Ill's: »z M 1 Gee ;':.■ H3 tv.-mj^n-F';' Xibrar^ of 1barvar^ ITlntversit^ SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS IV INDEX GUIDE TO THE SHELF CLASSIFICATION OF THE HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY CO Q CAMBRIDGE, MASS. >- pubUsbe^ bp tbe TUnivecsit^ 1905 AN INDEX GUIDE TO THE SHELF CLASSIFICATION OF THE HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY L PLANS OF THE BOOKSTACK n. INDEX OF SHELF-MARKS III. INDEX OF SUBJECTS ipnnte& for tbe Xibrarp November, 1905 d ;^J ttftftARY seHboL AN INDEX GUIDE TO THE SHELF CLASSIFICATION OF THE HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY INTRODUCTORY NOTE INDEX OF SHELF- MARKS A few notes on the classification systems in use in the Harvard Librar^^, and on theii" history, are necessarj', in order to explain the character of the shelf -marks indexed in this Guide. A. Down to 1877, the books of the Library were shelved in alcoves, each alcove devoted to a general subject, but no attempt at minute classification was made. The shelf-mark {e.g. 47.13) indicated the number of the alcove and the number of the shelf. The alcove numbers ran from 1 to 51, and many half- numbers were interpolated for alcoves which had been subdivided as the Library grew. (See pp. 15-16.) Books which have not yet been reclassified still bear these numbers, and in calling for them, it is necessary to give the title of the book wanted, since the mark indicates only the shelf and not the individual bbok. B. In 1878 a reclassification of the books in the Library was begun, and in the course of the next three or four years American History, British History, English Literature, French History and Literature, German History and Literature, Language, Classical Philology, (including the histor}^ antiquities, literary history and philosophy of Greece and Rome) were arranged and the books re- numbered. These classes were placed on the second, third, fourth, and fifth floors of the new East stack. The system of numbering adopted was on the fixed location plan, each number indicating a particular shelf, and a second number, separated from the first by a period, indicating the particular book on that shelf. The numbers are of the general form 12485.7 — this being the number of the 7th book on the 5th shelf of the 8th division of the 12th row on the 4th floor. The figure in the third place at the left of the point always indicates the floor ; the figure or figures to the left of this, the number of the row ; and the two figures at the right, the division and shelf. The books were care- fully and somewhat closely classified, each subject division occupy- ing a shelf, or part of a shelf, or several shelves, according to its character. Empty shelves and parts of shelves were left for growth. So long as the subdivisions did not outgrow the space 3G0161 allotted them, the system worked admirably, and no better scheme can be devised for quickly finding a book when its number is given. With the increase of the Library, however, the various subdivisions grew unevenly and unexpectedly, and finally could l)e contained no longer within the bounds assigned them. In the classes in which this has occurred most often, it has been found necessary, after trying several makeshifts, to arrange the books strictly in the order of their shelf-numbers, irrespective of whether the numbers follow in the same order as the subdivisions or in the reverse order. In these classes, the classification, though originally easy to follow, has now become much confused, and it is evident that eventually all the classes arranged on this system will have to be renumbered. In the meantime, the table of numbers on pages 17 to 19 shows where these books may be found. The fact that the floor is indicated by a figure in the middle of the number accounts for the ap])arent mingling of classes when the numbers are placed in numerical sequence. C. It was expected that the reclassification begun in 1878 would be carried on rapidly, but in 1881 it was brought for the time almost to a standstill because of lack of space in the building. With the beginning of the reclassification a temporary general division into nine classes had been established for books currently received which did not belong to the classes in process of re- arrangement. These were numbered with the Roman numerals I to IX. Man}' of these books have since been transferred to newly arranged classes, but others still remain under their temporary number, and their present position in the Library is shown in the table on page 20. D. The "fixed location" system of numbering having proved itself impracticable, all classes which have been arranged since 1881 have been numbered on a system in which a number or group of numbers indicates, not a particular shelf or shelves, but a particular subject division of the class. Each class is designated by an abbre- viation, and the shelf-mark consists of this abbreviation, followed by a number which indicates the subdivision of the class and the special author and volume in that subdivision. These abbrevia- tions, with their meanings and the present location of the groups which they designate, make up the alphabetical list on pages 20 to 25. Included among them are certain similar abbreviations used to designate different parts of the building; for example, KK to indicate the Reading-room ; A, B, C, and D for the four alcoves of the cataloguing department, etc. Under this system of classi- fication, the Librar}' is divided into a number of groups, each independent of the others, and each capable of being moved from one part of the building to another, or of being installed in a different building, without any change of marks. The reclassification of the Library is still incomplete, and cannot for the present be finished, because of lack of space and lack of sufficient staff. AVhcn it is taken up again, the work will be con- tinued on the same line as that wliich has been followed since 1881. INDEX OF SUIUECTS In this index no gieat detail is attempted ; the main classes, and the principal subdivisions under them are covered, but no names of places, except the larger country di\'isions, and no names of persons are included. Local and personal indexes are being compiled in connection with each general subdivision, but will probably not be put into print. The subjects not yet classified are not included in this index. The principal classes which still await classification are: Bibliography (general and by countries). Oriental Histor}^, Geography and Literature, Political Science, Cxcneral History and Biogi'aphy, Theology, Biblical Studies, Ecclesiastical Histor}^, Reli- gion, Law, Medicine, Agriculture and Horticulture, Forestry, and several smaller groups, such as Sports and Games, Secret vSocieties, Spiritism, Rhetoric, etc. It should be remembered that this Index onlj^ supplements, and does not supplant, the Index to the Subject Catalogue. The latter directs the inquirer to the place in the catalogue where a complete survey of the literature of a subject may be found, regardless of the place in which the books may be shelved, whether in Gore Hall or in one of the departmental libraries, and regardless of the wa}" in which the material has been published, whether independently or in periodicals or otherwise. The Index to the Shelf Classification, on the other hand, sends the inquirer straight to the shelves where he may expect to find all the separatel}' published literature of his subject, but not articles in periodicals and in composite works, and not books and pamphlets necessarily shelved in other parts of the library. If the Subject Catalogue in some cases fails to reveal the full riches of the Librar}^, it is because in certain directions it has lately not been kept fully abreast with current accessions. B}^ experience, the inquirer learns in what cases the Subject Catalogue is the Ijetter guide, and in what cases an examination of the books on the shelves is more useful. WILT>IAM COOLIDGE LANE, Librarian . November 18, 1905. WEST STACK -FIRST FLOOR UA UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES (In iron closets) : Subject Shelf-Marl Rows V Medicine, etc. (recent ac. ) 1--^ K Riant libr'y ; iinclass. por . 2-3 1-11 Old Books ; miscell,* 3-5 SA So. American Hist. 6-7 14-22^ Old Books ; miscell. 7-12 I-II Hist. & Geog. (recent ac.) 13-15 III Theology (recent ac.) 15-20 Biography & Miscell. 20-21 VIII-IX Periodicals 21-23 CO UJ "o O 7^ a Afr African History 23 ALS< CTOl nson 23-31 Old Books ; miscell. 24-26 -UJ 5 CO ££ o •- 5 ^'^ Ch Jap Chinese Hist. & Lit. Japanese Hist. & Lit. 27 27 o " t^ _ L. a. C3 ? „ o2S ll 32-40 Old Books ; miscell. 28-29 ^^a-f"^ Slav Slavic Hist. & Lit. 30-33 no w Aus Austrian History 33 OUNI :CTEI other Bi Bible Collection (selected) 34 0,UJ UJ ^ 27 Case, ( 3tc. Large Folios Wales Coll. Oriental Lit. 34 34 Wales 119-136 Theol. Periodicals, etc. 34-35 VI Law & Politics (recent ac. ) 35-36 15566,etc. Swiss History 37 Neth Dutch & Belgian Hist. & Lit. 37 PNetb Dutch Periodicals 37 Cms Crusades 38 Sem Semitic Hist. & Lit. 38-39 HU HARVARD UNIV, COLL. (Row 40 and opp.) SOUTH * For a more specific description of the books in the old alcoves numbered 1 to 13G, now shelved on this floor, see pp. 15-lG. WEST STACK SECOND FLOOR QUINQUENNIAL CATALOGUE OFFICE Shelf-Mark Subject Rows Phil Philosophy 1-5 Soc Social Questions 6-7 Eco 11 P Economic Periodicals 8-9 Eco Q Economics 9-14 Edu c P Educational Periodicals 15 Edu Edu c R Educational Reports, etc c Education . 16-19 19-21 IV Bibliography, etc. 22-25 2 s General Science 26 5 Ul An Anthropology 26 o o cr < D- UJ Q NH Natural History 26-27 > cr Ul U- _I HI I if) Z Wai Zoology Military Art 28-29 30,32 > _i UJ o Bot Botany 30-31 PhC Geo T Physical Geography Geology 32 33 Mat ti Mathematics 34-35 Asti Astronomy 36 Nav Na^-igation 37 Phy s Physics 37-38 Chei n Chemistry 38-39 Eng Engineering 40 SOUTH WEST STACK-THIRD FLOOR f-Mark Subject Shel Rows 24211 p^ij. Lore etc. 1-4 Prov Proverbs 4 Emb Emblems Arc Archaeology 4 5-11 < 08 FA Fine Arts 12-21 d DC < Lan Landscape Architectur B 21 _l iL. Ill (3 q: < Mus Music 22-25 i LSoc Learned Societies Sci Scientiiic Periodicals 26-32 32-39 Geo g; Geogi^aphical Periodicals 39-40 SAtl School Atlases Opp. 40 MA 70 -107 Map Atlases 0pp. 40 300( )-4980 SOUTH EAST STACK -FIRST FLOOR WEST Shelf-Mark Subject Rows Brit Doc British Documents 1-10 (/) US Doc U. S. Documents (selected^ 111 LU _l I Q- 5 Can I>3c Canadian Documents 12-13 Q. Ch Doc Cliinese Documents 13 ;^ Fr Hist French Hist. Serials 13 Ala Doc etc. P Amer. State Documents Eng. & Amer. Periodicals 14-18 18-23 ■ PFr French Periodicals 23-25 PGerm German Periodicals 25-26 Moniteur &. Journ. Offlciel 26-28 -1 Allgemeine Zeitung 28 EAST 10 EAST STACK -SECOND FLOOR WEST DELIVERY ROOM Shelf-Mark Subject Rows o 12--92" Language 1-9 o 102" Greek History, etc. 10 O (/I 112 ••- Roman History, etc. 11 UJ O o 122"- Classical Mythology, etc. 12 < < 132"- Classical Lit. Hist., etc. 13 142"- Classical Philosophy 14 G & Ga-Gz L & La-Lz Greek Authoi-s 15-20 Latin Authors 21-24 UJ O 5 o Philol Philological Periodicals 25-27 li. li. o o CE (5 Journal Officiel 28 z < < z 1- < _1 Piers 1-3 Reference Books 0pp. 3-10 DO o o M, Ma, MR Maps & Atlases in Collating Room EAST 11 EAST STACK-THIRD FLOOR WEST Shelf-Mark Subject Rows 13 ■• - 13- American History * 1-6 53 -153 •• U. S. History 6-19 163" American Genealogy 20 173- American Biography 21 Park Parkman Collection 22-23 AL American Literature 23-27 Long Longfellow Collection of American Poetry 27 Cyc Encyclopaedias 28 M Maps in sheets Passageway 5^ E^ EAST * Books on South America, renumbered SA, have been moved to the first floor of the west stack. 12 EAST STACK -FOURTH FLOOR WKST HISTORY READING ROOM United States Documents On ited States History ; Reserved Books Shelf-Mark Subject Rows 14-- 94- • English History 1-8 94" Scot., Irish, & Welsh Hist. 8-9 104- English Genealogy 10-11 104- English Literary History 10 114 "-234- • English Literature 11 -2 3 Brit Hist British Hist. Serials 24-25 Eng Lit English Lit. Societies 26 Thr Theatre 26-27 Cyc Encyclopaedias 28 Ang Angling Closets & 25 Carl Carlyle Collection Closets M Maps in sheets Passageway EAST 13 EAST STACK -FIFTH FLOOR WEST Shelf-Mark Subject Rows 15-- 65- French History 1-9 75--125- French Literature 9-16 Mon Montaigne Collection 11 Mol Moli^re Collection 16 Ger German History 17-27 Cyc Encyclopaedias 28 M Maps in sheets Passageway EAST 14 EAST STACK -SIXTH FLOOR Shelf-Mark Subject Rows 1(55 ••-205 •• German Literature l-C Educ T (also 12) JG Old Text Books Judeo-German Coll. 7 8 MG Modern Greek Coll., etc. 8-i> Dn Dante Collection 10-11 T Dn Ticknor Dante Collection 11 Ital Italian Hist. & Lit. 12-19 Span Spanish Hist. & Lit. 20-23 ^ b Port Portuguese Hist. & Lit. 24 <>3 Rom Minor Romance Coll. 24 Scan Scandinavian Collection 25-28 Ott Ottoman Coll. Passagewa}' 1 P Scan Scandinavian Periodicals '• PPort Portuguese Periodicals P Rom Romance Periodicals P Span Spanish Periodicals P Ital Italian Periodicals P Hung Hungarian Periodicals PGr. Mod. Greek Periodicals EAST INDEX OF SHELF-MARKS (A) THE OLD ALCOVES *** Tlie system in use clown to 1877 for the whole library, iind still continued for such old books as have not been reclassified since that date. Alcove Subject Location stack Floor Row 1 and 2 Miscellaneous w 3 3 and 3^ Bibliography w 3-4 4 Rhetoric, Phonography and Modern Latin w 4 H P^locution and Mod. Latin w 4 5 and 5^ Miscellaneous w 4 8 and 8J Celtic and Modern Latin w 4 9 and 9i Miscel. Lit. and Modern Latin w 4 10 and lOi General Geography w 5 11 General History w 5 12 School Books E 7 14, 15, 16 History ^Y 7 17 Biography w 7 m Biography, Jewish History, Spiritualism, etc. w 7-8 18 Bibles and Criticism w 8 18^ Theology w 8-9 19 and 19^ Theology w 9-11 20 Miscellaneous w 11 21 Periodicals w 11 22 and 22^ Church History AV 11-12 23 Miscellaneous w 24 23J Philosoi)hy of History, etc. w 24 24 Political Science w 24 2U Law w 24-25 25 Church Councils w 25 27 Medicine w 25 27 Case Large Folios w 34 16 Alcove Subject Location suck Floor Row 28 Bibliography W 25 28 L Law W 25 29 Bibliography W 25-26 30 Rhetoric ^Y 26(opp.) 31 School Books w 26 32 and 32i Miscellaneous w 28 33 Miscellaneous w 28 34 Useful Arts w 28 35 Mod. Latin and Miscel. Literature W 28 36 Geography w 28 37 History w 28(opp.) 38 Sumner Library (Miscel.) w 28-29 38 Case Sumner Library (Atlases) w 26(opp.) 38 L Law and Agriculture w 36(opp.) 39 History w 29 40 Orientalia w 29 42 Bibles and Criticism Robinson Hall 43, 44 Theology Robinson Hall 45 Miscellaneous Robinson Hall 45^, 46, 47 Agriculture Robinson Hall 48 Miscellaneous Robinson Hall 49 Secret Societies, Law and Medicine Robinson Hall 50 Medicine Robinson Hall 50 Case Large Folios Robinson Hall 50 Table Large Folios Robinson Hall 51 Medicine Robinson Hall 51 L Law and Agriculture W 37(opp.) 119 and 119i Theological Periodicals W 34 122 Theological Periodicals w 35 122^ Hymns w 35 134 Medical Periodicals w 35 136 Medical Periodicals w 35 Note. — The alcoves ropresented by tlie following numbers arc now ol)solete 6 and 7, Newspapers; 13, Documents; 2fi, Gray Collection; 41, Pamphlets. 17 (B) THE CLASSES ARRANGED ON THE "FIXED- LOCATION" PLAN, 1877-1881 \* Still continued for these classes, excejjt that books on South America and on (ierniany have been re-classified and re-nunibered (SA and Ger). Shelf-Nnmbe r Subject Location stack Floor Row 1200-1299 Language : General E 2 1 1300-1399 American History E 3 1-2 1400-1499 Englisli History E 4 1 1500-1599 Freneli History E 5 1-2 2200-2299 Language : Agglut. and Semitic E 2 2 2311, 2316 Central American History E 3 2 2312-2315 South American Hist, (now SA) W 1 6-7 2321-2347 South American Hist, (now SA) W 1 6-7 2351-2387 Central American History E 3 3 2400-2499 English History E 4 2 2500-2599 French History E 5 2-3 3200-3299 Language : Semitic, etc. E 2 2-3 3300-3366 South American Hist, (now SA) W 1 6-7 3367-3399 West Indies E 3 4-5 3400-3499 English History E 4 3 3500-3599 French History E 5 3-5 4200-4299 Greek Language E 2 4 4300-4399 Canadian History E 3 5-6 4400-4499 English History E 4 4 4500-4599 French History E 5 5-6 5200-5299 Latin Language E 2 5 5300-5399 American Indians and U. S. Hist. E 3 6-7 5400-5499 English History E 4 5 5500-5599 French History E 5 6-7 6200-6299 French Language (and General Romance ) E 2 6 6300-6399 United States History E 3 7-9 6400-6499 English History E 4 6 6500-6599 French History E 5 7-9 18 Shelf-Number Subject Location stack Floor Row 7200-72i);» Spanish, Portuguese luid Italiiin Languages E 2 7 73()0-7;V.»<) United States History E 3 9-10 7400-749i) English History E 4 6 7500-7o0i> F'rench Biography and Literature E 5 9-10 8200-829'.* Germanic Languages E 2 8 8300-8399 United States History E 3 10-12 8400-8499 English History E 4 7-8 8500-8599 French Literature E 5 10-11 9200-9299 Iilnglish Language E 2 9 9300-9399 United States History E 3 12-13 9400-9499 EngUsh (local) ; Scotch, Irish and Welsh History E 4 8-9 9500-9599 French Literature E 5 11-12 10200-10299 Greek History E 2 10 10300-10399 United States History E 3 13-15 10400-10499 English Geneal. and Lit . Hist. E 4 10-11 10500-10599 French Literature E 5 13-14 11200-11299 Roman History and Antiquities E 2 11 11300-11399 United States History E 3 15-16 11400-11499 English Literature E 4 11 11500-11599 French Literature E 5 14-15 12200-12299 Greek and Roman Mytholog}', Inscriptions, etc. E 2 12 12300-12399 United States History E 3 16-17 12400-12499 English Literature E 4 12 12500-12599 French Literature E 5 15-16 13200-13299 Greek Literary History, etc. E 2 13 13300-13399 United States History E 3 17-18 13400-13499 English Literature E 4 13 13500-13599 German History (Now ( 3^er.) E 17-27 14200-14299 Greek and Roman Philo isophy E 2 14 14300-14399 United States History E 3 18 14400-14499 English. Literature E 4 14 14500-14599 German History (Now ( G^er.) E 5 17-27 19 Shelf-Number 15300- 15400- 15500- 15566- 16300- 16400- 16500- 17300- 17400- 17500- 18400- 18500- 19400- 19500- 20400- 20500- 21400- 22400- 23400- 24200- 25200- 26200- 27200- 28200- -15399 -15499 -15565 -15599 -16399 -16499 ■16599 -17399 -17499 17599 ■18499 ■18599 19499 19599 20499 20599 21499 22499 23499 24299 •25299 26299 27299 28299 Subject United States Geography English Literature German History (Now Ger.) Swiss History American Genealogy English Literature German Literature American Biography English Literature German Literature English Literature German Literature English Literature German Literature English Literature German Literature English Literature English Literature English Literature Folk Lore Folk Lore Folk Lore Folk Lore Folk Lore L Stack lOcai FlOOI tion Row E 3 l.S-19 E 4 15 E 5 17-27 W 1 37 E 3 20 E 4 16 E 6 1-2 E 3 21 E 4 17 E 6 2-3 E 4 18 E 6 3-4 E 4 19 E 6 4-5 E 4 20 E 6 5-6 E 4 21 E 4 22 E 4 23 W . 3 1 W 3 1-2 W 3 2-3 W 3 3-4 W 3 4 20 (C) TEMPORARY GENERAL DIVISIONS BEGUN IN 1878 *t* Contimieil to tlio present time for new accessions not yet permanently classified. Division Subject Location stack Floor Row T History and (Tcography "NV 1 1,1-1.") II History and Geography W 1 15 III Theology W 1 ir,-20 IV Bibliography and Literature W 2 22-25 V Medicine, Arts, Agriculture, Forestry W 1 1-2 VI Law, Politics, SecretSocieties, etc. AV 1 35-36 VII Biography and Miscellany AV 1 20-21 VUI Periodicals AV 1 21-22 IX Periodicals AV 1 22-23 (D) CLASSES DESIGNATED BY AN ABBREVIATION THAT INDICATES THE SUBJECT; AND A FEAV OTHER GROUPS OF BOOKS DESIGNATED BY ABBREVIATIONS *** The system applied to all classes arranired since 1S83, and to be applied eventually throughout the Library. Class-Mark A Cataloguers' Ref , Books (Ale. A) E 2 1 (opp.) Afr African History ' AV 1 23 AL American Literature E 3 23-27 Ala Doc Alabama Documents E 1 14 An Anthropology AV 2 26 Ang Angling E 4 25 & Cist ARa-ARg Rarities and MSS. Closets in Hist. Read. Rm. AR Cases 1-2 Large Folios AV 1 34 Arc Archaeology AV 3 5-11 Ari Doc Arizona Documents E 1 14 Ark Doc Arkansas Documents E 1 14 Astr Astronomy AV 2 36 Aus Austrian History AV 1 33 B Cataloguers' Ref. Books i(Alc •.B) E 2 7 (opp.) Bi Bible Collection (selected) AV 1 34 21 Class-Mark Subject Location stack Floor Row Hot Botany A\' 2 30-31 Brit Doc British Docinnonts E 1 1-lU Brit Hist British History (long sets) E 4 24-25 C Cataloguers' Ref. Books (Ale. C) E 2 12(opp.) Cabs A-D, N 6 Miscellany \X 1 34 Cabs E & N 1-2 Manuscripts AV 1 18(opp.) Cal Doc California Documents E 1 14 Can Doc Canadian Documents E 1 12-13 Carl Carlyle Collection E 4 Closet Cases I, R, S Large Folios AV 1 34 Ch Chinese History and Literature W 1 27 Ch Doc Chinese Documents E 1 13 Chem Chemistry ^v 2 38-39 Colo Doc Colorado Documents E 1 14 Conn Doc Connecticut Documents E 1 14 Crus Crusades W 1 38 Cyc Encyclopaedias E 3-0 28 D Cataloguers' Ref. Books (Ale. D) E 2 14(opp.) Dak Doc Dakota Documents E 1 14 DC Doc District of Cohimbia Documents E 1 14 Del Doc Delaware Documents E 1 14 Dii- Directories Robinson Hall Dn Dante E 6 10-11 DR Reference Books Deliver y Room Dr Drawers Hist. Read. Rm. Econ Economics W 2 9-14 Econ P Economic Periodicals V^' 2 8-9 Educ Education W 2 19-21 Educ P Educational Periodicals W 2 15 Educ R Educational Reports W 2 16-19 Educ T Text-books E 6 7 Egypt Case " Description de I'Egypte" W 1 17(opp.) Emb Emblems A^' 3 4 Eng Engineering W 2 40 Eng Lit English Lit. Soc. and Period. E 4 26 22 Class-Mark Subject Location stack FlOOI Row FA Fine Arts W •> •J 12-21 Fla Doc Florida Documents E 1 14 Fr Hist French History ; serials E 1 13 G, Ga-Gz Greek Authors E 2 15-20 Ga Doc Georgia Documents E 1 14 Geog Geographical Periodicals W 3 3!)-40 Geol Geology A\^ 2 33 Ger German History E 5 17-27 Ger Hist 1-7!)!) Ger. Hist. ; serials (Now Ger) E 5 17-27 Ger Hist 800-82. 5 Swiss History ; serials W 1 37 HI Doc Hawaii Documents E 1 14 HU Harvard University Collection W 1 40 Id Doc Idaho Documents E 1 14 111 Doc Illinois Documents E 1 14 Ind Doc Indiana Documents E 1 14 Inf Inferno Closets in Hist. Read. Rm. lo Doc Iowa Documents E 1 14 Ital Italian History and Literature E 6 12-19 Jap Japanese and Korean Hist, and Lit .W 1 27 JG Judeo-German Collection E (5 s Kan Doc Kansas Documents E 1 14 Ky Doc Kentucky Documents E 1 14 L, La-Lz Latin Authors E 2 21-25 La Doc Louisiana Documents E 1 14 Lan Landscape Architecture W 3 21 LR Librarian's Room E 2 L Soc Learned Societies W 3 26-32 Long Longfellow Collection of Poetry E 3 27 M 1-2470 Maps : Europe, Asia, Africa E 3 Pass. 3000-4044 America, Canada, U. S. E 2 Coll. Rm 4045-4050 U. S. (Geological Survey) E 5 Pass. 4055-4365 U.S. (Civil War, K.R., etc.) E 3 Pass. 4370-4710 Mexico, Central and So. Amer. E 4 Pass. 4715-4800 Australia, Oceans, and Polar E 4 Pass. 4805-4979 Charts : America E 4 Pass. 23 Class-Mark Subject (Charts) < Location stack Floor Row M 4980-5310 U. S. (Coast and Lake Survey) >V 2 Pass. 5315-5450 Europe, etc. E 3 Pass. 5505-6000 U. S. Hydrographic Office E 4 Pass. 12000-70000 Miscellaneous Plates E 2 Coll. Rm, MA 15-20 Atlases: General (chronol.) E 2 Coll. Rm, 63-75 Phys. Geography ; Celestial W 3 40(opp.) 77-107 Historical (and facsimiles) AV 3 40(opp.) 110-2445 Europe, Asia, and Africa E 3 Pass. 3000-5450 America (also Charts) W 3 40(opp.) Mm-Mp Atlases-Mercator, Ptolemy, etc. E 2 Coll. Rm, MR Roller Maps E 2 Coll. Rm, E 3 Pass, W 3 18(opp.) Mass Doc Massachusetts Documents E 1 14-16 Math Mathematics W 2 34-35 Mail Von Maurer Collection (uuclass. ) Robinson Hall Md Doc Maryland Documents E 1 14 Me Doc Maine Documents E 1 14 Met Geography W 1 34 Met Case Physical Geograph}^ Univ. Museum MG Modern Greek Hist, and Lit. E 6 8-9 Mich Doc Michigan Documents E 1 17 Minn Doc Minnesota Documents E 1 17 Miss Doc Mississippi Documents E 1 17 Mo Doc Missouri Documents E 1 17 Mol Moli^re E 5 16 Mon Montaigne E 5 11 Mont Doc Montana Documents E 1 17 MS Manuscripts Closets in Hist. Read. Rm. E 2 Closets Mus Music W 3 22-25 Nav Navigation W 2 37 N C Doc North Carolina Documents E 1 17 N D Doc North Dakota Documents E 1 17 Neb Doc Nebraska Documents E 1 17 24 Class-Mark Subject L roca tion stack Floor Row Neth Dutch ami Belgian Hist, and Lit . AV 37 Nev Doc Nevada Documents i: 17 News Newspapers Perkins Hall aiii d \\' 20(opp.) NH Natural History W 2(;-27 NH Doc New Hampshire Documents E 17 N J Doc Ne>v Jersey Documents E 17 N M Doc New Mexico Documents E 17 N Y Doc New York Documents E 17 Doc Ohio Documents E 17 Okl Doc Oklahoma Documents E 17 Or Doc Oregon Documents E 17 Ott Ottoman Collection E Pass. P Periodicals, Eng. and Amer. E 18-23 PFr French E 23-25 P Germ German E 25-26 PGr Greek E 6 Pass. PHung Hungarian E 6 Pass. PItal Italian E 6 Pass. PNeth Dutch W 1 37 PPort Portuguese E 6 Pass. P Rom Romance E 6 Pass. P Scan Scandinavian E 6 Pass. P Span Spanish E 6 Pass. Pa Doc Pennsylvania Documents E 1 17-18 Pam Pamphlet Collection E 1 Basement Park Parkraan Collection E 3 22-23 PhG Physical Geography A>' 2 32 Phil Philosophy A\' 2 1-5 Philol Philological Periodicals E 2 25-27 Phys Physics W 2 37-38 Piers 1-3 Cataloguers' Reference Books E 2 1 -10(opp.) Port Portuguese History and Lit. E (i 24 Prov Proverbs ^V 3 4 R Riant Collection (unclassified) W 1 2,3,11 Reg Registers Robinson Hall iwv d W 1 20(opp.) 25 Class-Mark Subject Location stack Floor Row RI Doc Rhode Island Documents E 1 18 Rom Romance Literature K 6 24 RR Reference Books Readini g Room S General Science W 2 26 SA South American History W 1 6-7 SAP South American Periodicals W 1 7 S Atl School Atlases W 3 40(opp.) SC Doc South Carolina Documents E 1 18 Scan Scandina\dan Hist, and Lit. E 6 25-28 Sci Scientific Periodicals AV 3 32-39 SD Doc South Dakota Documents E 1 18 Seiii Semitic History and Literature W 1 38-39 Slav Slavic Collection W 1 30-33 See Social Questions W 2 6-7 Span Spanish History and Literature E 6 20-23 Sparks Sparks Manuscripts Readini g Room Sum Sumner Rarities E 2 Libr. Rm. TDn Ticknor Dante Collection E 6 11 Tenn Doc Tennessee Documents E 1 18 Tex Doc Texas Documents E 1 18 Thr Theatre E 4 26-27 Tr Tracts W 1 20(opp.) UA Harvard University Archives W 1 l(opp.) U Doc Utah Documents E 1 18 US Doc U.S. Documents Hist. Read. Rm, (Select series) E 11 Va Doc Virginia Documents E 18 Vt Doc Vermont Documents E 18 Wales Wales Collection (Orieutalia, etc .)W 34 War Military Art w 2 30,32 Wis Doc Wisconsin Documents E 18 W Va Doc West Virginia Documents E 18 Wy Doc Wyoming Documents E 18 Z Zoology W 2 28-29 26 (£) DESIGNATIONS OF DEPARTMENT AND SPECIAL REFERENCE LIBRARIES %* Used for tlie books t)rtlicsc lil)nii-if< wliiu rfcordtal in the Catalogues of tlie CoUepe Library. AA Arnold Arboretum West Roxbury AO Astronomical Observatory Concord Ave. Arch Architecture Robinson Hall BG Gray Herbarium Garden St. BI Bussey Institution Jamaica Plain Bot Lab Botanical Laboratory Univ. Museum Chem Lab Chemical Laboratory Boylston Hall Ch Mem Child Memorial Library (Eng lish) Warren House Class Classical Philology Harvard Hall Dent S Dental School Boston DS Divinity School Divinity Ave. Educ Lib Education Lawi-ence Hall Engin Engineering Pierce Hall FMA Fogg Art Museum Fogg Art Mus. Fr Dept French Warren House Greol Lab Geological Laboratory University Mus. Germ German AVarren House Herb Gray Herbarium Garden St. Hist History Harvard Hall J PL Physical Laboratory Jeflferson Phys. Lab. LS Law School Austin Hall L Mem Lowell Memorial Library (Romance) AVarren House Math Lib Mathematics Sever Hall 22 Med S Medical School Boston Min Lab Miueralogical Laboratory University' Mus. M M Lab Mining and Metallurg. Lab, Rotch Laboratory Mus Dept Music Holden Chapel MZ Museum of Comparative Zoology University Mus. PE Political Economy Harvaid Hall PBH Phillips Brooks House Phillips Brooks House 27 PGL Philos Physiol Lab PM Sanskr SL SQ S S Coinm Statist Lab Zool Lab Pliys. Geog. Laboratory Philosophy Physiological Laboratory Peabody Museum Sanskrit Semitic Social Questions Social Service Committee Statistical Laboratory Zoological Laboratory University Mas. Emerson Hall P^merson Hall Divinity Ave. Warren House Semitic Museum Harvard Hall Phillips Brooks House University 24 University Mus. INDEX OF SUBJECTS Against each subject is given its shelf-mark (in many cases a series of numbers following an abbreviation). To find the place in the Library where the books are shelved, look up the shelf-mark in the Index of Shelf-marks. Abyssinia Accident insurance Accidents electrical railroad Accounting Acoustics architecture music physiology Acropolis (Athens) Acting Advertising obnoxious public theatrical Aeromechanics Aeronautics Aesthetics (art) music Africa African languages Agnosticism Agricultural schools Agriculture (economics) Albania Albanian language Albanian literature Alchemy Alcohol (temperance) Alectryomancy Algae Algebra Algebraic analysis Algebraic curves Algeria Almanacs Scattered according to subje< subject catalogue. Afr 4201-4695 Econ 9800 Soc 1603 Eng 4975 Econ 3225 Econ 7425 Phys 2000-2190 F A 2935 Mus 288 Phys 2140 Arc 710, 716 Thr 1075-95 Econ 7426 Lan 860 Thr 1110 Phys 1700-1870 Eng 5506-90 F A 120-150 Mus 100 Afr 2275 Phil 8610 Educ 6860-74 Econ 6300-6560 Ott 32 10-28 4227 Ott 3232-35 24221-26 Soc 4700 24263 Bot 5595-5610 Math 2000-2560 Math 2666-70 Math 8586-90 Afr 1801-2386 t or origin. See the Alphabets deaf and dumb illuminated Amana community 1247 Educ 8930 PA 1120-28 Soc 1000 America (general and early works) 1321-86, 2381-87 American literature A L Amulets 24272 Amusements (ethics) Phil 9010 laboring classes Soc 1550 Analytical geometry Math 8503-8810 Anarchism Soc 1150 Anatomy, artistic F A 6470-6500 comparative Z 14 Ancestor worship (Japan) Jap 1245 Anchors Nav 555-60 Angels (in art) FA 205.9 Angling Ang Aniline dyes Chem 7606-10 Animal chemistry Chem 486-500 Animal electricity N H 3105-10 Animal magnetism Phil 6670-95 Animal psychology Phil 5810-35 Animals (zoology) Z distribution of Z 19 fossil " Geol 3056-3810 kindness to Soc 2255 Annuities Econ 9642 Anthropology An journals and societies Sci 3055-3125 criminal Soc 2960-75 teaching and study of Educ 2830 Anthropometry An 3305-10 Antiquities. See Archaeology Arc For manners and customs and historical miscel- lany, see the country divisions. Apparitions Phil 7060 See also Folk-lore, etc. 30 Apprenticeship A rabia Arabic liinguage Aramaic lanjiuasjc Soc 1555 Sem 3231-41 8221-26 Arbitration (laboring classes) Soc 15(>0-(j1 Arc incasurcinents Astr 335G-00 Archaeology Arc teaching and study of Educ 2225 Architectural schools Educ 6730-44 Arcliitecture FA 1500-2999 For ancient remains, see also Archaeology. naval Eng 5036-5310 school Educ 2590 theatre Thr 1150 Argentine Hepublic S A 5000-5499 Argentine literature Span 9500-9699 Arithmetic Math 446-690 Armenia Ott 3450-95 Armenian language 3264 Armies (military art) War 2005-2310 Armor War 4095-4100 Art. See Fine arts F A Art schools Educ 6715-29 Artesian wells Eng 976-80 (geology) Geol 5856-60 Arthurian romances 27271-73 Arts and crafts. See Decoration and design FA 1050-1148 Astrology 24231-32 Astronomy Astr ephem., observ., journals Sci 255-725 Greek and Roman 13282 teaching and st\idy of Educ 2335 Astrophysics Astr 6006-6990 Atmospheric pressure Ph G 4505-10 Atomic theory Chem 3506-10 Atomic weights, tables Chem 1950 Atomism Phil 260 Attention Phil 5330 Auburn system (prisons) Soc 3925 Auditing Econ 7428 Aurora Astr 6356-60 Australian languages 2274 Austria-Hungary Aus Auto-vehicles Eng S23 journals Sci 1455-1525 Balkan Peninsula Ballistics Balloons Banking Barbary States Barometer Slav 8100-8555 War 4295-4300 Eng 5507-10 Econ 4700-5099 Afr 1001-3000 Ph G 4355-60 Basque language 1275 Beef trust Econ 3890 Belgian literature (Dutch) Neth 4000-6000 Frencli writers of Belf;iuni are iiicluiled under French literature. Belgium Neth 1-1999 Belief Phil 5070 Bells (musical instruments) Mus 361.5 church Arc 1076 Bengali language 3254 Berber language 2265 Bessemer process Chem 7236-40 Bible (selected eds. and trans.) Bi J ud e o-Ge rm an J G 6.1 Old Slavic Slav 395 Serbo-Lusatian Slav 7520 dictionaries and concordances RR 1305-08 in schools (U.S.) Educ 1355 Bible plants Bot 105-10 Biblical proverbs Prov 19 Bibliography (ieneral bibliof;:raphy not yet classified. Special bibliographies are classified bj- subject. Bigamy Soc 5360 Biography (ieneral biograpliy still unclassified, biography of autliors, witli their works ; of states- men, with history; of artists, with art; etc. At the end of Country classes is a division of Biog- raphy' for works not otherwise classified. Biology N H 2945-4593 teaching and study of Educ 2338 Blind, education of the Educ 8625-8799 marriage of the Soc 5415 Blowpipe (anal, chemistry) Chem 947-50 Bohemia Aus 60000-69999 Bohemian language 3291-94 Bohemian literature Slav 7700-7865 Bohemian periodicals Slav 100-110 Boilers (steam) Eng 2666-70 Bolivia S A 5500-5799 Bolivian literature Span 9200-9299 Book-keeping Math 595-600 Bosnia Slav 8300-55 Botany Bot journals and societies Sci 2055-2155 fossil Geol 3906-70 teaching and study of Educ 2341 Bounties. See Subsidies. Boycotting Soc 1570 Brain. See Mind and body Phil 6100-35 psychology Phil 5200-7299 Brazil S A 5800-6215 Brazilian literature Port 8000-8400 31 Briton language 3277 Bridges Eng 736-50 military War 5355-(i0 Brigandage, Italian Ital 2040 Bronze age Arc 385-410 Brook Farm Soc 1015 Bulgaria Slav 9100-60 Bulgarian language 3296 Bulgarian literature Slav 9200-25 Burmese language 1286 Business Econ 7400-50 Byzantine Empire. See Greece . Calculus Math 3000-3160 Camorra Soc 3250 Canada 4341-4387 Canadian documents Can Doc Canadian genealogy, Eng lish 16321-97 French 4374 Canadian literary history 4374 Canadian literature French authors of Canada are included under French literature ; English authors under Amer- ican literature. Canals Econ 3400-3545 construction of Eng 986-90 Capital punishment Soc 3539-65 Carnival (in Italy) Ital 2020 in Rome Ital 4333 Carpentry econ. hist. Catacombs Catalan language Catalan literature Catalan periodicals Cataracts Categories Caucasian languages Cavalry tactics drill tactics Celestial mechanics Celibacy Cell (biology) botany Celtic language Celtic literature Cement, Portland Central America Eng 686-90 Econ 7525 Arc 1015, 1025-27 7236 Rom 2002-3099 P Rom Geol 5656-60 Phil 5075 1275 War 955-60 War 1305-60 Astr 3003-3910 Soc 5370 NH 3155-60 Bot 905-13 3271-77 8, 8.^, IV Eng 636-40 2351-87 Central American literature Span 8400-99 Ceramics Arc 1730-1990 Chap-books. See Folk-lore. Character Phil 9035 Charity, benevolence and pauperism Soc 2000-2825 Charlemagne cycle 27275-77 Charms and amulets 24272 Chemical industries (economics) Econ 7540 See also Technol. chemistry. Chemistry Chem journals and societies Sci 1255-1325 teaching and study of Educ 2345 Child labor Soc 1580 Child study Educ 2075-90 Children (charity) Soc 2270 crime Soc 3175 etiiics. See Family Phil 9160-85 employment in theatres Thr 1155 marriage of Soc 5375 Chili S A 6400-6899 Chilian literature Span 9300-9499 China Ch 1-299 Chinese documents Ch Doc Chinese immigration (U.S.) 9384 Chinese language 1282-85 Chinese literature Ch 300-404 Chinese philosophy (history only) Phil 930 Chiromancy Pliil 6050-51 Christ (in art). See Legendary art FA 190, 205.1 Christian archaeology Arc 1015-33 Christian legends in art FA 190-205 Christian socialism Soc 850 Chronology Astr 1706-10 Greek and Roman 10282, 10221, 11255 Church history General church lustor3- and histor}- of sects and institutions not yet classified ; church history of special places and counti'ies uuder local history. Circassia Circus Cities, gro\vth of improvement of slums City and country (ethics) City architecture Civil engineering Slav 3425 Thr 1216 Econ 2680 Lan 820 Soc 2280 Phil 9050 FA 2937.2 Eng 456-1260 Civil service reform (Great Britain) 1444 United States 9384 Classical dictionaries RR360 and 10291, 93-97 Classical education Educ 2243-50 Cliff dwellers Arc 950-983 Climatology Ph G 6055-6993 Clouds Ph G 4605-10 Coal, combustion of Eng 2638-40 Coal mining Eng 1286-1390 Coal trade Econ 7550 32 Coal trust Econ 3895 Coeducation Educ 8480 Coffee houses (charity) Soc 2285 Coinage, international Econ 4685 Coins. See Nuniisnnitics Arc 1300-1G80 Colombia S A 7000-7299 Colombian literature Span 8700-8899 Colonization Econ 2428-56 Sep also uutk-r Couutries. Color photography F A 6660.16 Color sense and color blindness Phil 5645 Comets, constitution of Astr 6506-10 orbits of Astr 3066-70 superstitions about 24281 Commerce Econ 6610-7390 See also Business; Stocks. Commercial arithmetic Math 566-70 Commercial associations Econ 7345 Commercial chemistry Chem 1107-10 Commercial education P]duc 7100-7250 Commercial travelling Econ 7432 Communism. See Socialism Soc 700-1150 Compass Nav 705-10 Concrete Eng 637-39 Conic sections Math 5136-40 analytic, geom. Math 8606-10 projective geom. Math 5206-10 Consanguinity Soc 5520 Conscience Phil 9075 Consciousness Phil 5374 Conservation of energy Phys 400 Constitutional law and history. See tlie note under Countries. Consular reports Econ 5810-20 Contract labor Soc 1590 Contract system (prisons) Soc 3930 Cooperation Soc 1595-99 Copper (metallurgy) Chem 7305 mining Eng 1480-90 Coptic language 2265 Corea Jap 3000-3900 Corn (pol. econ.) Econ 7680-99 Corn laws (Great Britain) Econ 4022 Corporations (industrial) and corpora- tion law Econ 3810-49 Correspondence schools Educ 7360 Corsica Ital 5400-5549 Cosmology Phil 281-306 Costume FA 1195-1426 college (general) Educ 3610 U.S. Educ 5325 theatrical Thr 1113 in Moliere's plays Mol 835 Cotton industry Econ 7568-89 Counterfeiting Econ 4680 Countries Africa (partly classified) Afr America (general and early) 1321-86, 2381-87 Austria-Hungary Aus Canada 4341-87 Central America 2351-56 China Ch 1-299 France 1511-6599 Germany Ger Great Britain 1411-9499 Greece (ancient) 10211-77 Byzantine and modern M G 1-1199 Italy Ital 1-5999 Japan and Korea Jap 1-1999, 3000-3900 Mexico 2371-84 Netherlands Neth 1-3999 Ottoman Empire Ott Polar regions 4321-37 Portugal Port 1-3999 Rome (ancient) 11221-97 modern Ital 4300-40 Russia and other Slavic countries Slav 1-4025 Scandinavia Scan 1-3999 South America S A Spain Span 1-3999 Switzerland 15571-97 United States 1311-17399 Under each of these countrj' divisions are in- cluded : history (including constitutional, mili- tarj' and naval history, politics and political biography), description and travel, ethnology, manners and customs, local history and descrip- tion, heraldry, genealogy, and miscellaneous biography. The literature and literary history of a country follow, in most cases, directly after the history. Books relating to the art, antiquities, folklore, philosophy and education of a country, to its natural history, and to its economic, inthistrial, and social conditions, will be found under tlie appropriate subject class. Crania An 3535-60 Creation, theories of (biology) N H 3505-10 cosmology Phil 281-306 Credit Econ 5100-29 Credit Mobilier (U.S.) Econ 3186.1 Creole language 1234 Crime Soc 2900-4260 Criminals, education of Educ 9100-24 marriage of Soc 5415 societies of Soc 3250 Cripples, education of Educ 9050-69 Crises Econ 5160-86 33 Croatia Croatiiin language Croatian literature Croatian periodicals Slav 8365-65 3295 Slav 8850-75 Slav 130-140 Cross, the (antiq. and customs) Arc 1077 Crusa*U'S Cms Crystallography Geol 755(5-60, 7663 3395-96 Sjian 7600-99 Math 8686-90 Math 8586-90 Educ 3610 Soc 4708 Soc 5380-5405 Cuba Cuban literature Curve tracing (anal, geom.) Curves, algebraic Customs See the note under Countries. college drinking (general) marriage For customs connected witli birth, marriage, burial, etc., see also under Countries. Cyanide process Chem 7436^0 Dalmatia Slav 8400-50 Dalmato-Croatian literature Slav 8750-60 Dance of death Emb 31-52 Dancing (ethics) Phil 9010 Dangerous occupations Soc 1603 Danish language (i.e. Dano-Norwegian) 8222-24 Danish literature teaching and study of Danish West Indies Dante Deaf and dumb marriage of Death customs. superstitions Decoration and design Degrees, college Scan 6000-7499 Educ 2282 3397 Dn and T Dn Educ 8800-8999 Soc 5415 See under Countries. 24283 FA 1050-1148 Educ 3610 See also the individual colleges. Delusions Demonology Denmark Dentistry (education) Department stores Determinants Devil (art). folk-lore Dew 24221-83 24241-46 Scan 300-1395 Educ 6415-29 Econ 7435 Math 2345-50 See Legendary art FA 190-205 24247 Ph G 4635-40 Geol 7356-60 Diamonds Dictionaries AiTanged by subjects. Tlie latest are placed as reference books in the Reading Room. Diflferential equations Math 3206-3300 Diplomatics Arc 1175-1200 Directories Dir Distillation Distilling liquors Divination Divorce Drainage and irrigation Dramatic art Drawing teaching of Dreaming See also Sleep. Dunes Dutch history Dutch language Dutch literature Dutch West Indies Dynamos Earthquakes Eastern question Eclipses Economics teaching and study of Ecstasy and stigmatization Ecuador literature Eddas, elder younger Education periodicals and societies reports and documents text books (earlier) relation to crime Egypt (modern) Egyptian language Eight hour day Elasticity Elective system (education) Electric light Electrical engineering Electricity animal atmospheric Electro-magnetism Elliptic functions Emblems Embryology (general) invertebrate Emotions Employers' liability Employers' unions Encyclopaedias Cliem 1906-10 Chem 7916-20 24261-66 Soc 5425 Eng 1046-50 Thr 1050-95 F A 6230-6553 Educ 2215 Phil 6480 Geol 6306-10 Neth 2030-3999 8233-35 Neth 4000-6000 3397 Eng 4036-40 Geol 5506-10 Ott 180-800 Astr 1806-10 Econ Educ 2220 Phil 6520 S A 7300-7599 Span 8900-99 Scan 4200-87 Scan 4500-45 Educ EducP Educ R Educ T Soc 3150 Afr 3001-4199 2261-63 Soc 1645 Phys 1040-50 Educ 3610 Eng 4126-30 Eng 3986-4990 Phys 3000-3530 N H 3105-10 Ph G 5405-10 Phys 3310 Math 3706-10 Emb Z 18 Z 22.03 Phil 5400-03 Soc 1665 Soc 1710 Cyc The latest encyclopaedias are placed in the Read- ing Room among reference books. 34 education Kduc (J900-14 journals and societies Si-i 1455-1525 "Engine, heat (steam, gas, etc.) En« 2095-2820 Englisli lanf^uage English literature teaching and study of English periodicals Engraving Epistemology Equations (diflferential) theory of Eritrea Erosion Erse language Eskimo language Esthonia Esthoniau language Etching Ethical movement Ethics Ethiopic language Ethnology. See Anthropology See the note under Countries. Etruscan language 5294-95 Evil (philosophy) Phil 8620 Evolution (philosophy) Phil 3G5 biology N H 3555-3610 ethics Phil 9150 Exhibitions, industrial Econ 5950-98 Explosions, boiler Eng 2668-70 Explosives Chem 7500-10 Expresses Econ 3600-23 9211-9297 10411-23499 Educ 2268 P F A 5630-6105 I'hil 331-56 Math 3203-3300 Math 2256-90 Afr 4700-90 Geol 6306-10 3275 1273 Slav 3355-65 2283 F A 5860-90 Phil 8615 Phil 8800-9575 3242 An Econ 7442 Soc 1630-31 Soc 5695-5900 Phil 9160-85 26295 N H 4555-93 Bot 5755-70 Chem 7857-60 Econ 3550-73 Factories, management of Factory system Family, the (sociology) ethics Faust legend Fermentation (l)acteriolog>') botany of liquors Ferries Festschriften For in wliieli tlic eontributions cover a wide range of subjects, see L Soc. 5000-9980. Those of a more specific character are classified accord- ing to their subje('t matter. Finance Econ 5190-5599 Fine arts F A teaching and study of Educ 2225 See also Art schools. Finger prints An 3405-10 Finland Slav 3395-3410 Finnish language 2282 Fisheries Econ 7600-55 Flemish language 8234 Flood, the Geol (5406-10 Fluorescence Phys 2780 Folk-lore 24210-28286 Forestry (unclassified) study of Educ 6875-89 See also Landscape architecture, Laii. Forests (climatology) Ph G 6205-10 Fortifications War 5225-60 France 1511-6599 (long sets) Fr Hist Free trade, protection and tariff Econ 3970-4199 Freedmen (U.S.) 14391-97 education of Educ 8510-50 Freedom of teaching Educ 3610 French academy, literary history of 7558 publications French language French literature French periodicals teaching and study of Frisian language Functions geometric theory of trigonometric Furniture Future life (philosophy) Gas, manufacture of natural Gas engines Gases (anal, chem.) expansion of kinetic theory of Gems Genealogy See note under Countries. Genius Geodesy Geography (periodicals) See note under Countries. Geological surveys Geology periodicals and societies teaching and study of Geometry analytical infinitesimal German language L Soc 1621 6211-6297 7531-12599 PFr Educ 2272 8232 Math 3600-3810 Math 4406-4710 Math 8046-50 F A 1060-68 Phil 8624-50 Chem Eng Eng Chem Phys Pliys Geol 8406-10 1400-10 2728-30 1147-50 1845-70 1900-02 7357-60 Phil 5425 Eng 496-500 Geog Sci 2445-2645 Geol Sci 2255-2325 Educ 2353 Math 5006-5810 Math 8503-8810 Math 9000-9110 8241-97 3^ GiTinan litoraturc IC.-ill-L'Or)!!!) teaching and study of ICdue 2270 ( iernian periodicals I* Germ Germanic languagis (general) 8251-54 Germany Ger Ghosts. See Psychical researeli I'liil TCXiO Sec also Superstitions. Glaciers ; glacial period Geol fiOOIJ-lO Glass, manufacture of C'liem 7ii'>(\-CtO painted F A 44l)()-«jy stained FA 1145-48 Glass blowing Chem 755G-GO Glass flowers Bot (517-20 Glass industry Econ 7075 God (philosophy) Phil 8655-80 Gold. See Money P^con 4400-4692 metallurgy Chem 7320 mining Eng 1430-40 Goldsmith work F A 9t»5-1020 Gothenburg system Soc 4715 Gothic language 8247 Government ownership, of railroads Econ 8245 of street railroads Econ 3375 Grain trade Econ 7680-99 Gravitation Phys 370 Gravity, measurements of (astron.) Astr 3406-10 Great Britain (long sets) parliamentary documents Greece, ancient Byzantine and modern Greek antiquities Greek language Greek literature, ancient history of modern teaching of (ancient) teaching of (modern) Greek philosophy Groups (math.) Guatemala 1411-9499 Brit Hist Brit Doc 10211-77 MG 1-1199 10211-27 4221-95 Ga-Gz 13241-67 M G 1204-95 Educ 2243-50 Educ 2290 14281-97 Math 2316-20, 4506-10 2353 and 2356 Guiana S A 7600-8049 Guilds (general) Econ 7455-59 Tlie liistory of inilivi46o Immigration Econ 2478-2675 Immortality (philosophy) Pliil 8r.24-50 Impulso Phil 5470 Incantations 24273 Income tax Econ 5762-68 India, languages of, modern 3254-56 Indians, Amer. (education) PMuc 8560-95 history 5311-37 languages 1271-73 literature 2376 Induction (electricity) Phys 3320 philosophy Phil 5125 Industrial and technical education Educ 6600-65)59 Industries ; industrial history Econ 7500-7899 Infancy Educ 2065-69 Inheritance tax Econ 5770 Ink, manufacture of Chem 8237-40 Inorganic chemistry Chem 447-460 Insane, education of the Educ 9010-^9 marriage of the Soc 5415 Insanity Phil 6945-75 and crime Soc 3160 Inscriptions, Christian Arc 1030 Greek and Roman 12241-64 For others, see Language, Histoi-j', and Local History. Insurance Econ 9200-9999 hiboring classes Soc 1655 Intemperance Soc 4300-4799 International trade Econ 3945-60 Interstate commerce Econ 2730, 3248 Iranian languages 3261—66 Ireland 9471-95 Irish language 3275 Iron (metallurgy) Chem 7236-40 mining Eng 1380-90 Iron age Arc 385-410 Iron industry Econ 7720 Irrigation Eng 1040-50 Italian dialects (ancient) 5294 modern 7291-97 Italian language 7251-97 Italian literature Ital 6030-9400 teacliing and study of Educ 2274 Italy Ital 1-5999 Jamaica Japan 3382-84 Jap 1-1999 Japanese language 1276-77 Japanese literature Jap 2000-2800 Jerusalem, kingdom of (1099-1291) Crus 240-486 Jews Sem education of Educ 575 Joy, emotion of Phil 5403 Judeo-German literature J G Juvenile crime Soc 3175 Kassub language Kindergarten Kinematics Kinetic theory of gases Kinetics Kleptomania Knights of Labor 3287 Educ 2099-2116 Phys 847-90 Phys 1900-02 Phys 967-1010 Phil 6850 Soc 1725 Knights of St. John (Hospitalers) Crus 675-745 Knights Templars (Crusaders) Crus 625-665 Korea Jap 3000-3900 Korean literature Jap 4000-4200 Kurdistan Ott 3500-45 Labor (economics) hours of prison Labor colonies Labor laws Labor reports Laboring classes ethics Lakes (geology) Land (economics) Land slides Landscape architecture Landscape painting Language and thought Languages periodicals teaching of Lapland Lappish language Latin language Latin literature Econ 400-1999 Soc 1645 Soc 3955 Soc 1585 Soc 1664-65 Econ 7900-8699 Soc 1300-1835 Phil 9290 Geol 5686-90 Econ 2000-2335 Geol 5636-40 Lan F A 4370-73 Phil 5520 1211-9299 Philol Educ 2240-95 Scan 3500-39 2283 5211-97 La-Lz Modern Latin authors not yet chissified. histor}' of 13271-77 teaching and study of Educ 2243-50 Latitude and longitude Astr 1606-10 Law (not yet classified) Learned societies (publ. of) L Soc Lea«t squares (math.) Math 1066-70 Legends. See Folk-lore. 37 Lettish language 3297 Lettish literature Slav 9400-50 License, liquor Soc 4720 Life (biology) N H 3055-00 Life insurance Econ 9500-9G53 Life saving Nav 1802-10 Light Phys 2600-2860 Light-houses Nav 1702-10 Lighting Eng 2616-20 electric Eng 4126-30 Liquid air Eng 2936-45 See also Pbys 1&45-70. continuity of the liquid state Phys 1645-70 Liquids. See Hydrostatics, etc. Liquor laws Soc 4730 Liquor trade (economics) Econ 7730 Liquors, manufacture of Chem 7917-20 Literature In general, the literature and the literar_v history of a country are placed directh' after tlie historj-. See list under Countries. teaching and study of Educ 2240-95 Lithography F A 6100-05 Lithuania (before 16th cent.) Slav 6260-95 Lithuanian language 3297 Lithuanian literature Slav 9300-50 Local option (liquor laws) Soc 4735 Logarithms Math 806-860 Logic Phil 5000-5199 Lunar theory Astr 3106-10 Magic sleight of hand Magnetism terrestrial Malay languages Maltese dialect Manual training Manx language Maps 24251-52 Thr 1235 Phys 3407-40 Astr 6276-80 2274 3241 Educ 2172-78 3275 M, MA, MR Folding maps in stiff covers are usually placed with descriptive works on the place. Marriage law of Marriage customs See note under Customs. Mathematical physics Mathematics journals and societies Maxima and minima Measures Mechanical engineering Mechanics Medals Soc 5200-5525 Soc 5450-63 Soc 5380-5405 Phys 500-630 Math Sci 855-925 Math 3426-30 Phys 426-430 Eng 1596-1840 Phys 700-1090 Arc 1670-75 Medical schools Educ 630O-G5O0 Medicine (not yet classified) superstitions 24278 Melancholia Phil 6930 Memory Phil 5545 Mensuration Math 8106-10 Mental disease Phil 6945-75 Merchant marine. See Shipping Econ 4200-4399 Metallurgy Chem 7205-7440 journals and societies Sci 2855-2925 Meteorology Ph 6 3605-5410 journals, observations, weather reports Sci 728-842 Metric system Phys 427-30 Mexico 2361-84 Mexican language (ancient) 1271-72 Mexican literature Span 8000-8399 Microscopy N H 655-690 Military art War Military biography and history. See note under Countries. Militarj' education Educ 6930-44 Military geography War 755-760 Mind and body Phil 6100-35 Mineralogy Geol 7036-9013 journals and societies Sci 2255-2325 Mining Eng 1280-1540 industrial hist. Econ 7745 journals and societies Sci 2855-2925 Mining laws Eng 1.536-40 Mining schools Educ 6915-28 Mint. See Numismatics Arc 1300-1680 Miraculous cures Phil 6990 Modern Greece. See Greece (modern). Moliere Mol Money Econ 4400-4692 Mongolian language 2287 Monism Phil 510 Monopolies and combinations Econ 3850-3940 Montaigne Mon Montenegro Slav 8500-50 Monitorial system Educ 860 Moon Astr 6086-90 motion of Astr 3106-10 tallies Astr 936-940 Moon hoax Astr 8555-60 Moravia Aus 60000-69999 Morocco Afr 1301-1759 Mortgages Econ 5277 Mountains Geol 5606-10 climatology Ph G 6155-60 38 MunimifS Arc 5i)0 Municipal government (U.S.) 6383 Special works with tlie liistory of various cities. Music Mu8 Greek and Roman 13284 study of Mu8 80 teaching of, in public schools Educ 2312 Mythological art F A 190-205 Mythology, Greek and Konian 12265-96 Scandinavian Scan 3900-46 Names, local and personal plant Natural gas Natural history journals and societies 1251-53 Bot 35-40 Eng 1400-10 NH Sci 1655-1725 Natural religion. See Philosophy of religion Phil 8500-8750 Nature study Educ 2325 Nautical surveying Eng 506-510 Naval architecture Eng 5036-5310 Naval education Educ 6945-59 Naval history See note under Countries. Naval warfare War 6195-8410 Navigation Nav Nebulae Astr 6806-10 Nebular theory Astr 8606-10 Negroes (U.S.) 14391-97 Nervous system (psychology) Phil 5555 Netherlands Neth New Brunswick 4344^5 Newfoundland 4344 Newspapers News Nihilism Slav 1450-75 Normal schools Educ 2600-2899 Norway Scan 1400-2399 Norwegian language (Landsmaal) 8224 See also Danish, 8222-24. Norwegian literature Scan 7500-8099 teaching and study of Educ 2282 Nova Scotia 4342-46 Nubian language 2276 Numbers, theory of Math 1500-1610 Numismatics Arc 1300-1680 Obelisks, Egyptian Ocean geology Oil painting Oil trust Oil wells See also Petroleum. Arc 593 PhG 2055-2210 Geol 5706-10 F A 4410-13 Econ 3910 Eng 1380-90 Oils, manufacture of Open shop Optics Optimism Orbits Ore deposits Chem 8357-60 Soc 1700 Phys 2600-2860 Phil 9410 Astr 3066-3210 Geol 9006-13 Oriental langs., teaching of Educ 2258-(j1 Oriental literature Wales, Sem Ottoman Empire Ott Pain. See Pleasure and pain Phil 5402 Painting F A 3000-4499 Palaeography Arc 1135-66 Palaeontology Geol 2896-4910 Pali language 3247 Palmistry Phil 6050-51 Panama S A 8050-8299 Panama canal 2355 engineering Eng 986-990 Panics and crises Econ 5160-86 Panjabi language 3254 Pantheism Phil 8685 Paraguay S A 8300-8549 Paraguayan literatare Span 9800-99 Parsi language 3262 Passions Phil 9420 Pauperism. See Charity Soc 2000-2825 Pawnbroking Econ 5290 Pedagogy Educ 2000-2400 Pehlevi language 3262 Perception Phil 5585 See also Senses, Phil 5640 ; Space and time, Phil 672. Periodicals General periodicals are kept togjether and classified bj' languages under F, PFr, Ptierm, etc. (see p. 24). Others are placed with the subject to which they relate. But see, in particular, Scien- tific periodicals, Sci, and Learned societies,L Soc. Perpetual motion Phys 401 Persia Sem Persian language 3262-63 Persian literature Sem Personality Phil 575 psychology Pliil 7040 Perspective drawing F A 6395-6425 Peru S A 8550-8985 Peruvian literature Span 9000-9199 Pessimism Phil 9430 Petroleum (chem. technology) Chem 8356-60 See also Oil wells, Eug 1380-90. economics Econ 7755 Petrology Geol 8006-8510 Pharmaceutical chemistry Chem 507-520 Pharmacy, schools of Educ (!400-14 39 Philology. See Language. Philosophy See also Aesthetics, F A 120-150. Phil Greek and Roman 14287-95 of mathematics Math fio-OO Phoenician language 2227 Phonetics 1246 Plionojjraph Phys 420 Phosphate industry Econ 7700 Phosphorescence Phys 2780 Photography F A 6G00-6715 chemistn- Chem 358(5-90 astronomical Astr 655-660 Phrenology Phil 5900^5 Physical astronomy Astr 8005-10 Phjsical chemistry Chem 3506-3810 Physical education Educ 8000-8299 Physical geography PhG Limited to General works, Meteoroloprj-, and Cli- niatologi". For local works, see under Geoloffj-. teaching and study of Educ 2361 Physics Phys journals and societies Sci 1055-1125 astro-physics Astr 6006-6990 teaching and study of Educ 2358 Physiocrats Econ 146 Physiognomy Phil 6000-35 Physiology (not yet classified) teaching and study of Educ 2316 Planets Astr 6116-20 habitability of Astr 8555-60 tables Astr 966-970 Pk-asure and pain Phil 5402 Plumbing Eng 1100-10 Plurality of worlds Astr 8555-60 Pneumatics and hydrostatics Phys 1600 Poland Slav 5200-6610 Polar magnetism Astr 6275-80 Polar regions 4321-37 Polariscope Chem 1907-10 Polish language 3286 Polish literature Slav 6700-7300 Polish periodicals Slav 60-70 Political science (not yet classified) teaching and study of Educ 2318 Poll tax Econ 5775 Pollution of rivers Eng 1136-40 Polychromy (Greek architecture) FA 2125-33 sculpture F A 5453.4 Polygamy Soc 5500 Polynesian languages 2274 Pools, railroad Econ 3260 Population (economics) Econ 2400-26 See also Statistics, Econ 7900-8699. Porcelain. Sec Ceramics Arc 1730-1990 Portland cement Eng 637-640 Porto Kico 3396 Portorican literature Span 7901-99 Portrait ])ainting F A 4350-53 Portraits, ancient Arc 1050-53 modern FA 975-985 Portugal Port 1-3999 Portuguese language 7241^3 Portuguese literature Port 4001-8500 teaching and study of Educ 2278 Portuguese periodicals P Port Positivism Phil 600 Post-office Econ 3675-3800 Postal savings banks Econ 5075 Postal telegraphs. See Telegraphs Econ 3625-46 Pottery. See Ceramics Arc 1730-1990 Prakrit language 3247 Precious stones Geol 7356-60 Presages 24275 Prestidigitation Thr 1235 Prices Econ 5130-56 Primary education Educ 2150 Prince Edward Island 4344 Prisons Soc 3600-4000 Probability Math 1000-10 Professional education Educ 6000-6500 Profit sharing Soc 1675-76 Prohibition (liquor laws) Soc 4750 Prosody, Greek and Roman 13286-97 Other not yet classified. Protection and free trade Econ 3970-4199 Proven9al language 6234-36 Provencal literature Rom 1-1099 Proven9al periodicals P Rom Proverbs Prov reference books R R 325 Psychical research Phil 7060 Psychology Phil 5200-7299 of teaching Educ 2050-69 Punic language 2227 Punjabi language 3254 Pyramids, Egyptian Arc 595 Quaternions Radium Railroatls construction of monopolies Rain and snow Math 1806-10 Pliys 3348-50 Econ 2700-3399 Eng 826-870 Econ 3913 Ph G 4655-60 40 Kaines law (liquor traffic) Soc 4r)75 Rapid transit Econ 33'.»0 Kates, railroad Eeon 32(;0 Rationalism l^liil ^2:i Real estate (investnu-iits) Ei-oii 5279 Reciprocity. See Tarii¥ Econ 8970-4199 Religion (not yet classified) philosophy of Phil 8500-8750 Relijrious and moral edncatiou Educ 2122 Responsibility Phil 9470 Rhaeto-Romanic language 6295 Rhaeto-Komanic literature Rom 4002-4050 Rhaeto-Romanic periodicals P Rom Rhetoric (not yet classified) Greek and Roman 13284 Rhythm and metre, Greek and lioman 13286-97 Riddles. See Folk-lore. Riemann's surfaces Math 4606-10 River pollution Eng 1136-40 Rivers and harbors Eng 1010-20 Rivers and valleys (geology) Geol 5656-60 Roads Econ 3575-98 construction of Eng 800-810 Rocks Geol 8006-8510 Roman antiquities 11281-97 Roman literature 1327,1-77 Roman philosophy 14287-95 Romance collection (Proven9al, Cata- lan, Rhaeto-Romanic, Rouman- ian, etc.) Rom Romances (mediaeval) 27261-28287 Romany language 3256 Rome, ancient 11221-97 modern Ital 4300-40 Rotation of the earth Astr 3456-60 Roumania Rom 5001-5999 Roumanian language 6295 Roumanian literature Rom 6000-6399 Round towers, Ireland Arc 880 Rubber, manufacture of Chem 8307-10 Rubber trust Econ 3915 Rugs F A 1075, 1085 Runes Scan 3850-3895 Russia Slav 600-4025 Russian language 3283-85 Russian literature Slav 4050-5100 Russian periodicals Slav 1-200 Ruthenian language 3285 Ruthenian literature Slav 4998-5100 Sailing directions Saints (in art) Salaries of teachers Samaritan language Samoyedic language San Domingo (Hayti) Sanitary engineering for schools Sanskrit language Nav 1052-1360 F A 190, 203-205 Educ 2890 3224 2282 3391-94 Eng 1100-10 Educ 2590 3243-53 Sagas history of Sahara Scan 4600-5339 Scan 4146 Afr 2700-99 Sanskrit literature (not yet classified) teaching and study of Educ 2259 Scandinavia Scan 1-3999 Scandinavian languages 8221-27, 8236-37 Scandinavian literature Scan 4000-9599 teaching and study of Educ 2282 Scandinavian mythologj- Scan 3900-46 School books (earlier) Educ T Schools, organization and management Educ 2500-99 Science, general S teaching and study of Educ 2325-65 Scientific serials Sci Also Lcarued societies, L Soc. Scotland 9431-67 Scottish dialects 9296-97 Sculpture FA 4500-5553 Seals Arc 1202-98 Seamanship Nav 555-560 Secondary schools Educ 2550 Sec uiKler couutiT divisions of Education for more special works. Secret societies (not yet classified) Semitic history and literature Sem Sensations Phil 5635 Senses Phil 5640-55 Servia Slav 8170-8245 Servian language 3295 Servian literature Slav 8900-50 Servian periodicals Slav 150-160 Settlements, social Soc 2323-29 Sewerage Eng 1100-10 Ship building Eng 5036-5310 industrial hist. Econ 7775 Shipping Econ 4200-4399 Shipping trust Econ 3918 Siberia Slav 3600-3785 Sicilian vespers Ital 5020 Sicily, ancient 10244 modern Ital 5010-5299 Sight Phil 5643-45 Sigillography Arc 1202-98 Silver (metallurgy) Chem 7325 mining Eng 1430-40 See also Money. 41- Single tax Skaldic poetry Slander (ethics) Slavery, general Econ 2325-30 Scan 4300-99 Phil 9510 Soc 1800-35 For local comiitious, see under the Country. Slavic collection (hist, and lit.) Slav Slavic languages 3281-97 teaching and study of Educ 2285 Slavonia Slav 8365-85 Sleep Phil 7080 See also Dreaming, Phil 6480. Slovak language 3294 Slovak literature Slav 8000-99 Slovenian language 3295 Slovenian literature Slav 9000-30 Slovenian periodicals Slav 170 Sloyd Educ 2175 Slums Soc 2280 Smelting Chera 7438^0 Smuggling Econ 7380 Snow Ph G 4655-60 Socialism and communism Soc 700-1150 Society (ethics) Phil 9513 Sociology Soc Solar heat (industrial applications) Eng 2726-30 Solitude (ethics) Phil 9515 Somali coast Afr 4800-4999 Somnambulism Phil 7085 See also Uj-pnotisin, Phil 6665-95. Soul Sound South America South American literature Space and time Spain Spanish America Spanish language Spanish literature teaching and study of Spanish periodicals Spectra (optics) Spectrum analysis Spherical harmonics Spirits, tax on See also Liquors. Sponges Star atlases Star catalogues Stars double physical constitution Statistics Phil 665 Phys 2000-2190 SA Span 8500-9899 Phil 672 Span 1-3999 SA 7221-37 Span 4030-9999 Educ 2276 P Span Phys 2760 Chem 1507-10 Math 4006-10 Econ 5786 Steam boilers Steel (metallurg}') Steel industry (economics) Steel trust Stereometry Stigmatization Z 34 and Geol 3256-60 Astr 706-710 Astr 796-810 Astr 2506-10 Astr 2606-10 Astr 6806-10 Econ 7900-8699 Eng 2666-70 Chem 7236-40 Econ 7720 Econ 3920 Math 8136-40 Phil 6520 Stocks and stock speculation Econ 5200-65 Stone age Arc 1093 Stonehenge Arc 865 Storms Ph G 5205-10 Strategy War 655-660 Street railroads Econ 3300-99 Strength of materials Eng 316-320 Strikes Soc 1684-85 Subsidies Econ 4190 See also Shipping, Sugar, etc. Substitution groups Math 2316-20 Success (ethics) Phil 9530 Sudan, Egyptian Afr 3675-4090 Sugar, manufacture of Chem 7807-10 Sugar trade (economics) Econ 7795 Sugar trust Econ 3923 Suggestion Phil 7140 Suicide Phil 7150 Summer schools Educ 7460-70 Sun (astronomy) Astr 6156-60 See also Spectrum analysis, Chem 1506-10. heat of Ph G 6105-10 Sun dials Astr 586-590 Sun spots Astr 6206-10 Superintendence, school Educ 2555 Superstitions 24210-82 See also under the countrj- divisions of Folk-lore. Surfaces, Riemann's Math 4606-10 theory of Math 9006-10 Surveying Eng 486-550 Sweating system Soc 1695 Sweden Scan 2400-3395 Swedish language 8226-27 Swedish literature Scan 8500-9599 teaching and study of Educ 2282 Swiss dialects (French) 6227 German 8241-44 Italian 7294 Swiss literature With French, German or Italian literature. Switzerland 15571-97 Syria Ott 3600-85 Syriac language 3224 Syriac literature Sem Tables (astron.) mathematics physics Astr 906-1110 Math 700-890 Phys 440 .42 Tactics, military naval Tapestries Tariff Taste Taxation of land (single tax) of women Teachers, salaries of training of Teaching as a profession Technical education Technological chemistry Telegraph (business) construction Telephone (business) construction Telescope Temperance Temperature (climatology) heat of the ocean Tenements Terra cotta (decorative work) roofing tiles sculpture Textile education Textile fabrics Textile industries Theatre Theism (philosophy) Theological schools Theology (not yet classified) Thermodynamics Thermometer meteorology Thought transference Thunder storms Tibet War 850-1560 War 6655-60 FA 1075-83 Econ 3970-4199 Phil 5653 Econ 5600-5799 Econ 2325-35 Soc 5075 Educ 2890 Educ 2600-2899 Educ 2000-2400 Educ 2890 Educ 6600-6959 Chem 7107-9000 Econ 3625-46 Eng 4225-60 Econ 3650-72 Eng 4285-4350 Astr 506-510 Soc 4300-4760 Fh G 6105-10 Phys 2457-63 Ph G 2205-10 Soc 1610 FA 1145-48 F A 2954 F A 5480-83 Educ 6800-14 F A 1075-90 Econ 7810 Thr Phil 8655-80 Educ 6100-96 Time and space Tin mining Tin trade Tobacco trade Tobacco trust Tornadoes Torpedo boats Torpedoes Totemism Touch Trades unions Tramps Phys 2437-40 Phys 420 Ph G 4355-60 Phil 7060 Ph G 5405-10 Ch 290-299 Astr 1506-10 Phil 672 Eng 1495-1500 Econ 7817 Econ 7820 Econ 3928 Ph G 5305-10 Eng 5180-90 War 5305-10 Soc 5850 Phil 5648 Soc 1699-1745 Soc 1760 Trance Transcendentalism Trees diseases of ornamental Trigonometry Tripoli Troubadours Trusts Truth Tunis Tunnels Turkestan (Central Asia) Eastern Turkey Turkish language Unemployed Uniforms (military and nav United States Universal languages University extension University settlements Uralo-Altaic languages Uruguay Uruguayan literature Usury mediaeval Utopian schemes Phil 7230 Phil 705 Bot 7305-20 Bot 2557-60 Lan 870 Math 8003-80 Afr 2800-2998 Rom 40-399 Econ 3850-3940 Phil 720 Afr 2401-2695 Eng 776-780 Slav 3675-3710 Ch 280-289 Ott 2286 Soc 1760 al) War 4095-4100 5311-17399 1231 Educ 7400-30 Soc 2323-29 2281-87 S A 9150-9499 Span 9700-99 Econ 4971 Econ 136 Soc 950 Vacation schools Vagrants Vase painting and vases Vector analysis Venezuela Venezuelan literature Ventilation of mines Veterinary education Vices Village improvement Virtues Visible speech (deaf) language Books particularly for the ec are witli Education. Others Vision Vivisection Volapiik Volcanic rocks Volcanoes Volition Educ 2190 Soc 1760 Arc 1730-1990 Math 1826-30 S A 9500-9845 Span 8500-8699 Eng 2606-10 Eng 1536-40 Educ 6430-44 Pliil 9558 Lan 875 Phil 9560 Educ 8970 1241 lucatiou of the deaf are under Language. Phil 5643 Z 9.8-9 1231 Geol 8106-10 Geol 5506-10 Phil 5750-75 43 Wages Soc 1300-1835 Wire trade Econ 7830 Wales <)4!>6-97 Wire trust Econ 3938 Wallachia Rom 5190-5305 Witchcraft 24241-46 Wallachian language 6295 Salem. See Salem 10324 War, art of War Woman (ethics) Phil 9340-65 The history of special wars will be found with the sociology Soc 4800-5085 history of one of tlie countries. Women, education of Educ 8300-8499 Watches Astr 615-620 in factories Soc 1631 Water (chemistry) Chem 1127-30 in music Mus 92 in plants Bot 1355-63 in prisons Soc 4000 pollution and purification of Eng 1136-40 in the professions Soc 5085 underground Geol 5856-60 legal status of Soc 5000 Water color painting F A 4420-23 of the laboring classes Soc 1770 Water power Eng 966-970 rights of Soc 502.5-26 Water works Eng 1070-80 suffrage of Soc 5035-65 bee also Hydraulics. work of Soc 5085 Waterfalls Geol 5656-60 Wood, preservation of Chem 8007-10 AVealth (ethics) Phil 9575 Wood carving F A 5490-93 economics Econ 400-1999 Wood engraving FA 5825-28 Weapons War 4395-4500 Wood workers' tools Eng 1738-40 Weather. See Meteorology. Woolen frauds Econ 5483 influence of (psychol.) Phil 6110-35 Woolen trade Econ 7840-67 Weather lore 25228 Working girls' clubs Soc 2323-29 Weights and measures Phys 426-430 Well boring Eng 977-980 Yachts Eng 5106-30 Welsh language 3276 Yeast Chem 7856-60 Wendish language 3296 West Indies 3371-97, 4391-96 Zend language 3262 Wheat trade Econ 7680-82 Zinc (geology) Geol 7 506-10, 9006-13 Wheat trust Econ 3933 metallurgy Chem 7345 Whiskey trust Econ 3936 mining Eng 1495-1500 Will Phil 5750-75 ZoUverein Econ 4055 Winds Ph G 5105-10 Zoology Z Wine, manufacture of Chem 7917-20 journals and societies Sci 1855-1925 Wine trade Econ 7825 teaching and study of Educ 2365 t RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY BIdg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (415)642-6753 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW i:-irtm " le I v-uh^f^B^; UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY