/^t-(p Jc on 7/. n I CONCORD TOWN RECORDS I732-182O Printed by authokitv of Joint Resolutions passed BY THE City Council April 9, 1889, AND February 13, 1894 CONCORD, N. H. THE REPUBT.ICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION I S94 PREFACE. In March, 1889, the city council appropriated $500 to publish the Old Town Records of Concord, and in March, 1891, appropriated an additional $250 for the same object. A joint resolution was passed April 9, 1889, "providing for a committee to supervise the publication of the Old Town Records," which committee was appointed July 9, fol- lowing. More than a year later the records of the legal meetings con- tained in the first volume of the Town Records were copied by John C. Ordway, Esq., and made the first 104 pages of this printed volume. Nothing more was accomplished until 1893, when a joint committee was appointed to consider the subject of publishing the Town Records. After considering it fully the committee unanimously reported to the city council, February 13, 1894, in favor of continuing the copying of the records down to and including the year 1800, and of printing the records the present year, which report was adopted unanimously. At the same meeting Alderman Henry W. Stevens and Councilman John A. Blackwood were appointed to act with Mayor Cogswell as a commit- tee to supervise the publication of the old Town Records. The com- mittee employed Miss Isabel S. Dana to copy the records in the second volume down to and including the year 1800, and by a subsequent vote, down to and including the year 1820, which completed the second volume. The records of the first volume are not in chronological order, but the committee did not think it best to change them in any respect, and they are printed in the order in which they were recorded. The ab- breviations, orthography, and punctuation are accurately copied, except that periods are substituted for pen flourishes at the end of paragraphs in some of the earlier records. The long s is used wherever it occurs in all the records. The first volume closes abruptly, giving only part of the proceedings of the annual meeting held March 29, 1749. This was in consequence of the " Bow controversy," during which there are no records of any town meetings, Rumford being deprived of its town privileges. The remaining pages of the first volume contain miscella- IV PREFACE. neons records l)y several town clerks from 1748 to 1831. The pro- ceedings of a meeting of freeholders and inhabitants, held after the transaction of the business of the annual meeting, March 4, 1777; of a meeting held March 4, 1783 ; and also of a meeting held May 22, 1777, to carry into execution an act regulating the prices of sundry articles, passed in the state April 10, 1777, and the report of the committee then appointed, are printed in chronological order with the proceedings of legal meetings. The other records consisting of sheep marks entered from 1770 to 1831 ; of licensed innkeepers and taverners ; of licensed retailers of wines and spiritous liquors ; of marriages by Rev. Timothy Walker, and of intentions of marriage posted on the meet- ing-house door ; of animals impounded and of money found ; and the first perambulation of the lines of the township of Rumford, are given, partly condensed, in an appendix. The second volume of records begins with the act of incorporation of Concord in 1765, and continues the town meetings uninterruptedly from January, 1766. The proceedings of the annual meetings are given fully, accompanied by returns of the roads laid out by the select- men, and altered or exchanged by vote of the town. Interesting and valuable letters and reports, incorporated in the records, are printed in the same relation in which they appear in the written records. The records of the early settlers of Concord are submitted to their descend- ants in the hope that they will carefully peruse and profit by them. PUBLICATION COMMITTEE. THE TOWN RECORDS. Penny Cook January y^ 8^^ 1732. The Inhabitants of the Plantation of Penny Cook are hereby notified to Afsemble and Convene at the Meeting House in Penny Cook on the Eleventh Day Notification of this Inftant January at Nine of the Clock in the Fore Noon, then and there to choose a Town Clerk Select Men and Conftables and all other ordinary Town Officers which Officers when chosen are to stand to the Anniverfary Meeting in March next. Benj^Rolte by Order of the General Court. A true Copy Exam-^ "^ Benj=^ Rolfe Town Clerk. Essex fs Penny Cook January y^ 11*^ Day 1732 By Virtue of an Order from the General Court I ^fpre?e°ding have notified the Inhabitants of the Plantation of'Notiflcation Penny Cook of the within mentioned Meeting by set- ting up the within Notification at the Meeting House Door in Penny Cook Benj» Rolfe A true Copy Exam^J Benja Rolfe Clerk. At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Plan-^^g^^^" tation of Penny Cook on the Eleventh Day of January ^732/3 Capt. Ebenezer Eastman was chosen Mod- erator. Benjamin Rolfe was chosen Clerk. For Select Men were chosen Capt. Ebenezer East- man, Deacon John Merrill and Mr. Edward Abbot. 2 CONCORD Voted. That Mr. Nathaniel Abbot be Conftable. Voted. That Cap* Ebenezer Eastman, Deacon John Merrill and M"^ Edward Abbot be Afsefsors. Voted. That M^ Nathaniel Abbot be Collector Voted. That M^ Richard Hefeltine and M^ Ebe- nezer Virgin be Surveyors of High Ways. Voted. That Enfign Jeremiah Stickny and Lieut John Chandler be Ty thing Men. Voted. That Mr. David Kimball be a Sealer of Leather. Voted. That M' Jofeph Hall and M' Isaac Foster be Hogreves. Voted. That Lieut. John Chandler be Town Treas- urer. Voted. That M' Aaron Stevens and M' James Farnum be Fence Viewers. Voted. That M' James Farnum & M^ Jofeph East- man be Field drivers. Attest. Benj'-' Rolfe, Clerk, A true Copy Exam^ "^ Benf Rolfe Clerk. To M' Nathaniel Abbot Conftable for the Plantation of Penny Cook. Warrant You are hereb}^ required in his Majesties Name to Meeting notify the Inhabitants and Freeholders of the Plan- tation of Penny Cook to Afsemble and Meet at the Meeting House in Penny Cook on the Eleventh Day of January 1732/3, at Three of the Clock in the After- noon, then and there to raise Money for the Support of the Rev*^ Timothy Walker and to Defrey Defrey the necefsary Tow^n Charge. Dated in Penny Cook January y® ii'^^ 1732/3. Ebenezer Eastman ^01 John Merrill > ^^ Edward Abbot ) ^^^" A true Copy Exam^^ ^ Benj^ Rolfe Clerk. By Virtue of the within Warrant I have notified the Inhabitants and Freeholders to meet at time and Place TOWN RECORDS. 3 within mentioned by setting up a Notification at the Return Meeting House in Penny Cook exprefsing the Oc- Preceding r- ^u r J ■ r o Warrant. cal ion thereof. Penny Cook January the ii*'^ 1732/3 Nathaniel Abbot Conftable for Penny Cook A true Copy Exam'i f Benj'* Rolfe Clerk. By Virtue of a Warrant from the Select Men of the Notification Plantation of Penny Cook These are to Notify the In- habitants and Freeholders of the Plantation of Penny Cook to Afsemble and Meet at the Meeting House in Penny Cook on the Eleventh Day of January 1732/3. at Three of the Clock in the After Noon then and there to raise Money for the Support of the Rev*^ M' Timothy Walker and other necefsar}- Charges of the Town Dated at Penny Cook the 11^^ of January 1732/ 3. Nathaniel Abbot Conftable for Penny Cook. A true Copy Examd f Benja Rolfe Clerk. At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants and Free- Jan 11 holders of Penny Cook on the ii"" of January 1732/ 3, at Three of the Clock in the After Noon Lieu* John Chandler was chosen Moderator for the Prefent Meet- ing. Voted. That One Hundred and Ten Pounds be raised for the Support of the Rev*^ M" Timothy Walker Voted. That One Hundred Pounds be raised for defraying the necefsary charges of the Town or Plantation. Attest BenJ'* Rolfe Clerk. A true Copy Exam*^ f Beni« Rolfe Clerk. 4 CONCORD To M' Nathaniel Abbot Conftable for Penny Cook. These are to notify the Inhabitants of the Town or Plantation of Penny Cook to afsemble and meet at the Meeting House in said Plantation on Tuesday the Sixth Da}^ of March next enfuing at Nine of the Clock in the Fore Noon, then and there to choose a Town Clerk Select Men and all other Town Officers as Shall be necefsary or that the Law directs unto. 2ndiy tQ raise Money for the Support of the Rev** M' Timothy Walker for the year enfuing to see if y® town will raise Money for mending High Ways & defray other necefsary Charges. Thirdly to Choose a Committee to adjust the Accounts with any Perfons that shall have any against the Town or Proprietors. Fourthl3S to see whether the town or Inhabitants will allow any thing towards the Defraying of School Charges for time past and to come for the Year enfuing. Fifthly, to see what the Town will allow for the Killing of Wolves. Sixthly, to see what the Town will allow for the Killing of Rattlefnakes. Seventhly, to see what the Town will allow to the Killing of Hawks, Crows and Black birds Eighthly to see if the Town will shut up Hogs or let them go at large. Ninthly, to see what the Town will allow the Collector for the gathering of the Money in the Year past. Feb- ruary the 14"* 1732/3. by Order of the Select Men of Penny Cook Ebenezer Eastman ^01 . John Merrill i ^j^^^ Edward Abbot ) A true Copy Exam-i ^ Benj^ Rolfe Clerk TOWN RECORDS. 5 By Virtue of this Warrant I have notified the Inhab- itants of Penny Cook to meet at the Meeting House in Penny Cook on March the Sixth Day 1732/3 then and there to choose a Town Clerk and other Officers as the Law directs. Nath' Abbot Conftable A true Copy Exami "^ Benf Rolfe Clerk. Penny Cook March y® 6"^ 1732/3.. Capt. Ebenezer Eastman was chosen at the Annual Meeting Moderator Timothy Clement was then chosen and Sworn as Town Clerk for the Year Enfuing. Capt. Eastman was chosen for Select Man for the Year Enfuing. 2'y John Chandler Third Select Man Jeremiah Stickny 4*'^ Select Man Jofeph Eastman, Edward Abbot the 5"* Select Man. The Meeting being adjourned by the Voice and Vote of the People for the Space of an Hour Conftable Abraham Colb}'. Surveyors of High Ways Jeremiah Stickny John Mer- rill John Russ. Tything Men William Barker, David Kimball. Leather Sealer, David Kimball Fence Viewers, Jofeph Hall, Samuel Pudney David Barker, Isaac Foster Hogreves, George Abbot, Jofeph Davis, Richard Urann Field Drivers. Jacob Shute, Jofeph Eastman Aaron Stevens, Ebenezer Virgin, Timothy Clement, John Rufs. Voted, for the Support of M' Walker One Hundred and Five Pounds Voted, for y® defraying of necefsar}^ Charges Two Hundred Pounds. Voted That the Prefent Select Men be a Committee to reckon and adjust the Account with any Perfon or Perfons that shall have any against the Town or Proprietors for the Time past and the Year Enfuing Voted. That there should be Twenty Shillings paid for the Encouragement of Killinof of Wolves for the Year enfuing within the Townfhip. O CONCORD Voted. That there should be Six Pence paid for the Encouragement of killing of Rattle Snakes within this Tovvnf hip for the Year enfuing, provided that the Def- troyer of Such Snakes Shall bring in a black Joynt of the Tail or with the Tail to the Select Men or any of them P A Penny voted for the Encouragement of killing of Black Birds, within this Township for the Year enfu- ing the Head being brought to the Select Men or any of them and burnt. Voted, that M' Nathaniel Abbot should have Forty Shillings for the gathering of the last Years Rate or Taxes by him collected. Chosen for Town Treafurer for the Year enfuing Lieut. John Chandler A true Copy Exam-^ ^ Benj^ Rolfe Town Clerk Notice is hereby given to the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Rumford lawfully Qualified. to vote to Meet and Assemble at the Meeting House in Rumford on Monday the Eleventh Day of this Instant March at Two of the Clock in the After Noon then and there to choose a Town Clerk, Select Men, and Con- ftable and all other Town Officers as the Law directs. also to allow of any High Way or Ways which the Select Men have laid out in the Townfhip of said Rum- ford, alfo to shut up or discontinue any High Way or Ways which shall be thought proper or to exchange any Ways that shall be thought best and to do such other things as may be thought proper for the Interest of the Inhabitants of said Townfhip. Dated at Rumford y^ 8'^ of March 1733/4. By Order of the General Court Benj-'* Rolfe A true Copy exam-^ ^ Benj^ Rolfe Clerk Essex fs.- By virtue of an Order from the General Court I have notified the Freeholders and the Inhab- itants of the Town of Rumford of the within men- TOWN RECORDS. 7 tioned Meeting by placing this Notification up at the Meeting House Door in Rumford Two publick Days before the within mentioned Meeting Dated at Rumford March y« ii**' Day 1733/4 Benjamin Rolfe A true Copy Exam'i ^ Benj^ Rolfe Clerk At a Legall Meeting of the Inhabitants and Free- holders of the Town of Rumford on March y^ 11"' Day 1733/4- Capt. Ebenezer Eastman was chosen Moderator Ben- jamin Rolfe was chosen Town Clerk For Select Men were chose Capt. Ebenezer Eastman ; Benjamin Rolfe and Deacon Ephraim Farnum Voted, That Abraham Bradley be Conftable Voted. That the Select Men be Afsefsors For Surveyers of High Ways were chosen Enfign Jeremiah Stickney, Ebenezer Virgin, Daniel Chase and John Webfter Voted, That Edward Abbot & John Rufs and Rich- ard Hefeltine be Ty thing Men. Voted, That Aaron Stevens, James Ofgood, James Farnum and William Barker and Ebenezer Virgin be Fence Viewers. Voted, That David Kimball be a Sealer of Leather Voted That Lieut. John Chandler be Town Treaf- urer Voted, That James Ofgood and Samuel Pudney and Jeremiah Dreiser and Aaron Stevens be Field Drivers. Voted. That Jacob Shute, David Barker and Na- thaniel Abbott be Hogreves. Voted. That Nathaniel Abbot be Pound Keeper. Voted. That the Select Men be impowred to provide a School so far as the Money voted shall go. Voted. That the Way which the Select Men have laid out from the Eleven Lot Bridge and so through the Eleven Lots and from thence to the Bend of the River be a High Way for the Town of Rumford Voted. That the Proprietors of the Eleven Lots may shut up the High Way by the River against the 8 CONCORD Eleven Lots when the High Way is opened through the Said Lots. Voted. That the Hogs in the Town of Rumford be not allowed to go at large but be shut up in Inclofures for the Year enfuing Attest Benj* Rolfe Clerk A true Copy Exam'^ ^ Benj^ Rolfe Clerk To Mr Abraham Bradley Conftable for the Town of Rumford. You are hereby required in his Majesties Name to notify as the Law directs the Inhabitants and Free- holders of the Town of Rumford Qualified to voted in Town Affairs to Afsemble and Meet at the Meeting House in Rumford on Monday the Twenty Seventh Day of May Currant at Five of the Clock in the After Noon then and there to choose a Man to Petition the General Court to order how the Town Charge shall be defrayed or the Town Rates shall be made, alfo to choose a Committee to examine and adjust the Ac- compts which an}^ Perfon or Perfons hath with or againft the Inhabitants or Freeholders of the Town of Rumford and to give Order to the Town Treafurer of Rumford for the Payment of what shall be found due to said Perfon or Perfons alfo to order the said Committee to examine and see what the several Col- lectors which have been chosen for this Town or the Plantation of Penny Cook are in Arrears, alfo to see what the Town will allow for the Killing of Wolves Wild Cats, Black birds, Cattamounts & Rattle Snakes within this Townfhip for the Year 1734, and make return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Subfcribers at or before the said Meeting, Dated at Rumford the Twentieth Day of May 1734. Ebenezer Eastman ) Select JNIen Benjamin Rolfe ) for Rumford A true Copy " Exam^ ^ Benj» Rolfe Clerk. By Virtue of a Warrant from the Select Men of the Town of Rumford, these are to notify the Inhabitants TOWN RECORDS. 9 and Freeholders of the Town of Rumford Qualified to vote in Town affairs to Afsemble and Meet at the Meeting House in Rumford on Monday the Twenty Seventh Day of May Currant at Five of the Clock in the After Noon Then and there to choose a Man to Petition the General Court to order how the Town Charge shall be defrayed or the Town Rates shall be made, alfo to choose a Committee to examine and adjust the Accompts which any Perfon or Perfons hath with or againft the Inhabitants or Freeholders of the Town of Rumford and to give Order to the Town Treaf- urer of Rumford for the Payment of what shall be found due to said Perfon or Perfons alfo to order the said Committee to examine and see what the Several Collect- ors which have been chosen for this Town or Plantation of Penny Cook are in Arrears, alfo to see what the Town will allow for the Killing of Wolves, Wild Cats, Black Birds, Cattamounts and Rattle Snakes, within this Townfhip for the Year 1734. Dated at Rumford the Twentieth Day of May 1734. Abraham Bradley Conftable for Rumford A true Copy Exam"* f Benf Rolfe Clerk At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants and Freeholders of the Town of Rumford on Monday the 27"^ of May 1734. Mr. Nathaniel Abbot was chosen Moderator Voted. That Enfign Jeremiah Stickney and Benj'' Rolfe and Mr. Edward Abbot and ISP Nathaniel Abbot and M"^ James Ofgood be a Committee to examine and adjust the Accompts which any Perfon or Perfons hath with or against the Inhabitants and Freeholders of the Town of Rumford and to give Order to the Town Treaf- urer of Rumford for the Payment of what shall be found due to said Perfon or Perfons and to examine and see what the Several Collectors' which have been chosen for this Town or the Plantation of Penny Cook are in Arrears. Voted That there be paid out of the Town Treafury of Rumford for each grown Wolf which shall be Killed lO CONCORD within this Townfhip in the year 1734 the sum of Twenty Shillings Voted. That One Shilling be paid for each Rattle Snake which shall be killed within this Townfhip in the Year 1734. Attest Benf Rolfe Clerk. A true Copy Exam** ^ Benj^ Rolfe Clerk. To Abraham Bradley Conftable for the Town of Rum- ford You are hereby required in his Majesties Name to notify the Inhabitants and Freeholders of the Town of Rumford to Afsemble and Meet at the Meeting House in said Rumford on the Fourteenth Day of November Currant at Four of the Clock in the After Noon then and there to choose a Man to Petition the General Court for to have an Order of Said Court for the raising of Money for defreying the Minifterial Charge and the other Charges of this Town for this Year and during the Courts Pleafure and make return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to us the Subfcribers at or before the said Meeting. Dated at Rumford the First Day of November 1734. Ebenezer Eastman ") o i ^ tv/t r -D -n -n ir /Select Men lor Benf Rolfe > o r j T-, , -' . -c, V Rumlord. Ephraim l^arnum ) A true Copy Exam-^ f Benj'-^ Rolfe Clerk Essex, fs, By Virtue of the within Warrant I have notified the Inhabitants & Freeholders of the Town of Rumford of the within mentioned Meeting by placing a Notification of said Meeting and the Cause thereof at the Meeting House Door in Rumford Seven Da3's before the said Meeting. Dated at Rumford the 14"" Day of November, 1734. Abraham Bradley Conftable for Rumford A true Copy Exam'* ^ Benj'' Rolfe Clerk. TOWN RECORDS. II These are to notify the Inhabitants and Freeholders of the Town of Rumford to Afsemble and Meet at the Meeting House in said Rumford on the Fourteenth Day of November Currant at Four of the Clock in the After Noon, then and there to choose a man to Petition the General Court for an Order of said Court for raising of Money for the Defreying the Minifterial Charge and the other Charges of this town for this Year and during the Courts Pleafure. Rumford November the 6"' 1734. By virtue of a Warrant from the Select Men of Rum- ford Abraham Bradley, Conftable A true Copy Exam-^ f Benj» Rolfe Clerk At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants and Freeholders of the Town of Rumford on the 14'" Day of November ^734- Voted, That Enfign Jeremiah Stickny be Moderator of this Prefent Meeting. Voted, That Capt. Ebenezer Eastman and Henry Rolfe Esq^ be chosen to Petition the General Court for an Order of said Court for raising of Money for defrey- ing the Minifterial Charge and the Other Charges of this Town for this Year and during the Courts Pleafure. Attest Benj'* Rolfe Clerk. A true Copy Exam"' y Benj* Rolfe Clerk To Abraham Bradley Conftable for the Town of Rum- ford. You are hereby required in his Majesties Name to notif}' as the Law directs the Inhabitants and Free- holders of the Town of Rumford to Assemble and meet at the Meeting House in Said Rumford on Thursday the 26"' Day of December Currant at One of the Clock in the After Noon then and there to raise such sum or sums of Money as shall be thought necefsary for the defreying 12 CONCORD the Minilterial Charge and other necefsary Charges of said Town of Rum ford for the Year Currant, alfo to choose a Man to afk and receive of John Wainwright Esq' the Clerk of the Honorable Committee of the Great and General Court appointed to bring forward the Settlement of this Township the Book of the Proceedings of Said Committee and all the other Papers belonging to the Town and Proprietors and upon the Receipt thereof to give the said John Wainwright Esq', a full and clear dis- charge of and for the said Book and Papers in the Name and behalf of the said Town of Rumford and alfo to order the Tow^n Treafurer to pay the Order the Towns Committee hath draw^n on him to pa}^ M' Clement and make return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Subfcribers at or before the said Meeting Dated at Rumford aforesaid the 2^^ Day of December 1734- Ebenezer Eastman ^Select Men Ephraim Farnum > for Benj** Rolfe } Rumford. A true Copy Exam<^ f Benf Rolfe Clerk Essex fs. Rumford December y® 26"" 1734 By Virtue of the within Warrant I have notified the Inhabitants and Freeholders of the Town of Rumford of the within mentioned Meeting by Seafonable telling of them of the Same Abraham Bradley Conftable for Rumford. At a Meeting of the Inhabitants and Freeholders of the Town of Rumford regularly afsembled at the Meet- ing House in said Rumford on the 26"" Day of December 1734' Voted, That Cap' Ebenezer Eastman be Moderator Voted, That about One Hundred and Ten Pounds be raised on the Poles and Land within this Townfhip for defraying the Minifterial and School Charge and the other necefsary Charges of this Town for the Year Cur- rant Voted, That Benjamin Rolfe Esq' Town Clerk be defired to afk and receive of John Wainwright Efq' the TOWN RECORDS. I3 Clerk of the Honourable Committee of the great and Gen- eral Court appointed to bring Forward the Settlement of the Townfhip, the Book of the Proceedings of the said Committee and all the other Papers belonging to the Town and Proprietors, and on Receipt thereof the said Benjamin Rolfe Efq' the Town Clerk is hereby authoriz- ed and impoured to give the said John Wainwright Efq' a full and clear discharge of and for the said Book and Papers in the Name and behalf of the said Town of Rumford. Attest Benj* Rolfe Clerk. A true Copy Exam"^ f Benj** Rolfe Clerk To Abraham Colby Conftable for Penny Cook You are hereb}^ required to notify the Inhabitants and Freeholders of the Plantation of Penny Cook to Afsem- ble and meet at the Meeting House of Penny Cook on Wednefday the Fifth Day of December next at One of the Clock in the After Noon, then and there to allow the Select Men then and there to allow the Select Men to draw Such Sum or Sums of Money out of the Town Treafury for the Supplying the Plantation with Ammunition as shall be thought Proper by the Inhabitants and Free- holders and Freeholders and alfo to Order the Select Men to draw Such Sum or Sums of Money out of the Town Treafury for any Perfon or Perfons which the Select Men shall find the Inhabitants and Freeholders are justly indebted to, and alfo to vote what Money shall be laid out for Schooling the Year enfuing, and alfo to order or choose Some Perfon or Perfons to get a Town Book or Books for the Inhabitants and make return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Subfcribers Before the said Meeting Dated at Penny Cook the 29*'' Day of November 1733. Ebenezer Eastman " John Chandler Select Men Jeremiah Stickny )> for Jofeph Eastman Rumford Edward Abbot A true Copy Exam-* "^ Benj* Rolfe Clerk 14 CONCORD December y® 3"^ 1733' then by virtue of this within written Inftrument I have notifyed the Freeholders and Inhabitants according as the Law directs as witnefs Abraham Colby Conftable of Penny Cook A true Copy Exam'' f Benj^ Rolfe Clerk Penny Cook December y® 5'" 1733. At a Meeting held on Wednefday the 5'^ day of Dec- ember 1733, then Capt. Ebenezer Eastman was chosen Moderator. Voted, That there should be Thirty Pounds drawn out of the Town Treafury for to bu}' Ammunition for the Use of the Inhabitants and Freeholders of this Plant- ation Voted. That the Select Men Should draw Money out of the Treafury to pay any Perfon or Perfons that the Inhabitants or Freeholders are justly indebted to in time past or to come until the first Day of March next enfu- ing Voted, That there should be Sixteen Pounds drawn out of the Town Treafury for to pay a School for this prefent Winter and Spring following Voted. That the Select Men shall find Books for the Use of the Inhabitants and Freeholders of this Town or Plantation on the Town^ Cost so far as they shall think necefsar}'^. A true Copy Exam'' f Benf Rolfe Clerk. To Abraham Colby Conftable for Penny Cook You are hereby required in his Majesties Name to notify the Inhabitants and freeholders of Penny Cook as the Law directs to afsemble and meet at the Meeting House in said Penny Cook on Wednefday the Sixteenth Day of January Currant at One of the Clock in the After Noon, then and there to choose a Man or Men to go to the General Court to Petition said Court to make said Penny TOWN RECORDS. 1 5 Cook a Town and for any other thing which the said Man or Men shall think for the Benefit of said Penny Cook, alfo to make such Grant of Such Sum or Sums of Money for the Rev*^ M' Timothy Walker as shall be thought proper by said Inhabitants and Freeholders, to enable said Walker to build him a Dwelling House as well as to pay said Walker what is behind of his Salary for the time past by reafon of the Moneys not being of the Same value as it was when he first Settled at Penny Cook, and make return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Subfcribers before the said Meet- ing. Dated at Penny Cook the Fourteenth Day of January 1733/4- John Chandler ^Select Men Jeremiah Stickney > for Edward Abbot ) Penny Cook. A true Copy Exam Rolfe Clerk. By virtue of this Warrant I have notified the Inhabit- ants and Freeholders of Penny Cook according to Law Abraham Colby Conftable of Penny Cook A true Copy Exam"^ f Benf Rolfe Clerk. At a Meeting held on Wednefday the 16"^ of this Inftant Januar}^ i733- Capt. Eastman was chosen Moderator Voted. That there should be Fifty Pounds given to M' Timothy Walker for building of him a Dwelling House in Penny Cook provided that he gives the Inhab- itants and Freeholders a Receipt that he has received in full for his Salar}'' in times past until this Day for the Decay of Money it not being equal to Silver at Seventeen Shillings the Ounce A true Copy Exam" f Benj^ Rolfe Clerk. l6 CONCORD To M' Abraham Bradley Conftable for the Town of Rumford. You are hereby required in his Majesties Name to notify the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Rumford Qualified to vote in Town Affairs to Afsemble and Meet at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Tuefday the Eleventh Day of March next at Nine of the Clock in the Forenoon Then and there to choose a Town Clerk, Select Men, Afsefsors, Conftable, Col- lector and Surveyer of Flax and Hemp and all other Ordinary Town officers, alfo to let out the School Lot or Lotts for the Year ensuing, alfo to Order how the sev- eral Perfons that have worked at the High Ways in the Year Currant shall be paid, alfo to see whether the Hogs may go at large within this Township in the Year 1735. alfo to raise Money for the Defreying the Minis- terial and other necefsary Charges of the Town for the Year 1735. alfo to order how the high Ways within this Township shall be mended in the Year 1735. alfo to see if the Town will repair the Old Ferry Boat or build a New One for carrying Perfons over the River against Virgins, alfo to see what the Town will allow for the Killing of Wolves, Black birds and Rattle Snakes within this Townfhip for the Year 1735. alfo to see if the Town will be at any Charge to find out a Better Road from Sun Cook to Chef hire, alfo to allow and approve of the High Ways which the Select Men have laid out, alfo to choose a Committee to reckon and make up Accounts w'ith M' Treafurer John Chandler for the time he has been Treafurer for this Town, alfo to choose a Committee to allow Accounts and to give Order to the Town Treafurer for the paying of any Perfon that they shall think the Town is indebted to. Dated at Rumford the 24"' Day of February 1734. A true Copy Ebenezer Eastman ) q 1 . -^r r -w-\ 1 • T-v I ociect iMen lor Ephrami t arnum > t> r j T> • • -r. ir \ Rumiord Benjamm Rolfe } Exam-^ ^ Benj'-* Rolfe Town Clerk TOWN RECORDS. I7 Essex fs. By virtue of the within Warrant I have notified the Inhabitants and Freeholders within men- tioned of the within mentioned Meeting by placing the within Warrant at the Meeting House Door in Rumford Eight Days Before the within mentioned Meeting. Dated at Rumford March the ii"* Day 1734/5. Abraham Bradley Conftable for Rumford A true Copy of the Return of the before going War- rant Exami f Benf Rolfe Clerk At a Legall Meeting of the Inhabitants and Freehold- ers of the Town of Rumford Afsembled at the Meetingr House in said Rumford on Tuefday the 11'^ Day of March, 1734.5. Capt. Ebenezer Eastman was chosen Moderator, Benjamin Rolfe Esqr. was chosen Town Clerk for the Year enfuing. For Select Men were chosen Benj'* Rolfe Esqr. Enfign Jeremiah Stickny and Deacon John Merrill. Voted. That Benjamin Rolfe Esq'' Enfign Jeremiah Stickny and Deacon John Merrill shall be Afsefsors. Voted. That Edward Abbot be Conftable. Voted. That Edward Abbot be Collector. For Surveyors of High Ways were chosen Capt. Ebe- nezer Eastman, Jofeph Hall James Ofgood and Lieut. John Chandler. Voted. That Deacon Ephraim Farnum and George Abbot be Ty thing Men. Voted. That M' Jeremiah Stickny be a Sealer of Leather. Voted. That Nathaniel Abbot be Surveyer of Flax and Hemp. Voted, that Abraham Bradley and Daniel Chase and Isaac Foster and George Abbott and Jofeph Eastman shall be fence Viewers. Voted. That David Barker, Zebediah Farnum and Benjamir Abbot be Hogreves. l8 CONCORD Voted. That Enfign Jeremiah Stickny, Edward Ab- bot, Timothy Bradley, and Timothy Walker shall be field Drivers. Voted, That Lieut Jolm Chandler be Town Treaf- urer. Voted. That Edward Abbot be Sealer of Weights and Meafures. Voted. That the Select Men Shall let out the School Right for the Year enfuing to the Highest bidders or as they shall think for the most Advantage of the Town. Voted. That One Hundred and Fifty Pounds be raised for defreying the Ministerial Charge and Other Charges of the Town. Voted. That the High Ways within this Townfhip Shall be mended by Days Works as the Surveyors of Ways shall receive Inftructions from the Select Men. Voted. That Twenty Shillings Shall be paid for each Grown Wolf that shall be killed within this Townfhip in the Year 1735. to the killer of said Wolf. Voted. That Six Pence be Paid for each Rattle Snake that shall be killed within this Townfhip in the Year 1735. to the Killer of said Rattle Snake. Voted. That the Select Men shall choose or appoint Two Men as they shall think Proper to look out and mark a better Road from Sun Cook to Chefhire. Voted. That the High Ways that the Select Men have laid out in the Town of Rumford shall be allowed and approved to be Town Ways. Voted. That the Select Men shall be a Committee to make up Accounts & reckon with Lieut. Chandler as he has been Treafurer for this Town. Voted. That the Select Men shall be a Committee to allow Accounts and to draw Orders upon the Town Treafurer for paying of such Debts as they Shall think the Town Justly Owe. Attest Benj* Rolfe Clerk. A true Copy Exam-^ f Benf Rolfe Clerk. TOWN RECORDS. 1 9 To M"^ Edward Abbot Conltable of the Town of Rum- ford. You are hereby required in his Majesties Name to notify as the Law directs the Freeholders and other In- habitants of said Town of Rumford that have an Eftate of Freehold in Lands within this Province or Territory of Forty Shillings "^ Annum at the least, or other Eftate to the value of Fifty Pounds Sterling, to Afsemble at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Monday the Nine- teenth Day of May Currant at Five of the Clock in the After Noon, then and there to elect and Depute One or more Perfons (being Freeholders and Refident in the same Town, according to the Number set and Limited b}'- an Act of the General Afsembly, to serve for and reprefent them in the great and General Court or Afsem- bly appointed, to be convened held and kept for his Majesties Service at the Court House in Boston upon Wednefday the Twenty Eighth Day of May next Enfu- ing the Date hereof, and to cause the Perfon or Perfons so Elected and Deputed by the Major Part of the Elec- tors prefent at such Election, to be timely notify ed and Summoned by you the Said Edward Abbot Conftable to attend his Majesty's Service, in the said Great and Gen- eral Court or Afsembly on the Day above prefixed, by Nine in the Morning, and so de Die in diem ; during their Sefsion, and Sefsions, alfo to defire and Order M"^ John Chandler Town Treafurer forthwith to make the Several Collectors that are in Arrears to Pay in their Arrears and in Case said John Chandler do neglect of getting the Arrears to choose a Man or Men to sue said John Chandler Town Treafurer for what he is indebted to the Town of Rumford in his Capacity as aforesaid, and make return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Subfcribers at or before the Said Meeting. Dated at Rumford aforesaid the Twelfth Day of May, 1735- Benj^ Rolfe ^Select Men Jeremiah Stickney > for John Merrill } Rumford. A true Copy Exam"* f Benj** Rolfe Clerk. 20 CONCORD Essex, fs. by virtue of the within Warrant I have Notifyed the Inhabitants and Freeholders of Rumford of the within mentioned Meeting by Seafonably telHng them of the Same. Rumford may the 19''' 1735. Edward Abbott Conftable of Rumford. A true Copy of the Return of the before going Warrant. Examined f Benf Rolfe Clerk At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants and Freeholders of the Town of Rumford on the i Select Men for Jeremiah Stickney 5 Rumford A true Copy Exam"^ Benj^ Rolfe Clerk. Essex fs. By virtue of the within Warrant I have notified the Inhabitants and Freeholders within named of the within mentioned Meeting by seasonably placing a Notification of said Meeting and the Cause thereof at the Meeting House Door in Rumford. Rumford September y® 22"*^ 1735* Edward Abbot Constal^le of Rumford A true Copy Exam^ "^ Benjamin Rolfe Clerk. The Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Rumford are hereby notified to Afsemble and Meet at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Monday the 22""^ Day of September Currant at Five of the Clock in the After Noon then and there to raise such Sum or Sums of Money as they shall think necefsary for Schooling and for a Town Stock of Ammunition, and for building part of a Bridge over Sun Cook River and for the other necefsar}' Charges of the Town, alio to choose a Man or Men to agree with some Perfon or Perfons to build such Part of said Bridge as said Free- holders and Inhabitants shall determine to build, alio to order how the Way shall be made or mended from Sun Cook to Chester alio to choose a Committee to Hire a TOWN RECORDS. 23 School Master, and to choose a Man to sue or profecute WiUiam Barker and David Barker or either of them for the Rents and Profits of the School Lott during the Term said William Barker and David Barker or either of them have improved said School Lott, in Case said Barkers shall refuse to pay what shall be reafonable for the improving of said School Lott. Dated at Rumford aforesaid y® 17^^ Day of September 1735- By virtue of a Warrant from Edward Abbot the Select Men of Rumford Conftable of Rumford A true Copy Exam^ f Benjamin Rolfe Clerk. At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants and Freehold- ers of the Town of Rumford regularily afsembled at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Wednefday the Tenth Day of December, 1735. M"" James Abbot was chosen Moderator of this Pref- ent Meeting. Voted, That those Men that shall Work upon build- ing a Bridge over Sun Cook River shall be allowed f; for Each Days Work. Voted, That Cap' John Chandler, Benjamin Rolfe Esq"^ and Deacon John Merrill and M'" Abner Hoit be a Committee to take care that the Bridcje over Sun Cook River be well done and that the Men that shall be employed about building said Bridge or about making the Wa}^ good to go on and off said Bridge shall do their work well and faithfully — To Edward Abbot Conftable of Rumford. You are hereby required in his Majesties Name to notify the Inhabitants and Freeholders of the Town of Rumford to afsemble and Meet at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Wednefday the Tenth Day of Dec- ember Currant at Two of the Clock in the After Noon then and there to confider what may be proper to be done concerning building a Bridge over Sun Cook River and to order how said Brid^re shall be built and to order 24 CONCORD how the Way shall be made good and pafsable on and off said Bridge and make return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Sublcribers at or before said Meeting. Dated at Rumford aforesaid the Eighth Day of Dec- ember, 1735. Benjamin Rolfe ^Select Men John Merrill > for Jeremiah Stickney ) Rumford A true Copy Exam*^ '^ Benjamin Rolfe Town Clerk. Essex fs. By virtue of this Warrant I have seasonably notified the Freeholders and Inhabitants within men- tioned of the within mentioned Meeting and the Cause thereof Rumford December the lo*'^ i735' Edward Abbot Conftable of Rumford A true Copy Exam*^ '^ Benjamin Rolfe Town Clerk. At a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabit- ants of the Town of Rumford on the 9'^ Day of March, 1735- Cap* Ebenezer Eastman was chosen Moderator of this Prefent Meetingr — Voted, That Benjamin Rolfe Esq' be Town Clerk for the Year Enfuing. For Select Men were chosen Benj^ Rolfe Esq' Cap' Ebenezer Eastman, and Enfign Jeremiah Stickney. For Afsefsors were chosen, Benjamin Rolfe Esq' Cap* Ebenezer Eastman, and Enfign Jeremiah Stickney. Voted, That Nathaniel Abbot be Conftable, Voted, That Nathaniel Abbot be Collector. Voted, That Nathaniel Abbot be Surveyor of Hemp and Flax. for Surveyors of High Ways were chosen David Barker, Abraham Bradley, Edward Abbot & Daniel Chase. TOWN RECORDS. 25 For Tything Men were chosen, James Abbot and James Fai:num. For Fence Viewers were chosen. Richard Hefeltine, Jofeph Eastman Isaac Foster, Deacon Ephraim Far- num, and John Rufs. For a Sealer of Leather was chosen Enfign Jeremiah Stickney. For Field Drivers were chosen George Abbot, David Kimball, Zebediah Farnum, Jonathan Bradley, Eben- ezer Eastman jun' and Samuel Pudney. For Hog Reves were chosen Jacob Shute, Isaac Walker jun' and Abraham Colby jun"" and Onefiphorous Page. For a Sealer of Weights & Meafures was chosen M-- Edward Abbot. For Town Treafurer was chosen Lieu* John Chand- ler. Voted, That Two Hundred and Thirty Seven Pounds be raised for defreying the Minifterial Charge, the School Charge, and the other necefsary Charges of the Town. Voted, That Fifty Pounds be granted unto the Rev"^ M' Timothy Walker to enable him to clear a Pasture and bring it to Englifh Grafs. Thirt}^ of the said Fifty Pounds to be paid in the Year 1736, and the other Twenty Pounds to be paid in the year 1737. Voted, That the High Ways within this Town for the Year 1736, shall be mended by Days Work Voted, That the Select Men shall give Orders to the Survey ers of Ways, how the Ways shall be mended & how much Work each Man shall do & to take care and order that such Men that has not worked their Propor- tion to the High Ways shall do it as Speedily as possi- ble. Voted, That the High Ways that the Select Men have laid out shall be accepted and Recorded. Voted, That Ten Shillings shall be paid for every Wolf that shall be catched within this Town, to such Perfons as shall catch them. Voted, That Six Pence be paid for each Rattle Snake as shall be killed within this Town in the Year 1736. 26 CONCORD Voted, That Henry Rolfe Esq' be chosen and defired to afsist and Joyn with others that are or may be chosen for to use proper means for to get the County of Efsex divided into Two Counties. Voted, Tiiat the Select Men shall be a Committee to let out the Intervall Lotts belonging to the School Right for the Term of Two Years from the Date hereof. Voted, That the Select Men shall be a Committee to allow Accounts and to draw Orders upon the Town Treafurer for paying of such Debts as they shall think the Town justly owe. Voted, That Edward Abbot be defired and impowred to repair & fit up the Seats in the Meeting House and make a Door to the Pulpit and put up the Windows. Voted, That the Hogs shall be shut up in Inclosures within the Town of Rumford for the Year 1736. Voted, That Nathaniel Abbot be Pound Keeper. We the Subscribers Select Men for the Town of Rum- ford have laid out the High Ways hereafter mentioned viz. A High Way Two Rods broad bounded as followeth viz. beginning at a Stake marked Standing on the Brow of the Hill on the East Side of the Gate near Deacon Merrills Ferry, thence running Northerly to a Red Oak Stump, thence by the Ridge to a Bunch of small Bushes, thence a little to the East of North to a Bunch of Small Willows, thence about North to a Walnut, thence to the West of North to some small Alders, thence a little to the East of North to a large Red Oak, thence by a Dry Pitch Pine to the High Way on the Southerly Side of Samuel Kimballs Six Acre Lott the said Way being on the Westerly Side of said Bounds. alfo a High Way bounded as followeth, viz. begin- ing at the South West Corner of Cap' Hales House Lott, thence running Easterh' to Samuel Kimballs Six Acre Lott bending about one rod upon said House Lott about the middle of it for the conveniency of coming up in the Hollow, then beorinninor at a Stake Standing about Three Feet to the Noi^thward of the Gate by said Kimballs Six Acre Lott, thence runnino; bv a ir ^Select Men Benjamm Rolfe ( r Jeremiah Stickney C y, ,- , The foregoing return of the High Ways being read and put to vote whether they should be accepted and Recorded and it pafsed in the affirmative. the foregoing return of the High Ways is a true Copy of the Original. Examined and compared f Benf Rolfe Town Clerk. To M-- Edward Abbot Conftable for the Town of Rumford. You are hereby required in his Majesty's Name to notify as the Law directs the Inhabitants and Freeholders of the Town of Rumford qualified to vote in Town afiairs to afsemble and meet at the Meeting House in said Rum- ford on Tuefday the Ninth Day of March next at Eight of the Clock in the Forenoon then and there to choose a 28 CONCORD Town Clerk, Select Men, Afsefsors, Conftable Collector Surveyor of Hemp and Flax and all other ordinary Town Officers, alfo to raise such Sum or Sums of Money as shall be thought necefsary for defreying the Minifterial Charge and for a School and for the other necefsary Charges of the Town, alfo to see if the Town will clear any of the Perfonage Lott and bring to English Grass and fence it for a Pasture or whether they will clear and bring to Englifh Grafs and fence suitable for a Pafture part of the Revi M' Timothy Walkers Land or make a Grant to the Kev^ M' Timothy Walker of Such a Sum of Money as they shall think proper to enable him to clear a Pasture, that he may live more comfortable in his Fam- ily upon the Account of a Dairy than he is able to do at prefent, alfo to order how the High Ways within this Town shall be made or mended in the Year 1736, and to allow and accept of the High Ways which the Select Men have laid out in said Townfhip, alfo to allow what shall be thought proper for the killing of Wolves and Rattle Snakes in this Townfhip for the Year 1736. alfo to choose a Man to sollicit the great and General Court of this Province to have the County of Efsex divided, alfo to choose a Committee to let out the Interval Land belonging to the School Right for the Year enfuing or during the Towns Pleafure, alfo to choose a Committee to allow Accounts, that the Select Men may draw Orders upon the Treafurer for the paying of the same, alfo to order some Man or Men to repair the Meeting House and to finifh the same so far as the Town shall think proper alfo to order whether the Hogs in this- Town shall be shut up or go at large for the Year 1736, and make return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Subfcribers at or before the said Meeting. Dated at Rumford aforesaid the 27^^ Day of February 1735. Benj'* Rolfe ^Select Men Jeremiah Stickney > for John Merrill ) Rumford A true Copy Exam*^ "^ Benjamin Rolfe Town Clerk TOWN RECORDS. 29 Essex fs. By virtue of the within Warrant I have noti- fyed the within mentioned Inhabitants and Freeholders of the within mentioned Meeting as the Law directs. Dated at Rumford the 9"^ Day of March 1735. Edward Abbot Conl'table of Rumford A true Copy of the Return of the foregoing Warrant Exam*^ '^ Benjamin Rolfe Town Clerk To Nathaniel Abbot Conftable of the Town of Rumford These are in his Majesties Name to require you to notify as the Law directs the Freeholders and other In- habitants of your Town that have an Eftate of Freehold in Land within this Province or Territory of Forty Shill- ings ^ annum at the least or other Estate to the value of Fifty Pounds Sterling, to Afsemble at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Tuefday the 18"* Day of May Currant at Four of the Clock in the after noon Then & there to elect & Depute One or more Perfons (being Freeholders and Refident in the same Town) according to the Number set and Limited by an Act of the General Afsembly, to serve for & Represent them in a Great or General Court or Afsembly appointed to be convened, Held, & Kept for his Majesty's Service at the Court House in Boston, upon Wednesday the 26^^ Day of May next enfuing the Date Hereof, and to cause the Perfon or Perfons so elected & Deputed by the Major Part of the Electors prefent at such Election to be timely notified & Summoned to attend his Majesties Service in the said Great and General Court or Afsembly on the Day above prefixed by Nine in the Morning and so de Die in Diem, during their Sefsion and Sefsions. Hereof Fail not and make return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Subfcribers at or before said Meeting. Dated at Rumford aforesaid the 10"' Day of May 1736. Benjamin Rolfe ^ Select Men for Jeremiah Stickney 5 Rumford. A true Copy Exam** ^^ Benjamin Rolfe Tow^n Clerk 30 CONCORD Essex fs. By Virtue of the within Warrant I have notified the Inhabitants and Freeholders of the within mentioned Meeting by seafonably placing a Notification of said Meeting and the Cause thereof at the Meeting House Door in said Rumford. Rumford May y« i8'" 1736 Nath" Abbot Conftable. A true Copy of the Return of the foregoing Warrant. Attest. Benjamin Rolfe Town Clerk. At a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabit- ants of the Town of Rumford on Tuefday y® 18'*^ Day of May 1736. The Select Men Regulating said Meet- ing agreeable to Law. It was put to vote whether they would choose a Perlbn to Reprefent them in the Great and General Court to be Held at the Town House in Boston on Wednefday the Twenty Sixth Day of May Currant — And it pafsed in the Negative. At a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabit- ants of the Town of Rumford on Tuefday the Fifteenth Day of March, 1736. Capt. Ebenezer Eastman was chosen Moderator of this Prefent Meeting. Benjamin Rolfe Esq' was chosen Clerk. For Select Men were chosen, Benjamin Rolfe Esq'' M' James Ofgood and M"' Joseph Hall. For Afsefsors were chosen Benjamin Rolfe Esq' M"^ James Ofgood and M' Joseph Hall. Voted, That M' Richard Hefeltine be Conftable. For Surveyers of High Ways were chosen, James Abbot, Enfign Jeremiah Stickney, Barachias Farnum, Daniel Chase and Ebenezer Virgin. For Ty thing Men were chosen, Edward Abbot, and Deacon John Merrill. For Fence Viewers were chosen, Nathaniel Abbot, George Abbot, Nathaniel Rolfe, Daniel Rolfe, and John Rufs and David Barker. TOWN RECORDS. 3 1 For a Sealer of Leather was chosen Enfign Jeremiah Stickney. For a Surveyer of Hemp & Flax was chosen Nathan- iel Abbot. Voted, That Richard Hefeltine be Collector. Voted, That Edward Abbot be Sealer of Weights and Meafures For Hog Reves were chosen Daniel Chase, Aaron Stevens, and Joseph Farnum For Field Drivers were chosen Benjamin Abbot, Abra- ham Colby jun% William Barker, and Timothy Bradley and John Rufs. Voted, That One Hundred & Forty Pounds be raised for defreying the Minifterial Charge. Voted, That Seventy Pounds be raised for Defreying the necefsary Charges of the Town and to enable the Rev*^ M' Timothy Walker to clear a Pasture. Voted, That the Select Men shall give order to the Survey ers of High Ways in Rumford how the Ways shall be mended and how much Work each Man shall do and to take care and Order that such Men that has not worked their Proportion to the High Ways shall do it as speedily as pofsible. Voted, That Ten Shillings shall be paid for each Wolf that shall be killed in the Town of Rumford in the Year 1737. Voted, That Six Pence shall be paid for each Rattle Snake that shall be Killed in the Town of Rumford in the Year 1737. Voted, That the Select Men shall be a committee to allow Accompts and to draw Orders upon the Town Treafurer for the paying of such Debts as they shall think the Town justly owe. Voted, That the Hogs Shall go at large within this Townfhip in the Year 1737. Voted, That Lieu' John Chandler shall be Town Treafurer. Voted, That M' William Barker be Pound Keeper. Voted, That Edward Abbot be impowred & chosen to take care to repair the Meeting House for the Year 1737- 32 CONCORD Voted. That the High Ways that the Select Men have laid out shall be accepted and recorded provided Such Perfons that shall have occasion to improve said Roads shall make and repair said Roads at their own Cost. The Return of said Ways is as followeth viz*. We the Subfcribers Select Men of Rumford have laid out the High Ways hereafter mentioned in said Town of Rumford this 14"" Day of March 1736. viz. a High Way Two Rods broad bounded as followeth, viz : Begin- ning at a Stake standing by the Road leading from the Gate by Deacon Merrills Ferry through the Frogg Ponds, thence running about Easterly upon the Ridge to a large Maple, thence about South Easterly by an Elm Stump to the Road on the South side of M"" Isaac Walker's Land, the said Road lyes on the South and South West Side of said Bounds. alfo a High Way bounded as followeth, viz. a Road Two Rod in Weadth on the North Side of Daniel Chase's Homeftead, the said Road to run the Length of said Chases Homeftead. Dated at Rumford the 14*'' Day of March 1736. Ebenezer Eastman ^Select Men Benjamin Rolfe > of Jeremiah Stickney ) Rumford. A true Copy of the Return of said Ways Exam'' '^ Benjamin Rolfe Town Clerk. To Mr. Nathaniel Abbot Conftable of the Town of Rumford. You are hereby required in his Majesties Name to notify as the Law directs the Inhabitants and Freehold- ers of the Town of Rumford qualified to vote in Town Affairs to afsemble and Meet at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Tuefday the Fifteenth Day of March next at Eight of the Clock in the Fore Noon, then and there to choose a Town Clerk, Select Men, i\fseisors, Conftable, Collector and all other ordinary Town offi- cers alio to raise such Sum or Sums of Money as shall be thought necefsary for defreying the Minifterial Charge, and for a School and for the other necefsary TOWN RECORDS. 33 Charges of the Town, alfo to order how the High Ways within this Townfhip shall be made or mended in the Year 1737. and to allow and accept of the High Ways which the Select Men have laid out in said Townfhip, alfo to allow what shall be thought proper for the killing of Wolves and Rattlefnakes in this Townfhip for the Year 1737. alfo to choose a Committee to allow Accounts that the Select Men may draw Orders upon the Town Treafurer for the paying of the Same alfo to order some Man or Men to repair the Meeting House and to finif h the same so far as the Town shall think proper, alfo to order whether the Hogs in this Town shall be shut up or go at large for the year 1737, and make return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Subfcrib- ers at or before the said Meeting. Dated at Rumford aforesaid the Twenty First Day of February 1736. Ebenezer Eastman ^ Select Men Benjamin Rolte > of Jeremiah Stickney ) Rumford. A true Copy Attest Benjamin Rolfe Town Clerk. Rumford March y« 14*" 1736. Efsex fs. By virtue of the within Warrant I have notified the Freeholders and Inhabitants within named of the wathin mentioned Meeting by seafonabh' informing them of the same. Nath" Abbott Conftable of Rumford. A true Copy of the return of the foregoing Warrant. attest Benjamin Rolfe Town Clerk To Richard Hefeltine Conftable of the Town of Rumford. These are in his Majesty's Name to require 3^ou to notify as the Law directs the Freeholders and other In- habitants of your Town That have an Eftate of Freehold in Land within this Province or Territory of Forty Shill- ings '^ Annum at the least or other Eftate to the Value 4 34 CONCORD of Fifty Pounds Sterling to Afsemble at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Monday the Sixteenth Day of May Currant at Seven of the Clock in the Forenoon, then and there to elect & depute One or more Perfons (being Freeholders & Refident in the same Town) according to the Number set & limited by an Act of the General Afsembly to serve for and represent them in a great or General Court or Afsembly appointed to be convened, held & kept for his Majesties Service at the Court House in Boston upon Wednesday the Twenty Fifth Day of Ma}' currant, and to cause the Person or Perfons so elected and deputed by the Major part of the Electors Prefent at such Election to be timely notitied & Summoned to attend his Majesty's Service in the said Great and General Court or Afsembly on the Day above prefixed by Nine in the Morning and so de Die in Diem during their Sefsion and Sefsions, hereof fail not and make return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Subfcribers at or before the said Meeting, Dated at Rumford aforesaid the Ninth Day of May, 1737- Benjamin Rolfe ^Select Men Jofeph Hall i of James Ofgood ) Rumford. A true Copy of the Original Warrant Attest Benj^ Rolfe Town Clerk. Efsex fs. By virtue of the within Warrant I have notified the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Rumford of the within mentioned Meeting by placing a Notification of said Meeting with the Cause thereof at the Meeting House Door in said Rumlbrd as the Law directs. Rumford May y^ i6''' 1737, Richard Hafseltine Conftable of Rumford A true Copy of the Return of the aforegoing Warrant. Attest Benj* Rolfe Town Clerk TOWN RECORDS. 35 Notice is hereby given to the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Rumford that have an Estate of Freehold Land within this Province or Territor}^ of Forty Shillings ^ Annum at the least or other Estate to the Value of Fifty Pounds Sterling to afsemble at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Monday the Six- teenth Day of May currant at Seven of the Clock in the Fore Noon, then and there to elect & depute One or more Perfons (being Freeholders and Refident in the same Town) according to the Number set and Limited by an Act of the General Afsembly to serve for and Reprefent them in a Great or General Court or Afsembly appoint- ed to be convened, held and kept for his Majest3^'s Ser- vice at the Court House in Boston upon Wednefday the Twenty Fifth Da}' of May currant. Dated at Rumford aforesaid the p**" Day of May An- noque Domini 1737. By virtue of a Warrant from the Select Men of Rumford Richard Hafseltine Conftable of Rumford. A true Copy of the Notification, agreeable to the afore- going Warrant. Attest, Benj^ Rolfe Town Clerk. At a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabi- tants of the Town of Rumford on Monday the Sixteenth Day of May 1737, The Select Men regulating said Meeting as the Law directs It was put to a vote whether the}^ would choose a Man to represent them in the General Court or Afsembly to be convened, held & kept for his Majestie's Service at the Court House in Boston on Wednefday the Twenty Fifth Day of May Currant and it pafsed in the negative. To M' Richard Hafseltine Conftable of the Town of Rumford You are hereby required in his Majesty's Name to notify as the Law directs the Inhabitants and Freeholders of the Town of Rumford qualified to vote in Town affairs to afsemble and Meet at the Meeting House in 36 CONCORD the said Rumford on Wednefday the Twenty Ninth Day of March Currant at Eight of the Clock in the Fore Noon, then & there to choose a Town Clerk, Select Men, Afsefsors, Conftable and all other ordinar}^ Town officers, alfjto raise such sum or sums of Money as shall be thought necefsary for defraying the Minifterial Charge and for a School and for the other necefsary Charges of the Town, alfo to order how the High Ways within this Townfhip shall be made or mended in the year 1738, also to allow what shall be thought proper for the killing of Wolves and Rattlefnakes in this Townfhip, for the Year 1738, alfo to choose a Committee to allow Accompts & Debts that the Select Men may draw Orders upon the Town Treafurer for the paying of the same alfo to order Some Man or Men to repair the Meeting House and to finif h the Same so far as the Town shall think proper, alfo to order whether the Hogs shall be shut up or go at large within this Townfhip for the Year 1738. alfo to choose a Committee to lett or lease out the School Right for a year or more as the Town shall think best, alfo to order the burying Place for this Town to be well fenced in, and make return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Subfcribers at or before the said Meetino-. Dated at Rumford aforesaid the 13'" Day of March 1737. Benj^ Rolfe 1 Select Men James Ofgood > of Jofeph Hall ) Rumford. A true Copy Attest Benj-'* Rolfe Town Clerk. Efsex fs. by Virtue of the within Warrant I have notifyed the Inhabitants & Freeholders within mentioned of the within mentioned Meeting by seafonably setting up a Notification of said Meeting and the Cause thereof at the Meeting House Door in said Rumtbrd, Rumford March y« 29'^ 1738. Richard Hafseltine Conftable of Rumford. A true Cop\' of the Return of the aforegoing Warrant. Attest Benjamin Rolfe Town Clerk. TOWN RECORDS. 37 Notice is hereby given to the Inhabitants and Free- holders of the Town of Rumford quahfied to vote in Town Affairs to Afsemble and Meet at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Wednefday the 29"* Day of March Currant at Eight of the Clock in the Fore-Noon Then & there to choose a Town Clerk, Select Men, Afsefsors, Constable and all other ordinary Town Officers, alfo to raise such Sum or Sums of Money as Shall be thought necefsar}' for defreying the Minifterial Charge and for a School and for the other necefsary Charges of the Town, alfo to order how the High Ways within this Townfhip shall be made or mended in the Year 1738. alfo to allow what shall be thought proper for the Killing of Wolves & Rattle Snakes in this Townfhip for the Year 1738. alfo to Choose a Committee to allow Ac- compts & Debts, that the Select Men may draw Orders upon the Town Treafurer for the paying of the same, alfo to order some Man or Men to repair the Meeting House, and to linifh the same so far as the Town shall think proper, alfo to order whether the Hogs shall be shut up or go at large within this Townfhip for the Year 1738. alfo to choose a Committee to lett or Lease out the School Right for a year or more as the Town shall tiiink best, alfo to order the burying Place for this Town to be well fenced in, Dated at Rumford aforesaid the 13"' Day of March 1737. By Order of the Select Men Richard Hafseltine Conftable of Rumford. A true Copy of the Notification set up at the Meeting House Door agreable to the foregoing Warrant. Attest Benj'^ Rolfe Town Clerk. At a Meeting of the Inhabitants and Freeholders of the Town of Rumford reg'nlarlv Afsembled at the Meet- ing House in said Rumford on Wednefda}- the 29*" Day of March 1738. Enfign Jeremiah Stickney was Chosen Moderator of this prefent Meeting. For Town Clerk was Chosen Benj'* Rolfe Esq'. 38 CONCORD For Select Men were chosen Benj** Rolfe Esq' Lieu\ John Chandler and M"" Richard Hafseltine. For Assessors were chosen Benj'* Rolfe Esq' Lieu' John Chandler and M' Richard Hafseltine. Voted. That M'Jofeph Eaftman be Conftable, Voted, That M' Jofeph Eaftman be Collector. For Surveyors of High Ways were chosen M' James Abbot, Enfign Jeremiah Stickney, M' Jofeph Hall, M' Barachias Farnum and M' Isaac Foster. For Tything Men were chosen, M'' William Barker, and M' Ebenezer Virgin. For Fence Viewers were chosen, Benjamin Abbott, James Farnum, Edward Abbott & James Abbott and David Barker. Voted, That Ensign Jeremiah Stickne}' be a Sealer of Leather. Voted, That M' Edward Abbott be a Surveyor of Weights and Meafures. Voted, That Benjamin Rolfe Esq' be Town Treafurer. For Hogg Reeves were chosen Philip Kimball, William Walker, George Abbott and Abraham Kimball and Ebe- nezer Eastman jun'. For Field Drivers were chosen Philip Kimball, William Walker and Daniel Chase. For Surveyers and Meafurers of Timber, Plank and Boards &c. were chosen Daniel Chase and Nathaniel Abbott. For a Surveyer of Hemp & Flax was chosen M"^ Nath" Abbott. Voted, That Two Hundred & Sixty Pounds be raised for defreying the Minifterial Charge, for a School and for the other necefsary Charges for the Town. Voted. That the Select Men shall have Power to give Orders to the Surveyors of High Ways how the same shall be made or mended for the Year enfuing. Voted. That Ten Shillings shall be paid for each grown Wolf, that shall be killed in this Townfhip tor the Year enfuing. Voted. That Six Pence be paid for each Rattle Snake that shall be killed in this Town for the Year enfuing. TOWN RECORDS. 39 Voted. That the Select Men shall be a Committee to allow Accompts for the Year 1738. Voted, That Enfign Jeremiah Stickney and Benjamin Rolfe Esq' shall be a Committee to take care that Galleries be built in the Meeting House and that the said Meeting House be well repaired at the Town Cost. Voted, That the Hoggs shall be shut up in this Town- fhip for the Year 1738. Voted, That the Select Men shall be a Committee to let out the School Right for the Use of the Town accord- ing to their Discretion. Voted, That Benjamin Rolfe Esq"" Mr' James Scales and Lieu* John Chandler be a Committee to fence in the burying Place in this Town According to the best of their discretion at the Towns Charge. To the Conftable of the Town of Rumford Efsex fs. In Obfervance of his Majesty's Writ to us directed, these are in his Majesty's Name to will and require you forthwith to notify the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Town of Rumford qualifyed to vote in the Choice of a Reprefentative to meet at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Wednefday the Twenty Eourth Day of May Currant at Six of the Clock in the After-Noon then and there to elect and depute One or more Perfons (being Freeholders and Refident in the same Town) according to the Number set and limited by an Act of the General Afsembly, to serve for & represent tiiem in a great or General Court or Afsembly appointed to be Convened, Held, and Kept for his Majesty's Ser- vice, at the Court House in Boston upon Wednefday the Thirty First Day of May Current and make return of this Warrant and your doings thereon to the Subfcribers at or before the said Meeting. Dated at Rumford aforesaid the 22"*^ Day of May 1738. Benjamin Rolfe ^Select Men Richard Hafseltine > of John Chandler ) Rumford. A true Copy of the Original Attest Benj^ Rolfe Town Clerk 40 CONCORD Rum ford May the 24*'^ 1738. Efsex fs. By Virtue of the within Warrant I have notifyed the within named Freeholders and Inhabitants of tlie within mentioned Meeting by setting up a Noti- fication of said Meeting and the Cause thereof at the Meeting House Door in Rumford on the 22"** D^iy of this Inftant May Jofeph Eastman Conftable of Rumford A true Copy of the Return of the foregoing Warrant Attest Benjamin Rolfe Town Clerk Rumford May y'' 22"'^ 1738. Notice is hereby given to the Freeholders and Inhabit- ants of the Town of Rumford, that have an Estate of Freehold in Land within this Province or Territory of Forty Shillings '^ Annum at the least or other Eftate to the value of Fifty Pounds Sterling, to Afsemble and Meet at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Wednefday the Twenty Fourth Day of May Current at Six of the Clock in the After-Noon, Then and there to elect and depute One or more Perfons (being Freeholders and Refident in the Same Town) according to the Number set and limited by an Act of the General Afsembly, to serve for and reprefent them in a great and General Court or Afsembly appointed to be convened, Held and Kept for his Majesty's Service at the Court House in Boston upon Wednefday the 31^' Day of May Current. By Virtue of a Warrant from the Select Men Jofeph Eastman Conftable of Rumford A true Copy of the Notification set up at the Meeting House Door agreable to the aforegoing Warrant, Attest Benjamin Rolfe Town Clerk At a Leefal Meetinp- of the Freeholders and Inhabit- ants of the Town of Rumford on the 24"' Dav of May 1738. The Select Men regulating said Meeting agreable to Law TOWN RECORDS. 4I It was put to vote whether they would send a Rep- resentative for this present Year, and it pafsed in the Negative. To M*" Joseph Eastman Conltable of the Town of Rumford. You are hereby required in his Majesty's Name to notify as the Law directs the Inhabitants and Freehold- ers of the Town of Rumford qualified to vote in Town Affairs to Afsemble and Meet at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Thurfday the Fifteenth Da}^ of March current at Eight of the Clock in the Fore-Noon, then, and there to choose a Town Clerk, Select Men, Afsef- sors, Conftable and all other ordinary Town Officers, also to raise such Sum or Sums of Money as shall be thought necefsary for defreying the Ministerial Charge and for a School and for the other necefsary Charges of the Town, also to Order how the High Ways shall be- made or mended within this Townfhip for the Year 1739. also to allow what shall be thought proper for the Killinor of Wolves and Rattlesnakes within this Town- fhip for the Year 1739. also to Choose a Committee to allow Accompts & Debts that the Select Men may draw Orders upon the Town Treafurer for the paying of the same, also to order whether the Hogs shall be shut up or go at large within this Townfhip for the Year, i739- also to choose a Committee to left or lease out the School Right as the Town shall think best, also to discharge Benjamin Rolle Esq"" Treafurer for said Rumlbrd of Such Sum and Sums of Money as he hath Paid in his said Capacity agreable to the Order of the Select Men of s*^ Rumford, also to choose a Man to Petition or make Application to the justices of the General Sefsions of the Peace within the Province of New Hampfhire, that there may be a Road or High Way laid out through the Townfhip of Chester in said Province for the Inhabit- ants of said Rumford to pafs and repafs in as they may have Occasion, and also to Order when the School shall be kept for the Year 1739. also to accept of such High Ways as the Select Men have or shall lay out in said Rumford and make Return of this Warrant with your 42 CONCORD doings thereon to the Subfcribers at or before said Meet- ing. Dated at Rumford aforesaid the Ninth Day of March 1738. Benjamin Rolle ^Select Men John Chandler > for Richard Hasehin ) Rumford A true Copy Exam** ^ Benjamin Rolfe Town Clerk Rumford March y^ 15*'' 1738. Efsex fs. By virtue of the Within Warrant I have notifyed the within mentioned Inhabitants & Freeholders of the within mentioned Meeting by setting up a Notifi- cation of said Meeting and the Cause thereof at the Meeting House Door in said Rumford Five Days before said Meeting Joseph Easman Conftable of Rumford. A true Copy of the Return of the aforegoing Warrant, Attest, Benjamin Rolfe Town Clerk. Notice is hereby given to the Inhabitants and Free- holders of the Town of Rumford qualified to vote in Town Affairs to Afsemble and Meet at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Thurfday the Fifteenth Day of March current at Eight of the Clock in the Forenoon then and there to choose a Town Clerk, Select Men, Afsefsors, Conftable and all other Ordinary Town Offi- cers, also to raise such Sum or Sums of Money as shall he thought necefsary for defreying the Ministerial Charcre and for a School and for the other necefsarv Charges of the Town, also to Order how the High Ways shall be made or mended within this Townfhip for the Year 1739. also to allow what shall be thought proper for the killing of Wolves and Rattlefnakes within this Townfhip for the Year 1739. also to choose a Com- mittee to allow Accompts and Debts that the Select Men may draw^ Orders upon the Town Treafurer for the pay- ing of the same, also to Order whether the Hogs shall be shut up or go at large within this Townfhip for the Year TOWN RECORDS. 43 1739. also to choose a Committee to let or lease out the School Right as the Town shall think best, also to discharge Benjamin Rolfe Esq"* Treafurer for said Rum- ford of Such Sum and Sums of Money as he hath paid in his said Capacity agreable to the Order of the Select Men of said Rumford, also to choose a Man to Petition or make Application to the Justices of the General Sef- sions of the Peace within the Province of New-Hamp- fhire that there may be a Road or High Way laid out through the Townfhip of Chester in said Province for the Inhabitants of said Rumford to pafs and repafs in as they may have Occasion also to order when the School shall be kept for the Year 1739. also to accept of such High Ways as the Select Men have or Shall lay out in said Rumford and make Return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Subfcribers at or before said Meeting. Dated at Rumford aforesaid the Ninth Day of March 1738. By virtue of a Warrant from the Select Men of Rumford. Joseph Easman Conftable of Rumford A true Copy of the Notification set up at the Meeting House Door in said Rumtbrd agreable to the Return of the aforegoing Warrant. Attest Benjamin Rolfe Town Clerk. At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants and Freehold- ers of the Town of Rumford on the 15"^ Day of March 1738. M'' Barachias Farnum was chosen Moderator for this present Meeting. Benjamin Rolfe Esq"" was chosen Town Clerk, For Select Men were chosen Benjamin Rolfe Esq*^ M' Barachias Farnum and Cap* Ebenezer Eastman. For Conftable was chosen M"" James Ofgood For Collector was chosen M"" James Ofgood For Surveyers of High Ways were chosen M' James Abbott, M'' David Kimball, Enfign Jeremiah Stickney, M' Joseph Hall, M' Barachias Farnum and M' Isaac Foster. 44 CONCORD For Tything Men were chosen M' Richard Haseltine, & M' George Abbott. For Fence Viewers were chosen Stephen Farington, David Barker, Jeremiah Dreiser and M' James Farnum and M' Samuel Pudney David Kimball was Chosen Sealer of Leather. For a Sealer of Weights & Meafures was chosen Edward Abbott. For Town Treafurer was chosen Benjamin Rolfe Esq'. P'or Field Drivers were chosen Benjamin Abbott, Wil- liam Walker, Jonathan Bradlee, Richard Haseltin, Nath" Rolfe, Jeremiah Drefser and Ebenezer Eastman jun'. For Hogreves were chosen William Walker, Philip Kimball, Benjamin Abbott, Philip Eastman, Joseph Far- num and Jacob Shute. Benjamin Rolfe Esq' M' Barachias Farnum and Capt. Ebenezer Eastman were Chosen Afsefsors. Voted, That the Sum of Two Hundred and Sixty Pounds be raised for defreying the Ministerial Charge and the School Charge and for the other necefsary Charges of the Town. Voted, That the Select Men shall give Orders to the Surveyers of High Ways, how said Ways Shall be made and mended within this Townfhip for the Year 1739. Voted, That Ten Shillings be paid for each Wolf that shall be killed within this Townfhip (for the Year 1739) to the Killer of said Wolf. Voted, That Twelve Pence be paid for each Rattle fnake that shaU be killed within this Township b}^ the last of Mav next and brought to One or more of the Select Men. Voted, That the Select Men be chosen a Committee to allow Accompts for the Year 1739. and draw Orders upon the Treafurer for the paying of the same. Voted, That the Hogs may run at large within this Townfhip for the Year 1739. Voted, That the Select Men shall be a Committee to lett or lease out the school Right for the Year 1739. Voted, That Benjamin Rolfe Esq' as he was Treaf- urer for the Town of Rumford for the Year 1738. be dis- charged of the Sum of Two Hundred and Forty Two TOWN RECORDS. 45 Pounds, Fourteen Shillings and Nine Pence which Sum the said Rolt'e hath paid out in his said Capacity agreable to the Order of the Select Men of said Rumford and that the said Rolfe is to be further Accountable to said Town for the Sum of Twent}' Three Pounds Twelve Shillings and Six Pence, which still remains in said Rolfes Hands in his said Capacity. Voted, That Benjamin Rolfe Esq' be chosen and im- powred in the Name and Behalf of the Inhabitants of the Town of Rumford to Petition the Justices of the General Sefsions of the Peace to be holden within and for the Province of New Hampfhire, that there may be a High Way laid out and mended through the Town of Chester in said Province for the Inhabitants of said Rumford to pals and to repafs in as said Inhabitants siiall have Occasion. Voted, That the School within this Town shall be kept from the Twentieth of October next to the Twentieth of April, 1740. Voted, That Nathaniel Abbott be Pound Keeper for the Year 1739. To M' James Ofgood Conftable of the Town of Rum- ford. You are hereby required in his Majesties Name to Notify as the Law directs the Inhabitants & Freeholders of the Town of Rumford qualified to vote in Town Affairs to Afsemble and Meet at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Wednefday the Seventh Day of No- vember current at Four of the Clock in the After Noon, then and there to choose a Man or Men to prefer a Peti- tion to the General Court, that there may be a Country Road laid out and made from said Rumford to the Town of Chester in the Province of New Hampfhire for the Inhabitants of said Rumford and other Towns in the Province to pafs and repafs in as they shall have Occa- sion, also to raise Money to build a Garrison about the Rev'' M'' Timothy Walker's House, or part of a Garrison about said House, or otherwise to agree upon and Order the building of said Garrison or Part thereof as they shall 46 CONCORD think best when met as aforesaid, also to agree upon and Order the building of a Flanker at the Mills on Turkey River, also to give Liberty to M' Scales to build a Pew in Part of the Seat at the West End of the Meeting House and also to give Liberty to any other Man or Men to build a Pew in the Remainder of said Seat, and make due Return of this Warrant with your doings thereon. Dated at Rumford aforesaid the Fifth Day of Novem- ber Anno Domini, 1739. , Ebenezer Eastman ) Select Men Benjamin Rolfe > of Barachias Farnum ) Rumford. A true Copy, Examined '^ Benjamin Rolfe Town Clerk. Rumford November y^ 7*^ i739' Efsex fs. by Virtue of the within Warrant I have notified the within mentioned Inhabitants and Freeholders of the within mentioned Meeting by seasonably inform- ing them of the same. James Ofgood Conftable of Rumford A true Copy of the Return of the aforegoing Warrant, Attest Benjamin Rolfe Town Clerk. At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants and Freeholders of the Town of Rumford on the Seventh Day of Novem- ber Anno Domini 1739. Cap* Ebenezer Eastman was chosen Moderator of the Present Meeting Agreed and Voted, That Benjamin Rolfe Esq' be chos- en to Petition the General Court in the Name and Behalf of the Inhabitants of the Town of Rumford in Order to get a Country Road laid out and Made from the Town of Rumford to the Town of Chester in New Hampfhire. Voted, That there shall be a good and Sufficient Gar- rison built around the Rev*^ M' Timothy Walkers dwell- ing House as soon as may be Conveniently at the Towns Cost. TOWN RECORDS. 47 Voted. That Benjamin Rolfe Esq' Deacon John Mer- rill, Deacon Ephraim Farnum, Lieu*. John Chandler and M' Edward Abbott be chosen a Committee to build said Garrison at the Towns Cost as they shall think best. Voted, That Five Pounds be granted to M' Barachias Farnum to enable him to build a Flanker in Order to defend his Mills, provided the said Farnum shall give Security to the Town that in Case he shall not keep a Garrison at his dwelling House the Town shall have Liberty to take said Flanker and Convert it to their own Use. Voted, That M"" James Scales shall have Liberty to build a Pew in the One Half of the Hindermost Seat at the West End of the Meeting House that is next the Window. To M' James Ofgood Conftable of the Town of Rum- ford. You are hereby required in his Majesty's Name to notify as the La>v directs, the Inhabitants and Freehold- ers of said Rumford qualified to vote in Town Affairs to Afsemble and meet at the Meeting House in said Rum- ford on Friday the Twenty Eighth Day of December current at Four of the Clock in the After-Noon, then and there to choose and appoint Two meet Perfons whose Care & Duty it Shall be to inform of all Breaches of an Act in Addition to an Act entitled, and Act for the better Preservation and Increase of Deer wnthin this Province, and to take care that the Violaters thereof be duly pros- ecuted and punifhed. And make due Return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Subfcribers. Dated at Rumford aforesaid this Twenty Fourth Day of December Anno Domini 1739. Ebenezer Eastman ^Select Men Benjamin Rolfe > of Barachias Farnum ) Rumford A true Copy, Examined & entered ■^ Benjamin Rolfe Town Clerk of Rumford 48 CONCORD Rumford December y® 28*** 1739. Efsex fs. By Virtue of the within Warrant I have notifyed the within mentioned Inhabitants and Freeholders of the within mentioned Meetin*^ by setting up a Notifi- cation of said Meeting and the Cause thereof seasonably at the Meeting House Door in Rumford aforesaid. James Ofgood Conftable of Rumford. A true Copy of the Return of the aforegoing Warrant. Attest Benjamin Rolfe Town Clerk. Notice is hereb}'' given to the Inhabitants and Free- holders of the Town of Rumford qualified to vote in Town Affairs to Afsemble and Meet at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Friday the Twent}- Eighth Day of December current at Four of the Clock in the Atter-Noon, then and there to choose and appoint Two meet Perfons whose Care and Duty it shall be to inform of all Breaches of an Act in Addition to an Act entitled, an Act for the better Preservation and Increase of Deer within this Province^ and to take care that the Violaters thereof be duly prosecuted and punifhed. Dated at Rumford aforesaid the Twenty Fourth Day of December, 1739. By Virtue of a Warrant from the Select Men of Rum- ford. James Ofgood Conftable of the Town of Rumford. A true Copy of the Notification set up at the Meeting House Door agreeable to the aforegoing Warrant. Attest Benj** Rolfe Town Clerk. At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants and Freehold- ers of the Town of Rumford regularly Afsembled at the Meeting House in said Rumford on the Twenty Eighth Day of December Anno Domini 1739. Cap' Ebenezer Eastman was chosen Moderator of this present Meeting Voted, That Joseph Eastman and Lieu* John Chand- ler be Chosen to inform of all Breaches of an Act in TOWN RECORDS. 49 Addition to an Act entitled, an Act tor the better Pres- ervation and Increase of Deer within this Province and to take Care that the Violaters thereof be duly profecuted and punifhed. At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants and Freehold- ers of the Town of Rumford regularly assembled at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Thurfday the Twentieth Day of March, Anno Domini 1739/40. Cap*^ Ebenezer Eastman was chosen Moderator of this present Meeting. Benjamin Rolfe Esq' was chosen Town Clerk for the Year enfuing. M' Barachias Farnum was chosen Conftable and refus- ing to Serve paid his Five Pounds. M' Ebenezer Virgin was chosen Conftable for the 3'ear enfiiing. For Select Men were chosen, Benj* Rolfe Esq' Lieu* John Chandler and Cap' Ebenezer Eastman. For Afsefsors were chosen, Benj-'' Rolfe Esq"" Lieu* John Chandler and Cap' Ebenezer Eastman. For Surveyers of High Ways were chosen, M' James Abbott, Enfign Jeremiah Stickney, M' David Kimball, M' Barachias Farnum, M' Joseph Hall, and M'' David Barker and Cap* Ebenezer Eastman. For Tything Men were chosen, M' Aaron Stevens and M^ Edward Abbott. For Fence Viewers were chosen, M"^ Joseph Easman, Nath^* Rolfe, Daniel Chase, Abiel Chandler and Isaac Foster. David Kimball was chosen a Sealer of Leather. Edward Abbott was chosen a Sealer of Weights and Meafures. Voted, That William Barker & James Farnum be chosen to take Care that the Laws relating to the Pres- ervation of Deer be observed and and the Breakers there- of prosecuted & punifhed. For Town Treafurer was chosen Benjamin Rolfe Esq"". For Hogreeves, were chosen, John March, William Walker, Jacob Shute, and Judah Trumble. For Field Drivers, were chosen John Marsh, William 5 5© CONCORD Walker, Benjamin Abbott, Jeremiah Drefser, Lot Colb}'- and Ebenezer Eastman jun'. Voted, That Three Hundred and Ten Pounds be raised for defreying the Minifterial Charge and for the School and other necefsary Charges of the Town. Voted, That the Select Men shall give Orders to the Surveyers of High Ways how and when the High Ways within this Townfhip shall be made and mended the Year 1740. Voted, That Ten Shillings shall be paid for each Wolf that shall be killed in this Town in the Year 1740. to the Killer of said Wolf. Voted, That Twelve Pence be paid for each Rattle Snake that shall be killed in this Townlhip and the Tails brought to one of the Select Men in May next. Voted. That the Select Men Shall let out the School Right tor the Year 1740, as they shall think best. Voted, That Benjamin Rolfe Esq*" Treafurer for the Town of Rumford be discharged of the Sum of Two Hundred and Forty Two Pounds, Thirteen Shillingrs and Nine Pence, which he has paid out agreable to the Order of the Select Men and that there remains the Sum of Eighteen Pounds, Fifteen Shillings and Nine Pence in said Rolfes Hands which said Rolfe is to be accountable for, to the Town. Voted, That the School shall be kept from the Fit- teenth of October next to the Fifteenth Day of April Anno Domini 1741, We the Subfcribers Select Men for the Town of Rum- ford have this Eighteenth Da}^ of March 1739, laid out the High Ways in said Rumford that are hereafter men- tioned, viz* A High Way from where they usually land the great Boat coming from Sugar Ball to the High Way that leads to the Old Fort, said Way running from the River at said Landing on Land of M"" Nath" Abbott (where the Owners of said Sugar Ball usualh' Cart) Two Rods Wide Six Rods in Length, and from the End of said Six Rods in Length One Rod in Weadth to the Ridge on said Abbotts Six Acre Lott, where they usually Cart, TOWN RECORDS. 5 I being about Fifteen Rods, thence through said Abbotts Land and Land of William Barker One Rod in Weadth as near the River as the Land will Convenienth' allow off, to said Way leading to the Old Fort. Also a High Way from the Northerly End of the Bridge b}^ Farnum's Mills, over Turkey River by the Lott numbred Eleven in the Eighty Acre Divifion, said Road beginning at a Rock on the Northerly Side of said River about a Rod below said Bridge, thence running to the Easterly Side of a great Rock that is about Five Rods from the Southerly End of said Bridge, thence about Twenty Five Rods to a Pitch Pine marked, thence about Ten Rods to a Pitch Pine marked, Thence about Ten Rods to a Popple being a bound of the Seven- teenth Lott in said Divifion, said Road is on the Wester- ly and Northwesterly Side of said Bounds and it is Three Rods in Weadth, and from said Popple over said Turkey River as aforesaid as the Committee that laid out said Divifion of Land left Land for a High Way. Ebenezer Eastman ^Select Men Benjamin Rolfe > of Barachias Farnum N Rumford A true Copy, Exam*^ & Entered ^ Benjamin Rolfe Town Clerk. The aforegoing Return of High Ways being read and duly considered, it was put to a vote whether they should be accepted and recorded and it pafsed in the affir- mative. To M*" James Ofgood Conftable of the Town of Rumford. You are hereby required in his Majesties Name to notify as the Law directs the Inhabitants and Freeholders of the Town of Rumford qualified to vote in Town affairs to Assemble and Meet at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Thurfday the Twentieth Day of March current at Eight of the Clock in the Forenoon, then and there to choose a Town Clerk, Select Men, Afsefsors and all other ordinary Town officers, also a County 5 2 CONCORD Treafurei" and County Register, also to raise such Sum or Sums of Money as sliall be thought necel'sary for defreying the Minifterial Charge and for a School and for the other necefsary Charges of the Town, also to order how the High Ways within this Town shall be made or mended for the Year 1740. also to allow what shall be thought proper for the Killing of Wolv^es and Rattlefnakes within this Townfhip for the Year 1740. also to choose a Committee to allow Accompts and Debts that the Select Men may draw Orders upon the Town Treafurer for the paying of the same, also to order whether the Hogs shall be shut up or go at large within this Townfhip for the Year 1740. also to choose a Com- mittee to let or lease out the School Right as the Town shall think best, also to discharge the Town Treafurer of such Sum or Sums of Money as he hath paid in his said Capacit}^ agreable to the Order of the Select Men of said Rumford, also to order when the School shall be kept for. the Year 1740. also to accept of Such High Ways as the Select Men have or shall lay out in said Rumford at or before said Meeting, and Make due Re- turn of this Warrant with your doings thereon. Dated at Rumford aforesaid the Tenth Day of March Anno Domini, 1739/40. Benjamin Rolfe ) Select Men of Barachias Farnum 5 Rumford A true Copy, Exam'^ & Entered ■^ Benjamin Rolfe Town Clerk. Rumford March y® 20"^ 1739/40. Efsex fs. By Virtue of the within Warrant I have notifyed the within named Inhabitants and Freeholders of the within mentioned Meeting, by setting up a Notifi- cation of said Meeting and the Cause thereof, at the Meeting House Door in said Rumford Nine Days before said Meeting. James Ofgood Conftable of Rumford A true Copy of the Return of the aforegoing Warrant Attest Benjamin Rolfe Town Clerk. TOWN RECORDS. 53 Notice is hereby given to the Inhabitants and Free- holders of the Town of Rumford qualified to vote in Town affairs to Afsemble and Meet at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Thurfday the Twentieth Day of March current at Eight of the Clock in the Fore- Noon, then and there to choose a Town Clerk, Select Men, Afsefsors and all other ordinary Town officers, also a County Treafurer, and County Register, also to raise such Sum or Sums of Money as shall be thought necefsary for defreying the Minifterial Charge and for a School and for the other necefsary Charges of the Town, also to order how High Ways within this Townfhip shall be made or mended for the Year 1740. also to allow^ what shall be thought proper for the Killing of Wolves and Rattlefnakes within this Townfhip for the Year 1740. also to choose a Committee to allow Accompts and Debts that the Select Men may draw Orders upon the Town Treafurer for the paying of the same, also to order whether the Hogs shall be shut up or go at large within this Townfhip for the Year 1740. also to choose a Committee to let or Lease out the School Right as the Town shall think best, also to discharge the Town Treaf- urer of such Sum or Sums of Money as he hath paid in his said Capacity agreable to the Order of the Select Men of said Rumford, also to order when the School shall be kept for the Year 1740. also to accept of such High Ways as the Select Men have or shall lay out at or before said Meetincr. Dated at Rumford aforesaid the lo^'' Day of March. 1739/40- By Virtue of a Warrant from the Select Men of Rumford. James Ofgood Conftable of Rumford A true Copy of the Notification set up at the Meeting House Door agreable to the aforegoing Warrant. Attest Benjamin Rolfe Town Clerk. 54 CONCORD To M' Ebenezer Virgin Conftable of the Town of Rum ford. You are hereby required in his Majesties Name to notify as the Law directs the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Town Legally qualified to vote to afsemble and Convene at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Wednefday the Eleventh Day of June Cur- rent at Six of the Clock in the After-Noon, then and there to make choice of and Depute a Perfon being a Freeholder and Resident in said Town to Serve for and Represent them (if they see Cause) in the Great and General Court or Afsembly now Convened and held and kept for his Majesties Service at the Court House in Boston and to cause the Perfon so elected and Deputed by the Major Part of the Electors Present at such Elec- tion to be timely notified and Summoned to attend his Majesties Service in said Court at or before the Sixteenth Day of this Inftant June so De Die in Diem during the Sefsion and Sefsions of said Court, also to make Choice of a Perfon in the Name and Behalf of the Inhabitants of said Rumford to prefer a Petition to his Majesty that they may be quieted in their Pofsefsions and remain under the Jurifdiction of the Mafsachusetts Bay or for any other Thing that may be thought proper or conven- ient and to prefer a Petition to the General Court relating to the Premises and make due Return of this Warrant with your doings thereon. Dated at Rumford aforesaid this Tenth Day of June 1740. Ebenezer Eastman ^Select ]Men Ot Benjamin Rolfe > the Town of John Chandler ) Rumford A true Copy Exam*^ & Entered f> Benj* Rolte Town Clerk. Rumford June the ii**^ 1740- Efsex fs. By Virtue of the within Warrant I have notifyed the within mentioned Freeholders and Inhabi- tants of the within mentioned Meeting by Seafonably in- forming them of the same Ebenezer Virgin Conftable of Rumford TOWN RECORDS. 55 A true Copy of the Return of the aforegoing Warrant. Attest Benjamin Rolfe Town Clerk. At a Leo-al Meetincr of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Rumford on the Eleventh Day of June 1740. The Select Men regulating said Meeting Benjamin Rolfe Esq'' was elected and deputed to serve for and re- present them in the great and General Court or Afsem- bly now Convened and held and kept for his Majesties Service at the Court House in Boston. After the Choice of a Representative Cap^ Ebenezer Eastman was chosen Moderator of this Present Meeting. Voted, That Benjamin Rolfe Esq*^ be hereby desired and impowred in the Name and behalf of the Inhabitants of the Town of Rumford to prefer a Petition to his Majesty that they may be quieted in their Pofsefsions and remain under the Jurisdiction of the Mafsachusetts Bay or for any other thing that may be thought proper or Con- venient. Voted, That Benjamin Rolfe Esq"^ be hereby desired and impowred in the Name and Behalf of the Inhabi- tants of the Town of Rumford to prefer a Petition to the General Court that they would use their Interest with his Majesty that said Inhabitants may be quieted in their Pofsefsions and remain under the Jurisdiction of the Massachusetts Bay, or lor any other thing that may be thought proper or Convenient. To Ebenezer Virgin Conftable of the Town of Rum- ford. You are hereby required in his Majesty's Name to Notify as the Law directs the Inhabitants and Freeholders of the Town of Rumford to Afsemble and Meet at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Friday the Twenty Sixth Day of September current at Two of the Clock in the After-Noon, then and there to Act or do what they may think best relating to the Information they have had, that by the Determination of his Majesty in Council 56 CONCORD refpecting the controverted Bounds between the Prov- ince of the Mafsachusetts Bay and New-IIampfhire they are excluded from the Province of the Mafsa- chusetts Bay to which they always supposed themselves to belong, and to agree and vote that a Petition be pre- ferred to the Kings most Excellent Majesty setting forth our distressed Estate and praying we may be annexed to the said Mafsachusetts Province, also to impower some meet Perfon to present the said Petition to his Majesty and to appear and fully to Act for and in the Behalf of this Town refpecting the Subject Matter of said Petition according to his best Discretion also to impower some meet Perfon or Perfons in the Name and Behalf of this Town to Sign the said Petition ; and make due Return of this Warrant with your doings thereon. Dated at Rumford aforesaid the 20^^^ Day of Septem- ber Anno Domini 1740. Ebenezer Eastman ^Select Men of Benjamin Rolfe > the Town of John Chandler ) Rumford A true Copy Examined & Entered "^ Benjamin Rolfe Town Clerk. Rumford September y® 26*^ 1740. Efsex fs. By virtue of the within Warrant I have notifyed the within named Inhabitants and Freeholders of the within mentioned Meeting by setting up a Noti- fication of said Meetincr and the Cause thereof at the Meeting House Door in said Rumford Six Days before said Meeting. Ebenezer Virgin Conftable of Rumford A true Copy of the Return of the aforegoing Warrant Exam'* & Entered ■^ Benjamin Rolfe Town Clerk. TOWN RECORDS. 57 Notice is hereby given to the Inhabitants and Free- holders of the Town of Rumford to Afsemble and Meet at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Friday the Twenty Sixth Day of September current at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon then and there to Act or Do what they may think best relating to the Information they have had that by the Determination of his Majesty in Council refpecting the controverted Bounds between the Province of the Mafsachusetts Bay and New Hampfhire the}' are excluded from the Province of the Mafsachusetts Bay to which they always supposed themselves to belong and to agree and vote that a Peti- tion be preferred to the Kings most Excellent Majesty Setting forth our diftressed Eftate and praying we may be annexed to the said Mafsachusetts Province, also to impower some meet Perfon to present the said Petition to his Majesty and to appear and fully to Act for and in the Behalf of this Town refpecting the Subject Matter of said Petition according to his best discretion, also to impower some meet Perfon or Perfons in the Name and Behalf of this Town to Sign the said Petition. Dated at Rumford aforesaid the 20^'' Day of September Anno Domini 1740. By Order of the Selectmen of the Town of Rumford. Ebenezer Virgin Conftable of Rumford. A true Copy of the Notification set up at the Meeting House Door agreable to the aforegoing Warrant. Attest Benj^ Rolfe Town Clerk. At a Meeting of the Inhabitants and Freeholders of the Town of Rumford being legally warned and Afsembled the Twenty Sixth Day of September 1740. Cap* Ebenezer Eastman was chosen Moderator of this present Meeting This Town being informed that by the Determination of his Majesty in Council refpecting the controverted Bounds between the Province of the Mafsachusetts Bay and New Hampfhire they are excluded from the Prov- ince of the Mafsachusetts Bay to which they always Sup- 58 CONCORD posed themselves to belong therefore Unanimously voted That a Petition be preferred to the Kings most Excellent Majesty setting forth our distrefsed Eftate and praying we may be annexed to the said Mafsachusetts Province. Voted, That Thomas Hutchinson Esq'' be impowred to present the said Petition to his Majesty and to appear and fully to act for and in behalf of this Town respecting the Subject Matter of said Petition according to his best Discretion. Voted, That Benjamin Rolfe Esq*" Town Clerk be desired and impowred in the Name and Behalf of this Town to sign the said Petition Voted, That Benjamin Rolfe Esq'' be desired and im- powred to nominate or make Choice of a Suitable Perfon to present the said Petition to his Majesty and to appear and fully to act for and in Behalf of this Town refpecting the Subject Matter of said Petition according to his best Discretion In Case Thomas Hutchinson Eng;^ shall refuse the said Service or otherwise be prevented doing the same At a Meeting of the Inhabitants and Freeholders of the Town of Rumford being legally warned and afsembled the the Second Day of March Anno Domini 1740. Capt Ebenezer Eastman was chosen Moderator of this present Meeting. Benjamin Rolfe Esq"" was chosen Town Clerk For Select Men were chosen Benjamin Rolfe Esq"^ Cap* Ebenezer Eastman and Lieu* John Chandler. For Afsefsors were chosen Benjamin Rolfe Esq"^ Cap* Ebenezer Eastman and Lieu' John Chandler. Voted, That Benjamin Rolfe Esq"^ be Town Treafurer. For Conftable was chosen Joseph Hall For Surveyors of High Wavs were chosen M"" James Abbott M'" Jeremiah Stickney M"" David Kimball M^ Barachias Farnum, INP Joseph Hall and Cap' Ebenezer Eastman. For Tything Men were chosen M"" James Ofgood and M"^ George Abbott For Fence Viewers were chosen Benjamin Abbott, TOWN RECORDS. 59 James Farnum Abraham Bradley Lieu* John Chandler Ebenezer Virgin and Ebenezer Eastman jun'' Voted, That M"" David Kimball be Sealer of Leather Voted. That Edward Abbott be Sealer ot' Weights and Mealures Voted. That Jeremiah Drefser and Samuel Putney be chosen to take care that the Laws relating to the Preser- vation of Deer be observed and the Breakers thereof prosecuted and punifhed. Voted. That William Walker, Isaac Walker jun"^ David Barker and Lot Colby be Hogreves Voted. That William Walker, James Farnum, Jona- than Bradley and Ebenezer Eastman jun"^ be Field Drivers Voted. That Two Hundred and Sixty Pounds be raised for defreying the Minifterial Charge and for a School and the other necessary charges of the Town Voted, That the Select Men shall give Orders to the Surveyers of High Ways how^ & when the High Ways within this Townfhip shall be made and mended for the Year 1741. Voted. That Ten Shillings Shall be paid for each Wolf that shall be Killed in this Town in the Year 1741. to the killer of said Wolf Voted, That Twelve Pence be paid for each Rattle fnake that shall be killed in this Townfhip and their Tails brought to One or more of the Select Men between this Day and the last Day of May next Voted. That the Select Men be a Committee to allow Accompts for the Year 1741. Voted. That the Hogs shall be shut up in this Town- fhip for the Year 1741. Voted, That the Select Men shall let out the School Right for the Year 1741 as they shall think best Voted. That the Select Men shall take care to Hire a School Master for the year enfuing and to order when and where the School shall be kept Voted. That Joseph Hall be Collector. Voted, That this Meeting be adjourned to Monday the Thirtieth Day of March current at Three of the Clock in the Afternoon. 6o CONCORD To M' Ebenezer Virgin Conftable of the Town of Rum ford You are liereby required in his Majesty's Name to notify (as the Law directs) the Inhabitants and Free- holders of the Town of Rumford qualified to Vote in Town Affairs to afsemble and Meet at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Monday the Second Day of March next at Eight of the Clock in the Forenoon, then and there to choose a Town Clerk, Select Men, Town Treaf- urer, Conftable, and all other ordinary Town Officers ; also a County Treafurer and County Register, also to raise such Sum or Sums of Money as shall be thought necefsary for defreying the Ministerial Charge and for a School and for the other necefsary Charges of the Town, also to order how the High Ways within this Township Shall be made or mended for the Year 1741. also to allow what shall be thought proper for the killing of Wolves and Rattlefnakes within this Townfhip for the Year 1741. also to choose a Committee to allow Accompts and Debts that the Select Men may draw Orders upon the Town Treafurer for the paying of the same, also to order whether the Hogs shall be shut up or go at large within this Townfhip for the Year 1741. also to choose a Committee to let or lease out the School Right as the c? Town shall think best, also to order when the School shall be kept for the Year 1741. also to discharge the Town Treafurer of such Sum or Sums of Money as he hath paid in his said Capacity agreable to the Order of the Select Men of said Rumford, and make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon. Dated at Rumford aforesaid the Twenty Third Day of February Anno Domini 1740. Ebenezer Eastman ^Select Men of Benjamin Rolfe > the Town John Chandler ) of Rumtbrd A true Copy Exam*^ and Entered ^ Benj^ Rolfe Town Clerk Rumford March y"* 2"^' 1740. Efsex fs. By Virtue of the within Warrant I have notifyed the within named Inhabitants and Freeholders of the within mentioned Meeting by setting up a Notifi- TOWN RECORDS. 6l cation of said Meeting and the Cause thereof at the Meeting House Door in said Rumford Six Days before said Meeting. Ebenezer Virgin Conftable of Rumford A true Copy of the Return of the aforegoing Warrant. Attest Benj* Rolfe Town Clerk. Notice is hereby given to the Inhabitants and Free- holders of the Town of Rumford qualified to vote in Town Affairs to afsemble and meet at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Monday the Second Day of March next at Eight of the Clock in the Forenoon, then and there to choose a Town Clerk, Select Men, Town Treaf- urer, Conftable and all other ordinary Town officers, also a County Treafurer and County Register, also to raise such Sum or Sums of Money as shall be thought necefsary for defreying the Ministerial Charge and for a School and for the other necefsary Charges of the Town, also to order how the High Ways within this Townfhip shall be made or mended for the Year 1741, also to choose a Committee to allow Accompts and Debts that the Select Men may draw Orders upon the Town Treaf- urer for the paying of the Same, also to order whether the Hogs shall be shut up or go at large within this Townfhip for the Year 1741. also to choose a Committee to let or lease out the School Right as the Town shall think best, also to order when the School shall be kept for the Year 1741, also to discharge the Town Treafurer of such Sum or Sums of Money as he hath paid in his said Capacity agreable to the Order of the Select Men of said Rumford. Dated at Rumford aforesaid the Twenty Third Day of February Anno Domini 1740. By Virtue of a Warrant from ) Ebenezer Virgin the Selectmen of Rumford > Conftable of Rumford A true Copy of the Notification set up at the Meeting House Door agreable to the foregoing Warrant. Examd ^ Entered ^ Benjamin Rolfe Town Clerk 62 CONCORD Elsex Is. To M' Joseph Hall Conftable of Rumford. Greeting In Observance of his Majesty* Writ to us directed. These are in his Majest3^'s Name to Will and Require you forthwith to notify the Freeholders and other Inhab- itants of said Town of Rumford, that have an Estate of Freehold in Land, within this Province or Territory of Forty Shillings per Annum at the Least; or other Estate to the Value of Fifty Pounds Sterling to afsemble at the Meeting House in Said Rumford on Monday the Twenty Ninth Day of June current at Five of the Clock in the After-Noon then and there to elect and depute a Perfon (being a Freeholder and Resident in said Town) to Serve for and Represent them in a great and general Court or Afsembly appointed to be convened, held, and kept for his Majesty'* Service, at the Court House, in Boston upon Wednefday the Eighth Day of July next enfuing the Date hereof, and to notif}' and Summons the Perfon so elected and deputed by the Major Part of the Electors Present to attend his Majesty's Service, in the said great and general Court or Afsembly on the Day above prefixed by Nine in jNIorning and so de Die in Diem, during their Sefsion and Sefsions, also to grant such Sum or Sums of Money as shall be thought best to enable Thomas Hutchinson Esq' further to prosecute the Affair of our being annexed to the Province of the Mafsachusetts Bay, also to choose a Surveyer of High Ways inftead of Joseph Hall who refuses to serve in said Office, and make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon. Dated at Rumford aforesaid the 22""^ Day of June 1741. Ebenezer Eastman ^Select INIen Benjamin Rolfe > of John Chandler ) Rumford A true Copy Exam'' & Entered ^ Benj^' Rolfe Town Clerk Rumford TOWN RECORDS. 63 Rumford June the 29'^^ 1741- Efsex fs. By Virtue of the within Warrant I have notifyed the within mentioned Inhabitants and Free- holders of the within mentioned Meeting and the Cause thereof by seasonably informing them of the Same and Setting up a Notification thereof at the Meeting House Door. Joseph Hall Conftable of Rumford. A true Copy of the Return of the aforegoing Warrant Attest Benj^ Rolfe Town Clerk Notice is hereby given to the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Rumford that have an eftate of Freehold in Land within this Province or Territory of Forty Shillings ^ Annum at the least ; or other Eftate to the Value of Fifty Pounds Sterling to afsemble at the Meeting House in Said Rumford on Monday the Twenty Ninth Day of June currant at Five of the Clock in the After-Noon, then and there to elect and depute a Perfon (being a P'reeholder and Resident in said Town) to Serve for and Represent them in a Great and General Court or Afsembly appointed to be convened, held, and kept for his Majesty's Service, at the Court House in Boston, upon Wednefday the Eighth Day of July next enfuing the Date hereof also to grant such Sum or Sums of Money as shall be thought best to enable Thomas Hutchinson Esq' further to prosecute the Affair of our being annexed to the Province of the Mafsachusetts Bay, also to choose a Surveyor of High Ways inftead of Jos- eph Hall who refuses to Serve in said Office. Dated at Rumford aforesaid the 23''^ Day of June 1741. By Virtue of a Warrant ^ j 1 h 11 from the Select Men >i, Ji ^^ "^ r -n rj r Ti r J \ Conltable 01 Rumtord 01 Rum lord ) . A true Copy of the Notification set up at the Meeting House Door in said Rumford agreably to the aforegoing Warrant Exam*^ and Entered 1^ Benjamin Rolfe Town Clerk 64 CONCORD At a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and Inhab- itants of the Town of Rumford on the 29*'' Day of June 1 741. for the Choice of a Representative The Select Men regulating said Meeting agreable to Law. It was put to Vote whether they would choose a Rep- resentative and it pafsed in the negative. After the aforegoing Vote was pafsed upon, Cap' Ebenezer Eastman was chosen Moderator of this present Meeting, Voted. That M"^ Daniel Chase be chosen a Surveyor of High Ways for the Year enfuing inftead of Joseph Hall wiio refused to Serve in said Office. Voted, That this Meeting be adjourned to Wednefday the Eighth Day of July next at Five of the Clock in the After-Noon at the Meeting House in said Rumford. At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants and Freeholders of the Town of Rumford of Rumford on Wednefday the 31^^ Day of March 1742. Cap* Ebenezer Eastman was chosen Moderator of this present Meeting. Benjamin Rolfe Esq' was chosen Town Clerk for the Year Enfuing. For Select Men were chosen Benjamin Rolfe Esq' Cap* Ebenezer Eastman, and Enfign Jeremiah Stickney. For Conftable w^as chosen M' George x\bbott, For Town Treafurer was chosen Benjamin Rolfe Esq'. Voted, That Benj"* Rolfe Esq' Cap* Ebenezer Eastman and Enfign Jeremiah Stickney be Afsefsors. Voted, That M' George Abbott be Collector. For Surveyers of High Ways w^ere chosen Timoth\' Bradlee, Barachias Farnum, Nath" Abbott, James Of- good, Daniel Chase and Cap* Ebenezer Eastman. For Tything Men were chosen Richard Haseltine and Isaac Walker jun"". For Fence Viewers were chosen, Samuel Putnee, Jos- eph Eastman, James Abbott, Jonathan Bradlee, and Ebenezer Virgin and Abraham Colbee. Voted, That M"" David Kimball be Sealer of Leather. TOWN RECORDS. 65 Voted, That M' Edward Abbott be a Sealer of Weights & Meafures. Voted, That Nath'^ Abbott and David Kimball be chosen to take care that the Laws relating to the Preser- vation of Deer be observed and the Breakers thereof be prosecuted and punished. Voted, That William Walker, Nath" West, Judah Trumble, and Joseph Farnum be Hogreves, Voted, That William Walker, Daniel Chase, Joseph Farnum, Edward Abbott, and Obediah Eastman be Field Drivers. Voted, That the Select Men shall give Orders to the Surveyers of High Ways how & when the High Ways within this Townfhip shall be made & mended for the Year 1742. Voted. That Twelve Pence be paid for each Rattle- fnake that shall be Killed in this Townfhip and their Tails brought to One or more of the Select Alen between this Day and the last Day of May next. Voted. That the Select Men be a Committee to allow Accompts for the Year 1742. Voted. That the Select Men be a Committee to let out the School Right for the Year 1742 as they shall think best. Voted, That Benjamin Rolfe Esq' Treafurer for the Town of Rumford be discharged of the Sum of Two Hundred and Ninety Five Pounds, Seven Shillings and Nine Pence which he has paid out agreable to the Order of the Select Men and that there remains the Sum of Sixty One Pounds Eighteen Shillings and Ten Pence in said Rolfe's Hands which said Rolfe is to be x\ccountable for to the Town, the said Rolfe is also to be Accountable for the Rates committed to Joseph Hall to collect, and for what the School Lot let lor the Two last Years. Voted, That Edward Abbott, Deacon John Merrill and Nathaniel Abbott be a Committee to take care and build a School House for this Town as they Shall in their best Judgment think best, the said House is to be built between the Widow Barkers Barn and the Brook by the Clay Pits. Voted, That the Sum of Three Hundred Pounds be 66 CONCORD raised for defreying the Ministerial Charge and for a School and for building a School House and for the other necefsary Charges of the Town. At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants and Freeholders of the Town of Rumford at the Meeting House in said Rumford on the Thirty First Day of March Anno Domini 1743. Capt Ebenezer Eastman was chosen Moderator of this Present Meeting. Benj"' Rolfe Esq"" w^as chosen Clerk. M' Daniel Chase was chosen Conftable. For Select Men were chosen Benjamin Rolfe Esq"" Cap' Ebenezer Eastman and Enfign Jeremiah Stickney. For Town Treafurer was chosen Benj^ Rolfe Esq'. Voted, That Benj^ Rolfe Esq' Cap' Ebenezer Eastman and Enfign Jeremiah Stickney shall be Afsefsors for the Year Enfuing. Voted, That M' Daniel Chase shall be Collector for the Year Enfuing. Voted, That M' David Foster, Abiel Chandler, Nath- aniel Abbott, Barachias Farnum, Philip Eastman & David Kimball shall be Surve^'ors of High Ways for the Year Enfuinp*. V^oted. That M' Richard Haseltine and M' James Abbott shall be Ty thing Men. For Fence Viewers were chosen Samuel Putnee, Abraham Colbee, Jonathan Bradlee, and Jeremiah Drefser. Voted. That M' David Kimball be Sealer of Leather. Voted, That M' Edward Abbott be Sealer of Weights and Meafures. Voted, That Ebenezer Eastman jun' and Samuel Gray be chosen to take care that the Laws relating to the Prefervation of Deer be observed and the Breakers there- of be prosecuted and Punished. Voted. That Samuel Gray, Abiel Chandler, Abraham Colbee and Judah Trumble be Hogreves. ^'oted, That Timoth}' Walker iun"" David Chandler, and Obediah Eastman be Field Drivers. Voted, That the Select Men shall give Orders to the TOWN RECORDS. 6*J Surveyers of High Ways how & when the High Ways shall be made & mended for the Year 1743. Voted. That Twelve Pence Old Tenor be paid for each Rattlefnake that shall be killed in this Townfhip & their Tails brought to One or more of the Select Men by the last Day of May next. Voted, That the Select Men be a Committee to allow Accompts for the Year 1743. Voted, That the Select Men be a Committee to let out the School Right for the year ensuing as they shall think best. Voted, That the Sum of Three Hundred Pounds Old Tenor be raised for defreying the Minifterial Charge and for a School and for the other necefsary Charges of the Town. To M' George Abbott Conftable of the Town of Rum- ford. You are hereby required in his Majesty's Name to notify (as the Law directs) the Inhabitants and Free- holders of the Town of Rumford qualified to Vote in Town Affairs to afsemble and Meet at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Thurfday the Thirty First Day of March current at Eight of the Clock in the Fore- Noon, then and there to choose a Town Clerk, Select Men, Town Treafurer, Conftable and all other ordinary Town Officers, also to raise such Sum or Sums of Money as shall be thought necefsary for defreying the Minis- terial Charge and for a School and for the other necef- sai-y Charges of the Town, also to order how the High Ways within this Townfhip shall be made or mended for the Year 1743, also to allow what shall be thought proper for the Killing of Wolves and Rattlefnakes within this Townfhip for the year 1743. also to choose a Committee to allow Accompts and Debts, also to choose a Commmittee to let or lease out the School Right as the Town shall think best, also to Order where the School shall be kept for the Year 1743, also to discharge the Town Treafurer of such Sum or Sums of Money as he hath paid in his said Capacity agreable to the Order of the Select Men of said Rumford and make due Return of this Warrant with your doings thereon. 68 CONCORD Dated at Rumford aforesaid the 22"'^ Day of March 1742. Ebenezer Eastman ^Select Men Benjamin Rolfe > of Jeremiah Stickney ) Rumford A true Copy Exam^ & Entered ■^ Benjamin Rolfe Town Clerk. Rumford March 31. 1743. Prov : of New- } Hampshire ^ By Virtue of the within Warrant, I have notifyed the within mentioned Inhabitants and Freeholders of the within mentioned Meeting by setting up a Notification of said Meeting and the cause thereof at the Meeting House Door in said Rumford Eight Days before the said Meeting. Georcre Abbott Conftable of Rumford A true Copy of the Return of the aforegoing Warrant. Attest Benjamin Rolfe Town Clerk. Notice is hereby given to the Inhabitants and Free- holders of the Town of Rumford qualified to Vote in Town Afiairs to afsemble and Meet at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Thurfday the Thirty First Day of March current at Eight of the Clock in the Fore- noon, then and there to choose a Town Clerk, Select Men, Town Treafurer, Conftable and all other ordinary Town Officers, also to raise such Sum or Sums of Money as shall be thought necefsar}' for defreying the Minis- terial Charge and for a School and for the other necef- sary Charges of the Town, also to Order how the High Ways within this Townfhip shall be made or mended for the Year 1743, also to allow what shall be thought proper for the killinrj of Wolves and Rattlefnakes within this Townfhip for the Year 1743, alfo to choose a Committee to allow Accompts and Debts, also to choose a Com- mittee to let or lease out the School Right as the Town shall think best, also to Order when the Schooll Shall be kept for the Year 1743, also to discharge the Town TOWN RECORDS. 69 Treafurer of such Sum or Sums of Money as he hath paid in his said Capacit}^ agreable to the Order of the Select Men of said Rumford. Dated at Rumford aforesaid the 22"'^ Day of March 1742. By Virtue of a Warrant ^ mi. r ^u CI ^ AT (jeorge Abbott irom the Select Men r^ r 1 i r t^ r ■, r T3 r J Lonltable of Rumford 01 Rumiord A true Copy of the Notification set up at the Meeting House in said Rumford agreable to the foregoing Warrant. Attest Benjamin Rolfe Town Clerk. At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Rum- ford on the Twenty Seventh Day of April 1742. In Obedience to an Act of the Province of New Hampshire Intituled an Act for Subjecting all Perfons and Eftates within this Provinces lying to the Eastward or Northward of the Eastern or Northern Boundary of the JNIafsa- chusetts Bay not being within any Townfhip to pay a Tax according to the Rules therein Prefcribed towards the Support of this Government. Cap^ Ebenezer Eastman was chosen Moderator. Benjamin Rolfe Esq"" was chosen Clerk. Benjamin Rolfe Esq% Cap^ Ebenezer Eastman and Enfign Jeremiah Stickney were chosen Select Men. George Abbott was chosen Collector. At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of Rumford on Monday the 23^^^ Day of January 1743. Cap' Ebenezer Eastman was chosen Moderator. Benjamin Rolfe Esq' was chosen Clerk. For Select Men were chosen Cap* Ebenezer Eastman, Benjamin Rolfe Esq' and Enfign Jeremiah Sticknev. Voted, That M' Daniel Chase be Conftable. Voted, That Benjamin Rolfe Esq' be Treafurer. Voted, That the Sum of Three Hundred Pounds Old Tenor be raised for defreying the Minifterial Charge and for a School and for the other necefsary Charges of the Town. 70 CONCORD Notice is hereby given to the Inhabitants of Rumford qualified to Vote in Town Affairs to /Vfsemble and Meet at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Monday the 23''' Day of January current at Nine of the Clock in the forenoon, then and there to choose a Clerk, Select Men, Conftable and Town Treafurer also to raise such Sum or Sums of Money as shall be thought necefsarv to defrey the Minifterial Charge and for a School and the other necefsary Charges arisen or arising in said Rumford, alfo to choose a Committee to allow Accompts and to draw Orders on the Treafurer for the Payment of the same. Dated at Rumford aforesaid the Twent}- First Day of January 1743. Ebenezer Eastman ^Select Men Benjamin Rolfe > of said Jeremiah Stickney } Rumford. A true Copy of the Notification set up at the Meeting House Door in s** Rumford for the immediate foregoing Meeting. Attest Benj^ Rolfe Clerk At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants and Freeholders of Rumford on Wednefday the 28^'* Day of March 1744. Cap* Ebenezer Eastman was chosen Moderator of this Meeting. Benjamin Rolfe Esq'' was chosen Clerk. For Select Men were chosen Benjamin Rolfe Esq' M"^ Barachias Farnum and Cap* John Chandler. For Conftable was chosen M"" Nath" Rolfe. For Surveyors of High Ways were chosen M' Bara- chias Farnum, M"^ Jeremiah Bradley, M"" Jacob Shute, Mr' Stephen Farington, M' James Abbott, M' Edward Abbott, M' Philip Eastman and M' Ebenezer Virgin. For Tything ^len were chosen M' Richard Haseltine and M' David Chandler. For Fence Viewers were chosen, Enfign Nath^^ Ab- bott, M' Abiel Chandler, M' Joseph Hall, M' Ebenezer Eastman fun"' and M' Abraham Colbee. Voted, That M' David Kimball be Sealer of Leather. TOWN RECORDS. 7 1 Voted, That M' Edward Abbott be a Sealer of Weights and Meafures. Voted, that Jonathan Bradley, Lot Colbee, Nath" Rix, Timothy Bradley and Ebenezer Hall be Hogreves. Voted, That Timothy Walker jun' James Abbott jun"" Jonathan Bradley and Jeremiah Eastman be Field Drivers. Voted, That Benjamin Rolfe Esq' be Trealurer. Voted, That Twenty Shillings Old Tenor be allowed for each Wolf that shall be killed within this Tow-nfhip in the Year 1744, to the Killer of said Wolf. Voted. That Two Shillings Old Tenor shall be paid for each Rattlefnake that shall be killed within this Town- ship in April or May next and their Tails brought to One or more of the Select Men by the last Day of said May. Voted, That the Select Men shall give Orders to the Surveyears of High Ways how the same shall be made or mended for the Year 1744. Voted. That the Select Men shall let out the School Right as they shall think best, for the Year Enfuing. Voted, That such Perfons as shall incline to Hire a School Miftrefs at their own Cost may have leave to keep the School in the School House until the Town shall have Occafion for such House. Voted, That Benjamin Rolfe Esq' Treafurer for said Rumford be discharged of the Sum of Five Hundred and Fifty Three Pounds Fifteen Shillings and Three Pence Old Tenor which he hath paid out agreeable to the Order of the Select Men and that there Remains the Sum of One Hundred and Seven Pounds Eight Shillings and Five Pence Old Tenor which said Rolfe is to be Accoun- table for to the Towm, the said Rolfe is also to be accoun- table for the Rates committed to M' Daniel Chase. To M' Daniel Chase Conftable of Rumford. You are hereby required in his Majesties Name to notify as the Law directs the Inhabitants and Freehold- ers of Rumford aforesaid (qualified to vote in Town Affairs) to afsemble and meet at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Wednefday the Twenty Eighth Day of March current at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon, then and there to choose a Clerk, Select Men, and all other 72 CONCORD Ordinary Town Officers, also to discharge the Treafurer of such Sums of Money as he hath paid out agreable to the Orders of the Select Men of said Rumford, also to consider what is best to do relating to a School and to act thereon as may be thought proper, also to vote what shall be given for killing of Wolves and Rattlefnakes within this Townfhip for the Year 1744, also to Order how the High Ways within this Townfhip shall be made or mended for the Year 1744, also to Order how the School Lott shall be let out for the Year Enfuing and make Return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Subfcribers at or before said Meeting. Dated at Rumford atbresaid the Sixteenth Day of March Anno Domini 1743. Ebenezer Eastman ^Select Men Benjamin Rolfe > of Jeremiah Stickney ) Rumford. Rumford March the 28^'' 1744 — Province of New > Hampshire ) By Virtue of the within Warrant I have notified the within mentioned Inhabitants and Freeholders of the within mentioned Meeting by sett- ing up a Notification of said Meeting and the Cause thereof at the Meeting House Door in said Rumford Eleven Days before said Meeting. Daniel Chase Conftable of Rumford. A true Copy of the Warrant and the Return thereof x\ttest Benj* Rolfe Clerk. Notice is hereby given to the Inhabitants and Free- holders of Rumford (qualified to vote in Town Aflairs) to afsemble and meet at the Meeting House in said Rum- ford on Wednefda}^ the Twenty Eighth Day of ]March current at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon, then and there to choose a Clerk, Select Men and all other Ordinary Town Officers, also to discharge the Treafurer of such Sums of Money as he hath paid out agreable to the Orders of the Select Men of said Rumford, also to con- sider w^hat is best to do relating to a School and to act thereon as may be thought proper, also to vote what TOWN RECORDS. 73 shall be given for killing of Wolves and Rattlefnakes within this Township for the Year 1744. ^^^"^ ^^ Order how the School Lott shall be let out for the Year Enfuing. Dated at Rumford aforesaid this Sixteenth Day of March Anno Domini 1743. Daniel Chase Conftable of Rumford By Virtue of a Warrant from the Select Men of Rumford. A true Copy of the Notification set up at the Meeting House Door in said Rumford agreable to the foregoing Warrant. Attest Benj* Rolfe Clerk. At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of Rumford on Monday the 17''' Day of Sept' 1744. Voted, That Cap' Ebenezer Eastman be Moderator of this present Meeting. Voted, That Benjamin Rolfe Esq"" be Clerk. Voted, That Benjamin Rolfe Esq^ Lieut. Jeremiah Stickney and Cap' John Chandler be Select Men. Voted, That M^' James Abbott be Conftable. Voted. That Benjamin Rolfe Esq' be Treafurer. For Surveyors of High Ways were chosen M' Barach- ias Farnum, M' Jacob Shute, M' Stephen Farington, M' Edward Abbott, M' James Abbott jun' I\P Ebenezer Virgin and M' Philip Eastman. Voted, That M' Richard Haseltine and M' David Chandler be Tvthing Men. Voted, That Enfign Nath" Abbott, M' Joseph Hall and M' Ebenezer Eastman jun' be Fence Viewers. Voted, That M' David Kimball be a Sealer of Leather. Voted, That M' Edward Abbott be a Sealer of Weights and Meafures. Voted, That Jonathan Bradley and Lott Colbee and Judah Trumble be Hogreves. Voted. That Timothy Walker jun"" Abiel Chandler and Jeremiah Eastman be Field Drivers. Voted, That the Sum of Seventy Five Pounds be raised for delreying the Minifterial Charge, and for a 74 CONCORD Town Stock and for the Other necefsary Charges of the Town. Voted, That the Select Men be a Committee to allow Accompts and to draw Orders upon the Treafurer for Paying of the same. Notice is hereby given to the Inhabitants of Rumford qualified to Vote in Town Affairs to afsemble and meet at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Monday the Seventeenth Day of September current at Two of the Clock in the After Noon, then and there to choose a Clerk, Select Men, Conftable, Town Treafurer and all other ordinary Town Officers, also to raise such Sum or Sums of Money as shall be thought necefsary to defre}' the Minifterial Charge and for a School and the other necefsary Charges arisen or arising in said Rumford, also to choose a Committee to allow Accompts and to draw Orders on the Treafurer for the Payment of the same. Dated at Rumford aforesaid the Sixth Day of Sep- tember Anno Domini 1744. Benjamin Rolfe ^Select Men John Chandler > of said Barachias Farnum ) Rumford A true Copy of the Notification set up at the Meeting House Door in said Rumford for the immediate forego- ing Meeting. Attest Benjamin Rolfe Clerk. At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants and Freehold- ers of Rumford on Tuefda}' the 11"' Day of December 1744. Cap* Ebenezer Eastman was chosen Moderator of said Meeting. Voted. That Benjamin Rolfe Esq"" be hereby desired and impowred in the Name and behalf of said Inhabit- ants to prefer a Petition to his Excellency Our Cap' Gen- eral or to the General Afsembly of this Province tor such a Number of Soldiers which mav be Sufficient TOWN RECORDS. 75 with a Divine Blefsing to defend us against all Attempts which may be made against us by Our Enemies. Voted, That Benjamin Rolfe Esq"" be hereby desired and impowred in the Name and Behalf of said Inhabit- ants to prefer a Petition to his Excellency Our Govern- our or the General Afsembh^ of this Province that they may be impowred to make Choice of some suitable Per- fon to serve for and represent them in every Sefsion of the General Afsembly trom time to time within this Prov- ince. Voted, That Benjamin Rolfe Esq' be hereby desired and impowred in the Name and behalf of said Inhabit- ants to represent to His Excellency the Governour and General Court of the Province of the Mafsachusetts Bav the deplorable Circumftances we are in upon the Account of our being exposed to imminent Danger both from the French and Indian Enemy and to request of them such Aids as to their great Wisdom may seem meet and which may be sufficient to enable us w^ith a Divine Blefsing vigorously to repell all Attempts of our said Enemies. To M' James Abbott Conftable of Rumford — You are hereby required in His Majesties Name to notify (as the Law directs) the Inhabitants and Freehold- ers of said Rumford qualified to Vote in Town Affairs to afsemble and meet at the Meeting House in said Rum- ford on Tuefday the Eleventh Day of this Inftant December at One of the Clock in the After Noon, then and there to make choice of some suitable Perfon or Perfons to make Application to His Excellency Our Governour or to the General Afsembly of this Province or else where as said Perfon or Perfons shall think necefsary or convenient, for a Sufficient Number of Sol- diers to safeguard and defend us from our Enemies, also lor Libert}' to send an Afsembly Man, and make Return of this Warrant with Your doings thereon to the Sub- fcribers on or before said Meeting. Dated at Rumford aforesaid this Eighth Dav of Dec- ember 1744. Benj=^ Rolfe ^ Select Men John Chandler 5 of Rumford 76 CONCORD Rum ford December y*' 11"' i744- Province of } New Hampshire ^ By Virtue of the within Warrant I have notified the within mentioned Inhabitants and Free- holders of the within mentioned Meeting by setting up a Notification of said Meeting and the Cause thereof at the Meeting House Door in said Rumford Three Days before said Meeting. James Abbott Conftable of Rumford A true Copy Attest Benj^ Rolfe Clerk. Notice is hereby given to the Inhabitants and Free- holders of Rumford, qualified to vote in Town Aff'airs, to afsemble and meet at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Tuefday the Eleventh Day of this Inftant December at One of the Clock in the After-Noon, then and there to make choice of some Suitable Perfon or Perfons to make application to his Excellency our Gov- ernour or to the General Assembly of this Province or elsewhere as said Perfon or Perfons shall think necfsary or Convenient for a Sufficient Number of Soldiers to safeguard and defend us from our Enemies, also for Liberty to send an Afsembly Man. Dated at Rumford aforesaid this Eighth Day of Dec- ember 1744. James Abbott Conftable of Rumford By Virtue of a Warrant from the Select Men of said Rumford. A true Copy of the Notification set up at the Meeting House Door in said Rumford agreable to the foregoing Warrant. Attest Benjamin Rolfe Clerk. At a legal Meeting of the Freeholders of the District of Rumford, for choosing a Representative, on the 21*' Day of January 1744. Voted, That the Select Men shall Moderate this pres- ent Meeting. TOWN RECORDS. 77 Voted, That Benjamin Rolt'e Esq*' be chosen to repe- sent said District in the General Afsembly to be con- vened & holden at Portsmouth on the 24'^ Day of Janu- ary current. Province of ) New Hampshire 5 To M' James Abbott Conftable of the District of Rumford in said Province. Greeting. In Pursuance of His Majesty's Writ to us directed, These are to require you in His Majesty's Name to notify as the Law directs the Freeholders of said Rum- ford qualified by Law to elect Representatives to meet at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Monday the 21** Day of January current at Three of the Clock in the After Noon, then and there to make choice of some Suitable Perfon to represent said Diftrict in the General Afsembly to be convened and holden at Portsmouth on the 24"' Day of January current at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon and to de die in diem during their Sefsion or Sefsions, hereof fail not and make due Return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Subfcribers at or before said Meeting. Dated at Rumford aforesaid the 7*^ Da}' of January 1744. Benjamin Rolte ^Select INIen John Chandler > of said Jeremiah Stickney } Rumford Rumford January 21** i744- Prov. of > New Hamp 5 Pursuant to the within Warrant I have notified the within mentioned Freeholders of the within mentioned Meeting by setting up a Notification gf said Meetincr and the Cause thereof at the Meeting House Door in said Rumford Fifteen Da3's betbre said Meeting James Abbott Conftable of Rumford A true Copy Attest Benj« Rolfe Clerk. 78 CONCORD Province of } New Hampshire ^ Notice is hereby given to the Free- holders of the District of Rumford in said Province qualified by Law to elect Representatives to meet at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Monday the 21*' Day of January current at Three of the Clock in the After Noon then and there to choose some suitable Perfon to represent said District in the General Afsembly to be convened and holden at Portsmouth on the 24'*" Day of January current at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon and so de die in diem during their Sefsion or Sefsions. Dated at Rumford aforesaid this 7**^ Day of January 1744. James Abbott By Virtue of a Warrant Conftable of Rumford from the Select Men of said Rumford. A true Copy of the Notification set up at the Meeting I-Iouse Door in said Rumford agreable to the foregoing Warrant Attest Benj* Rolfe Clerk. At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of Rumford on the Twenty Eighth Day of Feb^J' 1744. Cap' Ebenezer Eastman was chosen Moderator Voted, That Benj^ Rolfe Esq"^ be hereby desired and impowred in the Name and behalf of said Inhabitants to represent to the General Afsembly of the Province of New Hampshire the deplorable Circumstances we are in upon the Account of Our being exposed to imminent Danger both from the French and Indian Enemy and to Request of them such Aids both with Respect to Men and Military Stores as to their great Wisdom may seem meet and which may be sufficient to enable us with a Divine Blefsing vigorously to repell all Attempts of Our said Enemies. To M"" James Abbott Conftable of Rumford, Greeting You are hereby required in His Majesty' Name to notify (as the Law directs) the Inhabitants and Free- holders of said Rumford qualified to vote in Town Affairs TOWN RECORDS. 79 to Afsemble and Meet at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Thurfday the Twenty Eighth Day of Feb^^ current at Four of the Clock in the After Noon, then & there to make Choice of some suitable Perfon to repre- sent to the General Afsembly of the Province of New- Hampshire the deplorable Circumstances we are in upon the Account of our being exposed to imminent Danger from our Enemies and to Request of them such Aids, which may be sufficient to enable us with a Divine Blef- sing vigorously to repell all Attempts of our said Ene- mies. And make due Return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Subfcribers at or before said Meet- ing. Dated at Rumford aforesaid this Twenty Fifth Day of Feb''y Anno Domini 1744. Benjamin Rolfe ) Select Men John Chandler > o^ Rumford Rumford Feb'y 28, 1744- Province of New Hamp® By Virtue of the within Warrant I have notified the within mentioned Inhabitants and Freehold- ers of the within mentioned Meeting by setting up a Notification thereof at the Meeting House in said Rum- ford. James Abbott Conftable of Rumford. A true Copy Attest Benjamin Rolfe Clerk. Notice is hereby given to the Inhabitants & Freehold- ers of Rumford qualified to vote in Town Affairs to Afsemble and meet at the Meeting House in said Rum- ford on Thurfday the 28"^ Day of Feb'^ current at Four of the Clock in the Afternoon, then & there to make Choice of some suitable Perfon to represent to the Gen- eral Afsembly of the Province of New Hampshire the deplorable Circumftances we are in, upon the Account of Our being exposed to imminent Danger from Our Ene- mies and to Request of them such Aids, which may be Sufficient to enable us with a Divine Blefsing vigorously to repell all Attempt of our said Enemies. 8o CONCORD Dated at Rumford aforesaid this Twenty Fifth Day of Feb'y Anno Domini 1744. James Abbott Conftable of Rumford. By Virtue of a Warrant from the Select Men A true Copy of the Notification set up at the Meeting House Door in said Rumford agreable to the foregoing Warrant. Attest Benj'^ Rolfe Clerk. At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants and Freeholders of Rumford on the Twenty Eight Day of March Anno Domini 1745. Cap' John Chandler was chosen Moderator of this Present Meeting. Voted, That Benj^ Rolte Esq'' be Clerk. For Select Men were chosen Benj'^ Rolfe Esq' Cap* John Chandler and Lieu* Jeremiah Stickney. For Conftable was chosen M' Samuel Pudney. For Treafurer was chosen Benjamin Rolfe Esq'. For Afsefsors were chosen Ben]'* Rolfe Esq' Cap' John Chandler and Lieu' Jeremiah Stickney. For Surveyers of High Ways w^ere chosen M' Abra- ham Bradley, M' Edward Abbott, M' Philip Eastman, M' David Kimball, M' Jeremiah Bradley and M' Jacob Shute. For Tything Men w^ere chosen Deacon Ephraim Far- num and M' Abraham Colbee. For Fence Viewers were chosen M' Daniel Chase, Enfign Joseph Eastman, M' Abiel Chandler and Ensign Nath" Abbott. Voted, That M' Edward Abbott be Sealer of Weights and Meafures. Voted, That Samuel Bradley, Isaac Waldron, Samp- son Colbee and Philip Kimball be Hogreves. Voted, That Samuel Gray, Lot Colbee, Jeremiah Eastman and James Abbot jun"" be Field Drivers. Voted, That Twenty Shillings old Tenor be allowed for each Wolf that shall be killed wnthin this Township in the Year 1745, to the killer of said Wolf. TOWN RECORDS. 8l Voted, That Two Shillings Old Tenor be paid for each Rattlefnake that shall be killed in this Township in April or May next & their Tails brought to One or More of the Select Men by the last Day of said May. Voted, That the Select Men shall give Orders to the Surveyers of High Ways how the Ways in this Town- fhip shall be made or mended lor the Year 1745. Voted, That the Select Men shall let out the School Rif^ht for the Year Enfuin";. Voted, That M' Samuel Pudney be excused for Serv- ing as Constable for this present year. Voted, That Doct' Ezra Carter be Constable. Voted, That the Constable shall have Ten Pounds Old Tenor ibr Serving. To M' James Abbott Conftable of Rumford Greeting. You are hereby required in His Majesty* Name to notify as the Law directs the Inhabitants and Freehold- ers of Rumford aforesaid (qualified to vote in Town Affairs) to afsemble and meet at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Thurfday the Tw^enty Eighth Day of March current at Nine of the Clock in the Forenoon, then and there to choose a Clerk, Select Men, Treafurer and all other ordinary Town Officers, also to consider what is best to do relating to a School and to act thereon as may be thought proper, also to Vote what shall be given for killing of Wolves and Rattlefnakes within this Townfhip for the Year 1745, also to order how the High Ways within this Tow^nfhip shall be made or mended for the Year 1745, also to order how the School Lot shall be let out for the Year enfuing, and make Return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Subfcribers at or before said Meeting. Dated at Rumtbrd aforesaid this Twent}^ Second Day of March Anno Domini 1744. Benjamin Rolfe ^Select Men John Chandler > of Jeremiah Stickney ) Rumtbrd. A true Copy Attest Benj'^ Rolfe Clerk 82 CONCORD Rumford March 28. 1745. Province of New } Hamp'''' ^ By Virtue of the within Warrant I have notihed the within mentioned Inhabitants and Freeholders of the within mentioned Meeting by setting up a Notification of said Meeting and the Cause thereof at the Meeting House Door in said Rumford Six Days before said Meeting. James Abbott Conftable of Rumford. A true Copy of the Return of the foregoing Warrant. Attest Benj"* Rolfe Clerk Notice is hereby given to the Inhabitants and Free- holders of Rumford (qualified to vote in Town Affairs) to afsemble and meet at the Meeting House in said Rum- ford on Thurfday the Twenty Eighth Day of March cur- rent at Nine of the Clock in the Forenoon, then and there to Choose a Clerk, Select Men, Treafurer and all other Ordinary Town Officers, also to Consider what is best to do relating to a School and to act thereon as may be thought proper, also to vote what shall be given for the killing of Wolves and Rattlefnakes within this Townfhip for the Year 1745, also to order how the High Ways within this Townfhip shall be made or mended for the Year 1745, also to order how the School Lott shall be let out for the Year Enfuing. Dated at Rumford aforesaid this 22"^^ Day of March 1744. James Abbott Conftable of Rumford B}^ Virtue of a Warrant from the Select Men of Rumford A true Copy of the Notification set up at the Meeting House Door in s'^ Rumford agreable to the foregoing Warrant Attest Benj'^ Rolfe Clerk At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants and Freeholders of Rumford on the Fifteenth Day of April 1745. TOWN RECORDS. 83 Cap' John Chandler was chosen Moderator of this present Meeting. Voted, That Benjamin Rolfe Esq'' be hereby desired and impowred in the Name and Behalf of said Inhabi- tants to represent to the General Afsembly of the Prov- ince of New Hampfhire the Deplorable Circumftances we are in, upon the Account of our being exposed to imminent Danger both from the French and Indian Enemy and to request of them such Aids both with respect to Men and Military Stores as to their great Wis- dom may seem meet and which may be sufficient to enable us with a Divine Blefsing vigorously to repell all Attempts of Our said Enemies. Voted, That Benjamin Rolfe Esq' be hereby desired and impowred in the Name and Behalf of said Inhab- itants to represent to the General Court of the Province of the Mafsachusetts Bay the deplorable Circumftances we are in, upon the Account of our being exposed to imminent Dancjer both from the French and Indian Enemy and to Request of them such Aids both with Ref- pect to Men and Military Stores as to their great Wisdom may seem meet, and which may be sufficient to enable us with a Divine Blefsing vigorously to repell all Attempts of Our said Enemies. To M' Ezra Carter Conftable of Rumford Greeting, You are hereby required in his Majesty^ Name (to notify as the Law directs) the Inhabitants and Freehold- ers of Rumford aforefaid, qualified to vote in Town Affiurs, to afsemble and meet at the meeting House in said Rumford on Monday the Fifteenth Day of April current at Seven of the Clock in the Forenoon, then and there to make Choice of some suitable Person to repre- sent to the General Afsembly of the Province of New Hampfhire or else where as said Perlbn may think necefsary or Convenient, the deplorable Circumftances we are in, upon the Account of Our being exposed to imminent Danger from Our Enemies and to Request such Aids which may be sufficient to enable us with a Divine Blefsing vigorously to repell all Attempts of Our 84 CONCORD said Enemies, and make Return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Subfcribers at or before said Meeting. Dated at Rumford aforesaid this Thirteenth Day of April Anno Domini 1745. Benjamin Rolfe ^Select Men Jeremiah Stickney > of John Chandler ) Rumford A true Copy Attest Benj'* Rolfe Clerk. Rumford April the 15*'' 1745 Province of New ) Hamp''® 5 ^y Virtue of the within Warrant I have notihed the within mentioned Inhabitants and Freeholders of the within mentioned Meeting by setting up a Notification of said Meeting and the Cause thereof at the Meeting House Door in said Rumford Two Days before said Meeting. Ezra Carter Conftable of s*^ Rumford A true Copy of the Return of the foregoing Warrant x^ttest Benj^ Rolfe Clerk. Notice is hereby given to the Inhabitants and Free- holders of Rumford qualified to vote in Town Affairs, to Afsemble and meet at the Meeting House in said Rum- ford on Monday the Fifteenth Day of April current at Seven of the Clock in the Forenoon, then and there to choose some suitable Perfon to represent to the General Afsembly of the Province of New Hampfhire, or else where, as said Perfon may think necefsar}'- or convenient, the deplorable Circumftances we are in upon the Account of Our being exposed to imminent Danger from our Enemies and to request such Aids which may be suffi- cient to enable us with a Divine Blefsing vigorouslv to repell all Attempts of our said Enemies. Dated at Rumford aforesaid the i^^^ Day of April Anno Domini 1745. By Virtue of a Warrant ) Ezra Carter from the Select Men S Constable of Rumford TOWN RECORDS. 85 A true Copy of the Notification set up at the Meeting House Door in said Rumford agreable to the foregoing Warrant. Attest Benj^ Rolfe Clerk. At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants and Freeholders of Rumford on Tuefday the Fifth Day of November 1745- Cap* John Chandler was chosen Moderator of this present Meeting. Voted, That the Sum of about Seventy Five Pounds be raised to defrey the Ministerial Charge and for a School and for the other necessary Charges of said Rumford. Voted, That the Select Men be a Committee to allow Accompts and draw Orders upon the Treafurer for pay- ing of the same. To M' Ezra Carter Conftable of Rumford, Greeting. You are hereby required in his Majesty's Name to notify, as the Law directs, the Inhabitants and Freehold- ers of said Rumford qualified to vote in Town Affairs, to afsemble and meet at the Meeting House in said Rum- ford on Tuefday the Fifth Day of November current at Three of the Clock in the After Noon then and there to raise such Sum or Sums of Money as shall be thought necefsary to defray the Ministerial Charge and for a School and the other necefsary Charges of said Rum- ford, also to choose a Committee to allow Accompts that the Select Men may draw Orders upon the Treafurer for the paying of the same, and make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Subfcribers at or before said Meeting. Dated at Rumford aforesaid this First Day of Novem- ber Anno Domini 1745. Benjamin Rolfe ') John Chandler > Select Men Jeremiah Stickney ^of Rumford 86 CONCORD Province of > Riimford November the 5"' 1745. New Hamp''® 5 By Virtue of the within Warrant I have notifyed the within mentioned Inhabitants and Freeholders of the within mentioned Meeting by setting up a Notification of said Meeting and the Cause thereof at said Meeting House Door four Days before said Meeting. Ezra Carter Conftable for Rumford A true Copy Attest Benjamin Rolfe Clerk. Notice is hereby given to the Inhabitants of Rumford qualified to vote in Town Affairs, to afsemble and meet at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Tuefday the Fifth Day of November current at Three of the Clock in After Noon, then and there to raise such Sum or Sums of Money as shall be thought necefsary to defrey the Min- isteral Charge and for a School and the other necefsary Charges of said Rumford, also to choose a Committee to allow Accompts that the Select Men may draw Orders on the Treafurer for the paying of the same. Dated at Rumford aforesaid this first Day of Novem- ber 1745. Ezra Carter By Virtue of a Warrant from Conftable for Rumford the Select Men of said Rumford. A true Copy of the Notification set up at the Meeting House Door in said Rumford agreable to the foregoing Warrant. Attest Benjamin Rolfe Clerk. At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants and Freehold- ers of Rumford on Monday the Thirty First Day of March Anno Domini 1746. Capt' John Chandler was chosen Moderator of this Meeting. Benjamin Role Esq' was chosen Clerk. For Select Men were chosen Benjamin Rolfe Esq"^ Cap' John Chandler, and Lieu' Jeremiah Stickney. TOWN RECORDS. 87 Doct' Ezra Carter was chosen Conftable. For Treafurer was chosen Coll° Benjamin Rolfe Esq'' For Afsefsors were chosen, Benj^ Rolfe Esq' Cap* John Chandler and Lieu' Jeremiah Stickney. For Surv^eyors of High Ways were chosen Deacon Ephraim Farnum, M'' Abraham Bradley, M"" Edward Abbott, M' Timothy Bradley, M' Jonathan Eastman and M' Jacob Shute. For Tything Men were chosen M' Daniel Chase and M' Benj^ Abbott. For Fence Viewers were chosen Joseph Farnum, Philip Eastman, Aaron Stevens, and M' Daniel Chase. For Sealer of Weights and Measures was chosen M' Edward Abbott. Voted, That Samuel Gray, Sampfon Colbee, and Judah Trumble be Hogreves. Voted, That Samuel Gray, Nathan Stevens, Abiel Chandler and Timothy Walker jun' be Field Drivers. Voted, That the Select Men be a Committee to allow Accompts. Voted, That the High Ways in this Townfhip shall be made or mended according to the Usual Method. Voted, That the Select Men be a Committee to let out the School Lott for the Year Ensuing. Voted, That Twentv Shillings Old Tenor shall be paid for each Grown Wolf that shall be catch'' within this Townfhip for the year 1746. to such perfon or Per- fons that shall catch the same, provided the Laws of this Province dont oblidge us to pay any Sum therefor. Voted, That Two Shillings Old Tenor be paid for each Rattlefnake that shall be killed in this Townfhip and their Tails brought to One or more of the Select Men by the last day of May next. Voted, That Seven Pounds Ten Shillings be raised for Schooling for the Year Enfuing. Voted, That the Sum of Seventy Five Pounds includ- ing what is already voted for a School be raised tor defreying the Minsterial Charge and the other necefsary Charges of said Rumford. Voted, That this Meeting be adjourned to the Twenty fourth Day of April next at four of the Clock in the After Noon. 88 CONCORD At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants and Freehold- ers of Rumford begun and held at the Meeting House in said Rumford on the Thirty first Day of March Anno Domini 1746, and continued by Adjournment to this Twenty fourth Day of April 1746 at four of the Clock in the After-Noon and then Met according to the Adjourn- ment. Cap^ John Chandler the Moderator of said Meeting being present, It was Voted That this Meeting be further adjourned to the Twenty Eighth Day of May next at Four of the Clock in the After-Noon and then the Free- holders & Inhabitants met according to the Adjournment. The s*^ Moderator being present declared the Meeting to be Opened. Voted, That Benjamin Rolfe Esq' Treafurer for said Rumford be discharcred of the Sum of One Hundred Forty Seven Pounds Fourteen Shillings and Eight Pence half Penny lawful Money which said Rolfe has paid out agreable to the Order of the Select Men and that there remains the Sum of Thirty Three Pounds Ten Shillings and Three Pence which said Rolfe is to be accountable for to the Town, about Twenty Seven Pounds of said Sum which said Rolfe is to be accountable for remains unpaid to the said Rolfe of the Sums which M' Ebenezer Virgin, M' Joseph Hall and M' George Abbott as they were Collectors for said Rumford were to collect and pay to said Rolfe in his said Capacity ; and the said Rolfe is also to be accountable for the Rates which he is Ordered to receive of Docf Ezra Carter. To M"" Ezra Carter Conftable of Rumford Greeting. You are hereby required in His Majesty'* Name to notify as the Law directs, the Inhabitants and Freehold- ers of said Rumford (qualified to vote in Town Affairs) to Afsemble and meet at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Monday the Thirty first Day of jNIarch cur- rent at Nine of the Clock in the Fore-Noon, then and there to choose a Clerk, Select Men, Cjonftable and all other ordinarv Town Ofiicers, also to discharge the Treafurer of such Sum or Sums of Money as he hath TOWN RECORDS. 89 paid out agreable to the Orders of the Select Men, also to raise such Sum or Sums of Money as shall be thought necefsary to defrey the Ministerial Charge and for a School and the other necefsary Charges arising in said Rumford ; also to choose a Committee to allow Ac- compts, also to determine how the High Wavs in said Rumford shall be made or mended for the Year 1746. also to Order what shall be done with the School Lott for the Year 1746, also to allow what shall be thought proper for the killing of Wolves and Rattlefnakes in said Rumford for the Year 1746, and make Return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Subscribers at or before said Meeting. Dated at Rumford aforesaid this 20^"^ Day of March ^745- Benjamin Rolte ^Select Men John Chandler > of Jeremiah Stickney ) Rumford A true Copy Attest Benj^ Rolfe Clerk. Rumford March 31** 1746. Province of New ) Hampshire y By Virtue of the within Warrant I have notified the within mentioned Inhabitants and Freeholders of the within mentioned Meeting by seaf- onably setting up a Notification of said Meeting and the Cause thereof at the Meeting House Door in said Rumford. Ezra Carter Conftable of Rumford A true Copy of the Return of the foregoing Warrant. Attest Benjamin Rolfe Clerk, Notice is hereby given to the Inhabitants and Free- holders of Rumford qualified to vote in Town Affairs to afsemble and meet at the JNleeting House in said Rum- ford on Monday the Thirty first Day of March current at Nine of the Clock in the Forenoon, then and there to choose a Clerk, Select Men, Conftable and all other ordinary Town Ofiicers, also to discharge the Treafurer 90 CONCORD of such Sum or Sums of Money as he hath paid out agreably to the Orders of the Select Men, also to raise such Sum or Sums of Money as shall be thought necef- sary to defrey the Minifterial Charge and for a School and the other necefsary Charges arising in said Rum- ford, also to choose a Committee to allow Accompts, also to determine how the High Ways shall be made or men- ded for the Year 1746, also to Order what shall be done with the School Lott for the Year 1746, also to allow what shall be thought proper for the killing of Wolves and Rattlefnakes in said Rumford for the Year 1746. Dated at Rumford aforesaid this Twentieth Day of March 1745. Ezra Carter Constable of Rumford By Virtue of a Warrant from the Select Men of Rumford - A true Copy of the Notification set up at the Meeting House Door in said Rumford agreable to the foregoing Warrant. Attest Benjamin Rolfe Clerk. At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants and Freehold- ers of Rumford on Monday the Ninth Day of February 1746. Cap* Ebenezer Eastman was chosen Moderator of said Meeting. Voted, That Docf Ezra Carter be Clerk for this Meeting, Benj'^ Rolfe Esq' the Clerk for said Rumtbrd being out of the Province. Voted, That Two Men be chosen to represent the Diflicult Circumftances of the Inhabitants of said Rum- ford to the Great and General Court at Portsmouth re- specting the Danger we are exposed to both from the French and Indian Enemy and to request of them such Aid or Protection as they in their great Wisdom shall think Meet Voted. That Cap* Ebenezer Eastman and M"' Henry Lovejoy be chosen to make the aforesaid Representation TOWN RECORDS. 9I A true Copy of the Proceedings at the aforesaid Meeting, Ebenezer Eastman Moderator A true Copy Attest Benj^ Rolfe Clerk. Province of New ) Hamp''^ 3 To Ezra Carter Conftable of Rumford, You are hereby in His Majesty'^ Name ordered and required to notify and warn as the Law directs the Inhab- itants and Freeholders of the Town of Rumford to meet and afsembly at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Monday the Ninth Day of February next enfuing at Two of the Clock in the After Noon then and there when met to make Choice of some Meet Perfon or Perfons to repre- sent our difficult Circumftances at the great and General Court at Portsmouth respecting the Danger we are Exposed to both from the French and Indian Enemy and to request of them such Aid or Protection as they in their great Wisdom shall think meet and make due Return of this Warrant with 3''our doings therein to us the Subfcribers on or before the Ninth Day of February Current. Rumford Feb-'y y^ 3^*^ 1746. John Chandler ) Select Men of Jeremiah Stickney 5 Rumford A true Copy Attest Benjamin Rolfe Clerk. Feb'7 the 9*^^ 1746. By virtue of the within Warrant I have notified and warned as the Law directs the Inhab- itants and Freeholders of the Town of Rumford to Afsem- ble and Meet at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Monday the 9'^ current at Two of the Clock in the After- Noon by setting up a Notification at the Meeting House Six Days before the Time perfixed for said Meeting Ezra Carter Conftable for Rumford A true Copy of the Return of the foregoing Warrant. Attest Benj=* Rolfe Clerk. 92 CONCORD Province of New } Hainp''^ ^ Notice is hereby given to the In- habitants and Freeholders of the Town of Rumford to afsemble and meet at the Meeting House in said Rum- ford on Monday the Ninth Day of February next enfuing at Two of the Clock in the After Noon, Then and there when met to make Choice of some mete Perfon on Per- fons to represent our Difficult Circumftances at the Great and General Court at Portsmouth Respecting the Danger we are exposed to both from the French and Indian Enemy and to request of them such Aid or Protection as they in their Great Wisdom shall think mete. Ezra Carter Constable of Rumford. Rumford Feb^^ y*^ 3^*^ 1746. A true Copy of the Notification set up at the Meeting House Door in said Rumford agreable to the foregoing Warrant. Attest Benjamin Rolfe Clerk At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants and Freeholders of Rumford at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Thurfday the 19*'' Day of March 1746. Cap* Ebenezer Eastman was chosen Moderator of this present Meeting. Voted, That Doct^ Ezra Carter be Clerk. Voted, That Cap* John Chandler, Cap* Ebenezer Eastman and M' Richard Haseltine be Select Men. Voted, That Col** Benfamin Rolfe be Treafurer. Voted, That Timothy Walker jun' be Conftable. Voted. That this Meeting be adjourned to Monday the Twenty Third Day of March current at Three of the Clock in the After-Noon and it was accordingly adjourned bv the Moderator. At a Lea'al Meetintj of the Freeholders and Inhabit- ants of Rumford beo-un and held at the Meeting House in said Rumtbr'* on Thursday y'' 19"' Day of March 1746 and Continued by Adjournment to Monday the 23'^ Day TOWN RECORDS. • 93 of March Current at Three of the Clock in the After- noon — and then Met at the Meeting Houfe afores'^' Cap' Ebenezer Eastman the Moderator of s** Meeting being prefent Declared the meeting to be opened. V^oted, that Abiel Chandler Jacob Shute Edward Ab- bott and Ebenezer Virgin be Surveyers of highways. For Tything Men were chofen Deac" George Abbott and Abraham Kimball. For Fence Viewers were chosen, Daniel Chafe Lieu* Nath" Abbott Philip Eastman Jofeph Hall and Amos Eastman. Voted, that Edward Abbott be a Sealer of Weights and Measures. For Hogreves were Chofen Lot Colby Amos Abbott Samuel Gray and Ens'^ Jofeph Eastman. For Field Drivers were Chofen Timothy Bradley John Pudney and Ebenezer Eastman Jun'. Voted, That the Select Men be a Committee to allow Accompts. Voted, That the Select Men be a Committee to Let out the Intervall belonging to the School Right for Such a Term of Years as They shall Think to be molt for the Advantage of the Town. Voted, That Five Shillings be paid for each Wolf Killed in this Town in the Year 1747 to the Killer thereof & That Six pence he paid for each Rattle Snake Killed in this Town and their Tails brought to the Select Men by the first Day of June Next. Voted, That the Sum of Eighty Pounds be raised for Defreying the Minifterial charge and for the Other Necef- sary charges of s*^ Rumford. Province of New^ } Hampfhire I To M' Ezra Carter Constable of Rumtbrd in Said Province, Greeting. You are hereb}' Required in His Majestys Name to Notify as the Law Directs the Inhabitants and Freehold- ers of s'^ Rumtbrd Qualified to Vote in Town Affairs to Afsemble and Meet at the Meeting Houfe in said Rum- ford on Thurfday the Nineteenth day of March Current at eleven of the Clock in the Fore Noon then and there 94 CONCORD to choose a Clerk, Select Men, Treafurer, Conftable and all other Ordinary Town Officers, Alfo to raife Such Sum or Sums of Money as Shall be thought Necefsary to Defrey the Minilterial Charge and for a School and the other Necefsary charges of S'' Rum ford, alfo to choofe a Committee to allow Accompts, Alfo a Commit- tee to let Out the School Lott for Such a Term of years as may be thought best Alfo to Order how the High Ways in said Rumford fhall be made or Mended for the Year 1747 Alfo to Vote Such Encouragement as Shall be thought proper for the Killing of Wolves and Rattle Snakes in Said Rumford for the year 1747 Alfo to Dis- charge the Treasurer of Such Sum or Sums of Money as he hath paid Agreable to the Order of the Select Men. And make due Return of This Warrant. Dated at Rumford aforesaid this Sixth Day of March — Anno Domini 1746. Benjamin Rolfe ~) John Chandler > Select Men Jeremiah Stickney ^of Rumford A true Coppy Attest Ezra Carter Clerk. Rumford March y^ 19^'' 1746. By Virtue of the within Warrant I have Notified and Warned as the Law directs the Inhabitants and Free- holders of the Town of Rumford Qualified to vote in Town Affairs to Afsemble and Meet at the Meeting Houfe in s^ Rumford on Thursday March y® 19*^ Current at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon, by Setting up a Notification at the Meeting Houfe in S** Rumford Seven Days before the Date hereof Ezra Carter Conftable for Rumford A true Coppy of the return of the aforegoing Warrant. Attest Ezra Carter Clerk. Province of New ) Hampfhire 5 Notice is hereby given to the In- habitants and Freeholders of the Town of Rumford Qualified to vote in Town Afiairs to Afsemble and Meet TOWN RECORDS. 95 at the Meeting Houfe in Said Rumford on Thursday the nineteenth day of March Current at Eleven of the Clock in the forenoon then and there to Choofe a Clerk Select men, Treafurer, Constable, and all other Ordinary Town OtRcers, also to raise Such Sum or Sums of Money as fhall be thought Necefsary to Defrey the Minifterial charge and for a School and for the Other Necefsary charges of S** Rumford, alfo to Choose a Committee to allow Accompts, also a Committee to Let out the School Lot for Such a Term of Years as may be thought best, Also to Order how the Highways in S'* Rumford fhall be made or mended for the Year 1747 also to vote fuch Encouragement as fhall be thought proper for the Kill- ing of Wolves and Rattle-fnakes in S** Rumford for the year 1747 also to discharge the Treasurer of Such Sum or Sums of Money as he hath Paid agreeable to the Order of the Select Men Rumford March y® lo''^ 1746 By Virtue of a Warrant from the Select Men. Ezra Carter Conft'*^ for Rumford A true Coppy of the Notification Set up at the Meeting Houfe Door in Said Rumford agreeable to the foregoing Warrant. Attest Attest Ezra Carter Clerk. At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants and Freeholders of the Town of Rumford on Monday y^ 30^'' of November 1747- Cap' Ebenezer Eastman was chosen Moderator of this prefent Meeting. It was put to vote whether or no They would raise any Sum or Sums of Money for the Hiring or Maintaining of a School for the prefent Year in Rumford, and it pafsed in the Negative. Province of New ) Hampfhire 5 To Timothy Walker Jun' Con- stable for Rumford. Greeting. You are hereby in His Majesty's Name Ordered and required to notify and Warn as the Law directs the In- habitants and Freeholders of the Town of Rumford g6 CONCORD Qiialified to vote in Town Affairs to Afsemble and Meet at the Meeting Houfe in S*^ Rum ford on Monday the Thirtieth of this Current November at one of the Clock in the After-noon Then and there to raise Such Sum or Sums of Money as Shall be thought best for the hireing or Maintaining a School for the prefent Year in said Rumford, also to vote whether or no the Inhabitants on The East Side of Merrimack River in S*^ Rumford f hall be Discharged from Defreying any part of the Charge that f hall be Raised for the Hireing said School, and Make Due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to us the Subscribers on or before the Thirtieth Day of this Instant November. Rumford November y" 23*^ I747 Ebenezer Eastman ^Select Men John Chandler > of Richard Hafeltine ) Rumford A true Coppy Attest Ezra Carter Clerk Province of New ) Hampfhire ) Notice is hereby given to the In- habitants and Freeholders of the Town of Rumford Qiial- ified to vote in Town Affairs, to Afsemble and Meet at the Meeting Houfe in said Rumford on Munday the Thirtieth of this Current November at one of the Clock in the After-noon Then and there to raise fuch Sum or Sums of Money as fhall be Thought best for the Hireing or Maintainincr a School for the Prelent Year in said Rumford, Alfo to vote whether or no the Inhabitants on the East Side of Merrimack River in S*^ Rumtbrd Shall be Discharged from defreying any part of the Charge that Shall be raifed for the hireing of Said School. By Virtue of a Warrant from the Select Men of Rum- ford. Rumford Nov' y® 24''' 1747 Timothy Walker Jun' Constable. A True Coppy of the Notifycation Set up at the Meet- ing Houfe door in Rumford agreeable to the fore- going Warrant attest Ezra Carter Clerk. TOWN RECORDS. 97 By virtue of the Warrant I have Notified and Warned the within Mentioned Inhabitants and Freeholders of the within Mentioned Meeting by setting up a Notification of Said Meeting with the Caufe thereof at the Meeting Houfe Door in S'^ Rumford five Days before said Meet- ing. Timothy Walker Jun' Constable of Rumford A true Copy of the return of the foregoing Warrant. attest Ezra Carter Clerk. At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants and Freehold- ers of the Town of Rumford on Fryday y*" 5'*^ Day of February 1747. Cap* Ebenezer Eastman was chosen Moderator of this prefent ]Meeting. Voted, to choose a man to make application to the General Afsembly for a Suitable Number of Men to Guard the Inhabitants of Rumford the Year Enfuing. Voted, That L,^ John Webster make application to the General Afsembly for a Suitable Number of Men to Guard the Inhabitants of Rumford the Ensuing Year. Voted, That D' Ezra Carter make application to the General Afsembly for a Suitable Number of Men to Guard the Inhabitants of Rumford the Ensuing Year. Voted, That the Sum of Ninety Pounds Old Tenor be raised for defra3'ing the Ministerial Charge and the Other Necefsary Charges of Said Rumford. Province of New ) Hampfhire 5 To Timothy Walker Jun'' Con- stable for Rumford within Said Province — Greeting. You are hereby required in His Majesty'^ Name to Notify the the Freeholders & Inhabitants of said Rum- ford Qiialified to vote in Town Affairs to afsemble and Meet at the Meeting House in said Rumford on Fryday the Fifth Day of this Instant Februar\" at Two of the Clock in the After-noon then and there to raife such Sum or Sums of Money as Shall be Thought Necefsary to De- frey the Ministerial and the Other Charges of said Rum- ford Also to allow of Debts which any Person or Persons 98 CONCORD have against said Rumford, also to make choice of Some Man or Men for a Suitable Number of Men to Guard said Inhabitants against the Enemy the Year Ensuing, and make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon. Dated at Rumford aforesaid this Second Day of Feb- ruary Anno Domini 1747. Ebenezer Eastman ^Select Men John Chandler > of Richard Hafeltine ) Rumford A true Copy attest Ezra Carter Clerk Province of New ) Hampshire S By virtue of the within Warrant I have Seafonably Notified and Warned the within men- tioned Inhabitants & Freeholders of the within Mentioned Meeting, & the cause thereof by Informing Them. Rumford February y^ 5"' i747' Timothy Walker Jun' Constable. A True Copy of the Return of the foregoing Warrant Attest Ezra Carter Clerk. At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants and Freehold- ers of The Town of Rumford on Thursday y^ 24'" of March A. D. 1747 Cap' Ebenezer Eastman was chosen Moderater of this prefent meeting. Ezra Carter was chose Clerk. For Select Men were chosen Ezra Carter, Cap* John Chandler and M' Richard Hafseltine. Voted, That Ebenezer Eastman Jun' be Constable and Collector. Voted, That the Select Men be Afsefsors. Voted, That Ebenezer Virgin, Timothy Bradly Abra- ham Kimbal & Benjamin Abbott be Surveyors of High Ways Voted, That Daniel Chase and James Abbott be Tyth- ing Men. TOWN RECORDS. 99 Voted, That Ensign Joseph Eastman Ephraim Far- nam & Lot Colbe & Amos Eastman be Fence Viewers. Voted, That Edward Abbott be a Sealer of Weights & Meafures. Voted, That Jeremiah Eastman William Walker & Ebenezer Hall be Hoggreves Voted, That Jeremiah Dreiser Amos Abbott Samfon Colbe & John Pudney be Field Drivers. Voted, That Philip Eastman Timothy Walker Jun"^ & Timothy Bradley be chosen to take care that the Laws relating to the preservation of Deer be observed and the breakers thereof prosecuted & punished. Voted, That the Sum of Forty Shillings Old Tenor be paid to the Killer of each Grown Wolf that shall be kill- ed within this Township the Ensuing Year. Voted, That the Sum of Three Shillings Old Tenor be paid for each rattle snake that shall be killed within this Townfhip before the first Day of May next to the killer thereof. Province of New > Hampfhire 5 To Timothy Walker Jun' Con- stable of Rumford — Greeting. You are hereby in His Majesty'^ Name Ordered and Required to Notify and Warn as the Law' directs the Inhabitants and Freeholders of the Town of Rumford Qualified to vote in Towai Affairs to Afsemble and Meet at the Meeting Houfe in Rumford on Thursday the Twenty fourth Day of this Current March at Nine of the Clock in the Forenoon then and there to choose a Town Clerk Select Men Afsefors Constable Treafurer and all other Ordinary Town Officers, Also to choose a Com- mittee to allow Accompts, also to order how the High Ways in Rumford shall be made or mended for the Year 1748. Also to vote Such Encouragement as shall be thought proper for the Killing of Wolves and Rattle Snakes in Said Rumford for the Year 1748, and make due Return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to us the Subscribers at or before Said Meeting. lOO CONCORD Dated at Rumford aforesaid this Eighteenth Day of March Anno Domini 1747. Ebenezer Eastman ^Select Men John Chandler [■ of Richard Hafseltine ) Rumford A true Coppy Attest Ezra Carter Clerk. B}'' Virtue of the within Warrant I have Notified and Warned the witliin Mentioned Inhabitants & Freeholders of the within Mentioned Meeting and the cause thereof By Setting up a Notification at the Meeting House Door in Rumford five Days before the time perfixed for S"^ Meeting. Rumford March y^ 24*'^ i747- Timothy Walker Jun"^ Constable of Rumford. A true Coppy of the return of the foregoing Warrant Attest Ezra Carter Clerk. Province of New ) Hampfhire 5 Notice is hereby given to the In- habitants and Freeholders of the Town of Rumford Qualified to vote in Town affairs to Afsemble and Meet at the Meeting House in Rumlord on Thursday The Twenty fourth Day of March Current at Nine of the Clock in the Fore-noon then and there to Choose a Town Clerk Select Men Afsefsors Constable Treasurer and all other Ordinary Town Officers, also to Choose a Com- mittee to allow Accompts, also to Order How the High Ways in Said Rumford fhall be made or mended for the Year 1748. also to vote Such Encouragement as Shall be thought proper for the Killing of Wolves and Rattle Snakes in said Rumford tor the Year 1748. Rumford March y^ 19"* 1747 By Virtue of a Warrant from the Select Men of Rumford Timothy Walker Jun' Constable. A True Coppy of the Notification Sett up at the Meeting TOWN RECORDS. • lOI House Door in Rumford agreeable to the foregoing Warrant. Attest Ezra Carter Clerk. At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants & Freeholders of the Town of Rumford Qualified to Vote in Town Affairs on Fryda}^ the Seventh Day of October 1748, at Twelve of the Clock in S*^ Day. Cap* John Chandler was Chofen Moderator of this prefent Meeting, & the Meeting Declared to be open. Voted, That the Sum of Twenty Pounds Old Tenor be raifed for Defreying the Ministerial Charge for the Year 1747. Voted, That the Sum of Two Hundred & Eighty Pounds old Tenor be raised for the Defreying of the Min- isterial Charge for the Prefent Year. Voted, That the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds old Tenor be raised for the Maintainino- a School in & De- fre3nng the other Necefsary Charges of S*^ Rumford. Province of New Hampfhire ^ To Ebenezer Eastman Constable for Rumford Greeting. You are hereby in His Majesty'^ Name ordered and Required to Notify & Warn as the Law Directs the Inhabitants & Freeholders of the Town of Rumford Qualified to Vote in Town affairs to Afsemble & Meet in the Meeting Houfe in Rumford on Fryda}' the Seventh Day of October Next Ensuing at Twelve of the Clock in Said Day then & there to Raife Such Sum or Sums of Money as Shall be thought Necefsary for Defreying the Ministerial Charge and the other Necefsary Charges of Said Rumford, and make Due Return of this Warrant with Your Doings thereon — to us the Subscribers on or before the Time perfixed for Said Meeting. Rumford September y*^ 21'' 1748- Richard Hafseltine > Select Men for Ezra Carter ^ Rumford. A true Coppy attest Ezra Carter Clerk. I02 CONCORD Province of New } Hampfiiire ] Rumford October y'^ 7"' 1748. By Virtue of the within Warrant I have Notified & Warned the within mentioned Inhabitants & Freeliolders of the Within Mentioned Meeting & the Cause thereof by Setting up a Notification at the Meeting Houfe Door in Rumford Fourteen Days before the Time Perfixed for said Meeting. Ebenezer Eastman Constable for Rumford A True Coppy of the Return of Foregoing Warrant Attest Ezra Carter Clerk. Province of New ^ Hampfhire ^ Notice is hereby given to the In- habitants & Freeholders of the Town of Rumtbrd Qiiali- fied to vote in Town Affairs to Afsemble and Meet at the Meeting House in Rumford on Fryday the Seventh Day of October Next Ensuing at Twelve of the Clock in said Day then & there to Raife Such Sum or Sums of Money as Shall be thought Necefsary for Defreying the Ministerial Charge & the Other Necefsary Charges of Said Rumford. By Virtue of a Warrant from the Select Men of Rum- ford. Rumford September y* 21^* 1748. Ebenezer Eastman Constable for Rumford A True Coppy of the Notification Sett up at the Meet- ing House Door in Rumford agreeable to the foregoing Warrant. Attest Ezra Carter Clerk. At a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders of the Town of Rumford Qualified to elect a Representative on ]Mon- day the Second Day of January' 1748. The Select Men Regulating said Meeting. Voted, That Cap' John Chandler Reprelent said Rum- TOWN RECORDS. IO3 ford in the general Alsembly to be Convened & holden at Portsmouth on the Third Day of January Current. Province of New } Hampfhire ^ To the Constable of Rumford in S*^ Province You are hereby in His Majesty'^ Name Required to Notifie & warn y® Freeholders Qiialified by Law to Elect Reprefentatives to afsemble & meet at y® Meeting House in s'' Rumford on Monday y® 2"^ Day of January Next at Two of the Clock in y^ afternoon then & there to elect & Chuse a meet perfon to Reprefent them att a General Afsembly to be holden att Portsmouth y® 3"^ Day of Jan- uary Next at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon & fo de Die in Diem During their Sefsion or Sefsions & make Due Return of Your Doings thereon to us the Subfcrib- ers on or before the Time perfixed for s^ Meeting. Rumford December 19, 1748 Joh Chandler ) Select Men Richard Hafseltine S for Rumford A True Coppy attest Ezra Carter Clerk. Province of New ) Hampshire 3 Notice is hereby given to y® Free- holders of Rumford in s*^^ Province Qualified by law to Elect Reprefentatives to afsemble and Meet att the Meeting Houfe in s'^ Rumford on Monday y" 2"*^ Day of January Next at Two of the Clock in the After-noon then & there to Elect & Chufe a Meet Person to Repre- fent you at a General Afsembly to be held at Portsmoutli on y^ 3*^ Day of January Next at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon & so De Die in Diem During their Sefsion or Sefsions. By Virtue of a Warrant from the Select Men of Rumf*^ to me Directed for that purpose Rumford December 19, 1748. Ebenezer Eastman, Constable of Rumford. A True Coppy of the Notification Set up at the Meet- I04 CONCORD ing Houfe Door in s" Rumford agreeable to the foregoing Warrant Attest Ezra Carter Clerk*. Rumf'^ Januar}^ 2"'^ 1748- By Virtue of the Within Warrant I have Notified & Warned the Within Mentioned Freeholders of the within Mentioned Meeting & the Cause thereof by Setting up a Notification at the Meeting House Door in Rumf*^ fifteen Days before the time perfixed for s'^ Meeting. Ebenezer Eastman Conftable of Rumford A True Coppy of the Return of the foregoing Warrant. Attest Ezra Carter Clerk. At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants & Freeholders of the Town of Rumford on Wednefday y® 29'^ of March 1749. Cap' John Chandler was chofen Moderator of this pref- ent Meetincr. Voted, that D*" Ezra Carter be Town Clerk. Voted, that Cap* John Chandler D"^ Ezra Carter L* Jeremiah Stickney M' Ebenezer Virgin & M'' Henry Lovejoy be Select Men. Voted, that M"" Samuel Gray be Conftable. ' Voted, that James Abbott, Jeremiah Drefser, D" George Abbott, Aron Stevens, Jacob Shute & Amos Eaftman be Surveyors of High Ways. Voted, That Edward TOWN RECORDS. I05 Anno Regni Regis Georgii Tertii Magnee Britaniee Franciee Hiberniee Qiiinto. P. S. An Act for letting oft' a Part of the Town of Bow together with fome Lands adjoyning thereto with the Inhabitants thereon and making them a Parifh In- vefting them with fuch Priviledges & Immunities as Towns in this Province have & do Enjoy. Whereas there are fundry arrearages of Taxes now due which tlie Inhabitants aforefaid apprehend they can- not Levy for want of fufficient Authority and feveral of them praying they might be errected into a Town or Parifh and enjoy the common Priviledges of other Towns in this Province. Be it Enacted Therefore By the Governour Council & Afsembly, That the Inhabitants who are fettled on the Lands hereafter defcribed Viz — Beginning at the Mouth of Contoocook River (so called) which is the fouth East corner of Boscawen, from thence fouth feventy three Degrees Weft by laid Bos- cawen Four Miles, from thence runing South feventeen Degrees East Seven Miles & one Hundred Rodds, from thence running North Sevent}'^ Three Degrees East about Four Miles to Merrimack River then crofsing the faid River and ftill continuing the fame courfe to Sowcook River, Then begining again at the Mouth of Contoocook River aforefaid from thence running North Seventy Three Degrees East Six Hundred & Six Rodds from the Easterly Bank of Merrimack River, or till it fiiall come to the South Weft Line of Canterbury, from thence South East on faid Line Two Miles & Eicrhtv Rodds from thence South Seventeen Degrees East to Sowcook River aforefaid, from thence dowm the faid River till it comes to where the Line from Merrimack River ftrikes Sow- cook River. And that the Polls & Estates within the aforesaid Boundary Be & hereby are fett oft' & made a Parifh by the Name of CONCORD and invelted & Enfranchifed with all the Powers Privilefres and Authorities which anv Town in this Province doth by Law enjoy, exceping I06 CONCORD that when any of the Inhabitants of the aforefaid Parifh f hall have occafion to lay out any Road thro' any of the Lands that are already laid out and divided by the faid Town of Bow that application fhall be for the fame to Court of general Qiiarter Sefsion of the Peace for the faid Province as in other Cafes. And that the Inhabitants of faid Parish are hereby fub- jected to the fame Dutys Pains & Penalties the Law fub- jects the Inhabitants of other Towns in this Province. And that their first meeting for the choice of Town Officers be held on the third Teusday of August next, which Officers fhall ftand & continue till the next march following, which meeting shall be notified b}' Samuel Emerfon, Esq"^ who is hereby directed to Poft the same together with the Time Place & occafion thereof in fome Publick Place in faid Parish fifteen days beforehand, who fhall alfo govern faid Meeting untill a Moderator fhall be chofen by the major Part of fuch Inhabitants as the Law directs in fuch Cafes, and that their annual Meeting for the future for the choice of Town Officers be held on the first Teusdays of March Annually. And that the officers that fhall be chofen in Virtue of this Act are hereby invefted with the fame Powers which other like officers have in other Towns in this Province, and under the same Duties & Penalties of other like Officers. And whereas the Province Tax for the year 1763 which arofe & should have been paid by the faid Town of Bow as their Proportion thereof amounting to Eighty Pounds Ten Shilings Sterling and Ninety fix Pounds Twelve Shilings New Tenor — and for the year 1764 the Sum of Ninety Six Pounds Two Shillings New Tenor. Be it therefore Enacted that the Select Men that fhall be chofen in confequence of this Act the Day the first Meeting fhall be held for the Choice of Town Officers as aforesaid together with John Noyes & Edward Ruf sell Esq" or the major part of them fhall afsefs the Polls & Estates of the Inhabitants living within the aforesaid Limits as also the other Inhabitants within the remaining part of Bow (exclufive of fuch as are already fett ofi^ to Pembroke & New Hopkinton) with the faid Tax that arofe and became due in faid year 1763 together with TOWN RECORDS. IO7 the Current Charges that shall arife on faid Bow for the year 1794 and order the fame to be paid into tlie Treaf- ury of s*^ Province by the 25*^ Day of December 1765 and the Select Men that shall be chofen in faid Parifh for the year 1766 together with the faid John Noyes & Ed- ward Rufsell or the major Part of them as aforefaid fhall afsefs all the Inhabitants that fhall be within the faid Boundaries and the aforefaid Town of Bow except- ing as aforefaid with the Sum of Ninety Pounds Twelve Shilings New Tenor together with the current Charges of the faid year 1766 and order the fame to be paid by the Twenty Fifth Day of December 1766, and that the Select Men that fhall be chofen annually for this Parish together with the aforefaid John Noyes & Edward Rul- sell as aforefaid fhall annually afsefs the Inhabitants aforefaid with the Current Charges of the Government that fhall be due from the faid town of Bow as their Part of the Province tax untill a new Proportion of the fame fhall be made. And be it further Enacted that the Conftables or Col- lectors who fhall have any of the faid Taxes to Collect, fhall have full Power & Authority to Levy & Collect the fame as tho' all the Perfons mentioned in the refpective Lists were within the aforefaid Parifh. And be it further Enacted that no Perfon or Perfons who fhall move into the faid Town of Bow or an}'- New Lands that are not improved, nor the Polls that fhall come into faid Bow after the Date of this act fhall be ly able to pay any part of of the arrearages that arofe in the year 1763 & 1764 but are hereby declareded to be exempt there from. And be it further Enacted that in Cafe of Death or removal of either of the aforefaid John No3^es or the faid Edward Rufsell that their Place fhall be fupplied by the Proprietors of the town of Bow upon having notice thereof but if in Cafe the Proprietors of faid Bow fhall not fup- ply fuch Vacancy within one Month after Notice is given to one of the agents of the Proprietors of faid Bow that then the Select Men of said Parifh fhall make the necefsarv Taxes for the Province themselves. Pro- vided that Private Property be no Ways effected by this Act. I08 CONCORD Province of New ^ Hampfliire ^ In the Houfe of Reprefentatives may 25"> 1765 This Bill having been read three Times Voted that it Pafs to be enacted — H. Serburne Speaker. Province of New ) Hampfhire 5 In Council June 7"^ 1765 This Bill read a Third Time & paft to be Enacted Confented to T Atkinfon J*" Secretary B. Wentworth. Copy Ex a'' p' T. Atkinfon Jun"" Sec^ Copy Ex^ p' Tim" Walker Jun-" 5 Parif h Clerk ^ of Concord In the Houfe of Reprefentatives Nov 27'^' 1765. Whereas by an Act past in in the tifth year of his Maj- est3^s Reign for Setting oft' a Part of the Town of Bow together with fome Lands adjoyning thereto with the Inhabitants thereon Erectincr them into a Parifh &c for the reafons therein exprefsed in which act it was ordered that the first Meeting of the faid Inhabitants for the Choice of Town Officers fhould be held on the Third Teusday of Aug^^ then next which meeting was to have been notify ed by Sam' Emerfon Esq' according to partic- ular Directions given in the fame act which may more 1 Lilly appear by referrence to the faid Act Which Time is elapsed and by fome accident interven- ing the faid meeting was not duly called but has heither- to been omitted Therefore Refolved & Voted that the faid Samuel Emerfon be & hereby is authorized to call the meeting of the faid Inhabitants and to do & perform every other Service Dut}- and Bufinefs to which he was directed & authorized by the faid Act, and the faid Meeting is here by ordered to be held within the fame Parifh on the Third Teusday of January next and every Officer who fhall be chofen & appointed in confe- quence here of fhall have the fame Power & Authority TOWN RECORDS. IO9 to all intents as if the meeting appointed by faid Act had been duly held, and all the faid Officers fhall have the fame Time to discharge the Duty enjoyned by faid Act reck- oning from the Time of holding the meeting hereby appointed that was allowed from the Time of holding the Meeting appointed & mentioned in faid Act. Peter Gillman Speaker pro Tempore In Council Eod" Die Read & concurred Theodore Atkinfon Jun'' Sec''^ Copy Ex'-^ p^ Tim° ^ Walker J' Parifh > Confented to B. Wentworth Clerk of Concord )Copy Ex^^ p-^ T Atkinfon J^ Se^y Province of New ^ Hampfhire ^ At a legal Meeting of the Free- holders and Inhabitants of the Parifh of Concord on the Twenty first Day of January ID 1766 Voted, That Lieu' Richard Hafseltine be Moderator. Voted, That Peter Coffin be Parifh Clerk. Voted, That Jofeph Farnum, Lot Colby & John Chandler Jun' be Select Men. Voted, That Benjamin Emery be Conftable. Voted, That Lieu' Richard Hafseltine & Amos Abbott be Tything Men. Voted, That Jonathan Chafe, Robert Davis & Nath^ Eastman be Survey ers of High Ways. Voted, That D" George Abbott be Sealer of Leather Voted, That Leiu* Nath^ Abbott be Sealer of Weights and Meafures. Province of New ) To M' Benjamin Emery Conftable Hampshire ^ of the Parifh of Concord— ^Greet- ing. You are hereby required by us the Select Men to notify the Inhabitants of faid Concord to meet at the meeting House in faid Concord on Teusday the fourth Day of March next at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, then & there to choofe a Moderator, Clerk, Select Men, Conftable & other Town Officers as the Law directs, no CONCORD Alfo to raife Money for all necefsary Parifh Charges, Also to choofe a Committee to reckon with those that have been Collectors or Conftables in this Place, Also to fee what the Parifh will allow the Conftables for collect- ing the Taxes. John Chandler Jun^/ ^^^ ^^ Lot Colby S Concord Province of New } Concord March 4th 1766 Hampshire 5 Purfuant to the within order I have notifyed the within mentioned Inhabitants of the within mentioned Meeting by fetting up a Nodfication thereof at the Meedng Houfe Door in faid Concord Ten Days before the faid Meeting. r Conftable of Benj* Emery < the Parifh ' of Concord. C Parish A Copy Ex« p'- Tim« Walker J-^ } Clerk of f Concord Province of New > At a legal Meeting of the Inhab- Hampshire > itants and Freeholders of the Parifh of Concord held at the Meedng Houfe in faid Concord the 4th Day of March ID 1766 Voted, That Ezra Carter Esq' fhould be Moderator Voted, That Benj=^ Rolfe Esq' be Clerk Voted, That M^ Lot Colby be Confable. Voted, That Benj'* Rolfe Esq' M^" Jofeph Farnum and M"" John Chandler /■" be Select Men. Voted, That L' Richard Hafseltine M' Nath» Eastman and M' Amos Abbott be Ty thing Men Voted, That M' Williani Coffin be a Sealer of Leather Voted, L* Nath^ Abbott be Sealer of Weights and Meafures Voted That L* Eben' Virgin M' Reuben Abbott, M-^ TOWN RECORDS. Ill Robert Davis M"' Richard Flanders, and D" George Abbott be Surveyors of High Ways Voted, That Enf" Timo Bradley Cap" John Chandler M' Amos Abbott M"" Ebenezer Hall and Deacon Jofeph Hall be Fence Viewers Voted, That M"" Philip Eastman M^ Benj=^ Emery L* Peter Coffin M' Isaac Chafe and M' Jofeph Hall Jun^ be field drivers Voted, That M^ John Chandler Jun' M' Daniel Gale M^ Benj^ Fyfield M^" Abiel Lovejoy M' James Walker and M' Simon Trumble be Hogg Reves. Voted, That W John Kimball and W John Blanchard be furveyors of Boards Plank & other Lumber Voted, That one Hundred Pounds Lm}' be raifed for paying the Rev'^ M' Walker's Savary from the 26'^ of May 1765 to 26^'' May 1766, together with the other nec- efsary Charges of the Parifh. Voted, That Benj** Rolfe Esq"" Cap** Henry Lovejo}'' and M' Benj-'' Emery be a Committee to Reckon with the Collectors & Conftable that have been chofen in Rum- ford. Province of New } To M' Lot Colby Conftable of the Hampshire ^ Parish of Concord — Greeting You are required and ordered to Warn as the Law directs the Freeholders & Inhabitants of laid Concord (qualified by Law to Vote) to afsemble & meet at the Meeting Houfe in faid Concord on Teusday the 25"' Day of March current at three of the Clock in the afternoon then & there to Order in w^hat Parts of the Parifh the School shall be kept. Also to order where a Pound fhall be built, Also how much Work fhall be done upon the High Ways this year, and to do an}^ other Bufsinefs that fhall be thought Proper. And make due return hereof at or before the faid Meeting. Dated at Concord aforefaid this Eighteenth Day of March ID 1766 Benj'^ Rolfe > Select Men Jofeph Farnum 5 of Concord 112 CONCORD Province of New } Concord March 25''' 1766. Hampshire 5 Purfuant to the within order I have notified the within mentioned Freeholders & Inhabitants of the within men- tioned Meeting and the Caufe tliereof by fetting up a Notification of faid Meeting and tlie caufe thereof at the Meeting Houfe Door in faid Concord fix Days before faid Meeting Lot Colby 5 Conftable I of Concord Copy Exam^^ pr Tim'' Walker J" ( Parif h Clerk ) of Concord Province of New ) At a legal Meeting of the Free- Hamp''® ) holders & Inhabitants of the Parifh of Concord held at the Meeting Houfe in faid Concord on Teusday the 25^'' Day of March ID i'j66 — Voted That Cap^ Henry Lovejoy be Moderator Voted That the School fhall be kept on the Easterly fide of the River fuch part of the year as their Rates for the School fhall come to of the Polls & Estates that lay to the Northward of Sugar Ball, Also at a Place that will beft accomodate those Perfons that live upon Con- toocook Road Northward of Nathan Colb3^'s and those Perfons that live Westward of faid Road, fuch a part of the 3'ear as their Rates will pay. Also at a Place that will beft accomodate those Perfons that live upon Hop- kinton Road. Westerly of Thodore Stevens's & W^esterly of Turkey River fuch a part of the year as their Rates will pay. And the remainder of the year it fhall be kept in the Town ftreet about the middle way from Cap' Chandler's to Lot Colby's. .Voted That the Select Men fhall place the Pound where the}?^ think best. Voted That each Man fhall work five Days upon the High Ways and Pound, this year TOWN RECORDS. II3 Province of New > To jNI^ Lot Colbe Conftable of Hampshire ) the Parifh of Concord — Greeting. You are hereby required and Ordered to Warn as the Law directs the Freedolders & Inhabitants of faid Con- cord, qualified by Law to Vote, to afsemble and meet at the Meeting Houfe in faid Concord on Monday the Tenth Day of November Current at one of the Clock in the i\fternoon then and there to make choice of fome Perfon for a Surveyor of Highways to fupply the vacancy in that office b}' the Death of L* Eben' Virgin, Also to choofe a Committee to let out the Interval Lott belonging to the School Right on the Easterly fide of Merrimack River for fuch a Term as fhall be tho't beft. And make due return hereof to the Subscribers at or before faid Meeting. Dated at Concord aforefaid this Third Day of Novem- ber ID 1766. Benj^ Rolfe VSelect Men of Jofeph Farnum >faid Concord John Chandler Jun"" ) Province of New ) Concord November lo*'' 1766 Hampshire y Purfuant to the within order, I have notified the within mentioned Freeholders & Inhabitants of the within men- tioned Meeting, by letting up a Notification of faid Meet- ing and the Caufe thereof at the Meeting Houfe Door in faid Concord one Sabbath Dav before faid Meetincr. Lot Colby ( Conftable I of Concord A Copy Examd p^ Tim" Walker J^ Parifh Clerk of Concord Province of New } At a legal Meeting of the Free- Hampshire ^ holders and Inhabitants of the Par- ifh of Concord held at the meeting Houfe in faid Con- cord on Monday the 10"' Day of Nov' ID 1766 Voted, That Ezra Carter Esq"" be Moderator V^oted That M"" Phinehas Virgin be a furveyor of High Ways in the room of L' Eben' Virgin dec*^ 9 114 CONCORD Voted That Benjamin Rolfe Esq' M' Jofeph Farnum and M' Jolin Chandler Jun' be a Committee to let out the Interval Lot belonging to the School Right lying on the Easterly Tide of Merrimack River for the Term of Seven years. A Copy Exam*^ pr Tim" Walker Jun' Parifh Clerk of Concord. Province of New ) To M' Lot Colby Conftable of Hampshire 5 the Parifh of Concord — Greeting — You are hereby required and Ordered to Warn (as the Law Directs) the Freeholders & Inhabitants of faid Con- cord, qualified by Law to Vote, to Afsemble & Meet at the Meeting Houfe in faid Concord on Teusday the Third Day of March next, at Nine o'Clock in the Fore- noon then and there to choofe a Clerk, Select Men, Con- ftable and all other Ordinary Town Officers, Also to raife fuch Sum or Sums of Money as fhall be thought necefsary for defreying the Ministerial Charge and the other necefsary Charges of faid Parifh, Also to choofe a Committee to let out the Interval Lott belonging to the School Right on the Wefterly fide of Merrimack River for fuch a Term as fhall be thought beft. Also to Vote in what Parts of the Parifh the School Shall be kept, Also to choofe a Committee to Reckon with the Rev'^ M"^ Tim° Walker, Also to make fuch addition to AP Walker's Salary, as fhall be thought proper so that he may get his own Fire Wood, Also to Vote what the Select Men fhall have for making the Province Rate that Benj* Emery was to collect. Also to Vote what faid Emer}' fhall have for collectincr the fame. Also to Vote what the Select Men fhall have for making the Rate committed to Lot Colb}^ to collect. Also to Vote what faid Colby fhall have for collecting faid Rates. And make due Return hereof to the Subscribers at or before the faid Meeting. Dated at Concord aforefaid this Twenty Third day of February A) 1767 Benj*-* Ro'lfe ) Select Men Jofeph Farnum S of Concord TOWN RECORDS. II5 Province of ^ Concord March 3'* 1767 New Hampshire ^ Purfuant to the within Order I have notified the within mentioned Freeholders & Inhabitants of the within men- tioned Meeting by fetting up a Notification of faid Meet- ing and the Cause thereof at the Meeting Houfe Door in faid Concord Seven Days before faid Meeting } Constable Lot Colby 5 of Concord A Copy Exam"^ pr Tim" Walker J"" ) Parish Clerk S of Concord. Province of ) At a lei^al meeting of the Freehol- New Hampshire 5 ders and Inhabitants of the Parifh of Concord held at the meeting Houfe in faid Concord on the 3^^ Day of March ID 1767 Voted That Ezra Carter Esq'* be Moderator Voted That Benjamin Rolfe Esq' be Clerk Voted That L* Richard Hafseltine, M"" Philip Eastman and M"^ Amos Abbott be Select Men Voted That M"" Joseph Farnum be Constable Voted That L* Thomas Stickne}' M"" John Kimball and L' Timothy Bradley be Tything men Voted That M"" William Coffin be Sealer of Leather Voted That L^ Nath^ Abbott be Sealer of Weights and Measures. Voted That D-^ George Abbott, Ens" Jonathan Chafe, M'' Eben' Virgin, M' Abiel Lovejoy, C* Peter Cofihi and D" Jofeph Hall be Surveyors of High Ways Voted That M' Nath^ Eastman, M"" William Coffin, L* Thomas Stickney, D'^ Joseph Hall, W Eben' Hall cS: M-- Ephraim Farnum, be Field Drivers Voted That M' Jofeph Eastman J', M' Benjamin Fifield, M' John. Bradley ^P Richard Eastman and mr. Daniel Gale be Hogg Reves Voted That M' Benj=^ Hunniford & .AP John Kimball be furveyors of Lumber Voted That one Hundreds Pounds Lawful Money be raised on the Polls & rateable Estate in the Parish of Con- Il6 CONCORD cord for defreying the Ministerial and other necessary Charges of faid Parish Voted That tlie School be kept in the feveral Parts of the Parish as Voted laft year Voted That Cap'^ Peter Coffin Cap" Andrew Mcmillan and Richard Eastman be a Committee to Reckon with the Rev*^ M' Tim" Walker and fettle what we are in Debt to Him Voted That M' Jofeph Farnum, M' Lot Colby and M'John Chandler J' be allowed Ten Shilings Lmy for making the rates which were committed to M' Benj* Emery to collect Voted That M*" Benj* Emery be allowed fix pence on the Pound for collecting the Province Tax committed to Him to collect Voted That Benj* Rolfe Esq' be allow^ed Thirty Six Shilings Lmy for his Service as Select Man last year Voted That M' Jofeph Farnum & M' John Chandler Jun"" be allowed Twelve Shillings each for their fervice in making Rates last year. Voted That the Selectmen be a Committee to let out the Interval Lott belonging to the School Right on the Westerly fide of Merrimack River for fuch a Term as they f hall think best ( Parifh Clerk A Copy Exam*^ pr Tim'' : Walker Jun"^ ( of Concord Province of ) to the Constable of the Parish of New Hampshire ^ Concord in faid Province Greeting You are hereby notified to Warn the Inhabitants & Freeholders of faid Concord, qualified by Law to Vote in the Choice of Town Officers to meet at the Publick Meet- ing Plouse in faid Concord, on Teusday the First Day of March next at Nine o'Clock in the Forenoon then & there to choofe a Moderator, Select Men, Conftable "and all other Town Officers as the Law directs, and to agree upon the raifing and granting fuch Sum or Sums of Money as shall be judged necefsary for defraying the Charges arif- ing within the faid Parifh, and to act on any other Matter or Thing, that fhall be be tho't needful to promote the TOWN RECORDS. II7 welfare of faid Parish : Hereof fail not, and make re- turn of this Warrant, and your doings thereon unto us on or before faid Day. Dated at Concord aforefaid the Eighth Day of February JD 1768 Richard Hafseltine ^ Philip Eastman > Select Men Amos Abbott ) of Concord Province of } New Hampshire ^ Concord February 15"' 1768 By Virtue of this Warrant I have warned the Inhabi- tants & Freeholders of faid Concord to meet at the Time and Place within mentioned, as the Law directs pr me Jofeph Farnum, Constable A Copy Exam'^ pr Tim'' Walker J' Parish Clerk Province of > At a legal Meeting of the Free- New Hampshire 5 holders and Inhabitants of the Parifh of Concord in faid Province, held at the Meeting House in faid Concord on the First Day of March ID 1768 Voted, That Cap* John Chandler be Moderator Voted, That Beu'f Rolfe Esq^ be Clerk Voted, That Benj'* Rolfe Esq' Ebenezer Hall and Reu- ben Kimball be Select Men Voted, That Nathaniel Eastman be Constable Voted, That Reuben Abbott, Robert Davis and Eben- ezer Virgin be Tything Men Voted, That David Hall be fealer of Leather. Voted, That L* Nath^ Abbott be Sealer of Weights and Meafures Voted, That John Chandler Jun% D" George Abbott, Benj'^ Fifield, Ephraim Farnum Jun% James Walker, Ezekiel Diamond, Jofeph Farnum Jvni' and D" Jofeph Hall be Surveyors of High Ways Voted, That Cap* Joseph Eastman, Richard Harbut, Benj'* Emery & Jabob Hoyt be Fence Viewers Voted, That John Bradley, William Virgin & Jofhua Abbott be Field Drivers Il8 CONCORD Voted that Moles Eastman Jun' James Hafseltine, Jonathan Stickney, William CofFm & Jabez Abbott be Hog Reves Voted That John Kimball & Benj* Hunniford be Sur- veyors of Boards Plank & all Lumber Voted, That Benj=* Hunniford be Pound Keeper Voted, That one Hundred Pounds Lmy be Raifed on the rateable Polls & Estates in the Parifh of Concord for defreying the Ministerial Charge and the other necessary Charges of the Parish A Copy Exam^ pr Tim'' Walker Jun' ) Parish Clerk S of Concord Province of ) At a legal Meeting of the Free- New Hampshire 5 holders and Inhabitants of the Parish of Concord held at the Meeting House in faid Concord on the 2'^ Day of January ID 1769. Voted That Cap* John Chandler be Moderator Voted That Cap' John Chandler be chofen & defired to notify all Persons that owe any Rates in this Parish and ufe his best indeavours with them to get them to fettle with the Rev*^ M' Tim° Walker and to pay what Rates they owe before Concord was incorporated Voted That a Committee be chofen to Reckon with M^ Philip Eastman M' Eben' Hall & Cap* Thom« Stick- ney as they were appointed by the general Assembly of this Province to gether a Province Tax in Bow & Rum- ford. Also to Reckon with those Perfons that have had the Profits of the School Lott in Rumford or Concord Voted That Andrew Mcmillan Esq' M' Tim« Walker Jun' & M' Benj'* Emery be a Committee to Reckon as above mentioned in the foregoing Vote Voted That This Meeting be adjourned to the Second Teusday of March next at one of the Clock in the after- noon to be held at the Meeting House in faid Concord Copy Ex'^ p' Tim« Walker Jun' 5 Parish Clerk of Concord TOWN RECORDS. II9 Province of ) To M' Nathaniel Eastman Conft- Nevv Hampshire 5 able of the Parifh of Concord — Greet- ing You are hereby required & ordered to warn (as the Law directs) the Freeholders & Inhabitants of faid Con- cord qualitied by Law to Vote, to afsemble & meet at the Meeting House in faid Concord on Teusday the Seventh Day of march next at Nine of the Clock in the Forenoon, then, and there to choofe a Clerk, Select Men, Conftable and all other ordinary Town Officers, Also to receive any account from any Perfon to whom the Parish is in- debted and order the fame to be paid, Also to raise fuch Sum or Sums of Money as fhall be tho't necessary for defreying the ministerial Charge and the other necef- sary charges of of said Parifh, Also to choofe a Com- mittee to allow Accounts against the Parifh that the Select Men may order the pay for the fame. Also to choofe a Committee to let out the Interval Lott belonging to the School Right on the Wefterly Side of Merrimack River for fuch a Term as fhall be thought beft. And make due return of your doings hereon to the Subscrib- ers at or before faid Meeting, Dated at Concord afore- faid This Twenty Eighth Day of February ID 1769 -n-u ^ . TT° n /Select Men of Eben"^ Hall >., j^ .^, ,- r^ ■, T-. 1, T^- u 11 Vthe Parifh ot Concord Reuben Kimball ) Province of ) Concord March 7^'' 1769 New Hampshire 5 By Virtue of the within Order I have notified the with- in mentioned Freeholders & Inhabitants of the within mentioned Meeting by fetdng up a Notification of f*^ Meeting & the caufe thereof at the meeting House Door in faid Concord Five Days before faid Meeting, atteft Nath^ Eastman Conftable of Concord ) Parifh Clerk Copy Examin*^ p'' Tim" Walker 2^ > o*' Concord I20 CONCORD Province of } At a legal Meeting of tlie Free- New Hampshire ^holders and Inhabitants of the Parifh of Concord held at the Meeting Houfe in faid Concord on Teusday the Seventh Day of March /D 1769 Voted, That Cap' John Chandler be Moderator Voted, That Timothy Walker Jun' be Clerk Voted, That Mefs" Reuben Kimball, Eben' Hall & Tim" Walker Jun' be Select Men Voted, That Cap^ Peter Coffin be Conftable Voted, That Mefs"* Reuben Abbott, Robert Davis & Moses Eastman be Tything Men Voted That M' David Hall be fealer of Leather Voted, That L^ Nath^ Abbott be Sealer of Meafures & Weights Voted, That L* Tim" Bradley D" George Abbott Mefs'^ Benj^ Fifield, Ephraim Farnum ]', Jofeph Far- num, Benjamin Hunnilbrd, Ezekiel Diamond and D"^ Jofeph Hall be Surveyors of High Ways Voted, That Mefs"Phinehas Virgin, Richard Harbut, Robert Davis & Jacob Hoyt be Fence Viewers Voted, That Mefs'^ John Bradley, William Virgin, Jofhua Abbott and Chandler Lovejoy be Field Drivers Voted, That Mefs" Robert Eastman, Samuel Colby y, Jonathan Stickney, John Bradley & Benjamin Far- num be Hog Reves Voted, That Mefs" John Kimball, Benj* Hunniford and Henry Martin be Surveyors of Lumber Voted, That Benjamin Hunniford be Pound Keeper Voted, That Mefs" Reuben Kimball & Eben'" Hall be paid two Dollars Each for their Service as Select Men. Voted, That the Select Men be allowed to pals ac- counts and order the Pay for the fame Voted That the Select Men be a Committee to let out the School Lott on the wefterly fide of Merrimack River for fuch a Number of years as they fhall think Proper Voted, That M"" Benj^ Fifield be allowed Ten Shilings and 5^* p for Plank found for the Bridge over Turkey River Voted. That M' Stephen Kinsman be abated, one half of his Rates. Voted, That the Parifh Clerk be defired to purchafe Two fufficient Books for the ufeof the Parifh of Concord. TOWN RECORDS. 121 Voted, That This Meeting be adjourned to the first Teusday in July next at Two o'Clock in the afternoon to be held at the meeting^ Houle in faid Concord At a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders & Inhabitants of the Parifh of Concord held, by adjournment, at the Meeting House in faid Concord on Teusday the 4'^' Day of July ID 1769 Voted, That M' Jacob Hoyt be Conftable Voted, That One Hundred Pounds Lawtul Monev be raised for defreying the Charges of the Parifh of Con- cord the current year ^ Parifh Clerk Copy Ex* pr Tim° Walker J"^ ^ of Concord Province of ) At a legal meeting of the Free- New Hampshire > holders & Inhabitants of the Parifh of Concord held at the Meeting Houfe in faid Concord the 6^^ Day of Nov^ ID 1769 Voted, That the Select Men be a Committee to look out a road from the Head of the Long Pond to Hop- kinton Line Voted, That Mefs" Benj^ Emery John Kimball & Robert Davis be a Committee in behalf of the Parifh of Concord to treat with the Proprietors of the Meeting Houfe, or fuch a Committee as they fhall choofe in order to purchafe faid Houfe for the Ufe of the Parifh of Con- cord. ) Parifh Copy Ex'-^ pr Tim° Walker Jun' V Clerk )of Concord Province of New } To M^ Jacob Hoyt Conftable of the Hampshire ^ Parifh of Concord — Greeting. You are hereby required and ordered to Warn (as the Law directs) the Freeiiolders & Inhabitants of faid Con- cord, (qualified by Law to Vote in Town Afiairs) to 122 CONCORD afsemble & meet at the Meeting Houfe in faid Concord on Teusday the Sixth Day of March next at Nine o'clock in the forenoon then and there to choofe a Clerk, Select Men, Conftable and all other necefsary Town Officers, Also to choofe a Committee to reckon with the Rev*^ M' Timothy Walker, Also to choofe a Committee to fee what has become of the rent of the School Lotts, also to fee what the Parifh will do about fettling with M"" Edward Abbott, Also to what the Parifh will do about Roads in the Westerly part of faid Parifh, also to fee what the Parifh will about purchafing a Burying Cloth of M" Hannah Osgood, also to fee what the Parifh will do about calling the Conftables to an Account that have ferved the Parifh, Also to fee w^hat the Parifh will do about paying M' Jofeph Holt his Demand upon the Parifh also to allow what fhall be tho't proper for the killing of Wolves & Crowds for the year 1770, Also to raife fuch Sum or Sums of Money as fhall be tho't necefsary for defraying the ministerial & other necefsary Charges of faid Parifh, Also to choofe a Committee to allow Accounts against the Parifh that the Select Men may order the Pay for the fame, and make due return of your doings hereon to the Subscribers at or before the faid Meeting. Dated at Concord aforefaid this 2 2*^ Day of February ID 1770 Copy Ex^ pr J Eben^ Hall ^ Select Men Tim'^ W^alker J^ i Reuben Kimall > of the Parifh Parifh Clerk ) Tim« Walker J"" ) of Concord Province of New ) Concord March 6*'' 1770. Hampshire ) By Virtue of the within Order I have notified the within mentioned Freeholders and Inhabitants of the within mentioned Meeting by fetting up a Notification of faid Meeting and the Caufe thereof at the Meeting House Door in faid Concord Nine Days before faid Meeting. T 1- TT i- ^ Conftable of J^^°^"^>'t)f^ Concord A true Copy Exam*^ p' Tim" Walker Jun"^ Clerk TOWN RECORDS. 1 23 Province of > At a legal Meeting of the Freehold- New Hampshire > ers and Inhabitants of the Parifh of Concord held at the Meeting Houfe in faid Concord on Teusday the 6^^ Day of March ID 1770 Voted, That Andrew Mcmillan Esq' be Moderator Voted, That Timothy Walker Jun-- be Clerk Voted That Tim'* Walker Jun' Reuben Kimball & Benj'' Emery be Select Men Voted, That Daniel Carter be Conftable Voted, That Cap*^ Thomas Stickney, Philip Eastman, and Amos Abbott be Tything Men Voted, That David Hall be Sealer of Leather Voted, That L' Nath' Abbott be Sealer of Weights & Meafures Voted That D" George Abbott, John Chandler Jun'', Jofeph Plafseltirte, Daniel Chafe Jun', Jofeph Farnum, Jabez Abbott, James Walker and Richard Eastman be Surveyors of High Ways Voted, That Phinehas Virgin, Richard Harbut, Ezek- iel Diamond & Ephraim Farnum Jun' be Fence Viewers Voted, That John Bradlee, Moles Eastman Jun"^ John Chafe and Abiel Chandler be Field Drivers Voted, That Jofeph Eastman J' Nath^ Abbott Jun', Col- man Hoyt, Nathan Colby and Samuel Colby be Hog Reves Voted That John Kimball & Benj* Hunniford be Sur- veyors of Lumber Voted, That Benj'* Hunniford be Pound Keeper Voted, That Philip Eastman, Lot Colby and Andrew M*=millan Esq' be a Committee to Reckon with the Rev*^ Mr. Tim« Walker Voted, That the fame Committee be appointed to fee what is become of the Rent of the School Lotts Voted That the fame Committee fettle with M' Edward Abbott Voted, That a Road be laid out thro' Jofeph Farnum's Field and that the Parifh will give Forty Shilings Law- ful Money p' Acre for faid Farnum Land Voted That the Select Men be Committee to lay out Roads in the Wefterly Part of the Parifh Voted, That M" Osgood be paid the first coft for the Burvinfj Cloth 124 CONCORD Voted That the Select Men be a Committee to Reckon with the former Conftables that have ferved the Parifh Voted That Ten ShiUings be paid for every Wolf and Six pence for every Crow killed within the Parifh for the prefent year Voted That One Hundred Pounds be raifed for the fervice of the Current year Voted That the Select Men be a Committee to allow accounts against the Parifh and order the pay for the fame } Parish A True Copy Exam^» pr Tim'* Walker Jun' ^ Clerk Province of ) To M"" Daniel Carter Conftable of New Hampshire 5 the Parifh of Concord — Greeting. You are hereby required and ordered to Warn as the Law directs the Freeholders & Inhabitants of faid Con- cord (qualified by Law to Vote in Town Affairs) to afsemble & meet at the Meeting Houfe in faid Concord on Teusday the Fifth Day of March next at Nine o'clock in the Forenoon, then and there to choofe a Clerk, Select Men, Conftable and all other necefsar}^ Town Officers Also to receive the report of the Commit- tee chofen to reckon with the ReV^ jNP Tim° Walker & Others Also to receive the Report of the Select Men chofen to fettle with former Conftables Also to fee what the Parifh will give for the killing of Wolves, Crows & Rattlefnakes for the year 1771 Also to raife fuch Sums of Mone}' as fhall as fhall be thought necefsary the Ministerial Charge and the other necefsary Charges of faid Parifh Also to choofe a Committee to allow accounts against the Parifh that the Select Men may order the the Pay for the fame and make due Return of your doings hereon to the Subscribers at or before the faid Meeting. Dated at Concord aforefaid this Eighteenth Day of February ID 177 1 Tim° Walker J' ) Select ]Men Benj^ Emery 5 o* 1"^ Concord TOWN RECORDS. 1 25 Province of New ) Concord March 5th 1771 Hampshire. ) By Virtue of the within Warrant I have; notified the within mentioned Freeholders & Inhabitants of the within mentioned Meeting by placing up a Notification of faid Meeting and the Caufe thereof at the Meeting Houfe Door in faid Concord fourteen Days before faid Meeting. Atteft Daniel Carter } Conftable of ^ Concord Province of New ) At a Legal Meeting of the Free- Hampshire 5 holders and Inhabitants of the Parifh of Concord held at the Meeting Houfe in faid Concord on Tuesday the 5^'' Day of March ID 1771 Voted, That Andrew Mcmillan Esq"" be Moderator Voted, That Timothy Walker j^ be Clerk Voted, That Philip Eastman, Timothy Walker Jun', and Benj'^ Emery be Select Men Voted, That William Coffin be Constable Voted, Cap* Thom* Stickney, L* Tim" Bradley, Benj'' Hunniford and Amos Abbott be Tything Men Voted, That David Hall be Sealer of Leather Voted, That John Kimball be Sealer of Weights and Meafures. Voted, That D" George Abbott, William Virgin, Ala Kimball, Jacob Shute, L' Jon'^ Chafe, Jonathan Stickney, Benj'* Emery, Joseph Farrium, and Jabez Abbott be Surveyors of High Ways Voted, That Cap*. Thom^ Stickney, Phinehas Virgin, James Walker, Eben"' Hall D" Jofeph Hall and Ephraim Farnum Jun' be Fence Viewers Voted, That John Kimball, Jonathan Merrill and Robert Eastman be Field Drivers Voted, That C* Thomas Stickney, Simon Trumble, Benjamin Fifield, Jonathan Eastman and Abiel Chandler be Hog Reves Voted, That John Kimball, Benj-"* Hunniford and Samuel Springer be Surveyers of Lumber Voted, That Benj'' Hunniford be Pound Keeper Voted, That Twenty Shilings be paid for every Wolf 126 CONCORD and Nine Pence for Every Crow catched in the Parifh of Concord the Present year Voted, That the Account produced hy the Select Men, as a Reckoning; with the former Conf tables of Concord be accepted by the Parifh as a final settlement Voted, That One Hundred Pounds be raifed for the fervice of the current year Voted, That the Select Men be a Committee to allow accounts against the Parifh & order the pay for the fame, Voted, That This Meeting be adjourned to the first Teusday in May next at 2 o'Clock in the Afternoon A True Copy Exam^^ p^ Tim« Walker J" I ^^''^^^ Province of New > To M"" William Cofiin Conftable Hampshire. 5 o^ the Parish of Concord Greeting. You are hereby required and ordered to Warn (as the Law directs) The Freeholders & Inhabitants of laid Con- cord in faid Province (qualified by Law to Vote in Town Affairs) to afsemble and meet at the Meeting House in faid Concord on Teusday the Third Day of March next at Nine o'Clock in the Forenoon then and there to choofe a Clerk, Select Men, Constable and all other necesfary Town Officers, Also to receive the Report of the Select Men chofen to fettle accounts exhibited against the Parifh Also to fee what the Parifh will give for the killing of Wolves, Crows & Rattlesnakes for the year 1772 Also to fee if the Parish will pay the Heirs of Cap* Eben' Eastman & Cap* Henry Lovejoy the Charge they were at in procur- ing Soldiers for Rumford Also to fee if the Parifh will choofe a Committee to treat with the Proprietors of the Meeting Houfe, or fuch a Committee as they fhall choofe in Order to purchafe faid Houfe for the Ufe of the Par- ifh, and if faid Proprietors will not fell faid Houfe upon Reafonable Terms to fee if faid Parifh wall Vote Money to build a new Meeting Houfe in fuch a Place as fhall be thought beft by faid Parish TOWN RECORDS. 12*J Also to raife fuch fum or fums of Money as fhall be tho't necefsaiy for defreying the necefsary Charges of faid Parish. Also to choofe a Committee to allow accounts against the Parifh that the Select Men may order the pay for the fame, Also to fee if the Parifh will pay M' Jon'* Merrill the Coft he has been at in Doctering and Nursing a lame Boy at his House and take him under their Protection for the future. And make due return of this Warrant and your Doings thereon to the Subscribers at or before laid Meeting. Dated at Concord aforefaid this iS'^' day of February A) 1772 Tim° Walker Jun' ) Select Men of Benj''' Emery ) Concord > Concord, March 3^* 1772 By Virtue of this warrant I have warned the Inhab- itants of the Parifh of Concord to meet according to the Time & Place within mentioned William Coffin Conftable A o TT fi r T^- o TTr 11 T r ? PaHsh Clcrk of A Copy Kxam'^ p 1 im° V\ alker Tun' > ^ , ^•^ ^ ) Concord Province of New ) At a legal Meeting of the Free- Hampshire 5 holders and Inhabitants of the Par- ifh of Concord held at the Meeting Houfe in faid Con- cord the Third Day of March ID 1772 Voted, That Andrew Mcmillan Esq' be Moderator Voted, That Tim" Walker Jun' be Clerk Voted, That Tim° Walker Jun% Joseph Hall Jun' & Phinehas Virgin be Select Men. Voted, That Lieu* Tim" Bradlee be Conftable. Voted, That Cap' Thomas Stickney, Nathaniel Weft, Lieu* John Chandler, Ezekiel Diamond and Jofeph Far- num be Ty thing Men. Voted, That David Hall be fealer of Leather Voted, That Jofhua Abbott be fealer of Measures and Weights. 128 CONCORD Voted, That D" George Abbott, William Virgin, Na- thaniel Abbott, Henry Beck, Jacob Shute, Enf" Robert Davis, John Blanchard, and Amos Abbott be Surveyors of High Ways, also Lieu' Jonathan Chaie Voted, That Ebenezer Virgin, Jolin Shute, and Eben- ezer Hall be Fence Viewers Voted, That Robert Eastman, John Bradley and John Chaie be Field Drivers Voted, That Simon Trumble, Daniel Gale, William Currier, Ephraim Carter Jun"" Philip Harriman and Abiel Chandler be Hog Reves Voted, That John Kimball & Benjamin Hunniford be Surveyors of Lumber Voted, That Benj=^ Hunniford be Pound Keeper Voted, That the Account exhibited by the Select Men be accepted by the Parif h and that a Copy be entered on the Parifh Book Voted, That Forty Seven Pounds oneShilingbe railed to pay the Rev*^ JVP Tim° Walker's Salary one year Also that Fifty Three Pounds be railed for the other necefsar}^ Charges of the Parifh Also that Sixty Pounds be railed for making & repairing High Wa3'S Voted That John Kimball, Henry Martin & John Blanchard be a Committee to treat with the Proprietors of the Meeting Houfe or fuch a Committee as they fhall choofe in order to purchafe laid House for the ufe of the Parifh After the above Votes were pafsed the Meeting was ad- journed to the first Teusday in april next at Three o'clock in the afternoon A True Copy Ex« Tim« Walker J^" Clerk Province of } xAt a legal Meeting of the Free- New Hampshire 5 holders & Inhabitants of the Parifh of Concord held, by adjournment, at the Meeting House in said Concord the 7"^ Day of April .-D 1772 Voted That the Parifh will give Five Hundred Dol- lars for the Meeting Houfe and the Lot on w4iich it TOWN RECORDS. I29 Stands, to the Proprietors of faid Houfe, and that the Pews be Vendewed for the Benefit of faid Parish Voted, That Fift}' Dollars be raised in addition to to the Five Hundred raifed by the foregoing Vote and that the fame be given to the Proprietors of the Meeting House in order to compleat a Settlement with faid Pro- prietors Voted That John Kimball, C Thomas Stickney & John Bradley be a Committee to provide Materials for finifhing the Meeting House Voted, That Two Hundred Pounds be raifed in order to enable the above Committee to procure Materials for finifhing the Meeting House & paying the Workmen. A True Copy Ex^ p' Tim^ Walker J^ Clerk Province of } To Lieu' Timothy Bradley Conft- New Hampshire ^ able of Concord in faid Province — Rockingham fs Greeting — You are hereby required to warn (as the law dircts the Freeholders & Inhabitants of faid Concord, (qualified by Law to Vote in Town Affiairs) to afsemble & meet at the Meeting House in faid Concord on Monday the 24'^ Day of August Current at 3 o Clock in the afternoon then & there to choofe One Man of those duly qualified in faid Concord to ferve at his Majesty's Superior Court of Judicature to be held at Exeter in & for faid County, as a Petit Juror, the first Teusday in September next Also to fee what faid Parish will allow those who have ferv^ as Jurors for faid Parish Also to fee what faid Parifh will allow Jurors for the Future And make due Return of this warrant with your doings thereon at or be- fore faid Meeting. Dated at Concord aforelaid this i5tli Day of August ID 1772 Tim° Walker J' ^ Select Men Joseph Hall J' ^ of Concord 10 130 CONCORD Province of ^ New Hamp"' > Concord August 25"' 1772 Rockingham fs ) By Virtue of this Warrant I have warned the Inhabitants of Concord to meet according to Time & Place for the purpofes within mentioned by fetting up a Notifica- tion at the Meeting House Door Atteft Timothy Bradley } Constable ^ of Concord A True Copy Ex^ pr Tim" Walker J^ Clerk Province of ^ At a legal Meeting of the Free- New Hampshire > holders & Inhabitants of the Parish of Rockingham fs. ^ Concord held at the Meeting House in faid Concord the 24*'' Day of August ID 1772 Voted That Philip Eastman be Moderator of the Meet- ing M' Lot Colby was drawn out of the Box for a Juror Voted, That Three Shilings be paid Mefs" Ebenezer Hall & Jofhua Abbott for each Day that they have ferved faid Parish as Jurors Voted, That Three Shilings be paid each Juror p' Day who fhall ferve faid Parifh as Jurors, for the future A True Copy Exam"^ p^ Tim" Walker J' Clerk Province of ^ To Lieu' Tim" Bradley Conftable New Hampshire > of the Parifh of Concord in faid Prov- Rockingham fs Nince Greetinor. You are hereby required to warn (as the Law directs) the Freeholders & Inhabitants of the Parifh of f^ Con- cord (qualified by Law to V^ote in Town x\ffairs) to afsemble & meet at the Meeting House in faid Concord on Monday the Seventh Day of Decem"" next at One o'clock in the afternoon then & there to choofe an agent to Petition the Hon^'^^ General Court of faid Province TOWN RECORDS. I3I That the Inhabitants of laid Concord may have the fame Power & Priviledge of laying out Roads which any other Town or Parifh in this Province have or do enjoy, And that the Boundaries of faid Parifh of Concord may be made as extenfive as the Township of Rumford (so call**) formerly was. Secondly, To See what Sum of Money the Parifh will raife in order to erect or repair Two Bridges acroft Turkey River so call** And make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon at or before faid Meeting. Dated at Concord aforefaid This Twenty first Day of November ID 1772 Tim° Walker Jun' ) Select Men Jofeph Hall Jun"" ) of Concord A True Copy Exa" pr Tim« Walker J^ Clerk Province of New ^ Hampshire > Concord December 7*'' 1772 Rockingham fs ) By Virtue of this Warrant I have notified the within mentioned Freeholders & Inhabitants of the within men- tioned Meeting by Placing up a Notification of faid Meet- ing and the Caufe thereof at the Meeting Houfe Door in faid Concord Atteft Tim° Bradley > Conftable ) of Concord A true Copy of the above Return Exa p' Timo Walker J^ Clerk. Province of New ) At a legal Meeting of the Free- Hampshire > holders & Inhabitants of the Parifh Rockingham fs )of Concord, held at the Meeting Houfe in faid Concord on the 7''' Day of December ID 1772 Voted That Lieu* Richard Hafseltine be Moderator Voted, To prefent a Petition to the Hon'''*' General Court for the purpofes fet forth in the Warrant for this Meeting 132 CONCORD Voted, That Andrew M'^millan Esq"' be defired and impovvered to prefent faid Petition A True Copy Ex^ Pr Tim° Walker J"- Clerk Province of New ^ Hampshire > To Lieut Timothy Bradley Con- Rockingham fs )ftable of the Parif h of Concord in faid Province. Greeting. You are hereby required to warn (as the Law direts) The Freeholders & Inhabitants of the Parif h of Concord (qualified by Law to Vote in Town Affairs) to afsemble & meet at the Meeting Houfe in faid Concord on Teus- day the 23 Day of Februar}' Current at Two o'Clock in the afternoon, then & there to choofe one Man of those duly qualified in faid Concord to ferve as a Grand Juror at his Majesty's Superior Court of Judicature to be held at Portsmouth on the first Teusday of March next. And make due return of this warrant to the Subscribers with your doings thereon at or before faid Meeting. Dated at Concord aforefaid the 20"' Dav of February iD 1773 Tim° Walker J' ^Select Men Jofeph Hall J' > of Concord Phinehas Virgin ) A True Copy Ex« p' Tim° Walker J^ Clerk Province of New ') Hampshire > Concord Feb^ 23*^ i773 Rockingham fs ) By Virtue of this Warrant I have warned the within mentioned Freeholders & Inhabitants of the within men- tioned Meeting b}^ placing up a Notification of faid Meeting and the Caufe thereof Three Da3^s before faid Meeting Tim° Bradley Conftable A True Copy Ex^ p' Tim" Walker Jun^ Clerk TOWN RECORDS. I33 Province of New ^ At a legal Meeting of the Free- Hampshire > holders & Inhabitants of the Parifh Rockingham fs )of Concord held at the Meeting Houfe in faid Concord the 23*^ Day of February ID 1773 Voted, That Lieu* Richard Hafseltine be Moderator Voted, That LV John Chandler be appointed to ferve as a Grand Juror at his Majesty's Superior Court to held at Portsmouth on the first Teusday of March next A True Copy atteft Tim° Walker J^ Clerk Province of New ^ Hampshire > To Lieu* Timothy Bradley Con- Rockingham Is ^ftable of the Parifh of Concord in f^' Province. Greeting i ou are hereby required to warn (as the Law directs) The Freeholders & Inhabitants of the Parifh of Concord (qualified by Law to Vote in Town Affairs) to afsemble & meet at the Meeting Houfe in faid Concord on Teus- day the 2*^ Day of March next at Nine o'Clock in the Forenoon then & there to choofe a Clerk, Select Men, Conftable and all other necefsary Town Officers, Also to fee if the Parifh will confirm their former Votes for raif- ing Three Hundred & Sixty five Pounds towards purchafing & repairing the Meeting Houfe in faid Con- cord and choofe a Committee for the fame, Also to fee what the Parifh will give for the killing of Wolves Crows & Rattlefnakes for 1773. Also to fee if the Par- ifh will accept the account of the Select Men for the Expences of the Parifh for the year palt, Also to raife fuch Sum or Sums of Mone}' as fhall be tho't necefary for defre3'ing the ^Ministerial and other necefsar}' Charges of faid Parifh, Also to choofe a Committee to allow Accounts against faid Parifh that the Select Men may order the pay lor the fame. Also to fee if the Parifh will purchafe a Road thro' Mef" Ezekiel Carter & Jofiah Farnum Jun" Land, Also to fee if the Parifh will choofe an Agent to petition the Hon^'* General Court, to annex the Parifh of Concord to the County of Hilsborough, 134 CONCORD provided tliat there may be an Inferior & Superior Court held annually in laid Paril'h, And make due Return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Subscrib- ers at or before faid Meeting. Dated at Concord afore- faid the 15*" Day of February ID 1773 Tim" Walker Jun' ) Joleph Hall Jun' > Select Men of Phinehas Virgin )r'^ Concord A True Copy Ex» p^ Tim« Walker J' Clerk Province of New ^ Hampshire > Concord March 2^ i773 Rockingham ) By Virtue of this Warrant I have notified the within mentioned Freeholders & Inhabitants of the Parifh of Concord of the within mentioned Meeting, by placing up a Notification of faid Meeting and the Caufe thereof at the Meeting Houfe Door in faid Concord Nine Days before faid Meeting Att Timothy Bradley > Conftable of 5 Concord A True Copy Ex^ p^ Tim" Walker J^ Clerk Province of New ^ At a Legal Meeting of the Free- Hampshire > holders & Inhabitants of Concord Rockingham ^^n faid Province, held at the Meet- ing Houfe in faid Concord on Teusday the 2** Day of March ID 1773 Voted, That Andrew^ M'^millan Esq' be Moderator Voted, That John Kimball Amos Abbott & Tim*' Walker J^ be Select Men. Voted, That Tim« Walker p be Clerk. Voted That Joseph Hall J' be Constable Voted, That D" George Abbott, Jacob Shute, Robert Davis, Ezekiel Carter, Jabez Abbott, William Virgin, Mofes Sawyer, Eben' Hall & Moses Eastman be Sur- veyors of High Ways. TOWN RECORDS. I35 Voted, That Nathaniel Weft, Cap' Thorn* Stickney, Joseph Farnum, Ezekiel Diamond & Phinehas Virgin be Tything Men, Voted That Jofhua Abbott be Sealer of Weights & Meafures Voted, That John Kimball & Benjamin Hunniford be Surveyers of Lumber. Voted That Benj** Emery be Sealer of Leather Voted That James Walker, Joseph Abbott, Daniel Chafe Jun% Stephen Farnum, Jonathan Stickney and Robert Eastman be Hogg Reves. Voted That William Coffin, Richard Hafseltine Jun' Ebenezer Virgin, Ephraim Farnum Jun' and Joseph Hafseltine be Fence Viewers. Voted, That John Shute, William Coffin, Robert East- man, Joseph Farnum Jun' & Philip Herriman be Field Drivers. Voted That Benjamin Hunniford be Pound keeper. Voted That Forty Seven Pounds one Shiling be raifed for the Rev" M' Walker's Salary the Current year. Voted that Twenty Pounds be raised for defreying the expences of the Parrifh the current year. Voted That the Select Men be a Committee to allow accounts against the Parif h. Vote*d That a Petition be prefented to the Hon'''^ Gen eral Court requeling that the Parif h of Concord may be annexed to the County of Hilsborough provided that there might be an Inferior & Superior Court held an nually in laid Parifh Voted That Andrew M'^millan Esq' be appointed Agent to prefent faid Petition Voted That Sixty Pounds be raifed for making & re- pairing the High Ways in Concord the current year. A true copy of the proceedings of the above Meeting Atteft Tim" Walker J^ CI Province of ^ To M^ Jofepii Hall Jun' Conftable New Hampshire 3 of the Parifh of Concord. Greeting You are hereby required & ordered to warn (as the Law directs) the Freeholders & Inhabitants of faid 136 CONCORD Concord (qualified by Law to Vote in Town Affairs) to afsemble and meet at the Meeting House in faid Con- cord on Teusday the first Day of March next at Nine o'clock in the forenoon then and there to choofe a Clerk, Select Men, Conftable and other necefsary Town officers, also to fee if the P.arish will direct the Surveyor of High Ways to open the Road from Daniel Chafe Jun' to Jonathan Stickney's, also to fee what Rates the Parifh will abate, Also to fee if the Parifh will Vote to fence the Burying Place. Also to fee if the Parifh will choofe an Agent to petition the Governor and Council that we might be al- lowed the Priviledge of fending a Reprefentative to the General Court, Also Also to raife fuch Sum or Sums of Money as fhall be tho't necefsary for defreying the necef- sary Charges of faid Parifh, also to choose a Committee to allow accounts against the Parifh that the Select Men may order the pay for the fame. And make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Subscribers at or before faid Meeting. Dated at Concord aforefaid this Eleventh Da}^ of Febru- ary ID 1774 Amos Abbott ^ Select Men John Kimball > of Concord Timothy Walker J^ ) A True Copy Ex<» p^ Timothy Walker J^ CI Province of 1 Concord March i** 1774 New Hampshire > By Virtue of this Warrant I have Rockingham fs } notified the within mentioned Free- holders and Inhabitants of faid Concord of the within mentioned Meeting by placing up a notification ot faid Meeting and the Caufe thereof at the Meeting Houfe Door in faid Concord fourteen Days betbre faid Meeting ) Conftable Atteft Jofeph Hall J' 5 of Concord A true Copy Exa"^ p' Tim° Walker J' Clerk TOWN RECORDS. 137 Province of ) At a legal meeting of Freeholders New Hampshire ^ & Inhabitants of the Parish of Con- cord held at the Meeting House March i*' 1774 Voted, That Peter Green Esq' be Moderator of this Meeting, Voted, That Timothy Walker Jun' be Parish Clerk Voted, That Timothy Walker Jun% Enf" Reuben Kim- ball & Coll Thomas Stickney be Select Men. Voted, That John Chandler Jun' be Conftable. Voted That Thomas Stickney, Nathaniel Weft, Phi- nehas Virgin, Ezekiel Diamond and Jofeph Farnum be Tything Men Voted That Thomas Wilson be fealer of Leather. Voted That Jofhua Abbott be fealer of Weights & Meafures. Voted That Robert Davis, Ezekiel Diamond, Thomas Stickney, Timothy. Bradley, Mofes Eastman, Nathan Abbott, Henry Martin, Ebenezer Hall and John Shute be Surveyors of High Ways. Voted That Ebenezer Virgin William Coffin, Richard Haffeltine Jun' & Jonathan Stickney be Fence Viewers. Voted That Nathaniel Eastman, John Bradle3s & Ezekiel Diamond Jun"' be Field Drivers. Voted That Nathaniel Eastman, James Hafseltine, Richard Harbut, Daniel Chafe Jun' Dan Stickney & Stephen Farnum be Hogg Reaves. Voted That John Kimball, Benjamin Hunniford and Henry Martin be furveyors of Lumber. ■ V^oted That Benjamin Hunniford be Pound keeper. Voted That the Road from Jon'* Stickneys to Daniel Chafe Jun" fhall be opened. Voted That the Burying Place fhall be fenced at the expence of the Parifh. Voted That Peter Green Esq^ be appointed Agent to petition the Governor & Council for a Reprefentative Voted That John Kimball, John Bradley and David Hall be a Committee to allow accounts against the Parifh Voted That the account exhibited by Lot Colby, Jofeph Farnum and John Chandler J' be allowed Voted, That Forty Seven Pounds one Shilling be 138 CONCORD raifed for paying the Rev'' Tim" Walkers Salary one year. Voted, That Eighty Three Pounds be raifed for the School and other necefsary Charges of faid Parish Voted, To abate Zebulun Flanders's Rate in Timothy Bradley's Lift also to abate John Gage's Rate in Jacob Hoyt's List. A true Copy of the proceedings of the above Meeting Atteft Tim'' Walker Jun' CI Know all Men by thefe prefents that I Joseph Farnum of Concord in the County of Rockingham and Province of New Hampshire Yeoman — For and in confideration of the fum of eight pounds twelve Shillings Lawtul Money to me in Hand well and truly paid by Timothy Walker Ju'^, Thomas Stickney & Reuben Kimball all of Concord aforefaid Gentlemen (as Selectmen for faid Concord) the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge, have given, granted, bargained & fold and by thefe pref- ents, do give, grant, bargain, fell, convey and confirm to them the faid Walker, Stickney & Kimball, for the ufe and improvement of the Inhabitants of faid Parifh of Concord their heirs and Succefsors forever a certain piece of Land 13'ing in faid Concord containing Five Acres and thirty one Rods more or lefs and is bounded as follows viz. beginning at a ftake ftanding on the eaft- erly fide of the highway leading from Contoocook River to the Parfonage eighty acre Lot, thence North about seventy two degrees eaft about eighteen rods to a Stake, thence North about ten degrees Eaft about thirty eight rods to a Pine, thence Eafterly a hundred and thirty five rods to a Stake, thence South about Sevent}- five degrees eaft about thirty rods to a Stake, thence South about twenty degrees eaft about Fifty Six rods to a Stake, thence Eafterly three rods to a white pine Stump, thence North about twenty degrees west about Fifty six rods to a Stake, thence North about Seventy five degrees west about thirty rods to a Stake, thence westerly about a hundred & thirty five rods to a Stake, thence South TOWN RECORDS. 1 39 about ten degrees weft about thirty eight rods to a stake, thence south about Seventy two degrees welt about eighteen rods to a Stake thence on a Straight line to the Bound, first mentioned To Have and to Hold the laid granted Premiles with all the Privileges and appurtenances to the lame belong- ing to them the faid Walker, Stickney, & Kimball for the ufe of the Inhabitants of the Parifh of Concord as aforefaid their heirs and succefsors forever, and I the faid Jofeph Farnum my heirs Executors and adminiftrators do covenant and agree to and with the faid Walker, Stick- ney, & Kimball (in behalf of faid Parish of Concord) that I am the lawful owner of the faid Premiles and am lawfully fiezed & pofsefsed thereof in my own right in Fee-fimple and that I the faid Jofeph Farnum m}^ heirs Executors & Adminiftrators Shall and will Warrant fecure and defend the faid Premiles to and for the ufe of faid Inhabitants as aforefaid againft the Lawful claims and Demands of all Perfons whomefoever In Witnefs whereof I hereunto let my Hand leal this Seventeenth day of January in the fifteenth year of his Majesty's Reign A) 1775. Signed sealed & deliver'd } j , -o / \ . ^ ,- r > oseph r arnum (l. s.) m Pretence ot us. ) Abiel Chandler Joseph Eaftman, Junio"" Rockingham fs February 20^^^ i775 Then M' Joseph Farnum personally appear'd and acknoweledged the above Inftrument to be his act and Deed. Coran Peter Green Jus : Pac Province of ^ To Lieu*^ John Chandler Conftable New Hampshire > of the Parifh of Concord in faid Prov- Rockingham fs ^ince. Greeting. You are hereby required to warn (as the Law directs) the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Parifh of Concord (qualified by Law to Vote in Town Afiairs) to afsemble and meet at the Meeting Houfe in faid Concord on Mon- 140 CONCORD day the 16"' of this Inftant at four o'Clock in the after- noon then & there to fee what fum or fums of Money fhall be raifed. for making & repairing the High-ways in Concord the prefent year, Also to fee if the Parifh will accept the account of Mefsrs Lot Colby Joseph Farnum & John Chandler J' Also to fee if the Parish will choofe one or more furveyors of High Ways. And make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Subscribers at or before faid Meeting. Dated at Concord aforefaid this feventh Da}' of May JD 1774. Timothy Walker J' ^Select Men Reuben Kimball > of Thomas Stickney ) Concord A true Copy Ex--* pr Tim" Walker Jun^ CI Province of ^ Concord May 16^" i774 Purfuant to New Hampshire >the within Warrant I have warned the Rockingham fs. ) Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Parish of faid Concord (qualified by Law to Vote in Town Affairs) to meet at Time & Place for the purpofes withinmentioned by putting up a Notification at the Meeting Houfe Door in faid Parish Nine Days before faid Meeting. T , /-., 11 Tr ? Constable of ohn Chandler >■ <-. 1 -' ^ ) Concord. A true Copy Ex** pr Tim" Walker Jun' CI Province of New ') Hampshire > Concord Ma}^ 16**^ i774 Rockingham fs ) At a legal Meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Parifh of Concord held at the Meeting Houfe in faid Concord this Day Voted, That Ebenezer Hander Gofs Esq' be Moder- ator Voted, That the Sum Seventy five Pounds Lawful Money be raifed for repairing the High ways in Concord the prefent year TOWN RECORDS. I4I Voted, That Mefs" Lot Colby, Jofeph Farnum, John Chandler Jun' and Edward Rufsell be allowed the Sum of Four Pounds Thirteen Shillings and fix Pence Law- ful Money for making Rates for the Parifh of Concord in the year 1766 Voted That Peter Green Esq"- L* John Chandler & Benjamin Farnum be furveyors of High Ways. A true Copy of the proceedings of the above Meeting Atteft Tim" Walker Jun^ 'C^. Province of New ^ To John Chandler Jun*^ Conftable Hampshire >for the Parifh of Concord in faid Rockingham fs j County Greeting. You are hereby required to warn as the Law directs the Freeholders and Inhabitants of faid Concord (quali- fied by Law to Vote in Town Affairs) to afsemble and meet at the Meeting Houfe in faid Concord on Teusday the Seventh Day of March next at Nine o'Clock in the Forenoon then and there to act on the following Particu- lars viz 1. To Choofe a Moderator 2. To choofe a Clerk, Select Men, Conftable and all other necefsary Town Officers. 3. To raife fuch fum or fums of Money as fhall be tho't necefsary to defrey the Charges of faid Parifh, the enfuing year. 4. To fee what Roads the Parifh will accept that has been laid out by the Select Men and order the Clerk to record the fame 5. To fee what Roads the Parifh will agree to pur- chafe and raife Money for faid Purpofe 6 To fee what the Parifh will give for the killing of Wolves Crows & Rattlefnakes the enfuing year. 7. To fee if the Parifh will vote to leafe out the School Lots for a certain number of years and choofe a Com- mittee for faid Purpose. 8. To fee if the Parifh will eftablifh the Number of School Houfes in Concord and choofe a Committee to fix the Places for faid Houfes and raife Money to enable faid 142 CONCORD Committee either to piirchafe or build faid Houfes as foon as conveniently may be. And make due return of this Warrant with your do- ings thereon to the Subscribers, at or before faid Meet- ing. Dated at Concord aforefaid this Twentieth Day of February A) 1775. Timothy Walker Jun' ~) Reuben Kimball > Select Men Thomas' Stickney ^of Concord A True Copy of the foregoing Warrant Atteft Tim« Walker Jun' Clerk Province of New ^ Hampshire > Concord March 7*'' 1775 Rockingham fs j Purfuant to the within Warrant I have notified the within mentioned Freeholders and Inhabitants of the within mentioned Meeting by placing up a Notification of faid Meeting and the caufe thereof at the Meeting Houfe Door in faid Concord Ten Days before faid Meet- ing Atteft John Chandler Jun' > Conftable 5 of Concord A true Copy of the Return of the foregoing Warrant Atteft Tim** Walker J' Clerk Province of New ') Hampshire > Notice is hereb}" given to the Rockingham fs 3 Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Parifh of Concord in faid Province and County (quali- fied by Law to Vote in Town Affairs) to afsemble and meet at the Meeting Houfe in faid Concord on Teusday the Seventh Day of March next at Nine o'Clock in the Forenoon then and there to act on the following Particu- lars viz 1. To Choofe a Moderator to govern faid Meeting 2. To choofe a Clerk, Select Men, Conftable and all other necefsary Town Officers 3. To raife fuch Sum or Sums of Money as fhall be TOWN RECORDS. I43 tho't necefsary to defrey the Charges of faid Parifh the year enfuing the Date hereof. 4. To fee what Roads the Parifh will accept that has been laid out by the Select Men and order the Clerk to record the fame 5. To fee what Roads the Parifh will agree to pur- chafe and raife Money for faid Purpose. 6. To fee what encouragement the Parifh will give for the killing of Wolves Crows & Rattlefnakes the enfu- ing year. 7. To fee if the Parifh will vote to leafe out the School Lots for a certain number of years and choofe a Com- mittee for faid Purpofe 8. To fee if the Parifh will establifh the Number of School Houfes in faid Concord, and choofe a Committee to establifh & fix the Places for faid Houfes, and raife Money to enable faid Committee either to purchafe or Build faid Houfes as foon as conveniently may be Dated at Concord aforefaid this Twentieth Day of February ID 1775 i Conftable John Chandler J^^ I of Concord By Virtue of a Warrant from the Select Men of faid Concord A true Copy of the Notification fet up at the Meeting Houfe Door agreeable to the foregoing Warrant. Atteft Tim« Walker y Clerk Province of New ~) At a legal Meeting of the Free- Hampshire > holders and Inhabitants of the Par- Rockingham fs jiHy of Concord held at the Meeting Houfe in faid Concord on Teusday March the Seventh K) 1775 Voted, That Coll Thomas Stickney be Moderator of this prefent Meeting Voted, That Timothy Walker Jun^ be Clerk Voted, That Timothy Walker Jun"" Reuben Kimball and Benjamin Emery be Select Men. 144 CONCORD Voted, That Amos Abbott be Conftable. Voted, Tluit Nathaniel Weft, Lieu* Phinehas Virgin, Thomas Willbn, Jabez Abbott and Ezekiel Diamond be Tything Men. Voted, That David Hall be fealer of Leather Voted, That Cap' Jofhua Abbott be fealer of Weights and Meafures Voted, That Coll Thomas Stickney, James Walker Joseph Eastman Jun% Richard Hafseltine Jun' L* Eben- ezer Virgin, Ezekiel Diamond, Afa Kimball L' Jona- than Stickney, Jabez Abbott, Reuben Abbott and Nathan- iel Abbott be furveyors of High Ways Voted, That John Bradley, Robert Eastman and Thomas Wilfon be Fence Viewers Voted, That Mofes Eastman Jun William Coffin and John Chafe be Field Drivers Voted, That Simeon Danforth, Robert Eastman, Philip Herriman, Benjamin Eastman Theodore Farnum and L* Jonathan Stickney be Hogreves Voted That John Kimball Benjamin Hunniford and Benjamin Sweat be Surveyors of Lumber Voted, That Benjamin Hunniford be Pound keeper. Voted, That One Hundred Pounds Lawful Money be raifed for the necefsary Charges of the Parifh Voted, That Sixty Pounds Lawful Money be raifed for making and repairing the High Ways in Concord the prefent year Voted, That the Select Men be defired to purchase of Lemuel Tucker a Road Two Rods wide from East- man's Ferry so called to the Gate near the dwelling Houfe of Philip Eastman. Voted, That the Select Men be a Committee to leafe out the Two Interval Lots belonging to the School Right for the Term of Two 3'ears to the highest bidder Voted, That The Select Men be a Committee to leafe out the Eighty Acre Lot belonging to the School Right to Oliver Hoit for the Term of Nine Hundred years, He the faid Hoit paying the Parifh annualh" Six Dol- lars Voted, That the Road be laid ftraight from the Chand- ler Tree so call*^ near M' Philip Eastman's dwelling TOWN RECORDS. I45 House to Eben"" Eastmans Corner near L* John Chand- ler's Grift Mill in Concord A true Copy of the proceedings of the above Meeting Atteft Tim° Walker J' Clerk Province of ) To the Select Men of the Town of New Hampshire 5 Concord in faid Province Gentlemen As We were appointed by the late Provincial Con- grefs A Committee to call another whenever the ex- igency of public Affairs might require it ; The late Intelligence of the allarming Meafures pur- fued against the American Colonies in our Opinion ren- der it necefsary that there fhould be a Convention of Debuties from the feveral Towns in this Government held at Exeter the feventeenth Day of Ma}^ next at Ten o'clock in the Forenoon, which when met should be fully impowered and authorized to adopt and purfue fuch Meafures as may be judged most expedient to preferve and reftore the Rights of this and the other Colonies. And that fuch Deputies fhould be impowered to act on behalf of themselves and their Conftituents for Six Months if they fhould judge the fame necefsary, and ad- journ as Occafion may require. By order of the Committee John Wentworth Chairman Purfuant to the above request we do hereby notify the Freeholders & Inhabitants of Concord to meet at the Meeting Houfe in faid Concord on Thursday tlie Eleventh Day of May current at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon then and there to choofe one or more Deputies to meet at the Time and Place above mentioned and for the purpose abovementioned Concord May 3^^ 1775 Tim" Walker J-- } Select Men Benj" Emery 5 ^^ Concord A true Copy of the above Notification Atteft Tim" Walker J' Clerk 11 146 CONCORD Province of New ^ At a legal Meeting of the Free- Hampshire > holders and Inhabitants of Concord Rockingham fs ^^leldat the Meeting Houfe in faid Concord on Thursday the Eleventh Day May ID 1775 Voted, That Timothy Walker Jun^' be elected to repre- fent the Inhabitants of Concord at the general Convention of Deputies, from the feveral Towns in this Government to be held at Exeter the feventeenth Day of May cur- rent, and that faid Walker be fully impowered and authorifed to adopt & purfue fuch Meafurers as may be judged moft expedient to perferve & reftore the Rights of this and the other Colonies, for the Term of Six Months from the faid feventeent Day of May current. A true Copy of the proceedings of the above Meeting Atteft TiW Walker Jun-" Clerk Province of New ^ Hampshire > To M"" Amos Abbott Conftable of Rockingham fs ) Concord, in faid County. Greeting You are hereby required to warn the Freeholders and Inhabitants of faid Concord (giving them fifteen Days notice) to meet at the Meeting Houfe in faid Concord on Teusday the fifth Day of December next at Two o'Clock in the afternoon then there to act on the following Partic- ulars viz* 1. To choofe a Moderator 2. To choofe one Man (of those duly qualified) to reprefent them in General Congrefs to be held at Exeter the Twent}' First Day of December next at Three o'clock in the afternoon, And to impower fuch Repre- fentatives for the Term of one year from their first Meet- ing, to transact fuch Bufsinefs and purfue fuch Meafures as they may judge necefsary for the public Good. And in cafe there fhould be a Recommendation Irom the Continental Congrefs that this Colony afsume govern- ment in any particular Form which will require a Houfe of Reprefentatives that they refolve themfelves into fuch a Houfe as the faid Continental Congrefs fhall recommend TOWN RECORDS. I47 3. To fee if the Parifh will vote to pay those Men who went to Cambridge upon the Allarm in April laft, and choofe a Committee for faid Purpose. 4. To fee if the Parifh will pay the Expence of build- ing tiie Peft Houfe in faid Concord and raife Money for faid Purpofe. And make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Subscribers at or before faid Meeting. Dated at Concord aforefaid this 21'' Day of November Anno Domini 1775 Tim° Walker Jun^ > Select Men of Benj''* Emery 5 Concord A true Copy Examined p' Tim" Walker p Clerk Province of ) New Hampshire S Concord December the 5"' I775 By Virtue of this Warrant I have warned the within mentioned Freeholders and Inhabitants of the within mentioned Meeting by placing up a Notification of faid Meeting and the caufe thereof at the Meeting Houfe Door in faid Concord fifteen Days before faid Meeting Atteft Amos Abbott J ^^"^^'^^^^,«^ 5 Concord. A true Copy Ex^ pr Tim" Walker Jun' Clerk Province of ") At a legal Meeting of the Freehold- New Hampshire > ers and Inhabitants of the Parifh of Rockingham fs ^Concord held at the Meeting Houfe in faid Concord on Teusda}' the fifth Day of December iD 1775 Voted, That Peter Green Esq' be Moderator ot this Meeting Voted, That Timothy Walker Jun' be appointed & elected to reprefent the Parifh of Concord in General Congrefs to be held at Exeter the 21"'^ Day of December next, for the Term of one Year from their first letting, and that faid Reprefentative be im powered to transact fuch Bufinefs and purfue fuch Meafures as he fhall judge necefsary for the public Good. And in cafe there 148 CONCORD f hould be a recommendation from the Continental Con- grefs tiiat this Colony alsume Government in any par- ticular Form which will require a Iloufe of Reprefen- tatives, that they refolve themfelves into fuch a Houle as the faid Continental Congrefs fhall recommend. Voted, That Cap* Abiel Chandler and those Men who went under him to Cambridge upon the Allarm in April laft be paid by the Parifh at the fanu? Rates that other Troops in this Colony are paid ; and that the prefent Select Men be a Committee to fettle the Musteroll and pay faid Men. Voted. That the Expence of building a Pest Houfe in Concord be paid by the Parifh, and that Forty Pounds Lawful Money be raifed for faid Purpose, and that the prefent Select Men together with John Stevens, Peter Green, John Kimball and Benjamin Hunniford be a Committee to fettle faid account and draw Orders upon the Conftable for the payment of faid Houfe. Province of ^ New Hampshire > To M' Amos Abbott Conftable of Rockingham fs ) Concord in faid Province. Greeting. You are hereby required to warn as the Law direts the Freeholders and Inhabitants of faid Concord (qual- ified by Law to Vote in Town Affairs) to afsemble and meet at the Meeting Houfe in faid Concord on Teusday the Fifth Day of March next, at Nine o'Clock in the Forenoon then and there to act on the following Par- ticulars viz* 1. To Choofe a Moderator to govern faid Meeting 2. To choofe a Clerk, Select Men, Conftable and all other necefsary Town Officers 3. To raife fuch Sum or Sums of Money as fhall be tho't necefsary to defrey the Charges of the Parifh the enfuing Year. 4. To choofe a Committee to fettle with former Con- ftables and with all other Perfons who are indebted to or that have any Demands upon the Parifh of Concord 5. To choofe a Committee of Safety for the Parifh of Concord for the year 1776. TOWN RECORDS. I49 And make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Subscribers at or before faid Meet- ing. Dated at Concord aforefaid this Twenty Ninth Day of Feburary Anno Domini 1776. Tim'' Walker Jun' ) Select Men of Reuben Kimball 5 Concord A true Copy Ex'^ pr Tim° Walker Jun' Clerk lire > fs ) Province of New Hampshii Rockingham fs ) Concord, March 5''' 1776 Purfuant to the within Warrant I have notified the within mentioned Freeholders and Inhabitants of the within mentioned Meeting b}' placing up a Notification of faid Meeting and the caufe thereof at the Meeting Houfe Door in faid Concord Four Days before faid Meeting. « ,, o A \-uu .^4.} Conftable of Atteft Amos Abbott > r^ j 5 Concord A true Copy Ex« pr Tim" Walker J' Clerk At a legal Meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabi- tants of the Parifh of Concord in the County of Rocking- ham and Province of New Hampshire, held at the Meet- ing Houfe in faid Concord on Teusday the Fifth Day of March Anno Domini 1776 Voted, That Col" Thomas Stickney be Moderator Voted, That Tim" Walker Jun-^ be Clerk Voted, That Cap* Reuben Kimball, Amos Abbott and John Kimball be Select Men. Voted, That Tim" Walker Jun' be Conftable. Voted That Jofeph Eastman Jun"" Daniel Gale, Jabez Abbott, Ebenezer Hall, and Richard Hafseltine be Tyth- ing Men. Voted, That Coll Thomas Stickney, James Walker, Jofeph Eastman Jun*', Richard Hafseltine Jun'", LieutEben* Virgin, Ezekiel Diamond, Afa Kimball, Lieu*^ Jon=* Stick- ney, Jabez Abbott, Reuben Abbott, and Nathaniel Ab- bott be Surveyors of High Ways. 150 CONCORD Voted, That Timothy Bradley Jun"" Lieu* Robert Davis Lieu' Jofeph Ilafseltine and Henry Martin be Fence Viewers. Voted That Peter Green Esq', Nathan Chandler, Timothy Walker Jun'' Theodore Farnum, Dan Stickney, Oilman Weft and Jeremiah Wheeler be Ilogj^ Reaves. Voted, That David Hall be Sealer of Leather, Weights and Meafures Voted, That Robert Ambrofe, John Kimball, Benja- min Hunniford and Benjamin Sweat be Surveyors of Lumber. Voted, That Benjamin Hunniford be Pound Keeper. V^oted, That the remainder of the Two Hundred Dol- lars which was raifed laft year for to mend the High Ways but not all expended be laid out on the High Ways the prefent Year Voted That Sixty Pounds Lawful Money be raifed to defrey the necefary charges of the Parifh the enfuing year. Voted, That Peter Green Esq' Philip Eastman and Thomas Wilfon be a Committee to fettle with former Conf tables and with all other Perfons who are indebted to or that have any Demands upon the Parifh of Concord. Voted, That Philip Eastman, Col° Thomas Stickney, Timothy Walker Jun , Jofeph Hall Jun and Richard Harbut be a Committee of Safety for the Parifh of Con- cord for the year 1776 Voted, That Lieu* Jofeph Hall be Treafurer for the Parifh of Concord the prefent Year A true Copy of the proceedings of the above INIeeting Ex* p Tim° Walker Jun Clerk State of ^ New Hampshire > Rockingham fs ) To Timothy Walker Jun' Conf ta- ble of Concord in faid County. Greeting You are hereby required to warn as the Law directs the Freeholders & Inhabitants of Concord, (qualified by Law to Vote in Town Affairs) to meet at the Meeting Houfe in faid Concord on Teusday the Fourth Day of TOWN RECORDS. I5I March next at Nine o'Clock in the Forenoon then and there to act on the following Particulars viz* c? I.. To choole a Moderator 2. To choole a Clerk, Select Men, Conf table and all other necefsary Town Officers. 3. To choofe one Man of those duly qualified to repre- fent faid Concord in the General Afsembly to be held at Exeter agreeable to the Precept from faid Afsembly. 4. To vote for a County Treafurer & a County Register. 5. To fee if the Parifh will reconfider their former Vote of leafing the Eighty Acre Lot belonging to the School Right to Oliver Hoyt for Nine Hundred Years, He paying Six Dollars yearl}^ : And infted of Six Dol- lars yearly vote to direct the Select Men to receive of faid Ho3't One Hundred Dollars in full confideration for faid Lot, and give faid Hoyt a full discharge. 6. To raife fiich Sum or Sums of Money as fhall be tho't necefsary for defreying the necefsary charges of faid Parifh the enfuing Year. 7. To fee what Roads the Parifh will accept that has been laid out by the Select Men. 8. To fee if the Parifh will raife Money for a Town Stock of Ammunition & direct the Select Men to pur- chafe the fame. 9. To choofe a Committee of Safety for the Parifh of Concord for the 3'ear 1777. and make due return of this Warrant to the Subscribers at or before faid Meeting. Dated at Concord afbrefaid this Fourteenth Day of February 1777. Reuben Kimball ^Select Men Amos x\bbott > of John Kimball ) Concord State of ^ New Hampshire > Rockingham fs N Concord Marcii the 4*'' 1776 Purfuant to the within Order I have notified the within mentioned Freeholders and Inhabitants of faid Concord to meet at the Time and Place within mentioned by plac- ing up a Notificadon of faid Meeting and the caufe 152 CONCORD thereof, at the Meeting Houfe Door in faid Concord, Fif- teen Days before faid Meeting. Tim" Walker p? ConftaMe -' 5 01 Concord A true Copy of the above Warrant and tiie return thereon Ex" p' Tim" Walker Jun^ Clerk State of ^ New Hampshire > Rockingham fs } At a legal Meeting of the Free- holders and Inhabitants of Concord in faid County held at the Meeting Houfe in faid Concord the Fourth Day of March 1777. Voted, That Col" Thomas Stickney be Moderator. Voted, That Timothy Walker Jun^ be Clerk. Voted, That Cap' Reuben Kimball, M' Amos Abbott, and M' John Kimball be Select Men. Voted, That M' Reuben Abbott be Conf table. Voted, That Mefs" Richard Hafseltine, Daniel Gale, Phinehas Virgin & Robert Davis be Ty thing Men. Voted, That MelV* Edward Abbott, Ebenezer Virgin, Jonathan Eastman, Jefsee Abbott, James Walker, John Chafe, Benjamin Fifield, Ezekiel Diamond Mofes East- man and Cornelius Johnfon be Surveyors of High Ways. Voted, That Mefs'^ Timothy Bradley Jun^ and Jofeph Abbott be Fence Viewers. Voted, That Lieu' Richard Harbut & M' Mofes East- man Jun' be Field Drivers. Voted, That Mefs'* Mofes Eastman Jun^ Samuel Hink- fon, George Graham, Timothy Kimball & Phinehas Stevens be Hogg Reaves. Voted, That Mefs'* John Kimball, Benjamin Hunni- ford, Henr}^ Martin & James Stevens be Surveyors of Lumber. Voted, That M' David Hall be Sealer of Weights and Meafures. Voted, That Cap' Benjamin Emery be Sealer of Leather. Voted, That Lieut. Jofeph Hall be Town Treafurer. Voted, That M' Benj'' Hunniford be Pound keeper. TOWN RECORDS. I53 Voted, That Col° Gordon Hutchins be appointed to reprefent the Parif h of Concord the prefent year. Voted, To reconfider the former Vote of this Parifh pafsed March the Seventh 1775 for leafing the Eighty Acre Lot, belonging to the School Right to Oliver Hoyt, for Nine Hundred Years, He paying the Parifh Six Dol- lars yearly, and it is hereby voted, that inftead of faid Hoyts paying the Parifh Six Dollars annually, the Select Men are directed to receive of faid Hoyt One Hundred Dollars in full confideration for faid Lot, and give faid Hoyt a full Discharge. Voted, That the Select Men be directed to lay out the Hundred Dollars, which they fhall receive of Oliver Hoyt for the Eighty Acre Lot belonging to the School Right, for a Town Stock of Ammunition. Voted, That Thirty Pounds be raifed for making and repairing the High Ways in faid Concord the enfuing Year. Voted, That Sixty Pounds be raifed to defrey the ne- cefsary charges of the current year. Voted, That Mefs'^ John Kimball, Thomas Stickney Reuben Kimball, Benjamin Emery and Richard Harbut be a Committee of Safety for the year 1777. Voted, That the Road through Mofes Eastman's Eighty Acre Lot be accepted, and recorded agreeable to the return of the Select Men which is as follows, be- gining at a White Oak on the South Weft corner of faid Lot, thence runing East four Rods, thench North about Seven Deegrees East about Twenty Two Rods, thence North about Five Degrees Weft about Forty Three Rods, thence North about Twelve Deegrees East about Fifty Eight Rods, thence North about Twenty Two Degrees East about Twenty Rods, thence North about Four De- grees East about Twenty Four Rods, thence North about Eighteen Deegrees Weft about Sixteen Rods, thence North about Fourteen Degrees East Thirty Six Rods, thence North Sixty Seven Degrees East Twent}^ Eight Rods, thence North about Six Degrees East about Forty Eight Rods, thence North Six Degrees East thro' Land belonging to the Heirs of Col" Rolfe about Twenty Seven Rods, thence North about Thirty Two Degrees Eaft Fifty Two Rods, thence North about Fifty Nine 154 CONCORD Degrees East about Sixteen Rods to an Oak by Land in pofsefsion of Henry Beck. Concord March 4"' 1777 Reuben Kimball } Select Men John Kimball 5 ^^^ Concord A true Copy of the proceedings of the above meeting Attelt Tim" Walker Jun' Clerk [This record was found in the first volume, page 167, and is inserted here where it chronologically belongs.] State of ^ At a Meeting of the Freeholders New Hamp'''' > and Inhabitants of Concord held at Rockingham fs 3 the Meeting Houfe in faid Concord March 4"' 1777. After the bufinefs of the Annual Meeting was finifhed the following Votes was pafsed. Voted That this Parif h will break off all dealings with Peter Green Esq"", M' John Stevens, M' Nath' Green & D' Philip Caragain untill they give fatisfaction to the Par- ifh for their past conduct : and that they be advertifed in the Public Prints as Enemies to the united States of America unlefs faid Perfons give faid Satisfaction within Thirty Days from this Date ; and that the above Perfons be disarmed by the Committee of Safety untill they give fatisfaction to the Public. Voted That the Committee be directed to instruct Col° Gordon Hutchins to apply to the Courts of Judicature of this State to dismifs Peter Green Esq'' from all Bufi- nefs hence forth & forever. Voted, That if any Perfon have any Dealings with Peter Green Esq', M' John Stevens, M"" Nath^ Green & D' Philip Caragain before they give fatisfaction to the Public that they be looked upon as Enemies to their Country by this Parifh Voted That the Committee of Safety be directed to instruct Col" Gordon Hutchins to apply to Cap' Parker the Sheriff for the County of Rockingham to dismifs M' Jacob Green from the office of Deputy Sheriff. A true Copy Ex-^ pr Tim« Walker J^ Clerk TOWN RECORDS. I55 [The record of this meeting was found on page 169, of the first volume, and is inserted where it chronologi- cally belongs, together with the prices reported b}- the Committee.] State of New ) Concord May 22"^ 1777- Hampshire 5 At a Meeting of the Freeholders & Inhabiants of the Parifh of Concord Held at the Meeting-Houfe in faid Concord May 22^ 1777 — Voted, That M^ Philip Eastman be Moderator. Voted, That a Committee of Five be chofen to carry into execution An Act, in addition to an Act intitled an Act for the regulating the Prices of fundry Articles therein Enumerated, pafsed in faid State April 10'" 1777 — Voted That Cap* Reuben Kimball, M^ Amos Abbott M' John Kimball, Lieu' Robert Davis, and M' David Hall be a Committee for faid purpose. A true Copy of the proceedings of the above Meeting Atteft Tim° Walker J^ Clerk. State of B}?- virtue of an Act of the New Hampshire Hon"^ General Court of this State, called a regulating Act for the preventing Monop- oly and opprefsion. We the Subscribers have affixed the Prices of the feveral Articles hereinafter Enumerated, being a Commit- tee Lawfully appointed by the Parifh of Concord for the fame Wheat, Good merchantable Wheat fhall not exceed the Price of Seven Shillings per Bufhel Rie, Good Rie fhall not exceed five fhillings per Bufhel Indian Corn, Good Indian Corn fhall not exceed Four Shillings per Bufhel. Oats, Good Oats fhall not exceed Two fhillings & fix Pence per Bufhel. Peas, Good Peas fhall not exceed feven fhillings per Bufhel Beans. Good Beans fhall not exceed feven fhillings per Bufhel. 156 CONCORD Potatoes, Potatoes of the beft fort fhall not exceed in the fall of the year one Shilling & four Pence per Bufhel nor at any other Seafon Two Shillings Cheefe. The beft of Cheefe fhall not exceed Six pence per pound Butter Butter of the beft quality fhall not exceed Nine Pence per Pound Wood. Good Oak Wood in the Town Street fhall not exceed Eight fhillings per Cord — Pork. The beft of fait Pork fhall not exceed Nine Pence per Pound — Frefh-Pork weighing 200 & upwards fhall not exceed Four Pence Three Farthings per pound — Veal. Veal fhall not exceed Three Pence per Pound — Beef. Grafs fed Beef fhall not exceed Three Pence per Pound. Stall Fed Beaf fhall not exceed four pence per pound — Tallow Good tri'^ Tallow fhall not exceed Nine Pence per Pound — Mutton. Good grafs fed Mutton of the beft quality fhall not exceed four pence per Pound Hides. Raw Hides fhall not exceed Four Pence per Pound Leather. Good fole Leather fhall not exceed one f hilling & fix Pence per Pound. Upper Leather in proportion — Shoes Men's neat Leather Shoes of the beft fort fhall not exceed Nine Shillings per pair, other Shoes in proportion — beft of Woman's Shoes fhall not exceed feven fhil- lings & Three Pence per pair. Flip. Flip and Toddy made of New England Rum fhall not exceed one f hilling per Mug or Bowl — Victuals. Victuals at the Tavern fhall not exceed one f hilling per Meal — Horle keeping Horf e keeping fhall not exceed one f hilling and Three Pence per Night in the Winter and Nine Pence per Night in the Summer Ox keeping Ox keeping in the Winter one yoak fhall not exceed one fhilling & fix Pence per Night and in the Summer one Shillinn- — TOWN RECORDS. I57 Cider. Good Cider fhall not exceed Eiglit Sliillin^s per Barrel at the Prefs other Seasons of the Year in proportion Good Cider fhall not exceed Three Pence per Mugg — Oats. Good Oats fhall not exceed Two Pence per Qiiart — Flax. Good Flax fhall not exceed one Shilling per Pound — Wool Good Sheeps Wool fhall not exceed Two Shil- lings & fix Pence per Pound — Stockings Good Yarn Stockings fhall not exceed feven f hillings per pair — Hay. Englifh Hay of the best quality fhall not exceed Six Dollars per Load in the Field. Labour Farming Labour in the beft Seafon fhall not exceed Three Shillings & fix Pence per Day — and at other Seafons in proportion — Ox Work in propor- tion — Charcoal Good Charcoal at the Iron Works fhall not exceed Three Pence per Buf hel Shoeing Shoeing a yoak of Oxen fingle fhall not exceed four Shillings — Shoeing Shoeing a Horfe Steel cork*^ fhall not exceed feven Shillings — other ways in the fame Pro- portion Plow Irons Good Plow Irons fhall not exceed one Shilling per Pound Iron. Good Bloomery Iron fhall not exceed Two Pounds per Hundred — Hoes. Good Hoes well Steal*^ fhall not exceed fix fhillings per Piece — Chains. Good Chains & Yoak Irons fhall not exceed one f hilling & three pence per pound and other articles in proportion — Carpenters Carpenters' Labour fhall not exceed Four Shillings per Day — Joiners Joyners Labour fhall not exceed Three fhil- lings & fix Pence per Day — Taylor Taylor's Labour fhall not exceed Three Shil- lings per Day — The making a full Suit of w'oolen Clothes fhall not exceed one Pound Four Shillings — other Taylor's work in proportion — 158 CONCORD Women's common Labour f hall not exceed Two Shil- lings & fix pence per Week — other Labour in propor- tion — Ferry The Ferrying of a Man & Horfe acrofs the River f hall not exceed Two Pence — The ferrying a fingle Perf on one Penny — Boards Good Merchantable Boards f hall not exceed one Pound Two Shillings per Thoufand. Clear Boards in proportion — Plank Good Merchantable Plank fhall not exceed Two Pounds per Thoufand — Hats Good Wool Hatts fhall not exceed Nine Shil- lings a piece — Saddles Good Saddles fhall not exceed Three Pounds fix fhillings a Piece Bridles Good Bridles fhall not exceed feven fhil- lings a Piece — Mafons Mafons Labour fhall not exceed Four Shil- lingfs & fix Pence per Day Mens half Boots of the beft fort fhall not exceed Thirteen Shillings & fix Pence per pair — Tow Cloth Good Tow Cloth yard wide fhall not exceed Two fhillings & fix Pence per yard other weidths in proportion The beft of allwool Cloth drefsed fit for men's wear three quarters wide fhall not exceed Nine fhillings per Yard.— Concord July 9"" 1777. Reuben Kimball Amos Abbott John Kimball ^ Committee Robert Davis David Hall A true Copy Ex* pr Tim*' Walker J' Clerk State of ~) New Hamp'« > To M' Reuben Abbott Conftable of Rockingham fs ) Concord in laid County & State Greeting You are hereby required to warn as the Law directs TOWN RECORDS. 159 the Freeholders & Inhabitants of faid Concord (qualified by Law to Vote in Town Affairs) to afsemble and meet at the Meeting Houfe in faid on Monday the Eighth Day of September next at two o'Clock in the afternoon then and there to act on the following Particulars viz' 1. To choofe a Moderator to govern faid Meeting 2. To choofe a Committee to fettle with all Perfons belonging to faid Parifh who have done fervice in the Army. 3. To inftruct faid Committee how^ much they are to pay Each which have marched out of faid Concord. 4. To agree upon fome equitable Method of fupply- ing the Army with Men for the future, when faid Parifh shall be called upon by proper Authority. 5. To raife fuch fum or fums of Money as fhall be thought necefsary for the purpofes abovementioned. And make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Subscribers at or before faid Meeting. Dated at Concord aforefaid this 29"' Day of August Anno Domini 1777 Reuben Kimball > Select Men John Kimball 5 ^^' Concord State of ^ New Hamp''® > Purfuant to the above Warrant I Rockingham fs ^have warned the Freeholders & In- habitants of faid Concord, of the above mentioned Meet- ing by placing up a Notification of faid Meeting and the caufe thereof at the Meeting Houfe Door in faid Concord nine Days before faid Meeting. ) Conftable Atteft Reuben Abbott $ of Concord A true Copy of the Warrant abovementioned and the return thereon. Ex=^ pr Tim" Walker J-" Clerk State of ^ At a legal Meeting of the Free New Hamps'*^ > holders and Inhabitants of Concord Rockingham fs ^ held at the Meeting Houfe in faid Concord September the 8"' 1777 Voted, That Cap' Reuben Kimball be Moderator. l60 CONCORD Voted, That the prefent Select Men together with Lieu' Jofeph Hall, Timothy Walker Jun' and Ezekiel Diamond be a Committee to fettle with all Perfons who have done fervice in the Army. Voted That this Meeting be adjourned to the laft Mon- day of October next at two o'Clock in the Afternoon. Monday October 27"' 1777 Met according to adjournment. Cap' Reuben Kimball being prefent declared the Meet- ing to be open. Voted That the expence of the Continental Soldiers raifed by the Parifh of Concord be paid by faid Parifh Voted That Four Hundred and Sixty Pounds Lawful Money be raifed upon the rateable Polls & Estates in faid Concord for paying the Continental Soldiers. A true Copy of the proceedings of the above Meeting Ex** p' Tim° Walker J' CI State of ^ Notice is hereby given to the legal New Hamp'® > Inhabitants paying Taxes in the Par- Rockingham fs ^ifh of Concord to afsemble and meet at the Meeting Houfe in faid Concord on Monday the 8"* Day of December next at Two o'clock in the afternoon, to act on the following Partic- lars viz' 1. To choofe a Moderator 2. To elect one Perfon having a real Estate of the value of Two Hundred Pounds Lawful Mone}^ in this State, to reprefent them in the General Afsembly to be holden at Exeter in faid State on the Third Wednesdav in December next, and to impower fuch Reprefentatives for the Term of one year from iheir first meeting, to transact fuch Bufinefs and purfue fuch Meafures as they may judge necefsary for the public Good, particularly to impower faid Reprelentative tf) vote in the choice of Del- egates for the Continental Congress. 3. To Vote for Five Perfons being reputable Free- holders and Inhabitants in the Count}' aforefaid, having TOWN RECORDS. l6l a real Estate of Two Hundred Pounds to ferve as Mem- bers of the Council the enfuing year. Reuben Kimball ) Select John Kimball 5 Men Concord Nov' 22*^ 1777 State of ^ At a Meeting of the Freeholders New Hamp'* > and Inhabitants of Concord, held at Rockingham fs 3 the Meeting Houfe in laid Concord December the 8'^ 1777 Voted, That Col° Thomas Stickney be Moderator. Voted, That Col° Thomas Stickney be elected to rep- refent the Town of Concord in the General Afsembly to be holden at Exeter in laid State, on tlie Third Wednes- day of December current at Three o'Clock in the After- noon, and that faid Reprefentative be empowered for the Term of one Year from their first meeting to transact fuch Bufinefs and purfue fuch Meafures as they may judge necefsary for the public good, and that faid Rep- refentative be empowered to Vote in the choice of Dele- gates for the Continental Congrefs. A true Copy of the Proceedings of the above Meeting Ex'' p' Tim° Walker Jun' Clerk State of ^ New Hamp''^ V To M^ Reuben Abbott Conftable Rockingham fs ) for the Parif h of Concord in faid State, Greeting. You are hereby required to warn the Freeholders and Inhabitants of faid Parifh to afsemble and meet at the Meeting Houfe in laid Concord on Monday tiie 26"' Day of this Instant at Three o'Clock in the afternoon. 1. To choofe a Moderator. 2. To fee if the will instruct their Reprefentative at the next Sefsion to vote for a full and free reprefentation of all the People of this State to meet in Convention at fuch Time and Place as fhall be appointed by the Gen- eral Afsembly, for the fole Purpose of fraiming and Lay- 12 l62 CONCORD in^ a permanent Plan or System for the future Govern- ment of this State. Amos Abbott } Select Men of John Kimball 5 Concord A true Copy of the above Warrant Ex^ p' Tim" Walker Jun^ Clerk State of ^ At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of New Hamp'"'' > Concord held at the Meeting Houfe in Rockingham fs ^faid Concord January the 26"' 1778 Voted, That M' Philip Eastman be Moderator Voted, That Col" Thomas Stickne}' be instructed to use his influence at the next fession of the General Afsembly that a full & free Reprefentation of the People of this State be called as foon as conveniently may be, for the fole purpose of laying a permanent Plan or Sys- tem for the future Government of this State. A true Copy of the Proceedings of the above Meetings Ex'-^ p' Tim° Walker J^ Clerk State of ^ To M^ Reuben Abbott Conftable of New Hampshire > Concord in faid State Greeting Rockingham fs ^You are hereby required to warn as the Law Directs the freeholders & Inhabitants of faid Concord (quali"^ by Law to Vote in Town Affairs) to afsemble and meet at the Meeting House in faid Concord on Tuesday the third day of March next at nine o'Clock in the forenoon, then & there to act on the following Particulars Viz' I. To Choofe a Moderator to govern faid Meeting. 2^. To Choofe a Clerk Select men Conftable and all other necefsary Town Officers. 3^. To see if the Parish will vote to hire Preaching if the Rev** M' Walker remains unable. 4"'. To receive the report of a former Committee Chofen to reckon with the Rev** Tim" Walker respecting his falary and if it appears unsettled then Choose a Com- mittee for that Purpose. 5' TOWN RECORDS. 163 thought necefsary for Defraying the Charges of said Parif h the Enfuing year. 6"". To see what roads the Parish will axcept that has been Laid out by the Select men. y"*. To see if the Parif h will vote to have a tax Laid Agreeable to the Invoice taken in April 1777 in order to Defray the Expence in raising the Continental Soldiers & agree upon fome just and Equitable manner in Propor- tioning the fame according to what each man has done in the war. 8"". To Choofe a committee of fafety for the Parifh for the Year Enfuing. And make due return of this warrant to the subfcribers at or before said Meeting. Dated at Concord aftbresaid the thirteenth day of Feb- ruary 1778 Amos Abbott ) Select Men of John Kimball ) Concord State of ^ Concord March y« 3'' 1778 New Hampshire > Purfuant to the within warrant I Rockingham fs jl^^'^ve warned the within mentioned Freeholders and Inhabitants of the within mentioned Meeting by Placing up a Notification of faid Meeting & the cause thereof at the Meeting House door at said Con- cord fourteen Days before said Meeting. Attest Reuben Abbott I ^onftable 5 of Concord A true Copy of the Warrant above Mentioned and the return thereon. Ex'* p' John Kimball, Clerk State of ^ At a Legal Meeting of the Free- New Hampshire > holders & Inhabitants of the Parifh of Rockingham fs ) Concord in said County held at the Meeting Houfe in faid Concord the third day of March 1778. Voted That Col" Thomas Stickney be Moderator. 164 CONCORD Voted That John Kimball be Clerk. Voted That John Kimball Cap' Jof hua Abbott & Lieu' Jofeph Hall be Select men. Voted That Kzekiel Dimond be Conftable. Voted That William Coffin Daniel Gale Lieu' Tim" Bradley Richard Hafeltine & Amos Abbott be Tythin^ men Voted That Lieu' Ebenezer Virgin En*" Jonathan East- man Amos Abbott Jofiah Farnum Jun' James Mitchell Benj'* Fifield James Walker Edward Abbott & Ens" John Shute be furvevors of high ways Voted That'^Mefs'^ Tim° Bradley & William Coffin be fence vewers. Voted That Mefs'* Mofes Eastman Jun% and Richard Hazsen Ofgood be field Drivers Voted That Abiel Blanchard Robert Eastman Phine- has Stevens Lieu' Joseph Hafeltine Samuel Hinkson & Abner Flanders be Hogg Reaves. Voted That Cap' Jof hua Abbott be sealer of Weights & meafures Voted That David Hall be Sealer of Leather Voted That Mef'* James Stevens & Benj'* Hanniford be Surveyors of Lumber Voted That Benj'* Hanniford be pound keeper Voted That one Hundred Pounds be Rais'd to defrey the Charge of the year Enfuing. Voted That Mef'« Philip Eastman Lot Colby & Reu- ben Kimball be a Committee to reckon & settle with the Rev'^ Tim" Walker respecting his fallary. Voted That there be fixty Pounds rais'd to repair the high ways Voted That Each man shall have six shilings p' day Voted That Lieu' Jofeph Hall Cap' Jofhua Abbott John Kimball James Walker & Lieu' John Chandler be a Committee of Safety Voted That Ens" Ephraim Colby's accompts as they were Exhibited in Town meeting be allowed. Voted That the road through William Coffins Eighty acre Lot Richard Flanders'* Land & the Common be accepted and recorded agreeable to the return of the Select men which is as follows. Begining at a stake at the South West corner of Benj'"* Fifield* Land thence TOWN RECORDS. 165 westerl}' on the road that Leads from Concord to Dun- barton about four rods to a ftake & stones thence North about twenty five Degrees to the West Fifty seven rods to a Stake & stones, thence North Forty three Degrees to the West about twenty three rods to a stake & stones thence North twenty nine Degrees to the west about twenty Eight rods to Land of Richard Flanders's thence through said Flanders's Land North twenty degree west about twenty rods to Turky river thence north five Degrees East about twenty Eight rods to a pine, thence North fit'ty seven degrees East about forty Eight rods thence north forty five degrees East about twenty two rods thence East two rods thence north twenty three degrees west about thirty two rods to the Road that Leads from Concord to Hopkinton this being the westerly side of said road Concord March y« 2'^ 1778 Reuben Kimball > Select Men of John Kimball 5 Concord A true Copy of the perceedings of Said meeting Ex" p^ John Kimball Clerk We the fubscribers have laid out a highway in Con- cord bounded as follows viz begining at Christopher Rowels Corner thence runing north seventy degrees East, twenty rods thence North feventy three degrees East, thirty Eight rods thence East one hundred rods thence north Eighty five degrees East sixty six rods thence south Eighty six degrees East forty five rods to Peter Farnums Corner faid road is four rods wide on the southerly side of the above described line Concord March lo"" 181 2 A True Copy from Edmund Leavitt ) Selectmen of the original return Abiel Walker 5 Concord Attest John Odlin Town Clerk l66 CONCORD State of ^ Notice is hereby given to the free- New I lampl'liire > holders & Inhabi' of the Parish of Rockingham fs ^Concord in said State qualified by Law to Vote in Town Affairs to Afsemble & meet at the Meeting House in faid Concord on Friday the Seven- teenth day of April next at three o'Clock in after noon. I. To Choose a moderator 1^ To choose one or more Perfons to meet in Con- vention in faid Concord (with those from other Towns) in June next for the sole purpose of forming and Laying a Permanent plan or system of Government for this ftate. 3*^ To see if the Parifh will vote to hire a reading «& writing fchool for the present year and raise money for that Purpose 4"' To see if the Parifh will vote to repair the Meet- ing House so far as is necefsary for the Convention and Choose a Committee for that Purpose 5"" To see if the Parifh will Purchase a House Lott belonging to the heirs of Ezra Carter Efq' Deceas'd & Choose a Committee for that Purpose. Concord March y« 25"' 1778 John Kimball ) o i , T ru A uu ii. ( Selectmen olhua Abbott r c r^ 1 T r u tj n T r \ot Concord Joleph Hail Jun _) A true Copy of the above Notification Attest John Kimball Clerk State of ^ At a Legal meeting of the Free- New Hampfhire > holders & Inhabitants of the Parifh of Rockingham fs 3 Concord in faid County held at the Meeting House in said Concord on Fryday the Seven- teenth day of April A). 1778 — Voted That Col° Thomas Stickney be Moderator. Voted That Col" Tim" Walker be a member of the Convention which is to meet at Concord in June next. Voted To repair the Meeting House fo far as is nec- efsary. Voted That meP' James Walker John Bradley & TOWN RECORDS. 167 Amos Abbott be a Committee to repair the Meeting House. Voted To Purchase tlie House Lot belonging to the heirs of Ezra Carter Elq' Dec"* Voted That the prefent Selectmen be a Committee to Purchase the Lott aforesaid A true Copy of the Proceedings of the above meeting Attest John Kimball Clerk State of ^ Notice is hereby given to the Free- New Hampfhire > holders and Inhabitants of the Parish Rockingham fs jof Concord To x\fsemble and meet at the Meeting House in faid Concord on Wednesday the seventeenth day of June Current at one o'Clock in the after noon. I. to Choose a Moderator. 2'' To fee what plan fhall be adopted in order to Pro- portion what every man has done in the war and allfo what meafure fhall be taken to rais the men that are now cair*^ for. Concord June y^ 13"' 1778 John Kimball > Select men Jof hua Abbott ) of Concord A true Copy of the above Notification Attest John Kimball Clerk State of ^ At a meetin Inhabitants paying Taxes in the Rockingham fs ^ Parif h of Concord to afsemble and meet at the Meeting House in said Concord on Monday the seventh day of Decern"" next at two o'Clock in the after noon, To act on the following Particulars Viz' I' To Choose a Moderator. 2^ To Elect one Person having a real Ef tate of the Value of two Hundred Pounds Lawfull Money in this State, to reprefent them in the General Afsembly to be holden at Exeter in faid ftate on the third Wednesday in DecenT" next and to impower such reprefentative lor the term of one year from their first meeting to transact such Businefs & purfue such meafures as they may Judge necefary for the Public good & particularly to impower such representative to vote in the Choice of Delegates for the Continental Congrefs. 3** To vote for five Perfons being reputable free- holders and Inhabitants in the County aforefaid having a real Eftate of two Hundred Pounds to serve as mem- bers of the Council for the year Enfuing Concord Novem'' y* 21' 1778 John Kimball > Select men Jof hua Abbott ^ of Concord A true Copy of the above Notification Attest John Kimball Clerk State of ^ At a legal meeting of the Inhabi- New Hampfhire >tants paying taxes in the Parifh of Rockingham fs ) Concord in said County held at the Meeting House in Said Concord on Monday the feventh day of Decem' ID. 1778. Voted That Tim° Walker Esq^ be Moderator TOWN RECORDS. 169 Voted That M' Nathaniel Rolfe reprefent the Parifh of Concord in the General Afsembly to be holden at Exeter for the term of one year from their first meeting Voted That this meeting be Ajourn'd to monday the fourteenth day of Decern' Current. A true Copy of the Proceedings of the above Meeting Attest John Kimball Clerk State of ^ Notice is hereby given to the Legal New Hampshire > Inhabitants paying Taxes in the Par- Rockingham. fs ^ if h of Concord To Afsemble & meet at the Meeting House in Said Concord on Monday the Twenty fifth day of January Ins* at Two o'Clock in the afternoon. To act on the following Particulars, Viz' i' To Choose a Moderator 2** To fee if the Parifh will vote to finif h the Meeting House and add to it a fteeple & porch. 3'' To fee what method the Parifh will take to finifh Said House whether by selling the Pew ground or by raising money. 4"' To Choose a Committee to finifh faid Houfe. 5'*" To receive the report of a Committee Lately chofen to settle Accounts with the Rev*^ Tim° Walker 6"" To fee if the Parifh will reconsider a former vote to Lay out a road ftraight from the Chandler Tree (so called) near M' Philip Eaftmans Dwelling House to Ebenezer Eaftmans corner (so Called) near Lieu' John Chandler'* Grift Mill in Concord Concord January y** 9"' 1779 John Kim" ) Select men of Jofhua Abbott 5 Concord A true Copy of the above Notification Attest John Kimball Clerk State of ^ At a Legal Meeting of the Inhab- New Hampshire Sitants paying taxes in the Parifh of Rockingham fs. } Concord in said County held at the Meeting House in faid Concord on Monday the Twenty fifth day of January A) 1779 lyo CONCORD Voted That Tim" Walker be Moderator. Voted That the Paril'h will ^ive up the pew ground to any number of Perfons who will Finish the Meeting House and add a Porch and the value of another porch. Voted That the Parifs be at the expence of building the fteple Excepting the cost of a porch Voted That the report of the Committee chofen to settle accounts with the Rev** Tim" Walker be recom- mitted to them, again till the annual Meeting in March next A true Copy of the proceedings of the above Meeting Ex'' p' John Kimball Clerk State of ^ To M^ Ekiel Dimond Conftable for New Hampshire >the Parifh of Concord in faid County Rockingham : fs ) Greeting You are hereby required to warn as the Law Directs the Legal Inhabitants paing taxes in the Parifh of Concord, To Afsemble and Meet at the Meeting House in faid Concord on Tuesday the second day of March next at Eleven O'Clock in the fore- noon to act on the following Particulars Viz : — I*. To Choose a Moderator to govern faid Meeting 2''. To Choose a Clerk felect men Conftable & all other necefary Town officers. 3*^. To Choose a Committee to build the fteeple to the Meeting House. 4"'. To raise such sum or sums of Mone}^ as shall be thought Necefsary for Defreying the Charges of said Parish the 3'ear Ensuing. 5"* To fee if the Parish will raise a fum of Money to be Laid out in Schoolling the Year Ensuing 6"'. To fee what roads the Parifh will axcept that has been Laid out by the Select men. 7'^ To Choose a Committee of Safty for the Year Ensuing. 8"". To fee if the Parifh will raise Money to Purchase Roads in said Parish where they are wanting and Choose a Committee for that Purpose. 9'". To fee if the Parifh will Raise Money to Purchase a Lot of Land Lying on the South side of the Meeting TOWN RECORDS. 171 House in Said Parish, belonging to the Heirs of Ezra Carter Efq' Dece'' and choose a Committee for that Purpose. And act on any other article or matters that Shall be thought Necefsary And make due return of this Warrant to the fubscribers with your doings thereon at or before said Meeting Dated at Concord aforefaid the fifteenth day of Feb- ruary iD 1778. Jofhua Abbott > Select men Joseph Hall Jun"^ 3 of Concord State of ~) Concord March y® 2^ i779 New Hampshire > Purfuant to the within Warrant I Rockingham : fs ) have notified the within mentioned Freeholders & Inhabitants of the within mentioned Meet- ing by placing up a Notification of Said Meeting and the cause thereof at the Meeting House Door in Said Con- cord fourteen days before said Meeting \^4. 4. TT 1 • 1 T-k- J ? Conftable Attest Ezekiel Dimond > rr-< j 5 01 Concord A true Copy of the Warrant above mentioned and the return thereon Ex* p^ John Kimball Clerk State of At a Legal Meeting of the Legal In- New Hampshire habitants pa3'ing Taxes in the Parish Rockingham Is of Concord held at the Meeting House in said Concord on Tuesday the second Day of March 1779 Voted That Tim" Walker Esq' be Moderator of this Meeting Voted That John Kimball be Clerk Voted That Tim« Walker Efq' Ezekiel Dimond & John Kimball be felect men. Voted That Lieu' Robert Davis be Conftable Voted That mes-"* William Cofl^in David Hall Robert Ambroos Jofeph Haseltine & Jofiah Farnum Ju' be Ty thing men. 172 CONCORD Voted That James Walker, Edward Abbott En"" John Shute Ezra Carter Amos Abbott Lieut Mofes Eastman Robert Ambrose Tim" Kimball & Nathaniel Abbott be Surveyors ot" high ways. Voted That Daniel Gale & Lieu' Richard Herbert be fence viewers. Voted That Lot Colby George Grayham Gilman West William Currier and Phinehas Stevens be Hogg reaves. Voted That David Hall be Sealer of Weights and meafures. Voted That Benj'* Hanniford and Robert Ambroos be furveyors of Lumber. Voted That Cap' Benj'* Emery be Sealer of Leather. V^oted That Benj** Hanniford be Pound Keeper. Voted One Hundred and Eighty Pounds to repair the High ways. Voted One Hundred and fifty Pounds to Defrey the Charges of said Parish the Current year. Voted That Lieu' John Chandler Col° Thomas Stick- ney and Cap' Aaron Kinsman be a Committee of fafty. Voted That Cap' Benj=^ Emery Chandler Lovejoy and Jofeph Farnum be a Committee to Lay out Roads Voted That Tim" Walker Efq^ Lieu' John Chandler & Cap' Benj** Emery be a Committee to Purchase a House Lot Lying on the fouth side of the Meetings House belonging to the Heirs of Ezra Carter Efq' Dec"* Voted That Lieu' John Bradley Reuben Abbott and Jofeph Farnum be a Committee to Profecute all Tref- pafses on the Parfonage and Parifh Lands A true Copy of the proceedings of the above Meeting Ex=^ p' John Kimball Clerk. State of New ') Notice is hereby given to the Hampshire > Freeholders & Inhabitants of the Rockincrham : fs ) Parish of Concord to afsemble at the Meeting House in faid Concord on Monday the Nineteenth day of April Current at Four o'Clock in the after noon. To act on the following Particulars viz'. I* To Choose a Moderator 2" To fee what Method the Parifh will take to raise the Eight Continental Soldiers now called for TOWN RECORDS. I73 Dated at Concord aforefaid this seventeenth day of April iD 1779. Tii-n° Walker Jun' ) Select Men John Kimball > ofConcord. A true Copy of the above Notification Attest John Kimball Clerk State of New ') At a Meeting of the Freeholders Hampfhire >& Inhabitants of the Parish of Con- Rockingham : fs ^cord held at the Meeting House in faid Concord on Monday the Nineteenth day of April ID 1779 Voted That Co'° Thomas Stickney be Moderator. Voted To Choose a Committee to Procure Eigt fol- diers which is the Proportion that this Parish has to raise in order to fill up the Continental Army. Voted That Co'" Thomas Stickney Cap' Aaron Kins- man & Tim° Walker Efq' be a Committee for the Purpose above mentioned A true Copy of the Proceedings of the above Meeting Attest John Kimball. Clerk State of New ') Notice is hereby given to the Hampfhire > Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Rockingham: fs ) Parish of Concord (qualified by Law to Vote in Town affairs) To afsemble at the Meet- ing House in said Concord on Monday the third Day of May next at three O'Clock in the afternoon to act on the following Particulars Viz' I' To Choose a Moderator 2** To Choose one good and Lawful Man (qualified as the Law Directs) to ferve on the Grand Jury at the next Court of General Sefsions of the Peace to be holden at Portsmouth in and for said County on the second Tues- day of May next. 3'' To fee if the Parish will raise a fum of Money in addition to wliat they have already voted, to Defrey the Necefsary Charges of said Parish the Current year. 4"* To fee if the Parish will Choose a Committee to 174 CONX'ORD iettle and adjust all accounts which any Perfon or Per- Ibns may have with said Parish. 5"' To fee if the Parish will Choose a Special Com- mittee to Lay out a High way from M"^ Jofiah Farnums Grift Mill to M^ Jabez Abbotts. Dated at Concord aforesaid this Twenty fourth day of April ID 1779. Tim" Walker Jun^ } Select Men John Kimball ^ of Concord A true Copy of the above Notification Attest John Kimball Clerk State of New ') At a Legal Meeting of the Free- Hampfhire > holders and Inhabitants of the Par- Rockingham : fs ^ish of Concord held at the Meeting House in said Concord on Monday the third Day of May ID 1779. Voted That Co'° Thomas Stickney be Moderator. Voted That Cap' Reuben Kimball Cap' Benj=* Emery and Cap' Aaron Kinsman be a Committee to fettle & adjust all accounts which any Person or Perfons may have with faid Parish. Voted That Lieu' Tim° Bradley Cap' Aaron Kinsman & M"" Ezekiel Dimond be a Committee to Lay out a Road from M^ Jofiah Farnums Grist Mill to M' Jabez Abbotr Voted That M' Ezekiel Dimond ferve on the Grand Jury at the next Court of General Sefsions of the Peace to be Holden at Portsmouth in and for Said County on the Second Tuesday of May next. A true Copy of the Proceedings of the above Meeting Attest John Kimball Clerk State of New ^ Notice is hereby given to the Hampfhire [-Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Rockingham : fs ) Parish of Concord in faid County to i\fsemble & meet at the Meeting House in said Concord on Monday the Nineteenth day of July Current at three O'clock in the after noon to act on the following Partic- ulars viz' TOWN RECORDS. 1 75 1. To Choose a Moderator 2. To take into Confideration the Plan of Goverment agreed upon in Convention at Concord on the fifth dav of June 1779 And see whether the Parish will vote to receive or reject the fame. 3. To receive the report of a Committee Lately chosen to settle accounts with all Persons who have any Demands upon the Parish 4. To fee what Sum or sums of Money the Parish will raise in addition to what they have allready raised in order to defrey the Expences of the Parish the Current year. Dated at Concord aforesaid this third Day of July .D 1779. Tim° Walker Jun^ } Select Men John Kimball ^ of Concord A true Copy of the above Notification Attest John Kimball. Clerk State of New ') At a Legal Meeting of the Free- Hampfhire > holders and Inhabitants of the Par- Rockingham : fs Vsh of Concord in faid County held at the Meeting House in faid Concord on Monday the Nineteenth day of July A) 1779 Voted That Co'- Thomas Stickney be Moderator Voted To Pospone the Determination upon the plan of Goverment to a further opportunity. Voted That the accounts of the Select Men the year past against the Parish, the Expence of Hireing a School Master, and the accounts of all others the year past be accepted according to the report of a Committee Chosen to settle the fame Voted That the Committees account (Lately Chosen to hire Soldiers) be Accepted. Voted To raise one Thoufand one Hundred and twen- ty four Pounds Eight Shilings in addition to what has been allready rais'd in order to defrey the Expences of the Parish the Current year. Cap' Reuben Kimball was appointed on this 19"" day of July 1779 to serve as a petit Juror at the superior Court at Portsmouth the first Tuesday in August next. 176 CONCORD Voted That this Meeting l)e adjourned to the first Monday in September next at three o'Clock in the after- noon A true Copy Ex*^ P' John Kimball. Clerk Mr. Philip Eastman was appointed on the 23'^ day of August 1779 to serve as a petit Juror at the superior Court of Judicature to be held at Exeter on the first Tuesday in the next septem' following Attest John Kimball. Clerk State of ^ Pursuant to a request from the New Hampf hire > Town of Portsmouth recommending Rockingham : fs jthat a Convention be held at Concord in laid State for the purpose of appreciating the Cur- rency by Regulating of prices &c The Inhabitants of faid Concord are hereby Notified to afsemble at the Meeting House in said Concord on Monday the sixth day of Septem' Current at four o'Clock in the after noon to fee if said Inhabitants will Choose one or more perfons to set in Convention with those from other Towns for the Purpofes above mentioned. Tim° Walker Jun"^ ) Select Men John Kimball y ofConcord. A true Copy of the above Notification Attest John Kimball Clerk State of ^ At a Legal Meeting of the Free- New Hampfhire > holders and Inhabitants of the Parish Rockingham: fs ^of Concord begun and held at the Meeting House in faid Concord on Monday the Nine- teenth day of July iD 1779 and Continued by adjourn- ment to Monday the sixth day of September JD 1779. Then Met by adjournment Cap' Aaron Kinsman being Chosen Moderator declar- ed the meeting to be opened. then it was put to a vote to fee if the Parish would Axcept of the Plan of Goverment and their appeared twenty six for receiving faid plan and twenty five reject- ed the fame. TOWN RECORDS. I77 Voted To raise Five Hundred Pounds in addition to what has been ahready raised in order to defrey the Charges of the Current Year. Voted To Choose two Delegates to set in Convention to be held at Concord on Wednes"* the tw-enty second day of Septem' Current. Voted That Maj"^ Jonathan Hale & Tim" Walker Esq' be Members of faid Convention. A true Copy of the proceedings of the above Meeting. Ex« P John Kimball Clerk. State of ') Concord October y® 9"^ i779 New Hampshire > Notice is hereby given to the Free- Rockingham : fs ) holders and Inhabitants of the Parish of Concord to Afsemble at the Meeting House in faid Concord on Monday the Eighteenth day of October cur- rent at Two O'Clock in the after noon then and there to act on the following Particulars viz' — 1. To Choose a Moderator 2. To fee what Incoragement the Parish will give to any Person who shall appear to take Asa Stevens a Minor son of Phinehas Stevens Late of Concord Deceas*^ till he shall arive to the age of Twent}' one Years. 2. To fee if the Parish wall raise a sum of Money in addition to what they have raised allready to mend the highways in said Concord and choose one or more sur- veyors of High w^ays if it should be thought necefsary. 4. To fee if the Parish will settle the Prices of the several Articles not enumerated by the Convention which met at Concord in faid State on the Twenty second Day of September 1779 Agreeable to the recommendation of said Convention. Tim° Walker Jun' ^ Select Men John Kimball 5 of Concord. A true Copy of the above Notification Attest John Kimball, Clerk. 13 l78 CONCORD State of ^ At a Legal Meeting of the Free New Hampshire > Holders & Inhabitants of the Parish Rockingham : fs ^of Concord in faid County held at the Meeting House in faid Concord on Monday the Eigh- teenth day of October A) 1779 Voted That Cap' Reuben Kimball be Moderator Voted That Mofes Abbott shall have Fifty four Pounds given him by the Parish for takeing and supporting Asa Stevens a Minor (son of Phinehas Stevens Late of Con- cord Dec*") till he arives to the Age of Twent}' one Years said Abbotts Dischargeing the Parish from any cost that he has been at for Supporting Said minor to this day. Voted To raise one Hundred and Eighty Pounds in addition to what has been allready rais'd to repair the high ways. Voted That Lieu' Ebenezer \'irgin be a Surveyor of high ways Voted To Choose a Committee to regulate Prices &c. Voted That Mef'* Jonathan Hale Thomas Willison Aaron Kinsman Jonathan West David Hall Reuben Kimb" Joseph Hall Jun' & James Walker be a Com- mittee for the Purpose afore Said Voted That M' Ezekiel Dimond serve as a Grand Juror Voted That this Meeting be ajourned to the third Wednesday in November next A true Copv of the Proceedings of the above ^Meeting Ex'' P^ John Kimball. Clerk State of New ^ Notice is hereby given to the Le- Hampfhire ( ^^^ Inhabitants paying taxes in the Rockingham : fs ) Parish of Concord to Afsemble and at the Meeting House in faid Concord on Monday the Twenty ninth Day of November Current at two O'Clock in the after noon To act on the following Particulars Viz' 1. To Choose Moderator 2. To Elect one Person (having a real Estate of the value of Two Hundred Pounds within this State) to rep- resent them in the Afsembly to be held at Exeter on the TOWN RECORDS. I79 third Wednesday in December next and to impower Such representative for the term of one year after their first Meeting to transact such businefs and pursue such measures as they may Judge Necefsary for the Public good, and in particular to vote for Members to reprefent this State in the Continental Confrrefs. 3. To vote for five Persons being reputable freeholders and Inhabitants within this County (having a real Eftate of Two Hundred Pounds) to serve as members of the Council for the Year ensuincr Concord November y*^ 13"* 1779. Ezekiel Dimond ) Select Men John Kimball 5 ofConcord. A true Copy of the above Notification Attest John Kimball. Clerk State of New ^ At a Legal Meeting of the Free- Hampfhire > holders and Inhabitants pa3-ing taxes Rockingham : fs ji^ the Parish ofConcord held at the Meeting House in Said Concord on Monday the Twenty ninth Day of November rD 1779. Voted That Tim° Walker Efq^ be Moderator Voted That Co'" Thomas Stickney be Elected to rep- resent the Town of Concord in the Afsembly to be held at Exeter in said state on the third Wednesday in Dec- ember next & that said representative be empowered for the term of one Year from their first meeting, to transact such Businefs and pursue such measures as they may Judge necefsary for the Public good, also to vote in the Choice of Members to represent this State in the Conti- nental Congrefs. A true Copy of the proceedings of the above Meeting Ex=^ P^ John Kimball, Clerk State of New ~) To Lieu' Robert Davis Conftable Hampfhire > for the Parifh of Concord in Said Rockingham: fs ) State Greeting — You are hereby required to warn as the Law directs the Freeholders and Inhabitants of Said Concord quali- l8o CONCORD fied by Law to Vote in Town Affairs to Afsemble and meet at the Meeting House in said Concord on Tuefday the Seventh day of March next at nine O'Clock in the forenoon then and there to act on the following particu- lars Viz' 1. To Choose a Moderator 2. To Choose a Clerk, Select Men Conftable Parish Treasurer and all other necefsary Town Officers. 3. To fee if the Parish will raise a sum of money to pay the Rev*^ M"" Walkers Salary that is already due 4. To fee what sum or sums of money the Parish will raise in order to defray the Charges of the Parish the enfuing Year. 5. To fee if the Parish will raise a sum of Money to be laid out in schooling. 6. To fee what roads the Parish will accept that has been laid out by the Select Men or by the Committee appointed by the Parish for that Purpose. 7. To fee if the Parish will make up the Depreciation of money to M"^ James Walker for what he Expended in repairing the Meeting House 8. To fee if the Parifh will Choose an Agent or Agents to Petition the General Afsembly to have the In- corporation of Concord Extended to the limits of Rum ford formerly so Called. 9. To fee if the Parifh will Choose an Agent to profe- cute thofe perfons who pulled down the House of Andrew Stone and see what provifion they will make for the fup- port of his wife 10. To fee if the Parifh will receive the report of the Committee formerly Chosen to Settle with the Rev** M"^ Walker. And made due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the subfcribers at or before said Meeting. Dated at Concord aforefaid this Eighteenth day of Feb- ruary Anno Domini 1780. Tim° Walker Jun' ) Select Men John Kimball 5 ^^ ^^ Concord TOWN RECORDS. l8l State of New 1 Concord March y^ 7'" 1780. Hampfhire > Purfuant to the within Warrant I Rockingham : Is ^have Notified the within mentioned freeholders and Inhabitants to Meet at the Meeting House in Said Concord on the Seventh day of March current by placing up a notification of said meeting and the cause thereof at said Meeting House Door fifteen days before said Meeting A true Copy of the Warrant above mentioned and the return thereon Ex=» p^ John Kimball. Clerk State of New ^ At a Legal Meeting of the Free- Hampfhire > holders and Inhabitants of the Par- Rockingham : Is ^ish of Concord held at the Meeting Houfe in said Concord on Tuefday the seventh day of March ID 1780. Voted That Co'" Thomas Stickney be Moderator Voted That John Kimball be Clerk Voted That Lieu' John Chandler M"" James Walker and M' Thomas Wilfon be Select Men Voted That Cap' Reuben Kimball be Constable. Voted That John Kimball be Parif h Treafurer. Voted That Mef'' Richard Hafeltine Daniel Gale Stephen Farnum Jonathan Eaftman and Phinehas Stev- ens be tytheing Men Voted That Mef" William Cofiin Jofeph Farnum Phin- ehas Virgin Benj'^ Fifield Nathaniel Rolfe Jun' Moles Eaftman Tim" Kimball Jofeph Hall Jun' Nathan Kinf- man and William Currier be Surveyors of high vva3's. Voted That Nathaniel Eaftman Abner Flanders Gil- man West and Nathan Kinfman be Hogg Reaves. Voted That David Hall be Sealer of weights and measures Voted That Benj'* Hannaford and Ephraim Potter be Surveyors of Lumber Voted That Benj* Hanniford be Pound Keeper. Voted That M^ William Coffin and Cap' Jof hua Abbott be fence Viewers. Voted That Mofes Eaftman Jun' be field driver l82 CONCORD Voted That David Hall be Sealer of Leather Voted To Choose an Agent to profecute those Persons that pulled down a House belonging to Andrew Stone Voted That Cap* Benj" Emery be an agent for the pur- pose aforefaid. Voted That this meeting be ajourn'd to the first Mon- day in April next at one — O'Clock in the After noon At a Leo^al Meetinfj of the freeholders and Inhabitants of the Parish of Concord began and held at the Meeting House in said Concord on Tuesday the seventh day of March ID 1780, and continued by adjournment to the third Day of April /D 1780 then met according to ad- journment the Moderator being present declared the Meeting to be opened. Voted To raise money to pay the Rev"^ Tim° Walker his salary which is due for the two Last Years past Voted To rais nine Thousand Pounds to pay the Rev*' M' Walker his Salary that is already due for the two Last years past and also for the Current Year and other incideltal Charges that may arise in the Parish, and also to pay the soldiers their wages for the year past. Voted That Lieu' John Chandler and Cap' Aaron Kinfman be a Committee in addition to aformer Com- mittee to settle with the Kev"^ M"" Walker Voted To Choose an Agent to Petition the General Af- semblv to have the Icrporporation of Concord Extended to the Limits of Rumford formorly so called Voted That Co'" Tomas Stickney be an Agent for the purpose aforesaid Voted To raise Two Thoufand and Four Hundred pounds to repair the highways the present Year Voted To give Labouring men that work on the high ways Six Pounds p' day. Voted To give six pence upon the Pound to the Con- ftable for gathering rates the Current Year. Voted That Co'" Thomas Stickney Co'" Tim" Walker and M"" Jabez Abbott be a Committee to look out a suit- able place for a Bridge over Contoocook river. Voted To Choose a Committee to defire the ReV M' Walker to sue those that have formerly been delinkquent in paying their rates to him TOWN RECORDS. 183 Voted That Cap* Benj^ Emery Cap* Reuben Kimball and Cap* Aaron Kinfman be a Committee for the purpose aforesaid Voted That this meeting be Defolved. A true Copy of the proceedings of the above Meeting Ex^ F John Kimball Clerk State of ^ To Cap* Reuben Kimball Conftable New Hampshire >for the Parifh of Concord in said state Rockingham: fs ^ Greeting You are hereby required to warn as the Law directs the Freeholders and Inhabitants of said Concord qualified by Law to Vote in Tow^n Affairs to Afsemble at the Meeting House in said Concord on Tuefday the fourth day of July Current at One O'Clock in the afternoon then and there to act on the following Particulars Viz' 1. To Choose a Moderator. 2. To fee what incoragement the Parish will give those Persons who have engaged Lately in the Continental service for six months for said Parifh 3. To fee what incoragement the Parish will give to those Persons who shall appear to inlift themfelves for said Concord for the Last Draft. 4 To fee what sum or sums of money the Parifh will raise in order to pay the soldiers that have ingag'd or that shall hereafter ingage for said Parifh as also to pro- cure a quantit}' of Beaf now Call'd for by the General Court for supplying the Continental Army and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Subfcribers at or before said Meeting. Dated at Con- cord aforesaid this first day of Jul}^ ID 1780 John Chandler ) Select Men James Walker ) of Concord State of ^ Pursuant to the within Warrant I New Hampshire > have Notified the within mentioned Rockingham : fs )Free holdersand linhabitants to meet at the Meeting House in faid Concord at the time within mentioned by placing up a notification of said meeting 184 CONCORD and the caus thereof at said Meeting House Door two days before said meeting 1 Conftable Reuben Kimball > of ^Concord A true Copy of the warrant above mentioned and the return thereon. Ex" p' John Kimball. Clerk State of ^ At a Legal Meeting of the Free- New Hampfhire > holders and Inhabitants of the Parifh Rockingham : fs jof Concord held at the Meeting House of faid Concord on Tuesday the fourth day of July /D 17S0 Voted That Co^*' Tim° Walker be Moderator Voted That the Town give the soldiers that have lately ingag'd to serve six months in the Continental Army ten Bufhels of Endian corn p"" month or money Equal their- to Voted To Choose a Committee to procure fifteen sol- diers to serve in the Continental Army. Voted That the Prefent Selectmen Capt Aaron Kinf- man Lieu* Ezekiel Carter Lieu* Asa Kimball and En*° James Mitchel be a Committee for the purpose afore'd Voted To raise Thirty Thoufand Pounds in addition to what has been already rais'd in order to Defray the Expences of the Parish the Current Year. Voted That this meeting be Defolved A true Copy of the Proceedings of the above Meeting Ex=^ P-- John Kimball. Clerk State of ^ Notice is hereby given to the Free- New Hampfhire > holders and Inhabitants of the Parifh Rockingham: fs j of Concord in said State to afsemble and meet at the Meeting House in said Concord on Mon- day the twenty Eighth day of August current at fore O'clock in the afternoon To act on the following particulars Viz* I. To Chose a Moderator TOWN RECORDS. 1 85 2. To Choose one man of those duly qualified to serve as a Grand Juror at the Superior Court of Judicature to be held at Exeter on the first Tuesday in September next Dated at Concord aforesaid this Twenty fifth day of August iD 1780 John Chandler ^Select Men James Walker > of Concord Thomas Wilfon ) A true Copy of the above Notification Attest John Kimball. Clerk State of ^ At a Leagal meeting of the Freehold- New Hampf hire > ers and Inhabitants of the Parifh of Rockingham : fs } Concord held at the Meeting House in faid Concord on the twenty Eighth day of August 10 1780. Voted That Lieu' John Chandler be Moderator. Voted That Cap' Aaron Kinfman serve as a Grand Juror at the superior Court of Judicature to be held at Exeter on the first Tuefday in September next. on this 28'" day of August Mefs" Reuben Abbott and Robert Ambrose was appointed to serve as Petit Jurors at the Superior Court of Judicature above Mentioned. A true Copy of the proceeding of the above Meeting Ex^ P^ John Kimball Clerk State of ^ Notice is hereby given to the Free- New Hampf hire > holders and Inhabitants paying taxes Rockingham : fs Ym the Parish of Concord to Afsemble and meet at the meeting House in faid Concord on Fri- day the Eighth day of December next at One O'Clock in the after noon to act on the following particulars Viz'. 1. To Choose a Moderator 2. To Elect one Person having a real Eftate of the value of two Hundred Pounds Lawful money in this state to reprefent them in the General Afsembly to be holden at Exeter in faid state on the third Wednesday in Decem- ber next and to impower such reprefentative for the term I 86 CONCORD of one year from their first meeting to tranfact such buf i- nefs and purfue such meafures as they may judge necefsary for the Public good and particularly to impovver such reprefentative to Vote in the choice of Delegates for the Continental Congrefs and alfo to impovver such reprefen- tative to join in calling a Convention to settle a plan of Goverment for the State 3. To vote for five perfons being reputable Freehold- ers and Inhabitants in this County having a real Eftate of two Hundred pounds to serve as members of the Council for the Year enfuing 4. To fee if the Parifh will Choose an Agent or Agents to petition the General Afsembly to have the Incorporation of Concord Extended to the Limits of Rumford formerly so Call'd Dated at Concord aforsaid this Eighteenth day of November ID 1780 James Walker ) Select Men Thomas Wilfon 5 of Concord A true Copy of the above notification Atteft John Kimball. Clerk State of ^ At a Legal Meeting of the Free- New Hampshire > holders and Inhabitants of the Parish Rockingham : fs ^ of Concord held at the meeting House in said Concord on Friday the Eighth day of December ID 1780 Voted That Tim° Walker Efq^ be Moderator Voted That Major Jonathan Hale reprefent the Parifh of Concord in the General x\fsembly to be holden at Exeter in faid state on the third wednefday in December next and said reprefentative is impowered for the term of one Year from their first meeting to transact such Buf i- nefs and purfue such meafures as may be Judged necef- ary for the Public good also to vote in the choice of Dele- gates to reprefent this state in the Continental Congrefs. Voted That the reprefentative be inftructed to join in calling a Convention to settle a plan of goverment tor this State Voted That said reprefentative shall Petition the Gen- TOWN RECORDS. 187 eral Afsembly to have the Incorporation of Concord Ex- tended to the Limits of Rumford formerly so called Voted That this meeting be difsolv'd A true Copy of the Proceedings of the above Meeting Attest John Kimball, Clerk State of ^ Notice is hereby given to the Free- New Hampshire > holders and Inhabitants of the Parish Rochingham : Is )of Concord in faid County to Meet at the Meeting House in faid Concord on Monday the Twenty ninth day of January Current at two O'Clock in the after noon to act on the following particulars Viz' — 1. To Choose a Moderator 2. To fee what method the Parif h will take to raise the fixteen men now called for by the General Court of the State of New Hampf hire 3. To fee what fum or fum.s of money the Parish will raise in order to forward the inlifting of said fixteen men. 4. To choose a Committee to Leafe out the whole of the fchool Wright (Except the Eighty Acre Lott) for such a number of Years ast he Parish shall choose. Dated at Concord atbrefaid this Twenty fourth day of January Anno Domini 1781 John Chandler } Select Men James Walker ) of Concord A true Copy of the above Notification Attest John Kimball. Clerk State of ^ At a Legal meeting of the Free- New Hampf hire > holders and Inhabitants of the Parif h Rockingham : fs ) of Concord held at the Meeting House in faid Concord on Monday the Twenty ninth day of January ID 1781 Voted That Co'° Thomas Stickney be Moderator Voted That Cap' Aaron Kinfman Lieu' Ezekiel Carter Lieu' Afa Kimball & En»" James Mitchell be a Com- mittee to procure the foldiers now call'd for. I 88 CONCORD Voted That the Present Select men be a Committee in addition to the former for the Purpose atbresaid Voted That the Committee have difcresionary orders as they think proper in procureing said soldiers Voted That this meeting be Ajourn'd to the first Tues- day in February next at two O'Clock in the after noon State of ^ At a Legal meeting of the Free- New Hampshire > holders and Inhabitants of the Parifh Rockingham: fs^of Concord began and held at the Meeting House in faid Concord on Monday the twenty ninth day of January K) 1781 and Continu'd by Adjourn- ment to Tuefday the sixth day of February ID 1781 Then met according to Adjournment the Moderator being prefent declar'd the meeting to be open Voted To rais one Thoufand Spanish Mill'd Dollars in order to enable the Parifh to procure the soldiers that are now call'd for to fill up the Continental Army. Voted That this meeting be defsolv'd A true Copy of the proceedings of the above meeting Attest John Kimball. Clerk State of ^ To Cap' Reuben Kimball Confta- New Hampfhire >ble for the Parish of Concord in faid Rockingham : fs ) state — Greeting- You are hereby requir'd to Notify, and warn as the Law Directs the Freeholders and Inhabitants paying taxes in the Parifh of Concord to Afsemble and meet at the Meeting House in faid Concord on Tuefday, the sixth day of March next at nine O'Clock in the forenoon to act on the following particulars Viz* 1. To Choose a Moderator 2. To Choofe a Parifh Clerk Treafurer Select Men Conftable and all other necefsary Town officers 3. To fee what fum or funis of money the Parifh will raise in order to defray the Expences of faid Parifh the enfuing Year. 4. To receive the report of a Committee Lately chosen to hire Continental Soldiers TOWN RECORDS. 189 5. To fee if the Parifh will choose a Committee to Lease out the whole of the fchool Right except the Eighty Acre Lot for such a number of years as shall be thought proper 6. To Choose a Committee to profecute all trefpafsers on the Parfonage Lands O 7. To fee what the Parifh will give the present Con- ftable for his services the year past and also what they will vote to him that shall be chosen for the year Enfuing. 8. To Choose a Committee to settle with the prefent Select Men and treafurer 9. To fee if the Parifh will purchase a a road through Dea*^ George Abbott* Eighty Acre Lot lying in the west- erl}' part of the Town and make due return of this War- rant with your doings theiron to the subfcribers at or be- fore faid Meeting Dated at Concord atbrefaid this seventeenth day of February Anno Domini 1781 James Walker } Select ^Nlen Thomas Wilfon ^ of Concord A true Copy Ex^ p' John Kimball Clerk State of ^ Concord March y« 6^^ 1781 New^ Hampf hire > Purfuant to the within Warrant I Rochingham : fs jhave Notified the within mentioned Freeholders and Inhabitants to meet at the Meeting House in faid Concord at the time and place within men- tion'd by placing up a Notification at faid Meeting House Door and the cause theirof fourteen days before faid meeting Attest Reuben Kimball ) Conftable 5 of Concord A true Copy Ex^ p*" John Kimball. Clerk State of ^ At a Legal meeting of the Free- New Hampf hire > holders and Inhabitants of the Parifh Rockingham : fs } of Concord held at the Meeting House in faid Concord on Tuesday the sixth day of March ID 1781 Voted That Co'° Thomas Stickney be Moderator 190 CONCORD Voted That John Kimball be Clerk Voted That Tim" Walker Efq' John Kimball and James Walker be Select Men Voted To give the Conltable for the Parii'h of Con- cord the year past six pence upon the pound for Collect- ing the taxes. Voted To give the Conftable that shall be chosen for the Year Enfuing five pence upon the pound for Collect- ing the taxes. Voted That Chandler Lovejoy be Conftable Voted That Mef" Benj*'* Hannaford Richard Hafeltine Phinehas Virgin and Daniel Abbott be Tything men Voted That Cap* Aaron Kinfman Lieu' Phinehas Vir- gin Lieu* Ezekiel Carter and En*'* James Mitchel be Sur- veyors of high ways. Voted That Richard Ayer Robert Eaftman Oilman West and Samuel Bradley be Hogg reaves. Voted That Daniel Hall be Sealer of Weights and measures Voted That Chandler Lovjoy and Benj" Hanniford be be surveyors of Lumber ' Voted That Benjamin Hanniford be pound keeper Voted That Lieu' Ebenezer Virgin & William Coffin be fence Viewers Voted That David Hall be fealer of Leather Voted To Raise Fifty Thoufand Pounds in order to defray the necefsary Charges of the Parifh the Enfuing Year Voted To raise Two Thoufand and tour Hundred Pounds to repair the high ways the year ensuing. Voted To give six Pounds p"" day for Labouring men, and, also for oxen to repair the high wa3-s Voted To Lease out all the Intreval Lands and House Lot belonging to the school Right for the term of seven years to the highest bidder Voted To choose a Committee to Lease out faid Lands Voted That the Select men chosen for the Year Enfu- ing be a Committee for the Purpose aforesaid Voted That Mef^ Daniel Abbott Benj" Emery and John Bradley be a Committee to profecute all Trefpafses on the Parfonage Lands TOWN RECORDS. I9I Voted To choose a Committee to settle with the Late Select Men and Treasurer Voted That Capt Benj^ Emery Lieu* John Bradley and M' David Hall be a Committee for the purpose aforesaid. A true Copy of the proceedings of the above Meeting Ex'* p-- John Kimball. Clerk State of ^ Notice is hereby given to the Free- New Hampfhire > holders and Inhabitants of the Parifh Rockingham : fs ) of Concord qualified by Law to Vote in Town Affairs to Afsemble and meet at the Meeting House in faid Concord on Monday the thirtieth day of April current at three O'Clock in the afternoon to act on the following Particulars Viz* 1. To Choose a Moderator 2. To Choose one man of those duly qualified to serve on the Grand Jury at the next Court of General Sefsions of the peace to be holden at Portsmouth on the second Tuesday of May next. 3. To Choose one or more Perfons to meet in Conven- tion at said Concord (with those from other Towns for the sole Purpose of forming and Laying a perm.anent plan or system of Goverrnent. 4 To fee if the Parish will choose an i\gent to Petition the General Court for Liberty to make a Lottery for building a Bridge over Merrimack river Dated at Concord aforesaid this fourteenth day of April ;D 1 781 John Kimball > Select Men James Walker ) of Concord A true Copy of the above Notification Attest John Kimball. Clerk State of ") At a Legal Meetinsj of the Free- New Hamplhire > holders and Inhabitants of the Parish Rockingham : fs ) of Concord held at the Meeting House in faid Concord on Monday the Thirtieth day of April /D 1781 Voted That Co'" Thomas Stickney be Moderator 192 CONCORD Voted That M"" Richard Ilafehine shall serve on the Grand Jury at the next Court of General Selsions of the peace to be holden at Portsmouth on the second Tuesday of may next. Voted That Co'" Tim" Walker be chosen to meet in Convention at said Concord (with those from other Towns) for the sole Purpose of forming and Laying a Permanent plan or system of Government V^oted That Co'" Timothy Walker be an Agent to Pe- tition the General Court for Liberty to make a Lotery for building a Bridge over Merrimak river Voted That Co'° Tim" Walker be an agent too support Petition that is Lod^'d in the General Court for to have the Incorporation of Concord Extended to the Original Boundaries of Rumford (so Called) A true Cop3^ of the proceedings of the above Meeting A.ttest John Kimball. Clerk State of ^ Notice is hereby given to the Free- New Hampf hire > holders and Inhabitants of the Parish Rockingham: fs ^of Concord qualifi'd by Law to Vote in Town Affairs to afsemble and meet at the meeting House in faid Concord on Monday the Eighteenth da}' of June current at three O'Clock in the after noon 1. To Choose a Moderator 2. To fee if the Parish will dismifs a Committee Lately chosen to Lease out the Lands blonging to the school right 3. To fee if the Parish will take back the Lands belong- ing to the school right Lying in Contocook plains (so called) and also the House Lot and give back the secur- ity given by those persons that bid off the above Lands at a Public Vendue. 4. To fee if the Parish will Choose a Committee to run out said Lots and settle the bound where any dispute may arise 5. To fee if the Parish will choose a Committee to Lease out said Lands to the highest bidder at a public Vendue for the term of seven Years from the first Tues- day of March Last past TOWN RECORDS. I93 Dated at Concord aforesaid this second da}' of June ID 1781 Tim° Walker Jun' ) Select Men John Kimball 5 of Concord A true Copy of the above Notification Attest John Kimball. Clerk State of ^ At a Legal Meeting of the Free- New Hampfhire > holders and Inhabitants of the Parish Rockingham : fs ) of Concord held at the Meeting House in faid Concord on ^Monday the Eighteenth day of June ID 1781 Voted That Co^° Thomas Stickney be Moderator. Voted To Choose a Committee to run out the Lands belonging to the school right lying in Contocook plains (so Called) and also the House Lot and settle the bounds of the same where any dispute may arise Voted That Cap' Reuben Kimball Cap' Benj* Emery and Co'° Tho^ Stickney be a Committee for the purpose aforesaid Voted That Ephraim Colby shall have the Use of the school Lot Lying on Contocook plains (so Called) seven Years from the first Tuesday of March Last past his paying fifteen shilings p' year for the use of the same and also his paying the cost of setling the Bounds of said Lot. A true Copy of the proceedings of the above Meeting Attest John Kimball. Clerk State of ^ Notice is hereby given to the Free- New Hampfhire > holders and Inhabitants paying taxes Rockingham : fs ^ in the Parish of Concord to Afsemble and meet at the Meeting House in faid Concord on Mon- day the ninth day of July next at three O'Clock in the after noon then and there to Act on the following par- ticulars Viz' 1. To Choose a Moderator 2. To fee if the Parish will Choose a Committee to 14 194 CONCORD Lay out Roads in said Concord where reserves are left for the same and elsewhere if necefsary 3. To fee what roads the Parish will axcept that has been already Laid out 4. To fee if the Parish will grant the request of Sam* Chamberlain and others of being annexed to the Parish of Concord 5. To fee if the Parish will axcept the report of the Committee Lately chosen to Purchase the House Lot south of the Meeting House in said Concord and if necef- sary dismifs said Committee and choose another Com- mittee to Purchase said Lot 6. To fee if the Parish will accept the report of the Committee Lately chosen to settle the bounds of the school lot lying in Contocook plain (so call'd) and also the House lot — Dated at Concord aforesaid this 23"^ da}'- of June ID 1781 Tim° Walker Jun' ^ Select Men John Kimball > of James Walker } Concord A true copy of the above Notification Attest John Kimball. Clerk At a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and Inhab- itants of the Parish of Concord in the County of Rock- ingham and State of New Hampf hire held at the Meet- ing House in said Concord on Monday the Ninth day of July iD 1781 Voted That Co'° Thomas Stickney be Moderator Voted To Choose a Committee to Layout roads in said Concord where their is reserves for the same and else where if necefsary Voted That Mes" Ebenezer Hall Thomas Stickney Jofeph Farnum Robert Davis and Ezekiel Carter be a Committee for the purpose aforesaid Voted That the request of Samuel Chamberlain and others for being annexed to the Parish of Concord be Granted Voted To dismifs the Committee Lately chosen to pur- chase the House Lot south of the ^Meeting House TOWN RECORDS. I95 Voted To Choose another Committee to purchase said Lot Voted That Co'« Tim° Walker Lieu' John Chandler and Lieu' Jofeph Hall be a Committee to purchase Said Lot. Voted To axcept the report of the Committee lately chosen to settle the bounds of the school Lot Iving in Contocook plain (so called) as it was Exhibited by a plan laid before said Parish — A true Copy of the proceeding of the above Meeting Attest John Kimball. Clerk State of ^ Concord September y*= 15'^ 1781 New Hampfhire > Notice is hereby given to the Free- Rockingham : fs ^ holders and Inhabitants of faid Con- cord (qualified by Law to Vote in Town Affairs) to Afsemble and meet at the Meeting House in faid Con- cord on Monday the first day of October next at one O'clock in the afternoon then and there to act on the fol- lowing particulars Viz* 1. To choose a Moderator 2. To Elect one Person to represent faid Concord in the General Afsembly to be held at Exeter in faid State on the third Wednesday in December next for the term of one Year, also to Vote for five Persons to serve as Members of the Council for the year ensuing 3. To fee if the Parish will accept the report of the Committee Lately chosen to lay out Roads in said Concord. 4. To see if the Parish will accept the report of the Committee Lately chosen to purchase the House lot belonging to the Original Right of Jonathan Shipley and fee if the Parish will raise the money to pay for the whole of said Lot or choose a Committee to make sale of part of said Lot or some other part of the public Lands blonging to said Parish 5. To fee what fum or fums of Money the Parish will raise to Defrey the charges of the Parish the Current Year 6. To fee if the Parish will excuse those Persons who 196 CONCORD have kept conftant schools in laid Concord from paying Taxes the current Year, 7. To fee if the Parish will choose another Conftable to Afsist in Collecting the taxes the current Year. Tim'' Walker Jun' ^Select Men John Kimball > of James Walker ) Concord. A true Copy of the above Notification Ex=^ p^ John Kimball. Clerk State of ^ At a Legal Meeting of the Free- New Hampfhire > holders and Inhabitants of the Parisli Rockingham : fs 3 of Concord held at the Meeting House in faid Concord on Monday the first day of October ID 1781 Voted That Co'" Thomas Stickney be Moderator Voted That Co'° Tim° Walker Represent said Concord in the General Afsembly to be held at Exeter in said State on the third Wednesday in December next for the term of one Year. Voted To Axcept the report of the Committee Lately chosen to Lay out roads in faid Concord as the return was Laid before said Parish Voted To accept the report of the Committee Lately chosen to purchase the House Lot belonging to the Original Right of Jonathan Shipley Voted To Choose a Committee to make sale of part of faid Lot and part of some other public Lands belonging to said Parish Voted That Co'° Thomas Stickney Lieu' Jofeph Hall and Lieu' John Bradley be a Committee for the Purpose aforesaid Voted To raise One Hundred and Eighty Pounds hard money defray the Expences of said Parish the current Year Voted To Choose another Conftable to afsift in collect- ing the Taxes the current Year. Voted That M' James Walker be Conftable for the current Year Voted That this Meeting be adjourned to Monda}- the TOWN RECORDS. I97 Eighth day of October current at two O'Clock in the after noon A true copy of the proceedings of the above Meeting Ex'-* p' John Kimball Clerk State of ^ Notice is hereby given to the Free- New Hampfhire > holders and Inhabitants paying Taxes Rockingham : fs V^ the Parish of Concord to Afsemble and Meet at the Meeting House in laid Concord on Monday the Eighth day of October current at Five O'clock in the after noon. I. To Choose a Moderator 2 To Choose one man of those duly qualified to serve on the Grand Jury at the next Court of General sefsions of the peace to be holden at Portsmouth in and for said County on the second Tuesday of November next Concord October y« 6*'' 1781 John Kimball ) Select Men James Walker ) of Concord A true Copy of the above Notification Attest John Kimball, Clerk State of ^ At a Lesal Meeting of the Free- New Hampshire > holders and Inhabitants of the Parish Rockingham : fs 3of Concord held at the Meeting House in said Concord on Monday the Eighth day of October /D 1 781 Voted That Peter Green Efq' be Moderator Voted That M"" Richard Hafeltine shall serve on the Grand Jury at the next Court of General Sefsions of the peace to be holden at Portsmouth in and for said County on the second Tuesday of November next A true Copy Ex** p' John Kimball Clerk State of ^ Concord November y® 30'^ 1781 New Hampfhire > Notice is hereby given to the Free- Rockingham : fs j holders and Inhabitants of said Con- cord (qualified by Law to Vote in Town affairs) to 198 CONCORD Afsemble and meet at the Meeting House in said Con- cord on Fryday the Fourteenth day of December next at One O'clock in the after noon then and there to act on the following Particulars Viz' 1. To Choose a Moderator 2. To fee if the Inhabitants will accept the form of Goverment Lately agreed upon by the Convention in faid Concord or reject the fame. 3. To fee if the Parish will agree to finish the Meet- ing House in faid Concord 4. To fee if the Parish will choose a Committee to Vendue the Pew Ground to defray the expence of finish- ing faid House, or raise a fum of Money to finish said House, or give up the pew Ground to any number of Persons who shall appear to finis said House Tim" Walker Jun' ^Select Men John Kimball > of James Walker ) Concord A true Copy Ex"^ p' John Kimball. Clerk State of ^ At a Legal Meeting of the Free- New Hampf hire > holders and Inhabitants of the Parish Rockingham : fs ) of Concord held at the Meeting House in said Concord on Frydav the fourteenth day of Decem- ber A) 1781 Voted That Co'° Thomas Stickney be Moderator Voted That this Meeting be adjourned to the third Monday of January next at One O'Clock in the after noon State of ) At a Leffal Meeting of the Freeholders New Ham""® > and Inhabitants of the Parish of Concord Rocking™ : fs ) began and held at the Meeting House in said Concord on Fr3'day the fourteenth day of December ID 1 781. and Continued by adjournment to Monday the twenty first day of January .'D 1782 Then met according to adjournment the Moderator be- ing present declar'd the Meeting to be opened Then it was put to Vote to fee if the Parish would ac- TOWN RECORDS. I99 cept the plan of Goverment as it now stands and their appeared Forty eight against said plan and none for it Voted to have a Town Representation Voted To have a Governer at the head of the Legif la- tive body Voted That the Governor shall not have a privy Council Voted That the People at Large shall Appoint their Militia officers Voted That this Meeting be difsolv'd A true Copy Ex'* p'^John Kimball Clerk State of ^ Notice is hereby given to the Free- New Hampshire > holders and Inhabitants paying taxes Rockingham : fs )\n the Parish of Concord to Afsemble and meet at the Meeting House in said Concord on Mon- da}^ the Eighteenth day of February current at four O'clock in the after noon 1. To Chose a Moderator 2. To Choose one man of those duly qualified to serve as a Grand Juror at the superior Court of Judicature to be holden at Portsmouth in faid County on the first Tues- day of March next Concord February y*" 16*^^ 1782 John Kimball. Clerk A true Copy of the above Notification Attest John Kimball. Clerk State of ^ At a Legal Meeting of the Free- New Hampfhire > holders and Inhabitants of the Parish Rockingham : fs ^ of Concord held at the Meeting House in said Concord on Monday the Eighteenth day of Feb- ruary iT) 1782 Voted That Lieu* Jofeph Hall be Moderator Voted That Cap' Aaron Kinfman shall serve as a Grand Juror at the superior Court of Judicature to be holden at Portsmouth on the first Tuesday of March next A true Copy Ex-* p"^ John Kimball. Clerk 200 CONCORJ) State of ') To M' James Walker Conltable for New Hampfhire >the Parish of Concord in said State Rockingham : fs 3 Greeting You are hereby requir'd to Notify and warn the Free- holders and Inhabitants of Said Concord (qualified by Law to Vote in Town Affairs) to Afsemble and meet at the Meeting House in Said on Tuesday the fifth day of March next at Nine O'Clock in the fournoon To act on the following Particulars V^iz' 1. To Choose a Moderator 2. To Choose a Clerk Select Men Conftable and all other Necefsary Town Officers 3. To fee what sum or sums of Money the Parish will raise in order to defray the Expences of Said Parish the ensuing Year 4. To fee if the Parish will choose a Committee to treat with the Proprietors of the Meeting House and see upon what terms they will relinquish the same to said Parish 5. To fee if the Parish will Dismifs all former Com- mittees chosen to settle with the Rev*^ Tim" Walker and choose a Committee to request the Rev*^ M"" Walker to sue those Persons who have been delinquent in paying his Salary from the year 1749 ^*^ ^^^ Year 1765 6. To fee what the Parish will give for killing of Wolves 7. To fee upon what terms the Parish will take the one half of a Bridge upon themselves and keep it in re- pair Lying in the Ferry plain belonging to Lieu' Jofeph Hall 8. To fee if the Parish will receive the report of a Committee chosen to settle with the Select Men & Treasurer And make due return of this Warrant and your doings theiron to the subfcribers at or before faid Meeting Dated at Concord aforesaid this Eighteenth day of Feb- ruary ID 1782 Tim° Walker Jun' > Select Men John Kimball 5 of Concord TOWN RECORDS. 20I State of ^ Concord March y« 5"^ 1782 New Hampshire > Pursuant to the within Warrant I Rockingham: Is )have notified tlie within mentioned Freeholders and Inhabitants to meet at the Meeting House in said Concord on Tuesday the fifth day of March current by placing up a notification of said Meet- ing and the cause theireof at said Meeting House Door fourteen days before faid Meeting. James Walker > Conftable ) of Concord A true Copy of the Warrant above mentioned and the return thereon Ex" p-" John Kimball. Clerk State of ^ At a Legal Meeting of the Free- New Hampshire > holders and Inhabitants of the Parish Rockingham : fs ) of Concord and County aforesaid held at the Meeting House in said Concord on Tuesday the fifth day of March ID 1782 Voted That Co'° Thomas Stickney be Moderator Voted That John Kimball be Clerk Voted To Choose a treasurer Voted That John Kimball be Treafurer Voted That Co'° Tim° Walker Cap' Benj* Emery and M^ Tho' Wilson be Select Men Voted That James Walker be Constable Voted That Mef^' Daniel Abbott John Chandler Benj" Fifield William Coffin and Jofeph Abbott be Tything men. Voted That Mefs" Aaron Kinsman Jofeph Farnum Ephraim Farnum Jonathan Eastman Moles Eastman James Mitchel Isaac Abbott and Tim° Kimball be Sur- veyors of High Ways Voted That Mef'^ Richard Ayer Moles Eastman Jun' Oilman West and William Fifield be Hoggreves Voted That M^ David Hall be Sealer of Weights and measures Voted That M' Benj-'^ Hanniford be pound keeper Voted That Benjamin Hanniford be Surve3'or of Lum- ber 202 CONCORD Voted To Receive the report of the Committee chosen to settle with the late Selectmen and Treasurer as it was Laid before said Parish Voted To Raise Four Hundred and Eighty Pounds Lawful Silver money to dfray the Expences of said Parish the Ensuing Year Voted To dismifs all former Committees Chosen to settle with the Rev** Tim" Walker Voted To choose a Committee to request the Rev** M' Walker to sue those those Persons who have been delinquent in paying his Salary from the Year i749 to the year 1765 Voted That Co^" Tim° Walker Cap* Benjamin Emery and Peter Green Efq' be a Committee for the purpose aforesaid Voted To give five Spanish Milld Dollars for every grown kill'd wolf and two Dollars and an half for every w^olfs whelp. Voted To choose a Committee to treat with the Pro- prietors of the Meeting House and see upon what terms they will relinquish the same to said Parish Voted That Peter Green Esq"^ Cap' Benj^ Emery and M' Benj" Hanniford be a Committee for the purpose afore- said Voted To Exempt Richard Potter from paying taxes the ensuing Year. Voted to raise Sixty Pounds Lawful silver money in order to repair the high ways Voted To give two shilings p' day for Labor on the high ways Voted That this Meeting be Adjourn'd to the second Monda}^ in April next at one O'Clock in the afternoon At a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and Inhab- itants of this Parish of Concord began and held at the ^Nleetinpf House in said Concord on Tuesdav the fifth dav of March 1782, and contined by adiournment to Monday the Eighth day of April 1782 then met according to adjournment the Moderator being present declar'd the Meeting to be open'd Voted To choose a Committee of two in addition to a TOWN RECORDS. 2O3 Committee Lately chosen to treat with the Proprietors of the Meeting House &c Voted That John Kimball and David Hall be a Com- mittee tor the Purpose aforesaid Voted That this Meeting be adjourn'd to the Last Wednesday in may next at two O'Clock in the afternoon Met according to adjournment the Moderator being present declar'd the Meeting to be opened Voted To x\ccept the report of a Committee of the Proprietors of the Meeting House as it was Laid before Said Parish Voted That this Meeting be disolv'd A true Copy of the Proceedings of the above Meeting Ex=> p^ John Kimball Clerk State of ^ Concord May y^ 30"^ 1782 New Hampfhire > Notice is hereby given to the Free- Rockingham : fs ) holders and Inhabitants of said Con- cord (qualified by Law to Vote in Town Affairs) To Afsemble at the Meeting House in said Concord on Mon- day the seventeenth day of June next at three O'Clock in the after noon to act on the Following Particulars Viz* 1. To Choose a Moderator 2. To fee if the Parish will undertake to finish the Meeting House in said Concord 3. To fee if the Parish will choose a Committee to pro- vide materials in order to finish said House 4. To fee what Provifion the Parish will make in order to defray the Expence of finishing said House whether by Venduing the Pews or raising a sum of Money for said Purpose Tim" Walker Jun^ ^Select Men Thomas Wilson > of Benj" Emery ) Concord A true Copy of the above Notification Ex" p' John Kimball Clerk 204 CONCORD State of ^ At a Legal Meeting of the Free- New Hampshire > holders and Inhabitants of the Parish Rockingham ; fs ^of Concord held at the Meeting House in said Concord on Monday the seventeenth day of June ID 1782 Voted That Co'" Thomas Stickney be Moderator Voted to Finish the Meeting House in said Concord Voted To Choose a Committee to provide materials in order to finish said House Voted That the Committee conf ist of three Voted That Co'° Tim° Walker M^ Robert Harris and Lieu' Joseph Hall be a Committee for the Purpose afore- said Voted That the Committee be impower'd to Vendue the Pews in order to defray the Expence in finishing said House Voted That this Meeting be Adjourned to Monday the first day of July next at one O'Clock in the afternoon Met according to Adjournment The Moderator being present declar'd the Meeting to be opened Voted That the Committee proceed to sell the Pews according to their former Vote A true Copy of the proceedings of the above Meeting Ex" p' John Kimball Clerk State of ^ Notice is hereby given to the Free- New Hampfhire > holders and Inhabitants parang taxes Rockingham : fs jin the Parish of Concord, To Afsem- ble and meet at the Meeting House in said Concord on Monday the Eightheenth day of February current at four O'clock in the afternoon 1. To Choose a Moderator 2. To Choose one man of those duly qualified to serve as a Grand Juror at the Superior Court of Judicature to be holden at Portsmouth on the first Tuesday of March next Concord February y® 16"' 17S2 John Kimball Clerk TOWS RECORDS. 20^ A true Copy of the Above Notificatian Ex" p^ John Kimball Clerk State of ^ At a Legal Meeting of the Free- New Hampfhire > holders and Inhabitants of the Parish Rockingham : fs ) of Concord held at the Meeting House in said Concord on Monday the Eighteenth day of Feb- ruary ID 1782 Voted that Lieu' Jofeph Hall be Moderator Voted that Capt Aaron Kinfman shall serve as a Grand Juror at the Superior Court of Judicature to be holden at Portsmouth on the first Tuesday of March next And on this Eighteenth of Februar}- MeP' Nathaniel Abbott and Jabez Abbott was Appointed to serve as Petit Jurors at the Court above mention'd A true Copy of the Prceedings of the above Meeting Ex^ p^ John Kimball Clerk State of ^ Notice is hereby given to the Free- New Hampfhire > liolders and Inhabitants paying taxes Rockingham : fs jin the Parish of Concord to Afsemble iind meet at the Meeting House in Said Concord on monday the Twenty sixth day of August Current at five O'clock in the after noon 1. To Choose a Moderator 2. To choose one man of those duly qualifi'd to Serve as a Grand Juror at the Superior Court of Judicature to be holden at Exeter on the first Tuesday of September Next Concord August y*" 17*" 1782 John Kimball Clerk A true Copy of the above Notification Ax" p' John Kimball Clerk State of ^ At a Legal ^Meeting of the Free- New Hampfhire > holders and Inhabitants of the Parish Rockingham : fs )of Concord held at the Meeting House in said Concord on Monday the Twenty sixth day of August /D 1782 206 CONCORD Voted That Tim" Walker Elq' be Moderator Voted That Jofiah Farniim Jim"' Serve as a Grand Juror at the Superior Court of Judicature to be holden at Exeter on the first Tuesday of September next Also on the twenty sixth day of August Lieu' Eben- ezer Virgin was appointed to serve as a Petit Juror at the Superior Court of Judicature above mention'd A true Copy of the proceedings of the above Meeting Ex" p^ John Kimball Clerk State of ') Concord October y* 2*^ 1782 New Hampfhire > Notice is hereby given to the Free- Rockingham : fs ) holders and Inhabitants of said Con- cord (qualifid by Law to Vote in Town affairs) to Af- semble and meet at the Meeting House in faid Concord on Monday the Twenty first day of October current at Two O'clock in the afternoon then and there to act on the following particulars Viz' 1. To Choose a Moderator. 2. To choose a Reprefentative and Vote for Council- lors agreeable to the recept directed to said Concord 3- To fee if the Parish will accept the report of the Committee Latel}^ chosen to conduct the Funeral of the Rev"^ M^ Walker Deceas'd 4. To fee if the Parish will choose a Committee to supply the Pulpit- Tim" Walker > Select Men Benj" Emery 5 of Concord A true copy of the above notification Ex" p' John Kimball Clerk State of ^ At a Legal Meeting of the Free- New Hampfhire > holders and Inhabitants of the Parish Rockingham: fs^of Concord held at the ]Meeting Hous in said Concord on Monday th Twenty first day of October ^D 1782 Voted That Co'° Tho' Stickney be Moderator Voted That Co^° Tim° Walker Represent the Parish of Concord in General Afsembly for the term of one year from their first setting TOWN RECORDS. 207 Voted To choose a Committee to supply the Pulpit Voted That the Committee confist of three Voted That Co'° Tim" Walker John Kimball and Cap' Reuben Kimball be a Committee for the Purpose afore- said. Voted To Accept the report of the Committee Lately- chosen to conduct the Funeral of the Rev'd Tim" Walker DeC^ A true Copy of the proceedings of the above Meeting Ex" p' John Kimball Clerk State of ^ Notice is hereby given to the Free- New Hampf hire > holders and Inhabitants of the Parish Rockingham : fs 3 of Concord and County aforesaid (qualifi'^ by Law to Vote in Town affairs) to Afsemble and meet at the Meeting House in said Concord on Fri- day the Twenty ninth day of Novem' current at one O'clock in the after noon to act on the following Particu- lars Viz* I. To Choose a Moderator 2 To fee if the Parish will accept the Plan of Gover- ment Lately form'd by the Convention at said Concord 3. To fee if the Parish will accept of the road Lately Laid out by the Select Men from the Mill Farm (so Called) to Tuckers Ferry and order the same to be re- corded Benj" Emery ^ Select Men Thomas Wilson >of Concord Concord Novem' y" 15'" 1782. ) A true Copy of the above Notification Ex" p-- John Kimball Clerk State of ^ At a Legal Meedng of the Free- New Hampf hire > holders & Inhabitants of the Parish of Rockingham : fs ) Concord and County aforesaid held at the Meeting House in said Concord on Friday the Twenty ninth day of Novem' /D 1782 Voted That Tim° Walker Esq' be Moderator Voted To choose a Committee to consider of the plan of Goverment Voted That the Committee confist of Seven 208 CONCORD Voted That Co'" Tim<' Walker Co'" Thomas Stick- ney Cap' Benj'' Emery Cap' Reuben Kimball Lieu' John Bradley DoC Peter Green and M' Henry Martin be a Committee for the purpose aforesaid Voted That this Meeting be Adjourn'd to Monday the sixteenth day of December next at one O'Clock in the after noon. Met according to adjournment Co'° Thomas Stickney was chosen Moderator Then the question was put to receive the plan of Gov- erment as it now stands (their being Fifty two Voters present) and it was rejected by the whole Then some amendments was propos'd which are as follow eth Viz' That the Governor and Privy Council be left out and that there be a Prefident a Legiflative Council and a House of Representatives, and that the Powers which are Vested in a Governor and Council be Vested in the Council and House of Representatives Then the question was put to receive the Plan of Gov- erment with the above amendments and it was receiv'd by Thirty a true Copy of the proceedings of the above Meeting Ex" p' John Kimball Clerk State of ^ To M' James Walker Conftable for New Hampfhire >the Parish of Concord in Said County. Rockingham fs ^Greeting You are hereby requir'd to warn as the Law directs the Freeholders and Inhabitants of said Concord (quali- fi'd by Law to Vote in Town At^airs) to Afsemble and meet at the Meeting House in said Concord on Tuefday the fourth day of March next at Ten O'Clock in the four noon then and there to act on the following Particulars Viz' 1. To Choose a Moderator 2. To choose a Clerk Select Men and Conftable and all other necefsary Town Officers 3. To fee what sum or sums of Money the Parish will TOWN RECORDS. 209 raise in order to defray the Ministerial and other Charges of said Parish the ensuing Year 4. To fee if the Parish will give Instructions to the Committee Lately chosen to hire preaching with regard to supplying the Pulpit in future or Choose a new Com- mittee for that Purpose 5. To fee if the Parish will accept the road laid out by the Select Men from Tuckers Ferry to the Mill farm (so called) Also to choose a Committee to lay out a road through Thomas Eatons Land 6. To fee what the Parish will give Mefs" Philip East- man and Lot Colb}^ for their trouble in collecting the Rev*^ M^ Walkers Salary and make due return of this Warrant with j^our doings theiron to the subfcribers at or before said Meeting Dated at Concord aforesaid this tenth day of February Anno Domini 1783 Tim" Walker ^ Select Men Benj" Emery > of Concord Thomas Wilson ) State of ^ Pursuant to the within Warrant I New Hampshire > have Notified the within mention'd Rockingham fs 3 freeholders and Inhabitants to meet at the time and place within mentioned by placing up a Notification at the Meeting House Door in said Concord and the cause thereof fourteen days before said Meeting Concord March y^ 4"^ 1783 C Conftable James Walker } of ^ Concord A true Copy of the Warrant above Mentioned and the return theiron Ex» p-- John Kimball Clerk State of ^ At a Legal Meeting of the 'Free- New Hampfhire > holders and Inhabitants of the Parish Rockingham : fs ) of Concord in said County held at the Meeting House in said Concord on Tuesday the fourth day of March Anno Dommini 1783 15 2IO CONCORD Voted That Co'" Tim" Walker be Moderator Voted That John Kimball be Clerk Voted That Co'" Tim" Walker Cap' Reuben Kimball and Co'° Thomas Stickney be Select Men Voted That Lieu' Richard Herbert be Conftable Voted That Mefs" Daniel Abbott Jofeph Hall Jun' and Robert Ambrose be Tything men Voted That En'" Jonathan Eastman Cap' Aaron Kins- man En'" John Shute M"" Asa Herrick M' Jefse Abbott M' Henry Martin and Lieu' Mofes Eastman be Sur- veyors of high ways Voted That Mefs" Daniel Gale and Aaron Eaftman be Hogg reves Voted That M' David Hall be Sealer of Leather Voted That John Kimball and John Blanchard be sur- veyors of Lumber Voted That John Kimball be Treafurer Voted That Caleb Buswell be pound keeper Voted To raise Ninety Pounds to defray the Expence of hiring Preaching the current Year Voted To raise Seventy Pounds to defray the inciden- tal Charges of the Parish the current Year Voted That M' Ebenezer Hall and Lieu' John Chand- ler be a Committee in Addition to a Late Committee chosen to Supply the Pulpit Voted To pay Mef" Philip Eastman and Lot Colby Three Pounds Each for their service in collectting the Rev'' M"" Walkers Salary Voted To raise One Hundred and twenty Pounds to repair the High Ways. Voted That Labour on the high ways be four shihngs P' day Voted To Accept the road Laid out by the Select Men from Tuckers Ferry to the Mill Farm (so called) A true Copy of the Proceedings of the above Meeting Ex^' p^ John Kimball Clerk [This record was found on page i68, of the first vol- ume, and is inserted in its chronological place.] TOWN RECORDS. 211 State of ^ At a Legal Meeting of the Free- New Hampfhire > holders and Inhabitants of the Parish Rockingham: fs ^ of Concord held at the Meeting House in Said Concord on Tuesday the fourth day of March /D 1783 Voted That this Parish Reconsider the Vote formerly pafs'd to break off all dealings with M' John Stevens and the said Vote be maid null and void A true Copy Ex'^ p' John Kimball Clerk State of ') Concord Septem' y* lo''' 1783 New Hampshire > Notice is hereby given to the Free- Rockingham : fs ^holders and Inhabitants of the Parish of Concord (qualified by Law to Vote in Town Affairs) to Afsemble and Meet at the Meeting House in said Concord on Monday the Twenty ninth day of September current at Two O'Clock in the afternoon to act on the following particu'^ Viz' 1. To Chose a Moderator 2. To see if the Parish will Vote to alter the Eighth Article of the Confederation of the United States agree- able to the Recommendation of Congrefs 3. To see if the Parishs will accept the Constitution of Goverment as altered by the Convention in June Last and choose another Delegate to set in said Convention 4. To fee if the Parish will choose a Committee to Lease to Tim" Walker Efq"" for the term of Nine Hundred and Ninety nine Years three Acres of Bogg Meadow in said Concord which was laid out to the Parsonage righ*" for emendation he the laid Walker giyeng said Parish a full Discharge for all arrerages due on account of his Late Fathers Sallery or Vote to clear up said Meadow and cut a ditch through the same Tim" Walker } Select Men Thomas Stickney ^ of Concord A true Copy of the above Notification Ex=» p^ John Kimball. Clerk 212 CONCORD State of ^ At a Legal Meeting of the Free- New Hampshire > holders and Inhabitants of tlie Parish Rockingham : fs )of Concord held on Monday the Twent}^ ninth day of September ID 1783 Voted That Co'" Thomas Stickney be Moderator Voted That Peter Green Esq"" be Clerk Protempore Voted Not to alter the Eighth Article of the Confedera- tion of the United States agreeable to the recommenda- tion of Congrefs Voted To receive the Constitution of Goverment as alter'd by the Convention in June Last : Tvvent}' in favour of it and ten against it Voted To Lease to Timoth}'^ Walker Esq' three Acres of Bogg Meadow agreeable to the fourth article in the Warning, and that Peter Green Esq' Lieut. John Chan- dler and M' William Coffin be a Committee for that Purpose Voted That Mefs" William Coffin and Phinehas Virgin be surveyors of High ways for the present Year A true Copy Attest Peter Green Clerk P. T. * Peter Green Esq' made oath that he had enter'd the above Votes as they were pafsed by the Inhabitants of said Concord before Timothy Walker Jus : Pac A true Copy of the proceedings of the above ]Meeting Ex'' p' John Kimball. Clerk State of ^ Notice is hereby given to the Free- New Hampshire > holders and Inhabitants paying taxes Rockingham : fs ji^^ the Parish of Concord To afsemble and Meet at the Meeting House in said Concord on ]Mon- day the third day of Novem' Current at four O'Clock in the after noon I. To Choose a Moderator TOWN RECORDS. 213 2. To Choose one Man of those duly qualified to serve as a Grand Juror at the next Court of General Sefsions of the peace to be holden at Portsmouth on the second Tuesday of Novem'" Ins* Concord Novem'' y^ i" 1783 John Kimball. Clerk A true Copy of the above Notification Ex'' p^ John Kimball. Clerk State of ^ At a Legal Meeeting of the Free New Hampshire > holders and Inhabitants of the Parish Rockingham : fs ) of Concord held at the Meeting House in said Concord on Monday the 3'' day of Novem' A) 1784 Voted That Co'° Thomas Stickney be Moderator Voted That M' William Coffin serve as a Grand Juror at the next Court of General Sefsions of the peace to be holden at Portsmouth on the 2^ Tuesday of Novem"^ Current A true Copy of the proceedings of the above Meeting Ex=^ p^ John Kimball. Clerk State of ) Concord Novem"^ y*^ i7«'' 1783 New Hampfhire > Notice is hereby given to the Free- Rockingham : fs } holders and Inhabitants of Said Con- cord (qualified by Law to Vote in Town Affairs) To Afsemble at the Meeting House in faid Concord on Fryday the fifth day of Decem"' next at three O'Clock in the after noon to act on the following particulars Viz' 1. To Choose a Moderator 2. To Choose one Man of those duly qualified to Serve as a Representative as set forth in the Receipt Directed to faid Concord 3. To vote for five Persons to serve as Councellors for the County of Rockingham until the first day of June next Tim° Walker ) Select Men Thomas Stickney 5 of Concord A true Copy of the above Notification Attest John Kimball. Clerk 214 CONCORD State of ^ At a Legal Meeting of the Free- New Hampshire > holders and Inhabitants of the Parish Rockingham : fs ) of Concord held at the Meeting House in Said Concord on Fryday the 5'" dav of December ID 1783 Voted That Co'*' Thomas Stickney be Moderator Voted That Co'° Tim" Walker Represent the Parish of Concord in the General Afsembly until the first day of June next A true Copy of the proceedings of the above Meeting Attest John Kimball. Clerk State of ^ To Lieu' Richard Herbert Con- New Hampshire > ftable of Concord — Greeting Rockingham : fs ) You are hereby requir'd to warn as the Law directs the Freeholders and Inhabitants of said Concord (qualified by Law to Vote in Town Affairs) To Afsemble at the Meeting House in said Concord on Tues- day the second day of March next at Nine O'Clock in the forenoon then and there to act on the following Partic- ulars Viz* 1. To Choose a Moderator 2. To Choose a Clerk Select Men Conftable and all other necefsary Town officers 3. To Vote for a President Senators and one Person to represent laid Concord agreeable to the New Constitution of the State of New Hampshire 4. To fee what sum or sums of money the Town will raise to defray the Charges of the Town the ensuing Year. 5. To Choose a Committee to Supply the Pulpit the en- suing Year 6. To fee if the Town will Vote to Lower the Price of the Pews in the Meeting House in faid Concord or order the Committee Appointed to finish the iNIeeting- House to deliver up the Notes given for the Pews to the Signers and Choose a Committee to Vendue the Pews again and finish Said House and make a return of this Warrant with your doings thereon at or before faid Meetincr TOWN RECORDS. 215 Dated at Concord aforesaid this ninth day of February ID 1784 Tim« Walker ^Select Men Reuben Kimball > of Thomas Stickney ) Concord A true Copy of the above Warrant Ex« p' John Kimball. Clerk State of ^ Concord March y^ 2^ 1784 New Hampf hire > Pursuant to the within Warrant I Rockingham: fs ^have Notified the within mention'd Freeholders and Inhabitants to Meet at the Meeting House in faid Concord at the time within mention'd by placing up a Notification at said Meeting House door fourteen days before said Meeting TD- u J TT u i. ? Conftable of Richard Herbert > r^ , ^ Concord A true Copy Ex'* p' John Kimball. Clerk State of ^ At a Legal Meeting of the Free- New Hampshire > holders and Inhabitants of the Town Rockingham : fs } of Concord held at the Meeting House in faid Concord on Tuesday the Second day of March ;D 1784 Voted That Co'° Tim" Walker be Moderator Voted To adjourn this Meeting to Co'** Tim" Walkers Store met according to adjournment Voted That John Kimball be Clerk Voted That Co*" Tim" Walker Cap' Reuben Kimball and Co'" Thomas Stickney be Select Men Voted That M' Richard Haseldne be Conftable Voted That John Kimball be Treasurer Voted That Mefs" Nathaniel Green Nathaniel Abbott Phinehas Virgin Jefse Abbott and John Kimball be Ty th- ing Men Voted That Peter Green Esq' Lieu* Phinehas Virgin Lieu' Mofes Eastman M' Stephen Farnum Amos Abbott Tim" Dow Lieu* Joseph Haseltine M'" William Coffin, M' 2l6 CONCORD Samuel Butters M"" Asa Herrick and George Greyham be Surveyors of High Ways Voted That John Souther Benj"* Fifield Jacob Carter Samuel Butters and Theodore Farnum be Hogg reaves Voted That Benj" Hanniford be Pound Keeper Voted That Ephraim Potter John Kimball and Benj* Hanniford be Surveyors of Lumber Voted That Cap* Benj'^ Emery Lieu*^ Joseph Hall be fence Viewers Voted That David Hall be Sealer of Weights and Measures Voted That Caleb Busvvell be Sealer of Leather Voted That En*" Jonathan Eastman be field driver Voted That Co'° Tim" Walker serve as a Represen- tative for the town of Concord the Ensuing Year Voted To Raise One Hundred and Fifty Pounds to Defrey the Expences of the Town the Current Year Voted To raise three shillings on a single head and so in Proportion on the Estates in order to repair the High Ways, Labour to be three shilings p' day Voted To Choose a Committee to supply the Pulpit Voted That this Committee Conft of three Voted That Co'° Tim° Walker Co'° Thomas Stickney and M^' David Hall be a Committee for the Purpose aforesaid Voted That the Committee Lately Chosen to finish the Meeting House shall deliver up the Notes they receiv'd for Pews to those Persons who purchas'd them Voted To Choose a Committee to Vendue the Pews and Finish the Meeting House Voted That this Committee Conf ist of three Voted That Cap' Reuben Kimball Co'" Tim" Walker and Lieu' John Bradley be a Committee for the Purpose aforesaid Voted To make an addition of two to the Committee aforesaid Voted That John Kimball and James Walker be the Additional Committee Voted To Choose a Treasurer to receive the Notes for the Pews Voted That Doc' Peter Green be Treasurer Voted That this Meeting be Adjourn'd to Monday TOWN RECORDS. 2l7 Next at the Meeting House in said Concord at one O'clock in the after noon Met according to Adjournment, the Moderator being present Declar'd the Meeting to be open'd Voted To Choose a Committee to settle with the Treasurer Voted That this Committee conf ist of three Voted That Cap* Benj=* Emery Peter Green Esq' and Cap*^ John Roach be a Committee for the Purpose afore- said Voted To Reconsider the Vote in Chuseing Doc' Peter Green Treasurer Voted That the Committee appointed to finish the Meeting House proceed to finish the outside of the same the ensuincr summer At the above Meeting there was Fifty six Votes for Woodbury Langdon Esq' and Forty two for Josiah Bart- lett Esq' to be President of this State A true Copy of the Proceedings of the above Meeting Ex** p' John Kimball. Clerk State of ') Notice is hereby given to the Free- New Hampf hire > holders and Inhabitants paying Taxes Rockingham : fs )in the Town of Concord To Afsemble and Meet at the Meeting House in faid Concord on Thursday the 28'^ day of October Current at five O'clock in the after noon 1. To Choose a Moderator 2. To Choose one good and Lawful Man of those Duly qualifi'd to Serve on the Grand Jury at the Next Court of General sefsions of the Peace to be holden at Portsmouth on the Second Tuesday of Novem' next Concord October y^ 23'^ 1784 T 1 T^- X 11 ? Town ohn Kimball > ^,, , -' 5 Clerk A true Copy of the above Notification Ex=^ p' John Kimball. Clerk 2l8 CONCORD State of ') At a Legal Meeting of the Free- New Hampfhire > holders and Inhabitants paying Taxes Rockingham : fs jin the Town of Concord held at the Meeting House in faid Concord on Thursday the 28"^ day of October ID 1784 Voted That Cap* Reuben Kimball be Moderator Voted That Lieu' Robert Davis serve as a Grand Jury man at the General Sefsions of the Peace for the year Ensuing A true Copy of the proceedings of the above Meeting Attest John Kimball. Clerk State of ^ Concord January y" 4*'' 1785 New Hampshire > Notice is hereby given to the Free- Rockingham : fs ^holders and Inhabitants of the town of Concord (qualifi'd b}^ Law to Vote in Town Affairs) To Afsemble at the Meeting House in faid Concord on Tues- day the 18''' day of January Current at one O'Clock in the after noon to act on the following Particulars Viz' 1. To Choose a Moderator 2. To Choose one Man of these duly qualified to re- present faid Concord in the General Afsembly until the first Wednesday in June next 3. To see if the Town will Dismifs their Committee Chosen last March to- Supply the Pulpit and Choose another Committee for {^ Purpose in in their room 4. To Choose a Committee to Settle accounts with the Select Men and Treasurer Tim« Walker ^ Select Men Reuben Kimball > Thomas Stickney 3 of Concord A true Copy of the above Notification Ex** p' John Kimball. Clerk State of ^ At a Legal Meeting of the Free- New Hampfhire > holders and Inhabitants of the Town Rockingham : fs )of Concord held at the Meeting House in faid Concord on Tuesday the 28'^ day of January iD 1785 TOWN RECORDS. 219 Voted That Cap' Reuben Kimball be Moderator Voted That Peter Green Esq' Represent faid Con- cord in the General Afsembly until the first Wednesday in June next. Voted That Cap^ Benj* Emery Peter Green Esq' and Lieu' Jofeph Hall be a Committee to Settle accounts with the Select Men and Treasurer Voted That this Meedng be Difsolv'd A true Copy of the Proceeding of the above Meeting Ex'^ p' John Kimball. Clerk State of ) To M' Richard Haseltine Confta- New Hampshire >ble for the Town of Concord Greet- Rockingham : Is j ing You are hereby requir'd to warn as the Law directs the Freeholders and Inhabitants of said Concord (quali- fied by Law to Vote in Town Affairs) to Afsemble and Meet at the Meeting House in said Concord on Tuesday the first day of March next at Nine O'Clock in the fore- noon then and there to Act on the following Pardculars Viz* 1. To choose a Moderator 2. To fee if the Town will Accept the report of the. Committee Appointed to SetUe all accounts with the Select Men Treasurer and the Committee appointed to finish the Meeting House 3. To Choose a Town Clerk Select Men Constable and all other necefsary Town Officers 4. To Vote for a President Five Senators and one Man to Represent said Concord in the General Afsembly the Year ensuing. 5. To Choose a Committee to Supply the Pulpit the year enfuing 6. To raise such sums of money as shall be thought necefsary for Defraying the Charges of the Town the year ensuing 7. To see what method the Town will take to support Penelope Hoyt 8. To Choose a Committee to inquire in to Richard Flanders's Mill Grant 220 CONCORD And make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Select Men at or before said Meeting Dated at Concord aforesaid this fourteenth day of Feb- ruary JD 1785 Tim« Walker ^Select Men Reuben Kiml^all > of Thomas Stickney ) Concord State of ^ Concord March y^ i' 1785 New Hampshire > By Virtue of the within Warrant I Rockingham : fs )have Warned the Freeholders and In- habitants of Said Concord of the within Mention'd Meet- ing by placing up a Notification of Said Meeting and the cause thereof as the Law directs ) Conftable Richard Haseltine 5 of Concord A true Copy of the Warrant above mentioned and the return thereon Ex« p^ Jn" Kimball. Clerk State of ^ At a Legal Meeting of the Free- New Hampfhire > holders and Inhabitants of the Town Rockingham : fs j of Concord held at the Meeting House in Said Concord on Tuesday the first day of March ID 1785 Voted That Co'" Tim° Walker be Moderator Voted That John Kimball be Clerk Voted That Co^" Tim» Walker Cap^ Reuben Kimball and Co^° Thomas Stickney be Select Men Voted That Lieu*^ Moses Eastman be Constable v^oted To Accept the Report of the Committee Lately Chosen to Settle accounts with the Late Select Men Treasurer and the Committee appointed to finish the Meeting House as it was Exhibited to the Town Voted To raise three Shilings on a Single head and in proportion on the Estates to defray the Expences in re- pairing the high Ways and three shilings to be alow'd p"^ day for Labour. Voted That there be a Public school kept in said Con- cord the Ensuing Year TOWN RECORDS. 221 Voted To raise Two Hundred Po\inds to defray the Expences of Said Town the Current year Voted To Excuse Lieu* Mofes Eastman from serving as Constable Voted That John Kimball be treasurer Voted That Richard Haseltine be Tytheing man Voted That Richard Ayer Lieu' John Chandler John Hoyt Stephen Farnum Asa Herrick Benj'' Farnum Lieu* Jofeph Haseltine Richard Haseltine Lieu' Asa Kimball & Ebenezer H. Gofs be Surveyors of High Ways Voted That Robert Duncan Micah Flanders David George Anthony Potter Ebenezer H, Gofs and Daniel Page be Hog Reves Voted That Benj'^ Hanniford Jacob Carter and John Kimball be Surveyors of Lumber Voted That Benj" Hanniford and Robert Ambrose be Pound keepers Voted That David Hall be Sealer of Leather Voted That David Hall be Sealer of Weights & Measures Voted That Peter Green Esq' Represent the Town of Concord in the General Afsembly the ensuing year. Voted That the Surveyors of High Ways on the East side of the river build a pound out of their high way tax Voted That the Committee for Supplying the Pulpit Consist of three Voted That Cap' Reuben Kimball Cap' Aaron Kins- man and Co^° Tho^ Stickney be a Committee to supply the Pulpit Voted That Mofes Eastman Jun' be abated of his rate Voted That one half of the Money rais'd to defray the Expences of the Town be appropriated for Supplying the Pulpit Voted That the Select Men be a Committee to enquire into Richard Flanders'* Mill Grant and make report at the above Meeting there was one Hundred and five Votes for John Langdon Esq' Seven Votes for Wood- bury Langdon Esq' and one for George Atkinson Esq"" to be President of this State A true Copy of the Proceedings of the above Meeting Ex" p' Jn° Kimball, Clerk 222 CONCORD State of ^ Concord June y" 9'" 1785 New Hampf hire > Notice is hereby given to the Free- Rochingham : fs ^holders and Inhabitants of said Con- cord (qualifi'd by Law to Vote in Town Affairs) to Afemble and Meet at the Meeting House in Said Con- cord on Thursday the Twenty third day of June Current at two O'clock in the afternoon then and there to Act on the following Particulars Viz' 1. To Choose a Moderator 2. To fee if the Town will choose a Committee to Lay out the main Street in Said Concord 3. To fee if the Town will make an Addition to the Committee lately Chosen to supply the Pulpit in Said Concord 4. To see if the Town will Vote to hire M' Daniel Story four Sabbaths more if not then to see what Instruc- tions the Town will give the Committee towards Supply- ing the Pulpit in future Tim° Walker ^Select Men Reuben Kimball > of Thomas Stickney ) Concord A true Copy of the above Notification Ex* p"- John Kimball, Clerk State of ^ At a Legal Meeting of the Free- New Hampf hire > holders and Inhabitants of the Town Rockingham : fs ^ of Concord held at the Meeting House in Said Concord on Thursday the Twenty third day of June A) 1785 Voted That Co^" Tho^ Stickney be Moderator Voted To Choose a Committee to Lay out the Main Street in Said Concord Voted That the Committee consist of three Voted That Cap* Benj'* Emery Lieu^ Jofeph Hall Lieu' John Bradley Cap* Reuben Kimball and M' Jofeph Far- num be a Committee for the Purpose Aforesaid Voted To make an addition of to the Committee Latel}'^ chosen to supply the Pulpit Voted That Lieu* Jofeph Hall and M' Jofeph Farnum be a Committee for the Purpose aforesaid TOWN RECORDS. 223 Voted That the Committee for supplying the Pulpit Procure a Candidate on Probation the first opportunity Voted That this Meeting be disolv'd A true Copy of the Proceedings of the above Meeting Ex'-* p^ John Kimball. Clerk State of ^ To M' Ephraim Carter Conftable of New Hampshire > the town of Concord in Said County Rockingham: fs ^Greeting You are hereby requir'd to warn as the Law directs the Freeholders and Inhabitants of Said Concord qual- ified by Law to Vote in Town Affairs to Assemble and meet at the Meeting House in Said Concord on Tuesday the Seventh day of March Next at nine O'Clock in the forenoon then and there to act on the following Par- ticulars Viz* 1. To Choose a Moderator 2. To choose a Clerk Select Men Constable and all other neceisary Town Officers 3. To choose a Committee to supply the Pulpit in said Concord for one Year 4. To fee what sum or sums of Money the Town will raise for defreying the charges of Said Town the Year ensuing 5. To vote for a President and five Senators also to Vote for a County Treasurer and County Recorder 6. To fee if the Town will direct the Select Men to Vendue the Six Acre Lot belonging to the School Right 7. To fee if the Town will direct the Clerk to record the Pews in the Meeting House in Said Concord to those Persons who have Purchas'd and paid for the Same 8. To fee if the Town will Exchange the Road with M' John Blanchard which Lies west of his House 9. To fee if the Town will Exchange the House Lot belonging to the school Right with Lieu* Robert Davis 10. To fee what encoragement the Town will give for kilHng of Wolves in Said Concord the Year ensuing and make return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Subscribers at or before faid Meetincr 224 CONCORD Dated at Concord aforesaid this Eighteenth day of Feb- ruary Anno Domini 1786 Tim° Walker } Select Men Reuben Kimball ^ of Concord State of ^ Concord March y^ y"* 1786 New Hampshire > by Virtue of this Warrant I have Rockingham : fs 3 Notified the within mention'd Inhab- itants of the within mentioned by placing up a Noti- fication of Said Meeting and the cause thereof at the Meeting House Door in said Concord fourteen daj's before said Meeting Ephraim Carter ^Constable A true Copy of Warrant above mentioned and the return thereon Ex^ p' John Kimball. Clerk State of ^ At a Legal Meeting of the Free- New Hampshire > holders and Inhabitants of the Town Rockingham : fs )of Concord held at the Meeting House in Said Concord on Tuesday the seventh dav of March JD 1786 Voted That Co'° Tim" Walker be Moderator Voted That Jn° Kimball be Clerk Voted That Co'° Timothy Walker Co'° Thomas Stick- ney & Cap^ Reuben Kimball be Select Men Voted That Cap* Jof hua Abbott be Conftable Voted That Co'° Tim° Walker Co'" Thomas Stickney and Cap' Benj" Emery be a Committee to Supply the Pulpit Voted To raise four Shilings and six pence on the pole and in Proportion on the Estates to repare the high- ways the year ensuing Voted To raise Forty Pounds to be Laid out in a Town school Voted To raise Forty Pounds to defray the incidental Charges of the ensuing Year Voted To raise Ninety Pounds to defray the charges of Supplying the Pulpit TOWN RECORDS. 225 Voted To Alseis the money rais'd to defray the Ex- pence in Supplying the Pulpit in a separate List Voted That Lieu' John Bradley represent said Con- cord in the General Afsembly the Ensuing Year Voted That this Meeting be adjourn'd to Tuesday the Twenty first day of March Current at one O'Clock in the afternoon Met according to adjournment the Moderator being Present declar'd the Meeting to be opened. Voted That John Kimball be Treasurer Voted To Excuse Cap' Jof hua Abbott from serving as Conftable Voted That Lieu' John Chandler be Conftable. Voted That the Constable above Chosen shall be en- titled to six pence on the Pound for Collecting the taxes Voted That Lieu' Phinehas Virgin Richard Haseltine Ebenezer Hall Lieu' Jonathan Stickney and Daniel Ab- bott be Tything men Voted That Stephen Crosman Samuel Thompson Richard Potter Richard Haseltine Thomas Wilson Wil- liam Coffin Tim° Bradley Nathan Abbott Josiah Far- num Jun' Lieu' Asa Herrick William Fifield Jonathan Eliot Jun^ Jofeph Colby Jun"- and Moles Abbott be Sur- veyors of high Ways Voted That Robert Eastman Dudley Lad Daniel Rogers Samuel Goodwin and William Fifield be Hog reves Voted That Lieu' Jofhua Thompson Chandler Lov- joy Benj* Hanniford John Kimball and Lieu' Asa Her- rick be Surveyors of Lumber Voted That Robert Ambrose and Benj* Hanniford be pound keepers Voted That David Hall be Sealer of Leather Weights and measures Voted To make an addition of three to the Committee Chosen to supply the Pulpit Voted That Henry Martin Lieu' Jofeph Haseltine and Chandler Lovjoy be a Committee for the Purpose afore- said Voted That Richard Flanders be releas'd from pay- ing for the use of the school Lot in future 16 226 CONCORD Voted That tlie Clerk record the Pews in the Meeting House in said Concord to those Persons who have Pur- chas'd and paid for the same Voted That the Select Men View the Roads men- tion'd above and report at the next Meeting Voted To Choose a Committee to Lay out the House Lot belonging to the school Right and make report at the next Meeting Voted that the Select Men be a Committee for the Purpose aforesaid Voted To give Three Pounds for Each grown Wolfs head and one Pound ten shilings for Each Wolfs Whelps head Voted To abate the rates of Theodore Farnum De- cea** the year past Voted to abate Andrew Stone his rates that are due and Exempt him from paying taxes for the future At the above Meeting their was one Hundred and thirty seven Votes for his Excelency John Langdon two for George Atkinson Esq' and one for General John Sulivan for to be President of this State A true Copy of the Proceedings of the above Meeting Ex* p^ John Kimball. Clerk. State of ^ Concord March y* 7'" 1786 New Hampshire > Notice is hereby given to Free- Rockingham : fs ^ holders and Inhabitants of said Con- cord (Qualified by Law to Vote in Town affairs) to Af- semble at the Meeting House in said Concord on Tues- day the Twenty first day of of March Current at Three O'clock in the afternoon to act on the followings Particu- lars Viz' 1. To Choose a Moderator 2. To Choose one Man of those duly qualified to Re- present said Concord in the General Afsembly for one year from the first Wednesday in June next Tim" Walker ) Select Men Thomas Stickney ) of Concord A true Copy Ex-'* p' John^Kimball Clerk TOWN RECORDS. 227 State of ^ At a Legal Meeting of the Free- New Hampshire > holders and Inhabitants of the Town Rockingham: fs )of Concord held in the Meeting House in said Concord on Tuesday the Twenty tirst day of March ID 1786 Voted That Co'° Peter Green Represent said Concord in the General Afsembly for one year from the first Wednesday in June next A true Copy Attest John Kimball. Clerk State of ^ Concord June y*" lo"" 1786 New Hampfhire > Notice is hereby giv^en to the Free- Rockingham : fs ^holders and Inhabitants of Said Con- cord (qualifi'd by Law to Vote in the Choice of a Repre- fentative) to Afsemble at the Meeting House in faid Con- cord on Saturday the twenty fourth day of June of Cur- rent at three O'Cock in the afternoon then and there to act on the following Particulars Viz* 1. To choose a Moderator 2. To choose one Man of those duly qualif'd to Re- present said Concord in the General Court until the first Wednesday in June next Tim** Walker ^ Select Thomas Stickney > Men of ) Concord A true Copy Ex^ p' Jn° Kimball Clerk State of ^ At a Legal Meeting of the Free- New Hampshire > holders and Inhabitants of the Town Rockingham : fs ^ of Concord held at the Meeting House in said Concord on Saturday the Twenty fourth day of June JD 1786. Voted To Choose a Moderator by handy Vote Voted That Cap' Benj'^ Emery be Moderator Voted That Lieu' John Bradley Represent Said Con- cord in the Generel Court until the first Wednesday in June next A true Copy of the proceedings of the above Meeting Ex" p'Jn" Kimball. Clerk 228 CONCORD State of ^ Concord October y® 14"' 1786 New Hampshire > Notice is hereby given to the Free- Rockingham : Is ) holders and Inhabitants of Said Con- cord (qualifi'd by Law to Vote in Town Affairs) to Afsemble at the Meeting House in Said Concord on Monday the Thirtieth day of October Current at One O'clock in the afternoon then and their to Act on the fol- lowing Particulars Viz' 1. To Choose a Moderator 2. To fee if the Town will Accept the return of the road as Laid out by the Select Men from M' Tuckers Ferr}' to Ensign Jacob Carters Land and order the same to be recorded by the Clerk 3. To fee if the Town will take into Confideration the Vote of the Hon''^^ General Court pafsed Septem' the foreteenth ID 1786 on the Plan for Emetting a paper Currency and give their opinion on faid plan or adopt any other Plan that shall be thought preferable Tim° Walker ^ Select Men Tho^ Stickney > of Reuben Kimball ) Concord A true Copy of the above Notification Attest John Kimball Clerk State of ^ At a Legal Meeting of the Free- New Hampfhire, > holders and Inhabitants of the Town Rockingham : fs ) of Concord held at the Meeting House in faid Concord on Monday the thirtieth day of October JO 1786 Voted That Cap^ Benj* Emery be Moderator Voted Not to make Paper Money on any plan what- ever A true Copy of the Proceedings of the above Meeting Ex* p' Jn° Kimball. Clerk. State of ^ At a Legal Meeting of the Free- New Hampfhire > holders and Inhabitants of the Tow^n Rockingham: fs ) of Concord held on the Twenty first TOWN RECORDS. 229 day of March one Thousand and Seven Hundred and Eighty Six Then it was Voted that the Clerk be directed to Record the Pews in the Meeting House in faid Concord to those Persons who have Purchas'd and paid for the Same And are Enter'd as follows Viz* the respective Number of the Pews are Set against Each of the Persons Names which are intitled to them as above mention'd Reserv'd for the Use of the Minister of the Parish No. Co'° Tim« Walker ---------- No. Tim" Bradley and Philbrick Bradley - - - - No. Nathan Abbott and Jefse Abbott - - - - - No. Steph^ Farnum ------ .--- No. Lieu* Jofeph Haseltine --------- No. Lieu* Benj** Farnum --------- No. Cap* Richard Ayer ---------- No. Lieu* Tim" Dix ---------- No. Thomas Wilson ---------- No. En*"^ Ephraim Colby --------- No. Abel Harris ___^-_---- No. Maj' William Duncan --------- No. Cap* Benj-'* Emery ---------- No. William Coffin ---------- No. Doc' Peter Green ----------No. Benj^ Hannaford ---------- No. John Blanchard ---------- No. John Souther _--_--_--- No. En^" John Odlin ---------- No. Abel Harris __-_------ No. Stephen Kimball ---------- No. Isaac Abbott ---------- No. Lieu* Richard Herbert- -------- No. Ebenezer H. Gofs, and Nathaniel Rolfe Jun"" - No. Co'" Thomas Stickney --------- No. Lieu* Robert Davis ---------- No. David Hall _.__.-_--- No. James Walker ---------- No. Cap' Reuben Kimball --------- No. Lieu* Jofeph Farnum --------- No. Ezra Carter ____------ No. 32 Ebenezer Dustin ---------- No. 33 Richard Haseltine ---------- No. 34 230 CONCORD Co'" Peter Green ---------- No. 35 Lieu' John Bradley - --------- No. 36 Ebenezer Hall - - - - No. 37 Benj-' Rolfe & Ephraim Farnum ----- No. 38 En="' John Shute ---------- No. 39 - _ - - - _ - - - - No. 40 - _ - - - - - _ - - No. 41 Cap* Jofhua Abbott- --------- No. 42 Co'" Aaron Kinsman --------- No. 43 Robert Eastman & Jonathan Eaftman - - - - No. 44 Josiah Farnum Jun"" «& Daniel Farnum - - - - No. 45 John Kimball _____--_-_ No. 46 Lieu*Jofeph Hall ---------- No. 47 Gallery Pews — David Carter .__-_----- No. i. Beriah Abbott ---------- No. 2, Benj^ Davis __-----_-- No. 3. Benj** Elliot & Sarah Farnum ------ No. 4. Benj'^ Kimball ---------- No. 5. John Walker -.--------No. 6. Richard Herbert Jun"" --------- No. 7. Richard Ayer ---------- No. 8. ---------- No. 9. Isaac Hustone ---------- No. lo, ---------- No. II, Daniel Chase Jun"^ -_--_-_--- No. 12. Jonathan Runnals ---------- No. 13. Benf Kimball __--_----- No. 14. - - - - - - - - - - No. 15. Caleb Buswell ___-_-_--- No. 16. Isaac Dimond _____-__-- No. 17. Cap« Reuben Kimball --------- No. 18. John West --__---___ No. 19. Lieu' Jolliua Thompson -------- No. 20. Daniel Abbott ---------- No. 21. - - - - - - - - - - No. 22. Jeremiah Stickney ---------- No. 23. James Walker --_____--- No. 24. Anthony Potter ---------- No. 25. ---------- No. 26. TOWN RECORDS. 231 State of ^ Concord Decern' y® 4'^ 1786. New Hampf hire > Notice is hereby given to the Free- Rockingham : Is j holders and Inhabitants of Said Con- cord (quahfied by Law to Vote in Town Affairs) to Afsemble at the Meeting House in faid Concord on Mon- day the 18"^ day of Decern"" Current at one O'Clock in the afternoon then and there to act on the following Par- ticulars Viz' 1. To choose a Moderator 2. To fee if the Town will Vote to give M' Jonathan Wilkins a Call to fettle in the work of the Gospel Minis- try in faid Concord 3. To fee what Incouragement the Town will give M*" Wilkins both as to Salary and Settlement in said Con- cord 4. To choose a Committee to Treat with M' Wilkins with regard to the articles above mentioned Tim" Walker ) Select Men Thomas Stickney > Reuben Kimball ^ of Concord A true Copy Ex« p' Jn° Kimball. Clerk State of ^ At a Legal Meeting of the Free- New Hampshire > holders and Inhabitants of the Town Rockingham : fs ^of Concord held at the Meeting House in faid Concord on Monday the 18"' dav of December ID 1786 Voted That Co'« Tim" Walker be Moderator Voted To give M' Jonathan Wilkins a Call to to Set- tle in the work of the Gospel Ministry in Said Concord Voted To give said M' Wilkins Annually (Providing he accepts the Call) One Hundred Pounds together with the use of the Parsonage (Excepting a Meadow Lott — Voted To give M' Wilkins Two Hundred Pounds as a Settlement Voted To Choose a Committee to Treat with M' Wil- kins with regard to the Articles above mention'd Voted That the Committee confist of live Voted That Co'° Tim" Walker Co'" Thomas Stickney Chandler Lovejoy Lieu' Jofeph Hall and John Kimball be a Committee for the Purpose aforesaid 232 CONCORD Voted to add two more to the above Committee Voted That Henry Martin & Lieu' Joieph Haseltine be an addition to the aforesaid Committee Voted That this Meeting be Adjourn'd to the Last Monday in Januar}'^ next at one O'Clock in the afternoon Met according to adjournment Voted That this Meeting be adjourn'd to Monday the 19"* day of February next at one O'Clock in the afternoon Met according to adjournment Voted that the Committee be directed to Engage M"" Wilkins two Sabbaths more Voted That this Meeting be disolv'd A true Copy Ex" p' Jn° Kimball. Clerk State of New- ) To Lieu* John Chandler Consta- Hampshire Rock- >ble of Concord in said County & ingham fs ) State Greeting You are hereby required to warn as the Law directs the Freeholders & Inhabitants of said Concord (qualified by Law to Vote in Town Affairs) to afsemble at the Meeting House in said Concord on Tuesday the Sixth day of March next at Nine O Clock in the forenoon then & there to acton the following Particulars (viz). 1. To choose a Moderator to govern said Meeting 2. To choose a Clerk, Select Men, Constable & all other necefary Town Officers. 3. To Vote for a President & five Senators also lor a County Treasurer, & County Recorder : 4. To choose one Man of those duly qualified to re- present said Concord in the General Alsembly one Year from the first Wednesdav of June next. 5. To see if the Town will purchase the Road two Rods broader from Tuckers Ferry to the Chandler Tree. 6. To see what Sum or Sums of Money the Town will raise for defraying the Necefsary Charges of the Town the Year ensuing. 7. To see what encouragement the Town will give tor the killing of Wolves & Crows in said Concord the Year Ensuincr, TOWN RECORDS. 233 8. To see what abatement the Town will make out of the Note which U John Chandler gave for the school Lot. 9. To choose a Committee to take care of the Eighty Acre Lot belonging to the Perfonage Right. ID. To see if the Town will V^ote to fence the Burying Yard. And make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Selectmen at or before said Meeting Dated at Concord aforesaid this 14"' Da}' of February Anno Domini 1787. p"^ Reuben Kimball > of Concord Caleb Chase T. Clerk. Thomas Sticknev ) A true Copy Ex'' Timothy Walker ^Selectmen Reuben Kimball >oi Thomas Stickney ) State of New Hamp- ) Concord March 6'" 1787 Pur- shire Rockingham fs. $ fuant to the within Warrant, I have notified the within Mentioned Freeholders & Inhab- itants of the within Mentioned Meeting by placing up a Notification of said Meetino- with the caufe thereof at the Meeting House Door in said Concord fifteen Days before said Meeting ) Conftable John Chandler. ) of Concord. State of New Hamp- ^ At a Legal Meeting of the shire Rockingham fs. 5 Freeholders & Inhabitants of the Town of Concord held at the Meeting house in said Con- cord on Tuesday the 6'" Day of March ID : 1787 1 . Voted That Col' Timothy Walker be Moderator. 2. Voted That M^ Caleb Chase be Clerk. 3. Voted That Lieut' Jofeph Hall, M^ Henry Martin, & Mr. Thomas Wilson be Selectmen. 4. That M' John Kimball be Constable. 5. Voted That this Meeting be Adjourn'd to two O'clock Afternoon. Two O'clock P.M. rvlet, agreeable to the Adjournment & the following Perfons were voted for, for a President 234 CONCORD the Ensuing Year (viz) John Langdon Esq. One hund'* & twelve Votes. Judge Livermore Forty Eight, his Ex- cellency John Sullivan Esq. six. 6. That Peter Green Esq. be Representative for the Year Ensuing. 7. That John Kimball, Richard Hazeltine Robert Eastman Lieut^ Jonathan Stickney be Tything Men. 8. Surveyors of highways, Sam^ Thompfon, Rich'' Herbert, Amos Abbott, Jun% John Stevens, Ezra Abbott, Timothy Bradley, James Walker, Isaac Abbott, Wiir Fitield, Edw*^ Abbott, Phinehas Kimball, Joshua Gra- ham, Isaac Dyman, Mofes x\bbott, Timothy Dow. 9. That ChandK Lovejoy, Benj" Hannaford, Dan Livermore, John Blanchard, Jacob Carter, be Surveyors of Lumber. 10. That Tho' Wilson & Benj" Hannaford be Sur- veyors of Wood. 11. That David Hall be Sealer of Weights & Meas- ures. 12. That Dan' Stickney, Dan' Hills, Mofes Fifield Capt" Rich'' Ayer, & Dan' Hall be Hog-Reeves. 13. That this Meeting be Adjourn'd till Monday the Nineteenth of March Inst' at two O Clock P M. at this place March 19"" Met Pursuant to the Adjournment of the 6*'' of March Inst* & Voted to Excuse M' Henry Martin from serving & Selectman. 14. That Mr. Amos Abbott Jun' be Selectman in M' Henry Martin's room. 15. That M' Caleb Chase be town Treasurer. 16. That the fifth Article in the Warrant be dismifs'd. 17. That three pounds be given by the Town for every Grown Wolf & thirty shillings for every Wolfs Whelp that shall be killed within the Town of Concord the Year ensuing. 18. To release L' John Chandler from the Obligation he gave for the School Lot on the East side of the River he paying up the face of the Obligation till this Day. 19. That the Selectmen be a Committee to take care of the Eightv Acre Lot belonging to the Personage Right. TOWN RECORDS. 235 20. To fence the Burying Yard with a Post & board fence. Voted to Adjourn this Meeting till Monday the second Day of April next at two O Clock in the Afternoon at this place. April 2^ Met pursuant to the Adjournment of the Nineteenth of March last & past the following Votes, (viz) 1. One hundred & thirty pounds to defray the necef- sary charges the Year ensuing. 2. One Day & an half on the Single head to be work'd on the Roads & each person working to be allow'd three shillings p"" Day. 3. That the selectmen supply the Pulpit during the sitting of the General Court in June next. 4. To abate M' Stephen Abbotts Rates the last & the present Year. 5. That this Meeting be difsolv'd Att. Caleb Chase Tow^i Clerk. State of New Hampfhire > To M' John Kimball Con- Rockingham fs ^ stable for the Town of Con- cord in said County for the Year 1787. You are hereby required to Ngtify & warn the Inhabi- tants of s** Concord qualified as the Law directs to Vote in Town affairs to meet at the meeting House in s** Con- cord on Fryday the twenty second day of June Current at three of the Clock in the afternoon When met I'' To choose a Moderator to Govern s*^ Meeting. 2ndiy -Jq choose one Man qualified as the Law directs to represent s"* Inhabitants in the General Afsembly of s*^ State untill the first Wednefday of June next. 3'y To see if s" Inhabitants will dismifs the Committee chosen at the last Annual meetingr in s** Town to settle with the late Town Treasurer : 4'y To see if s'^ Inhabitants in case s-^ Committee should be difmifsed will Choose another Committee for s** pur- pose. 236 CONCORD ^thiy To see if s'' Inhabitants will Choose a Constable to Collect the Taxes the Current Year in the room of M' John Kimball who is rendered unable by sicknefs. J r , rx 1, ) Select Men Joleph Hall / ^ Thorn' Wilson \ r^ j ) Concord Concord June 8'" 1787 A true Copy Att. Caleb Chase, Clerk. State of New Hampfhire } Concord June y^ 22^ 1787 Rockingham fs ^ By Virtue of the within Warrant I have Notified the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of s^ Concord to Meet at the Time & Place within mentioned by placing up a Notification at the Meeting House Door & the Cause thereof Fifteen days before s^ Meeting. John Kimball Constable of Concord. State of New Hampfhire I Rockingham fs. ^ At a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Concord held at the Meeting House in s*^ Concord June the Twenty second Day /D : 1787 past the following Votes, (viz) I'' Made choise of Col' Timothy Walker Moderator 2.^^^ Made choise of L* John Bradley for a Represen- tative the Ensuing Year. 3.*^'^ That the Committee chofen at the last Annual Town Meeting to settle with M' John Kimball late Town Treasurer be dismifs'd. 4.'^ Col' Timothy Walker, Capt" Benj" Emery & M' James Walker be a Committee to settle with M' John Kimball former Town Treasurer 5.'^ That the fifth Article in the Warrant be difmifs'd & this Meeting difsolv'd Att. Caleb Chase Town Clerk State of New Hampshire > To M"" John Kimball Con- Rockingham : fs S stable for the Town of Con- cord in s*^ County for the Year 1787 Greeting You are hereby required to Notify & Warn the Free- TOWN RECORDS. 237 holders & other Inhabitants of s^ Concord in s*^ County QuaHfyed as the Law directs to V^ote in Town Affairs to meet at the Meeting House in s** Concord on Saturday the Twenty Seventh day of October Inst' at three of the Clock in the afternoon When' met. I't To choose a Moderator to Govern s" Meeting. 2'y To see what Method the Town will take to forward to the Secretarys Office a particular Account of all Bounties for raising men for the Continental Army, or the Militia called into service during the late War paid either by Town, Clafses or Individuals 3'y To choose an Agent or Agents to Collect all the Moneys due to the Town. 4'y To See what instructions the Town will give s** Agent or Agents. 5'y To Act on any other matter that shall be thought necefsary. Joseph Hall ^Selectmen Concord October y^ 13''' > of 1787. Thom' Wilson ) Concord State of New > Purfuant to the within Warrant Hampshire Rock"' fs 5 I have Notified the within men- tioned Freeholders & Inhabitants to meet at the time and place within mendoned by placing up a Notificadon at the Meeting House door & the Cause thereof Fifteen Days before s** Meeting Concord Oct' 27"" 1787. John Kimball J> Constable. A true Copy Ex'' p' Caleb Chase Town Clerk At a Legal meeting of the Freeholders &c of the Town of Concord held at the meeting House in s*^ Concord on Saturday the Twenty Seventh of Oct' 1787, past the following Votes, (viz) i»t. Chose Col^ Timy Walker Moderator. 2^^. To Choose a Committee to adjust the accounts &c of the War 2^y. Col^ Peter Green, Col'. Tim^ Walker, & U Joseph Hall be s** Committee. 4'y. That M' John Kimball be directed to call on all perfsons indebted to him as Town Treasurer to pay the 238 CONCORD same at or before next Christmas otherwise s^ Kimball to put the same in suit 5''. That this meeting be adjourned till the Twenty sixth Day of Nov' next Three O'Clock Afternoon Attest Caleb Chase Town Clerk. Nov*" 26*^ Met pursuant to the adjournment of the 27*'' of Oct" 1787 and past the following Vote (viz) That this meeting be difsolv'd Att. Caleb Chase Town Clerk — State of ^ To M"" John Kimball Constable for New Hampfhire >the Town of Concord for the Year Rockingham fs ^1787. You are hereby required to Notify & Warn as the Law directs, the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of s^ Con- cord (qualified as the Constitution of said State directs to Vote for Representatives to the General Court) to meet at the Meeting House in said Concord on Wednesday the second day of January next at one of the Clock in the Afternoon - - - when met, - - - I*'. To Choose a Moderator to Govern s** Meeting. 2*^^^. To Choose a Delegate qualified as a Refolve of General Court of said State pafsed the 14**^ day of Decem- ber Instant directs, to meet in Convention at the Town House in Exeter on the second Wednesday of February next to take under Consideration the proceedings of the late Federal Convention and Investigate, discufs, & decide upon the same. 3'y To see if the Town will Vote to Petition the Gen- eral Court at their next Sefsion to form a New County within said State to Include said Town of Concord and any other Towns that may Petition for the same ; and Choose a Committee to prefer said Petition and Corres- pond with other Towns respecting the matter. Joseph Hall ) Select men Thomas Wilson 5 of Concord Concord y' 19**' of Decent 1787 TOWN RECORDS. 239 State of ^ Pursuant to the within Warrant I New-Hampshire > have Notified the within mentioned Rockingham {{ 3 Freeholders and Inhabitants to meet at the Time and place within mentioned by placing up a Notification at the meeting-House door and the Cause thereof Fifteen days before said Meeting. Concord Jan^ y^ 2*^ 1788 John Kimball ^Constable A true Copy of the pre- ^ ceeding Warrant & the re- > Att : Caleb Chase Clerk turn thereon j At a legal meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhab- itants of the Town of Concord held at the Meeting House in s** Town on Wednesday the second Day of January A) 1788 past the following Votes (viz) i^*. Chose CoP Thomas Stickney Moderator 2^>'. Chose Capt" Benj" Emery to set in Convention at Exeter on the second Wednesday of February next to take under Consideration the proceedings of the late Federal Convention. 3'y. Voted to Petition the General Court at their next Sefsion for a New County in this state. 4'y. Voted to choose a Committee to prefer said Petition and Correspond with other Towns respecting the matter. 5'y. Col^ Timothy Walker be a Committee for that purpose 6'-''. That this meeting be difsolved. Att. Caleb Chase Clerk State of ^ To M' John Kimball Constable for New Hampshire >the Town of Concord in said County Rockingham: fs ^Greeting You are hereby required to Notify and Warn the Free- holders and Inhabitants of said Concord (qualified by Law to Vote in Town Affairs) to Afsemble and Meet at the Meeting House in said Concord on Tuesday the fourth day of March next at Nine O'Clock in the fore- noon, then and there to act on the following particulars (viz) I. To Choose a Moderator 240 CONCORD 2. To Choose a Clerk, iSelect-Men, Constable, and all other necefsary Town Officers. 3. To see what Sum or Sums of money the Town will raise to defray the Ministerial and all other necefsary charges of said Town the Year ensuing. 4. To Vote for a President and five Senators agreeable to the Constitution. 5. To Choose one Man duly qualified to represent the Town of Concord in the General Afsembly One Year from the first Wednefday in June next. 6. To Choose an Agent or Attorney to Collect the debts due to the Town 7. To see what encouragement the Town will give for killing of Wolves and Crows. And make due return of this Warrant with your domgs thereon at or before said Meeting. Dated at Concord afores'^ this thirteeth day of Feb- ruary iD 1788 Joseph Hall ) Select Men Thomas Wilson ^ ofConcord. State of ^ Purfuant to the within Warrant I New Hampshire > have notified the within mentioned Rockingham fs } Freeholders & Inhabitants to meet at the time & place within mentioned by placing up a Noti- fication at the Meeting-house Door & the cause thereof fifteen days before s*^ meeting. Concord March 4*1' 1788 John Kimball )> Constable ofConcord A true record of the Warrant. Att. Caleb Chase. Clerk — At an Annual Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Concord on the fourth of March 1788 past the following Votes (viz.) 1. Made choice of Col' Timothy Walker Moderator 2. Caleb Chase Clerk. 3. CoP Timothy Walker, Capt" Benj" Emery, Chan- dler Lovejoy, Select Men 4. David Hall Constable. TOWN RECORDS. 24I 5. Voted this meeting be adjourn'd till two O'Clock P. M. at this place 2 O'clock P. M. met pursuant to the Adjournment & past the following Votes (viz.) 1. For a President One hund'' & Seven lor the Hon'''® John Langdon Esq. Thirty five for Peter Green Esq. Three for his Excellency John Sullivan Esq. 2. Peter Green Esq. Representative the ensuing Year. 3. Tything Men, Robert Eastman & Daniel Gale 4. Surveyors of highways, Nath' Eastman, Philbrick Bradley Anthy Potter, Ezekiel Carter, Moses Abbott, Jabez Abbott, John Elliott, Timothy Dow, Thomas Wil- son, James Walker ; Stephen Hall, Isaac Dimond Samuel Butters. 5. Surveyors of Lumber, Benj" Hannaford, Daniel Livermore Joshua Thompson, Asa Herrick. 6. Surveyor of Wood William Duncan. 7. Sealer of Weights and Measures. David Hall. 8. Hog-Reeves, Millen Kimball, Henry Rolfe, Sam' Thompfon Capt" John Roach, Maj' Will'" Duncan Benj" Powel 9. One Day & an half to a single pole on the Roads & f p' Day 10. Sixty pounds to defray the necefsary Town charges the ensuing Year. 11. That the Select-Men be the Agents to collect the Town debts. 12. Three pounds for every grown Wolf & half price for Wolves-whelps. 13. That this meeting be difsolv'd Att. Caleb Chase Clerk State of New 1 To M' David Hall Constable of Hampshire > Concord in said County Greeting Rockingham fs. ) You are hereby required to warn as the Law directs the Freeholders and Inhabitants of said Concord (quali- fied by Law to Vote in Town Affairs) to Afsemble at the Meeting-House in said Concord on Monday the Twelfth 17 242 CONCORD Day of May next at two of the Clock in the afternoon then and there when met to act on the following particu- lars (viz) 1. To choose a Moderator. 2. To see what Method the said Inhabitants will take to supply the Pulpit the Current Year and to Vote ac- cordingly. 3. To see what Sum of Money the said Inhabitants will raise for the purpose aforesaid. And make due return of this Warrant with your do- ings thereon to the Subscribers at or before said Meet- incr. Given under our Hands and Seal at Concord aforesaid this twenty Eighth Day of April in the Year of our Lord One thoufand Seven hundred & Eighty Eight. Timothy Walker ^ Selectmen Benjamin Emery ) of Concord State of New ^ Concord May 12"' 1788 Hampshire > By Virtue of this Warrant I have Rockingham fs. j Notified the within mentioned Free- holders and Inhabitants of the within mentioned Meeting by placing up a Notification of said Meeting and the cause thereof at the Meeting House door in said Concord fifteen Days before said Meeting. Att. David Hall } Constable ^ of Concord At a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and other In- habitants of the Town of Concord on Monday the Twelfth Day of May Instant past the following Votes, (viz) 1 . Col' Tim" Walker Moderator. 2. To have preaching 3. Mefs" Thomas Wilson, L' Joseph Hazeltine, Daniel Abbott Chandler Lovejoy, & Robert Harris be a Com- mittee to supply the Pulpit the ensuing Year 4. That Forty pounds be Afsefs'd to supply the Pulpit the ensuing Year : and that the Selectmen direct the TOWN RECORDS. 243 Collector to pay the same in to M' Thomas Wilson, to be appropriated by him for the sole purpose aforesaid. Then Voted that this Meeting be difsolv'd. Concord May I2"> 1788 Att. Caleb Chase Clerk. State of New ^ To M^ David Hall Constable of Hampshire > Concord in s"^ County Rockingham fs, ) Greeting You are hereby required to warn as the Law directs the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of said Concord (qualified as the Law directs) to afsemble at the Meet- ing House in s*^ Concord on Monday the first Day of September next at two O Clock in the Afternoon then & there (when met) to act on the following particulars (viz). I'' To Choose a Moderator to govern said Meeting. 2'y To see if the Town will Vote to give M"" Israel Evans a Call to settle in the Ministry among them. 3'^ To see (in case they should Vote to give him a call) what Sum they will give for a Settlement, & what Sum they will give for a Salary : Also to choose a Com- mittee to wait on him with the Votes, And make due re- turn of this Warrant with your doing thereon to the Sub- scribers at or before s"^ Meeting. Dated at Concord afores*^ this Eighteenth Da}' of August /D. 1788 Tim^ Walker ^ Select-Men Benj" Emery > of Chandler Lovejoy ) Concord Concord Sept' i'' 1788 At a legal Meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabi- tants of the Town of Concord held at the Meeting House in s'i Town, past the following Votes, (viz). 19' Col' Thomas Stickney Moderator 2'y Voted to give M'' Israel Evans a call to settle in the work of the Ministry in this place. 3'^ Voted to give M' Israel Evans Ninety pounds as a Salary Annually, and the Use of the Personage. 244 CONCORD 4'' Voted to give M' Israel Evans Two-hundred pounds (in Materials for building a house) as a Settle- ment. S'y Voted Capt" Reuben Kimball, Capt" Benj" Emery, M' Robert Harris, M' Henry Martin, & M^ John Kim- ball be a Committee to estimate the prices of the Mater- ials that shall be provided for building an house. &y Voted CoP Tim^ Walker M^ Robert Harris, Col^ Thom^ Stickney Capt" Reuben Kimball & M^ John Kim- ball be a Committee to wait on M' Evans & present the Votes of the Town to him. 7'-^' Voted that this Meeting be Adjourn'd till Thursday the Twenth third Day of Oct"" next at one O Clock in the Afternoon at this place Att. Caleb Chase Clerk Pursuant to the Adjournment of the i*' of Sept' last met & past the following Votes (viz). i8t Voted to reconsider the third Vote of this Meeting past the first Day of Sept' last. 2^y Voted to give M' Israel Evans Ninety pounds as a Salary Annually & the Use of the Personage (three Acres of Meadow land excepted which is already least out) during his performing the work of the Gospel Min- istry'' in this Town. 3'y Voted to reconsider the fourth & fifth Votes of this Meeting past the first Day of Sept' last. 4'y Voted to give M'' Israel Evans Fifteen pounds An- nually in Addition to the Ninety pounds Salary in lieu of the Settlement. 5'^ Voted that the Committee chosen the first Day of Sep"" last wait on M' Evans with the proceedings of this Day & desire his Answer. 6'y Voted that this Meeting be difsolv'd Concord Oct' 23^ 1788 Att. Caleb Chase Town Clerk State of ^ New-Hampshire > To M' David Hall Constable of Rockingham fs j Concord in s*^ County — Greeting — You are hereby required to warn as the Law directs TOWN RECORDS. 245 the Freeholders & Inhabitants of said Concord qualified by Law to Vote in Town Affairs to Afsemble at the Meeting House in s^ Concord on Monday the Fifteenth Dav of Dec next at Eleven O'Clock in the forenoon then & there when met to act on the following Particulars (viz) • I®* To choose a Moderator. 2^ To Elect by Ballot three persons to represent this State in the Congrefs of the United States. 3*^ To Elect by Ballot five Persons to make choice of a President of the United States. 4'^ To Vote for a County Treasurer S*** To see if the Inhabitants will so far reconsider their former Vote respecting the Salary of the Rev*' Israel Evans as to erase those words in s'^ Vote "during his performing the work of the Gospel Ministry in this Town " and insert in the room thereof the words " dur- ing his pastoral relation to this Congregation" And make due return of this Warrant with your doings to the Sub- scribers at or before s'* meeting Dated at Concord aforesaid this 28*^ Day of Nov' ID 1788. Tim^ Walker > Select men Benj" Emery > of Concord Pursuant to the within Warrant I have Notified & Warn'd the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Concord to meet at time & place within mentioned David Hall Constable of Concord Concord Dec' 15^^ 1788 At a Legal meeting of the Freeholders and other In- habitants of the Town of Concord held at the Meeting- House in s*' Concord past the following Votes (viz.) i^t Col' Timothy Walker Moderator 2. Benj'i West Esq. 45 Paine Wingate Esq. 125. Timothy Walker Esq. 39. CoP Pierce Long — 26. Sam' Livermore Esq. 28. Nath 'Peabody Esq. 64. Joshua Atherton Esq. 65. Abiel Foster Esq. 7. Peter Green Esq i . J ;S ° - w2 246 CONCORD 3. Gen' — Sullivan 41. Thorn* Bartlet Esq. John Bell Esq. 37. John Pickering Esq. Christopher Toppan Esq. 30. Gen' — Scilly — John Ta3'lor Gilman Esq. i. Josh^'Wentworth Esq. George Read Esq. 2. Josh-"^ Atlierton Esq. Timothy Walker Esq. 10. Abiel Foster Esq. Peter Green Esq John Bellows Esq John Calf Esq. Rich'! Bartlet Esq Benj" West Esq 44. 45- 8. II. 12. 18. I 2. I. I. I. n for Con- Esq. 44 & Benj" West Esq. 84 } grefs — 5. Voted this meeting be difsolv'd Att. Caleb Chase Town Clerk. State of New Hampshire > To M' David Hall Consta- Rockingham fs 5 ble of Concord in said County Greeting You are hereby required to warn as the Law directs the Freeholders & Inhabitants of said Concord (qualified by Law to Vote in Town Affairs) to afsemble at the meeting House in said Concord on Tuesday the third Day of March next at Nine O Clock in the forenoon then and there when met to act on the following Particulars (viz) 248 CONCORD 1. To choose a Moderator to govern said meeting 2. To choose a Clerk, Selectmen, Constable and all-' other necefsary Town Officers. 3. To Vote for a President and five Senators 4 To choose one Man of those duly qualified to repre- sent said Concord, one Year from the first Wednesday of June next. 5. To see what sum or Sums of Money the Town will raise to supply the School ; & other necefsary Town Charges 6. To see what Sum the Town will raise to supply the Pulpit the Year ensuing. 7. To see what Sum the Town will give for killing of Wolves the Year ensuing. 8. To see if the Town will reconsider the Vote pafsed at their Meeting the second Day of February current with regard to the appointing a Day & choosing a Committee to superintend the Ordination of the Rev'' Israel Evans. 9. To see if the Town will concur with the Votes which the Church may pafs with regard to the day of the Installment or Ordination of the Rev*^ Israel Evans and choose a Committee to make provifion for the same And make due return of this Warrant \vith your doings thereon to the Subscribers at or before said meeting. Dated at Concord afores'' this Sixteenth Day of Feb- ruary 1789. Timothy Walker ^Select-Men Benj" Emery > of Chandler Lovejoy ) Concord Concord March 3*^ 1789 Pursuant to the preceeding AVarrant I have Notified & Warn'd as the Law directs the Freeholders and other In- habitants of said Concord to meet at time and place within mentioned David Hall Constable of Concord. State of New Hamp ^ shire Rockingham fs. S Concord March 3*^ 1789 At an annual Meeting of the Freeholders and other TOWN RECORDS. 249 Inhabitants of the Town of Concord held at the Meeting House in said Concord past the following Votes (viz) i^* Col' Thomas Stickney Moderator. 2^ Caleb Chase Tow^n Clerk 3^ Capt" Reub" Kimball, Tim" Walker Esq; L* Asa Herrick, Select-Men 4"^ Robert Ambrose Constable 5"^ Voted that this meeting be adjourn'd for one hour, to meet then at this place M >> (« r3 > i^ zj _c; > t£ (n Met pursuant to the Adjournment & past the following Votes (viz) jst \Villiam Currier, John Stevens, Stephen Crosman, ) Daniel Rogers, and Philbrick Bradley. Tythingmen. 5 2^^ L' Ebenezer Virgin, John Eastman, Capt" Asa Kimball, Stephen Farnum. L' Benj" Farnum, Phinehas Hows Mofes Abbott, Joseph Runnels, L* Asa Herrick, U Jos'' Haseltine, Will"" Coffin, Benj" Hannaford Sam' Butters & Rich^ Hasel- tine 3*^ Benjamin Hannaford, L"^ Asa Herrick, Maj' Dan' Livermore and L* Joshua Thompson Surveyors of Lum- ber 4"' Thomas Wilson Surveyor of Wood 5*^^ David Hall Sealer of Weights & Measures, also Sealer of Leather. 6"' Richard H. Osgood, Benj" Powel & Robert East- man, Hog Reeves. 7*'' Benj" Hannaford, & Robert Ambrose Pound keepers 8"' John Pickering Esq. 62 Gen' Sullivan 39"! Woody Langdon Esq. 26 ! Presi- Josiah Bartlet Esq. 14 Tim° Walker Esq. 3. | dent Gen' Peabody Esq. 2. J 9. John Bell Esq 100 Gen' Peabody. 63. Abiel ~ Foster Esq 28. Peter Green Esq. 76. John Pickering Esq. 90. Pierce Long Esq. 8. Tho' Bartlet Esq. 34. Chrisr Toppan Esq. 41. Capt" D" Odlin. 39. Joseph )> | Scilly Esq. 13. Sam' Sherburne J' E. 16. A^ M'= Murphy Esq. 2. John Prentice E. i. Joseph Blanch ard E.^2. Tim" Walker Esq. 2 (n 250 CONCORD lo'i^ Peter Green Esq. Representative the Ensuing Year II*'' Voted to release Joseph ElHott from paying a Poll Tax for the future and the Year past agreeable to his re- quest. 12'*' Voted that this Meeting be Adjourn'd till Tuesday the Seventeenth Day of this Inst' March at One O Clock P. M. at this place. Att : Caleb Chase Town Clerk Met pursuant to the Adjournment of March the Third and past the following Votes (viz). i" Voted Forty pounds for a public School the ensu- ing Year to be divided into several parts or districts as usual 2" Voted Fifty pounds for to defray the necefsary Town charges the ensuing Year. 3*^ Voted three shillings on the high Ways the ensuing Year on a single Poll & other rateable Estate in Propor- tion 4'" Voted One hundred & five pounds to supply the Pulpit the ensuing Year 5'" Voted three Pounds for every Grown Wolf, and thirty shillings for every Wolves whelp trapt & kill'd within this Town. 6"" Voted that the Town concur with the Church with respect to the Ordination of the Rev^ M' Evans ; and that the 6"* Day of May next be the day for that purpose. 7. Voted that this Meeting be difsolv'd. Att. Caleb Chase Town Clerk Concord March 17*'^ 1789- L' John Chandler & ) Enter'd their difsent to M^ Evans' M' Robert Ambose 5 Salery March 17'*^ ID 1789. M. B. The time is now fully come in which your In- vitation of me to the Work of the ministry is intitled to an answer. It must I apprehend be evident to all ot you that neither your invitation nor my answer has been at- tended with any degree of precipitation and altho" it may be said that more time has elapsed since I have had your TOWN RECORDS. 25 1 call under consideration than the Congregation took in their determination to give me a call; yet I cannot help thinking that you will charge this delay not so much to my account as toother Causes. Were I now, after what you have heard me so publicly declare to say that I fully approve of everything in your Call I should discover such an inconsistenc}^ of Character as would make me very unworthy of that trust & confidence which you ought to place in the man who is called to be your pastor. This however is not the time nor does it come within my inclination to make any animadvertions which may either be painful to this Congregation or inconsistent with tb.e true spirit of the Gospel of Christ. Unlefs I have been misinformed you have approved of me as univerfally as in the present State of human Nature can possibly be Ex- pected. On my part I declare my approbation of you as a people, tho' your written proceedings are not to my mind. Here I beg leave to observe that altho' I do not intend to embarras my answer with any conditions different from those contained in the Call, yet I cannot soon for- get the many declarations which were made by a very considerable number of valuable members of this societ}' that they were full}^ of opinion every alteration I desired would be obtained either before or at the next March meeting. Let me therefore hope that you will not continue to deviate from the honourable & generous Customs & man- ners of our pious & worthy forefathers. I hope you will think it of infinitely more importance to encourage the ministers of the Gospel in their arduous work than to give your Sanction to a method of settling Ministers which in the very entrance of their labours does in a manner tell them that after 20, 30, 40, or even 50 Years of the most faithful service they may be the most miserable Beggars. But I forbear to follow the subject where it may naturally lead. I cannot say that I Personally fear the bad consequencies of this System : neither do I remember that I ever said that I would desert the work of the Gospel ministry because the best measures are not always adapted for the comfortable sup- port of the teachers of religion. I hope when my labours cease that if it be the will of God my life may not last long. 252 CONCORD Much rather than be a uselels burden to any people much rather would I die in a Pulpit & finish my ministry where my first ministerial labours began. Like a good Soldier it would be much better to die on my post than be carried or detained from it to linger out a uselefs & a painful existence in this world. Having premised these few things I now proceed to inform you that I do fully & explicitly accept your call to the work of the ministry in this Town : & I agree to be your Pastor. And as I do sin- cerely think the pastoral charge of a Congregation one of the most Solemn & important charges on Earth I feel a diffidence in my-self which I have not often experienced : but I cannot think that you will blame me for tliis diffidence when you recollect that the great Apos- tle Paul has said who is sufficient for these things. How to keep the mind from being weakened & too much softened by kindnefs, or from being scared by those oppositions which do sometimes in some places appear ; so as neither on the one hand to be afraid, or to neglect to declare the plainest & the most awful truths of the Gospel to the best friends : nor on the other hand to shew temper & resentment in the declaration of the same truths to those who are not so friendly to the Gospel, In those things there is a difficulty : It must therefore be very manifest that great firmnefs & much meeknefs are necefsary that so the Pastor may neither be drawn aside from the line of his duty by the smiles of friends, or car- ried into unholy & excefsive severities by the frowns & reproaches of his Enemies. After this view of things I am persuaded it will not appear an unnecefsary formality for me to ask your prayers. I have often heard that a praying people will make a praying a preaching & a suc- cefsful Minister, I sincerely ask your prayers, I hope you will not deny them, pray that I may not shun to declare the whole counsel of God to you. Pray that I may be a blessing, & that by preaching & living Jesus Christ, I may both save myself & you. A true record from the Original Answer (Israel Evans) ' Att. Caleb Chase Town Clerk. Concord March 17'" 1789 TOWN RECORDS. 253 State of ^ New Hampshire > To M' Robert Ambrose Constable of Rockingham fs ) Concord in said County — Greeting — You are hereby requirc^d to warn as the Law directs the Freeholders & Inhabitants of said Concord (qualified by Law to Vote in Town Affairs) to Afsemble at the Meeting-House in said Concord on Monday the Eleventh Day of May next at one O Clock in the afternoon, then & there when met to act on the following particulars (viz) 1 . To choose a Moderator. 2. To see if the Town will Vote to concur with the Church with regard to the appointing of the first Wed- nesday in July next for the Installment of the Rev*^ Israel Evans. And make due return to the Subscribers at or before said Meeting. Dated at Concord aforesaid this twenty- third Day of April Anno Domini One thousand seven Hundred & Eighty Nine Reuben Kimball ^Select Men Timothy Walker > of Asa Herrick ) Concord State of New Hampshire ) Concord May ii"" 1789 Rockingham fs 5 Pursuant to the within Warrant I have Notified & Warn'd as the Law directs the Freeholders & other In- habitants of s'^ Concord to meet at time & place within mentioned -r> u . \ u ? Constable Robert Am brose > r r^ j S 01 Concord State of New Hampshire, ) Rockingham fs ^ At a Legal meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Con- cord held at the Meeting House in s*^ Concord on Mon- day the Eleventh Day of May ID : 1789 past the follow- ing Votes (viz) i" Col' Thomas Stickney Moderator 2'^ Voted to concur with the Church in appointing the 254 CONCORD first Wednesday in July next for the Installment of the Rev'' Israel Evans in tliis place. 3'"^ Vote this Meeting be difsolv'd Att. Caleb Chase Clerk State of ~) New Hampshire > To M' Robert Ambrose Constable of Rockingham fs ) Concord in said County — Greeting — You are hereb}^ required to Notify & Warn the Free- holders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Concord qualified to Vote for State Representatives ( as the Con- stitution of s^ State directs) to meet at the Meeting House in s** Concord on Monday the twenty second day of June Instant at three O'Clock in the Afternoon to Act on the following particulars viz. i"' To choose a Moderator to govern s** Meeting 2'y To elect by ballot one perfon qualified as the Con- stitution of the United States requires, to represent this State in Congrefs in the room of the Honourable Benj"^ West who has declined his appointment 3'y To see if the Town will elect one person of those duely qualified as the Constitution of s*^ State directs to represent them in the General Court till the first Wednes- day in June next 4 To see if the Town will choose an Agent to Petition the Quarter Sefsions to appoint a Committee to lay out the Road from M'' Tuckers ferry to L*- John Chandlers Gristmill. And make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to us the Subscribers on or before s'' Meeting ; Dated at Concord afores*^ this sixth Day of June JD 1789. Reuben Kimball ^Select Men Timothy Walker > of Asa Herrick ) Concord Concord June 22'^ 1789 Pursuant to the within Warrant I have Notified & Warn'd as the Law directs the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of Concord to meet at time & place within mentioned. r> u . A u ? Constable of Robert iVmbrose > r^ ^ S Concord TOWN RECORDS. 255 At a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhab- itants of Concord held at the Meeting House in s** Con- cord on Monday the twenty Second of June A). 1789. past the following Votes viz. i^' CoP Peter Green Moderator 2'^ Abel Foster Esq. 42 ) Continental CoP Sam' Sherburne j"" Esq. 50 5 Representatives 3'y Voted not tb send a Representative to the General Court. 4'y Voted to choose an Agent agreable to the Article in the Warrant. 5'y Voted Coll Timothy Walker Esq. be s*" Agent. 6'y Voted this meeting be difsolv'd Att. Caleb Chase Town Clerk State of New ^ To M'' Robert Ambrose Con- Hampshire > stable of Concord in said County Rockingham fs ) — Greeting — — Greetinor — You are hereby required to Warn as the Law directs, the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Concord (qualified by Law to Vote in Town affairs) to afsemble, at the Meeting House in said Concord on Tuesday the second Day of March next at Nine O'Clock in the fore- noon then and there when met to act on the followinfj particulars viz. I*' To choose a Moderator to govern said Meeting. 2^ To choose a Clerk, Selectmen, Constable or Con- stables and all other necefsary Town Officers. 3'' To Vote for a President and live Senators. 4"' To choose one Man of those duly qualified, to represent s*^ Concord, one Year from the first Wednesday of June next. 5^'' To see what Sum or Sums of Money the Town will raise to supply the School, Pulpit and other necef- sar}' Town Charges. 6"' To see what Sum the Town will give for killing of Wolves the Year ensuing. 7*** To see if the Town will Vote that the Pest-house should be mov'd into the Town Street, near the Meeting- house for the Use of a School-house. 256 CONCOKD And make clue return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Subscribers at or before said Meeting Dated at Concord afores*' ^r> u t^- u n ) Select .1 • TTT. ^1 T^ rT7 u f rCeuben Kimball f ^t c this I^ifteenth Day 01 l^eb- > r^^. „ ^^^ ,, > Men of ruary /D. 1790 ) ) Concord. A true Record of the Warrant. State of New ^ Concord March 2'^ 1790 Hampshire > Pursuant to the within Warrant Rockingham fs ^ I have Notified and Warn'd as the Law directs the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of s'* Concord to meet at Time and place within mentioned. Constable of Robert Ambrose Concord State of New ^ Hampshire > At a Legal Annual Meeting of the Rockingham fs ^Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Concord held at the Meeting House in said Concord on Tuesday the second da}^ of March ID : 1790 past the following Votes, viz. i" CoP Timothy Walker Moderator. 2^ Caleb Chase Town Clerk. 3*^ Timothy Walker Esq. Capt" Reuben Kimball, L*- Asa Herrick Selectmen. 4'^ Voted to have three Constables. L' Phinehas V^ir- ginjabez Abbott, & Thomas Wilson be Constables & to have two pence on the pound for Collecting. 5"' Daniel Rogers Ty thing man. 6 L' John Chandler, Nathaniel Eastman, L' Moses Eastman, L' John Bradley, Jonath° Virgin, Isaac Ab- bot, Robert Harris, Daniel Farnum, L' Joseph Hazeltine, Isaac Diamond, Ebenezer Dow, Joseph Runnels, Ber- nard Elliott, Daniel Abbott, & David Stickney Surveyors of High Ways 7* Benj"^ Hannaford, Maj' Dan^ Livermore, L' Joshua Thompson, & L' Asa Herrick Survevors of Lumber 8"* Thomas W^ilson Surveyor of Wood 9"' David Hall Sealor of Weights & Measures, also of Leather TOWN RECORDS. 257 10'^ Thomas Wilson Hay Ward 11'^ Ebe" Dustin, Joshua Currier, W"" Fifield, & Moses Eastman Hog-Rieves 12* Benjamin Hannaford Pound-keeper Voted to Adjourn for one hour, then to meet again at this place s > o Met pursuant to the Adjournment & past the following Votes viz. i^^ Hon''>« John Pickering Esq. 131. ^ For a j^Qj^bie Peter Green Esq. 8. > Presi- Joshua Wentworth Esq. 4 ) dent. ^■^ ^ NatW Peabody Esq. 88. Peter Green Esq. 88. James Sheaf Esq. 60 John Bell Esq. 95. Oliver Peabody, Esq. 98. W"" Plummer Esq. 25 Gen' Jos'' Scilly Esq. 32. Nath' Rogers Esq. 19. Chri"' Tappon Esq. 22 John S. Sherburne Esq. 24. Dudley Odlin Esq. 7 John Pickering Esq. 10. 3'' Peter Green Esq. Representative 4*'' Voted Sixty five pounds for School the ensuing Year 5"* Voted One hundred & five pounds Saler}'. 6"" Voted three shillings on a single pole on the Roads the ensuing Year & other Rateable Estates in proportion 7"^ Voted to give three pounds for every Grown Wolf & thirty shillings for every Wolves Whelp that shall be kill'd within this Town the Y6ar ensuing 8"^ Voted that the pest-house be mov'd Agreeable to the Article in the Warrant. 9"" Voted that this Meeting be difsolv'd Att. Caleb Chase Town Clerk. State of New Hamp ) To M' Thomas Wilson one of shire, Rockingham fs. 5 ti^e Constables for the Town of Concord in s** County. Greeting You are hereby required to Notify & Warn the Free- holders & other Inhabitants of s'' Concord qualified (as the Constitution of s'' State requires) to Vote for State Representatives to Meet at the Fleeting-House in s** Con- 18 258 CONCORD cord on Monday the twenty-first Day of June Current at three O Clock in the Afternoon to act on the following particulars viz. i" To choose a Moderator to govern said Meeting. 2'* To see if the Town will Elect one person of those duely qualified as the Constitution of s'* State directs to Represent them in the General Court till the first Wed- nesday in June next. 3** To see what Roads the Town will accept that has been laid out by the Selectmen & return made. 4*'' To see if the Town will accept of the report of the Committee lately chosen to exchange the House Lot be- longinir to the School riijht, with L' Robert Davis. 5. To see if the Tow'n will fix the time of Intermifsion on the Sabbath Days. And make due return of this Warrant wdth your doings thereon to us the Subscribers on or before said Meetincr. Given under our hands & seal this fifth Da}' of June ID : 1790 Tim" Walker ^Select-Men Reuben Kimball > of Asa Herrick. ) Concord Concord June 25"' 1790. Pursuant to the within Warrant I have Notified & Warn'd the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of s** Con- cord to meet at time & place within mentioned Thomas Wilson )> Constable of Concord State of New Hamp ) At a legal Meeting of the shire, Rockingham fs S Freeholders & other Inhabi- tants of the Town of Concord on Monday the twenty first Day of June ID 1790 past the following Votes viz. i^' Col' Timothy Walker Moderator. 2^ Voted to choose a Representative 3*^ U John Bradley Representative 4'^ Accepted the Selectmens return of the Roads at Horse hill so called : also the Road through the Burrow- so called : & also the Road from M' James Scales' to the Stone Dam so called & Voted that the Clerk record the same. TOWN RECORDS. 259 5'** Voted to accept the report of the Committee to ex- change the House Lot belonging to the School right with L' Robert Davis. 6"" Voted that the Intermifsion on the Sabbath sliall be One hour the Year round for the future. 7'*" Voted to post-pone the return of the Road from the Chandler Tree so called to L' John Chandlers Grist-Mill S* Voted that this Meeting be difsolv'd. Att. Caleb Chase T" Clerk. Return of Roads laid out &c. viz. A Road from the point of Horse hill so called down by Oliver Hoits to the River bounded as follows ; viz. Beginning at a Pitch pine Tree near the Mast bridge running S. 10° E. 23 Rods to White Oak marked : thence S. 48° E. 14 Rods to a White Oak marked : thence E. 5° S. 54 Rods to a pitch pine marked : thence E. 5 N. 68 Rods to a pitch pine : thence E. 16° S. 80 Rods to a White Oak marked : thence E 24° S. 23 Rods to a pitch pine marked : thence E. 12° S. 20 Rods to a pitch pine marked : thence E. 5° S. 42 Rods to a pitch pine marked: thence E. 8° S. 56 Rods to a Red Oak with Stones thence E. 5° N. 20 Rods to a White Oak marked with Stones : thence E. 10° S. 76 Rods to a pitch pine on the bank of the River. This road is 4 rods Wide to the North. Also a road from Tim° Dows into the Road leading from Horse-hill : bounded as follows viz. beginning at a White Oak Tree with Stones running S. 5° E. 54 Rods to a White pine tree : thence S. 18° E. 20 Rods to a Stake & Stones : thence S. 55° W. 67 Rods, to Stake & Stones, near the South-east Corner of Joseph Colbys house : thence S. 23° W. 15 Rods to a Maple Stump & Stones: thence South no Rods, to a White pinee marked. This road is 2 Rods wide to the East : thence S. 24° E. 78 Rods to a pitch-pine Stump, stand- ing on the road leading from Horse-hill to the River : from the pine to the Stump is 4 rods wide to the East. Also a Road from the River by Joseph Runnel's House up into the road leading from Horse hill, bounded as fol- lows, viz. Beginning at a pitch pine Stump with Stones on the River Bank. Running N. 38^ E. 68 Rods to a 26o CONCORD Stake & Stones near s'' RunneTs house : (*thence N. 5^ E. 56 Rods to a pitch-pine marked : thence N. 35'^ E. 34 rods to a pitch-pine marked : thence E. 2(P North So rods to a Red Oak with Stones it bein^ a bound of the Road leading from Horse hill to the River this Road is 2 rods wide *That part of the road which runs through land now owned by Amos Sawyer was discontinued this day, March 14, 1827 by a vote of the Town. Also a road from the River down by M' Elliotts bounded as follows viz. beginning at a pine Stump it being abound of William Coffins' Eighty Acre lot run- ning N. 50° E. 24 rods to a Beech Tree by the River : thence N. 53° E. 34 rods to a Stake & Stones : thence N. 60° E. 34 Rods to a Stake & Stones : thence N. 46^ E. 40 rods to a Stake & Stones: thence N. 58° E. 44 rods, to a Stake & Stones : thence N. 37° E. 16 rods to a Stake & Stones thence E. 7° N. 57 rods to a Stake & Stones on the top of the hill North of M' Hows house this road is 2 rods wide to the South. Return of a Road laid out from M' James Scales lead- ing to the Stone Dam so called : bounded as follows viz. Beginning at a pittch pine with Stones : running E. 10° N. 6 rods to a pitch pine Stump, it being a Bound of s'* Scales land : thence E. 56 Rods & 20 Links to a pitch pine Stump with Stones : thence E. 32° N. 39 rods to a White Oak, it being a bound of L' Virgins Land : thence N. 45° E. 91 rods to a Stake & Stones : thence E. 16° N. 123 Rods to a Stake & Stones it being the Northeast Corner bound of William Virgins Land. In exchange of the School Lot with L' Robert Davis we have the following piece adjoining the burying Yard bounded as follows viz. Beginning at a Stake & Stones at the South-West Corner of the Burvincr Yard Runnino- W. 19° S. by Capt" Benjamin Emerys land 12 rods to a Stake & Stones : thence N. 20° W. 24 rods to a Stake & Stones : thench E. 19° N. 12 rods to a Stake «S: Stones : it being a bound of James Warlkers Land : thence bv s'' Walker's Land & Burying Yard 24 Rods, to the bound first mentioned containg one Acre & 128 Rods. A true record of the foregoing returns examined p' me Caleb Chase T" Clerk TOWN RECORDS. 261 State of New Hamp- ) To M'' Jabez Abbott one of shire, Rockingham Is ) the Constables of Concord in s*^ County — Greeting — You are hereby required to Warn as the Law directs the Freeholders & Inhabitants of s*^ Concord qualified to Vote for the choice of Federal Representatives to Afsem- ble at the Meeting house in s*^ Concord on Monday the thirtieth Day of August Instant at two O'Clock in the afternoon then & there to act on the follow^ particulars viz. 1^^ To choose a Moderator 2''' To see what encouragement the Town will give for building a House tor the accomodation of the General Court and fix a place for said House. 3'' To Vote for three Persons to represent s^ State in the Congrefs of the United States, two Years from the first Monday in March next. And make due return of this Warrant with your do- ings to the Subscribers at or before said Meeting. Given under our hands & Seal at Concord atbres" this seventh Day of August in the Year of our Lord 1790. Tim" Walker. ^Select-Men Asa Herrick. > of Concord Reuben Kimbal. N State of New Hamp- ) Concord August 30*^' 1790 shire Rockingham fs ) Pursuant to the within Warrant I have Notified & Warn'd, as the Law directs the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of s*^ Concord to meet at time & place within mentioned & for the purposes set fourth in s" Warrant. Jabez Abbot J> Constable of Concord. State of New Hamp- ^ shire Rockingham fs S At a legal Meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Concord on Monday the thirtieth Day of Aug' ID 1790, past the following Votes viz. I*' Tim" Walker Esq. Moderator No 2^'' H'" Sam^ Livermore Esq. 92 I-P^ Nath' Peabody 84. H'® Abiel Foster Esq. 46. J"" Sam' Sherburn Esq. 30. 262 CONCORD Jere'' Smith Esq. 50. Joshua Alherton Esq. 17. James Sheafe Esq. 23 II'*' Woodbury Langdon — i — 3"^ Voted One hundred pounds for building a house for the accommodation of the General Court. 4"^ Voted that s"* House be set on the land of M' W"^ Stickney near Dea" David Halls. 5"* Voted that Capt" Reuben Kimbal be an Agent to build s*" House & that the Dementions of s*^ House be 8a feet long & 40 wide & 15 feet post. 6^^ Voted that this meeting be difsolved Att. Caleb Chase T" Clerk State of New- ^ To M' Thomas Wilson one of the Con- Hampshire > stables of Concord in said County — Rockincfham fs ) — Greeting. L. S. You are hereby required to Warn as the Law directs, the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of said Con- cord, qualified to Vote for the choice of Federal Repre- sentatives to afsemble at the Town House in s** Concord on Monday the thirteenth Day of December next at two O Clock in the Afternoon then & there to Vote for two persons to represent s"^ State in the Congrefs of the United States two Years from the first Monday in ^March next. And make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to us the Subscribers at or before s'^ meet- ing. Given under our Hands & Seal at Concord aforesaid this twenty seventh dav of Nov' /D 1790. Tim° Walker ^Select Men Reuben Kimbal > of x\sa Herrick } Concord Agreeable to the foregoing Warrant I have Notified & Warn'd as the Law directs the Freeholders &c of Con- cord to meet at time & place above mentioned Concord Dec"" 13"' 1790. r One of the Thomas Wilson < Constable^ ( of Concord TOWN RECORDS. 263 State of New ^ Hampshire > At a legal Meeting of the Freehold- Rockingham fs ^ers &c of the Town of Concord the following perfons were Voted for : for Representatives to the Congrefs of United States of America viz. Abiel Foster Esq. ------- 133 _ . _ Jeremiah Smith Esq. ------ 109 - - - John S. Sherburn Esq. ----- -^2--- Concord Dec' 13th 1790. Att : Caleb Chase Town Clerk. State of New Hamp- } To M' Thomas Wilson one of shire Rockingham fs. 5 the Constables for the Town of L. S. Concord in s^ County-Greeting You are hereby required to Warn as the Law directs the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Concord, (qualified b}- Law to Vote in Town affairs) to afsemble at the Town-House in s'^ Concord on Tuesday the first Day of March next at Nine O Clock in the forenoon, then & there when met, to act on the following particulars viz. 1. To Choose a Moderator to govern said Meeting. 2. To choose a Clerk, Selectmen, Constable or Con- stables and all other necefsary Town Officers. 3. To Vote for a President and five Senators. 4. To choose one Man of those duely qualified to rep- resent s"^ Concord, One Year from the first Wednesday in June next. 5. To see what Sum or Sums of Money the will raise to suppl}-^ the Pulpit, School, & other necefsar}- Town charges. 6. To see what Sum the Town will give for killing of Wolves the Year ensuin Concord. Asa Herrick. ) A true record of the preceeding ^ Warrant Att Caleb Chase > Town Clerk ) State of New Hamp- ) Pursuant to the preceeding shire Rockingham fs 5 Warrant I have Notified & Warn'd as the Law directs, the Freeholders & other In- habitants to meet at time and place within mentioned > One of the Con- Thomas Wilson 5 stables of Concord. Concord March i^' /D : 1791 State of New Hampshire ^ At an annual Meeting of Rockingham fs S ^he Freeholders &c of the Town of Concord at the Town House in s"* Concord on Tuesday the first day of March 1791 past the following- Votes viz. I. Voted that CoP Tim" Walker be Moderator. 2'* Voted that Caleb Chase be Town Clerk. 3'' Tim" Walker Esq. Capt" Reuben Kimball. Capt" Benjamin Emerv be Selectmen. 4'"" L' John Bradley, M^ Robert Eastman, & M' Eph- raim Farnum be Constables. S'" Tvthino--Men Daniel Rogers & Caleb Buswell TOWN RECORDS. 265 6'^ Surveyors of Hioh Ways, Ma]'" Dan' Livermore, James Johnson, Jon" Eastman, Sam^ Goodwin, Maj'' Asa Kimball, Richard Hazeltine, Will"" Fiheld, John"Hoit, Joseph Colby, Bernard Elliott. Nathan Abbott L' Asa Herrick, Daniel Abbott & CoP Thomas Stickney. 7*'' Benj" Hannatbrd, L' Joshua Thompson, Maj'' Dan' Livermore, Benj" Abbot J' & Isaac Dimond be Surv" of Lumber. 8"' Thomas Wilson 'Survej'or of Wood. 9"* Dec" David Hall Sealer of Weights, & Measures. lo"" Robert Harris Hay-Ward. 11. Will"' A. Kent. Hazzen Kimball Eben"" Eastman, Moses Farnum, Will"' Eastman & John Shute J' Hog- Reeves. 12. Pound keeper Benj" Hanat'ord. 13"" Maj' Daniel Livermore, L' John Chandler, L* Joseph Hall, Jacob Dimond Fence Viewers. 14"^ John Colby J' Jerem^ Virgin Dan' Farnum, & Abner Farnum Field-drivers. 15"" Voted to Adj" for one hour, then to Meet again at this place. Att: Caleb Chase Town Clerk. Met pursuant to the Adjournment & past the following Votes viz. i" Josiah Bartlet Esq. 139. Tim° Walker Esq. 60 Votes tor a President 2'^ Abiel Foster Esq — 140. Nath' Peabody Esq. 133. Peter Green Esq — loi. John Bell Esq. — 113. John T. Gilman Esq. -63. James Sheafe Esq. 48. Philips White Esq. — 17.. James McGregor )> ^ ° W c/3 C C/3 Esq. 34. Nath' Rogers Esq. — 19.. John APClary Esq. 43 Will"' Plummer Esq. 3. Christ' Toppan Esq. 2 Voted to excuse -NP Tim" Kimbals pole Tax the current Year. 3^ >Laj' Will"' Duncan Representative the ensuing Year. 266 CONCOKD 4"' Voted One hundred & five pounds to supply the pulpit the current Year. 5"' Voted Sixty five pounds for a School the present Year, also that the Selectmen district the same. 6"* V^oted Thirty pounds for necesfary Charges the Current Year. 7'" Voted three pounds for a grown Wolf & thirty shillings for a Wolves Whelp, kill'd within s** Town the Current Year 8"' Voted that the Interval Lots belonging to the School Right be Leas'd for seven Years. 9"' Voted that the Selectmen take a Lease (for the Land on which the Town-House now stands) of AP Will"' Stickney in lieu of the Deed he has given : for so long a time, as the Town shall improve the same for a public Building. lo"" Voted One Days work on the Single pole, on the Roads the present Year ; & other rateable Estates in proportion. 11"' Voted that the Selectmen be impow'd to exchange Roads in the Westerly part of the Town. 12"' Voted to reconsider the Vote of a former Meetincf respecting the Intermifsion on the Sabbath ; also Voted that the Intermifsion for the future on the Sabbath, be One hour & an half, from the first Sabbath in May till the first Sabbath in November following, the remainder of the Year One hour only. 13"' Voted to remit the Tax of M"' James Scales for three Years past. i^th Voted to excuse Deac" David Hall trom serving as Sealer of Leather; & M'' Asa Parker was Voted in, in his Room. 15"^ That this Meeting be difsolved Att. Caleb Chase Town Clerk. Concord March i" 1791. State of New Ilamp- ^ To L' John Bradley one of shire Rockingham fs 5 the Constables tor the Town of Concord in s"* County — Greeting (L. S.) You are in the Name of the State of New Hampshire hereb}- required to Warn the Freeholders & TOWN RECORDS. 267 other Inhabitants of the Town of Concord qualified as the Constitution of s*^ State requires to Vote for State Repre- sentatives to meet at the Town-House in s*^ Concord on Monday the Eighth Day of Aug' next at three O Clock in the afternoon then & there when met to act on the fol- lowing particulars viz. I*' To choose a Moderator to govern s'^ Meeting 2^ To choose one Delegate to meet in Convention to be holden at Concord afores"^ on the first Wednesday of September next for the purpose of revising the Constitu- tion of s'^ State. Make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to us the Subscribers on or before s'' Day. Given under our Hands & Seal this Twenty third Day of July 1791 — Tom° Walker ~) Select-Men Benj" Emer}^ > of ) Concord State of New Hamp- } shire Rockingham fs '^ Agreeable to the within War- rant I have Warned the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of Concord in s** State & County qualified as the Consti- tution directs to meet at the Town-House in s*^ Concord on Monday the Eighth Day of August next at three O Clock in the Afternoon to act on the within described particulars as the within Warrant Directs. 23*^ of July 1 791. John Bradley ) Constable of S Concord. State of New Hamp- } At a legal meeting of the shire Rockingham fs ^ Freeholders and other Inhabi- tants of the Town of Concord held at the Town-House in s'' Town on Monday the Eighth Day of Aug' Inst' past the following Votes — viz — i^' Chose Timothy Walker Esq. Moderator. 2'^ Timothy Walker Esq. was Delegated to s'^ Otlice of sitting in Convention in this Town to revise the State Constitution At' Caleb Chase T" Clerk. Concord Aug' 8"' 1791- 268 CONCORD State of New Hamp- } To L' John Bradley one of shire, Rockingham fs ^ the Constables for the Town of Concord in said County — Greeting — You are hereby required to Warn as the Law directs the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of said Concord (qualified by Law to Vote in Town affairs) to afsemble at the Town-house in said Concord on Tuesday the Sixth day of March next at Nine O Clock in the forenoon, then and there when met to act on the Ibllowing par- ticulars viz — i" To choose a Moderator to govern said Meeting. 2*"^ To choose a Clerk, vSelectmen, Constable or Con- stables and all other necefsary Town-Officers. 3" To Vote for a President, and five Senators. 4"" To choose one Man of those duly qualified to repre- sent said Concord in the General Court, one Year from the first Tuesday in June next. 5"" To see what Sum or Sums of Money the Town will raise to supply the Pulpit, School, and other necefsary Town charges the ensuing Year 6"* To see what sum the Town will give for killing Wolves the ensuing Year 7"^ To see if the Town will accept of the Roads, or any of them which have been laid out by the Selectmen 8"' To see if the Town will lease part of the six acre lot belonging to the School Right to James Walker for a number of Years. And make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to us the Subscribers at or before said Meetincr. Given under our Hands & Seal this twentieth Day of February A) : 1792 — Tim" Walker ) Select Men of Benj'^ Emery 5 Concord Agreeable to the preceeding Warrant I have Warned the Freeholders & other In- habitants (qualified as the Law directs to meet at the time and place herein discribed Concord March 6"' ID : 179: r 1 r> ji ? Constable ohn liradlev >,-/-> j ^ ' 5 101' Concord TOWN RECORDS. 269 At a Legal meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhab- itants of the Town of Concord on Tuesday March the sixth ID. 1792 past the following Votes, viz. — i"' Made choice of Timothy Walker Esq. Moderator of s*^ Meeting 2" Made choice of M"' Caleb Chase Town Clerk — 3"^ Timothy Walker, Esq. Capt" Reuben Kimball, and Capf^ Benjamin Emery Selectmen. 4*'' Benjamin Hannaford, Ezra Carter & L' Ebenezer Virgin Constables. 5"" Daniel Gale, Robert Eastman, & James Johnson Ty thing men. 6"' Hazzen Kimball, Col' Thom^ Stickney, L* Joseph Hall Stephen Farnum, L* Samuel Davis, Jefse Abbott, Bruce Walker, William Filield, John Elliott J' L* Phine- has Kimball, Chandler Lovejoy, Jonathan Virgin, Ebe- nezer Eastman, Joseph Carter J' L' Asa Herrick Sur- veyors of High Wa3's y"' Maj"" Daniel Livermore, Abel Baker, L' Joshua Thompson, Isaac Dimond Surveyors of Lumber 8"' John Thorndike surveyor of Wood 9"" Deac° David Hall sealer of Weights & Measures. lo**^ Asa Parker sealer of Leather. ii"" Thomas Wilson Hav-ward. I2"> Timothy Walker Esq. & Maj' Will™ Duncan Fence- Viewers. 13"" Jeremiah Virgin & William Manly Field-drivers. 14"" Samuel Bradley, Jeremiah Chandler, Daniel Gale J' & Christopher Osgood Hog- Reeves. Voted to adjourn for one hour then to meet at this place. Met pursuant to the adjournment & past the following- Votes. i*t Votes for a President, were for Tim" Walker — 77 — his Excellency Josiah Bartlett — 70 — 2 The following persons were voted for, for Senators the ensuing Year viz. Nath' Peabody Esq. 94 Abiel Fos- ter Esq. 87 Joseph Blanchard Esq. 85 John Bell Esq. 81. John M*' Clary 65 Peter Green Esq. 37. James M'Gregore Esq. 31. John S. Sherburne Esq. 21. Gen^ Scilly Esq. 270 CONCORD 16. James Sheal Esq. 12. Timothy Walker Esq. 10. W™ iMummer Esq. 7. W"' Duncan Esq. 6. E.J"" Pierce 3. David Toppan Esq. 2 3. John Bradle}' Esq. Representative the ensuing Year 4. Voted One Ilundred & five pounds to supply the Pulpit tiie ensu^' Year 5"' Voted One hundred pounds for the School the en- suing Year. 6'" Voted that the Selectmen call on the Town of Bow for maintenance of Andrew Stone (while he lived) & Wife since they became a town charge 7"' Voted fifty pounds, to defray the necefsary charges of the Town the ensuing Year. gth Voted three pounds for a grown Wolf & thirty shil- lings for a Wolfs whelp kill'd in this Town the ensuing Year p"" Voted to accept the Road from Louden by Joshua Graham's as laid out by the Selectmen. lo"" Voted not to lease the School lot to M' J* Walker 11"' Voted one Day & an half on the Roads the ensu- incr Year for a sincrle Pole & other rateable Estates in Proportion 12"" Voted that this meeting be difsolv'd Att. Caleb Chase T» Clerk Concord March 6'" iD 1792 A Road laid out from Louden by Joshua Grahams bounded as follow's viz. Beginning at a white oak stand- ing on the Town line, running S'" 10 degrees E 20 Rods to a w^hite oak marked ; thence S 10° W' 32 Rods to a stake & stones thence S about 55° W 150 Rods to a white oak marked — thence W **. 34 Rods to a Stake & Stones; thence W 22° to the N. 60 Rods to a stake & Stones on a Road formerly laid out. A true record of the return made by the Selectmen in 1 791 & accepted bv the Town March 6*'' 1792 Att. Caleb Chase T" Clerk. TOWN RECORDS. 27 1 State of New ^ To M' Benj" Hannaford, one of the Hampshire > Constables of Concord in s'' County Rockingham fs ) — Greeting L. S. You are hereby required to warn as the Law directs the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of said Concord qualified b}' Law to Vote in Town affairs to Afsemble at the Town-house in said Concord on Mon- day the Seventh Day of May next at One O Clock in the afternoon then & there to act on the following Particulars viz. — 1. To choose a Moderator to govern said Meeting. 2. To see if the Town will give anything towards rebuilding, horse-hill Bridge so called, & raise Monev therefor. 3. To see if the Town will agree to straighten the Road from Farnums Mill so called to M"" Jabez Abbotts agreeable to a request of the Selectmen. 4**^ To take into consideratian the Articles of Amend- ment of the Constitution of s'' State, as proposed by the late Convention held at Concord on February last. 5. To see if the Town will lease out that part of the School Lot on the North side of Water Numins brook to M'' James Walker for a number of Years And make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to us the Subscribers on or before s'' Meeting. Given under our hands & Seal at Concord afore- Tim" Walker ^Selectmen said this twenty third Reuben Kimball > of day of April. Benj" Emery ^Concord ID : 1792 State of New-Hamp ) shire Rockingham, fs 5 Concord Ma}' 7"^ 1792 Pursuant to the preceeding Warrant I have Notified & Warn'd the Freeholders & other Inhabitants to meet at time & place within mention'd T, . TT r 1 ^ Constable Beni" Hanaiord \ ,- r^ 1 -' ( ot Concord 272 CONCORD Concord May y"' 1792 — At a legal Meeting of the Freeholders &c past the fol- low- Votes, viz, 1. Col' Timothy Walker Moderator. 2. Maj' Will"' Duncan was appointed a Grand Juror 3. Voted not to straighten the road from M' Farnums Mill as inserted in the Warrant. 4. Voted that M"" James Walker have that part of the School-right on the North side of Water-Numins brook for 14 Years at'ter the present six Years Lease is expired, he paying Eighteen shillings Yearly for said Land. 5 Took into Consideration the Articles of Amendment of the Constitution & Voted upon them as may appear in s"^ Articles 6"' Voted that this meeting be difsolv'd Att. Caleb Chase Town Clerk State of New-Hamp- shire Rockingham fs ^ Concord April 25'^ 1792 Pursuant to a Venire to me directed ; these are to Notifv & Warn the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of s'^ Concord to Afsemble at the Town-house in s'' Concord on Monday the seventh Day of May next, at twelve O Clock at noon : then & there to appoint two good & lawful Men to serve as Jurors at the Circuit Court to be holden at Portsmouth, within & for Newhampshire dis- trict, on the 24"" Day of May next ; the one a Grand Juror ; the other a petit Juror. Caleb Chase Town Clerk At the above meet^ for Jury Men the folloW''= v^^ere ap- pointed Maj' Will'" Duncan (as recorded above) was appointed a Grand Juror : M"^ Stephen Farnum was appointed a Petit Juror Att. Caleb Chase Town Clerk Concord May 7"' 1792 L. S. TOWN RECORDS. 273 State of New Hampshire Rockingham fs. To M"" Benj" Hanaford one of the Constables for the Town of Concord You are in the Name of the State of New Hampshire, hereby required to Notify & Warn the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of s*^ Concord qualified to Vote in the choice of Senators for the State Legislature to meet at the Town-house in s'^ Town on monday the twenty seventh day of August Ins' at one O Clock in the After- noon then & there to act on the following particulars viz. I*' To choose a Moderator to govern s** Meeting 2^ To take into consideration the Articles of Amend- ment of the Constitution of this State, agreed to by the Convention of s'* State the last Wednesday of last May 3"^ To Vote for six suitable persons Inhabitants of this State, to be Electors of a President & Vice President of the United States. 4''' To Vote for four persons duely qualified to repre- sent this state in the Congrefs of the United States. 5"" To see if the Town will appoint an Agent or Agents to join with other Towns in petitioning the gen- eral-Court for a repeal of a late Act granting a toll on Stratham & Newmarket Bridge. 6"! To see what encouragment the Town will give to hire a singing Master. 7"^ To see what roads the Town will accept, that have been laid out by the Selectmen. And make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to us the Subscribers on or before s** Meet- ing. Given under our hands ) Tom" Walker ^ Select-Men & Seal this thirteenth > Reub" Kimball > of Da}' of August 1792. )Benj" Emery ) Concord. State of New Hampshire ) Concord Aug' 27'" 1792. Rockingham, fs 5 Pursuant to the Preceeding Warrant I have notified & Warn'd, as the Law directs, the Freeholders &c to meet at time & place within mentioned. ^ Constable of Benj" Hanaford. ^ Concord 19 274 CONCORD At a legal meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabi- tants of Concord on Monday the 27"' Day of Aug* 1792 past the following Votes viz. is' Timothy Walker Esq. Moderator. 2'' Voters present for the Amendments twelve : Voters present against the Amendments sixt^'-four. & for Ex- punging the last clause in the exclusion Bill fifty four ; against expunging s"^ clause ; three. 3^ Judge-Pickering 19 Judge.- Walker 37 Ju''® Thompson 19 Judge Foster 23. Jon" Freeman Esq. 30. Philips White Esq. 19. Joseph Badger Esq 12- Gen' Benj" Bellows 14 J"° S. Sherburne 11 Joshua Atherton Esq 9 G' Reed 2 G'-Hill, 2 Maj^ G' Cilly 2 Ge' Bartlett 2 G' A» Shepherd i J"" T." Gil- man Esq, I R' Wallace i G' M. Dow Esq i Tim-^ Farrer Esq i J^ Sheaf Esq 3 Will"' Page Esq i 4"^ For members of Congrefs Tim° Walker Esq. 108 : Abiel Foster Esq. lOi Jere*" Smith Esq. 74 J* Sheaf Esq. 93, Beza Woodward Esq 14. Jn° S. Sherburne Esq. 9 Paine Wingate Esq. 8. Nath' Peabody Esq. 5 Will™ Page Esq. 24 Th^ Cogswell Esq. i Jon* Freeman Esq. 3 5"' Voted to instruct the Representative to use his en- deavour to have the Tole-Act on Newmarket and Strat- ham Bridge repealed if the adjacent Towns will engage to keep s*^ Bridge in good repair. 6^ Voted that the sixth Article be postponed till next March meeting. Then difsolv'd this meeting Att. Caleb Chase T" Clerk- State of New-hamp- ) To M' Benj" Hanaford one of shire Rockingham fs, 5 the Constables for the Town of Concord — Greeting You are in the Name of the State of New-Hampshire hereby required to Notify & Warn the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of said Concord qualified to Vote in the choice of Senators for the State legislatures to meet at the Town-house in s*^ Town on Monday the twelfth day of November next at one O Clock in the afternoon then TOWN RECORDS. 275 and there when met to act on the following particulars viz. 1. To choose a Moderator to govern said meeting. 2. To Vote for one or more persons duly qualified to represent this State in the Congrefs of the United States 3. To Vote for one or more Electors for a President and Vice president of the United States And make due return of this Warrant with your do- ings thereon to us the Subscribers on or before s^ Meet- ing Given under our hands & Seal this twenty ninth day of October ID : 1792 — Tim° Walker ) Selectmen Reuben Kimball S of Concord State of New Hamp ) Concord Nov. 12'" 1792. shire Rockingham fs, 5 Pursuant to the within Warrant I have Notified the Freeholders & other Inhabitants to meet at time & place within mentioned. ) Constable Benj" Hanaford 5 of Concord At a meeting of the Freeholders &c of Concord the fol- lowing persons were Voted for for Electors of a Presi- dent & Vice President of the United States r viz i»' Honb'' John Pickering 30. H"'" Tim« ^ Walker 29 Joseph Freeman Esq. 17 Benj" Bellows u <( Esq. 26. Tim° Farrer Esq. 24 Eben"- Thompson g Esq. 20 Gen' Joseph Cilley 20. John T. Gilman [Esq. 9. Exc"5' Josiah Bartlett 4 2. Representatives Abiel Foster Esq. 39. Paine Win- gate Esq. 3 Concord Nov. 12'" 1792. Att. Caleb Chase T° Clerk State of New Hamp- } shire, Rockingham, fs, 5" To M^ Benj" Hanaford one of the Constables of Concord Greeting — You are in the Name of the State of New-Hampshire hereby required to Notify & Warn as the Law directs, 276 CONCORD the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of Concord, quali- fied by Law to Vote in Town affairs, to meet at the Town-house in said Concord on Tuesday the fifth day of March next at Nine O Clock in the morning, then & there to act on the following particulars, viz. 1. To choose a Moderator to govern said Meeting. 2. To choose a Clerk, Selectmen, Constable or Con- stables and all other Town Officers. 3. To Vote (as the Constitution requires) for a Gover- nor. 4. To Vote for one Senator for the Eighth district. 5. Agreeable to the Constitution, to Vote for a Coun- sellor for y^ Cou'y of Rockingham 6. To choose one man of Concord, who shall be duly qualified, to represent s^ Town in the General Court: one Year from the first Wednesday in June next. 7. To see what Sum or Sums of Money the Town will raise to supply the Pulpit, the Schooll, & to defray the other necefsary charges of the Town the ensuing Year. And make return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Subscribers at or before said Meeting. Given under our hands & Seal this fifteenth Day of Feb- ruary ID : 1793. rp- o T17- 11 ) Selectmen Tim" v\\T.lker / ^ lieni Emery V ^ ■, -' -^ ) Concord Concord March 5"' 1793 Pursuant to the above Warrant I have Notified the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of Concord, as the Law directs, to meet at time & place within mentioned. ) Constable of Benj" Hanaford ) Concord At a legal meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabi- tants of Concord on Tuesday the fifth Day of March 1793. past the following \"otes viz. — i^* Made choice of Judge — Walker iNIoderator 2^ Caleb Chase Town Clerk Sworn 3"! The Honb'^ Tim" Walker Capt" Reuben Kimball, & Capt" Benj" Emery Selectmen, Sworn TOWN RECORDS. 277 4'" L' Joseph Hazeltine, Josiah Farnum, & George Graham Constables, Voted to excuse Jos'' Farnum, & ac- cepted Tim° Carter in his room. & the}- were sworn 5"" Daniel Rogers, and Ezra Abbott Tything men. 6"^ Hazen Kimball, Cor Tho* Stickney, Christopher Osgood- Dan' Farnum, L' Ezekiel Carter, L' Sam' Davis, Benj° Powel, Sam' Bradley, Capt" Jon" Eastman, Philb'^ Bradley L* Joshua Thompson, E" Jon" Virgin, Joseph Carter j' E" Joseph Runnels & Enoch Brown Sur- veyors H'' Ways. 7*'' Enoch Brown, Maj' Dan' Livermore, Joseph Carter J' L* Asa Herrick, John Eastman & Benj" Abbot J' Sur- veyors Lumber 8"* Thomas Wilson, & Jacob Eastman, Surveyors of Wood. 9"' Dea" David Hall, Henry Moulton, Sealer of W & Measures. 10"' Asa Parker, Sealer of Leather. ii"' Robert Harris, Hay Ward 12"" W"' Partridge, Eben' Eastman Fence Viewers 13 ' Eben' Duston, Jer*" Virgin & Isaac Dimond Field Drivers. 14"' Hog-reeves, Col' Tho' Stickne}', Joseph Eastman J' John Colby J' Joseph Hoit Benj" Powel, & Moody Dow. 15"" Pound keepers Benj" Hanaford & Jacob Eastman, Then Voted to Adjourn for one hour. Met according to the Adjournment, the Moderator de- clared the meeting to be open'd ; past the following Votes viz. I** Votes for a President were For the Hon'^i^ Tim" Walker Esq.— 93. The Hon^^ Jno. Langdon Esq. — 32, His Excelly Josiah Bartlett Esq. — 8, The Hon'^i** Nath' Peabody Esq. — 7. 2"* Senator for the Eighth district viz. Col^ Henry Gerrish 100. John Bradley Esq. 21. James Flanders Esq. 11. Maj' W™ Duncan 6. Peter Green Esq. 3. Rob' Wallace Esq. 3 — 278 CONCORD 3'' Counsellor for the County of Rockingham viz. Abiel Foster Esq. 73. James Sheaf Esq. 42 — Nath' Peabody Esq. 11. Peter Green Esq. 3. 4"' Representative Maj"" W™ Duncan — 5"' Voted One hundred & five pounds for the Pulpit y* Year ensuing 6"* Voted one hundred pounds for a School the ensu- ing Year 7*'' Voted one days work for a single poll & other rate- able Estate in proportion, on the Roads the ensu^' Year. 8"* Voted thirty pounds to be laid out upon the Meeting house in repairing the same by repainting s'' house at the discretion of the Selectmen. 9'" Voted that this meeting be difsolv'd Att : Caleb Chase T" Clerk- State of New Hampshire ^ In the Year of our Lord One Thous- and Seven Hundred & Eighty four. - - - - L. S. An Act to annex part of Canter- bury & Loudon to the Parish of Concord - - - Whereas John Hoit & others have petitioned the Gen- eral Court, setting forth, that they live upon a Gore of Land formerly claimed by the Proprietors of Rumford & Canterbury that when said Rumford was incorporated in the year 1765 by the Name of Concord they were left to said Canterbur}^ since which time s*^ Proprietors of Rum- ford & Canterbury have amicably settled said Dispute & that by the late Division of Canterbury they were all (except one) set off to the parish of Loudon, that they are situated at a great distance from the meeting House in said Loudon which makes it ver}' inconvenient for them to be connected there with, & praying that said Gore of Land containing about One Thousand & fifty Acres h'ing at the North-easterly Corner of s** Rumford with the Inhabitants thereon may be difsevered from said Canterbury and Loudon and annexed to the parish of Concord ; of which due notice has been given & no objec- TOWN RECORDS. 279 tion has been made. Beit therefore enacted by the Coun- cil & House of Representatives in General Court afsem- tled, & by the Authority of the same that the above men- tioned Gore of Land containing about One-thousand & fifty Acres lying at the North easterly Corner of said Rumford, but now within the Corporation of Canterbury & Loudon be difserved from s** Canterbury & annexed to the parish of Concord. And the Inhabitants of said Gore of Land together with the Inhabitants of s^ parish of Concord are invested with all the Powers & enfranchised with all the Rights, Privileges, & Immunities which any Town in this State holds & enjoys, to hold to s*^ Inhab- itants & their Succefsors forever. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that the parish of Concord be henceforth called the Town of Concord an}- Law, Usage, or Custom to the Contrary notwithstanding. State of New ) In the House of Representatives Jan^ Hampshire 5 2*^ 1784 — The foregoing Bill having been read a third time, Voted that it pafs to be enacted. Sent up for Concurrence John Dudley Speaker In Council the same day — This bill was read three times & Voted that the same be enacted Copy Exam*^ by Joseph Pearson, D. Sec^ M Weare President A true record of the preceed^ Act Att. Caleb Chase T» Clerk State of New ^ March 4'" 1794 Hampshire, > To L' Joseph Ilaseltine one of the Rockingham fs } Constables of Concord, Greeting. L. S. You are in the Name of the State of New Hampshire hereby required to Notify & Warn as the Law directs the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of Con- cord, qualified by Law to Vote in Town affairs, to meet at the Town-house in said Concord, on Tuesda}' the 28o CONCORD fourth clay of March next at Nine O Clock in the fore- noon then & there to act on the following particulars viz. I*' To choose a Moderator to govern said Meeting 2'' To choose a Clerk, Selectmen, Constable or Con- stables and all other Town officers. 3** To Vote as the Constitution requires for a Governor. 4'" To Vote for one Senator for the Eighth district. 5*" To Vote for a Counsellor for the County of Rock- ingham. 6'" To choose one Man, w^ho shall be duly qualified tO' represent said Town in the General-Court one Year from the first Wednesday in June next, 7"* To see what Sum or Sums of Money the Town will raise to supply the Pulpit, the School, & to defray the other necefsary charges of the Town the ensuing Year. 8"" To see what roads the Town will accept that have been laid out by the Selectmen. And make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon, to the Subscribers at or before said Meeting. Given under our hands & ^ Tim*' Walker ^Selectmen Seal this fifteenth day of >Reub" Kimbal > of Feb^ iD : 1794. )Benj" Emery ) Concord I have Notified & Warn'd the Freeholders & other In- habitants of Concord to meet at time & place within mentioned Agreeable to the preceeding Warrant. T 1 tj ix- ? Constable of oseph Haseltme > r^ j •^ ^ ^ Concord Concord March 4'" 1794. State of New Hamp- ) shire Rockingham fs, > Concord March 4*^ ^794 At a lerral meetino- of the Freeholders & other Inhab- itants of the Town of Concord, past the following Votes viz : I'* Timothy Walker Esq was chosen Moderator. 2. Caleb Chase Town Clerk, & Sworn. TOWN RECORDS. 28 1 3. Timothy Walker Esq. CapP Reuben Kimball, and John Bradley Esq. Selectmen ; all Sworn — 4. William Currier, Stephen Farnum, & Maj"^ Asa Kimball, Constables & sworn. 5. Voted to adjourn for one hour. 6 Met pursuant to the Adjournment & past the following Votes viz. I. Votes for a Governor were, Timothy Walker Esq 105 — John T. Oilman Esq. 49. Woodbury Langdon Esq. I 2^ Votes for a Senator were, James Flanders Esq. 114 Peter Green Esq. 36 Henr}^ Gerrish Esq. 5 3*^ Votes for a Counsellor, were James Sheafe Esq. 86. Abiel Foster Esq. 15 John Pearce Esq 5 Peter Greene Esq. 4. 4"' Maj' Daniel Livermore Representative. 5"" Tything men Daniel Rogers, & Caleb Buswell. Surveyors of Highways, Isaac Dimond, Ephraim Carter L* Benj" Farnum, David Carter, Daniel Abbott, Oliver Hoit, John Elliott, Chandler Love- ^ ^ joy, L' Phinehas Virgin, L' Phinehas Kimball, :=: Will-" Coffin, Col' Thom^ Stickney, Paul Rolfe & ■^ [ Moses Carter. 7"" Surveyors of Lumber, John Currier J'' Ebenez' Vir- gin j"" & L' Asa Herrick all sworn. 8"' Surveyor of Wood Thomas Wilson ; sworn — 9"^ Sealer of W^ & Measures D" David Hall. 10*'' Fence Viewer. William Partridge — sworn — II* Field Drivers, Will'" Manley, sw" Isaac Emery, 12''' Hog-Reeves, Stephen Tuttle, sworn. Peter Swan, Jeremiah Virgin & Benjamin Powel, 13'*' Pound keeper, David George Esq. 14* Voted that the Selectmen pay the Rev'^ Israel Evans One hundred & five pounds annually without any deduction for the time past. i^th Voted One hundred & five pounds to supply the Pulpit the ensuing Year. 16"^ Voted One hundred «& five pounds for a School the ensuing Year. 202 CONCORD lyth Voted that the Selectmen district the Town, as to the School the ensuing Year. i8. Voted three shillings on the roads for a single pole & other Estate in proportion, for the ensuing Year. 1 9"* Voted to accept of a return of a road from M' John Hoits to Ensign Jonathan Virgins the owners of the Land acquiting the same 20"" Voted that this meeting be difsolv'd. Att. Caleb Chase T" Clerk- Return of a Road four rods wide laid out in Concord from M' John Hoits to Ens" Jonathan Virgin bounded as follows viz. Beginning at a Stake & Stones on the Westerly side of said road, & on the road that leads from M'' Hoits house to his Saw mill, thence South five de- grees West, ninety six rods to a stake & Stones standing near the south-East Corner of Moses Gales House, thence south Sixteen Degrees to the west One hundred and twenty four rods to a stake & Stones, it being the South- west corner of M"' Gales Eighty Acre lot, and by a high- way formerly laid out. A true record of the return ; made March 4"^ 1794. Att. Caleb Chase T" Clerk- State of New Hamp- ) To Stephen Farnum one of shire Rockingham, fs ) the Constables of Concord, — Greeting — (L. S.) You are in the Name of the State of New- Hampshire hereby required to Notify & Warn as the Law directs the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of Con- cord qualified as the Law requires to Vote for State Re- presentatives to meet at the Town house in s*^ Concord on Monday the Twent}^ fifth day of August Instant at one O Clock in the Afternoon then & there when met to act on the following particulars viz. — 1. To choose a Moderator to govern s" Meeting. 2. To Vote by ballot for four persons duly qualified to represent this State in the Congrefs of the United States two Years from the fourth dav of March next. TOWN RECORDS. 283 3. To choose an agent or Committee to take care of the public lands belonging to s** Town & prosecute any trespafs that have been or may be made on s'' Lands. 4. To see if the Town will accept of the Selectmens accounts. 5. To see what Sum of Money the Town will raise to defra}^ the necefsary charges of s"* Town. 6. To see if the Town will choose a Collector. 7. To see what Roads the Town will accept that have been laid out by the Selectmen. 8. To see if the Town will chose a Committee to wait on the Rev** Israel Evans & enquire of him what the rea- sons are for his (of late) discovering an uneasinefs with the Town about the payment of his Salarjs or any other matter & receive his answer in writing, & for the Town to act thereon in such manner as they may think proper. And make due return of this Warrant with vour doings thereon to us the Subscribers on or before s'' Day Given under our hands rr^. „ ^tt i, ) Select-Men o e 1 *i • th J r Imi" Walker ( ,. & Seal this g day of t i t^ ji / of A t /-i-v J^ ohn Jiradley i ^ , Aug /D : 1794 -^ -^ ) Concord. A true record of the preceeding Warrant Att C. Chase T^ Clerk. Concord Aug' 25'" 1794 — Agreeable to the within Warrant I have Notified & Warn'd as the Law directs the Freeholders & others In- habitants of s"^ Concord to meet at time & place wdthin mentioned. Stephen Farnum J> Constable of Concord State of New Hamp- ) shire Rockingham fs 5 Concord Aug' 25"' 1794 — At a legal meeting of the Freeholders &c. of Concord past the following Votes viz. — 1. Made choice of CoP Thom^ Stickney Moderator. 2. For members of Congrefs the following were \"oted ■for viz Abiel Foster Esq. 100 John S. Sherbourn Esq 71 Jeremiah Smith Esq. 67. Timothy Walker Esq. 50. 284 CONCORD Aaron Ilutchenson Esq. 38 James Sheafe Esq. 26 Nich- olas Oilman Esq. 16. Jonathan Freeman Esq. 9. Paine Wingate Esq. 7. Tim° Farrer Esq. 5. Thomas Cogswell Esq. 2. Benjamin West Esq. i. Daniel Rindge Esq. i — 3. Voted Henry Martin Capt" Benjamin Emery & Stephen Farnum be a Committee to take care of the pub- lick Lands in s"^ Concord. 4. Voted that the Selectmen be directed to paint the Roof of the meeting house. 5. Voted that Fifty pounds be raised to defray the necefsary charges of the Town the present Year. 6. Voted to Vandue the Collectors birth, & the same was struck oft' to M' Paul Rolfe for eight Dollars, & he was then chosen a Collector to collect the Tax in the Town Street & south part of the Town & Sworn. 7. Voted to choose a Committee &c Agreeable to the Eighth Article in the Warrant. 8. Voted that s^ Committee consist of five viz. Mefs'* Thomas Wilson, Henry Martin, Capt'^ Joshua Abbott Capf^ Jona" Eastman & L' Joseph Hazeltine 9. Voted to remit the Tax of Warren & Murry Brad- ley for 1793 & 1794- 10. Voted to adjourn this meeting till the fourth Mon- day in Sepf' next at 2 O Clock in the Afternoon at this place. Att. Caleb Chase Town Clerk Concord Sepf 22'' ^794 Met pursuant to the Adjournment of the 25"" of Aug' last & past the following Votes viz. 1. Voted that the Selectmen pay the whole that is due to the Rev** Israel Evans immediately or give s"^ Evans a note upon Interest till paid. 2. Voted to accept of the second proposition of the Rev** Israel Evans viz. The Money appropriated to the Use of the Pulpit shall not in future be applied directly or indirectly to any other use. 3. Voted to accept of the third proposition of the Rev** Israel Evans viz. The Collectors themselves shall pay to him, as often as can be done conveniently all the Money they collect for the use of the Pulpit & if pofsible TOWN RECORDS. 285 within the Year for which the Money afores** was afsefsed 4. Voted that this meeting be difsolved Att. Caleb Chase Town Clerk- State of New ^ Hampshire > To M' Stephen Farnum one of the Rockingham, fs. ^Constables of Concord — Greeting You are in the Name of the State of New L. S. Hampshire hereby required to notify & Warn (as the law directs) the Freeholders & other In- habitants of said Concord qualified as the law directs to Vote for State Representatives to meet at the Town- House in said Town on Monday the Eighth day of December next at One O Clock in the afternoon to act on the following particuulars, viz — 1. To choose a Moderator to govern said Meeting. 2. To Vote by ballot for one of the following persons viz. Abiel Foster Esq. or Paine Wingate Esq. one of which is to be chosen for a Representative of this State in the Congrefs of the United States for two Years from the fourth day of March next. 3. To see what encouragement the Town will give for the raising of their quota of Minute men. 4. To ^ee what method the Town will take with regard to building a number of school-houses, & raise money therefor. 5. To see what encouragement the Town will give for the killing Wolves the current Year. And make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to us the Subscribers on or before s"^ Meeting. Given under our Hands & Tim° Walker ^Select Men Seal at Concord this 21"' Reub" Kimball > of Day of Nov"" i'D : 1794. John Bradley ) Concord State of New-Hamp- } shire Rockingham, fs. ^ Concord Dec"' 8"' 1794 Pursuant to the preceeding Warrant I have notili'd & Warn'd as the Law directs the Freeholders & other In- 286 CONCORD habitants of Concord, to meet at the time & place within mentioned. r,, 1 T- ) Constible of btephen rarnum > ^, , ^ 5 Concord Concord Dec' 8'" 1794 At a legal meeting of the Freeholders &c. of Concord past the following Votes viz. I'' Made choise of Tim° Walker Esq. Moderator. 2. Voted to give in addition to the Continental pay for this Towns quota of Minute Men so much as shall make each ones pay eight Dollars p' Month & one Months pay be advanc'd to each man when they shall be call'd to March 3'' Voted to give three pounds for every grown Wolf & thirty shillings for every Wolves whelp that shall be kill'd within this towai the current Year. 4. For Abiel Foster Esq. Representative to Congrefs 161. Votes. 5. Voted that this meeting be difsolv'd Att. Caleb Chase T" Clerk. State of New^ ^ Hampshire > To Stephen Farnum one of the Rockingham, fs. j Constables of Concord — Greeting — L. S. In the Name of the State of New Hamp- shire you are hereb}- required to Notify & Warn the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of Concord qualified by Law to Vote in Town Affairs to Meet at the Town-house in s*^ Concord on Tuesday the third day of March next at Nine O Clock in the Morning : then & there when met to act on the following particulars viz. i^' To choose a Moderator to govern s"^ Meeting. 2. To choose a Clerk, Selectmen. Constable or Con- stables Collector or Collectors & and all other necefsary Town Officers. 3. To Vote as the Constitution requires for a Governor 4. To Vote for one Senator for the Eighth District. 5. To Vote for a Counsellor for the County of Rock- ingham TOWN RECORDS. 287 6. To choose one Man duly qualified to represent said Town in the General Court one Year from the first Wed- nesday in June next. 7. To see what Sum or Sums of Money the Town will raise to supply the Pulpit the School & to defray the other necefsary charges of the Town. 8. To see if the Town will Vote to finish the Town house or relinquish any part of s" house for the Use of a School, when it is not wanted by the Town, or the Gen- eral-Court ; provided the Proprietors of s*' School will finish the same & keep it in good repair. 9. To Vote for a Register of Deeds, & Treasurer for the County of Rockingham. Make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Subscribers at or before s'* Meeting. Given under our Hands Tim" Walker ^Selectmen & Seal this fourteenth day John Bradley > of of Feby /D : 1795. ) Concord State of New-Hamp- ) Concord March 3^ i795- shire Rockingham, fs 5 Pursuant to the preceeding Warrant I have Notified & Warn'd the Freeholders &c of Concord to meet at time & place within mentioned. Stephen Farnum )> Constable of Concord. State of New-Hamp- > shire, Rockingham, fs y Concord March 3'' 1795 — At a legal meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhab- itants of Concord past the following Votes viz. I'' Made choice of Tim° Walker Esq. Moderator. 2^ Made choice of Caleb Chase Town Clerk & Sworn. 3 To M' Ebenezer Duston one of shire Rockingham fs 5 the Constables of Concord- - - Greeting — L, S. You are hearb}' Required to warn as the Law Derects the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of Con- cord (Qiialified by Law to vote in Town affairs) to meet at the Town House in s*^ Concord on Tuesday the first day of March next at nine o'Clock in the Forenoon then and there when met to act on the following Particulars viz — 1. To Choose a Moderator to govern s'^ Meetincr. 2. To Choose a Clerk, Selectmen, Constable or Con- stables Collector or Collectors & all other Town Officers. 3. To vote as the Constitution Requiers for a Gov- ernor. 4. To vote for one senator for the Eighth District. 5. to vote for one Counsellor for the County of Rock- ingham 6. To Choose one Man Duely Qiialified to Represent said town in the General Court one Year from the first wenesday in June next. 7. To vote for a Register of Deeds & Treasurer for the County of Rockingham. ' 8. To see what sum or sums of money the Town will Raise to supply the Pulpit, the school, and to Defray the other necefsary Charges of the Town the Ensuing Year. 9. To see if the Town will Exchange Land with Rob- ert Harris, near Butlers Ferry so Call** Make due Return of this warrant with Your Doings thereon to us the subcribers on or Before said meeting. Given under our hands & seal this thirteenth Day of Feb'y A) 1796 Timo Walker Henry Martin 20 Selectmen of Concord 290 CONCORD State of Newhamp > In Obedience to the with War- shire Rockingham fs 5 I'^^nt I have Notified and warn'' the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of Concord as the Law Derects to meet at the Town House in said Concord on Tuesday the first Day of march at nine ^'Clock in the forenoon Ebenezer Duston 5 Constable I of Concord Concord Feby 24'" JD 1796 Sworn State of Newhamp > Concord March i"' 1796 shire Rockingham fs ) At a Legal meeting of the Freeholders and other In- habitants of Concord Past the following votes viz — 1. Made Choice of Judge Walker Moderator. 2. John Odlin Town Clerk-sworn 3. Tim" Walker Esq"" John Bradley Esq' & Henry Martin Selectmen all sworn 4. Made choice of John Batcheldor Constable <( sworn 5. Tim° Bradley Collector 3!'* West Parish Nath** Ambrose Collector 7 Cents East Parish John Shute Ju"" Collector 6 Cents south Parish 6. Nath'' Ambrose & Cap' Samuel Davis Constables-^ Cap' Davis sworn 7 Mofes Farnum, Cap' Joseph Farnum, Oliver Hoit, Ezra Abbot, =sworn Jonathan Elliot Ju% Isaac Di- mond sworn Ephraim Carter, sworn Levi Abbot, Sworn Ebenezer Duston, Sworn Coll° Thomas Stickney, sworn Maj' Daniel Livermore, Chand- ler Lovejoy, Ensign Jon" Virgin, Sworn John Hoit, Ebenezer Eastman Sworn L' Joshua Thomp- son, Sworn and Capt Kimball, Sworn 8. Coll" Peter Green Tything man, 9 Stephen Tuttle, & William Partridge, Fence viewers. 10 D" David Hall, Sealer of weights & Measures, 11 Dudley Ladd, Sworn y Abiel Walker, Sworn y & James Hosmore, Horg Reaves, 12 Abiel Virgin, John Colby Ju' Jn" Blanchard, Sur- veyors of Lumber TOWN RECORDS. 29I 13 James Moulton Culler of Staves 14 David George Esq' Pound Keeper ) Sworn 15 Ebenezer Eastman Pound Keeper ^ 16 voted that the Surveyors of High ways Give Bonds as the Collectors of Taxes to work out their Road Rates or pay the same into the Public Treasurer for the Public use Voted that this Meeting be adjourn*^ for one hour Att Caleb Chase T" Clerk Met according to adjournment and Past the following votes i^' For a Governor Tim° Walker Esq' 144 ) For John Taylor Gilman Esq' — 53 5 2nd Votes for Senator ware Coll" Henry Gerrifh 38 James Flanders 59 — William Duncan 23 John Bradley 6 Tim° Walker 3 Benj" Darling i William Austin Kent i 3 : V^otes for a Counsellor waref James Sheafe 65 < Paine wingate 31 ' Joseph Blanchard 12 4. Made Choice of John Bradley Esq'' Representative 5 Votes for Register of Deeds ware < Tho' Sergent-3 C James Gray 50 ware < Tho' Sergent-3 ( Sam" Brooks- 2 The Report of the Committe to Settle with Selectmen is as follows We the Subscribers being appointed a Committe b}'' the Town of Concord to adjust the accounts of the Town with the Selectmen have attended the Buisnefs and find as follows viz — The Afsefsments for three years i e 1792 1793 & 1794 together with the Rent of the School Lots for the same are ----- £925-16-4 C' By Sundrys accounts ------ 921- 4-4 Ball"^"^^ Due £ 4 :i2 :o Concord Feb^ 27"" 1796 Beni" P^merv } .^ 1 \ r^ u ' T r (■ Committe John Colby Ju^ ^ 6 The above Report haveing been Read voted that the same be accepted as a Final Settlement 292 CONCORD 7 voted one Hundred and live Pounds to Suj-)j-)ly the Pulpit the Ensuing Year 8 voted One Hundred and live Pounds for a School the Ensuing Year 9 voted not to Exchange Land with Robert Harris 10 Voted to Chuse a Committe of five to streighten the Road from the Dark Plane (so call'') to Butters and from the meeting house to Boscavven viz Paul Rolfe, John Bradley Esq% Cap' Benj" Emery, Tim" Walker Esq% and Maj' William Duncan 11 voted one Days work for a Single Pole and other Reatable Estate in Proportion the Current Year 12 voted that Stephen Tuttle be a Surveyor of Lum- ber 13 voted one Hundred Dollars for the Incidental Charges the Current Year 14 voted that this Meeting be Difsolved Attjohn Odlin T" Clerk State of Newhamp ^ To John Bachelder one of the shire Rockingham Is ^ Constables of Concord in Said County- Greeting- You are hearby Required to warn as the Law directs the freeholders and the other Inhabitants of said Concord, Qualified by law to vote In town affairs to afsemble at the Town house in Said Concord the tw^entieth day of May next at three o Clock in the afternoon then and there when meet to act on the following Particulars viz — i" to chose a Moderator to Govern Said Meeting. 2°^ to see if the Town will receive and accept the Re- port of the Committe appointed at the Last march meet- ing for the purpose of Laying out or altering the Road from Concord Street so Called to Boscawen : and also the Report of that Committe or the Selectmen for alter- ing or laying out a Road from Said Street to Concord Bridge and from Said Bridge on the East Side to Bow 3* to see if the town will make application to the Selectmen of Bow and the Selectmen of Pembroke to lay out and Compleat a Road trom the Road which is or may be laid out by Concord to the most Convenient part of the main Street in Pembroke and act on any other TOWN RECORDS. 293 matters which may be thought necefsary to Carry into Effect the opening and Repairing Said Roads 4"' To See what Sum or Sums of money the Town will Raise for Compleating the above Roads and other Incidental Charges of Said Town the Ensuing Year. And make due Return to the Subscribers at or before said meeting Dated at Concord aforesaid this thirtieth Day of April Anno Domini 1796 Tim° Walker ^Selectmen John Bradley > of Henr}^ martin ) Concord Rockingham fs<( Concord May 20"' 1796 Agreeably to the within warrant I have notified and warned the freeholders and other Inhabitants of Said Concord to meet at the time and place aforesaid John Bachelder<( Constable State of Newhamp ) Concord May 20"' 1796 shire Rockingham fs ) At a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and other In- habitants of Concord past the following votes viz. V^ Made Choice of Coll" Thomas Stickney Modera- tor 2'^ voted to accept the Report of the Committe Chosen to Streighten the Road from the meeting house to Boscawen 3'^ voted to accept the Report of the Committe Chosen to Streighten the Road from Butters hill so Called to Concord bridge and thence on the East Side of the River to the Town Line 4'^' voted that the Selectmen be a Committe to make application to the Selectmen of bow and Pembroke to lay out and Compleat Said Road through Said bow and Pembroke 5"' voted to Reconsider the third vote &h voted to accept the Return of the Road made by the Selectmen through the Eleven Lots so Called 7*^ voted to raise forty Dollars to fence the Burying Yard and to Purchase a Pall 9*'' voted that this meeting be Difsolved, Atest John Odlin T" Clerk 294 CONCORD Return of a Road laid out by the Selectmen through the Eleven Lots so Call'd State of Nevvhamp ) Concord April 24"' 1796 shire Rockingham fs ^ We the Subscribers Selectmen of Concord being desir- ed by a number of the Inhabitants of said town to Lay out a high way from the Eleven Lott Bridge so Called in said Concord down by merrimack River, to the town line have accordingly attended said service and laid out said Road, bounded as follows viz beginning at a stake stand- ing on the bank of said River merrimack at bow Line thence up said River on the bank thereof north thirty two Degrees west two Hundred and sixteen Rods to a stake, thence north 37 Degrees west thirty three Rods to a stake near Concord bridge so Called thence north tifty Degrees west thirty four Rods to a stake on the Bank of said River, then north twenty six Degrees west, on the bank of Said River Sixty Six Rods to a Stake near the Eleven Lott Bridge, said Road to Lay on the west side of the above described Line, and to be four Rods broad from said town Line to said Eleven Lott Bridge Tim° Walker ) Selectmen of John Bradley ) Concord A True Record of the foregoing Return Examined p*" me John Odlin T" Clerk State of Newhamp ) To the Inhabitants of the Town shire Rockingham fs 5 of Concord Qualified by law to vote for Representatives By Virtue of a precept to me Directed by Noah Emery Esq'' Clerk of the Court of Common pleas for said County. You are Hearby notified, and warned to afsemble at the Town House in Said Concord on Saturday the twenty fifth Day of June Currunt at 5 "Clock in the after- noon then and there when met to act on the following Particulars viz i' to Choose a Moderator to Govern Said Meeting 2"'' to Choose one person Qualified b}' Law to Serve as a Grand Juror at the next Court of Common pleas to be TOWN RECORDS. ^95 holden at Exeter in and for Said Count}' on the Second tuesday of august next. Dated at Concord aforesaid this ii''^ Day of June ID 1796. John Odlin Town Clerk State of Newhamp ^ Concord June 25"" 1796 shire Rockingham fs ^ At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of Concoi'd Qualified by Law to vote for Representatives past the following votes viz i' Made Choice of Maj"^ William Duncan Moderator 2°"^ Made Choice of W John Bachelder for a Grand Juror agreeablv to the above meeting Atestjn« Odlin T" Clerk State of Newhamp ) To M' John Bachelder one of shire Rockingham fs 5 the Constables of Concord — Greeting — L. S. You are in the name of the State of New- hampshire hearby required to notify and warn as the Law directs the freeholders and other Inhabitants of Concord Qualified as the Law requires to vote for State Representatives to meet at the town house in s^ Concord on monday the twenty ninth day of august Instant at two of the Clock in the afternoon then and their when met to act on the following Particulars viz — I*' to Choose a Moderator to Govern s** Meeting 2 to vote by ballot for four persons duly Qiialified to Represent this State in the Congrefs of the United States two years from the fourth day of march next 3 to see if the town w'ill Raise any money to finifh the town house And make due Return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to us the Subscribers on or betbre said day Given under our hands John Bradley ) Selectmen of and Seal at Concord Henry Martin ) Concord aforesaid this 10"' day of august Anno Domina 1796 296 CONCORD Rockingham fs )> Concord August 29"' 1796 Pursuant to the within warrant to me directed I have Notified and warned the Freeholders and other Inhab- itants Qualified as the Law directs to meet at time and place aforesaid John Bahelder<( Constable — State of Newhamp ^ shire Rockingham fs ) Concord August 29"" A) 1796 At a Legal Meeting of the freeholders and the other Inhabitants the following votes ware past viz — I*' Made Choice of Judge Walker Moderator 2 For Members to Congrefs the following ware voted for viz Jeremiah Smith 85 Abiel Foster 88 William Gor- don 50 Timothy Walker 46 James Sheaf 22 Isreal Evens 23 Aurther Livermore 9 Woodbury Langdon 24 Nath*^ Peabod}^ 6 Aaron Hutchinson 7 Oliver Peabody 3 Edward S' Livermore 3 Peleg sprague 2 Bezalul Woodward i Will™ Plumer i Jonathan Freeman i 3 voted to finifh the town House and the town to have the Exclusive Right of the House 4 voted to Raise Sixty pound to finifh the Town house 5 voted that Cap' Reuben Kimball be agent to finifh S'' House 6 voted this meeting be Difolved Att John Odlin T" Clerk State of ^ Newhampshire > To Cap' Samuel Davis one of the Rockingham fs ) Constables of Concord — Greeting You are in the Name of the State of Newhampshire Hereby Required to notify and warn the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of S*^ Concord Qualified by Law to vote in the Choice of Senators for the State Legislature to meet at the Town House in S'' Concord on INIonday the Seventh Day of November next at two of the '^Clock in the afternoon then and there to act on the following Par- ticulars, viz I** to Choose a Moderator to Govern s'' Meeting TOWN RECORDS. 297 2"'^ to vote for six suitable persons Inhabitants of this State to be Electors of a President and Vice President of the United States. 3*^ to vote by Ballot for one of the following persons viz Jonathan Freeman or Peleg Sprague Esq"" one of which is to be Chosen for a Representative of this State in the Congrefs of the United States for two Years from the fourth day of March next. 4* to Choose one or more Surveyors of Highways And made due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to us the Subscribers on or before said Day Given under our hands and Tim° Walker ^Selectmen Seal at Concord this > of 17"' day of Octo"" iD 1796 John Bradley ) Concord Rockingham fs y Concord November 7"' 1796 Pursuant to the within warrant I have notified and warned the Freeholders and other Inhabitants to meet at time and place within mentioned Sam'^' Davis )> Constable State of Newhamp ) Concord November 7"' 1796 shire Rockingham fs ) At a Legal meeting of the Freeholders and other In- habitants of Concord held on said day the following votes ware past viz — 1°' Made Choice of Timothy Walker Esq' Moderator 2°<^ votes for Electors ware for Oliver Peabody 52 Tim" Walker 51 Benf Bellows 51 James Sheafe 52 Judge Farrar 52 John Printice 51 Thomas Cogswell 3 Ebenezer Thompson i 3'' Votes for Representative to Congrefs ware for Peleg Sprague, 55. 4"' voted that Abiel Walker be a Surveyor of High- ways & Sworn 5"' voted that the Singing Society may make use of the town House to Sing in when the House is not in use by the town they to Leave the House in as good Repair as it is when they go into s'' House 6"" voted this Meeting be Difsolved Attest John Odlin T" Clerk 298 CONCORD Concord April 21" 1797. Gentelmen ) I Request you to Communciate to the — 5 Inhabitants of Concord my Intentions of Resigning to them their pulpit & of fmifhing my work of the ministry in this place on the first of July next. & I Desire that Such Measures may be taken as shall be suitable to that Event. Isreal Evans A True Record from the Original Att John Odlin Town Clerk State of Newhamp } Concord Jan 7"' 1797 shire Rockingham fs ^ Pursuant to a Precept to me Derected by Nathaniel Adams Esq"" Clerk of the Superior Court of Judicature in and for S** Count}^ these are to Notify and warn the free- holders & other Inhabitants of Concord Qualified as the Law Requires to vote for State Representative to meet at the town House in S*^ Concord on Tuesday the Seven- teenth day of this Instant at three "Clock in the afternoon there and when met to act on the following Particulars viz — I'' to Choose a Moderator to Govern Said meeting 2°^ to Choose one person to Serve as a Grand Juror at the next Superior Court of Judicature to be holden at Portsmouth on the first Tueasday of February next. 3'"^' to Choose two persons to Serve as petit Jurors at the Superior Court aforesaid one to Serve on the first Tuesda}^ of February next, the other on the 13"" day of s" Month p' me John Odlin T" Clerk At the above meeting Cap' Samuel Davis was Chose to serve as a Grand Juror at Said Court. & Decon Joseph Hall was appointed to Serve as a petit Juror on the first Tuesday of Feburary & Cap' Jonathan Eastman was appointed to Serve as the other Petit Juror to Serve on the 13"' day of s*^ month as set forth in the above warning Att John Odlin T° Clerk Concord Jany 17"' 1797 TOWN RECORDS. 299 State of Newhamp > To M' John Bachelder one of shire Rockingham fs > the Constabels of Concord L. S. Greeting — In the name of the state of Nevvhampshire You are hereby Required to warn as the Law Directs the free- holders and other Inhabitants of Concord (Qiialified by Law to vote in Town atiairs) to meet at the Town-House in said Concord on Tuesday the seventh day of march next at nine "Clock in the forenoon then and there when met to act on the following Particulars viz — 1. to Choose a Moderator to Govern s^^ Meeting. 2. to Choose a Clerk Select Men, Constable or Con- stables, Collector or Collectors and all other Town Offi- cers. 3. to Vote as the Constitution Requiers for a Gover- nor. 4. to Vote for one senator for the Eighth Uestrect. 5. to Vote for a Counsellor for the County of Rock- ingham 6. to Choose one man duly Qiialified to Represent s^ town in the General Court one Year from the first Wed- nesday of June next. 7. to Vote for a Register of Deeds & Treasurer for the County of Rockingham 8. To see what sum or sums of mone}' the Town will Raise to supply the Pulpit the School, and to defray the other necefsary Charges of the Town the Ensuing Year. 9. To see if the Town wall give in Exchange the Land East of M' Robert Harris's Land to the River as the Com- pensation for the Damage he may Sustain, by Cutting a Road through his Land, Reserving the Previledge for Teams &c to pafs and Repafs for Ever 10. To see if the Town will make those persons any Compensation that have had Roads laid out through their Land the Year past for the Damage they may sus- tain by s** Roads 11. To see if the Town wall make those persons any Compensation which liave been Chosen as Jurors for their Services 300 CONCORD And make due Return of this warrant with Your doings thereon to us the Subscribers on or before s** Meeting Given under our hands Tim° Walker ^Selectmen & seal at Concord afore- John Bradle}^ > of said this Eleventh day of Henry martin ) Concord Feby /D 1797 Rockingham fs-^ Concord March 6"* 1797 Pursuant to this precept to me directed I have notified and warned the Freeholders and other Inliabitants of s** Concord Qiialified by Law to vote in town affairs to meet at the Town=House the first Tuesday of march Cur- rant at nine O Clock A. M. ^Constable John Bachelder > of ) Concord State of Newhamp ) Concord March 7"^ 1797 shire Rockingham fs 5 At a Legal meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabi- tants of s** Concord held on s'' Day the following votes ware past, viz I* Made Choice of Timothy Walker Esq'" Moderator 2. John Odlin : Clerk sworn 3. John Odlin, Rich** Aver & John Eastman Selectmen Sworn 4. Made Choice of John Bachelder Constable sworn 5. Robert Bradley Collector West parifh 4^ pence ^ Jeremiah Virgin Collector East part 4^ pence > John Bachelder Collector South part 5. pence ) 6 Voted to adjourn for one hour x\tt John Odlin T" Clerk Met according to adjournment and past the tbllowing votes, viz — I' ^Jeremiah Virgin, C" Nath" Eastman, L' " Joshua Thomson, En" Jonathan \"irgin, Samuel Butters, En' Tho' Stickney, Abiel Walker, Jabez Abbot, Ezra Abbot, , all Henry martin, Tim" Dow, Abel Baker, "^ " ' Abner Dimond. Ephraim Carter, Eben- ezer Sanborn & Mofes Carter Survey- ors of Hicrh wavs worn TOWN RECORDS. 3OI 2. William Partridge & William Duncan fence View- ers, sworn 3. D*^ David Hall Sealer of Weights & Measures sworn 4. f James Moulton, Maj"^ William Duncan, "] j Daniel Virgin, Cap' David Davis, Ste- ! all j phen Hall, William Eastman, Isaac j Sworn [^ Dow, Daniel page Hogreevs J 5. Maj' Daniel Livermore, John Colby Jun'' ~] ,, Abiel Virgin Isaac Diamond Stephen Tuttle & V ^ \ Enoch Brown Surveyors of Lumber j 6. James Moulton Culler of Staves Sworn 7 John Roche & Robert Eastman field drivers Sworn 8. John Roche & Daniel Rogers Tything men Sworn V t f • } John, Taylar, Oilman i6i Timothy "' p, > Walker 19 Amos Shepherd 4 Daniel ^°^' )Ringe I W'» A Kent i 10. Senator ^ John Bradley Esq' 130 James Flan- votes > ders II. Henry Gerrifh 11. William 8 Destrect ) Duncan i. Will™ A. Kent i. f James Sheafe 69 Josep 11. Votes for Counsellor j Cille}' 6 Josep Blanchard for the Count}' of <^ Rockingham 4. Woodbury Langdon 2 Christopher T o p p a n i John Bradley i. 12. Votes for Register of ^ Samuel Brooks 43 Charles Deeds for the Coun- > Walker 65 James Gray 12. ty of Rockingham jjosiah Adams 3. — 13. Made Choice of William Austin Kent. Represen- tative. 14. David George & Charles Eastman Pound Keepers, sworn 15. Voted to adjourn this meeting to the 9'" day of march Instant to meet at the Town-House at one "Clock afternoon Attest John Odlin T" Clerk Met according to adjournment and Past the following votes i' Voted one Hundred and five Pound to supply the Pulpit the Ensuing Year. 302 CONCORD 2. Voted one Hundred and fifty pound to supply the School the Ensuing Year. 3. Voted for the High ways one days work on a single Poll and other Estate in proportion the Ensuing Year 4 that the Selectmen be a Committe to make those persons Which have had Roads Laid out through their Land, Between the meeting House and Boscawen such Compensation as they think proper, 5. Voted to Raise Sixty pound for the necefsary Charges of the town the Ensuing Year. 7. That Thomas Wilson be Surveyor of wood 8. Jeremiah Virgin Constable Sworn 9. Robert Bradley Constable Sworn 10 Ebenezer Virgin Ju"" Tythingman 11 Voted this Meeting be Difsolv'd Attest John Odlin, T" Clerk We the Subscribers Selectmen of Concord for the year 1796 have Laid out a Road four Rods broad leading from Jonathan Runnels Ju' Barn to the west End of the Lane Leading to Jabez Abbotts House Bounded as fol- lows viz Beginning at the South West Corner of Said Barn thence Running North 8 Degrees East three Hun- dred & thirty rods to a stake standing on the East side of the Road thence North 4° Degrees West seventy Rods & Eight links to a small white oak standing at the End of Said Lane agreeable to the plan herewith Exhibited Concord November i" 1796. Tim° Walker ) Select John Bradley ) Men N. B : The Road to be on the west side of the above Line and four Rods Broad A true Record of the foregoing Return Exam** Att John Odlin T" Clerk State of New-hamp ^ To M'' John Bachelder Consta- shire Rockingham fs 5 ble of Concord in Said County — Greeting L S In the name of the state of Newhampshire you are Hereby Required to notify and warn as the Law Directs the freeholders and other Inhabitants of Concord TOWN RE-CORDS. 303 (Qiialified by Law to vote in affairs) to meet at the Town House in S*^ Concord on Monday the twenty second day ot"May Instant at two ^Clock in the afternoon for the following Purposes viz 1. To Choose a Moderator to Govern s** Meeting 2. To Choose a Committe to Supply the pulpit after the first day of July next, as the Reverend Israel Evans has signified his Determanitaion not to Carr}^ on the w^ork of the Gospel Ministry in this Town after that Time 3. To see if the Town will Choose a Committe to ascertain and Establifh the bounds of the Road through the main street from Horse Shoe pond (so Called) to Samuel Butter's 4 To see if the Town will Exchange the Road Laid out on the River bank for the former Road through the Eleven Lots (so Called) 5. To see if the Town wiil accept of a Road Given by CoP Peter Green Cap' Richard Ayer & David Wait through their Lands 6. To see if the Town will Lay out the Centre Road (so Called) Leading from the Town Street to Hopkinton And Make Due Return of this Warrant with your Doings thereon to us the subscribers on or before s"d Meeting John Odlin ) Selectmen of Given under our hands Rich*^ Ayer ^ Concord and seal at Concord afore said this 6"^ day of may JD 1797 Rockingham fs ^Concord May 22""^ i797 Pursuant to the within Warrant to me Directed I have notified & warned the Feeeholders and other Inhabitants of s*^ Concord Qualified by Law to Vote in Town affairs to meet at time and place aforesaid John Bachelder )> Constable State of Newhamp > Concord May 22'"' 1797 shire Rockingham fs 5 At a Legal Meeting of the freeholders and other In- 304 CONCORD habitants of s'" Concord held on s'* the following votes ware past, viz 1. Made Choice of Timothy Walker Esq' Moderator 2. Voted to Chuse a Committe to supply the pulpit after the first day of July 3. Voted that the Selectmen be a Committe for the purpose 4. Voted to Chuse a Committe to ascertain the bounds of the mane Street from horse shoe pond to Samuel But- ter's and Report a plan at some futer Meeting 5. Voted to Chuse a Committe of five for the above purpose 6. Voted that Coll" Tim" Walker Cap' Benj* Emery Cap' Rechard Ayer, John Odlin & Jacob Abbott Esq' be the Committe 7. Voted to accept of the Road Given by Coll'' Peter Green Rechard Ayer & David Wait through their Lands 8. Voted that the Committe to Lay out the mane street be a Committe alfo to Layout the Centre Road 9. Voted this Meeting be Difsolved Att John Odlin T" Clerk We the Subscribers hereby Consent that a Road be Laid out by the Selectmen. of Concord through our Land Between the mill Road (so Called) and the Road west of Coll° Thomas Stickneys Leading by Edward Abbotts according to the within plan hereby agreeing to Give the same for public Benefit. May 6'" 1797 Witnefs our hands & seals Peter Green L. S. Rich^ Ayer A true Coppy from the original David Wait Atestjohn Odlin T. Cl'k State of New=Hamp ) Concord May 13''' 1800. shire Rockingham fs 5 We the subscribers have Laid out a road agreeable to the above Consent bounded as follows viz Beginning at a stake standing by the Road Leading to Hopkinton TOWN RECORDS. 305 from Concord runing North six Degrees west to the road Leading by Edward Abbots according to the plan returned by Jacob Abbott Ju' Surveyor and Establish the same as a Public high way A True Copy from the Original John Odlin ^ Jon^ Wilkins [-Selectmen Henrv martin j Attest John Odlin T. Clk. State of Newhamp ) Concord June 15"' 1797 shire Rockingham fs 5 Notice is hereby Given to the freeholders and other In- habitants of Concord (Qualified by Law to vote in Town affairs)to meet at the meeting=House in S** Concord, on monday the 19*'' day of June Instant at four "Clock in the afternoon for the following purpose viz — 1. To Choose a Moderator to Govern s^ Meeting. 2. To see if the Town will Choose a Committe to wait on the Ecclefsastical Council which may be Con- vened in this Town to Consider of the Propriety of Des- mifsing the Revn'' Israel Evans from his Pastoral Charge in this Town according to his Request 3. To Transact any other Buifnefs which may be Necefsary to be acted on at s*^ meeting. John Odlin ^ Selectmen Rich^ Ayer V of Jn° Eastman ) Concord Rockingham fs.<( Concord June 19"" 1797 At the above meeting the following votes ware Past viz — 1 . voted John Bradley Moderator 2. voted that the Town in Complyance with the Re- quest of the Revn'' Israel Eavans on the 2i*'of april Last, are Desposed to take Suitabel measuers on their part, of Receiveing of him their Pulpit and Etfecting his Discharge from his Leabour in the work of the Miniftry in this place on the first day of July next 21 3o6 CONCORD 3. voted to Choose a Committe of three to wait on the Ecclefsastical Council & Lay before them the Proceed- ings of the Town in Regard to Desmifsing the Revn<* Isreal Eavans 4 voted Jacob Abbot Esq' John IJradley Esq' Tim** Walker Esq' be the Committe for the above purpose 5 voted to Choose a Committe of two to join with a Committe appointed by the Church to make Provision for the Ecclefsasticals Council which may be Convened in til is Town 6 voted M' James Walker & John Bradley be the Committe for the above purpose 7 This meeting Difsolved Att John Odlin T» Clerk We the subscribers have this day Met Run and Per- ambulated the Line Between Concord and Boscawen as follows viz we Began at a Stake and Stones on the Southerly side of Contoocook River nearly Oppisate the middle of the mane Branch where the same Empties into Merrimack being where a forked white Pine formerly stood which is the Southeasterly Corner of Boscawen Runinp- west Seventeen Degrees and thirtv tive minutes South by the needel four miles to a Pitch Pine tree which is the Northwest Corner of Concord on which is a Num- ber of Letters Marks & figures which we have newly spotted on three sides which founds and Line we do hereby agree to Ratify and Confirm as the Bounds & Line and to be the Bounds & Line Between Concord & Boscawen Boscawen June 27"' 1797 John Odlin ^Selectmen Given under our hands on Rich*^ Ayer > of s'' day Jn" Eastman ) Concord Henr}^ Gerrifh > Surveyors Winthrop Carter ) Selectmen Asa Herrick 5 Thomas Thorla > of Daniel Shepherd ) Boscawen A True Coppv from the original Att John Odlin T" Clerk TOWN RECORDS. 307 State of Newhamp ) Concord July 15"' 1797 shire Rockingham fs 5 Pursuant to a Precept to me Derected by Noah Emery Esq"" these are to notify and warn the freeholders and other Inhabitants of s*^ Concord Qualified by Law to vote for Representatives to meet at the Town House in s'' Concord on Tuesday the 25"* Day of July Instant at Six "Clock in the afternoon for the following Purposes viz — 1. To Choose a Moderator. 2. To Choose one person Qualified by Law to serve as a Grand Juror at the next Court of Common pleas to be holden at Exeter on the second Tuesday of august next John Odlin Town Clerk State of Newhampshire ) Concord July 25"' 1797 Rockingliam fs ) At a Legal meeting of the freeholders and other In- habitants of s*^ Concord held on s"^ Day the following votes ware past, viz 1 . Made Choice of Deacon John Kimball Moderator 2. Made Choice of Maj' Daniel Livermore for a Grand Juror as set forth in the above Notification Att John Odlin Town Clerk We the Elders and Deligates of the following Churches (Viz) Gilmantown, Sanbornton, Atkinson, Amherst, Canterbury, Loudon, & Pembroke Convened in Concord July 5"" 1797 Pursuant to Letters Mifsive from the Pastor & Church in S*^ Concord for the Purpose of taking into Consideration the Proposals of the Revn'' Israel Evans to have his Pastorial Connection with S"* Church and Peo- ple Difsolved and to Afsist his Difsmifsion from the work of the Gospel Ministry in that place if it Shall be thought expedient. After Solemn prayer to God for derection and afsis- tance Proceeded to Receive Communications Irom M' Evens and the Committe of the Church and Peopel Relative to the affair before us (viz) i" The Propofals of M"" Evens in the following words. Gentlemen I Re- 3o8 CONCORD quest you to Communicate to the Inhabitants of Concord my Intention of Refigning to them their Pulpit & of fniishing my work of the Ministry in this place on the fn-st of July next & I Desire such Measurs may be taken as Shall be suitable to that Event. 2"<^ The votes of the Town exprefsion of their Complyance with the aflbresaid proposal & haveing Impartially inquired with respect to the probability of an accomadation between M' Evens & Churcii & Peopel in this Plan and the Prospect of this further ulefulnefs in the work of the Ministry among them. Voted unamiously that in the oppinion of the Council, it is expedient that the Pastorial Relation between M' Evens and the Church and Peopel in this place should be Difsolved, and accordingly it is Difsolv- ed. As no Charges have been Exhibited against the Min- isteral or Christian Character of M"^ Evens, We Recom- mend him to the Churches and to the work of the Min- istry wherever God in his Providence may open a Door, ancl wifh him Divine afsistance & Succefs — And now Brethren of this Church and Peopel we Lament the inter- ruption of that Happinefs which Hath Long Characterzed this Christian Society & the necefsity. which urges your being left as Sheep haveing no Shepherd exposed to Dangers and to the Enemies of Gospel order — You Con- sider yourselves as under the tokens of the Divine dis- pleasure and Sereously enquire wherefore it is that the Lord is Contending with you. With Sorrow we Reflect upon your unhappy destitute Circumstances — Deprived of the Stated means of Grace & the Regular Admistration of the Gospel Ordinances. Be intreated to Exercise Humility under your present. Difiiculties and Look to Heaven for Direction Gatird against every Temtation beware of Criminal Coldnefs & indifferance towards the Gospel Study those things which make for peace. Care- fully mark those who Caufe divisions & avoid them you will Seasonabl}^ endeavour to promote a Refettle- ment of the Gospel order as the greatest blefsing to Society & see that you fall not by the way. Finally Brethern we Commend vou to cfod & to the word of his Grace which is able to keep defend and build you up — We wish you the Smiels of Providence the Presence and protection of the Great Head of the Church That Broth- TOWN RECORDS. 309 erly Love may Continue here & that you may long know how good and Pleasant it is for Brethern to dwell together in unity. Isaac Smith Moderator A True Coppy Jedediah Tucker Clerk A True Coppy from the Original Attest John Odlin Town Clerk State of Newpamp ) To M"" John Bachelder Con- shire Rockingham fs y stable of Concord in S*^ County — Greeting (L S) You are in the Name of the State of Newhampshire Hereby Required to notify and warn as the Law Directs the freeholders and other Inhabitants of S"* Concord (Qualified by Law to vote for State Represen- tatives) to meet at the Town House in S*^ Concord on Monday the Twenty Eighth Day of August Instant at two "Clock in the after-noons for the following Purposes viz 1 . To Choose a Moderator to Govern S'' Meeting 2. To vote by Ballot for one person duly qualitied for a Representative of this State in the Congrefs of the United States to Supply the vacancy Occaf inoed by the Refignation of the Honorable Jeremiah Smith 3. To see if the Town will Choose two or more Per- sons in addition to those formerly Chosen to Supply the Pulpit 4. To see what the Town will do Concrning a Petition from the Selectmen and other Inhabitants of Canterbury for a Road from Chandlers Lovjoys Grift Mill to the Town Line And Make Due Return of this warrant with your Doings thereon to us the Subscribers on or before S*^ Meeting Given under our hands and John Odlin ^Selectmen Seal at Concord aforesaid > ol this 12 day of Augs' /D 1797 Rich"* Ayer } Concord Rockingham fs )> Concord August 28"" 1797 Pursuant to the within warrant to me Directed I have Notified & warned the Freeholders and other Inhabitants 310 CONCORD of tliu Town of Concord to meet at time and place alorcsaitl. T , 71 , , 1 ) Constable of Tohn Jiachelder > ^, , •f 5 Concord State of Newliamp } Concord August 28"' 1797 shire Rockingham fs ^ At a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and other In- habitants of Concord held on s" Day the following votes ware past, viz — I Made Choice of Jonathan Wilkins Moderator 2. votes for a Representative to Congrefs ware for Peleg Sprague 26. Edward S' Livermore 22. Wood- burv Langdon 21. Timothy Walker Esq*" i. 3. voted to add four to the Committe formerly Chosen to Supply the Pulpit viz Decon David Hall, M' Henry Martin. Jonathan Wilkins & Cap' Ruben Kimball 4 voted to Choose a Committe of three to meet with the Selectmen of Canterbury or Such a Committe as they may Chuse for the Purpose of Considering of their Petition for a road from Chandler Lovjoys to the Town Line 5. voted the Selectmen be a Committe for the above Purpose and make a Report at the next meeting 6. voted that this Meeting be Difsolved Atest John Odlin Town Clerk State of Newhamp ^ To M-" John Bachelder Con- shire Rockingham fs 5 stable of Concord in s'' County [L S] Greeting You are in the Name of the State of Newhampshire Hereby Required to notity and warn as the law Directs the freeholders & other Inhabitants of Concord (Qualitied to vote ibr State Representatives) to meett at the the Town-House in s** Concord on Monday the thirtieth day of October Current at two "Clock afternoon for the follow- ing purposes viz — I To Choose a Moderator to govern s*^ meeting 2. To vote by ballot for Peleg Sprague Esq' or Wood- bury Langdon Esq' one of which is to be Chosen to Rep- TOWN RECORDS. 3II resent this State in the Congrefs of the united States to Supply the vacancy occasinoed by the Resignation of the Hon^® Jeremiah Smith 3. To see if the Town will Straighteen the road to Avoods brook bridge acroft L* John Bradleys & AF Benj^ Hanafords Land & A Corner of David George Ju' Land near to Joseph Cleasby^ House 4. To see if the Town will allow the Previledge of Keeping a School two day in a week in the Town= House 5. To see if the Town w^ill accept the report of the Committe Chosen on the Petition of the Selectmen & •other Inhabiants of Canterbury And make due Return of this warrant with your doings theron to us the subscribers on or before s'^ Meet- ing Given under our hands and John Odlin ^Selectmen Seal at Concord aforesaid this Rich*^ Ayer > of 14''' day of October ID lyg'j ) Concord Rockingham fs Concord October 30'*^ i797 Pursuant to the within warrant to me Directed I have notified and warned the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of s*^ Concord to meet at time & place aforesaid C Constable John Bachelder^ of ( Concord State of Newhamp > Concord October 30^"^ i797 shire Rockingham fs ) At a Legal meeting of the Freeholders and other In- habiants of s*' Concord held on monday the s*^ 30**" day of October the following votes ware past viz — 1 . Made Choice of Timothy Walker Esq' Moderator 2. Votes for a Representative to Congrefs ware for Peleg Sprague Esq' 50 and for Woodbury Langdon Esq' 32 3. Voted to Choose a Committe of three to look out a road from M' Benj^ Hanafords House to woods brook bridge (so Called) 4. Voted Coll° Thomas Stickney M"" Jonathan Wilkins 312 CONCORD & Jacob Abbott Esq' be a Committe for the above pur- pose, also to apprise the Damage the Owners of the Land may Sustain through which said Road may be Laid & Report the Same to the Town 5. Voted to Postpone the Consideration of the Report of the Committe on the Petition of the Inhabitants of Canterbury to some futer Time 6. Voted this Meeting be Defsolved AttJohnOdlin T" Clerk State of Newhamp ^ To AP John Bachelder Con- shire Rockingham fs 5 stable of Concord in s*^ County — Greeting — (L S) In the name of the State of Newhampshire you are hereby Required to notify and warn as the Law directs the freeholders and other Inhabitans of s"^ Concord (qualified by Law to vote in town affairs) to meet at the town House in S** Concord on thursday the twenty Eighth day of Dec' Current at one "Clock in the afternoon for the following Purposes viz — 1. To Choose a Moderator to Govern S*^ Meetingr 2. To see if the Town will vote to give M' Asa APFar- land a Call to Settle in the Ministry Among them. 3. To see (in Case they should vote to give him a Call) what they will give for a Settlement and what sum they will give for a Salary also to Choose a Committe to wait on him with the votes. 4. To see what Measueres the town will take to raise their quota of the Eighty thousand men Required by Con of said this 12'*^ day of Dec*^ John Eastman } Concord ID 1797 Rockingham fs )> Concord Dec 28*^ ^797 Pursuant to a warrant to me directed by the Selectmen of s" Concord I have notified & warned the freeholders TOWN RECORDS. 313 & Other Inhabitants of s^ Concord to meet at the town House on thursday the 28*^ day of Decern"' at i ''Clock John Bachelder )> Constable of Concord State of Newhamp ) Concord December 28*" 1797 shire Rockingham fs > At a Legal Meeting of the freeholders & other Inhab- itants of s*^ Concord held at the Town=House on S** day the following votes ware past viz 1. Tim** Walker Esq' Moderator 2. Voted to give M' Asa M*=Farland a Call to Settle in the Ministry in this Town. 3. Voted to give M' Asa M*'Farland three Hundred & fifty Dollars for a Salary Yearly and the use of all the Improved Lands belonging to the Parsonage Right & Liberty to Cut wood and timber on the out Lands as much as he may want for his own use during his Carry- ing on the work of the Ministry in this town 4. Voted to Choose a Committe of five viz Jacob Abbott Esq^ Cap' Joshua Abbott, Tim*' Walker Esq'^ Capt Jon" Eastman, & John Bradley Esq' to wait on M^" Asa M^'Farland with the votes 5. V^oted that the men that Enlist shall have ten Dol- lars with what the Congrefs-give, and if Called into ser- vice to have one month pay in advance. 6. Voted the Selectmen give those persons that Shall Enlist a handsome treat at the Expence of the Town 7. Voted that those persons who Drive Sleighs on Sun- day be Desired to Keep on the East side of the street. 8. Voted this Meeting be Difsolved Att John Odlin T" Clerk The following Persons have Entered their Desent to M"" M*' Farland Salary Jan^ 4'^' 1798 viz Jeremiah Wheeler Asa Graham Robert Ambrose, Jonathan Ambrose, Oli- ver Flanders, Philbrick Bradley, John Hoit, John Hoit Jn"" Jacob Hoit, Chandler Lovejo3% John Lovejoy, Eben- ezer Lovejoy Samuel Goodwin Edward Philbrick John Dimond Reuben Dimond Jonathan Virgin Moles Gale 314 CONCORD Timothy Bradley Stitson Eastman EHphalet Tucker Joseph Eastman State of Nevvhamp } Concord Jany 20**' 1798 sliire Rockingham Is <» Pursuant to a precept to me directed by Nathaniel Adams Esq' Clerk of the Superior Court of Judicature in and for s** County these are to notify and warn the freeholders & other Inhabitants of s^ Concord qualified by Law to vote for State Representatives to meet at the Town = House in s** Concord on Wednesday the thirty first •day of Jany Current at 3 °Clock in the afternoon to act on t-he following particulars viz — 1 To Choose a Moderator 2 To Choose one person to serve as a grand Juror at the next Superior Court of Judicature to be holden at Portsmouth on the first tuesda\' of Feburary next 3. To appoint two persons to Serve as petit Jurors at the Superior Court aforesaid one to Serve on the first tuesday of Feburary next the other on the twelvth day of s** month At the above meeting John Bradley Esq' was modera- tor & 'SV Chandler Lovjoy was Chosen to serve as grand Juror & M"" Isaac Dimond, & IVP Jonathan Runells ware appointed to serve as petit Jurors for s^ Court. John Odlin T° Clerk To the Church & Peopel of Concord — Brethern As I have Received your Invitation to settle among 3-ou as your minister, it is Expedient that I should make known to you the Result of my Deliberations on that important subject — You are sensible that this is a subject of magnitude both as it Respects you and as it Respects myself — It is a subject which involves the interest of Religion so far as the influence of this transaction shall extend. It is then a subject which Requiers sober and pra3'erfull deliberation TOWN RECORDS. 315 It would be unnecefsaiy for me to relate to you the anxiety with which my mind has Labored in view of my own inability & the weight of that Object which your in- vitation involves — And it has been my Prayer to God that he would Direct me to those things which will be for the interest of Religion After Deliberation Respecting the importance of the Object and my own duty I have thought fit to Compl}' with your invitation and do therefore Comply with it — Pra3'ing that God would Crown these our Determina- tions with his blefsing — that He would make me an in- strument to promote 3'our spiritual happiness — that He would build us up in faith and love and finally pre- sent us faultlefs before his throne with Exceeding Joy to whom be glory forever — x\men — Concord Jan-'' 27"^ 1798 Asa M^Farland A True Cop}- from the Original Answer Att John Odlin Town Clerk State of Newhamp ^ To M"^ John Bachelder Con- shire Rockingham fs ( stable of Concord in s*^ County — Greeting (L S) In the name of the State of Newhampshire j-'ou are hereby Required to notify and warn as the law Directs the freeholders & other inhabitants of s*^ Concord (qualified to vote in tow-n afl^airs) to meet at the Town= House on Monday ninteenth day of Feb-^ Current at one *'Clock in the afternoon for the following Purposes viz — 1. To Choose a Moderator 2. To see if the Town will Concur with the Church in the appointment of the first wednefday of march next for the ordination of M*" Asa JNPFarland 3. To see if the Town (in Case they Concur with the Church) will Choose a Committe with full powder on be- half of s"^ Town to superintend said ordination 4. To Impower s** Committe to provide Entertainment for the Ministers and Delegates who may attend the bus- nefs of said ordination 5. To see if the Town will make those persons who have been Chosen as Jurors any Compensation for their services in addition to their lawful fees 3l6 CONCORD And make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to us the subscribers on or before s*^ meeting — Given under our liand and j , r\ u- ")Selectmen 1 * r- ^ f -1 John Odhn / r seal at L-oncord aioresaid i^ • ,1 d a ( ^'^ this 3'' day of Feb. JD 1798 ^^^ ^^^ ) Concord Rockingham fs<( Concord February 19"' 1798 Pursuant to the within warrant to me Directed I have notified and warned the freeholders & other inhabitants of s*' Concord to meet at time and phice for the purposes within Mentioned John Bachelder Constable of Concord State of Newhamp ) Concord Feburary 19"^ 1798 shire Rockingham Is S At a Legal meeting held on the day of the Date here- of the following votes ware past viz — 1. Made Choice of M' Jonathan Wilkins Moderator 2. Voted to Concur with the Church in the appoint- ment of the first vvednefsday of march next for the ordi- nation of M^ Asa M'^Farland 3. Voted to Choose a Committe of five to superintend s"^ Ordination viz Cap* Richard Ayer - James Walker Jonathan Eastman Jacob Carter John Bachelder be a Committe for the above purpose 4 Voted to I m power the above Committe to make Provision for the Council and Delegates that may attend subordination at the Expence of the Town 5. Voted the 5"" article in the warrant be Desmifsed 6, Voted this meeting be Defsolved Attjohn Odlin T" Clerk State of Newhamp ^ To M' John Bachelder Con- Shire Rockingham fs 5 stable of Concord in said County — Greeting (L S) In the name of the State of Newhampshire you are hereby Required to notify and warn as the law directs the freeholders and other Inhabitants of s'^ Con- cord (qualified to vote in Town affairs) to meet at the TOWN RECORDS. 317 Town-House in S*^ Concord on Tuesday the sixth day of March next at nine "Clock in the forenoon for the follow- ing Purposes 1. To Choose a Moderator 2. To Choose a Clerk Selectmen Constabel or Con- stables Collector or Collectors and all other Necefsary town Officers 3. To vote as the Constitution requiers for a Governor 4. To vote for a Senator for the Eighth Destrict 5. To vote for a Counfellor for the County of Rock- ingham 6. To Choose one man duly qualified to Represent s** Town in the General Court one year from the first wed- nefday of June next 7. To vote for a Register or Deed & Treasurer for the County of Rockingham 8. To see what sum or Sums of money the town will raise to supply the School and to Defray the other necefsary Charges of the town the Ensuing year 9. To see what method the town will take to prevent the Common near meeting House being dug up for Clay 10. To see if the town will accept the report of the Committe Chosen on the petition of the inhabitants of Canterbury for a road, or in lieu thereof to see if the town will lay a road running from the guid post near M' Samuel Goodwins through the pine plane to Canterbury line on the west side of Curry Hill (so Called) 11. To see if the Town will accept the report of the Committe Chosen to ascertain the Bounds of the mane street and Centre road (so Called) also the report of the Committe to look out a road from Benjamins Hanafords House to woods brook (so Called) 12. To see if the Town will Exchange the road for- merly laid out from horse hill (so Called) to Boscawen for the road now Traveled- And make due Return of this warrant to us the sub- scribers on or before s'^ meeting Given under our hands and seals at John Odlin Concord aforesaid this 19"' day of Rich'' Ayer Feb 1798 3l8 CONCORD Rockincrluim Is )- Concord March 6"' 1798 FursuaiU to the within warrant to me Directed I have notified and warned the Freeholders and other inhabi- tants of s*' Concord to meet at the time and place within mentioned T 1 ij 1 1 1 } Constable of ()lin l>aclielder > ^ , •^ 5 Concord all 4 State of Newhamp ^ shire Rockingham fs S At a Legal meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabatants of Concord held on the 6"' day of march 179S the following votes ware past viz 1 Made Choice of Timothy Walker Esq"" Moderator 2 John Odlin Clerk sworn John Odlin — Rich'^ Ayer — John Eastman Select- men Sworn Cap' Samuel Davis Collector for the south Destrict and is to Collect for nine Cents on the pound Sworn Hains Farnum Collector for the west Destrict and is to Collect for Eight Cents on the pound — Sworn Jeremiah Virgin Collector for the EastDestrect and is to Collect for seven Cents on the pound Sworn Sworn 5. Cap*. Samuel Davis Hains Farnum & Jer- emiah Virgin Constables John Colby — Timothy Chandler — John west — Amos Abbott Ju"" Josiah Farnum Jonathan Elliot Ju^ Asa Herrick Ruben Abbott Ju^ 6 <( — Jonathan Johnson Daniel Stickney Stil- ^ son Eastman — Timothy Bradley — Jeremiah Wheeler Joshua Thompson Surveyors of Highways 7 Daniel Rogers Caleb Buswell Tvthing men 8 David Hall Sealer of Lather 9 Thomas Wilson & Jacob Abbott Courders of wood f x\biel Virgin Jacob Carter John Currier Ju"^ 10 <^ Enoch Brown Chandler Lovjoy Surveyors of [_ Lumber 11 James Stevens Culler of staves TOWN RECORDS. 319 12 Benj'* Porvel — Daniel Gale — Rob' Eastman fence Veiwers 13 David Hall Sealer of weights & Measures f Ebenezer Dustin David Davis Abiel East- '] J man Will'" Parttridge Moody Dow Robert ! '^ I Knowlton William Fiefield Asa Graham Hog- | [_ reeves J 15 Voted that Daniel Rogers have his taxes given in so long as he serves as Tything man 16 David George and Charles Eastman pound Keepers 17 Voted Ephraim Pottor have his taxes given in for the Last years and for the futer 18 Daniel Virgin Field Driver 19 Voted that Charles Eastmans Yard be for a pound untill one is built 20 Voted to adjourn for one hour Att John Odlin T» Clerk Met according to adjournment and past the following votes 1 Votes for a Governor ware for John T. Gilman 90 Tim° Walker 25 2 Votes lor a Senator ware for Henry Garrifh 134 John Bradley 59 James Flanders i Enoch Gerrish i 3 Votes for a Counsellor for the County of Rocking- ham ware for James Sheafe 151 John Bradley 3 Paine Wingate 2 Joseph Cilly i Christopher Toppan i 4 Made Choice of Jacob Abbott Esq"^ Representative 5 Votes for Register of Deeds for the County of Rock- ingham ware for Thomas Sargeant 130 Charles Walker 16 6 Voted 350 Dollars to Supply the pulpit 350 Dollars for the School and 100 Dollars for the necefsary Charges of the Town the Ensuing Year 7 voted the selectmen be a Committe to take Care and prevent any person diging Clay near the meeting house on the Common 8 voted to accept a Road acrost the plain from the Guide post near Samuel Goodwins to Canterbury line on the west side of Curry hill (so Called) 320 CONCORD 9 Voted to accept the report of the Committe on the mane street & Centre road as by the plan Ennexed to s"* Report and that the Selectmen put down duriable momu- ments on the lines of s*^ road 10 Voted to accept the report of the Committe to look out the road from Benj" Hanafords to woods brook which Report was that the road be as M' George & M' Cleasby agreed 11 Voted that the Selectmen pay those persons on the East Side of the river for their Land for a road for the public at the rate of eighteen pounds p' Acer 12 Voted this meeting be Defsolved Att John Odlin T" Clerk State of Newhamp ^ shire > To M"" Hains Farnum Consta- Rockingham fs ^ble of Concord in s*^ County — Greeting — (L S) In the name of the state of Newhampshire 3'ou are hereby Required to notify and warn as the law directs the freeholders and other inhabitants of S'' Con- cord (qualified as the law requiers to vote in Town affairs) to meet at the Town-House in s"* Concord on Monday the 28"' day of may Current at two "Clock in the afternoon for the following Purposes viz — 1. to Choose a Moderator 2. To see what sum or sums of money the town will raise to repair the high ways in s"* town the Ensuing Year 3. To see if the town will fence the six acer lot belong- ing to the pai-sonage Right or any part thereof 4. To see if the town will Choose a Committe with full power to take Care of (and prosecute any person or persons that may hereafter trelspals on any of) the un- improved Lands belonging to the town 5 To see if the town will lay out a road from Cap' Sam^ Davis's house to the road leading from Concord to hopkinton near to John Kimball Jun' Land, also to see if the Town will sell the road leading from Jonathan Emersons to hopkinton line to a four rod road IIWBMUl l ll l l lMlll l lll lltlJItiUIUlUiillll l lUl l yfT, (.<• t f »^ .4 ^ ctv-'-^^Kfi v. \ p f r / ^^ ■^ 1^ /V. ^>^ ..>5^ ^,.. ■ /»/!/. ^, .y -N- = X \^,/.- /' /Mf/-^ tfO^ AoJa X-r^-^ /T^-'^"',^' ■i' a. /^ n V \ \ .5 ,|.^^-^^l § i ^ K s ,.^./y{./x, /: W. /a .L TOWN RECORDS. 321 And make due Return of this warrant with your doings thereon to us the subscribers on or before s*" meeting Given under our hands & John OdHn ) Selectmen of seal at Concord aforesaid Rich'' Ayer 5 Concord this 12 day of may /D 1798 Rockingham fs )> Concord May 28"" 1798 Pursuant to the within warrant to me directed I have notified and warned the freeholders and other Inhab- itants of S'^ Concord to meet at time place within mene- tioned Hains Farnum )> Constable State of Xewhamp > Concord May 28'" 1798 shire Rockingham fs 5 At a legal meeting of the freeholders and other Inhab- itants of s'^ Concord held on s'^ 28"* day of may the following votes ware past, viz — 1. Made Choice of Col° Timothy Walker Moderator 2. Voted one day and a half's work on a single head on the highway the Ensuing Year and other rateable Es- tate in proportion and that the Selectmen allow four Shillings p"" Day 3. Voted to fence the six acer Lot belonging to the par- sonage Right with a five rail fence 4. Voted to Choose a Committe of five to take Care of the unimproved Lands belonging to the town and pros- ecute any person or persons that may hereafter be found trespafsing on s'^ Lands viz John Odlin Richard Ayer John Eastman Henry Martin & Stephen Farnum be a Committe for the above purpose 5 voted this Meeting be Desolved Att John Odlin T"' Clerk We the Subscribers have this day met run & pream- bulated the line between Concord and Loudon as follows viz we began at a Chesnut tree standing at the Corner of Bow and run North twent}' one Degrees west by the Needle to a red Oak Marked, which tree is the Corner 322 CONCORD bounds of Loudon, which Hne we have newly Spoted and we do hereby agree to ratify and Confirm vS'^ Bounds & line to be the liounds and Line between Concord and Loudon. ^,, 1 o , ) Selectmen Charles Sargent f . Mofes Chamberlain ( -r , ) Loudon Given under our hands at Loudon the 2'"' day of John Odlin ^Selectmen June ID 1798. Rich'' Ayer > of John Eastman ) Concord Jacob Abbot Ju'<( Surveyor — A True Record from the Original Att John Odlin T" Clerk State of Newhamp } To Cap* Samyel Davis Consta- sliire Rockingham is 5 ble of Concord in S*^ County Greeting — (L S) You are in the Name of the State of New hampshire hereby required to notify and warn as the law directs the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of s*^ Con- cord (qualified to vote for State Representatives) to meet at the Town = House in s*^ Concord on Monday the Twenty Seventh day of August Current at two "Clock in the afternoon for the following Purposes — viz 1 . To Choose a Moderator to Govern s* Meeting 2. To vote by Ballot for four Persons duly qualified to Represent this State in the Congress of the United States two Years from the fourth day of March Next 3. To see if the Town wall accept of the following roads that have been laid out by the Selectmen and order the same to be recorded viz a road from M'' Chandler Lovejoys to the road Leading to Canterbury by M' John Hoits, also a road from L' Ebenezer Virgins house by Jeremiah Wheelers and Gorge Grahams to the road aforesaid, also a road, through Lands Belonging to M' Jonathan Emerson Moles Abbot Samuel Davis and Ezra Abbot, also a road through Lands belonging to Daniel and David Stickney and a Corner of Dan Stickneys Land, to hopkinton Line also a road from Warter Num- mons bridge to Federal bridge (so Called) 4. To See if the Town will purchase forty one rods TOWN RECORDS. 323 and a half of Land belonging to Timothy Walker Esq"" near federal bridge 5. To see if the Town will impower the Selectmen to sell the road leading to Hopkinton by Jonathan Emer- sons to a four rod road or Exchenge it for other roads 6. To see if the Town will fence a piece of Land for a burying yard near John Curriers House or any part thereof — 7. To see if the Town will Choose a Tything man on the westerly part of the Town 8. To see if the Town will give Capt. Samuel Davis & Jeremiah Wheeler the reserves (if any there be) through their Lands in Exchenge for the roads Laid out through their Lands by the Selectmen 9. To see if the Town will purchase for the accomo- dj^tion of the public of M' William Virgin on the East side of the river near Federal Bridge (so Called) about twenty five rods of Land 10 To see if the Town will accept of a road Laid out by the Selectmen from the road Leading to Nathan Bal- lards to Land belonging to Levi & Abel Hutchins And make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to us the Subscribers on or before s^ meeting Given under our hands and j , >^,,. ) Selectmen Seal at Concord this ii"' day 4^ . , ,, . > of r .. /i-k ^ o Rich'' Aver V ^ , ot august ID 1798 ■^ ) Concord Rockingham fs<( Concord August 27"' 1798 Pursuant to the within warrant I have notified and warned as the Law directs the freeholders and other in- habitants of S^ Concord to meet at the Town = House on monday the 27"" day of august at two "Clock in the after- noon Samuel Davis <( Constable State ofNewhamp ) Concord Augs' 27" 1798 shire Rockingham fs 5 At a Legal Meeting of the freeholders and other in- habitants of S* Concord held at the Town=House on the aforesaid day the following votes ware past viz — 324 CONCORD 1. Made choice ot" Timoth}' Walker Esq' Moderator 2. Votes for Representatives to Con^refs ware tor Abiel Foster Esq 94 William Gordon 95 Peleg Sprague 43 Timothy Walker Esq' 66 Jonathan Freeman 18 Anther Livermore 17 Joseph Dennis 6 William Plum- mer 29 Jacob Abbot Esq' 2 John Godard 3 Benj'* West 4 James Sheafe 4 Oliver Peabody i 3. Voted that the Selectmen be impovvered to Sell the road from Jonathan Emersons to Hopkinton to a four rod road or Exchange it for other Roads that may be wanted 4. Voted to accept the road from warter Nummons Bridge to federal Bridge (so Called) 5 Voted that the Selectmen purchase of Timothy Walker Esq' forty and a half rods of Land near lederal Bridge at two shillings p' rod 6. Voted that the Selectmen fence a quarter of an acer of Land near John Curriers house with post and boards for a hurrying Yard 7. Voted that William Fitield be a Tything man 8 Voted that the Selectmen purchase of William Vir- gin about twenty five rods of Land on the East side of the river near federal Bridge 9. Vote to ancept of the road Laid out from the road Leading to Nathan Ballards House to Land Belonging to Levi & Abel Hutchins 10. Voted this Meeting be Difsolved AttJohnOdlin T" Clerk A Return of a Road Laid out by the Selectmen to Land belonging to Levi & Abel Hutchins Bounded as follows viz Begining at a Stake and Stones standing by the side of the road Leading to Hopkinton by M' Nathan Ballards House thence running North 15 dgrees west ninet}' three rods thence North three Degrees East Eighty one rods to a pine tree thence North seven De- grees West to Land of S" Hutchins's S** road to be two rods broad and to Lay on the East side of the above Described Line A True Record of the above road from the Original Return Att John Odlin T" Clerk TOWN RECORDS. 325 A Return of a Road Laid out by the Selectmen and accepted by the Town from Warter Nummonis Brook (so Called) to Federal Bridge Bounded as follows viz Begining at Mapel Tree near said Brook Runing North fifteen Degrees West thirty five rods to an Elm tree standing on Land Belonging to Decon John Kim- ball thence North forty nine & a half Degrees West thirt}' six rods to a stake thence North 49^° West ten rods to a Stake standing in Joshua Chandlers fence two rods from the river bank thence down the s*^ river to the Lower side of Federal Bridge (so Called) Carrying the Width of two rods from the river bank to a Cluster of four Elms thence South Seven Degrees East five rods to a Walnut tree thence South Forty Eight & a half De- grees East to a Stake standing two rods North of the Elm tree on the aforesaid John Kimball's Land thence South Fifteen Degrees East to Warter Nummons Brook before Mentioned A True Record of the above road from the Original Return Atts John Odlin T" Clerk State of Newhamp ) Concord August 23*^ 1798 shire Rockingham fs ^ We the subscribers being desired by several of the inhabitants of s"^ Concord to Lay out a road in the Bor- rough (so Called) have accordingly laid out said road bounded as follows viz — begining at a pine stump Standing in the road near Enoch Brown's Gate where the road formerly Laid out Ended runing south sixty nine degrees East one hundred and twenty six Rods to the road Leading from Concord to Boscavveen near Hoits brook (so Called) said road to be two rods wide and to Lay on the East side of the above Described Line A True Record from the ) John Odlin ? c 1 Original Return 5 Richard Ayer 5 Selectmen Atts John Odlin T" Clerk 326 CONCORD State of New ^ To M' Samuel Davis Constable of Hampshire > Concord in said County Rockingham fs ) Greeting (L S) Vou are in the name of the state of Xew- Ilampshire Hereby required to notify and warn as — the Law directs the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of s** Concord (qualified by law to vote in Town affairs) to meet at the Town=House in s'' Concord on Tuesday the fifth Day of march next at nine "Clock in the forenoon for the following purposes viz — 1 To Choose a Moderator to Govern s"* Meeting 2 To Choose a Clerk — Selectmen — Constable or Con- stables Collector or Collectors — Auditor or Auditors of accounts to settle with the Selectmen from the last Settle- ment to the present Time and all other necefsary Town Officers 3 To vote as the Constitution requires for a Governor 4 To vote for a Senator for the Eighth destrict 5 To vote for a Councellor for the County of Rocking- ham 6 To vote for a Register of deeds & Treasurer for the County of Rockingham 7 To Choose one man Duly qualified to represent s"* Town in the General Court one year from the first wed- nefsday of June next. 8. To see what sum or sums of Money the Town will raise to Supply the Pulpit school, and Defray the other necefsary Charges of the Town the Ensuing year 9 To see if the Town will Choose a Committe to ascertain the Land belonging to the Last Devision of the Parsonage & school Right and to Prevent any person from trafspafsing on said Land — 10 To see if the Town will reconsider their former votes past Concerning a road from Benjamin Hanafords House to woods brook bridge (so Called) and accept of the report of the Committe Chose at a former meeting to look a road from the aforesaid, Hanafords House to woods brook bridge (so Called) 11 To see if the Town will rent out the use of a road formerly Laid out by the Selectmen through the trog ponds (so Called) 12 To see if the Town will Choose a Committe to Lay TOWN RECORDS. 327 out a road from David Waits House to Stephen Abbot' where it will best Convene the Public And make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to us the subscribers on or before s^ Meeting Given under our hands & John Odlin ? q i seals at Concord aforesaid Richard Ayer 5 this 16"' day of Feb^ iD 1799 Rockingham fs )> Concord March 5* 1799 Pursuant to the within Warrant to me Directed I have notified and warned the freeholders & other inhabitants of s^ Concord to meet at time and place for the Purposes within mentinoed Samuel Davis Constable State of Newhamp ^ Concord March 5'" 1799 shire Rockingham fs 5 At a Legal meeting of the treeholder and other inhabi- tants of said Concord held at the Town=House in s** Con- cord the followincr votes ware Past viz — 1 Timothy Walker Esq' Moderator 2 John Odlin Town Clerk — sworn 3 Timothy Walker — John Odlin — Henry Martin Se- lectmen sworn John Shute Ju"" Collector for the south part 7 Cent on the pound Tim°. Carter Collector for the west part 7 ! Cents on the pound Jeremiah Virgin, Collector for the East part 7-Cents on the pound 7. John shute Ju' Tim° Carter & Jeremiah Virgin Con- stables sworn 8 Jacob Abbot Esq' Jon=» Wilkins Charles Walker Auditors of accounts Samuel Butters Timothy Chandler sworn David Davis sworn Nathan Abbott sworn Ezra x\bbot Ju"" sworn Samuel Davis sworn Enoch Parker sworn Daniel Stickney sworn x\sa Herrick Enoch ^ Brown sworn Jeremiah Pecker sworn Jonathan Ambrose Anthony Pottor sworn Asa Graham sworn Ballard Hazeltine sworn Surveyors of high- wavs 4 5 6. 328 CONCORD 10 Henry Martin Daniel Rogers, Isaac Dimond JerenV' Wheeler Tything men 11 Richard Ayer fence Viewer 12 David Hall Sealer of Wights & Measures sworn & of Lather not sworn 13 Jacob Abbot Ju' & Stephen Ambrose Courders of wood sworn 14 John Lovjoy Ebenezer Sanborn sworn John Cur- rier Ju'' sworn John Kimball Jacob Carter sworn Survey- ors of Lumber 15 James Moulton sworn & Stephen Tuttle Cullers of Staves 16. Benj'' Powel and Charles Eastman field Drivers 17 Abiel Virgin Elijah Virgin Mofes Gale Timothy Chandler David Davis John Shute Ju"* hogreeves 18 David George & Charles Eastman pound Keepers Voted this meeting be adjourned one hour then to meet at the Town house Meet according to adjournment and past the following votes Viz — 1 Votes for a Governor ^ John Taylor Gilman Esq"" 81 ware for ^ Timothy Walker Esq"^ 55 f Henry Gerrish 91 — 2 Votes for a senator 8 des- J Charles Walker ^6 — trect ware for ] James Flanders 17 — [^ Enoch Gerrish i — ^ A- ^ r r^ 11 r C James Sheafe 50 ^. Votes tor a Councellor tor\-; 1 01 i j T» 1 • 1, r^ . \ oseph iilanchard 32 Rockmgham County ^ -^.^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^ 4 Votes for a recorder of Deeds for the County of Rockingham ware for Thomas Sergeant 169 for Samuel Brooks 2 5 Made Choice of Jacob Abbot Esq'' Representative 6 Voted three Hundred and lifty Dollars to supply the Pulpit and three Hundred and fifty Dollars for the school 7 Voted one days work on a Poll to the highways and other Estate in proportion 8 Voted one hundred Dollars for the necefsary Charge of the Town the Ensuing Year 9 Voted that Stephen Farnum Richard Ayer and John TOWN RECORDS. 329 Bradle}^ be a Committe to ascertain the Land belonging to the Last devision of the Parsonage and School Rights and Prevent an}^ persons from Trafspafsing on any of said Lands 10 Voted to reconsider all former votes that have been heretotbre been pased in regard to a road through John Bradle3''s Land 11 Voted that the Selectmen be a Committe to Look out a road from David Waits to Stephen Abbots 12 Voted to rent out the use of the road through the Frog ponds (so Called) 13 Voted that James Stevens have his Last years taxes Given in and also the Current Years — 14 Voted this Meeting be Difsolved Att John Odlin T" Clerk State of Newhamp } To M'John Shute Ju"- Constable shire Rockingham fs ^ of Concord in s'^ County — Greet- ing (L Sj In the name ol the state ot Newhampshire you are hereby required to notify and Warn as the Law directs the freeholders and other inhabitants of s** Con- cord (qualified as the law requirs to vote in Town atiairs) to meet at the Town = House in s** Concord on Tuesday the tenth Day of September next at five ° Clock in the afternoon for the following Purposes viz — 1 To Choose a Moderator 2 To see what sum or sums of Money the Towm wall raise in Addition to the sum formerlv raised to defray the necefsary Charges of the Town the Current Year 3 To see if the Towm will Exchange the road on the East side of the river adjoining Land of M' John Colby for a road through s*^ Colb3's Land And make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to us the subscribers on or before said meetincr. Given under our hands Tim^ Walker ^ and Seal at Concord Henrv Martin > Selectmen aforesaid this 24"' day John Odlin ) of August. ID 1799 330 CONCORD Rockingham fs Concord September lo"" 1799 Pursuant to the within Warrant I have notified and warned as the Law directs the freeholders and other Inhabitants of s'' Concord qualified as the Law requires to vote in Town affairs to meet at the Time & place within Mentioned John Shute Ju'^ Constable State of Newhamp ^ Concord September 10"' 1799 shire Rockingiiam fs ^ At a legal meeting of the freeholders and other Inhab- ants held at the Town=House in s" Concord on said day the following votes ware Past viz — 1. Made Choice of Cap' Benjamin Emery Moderator 2. voted one Hundred and fifty Dollars in addition to the former sum for Defraying the necefsary Chargs of the Town the Current Year 3 voted that the Selectmen, Exchange the road adjoin- ing Land of John Colby with said Colby for a road through his Land 4 voted this Meeting be Difsolved Att John Odlin Town Clerk State of New ^ To M' John Shute Ju' Constable of Hampshire > Concord in said Countv — Rockingham fs ) Greetincr (L S) In the name of the state of New= Hampshire you are hereby required to notify and warn as the law directs the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of s^ Concord (qualified as the Law requires to vote in Town atiairs) to meet at the Town = House in s*^ Concord on Monday the seventh day of October next at two "Clock in the afternoon for the following Purposes — viz — 1. To Choose a Moderator 2. To see if the Town will Exchange Land with Ebenezer Dustin for a road through said Dustins Land or Sell the Same and Purchase other Land where a road may be more Conveniently be Laid out 3 To see if the Town will Exchange the road adjoin- ing Land of Richard Hazeltine and Ebenezer Dustin TOWN RECORDS. 33 1 near bow Brook (so Called) for a road through s'^ Haz- eltins & Dustins Land or sell the same & Purchase other Land where a road may be more Conveniantly be Laid out 4 To see if the Town will Exchange the road ad)oin- ing Land of Merfs" John Bradley Benj^ Hannaford — & David George J' for a road through their Land or sell the same & Purchase one where it may be more Conven- iently Laid out 5 To see if the Town will Choose one or more survey- ors of Heigh ways — 6. To see if the Town will Choose a Committe to join the Selectmen in Exchenging or selling any of the above Mentinoed and also in Purchaseing new one* if necefsary and to make Compensation for the Damage where any new one may be Laid out 7. To Transact any other buifnefs that may be Necef- sary Given under our hands Henry Martin ) Selectmen & seal at Concord afore- John Odlin 5 said this 21'' day of Sep- tember A) 1799 State of Newhamp ) Concord Octo' 4"^ 1799 shire Rockingham fs 5 We the Subscribers have Laid out a road bounded as follows viz Begining at a stake standing by the side of the road Leading from Concord to Canterbury on the East side of the river on the west side of Land Belonging to Ebenezer Eastman thence Runing North twenty tive degrees East fourteen rods seventeen Links to a stake at the North west Corner bound of Land belonging to or Occupied by William Pattridge thence North thirty De- grees East twelve rods to a Stake standing in the road by Jeremiah Eastmans House Said Road to be four rods broad & to La}' on the west side of the above Described Line A True Rucord from John Odlin ) Selectmen the Original Return John Eastman 3 Att John Odlin Town Clerk 33- CONCORD Rockingham is Concord October 7"^ 1799 Persuant to the within warrant I have notified and warned as the Law Directs the Freeholders & other In- habitants of s*" Concord Qiialified as the Law requires to vote in Town affairs to meet at time and place within Mentinoed John Shuteju' )> Constable State of New ^ Hampshire > Concord October 7"' 1799 Rockingham fs } At a Legal meeting of the Freeholder & other Inhab- itants the following votes w^are Past, viz — 1 Made Choice of Jonathan Wilkins Moderator 2 voted that the Selectmen Exchenge Land with Eben- zer Dustin for a road through his Land on the East side of the river 3. voted that the Selectmen Exchenge the road ad- joining Land of Richard Hazeltine & Ebenezer Dustin or Sell the same and Purchase other Land for a road where it may be more Convenient if they think necfsary 4. voted the 4"' Article pafs as it stands 5. voted that Capt Tim" Chandler be a surveyor of highway's 6. voted this Meeting be Difsolved Attest John Odlin T" Clerk State of Newhamp ) To lAF John Shute Ju^ Consta- shire Rockingham fs > ble of Concord in Said County — Greeting — (L. S) You are in the name of the State of New- hampshire hereby required to notify and warn a the Law requires the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of s*^ Concord (qualified to vote for State Representatives) to meet at the Town = House in said Concord on Monday the Eighteenth day of November Current at two "Clock in the afternoon for the following Purposes viz — I** To Choose a Moderator 2"^ To vote by Ballot for one person duly qualified for a Representative of this State in the Congrefs of the TOWN RECORDS. 06y> United States to hold his place as Such untill the fourth day of March one Eight Hundred and one 3. To see if the Town will Exchenge the reserve for a road on Land belonging to Jeremiah Wheeler for a road laid out by the former Selectmen through said Wheelers Land 4. To see if the town will accept of the road Laid out by the Selectmen from Chandlers Lovjoys to Canter- bur}' Line and from Canterbury Line by George Gra- hams & Jeremiah Wheelers to L' Ebenezer Virgins And make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to us the Subscribers on or before said Meeting Given Under our hand Tim" Walker ) Selectmen and Seal at Concord afore- Jn° Odlin 5 said this i'' day of Nov' 1799 Rockingham fs Concord November 18"' 1799 Pursuant to the within warrant to me directed I have notified & warned the freeholders & other inhabitants of s"^ Concord to meet at time and place for the purposes within mentinoed John Shute Ju"^ Constable State of New Hampshire } Concord Nov' 18"' 1799 Rockingham fs ^ At a Legal Meeting of the freeholders and other In- habitants of s^ Concord the following votes ware Past viz. I. Made Choice of Timothy Walker Esq' Moderator 2 votes for a Representative to Congrefs ware lor James Sheafe 82 for Thomas Cogswell 10 3. voted this Meeting be Difsolved Att John Odlin Town Clerk. State of Newhamp ) Concord January 22"'' 1800 shire Rockingham fs S Persuant to Precepts to me Derected by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Judicature — These are to notify 334 CONCORD and warn the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of s* Concord (qualified to vote for State Representatives) to meet at the Town-House in s'' Concord on Friday the thirty first Day of Jan" Current at three "Clock in the afternoon for the following Purposes viz — To Choose a Moderator 2. To Choose one man duly qualified to serve as Grand Juror at the Superior Court of Judicature to be holden at Portsmouth on the first Tuesday of Feburary next 3. To appoint two Persons to serve as Petit Jurors at the same Court one on the first Tuesday of the aforesaid Feburary the other on monday the Tenth Day of said Feburary John Odlin T" Clerk At the above meeting Cap' Samuel Davis was Chosen as Grand Juror & Nath' Abbott Ju' & Ephraim Carter was appointed Petit Jurors Att John Odlin T" Clerk State of New-Hamp ) To John Shute Ju' Constable shire Rockingham fs ) of Concord in said County — Greeting (L S) In the name of the State of New-Hampshire 3'ou are Hereby required to notify as the Law Directs the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of s** Concord (quali- fied to vote in Town Affairs) to meet at the To wn= House in s"* Concord on Tuesday the fourth Day of March next at Nine ''Clock in the forenoon for the following Pur- poses I To Choose a Moderator to Govern s*^ Meeting 2. To Choose a Clerk — Selectmen — Constable or Con- stables — Collector or Collectors auditor or auditors of accounts to Settle with the Selectmen and all other necef- sary Town Officers 3. To vote as the Constitution Requires for a Govenor 4. To vote for a Senator for the 8"' Destrict 5. To vote for a Counsellor for the County of Rock- ingham 6. To vote for a registor of Deeds & Treasurer tor the County of Rockingham TOWN RECORDS. 335 7 To see if the Town will vote to have the Constitu- tion of the State Revised 8. To see what sum or Sums of Money the Town will raise to Supply the Pulpit — School — and Defray the necefsary Charges of the Town the Ensuing Year — 9. To Choose one man duly qualified to represent said Town in the General Court one year from the first wednefsday of June next 10. To see if the Town will Choose a Committe to Destrict the Town into School Destricts 11. To see if the Town will raise Money to build School Houses in Said Destricts 12. To see if the Town will authorize said Committe to apprize School Houses already built which may answer for Destrict Houses and allowe each Person being a Proprietor his Dividend of the money according to the Shares he Owns in s^ House 13. To see if the Town will accept of the road Laid out by the Selectmen from Chandler Lovjoys to John Hoits Ju""* House and Give the s'' John Hoit the Land reserved for a road between s'' Hoits Land and Land belonging to George Graham in Exchenge for the road Laid out 14. To see if the Town will raise money to fence a hurrying yard on the East side of the river near Jeremiah Eastmans House and Choose a Committe for that Pur- pose — 15 To see if the Town will Choose a number of Per- sons to Persue Theives that may hereafter steal any Property from any of the Inhabitants of the Town and their Expence to be at the Towns Cost And make due return of this Warrant with your Doings thereon to us the subscribers on or before said Meeting Given under our hand & Tim° Walker ) Selectmen seal at Concord Feb^ 14*'' John Odlin > ID 1800 Rockingham fs Concord March 4"^ 1800 Persuant to the within Precept I have notified and warned as the Law Directs the freeholders and other 336 CON'CORD Inliabitnnts of s'' Concord to meet at Time and place within Mentioned John Shute Ju' Selectmen agreement from the John Colby ) original Att John Odlin T. Clerk Report Committe Agreeable to appointment, We the subscribers agree that the within named Colby shall have as Compensation for S** Road Lately run by said Herrick the Land reserv- ed for a road adjoining said Colbys & Ebenezer Dustins TOWN RECORDS. 339 also the Land reserved for a road adjoining Merrimack River and Land Lately Purchased by said Colby of M' Odel also that the said Colby shall be intitled to sixty Dollars Concord Dec' 9"" 1799 John Bradley } p A True Record from the Sam^ Davis ^ original Att John Odlin T" Clerk 3 voted three Hundred and thirty Dollars for the necefsary Carges of the Town the Ensuing year 4 voted one Days work on a Poll on the high ways and other Estate in Proportion the Ensuing year 5. Made Choice of Jacob Abbott Esq' as Represen- tative 6. Voted the Selectmen be a Committe to Destrict the Town into School Destricts 7. Voted that one man from each Destrict where there is a School House in addition to the Selectmen as a Com- mitte viz Jacob Carter — Isaac Dimond — Samuel Davis — Tim° Dow — Enoch Brown — Joseph Pottor be added — 8. 9. voted to Postpone the 12"" and 13"* articles in the warrant and that the Selectmen take a Survey of the road and Settle with Perfons owning the Lands and report to the Town 10 — Voted the Selectmen vendue the fencino- of the hurrying yard on the East side of the river and Charge the Expence to the Town that s*^ fence may be bid off at — This Meeting Difsolved by the Moderator Att Jolm Odlin— Clerk State of New-Hamp } To M'John Shute Ju' Consta- shire Rockingham fs 5 ^le of Concord in said Concord in said County Greeting (L S) In the name of the State of New-Hampshire You are hereby required to notify and warn as the Law directs the freeholders and other Inhabitants of s" Concord (qualified to vote in Town affairs) to meet at the Town=House in s"^ Concord on»monday the thirty first 340 CONCORD day of March Current at two '^Clock in the afternoon for the follovvinj^ Purp(jses viz — I To Choose a Moderator 2. To see what Measurers tlie Town will Take to obtain a Bell, for the use of said Town and act any matter or thing relaiting thereto that the Town shall think Proper 3. To see if the Town will repair the Town=House and make any Conveniences or accomadations for the General Court in their next Sessions which is to be held in this Town and to act or do any matter or thing rela- tive thereto that the Town may think Proper And make due return of this Warrant to us the sub- scribers on or before said meeting Given under our hands & John Odlin ~) and Seal at Concord this > Selectmen 15"' day of March ID 1800 Jon=^ Wilkins ) Rockingham fs Pursuant to the within War- Concord March 31" 1800 rant I have notified and warn- ed the freeholders and other inhabitants of s*^ Concord to meet at the time and place within Mentioned — John Shute Ju' )> Constable State of New-Hamp } Concord March 31'' 1800 shire Rockingham fs ^ At a legal meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhab- itants of said Concord the following votes ware Past — viz — I Made Choice of Jacob Abbott Esq' Moderator — 2. voted to ancept of a Bell if one can be obtained by subscription and Cause the same to be rung at such times as the Town may think Proper 3 voted the selectmen repair the Town = House at the Expence of the Town not to Exceed ten Dollars Voted this Meeting be Dissolved Att John Odlin T. Clerk TOWN RECORDS. 34I State of New-Hamp > To M' John Shute Ju' Consta- shire Rockingham Is 5 '^1^ ol Concord in S'* County — Greeting (L S) In the name of the state of New Hampshire you are hereby required to notify and warn as the Law directs the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of s'^ Concord (QiiaHfied to vote for State Representatives) to meet at the Town House in said Concord on Monday the Twenty Fifth day of augs' Current at two *'Clock in the afternoon for the following Purposes — 1 To Choose a Moderator 2 To vote by ballot for one Person duly qualified for a Representative of this state in the Congrefs of the united States to Supply the vacancy Occafsioned by the Resig- nation of the Honorable William Gordon — 3 To vote by ballot for four persons duly qualified to Represent this State in the Congrefs of the united States two years from the fourth day of March Next — 4 To see if the Town will ancept of the report of the Committe Chosen last march to destrict the Town into School destricts 5. To see if the Town will raise any further sum or Sums of money in addition to the sum formerly raised to defray the necefsary Charges of the Town the Current year or Impower the Selectmen to sell the Land reserved for roads and is not wanted to be improved for that use — 6 To see if the Town will accept the report of the Selectmen appointed last march to Survey a road from Chandler Lovjoys to John Hoit Ju" and also their report Concerning a reserve for a road between Land of John Hoit & Elijah Lock and others 7 To see if the Town will accept of the Wainwright Lot (so Called) on the Title the Selectmen have Procured by runing a Pofsefsion Fence round said Lot and also allowe those persons which did the Labour Compensation out of their High way Tax for the present year and the other Expencs the Selectmen ware at in makeing said Fence. And make due Return of this warrant with your Doings thereon to us the Subscribers on or belbre said meeting — Given under our hands and John Odlin ^ Seal at Concord aforesaid this S Selectmen 8"" day of august /D 1800 Jon" Wilkins ) 342 CONCORD Rockinghatn rs<( Concord August 25"' 1800 Persuant to the within Precept I have notified and warned as the Law directs the Freeholders and other In- habitants of said Concord to meet at the Time and place for tlie purpoese within mentinoed John Shute Ju' Constable State of New Hamp } Concord August 25"' 1800 shire Rockingham fs ^ At a legal meeting of the Freeholders and other In- habitants of said Concord the following votes ware past, viz — 1 Made Choice of Jonathan Wilkins Moderator 2 votes for a Representative to Supph^ the vacancy Occafioned by the Resignation of the Hon"^ William Gor- don, Ware for Samuel Tenney 65 Thomas Cogswell 42 George. B. Upham 10, John Goddard 6, Isreal Evans 2 Nahum Parker 2. Jofeph Badger Ju"" i Gen' M'^Clary i 3 votes for Representatives to Represent this State in the Congrefs of the united States two years from the fourth day of march next ware for Abiel Foster Esq' 104 Samuel Tenney 84 George. B. Upham 94 Thomas Cogs- well 64, Nahum Parker 80 Joseph Perice 69 John God- dard 85 Joseph Badger Ju"^ 37 Levi Bartlett 36 Michael McClary 13, Isreal Evans 14 Benj* Bellows 2 John Bel- lows I Samuel Hunt i. Woodbur}' Langdon i 4 voted to Postpone the 6"' article in the warrant 5. voted this Meeting be Difsolved — Atest John Odlin Town Clerk State of New ^ Pursuant to an act of the General Hampshire 5 Court of said State, We the subscribers Selectmen of the Towns of Hopkinton and Concord in said State have Preambulated the Line between said Towns and renewed the marks as follows viz. Beffinning at a Pitch Pine Tree beino- the Northeasterlv Corner Bounds of S'* Hopkinton and the Northwesterly Corner bound of said Concord being the Bounds agreed upon by the Committe of said Towns the Second Day of May TOWN RECORDS. 343 iD 1766 thence South Twenty Degrees East to a Pine stump standing on the Southerly Bank of Contoocook River thence about the same Course to a Small Elm standing near the Northeast Corner of John Trufsells Orchard thence about the same Couse to a Stake & stones being the Southwesterly Corner bounds of Land belonging to the Heirs of Thomas Eaton Homestead thence about the Same Course to a Stake and Stones being the Southwesterly bounds of the Eighty acre Lot Laid out in said Concord to the Original Right of Josiah Jones thence about the Same Course to a stone being the northwesterly bounds of Daniel Herricks Land in said Concord thence about the same Course to a Pine Stump and Stones being the southwesterly Corner Bounds of Land belonging to Ballard Hazeltine Purchased of the Heirs of Jonathan Stickney thence about the same Course to a Norraway Pine Being the Southeasterly Corner of said Hopkinton Said Pine being marked with Letters & the Following Figures viz 1800- In Testomony whereof we have hereunto sett our hands this Twenty fifth day of September ID 1800 Aaron Grealy Joshua Morse A True Copy from the Mofes Long Original Return John Odlin Jon" Wilkins Atest John Odlin Town Clerk Henry Martin State of New=Hamp } To John Shute Ju' Constable shire Rockingham fs ^ of Concord in said County (L S) Greeting In the name of the State of New=Hampshire you are Hereby required to notify and warn as the law directs the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of S'' Concord (quali- fied to vote for State Representatives) to meet at the Town = House in said Concord on Monday the twenty seventh day of October Current at two "Clock in the afternoon for the following Purposes 1 To Choose a Moderator 2 To vote by ballot for Samuel Tenney Esq' or George 344 CONCORD B. Upham one of which is to be Chosen to Represent this State in the Congrels of the United States to Supply the vacancy Occasioned by the Resignation of the Hon*' William Gordon 3 To see if the Town will give anything towards re- pairing Horse Hill Bridge (so Called) and raise money therefor or make the Inhabitants on the west side of Contoocook River such other ai'sistance as the Town mav think proper to Enable them to repair said Bridge And make due return of this warrant with your do- ings thereon to us the subscribers on or before said meet- ing . Given under our hands John Odlin ^ Selectmen and seal at Concord this Jon* Wilkins ^ ii**" day of Octo"" 1800 Rockingham ls<^ Concord October 27*"^ 1800 — Persuant to the within precept, I have notified and warned the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of s*^ Con- cord to meet at the time & place for the purposes Men- tioned John Shute Ju' <( Constable State of New-Hamp ^ Concord Octo^' 27^'' 1800 — shire Rockingham fs S At a legal meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhab- itants the following votes was past, viz — 1. Made Choice of Jonathan Wilkins Moderator 2. votes for to Supply the vacancy of William Gordon was for Samuel Tenney t,8 and for George B Upham 19 3 voted that the Selectmen alsist the Inhabitants on the west side of Contoocook river one Hundred days works from the high way tax the Present 3-ear their taxes not Included towards repairing Horse Hill Bridge 4. voted this meeting be Dilsolved Attest John Odlin T" Clerk TOWN RECORDS. 345 State of New=Hampshire<( Canterbury November 6"' 1800 We the Subscribers have this day meet and Perambu- lated and new spoted the Line between Canterbury & Concord, viz we began at a red Oak Tree being the Northwesterly Corner bounds of Loudon and the South- erl}' Corner of Canterbury Runing North Twenty de- grees west to a Small Chesnut Tree and a Large quan- tity of Stones being the North Easterly Corner bounds of Concord thence South Seventy Degrees west to a Stake and Stones on Gaults Hill (so Called) thence the Same Course to a Pine Stump near Johathan Blanchards House, thence the same Course to Merrimack River In Testomoney whereof we have hereunto set our hands the day above mentinoed Leavitt Clough ^Selectmen Samuel Gerrish > of A True Record from Will" Foster ) Canterbury the Original Return John Odlin ^Selectmen Jon* Wilkins > of Attest John Odlin T. Clerk ) Concord State of New=Hamp > Concord Jany 21'^ 1801 — shire Rockingham Is ^ Persuant to Precepts to me directed these are to notify and warn the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of s** Concord qualified to vote for State Representatives to meet at the Town-House in said Concord on Thursday the Twenty Ninth day of Jan^' Current at three "Clock in the afternoon for the following Purposes I To Choose a Moderator 2. To Choose one man duly qualified to serve as a Grand Juror at the Superior Court of Judicature to be holden at Portsmouth on the first Tuesday of February next — 3. To appoint two Persons duly qualified to serve at said Court of Judicature — as Petit Jurors one to serve on the first Tuesday of February the other on monday the ninth day of said February — John Odlin Town Clerk 346 CONCORD At the above meetin*^ Cap' Richard Aver was Chosen as a Grand Juror and Jolin Shute Ju'' and Samuel Davis was appointed as Petit Jurors — Att John Odlin T. Clerk- State of New=Hamp } To Joseph Cleasby Ju"" Consta- shire Rockingham fs ^ ble of Concord in said County — Greeting — (L S) In the name of the State of Nevv=Hampshire you are hereby required to notify and warn as the law directs the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Concord (qualified to vote in Town affairs) to meet at the Town= House on Tuesday the third day of march next at Nine *• Clock in the forenoon for the following Purposes viz — I To Choose a Moderator — 2. To Choose a Clerk — Selectmen — Constable or Con- stables Collector or Collectors — Auditor or Auditors of accounts to Settle with the Selectmen and all other necef- sary Town officers 3. To vote as the Constitution requires for a Govenor — 4 To vote for a Senator for the 8"' destrict 5 To vote for a Counfellor for the County of Rocking- ham 6, To vote for Register of Deeds & Trasurer for the County of Rockingham 7 To see what sum or sums of money the Town will raise to supply the Pulpit the school and to defray the other necefsary Charges of the Town the Ensuing year — 8. To Choose one man duly qualified to represent said Town in the General Court one year from the first wednefday of June next — 9. To see if the Town will admit the Inoculating for the small Pox in s** Town 10 To Transact any other busnels that the Town mav think Proper — And make due return of this warrant with your Doings thereon to us the subscribers on or before s*^ meeting — Given under our hands John Odlin ^ Selectmen and Seal at Concord Jon'* Wilkins 5 aforesaid this 14*'^ dav of Feb iD 1801 TOWN RECORDS. 347 Rockingham fs Concord March 3*^ 1801 Persuant to the within Precept I have notified and warned the Freeholders and other Inhabitants as the Law directs to meet at Time and Place for the Purposes within mentinoed Joseph Cleasby Ju'-^ Constable — State of New=Hamp ) Concord March 3*^ 1801 — shire Rockingham fs 5 At a legal meeting of the Freeholders and other In- habitants of Said Concord the following votes was Past, viz — I Made Choice of Jonathan Wilkins Moderator — 2. John Odlin Clerk — sworn. 3 Jonathan Wilkins — John West — Stephen Ambrose Selectmen — sworn — 4 Eliphalet Emery — Richard Hazen Ayer Aaron Aus- tin Collectors sworn — Eliphalet 5 Emery — Richard Hazen Ayer Aaron Austin Con- stables Sworn — Jeremiah Storr}- — Capt Richard Ayer — Richard Herbert Ju"" — Benja- min Farnum — Mood}' Dow Daniel Abbott Jonathan Elliot Ju'' Joseph Cleasby Ju' Joseph Runells — Isreal Dimond Jacob Eastman Abiel East- man Philbrick Bradley John Hoit LJu^ 7. Abiel Eastman Samuel Davis Sworn Zenas Wheel- er fence viewers 8 — f Sealer of Lather Decon David Hall -<^ Sealer of Wight & measures Decon David (^ Hall sworn — Benjamin Gale David Davis "] Timothy Chandler Dyer Abbott hog ^ ■ Murray Bradley — Joseph Swan — reeves 1 Simon Virgin James Moulton — Abel Baker — ^Jacob Hoit — Moles Gile Survey ors of High ways > all Sworn all sworn but mofes Gile 348 CONCORD 10 C all sworn but Thorndike Courders of-? David George Ju' Edmund Leavitt John wood — ( Thorndike ^_, C John Currier Ju' Jacob Eastman — " oT'^ii'' ■' ^^o^^lv Dow— John Shute Ju^ Abel Baker T , ] John Kimball — Jacob Hoit all sworn but Lumber M^. , ,, p u .. [^ Kimball & Hoit \ James Moulton Nathan Ballard John ) Silver all sworn but Silver staves ( 13, Weigher of hay John West — 14, Inspector of bread Timothy Chandler 15, Benj'' Hanaford and Charles Eastman Pound keepers Hanaford sworn 16 voted this meeting be adjourned — one hour then to meet at the Town = House — Meet according to adjournment and Past the following votes viz — I Jacob Abbott — Richard Hazeltine Philbrick Bradley Tythingmen — 2, votes for Govenor was for Timothy Walker 156 — John T. Gilman 44 Timothy Farrar, 37 — ^John Langdon 23 — W" A. Kent i Philip Carrigain i 3. votes for Senator for the 8"* destrict was for James Flanders i39=Enoch Gerrifh 64 — Philip Greeley 7 — Henry Gerrish 2, Philip Carrigain Ju*^ i Joseph East- man I Jonathan Wilkins i — 4 votes for a Counsellor for the County of Rocking- ham was for Levi Bartlett 140 Joseph Blanchard 56 Jonah Adams i Philip Carrigan Ju' i 5 votes for Register of Deeds for the County of Rock- ingham w^as for Josiah Adams 187 — Samuel Brooks i — 6 votes for Trasurer for the County of Rockingham was tor Josiah Adams 93 — Oliver Peabody 32 — 7 voted three Hundred and tifty Dollars to supply the Pulpit the Currnt year. 8. voted four Hundred Dollars for the school the Current year — 9. voted three Hundred Dollars for the necfsary Charges of the Town the Current year TOWN RECORDS. 349 10 voted that Capt Richard Ayer — Coll° Timothy Walker & Maj'^ Tim° Chandler auditors of accounts to settle with the selectmen — 11 Made choice of William Austin Kent for Represen- tative 12 Jacob Abbot Esq' be Excused from serveing as a Tything man 13 one Days work on a Poll and other Estate in Pro- portion for to repair the Highways the Ensuing year — 14 The Ninth article in the warrant be Postponed 15 That the Selectmen be impowerd to Provid for Joshua Chandler and Dispose of his Property as they may think best — 16 That Cap' Enoch Coffin be Tything man 17 That the Selectmen Discontinue the road Laid out to Levi and Abel Hutchins Land and Lay out a road on the reserve — 18 This Meeting be Difsolved Att John Odlin T. Clerk- State of New Hamp > Concord August 29^** 1801 shire Rockingham^ Is S Persuant to a Precept to me directed these are to notify and warn the freeholders and other inhabitants of s'' Con- cord — (qualified to vote for state Representatives) to meet at the Town=House in s"^ Concord on Tuesday the 8"' day of sept' next at four "Clock in the afternoon for the fol- lowing purposes viz — i To Choose a Moderator — 2 To appoint one person qualified to serve as a Grand Juror at the Superior Court of Judicature to serve as a Grand Juror at the Distrect Court for New Hampshire distrect to be holden at Portsmouth on the third Tuesday of s*^ Sep- tember John Odlin Town Clerk Agreeable to the above Notification Paul Rolfe was legally appointed to serve Grand Juror and was i^eturned accordingly by me John Odlin Town Clerk 350 CONCORD Ne\v = IIampshire } Concord September 26^'' 1801 District Is ^ Persuant to Precepts to me directed these are to notify and warn the the freeholders and other inhabitants of s"' Concord (qualified to vote for state Representatives) to meet at the Town=House on Wednefsday the 7"' day of October next at 4 "Clock in the afternoon for the follow- ing purposes I To Choose a Moderator 2. To appoint two persons duly qualified to serve as Grand Jurors at the Curcuit Court for New Hampshire district to be holden at Exeter on the 15'^ day of October — 3 To appoint one person duly qualified to serve as a Petit Juror at the aforesaid Court At the above meeting Richard Hazen Ayer and Cap Samuel Davis was appointed Grand Jurors — and John Shute Ju' a Petit Juror Attest John Odlin T. Clerk State of New=Hamp } To Richard Hazen x\yer Con- shire Rockingham fs ^ stable of Concord in said County — Greeting — (L S) You are in the name of the state of New= Hampshire hereby required to notify and warn as the law directs the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Concord (qualified to vote in Town affairs) to meet at the Town = House in said Concord on Monday the twenty first day of December Instant at one "Clock in the after- noon for the following purposes viz — I To Choose a Moderator 2. To see if the Town will vote to Enlarge the meeting House about twenty four toot to the length of s"* House, or grant the ground, and Contract with any person or persons who may ofier to make the Addition in a hand- som workmanlike manner for the Additional ground lor Pew^s, without any Charge to the Town : and act and do any matter or thing relative to Enlargeing s** meeting House that the Town may think Proper — TOWN RECORDS. 35 1 3. To see if the Town will accept of the road laid out by the Selectmen on horse hill and grant the Persons through whoes Land said road is laid the reserve for a road on their Lots And make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to us the subscribers on or before s*^ Meeting Given under our h-ands Jon" Wilkins C and Seal at Concord } Selectmen aforesaid this 5"' day of John West ^ Dec ID 1 801 Rockingham fs <[ Concord December 21*' i8oi In Pursuance of the within precept I have Notified the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of s*^ Concord to meet as within mentioned by posting an notification up at the meeting house door in s" Concord fifteen days prior to s*^ Meeting Richard H. Ayer Constable State of New = Hamp 5 Concord December 21*' 1801 shire Rockingham fs I At a legal meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhab- itants of said Concord the following votes was past, viz — I. Made Choice of Jacob x\bbot Esq"" Moderator 2 To Grant the Previledge to persons who ma}^ come forward to make the addition to the meeting Hous in such a manner as the Town shall adopt they Giveing bonds to the acceptance of the Town to Prosecute the same in a handsome workmanlike manner for the addi- tion of the Pew Ground without any cost to the Town 3. To Choose a Committe of Seven to propose a plan to the Tow^n viz Jacob Abbot — Richard Ayer — Paul Rolfe — W™ A. Kent — Benj'^ Emery — Stephen Ambrose — Abiel Virgin 4 To adjurn this Meeting a quarter of an hour Meet according to the adjournment and past the fol- lowing votes viz — I To ancept the report of the above Committe which is as follows : The Committe appointed to report a plan 352 CONCORD for an addition to the meeting House report that a plan Exhibited before the Town being a semecircle Projecting thiitv feet in front of the house and divided into seven Angles and the Gallery upon the plan annexed be accep- ted and that the Owners of Pews in the front of the House below have their Choice to remain where they are or go back to the wall the same Distance "from the front door : and that the present front wall pews be placed on a level with the other body pews — that the owners of wall pews in the front of the Galler}^ have as Good wall pews in the Front of the Addition 2 To Choose a Committe of five to take bonds of Cap' Richard Ayer and others who Came forward at this meeting and offered to make the addition on the plan Exhibited by the Committe and accepted b}' the town viz Jacob Abbot — John Blanchard — Benj* Emery — John Kimball and Enoch Brown the Committe for the above Purpose — 3 To accept the road Laid out by the Selectmen on horse hill (so Called) and that those persons through whose Land said road was laid have the one half of the reserve on their Lands as a Compensation for their Land taken up in said road — 4 Voted this meeting be Disfolved Attest John Odlin Town Clerk A Return of a Road as Laid out by the Selectmen an accepted b}' the Town Begins as follows viz — Begining at a white Oak at the Crotch of the road East of Will- iam Eastmans House runing North twenty nine Degrees East one Hundred and twenty rods to a w^hite oak mark- ed, thence North forty four Degrees East sixty rods to a maple Tree marked, thence East twelve Degrees to the North forty six rods to a black Oak marked thence North forty four Degrees East thirty four rods to a stake thence North fifty Eight Degrees East seventy Eight rods to a pitch pine tree marked thence North thirty three Degrees East thirty rods to a stake on the Town line — A True Record Irom the Original return Attest John Odlin T. Clerk— TOWN RECORDS. 353 A Return of a road Laid out by the Selectmen from Nathaniel Abbots House to Mofes No3'es's Bounded as follows viz begining at a stake and stones East of said x\bbots House runing East thirty degrees North one Hun- dred and twenty four rods to a stake thence East Eleven Degrees south fifty two rods to a stake thence East Eighteen degrees North sixty rods to a stake thence East thirty four degrees North twenty six rods to a stake near Moles Carters House thence East two Degrees North Eighty rods to a stake thence East three degrees south sixty rods to a stake North side of the road near Mofes Noyeses House this road from Nathaniel Abbots & to Joseph Carters is three rods wide from thence to Mofes Noyeses four rods wide and the above Line is on the North side of the road — A True Record from the Original return Attest John Odlin T. Clerk State of New=Hamp 5 Concord Jan'^ 16*'' 1802 — shire Rockingham fs I Persuant to precepts to me directed these are to notifv and w^arn the freeholders and other Inhabitants of s*^ Con- cord (qualified to vote for State Representatives) to meet at the Tow^n=House in s*^ Concord on monday the 25'^ day of Jan-'' Current at 3 ° Clock P. M. for the following- Purposes, first To Choose a Moderator — 2. To appoint one person duly qualified to serve as a grand Juror at the superior Court of Judicature to be holden at Portsmouth on the first Tuesday of Februarv next — 3 To appoint two persons to serve as Petit Jurors at the Cour aforesaid one to serve on the first Tuesday the other on Monday the 8"^ da}' of Februarv aforesaid John Odlin T. Clerk— At the above meeting Sherburn Wiggin was appointed as Grand Juror and Jonathan Wilkins & Isaac Emery Petit Jurors — John Odlin T. Clerk 24 354 CONCORD State of New Hamp 5 To Richard Hazen Ayer shire Rockingham Is I Constable of Concord in s'' County Greeting (L S) In the name of the state of New Hampshire you are hereby required to notify and warn as the law directs the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of s'' Con- cord (qualified to vote in Town affairs) to meet at the To wn = House in s*^ Concord on Tuesday the second day of March next at Nine "Clock in the forenoon for the following Purposes viz — 1. To Choose a Moderator — 2. To Choose a Clerk — Selectmen — Constable or Con- stables Collector or Collectors Auditors of accounts to settle with Selectmen and all other necefsary Town officers — 3. To vote as the Constitution requires for a Gove- nor 4. To vote for a Senator for the 8"> Destrict. 5. To vote for a Counfellor for the County of Rock- ingham 6 To vote for a register of Deeds & Treasurer for the County of Rockingham 7 To -See what sum or sums of money the Town will raise to Supply the Pulpit the School and to defray the necefsary Charges of the Town the Current, year— 8 To Choose one man duly qualified to represent said Town in the General Court one year from the first wed- nefday of June next 9 To see if the Town will allow Ephraim Pottor his account for done on the Town= House in the year 1793 which he has no Compensation for. 10 To see if the Town will Exchange a reserve for a road between Daniel Abbots & Jonathan Emersons Land laying to the north of said Emersons Barn for a two rod road thro said Abbotts Land, as is now Treavled by s" Abbots House — 11 To transact any other matter or thing The Town may think Proper And Make due return of this Warrant with vour TOWN RECORDS. 355 Doings thereon to us the Subscribers on or before said meeting Given under our Jon" Wilkins ^ hand and Seal at John West > Selectmen Concord aforesaid Stephen Ambrose ) this 13"" dav of Feb' ID 1802— ^ State of Ne\v=Hamp > Concord March 2'"' 1802 shire Rockingham fs ) In persuance of the within warrant I have notified the Freeholders & other inhabitants of s'^ Concord to meet at time & place by Posting a notification up at the meet- ing-House Door as the law directs — Richard H. Ayer Constable — State of New=Hamp ^ Concord ^Nlarch 2'"^ 1802 shire Rockingham fs ^ At a legal meeting of the Freeholders and other In- habitants of said Concord the following votes was Past viz — I Made Choice of Timothy Walker Esq"" Moderator — 2, John Odlin Clerk sworn — 3 Timothy Walker John West & Stephen Ambrose Selectmen sworn 4 f Jofeph Dow Collector for the West parifh 6 J Cents on the pound sworn Jefse K Tuttle Collector ] south part 6 Cents on the pound — Jeremiah Virgin [_ Collector East part 6 Cents on the pound sworn 5. John Roche Richard Ayer & Timothy Chandler audittors of accounts to settle with the Selectmen — Eliphalet Emery Abel Hutchins, Samuel Butters J% Edmund Leavitt Nathaniel iVmbrose Asa Graham Eben' Tenney. Mofes Farnum Abel Baker James Johnson Asa Herrick Ezra Abbot Ju' Samuel Davis Aquiller Ferrin Sam' Bradley surveyors of High ways all sworn but Bradley & Ferrin 7 David Hall Sealer of weghts & measures & Lather 8 Jeremiah Pecker William Tay Eliphalet Emery 356 CONCORD John Roclu' William A. Kent Calvin How David Hutch- ins Richard Elliot Isreal Dimond Hogreeves — 9 David Georg Ju' John Thorndike Edmund Leavitt Courders of wood 10 Samuel Gains Samuel Davis Jacob Eastman Chandler Lovjoy John Kimball abel Baker abiel Virgin Surveyors of Lumber 11. Henry Moulton Culler of staves 12. John West Ha}' ward — 13. Reuben Goodwin & Joseph Giles Field Drivers 14. Paul Rolfe Richard Ayer fence viewers 15 votes for Govenor was for John Langdon 140 for John Taylor Gilman 91 William A. Kent i — 16, votes for a Senator for the 8'" destrict for James Flanders 146 — Nathaniel Bean 64 Beniamin B. Darling 2 Nathaniel Parker i 17 votes for a Counfellor for the County of Rocking- ham for Levi Bartlett 147 — Joseph Blanchard 62 W"' Kent I 18 votes for register of Deeds for the Count}^ of Rock- ingham for Josiah Adams 174 Nath' Parker 26 — 19 votes for Treasurer County of Rockingham Nath' Folsom 120 Oliver Peabody 42 — 20. ^Nlade Choice of John Bradley Esq' Representative 21. voted this meeting be adjourned one hour Att John Odlin T. C. Meet according to the adjournment and past the fol- lowing votes viz — I. To Excuse Jefse Karr Tuttle from serving as Col- lector 2 Ebenezer Duston Collector south part 6 Cents on the pound sworn 3 Joseph Dow Eben' Duston & Jeremiah Virgin Con- stables sworn 4. Charles Eastman & David George Ju' Pound Keepers 5 Three Hundred and fifty Dollars to supply the Pul- pit the Current year 6. Four Hundred Dollars for the school the Current vear TOWN RECORDS. 357 7. That the Selectmen be a Committe to purchase of Cap* Richard Ayer his plaice on which Joshua Chandler now lives or some other place that they may think best for the Benefit of the Town 8 Three Hundred thirty three Dollars & thirty three Cents for to defray the necefsary Charges of the Town the Current year 9 one days work to a Poll on the Highways and other Estate in Proportion the Ensuing year — 10 That Ephraim Pottor be allowed fourteen Dollars in lull lor his account for work done on the Town House in the year 1793 II. John Bradley & Nathan Ballard Ju"" Tything men 12 That Jacob" Abbot Esq' Benf Emery John Blanchard John Kimball & Enoch Brown be a Committe to inspect the work in finifhing the meeting House to see if the work is done agreeably to the bond Given bv the undertakers — 13. That Jonathan Ambrose have the white Child that is Chargeable to the Town and that he receive ten Dol- lars a 3'ear untill it arives to the age of seven years if it lives untill that age and then to have it at his own Ex- pence untill it arives to the age of Eighteen years and the Selectmen to bind it to him accordingly and in Case the Child dies before the age of seven years the payment of the ten Dollars to Cease — 14 This Meeting Difsolved Attest John Odlin T. Clerk- State of New=Hamp > To Ebenezer Duston Consta- shire Rockingham fs > ble of Concord in s^* County Greeting (L S) You are in the name of the State of New=Hampshu-e hereby required to notify and warn as the Law Directs the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Concord (qualified to vote for State Representatives) to meet at the Town=House in said Concord on monday the thirti- eth day of August Current at two "Clock in the afternoon tor the following Purposes viz — I To Choose a Moderator 358 CONX'ORI) 2. To vole by Ballot for one person duly qualified for a Rem-esentative of this State in the Congrefs of the Unitelf States to supply the vacancy Occafinoed by the resignation of Joseph Peirce 3 To vote by ballot for live Persons duly qualified to represent this State in the Congrefs of the United States two years from the fourtii day of March next and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to us the subscribers on or before s*' meeting Given Under our hands John West ) and seal at Concord V Selectmen this 14"' dav of Augst Stephen Ambrose ) ID 1802— " State of New=Hamp } Concord August 30*" 1802 shire Rockingham fs 5 In persuance of the within warrant I have notified the freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Concord to meet at time and place by posting a notification up at the meeting House Door as the Law Directs Ebenezer Duston Constable State of New=Hamp > Concord August 30*'' 1802 — shire Rockincjham fs \ At a legal meeting of the Freeholders and other In- habitants of said Concord the following votes was past viz — I Made Choice of — Richard Ayer Moderator — votes to supply the vacancy occafioned by the refig- nation of Jofeph Perirce was ior Nahum Parker 67 Sam- uel Hunt 67 — votes for Representatives to the Congrefs of the united states was for Samuel Hunt 81 — Samuel Tenney 80 Clefton Clagget 71 Silas Bettan 73 David Hough 76 Consent Storry 61 Thomas Cogswell 59 Jonathan Smith 64 Nahum Parker 70 — Moody Bedel 60 — Andrew Bow- ers 2= Daniel Blasedall i David Blasedel i — Obediah Hall I — Isreal Evans i — Samuel Smith i Voted This meeting be Difsolved Att John Odlin T. Clerk— TOWN RECORDS. 359 Concord August 30"' 1802 — Rec*^ of the Selectmen of Concord Twenty Dollars in full for Land belonging to us : for a road on the south side of the road leading from Hopkinton to Jonathan Emerfons as Laid out by the Selectmen agreeably to the within return & plan A True record from the Henry Martin Original Jonathan Emerson Attest John Odlin T. Clerk— A Return of a road Laid out by the Selectmen from Ezras Abbots to Mofes Abbots bounded as follows viz — beginning at a stake and stones standing on the line of the road leading from Ezra Abbots to Mood}' Dows thence south 34 rods to a stake and stones, thence south 13 degrees East 26 rods to a stake and stones, thence south 2 degrees East, 73 rods to a stake and stones, thence south 10 degrees East 33 rods to a stake and stones, thence south 15 degrees East, 78 rods to a stake and stones, thence south 20 degrees East, 117 rods to a stake and stones, standing, on the north line of the road leading from Jonathan Emersons to hopkinton this line is on East side of the road — Thence on the south side of the road leading from s** Emersons to Hopkinton begining at a stake and stones, standing on the south side of said road and is Bounded between Jonathan Emerson and Abner Far- nums Land thence south 20 degrees East, 160 rods to a stake & stones, standing on s** Farnums Land and is a bound of Henr}^ Martins Land this line is on the west, side of the road & the road is two rods wide — A True Copy from the original Return — Asa Herrick Surveyor Attest John Odlin Town Clerk We the subscribers agreeable to a vote of the Town at a legal meeting held on the 27*'' day of august 1798 impowering the selectmen to sell or Exchenge the road leading from Hopkinton to Jonathan Emersons to a four rod road do hereby sett off" to Jonathan Emerson one 360 CONCORD Hundred and thirty six rods for Land taken of his for a road to Samuel Davises alfo do sett off to Mofes Abbot one Hundred & seven rods for Land taken of his for a road to s** Davises — alfo have sold of s'^ road to Richard Flanders one acre and fifty six rods and to Reuben Dimond Ninety six rods & to Abner Farnum one Hun- dred & seven rods — as a Compensation for the road agreeable to the plan & return herewith annexed Given under our hands this 30"^ Day of august. 1802 A True Copy from Timothy Walker ^ the original John West > Select=Men Att John Odlin T. Stephen Ambrose ) Clerk State of Ne\v=Hamp > To Ebenezer Duston Consta- shire Rockingham Is > ble of Concord in s" County Greetincr (L S) In the name of the State of New Hampshire you are hereby required to notify and warn as the Law Directs the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of s*" Con- cord (qualified to vote in Town-aftars) to meet at the Town-House on Tuesday the day of March next at Nine "Clock in the forenoon following purposes viz — 1 To Choose a Moderator 2 To Choose — Clerk — Selectmen — Constable or Con- stables Collector or Collectors Auditors of accounts to Settle with the Selectmen all other necefsary Town Officers — 3 To vote as the Constitution requires for a Govenor 4. To vote for a Senator lor the Eighth Destrict 5. To vote for a Counfellor for the County of Rock- ingham 6. To vote tor a re<;ister of Deeds & Treasurer for the County of Rockingham 7 To see what sum or sums of money the Town will raise to Suppl}^ the Pulpit and school and Defray the other necefsary Charges of the Town the Ensuing year — 8. To Choose one man duly qualified to represent said Town in the General Court one year from the first wednefday of June next — 9. To see if the Town will accept of the report of the TOWN RECORDS. 361 Committe Chosen to inspect the building and finif hing the addition to the meetinof House and Dischar Selectmen, this lo"" dav of Stephen Ambrose ) Feb^ ID 1803 Rockingham fs Concord March i'' 1803 In Persuance to the within Warrant I have notified all the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Con- cord qualified by Law to vote in Town aflairs agreeable to Law by Posting up a notification at the meeting House Fifteen Days Previous to said meeting notifying them to meet at the Town House in said Concord on Tuesday the first day of march Instant at Nine "Clock in the fore- noon — Ebenezer Duston <( Constable State of New=Hamp } Concord March i'' 1803 shire Rockingham fs > At a legal meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhab- itants of s"* Concord held at the Town-House the follow- ing votes was Pafsed viz — 1. Made Choice of Jonathan Wilkins Esq' Moderator 2. John Odlin Clerk-sworn 362 CONCORD 3 Jonathan Wilkins — JohnWest-Stephen Ambrose. Selectmen Sworn — 4. Richard Herbert Ju' Collector West part six C ^ Cents on the pound Sherburn Wiggin Collector south J 5: part six Cents on the pound-Jeremiah Virgin Collec- ] 2 tor East part five Cents on the pound- [^ 5. Richard Herbert Ju' Sherburn Wiggin Jeremiah Virgin Constables sworn 6. Timothy Walker Esq' Eben' Duston John Bachelder Auditors of Accounts 7. Surveyors of Highways Eliphalet Emery Abel Hutchins, Paul Rolte James Corlifs Zenas Wheeler Isreal Dimond Richard Flanders Enoch Farnum Isaac Farnum Samuel Runells Jedediah Hoit Amos Abbot Ju' Pheneous Virgin Ju' Jonathan Ambrose Jacob Hoit Asa Kimball J"' 8 Fence viewers Samuel Butters sworn Richard Ayer Nath' Ambrose sworn 9 Sealer of Lather and weights & measures David Hall 10 Hogreeves Jacob Emmons Eben' Duston Charles Emer}- Daniel Virgin Isaac Dow James Moulton Jere- miah Wheeler Moody Dow^ Daniel Kendall all sworn but virgin Ti Courders of wood John Stevens James Wille David George Ju' sworn Edmund Leavitt 12 Surveyors of Lumber Samuel Gains Abiel Virgin Abel Baker John Kimball Benjamin Powel John Hoit Ju' Jacob Eastman all sworn but Kimball & Eastman 13 Cullers of Staves James Moulton Nathan Ballard Samuel Butters sworn 14 Nathaniel Abbot Ju' Weigher of Hay — 15 David George Ju' sworn Charles Eastman Pound Keepers 16 Stephen Ambrose and John West Tything men 17 James Moulton Surve3^or of Hoops 18 voted this Meeting be adjourned one hovn- then to meet at this place Attest John Odlin T. Clk Meet according to the adjournment and Past the follow- ing votes viz — TOWN RECORDS. 363 I. votes for Govenor was for John Taylor Gilman 142 John Langdon 137 2 voted to reconsider the votes for Govenor and Ballot again — 3. votes for Govenor was for John T. Gihnan 148 for John Langdon 130 5 — votes for a Counfellor for the Count}' of Rocking- ham for Levi Bartlett loi. for Joseph Blanchard 105 4 — votes for a Senator for the 8"" destrictfor James Flan- ders III for Andrew Bowers 126, for William A. Kent i — 6 votes for Rigester of Deeds for the County of Rock- ingham for Josiah Adams 133. for Nathaniel Parker 8 7. votes for a Treasurer for the County of Rocking- ham for Oliver Peabody 76. for Nathaniel Folfom 67. William A. Kent, i 8. voted three Hundred and fifty Dollars to supply the Pulpit four Hundred Dollars for the school three Hun- dred Dollars for the necefsary Charges of the Town Ensuing year 9. voted one days work on a head on the High-ways and other Estate in Proportion the Ensuing year. 10 Made Choice of William A. Kent Representative II. voted to accept the report of the Committe Chosen to Inspect the building and finifhing the addition to the meeting House viz — We the aforesaid Committe haveing Carefull}^ inspected the materials made use of in makeincj the addition too and alteration in the meeting House in Concord and the workmanship in Erecting and finifhing the same do hereby Certify that it appears to us that the materials made use of for Each and Ever}^ part was suitable and of good Qiialit}' and that the work is done in a handsom and Workmanlike manner- Concord 3 ian^ 1803 Jacob Abbot Benj" Emery Committe <( John Blanchard I John Kimball [^ Enoch Brown 12 voted that the meeting House be accepted and the undertakers have their Bond given up to them by the Committe 364 CONCORD 13 voted that the Selectmen give ten Cents for each Crows head Killed within this Town the year Ensuing 14 voted that Joseph Hall and Mofes Carter have five acres of the reserve of ten aceres of Land on the Lot belonging to Thomas Wilson in full for Land taken of theirs for a road laid out by by the selectmen from Mofes Noyes to Nathaniel Abbots House 15. voted that the 13**^ Article in the warrant be Dis- mised — 16 voted this Meeting be Difsolved Attjohn OdlinT. Clerk State of New Hamp > Concord Jany 8"> 1803 shire Rockingham fs $ Persuant to precepts to me directed these are to notify and warn the freeholders and other Lihabitants of said Concord (qualified to vote for state Representatives) to meet at the Town House on Thursday the twentieth day of Jany Current at three ^ Clock in the afternoon tor the following purposes viz — I To Choose a Moderator 2. To appoint one person duly qualified to serve as a Grand Juror at the Superior Court of Judicature to be holden at Portsmouth on the first Tuesday of Feburary next — 3. To appoint two persons to serve as petit Jurors at the aforesaid Court one on the first Tuesday of Feburar}'- the other on monday the seventh day of said month — John OdHn T. Clek At the above meeting Ebenezer Duston was legally Chosen to serve as Grand Juror and Nathaniel Eastman and Isaac Dimond as Petit Jurors Att John Odlin T. Clerk State of New-=Hamp ^ To Cap* Shurburn Wiggin shire Rockingham fs 5 Constable of Concord in said (L S) County Greeting You are hereby required in the name of the state of TOWN RECORDS. 365 New=Hampl'hire to notify and warn as the law Directs the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of s** Concord (qualified to vote in Town-affairs) to meet at the Town- House in s'' Concord on Tuesday the Twenty second day of march Instant at two " Clock in the afternoon for the following purposes viz — 1 To Choose a Moderator 2 To see if the Town will discontinue the road from Concord Bridge (so Called) to Bow line on the west side of merrimack River or to Transact any other matter or thing the Town may think proper to do Concerning Shuting up said road — 3 To see what method the Town will Take respecting the Selectmen of Bows Petition to the General Court to sett off a part of s** Bow to this Town — 4 To see what further sum of money the Town will raise in addition to the sum already raised to repair the Highways the Ensuing year — And make due return of this Warrant with your Doings thereon to us the Subscribers on or before said meeting Given Under our hands Jon'^ Wilkins ^ and seal at Concord John West > Selectmen aforesaid this d'^ day Stephen Ambrose } of March ID 1803 ' Rockingham Is Concord March 22"'^ 1803 — Persuant to the within Warrant I have notified and warned as the law directs the Freeholders and other In- habitants of said Concord to meet at Time and place for the purposes within Mentioned Sherburn Wiggin <( Constable State of New = Hamp } Concord March 22'"^ 1803 shire Rockingham fs 5 At a legal meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabi- tants of said Concord the following votes ware paft — viz- 1 Made choice of Jonathan Wilkins Esq"" Moderator 2 voted that the road belowe Concord Bridge on the west side of merrimack River may be so far Discon- 366 CONCORD tinued that tin* owners of Land in the Eleven Lots may Extend their fences to the river through said road they Erecting Gates thereon to pafs and repafs until! the Town shall by vote order said road Opened — 3. That half a Days work on a Poll and other Estate in proportion in addition to the sum formerly raised to repair the highways the Ensuing year — 4 That the Town will oppose the prayer of the Peti- tion of the Selectmen of Bow to sett off a part of s*^ Bow to this Town now in the General Court — 5 That Samuel Green and Charles Wakers Esq" be appointed oppose said Petition at the General Court in June next — 6 Voted this Meeting be Disolved Att John Odlin Town Clerk Return of a road from the road leading from Federal bridge to Canterbury begining at the north east Corner of Joseph Eastmans dwelling House thence north seventy four degrees West fift}^ four rods to the line of John Eastmans tarm said road is one half rod wide. State of New=Hamp ) To Sherburn Wiggin Consta- shire Rockingham fs ) ble of Concord in s"^ County (L S) Greeting In the name of the state of New Hampshire you are hereby Required to Notify and warn as the law directs the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of s" Concord (qualitied to vote in Town affairs) to meet at the Town House on Friday the first day of July next at four "Clock in the afternoon for the following purposes viz — 1 To Choose a Moderator 2 To see what sum or Sums of money the Town will raise in addition to the sum formerly voted the Revn'^ Asa M^'Farland as a Sallary or do or act any other matter or thing relative to makeincr an addition to s'' Sallarv the Town may think proper when meet — and make due return of this warrant to us the Subscri- bers on or before said meeting with 3'our doings thereon — TOWN RECORDS. 367 Given under our hands and Seal at Concord this i6"' day of June 1803 Jon* Wilkins ^ Selectmen. John West ] Rockingham fs Concord July i'' 1803 Pursuant to the within warrant I have notified and warned the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Concord as the Law directs to meet at Time and place for the purposes within mentioned Sherburn Wiggin Constable State ofNew-Hamp > Concord Jul}^ i'' 1803 shire Rockingham fs ) At a legal meeting of the Freeholders and other In- habitants of S*^ Concord the following votes ware past — viz — I Made Choice of John Bradley Esq"" Moderator 2. voted to raise one Hundred Dollars as an addition to the Revn*^ Asa M'^Farlands Sallary Jeremiah Storry Desents to this addition of one Hundred Dollars to the Sallary 3. voted this meeting be Disolved Att John OdHnT. Clerk State of New=Hamp ^ Concord Jan^ 20"* 1804 shire Rockingham ) Persuantto precepts to me directed by the Clerk of the Superior Court these are to notify and warn the Free- holders and other Inhabitants of said Concord (qualified to vote for State Representatives) to meet at the Town= House on Saturday the 28"' day of Jan-'' Current at 4 "Clock in the afternoon for the following purposes viz I To choose a Moderator 2. To appoint one person duly qualified to serve as a Grand Juror at the superior Court of Judicature to be holden at Portsmouth on the first Tuesday of Feb'' next — 3. To appoint tw^o persons to serve as petit Jurors one to serve the first Tuesday of Feb. the other to serve on 368 CONCORD monday the thirteenth clay of s'* month at the aforesaid Court — At the above meeting John Odlin T" Clerk Ebenezer Duston was appointed as a Grand Juror and John Colby and John Eastman as petit Jurors — State of Nevv=Hamp } To Sherburn Wiggin Consta- shire Rockingham fs $ blc of Concord in said County — Greeting — (L S) In the Name of the state of New= Hampshire you are hereby Required to notif}^ and warn as the law directs the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of s*^ Con- cord (qualified to vote in town affairs) to meet at the Town-House on Tuesday the sixth day of march next at ten "Clock in the forenoon for the following purposes I To Choose a Morderator 2. To Choose a Clerk — Selectmen — Constable or Con- stables Collector or Collectors x\uditor or Auditors of ac- counts to settle with the Selectmen and all other necef- sary Town Officers for the Ensuing year — 3 To see what sum or sums of money the town wall raise to Supply the pulpit and School and to defray the necef sarv Charges of the Town the Current year — 4 To see if the Town wdll purchase one acre of Land of David Carter near horse Hill Bridge (so called) for a burying yard and fence the same for that purpose — 5 To see if the Tow^n will raise any sum of money to repair horse hill Bridge or make the inhabitants on the west side of Contoocook river any other afsiftance towards repairing said Bridge the Town may think proper — 6 To see if the Towai will Convey the school lot lying on the road leading to little pond or any part thereof for any Term of Time 7 To see if the Town will sell the whole of the land belon«*^ing to the School Right and appropriate the In- terest of the money which may arise by the sale for the use of the Town School 8 To see whether the Town will choose the Town TOWN RECORDS. 369 officers and Transact all the other necefsar}' affairs of the Town in future on the second Tuesday of march 9. To see what the town will give for Killing Crows 10. To see whether the Town will straiten the road from the meeting House to the Boscawen line, and what method they will Take to accomplish the same — 11. To see if the Town will reconsider the vote Pafsed at a meeting on the 22'"' da}' of march relative to Shuting up the river road in the Eleven lots belowe Concord Bridge And make due return of this warrant to us the sub- scribers with your doings thereon on or before said meet- ing Given under our hands Jon" Wilkins ^ and Seal this iS"* day John West > Selectmen of Feb^ ID 1804 — Stephen Ambrose } Rockingham is Concord March 6'*" 1804. Persuant to the within Warrant I have notihed and warned as the law directs the Freeholders and other In- habitants to meet at Time and place for the purposes within mentioned — Sherburn Wiggin-<( Constable Stale of New=Hamp } Concord March 6'" 1804 shire Rockingham Is ^ At a legal meeting of the Freeholders and other In- habitants held at the Town= House the following votes ware Past viz — 1 made Choice of Jonathan Wilkins Moderator 2 John Odlin Clerk sworn 3 Jonathan Wilkins — John West — Amos Abbot Ju"" Selectmen sworn 4 Timothy Bradle}^ Collector south destrect at 8 Cents on the pound Timothy Carter Collector West destrict at 7 Cents on the pound sworn John Hoit for the East Des- trict at 7 Cents on the pound sworn 5. Timothy Bradley Tim" Carter John Hoit Consta- bles Carter & Hoit sworn 25 37© CONCORD 6 Auditiors of accounts to settle with the selectmen — Richard Ayer Timothy Walker Benj" Emery — 7 Surveyors of Highways Isaac Shute — Abel Ilutch- ins John West Isaac Dow- David Elliot. Tim^ Dow- Ephraim Carter Reuben Dimond Christopher Rowel! Ju' Isreal Dimond-Levi Abbot Pearl Kimball Reuben Goodwin Jonathan Virgin Joseph Pottor Daniel Kendall all sworn but Kendall 8. Fence viewers Paul Rolfe Peter Farnum Jon* East- man 9. David Hall sealer of weights and measurers & of Lather of measures sworn 10 Ilogreeves, Jeremiah Pecker Mood}'^ Dow^ Nathan Abbot 4"' Sherburn Wiggin John Bachelder Isaac Di- mond Reuben Goodwin all sworn but Dimond 11 Courders of wood Charles Emery — James Wille Edmund Leavitt — John Stevens sworn 12 Surveyors of Lumber Samuel Gains Abel Virgin George Rogers Abel Baker Jacob Eastman Asa Graham — moody Dow Samuel Bradley all sworn but Graham 13. Cullers of Staves James Moulton Rich"* Wood Jos- eph Runells sworn 14. Sherburn Wiggin weigher of hay — 15. Pound Keepers David George Ju"" Charles East- man sworn 16. That Timothy Bradley be Excused from serveing as Collector and Constable — 17. That Richard H. Ayer be a Collector and Con- stable in lieu of Timothy Bradley sworn 18. That this meeting be adjourned one hour then to meet at the To\vn House — Att John Odlin T. Clerk Meet according to the adjournment and Past the follow- ing votes viz — 1. Benj'* Kimball Levi Abbot Tything men 2. four Hundred and fifty Dollars to supply the Pulpit 3. four Hundred Dollars for the use of the School 4. To purchase one acre of Land of David Carter for a burying yard and fence the same for that purpose and the Selectmen be appointed to purchase and Compleat the same — TOWN RECORDS. 37 1 5 To raise money to repair Horse Hill Bridge by a Poll of the House 6 To delsmils the 5 article in the Warrant — 7. To delsmils the 6"^ & 7"' articles in the Warrant 8 That in future the Town buifnefs be done on the second Tuesday of march — 9. that the Selectmen pay Twelve and a half Cents for each Crow Killed in this Town the Current year that shall be brought to them 10. That this meeting be adjourned to Tuesday the 13'*^ day of march Current then to meet at the Town= House at 10 "Clock A. M. — Att ]n" Odlin T" Clerk Meet according to the adjournment and Past the tbllow- ing votes viz — 1. To reconsider the 5'^ & 6^^ votes Past at the last meeting 2. To raise one Hundred and fifty Dollars to repair Horse Hill Bridge if the Selectmen shall think proper to repair the same 3. voted that the road be straitend from the meeting House to Boscawen line 4 To choose a Committe to be Added to the Select- men to Straiten the road from the meetino- House to Bos- cawen line and the Committe be no Expence to the Town 5. that the Committe Consift of three viz — 6. To reconsider the vote of adding a Committe to the Selectmen for the purpose of straitning the road to Boscawen 7. That the Selectmen Straiten the road from the meeting House to Boscawen line 8 To raise Two Hundred dollars for the necefsary Charges of the Town the Current year — 9 To raise one day & a halfs work on a Poll on the High ways and other Estate in proportion the Ensuing year — 10 That the ii'*^ article in the warrant be Defmilsed 11 That Daniel & David Stickneys and the widow anna Stickneys Taxes that remain unpaid be abated to them 372 CONCOKI) 12. To reconsider the vote for Defmifsing the 6"' arti- cle in the Warrant 13. That the Selectmen be authorized to lease any part ot' the School Lot lying on the little pond road to John Bradley that they may think proper and on such Conditions as they may think best — 14 That this meeting be Defsolved Att John Odlin T" Clerk State of New Hamp ^ To Sherburn Wiggin Consta- shire Rockingham is I ble of Concord in said County — (L. S.) Greeting In the name of the state of New Hampshire you are hereby required to notify and warn as tiie law directs the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of s** Concord (qualified to vote for State Representatives) to meet at the Town = House on Tuesday the 13"* day of march next at one ** Clock in the afternoon for the following purposes viz — 1 . To choose a Moderator 2. To vote as the Constitution requires for a Govenor 3. To vote for a Counfellor for the County of Rock- ingham 4. To vote for a senator for the 4"' Destrict 5. To vote for a Register of Deeds & Treasurer for the County of Rockingham. 6 To choose one man duly qualified to Represent s'' Town in the General Court one year from the first Wed- nefsday of June next — i\nd make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon unto the selectmen on or before said meetingr — Given under our hands and seal this 25"^ day of Feb^ 1804 Ion" Wilkins > ^ 1 . T 1 i^r . ^ Selectmen John West 5 Rockingham fs Concord March 13"' 1804 Persuant to the within warrant I have notified and Warned the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of s'' Con- cord qualified as the law Requires to meet at Time and place for the purposes within mentioned Sherburn Wiggin )> Constable TOWN RECORDS. 373 State of New=Hamp } Concord March 13"' 1804. shire Rockingham fs ^ At a legal meeting of the Freeholder and other Inhab- itants of said Concord the following votes ware Past viz — 1. made Choice of Jonathan Wilkins moderator 2. That this meeting be adjourned one hour — Meet according to the adjournment and Past the fol- lowing votes 1. votes for a Govenor John T. Gilman 186 John Langdon 132 2. votes for a Counsellor for the County of Rocking- ham ware for Levi Bartlett 141 Joseph Blanchard 164 Jon'' Wilkins i John Bradley i — 3. votes for a Senator for the 4'" Destrict ware for William A. Kent 174. John Bradley 119 George Evans 3 Andrew Bowers i — 4 votes for a Register of Deeds for the County of Rockingham ware for Josiah Adams 210 for Nathiel Parker 102 Nath^ Gilman i 5. votes for a Treasurer for the County of Rockingham ware for Oliver Peabody 187. for Nathaniel Gilman 102 Jon* Wilkins i 6 Made Choice of William A. Kent Representative 7. That this meeting be Defsolved Att John Odlin T. Clerk A Return of a Road by L' Richard Herbert Home to Hales Point Road (so Called) Bounded as follows viz Begining at a stake standing on the Line of the main Street Runing East Nine degrees south Twenty two rods to a Stake on Hales point road — this Line is on the North side of said Road this road is two rods wide to the south of said Line Which road was laid out by us the subscribers Concord March 5'" 1804 Jon'' Wilkins ^ John West. > Selectmen. Stephen Ambrose ) A True Record from the Original Return Att John Odlin T" Clerk. 374 CONCORD State of New-Hamp 5 To Richard Ilazen Ayer Con- shire Rockingham fs ^ stable of Concord in said County (L. S) Greeting In the name of the state of Nevv = IIampshire you are hereby required to notify and warn as the Law directs the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of s^ Concord (quali- fied to vote for state Representatives) to meet at the Town House on monday the Twenty seventh day of auiTust Current at 2 "Clock in the afternoon for the follow- ing Purposes viz I To choose a Moderator 2. To vote by ballot for five persons duly qualified for Representatives of this State in the Congrefs of the United States to hold their places for two years from the fourth day of march next — 3 To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to Straiten the road from Isaac Emerys House to the road on the dark plane (so called) on the East side of the river And make due return of this Warrant with your doing thereon to us the subscribers on or before said meeting Given under our hands and seal at Concord this Jon'* Wilkins ) Selectmen 8'" day of August ID 1804 John West S State of New=Hamp } Concord August 27"' 1804 shire Rockingham Is 5 In persuance of this precept I have notified the free- holders and other inhabitants of said Concord to meet as within mentioned by posting a notification up at the meet- ing house door as the law directs Richard. H. Ayer Constable — State of New=Hamp ^ Concord august 27"" 1804 shire Rockingham fs 5 At a le Selectmen Amos Abbot Ju' ) N. J^. It is considered by the Selectmen that the Town give to John Bradley in addition to the above Compensa- tion the old road adjoining his Land at the west End of his dwelling House also that the Town give to George Arlin the old road adjoining his Land as Compensation to him A True Copy from the original return. Attest John Odlin T" Clerk State of New=Hamp > To Richard Hazen A3'er shire Rockin Selectmen Feb^ 1805. — ' Amos Abbot Ju' ) State of New Hampshire > Concord March 12*^ 1805 5 Pursuant to this warrant I have notified the freeholders and other Inhabitants 380 CONCORD iliialilic'd to vote for State ofllcers to meet at time & place and lor the purpofes within mentioned by causing a noti- fication to be posted up at the meeting house as the law directs — Rich" II. Ayer Constable State of New Hamp > Concord March 12th 1805 shire Rockingham fs > At a legal meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhab- itants of s'' Concord held at the Town House the following votes were Past — (viz) 1 . Made Choice of Jonathan Wilkins Esq' Moderator — 2. John Odlin Clerk sworn 3. Jonathan Wilkins John West & Amos Abbot Ju"" Selectmen sworn 4. Jeremiah Virgin Richard Herbert Ju' & Eliphalet Emery Collectors Virgin 7 cents on the pound Herbert 6^ do Emery 7 Cents sworn 5. Jeremiah Virgin Richard Herbert J"" Eliphalet Emer}^ Constables sworn 6. Asa Graham Reuben Goodwin Anthony Pottor Charles Eastman Joseph Knowles — Enoch Coffin — Tim" Chandler Jonathan Wilkins — Asa Abbot. Joseph Dow — John Garvin Ballard Hazeltine Joseph Elliot Ju"" Mofes Abbot Moles Swett and Isaac Dimond Survey- ors of highways 7. Benj'"* Kimball Rich-* Herbert J^ Cap* Rich'' Ayer Jacob Eastman Daniel Kendall Fence viewers sworn — 8 Sealer of Weights & Measures David Hall sworn & of Lather not 9 Timothy Butters John Stevens Timoth}^ Walker Ju' Joseph Cutchins James Moulton Daniel Virgin David Goodwin James Buswell Daniel Kendall Beni" Simson William Garvin : Eben Tenne\^ Abner Dimond Hog reeves 10 Charles Emery Stephen Ambrose James wille John Thorndike Courders of wood Sworn 11 Surveyors of Lumber Samuel Gains Jacob East- man Abel Baker Asa Herrick John Kimball John Thompson Chandler Lovjov & Abiel Virgin all sworn but Kimball TOWN RECORDS. 38 1 12 Cullers of Staves James Moulton sworn Sargent Rogers Samuel Gains sworn Daniel Newell sworn & Rich** wood — 13 Field drivers James wille Paul Rolfe Jeremiah Pecker Josiah Whidden — 14 Pound Keepers David George Ju' Charles Eastman sworn 15 Tything men Abel Hutchins Peter Swan — adjourned one hour then to meet at the Town House — meet according to adjournment and Past the following votes 1. votes for a Govenor were for John T. Gilman — 183 John Langdon — 190 Jonathan Eastman 2 Jon=* Wilkins i Oliver Peabody i Jo^ Blanchard i 2. votes for a Counsellor for the county of Rocking- ham were for Joseph Blanchard 170 Levi Bartlett 182. John T. Gilman 3 William A Kent i Oliver Peabody I 3. votes for a Senator for the 4th Destrict were for John Bradley 182 William A. Kent 168 4. votes for a Register of Deeds for the County of Rockingham were for Josiah Adams 197 Nath' Parker 97— 5. votes for a Treasurer lor the County of Rocking- ham were for Nathaniel Gilman 164, Oliver Peabody 162, Philip Carrigain i Nathaniel Parker i Will'" A. Kent, I — 6. Made Choice of William A. Kent Representative — 7. Auditors of accounts John Roche, Benjamin Emery & Paul Rolfe— 8 That the Selectmen settle with with tlie Collectors seasonably that a settlement be made before the next annual meeting with the Auditors of accounts 9. that this meeting be adjourned one fortnight from the 13"' day March instant at one "Clock P. M. then to meet at the town house — 382 CONCOKI) Concord March 27"' 1805 — Met according to adjuniment & paTsed the following votes (viz) — Voted four hundred & fifty dollars to supply the Pulpit the year ensuing — Voted live hundred dollars for the School the vear Enfuino" Voted that the Selectmen give up the security held for the payment of the rent of the school lot for the years 1802 & 1803 to the widdow Sarah Parker agreable to her request — voted four hundred Dollars lor the necefsary Charges of the Town the Ensuing year — Voted that the survey of the Town be sold at vendue and agreeably to said vote the same was fold to Captain Edmond Leavitt for the fum of one hundred dollars — Voted one day & a half days work on a pole and other estate in that proportion for a tax to repair the highways — Voted that the Selectmen pay twenty cents for every Crows head killed in this town the enfuing year — Voted that John Bradle}' Esq"" have the old road at the west end of his house as far as the same adjoins his land in part compensation for a road laid out through his land — Voted that George Arlin have the old road at the west end of his land as far as the fame adjoins his land as compensation for a road laid out through said Arlins land- Voted the Selectmen be directed to straiten the road from David Simpson's to Jofeph Hazeltines acroft Bow brook so called — Voted that Samuel Currier have his taxes for the last year given inn — Voted that the Selectmen be authorized to agree with Isaac Dow & others (who may feel themselves agrieved by the estimation made by the Selectmen as compensa- tion for land taken of theirs for a road) on a Committee to reestimate the damage — Voted that this meeting be dil'solved Attest John Odlin T. Clerk TOWN RECORDS. 383 State of Newhampshire > To Richard Herbert Ju"^ Rockingham Is. > Constable of Concord in said County — Greeting L. S. In the name of the State of New Hampshire vou are hereby required to notify & warn the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of s*^ Concord (qualfied to vote in town affairs) to meet at the Town house in said Concord on Wednesday the 27**^ of March Instant at three "Clock in the afternoon for the following purpofes (viz) 1. To choose a Moderator — 2. To see if the town will meet Bofcawen by a com- mittee in building and fupporting abridge accroft Contoo- cook river — 3. To fee if the town will build a bridge accroft Burn- hams brook fo called where the road is now traveled or take any other method the town may think proper to establish a road from Samuel Goodwins to to Canterbury line — And make due return of this warrant with 3^our doings thereon to us the subscribers on or before said meeting. 4. To fee if the town will dispose of and leafe the whole or any part of the public lands — Given under our hands Jon* Wilkins ^ & seal at Concord this John West > Selectmen 12''' day of March 1805 Amos Abbot Ju'^ ) State of Newhampshire ) Concord March 27^^ 1805 Rockingham fs 5 At a legal meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhab- itants of said Concord held at the town house the follow- ing votes were pafsed — 1. Made choice of Maj'' Timothy Chandler Moder- ator — 2. Voted to choose a committee of three to meet the committe of Bofcawen in building & supporting a Bridge acrost Contqocook river (viz) John Bradley Esq"" Jona- than Wilkins Esq"" & Ebenezer Dustin — 384 CONCORD 3. \'{)tecl tliat the third article be difmilsed — 4. Voted that the fourth article be dismifsed 5. Voted that this meeting be difsolved — Attest John Odlin T. Clerk State of New Hamp } To Richard Herbert Jir Con- shire Rockingham fs 5 stable of Concord in said County — Greeting (L S) In the name of the State of New Hampshire Vou are hereby required to notify and warn as the Law directs the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of Said Concord (qualified to vote in Town affairs) To meet at the Town House on Monday the Thirteenth day of maj- next at Two "Clock in the afternoon for the following purposes viz — I To Choose a Moderator. 2. To see if the Town will accept of the report of the Committe Chosen Last march to meet the Committe of Boscawen in building and Supporting a Bridge acrost Contoocook River 3. To see what sum of money the Town will raise to Carry into Effect said report — And make due Return of this Warrant with your do- ings thereon to us the subscribers on or before said meet- ing- Given under our hand & seal at Concord this 27*'' day of Jon'^ Wilkins ) Selectmen April A) 1805 "^ John West S Rockingham fs, May 13*^ 1805 Persuant to this War- rant I have notified and Warned the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of s"* Concord to meet at time & place tor the purposes therein Mentioned Rich'' Herbert Ju'^ Constable State of Ne\v=Hamp } Concord May 13'" 1805 shire Rockingham fs ^ At a leoal meetino- of the Freeholders & other Inhab- TOWN RECORDS. 385 itants of said Concord the following votes ware past viz — 1. Made Choice of Timothy Chandler Moderator 2. To accept the report of the Committe so far as to build & support one half of the Bridge acrofst Contoo- cook River at the Old place where the bridge now is agreeab to that part of said Report — 3. To raise two Hundred and fifty Dollars to carry into Effect that part of said Report 4. To Difsolve the Meeting Att John Odlin T. Clerk Return of a road laid out by the Selectmen from Natha**' Ambroses to Canterbury line near Jonathan Blanchards Begining at Nathaniel Ambroses House thence runing North five degrees west sixty two rods thence North twenty six degrees west sixty six rods thence North thirt}'^ degrees forty live minutes west one Hundred thirty six rods thence North twenty two degrees thirty minutes West forty Eight rods then North forty two degrees West Twelve rods thence North fourteen degrees West twenty two rods thence North fifty nine degrees west twelve rods thence North sixty two degrees west two Hundred & sixty six rods thence North seventy degrees west Eighteen rods thence North forty five de- grees w^est twenty rods thence North fifty Eight degrees west one Hundred and two rods thence North fortv nine degrees west twenty three rods to the Town line the above was laid out and Estabilished by us the sub- scribers Selectmen of Concord as a public High way this tw^ent}' fourth day of mav ID 1805 A True Copy from Jonathan Wilkins — > Selectmen the original Return Jolin West— y Att John Odlin Town Clerk — Concord Nov' 19"' 1805 This Certifies that we the subscribers have agreeably to the legal requisition preambulated the line between our Several Towns Begining at a stak and stones at the roots of the forked pine being the south East Corner 26 386 CONCOHI) Bounds of Boscawen thence West seventeen degrees thirty live minutes south by the needle four miles to pitch pine tree which is the Northwest Corner bound of Concord Henj'^ Jackman ^Selectmen Isaac Chandler > of ) Boscawen A True Copy from Jonathan Wilkins ^Selectmen the Original Return John West > of att' Amos Abbot Ju' ) Concord — John Odlin T. Clerk State of New Hamp ^ To Richard Herbert Ju' Consta- shire Rockingham fs ^ ble of Concord in said County (L S) Greeting In the name of the state of New=Hampshire you are hereby required to notify and warn as the law directs the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Concord (qual- ified to vote in Town affairs) to meet at the Town House on Monday the twenty fifth day of November Current at three "Clock in the afternoon for the following Purposes viz I To choose a Moderator 2. To see whether the Town are willing that the prayer of a petition prefered to the General Court in June last to annex a part of Boscawen to Concord lying on the Southerly side of Contoocook river should be granted and make due return of this warrant with your doings there on to us the subscribers on or before said meeting Given under our hand and seal at Concord this 6"' Jon* Wilkins > Selectmen day of Nov' ID 1805 John West S Rockingham fs Concord November 25*'" 1805 Persuant to the within warrant I have notified and warned the Freeholders and other Inhabitants as the law directs to meet at time and place for the purposes within mentioned Richard Herbert Ju' Constable TOWN RECORDS. 387 State of New Hamp ^ Concord Nov 25"' 1805 — shire Rockingham fs ( At a legal meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhab- itants of said Concord the following votes ware pased viz — I. Jonathan Wilkins Esq' Moderator 2 that the Town are not willing that the prayer of the Petition should be granted which was prefered to the General Court in June last to sett off a part of Boscawen to Concord — 3. that Esq' Kent have a Copy of this vote 4 that this meeting be Disolved Attest John Odlin Town Clerk State of Nevv=Hamp } Concord Jan^' ii'*" 1806 shire Rockingham is 5 Persuant to precepts to me directed these are to notify and warn the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Concord (qualitied to vote for State Representatives) to meet at the Town House on Tuesday the Twenty first day of Jan^ Current at three "Clock in the afternoon for the following purposes — I To Choose a moderator 2, To Choose one man duly qualitied to serve as a Grand Juror at the Superior Court of Judicature to be holden at Portsmouth on the first Tuesday of February next 3. To appoint two persons duly qualified to serve as Petit Jurors at the Court aforesaid one to serve on the first Tuesday of said Feb. the other on monday the tenth day of said month John Odlin Town Clerk — At the above meeting Capt Shurburn Wiggin was ap- pointed Grand Juror and En' Jonathan Virgin and M' Daniel Kendall was appointed Petit Jurors — A True Copt. Att John Odlin Town Clerk 388 CONCORD State of Nevv=Hamp Concord March 10"' 1806 Return sliire Rockinjifhain Is of a Road acroft Bow brook We the Subscribers have laid out a road in said Con- cord bounded as follows viz Begining at a stake standing four rods North of Joseph Hazeltines Barn thence North Eighty two and a half degrees East Seventy two rods to an Oak tree then North seventy six degrees East twent}- rods to the road now travled and the said road is four rods wide and on the south side of the described line also do award to Joseph Ilazeltine twenty Dollars likewise all the old road adjoining his Land which can be spared not injuring any other road also to Ebenezer Duston forty five Dollars and the old road adjoining south of his Land also to Richard Hazeltine thirty five Dollars and the old road adjoining his Land southerl}' the above road we do Establifh as a public highway for the Town of Concord Given under our hands the day and date above Jonathan Wilkins ^ John West > Selectmen A True Record from Amos Abbot Ju' ) the Original Attest John Odlin Town Clerk State of New Hamp ) To Richard Herbert Ju"" Consta- shire Rockingham fs 5 ble of Concord in said County Greeting (LS) In the name of the State of New Hampshire you are hereby required to notify and warn as the Law directs the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Concord qualified to vote in Town afl:airs) to meet at the Town-House on Tuesday the Eleventh day of March next at Nine ''Clock in the forenoon for the following purposes viz 1 To Choose a Moderator 2 To Choose a Clerk — Selectmen — Constable or Con- stables Collector or Collectors-Auditor or Auditors of accounts to settle with the Selectmen and all other necefsary Town Officers 3 To vote as the Constitution requiers for a Govenor 4 To vote for a Senator for the 4"' destrect TOWN RECORDS. 389 5 To vote for a Counlellor for the County of Rock- ingham 6 To vote for a register of Deed & Treasurer for the County of Rockingham 7. To choose one man dul}- qualified to represent said Town in the General Court one year from the first wednefsday of June next 8 To see what sum or sums of money the Town will raise in addition to the Revn*^ Asa M'= Farlands annual Sallary the Current year also to supply the school and defray the necefsary Charges of the Town the Current Year 9 To see what the Town will give for Killing Crows the Current year 10 To see if the Town will give James Stevens any Compensation towards supporting a pauper by the name of Betsy Kimball now at his House II. To see if the will purchase Land ol" John Farnum for a road to Land belonging to aquella Ferrin — 12 To see if the Town will Exchenge with Oliver Hoit the road formerly laid out through said Hoits land for the road now travled 13. To see if the Town will Exchenge the reserve lor a road adjoining Land of Timothy Walker Esq' John Blanchard and other at the west End of their lots or sell the same and purchase other Land where a road may be more Conveniantly laid out — and make due return of this warrant to us the sub- scribers with your doing thereon on or before said meet- ing Given under our hand and seal at Concord aforesaid this 22'"^ day of Feb. ID 1806 — John West ? o 1 . A Auu * T r ^ selectmen Amos x\bbot Ju' 3 Rockingham fs Concord March 11'" 1806 Persuant to the within precipt I have notified and warned the freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Concord as the law^ derects to meet at time and place for the purposes within mentioned Richard Herbert Ju' Constable 39° CONCORD State of New Ilamp <> Concord March ii"' 1806 shire Rockingham Is S At a legal meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhab- itants of s'' Concord the following votes ware past — I. Made Choice of TimothyWalker Esq' Moderator — 2 Jolin Odlin Clerk sworn 3. Ebenezcr Dnston — Enoch Collin — iulniund Leav- itt Selectmen sworn 4 Timothy Carter 7 cents £ Peter Robertson 6 cents £ Isaac Emery 7 cents £ Collectors sworn 5. Timothv Carter Peter Robertson Isaac Emery Con- stables sworn 6. Cap' Ayer Cap' Emery Mai' Chandler auditors of accounts 7. Joseph walker sworn Abel Hutchins sworn Samuel Butters sworn Jeremiah Virgin sworn Nathaniel Ambrose sworn Mofes Gale sworn Mellen Kimball sworn Mofes Farnum sworn Jonathan Johnson sworn Joseph Elliot Ju' Isreal Dimond sworn mofes Hall sworn Jefse Balser sworn Reuben Abbot Ju^ sworn Benj^ Wheeler John Garvin sworn Peter C Farnum sworn Surveyors of High ways — 8 Tything men Edmund Leavitt Samuel Davis 9 Sealer of Lather and of wights & measures David Hall 10 Surveyors of Lumber Daniel Kendall sworn Sarg- ent Rogers Sam* Gains sworn Abiel Virgin George W Rogers Daniel Newall sworn Abel Baker sworn Jacob Hoit sworn, moody Dow^ sworn II. Pound Keepers David George Ju' Charles East- man 12 Hogreeves Samuel Wille sworn Benj** Paine sworn Daniel Virgin John Elliot Ju"^ sworn Samuel Dow John Bacheder Benj-'* Abbot Ju' sworn William Garvin George Arlin sworn Stephen Chase sworn Mofes Carter Ju' sworn — 13 Cullers of Staves John Thompson sworn Henry moulton 14 Courders of Wood James Wille John Thorndike Stephen Ambrose 15 Fence viewers John West Edmund Leavitt Will™ Wheeler TOWN RECORDS. 39I 16 feld Drivers David George Esq"" voted this meeting be adjourned one hour then to meet at the Town House — Att John Odlin Town Clerk Meet according to adjournment and passd the tbllovv- ing votes 1 for Govenor John Langdon 192 Jeremiah Smith 67 Timothy Farrar 5 John Virgin 4 Edmund Leavitt i Stephen Ambrose i Nathan Ballard Ju' i Joseph Dow i Samuel Davis i Ezra Carter i Samuel Green i — 2 votes for a senator for the 4"" destrict John ]^radley 180 Josiah Sanborn 97 Timothy Bradley i Stephen Ambrose 2 — 3 votes for a Counfellor for the County of Rocking- ham Levi Bartlett 189 Joseph Blanchard 107 Sam^ Brad- ley I Stephen Ambrose i 4 Recorder of deeds for the County of Rockingham Josiah Adams 226 Nathaniel Parker 27 Stephen Am- brose 2 — Philbrick Bradley i — 5. votes for a Treasurer for the County of Rocking- ham Nath' Gilman 198 Nath' Parker Made Choice of Samuel Green Esq' Representative 6 voted one Hundred dollars in addition the three Hundred and fifty Dollars formerly voted the revn** Asa McFarland as a Sallary 7. voted five Hundred Dollars to supply the school the Current year 8 voted one Dollar on the Poll on the highways the Current year and other Estate in proportion 9 voted two Hundred dollars for the necefsary Charges of the Town 10. voted to pay James Stevens thirty Dollars as a Compensation to him for takeing care of Betsy Kimball the Current year II voted the 11, 12, 13 articels in the warrant be refered to the Selectmen 12. voted that the Selectmen be impowerd to defend the action Isaac Dimond against the Town — 13. voted this meeting be Defsolved — Atest John Odlin Town Clerk 392 CONCORD State of Ne\v=Hamp } To I^eter Robertson Constable shire Rocliinghain Is 5 o* Concord in said County Greeting (L S) In the name of the State of Nevv=Hampshire you are hereby required to notify and warn as the Law directs tlie Freeholders and other Inhabitants of Said Concord (qualified to vote for State Representatives) To meet at the Town House in s^ Concord on Monday the 25"' day of August Current at three "Clock in the after- noon for the following Purposes I To Choose a Moderator 2. To vote by ballot for five persons duly Qiialified to Represent this State in the Congrefs of the United States two Years from the fourth day of March Next- 3 To see if the Town will make James Stevens any addition to the sum formerly voted him for takeing care of Betsy Kimball — 4 To see if the Town will make Richard Hazeltine any further Compensation for the Land taken of his for a Road at Bow Brook — 5. To see if the Town will Exchenge the Land re- served for a road at the west End of lots belonging to Tim" Walker Esq'' & John Blanchard tor a road laid out thro their Lot by the Selectmen— And make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to us the Subscribers on or before s^ Meeting Given under our hands Eben'' Duston ^ and Seal at Concord Enoch Coffin > Selectmen this 9"" day of August 1806 Edmund Leavitt ) Rockingham is Concord August 25"" 1806 Persuant to the within warrant I have notified and w^arned as the law directs the Freeholders and other In- habitants of said Concord to meet at time and place for the purposes within mentioned Peter Robertson Constable State of New=Hamp > Concord August 25"* 1806 shire Rockingham fs > at a legal meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabi- tants of said Concord the following votes ware past viz — TOWN RECORDS. 393 1 Made Choice of Timothy Walker Esq"" Moderator 2 votes for Representatives to the Congrefs of tlie United States ware for Clement Storry 80- Jedediah K Smith 83- Daniel M. Durell 82- Francis Gardner 84 Peter Carlton 84 Samuel Tenny 73 Silas Betton 73 Tho-* W. Thompson 73 Caleb Ellis 73 David Hough 73- Wil- liam B. Kelley i Jonathan Steel i — 3 voted that James Stevens have Twenty two Dollars in addition to the Thirt}- Dollars voted him last march for takeing care of Betsy Kimball one year from march last. 4 voted this Meeting be Desolved Attest John Odlin T. Clerk State of New Hampshire > Concord Jany 20"* 1807 Rockingham fs Persuant to precipts to me directed these are to notify & warn the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of s*^ Con- cord qualified to vote for State Representatives to meet at the Town House on Tuesday the 27"* da}' of this Instant at three "Clock in the afternoon for the follow purposes viz I To Choose Moderator 2'"* To appoint one man duly qualified to serve as a Grand Juror at the Superior Court of Judicature to be holden at Portsmouth on the first Tuesday of Feb'' next 3'^'>' to appoint two persons duly qualified to serve as Petit Jurors at the Superior Court aforesaid one to serve on the first Tuesday of Feb> next the other to serve on Monday the 9"' day of said month at the above meeting Cap' Sherburn Wiggin was legally appointed as Grand Juror and Cap' Jacob East- man & Richard H. Ayer as Petit Jurors Attjohn Odlin T. Clerk State of New Hamp } To Peter Robertson Constable shire Rockingham fs ) of Concord in said County — Greeting (L S) In the name of the state of New=Hampshire you are hereby required to notified and warn as the law directs the freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Con- cord (qualified to vote in Town afVairs) to meet at the 394 CONCOKI) Town Mouse on Tuesday the Tenth clay of March next at Nine "Clock in the forenoon for the following pur- poses viz — 1 To Choose a Moderator 2 To Choose a Clerk- Selectmen- Constable or Con- stables Collector or Collectors- auditor or auditors of Ac- count to settle with the Selectmen and all other necefsary Town Oflicers — 3. To vote as the Constitution requiers for a Govener 4 To vote for a Senator for the 4*" Destrict 5. To vote for a Counfellor for the County of Rock- ingham 6. To vote for regester of deeds & Treasurer for the County of Rockingham 7. To see if the town will vote to have the Constitution revised 9. To Choose one man duly qualitied to Represent said Town in the General Court one year from the first Wed- nesday of June next 10 To see what sum or sums of money the Town will raise to Supply the Pulpit the School and to defray the necefsary Charges of the Town the year Ensuing — 11 To see what the Town will give for Killing Crows the Current year 12 To see if the Town will build a Pound 13. To see if the Town will vote to have the Town Destrected into school Destricts acjreeablv to an act of the General Court pafsed December 1805 for that Pur- pose — And make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to us the subscribers on or before said meeting — Given under our hands Eben' Duston ^ and seal at Concord afore- Enoch Cofhn > Selectmen said this 19"" day of Feb^ Edmund Leavitt ) 1807 Rockingham Is Concord March lo"" 1807 Persuant to the within precept I have notitied and warned the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Concord as the law directs to meet at time and place for the purposes within mentioned Peter Robertson Constable TOWN RECORDS. 395 State of New Ilamp } Concord March lo"' 1807 shire Rockingham Is 5 At a legal meeting of the Freeholders and other In- habitants of said Concord the following votes ware Pafsed viz — 1 Made Choice of Timoth}' Walker Esq' Moderator 2 John Odlin Clerk sworn 3. Eben' Duston-Enoch Coffin Edmund Leavitt Select- men sworn 4. Collectors Timothy Carter west part at 7 Cents on the pound Joshua Abbot Ju'' south part at 7 Cents on the pound Eliphalet Emery East part at 8 Cents on the pound all sworn 5. Timothy Carter Joshua Abbot Ju' Eliphalet Emery Constable sworn 6 Paul Rolfe Benj" Emery Jon" Wilkins auditors of ac- counts 7 Benj"' Kimball Ju' Nathaniel Abbot Sargent Rogers Timothy Chandler Paul Rolfe Fire wards 8. Abel Hutchins — Tim" Butters -Levi Abbot- Zenas Wheeler, Stephen Webster Ju' Abiel Walker, Isaac Dow, — Ephraim Colby, — Enoch Farnum, — Henry Martin Ju', Joseph Elliot Ju' Jacob Eastman, — John Lovejoy — Abiel Eastman, William Hoit John Garvin, Zebediah Farnum, Surveyors of Highways all sworn but garvin 9 Eben' Duston Enoch Coffin Edmund Leavitt Tyth- ingmen 10. Joseph Walker, sworn John Thorndike Stephen Ambrose sworn John Thomson sworn Tim" Bradley — Ballard Hazeltine sworn Fence viewers 11. David Hall sealer of weights & measures & Lather sworn as sealer of w*' & measures 12 Abiel Walker sworn Jon'' Perkins sworn Isaac Shute sworn Isaac Eastman sworn David Garvin — Abel Baker sworn Joseph Colby Ju' sworn Benj" Emery Ju' and Abiel Clough sworn Hogreeves 13. George W. Rogers- Sargent Rogers- Samuel Gains, Abiel Virgin Joseph Dow- John Lovejoy- Abel Baker Jacob Eastman Daniel Newall Surveyors of Lum- ber all sworn but virgin 14. Charles Emery- sworn John Thorndike- James 396 CONCORD Wille Obidiah Kimball sworn Sargent Rogers Courders of wood 15. James Moulton & William Garvin Cullers of staves 16. David George Ju' Cbarles Eastman pound Keepers 17. Tbis meeting be adjourned one hour then to me at the Town House Att John Odlin Town Clerk Meet according to adjournment and Pafsed the follow- ing votes viz — 1. To Excuse Isaac Dow from being a Surveyor of highwa3's 2. Moles Farnum surveyor of highways 3. votes for a Govenor ware for John Langdon 185. Timothy Walker 3 Josiah Sanborn 3 Daniel Virgin 2 Jeremiah Smith 8- Thomas Abbot 2 Samuel i\bbot i Nath' Gilman 2 John Bradley 2 L' Nathan Ballard i Nathan Chandler i Charles Emery 2, Samuel Bradley 2 Isaac Dow i Tim" Farrar i 4. votes for Senator for the 4'" destrect ware for John Bradley 148 Josiah Samborn 141- Charles Emery i Sam' Green i Sam' Abbot i 5. votes for a Counsellor for the County of Rockingham ware for Levi Bartlett 205. Joseph Blanchard 5. Stephen Ambrose 2, John Langdon 2 Nathaniel Bradley i — 6. vote for register of Deeds for the County of Rock- ingham ware for Josiah Adams 238- Nath' Gilman 4- John Odlin 2 John Langdon i Joseph Eastman i — 7. votes for Treasurer for the County of Rockingham ware for Nath' Gilman 214 John Langdon i Levi Bart- lettt I Josiah Sanborn 1 Timothy Chandler i 8. votes in favour of a revision of the Constitution 94 againft 119 9. made Choice of Samuel Green Esq' Representative 10. vote to reconsider the vote on the revision of the Constitution 11. Votes in feavour of a revision of the Constitution 145. against it 165 — 12. Four Hundred and ht'ty Dollars for the Pulpit TOWN RECORDS. 397 Eight Hundred Dollars for the School three Hundred fifty Dollars for the necefsary Charges of the Town — 13 That the Selectmen pay Twenty five Cents for Each Crows Head Killed in the Town the Current year- 14. Fifty six Cents on a Poll and other Estate in pro- portion on the Highways the Current year — 15 That a pound be built near the Meeting House 16. That the article of the pound be desmised 17. That the Selectmen Destrict the Town into School Destricts 18 That Samuel Butters take care of the boys in the meeting house on Sundays 19 That this Meeting be Desolved Attest John Odlin Town Clerk State of New Hamp ) To Joshua Abbot Ju' Consta- shire Rockingham fs ) ble of Concord in said County Greetincr — (L. S) In the name of the state of New Hampshire you are hereby required to notify and warn as the law directs the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Concord qualified to vote in Town affairs to meet at the Town House on wednefday the Eighth day of april next at two "Clock in the afternoon lor the following purposes viz — I To Choose a Moderator 2 To see if the Town will make an addition to the Selectmen as a Committe to lay the Town into school Destrict and authorise said Committe to have the same recorded as they may think proper to lay them out 3 To see what sum of money the Town will give James Stevens for takeing care of Bets}^ Kimball the Current year — 4 To see if the Town will vote that no sheep shall run at large on the main street bet\^een John Bradley- Esq" and John Colbys from the first day of April to the first da}^ of November annually — And make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to us the subscribers on or before said meeting — Given under our hands and seal at Concord Ebenezer Duston ^ Selectmen aforesaid this 19"' day Enoch Coffin ^ of march ID 1807 — 398 CONCORD Rockingham Is Concord Aprfl 8"" 1807 In Persuance of this warrant I have notilicd and warned the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Concord qiialilied to vote in Town aflairs to meet at time and jihice within Specified as the hiw Directs Joshua Abbot Ju' ConstabU^ State ot New Hamp ) Concord April 8"' 1807 shire Rockingham fs ) At at legal meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabi- tants the following votes ware Pafsed viz — I Made Choice of Stephen Ambrose Esq' Moderator 2. voted to Chose a Committe in addition to the Select- men to destrict the Town into school Destricts 3. Voted to choose for the above Committe one man from each school destricts where orders have been dra\\n for school money Annually — 4 voted the Committe shall have no Compensation for there servises in destrecting the Town into school destricts 5. voted that James Stevens have fifty two Dollars for takeing care of Betsy Kimball one year — 6. voted that no Sheep shall run at large on the maine street between John Bradle}' Esq''* and John Colby from the first day of april to the first da}' of Nov"" Annualh' — 7. The Committe for Joining the Selectmen to Destrect the Town into shool destrict. viz — Eliphalet Emery — Richard Ayer — Paul Rolfe — John Garvin — Levi Abbot. Asa Ilerrick Nathan Ballard Ju' — Mofes Abbot — Samuel Davis — William Eastman — Abel Baker Nath^ Rolle Stephen Farnum — John Eastman — Nath' Ambrose Jon- athan Virgin Asa Kimball 9 voted this Meeting be Disolved Attest John Odlin Town Clerk We the Subscribers being appointed a Committe by the Town of Concord at a legal meeting held on the S"' day of April Last past for the purpose of destricting said Town into school Destricts haveing meet for that purpose TOWN RECORDS. 399 on the twenty fifth day of May after appointing Ebenezer Duston Chairman and John Odlin Clerk have agreed to devide the Town into school Destricts in the following manner viz voted I That the Inhabitants on the North side of Con- toocook togather with all the Land on the north side of s** River within the Town shall Constitute the first Des- trict — 2 — That the Inhabitants liveing within the lines here- after mentioned togather with all the Lands therein shall Constitute the second Destrict viz Beginning at Horse Hill Bridge then Down Contoocook river to the mouthe then down Merrimack River to the Bounds between Nath' Rolfe and Nathan Abbots Lands — thence Westerlv between said Rolfe & Abbots land — to the Wainwright lot thence on the Northerly side of said Lot to a High- wa}^ thence westerly on said Highway between the Common Rights till it Comes to tiie Southerl}' line of the Eighty acre Lots thence Westerh' on the line of said Lots to the road leading to Horse Hill Bridge thence Northerly on s*^ road to the Bridge 3 — That the Inhabitants liveing within the lines here- after mentioned togather with all the Lands therein shall Constitute the third Destrict viz — Begining at Merrimack River at the bounds between Nathaniel Rolfe and Nathan Abbots Land : thence Westerly on the line of the second Destrict to the road Leading to Horse Hill Bridge thence southerly on said road till Comes to the road — leading to Joseah Farnums thence Southerly to Henry Martins North East Corner Bounds thence on the line between said Martins and the Parsonage Land (so Called) to the Long Pond : then acrofs said pond to the North East Corner bounds of Levi Hutchins Land thence said Hutchins line to his South East Corner bounds — thence Easterly on a Strait line to Merrimack River at the south East Corner of Benjamin Farnums Land then up said River to the first mentioned Bound 4 That the Inhabitants liveing within the lines here- after mentioned togather with all the land therein shall Constitute the fourth Destrict viz Begining at Contoocook river at Horse hill Bridge : thence southerly on the sec- ond and third destricts to Henrv Martins North East 4()0 CONCORD Corner bound ; thence westerly on the Nortlierly line of said Martins Land to Ezra Carters Land ; then wester- ly on the southerly line of said Carters Land : to Samuel Daviss Land : then Southerly to Thomas Abbots & Jon- athan Kmersons Land : then westerly to Mofes Eatons Land : then souther)}^ to the road leading to Hopkinton, then by said road to Hopkinton line then on the line between Concord and Hopkinton ; to Contoocook river : then down said River to Horse Hill Bridge 15 That the Inhabitants liveing within the lines here- after mentioned togather with all the land therein shall Constitute the fifth Destrict viz begining at Henry Mar- tins North East Corner bounds, then southerly on the line of the Third Destrict to Long pond ; then w-esterly by said pond to the head thereof then westerly by the North line of the Marsh lot to the North w-est Corner bound of said lot then westerly to the south East Corner of Abner Farnums Land : then westerly on a strait line to strick Hopkinton line between Benjamin Darling & Parker Merrils Land ; then Northerly on Hopkinton line to the fourth Destrict : then Easterly on the line of the fourth destrict, to the North East Corner bound of Henry Martins Land aforesaid 6 That the Inhabitants liveing within the lines hereafter mentioned togather with all the land therein shall Consti- tute Sixth Destrict viz — begining at Levi Hutchins North East Corner bound at long Pond then southerly on the line of the third Destrict to his South East bound : then Easterly to the North East Corner of David Davises Land ; then southerly to Davises Gate on little Pond road : then southerly on the East End of Timothy Walkers Esq" Twenty acre Lot to the North East Corner of John Blanchards Land : then on the Easterly line of said Blanchards Land to Daniel Fisks Land and on then on the Easterly side of said Fisks land to his south East Bound : then Westerly and Northerl}^ on said Fisks Land to Joiin Blanchard Land : then on the line of said Blan- chards and Hannah Blanchards Land to the marsh Lot : then on south and west lines of said lot to the Northwest Corner bound of said Lot then by the line of the fifth Destrict to the head of Long Pond then down said Pond to Levi Hutchins North East bound first mentioned TOWN RECORDS. 4OI 7 That the Inhabitants liveing within the Hnes hereat'ter mentioned togather with all the Lands therein shall Con- stitute the seventh Destrict viz begining on Hopkinton line between Benjamin Darlings and Parker Merriels Land then southerly on said Town line to Daniel Ilar- ricks south west corner Bound then Easterly on southerly end of Daniel Herricks and Asa Herricks & Philip & Obediah Carrigain^ to little Turkey Pond (so called) then down Turkey river to Nathaniel Curriers Land : then on the southerly & Easterly line of said Curriers Land : to Turkey river again then down the Pond, to Ezra Hutchins North west bound : then on s"^ Hutchins Easterly and southerly line to Turkey river : then Down River to Joseph Sherburn South west bound ; then East- terly to Jonathan Parkers South East bound : thence on said Parkers Easterly line to his North East bound : then westerly on the Northerly line of said Parkers : Joseph Sherburn & Daniel Clarks Land : to the south End of Daniel Fisks Land ; then on the line of the sixth destrict to the North west Corner of the Marsh Lot : then on the line of the fifth Destrict to the first mentioned bcnind at Hopkinton Line — 8. That the Inhabitants liveing within the lines here- after mentioned togather with all the Land therein Shall Constitute the Eighth Destrict viz begining at the South West Corner of Daniel Harricks Land on the Line be- tween Concord and Hopkinton : then Easterly on the Line of the seventh Destrict to Jonathan Parkers South East Bound thence to the North East Corner of Land be- longing to John Carter Esq' thence Southerly to Mofes Carters land : thence bv said Carters Land Easterly and Southerly to the Highway then by the Highway to the Head of the Twenty acre lots : then Southerly to the Line between Concord and Bow thence Westerly on said Line to the southwest Corner of Concord : thence Northerly on Bow line and Hopkinton line to the first mentioned bound. 9: That the Inliabitants liveing within the lines here- after mentioned togather with all the land therein shall Constitute the Ninth Destrict viz begining at Merri- mack River at Bow line then Westerly on said line to the Easterh' line of the Eiglith Destrict : then on said line 27 402" CONCORD to Jonathan Parkers so.utli East bound : then on the line of the seventh destrict to the road leacHng i'rom Concord to Hopkinlon : then down said road to Joseph Ilazeltins: then on the Northerl}^ hne of Land Owned by 13enjamin AblK)t & Josepii Abbot and son to tlie main Street : then on the North line of John Roches Land to the river In- cluding all the lands owned by the Inhabitants at middle Intervale and Ferry plane (so Called) togather with Ebenezer Glover and the Land he owns — lO. That the Inhabitants liveing within the lines here- after mentioned togather with all the land therein shall Constitute* the Tenth Destrict viz beginning at Merrimack River at the North East Corner of John Roches Land : then on the North line of the Ninth destrict to Jonathan Parkers Land then Northerl}^ on said Parkers Land and the line of the seventh destrict to said Parkers North East Bound : then Northerly by Thomas Wil- fons Land to the head of the Twenty Acre Lots on Rum Hill (so called) then Easterly on the North line of Land Owned by s** Wilson Ebenezer Duston : Benjamin Gale and Benjamin Hannaford to the road leading from the meeting House to Hopkinton : thence Easterly on a strate line to the mane Street at the Brook between Wil- liam Stickneys and John West then Easterly to Merri- mack River where Hales point road Stricks the same ; then down said river to the bounds first mentioned to- gather with all the Lands Owaied by the Inhabitants at the middle Intervale and Ferry plane (so called) II That the Inhabitants liveing within the lines here- after mentioned togather with all the land therein shall Constitute the Eleventh Destrict viz begining at Benia- min Farnums South East bound at merrimack river then on the line of the third Destrict to Levi Hutchins South East Corner bound : thence southerly on the line of the sixth Destrict to the south East Corner of Daniel Fisks Land : then Easterly on the line of the seventh destrict to Jon" Parkers North East bound ; thence Northerly by the west line of the Tenth destrict to the head of the Twenty acre Lots on Rum Hill (so called) then Easterly on the line of the tenth Destrict to Merri- mack River, then up said River to the first mentioned Bound — TOWN RECORDS. 4O3 12 That the Inhabitants Hveing within the Hnes here- after mentioned togather with all the land therein shall Constitute the Twelveth Destrict viz beginning at the North west Corner of Daniel Virgins Farm on merri- mack river then on the North line of s'^ Virgins Farm to the south west Corner of Jeremiah Haskels Land — then on the south line of s'' Haskels Land to the the North Cor- ner bound of the Farm belonging to the Heirs of John Virgin Dec^ then on the East line of said Farm to L' Mofes Eastmans North west Corner bound then bv said Eastmans Land to Turkel Pond then accrofs said Pond to the Easterly line of Phinehas Kimballs- and James Stevens Farm thence North East to the west line of a tract of Land in Bryant Gore (so called) owned by Thomas W. Thompson and others and on the west and South line of Land owned by Nathaniel and John Mor- ril in said Gore to the Town line then on the Town Line to Sowcook river then Down said river to the ore Swamp (so called) then w^esterly to the Head of Herberts Gully on the plaine then to merrimack River at the Southerly Corner of Reuben Kimballs Farm then up said River to the first mentioned Bounds 13 That the Inhabitants liveing within the lines here- after mentioned togather with all the land therein shall Constitute the thirteenth destrict. viz begining at the North west Corner of Daniel Virgins Land then on the North line of the Twelveth to the south East Corner of Jeremiah Haskells Farm then Northerly to the south End of snows Pond then on the westerly Shore of said Pond to the Northerly End thereof thence Northerly to Canterbury line at Chandler Lovjoys North East Bound and to include all the lands owned by Timothy and Phil- brick Bradley Nathaniel Eastman Jonathan Towle Chandler Lovjoy & sons then on Canterbury line to Mer- rimack river then down said River to the first mentioned Bounds — 14 That the Inhabitants liveing within the lines here- after mentioned togather with all the Land therein shall Constitute the fourteenth destrict viz begining at the Southerly End of Snows Pond thence Easterly to the Southerly End of the Eighty acre Lots tlien on the south- erly line of said Lots to the Common Land, then Easter- 404 CONCORD ly to the South End of Mefhach Lan Selectmen from the Original Timothy Carter ) Return Att John Odlin T. Clerk To John Odlin Town Clerk of Concord This may Certify that we have Dertermined that the Lands Owned by the persons hereafter mentioned reside- ing without the Limits of Concord Shall be taxed in the seventh School Destrict viz — Daniel Herrick — Jonathan Chase Joshua Morse — Abel Kimball — Benjamin Dar- ling — Elisha Parker — Benjamin Johnson — and the per- sons hereafter mentioned Liveing without the Limits of Concord shall be taxed in the fifth school Destrict viz Parker Merril Benjamin Ober and the following per- sons shall be taxed in the Eighth school Destrict viz Jeremiah Rufell Nathaniel Cavis Isreal Cheever John Carter — Benning Smart — and the following shall be taxed in the thirteenth school Destrect viz Jonathan Blanchard- Thomas Curr}' Sam^ Gault — and the following persons shall be taxed in the second school Destrect viz John Chandler — and the Heirs of Peter Green shall be taxed, in the tenth school Destrict — and Asa Town in the sixth School Destrict and Ebenezer Eastman shall be taxed in the Twelveth school Destrict — and Samuel McConnel — Jonathan Elliot-Nathaniel Moore & Company — Nathan- iel and John Morriel shall be taxed in the sixteenth school Destrict and Judge Phillips shall be taxed in the hrst school destrict for all taxes legally voted by the foregoing Destricts respectively for building purchaseing or repair- ing a school House in said destricts and furnishing necefary utensils for said Houses Concord Nov' 17'" 1807 Eben' Duston } o^i,,,,j-„^„ noch Comn S A True Copy from the Original Att John Odlin T. Clerk 406 CONCORD Return of a road leading to Hopkinton, Be^an on the road leading from Long Pond to Thomas Abbots the Southerly side of Thomas Abbots Land thence Westerly by Henry Martins Land to Jonathan Emersons Land thence Northerly by said Emersons Land to the Corner of the road near his House said road in four rods wide on Thomas Abbots I^and. March 5"' 1808 Ebenezer Duston ^ Enoch Coffin > Selectmen A True Record Edmund Leavitt ) from the Original Return Attest John Odlin Town Clerk 1:^ A Return of a road through Daniel Fisks Land and ^^ others Began at the little Pond road twenty rods East -of the Corner bounds of Judge Walkers Land thence o South tvvent}' two degrees thirty minutes West Ninety g four rods on Timothy Walkers Esq''* Land thence c Twenty Eight rods on the same Cours on John o Blanchards Land thence south thirty five Degrees (u W^est seventy rods on said Blanchards Land thence Z south thirty degrees thirty minutes W^est one Hundred 4, twelve rods thence south twenty degrees West Eighty g nine rods on Daniel Fisks Land thence south fifteen ^degrees West to the Mill road to Cap* Ayeres Corner :f boimds — this road is the Easterly side of the line two 3 rods wide we have awarded to Daniel Fisk Forty two ■^ Dollars & fifty Cents to John Blanchard two rods of 5 the reserve adjoining the west End of his Land and to ^ Timothy Walker two rods of the reserve the Westerly « end of his Lot or Twent}'^ five Dollars, also reserveing « to said Walker the right of takeing all the Timber and •5 wood that is on the road through his Land tor one year from the date of this return Concord March 5"^ 1808. Ebenezer Duston ) Selectmen Edmund Leavitt 5 A true Record from the Original return Attest John Odlin Town Clerk — TOWN RECORDS. 407 Return of a Road at the Frogg Ponds as near as we can ascertain from the Original record we began at where it is said the stake was at the East side of the Gate near Dcon Merrils Ferry thence North one degree East, thirteen rods five links thence North twenty three degrees West. — fifty three rods thence North fourteen degrees west, twelve rods thence North one degree west fifteen rods thence North Twenty four an a half degrees East, thirty rods to the road leading to the middle Inter- vale Landing — Concord March 5**^ 1808 Eben^ Duston ^ Enoch Coffin > Selectmen A True Record from the Edmund Leavitt } Original Return Attest John Odlin Town Clerk — A return of an alteration of the road on the East side of the river in Concord at Farnums Hill - - - becjan at the North side of the road at the bottom of the hill on John Colbys Land thence North Eighty degrees East Nineteen rods Eleven links to an Elm stump thence North Eighty five degrees East sixteen rods seventeen Links on Samuel Butters Land, we have awarded to John Colby to Compensate for his Land seven Dollars and to Samuel Butters for his Land three Dollars to gather with that part of the old road at the Bottom of the Hill upon the south side of the road joining his land Concord August 14"' Eben'- Duston ^ ID 1807 Edmund Leavitt > Selectmen Enoch Coffin 1 A True Record from the Original return Attest John Odlin Town Clerk — State of New Hamp Concord Jan> 10"' 1808. shire Rockingham fs Persuant to precepts to me directed these are to notify and warn the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Concord qualified to vote in Town affairs to meet at the 408 CONCOKO Town House on Monday the Eighteenth clay of Jan^ Current at three "Clock in the afternoon for the followin^r purposes viz — 1 To Choose a Moderator 2 To appoint two persons dul}" qualified to serve as Petit Jurors at the Superior Court of Judicature to be holden at Portsmouth one to serve on the first Tuesday of Feburary next the other to serve on nionday the Eigiith day of said Feburary — 3 To appoint one person duly qualified to serve as a Grand Juror at the Superior Court of Judicature to be holden at Portsmouth on the first Tuesday of Feb^ next John Odlin Town Clerk Concord Jan>' iS^*^ 1808 At the above meeting Capt Enoch Coffin was Chosen Moderator Timothy Chandler Petit Juror first week and Peter Robertson second Week and Cap' Richard Ayer was appointed Grand Juror Att John Odlin T. Clerk State of New Hamp ^ To Joshua Abbot Ju"" Consta- shire Rockingham fs ^ ble of Concord in said County (L S) Greeting In the name of the State of New=Hampshire you are hereby required to notify and warn as the law directs the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Concord (qual- ified to vote in Town affairs) to meet at the Town-House on Tuesday the Eighth day of March next at Nine "Clock in the forenoon for the following purposes viz — 1 To Choose a Moderator 2 To Choose a Clerk — Selectmen — Constable or Con- stables Collector or Collectors, Auditor or auditors of accounts to to settle with the Selectmen and all other necefsary town officers 3. To vote as the Constitution requieres for a Govenor 4 To vote for a Senator lor the tburth destrict 5. To vote for a Counsellor for the Countv of Rock- ingham 6. To vote lor a register of deeds & Treasurer tor the County of Rockingham 7 To Choose one man duly qualified to represent said TOWN RECORDS. 4O9 Town in tlie General Court one year from the first wednefsday of June next — 8 To see what sum or sums of money the Town will raise to suppl}^ the Pulpit the School and to defray the necefsary Charges of the Town the Ensuing year — 9 To see what the Tow-n will give for Killing Crows the Current year 10 To see if the Town will alter the westerly line ot' the ninth school destrict so far as to include in said ninth destrict Benjamin Wheeler and Mofes Carter and all the Lands to them respectively helonging liable to be taxed in school Destrict 11 To see if the Town will accept of Daniel Stick- neys bond for the maintance of his Brother William Stickney and Relinquish to Daniel Stickney the Portion of the said William which belongs to him out of his fathers Estate — 12 To see if the Town wnll direct or request the Selectmen to lay out a road from the meeting House to Joseph Hazelines and record the same 13 To see if the Town will Pafs a vote regulating the driveing Sleighs to and from the meeting House on the main Street on Sundays to prevent persons Traveling on foot being run over 14 To see what sum of money the Town will vote James Stevens toward the support of Betty Kimball — And make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to us the subscribers on or before said meeting Ebenezer Duston ^ Given under our hands Enoch Coffin V Selectmen and Seal at Concord Edmund Leavitt ) aforesaid this 20"' day of Feb ID 1808 Agreeable to this warrant I have notified and warned the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of Concord quali- fied to vote in Town affairs to meet at the Town House this Eighth day of march at nine "Clock in the forenoon as the Law directs. Concord March 8"' 1808. Joshua Abbot Ju' Constable — 4IO CONCORD State of New Hamp shire Rockingham fs Concord Marcli 8"' 1808 At a legal meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhab- itants of said Concord the following votes ware Pafsed viz — I Made Ciioice of Timothy Walker Esq' Moderator 2. John Odlin Clerk sworn 3. Enoch Coffin — Samuel Butters — Timothy Carter Selectmen sworn 4 To Excuse Samuel Butters from serveing as a Select- man — 5 To reconsider the above vote for Excuseing Samuel Butters from serveing as a Selectman — 6 Samuel Davis West part 7 Cents on the pound Mofes Ayer south part 7 Cents on the pound East part Timothy Bradley Ju' six Cents on the pound — Collectors sworn 7. Samuel Davis Mofes Ayer Tim" J^radley Ju"^ Con- stabels sworn 8. Benjamin Emery Paul Rolfe & Stephen Ambrose Auditors 9 Surveyors of Highways Timothy Chandler sworn Timothy Butters sworn Daniel Kendall sworn Isreal Dimond sworn Ephraim Farnum Ju'' Sworn Moody Dow sworn Thomas Abbot sworn Enoch Hoit sworn Enoch Brown sworn Stephen Ambrose sworn Nathaniel Am- brose sworn Ebenezer Tenney sworn John Thompson Joseph Morse Peter Farnum sworn Moles Carter sworn Joshua Abbot J'' sworn 10. Fence viewrs Paul Rolfe sworn John Thorndike Enoch Coffin sworn Isaac Dow sworn Timoth}' Bradley sworn II Sealer of weights & measures Timothy Chandler sworn 12 Hogreeves John Odlin sworn Bo wen Chrechore sworn — Abner Farnum J'' sworn Timothy Butters sworn Chandler Eastman sworn Simeon Virgin James Moulton sworn Peter Flanders Timothy Dow sworn David Kim- ball sworn. 13 Surveyors of Lumber Sargent Rogers George W. Rogers sworn James Willey sworn Abiel Virgin sworn Abel Baker sworn Samuel Davis sworn Daniel Newall sworn — TOWN RECORDS. 4II 14 Courders of wood Sargent Rogers Charles Emery sworn James Willey sworn Jonathan Eastman Ju"" sworn Isaac Eastman — 15 Cullers of Staves James Moulton sworn Joseph Runells sworn Nathan Ballard sworn 16. Sherburn Wiggin Weigher of Hay 17. Pound Keepers David George James moulton sworn 18. Tything men Nathan Ballard Ju'' Epraim Carter Levi Abbot — 19 This be adjourned one hour Att John Odlin T. Clerk Meet according to the adjournment & Pafsed the follow- ing votes viz — I. Firewards Timothv Chandler — Joseph Walker and Paul Rolfe— 2 for a Govenor John Langdon 186 Enoch Coffin 13 Jeremiah Smith 11 Abel Baker i Isaac Dow i John God- dard i Samuel Willey i Obediah Carrigain i Daniel Greenleafe i — 3 For a Senator for the fourth destrict John Bradley 138 William Austin Kent 154 Josiah Sanborn 2 Amos Abbot Ju' I Stephen Ambrose i Daniel Greenleafe i 4 For a Counsellor for the County of Rockingham Daniel Gookin 149 Stephen Ambrose 5 William Austin Kent I Samuel Green i Abel Baker i Charles Emery i 5 For a register of Deeds for the County of Rocking- ham Josiah Adams 216 Stephen Ambrose 3 John Bradley I Daniel Gookin i Seth Walker i 6 For a Treasurer for the County of Rockingham Nath' Gilman 172 Stephen Ambrose 4 Samuel Green 2 John Bradley i Made Choice of Samuel Green Esq*" Representative 7. Four Hundred and fifty Dollars to supply the Pulpit 8. Eight Hundred Dollars for the use of the School 9. Five Hundred Dollars for the necefsary Charges of the Town — 10. To build a Pound — II. That the vSclectmen pay twenty live Cents tor each 412 CONCORD Crows Head brought to lliein Killed in ihc Town the Current 3ear — 12. that the lo"' article in the warrant be l^ostponeci 13. That the Selectmen vSettle with Daniel Stickney as they may think best about his Bond 14 That the 12"' article in the warrant be Postponed — 15 That James Stevens have fifty two Dollars for take- ing care of J3etsy Kimball the Current year 16 That one Dollar on a Poll and other Estate in pro- portion be raised to repair the Highways the Current year 17. That the Selectmen allowe ten Cents per hour for a man and the Like sum of a yoak of oxen 18. To Relinquish to Aaron Austin the notes he now owes the Town 19. To accept of Daniel Stickneys Bond for the main- taince of his Brother William 20 That this Meeting be Difolved Attest John Odlin T. Clerk State of New Hamp ^ To Samuel Davis Constable of shire Rockingham Is ^ Concord in said County — (L S.) Greeting In the name of the State of New Hampshire you are hereby required to notif}' and warn as the Law directs the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Concord qualified to vote in Town affairs to meet at the Town House on Thursday the thirty first day of march Current at two "Clock in the afternoon for the following purposes viz — 1 To Choose a Moderator 2 To see if the Town will order the Selectmen to lay out a road from Jonathan Emersons to Intersect the road leading from the head of Long Pond to Samuel Abbots on as Strait a Line as Land will admit for a good road — 3 To see if the Town will discontinue the road already laid out by the Selectmen and recorded — 4 To see if the Town will make James Stevens any Imlher Compensation in addition to the sum voted him at the last meeting for takeing care of Bets}' Kimball TOWN RECORDS. 413 5. To see what sort of a Pound will have built and also what sum- of money the Town will raise to build said Pound and fix the place where it shall stand 6 To see if the Town will direct the Selectmen to Lay out a road from the meeting House to Joseph Hazeltines in as direct a line as may be and record the same — 7. To see if the Town will direct the Selectmen to lay out a road from the school House near Stephen Halls to the road leading to Hopkinton bv Isreal Dimonds in as strait a Direction as the Land will admit — 8. To see if the Town will raise money to pa}'' for a Pound built last year on the East side of the river — 9 To see if the Town will authorize the Select-men to relinquish to Daniel Stickney, William Sticknevs portion in his father Jonathan Stickneys Estate late of Concord deas"* on said Daniels giveing his Bond to the Selectmen for the said Williams maintaince — 10 To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to ascertain the south line of the road from the Elm Tree at the foot of Butters Hill to the Turnpike & Establif h said line 11 To see what order the Town will take on the me- morial of Jonathan Wilkins for the maintainces of John Brown a papuer And make due return of this Warrant with your Doings thereon to us the Subscribers on or before said meeting Enoch Coffin ^ Given under our Sam' Butters > Selectmen hands and Seal at Tim° Carter ) Concord aforesaid this 15'" day of March 1808— Rockingham fs Concord March 31" 1808 — Persuant to this Warrant I have notified and warned as the Law directs the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of s'' Concord to meet at time and place for the purposes therein mentioned Samuel Davis Constable 414 CONCORD State of New Hampshire / Concord Marcli 31" 1808 Rockingham Is ^ At a legal meeting of tiie Freeholders & other Inhab- itants of said Concord the following votes weare Pafsed viz — I Made Choice of Philip Carragain Moderator 2, To discontinue the road Laid out by the Selectmen Through Thomas Abbots Land — and recorded — 3. That the fourth article in the warrant be Desmised 4 that the Vound be built with wood 5. That thirty Dollars be raised to build the Pound 6. That the Selectmen fix the plaice where the Pound shall stand 7. That the sixth article in the w^arrand be Desmised 8 That the seventh article in the warrant be Desmised 9 That thirty two dollars be raised to pay for the Pound built on the East side of the river 10 That the Selectmen be authorized to relinquish to Daniel Stickney William Stickneys portion in his fathers Estate and also to give to the said Daniel Stickney thirty Dollars in addition to the said William Stickneys portion on the s^^ Daniels giveing his Bond to the Selectmen for Williams maintaince II That the Selectmen ascertain the south line of the road from the Elm Tree at the foot of Butters Hill to the Turnpike & Establifh s** Line 12 That the Eleventh article in the Warrant be Des- mised 13 That this Meeting be Dilsolved Att John Odlin T. Clerk State of New=Hampshire Concord Nov' 28"' 1807 The subscribers in Conformity to the Laws of said State met perambulated & new spotted the line between — Canterbury and Concord as follows viz — Begining on the line at Merrimack river and runing north seventy degrees East to a pine stump near Jonathan Blanchards thence the same Course to a Chestnut Stump and a large pile of stones being the Northeasterly bound of Concord and Northerly of Clement Emerys in s'^ Con- TOWN RECORDS. 4I5 cord. Then south twenty degrees East to a Red Oak being the Northwesterly Corner bound of Loudon and the souther]}' Corner of Canterbury Marked L & C — A True Record from Abiel Foster ^ Selectmen the Original Return > of Attest John Odlin T. William Forrest ) Canterbury Clerk Eben^ Dustin ) Selectmen Enoch Coffin ^ of Concord David Foster y Surveyor Return of the south Line of the road from the Elm Tree at the foot of Butters hill (so called) to the London- derry Turnpike road viz Begining at the bottom of said Elm at the Centre thence westerly to the Northeast Cor- ner of Samuel Willeys House thence to said Turnpike road within two feet North of the Northwest Corner of said Willeys House Concord August 6"* 1808 Enoch Coffin ) ^ 1 ^ c ^ T> 4.^ i- Selectmen Samuel Butters 5 A True Record from the Original Return Attest John Odlin Town Clerk State of New=Hamp ) To Samuel Davis Constable shire Rockingham fs y of Concord in said County (L S.) Greeting In the name of the State of New=Hampshire you are hereby required to notify and warn as the law dericts the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of said Concord (quali- fied to vote for State Senators) to meet at the Town House on Monday the Twenty ninth day of august Cur- rent at two "Clock in the afternoon for the following pur- poses viz 1 To Choose a Moderator 2 To vote for five persons duly qualified to represent this State in the Congefs of the United States two years from the fourth day of March next — 3. To see what Sum or Sums of Money the Town will 4iO fONCOKI) raise in addition to the Sum formerly raised to defray the necefsary Charjjfes of the Town — 4 To see if the Town will reconsider the Vote J*afsed at the last meeting for discontinueing the road laid out by the Selectmen leading to Hopkinton by Thomas Abbots Land on the Southerly side of said Abbots Land and the westerly side of Henry Martins Land to Jonathan Emer- sons Land to the road near said Einersons House — 5. To see if the Town will direct the Selectmen to lay out a road from Jonathan Emersons to Intersect the road leading to vSam' Abbots from the head of Long Pond in as Strait a direction as the land will admit for a road. 6 To see if the Town will Exchenge the road between the lot formerly Owned by William Cotlln and David Carters Land for a road through said Carters Land to Horse Hill Bridge — 7 — To see if the Town will direct the Selectmen to lay out a road from Aurther Rogeres Esq" by James Willeys to the Londonderry Turnpike and from thence to the Elm Tree at the foot of Butters Hill four rods wide or any width the Town may think proper And make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to us the Subscribers on or before said meeting Given under our hands Enoch Coffin ^ and Seal at Concord Samuel Butters > Selectmen this 11'^ da}^ of August Tim" Carter ) ID 1808 Rockingham fs Concord August 29'" 1808 Persuant to the within Warrant I have notified and warned the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of Said Concord to meet at the Time and place tor the purposes within mentioned Samuel Davis Constable State of New=Hamp } Concord August 29'" 1808 shire Rockingham fs 5 At a legal meeting of the Freeholders and other In- habitants of Said Concord the following votes ware past viz — TOWN RECORDS. 4I7 1. Made Choice of William Austin Kent Esq' Modera- tor. 2. votes tor Representatives to Congrefs ware for — Clement Storrer 211 Nath' A. Haven — 245 Daniel M. Durell 211 William Hale — 245 Jedediah K. Smith 211 James Wilfson 245 Francis Gardner 211 John C. Chamberlin 245 Charles Cutts 211 Daniel Blasdell 245 1055 1225 3. voted that the sum of two Hundred dollars be raised in addition to the sum formerly raised for to de- fray the necefsary Charges of the Town the Ensuing year 4 voted to reconsider the vote pafsed at a former meet- ing for discontinuing the road laid out by the Selectmen leading to Hopkinton by Thomas Abbots Land on the Southerly side of said Abbots Land and the westerly side of Henry Martins and Jonathan Emersons Land to the road near said Emersons House — 5. voted that the Selectmen lay out a road from Jon» Emersons to intersect the road leading from the Head of Long Pond to Samuel Abbots in as Strait a direction as the land will admit for a road if they Think best 6. voted that the Selectmen Exchenge the road be- tween land formerly Owned by William Coffin and Land now owned by David Carter with David Carter for a road through Said Carters land to horse hill bridge — 7. That the Selectmen be directed to lay out a road from Anther Rogers to the Elm Tree at the foot of But- ters hill as wide as they may think proper but not to purchase any Land for said road — 8 That this meeting be Difsolved Att John Odlin Town Clerk State of New Hamp 5 To Samuel Davis Constable shire Rockingham Is I of Concord in said County (L S) Greeting In the name of the state of New Hampshire you are hereby required to notify and warn as the Law directs the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of s** Concord 28 4l8 CONCORD qualified to vote in the Choice for Senators for the State Legishiture) to meet at the Town House on friday the fourth day of November next at one "Clock in the after- noon for the following purposes vi/ — 1 To Choose a Moderator 2 : To vote by ballot for seven Suitable persons Inhab- itants of this State to be Electors of a President and vice President of the United States 3. To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to sell or Exchenge the road laid out by the Selectmen begining on the road leading from long pond to Thomas Abbots the Southerly side of said Thomas Abbots Land thence Westerly by Henry Martins Land to Jonathan Emersons Land thence Northerly by said Emersons Land to the Corner of the road near his House said road being four rods wide on Thomas Abbots Land ; For a road now laid out by the Selectmen through said Thomas Abbots Land — And make due return of this warrant with your Do- ings thereon to us the Subscribers on or before said meeting — Given under our hands Enoch Coffin ^ and Seal this 17"* day of Sam' Butters > Select October 1808 Tim° Carter N men Rockingham fs Concord Nov' 4"" 1808 Persuant to the within warrant I have notified and warned the Freeholders and other Inhabitants as the law directs to meet at Time and place for the purposes within mentioned Samuel Davis Constable State of New Hamp ) Concord November 4"" 1808 shire Rockingham fs 5 At a leiral meetinij of the Freeholders and other Inhab- itants of said Concord the following votes ware Pafsed viz — I. Made Choice of William A. Kent Moderator TOWN RECORDS. 419 2. votes for Electors of President and Vice President of the United States ware for Jeremiah Smith 235 John Langdon 204 OHver Peabody — 235 Samuel Bell 204 Timothy Farrar — 235 Amasa Allen 204 Robert Wallace — 235 John Goddard 204 Samuel Hale — 235 Robert Alcock 204 Benj" West — 235 Nath' Shannon 204 Jonathan Franklin 235 William Tarlton 204 3 voted that the Selectmen be authorized to sell or Exchenge the road laid out b}^ the Selectmen bounded as follows begining on the road leading from long pond to Thomas Abbots the Southerly side of said Thomas Abbots Land thence Westerly b}^ Henry martins Land to Jonathan Emersons Land thence northerly by said Emer- sons Land to the Corner of the road near his House said road being four rods wide on Thomas Abbots Land 4 That this Meeting be Disolved Attest Tohn Odlin Town Clerk State of New=Hampshire Rockingham fs Persuant to an act of the General Court of said State We the Subscribers Selectmen of Hopkinton & Concord in said State have this day meet & preambulated the line between said Towns and renewed the marks as follows viz begining at a Pitch pine being the north Easterly corner bounds of said Hopkinton and the north westerly corner bounds of said Concord being the bounds agreed upon by the Committe of said Towns the second day of May 1766 thence south twenty three degrees East to a pine stump standing on the southerly side of Contoocook river thence about the same Course to a small Elm stand- ing near the northeast Corner of John Trufsels orchard thence about the same Course to a stake and stones beincj the southwesterly corner of land formerly belonging to the hiers of Thomas Eaton' homestead thence about the same Course to a Stake & Stones being the southwesterly bounds of the Eighty acre lot laid out in said Concord to the original right of Josiah Jones thence about the same Course to a stone being the Northwesterly bounds of Daniel Herrick^ land in said Concord thence about the 420 CONCORD same Course to a pine Stump and stones the Southwesterly corner bounds of Land belonging to Ballard HazeUine purchased of the Heirs of Jonathan Stickne}^ thence about the same course to a Norravvay Pine being the southeasterly corner of said Ilopkinton said Pine being marked with Letters & the following figures viz 1808 In Testomony whereof we have hereunto set our hand this 21'' day of Nov 1808 — lienj" B. Darling ^ Selectmen Mofes Hastings > for Nath' Knowlton } Hopkinton A True Copy from the Enoch Coffin ^ Selectmen Original Return Samuel Butters > for Tim" Carter ) Concord Attest John Odlin T. Clerk Aaron Greely Surveyor Return of a Road laid out by the Selectmen from the main Street to Auther Rogers Esq' We the Subscribers Selectmen of Concord agreeable to a vote of the Town requesting us to lay out a road from the main street to Auther Rogeres have attended said Ser- vice and laid out said road as follows viz — Beginning at a stone standing on the main street at the southeast Corner of John Shutes house lot thence westerly on the South line of said Shutes land to the south west Corner of Samuel Butters Ju"" dwelling House thence by the south line of said Shutes Twenty acre lot and land owned by Auther Rogers to the Original bounds of said Shutes Twenty acre lot which Original bounds is the South west bounds of said Rogers house lot the above discribed line being the north line of said road ; the South line begins three rods and six links southerly of said stone at the south east Corner of John Shutes House lot, thence south about sixty two degrees west sixteen rods to a willow tree marked : B : thence south about fiftv seven degrees west four rods to a stake and stones thence westerly to a Stake and stones standing four rods south of the Southw^est Corner bounds of s" Rogeres Land above discribed Concord December 15"' Enoch Coffin f Selectmen 1808 Sam' Butters? A True Copy from the Tim" Carter ( Original return Attest John Odlin Town Clerk TOWN RECORDS, 42 1 Return of a road laid out through Land belonging to Thomas Abbot bounded as follows viz Beginning at the northerly side of the road near Jonathan Emerson house runing south about Eighty four degrees east four rods to a stake, thence north about Eighty nine degrees East twenty six rods to a hemlock stump ; thence north about seventy one degrees East twenty rods to a stake thence north about fifty degrees East twenty three rods to a hemlock spotted ; thence north about Eighty six degrees and a half East forty three rods to a stake : Said road is four rods wide on the Southerly side of the above described line — And we do award to the said Thomas Abbot as a Compensation for the damage of said road through his land, the road formerly laid out and recorded b}' the Selectmen agreeable to their return of March 5"^ 1807 — and Twent}^ one dollars in money ; or Sixty two dollars in money in full Exclusive of said road and Twenty one dollars above stated Concord December 15"* 1808 Enoch Coffin ^ Samuel Butters > Selectmen A True Copy from the Timothy Carter ) Original return Attest John Odlin Town Clerk Return of a road laid out from horse hill bridge through David Carters Land ; bounded as follows viz beginning at a bafs wood stump on the southeasterly bank of Con- toocook River, about one rod and four links from the string piece on the upperside of the bridge ; runing south about seventy five and a half degrees East; seventy rods to the old road. And said road is four rods wide agreeable to the plane herewith returned, and we do award to said David Carter as a Compensation tor said road so much of the road laid out between his Original Lot and the Lot formerly Owned by William Cothn as lays between the above discribed road westerly and Con- toocook river Concord December Enoch Coffin ^ IS**" 1808 Sam' Butters > Selectmen Tim" Carter ) 422 CONCORD State of Nevv=Hamp / Concord Jan>' 14"' 1809 shire Rockingliam ts ^ Persuant to precepts to me directed by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Judicature the freeholders and other inhabitants of said Concord qualified to vote in town affairs are hereby notified & warned to meet at the Town House on wednefsday the 25"^ day of January Current at 3 "Clock in the afternoon for the following purposes viz I to Choose a Moderator 2 To appoint one person dul}- qualified to serve as a grand Juror at the Superior Court of Judicature to be holden at Portsmouth on the first Tuesday of Feburary next — 3. To appoint two persons duly qualified to serve as Petit Jurors at the Court aforesaid one to serve on the firs Tuesday of Feburary next the other to serve on Mon- dav the 13*'^ day of the aforesaid Month — John Odlin T. Clerk— At the above meeting Cap' Richard ayer was appointed Grand Juror and Jonathan Wilkins Esq"" & Cap' Peter Robertson was appointed Petit Jurors — State of New Hamp ) To Mofes Ayer Constable of shire Rockingham fs ) Concord in said County — (L S) "Greeting In the name of the State of New Hampshire you are hereby required to notify and warn as the Law directs the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of Concord qual- ified to vote in Town affairs) to meet at the Town House on Tuesday the fourteenth day of march next at nine "Clock in the forenoon for the following purposes viz — 1 To Choose a Moderator 2 To Choose a Clerk — Selectmen — Constable or Con- stabels Collector or Collectors — Auditor or x\uditors of accounts to settle with the Selectmen and all other necef- sar}' Town officers — 3. To vote as the Constitution requires for a Govenor 4. To vote for a Senator for the fourth distrect 5. To vote for a Counsellor for the County of Rock- ingham TOWN RECORDS. 423 6. To vote for register of deeds & Treasurer for the County of Rockingham 7. To Choose one man duly quahfied to represent said Town in the general Court Court one year from the first wednefsday of June next 8. To see what sum or sums of money the Town will raise to supply the Pulpit the school and to defray the necefsary Charges of the Town the Current year — 9 To see what the Town will give for killing Crows the present year — 10 To see if the Town will give to Thomas Abbot the road adjoining his and Jonathan Emersons Land on the Southerly side of the road leading to Hopkinton by said Emersons in addition to the sum already awarded to said Abbot by the Selectmen as a Compensation for the road laid out through his Land saveing and reserving to Jona- than Emerson a drifft way to pafs and repafs to and from his land on said road — II. To see what method the Town will take to support Betsy Kimball the present year 12 To see if the Town will authorize the Selecmen to purchase a stock of powder and Ball for the Town Stock agreeable to Law 13. To see if the Town will alio we a part of the body of seats on the floor of the meeting House to be made into Pews and sell the Pews to purchase a Bell for the meeting House — 15. To see if the Town will direct the Selectmen to record the road they have laid out from beaver medow road so called to the road leading to horse hill Bridge — And make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to us the subscribers on or before s'' meeting Given under our hands and seal at Concord this 24'^ day of Feburarv A) 1809 — c^^^in^.?^"? Selectmen Sam^ Butters S State of New Hampshire > Concord March 14"' 1809 Rockingham fs — S In pursuance of the within warrant I have notified and warned the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said 424 CONCORD Concord as the law directs to meet at time and place and tor the purposes within mentioned. Mofes Ayer Constable — State of New Hamp ) Concord March 14'*' 1809 shire Rockingham fs ) At a legal meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhab- itants of said Concord the following votes were pafsed viz — I. Made Choice of William A. Kent Esq' Moderator 2 John Odlin Town Clerk sworn 3. John Odlin Amos Abbot Ju*" Nath' Abbot Select- men sworn 4 voted to adjourn for one hour Att John Odlin Tow^n Clerk meet according to adjournment and Pafsed the following votes viz — 1 voted to Pospone the other Town buisnefs and to into the Choice of the State officers at this Time — 2 votes for a Govenor were for Jeremiah Smith 234 for John Langdon 184 for Samuel Bell i Nat' Abbot i — 3 votes for Senator for the fourth distrect were for William A. Kent 225 John Bradley 160 John Bell Jr. 3 John Langdon i Stephen Ambrose i Josiah Sanborn i — 4. votes for a Counsellor for the County of Rockingham were for John Bell Ju' 222 Elijah Hall 174 Nathaniel Parker i Jeremiah Smith i John Bradley i John Lang- don I 5 votes for Register of Deeds for the County of Rock- ingham were for Nathaniel Parker 173 Josiah Adams 158 — William A. Kent i Nathaniel Abbot i Elijah Hall i Nathaniel Oilman i 6. votes for a Treasure for the County of Rockingham were for Nathaniel Oilman 325 John Bell J"^ i Stephen Ambrose i — 7. Made Choice of Stephen Ambrose Representative 8. That this meeting be adjourned to ten "Clock tomor- row morning to meet at the Town House Att John Odlin T. Clerk March 15"' meet according to the adjournment and Pafsed the following votes viz — TOWN RECORDS. 425 1. Levi Bartlett Collector for the south district seven Cents on the pound, — John Bradley Ju"" for the East dis- trect five and a half Cents on the pound — James Buswell for the west district for six Cents on the pound all sworn — 2. Levi Bartlett James Buswell John Bradley Ju' Con- stables Sworn 3. Cap' Edmund Leavitt Joseph Walker & Rich^ Aver auditors 4. Mofes Carter sworn Daniel Hall Stephen webster sworn Timothy Butters sworn Peter Robertson sworn Nathan Stickney sworn Isaac Dow sworn Samuel Davis sworn Timothy Dow sworn Ezra Elliot sworn Moody Dow- sworn Christopher Rowell Ju*" sworn John Garvin sworn Jeremiah Pecker sworn Nathaniel Ambrose sworn Jona- than Virgin sworn A.sa Kimball sworn Surveyors ol' Highways — 5 Fence viewers John Colby Peter C. Farnum sworn Stephen Ambrose sworn Richard Herbert Ju*" sworn 6 Abiel Walker Sealer of Lather 7. Timothy Chandler sealer of weights & measures 8. Hogreeves Seth Tucker sworn Samuel Green sworn Nathaniel Bradley sworn Samuel Currier sworn Joshua Abbot Ju"" sworn Samuel Butters sworn Mofes Elliot James Elliot sworn Isaac Emerson sworn John Bradley Ju"^ sworn Chandler Eastman sworn Jonathan Goodwin sworn William Hoit sworn Mofes Kimball sworn — 9. Courders of wood James willey sworn David George sw^orn George Hough sworn Isaac Dow sworn Isaac Eastman sworn Josiah Rogers 10 Surveyors of Lumber John Ladd sworn James willy sworn Abel Baker sworn Moody Dow sworn Peter C. Farnum sworn Ezra Hutchins sworn Abiel virgin John Lovjoy sw^orn George W Rogers John Thompson sworn Josiah Rogers — II. Cullers of Staves James Moulton sworn James willey sworn Joseph Runells sworn 12 Pound Keepers Joseph walker James Moulton sworn 13 — Three Hundred and fifty Dollars to supply the Pulpit the Current year — 14. That the Selectmen be requested to afsefs for the 426 CONCORD use of the Revn'' Asa M^Farland one hundred Dollars the Current year and inserte in a seperate List and that no jierson be Compiled to pay his Proportion of said Hundred Dollars — 15 To raise Nine Hundred Dollars for the School the Ensuing year 16. To raise six hundred Dollars for to defray the necefsary Charges of the Town the Ensuing year — 17. That the Selectmen pay Twenty five Cents for each Crows head Killed in Town & Brot to the Select- men — 18. That the 10*'' articel in the warrant be desmised — 19 — That the above vote for desmissing the tenth articl in the warrant be reconsidered 20 That the Town relinquish to Thomas Abbot all the right and Title the Town has to the road lying between his Land and Jonathan Emersons Land agreeable to the articel for that purpose in addition to the road awared to him by the Selectmen and Twenty one dollars agree- able to the Selectmens return of a road laid out through said Thomas Abbots Land, saveing and reserveing to Jonathan Emerson the previledge of Pafsing and Repair- ing on said road to his Land — 21. That the Selectmen disopse of Betsy Kimball the best way they Can 22. That the Selectmen be authorised to purchase the Powder and ball and other articels that the law requiers for a Town stock agreeable to the Law requiering the same 23. That part of the body of Seats on the floor of the meeting House be made into Pews 24. That the Selectmen mark out the ground of the two front Seats on the floor of the meetinjT house for Pews and Sell the same at public vendue and the said Pews Shall be built as the Selectmen shall direct and the money araise- ing from the sale of said Pews to be appropriated towards purchaseing a Bell for the meeting House when a sufficient sum in addition shall be subscribed to pur- chase s'^ Bell 25 That one dollars be raised on a Poll and other Estate in proportion to repair the highways the Current year at Ten Cents per Hour — TOWN RECORDS. 427 26 — That Timothy Chandler Abel Hutchins, Stephen Ambrose — Paul Rolfe — Abiel Walker Fire wards — 27, That the 14*'* articel in the warrant be Desmised — 28 That this Meeting be Disolved Attest John Odlin Town Clerk The Conditions of Sale for the Ground for four Pews in the front of the body of Seats on the floor of the meeting House of the following Dementions and Num- bers viz N** 80 six feet six Inches by four feet Eight Inches N" 81 six feet six Inches by four feet Eight Inches N** 82 six feet Eight Inches by four feet nine Inches N** 83 six feet seven Inches by four feet Nine Indies — I.' The highest bidder to be the purchaser 2. If any dispute Shall arise on account of two per- sons bidding the same sum the same to be diseded by the vendue master — 3. The purchaser to give security tor the purchase money to the acceptance of the Selectmen payable to the Selectmen on Demand with Interest and in Case of refusal or neglect the same to be sett up again 4-The purchaser to build said Pews on said ground under the Direction of the Selectmen 5-The Pews shall be recorded to the purchaser accord- ing to the number he may bid oft' agreeable to a vote of the Town authoriseing us the subscribers to sell said ground in manner aforesaid Concord March 27''* 1809 John Odlin > Selectmen Nath' Abbot S 7'" 1809 agreeable to the above Conditions of Sale at a public vendue held at the Town House on said da\^ and ad- journed to the House of william Stickney for the Sale of the ground for the four Pews in the front part of the body of Seats on the floor of the meeting house Numbered from 80 to 83. Number Eighty two sold to Peter Rob- ertson at Eighty six dollars Number Eighty one sold to Daniel Greenleafe at Ei^rhtv six dollars Twenty five Cents 428 CONCORD Number Eight}' three sold to Bovven Crehore at sixty Eight l^oUars Number Eighty sold to George Hough at sixty seven dollars and Twenty five Cents Attest John Odlin Town Clerk Return of a road on horse Hill begining at Boscawen line runing South forty two degrees East twenty six rods to a stake thence south twenty three degrees East fifty eight rods to a stake thence south nine degrees East one hundred and fifty eight rods to a White Oak thence south Eighteen degrees and a half East forty eight rods to a Pitch pine tree at the point of horse hill said road is four rods wide and lays on the east side of the above des- cribed line and we the subscribers Estabilifh the same as a public highway — Concord October 30^'' John Odlin } Selectmen 1809 Amos Abbot Ju'" ^ A True Record from the Original return Attest John Odlin Town Clerk Return of a road from the road leading to horse hill Bridge to the road leading to Boscawen through bevear medow (so called) begining at the road leading to horse hill bridge thence runing north Seventy degrees East seventy rods to a hemlock thence north seventy five degrees East fifty eight rods to a spruce thence north seventy nine degrees East sixty rods to a beach thence north sixty degrees East sixty three rods to a maple thence north Eighty Eight degrees East two Hundred and two rods to a maple thence south seventy three degrees East seventy two rods to a white oak standing by the road leading to Boscawen Wrong We the Subscribers by request of a Number of the Inhabitants of Concord have laid out the following road viz begining at a stake & stons standing on the highway leading from Concord to Hopkinton thence runing North Eighteen degrees West, fort}' seven rods and twelve links to the road leading to union School House (so TOWN RECORDS. 429 Called) the said road is three rods wide & on the east side of the above described line Concord Octo"" 19*^ 1809 John Odlin )> Selectmen We the subscribers hereby relinquish all our right and title to the Land contained in said road and give the same to the Town for a public highway for the use of said Town of Concord forever Signed by Benj* Gale — George Hough Thomas G. Stevens Josiah Rogers & W" A. Kent Owners A True Record from the Original return Attest John Odlin Town Clerk Return of a Road from the road leading to horse Hill Bridge to the road leading to Boscawen through Bevear meadow (so called) begining at the road leading to Horse Hill Bridge, thence runing north seventy degrees East seventy rods to a hemlock thence north seventy five degrees East fifty eight rods to a spruce thence north seventy nine degrees east sixty rods to a Beach thence north sixty degrees east sixt}' three rods to a maple thence north Eighty degrees East seventy one rods to a white pine, thence north Eighty eight degrees East, two hundred and two rods to a maple thenenc south seventy three degrees East seventy two rods to a white oak standing by the road leading to Boscawen said road is four rods wide and lays on the westerly side of the above described line and we hereby estabilish the Same as a public highway : x\nd we do award to the following persons as a Compensation tor the Damage for the land taken of theirs respectively for said road viz to John Hoit two dollars & to the Widow Farnum fifty Cents, to Charles Walker nine dollars to Stephen Farnum six dol- lars Timothy Walker Esq' three Dollars to Mofes and Ephraim Farnum Ju"" three Dollars to Nathan Abbot two Dollars & fifty Cents and to Timothy Walker Ju"" four- teen Dollars — Concord Nov 9"' 1809 John Odlin Amos i.\bboi j^ .- A True record from Nath' Abbot ) the Original return Attest John Odlin Town Clerk — Amos i.\bbot Ju' ^Selectmen 430 CONCORD State of New Hamp } To Levi Bartlett Constable of shire Rockingham fs ^ Concord in said County — (L. S) Greeting In the name of the State of Nevv = IIampsiiire you are hereby required to notify and warn as the law directs the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Concord (qualified to vote in Town affairs) to meet at the Town = House in said Concord on Tuesday the thirteenth day of march next at nine °Clock in the forenoon for the follow- ing purposes — 1. To Choose a Moderator 2. To Choose a Clerk- Selectmen- Constable or Con- stables Collector or Collectors- auditor or auditors of ac- counts to Settle with the Selectmen and all other necefsary Town officers — 3. To vote as the Constitution requiers for a Govenor 4. To vote for a Counsellor for the County of Rock- ingham 5. To vote for a Senator for the 4"" district 6. To vote for Register of deeds & Treasurer for the County of Rockingham 7. To Choose one man duly qualified to Represent said Town in the General Court one year from the first Wed- nefsday of June next 8. To see what measurers the Town will take relative to a demand made by the Selectmen of Pembroke for the support of Thomas Shaw & family — 9. To see what sum or sums of money the Town will raise to Supply the Pulpit the School and to defray the necefsary Charges of the Town the Current year 10 To see what the Town will give for killing Crows the Current year II- To see if the Town will give to Timothy Dow and Ephraim Colby two rods out of the reserve for a road be- tween there lots and the adjoining lots on the north side of said lots as a Compensation for a road laid out through there lots by the Selectmen and recorded — 12. To see if the Town will vote that no Swine Shall run at large on the main Street during the Ensuing year 13 To see if the Town will vote a sufficient Sum of Money to pay for Ringing the bell morning- noon- and TOWN RECORDS. 43 1 night the Ensuing year at such hours as will be most beneficial to the inhabitants 14. To see if the Town will discontinue the road laid out by the Selectmen through land belonging to Timothy Walker Esq' from the road leading from long pond to the road by John Blanchards or Exchange it for the land where the peopel now Travle 15. To see if the Town will sell the road leading from the Turnpike road towards merrimack river as far as Tuckers brook (so Called) 16. To see what method the Town will take to support Betsy Kimball — And make due return of this warrant with your doings to us the Subscribers on or before said meeting Given under our hands John Odlin C and Seal at Concord Amos Abbot JuV Selectmen this 24"" dav of Feb. ID Nath' Abbot ( 1810— State of New=Hamp shire Rockingham fs Concord March 13"' 1810 In persuance of the within warrant T have notified & warned all the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Concord qualified to vote in Town affairs to meet at the Time and place for the purposes within mentioned Levi Bartlett Constable State of New=Hamp shire Rockingham fs Concord March 13"' 1810 At a legal meeting of the Freeholders and other in- habitants of said Concord the following votes ware pafsed — viz — 1. Made Choice of William A Kent Moderator 2. John Odlin Clerk sworn 3. Nathaniel Abbot Edmund Leavitt Sherburn Wig- gin Selectmen sworn 4. That this meeting be adjourned one hour then to meet at the Town House — Attest John Odlin Town Clerk 432 CONCORD meet according to adjournment and Pafsed the follow- ing viz 1. voted to postpone the remaining town buifsnefs un- till after the Choice of State officers 2. votes for a Govenor ware for John Langdon 230 for Jeremiah Smith 239 for Timothy Chandler i for Sherburn Wiggin 3 John Goddard i Nathaniel Abbot 3 Jeremiah Pecker i Abiel Walker i — 3. votes for a Counsellor for the County of Rocking- ham ware for Elijah Hall 228 John Bell Ju' 235 John Langdon i Abiel Walker i Jeremiah Smith i Edmund Leavitt i John Odlin i — 4 votes for a Senator for the 4"* district ware for Wil- liam Austin Kent 233- Josiah Samborn 216- Elijah Hall 3 Stephen Ambrose 2 Joseph Walker i Tim" Chand- ler I John Bell Ju' i 5. Stephen Ambrose Represantive 6 that this meeting be adjourned to Tuesday the 20*'' day of march Instant at nine "Clock in the forenoon then to meet at the Town House — Attest John Odlin Town Clerk Concord March 20"' 1810 Meet according to adjournment and Pafsed the follow- ing votes I. Charles Emery Collector for the south district at 3^ Cents on the pound 2 Charles Emery Collector for the west district at 3^ Cents on the pound 3 Charles Emery Collector for the East district and to pay a half Cent on the pound for Collecting and sworn 4 Constabels Charles Emery Reuben Goodwin James Buswell sworn 5. Cap* Richard Ayer Cap' Benj" Emery & Jeremiah Pecker auditors of accounts to Settle with the Select- men 6 Surve3^ors of Highways John Corlifs sworn Nath' Bradley sworn Ezra Hutchins sworn Timothy Hazeltine sworn Abel Hutchins sworn Eliphalet Emery sworn Timothy Walker Ju' sworn Joseph Elliot Ju' sworn David Carter sworn Benj'' Simpson Mofes Abbot sworn Laban TOWN RECORDS. 433 Page sworn Isaac Fanium sworn John Garvin Jeremiah Pecker sworn Tim° Bradley Ju' sworn Mofes Kimball sworn Jonathan Virgin sworn Daniel Virgin sworn Daniel Hall to Collect the remainder of the list of Daniel Ken- dalls which remains unsettled 7 Fence viewers Cap' Rich"* Ayer sworn Timothy Brad- ley sworn Abiel Walker sworn Timothy Butters sworn Jeremiah Chandler sworn 8 Sealer of Lather David Hall^ 9 Sealer of Weights measurers Timothy Chandler 10 Hogreeves William Shute — Benj" Powel sworn Asaph Evans Daniel Greenleafe sworn Samuel Kimball sworn David Davis sworn John Hoit James Moulton sworn — William Garvin — Philbrick Bradley John H. Durgin 11 Courders of wood James Willey sworn George Hough John West Ju' John George sworn Francis N Fisk Edmund Leavitt 12 Surveyors of Lumber Josiah Rogers sworn Porter Blanchard sworn Abiel Virgin sworn John Thompson John Lovjoy Abel Baker sworn Peter Farnum sworn Benj'* Swain George W. Rogers sworn James Willey sworn — 13. Cullers of staves James Moulton sworn Joseph Runells sworn Richard wood — 14. Pound Keepers Joseph Walker sworn James Moulton sworn 15 Fire wards Timothy Chandler Josiah Rogers Abiel Walker Paul Rolfe Stephen Ambrose George W. Rogers — 16. Field Drivers Reuben Goodwin Charles Emery John Colby 17. that the subject matter of the demand of the Town of Pembroke for the support of Thomas Shaw & family be referred to the Selectmen • 18. that three Hundred and fifty dollars be raised to supply the Pulpit the Current year 19"' that one Hundred dollars be afsefsed as an addition- al tax for the pulpit and that no person be Compeled to pay it— 20 that nine hundred dollars be raised to supply the. school the Current year- 29 434 CONCORD 21 that one dollar be raised on a Poll and other Estate in proportion to repair the highways the Current year to be allowed lo Cents p' hour. 2 2 that six hundred dollars be raised for defraying the necefsary Charges of the Town the Current year 23 that the 10"' article in the warrant be Desmised 24. That Timoth}^ Dow have out of the reserve of the road adjoining his Land as much Land as the Selectmen took of his Land for a Road as a Compensation 25 That Ephraim Colby have a piece of the reserve adjoining his Land two rods wide and sixteen rods long as a Compensation 26. That for every swine found runing at large at any season in main Street between John Bradley Esq' & John Colbys the Owner be liable to the same pemality and to be recoverd in the same way as for Swine going at large imyoaked and unrung in the Season that the Law re- quiers them to be yoaked and rung 27. That the Bell be rung at seven "Clock in the morn- ing at twelve at noon and nine at night Except Sundays and the Selectmen direct the time on Sundays — 28. That the ringing of the Bell and the care of the meeting house one year be sett up to the lowest bidder and that the person biding off the same give Bonds to the Selectmen for the faithfuU Performance of the same 29. That twenty five Dollars be raised for ringing the Bell and that the same be paid to Sherburn Wiggin it being bid off by him agreeable to the above vote 30. That the 14"' and 15* articels in the warrant be desmised 31. That Peter Robertson 'be Excused from Collecting what remains due on his List as a Surveyor of high- ways 32. That Abel Hutchins be impow'ered to Collect what remains due on Peter Robertsons list of taxes 33. That this meeting be Difsolved Attest John Odlin Town Clerk State of New=Hampshire In Confermity of the Existing laws of Said State we the subscribers Select- men of Bow and Concord have been upon and pream- TOWN RECORDS. 435 bulated & respotted the Old Rumford Line from the southeast Corner of Hopkinton to Merrimack River be- tween Bow and Concord We acknowledge the three following boundaries between said Towns viz — begining at a Norway pine being the South East Boundary of Hopkinton thence runing South about twenty one De- grees East to a large Stone in M' Rufsells 'field Marked C. C. B. thence East about twenty degrees North to a Stake and Stones with the letters C. B. on it on the Bank of Merrimack river thence the same Course part of the way on the river and then acrofst a piece of Land be- longing to Paul Rolfe Esq' to the bank of Merrimack River Feburary 28"' 1810 c 1 r^i 4. ^Selectmen Sam Clement / . Andrew Gault ( t> ) Bow T I r^jT ) Selectmen ohn Odlm / ^ AT_.l 1 A 1 1 . > of Nath^ Abbot Concord Edmund Leavitt Surveyor A True Record from the Original return Att John Odlin T. Clerk State of New Hamp } To Charles Emery Constable shire Rockingham fs ^ of Concord in said County. Greeting (L S) In the name of the State of New Hampshire you are hereby required to notify and warn as the law requires the iVeeholders and other Inhabitants of Concord (qualified to vote for Senators to the State Legislature) to meet at the Town House on monday the Twenty seventh day of august Current at two "Clock in the after- noon for the following purposes viz — 1 To Choose a Moderator 2 To vote by ballot for five person duly qualified for Representatives of this State in the Congrefs of the United States two years from the fourth day of March next — 3 To see if the Town will vote to Joseph Runells and have recorded to him four rods of the twelve rod road at 436 CONCORD the head of his Eighty acer lots as was laid out to him by the Selectmen in tiie year 1790 for a Compensation for a road Laid out by said Selectmen through his lots. Also Exchenge with said Joseph Runells a part of the road leading from his House to Samuel Runells for a road laid out by the Selectmen through his Land — 4 To Choose a Surveyor of highways for the upper district on the main street — And make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to us the subscribers on or before said meeting Given under our hands Nath' Abbot }s 1 and Seal at Concord this Edmund Leavitt >" 11^'' day of august iD 1810 Sherburn Wigging State of New Hamp shire Rockingham fs Persuant to the within precept to me directed I have notified & warned the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of Concord to meet at the time and place and for the purposes within mentioned by posting the substance of the within Notification at the meeting house in s*^ Concord on the 12''' day of august Instant and have taken said notification down down from s*^ Meeting house this day August 27'" 1810 Charles Emery Constable State of New Hampshire Rockingham fs — Concord August 27"^ 1810 At a legal meeting held in Concord on said day the following votes were Pafsed viz — I Made Choice of Cap* Richard Ayer moderator — 2. votes for Representatives to Congrefs were for Danil Blasedall 225, for George Sullavan 224 — tor William Hale 223 for Roger vose 222 for James Wilson 221 for Samuel Densmore 181 — for Josiah Bartlett 180 — John A Harper 179 for David L. Morril i79= = Obed Hall 176 for Philip Carrigain i Charles Emery i Nathaniel Upham i — Stephen Ambrose i, Richard H. Ayer i, David Page i, Jedediah K Smith i. 3*^ That Joseph Runells have the four rods which the Selectmen bounded out to him at the head of his Eighty TOWN RECORDS. 437 acre lots out of the reserve for a road twelve rods wide agreeable to the articl in the warrant 4 That the Selectmen Exchenge with Joseph Runells the road which was formerly laid out by his House and Recorded page 183 for a road which Selectmen have now laid out through his Land — 5 that the 4th article in the warrant be desmised 6 That this meeting be Disolved Attest John Odlin Town Clerk We the Subscribers by request of the following persons to lay out a road through there Lands viz William A. Kent, Samuel Green Simeon G Hall, Benjamin Gale, George Hough, Joshua Abbot Ju'. & William Stickney — Agreeable to said request we have attended said Service and laid out a road bounded as follows viz begining at a stake and Stones Standing at the west End of James Bus- wells barn thence South fifteen deirrees East thirteen rods & twenty three links on Said Buswells Land to Joshua Abbot Ju" Land and on said Abbots Land forty seven rods & two links to William Stickneys Land and on s*^ Stickneys Land fourteen rods & nine links to Simeon G. Halls Land and on Said Halls land twelve rods & Eleven links to Timothy Abbots land and on s'' Abbots Land fifteen rods & Eighteen links to William A. Kents land and on said Kents land to Centre street (so Called) con- tinuing the same accroft said street to Richard Ayer Land & on said Ayer Land Eleven rods & Eight links to to Abel Hutchins Land and on s^' Hutchins Land seven rods & nineteen links to George Connels land and on s-' Connels Land Eleven rods and Eio-hteen Links to William A Kents Land and on said Kents land seven rods & Seven- teen Links thence Continuing the same Course accroft the School House lot belonging to the tenth School Dis- trict to the road laid by the Selectmen and given to the Town by William A. Kent Benj" Gale Josiah Rogers & George Hough & as the Same is Recorded in the Town l)ook may appear thence Diagonially from the Easterly side of said road to the westerly side of said road at Hopkinton road (so called) this being the westerly line 438 CONCORD of said road — And we do give to Josiah Rogers — Wil- liam A. Kent — Benj'^ Gale & George Hough — the land Southerly of the School House lot all the land on the westerly side of aforesaid line as a Compensation for the land taken of theres for this road as above described Each to have what adjoins his own Lot and said road is three rods wide East of the above described line and we da award as a Compensation to the owners of the other Lands as follows viz to James Busvvell six dollars to Joshua Abbot Ju' fifty Cents to William Stickney twenty five Cents to Simeon G. Hall twenty five Cents to Timothy Abbot Thirty dollars to William A. Kent twenty five Cents & to Ebenezer Duston twenty five Cents to Richard Ayer twenty five Cents to Abel Hutchins twenty five Cents to George Connel Ten Dollars to Peter Robertson twenty five Cents — Also a road begining on the East side of State Street (so Called) thence runing North sixty nine degrees East nineteen rods thence north fifty nine degrees East thirteen rods & four links to the main Street said road is two rods wide and lays on the south side of the above described line and we do Estabilifh the same as publick Highways agreeable to the Law of this- State for Laying out highways Concord September Nath^ Abbot ^Selectmen 22'^'* 1810 Edmund Leavitt > of Sherburn Wiggin ) Concord A True Record from the Original Return Attest John Odlin Town Clerk — Return of a road laid out from Joseph Runells to Sam^ Runells viz begining at a stake and stones standing by the westerly side of the road about fifteen rods Southerly of Joseph Runelles House thence fifty two degrees west sixty four rods to a stake thence south seventy five degrees West twenty rods to a Stake thence by the river fifty seven rods to a Stake standinii on Samuel Runelles- Land and the road is two rods wide & where said road comes to the river it is two rods wide from from the river bank, And we do award to Joseph Runells as a Compen- sation for said road a part of the road formerly laid out by the Selectmen bounded as follows begining at a Pitch TOWN RECORDS. 439 pine Stump with stones by the river bank thence North thirty Eight degrees east fit'ty three rods to a stake & stones standing Southerly of his House Dec'" 8"' 1810 Edmund Leavitt } Selectmen Sherburn Wiggin ^ A True Record trom the Original Return Atts John Odlin Town Clerk State of New Hampshire Concord Jan^ ip"" iSii Rockingham fs Persuant to precepts to me directed by the Clerk of the Superior Court the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Concord qualified to vote tor State Representatives are hereby notified & warned to meet at the Town House on thursday the 31^' day of Jan^ Instant at 3 "Clock in the afternoon for the following purposes viz To Choose a Moderator 2 To appoint one man duh' qualified to serve as a Grand Juror at the superior Court of Judicature to be holden at Portsmouth the third Tuesday of Feburary next 3 To appoint two persons duly qualified to serve as Petit Jurors at said Court one to serve on the third Tues- day the other of serve on monday the 25"' day of said Feburary John Odlin Town Clerk — At the above meetingr Daniel Green leafe Moderator Benj" Kimball Ju"^ was appointed Grand Juror Richard Ayer Petit Juror first week — Stephen Ambrose do for second week voted that Richard x\yer be excused Will- iam Austin Kent was appointed in his room and was returned accordingly Atts John Odlin Town Clerk — State of New Hamp 5 To Charles Emery Constable of shire Rockingham is ( Concord in said Countv (L S) • "' Greeting In the name of the State of New Hampshire You are hereby required to notify and warn as the law directs the 440 CONCORD Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Concord quali- fied to vote in Town affairs to meet at the Town House on Tuesday the 12*^ day of March next at nine "Clock in the forenoon for the following purposes viz — I To choose a Moderator 2. To Choose a Clerk — Selectmen Constable or Con- stables — Collector or Collectors auditor or Auditors of accounts to settle with the Selectmen and all other hecef- sary Town officrs 3 To see if the Town will vote to ballot for the Gove- nor Senator Counfellor Register of Deeds & County Treasure all on one piece of Paper — 4 To vote by Ballot for three of the six persons here- after named for Representatives of this State in the Con- grefs of the united States agreeably to an act Pafsed June 21*' ID 1792 viz George Sullivan William Hale — Roger vose — Daniel Blasedall John A. Harper and Obed Hall 5 To vote as the Constitution requiers for a Govenor — 6 To vote for a Senator for the fourth district 7. To vote for a Counfellor for the County of Rock- ingham 8 To vote for a Treasurer for the County of Rocking- ham and a Register of Deeds 9. To Choose two persons duly qualified to represent said Town in the General Court one year from the first w^ednefsday of June next — 10 To see what sum or sums of mone}^ the Town will raise to Suppl}' the Pulpit the School and to defray the necefsary Charges of the Town the ensuing year — II To see what the Town will give for killing Crows 12 To see if the Town will sell the Eighty acre Lot belonging to the Parsonage right or the wood and timber now growing on said Lot — 13 To see if the Town will sell the Lot lying in Bow that was given to the Town by Decon Joseph Hall 14 To see what method the Town will take to repair the bridge over Turkey river near Cap* Joseph Nyes Mills 15 To see w^hat sum of money the Town will raise to repair the bridge over Contoocook river at horse Hill (so called) TOWN RECORDS. 44I 16 To see if the Town will vote a sufficient sum of money for ringing the bell morning noon & night the year ensuing at such hours as will be most benifical to the inhabitants 17 To see if the Town will vote that no Swine shall run at Large on the main Street during the ensuing vear 18 To see if the Town will direct the Selectmen to Strighten the road leading from Joseph Hazeltines to the head of the Londonderry Turnpike by Benj'' Abbots House 19. To see if the Town will purchase the land and Lay out a road from John Eastmans Land to the main road — near Joseph Eastmans House — 20 To see if the Town will purchase a Conveniant Spot of Ground at the lower End of the Squaw Lot for a landing, alfo to Sell the road leading from the Turn- pike to the old ferry way and appropriate the money araiseing from said Sale to purchase s*^ Landing And make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to us the subscribers on or before said meeting Given under our hands & Seal at Concord this 23'"^ Day of Feb. ^D 181 1— Nath^ Abbot 1 Edmund Leavitt > Selectmen Sherburn Wiggin ) State of New Hamp shire Rockingham fs Concord March 12''' 181 1 Pursuant to the within warrant to me Directed I have notified and warned the freeholders & Inhabitants qual- ified to vote in Town affairs to meet at Time and place within directed by Posting up a Copy of the within four- teen days at the meeting House Door according to Law Charles Emerv Constable State of New Hamp shire Rockingham fs Concord March 12'" 181 1 At a legal meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhab- itants of said Concord the following votes ware Pafsed VIZ- 442 CONCORD 1. Made Choice of Richard Ayer Moderator 2. John Odlin Clerk sworn 3. Nathaniel Abbot, Edmund Leavitt & Abiel Walker Selectmen and Sworn 4 That the 3'' Article in the warrant be desmised 5 To adjourn this meeting half an hour Att John Odlin Town Clerk Met according to the adjournment & Pafsed the follow- ing votes 1. votes for the Representatives to Congrefs weare for George Sullivan 249 for William Hale 249 for Daniel Blasedall 249 tor John A. Harper 224 for Obed Hall 222, Charles Emery i 2. votes for Govenor for Jeremiah Smith 241 for John Langdon 228 for John T. Gilman 3 3. votes for Senator for the 4"' distrect were for Will"* A. Kent 246 for Josiah Sanborn 216, Abiel Walker i. Sherburn Wiggin i — 4 votes for a Counfellor for the County of Rocking- ham were Nath^ A Haven 223 for Elijah Hall 206 for Sherburn Wiggin i Josiah Samborn i 5. That the ballotting for a County Treasurer and Reg- ister of Deeds for the County be Postponed and the ballot for Representatives to the General Court be now taken — 6 Stephen Ambrose & Thomas W Thompton Repre- sentitives I. That this meeting be adjourned untill to-morrow at nine "Clock A. M. at the Town House Att John Odlin Town Clerk Concord March 13"' 181 1 Met according to adjourment and Pafsed the follow- ing votes the Collection of the Taxes set up at vedue to the Lowest bider & Daniel Greenleafe bid of the south distrect at 3 Cents on the pound do the west for nothing do the East to give two Cents on the pound for Collect- ing I. voted that Nathan Stickney be accepted as Collec- tor sworn TOWN RECORDS. 443 2 Nathan Stickney Josiah Rogers & Nath' Ambrose be Constables sworn 3 auditors of accounts to Settle with the Selectmen William A. Kent Sherburn Wiggin Charles Emery 4 Surveyors of Highways Jonathan Wilkins sworn James Ayer sworn Samuel Herbert sworn James Corlifs Do William Shute do Ezra Hutchins do Abner Farnum J' do Joseph Dow do Timothy Carter do Joseph Hoit do Abel Baker do Samuel Davis do Isaac Farnum Charles Eastman do Timothy Bradley J' do Joseph Pottor do Jon- athan Virgin do John Garvin do Benjamin Kimball do. 5. Fence vewers Peter C. Farnum sworn Jeremiah Pecker do William Stickney do 6. Timothy Chandler Sealer of weghts & measurers 7. Hogreeves Asaph Evans sworn Benj** Damon do David Davis do Mofes Ferrin do James Moulton do William Tay do Kyes Powel do John Ballard Jere Chan- dler do Samuel E. Scales do Timoth}^ Bradley J' do Oliver Hoit do — 8. Courders of w^ood Charles Emery sworn James Willey Josiah Rogers do Edmund Leavitt do Isaac Dow do— 9 Surveyors of Lumber James Willey, George W Rogers sworn Josiah Rogers do Abiel virgin John Love- joy John Thomson do Joseph Nye do Abel Baker do — 10 Cullers of Staves James Moulton sworn Joseph Runells do James Willev 11 Field drvers Nath' G. Bradley Tim" Bradley J' Benjamin Kimball Ju' 12 Pound Keepers Joseph Walker & James Moulton sworn 13 Firewards Josiah Rogers Timothy Cliandler, George W Rogers, Benjamin Kimball Ju' Stephen Am- brose. — Isaac Dow & Ezra Hutchins — Tything men Tho^ W Thompson & Anther Rogers — 14. That four hundred & fifty Dollars be raised to Sup- ply the Pulpit — 15 That nine hundred dollars for the use of the School 16. That five hundred dollars be raised for the necef- sary Charges of the Town the Ensuing year — 17. That one dollar on the Poll and other estate in pro- portion be raised for the highways the Current year 444 CONCORD i8. T'liat tliis meeting be adjourned one hour then to meet at the Town house Att John Odlin Town Clerk met according to the adjournment & Pafsed the follow- ing votes 1. That the Selectmen pay 25 Cents for each Crows head which Crow was Killed in the Town from this time to the hrst day of July next and the Selectmen are authorised to put the person on Oath that the said Crows ware Killed within the Town within the time above mentioned — 2. That the 12"' article in the warrant be Defsmised 3. That the 13*'' article in the warrant be Defmised 4. That the Selectmen make draffts from such Dis- trcits of the Highways as they may think proper to repair the bridge near Cap' Nyes Mills — 5. that seventy five dollars be raised to repair horse hill bridge (so called) 6 That the ringing of the bell & takeing care of and Sweeping the meeting house be vendued to the Low^est bidder and the same was bid off by Benj^ Emery Ju' at thirty nine dollars 7. that thirty nine dollars be raised for the above purpose — 8. That no Swine be suffered to go at large on the main street in Concord on penalty of twenty five cents Cents for each offinse to be recovered of the owner there or before any Justice of the peace by any person who will sue for the same — 9 That the 18*'' article in the warrant be desmised alfo the 19"' & 20*^ articls be Desmised 10 That this meeting be Defolved Attest John Odlin Town Clerk State of New^ Hamp ) To Nathan Stickney Constable shire Rockingham fs S of Concord in s*^ Countv (L S) Greeting In the name of the State of New Hampshire You are hereby required to notify and warn as the Law directs TOWN RECORDS. 445 the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of said Concord (qualified to vote in Town affairs) to meet on Monday the Twenty first day of October Instant at the Town House at two "Clock in the afternoon for the following^ purposes viz — 1. To Choose a Moderator 2. To see what sum or Sums of Money the Town will raise to repair all the highways in said Town or to trans- act an}' other Matter or thing they may think best relative to repairing said Highways And make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to us the subscribers on or before said meet- ing- Given under our hands at x\ 1 a ui . ") Selectmen J c 1 4. r-' J ^1 • Nath^ Abbot ( r and Seal at Concord this », . , ^xr ,, > oi -th J i- r\ 4. r 'r\ o Abiel Walker V ^ , 5*'' day ot Octo"^ /D 1811 ) Concord Concord Octo"" 21^* 181 1 — Persuant to the within warrant I have notified and warned as the law directs the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Concord to meet at the time and place for the purposes within mentioned Nathan Stickney Cons^ State of New Hamp shire Rockingham Is Concord Octo' 21** 181 1 — At a legal meeting held on said 21**^ day of October the following votes weare palsed viz — 1. Made Choice of Abel Hutchins Moderator — 2. To raise two dollars on a Poll and other Estate in proportion to be laid out on the Highways 3. That the above sum of two dollars on the Polls and other Estate to be laid out on the highways be Collected in Labour at ten Cents per hour and laid out on the high- ways under the direction of the Selectmen 4. That Samuel Green Esq"" be an agent in behalf of the Town to inform the superior Court what the Town fhall have done in regard to the road Complained of in said Town 5 That this meeting be defolved — Attest John Odlin Town Clerk 446 CONCORD State of New I lamp shire Rockingham fs Concord Jan^ 25**' 1812 Persuant to precepts to me directed by the Cerk of the Superior Court the freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Concord quahfied to vote for State Representatives are hereby notified and warned to meet at the Town House on wednefsday the 5**' day of Feb next at 3 ''Clock in the afternoon for the following purposees viz — I To Choose a Moderator 2. To appoint one man duly qualified to serve as a Grand Juror at the superior Court of Judicature to be holden at Portsmoth on the third Tuesday of Feburary next — 3. To appoint two persons duly qualified to serve as petit Jurors at said superior one to serve on the third Tuesday the other to serve on monday the 24*'' day of the aforesaid Feburary John Odlin Town Clerk Concord Feb s^"^ 1812 At the above meeting Edmund Leavitt was appointed Grand Juror and Joshua Abbot Ju"^ and John Eastman was appointed Petit Jurors Att John Odlin Town Clerk State of New Hamp ^ To Nathan Stickney Constable of shire Rockingham fs I Concord in said County Greeting — LS. ; In the name of the State of New Hampshire you are hereby required to notify and warn as the law directs the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Concord (qual- ified to vote in Town affairs) to meet at the Town House on Tuesday the tenth day of March next at nine of the Clock in the forenoon for the following purposes — 1. To Choose a Moderator 2. To Choose a Clerk — Selectmen — Constable or Con- stabels Collector or Collectors — Auditor or Auditors of accounts to Settle with the Selectmen and all other nec- efsary Town officers — TOWN RECORDS. 447 3 To see if the Town will vote to ballot for a Govenor Senator — Counfellor Register of Deeds & County Treas- urer all on one piece paper — 4. To vote as the Constitution requiers for a Govenor 5. To vote for a Senator for the fourth district 6. To vote for a Counfellor for the County of Rock- ingham 7. To vote for a Treasurer and Register of Deeds for the County of Rockingham 8. To Choose two men duly qualified to represent said Town in the General Court one year from the firt wednefs- day June next 9 To see what sum or sums of Money the Town will raise to supply the Pulpit the school and to Defray the necefsary Charges of the Town the Ensuing year 10 To see if the Town will vote a fufiicient sum of money to pay for ringing the bell morning — noon & night the Ensuing year at such hours as fhall be most beneficial to the Inhabitants 11. To see if the Town will vote that no swine fhall run at large on the main street the Ensuing year 12. To see if the Town will vote that the Law of this State regulating the Extingushing fiers fhall be adopted and have the same effect as in the Town of Portsmouth 13. To see what sum of money the Town will raise to procure necefsary articels to stop the progrefs of fire — 14. To see what the Town will give for killing Crows the ensuing year — 15. To see if the Town will Exchenge the reserve for a road with Nathaniel Rolfe for the road now made on his Land 16. To see if the Town will sell the unimproved Land belonging to the school right — And make due return of this warrant with j^our doings thereon to us the fubscribers on or before said meeting — Given under our hands Nath' Abbot ^Selectmen &. Seal at Concord this Abiel Walker > of 22"'' dav of Feb x^D 1812 ) Concord Persuant to the above and within warrant I have noti- fied the freeholders and other Inhabitants of Concord 448 CONCORD Qiiali fied to vote in Town affairs to meet at the time and place within mentioned Concord March p"* 1812. Nathan Stickney Constable State of New Ilamp shire Rockingham fs Concord March 10"' 181 2 At a legal meeting held in said Concord the following votes ware Pafsed viz — I Made Choice of William A Kent. Moderator 2. John Odlin Clerk sworn 3 Nathaniel Abbot Amos Abbot Jir & Abiel Walker Selectmen & sworn — 4 That the Govenor Counfellor Senator Register of Deeds & County Treasurer be balloted for on one piece of paper — 5 That this meeting be adjourned for one hour then to meet at this place Att John Odlin T. Clerk Meet according to the adjournment and Pafsed the fol- lowing votes viz — 1. votes for a Govenor John T Gilman 263 William Plumer 209 John Langdon 9 — Nathaniel Gilman 2 Tim- othy Farrar i Joseph Wheat i For a Counfellor Nathaniel A. Haven 262 Elijah Hall 220 — For Senator for the 4"' distrect Josiah Samborn 219. William A. Kent 261 — For County Treasurer Nathaniel Gilman 476 Oliver Peabody 2 Register of Deeds Seth Walker 430 — 2. Stephen Ambrose Representative 3. Thomas W. Thompson Representative 4. This Meeting be adjourned untill tomorrow^ morn- ing at nine "Clock then to meet at the Town House Att John Odlin T. Clerk Meet according to the adjourment & Pafsed the fol- lowing Votes viz — TOWN RECORDS. 449 1. Mofes Flanders Collector for the south district half Cent on the dollar 2. Mofes Ferrin for the west district for Nothing 3. Rich*^ Bradley for the East distrect for Nothing & sworn 4. Mofes Flanders Mofes Ferrin & Richard Bradley Constabels alfo Edmund Leavitt sworn — 5 Auditors of accounts Enoch Coffin Charles Walker & Thomas W. Thompson — 6 Surveyors of Highways Mofes Carter Mofes Hall, Ezra Hutchins Timothy Butters Abel Hutchins, William Garvin, Olando Brown Timothy Carter — Daniel Fisk, Samuel Davis Ephraim Colby, Samuel Runells Marfhall Baker — Charles Eastman — Mellen Kimball — Nathaniel Ambrose Hazen Virgin Benjamin Kimball Samuel Trum- ball Henry Rolfe & Richard Bradley 7. Fence viewrs John Thorndike Jacob Eastman sworn John Ballard 8 Sealer of weights & Meafurers Tim" Chandler 9. Hogreeves Samuel Willey sworn Thomas Wilfon Ju' sworn Benj''' Kimball Ju' sworn Bela Carter sworn Kyes Powel Olando Brown sworn James Moulton sworn Jn° Abbot ]' Ezra Hoit & Timothy Bradley sworn 10. Courders of wood John George Asaph Evans George Hough Isaac Dow sworn Stephen Ambrose sworn Abel Houghton 11. Surveyors of Lumber Samuel Butters Ju"" sworn George W. Rogers sworn Abiel virgin sworn Nath' Brad- ley Mofes Ferrin sworn Joseph Runells sworn Abel Baker Ju"" sworn Hazen virgin sworn. Stephen Webster John Thompson 12 Cullers of Staves James Moulton sworn Samuel Butters Ju' sworn Joseph Runells sworn George W. Rogers sworn & Stephen Chase sworn — 13. Pound Keepers James Moulton & Joseph Walker sworn 14 Tything men Tho« Abbot & Mofes Abbot Ju' 15. That three hundred and fifty dollars be raised to supply the Pulpit the ensuing year 16. That a further sum of one hundred dollars to fup- ply the Pulpit & that no perfon be Compelled to pay his. Proportion of the same 30 4SO CONCORD 17. That one thousand dollars be raised for to supply the school the Ensuing year 18. That six hundred dollars be raised to defray the necefsary Charges of the Town 19 That fifty Cents be raised on a Poll to repair the highways and other Estate in proportion the Ensuing year at ten Cents per hour for a man 20 That the ringing of the Bell & takeing care of the meeting House be vendued and the same was bid off by Benj* Emery Ju' at thirty nine dollars & seventy five Cents — 21. That the sum of Thirt}^ nine dollars & seventy five Cents be raised tor ringing the Bell and takeing care of the meeting house 22. That no swine be allowed to run at large on the road from Concord Bridge to Boscawen Bridge under the penal- lity that the owner pay Twent}' five Cents for each ofiince 23. That a Committe of three be Chosen to report to the Town at the next meeting a by Law for the Town to adopt for the Extinguisting tiers and Thomas W. Thomp- son — Charles Walker Samuel Green ware Chosen for the purpose 24. That Joseah Rogers — George W. Rogers Seth Tucker — Abiel Walker — Peter Robertson Asaph Evans Benj'^ Kimball J' Chandler Eastman Jeremiah Pecker — Isaac Dow^ — Olando Brown — Ezra Hutchins & Daniel Clark fire wards 25. That one hundred dollars be raised to purchase fire hooks and make the necefsary repairs to the Engine as the Selectmen f hall direct 26 That the Selectmen pay twenty five Cents for each Crows head killed in the Town between the first day of May & the first day of July next 27 That Cap' George W. Rogers have his note of nine dollars given up to him w^hich is now due to the Town — 28. That the Selectmen be authorized and impowered to Lav out and return the road on Nathaniel Rolfes Land and to give him such part of the reserve for a road as they may think proper as a Compensation for the road they shall return — 29. That this meeting be Defolved That the 16"' articel in the warrant be Desmised Attest John Odlin Town Clerk — TOWN RECORDS. 45I We the fubscribers have laid out a highway in Con- cord bounded as follows viz begining near Henry- Chandlers House thence south twenty seven degrees & a half west to a ftake near Nathan Chandlers Barn thence south fifteen degrees East four rods thence south twenty five degrees East thirt}^ six rods and fifteen links to a highwa}' thence twenty five rods and twelve links to the main road said road is two rods on the East side of the above described line Concord March lo'" 1812 Nath^ Abbot > Selectmen Abiel Walker 5 A True Record from the original Return Att John Odlin T Clerk State of New Hampshire (L S) Rockingham fs In the name of the said State the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of Concord in s** County qualified to vote in Town affairs are hereby notified and warned to meet at the Town House on Tuesday the first day of September next at three "Clock in the afternoon for the following purposes viz- i^' To Choose a Moderator- 2 To see what Compensation the Town will make the detached minute men required by Goverment of the united States in Addition to the sum allowed them by the Goverment of the united States — Given under our hands & leal at Concord this 15"' day of august ^D 1812 Nath' Abbot ^Selectmen Abiel Walker > of Amos Abbot J"" ) Concord State of New Hamp shire Rockingham fs Concord Sep"" i" 181 2 At a legal meeting of the Freeholders and other In- habitants held on said day the following votes ware Pafsed viz I Made Choice of Jonathan Wilkins Moderator 452 CONCORD 2 Tliat the consideration of the articl in the warrant be Poftponed to the day of annul meeting in march next at two "Clock in the afternoon Attest John Odlin Town Clerk (L S) State of New Hampshire Rockingham fs In the name of faid State the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of Concord in said County qualified to vote for Senators for the State Legislature are hereby notified and warned to meet at the Town House on monday the fecond day of November next at Ten of the Clock in the forenoon for the following purposes viz I To Choose a Moderator 2. To vote by ballot for six persons duly qualified for Representatives of this State in the Congrefs of the United States. 3. To vote by ballot for Eight perfons duly qualified to be Electors of Prefident and vice Prefident of the united States — 4. To fee if the Town will accept of the report of the Committe chosen last march to form a by Law for the Town for the purpose of Extinguishing fiers — 5 To fee what method the Town will take to fupport John Brown a Pauper — Given under our hands and feal at Concord this ly'*' day of Octo^iD 181 2 Nath' Abbot ; Selectmen Abiel Walker ( r- ° ^ ) Concord State of New Hamp ( Concord Nov' 2""^ 181 2 shire Rockingham fs ) At a legal meeting held in said Concord the following votes ware Pafsed viz — I. Made Choice of William A Kent Modrator 2 votes for Representatives to the Congrefs of the United States ware for Daniel Webster 258 Bradbury Cilly 258 — William Hale 258 Samuel Smith 257- Roger TOWN RECORDS. 453 vose 258 — Jeduthun Wilcox 258 — John F. Parrot 184 John A. Haper 184 — David L. Morril 184 Samuel Dinsmore 184 Josiah Butter 184 Jefse Johnson 183 Robert Means i 3. votes for Electors of President and vice Prefident of the united States ware Oliver Peabody 260 John God- dard 261 — Samuel Hale 260 Nathan Taylar 260 Timothy Farrar 260 Benj" West 260 Caleb Ellis 260 Jon* Franklin 260 — John Langdon 180 — Timothy Walker 179 Richard Dame 180 Jedediah K Smith 180 Amasa Allen 180 Nahum Parker 180 Abel Merril 180 Benj'' Peirce 180 John Bradley i 4 That the Selectmen be authorized to make such En- quiery as they may think proper Concerning John Brown a pauper and act as they fhall think expedient 5 That the 4"* articel in the warrant be Pof tponed untill the annual meeting 6 That this meeting be Difsolved Attest John Odlin T. Clerk Rockingham fs State of New Hampshire (LS) In the name of said State the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of Concord in said County — qualified to vote in Town affairs are hereby notified and warned to meet at the Town House on Tuesday the ninth day of march next at nine "Clock in the forenoon for the following pur- poses viz — 1. To Choose a Moderator — 2. To Choose a Clerk — 3 To see if the Town will ballot for the Selectmen on one piece of paper — 4. To Choose Selectmen Constabel or Constables Col- lector or Collectors auditor or Auditors of accounts to Settle with the Selectmen & all other necefsary Town officers — 5 To vote as the Constitution requiers for a Govenor Counfollor for the County of Rockingham a Senator for the fourth district and for a Register Deed & Treasurer for the County of Rockingham 454 CONCORD 6 To Choose two men duly qualified to represent said Town in the General Court one year from the first wednefsday of June next — 7 To see what sum or Sums of money the Town will raise to supply the Pulpit the school and to defray the necefsary Charges of the Town the Current year 8 To see if the Town will vote a Sufficent sum of money to pay for Ringing the bell morning — noon and night the Ensuing year at such times as fhall be most benifical to the Inhabitants 9 To see if the Town will vote that no swine fhall run at large on the main street the Ensuing year 10 To see if the Town will ancept the report of the Committe Chosen last march to form a by Law for the Town for the purpose of Extinguishing fiers 11 To see what the Town will give for Killing Crows the Current year 12. To see if the Town will furnish a Pall for each of the burring yards in the Town 13. To see if the Town will purchase Land for a road to Hales point alio to see if the Town will purchase Land of Timothy Walker Esq** for a road near to Federal Bridge — 14 To see if the Town will Choose a board of over- seers of the Poor and authorise said board to hire or pur- chase a house to keep the Poor in — 15 To see if the Town will maintain the Bridge be- tween Federal Bridge & Jeremiah Peckers on the Turn- pike road 16. To see if the Tow^n will vote to devide the Eighth school district agreeable to a Petition of a number of the Inhabitants said district Given under our hands and Seal at Concord this Twen- tieth day of Feb ID 18 13 Nath^ Abbot ^ Selectmen Amos Abbot Ju"" > of Abiel Walker ) Concord State of New Hamp shire Rockingham fs Concord March 9^'' 1813 At a legal meeting of the Freeholder & other Inhab- itants of said Concord the following votes ware pafsed — TOWN RECORDS. 455 I Made Choice of William Austin Kent Moderator 2. John Odlin Clerk sworn — 3. That the Selectmen be balloted for all one piece of Paper at one balloting 4. That Nathaniel Abbot John Odlin and Amos Abbot be selectmen all sworn — 5. votes for Govenor ware for John T. Oilman 272 for William Plumer 210 for a Counfellor for the County of Rockingham Josiah Samborn 272 for Elijah Hall 211 for John Ooddard i — for Nathaniel A. Haven i — votes for a Senator for the fourth district William A. Kent 274 — Mofes Eastman 209 votes for a Treasure for the County of Rockingham for Nath' Oilman 273 Josiah Bartlett 211 — votes for Register of Deeds for the County of Rocking- ham for Seth Walker 483 6. Stephen Ambrose & Thomas W. Thompson Repre- sentatives — 7. That this meeting be adjourned untill tomorrow morning at nine "Clock at the Town House Att John Odlin T. Clerk- Meet according to the adjournment and Pafsed the fol- lowing votes viz — I Collectors Olando Brown tor the West part at half a Cent on the dollar Isaac Eastman East part one and a half Cent on the dollar Benj'' Abbot 3'' south part one Cent on the Dollar all sworn — 3"* Constabels Josiah Rogers — Richard Bradley Isaac Eastman Olando Brown & Benj-'' i\.bbot 3*^ all sworn — 4. Auditors of accounts Timothy Chandler — John Thorndike Seth Tucker 5. That the report of the Committe to report a By Law for the Extinguishing of fiers be ancepted which is as follows the Committe within named beg leave to report the Bill therewith presented Tho* W. Thompson for the Committe — Concord County of Rockingham March 9*" 181 3 A Bye Law relateing to the Extingushing of fiers Be it enacted bv the authority of the Town aforesaid — That the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town 456 CONCORD being qualified voters may at their annual meeting or any other legal Town meetings choose and appoint any suitable number of freeholders therein being perfons of approv'ed ability and fidelity and being first nominated by a Committe of nomination appointed for that purpose who fhall be Denominated Fire wards and have for a distinnguishing badge of their ofiice a stalTfive feet Long painted red and headed with a bright spire six inches long, and the firevvards above mentioned are hereby re- quired upon notice of the breaking out of fire in this Town to take with them the badges of their office and immediately to repair to the place where such fire may be and vigorously Exert themselves and require and demand afsistance of any Inhabitants of said Town to Extinguish and prevent the spreading of such fire and to remove good & Effects out of any Houses or places Endangred thereby and the firewards may appoint necef- sary gaurds to secure & take care of such good and Effects — And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that the Firewards be and they are hereby Empowered to order and direct the labour of all perfons present in- habitants of said Town during the Continuance of the fire and to supprels with force if necefsary all tumults and disorders and if any such inhabitants shall refuse or neglect to obe}^ the order or orders of such Firewards or any of them in a time of fire in a matter whereunto his ofhce relates fuch offender fhall upon due conviction thereof pay a fine not exceeding six dollars to be recov- ered by s^ Town in any court of Compentant Jurisdiction provided such offender be prosecuted therefor within six months fVom the time of Committing such ofience — And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That the Firewards aforesaid or a major part of are hereby empowered to fearch and inspect all house and places in said Town whenever they apprehend any danger may arise for want of repairs of buildings or Chimne3's or for not laying a good foundation for fire places or for reason of bad Chimneys or hay or other Combustible matter being so near or so exposed to fire as to be likely to take fire thereby and Communicate its in all or an}- of which Cases it fhall be the Duty of Said TOWN RECORDS. 457 Firewards or a major part of them to search and inspect as aforesaid and to order the owner or occupant of any such dangerous Houses and Chimneys or places to make such amendments repairs and alterations or removeals therein as said Firewards or a major part of them f hall Judge ncefsary for the publick good & safety — which f hall be made accordingly within thirty days (unlefs the Firewards think fit to lengthen that Time) frome the time of giveing notice to the owner or occupant, And if the same shall not be done according to such orders then the Firewards or a major part of them are hereby empower- ed to cause the same to be done and the Selectmen of the Town for the time being are hereby required to furnish money for that purpose and the said Town shall have & maintain an action for the recovery of said fire against the owner or occupant in any Court of Competent Jurisdiction 6 That Samuel Green Thomas W Thompson and Charles Walker be a Committe to nominate a suiateable number of persons for Firewards 7 That a board of overseers of the Poor be appointed and the following perfon ware Chosen viz — John Eastman sworn Isaac Dow sworn Ballard Hazel- tine sworn Benj* Kimball J' sworn and Timothv Chan- dler 8 Surveyors of Highwa3's William Abbot James Hall sworn Ezra Hutchins sworn Nathan Abbot 3'' sworn Abel Hutchins sworn Olando Brown sworn Henry Rolfe sworn Enoch Brown Enoch Hoit sworn Benj* Kimball J"" sworn Timothy Dow sworn moody Dow sworn Chris- topher Rowell Eben^ Fisk Isaac Emerson sworn John Garvin Charles Eastman sworn Anthony Pottor sworn Nathaniel Ambrose sworn Jacob Hoit sworn Samuel Trumbull sworn Benjamin Kimball sworn — 9 Firewards Joseah Rogers James Willey Tim" Chan- dler Seth Tucker George W Rogers Benj* Kimball Ju' Abiel Walker Olando Brown Isaac Dow Stephen x'Vm- brose Jeremiah Pecker and Ezra Hutchins — 10 That the badge of the office of the Firewards be purchased at the expence of the Town — 11 Fence viewers John Thorndike Benjamin Emery Ju' and Mofes Ferrin 45^ CONCORD 12. Sealer of weights and measurers Timothy Chan- dler— 13 Hogreeves Timothy Butters Mofes Hall sworn Levi Abbot Mofes Shute sworn Daniel Cooledge sworn Benj'^ Emery Francis N. Fisk John Flanders Abel Baker sworn Reuben Johnson sworn Jonathan Run ells sworn Benj" Elliot sworn Benj^ Kimball 3'' sworn Jame Moul- ton sworn Rob' Adams sworn Isaac Virgin Hazen Virgin Eben^ Lovei'oy Dudly Ladd sworn 14 Courders of wood James Willey sworn John George sworn Stephen Ambrose sworn Olando Brown sworn Samel Bradley sworn Abel Houghton 15 Surveyors of Lumber Josiah Rogers sworn George W. Rogers sworn Chandler Eastman sworn Mofes Ferrin Abiel Virgin sworn Stephen Webster sworn Samuel Davis sworn Abel Baker Ju' sworn Samuel Butters sw^orn Benjamin Swain sworn John Lovejoy 16 Culler of Staves James Moulton Stephen Chase Samuel Butters Joshua Abbot J' and Joseph Runells all sworn — 17, Pound Keepers Joseph Walker James Moulton and sworn — 18 T3^thing men James Corlifs Tho* Abbot 19 That three hundred and fifty dollars be raised for the use of the Pulpit 20. That one hundred dollars be raised in addition for the Pulpit and that no perfon be Compeled to pay the same — 21. That one Thousand Dollars be raised for the use of the school the Ensuing year 22 That six hundred Dollars be raised for the necef- sary Charges of the Town the Ensuing 3'ear 23. That one Dollar be raised on a Poll and other Estate in Proportion to repair the highways the Current year in labour at ten Cents pr hour — 24 That the conduct of one M'=Coy a volunteer in the service of the United States and not belonging to this Town in attempting yesterday in defiance of the Mod- erator of the meeting to vote for State & County officers deserves sever Censure but his Act of Collaring the Moderator while in the exercise of his official duty we Consider an outrage of the moft dstructive Character TOWN RECORDS. 459 25 That the Thanks of this meeting of this meeting be given to William A. Kent Esq' the Moderator for his temperate refolute & Judicious Conduct upon that occasion To which vote the Moderator made the following Reply Fellow Citizen — This exprefsion of your appro- bation of my conduct as Pref iding officer at the Election of your State officers yesterday demands my greatfull acknowledgment — Awear of the refponsibility attached to the office of moderator, and haveing intimation of the claiming that were intended b}^ the Soldiers stationed in this town Calling themselves united States Volunteers to interfere in our Election I endeavoured fo to decide refpecting their voteing as would I hoped satisfy every man who regarded the rights of the Citizen with this view I was led to ex- tend the right of fuffrage to what was in my opinion, and that of many others a doubtful case, I mean that of ad- mitting the votes of those in the service of the united States — who were inhabitants of this Town at the time of their enlistment and not yet departed from it The aragments in feavour of their admifsion were that in con- sequence of the Rendervous being in Concord they had not yet left their habitations that some of them had fam- ilies here- and that they had paid taxes to the Town for the year which had not yet expired Haveing no disposition to abridge the right of suffrage I was willing to give all pofsibel weight to there consid- erations and if I erred that it f hould be in feavour of that previledge I therefor received their votes. Here I thought it my duty to stop — The soldiers from the Barracks who never were recognized as Inhabitants could not in my view of the subject be so considered for the purpose of Electing or being Elected into office — I was yesterday proceeding to State the grounds of my opinion on this subject but meeting with interruptions evedently intended to protract the meeting to a late hour I determined to proceed no farther in that attempt ; but to come at once to that ground which I determined to main- tain at the hazard of my life I Considered faithfulness no lefs a duty in a modera- 460 CONCORD tor than im-pariiaUity I viewed it as an important Crifis as it respected this Town and prehaps the State This may be the place in which a standing army Shall first attempt to lay Prostrate the rights and liberties of the Citizen I decided that there ballots should not be re- ceived in any way or manner — The insults offered to the Town by the alsault made on its Representative I doubt not is Duly felt by my fellow Citizens : and I rejoice that notwithstanding the difference of opinions respecting our national politicks, so many of those who differ from me on that part united in reprobating & resenting that indig- nity— 26 That the Bell be rung as usal at the expence of the Town 27. That the Selectmen pay twenty Cents for each Crows head brought to the Selectmen and Killed within the Town between the first day of may & the first day of July next 28 That a Pall be bought for each burring plaice in the Town — 29. That the 13"' articel be defmised — 30 That the Selectmen be authorised to make such a contract with the proprietors of the New^ Hampshire turnpike for repairing the bridge as they shall think prop- er 31 That this meeting be Difsolved Attest John Odlin Town Clerk— (LS) State of New Hampshire Rockingham fs. In the name of said State the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of Concord in s"^ County qualified to vote in Town affairs are hereby warned to meet at the Town House on Tuesday the Twenty sixth day of may Instant at 3 °Clock in the afternoon for the following purposes viz 1 To Choose a Moderator 2 To see if the Town will purchase a house for the use of the Town for a Poor House & raise money for that purpose — 3. To Choose one or more perfons Surveyors of high- ways tor the purpose of Collecting the ballances due of TOWN RECORDS. 461 three lists of rates Committed to Timothy Butters dec** & one list Committed to Timothy Hazeltine de*" which list remain unsettled Given under our hands and Seal at Concord this 8"* day of may 1813 Nath^ Abbot ^ John Odlin > Selectmen Amos Abbot ]■■ ) State of New Hampshire ( Concord May 25*'' 1813 Rockingham fs ( At a meeting held on said day the following votes ware pafsed viz 1 Abel Hutchins Moderator 2 That Nathan Abbot 3*^ a surveyor of highways to Collect the residue of the taxes Committed to Timothy Butters & Timothy Hazeldne Dec*^ Attest John Odlin Clerk State of Newhampshire Rockingham fs. (L S) In the name of said State the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of Concord in said County qualified to vote in Town affairs are hereby notified and warned to meet at the Town House on Tuesday the Twenty ninth day of June Current at three ° Clock in the afternoon for the following purposes 1 To Choose a Moderator 2 To see if the Town will purchase a House for the use of the Town for a Poor House and raise money for that purpose — 3 To see if the Town will authorise the Selectmen to pay Doct' Bardey for his attendence in this Town while the ficknefs prevailed Last spring out of any money belonging to the not otherwise appropriated the ballance due to him for his attending on the fick more than the amount of the Charges he made against those perfons whome he visited Given under our hands Nath' Abbot ^Selectmen and Seal at Concord this John Odlin > of 12^'' day of June iD 1813 — Amos Abbot Ju'' ) Concord 462 CONCORD State of New Ilamp f Concord June 29"' 1813 sliire Rockingham Is ^ At a legal meeting held at the Town House on said day the following votes ware Pafsed viz — 1 made Choice of Timothy Carter Moderator 2 That the Selectmen be authorised after Collecting what they can from the perfons whome Docter Bartley visited while he was here last fpring to pay the remainder out of any money belonging to the Town the sum he Charged for his services while here Last fpring & Expences — 3. That a Committe of live be Chosen to enquire into the expediancey of the Towns building or purchaseing a House for a Poor House and that they report at the next meeting viz Jonathan Wilkins William A. Kent — John Bradley — Cap* Ayer Joshua Abbot Ju"^ be the Committe for the above purpose — 4. That this meeting be Difsolved — Attest John Odlin Town Clerk Return of a road laid out from warter nummons Hill through Enoch Coffins Land south five degrees East forty two rods twenty links to where it strikes the old road the easterly side of s'^ road the said line is the Easterh' line of the road said road is three rods wide and we do award to said Coffin seventy five dollars as a Compensation for the land taken of his for said road Concord March 11"' 1815— Nath^ Abbot ^ Nath^ Ambrose > Selectmen Nathan Stickney } A True Record from the original return Attest John Odlin Town Clerk State of New Hampshire Rockingham Is (L S.) In the name of the State of New Hampshire the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of Concord in said County of Rockingham qualified to vote in Town atiairs TOWN RECORDS. 463 are hereby notified and warned to meet at the Town House on Tuesday the Eighth day of march next at nine *'Clock in the forenoon for the following purposes — 1. To Choose a Moderator 2. To Choose a Clerk — 3. To Choose Selectmen — Constable or Constables Collector or Collectors auditor or Auditors of accounts to Settle with the Selectmen & all other necefsary Town Officers 4. To vote as the Constitution requiers for a Govenor Alfo for a Counfellor for the County of Rockingham Alfo for a Senator for the fourth district Alfo for a Reg- ister of Deeds & Treasurer for the County of Rock- ingham — 5. To Choose two men duh^ qualified to Represent Said Town in the General Court one year from the first wednefsday of June next — 6 To see what sum or Sums of money the Town will raise to fupply the Pulpit the School and to defray the necefsary Charges of the Town the Current year 7. To see what the Town will give of ringing the bell morning noon and night the Ensuing year — 8 To see what the Town will give for killing Crows the Ensuing year — 9 To take the fenfe of the qualified voters on the sub- ject of a revision of the Constitution of the State. 10. To see if the Town will fell the referve for a road adjourning Land belonging to David Dimond 11 To fee if the Town will devide the 8"' fchool district into two districts — 12 To fee if the Town will accept the report of the Committe Chosen last June to report to the Town the Expediency or the inexpidencey of the Town building or purchaseing an House for a Poor House — 13 To fee if the Town will purchase the House that was built by the felectmen & the Overseers of the Poor last f pring and raise money for that purpose — Given under our hands and Seal at Concord this 19*'' day of Feby ID 1814— Nath^ Abbot ) Selectmen Jn" Odlin V of ) Concord 464 CONCORD State of New Ilamp ^ Concord March 8'" 1814 — shire Rockingham fs ^ At a legal meeting ot' the Freeholders and other Inhab- itants of said Concord held at the Town House the follow- ing votes ware Pafsed viz — I. Made choice of Thomas W. Thompson Moder- ator 2 John Odlin Clerk sworn 3 Nath' Abbot- Nath' Ambrose Nathan Stickney Selectmen and fworn — 4 votes for a Govenor John T, Oilman 279 — William Plumer 197 Tim" Farrar i for Counfellor for the County of Rockingham Josiah Samborn 282 for Elijah Hall 198 Senator William A. Kent 283 Mofes Eastman 197 Ezekiel Webster i for County Treasurer Nathaniel Gil- man 283 Josiah Bartlett 198 Register of Deeds Seth Walker 437 5. Made Choice of Thomas W. Thompson and Richard Ayer Representatives 6. For a revision of the Constitution 23 agains a revision 207 — 7. That this meeting be adjourned untill tomorrow at 9 "Clock in the forenoon to meet at the Town House Attest John Odlin Town Clerk Concord March 9'" 1814 Meet according to adjournment and Pafsed the follow- ing votes viz 1. Bela Carter, Collector for the fouth district and to Collect for 2^ Cents on the dollar sworn 2. Benj* Emery Ju' Collector for the west district at 2 i Cents on the dollar sworn 3 Timothy Bradle}' for the East distrect and to Collect for 2 Cents on the dollar sworn 4 Tim" Bradley Benj" Emery ]' Bela Carter Richard Bradley Joshua Abbot J' & Olando Brown Constables all fworn 5. Auditors of accounts William A. Kent Stephen Ambrose and Timothy Chandler 6 Surveyors of Highways Isaac Shute sworn Josiah Rogers Sworn — Benj' Wheeler — Richard Trow sworn TOWN RECORDS. 465 Ezra Hutchins sworn Jeremiah Pecker sworn Reuben Goodwin sworn Hazen Virgin sworn Abiel Eastman sworn Nathaniel Abbot sworn Mofes Farnum sworn Nathan Abbot sworn Jon" ElHot sworn Joseph Knowles — Samuel Abbot sworn Benjamin Kimball sworn John Thompson sworn Sam' Davis sworn Joseph Runnells sworn James Hoit sworn Isaac Farnum sworn. 7. Ty thing men Nathan Ballard J' & George W. Rogers 8. Fence viewers Ephraim Carter sworn John Thorn- dike Chandler Eastman sworn Samuel Bradley sworn Abiel Walker sworn 9 Sealer of Weights & measuers Timothy Chandler 10. Hogreeves James Willey — Isaac Hill — James Buswell Charles Eastman sworn Chandler Lovejoy — Asa Graham sworn Thomas Pottor sworn Timothy Abbot Ju"^ Joseph Runells sworn Jedediah Hoit — Robert Knowlton — Richard Trow sworn Isaac Colby — Bo wen Crehore sworn — II Courders of wood Daniel Cooledge — George W Rogers sworn Isaac Down sworn John George — Stephen Ambrose sworn Edmund Leavitt sworn Asaph Evans — 12. Surveyors of Lumber Abiel Virgin sworn Nath'G. Bradley, Joseph Dow sworn Mofes Bullen — Stephen Webster sworn Robert Davis Ju' sworn Nathan Abbot 3"* John Lovejoy sworn — Benjamin Swain sworn Mofes Ferrin — Abel Baker sworn Bowen Crehore 13. Cullers of Staves Joseph Runells sworn Stephen Chase sworn Samuel Butters sworn Samuel Bradley sworn Mofes Ferrin 14- Pound Keepers Abiel Walker Charles Eastman & sworn 15 Fire wards Abiel Walker George W Rogers — Jonah Rogers James Flail Isaac Dow Nathan Stickney Jeremiah Pecker Timothy Chandler — Isaac Shute Olando Brown Stephen Ambrose — Pearl Kimball — 16- That three hundred and fifty dollars be raised to fupply the Pulpit and an addition of one hundred dollars to be made in a seperate list and that no perfon be Com- peld to pay the addition 17 That one thousand dollars be raised to fupply the fchool the present year — 31 466 CONCORD 18 That fourteen hundred dolhirs be raised to defray the necefsary Charges of the Tovvti the Current year — 19 That the 15ell be rung the Ensuing year by some perfon to be Employed b}' the felectmen — 20 That the Bell be tolled at all funerals the Current year when application f hall be made to the fexton at the Expence of the Town — 21 That the felectmen pay twelve & a half Cents for each Crows head killed in this Town between the twelveth of march and the last day of June next 22 That the felectmen are authorised to fell the Land referved for a road adjoining David Dimonds Land if they f hall think proper if they can get Enough for said Land to pay Joseph Walker for Land taken of his by the Town for a road 23. That the 11"' articel in the warrant be desmised 24 That one dollar on a Poll be raised to repair the highways & other estate in Proportion- 25 That the report of the Committe to Consider the expedency or the inexpedence}^ of building or purchaseing a house for a Poor house be excepted which report is as follows viz The Committe appointed to Consider the Expedencey of providing a building for the accomada- tion of such perfons who have or may become Chargeable to the Town Report — That the late hour at which they Could recevee information on the fubject from the Over- seers of the Poor they have not been able to give it that Consideration which its importance requiers nor to make Such Calculations as would be proper in this case ; That from the accumalating Expendituers for the maintance and releife of the Poor and the problety from the rapid increase of population and other Causes that the annual Expenes of the Town in this particular will increase the adoption of some Ecomonical System than has been in practice will foon be expedient they are of Opinion that where the number of Perfons Chargeable to a Town is Considerable a building Convenient for the reception of all of them with as much Land Connected therewith as would employ those who might be able to work in raiseing provisions for the famih' would be Juditious — whether the time has arrived to Justify the Town of Concord in adopt- ing such a plan the Committe are not at prepared to say TOWN RECORDS. 467 they are however of the Opinion that the subject fhould not be Desmised but that the Overseers of the Poor or the Selectmen be a Committe to devise the most Ehgeble & Ecomniceal plan for the maintaince of the Poor That they afcertain as near as may be the Expence of a fitua- ble building and the most Eiligeable fituation for it and report at the next meeting And that in mean time the felectmen be requested to adjust any Claim which Joshua Chandler may have on the Town respecting the placce on which he lives if the amount already paid by the Town for that family does not Cancel it so that the true fitua- tion of that propert}^ inay be known Jonathan Wilkins — Richard Ayer — William A. Kent Joshua Abbot Ju*" Committe 26 That a Committe of five be appointed of liquidate the bills for bulding the hospital house so Called and that they be authorised to fell said house apph' the pro- ceeds of said Sale towards the discharge of said bills and if said proceeds f hould not be fufficient to discharge said bills said Committe be authorised to draw on the felect- men for money to pay the residue 27 That John Bradley — Jeremiah Pecker — Mofes Ferrin — Nathan Abbot 3^ and Abiel Walker be a Com- mitte for the above purpose 28. That this meeting be Difsolved Attest John Odlin Town Clerk — State of New Hampshire Rockingham fs — L S In the name of said State the Freeholders and ■ other Inhabitants of Concord in said County qualified to vote for Senators for the State Legislature are hereby notified and warned to meet at the Town House on monday the twenty ninth day of august Current at two "Clock in the afternoon for the following purposes 1 To Choose a Moderator 2 To vote by ballot for one perfon duly qualified for a Representative of this State in the Congrefs of the United States to fupply tlie Vacanc}'' Occasioned by the 4^8 CONCORD Resignation of the Hon' Samuel Smith — Alfo to vote by ballot for six perfons duly qualified for Representatives of this State in the Congrefs of the United States to Serve as such for two years from and after the third day of march next — 3 To fee if the Town will authorise the felectmen to- gather with the Captains that now Command each Com- pany in this Town to make such Compensation to those perfons that have been draughted the present year as they may think proper and alfo authorise said Selectmen and Captains to hire in Lewe of Draughting the Qiiota of men that fhall be called for the present year 4 To fee if the Town will cause the fchool House near the meeting House to be moved off the Common & Re- quest the felectmen to Lay out a road at the East end of the meeting House from the road oppiset Francis N. Fisks House to the road oppiset Cap' Enoch Coffins Barn — 5 To fee if the Town will authorise the selectmen to devide the 8^^ school district into two districts if upon Examination they Shall think it will best Convene the inhabitants of s^ district 6 To fee if the Town will Choose one or more furvey- ors of Highway Given under our hands tvt ^i i all . ") Selectmen J o 1 ^ r^ J ^1 • Nath' Abbot ( . and Seal at Concord this t^t .i c- i / oi ^^xh A c 4. o JNathan Sticknev \ r^ , 13'° day 01 august. 1814 -' _) Concord State of New Hamp ^ Concord August 29'*' 1814 — shire Rockingham fs ^ At a legal meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhab- itants held at the Town House on said day the following votes weare pafsed viz — 1. Made Choice of Thomas W. Thompson Modera- tor 2. votes for the Representatives to the next Congrefs weare as follows viz Daniel Webster 283 — Bradbury Cilley 283 — William Hale 283 — Charles H Autherton 281 — Roger vose 282 — Jeduthun Wilcox 283 — Parker Noyes 283 to to fupply the vacancy of Samuel Smith & TOWN RECORDS. 469 Daniel Blasedall i for Representative — John F. Parrot 168 Nath' Upham 268— David L. Morril 168 Eijah Huntley 168 — Stephen P. Webster 168 — Josiah Butler 168 — David L. Morril to fupply the vacancy-168 — 3 That the felectmen and Captains wlio Command the Compaines in this Town be authorised to pay those perfons who have been draughted such Compensation as they may think proper and that they be alfo authorised to hire all Soildiers which may be Called for the present 3'ear in liew^ of Draughting 4 That the fourth articel in the warrant by Desmised 5 That the Selectmen be authorised to devide the 8"" fchool District into two districts in fuch a manner as they fhall think best if on Examination they shall think it will best and for the benitit of the whole district — 6. That Abel Hutchins — Daniel Clark and Eben Fisk be Surveyors of Highways — 7. That this meeting be Defolved Attest John Odlin Town Clerk — Return of a road laid out by the Selectmen two rods wide on the East side of the river in Concord bounded as follow^s viz beging on the road leading from Concord to Canterbury near Isaac Emerys Esq' thene south 85 degrees West 55 rods thence north 52 degrees west 40 rods thence north 67 west 25 rods to the farm Line thence north 20 degrees west on the farm line 124 rods thence westerly to Isaac Emerys land said road is Southerly of the above described line the damages for said land through which said road is laid to be no expence to the Town as agreed by the proprietors through w^hich it runs Concord Dec"" 12"' 1814 Nath' Ambrose Nathan Sticknev Selectmen of Concord A True Copy from the Original Attest John Odlin Town Clerk State of New Hampshire Jan 22°'' 1814 At a legal meeting held in Concord on the 3"* day of Feb. 1814 for the Choice of Jurors Capt Richard Ayer 470 CONCORD was Moderator Enoch Coffin was appointed Grand Juror Nath' Abbot & Ballard Hazeltine Petit Jurors Att John Odlin Town Clerk State of New Hampshire At a legal meeting held in Concord on the 23^ day of April 1814 for the Choice of Jurors to the Curcit Court of the united States Abil Walker & William Lowe weare appointed Grand Jurors and Francis N Fisk and Asaph Evans weare appointed Petit Jurors Att John Odlin T Clerk L s State of New Hampshire I Rockingham Is — In the name of the state of New Hampshire the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of Concord in said County of Rockingham qualified to vote in Town affairs are hereby notified and warnd to meet at the Town House on Tuesday the 14"' day of March next at Eight "Clock in the forenoon for the following purposes viz 1 To Choose a Moderator 2 To Choose a Clerk 3 To Choose Selectmen Constabel or Constabels Collector or Collectors auditor or auditors of accounts to fettle with the felectmen and all other necefsary Town officers 4. To vote as the Constitution requiers for Govenor Counsellor for the County of Rockingham and Senator for the fourth district Register of Deed and Treasurer for the County of Rockino-ham 5. To Choose two perfon duly qualified to Represent said Town in the General Court one year from the first wednefsday of June next — 6 To fee what sum or fums of money the Town will raise to fupply the Pulpit the fchool and to defray the necefsary Charges of the Town the Current year — 7. To fee what the Town will give of ringing the Bell morning noon and night the ensuing 3'ear 8. To fee what the Town will give for killing Crows the Ensuing year TOWN RECORDS. 47 1 9 To fee if the Town will Exchange the land reserved for a road with William Eastman on Lot No 9 for land used of his for a road on his Lot No ten 10 To fee if the Town will authorise the felectmen to devide the seventh fchool distrect 11 To fee if the Town will make any further Compen- sation to the Owners of land through which the road laid out by a Committe appointed by the Circut Court of Common pleas from the Post Guide near Samuel Good- wins to Canterbury line 12 To fee if the Town will alter the intermision between meetings on Sundays through the season to one hour 13, To fee if the Town will Exchenge with Joseph Runells & Cap' Woodbridge Odlin foin- rods of the reserved Land for a road at the north end of their Lots on Horse Hill for two rod road laid out through there Lots 14. To fee Town will fell the timber and wood on the Perfonge lot or any part thereof 15 To fee what Compensation the Town will make the foldiers detached for the defence of Portsmouth the last year Given under our hands and feal at Concord this 24'" day of Feburary 1815 Nath^ Abbot ^Selectmen Nath' x\mbrose > of Nath° Stickney } Concord State of New Ham p shire Rockingham fs Concord March 14"' 1815 At a legal meeting held on said fourteenth day of march at the Town House the following votes ware pafsed — viz I Made Choice of William A Kent moderator 2. John Odlin Clerk sworn 3. Nathaniel Ambrose Joshua Abbot Richard Bradley Selectmen all sworn 4. the meeting adjourned for one hour Attest John Odlin T. Clerk 472 CONCORD meet according to the adjournment and pafsed the fol- lowing votes viz — 1 votes for a Govenor John T Oilman 276 William Plumer 195 Samuel Sparhavvk i — Counfellor for the County of Rockingham Josiah Sam- born 279 Elijah Hall 197 for Senator for the 4"> distrect Ezekiel Webster 279 John Harvey 196 Regester of Deeds for Seth Walker 475. Treasurer John Rogers 279 Josiah Bartlett iq6 2 Richard Ayer and George Hough Chosen Repre- sentatives 3 This meeting be adjoured untill tomorrow morning at nine "Clock A. M. - Attest John Odlin T Clerk March 15"' 1815 Meet according to the adjournment and pafsed the following votes viz — 1. Samuel Coffin Collector for the south distrect at 3 Cents on the dollar alfo for the west distrect at 2i Cents on the dollar Pearl Kimball for the East destrict li Cents on the dollar and sworn — 2. Surveyors of Highways William Abbot Mofes Hall Stephen Webster sworn Isaac shute Abel Hutchins sworn Nathaniel Abbot sworn Mofes Farnum sworn Asa Abbot Joseph Elliot sworn Sam' Knowlton sworn Samuel Abbot, Daniel Flanders sworn Christopher Rowell sworn Ezra Hoit sworn South Samuel Dow — Timothy Bradley sworn Charles Thompson sworn Isaac Virgin Charles Eastman sworn John Garvin sworn Daniel Clark Nathan Ballard J' sworn Benjamin Kimball sworn 3"* That the felectmen call upon all the ditfrint Survey- ors of Highways to pay up all the money due on their 4 Fence viewers Abiel Walker sworn Ephraim Carter sworn Jonathan Eastman sworn Mofes Gale Mofes Bullen sworn Richard Herbert J' sworn 5 Sealer of weights and measures Tim° Chandler 6 Hogreeves Henr}' Kendall sworn Mofes Abbot J' sworn James Samborn Richard Bradley sworn David Flanders Nathan Chandler J' sworn Charles Eastman sworn Timothy Bradley Richard Pottor J"" sworn Joseph Runells sworn Richard Flanders J' sworn Samuel Seavey TOWN RECORDS. 473 Robert Davis 3^ sworn Reuben Abbot 3'* sworn Jedidiah Currier 7 Courders of wood Joshua Abbot sworn John Evans Stepehen Ambrose sworn John George sworn Benj* Swain sworn Isaac Dow sworn — 8 Surveyors of Lumber Abiel Virgin sworn Rich*^ Wood sworn James Hall, Abel Baker sworn George W. Rogers sworn Josiah Rogers William Currier sworn — 9 Culler of Staves James Moulton fworn Sam' But- ters Joseph Runells sworn orlando Brown 10 Constables Pearl Kimball sworn Samuel Coffin sworn Abel Hutchins sworn Isaac Dow sworn Asaph Evans sworn — Town Treasurer John West sworn — 1 1 Firewards Jonathan Wilkins sworn Timothy Chand- ler Jonah Rogers Rich'' Aver sworn William Stickney sworn Geo. W. Rogers Benj'» Kimball J' sworn Jeremiah Pecker sworn Edmund Leavitt sworn orlando Brown sworn Isaac Dow sworn Joseph Walker sworn 12 Tythino- men Edmund Leavitt sworn Nathan Bal- lard J"" sworn Isaac Dow Geo W. Rogers Isaac Shute Simeon Farnum sworn Ephraim Farnum J' sworn Benj* Swain sworn 13 Pound Keepers x\biel Walker Charles Eastman sworn 14 That three hundred and fifty dollars be raised to fupply the Pulpit the Ensuing 3'ear 15 That one hundred dollars as an additional Pulpit tax as usal — 16 That one thousand dollars be raised to fupply the fchool the Ensuing year — 17. That the felectmen be authorised to make fuch Compensation to those perfons whose Land has been taken for the road to Canterbury as they may think proper — 18. That two thousand dollars be raised to defray the necefsary Charges of the Town the Current year — 19 That two hundred dollars be appropriated to make the road to Canterbury — 20 That one dollar be raised on a Poll and other Estate in proportion to repair the highway to be laid out at ten Cents per hour — 474 CONCORD , 21. That the felectmen be authorise! to make fuch Compensation to John Thompson and others as they may think proper for their work on the Bridge built over Sow- cook river — 22 That the felectmen imploy fome fuitable perfon to ring the bell on funday & to toll the Bell at funerals at the Expcese of the Town 23 That I2i- Cents be paid for each Crows head that fhall be Killed in Town between this time and the first of July next — 24 That the felectmen be authorised to Excheng the reserve for a road with Will"* Eastman for other Land if they may think proper 25 That the felectmen be authorised to devide the seventh fchool distrect if they think best 26. That the Intermision be one hour through the year Except Communion day and on them days one hour and a half 27. That the Land be recorded to Joseph Runells and woodbridge Odlin as the fame was laid out by the felect- men & bounded 28 That the 14*^ article in the warrant be defmised 29 That the felectmen pay four dollars p*" month to each foldier detached for the defence of Portsmouth in the service of the united States 30, That five hundred dollars be raised in addition to the two thousand for the necefsary Charges. 31 That the felectmen appoint some perfon to take Care of the public Lands — 32 That this meeting be Difsolved Attest John Odlin T. Clerk Return of a Road Horse Hill (so called) as laid out by us the fubscribers bounded as follows viz — begining at a white oak tree marked thence East fifteen degrees north one hundred and eighty rods to a long stone stuck in the ground thence southerly four rods to a ftake and ftones being the Corner bounds between the 94*^ and 95^'' Lots in the Eighty acre division thence East seventeen degres north ninety rods to an appel tree and is the bounds of TOWN RECORDS. 475 the 94"' and 93*^ Lots thence northerly two rods to a stake and stones thence East seventeen degrees north ninety six rods to a ftake and ftones ftanding on Timothy Dows Line this line is on the fouth side of the road and the road is eight rods wide from the first bound to the ftone in the Ground thence ninety rods the road is twelve rods wide to the appel tree thence two rods north to a ftake & ftones thence east seventeen degrees north ten rods wide to the Last mentioned bounds on Timothy Dows Land Concord Nov'" 181 3 Amos Abbot J' ^Selectmen John Odlin > of ) Concord A True Record Attest John Odlin Town Clerk Return of a road in the Frogg ponds (so called) laid out and bounded as follows viz begining at a stake & ftones by the side of the road leading from Decon Mer- rils ferry to the frogg pond bridge (so called) thence runing north 44^ degrees East 15 rods to a stake thence N. 62 East 16 rods to a ftake thence fouth 83 degs East. four rods to a maple stump thence fouth 73 deg. East fourteen rods to the road left by the Proprietors at the head of Isaac Walkers Land the said road is laid as near as we can ascertain on the road Laid out by the felect- men and recorded March ID 1736 — Concord Augs' 4'" 1814 Nath^ Abbot ^Selectmen Nathan Stickney > of A True Copy from the ) Concord Original return Attest John Odlin Town Clerk Rockingham fs Feb 4''' 18 15 At a legal meeting held on said 4**" day of Feb for the Choice of Jurors the following perfons ware appontd viz Daniel Clark Grand Juror Cap* Pearl Kimball Petit Juror i^' week Jeremiah Pecker Petit Juror for the 2"'^ week Attest John Odlin Town Clerk 47^ CONCORD Rockingham fs Concord Augs* 7"' 1815 At a legal meeting held on said day for the Choice of Jurrors at the Curcit Court of Common please for the Eastern the following perfon were duly appointed viz Cap* Jonathan Eastman i"' week and Cap' Rich** Ayer for the 2'"^ week — Attest John Odlin Town Clerk State of New Hampshire Rockingham fs — (L S) In the name of the State of New Hampshire the Freeholders and other Inhabitans of Concord in said County qualified to vote in Town affairs are hereby noti- fied and warned to meet at the Town House on Monday the first day of January next at one ** Clock in the afternoon for the following purposes viz — I. To Choose a Moderator 2 To fee if the Town will fell the Parsonage and other public Lands belonging to the Town or any part of said lands, if not to fee if the Town will fell the wood and timber which was blown down on said Lands 3 To transact any other buisnefs the Town may think proper relative to said lands and timber when met Given under our hands and feal at Concord this six- teenth day of Dec' A) 1815 — Nath^ Ambrose ^ Selectmen Joshua Abbot > of Rich'^ Bradley ) Concord State of New Hamp shire Rockingham fs Concord Jan i^^ 1816. At a legal meeting held on said day the following votes were Pafsed viz — I Made Choice of Richard Bradley Moderator 2. That the first part of the second artcil in the war- rant be desmised so far as relates to felling the public lands 3 That Richard Bradley one of the selectmen be an agent in behalf of the Town to despose of the wood and TOWN RECORDS, 477 timber blown down on the eighty acre lot belonging to the Perfonage right as he fhall think best 4 That the nett proceeds of the sale of the wood and timber be given to the Rev*^ Asa M'^Farland 5. That the purchaser of said wood and timber fhall have two years from this time to get oft' said wood and timber — 6 That Richard Bradley be agent to fell the wood and timber at the Rockey pond (so Called) that is now blown down on the Land belonging to the Town 7. That a Committe of three be Chosen to ascertain the fituation of all the Lands belonging to the Town and report at the annual meeting in march next Benj'' Emer}^ Asa Herrick and Jon** Eastman be the Committe for that Purpose — 8. That Rich*^ Bradley be authorised to fell all the wood and timber now blown on anv Lands belonfrinf to the Town — 9. That Abiel Walker be an afsistant agent to s*^ Rich- ard Bradley to sell said wood and timber — 10. That this meeting be Disolved Attest John Odlin Town Clerk — State of New Hampshire Rockingham fs (L. S.) In the name of the State of New Hampshire the Freeholders and othe Inhabitants of Concord in said County qualified to vote in Town aftairs are hereby noti- fied and warned to meet at the Town House on Tuesday the twelveth day of march next at Eight ''Clock in the forenoon for the following purposes viz — 1 To Choose a Moderator 2 To Choose a Clerk 3 To Choose Selectmen Constable or Constables Col- lector or Collectors auditor or auditors of accounts and all other necefsary Town officers — 4. To vote as the Constitution requiers for a Govenor Counsellor for the County of Rockingham a Senator for the fourth district register of deeds & Treasurer for the County of Rockingham 478 CONCORD 5. To Choose two perfons duly qualified to Represent s** Town in the General Court one year from the first wednefsday of June next 6 To fee what sum or Sums of money the Town will raise to fupply the Pulpit the School and to defray the necefsary Charges of the Town the Current year 7 To fee what the Town will give for killing Crows the Current year 8 To fee what the Town will give for to have the bell rung the Current year — 9 To fee if the Town will accept the report of the Committe Chosen at the last meeting to ascertain the sit- uation of all the lands belonging to the Town 10 To fee if the Town will accept the report of the Selectmen devideing the 7*^ & 8'^ school destricts II. To fee if the Town will vote that no Swine fhall run at large on the Common in any of the Compact parts of the Town the Ensuing year 12 To fee if the Town will sell any part of the Land belonging to the Town and appropreate the money the money ariseing from the Sale to purchase a farm 13 To fee if the Town will vote To remove the Town House if the Legislature Should want the Ground for the accomadation of a State House Given under our hands and Seal at Concord this 24*'' day of Feburary ID 1816 Nathaniel Ambrose ^Selectmen Joshua Abbot > of Rich*^ Bradley ) Concord State of New Hamp shire Rockingham fs Concord March 12**^ 1816 At a legal meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhab- itants of Said Concord the following votes were pafsed viz — I. Made Choice of William A. Kent Esq"^ moderator 2 John Odlin Clerk sworn — 3. Joshua Abbot-Rich'' Bradley Samuel Runills Select- men all sworn — 4 That the meeting be adjourned for one hour Att John Odlin T. Clerk TOWN RECORDS. 479 Meet according to the adjournment and Pafsed the fol- lowing votes — I. votes for a Govenor for James Sheafe — 313 for Will"* Plumer 239 Counsellor Nathaniel Oilman 313 Elijah Hall 241 Senator for the fourth district Stephen Ambrose 313 for John Harvey 239 Abiel Foster i — for County Treasurer John Rogers 313 Josiah Bartlett 240 Register of Deeds Seth Walker 553 2-George Hough & John Odlin Representatives 3 That this Meeting be adjourned untill tomorrow morning nine "Clock to meet at the Town House Att John Odlin Town Clerk Concord March 13"^ 18 16 Meet according to the adjournment and Pafsed the following votes viz I Collectors Rich*^ Bradley for the south district at 2^ Cents on the dollar sworn Abner Farnum Ju' for the West district at if Cents on the dollar sworn Pearl Kimball for the East district at 2 Cts on the dollar sworn — 2. John West Town Treasurer — 3. Auditors of accounts Charles Walker Stephen Am- brose & Richard Ayer 4. Constabels Daniel Clark — Abel Hutchins Rich*^ Bradley-Abner Farnum Ju' Pearl Kimball Jeremiah Pecker all sworn — 5 Firewards Ezra Hutchins Timothy Chandler Josiah Rogers Geo W. Rogers Benj" Kimball J' x\bel Hutchins Abiel Walker Jeremiah Pecker Charles Eastman, Isaac Dow, Joseph Walker, Benjamin Ela, 6. Surveyors of Highways Levi Abbot-Mofes Bullen- Mofes Colby ,-Daniel Clark, — Isaac Shute, — Abel Hutch- ins, — Abiel Walker, — Isaac Dow. Rob' B. Abbot, Joseph Hoit, Eleazer Davis, — Daniel Flanders, Henry Martin J' Stephen Ambrose, — Asa Graham, Simeon Farnum, Benj'' Kimball, John Garvin, Ebenezer Tenney all sworn — Asa Abbot Barnerd C. Elliot and Joseph Dow 7 Fence viewers Mofes BuUen-Ephraim Carter Will™ Stickney Jeremiah Pecker — Mofes Gale 480 CONCORD 8 Sealers of Weights and Measurers Timothy Chand- ler Stephen Ambrose 9 Ilogreeves, Benning Smart Asaph Evans Abel Ilutchins Joseph Lowe Sworn Lewis Downing sworn John Rogers Jonathan Elliot David Carter Benjamin Povvel Levi Abbot Ju' Philip C. Johnson sworn Abiel Bradley Samuel Carter sworn John Wheeler sworn Cap' John Thompson Enoch Hoit Philip Ferren- 10 Courders of wood James Willey — John Evans John George sworn George W. Rogers sworn Isaac Dow sworn Stephen Ambrose 11 Surveyors of Lumber Abiel Virgin sworn David Parker John Evans Abel Baker sworn Rich'' Swain sworn Will'" Cur- rier Richard Wood sworn John P. Miller sworn 12 Cullers of Staves Stephen Chase sworn James Moulton sworn Ezra Hoit George W. Rogers — JamesWilley — 13 Pound James Moulton sworn Enoch Coffin — Keepers 14 Tything men Jonathan Wilkins, Asaph Evans Isaac Shute George W. Rogers, Charles Herbert, Ephraim Farnum J' Nathan Ballard Ju' Benj'' Swain Eben' Hall Abner Farnum Ju' Nath' Ambrose, Charles Eastman. 15. That three hundred and f\i\y dollars to fupply the pulpit the Current year — 16. That Two hundred dollars be raised in addition to the pulpit tax but no perfon be Compelled to pay the additional pulpit tax — 17. That one thousand dollars be raised to fupply the fchool the Current year 18. That fifteen hundred dollars be raised for the necefsary Charges of the Town the Current year 19 That one dollar be raised on the Poll and othe Estate in proportion on the highways at ten Cents p' hour 20 That the felectmen be authorised to draw on the Treasurer lor to Compleat the Canterbury road any sum not to Exceed one hundred dollars 21 That thirty five dollars be raised to ring the bell the Ensueng year TOWN RECORDS. 481 22 That the Selectmen be authorised to devide the 'j^^ and 8"' fchool destricts by meets and bounds in such away as they may think best 23'* That from and after the first day of april next to the first day of November no swine shall be suffered to go at large in the main street in said Concord between woods brok bridge so called) Northerly and the southerely End of said Street to the Town line or within half a mile westerely of said Street nor between said Street & merri- mak river within the limits aforesaid on penalty of twenty five Cents for each swine so found going at large as aforesaid to be recovered of the owner in a plea of debt befor any Justice of the Peace-by any perfon who will sue for the same — alfo that no Swine shall be suffer- ed to go at large on the Common within one mile of Feederal Bridge on the East side of the river under the penalty aforsaid to be recoverd in manner aforsaid — 24 That the felectmen be a Committe to ascertain what they can sell the public Lands for — and alfo what they can purchase other lands for alfo what bargain they can make with the Reven'' Asa M*" Farland to relinquish his right in the personge Land & Report the same at the next meeting — 25. That the 7'^' articel in the warrant be dismised 26. That the Town House may be removed if the Legislature should want to make use of the Land tor a State House on which said House Stands 27. That Samuel Currers taxes be abated by his re- & quest — alfo Asa Kimballs taxes for the year 1S14- 28 and 1815 29. That this meeting be disolved Attest John Odlin Town Clerk Return of a road leading from little Pond road so Called to John Blanchards the Easterly side of which begins on the said little pond road twenty rods from the north west Corner of Tim° Walkers land thence runing south twenty two degrees East ninety four rods through said Wakers land to the road as it was laid out by Eben^ Duston & Edmund Leavitt through John Blanchards land, and is now traveled and we do award the said Walker 32 482 CONCORD for said Land forty Dollars as a full Compensation alfo allovve the said Walker two years to take the wood & timber oft' from the same — the said rod — is two rods wide and on the westerly side of the above described line — March ii'" 1816 Nath' Ambrose r Joshua Abbot < Selectmen Rich" Bradley ( A True Copy from the Original return Attest John Odlin Town Clerk Return of a road laid out by us the fubscribers Select- men of Concord viz begning at a Stake and ftones Standing on the west line of State street so called thence runing south forty degrees west one hundred & fifty four rods to a stake & stones thence south thirty one degrees west sixteen rods to Centre Street so called and we do award to Joshua Abbot as a Compensation for his land taken for said road one hundred dollars and to Benjamin Kimball Ju' twenty Dollars & to Timothy Abbot Eight dollars and to Samuel Herbert twenty five Cents said road is four rods wide and is two rods on each side of the above described line which road we have laid out and return as a public highway Concord April 27"" 1816 Rich** Bradley } Selectmen of Sam' Runells > Concord A True Copy from the original return Exam** Attest John Odlin Town Clerk We the fubscribers felectmen of the Town of Concord by a vote of said Town at the annual meeting march last authoriseing us to devide the seventh and Eight school districts in said Town after haveing veewed said districts have devide the seventh Destrict as follows viz that the inhabitants liveing within the lines hereafter mentioned with all the Lands therein shall be annexed to the eighth school district and Constitute a part of the same TOWN RECORDS. 483 viz begining at Turkey river at Povvels brok (so called) thence runing northerly by John Shute Ju' land to the Southwest corner of Cap' Richard Ayer land on tlie north side of the Hopkinton road thence northerly by the west end of said Ayer Land & Daniel Clarks Land to land owned by Laban Page being the line of the fixth fchool district thence on the line of the sixth district Easterly to the northeast Corner bound of Land owned by Abiel Walker then southerly by the east line of said Walkers land and land owned by Richard Evans to the foutheast bound of said Eveans land thence westerly b}' s^ Evans land and land formerly owned by Joseph Sher- burn decased to the southwest bound of said Land at turkey river thence westerly by said Turkey river to the line of the Eighth district as originally bounded — Concord June 22"'' 1816 Joshua Abbot ( Selectmen of Samuel Runnels ) Concord We the fubscribers Selectmen of Concord by a vot^ of said Town at the annual meeting in march last authorise- ing us to devide the Eighth school district in said Town after haveing viwed said 8'*" district have devided said eighth district as follows viz That the inhabitants liveing within the limits hereafter described togather with all the lands therein Shall Con- situte a new fchool distrect and be numbered the seven- teenth school district begining at the fouthwesterly corner of the seventh district on hopkinton line thence runing foutherly on said Hopkinton line to Bow line thence Easterly by Bow line to Turkey Pond thence northerly by said Pond to land formerly owned by Dan- iel Kendall deceased thence by the westerly line of said Kendalls land to the line of the seventh district thence westerly by the southerly line of the seventh district to the bound first mentoned on Hopkinton line Concord June 22"*^ 1816 Joshua Abbot ^ Selectmen of Sumuel Runnels ) Concord 484 CONCORD State of New Hampshire Rockingham fs LS In the name of said State the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of Concord in said County qualified to vote for State Senators to the Legislature are hereby notified and warned to meat at the Town House on Monday the fourth day of November next at ten "Clock in the fore- noon lor the following purposes viz — I To Choose a Moderator 2"** To vote by ballot for six persons duly qualified for Representatives of this State in the Congrefs of the United States And alfo to vote by ballot for eight persons duly qualified for Electors of President and Vice President of the United States 3. To fee if the Town will authorise the felectmen to refer to a Committe what Compensation Cap' Joshua Abbot Shall have for his Land through which the Select- men have laid out a road which report f hall be final and Conclusive as to the Compensation between him and the Town relative thereto 4 To fee if the Town will devide the fifth School dis- trict alfo devide the money for building & repairing S** School House 5'*' To fee if the Town will discontinue the road lead- ing to Hopkinton by Ruben Dimonds as far as Said Reuben Dimonds Land or cause the Same to be opened and made pafsable 6 To fee if the Town will devide the 2^^ School distrect 7. To fee if the Town will agree to ballot for Repre- sentatives on the Same ballot the do for State & County Officers at our annual march Elections Given under our hands and Seal at Concord this Joshua Abbot ^Selectmen nineteenth day of October Rich^ Bradley > of Anno Dominno 1816 Sam^ Runnils ) Concord TOWN RECORDS. 485 State of New Hamp { shire Rockingham fs ) Concord Nov^ 4"" 18 16 — At a legal meeting on said day the following were Pafsed viz I. Made Choice of Stephen Ambrose Moderator The ballots being taken for Repesentatives of this State in the Congrefs of the united States were as follows Jere- miah Smith 228 Bradbury Cilley 229 Will™ Hale 229 Parker Noyes 228 Roger vose 229, Jeduthan Wilcox 229 — Josiah Butler 179 John F. Parrot 160 — Nathaniel Upham 170 Clifton Claget 174 Salma Hale 178 Aurther Livermore 150 — George W Prescott 19 Dan Young 21 John Harris i Samuel Quarles 2 Daniel Young i Wil- liam Gardner i — Barrak Chase i — John Durkee i — Fredrick A Sumner i — William Low i, Richard Ayers I — John George i The ballots beincj taken for Electors of President and vice President of the united States were as follows John T Gilman 222 Nath^ A. Haven 222 Samuel Hale 222 Robert Means 222 Thomas Bellows 222 George B. Upham 222 Benj^ J Gilbert 222 Will'" Webster 221 — Thomas Manning 162 Benjamin Butler 157 Will''* Badger 162 Amos Cogswell 162 Richard H. Ayer 154 Jacob Tuttle 162 Tho' C Drew 162 Dan Youug 150 — ^John Durkee 12 Samuel Quarles i — Josiah Bartlett i Jn° Harris i 2 That the felectmen be authorised to agree with Cap* Joshua Abbot on a Committe to ascertain the damage he has sustained by a road being laid out thro his land whose decision to be final and Conclusive between the Town and Said Abbot 3 That William A. Kent and Timothy Carter be added to the selectmen as a Committe to investigate the subject of dividing the fifth school district and that they report their opinion at the next meeting — 4. That the same Committe be authorised to take into* Consideration and report thar opinion on the discontinu- ance of the road to Hopkinton by Ruben Dimond and report at the next meeting 5 That the devideing of the second school district be refered to the same Committe 486 CONCORD 6 That in future the ballot for Representatives be brot in on the same ticket for State & County officers 7. That this meeting be disolved Attest John Odlin Town Clerk LS State of New Hampshire Rockingham fs. In the name of the State of New Hampshire the Freeholders and other In- habitants of Concord in said County qualified to vote in Town affairs are hereby notified and warned to meet at the Town House on Tuesday the Eleventh day of March next at Eight "Clock in the forenoon for the following purposes viz — 1. To Choose a Moderator 2. To Choose a Clerk 3. To Choose Selectmen — Constable or Constables Collector or Collectors Auditor or auditors of x\ccounts and all other necefsary Town officers 4. To vote as the Constitution requiers for a Govenor Counsellor for the County of Rockingham Senator for the 4"' district Register of Deeds & Treasurer for the County of Rockingham and two men duly qualified to represent the Town of Concord in the General Court one year from the first wednefsday of June next — 5. To fee what sum or sums of Money the Town will raise to fupply the Pulpit the school and to defray the necefsary Charges of the Town the Current year 6 To see if the Town will accept the report of the felectmen who were appointed a Committe to fell the public Lands and alfo what they can purchase other Lands for and what the Revn^ Asa M'^Farland will take to relinquish his right in the Parsonage 7— To see if the Town will raise money to paint the meeting House and to make such other repairs as may *be thought necefsary 8 To see what the Town will give to have the Bell rung the Current year 9. To see if the Town will accept the report of the Committe appointed to devide the second and fifth School districts also the report of the Same Committe respecting the road to Hopkinton by Ruben Dimonds TOWN RECORDS. 487 10 To see if the Town will purchase a hearse of Geo. W. Rogers 11. To see if the Town will pafs a by Law to prevent swine from going at Large in the main Street or any other part of the Town — 12. To see if the Town will raise money to make the bog road so called and w'hat sum 13. To see what the Town will give for killing Crows the Current year 14 To see if the Town will vote to repair the Town House Given under our hands j , at,u *. T c- ^ ^ r^ J oshua Abbot and Seal at Concord td • i j t? ji ,. • 1 ,, • „fi Kichard Bradley aforesaid this 22"" o 1 -r> -i day of Feby Anna Domini 1817 Samuel Runils State of New Hamp ( Concord March 11''' 1817 shire Rockingham fs ( At a legal meedng held in said Concord on said 11'^ day being the second Tuesday the following votes were Pafsed 1. Made Choice of Stephen Ambrose Moderator 2. John Odlin Town Clerk sw^orn 3. Joshua Abbot Rich'' Bradley Samuel Runels Select- men sworn 4 votes for Govenor James Sheafe 267- W™ Plumer 189 Josiah Bartlett 11. David L. Morril 4— Jeremiah Mafon — 2 Samuel Sparhaw i. Levi Bardett i votes for Counfellor County of Rockingham NatW Gilman 266 — John Bell Ju"" 205 Will™ Ham i — Senator for the 4*^ dis- trict Stephen Ambrose 269 John Harvey 212. Mofes Eastman i County Treasurer John Rogers 267 — Will" Pickring 212. Regester of Deed feth Walker 480 — Repre- sentatives John Odlin & William A. Kent 5^^* That this meeting be adjourned untill tomorrow at nine •'Clock in the morning then to meet at the Town House Attest John Odlin Town Clerk 488 CONCORD Concord March 12^'' 181 7 — Meet according to the adjournment and Pafsed the fol- lowing votes viz — 1. Auditors of accounts Stephen Ambrose Charles Walker and Richard Aver — 2. Siirvcyers of Highways James Willey — Abel Hutchins sworn Joseph Walker sworn James Corlifs Richard Trow sworn Ezra Hutchins sworn James Hall Olando Brown sworn Laban Page- James Hoit sworn Isaac Runels John Fisk sworn Christopher Rowel sworn Isaac Emerson sworn Ezra Elliot- Asa Abbot sworn Henry Martin Ju*" Sworn John Garvin- Isaac Emery sworn Eben^ Eastman fworn Hazen Virgin sworn Joseph Pottor sworn Simeon Kimball sworn John Lovejoy sworn Richard Elliot. 3. CoNSTABELS Jeremiah Pecker sworn Pearl Kimball sworn Abel Hutchins sworn Isaac Dow sworn Joseph Walker sworn Richard Bradley sworn Joseph H. Wil- kins sworn James Hoit fworn Isaac Eastman sworn 4. Fire Wards Stephen Ambrose — Isaac Dow — sworn Jeremiah Pecker — Ruben Johnson sworn Samuel Herbert — Abiel Walker sworn Geo. W. Rogers sworn Abel Hutchins sworn Nathan Stickney — Benj'* Gale James Willey sworn Timothy Chandler 5. Sealer of Weights & measures Timothv Chand- ler— 6. Fence viwers Benjamin Kimball Ju'' sworn Rich- ard Ayer sworn Charles Eastman sworn — 7. HoGREEVEs Artemas Evans- William West Asa Pottor — Samuel Herbert, Enoch Long Josiah Furnal sworn — Isreal E. Herrick sworn Nathan Call sworn Peter Hazeltine- Benning Smart- Benj" F. Buswell sworn Jacob Dimond- Jewet Bishop sworn Henry Mar- tin J"" Abel Baker y sworn Isaac Dow J"' sworn Enoch Hoit Ezra Hoit — Eben^ Hall sworn Wil'" Dimond— James Hall Abiel Virgin sworn Hurman Eastman — ^John Wheeler sworn Timothy Bradley sworn Anthony Pottor Joseph H. Wilkins fworn John Flanders 8. Surveyors of Lumber Geo W. Rogers sworn Benj'* Damon sworn Richard Swain Benjamin Swain sworn Rich** wood sworn Nathan Call sworn Isaac Shute — Mofes Carter sworn Mofes Bullen — David Flan- TOWN RECORDS. 489 ders sworn Abel Baker sworn Abiel Virgin sworn Ruben Goodwin sw^orn John Lovejoy sworn Isaac Dow Ju'' Pearl Kimball sworn Meshach Lang sworn David Parker 9 Cullers of Staves James Moulton sworn Enoch Long sworn Joseph Runels sworn David Clough sworn Timothy Dow sworn 10. Pound Keepers James Moulton Enoch Coffin sworn 11. Courders of wood John George — Asaph Evans sworn James Wille}' — David Flanders sworn Stephen Ambrose — Geo. W. Rogers sworn Edmund Leavitt sworn Geo. Hough — Ezra Abbot — Francis N. Fisk sworn 12. Collectors of Taxes Isaac Eastman south District at 3 Cents on the dollar James Hoit West district at 2 Cts on the dollar Isaac Eastman East district li Cts on Doll all sworn 13. Tythingmen Nathan Ballard J"" Geo W. Rogers 14 That three hundred and tifty dollars be raised to fupply the Pulpit the Current year 15 That two hundred dollars be raised in addition to the pulpit tax and optinal to each person taxed to pay the same or not 16 That one thousand be raised to fupply the fchools this year 17- That one dollar be raised on the Poll and and otlier Estate in Proportion to repair the highways the Current year at 10 Cts p"" hour 18 That Two thousand dollars be raised for to defray the necefsary Charges of the Town the Current year 19 That the 6*'' articel in the warrant be dismised 20. That the Selectmen be authorised to repair the Meeting House in such manner as they may think necef- sary Excepting panting 21. That thirty dollars be raised to ring the bell this year— 22*^ The report of the Committe appointed November meeting last to view, the 5*'' and 2"'' fchool districts and alfo the road to Hopkinton by Ruben Dimonds report as follows viz in their opinion that it is unexpedient to devide the 5"' fchool district and advantages to devide the fecond and they have devide tlie same accordingly Committe 490 CONCORD they alfo report that the road to Hopkinton remain as it now is Concord March 11'" 1817 Joshua Abbot Rich'i Bradley Which report was Samuel Runels < ancepted — W"> A. Kent Tim" Chandler 23. That the 10"' articl in the warrant be desmised — 24 That tiie same regulations in regard to fwine run- ing at large on the Commons be adopted as the last year 25 That the 12*'' articel in the warrat be desmised 26 — That the 13"' articel in the warrant be desmised 27. That one hundred dollars be raised to be laid out by the felectment or such part thereof as they shall think necefsary to shingle the Town House 28. That this Meeting be Dilsolved Attest John Odlin Town Clerk State of New Hampshire Rockingham fs (L S) In the name of the State of New Hampshire the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of Concord in said County qualified to vote in Town affairs are hereby noti- fied and warned to meet at the Town House on Tuesday the tenth day of March next at Eight "Clock in the fore- noon for the following purposes viz — 1. To Choose a Moderator 2. To Choose a Clerk 3. To Choose Selectmen Constable or Constables, Col- lector or Collectors, Auditor or Auditors of accounts and all other necefsary Town officers 4 To vote as the Constitution requires for a Govenor Counfellor for the County of Rockingham ; Senator for the fourth distrect register of Deeds and Treasurer for the County of Rockingham and two men duly qualified to Represent the Town of Concord in the General Court one year from the first Wednefsday of June next 5'*^ To fee what sum or Sums of Money the Town will raise to fupply the Pulpit the School and to defray the necefsary Charges of the Town the Current year 6"* To see if the Town will raise money to paint the Meeting House TOWN RECORDS. • 49I ^*^ To see what the Town will give for ringing the Bell the Current year 8. To see if the Town will purchase one or more Hearses 9 To see if the Town will pafs a bye law to prevent Swine from going at large in the main Street or any other part of the Town 10 To see if the Town will Choose a Committe to visit the the schools — II. To fee if the Town will lay out and Cause to be made a road leading from Ruben Dimonds to Hopkin- ton line 12*'* To fee if the Town will vote to devide the 12^'* school distrect j^th 'J'q {^.Q what method the Town will take to dis- charge the debts of Timothy Abbot — 14^** To see if the Town will direct the Selectmen to Prosecute sundry persons who have been trefspafsing on the Town Lands — 15^*^ To fee if the Town will Choose a Committe to Proscute all persons who retail Sperits Contray to Law — 16. To see if the Town will raise money to purchase an Engine and adopt the law made for Portsmouth re- specting fire 17 — To see if the Town will appropriate the money raised for fchooling among the several school districts in such a manner that each district shall receive their pro- portion of the money raised according to the number of Scholars within the limits of the district from the age of four to twenty one years Given under our hands Joshua Abbot ^Selectmen and Seal at Concord afore Rich*^ Bradley > of said this 21^' day of Feb- Sam' Runnels } Concord uray Anna Domini 1818 State of New Hamp ) Concord March lo**" 1818 shire Rockingham fs y At a legal meeting held in Concord on said day the following votes were Pafsed viz — 1. Made Choice of Thomas W. Thompson Moderator 2. John Odlin Clerk sworn — 492 CONCORD 3 votes for Govenor WilHain Plumer 190 William Ilale 226 — Jeremiah Mafon 25 Benj'* Peirce 4 William Peck- ring 2 Gorge Sullivan 2 Nathaniel Gilman i Obed Hall I — Counfellor for the County of Rockingham John Bell J*" 207 John vose 251. Jeremiah Smith i Senator for the 4"' district Caleb Stark 189 Stephen Ambrose 258 Charles Walker 3 — Abiel Walker 2 Treasure for the County of Rockingham William Pickering 203 John Rogers 252 Register of Deed — Seth Walker 462 — Thomas W. Thompson William A. Kent Representa- tives 4, Selectmen John Odlin Nath' Abbot Nath' Ambrose sworn — 5 This Meeting be adjourned untill tomorrow at 9 * Clock in the forenoon Attest John Odlin Town Clerk Concord March 11'" 18 18 Meet according to the adjournment and Pafsed the following votes viz — 1. Collectors for the south district Isaac Eastman at three Cents on the dollar West district Timothy Carter at two Cents on the dollar East district Isaac Eastman at two and a half Cents on the dollar both sworn — 2. Constables Isaac Eastman Timothy Carter Pearl Kimball Richard Bradley Samuel Coffin and Abel Hutchins all sworn 3. Auditors of accounts Benj* Kimball Ju Stephen Ambrose and Charles Walker 4 Town Treasurer John West 5 Tythingmen Joshua Abbot Nathan Ballard J"^ Na- thaniel Ambrose Isaac Dow & Isaac Shute 6 FiREWARDS Jeremiah Pecker Stephen Ambrose Isaac Dow Olando Brown sworn Mofes Bullen sworn Abel Hutchins sworn Peter Robertson sworn Josiah Rog- ers Timoth}'^ Chandler sworn Benj* Kimball Ju' George W Rogers sworn Joseph Walker sworn Joshua Abbot sworn Abiel Walker sworn James Willey 7. Surveyors of Highways Lewis Downing sworn Rich*^ Ayer sworn John West Levi Abbot sworn Samuel TOWN RECORDS. 493 Bradley sworn Ezra Hutchins sworn Daniel Clark sworn Zebediah Gleason sworn James Hoit sworn Joseph Run- nels sworn Jon** Stickney sworn Isaac Farnum sworn Enoch Farnum sworn Asa Abbot sworn Samuel Davis sworn Jery Abbot sworn Jon'* Elliot Jerem*" Pecker sworn Ruben Goodwin sworn Asa Graham sworn Mellen Kim- ball sworn Benj^ Kimball — John Garvin John Lovejoy 8. Fenceviwers Abiel Walker sworn Abiel East- man sworn Timothy Chandler — Mofes Hall John P. Miller sworn 9. Sealers of Weights & MEASURERS Timothy Chandler Stephen Ambrose 10. HoGREEVES Abel Baker sworn Richard Bradley sworn Thomas Chadbourn sworn Asaph Evans sworn William Kent Robert B. Abbot Enoch Bradley sworn John F. Elliot sworn John Johnson Ju' sworn Jonathan Herbert — Tho^ Montgomery Sworn Richard Webster Nathan Chandler Ju^ sworn Joseph Head Jelse Garvin sworn Nath^ Parker — Peter Clark Abiel Walker sworn Jeremiah Pecker sworn Sam^ Runnels Moody Kent 11. CouRDERS OF WooD John Gcorge Asaph Evans sworn James Willey David Flanders sworn Stephen Am- brose — Geo W. Rogers Edmund Leavitt sworn Geo Hough — Ezra Abbot Francis N. Fisk 12. Surveyors of Lumber George W. Rogers Benj^ Damon Rich** Swain Rich** Wood — Nathan Call sworn David Flanders sworn Abel Baker sworn Abiel Virgin sworn Ruben Goodwin sworn John Lovejoy Isaac Dow Ju' Pearl Kimball sworn Isaac Shute Mofes Carter sworn Mofes Bullen sworn Meshach Lang — David Parker 13. Cullers of Staves Enoch Long sworn Joseph Runnels sworn Stephen Chase sworn Mofes Colby Ebenezer Chase — sworn 14. Pound Keepers Sam' A Kimball — Ebenezer Chase 15 Weighers of Hay John George, James Ayer 16. That the sum of three hundred fifty dollars be raised to fupply the pulpit the current year 17. That two hundred dollars be raised as an addi- tional Pulpit tax in the same way as the last year — 494 CONCORD i8 That twelve hundred dollars be raised to fupply the School the present year 19. That fifteen hundred dollars be raised for the necefsarv Charges of the Town the present year — 20 That three hundred dollars be raised to paint the meeting House 21. That forty dollars be raised to ring the Bell and sweep the meeting House and Toll the bell at all Funerals 22. That the Selectmen be authorised to purchase two Herses 23. That the same regulations to prevent swine run- ing at large on the Common as they ware the last year — 24 That the Selectmen meet with Selectmen of Hop- kinton and lay out a road to Hopkinton line by Ruben Dimonds and that the Selectmen be authorised to fell the road leading to Hopkinton by Ruben Dimonds to a four rod road to defray the Expences. 25 That the Selectmen be authorised to fell any part of Timothy Abbots Land or the whole as they ma}' think best & pay his debts — 26. That it shall be the duty of the Selectmen to prose- cute any person or persons who shall hereafter trefspafs on an}' of the Lands belonging to the Town or any per- son or persons that have theretofore trefspafsed on any of said public Lands 27. That one hundred dollars be raised towards the purchaseing an Engine and the necefsary appratas for said Engine 28. That the Selectmen purchase a quantity of Hose for for the use of the Engine to the amount of forty dollars 29. That Thomas W. Thompson D' M-^Farland Capt Ayer William A. Kent George Hough Abiel Rolfe Stephen Ambrose Thomas Chadbourn Mofes Long Rich- ard Bradley Samuel A. Kimball Sam^ Fletcher be the Committe to visit the Schools 30. That the firewards report at the next meeting part of the Law for Extinguishing fires as they think best for the Town to adopt — 31*' That the Report of the Committe to fell the wood blown down on the Public Lands be Excepted — TOWN RECORDS. 495 32 That the Committe in each fchool district make out a list of all the Children in their respective districts from the age of four years to twenty one and return the same to the Selectmen in the month of April in each 3^ear under oath if required — 33. That the 12"' School district be divided agreeable to the vote of said district — 34. That one dollar be raised on a Poll and all other Estate in proportion to repair the highways for the Ensu- ing year to be paid at ten Cents per hour — 35 That it shall be the duty of the Selectmen to Prosecute all persons in the Town of Concord who shall within knowledge or from Satisfactory information retail — Sprit Contrary to Law Except on public days — 36. That the Selectmen be authorised to Confer with the dirictors of Federal Bridge and the Directors of Con- cord Bridge with respect to the Compensation they well re- quire to premit the Inhabitants on theEast side of the river to Pafs and Repafs to attend public Worship and like- wise to Pafs and Repafs to attend Town meetings by the year and report at the next meeting. 37. That this meeting be Difsolved Attest yohn Odlm Toivn CIcj-k — ,.-^^-^^^< State of New Hampshire ' L S '^ Rockingham fs s_^ ^ ' In the name of said State the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of Concord in the State and County aforesaid qualified to vote in Town affairs are hereby notified and warrned to meet at the Town House on monday the twenty first day of September Current at two ■"Clock in the afternoon for the following purposes viz — 1. To Choose a Moderator 2. To see what method the Town will take to have the fchool money for the present year devided among the several School distrects 3. To see if the Town will purchase a house and Land or build a house on any of the public Lands belonging to the Town for the accomadation of the Poor and rajse money for that purpose or adopt some more Ecominical ■or lefs expencive method to support the Poor then the present manner — 496 CONCORD 4. To see if the Town will discontinue the road laid out thro the bog so called or have said road made Pafs- able lor Travelinir and raise money for that purpose 5. To see if the Town will accept of the road laid out by the Selectmen to Ilopkinton line on Beach Ilill so called and have the same recorded alfo make provisson to have said road made Pafsable 6 To see if the Town will fell the Eighty acre lot belonging to the Personage Right or the wood standing thereon or any other unimproved Land belonging to the Town 7. To see if the Town will direct the Selectmen to lay out a road from Cap' Joseph Farnums to the head of Long Pond — 8 To see if the Town will accept of the report of the Selectmen for the Compensation the Town shall pay the proprietors of Concord Bridge and Federal Bridge for the Inhabitants on the East side of the river to Pafs and repafs said Bridges to attend Public Worship on Sundays and Town meetings by the year 9. To see if the Town will raise money to repair the road from Loudon line to Canterbury line by William. Hoits— 10. To see if the Town will accept of the by Law that f hall be reported by the firewards for the Exfmgushing fiers and have the same recorded — 11. To see if the Town will authorise and direct the felectmen to ascertain all the Lands reserved in the Intervales in Town for roads or drifft ways and where said lands are not wanted for roads to Exchenge the same for other roads or fell or lease the same for the benifit of the Town — Given under our hands and Seal at Concord this 5*^ day of September ID 1818 John Odlin ') Nath' Abbot > Selectmen Nath' Ambrose ) TOWN RECORDS. 497 State of New Hamp Concord Sept 21" 1818 shire Rockingham fs At a legal meeting held at the Town House on said day the following votes were pafsed viz I. Made Choice of Stephen Ambrose Moderator 2 That the vote to devide the money amongst the several school districts for fchooling pafsed last march meeting be reconsidered 3 That a Committe of five be appointed to investegate the fubject of building a Poor house or purchaseing a farm and report their opinion on that fubject or what plan that the Town had best to adopt for the fupport of the Poor and lay the same before the Town at the next meeting viz Tim° Chandler Richard Ayer Abiel Walker Henry Martin Ju"" and Pearl Kimball be the Committe for s^ purpose 4. That the 3^ article in the warrant be posponed 5 That the road laid out thro the bog (so called) be discontinued 6. That the road laid out by the felectmen on beach Hill be accepted — 7 That one hundred be approated to make said road to be laid out under the direction of the Selectmen 8. That the 6"" article in the warrant be dismifsed 9. That the 7"" article in the warrant be desmisfed 10 That the 8* article in the warrant be postponed untill march II. That the 9"* articl be desmifsed 12 That the report of the firewards be accepted when made in writing — 13 That the felectmen be authorised to afscertain all the Lands reserved for roads agreeable to the article in the warrant 14. That the felectmen explore the ground for a road from Horse hill bridge and report the same at the next meeting 15. That this meeting be difsolved. Attest John Odlin Town Clerk Report of the firewards for a buy Law for the Town of Concord viz that all the Law Pafsed april 6"* 1781 for 498 CONCORD preventing and extinguishing of fires for the Town of Portsmouth be adopted for such parts of the Town of Concord as is hereafter specifyed to wit from Concord Bridge through the main to the fchool House in the west parish village & from the main street to Samuel Green Esq" House & alfo from Federal Bridge to Isaac Emerys House on the East side of merrimack river alfo so much of the first Section of the additional act of extin- guishing fires Pafsed June 27"' 1818 excepting the follow- ing words viz or accepted by them to serve in any Enfine Company ax Company or other afsociation of Persons — A True record Tim° Chandler Joseph Walker Joshua Abbot Abel Hutchins Abiel Walker Peter Robertson Geo. W. Rogers Olando Brown from the Original report Attest John Odlin Town Clerk — Concord Dec-" 28'" JD 1818 Fire wards of Concord State of New Hampshire Rockingham fs (L S) In the name of said State the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of Concord qualified to vote in Town affairs are hereby notified and warned to meet at the Town House on monday the twenty first day of Decem- ber Instant at one "Clock in the afternoon for the follow- ing purpose viz. 1. To Choose a moderator 2. To see if the Town will authorise and request the felectmen to Lay out a road four rods wide from Horse Hill bridge to the west parish Village (so called) near Levi Hutchins House by the point of the Ledges east of Aquilla Ferrins on such rout as may Combine fhortnefs of distance and the best ground — 3 To see what sum of money the Town will raise to make said road when laid out and pay the owners of the Land for Compensation 4. To see if the Town will accept of the report of the Selectmen on the road to Horse Hill TOWN RECORDS. 499 5. To see if the Town will disconnect Isaac Eastman and William Heard from the 19"" fchool district and annex them to the 12"' district 6. To see if the Town will vote to have the fchool money divided in the feveral School distrects according to the number of scholars in each district 7. To see if the Town will accept of the report of the Committe appointed to investegate the subject of support- ing the Poor Given under our hands and feal at Concord the 5"* day of December ID 1818 John Odlin ^Selectmen Nathi Abbot [ of Nath^ Ambrose } Concord State of New Hamp shire Rockingham fs Concord Dec"" 21** 1818 At a legal meeting held on said day the following votes were pafsed viz — 1. Made Choice of Richard Bradley moderator 2. That the 2. 3. & 4**^ artecls in the warrant be Des- mised 3. That the selectmen with Cap* Ayer be a Committe to Consider of the request of William Hered & Isaac Eastman 4. That the 6'*' article in the warrant be desmised 5 That a Committe of three from some adjoining Town or Towns be requested by the felectmen to afsist them in laying out a road from Horse hill bridge to Olando Browns in such way as fhall best accomadate the public — 6. That Andrew Bowers Capt Stone & Decon Pettin- gale be the Committe for that purposes — 7"' That this meeting be difsolved Attest John Odlin Town Clerk State of New Hamp= shire Rockingham fs Concord Dec' 23'^ 1818 Persuant to precepts to me directed by the Clerk of the Court of Common pleas for the Eastern Circut the free- holders & other Inhabitants of said Concord qualified to vote for State Representatives are hereby notified and 500 CONCORD warned to meet at the Town on friday the first day of January next at three "Clock P. M. for the following purposes viz — I. To Choose a Moderator 2 To appoint one man duly qualified to serve as a Petit Juror at the next Court of Common pleas. 3. To appoint two persons duly qualified to serve as Petit Jurors at the Court aforesaid on the sixth day of the fetting of said Court John Odlin Town Clerk At the above meeting Joshua Abbot was appointed to ferve the first week and Danil Clark & Mofes Long for the second week — John Odlin Town Clerk State of New Hampshire Rockingham fs (L. S.) In the name of said state the freeholders and other Inhabitants of Concord in the County & State aforesaid qualified to vote in Town affairs are hereby notified and warned to meet at the Town House on Tues- day the ninth day of March next at nine oclock in the forenoon for the following purposes. i^t To choose a Moderator 2^*^ To choose a Clerk 3^<* To choose Selectmen, Constable or Constables, Collector or Collectors, Auditor or Auditors of accounts and all other necessary Town officers 4*^ To vote as the Constitution requires for a Gov- ernor, Counsellor for the County of Rockingham, Sen- ator for the fourth district. Register of Deeds and Treas- urer for the County of Rockingham — and two men duly qualified to represent the Town of Concord in the Gen- eral Court one year from the first Wednesday of June next. 5"' To vote by ballot for six persons duly qualified for Representatives of this State in the Congress of the United States agreeabl}' to the Law of this State passed June 21** 1812 6'" To see what sum or sums of money the Town will raise to supply the Pulpit, the school and defray the necessary charges of the Town the Current year. TOWN RECORDS. 5OI 7'*^ To see what the Town will give for ringing the Bell the current year. 8'^^ To see if the Town will vote that the road laid out through bog (so called) be recorded. 9*'' To see if the Town will choose a Committee to visit the schools. 10*^ To see if Town will pass a bye law to prevent swine from running at large in the maine street or any other part of the Town. 11"' To see if the Town will direct the Selectmen to lay out a road from the road leading from William Hoit's to Lovejoy's mill to meet the road from Canterbury near Joseph Durgin's 12"' To see if the Town will accept the report of the committee on the subject of the poor House j^tb -j-Q g^g if the Town will repair the road to Nathan Ballards, being the little Pond road (so called) and raise money for that purpose. 14 To see if the Town will permit the southend of the Town House to be prepared and occupied for a Lancas- trian School. 15'^ To see if the Town will vote to sell any of the public unimproved lands, or the wood and timber on any of said lands belonging to the Town. 16^^ To see if the Town will direct the selectmen to open and make the range road commencing near Asa Herrick's, thence running Southerly to the Dunbarton & Stickney road so called. 17^^ To see if the Town will vote to have the school money divided among the several school districts accord- ing to the number of schollars in each school district. Given under our hands and seal at Concord this twen- tieth day of February Anno Domini 1819 John Odlin > Nathaniel Abbot S Selectmen of Concord State of Nevvhampshire > Rockingham fs. ) Concord March 9"' 1819 — At a Legal meeting of the freeholders and other inhabitants of the Town of Concord held at the Town House on said day, the following votes were passed. 502 CONCORD I"' Made Choice of Charles Walker Moderator. 2ml pi-jincis N. Fisk Town Clerk ; sworn lo office. yd Votes ibr Governor were for Samuel Bell 247 William Hale 212 — For Counsellors for the County of Rockingham John Bell Junior 250 — John Vose 212 — For Senator for the fourth district, John M^^Clary 251 — Stephen Ambrose 212 — For County Treasurer William Pickering 250 — John Rogers 212 — For Register of Deeds, Seth Walker 463, Abial Walker & Nathan Bal- lard Jun. Representatives to the State Legislature — 5"' Proceeded to Ballot for Representatives to Con- gress, and the votes were for Josiah Butler 177 — William Plumer Junior 156 — Nathaniel Upham 179 — Clifton Clag- get 179 — Joseph Buftum Junior 180 — Arthur Livermore 180 & George Long 22 — Jeremiah Smith ------- n^ John Haven --------u^ Stephen Moody - - - - - - - 115 Parker Noyes --------115 Levi Jackson -------- 115 Mills Olcott- --------115 6*'^ Voted that this meeting be adjourned till tomorrow morning 9 oclock in the forenoon — Attest Francis N. Fisk Town Clerk Concord March 10*'* 1819 — Met according to adjournment and passed the follow- ing votes, viz. I*' Made choice of Abial Walker Joseph Walker and Jeremiah Pecker Selectmen — all sworn. 2"'' Chose James Hoit Collector for the Western dis- trict to Collect for two cents on the dollar — Samuel Coffin Collector for the south district, to collect for three and half cents on the dollar — Isaac Eastman Collector tor the East district, to collect for one and three fourth cents on the dollar — all sworn — 3'"^ Chose Isaac Dow, Isaac Eastman, John George, Abel Hutchins, Lewis Downing, James Hoit & Samuel Coffin Constables — all sworn — & Richard Bradley sworn 4''' Chose Jeremiah Pecker, sworn — Stephen x\mbrose, sworn Ezra Hutchins, Orlando Brown sworn Abial TOWN RECORDS. 503 Walker, swoi'ii Joshua Abbot, sworn — Timothy Chandler, sworn — Abel Hutchins & James Willey, Fire-wards — 5"* Chose John West Treasurer for the Town 6"' Chose John George, Robert Ambrose, William Kent, Lewis Downing, Orlando Brown, Porter Blan- chard, Abel Hutchins, & David Flanders sworn Corders of wood 7*" Chose Abial Virgin sworn Enoch Long, James Hall sworn Reuben Goodwin, sworn — John Johnson, sworn — Moses Carter, sworn, — Moses Bullen, sworn — John P. Miller, sworn Marshal Baker, sworn, Lewis Downing, sworn — David Flanders sworn — David Parker, sworn — Richard Swain, George W. Rogers, sworn — & Richard Potter Jun. sworn — & William Currier sworn — for Surveyors of Lumber. 8"^ Chose Stephen Chase, sworn — Ebenezer Chase, James Moulton, sworn John Eastman Jun. Moses Colby and Joseph Runnels, sworn Cullers of Staves. — 9"' Chose Joshua Abbot, Field driver — lo"" Chose Samuel Coffin, sworn — & Ebenezer Chase Pound Keej^ers. ii"" Chose John George&James Ay er Weighers of Hay. 12' Chose Asa M'^Farland, Stephen Ambrose, Jona- than Eastman, Jun. Abial Rolfe, Timothy Carter, Sam- uel A. Kimball, Samuel Sparhawk, Isaac Hill, Samuel Fletcher, Thomas W. Thompson, Charles Hutchins, Daniel Clark, Moses Bullen a Committee to visit the sev- eral schools. 13'" Stephen Ambrose, Timothy Chandler and Wil- liam A. Kent Auditors of accounts. — 14"' Surveyors Highway Charles Hutchins, Benjamin Gale, sworn — John West, sworn Daniel Clark Jun. sworn Nathan Ballard, James Hall, sworn, Richard Worthin, Sworn — Jonathan Stickney, sworn — Samuel Davis sworn, — Samuel Runnels sworn, — James Hoit, sworn — David Elliot, sworn — Zebediah W. Gleason sworn Asa Abbot, sworn, Amos Abbot 3''^ sworn Isaac Farnum, sworn. Chandler Eastman, sworn — Ebenezer Eastman, sworn William Hoit, sworn — John Thompson, sworn John Lovjoy, sworn Jere Abbot, sworn — Benja- min Kimball, sworn Anthony Potter, sworn 15^'' Fence Viewers. William Stickney, Abel Hutch- 504 CONCORD ins, Edmund Leavit, sworn — Isaac Dow, sworn Moses Gale, and William Abbot. 16'" Sealer of Leather^ Nathaniel Ambrose, sworn — 17"* Sealer of weights & Measures Timothy Chandler 18"' Hog Reeves — Robert Davis Jun. Joseph C. West George T. Hedge, sworn — Dearborn Johnson, sworn — Thomas Chadbourne, sworn Asaph Evans, Nathaniel Evans, Joseph C. Spear, Harmon Eastman, Abel Baker, Richard Webster, Nathan Kelly, sworn — James Culver, sworn William Dow, Robert B. Abbot, John F. Elliot, sworn, Jacob Dimond, Nathaniel Parker Benjamin Wheeler, sworn — Moses Long, John P. Rand, sworn Frederick Runnels. 19"* Voted to raise three hundred and fifty Dollars to supply the Pulpit the Current year. 20"' Voted that two hundred Dollars be raised as an additional Pulpit tax in the same w^ay and manner it was last year and the year before — 21" Voted to raise twelve hundred Dollars for the sup- port of schools the current year. 2 2'«i Voted to raise three Thousand Dollars to defray the necessary charges of the Town the ensuing year 23'^ Voted to raise forty Dollars to pay for Ringing the Bell, sweeping the Meeting House, & Tolling the Bell at all funerals, the ensuing year. 24"" Voted, that in future it shall be the duty of the selectmen and Auditors of accounts to report at each Annual meeting, such Sum or sums of money, as will, in their opinion, be necessary to defray the expenses of the Town the ensuing year, and that they specify each object of expense together, with the sum they judge necessary to meet it 25"* Voted that the same regulations which has form- erly been adopted to prevent swine from going at large, be adopted the ensuing year. 2&^ Voted to refer the eight article in the warrent, to the Selectmen, and that they be instructed to examine the ground and lay out a road from the West Parish Vil- lage to Horse Hill in the place they shall think best, and that they attend to the same before the first day of June next. 27"" Voted that the road leading from William Hoits to TOWN RECORDS. 505 Lovjoy's Mill (alluded to in the ii'** article of the war- rent) be refered to the selectmen. 28"" Voted that 'the Selectmen contract with one or more persons, at their discretion, to support the poor the ensuing year. 29"" Voted that a committee of seven be raised (nomi- nated by the moderator) whose duty it shall be to report at the next Town meeting the most eligible mode they can advise for supporting the poor in future — and 30"' Voted that Thomas W. Thompson, Samuel Spar- hawk, Stephen Ambrose, Isaac Hill, Samuel A. Kim- ball, Timothy Carter and Nathan Ballard Jun. be this committee. 31" voted That the subject of the road leading to Nathan Ballards, (being little Pond road so called) be refered to the Selectmen, and that they repair said road at their discretion and rid the Town of an indictment. 32'"* Voted to admit the South end of the Town House called the Senate Chamber, to be prepared and occupied by a Lancastrian school, provided the Town be at no expense 33"' Voted that the road mentioned, in the 16"" Article leadincr from Asa Herrick's to the Dunbarton road be refered to the Selectmen. 34"" Voted to dismiss the 15"' Article in the warrant. 35''' Voted to dismiss the 17'" Article in the warrant 36'*" Voted that one Dollar on each single poll be raised, and on all other property in proportion, to repair the highway the ensuing year, and that it be paid in Labor at tin cents pr hour 37"^ Chose Ephraim Farnum Jun. & Lemuel Barker to serve as Tything men the ensuing year. 38'" Voted that the selectmen be instructed to employ counsell to take all legal measures to prevent the estab- lishment of the road leading from Benjamin Wheelers to the Hopkinton road, and for that purpose, to obtain, if practicable, an order of the Superior Court to Q^iash the proceedings of the Court of Common-pleas relative to said Road— ^9"" Voted that it be left to the Selectmen to say what sum of money shall be laid out on the old Canterbury road so called. 5o6 CONCORD 40"' Voted, that whereas the Inhabitants of Concord and l^ravellers with Teams and loaded sleighs are fre- quently annoyed by Cows and sheep' running at large, Therefor, that hereafter no Cow or sheep shall be per- mitted to run at large in the maine street between Car's In & Richard Bradley's dwelling house, or within half mile to the West of maine street after the first day of November 1819 till the firft day of April 1820 41** Voted that Isaac Eastman and James Hoit take Legal measures to ascertain the names of those persons who have during this meeting injured or damnified the seats, candlesticks, &c blonging to the Town House and report their names, and that they the said Eastman & Hoit prosecute the same. 42°*^ Voted to dissolve this meeting Attest Francis N. Fish, Town Clerk Concord March 10"' 1819. Boscawen October 25, 1819 This certifies that we the subscribers agreeably to the Laws of this State have perambulated the lines between cur respective Towns Joseph Walker ^ Selectmen Abiel Walker > of Jere'' Pecker ) Concord TVT 1 • u o 11 ^Selectmen JNehemiah Cogswell f r Daniel Pilsburv V r) •^ ) Boscawen Samuel Little — Surveyor A true record from the orio;inal Attest — Francis N. Fisk Town Clerk of Concord State of Newhampshire Rockingham fs. (L. S.) In the name of said State the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of Concord qualified to vote in Town affairs are hereby notified and warned to meet at the Town house in said Concord on Saturday the first day of May next at two oclock in the afternoon for the following purposes viz. TOWN RECORDS. 507 i" To Choose a Moderator 2"*^ To see if the Town will permit the large room in the Town-House to be fitted up and occupied for a Lan- castrian school- 3"^ To see if the Town will excuse Col. Isaac Eastman from serving as Collector and Constable for the current year and choose another to serve in his stead. 4**^ To see if the Town will accept the report of the Committee (raised at the annual meeting) on the subject of supporting the poor in future. Given under our hands and seal at Concord this six- teenth day of April Anno Domini 1819 Joseph Walker > Selectmen of Abiel Walker ( Concord State of Newhampshire Rockingham fs Concord May i. 1819 At a Legal Town meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Concord held at the Town House on said day the following votes were passed viz. i" Made choice of Timothy Chandler Moderator 2^ voted to dismiss the y^ article 3 Voted to postpone the 4"' article till next Town meeting. 4 voted to dissolve this meeting Attest Francis N. Fisk Town Clerk Concord August 10'^ 1819 Rockingham fs. Whereas Col Isaac Eastman was chosen a collector of taxes for the Town of Concord at the annual meeting holden on the second Tuesday of March last past and whereas the said Eastman left said Town without receiv- ing his list of taxes or attending to the duties of his office and has not returned &. it being necessary that another person should be appointed to execute the duties of said office — and whereas the said Town at a legal meeting .holden for that purpose refused to fill said vacancy occa- 508 CONCORD sioned by said Eastman's leaving said Town in manner aforesaid, Therefore we the subscribers considering it absolutely necessary for the interest of said Town to have said vacancy filled by a suitable person and deeming it our duty to act in said business have appointed and do hereby appoint Samuel Coffin of said Town as collector of taxes for said Town to collect tiie list of taxes in the district lying upon the East side of Merrimac River upon the same terms that the said Eastman bid oflf the said list at the annual meeting Abiel Walker ) Selectmen of Joseph Walker y Concord A true copy of the original Attest Francis N. Fisk Town Clerk Rockingham fs. Concord Aug' io"> 1819. Then personally appeared Samuel Coffin and made oath that he would faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent on him as collector of taxes assessed on the district lying upon the East side of Merrimac River in said Town according to the best of his abilities, agreeable to the rules & regulations of the constitution and the Laws of the state of New Hampshire Charles Walker, Jus. Peace A true copy of the original Francis N. Fisk Town Clerk. State of New Hampshire Rockingham Is. (L S) In the name of said State the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of Concord in said County qualified to vote in Town affairs are hereby notified & warned to meet at the Town-House on Thursday the second day of Sept' next at 2 o'clock in the afternoon for the following pur- poses, viz- i*^ To choose a Moderator 2"^ To see if the Town wmII accept the road laid out by the Selectmen from the westerly side of Parsonage hill TOWN RECORDS. 5O9 to horse hill Bridge, and appropriate money to repair the same. 3"^'* To see if the Town will choose a collector to col- lect the balance due on the Tax lists committed to Capt Pearl Kimball deceased. 4"* To see if the Town will adopt measures to settle with and remunerate Capt. William Kent for the loss of his horse by drowning last spring near the house of Jona- than Wilkins. 5"' To see if the Town will accept the report of the committee (chosen at the last annual meeting) on the subject of supporting the poor in future 6"' To see if the Town will authorise the Selectmen to define the limits of, and record the eighteenth school district. 7''' To see if the Town will appropriate money to re- build the bridge over Hoits Brook, so called, on the Beaver meadow road. 8"" To act on any other business thought necessary when met. Given under our hands and seal at Concord this seven- teenth day of August A. D. 1819 T u ^\T n ") Selectmen Joseph Walker / ,- Abiel Walker Concord. State of New Hampshire Rockingham fs. Concord Sepf 2"'' 1819. At a Legal Town meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Concord held at the Town House on said day the following votes were passed viz. I'' Made choice of Timothy Chandler Moderator 2""^ Voted to accept the road laid out by the Select- men from the westerly side of the Parsonage Hill to Horse hill Bridge, and that the Selectmen cause said road to be made out of the Town money already raised and appropriate such sum as they think fit. 3"^ That Nathaniel Ambrose be a collector to collect the balance due on the tax lists committed to Capt Pearl Kimball Deceased. 5IO CONCORD 4"' That Richard Bradley be an agent to settle or de- fend the suit commenced against the Town of Concord by Ephraim Farnum Junior. 5"> Tliat the fifth articl in the warrant for this meeting be postponed till the next annual Town meeting. 6"* That the Selectmen be authorised to define the limits of, and record the eighteenth school district 7"' That the Selectmen be directed to make a stone water-Course across Hoits Brook so called on the Beaver meadow road and fill up the Gulf- and that they attend to, and compte the same this fall. 8'" That the Selectmen be directed to widen and straiten the road from Capt Joseph Walker's Barn to Federal Bridge as in their judment the Public good re- quires. 9"^ That this meeting be dissolved Attest Francis N. Fisk Town Clerk We the subscribers Selectmen of Concord, by a vote of the Town of Con'd at a legal meeting on the second day of last Sepf authorising us to define and record the limits of the eighteenth school district, have viewed said district and defined the limits as follows, viz. That the Inhabitants living within the limits hereafter mentioned and all the land therein shall constitute the eichteenth school district — Beginning at the southeast corner of Daniel Hall's land, on the line between Concord & Bow & running on said Hall's land till it strikes Ballard Haz- eltines land - then on said Hazeltines land till it strikes the highway leading from Levi Abbot's to Ballard Hazel- tines House- then on said highway till it strikes the northwest corner of John Carter's land then on the north and east line of said Carter's land till it strikes the high- way from said Carter's house to the street — then, on said highway, till it strikes the southwest corner of Joseph Abbot's land- then easterwardly by Joseph Abbots land till it strikes the road leading from Concord to Bow Meeting house- then on said road till it strikes the west end of the Eleven lots- then on said lots till it strikes the northwest corner of the bend lot so called nowned by John Carter- TOWN RECORDS. 5II then eastwardly on the north line of said Lot till it strikes Merrimack River- then on the river to Bow line- then on Bow line to the first mentioned bound. Concord October 1819 ^^^^^ Walker ) Selectmen Tere. Pecker V ^ , •' } Concord A true record from the original Attest Francis N. Fisk Town Clerk State of Newhampshire Rockingham fs Concord January 27"' 1820. Pursuant to precepts to me directed by the Clerk of the Superior Court, The freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Concord qualified to vote for State Representatives are hereby notified and warned to meet at the Town House on Tuesday the eighth day of February next at three oclock in the afternoon for the following purposes viz. I*' To choose a Moderator 2"^^ To appoint One Man to serve as a Grand Juror at the Superior Court of Judicature to be holden at Ports- mouth on the third Tuesday of February next. 2^^ To appoint one Man to serve as a Petit Juror at said Superior Court on the third Tuesday February next. 4*^ To appoint one Man to serve as a Petit Juror at said Superior Court to be holden on Monday next follow- ing the third Tuesday of Feb'y next. Given under my hand at said Concord the day above mentioned Francis N. Fisk Town Clerk State of New-Hampshire. Rockingham fs Concord Feb'>' 8"' 1820. At a Legal meeting meeting on said day I*' Chose Richard Ayer Moderator 2"*^ Appointed Joseph Low to serve as Grand Juror at at the Court above mentioned. 512 CONCORD 3'''' Meshech Lang was appointed to serve as Petit Juror the first week- 4*'' Timothy Dow was appointed to serve as Petit Juror the second week. Attest Francis N. Fisk Town Clerk State of New-Hampshire Rockingham fs (L. S. ) In the name of said State, the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of Concord in the County and State aforesaid, qualified to vote in Town affairs, are hereby notified and warned to meet at the Town House on Tues- day the fourteenth day of March next at nine oclock in the morning for the following purposes, viz. I** To Choose a Moderator 2uci -j-Q Choose a Town Clerk 3*'^ To Choose Select Men Constable or Constables, Collector or Collectors, Auditors of accounts & all other necessary Town Officers. — 4*^ To vote as the Constitution requires for a Governor Counsellor for the County of Rockingham, Senator for the Fourth District, Register of Deeds and Treasurer for the County of Rockingham, and two men duly qualified to Represent the Town of Concord in the General Court one year from the first Wednesday of June next 5**' To see what sum or sums of money the Town will raise to supply the Pulpit, the school and to defray the other necessary charges of the Town the ensuing year. 6"" To see what the Town will give for ringing the Bell the ensuing year ■ 7"" To see if the Town will choose a committee to visit the schools the ensuing year. 8"* To see if the Town will pass a bye Law to prevent swine from running at large in the maine street or any other part of the Town. 9'" To see if the Town will accept the report of the committee on the subject of supporting the poor in future 10"* To see what sum of money the Town will raise to purchase Buckets and hose tor their new Engine ; what TOWN RECORDS. 513 premium the Town will offer to the Engine which may arive at a fire first, and how it shall be awarded. ii"' To see if the Town will authorise the Selectmen to lay out a road to commence near the school House on the maine road from Concord to Hopkinton and run northerly till it meets the road that runs from Moses Abbots between Henry Martins and Abner Farnums Land 12"' To see if the Town will sell the unimproved Lands belonging to the Parsonage right, and appriate the interest arising from the sale thereof as an additional annual salary of the Rev'^Doct' Asa M'^Farland, provided He will consent on his part to have said lands sold for that purpose. 13"" To see if the Tow-n will adopt the remaining part of the Law in regard to extinguishing of Fires, or such part thereof as the Town may deem proper 14"^ To take the sense of the legal voters in said Town on the subject of forming a new County from the Coun- ties of Hilsborough & Rockingham, agreeable to an order of from the Legislature last June. 15**^ To see what compensation the Town will make to Dea. Jonathan Wilkins & Lewis Downing for their ser- vices in attending the courts at Exeter and Portsmouth as Witnessess in the case Ephraim Farnum Jun. vs. Town Concord. 16"' To see what the Town will give as a bounty for killing crows the ensuing year. 17*'' To see if the Town will choose an Agent to take care of the Town House the ensuing year, and to tran- sact any other busines thot. proper when meet. Given under our hands and seal at Concord this twenty sixth year of February x\ D. 1820. T 1 TTT 11 ") Selectmen Joseph Walker / ,- Abiel Walker Concord State of New-Hampshire Rockingham fs Concord March 14"' 1820 At a legal meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhab- 34 514 CONCORD itants of said Concord held at the Town House on said day the following votes were passed, viz. I'' Chose Samuel Green Esqr. Moderator. 2"*' Chose Francis N. Fisk Town Clerk-sworn ^rd Proceeded to Ballot for State and County Officers, and the votes were for — Governor^ Samuel Bell 485 — George Arlin i and David Davis i & Isaac Hill 6 — Counsellor — John Bell Jun 503 — David B George i — Senator — Isaac Hill 243 — Ezekiel Morril 249 John Odlin I — John Ayer i — County Treasurer — William Pickering — 513 — Register of Deeds — Seth Walker 514 Representatives — Stephen Ambrose & Nathaniel Abbot Teas &. Nays, on the subject of a new County were as — follows in favor, Yeas, 507 agt. Nays 7 4*'' That this meeting stand adjourned untill tomorrow moning at nine oclock A. M. Attest Francis N. Fisk Town Clerk Concord March 15"* 1820 Met according to adjournment and passed the following votes viz — I** Selectmen. Richard Bradley, Isaac Farnum and Jeremiah Pecker — all sworn — 2"*^ Constables — James Hoit, Isaac Dow, Samuel Coffin, John George, Lewis Downing, Abel Hutchins, Robert Davis 3'^ Timothy Bradley, Richard Bradley, Charles Eastman & Abraham Bean ; all sworn 3'^ Collectors — James Hoit, for the South and West Districts — to collect the south a three & one fourth cents on a Dollar and the West a two cents on a Dollar — Bondsmen — ^Joseph Hoit & Timothy Dow Abraham Bean, to Collect the East District at one & half cent on a Dollar — Bondsman, Stephen Ambrose & John Lovejoy 4*^^ Auditors of accou)its, Charles Walker, Stephen Ambrose &. Timothy Chandler ^th Tythingmen Nathaniel Abbot & Ephraim Farnum TOWN RECORDS. 515 6'^ FiREWARDS — ^James Willey, Timothy Chandler, Abel Hutchins, Samuel Herbert, John George, T. G. Dearborn Jeremiah Pecker, Stephen Ambrose, Orlando Brown & Abner Farnum Jr. y*** Surveyors of Highway — John Garvin, Isaac Shute, Benjamin Gale, James Buswell, Natha' Farnum, Isaac Farnum, Samuel Knovvlton, Enoch Hoit Timothy Dow, Samuel E. Scales, Thomas Abbot, Samuel Davis, Asa Abbot, Daniel Knowlton Daniel Clark, James Hall, Jonathan Stickney Ballard Hazeltine, Jonathan Eastman Jun. Ebenezer Eastman, Isaac Virgin, Abraham Bean, Richard Potter Jun. Hazen Kimball Nathan Ballard Jun. all Sworn 8"' Fence Viewers. Richard Ayer, Jeremiah Pecker and Samuel Davis — all sworn — 9*'' Hay-wards — John George & James Ayer — lO'b Hog Reeves — Samuel Kimball, Jacob Flanders David Colby Samuel Fletcher Ebenezer Woolson sworn Abraham Sanborn Jun. Samuel Curtis sworn Benjamin Hoit, Calvin Boutell, sworn Theodore French Philip Watson, sworn Eliphalett Browm Abiel C Carter Andrew Buswell, William Lynn, sworn Zebediah Gleason sworn Simeon Farnum, sworn Nathaniel Carter, Jeremiah Wheeler Jr. Hazen Kimball Atkinson Webster Joseph Walker, sworn George Hutchins, sworn. Benj'* Simpson Joseph Colby, — Sealers of weights & measures, Timo Chandler. ii"" Cullers of Staves. Ebenezer Chase, William Wilcomb James Wilcomb Jr. Stephen Chase, Isaac Run- nels Moses Colby Timothy Dow Jere Abbot, James Moulton Ezra Hoit. 12* Corders of Wood. John George, Charles Her- bert Robert Ambrose, Nathaniel Evans, James Buswell, Isaac Dow ; Asaph Evans ; 13'^ Surveyors of Lumber Abiel Virgin, David Parker, Reuben Goodwin, Benjamin Darwin, George W. Rogers, John Johnson, William Dow, David Flanders, Nathan Call, Thomas W. Thorndike, Ebenezer Eastman John D. Miller, Moses Carter, John Lovejoy & Moses Bullen 14"' Pound Keepers. Samuel A. Kimball Ebenezer Chase. 5l6 CONCORD 15"' School Committke. Doct. Asa M'^Farland, Thomas W. Thompson, Charles Walker, Isaac Hill, Timothy Carter, Ahiel Rolfe, wSamuel A. Kimball, Sam- uel Fletcher, Samuel Sparhawk, Stephen Ambrose Jon- athan Eastman Jr &. Moses Long. i6**' Voted to raise three hundred & Fift}'' Dollars to supply the Pulpit the ensuing year 17'" Voted to raise twelve hundred Dollars for the sup- port of schools the ensuing year 18"' Voted to raise twenty four hundred dollars to defray the expenses of the Town the ensuing year. 19th Voted to allow the accounts presented against the by Jonathan Wilkins, Nathaniel Abbot & Lewis Down- ing for attending Court as witnesses for the Town. 20"* Voted, that Samuel Sparhawk, Charles Walker &. William A. Kent Esqrs be a committee to examine the Selectmen's & Town Clerk's papers, arrange and file such as they consider worthy of preservation & that said committee examine the Selectmen's Books, and report to the next Tow^n meeting whether any, and if any, what alteration it will be expedient to make in the mode of keep- ing said Books & that said committee be further author- ized to collect and deposit with the Town Clerk the Books and papers belonging to the Town in the hands of other persons — & procure a suitable Book case for the safe keeping of said Books & papers. 21*'^ Voted, That forty Dollars be appropriated out of the sum already raised, for the purpose of ringing and tolling the Bell, and sweeping the Meeting House the ensuing year. 22°* Voted, That the same regulations be adopted this year to prevent swine from running at large, that was adopted last year & formerly 23"^ Voted to accept the report of the Committee on the subject of supporting the poor — the substance of which is, that in their opinion, it is not expedient to make any alteration in the mode at present 24*'' Voted that forty Dollars be appropriated out of the sum already raised for the purpose of purchasing hose & buckets for the new Engine. 25"' Voted That five Dollars be granted as a premium TOWN RECORDS. 517 to the Engine which may arive at a fire first, & that it be awarded by direction of the Firewards 26"^ Voted To dismiss the article relative to selling the Parsonage right 27th Voted to dismiss the article relative to laying out a road from the Hopkinton road to Moses Abbots 28"" Voted To dismiss the article relative to granting a Bounty for killing Crows. — 29"* Voted That William Stickney be an agent to take care of the Town House the ensuing year 30'*" Voted To raise one Dollar and thirty cents on a single poll and on all other rateable property in pro- portion for the purpose of repairing the highways the ensuing year, to be paid in Labor at ten cents pr liour — 31*' Voted That Stephen Ambrose, Timothy Chandler & Samuel A. Kimble be a committee to take into consid- eration tlie expediency of adopting the unadopted Lazes relative to the extinguishing of fires, and report to the next Tow^n meeting 32°"^ That the vote passed last annuall meeting grant- ing leave for the south end of the Town House to be pre- pared and occupied for a Lancastrian school, be extend- ed to or during another year. ■^yi Yoted That this meeting be dissolved Attest Francis N. Fisk Town Clerk State of New-Hampshire Rockingham fs. Concord April ii"' 1820 — Pursuant to precepts to me directed by the Marshal of New Hampshire District, The Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Concord qualified to vote for State Represenatives are hereby notified and warned to meet at the Town House on Friday the 21'' day of April inst. at 4 oclock in the afternoon for the following purposes viz. I*' To choose a Moderator 2°<^ To appoint two men duly qualified to serve as Grand-Jurors at the Circuit Court to be holden at Ports- mouth within and for said District on Monday the first day of May next. 3'"'^ To appoint two men duly qualified to serve as 5l8 CONCORD Petit Jurors at said Circuit Court to be holden at Ports- mouth within and tor said District on Monday the first day of May next. Given under my hand at Concord on the day above named Francis N. Fisk Town Clerk State of New Hampshire Rockingham fs. — Concord April 21"' 1820 — At a legal meeting held in Concord on said day Rich- ard Bradley was chosen Moderator 2"^^ Jonathan Wilkins & Enoch Coffin were appointed to serve as Grand Jurors at the Circuit Court above named. 3"* Robert Davis Jun. and Simeon Virgin were appointed to serve as Petit Jurors at the Circuit Court above named Attest Francis N. Fisk Town-Clerk State of New Hampshire Rochingham fs. (L. S.) In the name of said State, the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of Concord in the County and State aforesaid, qualified to vote in Town affairs, are hereby notified and warned to meet at the Town house on Tuesday the 13"' day of next June at two oclock in the afternoon for the following purposes, viz.- i^* To choose a Moderator 2""^ To choose a Treasurer 3"^ To choose a Committee to settle with the late Treas- urer 4"" To see what method the Town will take to repair the road from Concord Bridcje to Pembroke 5' To choose an Agent or Agents to commence suits against the Towns of Hollis, Amhest Northfield &. Barnstead. 6'" To see if the Town will sell or lease to the Elev- enth school District so much of the Parsonage land near the house of David George as will be necessary for the erection of a school house. 7"" To see if the Town will erect a house for the sate keeping of the herse. — TOWN RECORDS. 519 S*** To see what method, if an3s the Town will take to ■dispose of Benjamin Morses property. 9"^ & lastly to transact any other business thot neces- sary when met. Given under our hands & seal at Concord the 29"' day of May one thousand eight hundred and twenty Richard Bradley ^Selectmen Isaac Farnum > of ) Concord Rockingham fs. State of New-Hampshire At a legal Town meeting ■duly notified and holden at the Town house in Concord in said County on Tuesday the thirteenth day of June ID. one thousand eight hundred and twenty, the follow- ing votes passed viz. — i" Chose John George Esqr. Moderator 2° Voted to dismiss the 2"^ article named in the war- rant 3'''^ Voted that the Selectmen together with Charles Walker Esqr. be a committee to settle with the late Town Treasurer 4"* Voted that the Selectmen be agents to repair the highway from Concord Bridge to Pembroke line, and that they cause such repairs to be made as will satisfy the complainants. 5"^ Voted that Capt. Joseph Walker be Agent in be- half of the Town to commence suits against the Towns of Hollis, Amherst, Northfield & Barnstead, and that he have full power and authority to carry on and defend the same. 6* Voted that the Selectmen be directed to lease to the Eleventh school District, for such length of time and on such terms as they may think proper, so much of the Parsonage lot near the house of David George as will be needed by said District for the purpose of building a school house, provided the Rev*^ Doct. M'^Farland or those who may claim a right to said Lot under him shall give his or their consent. 520 CONCORD 7"" Voted that Stephen Ambrose Esqr & Maj Timothy- Chandler be added to the Selectmen as a committee for the above purpose. 8"* Voted that the Selectmen be authorized to purchase or build a house or houses sufficient for the safe keeping of the herse or herses which belong to the Town — 9"" Voted that the Selectmen be authorised to enquire into the situation of the Property of Benjamin Morse, now living in Boscawen, and if they think it expedient, to clear the farm or premises of the said Morse from a Mortgage and take a Deed in behalf of the Town. lo"' Voted to dissolve the meeting Attest Francis N. Fisk Town Clerk Concord June 13"" 1820 State of New-Hampshire Rockingham fs. — Concord Sepf 13"" 1820. Pursuant to precepts to me directed by the Marshal of New-Hampshire District, three Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Concord, qualified to vote for State Representatives, are hereby notified and warned to meet at the Town-House on Friday the twenty second day of Sepf inst. at 4 oclock in the afternoon for the following purposes, viz. i^* To choose a Moderator. 2nd 'Pq appoint two men dul}^ qualified to serve as Grand Jurors at the Circuit Court to be holden at Exeter within and for New-Hampshire District on Monday the second day of October next 3"^ To appoint two men duly qualified to serve as petit Jurors at the said Circuit Court Given under my hand at the time above mentioned Francis N. Fisk Town Clerk State of New-Hampshire Rockingham fs. Concord Sepf 22°'^ 1820 — At a legal meeting held in Concord on said day i^' Chose Richard Bradley Moderator 2°^ Chandler Eastman & Daniel Cooledge were ap- pointed to serve as Grand Jurors at the Circuit Court be- fore mentioned TOWN RECORDS. 521 3'''^ Jeremiah Prichard & Lewis Downing were ap- pointed Petit Jurors as said Circuit Court Attest, Francis N. Fisk Town Clerk Return of a road laid out by us the subscribers from Benjamin Wheelers house to a house owned by Authur Rogers Esqr. viz. Beginning on the nortli side of the road leading from Moses Carters to Concord Street, near said Wheelers house, thence North fifteen degrees east one hundred eighty three rods across the land owned by Mary Anne Stickney, John Carter & Authur Rogers Esqr. to the center of the old road on the east side of Bow brook, thence north seventeen degrees east fifty rods through land owned by Charles Walker Esqr. till it inter- sets said old road, thence on said old road nortli twenty six degrees east sixty rods to a causeway near the house owned by the aforesaid Author Rogers Esq"^ said road is four rods wide and is two rods on each side of the above described line, and we return said road as a public high- way and we award as a compensation for land taken for said road, to Mary Anne Stickney thirt}'^ Dollars & to John Carter five Dollars, to Authur Rogers forty Dollars «& to Charles Walker Esqr. three Dollars. Concord Sept' 22, 1820. -r»- 1 1 Ti ji ) Selectmen Richard Bradley / r ]ere^ Pecker \ r^ a -^ ) Concord A true record from the original return Attest Francis N. Fis^ Town Clerk State of New-Hampshire Rockingham fs. (L. S.) In the name of said State, The Freeholders and other Inhabitants of Concord in said County qualified to vote in the choice of Senators to the State Legislature are hereby notified and warned to meet at the Town House on monday the sixth day of November next at ten oclock in the forenoon for the following purposes, viz. 522 CONCORD I** To choose a Moderator 2nd "Yq YQfg ]3y ballot for six persons duly qualified for Representatives of this State in the Congress of the United States agreeable to an act passed June 21'' ID 1792- and also to ballot for eight persons not holding Offices of profit or trust under the United States to be Electors of President and Vice President of the United States agreeably to an act passed June 19"^ 1820 — 3''^ To see if the Town will contract for the support of the widow of the late Timothy Abbot deceassed, and transact any other business thot necessary. Given under our hands and seal at Concord this four- teenth day of October JD 1820 A true record of the original Attest F. N. Fisk T. Clerk Richard Bradley ^ Selectmen Isaac Farnum > of Jeremiah Pecker ) Concord State of New-Hampshire Rockingham fs. At a legal Town meeting duly notified and held in Concord in the State and County aforesaid on the first monday of November one thousand eight hundred twenty, I** Made choice of John George Moderator 2nd Voted that the Selectmen be authorised to make such contracts (relative to the support of the widow of the late Timothy Abbot deceased) as they shall think for the interest of the Town. 3'''^ Votes given in for Representatives of this State to the Congress of the United States, were as follows, viz. for Josiah Butler 99 William Plummer Junior loi — Na- thaniel Upham 99 Mathew Harvey 105 Aaron Matson 99 Thomas Whipple Jun loi — Levi Jackson 6 Jere- miah H. Wodman 3 George Sullivan i Joseph Bell i John Vose 2 Henry B. Chase i William Pickering 3 Adino N. Bracket 2 Philip Carrigain i Joseph R. Jarvis 2 Parker Noyes i Auther Livermore 3 Moses P. TOWN RECORDS. 523 Payson i John Langdon i Votes for Electors of Presi- dent and Vice President of the United States, were Wil- liam Plummer 99 David Barker loo William Fisk lOO Samuel Dinsmore lOO John Pendexter lOO Nathaniel Shannon lOO Ezra Bartlett loi James Smith 98 Benja- min Pierce i John Tayler Oilman i George B. Upham 2 William Hale 3 Jeduthan Wilcox i Timothy Farrer 3 Levi Jackson 2 William Webster 3 John Waldron 2 Philip Carrigain i Leonard Jarvis i Voted that this meeting be dissolved. Attest Francis N. Fisk Town Clerk State of New Hampshire Rockingham fs (L. S) In the name of said State the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of Concord in said State & County qualified to vote in Town affairs, are hereby notified and warned to meet at the Town House on Thursday the fourth day of January next at one oclock in the after- noon, for the following purposes viz. i*^ To choose a Moderator. 2^^ To see if the Town will accept the report of the Courts Committee on the Bog road, or choose an Agent to oppose the establishment of said road 3"^ To see if the Town will authorise the Selectmen to lay out a road between Turkey & Tury pond. 4''' To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to Straighten the road from Kendall's mills so called to Stickney hill 5*'' To see if the Town will direct the Selectmen to lay out a road west of Richard Elliots and across Contocook River to Boscawen line. 6'" To see if the Town will repair or rebuild contoo- cook Bridge. 7"^ To see if the Town will accept the doings of the selectmen in la3nng out & contracting for building a road from Benjamin Wheeler's house to a house owned by Authur Rogers — And to transact any other business tho't proper. 524 CONCORD Given under our hands and seal at Concord this 20*'* day of Dec' ID 1820 TT I 1 T> 11 ) Selectmen Richard J3radley / ^ Tere'' Pecker C ^ , ** } Concord A true record from the original Attest Francis N. Fisk Town Clerk State of New-Hampshire Rockingham fs. Concord January 4"^ 1821 At a legal Town meeting duly notified and held at the Town House on said day the following business was transacted I*' Chose John George Moderator. 2nd Voted to dismiss the second article so far as it re- lates to the acceptance of the report of the Court's com- mittee on the Bog road so called and voted that Richard Bartlett Esqr. be agent for the Town to oppose the es- tablishment of said road. 3'"^ Voted that Richard Bartlett Esqr be agent for the Town to confer with the selectmen on the subject a road petitioned for, to commence at the old road near Daniel Hall's and run between Turkey & Ture}' Pond to the maine road leading from Concord to Hopkinton — that he accompany the selectmen in examineing and surveying said route, also the old road — that he be authorised to use all legal measures to prevent a court's committee from being appointed on said route and prevent the laying out a road there. 4"* Voted that the Selectmen be directed to lay out, or straighten the road from Kendalls mills, so called, to Stickney-Hill 5* Voted to dismiss the article, relative to laying out a road west of Richard Eliots house 6"^ Voted that the selectmen be authorised to agree with the selectmen of Boscaw^en to repair or rebuild the Bridge across Contoocook River, near John Chandlers, in the in the same place it now is, and that the Town of Concord pay one half the expence, 7"' Voted to accept the doings of the selectmen in lay- TOWN RECORDS. 525 ing out, and contracting for the building of a road from Benjamin Wheelers house by Peter Smiths house, to a house owned by Authur Rogers 8"" Voted that the Selectmen be authorised to repair the road (at their discretion) between the foot of the hill, near Richard Elliot's, and Contoocook Bridge 9"" Voted to dissolve this meeting A True record of the proceedings Attest, Francis N. Fisk, Town Clerk. Return of a road from Jonathan Stickneys to Frederick Runnels Mills, in Concord, viz. Beginning at the centre of the old road near the House of Jonathan Stickney in Concord, thence running North forty three degrees East fifty five rods — thence North forty eight degrees East one hundred &. thirty six rods to an Elm Tree near the Mills now owned by Frederick Runnels. And we do award the owners of land through which the said Highway passes the following sums, viz. To Jonathan Stickney the sum of forty five Dollars per acre for his improved land and ten Dollars per acre for his unimproved land — To Benning Smart Jno. Sherburn and the present owners of land formerly owned by Daniel Kendal decea'd the sum of ten dollars pr. acre each — and we hereby lay out and return the same as a public Highway four rods wide two rods on each side of the above described line. Concord January 10"' 1821 — Richard Bradley ^Selectmen Isaac Farnum > ot Jer'' Pecker ) Concord A true record from the original return Attest Francis N. Fisk Town Clerk. APPENDIX. The miscellaneous records in the first volume of Town Records were not made in consecutive order, notably licenses for inn keepers and taverners, and for retailers of wines and spirituous liquors ; also entries of sheep- marks. A few specimens of each of these are printed as samples, and the names of the persons entering sheep marks, and receiving licenses, are given chronologically. The marriages by Rev. Timothy Walker, and the inten- tions of marriages, occupy but a few pages of the volume, and are as follows : Marriages returned by the Rev*^ M"" Timothy Walker on the Twenty Third Day of September 1735 viz' Stephen Farington and Apphia Bradley both of Rum- ford were married the 28"" Day of August 1732. — William Danford and Anna Flood both of Rumford and James Head of Canterbury and Sarah Danford of Rumford were married the 17"' Day of January 1733. Philip Kimball and Dorcas Foster both of Rumford were married the 17"* Day of June 1735 — Samuel Davis of Canterbury and Mary Lambert of Rumford were married the 19*'' of August 1735 — Exam'^ & Entered pr Benj" Rolfe Town Clerk Marriage Intentions. Philip Kimball & Dorcas Foster's Purposes of Mar- riage were posted up at the Meeting House in Rumford on the 31*' Day of July 1735 — Intentions of Marriage between Jeremiah Drefser of Rumford & Mehitabel Bradley of Haverhill was posted up at the Meeting House in Rumford the of September 1735— 528 APPENDIX. Intentions of Marriai^e between Jofeph Hall of Rum- ford and Debborah Abbot of Andover were publifhed at Rumford y" 30"' Day of May 1736 — Intentions of Marriage between James Scales of Rum- ford and Sufanna Ilovey of Topffield were publifhed at said Rumford the 27"' Day of August 1736 Intentions of Marriage between Andrew Benonne and Tabbitha Flanders both of Rumford were posted up at the Meeting House Door in said Rumford on the lo"* Day of September 1736, — Intentions of Marriage between James Peters and Eliz- abeth Farnum both of Rumford were posted up at the Meeting House Door in said Riimford on the 16"' Day of October 1736. Intentions of Marriage between George Abbot of Rumford and Sarah Abbot of Andover were posted up at the Meeting House Door in Rumford on the 24"" Day of December, 1736 — Intentions of Marriage between Samuel Bradftreet and Margaret Goarden both of SunCook were posted up at the Meeting House Door in Rumford on the Ninteenth Day of January, 1736 Intentions of Marriage between Benjamin Rolfe and Hiphzabah Hazzen both of SunCook were posted up at the Meeting House Door in Rumtbrd on the Nineteenth Day of January, 1736 Intentions of Marriafje between Richard Eastman of SunCook and Mary Lovejoy of Andover were posted up at the Meeting House Door in Rumford on the Twenty Sixth Day of September 1737. Intentions of Marriage between Isaac F'oster of Rum- ford and Abigail Bradlee of Haverhill were posted up at the Meeting House Door in Rumford on the Twenty first Day of November 1737 Intentions of Marriage between Daniel Rolfe jun'' and Elizabeth Flanders both of Rumford were posted up at the Meeting House Door in Rumford on the Eight Day of January 1737 — Intentions of Marriage between Zebediah Farnum and Mary Walker both of Rumford were posted up at the Meeting House Door in Rumford on the Fourteenth Day of January 1737 APPENDIX. 529 Intentions of Marriage between Nathan Burbank of CoatooCook and Sarah York of Exeter were posted up at the Meeting House Door in Rumford on the Tw^ent}' Second Day of April 1738 Intentions of Marriage between William Walker & Elizabeth Peters both of Rumford were posted up at the Meeting House Door in Rumford on the Tenth Day of May 1738 Intentions ol Marriage between Thomas Counaegham of Suncook & Anna Otterfon of Haverhill were posted up at the Meeting House Door in Rumford on the i8"> Day of July 1738. Intentions of Marriage between Timothy Bradlee and Abiah Stevens both of Rumford were posted up at the Meeting House Door in said Rumford on the the 5"' Day of August 1738. Intentions of Marriage between Jonathan Bradlee of Rumford and Susanna Folsom of Exeter were posted up at the Meeting House Door in said Rumford on the 9**^ Day of September, 1738 Intentions of Marriage between Lot Colby and Ann Walker both of Rumford were posted up at the Meeting House Door in said Rumford on the 9"' Day of Septem- ber, 1738 Intentions of Marriage between Timothy Walker jun' of Rumford & Martlia Colby of Almsbury were posted up at the Meeting House Door in said Rumford on the 8"* Day of October, 1738 — Intentions of Marriage between Joseph Eastman jun' of Rumford and Abigail Miller of Ilopkinton were posted up at the Meeting House in said Rumford on the 24"' Day of December, 1738 — Intentions of Marriage between John March and Mary Rolfe both of Rumford were posted up at the Meeting House Door in said Rumford on the 18"' Day of Feb- ruary, 1738. Intentions of Marriage between Benjamin Blanchard of Canterbury and I^ridget P'itzgerald of Contoocook were posted up at the Meeting House Door in Rumford on the 26"' Day of Marcii 1739. Intentions of Marriage between Daniel Manning of Charlestown and Elizabeth Abbott of Rumford were 35 530 APPENDIX. posted up at the Meeting House Door in s'' Rumford on the ip'^' Day of November, 1738 — SHEEP MARKS. Sheep marks were entered by 133 persons from 1770 to 1831, inclusive, and some of these marks were taken up, or continued by, or transferred to, 31 other persons. The following are a few samples of all recorded : Daniel Chandlers Mark. A Swallows Tail in each Ear. Enter'' June 5 A D 1770 — given up to Benj* Thompson J' June 15"" 1773 Cap* Joseph Eastman's Mark. A Cross & Slit in the left Ear. Enter<* June 5'" A D 1770— Benj^ Emery's Mark. A Swallows Tail in the near Ear, Enter** June 9"' A D 1770 — This mark taken up by Isaac Runnels June 6, 1820 — Rev Concord Sepf 22'' 1794. We the subscribers do hereby certify our approbation & license of the persons hereafter named to be Innholders in s-^ Town of Concord viz. Mefs" Benj" Hanaford,^^" Stickney, Sam' Butters, Daniel Gale, John Batchelder Tim*' Bradley, John Hoit, Chandler Lovejoy, Eben' East- man, Will'" Coffin, Caleb Chase, & Jonathan Runnels j' Tim° Walker > Selectmen John Bradley 5 o^ Concord A true record of licensed Innholders in the Town of Concord for the current year. Att. Caleb Chase T" Clerk. State of New Hampshire > ^ j a/t ^u ^ m ^m^- T, 1 • , r ? Concord March 24" 170S Rockmgham Is > t / ^^ We the subscribers Selectmen of Concord do approve of M' John Colby J' as a Tavern Keeper in s*^ Concord he living where a Tavern is much wanted & being a suitable person therefor. In Testim.ony whereof we have hereunto set our hands this Day & year above written Tim° Walker ) Selectmen John Bradley > of Concord A true record of the approbation of the above named Jn° Colby J^ Att. Caleb Chase T" Clerk— The names of the Innholders, with the date of their licenses, follow^ : 1793. January 19, Caleb Chase, January 26, John Hoit. January 26, William Coffin. May 25, Daniel Gale. December 2, Benjamin Hana- ford, William Stickney, Samuel Butters, Jno. Batchelder, Timothy Bradley, Ebenezer East- man, William Coffin, Jno Hoit, and Caleb Chase. APPENDIX. 535 1794. September 22, Benjamin Hanaford, William Stickney, Samuel Butters, Daniel Gale, John Batchelder, Timothy Bradley, John Hoit, Chandler Lovjoy, Ebenezer Eastman, Wil- liam Coffin, Caleb Chase and Jonathan Run- nels, Jr. 1795. September 24, Benjamin Hanaford, W'" Coffin, W™ Stickney, Daniel Gale, Samuel Butters, John Batchelder, Timothy Bradley, John Hoit, Chandler Love joy, Ebenezer Eastman, Jonathan Runnels, Jr., and Caleb Chase. March 24, John Colby, Jr. November 13, Daniel Rogers, at the toll-house. October 12, Ebenezer Eastman at the victualling house near Mr. Paul Rolfe's or at the house near the bridge now a building over Merri- mack river in said Concord. 1796. September 20, Benjamin Hanaford, William Stickney, Daniel Gale, Samuel Butters, John Bachelder, Timothy Bradley, John Hoit, Chandler Lovjoy, Ebenezer Eastman, Wil- liam Coffin and Jonathan Runnels. Jr. No- vember 7, Daniel Rogers. 1797. February 13, Ezra Hutchins. March 9, Aaron Austin. September 20, Benjamin Hanaford, William Stickney, Daniel Gale, Samuel Butters, John Bachelder, John Hoit, Chandler Lovjoy, William Coffin and Timothy Brad- ley. November 25, Daniel Rogers. 1798. February 9, Jonathan Runells. March 15, Aaron Austin. February 13, Ezra Hutchins. August II, John Shannon on the east side of the river. October 3, Robert Eastman, Capt. Jonathan Eastman and Ebenezer Sanborn taverners for the 4'" 5"' 6'" of this present month. September 20, Benjamin Hanaford, William Stickney, Daniel Gale, Samuel But- ters, John Hoit, Chandler Lovjoy. 1799. ^^arch 30, Moses Noyes, until Sebtember 20. March 11, Calvin How, for three months from date. June i, Edmund Leavitt, until Sep- tember 20. September 20, Benjamin Han- naford, William Stickney, Danniel Gale, 536 AI'I'ENDIX. 1799. September 20, Samuel Butters, Daniel Rogers, John Hoit, Chandler Lovjoy, Edmund Leavitt, William Virgin, Aaron Austin. November 25, John Hart. 1800. June 4, David George, Isreal Dimond, to Septem- ber 20. September 21, Benjamin Ilanaford, William Stickney, Benjamin Gale, Samuel Butters, John Iloit, Chandler Lovjoy, Daniel Rogers, Edmund Leavitt, William Virgin, Aaron Austin, David George, Isreal Dimond. 1801. September 21, Daniel Rogers, Samuel Butters, Benjamin Gale, William Stickney, Aaron Austin, Chandler Lovjoy, John Hoit, Isreal Dimond. October 23, Calvin How. May 15, David George. 1802. November i, David Simson. November 22, Abel Baker. November 18, William Fisk. 1803. February 28, Nathaniel Ambrose. June 4, Wil- liam Stickney. June 18, Aaron Austin. June 20, Timothy Bradley. May 30, Robert P. Wilkins, through the ensuing session of the General Court. May 20, David George. June 4, Benjamin Gale. July 5, Chandler Lovejoy. October 11, for Wednesday and Thursday next, Ebenezer Sanborn, Edmund Leavitt, Jacob Eastman, Simeon Eastman, Jonathan Eastman, James Moulton, Millen Kimball, at the school house in the district call the fort. 1804. March 13, Nathaniel Ambrose. June i, Samuel Butters, Benjamin Gale, William Stickney, David George, Aaron Austen, Chandler Lov- joy. July 17, Robert B. Wilkins. Novem- ber 23, Samuel Willey. 1805. March 9, Nathaniel Ambrose. March 27, Wil- liam Hoit. June i, Joseph Sherburn for six months from date, Sherburn Wiggin one month from date. June 4, Benjamin Kimball, Jr., during present month of June. June 4, Sargent Roberts, one month from date. June I, Samuel Butters, Benjamin Gale, Wil- liam Stickney, David George, Aaron Austin, Chandler Lovjoy. APPENDIX. 537 1806. March 7, Nathaniel Ambrose. June i, Samuel Butters, Benjamin Gale, William Stickney, David George, Aaron Austen, Chandler Lov- joy, William Hoit, James Yalding, Richard Herbert, Jr. 1807. March 17, Solomon Mann. June i, Timothy But- ters, Benjamin Gale, William Stickney, Jos- eph Kenestone, William Hoit, Nathaniel Am- brose, Richard Herbert, Jr., Samuel Wille. 1808. June I, Timothy Butters, Benjamin Gale, William Stickney, Aaron Austin, William Hoit, Nath- aniel Ambrose, Richard Herbert, Jr., Solo- mon Mann, Jonathan Parker, Nathaniel Clough, Isreal Dimond. November 23. Ebe- nczer Hill, at dwelling-house of Dorcas Sher- burn one year from date hereof. November 17, Joseph Runnels. 1809. June I, Timothy Butters, Benjamin Gale, William Stickney, Solomon Mann, Aaron Austen, Nathaniel Ambrose. November 20, William Hoit, Jr. 1820. April I, Orlando Brown, John George, Lemuel Barker, William Stickney, Abel Hutchins, Benjamin Gale, John Carr, Meshach Lang, Isaac Emery, Peter Robertson. 1822. April I, John Carr, Benjamin Gale, Abel Hutch- ins, William Stickney, John George, Lemuel Barker, Orlando Brown, Meshach Lang, Isaac Emei'y. 1823. April I, Benjamin Gale, John George, Orlando Brown, Joshua Sawyer. 1824. January 5, Richard Herbert. February 16, Joshua Sawyer. 53^ APPENDIX. LICENSED RETAILERS OF SPIRITOUS LIQUORS. Licenses to retail wines, and foreign distilled spiritous liquors were issued to 29 persons and firms from 1792 to 1809 inclusive. Nearly all of them were to storekeepers, and most of the licenses were for one year. Two licenses are here given as specimens of all of them : State of New Hampshire } Rockingham fs 5 Concord Sepf 22" 1794 We the subscribers do hereby approve of the following persons to be retailers of Wines and foreign distilled spirituous Liquors viz. Mefs" Robert Harris, Manly & Partridge, Will™ Duncan, John Thorndike, Wait & Fisk, W" A. Kent, Jon" Wilkins, & Jon" Herbert. Tim° Walker ) Selectmen of John Bradley 5 Concord A true record of the Approbation of the above named persons for the current year. Att. Caleb Chase T" Clerk. State of New Hampshire > Rockingham fs ) Agreeably to the Laws of the State of New Hampshire we the subscribers Select- men of Concord do hereby approve of & Licence Mefs" Philip Carigain Ju' & Obadiah Carigain to be Retailers of wines & Foreign Distilled Spirituous Liquors at there store on the mane street in s** Concord. Tim<* Walker ) Selectmen of John Bradley 5 Concord Given under our hands this 30"" day of Sept' ID 1796 A True Record of approbation Att. John Odlin T. Clerk The persons licensed, and the date of their licenses are as follows : 1792. Sept 24, Christopher Osgood. November 12, Jon- athan Herbert. APPENDIX. 539 1793. March i6,JonathanWilkins. September 7, Benjamin Morse, Jr. December 2, Robert Harris, William Duncan, William A. Kent, Hazen Kimball, William Manly & Partridge, Jonathan & Rich- ard Herbert, Jno Thorndike & Daniel Page. 1794. September 22, Robert Harris, Manly & Partridge, William Duncan, John Thorndike, Wait & Fisk, William A. Kent, Jonathan Wilkins, & Jonathan Herbert. September 2, Jonathan Runnels. 1795. July 18, Samuel Butters. September 24. Robert Harris, W™ Manly, W"^ Partridge, W™ Dun- can W™ A. Kent, John Thorndike, Luther Fisk, Jonathan Herbert & Jonathan Runnels, Jr. December 17 Jacob Abbot 1796. January 5, Philip Carrigain, Jr. September 30, Philip Carrigain Jr. & Obadiah Carrigain at their store on the main street. September 20, Robert Harris, John Thorndike, William Aus- tin Kent, William Manl}-, William Duncan, David Wait, Jonathan & Richard Herbert, Jonathan Runnels, William Partridge, and Stephen Ambrose 1797. March 13, Jacob Abbot. September 15, William Austin Kent, William Manl}-, John Thorn- dike, William Duncan, and David Wait. September 26, Robert Harris. September 30, Philip & Obediah Carrigain, and Jacob Abbot. September 28, Jonathan & Richard Herbert. December 19, Stephen Ambrose, " at his store on the east side of the river on the mane road leading to Canterbury." 1798. September 20, Robert Plarris, William Manley, John Thorndike, Jacob Abbot, Philip & Obe- diah Carrigain, Jonathan & Richard Herbert. December 10, Stephen Ambrose. 1799. April 26, Enoch Emery. July 9, Samuel Butters, Jr. August 5, David Wait. September 13, Robert Harris, John Thorndike, William Austin Kent, William Manley, Jonathan & Richard Her- bert, Philip & Obediah Carrigain, Jacob Abbot. Date not given, Stephen Ambrose. 540 APPENDIX. 1800. April 26, Enoch Emery. June 25, Samuel But- ters, Jr. July 30, David Wait. September 12, Robert Harris, William Austin Kent, Jonathan & Richard Herbert, John Thorn- dike, Jacob Abbot, William Manley, Oba- diah Carrigain & Co. December 10, Stephen Ambrose. 1801. September 5, Robert Harris, John Thorndike, William A. Kent, William Manley, Jonathan & Richard Herbert, Obediah Carrigain & Co., Jacob Abbot. February 26, David Wait. April 24, Enoch Emery. June i, Samuel Butters, jr. September 30, Obadiah Carrigain. October 23. Stephen Ambrose. 1802. May 26, Charles Emery. 1803. July I, Stephen Ambrose. December i, Phinehas Virgin, Jr. 1804. March 28, Charles Emery. June i, David George, Jr. June 4, Sherburn Wiggin at his dwelling house one year from date also to keep a tavern at the same place twenty days from date. July 7, James Moulton. Novem- ber 20, John Thorndike, Sargent Rogers. 1805. June, Jonathan Herbert. June 4, Charles Emery, David George, Jr. July 4, James Moulton. 1806. April 19, Samuel Price, at the toll-house at Fed- eral Bridge. 1807. November 4, Chrehore & Tucker. June i, James Moulton. 1809. June 3, George Connel, Peter Robertson. The last three pages of the volume contain records of stray horses and cattle, from December 16, 1767 to October 31, 1809, that were taken up or impounded by James Walker, Nath' Green, Richard Herbert, Abraham Sanborn, Jesse Baker, Jerry Virgin, Abiel Virgin, Eph- raim Farnum,Jr., and Isaac Dimond. On November 4, 1819, David Hall had recorded the fact that he found " a five dollar bank bill near the Lower Hay Scales in Con- cord," on Nov. 1st. APPENDIX. 541 The only recorded perambulation of the lines of Rum- ford, contained in the first volume, reads as follows : "In the month of March JD 1748. The Lines of the Township of Rumford were Preambulated by Capt. John Chandler & Mr. Richard Hafseltine Selectmen of s** Rumford & Afsisted therein by Abraham Colby & Ifaac Chandler" ADDITIONAL PAPERS. The following papers were copied from Original Papers in possession of Hon. Joseph B. Walker, and contain information relating to the settlement of Penny Cook, and the pecuniary condition of the inhabitants of Rum- ford in the middle of the period when the tow^n was engaged in its controversy with Bow, that cannot be found elsewhere : An accompt of the fettlers that have paid their forty fhillings for defreying the Charge of laying out the Lands at penny Cook, paid at M"" Eastman's at Haverhill May ye 11^'' day Anno Dom° 1726 — of M^ Obediah Ayer of Thomas Wicomb of John Ayer of Ebenezer Eastman of Cap' Henry Rolfe of M"^ Richard Hazzen Jun' of Jonathan fhipley of Jacob Eames of Andrew Mitchell of D'' Joshua Bayley of David Kimball of Joseph Hall of Benjamin Gage of Moses Day of Nathaniel Peaslee of M^ Enoch Coffin 40s. 40s. 40s. 40s. 40s. 40s. 40s. 40s. 40s. 40s. 40s. 40s. 40s. 40s. 40s. 40s. 542 APPENDIX. of M' Joseph Hale of M' Moses Ilazzen 40s. 40s. of ftephen Emerson of Tho« Peiiey for Nalh' Cogswell of M' Bezaliel Toppan . of Thomas Colman 40s. 40s. 40s. 40s. £44 of William Whittier ...... 40s. of William Gutterson 40s. of John Merrill 2 5*15' ye 2otl» of John Pecker of John Jaques of M' John Sanders 40s. 40s. 40s. of John Sanders Jun' of Samuel Ayers . of Benjamin ftevens Esc of Samuel Kimball r 40s. 40s. 40s. 40s. of Ebenezor Lovejoy of Abraham Foster 40s. 40s. of John Grainger of M' John Osgood of Ebenezor ftephens of William Barker 40s. 40s. 40s. 40s. of Benjamin Parker 40s. of Joseph Parker of M^ famuel Phillips . 40s. 40s. of Ens John Chandler . 40s. of Nathaniel Abbott 40s. £40 of ftephen Osgood of D' Timothy Johnson of Benjamin Gage 40s. 40s. 20s. £4 APPENDIX. 543 M' famuel Kimball fupply*^ in pork & butter 23/ & mony 17s — 40s £44 40 4 I I £90 5 -— May 20"^ 1726 on our Return to Havehill rec*^ of William White of Nicholas White of Nathan Simons of James Simons of Nathan Blodgett of Isaac Walker C/5 < c of Edward Winn of John Coggin of Lerobbabell Snow of Benjamin Carlton of Nehemiah Carlton of Edward Clark of John Merrill of Robert Peaslee of Thomas Page of Robert Kimball of Samuel Reynolds of Samuel Parker of Nathaniel Lovejoy of Ephraim Varnum of Samuel Grainger of John Austin of John Wright of Joseph Page of Nathaniel Page . 40s. . 40s. . 40s. . 40s. . 40s. by y'' banc of Nathan . 40s. . 40s. Simmons i idvanc'd ) ditto . 40s. IW )" ,'• S iimons . 40s. . 40s. . 40s. . 40s. . 15s. 40s. . 40s. . 40s. . 40s. . 40s. . 40s. . 40s. . 40s. . 40s. . 40s. . 40s. 40s. 48- 544 APPENDIX. of John Peabody . of Joseph Davis . of Samuel Davis . of Ephraim Davis of Nehcmiah Heath of Nathan' Clements of Nathan fancier's of John Mattis of John Bay ley of Benjamin Niccolls J W. made up. ....... of Ebenezer V^irgin ...... of Jon'"* Hubbard for D<= Davis rec'^ per Cap' fhipley of Ephr« Hildreth & CoP Tyng . . . . of Ammi Ruh Wise ^ pd by f . of Jon'* pulsepher VM'^Jn" ^ . . . . ofNath'Jonot )Wainw'( . . . . 24''' rec'' of Samuel Toppan pr y^ hands of M^ Enoch Coffin June 2** rec"*ofThos Larnad rec*^ of Christ*' Carlton rec*^ of John Foster . rec** of Tho* Blanch** Sept' 7 rec^ of Nathan parker of Jacob Abbott Mem« That >P Wainwright pd >P Tailer y' 20'" May at his going home 11 pounds of the money rec*^ on our return from penny Cook. 40s. 40s. 40s. 40s. 40s. 40s. 40s. 40s. 40s. 18 40s. £20 40s. 40s. 40s. 40s. 40s. 40s. 12 ,, 20 48 s 90.5 15 171- 40s. 40s. 40s. 40s. 40s. 40s. 40s. APPENDIX. 545 the Comttee lor penny Cook Dr. Sep' y* 5'** day Coll Ting Sq"" Wainwright Capt fhiply Mr Wife 4 fuppers To Brandy punch Gill brandy is 6 to 2 brak faste to pint wine is 6 to Bottle of Cloftom drops To : 5 dinners : with drinks att 3/6 Each To : Boal Brand punch & i To : Rum punch To : 2 pints wine To : 8 fuppers 7"'To: 5 Br. fasts To : Drink To : 7 dinn" att 3 / To : 2 pints wine : 3/ Rum 6d To : 9 Suppers To : 2 pints of wine To Bowl punch To a pint of Cannary 8">To: 9 Br faste To : 2 pints of wine To rum 8** To I pint Canary To= Medara wine To 7 Suppers . To 2 pints wine To punch 6/ To Rum . To 17 Lodgings 9«'^To 2 Br fafts . To 2 Br fafts . To paper To pint Canary To Mr Wifes dinner^ etc To y* Horses — 4 — — 2 — 9 — I — — 2 — — I — 6 — 3 — — 17 — 6 — 03 — 9 — 2 — — 3 — — 8 — — 5 — — I — I — I — — 3 — 6 — 9 — — .5 — — I — 6 — 2 — — 9 — — 3 — — — 8 — 2 — — 10 — — 7 — — 3 — — 6 — — — 8 — 5 — 8 — 2 — — 2 — — I — — 2 — — 3 — 6 gave y serv 36 £7 12 O 2 16 O 12 O II — o — a 546 APPENDIX. 1725 Dr. Cr. Feby The Settlers of the Lands at Penny Cook. To the Expence of the Committee in comeing to Haverhill Viz' at Wob. and Andover from Boston £3 — 2 — To Jno Wainwright for ad- vertising £0 - 10 - o for a Book for Records £0 -12-0 Refreshments from Ipswich to Haverhill £0 - 9-0 Copy of y'' Order of Court £0 - 5-0 To Cap' fhipley Expence to Haverhill To M' Joseph Wilders Expence To an Exprefs to Ipswich To Jn"' Wainwright for fundry copy To CoP Tailer for 10 days service at ic^ To Elisha Cooke Esq' for 10 days serv. To Spencer Phipps Esq' for 9 days service To William Dudley Esq' for one day service To John Wainwright Esq for nine d^ serv. To Cap' John fhipley for 10 days service To M' John fanders for 7 days. To Eleazer Tyng Esq' for 10 days service To M' Joseph Wilder for 10 days service To Col° Tailer for two Horses To M' Cooke for his Horse To Col° Phipps for his Horse To M' Wainwright for His Horse I,, 16, ,■ — 0, — ■ 5"- — 0,,— " 5"' — I,,— - o,,- — 0,,— ■ 5"' — ^ :)" 5 — »5" 5 5 4 — 10 - — ~» ■10, ,- 4"— -10,, 5' — 3-— ■10,,- 5-- 5-- I,,— I,. ? ' 5 ? I5-- 49"- By Cash rec"^ of 100 persons admitted to bring forward y^ Settlement £100 Bro' Over £49 — To Col° Tyng for his Horse i , , M' fhiple}^ for His Horse i,, M' Wilder for His Horse i,, ■ To John Wainwright Esq' and Clerk for service 2,, - APPENDIX. 547 To Jn** Wainwright for his Ex in ret. home Tyng — Shipley Wilder los each To Expenses at M' Eastmans ftand To Expences at our returne £94: 4: 6 March p"^ M' Secretary Willard 15 5, 1725 Expended at the Green Dragon 3 — April 14 ditto at Mrs Homes's 3 2,, 56— 8 - 35 10 — 91,, — 18 — ( 2 : 6. 0- 8 95' 5—0 1726 Dr The Settlers at Penny Cook Brot Over £95.5.8* May 9. To Col** Tailer for his Exp^ & horse to Haverhill 15.3'' To fundry necefsarys for the Journey to P. Cooke 18.6 To John Barr Tavenes Exp at Nuttield 12.6 To Expence at Amoskeeg falls ab' the Horses i — To John Wainwright for Exp for himself & Man 12-8 To Col° Tyng Exp for himself & 4 others from Dunst^^ 4-10'* To Col° Tyng for one days attend* at Boston 10,, To M' Wainwright for one day attend* at Boston 10,, To Col° Tailer for y'^ Ball* for one day attend* at Bost° in p. 9 — 7- £100 — The foregoing articles of the Debit of his ace" are right & true Attest John Wainwright Cle"" to y^ Comtee Sign'd p' order of the Committee W. M. Tailer. Haverhill May 23, 1726. Copy Exam"^ p' John Wainwright Cler Contra Cr Bro' Over — £100 £100 548 APPENDIX. S3ABIS 'siniM SUIMg S§UIIJH9^ PIO SJBSX Z pp siBaX C •SM03 uaxQ •sasjoH OOOOQOOOO ooo o I I I I I I I I I I I I I II P/-, O V ooo r'^0 O i/- V O V O OOO I I I I O V o c Ml ::■ ro •* -^ •'t " M P) O o o n ■>*• lo « ro P> o o - i-O POn O « >-. oo c< O ooo O o - M -r o ►- ri o O PI o o n M loro O O « « O o N O no POO o o o Tf o o o ►1 ro 1- P) "- M O « - o « O fOO O PI o o o p^po POO lO T;^ "Mn M rn M M " o roro •* to ^ PI o o o « PI ro O M N N M O O ^ M N o PI N M O PI P) o o o O P^ PI PI Mi-M««MO — 00"-P100 t-0"-000>- — spuBq ■sssnoH sp^ajj oJ£ Oi - •- O " PI o j3 O C iJ *^ o S'C S o J? rt <" = o< << o *j ■£■£ C^ CIS rt JJSji o ^ c c ^ U;^ « S 5 ^ a3 -Art r J — '^ , t^ O t/j TO w CJ tfl c^ '^ ^ ' rt "o .5 ^ ^ ^C. rt N APPENDIX. 549 o o o o o o o 1 o o O 1 o o o o o o 1 1 o o „ „ „ o " r'°r, T r-» n M >0 \0 t^o M VO r rOTj-M iriio -"S-v t^VD ■^ y^- - \o "^ ►-Nm~-^t1-t^t1-« ri Lo CO Tfrj-rOT)-«M»- r^ \0 n -^ ro 2 1 o 1 i-cMP)i--0"" i-iOO"-'^OfO" l-lnp-|^ITl■"^O^^PI-<"^0 ir)m-H>-ii-iMfii-ip--i O'-i-' fON M N ii t> Uj D 2 CIS 5 2 U ^ "^ •J •- •- ^ ^ ^ W Q Q ►2.0, J oa.5 ,W£ C ? CU C c rt = C P C « W w. 'W x: n! Li.' ^^ CT! i 5 rt o w Oh u i^w :2; S w,:^ £ £ o , >>'-c; (U ^ rt ; " j^ s § =-2 sue 550 APPENDIX. S3ABIS 'siUJM I I I I I I I I I I I I r- M ON ^ ro P^ J^>1 "^ "^ Tf p. - O I I 00 "^« SUIMg rON>-OM'^"fOPiOP- « « - ONOO 00 M On t^ - - ro n CO vO M ri oc M fj „„ - " - -- « " " ►H - - « - « SpE3H i-ii-ii-iOMrip-ip-i««Ni-i«»<»«N-i Mn— "n «i- T1 in <4-l s 3 Pi D NO V '0 10 01 'o 1) f « fc c rtOO _rt tt( _ ray). — ^ 4J = ith rt -:; rt -^ "re — ^/ =■ -^ N-H o.'H -~ ^ =^-^ ^^W 2i O as »£.^r,<; 5:i t, < 'a? o ,_, ° r- § = '^ CO ;2s APPENDIX. 551 00000 o ooooooooooc - — -OO O OOO-'OOO-'-O'- 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I rj- m N N — fi 1-1 -^vo V. ro "I "- ro i-i o in _ ri ro- O O Ti- m f 1 Tf f) o d O ro '^ o o - - rO ro O P) M o o fl o - o O fi o o O O N M I- O o M o o « o ni- o « « o - o o o o o ro O O ■<^ o o O io« O O « o o o o o o o - - O f) o o o o o - o M o O " o o O — i-H ro ri o o o O •»■ f 1 o o o - o o - - o o o o ■^ ri - ro- o O ro •* 1- fO M o too M ro O O M - ro ro " - " o o f) o rr o o u-> O o O -^ -^ N M M o lO O N -^ O O tT N O M O o M o ro o o - o o O - « O (-1 - o o o - o O M O o « o o o o o - o ^ o o "-1 o o O 00 Tl- M \o vO M N 1-1 o o o O OVO -00 o M - o o o M o - M M o o « - - - - o - o -H « O o « « - o o o - - - N "I - w M M w n H< - roi-1 1-H M ~ — M 1-1 M w >- - - »-« - 1 ■V o o ;::6 552 APPENDIX. 8UI.WS •S3UI[JE3^\ p[0 SJB3^ Z P[0 SJB3^ Z •SA103 uaxQ •S3SJOJJ spu^T •sasnof^ sp^api E r\. •^ rj eo 0) O I? ■" o Invoice of Rumford 1757 000 I I I t^ " 00 "2 6 8 7 1 >ooooo Cl w w M N w « 000 000 Tj- rr tf rooo ro ^■' in 1) u So *^ o 1> OT n rt rt ^ s >^ OT (U c3 TS w C3 a. « T7Z >^ Pu 42 s T5 h M S TJ C (.J rt ^ 1; cr a; CiJ PLh P^ s X5 ^ < >^ O X) a; tJ3 O u o o > o e to -; o C S u S ^ o ^ Ph to 00 o P u w ii ^ O S ^ c o fe O APPENDIX. 553 00 0) s o 'a C/3 0) o s? s? K» -^ I-. Lo unvo rorod fOr^r^d\-- OO ri o ^ovo ro O ^ "^cd b TfN ON"- t^t^r-^ON rovo r^cc M rh ri Os r^ -• cK r^co vO LODO M M >-. rovd ONr^O loror^roi^ rovo >-o-j--iio r^Ovoco C\ f i _ c c rt ^ rt .£ = g si) S'nii03>,> ._;ni5; •i- "^ N CO o LO ro M O r^w^w rOLo ■* 1^ vdo " o O « « o d « « o O "->vi5 i^ "TJn r^ w-no n t-»oo Ln o b " ro •J^ ro M rOC/5 io y-do RvO f-J t^ t-^vd r'l Cn C\ 1^ M « 00 ■•* Tj- Tj- i-^ ro fo vo r^cb ^ O T- -2 ►— .X3 -" 4-. JX 1) I. rt E c iW 1) 0) <; tM -^ >,<5 o j= >^U u P ^ . .2 -G . I— >r) -C _ ^ .- „ , W J >— >H-i ,< hj; >— ,< ,- »— ,— -^ U 1— ^r- Q p— >W S U. 554 APPENDIX. (U S? C^C^"" TO O ■n-OO r^r^O t^\0 O Onoo 00 00 r^ PI r~^ t~» ro "100 t^O -TOO -^ "IVO ro <^00 CNO - r^ r^ "1 n — -l CO ^ 1) T3 re S N • "^ .a "1 1-^ [^ " O I-' "lO " N C\r^Tj-M r^M mr-^— rfr^NvO r^ Pi n \0 "^O-^O ■- r^CN"iO f^y: ot^OP) r^i^'TM r-^O r^ o S s? \0 t^K-r^rrNvd OM K.ro ro\0 r^ ro -^ r^ ro " t^ ttoo -T fO Pi 5E U3-C C <= 2 — »-H aZ^^ X. 1 — ,— Z^ •< APPENDIX. 555 r^OOf^OvOr^Mi^ -^vo \o O ^O 00 00 r~ t-^ t^ ro O -^ On r^vO t-^c^roro-^-^rOM O ^-u j; =£ lU -^ V 'Si m O -• 5 •£ = S ? ^ ^ S .£ S O rt H^H-lH^^i ;h ;:^ -^a ph w hj w ►^ H 556 APPENDIX. An Ace* of what M^ Walkers Salary May 1748, to May 1757, and what towards it — Salary to May 1749 . Rec** towards it Rem' due Salary to May 1750. Rec'' . Rem' due. Salary to May 1751 Rec"> . Salary to May 1752 Rec-^ . Rem' due. Salary to May i Rec'' . Overpaid Salary to May i Rec" . Rem* due Salary to May i Rec<^ . Rem* due Salary to May 1756 Rec-i . Rem' due Salary to May Rec-^ . Rem' due 753 754- 755 757- was a year from he has received 392 — 00 — o 268 — 19 — 6 123 — 00 — 6 392 — 00 — o 361 — 08 — o 30 — 12 — o 392 — 00 — o 373 — 10 — 6 18 — 09 — 6 412 — 00 — o 397 — 17 — 6 14 431 468 02 00 08 The above salary settled 13. 1758. 37—08 — 6 431 — 00 — o 408 — 05-10 22 — 14 — 2 548 — II —o 428 — 12 — o 119 — 19 — o 665 — 16 — 8 573 — 06 — 6 92 — 10 — 2 783 — 06 — 8 695 — 14 — 5 87 — 12 — 3 pr Rumford Committee March APPENlDIX. 557 Salary to May 1758. Rec* 851 — 10 — 7 Salary to May 1759. ReC^ 840 — 10 — 7 Salary to May 1760 Rec*^ 805 — 04 — 3 Salary to May 1761 ReC* , 852 — 09 — 7 Salary to May 1762. Rec"^ 869 — 09—1 Salary to May 1763 Red 878 — 08 — 3 Salary to May 1764 Rec-^ 786 — 01 — 7 Salary to May 1765 ReC^ 629 — 07 — 6 INDKX. 1732/3- PAGE. Notification, return, and proceedings of meeting in Penny Cook, January ii, at 9 a. m. . . . . . 1-2 Selectmen's warrant, constable's return and notification, and proceedings of meeting, January 11, at 3 p. m. . --3 Warrant, return, and proceedings, of meeting, March 6 . 4-6 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, December 5 . 13-14 1733/4- Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, January 16. 14-15 Notification and return for a town meeting in Rumford, March 11, by order of General Court ... 6-7 Proceedings of the meeting ...... 7-8 Warrant, notification, and proceedings of meeting, May 27 . 8- 10 Warrant, return, notification, and proceedings of meeting, November 14 . . . . . . . . 10- 11 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, December 26 . 1 1- 13 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 11 . 16-18 1735- Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting. May 19 Warrant, return, and notification of meeting September 22 . Proceedings of the meeting ...... Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, Decem- ber 10 . Warrant and return for meeting, March 9 . . . Proceedings of the meeting ...... 1736. Warrant and return of meeting, March 15 Proceedings of the meeting ...... Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting. May 1 8 19- 20 21- 23 20- 21 23- 24 27- 29 24- 27 32- 33 30- 32 29- 30 S6o INDEX. 1737- Warrant, return, notification, and proceedings of meeting, Marcli 29 ........ 35 39 Warrant, return, notification, and proceedings of meeting, May 16 33-35 1738- Warrant, return, notification, and proceedings of meeting, March 15 . . . . . . . . 41- 45 Warrant, return, notification, and proceedings of meeting, May 24 39-41 1739- Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, November 7 . 45-47 Warrant, return, notification, and proceedings of meeting, December 28 ....... . 47- 49 Warrant, return, and notification of meeting, March 20 . 51- 53 Proceedings of the meeting ...... 49- 5 1 1740. Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, June 11 . 54- 55 Warrant, return, notification, and proceedings of meeting, September 26 . . . . . . . . 55- 5^ Warrrant, return, and notification of meeting, March 2 . 60- 61 Proceedings of the meeting ...... 58- 59 1741. Warrant, return, notification, and proceedings of meeting, June 29 ........ . 62- 64 1742. Proceedings of meeting, March 31. . . . . 64- 66 Proceedings of meeting, April 27 ..... 69 1743- Warrant, return, and notification of meeting, March 31 . 68- 69 Proceedings of the meeting ...... 66— 67 Warrant for meeting January 23 .... . 70 Proceedings of the meeting ...... 69 INDEX. 561 1744. Warrant, return, and notification of meeting, March 28 Proceedings of the meeting ..... Selectmen's notification of meeting, September 17 Proceedings of the meeting ..... Warrant, return, and notification of meeting, December 1 1 Proceedings of the meeting ..... Warrant, return, and notification of meeting, January 21 Proceedings of the meeting ..... Warrant, return, and notification of meeting, February 28 Proceedings of the meeting ..... 1745- Warrant, return, and notification of meeting, March 28 Proceedings of the meeting ..... Warrant, return, and notification of meeting, April 15 Proceedings of the meeting ..... Warrant, return, and notification of meeting, November 5 Proceedings of the meeting ..... T746. Warrant, return, and notification of meeting, March 31 Proceedings of the meeting ..... Warrant, return, and notification of meeting, February 9 Proceedings of the meeting ..... Warrant, return, and notification of meeting, March 19 Proceedings of the meeting ..... 1747- Warrant, notification, and return of meeting, November 30 Proceedings of the meeting ..... Warrant and return for meeting, February 5 Proceedings of the meeting ..... Warrant, return, and notification of meeting, March 24 Proceedings of the meeting ..... 1748. Warrant, return, and notification of meeting, October 7 Proceedings of the meeting ..... Warrant, notification, and return of meeting, January 2 Proceedings of the meeting ..... 71- 73 70- 71 74 73- 74 75- 76 74- 75 n- 78 76- -jy 78- 80 78 81- 82 80- 81 83- 85 82- 83 85- 86 85 00— 88- 89 91- 92 90- 91 93- 95 92- 93 95- - 97 95 97- -98 97 99- -lOI . 98- ■ 99 lOI- -102 lOI . 103- 104 102- 103 562 INDEX. 1749. Unfinished proceedings of meeting, March 29 . 1765- An act creating tlie parish and town of Concord Additional legislation for first meeting .... 1766. Proceedings of first meeting, January 21 . Selectmen's warrant, constable's return, and proceedings of meeting, March 4 ..... . Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 25 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, November 10 1767. Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 3 1768. Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March i 1769. Proceedings of meeting held January 2 . . . . Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 7 Proceedings of meeting, November 6 . . . . 1770. Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, Maich 6 1771. Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 5 1772. Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 3 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, August 24 . Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, December 7 1773- Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, February 23 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 2 104 105-108 108-109 109 109-1 1 1 1 1 i-i 12 113-114 I 14-116 1 1 6-1 1 8 118 I 19-121 121 121-124 124-126 126-129 129-130 130-132 132-133 133-135 INDEX. 563 1774- \yarrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March i . 135-138 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting. May 16 . 139-141 ^775- Warrant, return, notification, and proceedings of meeting, March|7 . . . . . . . .141-145 Deed of land to selectmen of Concord by Joseph Farnum . 138-139 Call for a convention of deputies at Exeter, May 17 . . 145 Selectmen's notification, and proceedings of meeting. May 1 1 145-146 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, December 5 146-148 1776. Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 5 . 148-150 1777. Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 4 . 150-154 Supplementary proceedings of meeting, March 4 . . 154 Proceedings of meeting held May 22 .... 155 Prices fixed by a committee under act for preventing monop- oly and oppression ....... 155-158 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, September 8 158-160 Selectmen's notification, and proceedings of meeting, De- cember 8 ........ 1 60-1 6 1 1778. Warrant and proceedings of meeting. January 26 . . 161-162 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 3 . 162-165 Selectmen's notification, and proceedings of meeting, April 1 7 1 66-1 67 Selectmen's notification, and proceedings of meeting, June 17 1 67-1 68 Selectmen's notification, and proceedings of meeting, De- cember 7 ........ 168-169 1779. Selectmen's notification, and proceedings of meeting, Jan- uary 25 ........ . 169-170 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 2 . 170-172 Selectmen's notification, and proceedings of meeting, April 19 172-173 Selectmen's notification, and proceedings of meeting. May 3 173-174 Selectmen's notification, and proceedings of meeting, July 19 174-176 564 INDEX. 1779. Selectmen's notification, and proceedings of adjourned meeting, September 6 ...... 176-177 Selectmen's notification, and proceedings of meeting, Octo- ber 18 ........ . 177-178 Selectmen's notification, and proceedings of meeting, No- vember 29 ........ 178-179 1780. Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 7 . 179-183 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, July 4 . 183-184 Selectmen's notification, and proceedings of meeting, Au- gust 8 184-185 Selectmen's notification, and proceedings of meeting, De- cember 8 ........ 185-187 1781. Selectmen's notification, and proceedings of meeting, Jan- uary 29 ........ . 187-188 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 6 . 188-191 Selectmen's notification, and proceedings of meeting, April 30 191-192 Notification, and proceedings of meeting, June 18 . . 192-193 Notification, and proceedings of meeting, July 9 . . 193-195 Notification, and proceedings of meeting, October I . . 195-197 Notification, and proceedings of adjourned meeting, Octo- ber 8 197 Notification, and proceedings of meeting, December 14 . 197-199 1782. Town clerk's notification, and proceedings of meeting, Feb- ruary 18 ........ 199 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 5 . 200-203 Selectmen's notification, and proceedings of meeting, June 1 7 203-204 Town clerk's notification, and proceedings of meeting, Feb- ruary 18 ........ 204-205 Town clerk's notification, and proceedings of meeting, Au- gust 26 ........ 205-206 Selectmen's notification, and proceedings of meeting, Octo- ber 21 206-207 Notification, and proceedings of meeting, November 29 . 207-208 INDEX. 565 1783- Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 4 . 208-210 Supplementary meeting, March 4 . . . • . 211 Notification, and proceedings of meeting, September 29 . 21 1-2 12 Town clerk's notification, and proceedings of meeting, No- vember 3 ........ 2 1 2-2 1 3 Selectmen's notification, and proceedings of meeting, De- cember 5 ........ 213-214 1784. Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 2 . 214-217 Town clerk's notification, and proceedings of meeting, Oc- tober 28 ........ 217-218 1785- Selectmen's notification, and proceedings of meeting, Jan- uary 18 . . . . . . . . . 218-219 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March i . 219-221 Notification, and proceedings of meeting, June 23 . . 222-223 1786. Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 7 . 223-226 Notification, and proceedings of meeting, March 21 . . 226-227 JMotification, and proceedings of meeting, June 24 . . 227 Notification, and proceedings of meeting, October 30 . 228 Record of pews in the meeting house .... 228-230 Notification, and proceedings of meeting, December 18 . 231-232 1787. Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 6 . 232-235 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, June 22 . 235-236 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, October 27 . 236-238 1788. Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, January 2 . 238-239 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 4 . 239-241 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting. May 12 . 241-243 Warrant, and proceedings of meeting, September i . . 243-244 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, December 15 244-246 566 INDEX. 1789. Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, February 2 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 3 Rev. Israel Evans's letter accepting call as pastor Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting. May 1 1 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, June 22 246-247 247-250 250-252 253-254 254-255 1790. Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 2 . 255-257 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, June 21 . 257-259- Return of roads laid out by selectmen .... 259-26a Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, August 30 . 261-262 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, December 13 262-263 1791. Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March i . 263-266 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, August 8 . 266-267 1792. Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 6 Return of road laid out from Loudon Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting. May 7 Notification, and jurors appointed, May 7 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, August 27 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, November 1 2 268-270- 270 271-272 272 273-274 274-275. 1793- Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 5 . 275-278 Act annexing part of Canterbury and Loudon to Concord . 278-279 1794. Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 4 . 279-282 Return of road from John Hoit's to Jonathan Virgin's . 282 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, August 25 . 282-285 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, December 8 285-286 1795- Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 3 286-289 INDEX. 567 1796. Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March i Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, May 20 Return of a road laid out through the Eleven Lots . Notification, and jurors chosen, June 25 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, August 29 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, November 7 289-292 292-293 294 294-295 295-296 296-297 1797. Rev. Israel Evans's letter of resignation .... 298 Notification, and jurors chosen, January 17 . . . 298 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 7 . 299-302 Return of a road laid out by the selectmen . . . 302 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting. May 22 . 302-304 Road given by Peter Greeo, Richard Ayer, and David Wait 304 Return of said road by selectmen. May 13, 1800 . . 304-305 Notification and proceedings of meeting, June 19 . . 305-306 Line between Concord and Boscawen perambulated . . 306 Notification, and jurors chosen, July 25 . . . . 307 Report of a council on dismission of Rev. Israel Evans . 307-309 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, August 28 . 309-310 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, October 30 . 310-312 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, December 28 312-314 1798. Notification, and jurors chosen, January 20 . . . 314 Rev. Asa McFarland's letter of acceptance . . . 314-315 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, February 19 315-316 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 6 . 316-320 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting. May 28 . 320-321 Perambulation of line between Concord and Loudon . . 321-322 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, August 27 . 322-324 Return of roads laid out by selectmen .... 324-325 1799. Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 5 . 326-329 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, September 10 329-330 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, October 7 . 330-332 Return of road on east side of the Merrimack river . . 331 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, November 18 332-333 568 INDEX. 1800. Notification, and jurors chosen, January 31 . . . 333-334 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 4 . 334-339 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 31 . 339-340 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, August 25 . 341-342 Perambulation of line between Hopkinton and Concord . 342-343 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, October 27 . 343-344 Perambulation of line between Canterbury and Concord . 345 1801. Notification, and jurors appointed, January 21 . . . 345-346 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 3 . 346-349 Notification, and grand juror appointed, September 8 . 349 Notification, and jurors appointed, October 7 . . . 350 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, December 21 350-352 Return of roads laid out by the selectmen . . . 352-353 1802. Notification, and jurors appointed, January 25 . . . 353 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 2 . 354-357 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, August 30 . 357-358 Receipt of Henry Martin and Jonathan Emerson, for land . 359 Return of roads laid out by selectmen .... 359-360 1803. Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March i . 360-364 Notification, and jurors appointed, January 20 . . . 364 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 22 . 364-366 Return of road from Federal bridge to Canterbury . . 366 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, July i . 366-367 1804. Notification, and jurors appointed, January 28 . . . 367-368 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 6 . 368-372 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 13. P- M ll^-Zll Return of road by Richard Herbert's home to Hale's Point road 373 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, August 27 . 374-375 INDEX. 569 1804. Return of road from Benjamin Hannaford's house to Hoit brook 375-376 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, November 5 376-378 1805. Notification, and jurors appointed, January 22 . . . 378 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting. March 12 . 378-382 Warrant and proceedings of meeting, March 27 . . 383-384 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting. May 13 . 384-385 Return of road from Nathan Ambrose's to Canterbury line 385 Perambulation of line between Boscawen and Concord . 385-386 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, November 25 386-387 1806. Notification, and jurors appointed, January 21 . . . 387 Return of road laid out near Joseph Hazeltine's barn . 388 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 11 . 388-391 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, August 25 . 392-393 1807. Notification, and appointment of jurors, January 27 . . 393 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 10 . 393-397 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, April 8 . 397-398 School districts as reported by a committee . . . 398-404 Non-residents' property assigned to school districts for taxation ......... 405 Perambulation of line between Canterbury and Concord . 414-415 1808. Return of roads laid out by selectmen .... 406-407 Return of alteration of road on east side of the river . 407 Notification, and jurors appointed, January 18 . . . 408 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 8 . 408-412 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 31 . 412-414 Return of road from Butters's hill to Londonderry turnpike 415 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, August 29 . 415-417 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, November 4 417-419 Perambulation of line between Hopkinton and Concord . 419-420 Return of roads laid out by selectmen . . . • 420-42 1 570 INDEX. 1809. Notification, and appointment of jurors, January 25 . . 422 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 14 . 422-427 Conditions and sale of ground for four pews . . . 427-428 Return of roads laid out by selectmen .... 428-429 1810. Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 13 . 430-434 Perambulation of line between Bow and Concord . . 434-435 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, August 27 . 435-437 Return of roads laid out by selectmen .... 437-439 1811. Notification, and appointment of jurors, January 31 . . 439 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 12 . 439-444 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, October 21 . 444-445 1812. Notification, and appointment of jurors, February 5 . . 446 Warrant, return, and proceedings of meeting, March 10 . 446-450 Return of road laid out by selectmen .... 451 Warrant, and proceedings of meeting, Sept. i . . . 451-452 Warrant, and proceedings of meeting, November 2 . . 452-453 1813. Warrant, and proceedings ofmeeting, March 9 . . 453-460 Committee report on extinguishing fires .... 455-457 William A. Kent's reply to vote of thanks as moderator . 459-460 Warrant, and proceedings ot meeting. May 26 . . . 460-461 Warrant, and proceedings ofmeeting, June 29 . . . 461-462 1814. Warrant, and proceedings of meeting, March 8 . . 462-467 Warrant, and proceedings of meeting, August 29 . . 467-469 Return of road laid out by selectmen .... 469 Jurors appointed ........ 469-470 1815. Warrant, and proceedings of meeting, March 14 . . 470-474 Return of roads laid out by selectmen .... 474-475 Jurors appointed . . . 475-476 INDEX. 571 1816. Warrant, and proceedings of meeting, January i Warrant, and proceedings of meeting, March 1 2 Return of roads laid out by selectmen Division of school districts .... Warrant, and proceedings of meeting, November 4 1817. Warrant, and proceedings of meeting, March 1 1 476-477 477-481 481-482. 482-483 484-486 486-490 Warrant, and proceedings of meeting, March 10 Warrant, and proceedings of meeting, September 21 Report of fire wards on extinguishing fires Warrant, and proceedings of meeting, December 21 Jurors appointed ....... 1819. Warrant, and proceedings of meeting, March 9 Perambulation of lines between Concord and Boscawen Warrant, and proceedings of meeting. May i Appointment of tax collector on East side Warrant, and proceedings of meeting, September 2 . Limits of eighteenth school district defined 1820. Jurors appointed ...... Warrant, and proceedings of meeting, March 14 Jurors appointed ...... Warrant, and proceedings of meeting, June 13 . Jurors appointed ...... Return of road laid out by the selectmen . Warrant, and proceedings of meeting, November 6 Warrant, and proceedings of meeting, January 4, 1821 Return of road from Jonathan Stickney's to Frederick Run- nels's mills ...... 490-495 495-497 497-498 498-499 499-500 500-506 506 506-507 507-508 508-510 5 10-5 1 1 511-512 512-517 517-518 518-520 520-52 J 521 521-523 523-525 525 BRIDGES. Suncook River bridge ....... Committee to look out place for a bridge over Contoocook river ......... :i- 23 572 INDEX. Agent to petition General Court for lottery to build bridge over Merrimack river ..... Voted to assist in repairing Horse Hill bridge . Raised $150 to repair Horse Hill bridge . Committee on bridge over Contoocook river to IJoscawen Report accepted, and $250 raised for said bridge Raised $75 to repair Horse Hill bridge Repair of bridge across Contoocook river, near John Chan- dler's, authorized ....... 192 344 371 3^3 385 444 524 FIRES, PRECAUTIONS AGAINST, Fire wards elected in 1807 ..... Committee to report a by-law for extinguishing fires . Appropriation of $100 for fire-hooks and repairs of engine By-law for extinguishing fires accepted Appropriation of $100 to purchase an engine, etc. Appropriation of $40 to purchase hose for engine Report of fire wards accepted ..... Appropriation of $40 to purchase hose and buckets for engine ........ Premium offered to engine first at a fire . 395 450 450 455 494 494 497 516 516 HIGHWAYS. Through the Eleven Lots to the bend of the river Three highways returned by selectmen accepted Two highways returned by selectmen accepted . Two highways returned by selectmen accepted . Through Moses Eastman's eighty-acre lot accepted Through William Coffin's eighty -acre lot, etc., accepted From Christopher Rowell's corner to Peter Farnum's corner Committee chosen to lay out Main street . From Horse hill, by Oliver Hoit's, to the river From Timothy Dow's into the road leading from Horse hill From the river, by Joseph Runnell's house, to road leading from Horse hill From the river down by Mr. Elliott's From James Scales's to the stone dam From Loudon by Joshua Graham's . From John Hoit's to Jonathan Virgin's From Eleven Lots bridsfe to Bow line 7 26- 27 32 50- 51 153 164-168 165 259 259 259-260 260 260 270 282 294 INDEX. 573 From Jonathan Runnells's barn to lane to Jabez Abbott's house ......... Through land of Peter Green, Richard Ayer, and David Wait To land belonging to Levi and Abel Hutchins . From Waternummons brook to Federal bridge . In the Borough to road from Concord to Boscawen On the east side of Merrimack river From near William Eastman's house to town line From Nathaniel Abbot's house to Moses Noyes's From Ezra Abbot's to Moses Abbot's Award of damages for roads made August 30, 1802 From Federal bridge to Canterbury' . By Richard Herbert's house to Hale's Point road From Benjamin Hannaford's house to Hoit brook From Nathaniel Ambrose's to Canterbury line . From near Joseph Hazeltine"s barn to travelled road To Hopkinton from Long Pond road From Little Pond road to the Mill road From the Frog ponds to the Middle Intervale Landing road Alteration of the road at Farnum's hill, East Concord South line of road from Butters's hill to Londonderry turn pike ........ From Main street to Arthur Rogers's Through Thomas Abbot's land .... From Horse Hill bridge through David Carter's land On Horse Hill from Boscawen line .... From Horse Hill Bridge road to Boscawen road, (wrong) From Concord and Hopkinton road to Union School-house road ......... From Horse Hill Bridge road to Boscawen Beaver Meadow road ........ Through lands of William A. Kent and others . From Joseph Runells's to Samuel Runells's From near Henry Chandler's house to main road From Waternummons hill through Enoch Coffin's land On the east side of the river near Isaac Emery's At Horse hill In the Frog ponds, as laid out in 1736 From Little Pond road to John Blanchard's From State street to Centre street .... 302 304-305 324 325 325 331 352 353 359 360 366 373 375-376 385 388 406 406 407 407 415 420 421 421 428 428 428-429 429 437-438 438-439 451 462 469 475 475 481 482 574 INDEX. From Benjamin Wheeler's house to Arthur Rogers's house From Jonathan Stickney's to Frederick Runnels's mills MEETINC; HOUSE. 26, 31, 39 Repairs voted on the meeting house Concerning purchase of house and lot ... . Votes to finish the house and build a steeple Committee chosen to treat with proprietors of meeting house Concerning finishing of the meeting house . , 204, Record of pews in meeting house ..... Thirty pounds voted to repaint house .... Voted addition, and committee appointed to take bonds The work accepted, and voted to give up the bonds . Ground sold, pews made, and proceeds appropriated for a bell Hours for ringing bell fixed, and appropriation made Appropriation of $300 to paint the house .... 521 525 , 47, 166 128-129 170 202-203 216, 217 229-230 278 351-352 3^3 426-427 434 494 MINISTERS. Rev. Timothy Walker, salary voted January 11, 1732 Report of committee to conduct funeral of Rev. Timoth Walker accepted October 21, 1782 Rev. Israel Evans, call voted to, September i, 1788 Letter of acceptance, March 17, 1789 Voted to install him the first Wednesday in July, 1789 Letter of resignation of pulpit, April 21, 1797 . Report of the ecclesiastical council, July 5, 1797 Mr. Asa McFarland, call voted to, December 28, 1797 Letter of acceptance, January 27, 1798 Ordination fixed for first Wednesday in March, and com- mittee chosen to superintend it, February 19, 1798 207 243 250 253 298 307 313 314 316 SCHOOLS. Selectmen to provide a school ...... 7 Appropriation for schools . . 12, 14, 21, 25, 38, 44, 50, 59, 66 67, 69, 85, 87, loi, 138, 224, 250, 257, 266, 270, 278, 281 288, 292, 302, 319, 328, 337, 348, 356, 363. 370, 382, 391, 397 411, 426, 433, 443, 450, 458, 465, 473, 480, 489, 494, 504, 516 Committee to hire a man to keep school .... 21 Winter term of school in 1739-40 ...... 45 INDEX. 575 Winter term of school in 1740-41 . Selectmen to hire a school-master in 1741 Committee to build a schoolhouse Persons inclined to hire a school mistress at their own cost allowed use of schoolhouse Schools assigned to four places in 1766 Committee to let school-right lot east side of Merrimack river ......... Selectmen to let school-right lot west side of Merrimack river ..... Selectmen to lease school-right lots . Reconsideration of vote to lease, and lot ordered to be sold ........ Expense of hiring a school-master accepted, July, 1779 Selectmen to lease intervale lands and house-lot of school right Concerning school lot on Contoocook plains Voted to have a public school kept in 1785 Voted to lease school-right intervale lots . Voted to lease part of a school-right to James Walker Committee appointed to make school districts • Selectmen authorized to lease school lot on Little pond road Committee joined to selectmen to make school districts Committees' report on school districts Property of non-residents assigned to school districts Selectmen authorized to divide the eighth school district Selectmen authorized to divide the seventh school district Division of the seventh school district Division of the eighth school district Division of the fifth school district . Committee to visit schools The twelfth school district divided . Limits of eighteenth school district defined 50 59 65 71 112 114 1 16-120 144 153 175 190 193 220 266 272 339 372 398 398-404 405 469 474 482 483 489 494 495 510 TOWN HOUSE. Appropriation for a house 80 by 40 feet . A lease of the land on which it stood voted Voted to raise sixty pounds to finish the house Selectmen authorized to repair the house South end used for Lancastrian school 262 266 296 340 505 57^ INDEX. APPENDIX. Marriages and marriage intentions ..... 527 Sheep marks, and persons who entered them . . . 530 Licensed innholders ....... 534. Licensed retailers of spirituous liquors .... 538 Perambulation of the lines of Rumford .... 541 Copies of original papers belonging to Hon. Joseph B. Walker ......... 541-557 Account of settlers who paid forty shillings for charges of laying out lands at Penny Cook .... 541 Hotel bill of the committee for Penny Cook . . . 545 Account with the settlers of the lands at Penny Cook . 546 Invoice for Rumford, polls and estates, 1757 . . . 548. Rate to pay Rev. Timothy Walker's salary, 1757-8 . . 553 Account of what Rev. Mr. Walker's salary was from May, 1748, to May, 1757 556 r ^r/. 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