world is the Alhambra. But of the Spanisii castles, more spacious and splendid than any possi ble Alhambra, and for ever unruined, no towers ;ire visible, no pictures have been painted, and only a few ecstatic songs have 78 PRUE AND I. been sung. The pleasure-dome of Kubla Khan, which Coleridge saw in Xanadu (a province with which I am not familiar), and a fine Castle of Indolence belonging to- Thomson, and the Palace of art which Tennyson built as a " lordly pleasure-house "" for his soul, are among the best statistical accounts of those Spanish estates. Turner,, too, has done for them much the same service that Owen Jones .has done for the Alhambra. In the vignette to Moore's Epicurean you will find represented one of the most extensive castles in Spain ; and there are several exquisite studies from others, by the same artists, published in Rogers's Italy. But I confess I do not recognize any of these as mine, and that fact makes me prouder of my own castles, for, if there be such boundless variety of magnificence in their aspect and exterior, imagine the life that is led there, a life not unworthy such a setting. If Adoniram should be married within a reasonable time, and we should make up MY CHATEAUX, 79 that little family party to go out, I have considered already what society I should ask to meet the bride. Jephthah's daughter and the Chevalier Bayard, I should say and fair Rosamond with Dean Swift King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba Avould come over, I think-, from his famous castle Shakespeare and his friend the Marquis of Southampton might come in a galley with Cleopatra; and, if any guest were offended by her presence, he should devote himself to the Fair One with Golden Locks. Mephis- topheles is not personally disagreeable, and is exceedingly well-bred in society, I am told ; and he should, come tete-a-tete with Mrs. Rawdon Crawley. Spenser should escort his Faerie Queen, who would preside at the tea-table. Mr. Samuel Weller I should ask as Lord of Misrule, and Dr. Johnson as the Abbot of Unreason. I would suggest to Major Dobbin to accompany Mrs. Fry ; Alcibiades would bring Homer and Plato in his purple- sailed galley ; and I would have Aspasia, Ninon de 1'Enclos, and Mrs. Battle, to make TRUE AND I. Up a table of whist with Queen Elizabeth. I shall order a seat placed in the oratory for Lady Jane Grey and Joan of Arc. I shall invite General "Washington to bring some of the choicest cigars from his plantation for Sir Walter Raleigh ; and Chaucer, Browning, and Walter Savage Landor, should talk with Goethe, who is to bring Tasso on one arm and Iphigenia on the other. Dante and Mr. Carlyle would prefer, I suppose, to go down into the dark vaults under the castle. The Man in the Moon, the Old Harry, and William of the Wisp would be valuable additions, and the Laureate ^Tennyson might compose an official ode upon the occasion : or I would ask " They " to say all about it. Of course there are many other guests whose names I do not at the moment recall. But I should invite, first of all, Miles Cover- dale, who knows everything about these places and this society, for he was at Blithe- dale, and he has described " a select party " which he attended at a castle in the air. Prue has not vet looked over tho list. In MY CHATEAUX. 8l fact I am not quite sure that she knows my intention. For I wish to surprise her, and I think it would be generous to ask Bourne to lead her out in the bridal quadrille. I think that I shall try the first waltz with the g'rl I sometimes seem to see in my fairest castle, but whom I very vaguely remember. Titbottom will come with old Burton and Jaques. But I have not prepared h:i!f my invitations. Do you not guess it, s?eing that I did not name, first of all, Elia, who assisted at the " Rejoicings upon the n; >: vv year's coming of age? " And yet, if Adoniram should never marry ? or if we could not get to Spain? or if to company would not come? What then? Shall I betray a secret ? I 1'Mve already entertained this party in my I 1 , :;nble little parlor at home; and Prue presided r.s serenely as Semiramis over her r.'iirt. Ilavo I not said that I defy time, :->id slinll space hope to daunt me? I keep books by day, but by night books keep me. They leave me to dreams and reveries. Shall I co" f <*>!, tint so-iftiwps when I have been 82 PRUE AND I. sitting, reading to my Prue, Cymbeline, perhaps, or a Canterbury tale, I have seemed to see clearly before me the broad highway to my castles in Spain ; and as she looked up from her work, and smiled in sympathy, I have even fancied that i was already there. SEA FROM SHORE. " Come unto these yellow sands." The Tempest. " Argosies of magic sails, Pilots of the purple twilight, dropping down with costly bales." Tennyson. SEA FROM SHORE. " Come unto these yellow sands." The Tempest. " Argosies of magic sails, Pilots of the purple twilight, dropping down with costly bales." Tennyson. IN the month of June, Prue and I l!ke to- walk upon the Battery toward sunset, and watch the steamers, crowded with passen gers, bound for the pleasant places along the coast where people pass the hot mont!:s. Sea-side lodgings are not very comfortable, I am told ; but who would not be a little pinched in his chamber, if hie windows looked upon the sea? In such praises of the ocean do I indulge at such times, and so respectfully do I* re gard the sailors who may chance to pass, that Prueoften says, with '">" shroud smiles,. that my mind is a kind cf Greenwich JIos- 85 86 PRUE AND I. pital, full of abortive marine hopes and wishes, broken-legged intentions, blind re grets, and desires, whose hands have been shot away in some hard battle of experience so that they cannot grasp the results towards which they reach. She is right, as usual. Such hopes and intentions do lie, ruined and hopeless now, strewn about the placid contentment of my mental life, as the old pensioners sit about the grounds at Greenwich, maimed and mus ing in the quiet morning sunshine. Many a one among them thinks what a Nelson he would have been if both his legs had not been prematurely carried away ; or in what a Trafalgar of triumph he would have ended, if, unfortunately, he had not happened to have been blown blind by the explosion of that unlucky magazine. So I dream, sometimes, of a straight scar let collar, stiff with gold lace, around my "neck, instead of this limp white cravat ; and I have even brandished my quill at the office so cutlass-wise, that Titbottom has paused in his additions nnd looked at me as SEA FROM SHORE. 87 if lie doubted whether I should come out quite square in my petty cash. Yet he un derstands it. Titbottorn was born in Nan- tucket. That is the secret of my fondness for the se.i ; I was born by it. Not more surely do Savoyards pine for the mountains, or Cock neys for the sound of Bow bells, than those who are born within sight and sound of the ocean to return to it and renew their fealty. In dreams the children of the sea hear its voice. I have read in some book of travels that certain tribes of Arabs have no name for the ocean, and that when they came to the shore for the first time, they asked with eager sad ness, as if penetrated by the conviction of a> superior beauty, " what is that desert of water more beautiful than the land ? " And in the ' translations of German stories which Ado- niram and the other children read, and into which I occasionally look in the evening when they are gone to bed for I like to know what interests my children I find that the Germans, who do not live near the 88 PRUE ATs T D I. sea, love the fairy lore of water, and tell the sweet stories of Undine and Melusina, us if they had especial charm for them, because their country is inland. Wo who know the sea have less fairy feel ing about it, but our realities are romance. My earliest remembrances are of a long range of old, half dilapidated stores ; red brick stores with steep wooden roofs, and ;stone window-frames and door-frames, which stood upon docks built as if for immense trade with all quarters of the globe. Generally there were only a few sloops moored to the tremendous posts, which I fancied could easily hold fast a Spanish Armada in a tropical hurricane. But some times a great ship, an East Indiaman. with rusty, seamed, blistered sides, anil dingy ;sails, came slowly moving up the harbor, with an air of indolent self-importance and -consciousness of superiority, which inspired mo with profound respect. If the ship had ever chanced to run down t\ ro\v-bo;it, or a .sloop, or any specimen of smaller craft, I should only have wondered at the temerity SEA FROM SHORE. 89 of any floating thing in crossing the path of such supreme majesty. The ship was lei surely chained and 'cabled to the old dock, and then came the disemboweling. llo\v the stately monster had been fatten ing upon foreign spoils ! How it had gorged itself (such galleons did never seem to iiie of the feminine gender) with the luscious treas ures of the tropics! It had lain its lazy length along the shores of China, and sucked in whole flowery harvests of tea. The Bra zilian sun flashed through the strong wkker prisons, bursting with bananas and nectarean fruits that eschew the temperate zone. Steams of camphor, of sandal wood, s;rose: from the hold. Sailors chanting cabalistic strains, that had to my ear a shrill and monotonous pathos, like the uniform rising- and falling of an autumn wind, turned cranks that lifted the bales, and bo'xes, and crates, and swung them ashore. But to my mind, the spell of their singing raised the frngrar.t freight, and r.ot the crank. Madagascar and Ceylon appeared ;,t the mystic buKiin^ ' tiu> so:?g. The placid- 90 PRUE AND i. sunshine of the docks was perfumed with India. The universal calm of southern seas poured from the bosom of the ship over the quiet, decaying old northern port. Long after the confusion of unloading was over and the ship lay as if all voyages wero ended, 1 dared to creep timorously along the edge of the dock, and at great risk of fallino- in the black water of its huge shadow, O * ' I placed my hand upon the hot hulk, and so established a mystic and exquisite con nection with Pacific islands, with palm groves and all the passionate beauties they embower; with jungles, Bengal tigers, pepper, and the crushed feet of Chinese fairies. I touched Asia, the Cape of Good Hope and the Happy Islands. I would not believe that the heat I felt was of our north ern sun ; to my finer sympathy it burned with equatorial fervors. The freight was piled in the old stores. I believe that many of them remain, but they have lost their character. When ] knew them, not only was I younger, but partial decay had overtaken the town; SEA FROM SHORE. 91 at least the bulk of its India trade had shifted to New York and Boston. But the appliances remained. There was no throng of busy traffickers, and after school, in the afternoon, I strolled bv and gazed into the V solemn interiors. Silence reigned within, silence, dimness, and piles of foreign treasure. Vast coils of cable, like tame boa-constrictors, served as seats for men with large stomachs, and heavy watch-seals, and nankeen trousers, who sat looking out of the door toward the ships, with little other sign of life than an occasional low talking, as if in their sleep. Huge hogsheads perspiring brown sugar and oozing slow molasses, as if nothing tropical couid keep within bounds, but must continually expand, and exude, and over- flow, stood against the walls, and had an architectural significance, for they darkly reminded me of Egyptian prints, and in the duskiness of the low vaulted store seemed cyclopean columns incomplete. Strange festoons and heaps of bags, square piles of square boxes cased in mats, bales of airy 92 PRUE A*D I. snmmor stuffs, which, even in winter, scoffed at cold, and shamed it by audacious assumption of eternal sun, little specimen f boxes of precious dyes that even now shine > through my memory, like old Venetian schools unpainted, these were all there in rich confusion. The stores had a twilight of dimness, the air was spicy with mingled odors. I liked to look suddenly in from the glare of sunlight outside, and then the cool sweet dimness was like the palpable breath of the far off island- groves ; and if only some parrot or macaw hung within, would flaunt with glistening plumage in his cage, and as the gay hue flashed in a chance sunbeam, call in his hard, shrill voice, as if thrusting sharp sounds . upon a glistening wire from out that grate ful gloom, then the enchantment was com plete, and without moving, I was circum navigating the globe. From the old stores and the docks slowly crumbling, touched, I know not why or how, by the pensive air of past prosperity, I ram bled out of town on those well remembered SEA FROM SHORE. 93 afternoons, to the fields that lay upon hill sides over the harbor, and there sat, looking out to sea, fancying some distant sail pro ceeding to the glorious" ends of the earth, to be my type and image, who would so sail, stately and successful, to all the glorious ports of the Future. Going home, I re turned by the stores, which black porters were closing. But I stood long looking in, saturating my imagination, and as it ap peared, my clothes, with the spicy sugges tion. For when I reached home my thrifty mother another Prue came snuffing and smelling about me. " "Why ! my son, (snuff, snuff,} where have you been ? (snuff, snuff}. lias the baker been making (snuff} ginger-bread \ You smell as if you'd been in (snuff, snuff,} a bag of cinnamon." " I've only been on the wharves, mother." " Well, my dear, I hope you haven't stuck up your clothes with molasses. "Wharves are dirty places, and dangerous. You must take care of yourself, my son. Really -this smell is (snuff, snuff} very strong." 94 PRUE AND I. But I departed from the maternal pres ence, proud and happy. I was aromatic. I bore about me the true foreign air. Who ever smelt me smelt distant countries. I had nutmeg, spices, cinnamon, and cloves, with out the jolly red-nose. I pleased myself with being the representative of the Indies. I was in good odor with myself and all the \vorld. I do not know how it is, but surely Na ture makes kindly provision. An imagina tion so easily excited as mine could not have escr.pe;! disappointment if it hacl had ample opportunity and experience of the lands it so longed to see. Therefore, al though I made the India voyage, I have never been a traveler, and saving the little time I was ashore in India, I did not lose the sense of novelty and romance, which the first sight of foreign lands inspires. That little time was all my foreign travel. I am glad of it. I see now that I should never have found the country from which the East Indiaman of my early days arrived. The palm groves do not grow with which SEA FROM SHORE. 95 that hand laid upon the ship placed me in magic conception. As for the lovely Indian maid whom the palmy arches bowered, she has long since clasped some native lover to her bosom, an:l, r pened into mild maternity, how should I know her now? u You would find her quiio as easily now as then," says my Pruc, when I speak of it. She is right again, as usual, that precious woman ; and it is therefore I feel thatjf the chances of life have moored me fast to a bookkeeper's desk, they have left all the lands I longed to see fairer and fresher in my mind than they could ever be in my memory. Upon rnv only voyage I used to climb into the top and search the horizon for tho shore. But now in a moment of c::lm thought I see a more Indian India than ever mariner discerned, and do not envy tbo youths who go there and make fortunes, *. O who wear grass-cloth jackets, drink iced beer, and eat curry ; whose minds fall asleep, and whose bodies have liver com plaints. Unseen by me forever nor ever regretted, 96 PRUE AND I. shall wave the Egyptian palms and the Italian pines. Untrodden by me, the Forum shall siill echo with the footfall of imperial Home, and the Parthenon un rifled of its marbles, loo!; p-.M'iVct across the Egean blue. My young friends return from tluir for eign tours el. ;te \\i;h the smiles of a nameless Italian or Parisian i;eile I kno\v not such cheap delights; 1 am a suitor of Yittoria Colonna ; I walk with Tasso along t'.:e ter raced garden of the Villa d'Este, n\\d look to see Beatrice smiling down the rich g'.-oom of the cypress shade. You stayed at the Hotel Europa in Venice, at DanielWs^ or the Leone bianco ; I am the guest of Marino Faliero, and I whisper to his wife as we climb the giant staircase in the summer moonlight, " Ah, senza amare Andare sul mare, Col sposo del mare, Non puo consolare." It is for the same reason that I did not care to dine with you and Aurelia, that I am content not to stand in St. Peter's. SEA FROM SHORE. 9? Alas ! if I could see the end of it, it would not be St. Peter's. For those of us whom Nature means to keep at home, she provides entertainment. One man goes four thou sand miles to Italy, and does not see it, he is so short-sighted. Another is so far-sighted that he stays in his room and sees more than Italy. But for this very reason that it washes the shores of my possible Europe and Asia, the sea draws me constantly to itself. Before I came to New York, while 1 was still a clerk in Boston, courting Prue, and living out of town, I never knew of a ship sailing for India or even for England and France, but I went up to the State House cupola or to the observatory on some friend's house in lioxbury, where I could not be interrupted, and there watched the departure. The sails hung ready ; the ships lay in the stream ; busy little boats and puffing steam ers darted about it, clung to its sides, pad dled away from it, or led the way to sea, as minniry^ ;:iL"ht pilot a whale. Tiie anchor 98 PRUE AND I. was slowly swung at the bow ; I could not hear the sailors' song, but I knew they were singing. I could not see the parting friends, but 1 knew farewells were spoken. I did not share the confusion, although I knew what bustle there was, what hurry, what shouting, what creaking, what fall of ropes and iron, what sharp oaths, lo.v laughs, whispers, sobs. But I was cool, high, sepa rate. To me it was " A painted ship Upon a painted ocean." The sails were shaken out, and the ship began to move. It was a fair breeze, per haps, and no steamer was needed to tow her away. She receded down the bay. Friends turned back I could not see them and waved their hands, and wiped their eyes, and went home to dinner. Farther and far ther from the ships at anchor, the lessening vessel became.' single and solitary upon the water. The sun sank in the west; but I watched her still. Every Hash of her sails as she tacked and turned, thrilled my hea.v. Yet Prue was not on board. I had never SEA FROM SHORE. 99 -;een one of the passengers or the crew. I did not know the consignees, nor the name of the vessel. I had shipped no adventure, nor risked any insurance, nor made any bet,, but my eyes clung to her as Ariadne's to the fading sail of Theseus. The ship was. freighted with more than appeared upon her papers, yet she was not a smuggler. She bore all there was of that nameless, lading, yet the next ship would carry as. much. She was freighted with fancy. My hopes, and wishes, and vague desires, were all on board. It seemed to me a treasure not less rich than that which filled the East Indiaman at the old dock in my boyhood. When, at length, the ship was a sparkle upon the horizon, I waved my hand in last farewell, I strained my eyes for a last glimpse. My mind had gone to sea, and had left noise behind. But now I heard again the multitudinous murmur of the city, and went down rapidly, and threaded the short, narrow streets to the office. Yet,, believe it, every dream of that day, as I watched the vessel, was written at night to- IOO PRUE AND I. Prue. She knew my heart had not sailed away. Those days are long past now, but still I walk upon the Battery and look towards the Narrows and know that beyond them, sep arated only by the sea, are many of whom I would so gladly know, and so rarely hear. The sea rolls between us like the lapse of dusky ages. They trusted themselves to it, and it bore them away far and far as if into the past. Last night I read of Antony, but I have not heard from Christopher these many months, and by so much farther away is he, so much older and more remote, than Antony. As for William, he is as vague as any of the shepherd kings of ante-Pharaonic dynasties. It is the sea that has done it, it has carried them off and put them away upon its other side. It is fortunate t!ic sea did not put them upon its underside. Are they hale and happy still? Is their hai; gr:iy, and luivo thay mustachios? Or havo they taken to wig; an 1 crutches ? Arc* thoy popas or car dinals yet ? Do they feast with Lucrez'-\ SEA FROM SHORE. IOI Borgia, or preach red republicanism to the Council of Ten ? Do they sing, Behold how orightly breaks the morning with Masaniello? Do they laugh at Ulysses and skip ashore to the Syrens ? Has Mesrour, chief of the Eunuchs, caught them with Zobeide in the Caliph's garden, or have they made cheese cakes without pepper ? Friends of my y outh > where in your wanderings have you tasted the blissful Lotus, that you neither come nor send us tidings ? Across the sea also came idle rumors as false reports steal into history and defile fair fames. Was it longer ago than yesterday that I walked with my cousin, then recently ;i widow, and talked with her of the coun tries to which she meant to sail ? She was young, and dark-eyed, and wore great hoops of gold, barbaric gold, in her ears. The hope of Italy, the thought of living there, had risen like a dawn in the darkness of her mind. I talked and listened by rapid turns. Was it longer ago than yesterday that she told me of her splendid plans, how palaces tapestried with gorgeous paintings should be 102 PRUE AND I. cheaply hired, and the best of teachers lead her children to the completest and most vari ous knowledge; ho\v, and with her slender pittance! she should have a box at the opera, and a carriage, and liveried servants, and in perfect health and youth, lead a per fect life in a perfect climate? And now what do I hear ? Why does a tear sometimes drop so audibly upon my paper, that Titbottom looks across with a sort of mild rebuking glance of inquiry, whether it is kind to let even a single tear fail, when an ocean of tears is pent up in hearts that would burst and overflow if but one drop should fores its way out ? Why across the sea came faint gusty stories like low voices in the wind, of a cloistered garden and sunny seclusion and a life of unknown and unexplained luxury. What is this pic ture of a pale face showered with streaming black hair, and large sad eyes looking upon lovely and noble children playing in the sunshine and a brow pained with thought str lining iito their d$tinv? Who is this figure, a man tali an 1 c >m >ly, with melting SEA FROM SHORE. 10$ eyes and graceful motion, who uomes and goes at pleasure, who is not a husband, yet has the key of the cloistered garden ? I do not know. They are secrets of the sea. The pictures pass before ray mind sud denly and unawares, and I feel the tears ris ing that I would gladly repress. Titbottom looks at mej then stands by the window of the office and leans his brow against the cold iron bars, and looks down into the little square paved court. I take my hat and steal out of the office fora few minutes, and slowly pace the hurrying streets. Meek-eyed Alice ! magnificent Maud ! sweet baby Lilian ! why does the sea imprison you so far away, when will you return, where do you linger ? The water laps, idly about docks, lies calm, or gaily heaves. Why does it bring me doubts and fears now, that brought such bounty of Iteauty in the days long gone? I remember that the day when my dark- haired cousin, with hoops of barbaric gold in her ears, sailed for Italy, was quarter-day, and we balanced the books at the office. It was nearly noon, and in my impatience to IO4 PRUE AND I. be away, I had not added my columns with sufficient care. The inexorable hand of the office clock pointed sternly towards twelve, and the remorseless pendulum ticked sol emnly to noon. To a man Avhose pleasures are not many, and rather small, the loss of such an event as s lying farewell and wishing Godspeed to a friend going to Europe, is a great loss. It was so to mo, especially, because there was always more to me, in every departure, than tha parting and the farewell. I was gradu ally renouncing this pleasure, as I saw small prospect of ending before noon, when Tit- bottQin, after looking at me a moment, came to my side of the desk, and said : " I should like to finish that for you." I looked at him : poor Titbottom ! he had no friends to wish God-speed upon any jour ney. I quietly wiped my pen, took down my hat, and went out. It was in the days of sail packets and less regularity, when go ing to Europe was more of an epoch in life. How gaily my cousin stoo 1 upon the deck and detailed to me her pla.i ! How merrily SEA FROM SHORE. IOJ the children shouted find sang ! How long I held my cousin's little hand in mine, and gazed into her great eyes, remembering that they would see and touch the things that were invisible to me forever, but all the more precious and fair! She kissed me I was younger then there were teai:- v I remember, and prayers, and promises,. a waving handkerchief, a fading sail. It was only the other day that I saw an other parting of the same kind. I was not a. principal, only a spectator ; but so fond am I of sharing, afar off, as it were, and unseen,, the sympathies of human beings, that I can not avoid often going to the dock upon steamer-days and giving myself to that pleasant and melancholy observation. There is always a crowd, but this day it was al most impossible to advance through the masses of people. The eager faces hurried by ; a constant stream poured up the gang way into the steamer, and the upper deck,, to which I gradually made my way, was crowded with the passengers and their friends. IO6 PRUE AND I. There was one group upon which my eyes first fell, and upon which my memory lingers. A glance, brHliant as daybreak a voice, *' Her voice's music. call it the well's bubbling, the. birds's warble," a goddess girdled with flowers, and smil ing farewell upon a circle of worshipers, to each ons of whom that gracious calmness made the smile sweeter, and the farewell more sad other figures, other flowers, an angyl face all these I saw in that group as I was swayed up and down the deck by the e;ig ?r swarm of people. The hour came, and I wont on shore with the rest. The plank was drawn away the captain raised his hand the huge steamer slowly moved a cannon was fired the ship was gone. ' The sun sparkled upon the water as they s:iib I away. In five minutes the steamer was as much separated from the shore as if it had been at saa a tho;is:ind years. I leaned agiin.st a post upon the dock anil looked nround. Tlurj^d upon the edge of the wharf stood that bund of worshipers, SEA FROM SHORE. IO/ -waving handkerchiefs and straining their eyes to see the last smile of farewell did any eagar selfish eye hope to see a tear? They to whom the handkerchiefs were waved stood high upon the stern, holding flowers. Over them hung the great flag, raised by the gentle wind into the graceful foils of a canopy, say rather a gorgeous gon falon waved over the triumphant departure, over that supreme youth, and bloom, and beauty, going out across the mystic ocean to carry a liner charm and more human splen dor into those realms of my imagination beyond the sea. " You will return, O youth and beauty ! " I s:iid to my dreaming and foolish setf, as I co itrnplate I thos3 fair figures, " richer than Al ^ in br with Indian spoils. All that his- to '}", association, that copious civilization, th >.> 5 grind ours an I graces of art, that varietv and picturesq'13'iess of life, will mel low and deepen your experience even as time silently to - Hr>s tho=?3 old pictures into a more persuasive and p-ithetic beauty, and as this increasing summer sheds ever softer 108 PRUE AND I. luster upon the landscape. You will return conquerors and not conquered. You will bring Europe, even as Aurelian brought Zeno- bia captive, to deck your homeward triumph. I do not wonder that these clouds break away, I do not wonder that the sun presses out and floods all the air, and land, anil water, with light that graces with happy omens your stately farewell." But if my faded face looked after them with such earnest and longing emotion, I, a solitary old man, unknown to thoso fair beings, and standing apart from that bund of lovers, yet in that moment bound more closely to them than they knew, how was it witji those Avhose hearts sailed away with that youth and beauty ? I watched them closely from behind my post. I knew that life had paused with them ; that the world stood still. I knew that the long, long sum mer would be only a yearning regret. I knew that each asked himself the mournful question, " Is this parting typical this slow, s:ul sweet recession ? " And I knew that they did not care to ask wiiather they should SEA FROM SHORE. 109 meet again, nor dare to contemplate the chances of the sea. The steamer swept on, she was near Staten Island, and a tinal gun boomed far and low across the water. The crowd was dispers ing, but the little group remained. Was it not all Hood had sung ? " I sa%v thee, lovely Inez, Descend along the shore With bands of noble gentlemen, And banners waved before ; And gentle youths and maidens gay, And snowy plumes they wore ; It would have been a beauteous dream, If it had been no more ! " " O youth ! " I said to them without speak ing, " be it gently said, as it is solemnly thought, should they return no more, yet in your memories the high hour of their love- linoss is forever enshrined. Should they come no more they never will be old, nor changed, to you. You will wax and wane, you will suffer, and struggle, and grow old ; but this summer vision will smile, immortal, upon your lives, and those fair faces shall shed, forever, from under that slowly wav ing flag, hops and peace." IIO PRUE AND I. It is so elsewhere ; it is the tenderness of Nature. Long, long ago \ve lost our first born, Prue and I. Since then, we have grown older and our children with us. Change comes, and grief, perhaps, and decay. "We are happy, our children are obedient and ga} r . But should Prue live until she has lost us all, and laid us, gray and weary, in our graves, she will have always one babe in her heart Every mother who has lost an infant, has gained a child of immortal youth. Can you find comfort here, lovers, whose mistress has sailed away ? I did not ask the question aloud, I thought it only, as I watched the youths, and turned away while they still stood gazing. One, I observed, climbed a post and waved his black hat before the whitewashed side of the shed over the dock, whence I supposed he would tumble into the water. Another had tied a handkerchief to the end of a somewhat baggy umbrella, and in the eager ness of gazing, had forgotten to wave it, so that it hung mournfully down, as if over powered with grief it could not express. SEA FROM SHORE. Ill The entranced youth still held the umbrella aloft. It seemed to me as if he had struck his flag; or as if one of my cravats were airing in that sunlight. A negro carter w;;s ;ok:rig with an apple- woman at the entrance of tlio dock. The steamer was out of sight. I found that I was belated and hurried b;;ck to my desk. Alas ! poor lovers ; I wonder if they are watching still ? Has lie fallen exhausted from the post into the water? Is that handkerchief, bleached and rent, still pendant upon that somewhat baggy umbrella? " Youth and beautv went to Europe to- / 1 day,"" said I to Prue, us I stirred my tea at evening. As I spoke, our youngest (laughter brought me the sugar. She is just eighteen, and her name should be Hebe. I took a lump of sugar and looked, at her. She had never seemed so lovely, and as I dropped the lump in my cup, I kissed her. I glanced at Prue as I did so. The denr worn -in smiled, but did not nns"*" nv ^"H"'n:n. "Strolling about: 1 " asked he, in a se- wildered manner; " do people stroll r.u,..., nowadays ? " " Sometimes," I answered, smiling, as I pulled my trousers down over my boots, for they had dragged up, as I stepped out of the wagon, " and beside, what can an old book-, keeper do better in the dull season than stroll about this pleasant island, and watch the ships at sea?" Bourne looked at me with his Aveary eyes. " I'd give five thousand dollars a year for a dull season," said he, " but as for strolling, I've forgotten how." As he spoke, his eyes wandered dreamily across the fields and woods, and were fas tened upon the distant sails. " It is pleasant," he said musingly, and fell into silence. But I had no time to spare, so J wished him good afternoon. Il6 PRUE AND I, " 1 hope your wife is well," said Bourne to me, as I turned away. Poor Bourne! He drove on alone in his wagon. But I made haste to the most solitary point upon the southern shore, and there sat, glad to be so near the sea. There was that warm, sympathetic silence in the air, that gives to Indian-summer days almost a human tender ness of feeling. A delicate haze, that seemeu only the kindly air made visible, hung over the sea. The water lapped languidly among the rocks, and the voices of children in a boat beyond, rang musically, and gradually receded, until they were lost in the distance. It was some time before I was aware of the outline of a large ship, drawn vaguely upon the mist, which I supposed, at first, to be only a kind of mirage. But the more steadfastly I gazed, the more distinct it be came, and I could no longer doubt that I saw a stately ship lying at anchor, not more than Lalf a mile from the land. " It is an extraordinary place to anchor," I said to myself, " or can she be ashore? " There were no signs of distress ; the sails SEA FROM SHORE. 1 1/ were carefully clewed up, and there were no sailors in the tops, nor upon the shrouds. A flag, of which 1 could not see the device or the nation, hung heavily at the stern, and looked as if it had fallen asleep. My curi osity began to be singularly excited. The form of the vessel seemed not to be per manent ; but within a quarter of an hour, I was sure that I had seen half a dozen dif ferent ships. As I gazed, I saw no more sails nor masts, but a long range of oars, flashing like a golden fringe, or straight and stiff, like the legs of a sea-monster. " It is some bloated crab, or lobster, mag nified by the mist,'' I said to myself, com placently. But, at the same moment, there was a con centrated flashing and blazing in one spot among the rigging, and it was as if I saw a beatified rain, or, more truly, a sheepskin, splendid as the hair of Berenice. "Is that the golden fleece?" I thought. " But, surely, Jason and the Argonauts have gone home long sinco. Do people go on gold-fleecing expeditions no;v?" I asked Il8 PRUE AND I. myself, in perplexity. " Can this be a Cali fornia steamer?" How could I have thought it a steamer? Did I not see those sails, " thin and sere ? " Did I not feel the melancholy of that solitary bark ? It had a mystic aura ; a boreal bril liancy shimmered in its wake, for it was drifting seaward. A strange fear curdled along my veins. That summer sun shone cool. The weary, battered ship was gashed, as if gnawed by ice. There was terror in the air, as a " skinny hand so brown " waved to me from the deck. I lay as one bewitched. The hand of the ancient mariner seemed to be reaching for me, like the hand of death. Death? Why, as I was inly praying Prue's forgiveness for my solitary ramble and consequent demise, a glance like the ful ness of summer splendor gushed over me; the odor of flowers and of eastern gums made all the atmosphere. I breathed the orient, and lay drunk with balm, while that strange ship, a golden galley now, with glittering draperies festooned with flowers, paced to SEA FROM SHORE. the measured beat of oars along the calm, and Cleopatra smiled alluringly from the great pageant's heart. Was this a barge for summer waters, this peculiar ship I saw ? It had a ruined dignity, a cumbrous grandeur, although its masts wore shattered, and its sails rent. It hung preternatu rally still upon the sea. as if tor mented and exhausted by long driving and (',.iff,ing. I saw no sailors, but a grent Span- lib ensign 11 oa ted over, and waved, a funeral pi urne. I knew it then. The armada was. I.mg since scattered ; but, floating far, ' On desolate rainy seas/' lost for centuries, and again restored to sight, Lere- lay one of the fated ships of Spain. The };,,-; galleon seemed to fill all the air, built n > against the sky, like the gilded ships of (",md;- Lorraine against the sunset. B'it it fled, for now a black flag fluttered ;.t t! e mr'st-head a long low vessel darted sv. iftiv where the vast ship lay ; there came a !-.!:ril! p';>-r,g whistle, the clash of cutlasses, fierce ringing oaths, sharp pistol cracks, the 120 PRUE AND I. thunder of command, and over all the gusty yell of a demoniac cborus, " My name was Robert Kidd, when i" sailed." There were no clouds longer, buv- under a serene sky I saw a bark moving with festal pomp, thronged with grave senators in flow ing robes, and one with ducal bonnet in the midst, holding a ring. The smooth bark swam upon a sea like that of southern lati tudes. I saw the Bucentoro and the nuptials of Venice and the Adriatic. Who were those coming over the side ? "Who crowded the boats, and sprang into the water, men in old Spanish armor, with plumes and swords, and bearing a glittering cross? Who was he standing upon the deck with folded arms and gazing towards the shore, as lovers on their mistresses and martyrs upon heaven ? Over what distant and tumultuous seas had this small craft escaped from other centuries and distant shores I What sounds of foreign hymns, forgotten now, were these, and what solem nity of debarkation ? Was this grave form, Columbus ? SEA FROM SHORE. 121 Yet these were not so Spanish as they seemed just now. This group of stern-faced men with high peaked hats, who knelt upon the cold deck and looked out upon a shore which, I could see by their joyless smile of satisfaction, was rough, and bare, and for bidding. In that soft afternoon, standing in mournful groups upon the small deck, why did they seem to me to be seeing the sad shores of wintry New England ? That phantom-ship could not be the May Flower! I gazed long upon the shifting illusion. " If I should board this ship," I asked my self, " where should I go? whom should I meet ? what should I see ? Is not this the vessel that shall carry me to my Europe, my foreign countries, my impossible India, the Atlantis that I have lost ? " As I sat staring at it I could not but won der whether Bourne had seen this sail when he looked upon the water? Does be see such sights every day, because he lives down here? Is it not perhaps a magic yacht of his ; and does he slip off privately after busi ness hours to Venice, and Spain, and Egypt, 122 PRUE AND I. perhaps to El Dorado ? Does he run races with Ptolemy, Philopater and Hiero of Syracuse, rare regattas on fabulous seas ? "Why not ? He is a rich man, too, and why should not a New York merchant do what a Syracuse tyrant and an Egyptian prince did ? Has Bourne's yacht those sumptuous chambers, like Philopater's gal ley, of which the greater part was made of split cedar, and of Milesian cypress ; and lias he twenty doors put together with beams of citron wood, with many ornaments? Has the roof of his cabin a carved golden face, and is his sail linen with a purple fringe ? " I suppose it is so," I said to myself, as I looked wistfully at the ship, which began to glimmer and melt in the haze. " It certainly is not a fishing-smack ? " I asked, doubtfully. No, it must be Bourne's magic yacht ; I was sure of it. I could not help laughing at poor old Hiero, whose cabins were di vided into many rooms, with floors composed of mosaic work, of all kinds of stones tessel- SEA FROM SHORE. 123 lated. And, on this mosaic, the whole story of the Iliad was depicted in a marvelous manner. He had gardens "of all sorts of most wonderful beauty, enriched with all sorts of plants, and shadowed by roofs of lead or tiles. Apd, besides this, there were tents roofed with boughs of white ivy and of the vine the roots of which derived their moisture from casks full of earth, and were watered in the same manner as the gardens. There were temples, also, with doors of ivory and citron-wood, furnished in the most ex quisite manner, with pictures and statues, and with goblets and vases of every form and shape imaginable." " Poor Bourne ! " I said. " I suppose his is finer than Hiero's which is a thousand \ 7 ears old. Poor Bourne! I don't wonder that his eyes are weary, and that he would pay so dearly for a day of leisure. Dear me ! is it one of the prices that must be paid for wealth, the keepimr i^i a magic yacht ?" Involuntarily, I i.::d nskcd the question aloud. "The m.iine vrscl-.t i< TV -t TYmrnoV'an- 124 PRUE AND I. swered a familiar voice. I looked up, and Titbottom stood by my side. " Do you not know that all Bourne's money would not buy the yacht ? " asked he. " He cannot even see it. And if he could, it would be 110 magic yacht to him, but only a battered and solitary hulk." The haze blew gently away, as Titbottom spoke, and there lay my Spanish galleon, rny Bucentoro, my Cleopatra's galley, Colum- bus's Santa Maria, and the Pilgrims' May Flower, an old bleaching wreck upon the beach. " Do you suppose any true love is in vain ? " asked Titbottom solemnly, as he stood bare headed, and the soft sunset wind played with his few hairs. " Could Cleopatra smile upon Antony, and the moon upon Endymion, and the sea not love its lovers ? " The fresh air breathed upon our faces as he spoke. I might have sailed in Hiero's ship, or in Koman galleys, had I lived long centuries ago, and been born a nobleman. But would it be so sweet a remembrance, that of lying SEA FROM SHORE. 12$ on a marble couch, under a golden-faced roof, and within doors of citron-wood and ivory, and sailing in that state to greet queens, who are mummies now, as that of seeing those i'.iir figures, standing under the great gon- fa'on, themselves as lovely as Egyptian belles and going to see more than Egypt dreamed ? r l he yacht was mine, then, and not Bou -ne's. I took Titbottom's arm, and we sauntered toward the ferry. What sump tuous sultan wns I, with this sad vizier ? My lan 129 130 PRUE AND L, not more beautiful because it was more costly. I grant that it was more harmonious with her superb beauty and her rich attire. And I have no doubt that if Aurelia knew the old man, whom she must have seen so often watching her, and his wife, who ornaments her sex with as much sweetness, although , with less splendor, than Aurelia herself, she would also acknowledge that the nosegay of roses was as line and fit upon their table, as her own sumptuous bouquet is for herself. I have so much faith in the perception of that lovely lady. It is my habit, I hope I may say, my na ture, to believe the best of people, rather than the worst. If I thought that all this spark ling setting of beauty, this fine fashion, these bla/ing jewels, and lustrous silks, and airy gauzes, embellished with gold-threaded embroidery and wrought in a thousand ex quisite elaborations, so that I cannot see one of those lovely girls pass me by, without thanking God for the vision, if I thought that this was all. and that, underneath her TITBOTTOM'S SPECTACLES. 131 lace flounces and diamond bracelets, Aurelia was a sullen, selfish woman, then I should turn sadly homeward, for I should see that her jewels were flashing scorn upon the object they adorned, that her laces were of a more exquisite loveliness than the woman whom they merely touched with a superficial grace. It would be like a gaily decorated mausoleum, bright to see, but silent and dark within. " Great excellences, my dear Prue," I sometimes allow myself to say, " lie con cealed in the depths of character, like pearls at the bottom of the sea. Under the laugh ing, glancing surface, how little they are sus pected ! Perhaps love is nothing else than .the sight of them by one person. Hence every man's mistress is apt to be an enigma to everybody else. " I have no doubt that when Aurelia is engaged, people will say she is a most admi rable girl, certainly ; but they cannot under stand why any man should be in love with her. As if it were at all necessary that they should ! And her lover, like a boy who finds 132 PRUE AND I. a pearl in the public street, and wonders as much that others did not see it as th;tt he did, will tremble until he knows liis passion is re turned ; feeling, of course, that the whole world must be in love with this paragon, who cannot possibly smile upon anything so unworthy as he. ' 1 hope, therefore, my dear Mrs. Prue," I continue, and my wife looks up, with pleased pride, from her work', as if I were such an irresistible humorist, "you \villallo\v me to believe that the depth may be calm, although the surface is dancing. If you tell me that Aurelia is buta^iddy girl, 1 shall believe that you thinks^*. But I shall know, n\\\ the while, what profound dignity, ;:n!:'\ but ns if the joke must b made, that he sa \v Tto reas-^'i v'iv I should be dull loca.use the season w.is so. TITBOTTOM'S SPECTACLES. 133 " And what do I know of Aurelia, or any other girl ? " he says to me with that ab stracted air; "I whose Aurelias were of an other century, and another zone." Then he falls into a silence which it seems quite profane to interrupt. But as we sit upon oar high stools, at the desk, opposite each other, I leaning upon my elbows, and looking at him, he, with sidelong face, glan cing out of die window, as if it commanded a boundless landscape, instead of a dim, dingy office court, I cannot refrain from saying : " Well ! " He turns slowly, and I go chatting on, a little too loquacious perhaps, about those young girls. But I know that Titbottom re gards such an excess as venial, for his sadness is so sweet that you could believe it the re flection of a smile from long, long years ago. One day, after I had been talking for a longtime, and we had put up our books, and were preparing to leave, he stood for some? time by the window, gazing with a drooping intent-ness, as if he really saw something more than tho dark court, and said slowly : 134 FRUE AND I. " Perhaps you would have different im pressions of things, if you saw them through my spectacles." There was no change in his expression. He . still looked from the window, and I said : " Titbottom, I did not know that you used glasses. I have never seen you wearing spectacles." " No, I don't often wear them* I am not very fond of looking through them. But sometimes an irresistible necessity compels me to put them on, and I cannot help seeing." Titbottom sighed. N " Is it o grievous a fate to see ? " inquired I. "Yes; through my spectacles," he said, turning slowly, and looking at me with wan solemnity. It grew dark as we stood in the office talking, and, taking our hats, we went out together. The narrow street of business was deserted. The heavy iron shutters were gloomily closed over the windows. From one o; - two ollices struggled the dim TITBOTTOM'S SPECTACLES. 135 gleam of an early cair^e, by whose light some perplexed accountant sat belated, and hunting for his error. A careless clerk passed, whistling. But the great tide of life had ebbed. We heard its roar far away, and the sound stole into that silent street like the murmur of the ocean into an inland dell. " You will come and dine with us, Tit- bottom ? " He assented by continuing to walk with me, and I think we were both glad when we reached the house, and Prue came to meet us, saying : " Do you know I hoped you would bring Mr. Titbottom to dine ? " Titbottom smiled gently, and answered : "He might have brought his spectacles with him, and have been a happier man for it." Prue looked a little puzzled. "My dear," I said, "you must know that our friend, Mr. Titbottom, is the happy possessor of a pair of wonderful spectacles. I have never seen them, indeed ; and, from what he says, I should be rather afraid of 136 TRUE AND I. being seen by them. Most shortsighted persons are very glad to have the help of glasses ; but Mr. Titbottom seems to find very little pleasure in his." " It is because they make him too far- sighted, perhaps/' interrnpted Prue quietly, :.s she to;>k the silver soup-ladle from the sideboard. We sip{>ed our wine after dinner, and Prue took hor work. Can a nr.m be too far-sighted ? I did not ask the question aloud. The very tone in which Prue had spoken, convinced me that he might. "At least," I s:iid, "Mr. Titbottom will not refuse to tell us tho history of his mys terious spectacles. I have known plenty of magic in eyes (and I glanced at the tender blue eyes of Prue), but I have not heard of any enchanted glasses." " Yet you must have seen the glass in which your wife looks every morning, and, I take it, that glass must be daily enchanted," said Titbottom, with a bow of quaint respect to my wife. I do not think I have seen such a blush TITBOTTOM'S SPECTACLES. 137 upon Prue's cheek since well, since a great many years ago. " I will gladly tell you the history of ray spectacles," begun Titbottom. " It is very simple ; and I am not at all sure that a great many other people have not a pair of the s:une kind. I have never, indeed, heard of them by the gross, like those of our young 1 friend, Mosss, the son of the Vicar of Wake- lield. In fact, I think a gross would be quite enough to supply the world. It is a kind of article for which the demand does not increase with use. If we should all wear spectacles like mine, we should never smile any more. Or I am not quite sure we should all be very happy." " A very important difference," said Prue, counting her stitches. ' You know my grandfather Titbottom was a West Indian. A large proprietor, and a easy man, be basked in the tropical sun, leading his quiet, luxurious life. He lived much alone, and ivas Tvhat people call eccentric by which I understand, that he was very much himselfj and, refusing the 138 PRUE AND I. influence of other people, they had their re venges, and called him names. T i is a habit not exclusively tropical. I think I have seen the same thing even in this city. " But he was greatly beloved my bland and bountiful grandfather. He was so large-hearted and open-handed. He was so friendly, and thoughtful, and genial, that even his jokes had the air of graceful benedic tions. He did not seem to grow old, and he was one of those who never appear to have been very young. He flourished in a per ennial maturity, and immortal middle-age. "My grandfather lived upon one of the small islands St. Kitt's, perhaps and his domain extended to the sea. His house, a rambling West Indian mansion, was sur rounded with deep, spacious piazzas, covered with luxurious lounges, among which one capacious chair was his peculiar seat. They tell me, he used sometimes to sit there for the whole day, his great, soft, brown eyes fastened upon the sea, watching the specks of sails that flashed upon the horizon, while the evanescent expressions chased each other TTTBOTTOMS SPECTACLES. 139 over his placid face as if it reflected the calm and changing sea before him. " His morning costume was an ample dressing-gown of gorgeously-flowered silk, and his. morning was very apt to last all day. He rarely read ; but he would pace the great piazza for hours, with his hands buried in the pockets of his dressing-gown, and an air of sweet reverie, which any book must be a very entertaining one to produce. " Society, of course, he saw little. There was some slight apprehension that, if he Avere bidden to social entertainments, he might forget his coat, or arrive without some other essential part of his dress ; and there is a sly tradition in the Titbottom family, that once, having been invited to a ball in honor of a new governor of the island, my grandfather Titbottom sauntered into the hall towards midnight, wrapped in the gorgeous flowers of his dressing-gown, and with his hands buried in the pockets, as usual. There was great excitement among the guests, and immense deprecation of guber natorial ire. Fortunately, it happened that 140 PRUE AND I. the governor and ray grandfather were old friends, and there was no offense. But, as they were conversing together, one of the distressed managers cast indignant glances at the brilliant costume of my grandfather, who summoned him, and asked courteously : " ' Did you invite me, or my coat ( ' "'You, in a proper coat,' replied the manager, " The governor smiled approvingly, anJ looked at my grandfather. " 'My friend,' said he to the manager, ' 1 beg your pardon, I forgot.' " The next day, my grandfather was seen promenading in full ball dress along the streets of the little town. " ' They ought to know,' said he, 5 that I have a proper coat, and that not contempt, nor poverty, but forgetfulncss, sent me to a ball in my dressing-gown.' "He did not much frequent social festi vals after this failure, but he always told the story with satisfaction and a quiet smile. " To a stranger, life upon those little islands is uniform even to weariness. But the old TITBOTTOM'S SPECTACLES. 141 native dons, like my grandfather, ripen in the prolonged sunshine, like the turtle upon the Bahama banks, nor know of existence more desirable. Life in the tropics, I take to be a placid torpidity. " During the long, warm mornings of nearly half a century, my grand lather Tit- bottom had sat in his dressing-gown, and gazed at the sea. lJut one calm June day, as he slowly paced the piazza after breakfast, his dreamy glance was arrested by a little ves sel, evidently nearing the shore. lie called for his spy-glass, and, surveying the craft, saw that she came from the neighboring island. Slu glided, smoothly, slowly, over the summer sea. The warm morning air was sweet with perfumes, and silent with heat. The sea sparkled languidly, and the brilliant blue sky hung cloudlessly over. Scores of little island vessels had my grand father seen coming over the horizon, and cast anchor in the port. Hundreds of sum mer morniniis h:ul the white sails flashed and faded, like v.-cjuo f-ices through forgot ten dr. vims, r.tit th s timo ho l:;id down the 142 PRUE AND I. spy-glass, and leaned against a column of the piazza, and watched the vessel with an in- tentness that he couM not explain. She came nearer and nearer, a graceful specter in the dazzling morning. " ' Decidedly, I must step down and see about that vessel,' said my grandfather Titbottom. "He gathered his ample dressing-gown about him, and stepped from the piazza, with no other protection from the sun than the little smoking cap upon his head. His face wore a calm, beaming smile, as if he loved the Avhole world. He was not an old man ; but there was almost a patriarchal pathos in his expression, as he sauntered along in the sun shine towards the shore. A group of idle gazers was collected, to watch the arrival. The little vessel furled her sails, and drifted slowly landwards, and, as she was of very light draft, she came close to the shelving shore. A long plank was put out from her side, and the debarkation commenced. " My grandfather Titbottom stood look ing on, to see tho passengers as they passed. TITBOTTOM'S SPECTACLES. 143 There were but a fe\\ r of them, and mostly traders from the neighboring island. But suddenly the face of a young girl appeared over the side of the vessel, and she stepped upon the plank to descend. My grandfather Titbottom instantly advanced, and, moving briskly, reached the top of the plank at the same moment, and with the old tassel of his cap flashing in the sun, and one hand in the pocket of his dressing-gown, with the other he handed the young lady careful^ down the plank. That young lady was afterwards my grandmother Titbottom. " For, over the gleaming sea which he had watched so long, and which seemed thus to reward his patient gaze, came his bride that sunny morning. " ' Of course, we are happy,' he used to say to her, after they were married : ' For you are the gift of the sun I have loved so lomnmd so well.' And mv grand father Tit- O *s O bottom would lay his hand so tenderly upon the golden hair of his young bride, that you could fancy him a devout Parsee, caressing sunbeams. 144 PRUE AND I. " There were endless festivities upon oc casion of the marriage ; and my grand father did not go to one of them in his dressing-gown. The gentle sweetness of his wife melted every heart into love and sym pathy. He was much older than she, with out doubt. But agt.-, as ho used to say with a smilo of immortal youth, is a matter of feeling, not of years.Uj^, " And if, sometimes, as she sat by his side on the piazza, her fancy looked through her eyes upon that summer sea, and saw a younger lover, perhaps some one of those graceful and glowing heroes who occupy the fore ground of all young maidens' visions by the sea, yet she could not find one more generous and gracious, nor fancy one more worthy and loving than my grandfather Titbottom. "And if, in the moonlit midnight, while he lay calmly sleeping, she leaned out of the window, and sank into vague reveries of sweet possibility, and watched the gleaming path of the moonlight upon the water, until the dawn glided over it it was only that mood of nameless ro~rot and longing, which TITEOTTOM'S SPECTACLES. 145 underlies tul human happiness; or it was the vision of that life of cities and the world, which she had never seen, but of which she had often read, and which looked very fair and alluring across the sea, to a girlish im agination, which knew that it should never see that reality. " These West Indian years were the great days of the family," said Titbottom, with an air of majestic and regal regret, pausing, and musing, in our little parlor, like a late Stuart in exile, remembering England. Prue raised her eyes from her work, and looked at him with subdued admiration ; for I have observed that, like the rest of her sex, she has a singular sympathy with the representative of a reduced family. Perhaps it is their finer perception, which. 1-jads these tender-hearted women to recog- niz3 the divine right of social superiority so much more readily than we ; and yet, much as Titbottom was enhanced in my wife's admiration by the discovery that his dusky sadness of nature and expression was, as it w > :*'\ the expiring gleam and late twilight 146 PRUE AND I. of ancestral splendors. I doubt if Mr. Bourne would have preferred him for bookkeeper a moment sooner upon that account. In truth, I have observed, down town, that the fact of your ancestors doing nothing 1 , is not considered good proof that you can do i.r.y- thing. But Prue and her sex regard soiitiitu-: t more than action, and I understand tas.ly enough why she is uever tired of hearing in j read of Prince Charlie. If Titboitom l.;.d been only a little younger, a little hard- somer, a little more gallantly dressc. 1 in fact, a little more of a Prince Charlie, I am sure her eyes would not have fallen again upon her work so tranquilly, as he resumed his story. " I can remember my grandfather Titbot torn, although I was a very young child, and he was a very old man. My young mother and my young grandmother are very dis tinct figures in my memory, ministering to the old gentleman, wrapped in his dressing- gown, and seated upon the piazza. I remem ber his white hair, and his calm smile, a:;d TITBOTTOM'S SPECTACLES. 147 how, not long before he died, he called me to him, and laying his hand upon my head r said to me : " ' My child, the world is not this great sunny piazza, nor life the fairy stories which tho women tell you here, as you sit i:i their laps. I shall soon be gone, but I want to leave with you some memento of my love for you, and I know of nothing- more valuable than these spectacles, which your grandmother brought from her native island, when she arrived here one fine sum mer morning, long ago. I cannot tell whether, when, you grow older, you will re gard them as a gift of the greatest value, or as something that you had been happier never to have possessed.' " ' But, grandpapa, I am not short-sighted/ " ' My son, are you not human ? ' said the old gentleman ; and how shall I ever forget the thoughtful sadness with which, at the o > same time, he handed me the spectacles. " Instinctively I put them on, and looked at my grandfather. But I saw no grand father, no piazza, no flowered dressing-gown ; 148 PRUE AND I. I saw only a luxuriant palm-tree, waving broadly over a tranquil landscape ; pleasant homes clustered around it; gardens teeming with fruit and flowers ; flocks quietly feed ing; birds wheeling and chirping.' I heard children's voices, and the low lullaby of happy mothers. The sound of cheerful singing came wafted from distant fields upon the light breeze. Golden harvests glistened out of sight, and I caught their rustling whispers of prosperity. A warm, mellow atmosphere bathed the whole. " I have seen copies of the landscapes of the Italian painter Claude, which seemed to me faint reminiscences of that calm and happy vision. But all this peace and pros perity seemed to flow from the spreading palm as from a fountain. " I do not know how long I looked, but I had, apparently, no power, as T had no will, to remove the spectacles. What a wonder ful island must Nevis be, thought I, if people carry such pictures in their pockets, only by buying a pair of spectacles ! What wonder that my dear grandmother Tit bottom has TITBOTTOM'S SPECTACLES. 149 lived such a placid life, and has blessed us all with her sunny temper, when she has. lived surrounded by such images of peace ! " My grandfather died. But still, in the warm morning sunshine upon the piazza, I felt his placid presence, and as I crawled into his great chair, and drifted on in reverie through the still tropical day, it was as if his soft dreamy eye had passed into my soul. My grandmother cherished his memory with, tender regret. A violent passion of grief for his loss was no more possible than for the pensive decay of the year. " We have no portrait of him, but I see- always, when I remember him, that peaceful and luxuriant palm. And I think that to> have known one good old man one man who, through the chances and rubs of a long, life, has carried his heart in his hand, like a, palm branch, waving all discords into peace,, helps our faith in God, in ourselves, and in each other, more than many sermons. I hardly know whether to be grateful to my grandfather for the spectacles ; and yet when I remember that it is to them I owe, 150 PRUE AND I. the pleasant image of him which I cherish I seem to myself sadly ungrateful. " Madam," said Tit bottom to Prue, sol emnly, "my memory is a long ami glooinv gallery, and only remotely, at its further end, do I see the glimmer of soft sunshine, and only there are the .pleasant pictures hung. They seem to me very happy along whose gallery the sunlight streams to their very feet, striking all the pictured walls into unfading splendor." Prue had laid her \vork in her lap, and as Titbottom paused a moment, and I turned towards her, I found her mild eyes fastened upon my face, and glistening with many tears. I knew that the tears meant that she felt herself to be one of those who seemed to Titbottom very happ} 7 . " Misfortunes of many kinds came heavily upon the family after the head was gone. The great house was relinquished. My parents were both dead, and my grand mother had entire charge of me. But from the moment that I received the gift of the -.spectacles, I could i:ot ivsist tl.eir fascination, TITBOTTOM'S SPECTACLES. 151 and I withdrew into myself, and became a. solitary boy. There Avere not many com panions for me of my own age, and they gradually left me, or, at least, had not a Learty s} r mpathy with me; for, if they teased me, I pulled out my spectacles and surveyed them so seriously that they acquired a kind of awe of me, and evidently regarded my grandfather's gift as a concealed magical weapon which might be dangerously drawn, upon them at any moment. Whenever, ia our games, there were quarrels and high words, and I began to feel about my dresa and to wear a grave look, they all took the alarm, and shouted, ' Look out for Titbot- tom's spectacles,' and scattered like a flock of scared sheep. " Nor could I wonder at it. For, at first, before they took the alarm, I saw strange sights when I looked at them through the glasses. " If two were quarreling about a marble or a ball, I had only to go behind a tree where I was concealed and look at them /eisurely. Then the scene changed, and it 352 PRUE AND I. was no longer a green meadow with boys playing, but a spot which I did not recognize, and forms that made me shudder, or smile. It was not a big boy bullying a little one, but a yo-.mg wolf with glistening teeth and a lamb cowering before him ; or, it was a d ;ho'i looked 154 PRUE AND I. at the wives. How many stout trees J saw, bow many tender flowers, how many placid pools ; yes, and how many little streams winding out of sight, shrinking before the large, hard, round eyes opposite, and slipping off into solitude and shade, with a low, inner song for their own solace. " In many houses I thought to see angels, nymphs, or, at least, women, and could only find broomsticks, mops, or kettles, hurrying about, rattling and tinkling, in a state of shrill activity. I made calls upon elegant ladies, and after 1 had enjoyed the gloss of silk, and the delicacy of lace, and the glitter of jewels, I slipped on my spectacles, and sa\v a peacock's feather, flounced, and furbe- lowed, and fluttering ; or an iron rod, thin, sharp, and hard ; nor could I possibly mis take the movement of the drapery for any flexibility of the thing draped. " Or, mysteriously chilled, I saw a statue of perfect form, or flowing movement, it might be alabaster, or bronze, or marble, Iwt sadly often it was ice ; and I knew that lifter it had shone a little, a:*.d frozen a few TITBOTTOM'S SPECTACLES. 155 eyes with its despairing perfection, it could not be put away in the niches of palaces for ornament and proud family tradition, like the alabaster, or bronze, or marble statues, but would melt, and shrink, and fall coldly away in colorless and useless water, be ab sorbed in the earth and utterly forgotten. " But the true sadness was rather in see ing those who, not having the spectacles, thought that the iron rod was flexible, and the ice status warm. I saw many a gallant heart, which seemed to me brave and loyal as the crusaders, pursuing, through days and nights, ami a long life of devotion, the hope of lighting at least a smile in the cold eves, O fj v * if not a tiro in the icy heart. I watched the earnest, enthusiastic sacrifice. I saw the pure resolve, the generous faith, the fine scorn of doubt, the impatience of suspicion. I watched the grace, the ardor, the glory of devotion. Through those strange spectacles how often I s:iw the noblest heart renouncing all other hope, all other ambition, all other life, than the possible love of some one of those stntiv^ 156 PRUE ASD I. " Ah ! me, it was terrible, but they had not the love to give. The face Avas so polished and smooth, because there was no sorrow in the heart, and drearily, often, no heart to be touched. I could not wonder that the noble heart of devotion was brok< n, for it had dashed itself against a sl< no. 1 wept, until my spectacles were dimmed, for those hopeless lovers ; but there was a j -;:iig beyond tears for those icy statues. " Still a boy, I was thus too much a n;;;n in knowledge, I did not comprchrsid ti.e sights I was compelled to see. I used to tear my glasses away from my eyes, ard, fright ened ut myself, run to escape my own con sciousness. Reaching the small Louse w'here we then lived, I plunged into my grand mother's room, and, throwing myself upon the floor, buried my face in her lap ; and sobbed myself to sleep with premature grief. " But when J awakened, and felt her cool hand upon my hot forehead, and heard the low sweet song, or the gentle story, or the tenderly told payable from the Bible, with which she tried to soothe me, I could not re- TITBOTTOM'S SPECTACLES. 157 sist the mystic fascination that lured me, as I lay in her lap, to steal a glance at her through the spectacles. u Pictures of the Madonna have not her rare and pensive beauty. Upon the tran quil little islands her life had been eventless, and all the fine possibilities of her nature \vere like flowers that never bloomed. Placid were all her years ; yet I have rend of no heroine, of no woman great in sudden crises, that it did not seem to me she might have been. The wife and widow of a man who loved his home better than the homes of others, I have yet heard of no queen, no belle, no imperial beauty whom in grace, and brilliancy, and persuasive courtesy, siie might not have surpassed. ''Madam," said Titbottom to my wife, whose heart hung upon his story, "your husband's young friend, Aurelia, wears sometimes a camellia in her hair, and no diamond in the ball-room seems so costly as that perfect flower, which women envy, and for whose least and withered petal men sigh ^ yet, in the tropical solitudes of Brazil, how 158 PRUE AND I. many a camellia bud drops from the bush that no eye has ever seen, which, had it flowered and been noticed, would have gilded all hearts with its memory. " When I stole these furtive glances at my grandmother, half fearing that they were wrong, J saw only a calm lake, whose shores were low, and over which the sun hung unbroken, so that the least star was clearly reflected. It had an atmosphere of solemn twilight tranquillity, and so completely did its unruffled surface blend with the cloud less, star-studded sky, that, when I looked through my spectacles at my grandmother, the vision seemed to me all heaven and stars. " Yet, as I gazed and gazed, I felt what stately cities might well have been built upon those shores, and have flashed prosperity over the calm, like coruscations of pearls. I dreamed of gorgeous fleets, silken-sailed, ;.mi blown by perfumed winds, drifting over those depthless waters and through those spacious skies. I gazed upon the twilight, the inscru table silence, like a God-fearing discoverer TITBOTTOM'S SPECTACLES. 159 upon a new and vast sea bursting upon him through forest glooms, and in the fervor of whose impassioned gaze, a millennial and poetic world arises, and man need no longer die to be happy. " My companions naturally deserted me, for I had gro\vn wearily grave and ab stracted : and, unable to resist the allure ments of my spectacles, I was constantly lost in the world, of which those companions were part, yet of which they knew nothing. " I grew cold and hard, almost morose ; people seemed to me so blind and unreason able. They did the wrong thing. They called green, yellow ; and black, white. Young men said of a girl, ' "What a lovely, simple creature ! ' I looked, and there was only a glistening wisp of straw, dry and hol- iow. Or they said, ' What a cold, proud beaut}' ! ' I looked, and lo ! a Madonna, whose heart held the world. Or they said, * What a wild, giddy girl ! ' and I saw a glancing, dancing mountain stream, pure as the virgin snows whence it flowed, singing through sun and shade, over pearls and gold l6o PRUE AND I. dust, slipping along unstained by weed or rain, or heavy foot of cattle, touching the flowers with a dewy kiss, a beam of grace, a happy song, a line of light, in the dim and troubled landscape. " My grandmother sent me to school, but I looked at the muster, and s;i\v that he was a smooth r.mnd ferule, or an improper noun, or a vulgar fraction, and refused to obey him. Or ho was a piece of string, a rag, a wiilow-wan .l,and I had a contemptuous pity. But one was a well of cool, deep water, and looking suddenly in, one day, I saw the stars. *' That one g ive me all my schooling. With, him I used to walk by the sea, and, as we strolled and the waves plunged in long legions before us, T looked at him through the spectacles, and as his eyes dilated with the boundless view, and his chest heaved with an impossible desire, I saw Xerxes and his army, tossed and glittering, rank upon rank, multitude upon multitude, out of sight, but ever regularly advancing, and with confuted roar of ceaseless music, prostrating them- TITBOTTOM'S SPECTACLES. 161 selves in abject homage. Or, as with arms outstretched and hair streaming on the wind, he chanted full lines of the resounding Iliad, I sa\v Homer pacing the Egean sands of the Greek sunsets of forgotten times. " My grandmother died, and I was thrown into the world without resources, and with no capital but my spectacles. I tried to find employment, but everybody was shy of me. There was a vague suspicion that I was either a little crazed, or a good deal in league with the prince of darkness. My compan ions, who would persist in calling a piece of painted muslin, a fair and fragrant flower, had no difficulty ; success waited for them around every corner, and arrived in every ship. " I tried to teach, for I loved children. But if anything excited a suspicion of my pupils, and putting on my spectacles, I saw that 1 was fondling a snake, or smelling at a bud with a worm i;i it, 1 sprang up in hor ror and rin away; or, if it seemed .to me thro ig'i the glasses, that a cherub smiled upo \ i)i, or a roso was blooming in my i 162 PRUE AND I. buttonhole, then I felt myself imperfect and impure, not lit to be leading and training what was so essentially superior to myself, and I kissed the children and left them weeping and wondering. " In despair I went to a great merchant on the island, and asked him to employ me. " ' My dear young friend,' said he, ' I un derstand that you have some singular secret, some charm, or spell, or amulet, or some thing, I don't kno\v what, of which people are afraid. Now you know, my dear,' said the merchant, swelling up, and apparently prouder of his great stomach than of his large fortune, 'I am not of that kind. I am not easily frightened. You may spare yourself the pain of trying to impose upon me. People who propose to come to time before I arrive, are accustomed to arise very 6arly in the morning,' said he, thrusting his thumbs in the armholesof his waistcoat, and spreading the fingers like two fans, upon his bosom. ' I think I have heard something of your secret. You have a pair of spectacles, I believe, that you valn~ very much, because TITBOTTOM'S SPECTACLES. 163 your grandmother brought them as a mar riage portion to your grandfather. Now, if you think fit to sell me those spectacles; I will pay you the largest market price for them. What do you say ? ' "I told him I had not the slightest idea of selling my spectacles. " ' My young friend means to eat them, I suppose,' said he, with a contemptuous smile. " I made no reply, but was turning to- leave the office, when the merchant called after me " ' My young friend, poor people should never suffer themselves to get into pets. Anger is an expansive luxury, in which only men of a certain income can indulge. A. pair of spectacles and a hot temper are r.ot the most promising capital for success in life, Master Titbottom.' " I said nothing, but put my hand upon the door to go out, when the merchant said, more respectfully " 'Well, you foolish boy, if you will not' sell your spectacles, perhaps you will agree 164 PRUE AND I. to sell the use of them to me. That is, you shall only put them on when I direct you, and for my purposes. Hullo ! you little fool ! ' cried he, impatiently, as he saw that I in tended to make no reply. " But I had pulled out my spectacles and put them on for mv own purposes, and agiinst his wish and desire. I looked at him, and saw a huge, bald-headed wild boar, with gross chaps and a leering eye only the more ridiculous for the high-arched, gold- bowed spectacles, that straddled his nose. O.io of his fore-hoofs was thrust into the safe, where his bills receivable were hived, and the other into his pocket, among the loose change and bills there. His ears were pricked forward with a brisk, sensitive smart ness. In a word where prize pork was the best excellence, he would have carried off all the premiums. " T stenped into the next office in the street, and a mild-faced, genial man, also a large and opulent merchant, asked me my business in s-^'i :\ ton", th-'t T instantly looked through ir.v 9' v - i ''*.;icV v v rind snw a land flowing with TITBOTTOM'S SPECTACLES. 165 milk and honey. There I pitched my tent, and stayed till the good man died, and his business was discontinued. " But while there,'' said Titbottom, and his voice trembled away into a sigh, k ' I first saw Pivcios i Despite the spectacles, I saw Predosa. For days, for weeks, for months, I dU not take my spectacles with me. T ran. awav from them, I threw them up on high shelves, I tried to make up my mind to throw them into the sea, or down the well. I could not, I would not, I dared not, look at Pre- ciosa through the spectacles. It was not pos sible for me deliberately to destroy them ; but I awoke in the night, and could almost have cursed my dear old grandfather for his gift. ' ; I sometimes escaped from the office, and sat for whole days with Preciosa. I told her the strange things I had seen with my mystic glasses. The hours were not enough for the wild romances which I raved in her ear. She listene:!, astonished and appalled. Her blue eyes turned upon me with sweet deprecation. She clung to me, and then withdrew, and fie;l fearfully from the room- 1 66 PRUE AND I. " But she could not stay away. She could not resist ray voice, in whose tones burnt all the love that filled my heart and brain. The very effort to resist the desire of seeing her as I saw everybody else, gave a frenzy and an unnatural tension to my feeling and my manner. I sat by her side, looking into her eyes, smoothing her hair, folding her to my heart, which was sunken deep and deep why not forever? in that dream of peace. I ran from her presence, and shouted, and leaped with joy, and sat the whole night through thrilled into happiness by the thought of her love and loveliness, like a wind harp, tightly strung, and answering the airiest sigh of the breeze with music. " Then came calmer days the conviction of deep love settled upon our lives as after the hurrying, heaving days of spring, comes the bland and benignant summer. u ' It is no dream, then, after all, and we are happy,' I s:iid to her, one day ; and there came no answer, for happiness is speechless. " ' We are happy, thon,' I said to myself, * there is no excite :i >:ir no v. I low jrlad I TITBOTTOM'S SPECTACLES. 167 am that I can now look- at her through my spectacles.' " I feared lest some instinct should warn me to beware. I escaped from her arms, and ran home and seiz3:l t'.ie glasses, and bound ed back again to Prociosa. As I entered the room I was heat3;l, my head was swimming with confused apprehensions, my eyes must have glared. Preciosa was frightened, and rising from her sent, stood with an inquiring glance of surprise i:i Ii3r eyas. " But I was b3nt with frenzy upon my purpose. I was merely aware that she was in the room. I saw nothing else. I heard nothing. I cared for nothing, but to see her through that magic glass, and feel at once all the fulness of blissful perfection which that would reveal. Preciosa stood before the mirror, but alarmed at my wild and eager movements, unible to distinguish what I had in my hands, and seeing me raise them suddenly to my face, she shrieked with ter ror, and fell fainting upon the floor, at the very moment that I placed the glasses before my eyes, and beheld 'myself, reflected in l68 PRUE AND I. the mirror, before which she had been stand ing. "Dear madam," cried Titbottom, to my wife, springing up and falling back again in his chair, pale and trembling, while Prue ran to him and took his hand, and I poured out a glass of water " I saw myself." There was silence for many minutes. Prue laid her hand gently upon the head of our guest, whose eyes were closed, and who breathed softly like an infant in sleeping. Perhaps, in all the long years of anguish since that hour, no tender hand had touched his brow, nor wiped away the damps of a bitter sorrow. Perhaps the tender, maternal fingers of my wife smoothed his .weary head with the conviction that he felt the hand of his mother playing with the long hair of her boy in the soft "West India morning. Per haps it was only the natural relief of express ing a pent-up sorrow. "When he spoke again, it was with the old subdued tone, and thenirof quaint solemnity. " These things were m jitters of lono-, long - ty* *** ago. and I came to this country soon after. I TITBOTTOM'S SPECTACLES. 169 brought with me, premature age, a past of melancholy memories, and the magic spoc- tacles. I had become their slave. I had nothing more to fear. Having seen myself, I was compelled to see others, properly to un derstand my relations to them. The lig'.il.; that cheer the future of other men had gon^ out for me, my eyes were those of an exi!o turned backwards upon the receding shore, and not forwards with hope upon the ocean. " I mingled with men, but with little pleasure. There are but many varieties of a few types. I did not find those I came- to clearer-sighted than those I had left be hind. I heard men called shrewd and wise, and report said they were highly intelligent and successful. My finest sense detected no aroma of purity and principle ; but I saw only a fungus that had fattened and spread in a night. They went to the theaters to see actors upon the stage. I went to see actors in the boxes so consummately cun ning that others did not know they were acting, and Jiey did not suspect it them selves. I/O PRUE AND I. " Perhaps you wonder it did not make me misanthropical. My dear' friends, do not forget that I had seen myself. That made me compassionate not cynical. " Of course, I could not value highly the ordinary standards of success and excellence. When I went to church and saw a thin, blue, artificial flower, or a great sleepy cushion expounding the beauty of holiness to pews full of eagles, half-eagles, and three-pences, however adroitly concealed they might be in broadcloth and boots: or saw an onion in an Easter bonnet weeping over the sins of Magdalen, I did not feel as they felt who saw in all this, not only propriety but piety. " Or when at public meetings an eel stood up on end, and wriggled and squirmed lithely in every direction, and declared that, for liis part, he went in for rainbows and hot water how could I help seeing that he w;u still black and loved a slimy pool ? " I could not grow misanthropical when I sa\v in the eyes of so many who were called old, the gus'iing fountains of eternal youth, and the light of nn immortal dawn, or when TITBOTTOM'S SPECTACLES. 171 I saw those who were esteemed unsuccessful and aimless, ruling a fair realm of peace and plenty, either in their own hearts, or in another's a realm and princely possession for which they had well renounced a hopeless search and a belated triumph. " I knew one man who had been for years a "by word for having sought the philosophers stone. But I looked at him through the spectacles and saw a satisfaction in concen trated energies, and a tenacity arising fro in devotion to a noble dream which was not apparent in the youths who pitied him in the aimless effeminacy of clubs, nor in the clever gentlemen who cracked their thin jokes upon Mm over a gossiping dinner. " And there was your neighbor over the way, who passes for a woman who has failed in her career, because she u an old la.iid. People wag solemn heads of pity, and say that she made so great a mistake in not mar rying the brilliant and famous man who was for long years her suitor. It is clear that no orange flower will ever bloom for her. The young people mako the!;- tender romances PRUE AND I. about her as they watch her, and think of her solitary hours of bitter regret and wasting longing, never to be satisfied. " When I first came to town I shared this sympathy, and pleased my imagination with fancying her hard struggle Avith the convic tion that she had lost all that made life baautiful. I supposed that if I had looked at her through my spectacles, I should see that it was only her radiant temper which so illuminated her dress, that we did not see it to be heavy sables. " But when, one day, I did raise my glasses, and glanced at her, I did not see the old maid whom we all pitied for a secret sorrow, but a woman whose nature was a tropic, in which the sun shone, and birds sang, and flowers bloomed forever. There wero no re grets, no doubts and half wishes, but a calm sweetness, a transparent peace. I saw her bias j when that old lover passed by, or paused to speak to her, but it was only the sign of delicate feminine consciousness. She knev,- h:-; lov 1 , arr.l hono-^ I h, although she could not understand it r.or return it. i looked TITBOTTOM'S SPECTACLES. 173 closelv at her, and I saw that although all */ the world had exclaimed at her indifference to such homqge, and had declared it was astonishing she should lose so fine a match, she would only say simply and quietly ' ; ' If Shakespeare loved me and I did not love him, ho\v could I marry him?' " Could I be misanthropical when I saw such fidelity, and dignity, and simplicity? " You may believe that 1 was especially curious to look at that old lover of hers through my glasses. He was no longer young, you know, when I came, and his famo and fortune were secure. Certainly 1 have heard of few men more beloved, and of none more worthy to be loved. He had the easy manner of a man of the world, the sensitive grace of a poet, and the charitable judgment of a wide-traveler. He was ac counted the most successful and most un spoiled of men. Handsome, brilliant, wise, tender, graceful, accomplished, rich and famous, I looked at him, without the spec tacles, in surprise, and admiration, and won dered how your neighbor over the way had PRUE AND I. been so entirely untouched by his homage. I watched their intercourse in society, I saw her gay smile, her cordial greeting ; I marked his frank address, his lofty courtesy. Their manner told no tales. The eager world \vas balked, and I pulled out my spectacles. " I had seen her already, and now 1 saw him. He lived only in memory, and his memory was a spacious and stately palace. But he did not oftenest frequent the ban- quoting hall, where were endless hospitality and feasting, nor did he loiter much in I he reception rooms, where a throng of new visitors was forever swarming, nor did he feed his vanity by haunting the apartment in which were stored the trophies of his varied triumphs, nor dream much in the great gallery hung with pictures of his travels. " From all these lofty halls of memory ho constantly escaped to a remote and solitary chamber, into which no one had ever pene trated. But my fatal eyes, behind the glasses, followed and entered with him, and saw that the chamber was a chapel. It was TITBOTTOM'S SPECTACLES. 175 lim, and silent, and sweet with perpetual incense that burned upon an altar before a picture forever veiled. There, whenever I chanced to look, I saw him kneel and pray ; and there, by day and by night, a funeral hynm was chanted. " I do not believe you will be surprised t!i:it I have been content to remain a deputy bookkeeper. My spectacles regulated my ambition, and I early learned that there were b'-tter gods than Plutus. The glasses ha\ T e lost much of their fascination now, and I do not o i'ten use them . But sometimes the desire is irresistible. Whenever I am greatly in terested, I am compelled to take them out and see what it is that I admire. " And yet and yet," said Titbottom, after a pause, '' I am not sure that I thank my grandfather." True had long since laid away her work, and had heard every word of the story. I saw that the dear woman had yet one ques tion to ask, Rnd had been earnestly hoping to hear something that would spare her the necessity of asking. But Titbottom had 176 PRUE AND I. resumed his usual tone, after the momentary excitement, and made no further allusion to himself. We all sat silently ; Titbottom's eyes fastened musingly upon the carpet, Prue looking wistfully at him, and I regard ing both. It was past midnight, and our guest arose to go. He shook hands quietly, made his grave Spanish bow to Prue, and, taking his hat, went toward the front door. Prue and I accompanied him. I saw in her eyes that she would ask her question. And as Tit- bottom opened the door, I heard the low words : "And Preciosa?" Titbottom paused. He had just opened the door, and the moonlight streamed over him as he stood turning back to us. " I have seen her but once since. It was in church, and she was kneeling, with her eyes closed, so that she did not see me. But I rubbed the glasses well, and looked at her, and saw a white lilv. \vhos^ stern was broken, but which was fresh, and luminous, arjl frajzrant still." TTTBOTTOMS SPECTACLES. " That was a miracle," interrupted Prue. " Madam, it was a miracle," replied Tit- bottom, " and for that one sight I am de voutly grateful for my grandfather's gift. I saw, that although a flower may have lost its hold upon earthly moisture, it may still bloom as sweetly, fed by the dews of heaven." The door closed, and he was gone. But a; Prm p'lt hr arm in mine, and we went up-stairs together, she whispered in my ear : 'How glad I am that you don't wear spectacles." 12 A CRUISE IN THE FJ YING DUTCHMAN, " When I sailed : when I sailed." Ballad of Robert Kidd A CRUISE IN THE FLYING DUTCH MAN, " When I sailed : when I sailed." Ballad of Robert Kldd. WITH the opening of spring my heart opens. My fancy expands with the flowers, and, as I walk down town in the May morn ing, toward the dingy counting-room, and the old routine, you would hardly believe that I would not -change my feelings for those of the French Barber-Poet Jasmin., who goes, merrily singing, to his shaving and hair-cutting. The lirst warm day puts the w T hole winter to flight. It stands in front of the summer like a young warrior before his host, and, single-handed, defies and destroys its re morseless enemy. I throw up the chamber-window, to breathe the earliest breath <>f summer. "The brave vo-ing Divid lias hit old 181 1 82 PRUE AND I. Goliah square in the forehead this morning," I say to Prue, as I lean out, and bathe in the soft sunshine. My wife is tying on her cap at the glass, and, not quite disentangled from her dreams, thinks 1 am speaking of a street brawl, and replies that I had better take care of my own- head. <: Since you have charge of my heart, I uppo.>e," I answer gaily, turning round to make her one of Titbottom's bows. " But seriously, Prue, how is it about my sum m jr wardrobe ? " Prue smiles, and tells me we shall have two months of winter yet, and I had better stop and order some more coal as I go down town. " Winter coal ! " Tiien I step back, and, taking her by the -arm, lead her to the window. I throw it open even wider than before. The sunlight streams on the great church-towers opposite, and the trr^j ii tho neighboring square glisten, rrvl wn<*< t'u^r bon-hs gently, as if they v.oui.l Imist inio leaf heforo dinner. CRUISE IN THE FLYING DUTCHMAN. 183. Cages are hung at the open chamber- win dows in the street, and the birds, touched into song by the sun, make jVIemnon true^ Prue's purple and white hyacinths are in full blossom, and perfume the warm air, so that the canaries and the mocking birds are no longer aliens in the city streets, but are once more swinging in their spicy native groves. A soft wind blows upon us as we stand, listening and looking. Cuba and the Trop ics are in the air. The drowsy tune of a. hand-organ rises from the square, and Italy comes singing in upon the sound. My triumphant eyes meet Prue's. They are full of sweetness and spring. " What do you think of the summer-ward robe now ? " I ask, and we go down to breakfast. But the air has magic in it, and I do not cease to dream, if I meet Charles, who. is. bound for Alabama, or John, who sails for G:vvannah, with a trunk full of white jackets, 1 C.o not say to them, as their other friends, say, 1 84 PRUE AND I. " Happy travelers, who cut March and April out of the dismal year ! " I do not envy them. They will be sea sick on tlie way. The southern winds will blow all the water out of the rivers, and, desolately stranded upon mud, they will re lieve the tedium of the interval by tying with large ropes a young gentleman raving with delirium tremens. They will hurry along, appalled by forests blazing in the windy night ; and, housed in a bad inn, they will find themselves anxiously asking, " Are the cars punctual in leaving '> " grimly sure that impatient travelers find nil conveyances too slow. The travelers are very warm, indeed, even in March and April, but Prue doubts if it is altogether the effect of the southern climate. Why should they go to the South ? If they only wait a little, the South will come to them. Savannah arrives in April ; Florida in May ; Cuba and the Gulf come in with June, and the full splendor of the Tropics burns through July nnd August. Sitting upon the earth, do we not glide by CRUISE IN THE FLYING DUTCHMAN. 185 all the constellations, all the awful stars? Does not the flash of Orion's scimeter dazzle- as we pass? Do AVC not hear, as we gaze- in hushed midnights, the music of the Lyre; are we not throned with Cassiopea ; do w& not play with the tangles of Berenice's hair,. as we sail, as we sail? When Christopher told me that he was going to Italy, I went into Bourne's conserv atory, saw a magnolia, and so reached Italy before him. Can Christopher bring Italy home ? But I brought to Prue a branch of magnolia blossoms, with IIr. Bourne's kindest regards, and she put them upon her table, and our little house smelled of Italy for a week afterward. The incident devel oped Prue's Italian tastes, which I had not suspected to be so strong. I found her look ing very often at the magnolias ; even hold ing them in her hand, and standing before the- table with a pensive air. I suppose she was. thinking of Beatrice Cenci, or of Tasso and* Leonora, or of the wife o.f Marino Faliero,. or of some other of those sad old Italian tales of love and wo. So easily Prue went to Italy T 186 TRUE AND I. Thus the spring comes in my heart as well as in the air, and leaps along my veins as well as through the trees. I immediately travel. An orange takes me to Sorrento, and roses, when they blo\v, to Pa?stum. The camellias in Aurelia's hair bring Brazil into the happy rooms she treads, and she takes me to South America as she goes to dinner. The pearls upon her neck make me free of the Persian gulf. Upon her shawl, like the Arabian prince upon his carpet, I am transported to the vales of Cashmere ; and thus, as I daily walk in the bright spring days, I go round the -world. But the season wakes a finer longing, a desire that could only be satisfied if the pa vilions of the clouds were real, and I could stroll amonir the towering splendors of a sultry spring evening. Ah ! if I could leap those flaming battlements that glo\v along the west if I could tread those cool, dewy, serene isles of sunset, and sink with them in the sea of st;;rs. I ay so to Pruo, and my wife smiles. " But why is it so impossible," I ask, CRUISE IN THE I- LYING DUTCHMAN. l8/ "if you go to Italy upon a magnolia branch?" The smile fades from her eyes. " I went a shorter voyage than that," she answered ; " it was only to Mr. Bourne's." I walked slowly out of the house, and overtook Titbottom as I went. He smiled gravely as he greeted me, and said : " I have been asked to invite you to join a little pleasure party." " Where is it going ? " "Oh! anywhere," answered Titbottom. " And how ? " " Oh ! anyhow," he replied. " You mean that everybody is to go wher ever he pleases, and in the way he best can. My dear Titbottom, I have long belonged to that pleasure party, although I never heard it called by so pleasant a name be fore." My companion said only : " If you would like to join, I will introduce you to the party. I cannot go, but they are all on board.:' I an.swerod nothing; but Titbottom drew PRUt: AND I. me along. We took a boat, and put off to the most extraordinary craft I had ever seen. "We approached her stern, and, as I curiously looked at it, I could think of nothing but an. old picture that hung in my father's house. It was of the Flemish school, and represented the rear view of the vrouw of a burgomaster going to market. The Avide yards were stretched like elbows, and even the studding- sails were spread. The hull was seared and blistered, and, in the tops, I saw what I sup posed to be strings of turnips or cabbages, little round masses, with tufted crests; but Titbottom assured me they were sailors. We rowed hard, but came no nearer the vessel. " She is going with the tide and wind," said I : " we shall never catch her." My companion said nothing. " But why have they set the studding- sails ? " asked I. " She never takes in any sails," answered Titbottom. " The more fool she," thought I, a little impatiently, angry at not getting nearer to CRUISE IN THE FLYING DUTCHMAN. 189 the vessel. But I did not say it aloud. I would as soon have said it to Prue as to Tit- bottom. The truth is, I began to feel a little ill, from the motion of the boat, and remem bered, with a shade of regret, Prue and pep permint. If wives could only keep their husbands a little nauseated, I am confident they might be very sure of their constancy. B.it, somehow, the strange ship was gained, an:l I found myself among as singular a company us I have ever seen. There were men of every country, and costumes of all lands. There was an indescribable misti ness in the air, or a premature twilight, in which all the figures looked ghostly and un real. The ship was of a model such as I had never seen, and the rigging had a musty odor, so that the whole craft smelled like a ship-chandler's shop grown moldy. The figures glided rather than walked about, and I perceived a strong smell of cabbage issuing from tlie hold. But the most extraordinary thing of all Avas the sens of resistless motion which pos sess- >! inv m" 1 ' tlr> niom-Mit KIV foot struck PRUE AND I. the deck. I could have sworn we wore dashing through the water at the rate of twenty knots an hour. (Prue has a great, but a little ignorant, admiration of my tech nical knowledge of nautical affairs and phrases.) I looked aloft and saw the sails taut with a stiff breeze, and I heard a faint whistling of the wind in the rigging, but very faint, and rather, it seemed to me, as if it came from the creak of cordage in the ships of Crusaders ; or of quaint old craft upon the Spanish main, echoing through remote years so far away it sounded. Yet I heard no orders given ; I saw no sailors running aloft, and only one figure crouching over the wheel, lie was lost I >e- hind his great beard as behind a snowdrift. But the startling speed with which v, c scud ded along did not lift a solitary hair of that beard, nor did the old and withered fr.co of the pilot betray any curiosity or interest as to what breakers, or reefs, or pitiless shores, might be lyino: in ambush to destroy us. Still on we r, "r>nt ; nnd ns th^ tnvelor m a niht-tram knows that !: > is v.ssin^ -Teen CRUISE IN THE FLYING DUTCHMAN. 19! fields, and pleasant gardens, and winding streams fringed with flowers, and is now gliding through tunnels or darting along the base of fearful cliffs, so I was conscious that we were pressing through various climates and by romantic shores. In vain I peered into the ' called r.n yland ; I strained X3 ees into tho cruel mist luat held all that 192 T;;UE AND i. music and all that suggested beauty, but I could see nothing. It was so sweet that I scarcely knew it' I cared to see. The very thought of it charmed my senses and satis- tied my heart. I smelled and heard the land scape that I could not see. Then the pungent, penetrating fragrance of blossoming vineyards was Avafted across the air; the flowery richness of orange groves, and the sacred odor of crushed bay leaves, such as is pressed from them Avhens they are streAvn upon the flat pavement of the streets of Florence, and gorgeous priestly processions tread them underfoot. A steam; of incense filled the air. I smelled Italy as in the magnolia from Bourne's garden and, even while my heart leaped with the consciousness, the odor passed, and a stretch of burning silence succeeded. It Avas an oppressive zone of heat op pressive not only from its silence, but from the scene of awful, antique form?, whether of art or natur?, that were 1 sittii-g, closely veiled, in that mysterions Hiscurity. I shud dered as I fek that it' IMV cy< : roi.1.1 pierce CRUISE IN TH1-; FLYING DUTCHMAN. that mist, or if it should lift and roll away, I should see upon a silent shore low ranges of lonely hills, or mystic figures and huge temples trampled out of history by time. This, too, we left. There was a rustling of distant palms, the indistinct roar of beasts, and the hiss of serpents. Then all was still again. Only at times the remote sigh of the weary sea, mormmg around desolate isles undiscovered ; and the howl of winds that h;id never wafted human voices, but had rung endless changes upon the sound of dashing waters, made the voyage more appalling and the Hgures around me more fearful. As the ship plunged on through all the varying zones, as climate and country drifted I), hind us, unseen in the gray mist, but each, in turn, making that quaint craft England or Italy, Africa and the Southern seas, I ventured to steal a glance at the motley crew, to see what impression this wild career produced upon them. They sat about the deck in a hundred list 1 ! ss postures. Some leaned idly over the bulv '\s, and looked wistfully awav from / / '3 194 TRUE AND ;, cne ships, as if they fancied they saw all that I inferred but couLl not see. As the per fume, and sound, and climate changed, I could see many a longing eve sadden and * o o / grow moist, and as the chime of bells echoed distinctly like the airy syllables of names, and, as it were, made pictures in music upon the minds of those quaint mariners then dry lips moved, perhaps to name a name,, perhaps to breathe a prayer. Others sat upon the deck, vacantly smoking pipes that required no refilling, but had an immortality of weed and tire. The more they smoked the more mysterious they became. The smoke mule the mist around them more im penetrable., and I could clearly sae that those distant sounds gradually grew more distant, and, by some of the most desperate and con stant smokers, were heard no more. The faces of such had an apathy, which, had it been human, would have been despair. Others stood staring ur> into the rigging, as if eaJenkittag when the snils must needs be rent and th' 1 vo-nsfe or/I. "Rnt there was no hope in their eyes, only a bitter longing. CRUISE IN THE FLYING DUTCHMAN. 19$ Some paced restlessly up and down the deck. They had evidently been walking a long, long time. At intervals they, too, threw a searching glance into the mist that enveloped the ship, and up into the sails and rigging that stretched over them in hopeless strength and order. One of the promenaders I especially no ticed. His beard was long and snowy, like that of the pilot. He had a staff in his hand, and his movement was very rapid. His body swung forward, as if to a void something, and his glance half turned back over his shoulder, apprehensively, as if he were threat ened from behind. The head and the whole figure Wtire bowed as if under a burden, although I could not see that he had any thing upon his shoulders ; and his gait was not that of a man who is walking off the ennui of a voyage, but rather of a criminal flying, or of a startled traveler pursued, As he came nearer to me in his walk, I saw that his features were strongly Hebrew, and there was an air of the proudest dignity, fearfully abased, in his mien and expression. 196 PRUE AM) I, It was more than the dignity of an indi vidual. I could have believed that the pride of a race was humbled in his person. His agile eye presently fastened itself upon me, as a stranger. He came nearer and nearer to me, as he paced rapidly to and fro, and was evidently several times on the point of addressing me, but. looking over his shoulder apprehensively, he passed on. At length, with a great effort, he paused for an instant, and invited me to join him in his walk. Before the invitation was fairly uttered, he was in motion again. I followed, but I could not overtake him. He kept just before me, and turned occasionally with an air of terror, as if he fancied L were dor;piixplic:ible fascination, j s if it liad bee i turned upon \vh; t no other mcrtal eyes had ov.-rsvni. Vet I coul.l hardly till whether it W-.T:\ probably, an ob;*t ol' sn;>re:ne b : viu v <-r of terror. He looked at everything :s \i he hope 1 is impression might o jiH-.'iMC s >me anterior and awful CRUISE IN THE FLYING DUTCHMAN. 197 on 3; ar.d I was gradually possessed with the unpleasant idea that his eyes were never closed that in fact, he never slept. Suddenly, fixing me with his unnatural, wakeful glare, hj whispered something which I could not understand, and then darted forward even more rapidly, as if he dreaded that, in merely speaking, he had lost time. Still the ship drove on, and I walked hur riedly along the deck, just behind my com panion. But our speed and that of the ship contrasted strangely with the moldy smell of old rigging, and the listless and lazy groups, smoking and leaning on the bul warks. The seasons, in endless succession and iteration, passed over the ship. The twilight was summer haze at the stern, while it was the fiercest winter mist at the bows. But as a tropical breath, like the warmth of a Syrian day, suddenly touched the brow of my companion, he sighed, and I could not help saying: " You must be tired." He only shook his head and quickened hie pace. But now that I had once spoken, 198 PRUE AND I. it was not so difficult to speak, and 1 asked him why he did not stop and rest. He turned for moment, and a mournful sweetness shone in his dark eyes and hag gard, swarthy face. It played flittiigly around that strange look of ruined human dignity, like a wan beam of late sunset about a crumbling and forgotten temple. Ke put his hand hurriedly to his forehead, as if he w^re trying to remember like a lunatic, who, having heard only the wrangle of fisnds in his delirium, suddenly in a con scious moment, perceives the familiar voice of love. But who could this be, to whom mere human sympathy was so startlingly sweet ? Still moving, he whispered with a woful sadness, " I want to stop, but I cannot. If I could only stop long e:ioug!i to leap over the bulwarks ! " Then he sighed long and deeply, and added, "But I should not drown." So much had my interest been excited by his face and movement, that I had not observed the costume of this strange bein. CRUISE IN THE FLYING DUTCHMAN. 199 He wore a black hat upon his head. It was not only black, but it was shiny. Even in the midst of this wonderful scene, I could observe that it had the artificial newness of a second-hand hat ; and, at the same mo ment, I was disgustad by the odor of old clothes very old clothes, indeed. The mist and my sympathy had prevented my seeing before what a singular garb the figure wore. ' It was all second-hand and carefully ironed, but the garments were obviously collected from every prv/t of the civilized globe. Good heavens ! as I lookad at the coat, I had a strange sensation. I was sure that I had once worn that coat. It wits my wedding surtout long in the skirts which Prue had told me, years and years before, she had given away to the neediest Jo\v beggar she had ever seen. The spectral figure dwindled in my fancy the features lost th,Mr antique grandeur, and the restless eye c:?ns;jd to be sublime from immortal sleeplessness, and became only lively with mean cunning. The ap parition was fearfully grotesque, but the> 2OO PRUE AND I. driving ship and the mysterious company gradually restored its tragic interest. I stopped and leaned against the side, and heard the rippling water that 1 could not see, and flitting through the mist, with anx ious speed, the figure held its \v;;y. What was lie flying ' ^ hat conscience with relent less sting pricked this victim on ? Jle came again nearer and nearer to me in his walk. I recoiled with disgust, this time, no less than terror. But he seemed resolved to speak, and, finally, each time, as he passed me, he asked single questions, as a ship which fires whenever it can bring a gun to 'jcar. "Can you tell me to what port we are bound ? '' " No," I replied ; " but how came yon to take passage without inquiry ? To me it makes little difference." "Nor do I care," he answered, when he next came near enough ; ' ; I have already been there." "Where?" asked I. " Wherever we are going," he replied. CRUISE IN T:: : rivixc DUTCHMAN. 201 " I have been there i great many times, and, oli ! I am very tired of it." " But why are you here at all, then ; and why don't you stop ? " There was a singular mixture of a hundred conflicting emotions in his face, as I spoke. The representative grandeur of a race, which he sometimes showed in his look, faded into a glanca of hopeless and puny despair. His eyes looked at nie^ curiously, h's chest heaved, and there was clearly a struggle in his mind, between some lofty and mean desire. At times, I saw only the austere* suffering of ages in his strongly-carved features, and again I could see nothing but the second-hand black hat above them. lie rubbed his forehead with his skinny hand ; he glanced over his shoulder, as if calculating whether he had time to speak to me, and then, as a splendid defiance flashed from his pierc ing eyes, so that I know how Milton's Satan looked, he said bitterly, and with hopeless sor row, that no mortal voice ever knew before : '"I c.innot stop: my wo is infinite, like my sin ! "and he passed into the mist. 2O2 PRUE AND I. But, in a few moments, lie reappeared. I could now see only the hat, which sank more and moreover his face, until it covered it entirely ; and I heard a querulous voice, which seemed to be quarreling with itself, for saying what it was compelled to say, so that the words were even more appalling than what it had said before : "OldcloM old clo'!" I gazed at the disappearing figure, in speechless amazement, and was still looking, when I was tapped upon the shoulder, and, turning round, saw a German cavalry officer, with a heavy mustache, and a dog-whistle in his hand. "Most extraordinary man, your friend yonder," said the officer ; " I don't remember to have seen him in Turkey, and yet I recog nize upon his feet the boots that I wore in the great Russian cavalry charge, where I indi vidually rode down five hundred and thirty Turks, slew seven hundred, at a moderate computation, by the mere force of my rush, and, taking the soven in 'iirmoiintable walls of Constantino}-!/ ;;t one clean flying leap. CRUISE IX THE FLYING DUTCHMAN. 203 rode straight into the seraglio, and, drop ping the bridle, cut the sultan's throat with niv bridle-hand, kissed the other to the Lulies of the hareein, and was back again within our lines and taking a glass of wine Avith the hereditary Grand Duke Generalis simo before he knew that I had mounted. Oddly enough, your old friend is now sport ing the identical boots I wore on that oc- c.ssion." The cavalry officer coolly curled his mustache with his lingers. I looked at him in silence. " Speaking of boots," he resumed, " I don't remember to have told you of that little incident of the Princess of the Crimea's diamonds. It was slight, but curious. I was dining one day with the Emperor of the Crimea, who always had a cover laid ior me at his table, when he said, in great perplexity, ' Baron, my boy, I am in straits. The Shah of Persia has just sent me word that he has presented me with two thousand pcarl-of-Oman necklaces, and I. don't know Low to get them over, the duties are so 204 PRUE AND I. heavy.' 'Nothing easier,' replied I; 'I'll bring them in my boots.' ' Nonsense ! ' said the Emperor of the Crimea. ' Nonsense I yourself,' replied I, sportively : for the Em peror of the Crimea always gives me my joke; and so after dinner I went over to Persia. The thing was easily enough done. I ordered a hundred thousand pairs of boots or so, filled them with the pearls; said at the Custom-house that they were part of my private wardrobe, and I had left the blocks in to keep them stretched, for I was particu lar about my bunions. The officers bowul,. and said that their own feet were tender, upon which I jokingly remarked that 1 wished their consciences were, and so in the pleasantest manner possible the poail-ol- Oman necklaces were bowed out of Persia, and the Emperor of the Crimea gave me three thousand of them as my share. It was no trouble. It was only ordering the boots, and whistling to the infernal rascals of Persian shoemakers to hang for then- pay." I could reply nothing to my new a<: quaint CRUISE IN THE FLYING DUTCHMAN. 2O$ ance, but I treasured his stories to tell to Prue, and at length summoned courage to ask him why lie had taken passage. " Pure fun," answered he, " nothing else under the sun. You see, it happened in this way : I was sitting quietly and swinging in a cedar of Lebanon, on the very summit of that mountain, when suddenly, feeling a little warm, I took a brisk dive into the Mediterranean. Now I was careless, and got going obliquely, and with the force of such a dive I could not come up near Sicilv, as I had intended, but 1 Vent clean under Africa, and came out at the Cape of Good Hope, and as Fortune would have it, just as this good ship was passing. So .1 sprang over the side, and offered the crew to treat all round if they would tell me where I started from. But I suppose they had just been piped to grog, for not a man stirred, except your friend yonder, and he only kept on stirring." " Are you going far? " I asked. The cavalry officer looked a little dis turb" ! ' ' ~ -nn.->t, precisely tell," answered 206 PRUE AND I. he, " in fact I wish I could ; " and he glanced round nervously at the strange company. " If you should come our way, Prue and I will be very glad to see you," said I, " and 1 can promise vou a warm welcome from the children.'' " Many thanks," said the officer, and handed me his card, upon which I read, Le Baron Muncliausen. " I beg your pardon," said a low voice at my side ; and, turning, I saw one of the most constant smqkers a very old man " 1 beg your pardon, but can } T ou tell me where I came from ? " " I am sorry to say I cannot," answered I, as I surveyed a man with a very bewildered and wrinkled face, who seemed to be intently looking for something. " Nor where I am going ? " I replied that it was equally impossible. He mused a few moments, and then said slowly, " Do you know, it is a very strange thing that I have not found anybody who can answer me either of those questions. And yet I must have co*ne from some- CRUISE IN THE FLYING DUTCHMAN. 2O/ where," said be, speculatively " yes, and I must be going somewhere, and I should really like to know something about it." " I observe," said I, " that you smoke a good deal, and perhaps you find tobacco clouds your brain a little." " Smoke ! Smoke ! " repeated he, sadly dwelling upon tli3 words ; "why, it 'all seems smoke to me ; " and he looked wist fully around the deck, and I felt quite ready to agree with him. " May I ask what you are here for," in quired I ; " perhaps your health, or business of some kind ; although I was told it was a pleasure party ? " " That's just it," said he ; " if I only knew where we were going, I might be able to say something about it. But where are you going ? " u I am going home as fast as I can," re plied I warmly, for I began to be very un comfortable. The old man's eyes half closed, and his mind seemed to have struck a scent. " Isn't that where I was going? I believe 208 PRUE AND I. it is ; I wish I knew ; I think that's what it is called. Where is home ? " And the old man puffed a prodigious cloud of smoke, in which lie was quite lost. " It is certainly very smoky," said he, " I came on board this ship to go to- in fact, I meant, as I was saying, I took passage for ." lie smoked silently. "I beg your pardon, but where did you say I was going ( " Out of the mist where he had been lean ing over the side, and gazing earnestly into the surrounding obscurity, now came a pale young man, and put his arm in mine. "I see," said he, "that you have rather a general acquaintance, and, as you know many persons, perhaps you know many things. I am young, you see, but I am a great traveler. I have been all over the world, and in all kinds of conveyances; but,"' he continued, nervously, starting con tinually, and looking around, " 1 haven't yet got abroad." " Not got abroad, and yet you have been everywhere? " " Oh ! yes ; I know," be replied, hurriedly ; CRUISE IN THE FLYING DUTCHMAN. 2OQ *' but I mean that I haven't yet got away. I travel constantly, but it does no good anil perhaps you can tell me the secret I want to know. I will pay any sum for it. I am very rich and very young, and if money cannot buy it, I will give as many years of my life as you require." lie moved his hands convulsively, and his hair was wet upon his forehead. He was very handsome in that mystic light, bat his e\v burned with eagerness, and his slight, graceful frame thrilled- with the earnestness of his emotion. The Emperor Hadrian, who loved the boy Antinous, would have loved the vonth. " D it what is it that you wish to leave behind ?" said I, at length, holding his ann paternally ; " what do you wish to escape ? " lie threw his arms straight down by his s< le, clenchod his hands, and looked fixedly in mv eye's. T!i'^ beautiful head was thrown i\ !rtl> bank upon one shoulder, and the wan 1'iced glowe I with venrning desire and utter abnnlonmenttofH>n6l*n( w , so that, without iiis savinir it, 1 !;: -w that he had never 210 PRUE AND I. whispered the secret which he was about to impart to me. Then, with a long sigh, as if his life were exhaling, he whispered, "Myself." " Ah ! my boy, you are bound upon a long journey." "I know it," he replied mournfully ; 'V.rnl I cannot even get started. If I don't ; ct off in this ship, I fear I shall never es cape.'' His last words were lost in themut which gradually removed him from rny view. "The youth has been amusing you with some of his wild fancies, I suppose,' 1 said a. venerable man, who might have been twin brother of that snow^y-bearded pilot. " It is a great pity so promising a young man should be the victim of such vagaries." He stood looking over the side for some time, and at length added, " Don't you think we ought to arrive soon ? " " Where ? " asked I. " "Why, in Eldorado, of course," answered he. *' The truth is I became very tired o? CRUISE IN THE FLYING DUTCHMAN. 2Tf that long process to find the Philosopher's Stone, and, although I was just upon the point of the last combination which must infallibly have produced the medium, I abandoned it when I heard Orellana's ac count, ami found that Nature had already done in Eldorado precisely what I was try ing to do. You see," continued the old man abstractedly, " I had put youth, and love, and hope, besides a great many scarce minerals, into the crucible, and they all dissolved siowly, and vanished in vapor. It was curious, but they left no residuum ex- c-'pt a little ashes, which were not strong enough to make a lye to cure a lame finger. But, as 1 was saying, Orellana told us about ELlorad,) just in time, and I thought, if any ship would carry me there it must be this. But I am very sorry to find that any one who is in pursuit of such a hopeless goal as- that pale young man yonder, should have taken passage. It is only age," he said,, slowly stroking his white beard, " that teaches us wisdom, and persuades us to re nounce the hope of escaping ourselves ; and 212 PRUE AND I. just as we are discovering the Philosopher's Stone, relieves our anxiety by pointing the way to Eldorado." "Are we really going there?" asked I, in some trepidation. " Can there be any doubt of it? " replied the old man. " Where should we be going, if not there? However, let us summon the passengers and ascertain." So saying, the venerable man beckoned to the various groups that were clustered, ghostlike, in the mist that enveloped the ship. They seemed to draw nearer with listless curiosity, and stood or sat near us, smoking as before, or, still leaning on the siil'.?, idly gazing. But the restless figure who had first accosted me still paced the deck, flitting in and out of the obscurity ; ;ind as he passed there was the same mien of humbl 'd pride, and tl:e air of a fate of tragic grandeur, and still the same faint odor of old clothes, and the lo\v querulous cry, " Old clo'! oil do'!" T!M> ship (Usl.C'1 on. Fr. known odors and strun^e so.i.-iiis still i;lled tne air, and all the CRUISE IN THE FLYING DUTCHMAN. 213 world went by us as we flew with no other noise than the low gurgling of the sea around the side ' Gentlemen," said the reverend passenger for Eldorado, " I ho|K3 there is no misappre hension as to oar destination ? " As he said this, there was a general move- nunt of anxiety and curiosity. Presently the smoker, who had asked me where lie was. going, said, doubtfully : "I don't know it seems tome I mean. I wish somebody would distinctly sav v. here / v * we are going." " I think I can throw a light upon this- subject," said a person whom I had not be fore remarked. He was dressed like a sailor,, and had a dreamy eye. "It is very clear to me where we aregoin^. 1 have been taking- observations for somz time, and I am glad. to announce that we are on the eve of achiev ing great fame ; and I may add," said he,, modestly, " that my own good name for scientih'c acumen will b^ amrly vindicated. Gentlein^'i, we are s.n '.oubted!y going into the Hole." 214 PRUE AND I. " What hole is that ? " asked M. le Baron Munchausen, a little contemptuously. "Sir, it will make you more famous than you ever were before,'' replied the first speaker, evidently much enraged. ; ' 1 am persuaded we are going into no .such absurd place," said the Baron, exasper ated. The sailor with the dreamy eye was fear- fuily angry. lie drew himself up stiffly and said : " Sir, you lie ! " M, le Baron Munchausen tpok it in very good part. He smiled and held out his hand : " My friend," said he, blandly, " that is precisely what I have always heard. I am glad you do me no more than justice. I fully assent to your theory : and your words constitute mo the proper historiographer of the expedition. But tell me one thing, how soon, after getting into the Hole, do you think we shall get out ? " " Tho result will provo." said the marine gentleman, handing the officer his card, upon CRUISE IN THE FLYING DUTCHMAN. 2IJ> which was written, Captain Sy mines. The two gentleme.i then walked aside ; and the groups began to sway to and fro in the haze as if not quite contented. " (TOO;! Go I," s:iid the pale youth, rumirig- up to me ami clutching my arm, u I c.nnot go into any Hole alone with rnys:-lf. I siiould die I should kill myself. I thought. somebody was on board, and I hoped you were he, who would steer us to the fountain, of oblivion." " Very well, that is in the Hole," said M. le Baron, who came out of the mist at that moment, leaning upon the Captain's arm. " But can 1 leave myself outside '( " askeci the youth, nervously. " Certainly," interposed the old Alchemist ; " you may be sure that you will not get into the Hole, until you have left yourself behind." The pale young man grasped his hand, and gazed into his eyes. " And then I can drink and be happy," murmured he, as he leaned over the side of the ship and listened to the rippling water, 2l6 PRUE AND I. as if it had been the music of the fountain of oblivion." "Drink! drink!" said the smoking old man. "Fountain! fountain! "Why, I believe that is what I am after. I beg your p;mlon," continued he, addressing the Al chemist. " But can you tell me if I am looking for a fountain ? " ''The fountain of youth, perhaps," re plied the Alchemist. "The very thing! "cried the smoker, with a shrill laugh, while his pipe fell from his mouth, and was shattered upon the deck, and tlie oM man tottered away into the mist, chuckling feebly to himself, " Youth ! youth ! " " He'll find that in the Hole, too," said the Alchemist, as he gazed after the reced ing figure. The crowd now gathered more nearly tiround us. " Well, gentlemen," continued the Al chemist, " where shall we go, or, rather, where are we going ? " A man in a friar's habit, with the cowl CRUISE IX THE FLYING DUTCHMAN. 2 1/ closely drawn about his head, now crossed himself, and whispered : " I have but one object. I should not have been here if I had not supposed we were going to find Prester John, to whom I have been appointed father confessor, and at whose court I am to live splendidly, like a cardinal at Rome. Gentlemen, if you will only agree that we shall go there, you shall all be permitted to hold my train when I proceed to be enthroned as Bishop of Cen tral Africa. While he was speaking, another old man came from the bows of the ship, a figure which had been so immovable in its place that I supposed it was the ancient figure head of the craft, and said in a low, hollow voice, and a quaint accent : " I have been looking for centuries, and I cannot see it. I supposed we were heading for it. I thought sometimes I saw the flash of distant spires, the sunny gleam of upland pastures, the soft undulation of purple hills. Ah ! me. I am sure I heard the singing of birds, and tho faint low of c-tH<\ Tint I da 2l8 PRUE AND I. not kno\v : we come no nearer ; and yet I felt its presence in the air. If the mist would only lift, we should see it lying so fair upon the sea, so graceful against the sky. I fear we may have passed it. Gentlemen," said he, sadly, " I am afraid we may have lost the island of Atlantis forever." There was a look of uncertainty in the throng upon the deck. " But yet," said a group of young men in every kind of costume, and of every country and time, " we have a chance at the Encan- tadas, the Enchanted Islands. We were reading of them only the other day, and the very style of the story had the music of waves. How happy we shall be to reach a land where there is no work, nor tempest, nor pain, and we shall be forever happy." " I am content here," said a laughing youth, with heavily matted curls. " What c-in be better than this? We feel every cli mate, the music and the perfume of every zone, are ours. In the starlight I woo the mermaids, as I lean over the side, and no enchanted island will show us fairer forms. I CRUISE IN Tliii FLYING DUTCHMAN. 2 19 am satisfied. The ship sails on. "We can not see, but we can dream. What worker pain, have we here ? I like the ship ; I like the voy age ; I like my company, and am content." As he spoke he put something into his mouth, and, drawing a white substance from his pocket, offered it to his neighbor, saying, " Try a bit of this lotus ; you will find it very soothing to the nerves and an infallible remedy fo; 1 homesickness." "Gentlemen," said M. le Baron Munchau- sen, " I have no fear. The arrangements are well made; the voyage has been perfectly planned, and each passenger will discover what he took passage to find, in the Hole into which we are going, under the auspices of tii is worthy Captain." lie ceased, and silence fell upon the ship's company. Still on we swept ; it seemed a wear.y way. The tireless pedestrians still paced to and fro, and the idle smokers puffed. The sliip sailed on, and endless mu sic and odor chased each other through the misty air. Suddenly a deep sigh drew uni versal attention to a person who had not 220 PRUE AND I. yet spoken. He held a broken harp in his hand, the strings fluttered loosely in the air, and the head of the speaker, bound with a withered wreath of laurels, bent over it. " No, no," said he, " I will not eat your lotus, nor sail into the Hole. No magic root can cure the homesickness I feel ; for it is no regretful remembrance, but an immortal longing. I have roamed farther than I thought the earth extended.- I have cli-.nbcd mountains; I have threaded rivers ; I have- sailed seas ; but nowhere have I seen the home for which my heartaches. Ah ! my friends, you look very weary ; let us go home." The pedestrian paused a moment in his walk, and the smokers took their pipes from their mouths. The soft air which blew in that moment across the deck, drew a low sound from the broken harp-strings, and a, light shone in the eyes of the old man'of the figure-head, as if the mist had lifted for an instant, and he had caught a glimpse of the lost Atlantis. "I really believe that is where I wish to go," said the seeker of the fountain cf youth. CRUISE IN THE FLYING DUTCHMAN. 221 "I think I would give up drinking at the fountain if I could get there. I do not kno\v," he murmured, doubtfully; "it is not sure ; I mean, perhaps, I should not have strength to get to the fountain, even if I were near it." " But is it possible to get home?" inquired the pale young man. "I think I should be resigned if I could get home." " Certainly," said the dry, hard voice of Prester John's confessor, as his cowl fell a little back, and a sudden flush burned upon his gaunt face ; " if there is any chance of home, I will give up the Bishop's palace in Central Africa." " But Eldorado is my home," interposed the old alchemist. " Or is home Eldorado? " asked the poet, with the withered wreath, turning towards the Alchemist. It was a strange company and a wondrous voyage. Here were all kinds of men, of all times and countries, pursuing the wildest hopes, the r^ost chimerical desires. One took ir.o rsido t;> rro;i st that I would not 222 FRUE AND I. let it be known, but that he inferred from certain signs we were nearing Utopia. Another whispered gaily in my ear that he thought the water was gradually becoming of a ruby color the line of wine; and he had no doubt we should wake in the morn- i.ig and find ourselves in the land of Cock aigne. A third, in great anxietv, stated to O w * me that such continuous mists were unknown upon the ocean ; that they were peculiar to rivers, and that, beyond question, we were drifting along some stream, probably the Nile, and immediate measures ought to be taken that we did not go ashore at the foot of the mountains of the moon. Others were quite sure that we were in the way of strik ing the great southern continent ; and a young man, who gave his name as "Wilkins, said we might be quite at ease for presently some friends of his would come flying over from the neighboring islands and tell us all we wished. Still I smelled the moldy rigging, and the odor of cabbage was strong from the hold. CRUISE IN THE FLYING DUTCHMAN. 223 Prue, what could the ship be, in which such fantastic characters were sailing to ward impossible bournes characters which in every age have ventured all the bright capital of life in vague speculations and romantic dreams ? What could it be but the ship that haunts the sea for ever, and, with all sails set, drives onward before a ceaseless gale, and is not hailed, nor ever co rues to port ? 1 know the ship is always full ; I know the graybeard still watches at the prow for the lost Atlantis, and still the alchemist believes that Eldorado is at hand. Upon his aim less quest, the dotard still asks where he is going, and the pale youth knows that he shall never fly himself. Yet they would gladly renounce that wild chase and the dear dreams of years could they find what I have never lost. They were ready to follow the poet home, if he would have told them where it lay. I know where it lies. I breathe the soft air of the purple uplands which they shall never tread. 1 hear the sweet music of the 224 PRUE AND I. voices they long for in vain. I am no traveler; my only voyage is. to the office and home again. William and Christopher, John and Charles sail to Europe and tlu South, but 1 defy their romantic distances. AVhen the spring comejand the flowers l>!o\v, I drift through tho year belted with summer and with spice. With the changing months I keep high carnival in ;.ll the zones. I sit at home and walk with Prue, and if the sun tluit stirs the sap (j'.iickenii also the wish to winder, I remember my fellow-voyagers o:\ that romantic craft, ;;n 1 looking round upon my peaceful room, a. id pressing more closely the arm of Prue, I feel t!i:it I have reached tho port for which they hopelessly sailed. And when winds blow fiercely and thenight- Btorin rages, and the thought of lost mariners and of perilous voyages touches the soft heart of Prue, I hear a voice sweeter to my car than that of the syrens to the tempest- tost sailor: "Thank God! Your only cruising is in the Flying Dutchman ! " FAMILY PORTRAITS. * Look here upon this picture, and on this." Hamkt FAMILY POKTEAITS. "Look here upon this picture, and on this." Hamlet. WE have no family pictures, Prue and I, only a portrait of my grandmother hangs upon our parlor wall. It was takjen at least a century ago, and represents the venerable lady, whom I remember in my childhood in spectacles and comely cap, as a young and bloomjng girl. She is sitting upon an old-fashioned sofa,, by the side of a prim aunt of hers, and with her back to the open window. Her costume is quaint, but handsome. It consists of a cream-colored dress made high in the throat, ruffled around the neck, and over the bosom and the shoulders. The waist is just under her shoulders, and the sleeves are tight, tighter than any of our coat sleeves, and also ruffled at the wrist. Around the plump and 227 228 PRUE AND I. rosy neck, which I remember as shriveled and sallow, and .hidden under a decent lace handkerchief, hangs, in the picture, a neck lace of large ebony beads. There are two curls upon the forehead, and the rest of the hair flows away in ringlets down the neck. The hands hold an open book : the eyes look up from it with tranquil sweetness, and, tli rough the open window behind, you see a quiet landscape a hill, a tree, the glimpse of a rivet", and a few peaceful summer clouds. Often in my younger days, when my grandmother sat by the fire, after dinner, iost in thought perhaps rememberfng the time when the picture was really a portrait [ have curiously compared her wasted fnce with the blooming beauty of the girl, and tried to detect the likeness. It was strange how the resemblance would sometimes start out : how, as I gazed and gazed upon her old face, age disappeared before my eager glance, as snow melts in the sunshine, re vealing tljo flowers of a forgotten spring. It was touching to see my grandmother FAMILY PORTRAITS. 229 steal quietly up to her portrait, on still sum mer mornings when every one had left the house, and I, the only child, played, disre garded, and look at it wistfully and long. She held her hand over her eyes to shade them from the light that streamed in at the window, and I have seen her stand at least a quarter of an hour gazing steadfastly at the picture. She said nothing, she made no motion, she shed no tear, but when she turned away there was always a pensive sweetness in her face that mir.de it not less lovely than the face of her youth. I have learned since, what her thoughts m-.ist have been how that long, wistful glance annihilated time and space, how forms ;;n 1 faces unknown to any other, rose in sudden resurrection around her how she loved, suffered, struggled and conquered again ; how many a jest that I shall never hear, how many a game that I shall never play, how many a song that I shall never sing, were all renewed and remembered as my grandmother contemplated her picture. J often stand, as she stood, gazing earnestly 230 PRUE AND I. at the picture, so long and so silently, that Prue looks up from her work and says she shall be jealous of that beautiful belie, my grandmother, who yet makes her think more kindly of those remote old times. " Yes, Prue, and that is the charm of a family portrait." " Yes, again ; but," says Titbottom when he hears the remark, " ho\v, if one's grand mother were a shrew, a termagant, a vira- go?" " All ! in that case " I am compelled to say, while Pruo looks up again, half archly, and I add gravely " you, for instance, Prue." Then Titbottom smiles one of his sad svniles, and we change the subject. Yet, I am always glad when Minim Scul- pin, our neighbor, who knows that my op portunities are few, comes to ask me to step round and see the family portraits. The Sculpins, I think, are a very old family. Titbottom says they date from the deluge. But I thought people of Eng lish descent; p~ff rt TfMl to" stop with "William the Conqueror, who cam > f-o:n France. FAMILY PORTRAITS. Before going with Minim, I always fortify myself with a glance at the great family Bible, in which Adam, Eve, and the patri archs, lire indifferently well represented. "Those are tho ancestors of the Howards, the Plantagenets, and the Montmorencis,'* says Prui>, surprising me with her erudition. " Have you any remoter ancestry, Mr. Scul pin '" she asks Minim, who only smiles compassionately upon the dear woman, while 1 am butttoning my coat. Then we step along the street, and I am. conscious of trembling a little, for I feel as if I were going to court. Suddenly we are standing before the range of portraits. " This," says Minim, with unction, " is Sir Solomon Sculpin, the founder of the family." " Famous for what ? " I ask, respectfull}^ " For founding the family," replies Minim gravely, and I have sometimes thought a little severely. "This," he says, pointing to a dame in hoops and diamond stomacher, " this is Lady Sheba Sculpin." 232 PRUE AND I. "Ah! yes. Famous for what ?'' I inquire " For being the wife of Sir Solomon." Then, in order, comes a gentleman in a hug^i, curling wig, looking indifferently like James the Second, or Louis the Fourteenth, and Holding a scroll in his hand. " The Right Honorable Haddock Sculpin, Lord Privy Seal, etc., etc." A delicate beauty hangs between, a face fair, and loved, and lost, centuries ago a song to the eye a poem to the heart the Aureliu of that old society. ' Lady Dorothea Sculpin, who married yomg Lord Pop and Cock, and died prema turely in Italy." Poor Lady Dorothea ! whose great grand child, in the tenth remove, died last week, an old man of eighty ! Next the gentle lady hangs a fierce figure, flourishing a sword, with an anchor embroi dered on his coat-collar, and thunder and lightning, sinking ships, flames and tornadoes in the background. " Ilo-ir Admiral Fir Shark Sculpin, who fell in the oked in t!i3 glass of his own thought n\ \ sjanaj 1 hU owa proportions. The family portraits are liko a woman's diamonds, they may flash finely enougli be fore t'le world, but she herself trembles lest thoir luster eclipse her eyes. It is difficult to resist the te.i ler.cy to depend upon those portr.iiti, an.1 t) enjoy vicariously through thorn a hig'i consideration. But, after all, what girl is co:nplimented when you curi ously reg'iril h a r because hor mother was beautiful ? What attenuato.l consumptive, in \vhom solf-res.;)ect is yet unconsumed, delight? in yo-ir r">>n^>t fo- him, founded in honor for iris staiwart ancestor? 240 PRUE AND I. No man worthy the name rejoices in any homage which his own effort and character have not deserved. You intrinsically insult him when you make him the scapegoat of your admiration for his ancestor. But when his ancestor is his accessory, then your hom age would flatter Jupiter. All that Minim Sculpin do3s by his own talent is the more radiantly sst and ornamented by the family fame. The imagi.iatio i is pleased when Lord Jo'.m Russell is Premier of England and a whig, bscausa the great Lord William Russell, his ancestor, died in England for liberty. In the samo way Minim's sister Sara adds to her o\vn grace the sweet memory of the Lady Dorothy. When she glides, a sunbeam, through that quiet house, and in winter makes summer by her presence; when she sits at tl^ piano, singing in the twilight, or stands leaning against the Venus in the cor ner of the ro >m herself more graceful- then, in glancing from her to the portrait of the g3n*lo D'>:*othy, you feol that the long years betwee.i tiiei:i have be, n lighted by FAMILY PORTRAITS. 24 I the sajne sparkling grace, and shadowed by the same pensive smile for this is but one Sara and one Dorothy, out of all that there are in the world. As we look at these two, we must own that noblesse oblige in a sense sweeter than we knew, and be glad when young Sculpin invites us to see the family portraits. Could a man lie named Sidney, and not be it better man, or .Milton, and be a churl? But it is apart from any historical associa tion that I like to look at the family portraits. TheSculpins were very distinguished heroes, and judges, and founders of families; but I chiefly linger upon their pictures, because they were men and women. Their portraits remove the vagueness from history, and give it reility. Ancient valor and beauty cease to be names and poetic myths, and become facts. I feel that they lived, and loved, and suffered in those old days. The story of th Mr lives is instantly full of human symj r.- tliy in my mind, and I judge them moio gently, more generously. Then I look at those of us who are the 16 242 PRUE AND I. spectators of the portraits. I know that we are made of the same flesh and blood, that time is preparing us to be placed in his cabi net and upon canvas, to be curiously studied by the grandchildren of unborn Prues. I put out my hands to grasp those of my fel lows around the pictures. " Ah ! friends, we live not only for ourselves. Those whom we shall never see will look to us as models, as counselors. We shall be speechless then. We shall only look at them from the canvas and cheer or discourage them by their idea of our lives and ourselves. Let us so look in the portrait, that they shall love our memories that they shall say, in turn, * they were kind and thoughtful, thoso queer old ancestors of ours; let us not disgrace them.' " If they only recognize us as men and wom en like themselves, they will be the better for it, and the family portraits will be family- blessings. This u what my grandmother did. Gho looked at her own portrait, at the portrait of her youth, with much the same feeling FAMILY PORTRAITS. 243 that I remember Prue as she was when 1 first saw her, with much the same feeling that I hope our grandchildren will remem ber us. Upon those still summer mornings, though she stood withered and wan in a plain bk< k silk gown, a close cap, and spectacles, ;.r.st eloquent and passionate letters ; and \\h?:i iu returned in vacations, he had no eyes, cars, nor heart for any other being. I rarely saw him, for I was living away from o.sr early home, and was busy in a store learning to be bookkeeper but I heard aftjrward from himself the whole story. One day when he came home for the holi days, he found a young foreigner with Flora a handsome youth, brilliant and graceful. I have asked Prue a thousand times why women adore soldiers and foreigners. She says it is because they love heroism and are romant'u. A soldier is professionally' a here, says Prue, an:i a foreigner is associated with all unknown and beautiful regions. I hope thora is no worse reason. But if it be the distance which is romantic, then, by her own rule, the mountain which looked to you so lovely when you saw it upon the horizon. \,hen you stand upon its rocky and barren side, has transmitted its romance to its re motest neighbor. I cannot but admire the fancies of girls which make them poets. OUR COUSIN THE CURATE. 259 They have only to look upon a dull-eyed, ignorant, exhausted roue, with an impudent mustache, and they surrender to Itah", to the tropics, to the splendors of nobility, and a court life and " Stop," says Prue, gently ; "you have no right to say ' girls ' do so, because some poor victims have been deluded. Would Aurelia surrender to a blear-eyed foreigner in. a mustache ? " Prue has such a reasonable way of putting these things ? Our cousin came home and found Flora and the young foreigner conversing. The young foreigner had large, soft black eyes, and the dusky skin of the tropics. His manner was languid and fascinating, court eous and reserved. It assumed a natural supremacy, and you felt as if here \vcro a young prince traveling before he came into possession of his realm. It is an old fable that love is blind. But I think there are no eyes so sharp as those of lovers. I am sure there is not a shade upon Prue's brow that I do not instantly 260 PRUE AND I. remark, nor an altered tone in her voice that I do not instantly observe. Do you suppose Aurelia would not note the slightest devia tion of heart in her lover, if she had one ? Love is the coldest of critics. To be in love is to live in a crisis, and the very imminence of uncertainty makes the lover perfectly self-possessed. His eye constantly scours the horizon. There is no footfall so light that it does not thunder in his ear. Love is tortured by the tempest the moment the cloud of a hand's size rises out of the sea. It foretells its own doom ; its agony is past before its sufferings are known. Our cousin the curate no sooner saw the tropical stranger, and marked his impression upon Flora, than he felt the end. As the shaft struck his heart, his smile was sweeter, and his homage even more poetic ami rever ential. I doubt if Flora understood him or herself. She did not know, what he instinc tively perceived, that she loved him 1 >ss. But there are no degrees iu love : when it .s less than absolute a-ul supreme, it is nothing. Our cousin and ilora were not formally OUR COUSIN THE CURATE. 26l engage;!, but their betrothal was understood by all of us as a thing of course. He did not allude to tho stranger; but as day fol lowed day, ho saw with every nerve all that passed. Gradually- so gradually that she scarcely noticed it our cousin left Flora more and more with the soft-eyed stranger, whom lie saw she preferred. His treatment of her was so full of tact, he still walked and talked with her so familiarly, that she was not troubled by any fear that he saw what she hardly saw herself. Therefore, she was not obliged to conceal any thing from him or from herself ; but all .the soft currents of her heart were setting toward the West In dian. Our cousin's cheek grew paler, and his soul burned and wasted within him. His whole future all his dream of life had been founded upon his love. It was a stately palace built upon thesand, and now the sand was sliding away. I have read somewhere, that love will sacrifice everything but itself. But our cousin sacrificed his love to the hap piness of his mistress. He ceased to treat her as pocuiia lv l.is o\vn. He made no 262 PRUE AND I. claim in word or manner that everybody might not have made. He did not refrain trom seeing- her, or speaking of her as of all his other friends ; and, at length, although no one could say how or when the change had been made, it was evident and under stood that he was no more her lover, but that both were the best of friends. lie still wrote to her occasionally from col lege, and his letters were those of a friend, not of a lover. He could not reproach her. I do not believe any man is secretly surprised that a woman ceases to love him. Her love is a neavenly favor won by no desert of his. If it passes, he can no more complain than a flower when the sunshine leaves it. Before our cousin left college, Flora was married to 'he tropical stranger. It was the brightest of June days, and the summer smiled upon the bride. There were roses in her hand and orange flowers in her hair, and the village church bill rang out over the peaceful fields. The warm sunshine lay upon the landscape like God's blessing, and Prue and I, not yet married ourselves, stood at an OUR COUSIN THE CURATE. 263 open Avindow in the old meeting-house, hand in hand, while the young couple spoke their vows. Prue says that brides are always beautiful, and I, who remember Prue her self upon her weduing-day ho\v can I deny it? Truly, the gay Flora was lovely that summer morning, and the throng was happy in the old church. But it was very sad to me, although I only suspected then what now I know. I shed no tears at my o\vn wedding, but I did at Flora's, Although I knew she was marrying a soft eyed youth whom she dearly loved, and who, I doubt not, dearly loved her. Among the group of her nearest friends was our cousin the curate. When the cere mony was ended, he came to shake her hand with the rest. His face was calm, and his smile sweet, and his manner unconstrained. Flora did not blush why should she 't but shook his hand warmly, and thanked him for his good wishes. Then they all sauntered down the aisle together ; there were some tears with the smiles among the other friends ; our cousin handed the bride 264 PRUE AND I. into her carriage, shook hands with the hus band, closed the door, and Flora drove away. I have never seen her since ; I do not even know if she be living still. I>;:t I shall ; 1- ways remember her as she looked that Juno morning, holding roses in her h:md, and wreathed with orange flowers. Dear Flor i it was no fault of hers that she loved one man more thnn another: she could not be blamed for rot preferring our cousin to the West Indian : there is no fault in the story? it is only a tr.'.ge-Jy. Our cor.sin carried all the collegiate honors but without exciting jealousy or envy. lie was so really the best, that his companions were anxious he should have the sign of his superiority. lie studied hard, ho thought much, and wrote well. Tlure was no evidence of any blight upon his ambition or career, but after living quietly in the country for some time, he went to Europe and traveled. When .he returned, he re solved to study law, but presently relin quish^! it. Then he colloctH ""t^rials for a history, but suffered th.?:r. !>!';> r.nusod. OUR COUSIN THE CURATE. 265 Somehow the mainspring was gone. lie used to come and pass weeks with Prue and me. His coming made the children happy, for he sat with them, and talked and played with them all day long, as one of themselves. They had no quarrels when our cousin the cu rate was their playmate, and their laugh was hardly sweeter than his as it ran down fiom the nursery. Yet sometimes, as Prue was set ting the tea-table, and I sat musing by the fire, she stopped and turned to me ;is we heard that sound, and her eyes filleil with tears. lie was interested in all subjects that in terested others. His fine perception, his clt-ar sense his noble imagination, illuminated every question. His friends wanted him to go into political life, to writea great book, to do something worthy of his powers. It was the very thing he longed to do himself; but he came and played with the children in the nursery, and the great deed was undone. Often, in the long winter evenings, we talked of the past, vhibTitbottom sat silent by, and Prue w:is hasilv k:iittir: ^IK ^^