THE RYEYOfiS' COMPANION I CONTAINING ml Ittsirawitis, BY WILLIAM S C H M O L Z , Mathematical Instrument Maker. SAN, FRANCISCO: COMHLFRCIAL STEAM JOB PRESSES: VALENTINE & CO. 1859. THE ROBERT E. COWAN COLLECTION I'KKSI N I I.I) To 1111 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA C. P. HUNT1NGTON JUNE. 18Q7. ssion HQ. 7 Class THE SURVEYOR'S AND ENGINEER'S BEING Ji Cflttds* toatist m Pat^matical $nsiraitnts, CONTAINING AN IMPROVED METHOD O^TELE'StOPIC MEASUREMENTS, ILLUSTRATED WITH NUMEROUS ENGRAVINGS; AND INCLUDING THE MOST IMPORTANT AND USEFUL TABLES AND FORMULAS, CONSTANTLY USED IN JggVETING AND ENGINEERING. WILLIAM SCHMOLZ, MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENT MAKER, No. 118 MONTGOMERY STREET. SAN FRANCISCO: COMMERCIAL STEAM PRESSES: VALENTINE & CO. 1859. ENTERED according to Act of Congress, in the year eighteen hundred and fifty -nine By WILLIAM SCHMOLZ, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of California. PREFACE. THE frequent inquiries, by Engineers and Surveyors, for a field-book of reliable and useful tables, have induced me to undertake the publi- cation of a work of this nature, which might contain everything that could be required in the execution of a survey. Through the co-opera- tion of DR. R. C. MATTHEWSON, a gentleman of acknowledged mathe- matical ability and to whom, indeed, the following work chiefly owes its merit I am now enabled to present to the profession a compendi- ous and, it is hoped, a highly useful Pocket Companion, in the prepar- ation of which no labor has been spared to make it what it assumes to be. The First Part contains a description of telescopic measurement, with its advantageous application in a rough country; a brief review of mathematical and scientific instruments, together with rules for their adjustment and use, copiously illustrated with fine engravings on wood. In the Second Part may be found ail those tables and rules which are continually required in the field, and without which much time would be lost in tedious and difficult calculations. As the sale of a book of this kind is necessarily limited the pro- ceeds falling far short of its actual cost I have resorted to the method of subscriptions, and am happy to state that the members of the pro- fession have most liberally seconded me in my effort. To them I beg leave to tender my sincere thanks. WILLIAM SCHMOLZ. CONTENTS. Page. ^I'ir Measurement 5 Sehm >l/."s Improved Target Rods 6 Trail- it InstrunuMits 7 Dr. K.c. .M at hewson's Improved Astronomical Transit 8 Hctlertors 9 Hurt's Solar Compass 10 Tin- Ciivumlerenter or Surveyor's Compass 10 Marking Irons 11 Vernier Glasses 12 Plumb-Bobs 12 ('(impasses 12 Schmalkalder's or Prismatic Compasses 12 Leveling Instruments 13 Levrlin- Hods 13 Mni.ll Light Lereli 14 Slope Levels or Clinometers 14 i' Draughting Instruments 15 Fish-Hun Pocki t Cases 15 Parallel Rulers 15 T Squares 15 Beam Compasses 15 Proportional and Plain Dividers, Draughting and Bow Pens, Squares, etc.. 15 Protractors 15 Triangular Uoxwood Scales 15 Terrestrial and Astronomical Telescopes 16 Time 16 Portable Meridian Transit Instrument 17 Qua-lrants. Sextants, and Octants 18 The Artificial Horizon 18 Shi]. Spy-Glasses 18 Marine Opera Glasses 18 The Marinesr's Compass 18 Military Telescopes 18 Panorama Glasses 18 Microscopes 19 Pocket Lenses, Insect and Object Glasses 19 Camera Lucida 20 Oraphic Mirron and Camera Obscuras 20 Pocket Spy-Glasses 20 Barometer! 20 Aneroid Barometer...., 21 Kain Gauge 21 Watchmaker's Glasses 21 Mason's Hydrometer or Dry and Wet Bulb Thermometer 21 Ky- (Uasses 24 Thermometer! 25 Hydrometen 25 Spectacles 26 26 G"ld Assaying Scales and Weights 26 I >u-t Counter Scales 26 _ in -tic Ma. -hi MCS 27 Galvanic B:itt-ri.-s 27 CtTiC Machines 27 'nal and Astronomical Globes 27 for Holvingall Cases of Plant Trigonometry 28 THE SURVEYOR'S AND ENGINEER'S COMPANION. Telescopic Measurement. BY the ingenious method of telescopic measurement, we may ascertain dis- 1 tances which, from the nature of the ground, cannot be actually measured by the chain, and at the same time, avoid the tedious and detaining process of triangulations. For example, in Fig. l,by this method, we can obtain the distances A B, A C, AD, A E, aud A F, at once, by mere inspection, without removing the transit from the Station A, on the line; while by the usual method, we would have to measure a base AG, and ascertain the angle FAG, then remove the transit from A to G and ascertain from other angles, viz : A G B, A G C, A G D, A G E, and AG F, besides making the subsequent trigonometrical calculations. Fig. 1. G The simple contrivance by which this important saving of time and labor i is effected, depends upon the following obvious principles : Let A b c and ABC, Fig. 2, be Fig. 2. ^ two similar triangles, of which the parallel sides b c and BC, together with the perpendicu- lar distance A D are known ; then since bc:BC::AD:AE = * the perpendicular distance A E becomes also known. Now in the telescopic instrument, the small trian- ' gle A b c, Fig. 2. is fixed, permanently, within the telescope of the transit, ' the eye of the observer, Fig. 3, coincidingjeith the vertex A; the distance a af\ THE SURVEYOR'S AND Fig. 3 between the two horizon- tal and paral- lel hairs a a' corresponding to t h e line be, an d t li e graduated rod B C with its two targets B and C, one of which is fixed and the other moveable, representing the line B C; whence it follows the distance between the eye of the observer and the rod is directly perpendicular to the distance between the targets. If for instance, 7 feet of the rod are intercepted between the targets at a distance of 20 chains, 14 feet will be intercepted at a ' distance of 40 chains. Fig. 4. 'Fig. 5. In the method of telescopic measurement, heretofore in use, the hairs were , fixed in the telescope at random and the rod graduated afterwards, by trials i at ascertained distances. The consequence was. that every instrument re- 1 quired a particular rod adapted only to itself, and when the hairs, by any ac- 'cident, got out of adjustment, the rod had either to be regraduated or re- placed by another. These difficulties have been completely overcome and all objections entirely removed by a recent invention of the author's. The hairs a a' Fig 5, are attached to the dia- _ phragm of the telescope, in such a manner as to admit, at any time, of the nicest adjustment. By this contrivance, any transit may be adapted to the rods commonly used in leveling, the only improvement required being an additional target for the purpose of assisting the eye in observing long distances. Schmolz's Improved Target Bods. These rods are constructed so that, when the transit is properly adjusted, the ^distance can be read off at once, in chains and links, without any computation whatever. The instrument is adjusted to read half a foot at the distance of jone chain, or 10 feet at the distance of 20 chains, and every half foot is sub- Divided into 100 equal parts to correspond wiih the number of links in a chain. )This contrivance is admirably adapted to the U. S. Surveys, whether of pub- lic lands or private land claims, and the Deputy Surveyors will find it of in- calculable advantage especially on the rough portions of their work. It re- ; quires only to bo tested in order t^domonstrate that fur facility as well as ENGINEER'S COMPANION Fig. 6. accuracy, it is superior, over rough ground, to any other method which can be adopted. The rods are light, durable, and accu- rately graduated. They are constructed of the very best mate- rial, and, for convenience of transportation, are made of two pieces, one of which slides neatly and compactly into the other, as represented in Fig. 6. The rod is provided with a small telescope fixed permanently at right angles to it, and in ascending or descending, is held, not vertically, but perpendicularly to the distance, as illus- trated iu Fig. 7, so that the graduations on the rod will always show the true distance from the instrument. The transit used has a vertical arc and this distance must be multiplied by the Fig. 7 cosine of the angle of elevation or depression, in order to reduce it to the hor- izontal distance. It will be more convenient, however, to use the Traverse Table in this reduction, for if the observed angle be taken as a course, the horizontal distance will be the corresponding difference of latitude. For example, if the inclined distance be 19*96 chains and the vertical angle 10, we find the corresponding difference of latitude to be 19-66 chains, which is, therefore, the horizontal distance. Instruments Imported and Manufactured by W. Schmolz, TRANSIT INSTRUMENTS, from the best makers in "Philadelphia, are kept con stantly on hand; but none of them give as much satisfaction as those manufactured by William Schmolz. In these improved instru- ments the standards are attached to the lower instead of the upper plate, as in the usual method. The great advantage of this construc- tion is, that the true course is read off at once, instead of obtaining it by constantly adding or subtracting the variation, thus avoiding a great deal of labor and removing the great liability of committing mistakes by the old method. The plates are clamped together, once for all, by the vernier, to the true variation, so that when the needle points to zero, the telescope moves in the plane of the meridian, and when the traqpit is THE SURVEYOR'S AND turned around in any other direction, the ends of the needle point to the true and not to the magnetic course, as in the ordinary Transit. The great advantage of this con- struction, especially in surveying ranchos, where such a multiplicity of courses is re- quired, must be obvious, at once, to every surveyor. The large number of instruments of this kind recently sold by the manufac turer is enough to prove their superiority. ADJUSTMENTS OP THE TRANSIT. On a level piece of ground set up the Transit firmly. Bring the two bubbles to the center, by means of the four leveling screws. Then turn the instrument half way around. If the bubbles are still in the cen- ter, the spirit levels are in adjustment. If not, raise or lower that spirit level which is out of adjustment, by means of the capstan screws attached to the same, until the bub- ble is moved to half the error. Level the instrument again and repeat the operation. If the adjustment has been accurate!}' done, the bubbles will remain in the center during 'an entire revolution of the instrument. Next, measure any distance, (say 5 chains) in a straight line from the in- >8trument and set up a stake with a nail or chain-pin driven into it. Bring >the vertical hair of the telescope to it, clamp the instrument, reverse the tel- 'escope, and set up another stake in the opposite direction at the same distance 'and upon it mark the point of sight. Then, loosen the lower clamp screw, >turn the instrument half around, again sight on the first point and clamp > tightly. Reverse the telescope ; if the sight intersects the point in the second stake, the instrument is in adjustment; if not, note the distance that it varies 'from the second point and move the vertical hair, by means of the attached screws, until the line of sight has moved one-fourth of the amount of varia- f tion toward the second point; the instrument will then be in adjustment. > Several trials will generally be necessary before the adjustment is perfect. DR. R. C. MATTHEWSON'S IMPROVED ASTRONOMICAL TRANSIT, for which a 'patent was issued in October, 1858. is one of the most ingenious of modern | inventions, and is designed for surveying and engineering purposes. Thc| Compass-box and tripod are constructed in any of the usual forms of the ordi- ( i nary transit. The standard?, the horizontal axis, and the vertical arc, arc < also constructed the same as in the most recent and improved instruments.* But instead of attaching the telescope permanently to the horizontal axis, as ( ' in the common Transit, it is attached permanently to a vertical axis, which is ENGINEER S COMPANION. fixed at right angles to the horizontal axis, and revolves in it, exactly over the center of the compass-box. Attached to the horizontal axis, and at right angles to the vertical axis, is a graduated equatorial circle, of which the verti- cal axis is the center. The telescope revolves round this equatorial circle with a vernier, by which the angular motion of the telescope is .read off on the graduated circle. One advantage of this construction over the common Transit is, that ob- lique angles, as well as horizontal and vertical angles, can be measured. The telescope can thus be moved in the plane of any two objects the moon and a star, for instance their angular distance measured, and consequently the longitude of the place ascertained. Another advantage of this construction is, that by'placing the vertical axis parallel to the axis of the earth which can be done by setting the horizon- tal axis east and west, and elevating the vertical axis to the latitude of the place the telescope will revolve in the plane of a parallel of latitude instead of revolving in the arc of a great circle, as in the ordinary Transit, and of course, a true parallel of latitude can be run by back and fore sights, in the same manner that a true meridian is run by the common Transit. The back sights and fore sights will always bo mathematically correct, and the devia- tions, on account of elevations and depressions, can be easily tabulated, and the proper allowance made whenever the boundary monuments are estab- lished. A solar apparatus has been attached to the telescope by the manufacturer, William Schmolz, by which the declination of the magnetic needle can be ascertained during the day ; and it can be ascertained during the night by observing the azimuth of Polaris, or any of the circumpolar stars. Hence it appears that on land this instrument embraces all the advantages of the com- mon Transit, Hurt's Solar Compass, and Had ley's Sextant, and that without any complicated machinery. Whoever will take the trouble to study its application and advantages, can with its aid, alone, ascertain his latitude and longitude, calculate the mag- netic variation at any hour during the day or night, and run a true parallel of latitude by back and fore sighting. In doing accurate work, a flag-staff attached to a light tripod with a gradu- ated vertical arc to set the staff in the plane of the parallel of lat- itude, should be used. The construction of the flag-staff is too simple to require an explanation. WILLIAM SCHMOLZ is making Reflectors for the purpose of illuminating the cross-hairs of telescopes, when taking an ob- servation on the North Star, for the purpose of obtaining the variation of the needle. They are made to fit the object-end of the telescope. A lighted candle, or, what is better, a "Bull's- eye '' Lantern is held in such a position that its light may fall on the inclined Reflector, (see figure in the margin,) which reflects the rays into the telescope and illuminates the cross-hairs. An aperture is left in the Reflector through which the star can be seen. 10 THE SURVEYOR'S AND BURT'S SOLAR COMPASS, of the improved style, manufactured by W. J. Young, Philadelphia, is indispensable for accurate surveys in the wilderness. By means of it, can be determined the latitude of any place, the true meridian and the declination, and hour arc, of any heavenly body within the Zodiac. It also serves for all the purposes of the common Magnetic Compass. A minute description of the instrument and its adjustment may be found in the "Key to the Solar Compass," published by William A. Burt, Phila- delphia. The CIRCUMFERENTER OR SURVEYORS' COMPASS -as it is usually called, is provided with a Nonius, to set off the variation of the needle. ENGINEER S COMPANION. 11 To FIND THE VARIATION OF THE MAGNETIC NEEDLE. The most convenient method of determining the true meridian of any place, is by sighting on the North or Pole Star (Polaris) when at its greatest eastern or western elongation. The following table gives the elongation in common clock time for every tenth day in the year when the star is visible. Eastern Elongation. Month. April.. May... June.. July .. Aug... Sept... 1st Day. h. m. 6 31 A.M. 4 33 " 2 31 33 " 10 28 P.M. 8 26 " llth Day. h. m. 5 52A.M. 3 54 " 1 52 " 11 50P.M. 9 48 7 46 " 21st Day. h. m. 5 13A.M. 3 14 " 1 13 11 11 P.M. 9 09 7 07 " Western Elongation. Month. Oct Nov... Dec.... Jan.... Feb.... Mar... 1st Day. h. m. 6 21 A.M 4 20 " 2 22 19 " 10 13 P.M. 8 23 " llth Day. 21st Day. h. m. 5 42A.M. 3 40 " 1 42 " 11 36P.M. 9 34 " 7 44 " Having taken a sight on the star at either elongation, set off an angle equal to the Azimuth as given in the following table to the left when the elongation is east, to the right, when the elongation is west. The instrument will then sight to the true meridian and the variation can be easily read off. AZIMUTHS OP POLARIS. YEAR. 1859... 1860... 1870... L.30 1 40 1 40 1 3C L. 32 / 1 42 1 41 1 38 L. 34 o 1 44 1 44 1 40 L. 36 1 47 1 46 1 43 L. 38 1 50 1 49 1 45 L. 40 / 1 53 1 52 1 48 L. 42 / 1 56 1 56 1 52 L.44 2 00 2 00 1 55 L. 46 2 04 2 04 2 00 L.48 o / 2 2 0! 2 04 A very close approximation to the true meridi- an and consequently to the variation, may be obtained by sighting on the Pole Star, at the in- stant when it is in the same vertical plane with Alioth, a star in the tail of the Great Bear, being the next one to the four which form a quadrila- teral. (See figure in the margin.) MARKING IRONS with permanent or shifting plates, in mahogany, ivory or ebony handles. Indispensable to surveyors for properly marking corner-posts and bearing trees. The public lands of the United ^ States are divided into squares, whose sides are truly north and south, and east and west. This is effected 12 THE SURVEYOR'S AND by means of meridian lines and parallels of latitude, established six miles apart. The squares thus formed are called townships and each contains 36 square miles, or 23,040 acres, "as near as may be." These are again divided into sections one mile square. Thus every township contains 36 sections of 640 acres each. The sections are subdivided into quarter sections, of 160 acres, and some- times into half quarter sections, of 80 acres each. These lines are measured with a CHAIN made of iron or steel wire, and are usually two poles in length. When the ground is tolerably level, a four-pole chain can be used to advantage. Two Pole, CJiains (33 feet) with oval rings and 50 links ; Four Pole Chains (66 feet) with oval rings and 100 links ; hundred feet chains, with oval rings and 100 links, made of the very best material, can be found at Win. Schmolz's estab- lishment. TABLE FOR RUNNING ON SLOPES. In the following table the first column shows the angle, the second, the, number of links to be added to a chain on the slopes, to make one chain, hori- zontal measurement. ) Angle. Cor. in links Angle. Cor. in links Angle. Cor. in links Angle. Cor. in links o o o 4 0-24 11 1-88 18 5-14 25 10-54 5 0-38 12 2-24 19 5-76 26 11-26 6 0-55 13 2-63 20 6-42 27 12-24 7 0-76 14 3-06 21 7-11 28 13-37 8 0-98 15 3-53 22 7-85 . 29 14-34 9 1-24 16 4-02 23 8-64 30 15-47 10 1-55 17 456 24 9-47 35 22'07 VERNIER GLASSES in strong horn frames. PLUMB-BOBS of different sizes and weights. POCKET COMPASSES useful for travelers through the vast wilderness and dense forest. SCHMALKALDER'S or PRISMATIC COMPASSES. The use of ( this little instrument is to measure horizontal angles only, , and from its portability, is particularly adapted for mili-( tary surveys. It is also very useful in filling in the detail' of a map where the principal points have been correctly J fixed by means of the Transit Instrument. ENGINEER'S COMPANION. 13 Y LEVELING INSTRU- MENTS large size 16 inch telescope, w i t h powerful glasses.ground levels, solid tripods, etc., such as are generally used on railroads, canals, ' etc., from the best ma- kers in Philadelphia, are imported by William S c h m o 1 / . Durable in- struments of every de-' script ion, are manufactured at his well known establishment. LEVELING INSTRU- MENTS with Compass attached are sometimes found very useful in not- ing the courses o f the line of levels. One of the legs of the tripod is so arranged that it may be shortened, which will be found very convenient in setting the instrument on a steep hill-side, as often oc- curs in mining and ditch work. Three adjustments are by leveling in- struments n e c e s - sary : First place the intersec- tions of the wires in the telescope, so that it shall coincide with the axis of < the cylindrical rings on which the telescope turns. Second to render the level parallel to this axis. Thirdset the teles- cope perpendicular to the vertical axis, that the lev- el may preserve its posi- tion while the instrument "x 4 is turned quite around. LEVELING ROBS made of box-wood, with tar- gets, are so constructed that they can be length- ( ened out to 14 feet, 14 THE SURVEYOR'S AND They are graduated to tenths and hundredths of a foot, and by means of an attached vernier, can be read off to thousandths. Table showing the Difference, in Inches, between the true and apparent Level, for Distances between 1 and 100 Chains. Chains Inches. Chains Inches. Chains Inches. Chains Inches. I 001 26 845 51 3-255 76 7-221 2 005 27 911 52 3-380 77 7-412 3 Oil 28 981 53 3-511 78 7-005 4 020 29 1-051 54 3-645 79 7 ; 802 5 031 30 1-125 55 3-781 80 8-001 6 045 31 1-201 56 3-925 81 8-202 7 061 32 1-280 57 4-061 82 8-406 g 080 33 1-360 58 4-205 83 8-612 9 101 34 1-446 59 4351 84 8-832 10 125 35 1-531 60 4-500 85 9-042 11 151 36 1-620 61 4-654 86 9-246 12 180 37 1-711 62 4-805 87 9-462 13 211 38 1-805 63 4-968 88 9681 14 245 39 1-901 64 5-120 89 9-902 15 281 40 2-003 65 5-281 90 10-126 16 320 41 2-101 66 5-443 91 10-351 17 361 42 2-208 67 5-612 92 10-587 18 405 43 2-311 68 5-787 93 10-812 19 451 44 2-420 69 5-955 94 11-046 20 500 45 2-531 70 6-125 95 11-233 01 552 46 2-646 71 6-302 96 11-521 oo 605 47 2-761 72 6-480 97 11-763 23 661 48 2-880 73 6-662 98 12-017 24- 720 49 3-004 74 6-846 99 12246 25 781 50 3125 75 7-032 100 12-502 SMALL LIGHT LEVELS fitted to a Jacob-staff, working in a ball and socket joint, and furnished with a plain sight in the place of a telescope. These are well adapt- ed to preliminary examinations of ditches, wagon roads, etc., and are, of course, much cheaper than the above-mentioned ones. SLOPE LEVELS OR CLINOMETERS are used in the mines for as- certaining the "clip" of geologi- cal formations, and also for mea- suring the inclination of slopes i n excavations and embank- ments. Manner of Using. Place the straight bar upon the slope and revolve the movable limb along the gradua- ted arc until the attached spirit-level indicates that it is vertical. The angle is then shown on the intercepted arc. ENGINEER'S COMPANION. 15 ANGLES OF SLOPES ix CUTTINGS OR EMBANKMENTS. Slopes. Angles, o / tol 63 26 tol 53 8 , 45 1 38 40 I}/, to 1 33 41 2 to 1 26 34 3 tol.... 18 26 /Sol Draughting Instruments. CASES OP DRAUGHTING INSTRUMENTS of all descriptions and of the best quality made of German silver with steel screws and hinges to the pens. For the use of surveyors, engineers, architects, etc. FISH-SKIN POCKET CASES very convenient for field working, containing a pair of six-inch divi- ders, with pen, pencil, and dotter; a pair of plain dividers, a drawing pen, protractor, parallel ruler, ivory or box-wood scales, etc., in short, all instru- ments required for plotting in the field. PARALLEL RULERS nine, twelve, and fifteen, inches long T SQUARES from 18 to 30 inches long, with swivel joints BEAM COMPASSES with adjusting screws. PROPORTIONAL AND PLAIN DIVIDERS, DRAUGHTING PENS, Bow PENS, SQUARES, PENCILS, BRUSHES, ETC. ETC. PROTRACTORS of horn or German silver; the latter with horn center and movable arm with vernier; also, of ivory, six inches long and finely graduated. TRIANGULAR BOX- WOOD SCALES from 12 to 24 inches long the six edges are divided into scales 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 parts, to the inch. etc. etc. Also, Ivory Scales for architects, .16 THE SURVEYOR'S AND TERRESTRIAL AND ASTRONOMICAL TELES- COPES. No invention in the mechanical arts has proved more useful to the success- ful investigations of astronomical phenom- ena, and as a ( consequence, to the purpo- ses of gation, than that o f t h e Telescope. Time. Astronomers make use of seve- ( ral different kinds of time ; an explanation of the nature of which, and of ( the method of passing from one to another, properly precedes an explanation ( of the uses of the Ephemeris. Sideral Time. Sulornl Time is measured by the daily motion of the stars, or, as it is used by astronomers, by the daily motion of that point in the' equator from which the- true right ascensions of the stars are counted. A Sideral Day is the interval of time between the transit of the vernal equinox over any meridian, and its next succeeding return to the same me-< ridian. It is divided into 24 hours. The sideral hours are counted from to 1 24, commencing with the instant of the passage of the true vernal equinox | over the upper meridian, and ending with its return to the same meridian. Solar Time. Solar Time is measured by the daily motion of the sun. Ai Solar Day is the interval of time between two successive transits of the sun 1 over the same meridian ; and the hour angle of the sun is called Solar Time. ' This is the most natural and direct measure of time. But the intervals be- ( tween the successive returns of the sun to the meridian are not exactly equal < but depend upon the variable motion of the sun in right ascension. The want of uniformity in the sun's motion in right ascension arises from' two different causes; one, that the sun does not move in the equator, but in the ecliptic; the other, that the suu's motion in the ecliptic is not uniform. To avoid the irregularity in time caused by the want of uniformity in the< sun's motion, a fictitious sun, called a Mean Sun, is supposed to move in the < equator with a uniform velocity. Mean Time, which is perfectly equable in its increase, is measured by the motion of this Mean Sun; the latter at certain periods agrees with the real, sun, then again is in advance of it, and at other times is behind it. True or Apparent Time is measured by the motion of the real sun. The difference between the true and mean time is called the Equation oj Time. By means of it we pass from true to mean time, or the reverse. Thus if , the true time be given, the mean time corresponding to it will be obtained by < adding or subtracting the equation of time, according to the precept at thei head of the column in which it is found, on page I of every month of the' ENGINEER S COMPANION. 1 Nautical Almanac. If the mean time be given, the true time is obtained by applying the equation of time as directed by the precept on page II. The figure in the margin represents a Portable Meridian Transit Instru- ment, which is used in conjunction with a regulator or chronometer, for observing the passage of the heavenly bodies across the meridian, and deter- mining their difference in right as- 1 cension ; and also for many other as- 1 tronomical purposes. ' FOR FlNDNG THE ERROR OP CLOCK OR CHRONOMETER WITH THE MERIDIAN TRANSIT INSTRUMENT. The instrument being set in posi- 'tion and well adjusted, note carefully , the time when the sun's first limb ar- i rives at each of the perpendicular 1 wires in the telescope ; also when the 1 second limb leaves each wire; add up 'each separately and divide by the number of wires; then add the two pro- , ceeds together and divide by 2, which will give the time of the chronometer i at apparent noon. Then add or subtract, as the case may be, the equation of time as given in the Nautical Almanac, and you obtain the error of clock as regards mean time. i The example below will perhaps be sufficiently explanatory. Observation of the Sun's Transit, 1st January, 1859, at San Francisco. First limb, m. s. Sec. limb, m. s. First wire time by Chronometer 5 18-5 Center " " 5 32-8 Third " 5 47'1 Divide by number of wires 3)16 38-4 5 32-8 7 35-3 7 49-6 8 3-9 3)23 28-8 Equation of time to be added m. s. Apparent noon.. OO'OO 3 43-84 Increase for Ion.. 9-65 2)13 22-4 Chronometer... 6 41-2 Equation of time... 3 53-49 Fast of mean time 2 47'71 3 53-49 A clock keeping mean time ought to indicate 3m, 53'49s, at apparent noon, Jon the 1st January, 1859, at San Francisco; consequently, the chronometer is stoo fast as indicated above. 18 THE SURVEYOR S AND QUADRANTS, SEXTANTS, AND OCTANTS are prin- cipally used by navigators for ascertaining the place of a ship at sea. They are imported by Win. Schmolz from the best makers in the east. THE ARTIFICIAL HORI- ZON is used when ob- servations with the quadrant, sextant, o r octant, are made on land, where the natural horizon cannot be seen. Either mercury, oil or mo- lasses, are used as reflectors. SHIP SPY-GLASSES sometimes called Day and Night Glasses. To use them at night the third and fourth lenses must be taken out ; objects will appear inverted but quite distinct. MARINE OPERA GLASSES with powerful, achromatic lenses, black mounted, and sun-shades attached, are very convenient at sea. THE MARINER'S COMPASS used in navigation. Its mag- netic needle, formed of a thin plate of steel, about six inches in length and half an inch in width, is delicately balanced on an agate center, rest- ing on a steel-pointed pivot fixed in the base of the instrument. The ends of the needle sweep over a graduated circle of light pasteboard, upon which are marked the Cardinal Points as well as the intermediate divisions into half and quarter points. MILITARY TELESCOPES are in- struments of superior construction and fold up into a small compass. The lenses are of the first quality and of immense power. Imported by William Schmolz from the best makers. PANORAMA GLASSES from 3 to 7 inches in diameter, and with a focal dis- tance of 10 to 36 inches. ENGINEER'S COMPANION COMPOUND ACHROMATIC MICROSCOPES. 1 The most valuable improvement in .microscopes, is the introduction of ) achromatic object-glasses, which not ) only represent the objects under exam- 1 iiiatiou more clearly denned, but also 1 free from all tints and coloring, an im- ) portant advantage over the common lenses. The only bar to their more general use, is their necessarily high ' price. POCKET MICROSCOPE in a small, conve- nient form, of consid- erable magnifying power. Its portabil- ity will recommend it to the naturalist, the mineralogist and the botanist. The instru- ment possesses sufficient power to distinguish animalcule, the crystalization of salts, seed vessels, etc. REMARKS RESPECTING MICROSCOPES. High magnifying power is by no means the most necessary quality in a Mi- croscope ; it is only applicable to transparent bodies, such as blood, navicula, infusoria, oranimalcule. With high powers, the field of view is very limited the glass has to be very close to the object, and there is great loss of light. The low powers are by far the most useful for ordinary objects the easiest to the eye give more light, arid take in more of the object. With a power of 500 times, only the one-hundredth of an inch can be seen at a time. With a power of 40 or 50 times, the field is one-tenth or one-twelfth of an inch. Only low power, say 40 to 100 times, can be used for opaque bodies the lower the better. To examine blood requires 300 to 500 times. POCKET LENSES, INJECT GLASSES, ETC. are variously mounted, but are commonly in such a form as shown in the margin. The case, which serves at the same time for the handle, is made of black horn or metal. OBJECT GLASSES for telescopes of surveying instruments, ' ship's spy-glasses, etc. 20 THE SURVEYOR'S AND CAMERA LUCIDA. By means of this instrument objects may be represented on a sheet of paper in such a manner that an accurate drawing can be made of the same. The artist in sketching from nature, will find it a valuable and unerring assistant, and even an indiffer- ent draughtsman can by its aid, make a good drawing of the scene before him. GRAPHIC MIRRORS AND CAMERA OBSCURAS are intended for similar puposes. POCKET SPY- GLASSES mount- ed in mahoghany with achromatic object-glasses. The tube has three slides, by which it can be drawn out to the length of three feet. THE BAROMETER is an instrument used for measuring the weight of the atmosphere, and was invented by Torricelli, in 1643. It consists, essentially, of a straight glass tube, about 34 inches in length, hermetically sealed at one end and open at the other. This tube is filled with purified quicksilver, and in this condition its open end is inverted into a cistern of the same material. After several oscillations, the quicksilver in the tube will set tie to within about 30 inches of the surface in the cistern at the level of the sea and with slight variations, will remain at that hight. This phenomena is the result of the pressure of the atmosphere upon the external surface of the quicksilver in the cistern. Barometers whose tubes have large diame- ters are preferable, as in them the motion of the fluid is more free, its friction against the sides of the tube being nearly inappreciable. Tubes of small diameters require correction for capillarity, or the depression of the quick- silver, caused by its adhesion to the sides of the tube. THE CISTERN MOUNTAIN BAROMETER, A very important property of this instrument is that of determining hights, for which purpose it is inferior to no other; hence, it is not only very useful to surveyors, but also highly interesting ENGINEERS COMPANION 21 to philosophers, scientific men, etc. The grad- uated scale ranges from 15 to 31 inches, is divi- ded into twentieths of an inch, and furnished with a sliding vernier, by means of which the five hundredth part of an inch can be read off with ease. ANEROID BAROMETER recently invented by M. Vidi, of Paris, is used like the foregoing in- strument, for ascertaining elevations ; its ac- tion depends on the pressure of the atmosphere upon an elastic, metallic box,from which the air has been exhausted, and the box is then hermetically sealed. The con- traction or expan- sion of this box is communicated to an index-hand which sweeps around a graduated dial-plate, the graduations cor- responding to the divisions on the Mountain Barometer. RAIN GAUGE. This instrument consists of a glass tube about three feet in length, and is graduated to the one thou- sandth part of an inch. WATCHMAKER'S GLASSES of various powers. MASON'S HYGROMETER, or DRY AND WET BULB THERMOMETER has been universally adopted in meteorological observa- tions, for finding the dew and vapor point in the atmos- phere. The silk which covers the wet bulb and thread which con- veys the water to it, requires renewal about every month, and the fountain to be filled, when requisite, with distilled water, or water that has been boiled and allowed to cool, by immersing it in a basin of the water till the aperture, only, is just upon the surface, and the water will flow in. If the Hygrometer is placed out of doors iu frosty weather, the fountain had better be removed, or the freezing of water within it may break it; in this case, a thin coating of ice may soon be formed on the wet bulb, which will last a considerable time and may be renewed when requisite. 22 THE SURVEYOR S AND TABLES FOR THE USE OF DR. MASON'S HYGROMETER. TABLE OF DEGREES. Mason's Degrees -,- Excess X 2 = Absolute Hygrometer. Dryness. Leslie's IIygrom-< ctor coin nil red Degrees of Dryness Observed. Excess of Dryness to be Added. Absolute Dryness Kx idling. with Mason's. < o-o o-o 0-5 0-083 1-166 3 1 0-166 2-332 6 1-5 0-2495 3-499 9 2 0-333 4-666 12 2-5 0-4165 5833 15 3 0300 7-0 18 3-5 0-4S3 8-166 21 4 0-666 9-332 24 4-5 0-7495 10-489 27 5 0.833 31-666 30 5-5 0.9165 12-833 33 6 1-000 14-0 36 6-5 1-083 15-166 39 7 1-166 16-332 42 7-5 1-2495 17-499 45 8 1 33 5 18-666 48 8-5 1-4165 19-833 51 9 1-500 21-0 54 95 1-583 21-166 57 10 1-666 23-332 60 10-5 1-7495 24-499 63 11 1-833 25-666 66 11-5 1-9165 26-833 69 12 2-000 28-0 72 12-5 2-083 29-166 75 13 2-166 30-332 78 13-5 2-2495 C1499 81 14 2-333 32-666 84 145 2-4165 33-833 SI 15 2-500 35-0 90 15-5 2-583 36-166 93 16 2-666 37-332 96 16-5 2-7495 38499 99 17 2-833 39-666 102 17'5 2-9165 40-833 105 18 3-000 42-0 108 18-5 3-083 43-166 111 19 3-166 44-332 114 19-5 3-2 95 45-499 117 20 3-333 4<;-666 120 20-5 3-4165 47-^33 123 21 3-500 49-0 126 21-5 3-583 50-166 129 22 36(56 51-332 132 22-5 3-7495 52-499 135 The comparison of Dr. Mason's with the Dew Point Hygrometer, (Professor Daniel's Hygrometer is registered by the third column,) and of Sir John Leslie's, will be seen in the same line of the first, third, and fourth columns of the table. By the Table of Degrees is shown, without calculation, the absolute dryness of the atmosphere, in degrees of Fahrenheit's Thermometer. ENGINEER'S COMPANION. 23 Observe the number of degrees the two thermometers differ, which are 1 'here called ' ; Degrees of Dry ness Observed," and found in the first column of' the table. The second column merely contains the figures which have been added to ( 'the degrees of dry ness in the first, and multiplied by two, to obtain the an-< swer put down in the third column. Example. Temperature of the air 57, wet bulb 54 = 3 of dryness observed ; ' then add 0-5 excess of dryness = 3'5, aud multiply by 2, which will give 7 ( of absolute dryuess existing. To FIND THE DEW-POINT. Rule. Subtract the absolute dryness from the temperature of the air. Example. 57 7 = 50, dew-point. TABLE OF QUANTITY. Sf lowing the Weight, in Grains, of a Cubic Foot of Vapor, at Different Tern- { perature?, from to 95 Temp. Weight. Temp. Weight. Temp. Weight. Temp. Weight. grs. o grs. grs. o grs. 1 0-856 24 1-961 48 4279 72 8-924 1 0-992 25 2-028 49 4-407 73 9-190 2 0-928 26 2-096 50 4-535 74 9-484 3 0-963 27 2-163 51 4-684 75 9-780 4 0-999 28 2-229 52 4832 76 10-107 5 1-034 29 2-295 53 5-003 77 10-387 Q 1-U69 30 2-361 54 5-173 78 10-699 7 l-lu4 31 2-451 55 5-342 79 11-016 i g 1139 32 2-539 56 5-511 80 11-333 ) 9 1-173 33 2-130 57 5-679 81 11-665 10 1-208 34 2-7i7 58 5-868 82 12-OU5 11 1-254 35 2&05 59 6-046 83 12-354 12 1-308 36 2-892 60 6-2.2 84 12713 13 1-35J 37 2-979 61 6-399 85 13-081 14 a 405 38 3-066 62 6-575 86 13-408 15 1451 39 3-153 63 6-794 87 13877 16 1-497 40 3-239 64 7-013 88 14-: 30 17 1-541 41 3-371 65 7-230 89 14-613 18 1-586 42 3-502 66 7-447 90 15-005 19 1-631 43 3-133 67 7-662 91 15-432 20 1-688 44 3-763 68 7 8i>9 92 15-786 21 1-757 45 3893 69 8 135 93 16-186 22 1825 46 4-022 70 8-392 94 16-593 23 1-8H3 47 4151 71 8-658 95 17009 To FIND THE WEIGHT OF MUISTURE ix A CUBIC FOOT OF AIR AT ANY TIME. Rule. Divide the iveight in grains, found opposite the temperature, corres- 1 ponding to the dew-point at the time, in the Table of Quantity, by the correc-' tion found opposite to the difference of temperature, in Table of Corrections, ( corresponding to the absolute dryness existing at the time. If the air be very dry, the difference between the two thermometers will bei great; if moist, less in proportion, and when fully saturated, both will be< ilike. For general purposes, it is only necessary to place the instrument in ( 24 THE SURVEYOR'S AND a retired part of the room, away from the fire, and not exposed to the open doors or passages ; but for nice experiments, the observation t-hould always be made in the open air and in the shade, taking especial care that the instru- ment be not influenced by the radiation of any heated bodies, nor any cur- rents of air; the dew-point is then found by the Rule given on another page, and corresponds exactly with the Dew-Point Hygrometer, an instrument de- scribed in "Jameson's Journal," July, 1835, and modified by Dr. Mason. Should the wind be strong upon the instrument, the " Degrees of Dry ness Observed," multiplied by 2. gives the " Absolute Dryness," (the " Excess of Dryness" being omitted in the calculation,) because a strong current of air makes the instrument indicate the Excess of Dryness, which is necessary to be added, in a calm atmosphere. If the absolute dryness of an apartment be required, the instrument must be placed in the shade and the dew-point lound, which subtracted from the temperature of the apartment, will give its absolute dryness. The reason is obvious, and arises from this Jaw, namely, that air has its dryness doubled for ever}' increase of temperature corresponding to 21 of Fahrenheit's thermom- eter, and in proportion, for all intermediate temperatures. TABLE OF CORRECTIONS To be used when the Term of Deposition, or Dew-Point, differs from the Tem- perature of the Air in the Shade. Diff. of Temp. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Correction. o-oooo 1-0020 1-0041 1-0062 1-0083 1-0104 1-0125 1-0146 1-0167 1-0187 1-0208 10229 1-0250 Diffof. Temp. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Correction. 1-0271 1-0291 1-0312 1-0333 1-0354 1-0375 1-0396 1-0417 1-0437 1-0458 1-0479 1-0500 1 0521 Diff. of Temp 20 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Correction. 10542 1-05K2 1-0583 1-0604 1-0625 1-0646 1-0667 1-0687 1-0708 1-0729 1-0750 1-0771 1-0792 Diff. ol Temp. 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Correction. 10813 1-0834 1-0854 1-0875 1-0896 1-0917 1-0937 1-0958 1-0979 1-1000 1-1021 1-1042 1-1062 N. B. The principles of these calculations will be found in Professor Dan- iel's Meteorological Essays, in Mr. Anderson's Essay on Hygrometry, in the Edinburgh Encyclopedia, Vol. xi., and in the Edinburgh Journal of Science, Vol. vii., p. 47, in an excellent article on the Dew-Point Hygrometer, by Mr. Foggo, from which the Table of Corrections has been partly subtracted. The Table of Quantity, by weight, has been taken from Professor Daniel's work on Meteorology, to which the reader is referred for further particulars. EYE GLASSES are made in a variety of elegant forms, with frames of either black horn, blue steel, silver, or gold, connected with springs in such a manner as to fasten well to the nose. ENGINEER S COMPANION. 25 THERMOMETERS. On metallic scales from 6 to 12 inches long. On wooden scales, for dairies. Entirely of glass, for chemical experiments. For brewers, a new article. With two scales, Fahrenheit and Reaumer. Pocket, in cases, for travelers. Self-registering, showing the extreme heat or cold, during the night time. In meteorological observations, it is of great importance to as- certain the limits of the range of the thermometer in a given period of time, as during a day or night, while the observer is absent. HYDROMETERS are used in the manufacture of acids, alkalies, oils, sugars, beer, etc., in ascertaining their weight or specific gravity. They also serve as tests of the quality of spirits, vine- gar, milk, etc. U. S. CUSTOM-HOUSE HYDROMETER for testing spirits, with attached thermometer and Correction Table, for temperature. TABLE, Showing the Comparative Scales of Tralle and Baume, with the , Specific Gravities and Proof, at the Temperature of Sixty Degrees. Tralle's Scale. Baurne''s Scale. Specific Gravity. Proof. 100 45 796 100 ' 95 40 815 90 90 36 833 80 . 85 33 848 70 "1 8 75 31 28 863 876 60 50 Per centage " over proof. 3 TO 26 889 40 65 24 901 30 S 60 23 912 20 ft 55 21 923 101 "S 50 19 933 J Proof. 45 18 942 101 $ 40 17 951 20 c 35 16 958 30 30 15 964 40 ? 25 14 970 50 Under & 20 13 976 60 proof. 15 12 982 70 10 12 988 80 P 11 994 90 > 10 1000 100 j vx. >-v v-v X-N. y'N-v'^ 26 THE SURVEYOR'S AND SPECTACLES. Those who have oc- casion to u-e Spec- tacles, should by all means, attend to the selection of them in person. By trying them on and at the same time availing themselves of the suggestions of an optician, they will not fail to select those most suitable to their eyesight. Oculists recommend, that so soon as the slightest failing in the eyesight be-' comes apparent to a person, spectacles should be resorted to, as serious injury is often the result of delay, in consequence of the severe strain upon the opti- \ cal nerve. The best form for the lenses, is the double-convex or double-concave. Wm. Schmolz has an unlimited assortment of well-ground and highly polished glasses, and an equally large number of frames to put them in. Also, Peb- bles, Miuiscus, etc. DOUBLE-EYE SPECTACLES are necessary to persons suffering with weak eyes, and are also a great relief to the eyes, when riding in the wind and dust. The glasses are large, shaded either blue, gray, or green, and mounted in fine steel, by which they are firmly clamped to the head. GOGGLES with white glas- ses and protecting gauze frames, are also very desira- ble in the dust and wind. Those with colored glasses, are a complete protection to the eye against dust,( sunlight, and cold winds. GOLD ASSAYING SCALES in the most approved style and so delicate- ly balanced as to be affected by the thousandth part of a grain. GOLD ASSAYING WEIGHTS divided into tenths, hundredths, and thou- sandths, corresponding with the as- say weights of the U. S. Branch Mint. GOLD DUST COUNTER SCALES assorted sizes, with weights from 10 to 200 ounces. ENGINEER'S COMPANION. ELECTRO-MAGNETIC MA- CHINES are now used with astonishing suc- cess in all cases of ner- vous diseases, such as Neuralgia, Paralysis, s-_ Rheumatism, Sick and Nervous Headaches, Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Loss of Voice, Scrofula, Curvatur of the Spine, Toothache, Deafness, etc. GALVANIC BATTERIES are constructed of various form but consist, essentially, of two different metals, whicl are placed in some dilute acid which acts on but one o the metals. The galvanic current is conducted by wire fastened to the metals. MAGNETO-ELECTRIC MACHINES for medical purposes, are the mos perfect, convenient, and portable instruments of the kind, as no acid is used with them, and, conse quently they are always ready for use. They are imported by Wm Schmolz from the best makers. TERRESTIAL AND ASTRONOMICAL GLOBES are used for the purpose of conveying to the youthful mind his first ideas of the figure anc movements of the planet we inhabit ; to e x p 1 a i n t h e meaning of latitude and lon- gitude, and to show the rel- ative position of different places with respect to each other, as well as to the sun during the change of sea- sons. They are often used in solving, mechanically, many problems in astronomy relative to the hour ol d-iy at different places; the times of the rising and setting of the sun; the limits of the visibility of eclipses, etc., etc. 28 THE SURVEYOR'S AND ENGINEER'S COMPANION. Kules for Solving all Cases of Plane Trigonometry. CASE 1. Given aU the Angles and One Side, to find the other Side. RULE. As sine of the angle opposite the given side, is to sine of the angle opposite the required side, so is the given side to the required side. CASE 2. , Given two Sides and an Angle oppoti'e one of them, to find the other Angles and Side. RULE. As the side opposite the given angle, is to the other given side, so is , sine of the angle opposite the former, to sine of the angle opposite the latter. CASE 3. f Given Two Sides and the included Angle, to find the other Angles and Side. RULE. Subtract the given angle from 180 and the remainder will be the sum of the two unknown angles; then say, as the sum of the two given sides is to their difference, so is tangent of half sum of unknown angles, to tangent of half their difference. Add this half difference of the unknown angles to their half sum for the angle opposite the greater side, and subtract it from the half sum for the angle opposite the less side. CASE 4. Given the Three Sides to find the Angles. RULE. Upon the longest side let fall a perpendicular from the opposite angle. This perpendicular will divide the base into two segments and the triangle into two right-angled triangles; then say, as the given base is to the sum of the two other sides, so is the difference of those sides, to the difference of the segments of the base. To half the base add half the difference of the i segments for the greater segment, and subtract it from half the base for the 1 less side ; then proceed as in Case 2. RULE 2. Add together the arith. comp. of the logarithms of the two sides, containing the required angle the log. of the half sum of the three sides and > the log. of the difference of the half sum and the side opposite the required > angle. The half the sum of these four logarithms will be the logarithmic co- sine of half the required angle. A NEW SET OP PRACTICAL TABLES, USEFUL IN CONTAINING EASY AND ACCURATE METHODS FOR FINDING THE VARIATION OF THE MAGNETIC NEEDLE AT ANY HOUR OF THE NIGHT, LATITUDES AND LONGITUDES OF PLACES FROM THEIR DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE, THE CONVER- GENCIE8 OF THE MERIDIANS, THE DIVERGENCIES OF THE PARAL- LELS OF LATITUDE AND PRIME VERTICALS, ALTITUDES BY THE BAROMETER, ATMOSPHERIC REFRACTION, ETC. TOGETHER WITH AN IMPROVED METHOD OF TABLING, WHICH FACILITATES 2T$e Computation of <3reas anfc tfje projection of JiSaps. BY R. C. MATTHEWSON, U. S. Deputy Surveyor. SAN FRANCISCO: PUBLISHED BY WILLIAM SCHMOLZ, MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENT MAKER. Commercial Steam Presses, Valentine & Co., 129 Sansome Street. 1859. ENTERED according to Act of Congress, in the year eighteen hundred and fifty -nine BY WILLIAM SCHMOLZ, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of California. PREFACE. EVERY practical Surveyor must be aware that, for operations in the field, a, set of Pocket Tables, of convenient size, combining the greatest accuracy with the utmost brevity, has been hitherto a desideratum. The object of the following Tables is to supply this deficiency, and it is hoped that they will answer, to some extent at least, the purpose for which they are intended It is not expected that they are free from imperfections, or that they do not admit of improvements; but for accuracy, brevity, and perspicuity combined, it is confidently believed they are superior to any Tables, of a similar char- acter, now extant. How far this opinion is correct must be left for others to determine. Some of the Tables are entirely original, and others, it is supposed, are more systematically and conveniently arranged than they will be found in any other work. The Table for finding the Variation of the Magnetic Needle, at any hour of the night, and that for finding the Divergency of the Parallel of Latitude and Prime Vertical, are examples of the former, while the Table for ascertaining Altitudes by the Barometer, and that for computing the amount of Atmospheric Refraction, are examples of the latter. The first two of these Tables are not to be found in any known Treatise on Surveying, and the last two have Formulas placed at their bottom, in which every step of the calculation is clearly indicated, and the necessity of constantly referring to the Examples altogether avoided. With the exception of the Tables for converting Sideral Time into Mean Solar Time as well as into Arc, and the reverse, -which are introduced merely for facilitating the reductions, and that for finding the Hight of the Barometer corresponding to the Temperature of Boiling Water, which is acknowledged to the proper source, all the Tables in this collection have been computed anew, from the most recent authorities and the most reliable data. The Lengths of the Degrees of Latitude and Longitude are given in chains, instead of yards or feet, with the view of better adapting them to the United States system of Land Surveys. These Tables were commenced some months since at the request of Mr. Win. Schmolz, the publisher. They have been calculated aad prepared for the press with the assistance of Messrs. W. J. Lewis and G. F. Allardt, to the for- mer of whom, in particular, much credit is due for many valuable sugges- tions, and all the credit for the two last Approximate Rules given at the end of the Explanations. The calculations have been made with great care, every precaution has been taken to avoid typographical errors by comparing the revised sheets with the original computations or the best authorities, and it is firmly believed that the Rules and Tables will give results accurate to the nearest minute in angular, and to the nearest link in linear measure. SAN FRANCISCO, JULY 6, 1859. O O N T EN T S . Page. To find the Distance between two Places on the same Meridian 5 To find the Difference of Latitude between two Places on the same Meridian 5 To find the Distance between two Places on the same Parallel of Latitude.. 5 To find the Difference of Longitude between two Places in the same Latitude 6 To find the Convergency and Divergency of the Meridians 6 To convert Arc into Time, and Time into Arc 7 To convert Intervals of Mean Time into Sideral Time 8 To convert Intervals of Sideral Time into Mean Time 8 To find the Sideral Time corresponding to Mean Time 10 To find the Mean Time corresponding to Sideral Time 10 To find the Civil and Astronomical Time 11 To find the Mean and Sideral Time of Polaris from the Meridian 12 To find the Azimuth of Polaris 12 To find the Variation of the Needle 13 To find the Difference of Altitude by the Barometer 14 To find the Amount of Atmospheric Refraction 15 To find the Divergency of the Parallel and Perpendicular 15 To correct Random Lines 16 To run a Parallel of Latitude 16 To find the Diameter of a Tree 17 Trigonometrical Series 17 Calculation of Areas (Table A) 19 U. S. Surveys (Table B) 19 TABLES. I. Length of a Degree of Latitude 20 II. Length of a Degree of Longitude 22 III. Arc in Equivalents of Sideral Time 24 IV. Sideral Time in Equivalents of Arc 25 V. Mean Solar Time in Equivalent Intervals of Sideral Time 26 VI. Sideral Time in Equivalent Intervals of Mean Solar Time 27 VII. Azimuths of Polaris 28 VIII. Altitudes by the Barometer 30 IX. Attitudes by the Temperature of Boiling Water 32 X. Atmospheric Refraction 33 XL Divergency of the Parallel and Prime Vertical 34 XII. Equivalents of Linear Measures 34 XIII. Equivalents of Superficial Measures 34 EXPLANATION AND USE OF THE TABLES. Tables I and II. Table I gives the length of a degree of latitude, in chains, for every min- ute of latitude between 29 and 49 degrees, calculated by the Formula Dm = 5523-8724 27*7425 cos 2 I -|- -0592 cos 4 I, in which Dm represents a degree of the meridian, and 7, the middle latitude. Table II gives the length of a degree of longitwde, in chains, for every minute of latitude between 29 and 49 degrees, calculated by the Formula Dp = 5537-7439 cos 7 4-6337 cos 3 7 -|- -0058 cos 5 7, in which Dp represents 1 a degree of the parallel, and 7, the latitude. These tables are useful for converting linear into angular, and angular into , linear measure, as well as for determining the convergencies and divergencies i of the meridians, on the spheroidal surface of the earth. i PROBLEMS AND EXAMPLES. ! 1. Given t7ie latitudes of any two places on the same meridian, to find the dis- i tance between them. RULE. Find, from Table I, the length of a degree of the meridian at each latitude, and take half their sum for the mean length of a degree. Then say, , as 60 minutes is to the difference of latitude, so is the mean length of a de- i gree to the distance required. The latitude of the Monte Diablo Base Line, is 37 53' 5", and that of the 1st Standard North, 38 19' 11" ; what is the meridional distance between them? i chains. chains. As 60' : 26' 6" : : 5517-205 : 2400, the distance required. 2. Given the distance between any two places on the same meridian) and the latitude of one of them, to find their difference of latitude. RULE. Find, from Table I, the length of a degree of the meridian, in the given latitude, and also in that differing from it, by the meridional distance,^ converted into arc at the rate of 52 seconds per mile, and take half their sum ) i for the mean length of a degree. Then say, as the mean length of a degree ) is to the meridional distance, so is 60 minutes to the difference of latitude re- 1 quired. | i The latitude of the Monte Diablo Base Line, is 37 53' 5"; what is the lati- , tude of the 1st Standard North, the meridional distance being 30 miles ? i chains. chains. , As 5517-205 : 2400 : : 60' : 26' 6", the difference of latitude required. ' 3. Given the longitudes of any two places, on the same parallel, in a given latitude, to find the distance between them. RULE. Find, from Table II, the length of a degree of longitude in the ' EXPLANATION AND USE "\/x/x/v/x^^-'^yN_-'x_^x^x/^/'\^\/>^^\^x^v>^x-^^N^-x_/x/-v^-x/^ giveu latitude; and say, as GO minutes is to the difference of longitude, so is ( the length of the degree of longitude to the distance required. < The longitude of the Monte Diablo Meridian is 121 54' 1", and that of ( Range 1 East, 121 21' 5"; what is the distance between them, on the Base < Line, in latitude 37 53' 5" ? < chains. chains. < As 60' : 32' 56" : : 4372-51 : 2400, the distance required. < < 4. Given the distance between any two places on the same parallel) in a given < latitude, to find their difference of longitude. ( RULE. Find from Table II, the length of degree of longitude in the given j latitude; and say, as the length of the degree of longitude is to the given ( distance, so is 60 minutes to the difference of longitude. < The longitude of the Monte Diablo Meridian, is 121 54' 1"; what is the ( difference of longitude to Range 5 East, the distance on the Base Line, in ( latitude 37 53' 5", being 30 miles? chains. chains. As 4372-51 : 2400 : : 60' : 32' 56", the difference of longitude required. < < 5. Given the distance between two meridians, on any parallel, in a given lati- < tude, to find the convergency of the meridians for any distance north of ( that parallel. RULE. Find the length of a degree of longitude, at each latitude, by the foregoing rules; and say, as the greater of the two lengths is to their differ- < ence, so is the given distance to the convergency required. < The distance between Ranges 1 and 2 on the 1st Standard North, is 6 miles, < what is the convergency of the two range lines at the 2d Standard North, the < meridional distance being 30 miles? < chains. chains, chains, chains. < As 4346-66 : 26-07 : : 480 : 2-88, the convergency required. < 6. Given the distance between two meridians, on any parallel, in a given lati- tude, to find the divergency of the meridians for any distance south of that < parallel. < RULE. Find the length of a degree of longitude, at each latitude, by the ( foregoing rules; and say, as the less of the two lengths is to their difference, so is the given distance to the divergency required. ( The distance between Ranges 1 and 2, on the 1st Standard South, is 6 < miles ; what is the divergency of the two range lines at the 2d Standard < South, the meridional distance being 24 miles? < chains, chains, chains, chains. < As 4393-00 : 20'34 : : 480 : 2-22, the divergency required. < Tables III and IV. Table III gives equivalents of degrees, minutes, and seconds of arc, in hours, minutes, and seconds of sideral time, calculated by the Formula, 360 = 24h, or 15 = Ih. Table IV gives equivalents of hours, minutes, and seconds, of sideral time, in degrees, minutes, and seconds of arc, calculated by the Formula, 24h = 360, or Ih = 15. These tables are useful in facilitating the conversion of arc into sideral time, or of sideral time into arc. OF THE TABLES. PROBLEMS AND EXAMPLES. 1. Given any number of degrees, minutes, and seconds of arc, to find the cor- responding hours, minutes, and seconds of time. RULE. Find, from Table III, the intervals of time corresponding to the , degrees, minutes, and seconds, separately, and add them together; the result will be the time required. The apparent Right Ascension of Polaris, January 1, 1860, is 16 59' 54" in arc ; what is it in sideral time ? Ih 4m - - 3m 56s -j- 3-60s = Ih 7m 59-GOs,* the sideral time required. The longitude of San Francisco is 122 23' 10" in arc; what is it in sideral time? 8h 8m -|- 1m 32s -[- 0*67 s 8h 9m 32-67s, the sideral time required. 2. Given any number of hours, minutes, and seconds, of time, to find the cor- responding degrees, minutes, and seconds of arc. RULE. Find, from Table IV, the degrees, minutes, and seconds, correspond- ing to the intervals of time, separately, and add them together; the result will be the arc required. The apparent Right Ascension of Polaris, January 1, I860, is Ih 7m 59'60s, in sideral time ; what is it in arc ? I 5 o _|_ 10 45/ _|_ !4/ 45" _j_ 9 // = 16 o 59 / 54^ the arc required. The longitude of San Francisco, is 8h 9m 32-67 s, in sideral time; what is, it in arc ? 120 -|- 2 15' -!- 8' -'- 10" = 122 23' 10", the arc required. Tables V and VI. Table Y gives mean solar time in equivalent intervals of sideral time, cal- culated by the Formula, 24h mean time = 24h 3m 56'555s sideral time, or Ih mean time = Ih -[- 9'8565s sideral time. Table VI gives sideral time in equivalent intervals of mean solar time, cal- culated by the Formula, 24h sideral time = 23h 56m 4'091s mean time, or Ih sideral time = Ih 9'8296s mean time. These tables are useful, not only for converting intervals of solar into equivalent intervals of sideral time, and intervals of sideral into equivalent intervals of solar time; but also for converting any given instant of solar, to its corresponding sideral, or of sideral, to its corresponding solar time. SIDERAL TIME AT MEAN NOON, is the angular distance of the first point of < Aries from the mean Sun when on the meridian, or at mean noon; and is the time indicated by an accurate sideral clock, when the mean time clock indi- cates Oh Om Os. It increases 3m 56-556s f per day, and is given for every day * The quantities throughout these examples are carried out, for exercise, to the decimal of a second, as given in the Nautical Almanac; but in practice, it will be unnecessary to carry them beyond the nearest minute, or the nearest second, at the utmost. t This differs from 3m 56'555s, because it is affected by the equation of the equi- noxes, and is not, strictly, a uniformly increasing quantity. It is the apparent and not the mean sideral time at mean noon, and should be so designated in astronomical works. 8 EXPLANATION AND USE s^^-S~*-s^S^>~>iS^S-^S~^^^^S^>^^^^^^^s^^ ) in the year, on page n of each month, in the English Nautical Almanac, for ( the meridian of Greenwich, whence it can be calculated for any other meri- S dian, by adding for the difference of longitude when twes, or subtracting ) when east, 9'8565s per hour, which can be done by Table V. ( MEAN TIME AT SIDERAL NOON, is the angular distance of the mean Sun ( from the first point of Aries when on the meridian, or at sideral noon, and is ( the time indicated by an accurate mean time clock, when the sideral clock in- S dicates Oh Om Os. It decreases 3m 55'910s* per day, and is given for every day ) in the year, on page xx of each month, in the English Nautical Almanac, for ? the meridian of Greenwich, whence it can be calculated for any other merid- ( ian, by subtracting for the difference of longitude, when west, or adding, \ when east, 9-8296s per hour, which can be done by Table VI. S If the sideral time at mean noon, on any day, be subtracted from 24h, the ) remainder, converted into its solar equivalent, will be the mean time at sideral c noon, or if the mean time at sideral noon, converted into its sideral equiva- ( lent, be subtracted from 24h, the remainder will be the sideral time, at mean S noon, on the same day. In like manner, if to the sideral time on the preced- ) ing mean noon, at any place, be added any given interval of mean time, con- / verted into its sideral equivalent, the result will be the corresponding sideral ( time ; or if to the mean time, on the preceding sideral noon, be added any ( given interval of sideral time, converted into its solar equivalent, the result S will be the corresponding mean time. PROBLEMS AND EXAMPLES. < 1. Given any interval of solar time, to find its equivalent in sideral time. ) RULE. Find, from Table V, the sideral equivalents corresponding to the / given hours, minutes, and seconds, separately, and add them together; the C sum will be the sideral interval required. ) What is the sideral interval equivalent to IGh 12m 45-86s, mean time? < 16h 2m 37-70s -|- 12m l-97s -|- 45'12s -j- -87s = 16h 15m 25'66s, sid. time req'd ? 2. Given any interval of sideral time, to find its equivalent in solar time. S RULE. Find, from Table VI, the solar equivalents corresponding to the ) given hours, minutes, and seconds, separately, and add them together; the ( sum will be the solar interval required. ) What is the solar interval equivalent to 16h 15m 25'66s sideral time ? ( 15h 57m 22-73s -]- 14m 57 '54s -[- 24-93s -J- -66s = 16h 12m 45'86s, mean t. req ( 3. Given the sideral time at mean noon, on any day, to find it on any subse- quent day. ) RULE. To the given sideral time, add 3m 56'556s for every succeeding day, ( diminishing the sum by 24 hours, when the former exceeds the latter, and \ the result will be the sideral time required. \ * This differs from 3m 55'909s for the reasons given in the last note. These distinc- S tions are of importance, because they enable us, by making a memorandum of the S quantities, for any day of the year, to obtain them for any other day, without refer- ) ence to the Nautical Almanac. OF THE TABLES. The sideral time, at Greenwich mean noon, March 23, 1859, is Oh 1m 46-91s ; what is it October 9, 1859 ? h. m. s. Sideral time given, March 23 *0 1 46-91 3m 56-556s X 200 days 13 8 31-20 Sideral time required, October 9 13 10 18-11* The sideral time, at Greenwich mean noon, January 1, 1860, is 18h 41m 28-S7s; what is it January 1, 1861? h. ra. s. Sideral time given 18 41 28-87 3m 56-556s X 366 days .-. 24 2 59-50 Sideral time required, subtracting 24h 18 44 28-37 4. Given the mean time at sideral noon, on any day, to find it on any subse- quent day. RULE. From the given mean time, subtract 3m 55'910s for every succeed- ing day, increasing the former by 23h 56m'4'09s, when the latter exceeds it, and the result will be the mean time required. The mean time, at Greenwich sideral noon, March 23, 1859, is 23h 54m 17-48s ; what is it October 9, 1859 ? h. m. s. Mean time given, March 23 23 54 17-48 3m 55-910S X 200 days 13 6 22-00 Mean time required, October 9 10 47 55-48* The mean time, at Greenwich sideral noon, January 1, 1860, is 5h 17m 38-95s ; what is it January 1, 1861 ? h. m. s. Mean time given, adding 23h 56m 4'09s 29 13 43-04 3m 55-910s X 366 days 23 59 3'06 Mean time required 5 14 39-98 5. Given the sideral time at Greenwich, to find the corresponding sideral time at any other place. RULE. Increase or diminish the given sideral time by the acceleration of sideral on solar time, taken from Table Y, for the difference of longitude, according as it is west or east. What is the sideral time, at mean noon, in San Francisco, on January 1, 1860? h. m. s. Sideral time at Greenwich, mean noon, Jan. 1 18 41 28-87 Acceleration of sideral on solar time, for 8h 9m 33s 1 20-42 Sideral time required, Jan. 1 18 42 49-29 6. Given the mean time, at Greenwich, to find the corresponding mean time at any other place. RULE. Diminish or increase the given mean time by the retardation of solar on sideral time, taken from Table VI, for the difference of longitude, according as it is west or east. What is the mean time, at sideral noon, in San Francisco, on January 1, 1860? * Each of these quantities differs from that given in the Nautical Almanac only by the hundredth part of a second. 10 EXPLANATION AND USE TJ. in. s. Mean time at Green wich, sideral noon, Jan. 1 5 17 38-95 Retardation of solar on sideral time, for 8h 9m 33s 1 20-20 Mean time required. Jan. 1... 5 16 18-75 / 7. Given the mean time at any place, to find the corresponding sideral time. ( RULE. To the sideral time at the preceding mean noon, add the sideral ( equivalent of the given mean time ; the sum will be the sideral time re- quired.* On January 1, 1860, when it is Ih 20m 3045s mean time at San Francisco, what is the sideral time ? h. m. s. Sid. time at S.Francisco preceding mean noon, Jan.l.. 18 42 49-29 Sideral equivalent of the given mean time 1 20 43-68 Sideral time required, Jan. 1 20 3 32-97 i ) On January 1. 1860, when it is 22h 33m 44'55s, mean time at San Francisco, , ( what is the sideral time ? h. m. s. Sid. time at S. Francisco preceding mean noon, Jan. 1.. 18 42 49-29 Sideral equivalent of given mean time 22 37 26-93 Sideral time required, Jan 2 17 20 16-22 8. Given the sideral time at any place, to find the corresponding mean time. RULE. To the mean time at the preceding sideral noon, add the solar equiv- alent of the given sideral time ; the sum will be the solar time required.f When it is January 1, 1860, 20h 3m 32'97s sideral time at San Francisco, what i the mean time ? h. m. s. Mean time at S.Francisco preceding sid. noon, Dec. 31.. 5 20 14-66 Mean equivalent of given sideral time 19 59 15-79 Mean time required, Jan.l 1 20 30-45 When it is January 2, 1860, 17h 20m 16'22s bideral time at San Francisco, what is the mean time ? h. m. s. Mean time at S.Francisco preceding sid. noon, Jan. 1.. 5 16 18-75 Mean equivalent of given sideral time 17 17 25 - 80 Meantime required, Jan. 1 22 G3 44-55 Table VII. This table is useful for ascertaining the variation of the magnetic needle by the Pole Star, at any hour of the night, instead of waiting for the time of, * The 5th and 7th reductions may be made, at once, in west longitude, as follows : From the sideral interval corresponding to the sum of the longitude and the given mean time, subtract the longitude, and add the remainder to the .siderul time at the ( <;,-Ki:,nri<:]i preceding mean noon ; the result will be the sideral time at the place of ( observation. t The 6th and 8th reductions may be made, at once, in west longitude, as follows : From the mean interval corresponding to the sum of the longitude and the given sid- < eraltime, subtract the longitude, and add the remainder to the mean time at the < Greenwich preceding sideral noon ; the result will be the mean time at the place of ( observation. OF THE TABLES. 11 V/\^X^X/\/XX%^V/X^N^'\XX^^X\^-^>^v.^V^-^^>^x-x>'X/\X->' greatest elongation, as must be done by the ordinary methods; and may be calculated by Spherical Trigonometry, or, more expeditiously, by the following Formulas : Let I represent the latitude of the place of observation, h the sid eral hour angle of the star from its upper meridian passage, p its polar dis- tance, and z its azimuth. Put sin x = sin h sin p, and tan y = cos h tan p. Then tan z = tan x sec (I 4^ y}, the positive sign being used when the star is above, and the negative when it is below the Pole. The azimuths * of the star are given in the table, for every second degree of latitude, from 28 to 48 degrees, at variable intervals of sideral time, corres- ponding nearly to a uniform increase of azimuth, the successive differences being about 2 minutes, so that the intermediate minutes can be easily interpo- lated, and the course obtained at least with as much accuracy as it can be read by the needle, from any portable transit instrument. The table is calculated for the mean polar distance of the star in the year 1860, and as its declination is increasing at the rate of about 19" annually, the azimuths will diminish about 4' in 10 years, and should, therefore, be re-calculated at intervals of about 3 years, or what would be still preferable, given annually, in some oJ the Nautical Almanacs. In taking the observation, the transit must be well adjusted and properly set, with its two plates clamped together at zero ; the star must then be bi- sected by the vertical hair of the telescope, and the time of observation as well as the bearing of the needle, noted down. The time should be taken by a good watch, well regulated, especially when the star is near the meridian, and converted from civil to astronomical time, the former being always reck- oned 12 hours in advance of the latter. With these data and the Apparent Right Ascension of Polaris, or the sideral time of its culmination, which is given for every day in the year, on pages 366-8, of the English Nautical Al- manac, for the meridian of Greenwich, and may be taken without any sensi- ble error for any other meridian, the sideral time of the star from the merid- ian of any place can be ascertained, and the corresponding azimuth found in the table. Then the sum of the bearing of the needle and the azimuth of the star, when they are both east or both west, or their difference, when one is east and the other west, will be the variation. PROBLEMS AND EXAMPLES. 1. Given the civil time of day, to find the corresponding astronomical time. RULE. In the forenoon of the civil day, increase the hour of the day by 12 and diminish the day of the month by unity ; in the afternoon the hour of the day and the clay of the month are the same as in the civil reckoning. When it is 35m past 3 o'clock A. M. January 2, civil time, what is the astro- nomical time ? Civil time Jan . 2 3 35 Correction j - ! -12 Astronomical time required Jan. 1 15 35 * The azimuth at the time of greatest elongation, is found by the proportion : As cos latitude : radius : : sin polar distance : sin azimuth ; and does not differ, sensi- bly, in any of the latitudes in the table, from the azimuth at 6 sideral hours from the meridian. 12 EXPLANATION AND USE ""^^'"^''^''^/^-^''"Vv^v-^X^'^-'-^/^^^/^/^v./'^/^x-v^^ 2. Given the astronomical time of day, to find the corresponding civil time. RULE. In the last 12 hours of the astronomical day, diminish the hour of the day by 12 and increase the day of the month by unity ; in the first 12 hours, the hour of the day and day of the month are the same as in the astro- nomical reckoning. When it is 15h 35m on January 1, astronomical time, what is the civil time? d. h. m. Astronomical time Jan. 1 15 35 Correction -,- 112 Civil time 2 3 35 3. Given the sideral time of day, to find the mean time of Polaris from the meridian. RULE. To the mean time at sideral noon, on the given day, add the mean interval corresponding to the sum of the given sideral time and the Right Ascension of the star. What is the mean time of the upper transit of Polaris, at San Francisco, January 1, 1860 ? h. m. s. Mean time at sideral noon, Jan. 1 5 16 18-75 Mean equivalent of S. T. -|- R. A 1 7 4849 Mean time of transit required 6 24 7-24 What is the mean time of the lower transit of Polaris, at San Francisco, January 1, 1860? h. m. s. Mean time at sideral noon, Jan. 1 5 16 18-75 Mean equivalent of S. T. -|- R. A 13 5 50-54 Mean time of transit required 18 22 9-29 4. Given the mean time of day, to find the sideral time of Polaris from the meridian.* RULE. To the sideral time at mean noon, on the given day, add the sideral interval corresponding to the given mean time, diminished by the Right As- cension of the star; and the result will be the sideral time required. What is the sideral time of Polaris from the meridian of San Francisco, January 1, 1860, at 9h 45m 15s, A. M. civil time ? h. m. s. Sideral time at mean noon, Dec. 31 18 38 52-73 Sideral equivalent of M. T. R. A , 20. 40 49-96 Sideral time required 15 19 42-69 What is the sideral time of Polaris from the meridian of San Francisco, January 1, 1860, at 9h 30m 30s P. M. civil time? h. m. s. Sideral time at mean noon, Jan. 1 18 42 49-29 Sideral equivalent of M. T. R. A 8 24 4-66 Sideral time required 3 6 53-95 * The sideral time from the meridian at the greatest elongation, is found by the proportion : As radius : tangent latitude : : tangent polar distance : cosine hour angle, and is, in this latitude, about 4 minutes less than 6 sideral hours. OF THE TABLES. 13 5. Given the mean time of observation and the bearing of the needle, to find the variation. RULE. Find in one of the right or left hand columns of the table, the side- ral time of the star from the meridian at the mean time of observation, and opposite to it, under the latitude of the place, will be found the azimuth, east or west, as indicated at the head of the column ; then the sum of the bearing of the needle and the azimuth, when they are both east or both west, or their difference, when one is east and the other west, will be the variation. At San Francisco on May 7, 1859, at 9h 16m P. M., the bearing of the needle was N. 16 15' E. Avhen the vertical hair of the transit instrument was on the North Star. Required the variation. h. m. s. Sideral time at mean noon 2 59 12 Sideral equivalent of M. T. R. A 8 9 48 Sideral time of star from meridian 11 9 Bearing of the needle N. 16 15' E. Azimuth from table 24 W. Variation 15 51 E. If the mean, instead of the apparent Right Ascension of Polaris,* converted once for all, from sideral into its equivalent interval in solar time, be used, and a memorandum of it taken, the Nautical Almanac may be dispensed with altogether in the field, and the operation somewhat simplified by adopting the following : RULE. Increase the time of day, shown by the watch, commencing, succes- sively, at 4, 10, 16, and 22 hours, by 1, 2, 3, or 4 minutes, respectively ; from this subtract the mean time at the preceding sideral noon, and the mean equivalent of the Right Ascension, and opposite to the remainder the azimuth will be found in the table. Tables VIH and IX. Table VIII is used for determining the difference of altitude between any two places, by means of the barometer, and is calculated by the Formula of La Place, as modified by later writers, in accordance with the results of more accurate observations. The original Formula, with the view of simplifying the operation, is separated into four distinct parts, which are given in so many simple Formulas at the bottom of the table. The successive steps of the computation, are as follows : * The mean Right Ascension of Polaris, for the year 1860, is Ih 8m 2'61s, the mean solar equivalent of which is Ih 7m 51 '46s, or Ih 8m, taking it to the nearest minute. It increases at the rate of about 19s annually, or a little less than a minute in three years. The apparent Right Ascension diminishes, annually, from the 1st of the year until about the 3d of April, when it becomes a minimum ; it then increases until about the 18th of October, when it becomes a maximum ; and then diminishes until the end of tbe year. It never varies from the mean Right Ascension more than about one minute, a quantity which can hardly affect the accuracy of any bearing taken by the magnetic needle. EXPLANATION AND USE 1. Observe the bights H and H/ of the barometers at the lower and upper (stations, find the numbers N and N' corresponding to them, from the first ^page of the table, subtract the latter from the former, and the difference will )be the first approximate altitude, D. ) 2. Observe the bights T and T' of the attached thermometers* at the lower ( and upper stations, subtract the latter from the former, multiply the differ- ( ence by 2-3409, and diminish or increase the approximate altitude D by the S product, according as it is positive or negative; f the result will be the second ; approximate altitude, C. / 3. Observe the bights t and t' of the detached thermometers at the lower C and upper stations, subtract 64 from their sum, multiply the difference by (the nine hundredth part of C, and increase or diminish the approximate alti- Stude C by the product, according as it is positive or negative; the result will ; be the third approximate altitude, B. ( 4. Opposite the approximate altitude B, in the right or left hand column of (the last page of the table, and respectively, under the latitude, elevation, and \hight of the barometer at the lower station, find the numbers L, E, and S ; S add E and S to the approximate altitude B, and increase or dimmish the sum /' by L, according as the latitude is less or greater than 45; and the result will f be the true difference of altitude between the two stations. EXAMPLES. ; Find the altitude of the mountain of Guanaxuato, in Mexico, in latitude S21 N, from the following observations made by Baron Huaiboldt: ( L. Sta. on bank of sea. U. Sta. on Guanaxnato. > Barometer H = 30-040 inches H' = 23-660 inches. ) Attached thermometer T = 77'5 T' = 70-3 S Detached thermometer t = 77*5 t' = 70-3 S Formula 1 gives for H = 30-046 inches N = 27649-7 feet. C " H' = 23-660 " N'= 21406-9 " First approximate altitude 62428 " ^ Formula 2 gives 2-3409 (77'5 70-3) = 2-3409 X 7 '2... = 16-9 " Second approximate altitude 6225-9 " < 6225-9 ? Form. 3 gives QQO (77-5 -j- 70-3 64) = 6-918 X 83-8 = -j- 579-7 " S Third approximate altitude 6805-6 " ) Formula 4 gives 13-3 -j- 19-3 -|- =326 " True altitude required 6838-2 ( When Gay Lussac made his celebrated balloon ascent in 1805, the following (observations were made, from which it is required to find the elevation of the ( balloon above Paris in latitude 49. ( L. Sta. at Paris. U. Sta. at baloon. < Barometer H = 30-145 inches H' = 12 945 inches. ( Attached thermometer T = 87'44 T' = 14-9 > Detached thermometer t = 87'4t t' = 14-9 S * The thermometer referred to, in every instance, in these tables, is Fahrenheit's. } t This correction is generally negative, because the temperature at the lower gen- ) erally exceeds that at the upper station. OF THE TABLES. 15 Formula 1 gives for H = 30145 inches N = 27735-6 feet. H' = 12-945 " N'= 5650-4 First approximate altitude 22085-2 " Form. 2 gives 2-3409 (87'44 14-9) = 2-3409 X 72'54.. = 169-9 Second approximate altitude 21915-3 " 21915-3 Fm. 3 gives (JUO (87-44 -|- 14-9 64)=24-35 X 38-34 = -|- 933-6 Third approximate altitude 228489 " Formula 4 gives 8-2 -[- 82-1 -|- = -|- 73-9 Elevation required 22922-8 " Table IX is designed for dispensing with the barometer, in the observations necessary for determining the altitude from the foregoing table, by substitut- ing the temperature of boiling water in its place, and is copied from the re- cent admirable Treatise on Practical Astronomy, by Professor Loomis. Table X. This table is used in ascertaining the amount of atmospheric refraction, for all altitudes, from the horizon to the zenith, according to Bessel's Formula, which is considered more accurate than any other. The requisite data are the apparent altitude and the hight of the barometer as well as that of the attached and detached thermometers, at the time of observation, from which the true refraction is obtained as follows : Find, from the table, the mean refraction corresponding to the apparent altitude; the factor B, corresponding to the hight of the barometer; and the factors T and T', corresponding to the hights of the attached and detached thermometers, respectively. Multiply these four numbers together, and the product will be the true refraction. EXAMPLES. Near Oroville, Dec. 26, 1857, the apparent meridian altitude of Polaris was observed to be 41 V 40", the barometer indicating 29-8 inches, the attached thermometer, 46, and the detached thermometer, 44 ; what is the refrac- tion? The table gives M X B X T X T' = 66-236" X 1-007 X -999 X 1-009 = 67-23" == 1' 7-2", the refraction. The observed apparent altitude of a star was 3 44' 40", the barometer indi- cated 30-162 inches, the attached and detached thermometers, 52-2 and 46-6, respectively. Required the refraction. The table gives M X B X T X T' =- 732-967" X 1-019 X -998 X 1-004 = 748-i56" -= 12' 28-4", the refraction. Table XI. This table gives the divergency of the Parallel of Latitude from the Prime Vertical,* or perpendicular to the meridian, on the spheroidal surface of the * The length of a degree of the Prime Vertical may be calculated by the Formula Dv = 5551-6748 18'6536 cos 2 I -\- '0940 cos 4 I ; in which Dv represents a degree of the Prime Vertical, in chains, and I the latitude. 16 EXPLANATION AND USE V^^^X^X^XVX^^X/^/N^V/X^^XX^-vX^X^X^v^^V/^^-V^^^X-VXX^X^^VX^ earth, at every second degree of latitude, from 28 to 48 degrees, for any num- ber of miles from 1 to 36; and is useful in running a parallel of latitude by fore and back sighting. EXAMPLE. If a line commenced on the parallel of 37 north latitude, be extended east or west, 27% miles, by fore and back sighting, what distance will its terminus be south of that parallel ? chains. The table giyes for 27 miles in latitude 37.. 5-52 " " 28 " " .. 5-94 The mean of which is 5'73 the dist'ce required. Tables XII and XIII. These tables show the relations of different standard lineal and superficial measures, and are useful in facilitating the reductions from one denomination to another. They are familiar to every person and require no explanation. APPKOXIMATE KULES CONVENIENT IN PRACTICE. I. FOR CORRECTING RANDOM LINES.* 1. Given the error of latitude or departure for any distance, to find the error of the course. RULE. Three-sevenths of the error of latitude or departure, per mile, in links, will be the error of the course, in minutes. EXAMPLE. What is the error of the course for an error of 210 links of latitude or de- parture, in 6 miles ? Here the error, per mile, is 35 links, three-sevenths of which is 15', the error required. 2. Given the error of the course, to find the corresponding error of latitude or departure for any distance. RULE. Seven-thirds of the error of the course, in minutes, will be the error of latitude or departure, per mile, in links. EXAMPLE. What is the error of latitude or departure, in 6 miles, for an error of 15' in the course ? ! Here seven-thirds of 15 is 35 links, the error per mile, or 210 links in 6 , miles, the error required. II. FOR RUNNING A PARALLEL OF LATITUDE.! > Given the distance run, east or west, on a great circle, to find the divergency 1 from the parallel of latitude. RULE. Multiply the square of the distance in miles, by the natural tangent } of the latitude, and the product will be the divergency, in links. ' * This approximation is true to the nearest minute for all angles up to 3 ; and to the 1 nearest quarter of a degree for all angles up to 11,%. t This approximation may be considered practically correct for any distance not exceeding 30 miles. OF THE TABLES. EXAMPLE. After running 6 miles, east or west, on the arc of a great circle, from lati- tude 38, what will be the meridional distance south of the parallel? Here we have '781 X 6 2 = 28 links, the divergency required. III. FOR FINDING THE DIAMETER OF A TREE. RULE. Annex a cipher to the number of links around the tree, and one- fourth of the result will be the diameter, in inches. EXAMPLE. What is the diameter of a tree whose circumference is 16 links? Here we have % of 160 = 40 inches, the diameter required. TRIGONOMETRICAL SERIES. A3 A5 AT ~ 2^3 ~'~ 2 3^5 ~~ 2-3-4-5-G-7 "'" A6 _, , A* . A* Ab . Cos A = 1 - - - -|- - -|- etc. 17A7 Ta A = A-,-f-|-!-| 3 2 -5-7 Cot A 21 Arc A = sin A -!- A A 3 ~~^ o3 ,. 7 O O out sin 3 A , 3 sin 5 A , 3-5 sin 7 A 2-3 _ _ 2-4-6-7 Arc A = tan A tan 3 A -]- tan 5 A tan 7 A -|- etc. 3 57 Tables A and B. Table A is an improved method of tabling the computation of areas. It requires 16 columns of the proper width, the first nine of which contain the numbers, courses, distances, northings, southings, eastings, westings, latitude corrections, and departure corrections, in the same order as the usual method. The 10th and 13th columns contain the corrected departures and corrected latitudes, with their proper signs, that is, the eastings and westings, as well as the northings and southings, must have contrary signs, it being wholly immaterial which of the courses are marked positive, provided those running in an opposite direction are marked negative. The llth and 12th columns contain the departure ordinates and latitude ordinates, or the rectangular distances of each successive, station from the meridian and parallel passing through the initial point of the survey. The 14th column contains the double meridian distances, or the sums of the two rectangular distances of the ex- ( tremities of each successive course from the meridian passing through the origin. The 15th and 16th columns contain the -|- areas and areas, or the double areas of the successive trapeziums into which the tract is divided, which are bounded, respectively, by the principal meridian, the successive courses, and their corresponding departure ordinates. The numbers, courses, and distances, are marked, run, and measured in the i 18 EXPLANATION AND USE OF THE TABLES. **~/^'^/~****/~ : **^^^^\^^ field. The northings, southings, eastings, and westings, are obtained from the courses and distances, by the Traverse Table. The latitude and departure corrections, arc obtained by distributing the errors in latitude and departure, in proportion to the corresponding distances, or in any other proportion which will be more likely to insure greater accuracy. The corrected depart- ures and latitudes are obtained from the northings, southings, eastings, and westings, by the proper application of their respective corrections. The first departure ordinate and latitude ordinate are the same as their corresponding departure and latitude, and each succeeding ordinate is found from that im- mediately preceding it, by adding or subtracting its corresponding departure or latitude, according as the signs are alike or unlike. The first double me- ridian distance is the same as its corresponding departure ordinate, and each succeeding double meridian distance is found from the preceding departure ordinate by adding or subtracting its corresponding departure ordinate, accor- ding as the signs are alike or unlike. The areas are obtained by multiplying each double meridian distance by its corresponding latitude and are -]- or , according as the signs are alike or unlike. Finally, the area of the survey is obtained by 'taking half the difference of the total positive and negative areas. The advantages of this method are obvious. The columns which are con- stantly used together, or of which one is derived from the other, are, for con- venience of reference as well as calculation, placed in juxtaposition. For in- stance, the departure and latitude ordinates, from which the survey is plotted are placed along side each other, while they are, at the same time, along side their corresponding departures and latitudes, from which they are de- duced. In the same manner, the double meridian distances and their cor- responding latitudes, from which the areas are computed, are also placed along side each other, and the confusion incident to looking continually from one side of the page to the other, is thus avoided. The tabling may be com- menced from any station of the survey, at pleasure, if the courses are taken around, in regular succession, to the place of beginning. The following tests of the accuracy of the calculations are very important, and a knowledge of them may save considerable time and trouble. The difference between the sum of the eastings and that of the westings, at every step of the calculation, must differ from the corresponding departure ordinate by the amount of the departure corrections, up to that point. In like man- ner, the difference between the sum of the northings and that of the south- ings, at every stage of the computation, must differ from the corresponding latitude ordinate, by the amount of the latitude corrections up to that point. The total amount of the latitude and departure corrections must be respect- ively equal to the errors in latitude and departure, and each of the last ordi- nates must always be nothing. The only portions of the work which do not check themselves, are the double meridian distances* and the areas, and these should, therefore, be reviewed; or, which would be preferable, calculated sep- arately, by two persons. Table B shows the relative positions of the principal lines of the United States Surveys, in California, and is useful for obtaining, approximately, the latitudes and longitudes of places in their vicinity. * The algebraic sum of the double meridian distances must always be twice that of the departure ordinates. TABLES A AND B. 19 o ^_, feStggSSSggss o III ocooo o CJCiCiCsCJOiClOCJCJOS >. CO O O iC O -O tw 31 --D to Cn ^ S'ioci-^ ^-^NirsioS '79 iO V35 --0 *. -1 ID I i O! O $ 00 CO , *4444 -3910 to >-> o co oo -~J a en *. 1 to i fej^SQOOCDCDODCQ 02^^52 -^ CD ' H- **^ CT* O^ bU CAS i-- CO 4^0 t 05 C* Ju | W - ' 01 c 1 M 1 i-^ to > ' tO--ICn OitO WlOOOOii I -"^ ^00 j-ito C5 bO ' I ' ' '. Cl to . ^,u. . M ' too S oocoo~J. . i i OllNDCiC^*G^C>D . CO tOOOi^O'-OOG"^ O> 1*1 i tsi rr. p ^ to tn SocjtSSSS o t p itfc O tO H-i tn 20 TABLE I . Length of a Degree of Latitude. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 chains. chains chains chains chains chains chains chains chains chains 5509-15 5509-9 5510.82 5511-6 5512-5 5513-4 5514-3 5515-2 5516-1 5517 ' 1 09-16. 09-99 10-83 11-69 12-5 13-4 14-3 15-2 16-1 17-1 09-17 10-00 10-84 11-70 12'5c 13-4 14-3 15-2 16-2 17-1 09-19 10-01 10-8b 11-72 12"5' 13-4 14-3 16-2 17-1 09-2( 10-03 10-87 11-73 12-6 13-50 14-4 15-3 16-2 17-1 09-21 10-04 10-89 11-75 12-62 13-o 14-4 15-3 16-2 09-23 10-06 10-90 11-76 12-64 13-5J 14-4 15-3 16-2 17-2 09-24 10-07 10-91 11-78 12-65 13-54 14-4 15-3 16*2 17-2 09-25 10-08 10-93 1179 12'6" 13-5e 14-4 15 '3 1C-3 17-2 09-27 10-10 10-94 11-81 12-68 13-5" 14-4 15-3 16-3 17-2 09-28 10-11 10-96 11-8L 1270 13-59 14-49 15-4 1C*3 17'2 09-30 10-13 10-97 11-83 12-71 13*60 14-51 15-4 16-3 17-2 09-31 10-14 10-99 11-85 1273 13*62 14-52 15-44 16-3 17-3 09-32 10-K 11-00 11-86 1274 13-63 14-54 15-45 16-3 17-3 09-34 1017 11-01 11-88 1276 13*65 14-55 15-4" 16-3 17-3 09-35 10-18 11-03 11-89 12-77 13*66 14-5- 15-48 16-4 17-3 09-36 10-19 11-04 11-91 1279 13*68 14-58 15-50 16-4 17-3 09-38 10-21 11-06 11-92 12-80 13-6-9 14'6( 15-51 16-4 17*3 09-39 10-22 1107 11*94 12-81 13*71 14-61 15-53 lb-4 17'3 09-41 10-24 11-09 11*95 12-83 1372 14-63 15-54 16-4 17-4 09-42 10-2f 11*10 11*96 12'84 1374 14-64 15-56 16-4 17*42 09-43 10-26 11*11 H'98 12*86 1375 14-66 15-5" 16-5 17*44 09-45 10-28 11-13 11*99 12'87 1377 14*6- 15-59 16-5 17-45 09-46 10-29 11-14 12*01 12-89 1378 14-69 15-6 16-5 17-47 09-47 10-31 1116 12*02 12'90 13-80 14-70 15-62 16-5 17-49 09-49 1032 11-17 12*04 12*92 13*81 14-72 15-64 16-5 17-50 09-50 10-33 11-19 12-05 12'93 13-83 1473 15-65 16-5 17-52 09-51 10-35 11-20 12-07 12-95 13-84 14*75 15-67 16-6 17-53 09-53 10-36 11-21 12-08 12'9( 13-86 14-76 15-68 16-6 17-55 09-54 10-38 11 '23 12-10 12-98 13*87 14-78 15-70 16-63 17-56 09-56 10-39 11-24 12*11 12-99 13-89 1479 15-71 16-64 17*58 09-57 10-41 11-26 12-12 13*01 13-90 14-81 15-73 16-66 17-60 09-58 10-42 11-27 1214 13-02 13*92 14-82 15-74 16-6" 17-61 09-60 10-44 11*29 12-15 13*04 13*93 14-84 1576 Ifi -69 17-63 09-61 1045 11-30 12-17 13*05 13-95 14-86 1577 16-70 17*64 09-63 10-46 11*31 12*18 13*07 13'96 14-87 1579 16-72 17*66 09-64 10-48 11-33 12*20 13-08 13-98 14-89 15-81 ie-74 17-67 09-65 10-49 11-34 12-21 13*10 13-99 14-90 15-82 16-75 17-69 09-67 10-50 11-36 12*22 13-11 14-01 14-92 15-84 16-77 17*71 09-68 10-52 11-37 12-24 13*13 14*02 14'93 15-85 16-78 1772 09-6P 10-53 11-39 12-26 13*14 14-04 14-95 15-87 16-80 1774 09-71 10-55 11-40 12-27 13*16 14-05 14-96 15-88 16-81 17*75 09-72 10-56 11-42 12-29 13-17 14-07 14-98 15-90 16-83 1777 09-74 10*57 11-43 12-30 13*18 14-08 14-99 15-91 16-84 1778 09-75 10-59 11-44 12-31 13-20 14-10 15-01 15-93 16-86 17'80 09-76 10-60 11-46 12-33 13*21 14-11 15-02 15-94 16-88 17*82 09-78 10*62 11-47 12-34 13*23 14-13 15-04 15-96 16-89 17-83 09-79 10*63 11-49 12-36 13*24 14-14 15-05 15-98 16-91 17-85 09-80 10*65 11-50 12-37 13*26 14-16 15-07 15-99 16-92 17-86 09-82 10-66 11-52 12-39 13*27 1417 15-08 16-01 16-94 17-88 09-83 10-67 11*53 12-40 13*29 14-19 15-10 16-02 16-95 17-89 09-85 10-69 11-54 12-42 13*30 14-20 15-11 16-04 16-97 17-91 09-86 1070 11-56 12-43 13-32 14-22 15-13 16-05 16-98 17-93 09-87 10-72 11-57 12-45 13-33 14-23 15-15 16-07 17-00 17*94 09-89 1073 11-59 12-46 13'35 14-25 15-16 16-08 17-02 ^7'P6 09-90 10-74 11*60 12-48 13-36 14-26 15-18 16-10 17-03 17-97 09-92 10-76 11-62 12-49 13-38 14-28 15-19 16-11 17-05 17*99 09-93 10-77 11-63 12-51 13-39 14-29 15-21 16-13 17-06 1800 09-94 1079 31-65 12-52 13-41 14-31 15-22 1615 17-08 18-02 09-96 10-80 11-66 12-53 1342 14-32 15-24 16-16 17-09 18-04 09-97 10-82 11-67 12-55 13-44 14-34 15-25 16-18 17-11 18-05 TABLE I. Length of a Degree of Latitude. J 39 40 41 42 X-' i ' Xv' 43 ^^ X-^ -N^ 44 x_/ x_/ x_/ 45 X^ X/ X/ 46 x_^ X/^v/ 47 X^ ^/^^/~ 48 chains. chains. chains. chains. chains. chains. chains. chains. chains chains. 5518'Oa 5519-00 5519-90 5520-92 5521 '88 5522-85 5523-81 5524-78 5525-75 552672 1 18-07 19-02 19-97 20-93 21-90 22-86 23-83 24-80 25-77 26-73 r 18-08 19-03 19-99 20-95 21-91 22-88 23-85 24-82 25-78 26-75 g 18-10 19-05 2000 20-96 21-93 22-89 23-86 2483 25-80 26-76 4 18-11 19-06 20-02 20-98 21-94 22-91 23-88 24-85 25-82 26-78 5 18-13 19-08 20-04 21-00 21-96 22-93 23-90 24-86 2583 26-80 6 18-15 19-10 20-05 21-01 21-98 22-94 23-91 24-88 25-85 26-81 7 18-16 19-11 20-07 21-03 21-99 22-96 23-93 24-90 25-86 26-83 8 18-18 19-13 20-08 21-04 22-01 22-98 23-94 2491 25-88 26-84 9 18-19 19-14 20-10 21-06 22-02 22-99 23-96 24-93 25-90 26-86 10 18-21 19-16 20-12 21-08 22-04 23-01 23-98 24-94 25-91 26-88 11 18-22 19-18 20-13 21-09 22-06 23-02 23-99 24-96 25-93 26-89 12 18-24 19-19 20-15 21-11 22-07 23-04 24-01 24-98 25-94 26-91 13 18-26 1921 20-16 21-12 22-09 23-06 24-02 24-99 25-96 26-92 14 18*27 19-22 20-18 21-14 22-11 23-07 24-04 25-01 25-98 26-94 15 18-29 19-24 20-20 21-16 22-12 23-09 24-06 25-03 25-99 26-96 16 18-30 19-25 20-21 21-17 22-14 23-10 24-07 25-04 26-01 26-97 17 18-32 19-27 20-23 21-19 22-15 23-12 24-09 25-06 26-02 26-99 18 18-34 19-29 20-24 21-20 22-17 23-14 24-11 25-07 26-04 27-00 19 18-35 19-30 20-26 21-22 22-19 23-15 24-12 25-09 26-06 27-02 20 18-37 19-32 20-28 21-24 22-20 23-17 24-14 25-11 26-07 27-04 21 18-38 19-33 20-29 21-25 22-22 23-19 24-15 25-12 26-09 27-05 22 18-40 19-35 20-31 21-27 22-23 23-20 24-17 25-14 26-10 27-07 23 18-41 19-37 20-32 21-29 22-25 2322 24-19 25-15 26-12 27-09 24 18-43 19-38 20-34 21-30 22-27 23-23 24-20 25-17 26-14 27-10 25 18-45 19-40 20-36 21-32 22-28 23-25 24-22 25-19 26-15 27-12 26 18-46 19-41 20-37 21-33 22-30 23-27 24-23 25-20 26-17 27-13 27 18-48 19-43 20-39 21-35 22-31 2328 24-25 25-22 26-19 27-15 28 18-.49 19-45 20-40 21-36 22-33 23-30 24-27 25-23 26-2C 27-17 29 18-51 19-46 20-42 21-38 2235 23-31 24-28 25-25 26-22 27-18 30 13-53 19-48 20-44 21-40 22-36 23-33 24-30 2527 26-23 27-20 31 18-54 19-49 20-45 21-41 22-38 23-35 24-32 25-28 26-25 27-21 32 18-56 1951 20-47 21-43 22-40 23-36 24-33 25-30 26-27 27-23 33 18-57 19-53 20-48 21-45 22-41 23-38 24-35 25-32 2d-28 27-25 34 18-59 19-54 20-50 21-46 2243 23-40 24-36 25-33 26-30 27-26 35 18-60 19-56 20-52 21-48 22-44 23-41 24-38 25-35 26-31 27-28 36 18-62 19-57 20-53 21-49 22-46 23-43 24-40 25-36 26-33 27-29 37 18-64 19-59 20-55 21-51 22-48 23-44 24-41 25-38 26-35 27-31 38 18-65 19-60 20-56 21-53 22-49 23-46 24-43 25-40 26-36 27-33 39 18-67 19-62 2058 21-54 22-51 23-48 24-44 25-41 26-38 27-34 40 18-68 19-64 20-60 21-56 22-52 23-49 24-46 25-43 26-39 27-36 41 18-70 19-65 20-61 21-57 22-54 23-51 24-48 2544 26-41 27-37 42 18-72 19-67 20-63 21-59 22-56 23-52 24-49 25-46 26-43 27-39 43 18-73 19-68 20-64 21-61 22-57 23-54 24-51 25-48 26-44 27-41 44 1875 19-70 20-66 21-62 22-59 23-56 24-52 25-49 26-46 27-42 45 18-76 19-72 20-68 21-64 22-60 23-57 24-54 25-51 26-47 27-44 46 18-78 19-73 20-69 21-65 22-62 23-59 24-56 25-52 26-49 27-45 47 18-79 19-75 20-71 21-67 22-64 23-60 24-57 2554 26-51 27-47 48 18-81 19-76 20-72 21-69 22-65 23-62 24-59 25-56 26-52 27-49 49 18-83 19-78 20-74 2170 22-67 23-64 2461 25-57 26-54 27-50 50 18-84 19-80 20-76 21-72 22-69 23-65 24-62 25-59 26-56 27-52 51 18-86 19-81 20-77 21-74 22-70 23-67 24-64 25-61 26-57 27-53 52 18-87 19-83 20-79 21-75 22-72 23-69 24-65 25-62 26-59 27.55 53 18-89 1984 20-80 21-77 22-73 23-70 24-67 25-64 26-60 27-57 ; 54 18-91 19-86 20-82 21-78 2275 23-72 24-69 25-65 26-62 27-58 t 55 18-92 19-88 20-84 21-80 22-77 23-73 24-70 25-67 26-64 27-60 1 56 18-94 19-89 20-85 21-82 22-78 23-75 24-72 25-69 26-65 27-61 1 57 18-95 19-91 20-87 21-83 22-80 23-77 24-73 25-70 26-67 27-63 i 58 18-97 19-92 . 20-88 21-85 22-81 23-78 24-75 25-72 26-68 27-65 I 59 18-98 19-94 20-80 21-86 22-83 23-80 24-77 25-73 26-70 27-66 i ( 60 19-00 19-96 20-92 21-88 22-85 23-81 24-78 25-75 26-72 27-68 t 22 TABLE II. Length of a Degree, of Longitude. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 t.'hains. chains. chains. chains. chains. chains. chains. chains. chain*. chains. 4843-17 4795-82 -174" 01 4696 '75 4645-00 4591-96 45:J7 -4n 1 1S1 -.-;(, 4424 -2< > 4365-68 42-40 95-02 46-19 95-90 44-19 91-06 36-53 80-61 23-33 64-69 41-02 94-22 45-36 95-05 43-32 90-16 35-61 79-67 22-36 63-70 40-84 93-42 44-53 9420 42-44 89-26 34-69 78-73 21-41! 62-72 40-06 92-61 43-71 93-35 41-57 88-37 33-77 77-78 20-4:; 61-73 39-28 91-81 42-88 92-50 40-69 87-47 32-84 76-84 19-46 60-74 38-5U 91-01 42-05 91-65 39-82 86-57 3192 75-89 18-49 59-75 37-72 90-20 41-22 90-80 38-94 85-67 31-00 74-95 17-53 58-76 30-94 89-40 40-39 89-94 38-06 84-77 30-08 74-00 16-56 57*77 3616 88-59 3956 89-09 37-19 83-87 29-15 73-05 15-59 56-77 35-38 87-79 38-73 88-24 36-31 82-97 28-23 72-11 14-62 55-78 34-00 8698 37-90 87-38 35-43 82-07 27-30 71 -Iti 13-65 54-79 33-82 86-18 37-07 86-53 34-55 81-17 26-38 70-21 12-68 53-80 33-04 85-37 36-24 85-67 33-68 80-26 25-46 69-26 11-71 52-81 32-26 84-56 35-41 84-82 32-80 79-36 24-53 68-32 10-74 51-81 31-47 83-76 34-58 83-96 31-92 78-46 23-60 67-37 09-77 50-82 '30-69 82-95 33-75 83-11 31-04 77-56 22-68 66-42 08-80 49-83 29-91 82-14 32-92 82-25 30-16 76-65 21-75 65-47 07-82 48-83 2>H2 81-33 32-08 81-40 29-28 75-75 20-83 64-52 06-85 47-84 28-34 80-52 31-25 80-54 28-40 74-85 19-90 63-57 05-88 46-84 27-55 79-71 30-42 79-68 27-52 73-94 18-97 62-02 04-91 45-85 26-77 78-9t 29-58 7882 26-64 73-04 18-04 61-67 03-93 44-85 25-98 78-09 28-75 77-97 25-75 72-13 17-11 60-72 02-96 43-85 25-20 77-28 27-92 77-11 2487 71-23 16-19 59-77 01-98 42-86 24-41 76-47 27-08 76-25 23-99 70-32 15-26 58-81 01-01 41-86 23-62 75-66 26-25 75-39 23-11 6941 14-33 57-86 00-04 4086 22-83 74-85 25-41 74-53 22.22 68-51 13-40 56-91 4399-06 39-87 22-05 7404 2*-57 73-67 21-54 67-60 12-47 5596 98-08 38-87 21-26 73-22 23-74 72-81 20--I5 66-69 11-54 55-00 97-11 37-87 20-47 72-41 22-90 71-95 19-57 65-78 10-61 54-05 96-13 36-87 19-68 71-60 22-06 71-09 18-69 64-88 09-67 53-09 95-16 35-87 18-89 70-78 21-22 70-22 17-80 63-97 08-74 52-14 94-18 34-87 18-10 69-97 20-39 69-36 16-91 63-06 07-81 51-19 93-20 33-87 17-31 69-16 19-55 68-50 16-03 6215 06-88 50-23 92-22 32-87 16-52 68-34 18-71 67-64 15-14 61-24 05-94 49-27 91-25 31-87 15-73 6753 17-87 66-77 14-26 60-33 05-01 48-32 90-27 30-87 14-94 66-71 17-03 65-91 13-37 59-42 04-08 47-36 89-29 29-87 14-15 65-89 16-19 65-05 1248 58-51 03-14 46-41 88-31 28-87 13-35 65-08 15-35 64-18 11-59 57-60 02-21 45-45 87-33 27-87 12-56 64-26 14-51 63-32 10-70 56-68 01-28 44-49 86-35 26-87 11-77 63-44 13-67 62-45 09-81 55-77 00-34 43-53 85-37 25-86 10-98 82-62 12-82 61-59 08-93 54-86 1499-40 42-57 84-39 24-86 10-18 61-81 11-98 60-72 08-04 53-95 98-47 41-62 83-41 23-86 09-39 60-99 11-14 59-85 07-15 53-03 97-53 40-66 82-42 22-85 08-59 60-17 10-30 58-99 06-26 52-12 96-59 39-70 81-44 21-85 07-80 5935 0945 58-12 05-36 51-21 95-66 38-74 80-46 20-85 07-00 58-53 08-61 57-25 04-47 50-29 94-72 37-78 7948 19-84 06-21 57-71 07-76 56-38 03-58 41-38 93-78 36-82 78-41) 18-84 05-41 56-89 0692 55-51 02-69 48-46 92-84 35-86 77-51 17-83 04-61 56-07 06-07 54-65 01-80 47-55 91-91 34-89 70-5:; 16-81 0382 55-25 05-23 53-78 00-90 46-63 90-97 33-93 75-54 15-82 03-02 54-43 04-38 5291 00-01 4571 90-03 3297 74-56 14-81 02-22 53-60 03-54 52-04 4599-12 44-80 89-09 32-01 73-57 13-80; 01-42 52-78 02-69 51-17 98-22 43-88 88-15 31-04 72-;')!) 12-80 00-62 51-96 01-84 5030 97-33 42-96 87-21 30-08 71-60 11-79 4799.82 f)l-l'j 01-00 49-42 96-44 42-04 86-27 29-12 70-62 10-78 9902 50-31 00-15 48-55 95-54 41-13 85-32 28-15 69-63 09-77 98-22 49-49 4699.30 47-68 94-64 40-21 84-38 27-1!) 68-64 08-76 97-42 48-66 98-45 46-81 93-75 39-29 83-44 26-22 67-60 07-75 96-62 47-84 97-60 45-94 92-85 38-37 82-50 25-26 66-67 06-74 95-82 47-01 96-75 4506 91-96 37-45 81-56 24-29 65 68 05-73 TABLE II. Length of a Degree of Longitude. 23 I 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 chains. chains. chains. chains. cliaius. chains. chains. chains. chains. chains. 4305-73 4244-47 4181-91 4118-06 4052'% 3986-62 3919-05 3850.28 3780-33 3709-22 1 04-72 43-44 80-85 16-99 51-87 85-50 17*91 49-12 79-15 08-03 2 03-71 42-41 79-80 15-91 50-77 84-38 1678 47-97 77-98 06-83 3 02-70 41-37 78-75 14-84 49-67 83-27 15-64 46-81 76-80 05-63 4 01-19 40-34 77*69 13-76 48-58 82-15 14-50 45-65 75-63 04-44 5 00-6S 39-31 76-64 12-69 47-48 81-03 13-36 44-50 74-45 03-24 6 4299-67 38-^7 75-58 11-61 46-38 79-91 12-23 43-34 73-27 0205 7 98-65 37-24 74-52 10-53 45-28 78-79 11-09 42-18 72-09 00-85 8 97-64 36-20 73-47 09-46 44-19 77'68 09-95 41-02 70-92 3699-65 9 96-63 35-17 72-41 08-38 43-09 76-56 08-81 39-86 69-74 98-46 10 95-61 34-13 71-36 07-30 41-99 75-44 07-67 3870 68-56 97-26 11 94-60 33-10 70-30 06-22 40-89 74-32 06-53 37-54 67-38 96-06 12 93-59 32-06 69-24 05-14 39-79 73-20 05-39 36-38 66-20 9486 13 92-57 31-02 68-18 04-07 38-69 72-08 04-25 35-22 65-02 93-66 ?14 91-56 29-99 67'12 02-99 37-59 70-96 03-11 34-06 63-84 92-46 (15 90-54 2895 66-07 01-91 36-49 C9-84 01-97 32-90 62-66 91-26 ?16 89-52 27-91 65-01 00-83 35-39 68-72 00-83 31-74 61-48 90-06 (11 ss-.-)i 28-87 63-95 4099-75 34-29 67-59 3899-69 30-58 60-30 88-86 />18 87-49 25-84 62-89 98-67 33-19 66-47 98-54 29-42 59-12 87-66 )19 86-48 24-80 61-83 97-58 32-09 65-35 97-40 28-26 57-94 86-46 )20 85-41 23-76 6077 96-50 30-98 64-23 96-26 27-09 56-76 85-26 S21 84-44 22-72 59-71 95-42 29'88 63-11 95-12 25-93 55-57 84-06 22 83-42 21-68 58-65 94-34 2878 61-98 93-97 2477 54-39 82-86 23 82-40 20-64 57-58 93-26 27 '67 60-86 92-83 23-60 53-21 81-66 24 81-39 19-60 56-52 92-17 26-57 59-73 91-68 22-44 52-02 80-46 25 80-37 18-56 55*46 91-09 25-47 58-61 90-54 21-28 50-84 79-25 26 79-35 17-52 54-40 90'01 24-36 57-49 89-40 20-11 49-66 78-05 27 78-33 16-48 53*44 S8'92 23-26 56-36 88-25 18-95 48-47 76-85 28 77-31 15-43 52*27 87'84 22-15 55-24 87-11 1778 47-29 75-64 29 76-29 14-39 51-21 8675 21-05 54-11 85-96 16-62 46-10 74-44 30 75-27 13-35 5014 85*67 19-94 52-98 84-81 15-45 44-92 73-24 31 74-24 12-31 49-08 84'58 18-84 51-86 83-67 14-29 4373 72-03 32 73-22 11-26 48-02 83-50 1773 5073 82-52 13-12 42-55 70-83 33 72-20 10-22 46-95 82-41 16-62 49-60 81-37 11-95 41-3*3 69-62 34 71-18 09-18 45-89 81-33 15*52 48-4S 80-23 1079 4018 68-42 >35 70-16 08-13 44-82 80-24 14-41 47-35 79-08 09-62 38-99 67-21 >36 69-13 07-09 43-75 79-15 13-30 46-22 77-93 08-45 37-80 66-01 >37 68-11 06-04 42-69 78-07 1219 45-09 76-78 07 -28 36-62 64-80 )38 67-09 05-00 41-62 76-98 11-09 43-96 75-63 06-11 b5-43 63-59 >89 66-06 03-95 40-55 75-89 09-98 42-83 74-48 04-95 34-24 62-39 <40 65-04 02-90 39-49 74-80 08'87 41-71 73-34 0378 33-05 61-18 <41 64-01 01-86 38-42 73-71 0776 40-58 72-19 02-61 31-8R 59-97 42 62-99 00-81 37-35 72-62 06-65 39-45 71-04 01-44 30-67 58-76 43 61-96 4199.76 36-28 71-53 05-54 38-32 69-89 00-27 29-48 57-56 44 60-93 98-72 35-21 70-44 04-43 37-18 6874 3799-10 28-30 56-35 45 59-91 97-67 34-14 C9-35 03-32 36-05 67-58 97-93 2711 55-14 46 58-88 96-62 33-08 68-26 02-21 34-92 66-43 9676 25-92 53-93 47 57-85 95-57 32-01 6717 01-10 3379 65-28 95-59 2473 52-72 48 56-83 94-52 30-93 66-08 3999-98 32-66 64-13 94-41 23-53 51-51 41 55-80 93-47 29-86 64-99 98-87 31-53 62-98 93-24 22-34 50-30 50 54-77 92-42 28-79 63-90 9776 30-39 61-82 92-07 2115 49-09 51 53-74 91-37 27-72 62-81 96-65 29-26 60-67 90-90 39-96 47-88 52 52-71 90'32 26-65 61-71 95-53 28-13 59-52 8972 1877 46-67 53 51-68 89-27 25-58 60-62 94-42 26-99 58-36 8855 17-58 45-46 54 50-66 88-22 24-51 59-53 93-31 25-86 57-21 87-38 16-38 44-25 55 49-63 87-17 23-43 58-43 92-19 2473 56-06 86-20 15-19 43-03 50 48-59 86-12 22-36 57-34 91-08 23-59 54-90 85-03 14-00 41-82 S57 47-56 85-07 21-29 56-25 89-96 22-46 5375 83-86 12-80 40-61 S58 46-53 84-02 2021 55-15 88-85 21-32 52-59 .82-68 11-61 39-40 <59 45-50 82-96 19-14 54-06 8773 20-19 51-44 81-51 10-41 38-18 ^X ^S Time. ^s v^ ^s Arc. \-^ \-^ \*s ^^ Time. ^-s ^~s^s Arc. ^S^r^-S^-' Time. r ^-/^*S^^' Arc. ^*s^s^s^. Time. s~^S^~s^- Arc. s^-s^s^s^ Time. // s. / m. s. h. m. h. m. o h. m. 1 0-07 1 4 1 4 61 4 4 121 8 4 2 0-13 2 8 2 8 62 4 8 122 8 8 3 0-20 3 12 8 12 63 4 12 123 8 12 4 0-27 4 16 4 16 64 4 16 124 8 16 5 0-33 5 20 5 20 65 4 20 125 8 20 6 0-40 6 24 6 24 66 4 24 126 S 24 7 0-47 7 28 7 28 67 4 28 127 8 28 S 0-53 8 32 8 32 68 4 32 128 8 32 9 0-60 9 36 9 36 69 4 36 129 8 36 10 0-67 10 40 10 40 70 4 40 130 8 40 11 0-73 11 44 11 44 71 4 44 131 8 44 12 0-8'J 12 48 12 48 72 4 48 132 8 48 13 0-87 13 52 13 52 73 4 52 133 8 52 14 0-93 14 56 14 56 74 4 56 134 8 56 15 1-00 15 1 15 1 75 5 135 9 16 1-07 16 1 4 16 1 4 76 5 4 136 9 4 17 1-13 17 1 8 17 1 8. 77 5 8 137 9 8 18 1-20 18 1 12 18 1 12 78 5 12 138 9 12 19 1-27 19 1 16 19 1 16 79 5 16 139 9 16 20 1-33 20 1 20 20 1 20 80 5 2d 140 9 20 21 1-40 21 1 24 21 1 24 81 5 24 141 9 24 22 1-47 22 1 28 22 1 28 82 5 28 142 9 28 23 1-53 23 1 32 23 1 32 83 5 32 143 9 32 24 1-60 24 1 36 24 1 36 84 5 36 144 9 36 25 1-67 25 1 40 25 1 40 85 5 40 145 9 40 26 1-73 26 1 44 26 1 44 86 5 44 146 9 44 27 1-80 27 1 48 27 1 48 87 5 48 147 9 48 28 1-87 28 1 52 28 1 52 88 5 52 148 9 52 29 1-93 29 1 56 29 1 56 89 5 56 149 9 56 30 2-00 30 2 30 2 90 6 150 10 31 2-07 31 2 4 31 2 4 91 6 4 151 10 4 32 2-13 32 2 8 32 2 8 92 6 8 152 10 8 33 2-20 33 2 12 33 2 12 93 6 12 153 10 12 34 2-27 34 2 16 34 2 16 94 6 16 154 10 16 35 2-33 35 2 20 35 2 20 95 6 20 155 10 20 36 2'40 36 2 24 36 2 24 96 6 24 156 10 24 37 2-47 37 2 28 37 2 28 97 6 28 157 10 28 38 2-53 38 2 32 38 2 32 9S 6 32 158 10 32 39 2-60 39 2 36 39 2 36 99 6 36 159 10 36 40 2-67 40 2 40 40 2 40 100 6 40 160 10 40 41 2'73 41 2 44 41 2 44 101 6 44 161 10 44 42 2-80 42 2 48 42 2 48 102 6 48 162 10 48 43 2-87 43 2 52 43 2 52 103 6 52 163 10 52 44 2-93 44 2 56 44 2 56 104 6 56 164 10 56 45 3'00 45 3 45 3 105 7 165 11 46 3-07 46 3 4 46 3 4 106 7 4 166 11 4 47 3-13 47 3 8 47 3 8 107 7 8 167 11 8 48 8-20 48 3 12 48 3 12 108 7 12 168 11 12 49 8-27 49 8 16 49 3 16 109 7 16 169 11 jL6 50 3-33 50 3 20 50 8 20 110 7 20 170 11 ^0 51 3-40 51 3 24 51 3 24 111 7 24 171 11 24 52 3-47 52 8 28 52 3 28 112 7 -28 172 11 28 53 3-53 53 3 32 53 8 32 113 7 32 173 11 32 54 3-60 54 3 36 54 3 36 114 7 36 174 11 36 55 3-67 55 8 40 55 3 40 115 7 40 175 11 40 56 3-73 56 3 44 56 3 44 116 7 44 176 11 44 57 3-80 57 3 48 57 3 48 117 7 48 177 11 48 58 3-87 58 8 52 58 3 52 118 7 52 178 11 52 59 3 93 59 8 56 59 3 56 119 7 56 179 11 56 60 4-00 60 4 60 4 120 8 180 12 TABLE IV. Sideral Time in Equivalents of Arc. 25 Time. Arc. Time. Arc. Time. Arc. Time. Arc. s. it s. / // m. s. o / // h. m. o / '01 0-15 0-61 9-15 22 5 30 23 5 45 02 0-30 62 9-30 23 5 45 24 6 03 0-45 63 9-45 24 6 25 6 15 ) 04 0-60 64 9-60 25 6 15 26 6 30 S 05 0-75 65 9-75 26 6- 30 27 6 45 06 0-90 66 9-90 27 6 45 28 7 07 1-05 67 10-05 28 7 29 7 15 -08 1-20 68 10-20 29 7 15 30 7 30 09 1-35 69 10-35 30 7 30 31 7 45 10 1-50 70 10-50 31 7 45 32 8 o) 11 1-65 71 10-65 32 8 33 8 15) 12 1-80 72 10-80 33 8 15 34 8 30 13 1-95 73 10-95 34 8 30 35 8 45 14 2-10 74 11-10 35 8 45 36 9 15 2-25 75 11-25 36 9 37 9 15 16 2-40 76 11-40 37 9 15 38 9 30 17 2-55 77 11-55 38 9 30 39 9 45 '18 2-70 78 11-70 39 9 45 40 10 19 2-85 79 11-85 40 10 41 10 15 20 3-00 80 12-00 41 10 15 42 10 30 21 3-15 81 12-15 42 10 30 43 10 45 22 3-30 82 12-30 43 10 45 44 11 23 3-45 83 12-45 44 11 45 11 15 24 3-60 84 12-60 45 11 15 46 11 30 25 3-75 85 12-75 46 11 30 47 11 45 < 26 3 -90 86 12-90 47 11 45 48 12 OC 27 4-05 87 13-05 48 12 49 12 15 28 4-20 88 13-20 49 12 15 50 12 30 29 4 35 89 1335 50 12 30 51 12 45 30 4-50 90 13-50 51 12 45 52 13 31 4-65 91 13-65 52 13 53 13 15 32 4 80 92 13-80 53 13 15 54 13 30 33 4-95 >93 13-95 54 13 30 55 13 45 34 5-10 94 14-10 55 13 45 56 14 35 5-25 95 14-25 56 14 57 14 15 36 5-40 96 14-40 57 14 15 58 14 30 '37 5-55 97 14-55 58 14 30 59 14 45 38 5-70 98 14-70 59 14 45 1 15 39 5-85 99 14-85 1 15 2 30 40 6-00 1 15 2 30 3 45 41 6-15 2 SO a 45 4 60 42 6-30 3 45 4 1 5 75 43 6-45 4 1 5 1 15 6 90 -44 6-60 5 1 15 6 1 30 7 105 45 6-75 6 1 30 7 1 45 8 120 -46 6-90 7 1 45 8 2 9 135 47 7-05 8 2 9 2 15 10 150 48 7-20 9 2 15 10 2 30 11 165 49 7-35 10 2 30 11 2 45 12 180 50 7-50 11 2 45 12 3 13 195 51 7-65 12 3 13 3 15 14 210 52 7-80 13 3 15 14 3 30 15 225 53 7-95 14 3 30 15 3 45 16 240 54 8-10 15 3 45 16 4 17 255 55 8-25 16 4 17 4 15 18 270 56 8-40 17 4 15 18 4 30 19 285 57 8-55 1 18 4 30 19 4 45 20 300 58 8-70 19 4 45 20 5 21 315 59 8-85 20 5 21 5 15 22 330 60 9-00 21 5 15 22 5 30 23 345 26 T A B L E V . Mean Solar Time in Equivalent Intervals of Sideral Time. Sol. T. Sid. T. Sol. T. Sid. T. Sol. T. Sid. Time. Sol. T. 1 Sid. Time. ) s. s. 8. s. m. s. m. s. h. m. h. m. s 01 010 61 612 22 22-060 23 23 3-778 02 020 62 622 23 23-063 24 24 3-943 03 030 63 632 24 24-066 25 25 4-107 04 040 64 642 25 25-068 26 26 4-271 05 050 -65 652 26 26-071 27 27 4-435 06 060 -66 662 27 27-074 28 28 4-600 07 070 '67 672 28 28-077 29 29 4-764 08 080 | -68 6S2 29 29-079 30 30 4-928 09 090 I -69 692 30 30-082 31 31 5-093 10 100 i -70 702 31 31-085 32 32 5-257 11 110 ! 71 712 32 32-088 33 33 5 421 12 120 72 722 33 33-090 34 34 5-585 13 130 | -73 732 34 34-093 35 35 5-750 14 140 ! -74 742 35 35 -d96 36 36 5-914 15 150 75 752 36 36-099 37 37 6-078 16 160 76 762 37 37-101 38 38 6-242 IT 170 77 772 38 38-104 39 39 6-407 18 ISO 78 782 39 39-107 40 40 6 571 19 191 i 79 792 40 40-110 41 41 6-735 20 201 i 80 802 41 41-112 42 42 6-900 21 211 : 81 812 42 42-115 43 43 7-064 22 221 82 822 43 43-118 44 44 7-228 23 231 83 832 44 44-120 45 45 7-392 24 241 84 842 45 45-123 46 46 7-557 25 251 85 852 46 46-126 47 47 7-721 26 261 86 862 47 47-129 48 48 7 885 27 271 87 872 48 48-131 49 49 8-049 28 281 88 882 49 49-134 50 50 8-214 29 291 89 892 50 50-137 51 51 8-378 30 301 90 902 51 51-140 52 52 8 542 31 311 ! 91 912 52 52-142 53 53 8-707 32 321 -92 923 53 53-145 54 54 8-871 33 331 -93 933 54 54-148 55 55 9-035 34 341 ; -94 943 55 55-151 56 56 9-199 35 351 95 953 56 56-153 57 57 9-364 36 361 -96 963 57 57 156 58 58 9-528 3T 371 97 973 58 58-159 59 59 9-692 38 381 98 983 59 59-162 1 1 9-856 39 391 99 993 1 1 0-164 2 2 19-713 40 401 1 1-003 2 2 0-329 3 2 29-569 41 411 2 2-005 3 3 0-493 4 4 39-426 42 421 3 3-008 4 4 0-657 5 5 49-282 43 431 4 4-011 5 5 0-821 6 6 59-139 44 441 5 5-014 6 6 0-986 7 7 1 8-995 45 451 6 6-016 7 7 1-150 8 8 1 18 852 46 461 7 7-019 8 8 1-314 9 9 1 28-708 47 471 8 8-022 9 9 1-478 10 10 1 38 565 48 481 9 9-025 10 10 1-643 11 11 1 48-421 49 491 10 10-027 11 11 1-807 12 12 1 58-278 50 5()1 11 11-030 ' 12 12 1-971 13 13 2 8-134 51 511 12 12-033 13 13 2-136 14 14 2 17-991 52 521 13 13-036 14 14 2-300 15 15 2 27-847 53 531 14 14-038 15 15 2-464 16 16 2 37-7(14 54 541 15 15-041 16 16 2-628 17 17 2 47-560 55 552 16 16-044 17 17 2-793 IS 18 2 57-417 56 562 17 17-047 18 18 2-957 19 19 3 7-273 5T 572 18 18-049 19 19 3-121 20 20 3 17-129 58 582 19 19-052 20 20 3-285 21 21 3 26-9S6 59 592 20 20-055 21 21 3-450 22 22 3 36-842 60 602 21 21-057 22 22 3-614 28 23 3 46-699 TABLE VI. Sideral Time in Equivalent Intervals of Mean Solar Time. Sid. T Sol. T. Sid. T. Sol. T. Sid. T. Solar Time. Sid. T. Sol. Time. s. R. s. s. in. s. m. s. h. m. h. m. s. ( 01 Q10 61 60S 22 21-940 23 22 56-232 02 620 62 618 23 22-937 24 23 56-068 03 030 63 628 24 23-934 25 24 55-904 04 ">4n 64 638 25 24-932 26 25 55-741 05 -050 65 648 26 25-929 27 26 55-577 06 oao 66 658 27 26-926 28 27 55-413 ( 07 070 67 668 28 27-924 29 28 55-249 ( 08 080 68 678 29 23-921 30 29 55- 185 < 09 090 69 688 30 29-918 31 30 54-921 ( 10 100 70 698 31 30-915 32 31 54- 758 ( 11 no 71 708 32 31 913 33 32 54- 594 ( 12 120 72 718 33 32-910 34 33 54-430 ( 13 330 73 728 34 33-907 85 34 54-266) 14 140 74 738 35 34-9U4 SO 35 54-102; 15 150 75 748 36 35-902 37 36 53-938) 16 160 76 758 37 36-899 83 37 53-775^ 17 -170 77 768 38 37-896 39 38 53- 611 < IS 180 78 778 39 38-894 40 39 53- 447 ( 19 189 79 783 40 39-891 41 40 53- 283 ( 20 199 80 798 41 40-833 42 41 53- 119 P -21 2U9 81 808 42 41-885 43 42 52-955 22 219 82 818 43 42-883 44 43 52-792 -23 2*9 83 828 44 43-880 45 44 52-623 24 239 i 84 838 45 44-877 46 45 52-464 25 249 ; 85 848 46 45-874 47 46 52 300 26 259 86 858 47 46-872 48 47 52-136 27 269 87 863 48 47-869 49 48 51-973 98 279 i 88 878 49 43-866 50 49 51-8(19 29 289 89 888 50 49-863 51 50 51-645 30 299 90 898 51 50-861 52 51 51-481 31 309 91 908 52 51-858 53 52 51-317 32 319 92 917 53 52-855 54 53 51-153 33 329 93 927 54 53-853 55 54 50-990 34 339 94 937 55 54-850 56 55 50-826 35 349 95 947 56 55-847 57 56 50-662 36 -359 i 96 957 57 56-844 58 57 50-498 37 369 97 967 58 57-842 59 58 50-334 38 379 ! 98 977 59 58-839 1 59 50-170 39 389 ! '99 987 1 59-836 2 1 59 40-341 40 399 997 2 1 59-672 3 2 59 30-511 41 409 2 1-995 3 2 59-509 4 3 59 20-682 42 419 3 2-992 4 3 59-345 5 459 10-852) 43 429 4 3-989 5 4 59-181 6 559 1-023) 44 439 5 4-986 6 5 59-017 7 6 58 51-198) 45 449 6 5-934 i 7 6 58 853 8 7 58 41-364 S 46 459 7 6 931 ! 8 7 58-639 9 8 53 31 -534s 47 469 8 7-978 J 9 8 58-526 10 9 58 21-704 ( 48 479 9 8-975 ! 10 9 58-362 11 10 58 11- 875 ( ) '49 489 10 9-973 i 11 10 53-193 12 11 58 2-045 / ) '50 499 11 10-970 12 11 58-034 13 12 57 52-216^ ) -51 509 12 11-967 13 12 57-870 14 13 57 42-386) S -52 519 13 12-965 14 13 57-706 15 1457 32-557) 53 529 14 13-962 : 15 14 57-543 16 15 57 22-727) 54 539 15 14-959 ; 16 15 57-379 17 16 57 12-897) 55 548 16 15-956 17 16 57-215 18 1757 3-068S 56 558 17 16-954 j 18 17 57-051 19 18 56 53- 238 ( 57 568 18 17-951 19 18 56-887 20 19 56 48-409 S 58 578 19 18-943 20 19 56-723 21 20 56 33- 579 < 59 588 20 19-945 ; 21 20 56-560 22 21 56 23-750' 60 598 21 20-943 ; 22 21 56-396 23 22 56 13 920 ( TABLE V 1 1 . Azimuths of Polaris, S Sideral < Time. Latitudes. Sideral ( Time. ( West, 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 East. C h. m. 4 n ^ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ^ / 2 O 1 2 o / 2 / 2 h. m. 23 56 U o 12' 5 : 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 23 52 23 43 16 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 23 44 20 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 23 4-0 24 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 14 23 36 28 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 16 16 23 32 32 14 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 23 28 36 15 16 16 17 17 17 18 19 19 20 21 23 24 40 17 18 18 18 19 19 20 21 21 22 23 23 20 44 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 23 23 24 25 1 1 23 16 48 21 21 21 22 23 23 24 25 25 26 28 23 12 52 22 23 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 23 8 56 24 24 25 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 23 4 1 26 26 27 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 23 1 5 28 28 29 30 31 31 32 33 34 36 37 22 55 1 10 30 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 40 22 50 1 15 32 32 33 34 35 36 37- 38 39 41 4:; 22 45 1 20 34 35 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 44 45 22 40 1 25 36 3T 37 38 39 40 42 43 44 46 48 22 35 1 30 38 39 39 40 41 43 44 45 47 49 51 22 30 > 1 35 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 48 49 51 53 22 25 1 40 42 43 44 45 46 m 49 50 52 54 56 22 20 I 45 44 45 46 47 48 49 51 52 54 56 58 22 15 1 50 46 47 48 49 50 51 53 55 57 9 1 1 22 10 1 55 48 49 50 51 52 54 55 57 59 1 1 4 22 5 2 49 56' 52 53 54 56 57 59 1 1 4 6 22 2 5 51 52 53 55 56 58 59 1 1 3 6 8 21 55 2 10 53 54 55 57 58 1 I 2 4 6 8 11 21 50 2 15 55 56 57 59 1 2 4 6 8 10 13 21 45 2 20 57 58 59 1 1 2 4 6 8 10 13 16 21 40 2 25 58 1 1 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 15 18 21 35 2 30 1 1 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 17 20 21 30 2 35 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 19 22, 21 25 2 40 3 5 6 8 9 11 14 16 18 21 25 21 20 2 45 5 6 8 9 11 13 15 18 20 23 27 21 1 2 50 7 8 10 11 13 15 17 20 22 26 29 21 30 2 55 8 10 11 13 15 17 19 22 24 27 31 21 5 3 10 11 13 14 16 18 21 23 26 29 33 21 3 6 n 13 15 16 18 20 23 25 28 32 35 20 54 3 12 13 15 16 18 20 22 25 28 31 34 38 20 48 3 18 15 16 18 20 22 24 27 30 33 36 40 20 42 3 24 16 18 20 22 24 26 29 31 35 38 42 20 36 3 30 18 20 21 23 26 28 30 33 37 40 44 20 30 3 37 20 21 23 25 27 30 32 35 39 42 46 20 23 3 44 22 23 25 27 29 32 34 37 41 44 49 20 16 3 61 23 25 27 29 31 34 36 39 43 46 51 20 9 4 25 27 29 31 33 36 38 42 45 49 53 20 4 10 27 29 31 33 35 38 41 44 47 51 56 19 50 4 20 29 31 33 35 37 40 43 46 50 54 58 19 40 4 30 31 32 34 37 39 42 45 48 52 56 2 19 30 4 45 33 35 37 39 42 44 47 51 54 59 3 19 15 5 35 37 39 41 43 46 49 53 56 2 1 5 19 S 5 20 36 38 40 43 45 48 51 55 58 3 7 18 40 ( 6 38 40 42 44 47 50 53 56 2 4 9 18 the mean time of observation, diminished by the right ascension of Polaris, and the ) remainder will be the sideral time of the star from the meridian. ^ TABLE VII. Azimuths of Polaris, 29 Sideral Latitudes. Sideral < Time. Time. West. 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 East. h. m. o / / o / / o / o / o / o / o / o / / h. m. ) 11 56 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 12 4 11 43 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 12 12 11 44 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 12 16 11 40 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 20 11 36 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 12 24 11 32 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 H 14 15 15 12 28 11 28 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 17 17 12 32 11 24 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 20 12 36 11 20 17 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 22 12 40 11 16 18 19 19 20 20 20 21 22 22 23 24 12 44 ) 11 12 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 24 24 25 26 12 48 11 8 22 22 22 23 24 24 25 26 26 27 28 12 52 11 4 23 24 24 25 25 26 27 27 28 29 30 12 56 11 25 25 26 26 27 28 29 29 30 31 32 13 10 55 27 27 28 29 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 13 5 10 50 29 30 30 31 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 13 10 10 45 31 32 32 33 34 35 35 37 38 3^ 40 13 15 ) 10 40 33 34 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 43 13 20 ) 10 35 35 36 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 44 45 13 25 10 30 37 38 38 39 40 41 42 44 45 46 48 13 30 10 25 39 40 40 41 42 43 44 46 47 49 51 13 35 10 20 41 42 42 43 44 45 47 48 50 51 53 13 40 10 15 43 43 44 45 46 48 49 50 52 54 56 13 45 10 10 45 45 46 47 48 50 51 53 54 56 58 13 50 10 5 47 47 48 49 50 52 53 55 56 58 1 1 13 55 10 48 49 50 51 62 54 55 57 59 1 1 3 14 9 55 50 51 52 53 54 56 57 59 1 1 3 5 14 5 9 50 52 53 54 55 56 58 59 1 1 3 5 8 14 10 9 45 54 55 56 57 58 1 I 1 3 5 8 10 14 15 9 40 55 56 58 59 1 2 3 5 7 10 12 14 20 9 35 57 58 59 1 1 2 4 5 7 10 12 15 14 25 9 30 59 1 1 1 2 4 6 7 9 12 14 17 14 30 ( 9 25 1 1 2 3 4 6 7 9 11 14 16 19 14 35 9 20 2 3 5 6 8 9 11 13 16 18 21 14 40 9 15 4 5 6 8 9 11 13 15 18 20 23 14 45 9 10 5 7 8 9 11 13 15 17 20 22 25 14 50 9 5 7 8 10 11 13 15 17 19 21 24 27 14 55 9 8 10 11 13 14 16 18 21 23 26 29 15 8 54 10 12 13 15 16 18 20 23 26 28 32 15 6 8 48 12 13 15 16 18 20 22 25 28 31 34 15 12 8 42 14 15 17 18 20 22 24 27 30 33 36 15 18 8 36 15 17 18 20 22 24 26 29 32 35 38 15 24 8 30 17 18 20 22 24 26 28 31 34 37 40 15 30 8 23 19 20 22 24 26 28 30 33 36 39 43 15 37 8 16 20 22 24 25 27 30 32 35 38 41 45 15 44 8 9 22 24 25 27 29 32 34 37 40 44 47 15 51 8 24 26 27 29 31 34 36 39 43 46 50 16 7 50 26 28 30 32 34 36 39 42 45 49 53 16 10 7 40 28 30 32 34 36 38 41 44 48 51 55 16 20 7 30 30 31 33 35 38 40 43 46 50 54 58 16 30 7 15 32 34 36 38 40 43 46 49 53 57 2 1 16 45 7 34 36 38 40 42 45 48 51 55 59 4 17 C 6 40 36 38 40 42 45 47 50 54 58 2 2 6 17 20 ( 6 38 40 42 44 47 50 53 56 2 4 9 18 / II. Find in one of the right or left hand columns of the table, the sideral time of) Polaris from the meridian ; and opposite to it, under the latitude of the place, will be^ ) found the azimuth of the star, east or west, as indicated at the head ot the c mn. ^ 30 TABLE VIII. Altitudes by the Barometer. X^V/^^^X-X/X/X^X^v^-N.X-Vx'^/N Observed Hights of the Barometer at Lower and Upper Stations, H, H'. H.H' N. N'. Diff. HH7 N. N'. Diff. HH' N. W. Diff. HIP N. N'. Diff. inch feet. inch feet. inch feet. inch feet. 11-0 11-1 11-2 3396-9 1633-3 1867-6 236-4 234-3 16-0 16-1 16-? 11186-3 11349-1 11510-9 162-8 161-8 21-0 21-1 21-'?, 1829? -0 18415-1 18538-7 124-1 123-6 26-0 20-1 26-2 23871-0 239713 24071-2 100-3 99-9 11-3 11-4 11-5 11-6 m 2099-9 2330-1 2558-3 27845 3008-7 232-3 230-2 228-2 226-2 224-2 16-3 16-4 16-5 16-6 167 11671-7 11831-5 11990-3 12148-2 12305-1 160-8 159-8 158-8 157-9 156-9 21-3 21-4 21-5 21-6 21-7 18661-6 1S784-0 18905-8 19027-0 19147-7 122-9 122-4 121-8 121-2 120-7 26-3 26-4 26-5 26-6 26-7 241707 24269-8 24368-6 24467-0 2,565-1 99-5 99-1 98-8 98-4 98-1 11-8 11-9 3231 1 3451-6 222'4 2205 16-8 16-9 12461-0 12616-1 155-9 155-1 21-8 ?1-9 19267-8 19387-4 120-1 119-6 26-8 26-9 24662-7 24760-1' 97'6 97-3 120 12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 12-5 12-6 12-7 12-8 12-9 13-0 13-1 13-2 13-3 3670-2 3887-0 4102-0 4315-3 4526-9 4736-7 4944-9 5151-4 5356-4 5559-7 5761-4 5961-6 6160-3 C357-5 218-6 216-8 215-0 213-3 211-6 209-8 208-2 206-5 205-0 203-3 201-7 200-2 198-7 197-2 17-0 17-1 17-2 17-3 17-4 17-5 17-6 17-7 17-8 17-9 18-0 18-1 18-2 18-3 12770-2 1 2923-5 13075-8 13227-3 13377-9 13527-6 13676-5 13824-5 13971-7 14118-0 142636 14408-3 14552-3 14695-4 154-1 153-3 152-3 151-5 150-6 1497 148-9 1480 147-2 146-3 145-6 144-7 144-0 143-1 22-0 22-1 22-2 22-3 22-4 22-5 22-6 22-7 22-s 22-9 23-1- 23-1 23-2 23-3 19506-4 19624-9 19742-9 19860-3 19977-2 20093-6 20209-4 203248 20439-6 20554-0 20667-8 20781-1 20894-0 21006-4 119-0 118-5 118-0 117-4 116-9 116-4 115-8 115-4 114-8 114-4 113-8 113-3 112-9 1124 27-<- 27-1 27-2 27-3 27-4 27-5 27 -e 27-7 27-8 27-9 28-0 28-1 28-2 28-3 24857-0 24953-6 25049-8 25145-7 25241-2 25336-4 25431-2 25525-7 25619-9 25713-7 25807-1 25903-3 25993-1 26085-C 97'0 96-6 96-2 95-9 95-5 95-2 94-8 94-5 94-2 93-8 93-4 93-2 92-8 925 13-4 65532 195-7 18-4 14837-8 142-4 23-4 21118-3 111-9 28-4 26177-7 92-1 13-5 13-6 13-7 13-8 13-9 14-0 14-1 14-2 143 14-4 14-5 14-6 147 14-8 14-9 15-0 15-1 15-2 15-3 154 15-5 15-6 15-7 15-8 15-9 16-0 6747-5 6940-3 7131-7 7321 7 7510-3 7697-6 78836 8068-2 8251-5 8433-6 8614-4 8794-0 8972-3 91495 9325-5 9500-3 9o73 8 9846-2 10017-5 10187-7 10356-8 10524-8 10691-8 10857-7 11022-5 11186-3 194-3 192-8 191-4 i90-0 188-6 1873 186-0 184-6 183-3 1821 180-8 179-6 178-3 177-2 1760 174-8 173-5 172-4 171-3 170-2 169-1 1680 167-0 165-9 164-8 163-8 18-5 18-6 18-7 18-8 189 19-0 19-1 19-2 19-3 19-4 195 19-6 19-7 19-8 19-9 200 20-1 20-2 20-3 20-4 20-5 20-6 20-7 20-8 209 21-0 14979-4 15120-3 152603 15399-7 155383 15676-2 158133 15949-8 16085-5 16220-5 16354-8 16488-6 16621-4 16753-7 16885-3 17016-3 17146-6 17276-3 17405-3 175337 17661-4 17788-6 17915-1 18041-0 18166-3 18291-0 141-6 140-9 140-0 139-4 138-6 137-9 137-1 136-5 135-7 135-0 134-3 133-7 1329 132-3 131-6 131-0 130-3 129-7 129-0 1284 127-7 127-2 1265 125-9 125-3 1247 23-5 23-6 23-7 238 23-9 240 24-1 24-2 24-3 24-4 24-5 24-6 24-7 24-8 249 25-0 25-1 25-2 25-3 25-4 25-5 25-6 25-7 25-8 25-9 26-0 21229-7 21340-6 21451-1 21561-1 21670-6 21779-7 21888-4 21996-6 22104-3 22211-6 22318-4 22424-8 22530-8 22636-4 22741-5 22846-3 22950-6 23054-4 23157-9 23261-0 233P3-6 23465-9 23567-7 23669-2 23770-3 23871-0 111-4 110-9 110-5 110-0 109-5 1091 108-7 108-2 107-7 107-3 106-8 106-4 106-0 1056 105-1 L048 104-3 103-8 103-5 103-1 102-6 102-3 101-8 101-5 101-1 100-7 28-5 28-6 28-7 28-8 28-9 29-1 29-1 29-2 :9-3 29-4 29-5 29-6 29-7 29-8 29-9 30-0 30-1 30-2 30-3 30-4 30-5 30-f, 30-7 30-8 30-9 31-0 26269-6 26361-1 26452-3 26543-2 26633-7 26724-0 26813-9 2K903-5 26992-8 27081-9 27170-6 27259-0 27347-1 27434-9 27522-5 27609-7 27696-6 27783-3 27869 7 27955-7 28041-5 28127-1 28212-3 28237-3 28382-0 28466-4 91*9 91-5 9L-2 90-9 905 90-3 89-9 89-6 89-3 89-1 88-7 88-4 88-1 87-8 87-6 87-2 86-9 86-7 86-4 860 85-8 85-6 85-2 85-0 84-7 84-4 I. N N' D, 1st ap.alt.,in w hich { - *; ; ^ | & } Eight of Bar. Temperatures of the Bar. T, T'. )II. D 2-3409 (T TO = C, 2d ap. alt. i In which \ ,/ TT ' c . Temper -atures of the air t, t'. III. C -I- c .5 .S c p ^ ~ g A 60 58" olp 54" 52" 50" 4S 46 9) 5 3 co i S CM rc i feet feet feet feet feet feet feet ft. ft. feet feet feet feet feet feet feet 1't. ft. 1000 1-3 1-2 1-0 0-8 0-6 0-5 0-3 0-1 2-5 .1-9 1-6 1-3 1-0 o-s 0-b 04 0-2 1500 2-0 1-7 1-5 1-2 1-0 0-7 0-4 0-1 3-9 2-8 2-3 1-9 1-5 1-2 0-8 0-5 0-2 2000 2-6 2-3 2-0 1-6 1-3 0-9 irb 0-2 5-2 3-8 3-1 2-5 2-0 1-5 1-1 0-7 0-3 2500 3-3 2-9 2-5 2-0 1-6 1-2 0-7 0-2 6-5 4-7 3-9 3-2 2-5 1-9 1-4 0-i 04 3000 4-0 3-5 3-0 2-5 1-9 1-4 0-8 0-3 7-9 5-7 4-7 3-8 3-0 2-3 1-7 1-1 0-5 3500 4-6 4-1 3-5 2-9 2-2 1-6 1-0 0-3 9-3 6-6 5-5 4-4 3'5 2-7 1-9 l-i 0-6 4000 5-3 4-6 4-0 3-3 2-6 1-8 l-l 0-4 10-8 7-b 6-3 5-1 4-0 3-1 2-2 1-4 0-7 450 J 6-0 5-2 4-5 3-7 2-9 2-1 1-2 0-4 12-2 8-5 7-0 57 4-5 3-5 2-5 l-b 0-7 5000 6-6 5-8 5-0 4-1 3-2 2-3 L-4 0-5 13-7 9-5 7-8 6-4 5-0 3-8 2-8 1-8 0-8 5500 7-3 6-4 5-5 4-5 3-5 2-5 1-5 0-5 15-2 10-4 8-6 7-0 5-5 4-2 3-0 H 0-9 6000 7-9 7-0 6-0 4-9 3-8 2-8 1-7 0-6 16-7 11-4 94 7-6 6-0 4-b 3-3 2-1 1-0 6500 ; 8-6 7-6 6-5 5-3 4-2 3-0 0-6 18-3 12-3 10-2 8-3 6'b 5-0 3-6 2-3 1-1 7000! 9-3 8-1 7-0 5-7 4-5 3-2 l-S 0-6 19-9 13-3 11-0 8-9 7-1 5-4 3-9 2-5 1-2 7500 ! 9-y 8-7 7'4 6-1 4-8 3-5 2-1 0-7 21-5 14-2 11-7 9-5 7'b 5-8 4-1 2-t 1-2 8000 i 10-6 9-3 7-9 6-6 5-1 3-7 2-2 0-7 23-1 15-2 12-5 10-2 8-1 6-2 4-4 2-8 1-3 8500 11-3 9-9 8-4 7-0 5-4 3-9 2'4 0-8 21-7 16-1 13-3 10-8 8-6 6-5 4-7 3-1 14 9000 ; 11-9 10-5 8-9 7-4 5-8 4-1 2-0 0-8 26-4 17-1 14-1 Ll-4 9-1 6-9 5-0 3-2 1-5 9600 12-6 11-0 9-4 7-8 6-1 4-4 2-1 0-9 28-1 18-0 149 12-1 9'b 7-3 5-2 3-3 1-6 1000 j; 13-2 H-b 9-9 8-2 6-4 4b 28 09 29-8 190 15-7 12-7 lO'l 7-7 5-5 3-5 1-7 10500 ! 13-9 12-2 10-4 8-6 6-7 4-8 2-9 IHI 31-5 19-9 16-4 13-3 lO'b 8-1 5-8 3-7 1-7 11000 1 14-6 12-S 10-9 9-0 7-1 5-1 3-0 10 333 20-9 172 14-0 ll'l 8-5 6-1 3-9 1-8 11500! 152 13-4 11-4 9-4 7-4 5-5 32 L-l 35-1 21-8 18-0 14-6 11-6 8-9 63 40 1-9 12)00 15-9 13-9 ii-y 9-8 7-7 5-5 3-3 t-1 36-9 22-8 13-8 15-3 121 9-2 6-b 4-2 2-0 12500 16-6 14-5 12-4 10-2 8-0 5-8 3-5 1-2 38-7 23-7 196 15-9 12-6 96 6-9 44 2-1 13000 17-2 15-1 12 y 10-6 8-3 60 3-6 12 40-6 24-7 20-4 16-5 131 10-0 7'2 4-t 2-2 13500 ! 17-9 15-7 13-4 Ll-1 8-7 6-2 3-7 1-2 42-5 25-6 21-1 17-1 13-6 10-4 7-5 4-7 2-2 14000 1 18-5 16-0 i3-y 11-5 9-0 6-4 13 44-4 26-6 2L-9 17-8 14-1 10-b 7*7 4-U 23 14500 192 16-8 14-4 11-9 9-3 6-7 4-0 1-3 46-3 27-5 22-7 18-4 14'b 11-2 8-0 O'l 24 15000 19-9 17-4 14-9 12'3 9-6 6-9 42 1-4 48-3 28-5 23-5 19-1 15-1 11-5 8-3 5-3 2-5 15500 20-6 18-0 15-4 12-7 9-9 7-1 4;j 14 50-3 294 ^43 19-7 15-6 11-9 8-6 5-4 2-6 16000 21-2 18-6 15-9 13-1 10-3 7-4 H 1-5 52-3 30-4 25-1 20-3 16-1 12-3 8-8 5-b 2-7 16500 21-9 19-2 16-4 13-5 10-6 7-b L-5 54-3 31-3 25-8 210 16'6 12-7 9-1 5-8 2-7 17000 22-5 19-8 16-9 13-9 10-9 7-8 4-7 l-b 56-3 32-3 26-6 21-6 17-1 13-1 9-4 6-0 2'8 17500 232 20-3 17-4 14-3 11-2 8-1 4-8 1-6 58-4 332 27-4 22-2 17-6 135 9-7 b'-l 2-9 18000 23'8 20-9 n-y 14-7 11-5 8-3 :><> 17 60-5 34-2 28-2 22-9 18-1 13-8 9-9 6-3 3-0 < 18500 24-5 19000125-2 19500 26-8 21-5 22-1 22-7 184 is-y 194 15-1 11-9 15-6 12-2 16-0125 8-5 8-7 9-0 5-1 5-3 54 1-7 1-8 1-8 62-7 64-8 67-0 36-1 37-0 29-0 29-8 30-5 235 24-1 24-8 18-6 19-2 19-7 14-2 14-6 15-0 10-2 10-5 10-8 3-5 b'-7 6-8 3-1 ( 3 20000 26-5 23-2 19-9 lo-412-S 9-2 5-5 1-8 69-2 38-0 31-3 254 202 15-4 11-0 7-0 3-3) 30500 27-2 23-8 20-4 16-8)131 9-4 57 1-9 71-4 38-9 32-1 26-0 20-7 15-8 11-3 7-2 34) 21000 27-8 24-4 20-8 17-2I13-5 9-7 5-8 1-9 73-6 39-9 329 26-7 21-2 16-1 11-6 r-4 3-5) 21500 28-5 25-0 21-3 17-6138 9-9 6*0 2"0 75'9 40-8 33-7 27-3 21-7 16-b il-9 "(' 3-6S 22000 2J-1 ^5-6 21-8 18-0 14-1 10- 1 6-1 2-0 78-2 41-8 34-5 28-0 22-2 16-9 12-1 "7 37< 22500 29-8 26-1 22-3 18-4144 10-4 J-2 2-1 80-5 427 35-2 28-6 22-7 17-3 12-4 "it 3-7 ( 230 JO 30-5 26-7 22-8 18-8 14-7 10-6 34 2-1 82-9 437 36-0 29-2 23-2 17-7 12-7 8-1 3-8C 23500 31-1 27-3 23-3 19 2 151 108 2-2 85-2 44-6 35-8 29-8 23-7 18-1 13-0 S**-' 3-9? 24000 31-8 27-9 23-8 19-7 15-4 11-0 '>(> 2-2 87-6 45-6 37-6 30-5 24-2 18-5 13-2 S-4 24500 32-5 2S-5 24-3 20-1 15-7 11-3 1.8 2-3 90-0 46-5 38-4 31-1 24-7 18-9 13-5 S-fc :'!> 25000 33-1 29-0 24-8 20-5 16-0 11-5 5-9 2-3 92-5 1:7-5 39-1 31-7 25-2 19-2 13-8 8-8 4-1) 25500 33-8 29-6 25-3 11-7 7-1 24 94-9 48-4 39-9 32-4 25-7 19-6 14-1 8-9 4-2S 2601)0 34-4 30-2 25-8 21-3 16-7 12-0 -.0 2-4 97-4 49-4 40-7 33-0 26-2 20-0 14-4 H 4-3) 26500 35-1 30-8 26-3 21-7 17-0 12-2 -a 2-5 99-9 >0-3 41-5 33-7 26-7 20-4 14-6 j-;; 4-4 S 27000 35-8 31-4 26-8 22-117-3 12-4 r *s 25 102-4 31-3 42-3 34-3 27-2 20-8 14-9 *'5 4-5< 27500 36-4 32-0 27-3 22-5 ! 17-6 127 7-6 2-5 105-0 :>2'2 43-1 49 27-7 21-2 15-2 9.6 46< IV. B - - L -|- E -j- S = A, the true altitude, in which L, E, and S are theb tab. numbers, opp. the approx. alt. B, and respectively under L, E, and S; ES and S being always positive, and L positive south but negative north of lat-S itude 45, where it vanishes. ~^~/ 32 TABLE IX. Hight of the Bar. corresponding to the Temperature of Boiling Water. Ther. Bar. Ther. Bar. Ther. Bar. Ther. Bar. Ther. Bar. o nches. inches. inches. o inches. o inches. 185-0 17-049 190-9 19-363 196-8 21-943 202-7 24-799 208-6 27-957 1 086 191-0 409 9 989 8 850 7 28-013 2 123 1 450 197-0 22-035 9 901 8 069 3 161 2 492 1 081 203-0 952 9 126 4 198 3 534 2 128 1 25-003 209-0 182 5 236 4 575 8 -174 2 055 1 239 6 273 5 617 4 221 3 106 2 295 7 310 6 659 5 267 4 158 3 352 8 348 -7 701 6 314 5 210 4 409 9 386 8 743 7 361 6 261 5 466 186-0 424 9 785 8 4(i7 7 313 6 523 1 462 192-0 8 '-'7 9 454 8 365 7 580 2 500 1 869 198-0 5 29 4-48 4-87 5-27 5-69 6-13 6-60 7-09 7-61 8-16 8-74 9-38 29 ) 30 4-80 5-21 5-64 6-09 6-56 7-06 7-58 8-14 8-73 9-36 10-04 30 ) 31 5-12 5-57 6-02 6-50 7-01 7-54 8-10 8-69 9-32 9-99 10-72 31 ) 32 5-4<5 5-93 6-42 6-93 7-47 8-03 8-63 9-26 9-93 10-65 11-42 32 S 33 5-31 6-31 6-83 737 7-94 8-54 9-18 9-85 10-56 11-32 12-14 33 < 34 6-16 6-69 7-25 7-82 8-43 9-07 974 10-45 11-21 12-02 12-89 34 ( 35 6-53 7-09 7-68 8-29 8-93 9-61 10-32 11-08 11-88 12-74 13-66 35 ( 36 6-9' 7-51 8-12 8-77 9-45 10 16 10-92 11-72 12-57 13-47 14-45 36 C Equivalents of Lineal Measures. Inches. Links. Feet. Varas. Yards. Chains. Miles. Sp. Lea. En. Lea. 1 0-126233 0-083333 0-029J65 0-027778 0-001263 0-000016 0-000006 0-000005 7-92 I 0-66 0-237325 0-22 o-oi 0-000125 0-000047 0-000042 12 1-515152 I 0-359583 0333333 0-015152 0-C00189 0-000072 000063 33-372 4.213636 2-781 1 0-927 0-042136 0-000527 0-0002 0-000176 36 4-545455 3 1-078740 1 0-045455 0-000568 000216 0-000189 792 100 66 2V73247 22 1 0-0125 0-004746 0-004167 63360 SOOO 5230 1893598 1760 80 1 0-379720 0-333333 165360 21063-18 13905 5000 4635 210-6818 2-633523 1 0-877841 190080 24000 15340 5695-793 5280 240 3 1-139159 1 Equivalents of Superficial Measures. Varas. Yards. Chains. Acres. Miles. Sp. League Eng Lea. 1 1-16369865 563-230143 5632-30148 3604672-95 25000000 32442056-5 0-859329 1 484 4840 3097600 21483225 27878400 000177547 0-00206612 1 10 6400 44386-8285 57600 0-00017755 0-00020661 0-1 1 640 4438-68285 5760 0-00000028 0-00000032 0-00015625 0-0015625 1 6-93544195 9 0-00000004 0-00000005 000002253 0-00022533 0-14418692 1 1-29768226 0-000000.03 0-00000004 00001736 0-00017361 0-11111111 0-770C0466 1 UNIVERSITY A K T T II T R D TRAVERSE TABLE. SHOWING THE DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE AND DEPARTURE FOB DISTANCES BETWEEN 1 AND 100; AND FOR ANGLES TO QUARTER DEGREES BETWEEN 1 AND 90, AND NATURAL SINES AND TANGENTS TO EVERY DEGREE AND MINUTE OF THE QUADRANT. TRAVERSE TABLE. 2 14 Deg. %Deg. M Deg. S ) 5* S~ 1 ) I Lat. Dep. Lat, Dep. Lat. Dep. ( 1 1-00 o-oo 1-00 o-oi 1-00 0-01 1 ( 2 2-00 o-oi 2-00 0-02 2-00 0-03 2 ) 3 3-00 o-oi 3-00 0-03 3-00 0-04 3 ) 4 4-00 0-02 4-00 0-03 4-00 0-05 4 ) 5 5-00 0-02 5-00 0-04 5-00 0-07 5 ) 6 6-00 0-03 6-00 0-05 6-00 0-08 6 ( 7 7-00 0-03 7-00 0-06 7-00 0-09 7 ( 8 8-00 0-03 8-00 0-07 8-00 o-io 8 9-00 0-04 9-00 0-08 9-00 0-12 9 ) 10 10-00 0-04 10.00 0-09 10-00 0.13 10 ) 11 11-00 0-05 11-00 0-10 11-00 0-14 11 ) 12 12-00 0-05 12-00 0-10 12-00 0-16 12 13 13-00 0-06 13-00 0.11 13-00 0-17 13 14 14-00 0-06 14-00 0-12 14-00 0.18 14 15 15-00 0-07 15-00 0-13 15-00 0-20 15 16 16-00 0-07 16-00 0-14 16.00 0-21 16 17 17-00 0-07 17-00 0-15 17-00 0-22 17 18 18-00 0-08 18-00 0-16 18-00 0-24 18 19 19-00 0-08 19-00 0-17 19-00 0-25 19 20 20-00 0-09 20-00 0-17 20-00 0-26 20 21 21-00 0-09 21-00 0-18 21-00 0-27 21 22 22-00 o-io 22-00 0-19 22-00 0-29 22 23 23-00 o-io 23-00 0-20 23-00 0-30 23 24 24-00 o-io 24-00 0-21 24-00 0-31 24 25 25-00 0-11 25-00 0-22 25-00 0-33 25 26 26-00 0-11 26-00 0-23 26.00 0-34 26 27 27-00 0-12 27-00 0-24 27-00 0-35 27 28 28-00 0-12 28-00 0-24 28-00 0-37 28 29 29-00 0.13 29-00 0-25 29-00 0-38 29 30 30-00 0-13 30-00 0-26 30-00 0-39 30 31 31-00 0-14 31-00 0.27 31-00 0-41 31 32 32-00 0-14 32-00 0-28 32-00 0-42 32 33 33-00 0-14 33-00 0-29 33-00 0-43 33 34 34-00 0-15 34-00 0-30 34-00 0-45 34 35 35-00 0-15 35-00 0-31 35-00 0-46 35 36 36-00 0-16 36-00 0-31 36-00 0-47 36 37 37-00 0-16 37-00 0-32 37-00 0-48 37 38 38-00 0-17 38-00 0-33 38-00 0-50 38 39 39-00 0-17 39-00 0-34 39-00 0-51 39 40 40-00 0-17 40-00 0-35 40-00 0-52 40 41 41-00 0-18 41-00 0.36 41-00 0-54 41 42 42-00 0-18 42-00 0-37 42-00 0-55 42 43 43-00 0-19 43-00 0-38 43-00 0-56 43 44 44-00 0-19 44-00 0,38 44-00 0-58 44 45 45-00 0-20 45-00 0-39 45-00 0-59 45 46 46-00 0-20 46-00 0-40 46-00 0-60 46 47 47-00 0-21 47-00 0-41 47-00 0-62 47 48 48-00 0-21 48-00 0-42 48-00 0-63 48 49 49-00 0-21 49-00 0-43 49-00 0-64 49 50 50-00 0-22 50-00 0-44 50-00 0-65 50 i Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. i 1 89%Deg. 89*4 Deg. 1 89> Deg. TRAVKRSE TABLE. 3 ( g % D eg. V De". yve*. 2 ) tr s | i Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. i \ 51 51-00 0-22 51-00 0-45 51-00 0-67 51 52 52-00 0-23 52-00 0-45 52-00 0-G8 52 53 53-00 0-23 53-00 0-46 53-00 0-69 53 ) 54 54-00 0-24 54-00 0-47 54-00 0-71 54 ( S 55 55-00 0-24 55-00 0-48 55-00 0-72 55 / < 56 56-00 0-24 56-00 0-49 56-00 0-73 56 ( 57 57-00 0-25 57-00 0-50 57-00 0-75 57 J ( 58 58-00 0-25 58-00 0-51 57-99 0-76 58 v ) 59 59-00 0-26 59-00 0-51 58-99 0-77 59 < ) 60 60-00 0-26 60-00 0-52 59-99 0-79 60 ( 61 61-00 0-27 61-00 0-53 60-99 0-80 61 62 62-00 0-27 62-00 0-54 61-99 0-81 62 63 63-00 0-27 63-00 0-55 62-99 0-82 63 64 64-00 0-28 64-00 0-56 63-99 0-84 64 65 65-00 0-28 65-00 0-57 64-99 0-85 65 66 66-00 0-29 66-00 0-58 65-99 0-86 66 67 67-00 0-29 67-00 0-58 66-99 0-88 67 ) 68 68-00 0-30 68-00 0-59 67-99 0-89 68 S 69 69-00 0-30 69-00 0-60 68-99 0-90 69 ) 7 70-00 0-31 70-00 0-61 69-99 ,0-92 70 > 71 71-00 0-31 71-00 0-62 70-99 0-93 71 ) 72 72-00 0-31 72-00 0-63 71-99 0-94 72 ( ) 73 73-00 0-32 73-00 0-64 72-99 0-96 73 ) 74 74-00 0-32 74-00 0-65 73-99 0-97 74 ) 75 75-00 0-33 75-00 0-65 74-99 0-98 75 ( 76 76-00 0-33 76-00 0-66 75-99 0-99 76 ( 77 77-00 0-34 77-00 0-67 76-99 1-01 ISM k k ( 78 78-00 0-34 78-00 0-68 77-99 1-02 78 / 79 79-00 0-34 79-00 0-69 78-99 1-03 79 ) 80 80-00 0-35 80-00 0-70 79-99 1-05 80 S 81 81-00 0-35 81-00 0-71 80-99 1-06 81 ( 82 82-00 0-36 82-00 0-72 81-99 1-07 82 ( 83 83-00 0-36 83-00 0-72 82-99 1-09 83 ( 84 84-00 0-37 84-00 0-73 83-99 1-10 84 / 85 85-00 0-37 85-00 0-74 84-99 1-11 85 ) 86 86-00 0-38 86-00 0-75 85-99 1-13 86 > 87 87-00 0-38 87-00 0-76 86-99 1-14 87 $ 88 88-00 0-38 88-00 0-77 87-99 1-15 88 ( 89 89-00 0-39 89-00 0-78 88-99 1-16 89 ^ 90 90-00 0-39 90-00 0-79 89-99 1-18 90 91 91-00 0-40 91-00 0-79 90-99 1-19 91 92 92-00 0-40 92-00 0-80 91-99 1-20 92 93 93-00 0-41 93-00 0-81 92-99 1-22 93 94 94-00 0-41 94-00 0-82 93-99 1-23 94 95 95-00 0-41 95-00 0-83 94-99 1-24 95 96 96-00 0-42 96-00 0-84 95-99 1-26 96 97 97-00 0-42 97-00 0-85 96-99 1-27 97 98 98-00 0-43 98-00 0-86 97-99 1-28 98 99 99-00 0-43 99-00 0-86 98-99 1-30 09 ' 100 100-00 0-44 100-00 0-87 99-99 1-31 100 ( " Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. S ( -2 X 1 89% Deg. 89% Deg. 89J4 Deg. I TRAVERSE TABLE < 1 1 Deg. l^Deg. IK Deg. i U ( 1 S" ? Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. 1 1 1-00 0-02 1-00 0-02 1-00 0-03 1-00 0-03 1 2 2-00 0-03 2-00 0-04 2-00 0-05 2-00 0-06 2 3 3-00 0-05 3-00 0-07 3-00 0-08 3-00 0-09 3 4 4-00 0-07 4-00 0-09 4-00 0-10 4-00 0-12 4 5 5-00 0-09 5-00 0-11 5-00 0-13 5-00 0-15 5 6 6-00 0-10 6-00 0-13 6-00 0-16 6-00 0-18 6 7 7-00 0-12 7-00 0-15 7*00 0-18 7-00 0-21 7 8 8-00 0-14 8-00 0-17 8-00 0-21 8-00 0-25 8 9 9-00 0-16 9-00 0-20 9-00 0-24 9-00 0-28 9 10 10-00 0-17 10-00 0-22 10-00 0-26 10-00 0-31 10 11 11-00 0-19 11-00 0-24 11-00 0-28 10-99 0-34 11 12 12-00 0-21 12-00 0-26 12-00 0-31 11-99 0-37 12 13 13-00 0-23 13-00 0-28 13-00 0-34 12-99 0-40 13 14 14-00 0-24 14-00 0-31 14-00 0-37 13-99 0-43 14 15 15-00 0-26 15.00 0-33 14-99 0-39 14-99 0-46 15 16 16-00 0-28 16-00 0-35 15-99 0-42 15-99 0-49 16 17 17-QO 0-30 17-00 0-37 16-99 0-45 16-99 0-52 17 18 18-00 0-31 18-00 0-39 17-99 0-47 17-99 0-55 18 19 19-00 0-33 19-00 0-41 18-99 0-50 18-99 0-58 19 20 20-00 0-35 20-00 0-44 19-99 0-52 19-99 0-61 20 21 21-00 0-77 21-00 0-46 20-99 0-55 20-99 0-64 21 22 22-00 0-38 21-99 0-48 21-99 0-58 21-99 0-67 22 23 23-00 0-40 22-99 0-50 22-99 0-60 22-99 0-70 23 24 24-00 0-42 23-99 0-52 23-99 0-63 23-99 0-73 24 25 25-00 0-44 24-99 0-55 24-99 0-65 24-99 0-76 25 26 26-00 0-45 25-99 0-57 25-99 0-68 25-99 0-79 26 27 27-00 0-47 26-99 0-59 26-99 0-71 26-99 0-83 27 28 28-00 0-49 27-99 0-61 27-99 0-73 27-99 0-86 28 29 29-00 0-51 28-99 0-63 28-99 0-76 28-99 0-89 29 30 30-00 0-52 29-99 0-65 29-99 0-79 29-99 0-92 30 31 31-00 0-54 30-99 0-68 30-99 0-81 30-99 0-95 31 32 32-00 0-56 31-99 0-70 31-99 0-84 31-99 0-98 32 33 32-99 0-58 32-99 0-72 32-99 0-86 32-98 1-01 33 34 33-99 0-59 33-99 0-74 33-99 0-89 33-98 1-04 34 35 34-99 0-61 34-99 0-76 34-99 0-92 34-98 1-07 35 36 35-99 0-63 35-99 0-79 35-99 0-94 35-98 1-10 36 37 36-99 0-65 36-99 0-81 36-99 0-97 36-98 1-13 37 38 37-99 0-66 37-99 0-83 37-99 0-99 37-98 1-16 38 39 38-99 0-68 38-99 0-85 38-99 1-02 38-98 1-19 39 f 40 39-99 0-70 39-99 0-87 39-99 1-05 39-98 1-22 40 ; 41 40-99 0-72 40-99 0-89 40-99 1-07 40-98 1-25 41 ; 42 41-99 0-73 41-99 0-92 41-99 1-10 41-98 1-28 42 ) 43 42-99 0-75 42-99 0-94 42-99 1-13 42-98 1-31 43 44 43-99 0-77 43-99 0-96 43-99 1-15 43-98 1-34 44 ( 45 44-99 0-79 44-99 0-98 44-99 1-18 44-98 1-37 45 ( 46 45-99 0-80 45-99 1-00 45-99 1-20 45-98 1-40 46 ( 47 46-99 0-82 46-99 1-03 46-99 1-24 46-98 1-44 47 ) 48 47-99 0-84 47-99 1-05 47-99 1-26 47-98 1-47 48 ) 49 48-99 0.86 48-99 1-07 48-99 1-gS 48-98 1-50 49 S 50 49-99 0-87 49-99 1-09 49-99 1-31 49-98 1-53 50 Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. t 1 3 1 89 Deg. 88% Deg. SS^Deg. 88*4 Deg. TRAVERSE TABLE. ^X^Vw^^ 2 w ~***S~^S**^r***s~+*-S~**~/~ 1 Deg. N v_X~X^^X_y~v_^>^^>"\ 1^ Deg. _x~x - /-x_x'x lfc >~x_x^\_y^_ iy 2 Deg. s-^r^S Xx-N_^~^_X 1% Deg. -v_X-^X-^-' 2 p 1 p Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. 1 51 50-99 0-89 50-99 1-11 50-98 1-34 50-98 1-56 51 52 51-99 0-91 51-99 1-13 51-98 1-36 51-98 1-59 52 53 52-99 0-92 52-99 1-16 52-98 1-39 52-98 1-62 53 54 53-99 0-94 53-99 1-18 53-98 1-41 53-97 1-65 54 55 54-99 0-96 54-99 1-20 54-98 1-44 54-97 1-68 55 56 55-99 0-98 55-99 1-22 55-98 1-47 55-97 1-71 56 57 56-99 0-99 56-99 1-24 56-98 1-49 56-97 1-74 57 58 57-99 1-01 57-99 1-27 57-98 1-52 57-97 1-77 58 59 58-99 1-03 58-99 1-29 58-98 1-54 58-97 1-80 59 60 59-99 1-05 59-99 1-31 59-98 1-57 59-97 1-83 60 61 60-99 1-06 60-99 1-33 60-98 1-60 60-97 1-86 61 62 61-99 1-08 61-99 1-35 61-98 1-62 61-97 1-89 62 63 62-99 1-10 62-99 1-37 62-98 1-65 62-97 1-92 63 64 63-99 1-12 63-98 1-40 63-98 1-68 63-97 1-95 64 65 64-99 1-13 64-98 1-42 64-98 1-70 64-97 1-99 65 66 65-99 1-15 65-98 1-44 65-98 1-73 65-97 2-02 66 67 66-99 1-17 66-98 1-46 66-98 1-75 66-97 2-05 67 68 67-99 1-19 67-98 1-48 67-98 1-78 67-97 2-08 68 69 68-99 1-20 68-98 1-51 68-98 1-81 68-97 2-11 69 70 69-99 1-22 69-98 1-53 69-98 1-83 69-97 2-14 70 71 70-99 1-24 70-98 1-55 70-98 1-86 70-97 2-17 71 72 71-99 1-26 71-98 1-57 71-98 1-88 71-97 2-20 72 73 72-99 1-27 72-98 1-59 72-97 1.91 72-97 2-23 73 74 73-99 1-29 73-98 1-61 73-97 1-94 73-97 2-26 74 75 74-99 1-31 74-98 1-64 74-97 1-96 74-97 2-29 75 76 75-99 1-33 75-98 i-ee ; 75-97 1-99 75-96 2-32 76 77 76-99 1-34 76-98 1-68 76-97 2-02 76-96 2-35 77 78 77-99 1-36 77-98 1-70 77-97 2-04 77-96 2-38 78 79 78-99 1-38 78-98 1-72 78-97 2-07 78-96 2-41 79 80 79-99 1-40 79-98 1-75 79-97 2-09 79-96 2-44 80 81 80-99 1-41 80-98 1-77 80-97 2-12 80-96 2-47 81 82 81-99 1-43 81-98 1-79 81-97 2-15 81-96 2-50 82 83 82-99 1-45 82-98 1-81 82-97 2-17 82-96 2-53 83 84 83-99 1-47 83-98 1-83 83-97 2-20 83-96 2-57 84 85 84-99 1-48 84-98 1-85 84-97 2-23 84-96 2-60 85 86 85-99 1-50 85-98 1-88 85-97 2-25 85-96 2-63 86 87 86-99 1-52 86-98 1-90 86-97 2-28 86-96 2-66 87 88 87-99 1-54 87-98 1-92 87-97 2-30 87-96 2-69 88 89 88-99 1-55 88-98 1-94 88-97 2-33 88-96 2-72 89 90 89-99 1-57 89-98 1-96 89-97 2-36 89-96 2-75 90 91 90-99 1-59 90-98 1-99 90-97 2-38 90-96 2-78 91 92 91-99 1-61 91-98 2-01 91-97 2-41 91-96 2-81 92 93 92-99 1-62 92-98 2-03 92-97 2-43 92-96 2-84 93 94 93-99 1-64 93-98 2-05 93-97 2-46 93-96 2-87 94 95 94-99 1-66 94-98 2-07 94-97 2-49 94-96 2-90 95 96 95-99 1-68 95-98 2-09 95-97 2-51 95-96 2-94 96 97 96-99 1-69 96-98 2-12 96-97 2.54 96-95 2-96 97 98 97-99 1-71 97-98 2-14 97-97 2-57 97-95 2-99 98 99 98-98 1-73 98-98 2-16 98-97 2-59 98-95 3-02 99 100 99-98 1-75 99-98 2-18 99-97 2-62 99-95 3-05 100 W Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep, Lat. * ' ff t J 1 5 89 Deg. 88% Deg. 88% Deg. 88^ Deg. P ) 6 TRAVERSE TABLE g 2Deg. 2^ Deg. 2^ Deg. 2% Deg. s 1 I at. Dep. Lilt. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. P 1 1-00 0-03 1-00 0-04 1-00 0-04 1-00 0-05 1 2 2-00 0-07 2-00 0-08 2-00 0-09 2*00 o-io 2 3 3-00 0-10 3-00 0-12 3-00 0-13 3-00 0-14 3 4 4-00 0-14 4-00 0-16 4-00 0-17 4-00 i 0-19 4 5 5-00 0-17 5-00 0-20 5-00 0-22 4-99 0-24 5 6 6-00 0-21 6-00 0-24 5-99 0-26 5-99 0-29 6 7 7-00 0-24 6-99 0-27 6-99 0-31 6-99 0-34 7 8 7-99 0-28 7-99 0-31 7-99 0-35 7-99 0-38 8 9 8-99 0-31 8-99 0-35 8-99 0-39 8-99 0-43 9 10 9-99 0-35 9-99 0-39 9-99 0-44 9-99 0-48 10 11 10-99 0*38 10-99 0-43 10-99 0-48 10-99 0-53 11 12 11-99 0-42 11-99 0-47 11-99 0-52 11-99 0-58 12 13 12-99 0-45 12-99 0-51 12-99 0-57 I 12-99 0-62 13 14 13-99 0-49 13-99 0-55 13-99 0-61 13-98 0-67 14 15 14-99 0-52 14-99 0*59 i 14-99 0-65 14-98 0-72 15 16 15-99 0-56 15-99 0-63 15-99 0-70 15-98 0-77 16 17 16-99 0-59 16-99 0-67 ! 16-98 0-74 16-98 0-82 17 18 17-99 0-63 17-99 0-71 17-98 0-79 17-98 0-86 18 19 18-99 0-66 18-99 0-75 18-98 0-83 18-98 0*91 19 20 19-99 070 19-98 0-79 ; 19-98 0-87 19-98 0-96 20 21 20-99 0-73 20-98 0-82 20-98 0-92 20-98 1-01 21 22 21-99 0-77 21-9; 0-86 21-98 0-96 21-97 1-06 22 23 22-99 0-80 82-93 0-90 i 22-98 1-00 22-97 1-10 23 24 23-99 0-84 23*93 0-94 23-98 1-05 23-97 1-15 24 25 24-98 0-87 24-98 0-98 ; 24-98 1-09 24-97 1-20 '. 25 26 25-98 0-91 25-98 1-02 25-98 1-13 25-97 1-25 26 27 26-98 0-94 26-98 1-06 26-97 1-18 26-97 1-30 27 28 27-98 0-98 27-98 1-10 27-97 1-22 27-97 1-34 28 29 28-98 1-01 28-98 1-14 28-97 1-26 28-97 1-39 29 30 29-98 1-05 29-98 1-18 29-97 1-31 29-97 1-44 30 31 30-98 1-08 30-98 1-22 30-97 1-35 1 30-96 1-49 31 32 31-98 1-12 31-98 1-26 31-97 1-40 i 31-96 1-54 32 33 32-98 1-15 32-97 1-30 32-97 1-44 32-96 i 1-58 33 34 33-98 1-19 33-97 1-33 33-97 1-48 33-96 : 1-63 1 34 35 34-98 1-22 34-97 1-37 34*97 1-53 34-96 1-68 35 36 35-98 1.26 35-97 1-41 35-97 1-57 35-96 1-73 36 37 36-98 1-29 36-97 1-45 36-96 1-61 36-96 1-78 i 37 38 37-98 1-33 37-97 1-49 37-96 1-66 37-96 1*82 38 39 38*98 1-36 38-97 1-53 38-96 1*70 38-96 1-87 39 40 39-98 1-40 39-97 1-57 39-96 1-T5 39-95 1-92 40 41 40-98 1-43 40-97 1-61 40-96 1-77 40-95 1-97 41 42 41-97 1-47 i 41-97 1-65 41-96 1-83 41-95 2-02 42 43 42-97 1-50 42-97 1-69 42-96 1-88 42-95 2*06 43 44 43-97 1-54 43-97 1-73 43-96 1-92 43.95 2rll 44 45 44-97 1-57 44-97 1-77 : 44-96 1-96 44-95 2-16 45 46 45-97 1-61 45-96 1-81 45-96 2-01 45-95 2-21 46 47 46-97 1-64 46-96 1-85 46-96 2r05 46-95 2-25 47 48 47*97 1*68 47-96 1-88 47-95 2-09 47-95 2-30 48 49 48-97 171 48-96 1-92 48-95 2-14 48-94 2-35 49 50 49-97 1-74 49-96 1-96 49-95 2-18 49-94 2-40 50 I Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dip. Lat. Dep, Lat. 8 < d ( 1 1 ! P 88 Deg. 87% Dog. 87^ Deg. 874Deg. 5 < TRAVERSE TABLE. s 2 Deg. 2*4 Deg. 2KDeg. 2%Deg. s I" '1 1 p Lat. Dep. Let. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. p 51 50-97 1-78 50-96 2-00 50-95 2-22 50-94 2-45 51 52 51-97 1-81 51-96 2-04 51-95 2-27 51-94 2-50 52 53 52-97 1-85 52-96 2-08 52-95 2-31 52-94 2-54 53 54 53-97 1-88 53-96 2-12 53-95 2-36 53-94 2-59 54 55 54-97 1-92 54-96 2-16 54-95 2-40 54-94 2-64 55 56 55-97 1-95 55-96 2-20 55-95 2-44 55-94 2-69 56 57 5t/97 1-99 56-96 2-24 56-95 2-49 56-93 2-73 57 58 57-96 2-02 57-96 2-28 57-94 2-53 57-93 2-78 58 59 58-96 2-06 58-95 2-32 58-94 2-57 58-93 2-83 59 60 59-96 2-09 59-95 2-36 59-94 2-62 59-93 2-88 60 61 60-96 2-13 60-95 2-39 60-94 2-66 60-93 2-93 61 62 61-96 2-16 61-95 2-43 61-94 2-70 61-93 2-97 62 63 62-96 2-20 62-95 2-47 62-94 2-75 62-93 3-02 63 64 63-96 2-23 63-95 2-51 63-94 2-79 63-93 3-07 64 65 64-96 2-27 64-95 2-55 64-94 2-84 ! 64-93 3-12 65 66 65-96 2-30 65-95 2-59 65-94 2-88 65-92 3-17 66 67 66-96 2-34 66-95 2-63 66-94 2-92 66-92 3-21 67 68 67-96 2-37 67-95 2-67 67-94 2-97 : 67-92 3-26 68 69 C8-96 2-41 68-95 2-71 68-93 3-01 68-92 3-31 69 70 69-96 2-44 69-95 2-75 69-93 3-05 69-92 3-36 70 71 70-96 2-48 70-95 2-79 70-93 3-10 70-92 3-41 71 72 71-96 2-51 71-94 2-83 71-93 3-14 71-92 3-45 72 73 72-96 2-55 72-94 2-87 72-93 3-18 72-92 3-50 73 74 73-95 2-58 73-94 2-91 73-93 3-23 73-91 3-55 74 75 74-95 2-62 74-94 2-94 74-93 3-27 : 74-91 3-60 75 76 75-95 2-65 75-94 2-98 75-93 3-31 ! 75-91 3-65 76 77 76-95 2-69 76-94 3-02 76-93 3-36 1 76-91 3-70 77 78 77-95 2-72 77-94 3-06 77-93 3-40 77-91 3-74 78 79 78-95 2-76 78-94 3-10 78-92 3-45 78-91 3-79 79 80 79-95 2-79 79-94 3-14 79-92 3-49 79-91 3-84 80 81 80-95 2-83 80-94 3-18 80-92 3-53 80-91 3-89 81 82 81-95 2-86 81-94 3-22 81-92 3-58 81-91 3-93 82 83 82-95 2-90 82-94 3-26 82-92 3-62 i 82-90 3-98 83 84 83-95 2-93 83-94 3-30 83-92 3-66 83-90 4-03 84 85 84-95 2-97 84-93 3-34 84-92 3-71 I 84-90 4-08 85 86 85-95 3-00 85-93 3-38 85-92 3-75 85-90 4-13 86 87 86-95 3-04 86-93 3-42 86-92 3-79 86-90 4-17 87 88 87-95 3-07 87-93 3-45 87-92 3-84 87-90 4-22 88 89 88-95 3-11 88-93 3-49 88-92 3-88 88-90 4-27 89 90 89-95 3-14 89-93 3-53 89-91 3-93 89-90 4-32 90 91 90-95 3-18 90-93 3-57 90-91 3-97 90-90 4-37 91 92 91-94 3-21 91-93 3-61 91-91 4-01 91-89 4-41 92 93 92-94 3-25 92-93 3-65 92-91 4-06 92-89 4-46 93 94 93-94 3-28 93-93 3-69 93-91 4-10 93-89 4-51 94 95 94-94 3-32 94-93 3-73 94-91 4-14 94-89 4-56 95 96 95-94 3-35 95-93 3-77 95-91 4-19 95-89 4-61 96 97 96-94 3-39 96-93 3-81 96-91 4-23 96-89 4-65 97 98 97-94 3-42 97-92 3-85 97-91 4-27 97-89 4-70 98 99 98-94 3-46 98-92 3-89 98-91 4-32 98-89 4-75 99 100 99-94 3-49 99-92 3-93 99-91 4-36 99-88 4-80 100 a Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. 1 fl J I s 88 Deg. 87% Deg. 87^ Deg. 87}4 I>eg. .2 ft TRAVERSE TABLE. o wa" 3 Deg. 3^ Deg. 3M Deg. 3% Deg. 55' 1 I Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. 3 i 1-00 0-05 1-00 0-06 1-00 0-06 1-00 0-06 i 2 2-00 o-io 2-00 0-11 2-00 0-12 2-00 0-13 2 3 3-00 0-16 3-00 0-17 2-99 0-18 2-99 0-20 3 4 3-99 0-21 3-99 0-23 3-99 0-24 3-99 0-26 4 5 4-99 0-26 4-99 0-28 4-99 0-31 4-99 0-33 5 6 5-99 0-31 5-99 0-34 5-99 0-37 5-99 0-39 6 7 6-99 0-37 6-99 0-40 6-99 0-43 6-99 0-46 7 8 7-99 0-42 7-99 0-45 7-99 0-49 7-98 0-52 8 9 8-99 0-47 8-99 0-51 8-98 0-55 8-98 0-59 9 10 9-99 0-52 9-98 0-57 9-98 0-61 9-98 0-65 10 11 10-98 0-58 10-98 0-62 10-98 0-67 10-98 0-72 11 12 11-98 0-63 11-98 0-68 11-98 0-73 11-97 0-78 12 13 12-98 0-68 12-98 0-73 12-98 0-79 12-97 0-85 13 14 13-98 0-73 13-98 0-79 13-97 0-85 13-97 0-92 14 15 14-98 0-79 14-98 0-85 14-97 0-92 14-97 0-98 15 16 15-98 0-84 15.97 0-91 15-97 0-98 15-97 1-05 16 17 16-98 0-89 16-97 0-96 16-97 1-04 16-96 1-11 17 18 17-38 0-94 17-97 1-02 17-97 1-10 17-96 1-18 18 19 18-98 0-99 18-97 1-08 18-96 1-16 18-96 1-24 19 20 19-97 1-05 19-97 1-13 19-96 1-22 19-96 1-31 20 21 20-97 1-10 20-97 1-19 20-96 1-28 20-96 1-37 21 22 21-97 1-15 21-96 1-25 21-96 1-34 21-95 1-44 22 23 22-97 1-20 22-96 1-30 22-96 1-40 22-95 1-50 23 24 23-97 1-26 23-96 1-36 23-96 1-47 23-95 1-57 24 25 24-97 1-31 24-96 1-42 24-95 1-53 24-95 1-C4 25 26 25-96 1-36 25-96 1-47 25-95 1-59 25-94 1-70 26 27 28-96 1-41 26-96 1-53 26-95 1-65 26-94 1-77 27 28 27-96 1-47 27-95 1-59 27-95 1-71 27-94 1-83 28 29 28-96 1-52 28-95 1-64 28-95 1-77 28-94 1-90 29 30 29-96 1-57 29-95 1-70 29-94 1-83 29-94 1-96 30 31 30-96 1-62 30-95 1-76 30-94 1-89 30-93 2-03 31 32 31-96 1-67 31-95 1-81 31-94 1-95 31-93 2-09 32 33 32-95 1-73 32-95 1-87 32-94 2-01 32-93 2-16 33 34 33-95 1-78 33-95 1-93 33-94 2-08 33-93 2-22 34 35 34-95 1-83 34-94 1-98 34-93 2-14 34-92 2-29 35 36 35-95 1-88 35-94 2-04 35-93 2-20 35-92 2-35 36 37 36-95 1-94 36-94 2-10 36-93 2-26 36-92 2-42 37 38 37-95 1-99 37-94 2-15 37-93 2-32 37-92 2-49 38 39 38-95 2-04 38-94 2-21 38-93 2-38 38-92 2-55 39 40 39-95 2-09 39-94 2-27 39-93 2-44 39-91 2-62 40 41 40-94 2-15 40-93 2-32 40-92 2-50 40-91 2-es 41 42 41-94 2-20 41-93 2-38 41-92 2-56 41-91 2-75 42 43 42-94 2-25 42-93 2-44 42-92 2-63 42-91 2-81 43 44 43-94 2-30 43-93 2-49 43-92 2-69 43-91 2-88 44 45 44-94 2-36 44-93 2-55 44-92 2-75 44-90 2-94 45 46 45-94 2-41 45-93 2-61 45-91 2-81 45-90 3-01 46 47 46-94 2-46 46-92 2-66 46-91 2-87 46-90 3-07 47 .48 47-93 251 47-92 2-72 47-91 2-93 47-90 3-14 48 49 48-93 2.56 48-92 2-78 48-91 2-99 48-90 3-20 49 50 49-93 2-62 49-92 2-83 49-91 3-05 49-89 3-27 50 1 Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. 8 ft 87 Deg. 86% Deg. 86^ Deg. 86*4 Deg. 1 ft TRAVERSE TABLE. 9 2 s* 3 Deg. 3^ Deg. 3l Deg. 3% Deg. 2 M i" 1 Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. 1 51 50-93 2-67 50-92 2-89 50-90 3-11 50-89 3-34 51 52 51-93 2-72 51-92 2-95 51-90 3-17 51-89 3-40 52 53 52-93 2-77 52-91 3-00 52-90 3-24 52-89 3-47 53 54 53-93 2-83 53-91 3-06 53-90 3-30 53-88 3-53 54 55 54-92 2-88 54<91 3-12 54-90 3-36 54-88 3-60 55 56 55-92 2-93 55-91 3-17 55-90 3-42 55-88 3-66 56 57 56-92 2-98 56-91 3-23 56-89 3-48 56-88 3-73 57 58 57-92 3-04 57'91 3-29 57-89 3-54 57-88 3-79 58 59 58-92 3-09 58-91 3-34 58-89 3-60 58-87 3-86 59 60 59-92 3-14 59-90 3-40 59-89 3-66 59-87 3-92 60 61 60-92 3-19 60-90 3-46 60-89 3-72 60-87 3-99 61 62 61-92 3-24 61-90 3-51 61-88 3-79 61-87 4-05 62 63 62-91 3-30 62-90 3-57 62-88 3-85 62-87 4-12 63 64 63-91 3-35 63-90 3-63 63-88 3-91 63-86 4-19 64 65 64-91 3-40 64-90 3-69 64-88 3-97 64-86 4-25 65 66 65-91 3-45 65-89 3-74 65-88 4-03 65-86 4-32 66 67 66-91 3-51 66-89 3-80 66-88 4-09 66-86 4-38 67 68 67-91 3-56 67-89 3-86 67-87 4-15 67-85 4-45 68 69 68-91 3-61 68-89 3-91 68-87 4-21 68-85 4-51 69 70 69-90 3'66 69-89 3-97 69-87 4-27 69-85 4-58 70 71 70-90 3'72 70-89 4-03 70-87 4-33 70-85 4-64 71 72 71-90 377 71-88 4-08 71-87 4-40 71-85 4-71 72 73 72-90 3'82 72-88 4-14 72-86 4-46 72-84 4-77 73 74 73-90 3'87 73-88 4-20 73-86 4-52 73-84 4-8-1- 74 75 74-90 3'93 74-88 4-25 74-86 4-58 74-84 4-91 75 76 75-90 3*98 75-88 4-31 75-86 4-64 75-84 4-97 76 77 76-89 4'03 76-88 4-37 76-86 4-70 76-84 5-04 77 78 77-89 4'08 77'87 4-42 77-85 4-76 77-83 5-10 78 79 78-89 4-13 78-87 4-48 78-85 4-82 78-83 5-17 79 80 79-89 4-19 79-87 4-54 79-85 4-88 79-83 5-23 80 81 80-89 4'24 80-87 4-59 80-85 4-94 80-83 5-30 81 82 81-89 4-29 81-87 4-65 81-85 5-01 81-82 5-36 82 83 82-89 4*34 82-87 4-71 82-85 5-07 82-82 5-43 83 84 83-88 4'40 83-86 4-76 83-84 5-13 83-82 5-49 84 85 84-88 4-45 84-86 4-82 84-84 5-19 84-82 5-56 85 86 85-88 4'50 85-86 4-88 85-84 5-25 85-82 5-62 86 87 86-88 4'55 86-86 4-93 86-84 5-31 86-81 5-69 87 88 87-88 4'61 87-86 4-99 87-84 5-37 87-81 5-76 88 89 88-88 4'66 88-86 5-05 88-83 5-43 88-81 5-82 89 90 89-88 471 89-86 5-10 89-83 5-49 89-81 5-89 90 91 90-88 476 90-85 5-16 90-83 5-56 90-81 5-95 91 92 91-87 4'81 91-85 5-22 91-83 5-62 91-80 6-02 92 93 92-87 4-87 92-85 5-27 92-83 5-68 92-80 6-08 93 94 93-87 4'92 93-85 5-33 93-82 5-74 93-80 6-15 94 95 94-87 4'97 94-85 5-39 94-82 5-80 94-80 6-21 95 96 95-87 5'02 95-85 5-44 95-82 5-86 95-79 6-28 96 97 96-87 5'08 96-84 5-50 96-82 5-92 96-79 6-34 97 98 97-87 5'13 97-84 5-56 97-82 5-98 97-79 6-41 98 99 98-86 5*18 98-84 5-61 98-82 6-04 98-79 6-47 99 100 99-86 5'23 99-84 5-67 99-81 6-10 99-79 6-54 100 i Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. $ 1 1 i 87 Deg. 86% Deg. 86^ Deg. 86i Deg. ft 10 TRAVERSE TABLE. 1 g 4 Deg. 414 D eg. 4^ Deg. 4% Deg. 1 rt tf 1 Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. / V i 1-00 0-07 1-00 0-07 1-00 0-08 1-00 0-08 1 < 2 2-00 0-14 1-99 0-15 1-99 0-16 1-99 0-17 2 / 3 2-99 0-21 2-99 0-22 2-99 0-24 2-99 0-25 3 4 3-99 0-28 3-99 0-30 3-98 0-31 3-98 0-33 4 5 4-99 0-35 4-99 0-37 4-98 0-39 4-98 0-41 5 6 5-99 0-42 5-98 0-44 5-98 0-47 5-98 0-50 6 7 6-98 0-49 6-98 0-52 6-98 0-55 6-97 0-58 7 8 7-98 0-56 7-98 0-59 7-98 0-63 7-97 0-66 8 9 8-98 0-63 8-98 0-67 8-97 0-71 8-97 0-75 9 10 9-98 0-70 9-97 0-74 9-97 0-78 9-97 0-83 10 1 11 10-97 0-77 10-97 0-82 10-97 0-86 10-96 0-91 11 ) 12 11-97 0-84 11-97 0-89 11-96 0-94 11-96 0-99 12 \ 13 12-97 0-91 12-96 0-96 12-96 1-02 12-96 1-08 13 ( 14 13-97 0-98 13-96 1-04 13-90 1-10 13-95 1-16 14 ( 15 14-96 1-05 14-96 Ml 14-95 1-18 14-95 1-24 15 ) 16 15-96 1-12 15-96 1-19 15-95 1-26 15-95 1-32 16 ) 17 16-96 1-19 16-95 1-26 16-95 1-33 16-94 1-41 17 ) 18 17-96 1-26 17-95 1-33 17-94 1-41 17-94 1-49 18 ) 19 18-95 1-33 18-95 1-40 18-94 1-49 18-93 1-57 19 ( 20 19-95 1-40 19-95 1-48 19-94 1-57 19-93 1-66 20 < 21 20-95 1-46 20-94 1-56 20-94 1-P5 20-93 1-74 21 ) 22 21-95 1-53 21-94 1-P3 21-93 1-73 21-92 1-82 22 ) 23 22-94 1-60 22-94 1-70 22-93 1-80 22-92 1-90 23 ) 24 23-94 1-67 23-93 1-78 23-93 1-88 23-92 1-99 24 ) 25 24-94 1-74 24-93 1-85 24-92 1-96 24-91 2-07 25 S 26 25-94 1-81 25-93 1-93 25-92 2-04 25-91 2-15 26 < 27 26-93 1-88 26-93 2-00 26-92 2-12 26-91 2-24 27 ( 28 27-93 l-9o 27-92 2-08 27-91 2-20 27-90 2-32 28 ( 29 28-93 2-02 28-92 2-15 28-91 2-28 28-90 2-40 29 ) 30 29-93 2-09 29-92 2-22 29-91 2-35 29-90 2-48 30 ) 31 30-92 2-16 30-91 2-30 PO-90 2-43 30-89 2-57 31 < 32 31-92 2-23 31-91 2-37 31-90 2-51 31-89 2-65 32 < 33 32-92 2-30 32-91 2-45 32-90 2-59 32-89 2-73 33 ( 34 33-92 2-37 33-91 2-52 33--90 2-67 33-88 2-82 34 ( ( 35 34-91 2-44 34-90 2-59 34-89 2-75 34-88 2-90 35 ( ( 36 35-91 2-51 35-90 2-67 35-89 2-82 35-88 2-98 36 , ) 37 30-91 2-58 36-90 2-74 36-89 2-90 36-87 3-06 37 ) 38 37-91 2-65 37-90 2-82 37-88 2-98 37-87 3-15 38 ) 39 38-90 2-72 38-89 2-89 38-88 3-06 38-87 3-23 39 S 40 39-90 2-79 39-89 2-96 39-88 3-14 39-86 3-31 40 ( 41 40-90 2-86 40-89 3-04 40-87 3-22 40-86 3-40 41 ( 42 41-90 2-93 41-88 311 41-87 3-30 41-86 3-48 42 > 43 42-90 3-00 42-88 3-19 42-87 3-37 42-85 3-56 43 ) 44 43-89 3-07 43-88 3-26 43-86 3-45 43-85 3-64 44 ) 45 44-89 3-14 44-88 3-33 44-86 3-53 44-85 3-73 45 S 46 45-89 3-21 45-87 3-41 45-86 3-61 45-84 3-81 46 ( 47 46-89 3-28 46-87 3-48 46-86 3-69 46-84 3-89 47 S 48 47-88 3-35 47-87 3-56 47-85 3-77 47-84 3-97 48 ( 49 48-88 3-42 48-87 3-63 48-85 3-84 48-83 4-06 49 / 50 49-88 3-49 49-86 3-71 49-85 3-92 49-83 4-14 50 1 Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. t 1 ( ^ 86 Deg. 85% Deg. 85^ Deg. 85^ Deg. P TRAVERSE TABLE. 11 g 4Deg. 4% Deg. 4^ Deg. 4% Deg. g 1 51 50-88 3-56 50-86 3-78 50-84 4-00 50-82 4-22 51 52 51-87 3-63 51-86 3-85 51-84 4-08 51-82 4-31 52 53 52-87 3-70 52-85 3-93 52-84 4'16 52-82 4-39 53 54 53-87 3-77 53-85 4-00 53-83 4-24 53-81 4-47 54 55 54-87 3-84 54-85 4-08 54-83 4-32 54-81 4-55 55 56 55-86 3-91 55-85 4-15 55-83 4-39 56-81 4-64 50 57 56-86 3-98 56-84 4-22 56-82 4'47 56-80 4-72 57 58 57-86 4-05 57-84 4-30 57-82 4-55 57-80 4-80 58 59 58-86 4-12 58-84 4-37 58-82 4-63 58-80 4-89 59 60 59-85 4-19 59-84 4-45 59-82 4-71 59-79 4-97 60 61 60-85 4-26 60-83 4-52 60-81 4-79 60-79 5-05 61 62 61-85 4-32 61-83 4-59 61-81 4-86 61-79 5-13 62 63 62-85 4-39 62-83 4-67 62-81 4-94 62-78 5-22 63 64 63-84 4-46 63-82 4-74 63-80 5-02 63-78 5-30 64 65 64-84 4-53 64-82 4-82 64-80 5-10 64-78 5-38 65 66 65-84 4-60 65-82 4-89 65-80 5-18 65-77 5-47 66 67 66-84 4-67 66-82 4-97 66-79 5'26 66-77 5-55 67 68 67-83 4-74 67-81 5-04 67-79 5-34 67-77 5-63 68 69 68-83 4-81 68-81 5-11 68-79 5-41 68-76 5-71 69 70 69-83 4-88 , 69-81 5-19 69'78 5-49 69-76 5-80 70 71 70-83 4-95 70-80 5-26 70-78 5-57 70-76 5-88 71 72 71-82 5-02 71-80 5-34 71-78 5-65 71-75 5-96 72 73 72-82 5-09 72-80 5-41 712-77 5-73 72-75 6-04 73 74 73-82 5-16 73-80 5-48 73-77 5-81 73-75 6-13 74 75 74-82 5-23 74-79 5-56 74-77 5-88 74-74 6-21 75 76 75-81 5-30 75-79 5-63 75-77 5-96 75-74 6-29 76 77 76-81 5'37 76-79 5-71 76-76 6-04 76-74 6-38 77 78 77-81 5-44 77-79 5-78 77-76 6-12 77-73 6-46 78 79 78-81 5-51 78-78 5-85 78-76 6-20 78-73 6-54 79 80 79-81 5-58 79-78 5-93 79-75 6-28 79-73 6-62 80 81 80-80 5-65 1 80-78 6-00 80-75 6-36 80-72 6-71 81 82 81-80 5-72 81-78 6-08 81-75 6-43 || 81-72 6-79 82 83 82-80 5-79 82-77 6-15 82-74 6-51 82-71 6-87 83 84 83-80 5-86 83-77 6-23 83-74 6-59 83-71 6-96 84 85 84-79 5-93 84-77 6-30 84-74 6-67 84-71 7-04 85 86 85-79 6-00 85-76 6-37 85-73 6-75 85-70 7-12 86 87 86-79 6-07 86-76 6-45 86-73 6-83 86-70 7-20 87 88 87-79 6-14 87-76 6-52 87-73 - 6-90 87-70 7-29 88 89 88-78 6-21 88-76 6-60 88-73 6-98 88-70 7-37 89 90 89-78 6-28 89-75 6-67 89-72 7-06 89-69 7-45 90 91 90-78 6-35 90-75 6-74 90-72 7-14 90-69 7-54 91 92 91-78 6-42 91-75 6-82 91-72 7-22 91-68 7-62 92 93 92-77 6-49 92-74 6-89 92-71 7-30 92-68 7-70 93 94 93-77 6-56 93-74 6-97 93-71 7-38 93-68 7-78 94 95 94-77 6-63 94-74 7-04 94-71 7-45 94-67 7-87 95 96 95-77 6-70 95-74 7-11 95-70 7-53 95-67 7-95 96 97 96-76 6-77 96-73 7-19 96-70 7-61 96-67 8-03 97 98 97-76 6-84 97-73 7-26 97-70 7-69 97-66 8-12 98 99 98-76 6-91 98-73 7-34 98-69 7-77 98-66 8-20 99 100 99-76 6-98 99-73 7-41 99-69 7-85 99-66 8-28 100 1 Dep. Lat, Dep. Lat, Dep. Lat. | Dep. Lat. 1 j i 86 Deg. 85% Deg. 85KDeg. 85^ Deg. OB S 12 TRAVERSE TABLE. 2 en 5Deg. 5^ Deg. 5^ Deg. 5% Deg. 2 t/a" I 1 Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. 1 i 1-00 0-09 1-00 0-09 1-00 0-10 0-99 0-10 i 2 1-99 0-17 1-99 0-18 1-99 0-19 1-99 0-20 2 3 2-99 0-26 2-99 0-27 2-99 0-29 2-98 0-30 3 4 3-98 0-35 3-98 0-37 3-98 0-38 3-98 0-40 4 5 4-98 0-44 4-98 0-46 4-98 0-48 4-97 0-50 5 6 5-98 0-52 5-97 0-55 5-97 0-58 5-97 0-60 6 7 6-97 0-61 6-97 0-64 6-97 0-67 6-96 0-70 7 8 7-97 0-70 7-97 0-73 7-96 0-76 7-96 0-80 8 9 8-97 0-78 8-96 0-82 8-96 0-86 8-95 0-90 9 10 9-96 0-87 9-96 0-92 9-95 0-96 9-95 1-00 10 11 10-96 0-96 10-95 1-01 10-95 1-05 10-94 1-10 11 12 11-95 1-05 11-95 1-10 11-94 1-15 11-94 1-20 12 13 12-95 1-13 12-95 1-19 12-94 1-25 12-93 1-30 13 14 13-95 1-22 13-94 1-28 13-94 1-34 13-93 1-40 14 15 14-94 1-31 14-94 1-37 14-93 1-44 14-92 1-50 15 16 15-94 1-39 15.93 1-46 15-93 1-53 15-92 1-60 16 17 16-94 1-48 16-93 1-56 16-92 1-63 16-91 1-70 17 18 17-93 1-57 17-92 1-65 17-92 1-73 17-91 1-80 18 19 18-93 1-66 18-92 1-74 18-91 1-82 18-90 1-90 19 20 19-92 1-74 19-92 1-83 19-91 1-92 19-90 2-00 20 21 20-92 1-83 20-91 1-92 20-90 2-01 20-89 2-10 21 < 22 21-92 1-92 21-91 2-01 21-90 2-11 21-89 2-20 22 23 22-91 2-00 22-90 2-10 22-89 2-20 22-88 2-30 23 24 23-91 2-09 23-90 2-20 23-89 2-30 23-88 2-40 24 25 24-90 2-18 24-90 2-29 24-88 2-40 24-87 2-50 25 26 25-90 2-27 25-89 2-38 25-88 2-49 25-87 2-60 26 ( 27 26-90 2-35 26-89 2-47 26-88 2-59 26-86 2-71 27 ( 28 27-89 2-44 27-88 2-56 27-87 2-68 27-86 2-81 28 29 28-89 2-53 28-88 2-65 28-87 2-78 28-85 2-91 29 < 30 29-89 2-61 29-87 2-75 29-86 2-88 29-85 3-01 30 ; 31 30-88 2-70 30-87 2-84 30-86 2-97 30-84 3-11 31 32 31-88 2-79 31-87 2-93 31-85 3-07 31-84 3-21 32 33 32-87 2-88 32-86 3-02 32-85 3-16 32-83 3-31 33 34 33-87 2-96 33-86 3-11 33-84 3-26 33-83 3-41 34 35 34-87 3-05 34-85 3-20 34-84 3-35 34-82 3-51 35 36 35-86 3-14 35-85 3-29 35-83 3-45 35-82 3-61 36 37 36-86 3-22 36-84 3-39 36-83 3-55 36-81 3-71 37 38 37-86 3-31 37-84 3-48 37-83 3-64 37-81 3-81 38 39 38-85 3-40 38-84 3-57 38-82 3-74 38-80 3-91 39 40 39-85 3-49 39-83 3-66 39-82 3-83 39-80 4-01 40 41 40-84 3-57 40-82 3-75 40-81 3-93 40-79 4-11 41 42 41-84 3-66 41-82 3-84 41-81 4-03 41-79 4-21 42 43 42-84 3-75 42-82 3-93 42-80 4-12 42-78 4-31 43 44 43-83 3-83 43-82 4-03 43-80 4-22 43-78 4-41 44 45 44-83 3-92 44-81 4-12 44-79 4-31 44-77 4-51 45 46 45-82 4-01 45-81 4-21 45-79 4-41 45-77 4-61 46 < 47 46-82 4-10 46-80 4-30 46-78 4-50 46-76 4-71 47 48 47-82 4-18 47-80 4-39 47-78 4-60 47-76 4-81 48 49 48-81 4.27 48-79 4-48 48-77 4-70 48-75 4-91 49 50 49-81 4-36 49-79 4-58 49-77 4-79 49-75 5-01 50 i Dep. Lat. Dep, Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. i < 1 1 85Deg. 84% Deg. S4KDeg. 84KDeg. i 5 TRAVERSE TABLE. 13 t> 1 5 Deg. &A Deg. 5XDeg. 5% Deg. b 1 I Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. P 51 50-81 4-44 50-79 4-67 50-77 4-89 50-74 5-11 51 52 51-80 4-53 51-78 4-76 51-76 4-98 51-74 5-21 52 53 52-80 4-62 52-78 4-85 52-76 5-08 52-73 5-31 53 54 53-79 4-71 53-77 4-94 53-75 5-18 53-73 5-41 54 56 54-79 4-79 54-77 6-03 54-75 5-27 54-72 5-51 55 66 55-79 4-88 55-77 5-12 55-74 5-37 55-72 5-61 56 57 56-78 4-97 56-76 5^22 56-74 5-46 56-71 5-71 57 58 57-78 5-06 57-76 5-31 57-73 5-56 57-71 5-81 58 59 58-78 5-14 58-75 5-40 58-73 5-65 58-70 5-91 59 60 59-77 6-23 59-75 5-49 59-72 5-75 59-70 6-01 60 61 60-77 6-32 60-74 5-58 60-72 5-85 60-69 6-11 61 62 61-76 6-40 61-74 5-67 61-71 5-94 61-69 6-21 62 63 62-76 5-49 62-74 5-76 62-71 6-04 62-68 6-31 63 64 63-76 5-58 63-73 5-86 63-71 6-13 63-68 6-41 64 65 64-75 5-67 64-73 5-95 64-70 6-23 64-67 6-51 65 66 65-75 5-75 65-72 6-04 65-70 6-33 65-67 6-61 66 67 66-75 5-84 66-72 6-13 66-69 6-42 66-66 6-71 67 68 67-74 5-93 67-71 6-22 67-69 6-52 67-66 6-81 68 69 68-74 6-01 68-71 6-31 68-68 6-61 68-65 6-91 69 70 69-73 6-10 69-71 6-41 69-68 6-71 69-65 7-01 70 71 70-73 6-19 70-70 6-50 70-67 6-81 70-64 7-11 71 72 71-73 6-28 71-70 6-59 71-67 6-90 71-64 7-21 72 73 72-72 6-36 72-69 6-68 72-66 7-00 72-63 7-31 73 74 73-72 6-45 73-69 6-77 73-66 7-09 73-63 7-41 74 75 74-71 6-54 74-69 6-86 74-65 7-19 74-62 7-51 75 76 75-71 6-62 75-68 6-95 75-65 7-28 75-62 7-61 76 77 76-71 6-71 76-68 7-05 76-65 7-38 76-61 7-71 77 78 77-70 6-80 77-67 7-14 77-64 7-48 77-61 7-81 78 79 78-70 6-89 78-67 7-23 78-64 7-57 78-60 7-91 79 80 79-70 6-97 79-66 7-32 79-63 7-67 79-60 8-02 80 81 80-69 7-06 80-66 7-41 80-63 7-76 80-59 8-12 81 82 81-69 7-15 81-66 7-50 81-62 7-86 81-59 8-22 82 83 82-68 7-23 82-65 7-59 82-62 7-96 82-58 8-32 83 84 83-68 7-32 83-65 7-69 83-61 8-05 83-58 8-42 84 86 84-68 7-41 84-64 7-78 84-61 8-15 84-57 8-52 85 86 85-67 7-50 85-64 7-87 85-60 8-24 85-57 8-62 86 87 86-67 7-58 86-64 7-96 86-60 8-34 86-56 8-72 87 88 87-67 7-67 87-63 8-05 87-59 8-43 87-56 8-82 88 89 88-66 7-76 88-63 8-14 88-59 8-53 88-55 8-92 89 90 89-66 7-84 83-62 8-24 89-59 8-63 89-55 9-02 90 91 90-65 7-93 90-62 8-33 90-58 8-72 90-54 9-12 91 92 91-65 8-02 91-61 8-42 91-58 8-82 91-54 9-22 92 93 92-65 8-11 92-61 8-51 92-57 8-91 92-53 9-32 93 94 93-64 8-19 93-61 8-60 93-57 9-01 93-53 9-42 94 95 94-64 8-28 94-60 8-69 94-56 9-11 94-52 9-52 95 96 95-63 8-37 95-60 8-78 95-56 9-20 95-52 9-62 96 97 96-63 8-45 96-59 8-88 96-55 9-30 96-51 9-72 97 98 97-63 8-54 97-59 8-97 97-55 9-39 97-51 9-82 98 99 98-62 8-63 98-59 9-06 98-54 3-49 98-50 9-92 99 100 99-62 8-72 99-58 9-15 99-54 9-58 99-50 10-02 100 i Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. 8 -2 "an 5 5 Dcg. 84% Deg. 84^ Deg. 84*4 Deg. 1 14 TRAVERSE TABLE. b 6Deg. A Deg. 6^ Deg. 6% Deg. t) 1 I g r Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. 1 F 1 0-99 o-io 0-99 0-11 0-99 0-11 0-99 0-12 1 2 1-99 0-21 1-99 0-22 1-99 0-23 1-99 0-24 2 3 2-98 0-31 2-98 0-33 2-98 0-34 2-98 0-35 3 4 3-98 0-41 3-98 0-44 3-97 0-45 3'97 0-47 4 5 4-97 0-52 4-97 0-54 4-97 0-57 4-97 0-59 5 6 5-97 0-63 5-96 0-65 5-96 0-68 5-96 0-71 6 7 6-96 0-73 6-96 0-76 6-96 0-79 6-95 0-82 7 8 7-96 0-84 7-95 0-87 7'95 0-91 7-94 0-94 8 9 8-95 0-94 8-95 0-98 8-94 1-02 8-94 1-06 9 10 9-95 1-05 9'94 1-09 9-94 1-13 9-93 1-18 10 11 10-94 1-15 10-93 1-20 10-93 1-25 10-92 1-29 11 12 11-93 1-25 11-93 1-31 11-92 1-36 11-92 1-41 12 13 12-93 1-36 12-92 1-42 12-92 1-47 12-91 1-53 13 14 13-92 1-46 13-92 1-52 13-91 1-59 13-90 1-65 14 15 14-92 1-57 14-91 1-63 14-90 1-70 14-90 1-76 15 16 15-91 1-67 15-90 1-74 15-90 1-81 15-89 1-88 16 17 16-91 1-78 16-90 1-85 16-89 1-92 16-88 2-00 17 18 17-90 1-88 17-89 1-96 17-88 2-04 17-88 2-12 18 19 18-90 1-99 18-89 2-07 18-88 2-15 18-87 2-23 19 20 19-89 2-09 19-88 2-18 19-87 2-26 19-86 2-35 20 21 20-88 2-20 20-88 2-29 20-87 2-38 20-85 2-47 21 22 21-88 2-30 21-87 2-40 21-86 2-49 21-85 2-59 22 23 22-87 2-40 22-86 2-50 22-85 2-60 22-84 2-70 23 24 23-87 2-51 23-86 2-61 23-85 2-72 23-83 2-82 24 25 24-86 2-61 24-85 2-72 24-84 2-83 24-83 2-94 25 26 25-86 2-72 25-85 2-83 25-83 2-94 25-82 3-06 26 27 26-85 2-82 26-84 2-94 26-83 3-06 26-81 3-17 27 28 27-85 2-93 27-83 3-05 27-82 3-17 27-81 3-29 28 29 28-84 3-03 28-83 3-16 28-81 3-28 28-80 3-41 29 30 29-84 3-14 29-82 3-27 29-81 3-40 29-79 3-53 30 31 30-83 3-24 30-82 3-37 30-80 3-51 30-79 3-64 31 32 31-82 3-34 31-81 3-48 31-79 3-62 31-78 3-76 32 33 32-82 3-45 32-80 3-59 32-79 3-74 32-77 3-88 33 34 33-81 3-55 33-80 3-70 33-78 3-85 33-76 4-00 34 35 34-81 3-66 34-79 3-81 34-78 3-96 34-76 4-11 35 36 35-80 3-76 35-79 3-92 35-77 4-08 35-75 4-23 36 37 36-80 3-87 36-78 4-03 36-76 4-19 36-75 4-35 37 38 37-79 3-97 37-77 4-14 37-76 4-30 37-74 4-47 38 39 38-79 4-08 38-77 4-25 38-75 4-41 3S-73 4-58 39 40 39-78 4-15 39-76 4-35 39-74 4-53 39-72 4-70 40 41 40-78 4-29 40-76 4-46 40-74 4-64 40-72 4-82 41 42 41-77 4-39 41-75 4-57 41-73 4-76 41-71 4-94 42 43 42-76 4-49 42-74 4-68 42-72 4-87 42-70 5-05 43 44 43-76 4-60 43-74 4-79 43-72 4-98 43.70 5-17 44 45 44-75 4'70 44-73 4-90 44-71 5-09 44-69 5-29 45 46 45-75 4-81 45-73 5-01 45-70 5-21 45-68 5-41 46 ) 47 46-74 4-91 46-72 5-12 46-70 5-32 46-67 5-52 47 ) 48 47-74 5-02 47-71 5-23 47-69 5-43 47-67 5-64 48 49 48-73 5-12 48-71 5-34 48-69 5-55 48-66 5-76 49 50 49-73 5-23 49-70 5-44 49-68 5-66 49-65 5-88 50 I i Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. 1 1 1 ( ^ 84 Deg. 83% Deg. 83^ Deg. Deg. 83% ft TRAVERSE TABLE. 15 u 6 Deg. 6/4 Deg. 6% Deg. 6% Deg. ? 1 1 1 Lat, Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. I o 51 50-72 5-33 50-70 5-5 50-67 5-77 50-65 5-99 51 52 51-72 5-44 51-69 5-66 51-67 5-89 51-64 6-11 52 53 52-71 5-54 52-68 5-77 52-66 6-00 52-63 6-23 53 54 53-70 5-64 53-68 5-88 53-65 6-11 53-63 6-35 54 55 54-70 5-75 54-67 5-99 54-65 6-23 54-62 6-46 55 56 55-69 5-85 55-67 6-10 55-64 6-34 55-61 6-58 56 57 56-69 5-96 56-66 6-21 56-63 6-45 56-60 6-70 57 58 57-68 6-06 57-66 6-31 57-63 6-57 57-60 6-82 58 59 58-68 6-17 58-65 6-42 58-62 6-68 58-59 6-93 59 60 59-67 6-27 59-64 6-53 59-61 6-79 59-58 7-05 60 61 60-67 6-38 60-64 6-64 60-61 6-91 60-58 7-17 61 62 61-66 6-48 61-63 6-75 61-60 7-02 61-57 7-29 62 63 62-65 6-59 62-63 6-86 62-60 7-13 62-56 7-40 63 64 63-65 6-69 63-62 6-97 63-59 7-25 63-56 7-52 64 65 64-64 6-79 64-61 7-08 64-58 7-36 64-55 7-64 65 66 65-64 6-90 65-61 7-19 65-58 7-47 65-54 7-76 66 67 66-63 7-00 66-60 7-29 66-57 7-58 66-54 7-88 67 68 67-63 7-11 67-60 7-40 67-56 7-70 67-53 7-99 68 69 68-62 7-21 68-59 7-51 68-56 7-81 68-52 8-11 69 70 69-62 7-32 69-58 7-62 69-55 7-92 69-51 8-23 70 71 70-61 7-42 70-58 7-73 70-54 8-04 70-51 8-35 71 72 71-61 7-53 71-57 7-84 71-54 8-15 71-50 8-46 72 73 72-60 7-63 72-57 7-95 72-53 8-26 72-49 8-58 73 74 73-59 7-74 73-56 8-06 73-52 8-38 73-49 8-70 74 75 74-59 7-84 74-55 8-17 74-52 8-49 74-48 8-82 75 76 75-58 7-94 75-55 8-27 75-51 8-60 75-47 8-93 76 77 76-58 8-05 76-54 8-38 76-51 8-72 76-47 9-05 77 78 77-57 8-15 77-54 8-49 77-50 8-83 77-46 9-17 78 79 78-57 8-26 78-53 8-60 78-49 8-94 78-45 9-29 79 80 79-56 8-36 79-53 8-71 79-49 9-06 79-45 9-40 80 81 80-56 8-47 80-52 8-82 80-48 9-17 80-44 9-52 81 82 81-55 8-57 81-51 8-93 81-47 9-28 81-43 9-64 82 83 82-55 8-68 82-51 9-04 82-47 9-40 82-42 9-76 83 84 83-54 8-78 83-50 9-14 83-46 9-51 83-42 9-87 84 85 84-53 8-88 84-50 9-25 84-45 9-62 84-41 9-99 85 86 85-53 8-99 85-49 9-36 85-45 9-74 85-40 10-11 86 87 86-52 9-09 86-48 9-47 86-44 9-85 86-40 10-23 87 88 87-52 9-20 87-48 9-58 87-43 9-96 87-39 10-34 88 89 88-51 9-30 88-47 9-69 88-43 10-08 88-38 10-46 89 90 89-51 9-41 89-47 9-80 89-42 10-19 89-38 10-58 90 91 90-50 9-51 90-46 9-91 90-42 10-30 90-37 10-70 91 92 91-50 9-62 91-45 10-02 91-41 10-41 91-36 10-81 92 93 92-49 9-72 92-45 10-12 92-40 10-53 92-36 10-93 93 94 93-49 9-83 93-44 10-23 93-40 10-64 93-35 11-05 94 95 94-48 9-93 94-44 10-34 94-39 10-75 94-34 11-17 95 96 95-47 10-03 95-43 10-45 95-38 10-87 95-33 11-28 96 97 96-47 10-14 96-42 10-56 96-38 10-98 96-33 11-40 97 98 97-46 10-24 97-42 10-67 97-37 11-09 97-32 11-52 98 99 98-46 10-35 98-41 10-78 98-36 11-21 98-31 11-64 99 100 99-45 10-45 99-41 10-89 99-36 11-32 99-31 11-75 100 j a Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. g 3 .22 ft 84 Deg. 83% Deg. 83^ Deg. 831^ Deg. 3 16 TRAVERSE TABLE. i 7 Deg. 7^ Deg 7K Eeg. 7% Deg. 1 1 i" 8 | Lat. Dep. Lat. ; Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. I 1 0-99 0-12 0-99 0-13 0-99 0-13 0-99 0-13 i 2 1-99 0-24 1-98 0-25 1-98 0-26 1-98 0'27 2 3 2-98 0-37 2-98 0-38 2-97 0-39 2-97 0-40 3 4 3-97 0-49 3-97 0-50 3-97 0-52 3-96 0-54 4 5 4-96 0-61 4-96 0-63 4-96 0-65 4-95 0-67 5 6 5-96 0-73 5-95 0-76 5-95 0-78 5-95 0-81 6 7 6-95 0-85 6-94 0-88 6-94 0-91 6-94 0-94 7 8 7-94 0-97 7-94 1-01 7-93 1-04 7-93 1-08 8 9 8-93 1-10 8-93 1-14 8-92 1-17 8-92 1-21 9 10 9-93 1-22 9-92 1-26 9-91 1-31 9-91 1-35 10 11 10-92 1-34 10-91 1-39 10-91 1-44 10-90 1-48 11 12 11-91 1-46 11-90 1-51 11-90 1-57 11-89 1-62 12 13 12-90 1-58 12-90 1-64 12-89 1-70 12-88 1-75 13 14 13-90 1-71 13-89 1-77 13-88 1-83 13-87 1-89 14 15 14-89 1-83 14-88 1-89 14-87 1-96 14-86 2-02 15 16 15-88 1-95 15-87 2-02 15-86 2-09 15-85 2-16 16 17 16-87 2-07 16-86 2-15 16-85 2-22 16-84 2-29 17 18 17-87 2-19 17-86 2-27 17-85 2-35 17-84 2-43 18 19 18-86 2-32 18-85 2-40 18-84 2-48 18-83 2-56 19 I 20 19-85 2-44 19-84 2-52 19-83 2-61 19-82 2-70 20 21 20-84 2-56 20-83 2-65 20-82 2-74 20-81 2-83 21 22 21-84 2-68 21-82 2-78 21-81 2-87 21-80 2-97 22 23 22-83 2-80 22-82 2-90 22-80 3-00 22-79 3-10 23 24 23-82 2-92 23-81 3-03 23-79 3-13 23-78 3-24 24 25 24-81 3-05 24-80 3-15 24-79 3-26 24-77 3-37 25 26 25-81 3-17 25-79 3-28 25-78 3-39 25-76 3-51 26 27 26-80 3-29 26-78 3-41 26-77 3-52 26-75 3-64 27 28 27-79 3-41 27-78 3-53 27-76 3-65 27-74 3-78 28 29 28-78 3-53 28-77 3-66 28-75 3-79 28-74 3-91 29 30 29-78 3-66 29-76 3-79 29-74 3-92 29-73 4'05 30 31 30-77 3-78 30-75 3-91 30-73 4-05 30-72 4-18 31 32 31-76 3-90 31-74 4-04 31-73 4-18 31-71 4-32 32 33 32-75 4-02 32-74 4-16 32-72 4-31 32-70 4-45 33 34 33-75 4-14 33-73 4-29 33-71 4-44 33-69 4-58 34 35 34-74 4-27 34-72 4-42 34-70 4-57 34-68 4-72 35 36 35-73 4-39 35-71 4-54 35-69 4-70 35-67 4-85 36 37 36-72 4-51 36-70 4-67 36-68 4-83 36-66 4-99 37 38 37-72 4-63 37-70 4-80 37-67 4-96 37-65 5-12 38 39 38-71 4-75 38-69 4-92 38-67 5-09 38-64 5-26 39 i 40 39-70 4-87 39-68 5-05 39-66 5-22 39-63 5-39 40 41 40-70 5-00 40-67 5-17 40-65 5-35 40-63 5-53 41 42 41-69 5-12 41-66 5-30 41-64 5-48 41-62 5-66 42 43 42-68 5-24 42-66 5-43 42-63 5-61 42-61 5-80 43 44 43-67 5-36 43-65 5-55 43-62 5-74 43-60 5-93 44 45 44-67 5-48 44-64 5-68 44-62 5-87 44-59 6-07 45 46 45-66 5-61 45-63 5-81 45-61 6-00 45-58 6-20 46 47 46-65 5-73 46-62 5-93 46-60 6-13 46-57 6-34 47 48 47-64 5-85 47-62 6-06 47-59 6-27 47-56 6-47 48 49 48-63 5-97 48-61 6-18 48-58 6-40 48-55 6-61 49 50 49-63 6-09 49-60 6-31 49-57 6-53 49-54 6-74 50 i Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. I > s 83 Deg. 82% Deg. 82^ Deg. 821^ Deg. s TRAVERSE TABLE. 17 w 7Deg. 7K Deg. 7KDeg. 7% Deg. 2 1 1 i Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. 1 51 50-62 6-22 50-59 6-44 50-56 6-66 5053 6-88 51 52 51-61 6-34 51-58 6-56 51-56 6-79 51-53 7-01 52 53 52-60 6-46 52-58 6-69 52- 5 5 6-92 52-52 7-15 53 54 53-60 6-58 53-57 6-81 53-54 7-05 53-51 7-28 54 55 54-59 6-70 54-56 6-94 54-53 7-18 54-50 7-42 55 56 55-58 6-82 55-55 7-07 55-52 7-31 55-49 7-55 56 57 56-58 6-95 56-54 7-19 56-51 7-44 56-48 7-69 57 58 57-57 7-07 57-54 7-32 57-50 7-57 57-47 7-82 58 59 58-56 7-19 58-53 7-45 58-50 7-70 58-46 7-96 59 60 59-55 7-31 59-52 7-57 59-49 7-83 59-45 8-09 60 61 60-55 7-43 60-51 7-70 60-48 7-96 60-44 8-23 61 62 61-54 7-56 61-50 7-82 61-47 8-09 61-43 8-36 62 63 62-53 7-68 62-50 7-95 62-46 8-22 82-42 8-50 63 64 63-52 7-80 63-49 8-08 63-45 8-35 63-42 8-63 64 65 64-52 7-92 64-48 8-20 64-44 8-48 64-41 8-77 65 66 65-51 8-04 65-47 8-33 65-44 8-61 65-40 8-90 66 67 66-50 8-17 66-46 8-46 66-43 8-75 66-39 9-04 67 68 67-49 8-29 67-46 8-58 67-42 8-S8 67-38 9-17 68 69 68-49 8-41 68-45 8-71 68-41 9-01 68-37 9-30 69 70 69-48 8-53 69-44 8-83 69-40 9-14 69-36 9-44 70 71 70-47 8-65 70-43 8-96 70-39 9-27 70-35 9-57 71 72 71-40 8-77 71-42 9-09 71-38 9-40 71-34 9-71 72 73 72-46 8-90 72-42 9-21 72-38 9-53 72-33 9-84 73 74 73-45 9-02 73-41 9-34 73-37 9-66 73-32 9-98 74 75 74-44 9-14 74-40 9-46 74-36 9-79 74-31 10-11 75 76 75-43 9-26 75-39 9-59 75-35 9-92 75-31 10-25 76 77 76-43 9-38 76-38 9-72 76-34 10-05 76-30 10-38 77 78 77-42 9-51 77-38 9-84 77-33 10-18 77-29 10-52 78 79 78-41 9-63 78-37 9-97 78-32 10-31 78-28 10-65 79 80 79-40 9-75 79-36 10-10 79-32 10-44 79-27 10-79 80 81 80-40 9-87 80-35 10-22 80-31 10-57 80-28 10-92 81 82 81-39 9-99 81-34 10-35 .81-30 10-70 81-25 11-06 82 83 82-38 10-12 82-34 10-47 82-29 10-83 82-24 11-19 83 84 83-37 10-24 83-33 10-60 83-28 10-96 83-23 11-33 84 85 84-37 10-36 84-32 10-73 84-27 11-09 84-22 11-46 85 86 85-36 10-48 85-31 10-85 85-26 11-23 85-21 11-60 86 87 86-35 10-60 86-30 10-98 86-26 11-36 86-21 11-73 87 88 87-34 10-72 87-30 11-11 87-25 11-49 87-20 11-87 88 89 88-34 10-85 88-29 11-23 88-24 11-62 88-19 12.00 89 90 89-33 10-97 89-28 11-36 89-23 11-75 89-18 12-14 90 91 90-32 11-09 90-27 11-48 90-22 11-88 90-17 12-27 91- 92 91-31 11-21 91-26 11-61 91-21' 12-01 91-16 12-41 92 93 92-31 11-33 92-26 11-74 92-20 12-14 92-15 12-54 93 94 93-30 11-46 93-25 11-86 93-20 12-27 93-14 12-68 94 95 94-29 11-58 94-24 11-99 94-19 12-40 94-13 12-81 95 96 95-28 11-70 95-23 12-12 95-18 12-53 95-12 12-95 96 97 96-28 11-82 96-22 12-24 96-17 12-66 96-11 13-08 97 98 97-27 11-94 97-22 12-37 97-16 12-79 97-10 13-22 98 99 98-26 12-07 98-21 12-49 98-15 12-92 98-10 13-35 99 100 99-25 12-19 99-20 12-62 99-14 13-05 99.09 13-49 100 Distance. Dep. i Lat. Dep. Lat. || Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Distance. 83Deg. 82^Deg. 82XDeg. 82% Deg. TRAVERSE TABLE. 8 Deg. 8^ Deg. 8 % D eg. 8% Deg. 9 an" Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. 1 0-99 0-14 0-99 0-14 0-99 0-15 0-99 0-15 1 1-98 0-28 1-98 0-29 1-98 0-30 1-98 0-30 2 2-97 0-42 2-97 0-43 2-97 0-44 2-97 0-46 3 3-96 0-56 3-96 0-57 3-96 0-59 3-95 0-61 4 4-95 0-70 4-95 0-72 4-95 0-74 4-94 0-76 5 5-94 0-84 5-94 0-86 5-93 0-89 5-93 0-91 6 6-93 0-97 6-93 1-00 6-92 1-03 6-92 1-06 7 7-92 1-11 7-92 1-15 7-91 1-18 7-91 1-22 8 8-91 1-25 8-91 1-29 8-90 1-33 8-90 1-37 9 9.90 1-39 9-90 1-43 9-89 1-48 9-88 1-52 10 10-89 1-53 10-89 1-58 10-88 1-63 10-87 1-67 11 11-88 1-67 11-88 1-72 11-87 1-77 11-86 1-83 12 12-87 1-81 12-87 1-87 12-86 1-92 12-85 1-98 13 13-86 1-95 13-86 2-01 13-85 2-07 13-84 2-13 14 14-85 2-09 14-85 2-15 14-84 2-22 14-83 2-28 15 15-84 2-23 15-84 2-30 15-82 2-36 15-81 2-43 16 16-83 2-37 16-83 2-44 16-81 2-51 16-80 2-59 17 17-82 2-51 17-81 2-58 17-80 2-66 17-79 2-74 18 18-82 2-64 18-80 2-73 18-79 2-81 18-78 2-89 19 19-81 2-78 19-79 2-87 19-78 2-96 19-77 3-04 20 20-80 2-92 20-78 3-01 20-77 3-10 20-76 3-19 21 21-79 3-06 21-77 3-16 21-76 3-25 21-74 3-35 22 22-78 3-20 22-76 3-30 22-75 3-40 22-73 3-50 23 23-77 3-34 23-75 3-44 23-74 3-55 23-72 3-65 24 24-76 3-48 24-74 3-59 24-73 3-70 24-71 3-80 25 25-75 3-62 25-73 3-73 25-71 3-84 25-70 3-96 26 26-74 3-76 26-72 3-87 26-70 3-99 26-69 4-11 27 27-73 3-90 27-71 4-02 27-69 4-14 27-67 4-26 28 28-72 4-04 28-70 4-16 28-68 4-29 28-66 4-41 29 29-71 4-18 29-69 4-30 29-67 4-43 29-65 4-56 30 30-70 4-31 30-68 4-45 30-66 4-58 30-64 4-72 31 31-69 4-45 31-67 4-59 31-65 4-73 31-63 4-87 32 32-68 4-59 32-66 4-74 32-64 4-88 32-62 5-02 33 33-67 4-73 33-65 4-88 33-63 5-03 33-60 5-17 34 34-66 4-87 34-64 5-02 34-62 5-17 34-59 5-32 35 35-65 5-01 35-63 5-17 35-60 5-32 35-58 5-48 36 36-64 5-15 36-62 5-31 36-59 5-47 36-57 5-63 37 37-63 5-29 37-61 5-45 37-58 5-62 37-56 5-78 38 38-62 5-43 38-60 5-60 38-57 5-76 38-55 5-93 39 39-61 5-57 39-59 5-74 39-56 5-91 39-53 6-08 40 40-60 5-71 40-58 5-88 40-55 6-06 40-52 6-24 41 41-59 5-85 41-57 6-03 41-54 6-21 41-51 6-39 42 42-58 5-98 42-56 6-17 42-53 6-36 42-50 6-54 43 43-57 6-12 43-54 6-31 43-52 6-50 43-49 6-69 44 44-56 6-26 44-53 6-46 44-51 6-65 44-48 6-85 45 45-55 6-40 45-52 6-60 45-49 6-80 45-46 7-00 46 46-54 6-54 46-51 6-74 46-48 6-95 46-45 7-15 47 47-53 6-68 47-50 6-89 47-47 7-09 47-44 7-30 48 48-52 6-82 48-49 7-03 48-46 7-24 48-43 7-45 49 49-51 6-96 49-48 7-17 49-45 7'39 49-42 7-61 50 Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. i 82 Deg. 81% Deg. 81^ Deg. 81^ Deg. S TRAVERSE TABLE. 19 So* 8 Deg. X Deg. 8^ I>eg. 8% Deg. e T JI i" 1 Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. 1 51 50-50 7-10 50-47 7-32 50-44 7-54 50-41 7-76 51 52 51-49 7-24 51-46 7-46 51-43 7-69 51-39 7-91 52 53 52-48 7-38 52-45 7-61 52-42 7-83 52-38 8-06 53 54 53-47 7-52 53-44 7-75 53-41 7-98 53-37 8-21 54 55 54-46 7-65 54-43 7-89 54-40 8-13 54-36 8-37 55 56 55-46 7-79 55-42 8-04 55-38 8-28 55-35 8-52 56 57 56-45 7-93 56-41 8-18 56-37 8-43 56-34 8-67 57 58 57-44 8-07 57-40 8-32 57-36 8-57 57-32 8-82 58 59 58-43 8-21 58-39 8-47 58-35 8-72 58-31 8-98 59 60 59-42 8-35 59-38 8-61 59-34 8-87 59-30 9-13 CO 61 60-41 8-49 60-37 8-75 60-33 9-02 60-29 9-28 61 62 61-40 8-63 61-36 8-90 61-32 9-16 61-28 9-43 62 63 62-39 8-77 62-35 9-04 62-31 9-31 62-27 9-58 63 64 63-38 8-91 63-34 9-18 63-30 9-46 63-26 9-74 64 65 64-37 9-05 64-33 9-33 64-29 9-61 64-24 9-89 65 66 65-36 9-19 65-32 9-47 65-28 9-76 65-23 10-04 66 67 66-35 9-32 66-31 9-61 66-26 9-90 66-22 10-19 67 68 67-34 9-46 67-30 9-76 67-25 10-05 67-21 10-34 68 69 68-33 9-60 68-29 9-90 68-24 10-20 68-20 10-50 69 70 69-32 9-74 69-28 10-04 69-23 10-35 69-19 10-65 70 71 70-31 9-88 70-27 10-19 70-22 10-49 70-17 10-80 71 72 71-30' 10-02 71-25 10-33 71-21 10-64 71-16 10-95 72 73 72-29 10-16 72-24 10-47 72-20 10-79 72-15 11-10 73 74 73-28 10-30 73-23 10-62 73-19 10-94 73-14 11-26 74 75 74-27 10-44 74-22 10-76 74-18 11-09 74-13 11-41 75 76 75-26 10-58 75-21 10-91 75-17 11-23 75-12 11-56 76 .77 76-25 10-72 76-20 11-05 76-15 11-38 76-10 11-71 77 78 77-24 10-86 77-19 11-19 77-14 11-53 77-09 11-87 78 79 78-23 10-99 78-18 11-34 78-13 11-68 78-08 12-02 79 80 79-22 11-13 79-17 11-48 79-12 11-82 79-07 12-17 80 81 80-21 11-27 80-16 11-62 80-11 11-97 80-06 12-32 81 82 81-20 11-41 81-15 11-77 81-10 12-12 81-05 12-47 82 83 82-19 11-55 82-14 11-91 82-09 12-27 82-03 12-63 83 84 83-18 11-69 83-13 12-05 83-08 12-42 83-02 12-78 84 85 84-17 11-83 84-12 12-20 84-07 12-56 84-01 12-93 85 86 85-16 11-97 85-11 12-34 85-06 12-71 85-00 13-08 86 87 86-15 12-11 86-10 12-48 86-04 12-86 85-99 13-23 87 88 87-14 12-25 87-09 12-63 87-03 13-01 86-98 13-39 88 89 88-13 12-39 88-08 12-77 88-02 13-16 87-96 13-54 89 90 89-12 12-53 89-07 12-91 89-01 13-30 88-95 13-69 90 91 90-11 12-66 90-06 13-06 90-00 13-45 89-94 13-84 91 92 91-10 12-80 91-05 13-20 90-99 13-60 90-93 14-00 92 93 92-09 12-94 92-04 13-34 91-98 13-75 91-92 14-15 93 94 93-09 13-08 93-03 13-49 92-97 13-89 92-91 14-30 94 95 94-08 13-22 94-02 13-63 93-96 14-04 93-89 14-45 95 96 95-07 13-36 95-01 13-78 94-95 14-19 94-88 14-60 96 97 96-06 13-50 96-00 13-92 95-93 14-34 95-87 14-76 97 98 97-05 13-64 96-99 14-06 96-92 14-49 96-86 14-91 98 99 98-04 13-78 97-98 14-21 97-91 14-63 97-85 15-06 99 100 99-03 13-92 98-97 14-35 98-90 14-78 98-84 15-21 100 d Dep. Lat. D(3>. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. 1 i p 82 Deg. 81% Deg. 81^ Deg. 81*4 Deg. ~v> s 20 TEAVERSE TABLE. o I 9Deg. 9% Deg. 9^ Deg. 9% Deg. g 1 1 I Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. ! Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. 1 1 0-99 0-16 0-99 0-16 0-99 0-17 0-99 0-17 1 2 1-98 0-31 1-97 0-32 1-97 0-33 1-97 0-34. 2 3 2-96 0-47 2-96 0-48 2-96 0-50 2-96 0-51 3 4 3-95 0-63 3-95 0-64 3-95 0-66 3-94 OM38 4 5 4-94 0-78 4-93 0-80 4-93 0-83 4-93 0-85 5 6 5-93 0-94 5-92 0-96 5-92 0-99 5-91 1-02 6 7 6-91 1-10 6-91 1-13 6-90 1-16 6-90 1-19 8 7-90 1-25 7-90 1-29 7-89 1-32 7-88 1-35 8 9 8-89 1-41 8-88 1-45 8-88 1-49 8-87 1-52 9 10 9-88 1-56 9-87 1-61 9-86 1-65 9-86 1-69 10 11 10-86 1-72 10-86 1-77 10-85 1-82 10-84 1-86 11 12 11-85 1-88 11-84 1-93 11-84 1-98 11-83 2-03 12 13 12-84 2-03 12-83 2-09 12-82 2-15 12-81 2-20 13 14 13-83 2-19 13-82 2-25 13-81 2-31 13-80 2-37 14 15 14-82 2-35 14-80 2-41 14-79 2-48 14-78 2-54 15 16 15-80 2-50 15-79 2-57 15-78 2-64 15-77 2-71 16 17 16-79 2-66 16-78 2-73 16-77 2-81 16-75 2-88 17 18 17-78 2-82 17-77 2-89 17-75 2-97 17-74 3-05 18 19 18-77 2-97 18-75 3-05 18-74 3-14 18-73 3-22 19 20 19-75 3-13 19-74 3-21 19-73 3-30 19-71 3-39 20 21 20-74 3-29 20-73 3-38 20-71 3-47 20-70 3-56 21 22 21-73 3-44 21-71 3-54 21-70 3-63 21-68 3-73 22 23 22-72 3-60 22-70 3-70 22-68 3-80 22-67 3-90 23 24 23-70 3-75 23-69 3-86 23-67 3-96 23-65 4-06 24 25 24-C9 3-91 24-67 4-02 24-66 4-13 24-64 4-23 25 26 25-68 4-07 25-66 4-18 25-64 4-29 25-62 4-40 26 27 26-67 4-22 26-65 4-34 26-63 4-46 26-61 4-57 27 28 27-66 4-38 27-64 4-50 27-62 4-62 27-60 4-74 28 29 28-64 4-54 28-62 4-66 28-60 4-79 28-58 4-91 29 30 29-63 4-69 29-61 4-82 29-59 4-95 29-57 5-08 30 31 30-62 4-85 30-60 4-98 30-57 5-12 30-55 5-25 31 32 31-61 5-01 31-58 5-14 31-56 5-28 31-54 5-42 32 33 32-59 5-16 32-57 5-30 32-55 5-45 32-52 5-59 33 34 33-58 5-32 33-56 5-47 33-53 5-61 33-51 5-76 34 25 34-57 5-48 34-54 5-63 34-52 5-78 34-49 5-93 35 36 35-56 5-63 35-53 5-79 35-51 5-94 35-48 6-10 36 37 36-54 5-79 36-52 5-95 36-49 6-11 36-47 6-27 37 38 37-53 5-94 37-51 6-11 37-48 6-27 37-45 6-44 38 39 38-52 6-10 38-49 6-27 38-47 6-44 38-44 6-60 39 40 39-51 6-26 39-48 6-43 39-45 6-60 39-42 6-77 40 41 40-50 6-41 40-47 6-59 40-44 6-77 40-41 6-94 41 42 41-48 6-57 41-45 6-75 41-42 6-92 41-39 7-11 42 43 42-47 6-73 42-44 6-91 42-41 7-10 42-38 7-28 43 44 43-46 6-88 43-43 7-07 43-40 7-26 43-36 7-45 44 45 44-45 7-04 44-41 7-23 44-38 7-43 44-35 7--62 45 46 45-43 7-20 45-40 7-39 45-37 7-59 45-34 7-79 46 47 46-42 7-35 46-39 7-55 46-36 7-76 46-32 7-96 47 48 47-41 7-51 47-38 7-72 47-34 7-92 47-31 8-13 48 49 48-40 7-67 48-36 7-88 48-33 8-09 48-29 8-30 49 50 49-38 7-82 49-35 8-04 49-32 8-25 49-28 8-47 50 1 Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. | 1 1 5 81 Deg. 80% Deg. 80> Deg. 80^ Deg. 1 TRAVERSE TABLE. 21 o 9 Deg. 9% Deg. 9^ Deg. 9% Deg. 3 1 f ' n Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. j Dep. Lat. Dep. CD 51 50-37 7-98 50-34 8-20 50-30 8-42 50-26 8-64 51 52 51-36 8-13 51-32 8-36 51-29 8-58 51-25 8-81 52 53 52-35 8-29 52-31 8-52 52-27 8-75 52-23 8-98 53 54 53-34 8-45 53-30 8-68 53-26 8-91 53-22 9-14 54 55 54-32 8-60 54-28 8-84 54-25 9-08 54-21 9-31 55 56 55-31 8-76 55-27 9-00 55-23 9-24 55-19 9-48 56 57 56-30 8-92 56-26 9-16 56-22 9-41 56-18 9-65 57 58 57-29 9-07 57*25 9-32 57-20 9-57 57-16 9-82 58 59 58-27 9-23 58-23 9-48 58-19 9-74 58-15 9-99 59 60 59-26 9-39 59-22 9-64 59-18 9-90 59-13 10-16 60 61 60-25 9-54 60-21 9-81 60-16 10-07 60-12 10-33 61 62 61-24 9-70 61-19 9-97 61-15 10-23 61-10 10-50 62 63 62-22 9-86 62-18 10-13 62-14 10-40 62-09 10-67 63 64 63-21 10-01 63-17 10-29 63-12 10-56 63-08 10-84 64 65 64-20 10-17 64-15 10-45 64-11 10-73 64-06 11-01 65 66 65-19 10-32 65-14 10-61 65-09 10-89 65-05 11-18 66 67 66-18 10-48 66-13 10-77 66-08 11-06 66-03 11-35 67 68 67-16 10-64 67-12 10-93 67-07 11-22 67-02 11-52 68 69 68-15 10-79 68-10 11-09 68-05 11-39 68-00 11-69 69 70 69-14 10-95 69-09 11-25 69-04 11-55 68-99 11-85 70 71 70-13 11-11 70-08 11-41 70-03 11-72 69-97 12-02 71 72 71-11 11-26 71-06 11-57 71-01 11-88 70-96 12-19 72 73 72-10 11-42 72-05 11-73 72-00 12-05 71-95 12-36 73 74 73-09 11-58 73-04 11-89 72-99 12-21 72-93 12-53 74 75 74-08 11-73 74-02 12-06 73-97 12-38 73-92 12-70 75 76 75-06 11-89 75-01 12-22 74-96 12-54 74-90 12-87 76 77 76-05 12-05 76-00 12-38 75-94 12-71 75-89 13-04 77 78 77-04 12-20 76-99 12-54 76-93 12-87 76-87 13-21 78 79 78-03 12-36 77-97 12-70 77-92 13-04 77-86 13-38 79 80 79-02 12-51 78-96 12-86 78-90 13-20 78-84 13-55 80 81 80-00 12-67 79-95 13-02 79-89 13-37 79-83 13-72 81 82 80-99 12-83 80-93 13-18 80-88 13-53 80-82 13-89 82 83 81-98 12-98 81-92 13-34 81-86 13-70 81-80 14-06 83 84 82-97 13-14 82-91 13-50 82-85 13-86 82-79 14-23 84 85 83-95 13-30 83-89 13-66 83-83 14-03 83-77 14-39 85 86 84-94 13-45 84-88 13-82 84-82 14-19 84-76 14-56 86 87 85-93 13-61 85-87 13-98 85-81 14-36 85-74 14-73 87 88 86-92 13-77 86-86 14-15 86-79 14-52 86-73 14-90 88 89 87-90 13-92 87-84 14-31 87-78 14-69 87-71 15-07 89 90 88-89 14-08 88-83 14-47 88-77 14-85 88-70 15-24 90 91 89-88 14-24 89-82 14-63 89-75 15-02 89-69 15-41 91 92 90-87 14-39 90-80 14-79 90-74 15-18 90-67 15-58 92 93 91-86 14-55 91-79 14-95 91-72 15-35 '91-66 15-75 93 94 92-84 14-70 92-78 15-11 92-71 15-51 92-64 15-92 94 95 93-83 14-86 93-76 15-27 93-70 15-68 93-63 16-09 95 96 94-82 15-02 94-75 15-43 94-68 15-84 94-61 16-26 96 97 95-81 15-17 95-74 15-59 95-67 16-01 95-60 16-43 97 98 96-79 15-33 96-73 15-75 96-66 16-17 96-58 16-60 98 99 97-78 15-49 97-71 15-91 97-64 16-34 97-57 16-77 99 100 98-77 15-64 98-70 16-07 98-63 16-50 98-56 16-93 100 g Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. | S ^-N^r-^^^V 81 Deg. 80% Deg. 80M Deg. 80i Deg. 1 22 TRAVERSE TABLE. g 10 Deg. 10^ eg. s^^^ V>"^V_>"S taJ ^N fc _^^ 10^ Deg. -^^v-^^^^^^^^x^v^^^ ^ 10% Deg. ^v~y'^_/~V^' B C/3 1 1 a Lat, Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. P i 0-98 0-17 0-98 0-18 0-98 0-18 0-98 o-iy 1 2 1-97 0-35 1-97 0-36 1-97 0-36 1-96 0-37 2 3 2-95 0-52 2-95 0-53 2-95 0-55 2-95 0-56 3 4 3-94 0-69 3-94 0-71 3-93 0-73 3-93 0-75 4 5 4-92 0-87 4-92 0-89 4-92 0-91 4-91 0-93 5 6 5-91 1-04 5-90 1-07 5-90 1-09 5-89 1-12 6 7 6-89 1-22 6-89 1-25 6-88 1-28 6-88 1-31 7 8 7-88 1-39 7-87 1-42 7-87 1-46 7-86 1-49 8 9 8'86 1-56 8-86 1-60 8-85 1-64 8-84 1-C8 9 10 9-85 1-74 9-84 1-78 9-83 1-82 9-82 1-87 10 11 10-83 1-91 10-82 1-96 10-82 2-00 10-81 2-05 11 ( 12 11-82 2*08 11-81 2-14 11-80 2-19 11-79 2-24 12 < 13 12-80 2-26 12-79 2-31 12-78 2-37 12-77 2-42 13 ( 14 13-79 2-43 13-78 2-49 13-77 2-55 13-75 2-61 14 ( 15 14-77 2-60 14-76 2-67 14-75 2-73 14-74 2-80 15 / 16 15-76 2-78 15-74 2-85 15-73 2-92 15-72 2-98 16 ) 17 16-74 2-95 16-73 3-03 16-72 3-10 16-70 3-17 17 ) 18 17-73 3-13 17-71 3-20 17-70 3-28 17-68 3-36 18 S 19 18-71 3-30 18-70 3-38 18-68 3-46 18-67 3-54 19 < 20 19-70 3-47 19-68 3-56 19-67 3-64 19-65 3-73 20 ( 21 20-68 3-65 20-66 3-74 20-65 3-83 20-63 3-92 21 / 22 21-67 3-82 21-65 3-91 21-63 4-01 21-61 4-10 22 ) 23 22-65 3-99 22-63 4-09 22-61 4-19 22-60 4-29 23 ) 24 23-64 4-17 23-62 4-27 23-60 4-37 23-58 4-48 24 S 25 24-62 4-34 24-60 4-45 24-58 4-56 24-56 4-66 25 ( 26 25-61 4-51 25-59 4-63 25-56 4-74 25-54 4-85 26 ( 27 26-59 4-69 26-57 4-80 26-55 4-92 26-53 5-04 27 < 28 27-57 4-86 27-55 4-98 27-53 5-10 27-51 5-22 28 ( 29 28-56 5-04 28-54 5-16 28-51 5-28 28-49 5-41 29 ) 30 29-54 5-21 29-52 5-34 29-50 5-47 29-47 5-60 30 ) 31 30-53 5-38 30-51 5-52 30-48 5-65 30-46 5-78 31 \ 32 31-51 5-56 31-49 5-69 31-46 5-83 31-44 5-97 32 ( 33 32-50 5-73 32-47 5-87 32-45 6-01 32-42 6-16 33 ( 34 33-48 5-90 33-46 6-05 33-43 6-20 33-40 6-34 34 / 35 34-47 6-08 34-44 6-23 34-41 6-38 34-39 6-53 35 I 36 35-45 '6-25 35-43 6-41 35-40 6-56 35-37 6-71 36 ) 37 36-44 6-42 36-41 6-58 36-38 6-74 36-35 6-90 37 ) 38 37-42 6-60 37-39 6-76 37-36 6-92 37-33 7-09 38 ( 39 38-41 6-77 38-38 6-94 38-35 7-11 38-32 7-27 39 ( 40 39-39 6-95 39-36 7-12 39-33 7-29 39-30 7-46 40 ( 41 40-38 7-12 40-35 7-30 40-31 7-47 40-28 7-65 41 ; 42 41-36 7-29 41-33 7-47 41-30 7-65 41-26 7-83 42 ) 43 42-35 7-47 42-31 7-65 42-28 7-84 42-25 8-02 43 ) 44 43-33 7-64 43-30 7-83 43-26 8-02 43-23 8-21 44 ( 45 44-32 7-81 44-28 8-01 44-25 8-20 44-21 8-39 45 ( 46 45-30 7-99 45-27 8-19 45-23 8-38 45-19 8-58 46 ( 47 46-29 8-16 46-25 8-36 46-21 8-57 46-18 8-77 47 ( 48 47-27 8-34 47-23 8-54 47-20 8-75 47-16 8-95 48 ) 49 48-26 8-51 48-22 8-72 48-18 8-93 48-14 9-14 49 50 49-24 8-68 49-20 8-90 49-16 9-11 49-12 9-33 50 1 Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. I 1 5 80 Deg. 79% Deg. 79% Deg. 79}4 Deg. 3 TRAVERSE TABLE. 23 * g 55" 10 Deg. 10^ Deg. 10^ Deg. 10% Deg. s 55" |f P Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. P 51 50.23 8-86 50-19 9-08 50-15 9-29 50-10 9-51 51 52 51-21 9-03 51-17 9-25 51-13 9-48 51-09 9-70 52 53 52-19 9-20 52-15 9-43 52-11 9-66 52-07 9-89 53 54 53-18 9-38 53-14 9-61 53-10 9-84 53-05 10-07 54 55 54-16 9-55 54-12 9-79 54-08 10-02 54-03 10-26 55 56 55-15 9-72 55-11 9-96 55-06 10-21 55-02 10-45 56 57 56-13 9-90 56-09 10-14 56-05 10-39 56-00 10-63 57 ) 58 57-12 10-07 57-07 10-32 57-03 10-57 56-98 10-82 58 59 58-10 10-25 58-06 10-50 58-01 10-75 57-96 11-00 59 50 59-09 10.42 59-04 10-68 59-00 10-93 58-95 11-19 60 < 61 60-07 10-59 60-03 10-85 59-98 11-12 59-93 11-38 61 62 61-06 10-77 61-01 11-03 60-96 11-30 60-91 11-56 62 63 62-04 10-94 61-99 11-21 61-95 11-48 61-89 11-75 63 64 63-03 11-11 62-98 11-39 62-93 11-66 62*88 11-94 64 65 64-01 11-29 63-96 11-57 63-91 11-85 63-86 12-12 65 66 65-00 11-46 64-95 11-74 64-89 12-03 64-84 12-31 66 67 65-98 11-63 65-93 11-92 65-88 12-21 65-82 12-50 67 68 66-97 11-81 66-91 12-10 66-86 12-39 66-81 12-68 68 69 67-95 11-98 67-90 12-28 67-84 12-57 67-79 12-87 69 70 68-94 12-16 68-88 12-46 68-83 12-76 68-77 13-06 70 71 69-92 12-33 69-87 12-63 69-81 12-94 69-75 13-24 71 72 70-91 12-50 70-85 12-81 70-79 13-12 W-74 13-43 72 73 71-89 12-68 71-83 12-99 71-78 13-30 71-72 13-62 73 74 72-88 12-85 72-82 13-17 72-76 13-49 72-70 13-80 74 75 73-86 13-02 73-80 13-35 73-74 13-67 73-68 13-99 75 76 74-85 13-20 74-79 13-52 74-73 13-85 74-67 14-18 76 77 75-83 13-37 75-77 13-70 75-71 14-03 75-65 14-36 77 78 76-82 13-54 76-76 13-88 76-69 14-21 76-63 14-55 78 79 77-80 13-72 77-74 14-06 77-68 14-40 77-61 14-74 79 80 78-78 13-89 78-72 14-24 78-66 14-58 78-60 14-92 80 < 81 79-77 14-07 79-71 14-41 79-64 14-76 79-58 15-11 81 82 80-75 14-24 80-69 14-59 80-63 14-94 80-56 15-29 82 83 8174 14-41 81-68 14-77 81-61 15-13 81-54 15-48 83 84 82-72 14-59 82-66 14-95 82-59 15-31 82-53 15-67 84 85 83-71 14-76 83-64 15-13 83-58 15-49 83-51 15-85 85 86 84-69 14-93 84-63 15-30 84-56 15-67 84-49 16-04 86 87 85-68 15-11 85-61 15-48 85-54 15-85 85-47 16-23 87 88 86-66 15-28 86-60 15-66 86-53 16-04 86-46 16-41 88 89 87-65 15-45 87-58 15-84 87-51 16-22 87-44 16-60 89 90 88-63 15-63 88-56 16-01 88-49 16-40 88-42 16-79 90 91 89.62 15-80 89-55 16-19 89-48 16-58 89-40 16-97 91 < 92 90-60 15-98 90-53 16-37 90-46 16-77 90-39 17-16 92 93 91-59 16-15 91-52 16-55 91*44 16-95 91-37 17-35 93 94 92-57 16-32 92-50 16-73 92-43 17-13 92-35 17-53 94 95 93-56 16-50 93-48 16-90 93-41 17-31 93-33 17-72 95 96 94-54 16-67 94-47 17-08 94-39 17-49 94-32 17-91 96 97 95-53 16-84 95-45 17-26 95-38 17-68 95-30 18-09 97 98 96-51 17-02 96-44 17-44 96-36 17-86 96-28 18-28 98 99 97-50 17-19 97-42 17-62 97-34 18-04 97-26 18-47 99 100 98-48 17-36 98-40 17-79 98-33 18-22 98-25 18-65 100 t f| Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. 8 s 1 1 1 80 Deg. 79% Deg. 79^ Deg. 79^ Deg. 1 24 TRAVERSE TABLE. 1 11 Deg. 11* Deg. 11^ Deg. 11% Deg. s p Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. 1 1 0-98 0-19 0-98 0-20 0-98 0-20 0-98 0-20 1 2 1'96 0-38 1-96 0-39 1-96 0-40 1-96 0-41 2 3 2-94 0-67 2-94 0-59 2-94 0-60 2-94 0-61 3 4 3-93 0-76 3-92 0-78 3-92 0-80 3-92 0-82 4 5 4-91 0-96 4'90 0-98 4-90 1-CO 4-90 1-02 5 6 5-89 1-14 6-88 1-17 5-88 1-20 6-87 1-22 6 7 6-87 1-34 6-87 1-37 6-86 1-40 6*85 1-43 7 8 7-85 1-53 7-85 1-66 7-84 1-59 7-83 1-63 8 9 8-83 1-72 8-83 1-76 8-82 1-79 8-81 1-83 9 10 9-82 1-91 9-81 1-95 9-80 1-99 9-79 2-04 10 11 10-80 2-10 10-79 2-15 10-78 2-19 10-77 2-24 11 12 11-78 2-29 11-77 2-34 11-76 2-39 11-76 2-44 12 13 12-76 2-48 12-76 2-54 12-74 2-59 12-73 2-65 13 14 13-74 2-67 13-73 2-73 1372 2-79 13-71 2-85 14 15 14-72 2-86 14-71 2-93 14-70 2-99 14-69 3-06 15 16 15-71 3-05 15-69 3-12 16-68 3-19 16-66 3-26 16 17 16-69 3-24 16-67 3-32 16-66 3-39 16-64 3-46 17 18 17-67 3-43 17-65 3-51 17-64 3-59 17-62 3*03 18 19 18-65 3-63 18-63 3-71 18-62 3-79 18-60 3-87 19 20 19-63 3-82 19-62 3-90 19-60 3-99 19-58 4-07 20 21 20-61 4-01 20-60 4-10 20-58 4-19 20-56 4-28 21 22 21-60 4-20 21-58 4-29 21-56 4-39 21-54 4-48 22 23 22-58 4-39 22-56 4-49 22-54 4-59 22-52 4-68 23 24 23-56 4-58 23-54 4-68 23-52 4-78 23-50 4-89 24 25 24-54 4-77 24-52 4-88 24-50 4-98 24-48 6-09 25 26 25-52 4-96 25-50 5-07 25-48 5-18 25-46 5-30 26 27 26-50 5-15 26-48 5-27 26-46 5-38 26-43 5-50 27 28 27-49 5-34 27-46 5-46 27-44 5-58 27-41 5-70 28 29 28-47 5-53 28-44 5-66 28-42 5-78 28-39 5-91 29 30 29-45 5-72 29-42 5-85 29-40 5-98 29-37 6-11 30 31 30-43 5-92 30-40 6-05 30-38 6-18 30-35 6-31 31 32 31-41 6-11 31-39 6-24 31-36 6-38 31-33 6-52 32 < 33 32-39 6-30 32-37 6-44 32-34 6-58 32-31 6-72 33 34 33-38 6-49 33-35 6-63 33-32 6-78 33-29 6-92 34 35 34-36 6-68 34-33 6-83 34-30 6-98 34-27 7-13 35 36 35-34 6-87 35-31 7-02 35-28 7-18 35-25 7-33 36 37 36-32 7-06 36-29 7-22 36-26 7-38 36-22 7-53 37 38 37-30 7-25 37-27 7-41 37-24 7-58 37-20 7-74 38 39 38-28 7-44 38-25 7-61 38-22 7-78 38-18 7-94 39 40 39-27 7-63 39-23 7-80 39-20 7-97 39-16 8-15 40 41 40-25 7-82 40-21 8-00 40-18 8-17 40-14 8-35 41 42 41-23 8-01 41-19 8-19 41-16 8-37 41-12 8-55 42 43 42-21 8-20 42-17 8-39 42-14 8-57 42-10 8-76 43 44 43-19 8-40 43-15 8-58 43-12 8-77 43-08 8-96 44 45 44-17 8-59 44-14 8-78 44-10 8-97 44-06 9-16 45 46 45-15 8-78 45-12 8-97 45-08 9-17 45-04 9-37 46 ( 47 46-14 8-97 46-10 9-17 46-06 9-37 46-02 9-57 47 ( 48 47-12 9-16 47-08 9-36 47-04 9-57 46-99 9-78 48 49 48-10 9-35 48-06 9-56 48-02 9-77 47-97 9-98 49 50 49-08 9-54 49-04 9-75 49-00 9-97 48-96 10-18 50 ; 8 Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. ( 1 3 1 79 Deg. 78% Deg. 78^ Deg. 78MDeg. 1 TRAVERSE TABLE 25 2 11 Deg. 11% Deg. 11^ Deg. 11% Deg. s a 1 Lat. Dep. Lat, Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. p 51 50-06 9-73 50-02 9-95 49-98 10-17 4993 10-39 51 52 51-04 9-02 51-00 10-14 50-96 10-37 50-91 10-59 52 53 52-03 1011 51-98 10-34 51-94 10-57 51-89 10-79 53 54 53-01 10-30 52-96 10-53 52-92 10-77 52-87 11-00 54 55 53-99 10-49 53-94 10-73 53-90 10-97 53-85 11-20 55 56 54-97 10-69 54-92 10-93 54-88 11-16 54-83 11-40 56 57 55-95 10-88 55-90 11-12 55-86 11-36 55-81 11-61 57 58 56-93 11-07 56-89 11.32 56-84 11-56 56-78 11-81 58 59 57-92 11-26 57-87 11-51 57-82 11-76 57-76 12-01 59 60 58-90 11-45 58-85 11-71 58-80 11-96 58-74 12-22 60 61 59-88 11-64 59-83 11-90 59-78 12-16 59-72 12-42 61 62 60-86 11-83 60-81 12-10 60-76 12-36 60-70 12-63 62 63 61-84 12-02 61-79 12-29 61-74 12-56 61-68 12-83 63 64 62-82 12-21 62-77 12-49 62-72 12-76 62-66 13-03 64 65 63-81 12-40 63-75 12-68 63-70 12-96 63-64 13-24 65 66 64-79 12-59 64-73 12-88 64-68 13-16 64-62 13-44 66 67 65-77 12-78 65-71 13-07 65-66 13-36 65-60 13-64 67 68 66-75 12-98 66-69 13-27 66-63 13-56 66-58 13-85 68 69 67-73 13-17 67-67 13-46 67-61 13-76 67-55 14-05 69 70 68-71 13-36 68-66 13-66 68-59 13-96 68-53 14-25 70 71 69-70 13-55 69-64 13-85 69-57 14-16 69-51 14-46 71 72 70-68 13-74 70-62 14-05 70-55 14-35 70-49 14-66 72 73 71-66 13-93 71-60 14-24 71-53 14-55 71-47 14-87 73 74 72-64 14-12 72-58 14-44 72-51 14-75 72-45 15-07 74 75 73-62 14-31 73-56 14-63 73-49 14-95 73-43 15-27 75 76 74-60 14-50 74-54 14-83 74-47 15-15 74-41 15-48 76 77 75-59 14-69 75-52 15-02 75-45 15-35 75-39 15-68 77 78 76-57 14-88 76-50 15-22 76-43 15-55 76-37 15-88 78 79 77-55 15-07 77-48 15-41 77-41 15-75 77-34 16-09 79 80 78-53 15-26 78-46 15-61 78-39 15-95 78-32 16-29 80 81 79-51 15-46 79-44 15-80 79-37 16-15 79-30 16-49 81 82 80-49 1 15-65 80-42 16-00 80-35 16-35 80-28 16-70 82 83 81-48 15-84 81-41 16-19 81-33 16-55 81-26 16-90 83 84 82-46 16-03 82-39 16-39 82-31 16-75 82-24 17-11 84 85 83-44 16-22 83-37 16-58 83-29 16-95 83-22 17-31 85 86 84-42 16-41 84-35 16-78 84-27 17-15 84-20 17-51 86 87 85-40 16-60 85-33 16-97 85-25 17-35 85-18 17-72 87 88 86-38 16-79 86-31 17-17 86-23 17-54 86-16 17-92 88 89 87-36 16-98 87-29 17-36 87-21 17-74 87-14 18-12 89 90 88-35 17-17 88-27 17-56 88-19 17-94 88-11 18-33 90 91 89-33 17-36 89-25 17-75 89-17 18-14 89-09 18-53 91 92 90-31 17-55 90-23 17-95 90-15 18-34 90-07 18-74 92 93 91-29 17-75 91-21 18-14 91-13 18-54 91-05 18-94 93 94 92-27 17-94 92-19 18-34 92-11 18-74 92-03 19-14 94 95 93-25 18-13 93-17 18-53 93-09 18-94 93-01 19-35 95 96 94-24 18-32 94-16 18-73 94-07 19-14 93-99 19-55 96 97 95-22 18-51 95-14 18-92 95-05 19-34 94-97 19-75 97 98 96-20 18-70 96-12 19-12 96-03 19-54 95-95 19-96 98 99 97-18 18-89 97-10 19-31 97-01 19-74 96-93 20-16 99 100 98-16 19-08 98-08 19-51 97-99 19-94 97-90 20-36 100 8 Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. | 1 J 5 79 Deg. 78% Deg. 78^ Deg. 78^ Deg. s 26 TRAVERSE TABLE e I 12 Deg. 12J4 Deg.' 12K Deg. 12% Deg. a Sn* ? Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. i Dep. 9 i 0-98 0-21 0-98 0-21 0-98 0-22 0-98 0-22 i 2 1-96 0-42 1-95 0-42 1-95 0-43 1-95 0-44 2 ) 3 2-93 0-62 2-93 0-64 2-93 0-65 2-93 0-66 3 ) 4 3-91 0-83 3-91 0-85 3-91 0-87 3-90 0-88 4 S 5 4-89 1-04 4-89 1-06 4-88 1-08 4-88 1-10 5 \ 6 5-87 1-25 5-86 1-27 5-86 1-30 5-85 1-32 6 < 7 6-85 1-46 6-84 1-49 6-83 1-52 6-83 1-54 7 8 7-83 1-66 7-82 1-70 7-81 1-73 7-80 1-77 8 9 8-80 1-87 8-80 1-91 8-79 1-95 8-78 1-99 9 10 9-78 2-08 9-77 2-12 9-76 2-16 9-75 2-21 10 11 10-76 2-29 10-75 2-33 10-74 2-38 10-73 2-43 11 12 11-74 2-49 11-73 2-55 11-72 2-60 11-70 2-65 12 13 12-72 2-70 12-70 2-76 12-69 2-81 12-68 2-87 13 14 13-69 2-91 13-68 2-97 13-67 3-03 13-65 3-09 14 15 14-67 3-12 14-66 3-18 14-64 3-25 14-63 3-31 15 16 15-65 3-33 15-64 3-39 15-62 3-46 15-61 3-53 16 17 16-63 3-53 16-61 3-61 16-60 3-68 16-58 3-75 17 18 17-61 3-74 17-59 3-82 17-57 3-90 17-56 3-97 18 19 18-58 3-95 18-57 4-03 18-55 4-11 18-53 4-19 19 20 19-56 4-16 19-54 4-24 19-53 4-33 19-51 4-41 20 21 20-54 4-37 20-52 4-46 20-50 4-55 20-48 4-63 21 22 21-52 4-57 21-50 4-67 21-48 4-76 21-46 4-86 22 23 22-50 4-78 22-48 4-88 22-45 4-98 22-43 5-08 23 24 23-48 4-99 23-45 5-09 23-43 5-19 23-41 5-30 24 25 24-45 5-20 24-43 5-30 24-41 5-41 24-38 5-52 25 26 25-43 5-41 25-41 5-52 25-38 5-63 25-36 5-74 26 27 26-41 5-61 26-39 5-73 26-36 5-84 26-33 5-96 27 28 27-39 5-82 27-36 5-94 27-34 6-06 27-31 6-18 28 29 28-37 6-03 28-34 6-15 28-31 6-28 28-28 6-40 29 30 29-34 6-24 29-32 6-37 29-29 6-49 29-26 6-62 30 31 30-32 6-45 30-29 6-58 30-27 6-71 30-24 6-84 31 32 31-30 6-65 31-27 6-79 31-24 6-93 31-21 7-06 32 33 32-28 6-86 32-25 7-00 32-22 7-14 32-19 7-28 33 34 33-26 7-07 33-23 7-21 33-19 7-36 33-16 7-50 34 35 34-24 7-28 34-20 7-43 34-17 7-58 34-14 7-72 35 ( 36 35-21 7-48 35-18 7-64 35-15 7-79 35-11 7-95 36 ( 37 36-19 7-69 36-16 7'85 36-12 8-01 36-09 8-17 37 ) 38 37-17 7-90 37-13 8-06 37-10 8-22 37-06 8-39 38 ) 39 38-15 8-11 38-11 8-27 38-08 8-44 38-04 8-61 39 S 40 39-13 8-32 39-09 8-49 39-05 8-66 39-01 8-83 40 S 41 40-10 8-52 40-07 8-70 40-03 8-87 39-99 9-05 41 ( 42 41-08 8-73 41-04 8-91 41-00 9-09 40-96 9-27 42 42-06 8-94 42-02 9-12 41-98 9-31 41-94 9-49 43 I 44 43-04 9-15 43-00 9-34 42-96 9-52 42-92 9-71 44 ) 45 ' 44-02 9-36 43-98 9-55 43-93 9-74 43.89 9-93 45 S 46 44-99 9-56 44-95 9-76 44-91 9-96 44-87 10-15 46 S 47 45-97 9-77 45-93 9-97 45-89 10-17 45-84 10-37 47 ( 48 46-95 9-98 46-91 10-18 46-86 10-39 46-82 10-59 48 ( 49 47-93 10-19 47-88 10-40 47-84 10-61 47'79 10-81 49 / 50 48-91 10-40 48-86 10-61 48-81 10-82 48-77 11-03 50 8 / d Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. 1 I" 78 Deg. 77% Deg. 77^Deg. 77^ Deg. P TRAVERSE TABLE. 27 e 12 Deg. 12i Deg. 12KDe g . 12% Deg. e 1 Lat. Dep. Lat, Dep. Lat, Dep. Lat. Dep. P 51 49-89 10-60 49-84 10-82 49-79 11-04 49-74 11-26 51 52 50-86 10-81 50-82 11-03 50-77 11-25 50-72 11-48 52 53 51-84 11-02 51-79 11-25 51-74 11-47 51-69 11-70 53 54 52-82 11-23 52-77 11-46 52-72 11-69 52-67 11-92 54 55 53-80 11-44 53-75 11-67 53-70 11-90 53-64 12-14 55 56 54-78 11-64 54-72 11-88 54-67 12-12 54-62 12-36 56 57 55-75 11-85 55-70 12-09 55-65 12-34 55-59 12-58 57 58 56-73 12-06 56-68 12-31 56-63 12-55 56-57 12-80 58 59 57-71 12-27 57-66 12-52 57-60 12-77 57-55 13-02 59 60 58-69 12-47 58-63 12-73 58-58 12-99 58-52 13-24 60 61 59-67 12-68 59-61 12-94 59-55 13-20 59-50 13-46 61 62 60-65 12-89 60-59 13-16 60-53 13-42 60-47 13-68 62 63 61-62 13-10 61-57 13-37 61-51 13-64 61-45 13-90 63 64 62-60 13-31 62-54 13-58 62-48 13-85 62-42 14-12 64 65 63-58 13-51 63-52 13-79 63-46 14-07 63-40 14-35 65 66 64-56 13-72 64-50 14-00 64-44 14-29 64-37 14-57 66 67 65-54 13-93' 65-47 14-22 65-41 14-50 65-35 14-79 67 68 66-51 14-14 66-45 14-43 66-39 14-72 66-32 15-01 68 69 67-49 14-35 67-43 14-64 67-36 14-93 67-30 15-23 69 70 68-47 14-55 68-41 14-85 68-34 15-15 68-27 15-45 70 71 69-45 14-76 69.38 15-06 69-32 15-37 69-25 15-67 71 72 70-43 14-97 70-36 15-28 70-29 15-58 70-22 15-89 72 73 71-40 15-18 71-34 15-49 71-27 15-80 71-20 16-11 73 74 72-38 15-39 72-32 15-70 72-25 16-02 72-18 16-33 74 75 73-36 15-59 73-29 15-91 73-22 16-23 73-15 16-55 75 76 74-34 15-80 74-27 16-13 74-20 16-45 74-13 16-77 76 77 75-32 16-01 75-25 16-34 75-17 16-67 75-10 16-99 77 78 76-30 16-22 76-22 16-55 76-15 16-88 76-08 17-21 78 79 77-27 16-43 77-20 16-76 77-13 17-10 77-05 17-44 79 80 78-25 16-63 78-18 16-97 78-10 17-32 78-03 17-66 80 81 79-23 16-84 79-16 17-19 79-08 17-53 79-00 17-88 81 82 80-21 17-05 80-13 17-40 80-06 17-75 79-98 18-10 82 83 81-19 17-26 81-11 1 -61 81-03 17-96 80-95 18-32 83 84 82-16 17-46 82-09 17-82 82-01 18-18 81-93 18-54 84 85 83-14 17-67 83-06 18-04 82-99 18-40 82-90 18-76 85 86 84-12 17-88 84-04 18-25 83-96 18-61 83-88 18-98 86 87 85-10 18-09 85-02 18-46 84-94 18-83 84-85 19-20 87 88 86-08 18-30 86-00 18-67 85-91 19-05 85-83 19-42 88 89 87-06 18-50 86-97 18-88 86-89 19-26 86-81 19-64 89 90 88-03 18-71 87-95 19-10 87-87 19-48 87-78 19-86 90 91 89-01 18-92 88-93 19-31 88-84 19-70 88-76 20-08 91 92 89-99 19-13 89-91 19-52 89-82 19-91 89-73 20-30 92 93 90-97 19-34 90-88 19-73 90-80 20-13 90-71 20-52 93 94 91-95 19-54 91-86 19-94 91-77 20-35 91-68 20-75 94 95 92-92 19-75 92-84 20-16 92-75 20-56 92-66 20-97 95 96 93-90 19-96 93-81 20-37 93-72 20-78 93-63 21-19 96 97 94-88 20-17 94-79 20-58 94-70 20-99 94-61 21-41 97 98 95-86 20-38 95-77 20-79 95-68 21-21 95-58 21-63 98 99 96-84 20-58 96-75 21-01 96-65 21-43 96-56 21-85 99 100 97-81 20-79 97-72 21-22 97-63 21-64 97-53 22-07 100 8 Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. $ 1 5 78 Deg. 77% Deg. 77^ Deg. HKl*. 1 s 28 TRAVERSE TABLE. 1 13 Deg. 13^ Deg. 13^ Deg. 13% Deg. g I I 1 Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. \ 1 0-97 0-23 0-97 0-23 0-97 0-23 0-97 0-24 1 2 1-95 0-45 1-95 0-46 1-95 0-47 1-94 0-48 2 3 2-92 0-07 2-92 0-69 2-92 0-70 2-91 0-71 3 4 3-90 0-90 3-89 0-92 3-89 0-93 3-89 0-95 4^ 5 4-87 1-12 4-87 1-15 4-86 1-17 4-86 1-19 5 6 5-85 1-35 5-84 1-38 5-83 1-40 5-83 1-43 6 7 6-82 1-57 6-81 1-60 6-81 1-63 6-80 1-66 7 8 7-80 1-80 7-79 1-83 7-78 1-87 7-77 1-90 8 9 8-77 2-02 8-76 2-06 8-75 2-10 8-74 2-14 9 10 9.74 2-25 9-73 2-29 9-72 2-33 9-71 2-38 10 11 10-72 2-47 10-71 2-52 10-70 2-57 10-68 2-61 11 12 11-69 2-70 11-68 2-75 11-67 2-80 11*66 2-85 12 13 12-67 2-92 12-65 2-98 12-64 3-03 12-63 3-09 13 14 13-64 3-15 13-63 3-21 13-61 3-27 13-60 3-33 14 15 14-62 3-37 14-60 3-44 14-59 3-50 14-57 3-57 15 16 15-59 3-60 15-57 3-67 15-56 3-74 15-54 3-80 16 17 16-57 3-82 16-55 3-90 16-53 3-97 16-51 4-04 17 18 17-54 4-05 17-52 4-13 17-50 4-20 17-48 4-28 18 19 18-51 4-27 18-49 4-35 18-48 4-44 18-46 4-52 19 20 19-49 4-50 19-47 4-58 19-45 4-67 19-43 4-75 20 21 20-46 4-72 20-44 4-81 20-42 4-90 20-40 4-99 21 22 21-44 4-95 21-41 5-04 21-39 5-14 21-37 5-23 22 23 22-41 5-17 22-39 5-27 22-36 5-37 22-34 5-47 23 24 23-38 5-40 23-36 5-50 23-34 5-60 23-31 5-70 24 25 24-36 5-62 24-33 5-73 24-31 5-84 24-28 5-94 25 26 25-33 5-85 25-31 5-96 25-28 6-07 25-25 6-18 26 27 26-31 6-07 26-28 6-19 26-25 6-30 26-23 6-42 27 28 27-28 6-30 27-25 6-42 27-23 6-54 27-20 6-66 28 29 28-26 6-52 28-23 6-65 28-20 6-77 28-17 6-S9 29 30 29-23 6-75 29-20 6-88 29-17 7-00 29-14 7-13 30 31 30-21 6-97 30-17 Ml 30-14 7-24 30-11 7-37 31 32 31-18 7-20 31-15 7-33 31-12 7-47 31-08 7-61 32 33 32-15 7-42 32-12 7-56 32-09 7-70 32-05 7-84 33 34 33-13 7-65 33-09 7-79 33-06 7-94 33-03 8-08 34 35 34-10 7-87 34-07 8-02 34-03 8-17 34-00 8-32 35 36 35-08 8-10 35-04 8-25 35-01 8-40 34-97 8-56 36 37 36-05 8-32 36-02 8-48 35-98 8-64 35-94 8-79 37 38 37-03 8-55 36-99 8-71 36-95 8-87 36-91 9-03 38 39 38-00 8-77 37-96 8-94 37-92 9-10 37-88 9-27 39 40 38-97 9-00 38-94 9-17 38-89 9-34 38-85 9-51 40 41 39-95 9-22 39-91 9-40 39-87 9-57 39-83 9-75 41 42 40-92 9-45 40-88 9-63 40-84 9-80 40-80 9-98 42 43 41-90 9-67 41-86 9-86 41-81 10-04 41-77 10-22 43 44 42-87 9-90 42-83 10-08 42-78 10-27 42-74 10-46 44 45 43-85 10-12 43-80 10-31 43-76 10-51 43-71 10-7-0 45 46 44-82 10-35 44-78 10-54 44-73 10-74 44-68 10-93 46 47 45-80 10-57 45-75 10-77 45-70 10-97 45-65 11-17 47 48 46-77 10-80 46-72 11-00 46-67 11-21 46-62 11-41 48 49 47-74 11-02 47-70 11-23 47-65 11-44 47-60 11-05 49 50 48-72 11-25 48-67 11-46 48-62 11-67 48-57 11-88 50 6 o Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. o 1 3 .2 P 77 Deg. 76% Deg. 76^ Deg. 76i< Deg. s TKAVERSE TABLE. 29 5 13 Deg. 13}4 Deg. 13 K De g . 13% Deg. 2 I Lat. Dep. Lat. 1 Dep. Lat, Dep. Lat. | Dep. 1 51 49.69 11-47 49-64 11-69 49-59 11-91 49-54 12-12 51 52 50-67 11-70 50-62 11-92 50-56 12-14 50-51 12-36 52 53 51-64 11-92 51-59 12-15 51-54 12-37 51-48 12-60 53 54 52-62 12-15 52-56 12-38 52-51 12-61 52-45 12-84 54 55 53-59 12-37 53-54 12-61 53-48 12-84 53-42 13-07 55 56 54-56 12-60 54-51 12-84 54-45 13-07 54-40 13-31 56 57 55-54 12-82 55-48 13-06 55-43 13-31 55-37 13-55 57 58 56-51 13-05 56-46 13-29 56-40 13-54 56-34 13-79 58 59 57-49 13-27 57-43 13-52 57-37 13-77 57-31 14-02 59 60 58-46 13-50 58-40 13-75 58-34 14-01 58-28 14-26 60 61 59-44 13-72 59-38 13-98 59-31 14-24 59-25 14-50 61 62 60-41 13-95 60-35 14-21 60-29 14-47 60-22 14-74 62 63 61-39 14-17 61-32 14-44 61-26 14-71 61-19 14-97 63 64 62-36 14-40 62-30 14-67 62-23 14-94 62-17 15-21 64 65 63-33 14-62 63-27 14-90 63-20 15-17 63-14 15-45 65 66 64-31 14-85 64-24 15-13 64-18 15-41 64-11 15-69 66 67 65-28 15-07 65-22 15-36 65-15 15-64 65-08 15-93 67 68 66-26 15-30 66-19 15-59 66-12 15-87 66-05 16-16 68 69 67-23 15-52 67-16 15-81 67-09 16-11 67-02 16-40 69 70 68-21 15-75 68-14 16-04 68-07 16-34 67-99 16-64 70 71 69-18 15-97 69-11 16-27 69-04 16-57 68-97 16-88 71 72 70-15 16-20 70-08 16-50 70-01 16-81 69-94 17-11 72 73 71-13 16-42 71-06 16-73 70-98 17-04 70-91 17-35 73 74 72-10 16-65 72-03 16-96 71-96 17-28 71-88 17-59 74 75 73-08 16-87 73-00 17-19 72-93 17-50 72-85 17-83 75 T6 74-05 17-10 73-98 17-42 73-90 17-74 73-82 18-06 76 77 75-03 17-32 74-95 17-65 74-87 17-98 74-79 18-30 77 78 76-00 17-55 75-92 17-88 75-84 18-21 75-76 18-54 78 79 76-98 17-77 76-90 18-11 76-82 18-44 76-74 18-78 79 80 77-95 18-00 77-87 18-34 77-79 18-68 77-71 19-01 80 { 81 78-92 18-22 78-84 18-57 78-76 18-91 78-68 19-25 81 82 79-90 18-45 79-82 18-79 79-73 19-14 79-65 19-49 82 83 80-87 18-67 80-79 19-02 80-71 19-38 80-62 19-73 83 84 81-85 18-90 81-76 19-25 81-68 19-61 81-59 19-97 84 85 82-82 19-12 82-74 19-48 82-65 19-84 82-56 20-20 85 86 83-80 19-35 83-71 19-71 83-62 20-08 83-54 20-44 86 87 84-77 19-57 84-68 19-94 84-60 20-31 84-51 20-68 87 88 85-74 19-80 85-66 20-17 85-57 20-54 85-48 20-92 88 89 86-72 20-02 86-63 20-40 86-54 20-78 86-45 21-15 89 90 87-69 20-25 87-60 20-63 87-51 21-01 87-42 21-39 90 91 88-67 20-47 88-58 20-86 88-49 21-24 88-39 21-63 91 92 89-64 20-70 89-55 21-09 89-46 21-48 89-36 21-87 92 93 90-62 20-92 90-52 21-32 90-43 21-71 90-33 22-10 93 94 91-59 21-15 91-50 21-54 91-40 21-94 91-31 22-34 ' 94 95 92-57 21-37 92-47 21-77 92-38 22-18 92-28 22-58 95 96 93-54 21-60 93-44 22-00 93-35 22-41 93-25 22-82 96 97 94-51 21-82 94-42 22-23 94-32 22-64 94-22 23-06 97 98 95-49 22-05 95-39 22-46 95-29 22-88 95-19 23-29 98 99 96-46 22-27 96-36 22-69 96-26 23-11 96-16 23-53 99 100 97-44 22-50 97-34 22-92 97-24 23-34 97-13 23-77 100 ( s Dep. Lat, Dep. I Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. 1 K '>-^V_x-x 77 Deg. 76% Deg. ^-^>-x_^v_x-v_^-v_x-v_ 76^ Deg. ^-^^V-^v_^-^>-v^-\_-' -k-X-N_^-_x-^~>^<--^X-> ^-^x-vx> so TRAVERSE TABLE. a r 14 Deg. IVA Deg. U 1 A Deg. 14% Deg. a M $T I Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. P 1 0-97 0-24 0-97 0-25 0-97 0-25 0-97 0-25 I 2 1-94 0-48 1-94 0-49 1-94 0-50 1-93 0-51 2 3 2-91 0-73 2-91 0-74 2-90 0-75 2-90 0-76 3 4 3-88 0-97 3-88 0-98 3-87 1-00 3-87 1-02 4 5 4-85 1-21 4-85 1-23 4-84 1-25 4-84 1-27 5 6 5-82 1-45 5-82 1-48 5-81 1-50 5-80 1-53 6 7 6-79 1-69 6-78 1-72 6-78 1-75 6-77 1-78 7 8 7-76 1-94 7-75 1-97 7-75 2-00 7-74 2-04 3 9 8-73 2-18 8-72 2-22 8-71 2-25 8-70 2-29 o 10 9-70 2-42 9-69 2-46 9-68 2-50 9-67 2-55 10 11 10-67 2-66 10-66 2-71 10-65 2-75 10-64 2-80 11 12 11-64 2-90 11-63 2-95 11-62 3-00 11-60 3-06 12 13 12-61 315 12-60 3-20 12-59 3-25 12-57 3-31 13 14 13-58 3-39 13-57 3-45 13-55 3-51 13-54 3-56 14 15 14-55 3-63 14-54 3-69 14-52 3-76 14-51 3-82 15 16 15-52 3-87 15-51 3-94 15-49 4-01 15-47 4-07 16 17 16-50 4-11 16-48 4-18 16-46 4-26 16-44 4-33 17 18 17-47 4-35 17-45 4-43 17-43 4-51 17-41 4-58 18 19 18-44 4-60 18-42 4-68 18-39 4-76 18-37 4-84 19 20 19-41 4-84 19-38 4-92 19-36 5-01 19-34 5-09 20 21 20-38 5-08 20-35 5-17 20-33 5-26 20-31 5*35 21 22 21-35 5-32 21-32 5-42 21-30 5-51 21-28 5-60 22 23 22-32 5-56 22-29 5-66 22-27 5-76 22-24 5-86 23 24 23-29 5-81 23-26 5-91 23-24 6-01 23-21 6-11 24 25 24-26 6-05 24-23 6-15 24-20 6-26 24-18 6-37 25 26 25-23 6-29 25-20 6-40 25-17 6-51 25-14 6-62 26 27 26-20 6-53 26-17 6-65 26-14 6-76 26-11 6-87 27 28 27-17 6-77 27-14 6-89 27-11 7-01 27-08 7-13 28 29 28-14 7-02 28-11 7-14 28-08 7-26 28-04 7-38 29 30 29-11 7-26 29-08 7-38 29-04 7-51 29-01 7-64 30 31 30-08 7-50 30-05 7-63 30-01 7-76 29-98 7-89 31 32 31-05 7-74 31-02 7-88 : 30-98 8-01 30-95 8-15 32 33 32-02 7-98 31-98 8-12 31-95 8-26 31-91 8-40 33 34 32-99 8-23 32-95 8-37 32-92 8*51 32*88 8-66 34 35 33*96 8-47 33-92 8-62 33-89 8-76 33-85 8-91 35 36 34-93 8-71 34-89 8-86 34-85 9-01 34*81 9-17 36 37 35-90 8-95 35-86 9-11 35-82 i 9-26 35-78 9*42 37 38 36-87 9-19 36-83 9-35 36-79 9-51 36-75 9-67 38 39 37-84 9-44 37-80 9-60 37-76 9-76 37-71 9-93 39 40 38-81 9-68 38-77 9-85 38-73 10-02 38-68 10-18 40 41 39-78 9-92 39-74 10-09 39-69 10-27 39-65 10-44 41 42 40-75 10-16 40-71 10-34 40-66 10*52 40*62 10-69 42 43 41-72 10-40 41-68 10-58 41-63 10-77 41-58 10-95 43 44 42-69 10-64 42-65 10-83 42-60 11-02 42-55 11*20 44 45 43-66 10-89 43-62 11-08 43-57 11-27 43-52 11-46 45 46 44-63 11-13 44-58 11-32 44-53 11*52 44-48 11-71 46 47 45-60 11-37 45-55 11-57 45-50 11-77 45-45 11-97 47 48 46-57 11-61 46-52 11-82 46-47 12*02 46-42 12-22 48 49 47-54 11-85 47-49 12-06 47-44 12-27 47-39 12-48 49 50 48-51 12-10 48-46 12*31 48-41 12-52 48-35 12-73 50 i Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. 8 1 fl .2 5 76 Deg. 75% Deg. 75KDeg. 75}4 Deg. "tn P TRAVERSE TABLE. 31 s !/l 14 Deg. 14% Deg. 14H Deg. 14& Deg. 2 5T \ Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. P 51 49-49 12-34 49-43 12-55 49-38 12-77 49-32 12-98 51 52 50-46 12-58 50-40 12-80 50-34 13-02 50-29 13-24 52 53 51-43 12-82 51-37 13-05 51-31 13-27 51-25 13-49 53 54 52-40 13-06 52-34 13-29 52-28 13-52 52-22 13-75 CJ 55 53-37 13-31 5G-31 13-54 53-25 13-77 53-19 14-00 55 56 54-34 13-55 54-28 13-78 54-22 14-02 54-15 14-26 56 57 55-31 13-79 55-25 14-03 55-18 14-27 55-12 14-51 57 58 56-28 14-03 50-22 14-28 56-15 14-52 56-09 14-77 5S 59 57-25 14-27 57-18 14-52 57-12 14-77 57-06 15-02 59 60 58-22 14-52 58-15 14-77 58-09 15-02 58-02 15-28 60 1 61 59-19 14-76 59-12 15-02 59-06 15-27 58-99 15-53 61 62 60-16 15-00 60-09 15-26 60-03 15-52 59-96 15-79 62 63 61-13 15-24 61-06 15-51 60-99 15-77 60-92 16-04 63 64 62-10 15-48 62-03 15-75 61-96 16-02 61-89 16-29 64 65 63-07 15-72 63-00 16-00 62-93 16-27 62-86 16-55 65 66 64-04 15-97 63-97 16-25 63-90 16-53 63-83 16-80 66 67 65-01 16-21 64-94 16-49 64-87 16-78 64-79 17-06 67 68 65-98 16-45 65-91 16-74 65-83 17-03 65-76 17-31 68 69 66-95 16-69 66-88 16-98 66-80 17-28 66-73 17-57 69 70 67-92 16-93 67-85 17-23 67-77 17-53 67-69 17-82 70 71 68-89 17-18 68-82 17-48 68-74 17-78 68-66 18-08 71 72 69-86 17-42 69-78 17-72 69-71 18-03 69-63 18-33 72 73 70-83 17-66 70-75 17-97 70-67 18-28 70-59 18-59 73 74 71-80 17-90 71-72 18-22 71-64 18-53 71-56 18-84 74 75 72-77 18-14 72-69 18-46 72-61 18-78 72-53 19-10 75 76 73-74 18-39 73-66 18-71 73-58 19-03 73-50 19-35 76 77 74-71 18-63 74-63 18-95 74-55 19-28 74-46 19-00 77 78 75-68 18-87 75-60 19-20 75-52 19-53 75-43 19-86 78 79 76-65 19-11 76-57 19-45 76-48 19-78 76-40 20-11 79 80 77-62 19-o5 77-54 19-69 77-45 20-03 77-36 20-37 80 81 78-59 19-60 78-51 19-94 78-42 20-28 , 78-33 20-62 81 82 79-56 19-84 79-48 20-18 79-39 20-53 79-30 20-88 82 83 80-53 20-08 80-45 20-43 80-36 20-78 80-26 21-13 83 84 81-50 20-32 81-42 20-68 81-32 21-03 81-23 21-39 84 85 82-48 20-56 82-38 20-92 82-29 21-28 82-20 21-64 85 86 83-45 20-81 83-35 21-17 83-26 21-53 83-17 21-90 86 87 84-42 21-05 84-32 21-42 84-23 21-78 84-13 22-15 87 88 85-39 21-29 85-29 21-66 85-20 22-03 85-10 22-41 88 89 86-36 21-53 86-26 21-91 86-17 22-28 86-07 22-66 89 90 87-33 21-77 87-23 22-15 87-13 22-53 87-03 22-91 90 91 88-30 22-01 88-20 22-40 88-10 22-78 88-00 23-17 91 92 89-27 22-26 89-17 22-65 89-07 23-04 88-97 23-42 92 93 90-24 22-50 90-14 22-89 90-04 23-29 89-94 23-68 93 94 91-21 22-74 91-11 23-14 91-01 23-54 90-90 23-93 94 95 92-18 22-98 92-08 23-38 91-97 23-79 91-87 24-19 95 96 93-15 23-22 93-05 23-63 92-94 24-04 92-84 24-44 96 97 94-12 23-47 94-02 23-88 93-91 24-29 93-80 24-70 97 98 95-09 23-71 94-98 24-12 94-88 24-54 94-77 24-95 98 99 96-06 23-95 95-95 24-37 95-85 24-79 95-74 25-21 99 100 97-03 24-19 96-92 24-62 96-81 25-04 96-70 25-46 100 i Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. 1 .2 p 76 Deg. 75% Deg. 75^ Deg. 75% Deg. s TRAVERSE TABLE. 1 15 Deg. 15% Deg. ** 15% Deg. W ( i p Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. i 1 0-97 0-26 0-96 0-26 0-96 0-27 0-96 0-27 1 ) 2 1-93 0-52 1-93 0-53 1-93 0-53 1-92 0-54 2 ) 3 2-90 0-78 2-89 0-79 2-89 0-80 2-89 0-81 3 ) 4 3-86 1-04 3-86 1-05 3-85 1-07 3-85 1-09 4 ) 5 4-83 1-29 4-82 1-32 4-82 1-34 4-81 1-36 5 ) 6 5-80 1-55 5-79 1-58 5-78 1-60 5-77 1-63 6 ( 7 6-76 1-81 6-75 1-84 6-75 1-87 6-74 1-90 7 ( 8 7-73 2-07 7-72 2-10 7-71 2-14 7-70 2-17 8 I 9 8-69 2-33 8-68 2-37 8-67 2-41 8-66 2-44 9 > 10 9-66 2-59 9-65 2-63 9-64 2-67 9-62 2-71 10 11 10- as 2-85 10-61 2-89 10-60 2-94 10-59 2-99 11 12 11-59 3-11 11-58 3-16 11-56 3-21 11-55 3-26 12 13 12-56 3-36 12-54 3-42 12-53 3-47 12-51 3-53 13 v 14 13-52 3-62 13-51 3-68 13-49 3-74 13-47 3-80 14 15 14-49 3-88 14-47 3-95 14-45 4-01 14-44 4-07 15 16 15-45 4-14 15-44 4-21 15-42 4-28 15-40 4-34 16 17 16-42 4-40 16-40 4-47 16-38 4-54 16-36 4-61 17 18 17-39 4-66 17-37 4-73 17-35 4-81 17-32 4-89 18 19 18-35 4-92 18-33 5-00 18-31 5-08 18-29 5-16 19 20 19-32 5-18 19-30 5-26 19-27 5-34 19-25 5-43 20 21 20-28 5-44 20-26 5-52 20-24 5-61 20-21 5-70 21 22 21-25 5-69 21-23 5-79 21-20 5-88 21-17 5-97 22 23 22-22 5-95 22-19 6-05 22-16 6-15 22-14 6-24 23 24 23-18 6-21 23-15 6-31 23-13 6-41 23-10 6-51 24 25 24-15 6-47 24-12 6-58 24-00 6-68 24-06 6-79 25 26 25-11 6-73 25-08 6-84 25-05 6-95 25-02 7-06 26 27 26-08 6-99 26-05 7-10 26-02 7-22 25-99 7-33 27 28 27-05 7-25 27-01 7-36 26-98 7-48 26-9'5 7-60 28 29 28-01 7-51 27-98 7-63 27-95 7-75 27-91 7-87 29 30 28-98 7-76 28-94 7-89 28-91 8-02 28-87 8-14 30 31 29-94 8-02 29-91 8-15 29-87 8-28 29-84 8-41 31 32 30-91 8-28 30-87 8-42 30-84 8-55 30-80 8-69 32 33 31-88 8-54 31-84 8-68 31-80 8-82 31-76 8-96 33 34 32-84 8-80 32-80 8-94 32-76 9-09 32-72 9-23 34 35 33-81 9-06 33-77 9-21 33-73 9-35 33-69 9-50 35 36 34-77 9-32 34-73 9-47 34-69 9-62 34-65 9-77 36 37 35-74 9-58 35-70 9-73 35-65 9-89 35-61 10-04 37 38 36-71 9-84 36-66 10-00 36-62 10-16 36-57 10-31 38 39 37-67 10-09 37-63 10-26 37-58 10-42 37-54 10-59 39 40 38-64 10-35 38-59 10-52 38-55 10-69 OG-50 10-86 40 41 39-60 10-61 39-56 10-78 39-51 10-96 39-46 11-13, 41 42 40-57 10-87 40-52 11-05 40-47 11-22 40-42 11-40 42 43 41-53 11-13 41-49 11-31 41-44 11-49 41-39 11-67 43 44 42-50 11-39 42-45 11-57 42-40 11-76 42-35 11-94 44 45 43-47 11-65 43-42 11-84 43-36 12-03 43-31 12-21 45 46 44-43 11-91 44-38 12-10 44-33 12-29 44-27 12-49 46 47 45-40 12-16 45-35 12-36 45-29 12-50 46-24 12-76 47 48 46-36 12-42 46-31 12-63 46-25 12-83 40-20 13-03 48 49 47-33 12-68 47-27 12-89 47-22 1309 47-16 13-30 49 50 48-30 12-94 48-24 13-15 48-18 13-36 48-12 13-57 50 1 Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. i 1 ' in S \s-*^^s- 75 Deg. **<**^\-s f ~^~ l ^^*s-^S~^s^> 74% Deg. -x-^^-v^-x^'^x^w^-^. 74^ Deg. /-^X~^X^/-N^"^^-X^ 74% Deg. -V^-^^-N_-'>^^^>s_^- i Q .^^>. TRAVERSE TABLE. 33 3 15 Deg. 15J4 Deg. 1% Deg. 15% Deg. 2 s Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. 1 51 49-26 13-20 49-20 13-41 49-15 13-63 49-09 13-84 51 52 50-23 13-46 50-17 13-68 5U-11 13-90 50-05 14-11 52 53 51-19 13-72 51-13 13-94 51-07 14-16 51-01 14-39 53 54 52-16 13-98 52-10 14-20 52-04 14-43 51-97 14-66 54 55 53-13 14-24 53-06 14-47 53-00 14-70 52-94 14-93 55 56 54-09 14-49 54-03 14-73 53-96 14-97 53-90 15-20 56 57 55-0.6 14-75 54-99 14-99 54-93 15-23 54-86 15-47 57 58 56-02 15-01 55-96 15-26 55-89 15-50 55-82 15-74 58 59 56-99 15-27 56-92 15-52 56-85 15-77 56-78 16-01 59 60 57-96 15-53 57-89 15-78 57-82 16-03 57-75 16-29 60 61 58-92 15-79 58-85 16-04 58-78 16-30 58-71 16-56 61 62 59-89 16-05 59-82 16-31 59-75 16-57 59-67 16-83 62 63 60-85 16-31 60-78 16-57 60-71 16-84 60-63 17-10 63 64 61-82 16-56 61-75 16-83 61-67 17-10 61-60 17-37 64 65 62-79 16-82 62-71 17-10 62-64 17-37 62-56 17-64 65 66 63-75 17-08 63-68 17-36 63-60 17-64 63-52 17-92 66 67 64-72 17-34 64-64 17-62 64-56 17-90 64-48 18-19 67 68 65-68 17-60 65-61 17-89 65-53 18-17 65-45 18-46 68 69 66-65 17-86 66-57 18-15 66-49 18-44 66-41 ! 18-73 69 70 67-61 18-12 67-54 18-41 67-45 18-71 67-37 19-00 70 71 68-58 18-38 68-50 18-68 68-42 18-97 68-33 19-27 71 72 69-55 18-63 69-46 18-94 69-38 19-24 69-30 19-54 72 73 70-51 18-89 70-43 19-20 70-35 19-51 70-26 19-82 73 74 71-48 19-15 71-39 19-46 71-31 19-78 71-22 20-09 74 75 72-44 19-41 72-36 19-73 72-27 20-04 72-18 20-36 75 76 73-41 19-67 73-32 19-99 73-24 20-31 73-15 20-63 76 77 74-38 19-93 74-29 20-25 74-20 20-58 74-11 20-90 77 78 75-34 20-19 75-25 20-52 75-16 20-84 75-07 21-17 78 79 76-31 20-45 76-22 20-78 76-13 21-11 76-03 21-44 79 80 77-27 20-71 77-18 21-04 77-09 21-38 77-00 21-72 80 81 78-24 20-96 78-15 21-31 78-05 21-65 77-96 21-99 81 82 79-21 21-22 79-11 21-57 79-02 21-91 78-92 22-26 82 83 80-17 21-48 80-08 21-83 79-98 22-18 79-88 22-53 83 84 81-14 21-74 81-04 22-09 80-94 22-45 80-85 22-80 84 85 82-10 2200 82-01 22-36 81-91 22-72 81-81 23-07 85 86 83-07 22-26 82-97 22-62 82-87 22-98 82-77 23-34 86 87 8404 22-52 83-94 22-88 83-84 23-25 83-73 23-62 87 88 85-00 22-78 84-90 23-15 84-80 23-52 84-70 23-89 88 89 85-97 23-03 85-87 23-41 85-76 23-78 85-66 24-16 89 90 86-93 23-29 86-83 23-67 86-73 24-05 86-62 24-43 90 91 87-90 23-55 87-80 23-94 87-69 24-32 87-58 24-70 91 92 88-87 23-81 88-76 24-20 88-65 24-59 88-55 24-97 92 93 89-83 24-07 89-73 24-46 89-62 24-85 89-51 25-24 93 94 90-80 24-33 90-69 24-72 90-58 25-12 90-47 25-52 94 95 91-76 24-59 91-65 24-99 91-54 25-39 91-43 25-79 95 96 92-73 24-85 92-62 25-25 92-51 25-65 92-40 26-06 96 97 93-69 25-11 93-58 25-51 93-47 25-92 93-36 26-33 97 98 94-66 25-36 94-55 25-78 94-44 26-19 94-32 26-60 98 99 95-63 25-62 95-51 26-04 95-40 26-46 95-28 26-87 99 100 96-59 25-88 96-48 26-30 96-36 26-72 96-25 27-14 100 8 Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. 8 1 1 S 75 Deg. 74% Deg. 74 H Deg. 74i< Deg. cc a TRAVERSE TABLE. I 1 16 Deg. 16^ Deg. 1VA Deg. 16% Deg. 2 Sn* p P p Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. 1 1 0-96 0-28 0-96 0-28 0-96 0-28 0-96 0-29 1 2 1-92 0-55 1-92 0-56 1-92 0-57 ! 1-92 0-58 2 3 2-88 0-83 2-88 0-84 2-88 0-85 2-87 0-86 3 4 3-85 1-10 3-84 1-12 3-84 1-14 3-83 l-lo 4 5 4-81 1-38 4-80 1-40 4-79 1-42 i 4-79 1-44 5 6 5-77 1-65 5-76 1-68 5-75 1-70 5-75 1-73 6 7 6-73 1-93 6-72 1-96 6-71 1-99 6-70 2-02 7 8 7-69 2-21 7-68 2-24 7-07 2-27 7-66 2-31 8 9 8-65 2-48 8-64 2-52 8-63 2-56 8-62 2-59 9 10 9-61 2-76 9-60 2-80 9-59 2-84 9-58 2-88 10 11 10-57 3-03 1056 3-08 10-55 3-12 10-53 3-17 11 12 11-54 3-31 11-52 3-36 11-51 3-41 11-49 3-46 12 13 12-50 3-58 12-48 3-64 12-46 3-U9 ! 12-45 3-75 13 14 13-46 3-86 13-44 3-92 13-42 3-98 , 13-41 4-03 14 15 14-42 4-13 14-40 4-20 14-38 4-26 14-36 4-32 15 16 15-38 4-41 15-36 4-48 15-34 4-54 15-32 4-ul 16 17 16-34 4-69 16-32 4-76 16-30 4-83 | 16-28 4-90 17 18 17-30 4-96 17-28 5-04 17-26 5-11 ! 17-24 5-19 18 19 18-26 5-24 18-24 5-32 18-22 5-40 i 18-19 5-48 19 20 19-23 5-51 19-20 5-60 19-18 5-68 19-15 5-76 20 21 20-19 5-79 20-16 5-88 20-14 5-96 20-11 6-05 21 22 21-15 6-06 21-12 6-16 21-09 6-25 : 21-07 6-34 22 23 22-11 6-34 22-08 6-44 22-05 6-53 : 22-02 6-63 23 24 23-07 6-62 23-04 6-72 23-01 6-82 !' 22-98 6-92 24 25 24-03 6-89 24-00 7-00 23-97 7-10 1 23-94 7-20 25 26 24-99 7-17 24-96 7-28 24-93 7-38 24-90 7-49 26 27 25-95 7-44 25-92 7-56 25-89 7-67 25-85 7-78 27 28 26-92 7-72 26-88 7-84 26-85 7-95 26-81 8-07 28 29 27-88 7-99 27-84 8-11 27-81 8-24 27-77 8-36 29 30 28-84 8-27 28-80 8-39 28-76 8-52 28-73 8-65 30 31 29-80 8-54 29-76 8-67 29-72 8-80 29-68 8-93 31 32 30-76 8-82 30-72 8-95 30-68 9-09 30-64 9-22 32 33 31-72 9-10 31-68 9-23 31-64 9-37 31-60 9-51 33 34 32-68 9-37 32-64 9-51 32-60 9-66 32-56 9-80 34 35 33-64 9-65 33-60 9-79 33-56 9-94 33-51 10-09 35 36 34-61 9-92 34-56 10-07 34-52 10-22 34-47 10-38 36 37 35-57 10-20 35-52 10-35 35-48 10-51 35-43 10-66 37 38 36-53 10-47 36-48 10-63 36-44 10-79 36-39 10-95 38 39 37-49 10-75 37-44 10-91 37-39 11-08 37-35 11-24 39 , 40 38-45 11-03 38-40 11-19 38-35 11-36 38-30 11-53 40 41 39-41 11-30 39-36 11-47 39-31 11-61 39-26 11-82 41 42 40-37 11-58 40-32 11-75 40-27 11-93 40-22 12-10 42 43 41-33 11-85 41-28 12-03 41-23 12-21 41-18 12-39 43 44 42-30 12-13 42'24 12-31 42-19 12-50 42-13 12-68 44 45 43-26 12-40 43-20 12-59 43-15 12-78 43-09 1*97 45 46 44-22 12-68 44-16 12-87 44-11 13-06 44-05 13-26 46 47 45-18 12-95 45-12 13-15 45-06 13-35 45-01 13-55 47 48 46-14 13-23 46-08 13-43 46-02 13-63 45-96 13-83 48 49 47-10 13-51 47-04 13-71 46-98 13-92 46-92 14-12 49 50 48-06 13-78 48-00 13-99 47-94 14-20 47-88 14-41 50 ( t Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. 1 / 1 J s 1 V^X'-N^'N 74 Deg. ^S~*^r^^S->^s-+^s^^~^. 73% Deg. 73^ Deg. 73^ Deg. en ( TRAVERSE TABLE b z: 16 Deg. WA v*s- le^Deg. 16% Deg. 2 on* t l" I Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. P 51 49-02 14-06 48-96 14-27 48-90 14-48 4884 14-70 51 52 49-99 14-33 49-92 14-55 49-86 14-77 49-79 14-99 52 53 50-05 14-61 50-88 14-83 50-82 15-05 50-75 15-27 53 54 51-91 14-88 51-84 15-11 51-78 15-34 51-71 15-56 54 55 52-87 15-16 52-80 15-39 52-74 15-62 52-67 15-85 55 56 53-83 15-44 53-76 15-67 53-69 15-90 53-62 16-14 56 57 54-79 15-71 54-72 15-95 54-65 16-19 54-58 16-43 57 58 55-75 15-99 55-68 16-23 55-61 16-47 55-54 16-72 58 59 56-71 16-26 56-64 16-51 56-57 16-76 56-50 17-00 59 60 57-68 16-54 57-60 16-79 57-53 17-04 57-45 17-29 60 61 58-64 16^81 58-56 17-07 58-49 17-32 58-41 17-58 61 62 59-60 17-09 59-52 17-35 59-45 17-61 59-37 17-87 62 63 60-56 17-37 60-48 17-63 60-41 17-89 60-33 18-16 63 64 61-52 17-64 61-44 17-91 61-36 18-18 61-28 18-44 64 65 62-48 17-92 62-40 18-19 62-32 18-46 62-24 18-73 65 66 63-44 18-19 63-36 18-47 63-28 18-74 63-20 19-02 66 67 64-40 18-47 64-32 18-75 64-24 19-03 64-16 19-31 67 68 i ;:,-:;: 18-74 65-28 19-03 65-20 19-31 65-11 19-60 68 69 66-33 19-02 66-24 19-31 66-16 19-60 66-07 19-89 69 70 67-23 19-29 67-20 19-59 67-12 19-88 67-03 20-17 70 71 68-25 19-57 68-16 19-87 68-08 20-17 67-99 20-46 71 72 59-21 19-85 69-12 20-15 69-03 20-45 68-95 20-75 72 73 70-17 20-12 70-08 20-43 69-99 20-73 69-90 21-04 73 74 71-13 20-40 71-04 20-71 70-95 21-02 70-86 21-33 74 75 72-09 20-67 72-00 20-99 71-91 21-30 71-82 21-61 75 76 73-06 20-95 72-96 21-27 72-87 21-59 72-78 21-90 76 77 74-1)2 21-22 73-92 21-55 73-83 21-87 73-73 22-19 77 78 74-98 21-50 74-88 21-83 74-79 22-15 74-69 22-48 78 79 75-94 21-78 75-84 22-11 75-75 22-44 75-65 22-77 79 80 76-90 22-05 76-80 22-39 76-71 22-72 76-61 23-06 80 81 77-86 22-33 77-76 22-67 77-66 23-01 77-56 23-34 81 82 78-82 22-60 78-72 22-95 78-62 23-29 78-52 23-63 82 83 79-78 22-88 79-68 23-23 79-58 23-57 79-48 23-92 83 84 80-75 23-15 80-64 23-51 80-54 23-86 80-44 24-21 84 85 81-71 23-43 81-60 23-79 81-50 24-14 81-39 24-50 85 86 82-67 23-70 82-56 24-07 82-46 24-43 82-35 24- 7 S 86 87 83-63 23-98 83-52 24-35 83-42 24-71 83-31 25-07 87 88 84-59 24-26 84-48 24-62 84-38 24-99 84-27 25-36 88 89 85-55 24-53 85-44 24-90 85-33 25-28 85-22 25-65 89 90 86-51 24-81 86-40 25-18 86-29 25-56 86-18 25-94 90 91 87-47 25-08 87-36 25-46 87-25 25-85 87-14 26-23 91 92 88-44 25-36 88-32 25-74 88-21 26-13 88-10 26-51 92 93 89-40 25-63 89-28 26"-02 89-17 26-41 89-05 26-80 93 94 90-36 25-91 90-24 26-30 90-13 26-70 90-01 27-09 94 95 91-32 26-19 91-20 26-58 91-09 26-98 90-97 27-38 95 98 92-28 26-46 92-16 26-86 92-05 27-27 91-93 27-67 96 97 93-24 26-74 93-12 27-14 93-01 27-55 92-88 27-95 97 98 94-20 27-01 94-08 27-42 93-96 27-83 93-84 2-S-24 98 99 95-16 27-29 95-04 27-70 94-92 28-12 94-80 28-53 99 100 96-13 27-56 96-00 27-98 95-88 28-40 95-76 28-82 100 o Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. 1 Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. 8 J |, ft 74 Deg. 73% Deg. 73}4 Deg. 7 3} Deg. , S 36 TRAVERSE TABLE. g 17 Deg. 171^ Deg. 17 X Deg. 17% Deg. ( 1 1 I Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat, Dep. X 1 0-96 0-29 0-95 0-30 0-95 0-30 0-C5 0-30 1 ) 2 1-91 0-58 1-91 0-59 1-91 0-60 1-90 0-61 2 > 3 2-87 0-88 2-87 0-89 2-86 0-90 2-86 C'91 3 4 3-83 1-17 3-82 1-19 3-81 1-20 3-81 1-22 4 5 4-78 1-46 4-78 1-48 4-77 1-50 4-76 1-52 5 6 5-74 1-75 5-73 1-78 5-72 1-80 5-71 1-83 6 7 6-69 2-05 6-69 2-08 6-68 2-10 6-67 2-13 7 8 7-65 2-34 7-64 2-37 7-63 2-41 7-62 2-44 8 9 8-61 2-63 8-60 2-67 8-58 2-71 8-57 2-74 9 10 9-56 2-92 9-55 2-97 9-54 3-01 9-52 3-05 10 11 10-52 3-22 10-51 3-26 10-49 3-31 10-48 3-35 11 ( 12 11-48 3-51 11-46 3-56 11-44 3-61 11-43 3-66 12 < 13 12-43 3-80 12-42 3-85 12-40 3-91 12-38 3-96 13 14 13-39 4-09 13-37 4-15 13-35 4-21 13-33 4-27 14 15 14-34 4-39 14-33 4-45 14-31 4-51 14-29 4-57 15 16 15-30 4-68 15-28 4-74 15-26 4-81 15-24 4-88 16 17 16-26 4-97 16-24 5-04 16-21 5-11 16-19 5-18 17 18 17-21 5-26 17-19 5-34 17-17 5-41 17-14 5-49 18 19 18-17 5-56 18-15 5-63 18-12 5-71 18-10 5-79 19 20 19-13 5-85 19-10 5-93 19-07 6-01 19-05 6-10 20 21 20-08 6-14 20-06 6-23 20-03 6-31 20-00 C-40 21 22 21-04 6-43 21-01 6-52 20-98 6-62 20-95 6-71 22 23 21-99 6-72 21-97 6-82 21-94 6-92 21-91 7-01 23 24 22-95 7-02 22-92 7-12 22-89 7-22 22-86 7-32 24 25 23-91 7-31 23-88 7-41 23-84 7-52 23-81 7-62 25 26 24-86 7-60 24-83 7-71 24-80 7-82 24-76 7-93 26 27 25-82 7-89 25-79 8-01 25-75 8-12 25-71 8-23 27 28 26-78 8-19 26-74 8-30 26-70 8-42 26-67 8-54 29 27-73 8-48 27-70 8-60 27-66 8-72 27-62 8-84 29 30 28-69 8-77 28-65 8-90 28-61 9-02 28-57 9-15 30 31 29-65 9-06 29-61 9-19 29-57 9-32 29-52 9-45 31 32 30-60 9-36 30-56 9-49 30-52 9-62 30-48 9-76 32 33 31-56 9-65 31-52 9-79 31-47 9-92 31-43 10-06 33 34 32-51 9-94 32-47 10-08 32-43 10-22 32-38 10-37 34 < 35 33-47 10-23 33-43 10-38 33-38 10-52 33-33 10-67 35 I 36 34-43 10-53 34-38 10-68 34-33 10-83 34-29 10-98 36 > 37 35-38 10-82 35-34 10-97 35-29 11-13 35-24 11-28 37 !> 38 36-34 11-11 36-29 11-27 36-24 11-43 36-19 11-58 38 ) 39 37-30 11-40 37-25 11-57 37-19 11-73 37-14 11-89 39 \ 40 38-25 11-69 38-20 11-86 38-15 12-03 38-10 12-19 40 ( 41 39-21 11-99 39-16 12-16 39-10 12-33 39-05 12-50 41 ( 42 40-16 12-28 40-11 12-45 40-06 12-63 40-00 12-80 42 ) 43 41-12 12-57 41-07 12-75 41-01 12-93 40-95 13-11 43 ) 44 42-08 12-86 42-02 13-05 41-96 13-23 41-91 13-41 44 ) 45 43-03 13-16 42-98 13-34 42-92 13-53 42.86 13-72 45 S 46 43-99 13-45 43-93 13-64 43-87 13-83 43-81 14-02 46 ( 47 44-95 13-74 44-89 13-94 44-82 14-13 44-7 5 14-33 47 < 48 45-90 14-03 45*84 14-23 45-78 14-43 45-71 14-63 48 < 49 46-86 14-33 46-80 14-53 46-73 14-73 40- 07 14-94 49 I 50 47-82 14-62 47-75 14-83 47-69 15-04 47-62 15-24 50 ) | Dep. 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Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. | 1 Jj .22 ft 73 Deg. 72^ Beg. 72^ Deg. 72i< Deg. ft 38 TRAVERSE TABLE. b r 18 Deg. 18J4 Deg. 18^ Deg. 18% Deg. s ; ' 1" | ? Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. 1 i 0-95 0-31 0-95 0-31 0-95 0-32 0-95 0-32 I 2 1-90 0-62 1-90 0-63 1-90 0-63 1-89 0-64 2 ? 3 2-85 0-93 2-85 0-94 2-84 0-95 2-84 0-96 3 4 3-80 1-24 3-80 1-25 3-79 1-27 3-79 1-29 4 5 4-76 1-55 4-75 1-57 4-74 1-59 4-73 1-61 5 ( 6 5-71 1-85 5-70 1-88 5-69 1-90 5-68 1-93 6 < 7 6-66 2-16 6-65 2-19 6-64 2-22 6-63 2-25 7 8 7-61 2-47 7-60 2-51 7'59 2-54 7-58 2-57 8 9 8-56 2-78 8-55 2-82 8-53 2-86 8-52 2-89 9 10 9.51 3-09 9-50 3-13 9-48 3-17 9-47 3-21 10 11 10-46 3-40 10-45 3-44 10-43 3-49 10-42 3-54 11 12 11-41 3-71 11-40 3-76 11-38 3-81 11-36 3-86 12 13 12-36 4-02 12-35 4-07 12-33 4-12 12-31 4-18 13 14 13-31 4-33 13-30 4-38 13-28 4-44 13-26 4-50 14 15 14-27 4-64 14-25 4-70 14-22 4-76 14-20 4-82 15 16 15-22 4-94 15-20 5-01 15-17 5-08 15-15 5-14 16 17 16-17 5-25 16-14 5-32 16-12 5-39 16-10 5-46 17 18 17-12 5-56 17-09 5-64 17-07 5-71 17-04 5-79 18 19 18-07 5-87 18-04 5-95 18-02 6-03 17-99 6-11 19 20 19-02 6-18 18-99 6-26 18-97 6-35 18-94 6-43 20 21 19-97 6-49 19-94 6-58 19-91 6-66 19-89 6-75 21 22 20-92 6-80 20-89 6-89 20-86 6-98 20-83 7-07 "22 23 21-87 7-11 21-84 7-20 21-81 7-30 21-78 7-39 23 24 22-83 7-42 22-79 7-52 22-76 7-62 22-73 7-71 24 25 23-78 7-73 23-74 7-83 23-71 7-93 23-37 8-04 25 26 24-73 8-03 24-69 8-14 24-66 8-25 24-62 8-36 26 27 25-68 8-34 25-64 8-46 25-60 8-57 25-57 8-68 27 28 26-63 8-65 26--S9 8-77 26-55 8-88 26-51 9-00 28 29 27-58 8-96 27-54 9-08 27-50 9-20 27-46 9-32 29 30 28-53 9-27 28-49 9-39 28-45 9-52 28-41 9-64 30 31 29-48 9-58 29-44 9-71 29-40 9-84 29-35 9-96 31 32 30-43 9-89 30-39 10-02 30-35 10-15 30-30 10-29 32 33 31-38 10-20 31-34 10-33 31-29 10-47 31-25 10-61 33 34 32-34 10-51 32-29 10-65 32-24 10-79 32-20 10-93 34 35 33-29 10-82 33-24 10-96 33-19 11-11 33-14 11-25 35 36 34-24 11-12 34-19 11-27 34-14 11-42 34-09 11-57 36 37 35-19 11-43 35-14 11-59 35-09 11-74 35-04 11-89 37 38 36-14 11-74 36-09 11-90 36-04 12-06 35-98 12-21 38 39 37-09 12-05 37-04 12-21 36-98 12-37 36-93 12-64 39 40 38-04 12-36 37-99 12-53 37-93 12-69 37-88 12-86 40 41 38-99 12-67 38-94 12-84 38-88 13-01 38-82 13-18 41 42 39-94 12-98 39-89 13-15 39-83 13-33 39-77 13-50 42 > 43 40-90 13-29 40-84 13-47 40-78 13-64 40-72 18-82 43 ) 44 41-85 13-60 41-79 13-78 41-73 ia-o 41-66 14-14 44 ) 45 42-80 13-91 42-74 14-09 42-67 14-28 42-61 14-46 45 46 43-75 14-21 43-69 14-41 43-62 14-60 43-66 14-79 46 47 44-70 14-52 44-64 14-72 44-57 14-91 44-51 15*11 47 48 45-65 14-83 45-59 15-03 45-52 15-23 45-45 15-43 48 49 46-60 15-14 46-54 15-35 46-47 15-55 46-40 15-75 49 50 47-55 15-45 47-48 15-66 47-42 15-87 47-35 16-07 50 1 Dep. 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I 51 48-50 15-76 48-43 15-97 48-36 16-18 48-29 16-39 51 52 49.45 16-07 49-38 16-28 49-31 16-50 49-24 16-71 52 53 50-41 16-38 50-33 16-60 50-26 1G-S2 50-19 17-04 53 54 51-36 16-69 51-28 16-91 51-21 17-13 51-13 17-36 54 55 52-31 17-00 52-23 17-22 52-16 17-45 52-OS 17-68 55 56 53-26 17-30 53-18 17-54 53-11 17-77 53-03 18-00 56 57 54-21 17-61 54-13 17-85 54-05 18-09 53-98 18-32 57 58 55-16 17-92 55-08 18-16 55-00 18-40 54-92 18-64 58 59 56-11 18-23 56-03 18-48 55-95 18-72 55-87 18-96 59 60 57-06 18-54 56-98 18-79 50-90 19-04 56-82 19-29 60 61 58-01 18-85 57-93 19-10 57-85 19-36 57-76 19-61 61 62 58-97 19-16 58-88 19-42 58-80 19-67 58-71 19-93 62 63 59-92 19-47 59-83 19-73 59-74 19-99 59-66 20-25 63 64 60-87 19-78 60-78 20-04 60-69 20-31 60-60 20-57 64 65 61-82 20-09 61-73 20-36 61-64 20-62 61-55 20-89 65 66 62-77 20-40 62-68 20-67 62-59 20-94 62-50 21-22 66 67 63-72 20-70 63-63 20-98 63-54 21-26 63-44 21-54 67 68 64-67 21-01 64-58 21-30 64-49 21-58 64-39 21-86 68 69 65-62 21-32 65-53 21-61 65-43 21-89 65-34 22-18 69 70 66-57 21-63 66-48 21-92 66-38 22-21 66-29 22-50 70 71 67-53 21-94 67-43 22-23 67-33 22-53 67-23 22-82 71 72 68-48 22-25 68-38 22-55 68-28 22-85 68-18 23-14 72 73 69-43 22-56 69-33 22-86 69-23 23-16 69-13 23-47 73 74 70-38 22-87 70-28 23-17 70-18 23-48 70-07 23-79 74 W 7*1-33 23-18 71-23 23-49 71-12 23-80 71-02 24-11 75 76 72-28 23-49 72-18 23-80 72-07 24-12 71-97 24-43 76 77 7-3-23 23-79 73-13 24-11 73-02 24-43 72-91 24-75 77 78 74-18 24-10 74-08 24-43 73-97 24-75 73-86 25-07 78 79 75-13 24-41 75-03 24-74 74-92 25-07 74-81 25-39 79 80 76-08 24-72 75-98 25-05 75-87 25-38 75-75 25-72 80 81 77-04 25-03 76-93 25-37 76-81 25-70 76-70 26-04 81 82 77-99 25-34 77-88 25-68 77-76 26-02 77-65 26-36 82 83 78-94 25-65 78-83 25-99 78-71 26-34 78-60 26-68 83 84 79-89 25-96 79-77 26-31 79-66 26-65 79-54 27-00 84 85 80-84 26-27 80-72 26-62 80-61 26-97 80-49 27-32 85 86 81-79 26-58 81-67 26-93 81-56 27-29 81-44 27-64 86 87 82-74 26-88 82-62 27-25 82-50 27-61 82-38 27-97 87 88 83-69 27-19 83-57 27-56 83-45 27-92 83-33 28-29 88 89 84-64 27-50 84-52 27-87 84-40 28-24 84-28 28-61 89 90 85-60 27-81 85-47 28-18 85-35 28-56 85-22 28-93 90 91 86-55 28-12 86-42 28-50 86-30 28-87 86-17 29-25 91 92 87-50 28-43 87-37 28-81 87-25 29-19 87-12 29-57 92 93 88-45 28-74 88-32 29-12 88-19 29-51 88-06 29-89 93 94 89-40 29-05 89-27 29-44 89-14 29-83 89-01 30-22 94 95 90-35 29-36 90-22 29-75 90-09 30-14 89-96 30-54 95 96 91-30 29-67 91-17 30-06 91-04 30-46 90-91 30-86 96 97 92-25 29-97 92-12 30-38 91-99 30-78 91-85 31-18 97 98 93-20 30-28 93-07 30-69 92-94 31-10 92-80 31-50 98 99 94-15 30-59 94-02 31-00 93-88 31-41 93-75 31-82 99 100 95-11 30-90 94-97 31-32 94-83 31-73 94-69 32-14 100 \ Dep. 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Dep. 9 9 1 ()-.):; 0-37 0-93 0-38 0-J2 0-^8 0-92 0-39 1 2 1-85 0-75 1-85 0-76 i 1-S5 0-77 1-84 0-77 2 ) 3 2-78 1-12 2-78 1-14 2-77 1-15 2-77 1-16 3 4 3-71 1-50 3-7U 1-51 3-70 1-53 3-69 1-55 4 ' 5 4-64 1-87 4-63 1-89 4-62 1-91 4-61 1-93 5 6 5-56 2-25 5-55 2-27 5-54 2-30 5-53 2-32 6 7 6-49 2-62 6-48 2-65 6-47 2-68 6-46 2-71 7 8 r-42 3-00 7-40 3-03 7-39 3-06 7-38 3-09 | 9 8-34 3-37 8-33 3-41 8-31 3-44 8-30 3-48 9 10 9.27 3-75 9-26 3-79 9-24 3-83 9-22 3-87 10 11 10-20 4-12 10-18 4-17 10-16 4-21 10-14 4-25 11 12 11-13 4-50 11-11 4-54 11-09 4-59 11-07 4-64 12 13 12-05 4-87 12-03 4-92 12-01 4-97 11-99 5-03 13 14 12-98 5-24 12-96 5-30 12-93 5-36 12-91 5-41 14 15 13-91 5-62 13-88 5-68 13-86 5-74 13-83 5-80 15 16 14-83 5-99 14-81 6-06 14-78 6-12 14-76 6-19 16 17 15-76 6-37 15-73 6-44 15-71 6-51 15-68 6-57 17 18 16-69 6-74 16-66 6-82 16-63 6-89 16-60 6-96 18 19 17-62 7-12 17-59 7-19 17-55 7-27 17-52 7-35 19 1 20 18*54 7-49 18-51 7-57 18-48 7-65 18-44 7-73 20 21 19-47 7-87 19-44 7-95 19-40 8-04 19-37 8-12 21 22 20-40 8-24 20-36 8-33 20-33 8-42 20-29 8-51 22 23 21-33 8-62 21-29 8-71 21-25 8-80 21-21 8-89 23 24 22-25 8-99 22-21 9-09 22-17 9-18 22-13 9-28 24 25 23-18 9-37 23-14 9-47 23-10 9-57 23-05 9-67 25 26 24-11 9-74 24-06 9-84 24-02 9-95 23-98 10-05 26 27 25-03 10-11 24-99 10-22 24-94 10-33 24-90 10-44 27 28 25-96 10-49 25-92 10-60 25-87 10-72 25-82 10-83 28 29 26-89 10-86 : 26-84 10-98 26-79 11-10 26-74 11-21 29 30 27-82 11-24 27-77 11-36 27-72 11-48 27-07 11-60 30 31 28-74 11-61 28-69 11-74 28-64 11-86 28-59 11-99 31 32 29-67 11-99 29-62 12-12 29-56 12-25 29-51 12-37 32 33 30-60 12-36 30-54 12.50 30-49 12-63 30-43 12-76 33 34 31-52 12-74 31-47 12-87 31-41 13-01 31-35 13-15 34 35 ' 32-45 13-11 32-39 13-25 32-34 13-39 32-28 13-53 35 36 33-38 13-49 33-32 13-63 33-26 13-78 33-20 13-92 36 37 34-31 13-86 - 34-24 14-01 34-18 14-16 34-12 14-31 37 38 35-23 14-24 35-17 14-39 35-11 14-54 35-04 14-70 38 39 36-16 14-61 36-10 14-77 36-03 14-92 35-97 15-08 39 40 37-09 14-98 37-02 15-15 36-96 15-31 36-89 15-47 40 41 38K)1 15-36 ! 37-95 15-52 '37-88 15-69 37-81 15-86 41 42 38-94 15-73 38-87 15-90 38-80 16-07 38-73 16-24 42 43 39-87 16-11 39-80 16-28 39-73 16-46 39-65 16-63 43 44 40-80 16-48 . 40-72 16-66 40-65 16-84 40-58 17-02 44 45 41-72 16-86 41-65 17-04 41-57 17-22 41-50 17-40 45 46 42-65 17-23 42-57 17-42 42-50 17-60 42-42 17-79 46 47 43-58 17-61 43-50 17-80 43-42 17-99 43-34 18-18 47 48 44-50 17*98 44-43 18-18 44-35 18-37 44-27 18-56 48 49 45-43 18-36 45-35 18-55 45-27 18-75 45-19 18-95 49 50 46-36 18-73 46-28 18-93 46-19 19-13 46-11 19-34 50 8 Dep. 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P 51 47-29 19-10 47-20 19-31 47-12 19-52 47-03 19-72 51 52 48-21 19-48 48-13 19-C9 48-04 19-9U 47-95 20-11 52 53 49-14 19-85 49-05 2U-07 48-97 20-28 4s- ss 20-50 53 54 50-07 20-23 49-98 20-45 49-89 20-66 49-80 20-88 54 55 51-00 20-60 50-90 20-83 50-81 21-05 50-72 21-27 55 56 51-92 20-98 51-83 21-20 51-74 21-43 61-64 21 -CO 56 57 52-85 21-35 52-76 21-68 52-66 21-81 62-67 22-04 57 58 53-78 21-73 53-68 21-96 53-59 22-20 :>:j-4< 22-43 58 59 54-70 22-10 54-61 22-34 54-51 22-68 54-41 22-82 59 60 55-63 22-48 55-53 22-7 -2 55-43 22-96 55-33 28-30 60 61 56-56 22-85 56-47 23-10 56-36 23-34 56-28 23-59 61 62 57-49 23-23 57-38 23-48 57-28 28-73 57-18 23-98 62 63 58-41 23-60 58-31 23-85 58-20 2-i-ll 58-10 24-36 63 64 59-34 23-97 59-23 24-1':; 59-13 24-4'J 59-02 24-7.-) 64 65 60-27 24-35 60-16 24-61 60-05 24-87 59-94 25-14 65 66 61-19 24-72 61-09 24-99 60-98 25-26 60-87 25-52 66 67 62-12 25-10 62-01 25-37 61-90 25-64 61-79 26-91 67 68 63-05 26-47 62-94 25-75 82-82 20-02 62-71 26-30 68 69 63-98 25-85 63-86 26-13 63-75 29-41 63-63 26-68 69 70 64-90 26-22 64-79 26-51 64-67 26-79 64-55 27-07 70 71 65-83 26-60 65-71 26-88 65-60 27-17 65-48 27-46 71 72 66-76 26-97 66-64 27-28 66-52 27-55 66-40 27-84 72 73 67-68 27-35 67.56 27-04 67-44 27-94 67-32 28-23 73 74 68-61 27-72 68-49 28-02 68-37 28-32 68-24 28-62 74 75 69-54 28-10 00-42 28-40 69-29 28-70 69-17 29-00 75 76 70-47 28-47 70-34 28-78 70-21 29-08 70-09 29-39 76 77 71-39 28-84 71-27 29-16 71-14 29-47 71-01 29-78 77 78 72-32 2'.) -22 72-19 29-53 72-06 29-85 71-93 30-16 78 79 73-25 29-59 73-12 29-91 72-99 30-23 72-85 30-55 79 80 74-17 29-97 74-04 30-29 73-91 30-61 73-78 30-94 80 81 75-10 30-34 74-97 30-67 74-83 31-00 74-70 31-32 81 82 76-03 30-72 75-89 31-05 75-70 31-38 75-62 31-71 82 83 76-96 31-09 76-82 31-43 76-68 31-76 76-54 32-10 83 84 77-88 31-47 77-75 31-81 77-61 32-15 77-40 32-48 84 85 78-81 31-84 78-67 32-19 78-53 32-53 78-39 32-87 85 86 79-74 .32-22 79-60 32-56 79-45 32-91 79-31 33-26 86 87 80-66 32-59 80-52 32-94 80-38 33-29 80-23 33-64 87 88 81-59 32-97 81-45 33-32 81-30 33-68 81-15 34-03 88 89 82-52 33-34 82-37 33-70 82-23 34-06 82-08 34-42 89 90 83-45 33-71 83-30 34-08 83-15 34-44 83-00 34-80 90 91 84-37 34-09 84-22 34-46 84-07 34-82 83-92 35-19 91 92 85-30 34-46 85-15 34-84 85-00 35-21 84-84 35-58 92 93 86-23 34-84 86-08 35-21 85-92 35-59 85-76 35-96 93 94 8716 35-21 87-00 35-59 86-84 35-97 86-69 36-35 94 95 88-08 35-59 87-93 35-97 87-77 36-35 87-61 36-74 95 96 89-01 35-96 88-85 36-35 88-69 36-74 88-53 37-12 96 97 89>94 36-34 89-78 36-73 89-62 37-12 89-45 37-51 97 98 90-86 36-71 90-70 37-11 90-54 37-50 90-38 37-90 98 99 91-79 37-09 91-63 37-49 91-46 37-89 91-30 38-28 99 100 92-72 37-46 92-55 37-86 92-39 38-27 92-22 38-67 100 i Dep. 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I \ ( 1 0-92 0-39 0-92 0-39 0-92. 0-40 0-92 0-40 i S 2 1-84 0-78 1-84 0-79 1-83 0-80 1-83 0-81 2 < 3 2-76 1-17 2-76 1-18 2-75 1-20 2-75 1-21 3 / 4 3-68 1-56 3-68 1-58 3-67 1-59 3-66 1-61 4 ) 5 4-60 1-95 4-59 1-97 4-59 1-99 4-58 2-01 5 ) 6 5-52 2-34 5-51 2-37 5-50 2-39 5-49 2-42 6 ) 7 6-44 2-74 6-43 2-76 6-42 2-79 6-41 2-82 7 ) 8 7-36 3-13 7-35 3-16 7-34 3-19 7-32 3-22 8 < 9 8-28 3-52 8-27 3-55 8-25 3-59 8-24 3-62 9 ) 10 9-20 3-91 9-19 3-95 9-17 3-99 9-15 4-03 10 ? 11 10-13 4-30 10-11 4-34 10-09 4-39 10-07 4-43 11 ) 12 11-05 4-69 11-03 4-74 11-00 4-78 10-98 4-83 12 ) 13 11-97 5-08 11-94 5-13 11-92 5-18 11-90 5-24 13 ) 14 12-89 5-47 12-86 5-53 12-84 5-58 12-81 5-64 14 S 15 13-81 5-86 13-78 5-92 13-76 5-98 13-73 6-04 15 ( 16 14-73 6-25 14-70 6-32 14-67 6-38 14-64 6-44 16 ( 17 15-65 6-64 15-62 6-71 15-59 6-78 15-56 6-85 17 ( 18 16-57 7-03 16-54 7-11 16-51 7-18 16-48 7-25 18 ) 19 17-49 7-42 17-46 7-50 17-42 7-58 17-39 7-65 19 ) 20 18-41 7-81 18-38 7-89 18-34 7-97 18-31 8-05 20 21 19-33 8-21 19-29 8-29 19-26 8-37 19-22 8-46 21 22 20-25 8-60 20-21 8-68 20-18 8-77 20-14 8-86 22 23 21-17 8-99 21-13 9-08 21-09 9-17 21-05 9-26 23 24 22-09 9-38 22-05 9-47 22-01 9-57 21-97 9-67 24 25 23-01 9-77 22-97 9-87 22-93 9-97 22-88 10-07 25 26 23-93 10-16 23-89 10-26 23-84 10-37 23-80 10-47 26 27 24-85 10-55 24-81 10-66 24-76 10-77 24-71 10-87 27 28 25-77 10-94 25-73 11-05 25-68 11-16 25-63 11-28 28 29 26-69 11-33 26-64 11-45 26-59 11-56 26-54 11-68 29 30 27-62 11-72 27-56 11-84 27-51 11-96 27-46 12-08 30 31 28-54 12-11 28-48 12-24 28-43 12-36 28-37 12-49 31 < 32 29-46 12-50 29-40 12-63 29-35 12-76 29-29 12-89 32 33 30-38 12-89 30-32 13-03 30-26 13-16 30-21 13-29 33 34 31-30 13-28 31-24 13-42 31-18 13-56 31-12 13-69 34 35 32-22 13-68 32-16 13-82 32-10 13-96 32-04 14-10 35 36 33-14 14-07 33-08 14-21 33-01 14-35 32-95 14-50 36 ? 37 34-06 14-46 34-00 14-61 33-93 14-75 33-87 14-90 37 ) 38 34-98 14-85 34-91 15-00 34-85 15-15 34-78 15-30 38 ; 39 35-90 15-24 35-83 15-39 35-77 15-55 35-70 15-71 39 40 36-82 15-63 36-75 15-79 36-68 15-95 36-61 16.11 40 41 37-74 16-02 37-67 16-18 37-60 16-35 37-53 16-51 41 42 38-66 16-41 38-59 16-58 38-52 16-75 38-44 16-92 42 43 39-58 16-80 39-51 16-97 39-43 17-15 39-36 17-32 43 44 40-50 17-19 40-43 17-37 40-35 17-54 40-27 17-72 44 45 41-42 17-58 41-35 17-76 41-27 17-94 41-19 18-12 45 46 42-34 17-97 42-26 18-16 42-18 18-34 42-10 18-53 46 47 43-26 18-36 43-18 18-55 43-10 18-74 43.02 18-93 47 48 44-18 18-76 44-10 18-95 44-02 19-14 43-93 19-33 48 49 45-10 19-15 45-02 19-34 44-94 19-54 44-85 19-73 49 50 46-03 19-54 45-94 19-74 45-85 19-94 45-77 20-14 50 i Dep. 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Dep. jf 51 40-22 21-55 46-13 21-75 46-03 21-96 45-94 22-16 51 52 47-13 21-98 47-03 22-18 46-93 22-39 46-84 22-59 52 53 48-03 22-40 47-94 22-61 47-84 22-82 47-74 23-03 53 54 48-94 22-82 48-84 23-03 48-74 23-25 4864 23-46 54 5o -i-3-86 23-24 49-74 23-46 49-64 23-68 49-54 23-89 55 56 50-75 23-67 50-65 23-89 50-54 24-11 50-44 24-83 56 57 51-66 24-09 51-55 24-31 51-45 24-54 51-34 24-76 57 58 52-57 24-51 52-46 24-74 52-35 24-97 52-24 25-20 58 59 53-47 24-93 53-36 25-17 53-25 25-40 53-14 26-63 59 60 54-38 25-36 54-27 25-59 54-16 25-83 54-04 26-07 60 61 55-28 25-78 55-17 26-02 55-06 26-26 54-94 26-50 61 62 56-19 26-20 56-08 26-45 55-96 26-69 55-84 26-94 62 63 57-10 26-62 56-98 26-87 56-86 27-12 56-74 27-37 63 64 58-00 27-05 57-89 27-30 57-77 27-55 57-64 27-80 64 65 58-91 27-47 58-79 27-73 58-67 27-98 58.55 28-24 65 66 59-82 27-89 59-69 28-15 59-57 28-41 59-45 ' 28-67 66 67 60-72 28-32 60-60 28-58 60-47 28-84 60-35 29-11 67 68 61.63 28-74 61-50 29-01 61-38 29-27 61-25 29-54 68 69 62.54 29-16 62-41 29-43 62-28 2U-71 62-15 29-98 69 70 63.44 29-58 63-31 29-86 63-18 30-14 63-05 30-41 70 71 64-35 30-01 64-22 30-29 64-08 30-57 63-95 30-85 71 72 65-25 30-43 65-12 30-71 64-99 31-00 64-85 31-28 72 73 66-16 30-85 66-03 31-14 65-89 31-43 65-75 31-71 73 74 67-07 31-27 66-93 31-57 66-79 31-86 66-65 32-15 74 75 67-97 31-70 67-83 31-99 67-69 32-29 67-55 32-58 75 76 68-88 32-12 68-74 32-42 68-60 32-72 68-45 33-02 76 77 69-79 32-54 69-64 32-85 69-50 33-15 69-35 33-45 77 78 70-69 32-96 70-55 33-27 70-40 33-58 70-25 33-89 78 79 71-60 33-39 71-45 33-70 71-30 34-01 71-16 34-32 79 80 72-50 -33-81 72-36 34-13 72-21 34-44 72-06 34-76 80 81 73-41 34-23 73-26 34-55 73-11 34-87 72-96 35-19 81 82 74-32 34-65 74-17 34-98 74-01 35-30 73-86 35-62 82 83 75-22 35-08 75-07 35-41 74-91 35-73 74-76 36-06 83 84 76-13 35-50 75-97 35-83 75-82 36-16 75-66 36-49 84 85 77-04 35-92 76-88 36-26 76-72 36-59 76-56 36-93 85 86 77-94 36-35 77-78 36-68 77-62 37-02 77-46 37-36 86 87 78-85 36-77 78-69 37-11 78-52 37-45 78-36 37-80 87 88 79-76 37-19 79-59 37-54 79-43 37-88 79-26 38-23 88 89 80-66 37-61 80-50 37-96 80-33 38-32 80-16 38-67 89 90 81-57 38-04 81-40 38-39 81-23 38-75 81-06 39-10 90 91 82-47 38-46 82-31 38-82 82-14 39-18 81-96 39-53 91 92 83-38 38-88 83-21 39-24 83-04 39-61 82-86 39-97 92 93 84-29 39-30 84-11 39-67 83-94 40-04 83-76 40-40 93 94 85-19 39-73 85-02 40-10 84-84 40-47 84-67 40-84 94 95 86-10 40-15 85-92 40-52 85-75 40-90 85-57 41-27 95 96 8-7-01 40-57 86-83 40-95 86-65 41-33 86-47 41-71 96 97 87-91 40-99 87-73 41-38 87-55 41-76 87-37 42-14 97 98 88-82 41-42 88-64 41-80 88-45 42-19 88-27 42-58 98 99 89-72 41-84 89-54 42-23 89-36 42-62 89-17 43-01 99 100 90-63 42-26 90-45 42-66 90-26 43-05 90-07 43-44 100 \ 1 Dep. 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CE 1 0-90 0-44 ! 0-90 0-44 j 0-89 0-45 0-89 0-45 I 2 1-80 0-88 1-79 0-88 1-79 0-89 1-79 0-UO o 3 2-70 1-32 2-69 1-33 2-68 1-34 2-68 1-35 3 4 3-00 1-75 3-59 1-77 3-58 1-78 3-57 1-80 4 5 4-49 2-19 4-48 2-21 4-47 2-23 4-4(5 2-25 5 6 5-39 2-63 5-38 2-65 5-37 2-68 5-36 2-70 6 7 6-29 3-07 6-28 3-10 6-26 3-12 6-25 3-15 7 8 7-19 3-51 7-17 3-54 7-16 3-57 7-14 3-60 3 9 8-09 3-95 8-07 3-98 8-05 4-02 8-04 4-05 Q 10 8-99 4-38 8-97 4-42 8-95 4-46 8-93 4-50 10 11 9-89 4-82 9-87 4-87 9-84 4-91 9-82 4-95 11 12 10-79 5-26 10-76 5-31 10-74 5-35 10-72 5-40 12 13 11-68 5-70 11-66 5-75 11-63 5-80 11-61 5-85 13 14 12-58 6-14 12-56 6-19 12-53 6-25 12-50 6-30 14 15 13-48 6-58 13-45 6-63 13-42 6-69 13-39 6-75 15 16 14-38 7-01 14-35 7-08 14-32 7-14 14-29 7-20 16 17 15-28 7-45 15-25 7-52 15-21 7-59 15-18 7-65 17 18 16-18 7-89 16-14 7-96 16-11 8-03 16-07 8-10 18 19 17-08 8-33 17-04 8-40 17-00 8-48 16-97 8-55 19 20 17-98 8-77 17-94 8-85 17-90 8-92 17-86 9-00 20 21 18-87 9-21 18-83 9-29 18-79 9-37 18-75 9-45 21 22 19-77 9-64 19-73 9-73 19-69 9-82 19-65 9-90 22 23 20-67 10-08 20-63 10-17 20-58 10-26 20-54 10-35 23 24 21-57 10-52 21-52 10-61 21-48 10-71 21-43 10-80 24 25 22-47 10-96 22-42 11-06 22-37 11-15 22-32 11-25 25 26 23-37 11-40 23-32 11-50 23-27 11-60 23-22 11-70 26 27 24-27 11-84 24-22 11-94 24-16 12-05 24-11 12-15 27 28 25-17 12-27 25-11 12-38 25-06 12-49 25-00 12-60 28 29 26-06 12-71 26-01 12-83 25-95 12-94 25-90 13-05 29 30 26-96 13-15 26-91 13-27 26-85 13-39 26-79 13-50j 30 31 27-86 13-59 27-80 13-71 27-74 13-83 27-68 13-95 31 32 28-76 14-03 28-70 14-15 28-64 14-28 28-58 14-40 32 33 29-66 14-47 29-60 14-60 29-53 14-72 29-47 14-85 33 34 30-56 14-90 30-49 15-04 30-43 15-17 30-36 15-30 34 35 31-46 15-34 31-39 15-48 31-32 15-62 31-25 15-75 35 36 32-36 15-78 32-29 15-92 32-22 16-06 32-15 16-20 36 37 33-26 16-22 33-18 16-36 33-11 16-51 33-04 16-65 37 38 34-15 16-66 34-08 16-81 34-01 16-96 33-93 17-10 38 39 35-05 17-10 34-98 17-25 34-90 17-40 34-83 17-55 39 40 35-95 17-53 35-87 17-69 35-80 17-85 35-72 18-00 40 41 36-85 17-97 36-77 18-13 36-69 18-29 36-61 18-45] 41 42 37-75 18-41 37-67 18-58 37-59 18-74 37-51 18-90 42 43 38-65 18-85 38-57 19-02 38-48 19-19 38-40 19-35 43 44 39-55 19-29 39-46 19-46 39-38 19-63 39-29 19-80 44 45 40-45 19-73 40-36 19-90 40-27 20-08 40-18 20-25 45 46 41-34 20-17 41-26 20-35 41-17 20-53 41-08 20-70 46 47 42-24 20-60 42-15 20-79 42-06 20-97 41-97 21-15 47 48 43-14 21-04 43-05 21-23 42-96 21-42 42-86 21-60 48 49 44-04 21-48 43-95 21-67 43-85 21-86 43-76 22-05 49 50 44-94 21-92 44-84 22-11 44-75 22-31 44-65 22-50 50 8 Dep. 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Dep, I ( 1 51 45-84 22-36 45-74 22-56 45-64 22-76 45-54 22-96 51 ( 52 46-74 22-80 46-64 23-00 46-54 23-20 46-43 23-41 52 ( 53 47-64 23-23 47-53 23-44 47-43 2-J-C5 47-33 23-86 53 J 54 48-53 23-67 48-43 23-88 48-33 24-09 48-22 24-31 54 ; 55 49-43 24-11 49-33 24-33 49-22 24-54- 49-11 24-76 55 66 50-33 24-55 50-22 24-77 50-12 24-99 50-01 25-21 56 < 57 51-23 24-99 51-12 25-21 51-01 25-43 50-00 25-66 57 < 58 52-13 25-43 52-02 25-65 51-91 25-88 51-79 26-11 58 < 59 53-03 25-86 52-92 26-09 52-80 26-33 52-69 26-56 59 ( 60 53-93 26-30 53-81 26-54 53-70 26-77 53-58 27-01 60 61 54-83 26-74 54-71 26-98 54-59 27-22 54-47 27-46 61 S 62 55-73 27-18 55-61 27-42 55-49 27-66 55-36 27-91 62 < 63 56-62 27-62 56-50 27-86 56-38 28-11 56-26 28-36 63 ( 64 57-52 28-06 57-40 28-31 57-28 28-56 57-15 28-81 64 / 65 58-42 28-49 58-30 28-75 58-17 29-00 58-04 29-26 65 ) 66 59-32 28-93 59-19 29-19 59-07 29-45 58-94 29-71 66 ) 67 60-22 29-37 60-09 29-63 59-96 29-90 59-83 30-16 67 ) 68 61-12 29-81 60-99 30-08 60-86 30-34 60-72 30-61 68 > 69 62-02 30-25 61-88 30-52 61-75 30-79 61-62 31-06 69 ( 70 62-92 30-69 62-78 30-96 62-65 31-23 62-51 31-51 70 ( 71 63-81 31-12 63-68 31-40 63-54 31-68 63-40 31-96 71 ) 72 64-71 31-56 64-57 31-84 64-44 32-13 64-29 32-41 72 ) 73 65-61 32-00 65-47 32-29 65-33 32-57 65-19 32-86 73 ) 74 66-51 32-44 66-37 32-73 66-23 33-02 66-08 33-31 74 S 75 67-41 32-88 67-27 33-17 67-12 33-46 66-97 33-76 75 ( 76 68-31 33-32 68-16 33-61 68-01 33-91 67-87 34-21 76 f 77 69-21 33-75 69-06 34-06 68-91 34-36 68-76 34-66 77 78 70-11 34-19 69-96 34-50 69-80 34-80 69-65 35-11 78 79 71-00 34-63 70-85 34-94 70-70 35-25 70-55 35-56 79 80 71-90 35-07 71-75 35-38 71-59 35-70 71-44 36-01 80 81 72-80 35-51 72-65 35-83 72-49 36-14 72-33 36-46 81 82 73-70 35-95 73-54 36-27 73-38 36-59 73-22 36-91 82 83 74-60 36-38 74-44 36-71 74-28 37-03 74-12 37-36 83 84 75-50 36-82 75-34 37-15 75-17 37-48 75-01 37-81. 84 85 76-40 37-26 76-23 37-59 70-07 37-93 75-90 38-26 85 86 77-30 37-70 77-13 38-04 76-96 38-37 76-80 38-71 86 87 78-20 38-14 78-03 38-48 '77-86 38-82 77-69 39-16 87 88 79-09 38-58 78-92 38-92 78-75 39-27 78-58 39-61 88 89 79-99 39-01 79-82 39-36 79-65 39-71 79-48 40-06 89 90 80-89 39-45 80-72 39-81 80-54 40-16 80-37 40-51 90 91 81-79 39-89 81-62 40-25 81-44 40-60 81-26 40-96 91 92 82-69 40-33 82-51 40-69 82-33 41-05 82-15 41-41 92 93 83-59 40-77 83-41 41-13 83-23 41-50 83-05 41-86 93 94 84-49 41-21 84-31 41-58 84-12 41-94 83-94 42-31 94 95 85-39 41-65 85-20 42-02 85-02 42-39 84-83 42-76 95 96 86-28 42-08 86-10 42-46 85-91 42-83 85-73 43-21 96 97 87-18 42-52 87-00 42-90 86-81 43-28 86-62 43-66 97 98 88-08 42-96 87-89 43-34 87-70 43-73 87-51 44.11 98 ( 99 88-98 43-40 88-79 43-79 88-60 44-17 88-40 44-56 99 100 89-88 43-84 89-69 44-23 89-49 44-62 89-30 45-01 100 ) \ 1 Dep. 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I 51 45-44 23-15 45-34 23-35 45-24 23-55 45-13 23-75 51 52 46-33 23-61 46-23 23-81 46-12 2401 46-02 24-21 52 < 53 47-22 24-06 47-12 24-27 47-01 24-47 46-90 24-68 53 < 54 48-11 24-52 48-01 24-73 47-90 24-93 47-79 25-14 54 ( 55 49-01 24-97 48-90 25-18 48-79 25-40 48-67 2561 55 / 56 49-90 25-42 49-78 25-64 49-67 25-86 49-56 2607 56 ( 57 50-79 25-88 50-67 26-10 50-56 2032 50-44 26-54 57 ; 58 51-68 26-33 51-56 26-56 51-45 26-78 51-33 27-01 58 59 52-57 26-79 52-45 2701 52-33 27-24 52-21 27-47 59 < 60 53-46 27-24 53-34 27-47 53-22 27-70 53-10 27-94 60 ( 61 54-35 27-69 54-23 27-93 54-11 28-17 53-98 28-40 61 ) 62 55-24 28-15 55-12 28-39 54-99 2863 54-87 28-87 62 ) 63 56-13 28-0 56-01 28-85 55-88 29-09 5575 29-33 63 ) 64 57-02 29-06 56-90 29-30 56-77 29-55 56-64 29-80 64 ) 65 57-92 29-51 57-79 29-76 57-66 3001 57-52 3026 65 S 66 58-81 29-96 58-68 30-22 58-54 30-48 58-41 30-73 66 ( 67 59-70 30-42 59-56 30-68 59-43 30-94 59-29 31-20 67 I 68 60-59 30-87 60-45 31-14 60-32 31-40 60-18 31-66 68 ) 69 61-48 81-33 61-34 31-59 61-20 31-86 61-06 32-13 69 ) 70 62-37 31-78 62-23 32-05 62-09 32-32 61-95 32-59 70 j 71 63-26 32-23 63-12 32-51 62-98 32-78 62-83 33-06 71 < 72 64-15 32-69 64-01 32-97 63-86 33-25 63-72 33-52 72 73 65-04 33-14 64-90 33-42 64-75 33-71 64-60 33-99 73 74 65-93 33-60 65-79 33-88 65-64 34-17 65-49 34-46 74 / 75 66-83 34-05 66-68 34-34 66-53 34-63 66-37 34-92 75 i 76 67-72 34-50 67-57 34-80 67-41 35-09 67-26 35-39 76 77 68-61 34-96 68-45 35-26 68-30 35-55 68-14 35-85 77 78 69-50 35-41 69-34 35-71 69-19 36-02 69-03 36-32 78 79 70-39 35-87 70-23 36-17 70-07 36-48 69-91 36-78 79 < 80 71-28 36-32 71-12 36-63 70-96 36-94 70-80 37-25 80 < 81 72-17 36-77 72-01 37-09 71-85 37-40 71-68 37-71 81 82 73-06 37-23 72-90 37-55 72-73 37-86 72-57 38-18 82 83 73-95 37-68 73-79 38-00 73-62 38-33 73-45 38-65 83 84 74-84 38-14 74-68 38-46 74-51 38-79 74-34 39-11 84 85 75-74 38-59 75-57 38-92 75-40 39-25 75-22 39-58 85 86 76-63 39-04 76-46 39-38 76-28 39-71 76-11 40-04 86 87 77-52 39-50 77-34 39-83 77-17 40-17 76-99 40-51 87 88 78-41 39-95 78-23 40-29 78-06 40-63 77-88 40-97 88 89 79-30 40-41 79-12 40-75 78-94 41-10 78-76 41-44 89 90 80-19 40-86 80-01 41-21 79-83 41-56 79-65 41-91 90 91 81-08 41-31 80-90 41-67 80-72 42-02 80-53 42-37 91 92 81-97 41-77 81-79 42-12 81-60 42-48 81-42 42-84 92 93 82-86 42-22 82-68 42-58 82-49 42-94 82-30 43-30 93 94 83-75 42-68 83-57 43-04 83-38 43-40 83-19 43-77 94 95 84-65 43-13 84-46 43-50 84-27 43-87 84-07 44-23 95 96 85-54 43-58 85-35 43-96 85-15 44-33 84-96 44-70 96 97 86-43 44-04 86-23 44-41 86-04 44-79 85-84 45-16 97 98 87-32 44-49 87-12 44-87 86-93 45'25 86-73 45-63 98 99 88-21 44-95 88-01 45-33 87-81 45-71 87-61 46-10 99 100 89-10 45-40 88-90 45-79 88-70 46-17 88-50 46-56 100 i Dep. 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I 1 0-87 0-50 0-86 0-50 0-80 0-51 0-86 0-51 1 2 1-7.3 1-00 1-73 1-01 1-72 1-02 1-72 1-02 2 3 2-60 1-50 2-59 1-51 2-58 1-52 2-58 1-53 3 4 3-46 2-00 3-46 2-02 3-45 2-03 3-44 2-05 4 5 4-33 2-50 4-32 2-52 4-31 2-54 4-30 2-56 5 6 5-20 3-00 5-18 3-02 5-17 3-05 5-16 3-07 6 7 6-06 3-50 6-05 3-5.3 6-03 3-55 6-02 3-58 7 8 6-93 4-00 6-91 4-03 6-89 4-06 6-88 4-09 8 9 7-79 4-50 7-77 4-53 7-75 4-57 7-73 4-60 9 10 8-66 5-00 8-64 5-04 8-62 5-08 8-59 5-11 10 11 9-53 5-50 9-50 5-54 9-48 5-58 9-45 5-62 11 12 10-39 6-00 10-37 6-05 10-34 6-09 10-31 6-14 12 13 11-26 6-50 11-23 6-55 11-20 6-60 11-17 6-65 13 14 12-12 7-00 12-09 7-05 12-06 7-11 12-03 7-16 14 15 12-99 7-50 12-96 7-56 12-92 7-61 12-89 7-67 15 16 13-86 8-00 13-82 8-06 13-79 8-12 13-75 8-18 16 17 14-72 8-50 14-69 8-56 14-65 8-63 14-61 8-69 17 18 15-59 9-00 15-55 9-07 15-51 9-14 15-47 9-20 18 19 16-45 9-50 16-41 9-57 16-37 9-64 16-33 9-71 19 20 17-32 10-00 17-28 10-08 17-23 10-15 17-19 10-23 20 21 18-19 10-50 18-14 10-58 18-09 10-66 18-05 10-74 21 22 19-05 11-00 19-00 11-08 18-96 11-17 18-91 11-25 22 23 19-92 11-50 19-87 11-59 19-82 11-67 19-77 11-76 23 24 20-78 12-00 20-73 12-09 20-68 12-18 20-63 12-27 24 25 21-65 12-50 21-60 12-59 21-54 12-69 21-49 12-78 25 26 22-52 13-00 22-46 13-10 22-40 13-20 22-34 13-29 26 27 23-38 13-50 23-32 13-60 23-26 13-70 28-20 13-80 27 28 24-25 14-00 24-19 14-11 24-13 14-21 24-06 14-32 28 29 25-11 14-50 25-05 14-61 24-99 14-72 24-92 14-83 29 30 25-98 15-00 25-92 15-11 25-85 15-23 25-78 15-34 30 31 26-85 15-50 26-78 15-62 26-71 15-73 26-64 15-85 31 32 27-71 16-00 27-64 16-12 27-57 16-24 27-50 16-36 32 33 28-58 16-50 28-51 16-62 28-43 16-75 28-36 16-87 33 34 29-44 17-00 29-37 17-13 29-30 17-26 29-22 17-38 34 35 30-31 17-50 30-23 17-63 30-16 17-76 30-08 17-90 35 36 31-18 18-00 31-10 18-14 31-02 18-27 30-94 18-41 36 37 32-04 18-50 31-96 18-64 31-88 18-78 31-80 18-92 37 38 32-91 19-00 32-83 19-14 32-74 19-29 32-66 19-43 38 39 33-77 19-50 33-69 19-65 33-60 19-79 33-52 19-94 39 40 34-64 20-00 34-55 20-15 34-47 20-30 34-38 20-45 40 41 35-51 20-50 35-42 20-65 35-33 20-81 35-24 20-96 41 42 36-37 21-00 36-28 21-16 36-19 21-32 36-10 21-47 42 43 37-24 21-50 37-14 21-66 37-05 21-82 36-95 21-99 43 44 38-11 22-00 38-01 22-17 37-91 22-33 37-81 22-50 44 45 38-97 22-50 38-87 22-67 38-77 22-84 38-67 23-01 45 46 39-84 23-00 39-74 23-17 39-63 23-35 39-53 23-62 46 47 40-70 23-50 40-60 23-68 40-50 23-85 40-39 24-03 47 48 41-57 24-00 41-46 24-18 41-36 24-36 41-25 24-54 48 49 42-44 24-50 42-33 24-68 42-22 24-87 42-11 25-05 49 50 43-30 25-00 43-19 25-19 43-08 25-38 42-97 25-56 50 o % Dep. 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P 51 43-72 26-27 43-60 26-46 43-48 26-05 43-37 26-84 51 52 44-57 26-78 44-46 26-98 44-34 27-17 44-22 27-36 52 53 45-43 27-30 45-31 27-49 45-19 27-69 ! 45-07 27-89 53 54 46-29 27-81 46-17 28-01 46-04 28-21 45-92 28-42 54 55 47-14 28-33 47-02 28-53 46-90 28-74 4077 28-94 55 56 48-00 28-84 47-88 29-05 47-75 29-26 47-02 29-47 56 57 48-86 29-36 48-73 29-57 48-CO 29-78 48-47 29-99 57 58 49-72 29-87 49-58 CO-09 49-45 30-30 49-32 30-52 58 59 50-57 30-39 50-44 30-61 50-31 30-83 50-17 31-05 59 60 51-43 30-90 51-29 31-13 51-16 31-35 51-02 31-57 CO 61 52-29 31-42 52-15 31-65 52-01 31-87 51-87 32-10 61 62 53-14 31-93 53-00 32-16 52-86 32-39 52-72 32-63 62 63 54-00 32-45 53-86 32-68 53-72 32-92 53-57 33-15 C3 64 54-86 32-96 54-71 33-20 54-57 33-44 54-42 33-68 64 65 55-72 33-48 55-57 33-72 55-42 33-96 55*27 34-20 65 66 56-57 33-99 56-42 34-24 56-27 34-48 56-12 34-73 66 67 57-43 34-51 57-28 34-76 57-13 35-01 56*98 35-20 67 68 58-29 35-02 58-13 35-28 57-98 35-53 57-82 35-78 68 69 59-14 35-54 58-99 35-80 58-83 36-05 58-67 36-31 69 70 60-00 36-05 59-84 36-31 59-68 36-57 59-52 36-83 70 71 60-86 36-57 60-70 36-83 60-54 37-10 60-37 37-36 71 72 61-72 37-08 61-55 37-35 61-39 37-62 61-23 37-89 72 73 62-57 37-60 62-41 37-87 02-24 38-14 62-08 ! 38-41 73 74 63-43 38-11 63-26 38-39 63-10 38-66 : 62-93 38-94 74 75 64-29 i 38-63 64-12 38-91 ' 63-95 39-15 : 63-78 39-47 i 75 76 65-14 39-14 64-97 39-43 64-80 39-71 64-63 39-99 76 77 66-00 39-66 65-83 39-95 05-65 40-23 65-48 40-52 77 78 66-86 i 40-17 66-68 40-46 66-51 40-75 66-33 41-04 78 79 67-72 : 40-69 67-54 40-98 67-36 41-28 67-18 41-57 79 80 68-57 ' 41-20 ( 68-39 41-50 68-21 41-80 68-03 42-10 80 81 69-43 41-72 69-25 42-02 69-06 42-32 68-88 42-62 81 82 70-29 42-23 70-10 42-54 69-92 42-84 69-73 43-15 82 83 71-14 42-75 70-96 43-06 70-77 43-37 1 70-58 i 43-68 83 84 72-00 ! 43-26 71-81 43-58 71-62 43-89 ! 71-43 44-20 84 85 72-86 : 43-78 72-67 44-10 72*47 44-41 , 72-28 i 44-73 85 86 73-72 44-29 73-52 44-61 73-33 44-93 73-13 45-25 86 87 74-57 44-81 74-38 45-13 74-18 45-46 73-98 45-78 87 88 75-43 45-32 75-23 45-65 75-03 45-98 ' 74-83 ! 46-31 88 89 76-29 45-84 76-09 46-17 7-5-88 46-50 i 75-68 46-83 89 90 : 77-15 46-35 76-94 46-69 76-74 47-02 76-53 47-36 90 91 78-00 ; 4687 77-80 47-21 77-59 47-55 77-38 ; 47-89 ' 91 92 78-86 . 47-38 78-65 47-73 78-44 48-07 ; 78-23 48-41 92 93 79-72 ' 47-90 79-51 48-25 79-30 , 48-59 j 79-08 48-94 ! 93 94 80-57 ; 48-41 ' 80-36 48-76 i 80-15 49-11 i 79-93 49-47 94 95 81-43 48-93 81-22 49-28 81-00 49-64 8078 49-99 > 95 96 ! 82-29 j 49-44 82-07 49-80 ' 81-85 50-16 81-63 50-52 ! 96 97 49-96 82-93 50-32 82-71 50-68 82-48 i 51-04 < 97 98 i 84-00 50-47 83-78 50-84 : 83-56 51-20 i 83-33 51-57 98 99 : 84-86 50-99 84-64 51-36 84-41 i 51-73 ! 84-18 52-10 i 99 100 85-72 51-50 85-49 51-88 85-26 52-25 85-04 52-62 i 100 1 Dep. 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P 1 0-85 0-53 0-85 053 0-84 0-54- 0-84 0-54 1 2 1-70 1-06 1-69 1-07 1-69 1-07 1-68 1-08 2 a 2-54 1-59 2-54 1-CO 2-53 1-61 2-52 1-62 o 4 3-39 2-12 3-38 2-13 3-37 2-15 3-36 2-16 4 5 4-24 2-65 4-23 2-67 4-22 2-69 4-21 2-70 5 6 5-09 3-18 5-07 3-20 5-06 3-22 5-05 3-25 6 7 5-94 3-71 5-92 3-74 5-90 3-76 5-89 3-79 7 8 6-78 4-24 6-77 4-27 6-75 4-30 6-73 4-33 8 7-63 4-77 7-61 4-80 7-59 4-84 7-57 4-87 9 / 10 8-48 5-30 8-46 5-34 8-43 5-37 8-41 5-41 10 11 9-33 5-83 9-30 5-87 9-28 5-91 9-25 5-95 11 12 10-18 6-36 10-15 6-40 10-12 6-45 10-09 6-49 12 13 11-02 6-89 10-99 6-94 10-96 6-98 10-93 7-03 13 14 11-87 7-42 11-84 7-47 11-81 7-52 11-77 7-57 14 15 12-72 7-95 12-69 8-00 12-65 8-06 12-62 8-11 15 16 13-57 8-48 13-53 8-54 13-49 8-60 13-46 8-66 16 ( 17 14-42 9-01 14-38 9-07 14-34 9-13 14-30 9-20 17 15-26 9-54 15-22 9-61 15-18 9-67 15-14 9-74 18 < 19 16-11 10-07 16-07 10-14 16-02 10-21 15-98 10-28 19 < 20 16-96 10-60 16-91 10-67 16-87 10-75 16-82 10-82 20 21 17-81 11-13 17-76 11-21 17-71 11-28 17-66 11-36 21 I 22' 18-66 11-66 18-61 11-74 18-55 11-82 18-50 11-90 22 ; 23 19-51 12-19 19-45 12-27 19-40 12-36 19-34 12-44 23 ; 24 20-35 12-72 20-30 12-81 20-24 12-90 20-18 12-98 24 < 25 21-20 13-25 21-14 13-34 21-08 13-43 21-03 13-52 25 26 22-05 13-78 21-99 13-87 21-93 13-97 21-87 14-07 26 < 27 22-90 14-31 22-83 14-41 22-77 14-51 22-71 14-61 27 I 28 23-75 14-84 23-68 14-94 23-61 15-04 23-55 15-15 28 ( 29 24-59 15-37 24-53 15-47 24-46 15-58 24-39 15-69 29 ( 25-44 15-90 25-37 16-01 25-30 16-12 25-23 16-23 30 31 26-29 16-43 26-22 16-54 26-15 16-66 26-07 16-77 31 ( ; 32 27-14 16-96 27-06 17-08 26-99 17-19 26-91 17-31 32 ( 33 27-99 17-49 | 27-91 17-61 27-83 17-73 27-75 17-85 33 ( 34 28-83 18-02 28-75 18-14 28-68 18-27 28-60 18-39 34 ( 35 29-68 18-55 29-60 18-68 29-52 18-81 29-44 18-93 35 < 36 30-53 19-08 30-45 19-21 30-36 19-34 30-28 1U-48 36 / 37 31-38 19-61 1 31-29 19-74 31-21 19-88 31-12 2002 37 J 38 32-23 20-14 32-14 20-28 32-05 20-42 31-96 20-56 38 S 39 33-07 20-67 32-98 20-81 32-89 20-95 32-80 21-10 39 { 40 33-92 21-20 33-83 21-34 33-74 21-49 33-64 21-64 40 / 41 i 34-77 21-73 34-67 21-88 34-58 22-03 34-48 22-18 41 ^ 42 35-62 22-26 35-52 22-41 35-42 22-57 35-32 22-72 42 I 4? 36-47 22-79 36-37 22-95 36-27 23-10 36-16 23-26 43 ! 37-31 23-32 37-21 23-48 37-11 23-64 37-01 23-80 44 45 oS-K) 23-85 38-06 24-01 37-95 24-18 37-85 24-34 45 46 39-01 24-38 38-90 24-55 38-80 24-72 38-69 24-88 46 47 39-86 24-91 39-75 25-08 39-64 2525 39.53 25-43 47 48 40-71 25-44 40-59 2561 40-48 25-79 40-37 25-97 48 49 41-55 25-97 41-44 26-15 41-33 26-33 41-21 26-51 49 ( 50 42-40 26-50 42-29 26-68 42-17 26-80 42-05 27-05 50 8 Dep. 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( \ 51 4:5.25 27-05 43-13 27-21 43-01 27-40 42-89 27-59 ' 51 ) ( 52 44.10 27-5(3 43-98 27-75 43-86 27-94 43-73 28-13 52 ( 53 4H5 28-09 44-82 28-28 44-70 28-48 44-58 28-67 53 54 4.V79 28-62 45-07 28-82 45-54 29-01 45-42 29-21 54 55 46-U 29-15 46-51 29-35 46-39 29-55 46-26 29-75 55 ) 56 47'4'J 29-68 47-36 29-88 47-23 30-09 47-10 30-29 56 ) 57 48-34 30-21 48-21 30-42 4807 30-63 47-94 30-84 57 58 4U-11) 30-74 49-05 30-95 48-92 31-16 48-78 31-38 58 59 31-27 49-90 31-48 49-76 31-70 49-62 31-92 59 60 50-88 31-80 50-74 32-02 50-60 32-24 50-46 32-46 60 ) 61 51-73 32-33 51-59 32-55 51-45 32-78 51-30 33-00 61 62 52-58 32-85 52-44 33-08 52-29 33-31 52-14 33-54 02 63 53-43 33-38 63-28 33-62 5:5-13 33-85 52-99 34-08 63 64 54-28 1 33-91 54-13 34-15 53-98 34-39 53-83 34-62 64 65 55-12 34-44 54-97 3-1-68 54-82 34-92 54-67 35-16 65 66 55-97 34-97 55-82 35-22 55-66 35-46 5551 35-70 66 67 56-82 35-50 56-66 35-75 56-51 36-00 56-35 36-25 67 ( 68 i 57-67 36-03 57-51 36-29 57-35 36-54 57-19 36-79 68 / 69 58-52 36-56 58-36 36-82 58-19 37-07 58-03 37-33 69 > 70 59-36 37-09 59-20 37-35 59-04 37-61 58-87 37-87 70 ) 71 60-21 37-62 60-05 37-89 59-88 38-15 59-71 38-41 71 ( 72 61-06 38-15 60-89 38-42 60-72 38-69 60-55 38-95 72 ( 73 61-91 38-68 61-74 38-95 61-57 39-22 61-40 39-49 73 < 74 62-76 39-21 62-58 39-49 62-41 39-76 62-24 40-03 74 ( 75 63-60 39-74 63-43 40-02 63-25 40-30 63-08 40-57 75 > 70 64-45 40-27 64-28 40-55 64-10 40-83 63-92 41-11 76 ) 77 65-30 40-80 65-12 41-09 64-94 41-37 64-76 41-65 77 > 78 66-15 41-33 65-97 41-62 65-78 41-91 65-60 42-20 78 ( 79 67-00 41-86 66-81 42-16 66-63 42-45 66-44 42-74 79 ( 80 67-84 42-39 67-66 42-69 67-47 42-98 67-28 43-28 80 ( 81 68-69 42-92 68-50 43-22 68-31 43-52 68-12 43-82 81 > 82 69-54 43-45 69-35 43-76 69-16 44-06 68-97 44-36 82 ) 83 70-39 43-98 70-20 44-29 70-00 44-60 69-81 44-90 83 } 84 71-24 44-51 71-04 44-82 70-84 4513 70-65 45-44 84 ( 85 72-08 45-04 71-89 45-36 71-69 45-67 71-49 45-98 85 ( 86 72-93 45-57 72-73 45-89 72-53 46-21 72-33 46-52 86 87 73-78 46-10 73-58 46-42 73-38 46-75 73-17 47-06 87 88 74-63 46-63 74-42 46-96 74-22 47-28 74-01 47-61 88 89 75-48 47-16 75-27 47-49 75-06 47-82 74-85 48-15 89 90 76-32 47-69 76-12 48-03 75-91 48-36 75-69 48-60 90 91 77-17 48-22 76-96 48-56 76-75 48-89 76-53 49-23 91 ) 92 78-02 48-75 77-81 49-09 77-59 49-43 77-38 49-77 92 93 78-87 49-28 78-65 49.63 78-44 49-97 78-22 50-31 93 94 79-72 49-81 79-50 50.16 79-28 50-51 79-06 50-85 94 t 95 80-56 50-34 80-34 50.69 80-12 51-04 79-90 51-39 95 > 96 81-41 50-87 81-19 51.23 80-97 51-58 80-74 51-93 96 ) 97 8-2-26 51-40 82-0 i 51.76 81-81 52-12 81-58 52-47 97 ) 98 83.11 51.93 82-88 52-29 82-65 52-66 82-42 53-02 98 ) 99 83-96 52.46 83-73 52-83 83-50 53-19 83-26 53-56 99 , 100 1 84-80 52.99 84-57 53-36 84-34 53-73 84-10 54-10 100 ! i Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. 1 Lat. Dep. Lat. s ) 3 1 ' I 58 Deg. 57% Deg. 57% Deg. 57^ Deg. I/I ft TRAVERSE TABLE. 0-54 1-09 1-63 2-18 2-72 3-27 3-81 4-36 4-90 5-45 0-84 1-67 2-51 3-35 4-18 5-02 5-85 0-55 no 1-64 2-19 2-74 3-29 3-84 4-39 4-93 5-48 0-55 1-10 1-66 2-21 2-76 3-31 3-86 4-42 4-97 5-52 0-83 1-66 2-49 3-33 4-16 4-99 5-82 6-65 7-48 8-31 0-56 1-11 1-67 2-22 2-78 3-33 3-89 4-44 5-00 5-56 9-20 10-04 10-87 11-71 12-54 13-38 14-22 15-05 15-89 16-73 9-17 10-01 10-84 11-67 12-51 13-34 14-18 15-01 15-84 16-68 6-07 6-62 7-18 7-73 8-28 8-83 9-38 9-93 10-49 11-04 9-23 10-06 10-90 11-74 12-58 13-42 14-26 15-10 15-93 16-77 5-99 6-54 7-08 7-62 8-17 8-71 9-26 9-15 9-98 10-81 11-64 12-47 13-30 14-13 14-97 15-80 16-63 6-11 6-67 7-22 7-78 8-33 8-89 9-44 10-00 10-56 11-11 17-56 18-40 19-23 20-07 20-91 21-74 22-58 23-42 24-25 25-09 17-51 18-35 19-18 20-01 20-85 21-68 22-51 23-35 24-18 25-02 11-59 12-14 12-69 13-25 13-80 14-35 14-90 15-45 16-01 16-56 11-44 11-98 12-53 13-07 13-62 14-16 14-71 15-25 15-79 16-34 11-51 12-06 12-61 13-16 13-71 14-26 14-80 15-35 15-90 16-45 17-46 18-29 19-12 19-96 20-79 21-62 22-45 23-28 24-11 24-94 11-67 12-22 12-78 13-33 13-89 14-44 15-00 15-56 16-11 16-67 17-61 18-45 19-29 20-13 20-97 21-81 22-64 23-48 24-32 25-16 25-92 26-76 27-60 28-43 29-27 30-11 30-94 31-78 32-62 33-45 25-85 26-68 27-52 28-35 29-19 30-02 30-85 31-69 32-52 33-36 17-11 17-66 18-21 18-77 19-32 19-87 20-42 20-97 21-53 22-08 16-88 17-43 17-97 18-52 19-06 19-61 20-15 20-70 21-24 21-79 17-00 17-55 18-09 18-64 19-19 19-74 20-29 20-84 21-38 21-93 25-78 26-61 27-44 28-27 29-10 29-93 30-76 31-60 32-43 33-26 17-22 17-78 18-33 18-89 19-44 20-00 20-56 21-11 21-67 22-22 26-00 26-84 27-68 28-51 29-35 30-19 31-03 31-87 32-71 33-55 34-29 35-12 35-96 36-80 37-63 38-47 39-31 40-14 40-98 41-81 34-19 35-02 35-86 36-69 37-52 38-36 39-19 40-03 40-86 41 -C9 22-63 23-18 23-73 24-29 24-84 25-39 25-94 26-49 27-04 27-60 34-39 35-22 36-06 36-90 37-74 38-58 39-42 40-26 41-09 41-93 22-33 22-87 23-42 23-96 24-51 25-05 25-60 26-14 26-69 27-23 22-48 23-03 23-58 24-12 24-67 25-22 25-77 26-32 26-87 27-41 34-09 34-92 35-75 36-58 37-42 38-25 39-08 39-91 40-74 41-57 22-78 23-33 23-89 24-45 25-00 25-56 26-11 26-67 27-22 27-78 TRAVERSE TABLE. 69 v-'-^X-V.'- e ^S^^~^^>^^->r^S~^ 33 Deg. ^s^^s^^s^^S^^s^^S^** 33^ Deg. r ^^r^*^^s^^s ^~s -^^- 33^ Deg. ^s^ ^-/^^/^^ - /^\ - /-^'~ 33% Deg. N^XXN. p o F Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. 1 51 42-77 27-78 42-65 27-96 42-53 28-15 42-40 28-33 51 52 43-61 28-32 43-40 28-51 43-36 28-70 43-24 28-89 52 53 44-45, 28-87 44-32 29-06 44-20 29-25 44-07 29-45 53 54 45-29 29-41 45-16 29-61 45-03 29-80 44-iM) 30-00 54 55 40-13 29-96 46-00 30-16 45-86 30-36 45-73 30-56 55 56 46-97 30-50 46-83 30-70 46-70 30-91 46-56 31-11 56 57 47-80 31-04 47-1,7 31-25 47-53 31-46 47-39 31-67 57 58 48-64 31-59 48-50 31-80 48-37 32-01 48-23 32-22 58 59 49-48 32.13 49-34 32-35 49-20 32-56 49-06 32-78 59 60 50-32 32-68 50-18 32-90 50-03 33-12 49-89 33-33 60 61 51-16 33-22 51-01 33-45 50-87 33-67 50-72 33-89 61 62 52-00 33-77 51-85 33-99 51-70 34-22 51-55 34-45 62 63 52-84 34-31 52-69 34-54 52-53 34-77 52-38 35-00 63 64 53-67 34-86 53-52 35-09 53-37 35-32 53-21 35-56 64 65 54-51 35-40 54-36 35-64 54-20 35-88 54-05 36-11 65 66 55-35 35-95 55-19 36-19 55-04 36-43 54-88 36-67 66 67 56-19 36-49 56-03 36-74 55-87 36-98 55-71 37-22 67 68 57-03 37-04 56-87 37-28 56-70 37-53 56-54 37-78 68 69 57-87 37-58 57-70 37-83 57-54 38-08 57-37 38-33 69 70 58-71 38-12 58-54 38-38 58-37 38-64 58-20 38-89 70 71 59-55 38-67 59-38 38-93 59-21 39-19 59-03 39-45 71 72 60-38 39-21 60-21 39-48 60-04 39-74 59-87 40-00 72 73 61-22 39-76 61-05 40-03 60-87 40-29 60-70 40-56 73 74 62-06 40-30 61-89 40-57 61-71 40-84 61-53 41-11 74 75 62-90 40-85 62-72 41-12 62-54 41-40 62-36 41-67 75 76 63-74 41-39 63-56 41-67 63-38 41-95 63-19 42-22 76 77 64-58 41-94 64-39 42-22 64-21 42-50 64-02 42-78 77 78 65-42 42-48 65-23 42-77 65-04 43-05 64-85 43-33 78 79 66-25 43-03 66-07 43-32 65-88 43-60 65-69 43-89 79 80 67-09 43-57 66-90 43-86 66-71 44-15 66-52 44-45 80 81 67-93 44-12 67-74 44-41 67-54 44-71 67-35 45-00 81 82 68-77 44-66 68-58 44-96 68-38 45-26 68-18 45-56 82 83 69-61 45-20 69-41 45-51 69-21 45-81 69-01 46-11 83 84 70-45 45-75 70-25 46-06 70-05 46-36 69-84 46-67 84 85 71-29 46-29 71-08 46-60 70-88 46-91 70-67 47-22 85 86 72-13 46-84 71-92 47-15 71-71 47-47 71-51 47-78 86 87 72-96 47-38 72-76 47-70 72-55 48-02 72-34 48-33 87 88 73-80 47-93 73-59 48-25 73-38 48-57 73-17 48-89 88 89 74-64 48-47 74-43 48-80 74-22 49-12 74-00 49-45 89 90 75-48 49-02 75-27 49-35 75-05 49-67 74-83 50-00 90 91 76-32 49-56 76-10 49-89 75-88 50-23 75-66 50-56 91 92 77-16 50-11 76-94 50-44 76-72 50-78 76-50 51-11 92 93 78-00 50-65 77-77 50-99 77-55 51-33 77-33 51-67 93 94 7883 51-20 78-61 51-54 78-39 51-88 78-16 52-22 94 95 79-67 51-74 79-45 52-09 79-22 52-43 78-99 52-78 95 96 80-51 52-29 80-28 52-64 80-05 52-99 79-82 53-33 96 97 81-35 52-83 .81-12 53-18 80-89 53-54 80-65 53-89 97 > 98 82-19 53-37 81-96 53-73 81-72 54-09 81-48 54-45 98 ) 99 83-03 53-92 82-79 54-28 82-55 54-64 82-32 55-00 99 J 100 83-87 54-46 83-63 54-83 83-39 55-19 83-15 55-56 100 < i | Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. 8 1 I s ^N^^^V S~\ 57 Deg. 56% Deg. 56^ Deg. N^^X-N. >->^>^N^/~N^^S_>^ 56X Deg. ^^->^>^S^-^N^^^w> l ^s fc >^*. s S~***'~*~S~***' 70 TRAVERSE TABLE. 2 34 Deg. 34% Deg. 34^ Deg. 3434 Deg. U & 1 Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. n CD i 0-83 0-56 0-83 0-56 0-82 0-57 0-82 0-57 1 2 1-60 1-12 1-65 1-13 1-65 1-13 l-(i4 1-14 2 3 2-49 1-68 2-48 1-09 2-47 1-70 2-46 1-71 3 4 3-32 2-24 3-31 2-25 3-30 2-27 3-29 2-28 4 5 4-15 2:80 4-13 2-81 4-12 2-83 4-11 2-85 5 6 4-97 3-36 4-96 3-38 4-94 3-40 4.93 3-42 6 7 5\SO 3-91 5-79 3-94 5-77 3-96 5-75 3-99 7 8 6-63 4-47 6-61 4-50 6-59 4-53 6-57 4-56 8 9 7-46 5-03 7-44 5-07 7-42 5-10 7-39 5-13 9 10 8-29 5-59 8-27 5-63 8-24 5-66 8-22 5-70 10 11 9-12 6-15 9-09 6-19 9-07 6-23 9-04 6-27 11 12 9-95 6-71 9-92 6-75 9-89 6-80 9-86 6-84 12 13 10-78 7-27 10-75 7-32 10-71 7-36 10-68 7-41 13 14 11-61 7-83 11-57 7-88 11-54 7-93 11-50 7-98 14 15 12-44 8-39 12-40 8-44 12-36 8-50 12-32 8-55 15 16 13-28 8-95 13-23 9-00 13-19 9-06 13-15 9-12 16 17 14-09 9-51 14.05 9-57 14-01 9-63 13-97 9-69 17 18 14-92 10-07 14-88 10-13 14-83 10-20 14-79 10-26 18 19 15-75 10-62 15-71 10-69 15-66 10-76 15-61 10-83 19 20 16-58 11-18 16-53 11-26 16-48 11-33 16-43 11-40 20 21 17-41 11-74 17-36 11-82 17-31 11-89 17-25 11-97 21 22 18-24 12-30 18-18 12-38 18-13 12-46 18-08 12-54 22 23 19-07 12-86 19-01 12-94 18-95 13-03 18-90 13-11 23 24 19-90 13-42 19-84 13-51 19-78 13-59 19-72 13-68 24 25 20-73 13-98 20-66 14-07 20-6) 14-16 20-54 14-25 25 26 21-55 14-54 21-49 14-63 21-43 14-73 21-36 14-82 26 27 22-38 15-10 22-32 15-20 22-25 15-29 22-18 15-39 27 28 23-21 15-66 23-14 15-76 23-08 15-86 23-01 15-96 28 29 24-04 16-22 23-97 16-32 23-90 16-43 23-83 1053 29 30 24-87 16-78 24-80 16-88 24-72 16-99 24-65 17-10 30 31 25-70 17-33 25-62 17-45 25-55 17-56 25-47 17-67 31 32 26-53 17.89 26-45 18-01 26-37 18-12 26-29 18-24 32 33 27-36 18-45 27-28 18-57 27-20 18-69 27-11 18-81 33 34 28-19 19-01 28-10 19-14 28-02 19-26 27-94 19-88 34 35 29-02 19-57 28-93 19-70 28-84 19-82 28-76 19-95 35 36 29-85 20-13 29-76 20-26 29-67 20-39 29-58 20-52 36 37 30-67 20-69 30-58 20-82 30-49 20-96 30-40 21-09 37 38 31-50 21-25 31-41 21-39 31-32 21-52 31-22 21-66 38 39 32-33 21-81 32-24 21-95 32-14 22-09 32-04 22-23 39 40 33'16 22-37 33-06 22-51 32-97 22-66 32-87 22-80 40 41 33-99 22-93 33-89 23-07 33-79 23-22 33-69 23-37 41 42 34-82 23-49 34-72 23-64 34-61 23-79 34-51 23-94 42 43 35-65 24-05 35-54 24-20 35-44 24-36 35-33 24-51 43 44 36-48 24-60 36-37 24-76 36-26 24-92 36-15 25-08 44 45 37-31 25-16 37-20 25-33 37-09 25-49 36-97 25-65 45 46 38-14 25-72 38-02 25-83 37-91 26-05 37-80 26-22 46 47 38-96 26-28 38-85 26-45 38-73 26-62 38-62 26-79 47 48 39-79 2C-84 39-68 27-01 39-56 27-19 39-44 27-36 48 49 40-62 27-40 40-50 27-58 40-38 27-75 40-26 27-93 49 50 41-45 27-06 41-33 28-14 41-21 28-32 41-08 28-50 50 i Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. | 3 J en 5 56 Deg. 55% Deg. 55^ Deg. 55}^ Deg. w 5 TRAVERSE TABLE 71 a 34 Deg. 34% Deg. 34}4 Deg. 34% Deg. fi 1 " P Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. I 51 42-28 28-5*2 42-16 28-70 ! 42-03 28-89 41-90 29-07 51 52 43-11 29-08 42-98 29-27 42-85 29-45 42-73 29-64 52 53 43-94 20-64 43-81 29-83 43-68 30-02 43-55 30-21 53 51 44-77 30-20 44-64 30-39 44-50 30-59 44-37 30-78 54 55 45-60 30-76 45-46 30'95 45-33 31-15 45-19 31-35 55 56 46-43 31-31 46-29 31-52 46-15 31-72 4601 31-92 f>f) 57 47-26 31-87 47-12 32-08 46-98 32-29 46-83 32-49 57 58 48-08 32-43 47-94 32-64 47-80 32-85 47-66 33-06 58 < 59 48-91 32-99 48-77 33-21 48-62 33-42 48-48 33-(>3 59 / 60 49-74 33-55 49-60 33-77 49-45 33-98 49-30 34-20 60 61 50-57 34-11 50-42 34-33 50-27 34-55 50-12 34-77 61 62 51-40 34-67 51-25 34-89 51-10 35-12 50-94 35-34 62 63 52-23 35-23 52-08 35-46 51-92 35-68 51-76 35-91 63 64 53-06 35-79 52-90 36-02 52-74 36-25 52-59 36-48 64 65 53-89. 36-35 53-73 36-58 ' 53-57 36-82 53-41 37-05 65 66 54-72 36-91 54-55 37-15 54-39 37-38 54-23 37-62 66 67 55-55 37-46 55-38 37-71 55-22 37-95 55-05 38-19 67 68 56-37 38-03 56-21 38-27 56-04 38-52 55-87 38-76 68 69 57-20 38-58 57-03 38-83 56-86 39-08 56-69 39-33 69 70 58-03 39-14 57-86 39-40 57-69 :;'j-t;,j 57-52 39-90 70 71 58.86 39-70 58-69 39-96 58-51 40-21 58-34 40-47 71 72 59-69 40-26 59-51 40-52 ; 59-34 40-78 59-16 41-04 72 73 60-52 40-82 60-34 41-08 ! 60-16 41-35 59-98 41-61 73 74 61-35 41-38 61-17 41-65 60-99 41-91 60-80 42-18 74 75 62-18 41-94 61-99 42-21 61-81 42-48 61-62 42-75 75 76 63-01 42-50 62-82 42-77 6*63 43-05 62-45 43-32 76 77 63-84 43-06 63-65 43-34 63-46 43-61 63-27 43-89 77 78 64-66 43-62 64-47 43-30 64-28 44-18 64-09 44-46 78 79 65-49 44-18 65-30 44-46 65-11 44-75 64-91 45-03 79 80 66-32 44-74 66-13 45-02 65-93 45-31 65-73 45-60 80 81 67-15 45-29 66-95 45-59 66-75 45-88 66-55 46-17 81 82 67-98 45-85 67-78 46-15 67-58 46-45 67-37 46-74 82 83 68-81 46-41 68-61 46-71 68-40 47-01 68-20 47-31 83 84 69-64 46-97 69-43 47-28 69-23 47-58 69-02 47-88 84 85 70-47 47-53 70-26 47-84 70-05 48-14 69-84 48-45 85 86 71-30 48-09 71-09 48-40 70-87 48-71 70-66 49-02 86 87 72-13 48-65 71-91 48-96 71-70 49-28 71-48 49-59 87 88 72-96 49-21 72-74 49-53 72-52 49-84 72-30 50-16 88 89 73-78 49-77 73-57 50-09 73-35 50-41 73-13 50-73 89 90 74-61 50-33 74-39 50-65 74-17 50-98 73-95 51-30 90 91 75-44 50-89 75-22 51-22 75-00 51-54 74-77 51-87 91 92 76-27 51-45 76-05 51-78 75-82 52-11 75-59 52-44 92 93 77-10 52-00 76-87 52-34 76-64 52-68 76-41 53-01 93 94 77-93 52-56 77-70 52-90 77-47 53-24 77-23 53-58 94 95 78-76 53-12 78-53 53-47 78-29 53-81 78-06 54-15 95- 96 79-59 53-68 79-35 54-03 79-12 54-37 78-88 54-72 96 97 80-42 54-24 80-18 54-59 79-94 54-94 79-70 55-29 97 98 81-25 54-80 81-01 55-15 80-76 55-51 80-52 55-86 98 99 82-07 55-36 81-83 55-72 81-59 56-07 81-34 56-43 99 100 82-90 55-92 82-66 56-28 82-41 56-64 82-16 57-00 100 Dep. 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Dep. 5 < 1 0-82 0-57 0-82 0-58 0-81 0-58 0-81 0-58 1 2 1-64 1-15 1-63 1-15 1-63 1-16 1-62 1-17 2 3 2-46 1-72 2-45 1-73 2-44 1-74 2-43 1-75 3 4 3-28 2-29 3-27 2-31 3-26 2-32 3-25 2-34 4 5 4-10 2-87 4-08 2-89 4-07 2-90 4-06 2-92 5 6 4-91 3-44 4-90 3-46 4-88 3-48 4-87 3-51 6 7 5-73 4-01 5-72 4-04 5-70 4-06 5-68 4-09 7 8 6-55 4-59 6-53 4-62 6-51 4-65 6-49 4-67 8 9 7-37 5-16 7-35 5-19 7-33 5-23 7-30 5-26 9 10 8-19 5-74 8-17 5-77 8-14 5-81 8-12 5-84 10 / 11 9-01 6-31 8-98 6-35 8-96 6-39 8-93 6-43 11 ) 12 9-83 6-88 9-80 6-93 9-77 6-97 9-74 7-01 12 } 13 10-65 7-46 10-62 7-50 10-58 7-55 10-55 7-60 13 14 11-47 8-03 11-43 8-08 11-40 8-13 11-36 8-18 14 15 12-29 8-60 12-25 8-66 12-21 8-71 12-17 8-76 15 16 13-11 9-18 13-07 9-23 13-03 9-29 12-99 9-35 16 17 13-93 9-75 13-88 9-81 13-84 9-87 13-80 9-93 17 18 14-74 10-32 14-70 10-39 14-65 10-45 14-61 10-52 18 19 15-56 10-90 15-52 10-97 15-47 11-03 15-42 11-10 19 20 16-38 11-47 16-33 11-54 16-28 11-61 16-23 11-68 20 21 17-20 12-05 17-15 12-12 17-10 12-19 17-04 12-27 21 22 18-02 12-62 17-97 12-70 17-01 12-78 17-85 12-85 22 23 18-84 13-19 18-78 13-27 18-72 13-36 18-67 13-44 23 24 19-6-6 13-77 19-60 13-85 19-54 13-94 19-48 14-02 24 25 20-48 14-34 20-42 14-43 20-35 14-52 20-29 14-61 25 26 21-30 14-91 21-23 15-01 21-17 15-10 21-10 15-19 26 27 22-12 15-49 22-05 15-58 21-98 15-68 21-91 15-77 27 28 22-94 16-06 22-87 16-16 22-80 16-26 22-72 16-36 28 29 23-76 16-63 23-68 16-74 23-61 16-84 23-54 16-94 29 30 24-57 17-21 24-50 17-31 24-42 17-42 24-35 17-53 30 31 25-39 17-78 25-32 17-89 25-24 18-00 25-16 18-11 31 32 26-21 18-35 26-13 18-47 26-05 18-58 25-97 18-70 32 33 27-03 18-93 26-95 19-05 26-87 19-16 26-78 19-28 33 34 27-85 19-50 27-77 19.62 27-68 19-74 27-59 19-86 34 35 28-67 20-08 28-58 20-20 28-49 20-32 28-41 20-45 35 36 29-49 20-65 29-40 20-78 29-31 20-91 29-22 21-03 36 37 30-31 21-22 30-22 21-35 30-12 21-49 30-03 21-62 37 38 31-13 21-80 31-03 21-93 30-94 22-07 30-84 22-20 38 39 31-95 22-37 31-85 22-51 31-75 22-65 31-65 22-79 39 k 40 32-77 22-94 32-67 23-09 32-56 23-23 32-46 23-37 40 ( 41 33-59 23-52 33-48 23-66 33-38 23-81 33-27 23-95 42 34-40 24-09 34-30 24-24 34-19 24-39 34-09 24-54 - ( 43 35-22 24-66 35-12 24-82 35-01 24-97 34-90 25-12 43 ;. 44 36-04 25-24 35-93 25-39 35-82 25-55 :jr,-7i 25.71 44 45 36-86 25-81 36-75 25-97 36-64 26-13 36-52 26-29 45 46 37-68 26-38 37-57 26-55 37-45 26-71 37-33 26-88 46 47 38-50 26-96 38-38 27-13 38-26 27-29 38-14 27-46 47 ( 48 39-32 27-53 39-20 27-70 39-08 27-87 38-96 28-04 48 49 40-14 28-11 40-02 28-28 39-89 28-45 39-77 28-63 49 50 40-96 28-68 40-83 28-86 40-71 29-04 40-58 29-21 50 j) g Dep. 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Dep. ? 51 4178 29-25 41-65 29-43 41-52 29-62 41-39 29-SO 51 52 42-60 29-83 42-47 30-01 42-33 30-20 42-20 30-38 5^ 53 4:;-42 30-40 43-28 30-59 43-15 30-78 43-01 30-97 53 54 44-23 30-97 44-10 31-17 43-96 31-36 43-82 31-55 54 55 45-05 31-55 44-92 31-74 44-78 31-94 44-64 32-13 55 56 46-87 32-12 45-73 32-32 45-59 32-62 45-45 32-72 56 57 46-69 32-69 46-55 32-90 46-40 33-10 46-26 33-30 57 58 47-51 33-27 47-37 33-47 47-22 33-68 47-07 33-89 58 59 48-33 33-84 48-18 34-05 48-03 34-26 47-88 34-47 59 60 49-15 34-41 49-00 34-63 48-85 34-84 48-69 35-05 GO 61 49-97 34-99 49-82 35-21 49-66 35-42 49-51 35-64 61 62 50-79 35-56 50-63 35-78 50-48 36-00 50-32 36-22 62 63 51-61 36-14 51-45 36-36 51-29 36-58 51-13 36-81 63 64 52-43 36-71 52-27 36-P4 52-10 37-16 51-94 37-39 64 65 53-24 37-28 53-08 37-51 52-92 37-75 52-75 37-98 65 66 54-06 37-86 53-90 38-09 53-73 38-33 53-56 38-56 66 67 54-88 38-43 54-71 38-67 54-55 38-91 54-38 39-14 67 68 55-70 39-00 55-53 39-25 55-36 39-49 55-19 39-73 68 69 56-52 39-58 56-35 39-82 56-17 40-07 56-00 40-31 69 70 57-34 40-15 57-16 40-40 56-99 40-65 56-81 40-90 70 71 58-16 4U-72 57-98 40-98 57-80 41-23 57-62 41-48 71 72 58-98 41-30 58-80 41-55 58-62 41-81 58-43 42-07 72 73 59-80 41-87 59-61 42-13 59-43 42-39 59-24 42-66 73 74 60-62 42-44 60-43 42-71 60-24 42-97 60-06 43-23 74 75 61-44 43-02 61-25 43-29 61-06 43-55 60-87 43-82 75 76 62-26 43-59 62-06 43-86 61-87 44-13 61-68 44-40 76 77 63-07 44-17 62-88 44-44 62-69 44-71 62-49 44-99 77 78 63-89 44-74 63-70 45-02 63-50 46-29 63-30 45-57 78 79 64-71 45-31 64-51 45-59 64-32 45-88 64-11 46-16 79 80 65-53 45-89 65-33 46-17 65-13 46-46 64-93 46-74 80 81 66-35 46-46 66-15 46-75 65-94 47-04 65-74 47-32 81 82 67-17 47-03 66-96 47-33 66-76 47-62 66-55 47-91 82 83 67-99 47-61 67-78 47-90 67-57 48-20 67-36 48-49 83 84 68-81 48-18 68-60 48-48 68-39 48-78 68-17 40-08 84 85 69-63 48-75 69-41 49-06 69-20 49-36 68-98 49-66 85 86 70-45 49-33 70-23 49-63 70-01 49-94 69-80 50-25 86 87 71-27 49-90 71-05 50-21 70-83 50-52 70-61 50-83 87 88 72-09 50-47 71-86 50-79 71-64 51-10 71-42 51-41 88 89 72-90 51-05 72-68 51-37 72-46 51-68 72-23 52-00 89 90 73-72 51-62 73-50 51-94 73-27 52-26 73-04 52-58 90 91 74-54 52-20 74-31 52-52 74-08 52-84 73-85 53-17 91 92 75-36 52-77 75-13 53-10 74-90 53.42 74-66 53-75 92 93 76-18 53-34 75-95 53-67 75-71 54-01 75-48 54-34 93 94 77-00 53-92 76-76 54-25 76-53 54-59 76-29 54-92 94 95 77-82 54-49 77-58 54-83 77-34 55-17 77-10 55-50 95 96 78-64 55-06 78-40 55-41 78-16 55-75 77-91 56-09 96 97 79-46 55-64 79-21 55-98 78-97 56-33 78-72 56-67 97 98 80-28 56-21 80-03 56-56 79-78 56-91 79-53 57-26 98 99 81-10 56-78 80-85 57-14 80-60 57-49 80-35 57-84 99 100 81-92 57-36 81-66 57-71 81-41 58-07 81-16 58-42 100 8 Dep. 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Dep. p 1 0-81 0-59 0-81 0-59 0-80 0-59 0-80 0-60 1 > 2 1-62 1-18 1-61 1-18 1-61 1-19 1-60 1-20 2 3 2-43 1-76 2-42 1-77 2-41 1-78 2-40 1-79 3 4 3-24 2-35 3-23 2-37 3-22 2-38 3-20 2-39 4 5 4-05 2-94 4-03 2-96 4-02 2-97 4-01 2-99 5 ( 4-85 3-53 4-84 3-55 4-82 3-57 4-81 3-59 6 ( 7 5-66 4-11 5-65 4-14 5-63 4-16 5-61 4-19 7 < 8 6-47 4-70 6-45 4-73 6-43 4-76 6-41 4-79 8 ( 9 7'28 5-29 7-26 5-32 7-23 6-35 7-21 5-38 9 > 10 8-09 5-88 8-06 5-91 8-04 5-95 8-01 5-98 10 ) 11 8-90 6-47 8-87 6-50 8-84 6-54 8-81 6-58 11 12 9-71 7-05 9-68 7-10 9-65 7-14 9-61 7-18 12 13 10-52 7-64 10-48 7-69 10-45 7-73 10-42 7-78 13 14 11-33 8-23 11-29 8-28 11-25 8-33 11-22 8-38 14 15 12-14 8-82 12-10 8-87 12-06 8-92 12-02 8-97 15 16 12-94 9-40 12-90 9-46 12-86 9-52 12-82 9-57 16 17 13-75 9-99 13-71 10-05 13-67 10-11 13-62 10-17 17 18 14-56 10-58 14-52 10-64 14-47 10-71 14-42 10-77 18 19 15-37 11-17 15-32 11-23 15-27 11-30 15-22 11-37 19 20 16-18 11-76 16-13 11-83 16-08 11-90 16-03 11-97 20 21 16-99 12-34 16-94 12-42 16-88 12-49 16-83 12-56 21 22 17-80 12-93 17-74 13-01 17-68 13-09 17-63 13-16 22 23 18-61 13-52 18-55 13-60 18-49 13-68 18-43 13-76 23 24 19-42 14-11 19-35 14-19 19-29 14-28 19-23 14-36 24 25 20-23 14-69 20-16 14-78 20-10 14-87 20-03 14-96 25 26 21-03 15-28 20-97 15-37 20-90 15-47 20-83 15-56 26 27 21-84 15-87 21-77 15-97 21-70 16-06 21-63 16-15 27 28 22-65 16-46 22-58 16-56 22-51 16-65 22-44 16-75 28 29 23-46 17-05 23-39 17-15 23-31 17-25 23-24 17-35 29 30 24-27 17-63 24-19 17-74 24-12 17-84 24-04 17-95 30 31 25-08 18-22 25-00 18-33 24-92 18-44 24-84 18-55 31 32 25-89 18-81 25-81 18-92 25-72 19-03 25-64 19-15 32 33 26-70 19-40 26-61 19-51 26-53 19-63 26-44 19-74 33 34 27-51 19-98 27-42 20-10 27-33 20-22 27-24 20-34 34 35 28-32 20-57 28-23 20-70 28-13 20-82 28-04 20-94 35 36 29-12 21-16 29-03 21-29 28-94 21-41 28-85 21-54 36 37 29-93 21-75 29-84 21-88 29-74 22-01 29-65 22-14 37 38 30-74 22-34 30-64 22-47 30-55 22-60 30-45 22-74 38 39 31-55 22-92 31-45 23-06 31-35 23-20 31-25 23-33 39 40 32-36 23-51 32-26 23-65 32-15 23.79 32-05 23-93 40 41 33-17 24-10 33-06 24-24 32-96 24-39 32-85 24-53 41 42 33-98 24-69 33-87 24-83 33-76 24-98 33-65 25-13 42 43 34-79 25-27 34-68 25-43 34-57 25-58 34-45 25-73 43 44 35-60 25-86 35-48 26-02 35-37 26-17 35-26 26-33 44 45 36-41 26-45 36-29 26-61 3O17 26-77 36.06 26-92 45 46 37-21 27-04 37-10 27-20 36-98 27-36 36-86 27-52 46 47 38-02 27-63 37-90 27-79 37-78 27-96 37-66 28-12 47 48 38-83 28-21 38-71 28-38 T8-59 28-55 38-46 28-72 48 49 39-64 28-80 39-52 28-97 39-39 29-15 39-26 29-32 49 50 40-45 29-39 40-32 29-57 40-19 29-74 40-06 29-92 50 1 Dep. 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Dep. ? ; 51 41.26 29-98 41-13 30-16 41-00 30-34 40-86 30-51 51 52 42.07 30-56 41-94 30-75 41-80 30-93 41-67 31-11 52 53 42-88 31-15 42-74 31-34 42-00 31-53 42-47 31-71 53 54 43-69 31-74 43-55 31-93 43-41 32-12 43-27 3231 54 55 44-50 32-33 44-35 32-52 44-21 32-72 44-07 32-91 55 ( 56 45-30 32-92 45-16 33-11 46-02 33-31 44-87 33-51 56 , 57 46-11 33-50 45-97 33-70 45-82 33-90 45-07 34-10 57 ; 58 46-92 34-09 40-77 34-30 46-62 34-50 46-47 34-70 58 59 47-73 34-68 47-58 34-89 47-43 35-09 47-27 35-30 59 1 60 48-54 35-27 48-39 35-48 48-23 35-69 48-08 35-90 60 < 61 49-35 35-85 49-19 36-07 49-04 36-28 48-88 36-50 61 62 50-16 36-44 50-00 36-66 49-84 36-88 49-68 37-10 62 ; 63 50-97 37-03 50-81 37-25 50-64 37-47 50-48 37-69 63 64 51-78 37-63 51-61 37-84 51-45 38-07 51-28 38-29 64 65 52-59 38-21 52-42 38-44 52-25 38-66 52-08 38-89 65 < 66 53-40 38-79 53-23 39-03 53-05 39-26 52-88 39-49 66 < 67 54-20 39-38 54-03 39-62 53-86 39-85 53-68 40-09 67 ( 68 55-01 39-97 54-84 40-21 54-66 40-45 54-49 40-09 68 / 69 55-82 40-56 55-64 40-80 55-47 41-04 55-29 41-28 69 70 56-63 41-14 56-45 41-39 56-27 41-64 56-09 41-88 70 71 57-44 41-73 57-26 41-98 57-07 42-23 56-89 42-48 71 72 58-25 42-32 58-06 42-57 57-88 42-83 57-69 43-08 72 73 59-06 42-91 58-87 43-17 58-68 43-42 58-49 43-C8 73 74 59-87 43-50 59-68 43-76 59-49 44-02 59-29 44-28 74 75 60-68 44-08 60-48 44-35 60-29 44-61 60-09 44-87 75 76 61-49 44-(37 61-29 44-94 61-09 45-21 60-90 45-47 76 77 62-29 45-26 62-10 45-53 61-90 45-80 61-70 46-U7 77 78 63-10 45-85 62-90 46-12 62-70 46-40 62-50 46-67 78 79 63-91 46-43 63-71 46-71 63-50 46-99 63-30 47-^7 79 80 64-72 47-02 64-52 47-30 64-31 47-59 64-10 47-87 80 81 65-53 47-61 65-32 47-90 65-11 48-18 64-90 48-46 81 82 66-34 48-20 66-13 48-49 65-92 48-78 65-70 49-06 82 83 67-15 48-79 66-93 49-08 66-72 49-37 66-50 49-66 83 84 67-96 49-37 67-74 49-67 67-52 4997 67-31 50-26 84 85 68-77 49-96 68-55 50-26 68-33 50-56 68-11 50-86 85 86 69-58 50-55 69-35 50-85 69-13 51-15 68-91 51-46 86 87 70-38 51-14 70-16 51-44 69-94 51-75 69-71 52-05 87 88 71-19 51-73 70-97 52-04 70-74 52-34 70-51 52-65 88 89 72-00 52-31 71-77 52-63 71-54 52-94 71-31 53-25 89 90 72-81 52-90 72-58 53-22 72-35 53-53 72-11 53-85 90 91 73-62 53-49 73-39 53-81 73-15 54-13 72-91 54-45 91 92 74-43 54-08 74-19 54-40 73-95 54-72 73-72 55-05 92 93 75-24 54-66 75-00 54.99 74-76 55-32 74-52 55-64 93 94 76-05 55-25 75-81 55.58 75-56 55-91 75-32 56-24 94 95 76-86 55-84 76-61 56.17 76-37 56-51 76-12 56-84 95 96 77-67 56-43 77-42 56.77 77-17 57-10 76-92 57-44 96 97 78-47 57-02 78-23 57.36 77-97 57-70 77-72 58-04 97 98 79.28 57-60 79-03 57-95 78-78 58-29 78-52 58-64 98 99 80-09 58-19 79-84 58-54 79-58 58-89 79-32 59-23 99 100 80-90 58-78 80-64 59-13 80-39 59-48 80-13 59-83 100 1 Dep. 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Lat. fifi 51-29 41-54 51-11 41-7*5 50-93 41-98 50-74 42-20 66 DO 67 52-07 42-16 51-88 42-39 51-70 42-62 51-51 42-84 67 68 52-85 42-79 52-66 43-02 52-47 43-25 52-28 43-48 68 69 53-52 43-42 53-43 43-66 53-24 43-89 53-05 44-12 69 70 54-40 44-05 54-21 44-29 54-01 44-53 53-82 44-76 70 71 55-18 44-68 54-98 44-92 54-79 45-16 54-59 45-40 71 72 55-95 45-31 55-76 45-55 55-56 45-80 55-36 46-04 72 ^ 73 56-73 45-94 56-53 46-19 56-33 46-43 56-13 46-68 73 74 57-51 46-57 57-31 46-82 57-10 47-07 56-89 47-32 74 75 58-29 47-20 58-08 47-45 57-87 47-71 57-66 47-96 75 76 59-06 47-83 58-85 48-09 58-64 48-34 58-43 48-60 76 77 59-84 48-46 59-63 48-72 59-42 48-98 59-20 49-24 77 78 60-62 49-09 60-40 49-35 60-19 49-61 59-97 49-88 78 7Q 61-39 49-72 61-18 49-98 60-96 50-25 60-74 50-52 79 80 62-17 50-35 61-95 50-62 61-73 50-89 61-51 51-16 80 ( 81 62-95 50-97 62-73 51-25 62-50 51-52 62-28 51-79 81 82 63-73 51-60 63-50 51-88 63-27 52-16 63-04 52-43 82 CO 64-50 52-23 64-27 52-51 64-04 52-79 63-81 53-07 83 oo 84 65-28 52-86 65-05 53-15 64-82 5343 64-58 53-71 84 85 66-06 53-49 65-82 53-78 65-59 54-07 65-35 54-35 85 86 66-83 54-12 66-60 54-41 66-36 54-70 66-12 54-99 86 87 67-61 54-75 67-37 55-05 67-13 55-34 66-89 55-63 87 88 68-39 55-38 68-15 55-68 67-90 55-97 67-66 56-27 88 89 69-17 56-01 68-92 56-32 68-67 56-61 68-43 56-91 89 90 69-94 56-64 69-70 56-94 69-45 57-25 69-20 57-55 90 91 70-72 57-27 70-47 57-58 70-22 57-88 69-96 58-19 91 90 71-50 57-90 71-24 58-21 70-99 58-52 70-73 58-83 92 93 72-27 58-53 72-02 58.84 71-76 59-16 71-50 59-47 93 94 73-05 59-16 72-79 59.47 72-53 59-79 72-27 60-11 94 95 73-83 59-79 73-57 60.11 73-30 60-43 73-04 60-75 95 96 74-61 60-41 74-34 60.74 74-08 61-06 73-81 61-39 96 97 75-38 61-04 75-12 61.37 74-85 61-70 74-58 62-03 97 98 76-16 61-67 75-89 62-01 75-62 62-34 75-35 62-66 98 on 76-94 62-30 76-66 62-64 76-39 62-97 76-12 63-30 99 100 77-71 62-93 77-44 63-27 77-16 63-61 76-88 63-94 100 ( Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. 6 ) s ) :i 51 Deg. 50% Deg. 50^ Deg. 50% Deg. I 82 TRAVEBSE TABLE. s 40 Deg. 40J4 Deg. 40^ Deg. 40% Deg. s p Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. ft 1 0-77 0-64 0-76 0-65 0-76 0-65 0-76 0-65 1 2 1-53 1-29 1-53 1-29 1-52 1-30 1-52 1-31 2 3 2-30 1-93 2-29 1-94 2-28 1-95 2-27 1-96 3 4 3-06 2-57 3-05 2-58 3-04 2-60 3-03 2-61 4 5 3-83 3-21 3-82 3-23 3-80 3-25 3-79 3-26 5 6 4-60 3-86 4-58 3-88 4-56 3-90 4-55 3-92 6 7 5-36 4-50 5-34 4-52 5-32 4-55 5-30 4-57 7 8 6-13 5-14 6-11 6-17 6-08 5-20 6-06 5-22 8 9 6-89 5-79 6-87 5-82 6-84 5-84 6-82 5-87 9 10 7-66 6-43 7-63 6-46 7-60 6-49 7-58 6-53 10 11 8-43 7-07 8-40 7-11 8-36 7-14 8-33 7-18 11 32 9-19 7-71 9-16 7-75 9-12 7-79 9-09 7-83 12 13 9-96 8-36 9-92 8-40 9-89 8-44 9-85 8-49 13 14 10-72 9-00 10-69 9-05 10-65 9-09 10-61 9-14 14 15 11-49 9-64 11-45 9-69 11-41 9-74 11-36 9-79 15 16 12-26 10-28 12-21 10-34 12-17 10-39 12-12 10-44 16 17 13-02 10-93 12-97 10-98 12-93 11-04 12-88 11-10 17 18 13-79 11-57 13-74 11-63 13-69 11-69 13-64 11-75 18 19 14-55 12-21 14-50 12-28 14-45 12-34 14-39 12-40 19 20 15-32 12-86 15-26 12-92 15-21 12-99 15-15 13-06 20 21 16-09 13-50 16-03 13-57 15-97 13-64 15-91 13-71 21 22 16-85 14-14 16-79 14-21 16-73 14-29 16-67 14-36 22 23 17-62 14-78 17-55 14-86 17-49 14-94 17-42 15-01 23 24 18-39 15-43 18-32 15-51 18-25 15-59 18-18 15-67 24 25 19-15 16-07 19-08 16-15 19-01 16-24 18-94 16-32 25 26 19-92 16-71 19-84 16-80 19-77 16-89 19-70 16-97 26 27 20-68 17-36 20-61 17-45 20-53 17-54 20-45 17-62 27 28 21-45 18-00 21-37 18-09 21-29 18-18 21-21 18-28 28 29 22-22 18-64 22-13 18-74 22-05 18-83 21-97 18-93 29 30 22-98 19-28 22-90 19-38 22-81 19-48 22-73 19-58 30 31 23-75 19-93 23-66 20-03 23-57 20-13 23-48 20-24 31 32 24-51 20-57 24-42 20-68 24-33 20-78 24-24 20-89 32 33 25-28 21-21 25-19 21-32 25-09 21-43 25-00 21-54 33 34 26-05 21-85 25-95 21-97 25-85 22-08 25-76 22-19 34 35 26-81 22-50 26-71 22-61 26-61 22-73 26-51 22-85 35 36 27-58 23-14 27-48 23-26 27-37 23-38 27-27 23-50 36 37 28-34 23-78 28-24 23-91 28-13 24-03 28-03 24-15 37 38 29-11 24-43 29-00 24-55 28-90 24-68 28-79 24-80 38 39 29-88 25-07 29-77 25-20 29-66 25-33 29-54 25-46 39 40 30-64 25-71 30-53 25-84 30-42 25-98 30-30 26-11 40 41 31-41 26-35 31-29 26-49 31-18 26-63 31-06 26-76 41 42 32-17 27-00 32-06 27-14 31-94 27-28 31-82 27-42 42 43 32-94 27-64 32-82 27-78 32-70 27-93 32-58 28-07 43 44 33-71 28-28 33-58 28-43 33-46 28-58 33-33 28-72 44 45 34-47 28-93 34-35 29-08 34-22 29-23 34-09 29-37 45 46 35-24 29-57 35-11 29-72 34-98 29-87 34-85 30-03 46 47 36-00 30-21 35-87 30-37 35-74 30-52 35-61 30-68 47 48 36-77 30-85 36-64 31-01 36-50 31-17 36-36 31-33 48 49 37-54 31-50 37-40 31-66 37-26 31-82 37-12 31-99 49 50 38-30 32-14 38-16 32-31 38-02 32-47 37-88 32-64 50 i Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. s 1 i 50 Deg. 49% Deg. 49^ Deg. 49^ Deg. i TRAVERSE TABLE. 83 ' 1 40 Deg. 40*4 Deg. 40^Deg. 40% Deg. i! s I I Lat. Dep. Lat, Dep. Lat. Dep. I Lat. Dep. i 51 39-07 32-78 38-92 32-95 38-78 33-12 38-64 33-29 51 52 39-83 33-42 39-69 33-60 39-54 33-77 ! 39-39 33-94 52 53 40-60 34-07 40-45 34-24 40-30 34-42 40-15 34-60 53 54 41-37 34-71 41-21 34-89 41-06 35-07 40-91 35-25 54 > 55 42-13 35-35 41-98 35-54 41-82 35-72 41-67 35-90 55 56 42-90 36-00 42-74 36-18 42-58 36-37 42-42 36-55 56 57 43-66 36-64 43-50 36-83 43-3-4 37-02 43-18 37-21 57 58 44-43 37-28 44-27 37-48 44-10 37-67 43-94 37-86 58 59 45-20 37-92 45-03 38-12 44-86 38-32 44-70 38-51 59 60 45-96 38-57 45-79 38-77 45-62 38-97 45-45 39-17 60 61 46-73 39-21 46-56 39-41 46-38 39-62 46-21 39-82 61 62 47-49 39-85 47-32 40-06 47-15 40-27 46-97 40-47 62 63 4S-26 40-50 48-08 40-71 47-91 40-92 47-73 41-12 63 64 49-03 41-14 48-85 41-35 48-67 41-56 48-48 41-78 64 65 49-79 41-78 49-61 42-00 49-43 42-21 49-24 42-43 65 66 50-56 42-42 50-37 42-64 50-19 42-86 50-00 43-08 66 67 51-32 43-07 51-14 43-29 50-95 43-51 50-76 43-73 67 68 52-09 43-71 51-90 43-94 51-71 44-16 51-51 44-39 68 69 52-86 44-35 52-66 44-58 52-47 44-81 52-27 45-04 69 70 53-62 45-00 53-43 45-23 53-23 45-46 53-03 45-69 70 71 54-39 45-64 5419 45-87 53-99 46-11 53-79 46-35 71 72 55-16 46-28 54-95 46-52 54-75 46-76 54-54 47-00 72 73 55-92 46-92 55-72 47-17 55-51 47-41 55-30 47-65 73 74 56-69 47-57 56-48 47-81 50-27 48-06 56-06 48-30 74 75 57-45 48-21 57-24 48-46 57-03 48-71 56-82 48-96 75 76 58-22 48-85 58-01 49-11 57-79 49-36 57-57 49-61 76 77 58-99 49-49 58-77 49-75 58-55 50-01 58-33 50-26 77 78 59-75 50-14 59-53 50-40 59-31 50-66 59-09 50-92 78 79 60-52 50-78 60-30 51-04 60-07 51-31 59-85 51-57 79 80 61-28 51-42 61-06 51-69 60-83 51-96 60-61 52-22 80 81 62-05 52-07 61-82 52-34 61-59 52-61 61-36 52-87 81 82 62-82 52-71 62-59 52-98 62-35 53.25 62-12 53-53 82 83 63-58 53-35 63-35 53-63 63-11 53-90 62-88 54-18 83 84 64-35 53-99 64-11 54-27 63-87 54-55 63-64 54-83 84 85 65-11 54-64 64-87 54-92 64-63 55-20 64-39 55-48 85 86 65-88 55-28 65-64 55-57 65-39 55-85 65-15 56-14 86 87 66-65 55-92 66-40 56-21 66-16 56-50 65-91 56-79 87 88 67-41 56-57 67-16 56-86 66-92 57-15 66-67 57-44 88 89 68-18 57-21 67-93 57-50 67-68 57-80 67-42 58-10 89 90 68-94 57-85 68-69 58-15 68-44 58-45 68-18 58-75 90 91 69-71 58-49 69-45 58-80 69-20 59-10 68-94 59-40 91 92 70-48 59-14 70-22 59-44 69-96 59-75 69-70 60-05 92 93 71-24 59-78 70-98 60-09 70-72 60-40 70-45 60-71 93 94 72-01 60-42 71-74 60-74 71-48 61-05 71-21 61-36 94 95 72-77 61-06 72-51 61-38 72-24 61-70 71-97 62-01 95 96 73-54 61-71 73-27 62-03 73-00 62-35 72-73 62-66 96 97 74-31 62-35 74-03 6267 73-76 63-00 73-48 63.32 97 98 75-07 62-99 74-80 63-32 74-52 63-65 74-24 63-97 98 99 75-84 63-64 75-56 63-97 75-28 64-30 75-00 64-62 99 100 76-60 64-28 76-32 64-61 76-04 6494 75-76 66-28 100 If Dep. Lat. Dep. | Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. 8 I J 1 50 Deg. 49% Deg. 49^ Deg. 491^ Deg. i *~~^X^X_/^>-N^-v^^s^^>-N^-N^ r ^/*-v^->^->>^-^-/ 84 TRAVERSE TABLE. j 41 Deg. 41}4 Deg. flMDeg. *!>*. a 1 Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. 1 1 0-75 0-66 0-75 0-66 0-75 0-66 0-75 0*67 1 2 1-51 1-31 1-50 1-32 1-50 1-33 1-49 1-33 2 3 2-26 1-97 2-26 1-98 2-25 1-99 2-24 2-00 3 4 3-02 2-62 3-01 2-64 3-00 2-65 2-98 2-66 4 5 3-77 3-28 3-76 3-30 3-74 3-31 3-73 3-33 c 6 4-53 3-94 4-51 3-96 4-49 3-98 4-48 4-00 6 7 5-28 4-59 5-26 4-62 5-24 4-64 5-22 4- <;r, 1 8 6-04 5-25 6-01 5-27 5-99 5-30 5-97 5-33 3 9 6-79 5-90 6-77 5-93 6-74 5-96 6-71 5-99 9 10 7-55 6-56 7-52 6-59 7-49 6-63 7-46 6-66 10 11 8-30 7-22 8-27 7-25 8-24 7-29 8-21 7-32 11 12 9-06 7-87 9-02 7-91 8-99 7-95 8-95 7-99 12 13 9-81 8-53 9-77 8-57 9-74 8-61 9-70 8-66 13 14 10-57 9-18 10-53 9-23 10-49 9-28 10-44 9-32 14 15 11-32 9-84 11-28 9-89 11-23 9-94 11-19 9-99 15 16 12-08 10-50 12-03 10-55 11-98 10-60 11-94 10-65 16 17 12-83 11-15 12-78 11-21 12-73 11-26 12-68 11-32 17 18 13-58 11-81 13-53 11-87 13-48 11-93 13-43 11-99 18 19 14-34 12-47 14-28 12-53 14-23 12-59 14-18 12-65 19 20 15-09 13-12 15-04 13-19 14-98 13-25 14-92 13-32 20 21 15-85 13-78 15-79 13-85 15-73 13-91 15-67 13-98 21 22 16-60 14-43 16-54 14-51 16-48 14-58 16-41 14-65 22 23 17-36 15-09 17-29 15-16 17-23 15-24 17-16 15-32 23 24 18-11 15-75 18-04 15-82 17-97 15-90 17-91 15-98 24 25 18-87 16-40 18-80 16-48 18-72 16-57 18-65 16-65 25 26 19-62 17-06 19-55 17-14 19-47 17-23 19-40 17-31 26 27 20-38 17-71 20-30 17-80 20-22 17-89 20-14 17-98 27 28 21-13 18-37 21-05 18-46 20-97 18-55 20-89 18-64 28 29 21-89 19-03 21-80 19-12 21-72 19-22 21-64 19-31 29 30 22-64 19-68 22-56 19-78 22-47 19-88 22-38 19-98 30 31 23-40 20-34 23-31 20-44 23-22 20-54 23-13 20-64 31 32 24-15 20-99 24-06 21-10 23-97 21-20 23-87 21-31 32 33 24-91 21-65 24-81 21-76 24-72 21-87 24-62 21-97 33 34 25-66 22-31 25-56 22-42 25-46 22-53 25-37 22-64 34 35 26-41 22-96 i 26-31 23-08 26-21 23-19 26-11 23-31 35 36 27-17 23-62 27-07 23-74 26-96 23.85 26-86 23-97 36 37 27-92 24-27 27-82 24-40 27-71 24-52 27-60 24-64 37 38 28-68 24-93 28-57 25-06 28-46 25-18 28-35 25-30 38 39 29-43 25-59 29-32 25-71 29-21 25-84 29-10 25-97 39 40 30-19 26-24 30-07 26-37 29-96 26-50 29-84 26-64 40 41 30-94 26-90 30-83 27-03 30-71 27-17 30-59 27-30 41 42 31-70 27-55 31-58 27-69 :n-4t; 27-83 31-33 27-97 42 43 32-45 28-21 32-33 28-35 32-21 28-49 32-08 28-63 43 44 33-21 28-87 33-08 29-01 32-95 29-16 32-83 29-30 44 45 33-96 29-52 33-83 29-C.7 33-70 29-82 33-57 29-97 45 46 34-72 30-18 34-58 30-33 34-45 30-48 o4 - o2 30-63 46 47 35-47 30-83 35-34 30-99 35-20 31-14 35-06 31-30 47 48 36-23 31-49 36-09 31-65 35-95 31-81 35-81 31-96 48 49 36-98 32-15 36-84 32-31 36-70 32-47 36-56 32-63 49 50 37-74 32-80 37-59 3297 37-45 33-13 37-30 33-29 50 i Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. f Lat. o 1 49 Deg. 48% Deg. 48*4 Deg. 48^ Deg. 1 TRAVERSE TABLE. 85 X-^N*^ N./^ 2 ' x_>-V^ ^^N^ ^-^ -* 41 Deg. 41}4 Deg. 41^ Deg. 41% Deg. 2 < 1 < 1 Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. 51 38-49 33-46 38-34 33-63 38-20 33-79 38-05 33-96 51 ) 52 39-24 34-12 39-10 34-29 38-95 34-46 38-79 34-63 52 ) 53 40-00 34-77 39-85 34-95 39-69 35-12 39-54 35-29 53 S 54 40-75 35-43 40-60 35-60 40-44 35-78 40-29 35-96 54 ( 55 41-51 36-08 41-35 36-26 41-19 36-44 41-03 36-62 55 56 42-26 36-74 42-10 36-92 41-94 37-11 41-78 37-29 56 57 43-02 37-40 42-85 37-58 42-69 37-77 42-53 37-96 57 58 43-77 38-05 43-61 38-24 43-44 38-43 43-27 38-62 58 59 44-53 38-71 44-36 38-90 44-19 39-09 44-02 39-29 59 60 45-28 39-36 45-11 39-56 44-94 39-76 44-76 39-95 . 60 61 46-04 40-02 45-86 40-22 45-69 40-42 45-51 40-62 61 62 46-79 40-68 46-61 40-88 46-44 41-08 46-26 41-28 62 63 47-55 41-33 47-37 41-54 47-18 41-75 47-00 41-95 63 64 48-30 41-99 48-12 42-20 47-93 42-41 47-75 42-62 64 65 49-06 42-64 48-87 42-86 48-68 43-07 48-49 43-28 65 66 49-81 43-30 49-62 43-52 49-43 43-73 49-24 43-95 66 67 50-57 43-96 50-37 44-18 50-18 44-40 49-99 44-61 67 68 51-32 44-61 51-13 44-84 50-93 45-06 50-73 45-28 68 69 52-07 45-27 61-88 45-49 51-68 45-72 51-48 45-95 69 i 70 52-83 45-92 52-63 46-15 52-43 46-38 52-22 46-61 70 < 71 53-58 46-58 53-38 46-81 53-18 47-05 52-97 47-28 71 72 54-34 47-24 54-13 47-47 53-92 47-71 53-72 47-94 72 73 55-09 47-89 54-88 48-13 54-67 48-37 54-46 48-61 73 74 55-85 48-55 55-64 48-79 55-42 49-03 55-21 49-28 74 75 56-60 49-20 56-39 49-45 56-17 49-70 55-95 49-94 75 76 57-36 49-86 57-14 50-11 56-92 50-36 56-70 50-61 76 77 58-11 50-52 57-89 50-77 57-67 51-02 57-45 51-27 77 78 58-87 51-17 58-64 51-43 58-42 51-68 58-19 51-94 78 79 59-62 51-83 59-40 52-09 59-17 52-35 58-94 52-60 79 80 60-38 52-48 60-15 52-75 59-92 53-01 59-68 53-27 80 81 61-13 53-14 60-90 53-41 60-67 53-67 60-43 53-94 81 82 61-89 53-80 61-65 54-07 61-41 54-33 61-18 54-60 82 83 62-64 54-45 62-40 54-73 62-16 55-00 61-92 55-27 83 84 63-40 55-11 63-15 55-38 62-91 55-66 62-67 55-93 84 85 64-15 55-76 63-91 56-04 63-66 56-32 63-41 56-60 85 86 64-90 56-42 64-66 56-70 64-41 56-99 64-16 57-27 86 87 65-66 57-08 65-41 57-36 65-16 57-65 64-91 57-93 87 88 66-41 57-73 66-16 58-02 65-91 58-31 65-65 58-60 88 89 67-17 58-39 66-91 58-68 66-66 58-97 66-40 59-26 89 90 67-92 59-05 67-67 59-34 67-41 59-64 67-15 59-93 90 / 91 68-68 59-70 68-42 60-00 68-15 60-30 67-89 60-60 91 ) 92 69-43 60-36 69-17 60-66 68-90 60-96 68-64 61-26 92 93 70-19 61-01 69-92 61-32 69-65 91-62 69-38 61-93 93 94 70-94 61-67 70-67 61-98 "0-40 62-29 70-13 62-59 94 95 71-70 62-33 71-43 62-64 71-15 62-95 70-88 63-26 95 96 72-45 62-98 72-18 63-30 71-90 63-61 71-62 63-92 96 97 73-21 63-64 72-93 63-96 72-65 64-27 72-37 64-59 97 98 73-96 64-29 73-68 64-62 "3-40 64-94 "3-11 65-26 98 99 74-72 64-95 74-43 65-28 74-15 65-60 "3-86 65-92 99 100 75-47 65-61 75-18 65-93 74-90 66-26 74-61 66-59 100 I Dep. 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Dep. 1 1 0-74 0-07 0-74 0-67 0-74 0-68 0-73 0-68 1 2 1-49 1-34 1-48 1-34 1-47 1-35 1-47 1-36 2 3 2-23 2-01 2-22 2-02 2-21 2-03 2-20 2-04 3 4 2-97 2-68 2-96 2-69 2-95 2-70 2-94 2-72 4 5 3-72 3-35 3-70 3-36 3-69 3-38 3-b7 3-39 5 6 4-46 4-01 4-44 4-03 4-42 4-05 4-41 4'07 6 ( 7 5-20 4-68 5-18 4-71 5-16 4-73 5-14 4-75 7 8 5-95 5-35 5-92 5-38 5-90 5-40 5-87 5-43 8 I 9 6-69 6-02 6-66 6-05 6-64 6-08 6-61 6-11 9 ) 10 7-43 6-69 7-40 6-72 7-37 6-76 7-34 6-79 10 11 8-17 7-36 8-14 7-40 8-11 7-43 8-08 7-47 11 12 8-92 8-03 8-88 8-07 8-85 8-11 8-81 8-15 12 13 9-66 8-70 9-62 8-74 9-58 8-78 9-55 8-82 13 14 10-40 9-37 10-36 9-41 10-32 9-46 10-28 9-50 14 15 11-15 10-04 11-10 10-09 11-06 10-13 11-01 10-18 15 16 11-89 10-71 11-84 10-76 11-80 10-81 11-75 10-86 16 17 12-63 11-38 12-58 11-43 12-53 11-48 12-48 11-54 17 18 13-38 12-04 13-32 12-10 13-27 12-16 13-22 12-22 18 19 14-12 12-71 14-06 12-77 14-01 12-84 13-95 12-90 19 20 14-86 13.38 14-80 13-45 14-75 13-51 14-69 13-58 20 21 1561 14-05 15-54 14-12 15-48 14-19 15-42 14-25 21 22 16-35 14-72 16-28 14-79 16-22 14-86 16-16 14-93 22 23 17-09 15-39 17-02 15-46 16-96 15-54 16-89 15-61 23 24 17-84 16-06 17-77 16-14 17-69 16-21 17-62 16-29 24 25 18-58 16-73 18-51 16-81 18-43 16-89 18-36 1697 25 26 19-32 17-40 19-25 17-48 19-17 17-57 19-09 17-65 26 27 20-06 18-07 19-99 18-15 19-91 18-24 19-83 18-33 27 28 20-81 18-74 20-73 18-83 20-64 18-92 20-56 19-01 28 29 21-55 19-40 21-47 19-50 21-38 19-59 21-30 19-69 29 30 22-29 20-07 22-21 20-17 22-12 20-27 22-03 20-36 30 31 23-04 20-74 22-95 20-84 22-86 20-94 22-76 21-04 31 32 23-78 21-41 23-69 21-52 23-59 21-62 23-50 21-72 32 33 24-52 22-08 24-43 22-19 24-33 22-29 24-23 22-40 33 34 25-27 22-75 25-17 22-86 25-07 22-97 24-97 23-08 34 35 26-01 23-42 25-91 23-53 25-80 23-65 25-70 23-76 35 36 26-75 24-09 26-65 24-21 26-54 24-32 26-44 24-44 36 37 27-50 24-76 27-39 24-88 27-28 25-00 27-17 25-12 37 38 28-24 25-43 28-13 25-55 28-02 25-67 27-90 25-79 38 39 28-98 26-10 28-87 26-22 28-75 26-35 28-64 26-47 39 40 29-73 26-77 29-61 26-89 29-49 27-02 29-37 27-15 40 41 30-47 27-43 30-35 27-57 30-23 27-70 30-11 27-83 41 42 31-21 28-10 31-09 28-24 30-97 28-37 30-84 28-51 42 43 31-96 28-77 31-83 28-91 31-70 29-05 31-58 29-19 43 44 32-70 29-44 32-57 29-58 32-44 29-73 32-31 29-87 44 45 33-44 30-11 33-31 30-26 33-18 30-40 33-04 30-55 45 46 34-18 30-78 34-05 30-93 33-91 31-08 33-78 31-22 46 47 34-93 31-45 34-79 31-60 34-65 31-75 34-51 31-90 47 48 35-67 32-12 35-53 32-27 35-39 32-43 35-25 32-58 48 49 36-41 32-79 36-27 32-95 36-13 33-10 35-98 33-26 49 50 37-16 33-46 37-01 33-62 36-86 33-78 36-72 33-94 50 g Dep. 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Ci 51 37-90 34-13 37-75 34-29 37-60 34-46 87-46 34-12 51 52 38-64 34-79 38-49 34-96 38-34 35-13 36-18 35-30 52 53 39-39 35-46 39-23 35-64 39-08 35-81 38-92 35-98 53 54 40-13 36-13 39-97 36-31 39-81 36-48 39-bo 30-66 54 55 40-87 36-80 40-71 36-98 40-55 37-10 40-39 37-33 55 56 41-62 37-47 41-45 37-65 41-29 37-83 41-12 38-01 56 57 42-36 38-14 42-19 38-32 42-02 38-51 41-8u 38-69 57 58 43-10 38-81 42-93 39-00 42-70 39-18 42-59 39-37 59 43-85 39-48 43-07 39-07 43-50 39-86 43-32 40-05 59 60 44-59 40-15 44-41 40-34 44-24 40-54 44-0(3 40-73 60 61 45-33 40-82 45-15 41-01 44-97 41-21 44-79 41-41 61 62 46-07 41-49 45-89 41-69 45-71 41-89 45-53 42-09 62 63 46-82 42-16 4fr63 42-36 40-45 42-56 4b-26 42-76 63 64 47-50 42-82 47-37 43-03 47-19 43-24 47-00 43-44 64 65 48-30 43-49 48-11 43-70 47-92 43- yl 47-73 44-12 65 66 49-05 44-16 48-85 44-38 48-66 44-59 48-47 44-80 66 67 49-79 44-83 49-59 45-05 49-40 45-26 4y-2o 45-48 67 68 50-53 45-50 50-33 45-72 50-13 45-94 49-93 46-16 68 69 51-28 40-17 51-07 46-39 50-87 46-62 50- b7 4(3-84 69 70 52-02 46-84 51-82 47-07 51-61 47-29 51-40 47-52 70 71 52.76 47-51 52-56 47-74 52-35 47-97 52-14 48-19 71 72 53-51 48-18 53-30 48-41 53-08 48-64 52-87 48-87 72 73 54-25 48-85 54-04 49-08 53-82 4932 53-01 49-55 73 74 54-99 49-52 54-78 49-76 54-56 49-99 54-34 50-23 74 75 55-74 50-18 55-52 50-43 55-30 50-67 55-07 50-91 75 76 56-48 50-85 56-26 51-10 56-03 51-34 55-81 51-59 76 < 77 57-22 51-52 57-00 51-77 56-77 52-02 5b-54 52-27 77 78 57-97 52-19 57-74 52-44 57-51 52-70 57-28 52-95 78 79 58-71 52-86 58-48 53-12 58-24 53-37 58-01 53-63 79 80 59-45 53-53 59-22 53-79 58-98 54-05 58-75 54-30 80 81 60-19 54-20 59-96 54-46 59-72 54-72 59-48 54-98 81 82 60-94 54-87 60-70 55-13 60-46 55-40 00-21 55-66 82 83 61-68 55-54 61-44 55-81 61-19 56-07 60-95 50-34 83 84 62-42 56-21 62-18 56-48 61-93 56-75 61-68 57-02 84 85 63-K 56-88 62-92 57-15 62-67 57-43 62-42 57-70 85 86 63-91 57-55 63-66 57-82 63-41 58-10 63-15 58-38 86 87 64-65 58-21 64-40 58-50 64-14 58-78 b3-89 59-06 87 ) 88 65-40 58-88 65-14 59-17 64-88 59-45 64-62 59-73 88 89 66-14 59-55 65-88 59-84 65-62 60-13 65-35 60-41 89 90 66-88 60-22 66-62 60-51 66-35 60-80 66-09 61-09 90 91 67-63 60-89 67-36 61-19 67-09 61-48 66-82 61-77 91 92 68-37 61-56 68-10 61-86 67-83 62-15 67-56 62-45 92 93 69-11 62-23 68-84 62-53 68-57 62-83 68-29 63-13 93 ) 94 69-86 62-90 69-58 63-20 69-30 63-51 69-03 63-81 94 ) 95 70-60 63-57 70-32 63-87 70-04 64-18 69-76 64-49 95 5 96 71-34 64-24 71-06 64-55 70-78 64-86 70-49 65-16 96 ( 97 72-08 64-91 71-80 65-22 71-52 65-53 71-23 65-84 97 r 98 72-83 65-57 72-54 65-89 72-25 66-21 71-96 66-52 98 ( 99 73-57 66-24 73-28 66-56 72-99 6688 72-70 67-20 99 ) 100 74-31 66-91 74-02 67-24 73-73 67-56 73-43 67-88 100 i Dep. 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P i 0-73 0-68 0-73 0-69 0-73 0-69 0-72 0-69 1 2 1-46 1-36 1-46 1-37 1-45 1-38 1-44 1-38 2 3 2-19 2-05 2-19 2-06 2-18 2-07 2-17 2-07 3 4 2-93 2-73 2-31 2-74 2-90 2-75 2-89 2-77 4 5 3-66 3-41 3-64 3-43 3-63 3-44 3-61 3-46 5 6 4-39 4-09 4-37 4-11 4-35 4-13 4-33 4-15 6 7 5-12 4-77 5-10 4-80 5-08 4-82 5-06 4-84 7 8 5-85 5-46 5-83 5-48 5-80 5-51 5-78 5-53 8 9 6-58 6-14 6-56 6-17 6-53 6-20 6-50 6-22 9 10 7'31 6-82 7-28 6-85 7-25 6-88 7-22 6-92 10 11 8-04 7-50 B-01 7-54 7-98 7-57 7-95 7-61 11 12 8-78 8-18 8-74 8-22 8-70 8-26 8-67 8-30 12 13 9-51 8-87 9-47 8-91 9-43 8-95 9-39 8-99 13 14 10-24 9-55 10-20 9-59 10-16 9-64 10-11 9-68 14 15 10-97 10-23 10-93 10-28 10-88 10-33 10-84 10-37 15 16 11-70 10-91 11-65 10-96 11-61 11-01 11-56 11-06 16 17 12-43 11-59 12-38 11-65 12-33 11-70 12-28 H-76 17 18 13-16 12-28 13-11 12-33 13-06 12-39 13-00 12-45 18 19 13-90 12-96 13-84 13-02 13-78 13-08 13-72 13-14 19 20 14-63 13-64 14-57 13-70 14-51 13-77 14-45 13-83 20 21 15-36 14-32 15-30 14-39 15-23 14-46 15-17 14-52 21 22 16-09 15-00 16-02 15-07 15-96 15-14 15-89 15-21 22 23 16-82 15-69 16-75 15-76 16-68 15-83 16-51 15-90 23 24 17-55 16-37 17-48 16-44 17-41 16-52 17-34 16-60 24 25 18-28 17-05 18-21 17-13 18-13 17-21 18-06 17-29 25 26 19-02 17-73 18-94 17-81 18-86 17-90 18-78 17-98 26 27 19-75 18-41 19-67 18-50 19-59 18-59 19-50 18-67 27 28 20-48 19-10 20-39 19-19 20-31 19-27 20-23 19-36 28 29 21-21 19-78 21-12 19-87 21-04 19-96 20-95 20-05 29 30 21-94 20-46 21-85 20-56 21-76 20-65 21-67 20-75 30 31 22-67 21-14 22-58 21-24 22-49 21-34 22-39 21-44 31 32 23-40 21-82 23-31 21-93 23-21 22-03 23-12 22-13 32 33 24-13 22-51 24-04 22-61 23-94 22-72 23-84 22-82 33 34 24-87 23-19 24-76 23-30 24-66 23-40 24-56 23-51 34 35 25-60 23-87 25-49 23-98 25-39 24-09 25-28 24-20 35 36 26-33 24-55 26-22 24-67 26-11 24-78 26-01 24-89 36 37 27-06 25-23 26-95 25-35 26-84 25-47 26-73 25-59 37 38 27-79 25-92 27-68 26-04 27-56 26-16 27-45 26-28 38 39 28-52 26-60 28-41 26-72 28-29 26-85 28-17 26-97 39 40 29-25 27-28 29-13 27-41 29-01 27-53 28-89 27-66 40 41 29-99 27-96 29-86 28-09 29-74 28-22 29-62 28-35 41 42 30-72 28-64 30-59 28-78 30-47 28-91 30-34 29-04 42 ) 43 31-45 29-33 31-32 29-46 31-19 29-60 31-06 29-74 43 ) 44 32-18 30-01 32-05 30-15 31-92 30-29 31-78 30-43 44 45 32-91 30-69 32-78 30-83 32-64 30-98 32-51 31-12 45 46 33-64 31-37 33-51 31-52 33-37 31-66 33-23 31-81 46 47 34-37 32-05 34-23 32-20 34-09 32-35 33-95 32-50 47 48 35-10 3274 34-96 32-89 34-82 33-04 34-67 33-19 48 49 35-84 33-42 35-69 33-57 35-54 33-73 35-40 33-88 49 50 36-57 34-10 36-42 34-26 36-27 34-42 36-12 34-58 50 ) 8 Dep. 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I o ( 51 37-30 34-78 37-15 34-94 36-99 35-11 36-84 35-27 51 ( 52 38-03 35-46 37-88 35-63 37-72 35-79 37-56 35-96 52 ( 53 38-76 36-15 ?8-60 36-31 38-44 36-48 38-29 3C-65 53 / 54 39-49 36-83 39-33 37-00 39-17 37-17 39-01 37-34 54 ) 55 40-22 37-51 40-06 37-69 39-90 37*86 39-73 38-03 55 ) 56 40-96 38-19 40-79 38-37 40-62 38-55 40-45 38-72 56 > 57 41-69 38-87 41-52 39-06 41-35 39-24 41-17 39-42 57 S 58 42-42 39-56 42-25 39-74 42-07 39-92 41-90 40-11 58 59 43-15 40-24 42-97 40-43 42-80 40-61 42-62 40-80 59 60 43-88 40-92 43-70 41-11 43-52 41-30 43-34 41-49 60 61 44-61 41-60 44-43 41-80 44-25 41-99 44-06 42-18 61 62 45-34 42-28 45-16 42-48 44-97 42-68 44-79 42-87 62 63 46-08 42-97 45-89 43-17 45-70 43-37 45-51 43-57 63 64 46-81 43-65 46-62 43-85 46-42 44-05 46-23 44-26 64 65 47-54 44-33 47-34 44-54 47-15 44-74 46-95 44-95 65 66 48-27 45-01 48-07 45-22 47-87 45-43 47-68 45-64 66 67 49-00 45-69 48-80 45-91 48-60 46-12 48-40 46-33 67 68 49-73 46-38 49-53 46-59 49-33 46-81 49-12 47-02 68 69 50-46 47-06 50-26 47-28 50-05 47-50 49-84 47-71 69 70 51-19 47-74 50-99 47-96 50-78 48-18 50-57 48-41 70 71 51-93 48-42 51-71 48-65 51-50 48-87 51-29 49-10 71 72 52-66 49-10 52-44 49-33 52-23 49-56 52-01 49-79 72 73 53-39 49-79 53-17 50-02 52-95 50-25 52-73 50-48 73 74 54-12 50-47 53-90 50-70 53-68 50-94 53-45 51-17 74 75 54-85 51-15 54-63 51-39 54-40 51-63 5418 51-86 75 76 55-58 51-83 55-36 52-07 55-13 52-31 54-tO 52-56 76 77 56-31 52-51 56-08 52-76 55-85 53-00 55-62 53-25 77 78 57-05 53-20 56-81 53-44 56-58 53-69 56-34 53-94 78 79 57-78 53-88 57-54 54-13 57-30 54-38 57-07 54-63 79 80 58-51 5456 58-27 54-81 58-03 55-07 57-79 55-32 80 81 59-24 55-24 59-00 55-50 58-76 55-76 58-51 56-01 81 82 59-97 55-92 59-73 56-18 59-48 56-45 59-23 56-70 82 83 60-70 56-61 60-45 56-87 60-21 57-13 59-96 57-40 83 84 61-43 57-29 61-18 57-56 60-93 57-82 60-68 58-09 84 85 62-17 57-97 61-91 58-24 61-66 58-51 61-40 58-78 85 86 62-90 58-65 62-64 58-93 62-38 59-20 62-12 59-47 86 87 63-63 59-33 63-37 59-61 63-11 59-89 62-85 60-16 87 88 64-36 60-02 64-10 60-30 63-83 60-58 63-57 60-85 88 89 65-09 60-70 64-82 60-98 64-56 61-26 64-29 61-54 89 ) 90 65-82 61-38 65-55 61-67 65-28 61-95 65-01 62-24 90 < 91 66-55 62-06 66-28 62-35 66-01 62-64 65-74 62-93 91 ( 92 67-28 62-74 67-01 63-04 66-73 63-33 66-46 63-62 92 93 68-02 63-43 67-74 63-72 67-46 64-02 67-18 64-31 93 94 68-75 64-11 68-47 64-41 68-19 64-71 67-90 65-00 94 95 69-48 64-79 69-20 65-09 68-91 65-39 68-62 65-69 95 96 70-21 65-47 69-92 65-78 69-64 66-08 69-35 66-39 96 97 70-94 66-15 70-65 66-46 70-36 66-77 70-07 67-08 97 98 71-67 66-84 71-37 67-15 71-09 67-46 70-79 67-77 98 99 72-40 67-52 72-11 67-83 71-81 68-15 71-51 68-46 99 100 73-14 68-20 72-84 68-52 72-54 68-84 72-24 69-15 100 | Dep. 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SINE. / 24 25 26 27 28 29 ' 30 31 406 7366 422 6183 438 3711 453 9905 469 4716 484 8096' ; -500 0000 515 0381 1 407 0024 8819 6326 4542497 7284 485 06401 2519 2874 2 2681 423 1455 8940 5088 985 2 3184 5037 5367 3 5337 40 i) 439 1553 7679 470 2419 5727 7556 7859 4 7993 6725 4166 455 026 J 4986 8270 501 0073 516 0351 5 408 0649 9360 6779 2859 7553 486 0812 2591 2842 6 3305 424 1994 9392 5449 4710119 3354 5107 5333 7 59130 4628 440 2004 8038 2685 5895! 7624 7824 8 8615 7262 4615 456 0627 5250 8436 502 0140 517 0314 9 409 1269 9895 7227 3216 7815 487 0977 2655 2804 10 3923 425 2528 9838 5804 472 0380 3517 5170 5293 11 6577 5161 441 244S 8392 2944 6057 7685 7782 12 9230 7793 5059 457 0979 5508 8597 503 0199 518 0270 13 410 1883 426 0425 7668 3566 8071 488 1136 2713 2758 14 4536 3056 442027S 6153 4730634 3674 5227 524P 15 7189 56^7 2887 8739 3197 6212 7740 7733 16 9841 8318 5496 458 1325 5759 8750 504 0252 519 0219 17 4112492 427 0949 8104 3910 8321 489 1288 2765 2705 18 5144 3579 4430712 6496 474 0882 3825 5276 5191 19 7795 6208 3319 9080 3443 6361 7788 767C 20 4120445 8838 5927 459 1665 6004 8897 505 0298 520 0161 21 3096 428 1467 8534 4248 8564 490 1433 2809 2646 22 5745 4095 444 1140 6832 475 1124 3968 5319 5130 23 8395 6723 3746 9415 3683 6503 7828 7613 24 4131044 9351 6352 460 1998 6242 9038 506 0338 521 0096 25 3693 429 1979 8957 4580 8801 491 1572 2846 2579 26 6342 4606 445 1562 7162 476 1359 4105 5355 5061 27 8990 7233 4167 9744 3917 6638 7863 7543 28 414 1638 9859 6771 461 2325 6474 9171 507 0370 5220024 29 4285 430 2485 9375 4906 9031 492 1704 2877 2505 30 6932 5111 446 1978 7486 477 1588 4236 5384 4986 31 9579 7736 4581 462 0066 4144 6767 7890 7466 32 415 2226 431 0361 7184 2646 6700 9298 508 0396 9945 33 4S72 2386 9786 5225 9255 493 1829 2901 5232424 34 7517 5610 447 2388 7804 478 1810 4359 5406 4903 35 4160163 8234 4990 463 0382 4364 6889 7910 7381 36 2808 4320857 7591 2960 6919 9419J -509 0414 9859 37 5453 3481 448 0192 5538 9472 494 1948 2918 524 2336 38 8097 6103 2792 8115 479 2026 4476 5421 4818 39 417 0741 8726 5392 464 0692 4579 7005| 7924 729C 40 3385 433 1348 7992 3269 7131 9532 -510 0426 97 6f 41 6028 3970 449 0591 5845 9683 495 2060 2928 525 2241 42 8671 6591 3190 8420 480 2235 4587 5429 4717 43 418 1313 9212 5789 465 0996 4786 7113 7930 7191 44 3956 434 1832 8387 3571 7337 9639 511 0431 966; 45 6597 4453 450 0984 6145 9888 496 2165 2931 526 2139 46 9239 7072 3582 8719 481 2438 4690 5431 4618 47 419 1880 9692 6179 466 1203 4987 7215 7930 708f 48 4521 435 2311 8775 3866 7537 9740 512 0429 955^ 49 7161 4930 451 1372 6439 482 0086 497 2264 2927 527 203( 50 9801 7548 3967 9012 2634 4787 5425 450; 51 420 2441 436 0166 6563 467 1584 5182 7310 7923 697J 52 5080 2784 9158 4156 7730 9833 513 0420 9443 53 7719 5401 452 1753 6727 483 0277 498 2355 2916 528 1914 54 421 0358 8018 4347 9298 2824 4877 5413 4383 55 2996 437 0634 6941 4681869 5370 7399 7908 6858 < 56 5634 3251 9535 4439 7916 9920 514 0404 9322 ( 57 8272 5866 453 2128 7009 484 0462 499 2441 2899 529 179C ) 58 422 0909 8482 4721 9578 3007 4961 5393 4256 ) 59 3546 438 1097 7313 469 2147 5552 7481 7887 672( ) 60 6183 3711 9905 4716 8096 500 0000 515 0381 9193 ) / 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 NAT. COSINE. NAT. SINE. / 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 529 9193 5446390 559 1929 573 5764 587 7853 601 8150 615 6615 629 3204 1 530 1659 8830 4340 8147 588 0206 602.0473 8907 5464 2 4125 545 1269 6751 5740529 2558 2795 616 1198 7724 3 6591 3707 9162 2911 4910 5117 3489 9983 4 9057 6145 560 1572 5292 7262 7439 5780 630 2242 5 531 1521 8583 3981 7672 9613 9760 8069 4500 6 398( 546 1020 6390 575 0053 589 1964 603 2080 617 0359 6758 7 6450 345G 8798 2432 4314 4400 2648 9015 8 8913 5892 561 1206 4811 6663 6719 4936 631 1272 9 532 137 e 8328 3614 7190 9012 9038 7224 3528 10 3839 547 0763 6021 9568 590 1361 .604 1356 9511 5784 >u 6301 3198 8428 576.1946 3709 3674 618 1798 8039 S12 87S3 5632 5620834 4323 6057 5991 4084 632 0293 (13 5331224 8066 3239 6700 8404 8308 6370 2547 (14 3685 548 0499 5645 9076 591 0750 605 0624 8655 4800 (16 6145 2932 8049 577 1452 3096 2940 619 0939 7053 >16 8605 5365 563 0453 3827 5442 5255 3224 930C )17 5341065 7797 2857 6202 7787 7570 5507 633 1557 )18 3523 549 0228 5260 8576 5920132 9884 7790 3809 19 5982 2659 7663 578 0950 2476 606 2198 620 0073 6059 20 8440 5090 5640066 3323 4819 4511 2355 8310 21 535 0898 7520 2467 5696 7163 6824 4636 6340559 22 3355 9950 4869 8069 9505 9136 6917 2808 23 5812 550 2379 7270 579 0440 593 1847 607 1447 9198 5057 24 8268 4807 9670 2812 4189 3758 621 1478 7305 25 536 0724 7236 565 2070 5183 6530 6069 3757 9553 26 3179 9663 4469 7553 8871 8379 6036 6351800 27 5634 551 2091 6868 9923 5941211 608 0689 8314 4046 28 8089 4518 9267 580 2292 3550 2998 6220592 6292 29 537 0543 6944 566.1665 4661 5889 5306 2870 8537 30 2996 9370 4062 7030 8228 7614 5146 636 0782 31 5449 5521795 6459 9397 595 0566 9922 7423 3026 32 7902 4220 8856 5811765 2904 609 2229 9698 5270 33 538 0354 6645 567 1252 4132 5241 4535 623 1974 7513 34 2806 9069 3648 6498 7577 6841 4248 9756 35 5257 553 1492 6043 8864 9913 9147 6522 637 1998 36 7708 3915 8437 5821230 5962249 610 1452 8796 4240 37 5390158 6338 568 0832 3595 4584 3756 6241069 6481 38 2608 8760 3225 5959 6918 6060 3342 8721 39 5058 5541182 5619 8323 9252 8363 5614 6380961 40 7507 3603 8011 5830687 597 1586 611 0666 7885 3201 41 9955 6024 569 0403 3050 3919 2969 625 0156 5440 42 540 240:' 8444 2795 5412 6251 5270 2427 7678 43 4851 555 0864 5187 7774 8583 7572 4696 9916 44 7298 3283 7577 5840136 598 0915 9873 6966 639 2153 45 9745 5702 9968 2497 3246 612 2173 9235 4390 46 541 2191 8121 570 2357 4857 5577 4473 626 1503 6626 47 4637 5560539 4747 7217 7906 6772 3771 8862 48 7082 2956 7136 9577 599 0236 - 9071 6038 6401097 49 9527 5373 9524 585 1986 2565 613 1369 8305 3332 50 542 1971 7790 571 1912 4294 4893 366( 627 0571 5566 51 4415 557 0206 4299 6652 7221 5964 2837 7799 52 6859 2621 6686 9010 9549 8260 5102 641 0032 53 9302 5036 9073 5861367 600 1876 6140556 7366 2264 54 5431744 7451 572 1459 3724 4202 2852 9631 4496 55 4187 9865 3844 6080 6528 5147 628 1894 6728 56 662 558 2279 6229 8435 8854 7442 4157 8958 57 9069 4692 8614 587 0790 601 1179 9736 6420 -6421189 58 544151C 7105 5730998 3145 3503 615 2029 8682 3418 59 3951 9517 3381 5499 5827 4322 0943 5647 60 6390 5591929 5764 7853 8150 6615 629 3204 7876 f s-^s~* 57 . .x-v^^^/'x^' 56 "S^^N^^V^^ 1 ^. 55 X"V J /~^^"S^/- 54 >^S-*^.S-^^S~^S 53 ~^s~*^^~^s-^ 52 51 50 N^^-S^-^- /r^^S NAT. COSINB. NAT. 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COSINE. 100 NAT. SINE. -^X J X^^/^>^S^,^^^X^S J X 1 > l _y^N^,^X^^- V 67 (18 ' { ( t 62 63 04 65 66 07 68 882 9476 .891 0065 898 7940 9063078 913 5455 920 5049 '.127 1889 1 883 0841 1385 9215 4307 6637 6185 2928 2 2206 2705 899 0489 5535 7819 7820 4016 3 3569 4024 1763 6762 9001 8455 51 U4 4 4933 5342 3035 7989 914 0181 9580 6191 5 62-J5 6C59 4307 9215 I3t;i .921 0722 7277 6 7656 7975 5578 907 0440 2540 1854 8363 7 9017 9291 6848 1665 3718 2986 1)447 8 884 0377 892 0606 8117 2888 4895 4116 928 0531 9 1736 1920 0386 4111 6072 5246 1614 10 3095 3234 900 0654 5333 7247 6375 2696 11 4453 4546 1921 6554 8422 7504 3778 12 5810 5858 3188 7775 9597 8632 4858 13 7166 7169 4453 8995 915 0770 9758 5938 14 8522 8480 5718 908 0214 1943 922 0884 7017 15 9876 9789 6982 1432 3115 2010 8096 16 885 1230 893 1098 8246 2649 4286 3134 9173 17 2584 2406 9508 3866 5456 4258 929 0250 18 3936 3714 901 0770 5082 6626 5:J81 1326 19 5288 5021 2031 6297 7795 6503 2401 20 6639 6326 3292 7511 8963 7624 3475 21 7989 7632 4551 8725 916 0130 8745 4549 22 9339 8936 5810 9938 1297 9865 5622 23 886 0688 8940240 7068 9091150 2462 923 0984 6694 24 2036 1542 8325 2361 3627 2102 7765 25 3383 2844 9582 3572 4791 3220 8835 26 4730 4146 902 0838 4781 5955 4336 9905 27 6075 5446 2092 5990 7118 5452 930 0974 28 7420 6746 3347 7199 8279 6567 2042 29 8765 8045 4600 8406 9440 7682 3109 30 887 0108 9344 5853 9613 917 0601 8795 4176 31 1451 895 0641 7105 910 0819 1760 9908 5241 32 2793 1938 8356 2024 2919 924 1020 6306 33 4134 3234 9606 3228 4077 2131 7370 34 5475 4529 903 0856 4432 5234 3242 8434 35 6815 5824 2105 5635 6391 4351 9496 36 8154 7118 3353 6837 7546 5460 931 0558 37 9492 8411 4600 8038 8701 6568 1619 38 888 0830 9703 5847 9238 9855 7676 2679 39 2166 .896 0994 7093 911 0438 918 1009 8782 3739 40 3503 2285 8338 1637 2161 9888 4797 41 4838 3575 9582 2835 3313 925 0993 5855 42 6172 4864 904 0825 4033 4464 2097 6912 43 7506 6153 2068 5229 5614 3201 7969 44 8839 7440 3310 6425 6763 4303 9034 45 8890171 8727 4551 7620 7912 5405 932 01)79 46 1503 897 0014 5792 8815 9060 6506 1133 47 2834 1299 7032 912 0008 919 0207 7606 2186 48 4164 2584 8271 1201 1353 8706 8288 49 5493 3868 9509 2393 2499 9805 4290 50 6822 5151 905 0746 3584 3644 926 0902 5340 51 8149 6433 1983 4775 4788 2000 6390 52 9476 7715 3219 5965 5931 3096 7439 53 890 0803 8996 4454 7154 7073 4192 8488 54 2128 898 0276 5f 8S 8342 8215 5286 9535 55 3453 1555 6922 9529 9356 6380 933 0582 56 4777 2834 8154 913 0716 920 0496 7474 1628 57 6100 4112 9386 1902 1635 8566 2673 58 7423 5389 906 0618 3087 2774 9658 3718 59 8744 6665 1848 4271 3912 927 0748 4761 60 891 0065 7940 3078 5455 5049 1839 5804 / 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 NAT. COSINE. NAT. SINE. 101 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 933 5804 939 6926 945 5186 951 0565 956 3048 961 2617 965 9258 6846 7921 6132 1464 3898 3418 966 0011 7888 8914 7078 2361 4747 4219 0762 8928 9907 8023 3258 5595 5019 1513 9968 940 0899 8968 4154 6443 5818 2263 934 1007 1891 9J11 5050 7290 6616 3012 2045 2881 946 0854 5944 8136 7413 3761 3082 3871 1795 6838 8981 8210 4508 4119 4860 2736 7731 9825 9005 5255 5154 5848 3677 8623 957 0669 9800 6001 6189 6835 4616 9514 1512 9620594 6746 7223 7822 5555 952 0404 2354 1387 7490 8257 8808 6493 1294 3195 2180 8234 9289 9793 7430 2183 4035 2972 8977 935 0321 941 0777 8366 3071 4875 3762 9718 1352 1760 9301 3958 5714 4552 967 0459 2382 2743 947 0236 4844 6552 5342 1200 3412 372A 1170 5730 7389 6130 1939 4440 4705 2103 6615 8225 6917 2678 5468 5686 3035 7499 9060 7704 3415 6495 6665 3966 8382 9895 8490 4152 7521 7644 4897 9264 958 0729 9275 4888 8547 8621 5827 953 0146 1562 963 0060 5624 9571 9598 6756 1027 2394 0843 6358 936 0595 942 0575 7684 1907 3226 1626 7092 1618 1550 8612 2786 4056 2408 7825 2641 2525 9538 3664 4886 3189 8557 3662 3498 9480464 4542 5715 3969 9288 4683 4471 1389 5418 6543 4748 968 0018 5703 5444 2313 6294 7371 5527 0748 6722 6415 3237 7170 8197 6305 1476 7740 7386 4159 8044 9023 7081 2204 8758 8355 5081 8917 9848 7858 2931 9774 9324 6002 9790 959 0672 8633 3658 937 0790 943 0293 6922 954 0662 1496 9407 4383 1806 1260 7842 1533 2318 964 0181 5108 2820 2227 8760 2403 3140 0954 5832 3833 3192 9678 3273 3961 , 1726 6555 4846 4157 949 0595 4141 4781 2497 7277 5858 5122 1511 5009 5600 3268 7998 6869 6085 2426 5876 6418 4037 8719 7880 7048 3341 6743 7236 4806 9438 8889 8010 4255 7608 8053 5574 969 0157 9898 8971 5168 8473 8869 6341 0875 938 0906 9931 6080 9336 9684 7108 1593 1913 944 0890 6991 955 0199 0499 7873 2309 2920 1849 7902 1062 960 1312 8638 3025 3925 2807 8812 1923 2125 9402 3740 4930 3764 9721 2784 2937 965 0165 4453 5934 4720 950 0629 3643 3748 0927 5167 6938 5675 1536 4502 4558 1689 5879 7940 6630 2443 5361 5368 2449 6591 8942 7584 3348 6218 6177 3209 7301 9943 8537 4253 7074 6984 3968 8011 939 0943 9489 5157 7930 7792 472b 8720 1942 945 0441 6061 8785 8598 5484 9428 2940 1391 6963 9639 9403 6240 970 0135 3938 2341 7865 956 0492 961 0208 6996 0842 4935 3290 8766 1345 1012 7751 154S 5931 4238 9866 2-197 1815 8505 2253 6926 5186 951 0565 3048 2617 9258 2957 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 NAT. COSINE. NAT. SINE. ' 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 970 2957 974 3 7 01 978 1476 981 6272 9848 078 9876 883 9902 681 1 36.;o 4355 2080 6826 582 9877 338 9903 085 2 4363 5008 2684 7380 9849 086 792 489 3 5065 5660 3287 7933 589 9878 245 891 4 5766 6311 3889 8485 9850 091 697 9904 293 5 6466 6962 4490 9037 593 9879 148 694 6 7165 7612 5090 9587 9851 093 599 9905 095 7 7863 8261 5689 982 0137 593 9880 048 494 8 8561 8909 6288 0686 9852092 497 893 9 9258 9556 6886 1234 590 945 9906290 10 9953 975 0203 7483 1781 9853087 9881 392 687 11 9710649 0849 8079 2327 583 838 9907 083 12 1343 1494 8674 2873 9854 079 9882 284 478 13 2036 2138 9268 3417 574 728 873 14 2729 2781 9862 3961 9855 068 9883 172 9908 266 15 3421 3423 979 0455 4504 561 615 659 16 4112 4065 1047 5046 9856 053 9884 057 9909 051 17 4802 4706 1638 5587 544 498 442 18 5491 5345 2228 6128 9857 035 939 832 19 6180 5985 2818 6668 524 9885 378 9910 221 20 6867 6623 3406 7206 9858 013 817 610 21 7554 7260 3994 7744 501 9886 255 997 22 8240 7897 4581 8282 988 692 9911 384 23 8926 8533 5167 8818 9859 475 9887 128 770 24 9610 9168 5752 9353 960 564 9912 155 25 972 0294 9802 6337 9888 9860445 998 540 26 0976 976 0435 6921 983 0422 929 9888 432 923 27 1658 1067 7504 0955 9861 412 865 9913 306 28 2339 1699 8086 1487 894 9889 297 688 29 3020 2330 8667 2019 9862 375 728 9914 069 30 3699 2960 9247 2549 856 9890 159 449 31 4378 3589 9827 3079 9863 336 588 828 32 5056 4217 980 0405 3608 815 9891 017 9915 206 33 5733 4845 0983 4136 9864 293 445 584 34 6409 5472 1560 4663 770 872 961 35 7084 6098 2136 5189 9865 246 9892 298 9916337 36 7759 6723 2712 5715 722 723 712 37 8432 7347 3286 6239 9866 196 9893 148 9917 086 38 9105 7970 3860 6763 670 572 459 39 9777 8593 4433 7286 9867 143 994 832 40 973 0449 9215 5005 7808 615 9894416 9918 204 41 1119 9836 5576 8330 9868 087 838 574 42 1789' 977 0456 6147 8850 557 9895 258 944' 43 2458 1075 6716 9370 9869 027 677 9919 314 44 3125 1693 7285 9889 496 9896 096 682 45 3793 2311 7853 9840407 964 514 9920 049 46 4458 2928 8420 0924 9870 431 931 416 47 5124 3544 8986 1441 897 9897 347 782 48 5789 4159 9552 1956 9871 363 762 9921 147 49 6453 4773 981 0116 2471 827 9898 177 511 50 7116 5386 0680 2985 9872 291 590 874 51 7778 5999 1243 3498 754 9899003 9922 237 52 8439 6611 1805 '4010 9873 216 415 599 53 9100 7222 2366 4521 678 826 959 54 9760 7832 2927 5032 9874 138 9900 237 9923 319 55 -974 0419 8441 3486 5542 598 646 679 56 1077 9050 4045 6050 9875 057 9901 055 9924 037 57 1734 9658 4603 6558 514 462 394 58 2390 978 0265 5160 7066 972 869 751 59 3046 0871 5716 7572 9876 428 9902 275 9925 107 60 3701 1476 6272 8078 883 681 462 ' 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 NAT. COSINE. NAT. SINE. ( / 83 84 85 86 87 8b m < o 9925 462 9945 219 9961 947 9975 641 9986 295 44 9940 246 783 286 751 176 55 892 S 45 563 9958 049 502 917 290 620 905 ( 46 880 315 717 9984 OS1 404 680 917 S 4 " 9941 195 580 931 245 517 74 928 ( 48 510 844 9973 145 408 629 80 939 \ 49 823 9959 107 357 570 740 86" 949 50 9942 136 370 569 731 861 92" 958 51 448 Q31 780 891 960 98 966 52 760 892 990 9985 050 9993 069 9998 044 973 53 '9943 070 9960 152 9974 199 209 177 10 979 54 379 411 408 367 284 15 985 55 688 669 615 524 390 21 989 56 996 92f 822 680 495 26 993 57 9944 303 9961 183 9975 028 835 eoo 32 996 58 609 438 233 989 704 37 998 59 914 693 437 9986 143 806 42 1-0000 000 60 9945 219 947 641 295 908 47 000 / 6 5 4 3 90 1 NAT. COSINE. 104 NAT. TAN. / 1 2 3 j 4 5 6 7 1 000 0000 017 4551 034 920S 052 4078 -069 9268 -087 4887 105 1042 1227846 1 2909 7460 035 2120 6995-0702191 7818 3983 1230798 2 5818 018 0370 50313 9912 5115-0880749 69-25 3752 3 8727 3280 7945 053 2829 8038 3681 986b 6705 4 -001 1636 6190 036 0858 5746 -071 0961 6612 106 2808 965S 5 4544 9100 3771 8663 3885 9544 5750 124iitii-J 6 7453 019 2010 6683 0541581 6809-0892476 8692 5566 7 002 0362 4920 9590 4498 9733 5408 107 1634 8520 8 3271 7830 037 2500 74160722657 8341 4576 125 1474 9 6180 020 0740 5422 055 0333 5581 090 1273 7519 4429 10 9089 3850 8335 3251 8505 4200 108 0462 7384 11 003 1998 6560 038 124S 6169-0731430 7138 3405 1260339 12 4907 9470 4161 9087 4354 091 0071 634S 32^34 13 7816 021 2330 7074 056 2005 7279 3004 9291 6249 14 0040725 5291 9988 4923 -074 0203 5938 109 2234 9205 15 3634 8201 Oa9 2901 7841 3128 8871 5178 127 2161 16 6542 0221111 5814 057 0759 605.3 092 1804 8122 5117 17 9451 4021 8728 3678 8979 4738 1101060 8073 18 005 2360 6932 0401641 6596 -OT5 1904 7672 4010 128 1030 19 52G9 9842 4555 9515 4829 093 0606 6955 3986 20 8178 023 2753 7469 058 2434: 7755 3540 9899 6943 21 006 1087 5663 041 0383 5352:0760680 6474 111 2844 9900 22 3996 8574 3296 8271 3606 9409 5789 129 2858 23 6905 0241484 6210 059 1190 6532 094 2344 8734 6315 24 9814 4395 9124 4109 9458 5278 1121680 8773 25 007 2723 7305 0422038 7029-077 2384 8213 4625 130 1731 26 5632 0250216 4952 9348 5311 095 1148 7571 4630 27 8541 3127 7866 080 2807 8237 4084 113 0517 7648 ) 28 008 1450 6038 0430781 5787 078 1164 7019 3463 131 0607 S 29 4360 8948 3695 8706 4090 9955 6410 3566 )30 7269 026 1859 6609 061 1626 7017 096 2890 9356 6525 )31 009 0178 4770 9524 4546 9944 5826 1142303 9484 <32 3087 7681 044 2438 7466 0792871 8763 5250 132 2444 ( 33 5996 027 0592 5353 062 0386 5798 097 1699 8197 5404 < 34 8905 3503 8268 3306 8726 4635 1151144 8364 ( 35 010 1814 6414 045 1183 6226 080 1653 7572 4092 133 1324 ) 30 4724 9325 4097 9147 4581 038 0509 7039 4285 ) 37 7633 028 2236 7012 063 2067 7509 3446 9387 7246 Sas 0110512 5148 9927 4988 081 0437 6383 116*2936 134 0207 39 3451 8059 046 2842 7908 3365 9320 5884 3168 40 6361 0290970 5757 064 0829 6293 099 2257 8832 6129 S 41 9270 3882 8673 3750 9221 5194 117 1781 9031 ( 42 012 2179 6793 047 1588 6671 082 2150 8133 4730 135 2053 ( 43 5088 9705 4503 9592 5078 1QQ1071 7679 5015 <44 7998 0302616 7419 065 2513 8007 4009 118 062S T978 (4-5 013 03-07 5528 0480334 5435 083 0936 6947 S578 1360940 >46 3817 8439 3250 8356 3865 9886 652.S 3903 >47 6726 031 1351 6160 066 1278 6794 101 2824 9478 6866 43 9635 4263 9082 4199 9723 5J63 1192428 9830 49 014 2545 7174 043 1997 7121 084 2653 8702 5378 137 2793 50 5454 0320086 4313 067 0043 5583 1021641 8329 5757 51 8364 2998 7829 2965 8512 4580 120 1279 8721 52 015 1273 5910 050 0743 5887 -085 1442 7520 4230 138 1685 53 4183 8822 3662 8809 4372 1030460 718:2 4650 54 7093 '033 1734 6578 068 1732 7302 3393 1210133 7615 55 016 0002! 4648 9495 4654 0860233 6340 3085 139 0580 56 2312 7ff>S 051 2 til 7577 3163 9280 6036 3545 57 5821-0340471 532 0690493 6094 -1042220 8988 6310 58 8731 3333 824^ 3422 9025 5161 12219-41 9476 59 017 1641 62J5 052 1161 6345 087 1956 8101 4893 1402442 60 4551 9203 4)7* 9258 4887 105 1042 7846 5408 / <-^/~> 89 w'-^^_^_^ 88 87 "^ ^\^^\X^N 85 85 *~S^-S~^S~**_S 84 -S_X-N_X-X^^N. 83 '~s^\x-^x-\ 82 ^-^^-N^-\^^ NAT. COTAN, NAT. TAN. 105 / 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 i 15 O -140540S 158 3844 176 3270 194 3803 212 5566 -23 3 8682 249 3280 -267 9492 60) 1 8U75 6826i 6269 6822 8606 -231 1746 6370 -268 2610 69) 2 -141134- 98 J9 9209 9841 213 1647 4811 9460J 5728 58 \ 3 430,^ 159 2791 177 2269 195 2861 4688 7876 250 2561 8847 57 ( 4 727 1 5774 5270 5881 7730-2320941 5642 -269 1987 56 ( 5 -142024o 8757 8270 8901 2140772 4007 87341 5087 55 ( 6 3211 1601740 1781271 196 192-2 38141 7073 251 1826 8207 54.) ( 7 6179 4724 4273 4943 6857 -233 0140 4919: -270 1328 53 ) 8 9147 7708 7274 7964 9900 3207 8012 4449 52) 9 143 2116 161 0692 179 0276 197 098t 215 2941 6274 252 1106 7571 51) 10 5084 3677 3279 4008 59881 9342 4200 271 0694 50 ) 11 8053 6662 6281 7031 9032 -234 2410 7294! aS17 49 12 144 10-2-2 9647 92S4 198 0053 216 2077 5479 253 0389) 6940 48 13 3991 1622632 180 2287 3076 5122 8548 3484-2720064 47 14 6961 5618 5291 6100 8167 235 1617 6580J 3188 46 (U 9931 8603 8295 9124 217 1213 4687 9676 6313 45 (16 145 2i>Jl 1631590 181 1299 199 2148 4259 7758 2542773) 9438 44) ? 5872 4576 4303 5172 7306 2360829 5870 -273 2564 43) ;18 8842 7563 7308 8197 218 0353 3900 8968: 5690 42 ) )19 146 1813 1640550 1820313 200 1222 3400 6971 255 2066 8817 41 S $20 4784 3537 3319 4248 6448 237 0044 5165-2741945 40.) 21 7756 6525 6324 7274 9496 3116 8264 5072 39 ) 22 147 0727 9513 9330 201 0300 219 2544 6189 256 1363 820L 38) 23 3699 165 2501 183 2337 3327 5593 9262 4463 -275 1330 37 ( 24 6672 5489 5343 6354 8643 238 2336 7564 4459 36 ( 25 9644 8478 8350 9381 2201692 5410 257 0664 7589 35> 26 148 2617 166 1467 1841358 202 2409 4742 8485 3766 2760719 34) 27 5590 4456 4365 5437 7793 239 1560 6868 3850 33) 28 8563 7446 7373 8465 221 0844 4635 9970 6981 32) S 29 149 153b 167 0436 1850382 203 1494 3895 7711 258 3073 277 0113 31 , ) 30 4510 3426 3390 4523 6947 2400788 6176 3245 30 ) ) 31 7484 6417 6399 7552 9999 3864 9280 6378 29 ) <32 150 0458 9407 9409 204 0582 222 3051 6942 259 2384 9512 28 (83 3433 168 2398 1862418 3612 6104 241 0019 5488 278 2646 27 ?34 6408 5390 5428 6643 9157 3097 8593 5780 26 35 9383 8381 8439 9674 223 2211 6176 260 1699 8915 25 36 151 2358 169 1373 187 1449 205 2705 5265 9255 4805 279 2050 24 37 5333 4366 4460 5737 8319 242 2334 7911 5186 23 38 8309 7358 7471 8769 2241374 5414 261 1018 8322 22 39 152 1285 170 0351 188 0483 2061801 4429 8494 4126 280 1459 21 40 4262 3344 3495 4834 7485 2431575 7234 4597 20 S 41 7238 6338 6507 7867 225 0541 4656 262 0342 7735 19 ( 42 1530215 9331 9520 207 0900 3597 7737 3451 281 0873 18 ( 43 3191 171 2325 189 2533 3934 6654 2440819 6560 4012 17 < 44 6170 5320 554r 6968 9711 3902 9670 7152 16 ) 45 914" 8314 8559 208 0003 226 2769 6984 263 2780 2820292 is ; 46 154 212, 172 1309 190 1573 3038 5827 245 0068 5891 3431 14) 47 510, 4304 4587 6073 8885 3151 9002 6573 13 48 808 7300 7602 9109 227 1944 6236 264 2114 971a 12 49 155 106 173 0296 191 0617 209 214o 5003 9320 5226 283 2857 11 ) 50 404 3292 3631 5181 8063 246 2405 8339 5999 10 ( 51 701 6288 6648 8218 228 1123 5491 265 1452 9143 9 ( 52 999 9285 9664 210 1255 4184 8577 4566 284 228C 8 ( 53 156 297 174 2282 192 2680 4293 7244 247 1663 7680 5430 7 I 54 595 5279 5696 7331 229 0306 4750 2660794 857o 6 / 55 893 8277 8713 211 0869 3367 7837 3909 285 1720 5 ) 56 157 191 175 1275 193 1731 340" 6429 248 0925 7025 4866 4 y 57 490 4273 4748 6446 9492 4013-267 0141 8012 3 > 58 788 7272 7766 948f 230 2555 7102 3257 2861159 2 ( 59 158 086. 176 0271 194 0784 212 2525 5618 249 0191 6374 430e 1 ( 60 384 3270 3803 5566 8682 3280 9492 7454 ?. / 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 / NAT. COTAN. NAT. TAN. 16 17 18 19 20 21 3 446 2747 3705 8133 6252 8293 4504 5144 6020490 57 ) 4 6236 7250 489 1737 9919 -533 2029 8311 9027 4454 56 ) 5 9726 -468 0796 5343 511 3588 5765 556 2119 -579 2912 8419 55 ) 6 447 3216 4342 8949 7259 9503 5929 6797 603 2386 54 \ 7 6708 7890 490 2557 512 0930 534 3242 9739 -580 0684 6354 53 ( 8 448 0200 '469 1439 6166 4602 6981 557 3551 4573 6040323 52 9 3693 4988 9775 8275 535 0723 7364 8462 4294 51 ( 10 7187 8539 -491 3386 513 1950 4465 5581179-5812353 8266 50 11 449 0682 470 2090 6997 5625 8208 4994 6245 6052240 49 12 41781 5643-4920610 9302 536 1953 8811 -582 0139 6215 48 13 76751 9196 4224 514 2980 5699 559 2629 4034 6060192 47 14 450 117 3 ' -471 27 51 7838 6658 9440 6449 7930 4170 46 15 4672 6306 493 1454 515 0338 537 3194- 5600269 583 1828 8149 45 16 8171 9863 5071 4019 6943 4091 5726 6072130 44 17 451 1672 -472 3420 8689 7702 538 0694 7914 9627 6112 43 18 51731 6978 494 2308 516 1385 4445 561 1738 584 3528 6080095 42 19 8676 473 0538 5928 5069 8198 5564 7431 4080 41 20 452 2179 4098 9549 8755 539 1952 9391 585 1335 8067 40 21 5683 7659 495 3171 517 2441 5707 562 3219 5241 609 2054 39 22 9188 4741222 6794 6129 9464 7048 9148 6043! 38 23 453 2694 4785 4960418 9818 540 3221 563 0879 586 3056 6100034 37 24 6201 8349 4043 518 3508 6980 4710 6965 4026 1 36 25 9709 475 1914 7669 7199 541 0740 8543 587 0876 8019 35 26 454 3218 5481 497 1297 519 0891 4501 5642378 4788 6112014' 34 27 6728 9048 4925 4584 8263 6213 8702 6011| 33 28 455 0238 476 2616 8554 8278 542 2027 565 0050 588 2616 612 0008 ' 32 29 3750 6185 498 2185 520 1974 5791 3888 6533 4007 31 30 7263 9755 5816 5671 9557 7728 589 0450 8008 30 31 456 0776 477 3326 9449 9368 543 3324 5661568 4369 613 2010 ' 29 32 4290 6899 499 3082 521 3067 7092 5410 8289 6013 28 33 7806 478 0472 6717 6767 5440862 9254 590 2211 614 0018 27 34 457 1322 4046 500 0352 522 0468 4632 567 3098 6134 4024 26 35 4839 7621 3989 4170 8404 6944 591 0058 8032 25 36 8357 479 1197 7627 7874 545 2177 568 0791 3984 615 2041 24 37 458 1877 4774 501 1266 523 1578 5951 4639 7910 6052 23 38 5397 8352 4906 5284 9727 8488 592 1839 6160064 22 39 8918 480 1932 8547 8990 546 3503 569 2339 5768 4077 21 40 459 2439 5512 502 2189 524 2698 7281 6191 9699 8092 20 41 5%2 9093 5832 6407 547 1060 570 0045 5933632 617 2108 19 42 9486 481 2675 9476 525 0117 4840 3899 7565 6126 18) 43 460 3011 6258 503 3121 3829 8621 7755 594 1501 618 0145 17 ; 44 6537 9842 6768 7541 548 2404 571 1612 5437 4166 16 45 461 0063 482 3427 5040415 526 1255 6188 5471 9375 8188 15 ( 46 3591 1 7014 4063 4969 9973 9331 595 3314 619 2211 14 ( 47 7119 -483 0601 7713 8685 549 3759 572 3192 7255 6236 13 48 462 0649 4189 505 1363 527 2402 7547 7054 596 1196 620 0263 12 49 4179 7778 5015 6120 550 1335 573 0918 5140 4291 11 50 7710 j'484 1368 8668 9839 5125 4783 9084 8320 10 51 4631243 4959 5062322 528 3560 8916 8649 597 3030 621 2351 9 52 47761 8552 5977 7281 551 2708 574 2516 6978 6383 8 53 8310 j'485 2145 9633 529 1004 6502 6385 598 0926 622 0417 7 ) 54 464 1845 5739 507 3290 4727 552 0297 575 0255 4877 4452 6) 55 5382 9334 6948 8452 4093 4126 8828 8488 5< 56 8919 '-486 2931 508 0607 530 2178 7890 7999 599 2781 6232527 4{ 57 4652457| 6528 4267 5906 553 1688 576 1873 6735 6566 3? 58 5996 -487 0126 7929 9634 5488 5748 600 0691 624 0607 2,' 59 9536 3726 509 1591 -531 3364 9288 9625 4648 4650 1 ) 60 466 3077 7326 5254 7094 554 3091 577 3503 8606 8694 ) i / 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 / \ NAT. COTAN. 108 NAT. TAN. (* ' 32 33 1 34 35 36 37 38 39 \ 624 8694 6494076-6745085 700 207? 726 5425 7535541 781 2856 8097840 ( 1 625 2739 8212 9318 6411 9871 754 0102 754-2 810 2658 2 678t; 650 2350 675 3553 701 0749 727 431!- 4666 782 2229 7478 3 6260834 6490 7790 5089 8767 9232 6919 811 2300 4 4884 651 0631 676 2028 9430 728 321 f 755 3799 7831611 7124 5 8935 4774 6268 702 3773 7671 8369 6305 812 1951 6 627 2988 8918 677 0509 8118 729 2125 756 2941 784 1002 6780 7 704-2 652 3064 4752 703 2464 65S2 7514 5700 813 1611 8 628 1098 7211 8997 6818 730 1041 757 2090 7850400 6444 9 5155 653 1360 678 3243 704 1163 5501 6668 5103 814 1280 10 9214 5511 7492 5515 9963 758 1248 9808 6118 11 629 3274 9663 679 1741 986^- 731 4428 5829 7864515 815 0958 12 7336 654 3817 5993 705 4224 8894 7590413 9224 5801 13 630 1399 7972 680 0246 8581 -732 3362 4999 787 3935 816 064t 14 5464 655.2129 4501 7062940 7832 9587 8649 5493 15 9530 6287 8758 7301 733 2303 7604177 788 3364 817 0343 16 631 3598 6560447 681 3016 707 1664 6777 8769 8082 5195 17 7667 4609 7276 6028 7341253 761 3363 789 2802 818 0049 18 632 1738 8772 682 1537 708 039, c 5730 7959 7524 4905 19 5810 657 2937 5801 4762 735 0210 762 2557 790 2248 9764 20 9883 7103 683 0066 9133 4691 7157 6975 819 4625 21 633 3959 6581271 4333 709 3504 9174 763 1759 791 1703 9488 ) 22 8035 5441 8601 7878 736 3660 6363 6434 8204354 ) 23 634 2113 9612 684 2-871 710 2253 8147 764 0969 792 1167 9222 s 24 6193 6593785 7143 663C 737 2636 5577 5902 821 409:'. . 25 .635 0274 7960 6851416 711 1009 7127 765 0188 793 0640 8965 26 4357 -660 2136 5692 539C 738 1620 4800 5379 822 3840 27 8441 6313 9969 9772 6115 9414 794 0121 8718 28 636 2527 661 0492 686 4247 7124157 739 0611 766 4031 4865 .823 3597 29 6614 4673 8528 854? 5110 8649 9611 8479 30 637 0703 8856 687 2810 713 2931 9611 767 3270 795 4359 824 3364 31 4793 662 3040 7093 7320 740 4113 7893 9110 8251 32 8885 7225 688 1379 7141712 8618 768 2517 796 3862 825 3140 33 638 2978 663 1413 5666 eioe 741 3124 7144 8617 8031 34 7073 5601 9955 715 0501 7633 769 1773 797 3374 826 2925 35 639 1169 9792 689 4246 489F 742 2143 6404 8134 7821 36 5267 664 3984 8538 9297 6655 770 1037 798 2895 827 2719 37 9366 8178 690 2832 716 3698 7431170 5672 7659 7620 38 640 3467 665 2373 7128 8100 5686 771 0309 799 2425 828 2523 39 7569 6570 691 1425 717 2505 744 0204 4948 7193 7429 40 641 1673 66607691 5725 6911 4724 9589 800 1963 829 2337 41 5779 4969 6920026 718 1319 9246 772 4233 673f 7247 42 9886 9171 4328 5729 745 3770 8878 8011511 830 216U 43 642 3994 667 3374 8633 719 0141 8296 773 3526 6288 7075 (44 8105 7580 .693 2939 4554 746 2824 8176 802 1067 831 1992 45 643 2216 6681786 7247 897C 7354 774 2827 5849 6912 46 6329 5995 694 1557 720 3387 747 1886 7481 803 063L 832 1834 47 .6440444 669 0205 5868 780P 6420 775 2137 5418 6759 48 4560 4417 695 0181 721 2227 748 0956 6795 804 020r 8331686 49 8678 8630 4496 6650 5494 7761455 4997 6615 50 645 2797 670 2845 8813 722 107;' 7490033 6118 9790 8341547 )51 6918 7061 .696 3131 5501 4575 777 0782 805 4584 6481 )52 6461041 671 1280 7451 993( 9119 5448 9382 835 1418 (53 5165 5500 697 1773 723 4361 750 3665 7780117 8064181 6357 (54 9290 9721 6097 879r 8212 4788 8983 8361298 C 55 647 3417 6723944-6980422 7243227 751 2762 9460 807 3787 6242 56 7546 8169 4749 7 (it;: 7314 7794135 8593 837 1188 57 648 167P 673 2396 9078 725 2101 752 1867 8812 808 3401 6136 58 5808 6624 -699 3409 6540 6423 780 3492 821-2 838 1087 59 9941 6740854! 7741 726098L 753 0981 8173 809 302f 6041 60 649 4076 5085 -700 2075 5425 5041 781 2856 784( 839 0996 / 67 56 55 54 53 52 | 51 50 NAT. COTAN. NAT. TAN. 109 )/ 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 / j) ) o 839 0996 869 2867 900 4040 932 5151 965 6888 00 00000 03 55203 07 23687 30> ) 1 595o 7976 9309 J33 C591 966 2511 05819 61333 29943 39) ) 2 840 0915 870 3087 901 458G 6034 8137 11642 67367 36203 $ ) 3 5878 8200 98,54 9341479 967 3767 17469 73404 42467 37) s 4 841 0844 871 3316 902 5131 6928 9399 23298 79445 48734 36 ( 5 5812 8435 903 0411 935 2380 968 5035 29131 85489 55006 35( ( 6 84207*2 872 3556 5C9S 7834 969 0674 34968 91538 61282 54 c 35 599- 887 3215 919 0104 7326 985 5603 1-02 05723 68544 45002 OK) -58 868 265 899 351 931 428 565 837 4325 11187 93140 2) Syc 776 877 971 965 126 .999 418 4927 1743 99630 1 (ec 869 286 900 404 932 515 688 1-000 000 5530 2368 1-11 06125 / / 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 490 / 10 NAT. COTAN. 110 NAT. TAN. / 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 1-11 06125 1-15 03684 1-19 17536 1-23 48972 1-27 99416 1-32 70448 1-37 63819 1 12624 10445 2457y 66319 1-28 07094 78483 72242 2 19127 17210 31626 63672 14776 86524 80672 ; 3 25635 23979 38679 71030 22465 94571 89108 4 32146 30754 45736 78393 30160 1-33 02624 97551 : 5 38662 375:52 62799 85762 37860 10684 1-38 06001 6 45182 44316 69866 93136 45566 18750 14458 7 51706 61104 66938 1-24 00515 63277 26822 22922 8 58235 57896 74015 07900 60995 34900 31392 9 64768 64693 81097 16290 68718 42984 39869 10 71305 71495 88184 22685 76447 51075 48353 11 77846 78301 95276 30086 84182 59172 56844 12 84391 85112 1-20 02373 37492 91922 67276 65342 13 90941 91927 09475 44903 99669 75386 73847 14 97495 98747 16581 52320 1-2907421 83502 82358 15 11204053 1-16 05571 23693 59742 15179 91624 90876 16 10616 12400 30810 67169 22943 99753 99401 17 17183 19334 37932 74602 30713 1-34 07888 1-3907934 18 23754 26073 45058 82040 38488 16029 16473 19 30329 32916 52190 89484 46270 24177 25019 20 36909 39763 59327 96933 54057 32331 33571 21 43493 46615 66468 1-25 04388 61850 40492 42131 22 50081 53472 73615 11848 69649 48658 50698 23 56674 60334 80767 19313 77454 56832 59272 24 63271 67200 87924 26784 85265 65011 67852 25 69872 74071 95085 34260 93081 73198 76440 26 76478 80947 1-21 02252 41742 1-30 00904 81390 85034 27 83088 87827 09424 49229 08733 89589 93636 28 89702 94712 16601 56721 16567 97794 1-40 02245 29 96321 1-17 01601 23783 64219 24407 1-3506006 10860 30 113 02944 08496 30970 71723 32254 14224 19483 31 09571 15395 38162 79232 40106 22449 28113 32 16203 22298 45359 86747 47964 30680 36749 33 22839 29207 52562 94267 65828 38918 45393 34 29479 36120 59769 1-26 01792 63699 47162 54044 35 36124 43038 66982 09323 71575 55413 62702 36 42773 49960 74199 16860 79457 63670 71367 37 49427 56888 81422 24402 87345 71934 80039 38 56085 63820 88650 31950 95239 80204 88718 39 62747 70756 95883 39503 1-31 03140 88481 97405 40 69414 77698l'2203121 47062 11046 96764 1-41 06098 41 76086 84644 10364 54626 18958 1-36 05054 14799 42 82761 91595 17613 62196 26876 13350 23506 43 89441 98551 24866 69772 34801 21653 32221 44 96126 1-1805512 32125 77353 42731 29963 40943 45 1-14 02815 12477 39389 84940 50668 38279 49673 46 09508 19447 46658 92532 58610 46602 58409 47 16206 26422 53932 1-27 00130 66559 64931 67153 48 22908 33402! 61211 07733 74513 63267 75904 49 29615 40387 68496 15342 82474 71610 84662 50 36326 47376 76786 22957 90441 79959 93427 51 43041 54370 83081 30578 98414 88315 1-42 02200 52. 49762 61369 90381 38204 1-32 06393 96678 10979 53 56486 68373 97687 45835 14379 1-37 05047 19766 54 . 63215 75382 1-23 04997 53473 22370 13423 28561 55 69949 82395; 12313 61116 30368 21806 37362 56 76687 89414! 19634 68765 38371 30195 46171 57 83429 96437 26961 76419 46381 38591 54988 58 90176 1-19 03465 34292 84079 54397 46994 63811 59 96928 10498' 41629 91745 62420 65403 72642 60 11-1503684 17 536 ! 48972 99416 70448 63819 81480 I / 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 NAT. COTA^. NAT. TAN. Ill ; / 50 56 57 58 59 J 60 61 / ( 1-42 81480 1-48 25610 .-5:'9SC50 1-60 03345 1-66427 5 7320508 1-8040478 60 ) 1 9032t 34911 1-5408,60 137 OJ 53766 32149 52800 59 ) 2 99175- 44231 18280 24082 64748 43803 65256 58 S 3 1-430803, 53554 2!SlOiS 34405 75741 55468 77604 57 S 4 1690i 62884 3V 940 4485S 80744 67144 90086 56 ( 5 257 SI 72223 47792 55260 97758 78833 1-8102521 55 S 6 3 !''<' , 81570 57047 65t>72 1-67 08782 90533 14909 54 ( 7 43554 9092i, 07510 76094 19818 74 02245 27430 53 ) 8 5245, 1-49 002^ 77383 86525 30864 13969 39J04 52 ( 9 6135* 09651 87204 96966 41921 25705 52391 51 ) 10 7026i 1903i; 97155 1-61 07417 52988 37453 64892 50 11 79l8i 2842i 1-55 07054 17878 64067 49213 77405 49 12 88114 3782. 16963 28349 ^5156 60984 89932 48 13 9704^ 4722;" 26880 38829 86256 72768 1-8202473 47 14 1-440599J 5663^ 36800 49320 97307 84564 15026 46 15 14941 6605!- 46741 59820 1-68 08489 96371 27593 45 16 2389, 7548( 56085 70330 19621 1-75 08191 40173 44 17 3286. 84923 66639 80850 30765 20023 52707 43 18 4183. 9436^ 76001 91380 41919 31866 65374 42 19 50814 1-50 03821 86572 1-62 01920 53085 43722 77994 41 20 59801 13282 96552 12469 64261 55590 90628 40 21 6879C 22751 1-56 06542 23029 75449 67470 1-8303275 39 22 7779.^ 3222,- 10540 33599 86647 79362 15936 38 23 8680,^ 4171< 26548 44178 97856 91207 28610 37 24 9582 51210 36564 547 68 1-69 09077 1-7603183 41297 36 25 1-45 04850 607 lo 4G590 65368 20308 15112 53999 35 26 13883 70224 56625 75977 31550 27053 66713 34 27 22923 7974:; 66669 86597 42804 39007 79442 33 28 31971 89271 76722 97227 540C9 50972 92184 32 29 41027 98807 86784 1-63 07867 65344 62950 1-84 04940 31 30 50090 1-51 08352 96856 18517 76631 74940 17709 30 31 59161 17905 1-57 06936 29177 87929 86943 30492 29 32 68240 2746*. 17026 39847 99238 98958 43289 28 33 77326 37031 27126 50528 1-70 10559 1-77 10985 56099 27 34 86420 46614 37234 61218 21890 23024 68923 26 35 9552J 56201 47352 71919 33233 35076 81761 25 36 1-4604632 65796 57479 82630 44587 47141 94613 24 37 1374,' 7540D 67615 93351 55953 59218 1-85 07479 23 38 22874 85012 77700 1-64 04082 67329 71307 20358 22 i 39 32007 94632 87915 14824 78717 83409 33252 21 40 41147 1-52 04261 98079 25576 90116 95524 46159 20 41 50296 13899 1-58 08253 36338 1-71 01527 1-78 07651 59080 19 42 59452 23545 18436 47111 12949 19790 72015 18 43 686ie 33200 28628 57893 24382 31943 84965 17 44 77788 42863 38830 68687 35827 44107 97928 16 45 86967 52535 49041 79490 47283 56285 1-86 10905 15 46 96155 62215 59261 90304 58751 68475 23896 14 47 1-47 05350 71904 69491 1-65 01128 70230 80678 36902 13 48 14553 81602 79731 11963 81720 92893 49921 12 49 23764 91308 89979 22808 93222 1-79 05121 62955 11 50 32983 1-53 01023 1-59 00238 33663 1-72 04736 17362 76003 10 N 51 42210 10746 10505 44529 16261 29616 89065 9 N 52 51445 20479 20783 55405 27797 41883 1-87 02141 8 ( 53 606S8 30219 31070 66292 39346 54162 15231 7 ( 54 69938 39969 41366 77189 50905 66454 28336 6 / 55 79197 49727 51672 88097 62477 78759 41455 5 ) 56 88463 59494 61987 99016 74060 91077 54588 4 ) 57 97738 69270 72312 1-66 09945 85654 1-80 03408 67736 3 S 58 1-48 07021 79054 82647 20884 97260 15751 80898 2 S 59 16311 88848 92991 31834 1-73 08878 28108 94074 1 ( 60 i 25610 98650 1-60 03345 42795 20508 40478 1-88 07265 ( ' 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 ' NAT. COTAN. 112 NAT. TAN. 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 1-88 07265 96 26105 05 03038 2-14 45069 24 60368 35 58524 47 50869 20470 40227 18185 613M 77962 77590 71612 330'JO 54364 33349 77683 95580 96683 92386 46924 68518 48531 94021 25 13221 3615801 4813190 60172 82688 63732 2-15 10378 30885 34946 34023 73436 96874 78950 26757 48572 54118 54887 86713 97 11077 94187 43156 66283 73316 75781 1-89 00006 25296 06 09442 59575 84016 92540 96706 13313 39531 24716 76015 2601773 37 11791 49 17660 26635 53782 40008 92476 19554 31068 38645 39971 68050 55318 2-16 08958 37357 60372 59661 53322 82334 70646 25460 55184 69703 80707 66688 96635 85994 41983 73035 89060 5001784 80068 98 10952 07 01359 58527 90909 38 08444 22891 93464 25286 16743 75091 27 08807 27855 44029 1-90 06874 39636 32146 91677 26729 47293 65198 20299 54003 47567 2-17 08283 44674 66758 86398 33738 68387 63007 24911 62643 86250 51 07629 47193 82787 78465 41559 80636 39 05769 28890 60663 97204 93942 58229 98653 25316 50183 74147 99 11637 08 09438 74920 28 16693 44889 71507 87647 26087 24953 91631 34758 64490 92863 1-91 01162 40554 40487 2-18 08364 52846 84118 52 14249 14691 55038 56039 25119 70959 40 03774 35667 28236 69539 71610 41894 89096 23457 57117 41795 84056 87200 58691 29 07257 43168 78598 55370 98590 09 02809 75510 25442 62906 2-53 00111 68960 00 13142 18437 92349 43651 82672 21655 82565 27710 34085 2-19 09210 61885 2-41 02465 43231 96186 42295 49751 26093 80143 22286 64839 1-92 09821 56897 65436 42997 98425 42136 86479 23472 71516 81140 59923 30 16732 62013 2-54 08151 37138 86153 96864 76871 35064 81918 29855 50819 01 00806 2-10 12607 93840 53420 2-42 01851 51591 64516 15477 28369 2-20 10831 71801 21812 73359 78228 30164 44150 27843 90206 41801 95160 91956 44869 59951 44878 2-31 08637 61819 2-55 16992 1-93 05699 59592 75771 61934 27092 81864 38858 19457 74331 91611 79012 45571 2-4301938 60756 33231 89088 2-11 07470 96112 64076 22041 82686 47020 2-02 03862 23348 2-21 13234 82606 42172 2-56 04649 60825 18654 39246 30379 2-32 01160 62331 26645 74645 33462 55164 47545 19740 82519 48674 88481 48289 71101 64733 38345 2-44 02736 70735 1-9402333 63133 87057 81944 56975 22982 92830 16200 77994 2-12 03034 99177 75630 43256 2-57 14957 30083 92873 19030 2-22 16432 94311 63559 37118 43981 2-0307769 350461 33709 2-33 13017 83891 59312 57896 22683 510821 51009 31748 2-45 04252 81539 71826 37615 67137 68331 50505 24642 2-58 03800 85772 52565 83213! 85676 69287 45061 26094 99733 67532 99308 2-23 03043 88095 65510 48421 1-95 13711 82517 2-13 15423 20433 2-34 06928 85987 70782 2770 97519 3155S 37845 25787 2.46 06494 93177 41713 2-04 12540 47714 t 55280 44672 27030 2-59 15606 5573 27578 63890 72738 63582 47596 38068 6978 42634 80085 90218 82519 68191 60564 8383 57708 963012-2407721 2-35 01481 88816 83095 9791 72800 2-141253' r 25247 20469 2-47 09470 2-60 05659 1-96 1200 8791 2879J J 42796 39483 30155 28258 2610 2-05 0303 4506< ) 60368 58524 50869 50891 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 NAT. COTAN. NAT. TAN. 113 ) / 69 70 71 7'2 73 74 75 2-60 50S91 2-74 74774 2-90 42109 3-07 76835 3-27 08526 3-48 74144 3-73 20508 1 73558 996CI 69571 3-08 07325 42588 3-4912470 C3J80 2 9G259 2-75 24588 97089 37869 7L715 50874 3-74 07546 3 2-61 18995 49554 2-91 24649 68468 3-28 10907 89356 51207 4 41766 74561 52256 99122 45164 3-50 27916 94963 5 64571 99608 79909 3-09 29831 7^87 1 66555 3-75 38815 I 6 87411 2-76 24695 2-92 07610 60596 3-291?o76 3-51 05273 82763 ( 7 2-62 10286 49822 35358 91416 48330 44070 3-76 20807 ) 8 33196 74990 63152 3-10 222^1 82851 82946 70947 ) 9 56141 2-77 00199 90995 53223 3-30 17438 3-52 21902 3-77 15185 10 79121 25448 2-93 18885 84210 52091 60938 59519 11 2-6302136 50738 46822 311 15254 86811 3-53 00054 3-78 03951 12 25186 76069 74807 46353 3-31 21598 39251 48481 13 48271 2-78 01440 2-94 02840 77509 56452 78528 93109 14 71332 26853 30921 3-12 08722 91373 3-54 17886 3-79 37835 15 94549 52307 59050 39991 3-32 26362 57325 82661 16 2-6417741 7 7 802 87227 71317 61419 96846 3-80 27585 17 40969 2-79 03339 2-95 15453 3-13 02701 96543 3-55 36449 72609 18 64232 28917 43727 34141 3-33 31736 1 76133 3-81 17733 19 87531 54537 72050 65639 66997 3-56 15900 62957 20 2-65 10867 80198 2-96 00422 97194 3-34 02326 55749 3-82 08281 21 34238 2-8005901 28842 3-14 28807 37724 95681 53707 22 57645 31646 57312 60478 73191 : 3-57 35696 99233 23 81089 57433 85831 92207 3-35 08728 ! 75794 3-8344^61 24 2-66 04569 83263 2-97 14399 3-15 23994 44333 13-5815975 90591 25 28085 2'81 09134 43016 55840 80008 56241 3-84 3(424 26 51638 35048 71683 87744 3-36 15753 96590 82358 27 76227 61004 2-98 00400 3-16 19706 51568 3-59 37024 3-85 28396 28 98853 87003 29167 51728 87453 77543 74537 i 29 2-67 22516 2-82 13045 57983 83808 3-37 23408 3-60 18146 3-86 20782 30 46215 39129 86850 3-17 15948 59434 58835 67131 31 69951 65256 2-99 15766 48147 95531 99609 3-87 13584 32 93725 91426 44734 80406 3-38 31699 3-61 40469 60142 33 2-68 17535 2-83 17639 73751 3-18 12724) 67938 81415 3-88 OG805 34 413^3 43896 3-00 02820 451023-3904249 3-62 22447 53574 33 65267 70196 S1939 77540 40631 63566 3-89 00448 36 89190 96539 61109 3-19 10039 77085 3-6304771 47429 37 2-69 13149 2-84 22926 90330 425983-4013612 46064 94516 38 37147 49356 3-01 19603 75217 50210 87444 3-90 41710 39 61181 75831 48926 3-20 07897 86882;3-6428911 89011 40 85254 2-85 02349 78301 40638 3-41 23626 70467 3-91 36420 41 2-70 09364 28911 3-02 07728 73440 60443 3-65 12111 83937 42 33513 . 55517 37207 3-21 063041 97333 53844 3-9231563 43 57699 82168 66737 392283-4234297 95665 79297 44 81923 2-86 08863 96320 72215 71334 3-66 37575 3-93 27141 45 2-71 06186 35602 3-03 25954 3-22052633-4308446 79575 75094 46 304S7 62386 55641 38373 45631 3-67 21665 3-94 23157 47 54826 89215 85381 71546 82891 63845 71331 48 79204 2-87 16088 3-04 15173 3-23047803-4420226 3-68 06115 3-95 19615 49 2-72 03620 43007 45018 38078 57635 48475 68011 50 28076 69970 74915 71438 95120 90927 3-96 16518 51 52569 96979 3-05 04866 3-24 04860 3-45 32679 3-69 334t>9 65137 52 77102 2-88 24033 34870 38346 70315 76104 3-97 13868 53 2-73 01674 51132 64928 71895 3-4608026 3'70 18830 62712 54 26284 78277 95038 3-2505508 45813 61648 3-98 11669 55 50934 2-89 05467 3-06 25203 39184 836763-7104558 60739 56 75623 32704 55421 72924 3-47 21616 47561 3-99 09924 57 2-74 00352 59986 85694 3-2606728, 59632 90658 59223 58 25120 87314 3-07 1CO-20 40596 97726 3-7233847 4-00 08636 59 49927 2-90 14688 46400 74;V29 3-48 35896 77131 58165 60 74774 42109 76835 3-2708526 74144 3'73 2Q508 4-01 07809 / 20 ^~*~^~^^-^ 19 ^^-s^s~^^-^. 18 17 ~*^-S~^-S-^-S-^-S' 16 15 14 NAT. COTAN. 114 NAT. TAN. 76 77 78 7 ( J 80 81 82 /[ 4-01 07809 33 14759 70 46301 5-1 445540 6 712818 6-3 137515 7'1 153697 60 ) 57570 72316 71 13686 525557 809446 250G01 304190 59 ; 4-02074-46 34 30018 81256 605813 906394 376126 455308 58 ) 67440 87866 72 49012 686311 7 003663 496092 607056 57 ) 4-03 07550 35 45861 73 16954 767051 101256 616502 759437 56 \ 57779 36 04003 85083 848035 199173 737359 912456 55 ( 4-04 08125 62293 74 53401 929264 297416 858665 7-2066116! 54 ( 585'dO 37 20731 75 21907 2 010738 395988 980422 220422 53 ( 4-05 09174 79317 90603 092459 494,889 6-4102633 375378! 52 ) 59877 4-38 38054 76 59490 174428 594122 225301 530987 51 ) 4-06 10700 96940 4-77 28568 256647 693688 348428 687255 50 ) 61643 4-39 55977 97837 339116 793588 472017 844184 49 ) 4-07 12707 4-40 15164 4-78 67300 421836 893825 596070 7-3 001780 48 ) 63892 74504 4-79 36957 504809 994400 720591 160047 47 ^ 4-08 15199 4-41 33996 4-80 06808 588035 5-8 095315 845581 318989 46 \ 66627 93641 76854 671517 196572 971043 478610 45 ( 4-09 18178 4-42 53439 4-81 47096 755255 298172 6-5 096981 638916 44 ( 69852 4-43 13392 4-82 17536 839251 400117 223396 799909 43 ( 4-10 21649 73500 88174 923505 502410 350293 961595 42 ) 73569 4-44 33762 4-83 59010 5-3 008018 605051 477672 7-4123978 41 4-1125614 94181 4-8430045 092793 708042 605538 287064 40 77784 4-45 54V 56 4-85 01282 177830 811386 733892 450855 39 4-12 30079 4-46 15489 72719 263131 915084 862739 615357 38 82499 76379 4-86 44359 348696 5-9 019138 992080 780576 37 4-13 35046 4-47 37428 4-87 16201 434527 123550 6-6 121919 946514 36 87719 98636 88248 520626 228322 252258 7-5113178 35 4-14 40519 4-48 60004 4-88 60499 606993 333455 383100 280571 34 93446 4-49 21532 4-89 32956 693630 438952 514449 448699 33 4-15 46501 83221 4-90 05620 780538 544815 646307 617567 32 99685 4-50 45072 78491 867718 651045 778677 787179 31 4-16 52998 4-51 07085 4-91 51570 955172 757644 911562 957541 30 4-17 06440 69261 4-92 24859 5-4 042901 864614 6-7 044966 7-6 128657 29 60011 4-52 31601 98358 130906 971957 178891 300533 28 4-18 13713 94105 4-93 72068 219188 6-0 079676 313341 473174 27 67546 4-53 56773 4-94 45990 307750 187772 448318 646584 126 4-19 21510 4-54 19608 4-95 20125 396592 296247 583826 820769 25 75606 82608 94474 485715 405103 719867 995735 24 4-20 29835 4-55 45776 4-96 69037 575121 514343 856446 7-7 171486 23 84196 4-56 09111 4-97 43817 664812 623967 993565 348028 22 4-21 38690 72615 4-98 18813 754788 733979 6-8 131227 525366 21 93318 4-57 36287 94027 845052 844381 269437 703506 20 4-22 48080 4-58 00129 4-99 69459 935604 955174 408196 882453 19 4-23 02977 64141 5-0045111 5-5 026446 6-1 066360 547508 7-8 062212 18 58009 4-59 28325 5-01 20984 117579 177943 687378 242790 17 4-24 13177 92680 97078 209005 289923 827807 424191 16 68482 4-60 57207 5-0273395 300724 402303 968799 606423 15 4-25 23923 4-61 21908 5-0349935 392740 515085 6-9 110359 789489 14 79501 86783 5-04 26700 485052 628272 252489 973396 13 4-26 35218 4-62 51832 5-05 03690 577663 741865 395192 7-9 158151 12 91072 4-63 17056 80907 670574 855867 538473 343758 11 4-27 4706C 82457 5-06 58352 763786 970279 682335 530224 10 4-28 03199 4-64 48034 5-07 36025 857302 6-2085106 62678J 717555 9 59472 4-65 13788 5-08 13928 951121 200347 971806 905756 8 4-29 15885 79721 92061 5-6045247 310007 7-0 117441 8-0 094835 7 72440 4-66 45832 5-09 70426 139681 432086 263662 284796 6 4-30 2913f 4-67 12124 5-10 49024 234421 548588 410482 475647 5 85974 78595 5-11 27855 329474 665515 557905 667394 4 4-31 42955 4-08 4524S 5-12 06921 424838 782868 705934 860042 3 4-32 00079 i:'G9 12083 86224 5205K 900(if>l 854573 8-1 053599 2 57347 79100 5-13 65763 616509 6-3 018866 7-1 003826 248071 1 4-3314759 4-70 46301 5-14 45540 71281S 137515 153697 443464 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 ' NAT. COTAN. NAT. TAN. 115 / 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 1443464 5 143645 11.430052 4-S00666 L9-081137 S-636253 57-289962 1 639786 410613 468474 360C96 187930 877089 58-261174 2 837041 679068 507154 421230 295922 9-122006 59-265872 3 2 035239 949022 546093 482273 405133 371106 60-305820 4 234384 6220486 585294 543833 515584 C24499 61-382905 5 434485 493475 624761 605916 627296 882299 62-499154 6 635547 768000 664495 668529 740291 30-144619 63-656741 7 837579 9-7 044075 704500 731679 854591 411580 64-858008 8 8-3 040586 321713 744779 795372 970219 683307 66-105473 9 244577 600927 785333 859616 20-087199 959928 67-401854 10 449558 881732 826167 924417 205553 31-241577 68-750087 (11 655536 9-8 164140 867282 989784 325308 528392 70-153346 (12 862519 448166 908682 5*055723 446486 820516 71-615070 / 13 8-4 070515 733823 950370 122242 569115 32-118099 73-138991 ) 14 279531 9-9 021125 992349 189349 693220 421295 74-729165 ) 15 489573 310088 12.034622 257052 818828 730265 76-390009 ) 16 700651 600724 077192 325358 945966 33-045173 78-126342 17 912772 893050 120062 394276 21-074664 366194 79-943430 18 8-5 125943 10-018708 163236 463814 204949 693509 81-847041 19 340172 048283 206716 533981 336851 34-027303 83-843507 20 555468 078031 250505 604784 470401 367771 85-939791 21 771838 107954 294609 676233 605630 715115 88-143572 22 989290 138054 339028 748337 742569 35-069546 90-463336 23 8-6207833 168332 383768 821105 881251 431282 92-908487 24 427475 198789 428831 894545 22-021710 800553 95-489475 25 648223 229428 474221 968667 163980 36-177596 98-217943 26 870088 260249 519942 16-043482 308097 562659 101-10690 27 8-7 093077 291255 565997 118998 454096 956001 104-17094 28 317198 322447 612390 195225 602015 37-357892 107-42648 < 29 542461 353827 659125 272174 751892 768613 110-89205 30 768874 385397 706205 349855 903766 38-188459 114-58865 31 996446 417158 753634 428279 23-057677 617738 118-54018 32 8-8 22518t 449112 801417 507456 213666 39-056771 122-77396 33 455103 481261 849557 587396 371777 505895 127-32134 34 686206 513607 898058 668112 532052 965460 132-21851 35 918505 546151 946924 749614 694537 40-435837 137-50745 36 8-9 152009 578895 996160 831915 859277 917412 143-23712 37 38672( 611841 13-045769 915025 24-026320 41-410588 149-46502 38 622668 644992 095757 998957 195714 915790 156-25908 39 859843 678348 146127 17-083724 367509 42-433464 163-70019 40 9-0 098261 711913 196883 169337 541758 964077 171-88540 41 337933 745687 248031 255809 718512 43-508122 180-93220 42 578867 779673 299574 343155 897826 44-066113 190-98419 43 821074 '813872 351518 431385 25-079757 638596 202-21875 44 9-1 064564 848288 403867 520516 264361 45-226141 214-85762 S45 309348 882921 456625 610559 451700 829351 229-18166 46 55543C 917775 509799 701529 641832 46-448862 245-55198 47 802838 952850 563391 793442 834823 47-085343 264-44080 43 9-2 051564 988150 617409 886310 26-030736 739501 286-47773 49 30162" 11-023676 671856 980150 229638 48-412084 312-52137 50 553035 059431 726738 18-074977 431600 49-103881 343-77371 51 805802 095416 782060 170807 636690 815726 381-97099 52 9-3059936 131635 837827 267654 844984 50-548506 429-71757 53 315450 168089 894045 365537 27-056557 51-303157 491-10600 54 572355 204780 950719 464471 271486 52-080673 572-95721 55 83066S 241712 14-007856 564473 489853 882109 687-54887 56 9-4 090384 278885 065459 665562 711740 53-708587 859-43630 57 351531 316304 123536 767754 937233 54-561300 1145-9153 58 6141K 353970 182092 871068 28-166422 55-441517 1718-8732 59 878149 391885 241134 975523 399397 56-350590 3437-7467 60 9.5 14364. 430052 300666 19-081137 636253 57-289962 Infinite. / 6 5 4 3 2 1 NAT. COTAN. 116 COMPARISON OF FRENCH AND ENGLISH BAROMETERS. 21-693 ! 733 772 811 851 23-662 701 741 780 819 859 898 937 23-977 24-016 25-630 670 709 748 788 827 867 906 945 25-985 27-599 638 677 717 756 | 795 835 874 914 953 764 803 843 882 921 930 21-909 22-009 048 / 508 i 20-000 ( 509 -040 / 510 -079 26.024 063 i 103 142 181 221 ! 260 300 339 ! 378 27-992 28-032 071 110 150 189 229 268 307 347 512 551 591 630 670 709 748 788 906 945 20-985 21-024 063 103 142 181 221 266 875 914 953 22-993 23-032 071 111 150 189 229 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 843 882 922 961 25-000 040 079 118 158 197 811 851 890 930 26-969 27-008 048 087 126 166 28-977 29-016 055 095 134 173 213 252 292 331 370 410 449 300 339 378 417 457 496 536 575 614 654 205 245 284 323 363 402 441 481 520 559 5041 647 544 i 648 583 649 622 650 1 Metre = 39-3707 English inches = 443-296 Paris lines. 1 English foot = 0-304794 metre, = 135-114 Paris lines. 1 French foot = 1-0658 English feet = 0-32484 metre. TABLE OF CHORDS TO A RADIUS OP UNITY. 117 /-**~s-^^-^-^ D. M. VX-N^X~s^^\ Chords. D.M. Chords D. M. Chords. D.M. Chords. D.M. Chords. < 5 0015 9 1569 18 3129 27 4669 36 6180 10 0029 10 1598 10 3157 10 4097 10 6208 20 0058 20 1627 20 3186 20 4725 20 6236 30 0087 30 1656 30 3215 30 4754 30 6263 40 0116 40 1685 40 3244 40 4782 40 6291 50 0145 50 1714 50 3272 50 4810 50 6318 1 0175 10 1743 19 3301 28 4838 37 6346 10 0204 10 1772 10 3330 10 4867 10 6374 20 0233 20 1801 , 20 3358 20 4895 20 6401 30 0262 30 1830 30 3387 30 4923 30 6429 40 0291 40 1859 40 3416 40 4951 40 6456 50 0320 50 1888 50 3444 50 4979 50 6484 2 0349 11 1917 20 3473 29 5008 38 6511 10 0378 10 1946 10 3502 10 5036 10 6539 20 0407 20 1975 20 3530 20 5064 20 6566 30 0436 30 2004 30 3559 30 5092 30 6594 40 0465 40 2033 40 3587 40 5120 40 6621 50 0494 50 2062 50 3616 50 5148 . 50 6649 3 0523 12 2091 21 3645 30 5176 39 6676 < 10 0553 10 2119 10 3673 10 5204 10 6703 20 0582 20 2148 20 3702 20 5233 20 6731 30 0611 30 2177 30 3730 30 5261 30 6758 40 0640 40 2206 40 3759 40 5289 40 6786 50 0669 50 2235 50 3788 50 5317 50 6813 4 0698 13 2264 22 3816 31 5345 40 6840 10 0727 10 2293 10 3845 10 5373 10 6866 20 0756 20 2322 20 3873 20 5401 20 6895 30 0785 30 2351 30 3902 30 5429 30 6922 40 0814 40 2380 40 3930 40 5457 40 6950 50 0843 50 2409 50 3959 50 5485 50 '6977 5 0872 14 2437 23 3987 32 5513 41 7004 ( 10 0901 10 2466 10 4016 10 5541 10 7031 20 0931 20 2495 20 4044 20 5569 20 7059 30 0960 30 2524 30 4073 30 5597 30 7086 40 0989 40 2553 40 4101 40 5625 40 7113 50 1018 50 2582 50 4130 50 5652 50 7140 6 1047 15 2611 24 4158 33 5680 42 7167 < 10 1076 10 2639 10 4187 10 5708 10 7194 20 1105 20 2668 20 4215 20 5736 20 7222 30 1134 30 2697 30 4244 30 5764 30 7249 40 1163 40 2726 40 4272 40 5792 40 7276 50 1192 50 2755 50 4300 50 5820 50 7303 7 1221 16 2783 25 4329 34 5847 43 7330 10 1250 10 2812 10 4357 10 5875 10 7357 20 1279 20 2841 20 4386 20 5903 20 7384 30 1308 30 2870 30 4414 30 5931 30 7411 40 1337 40 2899 40 4442 40 5959 40 7438 50 1363 50 2927 50 4471 50 5986 50 7465 8 1395 17 2956 26 4499 '35 6014 44 7492 10 1424 10 2985 10 4527 10 6042 10 7519 20 1453 20 3014 20 4557 20 6070 20 7546 30 1482 30 3042 30 4584 30 6097 30 7573 40 1511 40 3071 40 4612 40 6125 40 7600 50 1540 50 3100 50 4641 50 6153 50 7627 , 118 TABLE OF CHORDS TO A RADIUS OF UNITY. D. M. Chords I). M. Chords, 1 D. M. Jhords 1>. .M. Chords. D. M. Chords. 45 7054 54 9080 ' 63 1-0450 72 1-1756 81 1-2989 10 7081 10 9106 1 10 1-0475 10 1-177D 10 1-3011 20 7707 20 9132 ; 20 1-0500 20 1-1803 20 30 7734 30 D157 ; 30 1-0524 30 1-1826 30 1-3055 40 7761 40 9183 40 1-0549 40 1-1850 40 1-3077 50 7788 50 0209 60 1-0574 50 1-1873 50 1-3099 46 7815 55 9235 64 1-0598 73 1-1896 82 1-3121 10 7841 10 9201 10 1-0623 10 1-1920 10 1-3143 20 7868 20 92*7 20 1-0648 20 1-1943 20 1-3165 30 7895 30 1)312 : 30 1-0672 30 1-1966 30 1-3187 ( 40 7922 40 40 1-0697 40 11990 40 1-3209 ( 50 7948 50 9364 50 1-0721 50 1-2013 50 1-3231 I 47 7975 56 9389 65 1-0746 74 1-2036 83 1-3252 ( . 10 8002 10 9415 10 1-0771 10 1-2060 10 1-3274 ( 20 8028 20 9441 20 1-0795 20 1-2083 20 1-3296 < 30 8055 30 9466 30 1-0819 30 1-2106 30 1-3318 ( 40 8082 40 9492 40 1-0844 40 1-2129 40 1-3339 50 8108 50 9518 50 1-0868 50 1-2152 50 1-3361 48 8135 57 9543 66 1-0893 75 1-2175 84 1-3383 10 8161 10 9569 10 1-0917 10 1-2198 10 1-3404 20 8188 20 9594 20 1-0942 20 1-2221 20 1-3426 30 8214 30 9620 30 1-0966 30 1-2244 30 1-3447 40 8241 40 9045 40 1-0990 40 1-2267 40 1-3469 50 8267 50 9671 50 1-1014 50 1-2290 50 1-3490 49 8294 58 9696 67 1-1039 76 1-2313 85 1-3512 10 8320 10 9722 10 1-1063 10 .1-2330 10 1-3533 20 8347 20 9747 20 1-1087 20 1-2359 20 1-3S55 30 8373 30 9772 30 1-1111 30 1-2382 30 1-3576 40 8400 40 9798 40 1-1136 40 1-2405 40 1-3597 50 8426 50 9823 50 1-1160 50 1-2428 50 1-3619 50 8452 59 9848 68 1-1184 77 1-2450 86 1-3640 10 8479 10 9874 10 1-1208 10 1-24-73 10 1-3661 20 8505 20 9899 20 1-1232 20 1-2496 20 1-3682 30 8531 30 9924 30 1-1250 30 1-2518 30 1-3704 40 8558 40 9950 40 1-1280 40 1-2541 40 1-3725 50 8584 50 9975 50 1-1304 50 1-2564 50 1-3746 ( > 51 8610 60 1-0000 69 1-1328 78 1-2586 87 1-3767 / 10 8636 10 1-0025 10 1-1352 10 1-21)09 10 .1-3788 , 20 8663 20 1-0050 20 1-1370, 20 1-2032 20 1-3809 30 8689 30 1-0075 30 1-1400 80 1-2654 30 1-3830 ( 40 8715 40 1-0101 40 1-1424 4o 1-2677 40 1-3851 < 50 8741 50 1-0126 50 1-1448 50 1-2699 50 1-3872 ( 52 8767 61 1-0151 70 1-1472 79 1-2722 88 1 1-3893 ( 10 8794 10 l-017f, 10 1-U95 10 1-2744 10 1-3914 ( 20 8820 20 1-0201 20 1-1519 20 1-270C, 20 1-3935 30 8846 30 1-0226 30 1-1543 80 1-2789 30 1-3956 v 40 SS72 40 1-0251 40 1-1 50,7 40 1-2811 40 1-3977 ( 50 8898 50 1-0276 50 1-1590 50 1-2833 50 1-3997 < 53 8924 62 1-0301 71 V1014 80 1-2866 89 1-4018 10 8950 10 1-0326 1( .44038 10 1-2878 10 1-4039 20 8976 20, 1-0: !:-,! 20 1-l.V.i 20 1-2900 20 1-4000 30 9002 X l-o:;75 30 1-1685 80 1-2922 30 1-40KO 40 9028 1-0400 40 l-170'.i 1-2045 40 1-4101 50 9054 1-0425 ' Chore 50 onto D 1-1732 eprrees 50 -1-4142 -< ^-^ -^ ^- 1-2967 50 1-4122 v~^ ^-jr- 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. REC'D JUN 25 1959 LD 21A-50m-8,'57 (C8481slO)476B General Library University of California Berkeley YA 1 7; UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY WM. SCJTMOLZ MATHEMATICAL MAJBZER. r No. 118 MONTGOMERY STREET, SA S " C.ISC< >.