■••m .....lit' 'Mil .•'""U'"''» y < •^i: > '(i. Ill '!.,...<' > •I .|1 l>»""'t| A N ill. X t /"\ / rlj »i""r'N| Sh ^^•URDCTT'^dKXWil^yW UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION GIFT OF THE PUBLISHER No. 7-2-2.. Received I f ^ HISTORIffiffilhATLAS 3800 B.C. to 1900 A.D. BY ROBERT H. LABBERTON SIXTEENTH EDITION Copyright, 1899 By TOWNSEND MACCOUN Copyright, 1901 By silver BURDETT & COMPANY SILVER BURDETT & COMPANY NEW YORK BOSTON CHICAGO 1 90 1 i/.s.,T!Q(H DEFH' ' c c c ^ ' c c r LIST OF MAPS. £%ATE L- II.—' HISTORY OF THE EAST. Babylonia before the Semitic Conquest. Chaldean Ascendency, 3800 b.c. The Great Pyramids. The Elamitic Ascendency, 2100 b.c. Eeypt under the Twelfth Dynasty. The Pyramids and Lake of Inundations. III. — Egyptian Ascendency, 1450 b.c. Asiatic Conquest of the Eighteenth Dynasty. The Kossean Conquest of Babylon. Rise of the First As- syrian Empire. The Assyrian Conquest of Subari. PnCENICIA. IV. — The Hittite Ascendency, 1350 b.c Egypt under Rameses II. Assyria under Tugultininep I. Ruins of Thebes. The Seven Mouths op the Nile. v.— The World 1000 Years b.c. Greatness of Israel. First Assyrian Empire in its Decline. Assyrian Empire under Tiglalh Pileser I. Greek Colonies op Asia Minor. The Tribes op Israel. JuDAH and Israel, 925 b.c. VI. — The Assyrian Ascendency, about 660 b.c. Assyrian Empire, Shalmaneser II. The Heart of Assyria. YII. — Asia after the Fall of Assyria, 560 b.c. Greatness of Babylon. Surroundings op Babylon. Plan op Tyrus. GREEK HISTORY. VIIL— Hellas, 550 b.c. Ionian, Dorian, and .Solian Settlements. The Field of Troy. IX. — Hellas and Peloponnesus. Athens and the Bay of Salamis. Sparta. Thebes. Corinth and the Isthmus. X.— Eastern Part op Hellas and Peloponne- sus, 444 B.C. Athene. XI. — Persian Empire in its Greatest Extent, 500 B.C. March of Cyrus Minor and Retreat op THE 10,000 under Xenophon, 401 B.C. Granicus. Empire op Alexander the Great, 323 b.c. Plate XIL- -dlvision of the empire op alexander the Great, 301 b.c. Western Asia after the Battle of Mag- nesia. Western Asia, 74 b.c. Western Asia, 63 b.c. ROMAN HISTORY. XIII. XV.- XVI.— I -Latium and its neighbors. Seven Hills op Rome. Neighborhood op Rome, 100 a.d. XIV. — Italy from the Samnite Wars to the Punic Wars, 343-263 b.c. Tarentum. -Rome and Carthage at the beginning op THE First Punic War. Rome and Carthage at the end op the First Punic War. Rome and Carthage at the beginning op the Second Punic War. Rome and Carthage at the end of the Second Punic War. -Hannibal' s Route. Roman Dominion at the Close op the Punic Wars. Carthage. Syracuse. Roman Dominion a Century after the Punic Wars. XVIL— Cesar's Gaul, 50 b.c. Western Basin op the Mediterranean, 100 a.d. XVIII. — Celtic Britain, at Time op Christ. Roman Britain, about 369 a.d. -Provinces of the Roman Empire with the Years of Conquest. Roman Empire in its Greatest Extent, 116 A.D. During the Reign of Trojan. During the Reign of Augustus. Rome. Plan of the City. The Capitoline Hill and the Fora. -Division of the Roman Empire by Diocle- tian. The Roman Empire in the Time of Valen- TINIAN I. Constantinople and the Bosporus. -Division op the Roman Empire, after 395 A.D. "4 XIX. XX. XXI.— I IX LIST OF MAPS. MEDIAEVAL HISTORY. Plate XXII. . — Europe and Western Asia at the be- ginning OP THE Reign op Tiieodoric THE OSTRO-GOTII. XXIII. — Empire of Clovis, 507 a.d. The Merovingian Kingdoms, 567-613 a.d. XXIV.— Britain, about 500 a.d. Northeastern Part of Kent, about 450 A.D. Britain, after 577 a.d. Theatre of War between Britains AND West Saxons, about 577 a.d. XXV. — Britain. Eadwine's Supremacy, 626 a.d. Battle-field ne.\r the River Idle. Britain. Supremacy of Oswin, 658 a.d. New Settlements in Britain, about 6G6 A.D. XXVI.— Britain, 795 a.d. Southwestern Britain, about 800 a.d. Religious Houses. Britain under Ecgberht, 837 a.d. London, about 800 a. d. XXVII. — Arabic Ascendency under Caliph Walid I. Damascus the Capital of the Ommaiad Caliphs. XXVIII. — Empire of Charlemagne and its Di- visions. Byzantine Empire. Caliphate of Bagdad. XXIX.— Britain, 878 a.d. Scene of Defeat, Wanderings and Vic- tory op Alfred the Great. Britain, 975 a.d. Realm of Cnut the Great, 1028-1035 A.D. XXX. — Empire of Otto the Great. Dividet into Duchies, 962 a.d. XXXL— Britain, 1064 a.d. The Great Duchies. The House of Godwin. The Episcopal Sees. Neighborhood of York. Battle of Stamford Bridge. Britain, 1066-1070 a.d. Results of Campaign of 1066. Results of Campaigtt of 1067. Results of Campaign of 1069. Eastern Part of Sussex. Battle of Senlac. XXXII. — France at the Accession op the Cape- TiAN Dynasty, 987 a.d. England and France, after the Bat- tle OF Tenchebray, 1106 A.D. Scene of the Battle of the Standard. XXXIII. — Europe during the Twelfth Century. Age of the Crusades. Possessions of the Plantagenets in 1100, Christian States of the East in 1142 A.D. XXXrV.— England and France in 1180 a.d. England and France in 1223 a.d. XXXV. — Empire op Frederick II. Plate XXXV. XXXVI, XXXVII, XXXVIII, XXXIX XL. MODERN HISTORY. — England and France during the First English Invasion of France. —Eastern Europe in 1356. France at the Death op Charles V., 1380. — Empire op the Mongoi,s. Empire of Timour, about 14(10 a.d. —France during the Second English In- vasion, 1415-1453. Possessions of Philip the Good in 1435. Joan of Arc's Country. March of Henry V. Battle-fields of the War of the Roses, 1455-1485. — Western Europe, about 1400. — France at the Accession op Louis XI. France at the Death of Louis XI. Burgundian Dominion of Charles thr Bold, 1477. Central Switzerland. Scene of the Swiss Struggle against Habsburg. The Rhine Countries, after 1543. The Netherlands as they came into possession of Philip II. The Four Rheni.sh Electorates. The Cleve I'ossessions. Lorraine and Bar. Germany Divided into Ten Circles. -Western Europe during the Six- teenth Century. Northeastern Italy, showing the Franco -Italian War. -Eastern Europe during the Sixteenth Century. The Ottoman Ascendency. -Europe in 1648. Peace of Westphalia. Scandinavian-Slavonic Wars under Charles X., XL, and XII. Southeastern Part of Lombardy. XLVI. — France. Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle, 1668. France. Peace of Nimwegen, 1678. XL VII. — Europe in 1713. Peace of Utrecht. Boundaries op Russia, Poland, and Turkey in 1713. Battle-fields op the Netherlands. XLVIII. — Europe in 1763. Peace of Huberts- burg. England, Scotland, and Ireland dur- ing THE Eighteenth Century. XLIX.— First Partition of Poland, 1772. Second Partition op Poland, 1793. Third Partition of Poland, 1795. Central and Northern Europe in 1795. L. — Battle-fields op Northern Ita],y, 1794 -1800. Bonaparte's Expedition to Egypt and Syria, 1798-1801. Europe in 1810. Age op Napoleon. LI. — Europe in 1816. Congress of Vienn.\.. Theatre of the Crimean War, 1854- 1855. Theatre op the Danish War, 1864. XLI.— I XLIL— ' XLIIL- XLIV.- XLV.- ^440T2 LIST OF MAPS. Plate LII. — Europe, 1866. Peace op Prague. The German Confederacy, 1S15-1866. LIII. — Seat of the War in Northern France, 1870-1871. Europe in 1871. LIV. — Eastern Europe in 1878. Treaty of Berlin. The Turco-Grecian Boundary. LV.— Traxs-Caspia, 1886. LVI. — Afghanistan, 1886. LVII. — English Settlements in India before Clive, 1750. Anglo-India after Clive's Departure, 1760. The Anglo-Indian Empire in 1886. LVII6.— The Western Alps. AMERICAN HISTORY. LVIII. — Discoveries and Early Settlements. LIX. — Cortes' March to Mexico. Early Explorers of the Atlantic Coast. Explorations of Hudson and Champlain. De Soto's March from Tampa Bay to the Mississippi. LX. — King James' Patent of 1606. Reorganization of the Plymouth Com- pany. LXI. — Various English Grants. LXII. — Foreign Claims, 1643. Foreign Claims, 1655. Plate LXIII. — Territory of the Present United States during the French-Indian Wars. LXIV. — Territory OF the Present United States AFTER February 10, 1763. Territory of the Present United States AFTER September 3, 1783. LXV. — Theatre of the Revolutionary War 1775-1783. LXVI. — Territory of the Thirteen Original States, 1783. Territory of the Present United Statek after February 1, 1801. LXVII. — Territory of the Present United State; AFTER April 30, 1803. Territory of the Present United States AFTER February 19, 1821. LXVIII. — Four Maps Illustrating the War of 1812. LXIX. — The Mexican War. LXX. — Territory of the Present United States after the Annexation of Texas in 1845 AND THE Oregon Country in 1846. LXXI.— Theatre of War in the United States, 1861-1865. LXXII. — Territorial Dependencies of the United States, 1900. Territory of the Present United States AFTER the Gladstone Purchase, 1853, AND Alaska, 1868. XI 3800 B.C. Plate I. CHALDAEAN ASCENDENCY IN WESTERN ASIA. ^ I I The Empire of Sargon... The beginnings of Kgypt 1 i V C)S ■15 'w^i,„w%,\j:> ■"""/O z 'VeiRa '^r a **■;•' i :^.^vt" ^ehenu I \n '■thland '■. iff/ is J/: lV\ V,.. 26- %^\i ^ '■» is r''^->ii? ^ '« "! m £kj^anto,ACa.taract't L/ruft J%,. -26 "»"■■'%, #V 'Cataract K'ataract -20 «„;;, 40 il |^»"WV)" ••■^"•rCA^w .3"* >»'»,,>v«.;'*»"W»' fe-< «!"*>W s» •%* SMi^iii! ■^•C"*"^ JJ \mf)im>* ;'"!>'i>l«''''' ^. ^■'"vrtC'^P^' ^. -^.., ..-■■Uil,.,uj,|,„ ■ ' KiAilSL ^ Cyrt e \t a >Ha t i s' -Seed iopolls e n t u Bl»SII»'>' ff.«y": -TVfo. 'Vi .>,i«- :^ap?!fe«'s s^^ .•'l\ i, THE ELAmTIC ASCENDENCY IJi WESTERN ASIA. ABOUT 2100 B.C. The Empire of Chetlr^-Jyirmier I ■::: — ^ ^S'W' unrfer (ie /^i Dynasiy. I I IlieTogJyjtTitc namet Cheta Cuneiform " ,„ ^Arbail BibVcai •' ._Hittites Classical 1. J'eJusium Jtlodern <• IHarran JPIioetiician lownt ^^™'ii'§. r*i' W %: 'SUfl^T'-W imiif Assury fs a\e a n ^l y^ ^^. Babylon r .^ n ^Uruk )^Susdn Susa Larsa r-j as- [TStMl^ pM6u I (AssuaB, .'.' ''\ Pyramids of Atu-Roftsb^ ' (iAnu i\5. \ .%,,... yS/ i%h4 1$ ^^0%^^ set up two pillars w ^ve^ ZT^^ ^^'^ Wack itl-J I 1 "- not tn „ """ ''^'^^^ that -^0 44xcept„.4 r^'^fj.'"''^^^ -^' ^"^°4ptcar„i^W*\^i>.>Porti„. '^'9*^ goats, A- asses. ■Karto Pyramids of GizehM "-, jj " %i'V/""'; , ...A-" i'j Pyramids of Atusir'Ji^ * «^ pyramids of Sakkara'* /, „ £>* *^ 1 Utfem p, V <»•«? Pyramids of Dasliur\V"'' ^ w J "<:f *5# j1 /'S 5 /^'y»' CT' :vi urn jii# ^^/ ^ .(*■■• ,\i'"'\ Crococih I amids of Medum^ ' ■!"''"s' J- !»'«/, ....."•r, '•■""% /Yl 4''V'"\% _z!l K i ! THE PYEA^IIDS AND THE '.AKE OF INUNDATIONS. i f%,>W^i z^- i^-* ■■* Copyright,1886,.b7 To>uiscoaMacCoua. atiullieis. Sei-vosa St CV., Engr'i acJ Pr's, ii, JV 1450 B.C. Plate III. The Asiatic Conquests of the 18th Dynasty. The Kossaean Con- quest of Babylonia. The rise of the first Assyrian Empire. The Assyrian Conquest of Subari. i. e. the West. The Phoenicians In the £. Basin of the Mediterranean. Hieroglyphic names Asebi Cuneiform, ** NJnua Biblical " .Hittites Classical " Iki.ma:iCliS Modern " _ JIaleb Phoenician towns Shlon JJiUites.. Ku.isata~ Elam _ Sumer,^ Assyria.. Copyright, 1886, by Townaend Mas;Couii. Siruthers, SenoM ^ Co., Engr'a uid Pr's, N.Y4 1S50 B.C. Plate IV. CopyriylUj /SS6, 'by Towiuttnd JilacCuuiU SlrulherB, Stirvosa & Co.. Eiigr's iiud Pr's, "N-T. 1000 B.C. Plate V. ABOUT 660 B. C. Plate VI. 560 B. C. PLATE VII. I S. 3 3 •?; O f^ S > S= d ■« « s; S' > l-rt^n- 1- > ii i ! >- FTER THE FALL OF AS GREATNESS OF BABYLON « : ; : zn §• i I • K) ^nnnnn ^ ULIULILJ ^ 660 B. C. PLATE VIII. 300 B. C. PLATE IX. A LigA 31 Co "^ GO <=! GO 02 444 B.C. 7/(/osp NX ^ Czcynnet? u. f ' / • I nil II I, ^ Olisan Tieaeum Pr, Artemisium. Pr. 0^ '^ '3'50' >.W V ... v.s/n. ivro^y.'*' .,,;.^-, ^^«^. -s Plate X. 24f20' iScandile EASTERN PART OF HELLAS AND PELOPONXESUS. 444 B.C. ^ ^"0^^% ^^> ^^ ^nus ■^■i 'o ^\^'^o^^ 4^ Qtiiiea J Prasiae ^6' ^ Anaggri ' I — ^ ^ -". c -', iv. iiplnttita/ ' "^ ■<^ O ■^z. 1 IJUelena I. ilul§ ..jHce GLrunt^rae .%~ ATHENAE Pa. ifiifni/ie* i^ri/tCTiOH. JE " £recftffceiim. Pr. " T*ropylaea. Gymnasium IIa 4^ia\ ii ^y :^^?r"7^^.^.. *itrutli*>ri, Senosfl J; Go./Engr's and IV s, N.Y. 500-333 B. C. PLATE XI. Siruthers, SeOOSSik Co., Eugr'a auj. Servowdi.Co^£D^i.»ad Pr'b^N.¥j PLAIE XIII. LATIUM AND ITS NEIGHBORS. THE IJEIGHBOEHOOD OF EOITE 100 A.D. Zucus Jovis rndigctis Castru7n /nm'^' titruthunt, ScrvosE ii Co., Eugr's ftud Pr'a, N.Y. 343—263 B. C. PLATE XIV. ITALY From the beginning of the Samnite Wars to the beginning of the Punic Wars. Maritime fortresses, or Burgess Colonies Eoad-fortresses, or Latin Colonies . 'J*ac7ii/iitn)t Put* IS 363—200 B. C. Plate XV. 200 B. C.-50 B. C. PLATE XYI. 100 A.D. Plats XVII. A. D. 369 A. D. Plate XVIII. NOTE: Celtic NaineSi Latin ^'anies. Old English, Modem Names. 116 A. D. PLATE XIX. IIOMAN EMPIRE Stmtheis, Strvwss Si Co., Eo^jr'a iud Pi' 292—375 A.D. Plate XX, DIVISION OF THE ROMAN EMPIEE BY DIOCLETIAN IN 292 A.D. THE ROMAN EMPIRE IN THE TIME OF VALENTINIAN I. 364—375. PraefectuTa Ga^l^onum « ._A..,.c.„A-.-t_. L,—,*^ ^J Jlaliae.l L..± ' » I » ' ■-. I " /, ll\l/r\.cu't?l.^..^.}.^. . S:. n \^ Chartres ;'an: •r^?r-5f FRANCE AT THE DEATH OF CHARLES V. IN 1380. ^,_^AuvergneV \ ft;-; '^ 1^ A V A ^ ^ CuAors Jludez ^ — ^k f^V Armagnac A T, a Tl,«^,,. o x: ^^'~^^l<, iRoussillgn A G A' ^ ^ ^^ A Sinope Heraldeia SU/omecleia Samos Motlu EASTERN EUROPE 1356 Afii^; \ y\ d> , ■S^;. "^°r Vkhodks Strutlieiy. Servoss & Co.. Eo^r's and Tr'p ^.V. ISth AND 14tli CENTURIES Plate XXXVII. 1415—1485 A. D. Plate XXXVIII FRANCE During the Second Euglislv Invasion. 1415-1453. •fee./' 1400 A. D. PLATE XXXIX. 1461—1483 A. D. Plate XL. T ^ ' aunes •JSl-. ••■ Cmjh, F R A ]N C E At the accession of Louis XI. in 1461. Possessions of the House of Biirgundy.V^iLi Gzy 45 Hon) « \---^\/~\ ie ^!!/ ( .•-■■■ / ■^'■nigLc\^""''""' /^ ® Tarbes /.-f^\-$,,l.Mi'^' » i§ ^ jj.ro C^, ^y^ < Alio'" v/c,, y I V iL,^_?v P i c a r d yjf. x -^ J'annes g> j' ■issons Qj Reims'^ ^ irChak fe G.= N Chhtna \^ ff Maine ' — • "^ oj^rui/e' > , ;',y-,K /i J/u» i Cu., Enijr-, ;iiij Pi's, N.V. 1543 A.D. THE RHINE COUNTRIES AFTER 1543. The Netherlands as they came into the pos- session of Philip II in ISS6 t 1 THE FOUR RHENISH ELECTORATES: Archbishopric of Cologne. | | " Treves. r \ " " Mayence I I " " Palatinate.^ I I The Cleve Possessions.. __ | [ Lorraine and Bar. _ ^I'p, ■ I French Bar. [ | Jfarquisate of Baden \' ' \ French Boundary Plate XLTI. n TIa./i JliMirn ITaarlan •^'^^~-^ -I mslerd 7 / '^ .Ley den . ^ uti-: ■v*, V.&nt 7~f Wriesland/ EX) n i n K eiT? ( Grmiiiijeii? jleUigerhc ' Jeinmingen OldenOuryZ'^ Arclibisliopric of Bremen la n d \ / ^. ^Bremen — 63 ^"^ifis. ph. Goudu Cte, Bishopric ^f,r I ^"N^I V'X '^ f ^^ -''stri^.l ind' •.JVieuport Gravelines J "W ^-Ai^res:<:^ \ A (1^ ^utende Bruges X SV Antivcrp TkerotLanne^ ■^^ X'_'-^ y\ Brussels ^ 03 S \P\i t .Arras''— ^"-^ ^ L' '^"\ -„ '^ '- ' S \ •-.\Liapaame '\ 2-'j W_ / \ 3 ' ^ Camliray i »^U/.^ ^A> ^H ' \ ^'C'^leau Cainhresis ' '^ \ ,, >?,.—■ '-y^( \ \ , _ ,-' ^'■'y™^ Zaon o V Compiegne I Chateau Clernwnt^ ^Wamn <«••.. .XK '\^ Colpg-n •^'-^ \ O '--^■' ■ Upr.Paderbom - S • --— --> »■. -^ ■0- --■^ \\f ,''s Xuxendiurg ^ JM, .St.I^enis Chateau Thierry^ ^r '''»(<« St. Cloud -Loi jijumeau cf r,Melun ■td'^ ^\^" JVoocnC y ■^Ckalons { \Bar-Je-duc I .•^'r Treves I Dagsiuhl CI :,V(A,/ StJ)ii \ cLssy ^ 10 7:1^ V^? rF ) '■?. -' s. » '-"fati-a 611 ■u.. Silesi^ ^- -50 Xangrea / '•' '''^ Con n S- GERMANY DIVIDED INTO 10 CIRCLES lurs«'^' K S ^v i f Besan^on Ihniar \ B u r g u n / Foliyny \ \ o \Lons la Saunier ^.A^ancj ^- JVornis r Franlfort 9 \Sd •----:> Spires fJl^°'^^^^"^.. I.ilil'i'.*''" t49- Strasburg 'j •\:: Renitrempit ''A^j \a-_y- /; S; Suudgau ■vS -oFreiia'!/ Uua^" P^V' adteZ ^ .'-' W i r t e 111 b e r ^Sch'afJiu Constanz Idshul -.Zurich Breniyari ijiappei siveil' 3 ° Se>iii>aeh Xuceni c &3 ta n * ^ ^ e & 53 ?d o ^ o ^ 09 , V»»-"S, PLATE XLVTI. o W ^^^^^ ^ V Mi A N . i>^-t S e '\W tei fe w s A > a 1 / a« isai ^ (W ] ,if»: ■' ^ 'A f ;: B- a / '■ ^• ^ c a- tL 1 8-n,' ^ • ^5 t Ob "■^^^ > .fe^" — ' --\r ^ r^' ^r^-^ 1^ H \ C v> . V ^p? \ / V Ifoi .% Cl % '*■ W ■^•^ is H ^ W a^ ->s. t^ t-i ■S^ b- ^ SVi "^ ^).*^S' ..-' ■«>-- ^ Q tf. ->x^ 30^ ^ -^ -^ 1^^ a 'ar Unia »a? ^ do 02 l«^ "O t. r4..^,9^ 1 f^ ft^ \ H H a^> %''^ ;1 » ■^ 1763 A. D. PLATE XLVIII. I t 1772—1795 A. D. Plate XLIX. 1810 A. D. PLATE L. ffaa 1816—1864 A. D. PLATE LI. □BinnDODn 1866 A. D. PLATE LIT. 1871 A. D. PLATE LTTT, 1878 A.D. Plate LIV. ,a V'^^ssa Struthers, Senwss &c Cw., Ei.gr's ojjd IV ty N.y. A-^ 1886 A.D. Plate LV. Plate LVI. 1886 A.D. Plate LVII. ..AXGLO-IXDIA AFTER CLIVE'S DEPARTURE. 1760 A.D. Stnithere, Senou li Co., E&gr's ud iVa, >.]f. Plate LVIIb. 1492—1620 A. D. PLATE LVIII. Sirufhers Senoss ii Cq,, Eo^r'tt^b^ £r!i>, J^.X 1492—1620 A.D. Plate LIX. ^at druthers, ^arvtxsi Si Co., £tij;r'8 np-d Pr'^, N.V. 1606—1620 A. D. KING JAMES' PATENT OP IfiOG DIVIDING VIRGINIA INTO TWO PARTS. Tkc Ptymuuth Company TU London Company 80 REORGANIZATION OP THE PLYMOUTH COMPANY IN 1620, AS THE COUNCIL OF PLYMOUTH FOR NEW ENGLAND. 1625—1733 A.D. Plate LXI. YAEIOUS ENGLISH GRANTS. Massach usetis Bay contains after i69i- Plyniouthf Massachusetts Bay^ MainCf and Nova Scotia - d New Hampshire after i69S .^£1! New York after JGG4 _ J^ Nova Caesar ea or New Jersey - I J Pennsylvania ^|LZ__3J Maryland I [ Virginia - - ' — Carolina _ '< ' "^ I Georyia - i f 1 1 KtrutlitiB, Sei-viwi & Cv., Engr'ti iii.ii I'l'-v >'■ V. 1643 A.D. 1655 A.D. Plate LXII iJtruilien^ li.:rvoarri Co., Eiigr's and Pr's. N.V. 1755—1763 A.D. Plate LXIII 36- ■^4 :r /f NEIGHBORHOOD OF QUEBEC. THE COUNTRY EAST OF THE MISSISSIPPI DURING THE FRENCH-INDIAN WAR. 1735—1763. 1763-1783 A.D. Plate LXIV.. United Stales KtxgUsh ^xa f" ,,T^ Spanish p09* C Orfyrnt country. StiuUien,.Serv| Unff'a anil i'r's, NiY* 1861-1865 A.D. Plate LXXI. THEATRE OF WAR IN THE UNITED STATES. 1861—1805 COLUMBUS O /wheeVingI' e ^n; ..N..oe««y.*«'?-.:;/'V\ Vmingtm .Fisher \ Charleston V ^ '>^^^^ ^==^■1 ^mt?,3r7eans \, <^ <-,*^ ;&^u^^'n£i The Railroad cojinecting the East and Westoffhe Confederacy _,■ '^lUitary line for the protection, of the Atlantic and 3Iississippi Jtailroad «■••• C.S^i. boundary _ _ \ \ 5 t— (• "^y^ ^9 W w. KiS^ 1 M ^^^y§ 1 "%>.''-3'"*- . I a' -r F a a:!^ .^SA "^■D-, i^ 1900. PLATE LXXH. Territorial Dependencies of the United States. 8JRMAY &. CO.,ENGR'S.N.Y. 1853-1900. ' U M ^'db \ Mary, The Perfect Mother and the Christ Child. (A true illustration of the ideas set forth in Chapter XII, Pre-Natal Culture.) "Mary had already partially educated her child as He had lived undei her heart, and now, as He went to sleep upon it, she must have sung to Him song-s such only as she learned in heavenly music." \ / ' L> M ^OD . UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UBRARY