^ GIFT or FROM THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. THIRD SERIES 1910 VOLUME IV. SECTION III Mathematical Instruction in France, By RAYMOND CLARE ARCHIBALD. M.A., Ph.D. Po-^l OTTAWA PRINTED FOR THE ROYAL SOCIETY OP CANADA 1011 Section III., 1910. [ 89 ] Trans. R. S. C<^^;Q<^ XII. Mathematical Instruction in Frajice. By Raymond Clare Archibald, M.A., Ph.D., Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. (Presented by Dr. E. Deville and read in abstract, 28 September, 1910.) CoNTEKTS. Introductory 90 General Remarks Educational System and Primary Instruction . . 91 Elementary Mathematical Instruction The Lyc^es 93 The Baccalaureat 98 The Classes de Mathematiques SpecicUes 103 Higher Mathematical Instruction The Sorbonne 108 The Licence 112 The Dipldme d'JEtudes Supirieures de Mathematiques 113 The Agregation des Sciences Math&matiques 113 The Doctorat 115 The ficole Normale Sup^rieure 118 The ficole Polytechnique 120 The College de France 121 Concluding Remarks on Mathematical Instruction 122 Teaching of Mathematics as a Profession in France 124 The American Mathematical Student in Paris 127 Authorities 131 APt*ENDlCES. A* The Agregation des Sciences Mathematiques 133 B. Mathematical Courses offered in Universities outside of Paris, 1909-1910 151 For Later Publication. C. The Doctorat ^s Sciences Mathematiques in France, 1811-1910. D. A List of Mathematical Text Books in French Secondary Education. 276f>2(> 90 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA Introductory. As the result of remarkable progress during the past fifteen years, a vigorous American School of Mathematics, of which the German School may well be considered the parent, has been developing. Many years must elapse before the offspring may exercise the authority and influence made felt by such masters as Gauss, Riemann, Steiner, Weier- strass and Klein. But meanwhile the process of evolution is proceeding in thorough fashion. In preparing for higher mathematical education, America has recognized the fundamental importance of the secondary; organization, discussion, and criticism of home methods as well as study of those of foreign countries, have been widespread in recent years. But here, again, the preponderance of discussion in book and periodical is of German methods. The series of reports of the Carnegie Founda- tion for the Advancement of Teaching is doing considerable to spread accurate information of a more general character. Yet in spite of the predominance of German influence in the dis- cussion, I have become convinced, after several months of observation, that just as much might be beneficially acquired by the study of mathe- matics and methods of mathematical training in France, as in any other country. Has not this country produced Chasles, Monge, Pon'celet, Cauchy, LaPlace, Hermite? What city beside Paris has to-day such a large number of mathematicians of the first order? There are Poincar^, Darboux, Goursat, Picard, Painleve, Appell, Jordan, Humbert, Borel, Tannery, to mention only a few. What other country gives such a course of mathematical training as is provided in the Classes de Mathe- matiques Speciales of the French Lyc^es? Where else is the extraordi- narily high standard of the agregation demanded of higher teachers in the secondary schools? Nevertheless when leaving Harvard some ten years ago with a view to further mathematical study in Europe, and although more or less familiar with such classic treatises as those of Darboux, Picard, Tannery, Appell and Goursat, I scarcely even considered France, as a possible place of location. The professors at Harvard who had studied abroad had been trained in Germany and were thoroughly imbued with German methods and ideals. The same was doubtless true of at least ninety- five per cent of the mathematical professors in the larger American colleges, and the same may be said to-day Why this neglect of France ? For one thing the American student usually looks forward to getting a doctor's degree in one or two years, while the idea is certainly prevalent among us that if the French degree of doctor were at all available for the foreigner, he could only expect to get it at the age of forty-five or fifty, and after writing some monumental or epoch-making treatise. Such ignorance is without doubt due in part to the excessive [ARCHIBALD] MATHEMATICAL INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE 91 difficulty of getting any reliable information about French as compared with German universities. Even when the inquirer is in Paris the difficulty does not wholly disappear. It would seem then, that a service may be rendered to students and university professors who have in prospect a sojourn in Europe for mathematical study, if I should present a general view of the situation in France, along with fuller details on topics which must be of especial interest to every mathematician. The plan of the paper is indicated by the table of contents. General Remarks Educational System and Primary Instruction. To more thoroughly understand the methods and ends of mathe- matical instruction in France it will be well to introduce here some brief general remarks. For educational purposes France is divided geographically into arrondissements. The assemblage of government schools (primary, secondary and superior) in each arrondissement, forms an academie over which a recteur presides. We thus have the 16 academies of Aix-Mar- seilles, Besangon, Bordeaux, Caen, Chambery, Clermont, Dijon, Gren- oble, Lille, Lyons, Montpellier, Nancy, Paris, Poitiers, Rennes, Toulouse, as well as a seventeenth at Algiers. With the exception of Chambery these names correspond to the seats of the French universities, which have from two to four faculties (law, science, letters, medicine) each, the faculties of science and letters together corresponding to the German philosophische Facultdt. In the academie first named above, the faculties of law and letters are at Aix and the faculties of science and medicine at Marseilles. The assemblage of academies forms the Universite de France, at the head of which is the Minister of Public Instruction, who is ex officio the " Recteur de 1' Academie de Paris et Grand Maitre de PUniversit^ de Paris.'' For the Academie de Paris there is a vice-recteur, whose duties are the same as those of the recteurs of other academies. Although nominally lower in rank than the heads of academies in the provinces, he is in reality, the most powerful official in the educational system. The position of the Minister of Pubhc Instruction being so insecure by reason of changing governments, continuity of scheme is assured by three lieutenants who have charge respectively of the primary, secondary and superior education. They in turn have an army of inspectors who report on the work and capabilities of the recteurs and their academies as far as primary and secondary instruction is concerned. 92 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA This suffices at present to indicate the remarkably centralized and unique character of the French educational system. It is theo- retically possible for the most radical changes in any part of public instruction to be immediately brought about by a stroke of the pen on the part of the Minister of Public Instruction. In the recuperation of the French nation during the past 40 years, gigantic strides have been made in all departments of education; scores of handsome and spacious new buildings have been erected, new chairs have been endowed, new laboratories established and equipped while in connection with special schools all over the country, scholarships and prizes call forth and reward the best effort of the nation's youth. Forty years ago the state spent 32 million francs for education. The 1909 budget of the Minister of Public Instruction and Fine Arts called for 293 millions nearly two-thirds of this amount being allotted to Primary Instruction. Primary and superior instruction are free in France and over five million children are now annually in attendance at the public primary schools. Broadly speaking there are three classes of these schools which give strictly elementary education: A. Ecoles Maternelles. A sort of kindergarten for children of both sexes from 2 to 5 or 6 years old. B. Ecoles Primaires EUmentaires for pupils 7 to 13 years of age. The course is divided as follows: Age Section Fiifa^Dtine . ... 5 or 6-7 Cours El^mentaire I^re Ann6e 7-8 He " 8-9 9-10 Cours Moyen ISre " He " 10-11 Cours Sup^rieur I^re " 11-12 He " 12-13 On completion of the cours moyen the pupil receives a certificat d' Etudes primaires elementaires. This certificate or its equivalent is required of every child in France. A very small proportion of those receiving it take up further work in the cours superieur, in the lyc^es or in C.--Ecoles Primaires Superieures. These are for children of the labouring class who do not aspire to a classical education, but who [ARCHIBALD] MATHEMATICAL INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE 93 wish to prepare themselves for industrial, commercial or agricultural careers. In what follows it will be supposed that the discussion is limited to the education of boys. Elementary Mathematical Instruction. The Lyc^es. The present system of secondary education in France dates from the great reform of 1902 and is carried on for the most part in Lycees and Collhges communaux which are to be found in nearly all cities. Because of their pre-eminence we shall consider the former only, which are under control of the state. Here the boys, who come from families in comfortable circumstances, may enter as elhves at the age of five or six years and be led along in their studies till they receive the Bacca- laureat at the age of 16 or 17. Many lycees have still more advanced courses to prepare for entrance into such schools as the Ecole Normale Sup^rieure, ficole Polytechnique, ficole Centrale, ficole Navale, ficole de Saint Cyr, etc. The pupils at the lycees are of four kinds: 1st. Externes, those who come to the lycees for classes but board and lodge outside; 2nd. Internes or pensionnaires, eleves who live entirely in the establishment; 3rd. Demi-pensionnaires who usually reside at a distance but take their mid-day meal at the lycee; 4th. Externes surveilles, that is externes who work out their lessons under the eye of the preparateur in the salle d' etude of the lycee. In the whole of France rather less than one third of the lycee pupils are internes. At lycee Louis le Grand, Paris, in 1907, 275 of the 909 ^l^ves were internes; on the other hand at the Saint Louis, which is quite near, there were 504 internes out of a registration of 854. The expenses of the pupil vary greatly with the class and the lycee in which he happens to be. The following table exhibits the range of cost (in francs per year) , for some of the principal cities of the provinces and for the better lycees of Paris. Bordeaux, Lyons, Marseilles, Toulouse. Paris. Externes *'. 70-^50 90-700 Externes Surveilles. . . 110-540 130-790 Demi-pensionnaires 370-850 500-1200 Pensionnaires 700-1200 900-1700 The lower price in each case is for the classe enfantine, the higher for the special classes open to bacheliers. 94 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA Instruction in fully equipped lycees may be divided into four sections: I, Primary; II, Premier Cycle; III, Second Cycle; IV, Classes de Math^m,atiques Speciales. I. Pnmary. The classes in this section are named as follows: Age from Classes Enfantine Onzieme 5 Preparatory Division Dixieme 6 Neuvieme 7 Elementary Division Huitieme 8 Septieme 9 In a general way this course corresponds to that which leads to the certificat d'etudes primaii'es elementaires , but while the latter was designed as a more or less complete unit in itself, the former is laid out on broader lines and has in view further studies which the boy will follow up. According to the plans d'etudes, it would seem as if one essential difference were introduced by instruction in a modern language in the neuvieme, huitieme and septieme. In reality, however, the modern language classes are so conducted in the sixieme of the Premier Cycle that both kinds of students are taught together. II. Premier Cycle {sixihme-troisihme) . This cycle of four years constitutes an advanced course for students who have finished their primary studies, and is the first part of secondary education proper. It offers a choice between two lines of study, the one character- ised by instruction in Latin with or without Greek, the other in which no dead language is taught. The former is selected by the parent who wishes to prepare his boy for the department of letters in the ficole Normale Superieure or for the career of classical professor, lawyer or doctor. The latter is likely to be chosen for the boy who is particularly interested in science or who has a commercial career in view. III. Second Cycle. This leads, normally, to the BaccalaurSat, at the end of three years' study, in one of four different sections. The student of Latin and Greek in the quatrieme and troisieme has passed into the "Latin-Grec" section, the student of modern languages into the " Science-Langues vivantes" section, while this section as well as those of ''Latin-Langues vivantes" and "Latin-Science" have been filled by students who have studied Latin (but not Greek) , during the four years of the Premier Cycle. The scheme will be clearer in tabular form. [ARCHIBALD] MATHEMATICAL INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE 95 I\ipils who learn Latin, with or without Greek. Pupils who learn no dead language Age from PREMIER CYCLE. 4 years Sixi^me A (Latin). Sixidme B 10 Cinquieme A (Latin). Cinquidme B 11 .j^ Quatridme B 12 Quatrifeme A (Latin Greek) Quatri^me (Latin) Troisifeme A (Latin Greek) Troisifeme (Latin) Troisi^me B 13 1 Pupils who give up the study of Latin. i Sciences-Langues Latin -Grec. Latin-Langues Latin -Sciences SECOND CYCLE 3 years Second A Second B Second C Second D 14 Premiere A Premiere B Premiere C Premiere D 15 PhilosophieA Philosophie B Math^matiquesA Math^matiques D 16 Let us now observe a little more closely just what is involved in this display, in the matter of studies and demands made upon the eleve. As an important examination which we shall presently describe comes at the end of the Premise, our present analysis will not pass beyond this grade. Here is the programme for a week. b ?, 1 b >> a ^ U) a &> t 1 a bC ^ ^ i .a a bi 8 o -a a> 1 S M 3 t .Hi 6 <2 i 1 1 o3 1 P B 1 1 T3 a 03 oj 1 .a D. (3 c5 1 UD d ^ 1-1 TO 73 ^ be 2 2 9 1 3 c9 l o o 1 ^ 1 .4 1 1 1 9 <0 1 ^ 8 .3 +a .2 p. P. 1 i ii ta 7 o ^ W ^, CM ^ m O < Physics. Optics, electricity. Chemistry. Of the carbon compounds. German. Selections from the dramatic poetry of Schiller, Goethe, Kleist and Grillparzer. Extracts from the prose works of Wieland, Goethe, Schiller, Auerbach, Freytag, Scheffel, etc. English. Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and Macbeth, extracts from Milton, Addison, Goldsmith, Wordsworth, Byron, Coleridge, Dickens, Macaulay, Eliot, Tennyson and Thackeray. Algebra. Equations and trinomials of the second degree. Calcu- lation of the derivatives of simple functions; study of their variation and graphic representation; study of rectilinear motion by means of the theory of derivatives; velocity and acceleration; uniformly changing motion. Geometry. Solid. Descriptive Geometry. Elements. Trigonometry. Plane, including the use of four or five place logarithim tables, the solution of triangles and trignometric equations. In passing it may be worth noting that the Latin course for Premiere A, B, C, includes the study of selections from Cicero's letters and ora- tions, from Livy, Seneca, Tacitus, Lucretius, Virgil and from Horace's Satires and Epodes. The Greek course for Premiere A, considers ex- tracts from Xenophon's Memorabilia, from Plato, Demosthenes, Homer, iEschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, etc. The Baccalauriat. Having finished the Premiere, the eleve presents himself for exam- ination under conditions which once more emphasise the unity of the French educational system. This is the examination for the first part of the state degree known as the Baccalaureat. A peculiar feature of this examination is that it is not held in the lyc^eg but at the university of the academie to which the particular lyc^e belongs.^ As various civil and practically all government posi- tions, except those in post and telegraph offices are only open to bachel- iers, the state introduces into the body of examiners some who are wholly independent of the lycees. These examiners are the professors in the universities. Since our future mathematicians are to come from Premiere C and D we shall give a few particulars concerning their examination. All examinations for the baccalaureat are held in July and October at the ending of one school year and the beginning of the next. The * As there is no university at Chamb6ry, the candidate presents himself before a faculty of either Lyons or Grenoble. [ARCHIBALD] MATHEMATICAL INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE 99 examiners of the candidates from Premiere C are six in number, three of whom are university professors and three professors from the lyc4es or colleges; for Premiere D there are but two university professors in addition to three from the lycees. The examinations in all sections are both written and oral. Here is the scheme of examination which practically covers what the eleve has studied in earlier years. Premiere C (Latin-Sciences). Written. 1st, a French composition (3 hours) ; (the candidate has a choice of three subjects) ; 2nd, a Latin translation (3 hours); 3rd, an examination in Mathematics and Physics (4 hours). Oral, (about three quarters of an hour). 1st, explanation of a Latin text; 2nd, explanation of a French text; 3rd, examination in a modern language questions and answers being necessarily in this language. Questions in 4th, History; 5th, Geography; 6th, Mathe- matics; 7th, Physics; 8th, Chemistry. Premiere D (Sciences-Langues Vivantes). Written. 1st, a French composition (3 hours) ; 2nd, a composition in a modern language (3 hours); 3rd, examination in Mathematics and Physics (4 hours). Oral (about three-quarters of an hour). 1st, explanation of a French text; 2nd, two tests in modern languages, one of which must be either English or German. Questions in 3rd, History; 4th, Geography; 5th, Mathematics; 6th, Physics; 7th, Chemistry. On registering at the secretary's office and paying the fifty francs necessary for the above examinations the student has the option of depositing his livret scolaire which contained a full record of his work in the lycee for two or three years previously. If the pupil thus shows a good record but fails to get the necessary fifty per cent on his written paper he is nevertheless admitted to the oral. Otherwise no eleve who has not passed the written examination can present himself for the oral. On the other hand if he has passed the written examination, but failed at the oral, he may try another oral examination (within a year), without repeating the written part. The searching character of the tests prepares us for a large number of failures. Here is the record for 1909. Number of Candidates AdSf to i N-b Oral 1 ^^^^^ Percentage Passed July. Oct. July. Oct. July. Oct. July. Oct. Latin-Grec. . . . 2506 1262 1423 759 930 729 915 1097 1293 537 44 42 42 Latin-Langues Vivantes. . 3147 2717 4088 1683 1605 708 41 Latin-Science Science-Langues Vivantes. 1247 1619 2110 1350 1741 570 731 49 46 1860 42 39 Philosophic 5824 2639 3764 1995 1911 3144 1572 ^642^ 54 59 Math^matiques 3163 1128 790 1762 56 1 57 1 100 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA We observe that less than fifty per cent, of the pupils get through on the first examination^ while a similar percentage of the remainder fail and are required to return to the Premiere once more or to wait for another year.^ Those who have been successful return to the lyc6e to prepare for the second part of the baccalaureat. A choice of two courses (which may be slightly varied), is open to them, the one Philosophic A or B, the other, Mathematiques A or B. We shall only refer to the latter which has been supplied with pupils from the Premiere C and D. There they had 26 and 28 recitation hours per week. This has now been increased to 27^ and 28^. There has been an increase in the num- ber of hours devoted to mathematics, physics and chemistry, but a re- duction in the amount of study of modern languages. Latin no longer enters. The programme for Mathematiques A is in outline as follows: Philosophy (3 hours). I. Elements of Scientific Philosophy: introduction, science, method of mathematical sciences, method of the sciences of nature, method of moral and social sciences. IL Ele- ments of moral and social philosophy. History and Geography (3 J hours). Modern Languages (2 hours). Physics and Chemistry (5 hours) . Natural Science (2 hours) . Practical Exercises in Science (2 hours). Draunng (2 hours). Hygiene (12 lectures of 1 hour). Mathematics. (8 hours) : Arithmetic. Properties of integers ; fractions ; decimals ; square roots; greatest common divisors; theory of errors; etc. Algebra. Positive and negative numbers, quadratic equations (without the theory of imaginaries) , progressions, logarithms, interest and annuities, graphs derivatives of a sum, product, quotient, square root of a function, of sin x, cos x, tan x, cot x. Application to the study of the variation and the maxima and minima, of some simple functions, in particular functions of the form ax- + bx + c ; xHpx + q a^x^ + b^x-hc^ when the coefficients have numerical values Derivative of the area of a curve regarded as function of the abcissa (the notion of area is assumed).^ Trigonometry. Circular functions, solution of triangles, applica- tions of trigonometry to various questions relative to land surveying . ^ For some it may have been the third or fourth trial. ^ There are certain exceptional cases which I shall not consider. 3 The following note is attached to the resume in the official programme, " Le professeur laissera de cote toutes les questions subtiles que souleve une exposition rigoureuse de la th^orie des d^riv^es; il aura surtout en vue les applications et ne craindra pas de faire appel a Tintuition." [ARCHIBALD] MATHEMATICAL INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE 101 Geometry. Translation, rotation, symmetry, homology and simili- tude, solids, areas, volumes, poles and polars, inversion, stereographic projection, vectors, central projections, etc. Conies. Ellipse, hyperbola, parabola, plane sections of a cone or cylinder of revolution, etc. Descriptive Geometry, Rabatments application to distances and angles projection of a circle sphere, cone, cylinder, planes, sections, shadows. application to topographical maps, etc. Kinematics. Units of length and time. Rectilinear and curvi- linear motion. Translation and rotation of a solid body. Geometric study of the helix, etc. Dynamics and Statics. Dyn&iiiics of a particle, forces applied to a solid body, simple machines in a state of repose and movement, etc. Cosmography. Celestial sphere, earth, sun, moon, planets, comets, stars Co-ordinate Systems, Kepler's and Newton's laws, etc. One of the most striking things in this scheme, as compared with American method, is to find arithmetic taught in the last year of the lycee course. Note too, that from the Cinquieme on, it has been taken up in connection with instruction in geometry and algebra. Indeed, this method of constantly showing the interdependence or interrelation of the various mathematical subjects was one of the interesting and vaulable characteristics of French education as I observed it. For example, I happened to be present in a classroom when the theory and evaluation of repeating decimals was under discussion. After all the processes had been explained, problems which led similarly to the con- sideration of infinite series and limits were taken up. By suggestive questioning a pupil found the area under an arc of a semi-cubical para- bola and the position of the centre of gravity of a spherical cap. With us it is not till the graduate school of the university that the boy is taught the true inwardness of such processes as long division and -extraction of roots; but in France, arithmetic is taught as a science and the eleve leaving the lycee has a comprehending and comprehensive grasp of all he has studied. The increasing general interest in practical education is reflected in the French method of teaching geometry with frequent illustration involving discussion of the form or relation between the parts of objects met with in every day life. Rather curiously, the method employed in at least some German gymnasien, of demanding that a pupil demon- strate even the more complicated propositions of geometry without any reference to a figure on a blackboard, does not seem to obtain in France. Curiously, because there can be no doubt of the fine exercise of mental concentration required of the members of the class who first build up in imagination the construction as indicated by one of their number and 102 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA afterwards follow or criticize his proof; moreover the average French boy could certainly soon become an expert in such mental gymnastics. We remark that most of the mathematical subjects mentioned above are more or less foreign to our secondary education. Instruction in geometrical conies (courbes usuelles), is infrequently given by us, even in universities. Again, the ordinary mathematical student who goes up for his doctor's degree in America may have the vaguest idea of what is even meant by Descriptive Geometery. True, it is a regular course for our training of the engineer; but not, unfortunately, of the mathematician. On the other hand the French mathematical student has had at least four years of Descriptive Geometry, two of them before receiving his baccalaur^at. The subject is required for admission into many government schools. We note that the idea of a derivative is familiar to the lyceen during the last two years of his course. Why we so generally shut out the introduction of such an idea into our first courses in analytical geometry and theory of equations is, to me, a mystery. Finally, I would remark that the classes in Math^matiques A last two hours, with the exception of five minutes for recreation at the end of the first hour. The professor thus has sufficient time to amplify and impress his instruction. At the close of the last year of the Second Cycle, the eleve takes the examination for the second part of the baccalaur^at. The same general conditions prevail as for the first part. Under no conditions whatever can an eleve try the second part till he has passed the first. The jury of four contains two university professors. The written examinations in mathematics, physics and philosophy are each three hours long; the oral covers what has been studied the year previously. If successful, a dipolma now called the baccalaureat de V enseignement secondaire, is granted to the eleve by the Minister of Public Instruction. The eleve thus becomes a hachelier. The diplomas in all four sections are of the same scholastic value. The charge made for diploma and examination is 90 francs. By reference to the foregoing statistical table, it will be noticed that more than forty per cent, of the candidates failed to pass at each of the examinations in 1909. Because of the similarity of title used in the different countries, the Frenchman does not generally understand what the title Bachelor of Arts implies nor is it easy to make any concise statement in explana- tion. Little exaggeration can be made, however, in placing the bachelier on a plane of scholastic equality with the Sophomore who has finished his year at one of the best American universities. Certain it is that the bachelier in Latin-Grec has done as much of the dead languages, philos- ophy and history as is required in the whole pass course of the ordinary [ARCHIBALD] MATHEMATICAL INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE 103 Canadian university. The same may be remarked of the bachelier of Latin-Sciences in modern languages and Latin. When it is further remembered that it is possible for the average Canadian boy to get his B.A. with small effort one inclines to place the baccalaur^at, with its rigorous and impartial tests, even higher. No guessing of possible questions and "cramming" for the same, so common in America, can qualify a youth to pass an examination in France. Another thought which the examinations for the baccalaur^at suggest, is the superiority in one respect of Canadian education over that in the United States where a great source of weakness would be removed by the adoption of our plan, under which the examinations for promotion from one grade to the next are conducted by the supervisor of education, not by the teacher. The pressure brought to bear upon teachers to promote ill-prepared pupils is thereby eliminated and this pressure is a fruitful source of demoralization in American public schools. Finally, does not the French system, as worked out by a great body of educationists, suggest both the kind and method of a much needed reform in our university requirements for the B.A. degree? A large number of bacheliers, as we have seen, have studied no dead language. They may proceed to the Universities and after a time be made doctors in mathematics or natural science without being required to study any dead language. Why may not the same obtain with us? What advantages can be claimed for the study of dead languages, as taught by us, which may not be equally claimed for modern languages? The Harvard authorities apparently see none, as they have not required any dead language after matriculation, for many years past. The Classes de Mathematiques Speciales. IV. If the bachelier who is proficient in mathematics be not turned aside by circumstances or inclination, to immediately seek a career in civil or government employment, he most probably proceeds to prepare himself for the highly special and exacting examination necessary for entrance into one of the great schools of the government. The method of this preparation exhibits a very peculiar feature of the French system. Whereas with us, or with the German, the boy who has finished his regular course in the secondary school goes directly to some department of a university for his next instruction, the bachelier, who has a perfect right to follow the same course, returns to his old lycee (or enrolls himself at one of the great Paris lycees, such as Saint Louis, Louis le Grand or Henri IV) , to enter the Classe de Mathematiques Speciales preparatoire which leads up to the Classe de Mathematiques Speciales. The latter is exactly adapted to prepare students for the ficole Normale Superieure, the ficole Polytechnique and the bourses de 104 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA licencsK Only a small proportion of the lycees (34 out of the 115), have this Clause; but with the exception of Aix they are to be found in all university towns. On the other hand, yet other lycees have classes which prepare specially for the less exacting mathematical entrance examinations of the ficole Centrale, ficole de Saint Cyr, ficole Navale, etc. But the number of eleves who on first starting out deliberately try to pass examinations for these schools is small, in proportion to the number who eventually reach them after repeated but vain effort to get into the ficole Polytechnique or the ficole Normale Superieure. Just what makes these two schools famous and peculiarly attractive will appear in a later section. It has been noticed that when the eleve has won his baccalaureat he may immediately matriculate into a uni- versity, and although it might be possible for him to keep pace with the courses, in mathematics, at least, it would be a matter of excessive difficulty. There is then in reality, between the baccalaureat and the first courses of the universities, a distinct break, bridged only by the Classes de Mathematiques Speciales. The eleves who enter the prSparatoire section of this class are, generally,^ bacheliers leaving the- classes de Mathematiques; in very rare instances, there are those who come from the classe de Philosophie. Natural science, history and geography, philosophy indeed practically every study except those necessary for the end in view, have been dropped and from this time on to the agregation and doctorat all energies are bent in the direction of intense specialization. This is the most pronounced characteristic of French education to-day. In mathematics, instruction now occupies 12 instead of 8 hours. New points of view, new topics and broader general principles are developed in algebra and analysis, trigonometry, analytical geometry and mechanics. Physics and chemistry are taught during six hours instead of five. Add to these, German, 2 hours; French literature, one hour; descriptive geometry, 4 hours; drawing, 4 hours. After one year of this preparatory training the eleve passes into the remarkable Classe de Mathematiques Speciales. ^ Eight years of strenuous training have made this class possible for the young man of 17 or 18 years of age, who is confronted with no less than 34 hours of class and laboratory work per week and no limit as to the number of hours expected in preparing for the classes! When first I looked over the programme it seemed a well nigh im- possible performance for one year. Surely no other country can show anything to compare with it. Although it would be of interest to * Pupils who are not bacheliers, but who are preparing to enter the Ecole Centrale, are also admitted into this class. [ARCHIBALD] MATHEMATICAL INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE 106 reproduce the programme in full, to do so would take up a dispropor- tionate space in a sketch of this kind. Moreover, many parts of it are given in Appendix A in connection with the agregation examination requirements. I shall, therefore, merely touch on a few of the points of interest. The number of hours per week are distributed as follows: Mathematics, 15; physics, 7 (2 in laboratory); chemistry, 2; descriptive geometry, 4; drawing, 4; German, 2; French, 1. The scope of the mathematical work may be judged from some books which were pre- pared with the needs of such a class especially in view. B. Niewenglowski, Cours d'algebre, I, 382 p.; II, 508 p.; Supple- ment G. Papelier Precis de g^om^trie analytique, 696 p. Girod Trigonometrie, 495 p. P. Appell Cours de mecanique, 650 p. X. Antomari Cours de geometrie descriptive, 619 p. If anything, this list underestimates the work actually covered by those who finally go out from the class. Tannery's Legons d'algebre et d'analyse (I, 423 p., II, 636 p.), might well replace Niewenglowski's work while Niewenglowski's Cours de geometrie analytique (1, 483 p.; II, 292 p.; Ill, 569 p.), represents the standard almost as nearly as Papelier's volume. Another treatise on mechanics widely used is that of' Humbert and Antomari.^ When we further realize that the books in this list, which represents the work for only one of a half dozen courses, are covered by the pro- fessor in about six months the last three months of the year are given over to drill in review and detail we begin to get some conception of what the Classe de Mathematiques Speciales really stands for. In his instruction the professor is officially "recommended" " de ne pas charger les cours, de faire grand usage de livres, de ne pas abuser des theories generales, de n'exposer aucune theorie sans en faire de nom- breuses applications poussees jusqu'au bout, de commencer habituelle- ment par les cas les plus simples, les plus faciles a comprendre, pour s'elever ensuite aux theoremes generaux. Parmi les applications d'une theorie mathematique, il conviendra de preferer celles qui se presentent en physique, celles que les jeunes gens rencontreront plus tard dans le cours de leurs etudes soit theoriques, soit pratiques; c'est ainsi que, dans la construction des courbes, il conviendra de choisir comme exemples des coiirbes qui se presentent en physique et en mecanique, comme les courbes de Van der Waals, le cycloide, la chainette, etc., que, dans la theorie des enveloppes, il conviendra de prendre comme exemples les enveloppes qui se rencontrent dans la theorie des engrenages cylindriques, et ainsi de suite. Les eleves devront etre ^ Further details about these various volumes, as well as of many others, may be found in Appendix D. 106 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA interroges en classe, exerces aux calculs num^riques, habitues k raisonner directement sur les cas particuliers et non a appliquer des formules. En resume, on devra d^velopper leur jiigement et leur initiative, non leur m^moire." In France, as everywhere else, the success of the system depends much on the personality of the professor. A Paris lycee instructor who had a genius for getting hold of his boys has recently died. No less than 35 of his pupils were admitted to the ficole Polytechnique in a single year. The ordinary professor has to be content with a half or a third of this number. But the success of a class is, by happy ar- rangement, not left to depend wholly upon a single man. Take, for example, lycee Saint Louis, which is the greatest preparatory school in France for the ficole Normale Superieure and the ficole Polytech- nique. There are four Classes de Math^matiques Sp^ciales and for all the members of these classes, conferences, interrogations and individual examination are organized. These exercises, which complete the daily instruction, are conducted by one of the professors in the lycee itself, or by one of those from the College de France, the Sorbonne, the ficole Polytechnique, the ficole Normale, from other lycees or from the colleges. Incapables are thus speedily weeded out. Of perhaps greater value than the solidity of the training got in this way is the fact that the interest of the 6leve is sustained. Just a word about the calculus course. This is practically equiv- alent to the first course in the best American universities. The integ- ration of differential equations of the first order in the cases where (1) the variables separate immediately, (2) the equation is linear, as well as of linear differential equations of the second order, constant coefficients, (a) without second member, (6) when the second member is a polynomial or a sum of exponentials of the form Ae^^ , is taken up. With the end of the year the 6leve has his first experience of a concours. Previously he has found that it was necessary only to make a certain percentage in order to mount to the next stage in his scholastic career; but now it is quite different. In 1908, 1,078 pupils tried for admission into the Ecole Polytechnique, but only 200, or 19.5 per cent., were received; for the department of science in the Ecole Normale Superieure, 22 out of 274, or 8 per cent., succeeded. In each case the number was fixed in advance by the Government according to the capacity of the school; the fortunate ones were those who stood highest in the examinations, written and oral. In the case of the Ecole Polytechnique, the written examinations were held in all the lycees which had a Classe de Mathematiques Speciales. The 387 can- didates declared admissible were then examined orally at Paris, and from them the 200 were chosen. Similarly for the ficole Normale, the [ARCHIBALD] MATHEMATICAL INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE 107 written examinations are conducted at the seats of the various acad- emies and the oral at Paris. Since 1904 the concours passed by the ficole Normalians has been that for the bourses de licence, open to candidates of at least 18 years of age and not more than 24. Certain dispensations in the matter of age are sometimes granted. The value of the bourse, for the section of science, is from 600-1,200 francs a year and is intended to help the student to prepare for the licence and other examinations required of prospective professors in the lycees and universities. The candidates leading the list in the concours are sent to the ficole Normale Sup^rieure for from three to four years. It is necessary for the six or seven other boursiers to prepare for future ex- aminations at the various universities of the provinces. Their bourses last regularly for two, and exceptionally for three, years. But to return to our eleves of the Classe de Mathematiques Sp6ciales. At the end of the first year, when 18 years old, they usually present themselves for the concours of both the bourse de licence and the ficole Polytechnique, the examinations in the former being more strenuous and searching. Only from 2 to 5 per cent, succeed on the first trial. The others then go back to the lyc6e and take another year in the Classe de Mathematiques Sp^ciales. Many points not fully understood before are now clear, and at the end of the second year from 25 to 28 per cent, are successful. The persevering again return to their Classe and try yet a third time (the last permitted for the bourse de licence) ; but it is a matter of record that less than one-half of those who enter the Classe de Mathematiques Speciales succeed even with this trial. This is usually the last trial possible for entry into the ficole Polytech- nique, as the young man who has passed the age of 21 on the first of January preceding the concours may not present himself. The re- mainder of the students either seek for entrance into government schools with less severe admission requirements, and thus give up their as- pirations to become mathematicians, or else continue their studies at the Sorbonne. The candidate who heads the list in each of these concours has his name widely published. In the case of the bourse de licence he is called the cacique, and he very frequently tops also the ficole Polytechnique list. If the work of the Classe de Mathematiques Speciales is so enormously difficult that only 2 to 5 per cent of its members can, at the end of one year, meet the standard of requirements of the examinations for which it prepares, why is not the instruction spread over two? Since nearly all the mathematical savants who now shed lustre on France's fair fame have passed from this remarkable class on the first trial, there can be no doubt that the answer to this question may be found|in the fact that the government ever seeks her servants among the elite of the nation's intellectuals. 108 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA Higher Mathematical Instruction. V enseignement sup^rieur is carried on in universities, great scientific establishments and special schools. We shall consider in particular, the mathematical instruction as given at the Sorbonne, the ficole Normale Superieure, the ficole Polytechnique and the College de France. The Sorbonne. The University de Paris consists of the faculties de droit, de medecine, des sciences, des lettres. (Faculties of Catholic and Protestant theology were suppressed in the years 1885 and 1906 respectively.) The faculties of science and letters have their offices, lecture rooms, laboratories and special libraries in a building now called the Sorbonne. This building contains also the headquarters of the officers of the Academie de Paris and of the university administration, the museums, the main university library, the ficole Pratique des Hautes fitudes, the ficole des Chartres and the great amphitheatre capable of seating 3,500 persons and adorned with a large allegorical painting, " the masterpiece of Puvis de Chavannes and one of the finest decorative works of our time." The present Sorbonne, completed less than a decade ago, is an immense and magnificent edifice, erected to replace the old Sorbonne (the outlines of which may be seen in the courtyard), dating from the time of Richelieu. To make room for the newer building, the older was (in 1885) torn down, with the exception of the chapel, which picturesquely nestles in the midst of the new structure. The name Sorbonne harks from the time of the confessor of St. Louis, Robert de Sorbon, who in the thirteenth century founded a sort of hostel for the reception of poor students of theology and their teachers. This soon acquired a high reputation as the centre of scholastic theology, and the name came to be applied to the faculty itself, which continued to exercise great influence on French Catholicism tiown through the centuries. It was suppressed, along with some twenty other univer- sities, during the Revolution. But under Napoleon, in 1808, the Sor- bonne was re-established as the seat of the monster Universite de France, which embraced all the universities, secondary schools, etc., in the country. The details of this organization did not prove accept- able, and in 1896 the arrangement explained in the early part of this paper came into effect. Judged by the number of students, the Universite de Paris is the largest university in the world. In January last, 17,512 students had registered. Nearly half of these were law students, while of the remain- der, 1,845 were pursuing work in one or more of the twenty-three [ARCHIBALD] MATHEMATICAL INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE 109 departments of the faculty of science.^ The instructors in French universities are of six classes. The chair es magistrates are held by professeurs titulaires; no less than eleven of these at the Sorbonne, are in the departments of mathematics. Then there are professeurs adjoints (of whom there may not be a number greater than one third of the chaires magistrales) , charges de cours, mattres de conferences, charges de conferences and maitres de conferences adjoints. Just what scholastic status or state recognition is implied in these titles I shall consider later; but it may be remarked here that all professeurs, although theoretically appointed only till the age when the law requires them to be pensioned off, are in reality appointed for life. Those at the Sorbonne, at least, are known the world over, because of their eminence in research and exposition. Here are the names of the chaires, of the incumbents and of the courses offered during the past year : 1 Geometrie superieure Darboux. I Semester. 30 lectures of 1 hour. " Theory of triply orthogonal systems." Largely as in the new edition of Darboux's work on this subject and as in selected parts of his Th^orie des Surfaces. 2 Analyse superieure et algebre superieure Picard. II Semester. 30 lectures of 1 hour. "Determination of integrals of partial differential equations of the second order with variou condi- tions as to limits." 3 Calcul differentiel et calcul integral Goursat. I and II Semesters. 60 lectures of 70 minutes. This course is practically that given in Goursat's Cours d'Analyse Math^matiques, Tomes I-II, new edition. 4 Applications de I'analyse a la geometrie Raffy. I Semester. 30 lectures of 75 minutes. This course is a slight expansion of Raffy's book on the subject. 5 Theorie des fonctions Borel I Semester. 15 lectures of 1 hour. The announced subject of this course was "Definite Integrals and some of their Applications," but the treatment was more of series. 6 Astronomie mathematique et m^canique celeste Poincare. I Semester. 30 lectures of 1 hour. "Movement of the Celestial Bodies about their centre of Gravity." 7 Astronomic physique Andoyer. II Semester. 30 lectures. 8 Physique mathematique et calcul de probabilites . . . Boussinesq. I Semester. 30 lectures of 1 hour. "Mechanical Theory of Light." II Semester. 30 lectures of 1 hour, "Reflection and refraction of a pencil of light at the limit common to two homogeneous media." ^ The total number of students at all the universities in France, in January 1910, was 41,044 as compared with 52,456 in Germany. 110 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA 9 Mecanique physique et experimentale Koenigs. I and II Semesters. 60 lectures of 1 hour. "Moteurs thermiques." I Semester. 12 lectures of 1 hour. Theoretical Kinematics. 10 Mecanique rationnelle^ ^Painleve. I and II Semesters. 60 lectures of 1^ hours. The lectures in this course practically cover Appell's Traits de Mecanique rationnelle, Tomes I-III, 11 Mathematiques gen^rales^ ^Ippell. I and II Semesters. 45 lectures of 1 hour. This course is essentially that given in Appell's Elements d'analyse mathematique. Physique geiierale is demanded of all advanced mathematical students. I add the subjects taught. Physique Bouty. I Semester. 30 lectures of 1 hour. Thermodynamics and Electrolysis. Blondelet's text is an equivalent. Physique -Pellat (Leduc). 12'^^ I Semester, 15 lectures of 1 hour, "Electrostatics, Ohm's law, Electrodynamics, etc." This course covers Pellat's text. Physique Lippmann. II Semester. 30 conferences of 1 hour. " Gravity, Capillarity, Acoustics, Optics." Beside these courses, which are open to the public without even the formality of registration, there are certain conferences et travaux pratiques '' cours fermes " for those regularly matriculated. As far as we are interested in them they are: 13 Geometrie superieure Cartan I Semester. 15 conferences of 1 hour. 14 Calcul differentiel et integral, et ses applications geometriques Raffy. I and II Semesters. 60 conferences of 70 minutes. 15 Astronomie physique : travaux pratiques Andoyer- II Semester. 30 conferences. 16 Mecanique physique et experimentale : travaux pratiques. Koenigs- I and II Semesters. 30 conferences. 17 Mecanique physique : principes de la statique graphigne et de la resistance des materiaux Servant. I and II Semesters. 30 conferences of 1 hour. ^ Appell is professor of mecanique rationnelle, and Painleve of mathematiques generale, but for this year at least they have exchanged the subjects demanded by their chairs. A possible explanation may be found in the fact that Appell has a remarkable gift of clear exposition of elementary subjects. ^ Pellat died early in the year and Leduc (professeur adjoint) was temporarily given charge of his course. [ARCHIBALD] MATHEMATICAL INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE 111 18 Mecanique rationnelle Cartan. I and II Semesters. 60 conferences of 1 hour. Algebre Blutel. I Semester. 30 lectures of 1 hour. Exercices de mathematiques generales Gamier I Semester. 20 conferences of 1 hour. Travaux pratiques de mathematiques generales Cartan. II Semester. 15 conferences of 1 hour. 19 20 Physique generate Leduc. 1 and II Semesters. 45 conferences of 1 hour. Cartan is a maitre de conference, and Bhitel (professor of mathem- atics at lycee Saint Louis), Garnier (collaborator on the French edition of the Encyklopcidie der Math. Wissenschaften) , and Servant, are charges de conferences. Unlike the organization at the College de France and in German universities where no examinations enter to disturb the serene atmosphere, one of the chief functions of French universities is to provide means for preparing students for two state examinations, the licence and the agregation. These examinations (but especially the agregation), demand that exceedingly comprehensive instruction shall each year be given in a large number of special subjects. To this end most of the professors devote themselves. As a consequence there is a great sameness in the courses offered at the different universities from year to year and Lyons is about the only one outside of Paris which attempts to do more than meet the state requirements.^ At the Sorbonne there is little annual variation in two-thirds of the main courses; these are 3, 4, 7, 8, 9^, 10, 11, 12. An outgrowth of them is a remarkable series of elegant treatises. But Borel, Darboux, Picard and Poincare make frequent changes in the subjects on which they lecture. We remark, that no professor gives more than one course (two lectures per week), except in the four cases of those who direct con- ferences and travaux pratiques; also that Darboux, Picard, Poincare, Andoyer, Bouty, Lippmann, only lecture during one semester.- The maitres de conferences or charges de conferences do not give new courses and treat of subjects in which they are especially informed as do the Privat-docenten in German universities. But their instruction, as well as that of all others who direct cours fermes, is supplementary to the work of those holding the chaires magistrates. Thus 13 sup- plements Darboux's course 14 supplements 3 and 4 15 and 7 go together so also 1G, 17 and 9 18 and 10 19 and 11 20 and * Compare Appendix B. 2 Most of Borel's work is at the l^cole Normale Sup6rieure, which is part of the University de Paris. 112 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA 12. Although there is nothing in the mathematical departments of the universities of France which exactly corresponds to the German Seminar, ^ the method of conducting the conferences at travaux pratiques is, I believe, a French specialty. We also find it used in the lyc^es at the ficole Normale Superieure, at the ficole Polytechnique, etc. Each week the instructor gives out exercises which the students solve and hand in ; these are returned with written comment and correction. The hour is employed by calling some student to the board and leading him by means of suggestive questioning to work out, generally in great detail, a piece of analysis or a problem or a theorem either arising from, or nearly related to, the main course. The manner in which this is carried through, with its exacting demands as to form in statement and black board presentation, is in the highest degree instructive. The above list does not display all the mathematical courses offered at the Sorbonne this year. Cartan had a special problem course for candidates for the agregation and Bachelier, gave a cours libre of 20 lectures on the calculus of probabilities and its application to financial operations. The number of cours libres varies from year to year.^ The Licence. When a student has finished any one of the groups of studies such as (3, 4, 14) or (10, 18), he may pass an examination and receive a certificat d' etudes swperieures. With the third certificat is given the diploma licence es science. The choice of subjects is not necessarily limited to those given above but may be selected (at the Sorbonne) from a list of 23^ which includes general chemistry, zoology, geology, etc. If, however, the student expects to teach in the secondary schools his choice is greatly limited. The mathematician must have certificats in calcul differentiel et integral, in mecanique rationnelle and in physique generale, or a third certificat in mathematics, excepting (11, 19). The physicist must have certificats in physique generale (12, 20), in chemie generale and in mineralogie or mathema- tiques generales (11, 19), or another subject of mathematical or physi- cal science. The natural scientist must have certificats in zoology or general physiology, in botany and in geology. The examination for certificats may be taken twice in a year, in July or in November. It consists of three parts, epreuve ecrite, epreuve pratique, epreuve ovale. ^ Other subjects are treated in Seminar style at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes which is an off-shoot of the College de France. 2 In July, 1910, the University of Paris accepted the offer of M. Albert Kahn to bear the expense, for a period of five years, of a course on "The Theory of Numbers." ' This number varies with the university; at Dijon it is 12. ARCHIBALD] MATHEMATICAL INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE 113 The first two are written examinations of about four hours each. Theo- retical considerations abound in the ecrite while numerical calculation is characteristic of the 'pratique. The oral lasts for 15-20 minutes and is held before the jury of those professors who have the whole examin- ation in charge. It is necessary to get fifty per cent to pass. The first certificat and examinations cost 35 francs, the second and third 30 francs each and the licence diploma 40 francs. The Diplome d' Etudes Superieures de Mathematiques. This diploma which was instituted by a decree of 1904 has not yet been awarded to any one, although its equivalent, 4 certificats (one chosen at option), is required of all candidates for the agregation. It may be considered as a little doctarate. The conditions leading to the diploma are twofold: (a) That a suitable travail be written on a subject agreed upon by the faculty. (6) That satisfactory answers be given to questions on the travail and on topics given three months in advance and relating to the same part of mathematics. The travail may consist either of original re- searches, or of the partial or total exposition, of a memoir or of a higher mathematical course. In the latter case by "exposition" is meant either a simplified resume of the memoir or of the course, or the detailed development, where the result or method that the author or professor presents has only been outlined. The Agregation des Sciences Mathematiques. This examination, unlike that for the baccalaur^at and licence, is a concours as in the case for entrance into the ficole Normale Superieure and the ficole Polytechnique. The number who become agreges each year is fixed in advance by the Minister of Public Instruction according to the needs of the lycees in the country. This number in recent years has generally been 14, but in 1897 as few as seven were chosen. The smallest number of competitors since 1885 was 54, in 1907; in 1909 there were 81; the largest number was in 1893, when there were 134 young men eager for 13 places.^ The candidate for this examination must have four cer- tificats; those in calcul differentiel et integral, mecanique rationnelle, physique generate and a fourth chosen at pleasure among the remain- ing mathematical subjects. As an equivalent of the fourth certificate a diplome d^ etudes superieures de mathematiques may be presented. The subject of the fourth certificate at Paris is usually Picard's Analyse Supe- rieure et Algebre Superieure (2^) or Darboux's Geometric Superieure ^ Compare the analytical table of Appendix A. Sec. III., 1910. 8. 114 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA (1, 13 and an epure). Poincar^^s course is chosen less frequently and at present Borel's course may not be selected independently of others. It is usually four years after leaving the Classe de Mathematiques Speciales that the young mathematician first presents himself for the agregation, i.e., when he is about 21 years of age. In this interval he has probably spent a 3^ear in military service, worked off the examinations for the first and third of the above mentioned certificates during the second year, for the second and fourth during the third, while the fourth year was spent in general review, study of teaching methods or other special direct preparation for the agregation. This examination, which is unique in its difficulty and exactions, is organized for selecting the most ef- ficient young men in the country, to take charge of the mathematical classes in the lycees. It consists of epreuves preparatoires and epreuves definitives. The former are four written examinations, each of seven consecutive hours in length! The first two of these are on subjects chosen from the programme of the lycees in mathematiques elemen- taires and mathematiques speciales. The last two, based on the work of the candidates in the universities, are a composition sur Vanalyse et ses applications geometriques and a composition de m^canique rationnelle. These epreuves are held at the seats of the various academies of France. Those who have reached a sufficiently high standard are declared admissible. Their number is usually a little less than twice the possible number to be finally received. In 1909 it was 27, but in 1905, 20; while in 1887 there were only 15, from which 13 were selected. They must present themselves at the Sorbonne for the epreuves definitives. These consist of two written examinations and two legons. The writ- ten tests are an epreuve de geometric descriptive, and a calcul numerique. Their duration is fixed by the jury, but it is usually four hours for each. The legons, which are supposed to be such as a professor might give (during |-1 hour) in a lycee, are on subjects from (a) mathema- tiques speciales, (b) the programmes of the classes, Secondes, Premihre, C, D, and Mathematiques A, B. The subjects are drawn by lot, and for each lesson the candidate has four hours to think over what he is going to say. No help from any book or other source is permitted. The unfortunate who has little to say is speedily adjourned. As a salve for disappointment and as encouragement to try again, he receives 300 francs a year for three years because he had won a place among those admitted to the second examination. The names in the list of agreges are published in order of merit, and those who head the list are likely to get the better positions. Many of the instructors at the Sorbonne were first agreges. Appell, Picard and Goursat were successively first agreges, 1876-78; Cartan and Borel 1891-92; Andoyer in 1884. Painleve was, however, a ninth agrege; [ARCHIBALD] MATHEMATICAL INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE 115 Blutel a fourth, and Gamier a second. There have been very excep- tional cases (in 1885, 1886, 1895), when an agr^g^ was still in his twenty-first year, but the average age for the past twenty-five years is a little less than 26. There are also those who do not reach the goal of their ambition till after they are 40, and have tried perhaps ten or a dozen times. The difference between the salary of those lycee profes- sors who are agreges and of those who are not has been emphasized still more by the law just passed, which gives the former an annual bonus of 500 francs. If the agrege wishes to become a professor in a university he must pass the examination for the doctorate, but only a very small propor- tion of the agreges take this step during the period 1885-1904, 20 per cent. If, however, he wishes to teach in a lycee he may demand such a position as his right. Among the candidates who are admissible but not received are generally selected professeurs charges de cours (or others in positions of inferiority in the lycee), who, however, after 20 years of service may be named professeurs-titulaires and be the academic equals of their luckier comrades of years before. Other details concerning the agregation, such as the programme for the concours of 1910, the examination papers for the concours of 1909, are given in Appendix A. The Doctoral. What is the relative value of the French and German mathematical doctorate? What the relative difficulty of obtaining it? are questions which the average American post-graduate studen^ who is seeking to de- cide between France and Germany for further study is sure to ask. Small as is the proportion of students in a German university who present them- selves for this degree, the number in France is far smaller. In the two years 1906-08 Germany made 87 doctors in mathematics, while France, with but 20 per cent, fewer students, created only 13.^ This difference in numbers is doubtless principally due to the fact that the end in view in France is entirely different. The Frenchman usually goes up for his doc- torate with the expectation of drawing wide attention to his these. The step is also necessary for everyone who aspires to be appointed a professor in a university unless, perchance, he has become a member of the Institut without having the degree. All except three of the French universities offer the degree of doctorate in mathematics, but only eleven of them have ever conferred it. Again, of the 331 degrees which have been con- ferred by the existing universities, 296 have been granted by the Uni- versite de Paris. This is, of course, very different from the results in ^ There is of course no degree of Doctor of Philosophy in France. The equiva- lent is explained later. 116 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA Germany, where Berlin university turns out a very small fraction of the doctors in any one year during 1906-08, less than 4 per cent. There is also one other great difference between French and German univer- sities, although the examinations for licendes rather than those for doctors must be chosen to emphasize the point sufficiently. The diffi- culty of obtaining those degrees common to most French universities is much the same, and although Paris is the principal degree-conferring centre, it is well established that there have been years when it was more difficult to obtain the licence, in some departments, at certain universities of the provinces than at the University de Paris. That the personality of the professor should play an important role in deter- mining the standard of excellence demanded is only natural; but as it is the ambition of every professor in the provinces to make his department important and to ultimately arrive at Paris, one can be very sure that no one university in France will ever sink to the level of at least two German universities, where, on account of lax demands in study and thesis, even train conductors call out "Twenty minutes wait to get your doctor." But if such representative universities as Berlin, Gottingen, Munich be selected in Germany and compared with that at Paris, two questions suggest themselves: (1) Does the average doctor's thesis (which in both countries is the essential performance on the part of the candidate for the degree) indicate a higher standard of excellence in one country than the other? (2) Admitting this to be the case, are the minimum requirements in this country as low as the general requirements in the other? By actual study of the theses, I am convinced that the answer to the first question is decidedly in favour of Paris. One could easily cite a number of French theses which were notable and extensive contributions to mathematical progress, but it is only necessary to refer the reader to the complete list of the theses, which is given in Appendix C. Before answering the second question, I shall explain more fully the nature of the French doctorate, the general conditions under which it is available for the Frenchman and the possible modi- fications of those conditions in the case of foreign candidates. There are two doctor's degrees open to the mathematical student in France: the first, doctoral es sciences mathematiques, conferred by the State (doctorat d'etat), the second conferred by the universities for the Sorbonne, doctorat de VUniversite de Paris. Only one American, a woman, has won the former degree, which was created in 1810, and only one American has also obtained the latter, which was organized as recently as 1898. In both cases the th^se is the prin- cipal requirement, and judging by the eight for which the doctorat de I'Universit^ de Paris has been granted, the standard in this respect [ARCHIBALD] MATHEMATICAL INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE 117 is about as high as for the doctorat de Tetat. It is in the matter of further requirement that the doctorat d'etat is more difficult. For this degree there is no possible way of avoiding the various examin- ations which lead up to the licence es science with mention of the certificats: 1st, calcul differentiel et integral; 2nd, mecanique ration- nelle, and 3rd, at the choice of the candidate. For the doctorat de I'Universite^ only two certificats are required, and, in the case of foreigners, very great latitude is permitted the faculty in accepting equivalents for these certificats, in view of work done elsewhere. In both cases only one year of residence is required. We can, then, now answer the second question, proposed above, in the affirmative for the doctorat de TUniversite, and in the negative for the doctorat d'etat. The analytical table given in Appendix C clears up misconception as to the age of the French mathematical doctor. During the past 25 years, the average age has been 30, but a large number "sustained" their theses between the ages of 23 and 25. The youngest doctor was Joseph Louis Frangois Bertrand, aged 17, created in 1839; the oldest, in 1882, aged 5b. Only a small proportion of the agreges ever become doctors, ^ and in but one case (1894) has a doctor become an agrege. Which title calls for the greater ability in the getting?^ The two things are so entirely different, it is perhaps difficult to understand why some say the doctorate ranks the higher. The musician with great technical talent only, may be allowed to have equal ability with the performer less gifted in this direction but endowed with strong temperament power of perception and interpretation which draws aside the veil for the ordinary observer and discloses formerly hidden heights, beyond. Yet it is the latter who particularly appeals to us. So while the tech- nical skill of the agrege is admired, and the state gives him certain rights denied the doctor, it is only the latter who, on showing power of dis- closing the truths waiting for discovery from the foundations of the worlds, has the opportunity to direct the nation's youth in the great universities of the country. So much the more sought after the man who combines in himself to a high degree both talents, the gift of brilliant exposition and the genius for discovery. The general procedure toward the doctorate is the same for ^ According to a decree of 1906 the insignia of the docteurs de T university de Paris is, " Epitoge a trois rangs d'hermine, avec les couleurs de Paris (bleu et rouge) dans le sens longitudinal." ^ Cf. Appendix A. ^ The agrege in Law and Medicine stands much higher than the doctor in these Departments. 118 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA both kinds. A these worked out under general supervision of a professor is formally approved by a committee of three professors named by the doyen. Birth certificate, diploma as licencie, 148 printed copies of the these and 145 francs, are deposited with university officials, and the day fixed for appearing before the committee to publicly answer such general questions on the these or other topic which the benevolent ingenuity of the examiners may propound. Compared with those in some other departments of the university, the examinations of the mathema- tician is a very informal affair. It rarely occupies more than three- quarters of an hour. The candidate is immediately told whether he has got the note "honorable" or "tres honorable," is congratulated and dismissed. The amount of help which the candidate for the doctorate receives from the professor is much less in France than in Germany. In fact he rarely approaches the professor except when he gets his subject or is reporting progress. It is expected of the Frenchman that the these represent his own work and thought. The doctor who has presented a remarkable these and passed a brilliant examination may have the full cost of examination and diploma remitted. A similar rule applies to bacheliers. The ficoLE Norm ale. Superieure. This great institution is a part of the University de Paris and its object is to mould the future professors of the secondary schools and universities of France by appropriately supplementing the instruction they receive at the Sorbonne and the College de France. There are about 165 pupils, in the departments of science and letters, and prac- tically all are internes. We have already remarked that the eleves in the department of science are the pick of the boursiers de licence. In 1909, 22 out of 270 candidates were thus selected and slightly more than one half devoted themselves to mathematics. All decided to live as internes although it was optional for anyone to attend the ficole as externe when the amount of the bourse, 1,200 francs, would have been paid to him. Most of the pupils were 20 years old, had obtained the bourse on second trial and had passed one of the two years military service obligatory for every Frenchman by the loi de deux ans of 1905. The course for mathematicians is three years, and is arranged as follows. During the first year the Aleves go to the Sorbonne to hear Goursat's course in calculus and differential equations (3) and Raffy's applications of analysis to geometry (4) . Instead, however, of follow- ing Raffy's conference (14), which goes to complete the regular univer- sity student's training for the certificat, calcul differ entiel et integral , they are drilled by Borel and Tannery for three hours per week at the ficole Normale. They also take physique g^n^rale with Bouty, Lipmann [ARCHIBALD] MATHEMATICAL INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE 119 and Leduc (12, 20), and at the end of the year pass the examinations for the certificats in these two subjects. In the second year they take up mecanique rationnelle with Painlev^ (10) at the Sorbonne, and with Hadamard in conference at the Ecole. They also " assist " at such a course as Darboux's and Cartan's in geom^trie sup^rieure (1, 13), pass the examinations and receive two more certificats. During the third year the eleves follow their own inclination in the selection of courses at the Sorbonne or College de France, while they are well grounded at the Ecole, in descriptive geometry by Roubaudi, and in pedagogy, of algebra and analysis by Tannery, of geometry by Borel. Nearly all those of the first and second year also follow Picard's course (2), at the Sorbonne, and those of the third year that of Borel (15). The drill in conferences (IJ hours each), at the ficole Normale is unequalled. In addition to the good points of those at the Sorbonne, we here find in much smaller classes a great degree of intimacy between students and professor, and a freedom of question and discussion. When, then, at the end of the third year these elite in intellect present themselves in the terrific competition of the agregation, we are not sur- prised that they give a good account of themselves. Some do not succeed at the first trial or for ten, or twelve years afterwards, but 60 per cent, of the 300 agreges named during the last 25 years were Ecole Normalians; in 1890 there were only 4 out of 12, but of the 96 competitors in 1898, the 8 chosen were from this famous school. ^ But as the whole end and aim of the ficole Normale are not only to prepare its eleves for the agregation and hence for professorships in the lycees, but also to prepare them as university professors, we find many who have been encouraged to take up certain fields of research and who have made good progress toward a these for doctorate. Not only this, but from those who have succeeded in the agregation, are chosen agrege preparateurs who are taken back to the ficole for still another two years (sometimes three) , while they prepare finally for their doctorate with all the attendant advantages, of the counsels from their former masters, and of the great library collections of the city. The agrege-preparateur de mathematiques is officially charge de la biblio- theque of the school. The life in the ficole is singularly pleasant and inspiring. Here alone of all the institutions we have considered do we find among the 61dves anything approaching the comradeship, so characteristic of the student relations in American colleges. Nor in after years are friend- ships and interests thus formed easily changed, as the Association Amicale des Anciens EUves serves as a strong bond of sympathy and ^ Cf. Appendix A. 120 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA a constant means of intercourse. The fine old building, its studious atmosphere, three to five years of friendly rivalry with almost equally brilliant companions, daily intercourse with the professors, could hardly fail to have developed a young man's latent talents or to have inspired him to his best effort. Rarely does one find in France a professor such as Tannery^ who is so generally beloved and respected by his eleves past and present. All the great privileges of the ficole are occasionally open to foreign- ers either as internes or externes. It is now however, somewhat difficult to make arrangements to enter as interne because of the increasing demands made on limited space by the needs of the state. The charge of 1,200 francs per year made for pension complete is exactly the value of the bourse which France gives to students of her own nationality and which she expects to be refunded if after leaving the Ecole, the eleve decides not to take up the career of a teacher in her schools. All eleves are assured positions in lyc^es those who have become agreges, as professeurs titulaires, the others as professeurs charges de cours. The ficoLE Polytechnique. This Ecole founded by Monge at the close of the Revolution and the most popular of the great schools of France, is under the direct control of the minister of war and not of the minister of public instruction. Its pupils are recruited from the most diverse orders of society solely because of merit determined by concours on leaving the Classe de Mathe- matiques Speciales. Its object is to prepare them as military and naval engineers, artillery officers, civil engineers in government employ, tele- graphists and officials of the government tobacco manufactories. All eleves are internes. The cost of the pension is about 1,100 francs per year, of the trousseau, 600-700 francs, but there are an unlimited number of bursaries covering both pension and trousseau so that no poor boy of brilliant attainment is shut out. As to the past of the school, until the latter part of the nine- teenth century it was famous not only by reason of the great engineers it produced but also for its distinguished mathematicians. Poinsot, Poisson, Cauchey, Poncelet, Chasles, Lame, Leverrier, Bertrand, Duhamel, Liouville, A. Serrett, Laguerre, Halphen, Hermite, Poincare, not to mention a host of others, were all trained here. . But now, the demands made on the engineer are so great, the eleves are only given the merest glimpses of the vistas which open up in modem mathematics. ^ Tannery occupies one of the 12 chaires magistrales in mathematics at the University de Paris, and as sous-directeur of the ecole normale superieure is directeur des Mudes sci-eniifiques. [Later note added in the proof: Tannery died November 11, 1910, and Borel was appointed to his position.] [aechibald] mathematical INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE 121 From being perhaps the leading school of the time with regard to its output of brilliant mathematicians it has, then, sunk to a position of wholly inconsiderable importance in this respect. Yet each year four times as many talented young mathematicians try to get in here as into the ficole Normale Superieure. The number of those who enter the Ecole Polytechnique because of failure to get into the ficole Normale is not perhaps very large ; nevertheless there are certainly some among them who would have made good mathematicians but who do not make good engineers. They form, however, an insignificant fraction in comparison with the hundreds of graduates who by original choice have succeeded to the brilliant careers open to them. The course at the ficole Polytechnique is two years and mathematics is taught each year. As at the Sorbonne, but in less effective manner, the instruction is a combination of lecture and conference. Jordan and G. Humbert are the professors but they are assisted by several inter- rogateurs or rep etiteurs as at Lycee Saint Louis. Humbert's Cours d' Ana- lyse (2 vols.), gives an idea of the course in analysis (2 years) ; then there are also mechanics and machines ( 2 years) ; descriptive geometry (first year); astronomy, geodesy (second year); physics, acoustics and optics (first year) ; p%sics, thermo-dynamics, electricity and magnetism (second year); etc. The College de France. This, the highest institution of learning in France, was founded by Frances I, in the sixteenth century. It does not form part of the Aca- demic de Paris, but is under the direct control of the minister of public instruction. No fee or form of matriculation is necessary to attend the lectures, no examinations are held and no degrees are conferred. It is not necessary for its professors to hold any degree or to have passed any specific examination. A man who holds only the degree of bachelier, although not qualified to teach in secondary schools may, if otherwise competent, be appointed professor here. Successive vacancies are filled by the minister of public instruction who chooses between the names of two candidates who have been recommended by the body of professors occupying the 45 chairs. The professors have absolutely no obligations apart from the delivery of lectures, and in some cases, those with untroubled consciences have more or less evaded this requirement. Such abuse of privilege led this year to a law requiring each professor to give 40 lectures, distributed somewhat symmetrically over the two semesters. The purpose of the College de France is to advance learning. Within the limits of their chairs, the professors are absolutely free to treat any part of their subjects, no matter how limited or how minute, provided that they go to the bottom of it. 122 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA The chairs and foundation which have interest for us are the follow- ing: Mecanique analytique et m^canique celeste "Theory of elastic plates/' Hadamard. Math^matiques "Transformation and multiplication of com- plexes in elliptic functions." (Jordan) G. Humbert. Physique generale et mathematique "Elasticity of solids and fluids." Brillouin. Physique generale at experimentale "General phenomena of electricity and magnetism." Langevin. Cours compl^mentaire " Hyperelliptic surfaces of the fourth degree." Traynard. This last course was established by a foundation of Mile. Peccot who wished to be the means of encouraging young mathematicians. The instructor must be a doctor of less than 30 years of age and he may not lecture for more than five years. Jordan has not lectured for several years and his duties have been performed by the suppliant Humbert. We have here another peculiar- ity of this institution. Jordan continues to draw two-thirds of his salary while Humbert is remunerated with the remaining one-third. The courses usually represent personal researches of the lecturers and are well attended, particularly by eleves of the ficole Normale Sup^rieure. Concluding Remarks on Mathematical Instruction. Unless I have greatly failed in my presentation, one thing which may be readily inferred from what has gone before is, that no idea could be more mistaken than the one so prevalent among us, that the French are light-hearted, frivolous and at best superficial. Their struggle for existence is severe and the competition is terribly keen. As far as the mathematician is concerned and his training is by no means exceptional, we have found that from the time the eleve leaves the Premiere, that is when he was 15 years old, onward, he undergoes most exacting examination at almost every turn. The successive stages in his studies are very largely marked out for him and care is constantly exercised to see that he make no false step and that he be properly prepared to pass his examinations. The Universite de Paris has appeared to be a great institution, "wonderfully organized, to turn out a certain amount of a certain product, of a certain degree of excellence, with the least possible loss of time and energy." The strenuous directness of method and of achievement in this system cannot help but impress us. [ARCHIBALD] MATHEMATICAL INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE 123 Such are the standards set for those, who have prepared them- selves as lycee professors, who direct the boy's education from the time he is ten years old. How woefully low are our standards in com- parison! Remark too, that after a boy is 6 years old he is taught by men only. We are also struck with the breadth of the future mathematician's training. Although it is true that after the age of 16, the humanities are set aside, yet physics, descriptive geometry, pure mathematics, applied mathematics, all continue to occupy positions of importance. I have indicated how, by peculiar method of instruction, all these subjects are welded into a homogeneous whole, how that although knowledge of wide range of fact is fundamental, it is the thorough grasp of broad principles and the powers of ready application of those principles to the most diverse kind of problems, that is made essential. German influence has given us a great respect for fact, but the French, if opportunity were given, would soon convince us that a fact, as a fact, had little of interest, except in so far as it might be contributary to the upbuilding of some system. To the Frenchman learning is not an accomplishment, but "an honourable and arduous profession with all its trials, all its heart-burning competitions, all its pitiless disdain of weakness, all its stimulating rewards." This partly explains the se- verity of the examinations. Every boy of remarkable intellect, be he rich or poor, has the chance to have his talents developed to the ut- most. From the time he is 11 or 12 years old till he is ready to step into a position in a university, bursaries constantly reward his accom- plishment. If in time he become professor in a provincial university, his effort is in no whit relaxed; he looks forward to being promoted to Paris. With this advancement accomplished, his intellectual ac- tivity does not cease by any means, for he now hopes some day to be numbered among the few members of the Academie des Sciences of the Institut. Great as are the rewards and recognition of merit here, there is still greater for him who, as Poincare, is pre-eminent, namely, to be numbered among the ''immortals" of the Academie Frangaise of the Institut. Men of such calibre and brilliance and un- remitting intensity of application and purpose, are the professors at the College de France and Universite de Paris. Nothing in French universities takes the place of undergraduate life in England and America; nor would we willingly attempt to adopt their system, though it would certainly silence the frequent criticism of our ordinary B.A. course, namely, that it is, to say the least, a poor training for the future man of business; the student has few obliga- tions to meet, no real obstacles to overcome; if the professors make the courses difficult, he either rises in protest or seeks a college with 124 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA easier requirements. We prefer to retain the genial, sympathetic re- lations between the student and professor, to encourage the emotional and sentimental life of the students with one another. We may, however, still learn from France the advantages of in- timate relation, in standards and scheme, of secondary and higher education. How much of the first year in American universities is wasted by getting freshmen into form, in teaching them how to work and how to think for themselves! The French university professors are in constant intercourse with the lycees, are the examiners of all their graduates, are the authors of many of the text-books employed. The mathematical training and equipment of the average writer of secondary texts in France is of far higher order than that of the average American author. ^ Teaching of Mathematics as a Profession in France. We have now seen how the mathematician is trained in France. It remains to discuss the nature of the inducements which are offered to young men to prepare themselves for giving mathematical instruc- tion, and to see whether the inducements offered are sufficient to attract the best talent of the nation. The agreg^s are those specially prepared by the State for the positions as professeurs titulaires in the lycees. Although this title is not conferred regularly till the agrege has completed his twenty-fifth year, those who are yoimger receive temporary appointment. The salaries vary according to the classe of the professor. At Paris the lowest salary is 6,000 francs per year, and the highest, 9,500. In this range seven classes are represented; six, each differing from the one before by 500 francs, and the hors classe, for which the salary is 9,500 francs. Promotion from one class to another takes place by selection and by seniority. From the sixth (the lowest classe) to the third, the number of those who can be advanced each year by selection is equal to the number which can be advanced by seniority. In the second and first classes two advancements may be made by selection to one by seniority. In choosing those for the hors classe, selection alone is taken into ac- count. The promotions are made at the end of each calendar year, and take place so that there are always 20 per cent, of them in the sixth class, 18 in the fifth, 18 in the fourth, 16 in the third, 14 in the second, and 14 in the first. This arrangement is obviously a happy one, both by way of recognition of the merits of the unusually success- ful teacher, as well as those of him whose service is rather characterized by faithfulness. * Compare Appendix D. [aechibald] mathematical INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE 125 In addition to the professeurs titulaires there are professeurs charge de cours, who are usually selected from those ficole Normalians and those admissible to the agregation, who fail to become agreg^s. After 20 years of service they may become professeurs titulaires and receive the salaries we have indicated above. The government has, however, this year passed a law which gives the higher reward to the agreg^. It is to the effect that 500 francs per year shall be added to the regular salary of every agreg^. The real range of salaries mentioned above is then 6,500-10,000; in the provinces this reduces to 4,700-6,700. For the professeurs charge de cours, the salaries at Paris vary from 4,500 to 6,000 francs; in the provinces, from 3,200 to 5,200. In the Premier Cycle the professors have 12 hours of teaching per week, in the second cycle and the Classe de Mathematiques Sp^ciales, 14-15 hours. Except for correcting exercises and filling out reports the professors have absolutely no obligations outside of class hours. They do not live in the lycees. The superintendence of the study of the Aleves is carried on by repetiteurs, the more advanced of whom receive at Paris 2,600-4,600 francs for 36 hours service per week. Only a very small percentage of the agreges are also doctors,^ but these few, as well as the more promising of those who are doctors only, usually prefer to seek some of the minor positions in connection with the universities. Maitres de conferences adjoints are selected from among the doctors. Charges de conferences and maitres de conferences are sought for (1) among agreges, (2) among doctors, but only the latter may receive an appointment for more than one year. A charg6 de conferences at Paris receives 5,000-7,000 francs a year^ for 2-3 hours per week of service. Even this amount is sufficient to enable a man to live well; but when, in addition, the incumbent is professeur agreg^ in a Paris lycee (as in two cases at the Universite de Paris at present), his income may exceed the regular salary of a university professor. For a good man there are also other sources of income from acting as suppleant, examinateur or interrogateur. From the charges de cours or maitres de conferences, who are at least 30 years of age, who are doctors, who have seen at least two years of service in a school of higher education, and who are distin- guished for their services are appointed the professeurs adjoints of the universities. They receive from 6,000-10,000 francs at Paris and 4,500-6,000 francs in the provinces. The salary of professeurs titu- laires is 12,000-15,000 francs at Paris and 6,000 or 8,000 to 12,000 * Compare Appendices A, C. 2 According to a decree of June 25, 1910, charges de cours compl^mentaires and maitres de conferences in the provinces, were thence forth to be of four classes, and to receive 4,500-6,000 francs annually. 126 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA in the provinces/ In recent appointment of professors, selection haS been almost exclusively made from those who are both agreges and doctors. That in exceptional cases the latter only is necessary was illustrated by a recent appointment to Poitiers,^ but it is quite unlikely that any professor will ever be promoted to Paris who has not passed both examinations. As exceptional, note that any member of the Institut may be appointed professor at a university after six months of service in an establishment of higher education. The professorship of highest honour in the gift of the nation is at the College de France. Although the salary here is only 10,000 francs, the duties consist simply in delivering 40 lectures of one hour each. In the universities the professor is expected, in general, to give but one course of lectures, viz., that which is called for by his chair. These lectures are delivered twice a week and last from an hour to an hour and a half each. If the course continue through the whole year, about 60 lectures are given ; but we have already remarked that such men as Poincare, Picard, Darboux, give only half this number. Remember, too, that many courses (practically all in the provinces) are repeated year after year with little change, that the professors are never called upon to arrange hours for conference with members of the class or to correct students' exercises. One decidedly disagreeable duty does, however, fall to their lot- This is their obligation in the matter of various examinations. The figures given in an earlier section (p. 99) show how formidable this may be in the case of the baccalaureat alone, for the examiners as a whole. At the present time, however, only about one half the work is done by the university professor; and although his time is more or less broken into from June 27 to August 10, and November 1-8, the whole number of hours actually given up to the work by a single individual, in connection with both the baccalaureat and certificats, does not exceed 55. The whole number of hours which the professor gives to the State is, then, 85-145 per year. With such insignificant breaks in leisure for research we can no longer wonder at the great productivity of many French mathematical professors. The attractiveness of their positions is still * Until the recent increase in the salaries of the university instructors in Germany, 70 per cent, of the full professors received less than 15,000 francs. On the other hand there were three who received over 50,000 francs; and in any large German faculty some full professors will generally be found who receive for teaching an income from two to five times as large as some of his colleagues. These larger incomes are due to special allowances from the government, to extra university perquisites and to fees from the large body of students attracted by superior repu- tation. As distinguished from the rest of the world, in this connection, Germany pays an unusual amount for unusual merit. ^ Compare Appendix B. [ARCHIBALD] MATHEMATICAL INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE 127 further enhanced by other sources of income. Nearly all those at the Sorbonne are members of the Academie des Sciences of the Institut de France. As such they receive 1,500 francs annually. Since Poincare is also member of the Academie Frangaise, this amount is presumably doubled. Darboux, as secretaire perpetuel^ receives 6,000 francs. Painleve, also a member of the Institut, has been elected a member of the Chamber of Deputies, which will bring him in another 15,000 francs a year. To such professorships the rising young mathematician may aspire ; but as there are only fifty chairs in the whole country, the open- ings are few and the progress toward them slow. We cannot help but contrast the conditions of the American professor, with at least 10-12 hours of lecturing per week, in several departments of mathematics, not to speak of the demands made on his time in correcting exercises and examination papers, and in ad- ministrative work. Yet with all this burden, he is expected not only to keep abreast of the times in his subject, but also to advance know- ledge by his own researches. The American Mathematical Student in Paris. Many of the attractive features of mathematical study in Paris have been already set forth in the foregoing pages, but I wish here to briefly indicate a few others, as well as to give some special infor- mation which may be helpful to the American student. No one can be wholly insensible to the charm of Paris herself, to the artisticity lavishly displayed by her people in sweeping shaded boulevard, towering monument, imposing building, gorgeous decor- ation, garden and embowered statuary, far-reaching park. From the time of Caesar and Roman occupation of the Cite, historic associations have multiplied, and now they cluster about every quarter. Galleries, churches, palaces, Versailles, Saint Cloud, Chantilly, Fontainebleau, illumine and vivify in thrilling fashion the printed accounts of happen- ings of history. To the sympathetic student of the genius of the people, their customs, their language, their habits of thought French literature is vested with new dignity and charm and grace and subtle meaning. Preeminent on the stage, strongly influential in the worlds of art, among the foremost in all forms of scholarship the potential- ities of fair France are great, both to educate and to refine. But to benefit by such influences, as well as by the courses of instruction, which run, for the most part, through the whole year, the American student should plan to stay in Paris at least a year. It would also be well for him to come as early in June as possible. At this time there is no opportunity for attending university lectures, 128 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA since the second semester closes about the middle of June; but he can look over the ground, get acquainted and prepare generally for the following autumn. The student who does not have friends in Paris should go to the Bureau des renseignements at the Sorbonne, where he will find some one who can speak English and give information as to pensions, the various institutions of higher education, etc. Another helpful bureau is the ComitS de patronage des etudiants etr angers. There are a large number of students' associations, but probably the only one which it will be found worth while to join is the Association g^nirale des etudiants de Paris. This association has recently moved into a handsome stone building used for over three centuries as lecture hall for the faculty of medicine. Here may be found reading room, library, fencing room, lounge rooms, etc. Members receive great reductions on tickets for nearly all the theatres and in purchasing books and other supplies. There are numerous social gatherings which pro- fessors and alumni occasionally join. Paris is apt to be uncomfortably warm during the summer months, and unless the student is proficient in both speaking and writing the French language, he will probably wish to seek out more enjoyable quarters to carry on his studies. These may be found at such uni- versity towns as Grenoble or Geneva, both beautifully situated, but especially the latter, with endless possibilities in Alpine excursion. In each, excellent summer courses, at small cost, are given specially for foreigners. That at Grenoble lasts from July 1st to October 31st. It would be well, however, to return to Paris a little before this latter date, so as to settle the question of lodging somewhat before the be- ginning of the scholastic year. To get the most out of a sojourn in Paris, the American naturally wishes, if possible, to get into a private family where he may enter, to the full, into the spirit of the life and language of the people. This is, however, a matter of much greater difficulty than in Germany, where many are so ready to welcome the stranger to hearth and home. In the case of the French the foyer is much more exclusive, and unless mutual friends have intervened, a seat there is almost an impossibility. The next best thing is to be in a small pension, where good French, but no English, is spoken. It is a matter of ever-increasing difficulty to find such a place. The charges near the Sorbonne vary from 150 to 250 francs per month; for 180 francs one may be excellently served. A third method, not less expensive, is to rent a furnished room and dine at a restaurant. A room may be procured for 30 to 65 francs per month. But restaurant cooking and poor French frequently heard are un- desirable features of this plan. It sometimes happens, however, that meals alone (that is lunch and dinner) may be arranged for at a good [ARCHIBALD] MATHEMATICAL INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE 129 pension for 100-150 francs per month. Pensions on the other side of the Luxembourg from the Sorbonne are usually the cheaper. As some of the courses which the American will likely want to follow at both the Ecole Normale Superieure and the Sorbonne commence at half- past eight in the morning, it will be well not to live too far away. All necessary expenses of the student who spends the year in Paris, with summers elsewhere, ought not to exceed 750 dollars. At the Universite de Paris the year commences about November 4th and, in contrast to German methods, the lectures start immediately. The student will find the opening addresses of the vice-recteur and doyens, delivered in the great amphitheatre a day or two after the semester has begun, of interest. Matriculation is a very informal, though tiresome, affair. A college diploma and a certified French translation of birth certificate should be taken to the Secretary's office. It is with an air of considerable scepticism that the Frenchman receives the statement that birth certificates are the exceptional possession of the average Canadian or American. The difficulty, in the case of the Canadian, is very easily solved on applying to the Canadian Commis- sioner, rue de Rome, and doubtless like courtesy awaits the American at the bureau of his Consul General. A passport is not necessary in France, as in Germany. The fee of 30 francs gives the student all rights of library, lecture and conference, for the whole year. To follow the classes at the Ecole Normale it is only necessary to go through the formality of applying for permission to the Vice-recteur of the Univer- site de Paris. The letter received in reply should be presented to M. Tannery, who will most cordially counsel and assist the newcomer. The courses at the College de France commence about December 3. The general holidays one week before and one week after New Year's day, two weeks similarly arranged with reference to Easter are the same as at the Universite de Paris. There is no break between the first and the second semester, which begins March 1. All lectures are freely open to the public. Just what courses of those offered in these three institutions will particularly appeal to the American student must naturally be both a matter of taste and of previous study. I have given the details of the courses in earlier pages. Appell, Goursat and Picard are especially noted for the elegance and clarity of their presentation. But, except from a pedagogical standpoint, Appell does not, at present, give any- thing of interest to the American student ; while the first half of Goursat's course will be found more or less of a review of earlier work. The courses of Darboux, Poincare and Painleve are of a more advanced nature and largely attended. Such conferences as those of Raffy^ and ^ Raffy died since I wrote th^ above ; his death occurred June 9, 1910. Sec. III., 1910. 9. 130 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA Cartan at the Sorbonne, of Tannery, Borel and Hadamard at the ficole Normale Superieure, should on no account be neglected. The training and grounding they give is simply invaluable. If the interests of the student wander into other fields, the oppor- tunity for profit is just as great as in the department of mathematics. There are the chairs in the Faculte des Sciences, such as physics, chem- istry, biology, not to mention those held by other world renowned savants in literature, history, philosophy, etc., of the Faculte des Lettres. Any matriculated student in the Faculte des Sciences may have his name inscribed in this Faculte without further charge. The lectures of Reinach, Michel, etc., at the ficole du Louvre are open to all and are of especial appeal to those interested in the various phases of art. Indeed, as soon as one leaves special for general study, the riches of intellectual treat on every hand lead to embarrassment of choice. The book treasures and collections available for the student in Paris are unequalled by any other city in the world. Chiefly by co- operation of the Societe Mathematique de France, the Sorbonne pos- sesses a remarkably complete collection of mathematical periodicals. The officials of the library are exceedingly helpful and most generous to the earnest student; not only do they grant admission to the peri- odical section, but, occasionally, the privilege of exploring the general stacks as well. Since the catalogue is poor, this facility for the searcher is of inestimable value. The librarian is always ready to purchase any standard work which is not in the library and which the student specially needs. The Bibliotheque Nationale^ contains nearly all mathematical periodicals lacking at the Sorbonne, a tolerably complete set of French mathematical publications, as well as a representative collection of those of other countries. When the need arises of con- sulting older mathematical works, this library or the Bibliotheque Mazarine is pretty sure to be able to supply the want. The Bibliotheque Sainte Genevieve has, among others, a good collection of elementary mathematical books. Finally, under what conditions may an American mathematical student in Paris proceed to the doctorate? The general question has been fully considered in earlier pages, and only a few observations remain to be made here. We have remarked that two degrees are available, the doctoral d'etat and the doctorat de VUniversite de Paris. In both cases the candidate must receive permission from the minister of public instruction to present a university diploma as an Equivalence de Scolarite of the baccalaureat. In both cases the These (which has * A card of admission will be granted on presenting a letter from either the Canadian Commissioner or the American Consul General, [ARCHIBALD] MATHEMATICAL INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE 131 always been written in French) is the principal thing required after the student has received the necessary certificats. Although the French- man works his out independently, the American student will not derive less cordial help or suggestion from a French than, under similar circumstances, from a German professor. He will find, however, that this cordiality is very unlikely to expand in the former case, as in the latter it is almost sure to do, to an invitation to be a guest in the home. The question of certificats, with their exacting examinations, makes the doctorat d'etat decidedly the more difficult. There is, however, no reason why a student who has the ability to get his doctorate in Germany in two years may not get the doctorat de T University de Paris in the same time. Indeed, if he be well equipped, have a these well under way before coming to France, and is prepared to " scorn delights and live laborious days," this doctorate is a possibility in one year. But since to 'those who know' no other doctor's degree in mathematics has quite as high a standard as the doctorat d'etat, why does not some Canadian aspire to be the first in the British Empire to win it? Or why does not some young man from the United States feel spurred to show his equality with one of his countrywomen? Authorities. For the study of primary and secondary education for boys, three publications are essential: Organisation pedagogique et plan d' etudes des ecoles primaires ilementaires. Plan d' etudes et programmes d' enseignement des ecoles primaires superieures de gargons. Plans d' etudes et programme d' enseignement dans les lycees et colleges de gargons. All departments of education are dealt with by the invaluable Bulletin [hebdomadaire] administratif du ministre de Vinstruction pu- blique, 1850- and Annuaire de Vinstruction publique et des beaux- arts. The budgets may be found in the Journal Officiel, and statistics of various kinds in the Annuaire Statistique of the Minister e du travail et de la prevoyance socials direction du travail. Of unofficial publications which I have sometimes found useful are : Le Nouveau Baccalaureat de V enseignement secondaire; guide du candidal. Programmes des certificats d' etudes superieures. 132 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA UUniversite de Paris et les etablissements Parisiens d' enseignement swperieur. Livret de V itudiant, published by the Bureau des renseigne- ments at the Sorbonne. Annuaire de la jeunesse, of H. Vuibert. Other authorities are indicated in Appendix C. Interesting comment may be found in Klein's Vortnige uber den mathematischen Unterricht an den hoheren Schulen (1907), and in Klein's Elementar Mathematik vom hdheren Standpunkte aus Teil II: Geometrie (1909. Pp. 456-77: "Unterricht in Frankreich ") . It is with great pleasure that I have also to acknowledge my in- debtedness to a very large number of friends, acquaintances and officials in the Sorbonne, the ficole Normale Superieure, the Ecole Polytechnique, in the lyc^es an(J in the different departments of the ministere de rinstruction publique. The invariable courtesy and obliging readiness to place all possible material at my disposal, which my innumerable inquiries called forth, constitute a very pleasant memory, among the many, of a delightful year. Paris, May 2, 1910. [After my paper had been written, I saw, by chance, a reprint of an interesting article, with the same title as this, published by Professor Pierpont about ten years ago, in the Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. It suggested several improve- ments (in connection Avith questions of form and fuller development) which were then made in my paper. Concerning recent literature reference may be given to : " France as a Field for American Students " by S. Newcomb {Forum, xxiii., 320-326, May 1897. French translation. Revue Internationale de V Enseignement, xxxiv,, 20-27, July 1897. Cf. also Nation, \xiv., 400-01, Nov. 26, 1896) The chapter on " The Universities " in B. Wendell's " The France of To-day " (second edition, 1908)" life at the Sorbonne " by H. Jones {Nation, xci., 576-7, Dec. 15, 1910).] [ARCHIBALD] MATHEMATICAL INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE 133 APPENDIX A. Agr^gation des Sciences Math^matiques. As there are no mathematical examinations in any other country to compare in difficulty with those to which the candidate for a French agregation is required to submit, it has seemed to me that it would be a matter of interest if fuller details of what is involved were set forth. 1 therefore subjoin: I. The programme for the concours of 1910 (announced 9-11 months in advance). The examinations will be on topics selected from this programme. II. The examination papers for 1909. The four written exami- nations, it will be observed, occurred on consecutive days. The first paper may seem short for th. arctan x, log (1 x), log ^. Exponential series! Binomial series. The equations y^ = y, and y^ (1 + x) = my serve to determine the sum of two series. Development into series of a* , of arcsin x. Curves whose equation is soluble or insoluble with regard to one of the co-ordinates: Tracing. Equation of the tangent at a point; sub-tangent. Normal, sub-normal. Concavity, convexity, points of inflexion. As)anptotes. Application to simple examples and in particular to the conies and to those curves of which the equation is of the second degree with respect to one of its co-ordinates. Curves defined by the expression of the co-ordinates of one of their points as function of a prameter: Tracing. Numerical examples. The curves of the second order and those of the third order with a double point are unicursal. Curves defined by an implicit equation: Equation of the tangent and of the normal at a point. Tangents at the origin in the case where the origin is a simple point or a double point. Discussion of the asym- ptotes in the case of numerical examples of curves of the second and of the third order. Curvature. Envelopes. Developables. Polar Co-ordinates: Their transformation into line co-ordinates. Equation of a right line. Construction of curves; tangents, asymptotes ARCHIBALD] MATHEMATICAL INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE 137 Applications (confined to the case when the equation is solved with respect to a radius vector). Case of the conies. Gauche Curves: Tangent. Osculating plane. Curvature. Appli- cations to the circular helix. Study of surfaces of the second degree with reduced equation: Con- dition of the contact of a plane with the surface. Simple problems relative to tangent planes. Normals. Properties of conjugate dia- meters. Theorems of Apollonius for the ellipsoid and the hyper- boloids. Circular sections. Rectilinear generatrices. The surfaces of the second order are unicursal. Dynamics. 1. Free Material Point: Principle of inertia. Definition of force and mass. ^ Relation between the mass and the weight. Invariability of the mass. Fundamental units. Derived units. Movement of a point under the action of a force, constant in magnitude and direction or under the action of a force issuing from a fixed centre: 1 proportional to the distance; 2 in the ratio inversely as the square of the distance. Composition of forces applied at a material point. ^ Work of a force, work of the resultant of several forces, work of a force for a resulting displacement. Theory of living force. Surfaces de niveau. Fields and lines of force. Kinetic energy and potential energy of a particle placed in a field of force. 2. Material Point, not free: Movement of a heavy particle on an inclined plane, with and without friction, the initial veolcity acting along the line of greatest inclination. Total pressure on the plane; reaction of the plane. Small oscillations of a simple pendulum without friction; isochronism. Descriptive Geometry. Intersection of Surfaces: Two cones or cylinders, cone or cylinder and surface of revolution, two surfaces of revolution of which the axes are in the same plane. * It is admitted that a force applied at a material point is geometrically equal to the product of the mass of the point by the acceleration that it impresses on the point. ^ It is admitted that, if several forces act at a point, the acceleration that they impress on the point is the geometric sum of the accelerations that each of them impresses on it, if acting alone. 138 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA II. Lessons on the Subjects of the Programme of the Seconde AND PrEMII^RE (C and D) AND MaTH^IMATIQUES A. Seconde (C. and D.). Algebra: Resolution of equation of the first degree in one unknown. Inequalities of the first degree. Resolution and discussion of two equations of the first degree in two unknowns. Problems; substitution in equation. Discussion of the results. Variation of the expression ax + b; graphic representation. -Equations of the second degree in one unknown (theory of imaginaries not discussed) . Relations between the coefficients and the roots. Existence and signs of the roots. Study of the trinomial of the second degree. Inequalities of the second degree. Problems of the second degree. Variation of the trinomial of the second degree. Graphic representation. Variation of the Expression ^i^^^i i graphic representation. Notion of derivative; geometrical significance of the derivative. The sign of the derivative indicates the direction of the variation; applications to very simple numerical examples and in particular to the functions studied before. Geometry : Simple notions of homothetic figures . Similar polygons . Sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent of positive angles less than 2 right angles. Metrical relations in a right triangle and in any triangle. Pro- portional lines in the circle. Fourth proportional; mean proportional. Regular polygons. Inscription in a circle of a square, of a hexagon; of an equilateral triangle, of a decagon, of a quindecagon. Two regular polygons of the same number of sides are similar. Ratio of their peri- meters. Length of an arc of a circle. Ratio of the circumference to the diameter. Calculation of t: (confined to the method of the peri- meters). Area of polygons; area of a circle. Measure of the area of a rectangle, of a parallelogram, of a triangle, of a trapezium, of any polygon. Ratio of the areas of two similar polygons Area of a regular convex polygon. Area of a circle, of a sector and of a segment of a circle. Ratio of the areas of two circles. Premiere (C. and D). Geometry. Translation: Rotation about an axis. Symmetry with respect to a line. Symmetry with respect to a point. Symmetry with respect to a plane. This second kind of symmetry is equivalent to the first. Trihedral Angles: Disposition of the elements. Trihedral symme- try. Each face of a trihedral is less than the sum of the other two. Limits of the sum of the faces of a trihedral. Supplementary trihedrals. Applications. Inequalities of the trihedrals. [ARCHIBALD] MATHEMATICAL INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE 139 Homology: Parallel plane sections of polyhedral angles. Areas. Polyhedra: Homothetic polyhedra, similar polyhedra. Prisms, Pyramids. Summary of notions on the symmetry of the cube and of the regular octahedron. Volumes of parallelopipeds and of prisms. Volume of the Pyramid. Volume of a pyramid truncated by parallel sections. Volume of a truncated triangular prism. Ratio of the volumes of two similar polyhedra. ^Two symmetrical polyhedra are equivalent. Sphere : plane section, poles, tangent plane. Circum- scribed cone and cylinder. Area and volume. Mathematiques A Arithmetic: * Common fractions. Reduction of a fraction to its simplest terms. Reduction of several fractions to a common denominator Least common denominator. Operations with common fractions. Decimal numbers. Operations (considering the decimal fractions as particular cases of ordinary fractions). Calculation of a quotient to a given decimal approximation. Reduction of an ordinary fraction to a decimal fraction; condition of possibility. When the reduction is impossible, the ordinary fraction can be regarded as the limit of an un- limited periodic decimal fraction. Square of a whole number or of a fractional number; nature of the square of the sum of two numbers. The square of a fraction is never equal to a whole number. Definition and extraction of the square root of a whole number or of a fraction to a given decimal approximation. Definition of absolute error and of relative error. Determination of the upper limit of an error made in a sum, a difference, a product, a quotient, knowing the upper limits of the errors by which the given quantities are affected. Metric System. Algebra: Monomials, polynomials; addition, subtraction, multi- plication and division of monomials and of polynomials. Equations of the second degree in one unknown. Simple equations which are equivalent. (The theory of imaginaries is not developed). Problems of the first and second degree. Arithmetic Progressions. Geometric Progressions. Common Logarithms. Compound Interest, annuities. Trigonometry: Circular Functions. Addition and Subtraction of arcs. Multiplication and division by 2. Resolution of triangles. Applications of Trigonometry to various questions relative to the elevation of planes. (The construction of the trigonometric tables is not to be considered) . Geometry: Inversion. Applications. Peaucellier's Cell. Polar of a point with respect to a circle. Polar plane of a point with respect to a sphere. Hyperbola: Trace, tangent; asymptotes; simple problems on tangents. Equation of a hyperbola with respect to its axes. Plane sections of a cone and of a cylinder of revolution. 140 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA Vectors: Projection of a vector on an axis; linear moment with respect to a point; moment with respect to an axis. Geometric sum of a system of vectors; resultant moment with respect to a point. Sum of the moments with prospect to an axis. Application to a couple of vectors. Descriptive Geometry: Rabatting. Change of plane of Projection; rotation about an axis perpendicular to a plane of projection. Appli- cation to distances and angles; distance between two points, between a point and a line, between a point and a plane; the shortest distance be- tween two lines of which one is vertical or at right angles to the plane, or of two lines parallel to the same plane of projection; common perpendicular to these lines. Angle between two lines; angle between a line and a plane; angle between two planes. Kinematics: Units of length and of time. Motion. Relative motion. Trajectory of a point. Examples of motion. Rectilinear motion; uniform motion; velocity, its representation by a vector. Varied motion, mean velocity; velocity at a given instant, its repre- sentation by a vector; mean acceleration; acceleration at a given instant; its representation by a vector. Uniformly varied movement. Curvilinear motion. Mean velocity, velocity at a given instant defined as vectors. Algebraic value of velocity. Hodograph. Accele- ration. Uniform circular motion, angular velocity; projection on a diameter. Simple oscillation in a line. Change of the system of com- parison. Resultant of velocities. Examples and applications. (Purely geometrical applications are not to be insisted upon). Geometrical study of the helix. Helicoidal motion of a body. Screw and nut. Dynamics: Work of a force applied to a material point. Unit of work. Work of a constant force, of a variable force. Elementary work, total work. Graphical evaluation. Work of the resultant of several forces. Theorem of forces acting on a material point. Simple examples. Cosmography: Moon. Apparent proper motion on the celestial sphere. Phases. Rotation. Variation of the apparent diameter. Eclipses of the moon and of the sun. [ARCHIBALD] MATHEMATICAL INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE 141 PART II. EXAMINATIONS IN THE CONCOURS FOR 1909. (i) WRITTEN. Mathematiques ^L^MENTAIRES."* [Time, 7 hours; 7 a.m. -2 p.m]. Given two circles, with centres O and 0\ radii R and R' ; these circles are exterior to one another, and the common exterior tang^ents are drawn, the points of contact being* A and A' y B and B\ whilst the points of contact of the common interior tangents are C and C\ D and D' y the points A and C being on either side of the line of centres where- as the contrary takes place for the points A' and C if we have, as is supposed, RD' cut in /, the tangents BB' and CC cut iny and the line 1/ meets the line OO' in the point K. Consider the lines ACy BD and A'C ^ B'D'y which cross at the point K. V . In order that the lines AC and B'D' become the coincident line r, in which case the lines BD and A'C become the same line Sy it is necessary and sufficient that the orthoptic circles of the two given circles are orthogonal, which is equivalent to the metric relation (The orthoptic circle of a circle is the circle which is the locus of points from which one sees the given circle under a right angle). The point G is then the middle of the segment OO' The preceding condition is supposed fulfilled in all which follows. 2. If i? is a point of the line ;', the polars of this point with respect to the two circles O and O' cut in a point S situated on the line ^ ; 3. The envelope of the line RS is a conic, which is to be de- termined by metrical elements ; determine the principal tangents. The locus of the orthocentre P of the triangle ORS is a conic, of which it is required to find some remarkable points ; same question for the triangle O'RS. 4. Suppose RMy RN and RM'y RN' the tangents drawn from a point R of the line r to the two circles O and O' ; the plane being oriented in the sense ABCD, let a, p and y, 8 be the angles, made with an axis r by the half-lines of the tangents, situated on the same side of the line r for each of the circles O and O' (these angles are found again at O and O') ; setting a-B Y + 8 B-a 8-y ^- = ^' -^ =^', -^ = "' -^ = ^- *See for solutions to questions in this paper Nouvelles Annales de Mathematiques (4) IX, 455-67, 1909. 142 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA Mechanics. [Time, 7 hours ; 7 a.m. -2 p.m.] A kite of weight P is subject to normal action by the wind, repre- 3 73" sented by a force - P. In its position of equilibrium it is inclined at an angle of 30" to the horizon ; it has an axis of symmetry on which is its centre of gravity G and the centre O of the push of the wind ; O is above G and OG equals 4 centimetres. At a point A of the axis, below G, 40 centimetres, is attached a string of length /; two other strings of length /' are attached in two points B and C symmetrical with respect to the axis, the line BC^ equal to Id is 29 centimetres above G. In the position of equilibrium these three strings, flexible, inextensible and without mass are tight and united in a point M at which is attached the string which holds the kite. 1. Find the relation which connects /, /' and d\ supposing these lengths known calculate the tensions of the three strings. 2. The point M being 30 metres above the earth's surface, what is the tension of the other extremity E of the string supposed fixed on the earth, flexible, inextensible and of weight p per unit of length ; determine p such that the tangent at E is horizontal (action of wind on the string is to be neglected). 3. Under these conditions, suppose that the string, lengthened from E^ unroll with friction of coefficient f along a helix traced on a fixed cylinder of revolution, of which the axis is perpendicular to the plane of the string, the radius of the cylinder being r and the pitch of the helix h ; what will be the necessary force to maintain equilibrium, this force being applied at the new free extremity of the string supposed unrolled for a complete spiral ? (The weight of the part unrolled is to be neglected). 4. The string holding the kite having the form found above (2) and being supposed indeformable, place at the extremity situated on the earth a runner \postillon\ subject to a force, the resultant of the weight of the runner and of the action of the wind ; this force is constant and is in the plane of the string; what condition must be fulfilled that the runner move, supposing that there is a coefficient of friction 1 ? Study the movement of the runner in the case where the force is horizontal. (It is supposed that the runner is a material point moving with coefficient of friction 1 on the material curve represented by the string which is supposed indeformable. 6 July. [abchibald] mathematical INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE 143 Differential and Integral Calculus. [Time, 7 hours ; 7 a.m. -2 p.m.] Ox, OVf Oss being" three g-iven rectangular axes, consider a surface S, of a single sheet. Suppose .y any portion of S, without any common point with Oz and not having" a tangent plane parallel to Oz. I. Suppose A the area of the projection of .y on the plane of xy ; B the volume bounded by the area s, its projection A and the projecting cylinder ; C, the volume bounded by the area 5" and the cone having this area for base the origin for vertex ; D, the volume bounded by the area .$ and by the conicoid which has the contour of s for directrix, Oz for axis and xOy for director plane. The quantities B^ C, D representing the volumes in question with suitable signs, show that (1) ZC=B-'2D as long as the area .$ is not cut by certain lines situated on S. Show also that the formula is still true without this last restriction, if the elements of j5, in magnitude and sign, be always such that B =ffz dx dy (the double integral being" applied to the area A), and if at the same time the elements of volumes C, Z>, are also affected by suitable signs ("hz 'bz\ p= --, ^= ^ I- Indicate as far as possible the gfeometrical conventions of sign to which we are thus led. II. The cone (supposed reduced to a single nappe) which bounds the volume C, determines, on the cylinders of revolution of radius 1 which has Oz for axis, an algebraic area of which the elements will be affected by the same signs as the corresponding" elements of C, in con- formity to the preceding conventions : suppose E this area. On the other hand turn s about Oz and designate by F the volume of revolution thus generated ; by G, the area of the meridian section of this volume, an element of /^ or of G being equally affected by a sign (the same in the two cases) according to suitable convention. Determine the surface S such that, for every portion s (without point common with Oz or tangent plane parallel to Oz) taken on this surface, we have the relation (2) aA + bB+^cC+eE+ {- F-gG = where a, b, c, e,/, g are constants. Show that S will verify a certain partial differential equation of the first order of which the coefficients are rational functions oi x^ y^ Zy p, where p= \lx^ +y^ (the radical being taken as positive). Indicate (again geometrically) the determination of the common sign to give to any element of F and to the corresponding element of G such that this equation is the same for the whole surface under consideration. 144 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA Volumes of parallelopipeds and prisms ; of the pyramid. Un- necessary to consider truncated pyramid or prism. Notion of the derivative. Geometrical interpretation. Applications. Homothetic polyhedra. Similar polyhedra. (Programme of the Premiere). Problems of the second degree. First lesson on regular polygons. Work, kinetic energy for a particle. Simple examples. Decimal numbers. Operations. Calculation of a quotient to a given decimal approximation. Resolution of triangles (omitting right angled triangles). Multiplication and division of arcs by 2. Summary of notions on the symmetry of the cube and of the regular octahedron. Rabatting. Applications ; angle between two lines, a line and a plane, two planes. Calculation of 11. Upper limit of absolute error of a sum, of a difference, of a product of two factors, of a quotient, of a square root. Volume of a sphere. Spherical segment. Tangent to a hyperbola. Asymptotes. Simple problems on tangents. Theory of moments with respect to, a point, an axis. Math^matiques Sp^ciales. Movement of a heavy particle on an inclined plane with and without friction, the initial velocity being zero or directed along the line oi' greatest inclination. Power Series. Interval of convergence. Differentiation. In- tegration. Series of positive terms. Nature of the convergence or divergence draw^n from the study of the expression , V M , n^u, numerical examples. Discussion of the commensurable roots of an equation with integral coefficients. Examples. Movement of a point attracted by a fixed centre of force in the ratio of the inverse square of the distance. Functions of several independent variables. Partial derivatives. Formula of finite increments ; derivatives of a compound function. Concavity, convexity. Points of inflexion (rectangular coordinates). Elimination of one unknown between two algebraic equations by means of symmetric functions. Normal to an ellipsoid. ARCHIBALD] MATHEMATICAL INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE 145 Establish the relations, cos^ u= (l -\ 3- J cos* Xy cos* 7; = f 1 H ^ J cos'jj/, 1+tan^ 7?'' 1 + tan jj/ i?* Verify by means of these relations, that the tangents J^M^ RN and RM\ RN' form a harmonic pencil. The point R of the line r can also be replaced by a point S of the line s, 2 July. Math^matiques Sp^ciales.* [Time, 7 hours; 7 a.m. -2 p.m.] Given a parabola (/*) and a line {D) of which the equations with respect to a system of rectangular coordinate axes, are : and, suppose the surface (^) generated by a variable line (A) which meets (P) in .(4 and (Z>) in a point ^, such that the distance AB is a constant /. r. Construct the projection on the plane XOY oi a section of the surface by a plane parallel to the plane XOY \ construct the tangent in a point of this projection and show that the curve obtained can be re- garded as the locus of the middle points of the chords parallel to OX and limited, on the one hand by a parabola of vertex O and axis OX^ on the other hand by an ellipse of which the axes are in the direction OX and OY. 2. Two kinds of lines A can be distinguished, according as the abcissa of A is superior or inferior to that of /? ; in the preceding sections separate the arcs which correspond to the generatrices of the one system or the other and find the locus of the points which limit these arcs. 3. Consider the solid limited by the surface (5) and by the planes z-\-a = ^ z -1a = ^ \ find its volume and construct its apparent contour on the plane ZOX. 4. Determine the orthogonal trajectories of the lines (A)- Through a point Ay two lines (A) can be drawn to meet an orthogonal trajectory in two points C and C"; show that this trajectory can be chosen such that the sum ^C+^C" is proportional to the abcissa of A Can the given constants be chosen such that only one orthogonal trajectory meets all the lines (A) between their points situated on the parabola (P) and on the line {D)? 3 July. *The solutions of the questions in this paper are g-iven \n Revue de Math^matiques Sp^ciales ]mv\, 1910; X, 532-540. Sec. III., 1910. 10. 146 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA Find the characteristic curves of the partial differential equation thus obtained, by employing" the semipolar coordinates p, o> (polar coordinates of the projection of the point on the plane xOy), z (coordinate of the point). Study the projections of these characteristic curves on the plane xOy. Show that there exist characteristic curves which are situated on. a cylinder of revolution with the axis Os, and discuss their form. III. Suppose the constants 6, c, bound by the relation (3) ^ + 3c = and consider the curvilinear integral, /= J [s ( c + ^,) - I] (xiy-ydx) p (1/+^) 8 taken from a point J/ to a point M' of the surface S, along the path L situated entirely on this surface. Show that if S satisfies the condition which has been imposed on it in the II. part, and if, under the sign , the sign of the term in dz has been suitably chosen, the integral / does not change its value, when M and M remaining fixed, we change in a continuous manner on the surface, the line L traced between these two points. If, instead of the relation (3), the constants b, c are connected by the relation (4) ^ + 6c = a property analogous to the preceding appertains to the integral /= L ^^P ^^^ (xdy - ydx) - ^z^^-^ {^x'bx + yby) + P [e/p^a^r - (jc3v - y'bx)'\ where P is a suitably chosen polynomial in p and c is one of the two quantities + 1, - 1. IV. Suppose further that the surface S contains a circumference of which the plane passes through Oz and which has no point common with Ojst, or with the cylinder of revolution considered above (end of II. part). On each of the characteristic curves for the different points of this circumference take a finite arc, such that the portion S of 6" thus de- termined does not contain any singularity. Supposing given the value of the integral / (in the case of relation (3)) or/ (in the case of the relation (4)), the length of a certain path L joining M and M' and "situated on S, what are the other values that this integral can acquire when L is scccessively replaced by all the other paths which can be traced between the same points on ^ ? Indicate the relation which exists between the radius of the circum- ference the distance of its centre to Oz and the coefficients of equation (2)- in order that the integral considered be unique under these conditions. 5 July.. [ARCHIBALD] MATHEMATICAL INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE 147 FINAL EXAMINATIONS. Numerical Calculation. Consider the differential equation Find the smallest value to give to m in order that the equation admits a solution of which the representative curve, symmetric with respect to Oy is tangent to Ox at the points A^ A' oi abscissae ^=+l,:v=-l, the value y corresponding to, :v = being equal to 1 (point B) Determine the points of inflection between A and A' of the representative curve of ^. Find, as exactly as possible, the portion AB of this curve, the unit of length being supposed equal to 40 divisions of the square employed. Descriptive Geometry (Diagram).* An equilateral hyperbolic paraboloid has for vertex the point de cote 10 cm. and d' eloignement 10 cm. projected on the major axis of the sheet; a principal parabola/* is horizontal and its focus de cote 10 cm. and d' eloignement 10 cm. is situated 1 cm. 5 m. to the right of the vertex. A second hyperbolic paraboloid has director plane, a plane of profile; of rectilinear generativers there are: 1. the axis of the first paraboloid; 2. a horizontal de cote 13 cm., of which the projection on the plane of the parabola P meets the axis of this parabola 3 cm. to the left of the vertex and the tangent at the vertex 3 cm in front of the vertex. Consider, on the one part, the region A of the space limited by the first paraboloid and which corresponds to the interior of the parabola/*; on the other part, the region B of the space limited by the second paraboloid and which corresponds to the part of the horizontal plane de cote 10 cm. situated in front of the axis of the first paraboloid. Represent the solid bounded by the two paraboloids, by the hori- zontal planes de cote 17 cm. and 2 cm. and by the plane of the profile situated 10 cm. to the right of the vertex of the first paraboloid, the solid part being always in the regions A^ B. It is supposed that the planes of projection are transparent. (2) ORAL. Math^matiques 6l6mentaires. Supplementary trihedral angles. Applications. Symmetry with respect to a line, a point, a plane. (Programme of the Premiere). Relations between the coefficients and the roots of the equation of the second degree. Applications. * A solution of the problem in this paper is given in Revue de Math^ matiques Sp^ciales Nov. 1910, XI, 4-2-45. 148 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA Tangent at a point of a curve of which the coordinates are rational functions of a parameter. Points of inflection. Singular points at a finite distance. Small oscillations of a simple pendulum without friction (iso- chronism). Intersection of a surface of revolution and of a cone. Theory of envelopes in Plane Geometry. Conjugate points in connection with a surface of the second order. Conjugate planes. Pole and polar planes. Conjugate lines. Symmetric and rational functions of the roots of an algebraic equation. Construction of a curve p =y(a)) in polar coords. (It is supposed that lessons on tangents and asymptotes have been given). Gauche curves. Tangents. Osculating plane. Curvature. Appli- cation to the circular helix. (1 \^ 1 H I . m/ Field line of force, function of force, surface de niveau. Theory of kinetic energy at a point. Theorem of Descartes. Movement of a point under the action of a force issuing from** a fixed centre and proportional to the distance. Members of the Jury. NiEWENGLOWSKi, Inspector General of Instruction President. Hadamard, Professor^ University of Paris, CoMBETTE, Inspector General of Public Instruction. FoNTEN^, Inspector of the Academic. Gr6vy, Professor^ Lycee Sai^it- Louis. [ARCHIBALD] MATHEMATICAL INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE 149 PART III. The Agreges des Sciences Mathematiques 1885-1909. Number Number Number Number of presenting Number of the of Agreges themselves admitted Agr^g^s Agr^g^s Year fixed by at to who be- Average Age who had Govt. Concours Oral came Doctors * been , El^ves E.N.S. 1909 14 81 27 24+ [21-27] 7 1908 13 75 20 25 [22-35] 9 1907 14 54 25 27 [23-37] 7 1906 14 58 24 1 27+ [23-37] 7 1905 14 60 20 2 27 [21-33] 7 1904 14 72 26 4 28 [22-33] 10 1903 12 78 25 1 28+ [24-41] 8 1902 12 87 23 1 27 ]22-40] 9 1901 10 77 23 2 28 [23-37] 6 1900 8 76 20 .28 [23-34] 4 1899 8 86 16 1 25 [23-33] 6 1898 8 96 19 2 26 [21-33] 8 1897 7 93 18 3 25 [21-33] 3 1896 12 112 26 1 26+ [23-30] 6 1895 14 125 24 24 [20-35] 8 1894 11 126 20 2 26 [21-37] 7 1893 13 134 1 26 [22-29] 9 1892 12 125 19 3 24+ [21-27] 7 1891 13 22 5 26 [22-30] 7 1890 12 16 1 26 [23-30] 4 1889 13 5 23 [21-32] 7 1888 14 23 3 25+ [21-34] 9 1887 13 15 5 23 [21-36] 10 1886 13 15 6 23+ [20-31] 7 1885 12 22 2 27 [20-44] 6 Total.... 300 51 25i 178 ^ These figures were compiled in February, 1910. The sixth column contains the average age; "24 + " means an age > 24 and < 24J, "24 "is short for a number < 24 and > 23. The figures in square brackets, [ ], show the range of ages for the year. 150 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA APPENDIX B. Mathematical Courses Offered in Universities Outside of Paris 1909-10. There is nothing in France corresponding to the Universitdts- Kalendar of Germany, and it is almost impossible to get any exact in- formation about courses to be offered at even the Uuiversite de Paris, until a couple of days before the Semester commences. The following list is compiled from a variety of sources. It will be observed that Lj^ons is the only university outside of Paris where any courses, over and above those for the licence and agregation, are offered. The letters in brackets after the names of the Academies, indicate the Faculties of the Universities: La. = Law, S. = Science, Le. = Letters, M. = Medicine. The numbers in brackets after the names of Professors, are those in the list of doctors (Appendix C). An "A" added in the brackets is an abbreviation for agrege. No information is at hand regarding the Professors in the Uni- versite d' Alger which was opened at the beginning of this year, with the Faculties of Science and of Letters, and the mixed Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy. Ajx Marseille (La. S. Le. M.) Sauvage (142. A) Charve (137) Bourget (A) Jamet BESANgoN (S. Le.) Lebeuf (231) Carrus (272, A) Andrade (181) Franchebois Bordeaux (La. S. Le. M.) Cousin (209, A) Delassus (217, A) Picart (188, A) Esdangon (262, A) 1. Calculus. 2. " Cours Compl^mentaire " Mechanics. Astronomy. Cours Complement aire with Sauvage. Astronomy. Calculus. 1. Mechanics. 2. Cours Complementaire for En- gineers. Pr^parateur in Mechanics. Calculus. 1. Mechanics. 2. Preparatory Mathematics. Astronomy. Prof. Adjoint and Maitre de Con- ferences. {ARCHIBALD] MATHEMATICAL INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE 151 Caen (La. S. Le.) Riquier (161, A) Husson (268, A). Villat Calculus. Mechanics. Maitre de Conferences. Clermont (Sc, Le.) Pellet (122) Guichard (151, A) Dijon (La. Sc. Le.) Baire (238, A) Dwport (135, A) Grenoble (La. S. Le.) Collet (107) Cotton (242, A) Zoretti (264, A) Lille (La. S. Le. M.) Demartres (156, A) Petot (171, A) Clairin (253, A) Boulanger (230, A) Traynard (278, A) Lyon (La. S. Le. M.) Andre (117) Flamme (170) Vessiot (192, A) Calculus. 1. Mechanics. 2. Astronomy. Calculus. 1. Mechanics. 2. Astronomy. 1. Analysis. 2. Astronomy and Geodesy. Mechanics. Maitre de Conferences. Cours Com- plementaires : 1. Analyse Superieure. 2. Math, centrales. Calculus. Mechanics. Mathemetiques Centrales. Prof. Adjoint and Maitre de Con- ferences: Mechanics. Maitre de Conferences. 1. Astronomy. 2. Elementary Mathematics (Con- ference d'Agregation.) 1. Mechanics. 2. Math. Generales. 3. Mechanics (Conf. d' Agregation) . 1 . Differential Equations and Calcu- lus of Variations. 2. Theory of Groups of Transforma- tions. 3. Math. Generales: Algebra and Calculus. 4. Higher Geometry (Conf. d'Agr^- gation) . 152 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA Le Vavasseur (198, A) Wiernsherger (312) Merlin 1 . Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable and Geometrical Applica- tions of Analysis. 2. Mathematiques Special (Conf. d' Agregation) . 1. Mechanics. 2. Math. Generales: Analytical Geo- metry. Charg^ de Cours. Astronomy. MoNTPELLiER (La. S. Le. M.) Fabry (159, A) Dautheville {157 , A) Latt^s (274) Calculus. Mechanics. Maitre de Conferences. Nancy (La. S. Le. M.) Floquet (126, A) Vogt (177,A) Hahn 1. Analysis. 2. Calculus. Applied Mathematics. Maitre de Conferences. Mechanics. Poitiers (La. S. Le.) Lesbesgue (256, A) Boutroux (259) 1. Calculus. 2. Math. Generales. (Cours Com- plementaires) 1. Mechanics. 2. Astronomy. Rennes (La. S. Le.) Lacour (215) LeRoux (216, A) Frechet (273, A) Analysis. Mechanics. Maitre de Conferences. Toulouse (La. S. Le. M.) Drach (236) Paraf (193) Cosserat (176, A) Buhl (248) Blondel (A) Saint-Blancat (276) Calculus. Mechanics Astronomy. Math. Generale. Charge de Conferences. Assistant Astronomer. OprcAAveJ loruJ et oraM auyLowcx)U/tJ^ aviQW LV7tJ -hccr -t^uyyv cUd jiMuntt rott-T^ : cj-u^'eiie /cj^axv-nUe^TT' &n. u/h^ j^uH^it aaJ^ cjvu^y ctt^ % do-nAvLi a^ , V^ , . , . cL - puiid Oi ce^LcIeJ. (TJ : (rj/( J^ j , . > . {T^etd&J d^fji^cuenh \ ^f f^^ '*''^q deut . VTL 'untiv'UjtJ dd:AyrnMn^^, dcc/ytJ -^ jduvru AvT-vrtL^ d.&uxC' hointd J ^^ , ^^ -64^ otut^tcL-JoT^riyyyu^ d^ -p-uMi^oiru^ d 'u/n^ jvo ^ ate 'eueJ -HyttL -ti 'yyu^mt^ O/riqie^ aA^e-o-^'cuti. et ci^-ie ^le^AJvd ^iA^&ciumd cftL 'ti-m^ cLtc^ll^ D* ifjlt CcynJ-ucHA^^ Ue^ 'Ut- cVcvio^jJ a -110/1- -^xccH.f-uydi, cl Q ; e-tudce-'T ik^ ciLjtti.utdlvi'U- ae cei cUx>ueJ . 5 L-Ut^ dtotiLD de-cUpULcz. e/fv jadia/nL -ton. ctT-tcut. Ckm^^drLlz cvi^ec t'cutu^ de^ ci/ncjie. con^h&tdrvL cuc^-HoiyttL Co-yrv^ynu-i/n^ ci J?* ^tJ)" : au.eIEe^ dic^ c^ij^on^U^ J) -^ dtcUie.:) i^-iudctccJ e/n-aeyrtcULt^rt J)' etX"et atcef ej^ u- 1644^ du. po-irdz co^j-nyryt'iAyn^ cuJ^ (et^JJ'^l Ct-cieu^ 4teAyot. IL elhjL^ ^ddlvt^ ^f-u^yut- Jt3^ de^ dl^ijyuiturn jZmHlC' dz- Ctx/yLi^-yi/r^ teJ ocHyodduedJ!e^ eM:^ "id^ C4>i-idddy(nv^ f^ c&Lvd^e^ i/yn.fu>dez^ ctdKorvui- d'u/fu^ axAxu- dl^idytiq-uiL^ \ ddkA^ym/ncttuyyu dzd j^XymdMJ d ^ciAurrnpdbidjued duiidfiJMi ded cstAoxhAdyucj^LUd , 'iZ'T'UlMZtd l'tuci'Ucd d '-tiyrLe^ -ftryiAltt- (ycnti de^ dt io-yui dtd ca/i^t/yncdu)'yT-^ d&-LeA^ynAJ*^Lei dz, -"Icl^ J-uAfuct^ ( *3^^ j de^ teJZe^ ^-di^ cjiAZ-^ -tout -jixH/Tvt M de oddL dunjcLce^ die^ Icl^ ae^neAuxd^ct-- .tedduq-n-^ dd 'uc d&A^elo-Hjtvdu^ ( ^^ / j-ta/1' ( Aj . j id i^UAJcue^ oidbnAxe^ . de- ut- ddA>e^u^jvhxtvyey [^ V) o-n- ovhj/nh H^ne^ duAlcCct^ f 2^^) jvoi/dioulu/u^^^ Jo-iJz^ id^ o ) ' dlLon. . -tu^ OjiA. ' cta^ XtS^DuL-^ ixcud^ rH.adu>n^ 1^ cayvoudi/ocd 'jdoA^ (dddjiciM^ ce,dhuyn&J JijjudctLLLkAi cj-uie^ oxciAVtr cd!4dd dz- CeJ Jdm^ud!) zl^ do-nt^-tLi -tui.nej cUti'"- > H- z'^ ^; Jy ^= o: k Auti^ snu COOY vu^ I^Vty -dimt e^ryijeyrdc^ ^ 'ti^id^u:in^e4^d^ (U^ix.O't^tcvnce^ ae/ne^^ -xcu^ dc- ct- ^j-ytouve/m-ei^ co-'iAfU -i'TLoLadeJ Jcyrtt- oJudttJxt^Le^ . uJ-iJcAdZe/r 0<>r}n.hdd:^yyterTJLdo^cf-u^ ic- ekdddx^ ~eMi aJ?a/>i-dotnyyiJL^fa/nJ -V-cieJde^ -urtidicLuJ '^ ^Xayyyityne/r- ieJ cci4 jioAduuddAd dcuyiJ -ie^qi^uit 'U^t't jida/fi^ Hix^dciynJC' d^ir d'a/ic^ de.- UouCL^^ iJ^ ha/tu -pda^n- -i^-yterudjixtr Q d::' JT..AjiynduuMdM^vi-'i^^^ d. CJ: cty^ce.^, di- Udt^ e^h rLorniiC CO ^ fuydtt- fvor -t'cLou- a.u^ i^yudx^^ ^ C'Tv- '^^'^^^^ t T = C a; ^ , % i eto/rvC lux. Yyu^^\>ivty , C- -u^ >^^^o?^^^*^ d' inJ^t^^U^ d^d ^ycnide^uX/r raHh/}-^ oi 4(yrL^(X<3ct Lcdcciter^ e^]cpJU'clu^frxje'rth 'it- 'yruyiM^e/ym^rut. , '^toii^ t- exJvu/me^ ^ c<^n/rLeeJ , -jm .-'t/AiPvox^ oui^oc ci(Cti?%h a^wMyn, dt- CcMe^ Ofttad^ ci -t aidz^ d' i/yru hwicuryilbct- U. eh cm. dijoyi-lh Uc pxt^iduyft- du. im^dz a. LO' du^ jtcuta.iyid^u^ AX. &iz de. d i!nie/ructlCo-n~.^du joia/n. vedLcid hdi-da^vb Hcur OM . Uytxn4A>tr Zed icitHMytionJi doyvrutrih CeJ .h-couxynt^tked dc tynd-LcjtyUyT u^ c.acctd^^r cut- ruxit. e,rv M tv la. 4^^^^^J:^d't'nJk^sum^ lo/yieAS^ u^ ouOL. atituu^e^ oxdUi [ otdve^ aljiHcwUjM'Ut-) : (SoLcLCcVcct^ ^^TidAux JixduenJz^ %-ttA.dceke..^ 'yJiduJiri^a2'nxCrUM?axt^ G ^LoAt- ^C^iO . diV. hnivu . Jle^didUfTT^dej Zita^riaiL) ai-idcif-na-ueJ d "^^ /^^ /ai/tc.'^ -liLcurhOiLed ^tcda^lis 5- dccf-cLtti . ( 07lcdjLlU^t^Jxm4M) -A. J ^ 'L^ Cjuxtdety . ^iu/me. de>J pxai^xIUZuz^j-ude^ ^ dej jdxiS'ynt^d ( JIc- jtcui jolucl- w vvtm^ydt- pwio/nUcU^ ^ ie. iko-rtc dt^ pjUdrrvi^ J ( &Icl64<^ 3e toremiiw-j > 7L. UOUVlOrL- . JiyiatdjtM ivOTrw^Aitiau^ . Ooujcdui (k^rribiccuLti . ( J^ccMta^tuynC' 3*- Aixc/^niekz^ . It 'Jdnaici'hne^ , dieloduyrL. t/nhu^ U.^ c^^eMCcitAxMl a6 itd icuU^yvtd de, 'C'^cj'UcdCon-^diA-' JcccmxL de^ti^ . ajtpucahiyni . JV. CjcuiAcidc) . ole-ccrt^ dU'i' jUdi. juir , JJt. GcMu. TL. O^Xl&iiJt/r , jhrnfyrude^ tec di^}^^,dia^yujicoUX^>^^ de- tcud&'UH^Jc- . - OUtpu iycda>rti ci "uc- -Oit^ Ti . oodiWC^ . Ouv'TTicihiue^ e/n^ qv^nebca.--ypid/ya^ . iL. CAorujo-Cvz , Uec^rt^ de^a^^UJZ futr jTL. (Sutccdet^ . 71. cOelmcU . diif^ni^ dAd^ jccdi- jtor 0Jt. 3zAxy jvcvr -tcChj-toxt. U- ^>^ CLdtfmjs . tern . 7J7. djdcvtt^ . 6n.i du^iu>e/yri,e'ntd'u/>i~/rotritj<'iijt'acho^t'd'-^^^ d HAy^ri^ cto-zbu^ p^Kt^ et p/U>^ diori'ndjd- u- vx- didccnce.' . -pdhi-ic i/rvdudt- edd/TTJc ncdHt. otu dixlaee^ ;)-LcU>cx.rd:, u/ru. 'Uun^ dz. hIlU ou^aijorucd fwruJi' . yJt. (J)i2ma^ . dhyhnltc e Jc^ruJe^ de^ ( 'f 4- dl. )***" . y>L. jO/yitC . JetieJ ci tvt/yyud j^o^lbij^ . - dvicaJi^u^ cU C-O^^e^rcje/nu^ ejt cIl dcve/i^e/ncz. Uu^ de^ c'^i^da^ deJ eaUTjzz6ujdfccuJ aU^ >iA)rdi te^ txxeJ nM:hcaj, iZ' -yuynt^btjey de4 cJtUMuJ Jia/jvijt'cJxhM) cle^X qtc 'eluJ cuin.^>rtt fte^c/ntiJ d^- dh^i'nUni/f^ cwec^ CMdUlicU^ . ^Ifvey dxaili^ de^-pcnJ:^ D eA^ vn'clnez. ci IiS" Jur u^fLUX/n^ hvoti^OTd^oU- et otu d'ele^^-e^ ifnA' cuth dM>iu^, e^Z/ uv -ficuL-cvvULcvnyh cZz^ dju)d^ d- <^ccucHy } cu^ fuxJ^^^p-o/r uz^ jtoi/H^ du^ pxa/n- ^7urUai>rvtciZ' de^ pA<}-i'edii>rL^ xtihctL- d, ^^D'^/tn^ d^ djivilt' du^ a^tcon^d oux^ ^ e^ di g^*^Jfn- om^^ aS4iAJ du^heu-t oc^xe^ de. -Ux^jLuUie^ . (?eUe^ dxodt- e^yt ^te^c^ondk^e^-nc^r la^ jia/uth-viL T e/rui -Hcyvrvt ^dxio^ d dMjyiU^ du- -judri^ dt, jtXirhdL cj-uU- cardceyfvh -uz^ OMcurid oujce^ de, icu jeuCLle^ . Ufu CATnJi^dd^U-- U' d^^c^xe^ jtic/uxl^tuHU^ L^^ -Hotr iCL^LC- dz- i.cL jtcoudoie^ I aui^ Co^ - cU'Mxi/ruie^' du X-fVtM^HJje4'' en^ JT/cOpctwyv- i^eyvuccuk^ (ie^Uent.e'nJC' ve^ ifvUoU^ e^ae^rwUe^ har Lo(^ M.M . V . Mciext M.m^. C, . gcmzt I J s J s yfO . J!eicvu^ A] QcdecuMCy It. Mu^ctt ^ro^amj^tt. fbow^ie Lo^^cMVc^ oli^'19'ii . Cornj^A)<)iJXori6 iortttd LMytcut AjJfvtcn^tUt el CoIcaaJL inlicyral . auo/ruL U/Tix, ti/f-nde^ cni- M^ jfo-rtydA4>rU-44A}tem^ <^rifi^^ doi^trUiJaL. de^ Qtee^fL- . CiXult^- dx<) jv%olo7Vfvied cuAyOiuamA cfuHomcfuei . 'fe coLi ^Hc u^ acnpnu^ dont amalutZcnicd . Mc, UUhL. CMJ^ ^11 J toXurji^.^^. cUd jo^ce^ applCaueAd d tuv c%e.yt^j^ d^ -vuilvcuZ- 'S>iAdluL . ^iUfi-^-c- . LXcceleA.cdit,f'riA^^ d'u/TU- jiau/tJ- j-vUt^ru- dci/n4 ^^yn^ jUcori^ . Jl&jv^^e/nhiulo-n^ dec '>ru>uA>-eym^nA:^ jzd/r iL- JTuHiVe^ynervt d Wi^ cctM uA>e^me/rvk d'um. cotjui :K>udt- da^ri^ -{'cMutc^ . JlLpuA>R^yne/nJ:. -HeUcoldaL . Jltotu>e4ne^nh vucddfo . Ohiiyti^*u^ne/n^ c^mXou^ cL'^i^i^ru e^)^^^ ^kmAe- > LAWnUccuXo^rL clu^ ifrerL6 (uuvorUcj-vied . C^cjuiuox^ d^'-Lvnt. 'TyLci^t^ HuuiiL . u-ivuvued de^ nM^cocju-. tJteJ-dum- <^ur um^ hcuzvi/ JMa/niy ^ J%4yricUu-^ cl' cLn-ciU/Kne^^ - CH^uiyU>U^ clti aoxjtd puMoinU . ^^a-vuxtUm^ Ai'n.ixcatS du- ^yyvo-Wi^cmeynt a'^uynje-- 'yn^^^e^ jhtcitde^ . J/t tyCyOruS . o^ cvriddio4v i'teeeJ^JiXi-i^^-^ ikAl'ti&oontiy yfvou/r oi-uz. de4A/oc^ 1rwVu'n2>'yriM> f i^} ^ ^ (^) '^ dtq/d^ -^itAjttdifa -iv et-a cus/nk- u/ru jvloiJi an^a/yuL corruma/n-' diA^dieu/r' dt^ d^.u^ -n- t^ aiA^ '-u. e-cCAjte^ dd^iA^oc- -iMftwHC-h*^ A. et 3 dey d^^ated ^tJzMieddf^ -ft. n- -eZ a--n^ -ieZd cht-u 'cryv ouc^ ide'n.tiaiie^me^-, mut- et (Hi^ndihicj-vLz. de^ AxicVrud o ' e^^n^UT^e^ 'Uihx>-vtyrve^ie^nt'nt TictLOrL-Jji^ coeji-cCyierds . _ Ou^fnHyncdzo-ri^ d -o/ne^ 'Vytcotvrui^s^ e^rd^ dM/x> zchtuxkicyn^ oUu -nuHte^tudci hyrudio-rui ^-a^fnidbUci-u^ . L,X)ndddarv jum/}^ a-u '-u/n^ ea^^udzorL- cu^t deJ^ui-clne^ -coicuej . Jiedk^AyChe^ de^ A^i^ci/mJ c^-nt^rne/HJ-ufuWjdd (Dnicfre^yytL^ dz- uJt^Cct/d^Jt . , Jlaiid^'uJ corriMdeojLd . Jvi/yyutXe^ de^ JTLcHAnc^. -10 -rrU/niyyTva^: e^ du^ jra^-cuUllfuftZdc^ jtci^ -tcUvtvcnt- d. ztu^vd aa^ de^ du/ntitkie^ . uLUzi ct ikn!u/yrLe^ oleJ :^culc- dt^ ^iddlUcnv et >r^AAiiij^ucclJM>rv- . uLl'^iAttex^eAMT dt ^'i/nte.tVPillt' dz- c^Hu^ti^e^Uy , -on. CfDUe-nt nd- deAM>4^ ou^ -vtd -fOnchvrtd -jt'U'trdhA>ej de- -let. -uyricuon- ^au jvu/nci^n^::^ lou iic^ue^ de^ de^u^v^e^ ot^ de^ fcnvchcrrU ji/u^yrvitii>^ ( on- ^ha. ^ '<>i:,c4Ajte^tcL -HcU dt^ ce^ ei^tu- i/rt^m- . ole^ la-Lutdiot-iJ 'H' - H eh u' [i ^ Xj ^ r>x\\ hti/ynzJit^nt, di^ OJltt/i/rrvOrUA- itd -^cynyyru^ dzd dtu/3C- ffeWe^ , Ojii}JUpH^Krvt/njb^e/n. ii-i^de- d^^ <^^ , ^ ouic^ i:>iYL. cCy - JrJjt^/vcdlan- dzi taixciLtunU diis^fLZ/ntieJUcd dAA^ hJUAnie/r' ^xd/u^ -^"^ daynj -u^ cctd -otc -teJ -'Jrdi^a^uiiicy-yi^ ds^ i' -iortusdi^^n- diju^t^rdluiL -u/ytSpUn^ da- d-u^ond ord/tz- d- coeMC(Ue^nAi -^ornymz- d ' (ia>h/U4^M-C'n4 dt^ -tay jot^u- A V *'*' - ChyiLryiJid424z4 , uijthL^cadiotu ci de4 i^xu^njt^ d-i^rvkleJ e^ en^-j^oLvdiuJu-e/r a. dzJ c^^n4^44^ eh a. de4 oowtLe^ dcmJi' < ' exttiodicyTU- z^ d,u^ tieJ^^yrud^ dt^Ad^futr "UtpAvcnA;^ cl iy-t-^^nt- dtS cootdmunU-S . Jlcbuyn^ -du.cxi'rvcdiii Ju/)' ltd jvounti d d^'-i^rdhynC out, -m-CMi^^^ oLu coxyi^don/n-te^ tumtvcimi4, .^tcuvMf^ ct/nJuxn/yyuyrutftu^ dt- cji-udke ^ytom-ttre^ . iMUvEicducri'- ctu- >ux-hJw-th ^nJicM//ru>rvuiu^ >lc- CHUuic pdi/nh btC 'i4^[ne cUoite ^dActuahu, dt4>ite4 exJi.hxvid:krid^ cM^^yriJ^^ -M^dctouc- u^yvtcu^cc . fJCctMun^ A/nhut yrr<>n4^u&^ dc^ eju-dtt^^ Hun-^ par 'utHHc'vt oui^ -rayi^n- iie-ueur-") . __ (ut^ cU^ Jm4. Lo'>rvj^od'iJZo^yu aj -iKce^ied . . Lc^yyvh^^ituyru^ cio^ dcc^eAyCUumJ "i^iyi^e^ cut- ccxJ oic 'i^ Jtcdca tu^. tcchJunii cv M/rt^ OLOU^ Ci)ruiiticrnJ -j-i-c-c^d^ excited cL 'ax^iyUiCDic- -i^ndc.h-t'nAayfAe^ cLe^i ji:?^ceJ -vrvtejUzdMuJ O^e^n-xortbi^^ Ck:j-uix>cuen4X^ cIl diAxco cle^ jint^ cdiftlt ofuJ^^ a. uax. c-c\H4 JixU'cic^ , orUM^ubxfru dt ^iVifcuc^ : uuo3> cSneJ ocl oulirLciteJ^ cSiiz- ou. cqu^iwa^^JiMLJcu^ cUx^>clu^^ dtucc- i^ivJMxU cL^ 'rnHnuhunu cUynt u^ cux^ ikmt douU u/ru ^ytiM^vC^ -ham-- -ft CLlaevriy , pJUtnie/T * yteJ-ouii^ion^ aid ^c^t.uxZu>rt^ cLcjvce^ntur de^%e^ a -t^m^^ Utcpn--cm^tHJ^ JUflLorv dt- ICL d^xi\>-c^ ; ^CouniH-udiott- Pte^orf^e^ciH^it^ de- icC' deA4A>e-' . -Ze- ift'on^ dt^ txu dzuAf-e^ i''ru}Ucj<.te^ le- Jen6 da,- uu Vcc^iauorL- / 0LhjuUc^3Uu>rL' a- dt^ e^XJi^ripJ^j ^yia^nve^u^t^uJ -^buj if-i/nvftieJ Qflorrietrio . -^hyiu>e^ru^%t, cU, 'c.cd:cLticrrt,- ctutour- d'-uyn. -hoirvt:: [ daout aitvuxce^^e^TJc^ d -oiyrtey ^tk^X^nMcJiorL- . jZoiuni^ -^nMeJ iytA/f t ' n4?TnrLZ^ . (j^eua> jiA^cxo-n^ re^LuIu.'U d'tvru ^-mZme^ Sity dc ooU^ i>-onJb ifLyyL&tcUfleJ . iJlcULH dt dxi^ 'yrd^^odJ^, deJ hitimMked j . LJMue^ de^ -4vovucu>->ue^ cU>vc- dcu ac%cie,- . JVleJ-t-w^^e- d^e- tcukC' dM- r^^J^ci^rtau^ ^ du. 'fict^txtt. dU^<>cin.oi'fn/*tU^ -. diM, -Svuii/Hrile, , dAA,- ijvcvhlxe,- , d'-H^n- fuym-o^crru^ aueXcAy-na-uz^ - 'JlCchJvo'U:. deJ ctUe^ dt- d^Ui^ac HcvuoyO-yve^ VnAAJi^ Je^Jkxrrvd 'pMX'ne^ jtcvuulue6 i:i'a/nciU^ j^v^1Jld>U^ cA^Jud Jlcnunvd ^HnnyyrwCui^ ^yu/r ltd du^mibUe^ cUu awe- eh ^ I'oetcu'cUz^ tiauMjeA" . JloryLvt<> de.c4/yrwoua:^ . U-i%c/uxbcorTJ [ e^v aortdi^cUyvoi/n^ ie^ fuicchjorU du-Uncue^ tcrrvyn^ CaJ jt^oociXiudu.e/r' cLe^ J^u)i<>bu>'yLd -uytdc^nctM^ J . cwuui d ' tA^'n- at^A>-Ue/t'vt ci- -u^yu. OLMT^u>au/yKvodj>cn^ at.Ci/h>^U- do-yvrue^ . xTLe^d'Ucaon-' d'u/hte^ j%,cutu>TU- eytdincu/iC- e/n^-yutcluyn^ dlci^yn-cil^ c^uiiytioru di^ fvc^^buibi . ''cc-t^a'Ut- -tcu 'liducbuyn^Cdt- -UrUva^^ote^ ^ leu ytcudunv- cnd-Uicu^ve^ p^^uh elht^ -^t^outdJey ccm^ryta^ d!ou ZUrvobt- d'-voyi^ -vvcLctuyru dJ'C'iyyvcu^ -ni^tlod^cfu^ -iXtumiite-^ ^ LtviAjiy^ cL 'iAyyu n-co^n^t^ erute/T' (?u^ jnctcJ44>-ri''rtcutc- ; ct?>njuy>ltu>yu d^^ ux^tc de^ id i^u^ jftct-cbA^yn.^yvixlte' Ji ^une. aHjTA.ooc4ATrcdii>rL. de^dmcud^ dcynyyUe^ . (^ncoxt^-de- tcL t.Cixdnz^ CwcAdo dy'dyn- e^nbce^^ d u^ru^ <^^nLU- p^tZd Ik 3 JlXuxUfUi^c^iiuyri^ eh di^HM<>ru jutr Z . ute^^vtuJion^ deJ ttuuructud iAjtfvUC'cdioruf de^ -ta^ Akiouyn^^ynitu^ cxu^ dive^tA&d cf-ue^^Uond '^uaJivcd au^ ive- de^ ^hicun^ . ije4>ryvTl^ CC^nvicULC^ ^ia/fv dA^ -ujjoi^oui- . U^^t^-p^^dlM^' d'-U'^p4>i/ntf d'u/ne- dn^ouV^ d' 444ve^ --tccm^ . tJoint dt^ jiodi^ d'^u^ne^ dn4>-lti^. Jl^t^adiA^-e- de deu^ dn4yiJx4 H&-Uui/r iyu/r 4A/yu OyXe^j yyruyyyvZ'n4Z' -U^nlcirtc^-Ha/^ ^.ajtfunty a, -fuH/nt . ^yyv(yyruo^ -HO/T -^cUUKycA:^ d^ -tAm- cuc. CU 'U/ri^ jvoi/nt . Jomi-m. de4 '^^^^yma/ncd jux/r -tcUihAytt/ a- -M/rv- cxax^ < CtpJ^^ccdicru- a. -u/n. cckip^ dfi^ i>ui/L6. yuybtti(nt. cvudcu/r d'-iA/n^ a^u^ p^t^tHe/ndACAi.ioUre^ d- U/f^ pzo/rv- dt, yhn/o^ecCUyfu- , CX'hpMC'oJxori, CXAA^ dA^%ci4^yC^ eh (xcuiL ctncue^ ; oLCytot/fvct' de^ Uu^^oty ruH/tuJ , d '^uru -fun/rt^ cL AA4ti, d/uydL , d -u/rt- Hci/nh ci -um^ ju^a/ri''; -pUtd CiHiAM^ dxifht^ncc' de^ d^iM^ atA>iUd ^ d-o^^ 't '^ct^te^ e^at:' A^e^Uccue^ otL. dt- v<)ut ou^ de^ deAAui4 ; o^rLalc- d'^u/n^^ d^uydi^ eJ^ d'^ttyf^ fua/ru--. cvnate, dty Uau/X^ juccrU . / * V-^ IX/TUXt^i.tX^ . .^A7Z^>M^-e*7^e^ti; -t^/^Ai^ri^ . ^/u?/t^^*rz-e^t/t/t^rt^-*n^/ ;^t>^^^^ J^t" i^ruhectiorU' -fUJur -uru- -iXecte^tyf . Ccc^-Tn.hAe4 ^ cijihMc^iiMzyri^ ( -ne. 4uvd d^n^-idili' duyr -u^ anjiJuicUumJ -fia^u^^rtt^n^ ae4>rrt-ukccfuji^ . nu>teymje^ dc4 jo'u^ iM.^>^ jtimr u4%-p4>ln^ ^ncdi/Uel^ . Cc^iMc^ de^ -luyn^ ^ de^ ^ined^ . d-uU^ie^ du- Jvixtanci/mymC' jtcuyi' -2^ c{>ruou-^ d^^ T^'cxyrT/yue. ifu4Ji)a.'niS^ LlfvneU igSIf oL 18gif- , ihhJUu^eJ &M.di^ dtuie^ftve-fvt: , df-ucattu^ cx/yyn^ ZS^ GtnnAi) ^8gS A- igpO , djviMu^e^ ie^iU^ eh ^eb di- ^^corU , n . So CbvnUs 1^01 CL, 1^10 ^ -V.9 JLotix. : cUie^ -^e-dudk^yru- da- ^ % e^ acc<>xdze^ ouA^iXi^ a-cftei^e^i^^ da^ccnq ac/n^nce^ , a^dcxy o/rml&d, ctc^ j^Ucd , pxi^eJ e^uu/H^ de4UJZ^'hoi^ idon^yt-erih d>uyit. ^ A^'jo d^xe^mkJ^^ . Cs>i>uUd lOi eAyuuuCcd ecnikid ap.e.eic(ie4 a, d^utucf^ d&d Ct^tJuj^cah yetuieJ *Hi^ei.aute* otuinmrU diJ&nduLxh ii4^ u^t^ Cin/nee^ ( cUu^C' ift^yu>ru coruUuJxjiye^ S ,.... -i "^ So LluvuAmZ' ded de^-aioTi^ ae^ ^uuE^ 014^ cU,- Ole4^ribxy cifvafd-ntt^rvk^ JS - e^ Put/n-C^ 3j 80 lb cL (XcLrvcyyuvr ^ OxJuicitzA eX- u^ccnvd ^ 'OLnx:vUA^t^ ^ W , ^ 6 ij Uyj-neJ -2 ^ jtoAicn*^ . (Otfn^i/yyviAu^ l^u^ fuHM^ , iiAje^ , i^ .i t)^ - ^vv\)iicyi.cih^ ,<^ 'S . . - -// .. Myi^Zccatuyyx^ ,d/rt..% _ . , ^ . . 1^^.rv , 8 D . jn Co^iyeA^CiC T^nioxit^ 9e<5 cx>xjy^ diXcn^vyioi^u^ , -i^, S . . . o. -tc^ lyiAJiloujid ... /^. ^) M^nXcce^ ' IV.M Op^VlA^MJi^ , it) . V *^c-o^0ruuA^o(L^ eX ted uxruh'ri'rvi^^ (Ui^tA>^Xfcj'hu>^ ^ $ Poiu/^ii.tA , Jport-v^ J . W . V Mathmatical Instruction and the Professors of Mathematics in the French Lycees for Boys. By R. C ARCHIBALD. Professor of Mathematics at Br own University. Mathematical Instruction and the Professors of Mathematics in the French Lycees . for Boys By R. C. Archibald Brown University Providence R. I. Reprint from School Science and Mathematics. Vol. 13. Jan- uary and February, 1913. MATHEMATICAL INSTRUCTION AND THE PROFESSORS OF MATHEMATICS IN THE FRENCH LYCEES FOR BOYS.^ By R. C. Archibald, Professor of Mathematics at Brown University. The general scheme of the French educational system and the position of the lycee in this system are topics, the consideration of which the title of my paper, strictly speaking, excludes. And yet, to give appropriate setting to the main themes and bases of comparison with our own schools, brief reference to these topics seems not wholly uncalled for in this connection. For educational purposes France is divided geographically into arrondissements. The assemblage of government schools (pri- mary, secondary and superior) in each arrondissement forms an academie over which a recteur presides. There are thus the 16 academies of Aix-Marseilles, Besangon, Bordeaux, Caen, Chani- bery, Clermont, Dijon, Grenoble, Lille, Lyons, Montpellier, Nancy, Paris, Poitiers, Rennes, Toulouse, as well as a seven- teenth at Algiers. With the exception of Chambery these names correspond to the seats of the French universities. The assemblage of academies forms the Universite de France, at the head of which is the Minister of Public Instruction, who is ex officio the ''Recteur de I'Academie de Paris et Grand Maitre de rUniversite de Paris." For the Academie de Paris there is a vice-recteur, whose duties are the same as those of the recteurs of other academies. Although nominally .lower in rank than the heads of academies in the provinces, he is in reality, the most powerful official in the educational system. The position of the Minister of Public Instruction being so insecure by reason of changing governments, continuity of scheme is assured by three lieutenants who have charge respectively of the primary, second- ary, and superior education. They in turn have an army of in- spectors who report on the work and capabilities of the recteurs and their academies as far as primary and secondary instruction is concerned. This suffices at present to indicate the remarkably centralized and unique character of the French educational system. It is theoretically possible for the most radical changes in any part of lAbridgment of a paper presented at the mid-winter meeting of the Association of Mathematical Teachers in New England, held at Brown University, Providence, R. I., February 3, 1912. 44 SCHOOL SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS public instruction to be immediately brought about by a stroke of the pen on the part of the Minister of Public Instruction. The present system of secondary education in France dates from the great reform of 1902 (important modifications were in- troducted in 1905 and 1909) and is carried on for the most part in Lycees and Colleges communaux which are to be found in nearly all cities. Because of their pre-eminence we shall consider the former only, which are under control of the state. Here the boys, who come from families in comfortable circumstances, may enter as Sieves at the age of five or six years and be led along in their studies till they receive the Baccalaureat at the age of 16 or 17.2 Many lycees have still more advanced courses to prepare for entrance into such schools as the cole Normale Superieure, ficole Polytechnique, cole Centrale, cole Navale, cole de Saint Cyr, etc. Instruction in fully equipped lycees may be divided into four sections : I, Primary; II, Premier Cycle; III, Second Cycle; IV, Classes de Mathematiques Speciales. I. Primary.^ The classes in this section are named as fol- lows : A jr Age from Classes enfantines Onzieme 5 Classes preparatoires Dixieme 6 Neuvieme 7 Classes elementaires Huitieme 8 Septieme 9 From the Dixieme to the Septieme 20 hours are devoted to class recitation each week. In the Classes preparatories 3 hours a week are taken up with Calcul, that is, principles of numera- tion, elementary operations with integers, notions concerning the metric system; intuitive geometry; simple exercises to enable the pupil to draw the more elementary regular figures (square, 2The pupils at the lycees are of four kinds: 1st. Externes, those \vho come to the lycees for classes but board and lodge outside: 2nd. Internes or pensionnaires, eleves who live entirely in the establishment; 3rd. Demi-pensionnaires who usually reside at a distance but take their mid-day meal at the lycee; 4th. Externes surveilles, that is externes who work out their lessons under the eye of the preparateur in the salle d'etude of the lycee. The expenses of the pupil vary greatly with the class and the lycee in which he happens to be. The range of cost (in francs per year) (1) for some of the principal cities (Bordeaux, Lyons, Marseilles, Toiilouse) of the provinces and (2) for the better lycees of Paris is as follows: Externes (1) 70-450, (2) 90-700; externes surveillis (1) 110-540, (2) 130-790; demi-pensionnaires (1) 370-850, (2) 500-1200; pensionnaires (1) 700-1200, (2) 900-1700. The lower price in each case is for the classe enfantine, the higher for the special classes open to hacheliers. Primary education (outside of the lycees and superior education) in France, is free. ^Free primary instruction is given in Ecoles Primaries Elementaires for pupils from 6 or 7 to 13 years of age. The course is divided as follows: Cours elementaire (2 years), cours moyen (2 years), cours superieur (2 years). On completion of the cours moyen the pu^il receives a certiHcatS d'etudes primaries elementaires. ^ This certificate or its equivalent is required of every child in France. Many children require considerably more than four years to get the certiUcat. MATHEMATICS IN THE FRENCH LYCRES 45 rectangle, triangle, circle) and different sorts of angles. In the Classes elementaires, 4 hours a week are assigned to revision of the preceding programme; decimal numbers; rules of three; intuitive geometry by the aid of models. One hour a week is given up to drawing. II. Premier Cycle (sixieme-troisieme) . This cycle of four years constitutes an advanced course for students who have finished their primary studies, and is the first part of secondary education proper. It offers a choice between two lines of study, the one characterised by instruction in Latin with or without Greek, the other in which no dead language is taught. The former is selected by the parent who wishes to prepare- his boy for the department of letters in the ficole Normale Superieure or for the career of classical professor, lawyer or doctor. The latter is likely to be chosen for the boy who is particularly interest- ed in science or who has a commercial career in view. III. Second Cycle. This leads, normally, to the Baccalaureat, at the end of three years' study, in one of four different sections. The scheme will be clearer in tabular form. Pupils who learn Latin, with or without Pupils who learn no dead language Age from VJi v^^iV. PREMIER CYCLE. 4 years Sixieme A (Latin). Sixieme B 10 Cinquieme A (Latin). Cinquieme B 11 Quatrieme B 12 Quatrieme A (Latin Greek) Quatrieme (Latin) Troisieme A (Latin Greek) Troisieme (Latin) Troisieme B 13 ' Pupils who give up the study of Latin. i Sciences-Langues Latin-Grec. Latin-Langu. -A- L ATIN-SCIENCES SECOND CYCLE 3 years Second A Second B Second C Second D 14 Premiere A Premiere B Premiere C Premiere D 15 PhilosophieA Philosophic B MathematiquesA Mathematiques B 16 Let us now observe a little more closely just what is involved in this display, in the matter of studies and demands made upon the eleve. As an important examination which we shall presently describe comes at the end of the Premiere, our present analysis will not pass beyond this grade. Here is the programme for a week. There are several features of this scheme (we shall refer to 46 SCHOOL SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS four), which are par- ticularly interesting. 1. The prominence given to the study of French throughout. 2. That all eleves at the age of 10 or 11 com- mence the study of modern languages (English, German, Ital- ian, Spanish, Russian, or, in Algiers, Arabic), and continue it during six years at least, be- fore matriculating into schools of university grade. Not only do they get glimpses of the best things in the literature of the language, but al- so learn to speak the language with consid- erable freedomi and re- markable correctness in pronunciation. The di- rect method is employed and no word of French is ever spoken in the advanced classes. The majority of the eleves choQse German, as this is required of all candi- dates for entrance into such military schools as the ficole Poly- technique and ficoie de St. Cyr. On the other hand there is an increasing number taking up the study of English which is re- quired for the ificole Navale. 3. The proportion of recitation periods devoted to mathemat- ics. As the drawing courses are about equally of a free hand and of a geometrical character, half the time given to drawing may be counted as mathematical and the percentages of recitation periods "required for mathematics during the four years of the Premier Cycle are : In the Latin course 14 per cent, 14 per cent, 3 3 O r^ td>Co>bo>W> 1>>.CJiC0OiWOiW sr'* French. 11 go . OS- Oi- -3- -Q Latin. ) Greek. OiWOiCnCnOiWOi Modern Languages. wtocowwcowco History and Geography. ?s l_l. _lOI-J M M Natural Science. n !r ^^ ^^ Physics and Chemistry. 3 ^ n i_. M (-1 -> i ' '. Moral Philosophy. sa m' !- i . . Book-keeping. -4 ^^ to ts M ^^ o M ts Drawing. Geometrical Drawing. ^^M^s Arithmetic. o 3 wMhseo- . Arithmetic and Geometry. !>. '' Algebra and Geometry. o : : : : ^: ^: Writing. -1 ^o^^^^^s^^^o^^^s c^*.coco^seo^sw Total No. Hours. 5" pnca>ppK;> French. '. coco CO. Kk 1*^ * Latin. ! I I c;t. I I en Greek. . . ^^ ts oi oi ts ts Algebra and Geometry. o n OlOl" '.''.'. Geometry, Descriptive Geom. Trig., Algebra. ^^^^^o^^^^^^^^5 OOOll-'COCO-^*-*' Total No. Hrs. MATHEMATICS IN THE FRENCH LYCES 47 22 per cent, 22 per cent; in the Modern Language course, 22.7 per cent, 22 per cent, 22 per cent and 22 per cent. In the Second and Premiere of the Second Cycle the percentages run : in the Latin-Greek course, 12.5 per cent, 4.5 per cent; in the Latin- Modern-Language course, 12.5 per cent, 6 per cent ; in the Latin- Science course, 23 per cent, 24 per cent; and in the Modern- Language-Science course, 30 per cent, 30 per cent." To sum up from the Dixieme to the Premiere the boy has spent 10.5 per cent, 11 per cent, 19.4 per cent, 22.8 per cent of his class hours in mathematical recitation according as he has pursued the courses leading to Premiere A, B, C or D. This emphasis which the French lay on mathematics is interesting and although the percentages may be somewhat higher than in America the train- ing received is vastly superior in France. The fact that prac- tically all the professeurs titulaires in the French lycees, even those in charge of the very elementary classes, are agreges in the subjects which they teach means much. Just how much we shall explain later, but suffice it to remark here that no other country imposes as high scholastic standards for its professors of secondary education. Another feature of mathematical instruction which is particu- larly interesting to us, is, that from the troisieme on, that is, from the time the boy is 13 or 14 years old, instruction is usually given entirely by lecture. Indeed, even in classes before the troisieme when a text-book is generally in the hands of the eleve, he is required to take notes "pour preciser" the various topics. By such methods, searching questioning and frequent "tests," on the part of the professor, and rigid inspection, kindly expressed praise or cutting public reprimand on the part of the proviseur (director of the lycee), there is no possibility of learning parrot- fashion no room for the shirker or the boy who does not try his best; reasoning powers and independence of thought must be constantly exercised. The eleves are encouraged to consult the various text-books to be found in all the lycee libraries and for those less bright this may be almost a necessity from time to time; but on personal inspection in different lycees I found the note books of eleves of 14 or 15 alike remarkable for their neat- ness and completeness. Th,e habits thus gained in the lycee stand in good stead when the student reaches the university. The rapidity of the lecturer and the complexity of his theme seem to make little difference, for at the close of the hour the whole is in the note books as neat as copper-plate. 48 SCHOOL SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS 4. The large number of hours in class recitation may not at first appear very imposing; but we cannot fail to be astonished that 8 hours per day (in class and in preparation of lessons) may be demanded from eleves in the premier cycle, and lOJ in summer, 10 in winter from those in the second cycle. The law further explicitly states that there is no limit to the number of hours which may be demanded of the eleves in the Classes de Mathematiqiies Speciales. When we later come to look more closely at their programme we shall not be surprised, but never- theless wonder, how these undoubtedly happy and healthy young men of 17 or 18 have survived the treatment. In more advanced lycee courses as well as at the universities I was also impressed with the almost appalling intensity and seriousness of the auditors the strife is too strenuous, the competition too keen, to admit of a moment's levity or wandering thought. But when the les- son is over, every care is instantly banished and the national gaiety is once more in evidence. To return to our table. We remark that the two groups of eleves who elect sciences on entering the second cycle have the same number of hours per week in mathematics indeed the courses are identical. To give greater definiteness to our ideas as to their general attainments let us consider the programme of studies from Premiere D, when the boy is 15 or 16 years old. French. Lectures and questions on the principal French writ- ers of the nineteenth century. Study of selections from prose writers and poets, from moralists, orators, politicians, scientists and historians of the sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth and nine- teenth centuries. History. Political history of Europe in the eighteenth century. Detailed history of France at the close of the eighteenth century. Geography. Detailed study of France, its geological con- stitution, its climatology, physiography, topography, economic and military organization ; its colonies, etc. Physics^ Optics, electricity. Chemistry. ^Of the carbon compounds. German. Selections from the dramatic poetry of Schiller, Goethe, Kleist and Grillparzer. Extracts from the prose ^vorks of Wieland, Goethe, Schiller, Auerbach, Freytag, Scheffel, etc. English. Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and Macbeth, extracts from Milton, Addison, Goldsmith, Wordsworth, Byron, Cole- ridge, Dickens, Macauley, Eliot, Tennyson, and Thackeray. Algebra. Equations and trinomials of the second degree. MATHEMATICS IN THE FRENCH LYCES 49 Calculation of the derivatives of simple functions ; study of their variation and graphic representation; study of rectilinear motion by means of the theory of derivatives ; velocity and acceleration ; uniformly changing motion. Geometry. Solid. Descriptive Geometry. Elements. Trigonometry. Plane, including the use of four or five place logarithm tables, the solution of triangles and trigonometric equa- tions. Having finished the Premiere, the eleve presents himself for examination under conditions which once more emphasize the unity of the French educational system. This is the examination for the first part of the state degree known as the Baccalaurcat. A peculiar feature of this examination is that it is not held in the lycees but at the university of the academic to which the particular lycee belongs.* As various civil and practically all government positions, except those in post and telegraph offices are only open to hacheliers, the state introduces into the body of examiners some who are wholly independent of the lycees. These examiners are the professors in the universities. Since our future mathematicians are to come from Premiere C and D we shall give a few particulars concerning their ex- amination. All examinations for the baccalaureat are held in July and October at the ending of one school year and the be- ginning of the n,ext. The examiners of the candidates from Premiere C are six in number, three of whom are university professors and three professors from the lycees or colleges; for Premiere D there are but two university professors in addition to three from the lycees. The examinations in all sections are both written and oral. Here \s the scheme of examination which practically covers what the eleve has studied in earlier years. Premiere C (Latin-Sciences). Written. 1st, a French com- position (3 hours) ; (the candidate has a choice of three sub- jects) ; 2nd, a Latin translation (3 hours) ; 3rd, an examination in Mathematics and Physics (4 hours). Oral (about three- quarters of an hour). 1st, explanation of a Latin text; 2nd, explanation of a French text; 3rd, examination in a modern language questions and answers being necessarily in this lan- guage. Questions in 4th, History; 5th, Geography; 6th, Mathe- matics ; 7th, Physics ; 8th, Chemistry. *As there Is no university at Chambery, the candidate presents himself before a faculty of either Lyons or Grenoble. 50 SCHOOL SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS And similarly for Premiere D. The searching character of the tests prepares us for a large number of failures. Here is the record of the percentage of candidates passed in (1) July, (2) October, 1909: Latin-Grec (1) 44, (2) 42; Latin-Langues Vivantes (1) 41, (2) 42; Latin-Sciences (1) 49, (2) 46; Sciences-Langues Vivantes (1) 42, (2) 39. We observe that less than fifty per cent of the pupils get through on the first .examination'* while a similar percentage of the remainder fail and are required to return to the Premiere at once or wait for another year. Those who have been successful return to the lycee to prepare for the second part of the baccalaureat. A choice of two courses (which may be slightly varied), is open to them, the one Philosophie A or B, the other, Mathematiques A or B. We shall only refer to the latter which has been supplied with pupils from the Premiere C and D. There they had 26 and 28 recitation hours per week. This has now been increased to 27% and 28%. There has been an increase in the number of hours devoted to mathematics, physics and chem- istry, but a reduction in the amount of study of modern lan- guages. Latin no longer enters. The programme for Mathe- matiques A is in outline as follows : Philosophy (3 hours). History and Geography (3% hours). Modern Languages (2 hours). Physics and Chemistry (5 hours). Natural Science (2 hours). Practical Exercises in Science (2 hours). Drawing (2 hours). Hygiene (12 lectures of 1 hour). Mathematics. (8 hours) : Arithmetic. Properties of integers; fractions; decimals; square roots; greatest common divisors; theory of errors; etc. Algebra. Positive and negative numbers, quadratic equations (without the theory of imaginaries), progressions, logarithms, in- terest and annuities, graphs derivatives of a sum, product, quotient, square root of a function, of sin x, cos x, tan x, cot x. Application to the study of the variation and the maxima and minima, of some simple functions, etc. Trigonometry. Circular functions, solution of triangles, appli- cations of trigonometry to various questions relative to land sur- veying. Geometry. ^Translation, rotation, symmetry, homology and 5For some it may have been the third or fourth trial- There are certain exceptional cases which I shall not consider. MATHEMATICS IN THE FRENCH LYCES 51 similitude, solids, areas, volumes, poles and polars,' inversion, stereographic projection, central projections, etc. Conies. Ellipse, hyperbola, parabola, plane sections of a cone or cylinder of revolution, etc. Descriptive Geometry. Rabatments application to distances and angles projection of a circle sphere, cone, cylinder, planes, sections, shadows application to topographical maps, etc. Kinematics. Units of length and time. Rectilinear and curvi- linear motion. Translation and rotation of a soHd body. Geomet- ric study of the helix, etc. Dynamics and Statics. Dynamics of a particle, forces applied to a solid body, simple machines in a state of repose and move- ment, etc. Cosmography. ^Celestial sphere, earth, sun, moon, planets, comets, stars Co-ordinate Systems, Kepler's and Newton's laws, etc. One of the most striking things in this scheme, as compared with the American method, is to find arithmetic taught in the last year of the lycee course. Note, too, that from the Cinquieme on, it has been taken up in connection with instruction in geometry and algebra. Indeed, this method of constantly showing the in- terdependence or interrelation of the various mathematical sub- jects was one of the interesting and valuable characteristics of French education as I observed it. For example, I happened to be present in a classroom when the theory and evaluation of re- peating decimals was under discussion. After all the processes had been explained, problems which led similarly to the consider- ation of infinite series and limits were taken up. By suggestive questioning a pupil found the area under an arc of a semi-cubical parabola and the position of the centre of gravity of a spherical cap. With us it is not till the graduate school of the university that the boy is taught the true inwardness of such processes as long division and extraction of roots; but in France, arithmetic is taught as a science, not as an art, and the eleve leaving the lycee has a comprehending and comprehensive grasp of all he has studied. We remark that most of the mathematical subjects mentioned above are more or less foreign to our secondary education. In- struction in geometrical conies {courbes usuelles), is infrequently given by us, even in universities. Again, the ordinary mathe- mathical student who goes up for his doctor's degree in America may have the vaguest idea of what is even meant by Descriptive 52 SCHOOL SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS Geometry. True, it is a regular course for our training of the engineer; but not, unfortunately, of the mathematician. On the other hand the French mathematical student has had at least four years of Descriptive Geometry, two of them before receiving his baccalaureat. The subject is required for admission into many government schools. We note that the idea of a derivative is familiar to the lyceen during the last two years of his course. Why we so generally shut out the introduction of such an idea into our first courses in analytical geometry and theory of equations is, to me, a mystery. Finally, I would remark that the classes in Mathematiques A last two hours, with the exception of five minutes for recreation at the end of the first hour. The professor thus has sufficient time to amplify and impress his instruction. At the close of the last year of the Second Cycle, the eleve takes the examination for the second part of the baccalaureat. The same general conditions prevail as for the first part. The jury of four contains two university professors. The written examinations in mathematics, physics and philosophy are each three hours long; the oral covers what has been studied the year previously. If successful, a diploma now called the baccalaureat de Venseignement secondaire, is granted to the eleve by the Min- ister of Public Instruction. The eleve thus becomes a hachelier. Diplomas in all four sections are of the same scholastic value. The charge made for diploma and examination is 90 francs. More than forty per cent of the candidates failed to pass at each of the examinations in 1909. Because of the similarity of title used in the different countries, the Frenchman does not generally understand what the title Bachelor of Arts implies nor is it easy to make any concise state- ment in explanation. Little exaggeration can be made, however, in placing the bachelier on a plane of scholastic equality with the Sophomore who has finished his year at one of the best Ameri- can universities. Furthermore, his training has been undoubtedly much more thorough. After the age of 6 or 7 French boys are taught by men.'^ These men have all studied at the University and have passed the examen de licence. With very few exceptions now, the instructors have also passed the extremely difficult Examen d' agregation in the subjects they propose to teach. By comparison, how woefully deficient our teachers of like grades ! The recently 'Girls are taught by women. Coeducation does not exist in the lycees. MATHEMATICS IN THE FRENCH LYCBES 53 published reports of the United States sub-committees of the International Commission on the Teaching of Mathematics state the case frankly. That precious years are often lost to our youth by their inferior instruction is obvious to every one. As to Ex- aminations no guessing of possible questions and ''cramming" for the same, so common in America, can qualify a student to pass an examination in France. The rigorous and impartial tests for promotion are conducted, at least in part, by those out- side the lycee and pressure brought to bear upon teachers to promote ill-prepared pupils is unknown. According to a recent report of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, this is a "great source of weakness" and "a fruitful source of demoralization in American public schools." I should now like to tell you something of the fourth section of lycee instruction, namely, the Classes de Mathematiques Speciales. If the bachelier who is proficient in mathematics be not turned aside by circumstances or inclination, to seek immediately a career in civil or government employment, he most probably pro- ceeds to prepare himself for the highly special and exacting examination necessary for entrance into one of the great schools of the government. The method of this preparation exhibits a very peculiar feature of the French system. Whereas with us, or with the German, the boy who has finished his regular course in the secondary school goes " directly to some department of a university for his next instruction, the bachelier, who has a perfect right to follow the same course, returns to his old lycee (or enrolls himself at one of the great Paris lycees, such as Saint Louis, Louis le Grand or Henri IV), to enter the Classe de Mathematiques Speciales preparatoire which leads up to the Classe de Mathematiques Speciales. The latter is exactly adapted to prepare students for the !ficole Normale Superieure, the cole Polytechnique and the bourses de licence. Only a small propor- tion of the lycees (36 out of the 115), have this Classe; but with the exception of Aix they are to be found in all university towns. On the other hand, yet other lycees have classes which prepare specially for the less exacting mathematical entrance examina- tions of the ficole Centrale, ficole de Saint Cyr, ]&cole Navale, etc. But the number of eleves who on first starting out deliberately try to pass examinations for these schools is small, in proportion to the number who eventually reach them after repeated but vain effort to get into the ficole Polytechnique or the ficole Normale 54 SCHOOL SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS Superieure. Just what makes these two schools famous and pecuharly attractive will appear in a later section. It has been noticed that when the eleve has won his baccalaureat he may immediately matriculate into a university, and although it might be possible for him to keep pace with the courses, in mathematics, at least, it would be a matter of excessive difficulty. There is then in reality, betw,een the baccalaureat and the first courses of the universities, a distinct break, bridged only by the Classes de Mathematiques Speciales} The eleves who enter the preparatoire section of this class are, generally, bacheliers leaving the classes de Mathematiques ; in very rare instances, there are those who come from the classe de Philosophic. Natural science, history and geography, philoso- phy indeed practically every study except those necessary for the end in view, have been dropped and from this time on to the agregation and doctorat all energies are bent in the direction of intense specialization. This is the most pronounced char- acteristic of French education to-day. In mathematics, instruc- tion now occupies 12 instead of 8 hours. New points of view, new topics and broader general principles are developed in algebra and analysis, trigonometry, analytical geometry and me- chanics. Physics and chemistry are taught during six hours in- stead of five. Add to these, German, 2 hours ; French literature, one hour; descriptive geometry, 4 hours; drawing, 4 hours. After one year of this preparatory training the eleve passes into the remarkable Classe de Mathematiques Speciales. Eight years of strenuous training have made this class possible for the young man of 17 or 18 years of age, who is confronted with no less than 34 hours of class and laboratory work per week and no limit as to the number of hours expected in preparing for the classes! When first I looked over the programme it seemed a well nigh impossible performance for one year. Surely no other country can show anything to compare with it. Did time permit it would be inter,esting to reproduce in full the mathematical programme as given at the end of the plan d' etude, but I shall hastily refer to only a few of the subjects treated: In Algebra and Analysis we find developed, the fundamental ideas concerning irrational numbers, convergency and divergency 8It is only for mathematical or scientific students that such a break occurs, as no special classes are provided in other subjects except in the case of half a dozen Paris lycees which have classes in "letters" preparatory for entry into the Ecole Normale Superieure. MATHEMATICS IN THE FRENCH LYCES 55 of series, the elements of the theory of functions of a real vari- able, power series, their multiplication and division, their dif- ferentiation and integration term by term. Taylor's formula, the theory of algebraic equations, including symmetric functions, but omitting the discussion of infinite roots. The latter part of the course treats of differentials of several variables, elementary ideas concerning definite integrals, integration of such functions as are considered in a first calculus course of the best American col- leges, rectification of curves, calculation of volumes, plane areas, moments of inertia, centres of gravity, differential equations of the first order, solutions of simpler differential equations of the second order, which occur in connection with problems of me- chanics and physics. Whenever possible in the discussion of these topics the power to work numerical examples is emphasized. Plane Trigonometry and the discussion of spherical trigonom- etry through the law of cosines are treated in class and five- place tables are used. In the course on Analytical Geometry is given a thorough dis- cussion of equations of the second degree, of homography and anharmonic ratios as they enter into the discussion of curves and surfaces of the second degree, of points at infinity, asymptotes, foci, trilinear coordinates, curvature, concavity and convexity, envelopes, evolutes. The professor also discusses thoroughly the various questions connected with the treatment of quadric sur- faces and less completely, the theory of surfaces in general, of space curves, osculating planes, curvature of surfaces. The ele- ments of the theory of unicursal curves and surfaces and of anallagmatic curves and surfaces are also taken up. So also, we find broadly arranged programmes mapped out in mechanics and descriptive geometry. The whole number of class hours per week is broken up as follows : Mathematics, 15 ; physics, 7 (2 in laboratory) ; chemistry, 2 ; descriptive geometry, 4; drawing, 4; German, 2; French, 1. The scope of the mathematical work may be judged from some books which were prepared with the needs of such a class especially in view. B. Niewenglozvski, Cours d' algebre, I, 382 p. ; II, 508 p. ; Supplement G. Papelier Precis de geometrie analytique, 696 p. Girod Trigonometric, 495 p. P. Appell Cours de mecanique, 650 p. X. Antomari Cours de geometrie descriptive, 619 p. If anything, this list underestimates the work actually covered 9That is, much more than what is called for by examination questions is studied. The eleves find truth in the adage: Qui pent Ic plus pent le mains. 56 SCHOOL SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS by those who finally go out from the class. Tannery's Legons d'algebre et d'analys,e (I, 423 p., II, 636 p.), might well replace Niewenglowski's work while Niewenglowski's Cours de geometrie analytique a page to this highly inter- esting work of which perhaps the most prominent characteristics are treatment based on the idea of motion and the fusion of planimetry and stereometry from the very first. M. Rousseau gives up over five pages of his report to the discussion of Meray's book. NiEWENGLOWSKi, B. Cours de geometric analytique (Mathematiques Speciales). Paris (G. V.), 3 tomes. Tome i: 2e ed., 1911, vi-|-496 p.; tome ii : Constructions des courbes planes, complement rclatifs aux coniques, 2e ed., 1911, iv+324 p. ; tome iii : geometric dans I'espacc avec unc note de . Borel sur les transformations en geometric, 1896, 572 p. NiEWENGLOWSKi, B. Cours d'algebre (Mathematiques Speciales), Paris (Colin), 2 tomes et supplement. Tome i, 5e ed., 1902, 391 p.; tome ii, 5e ed., 1902, 488 p. ; supplement, 1904, 43 p. Papelier, G. Precis de geometric analytique (Mathematiques Speciales), Paris (Vuibert), 1907, 696 p. Note: Pages 431-696, 3 dimensions. Rouch, . et Comberousse, Ch. de. Elements de geometric suivis d'un complement a Fusage des elevcs de mathematiques elementaircs et de math- ematique speciales, etc., 7^ ed. Paris (G. V.), 1904, 651 p. Rouch, fi. et Comberousse, Ch. de. Traite de geometric. 7^ ed., Paris (G. v.), 1900. Tome i: geometric plane, 548 p.; tome ii : geometric dans Tcspace, 664 p. 8e ed., 1912. RoYER, M. See Borel, . Serret, J. A. Traite de trigonometric. 9e ed., Paris (G. V.), 1908, 336 p. Tannery, Jules. Legons d' arithmetique theorique et pratique (Mathe- matiques A, B), 2e ed., Paris (Colin), 1911, xvi+545 p. Cours de Darboux. Tannery, J. Notions de mathematiques avec notions historiqucs par Paul Tannery, 3e ed, augmentee de notions d'astronomie (Programmes du 1902 et 1905 Classc de philosophic), Paris (Delagrave), 1905, 370 p. Tannery, J. Legons d'algebre et d'analyse (Mathematiques Speciales), Paris (G. V.), 1906; tome i, 423 p.; tome ii, 636 p. Tannery, J. See also Humbert, . Tannery, P. See Tannery J. Tisserand and Andoyer. Legons de Cosmographie (Mathematics A. B.), Paris (Colin), 1909, 371 p.+12 pi. Cours de Darboux. Vacquant, Ch. and Mac de Lepinay. Cours de trigonometric. Paris (Masson). Premiere Partie (Classes C, D et Mathematiques, A. B). Nouv. ed., 1909, 294 p. Deuxieme Partie (Mathematiques Speciales). Nouv. ed., 1909, 172 p. MATHEMATICS IN THE FRENCH LYC&ES 117 L'Education Mathematique public par A. Durand et H. Vuibert XIV^ annee, 1911-1912 (Vuibert), 20 numbers a year. Note: Very elementary. Journal de Mathematiques lementaires public par H. Vuibert, XXXVI^ Annee, 1911-1912 (Vuibert), 20 numbers a year. Revue de Mathematiques Speciales redigee par Humbert, G. Pape- lier, P. Aubert, P. Lemaire, C. Riviere, H. Vuibert, XXIIe annee, 1911- 1912 (Vuibert), 10 numbers a year. Note: The solutions of the more elementary portions of the ex- aminations for the agregation are published each year in these last two mentioned periodicals. Bulletin de Mathematiques Elementaires dirigee par M. Ch. Michel. Octobre, 1895 Juillet, 1910 (Lamarre). Bulletin de Mathematiques Speciales redigee par Niewenglowski at de Longchamps, Octobre, 1894 Juillet, 1900 (Lamarre). Journal de Mathematiques lementaires redigee par Bourlet, de Long- champs, G. Mariaud. Octobre, 1876 Mai, 1901 (Delagrave). Journal de Mathematiques Speciales redigee par de Longchamps Mari- aud. Octobre, 1879 Mai, 1901 (Delagrave). GITT %uy 99 1914 SOME MATHEMATICAL BOOKLET SERIES. U. C. ARCHIBALD Reprinted from the lUTLLKTIN OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 2d Series, Vol. XX., No. 5, pp. 238-243. New York, February, 1914 [Reprinted from Bull. Amer. Math. Society, Vol. 20, No. 5, Feb., 1914 | SOME MATHEMATICAL BOOKLET SERIES. Matematica dilettevole e curiosa. Di Italo Ghersi. Con 693 figure originali dell'Autore. Milano, Ulrico Hoepli, 1913. viii+730 pp. Price L. 9.50. Wo steckt der Fehlerf Trugschlusse und Schillerfehler . Ge- sammelt von Dr. W. Lietzmann und V. Trier. Mathe- matische Bibliothek, Nr. 10. Leipzig and Berlin, B. G. Teubner, 1913. 57 pp. Price M. 0.80. English and French mathematical literature is entirely- lacking in such admirable booklets dealing with elementary topics, as those which have wide circulation in Germany and Italy.f I refer to the Mathematische Bibliothek of the t It may be suggested that the volumes on Elimination by Laurent and on Geometrography by Lemoine, of the excellent " Scientia " series (Gauthier-Villars, Paris) are elementary, but these are only two of a dozen volumes by Appell, Gibbs, Hadamard, Poincar^, etc., which certainly may not be classed in this way. And even these two brochures are more 239 SOME MATHEMATICAL BOOKLET SEKIES. [Feb., Sammlung Goschen,* the Lietzmann- Witting Mathematische Bibliothek f and the mathematical volumes of the Biblioteca degli studentijt and the Manuali Hoepli. The Mathematische Bibliothek contains about 35 volumes (4J X 6 J inches; uniform price, 22| cents), each neatly bound in cloth and containing from 130 to 230 pages. A. Sturm, H. Schubert, M. Simon, O. Th. Biirklen, K. Doehlemann and E. Beutel are among the authors and the volumes treat of History of mathematics, Plane geometry. Descriptive geometry (2 volumes), Determinants, Analytical geometry of the plane. Analytical geometry of space (notably fine figures). Projective geometry. Algebraic curves (2 volumes), Insurance mathematics. Vector analysis. Geodesy, Surveying, Astronomy, etc. Of the Mathematische Bibliothek herausgegeben von W. Lietzmann und A. Witting a dozen volumes have already appeared. They are bound in boards, contain 41 to 93 pages (4f X 7j inches) each, and are of the same uniform price as the Goschen Sammlung before 1913. In this series Wieleitner has written on the Idea of number in its logical and historical de- velopment; 0. Meissner is author of Theory of probabilities Vvith applications; M. Zacharias wrote the Introduction to projective geometry; Ziihlke, Geometrical constructions in a I in. 1 ted plane; Beutel, Squaring the circle. In the Biblioteca degli Studenti are nearly a score of vol- umes (4x6j inches; limp covers; single numbers of about 85 pages, 10 cents, double numbers of about 170 pages, 20 cents). They include. Manual of plane trigonometry. Manual of spherical trigonometry. Exercises of elementary geometry, Guide to the resolution of problems in algebra, Principles of perspective, Repertorium of mathematics and elementary physics, etc., and treat of very elementary topics. Some 40 of the 1,200 odd volumes (4 J x 6 inches) in the Manuali Hoepli series are of mathematical, content. Per- haps the two best known works are the volumes (658+950 advanced in character than any of those in three, and than many of those of the fourth series, about to be considered. The same may be remarked concerning the Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. * G. J. Goschen'sche Verlagshandlung, BerUn und Leipzig. t B. G. Teubner, Leipzig und Berhn, 1912-1913. t Raffaello Giusti, editore, Livorno. The second volume was reviewed by Professor White in this Bulletin, vol. 19, pp. 417^19, May, 1913. 1914.] SOME MATHEMATICAL BOOKLET SERIES. 240 pages) of Pascal's Repertorio di matematiche superiori* since translated into German and enlarged, t and Pascal's Deter- minanti e applicazioni, 1897, which three years later was elaborated into a volume of the Sammlung von Lehrbiichern auf dem Gebiete der mathematischen Wissenschaften. Then there are 4 volumes on Algebra, 4 on Arithmetic, 2 on Astron- omy, 4 on the Calculus, including volumes on Calculus of variations and Finite differences,t and Critical exercises on the differential and integral calculus; 1 on Mathematical formulae ; Saccheri's Euclide emendato; 3 volumes on Functions (analytic, elliptic, polyhedral and modular||); 13 on Geometry, 1 on the Mathematics of economics, 1[ 1 on Groups, 4 on Mechanics, and 1 by G. Loria on Exact science in ancient Greece.** The volume of Ghersi under review is the second he has written for this mathematical series, the earlier one having dealt with Methods for resolving problems of elementary geometry. In recent times English, French, and German writers have published popular works for recreation hours of those who are in any wise interested in mathematics. Ball's Mathemat- ical Recreations and Essays, which has recently reached a fifth edition, tt is almost a classic in its special field. The older works of Lucas, " Recreations mathematiques "tt and ** L'Arithmetique amusante " are frequently referred to, * Milano, 1898 and 1900. The first volume is reviewed by E. O. Lovett in this Bulletin, vol. 5, pp. 357-362, April, 1899. t Two volumes, Leipzig, 1900, 1901. New edition to be completed in 4 volumes; vols, li, 2i, 1910, reviewed in this Bulletin by C. H. Sisam, vol. 19, pp. 372-374, April, 1913. X Translated into German by A. Schepp. Leipzig, 1899. Reviewed by J. K. Whittemore in this Bulletin, vol. 6, pp. 352-4, May, 1900. This volume by Rossotti was reviewed by E. O. Lovett in this Bulletin, vol. 5, pp. 261-2, Feb., 1899. II This volume by Vivanti was reviewed by J. I. Hutchinson in this Bulletin, vol. 14, pp. 144-5, Dec, 1907. The French edition by A. Cahen was reviewed by G. A. Miller in this Bulletin, vol. 19, pp. 534-5, July, 1913. U This volume by Virgilii was reviewed by J. M. Gaines in this Bulletin, vol. 5, pp. 488-9, July, 1899. ** This work, which has just been published, 1914, contains about 1000 pages. The title page with "seconda edizione totalmente riveduta" is misleading, as the original work of over 900 pages of quarto format was a reprint of memoirs (in five books) in Mem. Ace. Modena (2), vol. 10, pp. 3-168; vol. 11, pp. 3-237; vol. 122, pp. 3-411; (1893-1902). Futhermore, "Libro II, II period aureo della geometria Greca " appeared in still another form in Mem. Reale Ace. d. Sc. di Torino (2), vol. 40, pp. 369-445; (1890). tt London, 1911. $t Paris, T. I, 2 6d., 1891; T. II, 2^ d., 1896; T. Ill, 1893; T. IV, 1894. Paris, 1895. 241 SOME MATHEMATICAL BOOKLET SERIES. [Feb., while the circulation of Ahren's Mathematische Unter- haltungen iind Spiele* and Schubert's Mathematische Musestundent is confined more to Germany. Each work has its own peculiar ideals, but Ball is perhaps the most comprehensive in range, while he and Ahrens alone introduce, to an appreciable extent, references to the widely scattered literature of the subject. E. Fourrey's " Curiosites geome- triques "t is also notably full in exact statement of authorities. From works such as these, from books like Blythe's on Models of cubic surfaces, Catalan's Theoremes et problemes de geometric elementaire, Cremona's Elementi di geometria proiettiva, Enriques' Questioni riguardanti la geometria elemen- tare, de Longchanms' Essai sur la geometric de la regie et de I'equerre, Loria's Spezielle algebraische und transzendente ebene Kurven, and from various periodicals, Ghersi has compiled the present little work on Matematica dilettevole e curiosa. The first 74 pages are taken up with " Curious and bizarre problems " such as: Euler's problem of the Konigsberg bridges, the Hampton Court maze and other unicursal problems, map-coloring problem, and chess problems. Of course little more than the statement of a problem is frequently given. In the next 100 pages various curious properties of numbers, and problems of arithmetic and arithmetic geometry are set forth. For example, we have properties of perfect and amic- able numbers, of the triangle of Pascal, of Lucas's singular products, as well as problems of Benedetti (Speculationes diversse, 1585) and of Leonardo Pisano (Liber Abaci, 1202). Fermat's equation and other problems of the theory of numbers are treated in the next 15 pages, then follows a collection of miscellaneous algebraic problems which conclude with graphical solutions of equations of the second, third and fourth degrees and with a sketch of Demanet's and Meslin's hydrauUc,t and Lucas's electric solution of equations. Magic squares, magic polygons, and magic polyhedra are illustrated on pages 251-326. * Leipzig, 1901. t Grosse Ausgabe, Leipzig, Bd. I, 3. Aufl., 1907; Bd. II, 2. Aufl., 1900. t2ed., Paris, 1906. Cf. " Two hydraulic methods to extract the nth root of any number " and " HydrauHc solution of an algebraic equation of the nth degree," by A. Emch, American Mathematical Monthly, January and March, 1901, vol. 8, pp. 10-12 and 58-9. 1914.] SOME MATHEMATICAL BOOKLET SERIES. 242 Then follow 350 pages treating of miscellaneous questions in geometry. On pages 329-367 we find definitions and deri- vation of properties, of notable transcendental, and cubic, quartic, and other algebraic curves. The next dozen pages contain instruments for tracing by continuous motion such curves as the conic sections, cissoid, and conchoid. Some 20 pages given over to discussion of the solution of problems in elementary geometry, by ruler and compass, and then (pages 407-422) cyclotomy is touched upon. Then come 100 pages occupied with the problems of trisection of an angle, squaring the circle, duplication of the cube. Dissection of figures, geometrical pavements, star-polyhedra, and hyper- space are some of the concluding topics under the head geometry. In the final sections are paradoxes and other recreations in mechanics. It will be remarked, as indeed the title implies, that the volume is not confined to so-called recreations, although these occupy the major part of the volume. It is written with light touch and anyone unacquainted with books on mathe- matical recreations may pass a few pleasant hours in turning over the pages and find some things not met with in other books of the kind. The reader who wishes to learn more of the underlying theory will then naturally turn for guidance to such a book as Ball's or to the article in the Encyklopadie* or to such works in fields other than those of recreations, as mentioned above. In the Lietzmann-Trier Bandchen, which may be classed as a small addition to the literature of mathematical recreations, Lietzmann collected the 36 fallacies (Trugschliisse) and Trier the 50 pupils' mistakes. Arithmetic, algebra, elementary geometry (synthetic and analytic), trigonometry are the only subjects illustrated. The errors in the reasoning are not indicated. Among the fallacies are (1) numerous examples depending for their results upon division of each side of an equality by zero or neglect of consideration of double sign before a radical; (2) a series of geometrical paradoxes, several of which are already familiar through Ball's book. * Mathematische Spiele, von W. Ahrens, vol. I, 2, pp. 1080-1093, Leip- zig, 1902. 243 SOME MATHEMATICAL BOOKLET SERIES. 1914.] Here is an example of a different kind, which appears to be new: "Consider (1) loge2= 1-1/2+1/3-1/4+1/5 ; multiplying through by 2 we get 2 loge 2 = 2-1 + 2/3-1/2 + 2/5- 1/3 + 2/7 - -. Collecting terms with common denominators and arranging according to increasing denominators, we get (2) 2 loge 2=1-1/2 + 1/3-1/4+1/5 . This is, however, the same as (1). Therefore loge 2 = 2 log. 2." The examples of Schiilerfehler are taken from the exercises^ of Danish pupils. The vagaries of American youth suggest that an equally interesting collection could be made on this side of the water. The error in No. 32 is not evident. But here is No. 36 : " Given two circles which cut one another in P and Q and touch the sides of an angle, on the same side of the vertex, at the points A, Ai for one circle and B, Bi for the other. Prove (1) that PQ produced passes through the middle points of AB and AiBi] (2) that AA^ BBi and PQ are parallel to one another." Solution: " PQ cuts AB in C, AiBi in Ci. Then by the power theorem, CA^ = CP ^ CQ = CB\ There- fore C is the middle point of AB. In the same way Ci is the middle point of AiBi. AAi, PQ and BBi are parallel to one another because they cut off the equal segments on the lines AB and AiBi." Finally, No. 47: " The sides of a triangle are a, b, c. To express sin A in terms of the given quantities.'* Solution: "Of course the following relations hold good: a h c sin A sin B sin C * In a proportion it is allowable to interchange the means; hence a b sin B . > ^c sm ^ = -r . sin ^ c sin C * * * b R. C. Archiba ld. Brown University, Providence, R. I. / 29 1914 MATHEMATICAL MODELS. R. C. ARCHIBALD Reprinted from the BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 2d Series, Vol. XX., No. 5, pp. 244-247 New York, Febrnary, 1914 [Reprinted from Bull. Amer. Math. Society, Vol. 20, No. 5, Feb., 1914.] MATHEMATICAL MODELS. Catalog mathematischer Modelle filr den hoheren mathematischen Unterricht. Veroffentlicht durch die Verlagshandlung von Martin Schilling in Leipzig, mit 106 Abbildungen. Siebente Auflage, Leipzig, 1911, xiv + 172 pp. Verzeichnis von H. Wieners und P. Treutleins Sammlung mathematischer Modelle filr Hochschulenf hohere LehranstaUen und technische Fachschulen. Zweite Ausgabe mit 6 Tafeln. Leipzig und Berlin, Verlag von B. G. Teubner, 1912, 64 pp. Ahhandlungen zur Sammlung mathematischer Modelle. In zwanglosen Heften herausgegeben von Hermann Wiener. Leipzig, Verlag von B. G. Teubner. 1. Heft von H. Wiener, 1907, 90 pp.; 2. Heft von P. Treutlein, 1911, 20 pp. Illustrierter Spezialkatalog mathematischer Modelle und Ap- parate. Entworfen von G. Koepp und anderen bewahrten Fachmannern. New York City, Eimer and Amend, 128 pp. For fifteen years the bulk of the models used by advanced mathematical students all over the country has been procured from Schilling of I^eipzig. This firm was developed from the Firma L. Brill of Darmstadt, the foundation of which reaches back some 35 years. Klein and A. von Brill, in those early years professors in the Technische Hochschule at Munich, had more than two score of models made for the Hochschule under their direction. Copies of these (for example: the tractrix of revolution, geodetic lines on an ellipsoid of rotation, Kummer's surface, forms of Dupin's cyclide, the spherical catenary, twisted cubics) in gypsum, wire, and brass form a portion of the great Schilling collection. In more recent times construction of new models has been carried on by the as- sistance of many other mathematicians. Among them are Professors Dyck, Finsterwalder, Kummer, Schoenflies, H. A. Schwarz, C. und H. Wiener. As nearly ten years had passed since the sixth edition of the catalogue, the seventh editionf fills a long felt want. It t Descriptions of models which have been manufactured since this edition was published, have appeared in Jahreshericht d. Deutsch. Math.- Ver., 1913, vol. 22, pp. 75-76, 134-137. 245 MATHEMATICAL MODELS. [Feb., describes some 400 models. Nothing more than an indication of the subjects illustrated can be given here: surfaces of the second order, algebraic surfaces of the third order, algebraic surfaces of the fourth and higher orders, line geometry, screw surfaces, space curves and developable surfaces, descriptive and projective geometry, analysis situs, algebra, function theory, mechanics and kinematics, mathematical physics, and structure of crystals. Shortly after the third International Mathematical Congress at Heidelberg in 1904, Teubner offered to the public a selection of about 60 of the mathematical models for Hochschule in- struction which had been exhibited at the Congress by the mathematical Institut of the Technische Hochschule of Darmstadt. The construction of the models in the selection was inspired by Professor H. Wiener.* In the new catalogue now before us we find that Professor Wiener has increased his collection by 50 models, while the late Professor Treutlein has contributed about 200 more.f All of the models are designed as aids to instruction in German secondary schools and Hochschulen. For students of higher mathematics the models of twisted curves and deformable quadric surfaces will probably be the only ones of especial interest. The Abhandlungen are intended to be of value for those using the models. In Heft 1 are 9 Abhandlungen by Wiener: (1) Mathematical models and their use in instruction (pages 3-8) ; (2) On the projection of some plane figures (9-10); (3) The regular Platonic polyhedra, Regularity in a group (11-14); (4) Regular polygons and closed reflective systems (15-18); (5) The building up of the regular polyhedra (19-51); (6) How shall surfaces, especially those of the second order, be drawn? (52-54) ; (7) On surfaces of the second order (55-84) ; (8) De- formable thread models of ruled surfaces of the second order with fixed thread lengths (85-87); (9) Deformable metal-bar models for transforming a surface of the second order into confocal surfaces (88-91). These Abhandlungen are similar to those which Schilling * The catalogue (Verzeichnis mathematischer Modelle, 28 pp.) was pub- lished in 1905. t An interesting account of these models written by Prof. H. Wiener, may be seen in Jahresbericht d. Deutsch. Math.-Ver., Nov., 1913, vol. 22, pp. 297-304. 1914.] MATHEMATICAL MODELS. 246 distributes* with his models and some of them are of consider- able interest; on the one hand because of the developments of the theory of the surfaces, on the other through the applica- tion of the theory to construction of the models. Numerous bibliographical references are given. In illustration of these characteristics note, for example, (5) and (9). In (5) the first five pages contain an historical review of the subject, then the theoretical considerations are treated under the headings: The notion of a polyhedron (e. g.. Idea of a side, of "Vielkant," of " Vielflach," of " Vielzell") ; First and second definitions of the regular polyhedron by the group; Transformation of an angle into a neighboring angle (by rotation); Range of the different suppositions; Third definition of the regular polyhedra; Construction of a regular poly- hedron from its group. In (9) we find that the construction of the model was made possible through theorems of Henrici and Greenhill. Among other studies in this connection, those of Mannheim, Darboux, and Schur are also considered. The second Heft, written by Treutlein, contains Abhand- lungen on the following subjects: " On the intuitive method of mathematical instruction" (pages 3-6) ; " On mathematical models and their use in teaching" (7-9); "Explanations in connection with the series, and the single models, of the Treutlein collection " (10-20). In all of the above mentioned publications, Dyck's Katalogf is frequently referred to. The Eimer and Amend collection is of use more particularly in connection with elementary work in planimetry, stereom- *The "Erste Folge, Abhandlungen zu den Serien I-XXIII, mit 71 Figuren auf 6 Tafeln und im Text " have also been published in a single volume, in connected form. In the " Neue Folge " Hefte 1-9 have been already issued between 1899 and 1912. The authors are: Fr. Schilling, H. Wiener, W. Ludwig, H. Grassmann, W. Boy, E. Estanave, R. Hartenstein. and F. Pfeififer. t Katalog mathematischer und mathematisch-physikalischer Modelle, Apparate und Instrumente. Unter Mitwirkung zahlreicher Fachgenossen herausgegeben im Auftrage des Vorstandes der Deutschen Mathematiker- Vereinigung von geh. Hofrat Dr. Walther v. Dyck, Professor an der Technischen Hochschule zu Miinchen. Teubner, Leipzig, 1892, xvi+ 430 pp. Nachtrag, Leipzig, 1893, x+135 pp. These volumes contain papers by Klein, Voss, Brill, Hauck, v. Braun- miihl, Boltzmann, Amsler, and Henrici, beside descriptions of the vari- ous models by their respective designers. 247 MATHEMATICAL MODELS. 1914.] etry, trigonometry, and related branches. The models of star- polyhedra, Poinsot polyhedra, and the so-called Archimedian semi-regular solids may be mentioned as desirable for more advanced mathematical considerations. R. C. Archibald. Brown University, Providence, R. I. ^^IVER8ITY OF ^============-=,^,^^^^^^_^^^^^^^ ae before APR 8 8 roc OCT 13 19 MAY 3 1 93? ^a VN^gJ ^,jj^^i.^^l ---^^-v^' UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY