•f J\'J 1 ilUIl J • <\\r-Vi' ■'•JUJ/Vjni ^iXl: est r>. 11 tAn , OFCAlIf .fiiff Ir^l C0 ^a^MNnmv^ ^•OFCAIIFO/?^ .^.OFCAlIFi im ^&Aavaani^ ^- ^MfUNIVfBJ//. i^») 9 c^ ^lOSANCElfXA O ^OFCAllFOff^ ^ c-> >;ijOFCAllFO% ^ A GRAMMAR OF THE SAMARITAN LANGUAGE. WITH EXTEACTS AND YOCABULAEY. BY G. F. KICHOLLS, BEADEB ly ORIEIfTAL LITEEATUBE, A^D MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS; LATE EIHIBITIONEH OF SI. JOHN'S COLLEGE, CAMBHIDGE. LONDON: SAMUEL BAGSTER AND SONS; WABEHOUSB FOB BIBLF.S, NEW TESTAMENTS, PBAYER BOOKS, CHUBCIl SEETICES, LEXICONS, GBAMMAUS, C0NC0BDANCE8, PSALTEKS, AND BIBLICAL WORKS, IN ANCIENT AND MODBBN LANGUAGES; 15, P A T E R N S T E R R O W. PJ sziz PEEF ACE. In offering to tlie public a work of so 7iovel a character as the present, the author has seized the opportunity of stating the grounds on which it was undertaken. The importance of the study of the Biblical languages has never been questioned, excepting by those men who are ignorant of them, and are disposed to condemn in toto the utility of that which they have not the means or oppor- tunity to acquire. On the other hand, those illustrious scholars, whose definition of the utilitarian cui bono is directly opposed to the former, have not only inculcated the momentous importance of Hnguistic study by precept, but have led the van thereof conspicuously by example. To recount the imperishable names of those who, from the earliest ages of Christianity, have patronised or pursued this study, is unnecessary in this place ; their opinions of its importance may be summed up in the words of the learned Dr. Jahn: " occurrit et illud, quod est totius theologiaj fundamentum, neque tamen sine suhiili et intimd linguarum Biblicarum cor/nitione satis firmari potest, 7i/7?cri6T7;9, inquam, IV PREFACE. sacrorum librorum, qua labefactatd, ruit authoritas liorum documentorum, et tlieologiae sedificlum evertitur." And again, " librorum ryvtja-LorrjTa et verum sensum, absque subtili et intimd Unguarum scientid, coraprobare nemo potest." The phrase " Biblical Languages," although capable of extension to all those versions of the Sacred Scriptures which have been made during the last century into almost every important language and dialect, is usually confined to the following: viz. Hebrew, Chaldee, Syriac, Arabic, Samaritan, Ethiopic, Afnharic, and Coptic ; to which, of course, the Greek and Latin may be added. The first four of the languages just enumerated have received especial attention at the hands of scholars; while the four latter have been wholly neglected or forgotten. In fact, during the last few years, so little attention and study have they attracted, that, at the present time, it is impossible to acquire even the rudiments of them, except through the medium of the Latin tongue. Why they have been allowed to fall into such disrepute, it is not worth while to inquire, but we have only to do with the fact that such is the case, and, if possible, to remedy it. The present work is a Grammar of the Samaritan Lan- guage; it is strictly Rudimentary, and is intended as a precursor to a more critical and philological view of the tongue. The main object of the author has been to deal with the ordinary facts of Etymology and Syntax, and to produce such a work (to use an illustrious scholar's words), " non ut in ipso hisreat juventus, sed ut per eum transeat, PREFACE. V per eum excolatur, et ad altiora praeparetur." How far he has succeeded in his endeavours will be for the discerning public to determine, to whose favour he would commend his present attempt. The author has consulted nearly the whole of the extant writers on the subject, — as Cellarius, Morinus, Castellus, Leusdenius, and others. To the first he is especially in- debted in the Etymological part of the work; whose facts, notwithstanding they are undigested, and expressed in questionable Latinity, are undoubtedly invaluable. The Syntax is, however, wholly original; and the author has especially aimed at giving the ordinary rules, to the exclusion of all which might seem hypercritical to the young scholar. The Work is preceded by a brief dissertation upon the Samaritans, their language and literature, which the author hopes will not be unacceptable to the reader, and is con- cluded by an extract, from Walton's Polyglot, of three chapters of the Samaritan version of the Pentateuch, with exegetical remarks upon the text, together with a short Lexicon, carefully compiled by actual reading and obser- vation. The student will do well, after he has mastered the Grammar, to construe, by the aid of the Lexicon, and parse tlie whole of the extracts, in doing which he will find his labours considerably diminished by observing the analogy which the Samaritan bears to the Syriac and Chaldee. Before concluding, it is scarcely necessary to dwell upon VI PREFACE. the extent to wliicli the Samaritan text as edited in the books is vitiated; and no doubt many of the anomalies, which have come to be considered grammatical pecuharities, are to be referred to this cause. The fact is simply men- tioned here, to show that the reader must bear with some things, which in the present state of the text are un- avoidable. The author hopes to have an opportunity of editing a critical and philological Grammar, which, with a Lexicon and a revised text of the Samaritan Pentateuch, would form a somewhat complete library of Samaritan literature. London : 1853. INTRODUCTION. Before entering upon the Grammar, a brief account of the Samaritans, their language and literature, may not be imaccep table to the generality of our readers. It appears that the ten tribes of Israel who had revolted from Solomon's son, elected Jeroboam as their king, who fixed his capital at Shechem, in mount Ephraim. The Israelitish king, in order to prevent his people from going to Jerusalem, set up two golden calves, one in Dan, and the other in Bethel, to which they might offer the usual sacrifices. We pass over the remaining acts of Jeroboam and his successors, imtil we come to Omri, the sixth king of Israel, who began his reign, a.m. 3079. He it was who purchased the hill of Samaria from Shemer, and built on it a city called by the same name, from which the gentile noun, Samaritans, is derived. The city Samaria was besieged during Ahab's reign, by the Syrian king, Ben-hadad, but without success : in the reign of Hoshea, however, Shalmaneser, king of Assyria, attacked it, and after three years' siege succeeded in taking It, and carrying away the Israelites captive into Assyria. The territories of the banished Jews were occupied by a mixed people, brought from different parts of the Assyrian empire, — from Babylon, Cuthah, Ava, Hamath, and Se- 2 INTRODUCTION. pliarvaim. It is to tliese colonists that the name Samaritans is specially, though not exclusively, applicable. According to Josephus, they were called D''''ni3 Cuthcui, as the fol- lowing extract will show (B. ix. c. 14): — ol he ixeTotKiaOevre^ el<; rrjv ^afidpeiav XvOaioi, — ravrr] yap i^poivro fji'^ypi Seupo rfj TrpoaTjyopca, Slo. to eV tt}? XovOd'i Ka\ovfxevr)ac n •-v guttural 1c. Teth V li to i t. Yod rrr nr 1 ^ \>m^ vowel i or consonant y. Kaph. i5 ■3 :3 3 a hard c. Lamed Z z S :i I. Mem ^ a ^ 2: io m. Nun !^ 5 ^ :i J 11. Samecli ^ 5» D ,SD s. Ayin V y \ vowel 0. Pe 2 a 1 D .3 P or/. Tsade •m 51) !^ ^ iV. Coph v T p cD a very hard k. Kescli '\ 1 P 1 5 r. Scliin *xx ■yf K' •^ sch. Tau A IT n Z tJi. DIVISION OF LETTERS. 11 The Samaritan Alphabet may be written in various ways. The first of the three columns of letters given above contains the Alphabet as edited by Brian Walton in his Polyglot Bible, and Edmund Castel in his Heptaglot Lexicon, and is the mode of writing adopted in this Grammar. The second column contains the Alphabet as adopted by Scaliger, and Leusdenius in his Syriac Grammar. The third column contains the letters which Castel affirms are especially used in MSS. The Samaritans have no means of distinguishing between the Hebrew letters b and b , both of which may be repre- sented by "^. There are only a few purely Hebrew words involving b, in which that letter is represented by ^ ; as, 'y,-:^^^ for llb'b ; Z/f-'\*"/n' for ^Xlb"" , etc. ; for in most other words, where analogy requires Sin, they imitate the Syrians, and use ^ ; as, ^^V for ib'y , ^^9 for 1K>3 , etc. The Samaritans have no Jiyial or dilatable forms, like the Hebrews, for any of the letters, but use the same form under all circumstances. DIVISION OF LETTERS. 2. The letters of the Alphabet arc divided into five classes, according to the organs of speech chiefly employed in articulating them; viz.. Gutturals V^BfA-; Labials 3^"?9; Palatals PijfTrTf; Linguals A'\'lL^'^', and Dentals "^-/Tl-^i^. The preceding is the division of Castel. It will be seen hereafter, that the five letters A-^nTVT may be advan- tageously considered as vowels, or matres lectionis. There is another division of letters into Radicals and Serviles. The Radical letters are those which constitute a root or primitive form. The Serviles such as are added to 12 HEADING AND ORTHOGRAPHY. tlie Radicals in derivation, conjugation, declension, and composition. All tlie Serviles may be Radicals, but the Radicals are never Serviles. Those letters which are essentially Radical are, "^'\V-m3V.^'^'eiM1. The Serviles, which may also be Radicals are, A!2iiiJZiirrr"?5('^9A^. VOWELS. 3. The Samaritans have no points to mark the vowels, like the Hebrews. To remedy this defect, various means have been proposed. Some scholars are of opinion that the Hebrajo-Chaldaic method of punctuation ought to be adopted ; others the Syriac, among which the learned author of the Heptaglot may be mentioned: he says, '' Lingua Syriaca optima est ac certissima regula punctandi tam Chaldaica, quam Samaritana." Cellarius has taken the mean between these extremes, and, aro-uino; from the fact that the Samaritan is for the most part a compound of Chaldee, Syriac, and Hebrew, he says, " Liberiorem esse Saraariticara pronunciationem, et qua in lingua ilia sunt pure Ebrasa, EbrjBO forsitan more efferri posse; quffi Syro-Chaldaica ad Syrorura indolem enunciari debere." The remark of Hettinger, Anti. Mor. p. 34, that Jac. Golius had been informed by an individual acquainted with the Samai'itans at Damascus, that the pronunciation of the latter was rough and inartificial, would, perhaps, justify the belief that such was the case in ancient times. This sup- position receives confirmation from the fact that the Syrians and Arabs, who bordered as closely on the Hebrews as the VOWELS. 13 Samaritans, have never admitted into tlieir languages all those suhtle rules of punctuation adopted by the Jews. The chief vowel or mater lectionis made use of by the Samaritans is A^, as is manifest from the frequent occurrence of this letter or its substitutes in Samaritan words. This fact must be carefully borne in mind, because in combi- nations of letters which cannot be properly pronounced without a vowel, we may suppose this vowel inserted. The reader who is an advocate of the Masoretic punc- tuation cannot do better than follow the advice given by Cellarius. There is, however, no necessity for his doing so; for it is not only easy to read the Samaritan without points, but the whole of the Shemitic languages in which they are omitted. The questionable authenticity of those points ought to be a great objection to their use, especially in the Samaritan, where no regular system of punctuation has been adopted. We may suppose, therefore, the letters ft-, 5f, [Tr, V, ?, which are chiefly called quiescents, to be the vowels or matres lectionis which are to be employed in reading the Samaritan language. These letters are equivalent to our five vowels a. e, i, o, u respectively. There cannot possibly be any objection to extend to the individual letters of the Samaritan exactly the same usage as is observed in our own language; thus, when any letter or consonant, as b, d, //, etc., is pronounced, we arc com- pelled to add a short vowel to it, though that vowel is not expressed; thus, we pronounce the preceding letters be, de, ge, etc., adding the short vowel e to each. In the Sanscrit language the short a or 3f is usually omitted. Tluis c^^ where there are two consonants without a vowel, is pro- 14 READING AND ORTHOGRAPHY. nounced kara ; cj^^i 'i^ katara, etc. Moreover, in our own language, words with short vowels are usually pronounced so rapidly, that if the consonants were written without the vowels we should have no difficulty in recognising them; as, for instance, who does not immediately recognise the words hkr, mckrl, mrnr, sllr, etc., as baker, mackerel, mariner, seller, etc.? The same might be observed in other lan- guages, where, on the omission of the short vowels, the consonants are sufficient to indicate the word. Vide Coptic Gram. ^ . Judging, therefore, from analogy, it is reasonable to sup- pose that the short vowels were omitted in Samaritan words, while the long ones were usually expressed by the letters A^, Bf, nr, V, ■?. And in every case where a vowel is re- quired after a letter, we may suppose the mater lectionis to be the short a of the Sanscrit, and supply it accordingly. We shall subjoin a specimen from Gen. I. 1, 2, of the manner in which the language may be read; presuming, of course, the student is aware that, in common with all the Shemitic languages (with the exception of the Abyssinian branch), the Samaritan is read from right to left. Samaritan. ^fmiiSY^ • AfTT ' 5(^Z/Y ' ^tijZ^ ' 5(ATA^^1?9 Pronunciation. shumie ith Alee llamas B'kamauthe Samaritan. B(a^^? • m'V^nt'S'K ' 5(!iJyY^ ' A?5( • BfV^A^? Pronunciation, v'kashace v'rikni shame eiith V'aroe The short vowels are marked; the others may be pro- nounced long and distinctly. The student will find no difficulty in reading, by adopting this course: we would, however, remind him of the pithy remark of Cellarius, " Linguas hasce addiscimus non tam colloquendi causa, quam intelligendi scripta monumenta Orientalium Populorum." ORTHOGRAPHICAL SIGNS. 15 4. The Samaritans distinguish each word by means of a thick point placed after the word; as, ZZ^iiJ * AHtZ- At the end of a period they generally use the sign : ; sometimes the simple distinctive ' , at others -: . When the sense is suspended and imperfect, instead of our colon they substitute the sign * • placed above the word and after it. Sometimes the single point is used instead of it, and ince versa. They have various signs to supply the place of our full stop; as, =-;, <:, =< , -< , or -;. The first is that which is more frequently used. Sometimes between two verses or lines we find stops com- pounded of some of the preceding; as, <-:- = = -:-<. It must be observed, however, that these signs apparently depend on the caprice of the writer, and are found differently written in all the copies of the Pentateuch. The small horizontal line - which is sometimes placed over letters, has various meanings. In the first place, it signifies that an ambiguous word is not to be taken in its usual acceptation ; as, iiJ*^ a name, but iij"* Shem, the son of Noah ; ZA- God, but Z/i- the preposition to or at. In the second place, it is a sign of apocope; as, AA- for ^A/<- thou. Or else it is a sign of cacograj)]iy ; as. Gen. xxix. 32, 34, Ai^"^ which ought to have been 5(iiJ"^ his name. The Samaritans do not divide their words at the end of a line ; but, if a word be too long, they reserve it for the next line; and, in the mean time, write the last word in such a manner that the two last letters may fall at the end of the line, divided from the rest of the word without any mark; as, ^a m^^l ' 5("^^ • ^V with Moses, saying. 5. Before proceeding further, it is necessary to remark, that there are three parts of speech recognised in the 16 THE PARTS OF SPEECH. Grammar, viz. the Noun, Verb, and Particle; in which order they will be considered. CHAPTER 11. THE NOUN. 1. The Samaritan nouns, like the Hebrew, may be con- sidered as having their roots in the verb. They are formed in various ways: some consist of radical letters alone; as, "^!i/f- a man, 5f2.A^ God: others by the insertion of some quiescent letter; as, '\nT3-/n a goat, S'?"^3 a judge, etc.; or by the addition of a letter or letters to the beginning or end of the root; as, ZZ^^ a word, !^'?*\"^3 a judgment. Some are derived from imperfect verbs ; as, '^T/irTf a stranger, [TfTli^A- history, etc. The quadriliteral nouns are such as are composed of four radical letters. They are usually read with some quiescent; as, ZtlP-^S CL treaty. The adjectives are found to vary in their formation, like nouns substantive ; as, ^;Tr°f P holy, ^f^A^ pitiful, A'Z'^^V naked, etc. In a rudimentary Grammar like the present, a critical discussion of the various senses of the nouns, according to the species of the verb from which they are derived, would be out of place. The Lexicon will supply their senses, which will be sufficient for all practical purposes. In the Samaritan, as well as in the other Shemitic or Syro- Arabian languages, there are only two genders, Mas- culine and Feminine. THE Nouisr, 17 The Feminine supplies the place of a Neuter gender. Nouns of the Masculine gender are usually known by their termination or signijication. By the former, when they end in a radical letter, or servile other than 3t or A * ; as, "^l^/f- a man, ;irA-'\3V an Hebrew ; by the latter, when the subject of the noun is masculine; as, BfZA- God. Nouns of the Feminine gender are also known by their termination or signijication. By the former, when they end in 5f and A*; as, ^fZt-^/f- a maid servant; by the latter, when the subject of the noun is essentially feminine; as, 2"^°^ Rachel, Gen. xxxiii. 7; iij/f a mother, Exod. xx. 12. The nouns expressing districts and cities are generally feminine. Sometimes under one termination both genders are included. This is especially the case with the names of animals, as in the Hebrew. Some nouns, though terminating in an essential mas- culine characteristic, are, however, feminine; as, Lev. v. 1, A-^'^A • !3*A^ • ^^'Z'yK and ivhen a soul sins. So V'^A^ the earth, ^fir'\ breath, t^fTTV an eye. As no fixed rules can be given for determining the genders, they can only be ac- quired bv reading and observation. There are two Numbers, — the Singular and Plural. It is scarcely necessary to recognise a Dual number, since, in consequence of the absence of diacritical points in the Sama- ritan, there are no means of distinguishing it from the plural. Cellarius apparently inclines to the opinion, that the dual number, if it occur at all, is not supported by sufficiently conclusive examples to justify us in attempting to. establish it as one of the essential numbers of the Samaritan language. * Nouns in T and fJT, apocopated for ^AT and ^AfTf (§5,9) are however feminine. 3 18 THE PARTS OF SPEECH. Morinus, however, is of opinion, tliat A- inserted before tlie termination is probably characteristic of the dual; thus, "^s b!int/f-'2i3M Gen. xxvii. 36. Many exceptions may be taken to the use of this letter as an essential mark of the dual number, and none stronger than that of iiSnT^TfTt in Exod. r xvi. 29, where it is absolutely necessary that the Hebrew dual C)^pv should be emphatically marked, so as to prevent the possibility of confounding it with the plural, — such, however, is not the case. The terminal t^A^, which is sup- ported by Castel, does not depend upon sufficiently conclusive examples to justify its adoption as a mark of this number. All the pertinent examples produced of it by the learned author of the Heptaglot are accompanied by numerals, which, in the absence of a characteristic termination of the noun, supply the place of the dual number. The termination '2iJ^ is evidently plural. The same remarks apply to the form 5( AA- in Gen. xxxiii. 1 , which is accompanied by the numeral; as, BfAA^iiJ^ ' [KA^A two handmaids. The existence of a dual in the Hebrew language, essen- tially different from the plural, is entirely due to the Masoretic points. In such cases as the one given above from Exod. xvi. 29, where there is an apparent necessity for distinguishing the numbers, it is doubtful whether this dis- tinction is not as clearly pointed out by the context, inde- pendent of the diacritical distinction, as it would be by the addition of a numeral which removes all ambiguity. And in the case just mentioned this numeral is actually expressed 7 in the Syriac; as, . ■'nn. —.VZ.- STATES or NOUNS. 2. The Samaritans, like the Syro-Chaldees, have three THE NOUN. 19 states or forms of nouns, viz., the absolute, emphatic, and constructive. In each of these states we have to consider the formation of gender and number. ABSOLUTE STATE. 3. Singular Masculine. — Every noun which is used simply or absolutely, or which does not govern another usually expressed by our genitive, is said to be in the absolute state; as, iJZ^ a king, '^31 a master, etc. 4. Plural Masculine. — The affinity which the Samaritan bears to the Chaldao-Syriac, might lead us to expect that the plural termination t^lTf of the latter would be far more used than the Hebrew iijnr. Such, however, is not the case, as the more usual form is tiJfrf ; thus, iafTTiiSTnT days, ^17r*\T"^3 judges, etc. Cellarius rightly affirms that the vast majority of nouns are thus formed. The Syro-Chaldaic form will also be found, though, com- paratively speaking, rarely ; as, !ifTrt^9 sons, 1m':^nrW eyes, etc. Nouns ending in m omit one of the consecutive yods, which concur in affixing the plural terminal; as, Exod. xxxiv. 24, ^rrf?! • ^firl-^ many nations, for * iarrrfrrl-^ Some masculine nouns form their plural like those of the feminine gender; as, '2^^^/f- fathers, t^5(!a"^ names. The two nouns, iiJfrrfTr^ Uf', ^OT^/f « countenance, have no sinjTular number : this is also the case with some others. The Hebrew ecthlipsis of m in the formation of the plural number is also to be remarked; thus, taWA-S houses, from Am'S in the singular number, the Hebrew plural being Q'r>? . 5. Feminine Singular. — The feminine singular of this state 20 THE PARTS OF SPEECH, is formed by adding the suffix ^ ; as, 3(Z?-^/f' a maid servant, Bf/TT"^ a beast, from Zt-,^/f , nT"^ respectively. As regards the termination A, Cellarius doubts whether it is legitimately employed here in expressing the feminine; he refers all nouns in AT and A/IT to the constructive rather than to the absolute state. Characteristic of this gender also are T and HT ; as, Exod. XX. 16, i:"^V^ testimony; Deut. x. 18, nt-^iSA a garment. The adjectives in this state have no other mark for the feminine than B( ; as, iiSnTVP living, masc, BfbanTVP, fem.; ITf'^'/n^iJ Egyptian, masc, ^;T^'^'/^^, fem. This is the case also with all names of people and races. 6. Feminine Plural. — The feminine plural is formed by the suffix !2i, the Chaldee !^; as, !^iaZ"^ complete, ^i5<^^ bless- ings, !i3'\9*\ great, etc. : ^ may also be preceded by A^ ; as, !iA-;Tr'MP cities, t!iA-?'\3 kine, from ^T'^F, T'^3 respectively. The feminine nouns '^m'l'^ years, iaOTZta ivords, iiiiTr^3A^ i stones, etc., follow the masculine gender in the plural num- ^ ber. So with ^^HT^!:^ women, which has no singular number. 5 ° i EMPHATIC STATE. 7. Masculine Singular. — When a noun is to be expressed empliatically , this is done by affixing 5[ to the noun, which is then said to be in the emyliatic state; as, Bf^ZA- God. ?i^t^A tlie man, ^^V the ■people, etc. Sometimes the Hebrew prefix n is employed, especially with pronouns and participles, as will be seen in the Chapter on the Particles. Such cases are, however, rare, and foreign to the genius of a language, which from its Syro-Chaldaic sympathies, denoted the emphatic state by a suffix, not a prefix. THE NOUN. 21 Xouns ending in ITTA^ on assuming the snffix 3( drop tlie penult. ITf ; as, 5(A.^9V the Hebreic, for 3fnTA-'\3V. Simi- larly, 3f/tA.7rZA- third, BfA-VrrrS^ fourth, from m/VAOrZA- and nT;YVnT3'^ respectively, etc. 8. Masculine Plural. — Like the Chaldee, the absolute ter- minal iiJfTr becomes ^^ ; as, BffTf A9 houses, for ia/TrA9 , etc. Xouns in fir of the ahsol. sing., instead of ^nt in the plural emphat., adopt SfntA- ; as, 5(nrA^^'^ 6oys, from ^nt3^, etc. The names of races and patronymics end in fTTA-, as in absol. sing. ; thus, Ht/i-'KZ Levites, fTT/ft^VliiJ Canaanites, etc. Nouns only found in the plural are regularly inflected; as, -^mm"^ life, from "i^mnf^ ; ^[W^K^ the heavens, from iijrrriis?^, etc. Similarly ?(frr"^tS women (fera.), is derived from the abso- lute iarrr^t^ or t^m^!^ . 9. Feminine Singular. — The feminine singular of this state is formed by changing the absolute terminal B( into ^A; as, BfA^'^A- the earth, from BJiiS'YA^ ; ^fA^^iTT'^P hohj, from 5(»"m°^V , etc. Nouns ending in *? and nt add 5(A ; as, 5f AX^"^-^A^ from Tl^^-^A^ ; 5( A-nrZ^ from [ULZ , etc. Cellarius considers the emphatic forms of such words as having been once the absolute, whence by apocope those in "K and Ut arose. Some nouns are feminine in gender, but masculine in the termination of their absolute state ; as, *"ati the soul, <^/f a hand, etc. Such words form their emphatic state like nouns masculine; as, 9(^3^, 5[<^A- ; similarly 5fVSA- the land. The use of the letter A in iJAV'\A- thy land, Deut. xxi. 23, presupposes an absolute form B(V*\A-. A^ide Chap. IV. §11- 10. Feminine Plural. — This is more frequently used than the absolute, from which it is formed by changing !^ into 22 THE PARTS OF SPEECH. ty regarding the two conjugations Pehal and Pahel of the 28 THE PARTS OF SPEECH. former, which appear to differ but slightly in form, as one and the same species ; and the three passive forms, whose individuality cannot be easily discerned, as in reality but one form; we have then only three conjugations. Castel's division is, however, not only supported by Syro- Chalda^an usage, but in the Samaritan language itself there is, doubtlessly, evidence to show that Pehal and Pahel are not only distinct in signification but also frequently in form. This is especially the case in the infinitives and participles, as may be inferred from the few examples which Cellarius has given in his Grammar: he quotes °?TP3 of the conjugation Pehal from Exod. xx. 5, which is used in the sense of visiting, whereas '^P^^ of the conjugation Pahel is found in Deut. iv. 2, in the sense of commanding. Compare also iS'^^ti5 Gen. xii. 3; "^eiS^^^ Num. xxiii. 10, etc., " qua3 frustra ad Pehal reduxeris, partim formatione, partim signijicatione repugnante." The individuality of the passive forms cannot be so de- fended: generally speaking, there is apparently no reason why they should not be considered one and the same, though used in different senses. There can scarcely be any doubt, however, that the Samaritans and the other tribes of the Shemitic family were able to distinguish accurately in pronunciation the different senses of a word consisting of the same combination of letters; or, at least, that the sense could easily be conjectured " ex serie orationis," supposing the pronunciation the same; under these circumstances we shall adopt the division of Castel, and in the first place give the signification of each of these species, upon which their classification must depend in the absence of distinct forms. 5. The first conjugation, or Pehal, the Chaldee Pehal, THE VERB. 29 and Hebrew Kal, tas simply an active transitive or intran- sitive signification ; as, tSS^U he sold, Z^9 he ceased. The second conjugation, or Ethpehel, is the passive of Pehal ; and, like the Chaldee JEthpehel and Hebrew Nt'phnl, has, generally speaking, a passive signification; as, ' A^Z^f 5[Z * firZlAA- * ^tiJA* because there he loas revealed unto him. Gen. XXXV. 7; "XK^i ' t^T9yV^A-\ * !^~50 * ;^X9A-^A- * A-Z ye shall not make yourselves unclean with them, that ye he defiled thereby. Lev. xi. 43. The third conjugation, or Pahel, the Piel of the Hebrews, has various senses. First, when the signification of Pehal is intransitive, this conjugation renders it transitive; thus, <\i^VA thou slialt return, Gen. iii. 19, of the conjugation Pehal is intransitive, but in Pahel it is transitive; as, ii*^^ * A!Tf * 'NitiVA^ * '\'?Aa V must I certainly bring back thy son. Gen. xxiv. 5. It is causative. Gen. xv. 11, ' '^i^V ia'^9A• * 'yK/x^ Abraham caused them to go away. Some- times also it is intensitive The fourth conjugation, or Ethjmhal, is the passive of the preceding, and as Pahel is frequently causative in an active sense, this is causative in a passive one ; as, tZ-^VAA- were finished, Gen, ii. 1 , in the sense of having been caused to be made or finished. The fifth conjugation, or Aphel, the Iliphil of the Hebrew, is usually the causative of Pehal; as, ^AHt ' '^^•^A? and caused it to be led about, Exod. xiii. 18. It may have the sense of permitting, declaring, exhibiting what is indicated by Pehal: as also a passive sense; thus, ZVPfTf he shall be slain. Num. xviii. 7; T^'^tiJA- they were anointed. Num. iii. 3, etc. The sixth conjugation, like the Hebrew Hithjiael, is generally reflexive; as, "^ZA-^fTr he shall cleanse himself, 30 THE PAETS OF SPEECH. A^^^AfTT lie shall purify himself. It is sometimes found actively ; as, 'T'^iiS'^AA^ they desired, Num. xi, 4. We have previously stated, § 1 , that each species is inflected through moods, tenses, numbers, persons, and genders. There are three modes, the indicative, imperative, and infinitive. There is no difference between the subjunctive or potential mood and the indicative in form ; they can only be distinguished by the sense or context. The indicative is susceptible of a definition similar to that given to it^in other languages. The imperative mood is only used in commanding, ex- horting, or imprecating; its place is supplied by the future in forbidding, dissuading, and deprecating. The infinitive mood expresses an action or passion ; some- times an intransitive notion indefinitely, that is, without restriction to time, person, number, and gender, all of which are regarded in the finite verb. This mood exactly resem- bles the noun in its use, inasmuch as it is capable of receiving nominal constructions, especially when used with the pre- fixes iiJ, Z, i5» 9- Moreover, the sense resulting from combination with these prefixes is such as is usually con- veyed, or may be usually conveyed, by verbal nouns, and hence it is that De Sacy, in his Arabic Grammar, prefers to consider infinitives as verbal nouns. For instance, the word nT'^TZ"^3 , which is when I sent, may also be rendered by a verbal noun on my sending. This is also the case in the Hebrew, which, as well as the Samaritan, approximates to the terse mode of construction followed by the Greeks, who use the article with the infinitive, as, ev to3 TrefXTreiv. This idiom is further exemplified in the Syntax. The participle is nothing more than a noun adjective, THE VERB. 31 carrying with it a notion of action or passion ; it is scarcely necessary to remark that the laws for the formation of gender, number, etc., are the same as those for nouns adjective. There are two tenses in the indicative alone, the perfect and future. To express our present tense, the same method is adopted as among the Hebrews. Vide Syntax. The numbers are two, singular and plural. The persons in each number of the perfect and future of the indicative are three ; but in the imperative mood there is only one person in each number, viz. the second; the place of the third is supplied by the future tense. There are two genders, masculine and feminine. It will be observed that the first persons in each number are common. Subjoined is a Paradigm of a regular verb through its different conjugations. I. PEHAL. INDICATIVE MOOD. Perfect Tense. Person. Singular. Plural. 3. /M. ^F3 ir'^T'3 u A'YPa m'^v^ 2. rM. A^P3 ^^TA'^Pa F. mA'^V2 ^iOTA^Va 1. nrA°??3 and A'^Pa !^!^^P2 and ti'YPa 32 THE PARTS OF SPEECH. Future Tense. ?r5o; 1. Singular. Plural. 3. 'm. '^P^m LF. ^P3yV l^T'^v^rrr ^^'^vamr 2. "m. 'TTPiSA ^iX^V^A \f. rrr'TpaA" li'^T'^A- 1. ^l?3y^ °?F3^ IMPERATIVE MOOD. Person. Singular. Plural. 2. 'm. 'YPa ?^P3 r. rrr'^ip^ li'^V^ and Bfi^'^Pa INFINITIVE MOOD. 'TP^ ^iTFa Bf'^va ^('Y??^ Also [according to Cellarius], ^patis ^i:p3^ 5(^paia* PARTICIPLES. Present. Past. M. F. m. F. °fP2 1 5f^P3 ^nrP2 ^f'TiTTPiS * These forms belong rather to the third conjugation. Vide § 10. THE VERB. 33 II. ETHPEHEL. INDICATIVE MOOD. Perfect Tense. Person Singular. Plural. 3. fM. < °^P3AA- iT^fVaAA- A'^VaA/f iTf^vaA/f 2. ' M. A'^Pi^AA^ ^?A^P3AyY A'^PaAA^ :iA'TVaAA^ 1. a°?p:3AA^ Future Tense. li^^'^paA/v Person Singular. Plural. 3. ' M. °?P3Am l^^'^paAor F. 'YPaAA !:^'YP3AA o fM. '^VaAA ii^^paAA Z. F. fir^fP^AA ::N°?paAA 1. 'TpaA/f IMPERATIVE MOOD ^P3A:i Person. Singular. 7^/Mra/. 2. ' M. ^V3AyV ?^P3A/f - ^• mf^vaA/f ^Ci'^vaA/f INFINITIVE MOOD. 3('^V3AyV A^V3AA^ AT'^PaAA^ PARTICIPLE. 'YPaA^ 34 THE PARTS OF SPEECH. III. PAHEL. INDICATIVE MOOD. Perfect Tense. Same as the Perfect of the First Conjugation. Future Tense. Same as that of Pehal. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Person. Singular. Plural. r M. ^pa iTTva INFINITIVE MOOD. PARTICIPLE. IV. ETHPAHAL. INDICATIVE MOOD. Perfect Tense. Same as the Perfect of Ethpehel. Future Tense. Same as that of Etlipehel. THE VERB. 35 IMPERATIVE MOOD. Same as that of the Third Conjugation. INFINITIVE MOOD. A^P^A-A^ A?'^T'3A-yV PARTICIPLE. 'YPa/v^a V. APHEL. INDICATIVE MOOD. Perfect Tense. Person Singular. Plural. 3. ' M. 'YP^/t ^°fP3A^ \ F. A'^paA- nr'^paA^ 2. ' M. A'^paA 1 F. flTA^P^A^ :ii:A°?P3/f :inTA°^P3/f 1. • Future Tense. Same as that of Pehal. IMPERATIVE MOOD. :i:^'YP3/f Person . Singular. Plural. 2. ' M. '^pa/f t F. fTT'XPaA ?^P3A^ ^'I^'X'P^A 36 THE PARTS OF SPEECH- INFINITIVE MOOD. PARTICIPLE, 'YfffPaia and ^Ipa^iS VI. ETTAPHAL. INDICATIVE MOOD. Perfect Tense. Savie as the Perfect of Ethjpehel. Future Tense. Same as that of the Second Conjuc/ation IMPERATIVE MOOD. • Same as that of EthpeheL INFINITIVE MOOD. 3(A-'YPaAii5 PARTICIPLE. Very rarely occurs, perhaps not at all. THE VERB. 37 7. Upon the first conjugation, the following observations will be found i\seful. The preterite of the indicative of this conjugation is formed like the Syriae, and differs both from the Hebrew and Chaldee. The difference between the Hebrew and Samaritan in the singular is apparent in the third person feminine; the former ending in H, and the latter in A- In the plural number, the Samaritan and Hebrew differ widely, especially in the first and third person; the difference is not so great between the Samaritan and Clialdee, though remarkable in the first and third person feminine, both of which end in X . Sometimes, however, the servile letter A- is adopted, as in the Arabic \^'^ , after the masculine ter- mination ■?, as will be seen from the examples B{/V-"?iaZ^ Gen. xlix, 23, and ?IA^?***3iJ Num. xxxii. 39. It must not be forgotten, however, that in most cases of this kind the pronominal suffix % is found; so that 7^ would seem to have been added for the purpose of distinguishing more emphati- cally between the verbal termination and the suffix. It will, perhaps, be as well to observe, that the suffix y\» of the first person singular may be considered as attached to the verbal root by the vowel A^; for, as Morinus has observed, A is sometimes expressed, as in Exod. xxxiv. 18, i5A-/f-'^V3 / have commanded thee. This expression of /f. may be accounted for on the ground that, as all the charac- teristic terminations of the persons are derivable from the pro- nouns expressing those persons respectively, we may suppose the whole of the pronoun of the first person, viz. m^/^ *, * The inserted letter ^, if we suppose it changed into A, will give the suffix for forming the first person singular, a.s flTA-A. 38 THE PARTS OP SPEECH. added to the root of the verb, without omitting the A^, This will lead us also to determine the vowels by which the other suffixes may be supposed attached to the root, as the second person singular, masculine and feminine, and the whole of the plural, whose initial letters being A^, we may suppose this to be the mater lectionis by which they are connected with the verbal root. The first person plural is usually expressed by double ti ; still it is to be found with a single '^ in the Pentateuch, as the instance produced by Cellarius, from Num. xxi. 7, will prove, where !iZZiiJ we have spoken, is read. 8. The future tense of this conjugation is decidedly Chaldaic in its formation; it agrees as closely with the Chaldee as the perfect does with the Syriac, because, though the second person feminine singular is found usually with- out the paragogic t^, it is frequently employed. The last radical of the verb in the future tense is sometimes preceded by ?, the Syriac o, and Hebrew \ ; as, Z'^V^^A Gen. vi. 7, for ZP"^A- The termination "X^ of the second and third person plural is sometimes read "K with the omission of the !:i ; thus, "liiA-A Num. xxxv. 6, Xt^'^m Gen. viii. 22. This ecthlipsis of Nun no doubt induced Castel and Morinus to consider it as paragogic; the frequent occurrence, however, of this letter, as Avell as the coincidence of the future gene- rally with the Chaldee, would seem to be a great objection to the opinion entertained by those two scholars. 9. In the imperative mood, the Syriac o is very rarely found before the last syllable. It must also be observed, that, in the imperative mood, examples of the plural femi- nine are very rare. Cellarius gives the following instances: t^fTTA-fir-mA • ^V^*" Gen. iv. 23, liPVi^ Exod. ii. 20. THE VERB. 39 10. In the paradigm we have given various forms of the infinitive of Pehal, which is sometimes accompanied by the Sjriac ^ , but is more frequently without it ; the form with ia being chiefly confined to Pahel; in fact, there appears to be no reason why this form should not be exclusively confined to Pahel (except in the case of the infinitive of Aphel, which is generally known by the termination 3(/f-), espe- cially when we consider that Pehal and Pahel have fre- quently the same force, like Kal and Piel in the Hebrew. It must be observed that the form with iiJ is seldom used when the infinitive is construed with its verb; as, ' ZiiA- ZiSfTTA, the governing preposition 9 being omitted. The form frequently made use of among the Hebrews in this con- struction is the infinitive of Kal, which being usually ren- dered in the Samaritan version by the infinitive without !iJ , is, to say the least of it, a circumstance which favours the supposition previously made, that the form without the prefix iiJ is exclusively confined to Pehal, while that with ia belongs to some of the other conjugations. In some instances we find T placed before the last radical ; as, Xum.xxiii. 11, iJT'Sa * AiJ'^a thou hast certainly blessed; *"'?'iiS9 in gathering together, etc. This is frequently the case in the construction followed in the first example ; thus, Pa"^ • PT3^ just gone out, Gen. xxvii. 30 ; Anra^ ' flTTia^ Gen. xxxi. 30. The paragogic 5( of the infinitive is changed to A before sufiixes; as, Num. x. 36, 5(A'^'Tt^!iJ9 wJien it rested, where the paragogic 5( has been changed to A before the suffix 5t. The same may be said of the metahole of 5{ into A'K before suffixes, and wlien the infinitive is in construction; as, 'yKA'K^UH'^Z to purify them, Num. viii. 7,21; !:^iriJA-frf • Airia'ei'\^ from loving you, Dcut. vii. 8. 40 THE PARTS OF SPEECH. 11. The first conjugation has two participles, called Benoni and Pehil, corresponding to the Chaldee partici- ples of the same name; the former answers in sense to the Latin participle in ens ; the latter generally to the perfect participle in tus ; thus, ^OTPZ-^ they who ascend, ol ava- ^alvovT€/nA ye shall be ajflicted, Gen. xlv. 5, for !:^^'^VAV^A, from '^V'ffl. The prefix AJi- is sometimes found written A^ , though rarely. The first person of this conjugation sometimes ends in flTA ; as, Deut. xxxiv. 4, nTAV9A"*yV / sware. The second person plural feminine sometimes also ends in ^^fTfA instead of !iA. 13. In the imperative mood, instead of /f we find 5f, though, as far as I have observed, this is not very frequently the case; as. Gen. xlii. 16, ^'^"^A'A^f. 14. The usual form of the infinitive of this conjugation is that first given in the paradigm : the other forms are to be explained in the same manner as in § 10. The two in- stances, viz. ^TA-^ast, Gen. V. 2, and *\iUT[B(, Gen. xvii. 13, given by Cellarius, are undoubtedly of the fifth conjugation, which has sometimes a passive sense, as we have shewn in § 5. 15. Kemarks on the third conjugation: — The diflx^rcnce between this conjugation and the first has been previously pointed out. It is important to observe that the quadri- literal verbs, as -^iaZA he formed, *\9"?^ he consoled, !i3PZ he poured forth, belong to this conjugation, as they do in the Syriac. Castel marks this conjugation by the insertion of m (to express the vowel Tsere) between the last two radicals; as, "jnTPa. It is found in Deut. ix. 12, under the form ZyVa"^ have become corrupted, with which mater lectionis the last syllable of the root may be usually pronounced. The imperative of this conjugation is formed like the Syro-Chaldaic. The infinitive, Ukc that of Pchal, is capable 42 THE PARTS OF SPEECH. of receiving the terminations A, A"\, under tlie circum- stances mentioned in § 10. The participles of this conjugation, as well as the impe- rative, are formed like the Syro-Chaldaic. 16. Eemarks on the fourth conjugation: — What has been said of the second conjugation will also apply here; the usual forms of the infinitive are At'^V^A'A^ and A'^V^A/f • 17. Eemarks on the fifth conjugation: — It has been pre- viously stated (§ 5) that Aphel has sometimes a passive sense. The prefix N- is often changed to 5f ; as, Gen. xxxv. 2, X^lySC^X ' tiS'^Sf jmrify yourselves^ and he clean ; so 'iTS'MP^C for 'ra'MP/t. The feminine plural imperative of this conju- gation may end in t^fTT ; as. Gen. iv. 23, IsntAm-mff- hearken; it is, however, very rarely used. The usual form of the infinitive is that given in the para- digm: other forms are met; as, Gen. xxix. 7, "^!:iiiA^ to he collected. Also ^i^lsf to he circumcised, Gen. xvii. 13. The participial forms in use are V, Exod. xiv. 21. (8) The nt sometimes undergoes the same change for the passive conjugations as in Aphel; thus, <\A'?AA^; ITf^tAA^ from a radLx BC^ITT, etc. (e) Those cases in wliich the [tt is omitted in the perfect tense, as in Gen. ix. 23, where TiSZ is found for "KHZtU , are to be marked as anomalies. The same may be said of the presence of Yod where it should be absent; as 9*? A/If, Deut. xxxi. 19. 26. Verbs in Aleph and Yod are usually regular, except in the cases mentioned in the preceding sections. QUIESCENTS OF SECOND CLASS. In Vau, or Ai/in - Vau. 27. The only class of verbs worthy of note under this head are those whose middle radical is Vau. The followino- paradigm with iiJI? or iavv will give the student an idea of the peculiarities of verbs of this class : — I. PEHAL. INDICATIVE MOOD. Perfect Tense. Person. Singular. Plural. 3. < ' M. ^VP or iiJP ?iavp _ F. AiaVP or AiiJP miavp 2. - " M. A^VP ^^TAiavp ^ F. AiiJVP t^nTAiiJVP 1. AiiJVP ^i'i^VP 48 THE PARTS OF SPEECH. Future Tense. Person. Singul ar. 3. M. 1- 2. ' M. F. 1. !iJ?P/f Plural. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Person. Singular. f M. ^■K? "' \ F. nt^K? Plural. INFINITIVE MOOD. »a?p iiSTVilS iaVViiS ?(!aVViiS PARTICIPLES. Present ^>VP Past !iSfirV THE VERB. 49 28. Remarks on the first conjugation: — The preterite of this conjugation strongly resembles the Syriac. In the paradigm of Pehal, we have given two forms of the third person singidar, one with and the other without the mater lectionis. The third person plural may be similarly writ- ten; as, "Tiii?, Gen. xxxvii. 35; in fact, the mater lectionis is sometimes absent in the other persons. T\\e future tense is generally read with X ; it is, however, found without it; as, Deut. xiii. 8, ^^fTTA* it shall spare ; ?ii5([rr they will go, for 'TiSTBCm', Exod. xxxii. 1; Pvm for P?vnr, Deut. xxviii. 52. The imperative mood is like the Chaldee and Hebrew. Wlien the ultimate or penultimate is a guttural or Resh, the Yau is frequently omitted; as, '^'^ inhabit, Gen. xxxv. 1, for ^'K'^; also, ii5( go, etc. In this case the ? , though omitted in the imperative, is sometimes found in the future; as, ^T'YA, Gen. xxiv. 5o; the rule, however, for omission in the future is, generally speaking, the same as that for the imperative. Of the infinitive mood, we have given various forms; those which are preceded by ^ belong rather to the third conjugation; thus, 3(»**V3i3, Gen. xxxi. 7, is transitive, whereas the signification of Pehal is intransitive, as will be seenbyconsultingGen.xxxviii. 10, where "^V9 intransitively is to be evil. Compare also 'WT, Gen. xxiv. 3, and xiii. 6. The mater lectionis of the participle of the present is sometimes changed to V ; thus, instead of iiJA-V , wc find iiJVP , Exod. iii. 5 ; sometimes A^ is changed to 3( , as in the anomalous verb A^^ ; sometimes for Alcpli, A-3( or ft-Ut is written; as, ^/f.3('^, Num. xiii. 20; !iA-nT'Y, Gen. xv. 14, etc. Such forms seem to carry considerable empliasis. 50 THE PARTS OF SPEECH. INDICATIVE MOOD. Perfect Tense. Fu h^ <11 w 0-1 H H SAME AS IJ •^ ^ •^ ■*?; •^ •^ •^ ^ ^ ^ ^ hi »- 6 u- £ 0- o- 6 6 &- 6 p- 6 p- p. 6 6 »- ^ w- a< il 37 -R 5< 57 37 37 57 57 Sam' 1— ( < "1 ^ Jv 6 < 1— ( < ■J?: ^ ■*5; ^ ■*?; •^ •^ •^ •*?; •^ e -^ ■^ "^ -^ < -^ ^ ■^ ■^ ^ ^ -^ •^ •^ ^ ^ ^ Q-1 p- i^ 0- &- o- p. u- O- P- »- ^ ^ p: o: in r^" ^• ^" N- Jy fy- Jy- N" Jv JY" N* N- fy« ^- PQ a< 3< 57 57 5< 5< 5< 57 57 5? 57 S 5? 57 « M 5< 3< 57 57 3< 5< li 57 57 57 57 5? 57 57 tin O H -^ •^ -^ i fv e j-1 6 tH 1-4 6 6 6 »- 6 »- 6 6 6 a- p- p- p- p- o 5< 2< 57 57 5< 57 5< 5} 57 57 f= f= ?= f= f— * <^ < •^ "£ ^ i^ ^ ^ -^ ^ 37 37 37 57 Q -< Ph ^ e 6 i 6 6 -^ -^ < •^ -^ « -^ •^ 27 ^ -^ ^ -^ -^ ^ ^ ^ ^ •^ ^ u u- ii- U- U- 27 27 »- ji- p- ». &- E^ i- ^- jv- N- r^ h^ jV N- N- h- N" in i? =R 3? J? ?? 27 27 27 27 27 27 P3 i? J^ 5^ =R 27 27 27 27 27 27 37 P^ h- rl hr rl fc h- ri j^ W rj n \-m w ■^ >► o 27 &- Eu 6 6 6 6 U" e 27 E>- «>i = £ g e 6 27 27 27 27 27 ?= •^ o >— ( i7 =R J? J? J? 6 27 *c»^ J'- n K n Q j^ r^ <1 p:i < * 6 6 -^ "^ < •*?; -^ •*!; -^ •^ 27 PL, ^ -^ -^ ^ -^ ■^ -^ •^ -^ ■^ ■^ ^ c^ Cu &. cu >*• 27 ji, o- ». B- El- u- = ^ e fe e fe 6 fe 6 fe 6 ^ in J7 37 27 3? 27 5^ 5 2? 27 J'- ri J'- ri 6 h- £2 hr- ri j^ w •^ s p=;^ s fa S fa '^ V ' a fa H CO oi I— 1 c^i c^i ■pjTIJJ ■Suif^ ■UPJJ 1 ■•^"'S' 52 THE PARTS OF SPEECH. 29. Eemarks on the second conjugation : — This conjuga- tion is like the Syriac in its formation; thus, '^nj'\A/i- was pleased, Gen. iv. 5; gfTf^AA-, Exod. xxxii. 30, etc. The student who is acquainted with the paradigm of the Syriac verb in Ayin-Vau will find no difficulty in recog- nising the tenses, etc., of the conjugation Ethpehel. 30. Eemarks on the third conjugation : — This conjugation may be generally known by the characteristic [TT , as in the Syriac. It isj however, rarely used. Compare the Chaldee Pahel. 31. Remarks on the fourth conjugation: — This conju- gation is sometimes read with the characteristic flT; as, "HrrtVA/f-- The difficulty of distinguishing between it and Ethpehel may have led to the adoption of T instead of fJT, and the duplication of the last radical; as, !^!^'?9AA-, Gen. xvi. 2; iaa^PA^, xxviii. 13. 32. Remarks on the fifth conjugation: — Aphel is gene- rally accompanied by the mate?- lectionis flT; as, afTflA' ; though the m may be omitted before the syllabic suffixes ; as, AiaP/f, Gen. xxi. 29; ^A-SliiJ, xlv. 4. There are some few instances in which J^ is put for m ; as, '^^■'^m shall distress, Deut. xxviii. 53, 55. The characteristic pre- formant A- is very frequently changed to 3C , as in the perfect verbs. 33. The sixth conjugation is scarcely distinguishable from the second, except as regards the sense. QUIESCENTS OF THIRD CLASS. 34. The quiescent verbs of this class have A^, 5(, fTT, ? for their third radical. The two latter terminations are rarely found; thus, OTt^^, Num. xxiii. 21, which is THE VERB. 53 usually quoted as Pehal, seems to be Paliel, from the root KAi"^. Tlie two otlier instances given by Cellarius, viz. mva, from Gen. xxxvii. 35, and 'K'^'H, Exod. vii. 20, may be obsolete forms, at least the latter; for the former may be considered as Pahel, the first conjugation Pehal not being in use. The usual termination of quiescents of this class is 5t. The following is a paradigm of verbs of this kind with =tii9 he wept. I. PEHAL. INDICATIVE MOOD. Person. 3. 2. 1. r M If Perfect Tense. Singular. Plural. M. Afrraa ^^^^Afrriis Future Tense. Singular. M. irraafrr F. nTi39A Plural. t\Xii9A t^rrfiJSA 54 THE PARTS OF SPEECH, IMPERATIVE MOOD. Person. Singular. Plural. 2. - f M. nraa ?i59 t F. ITTiJa (^firfrraa INFINITIVE MOOD, nriisiij PARTICIPLES- - Present. Past. M. F. M. F. 35. Remarks on tlie first conjugation: — The feminine plural of tlie third person of the preterite occurs Exod. ii. 16; as, ntl^Z*^'^ ' firZ'^? * rUA/i- they came and drew, and filled; it will be observed that the quiescent H- is not omitted in rrr/f-Z^ before (Tf. This is also the case in frfAA^vU"^, Gen. xxxii. 30. Compare remarks in § 7. The quiescent letter may remain unchanged in the future ; as, 5(^9;^ , Gen. xi. 4. The Chaldee corresponds exactly with the Samaritan, if we suppose the terminal 5^ changed to "•. An instance of the feminine singular imperative is ITf?3( , Gen. xxiv. 60. The form given in the paradigm for the feminine plural of the imperative is like the Syriac in _^ . Castel has t^tTZl, the Syriac oov . . The Chaldee ter- mination I may also be added to the root; thus, ^^^ntiiS. As far as I am aware, I do not think that any example exists, at least in the Pentateuch, to settle the matter definitely. The infinitive is generally accompanied by the prefix iiJ ; THE VERB. 55 as, rrr^iiSia to number, Gen. xv. 5; frr^^iiJ to see, Exod. iii. 4. The plural feminine of the participle is found in Gen. xli. 54, ;iA^m"\**^. It will be observed that Benoni and Pehil do not differ in form. 36. Eemarks on the second conjugation: — The following are examples of the preterite: Gen. xvii. 1, UtA^A/^', rrr9A"^yV, Exod. xiv. 21; AfTT'/na A-A- , Gen. xxxii. 30, etc. An instance of the future will be found in Gen. ix. 14. 37. Eemarks on the third conjugation: — This conjugation is usually terminated in the third preterite by fTT ; as, miSa^, Exod. XV. 25; (Tfi^A, Gen. xxix. 13. The other instances given by Cellarius, viz. ^^^ and 5f/*-Z'/n, are of the conjugation Pehal. 38. The passive of the third conjugation cannot be distin- guished from that of the first, except by the sense; they have the same forms. 39. The fifth conjugation is supported by the follow- ing examples: — For the preterite — Gen. xix. 24, firvZ^C ; A^P^/f, viii. 9; ?(V^A^, viii. 13; 3(9^5(, xxxi. 20. For the future — fIr^'^/f• I will increase, Gen. xii. 2; {Ttl-^Af-, XV. 1 ; though in both cases they may be preterites for the future. (See the Syntax.) For the imperative mood — fTfii^A-, Gen. xxiv. 14. For the infinitive mood — BCA-V^^tiJ, Gen. xxiv. 19; 5(A-'/n3ta, xxxvii. 22. ^ ox ihe participle — nr°?!2>tiJ, Gen. vi. 17. In the infinitive and participle, the examples produced are exceedingly pertinent. 40. Cellarius has given the form firZTfAAyY, from Castel, as belonging to the sixth conjugation; it occurs but very seldom. The following paradigm contains the remaining conjugations. 56 THE PARTS OF SPEECH. INDICATIVE MOOD. Perfect Tense. Futur< I ■^ •$ ^ < ^ ^ •*^ •^ ^ ^ ■^ ^ ^ < < i ■^ -^ < i < ■^ ■^ < < ■^ ^ \ •^ ^ ^ h4 ^ ^ < < < ^ •^ < < •^ •^ ^ < i K < p-l 01 — 1 CO ; 1— t ^ c>4 V CO - ^ •uvp iSuig •punjj •uvinSui^ ^ THE VERB. 57 I3IPEEAT1YE. INFIN. PAETIC. Tense. Benoni Pehil ^66^^ < 01 i •^ -^ ^ ^ •^ 3? ^ -^ -^ ^ "^ ^ ^ < < ^ •^ , ^ -^ -^ -^ -^ ^ ^ < < ^ "^ J ^ Tl ^ ^ ^ 6 W 6 • ~ o* ^ ^ ^ ^ j^ o 1>H » ^ 6 6 -^ -^ < 01 57 ^ •*!; ■*!; -^ ■^ 37 C5 ■^ ^ -5^ -^ -^ ^ ^ •^ -^ ■^ ■^ 1— 1 tn wa and Chaldee finji , is written for A'^!^ , whence it is formed by changing "^ into V. THE VERB. 61 PEHAL. INDICATIVE MOOD. Perfect Tense. This is, for the most part, regular. Sometimes the pri- mitive form is read; as, AA*^^ she let down. Gen. xxiv. 16, 45. Future Tense. Person. Singular. Plural. fM. AVfTrm l^TAvrrrrrr AvrrrA l^AVfrrar 2. (- AVflTA !i?AVA ^^rrrAvrrrA liAVA 1. AVfTTA- Avrrr^ N.B. It must not be inferred that all these forms are in use; some few are given by analogy. ti?AVA occurs in Gen. xlii. 38, xliv. 29, but, from its transitive sense, may be referred to Pahel or Aphel. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Person. Singular. f M. A!:^ or AV:^ 1^ F. rrrAv:^ Plural. BtAVli INFINITIVE MOOD. Avrrria The participles are formed in the usual manner; as, Dcut. ix. 21, Gen. xxviii. 12. 62 THE PARTS OF SPEECH. APHEL. INDICATIVE MOOD. Perfect Tense. The two persons of tliis tense mostly used are, the third singular; as, AVA^ Exod. xix. 20; AA'^A- Gen. xxiv. 18; and third plural, "TAVA- Gen. xliv. 11. Future Tense. The third plural, ^i^TAVfTT, Num. i. 51. Second plural, !^'?AVA, Gen. xliv. 29. The other persons are sometimes met with. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Person. Singular. Plural. r M. AVA^ ?AVA. 2 \ [_ F. [TTAVA ^t^AVA INFINITIVE MOOD. AVnr^ Gen. xxxvii. 25. T\\Q passive ^oxva. of this verb also occurs; as, AV/TfAA, Gen. xxxix. 1; AflTVAA, Nmn. x. 17, etc. V. The Verb 3^rrr he gave. PEHAL. INDICATIVE MOOD. Perfect Tense. This is formed regularly. The instance Sflf^flf, from Lev. X. 17, given by Cellarius, must be referred to Pahel. Compare Lev. xix. 20. THE VERB. 63 Future Tense. This is regular, like verbs in Pe-Yod. It is, however, sometimes formed from !:^A!^ , Hebrew |ri3 . IMPERATIVE MOOD. Person. Singular. Plural. 'M. 95(nr; also, aW Gen. xxx. 26; ^a/f 2. \ a5( Gen. xlii. 37. . F. m\^ Gen. xxx. 14. 5(^3/*- INFINITIVE MOOD. PARTICIPLES. Present. a^ffrr; also, astm^t Gen. xlix. 21. Past, arrrsfnr The latter participle appears to be used in Gen. xxxviii. 14, 5(afIT?(nt she was given. This is probably the case with the instances mentioned under the perfect tense. In Lev. xix. 20, our version has " liberty given her," though it should rather be he has not given her liberty ; a change of nominative which has been adopted in Lev. x. 17, correctly. The passive forms also occur; as, "^a^ffTTAA-, Lev. x. 14; !^?a5(rrfAA, Lev. xxvi. 25 ; a^CfrrAfrf , Lev. xxiv. 20. Also the participle a^ffTfAiii, Exod. v. 16, 18. VI. The Verb ATtiJ he died. This is the same as the Syriac A*io , Chaldee nio . 64 THE PARTS OF SPEECH. INDICATIVE MOOD. Perfect Tense. The middle letter of the whole of this tense is /IT ; as, Aflta he died; AAHTiii she died, Gen. xxiii. 2; "KAm^ they died, Exod. iv. 19, etc. Future Tense. This is exactly like verbs in Ayin-Vau; as, AtiiSA, A?ta/f, etc. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Singular. Plural. A^ia Deut. xxxii. 50. XAX^H INFINITIVE MOOD. A^ia ATiata Afiriaia PARTICIPLES. Present. Past. M. F. M. F. A5fiiJ 5(AA^ia Gen. xxx. 1. AflTia 5fAfir^ VII. The Verb ii,r^ he went. INDICATIVE MOOD. Perfect Tense. This follows the form of verhs in Ayin-Vau; as, iS5( he went, Gen. xxii. 13. THE A-ERB. 65 Future Tense. In this tense T is omitted, on account of the guttural iJ. (Vide § 28 of this Chapter.) The INFINITIVE MOOD is iJ5(ia ; as, Bfii^aZ to go, Deut. xxix. 18. VIII. Tpie Verb Z^layV he loent. PEHAL. INDICATIVE MOOD. In this mood the verb is formed regularly. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Singular. Plural. 2^ or Zi^/f XlA^ or "KlM/i- INFINITIVE MOOD. Lh-A^'H^ Gen. xi. 31. The corresponding conjugation Ethpehel is also found; as, ZA^mA^ walk, Gen. xvii. 1 ; Z^flTAia walking, Gen. iil. 8. IX. The Verb scaA- he came. Compare the Syrlac j/.j. 66 THE PARTS OF SPEECH. PEHAL. INDICATIVE MOOD. Perfect Tense. Person. Singular. Plural. 3. 'm. 5(AyV also A^AA^ Gen. xlvi. 1. ■KAf^ ¥. Ant A A- OTA/f 2_ 'm. AmA/f- t^^AfTTAA^ t^AfrrAyV 1. AtTtAJi- and Af^{A^e■ li^^fTTAA^ Future Tense. This is formed regularly according to verbs in Pe-Alepli, and quiescents of the third class. IMPERATIVE MOOD. kAA Gen. xxxvii. 13, and fTTAA- ?AA^ INFINITIVE MOOD. /^Ah- /TTArrra ^-Amh- Gen. xxxvii. 10. Gen. xlii. 15. Num. x. 21. PARTICIPLES. Singular. Plural. r M. rrrAA^ isorAA^ also ^wawaa- Present. F. BfWAA^ Gen. XXX. 38. I^M-ntAA- Gen. xli. 29. THE VERB. 67 APHEL. INDICATIVE 3IOOD. The perfect and future tenses are formed as usual ; thus, OrArrfyY he brought, Gen. xxxvii. 2 ; mAmm he shall bring, etc. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Singular. Plural mAm/f- "KAm/^ PARTICIPLES. mAnfa Exod. x. 4. nrAfrrytia Deut. vili. 16. This verb is very frequently used in Pehal. X. The Verb Zijm he ivas able. INDICATIVE MOOD. The perfect tense of this verb is regularhj inflected. The future follows the law of verbs in Pe-Yod; as, ZiJ/f / sliall be able, Deut. xxxi. 2; ZiiA, thou shalt be able, Exod. xviii. 23, etc. There are cases, however, in which the Hebrew anomaly is adopted; as, Zi3?/f I shall be able, Kum. xxii. 11. The infinitive, Z^iiiiS, occurs Num. xiii. 31. 68 THE PARTS OF SPEECH. CHAPTER IV. THE PARTICLES. 1. The Particles, which form the third part of speech, are generally understood to comprehend the Pronoun, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction, and Interjection; or, in other words, all those parts of speech recognized in Greek and Latin, and in the modern European languages, with the exception of the Verb and Noun. PRONOUN. 2. The Pronoun, as being the most prominent and im- portant of the grammatical divisions included in the term Particle, will be considered in the first place. The Sama- ritan pronouns may be divided into two classes, as in the other Shemitic languages, viz. Separables and Inseparables ; the latter (except the relative) are sometimes called Suffixes, the propriety of which term will appear hereafter. Under the head of Separables are included. Personal Pronouns in the nominative and vocative cases, Demon- stratives, sometimes the Relative (which is, however, gene- rally expressed by a prefix), and the Interrogative Pronouns. Under the head of Inseparables are classed, Personal Pronouns in the oblique cases or preceded by a preposition. Relative, Rellexive, and Possessive Pronouns. SEPARABLE PRONOUNS. PERSONAL. 3. The personal pronouns are, as in other languages, of the first, second, and third persons, in both numbers. THE PROXOUX. 69 There Is only one form for both genders of the first per- son in each number; in the other persons there is a distinct form for each gender, as the subjoined table will shew: — TABLE OF PERSONAL PRONOUNS. Pers. Shif/ular. 1. COM. ^^/f, firt^/f, nTiS!:!>/f / Cm. ^aa-, a a If. rrryVA- j M. yVTBf, ?5( he. F. Am^, m^ she. ■ thou . 3 There is another form of the first person singular, viz. A-t^A^ , which sometimes occurs ; this form and that first given in the table correspond exactly to the Chaldee WX and n3t« ; while the second and third forms are the Hebrew ''^^ and *3 J5< . The two forms of the second person mascu- line are the same as nriX and rix . The second person feminine is found in Gen. xxiv. 23, ivithout a line over it; it corresponds to the Hebrew *J?S?, which is usually written ^^. The first form of the third person masculine is the same as Kin, while the second is the Syriac ooi- With the first form of the third feminine, compare the Chaldee and Hebrew i^''^ . The second form of the first person plural is manifestly the Chaldee |^^« . With the forms of the second plural, compare the Chal- dee pnpK, rri^N. With the two forms of the third plural, compare l-13n masc. and VP.i} fern.; for, by interchanging the quiescents n and N Plural. C. "imZH- these, those. 70 THE PARTS OF SPEECH. ' of the same organ,' the Chaldee forms are easily trans- formed to the Samaritan. DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS. 4. These are included in the followins; table : — Singular. M. 'y^, 3(fTr5f^, 5ffirvi^ this. F. %'^, ?fA-^ this. C. t^'T, Bf'^ this, that. Compare the first form of the mascuhne singular with the Chaldee" i"! , and the second and third with the He- brew nj. With the feminine forms, compare the Chaldaean N'n . The first forms of the masculine and feminine, as will be observed, are repeated as of common gender; this arises from their indiscriminate use, somewhat similar to that of N-in and ^^''H among the Hebrews. "With the common form of the plural, compare T?.^. It must be observed, that many of the Personal and Demonstrative Pronouns receive 9£ emphatic as a prefix; thus, 5f<\AA-*A-T5f9( that very place. Again, 5(nr!:y3/f'^fTrZA-5f these very stones. RELATIVE PRONOUNS. 5. Like the Hebrews, the Samaritans have a separable relative pronoun, viz. ^"^A-; its use, however, is gene- rally superseded by the prejix '^ , like the Chaldee T from n. It is common in number and gender; thus, * iJ'^Tnfl anT'\'?T'9'^ thy stranger, icho is in thy cities, Exod. xx. 10; a'TP'^/f''^ * iJnrsfZ/f' thy gods, ivhich brought thee up, Exod. xxxii. 4. THE PRONOUN. 71 INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS. 6. There are two forms of this pronoun; the first ^^, Chald. ID , which is used of persons, and equivalent to our icho? — the second B(ty, Chald. xa, used of things, and like our what ? Thus, fTTA-A- * tiita * A'^g ivhose daughter are you ? and, 5(ia»** • 5f !a lohat is his name ? The neuter form 9(^ , as it may be called, sometimes appears to lose its sense when used with prefixes; thus, 5(iiJii like as. There is also another interrogative form l^'Y, found in Gen. xxxii. 29; as, rrr^"^Z * LH^A ' t^'^ whi/ seek for my name'? Before proceeding to the Inseparable Pronouns, it must be observed that, to express the words ' self,' ' the same,' ' the very one,' the Samaritans follow the Hebrews in substituting ^K{ for its equivalent DVy, as in Gen. vii. 13, !i"T5( • ^fiaTrrr • iaMa in this very day. Compare the Syriac ^^cio which is used in a similar manner; as, Eom. ix. 3, . .v.r^io ^jj I myself. So 1 Cor. vi. 7, noVo ]o you your- selves. It is probable that iST^lP, synonymous with ia'M , as well as ^^2"^ the soul, are used as reciprocals, in the sense of the Latin ' seipsum.' This inference is justified by the numerous examples found in the New Testament, in Avhich it is i^o employed by the Syrians. The Samaritans apparently use 'TT-^ the heart, recipro- cally; as in Gen. xviii. 12, where we find • r('\^" ' A1['\^T''? BC^T^g and Sarah laughed within her heart, i. e. herself INSEPARABLE PRONOUNS. 7. These Pronouns, which may also be called suffixes, from the peculiarity of their being joined to the end of 72 THE PARTS OF SPEECH. words with which they coalesce, include the Personal Pronouns with a preposition, Eeflcxives, and Possess! ves. They are contained in the following table : — Person. Singular. Plural. 1. COM. frr, m^ 5^^, li t^- ^^^ ii^' ^ ^^i5, "^a, :^?i5, "ixii^i These inseparables are not joined to nouns^ verbs, and particles indiscriminately ; it will be proper therefore to make a few remarks on their use. With respect to Wiejirst person, it must be observed, that the form f7T of the singular is joined to nouns of both num- bers; thus, from 9<\ comes [lt^'\ my lord; from firtJiS sons, we have Ht^U'^'^ my sons, which is contracted into HTt^S , as in the Hebrew. There are some instances in which lU is joined to verbs; as, {Tf^iZ^^ he sent me, Gen. xlv. 5, Exod. iii. 14. This is frequently the case when the letter immediately preceding the suffix is essentially radical. The second form, however, is that usually found with verbs; as, fIr!iAiS'^^ thou hast blessed me; ntl^m'iU'^m' he shall see me, etc. Both forms of the^/%si person plural are used with nouns and verbs; instances of the first are, t!i!Jk5(2A- our God; ^!2lf^^'^3P our sepulchres; "i^^A^SA- our fathers. Again, '2^'^V-^/i- he made us go- up, Exod. xxxii. 1; ^!iAlP3A^ thou THE PRONOUN. 73 hast led us out, Num. xxi. 5. Instances of the second form are, '^j\'^mlAc our sister, Gen. xxiv. 60; !2>A"/n3^ he deli- vered us, Exod. ii. 19. 8. Upon the suffix iJ of the second person, the following remarks may be made. It is found with nouns of both numbers for the masculine gender; and, for the feminine gender, with nouns plural; a?, ^^l/f- ijour God; iiA^SX * ii^9 your son and your daughter; aA5(9A- your fathers ; afTTtinTV your eyes, etc. In Gen. xix. 12, Of is inserted before the terminal iJ; for, in speaking of Lot's daughters, we find iJfirAt^a your daugh- ters. This insertion of ITT must not be confounded with the feminine form afTf, which is used with singular nouns; as. Gen. iii. 16, iifTT^ai your husband; iifTTV^^ your seed. Gen. xvi. 10. The form iS is also found with verbs; as, atiJ'^'^ he loved thee; iiA-^^'PA^ have I established thee, Exod. ix. 16; iJ'^Z^^A- I will send thee, Gen. xxxii. 26. The terminal iSt^ with the epentlietic ^ is usually found with the future tense; as, iJ!:>^3VA- 1 will make thee. Gen. xii. 2; ii!2i*\iUVyV I tvill restore thee. Gen. xxviii. 15, etc. The frr of the feminine form iJfTT is usually omitted Avhen joined with a particle; as, aZ to thee, Gen. xx. 16; ja^iiJ from thee, Gen. xxx. 2; iJfTrZ is found in Exod. ii. 7. The first form ^ta of the second person plural masculine is found with nouns and verbs; but with the latter it is generally not suffixed immediately, but with the interposi- tion of the characteristic of the accusative case; as, 'yK^'^Ll^ your God; "iJiTiiA^fgA. your fathers ; !2i^i5Afn' ' ^y^vm"? and will lead you. Gen. xlviii. 21. It is also found with particles; as, ^^TiiZ to you, '^iTiiaV with you, etc., tliough 74 THE PARTS OF SPEECH. in tills case tKe second form "IXiiX is usually employed; as, !i"^i5 \^^ from yoii, Deut. ii. 4, etc. The latter form is not only found with the particles, but also with nouns; as, :^?iJ?^:^:^ • ZVT ' !^~i3?3Z * ZV in your heart and in your soul, Deut. xi. 18. The last form in both genders, viz. t^TiS!^, is a verbal suffix, and is formed by means of the epenthetic "^^ from :i?ii, like iS^ from iJ. The first two forms of the feminine plural are joined to nouns; as, '^.m^'^'^t^ your soul ; sometimes by the insertion of T, as in the case of the masculine suffixes; thus, "^klTTiJTS/f your father, Gen. xxxi. 5. The other forms of the feminine are found with verbs. 9. The form B( of the third person singular is found with nouns of both numbers, also with verbs; as, ^^m^ his head; 3(3?^ her seed; =farrrVA^ he set him, Gen. xlvii. 7; ^AiTT"^^ I drew him forth, Exod. ii. 10. In the masculine gender, 5( is sometimes suffixed by the interposition of A- ; as, ^h-X^"^ his father-in-kac, Exod. iii. 1 ; Bf/V-nTi^'^ he shewed him, Exod. xv. 25. The A- was probably added to mark distinctly the difference between the word and its suffix. Compare remarks on verbs, § 7. The second form X of the masculine gender, is used with plural nouns, as, ?ITr':^frfV his eyes ; TOT^a his sons, Gen. ix. 1 ; Chald. "'O'l^r , Syriac ^otqxo , etc. This terminal is found also with singular nouns and particles, in which case nt is inserted before the suffix; as, ?.7r9A his father, Gen.xlvi. 1, xlvii. 11; tflT'^A his brother, Exod. xvi. 15; "^mZV upon him, etc. The suffix 9(!i of common gender, formed by the epen- thetic Nun from 5(, is used with verbs; as, ^t^V^iiJyY I unll THE PRONOUN. 75 (lestroij him, Exod. xxxii. 33; ^'2>m'2^'^m shall hate her. Deut. xxii. 13. It must be observed that it is mostly em- ployed with the future tense, and, comparatively speaking, is verv seldom found with the preterite; as, 5{!^l7r9"^ he placed him, Deut. xxxii. 10. The first two forms of the plural number masculine are joined with nouns of the singular number, the second being that which is usually employed; as, '^'K'^/t- their hand, Gen. xxxvii. 22 ; ^~Z/f-^-^^ on their left hand, Exod. xiv. 22. Also with nouns of the plural number; as, 'Z'KA'^^/i- their fathers, Exod. xii. 40; '2i~^nf2im':SV , Gen. xii. 5. The third form, t^"?!:^ , is mascuHne, and is only employed with verbs; as, !2^^^a'^9A• I loill bless them, Num. vi. 27; !2^\t^TAi:3T ' !^?!2kT^ii5 they struck them and bruised them, Xum. xiv. 45. This suffix is not, however, used exclu- sively, since the simple form !:i"? occurs ; as, 'l\Z^V he sleio them. Gen. xiv. 16; tJk?T"\\"\, Num. xvi. 39. Vide Deut. ix. 17. The feminine forms of this person, viz. ^nT5( and ^fTT, are used with nouns of both numbers; as, lifrf!:^^"^*"^ their judgment, Num. xxvii. 5; ^fTTSCtaA- their father, Num. xxvii. 7, etc. The last form, tJ*"^ of the feminine gender, may be joined to verbs, but very seldom occurs. The student must be careful to distinguish it from the same form, which is used for the first person plural. These pronouns, it will be observed, serve for the Personal Pronouns in the oblique cases, for the Possessives, and Reci- procals. 10. The relative pronoun is usually expressed by the prefix <^, which is employed like the Chaldee T. 76 THE PARTS OF SPEECH. ON THE MODE OF SUFFIXING. 11. In adding the inseparables to nouns of the absolute state, the 5( characteristic of the feminine is changed into A; as, ^fZ,?-^/?- a handmaid^ HtAZ'K-^/f- my handmaid, Gen. xvi. 2. If the noun be plural, the terminal iiJ or ^ of the ^hxnol formative is omitted, and the suffix added to the remain- ing part; as, from ^fn''^^ sons, comes ^fTf^S Ms sons, etc. But if the noun be in the emphatic state, the B( is wholly omitted, and the suffix takes its place; as, 5("^3^ the soul, m^2l^ my soul; BfAAA^ the wife, iSAAA^ thy wife ; 5(A^9A- fathers, ^!:iA50A^ our fathers. 12. There are three nouns which deserve especial consi- deration ; these are, 3 A- a father ; "^/f- a brother ; ^"^ a father-in-law. These nouns are connected with their suffixes by inserting "? , like the Chaldee and Syriac ; or fJT , like the Hebrew. The following are examples of this peculiarity : — Examples of S/V; as, ^~'^^., i5T3/f-, ^^T^f^g/f, etc., with ~; ?nr3/f, ;2.t^nr3A^, ^^t^nra/f, with or. Examples of "^ejA- ; as, ii^^A-, 5C?ViA, ^t^T^A, etc., with?; and ^fTT^A, ^"l^rTf^A, etc., with fir. Examples of ^"^ are rare; as, m"?^"^, Exod. xviii. 1; iSfTTTia"^, Gen. xxxviii. 13. Also with fTf in Gen. xxxviii. 25; as, BfiTfia"^ her father-in-law. This is not, however, the case with the suffix of the first person; for in Gen. xx. 12, we find fTfSA * A^9 daughter of my father; and in Gen. iv. 9, BftSA * fTT^A ' ^^^tJ^^f am I my brother's keeper? In both these instances, however, the nouns are in ' regimen,' which may probably account for the deviation from the general rule. THE PRONOUN. 77 13. The suffixes are usually added to verbs -without changing any letter; as, or!:*^!!^ he led me, Gen. xxiv. 27; iS^F-^/f- they made thee go up, Exod. xxxii. 4, etc. Quiescents of the third radical in A^ or ^ sometimes vary from this rule. These letters may be changed into A ; as, 'yKA'y^ he numbered them, Num. i. 19; !^A-/n^3f he delivered us, Exod. ii. 19; ^^iTA^V he overlaid them, Exod. xxxvi. 36. They are also sometimes omitted; as, ^"^nW^ilU he shall see me, Exod. xxxiii. 20. 14. The epenthetic !i between the verb and its suffix is so often used by the Samaritans, that, by coalescing with the suffixes themselves, an entirely new series would seem to have arisen. See the table, p. 72. 15. The interposition of A which sometimes occurs may be accounted for by supposing it to be a contraction of the case-mark AfTT ; thus, 5(yV^ZV^V, Deut. iii. 3, is the same as ^A.TT • 'I^ZVV ; similarly, '2,-^A'KA^'^ for l^^AflT ' Ti^^Ci thei/ saw them. In fact, the pronominal suffixes, especially !i'?i3 and 1^?, are frequently found separated from the verb by AfTT ; as, "ii^iiAfTr ' ii^SOT he icill bless you, Deut. i. 1 1 ; "y^AlU ' ii'^^ he blessed them, Exod. xxxix. 43. 16. There are cases in which the methods employed by the Hebrews in suffixing the particles have also been adopted by the Samaritans; thus, 'KntA'K'^^, Gen. xix. 16, 30; instead of Avhich 5fAA-':i9, Gen. xxxvi. 6, and 3(A^^9 Xum. xxxvi. 2, are more usually employed. Such instances of Hebrew usage are perhaps due to the careless- ness of the copyists, who from their acquaintance with that language, may have foisted in forms which are undoubtedly opposed to Samaritan usage. 78 THE PARTS OF SPEECH. ADVERB. 17. The adverbs, as well as the prepositions and conjunc- tions, may perhaps be considered as having been originally substantives in the constructive state. Some of them consist o^ radical letters alone; as, a^V suddeyily ; Z9)? against; iiJ<^P before. Others are formed with serviles ; as, AV9fIf>m little, or too little ; Zm"^9Z in order that, etc. It is scarcely worth while, in a rudimentary work like the present, to discuss the §enses of the substantives from which these par- ticles are derived. The syntax of the adverb will be found in the Chapter on that subject. A list of adverbs is subjoined, slightly differing from that given by Cellarius, which will be found exceedingly useful for reference. ^BfTV- where ar!^Z5£ nay Uiitherto (a) •2,^ behold, lo ! [jr'\T^ moreover ^so, also Bf^j-^ then; also yVV^J' '^a when, since tJkii/f verily ?*^iJ already ZA^ not; prohibitive A^a like as. Lev. xix. 34 !iA- if, since, where; Bf^iS like as Heb. |X t^iJ so, also BfZ'T/fS before that A-Z not t^iJ'^ so, just as TZ oh that, perchance t^*^ why, because ^oniy yV5( for 5f A: behold 5[aB( here, hither Ami not, nothing ITr'^3Z?t however 5tiaZ wherefore {/3) THE PREPOSITION. ■9 !^1^ in vain, gratis °ftiS since 5(^ how ZvZtiS above livYliiiS whence (^) ^now ^as far as '^'srv hitherto, moreover nT'\'irV hitherto, more 2^V suddenly AVSfTr-fn little, too little 9*^ much, exceedingly nr3"^ and m"?"^ now (7) 'MTr'\"* same as 3*\ !i^A there The adverb marked (a) is generally used of the conti- nuation of time. The final ^ is omitted with a suffix ; as, a'Ya/f, Exod. ix. 17. Those marked (yS) are interrogative adverbs. The former is from 5(^ and Z ; Greek Siotl. The latter is a compound of ■ii/j. and !i^, that is /rom where ; Latin unde ; Greek, irodev. The adverb marked (7) is the Hebrew S3 ; it is properly an imperative mood; its plural, tg"^, is found in Gen. xlv. 4, but the singular form, frf9"^, may be used in a plural sense; as in Exod. xii. 3. The student is recommended to get this table of adverbs by heart; inasmuch as frequent recurrence to the Lexicon, in the present state of Samaritan lexicography, is not only tedious, but requires more than ordinary skill and perse- verance to render it practically useful. PREPOSITION. 18. The Prepositions may be divided into two classes, like the Pronouns, viz. Scparables and Inseparables or Prefixes. As regards the former class, it is sullicient to 80 THE PARTS OP SPEECH. observe that tliey are generally employed as in tlie other Shemitic languages. The following Table of them, formed from that of Cel- larius, will be read advantageously, inasmuch as it contains those which are mostly in use : ZA- at, to Z-Zn/if- at, to, near ZZT3 on account of "int^ between ATZ9 beside, except <\A3 after, behind nt°i'^ on account of (a) nr'\"^5i behind, after A^firZ"^ for, in the place of tJi'TSiJ over against ; also with prefix Z • flTAiS under, below; with prefix ia f^^l \ ... > within 31Z also ?1Z J Z^Z beyond, afar (/3) >qX, to '^rrrzj ZZ19^ same as ZZ19 V^ZtiS below, beneath '\3ZiiS without, from (7) A/Tr>miata within !^^ from, before 'SV'^ as far as ZV upon (8) iiSV with, together with Zap against, afar ; with j)refix Z 5 accord- ing to, nigh to iiJ'^P "I before, in the iavj presence of; also with the prefixes Z , iiJ The preposition marked (a) is accompanied by ZV , Gen. XX. 3 ; it is like the Hebrew ?y. That marked {^) is read, in some cases, with iS prefixed. The preposition (7) is formed by means of a double prefix. (8) also is formed in a similar manner to (7); thus, ZwV^ is 2i pleonasm, with the same force as ZV. The pronominal suffixes are added to these prepositions in the same way they are added to nouns; thus, fTf^V tvith me ; iJt^^ from thee ; 1i,'K'\/^'h after them, etc. THE PREPOSITION. 81 19. Some of these prepositions, as in the Hebrew, insert nr between themselves and the suffix ; as, tfirZV upon him ; 'I'lmlV upon us; iJfrf^'^l? in thi/ presence ; l^^flTiiJ'^lP before them, etc. The two prepositions '^fTrS and '^ml, which latter is used for the Hebrew "PX , are found with and without the flT inserted; as ii^^mS hetioeen thee; !^?iJnT!:^ITr9 between you; :i %iJ°?l7rZ to you ; !^^^fir°?fTrZ to them, etc. Generally speaking, the others adopt the common rule, though there are many exceptions. 20. The preposition ZV not only assumes nr, but, in addition to it, X; as, Gen, xxxviii. 13, xlv. 1, ?frf"?ZV ; in the latter place, however, the X is marked by a small hori- zontal stroke, signifying that the letter was Inadvertently Inserted. For further information respecting the construction of the Prepositions, see the Syntax. INSEPARABLE PREPOSITIONS. 21. These consist of single letters, and are joined to nouns, to verbs in the infinitive, and to particles, by prefixing them : from which circumstance the name sometimes given to them is derived. These prepositions are 9, iJ, Z, *a, corresponding ex- actly to the same prefixes in Hebrew. It will be observed that the complete forms "y^ and A^iJ are generally used with the suffixes. The following examples will shew how these prepositions are connected with the suffixes: t^TiJ'^rS in you; l^flTBO in them; ^l to him; '^'2,1 to us, etc.; i5^^ from thee, Gen. 82 THE PARTS OF SPEECH. XXX. 2; iJATii like as thee, Deut. xviii. 18. For further information, see tlie Syntax. CONJUNCTIONS. 22. The following list is from that given by Cellarius: /Tf A^ or, either A^ZA- but Mest (a) ZB( same as /(-Z^ H-Z^ because, for (/S) 'ya because, if, that 'Yii because ITf^iiS because; also with the ■prefix 9 iiSV same as iiJA- ?ZA unless AfrrZA if not, unless iSA^ if . 3A- also, moreover Znr'TS in order that ; also iiJ^vS but [with prefix Z 'y\'^ but, only ; lest (Gen. iii. 3.) The conjunction marked (a) is read with *^V ; as, • "^V 5fZ*^ ^0 as not. That marked (/3) is found with A^Z in the sense of that not ; and with ia A in the sense of but that. The prefix "K and, is also a conjunction; it is not con- versive, as in Hebrew. GENERAL REMARKS ON THE PARTICLES. 23. We must not omit to mention here the prefix ^ , which is rarely used in the Samaritan with the force of the Greek article, like the corresponding Hebrew prefix T\ , except in some nouns purely Hebrew ; as, ^ITTSfZA^f the God; iiS'YA'BC the man. It is also employed with the pronouns; as, A-?5C?( he; A^mBfBf she; ^Jk'^Sf and 5('^9( for tS'^ and 5(<^ respect- ively; ^fTrZA^5( these, l^-^t^A-Bf they, etc. The following are instances of its use with the participles ; THE PREPOSITION. 83 JTfAA^Bt o ip-^ofjbevo';, Exod. xiv. 19; V-^!iJ^ o dvayar/cbv, Levit. xi. 45; '^V'^5( o KaroiKoyv, Deut. i. 44. 24. The use of 3( , as explained in the previous article, must be carefully distinguished from that in which it is inter- rogative ; as, 9(!^/s- • nr^/f- • '\t^tiB£ am I my brother s keeper ? Gen. iv. 9; so in Gen. xlv. 3, ^fTTVP • iTTSA^ * 'Y^V^f is my father yet alive? etc. -In Deut. xxxii. 6, A^ is put for 3; as, iSfTrg/f • A^T3( • AmZl^ is not he thy father? 25. The Samaritans do not appear to employ 3( as a suffix like n of the Hebrews, expressive of motion or rest. For though 5[ V^yV is sometimes found without the preposition 2 , 9( can scarcely be held to supply its place ; because instances occur of V'^A' without 5(, as in Gen. xii. 5, where ellipses of the preposition Z are manifest. ON THE PERMUTATION OF LETTERS. 26. No letters in the Samaritan language undergo such various permutations as those which are usually, though improperly, called gutturals; viz. V, ^, 5(, A-. The letter V is very frequently written for "^ ; as, afV^T/f- for 3(^^TyV; 5(^aV for 5(^3^; Z^V for 2-^^, etc. This letter is also found written for A-; as, iiJV if for iSA- iam^rrr-^v for iarrr^nr^A. So 5[iijv for 5(^a^ a mo^/jer 2V"* for 2A-"^, etc. On the other hand, /f. is found for V as, P'\A- for X"\S7 , etc. The guttural "^ is found for V ; as, ^^A for V^A•. Also for A^ ; as, 5(Aia^ for BfAiiJA^. The guttural 9( is found for V ; as, ^^/t- for VSA. Also for A^; as, m^^3( for fTf^'^A^. The above are only a few examples of such permutations ; numerous others could be produced, but may be safely left 84 THE PARTS OF SPEECH. to tKe student's own observations. Such variations are not easily to be accounted for, except on the principle that "letters of the same organ may be interchanged promis- cuously." 27. Other letters are found interchanged, besides the gut- turals; as, 3 for "? in 5f9*^, instead of the Hebrew njn he shelved; 91 for X^, etc. Also V for i5 ; as, iTTlPZ^t for ntiiZ^, Gen. XXV. 32. Similarly, M is found for ^, and "^ for V- Various others are given by Morinus. These are sufficient, however, for our purpose. 28. Besides interchanging letters, the Samaritan, like most other languages, is affected by those changes known as metathesis and aphceresis. Thus, [JTA^V for HTVA^ ; 'ii'/nnTI? for 9(-mtaan? . So ^A. for A-^ ; SPV for 1?<\V , etc. Instances of aphceresis are ZfTTP for the complete form ZlPiiS ; /7T5f for nrsffrr ; '^■^ for ^-^a , etc. 29. Before concluding, we shall give a few examples of crasis ; thus, yi'^A ' A-^ behold /, becomes. Gen. xxii. 11, ^'^A^ ; similarly, !^?A/if-5( behold ye, Deut. i. 10. This change especially takes place with the particle A-Z and verbs ; as, ^y^'TAZ, Deut. iii. 26; ^?i53"*AZ, Gen. xxxvii. 22, etc. I confess, however, I have some doubt as to the legi- timacy of the crasis in the latter case. SYNTAX. CHAPTER V. ON THE NOUNS. 1. One substantive depending on another is frequently used by the Samaritans instead of an adjective; thus, A^bm * A9A*3faA- '^Z ' A3-^'1X and his mother took for him an ark of bulrushes, Exod. ii. 3; •5("*fira"^A*arVP^ 'AITrT 5(wiaj^.fj^Ypc^ . yvm? and the clothes of service and the gar- ments of holiness, Exod. xxxi. 10; 'KiiAy ' m'^^i,'^ sacrifices of righteousness, Deut. xxxiii. 19. 2. A substantive is frequently used, as in the first section, instead of an adjective, to denote the materials of which anything is composed; as, Exod. xxviii.l7, !2k9/if-'A"7iiJZ"^/f- roios of stone. In this place we may notice the phrase anr^Tfrr- ^rrr!:^^ •am'A^A, Gen. xli. l, signifying two •years of days, or two full years, as it is rendered in our version ; it must be observed that the governing noun is in the absolute state, and not in the constructive, as is gene- rally the case ; the nouns governing and governed must therefore be considered in apposition, the former expressing the whole, the latter parts thereof 3. The cardinal numerals from three to ten inclusive inter- change their genders, as in the Hebrew, inasmuch as feminine forms arc joined with masculine nouns, and vice versa ; thus, 86 SYNTAX. iaiTfi^ • !if7TA'\A two years^ Gen. xlv. 6 ; ^'^'^ * ^iS'^rrf one day, Gen. i. 5, etc., are concordant; but !:irTT!2>3 * 5(AZA- Mree SWW5, Gen. vi. 10; BfV3^A^ * ^Ot^i^Z"" >wr kings, Gen. xiv. 9 ; ianr'^"^ • ^ia"^ ^w'? ymr^, Gen. xlv. 11; * V3"^ li^yV^^a seven kine, Gen. xli. 18 ; 5{V"^A * i3fTr'\:3 nine bul- locks, Num. xxlx. 26 ; ^tJ^AA- ' ^-^V ten she-asses, Gen. xlv. 23, are all discordant in gender, and in number also; tlie singular numeral being added to a plural noun. It will appear by tbe subjoined examples tliat the cardi- nals are used in the constructive as well as in the absolute state ; as, ■?nr"*^ * riTA^A tivo of his wives, Gen. xxxii. 22 ; ^nT'\?A*A'ii3A eight of oxen. Num. vii. 8 ; 3nTZZ^ii3'A'\^V ten of sayings or commandments, Deut. iv. 13, etc. 4. The cardinal numerals usually precede their nouns, as our examples will shew ; this is, however, by no means always the case, as they sometimes follow; in which situ- ation '^'^ one is always found. 5. Those numerals which are multiples of ten are joined to singular and plural nouns ; iamZiaT * ^fTTAZ A thirty camels, Gen. xxxii. 15 ; 3^iJ * aflT^^^V trventy silver pieces. Gen. xxxvii. 28 ; 3[A^ ' iafTTAZA thirty years, Num. iv. 3. 6. The composite numerals from ten to one hundred are usually so arranged that the less precedes the greater ; as, Gen. xxxii. 22, ^^V * 5(^^ eleven; ^^V * "^^"S^- fourteen, Num. xxix. 20, etc. The composite numerals beyond one hundred are free from this restriction, and can either follow or precede ; t^yY'?ia ' AZA? • ^-^V ' ?i!:itaA three hundred and eighteen. Gen. xiv. 14; iaiTf^^V^ ' ^(/fia one hundred and twenty, Deut. xxxiv. 7. 7. The ordinal numerals do not exceed ten in number ; THE NOUNS. 87 for beyond that number, their place is supplied by the cardinals; as, ^nrV3'\/f5( • A'2»"*3 in the fortieth year, Num. xxxiii. 38. 8. The noun substantive is frequently doubled, so as to convey the idea of a whole, comprehending a series of indi- viduals of the same kind ; thus, in Lev. xxiv. 15, * "*'i/f. 5(5i2A- * ZZPfTT * !:i/f- * ***!^A- whosoever curseth his God; that is, every man, without exception. This repetition of the substantive frequently implies mul- titude ; as, in Gen. xiv. 10, ^/s-VOT^ • "i^^fTra * !jkM7r9 many slime-pits; or, as it is rendered In our authorised version, " full of slime-pits." The repetition in Gen. xxxii. 16, has a distributive sense ; ft^ajy • <\<=TV • Tnt'YaV • '^A^a • S^fnr? and he delivered them into the hand, of his servants, drove by drove. This repetition expresses duality and diversity in Deut. XXV. 13, tJiSA-i: • !2k9/f- two different stones, or two stones of different weight. 9. It has been previously said that one noun dependent on another is frequently used instead of an adjective; there are cases in which the governing noun has the force of an adjective; as, 3T^"^fTr9'3(':^T'^V3fA/fA-/TrZA-'^X^9? and as for the flower of his captains he hath drowned it in the Red sea, Exod. xv. 4, rendered "chosen captains" in our version. The construction just explained is that always followed by Za, the signification of which, since it is properly a substantive, is ' the whole'; as, TfTT^S ' Zii^ more than all his children, Gen. xxxvii. 3, properly, the whole of his chil- dren ; trfl^''2i1^l!i we all are sons, Gen. xlii. 11; fTf^T^'Za all of my goodness, Exod. xxxiii. 19; iaA-'^fTTSV ' Za all thy work, Deut. v. 13. In the two last examples the con- 88 SYNTAX. struction may be inferred from the former ones, where a discrepancy of number exists between ZiS and the governed noun. 10. By joining a noun with itself in the plural number, a superlative sense is frequently conveyed ; as, ^fnT"**^? ' ^"Jl? holy of holies, Exod. xxvi. 33 ; !ifTr^iiS"* • "^ii5"^ servant of servants, Gen. ix. 25 ; ^tflTSfZA- * 5(ZA: God of gods, Deut. X. 17. 11. The governed noun of two nouns in regimen may have either a subjective or objective sense ; thus, ' A?5(ii^A- bM'^-^ may be either the injury inflicted on Sodom, or, the injury inflicted by Sodom on others. In Gen. xviii. 20, iiS'^'^ ' AVa>m the cry about Sodom, the relation is objective. In Gen. i. 26, 'si'^m ' Aml^'Kl^ the fishes of the sea, the rela- tion is subjective. iifirZV ' ntAX^i^'lH- my wrong be upon thee. Gen. xvi. 5 ; here the suSixed pronoun is objective. 5f AfTTiJa ■ nriiJ'^ITr the days of his mourning, Gen. 1.4; here it may be subjective or objective, — in the former case referring to Joseph, and in the latter to Israel. The reader who has an acquaintance with Latin and Greek, will immediately see that the Samaritan usage here precisely accords with that of the genitive, objective, and subjective in those languages. 12. When one noun depending on another is used for an adjective, the suffixed pronoun, if there be any, is sometimes added to the governing, at other times to the governed noun; thus, in Lev. xx. 3, m^'^V "iS^ the name of my holiness, instead of "^'^V ' mfiiS"* my name of holiness, or, my holy name, as it is usually rendered; ITr"^'^P ' *\?^ the mountain of my holiness, instead of ^"^V ' fir^"^V my momi- tain of holiness, or, my holy mountain, etc. 13. The adjective, when qualifying a substantive, is THE NOUNS. 89 usually put after it; as, 5(nr3^3^* 5(m^?/f !iJ • m^^A "AITr two great luminaries, Gen. i. 16. When, however, the adjective is used predicatively, it precedes the substantive ; as, • g'N nT9~V great is my punishment, Gen. iv. 13, 3(ZZ^^ * 3^ ' A-Z the thing is not good, Exod. xviii. 17. 14. The Hebrews and Samaritans sometimes use a sub- stantive accompanied by a preposition with the same force as an adjective; thus, Exod. i. 14, 5(^93 ' 5(°?fTr3V work in the field, i.e. 'field-work.' 15. The subject of a simple proposition in the plural number is sometimes accompanied by a predicate in the singular, the effect of which is to add a distributive force; as, iJ/ir^S ' iSm'iS^Sa'? • ^ms/t • aor^VZ cursed he each one that curseth thee, and blessed he each one that blesseth thee, Gen. xxvii. 29; iJrrf^^V * ^iyVV ' flTV^ a pastor of sheep is each of thij servants, Gen. xlvii., 3. Similar constructions are observed in the classic authors; as, Catull. c. 107, 'inspe- ranti nobis;' Tibull. lib. 3, in last elegy, ' nobis merenti,' etc. With ^TV'^, which is supposed to be of the singular number, compare ^yi, Zech. xi. 17. 16. The peculiar construction of the noun D^D^^ with a plural verb, among the Hebrews, does not appear to have been adopted by the Samaritans in the corresponding word ^nr^fZA- ; for, in Gen. xx. 13, where the Hebrew plural •lynn is used, the corresponding Samaritan is UtA^'^'^'^^ tiSfrr^fZA- , God caused me to wander ; ' HtZlA/f- ' !^iiJA '/i-Z^ iafir5(Z/f-^ ' 5(Z because there God appeared unto him. Gen. xxxv. 7. 17. Nouns collective, though in the singular number, arc capaljle of being construed with a plural verb ; as, ' Zi3 ■^ZA^V ' 5(AV'^/f• the whole of the earth came, Gen. xli. 57; 90 SYNTAX. ^fV^a * AfirS * TViiS^ the house of Pharaoh heard^ Gen. xlv. 2 ; similarly, 5f^V ' Za * 'l'K'\*^mmX and the whole of the people shall say, Deut. xxvii. 26. These nouns may have also a plural pronoun referring to them; as, ^i:^3Zfiri:'^?Z*Am'Z'V^A-9-iS3"!^Trr5ffrf 'aA-ITA- "yKAnt a stranger shall thy seed be in a land not their own, and it shall afflict them, Gen. xv. 13 ; ' BfA^!^iS • h-V^ ^frf***nT'^T' • t^^Z^y because the congregation, the whole of them, are holy, Num. xvi. 3. 18. On the other hand, a plural noun is found with a singular verb; as, ^nr^nt^f'^ • fTT^fir let there be lights. Gen. i. 14; t^'^9 • '^ZfTfA/f- daughters were born, Gen. vi. 1; 'int^-^ ' 'y^Ut'^ • nTAITf • "^V^^A many troubles have befallen me, Deut. xxxi. 21. 19. An adjective of the masculine is sometimes added to a substantive of the feminine ; as, t^rrr^fTTa"^ ' ^f AyY!^^ beau- tiful daughters, Gen. vi. 2. So, in Gen. xH. 19, * ::^A^?S3 nriPZ-^ * tifn^^'?V , other kine were ascending, etc. 20. In a simple proposition, the subject accompanied by a dependent noun generally agrees in gender -with the predicate; it appears, however, that the predicate may agree with the governed noun ; as, * tSA^ * ^V^-m ' ^AiJia"? "^tiA-3 ' mr3f A and the plague of leprosy, if it shall he in a man. Lev. xiii. 9. This is also the case in the Hebrew, which is, anx3 n'-nn ""a nyiv y33, where n^nn is found instead of r\)r\\. The construction, in cases of this kind, may be termed zeugmatic. 21. The Samaritan use of ZiJ with regard to its predicate may be advantageously mentioned here, as it accords with that stated in the previous section ; thus, 5f frr*"!:^ * Za * fTTPaliT and all the women went out, Exod. xv. 20; fTftiJ?f:r*ZiJ"=r?3[? THE NOUNS. 91 and all the days were, Gen. v. 23, 31, Gen. ix. 29. h\ both these examples,' the agreement of the predicate with the governed noun must be observed; this does not, however, appear to be the case in Exod. xii. 16, * A-Z * ^f'^lTTSV * Zii !:^T9 ' °f9VAfTT all work shall not be done in them. 22. Wlien a predicate is added to subjects of different gender or number, it generally agrees with the mox'e worthy ; as, 50^Z'rrr5[A-5[frf°?rTr2nT\'^AA/f the wife and children shall be her masters, Exod. xxi. 4 ; ' =(<\"^T . ^^'SSA^ iiJfTrAA- ' iafTfa^-^ Abraham and Sarah were becoming old, Gen. xvlil. 1 1 . The predicate appears to agree with the nearest subject in Gen. viii. 18, 'nt'^'XK ' BCAA/VT * ?m^9'5: * ^^ ' P3^T ■?/Tr*^9 and Noah went out, and his sons, and his wife, and the wives of his sons. See Num. xii. 1. This is generally the case when the verb precedes; but when the verb follows, the agreement of the predicate may be inferred from the following examples : ' 'K'^^-^X ' ■^.Ut'^lmx ' ^J^l'2/^ * A^^VT T'Yl^? • Z^^? • 3-^^nT • ^'TP • ^A3~ and Leah approached also, and her sons, and boived themselves ; and then Joseph approached, and Rachel, and bowed themselves^ Gen. xxxiii. 7 ; T^7^VT''\am'ia'?'i5ZtaaT9/f "iavp? and AUmelech rose up. and Memar, and returned, Gen. xxi. 32. 23. Tlie Samaritans, lilce the Hebrews, sometimes use a nominative case absolute, which may be connected with the rest of the sentence in English, by supplying such a phrase as ' as to,' or ' as regards'; 95(<^*Zii as to all tlie gold, Exod. xxxviii. 24 ; fTT?! * 3A- * A'^ZfTf * 5{A!:iZ9iJT and as to his concubine, she herself also bare, Gen. xxii. 24. 24. Here also may l^e noticed the peculiar hypallage, or inversion of words, Avhicli is remarkable in the Slicmitic languages; as, ^tA^iy^ ' iiJ'^A-a in the blood of purification. 92 SYNTAX. Levit. xii. 4, instead of 'in the purification of blood;' V^Ai ' A3ii"^ tlie copulation of seed, Levit. xxii. 4, instead of ' seed of copulation;' iiJfTrZVA^ ' 3-5^i5 silver of shekels, Lev. V. 15, for ' shekels of silver.' 25. In all languages more or less pleonasms are found to abound. This is especially the case with certain nouns in the Samaritan; as — (a) With m^^-face; 5jara * m2N- ' ZV on the face of the waters, Gen. i. 2 ; 3(Af]Ta ' ITr^yV ' Z V t^^ from before the face of his Mead, Gen. xxiii. 3, instead of ' from the dead body.' {/3) With "^/i- hand; m^ ' ZiJ ' ^A^ ' ii^ from the hand of every living being. Gen. ix. 5 ; 5["^ia • '^/f.g by the hand of Moses, Exod. ix. 35, i. e. ' by Moses.' (7) With ^^nr^ a laord, tenour ; ^i^^t^ ' ^iiSflTiiJ ' ZV according to the purport of the lot. Num. xxvi. 56, i.e. 'according to the lot;' =(rrrZia"\^ITriiS'ZV according to the tenour of his speech, Gen. xliii. 7, i. e. ' according to his speech.' The student will observe others, too numerous to mention here. ON THE VERB. 1. The Samaritan language, like the Hebrew, has only two absolute tenses, the perfect and future. To supply the place of the imperfect and pluperfect in other languages, the Samaritan perfect is sometimes used, so that we can only be guided by the context as to the force which must be given to it. Vide the remarks on the moods, § 6, Chap. IIL The usual force of the perfect is that conveyed in the following example ; * 5( AflT ' iJ^3^ ' 3T?VnrZ ' P^-mm * P Vyl^T THE VERB. 93 5(2 ' '^biJ/f'ir ' Sf'TP^T ajcd Isaac called Jacob and blessed him, and charged him, and said to him, Gen. xxviii. 1. 2. The perfect is also found in tlie imperfect sense of ' was,' ' did;' as, 9('\"^ • A^tiJA * tS"? "5(^32 tvhi/ did Sarah laugh? Gen. xviii. 13; in the sense of 'used to,' ' L/f-'V^nt\ ^-^Tfir * AlTf ■ tiJ'^'^ a}id Israel loved Joseph, Gen. xxxvii. 3 ; in the sense also of 'began to,' 9f^iiJ'ZV*^av^'\"ir a7id the people began to murmur against Moses, Exod. xv. 24. 3. The perfect is also found in a pluperfect sense in Gen. ii. 5 ; thus, 5(ZA^ • 5(^5f,7r ' ^OrVv^Bf • A-Z * A-Z^C for the Lord God had not caused it to rain. Another and more usual method of expressing the pluperfect will be found in the Syntax of the Infinitive. 4. Some verbs include, under the perfect form, both a perfect and present sense; such as, A-!:^-^ he hates and he hated, conveying both the senses of ' odit' and ' odio habuit.' Also, iiJii^ he hiows and he knew. Compare the Greek olhe and the Latin ' novit,' perfect forms with present senses. 5. We sometimes find a future circumstance related in the perfect tense, as something which has actually taken place. The design of the writer in this case was to mark the future occurrence as something already irrevocably decreed and decided upon, and therefore, as it were, accom- plished ; thus, in Gen. xv. 18, ^V'\A. A/TT* A3^rTr*iJ/Tr!i3Z to thy sons have I given the land. 6. The peculiar use of "K, called Vau conversive amon"- the Hebrews, is unknown to the Samaritans, Chaldees, and Syrians; so that the numerous rules founded on this idiom in Hebrew are not applicable to those dialects. 7. The future tense, besides the force of our future, has 94 SYNTAX. various other senses among the Samaritans, examples of which are appended. (a) In some cases the future seems to have the force of a present; as, Gen. xxxvii. 15, "^V9A-*5f!iJ ichat seekest thou? again, Exod. v. 15, "l^^J^ ' ^3VA- ' B(!iJZ lohy do you so? {j3) It is sometimes used to imply possibility, propriety, or necessity, like the perfect in Lev. iv. 2, flT'^aVAA^ ' /fZ'T tohich ought not to he done. (7) In the first sense, denoting possibility, it is found in Deut. i. 12, (TT'^'TZ * Z3>^A- • iJOTA' how can I alone bear you? (8) In the second sense, Gen. xx. 9, * AntZ*^ ' ia/TT'Y3"?V !i'?'^3VAnT deeds tohich ought not to he done. (e) In the third sense. Gen. xxiv. 5, ' Aflf ' '\^VA- * '^^i^V ii^g must I needs restore thy son ? 8. The future is also used indefinitely to denote that which takes place frequently; thus, in Kum. ix. 16, • fir^fir ' ^iS ^J^ii-^iJITT * 5(^!iV * "^fTT^A so it ivas alway, a cloud covered it ; again, in Gen. ii. 6, ^V<\A^ ' ^iij ' V^fTl" ^!iV? aiid a mist ascended from the earth. 9. Sometimes it implies permission to do anything ; as, ^ffTfiiJ • ^TVi^ • frra"^ • S-^W let one fetch, I pray you, a little water, Gen. xviii. 4. 10. It is used, as was before observed, in forbidding, dis- suading, and deprecating, for the imperative; as, Z^PA'A^Z thou shalt not kill, Exod. xx. 14; it may also be used in commanding, exhorting, and imploring ; thus, ' iJ5(ZA^ V3A"^A * ^f^^at • ^ta"*A ■ 5( Airr"? • ZVI'YA thou shalt fear thy God, and serve him, and shalt swear by his name, Deut. vi. 13; ZWfTT' Z^V he shall surely die. Ex, xxi. 15. 11. The future is employed also in a general proposition, which always holds good; the following examples will THE VERB. 95 render tliis clear; 5(v;^fir * Am ' ?(A^^fTr^ ' Zg^flT^ ' ^'iJii as a foster-mother beareth the suckling, Num. xi. 12; 5('\9 ■ AflT • '\'^1 ' Z3-^nt'^ ' 5(^ii as a man doth hear his son, Deut. i. 31. 12. The moods known to us as the Indicative and Sub- junctive do not differ among the Samaritans as regards their inflection; they can only be distinguished, therefore, by the context. The two absolute tenses, generally speaking, answer to our Indicative tenses of the same name in direct narration ; but in indirect narration, and in conditional clauses, depending upon something previously mentioned, they answer to the Subjunctive. 13. The Subjunctive is chiefly designated by the use of certain conditional particles ; such as, iiJA- , iiJV , tJi/f- if; "Klh-, ArrrZ/f unless; BfZ'Y, '^I'^t lest; Zfir°?9Z that, etc. Thus, -^l^mAm/^ ' A-Z • iiJA- if I should bring him not. Gen. xliil. 9; A3^5( * A-Z^ if thou shouldest lift up^ etc., Exod. XX. 25; "^V^A- • !:k5t if I should find., Gen. xviii. 26. The particle is also omitted; as, 5(^^ • ^^^fTf ' liJ^^^^^^AiT and should I overdrive them one day, Gen. xxxiii. 13. 14. The condition also on which the subjunctive clause depends is sometimes omitted, and must be supplied from the context; as, iJAAA- * ^V ' BfiiJV • '^^A ' ii^^^ * ^TVt^S within a little there had lien one of the people with thy wife, Gen. xxvi. 10. 15. The copulative particle "K joining one verb with another, is used like the Latin ' ut,' expressing a purpose or a consequence; thus, T'^^S * ii!^^Z*"/f? " firZ " AfTTiT'^ ' A-ZT and hast not told me, that I might send thee away with mirth. Gen. xxxi. 27; a^YiiOr? * 5(ZA * "^^A ' AZ God is not a man, that he shoidd lie. Num. xxiii. 19. 96 SYNTAX. 16. The Subjunctive mood may also be used when a relative pronoun is accompanied by a verb expressing some- thing indefinite, or depending on a condition not expressed ; thus, aZ ' 95ffrr°? • ^^S ' lamA'K , ajid thou shah eat of the flesh ichich he may give thee, Deut. xii. 15. 17. To express the Optative mood, the Samaritans adopt the following methods: — They make use of the particle ?Z> the Hebrew t? would that, joined to either the perfect or future tense; afTT^-fn^ * V'^A^3 ' tlil^kAfTrtiJ ' "Z would that we had died in the land of Egypt ! Num. xiv. 2 ; * nT5( * TZ iSITfZ^iJiJ would it may be according to thy words! Gen.xxx.34. 18. The Optative mood is also expressed by the formula s^rrrAnr • rrra , the Hebrew inr'P ; as, i^^^a^^ • 9?(frr Am • ora would God we had died, Exod. xvi. 3, Hebrew -l^n-ID JFT'''?. It will be observed that S^f/TfAnr is passive in form, but active in signification. 19. The Imperative mood is sometimes used in an Opta- tive sense ; thus, 5[ ATl-^ * flT^ZA^Z ' UtX^ mayest thou be a mother to thousands of millions. Gen. xxiv. 60. 20. The Imperative mood, when enjoining the perform- ance of something, is often joined with another imperative expressive of the result or consequence of the action en- joined; as, TZiZ'^^C? • '^iS'^Bf purify yourselves, and be clean, Gen. XXX V. 2. 21. The Infinitive mood, though usually restricted to no time, is, however, capable of being referred to some definite time on combination with particles ; as, * ^<\3/f- * ITT ATV3/f-iJ flt3i5 on my going out, I will spread forth my hands, Ex. ix. 29; i5^yV3 * 5(!^^A-ia ' tm'^'^t for the purpose of deli- vering him into thy hand, Deut. ii. 30. 22. The Infinitive mood is placed absolutely without the THE VERB. 97 intervention of particles; as, in Gen. v. 2, !2*"?A-'\35( ' ta^fTT in the day they tcere created. This instance and that given by Cellarius, from the first verse of the same chapter, scarcely belong to the rule ; for A•'^^ in both cases may be the pre- terite third person singular, accompanied by the suffix t^?. 23. The Infinitive mood is, perhaps, used for the Impe- rative in some cases. The identity of form, however, which exists between the infinitive and the second person masculine singular of the imperative, in consequence of the absence of vowel points in the Samaritan, exceedingly diminishes the number of such irregularities. 24. The participles being verbal adjectives, and having no means of distinguishing by inflexion between any of the tenses except the present and past, may also refer to future time, and serve as gerundives, etc. (a) They frequently have a present sense, like those in ens in Latin, and in fact are generally used to express the present definite as well as the imperfect, with or without the substantive verb BC^Sf ; thus, '^SV doiny ; and also, * riT^i/f ^9V / am doiny ; '^SV • B(T5( he was doiiiy, etc. Vide next section. (/3) The participle seems to have a future sense in Gen. xix. 14; TirryV-^^a • mS?^^ • ^rrrta'^Z * IV^i^'K and he spake to his sons-in-law who were about to marry his dauyhters, I. e. his future sons-in-law. (7) The participle is used as a gerundive in Lev. xi. 47 ; ZiiA^AA'/f 2°?' Bf AfTr-€i5C^m3^'?(ZiJA^AtU'^' ^AOT^^ "^^3? and between the animal that ouyht to be eaten, and betioeen the animal that shall not be eaten. 25. The periphrastic use of the participles and verb sub- stantive for the finite verb is very frequent; thus, lor the 98 SYNTAX. imperfect, 5(?B(firZ * ^^^AfTTT^f • !^aryY-mV ye were rebelling against the Lord, Deut. xxxl. 27 ; * '^^yVa ' ^/t^ * ^X^X ^Ci^a^^ auJ he was sitting in the door of his tent, Gen. xviii. 1 ; '^'\%'^ ' ZV * ^VP ■ /i-^X and, behold, he ivas standing on the river, Gen. xli. 1. In Gen. i. 6, it is found for tlie third person singular imperative; ^^^^'BCTBC? and let it divide. 26. The participles have also frequently a future sense, like those in rus in Latin; thus, 5(V^A-'!i^*':^?Z9'^ia'5f!iA-B(^ and, behold, I am about to destroy them from the earth. Gen. vi. 13; :^■?iiArrf•^yY^^^•':^^i55(Z^^•5(?5(nr'^ icMch the Lord your God giveth, or, is about to give, you. 27. We have previously observed, that the participles have sometimes the force of the Latin gerundive or verbal inbilis; to the instance given above may be added, ' 5(^ "2^"^^ . 5('\/V/f- * nt/f-'\X'2^ what a dreadful (horribilis) place is this. Gen. xxviii. 17; the instance from Gen. ii. 9, ' ZH'Am ^A\^^Z ' 1PZ3V * "iiZlTfV every tree pleasant to the sight, is an infinitive, and Bf^^'^^Z has the force of a supine in u, which is commonly used after adjectives; as, 'arbor delec- tabilis visu.' 28. Though generally the nominative case agrees with the verb in gender and number, there are instances in which this concord is neglected in both cases. We proceed to give examples of such irregularities. (a) A masculine verb is found with a feminine noun ; as, V^iJ ' 5(frr^"ei sin Ueth, Gen. iv. 7 ; ^iX^ ' BtV^iaV"? and there ivas darkness. Gen. xv. 17. Other instances may be easily found, as in Deut. xxii. 23. H'^m^W ' ^SVAfTT ivork shall he done, Exod. xxxi. 15, Lev. xi. 32; irrTf^Z'^ * fTTBf ' 5(a what loill become of his dreams, Gen. xxxvii. 20. (/3) The following are instances of discord in number : — THE VERT?. 99 ^nr^i^TV • ^rrr^ZA- • al • ^m^m • A-Z thou shalt not have other gods, Exod. xx. 3 ; !:»fTr'\fir3(;:> • rrr^fflT let there he lights, Gen. i. 14; anr^a • iimil^3tiST ' '^mvZ * iSfTT^VZ c^/r^erf be each one ^/«rt^ curseth thee, and blessed be each one tliat hlesseth thee, Gen. xxvil. 29. The use of the singular par- ticiple gives a distributive sense, as in the Hebrew. (7) Kouns used only in the plural may have a singular verb agreeing with them ; as, Bf/ira ' I7r'\'irv ' fTr^tfir ' A^Z there shall be no more water, Gen. ix. 15; /t-Z ' ^'^'2i ' ntbij ' A^Z^ ?firZV ' pnt'^iA^ because the water of separation was not sprinkled on him, Xum. xix. 13, 20. (S) In the following instance, gender and number are both neglected; as, iijrTT^^/Tr^V * ^TZ^fiS ' 5fA"^!2>ii the congre- gation, the whole of thetn, are sanctified, Num. xvi. 3. 29. The nominative of a verb is frequently omitted when it can easily be supplied from the context. There is also a fre- quent ellipsis of the words ZZ*^'^ a thing, and "^!:iA- a man. 30. Verbs in the third person singular, both intransitives and passives, are susceptible of a neuter use ; especially such as contain implicitly in their signification the nominative to which they refer; as, m'h'\ ' fTfl^ifirVS ' 2VAm ' ZA- let not there be anger in the eyes of my lord, Gen. xxxi. 35 ; * "^ASflT ' A-Z iiA-Tv^'^9 let it not be grievous in thy sight. Gen. xxi. 12. So for the passive; as, PV^T^iaZ * A'^'"A * A^V then it was began to be called on, Gen. iv. 26. I have altered the text given by Walton in the first and last of these examples; in the latter, I have read Aphel in a passive sense, instead of A'S"^ ; or we may render with Walton's text, then one began to invoke, etc.; to this, however, the passive infinitive is an objection, unless it be employed in an active sense; Chap. III. § 5. Compare the Latin idiom so often used by Tacitus. 100 SYNTAX. 31. When a circumstance is related without reference to the agent, the third person singular is employed in an inde- finite sense; as, "^tV^ ' VV"^A- ' vVZ one hath not found a help, Gen. ii. 20; Am*^ * A^iiSm ' ll^yV"? and if one in dj/ing should die, Num. vi. 7 ; ?(Z3'i ' Z^OT * A^Z^f when one m falling shall fall, Deut. xxii. 8. Compare the English ' one' and French ' on'. A similar construction is adopted in the Coptic to express the passive voice. 32. There are numerous cases in which the second person is used inste&d of the third; as, Lev.ii.4, !^3^? • 9^VA ' ia/f? and when you shall offer an offering, i. e. when any one shall offer; <\V"/nZ ' iJZVfiriaa as you go to Zoar, Gen. xiii. 10, i. e. as one goes to Zoar; see Exod. xx. passim. Compare Horace, Carm. ii. 3, " Nil interest, an pauper et infima de ffente sub divo moreris." Also, ii. 18, " Tu secanda mar- mora locas, etc," Such instances are profusely found in all languages. 33. The idiomatic usage of the verbs ^I'^pin and HIK' among the Hebrews is also followed by the Samaritans in the verbs 3i^?yV and '\A^ ; as, 5f AAA^ * 9-^? * ^5(^9A: • 2i^?/f? and Abraham added and took a wife, i. e. again took a wife, Gen. XXV. 1 ; 5[ar^ • A?^A^3 ' AfTf ' ^^3^? * P^-ZnOT ' ^i^V Isaac went and digged the wells of water, i. e. digged again. Gen. xxvi. 18. Numerous other instances may be easily found. 34. There is another peculiar use of the finite verb with an infinitive, in which the former may be rendered adverbially; as, '\3 v;a • 5(^^fir • a/s^Z^ • ^Z^^^■^K and the angel of the Lord went further. Num. xxii. 26; 5(A.V1?^taZ ' Ai^^^ • l^'^ ' B(^ what is this thou hast quickly found? Gen. xxvii. 20. 35. The substantive verb, being the copula of a proposi- tion, generally agrees with the subject of that proposition, THE VERB. 101 thoiigh it is found agreeing also -with the predicate ; as, in Gen. xxxi. 8, iJMA^ • m^ ' ^m^\^'^ the speckled shall be thy wages. 36. The substantive verb used as a copula is usually- expressed in the perfect and future, but omitted in the present and imperfect ; as we have previously observed. See § 24. 37. The accusative case, expressing an object, is used with verbs passive and intransitive, with the omission of a preposition signifying as to, in which case it resembles the Greek construction with the ellipsis of Kara, and the Latin with the ellipsis of secundum ; thus, • AfTT ' "llU-^lni ' AOTZ'^ 5f/f-3ZP ' '^•^^ he who shall not be circumcised as to the Jlesh of his foreskin, Gen. xvli. 14. Perhaps we ought to con- sider t^frr-^ZfTf as Pahel, and render, he tcho shall not circuni' cise the Jlesh, etc. I^tZ ' A^iJ^ AvY * >YZ ' ^TBtlTT ' [TT^^T but as to my name Jehovah, was I not knoivn to them, Exod.vi.3; •!:^^5ij'ZaT'afrri^v"^3?vZax*ij^^':i^^'ZiJT'"^T9Z'ZiJT !iT"^ZA"^/Y ' ia-/nfITP and be purified as to all the raiment, and as to every instrument of skin, etc.. Num. xxxi. 20. 38. Sometimes a transitive verb has two accusatives, one of which may be preceded in English by the phrase 'as to'; thus, in Deut. xxii. 26, **^3':i ' BfZ'^TPT and hath slaiti liirn as to his life. There are various other forms of accusatives, easily explicable by supposing an ellipsis of a preposition; thus, 5('^ii"*^ • "^'^A • iiJWT and stood at the door of the tabernacle, Exod. xxxiii. 9, where there is an ellipsis of the preposition '^fffZ before '^*\A. 39. It must be observed, that verbs of naming take an accusative case of the name, and a dative fonned by the preposition Z, of the thing to which the name is given; 102 SYNTAX. thus, ^mlml ' pvi^- H^^-^l-K • iij^rrrA- • ^^^'2^1' ^^Ia-'vva^ God called (toi) the light day, ond{to)the darkness, etc. Gen. i.5. 40. The cause or agent is sometimes expressed, after a passive verb, by the sigi^ of the dative case; thus, * iSfTT'^S ^VKUf^ ' ^Zm'^t ' ia^9A^ blessed be Abram by reason of his mighty power, Gen. xiv. 1 9 ; ^"Tij^Z * 'TSV AfiT shall be done by you, Ex. xii, 16. 41. To express the verb ' habere' the Samaritans and Hebrews adopt the circumlocution known in Latin as ' est pro habeo'; thus, OT'YA-a ' a^ffrf^fZ'AOryV^'Zii? and all that he hath lie has given into my hand^ Gen. xxxix. 8 ; * !^nT5(nT * '^I^ iiJf3T*"!2i'nTA'\A'°^9^Z, if a manhavetwo loives, Deut.xxi. 15. 42. The substantive verb has sometimes the sense of * to become^ followed by the preposition Z ; as, in Exod. iv. 9, iiJ^yYZ ' 5(^^^•:ia • 9^ A'^ • 5f mfia • 'I'K^m'K and the loater which thou takest out of the river shall become blood. Other verbs with a similar notion may follow the same construction. 43. The Samaritans, like the Hebrews, studious of bre- vity, sometimes express, by a single verb, an idea usually conveyed with us by two; as, in Exod. xxxiv. 15 ' ^T!^y^fTT t^TOT^ZA' * *\A9 they go to fornicate after their gods ; Sft^nr ''\A9*/f-Z^ 'A'Z^ because he hath completed to follow after the Lord, i. e. hath wholly followed, Deut. i. 36. 44. An infinitive clause may stand either as a nominative or accusative to a verb ; as, 9C°?'?VZ ' 5(^^A. • msf ti$ * 9^ • A^Z it is not good ^ the man to be alone. Gen. ii. 18, etc. 45. The noun denoting the agent or sufferer, which in finite verbs is put in the nominative, with infinitives is in regimen, or in the accusative ; as, 5('\"^"^ • A'^PZA.^/f- * *^V until the coming of the morning. Gen. xxxii. 24 ; ' 5(Z ' '^ZtiiJS 3<\3 • V^Vnirr ' AHT on bearing to him Isaac his son, Gen. THE VERB. 103 xxi. 5 ; TnT^fTT"^"? * '?nT'^~P3 " '\\^^ in not keeping his com- mandments, and his judgments ; like the Greek iv tw fir) rrjpeiv. 46. ^lien tlie inseparable particles ia, Z, ii, 9, are prefixed to the infinitive, the resulting combination answers to the Latin gerund, or the Greek construction of the arti- cle with the infinitive. Instances are subjoined of these prepositions with this force. (a) With 9; as, mV^V"^^ when I killed, Exod. xii. 13; m^TZ'^S when I sent ; ^^^iJflT'^krrr'i^^'Arrf "BfV^'^aS because he heareth your murmurings, Exod. xvi. 7. (/3) With a ; as, 5("^a"^ • ZTV^ii at the going down of the sun, Deut. xvi. 6; t^VVtiJ"^ii on the hearing of Esau, Gen. xxvii. 34. (7) WithZ; as, 5(A"^!:^a"PVi^liJZ*iSZ*^~5ffir-i: and they shall be to thee for calling the assembly, Num. x. 2; * ~!iJ1? a'^':}i!iiZ they rose to console, Gen. xxxvii. 35; 'AaVA^^yV^ ■^iTZ * !2iA-iiJZ icJiich I sware to give them, Deut. x. 11; !2i?fTTVT2biSZ after they were come out, Xum. i. 1 ; so, in the same place, '\^,7r^Z by saying; !2t~A"^Z'"^Z'mf"^^A/s^'A^Z? and he would not let them go, Exod. x. 27. In the last sense, the Z is frequently omitted; as, in Exod. x. 28, '2A^'KA'Z/f- ntZ/VA'^M^ no more go to see my face ; while, in Deut. xxviii. 68, we find Bfl^m.^^^Z-'^^^i^^A'/fZ with Z- (8) The periphrastic use of the substantive verb, with the infinitive accompanied by Z for the future, is worthy of notice; as, 5("^tiS"^aZ ' t:iT5(rTTT that they may be about to execute, Xum. viii. 11. Also, in Gen. xv. 12, • Bf"^^"^*A%5(T ZZVZ and the sun was about to set. (e) With a ; as, BfATZ'i^V^ from slaughtering, Gen. xiv. 17 ; AVmiiSia ' I'^'^A ' /i-l fear not to go. Gen. xlvi. 3, 104 SYNTAX. Syr. A ^v^v \^yZ. y , whence I have corrected it ; ' ITrViaa*? TAi^ ' tS^ * Tirrt^flTV and his eyes were so dim as not to see, Gen. xxvii. 1. In this case, the whole preposition "Vi^ is read, although the Hebrew is niS-iD . • '^gv^bS * ITfZ * Z^"^ Bt'T far he it from me to do this, Gen. xliv. 17, etc. (^) This preposition is used to express a cause or the ground upon which an action is performed ; as, • A-Z 5(AVT9^ • A^T•^'^^^^T not because ye were more in num- ber than all people, but because the Lord loved you, and because lie kept the oath, Deut. vii. 7, 8. 47. The construction of the finite verb with its infinitive has been frequently alluded to in the previous part of the Grammar, and examples have been given of it; so that it will suffice to say, that in those cases in which this con- struction obtains, the student must bear in mind that the infinitive is not redundant, but, with the finite verb, forms a strono; asseveration, and increases the force of the latter intensely; as, Z^VOT'Z^V he shall most certainly be put to death. Gen. xxvi. 11 ; ^Z'Zii^'Z'7i5ba tve shall certainly pre- vail against him. 48. In the construction mentioned in § 47, the species of the infinitive is generally the same as that of the finite verb with which it is connected, as in the first example given in the preceding section; and, even in the second example, a transitive notion is conveyed in the finite verb, for the action implied in prevailing passes on, which, perhaps, may account for the use of Z'Kii'^ in Pahel. There are cases, however, in which a difference of 5pmes seems evident ; as, •5(A'?firViiS ^!iA-Vt^ we certainly have gone doivn. Gen. xliv. 26 ; but here we may suppose \\\q finite verb to have an intensitive THE VERB. 105 force, which is still further increased by the injimte. Vide § 5, Chap. III. 49. Participles may follow the construction of the finite verb, so as to govern the following noun immediately, or by the interposition of a preposition; as, 'AfTf * '\y{,-^'^ ' /^X'=i'\ V<\A^ • ZiS and it was encompassing the tvhole land, Gen. ii. 11; 3TZ3Z ' :^lZVii hearing seed, Gen. i. 29; • ^^3^ BfiJ"^^ • !^nr9? • ^^55!^ • lifTra dividing light and darkness. 50. They may have the construction of nouns in regimine ; as, ^nr3X ' 9^ * mtija^ knoiving good and evil, Gen. iii. 5, !iA^V "fTTV^ keeping sheep; though, in both cases, it seems preferable to consider m^ii"^ and m'V'\ as nouns, which have much the same force as the Greek construction of the article with the participle; thus, in the above cases, the former is the same as ol yivcaa-Kovre^, and the latter as ol cf)v\a(T(T6vr€^. The latter example may also be explained as in § 15 of the Xoun. 51. Many participles of intransitive verbs, as well as passive ones, turn the noun, with which they ought to be connected by a preposition, into the genitive case; as, 5(A"?9fTrA- ■ nTP?3!^ having gone out of the ark. Gen. ix. 10; 3'^'^ ' AnrS^iJ as captives of the sword. Gen. xxxi. 26 ; ^A'W • ^^A • ml'^Z'V ' Zal to all entering the gate of his city, Gen. xxiii. 10; though, in all these cases, and nume- rous others, the governing participles may be considered as nouns substantive, an assumption which is supported by their peculiar forms. Compare the forms \'K2'^ and Z*=rZV with the substantives '\'K*^2 a judge, Z"=r^P « homicide, etc. 106 SYNTAX. THE PARTICLES. PRONOUN. 1. The personal pronouns of tlae second and third persons, especially the suffixes, are found in the plural masculine referring to nouns in the feminine gender; as, ^'^tJk/f'V their Jlocks ; '^X'yX'^'^'^ drove them caoay, Exod. ii. 17; 'XKZ to them, Exod. i. 21, referring to the midwives. 2. A pronominal siffix singular is sometimes referred, in a collective sense, to a plural noun, comprehending a body of individuals ; as, 5(t5(rTr ' 'Si'^'lAmX ' iifTf^a^ * ZV against thy enemies, and the Lord has delivered him, etc. 3. A personal pronoun, when added to the noun to which it refers, is not redundant, but emphatic; as, A-flT^f, Gen. iii. 12 ; 9(!2,!iS * ZiSflTA ' A^Z ' 9V iiJii^a'^ ' "^ImV ' '2^'^-K and of the tree of the knowledge of good, etc., thou shalt not eat of it. Gen. ii. 17. 4. An inseparable pronoun is sometimes added to a separable one of the same person, to mark with force and emphasis the person to whom it refers; as, Num. xiv. 32, ':i,'KAJ^ ' 'XK^nt'Kl^X and your dead bodies, you, I say, etc. 5. The personal pronoun is used to denote an ellipsis of the verb substantive, especially in the present and imperfect tenses; as, ::i':^^^A^ ' ^('^^ • ^31 • [TT!^9 ' !^'^Zii all of us, the sons of one man are we, Gen. xlii. 1 1 ; /iftBt ' m'lJi- I am he, Deut. xxxii. 39. See Castel's Gram. Harmon. 6. The demonstrative pronoun, when repeated, has a distributive sense; as, !^^Z ' '^^'^ "K^'W ' H-Vk and they came not near one to the other, Exod. xiv. 20; !i^Z * ^'^ ' ^^i^A^^ and they said one to the other. THE PRONOUN. 107 7. The demonstrative !:^^ is sometimes coupled with the interrogative 5(^Z , in wliich case the former is apparently redundant ; as, 5(^"^ • A^iiJA" * !i'^ * 5(^Z wherefore hath Sarah laughed? Gen. xviii. 13; fTT^^A^Z"" * t^'^ * ^^Z lohij hast thou sent me ? Exod. v. 22. 8. The relative pronoun very frequently includes the noun or antecedent pronoun to which it refers; as, ZZ^iJA'^ that ichich thou shall say, Exod. iv. 12; 'YSV'T that which he did, etc. 9. The relative pronoun is not put in the genitive case; but if this case be required by the construction, it is expressed by a subsequent pronominal suffix ; as, ' ViiJ"^A ' f\-2j^ ' ntTl ?(tS"^Z the nation which thou shalt not understand as to the language thereof, Deut. xxviii. 49. It can, of course, stand in the accusative; as, /TTZ ' A^!^AyV^ * 3(AA/f the woman which thou hast brought me, Gen. iii. 12; • "yKAm ' '^SVrrr'T 9("^!^A- which the man shall do (them), Lev. xviii. 5, where !^?AnT is redundant. 10. The relative, when it includes the antecedent noun or pronoun, may take a preposition; as, ' ZV * 5(^V ' AfTT " ^1. al' AZZ'H'^ lead the people to the place which I spake to thee of, Exod. xxxii. 34; !i-VP"^AB( ' 'Yia * !^9A " ^3^ get straw from the place which ye can find, Exod. v. 1 1 ; ^^^'i^Ta/s-Z * 'Y^ of that which Avas our father s. Gen. xxxi. 1 ; !:k'^?(A^Z * '^^ o/that which is Aaron s, etc. 11. "Wlien the relative pronoun is preceded by the noun with a preposition to which it refers, this preposition is omitted before the relative; as, "^li^A^Z*""? * BfV^/tZ ' ':s1s2.V we came to the land to ivhich thou sentest us. Num. xiii. 27 ; 5(T5(nT ' iS*^^^<^ * fTf/V^^V • Z^^from all the nations whence the Lord has scattered thee, Deut. xxx. 3. 108 SYNTAX. 12. The adverb ^^btJyV there, with tlie relative preceding it, has the force of a relative adverb; as, =05(°? • li^^A-'X lohere there is gold, Gen. ii. 11; ^rrf^ZA-5( * ^^A*^ where God was; tS^A- * I^TAA^'^ where ye are, Exod. xii. 13; "V^A ' J^X^"^ where he is. Gen. xxi. 17; t^^Aba * a-^I^AyV^ whence he ivas takeii, Gen. iii. 23. Vide also, Gen. x. 14, etc. 13. The relative pronoun is frequently omitted ; as, yiX^nt ' V3V • ianr^ii^^iiSa like as the tents which the Lord hath fixed. Num. xxiv. 6 ; 5JX^nr * Lt^ ' ia?fTr9 on the day in which the Lord spake, Deut. iv. 15; ' /<-l' 3ii^/f * 3(^T 3f75CnT * 3(3Jd^yV and how shall I afflict whom the Lord hath not afflicted (him), Num. xxiii. 8. 14. The relative !ia usually refers to persons ; it is, how- ever, sometimes used of things which involve the idea of a person; as, ^^'^^f ' BfAfTT^^^iiJ • Zi5 * iSZ * !^a vihat to thee is all this drove? Gen. xxxiii. 8. This interrogative is some- times found in oblique, as well as in direct narration ; as, ^tZ^P • 'V^ who sleio him, Deut. xxi. 1. 15. It is also used in an indefinite sense, and answers to our whoever, whatever ; as, ^mZiiJ * ^'Ci'^^ * !:^^ ivhoever is having business, Exod. xxiv. 14. Similarly with the Hebrew V in nb'J Tini ^.y-'tp , Judg. vii. 3. Also with the addition of the prefix '^ ; as, * /f ^Vi°? * !2^^ firZ whoever hath sinned against me, Exod. xxxii. 33. Com- pare also the corresponding Hebrew V"^9C "^f^ "''?5 and T 7 Syriac wX \^*^i ^• ADVERBS. 1. Adverbs are, for the most part, construed with verbs. They are sometimes placed absolutely, at other times governed by a preposition; as, ITT'^irZ myself alone, Num. xi. 14; THE ADVERB. 109 but, Bf'YTZ^ besides himself alone, Deut. iv. 35; °\fTr'\"^ veri/, Gen. iv. 5 ; '\nt'\^ ' ^[Tt'\^3 exceedingly, Gen. xvii. 2 ; ^iiiJA there, Gen. ii. 12; :^^A-liJ Me-wce, Gen. xi. 8. 2. Nouns are also used adverbially, either absolutely or when governed by a preposition; as, 5(iij*TnT to-day, Gen. iv. 14; ^^^Tfrra this day. Gen. xxv. 31; mlntZ'^' ia^fTTA^ day and night. Lev. viii. 35 ; BfA^iiS'^V first, Gen. xxxviii. 28 ; 5(/f!a°riP9, Xum. X. 13. 3. Certain adverbs are also joined to nouns, or separable pronouns, in the same way as to verbs; as, 'MTf'^"^ ' 3^ very good, Gen. i. 31 ; 'l'^^ ' 5(^7V/f * [rTA-'N?!^ * ^i^ hoio dreadful is this place! Gen. xxviii. 17; tafTTSV * 3iiJ how good! Xum. xxiv. 5; in the two latter cases 3(i3 is properly the relative. See Syntax of the Verb, § 27. 4. The particle A-Z is sometimes joined to nouns sub- stantive and adjective, as will appear from the following examples : iiJiJ"^ ' /f-Z'K and not wise, Deut. xxxii. 6 ; * A^ZS 5f Aii3^ ' !2i9^ at no period of her separation, Lev. xv. 25, Hebrew nn-nrny x$|; ZA'A^ZS, by no G^o^, Deut. xxxii. 21. Similarly ^VA-ZS- Compare the Greek construction, r; ov 7r€pireL-)(^Lai<;, r) ovk a7r68ocri9, in Thucydides and Lucian. 5. The particle AfTfZ is similarly used to the Latin ' nihil', ' parum', etc.; thus, ITTA'/n^ ' AOTZ niliil ad servan- dum, Deut. xxii. 27; bijnTiiJ ' AOrZ? ' i^^Z ' AfTTZ j^^'^^m panis et parum aqua, Num. xxi. 5; Gen. xlvii. 13, etc. (a) It is also found like ne in ' nemo', and ' nie' in the German ^nie-mand'; as, "^^^A'AOTZ no man; ZZtiiiiS * Am'Z nothing, or it might be rendered, in conformity with the preceding, nihil rei. Gen. xxxi. 50, Exod. v. 11. (/3) It is used to deny a quality predicated by an adjec- tive, and has a suffix referring to the subject of the predicate : 110 SYNTAX. as, r(yvnriJ°? ' 3f AiTTZ'^ lohich (it) is not clean, Gen. vii. 8 ; aZ^tiS ' tAirrZ * ^UZ^iT but the hoof (it) is not dividing, Lev. xi. 4 ; \m3J^ ' ZPS • V^"^ ' TAfTTZ Ae ^/iaif hearkeneth not unto the voice of his father, Deut.xxi. 18 ; Zi5A-Ata * XAHtZ ' ^tlfZ-^ the bush (it) was not burning, Exod. iii. 2. 6. The particle iZ9 or ^Z3 is used, like /f-Z, with a substantive; as, Deut. iv. 42, ii5i3^'^Z93 'it^ith no knowledge; but in Deut. xix. 4, without a mark, i. e. not knowingly. 7. Some adverbs, besides a preposition, take also a prono- minal suffix ; as, fJT'^^Z ' Sf'^yV / myself alone ; where ^"tZ is for 'T?'0tZ, Syriac jq^nX, from Z and '^'^ o^ze, alone; ^"^"kZ it alone. Num. xxiii. 9 ; fTT'^TZ ' Zi5A- ' A-Z I myself am not able alone, Deut. i. 9. Also without prepositions, * iiSA- ■^Z"^iiJ' iSAflfZ if thou thyself art not sending, Exod.viii. 21. 8. Two particles of negation are sometimes joined, as in Greek, to strengthen the negation; thus, * AWZ * ^ZS^^f iiifTr*\31P truly were there no, no sepulchres ? Exod. xiv. 1 1 ; Hebrew T^ '^^Pq. 9. A negative particle is also construed Avith the word Zi5 all, so that the negation is not merely confined to this word, but extends also to the verb ; as, * ZVP!iS * ^Z'^Z Bf^V^^iiS ' Zii ' BfAfiT lest finding him every one might be killing him, Gen. iv. 15. The negation is, however, some- times special; as. Num. xxiii. 13, mAs^A ' A^Z ' ^Zi3T but all of it thou shalt not see, i. e. you shall see a part. 10. The repetition of the adverb, besides giving the usual intensive force, sometimes denotes a progressive action; as, ^''y^'\^^l- ' AV3nT"/n • AVarrr-Zn / will expel Mm little by little, Exod. xxiii. 30; Z^Z ' Z^Z ' HmZV ' V^m he shall mount above thee higher and higher, Deut. xxviii. 43. 1 1 . Comparative particles are sometimes redundant ; as. THE PREPOSITIOX. Ill l^i^^nra • ml • V9A-"*5t sware to me to-daij, Gen. xxv. 33, where a is redundant ; tanAl^i^^a * =(^V ' ^T5£t and the people were complaining, Num. xi. 1, which is rendered by the LXX., KoX rjv 6 \ao<; yoyyv^cov. Compare Exod. i. 12. 12. The particle !iaZ is principally used to point out an event as the consequence of one previously stated ; thus, !^iiZ/tV A • A-Z ' Z^L therefore ye shall not lead, Num. xx. 12 ; l^-'\^m ' OT^aZ • ^tiJyY ' "^m therefore say to the children of Israel, Exod. vi. 6 ; l^fTfP * Z^^P * Za ' "^iiZ therefore who- soever slayeth Cain, Gen. iv. 15. 13. The compound particle !ia ' ZfTT^S therefore, differs somewhat from the preceding one, for while the latter marks the relation of two events as that of direct cause and effect, the former generally indicates an event resulting indirectly from a preceding one; thus, <\3T[ ' V3^fTf ' tJiiJ ' ZnTT3 on this account shall a man leave. Gen. ii. 24; 'T'Vi\3'tiia'ZfTr'^9 ^*" therefore he called the name. Gen. xix. 22 ; instead of this, we find !ia * ZV , Gen. xx. 6 ; ZfTf'TSZ , Gen. x. 9 ; and the simple Z/Tf'TS, Gen. xvi, 14. 14. Many particles which are included in the conjunctions by some, are referred to the adverbs by others. On this account, the student will probably find, under conjunctions, particles which, from their force and use, he has led to con- sider as adverbs, and vice versa. PREPOSITION. 1. The separable prepositions are properly nouns in the constructive state, governing the word before which they are placed in the genitive case; as, BfV^A- * ZV upon the earth; ntAA/f- ' iiJV with my wife ; 'XK'^mZ unto them ; ' JTTli^fTrS iS^nra? between me and between thee, etc. 112 SYNTAX. 2. The separable prepositions are also preceded by other separables and inseparables, so as to form words whose signi- fication is compounded of both ; as, 'TV^S and "^V-^Z, from '^V^; '^3Z^ from '^S, with a double prefix; ITT'T'^'ZV, etc. 3. Many prepositions are not immediately connected with the noun they govern, but are followed by other particles, especially the inseparables Z and ^ ; as, 5f AiS'^^Z ' ^IZ^Z^ toithin the veil, Heb. nDiS^ n^3p-^J<, Lev. xvi. 15; ' ^3l 5(Z3^^ beside the family, Exod. xii. 37. 4. The preposition AfTTS between, is construed in the two following ways: the preposition is repeated with both the objects which form the limit of the space implied in AITf9 ; as, 3(iJ"^^'!:ynT3X*5(^5(^*!:im'9 betioeen the light and dark- ness. In the place of the second AfTTS , the suffix Z is read; as, B(ITr!iJZ* 5(,7r^ ' t^fTfS between the water and ivater, Gen. i. 6 ; ^X'WbtiZ ' 3\'\V^ ' ^^nrSt and between contact and contact, Deut. xvii. 8. 5. This section contains an account of the principal senses of the 5e/)a7'aZ'/e prepositions 9, i5, Z, iiJ. The preposition 9, — (a) Denotes pkce ; as, 5fAnT93 in the house, Gen. xxxix. 5, and is sometimes employed with substantives, so as to form with them adverbs; as, ^ia^^9 deceitfully. Gen. xxxiv. 13, (/3) Expresses motion towards; as, ^ZZ"^"^ towards hea- ven, Gen. xi. 4. (7) In the sense of against; as, ^Zii9 against all. Gen. xvi. 12; iiifTr'^•/^^^ against Egypt, Exod. xiv. 25. (S) It expresses also the ywafenaZ; as, '9(3^^9? * 5f 95(^3 ^"^^^9"? of gold, and of silver, and of brass, Exod. xxxv. 32 ; also the subject of an action ; as, 5(9 • ZH^^ he shall THE PREPOSITION. 113 eat thereof, Exod. xii. 43, 44; also the manner of an action; as, iJ3Z • Zii3 with all thy heart, Deut. vi. 5, etc. (e) In the sense of for, on accoimt of; as, S^^as for money, Deut. ii. 6 ; 5(A9^T[9 for his theft, Exod. xxii. 3 ; 5fvx.ixj->0^2 o/i account of Jive, Gen. xviii. 28. (^) With the force of by, through ; as, ^*^iiJ3 hy Moses, Num. xii. 2 ; also in the sense of with, denoting the instru- ment; as, ITr3'\'^3 u'ith my sword, Gen. xlviii. 22; also icith, in the sense of together toith ; as, nT'\^/f-3 tvith my rod, Gen. xxxii. 10. (77) It has frequently the senses of tvhen, after that, etc., especially with the infinitive mood. Moreover, this prepo- sition is frequently wanting, and sometimes redundant. 6. The preposition i5, — (a) Primarily signifies like as, as if; thus, !^A*fir9"*Ail according to our likeness. Gen. i. 26. When it is doubled, the former is 50, the latter as ; thus, 50fir^a * 3(A-iJ^iJ so the righteous as the wicked, Gen. xviii. 25; ^fV^^iJ * iSA'TiJ so thou as Pharaoh, Gen. xliv. 18. (y8) In the sense of about, nearly; of number, !iA-^ia' A"*iJ about six hundred, Exod. xii. 37; of time, ^^\[nv ' '2iSMii about the time of life. Gen. xviii. 10. (7) Like 3, it is used in the sense of when, after that; as, T"^V • Vii5"^i3 and when Esau heard, Gen. xxvii. 34 ; A-Tiaa-^A-iJ after he had made an end, Deut. xx. 9. (S) It is deficient in Gen. xlix. 9, ^m'\/f- * M as a lion's tvhelp. Sometimes it is redundant, like 3. 7. The preposition Z, — (a) Is used in the sense of at, to, or in, expressing motion ; as, BfZ • ArrfA-^ • Za all which there is to him. Gen. xxxix. 8 ; ^aBfiijZ to go, Deut. xxix. 18. 114 SYNTAX. (/S) It expresses the essence, condition, or state of a tiling ; as, 5(^f:TV\''*"3!2*Z*^!:k/f-*3C'?3C'i: and man was in the state of a living soul, Gen. ii. 7 ; BCA/f-Z ' HtZ^ ' AX^'K and she was to me for a loife, Gen. xx. 12. (7) It denotes the instrument, and is used for 9 ; as, 3'\'^Z by the stvord, Lev. xxvi. 7. (8) In the senses of according to ; as, 'I'K^nt-^'K'XlZ accord- ing to their species: — concerning ; as, flTZ ' flT'^iiS/f- sai/ con- cerning me, Gen. xx. 13: — on account of; as, 'yK2*'?24. on account of their noise, Num. xvi. 34. (e) Expressing advantage, in the sense o^ for ; as, "y^Z for them, Exod. xiv. 25; [ItZ'^f?^ had been with me, Gen. xxxi. 42: also in the sense oi exchange ; as, 3(2firi5Z'5fA3A^ brick for stone. Gen. xi. 3. (^) The construction of Z with the infinitive has been previously explained. It is sometimes redundant and defi- cient. 8. The preposition a, — (a) The original force of this preposition, like that of the full form tiia, is from ; it denotes the cause; as, ' iaV!iJ iJ*?9 A- ' Z/i- from the God of thy father, Gen. xhx. 24 ; here I have read ZA- ' iiSViiS for Walton's Z/f-rTTV^, according to Castel's emendation in the Hep tag. under ^iy. Hence arises its negative force ; as, aVVflf * iiJV ' ZZiiJ^ not to say urtto Jacob, Gen. xxxi. 29, instead of which the complete form ti^ is found. (/3) With the sense of o« account of, because; as, * ATiiS'^'^iiJ l^'TiiAfiT ' 5(T5CITf because God loved you, Deut. vii. 8. (7) In the sense of after; as, iaiTTiaTfTr ' iaOTiJ-^iiJ after some days. Gen. iv. 3. (S) This preposition has other senses, which are, however. CONJUNCTIONS. 115 of rare occurrence. Like the rest, it is sometimes deficient and redundant. CONJUNCTIONS. 1. The separable conjunctions agree in construction, for the most part, with the adverbs, except that they are always put before sentences, for the purpose of connecting them. Some, like nouns and adverbs, are preceded by prepositions; as, 5(Z°? • °\W so as not, Deut. iii. 3. 2. The relative prefix '^ is sometimes used with the perfect tense, expressing the reason for a thing done; as, * !i':^ZV !2>!iA^Z"^'^*5(V'\A-Z MJe went to the land because thou sentest us, Num. xiii. 28 ; iiJfTrsfZyV^f ' t^y^A'^ because God was there, Exod. XX. 21. It is also found with the future, expressing the purpose or consequence of any thing; as, iJZ ' S^nTfir*^ that it may be well with thee, Deut. iv. 40. The relative is similarly used with prepositions. 3. A conjunction is sometimes found where, in Hebrew, there is an elhpsis of "i^N. after a preposition ; as, * ZfTfYS fTr^"3!^ * ii^jy^SA that my soul may bless thee, Gen. xxvii. 4 ; ^'K'^AA ' ZfTr*^9Z that you may live, Deut. iv. 1. 4. Sometimes a sentence upon which another depends seems to be wholly omitted; to complete the sense, there- fore, and construction, it must be supplied; as, •A'\ti5A-'A-Z5C iiA/^'2,^ ' Am ' /TT-ZTIVA ' ^l'^ because I said, I will take care, lest thou take thy daughters. Gen. xxxi. 31, where there is an ellipsis of the Latin ' cavebo'. 5. The inseparable conjunction "K is variously used in con- necting the members of a sentence; it usually has the sense of and' or ' also'. (a) It is found in Gen. xii. 12, in the sense of 'but*; as, 116 SYNTAX. "^m^nr' UntAfTfVm'^^Xl'^VntX and they ivill kill vie, but thee will they save olive. (y8) In the sense of 'however', 'since'; as, * 5(^iJ nrAfir • ;:^?Arrr^-^ • 1xA^■x • nf^ml - tj^TAfirA-A- ivherefore have you come to me., since ye hate me, Gen. xxvi. 27 ; ZV3 ' A!^"^"^^ * A-rrr^CT because she is the possession of a master, Gen. xx. 3. (7) It is also found in the sense of ' either', ' therefore'. (8) In the sense of 'so that', 'in order that'; as, ' A-Z a^fZA • ia"^ • Afir • ZZ^a i • ^v"^Z • rrria^s • t^^vsA^A ye shall not swear by my name falsely, that ye profane not the name of your God, Lev. xix. 2 ; AA-iiiT that he may die, Exod. xxi. 12. (e) In the sense of ' when' or ' while'; as, ' ZlN ' ^"TZ"? '^V'/nZ ivhen Lot entered Zoar, Gen. xix. 23. (^) The particle \ is used in a sentence to which it gives a retributive sense, arising from the expression of a condition or cause in a preceding one ; as, * 5( AA- * fTT^iTTZA * A?iJ5f !il!iJ ' [rr!:^^iiJ"*A"? whether because thou art my brother, there- fore wilt thou serve me freely, Gen. xxix. 15; ■9[T5[flT''W[TT*? 5[^AnTP * Anr * aZ therefore the Lord will keep for thee the covenant, Deut. YU. 12. Similarly, •5t!:^!a'!^TaZiiara'iiSTfTr3 ^Ti3nr!2inTV • rrrZlAA"? in the day of your eating of it, then shall your eyes be opened. Gen. iii. 5. (7?) The conjunction X is sometimes apparently redundant; as, AnT5(5( • 5(^3^- 'WV AA? ' fTfia'Si ' ZiJA * Za every one who eateth bread leavened, that soul shall be cut off, Exod. xii. 15, 19. There are various other senses, too numerous to mention here. 6. When the conjunction i^A is repeated, the former INTERJECTIONS. 117 signifies * either', the latter ' or' ; as, frrV'^ ' ^/V * ^TA ' iiJA^ lohether ox or sheej), Deut. xviii. 3. This is similar to the Greek usage of el and el. 7. The particle 3/*-, wlien repeated, is used in the sense of ' so' ' as'; thus, '2,':sA^3^^'2^■''2:2^^^'2^^s■' 2/^ so we, as our fathers, Gen. xlvii. 3. 8. Conjunctions expressing doubt are not always found with this force, but are sometimes used to denote the difficulty of accomplishing the object in question, or to bring forward prominently other similar circumstances connected with it ; as, '::i?iifTr9Tvzrrf'^9 • ^Z^/f • rrrZ^/f • ^-K^m • '^firZ • v^ a^ / tvUl ascend unto God, peradcenture I shall make an atonement for your sins, Exod. xxxii. 30; Heb. "'^"IX. It is rendered by the LXX., ha e^LXdacofxat,. In this case, the peculiar force of the conjunction is well marked by the English "perad- venture". I^T-fflflTA^^A ' !^^3 * ^3 ' ^^SM'yV * A^Z? and ye shall not touch of it, lest ye be destroyed, Gen. iii. 3, ren- dered by the LXX., Xva fjurj a7ro6dvr]Te, where the stress lies upon the necessary consequence of their so doing, and conveys no doubt; ^A^^l' m^'2i- ^I'^'^l' 3^A let her re- ceive it to herself, lest we may be for contempt, i. e. may be mocked, Gen. xxxviii. 23, which is expressed by the LXX., uXXa jJiT) TTore KarayeXacrdcofiev. In all these cases, though adverbs of doubt are used, they appear to carry but little of their usual force, but prominently introduce certain points arising from the previous sentence. INTERJECTIONS. I. The interjections, properly speaking, are placed abso- lutely in a sentence; that is, do not depend in construction upon any word or words therein. 118 SYNTAX. 2. As in Latin and Greek, some verbs are used as inter- jections; thus, A^nr'2,'ntA/i- a7e, KaTajSalvcofxev; or, age, descendamus. So, Otlm^'^ ' ^iSi^^ * fTTS^ * HAHt ' !^5{ si iter mihi ineujidum, quceso, ex sententid facere liceat, Gen. xxiv. 42; W'\M' 'I'^H'Kl' /<-^ Behold/ here is seed for you. Gen. xlvii. 23; ia/f-fm? * V^V!2k * A-AA- Come.^ Ze^ m5 T/zaAe a treaty, Gen. xxxi. 44. 3. Some nouns have the force of interjections when, on account of a vehement affection of the mind, they are abruptly expressed, and are entirely independent of the rest of the sentence; as, anr'YavZ * Z-^"^ profanum servis tuisf i. e. absit a. servis tuis, Gen. xliv. 7. 4. Few remarks are required on the Syntax of the Inter- jection for practical purposes, inasmuch as that part of speech is independent of the rest of the sentence. The force of the Interjections, which may be derived from the Lexicon, is all that is required. On the Syntax generally it may be observed, that, for the most part, it agrees with the Hebrew and the other Shemitic languages. EXTEACTS. The following remarks upon the text and construction of some passages in the Extracts will be read with advantage by the student.* GENESIS, I. Ver. 2. — m'2iVm°\ should probably be read 5(!>kT'fir'\ or ^m^VnX'\ ; compare the rendering t^'??"*!) in the Targum with the latter. Cellarius explains the form in the text as, " factum /car' airoKoiri^v ex }A.in.> inanitas ;" to this con- jecture the use of the preceding 5(^/t^ as an adjective is somewhat opposed. Ver. 9. — There is an apparent ellipsis of Z before 5(rrr^ ^'". Ver. 11. — '\mA is for ^/fA, from '\h-m. The suc- ceeding ^A-rrr in the text, may be taken as an emphatic infinitive ; so we may render, let the earth (fem.) abundantly bring forth herbage sowing (i. e. the earth) seed, f inasmuch as 5(V'^i^^ is Pahel or Aphcl participle fem., as may be inferred from v. 12, 29. * The author would remind such of his readers as are disposed to he Sebaldi Ravii, that his conjectures are not made in the spirit or on the principles of Houhigant. f That is, by the agency of wind and water, as in the case of the seeds of the Anastatica Hieruchuntica, or Rose of Jericho. 120 EXTRACTS. Ver. 14. — Bf^Tnr would lead us to expect ^mZruZ for fTTZfirZ ; so in vers. 16, 18. . As regards "^^^Tfir in this verse, and '^^■^Sffrr in the suc- ceeding, both are evidently misread for ^"^^ffTf , as Cellarius would seem to insinuate in a note upon this place ; " ^I^X/IT eliso 3( pro '7!^'?9(nT quod per paragogen est pro tST^cnT." Ver. 16. — I doubt whether [fC^Z^ should form part of the text; and this doubt is confirmed by the succeeding parallel passage, 5(<\*?A-iii ' AflT ' 5(«\V?y^, where no such circumlocution occurs, although it appears perfectly antithe- tical. Ver. 17.— 5f/f.^^ may be Aphel for 5(/f.SfTria, from ^TA^; or, by metathesis, for 5('^yVti5 , regularly B(°\nT^ , Pahel. The latter supposition receives confirmation from ^2,"^!iJ in the succeeding verse. Ver. 20. — 2'KVZ may be an emphatic infinitive after tS"?3\'ZAnT, as well as a substantive. The former sup- position is perhaps preferable. Ver. 25. — As regards the expression '^"K^'Z^^'ZH'AHfK ^(AiiJ'^A-, there can be little doubt of its inaccuracy as it now stands; it is incompatible with the Hebrew, Targum, and Syrlac version. It might be read with a slight altera- tion, ^A'^'^/^ ' ZV°? • ^"KZ • Za ' Anr?, which is tolerable. On the other hand, it may be corrupted from a gloss, ^Ata'^A- • ZV3, in explanation of the term ^'YA in the succeeding verse, and carelessly transferred into the text. In the latter case, the phrase HAtH'^/f- ' ZV9 should be omitted from Walton's text. It is difficult to explain it as it now stands. Ver. 26. — 5(.^^T^'?'^ is somewhat anomalous ; probably imitated from the Hebrew participle K'pi or tJ'pil, the Tsere EXTRACTS. 121 being represented by fir . Should it be read Bt^fTT^^ Peliil? Vide also ver. 30. Yer. 28. — All the versions tend to render the reading 5fnT^nT:3V suspicious. Should it be 5(^nT3V, as in ver. 24, 25, etc.? The compound A^rIr^T^'T immediately succeeding answers to the Hebrew nb'D'in, whence it is probably derived. Here again, I apprehend, the true reading may be obtained by expelling "7, when we may render, which hath crept, Pahel; at least, such an elision would produce a form consistent with the general principles of the language. EXODUS, XX. Ver. 5.— ^flTVrrrS^ • ZV^ • iarrr/f AnrZA" • ZV^ is literally rendered from the Hebrew. Of course there is an ellipsis of a substantive, and in all probability this substantive is ianT':^^ in the extended sense of descendants ; hence we may render, visiting the sin of fathers upon the immediate descendants (i. e. children and grand-children), and upon the third and fourth descendants (generations). In the Targum we have, - • : T - : " * : t Yer. 10.— Upon the hiatus after i37V^/fT Cellarius re- marks, "hiatus arguit vocem iiA*^^3jume7itum tuum, quam codex Ebrseo-Sam. habet; in versione autem non apparet." Yer. 11. — The reading A»""* for AA"^ is to be remarked. Yer. 16. — '^rrr-^A is apocopated for the full form '^sm^-^A Pahel, from «^5(^ . Yer. 17.— The latter part of this verse is interpolated from Deut. xxvii. 2, etc.; xi. 30. The apocopate 5(frr^ for Bffrf^nr should also be noted. 122 EXTRACTS. I have retained BfAITBC^/f. in the text, in deference to the opinion of Castel, who says, " ziAX^'\/^ idem quod min ," although I am convinced we ought to read 5[yV't5(<^A in- stead. Ver. 19. — This verse is chiefly derived from Deut. v. 24 — 27. In it nt^ for afnt"^ must be observed; as also ianrviPA- Aphel imperative, formed regularly like the Chal- dee from ^avP , the vowel Tsere being represented by the mater lectionis (If. Ver. 20.— In the phrase AT5(^':^ * tnt'^^Z , the infinitive is governed by the ellipsis of 2, , or by the Z in the adverb. Ver. 22. — This verse is interpolated from Deut. v. 28, xviii. 18, and succeeding verses. Perhaps '?9^nT5f should be read XT^mx. As regards the expression nT5(f 95fnTAnT*fir?Z, something is clearly wrong. It perhaps should be either nt'^"KZ, as in Gen. XXX. 34, or I7r3C?'95(nrAfTr"nT^ ; the latter is preferable. The reading in the text is evidently a compound of the two conjectures just given; for, flTTZ is for Ut^XZ or m^"KZ- The latter conjecture may even be an incorporated gloss on the former, or vice versa. Some little difficulty attaches to the word BfA-f-Zn^ in the latter part of the verse. I propose to derive it from A^-Zn to bear^ to attend, the compound AUt-tn'^ being found in Gen. xlii. 23, in the sense of interpreter. If this be the case, we ought to read B(AnT>/nba as a participle, and render, I will tell all that pertaineth to the decrees and judgments, etc. I have simply rendered it by " precepts" in the Lexicon. Ver. 25. — !:i"?rrfy^l is perhaps Pehil with a suffix; so that we may render, thou shalt not build them (fem.), having hewn them (masc); i. e. thou shalt not build them of hewn, EXTRACTS. 1 23 etc. The word may also be an infinitive, with the omission of the prefix i3 ; in this case, render, after hewing them. The discrepancy in gender between !^J7r and '2^X should be noted. DEUTEROXOMY, XXXIV. Ver. 1. — The student will see that the greater part of the first and the two succeeding verses of the Hebrew, pro- bably containing a complete account of the extent of the panorama exhibited by God to Moses, are rendered in the version by a vague expression of the limits of IMoses' obser- vation, without specifying the individual occupants between those limits. The proper reading of 'Knt'^'\m should be \'^'\nT, as in Num. xxii. 1, xxvi. 3, 63, etc. Ver. 6. — After *\3P, the suffix 5(^ is manifestly omitted. Ver. 8. — Upon the somewhat confused phrase ' "irtliTnTiiS 3("^iiJ, Cellarius remarks, "forte quod dedecus, nemincm a morte eximi; vel fletus nimius, quod indecorum dolori in- dulgere." I have doubts about the genuineness of this pas- sage, which it would be superfluous to give here. GENESIS, I. • nT3A^ • Zv • 3{a^^^ • nr^iFrrr^^ • ^^u^^ ' a-kh • ^ v^a^^ 2 : ^m^ • rrr^A^ • Zv • 30»^!^^ • BfBfZA- • -^m^x : 5(^^5(a : 9{iJ"*^ • ^rrf3^ • ^^^'^ ' '2^nrs ' ^^l/i- ' PViW • BfiJ^^-^ZT • ia^fTTA- • 3(^5(:iZ * 5(^ZyV * Wi^? 5 • • 5(fTrta • t^^-s^miiss * ^m/i-2V • ^^^t • 5f5(ZA^ • ^^ua^^ 6 • 5(fir^ • '2^m^ ' ^'\2/fK ' 5ffirA.3P * A/rr • 5(5[Z/f • '^avt 7 • ^(nTA-avZ * ZvZiiJ'^ * ^iTfiis • ims'K ' ^nt/s-2vl • rirAiJiiJ'^ . yxx^c^ ' 9(^5(^ : 5(nria^"^ • ^mA-2Vl • 5(5(ZyV • pvt^? 8 • nrAistij'^ • 5(m^ • ^^^^i^aArrr • bc^z^v • *^a/f^ 9 • ti?"^^i3!i3Z? • • 3V^A^ • BfA^airrZ ' ^t^fZA^ • pvi^? lo • 5[v^i^iij • 3-^v • ^A^rrr • 3f v^a^ • ^mA • 5[5(Za^ • 's^a^? 1 1 GENESIS, I. 125 • 2sl2l ' 3232^ • 9<^V • ^A^m • 5(V^A^ • AP^/fT 12 • 5(3 • 5(A^3r^r^"P'^ • m^2 • '^msv • "*^? : 5(^t^i2 : 3^ • /f25t • 50(2.Y • riVK ' 3f^?^i2 — < : ^AmlA ' 5(iijTrrr • ^z-m - ^six^x • "^iij^ • ^x^^ 13 ■ 5(aT^T^ • PT233 • l^mMTrBf:^ • m^nt • 50(2a^ • '\^.vt u • 5(^Tfrr • :^m3 • T'^3!ix2^ • ^(v^a^ • 2v • ^'s^'^^'ni • '^^nfi'^^l-K ' !:^rrf;^tafrr.^2 • T^Tmi: • frr2rrr2 • t^msT • 5(frfa^"* • p?23 • iiT233 • ^rrr^^/f^2 • ^::\~3(m'T 15 : t^^a • ^^^^^ ' 5(v^A^ • 2v • 5(^=(':^tiJ2 • ^m3^3^ • 5(m^TA-^ ' m^A * Am* • 32a- • '^3vt 16 • 3(^?iTr • AV2^^2 • 5(3^ • Bf^^A^ta • mxl'n • Arrr • Aort ' fir2frf2 • A^2"*ia2 • 5(^v?i^ • bcsta^^ • Amx ' 5(f7r3iJTa • 3A^'\ia2 • BtfTT^t"^ • i3rir3^"^3 • B(2A^ • ^^AOr • 5C?"^T 17 : 3(v^A^ • 2v • B(^?A^ • :inr3 • ^^^3^2^ • fir2fir23? • ^c^Trrrs * '^2"^iii2T 18 : 3^ • A-23 • 5(2A- • 21V? • Bfii*"^ • t^orsT — <: B(vnr3s * Bt^Tfrr • '^a-m • ^-k^x * ^^a^ • ?(??(? 19 • ^trrr"^ • "^^t^ ' 3tp2 • ^tfrrta • !^T3P2Am' • 3(2a^ • ^tijA^T 20 : ?f22^ • VT23 • m3A^ • 2V • 5(V^A^ • 2V • 3!^3^ar • -miiSVT • AHTT : 5(^3^3^ : 5(arAnr^v2A * Arrr • ^l^■ • a^'\3? 21 • Bfor^ • A31P2? • A-^tij^'^ • 5(Arrr^ * "^3!^ * 2a • 5(^^312 • ^3!^"! • -m^p • 2a • Am? • ;^ir3frf-^?^i2 ' 3^ * J^l^ ' "siZ/f. ' 21V? • ?2^? • Tl"^? • ?'"?3 • ^^^^^2 • 5(ZA- • t^TArrr • ass? 22 : 5(v^A^3 • rm^fTT • 5(.miav? : ^m'^m^ • ^tnr^ • Am — < : ^^rrriij"^ • 5(ta?rrf • ^2^ • ?(?=(? • »"^^ • ?(?5(? 23 • 5(^:^12 • 5(Arrr^ • *"3!^ • ^v^m- ' P3a • 5(2a^ • ^^a^? 24 • 5(?3f? • K^'^12 • 5(v^A^ • A^frf3v? : ^ia^? • 3ca^5(3 126 EXODUS, XX. • AfTTT • ^'^'2.11 ' ^tv^yv • A^rrrav • Ant • ^l/s- • 'TSVt 25 : 3V • J^l% ' ^l/f- ' Ziv? •• 3f.^^^lZ • :iAfrr9"*Aa? • ^A'^^-ma • ;is?>v • 'tsv!^ • acZyV • ^iijyv? 26 • 5(ZZv • •miava't • ^^nt • Aar!i'ir;^9 • '^^^Z^^rrr? • ^^nt^x^ ' ^'^^'\ ' Zasi: ' ^(v^a^ • Zasi: * ^tAyY^Bcaa? : Bcv^A- • Zv • BfZA: • A^^-ma • ^'^/f-^ ' Arrr • ^l/<- • ti?a^ • A^a? 27 • ?^ir3 • ^l/f- • !i?Z • ^ia/ft • 5fZA^ • t^^Anr • a^at 28 • ^11"^ ' -m^av^-K : ^^m • Ai7r!i?:^a • ^^^Z'^a^ ; ^(v^A- • Zv • A-^m^x^'^ • ^irr^orav • Z^Zas? • 9^V • Za • A/ir • ^taZ • AS^tm • yV^t • 5fZA: • ^^A^t 29 • za • Amx ' 3(v^Ai • Za . m^A- • Zv? • 2x121 • aZaZ^a • :i-axZ • 2xl2l ' 3Z3Z^ • "^mfv ' nT*\3 : b(9? • :^?ZfTrv : BfZanriaZ ' m^tfrr • ZaZt • ^Zl"^ ' -map • ZaZ? * * 5( v*\Ai • a^itt^v : ZaZ? 30 • Afrr • ^Arn"^ •• ^21 • ^9*^ • 5(v^yV • Zv • ^f.^frr^^^ < : ^i-^a : 3(^^? • 5(ZanriaZ * 3^v : vrnZ-^ : Za • ^m^"^ • 9v • yVBf? • '^av'T • za • Am • ^l/<- • Ziv? 3i EXODUS, XX. : ^^mtaZ * :i:TrZA^ • ^tmZ^ • Za • Aiir • ianr^tz/f ' ll^x i • v^A^ • :i^ • arrrAV^A^'^ • a^ZA^ • ^x^m • nra^A^ 2 afir^av • Amsia * ;aar^'mia EXODUS, XX. 127 • m^'^v ' Zv • iiifrr'i^^v • ^m^l/i- • aZ • ^m^fu • A-l 3 • 5(fTriai:"*9°? • ^ia^ * Zai: ' 2^3 • az * 'TSVa * /tZ 4 • v^Zia • ^tfTTias^? • v^Z^ • 5jv^A-9^^ • Zvzta • nra!i/f • a^Z^ • 1-k':^'^^^a • a^Zt * ^^Z ' ^1-^a • az 5 • Zv • !^30yY • 9i:v • ^P3 • A^v • Za • iS3(Z/f * 5f^3[rrr • rTr/f:^^Z • iarrrvrrrg^ • Zvt • iafrrAArrrZA* Zv^ • iijm;:\9 • 5C^^:^Z"i: • nr^^'^Z * taoraZ/fZ ' '^^^ ' '^sv? 6 ' j^Vi ' !iiiaZ • a^ZyV • 3(^?5(m' * a^ • Arrr • Zs^a • az 7 • 3(itt"^ • Am • Za-^nr^ • Am • B(ir5fm • ma.^rrr • a-1 ' 5("^^pz • 5(Aa^ • ia^rrr • Am* • ^^ 8 • aA'^rrrsv • la • '^svat • "^ia^A • ^nr^Trrr • aa"* 9 • /fZ • a^ZA • ^K^ml • 3(9"* • Bf/fVirrs^ • 9f!a?ar? lo • am'\^v3'^ • a^?mi^ • • • • ^a^at • is^YSv • ^nt'H'K^ ' Am • B(i:5(m • ^av • iam^?m • a"*"* • aZ^c 1 1 • '^'^A-'K ' l^^a'^ • Za • Ami: • ^t^am • Ami: • stv^A • Am^ • ^?m ' Am • ^^^m • a^a • !^a • z v 5(vma"* • ^f^^ma — < : ^"*^PT • 3(Aa^ • i^k-^a^/f m • Zm'^aZ * a^A- • Am? • a~aA • Am • ^v?a 1 2 : az ' a5(m * a^tZA • ^"K^m"^ * 5(v'\a • Zv • am^^m • Z^PA • AZ 13 • ^^A • AZ 14 • a^lA * AZ 15 • "w^"^ ' iT'^v^ • av^a ' 'Tm^A • AZ i^> • AAA • '^^^A • aZt • a^a^ • Ama • 'y^^a • az 17 • ^sia-^? • 5(^?A • 5(A^A? • 5(^av • ^ivv • a^a^ — < : a^a^Z'^ • Za-? • v^aZ * a5(ZA • 3(^9(m • a!:iZAvm • aZ5( • ^cmst? 128 EXODUS, XX. • ^ntvA'K ' ^fiA^fiTiiJZ- !^iaAZ • ZZv • bca-a-'^ • ^(A^iivl^a ' ^ATB(^/f • rrrZ^ * Za • Aor • Bcnr^^a/f • Zv • aA^A? • ^\^arpA • ^(^'^MTT • AfTf • ^^a^avaa • m^-K - st^r^t • !i?i5Afir • ^V3^ • nriJ!^A-'^ • :ifrfZ/f^ • ^m'ls/i- • Am • ^s'Tis ' !i^A • nr^^aA'? • ^ntA^m^i. • s^o • t^^^rrf • T^oriA • A-Z • iaor^aA- • ^3°?^ • a^tZ/V * ^-K^ml ' Afir • =5(^aA • ^iaZ"" * ^fir^3A- : Z^^3 • "^xntlw ' "i/i-lw • irrrrZv • v^a? • a^lff^ • 5fT5(rrr • ^3^^^ • ;^!iJA • ZafTTA? • anriiJZ"^ • ^3^A? : ii3(ZA^ • 5(?^nrz • ^IIZI. ' Z3V • 3(VP33 • 3Am^ • BfA-t^V^^iS ' V^/f3 — < : isa^ • Zav • ^3^^"^ • ^"^m!a • ^^-mrrrA^ • 5f^3t^ • zv • AntX ' BffTfZP • AOr • Va"^ • 5(tiiV • Zi3? 13 • 3^Z • ^^^v • AfiTT • 5(fTr^/Tr3Z • AfTT ' iam^^^ir • • Tpm^'^^ • ^^vfiT • ^ZvZ'^A^T • 5(iav • Zis • ^Z^'^s? • 5fZP • AfTTT • 5(!^yYfir3s • Afrr * ^Air^rrripfir • aitt • ;:^:^frfi^^ • "2^°^^ • 5[^?frr • ^A^^e■ - ?iia • ^"^vi^^^ • x'^ax ' nf^x ' Bc^liA- • iav • ^m'5(ZA^ • ZZ^irr • Al^ ' ^A3^ • 5f A"^/f • ^^^ZarrrA • a-Z^ : ATiij;^ • ^t^z • Z? • Am • vta"*ii5Z • :^'^^!iA • iijfTra7^?iiJ • ia^ : ^°?3t • Zi3 • ti^ • AZ5( • ^'^Aor^? * m"\?v • :i^3(ZA • ^t^Binr • ^13^ • ZZiiJ^ • ianrrTT-^ • "nm^lA- • Zp • v;ij"^'^ • ^^3 • v^^^ • BCAA • 3^? • ianrvpAT • :i!iATa • ^(a'^a • ZZtiJA • BfAA"? • ^!^5(ZA- • 5(T5(rrr * ^airrm^Y • Za • Am • aav • :i'^5(ZA- • 5(^^m : ZZ^am'Y • Za • Am • l^i^^^v • ^m^lA-^ ' :^!iiav • ZZ^m • Za"? • '^3v:^i: • via"*"^? • Zm^3Z • aZ^ • ^tZv^a • aZ • 5tavZ • 5("^iis • ^iijAT 20 EXODUS, XX. 129 • l^^A'^ • ^Z3^vZ • iii'^p • B(^iij~ • prrr^^^ * ^iav • tavpT 2 1 • Zp -awav^^ • ^^m^Z • 5t^a • ^v • B(T5(nT • ZZ^? 22 • •^IZ'^'^ ' la ' ?9Yvnr5( • ij^v • ^ZZ^^ : !^'^^ • 5(iijv • rrrZ^ • nrliNiij • Z^'^^Z • ^T3(Z • ^'^ • !^'73Z • m^^ * s^frTfAor • mxi • 9Y^fTr Arrr • Znr^aZ * Bfor^Tfir • Za * rrf^Tva * Am • ^^taz? • -lata • t^-^rZ • ^otfa- • yvnra^ • iaZvz • t^Tm^szt • :^rz • ^~5(^V ZZ^A^? • ^iiJ39 • mZ^ • ^A/t? " iiA^iJ ' I^TflTViyV • i:nrZ^Z*v^"^rrr'yYZ^'5["^:i/frTr5(T : 5(^°vip3yV^'Zi5*Am • 5[fTr3^ • :iS3 • 5(iijv • :^^ • firvsA- •A■'2^^■ • rrr^^^a • ZZ^m^ • ^A'^p^'/VZ^ •AOT-mia^^a • ZZ^^ * ^ZZ^ataZ* ^ Avrrr'^ • iarrr^^^Tv • ^^t^Z^■ • iis^3 • ll^m • ^a^"? • Bczzta^aZ • "iima-^'am/f-' asZs-^^frrA-Z/f-T-yV^^^'Bfnra^^-Z^pnrT • !a"*3* Bfrrrs^'ZZ^fTr'^- 3(T5(rTr-?(ZZ^ '/f Z'y • 5(ZZ^^ • aht • "iZDi^^ti ' A^?B( • otAotnt -j^zx ' 5(ZZiatii • m^ -a-Z' ^x^m ' ^-"HA '/^Z'^m5'2,' B(ZZ!i5-T^^fTry^9"5f?B(m 'Sf ZZ^ -yVZ^ • !^?afTr:^ia"^^Z • t^^a^z * T^i^v • :^tZ • ^a/t * Za^a- : ^ti^ia • za • AfTT • aav • ^fZZa/V? • /rr^av • iavp • ^asf • sfA/^T • t^x^s vrrr? • !^x!^3Za^ • 5(m^^^"^3? . ^frrr^y^i • 5CAT-/n^ — < : ^t^A^rrr^Z • !^tZ ' s^frrr • ^I^a-'^ • 5(v^a^3 • rrr^s • bav • ZZ^ ' ^^rrrbaZ • bc"^^ • ^v • BtT^rir • ZZta? • AZZ;a-5(OTiaT"^"!iia-/fZ^ ::^'?Aj:ri^"^'^TA/fZ/f^^m • A-Z ' 95f^ • orsfZA^? • ^'^a • m^Z/f- * rrr^av • i^-ir^a va -a^Z 23 •!iTaTZ*!^T°?9VA • Arrr • TrrrZv • ^a^AT • rrrZ • ^9va • ^tta^/f • -^9^^ 24 • arrf^?A^? • arrr^^^v • ^^ • am-iaZ*" • ArrrT • anrAZv • rrrAor/f * "^^aZ • m^*" • ^av • A^a^A^^ • 5(saa^9? • al^assA^? • a'^orZ 10 tf . 130 DEUTERONOMY, XXXIV. • nAx'yi • rrrZlAA • aZ'^ * m^a^is * Zv • '2im'\v'*^3 — <:3£'^mZ ■ 1 U.u t ■ DEUTERONOMY, XXXIY. • "*A-^' A9^' '\-K^ 'tN- ' 3A?a • AVV9 ' !iia • 5(^ia • VZ^? 1 • AS3*5f^5f^'Bos*5(^5[!:\'^vafir^>miiS'5(^5(!^ia*3(v^A'Zi5 • '^ianr^Z * arvirrz? * v^-mmz * ^sf^a^Z • ^asoaZ — < : ^3VA • rrf:i-Zv3A-?^"v^>Y3'5t?3(fir'^3V5t»"i3*:i^A-AnT^? 5 • /i-lx ' <\^ V3 • Afrra • zav * 9a-^^ • v^ a9 • Aona • ^9V? 6 : ^'^^f • B(^ irrrr • '^v^ • 5( a^9V 'Ant ' "*:^a • ^a^ • AVai5*AZ*5fATiiJ9-5fA"^-iafTr«i-^V^-5(A^'\9*5k"^iaT 7 — < : B(9T^^ • v'w ♦ A-Z^ • 5(^nrv • 9A?ia • AV1P93 • 5(^a • Am ' ZA^^m • nT^3 • ?a9~ 8 . ^m«j . ^^'j . ;ff iLjg . fiT^^frr ' 5(iaZ"^^ * ^fTT^Tm * iaoT aza • 5(^!a-iiia^'AZ^*5(^a^'^?^-iaZ"^'!i?!^*^3*v»"?^m? 9 • za^"*^ • fTr^3 • tfirZA • ?v^"^fTr? • ?arZv • ^'^/t- • Afir — < : 5£»«ia • Am • ^x^m • ^P3 • 3^a • ^°?3v i: DEUTERONOMY, XXXIV. 131 • ^aviaZ'5(TB(nr-5(M^*^"^/f5(A-yYnTZ3T'5(fTr':^^mf^*ZaZ 1 1 • 5(v^A-Zi3Z^*?m'Y9vZaZT'9(v^3Z : iarrr^-/7ia-v^yV3 . <^3V^"*A.-3(a'\*5(3i^^-ZiJZ?-5(A3mPA-'^nT?CZiiZi: 12 — < : l/f-'v^nt • Za • nrTa^Z * 5£"^ia LEXICON. *«* The Student will remember, that the words which have been previously discussed iu the Grammar, are not contained in the Lexicon. yY i3A a mother 9/*. a father 5(iaA a female domestic t^SA- a stone iasf'^SA- Abraham '^iiSA to say, speak ■^liA to rest, cease from ; '^/f- a hand ilJ'^/f. a man ^fgVt^A female; aZso 50^!^ ^iiS'TA- earth, land *"!iA a man yt^ *\'?A- to shine; as a subs., iam^A face; Heb. D*3S ^'^^' light , 5(A^3(^A a law; also S/^'K/t- way, path 'WtyV to honour; Aphel, Chald. nj?; 5tA?5(<\^rA iJ<\A to prolong VSA earth, land ZM/f- to go away, depart •^A^ a brother 5f*"A fire <\"^A who, which iSfTTA- how? Chald. "q^K ?tAA a wife t^ZfTfA a tree <^AA a place ia^fTTA day; Syr. Iv^Vi.j '^^•/nnTA same as '\'^>/n 9 ZiSA to eat, devour 51^5(9 a beast of burden, 5[ZA God cattle iiJjTr^tZA same as preceding Ant^ a house LEXICON. 133 rrraa ?va Zva sa A-^a Zy^^a is^a to weep, lament grief, lamentation a son, child to build flesh to seek, enquire after a lord, master I a plain, valley son; fern. 9(*\a to create iron to bless TI a body; from 5t*?l M"^!. to lift over, pass over *\?1 to commit adultery 5f^1[ to hew, cut, circum- cise ^M1 a decree, command y^fin a valley, recess *^■?^Tl a stranger ZlZl Galgal BfZl to discover rrrZI generation, age; for zrm a!^! to steal 'K'yi baseness, disgrace A'K'yi same as "^"yi ^1^1 kind, genus; for •^\'2n.- Comp. Greek 70/09 *\3^1 winged iami^mM Gerizim *^ '^a'^ to sacrifice a^t'^ gold Zyi'^ to fear; aZ^o ZVT ^1"^°^ dread, fear *\ii^ to remember, to make mention of; as a subs., a male T^^ a likeness *^3{ a mountain 5(^5( this, that 5(^5( to be 3i^'?5( to add; vide Syntax 'WKM^ less i^'^flfvU presumption 3(iJA3 to hold innocent IPVt^ to call, name V'\ik to plant, sow ; as a subs. , seed t B(V*\iU seed 134 LEXICON. ^ 3("*9rTr dry earth SS^ neighbour •^fTT a hand Bf'^^ to rejoice V*^fTT to know, discern ^i^T-^ distant, last 951^ to give a vision, sight to see, behold ^T5(fir the Lord V^^5(nr Joshua /tV^ to sin ^?m a day 5(fir^ to live :^iiS^m to-day iamm^ life 9^fir to be well ^a^ to know 5£;afrr sea; Chald. ^^\ 5(iaii^ knowledge, wisdom 9PVlTr Jacob ZZ^ to pollute V^-mrrr Isaac ^zz^ heaven AX'\m'9nt glory,, greatness '^iiS^ to desire !^°?'\fir Jordan ^ia^ an ass ; for '^A^iiJ'^ Xm'^'sm Jericho '^^■^ mercy A*^fTr to occupy, inhabit 9^^ an axe, a sword ZA-'^^^fTf Israel xw^ a tree, shrub 9A/Tr to remain, occupy ij*"-^ to be dark 5(ii"^'^ darkness i5 9iS'?i5 a star 9V good, well a mountain to move away, to ^■^a to dispose, pre- pare; also !i9iJ Za all, any Zi:Zii all, the whole ^iiSZ^ pervert to create, make Viaa to darken, to be- come dim m nr/f-l^kV^a Canaanite ^A^m to flower, bring "*^i5 to collect forth; as a subs., a-^a silver a herb 9Ai5 to write LEXICON. 135 Z 3Z the heart S^l to be in a flame; as a subs., a flame mZntZ darkness, night °\nt2l a lamp, torch 2'KL22, a bud, germ 2Z2Z to bud, flourish '^2Z to teach 3?VZ a reptile 3PZ to cast forth liil"^^ tabernacle, tent A-Z^ mtZtiJ zz^ ZZiiJiiJ a hundred; Heb. a luminary gratis, in vain an altar Moab to fear, dread water [pD*P •the middle ; Chald. a plane, valley a collection to fill up fullness to speak, say a word ; also ZtZ^ ; Plural, arrrZ^ precepts r:gypt Moses A-irra:^ •2^ Xebo a prophet; Chald. N^23; also B[frf9^ a luminary to be light; as a subs., light; also a river a fish ; prop, name, Nun to raise, lift up; as a subs., seed to keep to sacrifice to explore, try to fly an animal to breathe to give, bestow Z9"^ to take, or receive A^Tf"^ to create, multiply' °i1-^ to adore ^B(-^ to bear witness l^^rrr^ a sign "Kii-^ an eye PrrrZ^ pot-hcrb ?Z-^ to mount, ascend 136 LEXICON. ^AHfii-^ a hill, beacon ; for \ ^^rrr^V an animal 5fyVnTii-5^ ZVV land i5^^ to place, support yV^i^ to hate '?°JV^ testimony Z/fV V same as ZZV Or ZV c^3V to make; as a ^t'Yfrfsv subs., a ^rvant to pass over J ^3V -l'/€rr3iziv to see, behold li'^V time 9TV a sin iaZ^v same as ^ZV mC ^'^^v another, strange c^.'b, '^^v to return !i?Zfrfv a tree; also !^ZnTV i^rrrv an eye ti/f-ZV burnt offering ZZV to enter; also ZV 5(ZZV /(^r 3(ZZ^ iiJZv age, eternity iarrrA-Zv liolocaust ^av a people ^^v to occupy, inhabit ^v a flock of sheep; also ^/f-V a-^v to flourish ; adf., grassy Z2'W darkness T"\V to depart; also «\TPV '\AV to acquire, seek 3 [also '^iTP^ '^V'KZ a command, precept; ^"ra to multiply, increase fir3 a word ii"?Za a sphere,,an arch V?Z3 t he nrnrament ^ml2 prodigy, wonde^l^jQ ^2 a mouth ^'' Z-^2 a graven image /yj^ ^'?V3 Phogor •^Pa to visit, command ?(^1?3 precept fir'\3 fruit, fruitful . 5(V^3 Pharaoh *"'^2 to separate, divide; a/^o V^2 & 2'\2 A'^3 Euphrates ,«* ^V»tfi^K 3!^-aycar i/^fl^^^ . 138 cT ^W*" a step ; as a verb, to mock, prevaricate 5(A"^ same as ^'y^ A ^'K'siA an abyss LEXICON. ■J AY" <\?A an ox, ^ i.i Anr-5^VZyV a crocodile 2frrPA brave, apt, strong ^Afir9"*A likeness r iftiQ. 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