L725 ^ UC-NRLF B 3 IID Tb2 LO CO CO LO >- ■^ ON THE Roosevelt Movement BY 1 WILLARD LIGHT OF LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA *' Ani we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His ^urj^ose. " — Romans vIII-28. PRICE oV ,Mi9^ajLji OMiiJ, .»>ime: , t • J * C6j>yHsk^f 1912 by the Author ' Explanatory Proem This book is a deliberate attack upon the utterly false, viciously unjust and deadly dangerous systems represented by ex-judge and twenty- seventh President, William Howard Taft; ex-President and emperor at large Theodore Roosevelt; ex-Convict and again financial king of Wall Street, Chas. W. Morse; seeking to hinder these three and gradually de- stroy the principles they stand for, thereby helping about ninety million people who are sadly in need of assistance. I am not trying to start a revolution but hoping and praying to be able to do my part toward forestalling one which is surely coming if things go on as they have been running, and conditions are not rapidly changed in favor of the toilers who produce the wealth of the Nation. It has long been patent to me ithat not more than one-tenth of our people are hopeful, happy or prosiperous. This life story is drawn from the heartaches and headaches of thirty- three years experience in ithe battle for bread; composed under a driving impulse; compiled without loss of any time from employimemt and prac- tically without the aid of books. I ipossess no books to speak of and had no time to visit libraries. The writer 'has only a very common school ed- ucation and has done little reading since he enlisted for life in the Grand Army of Workers. Therefore any statement lierein which does not square with facts is an error of memory or judgment and not made with inten- tion to mislead. Pamphlet published on individual responsibility and at personal ex- pense without asking financial aid, literary assistance or helpful advice of anybody on earth. I feel that I have a backer in this undertaking who does not strike a partnership with selfish money grubbers, and to that belief I shall cling. Something seems to tell me that any man who really desires to help the plain people must not only come from their ranks but must remain with them. Whenever he associates with the idle rich, professional politicians and lets them pay his expenses he immediately becomes one of them in spirit, and loses all power to faithfully and ef- fectively serve common folks. I am asking my personal friends to take up the first small edition on condition that if the story is not worth the price they return it and re- ceive back their dimes. That's what I call the square deal. Furthermore, I request true friends who are quick and not dead to study my dreams and see if they can trace any direct connection between these celestial visions and the practical solution of our vexing temporal problems. I want such friends to help me decide if I am what president Taft calls a neurotic, incapable of self-government, or whether I am being called to undertake a high mission for mankind, "In the Union of all who Love, For the Service of all who suffer." L'i-/: If none cX o^y .real, friends car. see these things as I seem to see them, and asK .for t^hf .rdtiifij ol ttieir ."dimes, I will endeavor to unhitch my Pegassus from the stars and hook him up to a coal wagon. The millionaire owner of The Tribune and The Express is begging the toilers, including the women, to give him one dollar for a membership card in his new party; before sending this large sum to this plutocrat please send one dime to the author who risked his lasit bit of cash to re- tain copyright and keep this story out of the clutches of predatory politi- cians. If any legal voter in California wishing to read my booklet cannot spare the dime, will send me name and address on postal card I will en- deavor to furnish free copies to all such as long as my ability will per- mit. I am not attempting to make money but trying to do good. I sincerely hope this story will be read in every home in our glorious Golden State before November 5th, 1912. Yours for Humanity, Peace and Prosperity, Here and Now; Hereafter. Thenceforward and Forever. WILLARD LIGHT. 4832 Arlington Street, Los Angeles, California. To Theodore Roosevelt Twice President of the United States of America "Just stand aside and watch yourself go by; Think of yourself ^s "He" instead of "I." Pick flaws; find fault; forget the man is you. And strive to make your estimate ring true. The faults of others then will dwarf and shrink. Love's chaiin grow stronger iby one mighty link, When you with "He" as substitute for "I" Have stood aside and watched yourself go by." Light on the Roosevelt Movement (A Philippic Political Sermon) Los Angeles, California, September 16th, 1912. Ladies and Gentlemen: — I rise to a question of personal privilege and beg to make a few re- marks on my individual responsibility. I am ONE of the PLAIN COM- MON PEOPLE; VERY PLAIN; MIGHTY COMMON; perhaps just about an AVERAGE CITIZEN. I am not a Chautauqua lecturer at so much per, nor a space writer fnr revenue only; but with what material and ability I have picked up I wish to undertake to interpose a strenuous objection to the schemes of the POLITICAL MONGRELS who are now presuming to do MOST OF OUR THINKING and ALL OF OUR TALKING. Fellow Citizens That means EVERYBODY in our Golden State by the Sundown Sea; may it soon be the same throughout every State in our Union. In the olden days when I was a boy, "On the Banks of the Wabash Far Away," the "Tall Sycamore" and other old-fashioned campaign speak- ers used to begin addressing their audiences with this greeting: "LADIES and GENTLEMEN and FELLOW CITIZENS." I often wondered what sort of people came under the THIRD heading, who could not be properly classified under the FIRST or SECOND. Recent political developments have shown us that large numbers of FELLOW CITIZENS cannot be rated as LADIES nor yet as GENTLEMEN. They seem to be some new species; evidently produced by crossing a DISGUSTED DONKEY with a SICK ELEPHANT and by some strange freak of denature they show a strain of the RAPACIOUS TIGER. A SORT OF ZEBRAIZED HYBRID WITH NO PRIDE OF ANCESTRY AND NO HOPE OF POSTERITY. The Fifth Party and the Third Term This Nation wants no FIFTH PARTY at this time and no THIRD TERMER AT ANY TIME. Any man who continues to throw oil on the furiously blazing fagots under the political cauldron is not a PATRIOT but a TRAITOR to his country. We are SURFEITED with politics and weary of PROFESSIONAL POLITICIANS; men with LE:ATHER LUNGS and MEGAPHONE MOUTHS eternally preaching the salvation of the people, saving the gov- ernment every four years, continually feeding and fattening at the public trough, while we work and wait and wonder, suffer, sweat and strive to save our families from starvation under the EVER INCREASING COST OF LIVING, AND THE VASTLY DISPROPORTIONATE INCREASE IN WAGES. 310255 Our deaf ears have been unstopped and our blind eyes opened and with a clear vision we now see that politics has been the greatest bunco game with which a patient public ever was gold-bricked again and again and yet again. FOR ABOUT FIFTY YEARS WE HAVE BEEN SIMPLY CHANGING BOSSES. AND NOW WE ARE ASKED TO TRADE ALL OUR LITTLE BOSSES FOR ON^E GRE.VT BOSS. AUTOCRATIC AND SUPREME. THE MOST EGOTISTICAL AND DESPOTIC CHARACTER THAT A FREE AND ENLIGHTENED PEOPLE EVER PRODUCED, DE- VELOPED AND TOLERATED. I dissent. I HAVE NO DESIRE TO LIVE IN A REPUBLIC AND SERVE UNDER ANY KING BUT THE "LORD GOD OF HOSTS. WHO MUST BE WITH US YET. LEST WE FORGET." Roosevelt Families The old adage, "THE HAND THAT ROCKS THE CRADLE RULES THE WORLD," needs a new translation and a different application; mil- lions of just and upright women do not propose to rock any more cradles until victory crowns their heroic efforts to make this old earth a better and a safer place in which to rear their chieldren. Scripture says, "THE SEED OF THE WOMAN SHALL BRUISE THE HEAD OF THE SERPENT"; the sons and daughters of the present gen- eration give LITTLE PROMISE of ever BRUISING the head of the ter- rible serpent; they seem too much inclined to BASK IN HIS SMILE and make a PET OF HIM. When the MOTHERS and WOULD BE MOTHERS of our land grasp the right weapon I believe they will KILL THE DEADLY SERPENT and SLAV THE GREAT RED DRAGON THAT IS DEVOUR- ING HUMAN KIND. That is the CHIEF REASON why powerful influ- ences for evil are strenuously at work trying to keep the SWORD OF DAMOCLES out of the fair clean hands of women. WHAT A SPECTACLE! Men high in the councils of Nations dog- gedly opposing and persistently withholding the right of suffrage from intellectual, educated, refined, Christian women and yet granting it FREELY to the very LOWEST TYPES of the MALE SPECIES. Perhaps these men have been reading, "THE FEMALE OF THE SPECIES IS DEADLIER THAN THE MALE." Kipling is right in ONE INSTANCE. They are vastly deadlier than the male when their OFFSPRING IS IX DANGER. The women of the world are weary of passing through the valley ami the shadow in travail bringing forth noble virile sons to be shot down on the battlefield and shoveled into trenches, while their handsome virtuous daughters go into sweat shops to struggle for a scant existence, until crushed in spirit and broken on the wheel of our industrial bondage, they lose ALL HOPE and fall into the still more PITIFUL CONDITION OF SO-CALLED WHITE SLAVERY. TRACE THE D1RE(^T CONNECTION. BECAUSE THE SONS GO TO THE WARS AND PREPARATION FOR WAR THE DAUGHTERS MUST GO INTO THE SWEAT SHOPS; BOTH CONDITIONS ARE UNNECESSARY. FOR THE PRIVILEGE, PROTECTION AND POWER OF THE BAL- LOT WOMANKIND IS TODAY STORMING AT THE VERY GATES OF HELL, AND IT SHALL NOT LONG PREVAIL AGAINST HER. Equal Suffrage Whether you like it or not it's coming. Those well meaning women who do not desire the hallot as a right, nor wish to take it as a privilege must accept it i,s a solemn duty and a grave responsibility. I have always believed it will be a power for good and a long step forward. Heaven bless the mothers of our land and all good women everywhere. On them rests our ONLY HOPE for the perpetuity of the race and the upbuilding of all institutions for good. They are more intuitive and more spiritual than men. YOU CAN'T FOOL MANY OF THEM MUCH OF THE TIME. When they are granted universal suffrage the great majority of them will always be found on the RIGHT SIDE of every important question and then we will succeed in our determined effort to purify politics. The Bull Moose party has made a great bid for your votes, but one of your foremost leaders has called attention to the fact that while Mr. Roosevelt was seven years in the White House he was not so much inter- ested in your cause. She says she is tiired of playing wet nurse to politi- cal parties who desert her as soon as they are able to walk alone. Theodore The First is always yelling about the square deal, and I beg the dear sisters of my beloved adopted State to give him the squarest kind of a deal. I pray you to remember him on Nov. 5th as he remem- bered your cause when he was President. May the Great Teacher forgive me for suggesting a transposition of the Golden Rule, but when I think of how we have treated our womankind it seems to me that for many years to come they should read that glorious precept after this fashion: AS MEN HAVE DONE UNTO US, DO WE EVEN SO TO THEM. A Grave Crisis That this Nation is fast approaching a critical and momentous con- juncture in its history is no longer the EMPTY PHRASE of a PAID political orator. It is known of all men who have HEARING EARS; SEEING EYES; RECEPTIVE BREASTS; RESPONSIVE HEARTS; QUICKENED CONSCIENCES and SOULS IN TUNE WITH THE INFIN- ITE. All such people believe that a NEW DISPENSATION is dawning over the whole world and that this MOST FAVORED REALM should be the VERSY FIRST to catch this FRESH SPIRIT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS and practically apply it to all the temporal affairs of life. As governments are instituted among men to PROTECT the weak; RESTRAIN the strong; ENCOURAGE and UPHOLD the RIGHT; PUN- ISH and CRUSH out the WRONG; administer JUSTICE and EQUAL RIGHTS TO ALL and SPECIAL PRIVILEGES TO NONE, UNDER THE CONSTITUTION AND THE LAW, we should here bring to full fruition a political plan wherein the humblest citizen would have a vote bearing directly on all our State and National affairs, AND DEVELOP A CIVIL- IZATION IN WHICH THE POOREST MEMBER WOULD NOT GO HUNGRY, COLD OR NAKED. Our STARRY EMBLEM would then reflect OLD GLORY in FACT as well as NAME; its brightness would shine as a beacon light unto the feet of our stumbling brothers in all lands WHEREVER DISPERSED ON THE FACE OF THE GLOBE. THAT OUR BELOVED REPUBLIC WILL RIGHT HERSELF, NOT WITH ROOSEVELT'S DICTATORSHIP, BUT UNDER DIVINE GUID- ANCE, come safely through the storm and work out her manifest destiny by EVOLUTION and not REVOLUTION I have ALWAYS BELIEVED; AND I HAVE PREACHED THIS DOCTRINE WITH AN ABIDING FAITH FOR LO THESE MANY YEARS. FOR A LONG TIME I HAVE JUST SEEMED TO FEEL THAT THE NEW SPIRIT OF TRUTH WILL BEGIN TO ASSUME TANGIBLE FORM ABOUT 1915, AND REIGN IN FULL POWER OVER THIS NATION ABOUT 1920. WHEN THE APPOINTED DAY DRAWETH NIGH, THE WOMB OF TIME WILL BE BIG WITH FATE AND THE MAN OF THE HOUR SHALL APPEAR. Tilden-Hayes Election I CAN REMEMBER HEARING MEN TALK OF TAKING THEIR GUNS AND GOING TO WASHINGTON TO SEAT TILDEN. I once heard a story of how a committee of men waited upon Mr. Tilden, some of whom had just come through four weary years of the bloodiest civil war the world had ever seen, and informed him they were ready to enlist for FOUR Y^EARS MORE. Mr. Tilden asked to be excused and went into a" room alone for about thirty minutes, when he returned and said: "GEN- TLEMEN, LET MR. HAYES HAVE THE PRESIDENCY." I know nothing of the history of the Sage of Gramercy Park but if this story is true we should reverence the memory of Samuel J. Tilden. The story teller said Mr. Tilden went into a room ALONE but I do not think he was ENTIRELY ALONE. "SPEAK TO HIM, THOU, AND HE HEARS. AND SPIRIT AND SPIRIT MAY MEET; CLOSER IS HE THAN BREATHING, AND NEARER THAN HANDS AND FEET." Roosevelt-Taft Imbroglio Suppose the coming election should reproduce the Tilden-Hayes situ- ation, and such a result is certainly not improbable nor impossible. Can any one imagine Mr. Roosevelt saying resignedly, "LET MR. TAFT, OR MR. WILSON HAVE THE PRESIDENCY"? Don't take a chance on it for I sincerely fear he would NOT "FOR- BAD TO WADE THROUGH SLAUGHTER TO A THRONE, AND SHUT THE GATES OF MERCY ON MANKIND." "A FIELD OF THE DEAD RUSHES RED ON MY SIGHT. AND THE CLANS OF CULLODEN ARE SCATTERED IN FLIGHT." The Bea^s and the Bull Moose WE HAVE SEEN THE BEASTS. We heard the trumpeting of the ROGUE ELEPHANT at Chicago rumbling a steam roller. We saw the TAMMANY TIGER at Baltimore seeking whom he might devour. WE iNTEND TO SLAY THESE BEASTS. But we do not propose to rally under the RED FLAG nor the RF,I) BANDANA B.ANNER OF CAPTAIN liOOSEVELT AND WAGE THIS BATTLE IN SUCH MAD HASTE AND PTTRIOUS FASHION THAT WE MAY LOSE IT, OR PULL DOWN THE TEMPLE OF OUR INSTITUTIONS AND PERISH IN THE RUINS. Let us first corral this BAD Bull Moose according to a plan laid down by ARISTOPHANES of ATHENS for the treatment of POLITICAL DEM- AGOGUES WHEN GREECE WAS IN THE DAYS OF HER GOLDEN GLORY. "Close around him, and confound Mm, the confounder of us all; Pelt him, pummel him, and maul him; rummage, ransack, overhaul him; Overbear him and outbawl him; bear him down and bring him under, BELLOWING LIKE A BURST OF THUNDER." If the literary sharps who prowl around the libraries and spend all their time writing stuff, AT SO MUCH PER COLUMN, for busy folks to read can find anything more appropriately applicable to the Bull Moose and present day political conditions than the above quotation I would be pleased to see it. I dug it up out of an OLD SCHOOL READER and from the same book I cull this remarkable paragraph: "SOON AFTER THE DEATH OF ANTONY, OCTAVIUS, AT THE REQUEST OF THE MOST EMINENT CITIZENS, WHO WERE GLAD TO SEEK REFUGE FROM ANARCHY AND CIVIL WAR IN A MILI- TARY DESPOTISM, TOOK THE GOVERNMENT INTO HIS OWN HANDS, AND WITH THIS EVENT, AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 28TH YEAR BEFORE THE CHRISTIAN ERA, THE HISTORY OF THE RO- MAN REPUBLIC ENDS." CITIZENS! BRETHREN! COMRADES IN THE GREAT CON- FLICT! THERE IS MUCH WORK TO BE DONE IF HISTORY DOES NOT REPEAT ITSELF WITH ROOSEVELT IN THE ROLE OF OCTA- VIUS. The Bull Moose and the Common Herd If GEESE is the plural of GOOSE then the followers of the Big Bull deserve to be classified as MEESE. Look at the men of great wealth supporting the Roosevelt movement! I quote their names from Literary Digest of July 6th: Gifford Pinchot, Amos Pinchot, Chas. R. Crane, William Flinn, Geo. W. Perkins, Frank A. Munsey, Daniel Hanna, Senator Bourne, Oscar L. Straus, Alexander H. Revell and Medill McCormick. The reputed wealth of any ONE of these men, Geo. W. Perkins for example, STAGGERS THE IMAGINATION of men like me who work year in and year out for a few dollars a day, practice extreme economy, live very plainly, dress poorly, deny ourselves all recreations, amusements and little luxuries that in the estimation of the average person makes life worth living, and yet under existing conditions cannot get enough ahead to ever take a short vacation from the nerve-racking strain. I made a slight effort to get SOME IDEA of the AGGREGATE WEALTH of the ELEVEN MEN named above, but found I could neither take the time nor stand the expense necessary to ascertain any reliable information whatever on this subject. Perhaps it is all for the best that I could not obtain this knowledge because the TOTAL FIGURES would no doubt be so APPALLING, the SHOCK might have proved FATAL to me and then the world would have lost this story. Here in Los Angeles we know the chief backer of the rampage of the MAD Bull Moose RAMPANT is the millionaire owner of the Tribune, and the Express, which papers the Times calls the "Felon's Friend" and fre- quently refers to their editor as E. Toopious Earl, whom they openly and repeatedly charge with having accumulated a part of his vast fortune by withholding rebates properly belonging to fruit shippers. Then Brother Earl comes back at Neighbor Otis, the millionaire owner of the Times, who is President Taft's principal sponsor on this Coast, refers to his great journal as the "Slimes" and calls the editor-in-chief a man with a mercen- ary mind and an atrophied conscience; the concensus of opinion seems to be that both are correct in their estimation of each other. Think of the multi-millionaires and plutocrats who are gathering under the Roosevelt "BANNER OF STRANGE DEVICE," spending their money lavishly to arouse the COMMON HERD to hearken to the CALL of this ROGUE Bull Moose, FOLLOW HIM into the primeval political wilderness and be saved from the RULE OF PLUTOCRACY. What a spectacle! They are wolves in sheeps' clothing seeking to use this FRENZIED FANATIC AS A STALKING HORSE with which to capture the POWER of the real progressive spirit now working in the hearts of the people, betray it to the use of their own selfish aims and ambitions and AGAIN SAVE predatory plutocracy from the gathering wrath of the people. A part of our press and people have fallen into the procession behind the BIG BELLOW and have become subservient tools of this NOISY LEADER and the RICH PLOTTERS who are supporting his move- ment. Those who are furnishing the enormous sums to finance Mr. Roosevelt's present campaign are the same kind of fellows that handled him in the panic of 1907, LOCKED UP OUR REAL MONEY and gave us worthless scrip with which to transact our business. If he is not a PARTY to their SCHEMES and cannot SEE them he is lacking in that VIRILE INTELLIGENCE, KEEN INTUITION and QUICK PERCEPTION to read secret motives in the minds of those who surround him that ALL TRULY GREAT MEN have had, and which quality his SUCCESSOR ALSO SO PITIFULLY LACKS. MAY ALMIGHTY GOD IN HIS INFINITE WISDOM AND MERCY KEEP US FROM BEING SAVED BY THIS MOVEMENT AS NOW MAN- AGED AND CONTROLLED BY THESE MEN. Out of the Jungle Let us pick up Mr. Roosevelt when he came out of the jungle the LAST time. I do not venture a guess as to when Teddy Bear came out the FIRST time for there seems to be a great deal of tlie JUNGLE-MAN in him yet. Life in the White House having been too tame tor Jiini, as soon as he turned over the affairs of state to his successor he hearkened to the call of the wild, took Kermit witli the kofhik and Ills biggest gun and departed into the wilderness. After spending a year slaughtering everything that lived and moved i..nd had its being covered wilii hide, hair or reatluMs, he sliowed up in the land of the Lotus and tlie FIRST I'haroahs. In Egypt Raised a sandstorm along the Nile which came very near developing into a simoon and starting a revolution. Let my favorite poet tell you about his visit to the Sphinx: "I know all about the Sphinx; I know even what she thinks; Staring with her stony eyes . Up forever at the skies; For last night I dreamed that she Told ME all the mystery; How for aeons mute she sat. SHE WAS JUST CUT OUT FOR THAT." And if we again elect Mr. Roosevelt President he will come just as near to solving our perplexing political problems, as those lines of our beloved Hoosier poet come to explaining the riddle of the Sphinx. At Rome Insulted the College of Cardinals and rebuked the Pope. Gave need- less, unwonted and unwarranted offense to the broad-minded, kindly-man- nered, tender-hearted, gentle-souled, grand old gentleman, who for the time being represents the head of the great Roman Catholic Church, and who sent by Bishop Conaty his felicitations and blessings to all the people of our city whether Catholics, Protestants, Jews or Gentiles. At Chri^iana Accepted PEACE PRIZE and in reply delivered an address in favor of UNIVERSAL PEACE. Day or two later reviewed German military maneuvers with Kaiser Wilhelm and whooped for WAR. And here I digress to say, in Arizona in the Spring of 1911 when cornered by Governor Sloan and others, expressed himself as AGAINST recall of Judges and in California the very next day argued in FAVOR of it. At the Hague Wanted to rock Wilhelmina's baby but she declined this HIGH HONOR. This gracious woman IS A QUEEN; SHE'S TRYING TO RAISE BABIES; not so many. as Roosevelt advocates perhaps but endeavoring to leave at least ONE REPLICA as a living monument to the memory of herself and consort when they have entered into rest. Prince Henry don't count for much since the LITTLE TYRANT and GREATER PRIN- CESS Juliana Wilhelmina of Orange came. "AND A LITTLE CHILD SHALL LEAD TH EM."— Isaiah XI:6. I prophesy that the BEAUTIFUL KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS is soon to be the SEAT OF A PERFECTED PARLIAMENT OF MAN; the JUDGMENT BAR OF THE HIGH COURT OF NATIONS, whose jur- isdiction will be the WHOLE EARTH and the inhabitants thereof, EVEN UNTO ITS UTTERMOST PARTS. THIS TRIBUNAL endowed with a WORLD POLICE POWER to bring offenders to trial and enforce its de- cisions. This power derived from the ALLIED NATIONS CONTRIBUT- ING QUOTAS ACCORDINGLY AS GOD HAS PROSPERED THEIR PEO- PLE. 9 THE STRONG AND THE WEAK SHALL DWELL IN PEACE TO- GETHER, AND THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST SHALL GUIDE THEM. AND THAT ALL THIS SHALL COME TO PASS IN THE DAYS OF HOLLAND'S BELOVED QUEEN WILHELMINA AND HER MOST HUM- BLE SERVANT. Catching "Die Wacht Am Rhein" Asleep "A ROAR LIKE THUNDER STRIKES THE EAR, LIKE CLANG OF ARMS OR BREAKERS NEAR; ON TO THE RHINE, THE GERMAN RHINE! WHO SHIELDS THEE, MY BELOVED RHINE"? The FIRST PERSON in history to subject Kaiser Wilhelm to great discomfiture, keep him standing at ATTENTION and SWEATING in a heavy uniform for nearly one hour, because the GREATER Emperor was late in keeping his appointment. Almost MOVED THE WORLD to laughter by lecturing before Kaiser Wilhelm and the eminent professors of the University of Berlin, Germa- ny's great seat of learning, on the "WORLD MOVEMENT." Reviewed everything in the history of the human race from the GENESIS OF ADAM to the REVELATIONS OF ROOSEVELT; drew the deduction that the only way civilized nations had ever progressed in the past was by military prowess and superior strength of arms over heathen hordes; left the INFERENCE CLEAR AND PLAIN that the only way civilization could hope to go forward in the future would be by ROOSEVELT AND WAR. If I can ever get enough ahead to enable me to take a vacation and spend some time in one of Brother Carnegie's libraries I firmly intend to undertake to answer this GREAT LECTURE of the GREATEST MAN. My views are diametrically opposed to, and my conclusions the antithesis of his. I shall endeavor to prove that the only way the great SO-CALLED CIVILIZED Nations of the Earth can expect to move onward and upward is, not by carrying a chip on their shoulders and a WAR CLUB, THE BIG STICK, in their hands, prepared to swat their neighbors over the head at the DROP OF A HAT IN THE RING; but by holding out in the LEFT HAND THE OLIVE BRANCH OF UNIVERSAL PEACE, while extending the RIGHT HAND OF FELLOWSHIP UNTO ALL NATIONS. PEOPLE, KINDRED AND TONGUES, AND CARRYING THE SWORD OF BUNKER HILL IN ITS SHEATH. At Napoleon's Tomb Condescended to meditate a few seconds by the mortal dust of the most tremendous personality that had ever lived till Roosevelt came. Did he dwell on the return from Elba, or did he see Moscow in flames, endless plains of vast white snows, under which TWO HUNDRED THOU- SAND VETFR.\NS OF THE OLD GUARD. THE FLOWER OF FRANCE, WERE ASLEEP FOREVER? Did he contemplate this OTHER Emperor in the height of his career writing the CONCORDAT, or consider him in the gloom of defeat, ASICING ASYLUM OF HIS BITTEREST ENEMIES? Did he study his reflections at St. Helena? Did ho recall the night in May, 1821, when a terrific storm sweeping the South Atlantic shook that 10 lonely island to its very center, and while Nature's Artillery was booming and crashing against its rocky sides the "MAN OF MARENGO PASSED THE WALLS OP HIS PRISON." AS HE LIVED, SO HE DIED. "HE THAT LEADETH INTO CAP- TIVITY SHALL GO INTO CAPTIVITY: HE THAT KILLETH WITH THE SWORD MUST BE KILLED WITH THE SWORD. HERE IS THE PATIENCE AND THE FAITH OF THE SAINTS."— Rev. XIILIO. The world's GREATEST SOLDIER, who loved to hear the PUNY POPPING of the musketry of men, PASSED OUT AMID THE FLASH, ROLL AND THUNDER OF THE GUNS OF GOD. "Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord; He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored; He hath loosed the fateful lightning of his terrible swift sword; HIS TRUTH IS MARCHING ON. In the beauty of the lilies, Christ was born across the sea, With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me; As He died to make men holy, let us LIVE to make men free, WHILE GOD IS MARCHING ON." May the Spirit of Julia Ward Howe forgive me for changing ONE IMPORTANT WORD of the GREATEST BATTLE HYMN IN THE WORLD? I do it believing that if this noble soul was with us again she would answer the call of the Twentieth Century and write us a GREATER PEACE HYMN, THAT WOULD RING ROUND THE GLOBE ON GOLD- EN BELLS, PEALING FORTH GLORIOUS CHIMES, HARMONIZING WITH THE ANGELS' ANTHEM THAT WOKE THE SHEPHERDS ON JUDEA'S HILLS NINETEEN HUNDRED YEARS AGO. "FEAR NOT: FOR, BEHOLD, I BRING YOU GOOD TIDINGS OF GREAT JOY, WHICH SHALL BE TO ALL PEOPLE. FOR UNTO YOU IS BORN THIS DAY IN THE CITY OF DAVID A SAVIOUR, WHICH IS CHRIST THE LORD. GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST, AND ON EARTH PEACE, GOOD WILL TOWARD MEN."— Luke 11:10.11.14. In England Buried King Edward; instructed King George how to hold the REINS in the beginning of his REIGN; criticized Parliament and pointed out THEIR MISTAKES IN EGYPT. Let Uncle Walt Mason, the warbler of the Sunflower State, tell you about Edward's funeral. I can't make out if he COUNTED THEODORE THE FIRST as one of the nine- POTENTATES, but I think he at least had him in mind; note FOURTH line. "Nine monarchs followed in the gloom When Edward journeyed to the tomb; Nine monarchs walked, as in a dream — ENOUGH TO MAKE A BASEBALL TEAM— And cast upon King Edward's bier The futile tribute of a tear. Nine monarchs, in their brave array. Are bending over Edward's clay. And does the silent Sovereign care, Or does he know that they are there? 11 And can the tears of monarchs nine Make those dim eyes of Edward's shine? And if they give their nine commands. Can they bring life to those cold hands? Can all their ARMIES AND THEIR SHIPS Bring laughter to those dead white lips? Can their nine crowns and scepters nine Bring to the dead the life divine? NINE PAUPERS AT A PAUPER'S GRAVE, WHO CLAW THEIR RAGS AND WEEP AND RAVE, CAN DO AS MUCH TO HELP THE DEAD AS THOSE NINE KINGS AT EDWARD'S BED." IF ROOSEVELT COULD NOT RAISE EDWARD, OUR BROTHER. THEN THE FATE OF THIS GREAT PACIFICATOR MUST REST WITH THE LORD OF LORDS AND KING OF KINGS. Homeward Bound And when there were no more WORLDS TO CONQUER he came home; turned down Peace for War; took the part of a ward heeler in a state political fight and GOT LICKED; then his guiding star of destiny CEASED TO SHINE BRIGHTLY IN THE EAST, GREW DIMMER, BE- GAN TO FADE AND WANE, SINK AND SET IN THE WEST. In May, 1910, we saw TWO COMETS; Halley's approaching the Earth and UNCLE SAM'S COMET blazing his way through the Capitols of Europe and heading for America; BOTH FIERY BODIES THREATEN- ING THE WORLD WITH A GREAT CONFLAGRATION. I distinctly remember the night we were due to pass through the TAIL of Halley's. Some scientists had advanced the theory and opinion that the gases would be fatal to human life. I retired with serene confidence and arose in good health; SUN SHINING; BIRDS SINGING; ROLLING RIGHT ALONG ON TIME. Morning paper printed funny cartoon showing ASTRONOMERS AND WISE MEN wearing fools' caps and looking everywhere for that TAIL. Some of the DEEPEST THINKERS propounded the very learned solution that it WAVED TO ONE SIDE. Unscientific but devout people think Deity had something to do with passing His comet by our globe with entire safety to the children of His creation. ALL SUCH FOLKS NOW LOOK TO THE SAME MYSTERI- OUS POWER WHICH SAVED US THEN TO BRUSH THE HEAD OF COMET ROOSEVELT TO ONE SIDE AND SAVE US AGAIN. Deifying Roosevelt We are prone to be a MONEY MAD, SPEED CRAZY. PLEASURE FRENZIED, HERO WORSHIPING NATION. And we have grown dan- gerously careless in choosing our heroes. We have been praying to Roosevelt to save us from our iniquities and forgetting God. and now the day of RECKONING and CHASTENING for both the IDOL and his WOR- SHIPERS is at hand. These people have taken for their slogan the Eighth Commandment, "THOU SHALT NOT STEAL." They seem (o have forgotten the other \-2 NINE, MOST ESPECIALLY THE 1st AND 2nd, and at the very start to be the biggest political violators of their OWN MOTTO in our history. If I can understand anything about politics it seems to me the Republican organization in our lovely California, where the sun shines clear; flowers oloom bright; birds sing sweetly day and NIGHT; fruit ripens the whole j-ear round and the FATHER ALMIGHTY SEEMS ALWAYS SO NEAR, inorally belongs to Big Bill Taft and his stand pat bunch; but the MEESE SPECIES under the local leadership of Too Much Johnson propose to TAKE this well-oiled machinery away from the Fat Boy; not STEAL it of course but just TAKE it like snatching candy from a baby. Then in some States where they are strong enough they will play the same slick trick on our Democratic brethren and in yet other States they will TAKP anything they can get in any way they can get their hands on it. I'm just waiting to see what Jehovah will do to such creatures who take His commandments in VAIN, appropriate them to their OWN USES and at the same time VIOLATE them with IMPUNITY. I beg to call the attention to these misguided beings, to the TENTH Commandment: "THOU SHALT NOT COVET ANYTHING THAT IS THY NEIGHBOR'S." The Hundred Days Napoleon escaped from Elba March 20th, 1815; met the Iron Duke al Waterloo June 22nd and ABDICATED his ABDICATION: ACTUAL TIME NINETY-FOUR DAYS. On Sunday, August 4th, Colonel Roosevelt left his keepers and spon- sors in New York to OUT-LOOK for themselves and started for HIS LAST CONVENTION at Chicago; received there by his worshipers singing; "WE WILL FOLLOW WHEREVER HE LEADS." Just as the OLD GUARD of the MAN OF DESTINY" greeted the return of the LITTLE CORPORAL and followed him to CRUSHING AND EVERLASTING DE- FEAT. Practically complete returns will be in when the cold gray dawn breaks over Oyster Bay November 6th; TIME EXACTLY NINETY^-FOUR DAYS and the result in each case will be precisely the same. NEVER AGAIN the return from Elba but ALWAYS the retreat from Moscow. THE RED BANDANA FURLED AND FROZEN. SAGAMORE HILL an- other ST. HELENA; a distrusted, discredited, DEE-serted and lonely man gazing out over the ocean and saying with Napoleon; "THE MORE I STUDY THE WORLD, THE MORE AM I CONVINCED OF THE INABIL- ITY OF BRUTE FORCE TO CREATE ANYTHING DURABLE." The people will RECALL the RECALL of HIS JUDICIAL DECISION not to try for a THIRD TERM. I firmly believe this, predicating my the- orem on the hypothesis that ROOSEVELT like NAPOLEON tried to CHEAT HIS OWN CONSCIENCE when he changed his attitude, and that Is something no man can successfully do WHEN THE FATE OF A NA- TION HANGS IN THE BALANCE. Trying to Save Roosevelt Brother Roosevelt; THREE TIMES I have tried to save you from your fate but you seem to be beyond my reach and now you must try tr save yourself. 13 In the Spring of 1910 when you were returning from abroad, I under- stood Mr. Carnegie and others HAD, or WOULD approach you with a proposition to head a commission to sound other Nations on Arbitration, Reduction of Armaments and Peace; endeavoring to work out a plan to stop spending all our money for Battleships and Blood, an^ try to save some for Butter and Bread. I FELT that you were going to make a MISTAKE in New York and I wanted to send you a wireless when you were on the ocean but Rev. Chas. E. Beals, Field Secretary of American Peace Society, 30 North La Salle St., Chicago, restrained me in a brotherly sort of way; he said I was in an overw^rought condition of nerves and that you got so much mail and so many telegrams you would not likely even read my message much less give it any attention. I wanted you to keep out of mob politics and join us in Peace work. It seemed to me that a PSYCHOLOGICAL PERI- OD OF TIME VITAL to this Nation and the whole World was passing us UNHEEDED. In a strange vision I saw a High Court of Nations estab- lished; a Parliament of Man perfected; and the Hand of Destiny with the Finger of Fate pointed straight at you as the Man of the Hour. I was not the only WISE MAN in the Union. Dr. E. Stanton Hodgin, Pastor of the Unitarian Church here in Los Angeles must have had about the same vision for one year later he preached a sermon on this theme and used practically some of the SAME PHRASES I HAD WRITTEN; he said you deserved much credit for many things you had done but that you failed to answer the call of humanity in the psychological hour and made your life a monumental failure. LISTEN! Dr. Hodgin further said the great work you could and should have led will be accomplished anyway but it will be delayed. LOOK! I saw our ten million dollar battleships which war lords and military experts like you say must go to the scrap heap CHANGED into RELIEF and RESCUE ships; floating hospitals; a new race of men trod their decks; spiritual beings; NOT HUMAN SWINE; noble captains created in the image of the Great Captain; cruising the seas; flying the Flag of the Red Cross; carrying the wireless attuned to catch the call of humanity from a Galveston tidal wave; a San Francisco earthquake; another in Italy. FULL SPEED AHEAD UNDER FORCED DRAFT; BAND PLAYING "RESCUE THE PERISHING, CARE FOR THE DYING. JESUS IS MERCIFUL, JESUS WILL SAVE." TITANIC SINKING! GO- ING DOWN BY THE HEAD WITH HER BAND PLAYING "NEARER, MY GOD! TO THEE." STOP! MINE EYES HAVE SEEN STILL GRANDER VISIONS BUT THE WORLD IS NOT YET PREPARED TO RECEIVE THEM. Again, when my morning paper indicated that you would throw your hat into the ring within the next few days, I banged my fist on the break- fast table in regular Roosevelt style, nearly upset my coffee and scared my wife by saying; "Alice I'm going to send Roosevelt a message; La Follette is the logical leader of the progressive wing and Taft of the stand pat bunch; it's up to Roosevelt to keep out of this light; stay at Oyster Bay and keep still." I FELT just what would happen to you. I saw a No. 11 foot standing firmly on that hat and a fat man knocking you over the ropes with the same steam roller wallop you taught him how to land and not according 14 to Marquis of Queensbury rules. My wife looked at me in a frightened sort of way and I cooled down and RESTRAINED MYSELF, and said. "It's no use Alice, I am one of the least known of our hundred million citizens and I cannot hope to influence Mr. Roosevelt." I was at Minneapolis in '92 and saw the Plumed Knight go down to defeat before the legion of federal office holders and hand picked delegates there in the interest of the man who inherited Grandfather's Hat, and I thought we were due to see the same thing at Chicago. I told everybody I heard talking politics that Taft's team would oil up the steam roller you built and operated in '08 and run it over you. Political wise-acres said They COULDN'T DO IT. I stuck to my text and said they WILL DO IT. THEY DID. And don't you remember the Cleveland snowstorm in No- vember, '92? YOU'LL SEE ONE LIKE UNTO IT NEXT NOVEMBER. ONLY HEAVIER AND DEEPER. And yet again LASTLY; when your misguided friend, Mr. Earl of the Los Angeles Tribune, and Express began taking straw votes for you, holding you up as a martyr crucified in Chicago, and printing cartoons and comments that looked to me more like TREASON than POLITICS, I got deeply interested in YOUR FATE ONCE MORE. I heard ninety-nine out of every hundred saying you got JUST WHAT WAS COMING TO YOU, so I wrote up a fervent appeal to Mr. Earl and the Press and People of the Nation to drop the NEW PARTY MOVEMENT AT THIS TIME. Never had written anything for the Press in my life but I rushed around and offered my article to the Examiner on the evening of July 3rd. Man- aging Editor Eldridge said: "Tei'se and well written but unavailable." Tendered to Herald morning of July 4th; Managing Editor Campbell said; "Good political article but we are keeping out of politics." For political reasons it could only be submitted to one other paper here, the littLe Record down on WALL St., OUR Wall St., not being like YOURS. It was written in spread-eagle style to fit 4th of July ONLY and it was then too late for that issue of Record and too long for their limited space. Man- aging Editor Murdock encouraged me to rewrite it, cut it down and bring it in. Told him I would endeavor to do so on my return; went out on regular run but before I got back you had issued call for your convention and no HELP ON EARTH could save you from your inevitable fate. It will take an experience and a vision like that of Saul on the Damascus road to ever convince you of the error of your ways. The ape and tiger must be crushed out of you by the application of a spiritual Big Stick in the hands of Jehovah before you will ever again be of any REAL SER- VICE to mankind. I am now trying to use every honorable means I pos- sess and all power I may receive to SAVE THE PEOPLE and you must now try to SAVE YOURSELF from their JUDGMENT. I predict EDITOR EARL will be the DR. BURCHARD of your cam- paign. If I can feel the throb of the public pulse I prognosticate some of the counts and comments against you about as follows: Standard Oil case — NOT PROVEN; La Follette— double crossed; President Taft— politically assassinated; G. O. P.— morally murdered; TRUE PROGRESS- IVEISM— BADLY BETRAYED; verdict, RETIREMENT FROM ALL PUB- LIC SERVICE FOR REMAINDER OF YOUR NATURAL LIFE AND ELI- GIBLE TO FULL MEMBERSHIP IN THE INFAMOUS ANANIAS CLUB WHICH YOU YOURSELF FOUNDED. 15 YOU STAND ON THE REAR OF A LUXURIOUS SPECIAL TRAIN- PAID FOR BY MULTI-MILLIONAIRES, BATTLING FOR ROOSEVELT. WE STAND ON THE HEIGHT OF MEGIDDO, AND WE BATTLE FOR THE LORD. Armageddom I have long felt that the Armageddon of the Apocalypse is NEAR AT HAND. I never did believe that St. John intended to convey to our minds the impression that this would be a PHYSICAL AND MATERIAL conflict in which the Nations would destroy each other on the battlefield; but that it would be a MORAL AND SPIRITUAL struggle in which right- eousness WILL TRIUMPH, and the reign of evil and worldly things WILL PASS FOREVER FROM THE EARTH. However, if the World develops a few more Roosevelts it may yet be necessary to translate this part of Revelations LITERALLY instead of ALLEGORICALLY. "FOR THEY ARE THE SPIRITS OF DEVILS, WORKING MIRA- CLES, WHICH GO FORTH UNTO THE KINGS OF THE EARTH AND OF THE WHOLE WORLD, TO GATHER THEM TO THE BATTLE OF THAT GREAT DAY OF GOD ALM IGHTV."— Rev. XVI:14. It seems to me Mr. Roosevelt, Mr. Beveridge and others I could name were not overcome with political morality and civic virtue until they lost their jobs. I cling to the "faith of the fathers" and trust in the God of Nations; I cannot believe He will permit Mr. Roosevelt and his followers to grab His banner from the clean hands of the lion-hearted men who have borne it aloft, been fighting on His side for civil righteousness in both old parties when it was not so popular, NO VICTORY IN SIGHT, and to now assume leadership of His victorious army and CLAIM ALL THE CREDIT. Now, Colonel Roosevelt, I propose to carry my contest against you, not to the committee on credentials, nor to the floor of the convention, but to the Supreme Court of last resort. In the abdication edict of the Dowager Empress of China I find these wonderful words: "THE WHOLE EMPIRE IS SEETHING LIKE A BOILING CAULDRON AND OUR SUB- JECTS ARE PLUNGED IN MISERY; FROM THE HEARTS OF THE PEOPLE THE WILL OF HEAVEN IS DISCERN ABLE." And yet I meet folks every day who think that yellow, brown, black or red people don't know anything and have no souls or spirits; MY DEDUCTION IS THAT RELATIONSHIP TO DIVINITY DOES NOT DEPEND UPON THE COLOR OF OUR SKINS. I will agree in advance to accept the verdict of November 5th, for or against you, as the Will of Our Father which art in heaven reflected from the hearts of the children of His creation. Will you do the same? The result may be instructive and beneficial to us both; and I hope accc^ptable to Him who taught us to say: "THY KINGDOM COME; THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN." "WE STAND AT ARMAGED- DON AND WE BATTLE FOR THE LORD." My "Confession of Faith" 1 speak with authority from experience; long ago I worshiped an idol made of clay; she was taken from me. Defeated in all worldly ambitions, Iti home destroyed, health gone, spirit crushed, nerves shattered, financially ruined, with a broken and contrite heart I began earnestly seeking atfer God and mayhap I have found Him. Health has returned, hope revived and in a small way prospects are bright; appears as though I would be permitted to enjoy a little home in lovely Los Angeles, and look forward with confidence to a peaceful, contented, comfortable and USEFUL old age in which I SHALL NOT WANT FOR THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD. And now I try to keep my will submissive to the Divine will and listen closely to THAT STILL SMALL VOICE which is always saying: "BE CAREFUL HOW YOU WORSHIP HUMANS AND THEIR INSTITU- TIONS OR ACCOMPLISHMENTS. THERE IS ONE GREATER THAN ALL THESE. REMEMBER THY CREATOR IN THE DAYS OF THY YOUTH AND HE WILL NOT FORSAKE THEE IN THINE AGE." I once heard Gypsy Smith sing: "WHERE HE LEADS ME I WILL FOLLOW, FOLLOW ALL THE WAY"; and I said in my heart, Gypsy has found Him. And I try to bear ever in mind some thought like this: "I'LL GO WHERE YOU WANT ME TO GO DEAR LORD OVER MOUNTAIN AND PLAIN OR SEA; I'LL DO WHAT YOU WANT ME TO DO DEAR GOD AND I'LL BE WHAT YOU WANT ME TO BE." Sacrilege and Blasphemy 1 have heard a few religious people complain of President Taft's com- paring our system of government to heaven under a just God; he being the head of the Nation his crude figure of speech makes him the imper- sonator of a just God in all our temporal affairs. In '96 when Mr. Bryan with far better taste, and more appropriate applications drew some figures of speech from the Scriptures, they car- tooned him as the Wild Man of Borneo standing on a Bible, Cross in one pocket. Crown of Thorns in the other, and labeled him the Sacrilegious and Blasphemous Candidate, hoping to prejudice church people against him. Under Mark Hanna's management the same get rich quick aristocracy and predatory plutocracy now massed solidly behind Big Bill and the Bull Moose, spent NINE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS to defeat Mr. Bryan. Does any sane man think that these people spent their gold for the love of humanity and to keep laboring folks from injuring themselves by voting for the Boy Orator, and finding their dinner pails empty? Don't every thinking person believe they charged us TEN for ONE for this service, and collected back from the workers NINETY MILLIONS WITH SHY- LOCK'S INTEREST ADDED? They hired Robert G. IngersoU to make six speeches in Illinois to help put that State in Brother McKinley's column; they must have paid him more than THIRTY PIECES OF SILVER for Mr. IngersoU was not a cheap lecturer. He delivered a grand political oration; flowery rhetoric and empty euphony. We were reading it on the train and when we came to where he paid Abraham Lincoln a GLOWING TRIBUTE, a dear old grandmother who was traveling SECOND CLASS looked over her specta- cles, and said in a high-keyed cracked voice, "IN 1860 INGERSOLL SPOKE FOR DOUGLAS." 17 This may have been the same old lady who once got into a personal argument with Colonel Ingersoll about religion, and when he challenged her to tell him just ONE THING that religion had done for the people, she matched her ready repartee against his sharp satire and won, when she replied: "IT KEPT ROBERT G. INGERSOLL FROM BEING GOV- ERNOR OF ILLINOIS." When this great agnostic changed his politics, took figures of speech from the BOOK OF BOOKS, which according to his views contains the "MISTAKES OF MOSES," and almost got religious, and nearly made a "CONFESSION OF FAITH" in order to help defeat Mr. Bryan, the car- toonists failed to see these fine opportunities; SEEMS TO MAKE A GREAT DIFFERENCE WHOSE OX IS GORED. If Bob Ingersoll is taking any interest in the present campaign, I be- lieve he is on the side with Douglas again, and for Bryan's party THIS TIME, because he NOW KNOWS, that while in the flesh he made VAST- LY GREATER MISTAKES THAN MOSES EVER DID. In memoriam of Brother Ingersoll I quote from his oration over his brother's grave: "LIFE IS A NARROW^ VALE BETWEEN THE COLD AND BARREN PEAKS OF TWO ETERNITIES. WE STRIVE IN VAIN TO LOOK BE- YOND THE HEIGHTS. WE CRY ALOUD, AND THE ONLY ANSWER IS THE ECHO OF OUR WAILING CRY. FROM THE VOICELESS LIPS OF THE UNREPLYING DEAD THERE COMES NO WORD: BUT IN THE NIGHT OF DEATH HOPE SEES A STAR AND LISTENING LOVE CAN HEAR THE RUSTLE OF A WING." No Cross — No Crown Ever since '96 I have believed William Jennings Bryan to be one of the very first of our prominent men to clearly see the true connection between sincere Christianity and honest politics. For just SIXTEEN YEARS I have held to that ONE OPINION; THAT'S MY SIXTEEN TO ONE DOCTRINE; I note that since the Baltimore convention numbers of people have accepted it in good faith. Some of our standard publica- tions are now saying: "WE LIKED THE BOY ORATOR OF '96 BUT WE ADMIRE THE FIGHTING STATESMAN OP 1912." He has made many mistakes and suffered for them just like the rest of us are paying for our blunders, but I always thought he had a warm heart in the right place. He tried to arouse us but he was one cycle ahead of time, and we were joined to our idols and refused to forsake them. We seem to have WRITTEN IT ON THE WALL Street of our Nation that he shall never be President, but he is becoming reconciled to his fate. He says: "They used to call me the Boy Orator of the Platte, but now my grandchildren are growing up around me and I have outlived that title, AND THERE ARE GREATER THINGS THAN BEING PRESI- DENT." Yes Brother Bryan there ARE BETTER THINGS; spiritual affairs always have been and ever will be more important and vastly greater than temporal matters. Cling to the "Prince of Peace"; stand up for the Cross of Calvary and its real meaning to humanity; stick to your figure of speech of '96; this Nation IS worshiping a CROSS OF GOLD, and a part of the people are seeking to CRUCIFY THE MAJORITY OF MAN- 18 KIND THEREON, while they roll by in their 1912 model modern Jugger- nauts, and laugh and jeer at the multitude scampering to get out of the way of these DEATH DEALING DEMONS. EVERY DAY these monster engines of destruction driven at reckless and unlawful speed by profligate young millionaires are maiming and killing DOZENS of the poor and oppressed, while at the SAME TIME crushing all moral and spiritual life out of HUNDREDS of the rich and idle. FIGHT ON BROTHER BRYAN! You may never be President but your name will shine brightly on the pages of our history with those of Patrick Henry, Wendell Phillips, Henry Clay and many others who were never Presidents, when they who have maligned you, cartooned, lam- pooned and harpooned you are gone and forgotten, and all record of them sunken into the black morass of utter oblivion. FIGHT ON! "FOR THE RIGHT THAT WANTS ASSISTANCE; 'GAINST THE WRONG THAT NEEDS RESISTANCE; FOR THE FUTURE IN THE DISTANCE, AND THE GOOD THAT YOU CAN DO." Comments Abroad and at Home Consider the unfavorable cartoons and comments of the foreign press ; pointing out to what a low level politics in America has fallen and draw- ing the conclusion that our Republic is a failure. Can we find fault with our alien critics when they see a President and an ex-President who were ONCE BOSOM FRIENDS now chasing each other from stump to stump and shouting, "Liar!" "You're another!" "You're a bigger one!" "Stop thief!" "Surrender your loot!" "Oh! thou Lorimer!" muck-raking, slinging mud and hurling billingsgate; appealing to the passions and prejudices of the mob? This Jeffries-Johnson Presidential political exhibition that has disgraced us before the Nations of the Earth should ALONE be suffi- cient reason why Big Bill Taft and Bull Moose Ted deserve to be forever retired to private life. Occasionally a friend of Mr. Roosevelt's says to me, don't the primaries prove that the PEOPLE want Roosevelt in their White House again and I say they do NOT; from 'my viewpoint and analy- sis they ONLY PROVE THAT MORE PEOPLE would prefer to have Mr. Roosevelt there the THIRD TIME than Mr. Taft the SECOND TIME and in my judgment that is a SEVERE CONDEMNATION OF BOTH. I think our Senator tersely expressed prevailing opinion in his tele- gram answering the "FORTY IMMATERIALS" who called on him to re- sign when he replied: "WILL NOT VOTE FOR TAFT; WOULD HAVE VOTED FOR ROOSEVELT HAD HE BEEN REGULAR NOMINEE OF PARTY; WILL NOT FOLLOW HIM INTO NEW PARTY." We certainly got a prize when we drew John D. Works of Los Angeles instead of Mr. Spaulding of San Diego. A noted educator and lecturer recently traveled with me; while dis- cussing Universal Peace with him I noticed in his hand a copy of Har- per's showing "Mt. Roosevelt" in eruption; glancing at the cartoon I said, "Doctor, what SHALL we do with Teddy and Taft?" He answered calmly and deliberately without any show of personal feeling or partisan bias, 19 "I GUESS WE HAD BETTER DROP THEM BOTH." It does appear to me that his answer clearly and concisely expresses the sober discern- ment of the thinkers of the nation. Some scholars have called our attention to the prophecy of English writers of the middle of the nineteenth century who predicted that we were in danger from our great prosperity, which signified easily gotten riches, and that meant a class of ignorant men would come forward with pockets full of money and no ideals in their hearts and this cheap and easy aristocracy would be the undoing of the United States. This illiter- ate wealthy "J. Rufus Wallingford" class HAVE COME FORWARD. To- day they dominate church, state and business; few ministers are preach- ing what they THINK and wha-t they FEEL; most are discoursing what their congregations like to hear and are very careful not to offend those who endow the great temples and pay their big salaries. If you wish to see a true picture of the evil effect of the power of money in our churches and its baneful influence over sincere and conscientious strug- gling clergymen read, "The Calling of Dan Matthew's," by Harold Bell Wright. If the prophecy of these English students is not to be fulfilled in its entirety we must take the control of our Spiritual and Temporal, political and commercial affairs out of the hands of this GET RICH QUICK PLUTOCRACY, and give them into the keeping of men of little means and small property who have HIGH IDEALS and GRAND VISIONS, and who are yet ballasted and ballanced with a tremendous weight of com- mon sense to make them safe for a stormy voyage, because the waves of our political sea are going to run rough and high for the next few years. Scripture was never quoted with more powerful effect than in Lin- coln's "HOUSE DIVIDED" speech. Applying his thought to present day conditions I say this Nation is again HALF SLAVE and HALF FREE and it cannot continue to exist in that manner. One half are overworked and hungry producers and the other half idle and overfed consumers. One half slaves to unremitting and poorly paid toil, bound hand and foot in our industrial bondage; the other half indolent and free from service of any kind, living at ease and in luxury. "THEY TOIL NOT NEITHER DO THEY SPIN, YET SOLOMON IN ALL HIS GLORY WAS NOT AR- RAYED LIKE ONE OF THESE." Their 1912 model automobiles would make Pharaoh's chariots look like rubbish wagons by comparison, and their private palatial yachts fitted up with sensuous luxuries would put Cleopatra's barge in the fishing smack class; and too many of these pleas- ure vessels and devil juggernauts are owned with the same idea Egypt's voluptious queen had in mind when she sailed to meet Antony. I beg to call the attention of these idle and profligate prodigals to Mr. Frederick Townsend Martin's book on "The Passing of the Idle Rich"; read and reflect; take due and timely notice and govern yourselves ac- cordingly. That a man of great wealth who has spent his life among these very people would write and publish such a book gives me courage to believe this Republic will weather the coming cyclone without a revo- lution. Mr. Martin has surveyed the SCUM of society from the TOP while I have studied its DREGS at the BOTTOM ; WE HAVE EACH SEEN A 20 VISION, WE ARE NOT DISOBEDIENT UNTO IT, AND WE POSSESS THE COURAGE TO PREACH OUR CONVICTIONS. Appeal to Chri^endom I believe in a Militant Christianity; I'm weary of watching our patient, pious, professed believers in God and His Christ flocking to Church twice every Sabbath and prayer-meeting once a week and strolling home again with UNSEEING eyes; listening to long winded sermons and singing: "MUST WE BE CARRIED TO THE SKIES ON FLOWERY BEDS OF EASE? WHILE OTHERS FOUGHT TO WIN THE PRIZE AND SAILED THROUGH BLOODY SEAS." And content to JUST PRAY, "THY WILL BE DONE," while the DEVIL and his OWN are running our business, municipal, state and na- tional affairs. Don't your scriptures tell you to WORK and WATCH as well as PREACH and PRAY? Read" Matthew XXVI: 40 "And he cometh unto the disciples, AND FINDETH THEM ASLEEP, and saith unto Peter WHAT, COULD YE NOT WATCH WITH ME ONE HOUR?" Study the developments in the murder case of gambler Rosenthal in New York City; the election of Lorimer in Illinois; the Leo O'Neil Brown trial; the conspiring against Clarence S. Funk in Chicago; the McNamara dynamiting cases and the Darrow bribery trial here at home: Then ask yourselves if there isn't MUCH WORK TO BE DONE SOON, IF THIS GOVERNMENT IS TO ENDURE, AND "NOT PERISH FROM THE EARTH." AROUSE YE CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS; GIRD ON YOUR ARMOR AND GET BUSY; AFFILIATE AND START SOMETHING; TURN TO THAT OTHER OLD FASHIONED HYMN AND SING: "SURE WE MUST FIGHT IF WE WOULD WIN, INCREASE OUR COURAGE LORD." For twenty years I have emphatically and persistently declared, I believed I would be permitted to live to see sincere, earnest, honest, con- scientious people control and govern everything in this Nation and evil minded, wicked, corrupt agents of Satan who cumber the earth will be compelled to change their ways and cease to pollute God's footstool. THAT DREAM GROWS BRIGHTER EVERY DAY: "MY FAITH LOOKS UP TO THEE, THOU LAMB OF CALVARY." "TRUTH FOREVER ON THE SCAFFOLD; WRONG FOREVER ON THE THRONE; BUT THAT SCAFFOLD SWAYS THE FUTURE, AND BEHIND THE DIM UNKNOWN STANDETH GOD WITHIN THE SHADOW, KEEPING WATCH ABOVE HIS OWN." "WE STAND AT ARMAGEDDON AND WE BATTLE FOR THE LORD" The Hope of Cardinal Gibbons This great churchman is reported as saying: "I hope the Lord will SEND us a president after His own heart." 21 My dear Cardinal did you never hear of the old colored brother who prayed long and earnestly for the Lord to SEND him a turkey, and no turkey came. They he prayed for the Lord to SEND HIM FOR a turkey and lo, one appeared unto him. Will your gracious Eminence please change the form of your prayer and ask the Lord to GUIDE and DIRECT us and SEND US OUT TO SEEK AND FIND A MAN AFTER HIS OWN HEART WORTHY TO BE PRESIDENT. The Jane Addams Chorus "THE BEAUTY OF ISRAEL IS SLAIN UPON THY HIGH PLACES: MOW ARE THE MIGHTY FALLEN!" 2 Samnel 1:19. Dear Miss "DOUBLE D'ED" ADDAMS; my heart aches for you in your FIRST SERIOUS mistake. I do not KNOW things but I FEEL them, and I FEEL in the very depths of my soul that you have made a tre- mendous blunder. I claim to be a TRUE PROGRESSIVE IN POLITICS; I wish to progress FORWARD and UPWARD, not BACKWARD and DOWNWARD. Can't you see that your active efforts to put a war lord back into the White House will do far more harm to the women of the whole world than his latent sympathy for the cause of equal suffrage will ever help those in America? Note the interview with James Boyle, once secretary to W^illiam Mc- Kinley, given out from Columbus, Ohio, August 31st. I know we must be very careful how we read such reports during a campaign, but this is so in accord with known facts it seems to ring true. It is history thai if our SAINTED THIRD MARTYRED president, our Spanish Minister, General Stewart L. Woodford and the Queen of Spain had been LET ALONE they would have solved the question of Cuba by diplomacy far better than we settled it (?) by war. If j^u peruse the news from that rebellious island frequentlyy you'll see that the Cuban problem isn't satis- factorily adjusted yet, and that this "PEARL OF THE ANTILLES" is NOT the "PEARL OF GREAT PRICE" but a lusterless one which Uncle Sam will have to polish repeatedly. Now comes a man whom I presume to be serious and responsible, like a voice from the tomb at Canton, Ohio, saying: "THE DECLARATION OF WAR AGAINST SPAIN WAS AN ACT WHICH HAS BEEN AND ALWAYS WILL BE THE GREATEST GRIEF OP MY LIFE. THE ONE MAN IN WASHINGTON MORE CLAMOROUS FOR THIS WAR THAN ALL OTHERS, AND MORE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE WAVE OF PASSION WHICH SWEPT OVER THE COUNTRY AND WHICH I FINALLY FOUND IMPOSSIBLE TO RESIST, AVAS THEO- DORE ROOSEVELT." Many cU-ar but misguided sisters of our glorious Golden State are taking your honored name in vain. They have organized "The Jane Ad- dams Chorus," stolen the music and plagiarized the words of a grand patriotic hymn and are now singing, "ROOSEVELT, MY ROOSEVELT." to incoroprate ANY MAN'S name into these semi-sacred songs in this manner is not progressive politics, ii is retrocession, desecration and idolatry. One step more in the sjinic direction and we will be singing our National Anthem closing "GREAT ROOSEVELT OUR KING." If our beloved Republic is to answer the greatest call of humanity in the twentieth century and lead the world in the cause of "PEACE ON EARTH," the authoress of "THE NEWER IDEALS OF PEACE," cannot afford to take an active inteerst in the political fortunes of ANY MAN who leans toward militarism, dictatorship and despotism. Baroness Von Suttner, advocate of peace; Abdul Baha, servant of God; Rabbi Emil G. Hirsh, great Hebrew teacher; Rev. Jenkin Lloyd Jones, pastor of Abraham Lincoln Center, and ALL PEACE WORKERS AND PEACE LOVERS wherever dispersed on the face of the globe, pray without ceasing that our co-worker may see her error and return to the loving friends who wait to forgive her FIRST great mistake, even as they hope ALL OUR SINS may be FINALLY FORGIVEN. My dear sister Jane Addams, YOUR COURSE IN THIS CAMPAIGN MEANS MUCH TO THE WORLD. Believing you to be a sincere christian God-fearing woman, I beseech you to earnestly seek instruction from the Great Source whence cometh all true inspiration; pray in secret over this matter as Samuel J. Tilden evidently did and may you receive the answer that came to him, TO SACRIFICE PERSONAL AMBITION FOR PEACE. In the name of Our Common Brotherhood I implore you to cease soiling your skirts following the trail of the Moose Herd through the political wilderness, "LAY DOWN Y'OUR ARMS," and COME BACK, "INTO THE UNION OF ALL WHO LOVE, FOR THE SERVICE OF ALL WHO SUFFER." George Washington Think of the Father of Our Country; in spirit meek and humble; recall his endurance at Valley Forge; remember his magnanimity at Y'ork- town, declining to accept the sword of Lord Cornwallis; directing Col. Lincoln to receive it and return it. Hear him! "LET THERE BE NO CHEERING TO HUMILIATE THE SOLDIERS OF KING GEORGE; POS- TERITY CAN DO OUR SHOUTING." Once when Virginia House of Burgesses tendered him a vote of thanks for his bravery in the cause of the Colonies, he arose to respond but was overcome with emotion and unable to articulate. The speaker said; "SIT DOWN, MR. WASHINGTON, YOUR VALOR IS ONLY EQUALLED BY YOUR MODESTY. AND THAT IS GREATER THAN ANY LANGUAGE 1 POSSESS." And again when the representatives of the Colonies were bickering and quarreling and the new ship of state threatening to plunge on the rocks, they sought Washington and his advice. Not being an after dinner orator, he wrote his address. When he rose to read it, could not find hip spectacles; while they searched for them he said with infinite pathos, "I'VE GROWN GRAY IN THE SERVICE OF MY COUNTRY AND NOW I'M GROWING BLIND." And their hearts were softened one toward an- other and they took council together, heeded his admonitions and the Con- tinental Congress sailed serenely on. Contemplate the close of his public career. When the affairs of the new Republic he had founded could be safely entrusted in the hands of others, he firmly declined a THIRD TERM as president, of any further honors and retired to rest at Mt. Vernon. NEVER CHANGED HIS MIND ABOUT THAT THIRD TERM. 23 And now we see this true gentleman who had been Commander-in- Chief of the Armies of the New World, twice President of the New Nation, and one of the greatest figures in all history, serving as vestryman for the church, master in the lodge and justice of the peace. AS HE LIVED SO HE DIED. This noble soldier who always hated war and loved peace and his fellowmen, died peacefully in his home surrounded by family and friends, and not amid the carnage of the battlefield. He who had been a great general among men remained the "captain of his soul" until the spirit took its flight. As final dissolution approached he inquired the hour of the day, felt his own pulse, composed himself and fell asleep. "ASLEEP IN JESUS; BLESSED SLEEP, FROM WHICH NONE EVER WAKE TO WEEP." I can hear him whispering with his latest breath: FATHER. INTO THY HANDS I COMMEND MY SPIRIT; RECEIVE THOU MY SOUL BACK TO THE HOLY OF HOLIES; THE SUPREME GRAND LODGE FROM WHENCE IT CAME. Theodore Roosevelt Now listen to the shouting posterity is doing. "MY HAT IS IN THE RING; WE KNOCKED 'EM OVER THE ROPES IN PENNSYL- VANIA; WE'LL BUST 'EM IN TWO AT CHICAGO; i AM THE COM- PROMISE CANDIDATE." They certainly did bust 'em in two at Chicago, and if I can read the handwriting on the wall, by the light from the East, Mr. La Follette should have been the compromise candidate, and THEN the G. O. P. might have again escaped the loosening avalanche. What about Mr. Roosevelt's meekness, humbleness, and humility? Did we ever hear of his being overcome with modesty? Has he ever shown any magnanimity in dealing with his adversaries? Has he ever said or done anything to soften men's hearts toward each other, when such action was sorely needed? Many men are testifying that gigantic sums were collected from the OCTOPUSES in 1904, and used in his cam- paign; that this was not only AGREEABLE to him, but that he said, MORE FUNDS FROM THE SAME SOURCES WOULD BE ACCEPT- ABLE. All this testimony seems to SQUARE with the spirit of the "DEAR HARRIMAN" letter, and yet the only answer from the Bull Moose is a bawl and a bellow echoing through the wilderness, Liar! LIAR! LIAR! And with the Psalmist we say in our haste, "ALL MEN MUST BE LIARS." Isn't he an advocate of WAR and a progenitor of STRIFE on all oc- casions? Seeking to again reign over nearly one hundred million people when he cannot successfully govern himself. "HE THAT IS SLOW TO ANGER IS BETTER THAN THE MIGHTY; AND HE THAT RULETH HIS SPIRIT THAN HE THAT TAKETH A CITY." Prov. XVI: 32. And what about his bravery? Charging recklessly up San Juan Hill and RIDING ROUGHLY DOWN; I've been told his horse was shot in a part you can't mention in the presence of ladies, and from what colored cavalry brethren have also told me, if they had not come to his relief and 24 rescue, and done LESS ROUGH RIDING and MORE SMOOTH SHOOT- ING, we might not now be in danger of getting STUNG BY THIS THIRD TERM BUMBLE BEE. When Mr. Lorimer was unhorsed, listen to the CROW that came from OYSTER BAY, where LOBSTERS CONGREGATE: "It was MY FIGHT, and MY VICTORY; I didn't do it with MY LITTLE HATCHET but I did it with MY DINNER PLATE." SHADES OF THE ANANIAS AND SAP- PHIRA CLUB! I hear people every day saying that he has ALEXANDER; CAESAR AND NAPOLEON COMBINED, "BACKED OFF THE BOARDS AND BEATEN TO A FRAZZLE." "I dare believe that I, The Cock, am nature's summons to the dawn; I deign to fear that if my voice were silent The East would sleep and night would still reign on." Abraham Lincoln Look upon the pathetic picture of the Emancipator as drawn by Rev. "Bob." Burdette at the Temple Baptist Church for their Lincoln Centen- nary Memorial Service. "God's Man — God's Gentleman — with hatred for the Sham, with pity for the Dupe, and for the Trickster scorn; Patience for those who chide — sorrow for those who mourn ; Honor his breast-plate — Truth his oriflamme." Study this strangely serious, sober, solemn soul; consider his infinite patience; his great concern for little things; giving PERSONAL attention to small details because he knew they were VITAL to somebody, and yet his great tender heart was breaking under the terrible strain. Think of his humility and sweet simplicity; almost the day before he died he was planning with Mary about their return to Illinois. Said he; "We have saved a little money and can save a little more and with what I can earn at the law, we can settle down in Springfield or Chicago among our old friends, and live in comfort to a green old age." He never seemed to think about a THIRD TERM, a soft seat on the bench, or of asking a grateful people to keep him in luxury and idleness out of the public treas- ury, but was evidently expecting to continue to earn his living. One especially distinguishing feature that in my estimation makes this great character tower above other men was his tolerance and for- bearance with his adversaries, his utter self abnegation and ability to get service out of his opponents. Take the case of Stanton; when friends pointed out that the Secretary of War was inclined to over-shadow the President with his GREATER LEARNING, "Honest Abe" said never mind about that, Mr. Stanton is rendering a valuable service to the Nation and I want him to stay right where he is. Note the result; at about the last cabinet meeting Stanton said with a show of much feeling and pride; "DIDN'T OUR CHIEF LOOK GRAND TODAY." Lincoln hadn't changed; Stanton had: he had begun to understand elemental grandeur. And it was broken hearted Stanton who closed his good friend's eyes in death. In the untimely death of Father Abraham I hear the most powerful temperance sermon ever preached in this land. I read that Booth had been drinking heavily for days before he committed his awful crime; and the night of the murder he had passed in and out of Ford's and frequented £1 nearby bar; finally tossing down another drink or two this great actor 25 of the MIMIC stage entered a tjieater for the LAST TIME and slew the greater actor on the REAL stage of life. He fired a shot that was heard round the world, and wrote his name in history just underneath those of Judas Iscariot and Benedict Arnold. Liquor was the one and only thing that could have nerved any man to kill Abraham Lincoln, and against the evil effects and ruinous results of this accursed stuff it seems the Lord's annointed are not at all times entirely safe. I have always felt sorry for Booth's family, because Lincoln was really murdered by King Alcohol who has slain his millions and the SLAUGHTER STILL CONTINUES. "We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break the bonds of our affection. The mystic chord of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature." First Inaugural, March 4, 1861. Death of Jefferson Davis NOW SEE THE GREAT PARADOX. Hundreds of thousands of men had been drilling and fighting for four years and singing: "WE'LL HANG JEFF DAVIS ON A SOUR APPLE TREE, AS WE GO MARCHING ON." But we never did it and Mr. Davis lived to die in peace at a ripe old age, while Father Abraham in the dawning of the morning of his triumphant day yielded up his life, "WITH MALICE TOWARD NONE AND CHARITY FOR ALL." Today a United Nation IS MARCHING ON to greater conquests in peace than she ever gained by war, when she watered the roots of the tree of liberty and knowledge with the red blood from the warm hearts of one million noble sons. "ON FAME'S ETERNAL CAMPING GROUND THEIR SILENT TENTS ARE SPREAD; AND GLORY GUARDS WITH SOLEMN ROUND THE BIVOUAC OF OUR DEAD." "PEACE HATH HER VICTORIES NO LESS RENOWNED THAN WAR." "WE ARE COMING FATHER ABRAHAM ONE HUNDRED MILLION STRONG." William Howard Taft Let us take the measure of our biggest president who now fills the VACANT CHAIR of Washington and Lincoln physically while leaving it empty spiritually. Collier's says Senator Dolliver crystallized public con- ception of him in this terse epigram: "A large, amiable body, closely surrounded by persons who know t .\actly what they want." Think of the gaunt Lincoln with deep lines in his serious face and then of the smooth, sleek, well fed, rosy gilled, self-centered and self- satisfied man who wears a smile that WON'T COME OFF, and don't be- lieve in doing anything until somebody first does soniething to him; who might MEET a snail liiit would certainly never ON'Kin'AKE or I'.XSS one in the JOURNEY OF LIFE although he could possible DISTANCE one in a GOLF GAME. He never showed any signs of the "virile virtues and the fighting edge" until Teddy the Terrible whacked him over the head with the Big Stick and prodded him in the fattest place with his harpoon, and then he did the WRONG THING every time and said: NOTHING BUT DEATH CAN KEEP ME OUT OF THE RACE." Even Theodore the First who is GREATER THAN DEATH failed to keep him out of the contest. Brother Taft you made a sad mistake when you entered this running and a more mournful one when you asked re-election as an approval of your administration. This is no FAT MAN'S MATCH. If I can read the answer in the stars the Taftian smile WILL COME OFF about November 6th, and you will receive the most stinging rebuke any of our Presidents ever got, NOT excepting Andrew Johnson, who came within ONE VOTE of being IMPEACHED. I am doing my little best to help get out the full voting strength of the Nation and what Woodrow, Ted, and the two Eugene's don't get you can have, and I think it will amount to a VIRTUAL IMPEACHMENT BY THE PEOPLE. YOU'LL GET A COMIC VALENTINE FROM ARIZONA. You made them change their Constitution before letting them into your Union; then they set their hearts on coming in on Lincoln's birthday and you made it convenient to be out of Washington that particular day "AS PER USUAL," and let them in two days later which makes them the SWEETHEART STATE instead of the LINCOLN STATE, and makes necessary another holiday when we have too many now. They think this was the SMALL- EST THING ANY BIG MAN EVER DID. A Prescott friend tells me he once interceded with you to modify an order which he explained had ruined some people and was going to im- poverish several more, and he says you replied that "IT WAS A DE- PARTMENTAL MATTER AND YOU COULDN'T INTERFERE"; but, pleaded my friend; "YOU MADE THE ORDER, MR. PRESIDENT, AND CAN'T YOU MODIFY YOUR OWN ORDER?" Again you responded, "I'VE TURNED IT OVER TO THE DEPARTMENT AND I CAN'T INTER- POSE." We note that when Morse's friends appealed to you, you did not show such firmness of character and you DID MEDDLE with JUSTICE in her due course of procedure IN FAVOR OF A FELON. You have likened this government under your administration to what we may expect in heaven under a just God. You being the present head of the Nation don't you see whose place your crude figure of speech makes you assume? I have heard religious people complain of this and I think they will remember you November 5th as they were betrayed into re- membering Brother Bryan in '96. If our public affairs are dispensed by you and your lieutenants, the present senate, judiciary, and some such judges as you have sought to appoint is a miniature of heaven, I am not surprised that many people are preaching discontent and casting their lot with His Satanic Majesty. You rave against the spread of Socialism and danger of Anarchy, yet YOU PARDONED MORSE. I listened closely to public comment and I say unto you this WEAKEST ACT of yours put the real spirit of lawless- ness into more hearts than has ALL THE MISTAKES of Eugene V. Debs. These are the things that are making more anarchists that the soap box 27 orators or the I. W. W. free speech crusaders. If respect for law, belief ill our courts, and faith in our institutions is ever again to be instilled into the very SOULS OF THE PLAIN PEOPLE, a few WEALTHY ROGUES, RICH RASCALS, and MIGHTY THIEVES MUST DIE IN PRISON. What can we expect when the poor and oppressed see such people as Morse hiring the very shrewdest unprincipled lawyers, suborning perjury, bribing jurors, corrupting judges, and taking appeal after appeal with stolen funds; then if they fail to defeat or wear out justice in all these numerous ways, they seek the pardon of compliant governors or weak Presidents and re-enter their nefarious business schemes with tainted money. In Los Angeles Times under date of August 16, from Houston, Tex., I read "that Charles W. Morse, recently released from the Federal prison at Atlanta, Georgia, will begin operating two extensive steamship lines about October 1st, and has INVESTED A LARGE SUM OF MONEY IN THE VENTURE." And again in the same paper under date of Septem- ber 4th, from New York, I read, "this DYING man, nattily dressed with red cheeks, bright eyes and apparently in PERFECT HEALTH has rented a fine suite of office rooms at his old stand and launched the Active Secu- rities Company, incorporated under the laws of MAINE and CAPITAL- IZED AT CONSIDERABLY MORE THAN A MILLION DOLLARS." Why not under the laws of NEW YORK, since its offices and headquarters are at No. 49 Exchange Place, New York City? WHOSE MONEY IS HE IN- VESTING IN THESE "GAMES"? I understand he was convicted for carrying a chain of banks with no adequate security for depositors as required by law; what the money changers of Wall Street call BUILDING A BUSINESS PYRAMID WITH THE APEX DOWNWARD. Therefore these large sums he is now putting into the steamship lines, and the OLD SHELL GAME of Wall Street again, really belong to those whose deposits he risked to get this money. "WE, THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES, IN ORDER TO FORM A MORE PERFECT UNION, ESTABLISH JUSTICE, INSURE DOMESTIC TRANQUILITY, PROVIDE FOR THE COMMON DEFENCE, PROMOTE THE GENERAL WELFARE, AND SECURE THE BLESS- INGS OF LIBERTY TO OURSELVES AND OUR POSTERITY" mean to find out how these things are done, and we intend to STOP them if we have to add many more Amendments to our Constitution and write a revised version of the Declaration of Independence. WE WILL do this without laying impious hands on the Ark of the Covenant, or plying the axe to the root of the tree of Liberty and Law. WE SHALL NOT dese- crate the Flag nor destroy our Fundamental Foundation. Neither shall we let YOU DEVASTATE OR DISSIPATE these priceless legacies be- queathed to us by the Fathers, in the more DANGEROUS and DEADLY way you are going about it, WHILE YOU CLAIM TO BE THEIR DIVINELY APPOINTED CUSTODIAN. The New York Dispatch said Morse would take possession of his luxurious suite and KI<:-ENTEH THE GAME FRIDAY. THIS WILL PKOVK TO BE THE BLACKEST FRIDAY WALL STREET EVER SAW. WHEN A DYING MAN RE-ENTERS THIS GAME IT MEANS THE GAME SHALL ALSO DIE. I HKMEN'E I VOICE THE DEKI' KEEMNC.S OF ABOU'J' NIXTY MILLION PEOPLK WHEN I SAY TilKSE G.VMHLKRS 28 OF WALL STREET, MUST SOON CEASE TO FINANCIAL»LY RULE OR RUIN THIS WHOLE NATION OF ONE HUNDRED MILLION CITI- .ZENS. You and your stand-pat bunch such as Aldrich, Cannon, Penrose, Crane, Guggenheim and their ilk, claiming to hold a copyright on the party of Lincoln, say this is the best government on earth; IT IS FOR YOU AND THOSE WHO SUPPORT YOU. You point to the FULL DIN- NER PAIL and say the laborer should be satisfied with his hire. HE IS NOT! "Man does not live by bread alone." Deut. 8:3. Mat. 4:4. Luke 4:4. Millions of hearts are aching for BETTER THINGS than we have known; SOUL HUNGER and SPIRITUAL STARVATION are abroad in the land. We do NOT expect the cakes and ale, fine homes, automobiles and champagne of the rich, but in our humble cottages we are praying for the "BREAD AND WATER OF LIFE," which the Master promised He would give FREELY to "ALL THAT LABOR AND ARE HEAVY LADEN," if they would "COME UNTO HIM AND ASK IN HIS NAME." Is. 33:16; Rev. 22:17. .Ter. 2:13. I note that when the poor obtain a sack of flour or side of bacon UN- DER FALSE PRETENSES, even to feed a hungry family, they are punish- ed and generally serve out their FULL TERM in jail; yet Morse obtained his FREEDOM UNDER FALSE PRETENSES, re-enters business (?) on a large scale with cash acquired in the same way, and I believe under our laws the people cannot touch him or return him to the penitentiary; but they do have some little satisfaction. THEY CAN RECALL THE MAN WHO OPENED THE DOORS OF THE PRISON. You talk about Neurotics, visionary dreamers and the millenium being thousands of years hence, when it is near at hand, EVEN NOW KNOCK- ING AT OUR VERY DOORS. See Prov. 29:18 and Rev. 20: 1 to 4. Your greatest defect is in wearing No. 11 E shoes and Size 1%AA wings. In your harsh figure of speech you builded better than you knew; YOU ARE ONLY MISTAKEN AS TO TENSE. Personally, Brother Taft, I wish you good health and long life. I know you will NOT WANT even if you never have another fat job because your millionaire brother whom you credit with having made you president can provide for you if neces- sary. I earnestly hope you will live to see this Republic managed as it SHOULD BE and as I believe it WILL BE in your day and mine. Then it may soak through your fat what a glorious golden opportunity passed by the White House while you were out playing golf, riding about the country in luxurious trains working for another term, banqueting or sleep- ing. It would have been a priceless blessing to the burden bearers of the Nation had you been just a little more in the NEUROTIC CLASS, and con- siderably less in the ELEPHANT FAMILY. "Sleep on now and take your rest: behold, the hour is at hand, and the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners." Mat. 26:45. COMRADES IN THE BATTLE f5r BREAD! We need a man in our executive mansion with more SPRING STEEL in his construction, and backed by less UNITED STATE,'? STEEL and TENNESSEE COAL & IRON than his predecessor WAS, and IS when now again seeking to get a HARVESTER TRUST grip on the same office. THE TRUST BUSTER! 29 WASN'T IT THE BLIND SENATOR GORE WHO SAID, "THE ONLY TRUST HE EVER REALLY TRIED TO BUST WAS, "IN GOD WE TRUST" ON OUR COINAGE"? Lincoln-Douglas Debates Go back to the Lincoln-Douglas debates of the '60s and compare them with the Roosevelt-Taft prize fight and Referee Root's decision. See these great political opponents arrayed against each other; debating from the same platform the tremendous question that was soon to plunge us into a black midnight of war that seemed to have no dawn. NOTE THEIR DIG- NIFIED LANGUAGE AND PERSONAL RESPECT; HEAR LINCOLN CLOSING: "THE REAL ISSUE IS THE STRUGGLE BETWEEN RIGHT AND WRONG; IT IS THE ETERNAL PRINCIPLE, NO MATTER IN WHAT SHAPE IT DEVELOPS; IT HAS EXISTED SINCE THE BE- GINNING OF TIME, AND IT WILL CONTINUE WHEN THESE POOR TONGUES OF JUDGE DOUGLAS AND MYSELF SHALL BE SLENT." The eloquent tongues of Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Arnold Doug- las have long been silent and sacred dust, AND THE GREAT CONFLICT STILL GOES ON AND GROWS EVER MORE FIERCE; BUT IT SHALL NOT LONG CONTINUE. If the Hosts of the Grand Army of Right who believe in God, no matter where or how they found Him will rally under one banner, and affiliate on all civic and civil problems they will soon win a decisive victory over the Legions that work in darkness, and RIGHT- EOUSNESS WILL TRIUMPH, RULE AND GOVERN ALL OUR TEM- PORAL AND MATERIAL AFFAIRS, BEFORE "OUR POOR LISPING, STUTTERING, STAMMERING TONGUES ARE SILENT IN THE TOMB." ALL RELIGIONS ARE FUNDAMENTALLY ONE AND ALL SERI- OUS FRATERNITIES HEW THEIR CORNER, KEY AND CAPSTONES OUT OF THE SAME ROCK OF AGES. "ROCK OF AGES CLEFT FOR ME, LET ME HIDE MYSELF IN THEE." Degenerate Statesmen During my thirty years work on our railroads, I have had a splendid opportunity to study some of our GREAT sitatesmen at close range. For many years I was in service on the SANTA FE'S CALIFORNIA LIMITED; I called our buffet car the TOBACCO PARLIAMENT. By being a good listener and a close observer I almost got into the SECRETS OF GOV- ERNMENT as administered by the POTHOUSE POLITICIANS and PO- LITICAL SHYSTERS who DISGRACE our state legislatures and INFEST Washington. I have watched these fellows swilling whisky, guzzling beer, hanging over high priced champagne in diners and club cars on trains do luxe with women of easy virtue, and I have thought of tliat ancient philosopher Seneca who wrote about "FOOLS THAT LET IN A THIEF AT THE MOUTH TO STEAL AWAY THE BRAINS." Many a time I have lost what few hours sleep I was entitled to take in order to keep these degen- erates out of the berths of said women, or from insulting decent women and enticing into evil ways young ladies traveling alone. And in the silent watches of the night T have thought of the CON- STITUENTS of these unworthy PARASITES on our body politic, toiling 30 on the farms: delving in the mines; sweating in the factories; sweltering in the sweatshops; paying taxes and high prices; drawing poor wages; drinking water as a beverage; going second class if they ever do take a journey, in order that those who sit in darkness and control these things may provide slush funds and jack pots for these profligates, who in their turn spend this money in the maintenance of the very lowest element of society. The bipartisan bunch who PUT MR. I^ORIMER OVER in Illinois fur- nished some line specimens of the species of politicians I am trying to describe, and the investigation of this gang developed abundant proof of the things I am charging. Wasn't it conclusively shown that they went out in automobiles with women, drinking and carousing and scattering thousands of dollars in a single night? Who furnished this money and for what purpose? I never saw it growing on trees nor lying around marked and labeled in thousand dollar packages loose in our streets. Don't every sane person believe that these funds are obtained from those who hold high positions in our business world, and that by this corrupt use of money they secure SPECIAL PRIVILEGES and COLLECT BACK FROM THE PEOPLE TEN DOLLARS FOR ONE. Under our present system a few of these purchasable politicians can, and often do hold the BALANCE OF POWER in the election of our sen- ators. And what about our United States Senate? I have heard many men who were in touch with Washington life and in position to know whereof they spoke just casually refer to it as a MILLIONAIRES POKER CLUB. WOULDN'T THAT SHOCK YOUR SOUL! The UPPER HOUSE of our ELDER STATESMEN which should be the SHEEn' ANCHOR of the Nation deteriorated into a PASTIME PARTY for the IDLE RICH, Avhose chief occupation and entertainment lately has been spending most of their time, and a lot of the people's money in trying to SEAT, rather than UNSEAT one of their number, who no doubt got his election by the same means and methods that many of those who tried him obtained theirs. This body has DOUBLY DISGRACED ITSELF by giving out that it unseated this member to APPEASE PUBLIC CLAMOR and NOT ON THE EVIDENCE. THIS CASE SEALS THE DOOM OF ELECTION OF U. S. SENATORS BY STATE LEGISLATURES. Evil is so STRONGLY ENTRENCHED that it is next to impossible to obtain evidence against it under our rules of procedure. Many honest people FEAR ITS POWER and keep SILENt! I ponder over all these things when I am rolling along over the mountains where the stars seem SO NEAR; look up at the MILLIONS of these SCINTILLATING DIA- MONDS with the spirit of a MILLION HEIR and say: "WATCHMAN! WHAT OF THE NIGHT?" Decadence of Republican Party The Republican partj' has held the center of the stage almost con- tinuously for one-half a century. Came into the lime-light enacting a ter- rible tragedy, which ran for four long heart-breaking years, and closed with Lincoln the martyred hero and John Wilkes Booth the villain. Pro- duced many splendid actors and presented wonderful dramas. Then it dropped into comedy and has now fallen into vaudeville. 31 GOODBYE OLD PARTY Those who control its remnant today, beseeching the people to pre- serve the honor of the OLD GUARD, and perpetuate the party of HONEST ABE, are a shame and a disgrace to his memory. They have departed from the "FAITH OF THE FATHERS," and it does appear the G. O. P. that came into power with LINCOLN will pass into history with TAFT. ROOSEVELT HAS POLITICALLY ASSASSINATED TAFT, AND JOINT- LY THEY HAVE MURDERED THE PARTY THAT HAD SO HIGHLY HONORED BOTH. WE COME, NOT TO PRAISE OUR CAESAR. AND HIS BRUTUS BUT TO BURY THEM. TURN OUT THE LIGHTS, RING DOWN THE CURTAIN. Decay of Statesmanship Washington to Roosevelt; Lincoln to Taft; Lincoln-Douglas debates to the Roosevelt-Taft political prize fight. Stephen A. Douglas to William Lorimer! "WHAT A FALL, MY COUNTRYMEN"! We are calling for another Washington, noble and sublime. Praying for another Lincoln, patient and pathetic. CAN WE PRODUCE RE- PLICAS OF THEM? OH, PITYING CHRIST, SAVE OUR SUFFERING PEOPLE. HEAR! OH FATHER, HEAR OUR PRAYER. The Socialist Vote The Socialist Party polled over FIFTY THOUSAND ballots in our charming Angel City last fall. These people are not ALL SOCIALISTS AND ANARCHISTS as one of the great papers here would have us be- lieve; few of them know the true meaning of those words. They were simply PROTESTING against existing conditions. Brethren be careful in what manner you express your convictions lest you may develop a remedy that might prove to be worse than the disease. I have LITTLE patience with people w^ho vote carelessly, LESS for those w-ho vote spitefully, and NONE for those who do not vote at all. Witli FIVE political parties in the field and their PAID orators sawing the air and pawing up the earth, large numbers of voters are totally indifferent, utterly unconcerned in the outcome, do not intend to go to the polls — and are saying, "WE'VE GOT TO HAVE A REVOLUTION." The vin- dictiveness often shown in this remark indicates they are just ITCHING TO SEE IT START; these people seem to think it would chastise only those whom in their judgment need punishment; forgetting that the ter- rible burden of all wars in their finality fall on the innocent, non-combat- ants, widows and orphans, and that the particular people they want to see suffer would grab their money bags, rush aboard a MODERN UN- SINKABLE TITANIC ARK. steam swiftly over to Europe and leave us toilers to suffocate in the flood. I tell these folks that if enough of them keep THINKING, TALKING and ACTING their way we WILL HAVE a revolution and if it conies "rocks hide us, mountains on us fall!" It won't be any opera-bouffe af- fair; when this Nation makes war it's just exactly what General Sherman said it was AND WORSE. Against this pernicious doctrine I have been preaching in season and out for twenty years. 32 I regard the growing STAY AT HOME VOTE as a more dangerous menace to free government that the Red Rag of Anarchy and the Red Bandana of Roosevelt TOGETHER, TWIN HARBINGERS OF AN EVIL TIME. Large numbers of these STAY AT HOMES are really good people but they are DISGUSTED with Taft, NAUSEATED by Roosevelt, SICK of politics in general and have lost faith in ALL PARTIES, OLD OR NEW. Entirely too many of us have lost faith in our GOD, faith in our FEL- LOWS and faith in OURSELVES. The old fashioned "Faith of the Fathers" must again be instilled into the hearts of ALL THE PEOPLE or THIS REPUBLIC WILL "PERISH FROM THE EARTH." Five Candidates — Choose Ye If there is any more than five parties with Presidential tickets in the field they have not yet come to my knowledge. These five leaders men- tioned in the order of their personal fitness for safety and service in the high office to which they aspire, in my judgment would stand as follows: Wilson, Chafin, Debs, Taft and Roosevelt; that's just my private opinion publicly expressed; those who differ have a perfect right to theirs. I would like to see the full voting strength of the Union recorded next November. I for one wish to know just what our country is up against. VOTE EARLY and ONCE ONLY; stand up and be counted; you cannot serve God and Mammon. If you think the liquor traffic is our greatest danger and that a successful party can be founded on Prohibition to solve THIS question and ALL OTHERS, vote for Eugene W. Chafin; I hear he is a very fine gentleman; lives over Tucson way and as we say on the plains, IS A GOOD OLD SCOUT. If you think Socialism is our ONLY SALVATION vote for Eugene V. Debs of MY OLD HOME TOWN; personally he's a pleasant sympathetic sort of a chap; has made lots of mistakes and been punished severely for them just like tlie balance of us. The Hoosier Poet paid him a beautiful tribute in one of his earlier dialect rhymes entitled: Owed To Terre Haute "AND I'VE COME BACK WITH WELCOME TREAD FROM JOURNEYINGS VAIN, AS I HAVE SAID: TO SETTLE X»OWN IN CA'M CONTENT AND CUSS THE TOWNS WHERE I HAVE WENT. AND BRAG ON OURN AND BOAST AND STRUT ABOUT THE STREETS OF TERRE HUT. AND THERE'S GENE DEBS, A MAN THAT STANDS AND JUST HOLDS OUT IN HIS TWO HANDS AS WARM A HEART AS EVER BEAT BETWIXT HERE AND THE JEDGMENT SEAT." If you think Taft is worthy of his hire, desire him to stay on the job, play golf, sleep, banquet and journey about the country while the cunning men who surround him run the government to the very best in- terest of themselves and their kind, then vote for him. I beg to dissent. If you think the SUPERMAN, THEODORE THE FIRST has assumed the place and endeavored to usurp the power of the FATHER, SON AND 33 HOLY GHOST, IS OUR ONLY WHITE HOPE HERE AND NO^V, and THE BLACK MAN'S SOLE TRUST HEREAFTER, JUST VOTE FOR HIM. I claim the constitutional right of ONE AVERAGE CITIZEN to interpose a strenuous objection; but much as I dread the possible result of Mr. Roosevelt's election I would rather see people VOTE FOR HIM than to know that they intend to STAY AWAY FROM THE POLLS AND TAKE NO CONCERN in our coming National election. And if he is elected I will stick to my job, look pleasant, continue to fan the fires of optimism with the breath of faith, and do my ONE HUNDRED MIL- LIONTH PART toward making his THIRD administration a greater suc- cess that his FIRST TWO; I will NOT go around with a long disconsolate face thinking, talking and acting hard times, trying to help plunge the whole country in a panic and punish ONE HUNDRED MILLION PEOPLE to get even with ONE and THOSE WHO VOTED FOR HIM. If we do not cultivate a more tolerant, forbearing and charitable spirit in bowing to the will of A PLURALITY we will soon be in the same conidtion as our wretched sister Republic; each political faction going to war to seat their particular candidate; then we shall have to DIAZIZE our distressed country and the Bull Moose seems to be in special training for the same kind of a job that Brother Porfirio held down so long, while he sat on the lid of the unhappy land which SHED THE BLOOD of Emperor Maximilian and sent his Queen Carlotta back to her native people A RAVING MANIAC. But if you think with me that under all these CONFLICTING V\R- CUMSTANCES, CONFUSING CONDITIONS and DANGEROUS DOC- TRINES the only SAFE, SANE and LOGICAL thing to do THIS TIME is to vote for Woodrow Wilson, THEN LET'S JUST MAKE IT PRAC- TICALLY UNANIMOUS. I cast my FIRST ballot for Little Ben Harrison of my native State, and my LAST for Big Bill Taft on ROOSEVELT'S RECOMMENDATION; I don't wish him to select any more Presidents for me and LEAST OF ALL TO PICK HIMSELF. Some are saying we can't get Presidential timber out of a college professor; they remind me of those terribly mistaken people who said, "CAN ANY GOOD THING COME OUT OF NAZARETH?" The worst they have brought out against Brother Wilson has been to dig up some of his EARLIER WHITINGS and try to prove by them that he is unsound on political economy, tariff, etc. IT IS TO LAUGH! Don't every one who can cipher know that all thinkers and writers, as they grow in grace and years and broaden and develop, wish they could ransack the libraries, burn all their youthful productions and rewrite them? If you don't like some of Woodrow's early philosophy Inuit up the mass of nonsense Theo- dore has written and see how IT SQUARES with present theories and conditions. At any rate the Democratic candidate seems to be a SINCERE STU- DENT AND STILL WILLING TO LEARN, and a great many GENTLE- MEN AND SCHOLARS are badly needed in Washington; we have had enough of prize lighters, poker players and figureheads. I note that when Mr. Wilson was told of his nomination he did not reply. "BULLY BY HECK! I FEEL LIKE A BULL MOOSE! " but is reported to have foaid, "MY FEEL!N(]S AUK TOO DEEP FOR EFFEU VESCENCE." I try to read great characters by little things; for cxaini)]!'. when Emi)eror U Mutsuhito gave out that he would live on TWO SIMPLE DISHES AT EACH MEAL in order to save money for the war, I said look out for a Nation whose Sovereign sets his subjects that precedent. He has passed on into the universe that sets this world right, and they are calling him the DEARLY BELOVED "FATHER OP MODERN JAPAN." I have read many items about Woodrow Wilson that indicate to me the serene deep soul, and I believe "THE ELEMENTS ARE SO MIXED IN HIM, THAT NATURE MIGHT STAND UP, AND SAY TO ALL THE WORLD, THIS IS A MAN." And we are going to need a MAN in Washington soon. BETWEEN THE WILSON DEMOCRATS, WILSON REPUBLICANS, AND WILSON PROGRESSIVES, IT'S WILSON; THAT'S ALL. Furthermore, don't forget THAT OTHER grand good Christian gen- tleman on the TAIL END OF THE TICKET. Our Democratic brethren made something more than a "Sunny Jim" joke out of that part of the job. I was "back east" last year and got some first hand information; while others have been writing long-winded atricles for the "Lookout" at something like one dollar per word, and forever TALKING about what OUGHT TO BE DONE, Governor Marshall has been WORKING and DOING THINGS and TAKING THE UPLOOK. Stars and Stripes Forever Our Star Spangled Banner is a grand old Flag. Its hues are all from heaven — sunrise, blue sky and starlight. Red for sacrifice, white for purity and blue for fidelity. No unclean thing should exist under its sheltering folds. Millions have DIED for it and what they thought was right. MY FATHER WAS ONE. I want to LIVE for it and what I believe to be right as God gives me to see the right in the BRIGHT LIGHT OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY THAT BEATS ON THE TOTTERING THRONES OF THE WORLD. I quote the closing stanza of Riley's tribute to our National Ensign recited by this sweet singer of "green fields and running brooks" himself at a banquet of the Iron Brigade: "And it spake with a shake in its voice as it said; By the driven snow white and the living blood red Of my bars and their heaven of stars overhead: By the symbol conjoined of them all, skyward cast. As I float from the steeple or flap at the mast. Or droop o'er the sod, where the long grasses nod. My name is as old as the Glory of God." I HAVE ALWAYS BELIEVED I WOULD LIVE TO SEE THE TIME WHEN IT WOULD NEVER AGAIN BE NECESSARY TO BAPTIZE OLD GLORY IN BLOOD. SENATOR DOUGLAS AND THE CONSTITUTION I used to live in Chicago near Douglas Park; loved to wander in there and gaze at the Little Giant standing away up there on his pedestal, dignified, elevated, like the great statesman that he was; stroll around his monument and study the figure groups; Illinois — History, Eloquence and Justice; stop in front of the door and read the inscription on the sarcophagus: STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS, BORN APRIL 23RD, 1813; DIED JUNE 3RD, 1861. Judge you died too young; the very day the first skir- 35 mish was fought at Philippi. You didn't live to see the great struggle but you did live to see your mistake, and when people live to realize their mistakes there is forgiveness and hope; and if you'll forgive me my comparison I will proclaim to our Nation, with all the power in my soul the message you left us here on your coffin: "TELL MY CHILDREN TO OBEY THE LAWS AND UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTION." Those are the exact words chiseled into the cold marble that holds the earthly ashes of "Little Dug." I've stood by the door of the sepulcher and pondered them till I could almost hear this great orator again in the flesh thundering forth that splendid sentence. It's a rich inheritance; a glorious message; read it again and engrave it on your hearts: "TELL MY CHILDREN TO OBEY THE LAWS AND UPHOLD THE CONSTI- TUTION." BY THE GREAT JEHOVAH AND THE SPIRIT OF THE CONTIN- ENTAL CONGRESS NO IMPIOUS HANDS SHALL PULL DO\VN THE FLAG OF BETSY ROSS AND BARBARA FRITCHIE, NOR TEAR UP THE CONSTITUTION OF OUR PILGRIM FATHERS IF OUR FATHER WHICH ART IN HEAVEN WILL GRANT ME GRACE AND POWER TO AROUSE OUR SLUMBERING PEOPLE. Visions and Dreams "And it shall come to pass in the LAST DAYS, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your YOUNG MEN SHALL SEE VISIONS, and your OLD MEN SHALL DREAM DREAMS."— Acts 2:17. Joel 2:28. Being now at the zenith of my life's journey between youth and old age, where the shadows have ceased to fall westward and have not yet begun to lengthen toward the east, I have BOTH VISIONS AND DREAMS. I have long believed we were living in the LAST DAYS; not the last days of the PHYSICAL EXISTENCE of the world but the last days of the control of Mammon and the rule of evil things; the POWER AND DOMINION OF SATAN WILL SOON BE BOUND, and the SPIRIT OF CHRIST SHALL REIGN over the whole earth and govern the inhabitants thereof even unto its uttermost parts. From youth up anything connected with Washington or Lincoln has always exercised a strange and strong influence over me. I presume EVERY SCHOOL BOY who possesses a soul that is QUICK has felt the same electric thrills when he first began to read about the great charac- ters who became the leaders of the people in the epochs of their country's history. These so-called FINER FEELINGS might be analyzed as the ecstasy of youth, poetical emotions of early manhood and the spiritual aspirations of maturer years. As I study people it seems to me most of them lose these beautiful sensations with the ceaseless grind of toil and Struggle for physical existence as time rolls on, but they ABIDE WITH ME and grow steadily stronger with each passing year. I shall NEVER FORGET my PECULIAR EXPERIENCE when as a Mason I first looked upon a good portrait of Washington in our lodge rooms. I felt the same perturbation 1 might have received li;ul 1 met in the flesh this brother who has been sleeping at Mt. Vornon uuire than a century, and in all that time "heard only one tread which rhymed with his own." It just seemed as if he would step out of his frame and greet 36 me A3 A MASON. I got a lasting impression that he had been a REAL Mason GRAND and TRUE, one who carried our spiritual symbols in the heart more carefully than he displayed the material emblems on his gar- ments, and an involuntary conviction rushed over my soul that I should endeavor to walk upright and seek to be worthy to follow in his footsteps. And in little ways I have tried to do so; in my small sphere I aim to LIVE the SQUARE DEAL and not always and forever JUST TALK about it. If I can't get what I need without snatching it away from my fellow-men I go without; ON that principle I shall continue to LIVE and BY it I shall DIE; if after a long life of steady and faithful service I fail to accumulate enough to give me Christian burial I shall look to my brethren whom I REFUSE TO ROB to provide for and perform that last necessary service. I was born under the storm and stress of our awful rebellion. My earliest recollections are of a widowed mother weeping over a soldier's grave, and as reason dawned in my infant mind I figured out that war NEVER WAS and NEVER WOULD BE right. When a boy on the farm before I had read books I dreamed of a plan for the Universal Peace of the World; that has ever been the over-mastering passion of my soul and with an abiding faith that RIGHT finally makes MIGHT, I have al- ways believed I would be permitted to live to see it firmly established; the over-towering ambition of my life is to be able to do something to help promote Peace on Earth and Good Will to all Mankind. By the good fortune of chance I attended the meeting of the Second National Peace Congress at Chicago in May, 1909; when I saw prominent people of ALL RELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS foregathered there, work- ing together one with another and ALL WITH GOD, in this greatest cause T thought we would soon solve this terrible proposition and the earth should nevermore be drenched with human blood of the children of His creation. When Rabbi Hirsh said. "Psychology has shown us the way, we are going to create a NEW MENTAL ATMOSPHERE on this great issue," I thought Brother Hirsh had struck the keynote in the grand symphony. And when this great Jew throwing his whole soul into an impassioned appeal said, "If war is right I misread the life of the best man who ever trod the earth"; referred to Jesus of Nazareth as the noble teacher who was not received by his people because he did not come bearing a sword at the head of a vast temporal and material army with banners as they expected their Messiah to come; the gentle Gallilean who KNEW NOT how to fight, but who DID KNOW how to weep and struggle and sweat blood in Gethsemane and suffer and die on Calvary; who refused to draw the sword yet received the spear thrust in his side saying, "Father! for- give them for they know not what they do." I said Amen! When our Hebrew brethren begin to believe that the CRUCIFIXION WAS A SAD MISTAKE WE ARE NEARING THE SOLUTION OF ALL THE PROB- LEMS THAT VEX THE W^ORLD. Rev. Jenkin Lloyd Jones with pardonable pride told of the great things Chicago had done; when he pointed out that one of her greatest achievments was discovering Abraham Lincoln and giving him to the world, although Father Abraham had been resting at Springfield for nearly half a century I seemed to feel his presence in that meeting, and 37 a tremendous persuasion that his spirit was in blissful harmony and sweet accord with all earnest souls working in the great cause for which we were gathered together. And yet today if I GAZE STEADILY at a good likeness of our FIRST martyred President the SORROWFUL FACE OF THE GREAT EMANCI- PATOR SEEMS TO SMILE; this reminds me of a story about this exalted soul who himself dearly loved a good story while he was in the flesh. A woman who had been to intercede with him for her son said as she left his presence, "I knew they had been lying to me!" "What about," said her companion. "Why." said she. "They told me Mr. Lincoln was UGLY and he is the HANDSOMEST MAN I EVER SAW." You see the woman looked at Father Abraham with the penetrating vision of the soul and NOT with the unseeing eyes of the body. "For NOW we see through a glass, darkly; but THEN face to face* NOW I know in part, but THEN shall I know even as also I am known." — 1 Cor. 13:12. We are in the dawning of the morning of grander glorious golden days. The mists and bewildering vapors of superstition are clearing away. We've got the wireless and are steadily improving it, just beginning to learn how to pick up the mysterious magnetic waves: getting a faint glimpse of the possibilities of static electricity; drawing nearer and nearer to an intelligent understanding of the Great Mystic Force that swings the planets in their orbits and rules the Universe with law and order; ever striving to get into communication with the Chief Dispatcher who never has a collision; no fogs obscure His signals; no delays; EVERYTHING ALWAYS ON TIME. Standing on the sundown shore of our peaceful sea with nerves high keyed and spirit yearning to catch the sublime harmony and majestic meter, rippling rhyme and rolling rhythm of the music of the spheres; with the vision of the soul I gaze across the vast ocean of eternity and I seem to see the Father of Our Country and the Savior of the Union looking this way from the shores of time. "I HAVE NO VOICE TO REACH THEM WITH" but I appear to FEEL that they are trying to tell the citizens of the dear Republic where they lived and wrought before they crossed over the GREAT DIVIDE, that our paramount patriotic duty in the pending crisis is to cast our ballots for Woodrow \\'ilson of New Jersey and Thomas R. Marshall of my native State. During the quarter of a century I have served on our railways I have made many friends from Chicago to Key West, and from the Statue of Liberty catching the first beams of the morning enlightening the world, to the Golden Gate receiving the last rays of the setting sun aiul marking the going down thereof; and 1 sincerely hope and honestly think many people who know me per.sonally and well will be free to say they truly believe no selfish purpose, sinister design, ulterior motive or ALL THE GOLD IN THE WORLD could induce me to make THIS STATEMENT in THIS MANNER if I did not FEEL ITS VERY TRUTH THROHHING IN EVERY FIBER OF MY HEING. and HEAR MY DISTRACTED COUNTRY CALLING ME IN THE HOUR OF HER NEED. If any man .'vcr felt CALLED TO TREACH I have b^on impelled by that same IRRESISTIBLE POWER to write UIi^^■ homily, and offer it to the UNION MY FATHER DIED TO SAVE. 38 Night L^tte? .:':' ^ I pray to be permitted to file this message: CHECK 50 PAID Los Angeles, Cal., November 6th, 1912 President-elect Wocdrow Wilson, Sea Girt, N. J. GOD REIGNS AND THE GOVERNMENT STILL LIVES. ONCE MORE OUR BELOVED REPUBLIC RIDES TO SAFE ANCHORAGE THROUGH THE STORM. WE LOOK TO YOU TO RExMOVE THE SEAT OF ITS POWER FROM WALL STREET BACK TO WASHINGTON. HOPE TO MEET YOU AT GETTYSBURG NEXT JULY. YOURS FOR HUMANITY, PEACE AND PROSPERITY, WILLARD LIGHT. 39 Lhflhilcl^oftiie >^ ^^'5- ^ ' . SAN ; . _^ FRANCISCO' 14 DAY USE _ RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recalL ttJtof^S^^ P iHk^ ii ■ ^c^ ; m 4^982 31 Hc^^l -< ''^^'^ __ :Sonc ^. 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