• V IN THE ASSEMBLY.] [SESSION OF 1853. REPORT OP THE STATE PRISON COIMISSIONEES. [GEORGE KERR, STATE PRINTER. V 53a. EPORT OF THE STATE PRISON COMMISSIONERS. Office of Superintendent of Public Buildings. To the Honorable Speaker of the House of Representatives of the State of California : — The undersigned, appointed Commissioners by Act of the Legislature May 1st, 1852, to select a suitable location for a State Prison and to con- tract for the building of the same, have discharged the duty thus devolving upon them, and beg leave to report : That duly impressed with the importance and responsibility of the trust confided to them, they proceeded directly after their appointment to examine and survey the points which were at first recommended to their consideration, as the most appropriate localities for the site of a permanent prison. Their attention was in the outset directed to Goats Island, oppo- site to the City of San Francisco, and if security alone against the escape of convicts was to be considered, this Island would have been entitled to a first choice ; but after diligent investigation, the undersigned could not determine in whom the ownership of this island was vested, and not be- ing authorized to purchase under a doubtful or insecure title, this locality was rejected. Angel Island was the next site considered, but no warranty of a title could here be obtained, and without considering its advantages, it was necessarily passed. It was deemed important that the prison should be built on some point contiguous to the Bay of San Francisco, and passing by the two islands before mentioned, the most suitable locality was found at Point St. Q,uentin, near the mission of San Rafael, and distant from San Francisco about twelve miles. No other place on the bay appeared to the undersigned to possess superior or equal advantages. It is within the line of steamboat navigation, and easy and safe of access. It is an elevated, healthy and conspicuous point ; good water is obtained on the ground, and abundance of wood in the neighborhood. Quarries of stone suitable for building purposes, apparently inexhaustable, are found within the prison limits and immediate vicinity. Clay, well adapted for the manufacture of brick, forms the substratum of the ground selected, and it has been demonstrated by actual practice, that the convicts can be worked to advantage upon the ground now designated as the prison limits. Ten thousand dollars, the amount appropriated for the purchase of a site, were paid for thirty acres (20 acres) of land on Point St. Quentin ; but the contract provides for the building of a wharf leading to sixteen feet water in the bay, without charge to the State, and to be free forever to its use. The undersigned having thus far, they believe, without impeachment of motive, discharged faithfully their duty to the State, proceeded next to contract for the building of the Prison, and in passing, they must be permitted to refer to the gratuitous and vindictive assaults which have been made upon them personally, and upon their official action by the public press, or by malicious and irresponsible persons availing them- selves of this mode of attack. The malignity of interested Stock Bro- kers ; the harpies who live by crying up and down the State credit, the moths who feed and fatten upon State script : the " Bulls and Bears" who gamble in State securities can.iot be measured by argument, or silenced by facts ; and it would be extra official, and not comport with our self respect to analyze pointless invective that has become stale to the public ear. The undersigned have had a duty fc) perform, a task they were commissioned to accomplish, and they are prepared to show they have been faithful to their trust. Pursuant to the law under which the undersigned hold their appoint- ments, they published at large proposals for building a State Prison ; it will not be denied that ample time, ample information and due publicity were given : that competition was invited, and the undersigned have only to say that after an impartial consideration of all the proposals submitted to them ; the contract was awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. And now, sir, the undersigned respectfully submit the contract which they have made, to the candid consideration of the Legislature : if in their official capacity they had bound the State to pay exorbitant prices, or even higher than the current prices of the country, if they had violated any law, or abused the extraordinary powers conferred upon them, they might approach the representatives of the people with diffidence and doubt ; but the contract wears an open face, it is composed of figures and facts ; it is susceptible of measure, it has length, and breadth, and depth convertible into cubic yards ; and what it ought to cost is susceptible of exact calculation. It is by measurement that the work is let, and the accompanying papers will show that measure by measure in comparison, the Prison will be built cheaper than like work is being or has been done in any part of the State ; it may be that the undersigned are at fault in requiring the Prison to be completed within the period of one year, but they see no reason to doubt that the magnitude of the plan will give rise to a structure not more than commensurate with the prospective wants of the State. Older States have larger population, but the number of convicts is increasing in a fearful ratio and will soon outnumber those in many of the States that have prisons of superior dimensions. Even were it now practicable, the undersigned would not recommend a remodelling of the plan with a view to its contraction, but it is under- stood that the contractors will be content to build within one year only the most essential portions, proceeding afterwards from time to time, or from year to year, according to the public wants, and with a due regard to the means of the State. ^ All of which is respectfully submitted. JAMES GRAHAM, Superintendent Public Buildings. GEfc. McDOUGAL, J. MILLER.