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HIS LIFE-WORK AND • HIS LIBRARY, " That place that docs contain My Books, the best companions, is to me A glorious court, where hourly 1 converse With the old sages and philosophers."— F/e Executed at Salem for arson, 1821. 863 Vol. 13. 27 Tr. Cleaveland, Rev. Jno. 1799, etc., Cobb, Gen. David (Francis Baylies, with steel port.), Codman, Rev. Jno. (Storrs) ,CoFFiN, Cogswell, Colburn, Warren (steel port.). Cole, Collamer, Hon. Jacob, Cooper, Rev. Sam. (Clarke, 1783), Rev. Wm. (Colman, B., 1743), Coolidge, Collier, Colman, etc. 864 Vol. 14. 29 Tr. Coombs, Cotton, Courtney, Cowles, Cranch, Hon. Rich'd, Crane, Crocket, S. L. (Life, Trial, and Confession), Crosby, Cros well, Rev. H., Cro well, Crownin- SHIELD, Rich'd,! CuMMiNG, Alex. (Jos. Sewall, 1763). Memoir of the murderer of Capt. Jos. White, of Salem, In 1830. Crowninsbield com- mitted suicide in prison. 865 Vol. 15. 24 Tr. Cushman, Cutler, Rev. M. (Wads- worth), Curtis, Dallas, Hon. G. M., Dana, Rev. Jos., Rev. Saml., 5 54 CATALOGUE. Danforth, Davenport, Davidson, Davis, Hon. John, Thos. A., Daviess Joseph H. (Bledsoe). ^ 1 Col. Daviess, the gallant Kentuckian, was killed at the Battle of Tippecanoe, 1811. 866 Yol. 16. 29 Tr. Day, Jeremiah (Prest. Yale), Dayton, Dearborn, Gen. H. A. S. (Putnam) Sarah B., Dexter, Saml. (Hon. Jos. Story) 4 Tr., Dickinson, Dixon, Doane, Dodd, Doo- LiTTLE, Eev. B. (Ashley, 1749), Douglas, Stephen A. (John A. Dix, etc.), Downing, A. J. 867 Yol. 17. 20 Tr. Dunham, Du Ponceau, Dutch, Mrs., DuTTON, Eev. S. W. S., Duyckinck, G. L., Dvvight, Timo. (Spring, Stillman), Eastman, Eaton, Eckley, Eev. Jos., Ed- wards, Monroe (the forger), Eliot, And. (Peter Thacher, 1778), Eev. John (2). 868 Yol. 18. 23 Tr. Eliot, John^ (The Apostle), Saml. A., Ellis, Ellsworth, Ely, Emerson ,i Eev. W. (Buckminster) , Emery, Emmons, Eev. Nathl. (4), Eustis, Gov. Wm. (2). 1 Life by H. A. S. Dearborn. 2 Father of R. W. Emerson. 869 Yol. 19. 37 Tr. Everett, Edwd. (Todd, E. E. Hale, S. Osgood, Putnam, Ellis, E. H. Dana, etc., 9 tr.), Fairbanks, Earnham, Ealph (Soldier of Bunker Hill), Earrar, Hon. Timo., Farrington, Eayerweather, Mrs. (Eev. T. Prince, 1755), Fear- ing, Felton, C. C. (2), Field, Fish, Eev. E. (1795), Fisher, FiSKE, Gen. Jno. (Bentley), Fitzgerald, Fleming, etc. 870 Yol. 20. 30. Tr. Fletcher, Flint, Flynt, Henry (1^. Appleton, 1760), Follen, Eev. C, Foote, Henry L. (Murder of Miss Cooper), Forbes, Forman, Foster, Hon. Jed. (Fiske, 1799), etc., FoxcROFT, Thos. (C. Chauncy, 1769), Francis, Convers, Frederick, P. of Wales, 1751, Freeman, etc. 871 Yol. 21. 31 Tr. French, Frisbie, Frobisher, Frost, Saml. (on his Execution), Frothingham, Fuller, Amos, Eobt., Gage, Gates, Gallop (Checkley, S., 1765), Gannett, Gardi- ner, J. S. J., Senn. by Saml. West, 1785, Gay, Eev. Ebenr. (1787), Gee, Sarah (Thacher, 1730), George II, (Caner, 1761, Cooper, S. Davies (Prest. K. J. Coll.), Haven, S. (Portsmouth), May hew, Jona.) 872 Yol. 22. 24 Tr. George, Giles, Gill, Sarah (1771), GiLLETT, GiLMAN, GlRARD, Stephen, GODDARD, GOODALE, GOOD- RICH, Goodhue, Goodyear, Gore, Gov. Christopher (Green- wood), GoRHAM, :N'athl. (Thacher, 1796). 873 Yol. 23. 23 Tr. Gorton, Saml., Grafton, Grant, Graves, Gray, David,^ Edwd. (Serm. by C. Chauncy, 1757), Greene, Greenleaf, Greenwood, Eev. F. W. P., Gregg, Griffin, etc. 1 Saml. Phillipt.' Serm. on the Suicide of, Boston, 1767. 874 Yol. 24. 27 Tr. Griswold, Bishop, A. Y., Grosvenor, CATALOGUE. 55 Hale, J^Tathan, IIall, IIallfxk, Fitz Greene, (Cozzens, steel ports., Bryant), Hamilton, Gen. Alex. (E. Nott, 1804, H. G. Otis, Fisher Ames, Mason bef. Soc. of the Cincinnati), Hammond, Hanciiett, Hancock, Eev. Jno. (Serm. by Nath. Appleton, 1752), Gov. John (Thacher, 1793). 875 Vol. 25. 28 Tr. Harris, Rev. Wm. (1740), Thad. M. (4), T. W., Rev^ Walter, Harrison, Gen. W. H. (Adams, Bouton, Carpenter, Codman, Cooke, Crane, Damon, Farley, I^othingham, Goddard, Hall, Hadduck, Larrabee, etc.), 20 tr. 876 Vol. 26. 25 Tr. Harrison, Gen. W. H., 12 tr.. Hart, Rev. Levi, Hartshorn, Hartwell, Harvard, Haven, Hawes, Hawley. 877 Vol.27. 24 Tr. Hawkes;Hayne, Robt. T.,Haseltine; Heard; Henry (1714); Herrick, Ed. C, Hill; Hillhouse; Hilliard, Rev. Timo. (Jos. Willard, 1790) ; Hitchcock, Enos; Hobart, Rev. J. H. (Onderdonk, 1830); Holley, Prest. Horace (Pierpont); Holmes; Holton; Holyoke, Rev. E., Prest. of H. U. (Appleton, 1769), (Imperfect). 878 Vol. 28. 27 Tr. Hooker; Hooper, Robt. (Port.); Hop- kins, Mark, Rev. Saml.; Horton, Rev. Wm.; Howard, Eliz. (Rev. Simeon, 1777); Howe; Hoyt; Hubbard; Hughes; Hum- boldt, Baron von, etc. 879 Vol. 29. 31 Tr. Hunt, Rev. Jno. (Hooker, 1776); Hunt- ington, Gen. Jed., Rev. Joshua, Hon. Jabez (Hart 1786); Inger- so^l: Tngraham; Ives; Jackson, Gen. Andrew (Garland, Mer- rick, Woodbury, etc.); Francis, Jos. Rev. (Cushing, 1796), Patrick T. (J. A. Lowell), port. 880 Vol. 30. 28 Tr. Jefferson, Thos. Tater, Johnson, Bid- die; Jeffries, Dr. Jno.; Jewett: Jenkins; Johnston; Jones; JuDSON, Rev. Adoniram; Kane, E. K. (port.); Kent, Chancel- lor; Kellogg; Kennedy; Kidd, Wm. (the celebrated pirate); Kimball; King, Rev. T. Starr. 881 Vol. 31. 16 Tr. Kirkland, Rev. John T. (Parkman, Palfrey, Youngi); Knox, Gen. H. (Alden Bradford, 2 1800); La- fayette, Gen. (Eulogies by Everett, J. Q. Adams (3 eds.), etc. 1 Autograph of author. » Fun. Serm. at Thomaston. Pr eaentation copy from the author. 882 Vol. 32. 23 Tr. Lafayette, Gen.; (Gregg, Sprague, Caleb Cushing, Frothingham, Wylie, Upham, etc. 8 Tr.) Lane; Lathrop; Legare; Lamson; Landon, (Condy. 1747); Langdon, Gov. John; Lawrence, Capt. Jas. (Eulogy by Jos. Story, 1813); Lee, Arthur, Rev. Jos.; Leland, etc. 883 Vol. 33. 23 Tr. Leonard, Saml.i; Lewis, Ida (Newport) Thos.; Dr. Winslow (port.); Lincoln, Chas.; Lingan, Gen. Jas. M.2; Linsey, Wm. (Execution Serm. by Maccarty, 1770); 56 CATALOGUE Little, El)enr. (Jona. Parsons, 1768); Livermore, Geo. (Hale, Badger); Lloyd, Dr. Jas. (Gardiner); Long, Green H. (the arch- fiend); Lyman; Lord, Rev. Danl. M. ^ Of W. Springfield, Mass., who murdered his wife, and then committed suicide. » Murdered by the mob of 1812 in Baltimore. Address by G. W. P. Custis. 884 Yol. 34. 25 Tr. Lathrop, Rev. Jos.; Lawton; Law, Geo.; Lawrence, Amos, Abbott (port.); Leach; LoTHROP,Rev. Jno. (autog. of Abiel Holmes); Lovejoy, Rev. E. P.^, Owen, Lowell, Rev. Chas. 1 Killed by Alton mob, Nov. 7, 1837. 885 Vol. 35. 19 Tr. Lowell, Gen. Chas. R., Rev. Jno. (New- buryport. Tucker, 1767); John, ll.d.; Ludlow, Rev. John; LuNT, Rev. Wm. P.; Lyman, Rev. Isaac; Rev. Jos. Lyon, Gen. N. (port.); McCowN; McIntire. 886 Vol. 36. 25 Tr. McKean, Rev. Jos. ; McKinney, Rev. J. N. (port.); McLean, Hon. John, McLeod, Alexander Mac- whorten, Rev. Alex, (port.); Madison, Jas. (Barnard, J. Q. Adams); Mair, Rev. Hugh, Mann, Horace, Manning, Rev. Jas. (1791, Pres. R. I. Coll.); Marsh, E. G. (Tnno. Dwight), Rev. Jno.; Marshall, John (Chief Just., by Jos. Story); Martin. 887 Vol. 37. 22 Tr. Maria Louisa ; Mason, Rev. Chas. Jeremiah, J. M. ; Mather, Rich'd (will of); Mathew, Theobold (Father). Matignon, Rev. F. A.; Mayhew, Rev. Jona. (Jno. Browne, 1766), C. Chauncy, Ebenezer Gay; May; Mayo; Miller. 888 Yol. 38. 18 Tr. Mills, Henry (The Murderer); Miner, Amos (confession of) ; Mitchell; Monroe, Jas. (Jno. McLean, J. Q. Adams, etc.), Moody, Benj.; Moore. Sir Jno. (R. T. Paine); MoREAU, Gen. (Neuville), same, trans.; Morse; Murray, Rev. Jno. (1793). 889 Yol. 39. 36 Tr. Kash, Father (port.), :N'evins, Kew- hall, Newton, :N'ichols, Korthrop, Korton, Noyes, Rev. Nathl., Oberlin, J. F. (port.), Oliver,^ Danl., Mrs. Elizabeth, Olmstead; Orne, Azor (Hubbard, 1796), Osgood, Rev. David (Holmes), Otis, H. G., Packard, Paine, Rev. Josh. (Thacher, 1788), Thos. Robt. Treat, &c. 1 Two Sermons by Thos. Prince, 1727, 1732, with Elegy by Rev. Mather Byles ; another by Prince, 1735; another by Sylvanus Conant, 1768. (Autogs. of Warham, Williams, and Nath'l Emmons.) 890 Yol. 40. 23 Tr. Palmer, Parker, Rev. Nathan, Isaac (Palfrey), Rev. Jona. (Samson, 1776), Bishop Saml. (Gardiner, 1804), Theodore (Alger, Barnett, Hepworth, Mayo, Clarke), Park- man, George, Parsons, Rev. Jona. (Searle, 1776), Capt. Jona. (Newburyport, 1784), Rev. Moses (Tappan, 1783), Theophilus (Chief Justice) (by Judge Parker). 891 Yol. 41. 28 Tr. Partridge, Payson, Rev. Phillips (T. CATALOGUE. 57 Barnard, 1801), Peabody, Rev. E., George (4 Tr.) Pearce, Pearson, Pemberton, Penn, W., Pepperrell, Andrew (Ste- vens, 1752), Perkins, H. C, Thos. H. (port.), Perry, Petten- GiLL, Phelps. 892 Vol. 42. 24 Tr. Phillips, John, William, Lt. Gov., Saml. (Baldwin, Tappan), Pickering, Hon. Timo. (Upliam, W. H. Pres- cott), PiCKMAN, Pierce, Franklin, Rev. Jno., Pinkney, Wni. (Jared Sparks), Poindexter, Geo. (Duff Green), Polk, Jas. K. (Prest.). 893 Yol. 43. 24 Tr. Pomeroy, Pope, Porter, Rev. Eliph., Post, Potter, Bishop Alonzo (Penna.), C. E. (port.), Powers, Thos. (Noah Webster), Pratt, Prentiss, Rev. Thos., Prentice, Prescott, Wm. (Alex. Young), Wm. H. (Ellis, Bancroft, King, «fec.), Price, Eliz. (Chauncy, 1732), Prince, Rev. Jos. (Murray, 1791, port.). Rev. Jno. (C. W. Upham, port.). 894 Vol. 44. 22 Tr. Pruyn, Punchard, Putnam, Pym, John (1644, The Church's Lamentation), Quincy, Josiah (Gan- nett, &c.), Quitman, Jno. A. (Harris), Raleigh, Sir W. Ran- dolph, Jno., Raymond, Redfield, Reed, Wm., Rice, Rich, Richards (Haven, 1770). 895 Vol. 45. 24 Tr. Richardson, Rider, Ripley, Rev. Ezra, RoBBiNS, Nathl. (Thacher, 1795), Rogers, Romeyn, Rus- sell, Benj.^ (Baylies), James (Jed. Morse, 1798), John (1795), Thos. (Thacher, Morse, 1796). 1 The beat and almost the only memoir of the well-known founder of the Columbian Centinel. 896 Vol. 46. 22 Tr. Saltonstall, Sanborn, Sanford, Sargent, L. M. (port.), Scott, Gen. Winfield, Sir Walter, Sears, Senter, Sewall, Steph. (Jona. Mayhew, 1790), Shat- tuck, Shaw, Wm. (Execution Serm. by M. Baldwin, 1770), Sheldon. 897 Vol. 47. 30 Tr. Shepard, Sherwin, Shute (Rev. Danl. H. Ware), Silliman, Simonds, Eph. (Danl. Webster), Skerry, Skinner, Smith, Sebastian (Mellen, 1765), &c. 898 Vol. 48. 31 Tr. Snell, Snow, Southgate, Sparks, Jared (Newell, Trask, Mayer), Sparhawk, Spalding, Sprague, Judge (R. H. Dana), Spring, Saml. (Woods), Sproat, Rev. Jas. (1793), Spurzheim, Stearns, Steel (Colman, 1735-6). 899 Vol. 49. 26 Tr. Stiles, Rev. Prest. Y. C. (Patten, Dana, 1795), Stillman, Rev. S. (Baldwin), Stoddard, Simeon (B. Col- man, 17.30), Solomon (Williams, 1729), Stone, Storrs, Story, Joseph (Waterston, Greenleaf, Webster, Bobbins, &c.). Strong, Gov. Caleb (Alden Bradford, port.). 900 Vol. 50. 24 Tr. Strong, Stuart, Sturgis, Sullivan, Gov. Jas. (Buckminster), William, Rich'd, Sumner, Gov. Increase 58 CAIALOGUE. (Abiel Holmes, Porter, Thacher, 1799), Sweet, Swift, Symmes, Rev. Thos. (1726, imp.). 901 ■ Vol. 51. 17 Tr. Taylor, Gen. Z., Prest. 902 Vol. 52. 23 Tr. Tefft, Thacher, Rev. Peter (Wm. Em- erson, 1803), Thaxter, Thayer, Thom, Thomas, Thomson, L. (S. Spring, 1808), Thornton, Thurston, Tomlinson. 903 Vol. 53. 26 Tr. Torrey, Totten, Gen. J. G. (Gen. Barnard) , Trask, Trowbridge, Trumbull, Gov. Jona. (Timo. Dwight, Ely, 1785, same 1809), Tucker, Rev. Jno. (1792), Com. Sam'l (port.), Tuckerman, Henry T. (Duyckinck), Tyler, Pres't, Jno. 904 Vol. 54. 31 Tr. Upshur,* Abel P., Van Rensselaer, Stephen, Rev. Cortlandt, Van Santvoord (port ), Geo., Van Bu- REN, Martin, Vane, Sir H. (Drake), Van Vechten, Van Wyck, Vaughan, Wadsworth, Rev. B., Wolcott, Gov. Oliver (Backus, 1797), Waldo, Wales, Walker, Ward, Sam'l (Stillman, 1776), Artemas, A. H. (port.), etc. 1 Sec'y of State. Killed by the explosion of a gun on the frigate Princeton, 1844, 905 Vol. 55. 21 Tr. Ware, Rev. H. (4), Timo. (Forbes, 1769), Warren, John, m.d., Warwick, Earl of (Calamy, 1658), Wash- burn, Waters, Watson, Eliz. (Chandler Robhins, 1767), Col. George (Kendall, 1801), Webb, Rev. Jno. (And. Eliot, 1750), Web- ber, Rev. Sam'l, Prest. of H. C. (H. Ware, 1810). 906 Vol. 56. 35 Tr. Webster, John W.^ (Kirk), Welch, Weld, Rev. H. (Thacher, 1782), Dan'l (T. Starr King), Wells, Wesley, Rev. Jno. (1791). West, Rev. Sam'l, Wheaton, Wheeler, Wheelock, Jno., Prest. Dartmouth Coll. (Allen, 1817), Eleazer, Prest. (Allen), Whipple, Whitcomb, White (1799), Whitman, etc. » Executed in Boston for the murder of Dr. George Parkman. 907 Vol. 57. 23 Tr. Whitney, Whittelsey, Chas. (Dana, 1764) , Wiggles WORTH, Rev. Edwd. (Appleton, 1765), Michael (Cotton Mather, reprint), Wilcox, Wilder, Willard, Rev. Jos., Prest. H. Coll. (Holmes, 1801, Pearson, 1804). 908 Vol. 58. 26 Tr. Wilmans, C. H. (Baltimore, 1798), Wil- liams, Rev. E. (McClure, 1803), Rev. I^ehemiah (1797), Willis, Wm. (author's autog.) , Wilson,^ Amos, Winthrop, John (Wiggles- worth, 1779), Thos. L. (Davis), Wirt, Wm. 1 The PennBylvania hermit. 909 Vol. 59. 18 Tr. Wood, Woods, Leonard (port.). Wood- ward, WoosTER, Gen. David, Worcester, Koah (Channing), Sam'l (Woods, Cornelius), Wright, Rev. Phineas (Moses Adams, 1803), Wright, Silas, Yates, Young, Rev. Alex. (Gannett, port.). 910 BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. New ed. London: 1784. 12 vols. 8°. (Vols. 2, 3, wanting.) CATALOGUE. 59 911 BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY, A New and General. Lon- don: 1798. 6v. 8°. 912 BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY of Living Authors of Great Britain and Ireland. London: 1816. 8°. 913 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES of Eminent Lawyers, Statesmen, and Men of Letters, by Sam'l L. Knapp. Boston: 1821. 8°. An excellent series of biographies, Includlnjf Tlieoph. Parsons, Cotton Ma'hor, IncreaM Sumner, Joa. Warren, Jno. Eliot, etc. 914 BIRCH, THOMAS. Works of Sir Walter Raleigh, Knt.; to- gether with Letters and Poems never before collected together, and some never yet printed. To which is prefixed, A New Account of His Life. 2 vols. London: 1751. 8°. Portrait. 915 Memoirs of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, from 1581 till her Death. In which the Secret Intrigues of her Court, and the Con- duct of Her Favorite, Robert, Earl of Essex, are particularly illus- trated. Erom Original Papers and other MSS. never before pub- lished. London: 1754. 2v. 4°. 916 Life of Henry, Prince of Wales, son of James I. Dublin: 1760. 8°. 917 Life of the Honorable Robert Boyle. Lond.: 1744. 8°. Port. Valuable. Contains several original letters of the Apostle Eliot; Portrait of Boyle. 918 BIRD, JOSEPH. Gleanings from the History of Music. Bos- ton: 1850. 12°. 919 BIRKBECK, MORRIS. Letters from Illinois. Maps by John Melish. Phila.: 1818. 12°. 920 Letters from Illinois. London: 1818. 8°. 921 Notes on a Journey through France in 1814. Ist American from the 3d London ed. Phila.: Oct., 1815. 12°. 922 5th ed., with the App. London: 1815. 8°. pp. 138. 923 Notes on a Journey in America from Virginia to the Terri- tory of Illinois. 4th ed. London: 1818. 8°. 924 BIRMINGHAM, JAMES. Memoir of the Very Rev. Theobald Mathew, with Account of Progress of Temperance in Ireland. Dublin: 1840. 8°. 925 BISHOP, GEORGE. New England Judged by the Spirit of the Lord. In two Parts. Formerly published by George Bishop, and now somewhat Abbreviated, with an Appendix. Also an Answer to Cotton Mather's Abuse of the said Peoijle, in his late Hist, of N. England, Printed anno 1702. Lond.: 1703. 8°. [Rare.] 926 Every Woman Her Own Lawyer. N. Y. 12°. 927 BISHOP, SAML. G. Eulogium on the Death of George Wash- ington. Roxbury : Privately printed, 1866. Large paper ed. , 6 copies. 928 BISSET, ROBERT. The Life of Edmund Burke. London : 1798. 8°. Portrait. 929 BLACK BOOK (The); or, Corruption Unmasked! Being an 60 CATALOGUE. Account of Places, Pensions, and Sinecures, the Revenues of the Clergy and Landed Aristocracy. London: 1820. 8°. P. 480. 930 BLACK HAWK and Scenes in the West, by Elbert H. Smith. N. Y. : 1848. 8°. Frontis. 931 Life and Adven. of. Cincinnati: 1854. 12°. 932 Life of Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiak. Dictated by himself. Boston: 1834. 12°. 933 BLACKMORE, RICHARD, Sm. True and Impartial History of the Conspiracy against the Person and Government of King Wil- liam IIL In the year 1695. London: 1723. 8°. 934 Eliza: An Epic Poem. In ten books. 2d ed. Lond.: 1721. Eol. 935 Creation: A Philosophical Poem. In seven books. 2 ed. London: 1712. 8°. 936 Prince Arthur: An Heroick Poem. In ten books. Lon- don: 1695. Eol. 937 BLACKSTOKE, WILLIAM, Sir. Commentaries on the Laws of England. 6th ed. Dublin: 1775. Cr. 8°. In 4 vols. Auto, of S. Henshaw. 938 Commentaries on the Laws of England. Book the third. Reprinted from the British copy, page for page with the last edition. Philadelphia: 1772. 8°. 939 BLACKVVELL, THOS. Forma Sacra; or, a Sacred Platform of Natural and Revealed Religion. Introd. by Simon Williams, a.m. Boston: 1774. 12°. P. 340. [Scarce.] 940 BLADEIS^, MARTIN^, Col. Cesar's Commentaries of his Wars in Gaul, and Civil War with Pompey. To which is added a Supple- ment to his Commentary of his Wars in Gaul; as also. Commentaries of the Alexandrian, African, and Spanish Wars. By Aulus Hirtius, or Oppius, etc. With the Author's Life. Adorned wth. Sculptures from the designs of the famous Palladio. Made English from the Orig. Latin. 8th ed. , revised and corrected. Lond. : 1770. 8°. 941 BLADE:N'SBURG RACES. Written shortly after the capture of Washington City, 1814. Print, for the Purchaser, 1816. Repr. 1865. L. P. ed. 75 copies. 942 BLAGDE:N^, GEO. W., d.d. Pastor's Memorial. Twenty-fifth Anniversary of his Installation as Pastor of the Old South Church in Boston. Boston: 1862. 12°. 943 Lecture before the Boston Y. M. C. Association, 1853. Bos- ton: 1854. 12°. 944 BLAIKIE, FRAI^CIS. Four tracts by F. B. and others. 8°. 945 BLAIR, HUGH. Abridg. of Lectures on Rhetoric revised. Carlisle: 1808. 16°. 946 BLAKE, HE:N^RY :Nr. Three Years in the Army of the Potomac. Boston: 1865. 12°. CATALOGUE. 61 947 BLAKE, JAMES. Annals of Dorchester. Boston: 1846. 12°. 948 Six Sermons on Divers Subjects, preachd. at Weymouth. Boston: 1772. 16°. 949 BLAKE, JNO. L. Biographical Dictionary. 13th ed. Phila. : 1856. R. 8°. Author's autog. 950 BLAKE, JONATHAN. History of Warwick, Mass. Boston: 1873. 12°. Port. 951 BLAKE, MORTIMER. Centural History of the Mendon Asso- ciation of Congregational Ministers, with the Centennial Addresses, delivered at Franklin, Mass., Nov. 19th, 1851, and Biographical Sketches of the Members and Licentiates. Boston: 1853. 12°. Author's auto. 952 BLAKE, SAMUEL. Genealogy of the Blake Family. Boston: 1857. 8°. 953 BLAKE, WM. J. Hist, of Putnam County, N. Y. N. York: 1849. 12°. 954 BLANCHARD,I. H. F. Doctrine of Regeneration. Boston: 1832. 12°. 955 BLANCHARD, E. L. Heads and Tales of Travellers and Travel- ling. N. Y.: 1847. 18°. 956 BLATCHFORD, JOHN. Narrative detailing his Sufferings in the Revolutionary War, while a Prisr. with the British. Related by Himself e. Introd. and Notes by Chas. I. Bushnell. N. York: Privately printed, 1865. Portraits. Autograph of C.I. Bushnell. 957 BLEECKER, ANNE ELIZA, Posthumous Works of. In Prose and Yerse. With a Collection of Essays by Margaretta V. Faugeres. New York: 1793. 12°. [Very rare.] 958 BLEEKER, LEONARD (Capt.) Order Book of Capt. L. Bleeker, Maj. of Brigade in the Early Part of the Expedition under Gen. James Clinton, agt. the Indn. Settlemts. 1779. N. Y.: 1865. 4°. 959 BLENHEIM, New Description of. The Seat of His Grace the Duke of Marlborough, [&c.]. 8th ed. Embellished with a New and Elegant Plan. Oxford: J. Munday [&c.], 1811. 12°.; in same vol. Winchester Guide, new ed., plates, Winton, 1780; Oxford, New Pocket Companion, Oxford, 1789; Southampton Guide, 1796; New Bath Guide, copperplates, Bath, 1789. Glastonbury Hist, and Aut., no title, 12°. 960 BLIGH, WILLIAM, Lieut. Voyage to the South Sea, in his Majesty's ship Bounty. Including an Account of the Mutiny, and the subsequent Voyage of part of the Crew in the Ship's Boat. Illustrated with Charts. London: 1792. 4°. Portrait. 961 BLISS, LEONARD, Jr. The History of Rehoboth, Mass. Seekonk and Pawtucket. Boston: 1836. 8°. One of the scarce town histories. 962 BLISS, PHILIP. Microcosmography; or, a Piece of the World 62 CATALOGUE. Discovered. By John Earle, d.d. New ed. "With Notes, etc. By Philip Bliss. London: 1811. 12°. 963 Athense Oxonienses. New ed. Yol. 1. Containing the Life of Wood. Oxford: 1848. 8°. [All issued.] 964 BLISS, SYLVESTER. Geography of New England; to accom- pany the " OutUne Map of N. Eng." Boston: 1847. 16°. 965 BLISH, WALTER. Six Peeces of Improvement. London: 1652. 4°. A curious work on Farming, Farming-tools, etc., with wood engravings of the latter, etc. Dedicated to Lord General Cromwell. 966 BLODGETT, LORIN. Climatology of the United States. Isothermal and Rain Charts. Phila. : 1857. 8°. 967 BLODGET, SAMUEL, Jr. Economica: A Statistical Manual for the United States of America. Washington: 1806. 8°. 968 Economica [as above]. Additions to the beginning of 1810. Washington: 1810. 8°. 969 BLOME, RICHARD. Britannia; or, a Geographical Description of the Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland. With a Map of each County of England, besides several General ones. The like never before published. London: 1673. Folio. 970 Description of the Island of Jamaica; with the other Isles and Territories in America to which the English are related, [&c.] With the Present State of Algiers. London: 1678. 8°. Very scarce. 971 BLOOD, HENRY AMES. The History of Temple, N. H. Boston: 1860. 8°. Portraits and Views. Scarce. 972 BLOOMFIELD, ROBERT. The Banks of Wye: A Poem. In four books. 2d ed. Corrected. London: 1813. 18°. 973 The Parmer's Boy: A Poem. 15th ed. London: 1827. 18°. Plates. 974 BLOUNT, T. Glossographia: A Dictionary, Interpreting the Hard Words of whatsoever Language, now used in our refined English Tongue [&c.]. 4th ed. London: 1674. 8°. 975 Animadversions upon Sr. Richard Baker's Chronicle, and its continuation. Oxon: 1672. 18°. 976 Law Dictionary and Glossary. 3d ed. London: 1717. Fol. 977 BLUE LAWS of New Haven Colony, usually called Blue Laws of Connecticut; Quaker Laws of Plymouth and Massachusetts; Blue Laws of N. York, Maryland, Virginia, and S. Carolina. Compiled by an Antiquarian. Hartford: 1838. 12°. [Scarce.] 978 BLUNDEVILE, THOMAS. His Exercises, containing several Treatises on the Art of Navigation. London: 1594. 4°. [Very scarce.] MS. note by Mr. D. 979 BLUNT, EDMUND M. Stranger's Guide to the City of New York. With Historical Sketch, General Description, Plan, &c., and Engravings of Public Buildings. New York: 1817. 18°. CATALOGUE. 68 980 BLUNT, JOSEPH. Historical Sketch of the Pomnation of the Confederacy, particularly with ref. to the Governmeut over Indian Tribes. New York: 1825. 8°. From Daniel Webster's private library. 981 Speeches, Reports, &c. New York: 1843. 8°. Autograph. 982 BLUNT, ELLEN KEY. Bread to my Children. Phila.: 1856. 12°. 983 BODMAN, MANOAH. Orat. on Death. Williamsburgh: [Ms.] 1817. 12°. 984 BODY OF Divinity. Lects. on the Assembly's Shorter Cate- chism, by Samuel Willard. Boston: 1726. Fol. Portrait. 985 BOETTICHER, J. G. A Geographical, Historical, and Politi- cal Description of the Empire of Germany, Holland, the Nether- lands, Switzerland, Prussia, Italy, Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia; with a Gazetteer of Reference. From the German. 24 Plates and many Maps. London : 1800. 4°. 986 B6GEN,r. W. The German in America. 2ded. Bost.: 1851. 12°. 987 BOHN, FRED. Hand-Book for the City of York. (Eng.) 40 Engravings. York. 12°. 988 BOHUN, EDMUND, Esq. Geographical Dictionary, Repre- senting the Present and Ancient Names of All the Countries, Re- markable Cities, Universities [&c.] of the whole World. London: 1688. 8°. 989 Character of Queen Elizabeth, and of her Principal Minis- ters. Lond. : 1693. 8°. Elegant Ports, of Elizabeth and Mary II. 99(5 BOLINGBROKE (Lord). A Dissertation upon Parties. 7th ed. London: 1749. 8°. Frontispiece and Portrait of Walpole. 991 Collection of Political Tracts. London: 1769. 8°. 992 Miscellaneous Works. Edinburgh: 1708. 4v. 12°. 993 BOLINGBROKE, HENRY. Voyage to Demarary. Account of the Settlement there, on the Essequebo, the Berbice and other Rivers of Guyana. London: 1807. 4°. Map. 994 BOLLES, JOHN A. Genealogy of the BoUes Family. 4°. Bos- ton: 1865. 995 BOLTON, R. The Lighted Valley; or, the Closing Scenes of the Life of Abby Bolton. London: 1850. 16°. Portrait. 996 BOLTON, ROBT., a.m. History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the County of Westchester, from 1693 to 1853. N. Y. : 1855. 8°. Portraits, etc. 997 History of the County of Westchester. 2 vols. N. Y. : 1848. 8°. Plates. 998 BOLTON, SOLOMON. Extinct Peerage of England. From the Conquest to 1769. London: 1769. 8°. 999 BOMBET, L. A. C. Life of Haydn. Followed by the Life of Mozart, with Obs. on Metastasio. Boston, Phila. : 1839. 12°. 1000 BONAPARTE, LUCIEN. Memoirs of, Written by Himself; 64 CAIALOGUE. from the Orig. MS. Part First, from 1792 to the year 8 of the Kepublic. N. Y. : 1836. 12°. — In same vol. Memoir of Gen. Lafayette, from the French of Gen. Ducoudray Holstein. N. York: 1824. 12°. 1001 BONAPARTE, NAPOLEON, Military and Political Life, Char- acter, and Anecdotes of, from the writings of Las Cases. Hartford: 1823. 12°. 1002 BOND, ALYAN, d.d. Memoir of the Rev. Pliny Fisk, a.m. Boston: 1828. 12°. Port. 1003 BOND, HENRY, m.d. Genealogies of the Early Settlers of Watertown, Mass., including Waltham and Weston; with the Early History of the Town. Illustrations, Maps, and Notes. 2d ed. Boston: 1860. 8°. This is one of the curious and interesting boobs on local history and genealogy whicli the last few years have produced. We have never met with one so ample in its size or so comprehensive and exact in its details. — IT. Y. Tribune. 1004 Watertown Genealogies; also Waltham and Weston. [From the History of W.] Unbound. 8°. lOOo BOND, J. WESLEY. Minnesota and its Resources. Chicago: 1857. 12°. Map and Plates. 1006 BONNELL, GEO. W. Topographical Description of Texas, with an Account of the Indian Tribes. Austin: 1840. 18°. [Scarce.] 1007 BONNET, J. E. Etats Unis de I'Amerique k la fin du 17me Siecle. 2 tomes. A Paris, [n. d.] 8°. [2 vols, in one.] , 1008 BONNYCASTLE, SIR RICHD. HENRY, Kt. Canada and the Canadians. New ed. in 2 vols. London : 1846. 12°. A most interesting picture of the country, inhabitants, etc. 1009 "BOOK, THE"; or, Proceedings and Correspondence upon the Subject of the Inquiry into the Conduct of her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales. Lond., N. Y.: 1813. 12°. pp.107. Cuttings. See p. 10, a most excellent letter from the Princess to the Prince Regent. — Chancellor Kent. 1010 BOOK of Abraham; the Acts of the Elders. New ed. Boston: 1846. Sm. 4°. 1011 BOOK of the First Church in Middleboro', Mass. Bost.: 1852. 8°. 1012 of Knowledge. Phila. : 1801. 12°. Frontisp. 1013 for New Hampshire Children. 3d ed. Exeter: 1829. 18°. [By Hose A Hildreth.] 1014 BOOTH, MARY L. History of the City of New York. Over 100 Engravings. New York: 1859. 8°. 1015 The Uprising of a Great People. The United States in 1861. 12°. 1016 BOOTHBY, BROOKE, Sir. A Letter to the Right Hon. Ed- mund Burke. London: 1792. 8°. CATALOGUE, 65 1017 BOOTHROYr), B. History of the Ancient Borough of Ponte- fract, its Castle, and the three different Sieges it sustained during the Civil War. Pontefract. : 1807. 8°. 6 Engravings. 1018 BORY, J. R. G. B. M. de St. VINCENT. Essais sur les Isles Fortun^es et P Antique Atlantide; ou, Precis d' Histoire G6n6rale de I'Archipel des Canaries. Paris: An XI (1803). 4°. 1019 BOSMAN , WILLIAM. A New and Accurate Description of the Coast of Guinea, divided into The Gold, The Slave, and The Ivory Coasts. Illustrations and Map. London: 1721. 8°. 1020 BOSTON, Charter and Ordinances of. Boston: 1834. 8°. 1021 Auditor's 47th^9th Annual Reports. Bost.: 1859-61. 3v. 8°. 1022 By-Laws and Orders. Boston: 1818. 12°. 1023 Common ; or, Rural Walks in Cities, by A Friend to Im- provements. Boston: 1838. 12°. 1024 Common. Boston: 1842. 12°. 1025 An Appeal to the World; or, A Vindication of the Town of Boston from many False and Malicious Aspersions contained in cer- tain Letters and Memorials, written by Gov. Bernard, Gen. Gage, Commodore Hood. Pub. by Ord. of the Town. Boston: London, Rep. 1770. 8°. P. 58. 1026 City Documents, 1863, '65. Boston. 4v. 8°. 1027 Same. Boston: 1844. 8°. 1028 Business Directory for 1857. Report on Insanity and Idi- ocy in Mass., 1855. Report of Cochituate Water Board, 1857, '59. Address of Mayor, J. N. Wightman, Jan. 6, 1862. Boston. 6v. 8°. 1029 The City Hall Corner Stone laid, Monday, Dec. 22, 1862. Dedicated, Monday, Sept. 17, 1864. Boston: 1866. 8°. Bound. 1030 Proceedings at the laying the corner stone of the City Hall. Dec. 22, 1862. Boston: 1862. 8°. 1031 The Great Fire of 1873. Report of the commission to in- vestigate. Boston: 1873. 8°. 1032 Report on a supply of water. By Daniel Treadwell. Bos- ton: 1825. 8°. 1033 Sketches and Business Directory of Boston and vicinity for 1860-61. Ill'd. Boston: 4°. 1034 BOSTON, A Congratulatory Poem on the Triumphant Evacu- ation of. London: 1776. 4°. 1035 BOSTON ALMANAC. 1836-74. Boston. 38v. 18°. 1030 BOSTON BOARD OF TRADE. Ist-llth Annual Reports. Boston: 1853-65. llv. 8°. [Rare.] 1037 BOSTON BOOK (The). Being Specimens of MetropoUtan Literature. Boston: 1837. 12°. 1038 Same. Boston: 1850. 12°. Now quite rare. It numbered among its contributors, Motley, Everett, Webster, Far* sons, Sprague, Holmes, Hawthorne, etc. 6Q CATALOGUE. 1039 BOSTOK DIKECTOKY. 1789, 1805, '09, '10, '13, '16, '18, '20- 23, '25-69, 73. Supplement, 1872. Boston. 57v. 1040 BOSTON BISPENSAKY, History of. Boston: 1859. 8°. 1041 BOSTON FEMALE ANTI-SLAVEKY SOC. Kep. of with a statement of events, etc. Boston: 1836-37. 2v. 12°. 1042 BOSTON MAGAZINE, The. Vol. I, 1783-4. Vol. II, 1785. 2 vols. Boston: 8°. Plates. This very scarce magazine began November, 1783. 1043 BOSTON MEKCANTILE LIBKAKY. 36 An. Kep. Bost., 1856. 8°. From Rufus Choate's Library. 1044 BOSTON MUNICIPAL REGISTER, 1851-60 incl. Also 1853. 11 vols. 8°. 1045 BOSTON NATIONAL BANKS. List of stockholders, May 1, 1866. Boston: 1866. 8°. Unbound. 1046 BOSTON PAMPHLETS. Lot of 186. Ancient and Hon. Artillery Comp. ; Charitable Eire Society, Churches, &c. 1047 Lot of 203. Fast Sermons, 1753-1847; Dedication Sermons, &c. 1048 Lot of 247. Mass. Humane Soc.; Boston Lecture, 1721, '30, '44; Charitable Mechanics Asso.; Mayhew's Sermons, 1749-61, &c. 1049 BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. Proceedings at laying the Cor. Stone. Boston: 1855. 8°. 1050 BOSTON PRIZE POEMS and other Specimens of Dramatic Poetry. [By Charles Sprague and others.] Boston: 1824. 12°. [Scarce.] Autog. Charles Sprague. 1051 BOSTON Two Hundred Years ago; or, the Romantic Story of Miss Ann Carter (Daughter of one of the First Settlers) and the Celebrated Indian Chief, Thundersquall ; with many Humorous Reminiscences and Events of Olden Time. Boston: 1830. 4°. 1052 BOSTON SCHOOL COMMITTEE. Annual Reports of 1857- 61,65. Boston: 1858-65. 6 vols. 8°. 1053 BOSTON WEEKLY MAGAZINE. Yol. 2 (from 29 Oct. 1803, to 20 Oct. 1804). 4°. 1054 BOSTON WEEKLY MAGAZINE. Pub. by D. H. Ela and I. B. Hall. Yol. 11. Boston: 1839-40. 4°. 1055 BOSTON WEEKLY MESSENGER. A Journal of Politics, Agriculture, Literature, and Misc. Intelligence. Yols. 5-9. Oct. 20, 1815, June 1,1820. 5v. 8°. Previous to the commencement of Vol. 6 this work was issued in the ordinary newspaper form. 1056 BOSWELL, JAMES. Life of Samuel Johnson, ll.d. With copious Notes and Illustrations by Malone. 1 vol. London: 1827. 8°. Illustrated. 1057 British Essays in favor of the Brave Corsicans ; by several hands. London : 1769. 12° ; and in same vol. Ben Saddi, Nathan, CATALOGUE. 67 Chronicle of the Kings of Englahd, written in the manner of ancient Jewish historians. Birmingham: 1772. Smith, Wm.,d.d. Serm. on the Present Situation of American Affairs. Phila. : 1775. The Good Old Way; or, Religion of our Forefathers. Lond.: 1781. 12°. 1058 Account of Corsica, Journal of a Tour to that Island; and Memorials of Pascal Paoli. London: 1768. 8°. Map. 1059 BOSWORTH, NEWTON (f. r. A. s.). Hochelaga Depicta: The Early History and Present State of Montreal. Numerous en- gravings. Montreal: 1839. 12°. 1060 BOTT, W. Description of Buxton and the adjacent Country [&c.]. Manchester: 1818. 12°. Front. 1061 BOTTA, CHARLES. History of the War of Independence. 3 vols. 8°. Phila. : 1820-27. Prea. John Adams in n letter to the author says of this work, "It is indeed the most cl.issical and methodical, the most particular and circurastantiul, the most entertaining and interesting narrative of the American war that I have seen." 1062 BOTTA, YINCENZO (ph. d.). A Discourse on the Life, Character, and Policy of Count Cavour. N. York: 1862. 8°. 1063 BOUCHETTE, JOSEPH, Esq. Topographical Description of Lower Canada, with Remarks upon Upper Canada, and on the Rel- ative Connection of both Provinces with the U. S. With Views, Plans of Harbors, Battles, etc. London: R. 8°. 1815. 1064 The British Dominions in North America; a Topographical and Statistical Description. With Views, Plans of Towns, Harbors, etc. 2 vols. London: 1832. 4°. Portrait. 1065 A Topographical Dictionary of Lower Canada. London: 1832. 4°. 1066 BOUDINOT, ELIAS, ll.d. A Star in the West; or, a Humble Attempt to Discover the Long Lost Ten Tribes of Israel, preparatory to their Return to their Beloved City, Jerusalem. Trenton, N. J. : 1816. 8°. Port. [Scarce.] 1067 The Age of Revelation ; or, the Age of Reason shewn to be an Age of Intidelity. Phila. : 1801. 8°. 1068 BOUGANVILLE, LEWIS de. A Voyage round the World, in the years 1766-9. Trans, from the French by J. R. Forster. Dublin: 1772. 8°. Maps. 1069 BOULAINVILLIERS, Count of. The Life of Mahomet. Translated from the French. London: 1752. 12°. 1070 BOUNTY, H. M. S. The Eventful History of the Mutiny and Seizure of. London: 1839. 16°. 1071 BOUQUET, HENRY. An Historical Account of the Expedi- tion against the Ohio Indians, in the year MDCCLXIV, under the Command of Henry Bouquet, Esq. With an Introductory Account of the Preceding Campaign, and Battle at Bushy Run. Maps and Copperplates. Phila., London: 1766. 4°. 68 CATALOGUE. 1072 BOURII^E, B. F. The Captive in Patagonia; or, Life among the Griants. Illustrations. Boston: 1853. 12°. 1073 BOURl^E, GEORGE. Picture of Slavery in the United States. Boston: 1838. 18°. 1074 BOURN^ISEAUX, P. Y. J., Berthre de. Historical Sketch of the Civil War in the Yendee. Trans, from the French. Paris: 1802. 8°. 1075 BOUTELLE, CHAS. (m.a.). Heraldry, Historical and Popu- lar; with 975 Illustrations. London: 1864. 8°. 1076 BOUTELLE, J0H:N' A. The Burke and Alvord Memorial. Geneal. of the desc. of Richard Burke of Sudbury, Ms. Boston: 1864. 8°. 1077 BOUTOK, J. B. Memoir of Gen. Louis Bell, late Col. of the 4th N. H. Regt., who fell at the Assault on Port Pisher, N. C, Jan. 15,1865. N. Y.: 1865. 8°. 1078 BOUTON, NATHANIEL. History of Concord, N.H.; with a History of the Ancient Penacook. Maps, Portraits, and Views. Concord: 1856. 8°. Auto. Letter of Author. 1079 Memoir of Mrs. Elizabeth McFarland. Boston: 1839. 18°. Portrait. 1080 BOUTWELL, GEO. S. Speeches and Papers relating to the Rebellion and the Overthrow of Slavery. Boston: 1867. 12°. 1081 BOWDITCH, N. L Suffolk Surnames. Not published. Bos- ton: 1857. f°. 1082 Same. Enlarged. 2d ed. Boston: 1858. 8°.. 1083 Same. 3d ed. London, Boston, U.S.: 1861. 8°. 1084 Memoir of Nathaniel Bowditch. Boston: 1839. 4°. 1085 Memoir of Nathaniel Bowditch. Prepared for the Young. Boston: 1841. 18°. 1086 History of the Mass. General Hospital. Not published. Boston: 1851. 8°. Plates. 1087 BOWDLER, E. (Miss). Poems and Essays. N. Y.: 1811. 8°. 1088 Poems and Essays. Printed from the 16th English ed. Boston: 1827. 12°. 1089 H. M. Fragments in Prose and Verse, by Miss Elizabeth Smith. Boston: 1810. 12°. 1090 BOWEN, ABEL. Picture of Boston; or. The Citizens' and Strangers' Guide to the Metropolis of Mass. 1838. 12°. Now rare. Engravings. 1091 Same. 2d ed. Boston: 1833. 1092 Same. 3d ed. Boston: 1838. 18°. 1093 BOWEN, ELL The Pictorial Sketch-book of Pennsylvania; or. Its Scenery, Internal Improvements, Resources, and Agricul- ture popularly described. Over 200 Engravings and a Colored Map. 8th ed. Enlarged. Phila.: 1854. 8°. CATALOGUE. 69 1094 BOWLES, OLIVER (Pastor of Sutton in Bedfordshire). Zeal for God's House Quickened; or, a Sermon Preached before the Assembly of Lords, Commons, and Divines, at their Solemn Fast, July 7, 1643, in the Abbey Church at Westminister. Published by order of both Houses of Parliament. London: 1643. 4°. 1095 BOWLES, SAMUEL. The Switzerland of America. Spring- field, Ms. : 1869. 12°. 1096 BOWLES, W. L. The Missionary: A Poem. Phila.: 1815. 18°. 1097 BOWLES' UNIVERSAL ATLAS. By John Palairet and others. London, [n. d.] Fol. 1098 BOWNAS, SAMUEL. An Account of the Captivity of Eliza- beth Hanson, late of Kachecky in N. E. A new edition. London: 1787. 12°. Fly.leaf has MS. notes by Mr. Drake. 1099 Account, An, of the Life, Travels, and Christian Expe- riences of. Phila. : 1759. 8°. 1100 BO WRING, JOHN, Sir, ll.d. The Decimal System in Num- bers, Coins, and Accounts, with 120 Engravings of Coins. London: 1854. 12°. Portrait. 1101 -^ — Specimens of the Russian Poets. Trans, by B. Boston: 1822. 8°. 1102 BOYCE, EDMUND. The Belgian Traveller; being a Com- plete Guide through Belgium and Holland. 6th ed. London: 1835. 12°. Map, etc. 1103 BOYER, A. (Mr.) The History of Queen Anne. Wherein all the Civil and Military Transactions of that Memorable Reign are faithfully compiled from the best Authorities. London: 1725. Fol. Portrait, Plans, Medals, and Vignettes. 1104 HISTORY OF THE ReIgN OF QUEEN ANNE, in the form of Annals; Year 1st, 2d, 4th, and 5th (Year 3d wanting). 4 vols. London: 1703-7. Vol. 6 has autog. of Sir Jeff. Amherst. 1105 Same. Year the 9th. London: 1711. 8°. Autog. of Jeff ry Amherst. 1106 BOYLE, CHARLES, Esq. Dr. Bentley's Dissertations on the Epistles of Phalaris, and the Fables of jEsop examined. London: 1699. 8°. Portrait. 1107 BOYLE, HENRY. The Universal Chronologies and Historical Register, from the Creation to the close of the year 1825; comprising the Elements of General Histoiy, from the French of M. St. Mar- tin. 2 vols. London: 1826. 8°. 1108 BOYLE, ISAAC. A Historical View of the Council of Nice, with a Translation of Documents. Boston: 1836. 8°. 1109 BOYLE, ROBERT, Esq., The works of, Epitomiz'd. By Rich- 6 70 CATALOGUE. ard Boulton, of Brazen Kose College in Oxford. Illustrated. 4 vols. London: 1699-1700. 8°. Portrait. 1110 BOYLE, KOBERT (Capt.), The Voyages and Adventures of, in Several Parts of the World. Intermixed with the Story of Mrs. Villars, an English Lady with whom he made his Surprising Escape from Bar- bary; the Hist, of an Italian Captive, and the Life of Don Pedro Aquilio. Also the Yoyage, Shipwreck, and Miraculous Preservation of Richard Castelman, Gent., with a Description of the City of . Philadelphia and the Country of Pennyslvania. London: 1728. 8°. Front. [Written by W. R. Chetwood. Bohn.] 1111 BOYLE'S COURT AND COUKTY GUIDE AND DIREC- TORY for 1858. London: 16°. 1112 BOYLSTON, E. D. The N. Hampshire Magazine. Engrav- ings. Vol. 1. Manchester and Great Ealls: 1843-4. R. 8°. 1113 BOYNTON, C. B., Rev. A Journey through Kansas; with Sketches of Nebraska. With Map. Cincinnati: 1855. 12°. 1114 BOZMAN, JOHN LEEDS. The History of Maryland to the Restoration, in 1660, with a copious Introduction; and Notes and Illustrations. [2vols.ini.] Baltimore: 1837. 8°. 1115 A Sketch of the History of Maryland, during the Three First Years after its Settlement, with Introduction. Bait. : 1811. 8°. Portrait of Ld. Baltimore. 1116 BRACE, CHAS. LORING. The New West; or, California in 1867 and 1868. New York: 1869. 12°. 1117 BRACKEN, HENRY., m.d. Farriery Improved. 2d Am. ed. Phila.: Jan. 11,1798. 18°. 1118 BRACKENRIDGE, H. H. Adventures of Capt. Farrago, with Illustrations from Original Designs by Darley. Phila. : 1856. 12°. 1119 Modern Chivalry; or, The Adventures of Capt. Farrago and Teague O'Reagan. With a Preface and Explanatory Notes by the Editor. Phila. [s. 1. s. t.] 1120 Same. 2v. in 1. Phila.: 1804. 16°. 1121 BRACKENRIDGE , H. M. Recollections of Persons and Places in the West. Phila. : 1834. 12°. 1122 Voyage to South America, by order of the American Gov- ernment, in 1817-18, in the Frigate Congress. 2 vols. Baltimore: 1819. 8°. Map. 1123 History of the Late War between the United States and Great Britain. Phila. : 1846. 12°. lUust. 1124 Strictures on A Voyage to S. America, as Indited by the " Secretary to the Late Mission " to La Plata. By A Friend to Truth and Sound Policy. Baltimore: 1820. 8°. 1125 History of the Insurrection in Western Pa., commonly called the Whiskey Insurrect., 1794. Pittsburgh: 1859. 8°. 1126 Journal of a Voyage up the River Missouri, performed in CATALOOUS. 71 1811. 2d ed. Revised and enlarged by the Author. Baltimore: 181G. 12°. [Scarce.] 1127 Views of Louisiana; with a Journal of a Voyage up the Missouri River in 1811. Pittsburgh: 1814. 8°. 1128 Recollections of Persons and Places in the West. 2d ed., enlarged. Phila. : 1868. 12°. pp. 331. 1129 BRACKETT, ALBERT G. , m.d. Gen. Lane's Brigade in Cen- tral Mexico. Cincinnati: 1854. 12°. Port. 1130 BRADBURY, CHARLES. History of Kennebunkport. Kenne- bunk: 1837. 12°. [Very scarce.] 1131 BRADBURY, JOH:^^, f.l.s. Travels in the Interior of Amer- ica, in the Years 1809, 1810, and 1811 ; including a Descript. of Upper Louisiana, together with the States of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and Tennessee, with the Illinois and Western Territories. 2d ed. London: 1819. 8°. 1132 BRADBURY, WM. B. Cottage Melodies. Assisted by S. Main. ]^. York: 1859. Sq. 12°. 1133 BRADFORD, ALDEN. History of Massachusetts from 1764 to July, 1775. Boston: 1822. 8°. Considered the most valuitble and interesting of all of Dr. Bradford's works; it minutely details the battles of Lexington, Concord, and Bunker Hill. Its author was acquainted with many of the actors in those events. — S. G. D. 1134 Same. Boston: 1825. 8°. 1135 Same. Boston: 1829. 8°. 1136 Biographical Notices of Distinguished Men in New Eng- land. Boston: 1842. 12°. 1137 Memoir of the Life and Writings of Rev. Jona. Mayhew, D.D., from 1747 to 1766. Boston: 1838. 8°. Portrait. 1138 History of Massachusetts from 1620 to 1820. Bost. : 1835. 8°. 1139 History of the Federal Government from March, 1789, to March, 1839. Boston: 18^0. 8°. 1140 Evangelical History; or, a Narrative of the Life, Doctrines, and Miracles of Jesus Christ. Boston: 1813. 12°. [Scarce.] 1141 N. E. Chronology, 1497-1800. Boston: 1843. 12°. 1142 BRADFORD, ALEXR. W., ll.d. American Antiquities and Researches into the Origin and History of the Red Race. New York: 1843. 8°. pp. 435. 1143 BRADFORD, JOHN. The Writings of John Bradford, M.A., Fellow of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, and Prebendary of St. Paul's, Martyr, 1555. Containing Letters, Treatises, Remains. Cambridge: 1853. 8°. 1144 BRADFORD, S. D. Works of Saml. Dexter Bradford, ll.d. Boston: 1858. 8°. Portrait. 1145 BRADFORD, T. G. Illustrated Atlas of the United States. Phila.: 1838. Fol. 72 CATALOGUE. 1146 BKADFOED, WILLIAM. History of Plymouth Plantation. Ifow first printed from the original Manuscript, for the Mass. Hist. Soc. Boston: 1856. 8°. 1147 A Dialogue or Third Conference betn. some Young Men born in N. England, and some Ancient Men which came out of Hol- land and O. England. With Pref. and I^otes by C. Deane. Boston: 1870. 8°. 1148 An Inquiry how far the punishment of Death is necessary in Pennsylvania. With Kotes and Illustrations. To which is added an Account of the Gaol and Penitentiary House of Phila. By Caleb Lownes, of Phila. Phila. : 1795. 8°. 1149 BEADFORD, WM., Address deliv. at the :N^. Y. Hist. Soc. of the 200th Birthday of. By J. Wm. Wallace. Albany: 1863. 8°. 1150 BRADFORD, WILLIAM, m.a. Correspondence of the Em- peror Charles Y and his Ambassadors at the Courts of England and France. London: 1850. 8°. 2 Portraits. 1151 BRADFORD, WM. J. A. I^otes on the Korth West; or, Yal- ley of the Upper Mississippi. K. Y. : 1846. 12°. 1152 BRADLEY, ABRAHAM, Jr. Map of the United States, exhibiting the Post-Roads, Counties, Stage-Roads, and Principal Rivers. 1804. [Fold in Case.] 1153 BRADLEY, ELIZA Mrs., An Authentic ISTarrative of the Shipwreck and Sufferings of. Written by herself. Boston: 1823. 12°. Folding Plate. Scarce. 1154 Boston: 1820. 12°. 1155 BRADSHAW'S Continental Railway, Steam-Navigation, and Conveyance G-uide. London, Paris, Brussels: 1853. Sq. 12°. Numerous Maps. 1156 Same. London: 1851. 12°. 1157 BRADSTREET, AKNE, The Works of. In Prose and Yerse. Edited by John Harvard Ellis. Charlestown: 1867. R. 8°. Frontis. 1158 BRADSTREET, JOHN, Lt.-Col. Impartial Account of Lieut.-Col. Bradstreet's Expedition to Fort Frontenac. By a Yolun- teer. London: 1759. 8°. Maps, and Port, of Lord Howe. 1159 BRADY, N., D.D. A New Yersion of the Psalms of David. Fitted to the Tunes used in Churches. By N. Brady, d.d., and N. Tate, Esq. Boston: 1793. 12°. 1160 Same. First Worcester ed. Worcester: 1788. 18°. Boston: 1765. 18°. Boston: 1763. 18°. Boston: 1762. 18°. Boston: 1768. Appended, a collection of Hymns from Dr. Watts, [n. d.J. 1165 A Collection ol Psalms and Hymns. Principally from Tate and Brady. Boston: 1799. 12°. 1161 Same. 1162 Same. 1163 Same. 1164 Same. CATALOGUE. 7B 1166 BRADY, ROBERT, Dr. An Introduction to the Old English History. London: 1684. Fol. 1167 An Historical Treatise of Cities, and Burghs or Boroughs. London: 1690. Fol. 1168 BRAGGE, ROBT. (Rev.) Church Discipline. London, New London rep. 1768. 12°. 1160 BRAIM, THOS. HE:NrRY (Esq.) A History of New South Wales, to the Close of the Year 1844. Lond. : 1846. 12°. Front. 1170 BRAINERD, JOHN G. C, the Literary Remains of. With a Sketch of his Life. By John G. Whittier. Hartford [1832]. 12°. 1171 BRAMAN, D. E. E. Information about Texas. Carefully pre- pared. Phila.: 1857. 12°. 1172 BRAMSTON, THOMAS WM., Esq. (One of the Knights of the Shire for South Essex.) The Autobioofraphy of Sir John Bram- ston, K.B., of Skreens, in the Hundred of Chelmsford. London: Camd. Soc.,1845. 4°. 1173 BRANAGAN, THOMAS. The Excellency of the Female Character Vindicated. N. York: 1807. 18°. * 1174 The Penitential Tyrant; or, Slave Trader Reformed. A Poem, in Four Cantos. N. Y. : 1807. 18°. Numerous cuts. 1175 BRANCH, WILLIAM, Jr. Life; A Poem in Three Books. Richmond: 1819. 12°. [Scarce.] 1176 BR ANN AN, JOHN. Official Letters of the Military and Naval Officers of the U. S. during the war with Great Britain in 1812, 13, 14, and 15. Washington City: 1823. 8°. Illust. [Rai-e] 1177 BRANT, Capt. JOS., Memoir of. Brantford (Ont.): 1872. 12°. Port. 1178 BRAYLEY, E. W. Delineations, Historical and Topographical, of the Isle of Thanet and the Cinque Portes. Illustrated. 2 vols. London: 1817. 18°. 1179 The Graphic and Historical Illustrator: An Original Miscel- lany of Literary, Antiquarian, and Topographical Information. 150 wood-cuts. London: 1834. 4°. 1180 BRAYTON, PATIENCE, Short account of the life and re- ligious labors of. Late of Swansey, in the State of Mass. New Bedford, Jan. 1801. 12°. 1181 BRAZIL AND LA PLATA. Personal Record of a Cruise* By C. S. Stewart, U. S. N. N. Y.: 1856. Illus. 12°. 1182 BRECK, ROBERT. A Letter to the Rev. Mr. Hobby, in An- swer to his Vindication of the Protest of against the Result of an Ecclesiastical Council met at Northampton, etc. Boston: 1751: 4°. 1183 BRECKENRIDGE, Mrs. MARGARET, Memorial of. Phila.: 1839. 12°. Port. 1184 BRECK:ENRIDGE, ROBT. J. Secreta Monita Societatis Jesu. The Secret Councils of the Society of Jesus, in Latin and English. Baltimore: 1835. 12°. 74 CATALOGUE. 1185 BRECKElSrEIDGE, KOBT. J. Memoranda of Foreign Travel; containing notices of France, Germany, Switzerland, and Amer- ica. Phila. : 1839. 8°. Autog. of John Breckenridge. 1186 BREMER, FREDRIKA. The Homes of the New World. 2 vols. K. York: 1854. 12°. 1187 The Bondmaid. Translated from the Swedish by M. L. Putnam. Boston: 1844. 12°. 1188 BREEK, HEKRY H. Esq. St. Lucia: Historical, Statistical, Descriptive. London: Longman, 1844. 8°. pp. 423. 1189 BRE:N^I^AI!^, J. F. A General Histoiy of Freemasonry in Europe. Translated and compiled from the Masonic Histories of Emanuel Rebold, m.d. Cincinnati: 1868. 8°. 1190 BREKT, JOHJSr, r.s.A. Canterbury in the Olden Time. Can- terbury: 1860. 12°. 1191 BRElS-TOiT, ED WD. PELHAM (Capt.) The Naval History of Great Britain from 1783 to 1836. Portraits, Plans, etc. 2 vols. London: 1837. 8°. 1192 BRENTON, JAHLEEL, Rear Adm., Sr. An Appeal to the British Nation on behalf of her Sailors. London: 1838. 18°. 1193 BRESSANY, R. P. F. J. Relation Abr6gee de Quelques Mis- sions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus dans la Nouvelle France. Traduit de I'ltalien et augmente d'un avant-propos, de la Biographic de I'auteur. Par le R. V. F. Martin. Montreal: 1852. 8°. Maps. 1194 BREWER, GEORGE. The Juvenile Lavater: A familiar ex- planation of the passions of LeBrun. New York: 1815. 16°. 1195 BREWERTON, G. DOUGLAS. The War in Kansas: A Rough Trip to the Border, among New Homes and a Strange People. N. York: 1856. 12°. Portrait. 1196 BREWSTER, CHAS.W. Rambles about Portsmouth. Sketches of Persons, Localities, and Incidents of two Centuries: Principally from Tradition and unpublished Documents. Portsmouth, N. H. : 1859. 8°. 1197 BRIANT, LEMUEL. Absurdity and Blasphemy of depreci- ating Moral Virtue: Serm. at the West Ch. in Boston, June 18th, 1749. 4°. 1198 BRICE, WALLACE A. History of Fort Wayne, with Life of Wayne, Saml. Hanna. Fort Wayne, Ind. : 1868. 8°. Portrait. 1199 BRIDGE WILLIAM. A Ser. bef. Ho. of Coms. at their Pub- lique Fast, Nov. 29, 1641. London: 1643. 4°. 1200 A Vindication of Ordinances. London: 1650. 4°. pp. 66. 1201 BRIDGES, GEO. WILSON, b.a. (Rev.) Voice from Jamaica; Reply to Wm. Wilberforce, Esq., M.P. 3d ed. London: 1823. 8°. 1202 BRIDGEMAN, THOMAS. Kitchen Gardener's Instructor. N. Y.: 1844. 12°. Portrait. 1203 BRIDGMAN, JOHN. Hist, and Topog. Sketch of Knole, in CATALOGUE. 75 Kent. With Genealogy of the Sackville Family. 2d ed. London: 1821. 8°. Engravings. 1204 BRIDGMaSt, THOMAS. Epitaphs from Copp's Hill Burial Ground, Boston. With Notes. Boston: 1851. 12°. 1205 Memorials of the Dead in Boston. Inscriptions in the King's Chapel Burial Ground, Boston. Boston: 1852. 12°. 1206 Pilgrims of Boston. Inscriptions from Monuments in the Granary Burial Ground. N". York : 1856. 8°. Plates. 1207 BRIGGS, CHARLES F. The Story of the Telegraph and History of the Great Atlantic Cable. Illustrated. N. Y.: 1858. 12°. 1208 BRIGHT, J. B. The Brights of Suffolk, England. Boston: 1858. 8°. Plates. Privately printed. Author's auto. 1209 BRINLEY, FRANCIS. Life of Wm. T. Porter. N. Y. : 1860. 12°. Portrait. 1210 BRISSOT, J. P. DE WARVILLE. Commerce of America with Europe; particularly with France and Great Britain. Trans, f r. the last Fr. edit. Revised by Brissot. With Life of Brissot. N. York: 1795. 12°. Portrait. 1211 New Travels in the United States of America, performed in 1788. 2ded. Corrected. London: 1794. 8°. Port. BrisBot follows his countrjman,Chastellux, with an entertaining account of what he saw in Annericu. 1212 Examen Critique des Voyages dans l'Am6rique Septen- trionale de M. le Marquis de Chastellux. A Londres: 1786. 8°. 1213 Nouveau Voyage dans les Etats-Unis de I'Amerique Septentri- onale fait en 1788. [3 tomes.] A Paris, 1791. 8°. 1214 New Travels in the United States of America. Performed in 1788. Trans, from the French. Boston: 1797. 12°. 1215 A Critical Examination of the Marquis de Chastellux's Travels in N. America. Phila. : 1788. 8°. 1216 BRJSTED, JOHN. Resources of the British Empire, with a View of the Probable Result of the Present Contest between Brit- ain and France. N. York: 1811. 8°. 1217 Resources of the United States, and Character of the American People. N. York: 1818. 8°. 1218 Thoughts on the Anglican and American-Anglo Churches. N. Y: 1822. 8°. 1219 Hints on the National Bankruptcy of Britain, and on her Resources to maintain the Present Contest with France. N. York: 1809. 8°. 1120 BRISTOL (Eng). Tabernacle, Centenary Services of. Lond.: 1854. 12°. 122l Memoirs Illustrative of the History and Antiquities of Bris- tol and the Western Counties of Great Britain. London : 1853. 8°. Plates. 76 CATALOGUE. 1222 BRITISH APOLLO: or, Curious Amusements for the Inge- nious, with Material Occurrences, Foreign and Domestic. By a Society of Gentn. 2 vols. Lond. : 1708-10. Fol. 1223 BRITISH CHROKOLOGIST. Comp. every Material Occur- rence from the Invasion of the Romans to the Present Time. Lond. : 1775. 3 vols. 8°. 1224 BRITISH LIBERTY; or, the Free-Born Subject's Inheritance. London: 1766. 8°. 1225 BRITISH MAGAZINE. Vol. 1 for 1746. Yol. 5 for 1750. Lon- don: 1746-50. 2 vols. 8°. Plates. 1226 BRITISH MUSEUM. General Contents of the; with Remarks, serving as a Directory in Viewing that noble Cabinet. 2d ed. London: 1762. 12°. ..227 Report of the Commissioners appointed to Inquire into the Constitution and Government of the British Museum; with Minutes of Evidence. London: 1850. Folio. 1228 Synopsis of the Contents of the 59th ed. Lond.: 1852. 12°. 1229 Same. 40th ed. London: 1840. 16°. 1230 Guide to the Printed Books exhibited in the Granville Library; to the Autograph Letters. 1865. 12°.' 1231 BRITISH PAMPHLETS. (About 120.) 1730-64. 17 vols., bound: embracing valuable Political, Controversial, and Historical Papers. Among them are Sibber's Letter to Pope ; Hoyle on "Whist; Duchess of Marlborough's Will; Exped. to the Coast of France (1758); On Byng, Sackville, Bligh, Howe, Granby, M. de la Bourdonnais; On Ireland, John Wilkes' Imprisonment, &c. _232 BRITISH PARLIAMENTARY REGISTER. Containing a List of all the Parliaments, Alphabetical List of Members. Lond. : 1753. 8°. [Yery scarce.] 1233 BRITISH SPY (The); or. Letters to a Member of the British Parliament. Written during a Tour through the U. S., by a Young Englishman of Rank. Newburyport: 1804. 12°. [By Wm. Wirt.] 1234 BRITISH State Papers, Calendar of. 1547-1580, ed. by R. Lemon. Lond.: 1856. 1623-25, ed. by M. E. Green. Lond.: 1859. 1625-26, ed. by J. Bruce. Lond. : 1858. 1627-28, ed. by J. Bruce. Lond. : 1858. 4 vols. 8°. 1235 BRITTON, JOHN. Authorship of the Letters of Junius Ehi- cidated; Including Biographical Memoir of Lt.-Col. Isaac Barre. London: 1848. R. 8°. Portraits. 1236 The Original Picture of London. Re-edited. 25th ed. London: [n.d.] 18°. 1237 BROADDUS, ANDREW, v.d.m. The Virginia Selection ^of Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs. In Three Parts. Rich- mond, Ya.: 1852. 32°. 1238 BROCKWELL, CHA., Jk. (Gent.) Natural and PoUtical CATALOGUE. 11 History of Portugal. From its first Erection into a Kingdom to the Present Time. With the History of Brazil, and all other Domin- ions subject to the Crown of Portugal in Asia, Africa, and America. London: 1726. 8°. 1239 BRODHEAD, JOHK ROMEYN. History of the State of New York. First Period, 1G09-1664. :N'ew York: 1853. 8°. 1240 Final Report of, as Agt. of the State of N. Y., to procure and transcribe Documents in Europe relative to the Colonial Hist, of said State. Albany: 1845. 8°. [Scarce.] 1241 BRODHEAD, JOHN ROMEYN. An Address bef. the New York Hist. Society, at its 40th Anniversary, 20th Nov. 1844. 8°. 1242 BROMFIELD, JOHN. Reminiscences of John Bromfield. [Not published.] Salem: 1852. 8°. 1243 BROMLEY, HENRY. A Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits, from Egbert the Great to the Present Time. With App. containing the Portraits of such Foreigners. London: 1793. 4°. 1244 BROMWELL, WM. J. History of Immigration to the United States. New York: 1856. 8°. 1245 BRONSON, HENRY. Abstract of Elocution and Music, in accordance with the Principles of Physiology and the Laws of Life. Auburn: 1842. 12°. Engravings. 1246 BROOK, BENJAMIN. Lives of the Puritans, containing a Biographical Account of those Divines who Distinguished them- selves in the Cause of Religious Liberty, from the Refomiation under Queen Elizabeth to the Act of Uniformity, in 1662. 3 vols. London: 1813. Auto. James Bowdoin. 1247 Histoiy of Relig. Liberty from the first Propagation of Christianity in Britain to the Death of Geo. III. 2 vols. London: 1820. 8°. 1248 Memoir of the Life and Writings of Thomas Cartwright. London: 1845. 8°. 1249 BROOKE, FULKE, Lord, Certain Learned and Elegant Workes of. Written in his youth, and familiar Exercise with Sr. Philip Sidney. London: 1633. 1250 BROOKE, T. H. History of the Island of St. Helena, from its Discovery to 1806. London: 1808. 8°. 1251 BROOKE'S GENERAL GAZETTER Abridged. London: 1796. 12°. 1252 BROOKS, CHARLES. History of Medford, Mass., from its First Settlement, to the Present Time. Boston: 1855. Plates, Portraits, Author's Auto. 8°. [Out of print.] 1253 The Tornado of 1851, in Medford, W. Cambridge, and Waltham, Middlesex Co., Mass. Boston: 1852. 18°. [Long out of print.] 1254 BROOKS, EDWARD. Correspondence with John A. Lowell. Boston: 1847. 8°. Auto, of Author. 78 CATALOGUE. 1255 BROOKS, EDWARD. Answer to 'the Pamphlet of Mr. John A. Lowell. Boston: 1851. 8°. Author's Auto. 1256 BROOKS, J. TYRWHITT, m.d. Four Months among the Gold Finders in Alta California. London: 1849. 12°. Map. 1257 BROOKS, JAS. G. & M. E. The Rivals of Este, and Other Poems. N'ewYork: 1829. 12°. 1258 BROTHERS, RICHARD. A Revealed Knowledge of the Prophecies and Times. Book the First. Wrote under the Direc- tion of the Lord God, and pub. by His Sacred Command. Phila. : 1795. Book Second, Phila. : 1795; also Testimony of the Authen- ticity of the Prophecies by Rich'd Brothers, Phila.: 1795; A Calcu- lation on the Commencement of the Millennium. Phila. : 1795. 12. Verv Curious. Brothers usually styled himself " Q-^d's Nephew": — ** Being, myself, descended from that James, the eldest son of Mary, by Joseph, is the reason that the Lord God said to me, as an expression of fondness, and to manifest his regard, "• You may inform the King of England that I call upon you, my Nephew.''^ 1259 BROWI>r, AARON^ Y. Speeches, Congressional and Political. Nashville: 1854. 8°. Portrait. 1260 BROWX, ALBERT G. Speeches, Messages, etc. Ed. by M. W. Clusky. Phila.: 1859. 8°. Portrait. 1261 BROW]^, ANDREW. Letter concerning Family History, [n. d.] 4°. pp. 12. 1262 BROWN, C. S. Memoir of Rev. Abel Brown, by C. S. B. Worcester: 1849. 12°. Frontispiece. [Scarce.] 1263 BROWN, CHARLES BROCKDEN. The American Register; or, General Repository of History, Politics, and Science, 1806-10. 7 vols. 1264 The American Register; or Summary Review. 2 vols. Phila.: 1817. 8°. 1265 BROWN, CHAS. F. (Artemus Ward). Artemus Ward His Book. Comic illustrations. N. Y. : 1865. 12°. 1266 BROWN, CHARLES H. Insurrection at Magellan. Narrative of the Imprisonment and Escape of Capt. Charles H. Brown from the Chilian Convicts. Boston: 1854. 12°. Front. 1267 BROWN, HENRY. History of Illinois, from its First Discov- ery to the Present Time. New York: 1844. 8°. Map. 1268 Narrative of the Anti-Masonick Excitement in the Western Part of New York, 1826-7-8-9. Batavia, N. Y. : 1829. 12°. 1269 BROWN, J. V. Biography of the Rev. Robert Finley, d.d., of Basking Ridge, N. J. 2d ed. Phila. : 1857. 12°. 1270 BROWN, JOHN. Serm. at Bradford on the death of Rev. Thomas Symmes (1725); with Memoir, etc. Newburyport: 1816. Sewall, Jos.: The Holy Spirit Convinceth. Witherspoon (Dr.): Liberality in Religion. Portland: 1811. Alarum to the Last Judg- ment, by T. D. London: 1615, etc. 8 vols. 18°. 1271 BROWN, JOHN, m.a. Essays on the Characteristics. Lon- don: 1752. 8°. CATALOGUE. 79 1272 BROWN, J. W., A.M. Memorial of Lewis P. Bayard, d.D' New York: 1841. 12°. 1273 BROWN, John Newton. Emily, and Other Poems. Concord, N. H.: 1840. 18°. 1274 BROWN, SAMUEL R. Authentic Histoiy of the Second War for Independence, comprising Details of the Military and Naval Operations. 2 vols. Vol.2. Auburn: 1815. 12°. [Very scarce.] 1275 Views of the Campaigns of the N. Western Army, &c. Sketches of Hull and Harrison, and the Naval Conflict on Lake Erie. Troy, N. Y. : 1814. 12°. 1276 BROWN, THERON (Rev.) The Canton Baptist Memorial, Hist. Disc. bef. the Bapt. Ch. in Canton, Mass., at the Celebration of their Fiftieth Anniversary, 18G4. Boston: 1865. 8°. Plates. 1277 BROWN, THOMAS. Intercepted Letters; or, the Twopenny Post Bag. To which are added. Trifles Reprinted. Phila. : 1813. 18°. 1278 Collection of Dialogues. London: 1708. 8°. 1279 Works of Mr. Thomas Brown, in Prose and Verse: Serious, Moral, and Comical. To which is prefixed a Character of him and his Writings, by Jas. Drake. Lond: 1707. 8°. Imperfect." Frontis. 1280 BROWN, THOMAS. Account of the People called Shakers: their Faith, Doctrine, and Practice. Troy: 1812. 12°. 1281 BROWN, WM. WELLS. The Black Man: his Antecedents, Genius, and Achievements. Boston: 1863. 12°. 1282 BROWNE, D. J. Letters from the Canary Islands. Boston: 1834. 12°. 1283 BROWNE, FRANCES ELIZTH Poems. Camb: 1846. 12°. 1284 BROWNE, J. ROSS. Report of the Debates in the Convention of California, on the Formation of the State Constitution, in Sept. and Oct. 1849. Washington: 1850. 8°. 1285 Reports upon the Mineral Resources of the U. States. Washington: 1867. 8°. 1286 Report on the Mineral Resources of the States and Terri- tories West of the Rocky Mountains. Wash. : 1868. 8°. 1287 BROWNE, P. History of Norwich, from the earliest Records to the Present Time. Norwich, [n. d.] 12°. 1288 BROWNE, WILLIAM. Original Poems, never before pub- lished. With Preface and Notes by Sir Egerton Brydges, Bart. Lee Priory: 1815. 4°. 80 copies printed. 1289 BROWNLEE, W. C, d.d. Letters in the Roman Catholic Controversy. New York: 1834 8°. Portrait. 1290 Doctrinal Decrees and Canons of the Council of Trent; from the first edition printed at Rome in 1564. N. York. [n. d.] 18°. 1291 Careful and Free Enquiry into the True Nature and Tendency of the Religious Principles of the Soc. of Friends. Phila. : 1824. 8°. 1292 BROWNLOW, WM. G. The Great Iron Wheel examined. Nashville, Tenn.: 1856. 12°. Portrait. 80 CATALOGUE. 1293 BROWNLOW, WM. G. Ought American Slavery to be per- petuated? A Debate between W. G. Brownlow and Rev. A. Pryne. Held at Phila., Sept. 1858. Phila. 12°. 1294 Sketches of the Rise, Progress, and Decline of Secession; with a N'arrative of Personal Adventures among the Rebels. Phila.: 1862. 12°. Port. 1295 BROWKSOK, ORESTES A New Views of Christianity, So- ciety, and the Church. Boston: 1836. 12°. 1296 BRUCE, JAMES. :N'arrative of the Travels of James Bruce into Abyssinia to discover the Source of the iN'ile : Abridged from the Original Work. To which are added, Notes and Extracts from the Travels of Dr. Shaw, M. Savary, and the Mems. of Baron De Tott. Boston: 1798. 12°. 1297 BRUCE, JOHN, Esq. Letters of Queen Elizabeth and King James YI of Scotland, from Originals. Camden Society. 1849. 4°. 1298 Correspondence of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leycester, during his Government of the Low Countries in the years 1585 and 1586. London: Camd. Soc. 1844. 4°. 1299 BRUEN, MATTHIAS (Rev.) Memoirs of the Life and Char- acter of, late Pastor of the Presbyterian Ch , in Bleeker St. , New York. N. York: 1831. 8°. Portrait. 1300 BRUTUS. Eoreign Conspiracy against the Liberties of the United States. Originally published in the New York Observer. Revised and corrected by the Author. New York: 1835. 16°. 1301 BRYAN, DANIEL. The Lay of Gratitude. Poems occa- sioned by the recent Yisit of Lafayette to the United States. Phila.: 1826. 8°. 1.302 The Mountain Muse : Comprising the Adventures of Daniel Boone; and the Power of Virtuous and Refined Beauty. Harrison- burg: 1813. 12°. [Scarce.] 1303 BRYANT, CHARLES S., & MURCH, A. B. History of the Great Massacre by the Sioux Indians, in Minnesota. Cincinnati: 1864. 12°. Portraits of Chiefs, &c. 1304 BRYANT, WILLIAM CULLEN. Letters of a Traveller; or. Notes of Things seen in Europe and America. 3d ed. N. York: 1851. 12°. 1305 Discourse on the Life, Character, and Genius of Washing- ton Irving. New York: 1860. 8°. 1306 Poems. Cambridge: 1821. 12°. pp. 44. [Scarce.] 1307 The Fountain, and other Poems. N.Y. & Lond.: 1842. 12°. 1308 Poems. 3d ed. New York: 1836. 12°. 1309 BRYDALL, JOHN. Camera Regis; or, a Short View of London. London: 1676. 12°. 1310 BRYDGES, EGERTON, Sm. A Note on the Suppression of Memoirs announced by the Author in June, 1825. Containing CATALOGUE. 81 numerous Strictures on Contemporary Public Characters. Paris: Sept. 1825. 12°. Portrait. 1311 Letters on the Character and Poetical Genius of Lord Byron. London: 1824. 12°. 1312 Recollections of Foreign Travel. 2 vols. Lond.: 1825. Cr.8°. 1313 Autobiography, Times, Opinions, and Contemporaries of. 2 vols. London: 1833^34. 8°. Portraits. 13:4 Restituta; or, Titles, Extracts, and Characters of Old Books in English Literature Revived. 2 vols. London: 1814-15. 8°. 1315 Population and Riches of liTations, considered together. Paris, Geneva, and London: 1819. 8°. 1316 BUBBLES from the Brunnens of Nassau, by an Old Man. New York: 1836. 8°. 1317 BUCHAN, WM. Domestic Medicine, by A. P. Buchan,M.D. 3d Amer. ed., withadd. Norwich: 1778. 16°. 1318 BUCHANAN, GEORGE. Histoiy of Scotland from the Ear- liest Accounts to the Reign of James VI. Erom the Latin. Edin- burgh: 1762. 5th ed. 2 vols. 8°. 1319 BUCHANAN, JAMES, Esq. Sketches of the History, Man- ners, and Customs of the North American Indians. 2 vols. New York: 1824. 12°. 1320 BUCHANAN, JOSEPH (R.?) Philosophy of Human Nature. Richmond, K. : 1812. 8°. 1321 BUCK, CHARLES, Rev. A Theological Diet.; containing Definitions of all Religious Terms. Phila. : 1825. 8°. Frontispiece. 1322 BUCKINGHAM, J. S. America, Historical, Statistical, and Descriptive. 2 vols. New York: 1841. 8°. Engravings. 1323 BUCKINGHAM, JOSEPH T. Specimens of Newspaper Lit- erature; with Personal Memoirs, Anecdotes, and Reminiscences. 2 vols. Boston: 1850. 12°. Portrait of I. Thomas. 1324 Annals of the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Associa- tion. Boston: 1853. 8°. Portraits. 1325 Supplement to 1852-60. [n.t.p.] 8°. Frontispiece. 1326 New England Magazine, 1831-35. 9 vols. 8°. 1327 Miscellanies selected from the Public Journals. 2 vols. Boston: 1822. 12°. pp. 268, 251. [Scarce.] 1328 Personal Memoirs and Recollections of Editorial Life. 2 vols. Boston: 1852. 12°. Portrait. Author's autog. 1329 BUCKMINSTER, JOSEPH S. Sermons; with a Memoir of his Life and Character. Boston: 1814. R. 8°. Portrait. 1330 THACHER, S. C. and ABBOT, J. E., Abridged Biographies of. Boston: 1833. 12°. Port. 1331 BUCKMINSTER, LYDIA N. Hastings' Memorial. Gen- ealogy of the Descendants of Thomas Hastings of Watertown, Mass. From 1634 to 1864. Boston: 1866. 8°. Autog. of Author. 82 CATALOGUE. 1332 BUDD, THOMAS. Good Order Established in Pennsylvania and IS'ew Jersey, in America. 1685. N". York: 1865. 1333 BUDGELL, EUSTACE. Memoirs of the Life and Character of the late Earl of Orrery, and of the Family of the Boyles [etc.] London: 1732. 8°. Portrait. 1334 BUDIKGT0:N', W. I. History of the Pirst Church, Charles- town. Kine Lectures, with Notes. Boston: 1845. 8°. Portrait. 1335 BUEL, JESSE. The Parmer's Companion. 6th ed. Also a Eulogy on the Life and Character of Judge Buel, by Amos Dean. Boston: 1844. 12°. 1336 BUELL, SAMUEL, d.d. A Paithful Narrative of the Re- markable Revival in E. Hampton, L. I., 1764; also, at Bridgehamp- ton and Easthampton in 1800. Sag Harbor: Alden Spooner: 1808. 12°. Portrait. 1337 BULFINCH, S. G. Poems. Charleston: 1834. 12^. [Scarce.] 1338 BULKELEY, JOHN, and CUMMINGS, JOHN. A Voyage to the South Seas in the Years 1740 and '41. Containing a faithful Acct. of the loss of His Majesty's Ship Wager. 2d ed. Phila. : 1757. 8°. MS. note by Mr. D. 1339 BULKELEY, C. H. A. (Rev.) Niagara. A Poem. N. Y.: 1848. 12°. 1340 BVLKLEY, EDWARD. An Apologie for Religion; or An Answere to an vnlearned and Slanderous Pamphlet intituled, Cer- taine Articles, etc. At London: 1602. 4°. 1341 BULLAR, JOHN. A Companion in a Visit to Netley Abbey, with Keate's Elegy. 6th ed. Southampton: 1826. 12°. 1342 BULLOCK, A. H. Comraem. Adds, at Koyalton, Aug. 23, 1865; the 100th Anniversary. Winchendon: 1865. 8°. 1343 BULLOCK, W. Six months Travel and Residence in Mexico. 2d ed. 2 vols. London: 1825. 12°. Fine Plates. 1344 BULLMER, JOHN, Dr. of Physick. An English Expos- itour. Cambridge: 1680. 18°. 1345 BUNBURY, Lt.-Gen. Sir Hen., k.c.b. Narratives of some Passages in the Great War with Prance, from 1799 to 1810. Lon- don: 1854. 8°. Maps. 1346 BUNGAY, GEO. W. (Pseud.?) Crayon Sketches and Off-Hand Takings of distinguished Amer. Statesmen, Orators, Divines. Boston: 1852. 12°. 1347 BUNKER HILL. Oration by Everett, 75th Anniversary, of the battle; Inauguration of the Warren Statue, &c. Boston: 1850. 8°. Plates. 1348 BUNKER HILL BATTLE and Monument. Sketches with illustrative docs. By Chas. P. Emmons. Charlestown: 1843. 16°. 1349 BUNN, ALFRED. Old England and New England, in a series of Views taken on the spot. Phila. : 1853. 12°. CATALOGUE. 88 1350 BUNN, ALFRED. The Stage: before and behind the Curtain. 2 vols. Phila. : 1840. 12°. Auto. Tho. Barry. 1351 BUNYAN, JOHN. Doctrine of Law and Grace Unfolded. London and Gainsborough : 1788. 12°. 1352 Same. Boston, 1806, also Grace Abounding, etc. Boston: 1806. 12°. 1353 The Holy War, made by Shaddai upon Diabolus. Glasgow: 1752. 18°. " Sad Woodcuts." 1354 Same. Portsmouth, N. H.: 1794. 12°. 1355 Heart's-Ease in Heart-Trouble. Phila.: 1812. 18°. Port. 1356 Sighs from Hell; or, the Groans of a Damned Soul. 17th ed. Boston: 1708. 24°. 1357 Doctrinal Discourses. London, [n. d.] R. 8°. 1358 Pilgrim's Progress. 55th ed. London: 1776. 8°. 1359 Same. 190th ed. Cuts. London: 1791. 12°. 1360 Same. Cuts. Boston: 1800. 12°. 1361 Same. With Notes by T. Scott. Boston: 1805. 16°. 1362 Same. With Life and Death of Author. 24 Plates by Dr. Anderson. Boston: 1806. 12°. 1363 Same. New York: 1851. 24°. 1364 Same. Illust. by Chas. Bennell. N. Y.: 1861. 12°. 1365 BUONAPARTE IN BRITAIN. Parti. Historical Narra- tive of the Invasions of England, from Julius Caesar to the French landing in Wales. Part II. Catalogue of French Cruelties. Lon- don, [n. d.] 12°. 1366 BURCHETT, JOSIAH, Esq. Memoirs of Transactions at Sea during the war with France, 1688 to 1697. London: 1703. 8°. 1367 BURDER, GEO. Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress versified, for the Instruction of Youth. Salem: 1805. 12°. 1368 BURDETT, CHARLES. Margaret Moncrieffe; the First Love of Aaron Burr. A Romance of the Revolution. N. York: 1861. 12°. Portrait. 1.369 Same. 1860. 1370 Life and Adventures of Kit Carson, the celebrated Moun- tain Hunter, Trapper, and Guide. Illustrated. N.York: 1860. 12°. Portrait. 1371 BURGES, TRISTRAM, Hon. Battle of Lake Erie, with Notices of Commodore Elliot's Conduct in that Engagement. Providence: 1839. 12°. pp. 132. [Scarce.] 1372 BURGESS, ALEX. Questions for Bible Classes and Sunday- Schools, in the Protestant Epis. Ch. Boston: 1852. 18°. 1373 BURGESS, DANIEL. Character of a Godly Man. London: 1691. 12°. 1374 BURGESS, E. Dedham Pulpit; or. Sermons by the Pastors of the First Church in Dedham, in the 17th and 18th Centuries; 84 CATALOGUE. with Centennial Discourse by the present Pastor. Boston: 1840. 8°. 1375 Burgess Genealogy. Family of Thomas and Dorothy Bur- gess, settled at Sandwich, Plymth., in 1637. Boston: 1865. 8°. 1376 BUKGESS, GEO. (Bp.) Catechism on the Church Catechism. K. York: 1858. 18°. 1377 BURGH, JAMES. Political Disquisitions. 3 vols. Phila.: 1775. 8°. The "book was published to aid the Am. Revolution. 1378 Dignity of Human Nature, in 4 Books. London: 1764. 4°. 1379 BUBGHALDER, CHRISTIAN". The World and the Church. [A Poem.] Baton Rouge: 1860. Sq. 16. [Scarce.] 1380 BURGOYNE, JOHN. State of the Expedition from Canada, as laid before the House of Commons by Lieutenant-General Bur- goyne, and Verified by Evidence. Written and Collected by Him- self. London: 1780. 4°. 5 Maps. [Scarce.] 1381 Orderly Book of Lieut.-Gen. John Burgoyne, from his entry into the State of N. York, until his Surrender at Saratoga, 16 Oct. 1777. Erom the Original MS. deposited at Washington's Head- quarters, Newburg, N. Y. Ed. by E. B. O'Callaghan, m.d. Albany: 1860. 4°. Portrait and map. 1382 The Dramatic and Poetical Works of; to which is prefixed Mems. of the Author. Embellishd. with Copr. Plates. [In 2 vols.] London: 1807-08. Cr. 12°. pp. 235-244. Very Scarce. 1383 Letter from B. to his constituents upon his late resignation, with the correspondences bet. the Sec. of War and him, rel. to his return to America. 2d ed. Lond. : 1779. 8°. Scarce. Gen. Burgoyne'a works have a peculiar interest to Americans. He handled the pen far better than the sword. All original editions of his works are quite scarce. 1384 BURKE, EDMUKD, Esq. Speech on presenting to the House of Commons (11 Feb. 1780) A Plan for the better Security of the Independence of Parliament. 3d ed. Lond. : 1780. 8°. Portrait. 1385 Reflections on the Revolution in France. In a Letter. London, New York: Reptd. 1791. 8°. 1386 Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke. New edi- tion [in 8 vols.] London: 1803. 8°. 1387 BURKE, JOHN, Esq. General and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the United Kingdom, [&c.]. Londpn: 1826. 8°. Copperplates of Arms. 1388 Encyclopaedia of Heraldry, or General Armory of England. 3d ed. With a Supp. London: 1847. 1389 Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage. 12th ed. London: 1850. 8°. 1390 General and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baron- etage of the British Empire. 4|;h ed. 2 vols. Lond. : 1832. Cr. 8°. CATALOGUE. 85 1391 BURKE, JOHlSr BERNARD. A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Extinct and Dormant Baronetcies of England, Ire- land, and Scotland. By John B., Esq., and J. B. Burke, Esq. 2d . ed. London: 1844. 8°. 1392 Sir (Ulster King at Arms). Geneal. and Her. Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of G. Britain and Ireland. London : 1858. 8°. Portrait of Author. 1393 Royal Families of England, Scotland, and "Wales, with their Descents. 2 vols. London: 1848. R. 8°. Portrait. 1394 BURKE, AVILLIAM. Memoii-s of W. B , a Soldier of the Rev- olution. Hartford: 1837. 18°. 1395 (m.d.) Ya. Mineral Springs, with Remarks on their Use, the Diseases to which they are applicable. 2d ed. Richmond, Va.: 1853. 12°. 139G Mineral Springs of Western Va. N. Y. : 1842. 18°. Map. 1397 BURKE'S DESCRIPTIVE GUIDE to N. Falls. Hand Book of Wisconsin, 1855, &c. 10 Nos. 12°-18°. 1398 BURLAMAQUI, J. J. Principles of :N'atural and Political Law. Translated by Nugent. 4th ed. Boston: 1792. 8°. 1399 Principles of Natural Law. 3d ed. London: 1780. 8°. 1400 BURLEIGH, WM. HENRY. Poems. Phila.: 1841. 8°. 1401 BURN, ANDREW (Maj.-Gen^.) Memoirs of the Royal Marines; collected from his journals. 2 vols. London: 1815. Cr. 8°. Portrait. 1402 BURN, RICH'D. Justice of the Peace (4 vols.) Vols. 1, 2, 3 only. London: 1772. 8°. 1403 BURNABY, ANDREW (Rev. A. M.) Travels through the Middle Settlements in North America. In the years 1759 and 1760. With Obs. upon the State of the Colonies. 2d ed. London: 1775. 8°. P. 198. Thi8 is another of those books useful to consult as valuable aids to our loc .1 history. The glimpses of Boston and other places visited by the Rev. author, and of colonial life and raanner?, are instructive. It is quite uiifrequently met with. 1404 BURNAP, GEO. W. (Rev.) Memoir of Henry A. Ingalls. With Selections from his Writings. Boston: 1846. 18°. Portrait. 1405 BURNET, GILBERT, d.d. Life and Death of Sir Matthew Hale, Kt., sometime Lord Chief Justice gf His Majesties Court of King's Bench. London: 1682. 18°. Portrait. 1406 The Lives of Hale (Sir Mathew), Bedell, and Rochester. London. 18°. 1407 Bishop Burnet's History of His Own Time. London: 1724. 2 vols. Fol. Vol. I has this MS. entry: «' The original MS. of both volumes of ibis history will bo deposited in the Cotton Library by T. Burnet." (Tbos. Burnet was the youngest son of the Bishop.) Vol. II has the autogruph of Rufus Choate, 1840. This volume was sold, according to Oldmixon, to relieve Gov. B. from incumbrances on his N. J. lands. 7 86 CATALOGUE. 1408 BURNET, GILBERT, d.d. Letters. Containing an Account of what seemed most Remarkable in Switzerland, Italy, &c. Rot- terdam: 1686. 8°. 1409 History of the Reformation of the Ch. of England. The First Part. Of the Progress made in it during the Reign of Henry VIII. London: 1679. Pt. II, Eliz.'s Reign: 1681. The Third Part Being Supplement to the 2 vols, formerly published. 1715. Folio. An elegant copy of the original ed. , with splendid plates. 1410 Cockburn's Specimens of some Free and Impartial Re- marks on Publick Affairs, &c., occasioned by Burnet's Own Time, 1727. Remarks on Burnet's Own Time. Wilson's (G.) Bp. Bur- net's Proofs of the Pretender's Illegitimacy, compared with other Writers, 1724. Barbery's Impartial Reflections upon Burnet's Posthumous History, 1784, in 1 vol., 8°. 1411 BURNET, JACOB. Notes on the Early Settlement of the North-Western Territory. Cincinnati: 1847. 8°. Portrait. 1412 BURNEY, JAMES, Capt. Chronological History of North- Eastern Voyages of Discovery and of the Early Eastern Naviga- tions of the Russians. London: 1819. 8°. pp. 310. Charts. Auto, of John Redman Coxe. " No considerable collector of works relating to America should overlook these Toyages." — S. G. D. 1413 Chronological History of the Discoveries in the South Sea or Pacific Ocean. With charts. London: 1803-17. 5 vols. 4°. 1414 BURNEY, WILLIAM, a.m. Naval Heroes of Great Britain [&c.] London: 1806. 12°. 1415 BURNS, ROBERT. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. 3ded. London: 1787. 8°. Portrait. 1416 Reliques of Robt. Burns. Original Letters, Poems, and Critical Observations of Scottish Songs. Collected and published by R. H. Cromek. Phila.: 1809. 12°. 1417 BURR, C. C. Review of Rev. Mr. Lane's Lectures against Universalism. Troy: 1844. 18°. 1418 BURR, S. J. Life and Times of Wm. H. Harrison. New York and Phila. : 1840. 18°. 1419 BURROUGHS, CHARLES. Memoirs and Select Papers of Horace B. Morse, of 'Haverhill, N. H. Portsm'th, N. H : 1829. 12°. 1420 Poetry of Religion, and other Poems. For private circu- lation. Boston: 1851. 12°. 1422 BURROUGHS, JEREMIAH. The Rare Jewell of Christian Contentment. A. D. 1645. London: 1845. 18°. 1423 The Rare Jewell. London: 1648. 4°. pp.329. [Includes] The Saints Duty in Times of Extremity. Opened in a Sermon at Michael Cornhill, London; Occasioned upon the News of Extra- CATALOGUE. 87 ordinary Loss to the Parliament Forces in the West. [Same date with continuous paging.] 1424 BURROUGHS, STEPHEN, Memoirs of the Notorious. Bos- ton: 1832. 12°. 1425 Memoirs. 2 vols. 12°. 1804. Only vol. 2. [Scarce.] 1426 BURTON, JOHN. The Parish Priest: A Poem. Annapolis, [n. d.] 12°. 1427 BURT, HENRY M. IlPd Guide of the Conn. Valley. North- ampton, 1867. 12°. 1428 BURTON, JOHN HILL, Esq. Life and Correspondence of Dav. Hume. From the papers bequeathed by his Nephew to the Royal Soc. of Edinburgh; and other Original Sources. 2 vols. Edinburgh: 174'6-47. 8°. Portraits. 1429 The Book-IIunter, etc. With notes by Richard Grant White. New York: 1863. 8°. 1430 BURTON, RICHARD. Historical Remarks on the Ancient and Present State of the Cities of London and Westminster. New ed. Additional Wood-cuts, Portraits, and Index. Westminster: 1810. 4°. pp. 178. 1431 Admirable Curiosities, Rarities, and Wonders, in England, Scotland, and Ireland. New ed. Wood-cut Portraits, and Index, Westminster: 1811. 4°. 1432 The Wars of England, Scotland, and Ireland. New ed. Westminster: 1810. 4°. 1433 BURTON, ROBERT. The History of the Principality of Wales. The 2d ed. London: 1730. 18°. pp. 186. Frontisp. Robert Burton was the assumed name under which Nath. Crouch issued many of his boolis. IJooksellers eomclimes have it '* Richard Burton," but Crouch used generally only the initials R. B. 1434 BURTON, ROBERT. Anatomy of Melancholy. By Democ- ritus Junior. Oxford: 1651. Fol. Engraved title. 1435 New View and Observations on the Present State of Lon- don and Westminster. London: 1730. 18°. lU'd. 1436 BURTON, WARREN. The District School as it was. By one who went to it. Revised edition. Boston: 1850. 16°. 1437 BURTON, WILLIAM. Description of Leicestershire. Con- taining Matters of Antiquity e, History, Armory e, and Genealogy. London: [1622]. Fol. 1438 BURY ST. EDMUND'S, Guide to the ToWn, Abbey, and Antiquities of. With brief Notices of the Villages and Country Seats within a Circuit of Eight Miles. Ipswich: 1821. 12°. Plates. 1439 BUSEY, SAMUEL C. Immigration: its Evils and Conse- quences. New York: 1856. 12°. 1440 BUSH, GEORGE. A Treatise on the Millennium. N. York: lc32. 12°. 88 CATALOGUE. 1441 BUSH, GEOKGE. Memoirs and Reminiscences of. Edited by Woodbury M. Fernald. Boston: 1860. 12°. Portrait. 1442 BUSHXELL, HORACE. Fathers of N^ew England. An Oration bef. the K. Eng. Soc. ofK. Y. 21 Dec. 1849. N. York: 1850. 8°. 1443 BUTLER, CALEB. History of Groton; including Pepperell and Shirley. Boston: 1848. 8°. Maps, &c. Edition long since exhausted. Presented to Mr. Drake by " Abbott Lawrence, Mar. 22, 1848." 1444 BUTLER, CHARLES, Esq. Reminiscences of C. B., Esq., of Lincoln's Inn. With a Letter to a Lady on Ancient and Modern Music. Second American from the fourth London ed. N. York: • 1824. 12°. [Very rare.] 1445 BUTLER, C. M. (Rev.) Addresses and Lectures on Public Men and Public Affairs. Cincinnati: 1856. 12°. 1446 Old Truths and Old Errors. K. York: 1850. 12°. 1447 BUTLER, FRANCES ANNE. Journal [in the U. States, etc.] 2 vols. Phila.: 1835. 12°. 1448 BUTLER, FREDERICK, a.m. History of the U. S. of America. With Geographical Appendix and a Chronological Table of Contents. For the use of Families and Schools. Phila. : 1827. 8°. 1449 Complete History of the United States of America down to the year 1820. 3 vols. Hartford: 1821. 8°. Illust. 1450 Sketches of Universal History, Sacred and Profane, from the Creation to 1818. 4th ed. Hartford: 1822. 12°. 1451 Catechetical Compend of General History, Sacred and Profane, to the year 1817. 2d ed. Hartford: 1818. ' 18°. 1452 BUTLER, JAMES. American Bravery displayed in the Cap- ture of 1,400 vessels since the Declaration of War by the President. Compiled from the best Authorities. Carlisle [Pa.]: 1816. 12°. 1453 BUTLER, JOSEPH. The Analogy of Religion. 3d Amer. ed. Prefix. Life of B. by Dr. Kippis, with pref. by S. Halifax. Hartford: 1819. 8°. Autog. Moss Kent. 1454 BUTLER, MANN, a.m. History of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Louisville, Ky.: 1834. 8°. Illust. 1455 Same. 2d ed. Rev. and enlarged by the Author. Cincin- nati: 1836. 8°. [A scarce book.] 1456 BUTLER, PIERCE. Statement, originally prepared in aid of his professional Counsel. Phila. [n. d.] 8°. 1457 [BUTLER, SAMUEL.] Hudibras. The First Part. Written in the time of the late Wars. London. Printed by J. G. for Richard Marriot, under Saint Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet, 1663. [On page facing title : — ] Imprimatur. Jo: Berkenhead. Novemb. 11,1662. 8°. This is the first edit, and was issued -yvithout name of author. Autog. John Sheppard, 1740. CATALOGUE. 89 1458 [BUTLER, SAMUEL.] Same. The Second Part. By the Author of the First. London: Trintcd by T. R. for John Martyn and James Allestry at the IBell in St. Paul's Church Yard: 1664. 4°. This is the Ist edit, of the 2d Part. 1459 Same. With add. and annot. In 3 pts. Lond.: 1684. 8°. This ed. contains the change from " Dudgeon " to •' Fury," in the first line. 1460 Same. London: 1704. 8°. 3 pts. In the Preface on Account of the Author. He died 1680. 1461 Same. London: 1709. 8°. Portrait. MS. note by Mr. D. 1462 Same. With Index. Adorned with cuts. Lond. : 1710. 24°. 1463 Same. Cuts by Hogarth. London: 1739. 12°. 1464 Same. With annot. and preface by Zachary Gray. 3d ed. Adorned with a new set of cuts. London: 1792. 8°. 1465 Same. 1st Amer. ed. Troy, N. Y.: 1806. 12°. 1466 Same. Baltimore: 1812. 24°. 1467 Same. (Bohn's ed.) London: 1859. 12°. 1468 Posthumous Works. In Prose and Yerse, Written in the time of the Civil Wars and Reign of King Charles II, by Mr. Sam- uel Butler, Author of Hudibras. From Original MSS. and scarce. Valuable Pieces formerly printed. With a Key to Hudibras, by Sir Roger L' Estrange. London: Printd. for R. Smith &> G. Strahan at the Royal Exchange [etc.], 1715. 18°. Portrait, exquisitely fine. 1469 The Genuine Remains in Verse and Prose of. Published from the Original Manuscripts formerly in the possession of W. Langueville, Esq., with Notes by R. Thayer, keeper of the Public Library at Manchester. In 2 vols. London: Printed for R. and J. Tonson, in the Strand. 1759. 8°. Curious portrait inserted. 1470 The Genuine Poetical Remains of Samuel Butler. With Notes by Robert Thyer. With Selections from the Author's Char- acters in Prose. Numerous Wood-cuts and Portraits of Baker and Thayer. London: 1827. 8°. 1471 BUTLER'S GHOST: or, Hudibras. The Fourth Part. With Reflections upon These Times. London: 1682. 12°. 1472 BUTLER, W. A. Martin Van Buren: Lawyer, Statesman, and Man. N. York: 1862. 18°. 1473 Two Millions. [A Poem.] Fifteenth Thousand. New York: 1858. 12°. 1474 BUTLER, W. O. Life of Gen. Lewis Cass. Phila. : 1848. 12°. Portraits. 1475 BUTTERFIELD, C. W. History of Seneca County; with a detailed Narrative of the Principal Events to the Present Time : A History of the Indians, Early Customs, Biog. Sketches, etc. San- dusky: 1848. 12°. 90 CATALOGUE. 1476 BUTTEKWORTH, JOHN, Rev. New Concordance to the Holy Scriptures. New ed. Boston: 1828. 8°. 1477 BUTTS, ISAAC R. Business Man's Legal Adviser. Boston: 1852. 12°. 1478 BUXTON, THOS.rOWELL, Esq. African Slave-Trade. New York: 1840. 12°. 1479 BYAM, HENRY, Batchei>ar of Divinity. A Returne from Argier. A Serm. at Minhead in Somerset, 6 Mar. 1627, at the re- admission of a relapsed Christian into our Church: London: 1628. 4°. 2 Pts. 1480 BYFIELD, NATHANIEL, Mr. An Account of the Late Rev- olution in N. England, April 18, 1689. N. Y. : 1865. 4°. 1481 BYLES, MATHER. Yanity of every Man at his best Estate. A Funeral Sermon on the Honorable William Dummer, Esq. , who died Oct. 10, 1761, aged 84 years. 1482 BYRD, ANN. Narratives, Pious Meditations, and Religious Exercises. 2d ed. Bybery: 1844. 18°. 1483 BYRD, WILLIAM. History of the Dividing Line, and other Tracts. Richmond: 1866. 4°. 1484 BYRON, JOHN, Hon. Narrative of the Honourable John By- ron (Commodore in a late Expedition round the World) , containing an Account of the great Distresses suffered by Himself and his Com- panions on the Coast of Patagonia, from the year 1740 till their Arrival in England, 1746. Also a Relation of the Loss of the Wager Man of War, one of Admiral Anson's Squadron. Written by Him- self , and now First Published. London: 1768. 8°. Frontispiece. His descendant. Lord Byron, alludes thus poetically to the Narrative: — " His hardships were comparative To those related in my grand-dad's narrative." 1485 BYRON, Lord. English Bards and Scottish Reviewers: A Satire. 4th Ed. Lond.: 1811. 12°. Portrait. MS. index by Mr. Drake. 1486 Same. Amer. ed. Ed. by E. A. D. [Duyckinck]. N. Y.: Chas. B. Richardson, 1865. 1. paper, ed. 75 copies. 1487 La Profezia di Dante, di B., trad, in Terza Rima da.L. Da Ponte. 2a ed. Nuova Jorca: 1822. 16°. 1488 C , J. The Antiquities of St. Peter's; or. The Abbey Church of Westminster: Containing all the Inscriptions, Epitaphs, etc., upon the Tombs and Gravestones [etc.] Adorned with Draughts of the Tombs, curiously engraven. London [etc.]: 1713. [Including Supplement.] 8°. 1489 Poems. By J. C. With additions. Printed in the Yeare 1651. 12°. pp.77. 1490 CABALA, sive scrinia sacra. Mysteries of State and Govern- ment; in Letters of Illustrious Persons, in the Reigns of King Henry CATALOGUE. 91 the Eighth, Q. Elizabeth, King James, and King Charles. London: 1603. Fol. 1491 CABINET ANNUAL REGISTER (The), and Historical, Po- litical, Biographical, and Miscellaneous Chronicle for the year 1831. 3 vols. 1831-33. London. 12°. 1492 C^SAR. C. Ivlii Cajsaris Comentarii. Ex D. Henrici Glareani, Poetas Laureati castigatione, et Scholijs eiusdem. Friburgi Bris- goije, Stephanas Granius excudebat: anno 1546. 8°. 1493 C^SERI A. The Island of Jersey; its History, Antiquities, and the Biography of Eminent Men, Nativ9S of the Island. Engravinga. London: 1840. 8°. 1494 CAIKNES, JOHN ELLIOT. The Revolution in America. Dublin: [1862.] 12°. 1496 CALAMY, EDM., E. F. , and N. A Defence of Moderate Non- Conformity. In Answer to Mr. Ollyffe and Mr. Iloadly, on the Life of the Rev. Rich. Baxter. London: 1703. 3 void, (or parts). Once belonged to Uev. B. Colman. 1496 The Nonconformist's Memorial. Abridged, corrected, with the Addition of Several New Lives. By Samuel Palmer. 2d ed. 3 vols. London: 1802. 8°. Many portraits. 1497 The Nonconformist's Memorial. 2 vols. London: 1775. 8°. Portraits. 1498 Abridgement of Baxter's Life and Times [etc.]. London: 1702. 8°. Portrait of Richard Baxter. 1499 Continuation of the Account of the Ministers, Lecturers, ejected and silenced after the Restoration in 1660. London: 1727. Also, The Church and the Dissenters compared. London: 1719. Remarks upon Dr. Rennet's Essay on the 39 Articles. London: 1727. 2 vols. 8°. 1500 CALCOTT, Dr. Musical Grammar. Boston: 1810. 12°. 1501 CALDWELL, CHARLES, m.d. A Discourse on the Genius and Character of the Rev. Horace Ilolley, ll.d., late President of Transylvania University. Boston: 1828. 8°. 1502 Thoughts on the Original Unity of the Human Race. N. York: 1830. 12°. 1503 Medical Theses, by the Graduates in Medicine of the Uni- versity of Pennsylv. Phila. : 1805. 8°. 1504 Same. Phila.: 1806. 8°. 1505 Essays on Malaria and Temperament. Lexington, Ky.: 1831. 12°. 1606 Medical and Physical Memoirs; Inquiry into the Origin of the late Epidemics of the U. S. Phila.: 1801. 8°. 1507 CALDWELL, HOWARD H. Oliatta and Other Poems. New York: 1855. 12°. 1508 CALDWELL, JOHN. A Tour through Part of Virginia in the Summer of 1808. N. York: 1809. 8°. 92 CATALOGUE. 1509 CALEF, EGBERT. More Wonders of the Invisible World; or, The Wonders of the Invisible World Displayed. With A Post[s]cript, relating to "The Life of Sir William Phips." London: 1700. Repr. Salem: 1823. 12°. [Rare.] 1510 More Wonders. Salem: 1796. 12°. [Rare.] 1511 CALENDAR of Historical Manuscripts, relating to the War of the Revolution, in the Office of the Secretary of State, Albany, N. Y. 2 vols. Albany: 1868. 1512 CALIFORNIA and Kew Mexico. [Cong. Doc, 31 Cong. 1 Ses. Ex. Doc. ^o. 17.] 8°. Maps. 1513 California Mail Bag. San Francisco J^ews Letter and Cala. Advertiser. Oct. to Nov. 1871. 8°. 1514 Same. June, 1871. 8°. 1515 Same. Aug. 1871. 8°. 1516 CALKIN, J. B. The Geography and History of Nova Scotia, with a Sketch of the British Possessions in N. America. Halifax, N. S.: 1864. 16°. 1517 CALLAN, JOHN F. The Military Laws of the IJ. States, from the Foundation of the G overnment to the year 1863. Phila : 1863- 8°' 1518 CALLENDAR, TOM. Letters to Alex. Hamilton, King of the Feds., etc. New York: 1802. 8°. 1519 CALLENDER, JAMES T. The Political Register; or. Pro- ceedings in Congress, Nov. 3d, 1794, Mar. 3d, 1795. Yol. 1. Phila. : 1795. 1520 CALLENDER, JOHN. Terra Australis Cognita; or, Yoyages to the Southern Hemisphere, during the 16th, 17th, and 18t]i Cen- turies. Edinburgh: 1766-8. 3 vols. 8°. Maps. 1521 CALLENDER, JOHN, m.a. Historical Discourse. Boston: Pr. and sold by S. Kneeland and T. Green in Queen St., 1739. 8°. Two leaves and advt. at end supplied. Preeentation copy, with autog. letter, from Jno. Carter Brown. 1522 CALYERT, GEO. H. Arnold and Andre. An Historical Drama. Boston: 1864. 12°. 1523 CAMBELL, DAYID. Illustrations of Prophesy. Boston: 1840. 16°. 1524 CAMBRIAN TOURIST (The); or, Post-Chaise Companion through Wales. With charts. London: 1821. 12°. Plates. 1525 CAMBRIDGE, GEORGE OWEN. The Works of Richard Owen Cambridge, Esq.: with an account of his Life and Character. London: 1803. 4°. Plates, 16. 1626 CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Charter and Ordinances of the City of Cambridge: 1857. 8°. 1627 First Church of. Some Passages in its history, &c. Camb. : 1842. 12°. 1628 CAMBRIDGE, UNIYERSITY OF, a Guide through. In- CATALOGUE. 93 eluding a Description of the Town, County, and Ncicjhborhood. A Tour to Ely, Wimpole, Newmarket, &c. New edition, with en- gravings. Cambridge: 1814. 12°. 1529 CAMDEN, WILLIAM. Annales; or, the History of the most Renowned and Victorious Princesse Elizabeth, late Queen of Eng- land. With divers Additions of the Author's, never before pub" lished. 3d ed. London: 1635. Fol. Portrait and Frontis. 1530 Camden's Britannia Abridged, with Improvements and Continuations to this present Time. 2 vols. London: 1701. 8°. Portrait and maps. 1531 Brita. Revised, Digested and Published, with large addi- tions. By Edmund Gibson, d.d. 2d ed. 2 vols. London: 1722. Imp. Fol. 1532 Remaines of a Greater Worke Concerning Britaine, the In- habitants thereof, their Languages, Names, Surnames, Empresses, and Epitaph es. London: 1G0>. 4°. 1533 Remaines concerning Britaine [&c.]. By William Camden, Esquire, Clarenceux, King of Amies, Surnamed the Learned. The Fift Impression, with many rare Antiquities never before imprinted. By the Industry and Care of John Philpot, Somerset Herald. Lon- don: 1637. 4°. 1634 History of Elizabeth. 3d ed. London: 1075. Fol. Front. Port, of Elizabeth. Two pages of MS. notes by Mr. D. 1635 Britannia sive Lorentissimorvum Regnorum, Anglife, Scotiae, Hiberniaj, et Insvlarvm adjacentium ex intima antiquitate Choro- graphica dcscriptio. Authore Gvlielmo Camdeno. Nunc denub et plurimus locis aducta. Londini, per Radulphum Newbury: 1587. 12°. 1536 Britannia. Londini. impensis, 1594. 4°. 1537 Annales rcrum Anglicarum Hibernicarum Regnante Eliza- betha. Autore Gvl. Camdeno. Prostat Amstelodami apud Dem. Elzevir. 1677. 8°. Most of the above works of Camden are in remarkably fine condition. The last is from the famous Elzevir press. 1538 CAMDEN MISCELLANY, The. Vol 1. Containing Regi. and Chron. of the Abbey of Aberconway; Journal of the Siege of Rouen, 1591, and other Ancient MSS. Camden Soc. London: 1844. 4°. 1539 CAMELS for Military Transportation. Rep. of the Secy, of War. Wash.: 1857. 8°. 1540 CAMERARIUS, P. The Living Librarie; or, Meditations and Observations Historical, Natvral, Moral, Political, and Poetical. Written in Latin; and done into English by I. Molle, Esq.; with Additions by H. Molle, his Sonne. London: 1625. Fol. 94 CATALOGUE. 1541 CAMOEN^S, LUIS DE. The Lusiad; or, Portugal's Historical Poem: Now newly put into English by the Right Honl. Sir Rich- ard Fanshawe. London: 1664. Eol. Three Portraits. 1542 The Lusiad; or, the Discovery of India. An Epic Poem, translated by Wm. Julius Mickle. London: 1809. 24°. Plates inserted. 1543 CAMPBELL, ARCHIBALD. A Yoyage Round the World, from 1806 to 1812. Edinburgh: 1816. 8°. 1544 Same. New York: 1817. 12°. Chart. 1545 CAMPBELL, CHARLES. History of the Colony and Ancient Dominion of Yirginia. Phila. : 1860. 8°. 1546 The Orderly Book of Gen. Andrew Lewis, 1776. Notes and Introduction. Richmond, Ya. : Privately printed, 1860. 4°. Ed. 10 copies. 1547 - — The Bland Papers. With an Introd., and Memoir of Col. Bland. Edited by Charles Campbell. 2 vols. Petersburg: 1840. 8°. 1548 Materials for a Brief Memoir of J. D. Burk, author of a Hist, of Yirginia. Albany: 1868. 8°. 1549 Genealogy of the Spotswood Eamily in Scotland and Yir- ginia. Albany: 1868. 8°. 1550 CAMPBELL, DONALD, Esq. A Narrative of the Extraor- dinary Adventures and Sufferings by Shipwreck and Imprisonment. New York: 1801. 12°. 1551 Same. New York: 1798. 12°. 1552 CAMPBELL, GEORGE, d.d., Edin. Philosophy of Rhetoric. Phila.: 1818. 8°. 1553 Same. 7th ed. London: 1823. 8°. Portrait. 1554 CAMPBELL, HUGH, ll.d., f.a.s. The Case of Mary, Queen of Scots, and of Elizabeth, Queen of England, Briefly Stated: Em- bracing the Amorous Life of the Yirgin Queen. Lond. : 1825. 8°. 1555 CAMPBELL, JOHN. Travels in South Africa. Andover: 1816. 8°. Curious frontis. 1556 CAMPBELL, JOHN (Dr.) Lives of the British Admirals, to the year 1779. Written under the Inspection of Dr. Berkenhout. 4 vols. London: 1779. 8°. Frontispiece and Maps. 1557 Same. London and Glasgow. 12°. Profusely IlPd. 1558 Same. 8 vols. London: 1812-17. Elegant portraits. 1559 Political Survey of Britain. 2 vols. London: 1774. 4«>. 1560 CAMPBELL, JOHN P. Southern Business Directory and General Commercial Advertiser. Yol. 1. Charleston: 1854. 8°. 1561 CAMPBELL, JOHN W. Biographical Sketches; with other Literary Remains of the late .John W. Campbell, Judge of the U. S. Court for the District of Ohio. Compiled by his Widow. Colum- bus, Ohio: 1838. 8°. Portraits. 1562 A History of Yirginia, to the year 1781. With Biographi- cal Sketches. Phila.: 1813. 12". [Scarce.] CATALOGUE. 95 1563 CAMPBELL, MARIA, Mrs. Life of Gen. William Hull ; with the History of the Campaign of 1812, by his grandson, James Freeman Clarke. New York : 1848. 8°. 1564 CAMPBELL, P. Travels in the Interior inhabited Parts of North America, in 1791 and 1792. With an Account of the Man- ners and Customs of the Indians, and the present War between them and the Foederal States. Illustrated with Copperplates. Edinburgh : 1793. 8°. Very rare — apparently unknown to bibliographers. 1565 CAMPBELL, THOMAS. Letters from the South: written during a Journey to Algiers, etc. Phila. : 1836. 12°. 1566 Poetical Works, including Theodoric. Phila-: 1827. 12°. 1567 CAMPBELL, WILLIAM W. Annals of Try on County; or, The Border Warfare of New York during the Revolution. N. York : 1831. 8°. 1568 The Life and Writings of DeWitt Clinton. N. York: 1849. 12°. Portrait. 1569 CANADA. Guide Book, with a Map of the Province. Mont- real: 1849. 18°. 1570 Directory for 1857-8. Montreal: [1858.] R. 8°. Map. 1571 CANDID Examination of the mutual Claims of Great Britain and the Colonies; with a Plan of Accommodation on Constitutional Principles. New York: J. Rivington, 1775. 8°. 1572 CANDLER, JOHN. Brief Notices of Hayti: with its Condi- tion, Resources, and Prospects. London: 1842. 12°. 1573 CANNON, CHAS. JAS. The Poet's Quest, and other Poems. New York: 1841. 12°. 1574 CANONICUS. Letters to the Rev. William E. Channing, d.d. , on the Existence and Agency of Fallen Spirits. Boston: 1828. 12°. 1575 A Second Letter to the Rev. Geo. Whitefield. Boston: 1745. 12°. 1576 CANTABRIGIA DEPICTA. A Concise and Accurate Descrip- tion of the University and Town of Cambridge and its Environs [etc.] Camb.:1763. 12°. Planof the Town, and large MS. additions. 1577 CAPE BRETON. Genuine Letters and Memoirs, relating to the Natural, Civil, and Commercial History of, to the taking of Lou- isburg by the English, in 1758. By an Impartial Frenchman. Trans- lated from the Author's original MS. London: 1760. 8°. 1578 Importance and Advantage of, truly stated; with maps London: 1746. 8°. By Wm. BoUan, Mass. Agent in England. 1679 CAPEN, NAHUM. Letter to Rev. Nathaniel Hall, of Dor- chester, Mass., concerning Politics and the Pulpit. Boston and Cambridge: [1855.] 4°. 1580 CAPRON, E. S. History of California, with a Journal of the 96 CATALOGUE. Voyage from ^N'ew York to San Francisco. !N"ew Map. Boston: 1854. 12°. 1581 CARE, HEl^RY. English Liberties; or, the Free-Born Sub- ject's Inheritance; containing Magna Charta, Charta de Foresta. Boston: 1721. 12°. Printed by J. Franklin. [Rare.] 15S2 English Liberties. Compiled by Henry Care. Additions by Wm. Nelson, of the Middle Temple, Esq. Providence, R. I. Printd. and sold by John Carter, at Shakespear's Head, in Meeting- Street, near theX^ourt-House. 1774. Sq. 8°. Subscribers' names part gone. [Scarce.] 1583 CAREW, BAMPFYLDE-MOORE, King of the Beggars, Life and Adventures of. London: 1788. 12°. Port. 1584 CAREY, H. C. & J. LEA. The Geography, History, and Sta- tistics of America and the W. Indies. Maps, Charts and Plans. London: 1823. 8^ 1585 CAREY, HENRY C. The Harmony of Interests, Agricultural, Manufacturing, and Commercial. New York : 1852. 8°. Portraits. 1586 Letters on International Copyright. Phila. : 1853. 8°. 1587 The Past, Present and Future. Phila. : 1848. 8°. 1588 CAREY, MATTHEW. Miscellaneous Trifles in Prose. Phila.: 1796. 32°. 1589 The Olive Branch; or, Faults on both Sides, Federal and Democratic. A Serious Appeal on the Necessity of Mutual Forgive- ness and Harmony to save our Common Country from Ruin. 3d ed. Boston: 1815. 12°. [Scarce.] 1590 Same. 4th ed. Phila.: 1794. 8°. 1591 Amer. Pocket Atlas; containing Nineteen Maps. Phila.: 1801. 8°. 1592 An Address to William Tudor, Esq. Author of Letters on the Eastern States. To prove the Calumny and Slander of his Remarks on the Olive Branch. Phila.: 1821. 12°. [Very rare.] 1693 Carey's American Pocket Atlas; containing 20 Maps, viz. 3d. ed. Phila. : 1805. 8°. 1594 The Olive Branch. Middlebury, Vt. : 1816. 7th ed. Enlarged. 12°. 1595 The School of Wisdom; or, American Monitor. Contain- ing Sublime and Elegant Extracts, from the most Eminent Writers. 2d. ed. Phila. : 1803. 12°. 1596 Essays on Political Economy. Applied particularly to the U. S. Phila. : 1822. 8°. 1597 yindici83 Hibernicse; or, Ireland Vindicated. 2d ed. En- larged and Improved. Phila. : Oct. 20, 1823. 8°. 1598 The New Olive Branch; or, an Attempt to establish an Identity of Interest between Agriculture, Manufactures and Com- merce. Phila.: 1820. 8°. 1599 Letters to Dr. Adam Seybert. The Renewal of the Char- CATALOGUE. 97 ter of the Bank of the U. States. 2d ed. Phila. : Jan. 7, 1811. 8°. " Presented to Wni. Eustis, Esq., Sec. of War, by the Author." 1600 CARLETON, JAMES IIP^NRY. The Battle of Buena Vista. :N"ew York: 1848. 12°. Maps. 1601 CARLISLE, EARL OF. Travels in America. The Poetry of Pope. Two Lectures. New York: 1851. 12°. 1002 CARLTOK, GEO. (d.d. and Bp.) A Thankful Remembrance of God's Mercy. In an Historical Collection of the great and Merciful Deliverances of the Church and State of England, since the Gospel beganne here to flourish, from the beginning of Queene Elizabeth. 3d ed. Revised and enlarged. London : 1627. 4°. 1603 CARLET0:N", ROBERT (Esq.) The New Purchase; or. Seven and a half years in the West. 2 vols. N. York: 1843. 12°. 1604 CARLYLE, JOHN A. (m. d.), Dante's Divine Comedy: The Inferno. A Liberal Prose Translation and explanatory Notes. N. York: 1849. 12°. Port. 1605 CARLYLE, THOMAS. Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, with elucidations. London: 1857. 3v. Cr. 8°. 1606 The Life of John Sterling. Boston: 1851. 12°. 1607 Sartor Resartus. Boston: 1836. 8°. 1608 The French Revolution. 2 vols. Boston: 1838. 12°. 1609 Latter-Day Pamphlets. [No. 1 to 8.] Boston: 1850. 12°. 1610 CARNES, J. A. Journal of a Voyage from Boston to the West Coast of Africa. Boston and Cleveland, O. : 1852. 12°. 1611 CARPENTER, THOMAS. The American Senator. Debates in the Congress of the U. S. The 2d of the 4th Congress. [In 3 vols.] Phila.: 1796. 8°. 1612 CARPENTER, WM. B. Use and Abuse of Alcoholic Liquors. Boston: 1861. 12°. 1613 CARPENTER, W. H. History of N. Jersey. Phila.: 1855. 18°. Port. 1(514 History of Pennsylvania. Philad.: 1854. 16°. Portrait of Wm. Penn. 1615 The Baltimore Book. Edited by W. H. C. and T. S. Arthur. Bait.: 1838. 12°. 1616 History of Illinois. Phila. : 1857. 18°. Port. 1617 History of Massachusetts. Phila. : 1853. 18°. Port. 1618 and ARTHUR, T. S. History of New York. Phila.: 1854. 16°. 1619 CARR, JOHN, Esq. A Northern Summer; or. Travels round the Baltic, througli Denmark, Sweden, Russia, Prussia, and part of Germany in the year 1804. Phila. 1805. 8°. 1620 Sir. A Tour through Holland, to the South of Germany, in the Summer and Autumn of 1806. Phila. : 1807. 8°. 98 CATALOGUE. 1621 CARR, JOHN, Sm. The Stranger in Ireland. 1805, with an Acct. of Thomas Dermody. N. York: 1807. 12°. Front. 1622 Poems, by Sir John Carr. London: 1809. 8°. Portrait. 1623 CARREL, ARMAND. History of the Counter Revolution in England for the Re-establishment of Popery under Charles II, and James II. History of the Reign of James II. By C. J. Fox. London: 1846. 12°. Portrait. 162i CARRINGTON, H. E. The Plymouth and Davenport Guide; with Sketches of the Surrounding Scenery. Map and Views. Dav- enport: 1843. 1625 The Plymouth and Davenport Guide. 2d edit. Davenport: 1835. 24°. Plates. 1626 CARROLL, ANNA ELLA. The Star of the West; or, National Men and National Measures. Boston: 1857. 12°. Ports. 1627 A Review of Pierce's Administration. Boston: 1856. 18°. Portrait. 1628 CARROLL, B. R. Historical Collections of South Carolina. 2 vols. N. York: 1836. 8°. [Scarce.] 1629 CARTE, THO. ma. Original Letters and Papers concerning the Affairs of England from 1641 to 1660. 2 vols. London: 1739. 8°. Portrait. 1630 CARTER, J. G. and W. H. BROOKS. Geography of Massa- chusetts. Boston: 1830. 18°. 1631 Geography of Middlesex County. Cambridge: 1830. 18°. 1632 Geography of New Hampshire. Portsmouth: 1831. 18*>. 1633 Geography of Worcester County. Lancaster: 1830. 18°. 1634 Geography of Essex County. Boston: 1830. 8°. 1635 CARTER, MATT. Honor redivivus; or, an Analysis of Honor and Armory. London : 1660. 12°. Engraved Frontsp. and Title. 1636 CARTER, N. H. Letters from Europe, comprising the Journal of a Tour in the years 1825, '26, and '27. 2 vols. N. York: 1827. 12^. 1637 Same. Second edition. New York: 1829. 1038 CARTWRIGHT, JOHN. The Legislative Rights of the Com- onalty Vindicated; or, Take your Choice! Representation and Re- spect — Imposition and Contempt; Annual Parliaments and Liberty; Long Parliaments and Slavery. 2d ed. London: 1777. 8°. 1639 CARUTHERS, E. W., Rev., d.d. Incidents and Sketches of Character in the " Old North State." Second Series. Phila. : 18^6. 12°. 2 Maps. 1640 CARVALHO, S. N. Travel and Adventure in the Far West; with Col. Fremont's Last Expedition. N. York : 1857. 12°. Plates. 1641 CARVER, JOHN, Esq. (Pseud.) Sketches of New England. New York: 1S42. 12.° CATALOGUE. 99 1642 CARVER, JONATII AN (Capt.) Travels through the Interior Parts of North America, in tlie years 176G, '07, and 'G8. Illustrated. Third Edition. Account of the Author [by Dr. Lettsom]. London : 1781. 8°. Portraits of Carver and Lettsom. 1643 Three Years' Travels throughout tlie Interior Parts of North America, for more than 5,000 miles. Boston: 1797. 12°. Early cdliions of Curvcr arc not common. 1644 Same Phila.: 1796. 8°. 1645 CARVER, ROBIN. History of Boston. Boston: 1834. 4°. 1646 CARY, ALPIIEUS. Epitaphs suitable for Monumental In- scriptions. Boston: J865. 18°. 1647 CARY, ALICE. Poems. Boston: 1855. 12°. 1648 CARY, JOHN. Traveller's Companion, in England and Wales. London: 1 Jan. 1791. 1^°. 1649 CARY, ROBERT. Memoirs of the Life of Robert Cary, Baron of Leppington, and Earl of Monmouth. "Written by Himself. With Explanatory Notes. London: 1759. 8°. Curious Frontispiece. 1650 CARY, SAMUEL. Review of a Book entitled " The Grounds of Christianity Examined, by Geo. B. English, a.m." Boston: 1813. 12°. [Scarce.] 1651 CARY, THOS.G. Letter to a Lady in France. Bost.:1844. 8°. 1652 Memoir of Thomas Handasyd Perkins ; Extracts from his Diaries and Letters. Boston: 1856. 8°. Portrait. 1053 CASE of Great Britain and America, addressed to the King and both Houses of Parliament. Lond.: Printed; Bost. :Rep. [nd.] 4°. 1654 CASE (The) of the Canadians at Montreal, distressed by a dreadful Fire on the 18th of May, 1705. Montreal: 1765. 12°. 1655 CASE of the Black Warrior and other violations of the Rights of American Citizens by Spanish Authorities. Wash. : 1854. 8°. 1656 CATALOGUE (A) of the Lords, Knights, and Gent, that have Compounded for their Estates. London: 1655. 12°. 1657 of the Manuscripts in the Cottonian Library deposited ifa the British Museum. 1802. Folio. 1658 of the Books on the Masonic Institution in Public Libra- ries of 28 States of the Union, Antimasonic in Arguments and Con- clusions. Boston: 1852. 8°. 1659 of the Library of the Theol. Seminary in Andover, Mass. Andover: 1838. 8°. 1660 of Books in the Boston Atheneum; By-Laws of the Insti- tution. And a List of its Proprietors and Subscribers. Boston: 1827. 8°. [Bound with the above.] Catalogue of the Books added to the B. A. since 1827. Boston: 1840. 8°. 1661 of the Books of the Boston Library Society, in Franklin Place, Jan. 1844. Boston. 8°. 1662 of the Library of the American Antiquarian Society. Worcester: 1837. 8°. 100 CATALOGUE. 1663 CATALOGUE (A) of the Library of the United States. Wash- ington: 1815. 4°. [Scarce.] 1664 of the Library of Congress. Washington: 1831. 8°. 1665 of the State Library of Mass. Boston: 1858. 8°. 1666 of the Maryland State Library, 1851. Annapolis: 1851. 8°. 1667 of the Library of the Mass. Hist. Society. Bost. : 1811. 8°. 1668 of the Library of the Mass. Historical Society. Boston: 1859-60. 2v. 8°. 1669 of the Prince Library. A Catalogue of the Collection of Books and MSS. which formerly belonged to the Kev. Thomas Prince. Boston: 1870. R. 8°. 1670 of the Library of the, New York Historical Society. New York: 1859. 8°. 167i of the Library of the State Hist. Soc. of Wisconsin. Madi- son: 1873. 2v. 8°. 1672 of valuable, early printed books, MSS., etc., for sale by Willis & Sotheran. London: 1859. 8°. 1673 of the New York Society Library. New York: 1838. 8°. 1674 Index to the Cat. of Books in the Upper Hall of the Pub- lic Library of Boston. Boston: 1861. 8°. 1675 Same. Pirst Supplement. Boston: 18G6. 8°. 1676 of the Chinese Collection in Philadelphia. Phila. : 1839. 1677 CATALOGUES of Harvard, 1790 (1821), Yale (1820), Dart- mouth (1822), Brown (1815), and Bowdoin (1822) Colleges; also Dr. William Bentley, 1820, and Salem Athenaeum, 1818, Libraries. 8°. 1678 Harvard Coll., 1827; Yale, 1822-23; Princeton, 1824; Dart- mouth, 1820-21-22-23-24-25-28; Norwich, Yt., Military Academy, 1822; Brown Univ., 1812-14; Williams, 1824; Supp. Library of Cong., 1825. This volume has autogs. of Jos. E. Worcester, Jno. Farmer, Prof. Silliman, &c. 1679 Harvard Coll. (Triennial), 1800-1824-1827-1845, 3 vols., 8°; also Cat. of 1872; also Yale C, 1838, 8°. 1680 9 vols., 1812-59, including libraries of many distinguished personages, — valuable to bibliographers. 1681 A complete Series, 17 nos., 1864-75. Prepared by S. G. Drake. These catalogues have a value not only in American Bibliography, embracing as they do many thousand titles of rare and curious books relating to America, but for the numer- ous notes concerning authors, subjects, or the books themselves. 1682 Boston Public Library, 1854. Boston Library, 1830-44. Cambridge High School Library, 1853. Mercantile Library, Bos- ton, 1854. Middlesex Mechanic Assoc. Library, 1853. Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila., 1836. New York Soc. Library, 1813. Apprentices and De Milt Libraries, 1855. Mercantile Library, New York, 1850-66.' Harvard College, Maps and Charts, 1831. 12v. 8°. 1683 Go wans, 1853-60, 5 nos. Thorpe, 1842. Bare Minerals, CATALOGUE. 101 1829. Private Library Sale Cat. Wight, Allan, Prince, Kloss, Lyle, Crowninsliield, Hall, etc. Lackiugton's, 1819. Farrand's Law Cat. 22v. 8°. 1684 Harvard College Library, 1830. 3 vols. Maps and Charts, 1831; 1st supplement, 1834; Penn. State Library, 1839; Public Library, Newburyport, 1857; Holton Library, Brighton, 1872-74; Boston Library, 1844; Boston Athenaeum Lib., list of books added, 1863-64. 1685 44 Sale Catalogues. 1686 CATCOTT, ALEXANDER, A.M. A Treatise on the Deluge. The Time when, and the Manner how America was first peopled. Two plates. London: 1768. 8°. [Rare.] 1687 CATLIN", GEORGE. Illustrations of the Manners, Customs, and Condition of the N. Amer. Indians, written during eight years travel and Adventure among them. With 360 engravings from the Author's original Paintings. 2 vols. London: 1861. 8°. 1688 CATLIN' S NOTES of Eight Years Travels and Residence in Europe, with his North American Indian Collection. 2 vols. Illus- trations. 4th ed. London: 1848. 8°. 1689 CATROU, F. F. The General History of the Mogol Empire, from its foundation by Tamerlane, to the late Emperor Orangzeb. Extracted from the Memoirs of M. Manouchi, a Venitian, and chief Physician to Orangzeb for above Forty Years. Lond. : 1709. 8°. 1690 CATTERMOLE, RICHARD, b. d., Rev. The Great Civil War of Charles I and the Parliament. With 13 highly finished engravings from drawings by Geo. Cattermole, Esq. London: 1845. 8°. 1691 CATTO, WM. T. (Rev.J A Semi-Centenary Discourse, in the First African Presbyterian Cb., Phila., on the 4th Sabbath of May, 1857. With a History of the Church. Phila.: 1857. 8°. 1692 CAULFIELD, JAMES. The High Court of Justice: XJomprising Memoirs of the principal Persons wljo sat in Judgment on King Charles the First, and Signed his Death Warrant, together with those Accessaries, excepted by Parliament. Illustrated with their Por- traits, Autographs, and Seals. London: 1820. 4°, 24 Portraits. 1693 Caleographia: The Printseller's Chronicle and Collector's Guide to the knowledge and value of engraved British Portraits. London: 1814. 8°. Portrait. 1694 CAULKINS, FRANCES MxiN WARING. History of New London. New London: 1860. 8°. Engravings. Edition exhausted. 1695 History of Norwich, Conn., to the year 1866. Hartf^;^: 1866. 8°. 1696 History of Norwich, Conn., to Januai-y, 1845. Norwich: 1845. 8°. 1697 CAUSES qui se sont opposees au Progrds du Commerce Entre la France et les Etats-Unis. By James Swan. Paris: 1790. 8^. 8 102 CATALOGUE. 1698 CAYALLO, TIBERIUS, r.R.s. Elements of Natural or Exper- imental Philosophy. "With Additions by F. X. Brosius. 2 vols. Phila.: 1825. 8°. 1699 C AYE AT (A) Against the Whigs, in a Short Historical Yiew of their Transactions : wherein are discovered, their many Attempts and Contrivances against The Established Government, both in Ch. and State, since the Restoration of Charles II. 4th ed. Correctd. London: 1714. 8°. MS. notes. [In same vol.] A Third Part of the Caveat. London: 1714. 8°. 1700 CAYELIER, JOHN. Early Yoyages Up and Down the Missis- sippi, by Cavelier, St. Cosme, LeSueur, Gravier, and Guignas. With an Introduction, Notes, and an Index, by John G. Shea. Albany: 1861. 4°. 1701 CAYENDISH, GEORGE. Life of Cardinal Wolsey. London: 1852. 4°. Port. 1702 CAYENDISH, HENRY (Sir). Government of Canada. De- bates of the House of Commons in the Year 1774 on the Bill for making more effectual Provision for the Government of the Prov- ince of Quebec. W ith a Map of Canada. London: 1839. 8°. 1703 CAYERLY, ROBERT B. The Merrimac and its Incidents. An Epic Poem. Boston: 1866. 12°. 1704 The Eagle, Arlington, and other Poems. 2 vols. Yol. 1. Dover, N. H.: 1871. 12°." 1705 The Bride of Burton, Yictory, and other Poems. Yol. 2. Lowell, Mass.: 1872. 12°. 1706 CAYLEY, ARTHUR, Jr., Esq. Life of Sir Walter Ralegh, Knight. 2 vols. London: 1805. 4°. Portrait. 1707 CECIL'S Sixty Curious, Interesting and Authentic Narratives. Boston: 1825. 16°. 1708 CELEBRATION, AT PLYMOUTH. Boston: 1855. 8°. 1709 Hundredth Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town of Conway, Mass. Northampton: 1867. 8°. 1710 CENSOR, (The Theatrical.) In Seventeen Numbers. 1805-6. Philad. 8°. 1711 CENSUS of Pensioners for Military Services. Washington: 18^. ' 4°. 1712 Accurate Synopsis of the Sixth Census of the U. S. Phila. : 1843. 8°. 1713 Eighth Census. Washington: 1864-66. 3 vols. 4°. 1714 Sixth Census. Washington: 1841. Eol. 1715 CENTAUR (The). Not Fabulous. Five Letters to a Friend, on the Life in Yogue. [By Ed. Young.] London: 1755. 8°. Frontispiece. 1716 CENTENARY of the New Jerusalem. Addresses in Com- memoration of the Last Judgment in the Spiritual World, 1757, did. bef. the Gen. Conventn. of the New Church, at its Annual CATALOGUE. 103 Session in Cincinnati, 1857; Sketch of Eman. Swedenborg. N. York: 1859. 8°. 1717 CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION. Danvers, Mass. June 16, 1852. 8°. Ports. [Scarce.] 1718 At New Bedford, Sept. 14, 1864, of the 200th Anniversary of the Incorpn. of the Town of Dartmouth. N. Bedford: 1865. 8°. 1719 (The) of the Settlement of Bangor. Sept. 30, 1869. Bangor: 1870. 8°. 1720 Celebration of the Town of Campton, N. H. Sept. 12, 1867. Concord: 1868. 12°. 1721 CENTRAL PARK. First Ann. Rep. on the Improvement of the Central Park. N. York: 1857. 8°. Plan and Views. 1722 CERTAIN INDUCEMENTS to Well Minded People who are here Straitened in their Estates or Otherwise. [No date or place.] Rep. by Sabin. N. York: 1865. 4°. 1723 CHABERT, M. de. Voyage fait par ordre du Roi en 1750-61. A Paris: 1753. 4°. 1724 CHAD WICK, WILLIAM. Life and Times of Daniel De Foe: with Remarks Digressive and Discursive. London: 1859. 8°. Port. 1725 CHAIX, PAUL. HistoireL' Amerique Meridionale au Seizieme Si^cle. 2 Tomes. Geneva: 1853. 12°. 1726 CHAHTA NA HOLHTINA; or, Choctaw Arithmetic. Boston: 1835. 12°. 1727 CHALMERS, GEORGE. Estimate of the Comparative Strength of Great Britain, during the Present and four preceding Reigns, &c. London: 1786. 8°. 1728 Considerations on Commerce, Bullion and Coin, Circulation and Exchanges; with a View to our Present Circumstances. Lon- don: 1811. 8°. 1729 Historical View of the Domestic Economy of G. Britain and Ireland, from the Earliest to the Present Times. New ed.^ Corrected, Enlarged, Continued to 1812. Edinburgh: 1812. 8°. 1730 Estimate. A New Edit. ; to which is prefixd A Dedication to Dr. Jas. Currie, the reputed Author of Jasper Wilson's Letter. London: 1794. 8°. 1731 Political Annals of the Present United Colonies, from their Settlement to the Peace of 1763: Compiled chiefly from Records, and authorized often by the Insertion of State Papers. Book I [all that was published]. London: 1780. 4°. [Scarce.] 1732 Collection of Treaties between Great Britain and other Powers. 2 vols. London: 1790. 8°. 1733 Introduction to the History of the Revolt of the American Colonies. 2. vols. Boston: 1845. 8°. 1734 CHAMBERLAYNE, EDWARD, LL.D.,F.R.s. Anglia Notitia; or, the Present State of England. 7th ed. In the Savoy, 1673. 12°. 1735 Anglia Notitia. 5th ed. In the Savoy, 1671. 12°. [Also 104 CATALOGUE. for the years 1669, 1674, 1676, 1677, 1692, 1700, 1723, 1726, 1729, 1735, 1748, 1755.] 12v. 12°. 1736 CHAMBERS, JOHN, Esq. General History of Worcester, Embellished with Plates. Worcester: 1819. Cr. 8°. 737 CHAMBERS, ROBERT. History of the English Language and Literature. To which is added a History of American Contri- butions to the English Language and Literature. By R. Robbins. Hartford: 1837. 12°. 1738 CHAMBERS, TALBOT W. Memoir of the Life and Charac- ter of the late Theodore Frelinghuysen, ll.d. K. York: 1863. 12°. „739 CHAMBERS, WM. Things as they are in America. Phila.: 1854. 12°. 1740 CHAMBERS'S MISCELLAI^Y of Useful and entertaining tracts. Yol. 4. [n. t. p.] 8°. 1741 CHAMPE,JOHN. Champe's Adventure. By Gen. Henry Lee. N.York: 1864. Sq. 18°. 1742 CHAMPION, RICHARD. Consideration on the Present Situ- ation of Great Britain and the U. S., with a Yiew to their future Commercial Connexions. London: 1784. 8°. 1743 CHANDLER, PELEG W. American Criminal Trials. Yol. L Boston: 1841. 12°. 1744 CHANDLER, THOS. BRADBURY, d.d. Life of Samuel Johnson, first President of King's College. N. Y.: 1805. 12°. [Yery scarce.] 1745 Appeal Farther Defended ; in Answer to the farther Mis- representations of Dr. Chauncy. New York: 1771. 8°. 1746 CHANLER, ISAAC. Doctrines of Glorious Grace Unfolded, defended and practically improved. Boston: 1744. 4°. 1747 CHANNING, WM. ELLERY. A Discourse on the life and character of the Rev. Joseph Tuckerman. Boston: li^Al. 18°. 1748 Poems. Boston: 1843. Little & Brown. 12°. 1749 Duty of the Free States. Boston: 1842. 12°. 1750 4 vols. Pamphlets, — Sermons, Addresses, etc. Yol. 1, 22 Tr. 1807-19; Ord. of Jno. Codman, 1809; Fast. 1810-12 (War Dec- laration) Letter to Rev. S. C. Thacher, 1815; Controversy with Dr. Worcester (1815); Ord. Rev. Jno. E. Abbot, 1815; on War, 1816; Ord. Jared Sparks, 1819 (4 eds.) Yol. 2, 17 Tr. 1819-27, Sparks ©rd. (2 eds.); Dudleian Lecture, 1821; Controversy with Prof. Stuart (2) ; Ord of E. S. Gannett, 1824 (4 eds.) ; Ded. 2d Cong. Unit. Ch., N. Y., 1826 (2 eds.); Review of same. Yol. 3, 15 Tr. 1827-35. Character of Bonaparte, 1827; On Fenelon; Install. M. I. Motte, 1828 (2); Elect. Serm., 1830; On Religious Liberty (3 eds.); Ord. C. F. Barnard and F. T. Gray; On War; Remarks on Channing's " Slavery," 1835. Yol. 4,12 Tr., 1835-42, Letter toBirney, to Henry Clay, to Jona. Phillips, On Self-Culturo, Letter of Resignation, On Emancipation, Duty of the Free States, i&c. CATALOGUE. 105 1761 CHANKING, WM. F. Notes on the Medical Application of Electricity. Boston: 1849. 12°. 1752 CHAPIK, ALONZO B., d.d. Glastonbury for 200 years: Cen- tennial Discourse, May 18th, A. D. 18o3. Hartford: 1853. 8°. 1753 View of the Organization and Order of the Primitive Church. New Haven: 1842. 12°. 1754 CHAPIN, WALTER. The Missionary Gazetteer. Woodstock: 1825. 12°. 1755 CHAPLIN, EBENEZER, A.M. A Treatise on the Nature and Importance of Sacraments. Worcester: 1802. 12°. 1750 CHAPMAN, Rev. F. W. Chapman Family, descendants of Robt. Chapman, one of the first settlers of Saybrook, Ct.: with Gen- eal. notes. Hartford: 1854. 8°. Ports. 1757 CHAPMAN, G. T. Sermons to Presbyterians of all Sects. Hartford: 1836. 8°. 1758 Sketches of the Alumni of Dartmouth College, from 1771 to the prest. time. Camb. : 1867. 8°. 1759 CHAPMAN, ISAAC A., Esq. Sketch of the History of Wyoming. By a Gent, of Wilkesbarre. Wilkesbarre, Penn. : 1830. 12°. [Scarce.] 1760 CHAPMAN, N. Phila. Journal of the Medical and Physical Sciences. 8 vols. Phila.: 1820-24. 8°. 1761 CHAPPELL, EDWARD (Lt., R. N.) Narrative of a Voyage to Hudson's Bay in his Maj.'s ship Rosamond, containing some Acct. of the N. Eastern coast of America, and of the Tribes in- habiting that remote Region. London: 1817. 8°. Map and plates. 1762 CHARACTERS. Containing an Impartial Review of the Pub- lic Conduct and Abilities of the most Eminent Personages in the Parliament of Great Britain. London: 1777. 8°. 1763 CHARLES THE FIRST. An Inquiry into the share which he had in the Transactions for bringing over a Body of Irish Rebels, [&c.] London: 1747. 8°. 1764 CHARLESTON. The Charleston Book: A Miscellany in Prose and Verse. Charleston: 1845. 12°. [Scarce.] 1765 CHARLEVOIX (PfeRE.) Voyage to N. America, containing a description of Canada and Louisiana. 2 vols. Dublin: 1766. 8°. Plates and maps. 1766 Histoire et Description Generale de la Nouvelle France, avec le Journal Historique d'une Voyage fait par ordre du Roy dans L'Amerique Septentrionale, Trois Tomes. Paris: 1744. 4°. [Scarce.] iQvaluable to Btudents of the early historj' of N. England, N. Y. and Canada. " Patient in investigation, cautious in his belief, and judicious in his observations." lllus. and maps. 1767 Same. Shea's translation. N. York: 1866-72. 6v. R. 8°. 1768 Hist, of Paraguay. The first Establishmt. formed there by the Jesuits. 2 vols. [2d only.] London: 1769. 8°. 106 ' CATALOGUE. 1769 CHAE:N'0CK, JOHN, Esq. Biographia Navalis; or, Impartial Memoirs of the Lives and Characters of Officers of the Navy of Great Britain, from 1660 to the Present Time. With Portraits and other Engravings. By Bartolozzi. 4 vols. London: 1794-9. 8°. Continuation, 2 vols. 1797-8. 8°. 1770 CHARTER. A Copy of the King's Majesties Charter for In- corporating the Company of the Massachusetts Bay in l!s'ew England in America. Granted in the Fourth Year of his Highness Reign of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Anno Dom. 1628. Boston: 1689. 4°. 1771 Granted by their Majesties, King William and Queen Mary. Boston: 1726. Fol. (Dan'l Webster's copy.) 1772 Same. Boston: 1759. Fol. Same vol., Acts and Laws of Mass. Bay, 1759. 1773 CHARTERS (The) of the British Colonies in America. Lon- don, [n. d.] Printed for J. Almon. 8°. 1774 and Locations of the several Street Railways in the City of Boston. 1869. 8°. 1775 CHASE, C. THURSTON. Manual of Schoolhouses and Col- leges for the People of the South. Washington: 1868. 8°. 1776 CHAS E , F H ANCIS. Gathered Sketches from the Early History of New Hampshire and Vermont. Claremont: 1856. 12°. 1777 CHASE, GEO. WIKGATE. History of Haverhill, Massachu- setts, from 1640 to 1860. Haverhill: 1861. 8°. 1778 Abstract of the Census of Massachusetts, 1860, from the Eighth U. S. Census, with Remarks on the same. Boston: 1863. 8°. 1779 CHASE, HORACE. New Hampshire Probate Directory. Con- cord: 1845. 12°. 1780 CHASE, HENRY, and Chas. W. Sanborn. The North and the South : a statis. view of the free and slave states. Bost. : 1850. 8°. 1781 CHASE, OWEN. Narrative of the extraordinary and Distress- ing Shipwreck of the Ship Essex, of Nantucket, which was destroyed by a large Spermaceti Whale, in the Pacific Ocean. N. Y. : 1821. 12°. 1782 CHASTELLUX, Marquis de. Travels in N. America, in the years 178i», 1781, and 1782. Trans, "fr. the French by an English Gentleman, who resided in America at that Period. Notes by the Translator. In 2 vols. London: 1787. 8°. Maps. Decidf dly one of the most readable books on America that has come from the pen of a foreigner. Unlike many English travt41er(', the marquis praises M'hat is worthy, and lit- tle t'scapcd his observing eye. He was one of the generals of Rochambeau's army. The transla or's notes have occasioned much comment for their caustic allusions to prominent public men ; their paternity is a question almost as vexatious as the author- ship of Junius. 1783 Travels in North America. Also a Biographical Sketch of Author; Letters from Gen. Washington to the Marquis, and Notes and Corrections by the American Editor. N. York: 1827. 8°. CATALOGUE. 107 1784 CHATEAUBRIAND, F. A. De. Travels in Greece, Pales- tine, Egypt, and Barbaiy, in 1806-7. From the French. Phila.: 1813. 8°. 1785 Recollections of Italy, England and America, with Essays on various Subjects. Phila. : 1816. 8°. 1786 Travels in Greece, etc. With a Map and Engravings. New York: 1814. 8°. 1787 Portrait of Bonaparte ; a View of his Administration. With [Byron's Ode] to Napoleon. New York: 1814. 18°. 1788 HistoricaljPolitical, and Moral Essay on Revolutions. Lon- don: 1815. 8°. 1789 Aben-Hamet, the last of the Abencerages; a Romance, fr. the French. London: 1826. 12°. Portrait. 1790 Atala; or, The Love and Constancy of two Savages in the Desert. Tr. by C. Bingham. Boston: 1802. 16°. 1791 Same. 2d ed. Boston: 1814. 16°. 1792 CHAUXCY, CHARLES. Seasonable Thoughts on the State of Religion in New England. Boston: 1743. 8°. 1793 Twelve Sermons on Seasonable and Important Subjects. Boston: 1765. 8°. 1794 Compleat View of Episcopacy. Boston: 1771. 8°. 1795 Benevolence of the Deity, fairly and Impartially considered. Boston: Printed by Powers & Willis. 1784. 8°. 1796 Letter to Rev. George Whitefield, Vindicating certain pas- sages he has excepted against, in a late Book entitled', Seasonable Thoughts on the State of Religion in N. Eng. Boston: 1745. 4°. 1797 Breaking of Bread. Five Serms. Boston: 1772. 8°. 1798 Five Dissertations on the Scripture Account of the Fall ; and its Consequences. London: 1785. 8°. 1799 Letter to a Friend, containing Remarks on certain Passages in a Sermon by John, Lord Bp. of Landaff. Boston: 1767. 8°. Autog. of Joseph Willard, Prest. H. U., 1781. 1800 CHEETHAM, JAMES. The Life of Thomas Paine, Author of Common Sense. New York: 1809. 8°. [Scarce.] 1801 CHEEVER, GEO. B. God against Slavery. N. Y.: 1857. 12°. 1802 Journal of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, in New England, in 1620: Printed from the original volume. With Historical and Lo- cal Illustrations. N. York: 1848. 8°. 1803 God's Hand in America, with Essay by Rev. Dr. Skinner. N. York: 1841. 18°. 1804 — — American Com.-Place Book of Prose. From Amer. Authors. Boston: 1832. 12°. The Hill Difficulty. New York: 1849. 12°. 1805 CHEEVER, HENRY T. Island World of the Pacific. Per- sonal Narrative and Results of Travel. Engravings. New York: 1851. 12°. 108 CATALOGUE. 1806 CHEEYER, HENRY T. Life in the Sandwich Islands. En- gravings. New York; 1856. 12°. 1807 CHEPSTOW. A Guide to the Stranger visiting the Town of Chepstow. Chepstow: 1827. 12°. . 1808 CHESTER, JOHN, d.d. Obituary Notices of the Rev. John Chester, D.D., late Pastor of the 2d Presbyterian Congregation in the City of Albany. Albany: 1829. 8°. Portrait. 1809 CHESTER, JOSEPH LEMUEL. John Rogers; the Compiler of the first authorized English Bible; the Pioneer of the English Reformation; and its First Martyr. London: 1861. 8°. Portrait and Author's Autograph. 1810 Notes upon the Ancestry of William Hutchinson and Anne Marbury. Boston: 1866. 4°. 1811 Greenwood Cemetery and other Poems. N. York: Saxton & Miles: Boston; Saxton «& Pierce, 1843. 12°. 1812 CHESTERFIELD, Eael of. Letters written by the late Rt. Hon.Philip Dormer Stanhope, to his son, Philip Stanhope, Esq., with his Lordship's Life. 2 vols. Vol. 1. Boston: 1779. 8°. pp. 460. Vol. 2. Newbury-port: 1779. 8°. 1813 Principles of Politeness. To which is now added, A Father's Legacy to his Daughters, by Dr. Gregory. Portsmouth, N. H.: 1786. 12°. 1814 Chesterfield Travestie; or, School for Modern Manners, Embellished with 6 Caricatures. Phila. : M. Cary, Nov. 28, 1812. 12°. Curious plates. [Scarce.] 1815 CHEVALIER, MICHAEL. Society, Manners and Politics in the U. S. A Series of Letters on North America. Trans, fr. the 3d Paris ed. Boston: 1839. 8°. 1816 On the probable Fall in Gold: the Commercial and Social Con- sequences. From the French, with Preface by Richard Cobden, Esq. New York: 1859. 8°. 1817 CHEYNE,GEO. On Health and Long Life. London: 1745. 8°. 1818 CHICAGO. A Stranger's and Tourist's Guide to the City. With Illustrations. Chicago: 1866. 12°. Map, etc. 1819 CHICHELE. StemmataChicheleana; or, a Genealogical Account of some of the Families Derived from Thomas Chichele, of Hig- ham-Ferrers in the County of Northampton. Oxford: 1765. Sap. 1775. Fol. 1820 CHICKERING, JOHN W. The Hillside Church; or, Remi- niniscences of a Country Pastorate. Boston: 1856. 12°. Author's Auto. 1821 CHILCOTT, J. Descriptive History of Bristol, Ancient and Modern; or, A Guide to Bristol, Clifton and the Hotwells. 6th ed. Bristol: 1844. 18°. Plates. 1822 CHILD, L. MARIA. Isaac T. Hopper: A True Life. Twelfth thousand. Boston: 1854. 12°. Portrait. CATALOGUE. 109 1823 CHILD, L. MAEIA. An Appeal in favor of that Class of Americans called Africans. Boston: 1833. 18*^. 1824 History of the Condition of Women, in various Ages and Nations. 2d ed. Boston: 1838. 12°. 1825 The Rebels; or, Boston Before the Revolution. Boston: 1825. 12°. [Scarce.] 1826 Same. Boston: 1850. 12°. 1827 Biographies of Good Wives. 5th ed., revised. N. Y.: 1850. 1828 Facts and Fiction: A collection of Stories. !N'ew York: 1.S46 12°. 1829 The Mother's Book. Boston: 1831. 12°. 1830 CHILDE ALARIQUE, A Poet's Reverie. Phila.: 1815. 18°. 1831 CHILDE, E. L. Researches respecting Americus Vespucius and his Voyages. By the Viscount Santarem. Trans, by E. L. Childe. Boston: 1850. 12°. 1832 CHILDE, JOHN" (Major). N". Eng. Jonas. Introduction by W. T. R. Marvin. Boston: 1869. 4°. 1833 CHIMASIA. A Reply to Longfellow's Theologian. By Orthos. Phila.: 1864. 12°. 1834 CHIPMAN, DANIEL, ll.d. Memoir of Thomas Chittenden, first Gov. of Vermont , with a History of the Constitution during his Administration. Middlebury: 1849. 12°. 1835 Life of the Hon. Nathaniel Chipman, ll.d. By his brother. Boston: 1846. 8°. 1836 CHIPMAN, NATHANIEL. Principles of government; treatise on free institutions. Burlington: 1833. 8°. From Danl. Webster'a private library. 1837 CHIPMAN, R. MANNING. The History of Harwinton, Conn. Hai-tford: 1860. 8°. Author's auto. 1838 CHITTENDEN, LUCIUS, E. (Hon.) Capture of Ticonde- roga. Adds. bef. the Vermont Hist. Society, did. at Montpelier, Vt.,Oct. 8, 1872. 8°. 1?^39 CHIVERSj T. H. (m.d.) Nacoochee; or. The Beautiful Star, with other poems. New York: 1837. 12°. 1840 CHOROGRAPHIA BRITANNIA; or, a New Set of Maps of all the Counties in England and Wales. London: 1742. 12°. 1841 CHOULES, JOHN OVERTON, d.d. Cruise of the Steam Yacht North Star. The Excursion of Mr. Vanderbilt's Party to England, Russia, Denmark, France, Spain, Italy, Malta, Turkey, Madeira, etc. Boston: 1854. 12°. 1842 Young Americans Abroad. Travels in England, France? and Holland. Illustrations. Boston: 1852. 12°. 1843 CHRISTIAN DISCIPLE (The). Published Monthly. 6 vols. 1813-1818. Boston: 1813-18. 8°. 1844 Same. New Series. 5 vols. 1819-23. Bost.: 1819-23. 8°. 110 CATALOGUE. 1845 CHKISTIAN" EXAMIIS^ER AND REYIEW. 33 vols. Bost. : 1824-43. 8°. 1846 CHRISTIAIS' OBSERVER, The. For 1814-15. Yols. 13, 14: from the London ed. Boston, [n.d.] 2v. 8°. 1847 CHRISTIAN OBSERVATORY: A Religious and Literary Magazine. A. W. McClure, Edr. Boston: 1847-49. 3v. 8°. 1848 CHRISTIE, ROBT. History of the late Province of Lower Canada. 6 vols. Montreal: 1866. 12°. 1849 CHRISTIE, THO. Letters on the Revolutions of France, and on the new Constitution established by the National Assembly: occas. by the publication of Edm. Burke, m.b., and Alex. Calonne; withanapp. Pt. 1. Dublin: 1791. 8°. 1850 CHRONICLE (A) of London, from 1089 to 1483; written in the Fifteenth Century, and for the first time printed from MSS. in the British Museum : numerous Illustrations. London: 1827. 4°. 1851 CHRONICLE OF THE KINGS OF ENGLAND, from Wil- liam the Norman, to the death of George III. London: 1821. 8°. Folded, profusely illustrated by Mr. Drake. 1852 CHRONICLES (The) of Mount Benedict. A Tale of the Ur- suline Convent. The quasi Production of Mary Magdalen. Bost. : 1837. 18°. Scarce. 1853 (The) of Gotham. By the Author of " The New Gospel of Peace." Book First. New York: 1871. 12°. 1854 [As above.] Book Second. New York: 1872. 12°. 1855 CHURCH PHARCELLUS. Notices of the Life of Theodosia Ann Barker Dean, wife of Rev. Wm. Dean, Missionary to China. Boston: 1851. 12°. Portrait. 1856 CHURCH, THOMAS, Esq. History of Philip's War. With numerous Notes; also, an Appendix by S. G.Drake. 2d ed. with plates. Boston: 1827. 12°. [Scarce.] 1857 Same, to p. 54 of the Original. Edited, H. M. Dexter. Boston: 1865. Sm. 4°. pp. 205. 1858 Same. Rev. ed. Hartford: 1851. 12°. 1859 CHURCH PSALMODY; a coll. of Psalms and Hymns. Bos- ton: 1851. 24°. 1860 CHURCHILL, CHARLES. The Poetical Works of, with Ex- planatory Notes ; and an authentic Account of his Life : now first published. 2 vols. London: 1804. 8°. Portrait. Presentation copy to Rev. Jared Sparks from F. "W. P. Greenwood. Auto, of N. L. Froth- ingham. 1861 Same. Yol. 2. [n. p.] 1758. 8°. 1862 CHURCHILL, WINSTON, Sir. Divi Britannici: being a Re- mark upon the Lives of all the Kings of this Isle, from the year of the World 2855 unto the year of Grace, 1660. London: 1675. Fol. Copper-plates of Arms, &c., in the pages. An exceedingly rare and curious book; invaluable to a collector of books on heraldry. CATALOGUE. Ill 1863 CHURCHMA]^, JOH^. Account of the Gospel Labours and Christian Experiences of a Faithful Minister of Christ. With a short Memorial of Joseph White, late of Bucks Co. Phila., Pr. London, Rep. 1780. 8°. 1864 CHURCHMAN, THOMAS. Review of the Certamen Episto- lare betwixt Pet. Heylin, d.d., and Hen. Hickman, b.d.; also, a Reply to Mr. Pierce, his late virulent Letter. London: 1659. 18°. 1865 CICERO. Select Orations, with a life of the Author. First New England ed. Exeter, N. H.: 1802. 12°. 1867 CINCINNATI DIRECTORY, 1825. Cincin.: 1825. 12°. 1868 William's Cinn. Directory for 1851-52. 3d Annual Issue- 8°. Map. 1869 CINCINNATI LITERARY GAZETTE. Vol. 2. July 3 Dec. 25, 1824. 4°. J. G. Percival, Rembrandt Peale, and others were contributors. The flrst^terary paper published west of the Alioghanies. 1870 CIRCULAR. Letter from the Congress of the U. States of America to their Constituents. Phila.: 1779. Boston rep. 12°. 1871 CIST, CHARLES. Cincinnati in 1841 : Early Annals and future Prospects. Cincin.: 1841. 12°. Ill'd. 1872 Cincinnati in 1851. Cincinnati: 1851. 12°. Numerous Portraits. 1873 Sketches and Statistics of Cincinnati in 1859. 12°. 1874 Cincinnati Miscellany; or, Antiquities of the West. From Oct. 1, 1845. Yol. 1. 8°. [Scarce.] 1875 CIVIL OFFICER (The), or The whole Duty of Sheriffs, Coro- ners, Constables, and Collectors of Taxes. Boston: 1809. 12°. 1876 CLAIBORNE, J. F. H. Life and Times of Gen. Sam. Dale, the Mississippi Partisan. Illustrated by John McLenan. N. Y. : 1860. 12°. 1877 Life and Corres. of John A. Quitman. New York: 1860. 2v. 8°. Portrait. 1878 CLAP, NATHANIEL, Rev. Mr. Sinners Directed to Hear and Fear, and do no more so Wickedly. Being an Impartial Account of the Inhuman and Barbarous Murder committed by Jeremiah Meacham on his wife and her sister, at Newport, Mar. 22, 1715. Also a Sermon preached in his Hearing. Boston: 1715. 18°. 1879 CLAP, ROGER. Collections of the Dorchester Antiquarian and Hist. Soc. No. 1. Mems. of Roger Clap, 1630. -Boston: 1844. 12°. [Scarce. ] 1880 Memoirs. Boston: 1807. 8°. [Scarce.] 18?^1 Memoirs. Boston: 1781. 12°. 1st ed. [Very rare.] 1882 CLAP, THOMAS, A.M. (President of Yale College). The Religious Constitution of Colleges, especially of Yale College in New Haven, in the Colony of Connecticut. New London: 1754. 4°. 112 CAIALOGUE. 1883 [CLAPP, EBEKEZEE, Jr.] History of Dorchester, Mass. By a Committee of the Dorchester Antiq. and Hist. Society. Bos- ton: 1859. 8°. 1884 CLAPP, THEODOKE. Autobiographical Sketches and Recol- lections, during Thirty-five Years' Residence in JSTew Orleans. 4th ed. Boston: 1859. 12°. Portrait. 1885 Theological Yiews ; Teachings during a Ministry of Thirty- Eive years in New Orleans. Boston: 1859. 12°. 1886 Report of the Trial of, before the Mississippi Presbytery, at their Sessions in May and Decemb. 1832. K. Orl. : 1833. 8°. 1887 CLAPP, W. W. Jr. A Record of the Boston Stage. Boston: 1853. 12°. 1888 CLARE:N'D0:N', EDWARD, Earl of. History of the Rebel-j lion and Civil Wars in England, begun in 1641. 6 volumes, or 3 vols, in 6 parts. Oxford: 1721. 8°. With 97 Portraits, by Yander Gucht and others; and Yiews, Maps, &c. A rare edition of Clarendon. "One of the noblest historical works of the English nation." — Jeffrey. 1889 Brief Yiew and Survey of the dangerous and pernicious Errors to Church and State, in Mr. Hobbes's Book, Entitled Levi- athan. Second impression Oxon: Printed at the Theater. 1676. 4°. Erontisp. and Yignettes. [Rare.] 1890 CLARE:N^DOIsr A:N^D WHITLOCK compared. Also A Comparison between the History of the Rebellion, and other His- tories of the Civil War. By the Author of the Critical History of England. London: 1727. 8°. Author, John 0\6.m\^on. — Lmcndes. 1891 CLARK, D. W. (Rey.) Life and Times of Rev. Elijah Hed- ding, D.D. Introduction, by Rev. Bp. E. S. Janes. K. York: 1855. 8°. Portrait. 1892 CLARK, DAKIEL. Proofs of the corruption of Gen. James Wilkinson, and of his connexion with Aaron Burr. Phila. : 1809. 8°. [Scarce.] 1893 CLARK, GEO. F. History of Norton, Mass., 1669-1859. Bos- ton: 1859. 12P. Port. 1894 CLARK, HENRY G. Boards of Health. Boston: 1866. 4°. 1895 CLARK, HUGH. A short and easy introduction to Heraldry. 46 copper plates. 10th ed. London: 1825. 12°. 1896 CLARK, JAMES (Sir). Sanative Influence of Climate: With an acct. of the best places of resort for invalids. From the 3d Lon- don ed. Philada. : 1841. 8°. 1897 Same. 3d ed. London : John Murray. 1841. Cr. 8°. 1898 CLARK, JOSEPH S. (d.d.) A Historical Sketch of the Con- gregational Churches in Mass., 1620 to 1858. Boston: 1858. 12°. 1899 CLARK, JOSHUA L, H., a.m. Onondaga; or. Reminiscences of Earlier and Later Times. Two vols. Syracuse: 1849. 8°. Plates. CATALOGUE. 113 1900 CLAKK, LEWIS GAYLOED, Literary Remains of. Includ- ing the Ollapodiana Papers, the Spirit of Life, and a Selection from his Prose. 4th ed. N. York: 1855. 8°. 1901 CLARK, MARY. Biographical Sketches of the Fathers of IST. England. Concord: 183G. 18°. 1002 Concise History of Massachusetts. N. York, Bost. : 1837. 18°. 1903 CLARK, RUFUS W. Memoir of the Rev. John E. Emerson, first Pastor of the Whitefield Church, Newburyport, Mass. Abridged. N. York: 1851. 18°. 1904 Romanism in America. Boston: 1859. 12°. 1905 CLARK, SAMUEL A. History of St. John's Church, Eliza- bethtown, N. J., from 1703 to the present time. Phila.: 1857. 12°. 190G CLARK, THOMAS. Sketches of the Naval History of the U. S. Phila.: 1813. 12°. Appendix 139. [Scarce.] 1907 Naval History of the United States. 2d ed. In 2 vols. Phila.: Jan. 3, 1814. 12°. [Scarce.] 1908 CLARK, U. Life-Sketches of Rev. George Henry Clark. Bos- ton: 1852. 12°. Portrait. 1909 [CLARK, WM. ADOLPHUS.] The Learned World. By Ani- cetus. Author of "Our Modern Athens." Boston: 1864. ' 12°. Presentation copy of Author. 1910 CLARKE, A. B. Travels in Mexico and California: Santiago. Boston: 1852. 12°. Paper. 1911 CLARKE, C. C. (Rev.) The Hundred Wonders of the World. Engravings. First American, from the 10th London ed. New Haven: 1821. 12°. 1912 CLARKE, DORUS (Rev.) Fugitives from the Escritoire of a Retired Editor. Boston: 1864. 12°. Portrait. 1913 CLARKE, FRANCIS L. Life of Arthur, Marquis and Earl of Wellington. The First Part. The Second Part from the Attack on the Castle of Burgos to the Taking of Bordeaux. By Mr. DunTap. N.York: 1814. 8°. Portrait. 1914 CLARKE, JAMES F. Memorial. By the Ch. of the Disci- ples. 50th birth-day. 1860. 12°. Bound. 1915 CLARKE, JAMES STAINER, f.r.s. Progress of Maritime Discovery, from the Earliest Period to the Close of the 18th Cen- tury. London: 1803. 4°. Plates, maps, medals, etc. Contiiins the '• Discoveries of the World," by Galvano; also Locke's History of Naviga- tion, 1916 CLARKE, JOHN. L. Annoi Flori, Epitome Rerum Romano- rum cum Versione Anglica, in qua Verbum de Verbo. 2d ed. London: 1736. 8°. 1917 Eutropii Historise Romanse Breviarum cum Yersione Anoflica. 13th ed. London: 1785. 8°. 114 CATALOGUE. 1918 CL AEKE , JOHK. Cornetii N'epotis ; Or, Lives of the Excellent Commanders. With English trans. 15th ed. London: 1797. 8°. 1919 CLAKKE, JOHi^, d.d. (of Boston, :Nrew England). Answer to the Question, Why are you a Christian? Sixth ed. Cambridge [England]: 1804. 8°. 1920 Answer to the Question. 6th ed. Boston: 1797. 18°. 1921 Sermons by the Late. Boston: 1799. 8°. Portrait. 1922 Letters to a Student at Cambridge, Mass. [John Picker- ing.] Boston: 1796. 18°. [Scarce.] 1923 Discourses to Young Persons. Boston: 1804. 12°. 1924 Occasional Discourses of the Late Eever'nd John Clarke, D.D. Boston: 1804. 12°. 1925 CLAEKE, McDOXALD. The Gossip: or, A Grin at the Gen- tlemen, and Burlesque of Byron, a Sentimental Satire, &c. Series of Numbers. ]N'o. 1. New York: Oct. 22, 1823. 18°. [Very rare.] 1926 Poems. New York: 1836. 12°. pp. 288. Paper. Also, Death in Disguise; a Temperance Poem. Boston: 1833. 18°. Mr. Clarke Bometimcs visited Mr. Drake's store in Boston. •' He had the simplicity of a child, the innocence of the dove, but none of the cunning of the serpi nt." 1927. CLAEKE, MAEY ANNE. The Eival Princes; or, a Faithful Narrative of Pacts relating to political acquaintance with Col. Wardle, and Maj. Dodd, who were concerned in the Charges against the Duke of York. New York: 1810. 12°. 1928 CLAEK, SAMUEL (Of Bennet Pinck). History of the Glo- rious Life, Eeign, and Death, of the Illustrious Queen Elizabeth. 2d ed., corrected. London: 1683. 18°. Portraits of Elizabeth, Burghley, and "Walsyngham. 1929 A General Martyrologie, containing a Collection of All the Greatest Persecutions which have befallen the Ch. of Christ from the Creation. 3d ed. , Corrected and Enlarged. London: 1677. Pol. Copper Plates. 1930 Medulla Theologise : or. The Marrow of Divinity. Lon- don: 1659. Poho. 1931 The Marrow of Ecclesiastical History : Containing the Lives of many Eminent Christians. In two Books. 2d ed. Lon- don: 1675. Pol. From the Library of the Duke of Sussex. 1932 Life and Death of Alexander the Great. As also the Life and Death of Charles the Great, [&c.-] London: 1665. 4°. 1933 Gunpowder-Treason: A Eemembrancer to England, of de- liverance from that Horrid Plot hatched by the Bloody Papists, 1605. London: 1657. 18°. 1934 Life of Tamerlane the Great, with his Wars. London: 1664. 4°. 1935 Wicked Life and Woeful Death of Herod the Great. Lon- don: 1664. 4°. CATALOGUE. 115 193G CLARK, SAMUEL (Of Bennet Finck). Life and Death of Nebuchadnezzar the Great. As also of Cyrus the Great. London: 1664. 4°. 1937 Blessed Life and Meritorious Death of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. London: 1664. 4°. 1938 Prospect of Ilungaiy and Transylvania. Also of Bohemia. London: 1664. 4°. 1939 Life and Death of Pompey the Great. Also the Life and Death of Artaxerxes Mnemon. London: 1665. 4°. 1940 Life and Death of William Surnamed the Conqueror : King of England, and Duke of Normandy, who dyed Anno Christi, 1087. London: 1671. 4°. Portrait. 1941 Life and Death of the Valiant and Renowned Sir Francis Drake, His Voyages and Discoveries in the West Indies, and about . the World. London: 1671. 4°. 1942 Life and Death of Hannibal. Also the Life and Death of Epaminondas. London: 1665. 4°. 1943 Life and Death of Julius Caesar. Also of Augustus Caesar. London: 1665. 4°. 1944 Briefe and yet Exact Descript. of the Present State of the Great and Mighty Empire of Germy. London: 1665. 4°. 1945 Marrow of Ecclesiatical Historic, conteined in the Lives of the Fathers, and other Learned Men, and Famous Divines. [&c.] With the Livelie Effigies of most of the Eminentest of them cut in copper. London: 1650. 4°. [Rare.] 1946 Second Part of the Marrow of Ecclesiastical History. London: 1650. 4°. In two books. Many Portraits from Copper Plates in the letter-press. [Rare.] 1947 A Mirrour or Looking-glass both for Saints, and Sinners. Whereunto are added a Geographical Description of all the Coun- tries in the known World. 4th ed. Also The Four Chief English Plantations in America. London: 1671. 2 vols. Folio. Portrait. 1948 Looking-glass for Persecutors. London: 1674. 18°. 1949 CLARKSON, THOMAS, M.A. Memoirs of the Public and Private Life of William Penn. New ed. With a Reply to the Charges against his Character, made by Mr. Macaulay. By W. E. Foster. New ed. Engravings. London: Philada.: 1849. 12°. 1950 Memoirs. 2 vols [in one]. Dover, N. H.: 1827. 8°. 1951 Portraiture of Quakerism, from a View of the Education and Discipline of the Society of Friends. 3 vols. N. Y. : 1806. 8°. 1952 History of the Abolition of the African Slave-trade, by the British Parliament. Two vols. First Amer. from the* second London ed. Phila. : 1808. 12°. 1953 Same. Two volumes. London: 1808. 8°. 1954 Same. Abridged by E. Lewis. Wihnington: 1816. 12°. 116 CATALOGUE. 1955 CLAEKSON", THOMAS, m.a. Memoirs of the Public and Pri- vate .Life of William Penn. 2 vols. Phila.: 1813-14. 12°. Portrait. 1956 Essay on the Slavery and Commerce of the Human Species, X)articularly the African, trans, from a Latin Dissertation. Philada. : rep. 1786. 8°. 1957 CLAEY, TIMO. P. Centennial Anniv. of Hon. Tinio. Parrar. Andover: 1847. 8°. Port. Autog. of T. Parrar. 1958 CLASSICAL JOUEI^AL and Scholar's Eeview, for 1830. Boston: 1830. 12°. 1959 CLAUDE, JOHX. Historical Defence of the Eeformation. Trans, by T.B. London: 1683. 4°. 1960 CLAYDII CLAVDIANI. Alexandrini, Poeta illustri., quot- quot rostra hac tempestate extant opuscula ad serieth subsequen- tem, Paris: 1530. 12°. Bought in 1828. In 1830 tlie first Antiquarian bookstore was established by me in Corn- hill, and the letters on my sign were fashioned from those in this book. — " S. Gr. D.'s" MS. on fly-leaf. 1961 CLAYIEEE, ETIEXNE, and BEISSOT, DE WAEYILLE, J, P. Considerations on the Eelative Situation of Prance and the U. S. of America. London: 1788. 8°. Autog. Andrew Craigie. 1962 CLAVIGEEO, PEA:N^CESC0 SAYEEIO (Abbe D.) The History of Mexico. Collected from Spanish and Mexican Historians, from Manuscripts, and Ancient Paintings of the Indians. Illus- trated by Charts and Copper Plates. Prom the Italian, by Charles Cullen,,Esq. Two vols. London: 1787. 4°. [Eare.] '• The diligence of his researches has gathered into one focus the scattered lights of tra- dition and antiquarian lore." — Prescott. 1963 Same. Phila.: 1817. 3v. 8°. 1964 CLAXTOK, TIMOTHY. Memoir of a Mechanic, written by Himself. Boston: 1839. 12°. Portrait. 1965 CLAY, HEKEY. Eeport of the Com. of the Common Council of New York, of the Obsequies in Memory of the Hon. Henry Clay. N. York: 1852. 8°. 1966 CLAY, JEHU C. Annals of tlie Swedes on the Delaware. Phila.: 1835. 16°. Portrait. 1967 CLEAE SUNSHINE of the Gospel: Breaking forth upon the Indians of N. England. K. Y.: 1865. 4°. 1968 CLEAYELAND, N. Greenwood: A Directory for Yisitors. N. York: 1852. 12°. Map and cuts. 1969 CLEAYE;.AND PAEKEE, Elementary Treatise on Mineral- ogy and Geology. Boston: 1861. 8°. 1970 CLELAND, THOMAS, d.d. Evangelical Hymns, for Private, Pamily, Social, and Public Worship. 2d ed. Lexington, Ky.: 1828. 48°. 1971 CLELAND, HENllY. Memoirs of the Life of the Et. Hon. Wm. Pitt, etc. Portraits. London: 1807. 12°. CATALOGUE. 117 1972 CLERICUS. Excellency of the Sacred Writings illustrated, also 10 other serms. in same vol. London: 1780. 8°. 1973 CLEVELAND, CHARLES. Exchange Tables, showing the Value in Dollars and Cents of any Sum of Exchange on London. Boston: 1814. 4°. 1974 Ninetieth Birth-Day Gathering of Rev. Charles Cleveland, June 21, 1862. Boston: 18(52. 16^. 2 Portraits. 1975 CLEVELAND, RICH'D J. Voyages and Commercial Enter- prises of the Sons of New England. 3d ed. Illustrations by Billings. [On steel.] Boston: 1850. 12°. 1976 CLINCH, JOS. H. (a.m., Rev.) Captivity in Babylon, and other Poems. Boston: 1840. 12°. 1977 CLINTON, DE WITT. Discourse did. bef . the New York Hist. Society, Anniversary Meeting, 1811. New York: 1812. 8°. 1978 Tribute to the Memory of DeWitt Clinton, late Gov. of the State of New York. By a Citizen of Albany. Albany: 1828. 12°. Portrait. 1979 Introductory Discourse, did. before the Literary and Philo- sophical Society of New York, May, 1814. N. York: 1815. 8°. 1980 CLINTON, HENRY, Sm. Observations on Mr. Stedman's History of the American War. N. York: [Privately reprinted for Francis S. Hoffman] 1864. 4°. Port, in photography. Autog. Erancis S. Hoffman. 1981 Observations on Earl Cornwallis' Answer. Philada. : Jno. Campbell, 1866. 8°. Folding Table. 1982CLOQUET, M. JULES (m.d.) Recollections of the Private Life of Gen. Lafayette. Numerous Engravings. London: 1835. 8°. 1983 COATES, CHAS. (Rev.) Hist, and Antiqs. of Reading. Lon- don: 1802. 4°. Autog. of Joseph Hill. 1984 CO'iBET, THOMAS. Just Vindication of the Covenant and Church Estate of Children of Church Members: as also their Right unto Baptisme. London: 1648. 4°. pp. 296. 1985 COBBETT, WILLIAM. 2 vols., containing pamphlets, viz.: vol. 1, The Rush Light, by Peter Porcupine. In 5 nos.,258 p. N. Y.: 1800. Letters to the Rt. Hon. H. Addington. London: 1802. Life and Adventures of Peter Porcupine. Phila. : 1796. The Dem- ocratic Judge. Phila. : 1798. Address to the People of England. Phila. : 1812. A Prospect from the Congress Gallery. Phila. : 1796. The Scare-Crow. Phila. : 1796. Repub. Rush-Light, No. 7. Vol. 2. Porcupine's Political Censor for Nov. Dec. 1796, Mar. 1797. The Political Censor for Mar. Apl. May, Sept. 1796. Report of an Action for Libel brought by Dr. Benj. Rush agt. William Cobbett. Phila*: 1800. Observations on the Emigration of Dr. Jos. Priestly. Lon- don: 1798. Address to the Clergy of Mass. 2d ed. Boston: 1815. 1986 A Year's Residence in the United States of Americ^a. Three Parts. 3d ed. London: 1828. 12°. Map. [Scarce.] 118 CATALOGUE. 1987 COBBETT, WILLIAM. Letters on the Late War between the U. S. and Great Britain; with other miscellaneous writings on the Same Subject. N. York: 1850. 8°. [Scarce.] Port. 1988 Pride of Britannia Humbled; or, The Queen of the Ocean Unqueened, " by the American Cockboats." Four Letters addressed to Lord Liverpool. New ed. Phila.:1815. 12°. Frontsp. [Very scarce.] 1989 History of the Protestant Reformation in England and Ireland. A Series of Letters. N. York: 1832. 18°. 1990 History of the Reformation in England and Ireland. A Series of Letters. Baltimore, [n. d.] 12°. 1991 Advice to Young Men, and (incidentally) to Young Women, in the middle and higher Ranks of Life. K. Y.: 1833. 8°. 1992 Sermons. Monthly Religious Tracts. Lond. : 1832. 12°. 1993 Advice to Young Men. N. York: 1846. 16°. 1994 Porcupine's Works; containing various Writings and Selec- tions, exhibiting a faithful Picture of the U. S. In 12 vols. Yol. 12. London: May, 1801. 8°. 1995 Pride of Britannia Humbled. Cincinnati: 1817. 12°. 1996 The Woodlands. London: 1825. 8°. 1997 Letters to the Rt. Hon. Lord Hawkesbury, and to the Rt. Hon. Henry Addington, on the Peace with Buonaparte. 2d ed. London: 1802. 8°. 1998 Thirteen Sermons on -Hypocricy, Drunkenness, Bribery. N. York: 1834. 18°. 1999 Last of the Saxons : Light and Fire from the Writings of. Selected by E. P. Hood. London: 1854. 18°. 2000 Life of Andrew Jackson, President of the U. S. 1834. 18°. 2001 A Year's Residence in the U. S. Three Parts. Pt. 1. N. York: 1818. 12°. Pt. 2, 1819. [Scarce.] 2002 Cobbett's Manchester Lectures, in support of his Fourteen ^Reform Propositions. Letter to Mr. O'Connell. London: 1832. 12°. 2003 Cobbett's Legacy to Parsons. Six Letters to the Ch. Par- sons in General. K. York, Montreal: 1860. 12°. 2004 The American Gardener. Claremont, IS". H. 18°. 2005 Twelve Sermons. A new ed. London: 1828. 12°. 2006 Paper against Gold : containing the History and Mystery of the Bank of England. 1812 to 1815. London, [n. t. p.] 8°. 2007 French Grammar. A Series of Letters. K. Y.: 1837. 16°. 2008 Collection of Facts and Observations relative to the Peace with Bonaparte, including Mr. Cobbett's Letters to Lord Hawkes- bury. Phila.: 1802. 8°. 2009 Life of William Cobbett. 2d ed. London: 1835. 12°. Port. 2010 — — Cobbett's American Political Register. Vol. 30. January to June, 1816, inclusive. K. York: 1816. R. 8°. Port, of Cobbett. 2011 Same. Vols. 15, 16. Jan., — Dec, 1809. London. 2v. 8°. CATALOGUE, 119 2012 COCHIN, AUGUSTIN". Results of Emancipation. Work crowned by the Institute of France. Trans, by Mary L. Booth. Boston: 1804. 12°. 2013 COCHRANE, JOHN DUNDAS, (Capt.) Narrative of a Pedestrian Journey tlirough Russia and Siberian Tartary, in the Years 1820-3. Phila.: 1824. 8°. 2014 COCHRANE, CLARK B. Memorial of. Albany: 1807. 8°. Portrait. 2015 COCKBURN, JOHN (Mariner). Faithful Account of the Distresses and Adventures of; who was taken Prisoner by a Spanish Pyrate. 2d ed. Also Travels of Mr. Nicholas Withington. Lond. : 1740. 8°. Map. 2010 COOKINGS, GEORGE. War: An Heroic Poem, from the Tak- ing of Minorca by the French, to the Reduction' of the Havanna, by the Earl of Albemarle, 2ded., to the raising the Siege of Quebec. Boston: 1702. 8°. 2017 CODE OF 1050 (The). A Compilation of the Earliest Laws and Orders of the General Court of Connecticut. Commonly called Blue Laws. Hartford: 1828. 18°. Frontispiece. 2018 CODMAN, JOHN, a.m. Narrative of a Visit to England. Boston: 1830. 10°. 2019 Hymns for Family Worship, with Prayers. Boston: 1813. 18°. 2020 Hidden Life of a Christian, exemplified in the Life of Mrs. Susannah H. Tucker, late of Milton, Ms. With Introdr. Essay. Boston: 1835. 12°. 2021 COE, JOSEPH. The True American; cont. the Inaugural and first annual Addresses of all the Presidents of the U. S., 1789-1839. Concord, N. H. 1840. 12°. 2022 COFFIN, CHAS. C. Four Years of Fighting: A Volume of Personal Observation. Boston: 1800. 8°. 2023 COFFIN, JOHN G. Discourse on Cold and Warm Bathing. Boston: 1818. 8°. 2024 Buchan's Domestic Medicine. Revised and Amended. Boston: 1825. 8°. pp. 052. 2025 COFFIN, JOSHUA, a.b., s.h.s. Sketch of the History cI Newbury, Newburyport, and West Newbury. From 1035 to 1846. Boston: 1845. 8°. 2020 COFFIN, N. W. America, an Ode: other Poems. Boston: 1843. 12°. 2027 COFFIN, ROBERT S. Life of the Boston Bard. Written by himself. Mount Pleasant, N. Y.: 1825. 12°. [Scarce.] 2028 Oriental Harp. Poems of the Boston Bard. Providence, R. I. 1820. 8°. Port. [Scarce.] 2029 Miscellan. Poems of the Boston Bard. Phila. : 1818. 18*. [Scarce.] 120 CATALOGUK 2030 COGGESHALL, GEORGE. Second Series of Voyages to Various Parts of the World, made between the Years 1803 and 1841. 'New York: 1852. 8°. [Portrait.] 2031 History of the American Privateers, and Letters-of -Marque, during our War with England in the Years 1812, '13 and '14. Illus- trated^. 2d ed. N. York: 1856. 8°. 2032 Thirty-six Voyages to various parts of the World, made between 1799 and 1841. Selected from his MS. Journal of 80 voy- ages. 3d ed. With Illustrations. N. York: 1<58. 8°. 2033 COGSWELL, E. C. History of New Boston. Bost : 1864. 8°. 2034 Memoir of the Rev. Samuel Hidden. Bost.: 1842. 18°. Port. 2035 COGSWELL, JAMES, a.m. God, the Pious Soldier's Strength. A Serm. did. at Brooklyn in Pomfret; to the Military Company, under the command of Capt. Israel Putnam, Apl. 13, 1757. Boston: 1757: 8°. 2036 COGSWELL, JONATHAN. Treatise on the Necessity of Capital Punishment. 2d ed. Hartford: 1843. 12°. Bnd. 2037 COGSWELL, WILLIAM, a.m. Letters to Young Men prepar- ing for the Christ. Ministry. Boston: 1837. 18°. Author's Autog. 2038 New Hampshire Repository; devoted to Education, Liter- ature and Religion. Vol. 1. Gilmanton: 1846. 8°. VoL 2, Nos. 1 & 2 [all published.] 1847. 8°. [Rarejy found complete.] 2039 Assistant to Family Religion. In Six Parts. 2d ed. Bos- ton: 18-28. 12°. 2040 COHEN, M.^M. Notices of Florida and the Campaigns. Charles- ton, S. C. and New York: 1836. 12°. Map and Plates. 2041 COIT, THOMAS W., d.d. Puritanism: or, A Churchman's Defence. N. York: 1845. 12°. 2042 COKE, E. T. (Lt:) A Subaltern's Furlough: Descriptive of Scenes in various parts of the U. S., Canada, N. Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, in 1832. Vol. 1. N. York: 1833. 12°. 2043 COLBURN, JEREMIAH. Bibliography of the Local History of Massachusetts. Boston: 1871. R. 8°. 2044 COLBURN, ZERAH, A Memoir of, written by himself. With his peculiar Methods of Calculation. Springtield: 1833. 12°. The pro igy whose mathematical talents excited so much atten;ion years ago. 2045 COLBY CHARLES. The Diamond Atlas: descriptions of aU Countries. New York: 1858. Sm. 4°. 2046 COLBY, JOHN, Life, Experience, and Travels of. Preacher of the Gospel, by Himself. 2 vols, in one. Newport, N. H.: 1832. 12°. 2047 COLCHESTER. True Relation of the Seige (sic) of Colchester, in 16 J 8. Colchester: 1799. 12°. 2048 COLCRAFT, H. R. Alhalla; or, the Lord of Talladega. A Tale of the Creek War. New York: 1843. 12°. L Henry R. Bchoolorwft was the author. He seems to have adopted and subsequently abandoDed the uame of Colcraft. CATALOGUE. 121 2049 COLDEX, CADWALLADER, Esq. (One of his Majesty's Counsel, and Surveyor-General of New- York.) History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada [&c.]. London : 1750. 8°. Map. [Very rare.] 2050 GOLDEN, CADWALLADER. Hist, of the Five Nations of Canada. Introduction and Notes, by John G. Shea. New York: 18(56. 8°. 2051 Life of Robert Fulton. With an app. New York: 1817. 8°. Portraits. 2052 Memoir, prepared at the Request of the Com. Council of the city of New York. Completion of the New York Canals, 1825. Portraits, Maps, Plans, Yiews, Fac-similes, &c. &c. 2053 COLE, S. W. The American Fruit-book, enl. and illust. Bos- ton and Cleveland, O. 1854. \&°. 2054 COLEMAN, LYMAN, d.d. Geneal. of Lyman Family, Albany: 1872. 8°. Frontis. 2055 COLEMAN, SETH, (a.m.) of Amherst, (Ms.) Memoirs of, With Fun. Serm., by Rev. Nathan Perkins. N. Haven: 1817. 12^ [Scarce.] 2056 COLERIDGE, HENRY N. Six Months in the West Indies, in 1825. 3ded. London: 1832. 16°. 2057 COLERIDGE, S. T. Biographia Literaria. Two Vols, in one. N. Y., Boston: 1834. 8°. 2058 Christabel. Kubla Kahn, — a Vision. The Pains of Sleep. Boston: 1816. 18°. 2059 COLES, E. English Dictionary [«fec.]. Containing many Thou- sand Hard Words [&c.]. London: 1701. 12°. 2060 COLES, GEORGE (Rev.) Memoir of Catharine Reynolds. N. York: 1844. 12°. 2061 COLESON, ANN (Miss.) Narrative of her Captivity among the Sioux Indians; a victim of the late Indian Outrages in Minne- sota. Phila.: 1864. 8°. 2062 COLESWORTHY, DANIEL C. Sabbath School Hymns. Portland: 1833. 18°. 2063 COLLECTION (A) of Interesting and Authentic Papers, Rela- tive to the Dispute between Great Britain and America, from 1764 to 1775. [Prior Documents.] London: 1777. 8°. Very rare, sometimes called Prior Documents of Almong Remembrancer. 2064 of Speeches of the President of the U. S. to both Houses of Cong's, at the Opening of every Session, with their Answers. Bos- ton: 1796. 12°. 2065 (A) of Facts and Documents, relative to the Death of Alex- ander Hamilton. By the Editor of the Evening Post. New York: 1804. 8°. 2066 (A) of the .several Papers sent to his Highness Lord Pro- 122 CATALOGUE. tector, of the Commonwealth of England, &c., Concerning the Bloody and Barbarous Massacres, Murthers, and other Cruelties in Piedmont. [London]: 1655. 4°. Not perfect after p. 38. 2067 of Papers Relating to the Present Juncture of Affairs in England. 3d ed. London: 1689. 4°. 2068 (A) of Memorials concerning divers deceased Ministers and others of the People called Quakers, in Pennsylva., N. Jersey. Phila.: 1787. 8°. Original ed. 2069 Same. London rep., 1788. 8°. 2070 of Psalm and Hymn Tunes sung at the Chapel of the Lock Hospital. From the last Lon'doned. [Boston]: 1809. Ob. 4°. 2071 of Testimonies concerning several Ministers amongst the People called Quakers, deceased. London: 1760. 8°. 2072 (A) of Letters relative to Foreign Missions. Andover: 1810. 12°. 2073 (A Kew) of Yoyages, Discoveries and Travels, in Europe, Asia, and America. 7 vols. London: 1767. 8°. 2074 of Voyages and Travels, Kolben, Lecompte, &c. Paul and Virginia, Boston, 1796; Young Man's Own Book, Phila.: 1833, &c. 10 vols. 18°. 2075 COLLECTIO:srS of the American Statistical Association. Vol. 1. Boston: 1847. 8°. 2076 Connecticut Hist. Soc. Hartford: 1860-70. 2v. 8°. Little needbo said of the Collections made by the Historical Societies of States. They are treasuries of information, useful and interesting, obtained with much labor and re- search, — monuments built of scattered fr^'grnents into an imperishable structure. They concern everybody, instruct everybody. 2077 of the Georgia Hist. Soc. Vols. 1, 2. Savannah: 1840-42. 8°. [Very scarce.] 2078 of the Maine Hist. Soc. Vols. 1. Portland: 1831; 2, 1847; 3, 1853; 4, 1856; 5, 1857; 6, 1859. 2079 of Mass. Hist. Soc. Vols. 1-10. From 1792. Boston: 1806-09. lOv. 8°. 2d Ser. Vols. 1,2,3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10. Bost. : 1814-23. 8v. 8°. 3d Ser. Vols. 1-10. Boston: 1846-49. lOv. 8°. 4th Ser. Vols. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10. Bost.: 1852-1871. 8v. 8°. 5th Ser. Vol. 1. Boston: 1871. 8°. The first ten vols. (1st series) are the original ed. They are, perhaps, as historically val- uable as any similar number of books in N. E. History that might bo solectcd. They contain cliroiiicles of the early voyages to New England, and many tup'-'graphical de- Bcriptions of towns, etc. The Complete Collection forms a library of itself. 2080 of the New Hampshire Hist. Soc. for 1824. Vols. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Vol. 1 to 8 inclusive, 1824-1866. 8 vols. Concord: 8°. Many of the best historical writers in N. E. have contributed to these vols. 2081 of the New Jersey Hist. Soc. Vol. 1. New York: 1846. 8°. Vol. 2. Life of Wm. Alexander, by his W. A. Duer. New York: 1847. 8°. Portrait. CATALOGUE. 123 Vol. 4. Papers of Lewis Morris, Gov. of the Prov. of N. Jersey, from 1738 to 1740. N. York: 1852. 8°. Portrait. 2082 of the New York Historical Society. 1st Series. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4. 1811-14-21-26. 4 vols. 8°. N. Y. Second Series. Vols. 1, 2, 3 (Pt. 1), 1841-57. 3v. 8°. N. Y. Tbe first series contains the voyages of Hudson and Verazzani; al^o, the Continuation of Smith'* Hist, of N. York. 2083 Transactions of the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio. Part 2. Vol.1. Cincinnati: 1839. 8°. 2084 of the Rhode Island Hist. Soc. Vol. 1. Providence: 1827- 38. 4v. 8°, [Scarce.] Thouerh a small Slate geograpbionlly, Rhode Island Is great in history ; and in the Btatur« of her public men. 2085 Report and Colls, of the State Historical Society of Wis- consin. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 1855-72 inclusive. Madison. 8°. 2086 South Carolina Hist. Soc. Vol. 1. Published by the So- ciety. Charleston, S.C: 1857. 8°. [Scarce.] 2087 Vermont Hist. Soc. Vols. 1 and 2. Montpelier: 1870-71. 8°. Portrait. 2088 COLLEGE MUSIN'GS Or Twigs from Parnassus. Tuscaloosa [Alabama]: 1833. 18°. [Scarce.] 2089 eOLLIBER, SAMUEL. Columna Rostrata; or, a Critical His- tory of the English Sea Affairs. London: 1727. 8°. 2090 COLLIER, J. PAYNE. Reply to Mr. Hamilton's '' Inquiry " into the Imputed Shakspeare Forgeries. London: I860. S°. 2091 Notes and Emendations to the Text of Shakspeare's Plays from early Manuscript Corrections in a Copy of the Folio of 1632. Redfield, New York: 1853. 12°. 2092 COLLIER, JEREMY. Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage. 2d ed. London: 1698. 8°. 2093 Marcus Antoninus; his Conversation with Himself: also, The Emperor's Life; written by Monsieur Dacier. 3d ed. Lond.: 1726. 8°. Portrait. 2094 COLLIER, WILLIAM, a.m. New Selection of Hymns. Bos- ton: 1812, 18°. 2095 COLLINGWOOD, G. L. NEWNHAM. Selection from the Correspondence of Vice Admiral Lord Collingwood. With Me- moirs of his Life. 4th ed. London: 1829. 8°. Portrait. 2096 COLLINS, ARTHUR. Baronetage of England ; an Hist, and Geneal. Account of Baronets, [&c.] 2 vols. Lond.: 1720. 8°. 2097 Peerage of England; or, an Hist, and Geneal. Acct. of th^ Prest. Nobility. London: 1709. 8°. Frontispiece. 2098 Same. 2d ed.,with Addition of all the Peers lately cre- ated, to July, 1712. Vol. 1. London: 1712. 2099 Same. 2 vols, or parts. London: 1711. 8°. 124 CATALOGUE. 2100 COLLINS, AKTHUR. Same. In 2 parts. 3d ed. London: 1715. 8°. 2101 Life and Glorious Actions of Edward Prince of Wales (the Black Prince). Also, John of Gaunt. London: 1740. 8°. 2102 Peerage of England [&c.]. Collected from Records, Old Wills [&c.], 4 vols. London: 1735. 8°. 2103 Same. 6 vols. 8°. 1756. 2104 Same. 7 vols. 8°. 1768. 2105 Same. 4 vols. 8°. 1741. 2106 COLLINS, LEAYIS. Historical Sketches of Kentucky. 40 Engravings. Maysville, Ky., Cincinnati: 1848. 8°. P. 2107 COLLINSON,Rev. J. Lifeof Thuanus. Lond.:1807. 8°. Port. 2108 COLMAN, BENJAMIN, m.a. Humble Discourse of the In- comprehensibleness of God. Four Serms. preached at the Lecture in Boston, 1714. Preface by the Rev. Mr. Pemberton. Boston: 1715. 18°. pp. 109. [Scarce.] 2109 The Prophet's Death Lamented. Serm., Sept. 1, 1723, to the North Church in Boston, after the Funeral of Increase Mather, d.d. Boston: 1723. 8°. pp. 37. [Very scarce.] 2110 Moses a Witness. A Discourse in the College Hall, Cam- bridge, Mar. 27, 1722, Before the Baptism of R. Judah Monis. Boston: 1722. 18°. 2111 Practical Discourses on the Parable of the Ten Yirgins. 2ded. Boston: 1747. 8°. Portrait. [Scarce.] 2112 It is a Fearful Thing. Serm. preachd. to some miserable Pirates, July 10, 1726, bef. their Execution. With some Acct. of said Pirates. Boston: 1726. 12°. Portrait of Author. 2113 Some of the Glories of Our Lord. Twenty Sacramental Discourses, at Boston in N. England. London: 1728. 8°. Port. 2114 Faithful Pastors. Serm. to the Bereaved Flock, 4 Mar, 1739. On Lord's Day aftr. the Funrl. of the Rv. Mr. Pet. Thacher, of Boston, ^tat. 62. Boston: 1739. 8°. 2115 The Faithful Servant. A Fun. Serm. on the Death of the Honourable Samuel Holden, Esq., of London, Sept. 4, 1740. In the Audience of His Excellency the Gov., the Council, and Repre. Boston: 1740. 4°. 2116 Discourse in the College-Hall at Cambridge, March 27, 1722. Before the Baptism of R. Judah Monis. To which are added Three Discourses by Mr. Monis, viz. " The Truth," The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth. Boston: 1722. 8 vols. 8°. pp 26. An occasional challenge is seen in the newspapers, to produce an example of a Jew^ con- verted to Christianity. Monis (Judah,) the first Hebrew instructor in Harvard College, was a native of Italy, and after his arrival in this country began his instructions about the year 1720. Though a Jew, he embraced the Chrisiian religion; was publicly bap- tized at Cambridge, in 1722; after the death of his wife, 1761, he resigned his office which he had sustained for about forty years, and retired to Northboro. The preface to *« The Truth » la by Increase Mather. CATALOGUE. 125 2117 COLMAN, BENJAMtN", M. A. Serm. at the Lecture in Boston. Boston: 1717. Constitution of Mass. , first Worcester ed., 1787, imp. Election and Reprobation by A. Fasset, Windsor, Vt., 181-. Bow- doin Square Church Book, etc., 10 vols. 18°. 2118 ITonr. and Happiness of tlie Vertuous Woman. Meditated upon the lamented Death of Mrs. Elizabeth Hirst. Bost: 1716. 12°. 2119 COLMAN, GEORGE. (The Younger.) Poetical Works. London: 1840. 24°. Engravings. 2120 COLMAN, HENRY. Agriculture and Rural Economy of France, Belgium, Holland and Switzerland. Boston: 1848. 8°. Frontispiece. 2121 Reports on the Agriculture of Mass. County of Essex. 1st -4th. 1837-41. Boston: 1838-41. 8°. 2122 COLMAN, HENRY. Sermons on various subjects. Boston: 1820. 8°. 2123 COLONIAL POLICY of Great Britain, considered with rela^ tion to her N. Amer. Provinces, and West I. Possessions, etc. By a Brit. Traveller. Phila. : 1816. 12°. 2124 COLQUHOUN, P. Treatise on the Wealth, Power, and Re- sources of the British Empire. 2ded. London: 1815. 4°. 2125 Treatise on the Commerce and Police of the River Thames. London: 1800. Map of the River. 2126 Treatise on the Police of the Metropolis. 7th ed. Lond. : 1806. 8°. 2127 COLTON, C. C. a.m. (Rev.) Lacon: or, Many Things in few Words. New ed. London: 1829. 2 vols, in one. 8°. 2128 COLTON, CALYIN. Manual for Emigrants to America. London: 1832. 18°. 2129 COLTON, CALYIN. Four Years in Great Britain, 1831-1835. 2 vols. N. Y.: 1835. 12°. P. 2130 COLTON, GEO. H. Tecumseh; or, the West Thirty years since. A Poem. N. York: 1842. 12°. 2131 COLTON, J. H. Colton's Traveler and Tourist's Guide-book through the New England, the Middle States and Canadas. Map. N. York: 1850. 18°. 2132 Same. N. York: 1851. 18°. 2133 The Western Tourist. 1849. 16°. Map. 2134 COLTON, WALTER (Rev.) Three Years in California. Elustrations. New York: 1850. 12°. [Portrait of J. A. Sutter, T. O. Larkin, J. C. Fremont, Wm. M. Gwin, G. Wright, J. R. Snyder, &c.] 2135 Deck and Port; Incidents of a Cruise in U. S. Frigate Congress to California. N. York: 1860. 12°. Port, of Com. Stockton. 2136 Sea and Sailor, Notes on France and Italy, &c. Memoir of Rev. H. T. Cheever. N. York: 1860. 12°. Portrait. 126 CATALOGUE. 2137 COLTON, J. H. Land and Sea in the Bosphorus and ^gean, or, Views of Constantinople and Athens. Ed. by the Rev. H. T. Cheever. K. York: 1854. 12°. P. Frontis. 2138 C0LUMBIA:N' Eloquence. The Speeches of the most cele- brated American Orators, as deld. in the late Trial of the Hon. Samuel Chase. 3 vols. Baltimore: 1806. 16°. [Scarce.] 2139 COLUMBIAN MAGAZI:N'E, The. Vols. 1, 1787; 2, 1788; 3, 1789; 4, 1790. 4 vols. Phila. 8°. Numerous Illustrations. Vol. 3, has only Jan., Feb., April, May and June No8, Other vols, peifect. One of the Scarcest American Magazines. 2140 COLUMBUS, CHRISTOPHER. American Juvenile Biogra- phy. Life of C. Boston: 1840. 18°. 2141 Personal Narrative of the First Yoyage of Columbus to America. From a Manuscript recently discovered in Spain. Bos- ton: 1827. 8°. 2142 COLUMBUS; or, the Discovery of America. Tr. from the German of J. II. Canipe. Boston. 2143 COLVIL, SAM. The Whiggs Supplication; or, the Scotch- Hudibras, a Mock-Poem. In two Parts. London: 1710. 24°. 2144 COLYIN, JOHN B. (Esq.) Historical Letters, including a brief but General View of the Hist, of the World. ... to the Year 1820. Georgetown, D. C, 1821. 16°. 2145 COMBE ANDREW. Principles of Physiology, &c. N. Y.: 1841. 12°. 2146 COMBE, GEO. Notes on the U. S., during a Phrenological Yisit in 18;}8-9-40. Two vols. Phila. : 1841. 12°. 2147 Constitution of Man considered in Relation to External Objects. Boston: 1829. 12°. 2148 COMBER, THOMAS. Yindication of the Great Revolution tn England in A. D. 1688. London: 1758. 8°. Portraits inserted. 2149 COMETS. Two Lectures on Comets, by Prof. Winthrop, also an Essay on Comets by Andrew Oliver, Jr. Sketches of the Lives of Prof. Winthrop, and Mr. Oliver. Comet of 1811. Boston: 1811. 18°. 2150 COMMERCIAL'RELATIONS. Yol. 1, 1856; 2 [n. d.]; vol. 3, 1857; vol. 4, 1857-1860, 5 vols. Washington. 4°. 2151 COMMON PRAYER BOOK. Boston: -1800; also Phila.: 1809. 2 vols. 8°. 2152 COMMON PRAYER, Book of. Boston, 1811. 8°. 2153 COMMON SCHOOL JOURNAL, for 1839. Ed. by Horace Mann. Boston: 1839. 8°. 2154 COMMUNICATIONS AND REPORTS. Surveys of Boston Harbor by the U. S. Commissioners, Joseph G. Totten, Brig. Gen. U. S. A. A. D. Bache, Suptdt. U. C. S., C. H. Davis, Rear Adml. U. S.N. Boston: 1863. 8°. CATALOGUE. 127 2165 COMPACT (The). With the Charter and Laws of the Colouy of New Plymouth; togetlier with the Charter of the Council at Plymouth, &c. Boston: 1836. R. 8°. 2150 COMPARATIVE IMPORTANCE of our Acquisitions from France in America. London: 1762. 8°. . 2157 COMPENDIOUS • ^ 3188 EPIGRAMATUM Delectus Ex omnibus tum Veteribjif, tUl^/A,^ recentioribus Poetis accurate decerptus, &c. Londini: 168d\^^18°. ^^ Arms of Drake and Autograph of John Drake. ^^.^ Q^ 3189 EPIGRAMS. A Selection of English Epigrams. Boston^^*^ 1812. 18°. 3190 EPISCOPACY Examined and re-examined. N. Y.: 1835. 12°. 3191 EPITAPHS. A Collection of, and Monumental Inscriptions, Historical, Biographical. With An Essay on Epitaphs by Dr. Johnson. TwoYols. London: 1806. 12°. [Scarce.] 3192 ERSKINE, THOMAS. The Speeches of, in the Court of King's Bench, June 28, 1797, at the Trial of T. Williams, for pub- lishing Paine's Age of Reason, with Stewart Kyd's Reply. Phila.: W. Cobbett. Nov. 1797. 8°. 3193 ESPRIELLA, DON MANUEL ALVAREZ. Letters from Eng- land. 1st Amer. ed. Boston: 1807. 8°. 3194 ESQUEMELING, J. History of the Buccaneers of America. With Notice, of Piracies on the Coast of New England, to the year 1724. Boston: 1856. 8°. 3195 Bucaniers of America; or, a true account of the most re- markable, more especially, the unparallelled Exploits of Sir Henry Morgan, our English Jamaican Hero. By John Esquemeling, one of the Bucaniers. London: 1684. 4°. Table 6 leaves. Plates. First ed., and very Bcarce. Apart from the Narratives, it contains valuable Information about Central America, the Isthmus of Darien, &c. 3196 ESSAYS on Taste, Morals, and National Policy. By a Citizen ofVa. Georgetown, D. C: 1822. 8°. 3197 ESSAYS of Howard; or, Tales of the prison. Supposed to be written by a debtor, confined 16 years in the N. Y. Debtor's jail. N. Y.: 181L 8°. A presentation copy to C. Justice Kent, with Author's Autograph. 3198 ESSEX INSTITUTE, (Salem.) Collections of, vols. 1-2-3-4. Salem: 1859-62. 4°. Ports. 3199 ESTEE, CHAS. F. The Excise Tax Law. July 1, 1862. N. York: 1863. 8°. 184 CATALOGUE. 3200 ESTLACK, RESTOKE. Ethick Diversions. In Four Epistles to Ephasian, R. T. To which is added, The Convent. IN". York: 1807. 12°. [Scarce.] 3201 ESTLm, JOH]Sr BISHOP. A brief notice of Amer. slavery, and the Abolition Movement. Bristol: 1846. 18°. 3202 ESTYAN, B. War Pictures from the South. N. Y.: 1863. 8°. 3203 ETATS-UNIS — et PAngieterre, ou Souvenirs et Reflexions d'un Citoyen Americain. A Bordeaux: 1814. 8°. 3204 Etherization. By J. C. Warren. Boston, 1848. 12°. 3205 ETIQUETTE at Washington. With^a Complete Guide through the Metropolis. Baltimore: Washington: 1857 Many Plates. 18°. 3206 ET0:N', W. (Esq.) A Survey of the Turkish Empire. 2d ed. London: 1799. 8°. 3207 ETTING, ERAjS'E: M. Memorials of 1776. Phila.: 1873. 8°. 3208 EUGEXE. The History of Francis, Eugene, Prince of Savoy. By an English Officer who served under his highness. 1754. 12°. 3209 EULOGIES, a Selection of. Pronounced, in Honor of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. Hartford: 1828. 8°. 3210 EUROPE. Carte Itineraire et Politique D 'Europe d'apres les derniers traites de Paix, avec les Plans des principales villes d'Eu- rope. Par N. Maire. 1817. Paris. 3211 EUSTAPHIEVE, ALEXIS. Demetrius, the hero of the Don. An Epic poem. Boston: 1818. 12°. [Scarce.] 32 J 2 Reflections on the War of 1812. By Col. Tchuykevitch. With Strictures on " the Corresp. respecting Russia." Boston: 1813. 8°. Auto. James Kent. 3213 EVA:NrGELIST, The. Vols. 1, 2. Hartford: 1824-25. In same vol.. The Pilgrim, Jan. 8, 1823. Also The Christian Herald, May, 1824. 8°. 3214 EVAN'S, A. E. Catalogue of Engraved Portraits. On sale, 403 Strand. London, [n. d.] 8°. 3215 Catalogue of 30,000 Engraved British Portraits. Accompa- nied by concise Biog. Kotices. Yol. 2. London, [n. d.] 8°. 3216 EVANS, CHARLES. Report of the Trial of the Hon. Samuel Chase, one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the U. S. Baltimore: 1805. R. 8°. 3217 EVANS, ESTWICK. A Pedestrious Tour, of 4,000 Miles, through the Western States and Territories, in 1818. Concord, N. H.: 1819. 12°. [Scarce.] 3218 EVANS, P. W. Shakers. Compendium of the origin, hist., principles, regulations, govern., and docts., with biog. of Ann Lee and Wm. Lee. N. Y. : 1859. 12°. 3219 EVANS, ISRAEL, Rev. Oration at Hackensack, Sept. 10, 1780, at the interment of Gen. Enoch Poor, of the N". Hampshire Brigade. 4°. Newburyport: 1781. OATALOOUK 185 3220 EVANS, NATHANIEL, a.m. Poems on several occasions, with some other Compositions. Phila.: 1772. 8°. [Very rare.] 3221 EVANS, THOMAS. A Concise Account of the Religious Society of Friends, embracing a Sketch of their Doctrines and Practices. Phila.: 185G. 12°. 3222 EVELYN, JOHN, Esq. Kalendarium Hortense; or, the Gard'ners Almanac [&c.], London: 1691. 12°. Ms. uote by Mr. D. Autog. of Lord Mark Kerr, 1836. 3223 Silva, or a Discourse of Forest Trees, and the Propagation of Timber. London: 1706. Folio. Portrait. 3224 The Life of Mrs. Godolphin. Edited by Samuel Lord Bishop of Oxford. London: 1848. 12°. 3225 Navigation and Commerce, their Original and Progress. [&c.] London: 1674. 8°. [Very scarce.] 3226 EVENTS INT PARIS, during the 26-29 July, 1830, by several Eye-witnesses. Boston: 1830. 16°. 3227 EVEREST, C. W. Babylon. A Poem. Hartford: 1838. 8°. 3228 — - Poets of Connecticut; with Biog. Sketches. New York: 1849. 8°. 3229 EVERETT, ALEXANDER H. Europe: a General Survey of the present Situation of. Boston: 1822. 8°. 3230 Europe [&c. as above.]. 2d. ed. London: 1823. 8°. 3231 New Ideas on Population: with Remarks on the Theories of Malthus and Godwin. Boston: 1823. 8°. 3232 America: a General Survey of the Political Situation of. Phila.: 1827. 8°. 3233 EVERETT, DAVID, Esq. Report of Contested Elections, in the Ho. of Reps, of Mass. Boston: 1812. 8°. 3234 EVERETT, ED. Address of E. and poem of Dr. O. W. Holmes, at the dinner given to H. I. H. Mons. Prince Napoleon, Sept. 25, 1861. Cambridge, privately print.: 1861. *8°. 3235 Life of Geo. Washington. N. York: 1860. 12°. 3236 The Mount Vernon Papers. N. York: 1860. 12°. 3237 Orations and Speeches. 2 vols. Boston: 1850. R. 8°. Portrait. 3238 Eulogy on Thomas Dowse. Boston: 1859. Portrait. 3239 A Defence of Christianity, against the Work of George B. EngUsh. Boston: 1814. 12°. Written at the age of twenty. Quite scarce, 3240 3 vols. Pamphlets, Senns., orations, etc. Vol. 1. 16 Tr. 1812-28. American Poets, 1812 (a present'n copy from the author); Ded. 1st Cong. Ch., N. Y. (Serm. 1821); On Relief for the Greeks, 18^; P. B. k. Orat. (H. C, 1824); Letter to Jno. Lowell, 1824; Orat. Plymouth, 1825; Concord, 19th April, 1825 (presentation 186 CATALOGUE. copy); On Amending the Constitution, 1826; Claims on Naples, Holland and France (presentation copy); Orat. Cambridge (4th July, 1826); At Charlestown (July 4th, 1828); Harvard Monument, 1828. Vol. 2. 21 Tr. 1830-39. Charlestown Centennial, Speech favoring execution of Indian Treaties; On the Tariff; Franklin Lecture, Worcester (July 4,1833); P. B. K. Ads. (Y. Col., 1833); Eulogy on Lafayette, 1834; Lexington, 1835, Ads. 19th Apr., on remov- ing the remains of the Killed to the vault near the monument; Amherst Coll. (presentation copy); Beverly (4th July, 1835); Wil- liams Coll., 1837 (presentation copy to Kev. Dr. Young), &c. Yol. 3. 23 Tr. Mem. of John Lowell, Jr., on Founding of the Lowell Lectures in Boston; Eulogy on J. Q. Adams; Discovery of Amer- ica; Inaug. Ads. as Prest. of H. C, 1846; Speech on Kansas and iN'eb. Bill; On Supporting the Govt., 1864; Pulpit and Kostrum, July4, 1861,N. Y.,&c. 3241 EYEKETT MEMORIAL. Boston: 1865. 1. paper. Plates. Ed. 75 copies. 3242 EWBANK, THOMAS. Life in Brazil. New York: 1856. 8°. Engravings. 3243 EWELL, THOMAS, m.d., of Ya. Plain Discourses on the Laws or Properties of Matter. New York : 1806. 8°. 3244 EWING-, JOHN, Rev. (d.d.) Sermons, selected by the Rev. James P. Wilson of Phila., with a Life of the Author. Easton: 1812. 8°. 3245 EXAMINATION (An) of the Principles, and an Enquiry into the Conduct of the Two B[rothe]rs; in regard to the Establishment of their Power, and their Prosecution of the War. In a Letter to a Member of Parliament. 4th ed. London: 1749. 8°. 3246 Of the Commercial Principles of the Late Negotiations be- tween Great Britain and France. London: 1762. 8°. 3247 (An) of the New Tariff proposed by the Hon. Henry Bald- win. By one of the People. New York: 1821. 8°. Folding Table of Duties. 3248 EXAMINERS. The Second Yol. of Dec. 6, 1711; Dec. 29, 1712. London: 1714. 24°. Swift wrote 33 papers. 3249 EXCURSION of the Putnam Phalanx to Boston, in 1859. Hart- ford: 1859. 8°. Portrait. to Mount Yernon, December, 1860. Hartford: 1861. 8°. 3250 EXE. Picturesque Yiews on the River Exe. Tiverton: 1819. 4°. Finely colored Plates. 3251 EXETER. Hand-Book to Exeter, with Illustrated Map^ De- scription of the Cathedral, &c. Exeter, [n. d.] CATALOGUE. 187 3252 EXHIBIT (An) of the Losses sustained at the Office of Dis- count and Deposit, Baltimore, under the Administration of James A. Buchanan, President, and Jas. W. McCulloch, Cashier; also, a Report of the Conspiracy Cases, tried at Harford County Court. Baltimore: 1823. 8°. 3253 EXPLANATION'S and sailing directions to accomp. the wind and current charts app. by C. Morris, by M. F. Maury. Phila.: 1854. 4°. 3254 EXPOSITION, An, of the pretended claims of William Vans, on the Estate of John Codman. 2 vols. Boston: 1837. 8°. 3255 (An) of Facts and Arguments in favor of a Bank of 10,000,- 000. Boston: 1836. 8°. 3256 EXPOSITIONS of Rational Medicine, by Dr. Jacob Bigelow. Boston: 1858. 12°. 3257 EXTRACTS FROM A LITURGY, principally from the Book of Common Prayer. Bost. : 1793. 12°. Autog. of Rev. J. Freeman. 3258 EXTRACTS from the Votes and Proceedings of the Continental Congress, at Phila., September, 1774. Phila. Printed: Boston, Rep. 1774. 8°. 3259 fix)m the Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presb. Church in the U. S., in 1803-1811. Vol. 2. Phila.: 1813. 8°. 3260 from the Votes and Proceedings of Congress. [Same as above with the Adds, to the Inhabs. of Quebec] Boston: 1774. 8°. Imp. 3261 from the Minutes and Advices of the Yearly Meeting of Friends in London, from its first institution. London: 1802. 4°. 3262 EXTRAORDINARY BLACK BOO:K: (The). Exposition of the United Church of England and Ireland; Civil List and Crown Revenues; Incomes, Privileges, and Power of the Aristocracy. London: 1831. 8°. Front. 3263 EYRE, JOHN. The Christian Spectator: Being a Journey from England to Ohio, two years in that State, Travels in America, &c. Albany: 1838. 12°. 3264 EYRE, JOSEPH. Observ. upon the prophecies rel. to the restoration of the Jews. London: 1771. 8°. 3265 FABER, GEO. STANLEY, (b.d.) Dissertation on the Pro- phecies. Boston: 1808. 2v.ini. 8°. 3266 FABLE OF THE BEES; or, private vices, public benefits. 2 vols. Edinburgh: 1772. 12°. 3267 FABYAN, ROBERT. The new Chronicles of England and France, in Two Parts; named by Himself the Concordance of His- tories. Printed from Pynson's Edit, of 1516. With a Biographical and Literary Preface. By Henry Ellis. London: 1811. 4°. 3268 FACTS and Calculations resp. the Population and Territory of the U. S. A. [n. p.] 1796. 4°. 188 VATALOOUE. 3269 FAIEBAXKS, GEORGE R. The History and Antiquities of the City of St. Augustine, Florida. New York: 1858. 8°. Plates. 3270 History of Florida to the close of the Florida War in 1842. Phila.: 1871. 12°. 3271 FAIRCHILD, JOY H. Farewell Address to the Payson Church, South Boston, 22 Nov. 1857. Boston: 1858. 12°. Portrait. 3272 Remarkable Incidents in the Life of. By Himself. Por- trait. Boston: 1855. 12°. P. 449. 3273 The Essential Doctrines. A Serm. 2d. ed. Boston: 1830. 3274 FAIRFAX, THOMAS, Sir. A Brief Justification of the XI. Accused Members, from a scandalous Libel, stiled a Particular Charge and Impeachment, in the name of Sir Thomas Fairfax, and the Army under him: newly Printed and Published to defame them, [&c.] London: 1647. 4°. pp. 12; also 3 tracts. Two Letters from his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, to the House of Peers [&c.]. Also a Remonstrance of His Excellency and the Army [&c.], London, 1647. A Charge or Impeachment, in the Name of his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, and the Army under his Command against Denzil Hollis, Esq. [and 10 others.] London: 1647. 4°. His Majesty's Message to the Parliament, Nov. 9,1648. Lond. : 1648. 4to. These tracts relating to the Civil War in England are scarce and valuable. 3275 FAIRFIELD, JANE. Life of Sumner Lincoln Fairfield. N. York: 1847. 12°. Port. 3276 FAIRFIELD, SUMNER L. The Heir of the World, and Lesser Poems. Phila.: 1829. 12°. 3277 The Last Night of Pompeii; a Poem: and Lays and Legends. N. Y.: 1832. 8°. 3278 Abaddon, the Spirit of Destruction; and other Poems. N. York: 1830. 3279 Lays of Melpomene. Portland: 1824. 12°. 3280 FAITHFUL, NARRATIVE (A) of the Proceedings of the Ecclesiastical Council at Salem in 1734. Occasioned by the Scan- dalous Divisions in the First Church in that Town. Boston: 1735. 12°. [Scarce.] 3281 FALCONER, WM. The Shipwreck. 2d ed. Lond.: 1806. 8°. 3282 FALSE ALARM (The). 2d ed. London: 1770. 8°. The Crisis, an answer to the False Alarm. London: 1770. 8°. 3283 FALSTAFF'S COMIC ANNUAL. The New Comic Annual for 1831. Ill'd. London, [n. d.] 12°. 3284 FAMILY HISTORY. (Pamphlets), 9. Family of Richard Otis and collateral branches, Boston, 1851; Odin Family; Hallock; Stetson; Descendants of Robt. Day, of Hartford; Dana; Shumway; Richard Haven; Bridger's Index to Pedigrees; Butler Family. CATALOGUE. 189 3285 FAMILY TABLET (A): containing a Selection of Original Poetry. Boston: 1796. 18°. Wants title, and 2 leaves at end. [Rare.] The writers were the sons, daughters, and sons-in-law of President Stiles under the fol- lowing noma deplume: — " Louisa," Mrs. Ruth [dtiles] Gannett; •'■ Cecilia," Elizabeth Stiles; "Eugenio," Dr. Ezra Stiles; '• Myra," Mary Stiles, wife of "Myra," Rev. Abiel Holmes. •♦ Henry," Caleb Gannett. 3286 FANNING, DAYID (CoL.) (A Tory in the Revolution.) Narrative of his Adventures in N. Carolina, from 1775 to 1783. Written by Himself . N. York: 1865. 8°. Tapr. 3287 FANNING, EDMUND. Voyages round the world, with sketches of voy. to the South Seas. 1792-1832. N. York: 1833. 3288 FARMER (A). Free Thoughts, on the Proceedings of the Con- tinental Congress, held at Phila., Sept. 5, 1774: wherein their Errors are exhibited, their Reasonings Confuted. In a Letter to the Farm- . ers, and other Inhabitants of North America in General. [N. Y.]: 1774. 8°. 3289 FARMER, C. M. The Fairy of the Stream, and other Poems. • Richmond, Va. : 1847. 12°. [Scarce.] 3290 FARMER, HENRY Y. Imagination; the Maniac's Dream, and other poems. N. Y. and Lond. : 1819. 12°. 3291 FARMER, HUGH. Letters to the Rev. Dr. Worthington, in answer to his late Publication. On the Gospel Demoniacks. Lon- don: 1778. 8°. 3292 FARMER, JOHN. Catechism of the history of N. Hampshire, for Schools. Concord: 1830. 18°. 3293 A General Register of the first settlers of New England. Lancaster, Mass. : 1829. 8°. [Very scarce.] 3294 and MOORE, J. B. Collections: topog., hist., and biog. rel. to New Hampshire. Concord: 1822-24. 3v. 8°. 3295 A Gazetteer of the State of New Hampshire. Concord : 1823. 12°. Illust. Maps, MS. notes by Mr. Drake. 3296 FARMER, SARAH S. Tonga and the Friendly Islands; with a Sketch of their Mission History. London: 1855. 12°. 3297 FARMER'S GUIDE (The). and Western Agriculturist. By several Practical Eminent Farmers. Cincinnati: 1832. 12°. 3298 FARMER'S (The) Letters to the People of England; added Sylvse: or occas. tracts on Husbandry, etc. 2d ed. Lond.: 1768. 8°. 3299 FARNHAM, ELIZA W. California, in doors and out; or, how we Farm, Mine, and Live generally in the Golden State. N. York: 1856. 12°. 3300 Life in Prairie Land. N. York: 1847. 12°. 3301 FARR, EDWARD, Esq. Select Poetry Chiefly Devotional of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Collected and edited for the Parkei Society. Cambridge: 1845. 18°. pp. 256. 3302 Same Part 2. Cambridge: 1845. 18°. pp. 659. 190 CATALOGUE. 3303 FARRAR, JOmS". Elem. treatise on Mechanics. 2d ed. Boston: 1834. 8°. 3304 FARRAR, JOHN, (Mrs.) Recollections of Seventy Years. Boston: 1866. 12°. 3305 FARRAR, TIMOTHY. Report of the Case of Dartmouth College. Portsmouth, jSr. H.: 1819. 8°. [Yery rare.] Portrait and autog. Timothy Farrar. 3306 FARRAR, W. The Hist, of Ripon: with desc. of Studley- Royal, Fountains Abbey, Newby, Hackfall, etc. 2d ed. Ripon: 1806. 12°. 3307 FASHIONABLE TOUR (The) in 1825. An Excursion to the Springs, Niagara, Quebec, and Boston. Saratoga Springs: 1825. 18°. 3308 FASSET, A. Election and Reprobation; or the Decrees of God and the accountability of man considered. Windsor, Yt. : 1818. 18°. 3309 FAULKNER, THOMAS. History and Antiquities of Ken- sington. London: 1820. 4°. Plates. 3310 — — Acct. of Fulham, including the Hamlet of Hammersmith. London: 1813. R. 8°. 3311 The Hist, and Antiq's. of the Parish of Hammersmith, In- terspersed. London: 1839. R. 8°. Folding Plans, and Portrait of Sir N. Crispe. 3312 The Hist, and Antiq's. of Brentford, Ealing, and Ches- wick. London: 1845. R. 8°. pp. 504. Plates, &c. 3313 FAUQUIER, FRANCIS. Essay on Ways and Means for raising money for the support of the present war. 3d ed. London: 1757. 8°. 3314 FAUX, W. Memorable Days in America: Being a Journal of a Tour to the United States. London: 1823. 8°. Frontispiece. 3315 FA YEARDO, DON DIEGO DE SAAYEDRA. Idea de un principe Politico Christiano, Representada en cien empresas. Amstelodami: 1650. 24°. 3316 FAY, H. A. Official Accounts, in Detail, of all the Battles fought by Sea and Land, bet. the U. States, and Great Britain. During the years 1812, 13, 14, and 15. New York: 1817. 8°. 3317 FAY, T. S. Ulric; or, the Yoices. N. York: 1851. 3318 FEARON, HENRY BRADSHAW. Sketches of America. A Narrative of a Journey of 6000 miles through the Eastern and Western States in 1817. 3d ed. London: 1819. 8°. 3319 FEATHERSTONHAUGH, G. W. Geological Report of the Elevated Country between the Missouri and Red Rivers. Washing, ton: 1835. 8°. Map. 3320 Report of a Geological Reconnoissance, by the way of Green Bay and the Wisconsin Territory, to the Coteau de Prairie, an elevated Ridge dividing the Missouri from the St. Peters River. . Washington: 1836. 8°. 3321 The Republic of Cicero, translated from the Latin; with a CATALOGUE. 191 critical and Historical Introduction. N. Y. : 1829. 12°. Notes in MS. by Judge Kent, and a notice of F. and Sir Rod. I. Murchison. 3322 FEATLY, DANIEL, d.d. The Romish Fisher caught and held in his owne Net. Or, a True Relation of the Protestant Con- ference and Popish Difference. London: 1624. 4°. 3323 Sacra Nemesis; The Levites Scourge, or, Mercurius Britan. Civicos Disciplined. Also divers remarkable Disputes and Resolves in the Assembly of Divines related. Episcopacy asserted against Detraction. Oxford: 1644. 4°. 3324 FEDERALIST (The). With an Appendix, containing the Let- ters of Pacificus and Helvidius on the Proclamation of Neutrality of 1793. A New Edition. The Numbers written by Mr. Madison cor- rected by Himself. Hallowell: 1842. 8°. 3325 Same. New Ed. with the Names and Portraits of the sev- eral Writers. Phila.: 1818. 8°. Illust. 3826 FELLOWS, JOHN. The Veil Removed; or Reflections on David Humphrey's Essay oij the Life of Israel Putnam. Also, Notices of Oliver W. B. Peabody's Life of the same, S. Swett's Sketch of the Battle, etc. New York: 1843. 12°. [Scarce.] 3327 FELT, ABIGAIL ADAMS, Memorial of. Bost.: 1860. 12°. 3328 I'ELT, JOSEPH B. Annals of Salem, from its First Settlement. Salem: 1827. 8°. Author's Autog. 3329 History of Ipswich, Essex, and Hamilton. Cambridge: 1834. 8°. Port. 3330 Memorials of William Smith Shaw. Boston: 1852. 12°. 3331 Hist, account of Mass. Currency. Boston: 1889. 8°. 3332 FELTMAN, WM. (Lt.) Journal of the First Penn. Reg- iment, 1781-82: Including the Siege of Yorktown. Phila.: 1853. 8°. Bound. 3333 FELTON, CORNELIUS C. Memorial of the Rev. John Snel- ling Popkin, D.D. Cambridge: 1852. 12°. 3334 FELTON, JOHN BROOKS. The Horse-shoe; a Poem. Cam- bridge: 1849. 3335 FENN, JOHN, Esq. Paston Letters. Original Letters, writ- ten during the Reigns of Henry YI, Edward IV, and Richard III. By various Persons of Rank or Consequence [&c.]. With Notes and Engravings of Autographs and Seals. A New Edition, by A. Ramsay. 2 vols. London: 1840. Square 8°. 3336 FENNO, J. (Miss) Original Compositions, in Prose and Verse. Wrentham (Mass.) : 1803. 18°. 3337 FERGUSON, ADAM, (ll.d.) An Essay on the Hist, of Civil Society. Boston: 1809. 8^. 3338 FERGUSON, JAMES, f.r.s. Astronomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's Principles. London: 1778. 8°. 3339 FERGUSON, JOHN. Memoir of the Rev. Samuel Hopkins, d.d. With an Appendix. Boston: 1830. 18°. 192 CATALOGUE. 3340 FERGUSSON, ROBERT, The Poems of. With a Life of the Author, Sketch of his Writings ; and a Glossary. Phila. : 1815. 12°. 3341 EERRALL, S. A., Esq. A Ramble of Six Thousand Miles through the U. S. London: 1832. 8°. 3342 EERRAR, JOHK. A View of Ancient and Modern Dublin to the year 1796; also, a Tour to Bellevue, in the County of Wicklow. Dublin: 1796. 8°. Plates. 3343 EERRIAR, JOHK, m.d. Illustrations of Sterne: with other Essays and Yerses. 2d ed. London: 1812. 2v.ini. 8°. " Dr. Ferriar has traced our author through the hidden sources whence he borrowed most of his learning, and many of his more striking and peculiar expressions." — Walter Scott. 3344 FERRIS, BE:N'J'K. A History of the Original Settlements on the Delaware. And a History of Wilmington. Hlus. Wilmington: 1846. 8°. 3345 FERRIS, BEKJ. G. Utah and the Mormons. The Hist, of the Latter Day Saints. N. York: 1854. 8°. 3346 FERRIS, DAYID. Memoirs of the Life of, an approved Min- ister of the Soc. of Friends, late of Wilmington, Delaware. Written by himself. Phila. : 1855. 12°. 3347 FERRIS, JACOB. The States and Territories of the Great West. Kew York: 1856. 12°. 3348 FESSENDEK, THOMAS, (a.m.) A Theoretic Explanation of the Science of Sanctity. According to Reason, Scripture, Com- mon-sense, and the Analogy of Things. Brattleboro: 1804. 8°. 3349 FESSE:NrDE>q', THOS. GREEN. Terrible Tractoration, and other Poems. By Christopher Caustic, m.d. 3d Amer. ed. Bos- ton: 1836. 12°. 3350 Terrible Tractoration. 1st American ed., from the 2d Lon- don, revised and corrected by the Author. K. York: 1804. 12°. Plates. [Scarce.] 3351 The Husbandman and Housewife. A Collection of Valu- able Receipts and Directions, relating to Agriculture and Domestic Economy. Bellows Falls: 1820. 12°. 3352 The New Eng. Farmer. Vols. 3-10. Bost.: 1825-32. 4°. 3353 Democracy Unveiled; or, Tyranny stripped of the Garb of Patriotism. By Christ'r Caustic, ll.d. Boston: 1805. 12°. [Scarce.] 3354 Original Poems. Phila.: 1806. 12°. [Scarce.] 3355 Ladies Monitor: a Poem. Bellows Falls, Vt.: 1818. 12°. 3356 The Register of Arts; or. Compendious View of some of the most useful modern Discoveries of Inventions. Phila. : 1808. 8°. 3357 The Modern Philosopher; or. Terrible Tractoration! In Four Cantos. 2d Amer. ed. Phila. : 1806. 8°. Frontispiece. CATALOGUE, 193 3358 FESSENDEN,THOS. GREEN. The New American Gardener. 4th ed. Bost.: 1830. 12°. 3359 Complete Farmer and Rural Economist. Bost. : 1834. 12° 3360 FESTIVAL of the Sons of New Hampshire. Boston, Nov. 7, 1849. Boston: 1850. 8°. Portraits. 3361 Second Festival of the Sons of N. Hampshire, Boston, Nov. 2, 1853. Including the Proceedings in commem. of the Death of Daniel Webster, their late President. Boston: 1854. 8°. Ports. 3362 FFIRTH, JOHN. Experience and Gospel Labors of the Rev. Benj. Abbott; with a Narrative of his Life and Death. N. York: 1836. 18°. 3363 FIAT LUX. Or, a general Conduct to a right understanding and Charity in the great Combustions and Broils about Religion here in England. 2d ed., revised and enlg. by the Author, Mr. J. V. C. [s. t.] 1662. Sm. 12°. MS. Notes. 3364 FIDFADDY, FRED. AUGUSTUS (Pseud.) Adventures of Uncle Sam, in search of his lost Honor. Middletown: 1S16. 12°. 3365 FIDLER, ISAAC, Rev. Observations on the U. S. and Can- ada, made during a Residence there in 1832. N. York: 1833. 12°. 3366 FIELD, DAYID D. Genealogy of the Brainerd Family, with Sketches of Individuals. N. York: 1857. 8°. Portraits. 3367 Centennial Address. With Historical Sketches of Cromwell, Portland, Chatham, Middle Haddam, Middletown and its Parishes. Middletown, Conn.: 1853. 12°. 3368 FIELD, JOSEPH, A.M. Twelve Sermons on the Character and Govt, of God. Mobile: 1836. 12°. 3369 FIELD, LEVI A. Historical Sketch of the First Cong. Church in Marlborough, Mass. Worcester: 1859. 12°. 3370 Sermons; with the Funeral Serm. and Obituary, by Rev. Edmund Dowse, Sherborn, Ms. Boston: 1860. 8°. 3371 FIELD, THOS. W. Historic and Antiquarian Scenes in Brook- lyn and Vicinity, with Blustrations. Brooklyn, 1868. R. 8°. 3372 Essay towards an Indian Bibliography, a catalogue of books rel. to the Amer. Indians, in the Library of F. N. York: 1873. 8°. 3373 FIELDING, HENRY. Adventures of Joseph Andrews. Lon- don: 1810. 18°. 3374 FIELDS, JAS. T. Poems. Boston: 1849. 12°. 3375 FILLMORE, A. N. Ecclesiatical Polity: its Forms and Phi- losophy. Rochester: 1847. 8°. 3376 FILMER, ROBERT, Sir. The Free-Holders Grand Inquest, Touching our Sovereign Lord the King and his Parliament; Obser- vations upon forms of Government; with Directions for Obedience to Governours. London: 1680. 8°. Also Patriarcha : or the 194 CATALOCfUE. Natural Power of Kings: London: 1680. 8°. An Advertisement, to the Jury-men of England, touching witches. Portraits. 3377 Two Treatises of Government: in the fonner, the false Prin- ciples and Foundation of Sir K. Pilmer, and his Followers, are De- tected and Overthrown. The latter is an Essay concerning the True Original, Extent, and End of Civil-Government. 2d ed. Cor- rected. London: 1694. 8°. 3378 FILMORE, MILLARD, Biography of. Buflalo:1856. 12°. Port. 3379 FINCH, J. (Esq.) Travels in the United States and Canada, containing some Acct. of their Scientific Institutions and the Ge- ology and Mineralogy of those Countries. Also an Essay on the natural Boundaries of Empire. London: 1833. 8°. 3380 FINLEY, JAMES B. (Rev.) History of the Wyandott Mis- sion, at Upper Sandusky, Ohio. Cincinnati : 1840. 12°. [Scarce.] 3381 Life among the Indians; or. Personal Reminiscences and Historical Incidents illustrative of Indian Life and Character. Edited by Rev. D. W. Clark, d.d. Cincinnati: 1860. 12°. Por- trait and other engravings. 3382 FIRMIN, GILES. The Real Christian, or, a Treatise of Effec- tual Calling. Boston: 1742. 8°. • 3383 FIRST SETTLERS OF N". ENG. (The): or. Conquest of the Pequods, Narragansets, and Pokanokets. By a Lady of Massa- chusetts. [L.M. Child?] Fronts. Boston: 1829. 18°. 3384 FISCHER, F. A. Travels in Spain in 1797 and 1798. Trans, from the German. London: 1802. 8°. 3385 FISH, HENRY C. The Price of Soul-Liberty, and who paid it. N. York: 1860. 16°. 3386 FISH, WM. H. Memoir of Butler Wilmarth, m.d. Boston: 1854. 12°. Portrait. 3387 FISHER, ALEX. Journal of a voyage of Discovery to the Arctic Regions. London: 1821. 8°. Map. 3388 FISHER, GEORGE. The Instructor: or, American Young Man's Best Companion. 30th ed. Worcester: I. Thomas, 1785. 12°. 3389 W. Valedictory Poem and Oration, bef. Senr. Cls. in Yale Col. June 15, 1859. Class Orator Edwd. Carrington. 3390 FISHER, GEO. P. A Disc. Com. of the Hist, of the Ch. of Xt in Yale College, during the First Century of its existence. 23 Nov. 1857. N. Haven: 1858. 3391 FISHER, JONATHAN, a.m. , Minister of the Gospel at Blue- Hill, Maine. Short Poems; including a Sketch of the Scriptures, Satan's Great Devise, Intemperance. Portland: 1827. 24°. 3392 FISHER, NATHANIEL. Sermons preached in St. Peter's Church. Salem: 1818. 12°. 3393 FISHER, RICHARD S. (m.d.) Indiana: in relation to its Ge- ography, Statistics, Institutions, County Topography, etc. With a '* Reference Index " to Colton's Map of Ind. N. Y. : 1852. 18°. CATALOGUE. 195 3394 FISHER, WILLIAM, Esq. An Interesting Account of the Voyages and Travels of Captains Lewis and Clark, in the years 1804, 1805, and 1806. Baltimore: 1812. 12°. 3395 Same. Baltimore: 1813. 12°. With several curious Cop- per-plate Views, and Portraits of Lewis and Clark. 3396 FISKE, ALBERT A. A History of the Family of William Fiske, Sen., of Amherst, N. H. With brief Notices of other branches. 2d and complete edition. Chicago, 111.: 1867. 12°. 3397 FISKE, NATHAK. The Moral Monitor. Worcester: 1801. 2v. 12°. 3398 FITCH, GEO. W. Outlines of Physical Geography. Illustrated with six Maps and numerous Engravings. New York: 1856. 12°. 3399 FITCH, JABEZ. Discourse on Serious Piety. Funeral Sermon on Mrs. Mary Martyn, who died at Portsmouth, N. H., Jan. 26, 1724-5. Bost.: 1725. 8°. 3400 FITCH, JOHN. Annals of the Army of the Cumberland, Official Reports of the Battle of Stone River, and Chickamauga Campaign. Phila.: 1864. 8°. Plates. 3401 FITZ-GEFREY, CHARLES. The Life and death of Sir Francis Drake. Kent. Printed at the private Press of Lee Priory; By John Warwick. 1819. Cr. 8°. We are indebted to Sir Egerton Brydges for this edition of a most singular poem. It was Issued in paper covers, on the outside of which the price, "Fifteen Shillings," was printed. We are told that only 100 copies were struck off. Fly-leaf note by S. G. D. 3402 FITZGERALD, JAS. EDWD. Examination of the Charter and Proceedings of the Hudson's Bay Co. , with Reference to the Grant of Yancouvers Island. London: 1849. 12°. Map. 3403 FITZWILLIAMS, G. W. (Esq.) The Pleasures of Love; being Amatory Poems, original and Translated from the Asiatic and European Languages. First Amer. from the 2d London ed. Bos- ton: 1808. 12°. 3404 FIYE PAPERS on the Past Proceedings and Experience of the Society of Friends, in connection with the Education of Youth. York: 1843. 8°. 3405 FIYE YEARS' FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR by Samuel G. Drake. Boston: 1870. 4°. Port. 3406 FLACCUS. Passaic, a Grou^) of Poems touching that River. New York: 1842. 12°. 3407 FLAGG, WILSON. Mount Auburn: Its Scenes, its Beauties, and its Lessons. Ill'd. Boston and Cambridge: 1861. 12°. 3408 FLEET'S POCKET ALMANACK. 1790-1801. 10 v. 16°. (1791 wanting.) 3409 FLEETWOOD,WM. (Ld. Bp.ofSt. Asaph). Four Serms. I. On the Death of Queen Mary, 1694. 11. On the Death of the Duke of Gloucester, 1700. III. On the Death of King William, 1701. 196 CATALOGUE. ly. On the Queen's Accession to the Throne, in 1703. 2d. ed. London: 1712. 8°. 3410 FLEMIKG, EGBERT, (v.d.m.) The confirming Work of Re- ligion. Glasgow : 1743. 16°. A desc. of the confirmed state of a Christian. Glasgow: 1743. 16°. 3411 The Fulfilling of the Scripture. Preface by the Rev. Thos. Foxcroft. Boston: 1743. Sm. 8°. 3412 Apocalyptical Key. Discourse on the Rise and Fall of Papacy. London: 1793. [s. t.] 8°. Portrait and Characteristic Frontispiece. 3413 FLETCHER, PHIKEAS. The Purple Island, a Poem. Biog. Sketch by William Jaques. London: 1816. 8°. 3414 FLINT, JAMES, a.m. (d.d.) Historical Address and Poem, delivered at the Bi-Centennial Celebration at Reading, May 29, A.D. 1844. With an Appendix. Boston: 1844. 12°. 3415 FLINT, MIC AH P. The Hunter and other Poems. Boston: 1826. 12°. 3416 FLINT, TIMOTHY. Indian Wars of the West; containing Biographical Sketches of Pioneers. Cincinnati: 1833. 12°. 3417 Lectures upon Natural History, Geology, Chemistry, Steam. Boston: 1833. 12°. 3418 The Western Monthly Review. Vol. I, May, 1827, to April, 1828. Yol. II, from June 28, to May, 1829. Vol. Ill, from July, 1829, to June, 1830. 3419 History and Geography of the Mississippi Valley. Cin- cinnati: 1832. 8°. 3420 Lectures upon Natural History, Geology and Chemistry, Steam, &c. Boston: 1833. 12°. pp. 408. 3421 Life and Adventures of Daniel Boone. To which is added Estill's Defeat. Cincinnati: 1868. 8°. 3422 A Condensed Geogy. and History of the Western States. 2 vols. Cincinnati: 1828. 8°. [Rare.] 3423 Recollections of the last Ten Years in the Valley of the Mississippi. Boston: 1826. 8°. 3424 The Personal Narrative of James O. Pattie, of Kentucky. Cincinnati: 1831. 8°. 3425 Memoir of Daniel Boone, the first settler of Kentucky: Incidents in the early Annals of the Country. Cincin. 1833. 18°. 3426 1836. 12° or 18^. Numerous Cuts. 3427 FLORIAN, J. P. CLARIS DE. Pr6cis Historique sur les Maures D'Espagne. [s. 1. s. t.] 24°. 3428 William Tell; or Switzerland Delivered. Life of the Author, by Jauffret. Boston: 1820. 18°. Frontis. 3429 FLORIDA. Laws of the Territory of F. : passed prior to Octo- ber, 1828, now in force. Tallahassee: 1829. 8°. [Very scarce.] CATALOGUE. 197 3430 FLORIDA Documents relative to a Misunderstanding between A. Jackson and E. Fromentin. "Washington: 1822. 8°. 3431 FLYNT, HENRY, (a.m.) Twenty Sermons on Various Sub- jects. Boston: 1739. 8°. 3432 FOEDERALIST, The. Ed. by H. B. Dawson. Vol. 1. N. Y.: 186.3. 8°. Port, and auto, of editor. 3433 FOLEY, FAKNY, (Pseud.) Romance of the Ocean: A Nar- rative of the Voyage of the Wildfire to California. Phila. : 1850. 12°. 3434 FOLSOM, GEORGE. The Despatches of Hernando Cortez, to the Emperor Charles V. Introd. and Notes. N. York : 1843. 3435 History of Saco and Biddeford, with notices of other early Settlements. Saco: 1830. 12°. [Very scarce.] 3436 FONDA, S. F. Analysis of Sharon Waters, Schoharie County; also of Avon, Richfield, and Bedford Mineral Waters. With Direc- tions for Invalids. New York: 1854. 12°. 3437 FONTAINE, JAS. A Tale of the Huguenots. N. Y.: 1838. 12°. 3438 FOOT, JOSEPH I. An Historical Discourse, did. at West Brookfield, Mass., Nov. 27,1828. With Capt. Thomas Wheeler's Narrative, and Additional Notices of Occurrences. W. Brookfield: 1813. 8°. ' 3439 Sermons of. With a Brief Biog. Sketch, By George Foot. Phila.: 1841. 8°. 3440 FOOT, SOLOMON, Proceedings on the Death of. Washington 1866. 8°. 3441 FOOTE, ANDREW H. Africa and the American Flag. N. York: 1854. 12°. Illustrated. 3442 FOOTE, WM. HENRY. Sketches of North Carolina, Histori- cal and Biographical. N. York: 1846. 8°. 3443 Sketches of Virginia, Historical and Biog. Second Series. Phila.: 1855. 8°. [First Series.]: Phila.: 1850. 8°. 3444 FORBES, ALEXANDER, (Esq.) A History of Upper and Lower California. London: 1839. 8°. Plates and Map. 3445 FORBES, JAMES GUANT. Sketches, Historical and Topo- graphical of the Floridas. N. York: 1821. 8°. Maps. 3446 FORBES, R. B. Shipwreck by Lightning. Papers relative to Harris's Lightning Conductor. Boston: 1853. 8°. 3447 FORBES, WM. (Sir). Life and Writings of James Beattie, LL.D. New York and Boston: 1807. 8°. 3448 FORCE, PETER, Esq. The Declaration of Independence; or, Notes on Lord Mahon's History of the American Declaration of Independence. London: 1855. 8° 14 198 CATALOGUE. 3449 FOKCE, PETEE. :N'ational Calendar. Vols. 2-6, 8-10. Wash- ington: 1821-31. 8v. 12°. 3451 EOED, JOHK. Eame's Memorial: an Elegy upon the Earl of Devonshire. Ob. 3d Ap. 1606. Kent: Private Press of Lee Priory. 1819. 8°. 3452 rORD, THOMAS, (Gov.) A History of Illinois. Cth 1000. Chicago, N. York: 1854. 12°. 3453 FORDYCE, JAS. Sermons to Young Women. Boston: 1796. 12°. 3454 FOREST HILLS CEMETERY. Its Establishment, Progress, Scenery, Monuments, etc. With ten Illustrations. Roxb.:1855. 18°. 3455 FORESTERS, THE. An American Tale. Boston: 1792. 12°. 3456 FORREST, MARY. Women of the South, Distinguished in Literature. :N'ew York: 1861. 4°. 3457 FORREST, THOMAS. A Voyage to ISTew Guinea and the Moluccas from Balambangan, including an Account of Magindano* London: 1779. 4°. 32 Plates. 3458 FORREST, WM. S. Historical and Descriptive Sketches of Norfolk and Vicinity, including Portsmouth and the adjacent Coun- ties, for 200 years. Philada.: 1853. 8°. 3459 FORSTER, JOHK. The Statesmen of the Commonwealth of England. N. York: 1846. 8°. Portraits. 3460 FORSTER, JOHN REIKHOLD, f.s.a. Travels through Sici- ly and Part of Italy. And a Tour through Egypt. London : 1773. 8°. 3461 History of the Voyages and Discoveries made in the North. Elucidated by a new Map of the Countries about the North Pole. Dubhn: 1786. 8°. A di8tingui8hed naturalist who accompanied Capt. Cook in his second voyage. 3462 FORSTER, R. P. A collection of the most celebrated voyages and travels from the disc, of Amer. to the present time. 3d ed. Newcastle upon Tyne: 1818. 4v. 8°. Maps and fine engravings. 3463 FORSYTH, JOHN. Memoir of Alexander Proudfit,D.D. New York: 1846. 18°. 3464 FORSYTH, I. S. The Antiquary's Portfolio. 2 vols. Lon- don: 1825. 8°. Port, of John Stow. 3465 FORSYTH, WM. Culture and Management of Fruit Trees. Introduction and Notes by Wm. Cobbett. Albany : 1803. 8°. Plates. 3466 FORT BRADDOCK LETTERS: or a Tale of the Indian Wars in America. Worcester: 1827. 24°. 3467 " FORT LaFAYETTE LIFE," 1863-64. In Extracts from the " Right Flanker," a MS. sheet circulating among the Southern Pris- oners in Fort La-Fay ette, in 1863-64. London: 1865. 18°. 3468 FORT PILLOW MASSACRE, Enlistments by Great Britain in the U. S., Central American Affairs, 1856, Reports of the Select Com. of 5. Wash.: 1861. 3 vols. 8°. CATALOGUE. 199 3469 FOSDICK, W. W. Ariel, and other Poems. Illustrated with Designs by Dallas. N. York: 1855. 12°. 3470 FOSS, JOHN", A Journal of the Captivity and Sufferings of; several years a Prisoner at Algiers. Newburyport. [n. d.] 12°. 3471 FOSTER, DAN, A.M. Examination of a late Publication, entitled, " The Doctrine of Eternal Misery reconcileable with the Infinite Benevolence of God. By Nathan Strong, A. M." Wal- pole,]Sr. H.: 1803. 8°. 3472 FOSTER, G. G. & English, T. D. The French Revolution of 1848. Phila.: 1848. 8°. Plates. 3473 FOSTER, HANNAH, (Mrs.) The Boarding School; or. Les- sons of a Preceptress to her Pupils. Boston: 1798. 12°. 3474 FOSTER, ISAAC. A defense of Religious Liberty Address, to the People of Conn. Mass. Bay. Worcester, I. Thomas : 1780. 8°. 3475 FOSTER, J. W. & Whitney, J. D. Report on the Geology and Topography of the Lake Superior Land District, in Michigan. Parti. Copper Lands. Washington: 1850. 8°. Maps and Plates. 3476 Part II, Washington: 1851. 8°. Maps and Plates. 3477 FOSTER, NATHAN LANESFORD. The Last of his Family; and other Poems. Phila. : 1848. 12°. 3478 FOSTER, R. Hymns, and Spiritual Songs. Original and selected. Portsmouth: 1823. 48°. 3479 FOTHERGILL, SAML. The Necessity of Divine Excellency of a Life of Purity and Holiness. Salem: 1792. 12°. 3480 FOUNDERS of New England; results of some researches among the British Archives, by S. G. Drake. 3d ed. Boston: 1865. 4°. 3481 FOURTH'OF JULY ORATIONS IN BOSTON, 1777 to 1871. 5 vols. 95 Tr. 8°. By Rev. Wm. Gordon, author of Hist, of the Revolution; Thos. Paine, poet and author (afterwards Robt. Treat Paine), J. Q. Adams, Jos. Quincy, John Lowell, Rev. Wnj. Emerson, Wm. Sullivan, "Wm. Tudor, Jas. Savage, (J. F. Adams, Ch. Sumner, &c. Perfect from 1816 to 1845. 3482 FOWLE, WM. B. The French Accidence, or elements of Fr Grammar. Bost.: 1831. 18°. 3483 FOWLER, L. N. Synopsis of Phrenology; also, the Improve- ments and Discoveries made by the Aid of Magnetism and Neurol- ogy. N. York: 184S. 4°. • 3484 FOWLER, Rev. OR IN. History of Fall River, with notices of Freetown and Tiverton. Fall River: 1862. 8°. [Scarce.] 3485 FOWLER, O. S. (a.b.) Love and Parentage, applied to the Improvement of Offspring. 13th ed. N. York: 1851. 12°. 3486 The Illustrated Self-instructor in Phrenol. and Physiology, with 100 Engravings. N. York: 1857. 12°. 3487 FOWLER, WILLIAM C— English Grammar. The English Language in its Elements and Forms. With a History of its Origin and Development. Revised and Enlarged. New York: 1855. 8°. 200 CATALOGUE. 3488 rOWLEE, WILLIAM C. Hist. Durham, Ct., 1662 to 1866. Hartford: 1866. 8°. 3489 Memorials of the Chaunceys, including President Chauncy, his Ancestors and Descendants. Boston: 1858. 8°. Portrait. 3490 The Sectional Controversy; or, Passages in the Political Hist, of the U. S., including the Causes of the War between the sections. K. York: 1862. 8°. 3491 FOX, CHAKLES. A Portrait of Geo. Washington, from an original Drawing, as he appeared while reviewing the Continental Army on Boston Common, in 1776; a History of the Portrait, and Documentary Evidence in proof. Boston: 1851. r. 8°. The volume appears to have belonged to the author. It contains autographs of Presidents Taylor, Fillmore, and of the Revolutionary survivors who gave testimonials respecting the accuracy of the portrait; on this account it possesses peculiar interest. 3492 FOX, CHAELES J. History of Dunstable; including Nashua, Nashville, HoUis, Hudson, Litchfield and Merrimack, N.H. ; Dun- stable and Tyngsborough, Mass. Kashua; 1846. 12°. Plates. Eare. 3493 The New Hampshire Book. Being Specimens of the Literature of the Granite State. Nashua: 1842. 12°. 3494 History of the early part of the Eeign of James II. Phila. : 1808. 8°. 3495 FOX, EBENEZEE, The Eevolutionary Adventures of. Boston, 1838. 18°. Portrait. " The first ed. of this authentic work."— 8. G. D. 3496 Same. Boston: 1848. 18°. 3497 FOX, GEOEGE. A Journal or Historical Acceunt of the Life, Travels, Sufferings, Christian Experiences, and Labour of Love, in the Work of the Ministry of that Ancient, Eminent and Faithful Servant of Jesus Christ. The 3d ed. Corrected. London: 1765- Folio. Another scarce hook. In it are found the annals of the American Society of Friends. Coleridge, Lamb, Southey, and Spurgeon have honored the memory of Fox, and Lamb says he did not skip a word of the Journal. ♦ Same. 2 vols. Lond.: 1709. 8°. Introduction by Wm. Penn. 3498 FOX, H. J. and HOYT, W. B. Quadrennial Eegister of the M. Epis. Church, and Universal Church Gazetteer. 1852-1856. Hartford: 1852. 12°. 3499 FOX, JOHN". Acts and Monuments of Matters most speciall and memorable. With the bloody times, and great Persecutions against the true Martyrs of Christ. London: 1641. Folio. Brill- iant wood engravings, and Folding Copperplate. The 1st vol. only. The first vol. of the famous Book of Martyrs. Excellently printed in the old black-letter ; illustrated with wood engravings of the most grotesque and interesting character. — S. G.D. CATALOGUE. 201 3500 FOX, JOHN". Two sermons occasioned by the Earthquake of N'ov. 1727. Boston: 1728. 8°. Title gone. 3501 FOX, MARY L. The ruined Deacon. A true story. Boston: 1849. 18°. 3502 FOXCllOFT, THOMAS. The Character of Anna the Prophe- tess. Sermon at funeral of Dame Bridget Usher. Bost. : 1723. 12°. 3503 Cleansing our way in youth, etc. Discourse. Boston: 1719. 8°- 3504 An Apology in behalf of Rev. Mr. Whitefield. Boston: 1745. 4°. 3505 Eli the Priest dying suddenly. Sermon on death of Rev. John Williams and Tho. Blowers. Boston: 1729. 8°. 3506 The Pleas of Gospel-Impenitence. Two Sermons in Bos- ton, Feb. 5, and April 23, 1730. Bost. : 1731. 8°. Auto, of Jos. Hudson. 3507 FOXCROFT, THOMAS, m.a. Sermons. 12°. 1722. 8°. Contains : 1. The Day of a godly Man's Death better than the day of his Birth. 2. Two Serms. shewing how to Begin and End the Year. Preached the former on New-Year's Day, the latter on Dec. 31, 1721. 3. The Duty of the Godly among a Professing People, to be Intercessors and Reformers, in a Day of the Lord's Anger. Bost.: 1722. 8°. 3508 FRAGMENTS. 5 early printed books. More or less muti- lated. 12°. 3509 FRANCHERE, GABRIEL. Narrative of a Voyage to the N. W. Coast of America, in 1811, 1812, 1813, and 1814; or, the first American Settlement on the Pacific. N. York: 1854. 12°. Illus- trated. 3510 FRANCIS, JOHN W. Old New York; with Memoir of author by H. T. Tuckerman. N. Y. : 186i). YiCKERS, or Yickery and Lombard Families. [W. H. Whitmore.] n. t. p. 8826 Walcott Family. From N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. 1847. 3827 Walter Family. Folding pedigree. [C. F. Adams.] 3828 Washington, George. Investigation of alleged ancestry of. [J. L. Chester.] Boston: 1866. 8°. 3829 Waterman, Robert, of Marshfield, Mass. Desc. of. [T. Waterman.] n. t. p. 3830 Webster Family. [N. Webster.] n. t. p. 3831 Went worth, Wm. Biog. ace. of desc. of. [J. Went- worth.] Boston: 1850. 8°. 3832 Whipple, O. M. A Brief Genealogy of the Whipple Family; compiled for Oliver Mayhew Whipple, Esq., of Lowell. [By John H. Boutelle]: 1857. 8°. 3833 Whitmore, Francis, of Cambridge, Mass. Record of the desc. of. [W. H. Whitmore.] Boston: 1855. 8°. 3834 Whitney Family. Branch of. [L. M. Harris.] from N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. 3835 Willis Family. Traced from Geneal. Register, v 2. [A. Morse.] n. t. p. 3836 Win-throp Family. Notes on. [W. H. Whitmore.] Al- bany: 1864. 8°. 3837 Woodman", Edward, of Newbury, Mass. List of some of desc. of. [J. Coffin.] Newburyport, Mass.: 1855. 12°. 3838 Woodman-, Joshua, of Kingston, N. H. List of desc. of. [J. H. Woodman.] Brunswick, Me. : 1856. 8°. Scarce. 3839 Wright, Samuel, of Springfield, Mass. Notice of. [J. W. Wright.] From N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. 1850. 3840 Wyman Family. [T. B. Wyman.] n. t. p. 3841 GENERAL HISTORY of Yoyages and Travels, including those of Drake, Magellan, Cavendish, Dampier, &c. Yol. 1 only. Glas- gow: 1806. Ports. 3842 GENERAL REPOSITORY and Review. Quarterly. Camb.: 1812 to 1813. 4 vols. 8°. CATALOGUE. 217 3843 GENERAL HISTORY of the Turks, Moguls and Tartars. 2 vols. Fr. the French. London: 1730: 8°. 3844 GENIN, THOMAS H. The Napolead, in Twelve Books. St. Clairsville, [O.]: 1833. 18°. 3845 GENIUS OF ERIN (The): Columbia's Freedom, Flights of Fancy, Lucinda, &c. Part 1 of a Series of Poems, by a 'Citizen of South Carolina. Charleston: 1836. 12°. 3846 GENT, THOMAS. [Ancient and Modern History of the Loyal Town of Rippon, and Accounts of some other Places in Yorkshire. York: 1733.J 8<'. Illust. Some of the first leaveg gone from this copy. 3847 Ancient and Modern History of the Famous City of York, and of York-Minster. [York:] 1730. 12°. Folding Plates. 3848 Life of Thomas Gent, Printer, of York; written by Himself. London: 1832. 8°. Portrait. 3849 GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE. 121 vols. 1731-1846. Not regular. 1731 to 48, — '50 to 53, — 55-58 to 68 — 70 to 74 — 82 to 87 regular — 88 imp — 1836-37-38-45-46. imp. A fund of American History is contained in these vols. 3850 General Index to the First Twenty Volumes of the Gentle- man's Magazine. Five Parts. Also an Index to the First Volume of the Miscellaneous Correspondence. London: 1753. 8°. 3851 GENTY, M. L'ABBfi. L'Infiuence de la D^couverte de L'Amerique sur le Bonheur du Genre-Humain. Paris: 1787. 8°. 3852 GEOGRAPHICAL and Historical Grammar of the Globe, em- bell, with Maps. London: 1795. 18°. 3853 GEOGRAPHICAL description of the United States, by John Melish. Newed. Phila.: 1822. 8°. 3854 GEORGE THE THIRD. His Court, and Family. Two vols. London: 1820. 8°. With 18 Portraits. 3855 GEORGIA Scenes, characters, incidents, etc., in the first half century of the Republic, by a native Georgian. 2d ed. , w. orig. illust. N. Y.: 1840. 12°. 3856 GERHARD, FRED. Illinois as it Is. Chicago and Philada. : 1857. 12°. 3857 GESNER, ABRAHAM, (Esq.) New Brunswick; with Notes for Emigrants. London: 1847. 8°. Map and other Engravings. 3858 GESNER, SOLOMON. The death of Abel. In five books. From the German of G. Boston: 1768. 16°. 3859 GIBBENS, DAN'L L. Appeal to the Good Sense of the People of Massachusetts. [Boston: 1838.] 3860 GIBBON, LARDNER, (Lieut.) Map to accomp. his Report, 1854. 8°. 3861 Exploration of the Valley of the Amazon, made unde the direction of the Navy Department. Washn.: 1854. 8°. Plates. 218 CATALOGUE. 3862 GIBBOK, EDWARD. Miscellaneous Works, with Life and Writings, by himself. Notes, &c., by John Lord ShetSeld. 3 vols. Dublin: 1796. 8°. Portrait. 3863 History of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. Vols. 1-3, 9, 10. Lond. : 1783-1802. 5v. 8°. 3864 GIBBS, GEORGE. Administration of Washington and John Adams, from the Papers of Oliver Wolcott, Secretary of the Treas- ury. 2 vols. ]Sr. Y. : 1846. 8°. Portrait. 3865 GIBBS, WM. H. Address before the Literary Association, Blandford, Mass., upon the History of that Town. Springfield: 1850. 12°. [Very scarce.] 3866 GIBSOK, EDMU:N'D. Against speaking evil of Princes. A Ser- mon Preached at the Assizes at Croyden in Surrey, March 7, 170|. London: 1706; in same vol. 25 Serms. on various Subjects by emi- nent English and American Divines. 8°. 3867 The Bishop of London's Third Pastoral Letter. 2d ed. Lond. : 1731. 8°. Autog. of Jos. Sewall. 3868 Sacrament of the Lord's Supper Explained. First drawn up for the use of the Inhab. of the Parish of Lambeth. Pough- keepsie: 1815. 18°. 3869 GIBSOI^, J. Atlas Minimus: a New set of Pocket Maps, of various Empires, Kingdoms, and States. Phila.: 1798. Sq. 18°. 3870 GIDDIKGS, JOSHUA R. Speeches in Congress. Boston: 1853. 12°. Portraits. 3871 Exiles of Florida: Crimes committed by our Government against the Maroons, who fled from So. Carolina and other slave States, seeking protection under Spanish Laws. Columbus, O.: 1858. 12°. 3872 History of the Rebellion: its Authors and Causes. N. Y. : 1864. 8°. 3873 GIFFORD, JOHN. A residence in France, 1792-95, desc. in a series of letters from an English Lady. 1st. Amer. ed. Elizabeth- town: 1798. 8°. 3874 GIFFORD, WM. Baviad and Moeviad, with Poetical Epistle to the Author. Phila. : 1799. 12°. 3875 GILBERD, AMOS. Frances Wright, the Pioneer Woman in the cause of Human Rights. Cincinnati: 1855. Sq. 18°. Portrait. 3876 GILBERT, BEKJ. A narrative of the Captivity and Sufeerings of G. and his family, surprised by the Indians, 1780. Phila. : print. London, repr. 1790. 12°. Rare. 3877 GILL, JOHN". An Exposition of the Book of Solomon's Song, called Canticles. 4th ed. London: 1776. 4°. 3878 GILL, THOMAS. Court Reports from 1834 to 1837. Arranged and Revised by the Reporter of the Post. Boston: 1837. 18°. 3879 GILL, WILLIAM, Rev. Gems from the Coral Islands. West- em Polynesia. Phila. : [n. d.] 12°. CATALOGUE, 219 3880 GILLIES, JOHN. Life and Character of the late Rev. Geo. Whitefield. 3d ed. Revised by A. C. Seymour. Phila.: 1812. 12°. Portrait. 3881 GILLISS, J. M., Lieut. U. S. Naval Astronomical Expedi- tion to the Southern Hemisphere during the Years 1849 to '52. Two vols. "Washington: 1855. 4°. 3882 Same. Vol. 6. Washington: 1856. 4°. 3883 GILLY, WM. STEPHEN. Our, Protestant Forefathers. 1st American from the 12th London edit. N. Y. 1)^36. 18°. 3884 GILMAN, ARTHUR. The Gilman Family, in the line of John Gilman of Exeter, N. H., with ace. of other Gilmans in Eng. and Amer. Albany, Munsell: 1869. 4°. Numerous portraits. 3885 GILMAN, CAROLINE. Poetry of Travelling in the U. S. Additional Sketches by a few Friends; and a week among Auto- graphs, by Rev. S. Gilman. N. Y.: 1838. 12°. 3886 The Sibyl; or, New Oracles from the Poets. New York: 1848. 12°. 3887 Lady's Annual Register and House-wife's Memorandum Book. 2 vols. 12°. Boston: 1838-1846. 3888 GILMAN, DANIEL C. Historical Discourse, in Norwich, Ct. Bi-Centl. Celebration of the Settlement of the Town. 2d ed. with Additions. Boston: 1859. 8°. 3889 GILMAN, SAMUEL. Memoirs of a New England Tillage Quire. With Occasional Reflections. By a Member. Boston: S. G. Goodrich & Co. 1829. 12°. 3890 GIRARDIN, EMILE de. De L'Instruction en France. 3e ed. Paris: 1842. 12°. 3891 GIRAULT, A. M., u. s. N. Yie de Washington. Pris de L'Anglais, et dedie a la Jeunesse Am6ricaine. 24th ed. Phila.: [n. d.] 18°. Ill'd. 3892 GIRDLESTONE, J. L. (Rev.) Odes of Pindar. Translate^ from the original Greek. Norwich: [s. t.] 4°. 3893 GIRONIERE, PAUL P. de la. Twenty Years in the Philip- pines. . From the French. N. Y. : 1854. 12°. Illustrated. 3894 GLAD TIDINGS, and Ohio Universalist. Vol. 11. Aug.: 1837. July: 1838. Pittsburg and Cincinnati. 4°. 3895 GLADSTONE, T. H. The Englishman in Kansas: or. Squatter Life and Border Warfare. Introduction, by Fred. Law Olmsted. N. Y.: 1857. 12°. 3896 GLANCE at The Nations, with other Poems. Boston: 1835. 18°. 3897 GLANVILL, JOS. A Blow at Modern Sadducism in Some Philosophical Considerations about Witchcraft; The Famed Disturb- ance at the House of M. Mompesson. With Reflections on Drollery and Atheism. Fourth Ed. Corrected and Enlarged. London 1668. 12°. 220 CATALOGUE, GLANYILL JOS. Sadducismus Triumphatus: or, a full and plain Evidence, concerning Witches and Apparitions. In 2 Parts. Dr. H. More's Acct. prefixd. Certain Swedish Witches, done into English by Dr. Horneck. London: 1726. 8°. Frontispiece. 3899 GLAS, GEORGE. Discovery and Conquest of the Canary Islands: Erom a Spanish MS., with a Description of The Canary Islands. London: 1764. 4°. Maps. 3900 GLASGOW. Picture of, or Strangers Guide; with Sketch of a Tour to Loch-Lomond. Falls of Clyde. 3d ed. Glasg. : 1818. 12°. 3901 GLASS, ERA:NrCIS. Life of George Washington, in Latin Prose: Edited by J. K. Reynolds. N. Y.: 1835. 12°. Portrait. 3902 Same. 3d ed. New York: 1836. 8°. Portrait. 3903 GLAZEBROOK, THOMAS KIRKLAKD. Guide to South- port, North Meols, in the County of Lancaster. 2d ed. London: 1826. 8°. Plates. 3904 GLAZIER, LEWIS. History of Gardner, Massachusetts, to 1860. Worcester: 1860. 12°. 3905 GLEANER. In 3 vols. By Constantia. Boston: 1798. 12°. Constantia was Mrs. Murray, wife of the first Uniyeraalist minister of Boston. 3906 GLEASON, BENJ. (Esq.) Remembrancer. Geography, on a New and Improved Plan. 2d ed. Boston: 1814. 12°. Map. 3907 GLOYER, RICHARD. Evidence on the Petition of the West India Planters and Merchants to the Hon. Ho. of Commons. Lon- don: 1775. 8°. 3908 GODDARD, ABBA A. Trojan Sketch-Book: Troy, N. Y.: 1846. 12°. 3909 GODDARD, WM. AUGUSTUS. Genealogy of the Descend- ants of Edward Goddard. Worcester: 1833. 12°. 3910 GODLEY, JOHN ROBERT. Letters from America. In Two Yols. London: 1844. cr. 8°. 3911 GODMAN, JOHN D. Addresses on Yarious Public Occasions. With an Appendix on Tight Lacing, &c. Philadelphia: 1829. 8°. 3912 GOD'S WONDERS IN THE GREAT DEEP, or, a Token for Mariners. 4th ed. London: 1731. 8°. 3913 GODWIN, BENJ. Lectures on Slaveiy. From the London Edition. Boston: 1836. 12°. 3914 GODWIN, MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT, Memoirs of, Author of " A Yindication of the Rights of Woman." [n. p.] 1802. 18°. 3915 GODWIN, PARKE. Yala, A Mythological Tale. N. Y.: 1851. Fol. must. 3916 GODWIN, WILLIAM. Essay on Sepulchres: or, a Proposal for erecting some Memorial of the Illustrious Dead. N. Y. : 1809. 18°. 3917 Enquirer. Reflections on Education, Manners, and Liter- ature. Phila.: 1797. 12°. [Scarce.] CATALOGUE, 221 3918 GODWIN, WILLIAM. Memoirs of the Author of a Vindi- cation of the Rights of Woman. London: 1798. 18°. 3919 GODWIN, WM. St. Leon, a tale. Vol. 1. 1st. Amer. ed Alexandria: 1801. 18°. 3920 GODVVYN, THOMAS. Moses and Aaron. Civil and Ecclesi- tical Rites, vsed by the Ancient Ilebrewes. 2d ed. Lond. : 1626. 4°. 3921 GCEDE, CHR. AUG. GOTTLIEB. A Foreigner's Opinion of England. Transl. by T. Home. Boston: 1822. 8°. 3922 GOLD, S. W., m.d. Education for the Millions: Physical, Intel- lectual, and Moral. N.York: 1850. 18°. 3923 GOLDEN CABINET: Being the Laboratory, or Handmaid to the Arts. Phila.: 1793. 12°. 3924 GOLDER, JOHN. Life of William Tilghman, late Chief Jus- tice of Pennsylvania. Phila. 1829. 8°. Portrait. 3925 GOLDSBOROUGH, CHARLES W. United States Naval Chronicle. Vol. 1. Washington: 1824. 8°. 3926 GOLDSMITH, J. Geographical View of the World. 1st Am. ed. Revised by James G. Percival, M.D. N. Y.: 1826. 12°. lilus. 3927 GOLDSMITH, OLIVER. Poetical Works ; with life, by Rev. John Mitford. Boston: 1853. 8°. Port. 3928 Poetical Works and Essays of. Embellished with Engrav- ings. London: 1819. 12°. 3929 Abridgment of the Histoiy of England. By Dr. Gold- smith, to the year 1800. lOtli ed. Heads by Bewick. London: 1800. 12°. 3930 Roman History. Abridged by Himself. For the Use of Schools. 4th Am. ed. Carlisle, Pa. : 1808. 12°. 3931 Roman History, from the Foundation of the City of Rome to the Destruction of the Western Empire. 3d ed. 2 vols. London: 1776. 8°. 3932 History of England, from its Earliest Times. Continued to the Death of George III., by Rev. R. Lynan. 3 vols. London: 1826. 8°. 3933 Essays, Poems, and Plays. With Preface. Lond. : 1816. 18°. 3934 Vicar of Wakefield. Supposed to be written by Himself. London: 1792. 12°. Autog. J. Kent. 3935 The Deserted Village. A poem, extracted from the works of G. Boston: 1793. 16°. 3936 GOOD ALE, S. L. Second Annual Report of the Maine Board of Agriculture. 1857. Augusta: 1858. 8°. 3937 GOODHUE, JOSIAH F. History of the Town of Shoreham, Vermont. Middlebury: 1861. 8°. 3938 GOODRICH, CHARLES A. History of the United States, from the Discovery of the American Continent. Hartford: 1833. 12°. Cuts. 222 CATALOGUE. 3939 GOODRICH, CHARLES A. Lives of the Signers of the Dec- laration of Independence. 4th ed. Boston: 1834. 12°. Portraits. 3940 Hist. U. States. 3d ed. Hartford: 1823. 12°. Plates. 3941 Hist, of the U. S. 4th ed. Lexington, Ky.: 1826. 18°. 3942 Hist. U. States. 3d edit.' Bellows Falls, Yt.: 1824. 16°. 3943 Hist. U. S. A. Revised from former edits. Boston: 1854. 12°. Plates. 3944 Universal Traveller; designed to introduce Readers at Home to an acquaintance with Modern nations. Htfd. : 1843. R. 12°. 3945 GOODRICH, CHAUI^CY A. and CHAS. A. Outlines of Ecclesiastical History, for Academies and Schools. Illustrated. Hartford: 1829. 12°. Autog. of Wm. Jenks. 3946 GOODRICH, JESSE W. Phrenological Organs: Phrenological Character by Prof. O. S. Eowler; with Maelstroom Wreck. Wor- cester: 1855. 8°. 3947 GOODRICH, SAM'L G. Lives of Celebrated American In- dians. Boston: 1843. 12°. 3948 History of the Indians of ^orth and South America. Bos- ton: 1844. 12°. 3949 Manners, Customs and Antiquities of the Indians of North and South America. Boston: 1844. 12°. 3950 Life of Washington. For the Use of Schools. With En- gravings. Philada.: 1844. 18°. 3951 Pictorial Hist, of the U. S., with Notices of other Portions of America. For the Use of Schools. Philada. : 1846. 12°. 3952 Poems. N. Y.: 1851. Sm. 8°. 3953 Les Contes de Pierre Parley, &c. (Peter Parley in French.) Boston, 1832. 12°. 3954 Peter Parley's Cyclopedia of Botany. Boston: 1838. 4°. lU'd. 3955 GOODRIDGE, CHARLES MEDYETT. Voyage to the South Seas, and Shipwreck of the Princess of Wales Cutter, with Ac- count of two Years Residence on an uninhabited Island. Exeter: 1843. 12°. Portrait. 3956 GOODWIN, H. C. Pioneer History: or, Courtland County and the Border Wars of New York. N. Y. : 1859. 12°. 3957 GOODWIN, NATHANIEL. Foote Family; or the Descend- ants of Nathaniel Foote, one of the First Settlers of Wethersfield, Conn. Hartford, 1849. 8°. [Scarce.] 3958 Genealogical Notes, or the Family History of some of the First Settlers of Connecticut and Massachusetts. Hartford: 1856. 8°. 3959 GOODWIN, THOMAS, d.d. Works. Vols. 2, 4. London: 1697. 2v. fol. Title page supplied to vol. 2. 3960 Christ set forth. With a Treatise discovering the Affec- CATALOGUE. 223 tionate tendernesse of Christ's Heart unto Sinners on Earth. Lon- don: 1642. 4°. 3961 On the return of Prayer. Glasgow: 1748. 16°. 3962 GOODWIN, TIIO. SHEPARD. Natural history of Secession; or despotism and democracy. N. Y. : 1864. 12°. 3963 GOODWIN, W. F. (Capt.) Records of the Proprietors .of Narraganset Township, No. 1, now Buxton, Maine. Concord^.H.: 1871. 8°. ^"-'^XV£:.j:..,^ 3964 GOOKIN, DANIEL. History of the Christian IriShlii^ in N,JEl».. ^< in 1675-76-77, printed by Am. Antiquarian Soc. : in s^lne volwDrake's Review of Savage's Winthrop, &c. 8°. V, J^j'^^'h^'^r^:^^^ 3965 Historical Collections of the Indians in N. En^nd, reprinted^ ^ from the Original Ms. by Mass. Hist. Soc. Boston: 17^* ^-riiW^hi*!*** 3966 GORDON, DUFF, (Lady.) French in Algiers. Crtisftdi^;]^^^ Africa. And a Five Months Captivity among the Arabs. From the German and French. N. Y.: 1848. 12°. 3967 GORDON, PAT. Geography Anatomized: or, the Geographical Grammar. 20th ed. With Maps by Emanuel Bowen. London: - 1754. 8°. 3968 GORDON, THOS. F. Gazetteer of the State of New York. Its Colonial History. Maps. Philada. : 1836. 8°. 3969 History of New Jersey, from its Discovery to the Adoption of the Federal Constitution. Trenton : 1834. 8^. Maps. 3970 History of Pennsylva. , from its Discovery to the Declaration of Independence. Philada.: 1829. 8°. 3971 Hist, of America. Spanish Discoveries prior to 1520. 2 vols. Phila.: 1832. 18°. Hid. 3972 GORDON, WILLIAM. History of the Rise and Progress of the Independence of the United States. Including an Account of the Late War. 4 vols. London: 1788. 8°. [Scarce.] With Author's Autog. ^ 3973 Plan of a Society for making Provision for Widows. And for granting Annuities. Boston : 1772. 8°. 3974 GOVE, CATHERINE GRACE. Progress and Prejudice. N. Y.: s. f. 12°. 3975 GORGEI, ARTHUR. Life and Acts in Hungary. 2 vols, in one. London: 1852: 12°. 3976 GORGES, FERDINANDO, Sir. Brief Narrative of the Originall Undertakings of the Advancement of Plantations into the Parts of America. Especially, shewing the begining, progress and continuance of that of New England. London: 1658. 4°. Bos- ton, Rep. MS. note. 3977 GORTON, JOHN. General Biographical Dictionary. New Edit. 4 vols. London: 1851. 3978 GOSPEL TRAGEDY. An Epic Poem. Worcester : 1795. 18°. 224 CATALOGUE. 3979 GOSS, ELBRIDGE H. Melrose Memorial. Annals of Mel- rose, Mass., in the Great Rebellion. 1868. 4°. 3980 G0STLI:N'G, W. a Walk in and about Canterbury. 3d ed. Canterbury: 1779. 8°. 3981 GOTHAM A.^T> THE GOTHAMITES, a Medley. N. York: 1823. 24°. 3982 GOTHIER, JOHI^, Rev. A Catholic Misrepresented and Represented. Erom 19th Lon. ed. Phila.: [n. d. circ. 1840?] 18°. 3983 GOUGE, THOMAS, Rev. Works of: in One Vol. To which is Prefixed the Author's Funeral Sermon, an Account of his Life, by Archbishop Tillotson. With Preface. By Timothy Rogers. London: 1706. 8°. Portrait. 3984 GOUGE, WM. The Fiscal history of Texas. Phila.: 1852. 8°. Autograph. 3985 GOUGH, JOHK. History of the Quakers. From their first rise to the present Time. Four vols. Dublin: 1790. 8°. 3986 GOUGH, JOHN B. Autobiography. 30th thousand. Boston: 1850. 8°. Portrait. 3987 GOULD, A. A., m.d. Lamarck's Genera of Shells, with a Catalogue of Species. Fr. the French. Boston: 1833. 12°. 3988 GOULD, HAN'JS'AH F. The Golden Yase. Boston: 1843. 18°. Plate. 3989 Poems. Boston: 1832. 24°. 3990 The Mother's Dream and other Poems. Bos. : 1853. 12°. 3991 Poems. Second ed., with Additions. Boston: 1833. 18°. 3992 GOULD, N'ATHA:N'IEL D. Church Music in America, com- prising its History and Peculiarities. Boston: 1853. 12°. 3993 GOULD, SARAH. Asphodels. [Poems.] :N'.Y.:1856. 12°. 3994 GOURLAY, ROBERT. Statistical Account of Upper Canada. 2 V. London: 1822. 8°. Map. 3995 General Introduction to Statistical Account of Upper Can- ada. London: 1822. 8°. Map. 3997 GRADUS AD CANTABRIGIA:N'I: or, a Dictionary of Terms, Academical and Colloquial, or Cant, used at the University of Cambridge. London: 1803. 12°. 3998 GRAGLIA, C. Italian Pocket Dictionary. Two Parts. First American from the 14th London ed. Boston: 1829. 12°. 3999 GRAHAM, JAMES. Life of General Daniel Morgan, with Portions of his Correspondence. Kew York: 1856. 12°. Portrait. 4000 GRAHAM, DAYID, (Esq.) Oration on the Death of Gen. Z. Taylor. I^. York: 1851. 8°. Bound. 4001 GRAHAM, JOIIK A. Descriptive Sketch of the Present State of Vermont. London: 1797. 8°. Port. 4002 Speeches delivered at the City Hall, N. York, in the Courts. 2ded. K. York: 1812. 8°. Portrait. CATALOGUE. 225 4003 GRAHAM JOURNAL of health and longevity. Vol. 2. Bos- ton and N. Y. : 1838. 8°. 4004 GRAIIAME, JAMES, ll.d. History of the United States, from the Plantation of the British Colonies till their Assumption of National Independence. 2 vols. 2d ed. Phila. : 1846. 8°. J. Q. Adams thought this, by far the best history of America. 4005 GRAINGER, JAMES, m.d. The Sugar-Cane: A Poem in Four Books, with Notes. London: 1764. 4°. Plate. 4006 GRAND ARMY MANUAL. Lansing: 1869. 8*'. 4007 GRAND QUESTION (The) Discussed: A Dialogue between Chrysologos, a Deputy of the Province of Holland; Philopax, a Dep- uty of that of Utrecht; and Sophonius, a Citizen of Berne. [By Ld. Granville.] London: 1744. 4°. 4008 GRANDMAISON, Maj. Gen. de. Treatise on Light Horse, and Light Infantry, in the field, &c., from the Fr. by Maj. Lewis Nicola. Phila.: 1777. 8°. 4009 GRANDPRfi, L. de. A Yoyage in the Indian Ocean and to Bengal, in 1790. Also a Yoyage in the Red Sea. Boston : 1803. 12°. 4010 Same. Brattleborough, Yt. : 1814. 12°. 4011 GRANGER, J., Rev. Biographical History of England, from Egbert the Great to the Revolution. Adapted to a Collection of Engraved British Heads. Memoirs of a great No. of Persons. 5th ed. (Six Yolumes in Three.) London: 1824. 8°. 4012 Letters bet. the Rev. James Granger and many of the most Eminent Literary Men of his Time. Edited by J. P. Malcolm, author of Londinum Redivivum. London: 1805. 8°. Portraits. 4013 GRANT, ANNE (of Laggan). Eighteen Hundred and Thir- teen: A Poem, Two Parts. Edinburgh: 1814. 8°. 4014 Letters from The Mountains: The Real Correspondence of a Lady, 1773 and 1807. 2 vols. Yol. 1 and 2. Boston: 1809. 12°. 4015 Memoirs of an American Lady: With Sketches of Manners and Scenery in America, previous to the Revolution. Boston: 1809. 12°. 4016 Poems on Yarious Subjects. Edinburgh: London: 1803. 8°. 4017 Memoirs of an American Lady. 2 vols. 2d Ed. London: 1809. 12°. Two interesting volumes, giving familiar sketches of Col. Schuyler, General Abercrom- bie, Lord Howe, Gen. Lee, descriptions of N. Y., Albany, and frontier Life. 4018 GRANYILLE, A. B. (m.d.) The Spas of England, Northern Spas. London: 1841. 8°. Plates. 4019 Midland Spas. London: 1841. 8°. Engravings. 4020 Southern Spas. London, 1841. 8°. Engravings. 4021 Spas of Germany. Brussels: 1838. 2 v. 16°. 226 CATALOGUE. 4022 GRAKYILLE, RICHARD, Sir. Two Journals of, viz.: I. Of The Expedition to Cadiz, Anno 1625. II. Of the Expe- dition to The Isle of Rhee, Anno 1627. Now first Published from their respective Manuscripts. London: 1724. 8°. 4023 GRAUNT, J0H:N', (Capt.) Natural and Political Obs. upon Bills of Mortality of the City [of London]. Fifth ed., much enlarged. London: 1676. 12°. 4024 GRAVES, J. R. The Great Iron Wheel; or, Republicanism Backwards and Christianity reversed. 9th Ed. Nashville: N. York: 1855. 12°. 4025 GRATES, WM. Two letters resp. the conduct of Rear Adm. Graves on the coast of the U. S. July-Nov. 1781. Morrisania, N. Y. : 1865. 4°. Ed. 100 copies. 4026 GRAY, ASA. Botanical Text-Book. Second Ed., more than a Thousand Engravings on wood. New York: 1845. 12°. 4027 GRAY, FREDERICK T. My Teacher's New Year's Present; or, Select Biography of the Young. Boston: 1847. 16°. 4028 GRAY, HUGH. Letters from Canada, written during a resi- dence, in 1806, 1807, and 1808. London: 1809. 8°. Map. 4029 GRAY, THOMAS. Poems. A New Ed. London: 1790. 8°. Plates. 4030 Beauties selected from the writings of James Beattie, with life. London: 1809. 12°. 4031 GRAYDON, ALEX. Memoirs of his own Times. With Reminiscenses of the Men and Events of the Revolution. Ed. by J. S. Littell. Phila. : 1846. 8°. Not common. Graydon's account of northern troops is often contemptuous; yet is amusing reading; and his facts may be considered in the main reliable. 4032 GRAYSON, WM. J. The Hireling and the Slave Chicora, and other Poems. Charleston: 1856. 12°. 4033 GREAT BRITAIN, Case of, as laid before the tribunal of Arbitration conv. at Geneva. Wash. : 1872. 3v. 8°. 4034 GREAT METROPOLIS (The). Guide to New York for 1846. Second Publication. N. York: 1846. 18°. By John Doggett, Jr. 4035 Great Metropolis (The). By the Author of Random Recol- lections of the Lords and Commons. 2 vols, [in one.] 3d ed. N. York: 1837. 12°. 4036 Great Metropolis. New York: 1851. 12°. 4037 GREAYES, JOHN. Miscellaneous Works of Profr. of Astron. in the Univ. of Oxford. Adorned .with Sculptures. 3v. London: 1737. 8°. 4038 GREEK REVOLUTION. Historical Sketches of the. By Saml. G.Howe. N. Y.:1828. 8°. Map. 4039 GREELEY, HORACE. Glances at Europe. Letters from Gt. Britain, France, Italy, Switzd., during the Summer of 1851. 3d ed. N. Y.:1852. 12°. CATALOGUE. 227 4040 GREELEY HORACE. History of the Struggle for Slavery Extension from the Declar. of Independence to the Present Day. N. Y.: 1856. 8°. 4041 Overland Journey from K. York to San Erancisco, in 1859. N. Y.: 1860. 12°. 4042 Art and Industry as represented in the Exhibition at the Crystal Palace, IST. York, 1853-4. New York: 1853. 12°. 4043 American Conflict: A Histoiy of the Great Rebellion in the U. S. A., 1860, '64. 2 vols. Hartford: 1864. 8°. Plates. 4044 GREEN, ASHBEL, d.d. Memoirs of the Rev. Joseph East- burn. Phila.: 1828, 12°. Portrait. 4045 GREEN, J. S. Life, Character and Labors of Bartimeus L. Puaaiki, of Wailuku, Maui, Sandwich Islands. Lahainaluna : 1844. 12°. 4046 GREEN, JOHN S. A memorial of John C. Dalton. Add. bef. the Middlesex, North District. Med. Soc. April 27, 1864. Cam- bridge: 1864. 8°. 4047 GREEN, ROLAND. Treatise on the Cultivation of Ornamen- tal Flowers. Boston: 1S28. 12°. 4048 GREEN MOUNTAIN" BOYS. Historical Tale of the Early Settlement of Vermont. Revised ed. Boston: 1848. 12°. 4049 GREENE, GEO. W. Historical Studies. New York: 1850. 12°. 4050 GREENE, J. W. School Melodies, contg. a Choice Collection of Popular Airs. Boston: 1852. Ob. 12°. 4051 GREENE, NATHANIEL, (Maj. Gen.) Proceedings in Con- gress attending the reception of the Statue of G. presented by the State of Rhode Island. Providence: 1870. 8°. 4052 Sketches of the Life and Correspondence of G. comp. from orig. materials, by Wm. Johnson. Charleston, 1822. 2v. 4°. Port. 4053 GREENE, NATHANIEL. The People's Own Book. By F. De La Menais. Boston: 1840. 32°. 4054 GREENHOW, ROBERT. The Hist, of Oregon, California, and the Territories of the N. W. Coast of America. Bost.: 1844. 8°. Map. 4055 GREENLEAF, JEREMIAH. Grammar Simplified. 10th ed. :Nrew York: 1824. 4°. 4056 GREENLEAF, SIMON. A brief inquiry into the origin, and principles of Free-Masonry. Portland: 1820. 8°. [Very scarce.] 4057 GREENLEAF, JONATHAN. History of the Churches, of all Denominations, in the City of New York. N. Y.: 1846. 18°. 4058 Sketches of the Ecclesiastical History of Maine, from the Earliest Settlement to the present time. Portsmouth: 1821. 12°. 4059 Genealogy of the Greenleaf Family. N. Y. : 1854. 8°. 4060 GREENLEAF, MOSES. A Survey of the State of Maine. Portland: 1829. 8°. 4061 A Statistical view of the District of Maine. Bost. : 1816. 8°. 228 CATALOGUE. 4062 GEEEl^WICH HOSPITAL. Bye-Laws, Rules, Orders, &c., for the better Government of . London: 1776. 4°. 4063 GREE]^WOOD, F. W. P. A Collection of Psalms and Hymns. 3ded. Boston: 1831. 12°. 4064 Same. Boston: 1836. 12°. 4065 A History of King's Chapel in Boston; the First Episcopal Church in Kew Eng. Boston: 1833. 12°. [Scarce.] 4066 Miscellaneous writings. Boston: 1846, 12°. 4067 Sermons. Boston: 1844. 2v. 12°. Portrait. 4068 Sermons by the late Rev. Samuel C. Thacher, with a Memfoir. Boston: 1824. 8°. 4069 GREER, J. R. (Mrs.) The Society of Friends: A Domestic Narrative. K. York: 1853. 12°. 4070 GREGORY, JOHN, (E. C.) Industrial Resources of Wiscon- sin. Milwaukee: 1855. 12°. 4071 GREGG, JOSIAH. Commerce of the Prairies: or the Journal of a Santa Fe Trader during eight Expeditions across Prairies. Map and Engravings, &c. 2 vols. K. York: 1844. 12°. 4072 GRELLIER, J. J. History of the National Debt from the Revolution in 1688 to 1800. London: 1810. 8°. Autog. of "Wm. Yaughn. 4073 GRELOT, WM. J. Late Yoyage to Constantinople, an exact Description of the Propontis and Hellespont. London: 1683. 8°. Illustrated. 4074 G[RENYILLE], A. S. Original Poetic Efeusions, Moral, Religious and Sentimental. 2d ed. Dedham: 1823. 18°. 4075 [GREYILLE, FULKE.] Maxims, Characters, and Reflections, Critical, Satyrical, and Moral. Second ed. London: 1757. 8°. 4076 GREY, ZACHARY. Notes upon Hudibras, by way of Supple- ment to the Editions of 1744, and 1745; with a Dissertation upon Burlesque Poetry. By Montagu Bacon. And an Appendix added, in which is a Translation of Part of the First Canto of the First Bk. into Latin Doggrel. London: 1752. 8°. 4077 Impartial Examination of the Second Yolume of Mr. Neal's History of the Puritans. London: 1736. 8°. 4078 GRIFFIN, ED. D. A Series of Lectures delivered in Park St. Ch. on Sabbath Evening. Boston: 1813. 8°. 4079 Same. 3ded.,rev. and corr. Boston: 1829. 12°. 4080 GRIFFIN, G.W. Memoirof Col. Chas. S. Todd. Phila.:1873. 8°. 4081 GRIFFIN, JOHN. Memoirs of Capt. James Wilson, contain- ing an Account of his Enterprises and Sufferings in India, his Conversion, Missionary Yoyage to the S. Seas, «&c. First Amer. ed. Boston: 1822. 12°. 4082 GRIFFITHS, D., Jun. Two years residence in the New Set- tlements of Ohio, with Directions to Emigrants. London: 1835. 12°. Woodcut frontispiece. of a Log-cabin. [Scarce.] CATALOGUE. 229 4083 GRIPFITHS, JULIA. Autographs of Freedom. Auburn. Rochester: 1854. 12°. Illust. 4084 GRIFFITH, ELIZABETH, (Mrs.) Letters addressed to young Married Women. Phila. : Nov. 1796. 12°. 4085 GRIFFITH, JOHN. Brief Remarks upon Sundry Important Subjects; addressed to ye People called Quakers. London: Phila. : 1781. 8°. 4086 GRIFFITH, THOS. W. Sketches of the Early History of Maryland. Baltimore: 1821: also Annals of Baltimore. Balti- more: 1833. 8°. pp.302. Portrait and View. 4087 GRIGSBY, HUGH BLAIR. Discourse on the Life and Char- acter of the Hon. Littleton Walker Tazewell. Norfolk: 1860. 8°. 4088 GRIMES, J. STANLEY. Etherology, and the Phreno-Philos- ophy of Mesmerism and Magic Eloquence: including a new Philos- ophy of Sleep. Revised and Edited by W. G. Le Due. Boston: 1851. 12°. 4089 GRIMESTON, ED WD. Generall Historic of the Netherlands: with the Genealogie and Memorable Acts of the Earls of Holland, Zeeland and Friseland to 1608. London: 1609. Folio. Numer- ous Copper Plates in the pages. [A rare book.] 4090 GRIMKE, A. E. Letters to Catherine E. Beecher, in Reply to an Essay on Slavery and Abolitionism. Boston: 1838. 12°. 4091 GRIMKE, JOHN F. Oration in St. Philip's Church, Charles- ton, July 4, 1807, State Soc. of Cincinnati, and Amer. Revolution Society. Charleston: 1807. 8°. 4092 GRIMKE, THOS. S. Reflections on the character and objects of all science and literature. New Haven: 1831. 12°. 4093 GRIMSHAW, WILLIAM. History of the United States, from their First Settl^ent as Colonies. Revised edition. Philadelphia: 1826. 12°. 4091 Same. Revised and Corrected with additional Chapters, by A. H. Grimshaw, M. D. Phila.: 1853. 8°. 4095 History of the United States. Phila. : 1844. 8°. 4096 Same. Phila.: 1847. 8°. 4097 Questions adapted to History of the United States. Phila. : 1824. 8°. 4098 GRISCOM, JOHN. A Year in Europe. In 1818 and 1819. 2 vols. New York: 2 v. 1823. 8°. 4099 GRISWOLD, A. V. The Reformation: a brief exposition of the errors and corruption of the Ch. of Rome. Boston: 1843. 12°. 4100 GRISWOLD, RUFUS W. Biographical Annual: containing Memoirs of Eminent Persons recently deceased. N. York: 1841. 12°. Portraits. 4101 GROANS OF THE PLANTATIONS, [n. d. or place.] 4°. 4102 GROSE, FRANCIS, (Esq., r.R.s. & s.A.) The Olio: a CoUec- 16 230 CAIALOGUE. tion of Essays, Dialogues, Letters, Biogs., Anecdotes, Poetry, Par- odies, Bon Mots, Epigrams, Epitaphs. 2d ed. London: 1796. 8°. Portrait. 4103 Provincial Glossary ; with a Collection of Local Pro- verbs and Popular Superstitions. New edit. London: Jeffery : 1811: 8°. 4104 GEOSS, SAML. D. Lives of eminent American Physicians and Surgeons of the Nineteenth Century. Phila.: 186L 8°. Port. 4105 GROTIVS, HYGO. Of the Law of Warre and Peace, with Annotations. Ill Parts. Translated by C. B., m.a. London: 1655. 12°. Portrait. 4106 GROYE, JOSEPH. History of the Life and Times of Cardinal Wolsey. Pour vols. London: 1742. 8°. Hid. 4107 GRUND, ERANCIS J. The Americans, in their Moral, Social, and Political Relations. Prom the London ed. 2 vols in one. Bos- ton: 1837. 12°. 4108 Same. Two vols. London: 1837. 8°. 4109 The Merchant's Assistant. Boston: 1834. 8°. 4110 GRUNDY, JOHN. Stranger's Guide to Hampton Court Palace and Gardens. London: 1859. 8°. 4111 GUARDIAN (The) : or Youth's Religious Instructor ; a Monthly Publication. 6 vols, in 3. 12°. New Haven: 1819-24. 16°. 4112 GUARDIAN and MONITOR. (New Series.) 1824-1826. 12°, 4113 GUEST, MOSES. Poems on several occasions. Cincinnati: 1823. 12°. [Scarce.] 4114 GYICCIARDIN, LOYIS. (Messire, gentilhomme Elorentin.] Description de Tovs les Pais-Bas, autrement appelles La Germanic Inferievre, or Basse Allemagne. Avec toutes les Cartes Geographic- ques des diets Pais, et plusieures poutraicts de villes tires aunaturel. A Anvers:1582. Fol. An extremely rare and curious book, said to have been studied by Shakspeare. 4115 GUIDE for the Pennsylva. Railroad, with an Extensive Map. Phila. : 1855. 8°. Map. 4116 to the LakesinCumberland, Westmorland, and Lancashire. By the Author of the Antiquities of Eurness. 8th ed. Kendal: 1802. • 8°. Map and Plates. 4117 to N. Palis, 1851, Lives of Fremont and Dayton, 1856. Guide-books and Maps. 10 nos. 12°. 18°. 4118 GUIDE BOOKS, Boston, N. Falls, Montreal, Middle States, etc. 12 nos. 12°. 18°. 4119 Isle of Wight, Lyons, Derby, etc. 8 vols. 4121 GUILD, REUBEN A. History of Brown University, with Illustrative Documents. Providence: 1867 4°. 4122 GYILLIM, lOHN, (late Pursuivant at ARMES.) A Display of Heraldrie: manifesting a more easie accesse to the knowledge CATALOGUE. 231 thereof than hath hitherto beene published by any, through the benefit of Method; Interlaced with much variety of History. 4th ed. London: 1660. Fol. 4123 A Display of Heraldry. Fifth Edition much enlarged with a great variety of Bearings. To which is added a Treatise of HONOUR, Military and Civil. By Capt. John Logan. London: 1679. Folio. In some respoctsthis is the best edition of Guilllm, but each has its advantages; so that, "best," applied to either is a somewhat abitrary expression here. Plates very numer- ous and fine. 4124 GUIZOT, (Monsieur.) Washington. Translated by Henry Reeves, Esq. London: 1840. Cr. 8°. pp. 226. 4125 Washington par M. Guizot. Nouvelle Edition. Paris: 1844. 12°. 4126 Essay on the Character and Influence of Washington in the Revolution of the U. S., fr. the French. Boston: J. Munroe & Co.: 1840. 12°. 4127 Same. 2d ed. Boston and Cambridge. 1851. 12°. 4128 GULLY, JAMES MANBY. The Water-Cure vs. Chronic Dis- eases. Illust. New York. [n. d.]. 8^. 4129 GU:N^2^, ALEX'R. Memoirs of the Rev. John H. Livingston. New York: 1829. 8°. 4130 GUNNISON, (Lieut.) J. W. The Mormons or Latter Day Saints. Phila.: 1853. 12°. Illust. 4131 GUNPOWDER-TREASON, (The.) With a Discourse of the Manner of its Discovery, [&c.] London: 1679. 8°. 4132 GURLEY, RALPH RANDOLPH. Life of Jehudi Ashmun, late Colonial Agent in Liberia. New York: 1835. 8°. Portrait. 4133 Mission to England, in behalf of the American Colonization Society. Washington: 1841. 12°. 4134 GURNEY, JOSEPH JOHN. A Winter in the West Indies, described in Familiar Letters to Henry Clay of Kentucky. 3d ed. London: 1841. 8°. Frontispiece. 4135 Observations on the Religious Peculiarities of the Society of Friends. First Amer. from the 4th Lond. ed. Phila. : 1825. 8°. 4136 GUROWSKI, ADAM. Diary, from March 4, 1861, to Novem- ber 12, 1862. Boston: 1862. 12°. 4137 GUTHRIE, WILLIAM, Esq. New Geographical, Historical, and Commercial Grammar; and Present State of the Several King- doms of the World. 10th ed. London: 1787. 8°. 4138 New Geographical, Historical. Illustrated with 25 correct Maps. 1st Amer. Edition improved. 2 vols. Phila. : 1809. 8°. The American ed. is considered the best : it contains 25 maps of States, etc. 4139 GUY, JOSEPH. The Pocket Cyclopedia. 1st Amer. fr. 9th London ed. Enlarged and extensively improved. Brookfield, Mass. : 1831. 12°. 232 CATALOGUE. 4140 GUY, THOMAS. A copy of the Last Will and Testament of G. London, 1725. 8°. 4141 HAAWINA Palapala Hemolele noke Kula Sabati. Honolulu: 1840. 12°. 4142 HACKE, WILLIAM, (Capt.) Collection of Original Voyages. Maps and Draughts. London: 1699. 8°. Part of the original material for a History of the Buccaneers. 4143 HACKELT0:N', MARIA W. Jamestown of Pemaquid: A Poem. N. Y.: 1869. 12°. 4144 HACKETT, HORATIO, B. Christian Memorials of the War. Boston: 1864. 12°. 4145 HADDOCK, CHAS. B. Addresses and miscellaneous writings. Cambridge: 1846. 8°. Portrait. 4146 HAGE:Nr, JOHK COLE. Eoot-Prints of Truth, or-Yoice of Humanity. [Poem.] Plates. N". Y.: 1853. 8°. 4147 HAGUE, WILLIAM. Historical Discourse Second Centennial First Baptist Ch. Providence. Boston: 1839. 12°. [Rare.] 4148 HAIGH, SAML. Sketches of Buenos Ayres, Chili, *and Peru. London: 1831. 8°. Map. 4149 HAKEWILL, GEORGE. An Apologie or Declaration of the Power and Providence of God, in the Government of the World. London: 1630. Folio. Engraved Title. 4150 HAKLUYT, RICHARD. Divers Voyages touching the Dis- couerie of America and the Hands adiacent vnto the same. Maps ' With ^N'otes and Introd. By J. Winter Jones, of the British Mu- seum. London: Hak. Soc. 1840. 8°. 4151 A Selection of Curious, Rare, and Early Voyages, and His- tories of Interesting Discoveries, chiefly Published by Hakluyt, or at his Suggestion, but not included in his celebrated Compilation. London: 1812. R. 4°. 4152 The Principall JiTavigations, Voiages and Discoveries of the English Kation, made by Sea or over Land, to the most remote and farthest distant quarters of the Earth at any time within the compasse of these 1500 yeeres. London: 1589. Fol. The first folio of Hakluyt, printed in black-letter, very rare. It contains betw. pp. 490 and 506 the voyage of Sir Jerome Bowes ; and betw. pp. 643 and 644 the six suppressed leaves of Sir Francis Drake's Voyage, " about the whole Globe." The book is itself a library to wliich all who would trace American discovery to the fount;iln-head must resort. 4153 Same. London: 1598-1600. 3v. in 2. Fol. 4154 HALE, CHARLES. To-Day, a Boston Literary Journal. 2 vols. 1852. 8°. 4155 HALE, EDWARD EVERETT. Kansas and ISTebraska: Ac- count of the Emigrant Aid Companies, and Directions to Emi- grants. Map. Boston: 1854. 12°. CATALOGUE. 233 4156 HALE, JOHN*, (Rev.) A Modest Enquiry into the Nature of Witchcraft, etc. Boston: 1702. 12°. There are not, probably, half a dozen copies of this extremely rare tract In N, England. Hale was minister of the Church of Beverly during the "Witchcraft proceedings, and be- Jlleved the Devil could enter a house through the keyhole. Title and seven leaves at the beginning, and three at the end, supplied. I 4167 HALE, MARY W. Poems. Boston: 1840. 12°. 4158 HALE, MATTHEW, Sir. Contemplations, Moral and Divine. The Third Part. Never before Printed. To which is added The Life of the Author, by Gilbert, [Burnet,] Lord Bishop of Sarum. London: 1696. 8°. Portrait. 4159 Same. In 2 vols. 4th ed. Glasgow: 1745. 12°. (Vol. 2 wanting.) 4160 A Collection of Modem Relations of Matter of Fact, con- cerning Witches and Witchcraft. To which is prefixed a Medi- tation concerning the Mercy of God, in preserving us from the Malice and Power of Evil Angels. Upon occasion of a Tryal of several Witches before him. Part 1. London: 1603. 4°. [Very rare.] 4161 HALE, ^iTATHAiN'. Map of l!^ew England. Boston: 1826. 4162 HALE, KATHAN, Jr. The Boston Miscellany of Literature and Fashion. Vols. 1-2 [bd. in 1]. 1842. 8°. 4163 HALE, SALMA. History of the United States. To the Close of the War with Great Britain in 1815. Cooperstown, N. Y.: 1843. 18°. The Premium History for which the Author received $500. 4164 Annals of the Town of Keene, to 1815. Keene: 1851. 8°. Maps. 4165 History of the United States, to the Close of the War with Great Britain in 1815. N. Y>: 1826. 12°. The 1st Edit, of the work afterwards called the Premium History. 4166 Same. Aberdeen: 1848. 12°. 4167 HALE, SAEAH JOSEPHA. Sketches of American Character. Phila. : 1843. 18°. 4168 Same. 4th ed. Boston: 1831. 18°. 4169 Liberia; or, Mr. Peyton's Experiments. N.Y.: 1853. 12°. 4170 Things by their Right Names, and other Stories, in Prose and Verse. From the Writings of Mrs. Barbauld. Boston: 1840. 18°. 4171 North wood; or. Life North ard South. N. Y. [n.d.] 4172 Genius of Oblivion. Concord: 1823. 12°. [Scarce.] 4173 Traits of American Life. Philada.: 1835. 12°. 4174 Woman's Record; or Sketches of all Distinguished Women. N. Y.: 1855. R. 8°. Port. 234 CATALOGUE, 4175 HALES, JOHK G. Survey of Boston andYicinity; with a Topographical Sketch of the Country. Boston: 1821. 12°. Frontis. Maps. [Scarce.] 4176 Map of Essex Co. June 19, 1825. Boston. 4177 HALES, S. Musarum Lachrymse: or. Poems to the Memory of Nicholas Kowe, and Memoirs of his ^Life and "Writings. London: 1719. 8°. Frontis. 4178 HALEY, WM. D. Philp's Washington Described. A Com- plete Yiew of the American Capital. N. Y. : 1861. 12°. Plates. 4179 HALIBURTON, THOS. C. Historical and Statistical Account of ISTova Scotia, two vols. Illustrated. Map and Engravings. Hali- fax: 1829. 8°. [Yery scarce and much sought for.] 4180 Clock-mak^r; or, Sayings and Doings of Sam Slick. Phila.: 1838. 12°. 4181 Rule and Misrule of the English in America. New York: 1851. 12°. 4182 The Bubbles of Canada. London: 1839. 8°. 4183 HALL, A. OAKEY. The Manhattaner in N. Orleans. N. Y. : 1851. 12°. 4184 HALL, BASIL, (Capt. r. n.) Travels in North America. 2 vols. Phila.: 1829. 12°. 4185 Same. 3d ed. Edinburgh: 1830. 3v. 8°. 4186 Selections from Fragments of Yoyages and Travels. Bos- ton: 1845. 16°. 4187 Yoyage of Discovery to the West Coast of Corea, and the Great Loo-Choo Islands. Phila. : 1818. 8°. 4188 HALL, BEN J. H. History of Eastern Yermont, to the close of the Eighteenth Century. N. Y.: 1858. 8°. 4189 HALL, Rev. ED. B. Memoirs of Mary L. Ware. Wife of Henry Ware, Jr. Boston: 1853. 12°. Portrait. 4190 HALL, EDWIN. The Puritans and their Principles. N. Y.: 1846. 8°. 4191 Ancient Records of Norwalk, Conn.; with Plan of the Ancient Settlement and Town. Norwalk: 1847. 12°. 4192 HALL, FRANCIS, (Lieut.) Travels in Canada and the United States, in 1816 and 1817. Boston: Rep. fr. the London Ed* 1818. 8°. 4193 HALL, FREDERICK, m.d. Letters from the East and from the West. Washington : 1840. 8°. 4194 HALL, HILAND. Yindication of Yol. 1, of the Colls, of the Yt. Hist. Soc. MontpeUer: 1871. 8°. 4195 HALL, JAMES. Sketches of History, Life, and Manners in the West. Two vols. Phila.: 1835. 12°. 4196 Notes on the Western States; containing Sketches of Soil, Climate, Resources and Scenery. Phila.: 1838. 12°. CATALOGUE. 235 4197 HALL, JAMES. Public Services of William Henry Harrison. Phila.: 1836. 12°. Portrait. 4198 Statistics of the West, at the Close of the Year 1836. Cin- cinnati: 1836. 12°. 4199 The West: its Commerce and Navigation. Cincinnati: 1848. 12°. 4200 Letters from the West; Sketches of Scenery, Manners, etc., connected with the first settlement in the W. London: 1828. 8°. 4201 HALL, Mrs. Phantasia and other Poems. N. Y.: 1849. 8°. Plates. 4202 HALL, Judge. A Plea for the Sabbath; addsd. to ye Legal Profession. Balto. 4203 The Harpes Head; a Legend of Kentucky. Philadelphia: 1833. 12°. 4204 HULL, JOHN. History of the Presbyterian Church in Trenton, N.J. N. Y.:1859. 12°. Engravings. 4205 HALL, JOSEPH. Remaining Works, with some specialities of Divine Providence in his life, and his Hard Measure. London: 1660. 4°. Portrait, 4206 HALL, MARSHALL, m.d. The Two-fold Slavery of the United States; with a Project of Self -Emancipation. Maps. London: 1854. 18°. 4207 HALL, S. R. The Child's Assistant to the Geography and History of Vermont. 3d ed. Plates and Map. Montpelier: 1833. 12°. 4208 and Baker, A. R. School History of the United States. Andover: 1839. 12°. 4209 HALLECK, E. G. Poetical Works of. New Ed. N. Y.: 1852. 12°. 4210 Young America; A Poem. N. Y.: 1865. 12°. 4211 Alnwick Castle, with other Poems. N. Y.: 1845. 12°. 4212 HALLIWELL, JAMES ORCHARD. Autobiography of Sir Simonds D'Ewes. Two vols. London: 1845. Portraits. 4213 Historical Sketch of The Provincial Dialects of England, illustrated by numerous Examples. Albany: 1863. 8°. 4214 The Early Naval Ballads of England. London: 1841. 8°. 4215 HALLOCK, WM. A. Harlan Page; or the Power of Prayer. N. Y. : 1835. 18°. 4216 Light & Love. Sketch of The Life and Labors of the Rev. Justin Edwards. Boston: 1855. 12°. Portrait. 4217 HALM, EREDERICH BARON MtfNICH-BELLINGHAU- SEN. The Sons of the Wilderness, in five acts, from the German by C. A. Anthon. N. Y. : 1848. 12°. 4218 HALSTED, CAROLINE A. Richard IIL as Duke of Glouces- ter and King of England. Phila. : 1844. 8°. 236 CATALOGUE. 4219 HALSTED, O. l^ew method of curing dyspepsia. K. Y.- 1830. 8°. 4220 HAMBLETOK, JAMES P. Biographical Sketch of Henry A. Wise, with a History of The Political Campaign in Yirginia in 1855. Kichmond: 1856. 8°. Portrait. 4221 HAMILTON, ALEX. Works: Comp. Official Keports, im- proved ed. of the Eederalist, and Pacificus. K. Y. : 1810. 3 v. 8^. 4222 Keport on Manufactures. Phila.: Jan. 1, 1824. 18°. 4223 HAMILTON, N. E. S, A. Enquiry into The Genuineness of the Manuscript Corrections in Mr. J. Payne Collier's Annotated Shakspeare, Polio, 1632. London: 1860. Four Facsimiles. 4224 HAMILTON, SCHUYLER, (Capt.) History of The National Flag of The United States. Phila. : 1852. 12°. 4225 HAMILTON, T. Men and Manners in America. 2 vols. 2d Amer. Ed. Phila. : 1833. 12°. 4226 HAMILTON, WILLIAM. Report of The Trial of Edward Shippen, Chief Justice, and Jasper Yeates and Thomas Smith, Assist. Justices, of The Supreme Court of Pa. Jan. 1805: Lan- caster. 8°. 4227 HAMILTONIAD (The.) Extinguisher for the Royal Faction of New England. With Notes, Illustrative, Biographical, Philosophi- cal, Critical, Admonitory and Political; a High-heeled Shoe for all Limping Republicans. By Anthony Pasquin, Esq. Boston: 1804. 8°. [Author, John Williams.] [Scarce.] 4228 HANAFORD, JEREMI. LYFORD. History of Princeton, Worcester Co., Ms.; Civil and Eccls.; from 1739, to 1852. Worces- ter: 1852. 12°. 4229 HANAFORD, P. A. (Mes.) Abraham Lincoln: His Life and Public Services. Boston: 1865. 8°. Portrait. 4230 Life of Geo. Peabody. Boston: 1870. 8^. Portrait. 4231 HANCOCK, JOHN, (Esq.) Oration; Mar. 5, 1774: To Com- memorate the Bloody Tragedy of the Fifth of March, 1770. Boston: 1774. 4°. [Yery rare.] 4232 (Rev.) Danger of an Unqualified Ministry. Serm. at the Ord. of Mr. John Bass, to the Church in Ashford, Colony of Ct. Sept. 7th, 1742. Boston: 1743. 8°. 4233 HANCOCK, THOMAS, (m.d.) Principles of Peace exempli- fied in the Conduct of tlie Society of Friends in Ireland, during the Rebellion of the Year 1798. Boston: 1838. 16°. 4234 HANSON, ELIZABETH. Remarkable Captivity and surprising Deliverance of Elizabeth Hanson. God's Mercy surmounting Man's Cruelty. Exemplified in the Captivity and Redemption of Elizabeth Hanson, wife of John Hanson of Knoxmarsh at Kepcheachy, in Dover Township. 3d ed. Phila. : Dan vers, near Salem: Re-printed and sold by E. Russell, next the Bell-Tavern. 1780. 12°. pp. 32. Curious edition of a rare tract : fly-leaf has note by Mr. Drake. CATALOGUE. 237 4236 HANSON", J. W. History of Gardiner, Pittston and West Gard- iner, with a Sketch of the Kennebec Indians, and New Plymouth Purchase. 1602-1852. Gardiner: 1852. 12°. Plates. 4236 History of the Old Towns of Norridgewock and Canaan. Prom their Settlement to 1849: a Sketch of the Abnakis Indians. Boston: 1849. 12°. Many cuts. 4237 HANWAY, JONAS. Account of the Society for the En- couragement of British Troops, in Germany and North America. London: 1760. 8°. 4238 HARBINGER The, f or 1845 — pubd. by the Brook Farm Pha- lanx. Boston: Fol. A few nos. wanting to complete. 4239 HARBINGER (The). A May Gift. Boston: 1833. 8°. Written, mainly, by Holmes, Park Benjamin, and Epes Sargent. 4240 HARDEN, E. J. Life of Geo. M. Troup. Savannah: 1859. 8°. 4241 HARDIN, JAMES, a.m. Epistolary Guide, containing Models of Juvenile Letters. New York: 1817. 12°. 4242 Dictionary of the most Uncommon Wonders of the Works of Art and Nature, Particularly of those, which are most remarkable in America. New York: 1819. 12°. 4243 Description of the City of New- York. N.-York: 1827.12°. 4244 Freemason's Monitor; or, Masonic Guide. N. Y. : 1818. 12°. 4245 - — Acct. of the Yellow Fever in New York, in 1822, with Sketch of the Pestilential Diseases of 1798, 1799, 1803 & 1805. N. Y.: 1822. 12°. 4246 American Remembrancer and Universal Tablet of Memory. Phila. : 1795. 12°. [Very scarce.] 4247 HARDING, BENJ. Tour through the Western Country. 1818-19. New London: 1819. 8°. 4248 HARDINGE, S. &. E Biographical Mirrour, a Series of Ancient and Modern English Portraits, of Eminent and Distinguished Per- sons, from Original Pictures and Drawings. London: 1795-8. 4°. A superb work containing portraits of a host of English celebrities engraved from the highest authorities and in the best manner. 4249 HARE, EDWARD. Principal Doctrines of Christianity. New York: 1835. 12°. 4250 HARGRAYE, [FRANCIS?] Argument in the Case of James Sommersett, a Negro. Wherein it is attempted to demonstrate the present Unlawfulness of Domestic Slavery in England. 2d edition. London: 1775. 8°. 4251 HARGROVE, E. History of the Castle, Town, and Forest of Knaresborough, with Harrogate, and its Medicinal Waters. 4th ed. York: 1789. 18°. Map and Plates. 4252 HARGROVE, WM. History and Description of the Ancient City of York. 2 vols. York: 1818. 8°. Plates. 4253 HARLAN, J. Memoir of India and Afghanistann. Phila.: 1842. 12°. 2S8 CATALOGUE, 4254 HAKLAK, KICHARD, (m.d.) Fauna Americana: a Descrip- tion of the Mammiferous Animals inhabiting N. America. Phila.: 1825. 8°. 4265 HARLEIAK MISCELLANY, a Collection of. Tracts in MS. and in Print. Found in the late Earl of Oxford's Library. Lon- don: 1744. 2v. 4°. 4256 Same. 12 vols. 1808 to 1811 inclusive. 8°. 4257 HARMON, DANL. W. Jour, of Yoyages and Travels in the Interiour of N. Amer., between the 47th and 58° of N. Lat., from Montreal to the Pacific Ocean. Map. Andover: 1820. 8°. Port. 4258 HARPER, ROBERT GOODLOE. Select "Works: With the Answer drawn up by him to the Articles of Impeachment against Judge Chase. Yol. I. [all published.] Baltimore: 1814. 8°. 4259 Observations on the Dispute between the U. States and Prance. Phila.: 1797. 8°. 4260 Same. 4th ed. Dublin, Reprinted: 1798. 8°. 4261 Same. 4 Amer. Ed. "With his Speech in Congress, on the Foreign Intercourse Bill, in Reply to Mr. Nicholas, Mr. Gallatin, and Others. Boston: 1798. 8°. 4262 HARPER'S— New York and Erie Rail-road Guide Book. With 136 engravings by Lossing and Barritt, from orig. Sketches by Wm. Macleod. New York: 1851. 12°. 4263 HARPER'S WEEKLY, Journal of Civilization v. 1. 1857- N.York: 1857. Fol. 4264 HARRINGTON, JAMES. The Commonwealth of Oceana. Dedicated to His Highnesse the Lord Protector of the Common Wealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland. London: 1656. Fol. 4265 HARRINGTON'S Desideratum for the Age, a Masonic work. London: 1851. 18°. 4266 HARRIOTT, JOHN, (Lieut.) Struggles through Life, ex- emplified in the various Travels and Adventures in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. 2 vols. London: Phila.: 1809. 12^^. *• Contains a curious account of a residence in N. York, visit to the Indians, etc." 4267 HARRIS, C. FISKE. Index to American Poetry. Provi- dence: 1874. 12°. Author's autog. 4268 HARRIS, EDWD. D. Account of some of the Descendants of Capt. Thos. Brattle. Boston: 1867. Sq. 12°. 4269 HARRIS, Rev. FLETCHER. Sermons, pref. a memoir of Granville Co., N. C: 1821. 8°. 4270 HARRIS, [HENRY.] Sermon preached at Queen's Chappel in Boston, Christmas Day, 1712. Boston in N. Eng. : 1712. 4°. 4271 HARRIS, JAMES, Esq. Three Treatises. Art. Music, Painting and Poetry. Happiness. 2d ed. London: 1765. 8°. Frontispiece. CATALOGUE. 239 4272 HARETS, JAMES, Esq. Hermes or a Philosophical Inquiry concerning Universal Grammar. 2d ed. London: 1765. 8°. En- graved Frontispiece. 4273 Philosophical Arrangements. London: 1775. 8°. 4274 HARRIS, JOHN. Lexicon Technicum: or, an Universal Eng- lish Dictionary of Arts and Science: Explaining not only the Terms of Art, but the Arts themselves. London: 1704. Folio. Portrait. Numerous wood-cuts, copper-plates, &c. 4275 Navigantium atque Itinerantium Bibliotheca: or, a com- pleat Collection of Voyages and Travels: consisting of above Four Hundred of the most Authentic Writers. 2 vols. London: 1705. Folio. Maps, «fcc. These folios are fitting companlona of ITakluyt and PurchaR. Among the numerous detailed accounts are Dampier'a Voyage to the W. Indies, History of the Buccaneers, Father Hennepin's Travels in America, &c. The frontispiece has four heauliful cop- perplate portraits of Sir H. Gilbert, Frobisher, Cavendiah and the Earl of Essex. 4276 HARRIS, JOHN, d.d. The Pre-Adamite Earth: Contribu- tions to Theological Science. 5th Thousand. Boston: 1854. 12°. 4277 Description of the Globe. 6th. Ed. London: 1725. 16°. Autog. of Mather Byles. 4278 HARRIS, LUTHER M. Robert Harris and his Descendants. With Notice of the Morey and Metcalf Families. Boston: 1861. 8°. 4279 HARRIS, SAML. L. Maine Register and National Calendar, for 1843. Augusta: 1843. 16°. 4280 HARRIS, THADDEUS M. Minor Encyclopedia, or Cabinet of General Knowledge: a Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. 4 vols. Boston: 1803. 12°. 4281 Biographical Memorials of James Oglethorpe, Founder of the Colony of Georgia, in America. Boston: 1841. 8°. Portrait, Maps, &c. 4282 Beauties of Nature Delineated. Charlestown: 1800. 12°. 4283 Tribute to The Hon. James Bowdoin, Esq.; serm. at Dor- chester, Oct. 27, 1811. Boston: 1811. 4°. 4284 Discourses on Public Occasions, illustrating and indicating Freemasonry. Charlestown: 1801. 8°. 4285 Natural Hist, of The Bible. Boston: 1793. 12°. Given by the Author to Dr. Jeremy Belknap. 4286 Constitutions of the Anc. and Hon. Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons. 2d ed., rev. and corr. Worcester: 1798. 4°. Frontis. 4287 Journal of a tour into the territory North West of the Al- leghany Mts. 1803. Boston: 1805. 8°. Map. [Excessively rare.] 4288 Natural History of the Bible. Boston: 182a 8°. 4289 HARRIS, THAD. WM. Treatise on some of the Insects of N. England injurious to Vegetation. 2d Ed. Boston: 1852. 8®. 240 CATALOGUE. 4290 HAERIS, THOMAS, m.d. Life and Services of Commodore William Bainbridge, U. S. N. Phila. : 1837. 8°. Portrait. 4291 HARRIS, WALTER, Esq. History and Antiquities of Dublin [etc.] Plans. One as it was in 1610, the earliest extant [«&c.]. Dub- lin: 17G6. 8°. 4292 HARRIS, WILLIAM. Historical and Critical Account of the Life of Oliver Cromwell after the manner of Mr. Bayle. London: 1762. 8°. 4293 Historical and Critical Account of the Life and Writings of James I. After the manner of Mr. Bayle. 2d ed. Lond. : 1772. 8°. 4294 Sermon at Trinity Church, Boston, before the Annual Con- vention of the Prot. Epis. Conventn. in Massachusetts, 28 May, 1799. Boston: 1799. 4°. 4295 HARRIS, WM. THADDEUS. Epitaphs from the Old Burying- ground in Cambridge. Cambridge: 1845. 12°. Scarce. 4296 HARRISOK, Maj. Gen. W. H. Life of. Phila.: 1840. 8°. Port. 4297 HARROD, JOHK J. The Kew and most Complete CoUection of Camp, Social and Prayer-Meeting Hymns now in Use. 2d ed. Baltimore: 1830. 32°. 4298 HARSHA, D. A. Life of the Rev. James Hervey. Albany: 1865. 8°. Ed. 50 copies. 4299 HART, LUTHER. Memoir of the life of Amos Pettingill. Boston: 1834. 12°. 4300 HART, NATHAKIEL C. Documents relative to the House of Refuge, Instituted by the Society for the Reformation of Juvenile Delinquents in :N'ew York, in 1824. N. Y. : 1832. 8°. Port. 4301 HARTLEY, CECIL B. Life and Times of Col. Daniel Boone- Comprising Early History of Kentucky. With Boone's Autobio. graphy complete. Engravings. New York: 1860. 12°. 4302 Life of G-ens. Henry Lee and Thomas Sumpter. Phila.: 1859. 12°. 4303 Life and Adventures of Lewis Wetzel, the Virginia Ranger; also Biographical Sketches of Gen. Simon Kenton, Gen. Benjn. Logan, Capt. Saml. Brady, Gov. I. Shelby, and others of the West. Engravings. Phila.: 1860. 12°. 4304 HARTLEY, W. M. B. Hartford in the olden time. Its first fifty years, by Scava. Ed. by H. With lUust. Hartford: 1853. 8°. 4305 HARTMA:N', GEO. Chymical Secrets. Cont. many rare and excellent medicines, etc. Never bef. pub. London: 1682. 16°. 4303 HARTWELL, ABRAHAM. Memoir of the late Rev. John Pierce. With Original Serms. From the Writings of Mr. Pierce. Lunenburg: 1842. 12°. 4307 HARYARD COLLEGE. Constitution of the University at CATALOGUE. 241 Cambridge. Cambridge: 1812. 8°. Also, The Law8 of H. C. Cambridge: 1807. 8°. Laws of H. C. Cambridge: 1814. Autographs of two Presidents of H. U., — Sam'l Webber and J. T. Eirkland. 4308 Catalogue of the Officers and Students, 1826-32, 35-62, 66- 70-71. Cambridge, 1826-70. 34 pamp. 4309 Triennial Catalogues. 1776, 82, 90, 91. 1815, 21-36, 42- 63. Bostonise and Cantabrigise, 1776-1863. 19v. 8°. 4310 Catalogue of the Alumni, 1642-1869 incl., with presidents, professors, tutors, &c. Cambridge: 1869. 8°. 4311 Rules and By-Laws of the Overseers, the Charter, and sundry Acts and Instruments. Boston: 1852. 18°. 4312 Same. Boston: 1862. 16°. 4313 103 Pamphlets, 1831-72; Inaugural" Addresses, Report of Visiting Committee, Memorials, Poems, Society Proceedings, Cata- logues, &c. Ko duplicates, and many autographs. 4314 HARVEY, HENRY. History of the Shawnee Indians, from 1681 to 1854. Cincinnati: 1855. 12°. Portrait. 4315 HARVEY, PHILIP, m.d. Pood and Climate, considered in reference to each other. Zanesville: 1849. 8°. Presentation copy to Dr. Drake. 4316 HASKEL, DAITIEL. Complete Descriptive and Statistical Gazetteer of the U. S. By D. H. & J. Calvin Smith. JST. York: 1844. 8°. 4317 HASKELL, T. K. (Rev.) Sketch of the Life of Sir Henry Havelock. Boston, [n. d.] 32°. 4318 HASKIKS, R. W. History and Progress of Phrenology. Read before the Phrenologl. Soc. of Buffalo. Buffalo: 1839. 12°. 4319 HASTINGS, THOMAS. Mother's Hymn Book. New York: 1851. 24°. 4320 HASWELL, ANTHONY. Adventures of Capt. Matthew Phelps; in 2 Voyages, from Ct. to the River Mississippi, from Dec. 1773, to Oct. 1780. Bennington, Vt.: 1802. 12°. [Very scarce.] 4321 HATHEWAY, C. L. The History of New Brunswick, from its First Settlement. Fredericton: 1846. 12°. 4322 [HATTON, EDWARD.] New. View of London: or, an Ample - Acct. of that City, in Two Volumes, or Eight Sections. London: 1708. nius. 4323 HAVANA. Authentic Journal of the Siege of the Havana. By an Officer; also a Plan of the Siege, shewing the Landing, Encampments, Approaches, [and Batteries of the English Army, With the Attacks and Stations of the Fleet. London: 1762. 8°. This may prove a very useful work at no distant day. 4324 HAVEN, SAML. F. Archaeology of the United States; or, CATALOGUE. Sketches, Historical and Bibliographical. [Published by the Smith- sonian Inst.]: 1855. 4°. Author's Autog. 4325 l^arrative of a voyage to Spitzbergen in 1613. Boston: 1860. 8°. Author's autog. 4326 HAWEIS, J. O. W. Sketches of the Reformation and Eliza- bethan Age. From the Contemporary Pulpit. London: 1844. 12°. 4327 HAWES, ELIZABETH, Mrs. The Harp of Acushnet: Poems. Boston: 1838. 12°. 4328 HAWES, JOEL. Tribute to the Memory of the Pilgrims, and Vindication of the Congregational Churches of Kew England. 2d ed. Hartford: 1836. 12°. 4329 Lectures to Young Men. 2d ed. Hartford: 1828. 8°. 4330 Lectures on the formation of Character. Hartf'd: 1829. 18°. 4331 Tribute to the Memory of the Pilgrims. Hartford: 1830. 18°. 4332 Address did. at the Request of the Citizens of Hartford on the 9th of November, 1835. Close of the Second Century, from the first Settlement. Hartford: 1835. 12°. 4333 Memoir of Normand Smith, Jr., or the Christian serving God in his business. Hartford, 1839. 16°. 4334 HAWKESWORTH, JOHN". New Voyage Round the World, in 1768, 1769, 1770, and 1771, by Capt. James Cook. 2 vols. Vol. 1. N.York: 1774. 8°. 4335 HAWKINS, ERNEST, B. D. Historical Notices of the Mis- sions of the Church of England in the North American Colonies, chiefly from the MS. Doc. of the Soc. for Prop, the Gospel in For- eign Parts. London: 1845. 8°. 4336 HAWKINS, JOSEPH. History of a Voyage to the Coast of Africa, and Travels into the Interior of that Country. The Slave Trade. Phila.: 1797. 12°. Frontis. [Scarce.] 4337 HAWKINS, RICHARD, Sir, Kt. Observations of, in his Voyage into the South Sea. Anno Domini, 1593. London: 1622. Folia Son of the famous Sir John Hawkins : was admiral of N. E. In 1619. 4338 The observations. Edited by C. R. D. Bethune. London: Hak. Soc. 1847. 8°. 4339 HAWKINS, WM. GEO. a.m. Life of John H. W. Hawkins. Boston: 1859. 12°. Portrait. 4340 Lunsf ord Lane ; or, another Helper from N. Carolina. Bos- ton: 1863. 12°. Portrait. 4341 HAWKS , FRANCIS L. Contributions to the Ecclesiastical His- tory of the U. S. Vol. 2. N. York: 1839. 8°. Ed. out of print. 4342 Digested Index of the Reported Cases adjudged in the Courts of N. Carolina, from 1778 to 1826. Raleigh : 1826. 8°. [Scarce.] 4343 HAWKS, F. L. Tale of the Huguenots, N. Y. 1838. 12°. CATALOGUE. 243 4344 HAWKS WORTH, JOHX. Account of Voyages undertaken for making Discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere, and succes- sively performed by Byron, Wallis, Carteret and Cook. Drawn up from the Journals kept by the Several Commanders. 3 vols: Dublin: 1773. 8°. Maps. 4345 HAWSER, HARRY. Buds and Flowers of Leisure Hours. Phila.: 1844. 8°. 4346 HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL. Life of Franklin Pierce. Boston: 1852. 12°. Portrait. 4347 Grandfather's Chair : a History for Youth. Boston: 1841. 24°. 4348 Same. 2d ed. Boston: 1842. 16°. • 4349 The Scarlet Letter, a Romance. Boston: 1853. 12°. 4350 HAYDEN, F. D. Prelim. Report of the U. S. Geolog. Survey of Montana and Portions of Adjacent Territories. Washington: 1872. 8°. Plates. 4351 Sixth An. Rep. of the U. S. Geologl. Survey of the Terri- tories, embracing Portions of Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah. Prog, of Explorations of 1872. Wash.: 1873. 8°. 4352 HAYDEN, HORACE H. Geological Essays; or, an inquiry into some of the Geol. Phenomena to be found in Amer. and elsewhere. Baltimore: 1820. 8°. 4353 HAYDN, JOSEPH. Dictionary of Dates relating to all Ages and Nations. 12th ed., corrected to February, 1866. By Benjamin Vincent. London: Edward Moxon & Co. 1866. 8°. 4354 HAYES, ISAAC I. Arctic Boat Journey, in 1854. Boston: 1860. 12°. Maps. 4355 HA YNE, PAUL H. Poems. Boston: 1855. 12°. 4356 HAYNES, D. C. The Baptist Denomination: its History, Doc- trines and Ordinances; Policy, Persecutions and Martyrs. Introd. by John Dowling, d.d. New York: 1856. 12°. 4357 HAYNES, MARTIN A. History of the Second Regiment of New Hampshire Volunteers. Manchester: 1865. 12°. 4358 HA YWARD, JOHN. New England Gazetteer. 5th ed. Con. cord, N. H.: 1839. 12°. Plates. 4359 Gazetteer of Massachusetts. Boston: 1847. 12°. Plates. 4360 New England and New York Law-Register, for 1835. Bos- ton: [1835.] 12°. 4361 Gazetteer of N. Hampshire. Boston: 1849. 12°. Plates. 4362 The Family Visitor. 5th ed. Boston: 1841. 12°. 4363 Columbian Traveller and Statistical Register. Principally relating to the U. S. Boston: 1833. sm. fol. pp. 40. 4364 N. England Gazetteer. 6th ed. Concord : 1839. 4365 Mass. Directory. Boston: 1835. Children's Friend. New- buryport. [n. d.] Memoir of Carvasso, &c. 10 vols. 18°. 4366 Gazetteer of Vermont. Boston: 1849. 12°. 244 CATALOGUE. 4367 HAYWAKD, JOHK, Sir, Kt. Annals of the first four years of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Camden Soc.: 1840. 4°. 4368 Life and Raigne of King Edward the Sixt. London: 1630. 4°. Ports. Author and Edward. 4369 HAY WARD, J. H. Poetical pen-pictures of the war. Selec. from our Union Poets. 3d ed. New York: 1864. 12°. 4370 HAYWOOD, JOHN. Natural and Aboriginal History of Ten- nessee to the First Settlement therein by the White People, in 1768* Nashville: 1823. 8°. [Scarce.] One of the exceedingly rare American books. A good copy is seldom for sale, and will command ten times the original price. 4370 A Civil and Political History of the State of Tennessee, From its Settlement to the Year 1796. Knoxville: 1823. 8°. 4371 HAZARD, EBENEZER. Historical Collections; consisting of State Papers, and other authentic Documents; intended as Materials for an History of the United States. Phila. : 1792-94. 2v. 4°. [Scarce.] 4372 HAZARD, SAMUEL. Annals of Pennsylvania, from the Discovery of the Delaware, 1609-1682. Phila.: 1850. 8°. 4373 Pennsylvania Archives. Selected and Arranged from original Documents in the OflSce of the Secretary of the Common- wealth. Commencing 1748. Vols. II, III, IV, and Y. Phila.: 1853. 8°. 4374 Hazard's United States Commercial and Statistical Regr. Illustrative of the Hist, and Resources of the American Union, and of each State. July, 1839, Jan. , 1842. Phila. : 1840-42. 5 v. Pol. 4375 The Register of Pennsylvania. Jan., 1828,-July, 1835. Phila.: 15 v. Pol. 4376 HAZLITT, WILLIAM. Lectures on the Dramatic Literature of the Age of Elizabeth. N. York: 1845. Cr. 8°. 4377 Spirit of the Age; or, Contemporary Portraits. 2 vols. Paris: 1825. 12°. 4378 HEAD, Sir E. B. Rough Notes of Journeyings across the Pampas and among the Andes. Boston: 1827. 12°. 4379 The Emigrant. New York: Harper: 1847. 12°. 4380 HEAD, GEORGE, Esq. Forest Scenes and Incidents, in the Wilds of North America; Halifax to the Canadas, and the Woods on the Borders of Lakes Huron and Simco. London: 1829. 12°. 4381 HEADLEY, J. T. The Lives of Winfield Scott and Andrew Jackson. N. York: 1852. 12°. 4382 HEARNE, SAMUEL. A Journey from Prince of Wales Fort in Hudson's Bay, to the Northern Ocean, for the Discovery of Cop- per Mines, a N. W. Passage, &c. In 1769. London: 1795. 4to. Eight Maps, Yiews, &c. " The first of the beautiful series of quarto Arctic Voyages which reflect so much credit on the English press." CATALOGUE. 245 4384 HEARNE, THOMAS. Curious Discourses by eminent Anti- quaries. 2 vols. London: 1775. 8°. Plates. 4385 HEATH, J. England's Chronicle: or, the Lives and Reigns of the Kings and Queens from Julius Ctesar to King William. Lon- don: 1G99. 18°. 438G MEATH, ROBERT. A Natural and Historical Acct. of the Islands of Scilly. A New and Correct Draugt. of ym. in 1744. And a general Acct. of Cornwall. London: 1750. 8°. Map. 4387 HEATH, WM. Memoirs of Maj.-Gen. HEATH. Of Events during the American War. Written by Himself. Boston: 17ii8. 8°. Autog. Gen. Heath. A very scarce book. One of the trustworthy original sourcefl of revolutionary history much sought after. 4388 HE ATHCOTE, GEORGE. A letter to the Rt. Hon. The Lord Mayor, The Worshipful Aldermen, and Common Council of the City of London. From an old Servant. London: 1762. 8°. 4389 HEATHERINGTOX, A. A Practical Guide for Tourists, Miners, and Investors in the Gold Fields of Nova Scotia. Mon- treal: 1868. 18°. Maps. 4390 HEATON, NATHL. Jr. The Pleasing Library; a Selection of Humorous, and Instructive Pieces, in Prose and Poetry. Wrentham, (Mass.) 1801. 12°. 4391 HEBREW GRAMMAR, Coll. from those of Israel Lyons, and Rev. R. Grey. Boston: 1763. 8°. 4392 Same. Subjoined a praxis taken from the Sacred classics. Cambridge: 180G. 8°. 4393 HELME, ELIZABETH. Louisa, the Lovely Orphan; or, the Cottage on the Moor. The 9th ed. Boston: 1798. 12°. 4394 Pizarro; or, the Conquest of Peru: as related by a Father to his children. Boston: 16°. 4395 Columbus, or the discovery of America. Trans, from the German of J. H. Campe. Boston : and New York. [n. d.] 18°. 4396 HELPER, HINTON ROWAN. The Impending Crisis of the South. New York: 1860. 12°. 4397 HELVICUS, CHRISTOPHER. The Historical and Chronolog- ical Theatre of. According to the two best Editions, viz. that of Fran- cofurt and that of Oxford. Inlarg'd with Additions, and continued down to the Present Times. London: 1687. Folio. 4398 HEM ANS, FELICIA. Songs of the Affections. Elegantly Illust, Phila.: 1867. 8°. 4399 HEMINCJWAY, J. Panorama of North Wales. Lond.: 1839. 32°. Map and Views. 4400 IIEMMENWAY, MOSES, m.a. A Vindication of the Power, Obligation and Encouragement of the Unregenerate to attend the means of Grace; against the Exceptions of the Rev. Mr. Samuel Hopkins. Boston: 1772. 8°. 17 246 CATALOGUE. 4401 HEMMEKWAY, MOSES, m.a. Seven Sermons, on the Obli- gation and Encouragement of the Unregenerate. Boston: 1767. 8". 4402 Remarks on the Rev. Mr.. Hopkins 'Answer. Bost. :1774. 8°» 4403 HEN'DERSOX, JAMES. A History of Brazil; its Geography, &c. 28 Plates and 2 Maps. London: 1821. 4°. 4404 HEmNG, C. F. (Mrs.) History of the African Mission of the Prot. Epis. Ch. With Memoirs of deceased Missionaries, and Kotice of Native Customs. New York: 1850. 12°. Map. 4405 HENNEPIN, L. A New Discovery of a Yast Country in Amer- ica, extending above Four Thousand Miles, between New France and New Mexico, [&c.] Illustrated by Maps and Plates, [&c.] Lon- don: 3698. 8°. Very Rare, and valuable. Eighteen years ago $10 paid for a copy. Father Hennepin accompanied La Salle in 1678, and gives the first written description of Niagara Falls near which La Salle built a vessel for navigating the Lakes. 4406 HENRY, ALEXANDER. Travels and Adventures in Canada, and the Indian Territories between 1760-76. In 2 pts. New York: 1809. 8''. Port. '•Rare. Thre are few more valuable works of the period on the Indians than this." — S. G. D. 4407 HENRY, C. S. (d.d.) History and its Philosophy. N. York: 8°. 1868. 4408 The Importance of Exalting the Intellectual Spirit of the Nation; and need of a Learned Class. Burlington, N. J.: 1836. 8°. Bound ^ cf. 4409 HENRY, JAMES. Sketches of Moravian Life and Character. Phila.: 1859. 12°. pp.317. 4410 HENRY, MATTHEW. The Communicant's Companion. Bos- ton: 1731. 12°. 4411 HEPWORTH, GEO. H. Whip, Hoe, and Sword. Boston: 1864. 12°. 4412 HERALD, J. P. SUMMERSET. The Catalogue of the Chan- cellors of Eng., the Ld. Keepers of the Great Scale, and the Ld. Treasurers. London: 1636. 4°. 4413 HERALDIC JOURNAL, The. Recording the Armorial bear- ings and Genealogies of American families. Nos. 1-24 incl. Bost. : 8°. 4414 HERALDRY. A Glossary of Terms used in British Heraldry: with a Chronological Table. Oxford: 1847. 8°. 4415 HERBERSTEIN, SIGISMUND. Notes upon Russia: Being the earliest Account of that Country. Trans, and Edited by R. H. Major. 2 vols. London: Hak. Soc. 1851. 8°. Port. 4416 HERBERT, EDWARD (Lord). The Life of Edward Lord Herbert of Cherbury. By Himself. London: 1770. 4°. Portrait. 4417 The Life of, continued to his Death. With Letters writ- ten at the French Court. London: 1826. 8°. Portrait. CATALOGUE. 24t7 4418 HERRERT, HE:N"RY W. Wager of Battle; a tale of Saxon Slavery in Sherwood Forest. N. York: 1855. 12°. 4419 HERBERT, THOMAS, Esq. Some Years Travels into Divers Parts of Asia and Afrique. With a Revivall of the First Discoverer of America. Rev. and Enlg. by the Author. London: 1638. Folio. Plates by W. M. [W. Marshall?] Origiiml Edition. Contains the fullest account of the Voyage of Madoc and his discovery of America. 4420 HERIOT, GEORGE, (Esq.) Travels through the Canadas. Manners and Customs of several of the Indian Nations of N. and S. Amer. With Maps and numerous Engravings, from drawings made by the Author. London: 1807. 4°. 4421 Same. Phila.: 1813. 12°. 4422 HERLE, CHARLES. A Payre of Compasses for Church and State: aSer. bef. the Ho. of Coms, JS"ov. the last. 1642. London: 1642. 4°. 4423 HERNDO^^, WM. LEWIS, (Lieut.) Exploration of The Val- ley of the Amazon. Part 1. Washington: 1854. 8°. Yol. of Maps. 4424 HERODOTUS. Les Histoires d'H. tr. en Frangois par M. DuRyer. Paris: 1713. 3 v. 18°. 4425 HERRICK, JEDIDIAH. A Geneal. Register of the l^ame and Family of Herrick, from 1629, to 1846. Bangor: 1846. 8°. pp. 69. [Very scarce.] 4426 HERSY, THOMAS. Clericus, Esculapius, and Scepticus vs. Col. M. Jewett, and his Chemical Preparations. Columbus, O.: 1835. 12°. 4427 HERVEY, JAMES, (a.b.) Meditations and Contemplations. 2 vols. Boston: 1750. 12°. [2 in one.] Autog. Joseph Belknap. 4428 HERVEY, K. The Memory of Washington; with Biog. Sketches of his Mother and Wife. Relations of Lafayette to Washington. Boston and Camb. : 1852. 12°. Plates. 4429 HEUSTIS, JABEZ W. (m.d.) Physical Obs. on the Topo- graphy and Diseases of Louisiana. New York: 1817. 8°. 4430 HEWES, GEO. R. T. The Boston Tea-party, with a Memoir of G. R. T. Hewes. By a Citizen of New York. N. York: 1834. 12°. Portrait. 4431 HEWETT, D. A Gazetteer of the New England States. N. York: 1829. 12°. 4432 HEWITT, MARY E. The Songs of Our Land, and Other Poems. Boston: 1846. 12°. 4433 HEWITT, JOHN. A Treatise upon Money, Coins, and Ex- change. London: 1755. 8°. 4434 HEY, RICHARD, m.a. Observations on Civil Liberty, and the Principles of Government. London: 1776. 8°. 248 CATALOGUE. 4436 HEYLYN, PETEE. d.d. Certamen Epistolare, or, the Letter Combate. Managed by Peter Heylyn, d.d. 1. Mr. Baxter of Kid- derminster. 2. Dr. Barnard of Gray's Inne. 3. Mr. Hickman of Mag. Col. Oxn. and 4. J. H. of the City of Westminster, Esq. 5. An App., in Answer to some Passages in Mr. Fuller's Appeal. Lond. : 1(559. 8°. 4437 Examen Historicum: Or a Discovery and Examination of the Mistakes, Falsities, and Defects in some Modern Histories. Lon- don: 1659. 8°. 4438 A Help to English History, &c. London: 1709. 18°. 4439 A Help to English History. By Peter Heylyn, d.d., with great Additions since his death, to the 1st of Kov. 1773, [&c.] Also the Praetorian Banner Displayed, [&c.] By Paul Wright, b.d. [&c.] London: 1773. 8°. Plates of Arms, &c. 4440 Mikrokosmos. A Little Description of the Great World. Augmented and reuised. Oxford: 1625. 4°. [Scarce.] 4441 HEYWOOD, J0H:N' H. Sermons by Charles Manson Taggart, Pastor of the Unit. Church in Charleston, S. C. With a Memoir, Boston: 1856. 12°. Port. 4442 HIBBARD, B. Memoirs of the Life and Travels of. Nearly 30 yrs. New York: 1825. 12°. 4443 Memoirs, for nearly Fifty Years. 2d ed. Kew Y'ork: 1843. 12°. Port. 4444 HICKEY, W. The Constitution of the U. States, with an Al- phabetical Analysis. State Papers. 7th ed. Phila. : 1854. 12°. 4445 HICKOK, J. H. The Social Lyrist. Harrisburg,Pa.: 1840. 12°. 4446 HICKS, ELIAS. Journal of the Life and Religious Labours of, written by himself. N. York: 1832. 8°. 4447 HICKS, THOMAS, (n. A.) Eulogy on Thomas Crawford. New York, Privately printed: 1865. 8°. ed. 70 copies. Plates. 4448 HIGHMORE, A. (Esq.) Pietas Londinensis: Public Charities in and near London. London: 181.0. 8°. 4449 HILDRETH, HOSEA. A Book for Massachusetts Children. Boston: 1829. 12°. Map and Plates. 4450 Same. 2d ed. Boston: 183L 12°. Map and Plates. 4451 A Book for Massachusetts Children. Revised and Enlarged. Boston: 1857. Sq. 16°. 4452 A View of the U. States. With Map and Engravings. Lancaster: 1831. 12°. 4453 An Abridgment of the History of the United S. Sequel to Hildreth's View. Boston: 1831. 12°. 4454 HILDRETH, JAMES. Notes of the Buckingham Lectures. With a Sketch of his Life. New York: 1838. 16°. 4455 HILDRETH, RICHARD. Life of Wm. H. Harrison, of Ohio. Boston: 1839. 18°. 4456 Same. Boston- 1840. 18°. CATALOGUE. 249 4457 IIILDRETH, S. P. Pioneer History. An Account of the Ohio Valley, and the Early Settlement of the Northwest Territory. Cincinnati: N. York: 1848. 8°. 4458 Biographical and Historical Memoirs of the Early Pioneer Settlers of Ohio. Also, '* A Journal." By Col. J. R. Meigs. Cincin. 1852. 8°. Portraits and Views. 4459 Contributions to the Early History of the North West, including the Moravian Missions in Ohio. Cincinnati: 1864. 12°. 4460 Observations on the Bituminous Coal deposits of the Valley of Ohio. 8°. Plate. 4461 HILL, A. The Gospel of St. Matthew, translated into the Mo- hawk Language. Grand River, U. C. N. York: 1836. 12°. 4462 HILL, A. F. Our Boys. Personal Experience in the Army of the Potomac. Phila.: 1865. 12°. Portrait; etc. 4463 HILL, G. C. Benedict Arnold. A Biography. Boston: 1858. 16°. Ill'd. 4464 HILL, IRA, A.M. A new Theory of the Formation of the Earth. Baltimore: 1823. [Scarce.] 4465 Antiquities of America Explained. Hagers-Town, [Md.]: 1831. [Very rare.] 4466 HILL, ISAAC. Biography of Isaac Hill, of Kew Hampshire. With Selections from his Speeches. Concord, N. H. : 1835. 16°. 4467 HILL, JOHlSr, m.d. A Review of the Works of the Royal Society of London. 2ded. London: 1780. 4°. 4468 HILL, JOHN, Gext. Arithmetic Made plain and easy. Pref. by H. Ditton, 11th ed. Edinburgh: 1763. 8°. MS. notes by Mr. D. 4469 HILL, JOHN B. History of Mason, N. H. Boston: 1850. 8°. 4470 Memoir of Rev. Ebenr. Hill, with hist, of Mason. Boston: 1858. 8°. 4471 HILL, LEONARD. Meteorological and Chronological Regis- ter. From a Personal Diary of the Author from 1806 to 1869. Plymouth: 1869. 12°. 4472 HILL, WILLIAM. A History of American Presbyterianism. Washington: 1839. 8°. 4473 HILLARD, GEO. S. Life of Geo. B. McClellan, Maj. Gen. U. S. A. Phila.: 1856. 12°. 4474 Selections from the Writings of Walter Savage Landor. Boston: 1856. 12°. Port. 4475 HILLIARD, HENRY W. Speeches andAddresses. N. York: 1865. 8°. 4476 HILLHOUSE, JAMES A. Dramas, and other Pieces. 2 vols. Boston: 1839. 12°. 4477 HILLYARD, ISAAC. A Wonderful and Horrible Thing is committed in the Land. To which are added the Chronicles of An- drew. Hamilton (Ohio.): Rep. 1822. 8°. 4478 HINDER WELL, THOMAS, Esq. The History and Antiqui- 250 CATALOGUE. ties of Scarborough. 3d ed. Enlarged, with a brief Memoir of the Author. Scarborough: 1832. 8°. Portrait and other Plates. 4479 HI:N'ES, Key. GUSTAYUS. Life on the Plains of the Pacific. Oregon, its hist. Personal adven. among the Indians, etc. Buffalo: 1851. 12°. Port. 4480 HINMA:N', R. E. Letters from Charles II, James II, William and Mary, Anne, George II, &c., to the Governors of the Colony of Connecticut, 1635, 1749. Other cujious Documents. Hartford: 1836. 12°. Portrait and Pac-similes of Autographs. 4481 Catalogue of the iN'ames of the Early Puritan Settlers of the Colony of Connecticut, Nos. 1-5. Hartford: 1852-56. 5v. 8°. Ports. 4482 A Catalogue of the Karnes of the First Puritan Settlers of the Colony of Connecticut. Hartford: 1846. 8°. Portrait. 4483 A Historical Collection of Connecticut, during the Revolu- tion. Hartford: 1842. 8°. Port. 4484 Family record of the desc. of Sergt. Ed. Hinman. Hartford: 1856. 8°. Auto, letter of Author. 4485 HIKTOK, JOFIK HOWARD, a.m. Tlie History and Topo- graphy of ihe United States. Improved Edition, with Additions and Corrections, by Samuel L. Knapp. Numerous Engravings. 2 vols. Boston: 1834. 4to. 4486 Same. With add. by S. L. Knapp, and a cont. by J. O. Choules. 2d ed. Yol. 1. Boston: 1843. 4°. 4487 Elements of Natural History. London: 4°. Many Plates. 4488 HINTS (Some) to People in Power, on the Present MelanchoUy Situation of our Colonies in North America. London: 1763. 8°. 4489 HIRST, HENRY B. The Penance of Rowland, a Romance of the Peine Forte et Dure; and other Poems. Boston: 1849. 12°. 4490 Endymion. A tale of Greece. Boston: 1848. 12°. 4491 HISTOIRE de la Colonic Fran9aise en Canada. Yillemarie: 1865. 2v. 8°. Plate. 4492 HISTOIRE generale des voyages. Yols. 3-6. A la Haye, 1747-48. 4v. 4°. 4493 HISTORIAN'S GUIDE (The). Or, Britain's Remembrancer. For the last Century. . London : 1701. 12°. 4494 HISTORIC DOUBTS relative to Napoleon Bunapt. , and His- toric Certainties respecting the Early History of America. N. York: 1853. 18°. 4495 HISTORICAL Account of the Curiosities of London and Westminster, in 3 pts. Lond.: 1755. 12°. 4496 Anecdotes', civil ard military: in a ser. of Letters from America, 1777-78. London: 1779. 8°. 4497 and scientific sketches of Michigan. Detroit: 1834. 12°. [Scarce.] CATALOGUE. 251 4498 HISTORICAL Memorial of the proceed, against the Protestants in France, 1744-51. London: 1752. 8°. 4499 Sketch of Worcester Co. Mechanics Assoc. Worcester: 1854. 12°. 4500 View of the public celebration of the Washington Soc. of Young Republicans, 1805-22. Boston: 1823. 18°. 4501 Discourse deliv. at celeb, of second cent, anniv. of 1st Baptist Ch., in Providence, Nov. 7, 1839. Bost. : 1839. 10°. 4502 Essay on the English Constitution, on the right of Parlia- ment to tax our distant Provinces. London: 1771. 8°. 4503 Hist, and Top. Sketch of Knole, in Kent. By John Bridgman. London: 1821. 8°. . 4504 HISTORICAL MAGAZINE, and Notes and Queries, cone. America, 1857-66. Boston and Morrisania: 1857-06. lOv. 4°. 4505 HISTORICAL REGISTER. Transactions, Civil and Military, Foreign and Domestic: with a Chronological Diary. 1714-38. London: 1724-[38]. 25v. 8°. 4506 HISTORY OF THE JUDGES of King Charles the I. By Ezra Stiles (Prest. Y. C.) Hartford. 1794. [Very scarce.] " They wandered In deserts, and In mountains, in dens and caves of the earth, of whom the world was not worthy." 4507 HISTORY, (An) Impartial and Correct, of the War between the U. States and Great Britain. New York: 1815. 12°. 4508 of the Bank of England. London: [1797?]. 12°. 4509 of the Rise and Progress of the War in North America. London: Boston, Repr.: 1780. 8°. [Scarce.] 4510 of the British Dominions in N. America. London: 1773. 4°. Map. 4511 (A) of the American Revolution. London. First Amer. ed. With Questions and Additions. Columbus, Ohio: 1834. 12°. 4512 (A) of the American Revolution. Published in London. First American Ed. With Notes and Cuts. Boston: 1832. 12°. The Editor was Benj, Guild, as he told me.— S. G.D. 4513 of the Huguenots. Philada. : 1844. 16°. 4514 of the Pirates and their several Crews. The late Piracies in the W. Indies. Haverhill: 1825. 12°. [Defect.] 4515 of the Rise and Growth of Schism in Europe, to the Great Scandal of Religion. London: 1714. 8°. 4516 (A True) of the several Designs and Conspiracies against His Majestie's Sacred Person and Government, from 1688 till 1697. London: 1698. 8°. By R. K. 4517 of the Proceedings in the City of N. Orleans, at the Funeral Ceremonies in Honor of Calhoun, Clay, and Webster, Dec. 9, 1852. N. Orieans: 1853. 8°. Bound. 4518 of the Mission House of the Prot. Epis. Church in the U. States. Phila. : 1869. 8°. Front. 252 CATALOGUE. 4519 HISTORY (A) of the Indian Wars, with an Appendix, con- taining interesting Accounts of the Battles fought by Gen. Andrew Jackson. With two plates. Rochester, N. Y. : 1828. 12°. 4520 of Inland Navigations, particularly those of the Duke of Bridgewater. London: 1766. 8°. Plans. 4521 (The) Hist, of the Royal Family: or, a Succinct Acct. of the Marriages, [&c.] Lond. : 1713. 8°. Autog. of John Watts. 4522 of the American War, of 1812. Phila. : 1816. 12°. Illust. 4523 of the Seven Wise Mistresses of Rome. [n. p.] 1811. 18°. 4524 An Impartial Hist, of the late Revolution in France, to the Death of the Queen. Boston: 1794. 8". 4525 Same. Perth: 1795. 2 v. in 1. 12°. Portrait and Map. 4526 of the War betn. the U. S. and Tripoli and other Barbary Powers. Salem: 1806. 12°. [Rare.] 4527 of Pennsylvania Hall, which was destroyed by a Mob May 17th, 1838. Phila.: 1838. 8°. Frontis. 4528 of the Second Church, of Boston, by Chandler Bobbins. Boston: 1852. 8°. Port. 4529 — ^ of Popery: with Introd. by Saml. Miller. K. Y. : 1834. 8°. Frontis. 4530 of St. Domingo from its first discovery. London: 1818. 8°. 4531 of the Davenport Family. Boston: 1798; Adds. To Young Persons. Watson, Boston: 1808; Stranger's Guide to Phila. Phila.: 1854. &c. 8 vols. 18°. 4532 of the Late War, or Annual Register. Dublin: 1774. 8°. Maps and Curious plates. 4533 of the National Flag of the U. S. Hamilton, S. Phila. : 1853- 8°. Plates. 4534 of the Siege of Boston: and of the Battles of Lexington, Concord and Bunker Hill. By Richd. Frothingham, Jr. Boston: 1849. Maps, &c. Dr. Alex. Young's copy, presented with author's autograph. 4535 of the U. S. By S. Eliot. Boston: 1856. 8°. Author's autog. 4536 of the Destruction of the Gaspee. By J. R. Bartlett. Prov- dence: 1861. 8°. 4537 of the U. S., by a Citizen of Mass. Ster. ed. corr. and imp. Keene,K. H.: 1822. 12°. 4538 of the United States, With Account of some of the Princi- pal Empires and States of Ancient and Modern Times. For Schools and Families. Corr. and imp. Keene, (K. H.): 1823. 12°. [Scarce.] 4539 of Vermont. By Zadock Thompson. Burlington: 1858. 16°. 4540 of the Late Short Administration. London : 1766. 8°. Scarce. ♦* Said to be -written by Burke, Roberts and Mellieh." CATALOGUE. 253 4541 HITCHCOCK, DAYID. The Social Monitor; a Series of Po- ems. 2d ed. N. York: 1814. 18°. 4542 Poetical Works of. Cont. the Shade of Plato, Knight and Quack, and the Subtlety of Foxes. Boston: 1803. 12°. 4643 HITCHCOCK, EDWARD. Dyspepsia forestalled and resisted. 1830. Amherst, [n. d.] 12°. 4544 Hist, of a Zoological Temperance Convention held in Cen- tral Africa. Fitchburg: 1863. 12°. 4545 Outline of the Geology of the Globe, of the U. S. in partic- ular. 3d ed. Boston: 1856. 8°. Maps and Plates. 4546 Beligious Lects. on the peculiar Phenomena in the four seasons. 2d ed. Amherst: 1851. 12°. 4547 Report on the Geol., Mineral., Botany, and Zobl. of Mass. Plates and Woodcuts. Amherst: 1838. 8°. 4548 Report on a Re-examination of the Economical Geol. of Mass. Boston: 1838. 8°. 4549 Report on the Geol. of Vermont. Claremont: 1861. 2v. 4°. Numerous Plates. 4550 HITCHCOCK, ENOS, d.d. A Disc, at the Ord. of the Rev. Jona. Gould at Standish [Me.], 18 Sept. 1793. Portland. 4°. 4551 Memoirs of the Bloomsgrove Family. 2 vols. Boston: 1790. 12°. [Very scarce.] 4552 HO ADL Y , BEN JAMIK. The Present Delusion of Many Prot- estants, considered. London: 1715. 8°. [Scarce.] 4553 HO ARE, PRINCE. Memoirs of Granville Sharp, Esq. Comp. from his own MSS. London: 1820. 4°. Portrait. 4554 An Inquiry into the Present State of the Arts and Design in England. London: 1806. 12°. Front. 4555 HOBART, AARON. An Historical Sketch of Abington, Mass. Boston: 1839. 8°. [Very scarce.] 4556 HOBART, BENJAMIN, (a.m.) History of Abington. Bos- ton: 1S66. 12°. Portrait. 4557 HOBART, JOHN H. Companion for the Fasts and Festivals of the Prot. Epis. Ch. 2d ed. N. Y.: 1817. 12°. 4558 HOBBES, THOMAS. The Iliads and Odysses of Homer. 2d ed. London: 1677. 18°. 4559 Tracts of Mr. Thomas Hobbs of Malmsbury. L Behemoth. II. Ans. to Bramhall. III. Heresie. lY. Philosophical Problems never before Printed. London: 1682. 8°. [Scarce.] 4560 HOBHOUSE, JOHN, (Esq.) Historical Illustrations of the Fourth Canto of Childe Harold. New York: 1813. 8°. 4561 HODGES, W. (At'y at Law.) An Historical Acct. of Ludlow Castle ; the Ancient Palace of the Princes of Wales. Ludl. : 1794. 8°. 4562 HODGMAN, S. A. (Rev.) The Great Republic Judged but not Destroyed; or the Beginning and End of Slavery. 2d ed. N. York: 1865. 12°. 254 CATALOGUE. 4563 HODGSON, ADAM, Esq. Kemarks during a Journey through North America in 1819-21. With an Appx. of the Indian Tribes, Slave Labor, &c. Collected, Arranged and Pub. by Samuel Whit- ing. New York: 1823. 8°. 4564 HODGSON, KOBEKT. Life of the Rt. Rev. Beiby Porteus. Late Bp. of London. New York: 1811. 12°. 4565 HOFFMAN, CHARLES P. A Winter in the West. By a New Yorker. New York: 1835. 2 vols. 12°. 4566 The Yigil of Faith and other Poems. N. Y. : 1842. 18°. 4567 Same. 4th ed. N. York: 1845. 12°. 4568 HOGAN, L SHERIDAN. Prize Essays on Canada. London: 1855. 8°. Map. 4569 HOGAN-MOGANIDES: or, the Dutch Hudibras. London: 1674. 12°. 4570 HOGG, JAMES. Pilgrims of the Son; a Poem. Phila.: 1815. 16°. 4571 Songs, by the Ettrick Shepherd. 1st Am. Ed. New York: 1832. 12°. 4572 HOLBROOK, J. Military Tactics: adapted to the different Corps in the U. S., according to the latest Improvements. Middle- town: 1826. 8°. Ill'd. 4573 HOLBROOK, SAML. F. Threescore Years: an Autobio- graphy, containing Incidents and Voyages and Travels, including Six Years in a Man-of-war. Illustrations. Boston: 1857. 12°. 4574 HOLDEN, FREDERIC. Genealogy of the Descendants of Banfield Capron, from 1660, to 1859. Boston: 1859. 12°. Autog. letter of Author. Portrait. 4575 HOLDEN, HORACE. Narrative of the Shipwreck, Captivity and Sufferings of Horace Holden and Benj. H. Nute; who were cast away in the American Ship Mentor, on the Pelew Islands, in 1832. 4th ed. Boston: 1836. 18°. 4576 HOLDEN, SAMUEL. Letters to Dr. Benjamin Colman of Boston, N. Eng. London: 1741. 12°. 4577 HOLDEN'S NARRATIVE. Boston: 1836. 12°. 4578 HOLDICH, JOSEPH. Life of Wilber Fisk, d.d. First Presi- dent of the Wesleyan University. N. York: 1842. 8°. Portrait. 4679 HOLDITCH, ROBERT. Emigrant's Guide to the United States. London; 1818. 8°. 4580 HOLGATE, JEROME B. Atlas of American History. [Bos- ton:] 1842. Fol. 4581 HOLLAND, E. G. Essays: and A Drama in five Acts. Bost. : 1852. 12°. Port. 4582 HOLLAND, HENRY RICHARD, LORD. Some Account of the Life and Writings of Lope Felix De Vega Carpio. London: 1806. 8°. Portrait of Lope. CATALOGUE, 255 4583 HOLLAND, HENRY RICHARD, LORD. Same. 2 vols. London: 1817. 12°. Portrait. MS. notes in Spanish. 4584 Foreign Reminiscences by. Edited by his son Henry Edward, Lord Holland. 2d ed. Lond: 1851. 12°. 4585 Memoirs of the "Whig Party during my Time. Ed. by his Son. London: 1852. 2v. 1852-^54. 8°. 4586 HOLLAND, JOSIAH GILBERT. History of Western Massa- chusetts. Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin and Berkshire Counties. 2v. Springfield: 1855. 12°. Map. 4587 HOLLAND, WM. M. Life and Political Opinions of Martin VanBuren. 2d ed. Hartford: 1836. 12°. Portrait. 4588 HOLLEY, MARY AUSTIN. Texas. Observations, Histori- cal, Geographical and Descriptive, a Series of Letters, in 1831. Baltimore: 1833. 12°. Map. 4589 Same. Lexington, Ky.: 1836. 12°. [Scarce.] 4590 HOLLEY, O. L. New York State Register for 1845. N. Y.: 1845. 12°. 4591 HOLLIS, THOMAS. Memoirs of. London: 1780. Fol. Portrait. Given by Dr. Waterhouse to Wm. Jenks, 1805. Belonged to Brand HoUis, 1780. 4592 HOLLISTER, G. H. History of Connecticut, from the First Settlement. 2 vols. Hartford: 1858. 8°. Portraits, &c. 4593 HOLLISTER, HIEL. Pawlet for one hundred years. Albany: 1867. 12°. Portrait. 4594 HOLLOW AY, J. N. (a.m.) History of Kansas: from the first Exploration to its admission into the Union. Lafayette, Ind. : 1868. 8°. 4595 HOLLO WAY, WILLIAM. History and Antiquities of Rye, in Sussex. With Incidental Notices of the Cinque Ports. London: 1847. 8° 4596 Peasant's Fate: a Rural Poem. With Miscell. Poems. Wilmington: 1803. 18°. 4597 Same. Boston: 1802. 12°. 4598 HOLMES, ABIEL. American Annals: or, a Chronological History of America from its Discovery to MDCCCVI. Two Vol- umes. Cambridge: 1805. 8°. One of the aulhoritios which no student of our history -will he likely to neglect. It would make one in a choice of fifty volumes on American History. 4599 Annals of America. 2d ed. 2 vols. Cambridge: 1829. 8°. 4600 The History of Cambridge. Boston: 1801. 8°. [From Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc] [Very Scarce.] 4601 The Life of Ezra Stiles. Boston: 1798. 8°. Portrait. 4602 HOLMES, E. Report of an Exploration of the Territory of the Aroostook in 1838. Augusta: 1839. 8°. 4603 HOLMES, OLIVER WENDELL. Homoeopathy, audits De- 256 CATALOGUE. lusions; Two Lectures bef. the Boston Soc. for the diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Boston: 1842. 12°. 4604 Astroea: The Balance of Illusions. A Poem before the Phi Beta Kappa Soc. of Yale College, Aug. 14, 1850. Boston: 1850. 12°. 4605 Poems. New and enlg. ed. Boston: 1851. 12°. Port. 4606 HOLSTEIN, H. L. V. D. CGen.) Memoir of Simon Bolivar, and of his principal Generals. Boston: 1829. 8°. 4607 HOLTON, WM. C. Cruise of the U. S. ship Hartford, 1862- 1863: by B. S. Osbon. N. Y. : 1863. 12°. 4608 HOLY BIBLE, The. Edinburgh: 1795. 4°. Frontis. 4609 HOLYOKE, SAMUEL. The Columbian Repository of Sacred Harmony. Selected from European and American Authors. Exe- ter, N. H. [n. d.] Auto, of Pliny Cutler. 4610 HOLYOKE,EDWARD A. Memoirof. Bost.: 1829. 8°. Port. 4611 HOLYROOD-HOUSE, Historical Description of the Monastery or Chapel Royal of. Account of the Palace and Environs. Edin- burgh: 1818. 8°. Plates. 4612 H(^MANS, J. SMITH. Sketches of Boston, Past and Present, and of some few Places in its Vicinity. With 120 Engravings and 3 Maps. Boston: 1851. 12°. 4613 History of Boston, from 1630 to 1856. Illustrated with 120 Engravings. Boston: 1856. 18°. 4614 Manual for Notaries Public and Bankers. N. Y.: 1857. 8°. 4615 HOME, HENRY, (Lord Kames.) Sketches of the History of Man. 3d ed. Two vols. Dublin: 1779. 8°. 4616 HOME. A Poem. Boston: S. H. Parker: 1806. 12°. 4617 HONDY, lODOCYS. Historia Mvndi: or Mercator's Atlas. Cont. his Cosmographicall Description of the Eabricke and Figure of the World. Lately rectified in divers Places, with new Mappes and Tables. Eng. by W. Saltonstall. London: 1635. Fol. More generally known as Mercator's Atlas. This volume contains one of the rare impres- sions of Capt. John Smith's Map, dated in 1614, inserted by Mr. D. An excellent copy of a very rare book. 4618 HONEYWOOD, ST. JOHN, (a.m.) Poems. With some Pieces in Prose. N. York: 1801. 12°. [Yery rare.] 4619 HOOD, EDWIN PAXTON. Master-Minds of theWest: Their best Poems, Thoughts, Essays and Tales. London: [n.d.]12°. Front. 4620 Old England: Historic Pictures of Life in Old Castles? Forests, Abbeys, and Cities, etc. London: 1851. 16°. 4621 Andrew Marvell: the Wit, Statesman, and Poet. London: 1853. 16°. 4622 HOOD, GEORGE. Hist, of Music in New Eng. with Biog. Sketches of Reformers and Psalmists. Boston: 1846. 12°. 4623 HOOKER, EDWARD W. Memoir of Mrs. Sarah L. Hunt- ington Smith, late of the American Mission in Syria. 3d ed. N. York: [1845?] 12°. Portrait. CATALOGUE. 2bl 4624 HOOKEK, EDWARD W. Life of Thomas Hooker. Boston: 1849. Sm. 12°. 4625 IIOOKE, NATHANIEL. Observations on the Answers of M. L' Abbe de Vertot, etc. London: 1758. 4°. 4626 HOOKER, RICHARD. Works. London: 1682. Fol. 4G27 Same. With life by Isaac Walton. London: 1723. Fol. Autog. of Wm. Tudor. 4628 HOOKER, THOMAS. The Poor Doubting Christian Drawn to Christ. With an Abstract of the Author's Life. Intro, by Ed- ward Hooker. Hartford: 1845. 18°. 4629 A Survey of the Summe of Church-Discij^line. Wherein the Way of the Churches of New-England is warranted out of the Word, and all Exceptions of weight, which are made against it, answered. London: M. DC. XLVIIL 4630 HOOPER, LUCY. Complete Poetical Works. N. Y.: 1848. 8°. 4631 HOOPER, SAML. Examination of the Theory and Effects of Laws regulating The Amt. of Specie in Banks. Boston: 1860. 8°. 4632 HOOPER, W. Memoirs of the year 2500, tr. from the French. Phila.: 1795. 16^. 4633 HOOSAC TUNNEL. Report of Commissioners. Boston: 1K63. Plans. 8°. 4634 HOPKINS, JOHN H. Hist, of the Church in Yerse, for the Use of Bible-classes, in the Prot. Epis. Ch. in the U. S. N. Y. : 1867. 12°. 4635 HOPKINS, JOSIAH. The Christian's Instructor: an Explana- tion and Defence of the Doctrines and Duties of the Christian Re- ligion. Middlebury [Vt.] : 1825. 12°. 4636 HOPKINS, SAMUEL, a.m. Inquiry concerning the future State of those who die in their Sins. New Port, R. I. : 1783. 8°. 4637 Enquiry concerning the Promises of the Gospel. Boston: 1765. 8°. 4638 Life and Character of Miss Susanna Anthony, who died at Newport (R. I.), June 23, 1791, in the 65th year of her age. Hart- ford; rep. 1799. 12°. Scarce. 4639 Historical Memoirs relating to the Housatunnuk Indians. An Account of the Methods used for the Propagation of the Gospel among that Heathen Tribe, and the Success thereof, under the Min- istry of the late Reverend Mr. JOHN SERGEANT, with the Char- acter of that eminently worthy Missionary. Boston: 1753. 4°. 4640 An Inquiry into the nature of true holiness, with app. con. an answer to the Rev. Wm. Hart. Newport, 1773. 8°. Imp. 4641 Twenty-one Sermons, on a variety of interesting subjects, etc. Salem: 1803. 8°. 4642 HOPKINSON, FRANCIS. Poems on several Subjects, [n. p.,n. d.] 12^ Signer of the Declaration, and author of that bit of delicious humor, '< The Battle of the Kega." 258 CATALOGUE. 4643 HOPPEE, EDWAKD. The Dutch Pilgrim Fathers and other Poems, humorous and not humorous. New York: 1805. 12°. 4644 HOPPER, ISAAC. Narrative of the Proceed, of Monthly Meetings of New York, and their subsequent Confirmation by the Quarterly and Yearly Meetings in the case of H. N. Y. : 1843. 12°. 4645 HOPTON, ARTHUR. Geodetia. [t. p. w.] 4°. 4646 HORACE TO SCAEYA, a Poem, — Somerville, Wm. The Chace, a poem. Lond. : 1735. Northern Star, a poem. Lond. : 1739. The Lawsuit, a poem. Lond. : 1738. Beasts the, Confession to the Priest. Dublin: 1738. 1 vol. 8°. 4647 HORDYNSKI, JOSEPH. History of the late Polish Revolu- tion. Boston: 1832. 8°. Plates. 4648 HORN, MRS. Narrative of the Captivity of Mrs. Horn and her two Children, with Mrs. Harris, by the Camanche Indians, and the Murder of their Husbands and Travelling Companions. Cin cinnati. 8°. Portrait. 4649 HORN'S OVERLAND GUIDE to California; Gems in the Mine by Mary Elliot; Treatment and Prevention of Cholera; &c. 10 vols. 12°. 4650 HORNECK, ANTHONY, d.d. The Happy Ascetick: or, the best Exercise, with Prayers suitable to each Exercise. 6th ed. Corr. London: 1724. 8°. Erontis. 4651 HORTON, R. G. Life and Public Services of James Buchanan. Port. New York: 1856. 12°. 4652 HOSACK, DAVID, m.d. Memoir of DeWitt Clinton. New York: 1829. 4°. Portraits. 4653 Inaugural Discourse, at the opening of Rutgers College, in N. York. N. York: 1826. 8°. Autograph of the Author. 4651 HOSMER,WM. H. C. Yonnondio; or Warriors of the Genesee: a Tale of the 17th Century. N. Y., Rochester: 1844. 12°. 4655 HOSPITAL TRANSPORTS. Embarcation of the Sick and Wounded from the Peninsula of Virginia in the Summer of 1862. Boston: 1863. 12°. 4656 HOTCHKIN, JAMES H. (Rev.) History of the Purchase and Settlement of Western New York, and of the Presbyterian Church in that Section. N. Y.: 1848. 8°. 4657 HOUGH, FRANKLIN B. History of St. Lawrence and Franklin Counties, N. Y. Albany: 1853. 8°. Plates. 4658 New York Civil List, containing the Names and Origin of the Civil Divisions, and the Names and Dates of Election or Ap- pointment of the Principal State and County Officers, from the Revolution to the Present Time. Albany: 1855. 12°. 4659 Siege of Detroit in the War with Pontiac. Albany: 1860. 4°. 4660 The Northern Invasion of October, 1780, against the Fron- tiers of N. York. N. Y.: 1866. R. 8°. Ed. 80 copies. CATALOGUE. 259 4661 HOUGH, FEANKLIN B. History of Lewis County, N. York. Albany: 1860. 8«. 4662 Proceed, of a Convention of Delegates from several of the New Eng. States, Boston, Augt. 3-9, 1780, to advise concerning a vigorous prosecution of the War. Albany: 1867. 4°. 4663 HOUSE OF COMMONS. Observations, Rules and Orders, Collected out of Divers Journals of. London: 1717. 8°. 4664 HOUSTON, SAM. Life of Sam Houston. (The only Authen- tic Memoir of him ever published.) Illustrated. N.Y.: 1855. 12°. 4665 HOYEY, ALYAH, d.d. Memoir of the Life and Times of the Rev. Isaac Backus. Boston: 1859. 12°. 4666 IIOYEY, SYLYESTER. Letters from the West Indies: re- lating especially to St. Croix, and Antigua, Barbadoes and Jamaica. N. York: 1838. 12°. 4667 HOW, CHARLES. Devout Meditations. IstAm. ed. N.Y.: 1807. 18°. Kepton acct. of the subscribers' names. 4668 HOW, DAYID. Diary of. With a biographical sketch by Geo. W. Chase. Notes by H. B. Dawson. Morrisania: 1865. 8°. 4669 HOW McClellan took Manassas. N. Y.: Privately Printed. 1864. R. 4°. 4670 HOWARD, ALEXANDER. Cruise of the U. S. Frigate Sabine. Portsmouth: 1861. 12°. 4671 HOWARD, ALFRED. Beauties of Plutarch. Bost: 1831. 18°. 4672 HOWARD, JOHN. The Family Instructor, containing Re- marks and Dissertations on almost every part of the Human Creation. With Add. by James Shavan. Phila. : 1813. 12°. 4673 HOW, HENRY. Historical Collections of Ohio. Relating to its General and Local History. 177 Engravings. Cincinnati: . 1847. 8°. 4674 Histl. Colls, of the Great West. [2 vols, in one.] Cin- cinnati: 1852. 8°. 4675 Histl. Colls, of Yirginia. Charleston, S. C. : 1845. 8°. 4676 Same. Charleston, S. C: 1847. 8°. Illust. 4077 Historical Colls, of the Great West. [1st. ed.] [2 vols in 1.] Cincinti.: 1851. R. 8°. 4678 HOWE, JOHN, Rev. Funeral-Sermon for Rev. William Bates, D.D. Who deceased July 14, 1699. London: 1699. 12°. Portrait of Dr. Bates. 4679 HOWE, JULIA WARD. The World's Own. Boston: 1867. 12°. [A Play.] 4680 Words for the Hour. By the Author of Passion Flowers. Boston: 1857. 12°. 4681 HOWE, SAML. G. Historical Sketch of the Greek Revolution. N. York: 1828. 8°. Map. 260 CATALOGUE. 4682 HOWE, SAML. G. The Cretan Refugees and their American Helpers. Bost.: 1868. Sq. 8°. Map and Plate. Auto, of James Redpath. 4683 HOWELL, GEO. ROGERS. Early History of Southampton. N. Y., with Genealogies. Kew York: 1866. 12°. 4684 HOWELL, JAMES. Epistolse-Elianse. Familiar Letters, &c. 10th ed. London: 1737. 8°. Frontispiece. 4685 Dodona's Grove; or, the Vocall Forest. London: 1640. Folio. Plates. 4686 Londinopolis; an Historical Discourse; or, Perlustration of the City of London, the Imperial Chamber, and Chief Emporium of Great Britain : whereunto is added another of the City of Westmin- ster. London: 1657. Folio. Portrait, and Yiew of London. [Yery scarce.] 4687 Parthenopoeia; or, the History of the Most Noble and Renowned Kingdom of Naples. Illustrated with the Figures of the Kings. London: 1654. Folio. 4688 HOWELL, [WILLIAM] Dr. Medulla Historise Anglicanse. The Ancient and Present State of England. Being a Compendious History of all its Monarchs. Sixth ed. London: 1712. 8°. Curious for the number and excellence of the engravings on wood. 4689 Same. 12th ed. Illustrated with Sculptures. London: 1766. 8°. 4690 HOWISON, JOHN", (Esq.) Sketches of Upper Canada, Domes- tic, Local, and Characteristic: with Practical Details for Emigrants, and some Recollections of the U. S. Edinburgh: 1821. 8°. 4691 HO WITT, MARY. Our Cousins in Ohio. From the Diary of an American Mother. N. Y. : 1852. 18°. 4692 HOWL AND, HENRY J. The Heart of the Commonwealth; or, Worcester as it is. With many Engravings and a new Map of the City. Worcester: 1856. 4°. 4693 HOYT, DAYID W. Genealogical History of John Hoyt of Salisbury, and David H. of Deerfield (Massachusetts), and their Descendants. Boston: 1857. 8°. 4694 Genealogical History of the Hoyt, Haight, and Hight Fam- ilies; with a list of the First Settlers of Amesbury, Mass. Provi- dence: 1871. 8°. Port. 4695 HOYT, E., Esq. Antiquarian Researches : comprising a His- tory of the Indian Wars in the Country bordering Connecticut River and Parts adjacent. Greenfield, Mass.: Dec, 1824. 8°. [Yery scarce.] 4696 Rules and Regulations for Drill, Sabre Exercise, Equita- tion, formation and Field Movements of Cavalry. Illustrated with [14] Plates. Third ed. Greenfield: 1816. 12°. CATALOGUE. 261 4697 HOYT, E., Esq. Practical Instructions for Military Officers, with a New Military Dictionary. Plates. Greenfield: ISU. 8°. 4698 Treatise on the Military Art: In Four Parts. Illustrated with Plates. Brattleborough : 1798. 12°. 4699 IIOYT, RALPH, (Rev.) Sketches of Life and Landscape. New ed. N. York: 1858. 12°. 4700 A Chaunt of Life, and other Poems, with Sketches and Essays. Six Parts. Part 1. N. York: 1844. 8°. 4701 HUBBARD, HARYEY. Ixion, and other Poems. Boston: 1852. 12°. 4702 HUBBARD, WILLIAM. Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New England, from the first planting thereof in the year 1607, to this present year 1677. But chiefly of the late Troubles in the two last years, 1675, and 1676. To which is added a Discourse about the Warre with the Pequods in the year 1637. Boston: 1677. 4°. [Very rare.] First Boston ed. Map inserted. Part of one leaf has been supplied. 4703 A Narrative of the Indian Wars in New England. Boston: 1775. 12°. [Rare.] 4704 The Happiness of a People | In the Wisdome of their Rulers | a | Sermon | before the Honourable Governour and Coun- cil, and I Deputies of the Massachusets Colony | in New England. I Preached at Boston, May 3d, 1676, being the Day of | Election there. | Boston, Printed by John Foster, 1676. 4°. [3p. sup. by Ms.] 4705 Present State of New England. A Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New England, from the first planting thereof in the year 1607, to this present year 1677. London: 1677. 4°. Folding Map. [Very rare.] 4706 General History of New England, from the Discovery to 1680. Published by the Mass. Hist. Soc. Cambridge: 1815. 8°. 4707 Same. 2d ed., collated with the original Manuscript, by W. T. Harris. Boston: 1848. 8°. Numerous plates inserted. A greatly improved edition, through the care of the learned editor. — S Q. D. 4708 Nar. of the Ind. Wars in N. England. [The same as the Boston editn.] Worcester (Massachusetts) : 1801. 12°. [Scarce.] Brattleborough: 1814. 12°. [Scarce.] Norwich: 1802. 12°. [Scarce.] Danbury: 1803. 12°. [Very scarce.] Stockbridge: 1803. 8°. [Scarce.] 4713 Indian Wars in N. England, from the first settlement to 1677; revised and annotated by Saml. G. Drake. 2 vols. 4to. Roxbury: 1865. 4715 HUDSON, CHARLES. History of Marlborough, Middlesex Co. 18 4709 Same. 4710 Same. 4711 Same. 4712 Same. 262 CATALOGUE. Mass., from 1657 to 1861; with a Sketch of Northborough, and Genealogy of the Families. Boston: 1862. 8°. Portrait. 4716 Letters to Kev. Hosea Ballon, of Boston; a Vindication of the Doctrine of a Future Ketribution. Woodstock, Yt.: 1827. 12°. 4717 Beply to Mr. Balfour's Essays, touching the State of the Dead. Woodstock, Yt.: 1829. 18°. 4718 Doubts concerning the Battle of Bunker's Hill. Boston and Cambridge: 1857. 12". 4719 HUDS0:N^, SAMUEL. Yindication of the Essence and Unity of the Church-Catholick visible, and the Priority thereof in Regard of Particular Churches. In Answr. to the Objections made against it. by Mr. John Ellis, junior, and by Rev. Mr. Hooker, in his Survey of Church Discipline. 2d ed. with an Addition or Postscript to this Yindication, &c. London: 1658. 4°. 4720 HUET, PETER DANIEL. Histoire du Commerce et de la ISTavigation des Anciens. A Lyon: 1763. 8°. Autog. and Notes of Judge Kent. 4721 HUGHES, GRIFFITH, A.M. The Natural History of Barba- does. In Ten Books. London: 1750. Fol. 4722 HUGHSON, DAYID. Walks through London, including West- minster and the Borough of Southwark. A complete Guide to the British MetropoHs. kYol. 1. London: 1817. cr. 8°. 4723 HUGUENOTS in France and America. 2d ed. Camb.: 1843. 2v. 12°. 4724 HULL, JOHN. Diaries of. Mint master and Treasurer of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. From the Original MS. in the Col- lection of the Antiquarian Society. With a Memoir of the Author. Boston: 1857. 8". Fac similes, &c. 4725 HULL, WILLIAM. Memoirs of the Campaign of the North Western Army of the U. S., 1812. Letters Addressed to the Citi- zens of the U. S. With a Sketch of the Revolutionary Services of the Author. Boston: 1824. 8°. 4726 Report of the Trial of Brig. -Gen. William Hull, by a Court Martial held at Albany, 1814. New York: 1814. 8°. 4727 HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER YON. Political Essays on the Kingdom of New Spain, from the original French, by John Black. Two vols. N. York: 1811. 8°. 4728 Same. 2d Ed. In 4 vols. London: 1814. Maps and other Plates. 4729 Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent, during the Years 1799-1804. Trans. Philadelphia: 1815. 8°. 4730 HUME, A. (Rev.) The Learned Societies and Printing Clubs of the United Kingdom. Supp. by A. J. Evans. Lond. : 1853. 12°. 4731 HUME, DAYID, Esq. Letters of Eminent Persons addressed CATALOGS p. 268 to David Hume. From the Papers bequeathed by his ^N'ephew to the Royal Soc. of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: 1849. 8°. 4732 Essays and Treatises on several Subjects. Two vols. New Ed. Edinburgh: 1817. 8°. 4733 Private Correspondence with several distinguished Persons, 1761-1776, iS^ow first pd. London: 1820. 4°. 4734 Dialogues concerning Natural Religion. 2d ed. London: ^1779. 8°. Port., also Autog. Rev. Andrew Eliot. 4735 History of England. New Ed. Edinburgh: 1792. 8v. 8°. (Vols. 1, 5 wanting.) 4736 HUMPHREY, H. Memoir of Rev. Nathan W. Fiske, Profr. in Amherst Coll., with Selections from his Sermons. Amherst: 1850. 12°. P. 392. Port, 4737 — — Essays upon the Perpetuity, Change, and Santification of t Sabbath. New York and Bost. 1829. 18°. 4738 HUMPHREYS, A. A. (Capt.) Report upon the Physics and Hydraulics of the Mississippi River. Washington: 1867. 8°. Map. 4739 HUMPHREYS, DAYID, (Col.) Essay on the Life of the Hon. Maj. -General Israel Putnam. App. on Bunkerhill Battle by S Swett. Boston: 1818. 12°. 4740 Miscellaneous "Works of David Humphreys, late Minister .Plenipotentiary from the U. S. A. to Madrid. N. York: 1804. 8°. Port. 4741 Letters to the Rt. Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, containing some Account of the Serpent of the Ocean, frequently seen in Gloucester Bay. N. Y.:1817. 12°. [Scarce.] 4742 Poems] by, late Aid-de-Camp to his Excy. Gen. Washing- ton. 2d ed. Phila.: 1789. 18°. [Yery scarce.] 4743 Historical Account of the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. To the year 1728. London: 1730. 8°. Maps. [Scarce.] 4744 HUNT, CHARLES HA YENS. Life of Edwd. Livingston, introd. by George Bancroft. N. York: 1864. r. 8°. Portrait. 4745 HUNT, FREEMAN. Letters about the Hudson River, And its Vicinity, in 1835-6. N. Y.: 1836. 16°. 4746 HUNT, GILBERT J. The late War, between the U. S. and G. B., 1812 to 1815. Written in the Ancient Historical Style. Con- taining also a Sketch of the Late Algerine War. [Original ed.] N. York: 1816. Ports. [Scarce.] 474S HUNT, WILLIAM. American Biographical Sketch Book. N. Y.: 1849. 8°. Ports. 4749 American Biographical Panorama. 1849. 8°. 4750 Hunt's Merchants' Magazine, and Commercial Review. Vol.24. Jan.- July 185L New York: 185L 8°. 4751 HUNTER, HENRY. Sacred Biography; or, the History of the Patriarchs, etc. Phila.: 1832. 8°. 264 CATALOGWE. 4752 HU:N'TEK, JOHK DA:N'. Manners and Customs of Several Indian Tribes located West of the Mississippi. Phila. : 1823. 8°. 4753 Memoirs of a Captivity among the Indians of Korth America, from Childhood to the Age of 19. Kew ed. , with Por- trait. London: 1823. 8°. Q-en. Casa undertook, in the N. A. Review to discredit tbis work; but in a later ed. the autbor silenced his critic— S. Or. D. 4754 HUJS^TEE, (Rev.) JOSEPH, P. S. A. Diary of Ralph, Thoresby, P. R. S. (1677-1724.) Now first pub. from the Orig. MS. 2 vols. London: 1830. 8°. Portrait. 4755 Letters of Eminent Men, addressed to Ralph Thoresby, P. R. S. Kow first pub. from the Originals. 2v. London: 1832. 8°. 4756 Collections concerning the Ch. and Congrega. of Protestant Separatists formed at Scrooby in North Nottinghamshire, in the Time of Kg. James I: The Pounders of New Plymouth, the Parent Colony of New England. London: 1854. 8°. 4757 Collections concerning the Early History of the Pounders of New Plymouth, the Pirst Colonists of New England. London: 1849. 12°. 4758 Milton. A Sheaf of Gleanings after his Biographers and Annotators. London: 1850. 12°. 4759 HUNTER, THOMAS. Reflections on the Letters of the late. Earl of Chesterfield. 3ded. Boston: Repd. 1780. 12°. 4760 HUNTER, WM. S. Panoramic Guide from Niagara Palls to Quebec. Boston: 1857. 8°. 4761 HUNTINGDON. History of, from the Earliest to the Present Times; with Charter of Charles L [Seal.] Huntingdon: 1824. 12°. 4762 HUNTINGTON, D. Memories, Counsels, and Reflections. By an Octogenary. Cambg.: 1857. 8°. 4763 HUNTINGTON, E. B., (Rev., a.m.) Genealogical Memoir of the Huntington Pamily. Stamford, Ct. : 1863. 8°. 4764 History of Stamford, Ct., from 1641, to the Present Time, including Darien. Stamford: 1868. 8°." Many Portraits. Autog. of Author. 4765 Stamford Soldiers' Memorial: Stamford: 1869. 8°. 4766 HUNTINGTON, P. D. Home and College. A Public Address. Boston: 1860. 12°. 4767 HUNTII^GTON, GURDON, Rev. The Shadowy Land, and other poems, inch the Guests of Brazil. New York: 1861. 8°. 4768 HUNTINGTON, JOSEPH, Calvinism improved. New Lon- don: 1796. 8°. 4769 HUNTINGTON, JOSHUA. Memoirs of the Life of Mrs. Abigail Waters; with the Serm. on her Death. 2d ed. Boston: 1817. 18°. 4770 HUNTLEY, LYDIA. Moral Pieces, in Prose and Verse. Hartford: 1815. 12°. [Scarce.] CATALOGUE. 265 4771 HTJKD, RICHARD. Moral and Political Dialogues. With Notes. 2d ed. London: 1760. 8°. 4772 HURLBURT, WM. HENRY. Gen McClellan and the Conduct of the War. N. York: 1864. 12°. Map. 4773 [HUSKE, ELLIS.] Present State of North America, &c. Part 1. [AH.] 2d. ed. London: 1755. 4°. 4774 HUSSEY, SAMUEL F. Brief Examination of Asa Rand's Book, called a '< Word in Season." Salem: 1821. 12°. A refutation of his charges against Quakers. 4775 HUTCHINS, S. Autobiography of Levi Hutchins: with a Preface, Notes and Addenda, by his youngest Son. [Private Edi- tion.] Cambridge: 1865. 12°. Port. 4776 HUTCHINSON, FRANCIS. Historical Essay concerning Witchcraft, [«&c.] 3d ed. London: 1720. 8°. 4777 HUTCHINSON, LUCY. Memoirs of the Life of Colonel Hutchinson. Now first published from the Original MS., by the Rev. Julius Hutchinson. And Life of Mrs. Hutchinson, by herself. 2d cd. London: 1808. 4°. Portraits and folding pedigree. 4778 HUTCHINSON, SAMUEL. Apology for believing in Univer- sal Reconciliation. Also, a Key to the Book of Revelation. Nor- way, Me. : 1827. 12°. [Scarce.] 4779 Scriptural Exhibition of the Mighty Conquest and Glorious Triumphs of Jesus Christ over Sin, Death, and Hell, &c. Norway, Me: 1828. 12°. 4780 HUTCHINSON, THOS. Hist. Colony of Mass Bay. 1628, 1691. Boston : 1764-67. 8°. 2 vols. Portraits. Hutchinson will be consulted, valaed, as long as men read and write about i^merican History. The 3d vol. relates the origin of the Revolution, was published several year* subsequent to the others, and stands by itself. This, the first ed. is very rare. The second appeared in 1765, though one impression has the imprint of 1760, — an accident or designed error. 4781 Hist. Province Mass. Bay fr. 1749 to 1774. Lon.: 1828. 8°. 4782 Letters of, and Lt. Gov. Oliver. And Remarks Thereon. London: 1774. 8°. The letters secured by Franklin, which caused so much excitement in the colonies. Very rare. 4783 History of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Boston: MDCCLXiy. 8°. 4784 Original Papers relative to the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Boston: 1769. 8°. Illustrated by Mr. Drake. 4785 The Speeches of His Excellency to the General Assembly of the Massachusetts Bay. At a Session begun on the 6 of Jan. 1773. With the Answers of His Majesty's Council and the H. of Reps, respectively. [Published by Order of the House.] Boston, N. E.: 1773. 12°. [Very rare.] 266 • CATALOGUE. 4786 HUTCHIKSOK, THOS. Original Papers. Boston: 1769. Eep. Albany: 1865. Prince Soc. 2v. 4°. 4787 Hist, of the Col. of Mass. Bay. 2 vols. 2d ed. London: 1760. 8°. 1768. 8°. See note to title 4780. 4788 Same. From 1628 to 1691. 2d ed. London: 1765. 8^. 4789 HUTCHIKSOK, WILLIAM. The Spirit of Freemasonry. Kew Ed., Notes, by Geo. Oliver, D. D. London: 1843. 12°. 4790 HUTTOI!^, CHARLES. A course of Mathematics. London: 1798. 2v. 8°. 4791 Same. 5th Amer. from 9th Lond. ed. with corr. by O. Gregory, and add. by E. Adrain. N. York: 1831. 2v. 8°. 4792 HYDE, Rev. ALYAK, of Lee, Mass. Memoirs of. Boston: 1835. 12°. Portrait. 4793 HYDE, EZRA. History of Winchendon, from 1735, to the present time. Worcester: [1849.] 12°. 4794 HYDE, JOHN, SiJis. Mormonism: Its Leaders and Designs. N. York: 1857. 12°. Plates. 4795 HYMNS, Composed by different Authors by order of the Gen- eral Convention of Universalists of the New England States and others. Walpole, N. H.: 1808. 12°. The Committee were Hosea Ballon, Abner Kneeland and Edward Turner. They com- • posed the Hjmns. 4796 For Public Worship Part II., for the Church in Brattle Street. Boston: 1808. 12°. Also Hymns suited to the Fasts and Feasts of the Church. Bost. : 1814. 12°. 4797 IDLE MAN, The. New York: 1821. 8°. 4798 ILLINOIS IN 1837. Phila.: 1837. 8°. Map. [Scarce.] 4799 IMLAY, G. Topographical Des. of the Westn. Territory of North America. N. York: 1793. Also The Discovery and Settle- tlement of Kentucky. By John Filson. New York: 1793. 12°. Maps. An invalnahle work to historians of the West; containing the narrative of Danl. Boone, Hatchins's Lonisiana, Florida, and N. Carolina. Patrick Kennedy's Journal, &c. 4800 Topographical Desc. of the Western Territory of N. Am- erica, etc. 3d ed. London: 1797. 8°. Maps. 4801 [Same.] Dublin: 1793. 12°. 4802 IMPAETIAL HISTORY (An) of the War in America, be- tween Great Britain and the United States, from its Commence- ment to the End of the War. 2 vols. Boston: 1781. 8°. This is an excessively rare work in any tolerable condition . 4803 IMPERIAL EPISTLE (The.) From Kien Long, Emperor o China, to George the Third, King of Great Britain, in 1794. Trans- lated into Eng. Yerse from the Original Chinese Poetry. Phila.: 1800. 8°. CATALOOVE. 267 4804 IMPERIAL MAGAZINE (The); or, Complete Monthly Intel- ligencer, for the year 17G2. Yol. 3. Lond.: 1762. 8°. pp. 392. Valuable Plates. 4805 INAUGURAL SPEECHES AND MESSAGES (The) of Thomas Jefferson, Esq., with the Inaugural Speech of James Mad- ison, Esq. Boston: 1809. 12°. 4806 INAUGURATION of the Statue of Warren, (Bunker Hill Monument Association,) June 17th, 1857. Boston: 1858. 8°. Ports. 4807 INAUGURATION of the Washington University at St. Louis, Mo. Boston: 1857. . 8°. 4808 INCHIQUIN. Remarks on the Review of Inchiquin's Letters, addressed to the Rt. Hon. Geo. Canning. Ry an Inhab. of N. E. [Timothy D wight.] Boston: 1815. 8°. 4809 INCREASE OF PIETY; or, the Revival of Religion in the United States of America, with Three Remarkable Dreams, as re- lated by a Female of Phila. Newburyport: 1802. 8°. The publisher appears to have been a VTm. Rogers; his name being printed at the end of the book. Scarce. 4810 INDEX VILLARIS; or, an Exact Register, of all the Cities, Market-Towns, Parishes, Yillages. London: 1690. Folio. 4811 Verborum to Bohn's Dictionary of Quotations. London: 1860. 12°. 4812 INDIANA. Second Annual Report of the Indiana Agricul- tural Soc. , for 1852. Indianopolis: 1853. 8°. INDIAN HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY. Pamphlets only, alphabetically, under authors' or subjects; including Soc. for Pro- pagating the Gospel, &c. Believed to be an unmatched collection. Bound vols, are under their authors. 4813 Adams, John Quincy. Speech on distributing rations to fugitives from Indianjhostilities in Alabama and Georgia. Wash. 1836. 8°. 4814 Allen, L. L. (Rev.) Thrilling Sketch of the Life of the Distinguished Chief Okah Tubbee, of the Choctaw Nation. N. Y.: 1848. 12°. 4815 Amer. Indians. Origin of. Address by Hon. J. Y. Smith before State Hist. Soc. 1859. 8°. 4816 Apes, Wm. Increase of the Kingdom. N. Y.: 1831. 12°. 4817 Apes, Wm. Eulogy on King Philip, pronounced at the Odeon, Boston. Boston: 1836. 12°. 4818 The experiences of five Christian Indians of the Pequot tribe. Boston: 1833. 12°. 4819 Appleton, Nathanael. Serm. Deerfield, Aug. 31, 1735, at ord. of John Sargent to the Evang. ministry to the Indians of Houssatonnoc. Boston: 1735. 8°. 268 CATALOGUE, 4820 INDIAN HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY. Arattcaotan iNDiAisrs, Life among,by " Will the Rover." Thomaston: 1851. 8°. 4821 Archjeology of N. Amer. Fr. Eclectic Mag. Oct. 1867. 8°. 4822 Aztec Children. Two remarkable Indian dwarfs, ace. of [J. M. Warren]. Bost.: 1851. 8°. [Portraits.] 4823 Baldwin, Thomas. Massacre by the savages of the wife and children of. [Frontispiece.] N. Y. : 1835. 8°. 4824 Barr, James, (Capt.) Narrative of the Indian War in Florida,with des. of Maj. Dade's Massacre. N.Y. : 1834. 16°. [Scarce.] 4825 Bates, Isaac. Speech on the Indian Bill. [n. t. p.] 8°. 4826 Baxter, Rev. Joseph. Journal of several visits to the Indians on the Kennebec. Notes by E. Nason. Bost. : 1867. 8°. 4827 Berendt, C. Hermann. Analytical alphabet for the Mexican and Central Amer. languages. N. York: 1869. 8°. 4828 Benezet, Anthony. Obs. on the Indian Natives of this Continent. Phila.: 1784. 12°. 4829 Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church of U. S. A. 4^Gth Annual report. N. Y. 1841-43. 8°. 4830 Brant, Joseph. Princ. events in the life of the Indian Chief B. [n. t. p.] 4831 Brougham, John, Esq. Po-ca-hontas. In two Acts. N. Y. [n. d.] 12°. 4832 BuNN, Matthew. Life and Adventures of (of Providence, R. I.) Exped. against the Nort-Western Indians, in 1791, 2, 3, 4 and 5. 7th ed. Rev. Batavia (N. Y.?): 1828. 4833 Catlin, George. Catal: of Catlin's Indian Gallery of por- traits, landscapes, manners and customs, costumes, etc. N. Y. : 1838. 12°. 4834 Chappaquiddic and Chrtstiantown Indians. Report of the Guardian of. [Pub. Doc] 1870. 8°. 4835 Chauncy, Charles. All nations. Serm. Bost. 31st Aug. at ord. of Joseph Bowman among the Mohawks. Boston: 1762. 8°. 4836 Cherokee Nation. Constitution and laws passed atTah- le-quah. 1839. Wash.: 1840. 12°. 4837 Cheney, T. Apoleon. Ancient Monuments in Western New York. Albany: 1860. 4838 • Chronicles of the N. Amer. Savages. Yol. 1. Pts. 2-6. 1835. 8°. 4839 CoBBET, Thomas. A Narrative of New England's deliv- erances. 1833. 4840 Combs, Leslie. Col. Wm. Dudley's defeat opposite Fort Meigs. Mays, 1813. Cinn.: 1869. 8°. 4841 Confederate Indians. Descrip. of the country of, etc. [L. Evans.] Phila.: 1755. 4°. CATALOGUE, 269 4842 INDIAN HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY, CoNTERENCi: betw. Gov. Shirley and the Chief Sachems of the Penobscdt, Nor- ridgewock, Pigwaket and other Indians. 1742. Bost.: 1742. 4°. 4843 Cooper, James. Frauds upon Indians. Keport bef. the Ho. of Reps. 4844 COPWAY, Georg-e. [Chief of the Ogibways.] Organiza- tion of a new Indian territory, east of the Missouri River. N. York: 1850. 8°. 4845 Cotton, Josiah. Vocabulary of the Massachusetts (or Ka- tick) Indian Language. Cambridge: 1829. 8°. 4846 Cowley, Charles. Memories of the Indians and pioneers of the region of Lowell. Lowell: 1862. 8°. 4847 CusiCK, David. Sketches of Ancient History of the Six Nations. Lockport, N . Y. : 1848. 8°. Cuts. 4849 — — Decalves, Don Alonso. New Travels to the Westwai*d, or, Unknown parts of America. Boston: [1787 or 1788.] 12°. Gone after 43. Should be 45. 4850 Doddridge, Dr. Joseph. Logan, a drama: app. rel. to murder of Logan's family. Cinn. : 1868. 4°. 4851 Dudley, Thos. P. (Rev.) Battle and Massacre at French- town, Michigan, Jan. 1813. Cleveland, O. : 1870. 8°. 4852 Earle, John M. Rep. to the Governor and Council of Ms. concerning the Indians in the State. Boston: 1849. 8°. 4853 — — Eastburn, Robert. Eaithful Narrative of Dangers and Sufferings, during his late Captivity. Pref. by Gibert Tennent. Phi la.: 1758. 8°. 4854 Eastern Indians. Instruc. for treating with ; given to Comrs. by Hon. S. Phips. 1752, fr. the Original MS. Boston: 1865. 4°. 4855 Evarts, Jeremiah. Essays on the Present Crisis in the Condition of the Indians. Boston: 1829. 8°. 4856 Everett, Edward. Address at Bloody Brook, in com- mem. of the fall of the "Flower of Essex." Philip's War, Sept. 18, 1675. Boston: 1835. 8°. 4857 Everett, Edward. Speech in Ho. of Rep. 14th and 15th Feb., 1831, on the execution of laws and treaties in favor of Indian tribes. [Wash.: 1831.] 8°. 4858 Speech on the bill for removing the Indians from the east to west of the Mississippi. 19th May, 1830. Boston: 1830. 8^ 4859 Fansher, Sylvantjs. Memorial, praying the establish- ment of a permanent vaccine inst. April 18, 1838. Wash. 8°. 4860 Fields, Thomas W. Sheets towM-ds an Indian Bibho^ graphy. N. York: 1872. 8°. 4861 FiLLEY, Wm. Life and adven. of, who was stolen by the Indians. Chicago: 1867. 8°. 270 CATALOGUE, 4862 INDIAN HISTORlT AND BIOGRAPHY. Florida. War in, with miraculous preservation of Mrs. Simmons. N. Y.: 1837. 8°. 4863 roTJR Kings of Canada. The. London: 1710. 12°. 4864 rRELiNGHUYSEN, THEODORE. Speech bef. the Senate, on the removal of the Indians west of the Mississippi. "Wash.: 1830. 8°. 4865 Fremont, John Chas. Geog. mem. upon Upper Cali- fornia. Wash.: 1849. 8°. 4866 French-Onondaga Dictionary. Fr. MS. of the 17th Cent. [J. G. Shea.] N. Y.: 1860. 8°. 4867 Garrett, John B. Second annual rept. of the Executive Comt. of Friends on Indian Affairs. 8th mo., 26th, 1871. Phila. : 1871. 12°. 4868 Gay Head Indians. Resolve on the petition of , to estab. boundary lines. 1855. 4869 Gist, Christopher. Journal of, when accom. G. Wash- ington to the French commander on the Ohio, 1753. [n. t. p.] 4870 Goforths Narrative 1792. Ms. copy by Mr. Drake. 12°. 4871 Gyles, John, (Esq.) Memoirs of Odd Adventures, in the Captivity of. Written by Himself. Originally pub. at Boston, 1736. Printed for Wm. Dodge. Cincinnati: 1869. 8°. 4872 Hare, Wm. H., Bishop of Niobrara. 1st and 2d Re- port of Indian Commission, and Report of Comm. on the two re- ports. 1873. [n. t. p.] 8°. 4873 Harrison, Wm. Henry. Discourse on the Aborigines of the Ohio valley. [Portr.] Boston: 1840. 12°. 4874 Report of the Sec. of War, detailing the Battle of Tip- pecanoe, etc. With message of the President. Wash. : 1811. 8°. [Portr.] 4875 Hass-anamis-coe Indians. Records of proc. of Trustees of. 1725. 4876 Henry, Alexander. Captivity of, who in Pontiack's war fell into the hands of the Hurons, June 4, 1763. 4877 Herring, Elbert. Comm. of Indian Affairs. Report. 1833. 4878 HiNMAN, S. D. Missionary to the Santee Sioux Indians, Journal of , and Taopi by Bp. Whipple. Phila.: 1869. 16°. 4879 How, Nehemiah, Captivity, (taken by the Indians at the Great-Meadow-Fort, Oct. 11,1745.) Boston: 1748. 12°. 4880 Humphreys, Heman. Indian Rights. Amherst: 1830. 12°. 4881 HuTCHiNS, Thos. Top. Des. of Yirginia, Penna., Md., and S. C. : with Patrick Kennedy's Jour, of a voyage up the lUs. River. Boston: 1787. 12°. Map. [Yery rare.] CATALOGUE. 271 4882 INDIAN HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY. Incidents • AND Sketches connected with the Early History and Settlement of the West. Numerous Illust. Cincin. : [n. d.] K. 8°. 4883 Indian Affairs. Report of War Dept. for 1826-27-28- 31-33. Regulating the Indian Dept. 1834. Annual Rep. of Com- missioner 1837-46. 8 nos. Washington. 8°. Several of these dob. relate to the Cherokees and to the removal of tribes to the north west. 4884 Indian Atrocities I affecting and thrilling anecdotes resp. the hardships and sufferings of our forefathers. Illust. Bos- ton: 1846. 8°. 4885 Indian Battles, murders, sieges and forays in the South West. Nashville, Tenn.: [1853.] 8°. 4886 Indian captives. List of. 1695. 4887 Indian Depredations, Cor. bet. Monroe and Foster, on alleged instigation of by the British Govt. Wash. : 1812. 4888 Indian Treaties. 1817. [With the Menomenees, Ot- toes, Poncarars, and Cherokees east of the Mississippi.] 4889 Indian War. True and Authentic Account of the Indian War in Florida. Colored Engraving. N. York: 1836. 12°. 4890 Indians. Proc. of Comttee. app. by the Yearly Meeting of Friends, Baltimore, for promoting the improvement and civiliza- tion of the Indians. Baltimore: 1805: 8°. 4891 Indians of Mass. Troy, Hassannimisco, Chappaquiddic, Natick, and Dudley Indians. Reports on. 1859. 4892 Indians, Removal of. Article from the Amer. Monthly Magz. ; an examination of an article in the N. A. Rev. , and an exhi- bition of the advancement of the southern tribes. Bost: 1830. 8°. 4893 Instances of Indian Genius. 1816. 4894 Jackson, Andrew and Calhoun, J. C. Correspondence on the Seminole war. Wash. : 1831. 8°. 4895 Jackson, Halliday. Civiln. of Indian Natives. Yiew of the friendly conduct of Wm. Penn. Phila. : 1830. 8°. [Gone after p. 48.] 4896 Jacobs, Rev. Peter. Indian Wesleyan Missionary, Jour- nal from Rice Lake to Hudson's Bay Territory; brief acct. of his life. N. Y.:1855. 16°. [Portraits.] 4897 Same. [1st ed.] Toronto: 1853. 8°. ]Portraits.] 4898 Same. 2d ed. Boston: 1853. 12°. [Portraits.] 4899 JoHONNOT, Jackson, Remarkable Adventures of. Who served under Gen. Harmar and Gen. St. Clair; an Account of his Captivity, Sufferings, and escape from the Kickapoo Indians. Written by Himself. Greenfield, Mass. : 1816. 12°. 4900 Jones, Rev. N. W. Indian Bulletin No. 2., for 1868, cont. ace. of Chinese voy. to N. W. coast of Amer., and the interpreta- tion of 200 Indian names. N. Y. : 1869. 8°. 272 CATALOGUE. 4901 INDIAN HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY. Keaptt- ALANi, Queen of the Sandwich Islands. Memoirs of. Boston: 1825. 12°. 4902 Ke-wa-ze-zhig. Address, Allston Hall, Boston, Feb. 26, 1861, bef. a convt. to improve the condition of Indians in the U. S. Boston: 1861. 12°. 4903 Knight, Dr. and Slover, John. Indian atrocities : Perils and sufferings of, among the Indians during the Rev. war. Cincin- nati: 1867. 8°. 4904 Knox, Henry. Causes of existing hostilities betw. TJ. S. and the Indians. 1792. 8°. 4905 Lang, John D., and Taylor, Saml. Rep. of a visit to tribes of Indians, west of the Mississippi. N. Y. : 1843. 8°. 4906 Lathrop, John. Speech of Canonicus: a poem, with notes. Boston: 1803. 8°. 4907 Lewis, Hannah, Captiyity and sufferings of , and her three children, who were taken prisoners by the Indians, near St. Louis, 25th of May, 1815. 2d ed. Boston: 1817. 16° [Scarce.] 4908 LiVERMORE, Alpheus and Angier, Samuel. Trial for the murder of Nicholas John Crevay, an Indian, Nov. 23, 1813. Boston: 1813. 8°. 4909 LossiNG, Benson J. Marriage of Pocahontas, n. t. p. [Engraved key to the Marriage.] 4910 LovEWELL, Capt. John. Great Fight with the Indians at Pequawket, 1725. [Rev. T. Symmes.] New ed. by K. Bouton. Concord: 1861. 4°. 4911 Adventures of. [F. Kidder.] From N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register. 4912 M'Coy, Isaac. Remarks on the practicability of Indian reform embracing their organization. Boston: 1827. 8°. 4913 Same. With appendix. 2d ed. N. Y.: 1829. 8°. 4914 Annual Register of Indian Affairs. Wash.: 1838. 8°. 4915 M'Lellan, Isaac, Jr. Legend of the Indians. 1833. 8°. 4916 Maps and Illtjst. of the missions of the Amer. B. C. F. Missions, Sept. 1847; 4917 Marsh, Witham. Journal of the Treaty with the Six Nations by the Commissioners of Maryland, and other Provinces, June, 1744. 4918 Marshall, John. Opinion of the Sup. Court of the TJ. S. 1832, in Worcester vs. the State of Georgia. Wash. : 1832. 8°. 4919 Same. With the opinion of McLean. Wash. : 1832. 8°. 4920 Marshall, Orsamus H. First Visit of la Salle to the Senecas, in 1669. Privately printd. 8°. 4921 Marshpees, Report and Resolves, by the Legislature of Mass. Boston: 1839. 8°. CATALOGUE. 27^ 4922 INDIAN HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY. Marshpebb. Report of Commr. Marston, &c. on the Marshpee District, to the Geu. Court, 1840. Boston: 1840. 8°. 4923 Marshpees, Documents rel. to. 1833. 4924 Marshpees, Rights of. Argument of B. F. Hallett bef. Legis. of Mass. Bost.: 1834. 8°. 4925 Mayer, Brantz. Tah-gah-jute or Logan and Capt. Michael Cresap. Disc. del. before Maryland Hist. Soc. May 9, 1851. [Bait. : 1851.] 8°.' 4926 MiiTOESOTA Hist. Soc. Annals of, cont. material for hist, of Minnesota. St. Paul, 1856. 8°. 4927 Moll, John. [Copy of a Deed to him of certain land by Indians in Pennsylvania' in 1680.] 4 pages. [Printed in London ab. 1870.] 4928 MoREHEAD, James T. Address in Commemoration of the First Settlement of Kentucky: at Boonesborough, May, 1840. Frankfort, Ky.: 1840. 8°. 4929 Morris, Isaac. Karrative. From the Universal Museum, V. 2. 1763. 8°. 4930 Morton, Saml. George, m.d. Characteristics of the Aboriginal race of Amer. Bost. : 1842. 8°. 4931 Same. 2d ed. Phila.: 1844. 8°. 4932 Narrative of an English Officer, among the Abenaki, (1766?) 4933 Narrative of the capture and escape of Misses Frances and Almira Hall. Added. Captivity and Sufferings of Philip Brig- don, [n. p.] 1832. 8°. Scarce. 4934 NiLES, Wm. Ogden. Tippecanoe Text-Book, from Niles Register and other Authentic Records. Baltimore : 1840. 8°. 4936 Noah, M. M. Discourse on the evidences of the Amer. Indians being the desc. of the lost Tribes of Israel. N. Y.: 1837. 8°. 4936 North Amer. Indians. Portraits of, painted by J. M Stanley. Deposited with Smithsonian Ins. Wash.: 1852. 8°. 4937 North "VV. Indians. Schoolcraft and Allen, Exped. to. Letter from Sec. of War. 23rd Cong. 1st Sess. Wash. : 1834. 8°. 4938 O'Bail, John, alias Corn-Planter. Report of the ComngdsH sioners of his real estate. Phila. : 1871. 8°. 4939 OccoM, Samson. Serm. preachd. at the Execution of Moses Paul, an Indian, executed at New Haven, 1772, for Murder. Springfield: [1772.] 8°. 4940 Same. Earlier ed. Pt. title page and last leaf wanting. 4941 Oregon Indians. Mission to. [A. B. C. F. M.] Bost., 1848: 8°. 4942 Ortiz, John. Captivity. 152^ 274 CATALOGUE. 4943 INDIAN HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY. Parker, Jas. W. Nar. of; also Mrs. Kachel Plummer's Nar. Louisville: 1844. 12°. 4944 Parsons, Usher. Indian names of places in E. I. For the R. I. Hist. Soc. [Portr.] Prov.: 1861. 8°. 4945 Peale, Franklin. Stone implements of the Indians of N. Amer. Read before Amer. Phil. Soc., June 21, 1861. 8°. 4946 The Pequot of a hundred years. [1850?] 4947 Pequot Tribe. Ms. notes on, by S. G. Drake. 4948 Pequot War. Hist of, by J. Mason. N. Y.: 1869. 8°. 4949 Peters, Richard. Review of the Cherokee Case agt. Georgia. 1831. 8°. 4950 Memorial of Bristol, Noblebbrough, New-Castle, Edg- comb and Boothbay, County of Lincoln, to the Gen. Court of Mass. 1810. Boston, 1811. 8°. 4951 Phelps, Noah A. Hist, of the copper mines and New- gate Prison, Granby, Conn. Also, Captivity of Daniel Hays, 1707. Hartford: 1845. 8°. 4952 Pierce, M. B. (A chief of the Senecas.) Address on the Present Condition and Prospects of the Aboriginal Inhabitants of N. America, with Reference to the Seneca Nation. Phila.: 1839. 12°. 4953 PiERSON, Rev. Abraham. Some helps for the Indian; Catechism in the language of the Quiripi Indians. Hartford, 1873. 8°. 4954 Pratt, Phinehas. Declaration of the Affairs of the Eng- lish People that first inhabited N. Eng. Edited. Notes. By R. Erothingham, Jr. Boston: 1858. 8°. 4955 Priest, Josiah. Stories of the Revolution, with ace. of the lost child of the Delaware, etc. Albany: 1836. 8°. 4956 Queen Pomare. Letter to Louis Philippe. Honolulu, Oahu. 16°.- 4957 Ripley, Dorothy. Letters from several Indians on Christian experience. 2d ed. Bristol: [1807.] 16°. 4958 Report of Comrs. to determine title of lands claimed by Indians at Deep Bottom, Martha's Vineyard. Bost. : 1856. 8°. 4959 Report of Comrs. to determine boundary lines at Gay Head, Martha's Vineyard. Bost.: 1871. 8°. 4960 RowLANDSON, Mary. Nar. of, Boston: 1805. 12°. 4961 St. Clair's defeat. 1791. 4962 Schoolcraft, Henry R. Add. bef. the Algic Soc. with abst. of its proc. Detroit: 1833. 8°. 4963 Scott, Frances Mrs. Captivity. 1785. 4964 Seminole War. Authentic Narrative of, and miraculous escape of Mrs. Mary Godfrey and four children. Providence: 1836. 8°. CATALOGUE. 275 4965 INDIAN HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY. Same. [pp. 3-6 wanting.] Phila.: 1836. 8°. 4966 Seneca Indians and others. Report on the Memorials of, Bost. 1840. 8°. 4967 Case of. Fr. North Amer. Review: 1841. 4968 SiiERRARD, Robert A. Col. James Paul's miraculous escape, 1782. 1869. 4°. 4969 Sherrard, Robert A. Narrative of the wonderful escape, and dreadful sufferings of Col. James Paul. Cincinnati: 1869. 8°. 4970 Shirley, Wm. Gov. Letter to the Duke of Newcastle, with journal of the siege of Louisbourg, etc. Lond.: 1746. 16°. 4971 Smalley's Captivity, &c., 1792. MS. copy by Mr. Drake. 12°. 4972 Smith, James. Remarkable occurrences during his cap- tivity, 1755-59. Lexington: 1799. 8 4973 Smith, Mary. Captivity and sufferings of, with her hus- band and three daugh. taken prisoners by the Indians, August, 1814, Providence: 1814. 16°. 4974 S3IITH, Seba. Religion and superstition of the N. Amer. Indians. April: 1846. 8°. 4975 Snovvden, Jas. Ross. The Cornplanter Memorial. An Historical Sketch of Gy-ant-wa-chia, the Cornplanter, and others of Six Nations Indians. Harrisburg, Pa. 1857. 8°. 4976 Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians in N. A. &c. Yol. 1. Serm. at St. Mary-le-Bow, 1709-10. London: 1710. — At ord. of Parker, Hinsdell and Seccombe, by Jos. Sewall. Charge by T. Prince. Bost. : 1733. — At St. Mary-le-Bow, by Thos. Seeker, Arch'b'p of Canterbury, 1741. — At St. M. le Bow, D. Sam'l Lister, 1747, —by John Egerton, Bp. of Bangor, 1763. Consid- erations on the Just, and Conduct of. East Apthorp, Bost. : 1763. — [Yery rare.] Observations on the Charter, &c. Jona. Mayhew, 1763. — Candid Examination of Mayhew's Observations, H. Caner. Bost. : 1763. —Defence of the Observations, Mayhew, Bost. : 1763. — Answer to Mayhew's Obs. T. Seeker. Lond.: 1764. — Remarks on same. Mayhew, Bost. : 1764. 4977 Yol. 2. S. M. le Bow. Thos. Newton, 1769. High Church, Edinburg, Arch. Stevenson, 1772. — St.-M. le-Bow, Bp. of St. Asaph, 1773.— Late Attempts to Christianize the N. A. Indians. Edinburg, 1763 — London, 1784, by Thos, Tayler, — In N. Hampshire, J. Bel- knap, 1792. —Brief Account of the Society, Bost. : 1798. 4°. Serm. at Charlestown, 1804, Levi Erisbie,— Boston, 1804, John Lathrop,— Boston, 1805, Jos. Eckley, — Charlestown, Barnard, (Thos.) 1806,— Eliph. Porter, Bost., 1807, — Boston, 1808, Abiel Holmes. 4978 Yol 3. Serm. Jed. Morse, Charlestown, — Jas. Kendall, 1811, Boston.— Josh. Bates, 1813, Bost.— ElijahParrish, 1814, Bost.— Jno. 276 GATALOGTJE. Poster, 1817, Cambridge. — Ch. Lowell, 1820, Boston. — T. M. Har- ris, 1823, Cambridge. — Jno. Codman, 1825, Cambridge. — Porter (Ebenezer), 1827, Camb.— B. B. Wisner, 1828, Bost.— A. Bradford, 1830, Bost. — Reports of Select Com. 1840.-43-45-47-48-50. 4979 SrRAGUE, Peter. Speech in the Senate on the removal of the Indians. Wash.: 1830. 8°. 4980 Stevens, Simon". Journal from time of being taken near. Port- William-Henry, June 25, 1758, with acct. of his escape from Quebec. Boston: 1760. 12°. [InMSS.] 4981 Stockbridge Indians. Report on. [Chas. Allen.] 1870. 8°. 4982 Stoddard, John. Journal of an Expedition to Canada, in the Winter of 1713-14, for the redemption of Captives. 4983 Stoddard, Solomon. Whether God is not Angry with, the country for doing so little towards the conversion of the Indians. Bost.: 1723. 8°. 4984 Stories about Indians. Concord, N. H.: 1850. 12°. 4985 Tanner, James. Miss, to the Chippewas. [Mem. of. Also captivity of John Tanner.] [n. t. p.] 12°. 4986 Tawse, John. Report to the Soc. in Scotland for Prop. Christian Knowledge of a Visit to America, by their Appointment. Edinburgh: 1839. 8°. 4987 Texas. Military and Indian affairs in. [n. t. p.] 8°. 4988 Tippecanoe: A legend of the border. 1840. 8°. 4989 Treaty with the Great and Little Osages, and with the Sac and Fox Inds. [Fi'om a Pub. Doc] 1822. 8°. 4990 Treaty with the Chocktaw, Ottaway, Chippeway, Wyan- dotte, and Pottawatomie nations, 1808. 4991 Treaty with the Chickasaws, 1801. Chocktaws, 1801. Creeks, 1802. Senecas, 1802. Chocktaws, 1802. 8°. 4991 A Troy Indians. Report of B. P. Winslow, Guardian of. 1858. [Pub doc] 4992 TuBBEE, Laah Ceil Manatoi Elaah. Life of Okah Tubbee, alias Wm. Chubbee. Springfield: 1848. 12°. 4993 Vancampen. Narrative of the Capture of certain Ameri- cans, at Westmoreland, by Savages; and the Perilous Escape which they effected, &c. New London: 1784. 8°. 4994 Yelasquez, Pedro. Memoir of an Expedition in Central America; resulting in the Discovery of the Idolatrous City of Ixim- aya. N. York: 1850. S"". 4995 Waban, and other Indians of Natick. Letter to John Eliot, of Roxbury, 1683. [Lith. fr. orig. by J. Waddington, Lond. : 1858.] 4995 Wade, B. P. Report on the Massacre of the Cheyenne Indians in 1864. Washington: 8°. 4997 Wadsworth's defeat. 1853. 8^ c'ataloque. 277 4998 INDIAN HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY. Weiser, C. Memorial of tlie Six Nations. (1744.) MS. copy by Mr. D. 4999 Wiieelock,Eleazer. Narrative of the Original design &c. of the Indian Charity School, at Lebanon, in Conn. Boston: 1763. 8°. 5000 Wheelock, Eleazer. Continuation of the Narrative, from Nov., 1762 to Sept. 1765. Boston: 1765. 8°. 5001 WHhELOCK, Eleazer. Same. From 1768 to its incorp. with Dart. Coll. Hartford: 1773. 8°. 5002 Whipple, H. B. Plea for the Red Man. 1863. 8°. The Author wrote on the last page, with pencil, ''My Dear Mr. Lunt : The above, printed at ray Expencc, is for sale at Dutton & Co., 108 Washn. St. I want to direct Attention from the Negro to the Indaan." 6003 Whittlesey, Col. Chas. The Universal problem. Let- ter of. Nov. 12, 1872. 8°. 5004 Whittlesey, Col. Chas. Abstract of a verbal discourse upon the Mounds and Mound builders of Ohio. Del. before the Fire Lands Hist. Soc. March 16, 1865. 8°. 5005 Whittlesey, Col. Chas. Major Gladwin and the Indian Girl. [n. t. p.] 5006 Wyoming. Destruction of the Settlements. Distresses of Frederic Manheim's family, etc. Phila.: 1800. 8°. 6007 Zeisberger, David. Narrative of the Life of. Upwards of Sixty Years a Missionary from the Church of the United Breth- ren, among the various Indian Tribes of N. America. Lond. : 1821. 8°. 6008 Zeisberger. Manner and customs of thte Indians. 1788. [In MSS.] 5009 INDIAN LANGUAGE. Extracts from Genesis, and the Psalms in the Dacota Language. By Joseph Renville, Sr. Cincin. : 1839. 18°. 6010 Katolik Otwa Anaraie. 5th ed. Cincinnati: 1855. 18°. 6011 First Catechism; by Jas. Gall; with the Ten Command- ments and the Lord's Prayer in the Ojibway Language: translated. Grand-Travers Bay: 1847. 12°. 6012 Wicoicage Wowapi. Genesis and part of the Psalms, in Dakota. Cincinnati: 1842. 12°. In same vol. The Acts with John in the Dakota; trans, by S. R. Riggs. Cincin.: 1843. 12°. 5013 In otoshki-kikindiuin. New York: 1844. 12°. 5014 Mesah oowh St. Matthew. York: 1831. 8°. 5015 INDIAN MISCELLANY. A volume of cuttings, containing authentic narratives of battles, captivities, anecdotes and traditions. Prepared by Mr. D. 8°. 5016 INDIAN NARRATIVES. Interesting History' of the Indian Wars, from 1620, to Wayne's Victory, 1794. Claremont, N. H; : 1854. 12^. 19 278 CATALOGUE. 5017 IJ^DIAK :N'ARRATIVES, Indian Treaties, Laws, and Regu- lations relating to Indian Affairs : an App. containing the Proceed- ings of the Old Congress in relation to Indian Affairs. Washington: 1826. 8°. 5018 I:N'DIA:N'S. Annual Report of the Comm. on In. Affairs, 1845, 1850-57, 61-72. Washington: 1845-72. 21 v. 8°. 5019 Condition of the I. Report of Special Comm. March 3, 1865, with app. Wash. : 1867. 8°. 5020 Board of Ind. Coram. 3d, 4th annual report to the Pres. of U.S. 1871-72. Wash.: 1872. 2v. 8°. 5021 Journal of 2d Annual Conference of the Board of I. C, Jan. 15, 1873. Wash.: 1873. 8°. 6022 Causes of Alienation of the Delaware and Shawanese In- dians from the British Interest. Lond. : 1759. Rep. Phila. : 1867. Only 25 printed. Pol. 5023 Annual Report 1850. Washington: 1850. 8°. 5024 19th Congress, 2d Session. Rept. No. 98. Ho. Reps. Re- port of the Select Committee of [respecting the Affairs of the Cherokee Indians and Georgia] 1827. Wash. : 1827. 8°. 5025 The Gospel according to Saint John. (In Mohawk.) !N'ew York: 1818. 18°. 5026 Speeches on the Bill for Removal of the Indians, in Congress, April and May, 1830. Boston: 1830. 12°. 5027 Case of the Seneca Indians in New York. For the Infor- mation of the Society of Friends. Phila. : 1840. 8°. 5028 INFERNAL CONFERENCE; or. Dialogues of Devils. By the Listener. Leominster: 1808. 12°. 6029 INGERSOLL, CHAS. J. Historical sketch of the Second war betw.theU. S. of America and Gr. Britain, 1812-13. Yol. 1. Phila.: 1845. 8°. [No more published.] 5030 Same. Events of 1814. Phila. : 1849. 8°. 5031 Inchiquin, the Jesuit's Letters. Fragment of a Private Correspondence accidentally discovered in Europe. New York : 1810. 8'^. [Rare.] 5032 INGRAHAM, JOSEPH WENTWORTH. Letters to Sunday Scholars, on the Geography of places mentioned, or connected with the Account of the Nativity of our Saviour, &c. Christ Ch. S. S., Boston. N. York. [n. d.] 18°. Author's autog. and MS. note by Mr. D. 6033 INNES, WILLIAM. Liberia; Early History and Signal Pres- ervation of the American Colony of, &c. Edinburgh: 1831. 18°. 5034 INQUIRY (An) into the Condition and Prospects of the African Race in the United States. By an American. Phila.: 1839. 12°. 5035 INSTRUCTIONS for Young Persons, going to be Confii'med. Sheffield: 1800. 12°. CATALOGUE. 279 5036 INTEREST OF GREAT BRITAIN CONSIDERED, with Regard to her Colonies, and the Acquisition of Canada and Guada- loupe. London: 17G0. 8°. pp. 58. Portrait of Franklin. [By Dr. Franklin.] 6037 Same. 2d Boston ed. Boston: 1760. 8°. 5038 INTERESTING MEMOIRS. By a Lady. [Two vols, in one.] Boston: 1802. 12°. 5039 INTERESTING NARRATIVES and Discoveries of Jas. Bruce; Barrow's Travels in So. Africa; Pitcairn's Island; Maurice Griffith's Discovy. of Welsh Inds. Shrewsbury: 1817. 8°. 5040 INTRODUCTION, An, To the Old English History. By Robt. Brady, Doctor in Physic. London: 1684. Folio. 5041 INTRODUCTION to a View of the Works for the Tunnel un- der the Thames. N. York: 1836. Sq. 16°. Plates. 5042 IRELAND, JAMES, (Ilev.) Life of James Ireland, Pastor of the Baptist Church at Buck Marsh, Waterlick and Happy Creek. Winchester, Va.: 1SI9. 12°. 5343 IRVING, EDWARD, Rev. The Oracles of God: four Ora- tions. N. Y.: 1823. 8°. 5044 IRVING, THEODORE. Conquest of Florida, by Hernando de Soto. N. York: 1851. 12°. Large Map. 5045 Same. Original ed. 2 vols. Phila.: 1835. 12°. 5046 IRVING, WASHINGTON. History of New York, from the Beginning of the World to the end of the Dutch Dynasty. London: 1825. 18°. Front. 6047 Crayon Miscellany. No. 1. Phila.: 1835. 12°. 5048 Lives of the Successors of Mahomet. London: 1850. 12°. 5049 Salmagundi. New ed. London: 1839. 18°. 5050 Same. New Series. Phila. : 1820. 16°. 5051 Same. New York: 1864. 8°. 6052 The Rocky Mountains; or, Scenes, Incidents, and Adven- tures in the Far West. 2 vols. Phila.: 1837. 12°. 5053 The Sketch Book. 2 vols. Paris: Lyons: 1835. 24°. [Scarce.] 5054 The Sketch Book. Edinburgh: [no date.] 24°. 5055 The Beauties of. Philada. : 1835. 16°. 5056 Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus. New ed. Two volumes. Phila. : 1837. 8°. Map. 5057 History of New York. By Diedrich Knickerbocker. 2 vols. N. Y.:1809. 12°. [Scarce, first edition.] 5058 Voyages and Discoveries of the Companions of Columbus. Philada.: 1831. 8°. [Very scarce.] 5059 Life and Voyages of Columbus. N. Y. : 1835. 18°. 5060 Astoria. 2 vols. Phila. : 1836. 8°. 5061 — - Chronicle of the Conquest of Grenada. By Fray Antonio Agapida. 2 vols. Philada.: 1829. 12°. 280 CATALOGUE. 6062 lEVIN'G, WASHINGTON. Biography and Poetical Kemains of Margaret M. Davidson. Pliilada.: 1841. 12°. 5063 Adventures of Capt. Bonneville. Author's Kevised ed. N. Y. : 1863. 8°. 5064 IRYINGIANA. Memorial of Washington Irving. N. Y.: 1860. 4°. Portrait. [Scarce.] 5065 ISAACSON, HENRY. Satvrni Ephemerides sive Tabvla His- torico-Chronologica. A Chronological Succession of the foure Monarchyes, with an Abridgment of the Annual Memorable Passages in them. As also a Succession of the Kings. With a Compend of the History of the Chvrch and App. London: 1633. Pol. 5066 ISLE or WIGHT. Barber's Illustrations of the Isle of Wight, [n. p.,n. d.] 8°. 5067 Briddon's Illustrated Hand-Book to the Isle of Wight. New Ed. for 1859. [Newport:] 1859. 18°. 5068 ISRAEL, J. & LUNDT. Journal of a Cruise in the U. S. Ship Delaware 74, in the Mediterranean, in 1833 and 34. Mahon: 1835. 16°. 5069 I YES, JOHN. Remarks upon the Garianonun of the Romans: Site and Remains fixed. 2d ed. with some acct. of the Author. Yarmouth: 1803. 12°. lUust. 5070 lYES, JOSEPH C. (Lieut.) Report upon the Colorado River of the West, Explored in 1857-58, under the Direction of the Office of Explorations and Surveys, A. A. Humphreys, Capt. Topogl. En- gineers in charge. Washington: 1861. 4°. Numerous Plates. 50 n Military Map of the seat of war in Italy. N. York: 1859. [Eolded in covers.] 5072 IZACKE, RICHARD, Esq. (Chamberlain of Exeter.) Re- markable Antiquities of the City of Exeter. London: 1681. 8°. Plates. Mr. D. notes on fly-leaf a copy in the Br. Museum dated 1724. This has five plates and several Ms. notes. 6073 IZACKE, SAMUEL, Gent. Alphabetical Register of Divers Persons. [Benefactors to Exeter.] By Richd. Isaac, Esq. [Re- vised and augmented] by Saml. I., Grandson of the Author. Lon- don: 1736. 8°. 5074 IZARD, RALPH. Correspondence, from 1774 to 1804. With Memoir. Yol. 1. [All pub.] by Mrs. A. I. Deas. N. York: 1844. 12°. Portrait. Author's Auto. 5075 JACKMAN, JOSEPH. The Sham-Robbery, committed by Elijah Putnam Goodridge, on his own Person, in Newbury, near Essex Bridge, Dec. 19th, 1816. And his Trial with Mr. Ebenezer Pearson, whom he maliciously arrested for robbery. Also the trial of Levi and Labau Kenniston. Concord, N. H. : 1819. 12^. CATALOGUE. 281 6076 JACKSON, ANDREW. Biographical Sketch of the Life of. Bristol, R. I.: 1836. 18°. Portrait. 6077 Memoirs of Andrew Jackson. By a Citizen of Massachu- setts. Boston: 1828. 18°. Portrait. 6078 JACKSON, C. T. Second Annual Report on the Geology of Mass. and Maine. Augusta: 1838. 8°. 6079 Third Annual Report of the Geology of Maine. Augusta: 1839. 8°. 6080 First Annual Report on the Geology of New Harap. , Con- cord, N. H.: 1841. 8°. 6081 JACKSON, FRANCIS. A History of Newton, Mass. With a Geneal. Reg. of its Inhabitants. Boston: 1854. 12°. Portrait. Yery scarce. Authors' Autog. 6082 JxVCKSON, HENRY. 4n Account of the Churches in Rhode Island. Providence: 1854. 8°. 6083 JACKSON, JAMES, M.D. Letter to a Young Physician ; and other Medical Papers. Boston: 1861. 12°. 5J84 A memoir of James Jackson, Jr., m.d. With Extracts from his Letters; and Medical Cases. Boston: 1835. 8°. 6085 JACKSON, JOHN. Brief Memoir of. Phila.: 1856. 18°. Portrait. 6086 JACKSON, ROBERT, m.d. A treatise on the Fevers of Jamaica, with Obs. on the Intermitting Fevers of America. Phila. : 1795. 12°. 6087 JACKSON, THOMAS. The Centenary of Wesleyan Method- ism. London: 1839. Port. 6088 JACKSON, WILLIAM. The Constitutions of the several States of America. London: 1783. 8°. 6089 [JACOB, GILES.] The Poetical Register: or, the Lives and Characters of all the English Poets. Account of their Writings. Adorned with curious Sculptures engraved by the best Masters. London: 1723. 2 vols. 8°. 6090 JACOB, JOHN J. Life of Captain Michael Cresap. Cincin- nati, O. Rep. with Notes and App., by Jno. F. Uhlhorn. 1866. 8°. 6091 Biog. Sketch of Capt. Michael Cresap. Cumberland, m.d. 1826. 12°. pp. 124. A very rare book. Bot. of W. Dodge, for which I paid him $10.00. S. G. D. 6092 JACOB, KOUL in defence of the Jewish Religion; containing the Arguments of the Rev. C. E. Frey, and Answer thereto. By Jacob Nikelsburger. Liverpool: N. York: Rep. 1816. Bound. 6093 JACOBS, M. Notes on the Rebel Invasion of Maryland and Pennsylv., and the Battle of Gettysburg. With Explanatory Map. Phila.: 1864. 12°. 0594 JACOBS, SARAH S. Nonantum and Natick. Boston 1853. 12°. 282 CATALOGUE. 5095 JACOMBE, THOMAS. Enoch's Walk and Change. A Ser- mon at the Euneral of Rev. Mr. Richard Yines. Lond. : 1656. 4°. 5a96 Enoch's Walk. 2d ed. London: 165G. 4°. 5097 JAMAICA as it was, as it is, and as it may be. Narrative of the ISTegro Insurrection in 1831. By a Retired Military Officer. Lond: 1885. 12°. Folding Frontispiece. 5098 The Privileges of the Island of Jamaica Yindicated; with an Impartial ISTarrative of the late Dispute. Jamaica: London: Rep. 1766. 8°. 5099 A Kew Hist, of Jamaica. London: 1740. 8°. Maps. This book contains some curious accounts of the buccaneers ; also of Generals Winslow and SedgewJck of New England, not elsewhere to be found. 5100 JAMES THE I. A Pvblication of his Maties. Edict, and Severe Censure against Private Combats and Combatants. Lond. : 1613. 4°. In same vol. The Duello or Single Combat; From Antiquitie derived into this Kingdom. By John Selden. London: 1610. 4°. •* A very curious and rare book. Not contained in the folio ed. of King James' Works, nor is it noticed by Lowndes." 5101 The COYRT of the Most Illvstrious and Most Magnifi- cent James, the first King of Great Britaine, France, and Ireland: &c. London: 1620. 4°. Portrait inserted; apparently of great rarity. 5102 JAMES II, Late King of England. Life of. London: 1702. 8°. Port. 5103 JAMES, EDWIK. An Account of an Expedition from Pitts- burgh to the Rocky Mountains: 1819-20. 2 vols., with an Atlas. Phila.: 1823. 8°. 5104 JAMES, HE]SrRY. The nature of Evil considered in a Letter to the Rev. Edward Beecher, d.d. Kew York: 1855. 12°. 5105 JAMES, MARIA. Wales, and other poems. With introd. by Alonzo Potter. N. Y.: 1839. 12°. 5106 JAMES, RICHARD, (Bachelor of Divinitie.) A Serm. in Oxford, Concerning the Observation of Lent-fast. London: 1630. 4°. 6107 JAMES, U. P. River Guide: Descrips. of all the Cities, Towns, &c., on the N^avigable Waters of the Mississippi Yalley. Historical Sketches of the Country, with 44 Maps. Cincinnati: 1860. 8°. 5108 JAMES, WILLIAM. Account of the Kaval Occurrences of the late War between Great Britain and the United States. Lond. : 1817. 8°. 5109 An Inquiry into the Merits of the Principal iN'aval Actions between Great Britain and the United Sts. Halifax, K. S. : 1816. 4°. 6110 JAKES, FREDERIC. The Janes Family. A Genealogy of the Descendants of Wm. Janes. N. York: 1868. 8°. Plates. CATALOGUE. 283 6110A JAXEWAT, JAMES. Invisibles, Realities, demonstrated in the Holy Life and Triumphant Death of Mr. John Janeway. Lond. : 1704. 18°. [Pref. by R. Baxter.] 5111 Death Unstung. A Ser. at the Funeral of Thomas Mowsley, Gent, in London. With a brief !N'arrative of his Life and Death. London: 1706. 10°. 6112 A Token for the Children of iN". England. Boston: 1771. 12°. [Very scarce. .3 copies.] 6113 JANSON", CHAS. WM. The Stranger in America. London: 1807. 4°. This volume has eleven full-pa?e engravings, illustrating New York, Boston and Phila- delphia; with one exhibiting the commemoration of the Death of Washington. The author's account of what he saw is interesting and useful, but his description of Amcri- can manners and society is laughably characteristic of the snob. 6114 JARRATT, DEVEREUX. The Life of the Rev. Rector of Bath Parish, Dinwiddle Co., Ya. Written by himself. Baltimore: 1806. 12°. Also Thoughts on Important Subjects in Divinity. Baltimore: 1806. 12°. 6115 JARVES, JAMES J. History of the Hawaiian or Sandwich Islands. London: 1843. 12°. 5116 Same. Boston: 1843. 8°. Eront. 5117 Same. 3d ed. Honolulu: 1847. R. 8°. 5118 Kiana: A Tradition of Hawaii. Boston and Cambridge: 1857. 12°. Ill'd. 5119 JARYIS, WM. C. The Republican; Essays on the Principles and Policy of Free States. Pittsfield: 1820. 12°. 5120 JASZ-BERE:NrYI, PAUL P. (A Transylvanian, Gent.) A New Torch to the Latine Tongue: &c. 4th ed. London: 1670. 8°. 5121 JAYA. Review of the Administration, Yalue, and State of. London: 1816. 8°. 5122 JAY, WILLIAM. Causes and Consequences of the Mexican War. Boston: 1849. 12°. 5123 The Life of John Jay: with Selections from his Corresp. and Miscel. Papers. N. York: 1832-3. 2 vols. Portrait. 5124 JAY, WILLIAM, (Rev.) The Jubilee Memorial: commemo- rating the Rev. Wm. Jay's Fifty Years Ministry at Argyle Chapel, Bath. Bath: London: 1841. 12°. 5125 War and Peace: The Evils of the first, and a Plan for preserving the last. N. York: 1842. 12°. 5126 JEFFERSON, THOMAS. A Manual of Parliamentary Prac- tice. Concord, N. H.: 1823. 18°. 5127 The Constitution of the U. S. With Jefferson's Manual. Washington: 1828. 12°. 5128 Proceedings of the Govt, of the U. S. in maintaining the public right of the Beach of the Mississippi, ag'nst Edwd. Living- ston. N. York: 1812. 8". 284 CATALOGUE 5129 JErrERSO:N'., THOMAS. Memoirs, Corresp., &c., prepared by T. J. Randolph. 4 vols. Charlottesville: 1829. 8°. Illust. 5130 Kotes on the State of Virginia. Phila. : 1788. 8°. 5131 Same. 1st Hot-pressed ed. Phila.: 1801. 8°. Map and Portrait. 5132 Same. 8th ed. Boston: 1801. 8°. Portraits. 5133 Same. 9th ed. Boston: 1802. 8°. Port, and Map. 5134 Same. Trenton: 1803. 12°. 5135 Same. Phila.: 1825. 12°. 5136 Early Hist, of the University of Virginia. Richmond, Va. : 1856. 8°. 5137 The Youth of Jefferson ; or, a Chronicle of College Scraps at Williamsburg, in Va., A. D. 1764. :N"ew York: 1854 12°. 51.S8 SUMMARY VIEW (A). Of the Rights of British America. Set forth in some Resolutions intended for Inspection of the present Delegates of the People of Virginia, now in Convention. By a Na- tive, and Member of the House of Burgesses. Williamsburg: Phila. Rep 1774. 5139 JEEFERYS (Lord). The Life and Character of the late Lord Chancellor. London: 1764. 8°. 5140 JEFEERYS, THOMAS. The Natural and Civil History of the French Dominions in North and South America. Illustrated by Maps. London: 1761. Fol. 6141 JEFFRIES, JOHN P. The Natural History of the Human Races. New York: J 869. 8°. Illus. 6142 JEMISON, MARY. A Narrative ^of the Life of Mrs. Who was taken by a Party of French and Indians in 1775. Rochester: 1840. 8°. pp. 36. Cuts. 5143 JENKINS, ALEXANDER. The History of the City of Exeter, and its Environs. Map and Views. Exeter: 1806. 8°. 5144 JENKINS, JOHN S. The Life of John Caldwell Calhoun. Auburn and Buffalo: [1850?] 12°. 5145 JENKINS, JUDGE. Works of, upon divers Statutes cone, the liberty and freedome of the Subject. London: 1648. 24°. 5146 JENNESS, JOHN SCRIBNER. The Isles of Shoals, an hist, sketch. Hid. New York: 1873. 16°. 5147 JENNINGS, DAVID. An Abridgment of the Life of the Revd. and Learned Dr. Cotton Mather. Taken from the Account by his Son, the Revd. Mr. Samuel Mather, Recommended by I. Watts, D.D. London: 1744. 12°. [Scarce.] 6148 JENNINGS, JOHN. Two Discourses. With a Pref. by the Rev. Dr. I. Watts. 4th ed. Boston: 1740. 12°. 6149 JENNINGS, OBADIAH, '(d.d.) Debate on Campbellism; at Nashville, Tenn. Campbell confuted. Pittsbur2:h: 1832. 12°. 6150 JENYNS, SOAME. Miscellaneous Pieces in Prose and Verse. London: 1770. 8°. CATALOGUE. 285 5151 JENY^N^S, SOAME, Lectures supposed to have been deld. by. Dedicated to Ed. Gibbon, Esq. Boston: 1793. 12°. " One of the best written books In the English lanijuage." 5152 JEKDAN, WM. Letters from James, Earl of Perth, to his sis- ter. Countess of ErroU. Camden Soc: London: 1845. 4°. 5153 JERROLD, DOUGLAS. The Illuminated Magazine. Lond. : 1843 and 1844. Fol. 5154 JERROLD, W. BLANCIIARD. How to see The British Museum. In Four Visits. London: 1852. 18°. 5155 JEWEL, JOHN. The Apology of the Church of England; and an Epistle concerning the Council of Trent. Also a Life of Jewel. London: 1685. 8". Portrait. 6150 JEWETT, CHAS. C. Smithsonian Reports. Notices of Public Libraries in the U. States. Washington: 1851. 8°. 6157 JEWETT, ISAAC APPLETON. Memorial of Samuel Apple- ton. With Geneal. Notices of some of his Descendants. Boston: 1850. 8°. Plates. 6158 Passages in Foreign Travel. 2 vols. Boston: 1838. 12°. 5159 JEWETT, JEREMIAH P. History of Barnstead, [N. H.] Lowell, Mass.: 1872. 8°. Port. 5160 JEWETT, JOHN R., Narrative of the Adventures and Suffer- ings of, among the Savages of Nootka Sound. N. York. [n. d.] 12°. [Scarce.] 5161 [A copy wanting title-page, picked up at a stall in Cincin- nati, 1864, probably the origl. edition.] 12°. pp. 203. 5162 Another copy.] Middleton: 1815. 12°. pp.204. 2d ed. Copper-plate Frontispiece. [Scarce.] 5163 The Captive of Nootka: Or, the Adventures of John R. Jewett. Phila.: 1869. Sq. 18°. [This is a rept. or rather a re- written acct. of Jewett, with many wood cuts.] 5164 JfiWITT, LLEWELLYNN,F.s.A. The Plymouth, Davenport, and Stonehouse Guide. With a Map and Illustrations. Plymouth: 1858. lcs°. 5165 A History of Plymouth. Illustrated. London: Plymouth: 1873. 8°. 5166 JOBSON, FREDK. J., (Rev.) America, and American Meth- odism. Illustrated. N. York: 1867. 12°. Front. 5167 JOCKEY CLUB, (The): or, a Sketch of the Manners of the Age. In three Parts. Part 2d. London: 1792. 8°. 6168 Same. From the 10th London edition. New York: 1793. 8°. 5169 JOHNS, HENRY T. Life with the Forty-ninth Mass. Vols. Pittsfield,Mass.: 1864. 12°. Plates. 5170 JOHNSON, ANDREW, Speeches of. With a Biog. Introd. by Frank Moore. Boston: 1865. 12°. Portrait. 286 CATALOGUE. 5171 J0H:N'S0]N', A'N'NA L. [Minnie Myrtle.] The Iroquois: or, the bright side of Indian Character. JST. York: 1855. ]2°. 5172 JOHNSOISr, C. B. Letters from the British Settlement in Pennsylvania. Phila. : 1825. 18°. Map. [Scarce.] 5173 JOHN^SON CHARLES (CAPTAm). A General History of the most notorious Pyrates,from 1717 to 1724, [&c.] London: 1724. 8°. Engravings. [Scarce.] 5174 Same. Norwich: Ee-pr. 1814. 12°. 5175 JOHNSON, E. A. The Hero of Medfield. Journals and letters of Allen Alonzo Kingsbury. Killed by the Rebels near Yorktown, April 26, 1862. Boston: 1862. 12° Portrait. 5176 JOHNSON, EDWARD. Wonder Working Providence: or,' History of N. England, from the first Planting in 1628 to 1652. Boston. 8°. Erom 2d series. M. H. Coll. MS. notes by Mr. D. 5177 (Capt.) Wonder Working Providence of Sion's Saviour in N. England. Introd. &c. by F. W. Poole. Andover: 1867. R. 4°. 5178 JOHNSON, E. II. Every Man his own Guide at Niagara Falls. Buffalo: 1853. 18°. Map. 5179 JOHNSON. Typographia: or, the Printer's Instructor. Acct. of the Origin of Printing. A Series of Ancient and Modern Alpha- bets and Doomsday Characters. 2 vols. London: 1824. Hist. 5180 JOHNSON, JOHN. Mathematical questions propounded by the Vicegerent of the World, answered by the King of Glory. 1st Exeter ed. Exeter: 1789. 8°. 5181 JOHNSON, LORENZO D. The Churches and Pastors of Washington, D. C. New York: 1857. 12^ 5182 The Spirit of Roger Williams, with a Portrait of one of his Descendants. Boston: 1839. 18°. 5183 Memoria Technica : or, the Art of Abbreviating those Studies wiiich give the greatest Labor to the Memory. 2d ed. Bos- ton: 1817. 8°. 5184 Chaplains of the General Government, with Objections to their Employment Considered. Also a List of Chaplains. N. Y. : 1856. 12°. 5185 JOHNSON, R. G. Historical Acct. of Salem, in W. N. Jersey, by John Fenwick, Esq. , with a Continuation. Phila. 1839. 18°. 5186 JOHNSON, ROSA VERTNER. Poems. Second Edition. Boston: 1858. 12°. Port. 5187 JOHNSON, SAM., LL.D. Lives of the Poets. Completed by William Hazlit. London: 1854. Cr. 8°. 5188 False Alarm (The.) Second Edition. London: 1770. 8°. This pamphlet appeared as a justification of the Ministry and the H. of Commons in ex- pelling Mr. Wilkes. As the first political tract of "Burly Sam," it was eagerly sought for. 5189 Taxation no Tyranny; an Answer to the Resolutions and CATALOQJjK. 287 Addresses of the American Congress. London: 1776. 8°. Curi- ous port. [Scarce.] 6190 JOHNSON, SAM., ll.d. The Idler, with additional Essays. London: 1799. 18°. 6191 His translation of Lobo's Voyage to Abyssinia, with his Prefaci, &c. London: 1736. 8°. 6192 English Dictionary, as improved by Todd and abridg. by Chalmers, with Walker's pron. diet, combined, etc. Boston: 1828. 8°. 6193 An English and Hebrew Grammar, being the first Short Rudiments of these two Languages. London : 1767. 8°. 6194 JOHNSON, SUSANNA, (Mrs.) Narrative of her Captivity during four years with the Indians and French. Second Edition. Enlarged. Windsor, (Vt.) 1807: 16^. [Rare.] 6195 Same. New York. 1841. 24°. [Scarce.] 5196 Same. With app. cont. the sermon preached at her funeral and that of her mother. Windsor, Vt. 1814. 12°. 6197 JOHNSON, THEOD. T. California and Oregon; or. Sights in the Gold Region, and Scenes by the Way. Phila.: 1865. 12°. 6198 JOHNSON, WILLIAM. Life and Correspondence of Nathan- iel Greene. 2 vols. Charleston: 1822. 4°. Port. 6199 JOHNSONIANA; Anecdotes and Sayings of Dr. Johnson. London: 1836. 8°. Elegantly illustrated. 6200 JOHNSTON, CHARLES. A Narrative of the Charles Johnston, of Botetourt County, Virginia, by the Indians on the River Ohio, in the year 1790. With Sketches of Indian Character and Man- ners. New York: 1827. 12°. 6201 JOHNSTON, J. E. (Lt. Col.) Reports of the Sec. War, with Reconnaissances of Routes from San Antonio to El Paso. Wash- ington: 1850. 6202 JOHNSTON, JNO. History of Bristol, Bremen and Pemaquid, (Me.) Albany: 1873. 8°. Plates. 6203 JOKEBY. A Burlesque on Rokeby. A Poem in 6 Cantos. By an Amateur of Fashion. To which are added occasional Notes, by our most popular Characters. Boston and New York: 1813. 18°. Verv scarce. 6204 JONES, A. D. Illinois and the West. With a Township Map. Boston: 1838. 18°. 6205 Memoir of Elder Abner Jones. By his son. Boston: 1842. 12°. Portrait. 6206 Illustrated American Biography; containing Portraits and Notices. Vol. 1. N. York: 1853.^ 4°. 6207 JONES, CHAS. C, Jr. The Siege of Savannah, in 1779. Two Journals of French Officers in the Fleet of Count D'Estaing. Albany: 1874. R. 4°. Autograph letter of Author. 6208 JONES, DAVID. A Journal of two visits to Indians West of 288 CATALOGUE. the River Ohio, in 1772-73: with a biog. of the Author, by H. G. Jones. :N'. Y. Sabin. 1^65. 8°. 6209 JOKES, DAVID. Peter Edwards's Candid Reasons examined and answered. Philada.: 1811. 8°. pp. 177. Review of Mr. John P. Cambell's Sermon, on Baptism. Phila.: 1811. 8°. 6210 J0:N'ES, ELISHA r. Stockbridge, Past and Present; or Records of an Old Mission Station. Springfield: 1854. 12°. 6211 J0:N^ES, GEORGE, Esq., m.r.s., &c. [Count Joannes.] Tecumseh and the Prophet of the West, a Tragedy (with Historical Kotes, original Letters, &c.) London: 1844. 8°. 5212 Sketches of Naval Life. 2 vols. N. Haven: 1829. 12°. Maps and Cuts. 6213 JONES, HUGH, (a.m.) The Present State of Yirginia. A Yiew of Maryland and N. Carolina. London: 1724. Rep. N. Y.: 1865. 8°. 5214 JONES, J. Seven Ages, Memory, and other Poems. Cincin- nati: 1835. 18°. 5215 JONES, J. B. Border War; a Tale of Disunion. New York: 1859. 12°. 5216 JONES, J. SEAWELL. Defence of the Revolutionary History of N. Carolina from the Aspersions of Mr. Jefferson. Bost.: 1834. 12°. 5217 JONES, Rev. JOHN. Bp. Hall, his life and times. London: 1826. 8°. Portrait. 5218 JONES, PETER, (Rey.) History of the Ojibway Indians. Me- moir of the Writer. London: [n.d.] 12°. Many Plates. 5219 JONES, POMROY. Annals and Recollections of Oneida County. Rome,N. Y.: 1851. 8°. 5220 JONES, STEPHEN. Sheridan Improved. A Dictionary of the Eng. Language on the plan of Mr. Sheridan. London: 1825. Sq. 12°. 5221 JOSEPHUS. The Wonderful and Most Deplorable History of the Later Times of the Jews. Boston: 1718. 12°. 6222 Same. Added, a Brief of the Ten Captivities. Leominster: 1803. 12°. 5223 Same. Bellows-Falls, Yt. : 1819. 12°. 6224 JOSLYNN, Major JEP. [Pseud.] " Little Boots." Tar-Heel Tales in Yernacular Yerse. New York: 1873. 12°. 6225 JOSSELYN, JOHN, Gent. New England's Rarities Discovered. Illustrated with Cvts. London: 1672. 18°. [Yery scarce.] 5226 Same. Rep. with Tuckerman's Notes, by W. Yeazie Boston: 1865. sm. 4°. 6227 An Account of Two Yoyages toN. Eng. 2d ed. London: 1675. Boston: 1865. sm. 4°. 5228 JOURNAL of the Const. Convention of Mass. of 1853. Bost. : 1853. R. 8°. 6229 Convention for Framing a Constitution for the State of Mass. Boston: 1832. 8°. CATALOGUE. 289 5230 JOURNAL of Debates and Proceedings in the Conv. to revise the Con. of Mass. 1820, 21. Rvisd. &c. Boston: 1853. 8°. 6231 Proceedings of the Commissaries of the Mas8.-Bay,to settle the Boundary Line between N. Y. and Mass. 1767. 4°. 5232 of the Convention of New York. Albany, 1821. Albany: 8°. 5233 of the Ho. of Reps, of Vermont, Oct. Session, 1844. Mont- pelier: 1845. sm. 8°. 5234 of the Convention of N. Carolina, to Amend the Constitution of the State. Raleigh: 1835. 8°. 5235 of the R. "W. Grand Lodge of the I. O. of Odd PellcJws, from 1823 to 1847. Vol. 1. Boston: 1847. 8°. 5236 of a Tour around Hawaii. By a Deputation from the Mis- sion of those Islands. Boston: 1825. 12°. Map and other plates. 5237 Missouri State Conv. at St. Louis, Oct. 1861. St. Louis: 1861. 8°. 52.38 of the Convention at Phila., May, Sept., 1787. 5239 of a tour and residence in Gr. Britain, 1810-11, by a French Traveller. N. Y.: 1815. 2v. 8°. 5240 Journal of the R. W. Gr. Lodge of I. O. of Odd Fellows. N. Y.: 1844. nius. Autog. of W. H. Cranston. 5241 Ho. of Reps. Mass. Bay. May 26,— Dec. 8. 1725. Pol. Imp. 5242 Same. May 26 -June 26. 1736. Pol. 5243 Same. 1758. Boston, N. E. 1758. Pol. 5244 Same. 1759. Boston, N. E. 1759. Pol. 5245 Same. 1763. [n. t. p.] Pol. 5246 Same. 1765. [n. t. p.] Pol. 5247 Same. May 25,- June 30, 1768. [n. t. p.] Pol. 5248 Same. 1770. Boston, N.E. 1770. Pol. Title and pages 1-12 supplied. 5249 Same. May29, 1771-April25, 1772. Bost: 1771-72. Pol. 5250 of the Hon. H. of Reps, of Mass. held at Boston in 1784. Bos- ton: 1784. Pol. 5251 of the Proceed, of the Senate of N. Hampshire. June 1808. Concord: 1808. 8°. 5252 of the House of Rep. of Mass., May and June, 1807. Boston: 1808. R. 8°. 5253 Same. Jan., March, 1808. Boston: 1808. 8°. 5254 of the Missouri State Convention, in Jefferson City, June, 1862. St. Louis: 1862. 5255 of Congress, from Sept. 5, 1774, to Nov. 3, 1788. Phila.: 1777-88. 13v. 8°. [Scarce.] 5256 of the H. of Rep. of the U. S. Anno 1789. N. York: Polio. 5257 of the 3d Sess. of the Senate of the U. S. at Philadelphia. Phila.: 1791. Pol. 290 CATALOGUE. 5258 JOURNAL. Same. The 1st Ses. of the 2d Congs., begun Oct. 24th, 1791. Fol. 5259 of the Senate of the U. S. A., 1st of 3(1 Cong, at Phila. 2d Dec. 1793, :N'ov. 4, 1794. Phila. : 1793-94. 2v. in one. Fol. 6260 of the Second Session of the Senate of the TJ. S. A., be- gun at :N'ew York, Jan. 4th, 1790. :N'ew York: 1790. Fol. 5261 of the H. of Rep. of Mass. Boston: 1784. 5262 JOUTEL, (M.) Journal of the Last Voyage of M. de la Sale, to the Gulf of Mexico, to find out the Mouth of the Mississippi River, [&c.] Written by M. Joutel, a Commander in that Expedi- tion. With an exact Map, [&c.] London: 1714. 8°. 5263 JUBILEE. The Berkshire, at Pittsfield, Mass., August 22 and 23d, 1844. Albany: 1845. 8°.' Plates. 5264 (The) of Lawrence Academy, at Groton, Mass., July 12, 1854. N. York: 1855. 8^. Plates. 5265 JUDD, SYLVESTER. History of Hadley, including Hatfield, S. Hadley, Amherst and Granby, Ms. With Earn. Genealogies by L. M. Boltwood. JS'orthampton: 1863. 8°. 5266 Life and Character of J. Boston: 1854. 12°. Portrait. 5267 JUDITH, ESTHER, and other Poems. By a Lover of the Eine Arts. Boston : 1820. 18°. 5208 JUDSOK, EMILY. An Olio of domestic verses. Kew York: 1852. 12°. 5269 JUKES, J. B. Excursions in and about :N'ewfoundland. 2 vols. London: 1842. Cr. 8°. Frontis. 5270 JUMEL, Mad. ELIZA B. Obituary of. New York: Pri- vately prin.: 1865. 8°. Ed. 30 copies. 5271 JUNIUS. Stat nominis umbra. Illustrated by Mr. Edward Bocquet, Hist. Engraver. Fi-om original Paintings. London: 1812. 4°. 12 Portraits. 5272 The letters of. London: Edinburgh: College, Glasgow: 1798. sm. 8°. 5273 JUSTINUS DE HISTORIIS PHILIPPICIS: Petrus Josephus Cautel. Phila.: 1815. 8°. 5274 KAIN, MAURICE. Kain against Paine on the Age of Reason. Staunton: 1795. 18°. Imp. 5275 KALLEY, ROBERT R., m D. Persecutions in Madeira in the 19th Century; from the Portuguese, by M. J. Gonsalves. N. Y. : 1845. 18°. Plate. 5276 KALM, PETER. Travels into North America; containing its Natural History, and Account of its Plantations. Tr. by J. R. Forster. Map. 2d ed. 2 vols. London: 1772. 8°. His name has been immortalized by Linnaeus, in the •• Kalmia." 5277 KAMES, LORD. Elements of Criticism, Analysis, and Trans- lations of Ancient and Foreign Illustrations. Ed. by A. Mills. New ed. N. Y.: 1842. 8°. CATALOJU£. 291 6278 KANSAS. Report of the Special Committee on the Troubles in Kansas. Washington: l^oG. 8°. 6279 KAPP, FREDERICK. Life of Frederick William Yon Steuben, with an Introd. by Geo. Bancroft. X. Y. : 1859. 12°. Portrait. 6280 KATOLIK Gagikwe-masiuaigan. Avec Approbation de Mons. ■ I'Eveque Pierre Paul Lefevre. Detroit: 1840. 18°. 5281 KEACH, Rev. BENJAMIN. Travels of True Godliness. Boston: 1831. 16°. 6282 KEACH, HORACE A. Rhode Island Library. Burrillville; as it was and as it is. Providence: 1856. 12°. 5283 KEATE, GEO. Account of the Pelew Islands, from the Jour- nals of Capt. Henry Wilson, and some of his Officers, who, in 1783, were there shipwrecked in the Antelope. Boston: 1796. 12°. 6284 Same. Finely illustrated. Dublin: 1793. 8°. 5285 Sketches from Nature, taken, and coloured in a Journey to Margate. 1st Amer. from 4th Lond. ed. Boston: 1793. 12°. Front. 5286 KEATING, WM. H. Expedition to the Source of St. Peter's River, Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the Woods, &c., 1823. 2 vols. London: 1825. 8°. Map and Plates. [Scarce.] 6287 KEATINGE, MAURICE, Col. Travels through France and Spain to Morocco. Comp. the Author's Residence in that Empire, etc. Numerous Plates. London: 1817. 4°. 5288 KEENE, EDMUND, (Ld. Bp. of Chester.) A Serm. bef. the Soc. , corresponding with the Incorporated Soc. in Dublin, for Prom. Eng. Protestant Working Schools in Ireland. London: 1755. 4°. 5289 KEEPER'S Travels in search of his Master. Philada.: 1808. 18°. Frontispiece. 5290 KEITH, GEORGE. Journal of Travels from New Hampshire to Caratuck. London: 1706. 4°. [Rare.] 5291 KEITH, THOMAS. Complete Measures. Arithmetician. Key to Arithmet. Use of the Globes. London: 1817-28. 4v. 12°. 5292 KEITH, WILLIAM, Sir. Collection of Papers; con. AnEssay on the Nature of Public Spirit. A Disc, on the Present State of the British Plantations in America. 2d ed. London: 1749. 12°. Sir W. Kfcith Avas Governor of Penna. from 1717 to 1725. 6293 KELLET, EDWARD, Dr. A Retvrne from Argier. Serm. at Minhead Co. Somerset, 16 March, 1627, at the re-admission of a relapsed Christian into our Chvrcli. London: 1628. 4°. 6294 KELLOGG, ALLYN S. Memorials of Elder John White. Hartford: 1860. 8°. 5295 KELTON, C. G. New England Col. of Hymns and Spiritual Songs. Montpelier, Yt.: 1829. 32°. 5296 KEMBLE, FRANCES ANNE. Residence on a Georgian Plantation. N. York: 1863. 12°. 292 CATALOGUE. 5i97 KENDALL, AMOS. Life of Andrew Jackson. Illus. K. Y. : 1843-4. 8°. Imp. 5298 KENDALL, E. A. Travels through the Northern Parts of the United States 1807-8. 3v. :N'. York: 1809. 8°. 5299 KENDALL, G. W. Texan Santa Ee Expedition, comprising a Description of a Tour through Texas, Illust. and Map. 2 vols. New York: 1814. 12°. This book is becoming scarce, readily commanding five dollars the copy. 5300 KENDEICK, A. C. Life and Letters of Emily C. Judson. N". York: 1860. 12°. Portrait. 5301 KENNEDY, JOHN P. Life of William Wirt. Kev. ed. 2 vols. Phila : 1850. 8°. Portrait. 5.3;.2 KENNEDY, THOMAS. Poems. Washington City: 1816. 12°. 5303 KENNEDY, PATRICK. Answer to Paine's Letter to Gen, Washington. London. 1797. 8°. 5304 KENNETT, BASIL. Romge Antiquje Notitia: or, the Anti- quities of Rome, loth ed. London: 1737. Portrait. 8°. 5305 KENNETT, WHITE. Complete History of England, to the death of William the Third. London: 1706. 3 vols. Fo. 5306 Sermon at the Funeral of William Duke of Devonshire. Sept. 5, 1707. London: 1708. 8°. 5307 Address of Thanks to a Good Prince, presented in the Paneygrick of Pliny upon Trajan. London: 1686. 8°. 5308 Life of late Lord Bishop of Peterborough. With Original Letters of the Arch Bishop of Canterbury, Dr. Tennison. London: 1730. 8°. 5309 KENRICK, WILLIAM. American Silk Grower's Guide. 2d ed. Boston: 1839. 12°. Autog. 5310 KENT, SAMUEL. The Banner Displayed: an Abridgment of Guillim: a Compleat System of Heraldry. Cuts and Tables. 2 vols. London: 1716-28. 8°. 6311 KENTUCKY ALMANAC for 1806-27. 2 v. 12°. From 1811 called Kentucky Farmer's Almanac. 5312 KENTUCKY. Acts, 1st Sess. of 18th genl. Assembly of Ky., 1809. Frankfort: 1810. 8°. 5313 Acts, 1st Sess. of 22d Gen. Assemb. of Ky. Frankfort: 1814. 8°. 5314 Acts. 1st Sess. of 34th Gen. Assemb. of Ky., 1825. Frank- fort: 1826. 8°. 5315 Acts, 1st Sess. 38th Gen. Assemb. of Ky.,1829. Frank- fort: 1830. 8°. 5316 KEPPEL, HENRY, Capt. Expedition to Borneo of H. M. S. Dido for the Suppression of Piracy. N. Y. : 1846. 12°. 5317 KER, HENRY. Travels through the Western Interior of the U. S., from 1808-16, With a Description of Mexico. Cont. Acct. CATALOGUE. 293 of Thirteen Tribes of Indians. Elizabethtown, N.J.: 1816. 8°. Very scarce. 6318 KfiRATRY, fiMILE, Count de. Rise and Fall of the Em- peror Maximilian. Narrative of the Mexican Empire, 1861-67. Tr. by G. A. Yenables. London: 1868. 8°. 6319 KERCHEVAL, SAMUEL. History of the Valley of Virginia. 2d ed., rev. Woodstock, Va. : 1850. 8°. 5320 KERR, JACOB. The several Trials of the Rev. David Barclay, etc. Elizabethtown: 1814. 12°. 5321 KERR, ROBERT. Life, Writings, and Correspondence of WiUiam Smellie. 2 vols. Edinburgh: 1811. 8°. Portrait. 6322 KERSEY, JESSE. Doctrines of the Christian Religion. In which the Profession of the Society of Friends is illust. Phila. : 1816. 12°, 5323 KERSEY, JOHN. Dictionarium Anglo-Britannicum : a Gen- eral English Dictionary. London: 1708. 8°. 6324 Elements of that Mathematical Art commonly called Al- gebra. Lectures at the School of Geometry in Oxford, by Dr. Edmund Halley. London: 1733. Fol. 5325 KETCHUM, ANNIE C. Benny: A Christmas Ballad. N. Y.: 1870. Sq. 12°. 5326 KETCHUM, WILLIAM. History of Buffalo, comp. Historic Notices of the Iroquois Indians. In 2 vols. Buffalo: N. Y. ; 1864- 65. 8°. Portraits and Author's Autog. 5327 KETT, HENRY. Flowers of Wit. Two vols, in one. Hart- ford: 1825. 18°. 5328 KETTELL, SAMUEL. Specimens of American Poetry, with Crit. and Biog. Notices. 3 vols. Boston; 1829. 12°. [Scarce.] 5329 KEY, FRANCIS SCOTT. The Star Spangled Banner. II- lust.by F. O. C. Darley. Music from Bellini. N.York: 1861. 4°. 5330 KEYES, FREDERICK J. A Life Poem, and other Poems. Boston: 1855. 12°. 5331 KIDD, ADAM. The Huron Chief, and other Poems. Mon- treal: 1830. 12°. Front. 5332 KIDD, WILLIAM, Capt. Full Account of the Proceedings in Relation to Capt. Kidd. In Two Letters. Written by a Person of Quality to a Kinsman of the Earl of Bellomont in Ireland. London: 1701. 4°. [Scarce.] 5333 KIDD, WM. The Canary; a Cage and Chamber Bird. Illust. London: [n. d.] 4°. 5334 KIDDER, DANIEL P. Sketches of Residence and Travels in Brazil. Two vols, with Illust. Phila. : 1845. 8°. 5335 Mormonism and the Mormons. N. Y. : 1842. 18°. 5336 KIDDER, FREDERIC. Abenaki Indians; Their Treaties of 1713 and 1717, and a Vocab.: with Historical Introd. Portland: 1859. 8°. 20 294 CATALOGUE. 5337 KIDDEE, FREDERIC. Expeditions of John Lovewell; also a Reprint of the Rev. Thomas Symmes's Sermon. Boston: 1865. sm. 4°. 5338 Hist. N. Ipswich, with Genealogies. Boston: 1852. 8°. Plates. 5339 Military Operations in Eastern Maine, and Kova Scotia dur- ing the Revolution. Albany: 1867. 8°. Map. 5340 History of the First K. H. Regiment in the War of the Revolution. Albany: 1868. 8°. 6341 History of the Boston Massacre, with unpub'd. Docs, of John Adams. Albany: 1870. 8°. Illust. 5342 KIDNEY, JOHN STEmFORT. Catawba River, and other Poems. N. Y.: 1847. 12°. 5343 KILBOURI*I^IANA. In Memoriam. Boston: 1865. 4°. 5674 LINJSr, JOim BLAIR, d.d. Valerian, a Narrative Poem: with Life of the Author. Phila.: 1805. 4°. 5675 The Powers of Genius: A Poem. London: 1804. 16°. 5676 The Power of Genius. Phila. : ISOl. 12°. [Scarce.] 5377 LINN, WILLIAM. Life of Thomas Jefferson. Ithaca: 1843. 12°. Portrait. 5678 LINN, WILLIAM, d.d. Discourses on the Signs of the Times. New York: 1794. Also the Blessings of America. Serm. July 4, 1791. The Character of Simon the Sorcerer: a Serm. N. Y.: 1793. Remarks on Dr. Moore's Address to the Members of the Prot. Epis. Ch. in New York. N. York: 1793. 8°. 5679 Sermons, Historical and Characteristical. N.Y [1791.] 16°. 5680 LINSGHOTEN, JOHN YAN. His Discourse of Voyages into ye Easte and West Indies. London: 1598. FoL A very rare book : marked by Mr. Rich at 8 guineas. Curious maps and plates. 5681 LIPSCOMB, ANDREW A. (Rev.) Our Country: its Danger and Duty. N. York: 1854. 18°. 5682 LIST OF TORIES in the Revol. War, attainted of High Trea- son. N. York: privately reprinted. 1865. 5683 LITCHFIELD, PAUL. County Centennial Celebration, at Litchfield, Conn., 18th and 14th of Aug., 1851. Hartford: 1851. 8^. 6684 LITERARY GAZETTE and Journal of Belles Lettres, Arts, Sciences, etc., for 1830-31. London: 1830-31. 2v. 4°. 6685 LITERARY MAGAZINE (The) and British Review. 11 vols. 1788-1793. London. 8°. Many Portraits, Yiews, Maps, &c. 5680 LITERARY AND AMERICAN REGISTER. Vol. I. to YII. From Oct., 1803 to July, 1807. Phila.: 8°. 6687 LITERARY MAGAZINE (The) or, the History of the Worlds of the Learned. By a Soc. of Gent., 1735. London: 1736. 8°. Autog. T. M. Harris. 5688 LITHGOW, WILLIAM. Nineteen Years Travels through the World, [&c.] 10th ed. Lond.: 1692. 8°. [Scarce.] Wood cuts. 5689 LITTELL, JOHN. Genealogies of the First Settlers of Passaic Valley, (and vicinity,) Above Chatham. Feltville, N. J.: 1851. 8°. must. CATALOGUE. 313 5690 LITTLE, GEO. B. Memorial of the Life of Ecv. Geo. B. Little. Riverside Press, Cambridge: 1861. 8°. 5691 LITTLE, WILLIAM. The History of Warren, N. Hamp- shire. Manchester, N. II. : 1870. 8°. Front. 6692 LITURGY (A) of Kings Chapel, Boston. 2d ed. 1811. 8°. 6693 LIVERMORE, GEORGE. Opinions of the Founders of the Republic on Negroes as Slaves, as Citizens, and as Soldiers. Boston: 1863. 8°. . 5694 Same. 5th ed. Boston: 1863. Large paper ed. 50 copies. 5695 LIVERMORE, HARRIET. Scriptural evidence in favour of female testimony, in meetings for Christian Worship. Portsmouth: 1824. 10°. 5096 LIVERMORE, SAMUEL. A Treatise on the Law of Princi- pals, Agents, Factors, Auctioneers, and Brokers. Bos.: 1811. 8°- 6697 LIVERPOOL DOCK LAWS. Liverpool: 1848. 8°. 6698 LIVERPOOL. The Stranger's Complete Guide; with a Map and numerous Engravings. Liverpool: [1852?] 18°. 5699 The Picture of: or Stranger's Guide. Engravings. Liver- pool: 1808. 12°. 6700 LIVES and Portraits of curious and Odd Characters. Worces- ter: 1852. 12°. Paper. 6701 LIVINGSTO]^, D. 17 Years' Explorations in Africa. By J. H. Coombs. Phila.: Chicago: 1857: 12°. 5702 LIVINGSTON, JOHN. Law Register: a Guide for men of' business. New York: 1854. 8°. 6703 LIVINGSTON, JOHN H., d.d. Dissertation on Marriage with a Sister-in-law. New Brunswick, [N. J.:] 1816. 8°. 5704 LIVINGSTON, WILLIAM. Review of Military Operations in N. America from 1753, to the surrender of Otsego, Aug. 14, 1756. [From a vol. (7) of Mass. Hist. Colls.] 5705 LLOYD, DAVID. Lives and Deaths of those Excellent Per- sonages, that Suifered for the Prostestant Religion from 1037 to 1G6(). W^ith the Life and Martyrdom of King Charles I. London : 1608. Fol. Frontispiece of 19 Portraits. 5706 The States-men of England Since the Reformation [&c.]. London: 1(.)65. 8°. Six Portraits on one plate. '1 Bought Nov. 24, 1664." MS. on title. 5707 LLOYD, JAMES T. Steamboat Directoiy, and Disasters on the Western Waters, containing the History of Steam, as a Motive Power; the Lives of John Fitch and Robert Fulton, Likenesses of their first Steamboats. From 1798 to 1812. Maps The Earth- quake of 1812, &c., &c. 100 fine Engravings, and 46 Maps. Cin- cinnati, O. : 1856. 8°. 6708 LLOYD, WILLIAM (Bp. Wore.) The True way to suppress Popery in this Kingdom: Historical Account of the Reformation here in England. London: 1677. 4°. Title torn. 314 CATALOGUE. LOCAIi HISTORY. [Pamphlets only, — bound vols, are under authors.] The collection embraces 131 volumes (or about 4000 tracts), in which materials of every kind, relative to the liistory of towns, have been collected, examined and arranged under their proper titles. Every one who is acquainted with the difficulty of consulting scattered pamphlets will perceive the value of such a classification ; and any one inter- ested in a town will find materials already prepared for him. 5709 Abington, Ms. (12.) Strong's Senu. Ded. of Meeting-H. (3d Soc), Boston, 1813. — Weeks' Serm., 1820. — Colburn, 1820.— Ward Serm. , 1835. — Thomas' 4th July Ads. , Boston, 1839. — Ward, J. W., Serm. Ded. of Kew Meeting-H., Andover, 1849. — White's Farewell Disc., 18G0. — Abington Semi-Centennial, 1862. 5710 Acton, Ms. (4.) Greenough's Serm. Ordin. of Marshall Sliedd, Concord, 1820. — Josiah Adams' Centennial Ads., 1835. [Authors' Autog.] — Monument Celebration, 1851. 5711 AcKWORTH, Ms. (3.) Cooke, Phineas, (2) , 1829. — Bar- stow, Z. S., at install'n of Moses Gr. Grosvenor, 1829. 5712 Adams, Ms. Minutes of the Shaftsbury Bapt. Assn., 1786. 5713 Alabama. (6.) Dis. Mobile, May, 1829. Ded. of Gov- ernment St. Ch., by J. B. Warren. — A. Woods, Baccalaureate Ads. — 2d Ann. Com't U. of Ala. Tuscaloosa, 1833. — Same. 3d Ann. Com't, 1834. — Same. Lecture bef . Am. Institute, Tuscaloosa, 1834. — Same. (Baccalaureate), 4th Ann. Com't Univ. of Ala. Tus. 1835. — South'n College Magazine, Yol. 5, No. 6., (1860.) Florence: 1860. 8". [All scarce]. 5714 Alfred, Me. Cogswell, Jona. Serm. bef. York Co. Assn. , Kennebunk, 1819. [Scarce.] 5715 Albany, N. Y. 51 Tr. 1797-1856. Y.. 1. Address to the Kepub. Citizens of N". Y., 1813; Impostures and Calumnies of G. M. AVest, 1850; Webster's Speech, May 28, 1851; A. Proudfit's Sermon, 1820; Intro. Lect. to Alb. Med. Coll., by D. M. Reese, 1839; Dr. Sprague's Address to the Y. M. Asso., 1838; Same, in Behalf of the Polish Exiles, 1834; Dedication Sermon, T. E. Yer- milye, 1S38; Speeches in Behalf of the U. of Albany, 1852; Fiftieth Anniv. Synod of Albany, 1853; Trans. Albany Institute Y. 4, part 1; Proc. Gen. Cong. Convention, 1852; E. A. Huntington's two Discourses, with History, third Presb. Church, 1855; Dr. Sprague's 2oth Anniv. Sermon, 1854, &c. 5716 Alstead, K. H. 3 Tr. Minutes of Woodstock Ass'n, Keene, 1805; Whitman's Serm. Ordin. Levi Lankton, ]N'orthamp- ton, 1790; Grosvenor on Ch. music, Boston. 1830. 6717 Allegheny, Coll. Pa. Prospectus, Meadville, 1829; Cat. 1838; Alna, Me. Amenia, iN". Y. Andoyer, Ch. &c. 11 Tr. 5718 ASHFIELD, ASHBY, ASHLAND, Ms. &c. 9 Tr. 6719 Amesbury, Ms. 6 Tr. Tompkins' Serm. Ordin. Moses CATALOGUE. 315 Welch (riaverhill), Newb'pt, 1819; Eaton's Serm. Ordin. Peter S. Eaton (Boxford), Newb'pt., 1826; Gunnison, Fast Serm., Ames- bury, 1836; Noyes' Serm. (Ded. Free-will Bapt. M. H.), Dover, 1851; Whitcomb, 2 Serms., Andover, 1850, etc. 5720 Amherst College. 2 vols. 50 Tr. Vol. 1. 27 Tr. Const, and By-Laws, 1818; Noah Webster, Ads. at laying cor. stone, Aug., 1820. Doc's, of 1820; Humphrey, Ads., 1823; Yer- planck, G. C. Dis., Aug., 1834; Rep. of Legis. Com. App. to inquire into facts &c., 1825; Latin Rules, Amherst, 1826; Two Reports, Amh., 1827; Auto, of Prest. Humphrey; Laws &c., 1827; Hum- phrey's Serm. Ded. Coll. Chapel, Amh., 1827; Same, Parallel bet. Intemperance and Slave Trade, Amh., 1828; Catalogue 1831 (Corp. Faculty and Tutors); Catalogues 1831, 32, 33, 35, 36,38; Statement of Pecuniary embarrassments, 1832; Rev. John Todd, ads. bef. Soc. of Inquiry, Amh., 1833; Boies, do.; Everett, A. H., on Social Im- provement, 1834; Everett, Edw. Ads. bef. the Literary Soc, 1835; Humphrey, Dis. Amh., 1834; Coni't Exercises, 1835. — Vol. 2. 23 Tr. Two Reports, Amh., 1827; Humphrey, 4th July, 1828, Amh.; Cushing, Caleb, Orat. Aug., 1836; Barnes, Albert, Ads. Aug., 1838, Amh.: Stebbins, 1838; Rept. on Petition, 1839; Mellen, G. Poem, Amh. 1839; Barnard, d.d., 1839; Humphrey Prest., Valedictory, 1845; Hitchcock, Inaugural, Amh., 1845; Sumner, Chas., Ads. 1847; Stearns' Inaugural, 1855; Everett, Ed., Speech on the Memorial of Am. Coll., 1849; The Ichnolite, (Coll. Mag.) Apr., 1868; Catalogues, 1822, 23, 36, 38-9, 55-6, 57-8, Library, 1855. 6721 Amherst, N. H. "4 Tr. Fiske's Masonic Disc. Bell's Orat. Amherst, 1798; McFarland at Ordin. Nathan Lord, Amh., 1816; John Farmer's Hist. Sketch of Amherst, Amh., 1820. 6722 Andover. 24 Tr., J. French, Serm. agt. Extortion, Bost., 1777; at Ord. of Daniel Oliver, Newb'p't, 1787; Thanksg. dis. Newb't, 1804; J. H. Church, serm. First settlet of N. Eng., Sutton, 1810; E. Porter Sermons, And., 1815, and 1829; 3rd and 4th Reports Amer. Soc. Educ. for Minist., 1818-19; J. Edwards, serm., 1826; Address, cor. stone West Meeting H.,1826; J. Murdock, serm. , 1827; B. Loring, Thanks. Disc, 1829; Conf. of Faith So. Ch., 1834, 1836; Parsons Cooke Disc, 1839; the Andover Husking, 1842; Webster's Address, 1843, and Moses Stuart's pamph. on same 1844. The Andover Fuss, or Dr. Woods and Dr. Dana, 1853, &c 6723 Andover Theol. Sem. 2 vols. 1808 to 1859. Vol. 1. 22 Tr. Dwight, Sermon at Opening, and at ord. of Rev. E. Pearson, 1808; Holmes, inaug. of Rev. E. Porter, 1812; Porter, Dedic of New Edifice, And., 1818; Calvin and Hopkins vs. the Bible and Common Sense, 1819; Stuart, on the Compl. of New Coll. Edifice, And., 1821; Catalogue, 1822 and 1832; Laws of, 1817 and 1827; Concert progr., Sep. 25,1822; Justin Edwards address to Porter Rhet. Soc, 1825; Woods, Nature and infl. of faith, 1826; and Lecture, Sept. 2, 1823; 22 316 CATALOGUE. Kev. E. Porter, The Christian Citizen, 1831; Signs of the Times, 1823; Char, of JS'ehemiah, 1816, Course of Study, 1822. Yol. 2. 31 Tr. Description of, 1834; Catalogues of 1835-37, '39, '41, '42, '48, '49, 65-69; Laws and Cust., 1837, 1839; Order of Exercises, Sep. 1833; Sep. 1834; 31 Aug. 1835; Sep. 5, 6 and 7, 1836; Sep. 1837; L. Beecher, Dependence and Free Agency, 1832; Albert Barnes, prac- tical preaching, 1833; Tayler Lewis, The True Idea of the State, 1843; T. H. Skinner, Elements of Power in Pub. Speaking, 1833, and on Disbelieving the Atonement, &c., 1833. 5724 Attleboro, Mass. 10 Tr. Levi Hart's serm. at Ord. J. Wilder, 1790; Z. Sanger, ord. of E. Lazell, 1793; J. Wilder, East serm., 1798, Wrentham; W.' Warren, serm., 1803; Holman, Thanks, serm., 1811; T. Williams address, Agr. Soc, 4 July, 1825; Covenant IstCh., 1827; J. Wilder, serm., 1805. Same vol. 5725 Augusta, Me. 13 Tr. J. Appleton, ord. of B. Tappan, 1811; J. Cogswell, Serm., 1819; A. Lamson, ded. Beth. Ch., 1827; T. Adams, serm, bef. Kennebec Conf., 1829; Moses Thacher address 1832; Sylv. Judd, dis. Birthright Church, 1853. 5726 Baltimore, Md. 25 Tr. J. Bissett's Serm., 19 June, 1791,Phila. ; Channing's Serm. at Ord. of Jared Sparks, 1819; Serms. at Consec. of Bishop Stone, 1830; Miller's Serm. bef. Board of Eor. Missions, 1835; J. N. Maffit, a Plea for the Orphan, 1833; Canton Comp. Prospectus, 1829; Wirt's Address, Oct. 25, 1830; So. Bait. Co. Prospectus, 1833; Burnap's Serm. on Sectarianism, 1835; T. E. Bond Centenary of Methodism, 1838; R. Fuller's discourse, 1841; Bp. Whittingham's discourses. The Priesthood in the Church, 1843. 5727 Bangor, Me. 30 Tr. 1822-68. J. Smith, Serm. at the Theol. Sem., Hallowell, 1823; A. Greely bef. Me. Miss. Soc, Hallo- well, 1824; J. B. Dods Serm., Bangor, 1829; Theol. Sem., Survey, Bangor 1830, Order of Exercises 1835, Catalogue 1841 and 1871; a word for Bangor Sem., 1860; Haddock's Disc, 1843; Shepard, Serm., 1835; F. H. Hedge, Introd. Lect. Bangor Lyceum, 1836; 4th July Oration, 1838; J. Maltby, Serm., 1838, Temp, disc, 1839; B. R. Tefft, The Perfect Church, 1840; C. Hobart, Serm. Me. Miss. Soc, 1848; J. H. Allen's Serms., 1856, 1857, etc. 5728 Barnstable, Ms. 17 Tr. Shaw's Ord. Serm. (1761); Hilliard's do. (1771), Tripp's do. (1795); Palfrey's Centennial Disc Author's autog; C. Cod Centennial, 1839; Waterman's Ordin., 1802; Same, Fast Serm., 1804; Pratt's Ordin. (T. M. Harris), 1807; Sew- all's Ordin. (Ezra Ripley), 1820; C. Cod Centennial, Barnst., 1840, «&c 5729 Barre, Ms. J. Thompson's Disc, a ministry of 50 years, 1854; Theodore Parker, ord. of Mr. G. Kimball, 1855; Bedford, K. H., Isaac O. Barnes' address on the 100th anniv., 1850; Pren- CATALOGUE. 317 tice, Serm. at install, of Joseph Willard at Boxborough, Ms., 1785; Barrington, R. I., Z. Sanger's Serm. at ord. of S. Watson, 1798; BooTHBAY, Me., Coan's Centen. Serm. 1866; Becket, Ms., J. L. Mills' anniv. dis., 1816; in all, 26 Tr. 5730 Bkdford, Belch krtown, Ms. (.3) Rep. of the Election Case; Pease's Serm., Brookfield, 1831; Bellingiiam (H); Fisher's Serm., Oct. 13, 1816; Civil and Eccl. Hist, of the Town, 1719-1819, Abiel Fisher, "Worcester, 1822: Berlin (6), Confession of Faith, Hobart, 1803; Puffer's Yaled. on leaving the Old Meet'g-H., &c., 1827; Boutwell, G. S., Ads., 1853; Berwick, Me. (5) Minutes of K. H. Assn , &c.. Ports., 1798; Same, 1802; Coffin's Serm., install'n of John Thompson, 1783; Bernardston, Belmont, etc. 24 Tr. in all. 5731 Beverly, Ms. 20 Tr. Hitchcock, G., Serm. Ordin. of E. Hitchcock, 1771; Eliot, And. Serm. Ordin. Jos. Willard, 1773 McKeen's Fast Serm., 1793; Peabody's Serm., Ord. of Moses Dow 1801; Emmons' Serm., Ord. of Jos. Emerson, 1803; Worcester, S Serm. at ded. of New Meeting-H., 1803; Baldwin. Thomas, In stall'n of Elisha Williams, 1803; Abbot, A., 1804; Dow's Fast Serm for the War, 1812; Same, Farewell Serm., 1813; Remarks on the recent Ordin. by Another Layman, 1824; Thayer's Ordin., Thayer, 1830; Everett, E.,Orat. 4th July, 1835; Thayer's Valedict., 1858; Gannett's Serm., Ordin of J. C. Kimball, 1860. 5732 Billerica, Ms. B. W. Cumming's Serms. 1775, '83, '95, '96, '98, 1801, Half Century (1813), Whitman's Ord.; Farmer's Hist. Memoir, 1816; Whitman's Thanksg. Serm., 1829; Centennial Celeb., 1855; also 5733 Boscawen, N. H. Chronolog. Register, 1823; Bouton's Disc, on the fiftieth anniv., 1859; in all, 18 Tr. 5734 Bradford, Ms. 13 Tr. The People's Interest, Serm., Thos. Symmes,Ded. to Hon. Wm. Dummer, Boston; 1724 [2 leaves wanting at end], Jacob Cushing, Serm., Ordin. of Saml Williams, Bost.,1766; Ebenezer Dutch at Ded. of New Meeting-H., 1791; Newb'port,1792; Sam'l Spring at Ordin. of Chas. Coffin, Jr., Newb'- port, 1804; Two Serms., Hervey Wilbur, Haverhill, 1812; Isaac Braman, Ordin. of Gardner B. Perry, Haverhill, 1814; History of Bradford, G. B. Perry's Disc, 200th Anniv. of Settlement, Haver- hill, 1821: Articles of Faith, &c., First Ch., Haverhill, 1832. Bradford Academy, Catalogues, 1834, '39-48, 1803-53; Wm. M. Rogers' Ded. Ads., 1841. 5735 Byfield, Ms. 11 Tr. E. Parish, Anniv. Serm., 1797; :N^ewb'pt, 1798; Same, Orat., July 4th, 1799, Newb'pt; Same, Ann. Thanks., Nov. 29, 1804, Salem, 1805; Same, 2d ed.; Same, July 4th, 1805, Salem, 1805; Same, Serm., Buried with Christ, 1806; Same, Ann. Fast Apr., 1808, :N'ewb'pt: Same, Fast, 1811, Newb'pt; Same, 2ded.; Same, Fast, 1812; Same, 1813. 318 CATALOGUE. 5736 LOCAL, HISTORY. Braintree, Ms. 19 Tr. 1726-1858. Hancock's Ord. Serm., 1726, Hancock's Cent'y Serm., 1739, Porter, 1749, Briant, 1750, (fee, Sage, Farewell Serm., 1809; Storrs, R. S., Address on Inaug. of Prest. Adams, 1825, at dedic. K. Meeting-H., 1831; Serm. on Slavery, 1844; fFiftieth Anniv. Serm., 1861; J. Q. Adams' Address, 1842; Adams' Dis. on Educ, 1839; C. F. Adams, Address, 1858. 5737 Brookfield, Mass. 30 Tr. Forbes' Serm. on Reduction of Canada, 1760, Boston, 1761; Haven's Serm. at Ordin. of Eph. Ward, Boston, 1771; Fiske, Nathan, Hist. Dis., Bost., 1776, Repr.; Hitchcock's Disc, Dedication of New Meeting-H. in Providence; also at W. Parish in Brookfield, Brookfield, 1795; Backus, Chas., Ordin. Thos. Snell, Worcester, 1798; Stone, Eliab, Ordin. Rev.Micah Stone, Worcester, I. T., 1801; Washington's Farewell Ads. , Brook- field, 1812; Snell's 4th of July Orat.; also Poem by Ch. Prentiss, Brookfield, 1813; Same, Dis. bef. Female Bible Soc, Brookfield, 1815; Morse, Jed., Ordin. Eliakim Phelps, Brook'd, 1817; Snell, Serm., Life and Death, Brook'd, 1818; Hist. Sketch Bap. Ch. in B.; Snell, on Christian Psalmody, Brook'd, 1818; Phelps, Serm., Inter- ment of the Hon. D wight Foster, Bost., 1823; Snell, Signs of the Times; Brook'd, 1824; Communication from the Brook'd Ass'n to the Eccles. Council, Worcester, 1824; Cotting's Acts, Brook'd, 1827; Stone's Serm., Ded. of Meeting-H. in S. Brook'd, Brook'd, 1828; Foot's Hist. Brookfield, Brook'd, 1829; Same, on Intemperance, 1828; Decision Sup. Ct., relating to the Sacramental Furniture, Boston, 1832; Snell's Hist, of is^. Brook'd, Brook'd, 1838, &c., all 8°. 5738 BiiiDGE water, Ms. I Yol. 26 Tr. Leonard's Ord. 1795; Meech, Serm., 1804; Orr's 4th July Orat., 1804; Meech, do., 1805; Same, Yaledict., 1812; Lowell, (Chs.) Serm., Ordin. R. M. Hodges, 1821; Storrs, R. S., Serm. at Ordin. Danl. Temple and Isaac Bird, 1821; Hodge's Disc, 1831; Doggett's Fast Serm., 1838; Letter from Bridgewater, Eng., 1847; 200th Anniv. Celebration, 1856; Hist. Notice of B' water Academy, 1859; Bowles' Serm., 1841, &c. 6739 Broolyn, N. Y. 27 Tr. Report of Committee of Lond. Soc. 1811; VV. H. Furness inst. serm. D. H. Barlow, 1834: Difficul- ties of First Presb. Ch. 1840; S. T. Spear's Thanksg. Serm. 1844; Mark Hopkins Serm. 1845; H. W. Beecher's Serm. Nov. 25, 1847; E. Beecher's Serm. 1849; Deism by R. Little, Brooklyn, 1814; Yan Dyke's Serm. on Abolitionism, 1860; N. Cleveland, address bef. N. E. Soc. 1849; L S. Spencer Serm. on Fug. Slave Law, 1850; J. Brodhead Serm., 27 July, 1851; Greenwood Cemetery, 1852; S. Longfellow's Serms. 1853, and Parting Words, 1860. 6740 Brown University. 28 Tr. Addresses, Orations, &c. Messer, 1799, 1803, 1810; J. Maxcy, 1801, 1802; Gleason, 1802; Townsend, 1822; Horace Mann, 1825; Metcalf, 1833; Y. Maxcy, 1833; Wayland, 1835; A. H. Everett, 1837; John Neal, 1838; F. C. CATALOGUE. 319 Gray, 1842; Geo! R. Russell, 1849; Hist, and Laws of the Library, 1843; S. Deane, The Populous Village, a poem, 1826; Comm. Ex- ercises, 1817; Catalogues, 1827, '33, '35, '43, '47, '52. 5741 Bunker Hill. 29 Tr. &c. relating to the battle of June, 1775, and Monument. David Everett's Ads., 1809; D. W. Lincoln, 1810; H. A. S. Dearborn, 1811. Enquiry into Putnam's Conduct, 1819. Ode by G. Mellen, 1825; Webster's Ads., 1825 and 1843; Morsman, 1830; Coffin, 1835; A. H. Everett, 1836; Elliott, 1840; Ellis, 1841; Frothingham on The Command, several anonymous accounts, broadsides and plates. Many tracts relative to Bunker Hill, will be found under authors' names, as Swett's, which were placed together for convenient consultation. 5742 California. 20 Tr. G. G. Foster, 1848; Fremont's Me- moir, 1848; I. T. Brooks, 1849; T. Butler King's Report, 1850. Several on Slavery in, «&c. 6743 Cambridge, MS. 3 v. Vol. 1. 1739-1809. 21 Tr. Turell's Serm., 1739; Appleton, 1741; Dana, 1767; Haven, Hilliard at Ex- ecution of White, Barrick and Sullivan, 1785; Foster's Ord. ; Dana at Abiel Holmes' Installation; Holmes (5) Foster, Waterhouse. Vol. 2, 1810-32, 21 Tr. D. Osgood, 1810; Abiel Holmes, 1814; 1818; two Dis. on Landing at Plym., 1821; Controv. in the first Parish, 1829, 37th Anniv., 1829; Abiel Abbot, 1818; Peck, Catal. Botanic Garden, 1818; Everett's Oration, 1826; F. W. P. Greenwood, 1828; Ch. Lowell, 1828; H. Ware, 1830, 1832; Alex. Young, 1830; Green- wood, 1830. V. 3. 19 Tr. R. P. Stebbins, 1847; Muzzey dedic. of Lee Street Ch., 1847; Th. Hill Address, 1853; Albro, Consec. Camb. Cemetery, 1854, 25th Anniv. Commemo., 1860; Joel Parker's Address, 1856; Wm. Newell Dis., 1855. 6744 Chicago. Ills. 1848-64. 15 Tr. 6745 Concord, 1^. H., 1802-60. 29 Tr. Fra. Brown, Hasel- tine, McFarland, Bouton's Centennial, 1831, Concord Directory, lv^30; Bouton's dis. bef. K. H. Hist. Soc, 1833, &c. 5746 Chelsea, Ms., 1801-68. 23 Tr. Rev. Jos. Tuckerman's Ord., 1801; 20th anniv. of 1821; Copp's Dis. on Landing of Pilgrims Dec. 21,1856. 6747 Cincinnati, O., 1813-1847. 25 Tr. Wilson's serm. to the Light Companies, 1813; Christ Ch. Letter and Reply, 1824; H. U. Onderdonk's Ans., 1824; Eph. Peabody's Ord., 1832; Lane Semi- nary (3) Lyman Beecher's Ads. Union Lit. Soc, 1835; J. Q. Adams's Oration, 1843; John McLean address, 1845; G. Bailey, 1846, &c. 6748 Danvers, Ms., 1805-70. 30 Tr. Spring's serm., 1805; Wadsworth, 1815; Sewall's Ord. Discussion bet. Braman and Whit- temore, 1833; (2), King's Battle of Lexington Ads. Centennial, 1852; Samuel Walker's serm., 1815; Everett's speech, Oct. 9, 1856; Hist. Sketch of N. Danvers, 1855, &c. 320 CATALOGUE. 6749 LOCAL HISTORY. Dartmouth College. 2 vols. 50 Tr. Charter of 1769 (autog. of S. Penhallow) ; Prest. Wheelock's Thanks. Serra. Nov. 30, 1775, Hartf'd pr. ; Orat. on Early Education, pr. Dres- den, 1779; Dunham's 4th July Orat., 1798; Burton's serm. bef. P. B. K., pr. Hanover; Perkins' Inaug. on Eever, 1802; McFarland's P. B. K. Orat., 1802; Obs. Vindicating the right of D. C. to the Grant of 1785-1807; Worcester (Saml.) Ads. on Sacred Music, 1810; Brown, H. Ads. on Music, 1810; Fairfield's Orat. 4th July, 1811; Emerson on Music, 1814; True Nan'at. of the Cli. Difficulties, by a com. of the Ch., 1815; Candid Keview of the Sketches, &c., 1815; Sketches of the Hist, of D. C. and Moor's Charity School; Vindication of the Trustees, 1815; Refutation of "The Vindication," by Freeman, 1816; Acts to Amend, Enlarge and Improve the Corp., 1816; Docs, rel. to D. C, pub. by ord. of the Legislature, 1816; Petition of Trus- tees, 1816; Charter, 1816; Dunham's Ans. to the Vindication, 1816; Dana's P. B. K. Ads. 1817, pr. Exeter. Vol. 2. 26 Tr. Opinion of the Sup. Ct. of N. H. in case of the Trustees vs. W. H. Wood- ward, 1818* ; Mussey's Ads., 1818; Alden, Ebenezer, 1819; Outline of the Pl'ffs argument in the case agt. Woodward; P. B. K. orat. Knapp, S. L., 1824; Oliver's Induction Ads., 1825; P. B. K. orat. Hadduck, 1825; Prest. Lord's Inaug. Ads., 1828; Catalogues 1827, 28, 31-32, 34, 40, 41-2; Hale's Valed.; Prof. Hale and D. C; Re- marks on Prof . Hale and D. C, all 1835; Kent's P. B. K. Orat., 1832; Emerson, Ralph W. Orat. July 24, 1838; Everett, A. H., Ads., 1839; Brown's Inaug. Ads., 1841; Lewis' P. B. K. Disc, 1841. * '• Presentation " copy to J. Q. Adams, from Q-ov. Wm. Plumer of N. H. 5750 Dedham. 3 vols., 65 Tr., v. 1. Dexter's cent, serm., 1738 (last page supplied); same, ed. 1796; Thacher, 1784, 1801, 1808, 1809, 1812; Jason Haven's 40th Anniv., 1796, Jason Fairbanks's trial, 1801; J. Flint, ord. serm. Joshua Bates, 1803; Metcalf, 4th July, 1810; closet companion, Dedham, 1811; E. Ripley, ord. John White, 1814. V. 2. S. Worcester, ord. of Wm. Cogswell, 1815; sermons by D. C. Sanders, 1816, Wm. Cogswell, H. Ballon, R. H. Storrs, J. Bates, Daniel Dana, Dr. Jarvis, H. Ware, 1818, ord. of A. Lamson and Result of Council; Orations July 4, 1823, Horace Mann ; 1822, Barnum Field, 25 Tr. Vol. 3. O. A. Brownson's ad- dress, July 4, 1834; A. Lamson, 1835; Centennial, (First Ch.) 1838; on John Robinson, 1851; serm., 1854, 40th anniv., 1858; Haven's centen. address, 1836; S. B. Babcock, Hist. Dis., 1845; Durfee's centen. dis.,1836, 24Tr. 6751 Dennis, Ms. 4 Tr. J. Waterman, Masonic Address, 1804; J. Kendall, ord. of Caleb Holmes, 1805; Ch. Lowell, ord. of D. M. Stearns, 1828. 5752 Derry, N. H. 8 Tr. E. L. Parker's Serm., 1827; and Bigelow's Serm., 1832; C. H. Dell's Address, 150th Anniv., 1869. CATALOGUE. 321 6753 LOCAL HISTORY. Dublin, N. H. 3 Tr. Minutes Dub- lin Asso., 1811; Langdon's Serm., ord. of E. Sprague, 1777; L. W. Leonard's anniv. Senn., 1846. 6754 Douglas, Ms. 2 Tr. S. Porter, ord. of W. Phipps, 1747; Holnian, ord. Serm. 1808, 5755 DisT. Col. 8 Tr. Sewall's Charge to Grad. Class of Colum. Coll., 1828; Lecture on opening the Medical Dept., 1825; Dick. Coll., Pa., Allen, Baccal. Address, 1840; Danville, Vt., Powers Serm. atinst. of E. J. Boardman, 1827; 32 Tr. in all. 6766 East Hampton, Ms. 2 Tr. Mark Hopkins address at Ded. of Williston Sem. 1841; Willist. Sem. Catal. 1846. 6757 Enfield, Ct. 4Tr. J. Trumbull's Serm. ord. N. Prud- den, 1782; Minutes Sturbridge Bapt. Asso., 1820. 5758 Epsom, N. H. 2 Tr. J. Curtis Thankg. Serm., 1815; Mc- Earland Serm. ord. of J. Curtis, 1815. 6759 E. Haddam. 2 Tr. A. Flint ord. of I. Parsons, 1816; Parsons' dedic. serm., 1846. Epping, ^N". H. Address to the Conv. of Young Men, 1828. Elizabethtown, K. J. J. C. Rudd's Serm., 1822. E. Randolph. RussePs dis. dedic. of Winthrop Ch., 1858. 26 Tr. in all. 6700 Pall River, Farmington, Ct. and Me., 28 Tr. 1764- 1858. Eowler's Hist. Sketch of Fall River, Porter's Hist. Dis. of Farmington, Ct., Parker's Hist, of Farmington, Me. Falmouth, Ms. Smith's Serm. ord. of S. Dean, 1764. 5761 Franklin, Ms. 20 Tr. 2^. Emmons dis. on Fast day, 1801 ; on Ch. Music, 1806; dis., 1809; Fast, 1803; Thanksg.,1804 and 1815; Smalley's Centen. Serm., 1838; South worth's at Fun. of N. Em- mons, 1840; S. Kott, half Cent. Serm., 183^; Nott's 60th Anniv., 1842, in same vol. 6762 FiTCHBURG, Ms. A. P. Peabody ord. serm. H. Stebbens, 1851; T. T. Barton Fast serm., 1812; Abiel Holmes ord. serm. Wm Bascom, 1805; in all 32 Tr. 6763 Gloucester, Groton, Ms., Groton, Ct. 30 Tr. Tuft's serm., 1729; First Ch. Letters, 1744; Emerson's Ord. 1747; Phillips, 1751; Adams, 1766; Parson's ord, 1773; Lincoln's ord. 1805; Ran- toul's Orat. 1832; Gloucester Families, &c. ; Groton, Groton Monument, Ecclesiastical Council 1826, &c. ; Eli Forbes serm., Sept., 1792.1 Anson Kenney's New Years Gift, 1788; S. Dana, orat. 4 July, 1807. » Del. on occasion of repairs to the meeting house from the wanton spoliationB of Capt. Linzec in the Falcon sloop of war. 6764 Greenwich, Goshen, &c. 28 Tr. D. Avery's serm. 1778; Foster, 1791; S. Whitman, 1793; Grant Powers's Centen. dis. 1838; Grafton, Ms. Brigham's Centen. Address, 1835. 6765 Hadley, Ms. Hallowell, ME.,&c.,23,Tr. Wm. Rand's 322 CATALOGUE. Serm., 1839; Hopkins, 1805; Bi-Centennial, 1859; Ezra Ripley's Serm., Harvard, Ms., at ord. Wm. Emerson, 1792; Hard wick Cen- tennial; B. Trumbull's Serm. at ord. of Holt, 1789; Kelly's ord. Hampstead, 1793; Barnard's Serm. at Henry True's ord. 1752. Hallowell, 6 Tr. 1785-1808; E. W. Ripley, oration, July 4, 1805. Gen. Ripley was afterward distinguished on the northern frontier in the war of 1812. 5766 Hanover, Ms. 13 Tr. J. Mellen's Serm. , 1793; B. Whitman's Oration, July 4, 1803; S. Cutter, Hist, of St. Andrew's Ch., 1846. Hanover, K. H., E. Parish's Serm., 1806; Harwich, Ms., J. Cushing's Serm. ord.,K. Underwood, 1793; Hillsborough, N. H., K. Emmons Serm. at ord. of S. Chapin, 1805; C. J. Smith, Annals of Hillsborough; Halifax, Ms., A. Brown's Serm., 1793, 27 Tr. in all. 5767 East Hampton, N". H. John Cotton's Serm. at ord. of his brother, 1734; Wm. Shurtleff at ord. of Nathl. Gookin, 1739; T. Barnard, at ord. of Josiah Bayley, 1757; A. Eliot, at ord. Eben- ezer Thayer, 1766; Wm. Pidgin's, ord. 1795; Abel. Fiske, at ord. Jacob Abbot, 1798; Dow's Hist. Address, 1838, &c., 12 Tr. Hol- LiSTON, Tappan's Serm. at ord. of Timo. Dickinson, 1789. Fitch Cent. Serm. 1826. 6768 HiNGiiAM, Ms. 1730-1822. 22 Tr. Ebenr. Gay's Serm. on Gov. Belcher's arrival, 1730; Gay, Thanksgiving, 1770; Same, 1781 (reprint); Henry Ware's ord. 1788; Gay, 1793; Ware (Thanks.), 1795; Whitney's ord. 1800; Barnes, 1803; Wm. Bentley's ord. Serm. (Richardson), 1806; Narrative of Proceedings in the X. Parish, 1807, &c. 5769 Hartford, Ct. 24 Tr. 1784-1842. E. Goodrich's Serm., 1784; i^athan Strong, 1801; A. Yates' ord. 1802; Yates, Strong, Davis, Woods, Gallaudet, G- Spring, Insane Relief Soc. (7); Conn. River Co., 1826; Joel Hawes, Centen. dis. 1836; Hist. Notices, by W. S. Porter. 5770 Harvard College. 5 vols. 120 Tr. Yol. 1. 21 Tr. (Dudleian Lecture) Wiggles worth, 1757; Chauncy, 1762; Jona. May- hew, 1765; Eliot, 1771; Cooper, 1773; Wigglesw^orth, '77; Tucker, '78; Hitchcock, '79; Lathrop, '93; Barnard, '95; same enlarged; Fiske, '96; Haven, '98; Mellen, '99; Osgood, 1802; Thacher, 1805; Eckley, 1806, &c. Yol. 2. Flint's Serm. 1735-6; Wigglesworth's, 1738; and Two Discourses, 1754; Broadside, Qusestiones, Edvardo Holyoke, 1767; Coll. Laws, 1790; Tappan's Dis. 1794; (2) Steph. Sewall, 1794; L. Woods, '96; P. B. K. Tracts, Thos. Paine's Poem, 1797 (The Ruling Passion); T. Bigelow's orat. 1796; Kirkland, '98; Whitwell's Poem, 1806; Richardson, 1808; Catalogue, 1814; Crafts, 1817; Spooner, 1822; Everett, 1824; H. Ware's Poem (Yision of Lib- erty), 1824; Story's Orat. 1826; Chs. Sprague's Poem (Curiosity), 1829; Dewey, 1880; 24 Tr. Yol. 3. P. B. K. contd.: Mellen's CATALOGUE. 323 poem, 1833; Catalogue, '33; Gardiner, '34; Parsons (Theoph.), '35; R. W. Emerson, '38; G. S. Ilillard, '43; Putnam, '44; Ward's Re- marks on Putnam's Orat. '44; Brook's Poem, '45; J. F. Clarke's Poem, '46; Sumner, '46; Catalogue, '46; Marsh, '47; Bushnell, '48; Bethune, '49; Sprague, '51, &c; 21 Tr. Vol. 4. Tappan's Lect. 1796; Coll. Laws, 1798; Woods, '99; J. Q. Adams' Orat. 1806; Don Quixote at College, 1807; Narrative of Disorders, 1807; Kirkland's Induction, Osgood's Serm. 1810; Cooper's orat., Everett's and Frotliingham's Poems, 1811, &c. ; 29 Tr. Vol. 6. 1824-31. 22 Tr: John Lowell, Edward Everett's reply (1824); George Ticknor, '25; Brasier, Nor- ton, &c. 6771 Ipswich, Ms. 24 Tr. Dana's Dis. 1782(6); Frisbie, 1799; Kimball's ord. 1806; Controversy bet. L. Woods and "Marcus," 1806; Essex "Declaration," 1812; Crowell, Hist. Second Parish, 1815; Kimball, Ecclesiastical Hist. Ipswich, 1823; Judge White's address, 1830; Kimball's Centen. dis. 1834. 6772 Kennebunk, Me., and 29 Tr. "I"-"K." Fletcher's Ord. 1800; Thacher's Orat. 1803. Killingly, Ct. Cabot (Thanks.) serm. 1735; Day's ord. 1785. Kingston, Ms. Gray's serm. ord. T. Maccarty, 1742. 5773 Lebanon, Ct. Williams (Solomon) Serm. 1742; Imp. Lyman's Serm. on " Instrumental Musick," 1807. Lebanon, K. H* Minutes N. H. Assn. 1806; Centen. Celebration, &c. ; 5 Tr. Leices- ter, Ms. 7 Tr. Eliot's serm. ordin. of J. Roberts, 1754; Washburn's address, Leicester in the Revol.,1849. Lenox, Ms. Channing's Ads. 1842, and 4 Tr. Long Island Canal Co. and 7 Tr. 6774 Louisiana, and 23 Tr. "L." Acct. of Louisiana, 1803; Claiborne's Account, 1804. Lyme, Ct. Londonderry, K. H» Lisbon, Ct. Kelson's half cent. serm. 1854. 5775 Middletown, Ct. Moses Bartlett's Serm., 1757, 13 Tr.; Montpelier, Mt. Vernon, and 31 Tr. 5776 Menotomy (Arlington). Cooke's Ord. 1739; Methtjen, Meredith, K. H., Metuchin, K. J.; Hunt's Hist. Sketch, and 28 Tr. 6777 Mendon, Ms. N. Emmons ord. of Alexander, 1786; Sib- ley's orat. 1796; Staples 200th anniv. address, 1868; N. Emmons Dis. 1813; Mammoth Cave, Ky. 4 Tr. ; Meadville, Pa. 5 Tr. ; Merri- MAC, Burnap's ord. 1772; Allen's Cent. Address, 1846, &c.; 20 Tr. in all. 5778 Marshfield. Green's Ord. serm. 1753; Cushing's serm. at ord. Thos. Brown, 1759, imp. Marlboro, Ms. 6 Tr. Manchester* Ms., ord. of Elijah Parish, 1792; Difficulties bet. Jas. Thurston and the Church, 1823. Manchester, K. H., Bouton's Hist. dis. 1848; Mason, N. H., Centen. Celeb. 1868; Machias, Me, Marietta, O., &c.,25Tr. 324 CATALOGUE. 5779 LOCAL HISTORY. Montreal, 12 Tr.; Mount Attburn Cemetery, 8 Tr. 6780 Nantucket, 18 Tr. ; Swift's ord. 1810; Coffin and Gardner's Karrative, Kobbery of Nant. Bank, 1816; Charges agt. Collector Coffin, 1817; Farmer's Dialogue, A nest of Love disturbed, 1811; Ord. of Abner Morse, 1820; J. K. Maffit, dedic. serm, 1823. The Great Fire of 1838, etc. 5781 Natick, Mass. 20 Tr. Badger's Dis. 1773; Moore's ord. 1814; Badger Will Case, 1822 (3); Biglow's Hist, of Natick, 1830; Bailey's 4th July Oration, 1824, etc. 6782 ^NTarraganset. Marsh's ord. (Cooke); 1742; l!^Ew Ips- wich, Saml. Worcester's Orat. 1796; New Britain, Ct. Bushnell's Hist. Estimate, 1851; Newington, N. H., James Pike's conv. serm. 1750; Newington, Ct. Hist, of the Ch. in N., 1855; New Boston, N. H., Jesse Appleton's ord. ser. Bradford, 1806; Newcastle, Me. Kiah Bayley's Dis. at opening of Lincoln Acad, 1805, etc. 24 Tr. 6783 Newark, N. J. Aaron Burr's serm., 1756; Griffin's Farewell do. 1809; Lyman Beecher, 1809. 19 Tr. 6784 New Bedford. 31 Tr. Isaac Weston ord. 1795; Willis' Ads., 1819; Whitaker's Orat. 1823; Orville Dewey's ord. 1824; Port. Soc, Athenaeum Public Library, etc. 5785 Newbury. 18 Tr. Foxcroft's Serm. at Lowell's ord. 1726; Lowell's serm. ord. Thos. Barnard, 1738-9; Tappan, 1782, 3; Tucker, 1788; McKeen, Woods, Tomb, Popkin, Hubbard's ord. 1808; Miltimore's Ads. Kirby's Ded. 1816; Tappan 's Farewell dis. 1793; Buckminster. 1808; Withington 200th anniv. of First Ch. 1846. etc. 6786 Newburyport, Ms. 3 Vols. 54 Tr. Vol. 1. 1768-1803, Gary's Ord. (Barnard), 1768; Noble, 1775; (Commem. 5th March Massacre); Saml. Spring, 4 Serm, Murray (Thanks), 1783. — Danl. Dana, Ord. 1794, and 3 Senn. Andrew's Ord. (Hilliard), 1788; Boddily, 1796; Gary and Andrews on leaving the Old Meeting-h. 1801. Vol. 2. 22 Tr. 1803-10. Morrison's Serm. at Giles' Installn., 1803; Bass (Humane Soc), 1803; Popkin, Dana, 1804; Spring, White, 1806; Cogswell's Orat., 1808; Buckminster, 1809, &c. Vol. 3. 24 Tr. 1811-1823. S. L. Knapp, 1811, (2); Giles, Worcester, Andrews, Morse, Williams, 1821; Webster, Caleb Gushing, 1821, &c. 6787 Northampton, Ms. Sol. Stoddard Serm., 1708; Jos. Lathrop, 1802; Doddridge's Plain Address, 1804; Bates' Orat. on Washington, 1812; H.Ware, 1825; Geo. Bancroft, 1826; (4th July); J.Edwards Serm. 1734, (repr.); Williams's Hist. Sketch, 1815; Round Hill School, (2 Tr.) 29 in all. 6788 New York. 6 vols. 1794-1820. Const. Humane Soc, 1794; S. B. Romaine's Orat. bef. Tammany Soc, 1812; John Anthon, CATALOGUE. 325 1812; (4th July); Eastburn, Kirk & Co.'s Literary Rooms, 1813; Gouverneur Morris' Orat., 1814; City Charter, 1819, «&c. 29 Tr. Vol. 2. 1820-24. 20 Senn. Ads. Docs. «&c. Vol. 3, 1S25-28. 23 Tr. by Spring, (Gardner) Channing, Ray, Greenwood, &c. Vol. 4. 1829-33. 25 Tr. Vol. 5. 1834-37. 20 Tr. Vol. 6. 1838-40. 15 Tr. 6789 New Hampshire. 4 vols. Vol. 1. 25 Mis. Tr. 1759- 1821. Vol. 2. N. H. Bible Soc. 23 Tr. Vol. 3. 22 Documents, &c. Vol. 4. Elect. Sermons. 17S6-96-99-1802-5-1 0-1 1-14-15 -16-17-18-19-21-22-24-25-26-28-29. Ads. 1844. 21 Tr. 5790 New Haven. Thos. Clap's Brief History, 1757. Benj. Trumbull's Dis., 1773; Same (Thanks), 1783; Abiel Holmes Ord., 1785; Dana's Install'n, 1789; Slave Trade, 1790; Ibid, Jona. Ed- wards, 1791 (reprinted, 1822); Timo. Dwight, Y. C.,1797; July 4, 1798; Marsh's Orat., 1798; Lewis's Orat. bef. Conn. Soc. of the Cincin., 1799; B. Trumbull's Cent. Serm. Jan. 1, 1801; Timo. Dwight, dis. on Events of the Last Cent, 1801; (Port.); Theo. Dwight's Orat. bef. Conn. Soc. Cin., 1801. 16 Tr. 5791 New England. 2 vols. 46 Tr. Vol. 1. Cong. Ch. Govt., 1773. Revivals of Religion in 1799, &c. 20 Tr. Vol. 2. 26 Tr. N. E. Hist. Genealogical Soc, 1858-1874; Ads. Docs., &c. 6792 Newton, Ms. Jona. Homer, Cent'y Serm., 1791. Same. Hist, and Des. of Newton, 1791; Theological Inst. (Several Tr.) Brief Notice of the Settlements; Francis Jackson's MSS. Maps, Plans, &c. 43 docs. 5793 Oxford. Taylor's Serm. at ord. of D. Brownson, 1764. Emmons' Serm. at Dudley's ord. 1791. Orleans, Ogdensbtjrg, and 28 Tr. 5794 Pennicook, (Concord, N. H.) Barnard's Serm. at Ord. of Timo. Walker, 1730, Plainfield. Paxton Centenn. Mem., 1865. Pawtucket, R. L, Centennl, &c. 23 Tr. 6795 Philadelphia. 3 vols. Vol. 1. 26 Tr. Resignation, a poem by Edw. Young, 1785. 48 pp. [Imp. ?] Tr. by Jos. Alleine, 1789, Abolition Convention, 1794; Hist of Y. Ladies' Academy, 1794, Smith, Stanhope, Thanks. Dis., 1795; Mathew Carey's Catalogue, 1795; Anti-Slavery Convention, 1818; Proceedings Commemorating Penn's Landing, 1824-1825, &c. Vol. 2. 1826-38. 26 Tr. — Vol. 3. 1838-50. 24 Tr. 6796 Plymouth, Ms. Vol. 1. 16 Tr. Philemon Robbins' serm. at Ord. of Chandler Robbins, 1760. Conant's Anniv. serm., 1777; Cushman's serm., London, 1621; Plymouth, reprinted, 1785; Rob- bins' Anniv. serm., 1793; French's Ord. serm., 1800; Allyn's Anniv. serm., 1801; J. Q. Adams, Orat, 1802; Alden Bradford, Anniv. 326 CATALOGUE. serm., 1804; Stetson, do., 1807; Baylies (Wm.), on the Plymouth Election, 1809; Plymouth Convention, 1812; Richardson, 4th July Orat., 1812; Sermon preached at Plymouth, A. D. 1621, by one of the Pilgrims, " the first ever preached in N. E." England: printed 1622. Boston: reprinted, 1815. Flint (Jas.), Anniv., 1815; Danl. Webster, do., 1820. Vol. 2. 16 Tr. Anniversary Sermons and Addresses, Torrey, 1821; Holmes (Abiel), del'd at Cambridge, 1820. (2d Centennial.) E. Everett, 1825; Wisner, 1830; Lyman Beecher,1827; Green, 1828; Wm. Sullivan, 1829; Cushman's Serm., (1621); Stockbridge, 1822; Kendall, 1823; Freeman's InstalPn, 1825; Carter's Ads. to Plymouth Lodge, 1826. Yol. 8. Cobb (Anniv.) Serm., 1831; Codman, do. ; Francis, do., 1832; Blagden, 1834; Sprague, 1835; Pres. Hopkins' do., 1846; Wor- cester, 1849; Kendall's Semi-Cent., 1850; Anniversary Exercises, 1845; W. H. Seward, 1855; Chas. Sumner, Com. Remarks, 1853, &c. 27 Tr. 6797 Portland, Me. 22 Tr. Kellogg's Ord. 1788; Bray's Ma- sonic Orat. 1805; Port. Benevolent Soc. 1806; Port. Military Assn. 1810; Kellogg's Install'n, 1812 ;Murdock's Ord. 1819 ;Payson(Edw'd), 1820, '21, '24, (fee. 5798 Portsmouth, K. H. 1741-1816, 23 Tr. Cooper, Wm. (serm). 1741 (part of last leaf gone); Haven, Saml., Convention Serm. 1760 (gone after p. 38); Same, serm. on the Peace of 1763; Correspondence bet. Rev. J. C. Ogden of St. John's Ch. and Rev. Sam'l Macclintock of Greenland, 1791; Bishop Seabury's Dis. 1791; Richards, 1795; Observations on Buckminster, 1796; Buckminster on the "Desolating Fire," 1803; Alden's Account of the Religious Societies in Portsmouth, 1808; Evans, Morss,, &c. 6799 Providence, R. I. 33 Tr. 1728-1832. Appleton, Kath'l, serm. at ord. of Josiah Cotton, 1728; Nature and Design of Chris- tianity, 1792; Philip Doddridge, serm. 1792; Sanger's serm. ord. of L Wilson, 1793; Benj. Allen, Orat. 1797; Asa Messer, do. 1803; Tillinghast, Greene Orat. 1813; Tristram Burges, Pitman Centen. Dis. 1836; Wayland, 1831, &c. 5800 Randolph, Raynham, Ms. 21 Tr. 1795-1862. Leonard's Orat. on acquisition of La. 1804; Sanford's Hist, of First Church of Raynham, 1832; Same, Hist, of Raynham, 1870. Autograph letter of the author. 5801 Reading, Ms. 17 Tr. 1769-1866. Prentice's Ord. 1769; Haven, do. 1770; Stone, 1799; Same, half-century serm. 1811; Emer- son's Install. 1804. 5802 Rehoboth. John Ellis' Install. 1785; Thompson's Ord. 1800; Thompson's Centen. 1821; John Hill's ord. 1802. Rindge, N. H. Richmond, Ya., &c. 22 Tr. CATALOGUE, 327 6803 LOCAL HISTORY. Rhode Island. 2 vols. 34 Tr. Ad- dress of the Grand Lodge to the people, 1831; Examination of Charges agt. Lemuel Arnold, 1831; Sprague'a Report on Masonry, 183-2; Hazard's Letters to J. Q. Adams, 1834; Constitution of 1842; Dorr Rebellion: Goodell on the Rights and Ways of R. I.; Fran- cis Wayland, E. R. Potter, E. B. Hall, &c. 5804 Rochester, Ms. Jona. Moore, ord. 1768 and 4 Tr. Roch- ester, N. Y. 14 Tr. 5805 Salem, Ms. 4 vols. 70 Tr. Yol. 1. 1734-1805. Letter relating to divisions in the First Ch. 1734; Holyoke's serm. (Diman's ord.) 1737; Williams' ser. (Barnard's ord.) 1773; Same, ord. John Prince, 1779; Lathrop (ord. Wm. Bentley), 1783; Forbes, 1784, and result of Ecclesiastical Council; Whitaker's Brief Hist, of settlement of the Third Ch. 1784; Carrier's Address (Broadside) to patrons of Essex Journal, 1789; Barnard's (Thank's), 1795, '96, 1803; Prince (Fast), 1798, 1809; Worcester's Installn. 1803; Joseph Story orat. (4th July), 1804; Saml. Swett, Ads. to the Military, 1806. 18 Tr. Yol. 2. 20 Tr. Memorials, 1806; Worcester, serm. 1811 ; Leonard Woods at ord. of Adoniram Judson and other missionaries, 1812; Worcester on the War, 1812; Missionary serm. 1813; Bentley, Proudfit, Sprague, Cutler, &c. Yol. 3. 1815. 26. Sprague, Lyman Beecher, Stuart, Cornelius F. Wayland, Essex Hist. Soc, E. India Marine Soc, 1821; Report on establishing manufactures in Salem, &c. Yol. 4. 1826, 1832. 14 Tr. Colman, C. W. Upham, Second Cent'y Lecture; Judge Story Centennial, 1828, etc. 5806 San Francisco, Cal. 19 Tr. Sanbornton (N. H.), Woodman's Dis. to the Military, 1794, and 4 Tr. Saratoga, K. Y. Yalentine Seaman's Dissertation on the Mineral Waters, 1793, and 6 Tr. 6807 Sandusky, O. The Fire-Lands Pioneer, pubd. by the F. L. Hist. Soc. 11 nos. 5 vols, regular. 6808 Salisbury, Ms. Webster's serm. to the soldiers going to Crown Point, 1758. Same. Fast Serm., 1774. Same, 1794. Beat- tie Ord., 1797; Osgood's Orat., 1810; Salisbury, N. H. Sand- ISFIELD, White's Ord., 1798; St. Domingo, &c. 23 Tr. 5809 Sandwich, Ms. Williams' Ord., 1749; Griffin's Ded. Serm. ,1818, &c. 12 Tr. Saybrook, Ct. Confession of Faith, 1827; Hotchkiss' Half-Cent, serm., 1833; Hist. Sketch of Baptist Churches (Saybrook), Records of Saybrook, &c. 24 Tr. 6810 SciTUATE, Ms. Dunbar Ord. Serm., 1703. [Imp.] Barnes, 1785; Ware, 18u4. 18 Tr. Schenectady, K. Y. Par- ish's Serm. , 1808. 6Tr. Scoharie, «&c. 6 Tr. 5811 Sherburne, Ms. Jacob Cushing's serm. ord. Elijah J3rown, 328 CATALOGUE. 1770; J. Truair's Thanksg. dis.,1814. Sharon; Abiel Holmes ord. serm,, J. Whitaker, 1799. Sheffield, Ms., J. Bradford, serm. 25th anniv. , 1839. In all, 24 Tr. 5812 South Carolina. 18 Tr. Charleston Chamber Com. (Broadside), 1785; Barnwell's Orat.,1803; Grimke,do., 1809; Mc- Leod (Serm.), 1812; First Presbyterian Ch. (Charleston), Contro- versy, 1817, &c. 18 Tr. 5813 South Hampton, K. H., N. Noyes serm. 1784; South- ampton, Ms., Ch. Backus ord. serm. Y. Gould, 1801; Somers, Ct., Ch. Backus serm. 1788, 1802; Simsbury, Hist, of, 1845; Somers- WORTH, N. H., S. Spring ord. serm. P. Thurston, 1792; Southamp- ton, L. I., H. Daggett Disc. 1794; Southborough, J. Sumner, serm. ord. of S. Sumner, 1791; Simsbury, Ct., A. McLean 50th Anniv. serm. 1859, in all 18 Tr. 5814 Tennessee, Univ. of Nashville, &c., 13 Tr.; addresses by W. Gibbes Hunt, 1831; P. Lindsley, 1831, 1833,1837; John Bell, 1844. Temple, Ms., S. Webster, ord. serm. 1771; Templeton, Ms., L. Sabin 25th anniv. serm. 1862; C. WeUington, 50th anniv. serm. 1857. 6815 Tewksbury, Ms. Aiken's serm. ord. of T. T. Barton, 1792; Barton farewell serm. 1803; J. Coggin, dedic. serm. 1824. TowNSEND, jS". Y. J. Stearns ord. serm. N. Dudley, 1778. 27 Tr. in all. 5816 Vermont, Elect, serm. Burroughs', 1778; Fisk, 1826; Battle of Bennington (Butler), &c. 15 Tr. Virginia, ]S'at. Turner Insur- rection, 1831 ; Henry Bibb, Slave Insurrection (Nat Turner), 1850; William and Mary Coll. &c. 15 Tr. 5817 Wallingford,Ct., James Dana century dis. 1770; S. Gris- wold serm. 1801. Walpole, Ms., D. C. Sanders address July 5, 1824. Warren, E. I., D. Chessman farew. serm. 1820. Ware, Ms., Ord. of Parsons Cooke, 1826; P. Cooke dedic. serm. 1827; farewell serm. 1835; Hyde's Hist, address, 1847. Warwick, Ms., L. Hedge serm. on Singing, 1772; P. Smith half-cent'y dis. 1864. VVareham, Ms., Sixteen Years Preaching, &c., Sam. Nott, 1845; Sixty Years Since, by E. Burgess. In all 30 Tr. 5818 Washington, D. C. 2 vols. 53 Tr. Quincy's Orat. bef. the Wash. Benev. Soc. (Anni. of Washington's Inaug.), 1813; J. Q. Adams, 4th July, Orat., 1821; African Colonization, 1817; Plan, Hall of Rep's, 1835; J. K. Polk, Speaker, Trinity Ch. Ceremonies, 1828; Chapin's Inaugural, Columbian College, 1829. Vol. 2. Mon- cure D. Conway's serms. on Hist of the First Unit. Ch., 1855; Du- ties of the North and South, 1856, &c. 5819 Waltham, Ms. 19 Tr. E. Ripley ord. ser. S. Ripley, 1809; Abiel Holmes dedic. 2d Ch., 1821; J. F. Clarke, install. Geo. F. Simmons and S. Ripley, 1841; B. Whitman's dis., 1828; onregen- CATALOGUE. 329 eration, 1828 ; E. Pearson's Letter, 1831 ; J. Ide ord. serm. S. Harding, 1821. 6820 Watertown, Ms. 23 Tr. Francis' Hist, of W., 1830; (Author's Aut.); D. Osgood Serm. at Francis' Ord., 1819; Timo. Fuller, 4th July Orat., 1809; Serm's by Streetor, Francis, (4) "Weiss, &c. 6821 Waterville Coll. Me. K. H. Yose's poem, 1831; K.W. Emerson's Oration, 1841; Catalogues, 1830, '32, 1833-1854; E. H. Chapin oration, 1846. Wenham, Ms. Second Centen. Anniv. Serm. D. Mansfield, 1845; Dedic. Serm., 1843; J. Trask ord. Serm. E. P. Sperry, 1820. Wendell, Ms. H. Wilbur, centen. serm., 1821; D. Dana, Ord. of H. Wilbur, 1817; in all 27 Tr. 5822 West Cambridge, Ms. (Arlington). Fiske's Ord. Anniv. Serm., 1809; Kichols 4th July Orat., 1808; 16 Tr. West Hampton, Hall's Fast Serm., 1804; Judd. C. P., West Hampton Keunion,1866; &c. 3 Tr. 5823 Westminster, Ms. Cyrus Mann, 3 Serms., 100th Anni- versary. Wellfleet, Mellen's Serm. Ord., Levi Whitman, 1785. West Point; Western Reserve. 19 Tr. 5824 Westborough. Ms. 14 Tr. Emmon's Serm. at ord. of Jno. Robinson, 1789; Rev. Barnabas Phinney, adultery case, 1836 State Reform School Docs. Westfield, Ms. 13 Tr. Lathrop's serm. at Ded. of the Academy, 1800; Davis' Hist. Westfield, 1826 Noah Atwater serm. 1802. (Autog. of Saml. Mather.) 5825 West Springfield, Ms. 22 Tr. Jos. Lathropserm. 1791 Same, 40th Anniv. Serm. 1797; Same on the first day of the 19th Cent.'y ; Same, 1803 (2) 18C4, 1806 (Half Cent.) ; on the Solar Eclipse June 16, 1806; Remark. Inundations, 1807; on 60th year of Minis- try, 1816; Sprague's Hist. Dis. 1824. 5826 Wethersfield, Ct. S. Woodward ord. serm. John Marsh, 1774. Windham, Me., Joseph Pope, Oration July 4, 1804. W. Hartford, K. Perkins, half century serm. 1822. Woodbury, Ct.,H. B. Sherman bi-cent. serm. 1859. W. Newbury, W. Fay ord. serm. 1821. 21 Tr. in all. 5827 Weymouth, Ms. 14 Tr. Norton, 1803-9; Thompson, 1809. West Stockbridge, Weybridge, &c. 8 Tr. 5828 Wilton, N. H. 5 Tr. Winstead, Ct., ord. of Jas. Beach, 1806. Wiscasset, Me., Packard's Install'n, 1802, Shep- pard (J. H.) 1815, Packard, 1824, «&c. Winchendon, 8 Tr. Woodstock, 7 Tr., Throop's ord. 1727, Lyman 1793; Graves' ord. 1791; Lyman's ord. 1779. 5829 Winchester, Wilbraham, Wilmington, Del., &c.,29 Tr. 5830 WoBURN, Ms., 10 Tr. Wrentham, 17 Tr. Bean's Cent'y Serm. 1774; Avery's Install., 1786; Avery, 1791; Fobes, 1793, &c. 330 CATALOGUE. 6831 LOCAL HISTORY. Worcester, Ms. , 2 vols. , 41 Tr. V. 1, 1731-1826. John Prentice, Serm. 1731; Bancroft's ord. (T. Bar- nard), 1786; Saml. Austin, 1791, '6, 1811, 1812 (Fast for the War), Difficulties in the 1st Ch. (4), «&c. Yol. 2. 23 Tr. 1825-38, Serm. by Beecher, Bancroft, Miller, &c. ; Ads. by Levi Lincoln, Emory Washburn, Jno. Davis, Danl. Webster; Lunatic Hospital, «&c. 5832 Yale College, 16 Tr. Letter on Yale College; Taxes, 1759. Prest. Clap, on Moral Virtue, &c., 1765, Dana's Serm., 1794; Timo. Dwight, 1794, '97; Warren Dutton Poem (Commence- ment), 1800; Percival's Orat. (P. B. K.), 1822; Fitch, Grimke, Hillhouse, Taylor, &c. York, Me., Merriam and Buckminster's Serms, preached to Josh. Abbot, convicted of murder, 1792. 5833 LOCKE, D. R. Nasby. Views and Opinions. With humor- ous Designs. 6th ed. Cincinnati: 1867. 12°. 6834 LOCKE, JANE E. Miscellaneous Poems. Boston: 1842. 12°. 5835 The Recalled ; in Voices of the Past, and Poems. Boston and Cambridge: 1854. 12°. Portrait. 5836 LOCKE, JOHN. Essay concerning the Human Understand- ing, and Life of the Author. 3 vols. Port. Edinburgh: 1801. 12°. 5837 Same. New ed. N. Y.: 1824. 8°. 5838 The Reasonableness of Christianity. Boston: 1811. 12°. 5839 Two Treatises of X^overnment. London: 1764. 8°. 5840 LOCKE, JOHN G. , Book of the Lockes: a Genealogical and Historical Record. Boston: 1853. 8°. Plates. Autograph. Few genealogies have been got up with equal care. Edition nearly exhausted. — S. Or. D. 5841 LOCKE, JOHN L. History of the Town of Camden, Maine. Hallowell: 1859. 12°. 6842 LOCKHART, EPHRAIM. Oppressive Law Proceedings, to overpower the Earl of Stirling. Also, a Genealogy of the family of Alexander, Earl of Stirling. Edinburgh: 1836. 4°. 5843 LOCKHART, J. G. Ancient Spanish Ballads, Historical and Romantic. Trans. Boston: 1856. 12°. Portrait. 6844 LOCKIE, JOHN. Topography of London. London: 1810. 8°. 5845 LOCKMAN, JOHN. Travels of the Jesuits into China and the East Indies, and an Account of the Spanish Settlements in America. 2d ed. London: 1762. 2 vols. 8°. Maps. 5846 LOCKWOOD, P. Memoir of John D. Lockwood. N. Y. : 1845. 18°. Portrait. 6847 LODGE, EDMUND. Life of Sir Julius Caesar, Judge of the High Court of Admiralty. 18 Portraits. London: 1817. R. 4°. 5848 British History, in the Reigns of Henry VIII, Edw. VI, Mary, Elizth. and James I. 2d ed. 3 vols. London: 1838. 8°. Port. and Fac-Similes of Autogs. 6849 Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain, with their Lives and Actions. Cabinet ed. 8 vols. London: n. d. CATALOGUE, 331 6850 LODGE, EDMUND. Same. 4th ed. Pub. monthly. London: 1829-30. 15nos. 4°. 6851 Peerage of the British Empire. London: 1848. 8°. 6852 LONDON as it is To-Day: during the Great Exhibition. Map and 200 Engravings. London: 1851. Cr.8°. 6853 Picture of L. for 1805. London: [n. d.] 18°. 5854 Picture of L. for 1816. 17th ed. London: n. d. 18°. Plates. 6855 Leigh's New Picture of L. new ed. London: 1827. 18°. 5856 New Kemarks of London: Westminster, Southwark, and a Part of Middlesex and Surrey. Collected by the Company of Par- ish Clerks. London: 1732. 12°. Frontispiece, Arms of the Parish Clerks. 6857 Account of the Several Infonnations exhibited to the Hon- ourable Committee to inquire into the late Dreadful Burning of the City of London: 1667. 4°. 6858 View of Old London, as it appeared in 1560, 18 engravings. London: 1851. 4°. 6859 General View of, from the Adelphi. An extensive folding Plate in 4°. Covers. 5860 Post Office London Directory for 1854. 8°. 6861 Kobson's London Directory, 1843. 24th ed. Lond.:1824. 8°. 6862 LONDON CHEONICLE, 1757 to 1764. 1771 to 1773. 11 vols. 6863 LONDON GAZETTE, from March 8, 1707, to July 26, 1711. Folio. 6864 LONDON MAGAZINE; or. Gentleman's Monthly Intelli- gencer. London: 1732 to 1781. 50 vols. 8°. and 1 vol. of Index, to 28 vols. 6865 LONDON UNIVERSITY CALENDAR, for 1832. London: 1831. 12°. 6866 LONG, GEORGE. Geography of America and the West In- dies. London: 1841. 8°. Maps. 6867 LONG, J. Voyages chez differentes Nations Sauvages de L'Amerique Septentrionale. Traduites de L'Anglois, avec notes & additions. A Paris: II. ann§ de I'JEre Republicaine. 8°. Map. A most faithful picture of the life and manners of the Indian and Canadian traders. — Volney. 5868 LONG, STEPHEN H. Proceedings of the Board of Engi- neers, of the Bait, and Ohio Railroad. Baltimore: 1830. 8°. 6869 LONGFELLOW, H. W. The Sea Side and the Fire Side. Boston: 1850. 12°. 6870 EvangeUne, a Tale of Acadia. 11th ed. Bos.: 1857. 12°. 6871 The Song of Hiawatha. Boston: 1855. 12°. 5872 Flower-de-Luce. With Hlustrations. Bos. : 1867. Sq. 18*>. 5873 The New England Tragedies. Boston: 1868. 12°. 6874 Voices of the Night. Boston: 1845. 8°. 23 332 CATALOGUE. 5875 LONGFELLOW, H. W. The Belfry of Bruges and other Poemes. Cambridge: 1846. 12°. 6876 Courtship of Miles Standish, and other Poems. Boston: 1859. 12°. 5877 LOOKING-GLASS for the Mind; or, intellectual Mirror. A translation of L' Ami des Enfans. Engravings. N. Y. : 1819. 12°. 5878 LOOMIS, HUBBEL, (Key.) 5 Tracts. Letters on Christian Bap., Norwich, 1818; Defence of Letters against the Strictures of Kev. Asa Wilcox of Saybrook, Hartford, 1819; Apology for renounc- ing Infant Baptism, Southbridge, Mass., 1830; and Wilcox, Asa, Strictures on a Pamphlet by Kev. Hubbel Loomis,N. London, 1819; Reply to Loomis' Defence, N. London, 1820. 8°. f 6879 LORD, E. History of the Principal Protestant Missions to the Heathen. 2 vols. Boston: 1813. 12°. 5880 LORD, Rev. G. A. Life and conversion of, a French Canadian Roman Catholic, [n. p.] 1855. 12°. 5881 LORD, JOHN. History of the United States of America, for Schools. Phila.: 1854. 12°. 5882 LORD,W.W. Andre : A Tragedy in Five Acts. N.Y.:1856. 12°. 5883 Christ in Hades: A Poem. N. Y.: 1851. 12°. 5884 LORD NIAL, a romance in 4 Cantos. By I. M. M. N. Y.: 1834. 12°. 5885 LORINC^, JAMES SPEAR. The Hundred Boston Orators. 3d ed. Boston: 1853. 8°. [Long out of print.] A Presentation copy with autog. letter from the author ; with many steel-plates inserted by Mr. Drake. 5886 LORING, JOSEPH, Jr. Exhibition of Facts, for Militia Offi- cers of the State of Massachusetts. Boston: 1806. 8°. 5887 Minutes and Proceedings of a General Court-Martial , held at Boston, for the trial of. Boston: 1813. 8°. Autog. of Author. 5888 LOSKIEL, GEO. HENRY. History of the Mission of tile United Brethren among the Indians in North America. In Three Parts. From the German. London; 1794. 8°. [Very rare.] Map. Indispensable to the student of Indian history. S. G. D. 6889 LOSSING, BENSON J. Pictorial Field-book of the Revolution. Eleven hundred engravings. 2 vols. N. Y. : 1855. R. 8°. 5890 History of the United States. 300 engravings. N. Y.: 1858. 8°. 5891 Primary History of the United States. Numerous Engrav- ings. N. Y.: 1858. 12°. 5892 Common School History of the United States. Maps, and 200 Engravings. N. Y. : 1864. 12°. 6893 Vassar College and its Founder. N. Y.: 1867. R. 8°. Illustrated. 6894 Pictorial Field Book of the Warof 1812, Illustrated. N.Y.: 1868. R. 8°. CATALOGUE. 333 6895 LOSSmG, BENSON J. Pictorial History of the TJ. States. For Schools and Families. 200 Engravings. N. Y.: 1854. 12°. 68f6 Seventeen Hundred and Seventy-Six. Or, The War of In- dependence. Illustrated. New edit. N. Y.: 1852. 8°. 6897 Eminent Americans: Comprising brief Biographies of dis- tinguished persons. Portraits. N. Y.: 1857. 8®. 6898 LOTHKOP, SAMUEL KIRKLAND. History of the Church in Brattle street. Boston: 1851. 18**. 6899 An Ecclesiastical Council, in the case of the Proprietors of Ilollis Street Meetinghouse and the Rev. John Pierpont. Bos- ton: 1841. 8°. 6900 Life of Samuel Kirkland, Missionary to the Indians. Bos- ton: 1847. 16°. 6901 LOUDON, ARCHIBALD. Outrages committed by the In- dians in their Wars with the "White People. Also an Account of their Manners, Customs, Traditions. Vol. 1. Carlisle: 1808. 12°. Vol. 2. Carlisle: 1811. 12°. 6902 LOUISIANA CODE of Civil Practice. N. Orleans: 1830. 16°. 5903 LOUISIANA. Debates in the Convention for the Amendment of the Constitution of the State of. 1864. N.Orls.: 1864. 8°. 6904 LOVE, CHRISTOPHER. His Case: Wherein is Published His several Petitions to Parliament. London: 1651. 4°. Portrait inserted. 6905 The Natural Man's Case Stated: or an Exact Map of the Little World MAN, as laid down in 17 Sermons. With his Funeral Sermon, by Mr. Tho. Manton. 2d ed. London: 1652. 8^. 6906 Trial of Mr. Christopher Love before a pretended High Court of Justice in Westminster-Hall. By John Farthing. To which is added The Tragedy of his Trial and Death in very elegant Verses by the acute Author of Iter Boreale. London: 1660. 4°. Portrait. In the same vol.: Love's Name Lives: or, Divers Peti- tions presented by Mistris Love to the Parliament, in behalf of her Husband. All published for Publick Good. London: 1663. 4°. Also, A Clear and Necessary Vindication of the Principles and Practices of me Christopher Love. London: 1651. 4°. 5907 Heaven's Glory; Hell's Terror. Or Two Treatises; the one concerning the Glory of the Saints with Jesus Christ, as a SPUR. Glasgow: 1755. 18°. 6908 LOVE, RICHARD. The Watchraans Watchword. A Serm. at White-Hall. University of Cambridge : 1642. 4°. 6909 LOVE OF FAME, in 7 Satires. 3d ed London: 1730. 12°. 6910 LOVEJOY, J. C. & O. Memoir of the Rev. Elijah P. Love- joy; murdered in Defence of the Liberty of the Press, at Alton, Illinois. With an Introduction by John Quincy Adams. N. Y. : 1838. 12°. 6911 Memoir of Rev. Charles T. Torrey, who died in the Peni- 334 CATALOGUE. tentiary of Maryland, where he was confined for showing Mercy to the Poor. Boston: 1847. 12°. Portrait. 5912 LOYELL, C. E. Rev. Methodist Family Manual: containing the Doctrines and Moral Government of the M. E. Church. Cin- cinnati: 1852. 12°. 5913 LOWE, JOHK. Treatise on Profits, Discounts, and Interest. Birmingham: 1816. 8°. 6914 LOWE, JOSEPH. Present State of England in Agriculture, Trade, and Finance. London: 1822. 8°. 5915 Inquiry into the State of the British West Indies. Fourth ed. London: 1808. 8°. 6916 LOWELL, CHARLES, d.d. Six Discourses on Fam. Worship by Job Orton. To which is prefixed the Rev. Mr. Lowell's Disc, at the Am. Meet, of the Soc. Boston: 1816. 12°. 6917 LOWELL, CHARLES. The West Church and its Ministers. Boston: 1856. 12°. 5918 Sermons: Chiefly Occasional. Boston: 1855. 12°. 5919 LOWELL, JAMES RUSSELL. A Year's Life. A Poem. Boston: 1841. 12°. 5920 Poems. In two vols. Boston: 1849. 12°. 5921 Melibseus-Hipponax. The Biglow Papers. Cambridge: 1848. 12°. 6922 Fireside Travels. Boston: 1864. 12°. 6923 Poems. Second Series. Boston: 1848. 12°. 5924 The Vision of Sir Launfal. Cambridge: 1848. 12°. 5925 LOWELL, JOHl!^ AMORY. Reply to a Pamphlet recently circulated by Mr. Edward Brooks. Boston: 1848. 8°. 6926 LOWELL OFFERIKG, The. Written, Edited and Published by Female Operatives employed in the Mills. Lowell: 1844. 8°. 6927 LOWER, MARK AN^T0:N^Y. Chronicle of Battel Abbey, 1066 to 1176. Trans. London: 1851. 8°. Illuminated front. 6928 English Surnames. An Essay on Family Nomenclature. 3ded. 2 vols. London: 1849. 8°. 6929 Patronymica Britannica. A Dictionary of the Family Names of the United Kingdom. London: 1850. R. 8°. 6930 LOW LIFE: or. One Half of the World knows not how the Other Half Live; being a Critical Account of. 24 Hours bet. Sat. night and Monday morning. In London. 8d ed. London : 1764. 8°. Front. 6931 LOWNDES, WILLIAM THOMAS. The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature. New ed. London: 1857-64. 6v. in 11 pts. 12°. 6932 LOWREY, JAMES, Capt. Narrative of the Proceedings of, before and after he became Commander of the Ship Molly. Lond. : 1752. 8°. CATALOGUE. 335 6933 LOWVILLE Academy, Serai-Centennial Anniversary. Lowville: 1859. 8°. 6934 LUCAS, SAMUEL. Charters of the Old English Colonies in America. London: 1850. 8°. 6935 LUDEWIG, HERMANN. The Literature of Amer. Local History. A Bibliogl. Essay. N. Y.: 1846. 8°. [Very scairce.] 6936 LUDLOW, EDMUND Memoirs of: With a- Collection of Original Papers. 3 vols. 3d ed. Edinburgh: 185L 12°. 6937 LUDOLPH, JOB. A New History of Ethiopia in 4 Books. 2d ed. With copper-plates. London : 1684. Pol. Hallam pays this author a deserved compliment for first rendering accessible the Ethio- pian language and literature, 6938 LUNARDI, VINCENT. Account of the first Aerial Voyage in England. London: 1784, 8°. Plates of Balloon, Apparatus, and Portrait of Lunardi. 5939 LUNDY, BEN J. Poetical Works of E. M. Chandler, with Memoir. Phila.: 1836. 12^. Portrait. 5940 LUNT, GEORGE. Culture: A Poem Delivered before the Mercantile Library Association. Boston: 1843. 12°. 5941 The Age of Gold, and other Poems. Boston: 1843. 12°. 5942 Poems. New York: 1839. 12°. 5943 Union, The: A Poem. Boston: 1860. 12°. 5944 Three Eras of New England and other Addresses. Boston: 1857. 12°. Author^s auto. 6945 The Origin of the Late War. N. Y: 1866. 12°. 6946 Lyric Poems, Sonets and Miscellanies. Boston: 1854. 12°. 5947 LUNT, WM. P. Gleanings. Made for his Parishioners, by his Daughter. Boston: 1874. 12°. Port. 5948 LYDE, AUGUSTUS FOSTER. Buds of Spring. Poetical Remains. Boston: 1838. 12°. 5949 LYELL, CHARLES. Travels in North America; with Geo- logical Observations on the United States, Canada and Nova-Scotia. Two vols, in one. N. Y. : 1845. 12^. Plates. 5950 A Second Visit to the United States of North America. Two vols. N. Y. : 1849. 12°. 5951 LYLE, Rev. W. W. Lights and Shadows of Army life: or Pen pictures from the Battlefields. 2d ed. Cincinnati: 1865. 12°. 6952 LYMAN, AZEL S. Historical Chart. Phila.: 1845. 4°. 5953 LYMAN PAYSON. Hist, of Easthampton. Northampton: 1866. 12°. Author's autog. 5954 LYMAN, THEODORE, Jr. The Political State of Italy. Boston: 1820. 8°. 5955 Diplomacy of the United States, from the 1st Treaty with France in 1778, to that of Ghent, in 1814, with Great Britain. 2d ed. Boston. 1828. 2v. 8°. Author's Autog. [Very scarce.] 336 CATALOGUE. 6956 LTKCH, ANN"E C. The Rhode Island Book: Selections in Prose and Yerse, from the writings of Rhode Island Citizens. 3d ed. Providence: 184G. 12°. Frontispiece. 6957 Poems with Illustrations, by Durand, Huntington, Darley, Duggan, Rothermel, etc. New Ed. K. Y. : 1853. 8°. Port, and illust. 6958 LYNDESAY, Dr. (Bp. of Brechen.) A Trve :N"arration of all the Passages of the Proceedings in the Generall Assembly of the Church of Scotland, Holden at Perth the 25 of August, Anno Dom. 1618. London: 1621. 4°. This book once belonged to Rev. Jno. Wheelwright, founder of Exeter, N. H., and has his autograph. It was purchased by Mr. D. of Rev. Jno. S. Barry, historian; sold to Henry Stevens of London, and repurchased by Mr. D. 6959 LYON, D. S. Tariff, or Rates of Duties payable from and after the 30th June, 1828. N. Y. : 1828. 8°. 6960 LYON, GEORGE. The Private Journal of Capt. G. F. Lyon, of H. M. S. Hecla, during the recent Yoyage of Discovery under Capt. Parry. Map and Plates. London: 1824. 8°. 6961 Journal of a Residence and Tour in the Republic of Mexico in the Year 1826. Two vols, in one. London: 1828. Cr. 8°. 6962 LYON, WILLIAM N. Short and Comprehensive History of the United States. By William N. Lyon, of Warsaw, Ky. 1846. 12°. 6963 LrONS, Rev. JAMES. Christian Songs. 4th ed. Phila.: 1849. 8^. 6964 LYTTELTON, GEORGE LORD. Works of, now first col- lected. London: 1774. 4°. Portrait. M. 6965 M , J. L. Native Bards; a Satirical Effusion. Phila.: 1831. 12°. 6966 MABLY, ABB^fi de. Remarks on the Government and Laws of the U. States. Notes by the Translator. London: 1784. 8°. 6967 M'AFEE ROBERT. A History of the Late War in the West- em Country, from Tippecanoe, to New Orleans. Lexington, Ky. 1816. 8°. [Yery scarce.] 6968 MACAULAY, CATHARINE. History of England from James I to the elevation of the Ho. of Hanover, ed 2. London: 1766-67. 3v. 4°. 5969 MACAULAY, THOS. B. Lays of Ancient Rome. Lond.: 1860. 4°. 6970 Lays of Ancient Rome, with Ivry and the Armada. London : 1860. 12°. CATALOGUE. 337 6971 McCALL, GEO. A. (Gen.) Letters from the Frontiers. Thirty Years in the Army of the United S. Phila. : 1868. 12°. 6972 Mccarty, WM. Songs, Ocles, and other Poems, on National subjects; from various sources. Part first, Patriotic. Philadelphia: 184*2. 18°. 6973 Part 3d [to the above]. Phila.: 1842. 18°. 6974 McCLELLAN, G. B. (Gen.) Report of Capt. Geo. B. McClel- lan, on the War in Europe, in 1855 and 1856. Washington: 1857. 4°. 6975 Organization and Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac; also the Campaign in Western Virginia, with Plans of Battle-fields. New York: 1864. 12°. 6976 M'CLINTOCK,F. L. (Capt.) Narrative of the Discovery of the Fate of Sir John Franklin and his Companions. Maps and Illustrations. Boston: 1860. 8°. 6977 McCLUNG, JOHN A. Sketches of Western Adventure ; inter- esting Incidents in the Settlement of the West, from 1755 to 1794: with an Appendix. Engravings. Phila. : 1882. 12°. This is the first edition of McClung. 5978 Same. Rev. and corr. Cincinnati: 1838. 8°. 6979 M'CLURE, A. WILSON. The Life of John Cotton. Boston: 1846. Sm. 12°. " Lives of the Fathers of New Eng." Vol. 1. 6980 Lectures on Ultra-Universalism. 3d ed. Boston: 1835. 18°. 6981 Bi-Centennial Book of Maiden. Boston: 1850. 1^°. 5982 Lectures on Ultra Universalisra. Boston: 1832. 18°. 6983 M'CLURE, DAVID, d.d. Advantages of an Early Education. Exeter: 1783. 4°. 6984 Memoirs of the Rev. Eleazer Wheelock, d.d. Founder and President of Dartmouth College. Newburyport: 1811. 8°. Port. 5985 A System of Education for Girard College, by a Native of Phila. Phila. : 1838. 8°. Autogs. of Author and James Kent. 5986 McCLURE, W. (Rev.) The Character and Tendency of Pu- seyism, defined and exposed. Toronto: 1850. 12°. 5987 M'CONKEY,; HARRIET E. BISHOP. Dakota War Whoop; or Indian Massacres and War in Minnesota. Saint Paul: 1863. 12°. Plates. 5988 McCONNEL, J. L. Western Characters or Types of Border Life in the Western States. Illustrations by Darley. New York: 1853. 12°. 5989 McCOY, ISAAC. History of Baptist Indian Missions: Re- marks on the Condition of the Aboriginal Tribes; their Settlement within the Indian Territory, and their future Prospects. Washing- ton: New York: 1840. 8°. [Scarce.] 5990 M'CRIE, THOMAS, d.d. The Life of John Knox: and the History of the Reformation in Scotland. Edinburgh: 1839. 8°. Portrait. 338 CATALOGUE. 5991 McCULLOH, J. H. Jr. (m.d.) Eesearches, Philosophical and Antiquarian, concerning the Aboriginal History of America. Bal- timore, 1829. 8°. Map of the wanderings of De Soto. 5992 Mcculloch, JOHN. a concise History of the United States. With a correct map. Phila. : 1813. 12°. 5993 Mcdonald, JOHN. Biographical Sketches of Gen. N'ath. Massie, Gen. Duncan Mc Arthur, Capt. William Wells, and Gen. Simon Kenton. Dayton: 1862. 12°. Cuts. 5994 McDO:N^ALD, MAKY N. (Mrs.) Poems. N. York: 1844. 8°. 6995 M'DONELL, ALEX. (Esq.) Narrative of Transactions in the Ked Elver Country, of the Earl of Selkirk. With a Map. Lon- don: 1819. 8°. [Damaged.] 6996 M'DOWALL, JOHN E. Memoir and Select Eemains of the Martyr of the Seventh Commandment, in the Nineteenth Century. New York: 1838. 12°. [Very rare.] 5997 McDOWALL, T. & W. New Guide to Edinburgh: Plan of the City and numerous engravings. Edinburgh: [no date — 1840?] 5998 McEAELAND, ANDEEW, (m.d.) The Escape, or, Loiterings amid the Scenes of Story and Song. Boston: 1851. 12°. Portrait of Pius IX. 5999 M'FAELAND, ASA, d.d. Historical View of Heresies, and Vindication of the Primitive Faith. Concord: 1806. 12°. 6000 M' GAVIN, WM. The Protestant Essays on the points of con- troversv betw. the Ch. of Eome and the Eeformed. Hartford: 1833. 2v. 8°. Frontis. Ports, of the Eeformers, and the " Auto da fe." *6001 McGEE, THOS. D'AECY. A History of the Irish Settlers in N. America. Boston: 1852. 8°. 6002 Historical Sketches of O'Connell and his Friends. Boston: 1854. 12°. 6003 MACGILLIVEAY, W. The Travels and Eesearches of Alex. Von Humboldt in the Equinoctial Eegions of America, and in Asiatic Eussia, [&c.] Edinburgh: 1832. 12°. Portrait, Map, and 5 engravings. 6004 MACGEEGOE, JOHN. Commercial Statistics of America. London, [n. d.] r. 8°. 6005 M^HENEY, JAMES, (Dr.) The Jackson Wreath or National Souvenir. Phila.: 1829. 8°. Portrait. 6006 MACHIAVEL, NICHOLAS. Discourses upon the First Dec- ade of T. Livius. To which is added his Prince: With some Margi- nal Animadversions, [etc]. ByE. D. London: 1674. 8°. Port. 6007 The Florentine History in VIH. Books. Lond. : 1674. 12°. 6008 McINTOSH, JOHN. Origin of the North American Indians; Manners and Customs, Nations, Warriors. N. York: 1849. 12°. 6009 MACK, EBENEZEE, (Doct.) The Cat-fight; a Mock Heroic Poem. New York: 1824. 12°. Gone after p. 230. [Scarce.] CATALOGUE. 339 6010 MACK, D. The Green Mountain Spring. Devoted to Discus- sion and Information concerning the Popular and Medical uses of Water. Pubd. monthly at Brattleboro' , Yt. Vol. 1. No. 1 to 12. R. 8°. 1846. 6011 MACK, ROBERT C. The Londonderry Celebration. Exer- cises on the 150th Anniv. of Old Nutfield. Manchester: 1870. 8°. Portraits, &c. Autog. of Author. 6012 MACK, ROBERT. Kyle Stuart, with other Poems. Vol. 1. [all pub.] Columbia, T.: 1834. 16°. 6013 MACKAY, ALEX. The Western World; or, Travels in the U- States in 1846-47. London: 3 vols. 1849. cr. 8°. Maps. 6014 MACKAY, CHARLES, ll.d. Extraordin'y Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds. Numerous Engravings. 2 vols. London: 1852. cr. 8°. 6015 KEAN, JOSEPH. A Plea for Friendship and Patriotism. [Not Published.] Boston: 1814. 12°. 6016 MACKELLAR, THOMAS. Tarn's Fortnight Ramble and other Poems. Phila.: 1847. 12°. 6017 McKENNEY, THOS. L. A Tour of the Lakes; the character and customs of the Chippewa Indians ; also a vocabulary of their^ language. Baltimore: 1827. 8°. Ports. [Scarce.] 6018 MACKENZIE, ALEXANDER, Sir. Voyages from Mont- real through the Continent of N. America to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans; in 1789 and 1793. Phila.: 1802. 8°. Map. Portrait. 6019 Same. London:. 1801. 4°. 6020 Same. Phila.: 1802. 2v. 8°. One of the very valuable and accurate works on Indian History.— S. G. D. The Mackenzie River, is named for the traveller. 6021 MACKENZIE, ALEXANDER S., U.S.N. Life of Stephen Decatur. Boston: 1848. 18°. 6022 Lif e of PaulJones. 2 vols. Boston: 1841. 12°. 6023 MACKENZIE, COLIN. Five Thousand Receipts in all the Useful and Domestic Arts. London: 1823, 4to. 6024 MACKENZIE E. Hist. Top. and Des. View of the U. States. Newcastle: [n. d.] 8°. Frontis. 025 MACKENZIE, WILLIAM L. Life and Times of Martin Van Buren: with Brief Notices of J. K. Polk, M. M. Noah, E. Croswell, B. F. Butler, J. Barker. Boston: 1846. 8°. This publication gave so much oflfence to the parties concerned that the sale was pro- hibited by injunction. 6026 MACKERELL, B. History and Antiquities of King's-Lynn, Norfolk. Ill'd. London: 1739. 8°. 6027 MACKINTOSH, JAS. (Sir.) Vindicise Gallicse. Defence of the French Revolution. Dublin: 1791. 8°. 6028 Miscellaneous Works. Longman: 1851. cr. 8°. 340 CATALOGUE. 6029 MACKQUEE:N', JOHK, m.a. British Valour Triumphing over French Courage: under the Duke of Marlborough. London: 1715. 8°. Portrait inserted. 6030 MACLAUKm, JOHK. Works of. Edinburgh: 1798. 8°. Portrait. 6031 McLEAlN", JOHIS". Sketch of Eev. Philip Gatch. Cincinnati: 1854 18°. 6032 McLELLAl^T, ISAAC, Jr. The Fall of the Indian, with other Poems. Boston: 1830. 12°. 6033 Mount Auburn and Other Poems. Boston: 1843. 12°. 6034 McLEOD, ALEX., d.d. The Larger Catechism of the As- sembly of Divines at Westminster. N. York: June, 1813. 12°. The first book stereotyped in America. 6035 A Scriptural View of the Present War. K. Y.: 1815. 8°. (Autograph Thomas Melvill, one of the Tea Party.) 6036 McLEOD, DOKALD. History of Wiskonsan. Buffalo: 1846. 12°. 6037 M'LEOD, JOHN". Voyage in H. M. ship Alceste, to the Yel- low Sea, with an account of her Shipwreck in the Straits of Gaspar. - Phila.: 1818. 8°. Plates. 6038 Voyage of H. M. Ship Alceste to China, Corea and the Island of Lewchew. London: 1819. 8°. 6039 MACLUKE, WM. Observations on the Geology of the U. S. Phila.: 1817. 8°. Maps. 6040 McM ASTER, GUY H. History of Steuben County. Bath[l^. Y. ?]: 1853. 12°. 6041 M'MURTRIE,H.,M.D. Sketches of Louisville and its Environs, with an Account of the Earthquakes experienced here from 16 Dec, 1811, to 7 Feb., 1812. Louisville: 1819. 8°. Map. [Very scarce.] 6042 McKALLY, WILLIAM. Evils and Abuses in the Naval and Merchants' Service Exposed. Boston: 1839. 12°. 6043 M'KEMAR, RICHARD. The Kentucky Revival, or a short History of the late extraordinary. AVith a Brief Acct. of Shakerism. Cincinnati: Albany reprintd.: 1808. 12°. 6r44 Same. Pittsfield: 1808. 6045 MACOY, ROBT. The Masonic Vocal Manual. New York: 1859. 18°. 6016 MACPHERSON, ^JAMES. The Poems of Ossian. 2 vols. Glasgow: 1824. 18°. Front. 6047 MACRAY, WM. DUNN. A Manual of British Historians to A. D. 1600. London: 1845. 8°. 6048 McSHERRY, JAMES, Esq. A History of Maryland. Bait.: 1852. 12°. 6049 MACTAGGART, JOHN. Three Years in Canada. 1826-28. London: 1829. 2 vols. 12°. CATALOGUE. 341 6050 McVICKAR JNO. (m.d.) Narrative of the Life of Samuel Bard,M.D.,L.L.D. N. York: 1822. 8°. Port 6051 Outlines of Political Economy. N". York: 1825. 8°. 6052 McVICKAR, JOHX, d.d. The Prof, years of John Henry Hobart. Being a sequel to his early years. N York: 1836. 12°. 6053 MACY, OBED. History of [N'antucket. Rise and Progress of the Whale Fishery. Boston: 1835. 12°. Plates. 6054 MADDEST, FREDERICK. Privy Purse Expenses of the Prin- cess Mary, with a Memoir. London: 1831. 8°. 6055 MADDEK,R. R. (m.d.) Poems by Slaves in the Island of Cuba. With the History of the early Life of the ISTegro Poet, written by himself. London: 1840. 8°. 6056 MADRID IN" 1835; Sketches of the Metropolis of Spain. Lond. andN.Y.: 1836. 8°. Plates. 6057 AIAFFITT, JOHN NEWLAND. Poems. Louisville: 1839: 12°. [Very rare.] 6058 Teai's of Contrition: or, Sketches of the Life of John N. Maffitt, with several Poetic Effusions. Kew London: 1821. 12°. Portrait insert. 6059 Pulpit Sketches, Sermons and Devotional Fragments. Bos- ton: T. R. Marvin. 1828. 12°. pp. 300. 6060 MAGNA BRITANNIA et Hibernia, Antiqua & Nova. Or, a New Survey of Great Britain. 6 vols. 1720 to 1731. 4°. Edited by the Rev. Thomas Cox. Moule. MS. notes by Mr. D. 6061 MAGNA CHARTA. Trans, from the Latin by Edw. Cooke, Esq. London: 1680. 18°. 6062 MAGNOLIA (The). An American Gift-Book. Edited by H. H. Randall. New York: 1850. R. 8°. Plates. 6063 MAGOON, E. L. (Rev.) The Eloquence of the Colonial Times. With Sketches of early American Statesmen and Patriots. Cincin- nati: 1847. 12°. 6064 MAHONY, D. A. The Prisoner of State. N. Y. : 1863. 12°. 6065 MAINE. Acts and Resolves passed by the 34th Legis. of the State 1855. Augusta: 1855. 8°. 6066 Justice (The; ; Powers and Duties of Justices of the Peace. Hallowell: 1835. 6067 Map of Maine. By Osgood Carleton. 1802. [Large double Sheet in Case.] 6068 The Water Power of. Augusta: 1869. 8°- 6069 MAINE REGISTER. 1S56-57. Boston. 2v. 8°. 6070 MAINE REGISTER, and State Reference Book, 1852. Hallow- ell: 1852. 12°. 6071 MAIR, JOHN, a.m. C. Julii Ciesaris de Bello Gallico. N. Y. : 1805. 12°. 342 CATALOGUE. 6072 MAIE, JOHN, m.d. Nephaleia; or Total abstinence from Intoxicating Liquors the Doctrine of the Bible. New York: 1861. 12°. 6073 MAJOR, R. H. Select Letters of Columbus, with other Original Documents, relating to his Four Voyages to the New World. Lon- don: Hak. Soc. 1847. 8°. 6074 The True Date of the English Discovery of the American Continent under John and Sebastian Cabot. London: 1870. 4°. 6075 MAKEPEACE , WILLIAM. The Genealogy of the Makepeace Families: Boston: 1858. 12°. 6076 MALCOLM, HOWARD. A Brief Memoir of Mrs. Lydia M. Malcolm. Boston: 1835. 18°. 6077 Travels in South Eastern Asia. Boston: 1839. 8°. Plates. 6078 MALL, THOMAS. The History of the Martyrs Epitomised. Boston: 1747. 2v. in 1. 8^ 6079 MALTBY, ISAAC. The Elements of War. Bost.: 1811. 12°. 6080 MALTHUS, T. R. (Rev.) Principles of Pohtical Economy. Boston: 1821. 8°. 6081 MAMMOTH CAYE, Rambles in. Louisville: 1845. 12°. Map. 6082 MAN, THOMAS. Picture of a Factory Village: with Remarks on Lotteries. By Sui Generis: alias, T. M. Providence: 1833. 6083 MANCHESTER. Concise Hist. View of M. & Salford, some acct. of the Antiquities. Plates. Manchester: 1826. 18°. 6084 MANDEVILLE, G. H. Flushing, Past and Present. Flush- ing, L.L: 1860. 18°. 6085 MANDRILLON, M. Jh. Recherches Philosophiques sur la Decouverte de L'Amerique. A Amsterdam: 1784. 8°. 6086 MANN, EDWIN JOHN. The Deaf and Dumb; or, the Con- dition of Deaf Mutes; their Education, and the Principal Asylums devoted to their Instruction. Boston: 1836. 12°. Frontis. 6087 MANN, HERMAN. Historical Annals of Dedham. Dedham, Mass.: 1847. 8°. Port. Cuttings. 6088 Human Prudence; or the Art by which a Man and a Woman may be advanced to Fortune. Dedham: 1806. 12°. 6089 MANN, HORACE, The Common School Journal. Vol. 1, 2. Boston: 1839-40. 2v. in 1. 8°. 6090 Dedication of Antioch College, and Inaugural Address of its President. Yellow Springs, O. : 1854. 18°. 6091 Mass. System of Common Schools. Boston, 1843. 8°. 6092 Abstract of Mass. School Returns for 1841-42. Boston: 1842. 8°. 6093 MANN, JAMES, m.d. Medical Sketches of the Campaigns of 1812, 13, and 14. Dedham: 1816. 8°. Contains information relative to the war, not found elsewhere. S. G. D. CATALOGUE. 343 6094 MANSFIELD, EDWARD D., l.l.d. Life and Services of Daniel Drake, m.d. With notices of the early Settlement of Cincin- nati and some of its Pioneers. Cincinnati: 1855. 12°. Portrait. Another ed. K. Y.: 184G. 12°. 6095 View of the Theory and Practice of the General and State Governments. With the Relations between them. Cincin. : 1851. 18**. 6096 Life and Services of Gen. Winfield Scott. Engravings. N. York: 1852. 12°. Portrait. 6097 The Political Grammar. N. York: 1834. 12°. 6098 Same.' N.York: 1846. 12°. Portrait. 6099 American Education: its Principles and Elements. N. Y.: 1853. 12°. 6100 MANUAL EXERCISE (The), as ordered by his Majesty in 1764. Boston: [17G4.] 4°. 6101 MANUAL for the use of the Legislature of N. Y. for 1865. Albany: 1865. 12°. 6102 MANUAL of RANK and NOBILITY: or, Key to the Peer- age. With the Origin and History of Royal Titles. Lond. : 1832. 8°. 6103 of the Board of Education of the City and County of N. Y. Jan. 1864. 16°. 6104 of the Lancasterian System of Teaching. N. Y. : 1820. 8°. 6105 (The), of the Erst Lutheran Church in Albany. Albany: 1871. 18°. Frontispiece. 6106 MANUEL LEXIQUE on Dictionnaire Portatif. 2 vols. Paris: 1755. 12°. 6107 MANWOOD, JOHN. A Treatise of the Lawes of the Forest. London: 1615. 4 Fols. 6108 MAP TO STANSBURY'S Report and 6 vols. Reports, &c. 8°. 6109 MAPS of the Dist. of Columbia and City of Washington, and Plats of the Squares and Lots of the City of Washington. Wash- ington: 1852. Fol. 6110 A Chart of the World, on Mercator's Projection. Lond. : 1821. 6111 of the Napoleonic Wars, and of the War of 1812. 15 nos. inc. View of Battle of Waterloo, [n. d.] 8°. 6112 MAPS AND PLANS for Major Long's Expedition to the Rocky Mts. Philad.: 1822. 4°. Plates. 6113 MAPS [Folding]. 11 Nos. Pennsylvania, Barnes, 1852. Wis- consin, Chapman, 1857. Texas, Oregon and California, Mitch- ell, 1846. Michigan, Farmer. Worcester Co, Mass., Dockham, 1866. Greenwood Cemetery, (N. Y.) 1850. Pennsylvania, Barnes, 1860. Niagara Falls, Steele, 1846. London, Rey- nolds, 1857. Detroit, Farmer, 1863. New Jersey, 1848. 6114 [Folding], 13 Nos. Iowa, Henn, Williams, 1856. — Maine, N. Hampshire and Vermont, Mitchell, 1834. —Virginia 344 CATALOGUE. and Maryland, Mitchell, 1832. — K. York City, Phelps' guide to 1857.— Mass., Conn., and Khode Island.— Eastern Kansas, Whitman, Searl. 1858. —Wisconsin, Morse, 1855.— Mexico, Dis- turnell, 1847.— :N'. England Stati-.s, Tanner, 1831.— Cambridge, Plan of. — Indiana, Morse. — K. Yokk, Disturnell, 1848. 6115 [Folding]. 12 Nos. Michigan, Parmer, 1863. — Penn. and ]^. Jersey, Tanner, 1847.— K. York, Phelps and Ensign, 1844.— West. States, Ensign and Thayer, Guide, 1850. — Phila- delphia City guide, 1844. — Western Tourist, Colton, 1846. — California, Horn, Overland Guide, 1852.— Kansas, Mendenhall, 1856.— Ohio, Mitchell, 1835.— Indiana, Mitchell, 1835.— Texas, Mitchell, 1846.— Iowa, 1839. 6116 [Folding, &c.] 12 Nos. — New York, Phelps. — Seat Of War in Mexico, Disturnell, 1847.— Texas, De Cordova, 1848. —Southern States, War Map, Perrine, 1864. —New England, Tanner, 1839. — Mexico, War Map. Cambridge and Mt. Auburn Guide, 1865. — Canada, Magnus. — Paris, 1835. — Amer. and European Kailway and Steamship Guide, Disturnell, 1851. — White Mtn. Guide, Briggs, 1849.— Montreal, Bernard, 1809. 6117 [Folding]. Mitchell's Georgia; Chapman's Illinois, Minnesota; Mitchell's Ohio, Indiana, &c., Kentucky and Tenn. , Wisconsin. 6 Nos. 18°. 6118 [Folding] 12. Western States, Colton, 1855.— Kansas Gold Mines, Mitchell, 1864.— Baltimore, Woods, 1865.— Green- wood Cemetery, Douglass, 1840. — Kensselaer, Burr. — New York, Penn. , Finley, 1820.— Buffalo, Gilbert, 1835.— U. States, Guide, Mitchell.— N. Haven, City guide. Barber, 1860. — Indiana, Colton, 1838. — California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Ari- zona, N. Mexico, Colton; Cincinnati Almanac for 1840. 6119 [Folding] 12. Iowa, Morse, 1856.— Kansas, Nebraska, Lowe. — West. States, Ensign, Bridgman, Guide, 1857. — Michi- gan, Farmer, 1856. — Iowa, Mitchell. — Maine, Mitchell, 1846. — Missouri, Arkansas, Mitchell, 1832. — Clinton Co., Burr, 1839. — Congress Spring, Steel, 1856. — Madison, Park Hotel, 1672. — Mount Auburn, Dearborn, 1845. — Arkansas, Tanner, 1839. 6120 [Folding] 15 nos. Indiana, Colton, 1856. — St. Lawrence Co., Burr, 1839. — Virginia, Mitchell, 1837. — Boston Water Works, 1848. —Army and Navy Almanac, 1863.— White Mts., Bradlee, 1861. — Western Tourist, Colton, 1852. — Wisconsin, Iowa, Abel, 1838. — Towns to Bradshaw's Cont. Bail. Guide. — Canada, Gibson, 1860. — Toledo, Schaft, 1869.— New York Canals, Spafford, 1824. — Madeira, 1783. — Also Letter to Horace Mann, Bristed, 1850. — Palmer, Key to Computing Scale, 1844. 6121 MAKBOIS, BARBlS. Hist, of Louisiana, particularly its Ces- sion to the U. S. ; with an Introductory Essay on the Constitution and Government of the U. S. Phila. : 1830. 8°. CATALOGUE. 345 6122 MAKCAN'DIETl, M. Abstract of a late treatise on Hemp, with an Account of the Use of the Horse Chestnut; and a Plan of the Pennsylvania Hemp Brake. Boston: 1767. 8°. 6123 MARCH, CHAS. W. Daniel Webster and his Contemporaries. New York: 1852. 12°. Portrait. 6124 MARCH, DA]S1EL. Yankee Land and the Yankee. Hart- ford: 1840. 12°. 6125 MARCY, RAND. B. (Capt.) Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana, in the Year 1852. Washington: 1854. 8°. [& Vol. of Maps.] 6126 MARGARET LYON. With other Tales and Poems. Plates. Boston: 1854. 12°. 6127 MARINE SOCIETY. By Laws and Regulations of, with an Histo. Account. London: 1772. 12°. 6128 MARKHAM, FRANCIS. Five Decades of Epistles of Warre. London: 1622. Folio. Autog. Jno. Drake. 6129 MARKLAND, J. H. Remarks on English Churches, and on Sepulchral Memorials. Oxford: 1843. 16°. Illustrated. 6130 MARKS, MARILLA. Memoirs of the Life of David Marks, Minister of the Gospel. Dover, N. H.: 1846. 12°. Portrait. 6131 MARLBOROUGH. The Lives of the Two Illustrious Generals, John, Duke of Marlborough, and Francis Eugene, Prince of Savoy. London: 1713. 8°. Fine Portraits. 6132 MARLBORO', MASS. The Case, Wm. Hunter, in Equity, versus the Inhabitants of Marlborough, in the Circuit Court of the U. S. Worcester, 1845. 8°. 6133 MARRIAGE QUESTION (The). The Lawfulness of Marry- ing the Sister of a deceased wife. Boston. R. 8°. 61 34 MARRY AT, FREDERICK, (Capt.) A Diary in America, with Remarks on its Institutions. Phila: 1839. 2 vols, in one. 12°. 6135 MARSH, GEO. P. Wolfe of the Knoll, and other Poems. N. York: 1860. 12°. 6136 MARSH, JOSIAH. A Popular Life of George Fox, the First of the Quakers. Phila. No date. 12°. 6137 MARSH, LUTHER RAWSON. Writings and Speeches of Alvan Stewart, on Slavery. N. Y. : 1860. 12°. Port. Autog. 6138 MARSHALL, CHRISTOPHER. Passages from the Remem- brancer of. Edited by William Duane, Jr. Phila.: 1839. 12°. [Scarce.] 6139 MARSHALL, EDW. C. Hist, of the U. S. Naval Acad., with biog. sketches. N. Y. : 1862. 12°. 6140 MARSHALL HUMPHREY. History of Kentucky; its Dis- covery ; Settlement; Political and Military Events and Present State. 2 vols. Vol. 1. Frankfort: 1812. 8°. 6141 History of Kentucky. Frankfort: 1824. 2 vols. 8°. [Very scarce.] 346 CATALOGUE, 6142 MARSHALL, JOHN. Life of George Washington. 5 vols. Phila.: 1804-1807. 4°. Portrait. Maps. 6143 History of the English Colonies. Phila. : 1824. 8°. 6144 Opinion of, in the Case of Garnell, Ex'r of Brooke, v. Macon et al. Richmond, 1825. 8°. 6145 Writings of, upon the Federal Constitution. Bost.:1839. 8°. 6146 MARSHALL, MARY. The Serpent from the Garden of Eden; a Disclosure of Shakerism, from the First Appearance of Ann Lee. Also, the Life and Sufferings of the Author. Concord, K. H. : 1847. 12°. 6147 MARSHALL, STEPHEN", b.d. The Strong Helper: a Serm. bef. Ho. Comns. upon the solemn Monthly Fast, Apl. 30, 1645. London: 1645. 4°. 6148 MARTCILKE, JEAN. The Huguenot Galley-Slave: being the Autobiog. of a French Protestant condemned to the Galleys. New York: 1867. Sq. 18°. 6149 MARTIN, BENJAMIN. Lectures in Natural and Experimen- tal Philosophy, Geography, and Astronomy. Reading: 1743. 4°. 6150 The Philosophical Grammar; Present State of Experi- mented Physiology, or Natural Philosophy. London: 1755. 8°. Diagrams. 6151 Bibliotheca Technologica ; or, a Philological Library of Literary Arts and Sciences. London: 1737. 8°. 6152 Miscellaneous Correspondence relative to Natural and Civil History, Geography, Mathematics, Poetry, Monthly Occurrences, [&c.] 4 vols. 1755-60. London: 1759-1764. 8°. Maps, Portraits and other engravings. 6153 Biographia Philosophica. An Account of the Lives, Writ- ings, and Inventions of the most Eminent Philosophers and Mathe- maticians. London: 1764. 8°. Ports. 6154 MARTIN, JOHN (m.d.) An Account of the Natives of the Tonga Islands, in the S. Pacific Ocean, with Grammar and Vocab- ulary of their language. 2 vols. London: 1818. 8°. Plate and Map. 6155 MARTIN, R. M. The Hudson's Bay Territories and Vancou- ver's Island. Rights, Conduct, and Policy of the Hon. Hudson's Bay Corporation. London: 1849. 8°. Author's Autog. 6156 MARTINEAU, HARRIET. Life in the sick-room. Essays. With introd. by E. L. Follen. Boston: 1844. 12°. 6157 - — Society in America. 2 vols. New York: 1837. 12°. 6158 Retrospect of Western Travel. 2 vols. N. Y.: 1838. 12°. 6159 [MARTINIERE, (MoNS.)] A New Voyage to the North: Containing a full Account of Norway. London: 1706. 8°. Fold- ing Frontispiece. 6160 MARTI NICO. Account of the Expedition to Martinico and Guadaloupe, under Com. Moore and General Hopson. London: 1759. 8°. Map. CATALOGUE. 847 6161 MARVRLL, ANDREW. The Rehearsal Transposed, or, Ani- madversions upon a late Book, entitled Grounds of Fears and Jealousies of Popery. London: 1672. 12°. [n. t. p.] 6162 MARVIN, HENRY. History of Lake George. New York: 1853. 18°. Map. 6163 MARVIN, T. R. Geneal. of the Descendants of Renold and Matthew Marvin. Boston: 1848. 12*. 6164 MARYLAND. A Relation of the successefuU beginnings of the Ld. Baltemore's Plantation in M. A. D. 1634. Repr. Bait. : 1865. 4°. 6165 MASERES, FRANCIS, Esq. Occasional Essays, chiefly Political and Historical. London: 1809. 8°. 6166 MASON, GEORGE. A Supplement to Johnson's Diet. New York: 1803. 8°. [Not Paged.] 6167 MASON, GEO. C. Re-Union of the Sons and Daughters of Newport, R. L, Aug. 23, 1859. Newport, R. I.j 1859. 12°. 6168 MASON, JOHN, (Capt.) A Brief History of the Pequot War. With Notes by the Rev. Thomas Prince. Boston: 1736. 12°. In same vol., Underhill, John, Newes from America; Vincent, P., A True Relation of the Late Battell, between the English and Pequot Salvages; Gardener, Lion, Relation, &c. ; reprints of Ms. Hist. Soc. 6169 MASON, LOWELL. Manual of the Boston Academy of Music. 2d ed. Boston: 1836. 18°. 6170 MASONIC Mirror, and Mechanics' Intelligencer. Vol. 3. Bos- ton: 1827. 4°. MASONIC PAMPHLETS. 5 vols. 8°. 132 Nos. 6171 Vol.1. 1749-1819. Masonry Dissected, Pritchard, S., 1749. — Howard, S. , Boston, 1778. — Smith, W. , Phila. 1779. — Nichols, J., Bost. 1786. — Marrant, Bost. 1789. Harris, T. M., Bost. 1796.— Orr, Hector, Bost. 1798. —Harris, T. M., Bost. 1797. — Same at St. Paul's Lodge, Groton, 1797. —Hall, P., Menotomy, 1797. — '* Wm. Jenks ex dono T. Paine, Aug. 3, 1797." — Bentley, W., 1798.— Jachin and Boaz, 1798. — Coustos, Jno. , 1803. — Bowers, Jas. (M'ble- head), 1805. —Harris, 1807. — Lisle, H. M., 1807. — Jenks, Wm. (Bath, Me.), 1807. — Milnor, J., 1811. —Parker, F., 1813, Foster-, 1814. — Richardson, 1817. — Sanders, D. C, 1817. —Howe, Jno., 1819. 6172 Vol. 2. 1820-29. Knapp, S. L. , Cary , A. — Atkins. — Col- ton, S. —Morgan, W., Rochester, 1827. — Talbot, C. S., on Morgan, Roch. 1827. — Narrative of Facts (Morgan), Roch. 1828. — Emerson, Jos. , 1828. — Huntoon, B. Sanborn. — Southwick. — Anti-Masonic, '29. — Rollins. — Thacher. — Elihu Mather. — Dean. — Jenkins. — Sumner, C. P. — Colden. — Giddings. — Tarbox. — Chisel. —Chand- ler, &c. 6173 Vol. 3. 1829-32. Merrick, Brown, Very, Anderson, Clark, Hopkins, Pratt, Thatcher, Fuller, Rush, Sheppard, Power, Conven- tions, Letters, &c. 24 348 CATALOGUE. 6174 MASONIC PAMPHLETS. Vol. 4. 1832-36. Annstrong. — Adams. J. Q. (3), Moore, C. S. —Elliot, S. — Gest. 6175 Vol. 5. 1836-71. Moore, C. W. — Spencer, Ritner, Tyng, Douglas, Paige, Golden, Phillips, Proceedings, Letters, Narratives, «&c. , Vol, 2 contains nos. relative to the celebrated Morgan case. The whole collection is con- sidered important. 6176 MASSACHUSETTS. Abstract of the Census of. Boston: 1863. 8°. 6177 Resolves of Gen. Assembly of Mass. Bay, 1779; Acts and laws, 1784: Supp. to the Resolves, 1785; Acts and laws, 1785-86; Resolves, 1787; Resolves, 1792-3; Acts, Tax, 1790-99, 1801,02; Acts and laws, 1795; Acts and laws, 1802; Resolves, 1805. 6178 Acts and Resolves, 1870-73. Boston: 1870-73. 4v. 8°. 6179 Pub. Docs, of, 1860-61, Nos. 1-49. 3 vols. Annual Reports of Public officers and institutions. 6180 Reports of the Registry of births, marriages and deaths in Mass. Boston: 1843-54. 12 pamph. 8°. 6181 Map of. Compiled from actual Surveys, by Osgood Carle- ton. Boston: 1801. Yignette drawn by G. Graham. [In case and lettered.] 6182 MASS. BAY. Acts passed in his Majesty's Province of Mass. B.,1736. [n.t.p.] Fol. 6183 Resolves of the Gen. Assembly of the State of Mass. B. Boston: 1777. Fol. 6184 Yotes of the Ho. of Representatives, 1761. Pol. Index inserted. 6185 Acts and laws, George II, 1736-50. Pol. 6186 Records of the Governor and Company of. Ed. by N. B. Shurtleff. Boston: 1853-54. 6v. 4°. 6187 Charter and General Laws of the Colony and Province. Boston: 1811. 8°. 6188 Journal of the Convention for framing" a Constitution for, Sept., 1779,-June, 1780, including a list of members. Boston: 1832. 8°. 6189 Petition of the II. of R. 20th Jan., 1768. Signed by the Speaker: with Letters to Lords Shelburne, Rockingham, Camden, Chatham, and to D. DeBerdt, agent for the Province. Also a letter from Lord Shelburne to Gov. Bernard, Sept. 17, 1767. Boston. Pol. This protest against British taxation is one of the most important of Revolutionary papers. The copy helonged to the Earl of Buchan, and has the indorsement under hia autograph, " Sent me by the Hon. Jas. Otis, Esq., member for Boston, N. E." 6190 MASS. ANTI-SLA VERY SOC. 2 vols. 22 Pamp. Bost.:8°. 6191 MASS. AGRICULT. TRANSACTIONS, 1793-1826. Boston: 9 vols. 8°. V. 8 wanting. CATALOGUE. 349 6192 MASS. BOAKD OF AGRICULTURE. Reports. lst-6th,8th- 10th, 13th. 17th-18th. Ed. by Chas. L. Flint. Boston: 1854-71. llv. 8°. Plates. 6193 MASS. BOARD OF STATE CHARITIES. Reports. 1866-71. Boston: 1866-71. 6v. 8°. 6194 MASS. CHARIT. FIRE SOC. 15 Tr. 1795 to 1830. Adds, by G. R. Minot, W. Tudor, J. Davis, J. Q. Adams, &c. 6195 By-Laws of , with the Act of Incorp:, &c. Boston: 1861. 12°. 6196 MASS. CHARIT. MECHANIC ASSOC. 1 Vol. 27 Tr. 1795 tol850,incL Const. 1795, Maj. Russell's Triennial Ads. (1810). 6197 First Exhibition and Fair. Boston: 1837. 8°. 6198 MASS. COI^YENTION OF MINISTERS. 2 Vols. 38 Tr. Vol. 1. 15 Tr. 1741-43-44-46-53-60-72-73-93-94-96-97-98-99-1801. Vol. 2. 23 Tr. 1804-06-07-08-10-11-12-15-17-19-21-23-27-28-30- 31_45_46-50-52, with Historical Sketch (1821), and rules. 6199 MASS. GEN. HOSPITAL. 2 Vols. 27 Tr. 1813-1869. Bost.: 8°. 6200 By-Laws, Rules, and Reg. Acts and Resolves. Bost.: 1856. 8°. 6201 MASS. HISTORICAL SOC. Proceedings of 1855-1873. 10 vols. 6202 MASS. HORTICUL. SOC. and Howard Benev. Soc. 20 Tr. Boston: 8°. 6203 MASS. HUMANE SOC. 2 Vols. 26 Tr. Perfect from Society's Incorp. 1791 to 1808 inc., with Lathrop's dis. 1787. 6204 MASS. MAGAZINE. 1789-96 incl. 8 vols. Boston: 1789- 96. 8°. Vol. 3, wants June ; Vol. 4, Sept. ; Vol. 7, Jan., Feb. and March nos. One of the acarceet and best of early American Magazines ; many curious copperplates. Its articles give a good idea of American politics, society and literature, at the Revolution's close. 6205 MASS. MANUAL. 1813, 14, 23, 24, 26-29, 39, 43, 47, 48, 50, 64-65, 7L Boston: 30 V. 16°. 6206 MASS. MANUAL or Polit. and Hist. Register by Wm. Bur- dick. Boston: 1814. 12°. Port, of Caleb Strong. 6207 MASS. MEDICAL SOC. Acts of Incorp. By-Laws, &c Boston: 1850. 8°. 6208 MASSACHUSETTS (The) MISSIONARY MAGAZINE for 1804. Vol. n. Boston: 1804. 8°. 6209 Vol. IV. Boston: 1806. 8°. pp. 480. 6210 MASS. PEACE SOC. 1 vol. 31 Tracts. Pastoral Assn. (5.) 6211 MASS. RAILROADS, Annual Reports, &c. of railroad corpo- rations in Mass. 1837-1856. 6 vols. 8°. Maps. 6212 MASS. REGISTER. 1803-47. Boston. 45v. 16°. 6213 MASS. REGISTER, State Record, and Business Directory. 1852-59,62. Boston. 9v. 8°. 6214 MASS. REGISTER 179-, 1807. Life of Milton. Conn. Regis- ter 1860. N. Hampshire Political Manual 1866-67, &c. 6 vols. 16«. 350 CATALOGUE. 6215 MASS. SOC. FOR PEOM. CHEISTIAK KNOWLEDGE. 1vol. 23 Tr. 1803-12. 6216 MASS. SOC. FOR SUPPRESSING INTEMPERxVNCE. 3 vols. 69 Tr. 6217 MASS. STATE RECORD. 5 vols. 1847-1851 inclusive. 12°. 6218 MASSACHUSETTS TEACHER (The). Vols. 3 and 4. Bos- ton: 1850-51. 8°. 6219 MASSACRE of Gov. Semple, and Destruction of the Earl of Selkirk's Settlement on Red River. London: [n. d.] Map. 8°. 6220 MASSIE, JAMES WM.,d.d. America: the Origin of her present Conflict, and her Claim to Anti-Slavery Sympathy. Lond. : 1864. 12°. Map. 6221 MASTERS, MARTIN KEDGWIN. The Progress of Love. A Poem. Boston: 1808. 12°. 6222 MASTERS, ROBERT. The History of the College of Corpus Christi (Commonly called Bennet) in the U. of Cambridge. Cam- bridge: 1753. 4°. Map and plates. 6223 MASTERS, THOMAS. Sketches of the Life and Death of Isabella Sarah Wilbur. N. York: 1858. 12^. 6224 MASTIN, JOHN, Rev. (Vicar of Naseby.) The History and Antiquities of Naseby, Northampton. Cambridge: 1792. 12°. Map of the Battle of N. 6225 MATERNAL PHYSICIAN (The). Treatise on the Nature and Management of Infants. By an Amer. Matron. N. Y. : 1811. 12°. 6226 MATHEMATICS. Bezout, Cours d'Arithmetique. 4e ed. Paris, an: 11. Clare, M., Youth's introd. to trade and business. 9th ed. Lond.: 1764. Love's Surveying, n. t. p. Colson, N., Mar- iner's new calendar. Lond.: 1757. Baylis,E., Arithmetic of annu- ities. Lond. : 1844. Harris, N., Practical book-keeping. Hartford: 1852. 6v. 8°. 6227 Bonnycastle, J., Algebra, 1829. Fisher, G , Arithmetick, 1775. Ilutton, C, Key to H.'s Arithmetic, 1806. Compend. Meas- urer, 1700. Vyse, C, Tutor's Guide, 1770. Conversations on Geometry, 1833. Treatise on Arithmetic, 1845. 7 v. 12° 6228 Brewster, D. , Plates to Ferguson's Astronomy, Phila. : 1817. Mathematical tables, Boston: 1836. Heads of a course of mathem., Aberdeen: 1800. Gaultier, L., Geometric pratique, Paris: 1830. Tillich, E., Arithmetik, Leip.: 1836. Fallacies of the broken gauge, L. : 1846. Lushington, H. , Broad and narrow gauge, 1816. Mathem. tables, Boston: 1830. 8v. 8°. 6229 Hassler, F. R., Tables logarith et trigonom, ISfO. Shep- herd, E., Columbian Accountant, 1800. Gough, J., Arithmetic, 1808. Nicholson P. and Rowbotham, J., Algebra, 1831. Dilworth, T., Arithmetic, 1792. Cox, C. Arithmetical Institute, 1795. 6v. 12°. 6230 Vyse, C, Arithmetic, 1796. Cocker, E., Arithmetic, 1765. CATALOGUE. 351 Same, 1780. Key to Yoster's Arithmetic, 1829. Murry, A., Men- toria, 1785. Friend, W., Arithmetic, 1805. Dilworth, T., Arithme- tic, 1792. Johnstone, E., Learning to count, 1816. First book of Arithmetic, 1843. 9v. 12°. 6231 MATHKR, COTTON, D.D.,r.E. 8. Essays to do Good; addressed to all Christians. New ed. London: 1807. 12°. 6232 Same. Portsmouth [N. H.]: 1824. 12°. 6233 Magnalia Christi Americana: or. Ecclesiastical History of New England, from its first Planting until the year 1698. In seven I^ooks. London: 1702. Fol. Portrait. Contains the Ecclesiastical Map ; also autog. of Cotton Mather, inserted. "Did you ever see Cotton Mather's • History of New England'? — one of the oddest books I ever perused, but deeply Interesting." — Southey. 6234 Same. In 2 vols. 8°. Hartford: 1855. Port. 6235 Ratio Disciplinse in Nov Anglorum. A faithful Account of the Discipline in the Churches of New England. Boston: 1726. 12°. Attestation by I. Mather. 6236 Sermon on the Death of John Higginson, with Nicholas Noyse's Elega. Title gone and Elegy after p. 6. 6237 Proposals to Lawyers. From Essays to do Good. Barnard, Vt. 12°. 6238 Blessed Union. An Union with the Son of God by Faith, &c. Boston. 18°. 6239 Bethia. The Glory which adorns the Daughters of God. And the Piety wherewith Zion wishes to see her Daughters Glorious. Boston: 1722. 12°. Wants title. 6240 Just Commemorations. The Death of Good Men considered. A brief Account of the Evangelical Work among the Christianized Indians of New England. Boston: [1714.] 18°. 6241 Sermon on the Death of George I. Boston: 1727. 12°. Part of title supplied. 6242 Winter Meditations. Directions how to employ the Leisure of the Winter for the Glory of God. Pref . by the Kev. Mr. John Higginson. Boston: 1693. 18°. 6243 Reasonable Religion: or, the Truth of the Christian Reli- gion Demonstrated. Boston: 1700. 18°. 6244 Preface to Joseph Emerson's Sermons. 1727. 6245 False Hopes of Heaven to be Dreaded and Deprecated. [Wants title.] 6246 Hor-hagidgad. An Essay upon an Happy Departure. Occasd. by the Decease of the Valuable Mr. Wm. Waldron, Late Pastor of one of the Churches in Boston, 1727. Boston: 1727. 8°. 6247 The Wonders of the Invisible World. London: 1862. 12°. 6248 Magnalia [&c.] Hartford: 1820. 2 vols. 8°. 6249 Euthanasia. A Sudden Death made Happy and Easy to 352 CATALOGUE. the Dying Believer. Exemplified in John Frizell, Esq., who so Expired, April 10, 1723. Boston: 1723. 8°. 6250 Parentator. Memoirs of Kemarkables in the Life and the Death of the Ever-Memorable Dr. Increase Mather. " My Father, my Father." Boston: 1724. 8°. Title and Adv't supplied by reprint. Has the rare port, of Increase Mather, hy Sturt. 6251 The Comfortable Chambers, opened and visited, upon the Departure of that aged and faithful servant of God, Mr. Peter Thatcher, Pastor of Milton. Boston. Eep. : 1796. 8°. 6252 Same. 1st ed. Boston: 1727. 8°. [n. t. p.] The last sermon the author ever preached. 6253 Christian Philosopher; a Collection of the best Discoveries inKature, with Keligious Improvements. Charlestown: 1815. 12°. 6254 The Valley of Baca. The Divine Sovereignty displayed and adored; on the Death of Mrs. Hannah Sewall, wife of Hon. Samuel Sewall. Imperfect. Boston: 1717. 16°. pp. 28. 6255 The Wonderful Works of God. Praises bespoke for the God of Heaven in a Thanksgiving Serm. did. on Dec. 19, 1689. Boston: 1690. 18°. [In same vol.] The Way to Prosperity. — A Serm. to the Hon. Convention. 23 May, 1689. Boston: 1690. 18°. A vandal hand having torn the first tract from its place, it was purchased and restored at a cost of eight dollars. One refers to the other; and both are mentioned as one in the author's dedication to Sir H. Ashurst. 6256 A Warning to Flocks against Wolves in Sheeps' Clothing. With a Brief Hist, of some Imposters. Boston: 1700. 18°. 6257 A Family Well Ordered. Or, an Essay to render Parents and Children happy in one another. Boston: 1699. 18°. 6258 Love Triumphant. Serm. at the Gathering of a New Church, and the Ordaining of their Pastor, in the North Part of Bos- ton, May 23, 1722. 1722. 12°. 6259 The Duty of Children, whose Parents have Pray'd for them, or, Early and Keal Godliness urged; a Serm. May 19, 1703. 2 Impn. Boston: 1719. 18°. 6260 Life of John Eliot. Wants all previous to Dedication and all after p. 72. Boston: 1690. 6261 A Faithful Man Described. — Serm. at Maiden, June 24, 1705, occasioned by the Death of Mr. Michael Wigglesworth. Bos- ton: 1849. 8°. Although the title-page credits this sermon to Increase Mather, it is credited to Cotton in the list of his publications appended to his Life by his son, S. M. 6262 The Christian Philosopher: A Collection of the best Discov- eries in Nature, with Religious Improvements. London: 1721. 8°. 6263 Expectanda; Or, Things to be lookedfor. Boston: 1691. 18°. pp. 83. Gone to p. 11. CATALOGUE, 353 6264 MATHER, COTTON, d.d., f.r.s. Essay to do Good. Amcr. Tract Soc. New York. 18°. 6265 — — Psalterium Americanum : The Book of Psalms, in Blank Verse, fitted unto the tunes commonly used in our churches. Bost. : 1718. 12*>. 6266 MATHER, ELIHU. Antiraasonic Tracts, No. 5. Masonic Obligations unlawful ; as proved on empannelling the Jury at the Trial of Elihu Mather for a Conspiracy to kidnap Wra. Morgan, at the Orleans County Court, Nov. 11th, 1829. Boston: 1829. 12°. [Scarce.] Somewhat stained with ink, but not illegible. 6267 MATHER, INCREASE. A Disquisition concerning Ecclesi- astical Councils; with preface containing a further vindication of Congregational Discipline. Boston: 1716. 18°. 6268 The Revolution in New England Justified. Boston: 1691. 4°; and in Same vol., A Narrative of the Proceedings of Sir E. Androsse and his Complices. Boston: 1690-1. 4°. 6269 Remarkable Providences; with Introduction by Geo. Offor. London: 1856. 12°. Port. 6270 A Relation of the Troubles which have happened in New England, By reason of the Indians there. Erom the Year 1614, to the Year 1675. Boston : 1677. Reprinted 1864. Introd. and Notes by S. Q-. Drake, fol. (I. p.) Bost.: 1864. (Autog. letter from. John Carter Brown.) Author's Copy. 27 Plates inserted. 6271 Brief History of the War with the Indians in N. England. London: 1676. 4°. 6272 Sermon wherein is shewed that the Church of God is some- times a subject of Great Persecution; preached at a Public Fast at Boston. Boston: 1682. 4°. This copy wants title, &c. 6273 Preface to Nehemiah Walter's Several Sermons, &c., 1713. Autog. of John Clap. 1713. 6274 The Glorious Throne. Boston: 1702. 12°. 6275 The Happiness of Saints in Heaven and other Sermona. [Wants title. Pref. dated 10 Oct. 1711.] 6276 Preface to Jonathan Mitchell's Sermons. [Imperfect.] 6277 Brief History of the War with the Indians in N. England. Boston: 1676. 4°. pp. 51. Post. 8°. [First part wanting, to p. 11.] 6278 Disquisition concerning Ecclesiastical Councils. Boston: Rep. 1870. 4°. 6279 Practical Truths tending to promote Holiness. In several Sermons. Imperfect, wants 17 leaves at beginning. 6280 Ichabod; | or, | a Discourse, | shewing what Cause there is to Fear | that the \ Glory | of the Lord is Departing from | New England. | Two Sermons. Boston: 1729. 18°. 6281 Ichabod. Boston: 1702. 18°. 4 leaves gone at end. 6282 Sermon shewing that the present Dispensations of Provi- 354 CATALOGUE. dence declare. That "Wonderful Ke volutions in the World are near at Hand. Edinburgh: Re-printed: 1713. 4°. 6283 A Dissertation wherein the Strange Doctrine lately pub- lished in a Sermon to Encourage Unsanctified Persons (while such) to Approach the Holy Table of the Lord, is Examined and Confuted. Boston: 1708. 18°. 6284 The Duty of Parents to Pray for their Children. A Serm. May 19, 1703. 2d Impression. Boston: 1719. 18°. 6285 Discourse concerning Eaith and Prayer, for the Kingdom of Christ. Boston: 1710. 18°. Title supplied, and imperfect in contents at end. 6286 Serm. wherein is shewed that the Ch. of God is sometimes a Subject of great Persecution. Preachd. on a Public Fast at Bos- ton in New England; Occasioned by the Tidings of a great Perse- cution Raised against the Protestants in France. Boston: 1682. 4°. 6287 The Revolution in N. England Justified. To which is added, a Narrative of the Proceedings of Sir Edmund Androsse and his Accomplices. By several Gentn. who were of his Council. Printed in the year 1691. Boston: Re-printed and sold by Isaiah Thomas. 1773. 8°. This copy which is superbly bound, contains portraits of Ed. Rawson, whose initials are appended to the Introduction, of "William ''III., Jos. Dudley, Saml. Sewall, William Stoughton, James II., and Increase Mather. The portrait of William III. is a Van der Gucht. 6288 A Discourse concerning the Maintenance due to those that Preach the Gospel. Boston: 1706. 16°. 6289 MATHER, J. H. Geographical History of the State of New York. Utica: 1853. 12°. 6290 MATHER, NATHANIEL. Twenty-Three Sermons, Preached at the Merchants-Lecture, at Pinner' s-Hall, and in Lime-street. London: 1701. 8°. 6291 Early Piety: exemplified in the Life and Death of Mr. Nathaniel Mather. Boston: [1^57.] 16°. 6292 MATHER, RICHARD. Collections of the Dorchester Anti- quarian and Historical Society. No. Three. Journal of Richard Mather, 1635. His Life and Death. 1670. Boston: 1850. 12°. 6293 MATHER, SAMUEL. Types of the Old Testament. Explained and Improved in Sundry Sermons. London: 1705. 4°. 6294 An Apology for the Liberties of the Churches in New Eng- land. Boston: 1738. 8"^. •• Nathaniel Emmons'«, ex dono D. S. Amici. A. D. 1785." 6295 America Known to the Ancients. Boston: 1773. 8°. 6296 Fall of the Mighty Lamented. — A Funeral Disc, upon the Death of Her Most ExcellentMajesty Wilhelmina Dorothea Carolina, Queen Consort. Boston: 1738. 8°. CATALOGUE. 355 6297 MATHER, SAMUEL. The Walk of the Upright, with its Comfort. — A Funeral Disc, after the Decease of the Reverend Mr. Welsted, and Mr. Ellis Gray. Boston: 1753. 8°. 6298 The Lord's Prayer; or, A New Attempt to recover the Right Version, and genuine Meaning of that Prayer. Boston: 1760. 8®. Part of title neatly supplied. 6299 The Departure and Character of Elijah. A Sermon after the Decease of the very Reverend and Learned Cotton Mather, d.d. Boston: 1728. 8°. Autog. of Warham WIllIamB, 1728. 6300 An Essay concerning Gratitude. Boston: 1732. 8°. Autog. of Eben'r Hancock, 1734. 6301 Life of the Yery Reverend and Learned Cotton Mather, Late Pastor of the North Church in Boston. Boston: 1729. 8^. Port. This Volume contains an autograph letter of the author, Saml. Mather. 6302 Yindication of the Holy Bible, with Arguments for, and Objections against, the Divine Original. London: 1723. 8°. line and scarce portrait of Saml. Mather. 6303 Dissertation concerning the most venerable Name of Jeho- vah. Boston: 1760. 8°. First and last pages gone. 6304 All men will not be saved forever: an Attempt to prove that this is a Scriptural Doctrine. Boston: 1782. 8°. Autograph of Rev. Chas. Lowell. 6305 MATHER, WM. ^Y. Elements of Geology, for the Use of Schools. Norwich: 1833. 16°. 6306 MATHERS, WILLIAM. The Rise, Progress and Downfall of Aristocracy. Wheeling: 1831. 12°. 6307 MATHES, JAMES M. The Christian Record, edited and published by. Yol. 1. Bloomington, Indiana: 1843. 8°. 6308 MATHEWS, CHARLES. Memoirs of Charles Mathews, Com- edian. By Mrs. Mathews. 2 vols. London: 1838. 8°. Portraits. 6309 MATTHEWS, LYMAN. Life and Character of Ebenezer Porter, D.D. Boston: 1837. 12°. Portrait. 6310 MATRY, HENRY. A new review. 1782. London: 1782-86. 9v. 8°. 6311 MAUD, JOHN. Yisit to the Falls of Niagara, in 1800. Lon- don: 1826. 8°. 6312 MAUDUIT, ISRAEL. Short Yiew of the History of the Col- ony of Massachusetts Bay, with respect to their Charters and Con- stitutions. Third ed. London: 1774. 8°. [Scarce.] 6313 Considerations on the Present German War. London: 1760. 8^. pp. 136. Fine portrait. 6314 A Short Yiew of the History of the New England Colonies. 4th Edit. London: 1776. 8°. 356 CATALOGUE. 6315 MATJ:N'DRELL, heist. Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem. At Easter, a.d. 1697. Third Edition; an Account of the Author's Journey to the Banks of the Euphrates at Beer, and to the Country of Mesopotamia. Oxford: 1714. 8°. Plates. 6316 MAURAULT, L'ABBfi J. A. Hist, des Abenakis depuis 1605 jusques a nos jours. Sorel: 1866. 8°. 6317 MAURY, THE ABBfi. Principles of Eloquence; adapted to the Pulpit and the Bar. 1st Amer. Edit. fr. the French Notes, by John Neal Lake, A.M. Albany: 1797. 12°. 6318 MAURY, M. F., Lieut. U. S. I^. Explanations and Sailing Directions to accompany the Wind and Current Charts, approved by Com. Chas. Morris, Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance and Hydro- graphy. 6th ed. Phila. : 1854. 4°. pp. 766. 17 Plates. 6319 Physical Geography of the Sea. New York: 1855. 8°. Twelve Maps. 6320 MAVERICK, AUGUSTUS. Henry J. Raymond and the New York Press, for 30 years. Portrait, Illustrations and Appendix. Hartford, Conn. ; 1870. 8°. 6321 MAYOIR, WILLIAM, (ll.d.) The British Nepos; or Mirror of Youth: Select Lives of Illustrious Britons. 2d ed. Revised. London: 1800. 12°. 6322 MA WE, JOHN. Travels in the Interior of Brazil; with Noti- ces on the Climate. Account of the Gold and Diamond Districts, and a Voyage to the Rio de la Plata. London: 1822. Beautiful colored Plates. «' The first authentic information which the jealousy of the Portuguese govt, allowed a foreigner to acquire relative to the mineral treasures of the Brazils." 6323 Voyager's Companion, or Shell Collector's Pilot, with In- structions for preserving the Skins of Animals: catching and pre- serving Insects. 4th ed. London: 1825. 12°. Front. 6324 MAWMAN, J. An Excursion to the Highlands of Scotland and the English Lakes. London: 1805. 8°. Map and Fine Plates. 6325 MAXCY, JONATHAN, d.d. American Eloquence; consist- ing of Orations, Addresses, and Sermons; a Memoir of his Life by Romeo Elton. N. York: 1845. 8°. 6326 MAXWELL, JOHN S. The Czar, his Court and People: In- cluding a Tour in Norway and Sweden. N. Y. : 1848. 12°. 6327 MAXWELL, W. H. Naval and Military Remembrancer; An- ecdotes and Biographies of eminent English Heroes. 25 steel En- gravings. London: 1844. 12°. 6328 MAXWELL, WILLIAM. Memoir of the Rev. John H. Rice, D.D. Phila.: 1835. 12°. Port. 6329 The Virginia Historical Register, and Literary Companion. Vol.5. For 1852. Richmond: 1852. 8°. 6330 MAY, THOMAS. A Continuation of Lvcans Historicall Poem CATALOGUE. 357 till the Death of Jvlivs Csesar. 4th ed. Enlarged by the Author, T. M. London: 1650. 24°. pp. 122. Introd. 5 leaves. 6331 Lvcans Pharsalia: or the Civil Warrs of Home, between Pompey the great, and Jvlivs Coesar. The whole ten Bookes En- glished by Thomas May, Esq. London: 1627. 18°. 6332 A Breviary of the History of the Parliament of England. 2d ed. London: 1655. 18°. 6333 A Breviary. London: 1680. 18°. 6334 History of the Parliament of England wch. began Nov. 3, 1640; with a short and necessary View of some precedent Years. [New Edit] London: 1812. 4°. Portrait. 6335 MAYER, BRANTZ. Mexico as it Was and as it Is. Numer- ous Hlustrations. New York: 1844. 8°. 6336 Tah-Gah-Jute; or Logan and Cresap. Albany: 1867. 8°. 6337 MAYFIELD, MILLIE. Progression; or, the South Defended. [A Poem.] Cincinnati: 1860. 12<^. 6338 MA YHEW, EDWARD. Dogs: their management. London: 1854. 16°. 6339 MAYHEW, EXPERIENCE. Narratives of the Lives of Pious Indian Children, who lived on Martha's Vineyard more than 100 years since. Boston: [n.d.] 18°. 6340 Grace Defended, in a Modest Plea for an important Truth. Boston: 1744. 8°. [Scarce.] 6341 Indian Converts : or, some Account of the Lives and Dying Speeches of a considerable Number of Christianized Indians of Martha's Vineyard, in New England. To which is added some Ac- count of those English Ministers who have presided over the In- dians. By Mr. Prince. London: 1727. 8°. 6342 Narratives of the lives of pious Indian women, who lived in Martha's Vineyard. Boston: 1830. 24°. 6343 MAYHEW, JONATHAN, d.d. Sermons upon the following Subjects. Boston, Printed; London, re-printed: 1756. 8°. 6344 Seven Sermons, viz.. The Difference betwixt Truth and Falsehood. The Natural Abilities of Men for Discovering the Differences. The Right and Duty of Private Judgment. Boston, N. E.: 1749. 8°. [Scarce.] 6345 Letter of Reproof to Mr. John Cleveland of Ipswich. Boston: 1764. 8°. 6346 Two Discourses, did. Oct. 9th, 1760, a Thanksgiving for the intire Reduction of Canada. Boston: 1760. 8°. 6347 Two Discourses, did. Nov. 23d, 1758, a Public Thanksgiv- ing: relating more especially to the success of His Maj.'s Arms the last year. Boston: 8°. 6348 Two Discourses, delivered Oct. 25th, 1759. Being a Day of Public Thanksgiving for the Reduction of Quebec. Brief ac- 358 CATALOGUE, count of two former Expeditions against that City. Boston, "N'.E. : 1759. 8°. 6349 Discourse concerning Unlimited Submission and Kon- Kesistance to the Higher Powers: with some Keflections on the Resistance made to King Charles I. Boston: 1750. 8°. [Imper- fect.] 6350 [Same.] Boston: Rep. by Hall & Goss, 1818. 8°. 6351 Striving to enter in at the Strait Gate: in two Sermons. Boston: 1761. 8°. 6352 The Snare Broken. A Thanksg. Disc, at the West Church in Boston, occasioned by the Repeal of the Stamp Act. Boston: 1766. 8°. 6353 Sermons upon the following Subjects, viz., On Hearing the Word, etc. Boston: 1755. 8°. 6354 Two Serms. on the Perfection of Divine Goodness. Dec. 9, 1762 ; the Annual Thanksgiving of the Province. Boston : 1763. 6355 Practical Discourses delivered on the Earthquakes in Nov., 1755. Boston: 1760. [Scarce.] 6356 God's Hand and Providence to be relied upon. Sermon occasioned by the Great Fire in Boston, March 20, 1760. Boston: 1760. 8°. pp. 38. 6357 The expected Dissolution of all things. Two Serms. in Boston, 23 Nov., 1755; occcasioned by the Earthquakes. Boston: 1755. 8°. 6358 A Disc, on Rev. xv. 3d, 4th; Occasioned by the Earth- quakes in Nov., 1755, did. in the West M. H., Boston, Thursd., Dec. 18, following. Boston: 1755. 8°. 6359 MAYNWARING, ROGER, (Doctor mDiviNiTiE.) Religion and Allegiance: In Two Serms. before the Kings Maiestie: The one on the fourth of luly. Anno 1627, at Oatlands. The other on the 29. of luly the same yeere, at Alderton. By his Maiesties Special! Command. London: 1627. 4°. This Serm. was ord. to be burnt, by Parliament, the Author imprisoned, and to pay a fine of £1000. — See Brook, Hist, of Religious Liberty, i, 438-9. 6360 MAYO, ROBERT, (m.d.) Synopsis of the Commercial and Revenue System of the U. S. Washington: 1847. 4°. Plates. 6361 Political Sketches of Eight Years in Washington; and a Series of Charts. Baltimore: 1839. 8°. 6362 MEAD, CHARLES. Mississippiau Scenery; a Poem. Phila.: 1819. 12°. Plate. 6363 MEAD, DANIEL M. History of the Town of Greenwich, EairfieldCo.,Conn. N. York: 1857. 12°. 6364 MEAD, RICHARD. Mechanical accounts of poisons in several essays. London: 1702. 8°. CATALOGUE. 359 6365 MEADE, WILLIAM, d.d., (Bishop.) Old Churches, Minis- ters and Families of Virginia. 2 vols. Phila. : 1857. 8°. 636') Sermon, did. in the University of Virginia, on the Occasion of the Deaths of Nine Young Men who fell Victims to the Diseases which visited that Place during the Summer of 1828. Charlottes- ville: 1829. 8°. [Scarce.] 6367 Sermons addsd. to Masters and Servants, published in 1743, by Thos. Bacon. Now re-pubd. with other Tracts and Dialogues. Winchester, Va. [n. d.] 12°. [Scarce.] 6368 ME ADER, J. W. The Merrimack River, its source and tributa- ries. Boston: 1771. 8°. Map. 6369 MEADOWS, H. C. New lYench and English Dictionary, on the basis of Nugent's 12th ed. London: 1837. 12°. 6370 ME ARES, JOHN. Voyages made in the Years 1788 and 1789, from China to the North West Coast of America, &c. 2 vols. Lon- don: 1791. 8°. Port. 6371 MEASE, JAMES, m.d. Picture of Philadelphia. Phila.: 1811. 12°. Folding View. 6372 Geological Account of the U. States; Antiquities and Curiosities. Phila.: 1807. 18°. Plates. 6373 Letter transmitting a Treatise on the rearing of Silk-worms, by Mr. De Hazzi. Plates. Washington: 1828. 8°. [Rare.] 6374 ME ASOM, GEORGE. Official Illustrated Guide to the Brighton and South-Coast Railways; a Description of the Crystal Palace at Sydenham, and a Topog. Acct. of the Isle of Wight. Numerous Engravings. London: 1853. 12°. 6375 MECHANIC'S AND LABORER'S HAND BOOK (The British) Hand Book, and True Guide to the U. States. London: 1840. 18°. Map and Views. 6376 The Mechanic. A Journal of the Useful Arts and Sciences. Edited by T. Claxton, G. W. Light and J. M. Wightman. Boston: 1834. 6377 MECHANIC'S MAGAZINE, The. Vol. 1. Boston: 1830. R. 8°. 6378 MEDBURY, R. B. Memoir of William G. Crocker, late Mis- sionary in West Africa, including a History of the Bassas Mission. Boston: 1848. 18°. Portrait. 6379 MEDE, JOSEPH. The Work of that Reverend, Judicious, and Learned Divine, Late Fellow of Christs Colledge in Cambridge. London: 1648. 4°. 6380 MEDHURST, W. II. China; its State and Prospects, with special reference to the spread of the Gospel. Boston: 1838. 12°. 6381 MEDLEY (The), or Monthly Miscellany. For 1803. Lexing- ton, Ky. 12°. 6382 MEDWIN, THOMAS. Journal of the Conversations of Lord Byron. N.Y.: 1824. 12°. 360 CATALOGUE, 6383 MEEK, A. B. Komantic Passages in Southwestern History. 2d ed. Mobile [I^. Y.]: 1857. 12°. 6384 Songs and Poems of the South. 2d ed. IST. Y. : 1857. 12°. 6385 MELISH, JOHN. Geographical Description of the U. S., with the Contiguous Countries, including Mexico and the W. Indies. Kew ed. Phila. : 1822. 8°. 6386 Travels in the U. S. in 1806-11. U. Canada, &c. 2 vols. Phila.: 1812. 8°. Map. 6387 Description of the Eoads in the United States. Phila. : 1814. 12°. Maps. 6388 Map of the U. S. with the Contigs. Brit, and Spanish Pos_ sessions. Phila.: 1816. About 5 by 3 ft. In Case. 6389 MELLEN, G. W. F. Argument on the Unconstitutionality of Slavery. Boston: 1841. 12°. Author's autog. 6390 MELLEK, GREKYILLE. Book of the United Sts. Exhibiting its Geography, Divisions, Constitution and Government. Engrav- ings. Hartford: 1837. 8°. 6391 MELLE:N', JOHK. Fifteen Discourses. Boston, K. E.: 1765. 8°. 6392 MELODIES for Childhood. Phila. : 1862. 12°. 6393 MELMOTH, SYDISTEY. The Confession of Cuthbert, a Bal- lad. Bunker Hill, a Poem. Migration, a Poem. Bos. : 1827. 18°. 6394 MELMOTH, WM. Memoirs of a late eminent Advocate, and Member of the Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn. [Wm. Mel- moth, his Father.] London: 1796. 8°. 6395 MELYIL, Sir JAMES. Memoirs of. Pub. from the original MS. by George Scott. 3d ed. London: 1752. 8°. 6396 MELYIJS", JAMES. Journal of the Expedition to Quebec, in the Year 1775, under the Command of Col. Benedict Arnold. New York: 1857. 8°. Ed. 100 copies. [Very rare.] 6397 Same. Phila.: 1864. 8°. [Printed for the Franklin Club.] ed. 100 copies. 6398 MEMOIR of Hiram Withington with selections from his ser- mons and correspondence. Boston: 1849. 16°. 6399 of Henry Obookiah, a Native of Owhyhee. Elizabeth- town, N. J.: 1819. 18°. 6400 of the Pilgrimage to Ya. of the Knight Templars of Mass. and R. L, May, 1859. Boston: 1859. 12°. 6401 MEMOIR OF TCJCKERMAN. By W. E. Channing. Bos- ton: 1841. 12°. 6402 MEMOIRS OF PIOUS WOMEN. By Danl. Dana. New- buryport: 1803. 12°. 6403 MEMOIRS of the Principal Transaction of the Last War be- tween the English and French in North America. From 1744, to the Treaty of Aix la Chapelle. London: 1757. 8°. Maps, Plans and Portraits. CATALOGUE. ^^5^;;^^^^^^ 6404 MEMOIKS of a New England Village Choir. By a Member. 2d ed. Boston: 1834. 18°. 6405 of the Lives, Characters and Writings of Dr. I. Watts and P. Doddridge. Boston: 1793. 8°. 6406 (The) of Lafitte, or the Barritarian Pirate. Providence: 1826. 16°. Portrait. [Scarce.] 6407 of the Phila. Society for promoting Agriculture. Phila. : 1814. 8°. [Port, of G. Clymer.] 6408 of a New England Village Choir. 3d ed. Bos. : 1846. 16°. 6409 of a Nullifier; written by Himself. By a Native of the South [A. S. Johnson?] Columbia, S. C: 1832. 12°. 6410 by a celebrated Literary and Political Character, from the Resignation of Sir Robert Walpole, in 1742, to the establishment of Lord Chatham's Second Administration, in 1757. New Ed. Lon- don: 1814. 8°. An attempt to prove " Mr. Glover •' the Author of Junius. 6411 of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vol. 1. Pt. 1. N. Haven: 1810. 8°. 6412 of the Board of Agriculture of the State of N. York. Vol. 1. Albany: 1821. 8°. 6413 MEMORABLE ACCIDENTS and Remarkable Transactions. Many Strange events, from the French. Worcester: 1795. 18°. [Scarce.] " Made up from the early voyages of the Dutch, English and IVench, to the North and to the East and "West Indies." 6414 MEMORANDA of the Labors, and Travels of a Universalist Preacher. [Rogers.] Written by Himself. Cincinnati: 1845. 12°. 6415 MEMORABLE EVENTS and Singular Occurrences. Foreign and Domestic. Selected from Old Magazines, &c. 1759-1776, 1795. 6416 MEMORIALS for George James Duke of Hamilton, &c., vs. Archibald Stewart, alias Douglas. 1767. 4°. 6417 MEMORIAL (A) of the Dedication of Monuments erected by the Moravian Society, to mark the Sites of ancient Missionary Stations in N. York and Connecticut. New York: 1860. 8°. Plates. 6418 MEMORIAL of the Semi-Centennial Celebration of the Found- ing of Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y. Utica: 1862. 8°. Portraits. 6419 Containing a Summary View of Facts, in Answer to the Observations sent by the English Ministry to the Courts of Europe. From the French. Phila.: 1757. 8°. 6420 Volume of the Semi-centennial Anniversary of Hartwick Seminary, held Augt. , 1866. Albany: 1867. 8°. 6421 of Rev. Edward B. Hall, late Pastor of the First Congreg. Soc, Providence, R. I. 1867. 12°. 362 CATALOGUE. 6422 MEMOEIAL (The): with Circular and Questions of the Epis- copal Commission. Introd. by Alonzo Potter, d.d. Philadelphia: 1857. 12°. 6423 Memorial of Charles Sumner. Boston: 1874. E. 8°. Portrait. 6424 Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of Wm. P. Fessenden. Washington: 1870. r. 8°. Portrait. 6425 Memorial of the Semi-Centennial Celebration of the Theological Seminary at Andover. Andover: 1859. 8°. 6426 Yolume of the first Fifty Years of the Amer. Board of Comm. for Foreign Missions. 5th ed. Bost.: 1863. 8°. Frontis. 6427 (A) of Daniel Webster, from the City of Boston: 1853. 8°. Plate. 6428 of the Centennial Anniversary of the Settlement of Machias. Machias: 1863. 8°. 6420 (The) of the English and French Commissaries concerning the limits of Kova Scotia or Acadia. London: 1755. 2v. 4°. Of importance to any one seeking information on the history or geography of Nova Scotia, JSew Brunswick, &c. 6430 of Deceased Friends; of New England Yearly Meeting. Published by the Meeting for Sufferings. Providence: 1841. 8°. 6431 MEMOEIESofaGrandmotherbyaLadyofMass. Boston: 1854. 12°. 6432 MENDON ASSOCIATION. Evidences of Eevealed Eeligion. Northampton: 1798. 12°. 6433 MENDOZA, JUAN GONZALEZ DE. History of China. Ed. by Sir G. T. Staunton, Bt. Intro, by E. H. Major, Esq. London: Hak. Soc. 1853. 8°. 6434 MEEIAN, MAEIE SIBILLE. Dissertation sur la generation et trans, of Insects de Surinam. klaHaye: 1726. Fol. Illustrations. 6435 MEEEILL, DANIEL, a.m. Mode and Subjects of Baptism examined. To which is added, a Brief Hist, of the Baptists. 10th ed. Boston: 1812. 16°. 6436 MEEEILL, ELIPHALET. Gazetteer of the State of N. Hamp- shire. From the best Authorities. Exeter: 1817. 8°. The first Gazetteer of the State printed. 6437 MEEEILL, JOSEPH W. The People's Cabinet: a Compendium of Natural Hist., Nat. Philosophy, Astronomy. Hist. United States: Government and Law. Boston: 1844. 12°. 6438 MEEEY, EOBEET, a.m. The Pains of Memory. A Poem. Boston: 1797. 4°. 6439 MESSAGE from the President of the U. S., accompanying a Statement of Expenditures from the 1st of January, 1797, by the Quart er-master-General, and the Navy Agents, for the Contingen- CATALOGUE. 363 cies of the Naval and Military Establishments, and the Navy Con- tracts for Timber and Stores. 23 Dec, 1802. Ord. to lie on the Table. Washington, 1803. Folio. [Very rare.] 6440 from the Pres. U. S. trans., a Letter from the Secretary of "War, to explain the Causes of the Failure of the Arras of the U. S. on the Northern Frontier. Albany: 1814. 12°. 6441 A Message from the Pres. of the U. S. A. to Congress; relative to the French Republic; deld. Jan. 19, 1797, with the Papers therein referred to. Phila. 8°. 6442 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT of the U. S., with accompany. Docs. 1st Sess. 31st Congress. Part 3. Wash. : 1849. 6443 Cont. letters betw. Sec. of State and Gr. Britain, on Im- pressed Seamen, June 15, 16, 30, 1812. 3 pamp. 8°. 6444 MESSAGE of the Governor of Virginia, and accompanying Doc- uments. Richmond, 1862-63; 2v. in 1. 8°. [Scarce.] 6445 MESSAGES of the President of the U. S., with the Correspon- dence on the Mexican War. Washington: 1848. 8°. 6446 MESSAGES OF THE PRESIDENTS with accompanying Docs. Diplomatic Correspondence, &c. 1849-67 inclusive. 61 vols. 6447 Maps and Views to accompany Mess, and Doc. 1853-57. 4v. 4°. 6448 Message and Docs. Abridged 36th Cong. 2 vols. 34th Cong, on Enlistments; P. O. War Depts. Census, Gen. Pope's Va. Campaign, &c. 12 vols. 6449 MESSINGER, ROSEWELL. Sentiments of Resignation. Portsmouth: 1807. 12°. 6450 METCALF, SAMUEL L. A Collection of the mosf interesting Narratives of Indian Warfare in the West, containing an Account of the Adventures of Colonel Daniel Boone, one of the First Settlers of Kentucky; an Account of the Expeditions of Gens. Harmer, Scott, Wilkinson, St. Clair, and Wayne. Lexington: 1821. 8°. [Very scarce.] 6451 A New Theory of Terrestrial Magnetism. N.York: 1833. 8°. 6452 METERAN, A. A. Historia Belgica Nostri Potissimum Tem- poris Belgii svb Qvatoso Burgundis et totidem Austriacis Principibus coniunctionem et gubernationem breuiter. [1598.] Fol. Portraits and Maps. 6453 METHOD (The), of Procedure by Presbyteries, in Settling of Schools in every Parish. Edinburgh: 1709. 18". 6454 MEXICAN BOUNDARY, Official Reports and Documents of. 1852. Washington: 1852. 6455 MEXICAN WAR. Messages of the President, with official correspondence on the subject. Washington: 1848. 8°. 6456 MEXICO. In 1842, with an Account of Texas. With Map. N. York: 1842. 18°. 25 364 CATALOGUE. 6457 MICHAEL AGONISTES: or, the Contest of the Spirits. A Song of the Church Catholic. N. York: 1843. 12°. 6458 MICHIGAN. Report of the Great Conspiracy Case. The Peo- ple of the State versus Abel F. Fitch and Others, commonly called the Rail Road Conspirators. Detroit: 1851. 8°. 6459 MIDDLET0:N^, CONYERS. Free Inquiry into the miraculous powers which are supposed to have subsisted in the Christian Church. London: 1749. 4°. 6460 MIDGLEY, R. L. (Pulsifer D.) Boston Sights: or, Hand-book for Visitors. Illust. Boston: 1859. 12°. 6461 Sights in Boston and Suburbs. Illust. Boston: 1857. 12°. 6462 MIEGE, GUY. The New State of England, under Queen Anne. Three Parts. 6th ed. London: 1707. 8°. 6463 The Present State of Great Britain and Ireland. Three Parts. 2d ed. London: 1711. 8°. Portrait of Queen Anne. 6464 Same. For 1691, 1694, 1728, 1748. 6465 MILBERTH, J. Itin6raire pittoresque du Fleuve Hudson et des parties laterales de I'Amer. du Nord. Paris: 1828-29. 2v. Fol. 6466 MILBURK, WILLIAM HE:N^RY. Ten Years of Preacher- Life: Chapters from an Autobiography. New York: 1859. 12°. Portrait. 6467 MILBURNE, LUKE. The Royal Martyr Lamented, in Four- teen Sei-mons. London: 17,^0-1720. 8°. v. p. Portraits. 6468 MILES, HENRY A. Lowell, as it was, and as it is. Lowell: 1845. 18°. Map. 6469 Lowell as it Is and as it Was. 2d ed. Lowell: 1847. 18°. Map. 6470 MILITARY and Naval Magazine (The) of the U. S. 5 vols. [1833-1835.] Washington: 8°. Vols. 1 and 3 edited by B. Homans. 6471 MILITARY REPORTER (The) ;— containing the Trials of Capt. Jos. Loring, Jr., Capt. Amos Binney, and Capt. Thomas Howe. Boston: 1810. 8°. 6472 Laws and Rules and Regulations for the Armies of the U. States. Washington, 1 May 1813. 12°. 6473 The Military Monitor; or, Advice to the Oflacers and Soldiers of the American Army. Baltimore: 1813. 12°. 6474 MILITARY Tactics, Compend. of, by E. W. Stone. Boston: 1857. 12°. 6475 MILITIA LAWS (The) Of the U. S. and State of Mass. Ded- ham: 1815. 12°. 6476 MILL, NICHOLAS, Esq. History of Mexico, from the Spanish Conquest to the Present Era. London: 1824. 8°. Map. 6477 MILLAR, JOHN, Esq. Observations concerning the Distinc- tion of Ranks in Society. Dublin: 1771. 8°. 6478 MILLENNIAL CHURCH. Summary Yiew of the. (called Shakers.) Albany: 1823. 12°. CATALOGUE. 365 6479 MILLER, ANDREW. New States and Territories, or, the Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, North-Western, Missouri, Louis- iana, Mississippi and Alabama, in their real Characters, in 1818. [n. p.] 1819. 24°. 6480 MILLER, EDWARD. History and Antiquities of Doncaster and its Vicinity. Doncaster: [1S04.] 4°. Maps and Plates. (3481 MILLER, JAMES. New York as it is. N. York: 1864. 18°. 64vS2 Same. N. Y.: 1863. 18°. 6483 MILLER, JOHN. Description of the Province and City of New York; with Plans of the City and several Forts as they existed in the year 1695. New Ed. Introduction and Ilistl. Notes, by J. G. Shea. New York: Go wans: 1862. 8°. Reprint of an extremely rare and curious work. 6484 MILLER, JOHN. Fly Leaves; or Scraps and Sketches, Liter- ary, Biog. and Miscell. [&c.] London: John Miller, 43, Chandos street, Trafalgar Square. 1854. 2nd Ser. , 1855. 2 vols. 12°. 6485 MILLER, SAMUEL. Brief Retrospect of the Eighteenth Century. 2 vols. New York: 1803. 8". 6486 Letter to the Presbyterian Churches in the U. S., on the present Crisis in their religious Concerns. Hartford. 1833. 12°. Autog. Wm. Jenks. 6487 Letters conceminsj the Constitution and Order of the Christian Ministry. 2d ed. Phila.: 1830. 8°. 6488 Letters on Unitarianism, to the First Presbyterian Ch. of Baltimore. Trenton: 1821. 8°. Autog. and Cuttings by J. Kent. 6489 Memoirs of Rev. John Rodgers, d.d., Surviving Pastor of the Wall St. and Brick Churches, N. Y. N. York: 181:5. 8°. 6490 Presbyterianism the Primitive and Apostolic Constitution of the Church of Christ. Phila. : 1840. 12°. 6491 Medical Works of Edward Miller, m.d. ; with a Biog. Sketch of the Author. New York: 1814. 8°. 6492 Letters to Presbyterians. Phila.: 1833. 12°. 6493 MILLER, STEPHEN B. Historical Sketches of Hudson (N. Y.) Hudson: 1862. 8°. 6494 MILLER, WILLIAM. Evidence from Scripture and History of the Second ('oming of Christ, about the Year 1843. Troy, N. Y. : 1838. 12°. 6495 MILLERISM. Ten Tracts by Wm. Miller, Chas. Fitch, J. V. Himes, Isaiah Litch, G. F. Cox, &c., on Millerism. Bost. : 1842. 12°. 6496 MILLES, JEREMIAH, d.d. Poems supposed to have been written in the 15th Century, by Thomas Rowley Priest, &c. With a Commentary, in which the Antiquity of them is considered. Lon- don: 1782. 4°. 6497 MILLET, JOSHUA, Rev. History of the Baptists in Maine, with brief Notices of Societies and Institutions, and a Dictionary of the Labors of each Minister. Portland: 1845. 12°. 366 CATALOGUE. 6498 MILLNEK, J0H:N'. A Compendious Journal of the Marches, Battles, Sieges, &c., of the Triumphant Armies, of the ever-glori- ous Confederate High Allies, in their late and victorious War against the Powerful Armies of France. Twelve Campaigns, begun A. B. 1701, and ended in 1712, &c. London: 1733. 8°. Portrait of the Duke of Marlborough whose campaigns are the subject matter. ■" ^ 6499 MILLS, ROBEKT. Guide to the Capital of the U. States, em- bracing every Information useful to the Visitor. Washington: 1834. 16°. Map, &c. 6500 Statistics of So. Carolina, including a View of its Natural, Civil and Military History. Charleston, S. C. : 1826. 8°. Map. 6501 MILTON, JOHN. The History of Britain, That Part especial- ly now call'd England. From the First Traditional Beginning, Continued to the Norman Conquest. Collected out of the Antient- est and Best Authors thereof. London: 1677. 8°. 6502 ETKONOKAA'2TH2 in Answer to a Book Intituled EIKON BA2IAIKH, the Portracture of his Sacred Majesty King Charles the First. Amsterdam: 1690. 8°. 6503 A Manifesto of the Lord Protector of England. Written in Latin by John Milton, and first printed in 1655, now trans, into English. London: 1738. 8°. Portraits of Cromwell and Milton. 6504 Paradise Lost. A Poem, in Twelve Books. 13th ed. With An Account of his Life. London: 1727. 8°. Curious Frontispiece, representing Milton at full length, by Vertue; and one to each Book by Fourdriner. A fine copy of a superb edition. 6505 Poetical Works of John Milton. From the Text of Dr. Newton, two vols [in one] with Life of the Author. And a Critique on Paradise Lost, by Joseph Addison, Esq. Adorned with elegant Copperplates. London: 1794. 18°. 6506 Paradise Lost. A Poem, in 12 Books. The Author John Milton. London: 1751. 12°. Autographs— Joseph Belknap 1757.— [On p. 250. Perlegi, 20 May, 1763, J. B, The last is in the hand of Jeremy Belknap, the son,] Plates. 6507 Paradise Kegain'd. A Poem in Four Books. To which is added Samson Agonistes ; and Poems on several Occasions : With a Treatise of Education. London: 1760. 12°. [Autograph— Belknap. 1764.] Plates. 6508 Kemarks on the Character and Writings of; occasioned by the Publication of his lately discovered Treatise on Christian Doc- trine. 3d. ed. Boston: 1828. 18°. 6509 An Old Lookinglass for the Laity and Clergy of all Denomi- nations. With the Life of Milton; also large Extracts from his Works, concerning Bishops. Phila.: 1770. 12°. 6510 Paradise Lost. London: 1733. 18°. CATALOGUE, 367 6511 MIXER, CHARLES. History of Wyoming. Letters to his son, Win. Penn Miner. Phila.: 1845. 8°. Maps. 6512 MIXOT, GEORGE RICHARDS. Continuation of the History of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, from 1748. Bost. : 1798-1803. 2v. 8°. 6513 History of the Insurrections, in Mass. in 1788, and the Re- bellion consequent. Worcester: 1788. 8°. Port. 6514 MIR ABE AU, COUNT DE. Considerations on the Order of Cincinnatus. With several original Papers relative to that Institu- tion, from the French. N'ew ed. Phila. : 1786. 8°. 6515 MIRIAM. A Dramatic Poem, by the Author of Joanna of IS'aples. Boston: 1843. 12°. 6516 MIRA:N'DA, don FRANCISCO. History of his Attempt to effect a Revolution in South America. By a Gentleman who was an Officer under that General. 2d ed, Boston: 1810. 12°. 6517 [First Ed.] Boston: 1808. 12°. 6518 MIRICK, B. L. History of Haverhill, Massachusetts. Haver- hill: 1832. 12°. Plate. 6519 MIRON andFiiORiLLA, a poetic tale, the scenery American. N. York: 18:)8. 12°. 6520 MIRROR, (The POLITICAL). Edinburgh. 1779 and 1780. 2 vols. First American Edition. Boston : 1792. 12°. 6521 MISCELLANEA CURIOS A. Some of the Principal Phoe- nomena in Nature. Being the most Valuable Discourses Read and delivered to the Royal Society. 3 Vols. London: 1726-27. 8°. Many Plates, Maps, Charts, &c. Scarce and valuable. •• Probably more modern inventions have been cribbed from this learned work than from any other," 6522 MISCELLANEA, GENEALOGICA ET HERALDICA, parts 1 to 6 incl. Norton's Bibliography of Maine and N. Hamp- shire. Sir Alex. Cuming. 35 pamphlets. The Embassy of Sir A. Cuming among the Cherokeea, in 1730, was one of Mr. Drake's latest contributions to Indian History. 6523 MISCELLANEOUS AND FUGITIVE PIECES. 3 Vols. London: 1774. 12°. 6524 Poems selected from the U. S. Lit. Gazette. Boston: 1826. 18°. [Scarce.] 6525 MISCELLANY OF KNOWLEDGE. Poetry, by an Irish Gent, now in America. A Twelve Month's Tour through America. London: 1792. 8°. 6526 MISCELLANY (The) cont. choice Specimens in Poetry and Prose; an Account of several Shipwrecks, and extensive Chronol. Tables. By a Gent, of Baltimore. Cincinnati: 1826. 18°. 6527 MISSIONARY GAZETTEER. By Walter Chapin. Wood- stock: 1825. 12°. 6528 MISSIONARY HERALD, The. 1829. Vol. 25. Boston: [n. d.] 8°. 368 CATALOGUE. 6529 MITCHELL, D. W. Ten Years' Kesidence in the U. S. Lon- don: 1862. 12°. 6530 MITCHELL, EDW. The Christian Universalist. K. Y.: 1833. 8°. 6531 MITCHELL, JOHN, (Key.) Principles and Practice of the Congregl. Churches of N. England. With a Brief Hist, of the De- nomination. N'orthampton : 1838. 16°. 6532 The Practical Church Member. N". Haven: 1835. 12°. 6533 MITCHELL, MAKY. Account of the Life of Mary Mitchell, late of N'antucket, written by herself. With Selections from her writings. New Bedford: 1812. 18°. 6534 MITCHELL, NAHUM. History of Bridgewater, Mass. In- cluding an extensive Family Eegister. Boston: 1840. 8°. [Scarce.] Port, and author's aucog. 6535 MITCHELL, S. AUGUSTUS. An Accompaniment to Mitch- ell's Map of the World. Phila. : 1838. 8°. 6536 An Accomp. to Mitchell's reference and distance Map of the U. States. Phila. : 1834. 8°. 6537 A general view of the United States. Phila. : 1845. 8°. 6538 [MITCHELL, SAML. L.] The Picture of New York; Guide through the Commercial Metropolis. New York: 1807. 18°. 6539 MITEE AND THE CKOWN; or, Great Britain's true Interest. London: 1748-1751. 3 vols. 8°. 6540 MODERN SHIP OF FOOLS (The). Stultifera Navis. Phila.: 1807. 12°. 6541 Modem Protestant Church Courts Unmasked. Providence. N. York: 1838. 12°. 6542 MOIR, JAS. Scholars Yade Mecum. Edinburgh: 1805. 8°. 6543 MOEREXHOUT, J.-A. Voyages aux lies du Grand Oc^an. 2 tomes. Paris: 1837. 8°. 6544 MOHAWKS (The). A Satirical Poem with Notes. London: 1822. 8°. 6545 MOISE, ABRAHAM. Select. Misc. Writings of Isaac Harby; pref. a mem. of his life. Charleston: 1829. 8°. 6546 MOLESWORTH, WILLIAM, Sm. An Account of Sweden: with an Extract from its History. Lond. : 1717. 8°. 6547 MOLINA, J. IGNATIUS, Abbe Dox. The Geographical, Natural and Civil History of Chili. With Notes. And an Appendix from the Araucana of Don Alonzo de Ercilla. 2 vols. Middletown, (Conn.) 1808. 8°. Transl. Ijy the wit and poet, Richard Alsop. 6548 MOLL, HERMAN. Modern History; or, the Present State of All Nations. 6 vols. Dublin: 1727-1739. 4°. This beautiful and valuable work is illustrated with numerous maps, and plates repre- senting manners, customs and productions of the countries described. Vols. 5-6 relate to America, a large space being devoted to New England. CATALOGUE. 369 6549 MOLL, HERMAN. A System of Geography; or, a New and Accurate Description of the Earth with Maps. London: 1701. Folio. Frontispiece. 6550 Atlas Minor. Sixty-Two New and Correct Maps of all the Parts of the World. Done by Herman Moll, Geographer. London: 1732 (?) 4°. 6551 Atlas Manuale: Maps of all Parts of the Earth. Wherein Geography is rectified. London: 1713. 8°. 6652 MOLLIEN, G. Travels in the Republic of Columbia, in 1822- 23. London: 1824. 8°. Frontispiece and Maps. 6553 MONCKTON, ROBERT, (Gen.) Court Martial for the Trial of a charge preferred by Colin Campbell, Esq. London: 1764. 8°. 6554 MONETTE, JOHN W. History of the Yalley of the Missis- sippi and its occupation by the U. S., until 1846. 2 vols. N. York: 1848. 8°. Maps. 6555 MONIS, JUDAH R. A Grammar of the Hebrew Tongue, being an essay to bring the Hebrew Grammar into English. Bost. : 1735. 4<^. The first Hebrew Grammar printed in America. 6556 MONITOR, The. Ed. by Hervey Wilbur, Vol. 1. Boston: 1823. 12°. 6557 MONK, MARIA. Awful Exposure of the Atrocious Plot. N. York: 1836. 18°. 6558 MONROE, JAMES. Conduct of the Executive, in connection with the Mission to the French Republic, 1794, 5, and 6. Phila.: 1797. 8°. A rare book ; was printed but not publiehed for sale, and few copies were circulated. 6559 Narrative of a Tour made in 1817, through the N. Eastern and N. Western Departments of the Union. Phila.: 1818. 6560 MONSON, WILLIAM, Sir. Naval Tracts, from Original Manuscript; never before Published. London: 1703. Fol. In Vol. Three of Churchill's Voyages. 6561 MONTAGU, MARY WORTLEY, Works of. Including her Correspondence, Poems and Essays. 5 vols. London: 1803. 12°. Portraits and Fac Similes. 6562 Letters of. Written during her Travels. Lond. : 1785. 12°. 6563 MONTEITH, JAMES. Youth's History of tie United States. N. York: 1860. 4°. Engravings. 6564 MONTEREY CONQUERED. A Fragment from La Gran Quivera; or Rome Unmasked. A Poem. N. York: 1852. 12°. 6565 MONTESQUIEU. Commentary and Review of M.'s Spirit of Laws. With Obs. By M. Condorcet. And Two Letters of Helve- tius, on the merits of the same work. Phila. : 1811. 8°. 370 CATALOGUE. 6566 MOKTEZ, LOLA. Lectures of. Including her autobiography. New York: 1858. 12°. Portrait. 6567 The Arts of Beauty; or, Secrets of a Lady's Toilet. With Hints to Gentlemen on the Art of Fascinating. N. Y. : 1858. 12°. 6568 MONTEAUCON (Father). The Travels of the learned Father M. from Paris thro' Italy. Containing I. An Account of many Antiquities at Yienne, [&c.] II. The Delights of Italy, [&c.] III. Collections of Rarities. Anno 1702. With Cuts. London: 1712. 8°. 6569 MONTGOLFIER, MM. de. Experiences Aerostatiques. Ouv- rage orn6 de cinqu planches en taille-douce. Par M. Faujas de Saint-Fond. Tome Second. A Paris: 1784. 8°. Front. 6570 MONTGOMERY, G. W. Narrative of a Journey to Guatemala, in 1838. N. York: 1839. 8°. 6571 MONTGOMERY, H. Life of Maj. Gen. Z. Taylor. 12th ed. Auburn: 1854. 12°. Portraits, etc. 6572 MONTGOMERY, JAMES. Journal of Voyages and Travels by the Rev. Daniel Tyerman and Geo. Bennet, Esq., in the South Sea Islands, China, India, &c., between 1821 and 1829. 3 Yols. Boston: 1832. 12°. Portraits. 6573 MONTGOMERY, ROBT. Sr. Bart. A Discourse concerninp^ the Design'd establishment of a New Colony to the South of Carolina. London: 1717. 8". 6574 MONTHLY ANTHOLOGY (The). And Boston Review. Yols 2-10. Boston: 1805-11. 9v. in 7. 8°. 6575 MONTHLY EPITOME (The), and Catalogue of New Publica- tions. Jan.-Dec. 1804. Vol. 8. London. 1804. 8°. 6576 Magazine (The) and American Review, 1799-1800. 3 vols. New York. 8°. 6577 MONTHLY MISCELLANY of Religion and Letters. Vols. 3-8. Boston: 1840-43. 6v. in 3. 8°. 6578 MONTHLY REPOSITORY, and Library of Entertaining Knowledge. Vol. 1. New York: 1831. 12°. 6579 MONTREAL. Business Sketches with a Description of the City, Victoria Bridge, &c., &c. Montreal: 1864. 12°. 6580 Langford's Guide to. Being a Synopsis of its History. Montreal: 1867. sq. 16°. 6581 Journal of the Bishop of, during a visit to the Ch. Miss. Socs.' N. W. Amer. Mission. London: 1845. 12°. 6582 MOODEY, SAMUEL, m.a. Judas the Traitor Hung up in Chains, to give Warning to Professors, that they beware of World- ly-mindedness, and Hypocrisy. Boston: 1766. 1£°. 6583 MOODY, C. C. P. Biog. Sketches of the Moody Family, 1633- 42. Boston: 1847. 18°. 6584 MOONEY, THOMAS. A History of Ireland. Many Portraits and Views. Boston: 1845. 8°. CATALOGUE, 371 6585 MOORE, ASHER, Rev. Memoir of Rev. Savillion W. Fuller, and Lectures, Sermons, &c. Phila: 1840. 18°. Portrait. 6586 MOORE, CHAS. W. Lawrie's Hist, of Freemasonry, with Additions. Also, an Histori. Sketch of the Masonic Inst, in Amer- ica. Boston: 1829. 18°. 6587 The Masonic Trestle-board, as revised and perfected by the Convention at Baltimore, 5843. Boston: 1843. 8°. Plates. 6588 Same. 2d ed. Boston: 1846. 8°. Plates. 6589 MOORE, CORNELIUS. The Templar's Text Book, or Rules of a Council of Knights of the Red-cross. Cincinnati: 1853. 12°. 6590 MOORE, FRANCIS. Vox Stellarum, or a Loyal Almanac for 1756. London: [n. d.] 18°. 6591 MOORE, FRANK. Diary of the American Revolution. From Newspapers and Original Documents. 2 vols. N. York: 1863. 8°. 6592 Lyrics of Loyalty arranged and Edited by Frank Moore. New York: 1864. 18°. pp. 336. 6593 Songs and Ballads of the American Revolution. With Notes and Illustrations. New York: 1856. 12°. 6594 Materials for History, from original MSS. With Notes and Illustrations. N. York: 1861. 4°. Only 250 copies printed. 6595 MOORE, GEORGE C. The Life of Alexander Carson, ll.d. New York: 1851. 12°. 6596 MOORE, GEO. H. " Mr. Lee's Plan — March 29, 1777." The Treason of Major General Charles Lee. N. York: 1860. 8°. Por- traits and Fac Similes. 6597 Notes on the History of Slavery in Mass. N. Y. : 1866. 8°. Autog. letter of author. 6598 MOORE, HUGH. Memoir of Col. Ethan Allen. Plattsburgh, N. Y.: 1834. 12°. 6599 MOORE, H. N. Life and Services of Gen. Anthony Wayne. Founded on materials furnished by his son, Col. Isaac Wayne. Engravings. Phila.: 1845. 18°. 6600 MOORE, JAMES, M. d. Kilpatrick and our Cavalry. 12 Illustrations. N. York: 1865. 12°. 6601 MOORE, JOHN. Journal during a residence in France in 1792. 2 vols. N. Y.:1794. 12°. 6602 MOORE, MARTIN. Memoirs of the Rev. John Eliot, Apostle to the N. A. Indians. Boston: 1822. 18°. [Scarce.] 6603 MOORE, THOMAS. Memoirs of the Right Hon. Richard Brinsley Sheridan. Phila. : 1825. 8°. 6604 LallaRookh. New York: 1853. 16°. Frontis. 6605 Memoirs, Journal, and Correspondence of. Ed. by Lord John Russell, in 8 vols. Vols. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. London and Bost.: 1853. 8^. 372 CATALOGUE. 6606 M00KMA:N', J. J. (M.D.) The Virginia Springs, and Springs of the South and West. With Map and Plates. Phila. : 1859. 12°. Maps, «S:ic. 6607 MOOKSOM, W. (Capt.) Letters from Nova Scotia. London: 1830. 8°. Maps. 6608 MOOS, H, M. Mortara; or, the Pope and his Inquisitors. A Drama, with Choice Poems. Cincinnati, O. : 1860. 12°. 6609 MOEAL LIBRARY (The). Boston: 1796. 18°. 6610 MOEAL MONITOR. The. Essays on various subjects by Rev. N. Fiske. Worcester: 1801. 2v. 16°. 6611 MORANT, PHILIP, m.a. The History and Antiquities of Colchester in Essex. 2d ed., improved. London: 1768. Folio. Plates. 6612 MORAYIAN MISSION. The History of. Among the Indians of N. America. By a Member of the Brethren's Church. Lond. : 1840. 18°. 6613 MORDECAI, ALFRED (Major). Military Commission to Europe in 1855-6. Report to the Ordnance Department. Washing- ton: 1861. 4°. Plates. 6614 MORE LIGHT on Masonry, or Morgan Revived, with an Ap- pendix, by one of the Fraternity. Rochester: 1827. 8°. 6615 MOREAU, GEN. Gen. Moreau, and his last Moments, with a Short Biographical Memoir. By Paul Svinine. Boston: 1814. 12°. Portrait. 6616 MOREAU, M. L. E. Topog. Account of the Spanish Part of St. Domingo. Trans, by Wm. Cobbett. Phila. : 1796. 8°. 6617 MOREAU, SIMEON. A Tour to the Royal Spa at Cheltenham; or, Gloucestershire Displayed. Bath: 1797. 12°. 6618 MORELL, JOHN REYNELL. Algeria: the Topography, and History of French Africa. London: 1854. 8°. Plates. 6619 Russia and England: Their Strength a^d Weakness. New York: 1864. 12°. 6620 MORETON, THOMAS. A Serm. bef. the King in the Cathe- drall Ch. of Durham, Sunday, 5 May, 1639. Newcastle upon Tyne. 1639. 4°. 6621 MORGAN, HENRY. Music Hall Discourses. Also, Song of Creation, a Poem, with Sketch of his Life. Boston: 1859. 12°. 6622 MORGAN, HENRY J. Sketches of celebrated Canadians. Montreal: 1865. 8°. 6623 MORGAN, J. (Gent.) Phcenix Britannicus. A Miscell. Coll. of Scarce and Curious Tracts. Yol 1. [No more printed.] Lon- don: 1732. 4°. 6624 MORGAN, WILLIAM. Illustrations of Masonry. Rochester: 1827. 8°. Frontispiece. 6625 Light on Masonry. Important Documents on Speculative CATALOGUE. 373 Freemasonry: Embracing the Reports of the Western Committees in relation to the Abduction of William Morgan. By Elder David Bernai-d. Utica: 1829. 12°. Portrait and Murder Plate. 6226 MORISON, JOHN H. Life of the Hon. Jeremiah Smith, ll.d. Boston: 1845. 12°. Portrait. 6627 MORMONIAD. [A Poem.] Boston: 1858. 8°. pp. 100. 6628 MORMONS, History of the, or Latter day-Saints. With Me- moirs of the Life and Death of Joseph Smith. Auburn: 1853. 12°. Engravings. 6629 MORRELL, BENJN., Jr. (Capt.) Eour Voyages to the South Sea, North and South Pacific Ocean, Chinese Sea, Ethiopic and Southern Atlantic Ocean, Indian and Antarctic Ocean. From 1822 to 1831. N. York: 1832. 8°. Portrait. 6630 MORRILL, ISAAC, A.M. The Soldier Exhorted. In a Serm. at Wilmington, Apl. 3, 1755. To Capt Phinehas Osgood and his Company: Before going into Publick Service. Boston: 1755. 8°. 6631 MORRIS, B. F. Life of Thomas Morris: Pioneer and Legis- lator of Ohio, and U. S. Senator, 1833-39. Cincinnati: 1856. 12°. 6632 MORRIS, GEO. P. American Melodies; cont. a single selec- tion from the productions of Two Hundred Writers. N. Y. 1841. 18°. 6633 MORRIS, ROB. (K. T.) The Lights and Shadows of Free Masonry. Louisville, Ky. 1852. 8°. 6634 A Code of Masonic Law; being a Practical Exhibit of the Land-Marks and Usages of Ancient Craft Masonry. Louisville, Ky. 1856. 8°. 6635 MORSE, Rev. ABNER. A Genealogical Register of the descendants of several Ancient Puritans. Yol. 2 [cont. Brigham, Hapgood, Willis, and Cutler]. Boston, 1859. 8°. Portraits. 6636 Same. Yol. 3. [Richard's Geneal.] Boston: 1861. 8*. Portraits. 6637 Same. Yol. 4. [Harding, Harnden, Harradon, and Brig- ham.] Boston: 1864. Portraits. 6638 A Geneal. Record of several families bearing the name of Cutler in the U. S. Boston: 1867. 8°. 6639 A Geneal. Register of the Inhabitants and History of the towns of Sherborn and Holliston [Ms]. Boston, 1856. 8°. Scarce. 6640 A Geneal. Reg. of the Desc. of several Anc. Puritans, by the Names of Grout, Goulding, and Brigham. Boston: 1859. 8°. Portraits. 6641 Same. Adams, Bullard, Holbrook, Rockwood, Sanger, Wood, Grout, Goulding, Twitchell. Boston: 1857. 8°. Portraits. 6642 Memorial of the Morses; containing the history of seven persons of the name, who settled in America. With Biog. Sketches. Boston: 1850. 8°. Many Portraits. 374 CATALOGUE, 6643 MORSE, HORACE B. A Brief Memoir of Horace Bassett Morse. Portsmouth, :N'. H. 1830. 18°. 6644 MORSE, JEDIDIAH. The American Geography: the pres- . ent situation of the U. S. of Amer. Elizabeth Town: 1789. 8°. Maps. This is much more than a geography : its author was possessed of a fund of informatiou rel. to N. E., which we thank him for slipping in now and then. 6645 Same. 2d ed. London: 1792. 8°. Maps. 6646 Same. New ed. London: 1794. 4°. Maps. 6647 Same. [Enlg.] Cont. the Known World. Boston: 1793. 2v.' 8°. 6648 Same. 3d ed. Boston: 1796. 2v. 8°. Fine maps. 6649 Same. 5th ed. Boston: 1805. 2v. 8°. 6650 Same. 7th ed. Charlestown: 1819. 2v. 8°. 6651 The American Gazetteer. Seven new maps. Boston: 1797. 8°. 6652 Same. With a General Atlas of the World. 3ded.,rev. Boston: [1818.] 8°. App. Census of the U. S. 6653 A Compendious History of K. England. Eor Schools. Charlestown: 1804. 12°. Map. [Scarce.] 6654 Same. London: 1808. 8°. 6655 Same. 2d ed. With Improvem'ts. Kewburyport : 1809. 12°. 6656 Same. 3d ed. Charlestown: 1820. 12°. 6657 An Abridgment of the American Gazetteer. Boston: 1798. 8°. 6658 An Appeal to the Public: occasioned by the Complaints and Accusations of Miss Hannah Adams, against the Author. Charlestown: 1814. 8°. 6659 A Kew Gazetteer of the Eastern Continent. By Jed. Morse, D.D., and Rev. Elijah Parish, a.m. With 18 Maps. Charlestown: 1802. 8°. 6660 A Kew Universal Gazetteer. Fourth ed. Revised and Corrected. K. Haven: 1823. R. 8°. 6661 Annals of the American Revolution. Hartford: 1824. 8°. Plates. 6662 A Report to the Secretary of War of the U. S., on Indian Affairs. N'ew Haven : 1822. 8°. Plate and Map. 6663 MORSE,SAMUEL, F. B. The Proscribed German Student: Incidents in the Life of Lewis Clausing. With a Treatise on the Jesuits. K. York: 1836. 18°. 6664 Amir Kahn, and other Poems: The Remains of Lucretia Maria Davidson. With a Biog. Sketch by S. F. B. M. N. York: 1829. 12°. [Scarce.] 6665 Foreign Conspiracy against the Liberties of the U. S. Re- vised and Corrected by the Author. 5th ed. K. York: 1841. 16°. CATALOOVE. 375 6666 MORSE, SAMUEL, F. B. A Memorial of, from the City of Boston. 8°. 6667 MORSE, SIDNEY E. Memorabilia in tlic Life of Jedidiah Morse, d.d. Boston: 1867. 12°. Portrait. 6668 MORTON, DANIEL, O., a.m. Memoir of Rev. Levi Parsons. Poiiltney, Vt. 1824. [Scarce.] 12°. 6669 MORTON, NATHANIEL. New England's Memorial. With large Additions in Marginal Notes and an Appendix; with Litho- graphic copy of an Ancient Map. By John Davis. Bost. : 1826. 6670 New England's Memorial. Plymouth: 1826. 12°. 6671 New E's Memorial. [A fragment of theEdit. of 1669.] 4°. Cambridge: Printed by S. G. and M. J. for John Usher of Boston. 6672 New England's Memorial. [Imp. copy of edition, 2d.] Boston: 1721. 12°. Begins at p. 3. One leaf gone at end. 6673 MORTON, SAML. GEO. Crania Americana; or, a Compara- tive View of the Skulls of Various Aboriginal Nations of North and So. America: Illustrated by 78 Plates^and a Colored Map. Phila.: 1839. Folio. [Very scarce.] 6674 Same. Phila. : 1838. Fol. Plates and Maps. 6675 Types of Mankind; or Ethnological Researches; with con- tributions by Agassiz and others. Phila. : 1854. 8°. Illustrated. 6676 MORTON, SARAH WENT WORTH. My Mind and Its Thoughts, in Sketches, Fragments, and Essays. Bost. : 1823. 8°. 6677 MOSES, MYER. Celebration of the Revolution in France, in the City of New York, on the 25th November, 1830. [New York: s. t.] 12°. 6678 MOSS, W. G. The History and Antiquities of Hastings. Illus- trated by Engravings, from Original Drawings. Lond. : 1824. 8°. 6679 MOTHERWELL, WILLIAM. Minstrelsy, Ancient and Modem; Histl. Introd. and Notes. 2 vols. Bost.: 1846. Sm. 12°. 6680 MOTLEY, JOHN LOTHROP. Merry-Mount; a Romance of Mass. Colony. Boston and Cambridge: 1849. 12°. 6681 MOTT, A. Biog. Sketches and Interesting Anecdotes of Per- sons of Color. With a Selection of Pieces in Poetry. 2d ed., much enlarged. N. York: 1837. 12^. [Curious and rare.] 6682 MOULE, THOMAS. Bibliotheca Heraldica Magnae Britanniae. Analytical Catalogue of Books on Genealogj'', Heraldry, Nobility, Knighthood, and Ceremonies. London: 1822. 8°. 6683 The English Counties Delineated; or, a Topog. Description of England. A complete series of County Maps. 2 vol. Lond. : 1836- 39. 4°. 6684 MOULTON, JOSEPH W. History of the State of New York. Vol.1. Parti. N. Y.: 1824. 8°; Part 2. Novum Belgium. N. Y.: 1826. 8°. Numerous Maps. [Very scarce.] 6685 MOULTON, THOMAS. A Genalogical Regr. of the descend- 376 CATALOGUE. ants of John Moulton of Hampton, N". H., and of Joseph Moulton of Portsmouth. Portland: 1873. 12°. 6686 MOULTOX, WM. Extract from the journal of, in a voya,?e from Xew London, Conn, to Staten-Land in the South Sea, 1799- 1804. Utica: 1804. 8°. 6687 MOUNT YERl!^ON. A Letter to the Children of America. By the Author of " Rural Hours," &c. K. Y. : 1859. 18°. Port. 6688 MOUNT AUBURK. The Picturesque Guide, through. Engrav- ings. Bost. : 1839. 18°. 6689 Notes on Mount Auburn Cemetery. Boston, [n. d.] 18°. 6690 Guide Through Mt. Auburn. Boston: 1865. 16°. 6691 Catalogue of the Lots in, with names of Proprietors, Charter, By-laws, «&c. Boston: 1857. 12°. Map. 6692 Same. Boston: 1860. 12°. 6693 MOWATT,AN2^AC()RA. Autobiography of an Actress. Bos- ton: 1854. 12°. Portrait. 6694 MOXOX, JOSEPH. A Tutor to Astronomy and Geography. London: 1686. 4°. Portrait. 6695 Mathematicks made Easie, or a Mathematical Dictionary. London: 1700. 8^. 6696 MUDGE, ALFRED. Memorials: Being a Geneal. Biog. and Hist. Account of the Name of Mudge in America. Boston: 1868. 8°. Plates. 6697 MUDGE, Rev. Z. A. Witch Hill; a history of Salem Witch- craft. N. Y.:1871. 12°. Illustrated. 6698 Footprints of Roger AYilliams, a biog. N. Y.: 1871. 12°. Illustrated. 6699 MUGGLETON, LODOWICK. TheNeckof the Quaker broken, or cut in sunder by the two-edged Sword of the Spirit which is put into my mouth. Reprinted [No place.] in 1756. 4°. 6700 A True Interpretation of the 11th Chapter of the Revela- tion. Reprinted 1751. 4°. 6701-MUGGLETONIANS PRINCIPLES PREVAILING: an An- swer to a Scandalous and Malicious Pamphlet, Intituled, — A True Representation of the Sect called Muggletonians. By T. T. 1695. 4°. Portrait of Muggleton. 6702 MUIR, JAMES, d.d. An Examination of the Principles con- tained in the Age of Reason. Baltimore: 1795. 12°. 6703 MUIR, THOMAS. Account of the Trial of, at Edinburgh, 1793, for Sedition. N. York: 1794. 8°. Portrait. 6701 MULFORD, ISAAC S. (m.d.) History of New Jersey. Phila.: 1851. 8°. 6705 MUNDELL, MARQUS B. Thoughts, in Prose and Yerse. Cincinnati: 1855. 12°. 6706 MUNDY, ANTHONY. A Briefe Chronicle, of the Successe CATALOGUE. 377 of Times, from the Creation of the World. Containing the Original 1 and Hues of our ancient, Fore-Fathers, before and after theFloud, [&c.] London: 1611. 8°. Wants pp. 371-2. Mundy was the Continaator of Stow. 6707 MU:NrDY, [G. B.] (Gen.); Life and Corresp. of Admiral Lord Rodney. 2 vols. London: 1830. 8°. Port. 6708 MUNN, LEWIS C. Fac-simile Autographs of American Orators. Worcester: 1856. 12°. 6709 MUNSELL, CHARLES. Songs of the American Press, and other Poems relating to the Art of Printing. Albany: 1868. sq. 12°. 6710 MUKSELL, JOEL. Annals of Albany. 1850-1859. 12". 10 vols. 6711 A Chronology of Paper and Paper-making. Albany: 1857. 8°. 6712 The Every Day-Book of History and Chronology. N. Y. 1858. 8°. 6713 Collections on the History of Albany. Albany: 1865-67. 2v. R 8°. Illustrated. 6714 The Albany Annual Register for 1849. Albany: 1849. 12°. lU'd. 6715 Chronology of Paper-making. 4th ed. Albany: 1870. Plate. 6716 MURAT, ACHILLE, (Ci-devant Prince and Citizen of the U. States.) A Moral and Political Sketch of the U. States. With a Note on Kegro Slavery, by Junius Redivivus. London [&c.] : 1833. 12°. Map. 6717 MURDEI^, ELIZA. Miscell. Poems. Charleston, S. C: 1826. 12°. [Scarce.] 0718 MURDEN, J. R. Art of Memory, reduced to a systematic arrangement. With Plates. I^. Y. : 1818. 8°. 6719 MURPHY, HENRY C. Anthology of New Netherland or Translations from the early Dutch Poets of New York with Memoirs of their Lives. [No. 4 Bradford' Series.] New York: MDCCCLXY. R. 8°. Port. Autog. J. B. Moreau. 6720 MURPHY, WM. D. Biog. Sketches of the Officers and Mem- bers of the Legisl. of N. Y., in 1858. Albany: 1858. 12°. Papr. 6721 MURRAY, CHARLES AUGUSTUS (The Hon.) Travels in N. America. Visit to Cuba and the Azore Islands. 3d ed. Lond. : 1854. 2v. 12°. 6722 MURRAY, HUGH. An Historical and Descriptive Account of British America. Edinburgh: 1839. 12°. 6723 MURRAY, Rev. JOHN. Records of the Life of. 2d ed. Bos- ton: 1827. 12°. 6724 Universalism Vindicated. Charlestown. [n. d.] 8°. 6725 MURRAY, LINDLEY. An English Grammar, 2 vols, in 1. N. Y.:1819. 8°. 378 CATALOGUE. 6726 MUKRAY, LI:N'DLEY. Works. Cont. Power of Religion. — Eng. Grammar. — Eng. Exercises. — Eng. Reader. — Sequel to Eng. Reader. Lond. : 1799-1801. 5 v. 12°. ^ 6727 The Power of religion on the mind in retirement, affliction, etc. Er. 13th Eng. ed. :N'. Y.: 1808. 12°. 6728 Life and Writings of Lindley Murray: written by Himself. With a Preface and Continuation by Elizabeth Frank. l^T. York: 1827. 8°. 6729 MURRELL, WM. MEACHAM. Cruise of the Frigate Colum- bia around the World, under Com. George C. Read, in 1838-40. Boston: 1840. 16°. 6730 MUSEUM, The, of Foreign Literature and Science. Yol. 10, 1827 (Vol. 3, :N'ew Series).— Vol. 23, 1833. 14 vols. Phila.: 8°. 6731 MUSEUM, AMERICAN (The), or. Repository of Ancient and Modern Fugitive Pieces, &c. Vol. 3, Phila.: 1788. 8°. 6732 (The) of Foreign Literature and Science. Vols. 4 and 6. Phila.: 8°. 6733 MUSSEY, R. D., m.d. The Induence of Tobacco upon Life and Health. Boston: 1836. 18°. 6734 MUSTER ROLL of Citizen Soldiers at North Point and Fort McHenry, Sept. 12 and 13, 1814. Baltimore: [n. d.] 12°. N. 6735 NARBOROUGH, JOHN (Sm). Voyage to the South Sea. Illustrated with Exact Charts and Curious Figures. London: 1711. 8^. 6736 NARES, EDWARD (d.d.) Memoirs of the Life and Adminis- tration of William Cecil, Lord Burghley. 3 vols. London: 1828- 31. 4°. Plates. 6737 NARRAGANSET CLUB Publications. Vol. 1. Roger Williams's Key. — Letter of John Cotton. — Cot- ton's Letter Answered. Providence: 1866. 4°. Vol. 2. John Cotton's Ansr. to R. Williams. — Queries of highest Consideration. Providence: 1867. 4°. Vol. 3. The Blovdy Tenent. Providence: 1867. 4°. Vol. 4. The Bloody Tenent yet more bloody. Providence: 1870. 4°. Vol. 5. Geo. Fox Digg'd out of his Burrowes. Providence: 1872. 4°. Vol.6. Letters of Roger Williams. Providence: 1874. 4°. 6738 NARRATIVE of the hostile conduct of the barbarous natives towards the Dutch Nation. Tr. by E. B. O'Callaghan. Albany: 1863. 8°. CATALOGUE. 379 6739 NARRATIVE (A Circumstantial) of the loss of tlie Ilalsewell, Capt. R. Pierce; wrecked at Seacombe, Isle of Purbeck^ New ed. London: 1791. 16°. 6740 NARRAGANSET CHIEF (The); or, Adventures of a Wanderer. Written by Himself . New York: 1822. 12°. 6741 NARRATIVE (A) of a Voyage of Capt. Ross to the Arctic Regions, 1829-33. And a Notice of Capt. Back's Exped. With a Prelim. Sketch of Polar Discoveries to 1827-1835. 10°. Map. 6742 (A) of the Miseries of New England. By Reason of an Arbitrary Government erected there. Under Sir Edmund Andros. London: Reprinted Boston: 1688. 4°. One of the very rare Andros Tracts. 6743 (A) of the Loss of the Kent East Indiaman, by Fire, in the Bay of Biscay. 1825. By a Passenger. Edinburgh: 1825. 12°. 6744 of a Voyage to the Spanish Main, in the Ship Two Friends; the Occupation of Amelia Island. Sketches of E. Florida. With Appx. detailing the Sem. War. London: 1819. 8°. 6745 (A) Gen. Sir Samuel Auchrauty's Reduction of Monte Video, 1807. With a plan of the Operations. London: 1807. 4°. 6746 of the Campaigns of the Brit. Army, at Washington. Balti- more and N. Orleans, under Gens. Ross, Pakenham, and Lambert. Phila.: 1821. 8°. See Gleig, G. R. 6747 of Privations and Sufferings of Prisoners of War in the Hands of the Rebels. Being the Report of a Commission of Inquiry. Philada. 1864. 8°. Paper. 6748 NASH, ANSEL, (Rev.) Memoirs of Edward Dorr Griffin, D. D. N. York: 1842. 18°. 6749 NASON, Rev. ELIAS. Sir Charles Henry Frankland, or Boston in the Colonial Times. Albany: 1865. 8°. 6750 Tribute to the Memory of Edward Everett. Boston. R. 8°. 6751 Disc. bef. the N. E. H. G. Soc, Boston, April 2, 1868, on J. A. Andrew, LL. D. Boston: 1868. 8°. Portrait. 6752 A Monogram on our National Song. Albany: 1869. 8°. 6753 Gazetteerofthe State of Massachusetts. Boston: 1874. 8°. 6754 NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY of Distinguished Americans, (Longacre and Herring) , with the original plates. 4 vols. Phila.: 1836. 4to. 6755 NATURAL HISTORY of Beasts and Birds. 1st ed. Balto.r 1807. 12°. 6756 NATURALIST, THE. Edited by D. I. Browne. Vol. 1 only. Boston: 1831. 8°. Cuts. 6757 NAUNTON, Sir ROBERT. Memoirs of. Author of " The Fragmenta Regalia"; with some of his Writings, London: 1814. 4°. Portrait. 26 380 CATALOGUE. 6758 NAUNTOK, Sir KOBEET. Fragmenta Kegalia, or Observa- tions on the late Queen Elizabeth, Her Times and Favorites. 1642. 4°. Portrait by Elstrake. 6759 KAYAL AND MILITAKY HEROES of G. Britain. By Johns and Kicolas. 24 Steel Ports. London: 1860. 12°. 6760 KAVAL CHROKICLE The, 37 vols, prof usely illustrated with portraits, maps, pictures of battles, etc. London: 1799-1817. This work is a library of itself in regard to English naval history, biography and science. It also contains many anecdotes and curious scraps relating to the personality of famous naval captains. Also English accounts of the Amer. naval battles in 1812-15. 6761 NAVAL MOISrUMENT (The.) Official and other Accounts of all the Battles during the Late War; and the War with Algiers, with 25 Engravings. Boston: 1816. 8°. [Scarce.] 6762 :N"AyAL TEMPLE (The.) A complete History of the Battles fought by the Navy of the U. S. from 1794 to the Present Time. With elegant Engravings. 2d ed. Boston: 1816. 8°. [Scarce.] 6763 NAVr, U. S. Rules and Regulations, 1814.— Life of Jos. Croswell. Bost.: 1809.— Christ's Warning, Lathrop J.— Woods' Reply.— Bullock's Museum, &c, 7 vols. 12°. 6764 NAVY REGISTER of the U. S. for 1864. Washington: 12°. 6765 NEAL, DANIEL, m.a. The History of the Puritans. 2 Vols. London: 1754. 4°. Portrait. 6766 The History of New England to the year 1700, also its Present State. With a new and accurate Map. 2 Vols. London: 1747. 8°. 6767 The Hist. Puritans. Rep. from Dr. Toulmin's Ed., with his Life of the Author and Account of his Writings. Revised, Corrected and Enlarged. London. 3 vols. 1837. 8°. 6768 The History of New England. With a new and accurate map. 2 vols. London: 1720. 8°. 6769 NEAL, JOHN. Jehu O'Cataract. The Battle of Niagara, a Poem; and Goldau, or the Maniac Harper. Baltimore: 1818. 18°. 6770 Rachel Dyer; A North American Story. Portland: 1828. 12°. Long out of print. 6771 The Battle of Niagara; with other Poems. Baltimore: 1819. 18°. 6772 Wandering Recollections of a somewhat busy life. An Autobiography. Boston: 1869. 12°. 6773 NEAL, JOSEPH C. Charcoal Sketches; or Scenes in a Me- tropolis. Illustrations by D. C. Johnston. Phila.: 1838. 12°. 6774 NEAL, THEODORE A. A list of the desc. of John Neale, one of the early settlers of Salem, Ms. Bost. : 1856. 8°. Folding pedigree. 6775 NEELE, HENRY. The Literary Remains of. Consisting of Lectures on English Poetry, Tales, &c., in Prose and Verse. New York: 1829. 8°. Port. CATALOGUE. 381 6776 NEILL, EDWARD D. The History of Minnesota. Phila.: 1858. 8°. 6777 Fairfaxes of England and America. Albany: 1868. 8°. 6778 The History of Minnesota. Phila. : 1858. 4°. Large Paper. Only 100 copies. Portrait. 6779 Terra Marise; or Threads of Maryland Colonial History. Phila.: 1867. 12°. 6780 History of the Va. Co. of London. Albany: 1869. 4°. 6781 KEILSOK, CHARLES. An Original Account of Burgoyne's Campaign, and the Memorable Battle of Bemis's Heights, and a Map of the Battle Ground. Albany: 1844. 12°. [Scarce.] 6782 KELSON, JOHl^. The History and Antiquities of the Parish of St. Mary, Islington, Middlesex. 17 engravings. Lond. : 1811. 4°. 6783 Letter to the Prot. Dissenters of Ballykelly, Ireland. New- buryport: 1798. 12°. 6784 NETTLETOISr ASAHEL. Village Hymns. N. Y.: 1828. 18°. 6785 NEW AMERICAN MAGAZINE, The. 1758-59-60. 2 vols. Woodbridge, N. J. 8°. [Very scarce.] 6786 NEW ANNUAL REGR. (The) or General Repository of Poli- tics and Literature, for the Years 1789 and 1793. 2 vols. London. 8°. 6787 NEW BEDFORD. Proceedings on Laying the Cor. Stone for the Free Public Library. N. Bedford: 1856. 8°. 6788 NEW ENGLAND HISTORICAL and GENEALOGICAL REGISTER. Vols. 1 to 29 inclusive. Vol. 18 wants the Jany. number. Vols 1 to 25 incl., except 23, are bound. 6789 NEW ENGLAND. Hist, and Des. of N. E., Maine, N. H. and Vt. By A. J. Coolidge. Boston: 1859. 8° Numerous Illusts. 6790 History of, from 1630-1649. By John Winthrop. Ed. by Jas. Savage. 2 vols. Boston: 1825-6. 8°. 6791 and her Institutions. By one of her Sons. Hartford: 1847. 12°. 6792 NEW-ENGLAND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Boston: 1856- 1860. 8". 6793 NEW ENGLAND HIST. GENEA'L. SOC. Lot of 42 Circu- lars, Addresses, &c. (Andrew, Whiting, Lewis, Sabine, Wilder, &c.) 6794 NEW-ENGLAND JOURNAL (The), of Medicine and Surgery, and the collateral Branches of Science. Conducted by a Number of Physicians. Vols. 1 to 8 incl. Boston: 1812-19. 8°. 6795 Third Ser., Vol. 1-3. Boston: 1822-24. 8°. 6796 N. E. MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. An. Reports. 1844-1862. 8°. 6797 NEW ENGLAND MERCANTILE UNION BUSINESS Di- rectory. 6pts.ini. N. Y. and Boston: 1849. 8°. 6798 NEW ENGLAND PRIMER, The. Walpole, N. H. (pr. by Isaiah Thomas), 1814; same without date, issued by Mass. Sabbath School Society. 18 nos. Same. Phila. : 1839. 3 nos. 382 CATALOGUE. 6799 KEW-ENGLAND QUAKTEKLY MAGAZI:N^E (The). Bos- ton: 1802. 3v. 8'^. 6800 NEW ENGLAND TALE, A. 2d ed. N. Y. : 1822. 12°. 6801 NEW ENGLAND'S First Emits; in Eespect of the Indians. With divers Special Matters concerning that Countrey. Lond. : 1643. New York: 1865. 4°. 6802 NEW GUIDE TO WASHINGTON. AVash.: 1842. 12". 6803 NEW HAMPSHIKE, Provincial Papers, Documents and Re- cords relating to. 1623-1776. Concord: 1867-73. 7v. 8°. 6804 Rules and Orders of the H. of Reps, of the State of. Names of the Members and Officers of the Govt. A. D. 1827. Concord: 1827. 18°. Autog. Joshua Bates. 6805 The Revised Statutes of the State of N. H. Passed, Dec. 23, 1842. Concord: 1842. 8°. 6806 -^— Report of the Adjt. Gen. for 1868. 1865. 1866-1868. 5v. 8°. 6807 NEW HAMPSHIRE, History of, by Geo. Barstow. Concord: 1842. 8°. Portraits. 6808 N. HAMPSHIRE BIBLE SOC. Eirst Rep. By Rev. Jno. W. Church. Concord: 1812. 8°. Autog. of Jno. Parmer. 6809 NEW HAMPSHIRE REGISTER, and U. S. Calendar. 1798, 1810, 15, 17, 18, 22, 23, 25, 28, 29, 39-42, 44-47, 49-53, 55-66, 68, 69, 71-73. Pub. by Norris, Farmer, and others. 41 nos. 18°. 6810 NEW HA YEN. Records of the Colony and Plantation of, from 1638 to 1649. With occasional Notes and an Appendix by Charles J. Hoadly, m.a. Hartford: 1857. 8°. 6811 from May, 1653, to the Union. Together with the New Haven Code of 1656. By C. J. Hoadly. Hartford: 1858. 8°. 6812 City Year Book. 1872-3. 8°. Paper. 6813 NEW HAYEN THEOLOGY, Origin and Progress of. N. Y.: 1837. 16°. 6814 NEW JERSEY. A bill in the Chancery of N. J. cone, the riots. New York: 1747. Fol. Maps. [Scarce.] 6815 NEW MINISTRY (A) The very important Debate of the H. of Commons, on Mr. Coke's Motion for an Address to his Majesty. London: 1783. 8°. 6816 NEW MIRROR for travellers; and guide to the Springs. By an Amateur. New York: 1828. 8°. 6817 NEW ORLEANS. Norman's N. Orleans and Environs. N. Orleans: 1845. 18°. Illust. 6818 NEW PALACE OF WESTMINSTE li. Printed by permission of the Lord Great Chamberlain. London: 1858. 8°. Plates. 6819 NEW PLYMOUTH. An Hist. Memoir. 2v. By Francis Bay- lies: corrections and additions by S. G. Drake. Bos. : 1830-1866. 8°. 6820 NEW ROBINSON CRUSOE (The). An Instructive and En- tertaining History. For Children. Boston: 1790. 12°. Many cuts, and Autog. of Dr. Belknap. CATALOGUE. 383 6821 NEW TESTAMENT, Swedish and English. New York: 1852. 12°. 6S22 . Same. German and English. N. Y.: 1850. 12°. 6823 trans, out of orig. Greek. Boston: 1815. 24°. 6824 In Sgau Karen. 2d ed. Maulmain: 1850. 12°. 6825 NEW VADE MECUM. By Publicola. Concord (N. H.): 1819. 12°. 6826 NEW VERSION of the Psalms of David. By Brady and Tate. Boston: 1793. 12°. Same. Boston: 1765. 12°. 6827 NEW VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. Original, and transla- tions. 9 vols. London. 6828 NEW YORK. Annual Rep. of the R. K. Commissioners. Al- bany: 1857. 8°. 6829 Census of the State for 1865. Albany: 1867. Fol. 6830 Official Reports of the Canal Commissioners, and the Acts of the Legisl. respecting Navigable Communications bet. the Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean. Maps and Profiles. Newburgh: 1817. 8°. 6831 Francis' New Guide to, and Brooklyn. N. Y.: 1857. 18°. Plates. 6832 as it is, in 1835. Correct Map of the City. New York: 1835. 24°. 6833 in 1846. New York: 1846. 12°. 6834 NEW YORK CITY During the American Revolution. A Collec- tion of Original Papers. Privately printed. 1861. 4°. Map. 6835 Laws and Ordinances of the City of New York. N. York: 1793. 8". 6836 By-laws and Regulations for the N. Y. Hosp. and Bloom- ing-dale Lunatic Asylum. N. York: 1833. 8°. View and Plan. 6^37 Cowell's N. Y. Business Directory. 16°. 1861. 6838 Francis's New Guide to N. Y. and Brooklyn. Maps and num. engravings. New York: 1854. 16°. 6839 NEW YORK. Documents relative to. Procured in Holland, England, and France, by J. R. Brodhead, Esq. Edited by E. B. O'Callaghan, m.d. With Introd. and Index. 11 vols. 1856-61. 4°. 6840 Almanac for 1857. 18°. 6S41 Almanac for 1858. 18°. 6842 State Directory, 1864. 8°. 6843 State Tourist. Scenery of the Hudson, Mohawk and St. Lawrence. Maps and Views. New York: 1842. 18°. 6844 NEW YORK CANAL REPORT for 1858. 8°. 6845 N. YORK GENEALOGICAL and BIOG. RECORD. 5 vols, (unbound). 1870 to 1874, inclusive. 6846 NEW YORK MI5>SI0N ARY MAGAZINE, for 1800. Vol 1. New York: 1800. 8°. 6847 NEW YORK PRISON ASSOC. 23rd Ann. Report: for 1867. Albany: 1868. 8°. 384 CATALOGUE, 6848 NEW YOKK REVIEW, The: and Atheiiffium Magazine. Vols. 1 and 2. 1825-6. New York: 1825. 8°. 6849 NEWBURY, Newburyport, and West Newbury. History of. By Joshua Coffin. Boston: 1845. 8°. Portraits. 6850 NEWCASTLE WEEKLY COUEANT. Saturday Jan. 19, 1722-23. No. 135. 4°. 6851 Saturday, March 9, 1722-23. No. 142. 4°. 6832 NEWCOMB, HARVEY. The Wyandot Chief: or, the History of Barnet, a converted Indian and his two sons. Boston: 1839. 18°. 6853 NE WCOME, PETER, (Rev.) The History of the Ancient and Royal Abbey of St. Alban, from 793, to 1539. London: 1795. 4°. Plans, &c. 6854 NEWCOVRT, RIC. (Not Pub.) Repertorium Ecclesiasti- cum Parochiale Londinense: An Ecclesiastical History of London: from the Conquest to the year 1700. 2 vols. London: 1708-10. Eol. Portrait and other Plates. 6855 NEWELL, D. (Rev.) The [Pictorial] Life of the Rev. Geo. Whitefield. With Engravings. New York: 1852. 12°. Portrait. 6856 NEV>EST ICEEPSAKE (The), for 1840, containing the best Account of the March of Mind ; the Speeches and Doings of the Trundle-bed Convention, in Session at Marlboro Chapel, Jan. 8, 1840. Norwich: 1840. 18°. 6857 NEWELL, FANNY. Memoirs of; written by Herself. 3d ed, Corr. Imp. Springfield: 1833. 18°. 6858 NEWELL, Mrs. HARRIET. Life and Writings. Phila.:1832. 18°. Portrait. 6859 NEW HALL, JAMES R. The Essex Memorial for 1836: em- bracing a Register of the County. Salem: 1836. 12°. 6860 Lin: or. Jewels of the Third Plantation. By Obadiah Old- path. Lynn: 1862. 12°. 6861 NEWHALL, JOHN B. Sketches of Iowa. Traits of Indian Char- acter, with Sketches of Black Hawk, and others. New York: 1841. 18°. Map. 6862 NEWMAN, BURKITT, J. The Eagle of Washington: A Story of the Am er. Revolution. A Poem. Louisville: 1859. 12°. 6863 NEWMAN, S. C. Rehoboth in the Past. An Hist. Oration on the 4th of July, 1860. Also an Account of the Proceedings in Seekonk [The ancient Rehoboth], at the celebration of the Day, completing 216 years of its History. Pawtucket: 1860. 8°. 6864 Dexter Genealogy : a Record of the descendants of Gregory Dexter; with Notes and Biog. Sketches. Providence: 1859. 12°. 6865 NEWNHAM, W. Essay on Superstition. London: 1830. 8°. 6866 NEWPORT, Col. ANDREW. Memoirs of; who served in the army of Gust. Adolph. in Germany and that of Chas. I. of Eng. Port, of the Earl of Essex. London: 1792. 8°. CATALOGUE. 385 6867 NEWPORT, (R. I.) Addresses of Wm. H. Cranston, &c., 1863-64. Newport: 1864. 8°. [Scarce.] 6868 NEWPORT ILLUSTRATED. Pen and Pencil Sketches. By the Editor of the Newport Mercury. New York: 1854. 18°. 6869 NEWSPAPERS. (Generally bound.) Boston Chronicle. 2 Jan. 1769 to 25 June, 1770. Vols. 2 and 3. 6870 Boston News Letter, 1 Feb. 1770 to 26 Dec. 1771. Indexed by S. G. D. 6871 Essex Gazette, Salem. 4 Jan. 1774 to 25 Apr. 1776. 6872 London Chronicle, 1 Apr. 1780 to 30 Dec. 1780. 6873 Massachusetts Centinel, Boston. 18 May, 1785, to 8 Mar. 1786, incomplete. 6874 Massachusetts Gazette. Bost. 26 Aug. 1786 to 28 Dec, 1787. Indexed by S. G. D. 6875 Gazette of the U. S. Phila.: 15 Apr., 1789 to 7 Apr., 1790. 6876 Massachusetts Spy. Wore: 13 Jan., 1791 to 27 Dec, 1792. Mutilated. 6877 Columbian Centinel. Bost. 16 June, 1790 to 25 Dec, 1790. . 6878 Columbian Centinel. Bost. 4 Jan., 1797 to 29 Dec, 1797. Indexed. 6879 Columbian Centinel. 3 Jan.-29 Dec, 1798. 6880 Columbian Centinel. 8 Jan.-31 Dec, 1800. Imperf. 6881 Columbian Centinel. 3 Jan.-29 Dec, 1810. 6882 Columbian Centinel. 3 Jan.-30 Dec, 1818. 6883 Massachusetts Mercury. Bost. 5 Jan.-25 Dec. 1798. Mutilated. 6884 Massachusetts Mercury. 5 Jan.-29 Dec 1797. 6885 Massachusetts Mercury. 15 Apr.-31 Dec. 1800. 6886 New England Palladium. Bost. 2 Jan. 1801 to 23 June, 1803. 6887 Boston Gazette. 5 Mar. 1801 to 1 Mar. 1802. 6888 Boston Gazette. 4 Jan.-30 Dec 1802. 6889 Boston Gazette. 3 Mar. 1803 to 27 Feb. 1804. 6890 Boston Gazette. 1 Mar. 1804 to 25 Feb. 1805. 6891 Boston Gazette. 1 Jan.-31 Dec. 1810. 6892 Boston Gazette. 6 Jan.-30 Dec. 1811. 6893 Boston Gazette. 2 Jan.-28 Dec. 1812. 6894 N. Hampshire Gazette. Portsm. 3 Nov. 1807 to 8 Feb. 1820. Scattering. 6895 Reporter. Lexing., Ky. 12 Mar. 1808 to 30 Dec. 1809. 6896 Reporter. Lexing., Ky. 6 Jan. 1815 to 24 Dec 1817. 3 vols. 6897 Weekly Messenger. Bost. 25 Oct. 1811 to 16 Oct. 1812. 386 CATALOGUE. NEWSPAPERS. Weekly Messenger. Bost. 23 Oct. 1812 to 27 Aug 1813. Imperfect. G899 Weekly Messenger. Bost. 11 Mar. 1814 to 13 Oct. 1815. Five subsequent volumes of the same work are given under the title Boston. 6900 Weekly Messenger. Bost. 22 June, 1820 to 30 Mar. 1822. 6901 Weekly Messenger. Bost. 20 :N'ov. 1828 to 27 Jan. 1831. 6902 Portsmouth Oracle. 15 Feb. 1812 to 21 Aug. 1813. 6903 Portsmouth Oracle. 7 Jan. 1815 to 27 Dec. 1817. 6904 N. Hampshire Patriot. Concord. 24 Nov. 1812 to 15 Jan. 1821. Scattering. 6905 Evening Gazette. Bost. 3 Sept. 1814 to 12 Aug. 1815. Yol. 1 wants first two numbers. 6906 Kentucky Gazette. Lexingt. 25 Feb. 1814 to 25 Dec. 1815. 2 vols. 6907 Kentucky Gazette. 28 Apr. 1831 to 27 Dec. 1834. 6908 Virginia Patriot. Riclimd. 6 Apr. 1810-31 Dec. Im- perf. 6909 Boston Intelligencer. 24 Aug. 1816 to 2 Aug. 1818. 6910 Nat. Intelligencer. Wash. 22 July 1820 to 15 June 1822. 6911 Christian Mirror. Portl'd. 24 Aug. 1822 to 15 Aug. 1823. 6912 Albion. New York. 29 June 1822 to 15 May 1824. 6913 Christian Kegister. Bost. 15 Aug. 1823 to 31 Dec. 1824. 6914 Chronotype. Bost. 28 May 1846 to 21 May 1847. 6915 Pilot. Bost. 5 Jan.-28 Dec. 1850. 6916 Pilot. Bost. 3 Jan.-25 Dec. 1852. 6917 London Traveller. 4 Jan.-31 Aug. 1805. 6918 Boston Spectator. 1 Jan. 1814 to 25 Feb. 1815. 6919 Weekly Messenger. Bost. 15 June 1820 to 31 May 1821. 6920 Weekly Messenger. Bost. 1822-1825. Incomplete. 6921 National Gazette. 10 Dec. 1831 to 30 Nov. 1833. 6922 N. Eng. Galaxy. Bost. 5 Nov. 1831 to 4 May 1833. Im- perf. 6923 Transcript, Boston. 4 Mar.-31 Dec. 1831. 6924 Transcript, Boston. 1 Jan.-30 June 1842. 6925 Transcript, Boston. 2 June-31 Dec. 1848. 6926 Transcript, Boston. 1 Jan.-29 June 1850. 6927 Boston Pearl. 26 Sept. 1835 to 28 May 1836. 6928 Exhibition Intelligencer. 15 Sept.-2 Oct. 1847. 6929 Scientific American. 17 Sept. 1853 to 9 Sept. 1854. 6930 Ballou's Pictorial, Boston. 6 Jan.-28 July 1855. 6931 Porter's Spirit of The Times. 6 Sept. 1856 to 26 Feb. 1859. 5 vols, imperfect. (Unbound.) CATALOGUE. 887 6932 NEWSPAPERS. Independent, N. Y. 7 May 1856 to 28 April 1859. 6933 English Miscellaneous. July.-Dec. 1806. Fol. 6934 Weekly Museum, N. Y. Oct. 1801-May 1804. 4°. 6935 Miscellaneous Lot in 11 folios. 6936 NEWS FROM NEW ENGLAND. Being a True and Last Account of the present Bloody Wars. London: 1676. Boston, N.E., April, 1850. 4°. 75 copies printed, 60 of which were destroyed. 6937 Same, reprinted for Saral. G. Drake. 1850. 4°. 6938 NEWTON, ISAAC, Sir. A Treatise of the System of the World. London: 1737. 8°. 6939 The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms amended. With a Short Chronicle from the first Memory, to the Conquest of Persia, by Alexr. the Great. London: 1728. 4°. 6940 NEWTON, Sir ISAAC. Tables for renewing and purchasing the leases of Cathedral-Churches Colleges. 6th ed. Lond. : 1742. 24°. 6941 NEWTON, JOHN. Tabulae Mathematicse^ or, Tables of the natural Sines, Tangents and Secants. With a Table of Logarithms. London: 1654. 24". 6942 NE WTON, WILLIAM. The History and Antiquities of Maid- stone, Kent. London: 1741. 8°. Frontispiece. 6943 NIAGARA FALLS. Hackstaff's New Guide Book of N. F. Illustrated with Map and Views. Niagara Falls: 1853. 18°. 6944 NICHOLLS, J. F. Life, Adventures and Discoveries of Sebas- tian Cabot. London: 1869. Sm. 4°. Port. 6945 NICHOLLS, GEORGE. Poor Laws in Ireland. London: 1838. 8°. 6946 NICHOLS, GEO. WARD. The Story of the Great March. Map and Illustrations. N. York: 1865. 12°. 6947 NICHOLS, JOHN. Biog. and Literary Anecdotes of William Boyer, Printer, f.s.a., and many of his Learned Friends. London: 1782. 4°. Portrait. 6948 The Hist, and Antiqs. of Hinckley, in the Co. of Leicester. [London:] 1782. 4°. Plates. Auto. Sir John B. Williams. 6949 The Progresses and Public Processions of Queen Elizth. , among which are interspersed, other Solemnities, Public Expen- ditures and Remarkable Events. To which are subjoined some of the Early Progresses of King James. Illustrated with Hist. Notes. London: 1788. 3v. 4°. With 71 Plates. [Rare.] 6950 The Progresses, Processions, and Magnificent Festivities of James the First. 4 vols. London: 1828. 4°. 6951 Illustrations of the Lit. History of the 18th Century. Vol. 4. London: 1822. 8°. 388 CATALOGUE. 6952 NICHOLS, J0H:N'. Collection of all the Wills, of the Kings and Queens of England, Princes and Princesses of Wales, &c., from Wm. the Conqr. to Henry Yll. London: 1780. 4°. 6953 KICHOLSO:N^,EMILIUS,(Rev.) Nicholson's Cambrian Trav- eller's Guide. London: 1840. 8°. 6954 NICOLAS, Sir NICHOLAS HARRIS. The Chronology of History. Lond.: 1835. 16°. 6955 Synopsis of the Peerage of England. 2 vols. London: 1825. 12°. 6956 Testamenta Vetusta: being Illustrations from Wills, of Manners, Customs, «&c. From Henry II. to Queen Elizabeth. London: 182G. 8°. 6957 The Literary Remains of Lady Jane Grey: with a Memoir. London: 1825. 8°. Portrait and folding pedigree. 6958 Privy Purse Expenses of Elizabeth of York. Wardrobe Accounts of Edward the Fourth. With a Memoir of Elizabeth of York, and Notes. London: 1830. 8°. 6959 A Journal by one of the Suite of Thomas Beckington, dur- ing an Embassy to negotiate a Marriage between Henry VI, and a Dau. of the Count of Armagnac, A. D. 1442. With Notes and Illus- trations. London: W. Pickering. 1828. 8°. 6960 Observations on the State of Historical Literature, and on the Society of Antiquaries. London: William Pickering. 1830. 8°. 6961 [ ] Catalogue of the Herald's Visitations; in the British Museum. London: 1825. 8°. 6962 Memoirs of the Life and Times of Sir Christopher Hatton, K. G. Including his Corresp. with the Queen and other Distin- guished Persons. London: 1847. 8°. Portrait. 6963 A History of the Royal Navy. 2 vo'ls. London: 1847. 6964 Life of William Davison, Secretary of State to Queen Elizabeth. London: 1823. 8°. 6965 NILES, HEZEKIAH. Principles and Acts of the Revolution in America. Baltimore: 1822. 8°. [Scarce,] 6966 Weekly Regr. Sept. 1811-35. 33 vols. Royal 8°. These embrace the most important of the Series of 76 vols., of which H. Niles edited 50. 6967 NILES, JOHN M. The Life of Ohver Hazard Perry. Hart- ford: 1820. 12°. [Scarce.] 6968 History of S. America and Mexico, and Historical View of Texas, and the Texas Revolution. By Hon. L. T. Pease. Hart- ford: 1838. 8°. 2 Maps. 6969 NILES, SAMUEL. Vindication of Divers important Gospel- Doctrines, against the Rev. Mr. Lemuel Briant. Boston: 1752. 8°. 6970 The True Scripture-Doctrine of Original Sin stated and Defended. Boston: 1757. 8°. CATALOGUE. 389 6971 NIXON, FRANCIS R. (d.d. bp.) Narrative of a Visit to the Islands in Bass's Straits, with Illustrations. London: 1867. 12°. 6972 NOAH, M. M. Travels in England, France, Spain, and the Barbary States, in 1813-15. N. York: 1819. 8°. 6973 NOBLE, MARK, f.a.s. of Lon. & E. Memoirs of the Pro- tectoral-House of Cromwell. Embellished with elegant Engravings. Two Vols. London: 1787. 8°. 6974 The Lives of the English Regicides. 2 vols. London: 1798. 8°. Port. 6975 A Biographical History of England, from the Revolution to the end of George I's Reign. 2 vols. London; 1806. 8°. 6976 The History of the College of Arms, and the Lives of all Kings, Heralds and Pursuivants. London: 1804. 4°. Portraits. 6977 Memoirs of the Illustrious House of Medici. With Gen- ealogl. Tables. London: 1797. 8°. 6978 An Historical Genealogy of the Royal House of Stuarts. London: 1795. 4°. 6979 NOEHDEN, G. H., ll.d. Rabenhorst's Dictionary of the German and English Languages. London: 1814. Sq. 12°. 6980 NOLAN, JAMES JOSEPH. Ornamental, Aquatic, and Do- mestic Fowl, and Game Birds. With 40 highly finished Engravings. Dublin: 1850. 12°. Autograph of Author. 6981 NOLLET, MICHAEL. Geography Epitomized, in French and English. London: 1738. 8°. 6982 NOLTE, VINCENT. Fifty Years in both Hemispheres. New York: 1854. 12°. 6983 NOORTHOUCK, JOHN. A New History of London, includ- ing Westminster and Southwark. London: 1773. 4°. Many Cop- per Plates. 6984 NORMAN, B. M. Notes of Travels in Cuba and Mexico. Ill'd. New York: 1845. 12°. 6985 Rambles in Yucatan; or, including a Visit to the Remarka- ble Ruins of Chi-Chen, Kabah, Zayi, and Uxmal. N. York: 1843. 8°. Illus. 6986 NORMAN, JOHN. Town and Country Builder's Assistant. 60 Folio Copper-plates. Boston, N. E. : 1786. Folio. 6987 NORTH, ELISHA. A Treatise on a Malignant Epidemic, commonly called Spotted Fever. New York: 1811. 12°. With cuttings. . 6988 NORTH, JAS. W. The Hist, of Augusta, [Me.] 1870. R. 8°. lUust., Plates, Maps, etc. 6989 NORTH, M. L. (m.d.) Analysis of Saratoga Waters : also of Sharon, Avon, Virginia and other Mineral Waters of the U. S. N. York: 1846. 16°. 6990 [First Edition.] N. York: 1840. 390 CATALOGUE, 6991 NOETH, M. L. (m.d.) [Sixth Edition.] Saratoga Springs: 1855. 16°. 6992 NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW. Yol. 1, nos. 1, 2. Vols. 3, 4, 5, no. 1, 6, 7, no. 3, 9, nos. 1, 2, 10-21. Nos. 50-104, 109-113, 115-118, 122, 126-129, 134-136, 142, 146-150, 152, 175, 180, 186-213, May 1815-Oct. 1866. Vols. 6, 10-21 bound. Early nos. very rare. Later nos. scarce. 6993 General Index to, from 1815-1827. Boston: New York: London: 1829. 8°. 6994 NORTH- AMERICAN (The) & WEST-INDIAN GAZET- TEER, [&c.] London: 1778. 12°. 6995 [Same. First Edition.] London: 1776. 12°. 6996 Tourist (The). New York: (1839?) sm. 12°. Many Maps and Plates. 6997 NORTH BRITON (The) from No. 1 to No. 46 inclusive. With useful and explanatory Notes. Corrected and Revised by a Eriend to Civil and Religious Liberty. London: 1769. Eolio. No. 45 of the N. Briton was long toasted and sung in the Colonies. It was written by John Wilkes, and caused his arrest and imprisonment in the Tower. 6998 NORTH CAROLINA. Revolutionary Hist, of, by E. L. Hawks, D. L. Swain, and W. A. Graham. With a Sketch of the Battle of Alamance. Illustrated by Darley and Lossing. Raleigh: 1853. 12°. €999 NORTHCOTE, WILLIAM. The Diseases incident to Armies. With the Method of cure. Trans, from the Origl. of Baron Van Swieten by John Ranley. Pub. for the use of Military and Naval Surgeons in America. Phila. : 1776. 8°. 7000 NORTHEND, CHAS. Book of Epitaphs, amusing, curious, and quaint. New York: 1873. 12°. 7001 NORTHERN TRAVELLER, The; with the Routes to the Springs, Niagara and Quebec: also the Tour of N. Eng. with 32 Engravings. N. Y. 18°. 1830. 7002 Same: with Descriptions of the Principal Scenes. N. York: 1825. 16°. 7003 2ded. With 19 Maps and 8 Landscapes. N.York: 1826. 16°. 7004 (The), the Tour of N. England and the Routes from the South. With the Western Traveller, and Emigrants Guide to the Valley of the Mississippi. Maps and Engravings. N.York: 1834. 16°. 7005 NORTHMORE, THOMAS, (Esq.) Washington, or Liberty Restored: A Poem. Baltimore: 1809. 12°. [Scarce.] 7006 NORTON, ANDREWS. Miscellaneous Writings of Prof. Fris- bie, with his Life and Character. Boston: 1823. 8°. 7007 NORTON, CHARLES B. Literary and Educational Register, for 1854. N. York: 1854. 12°. 7008 Same. 1856. N. Y.: 1856. 8°. 7009 Literary Letter, Bibliography of N. Hamp. No. 1, 1860. — No. 4, 1859. 4°. CATALOGUE. 391 7010 NORTON, CHARLES B. A. Banning — History of Knox County, O., from 1779 to 1862. Also a Sketch of Kenyon College. Columbus: 1862. 8°. Portraits. 7011 NORTON, HERMAN, (Rev.) Facts concerning the Persecu- tions at Madeira in 1843 and 1846. N. York: 1857. 18°. 7012 NORTON, JOHN. The Orthodox Evangelist. Lond.:1657. 4°. 7013 NORTON, Rev. JOHN. Narrative of the Capture and Burning of Fort Massachusetts by the French and Indians. Now first printed with Notes, by S. G. Drake. Albany: 1870. 4°. 7014 NORTON, JOHN N. Full Proof of the Ministry. N. York: 1855. 12°. 7015 NORTON, LEMUEL. Autobiography. Eleven Years at Sea. Portland: 1862. 18°. 7016 NOTES AND QUERIES. Nov. 1849-Dec. 1855. London: 1850- 69. 12v. 4°. 7017 — Index to Yols. 1-12. London: 1856. 4°. 7018 Same. 2d series. Jan. 1856- June 1857. London: 1856-57. 3v. 4°. (V. 2 unbound.) 7019 NOTES OF BEN. JONSON. Conversations with Wm. Drum- mond. London: 1842. 8°. 7020 NOTES on the Yiceroyalty of La Plata, in South America, with a History of the Operations of the British Troops in that Country [under Sir Saml. Auchmuty.] Portrait, Map and Plans. Lond.: 1808. 8°. 7021 on Columbia, taken in the years 1822-3. By an Ofiicer of the U. S. Army. Phila.: 1827. 8°. Map. 7022 NOTHING TO WEAR. An Episode of City Life. Illustrated by Hoppin. New York: 1857. 12°. 7023 Do. do. An Accompaniment to " Nothing to Wear.'* By a Lady. Illustrated. New York: 1857. 12°. 7024 NOTICES OF THE WAR OF 1812. By John Armstrong. In 2 vols. Yol. L N. Y.:1836. 12°. 7025 NOTT, CHAS. C. Sketches of the War. N. Y.: 1865. 12°. 7026 NOYA SCOTIA. A Genuine Account of. Encouragement to those who are willing to Settle there. London: Dublin Rep. 1750. 8°. Map. 7027 NOYUM TESTAMENTUM, ex versione Yulgata cum paraph, et annot. by H. Hammondi. Amstelodami: 1700. Fol. 7028 NOYUM TESTAMENTUM GRAECE. Ex recen. Jo. Jac. Griesbachi. Lipsise: 1805. Cantab rigise, Nov.-Angl. : 1809. 2v. in 1. 8°. 7029 NO WELL, EDWARD P. Ballad of Jefferson D. Portsmouth: 1865. 18°. 7030 NOWELL, SARAH A. Poems. Boston: 1850. 12°. 7031 NO YES, DAYID. The History of Norway, Me. Norway: 1852. 8°. 392 CATALOGUE. 7032 NOTES, GEORGE F. The Bivouac and the Battlefield; or, Campaign Sketches in Virginia and Maryland. I^. York: 1864. 12°. 7033 NOYES, NICHOLAS. Election Sermon, 1698. Title and first leaf supplied. 7034 NUGENT, LORD. Memoirs of John Hampden, His Party and his Times. With a Memoir of the Writer. London: 1854. 12°. Portraits of Hampden and Pym. 7035 NUGENT, THOMAS. Nouveau Dictionnaire de Poche Fran- 9ois-Anglois, et Anglois-Fran9ois. A Paris: 1823. Sq. 12°. 7036 NUNES, JOSEPH, A. (U. S. A.) Day Dreams. [Poems.] Philada.: 1863. 12°. 7037 NUTT ALL, THOMAS, (f.l.s.) Travels into the Arkansas Ter- ritory, in 1819. With occasional Observations on the Manners of the Aborigines. Map and other Engravings. Philada.: 1821. 8°. [Out of print.] 7038 An Introduction to Systematic and Physiological Botany. Cambridge: 1827. 12°. 7039 Same. 2d ed. With Additions. Cambridge: 1830. 12°. Plates. 7040 NYE, JOSEPH W. An Offering of Friendship; or. Miscel- laneous Poems. Lynn: 1860. 18°. 7041 NYE, WM. F. Sonora: Its Extent, Population, &c. Trans, fr. the Spanish of Yelasco. S. Francisco: 1861. 12°. O- 7042 OBERLIN, JOHN FREDERIC. Memoirs of . With Dedica- tion and Translations. By the Rev. Luther Halsey. Pittsburgh: 1830. 18°. 7043 Same. 2d Amer. Ed. With Add. by Henry Ware, Jr. Boston: 1845. 18°. Port. 7044 OBI; or the History of Three-Fingered Jack. Worcester: 1804. 12°. 7045 OBITUARIES on the Death of Henry Clay. Wash.: 1852. Port. 8°. 7046 OBITUARY ADDRESSES on the Death of Henry Clay in the Sen. and Ho. Reps., 30 June, 1852, and the Fun. Ser. of Rev. C. M. Butler, Chapn. of the S., 1 July, 1852. Washington: 1852. 8°. 7047 on the Death of Daniel Webster in the Senate and Ho. Reps., on the 14 and 15 Deer., 1852. Washington: 1853. 8°. Portrait. 7018 O'BRIEN, GODFREY S. (p.l.s.) The Tourist's Guide to Quebec. Quebec: 1864. 12^. 7049 OBSERVATIONS upon the Lives and Reigns of Henry VIII. [&c. to] James I. London: 1712. 2v. 8°. CATALOGUE. 393 7050 OBSERVATIONS on a Passage from Boston to the East Indies, &c., 1793-4. An MS. in 18". 7051 on a Pamphlet, intituled " Considerations upon the Society or Order of the Cincinnati." Phila.: 1783. 8°. 7052 on the Justificative Memorial of the Court of London. Paris: Phila: Reprintd. 1781. 4°. 705 On the Kev. Mr. Whitefield, and his Opposers. Boston: 1740. 12°. 7054 upon the Conduct and Behaviour of a Sect, by the Name of Methodists. 4°. 7055 O'BYRNE, WILLIAM R., Esq. Naval Biographical Dictionary: comprising the Life and Services of every living Officer in Her Ma- jesty's Navy. London: 1849. 8°. " A marvel of information and research." 7056 O'CALLAGHAN", E. B. History of New Netherland; or, New- York under the Dutch. New York : 1846. 8°. 7057 List of Editions of the Holy Scriptures and Parts thereof, Printed in America previous to 1860. Introd. and Bibliogr. Notes. Albany: 1861. R. 8°. 7058 Voyage of George Clarke, Esq., to America. Introd. and Notes. Albany: 1867. 8°. 7059 Voyages of the Slavers St. John and Arms of Amsterdam, 1659-63. Albany: 1867. 8°. 7060 Journal of the Voyage of the Sloop Mary, from Quebec, with an an Account of her Wreck off Montauk Point, L. I., Anno 1701. With Introdn. and Notes. Albany: 1866. 8°. 7061 OCCASIONAL LETTERS upon Taxation. By an Independent Man. London: 1780. 8°. 7062 OCCASIONAL REFLECTIONS on the Importance of the War in America, and the Justice of Supporting the King of Prussia, &c. Letter to a Member of Parliament. London: 1758. 8°. 7063 OCEAN WAVES in Lyric Strains, a Requiem; and other Poems. By the Hermit of St. Sirene. Pittsburgh, Pa.: 1856. 8^. Copy presented to W. C. Bryant by the author, 7064 OCKLEY, SIMON, b.d. Account of South West Barbary. Written by a Person who had been a Slave; with Two Letters: One from the Present King of Morocco to Col. Kirk; the Other to Sir Cloudesly Shovell. London: 1713. 12<». Map. 7065 History of the Saracens. 3d ed. Cambridge: 1757. 2v. 8°. 7066 Improvement of Human Reason, exhibited in the Life of Hai Ebn Yikdhan: written in Arabick above 500 years ago. Illus- trated. London: 1708. 8°. 7067 O'CONNELL, JAMES F. Eleven Years in New Holland and the Caroline Islands: from his verbal Narration. Boston: 1836. 18°. Frontispiece. 394 CATALOGUE. 7068 ODD FELLOWS. Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of the U. S. Grand Annual Conv. held at Balto. 1827. 8°. Port. 7069 0DI0E:N'E, THOMAS. Progress of Refinement, with a Poem on Fame, and Miscellanies. Boston: 1792. 18°. [Rare.] 7070 OPPICIAL Catalogue of the Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations, 1851. Corr. ed. London. Sm. 4°. 7071 OFEICIAL LETTERS to the American Congress, written dur- ing the war, by His Ex. Geo. Washington. 2d Boston ed. 2 vols. Boston: 1796. 12°. 7072 OGDEIN", E. D. Tariff. [N". Y.: 1840. 8°. 7073 OGDEN, GEO. W. Letters from the West, a Tour through the Western Country, and Residence of two Summers in Ohio and Ken- tucky. New Bedford: 1823. 12°. [Rare.] 7074 OGDEN, JOHN C. [Mm.] Excursion into Bethlehem and Nazareth, in Pa. in 1799; with a succinct Hist, of the Soc. of United Breth. Phila.: 1800. 12°. An extremely rare book. 7075 OGDEN, WEAL, (Rev.) Antidote to Deism. The Deist Unmasked. Refutation of all the Objections of Thomas Paine. Remarks on Boulanger's Christianity Unveiled, &c. 2 vols. New- ark: 1795. 12°. [Very rare.] 7076 OGILBY, JOHN, Esq. Itinerarium Anglise. Or, a Book of Roads, wherein are contained the Principal Road- ways over his Majesty's Kingdom of England and Wales : Actually admeasured and Delineated, in a Century of Whole-sheet Copper Sculps. Lon- don: 1675. Fol. 7077 Britannia Depicta: or Ogilby Improved. By Jno. Owen of the Middle Temple, Gent. London: 1731. 4°. 7078 The Works of Pvblivs Yirgilivs Maro: Translated, Adorned with Sculptures, and Hlust. with Annotations. 3ded. Lond. :1675. 8°. 7079 OGILYIE, JOHN, ll.d. The Imperial Dictionary, English, Technological, and Scientific; adapted to the Present State of Lit- erature, Science, and Art. Illustrated by 2000 Engravings on Wood. Glasgow: 1859. 2v. R. 8°. 7080 Supplement to the Imp. Dictionary. 1856. R. 8°. Glasgow. 7081 OGLETHORPE, JAMES, Gen. impartial Account of the Expedition against St. Augustine under General Oglethorpe. With an exact Plan of the Town, Castle and Harbour of St. Augustine. London: 1742. 8°. Portrait of Oglethorp. 7082 OHIO. Public Documents, concerning the Ohio Canals, which are to connect Lake Erie with the Ohio River. Columbus: 1828. 8°. 7083 OHIO HISTORICAL SERIES. Containing Espy's Tour. Williams Campaign of 1812. Tanneyhills Leatherwood God. Cin- cinnati: 1871. 8°. 7084 OLD INDIAN CHRONICLE, a collection of Exceeding rare CATALOGUE. 395 tracts published in the time of King Philip's War. Edited by Saml. G. Drake. Map. Boston: 1867. 1. p. 4to. 7085 " OLD JACK " and his Eoot Cavalry. A Story of the War in the Old Dominion. Illustrations. New York: 1864. 24°. 7086 OLD SOUTH Chapel Prayer Meeting: Origin and History; with interesting Narratives. Boston: 1859. 12°. 70S7 OLD SOUTH [Benj. Austin] Constitutional Republicanism in opposition to fallacious truth. Boston: 1802. 8°. 7088 OLDBUG, JOHN, Esq. (Pseud.) The Puritan : A Series of Essays, Critical, Moral and Miscellaneous. Boston : 1836. 2v. 12°. 7089 OLDFIELD, H. G., & DYSON, R. R. History and An- tiquities of the Parish of Tottenham High-Cross. London: 1790. 8°. Plates. 7090 OLDHAM, JOHN. Works. London: lf^98. 8°. 7091 Works, with his remains. Memoirs of his Life and Explan. Notes. London: 1722. 2v. 18°. Portrait and Frontispiece. 7092 OLDMIXON, JOHN. Memoirs of North-Britain. In wch. it is Prov'd that the Scots Nation have always been Zealous in Defence of the Protestant Religion. Of Glenco's Death, and the Darien Colony. London: 1715. 8°. 7093 The British Empire in America, containing the History of the Discovery, Settlement, Progress and State of the British Colo- nies of the .Continent and Islands of America. 2d ed. London: 1741. 2v. 8°. Maps. 7094 OLDYS, FRANCIS. Life of Thomas Paine, with a Review of his Writings; particularly . of his "Rights of Man.'* 5th ed. London: 1792. 8°. [Scarce.] 7095 OLEARIUS, ADAM. Relation dv Voyage en Moscovie, Tar- taric, et Persi; contennant le Yoyage de Jean Albert de Mandelsto avx Indes Orientales. Traduit de I'AllemandparA. deWicquefort. 2 Tomes. A Paris: 1666. 4°. 7096 OLIVER, BENJAMIN L. Hints for an Essay on the Pursuit of Happiness. Cambridge: 1818. 8°. 7097 OLIVER, DANIEL, m.d. First Lines of Physiology; designed for the Use of Students in Medicine. Boston: 1835. 8°. 7098 OLIVER, GEORGE, Rev. The Star in the East, shewing the Analogy which exists between the Lectures of Freemasonry, the Mechanism of Initiation into its Mysteries, and the Christian Reli- gion. New ed. London: 1842. 12°. 7099 History of Masonic Persecutions in dif. quarters of the Globe, with Introd. Essay; and Masonic Institutions, by various Authors. N. York: 1866. Cr..8°. 7100 History of Freemasonry, from the year 1829 to 1841. New York: 1855. 8°. 27 ' 396 CATALOGUE. 7101 OLIYEE, ISABELLA. Poems on Various Subjects. By I. O. of Cumberland, Co. Pa. Carlisle: London: 1805. 12°. [Scarce.] 7102 OLIVER, PETER. Scripture Lexicon; or a Dictionary of above 4000 Proper ;N'ames of Persons and Places mentioned in the Bible. 4th ed. London: 1797. 8°. 7103 OLxMSTED, ERA ALL Y:N'. Incidents of a Whaling Voyage. N. York: 1841. 12°. 7104 OLMSTED, EREDK. LAW. Journey thro' Texas; N.York: 1857. 12°. Map and Plates. 7105 ONDERDOKK, HEIS^RY, Jr. Documents and Letters to il- lustrate the Revolutionary Incidents of Queen's County, i^ew York: 1846. 12°. 7106 O'lSTEIL, CHAS. Military Adventures of. Worcester: 1851. 12°. lUust. 7107 0:N"TWA, the son of the Eorest. A Poem. N. Y.: 1832. 8°. 7108 OPERATIONS (The) of the Erench Elect under Count De Grasse in 1781-2. N. l^ork: 1864. R. 8°. [Port. Bradford Club. No. 3] 7109 OPIE, AMELIA. Illustrations of Lying, in all its branches. Erom 2d London ed. Boston: 1826. 12°. 7110 OPPOSITION (The) to the Late Minister [Lord Bute] Vindi- cated from the Aspersions of a Pamphlet, intitled. Considerations on the Present Dangerous Crisis. London: 1763. 8°. 7111 ORATIONS delivered at the Request of the Inhabitants of Boston, to commemorate March 5, 1770. 2d ed. Boston: 1807. 12°. [Scarce.] 7112 ORCHARD, ROBERT. New Select Collection of Epitaphs and Remarkable Monumental Inscriptions. 2d ed. London: 1827. 12°. Portrait. [Scarce.] 7113 ORDERLY BOOK of Genl. Andrew Lewis, Mar. to Aug., .1776. Notes and Introd. by Chas. Campbell. Richmond: 1860. 4°. 7114 of the Northern Army, at Ticonderoga and Mt. Independ- ence, from October 17th, 1776, to Jan. 8th, 1777, with Biog. and Explan. Notes. Albany: 1859. 4°. Portrait and Map. 7115 OREGON QUESTION. Speeches by Winthrop, Calhoun, Evans, Eoot, etc. Speeches on the Tariff by A. Stewart and Others, etc. Bd. vol. of 19 tracts. 8°. 7116 O'REILLY, BERNARD. Greenland, the adjacent Seas, and the Northwest Passage to the Pacific Ocean. Illustrated in a Voyage to Davis's Strait, 1817. New Y^ork: 1818. 8°. 7117 OREORD, ROBT., Earl of. A futher Report from the Com- mittee of Secrecy, appointed to Inquire into the Conduct of. Dublin: 1742. 8°. Portrait. 7118 O'REILLEY, HENRY. Sett*lement in the West. Sketches of .. Rochester; with incidental Notices of Western New York. Roches- ter: 1738. 12°. Plates. CATALOGUE. 397 7119 OKIGINAL LETTERS to an Honest Sailor [Admiral Vernon.] Portraits of Vernon, Sir Charles Wager. London: [1746.] 8°. 7120 Original Poems. By a Citizen of Baltimore. Baltimore: 1809. 12°. [Scarce.] 7121 ORLEANS, Duke of. Memoirs of the Regency of. During the Minority of Lewis the XVIth. [«&c.] London: 1732. 8°. Por- traits. 7122 ORME, WM. (Rev.) Memoirs of the Life, Writings and Relififious Connexions of John Owen, d.d. London: 1820. 8°. Port. 7123 0RM0:N'D, (Duke of.) Life of James, late Duke of. London: 1747. 8". Portrait. 7124 ORMSBY, R. McKIJ^LEY. History of the Whig Party. Boston: 1859. 12°. 7125 ORNE, CAROLINE F. Sweet Auburn and Mount Auburn, with other Poems. Cambridge: 1844. 12°. [Scarce.] 7126 ORR, J. W. Pictorial Guide to the Falls of Niagara: with every Historical Incident of Interest. Maps, Charts, and Engrav- ings from original Surveys and Designs. Buffalo : 1842. 16°. 7127 ORRERY, JOHN, Earl of. Remarks on the Life and Writ- ings of Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin. London: 1752. 8°. Portrait. 7128 ORTON, JOB. Life of Rev. Philip Doddridge. London: 1819. 12°. 7129 OSBORN, ETHAN, (Rev.) The Pastor of the Old Stone Church. Mr. Hotchkin's Memorial, Judge Elmer's Eulogy, and Mr. Burt's Commemorative Address. Philada. : 1858. 12°. 7130 OSBORN, FRANCIS, Esq. Works. Divine, Moral, Histori- cal, Political.' Viz.: 1, Advice to a Son. 2, Polit. Reflects, on the Turks. 3, Memoirs of Q. Eliz'th and James. 4, Miscellaneous. 7th ed. London: 1673. 8°. 7131 OSBORN, LAUGHTON. Calvary —Virginia Tragedies. New York: 1867. 12°. 7132 Arthur Carryl, a Novel. Odes; Epistles to Milton, Pope, Juvenal, and the Devil; Epigrams. New York: 1841. 8°. Thla author was highly commended by Poe. His works are scarce. 7133 OSBORN, SARAH. Familiar Letters written by, and Mrs. Susanna Anthony, late of Newport, Rhode Island. Newport (R. L): 1807. 12°. 7134 OSBORN, SELLECK. Poems. Boston: 1823. 12°. 7135 OSBORN, SHERRARD, (Lieut.) The Polar Regions, or a Search after Sir John Franklin. New York: 1854. 12°. 7136 OSBORN, THOMAS. A Collection of Voyages and Travels. Compiled from the Library of the late Earl of Oxford. With Notes. London: 1745. 2v. fo. [Plates and Maps.] Library. 398 CATALOGUE, 7137 OSCEOLA; or, Fact and Fiction: a Tale of the Seminole War. By a Southerner. N. Y.: 1838. 12°. Portrait of the Author. S. R. Duke (?) W. G. Simms, says Field. 7138 OSGOOD, DAVID, Key. Minister of the Church in Medford, Mass. Sermons by. Boston: 1824. 8°. 7139 OSTERWALD, J. E. Compendium of Christian Theology. Trans, by the Rev. John McMains. Hartford: 1788. 8°. 7140 OTHER SIDE OF THE QUESTIOjS": Or, an Attempt to Rescue the Characters of the Two Royal Sisters, Q. Mary and Q. Anne, out of the Hands of the D s D of . In a Letter to her Grace. By a Woman of Quality. [James Ralph.] London: 1742. 8°. 7141 OTIS, GEO. ALEXR. The Tusculan Questions of M. T. Cicero. Boston: 1839. 12°. MS. :N'otes. 7142 OTIS, HARRISON GRAY, (Mrs.) The Barclays of Boston. Boston: 1854. 12°. 7143 OTIS, HORATIO K. Genealogical Memoir of the Family of Richard Otis, &c. Boston: 1851. 8°. 7144 OTIS, JAMES. Rights of the British Colonies Asserted and Proved. 3d ed. corr. Boston, Printed: London: 1766. 8°. 7145 A Yindication of the Conduct of the House of Rep- resentatives of the Province of Massachusetts Bay. Boston: 1762. 8°. 7146 [ ] The Rudiments of Latin Prosody: with a Dissertation on Letters, and the Principles of Harmony, in Poetic and Prosaic Com- position. Collected from the best writers. Boston: 1760. 12°. Anything by Jas. Otis is rare and valuable. 7147 OTIS, JAMES F. Strictures upon Miss Martineau's two Books upon America. 1838. 7148 OULTOK, W. C, Esq. The Travellers Guide; or, English Itinerary. A complete Topography of England and Wales. 2 vols. [London:] 1805. 12°. Map and Plates. 7149 Picture of Margate, and its Vicinity. Illustrated. Lon- don: 1820. 8°. 7150 OUR FOREFATHERS; Their Homes and their Churches. By the Author of "Carolina in the Olden Time." Charleston: 1860. 12°. 7151 OUR NEIGHBORHOOD, or Letters on Horticulture and Natural Phenomena. N. York: 1831. 12°. Autograph. 7152 OUR PLAGUE SPOT: In connection with our Polity and Usages, as regards our Women, our Soldiery, and the Indian Em- pire. London: 1859. 12°. 7153 OUSELEY, WILLIAM G., Esq. Remarks on the Statistics and PoUtical Institutions of the U. S. Phila.: 1832. 8°. CATALOGUE. 399 7154 OUTCROPPINGS: being Selections of California Verse. San Francisco and N. York: 1866. 16°. 7155 OVID. Epistles, Translated by several Hands. 8th ed. With a New Trans, of Three Epistles. Never before Published. Lon- don: 1712. 8°. With numerous and curious copper plates. 7156 Epistles, Translated by several Hands. Lond. 1680. 8°. By Dryden, Tate, Scrope, Behn, Floyd, Duke, Rymer, Settle, Otway, Caryl, Butler, Pooley, Wright, &c. 7157 OWEN, DAVID D. Report of a Geological Survey of Wiscon- sin, Iowa, and Minnesota; including a Portion of Nebraska. Phila. : 1852. 4°. Ill'd. 7158 Illustrations to the Geological Report of Wisconsin, etc. Phila.: 1852. 4°. 7159 OWEN, JOHN", d.d. Works. London: 1871. Eol. Portrait. 7160 OWEN, JOANNIS. Epigrammatum Cambro-Britanni Libri Tres. Editio Tertia. Londini: 1607. 24°. 7161 The Epigrams of John Owen, late one of the Fellows of New Colledge in Oxford. Rendered into English by Thomas Harvey, Gent. London: 1677. 12°. 7162 OWEN, JOHN". Two Discourses concerning the Holy Spirit, and his Work. London: 1693. «°. Preface by " Nath. Mather." 7163 — Vindication of the Animadversions on Fiat Lux. Wherein the Principles of the Roman Church are examined. London: 1664: 8°. [Very scarce.] 7164 The Grace and Duty of being Spiritually Minded. Lond. : 1681. 4°. This is the first ed. and has heen frequently reprinted. Orme pronounced It the most val- uable and popular of the Doctor's writings. 7165 Sermon to the Parliament, Oct. 13, 1652. Oxford: 1652. 4°. 7166 God's Work in founding Zion. Serm. in the Abby Ch. at Westminster, at the opening of Parliament, Sep. 17, 1656. Oxd. : 4P. 7167 History of the Origin and first Ten Years of the British and Foreign Bible Society. New York: 1817. 8°. 7168 OWEN, ROBERT. New View of Society: or, Essays on the Formation of the Human Character. 4th ed. Lond. : 1818. 8°. 7169 Opening Speech, and Reply to the Rev. Alexr. Campbell, in the recent Public Discussion in Cincinnati. Also Mr. Owen's Memo- rial to the Republic of Mexico. Cincinnati: 1829. 8°. 7170 Life of Robert Owen. Phila. : 1866. 12°. 7171 Debate on the Evidences of Christianity. April, 1829, between Robert Owen & Alexr. Campbell of Bethany, Va. Bethany, Va. 1829. 8^. No similar discussion ever created more interest throughout the country. 7172 A N'ew View of Society. 1st Amer. ed. from the 3d Lon- don. N". York. 1825. 12°. 400 CATALOGUE. 7173 OWEK, ROBEKT DALE. Moral Physiology; or, a Plain Treatise on the Population Question. N. Y. : 1831. 12°. Frontis. 7174 The Wrong of Slavery, The Right of Emancipation and the Future of the African Eace in the U. S. Phila. : I864. 12°. 7175 Discussion on the Authenticity of the Bible. Betn. Origen Bacheler and R. D. O.. Phila.: 1854. 12°. 7176 OWE^, W. F. W. (Capt. R. N.) Narrative of Voyages to ex- plore the Shores of Africa, Arabia and Madagascar. 2 vols. IT. York: 1833. 12°. 7177 OWEN^SO:Nr, S. St. Clair; or, the Heiress of Desmond. Phila.: 1807. 12°. 7178 Lay of an Irish Harp. New York: 1808. 12°. 7179 OWLS-GLASS. Rebel Brag and British Bluster. N. York: 1865. 12°. 7180 OXFORD. New Oxford Guide; or, Companion, [&c.] By a Gentleman of Oxford. 6th ed. With New Plan, and other Elegant Engravings. Oxford: [No date.] 12°. 7181 The Oxford University Calendar, 1828. Corrected to December 31st, 1827. Oxford: 1828. 12°. 7182 New Oxford Guide. 13th ed. Oxford: [n. d.] 12°. Plan of the City. 7183 OXFORD UNIYERSITY CALENDAR for 1840. Oxford: 1840. 12°. 7184 PABODIE. Calidore: A Legendary Poem. Bost.: 1839. 8°. 7185 PACIFIC RAILROAD. Reports of Explorations and Surveys, to ascertain the most practicable route for a Railroad made in 1853- 65. Washington, 1855-60. 13v. 4°. Many Plates. 7186 PACIFIC RAILWAY EXPLORATIONS, in .1853-4, by Lieut. A. W. Whipple. (Vol. 3 of series.) Washington, 1856. 4°. Colored plates. 7187 PACKARD, HEZEKIAH. A Catechism, containing the First Principles of Religious and Social Duties. Boston: 1796. 18°. 7188 PACKARD, THEOPHILUS, Jr. (Rev.) History of the Churches and Ministers, and of Franklin Association, in Franklin County, Mass. Boston: 1854. 8°. 7189 PADDOCK, JUDAH. Narrative of the Ship Oswego wrecked on the coast of South Barbary. New York: 1818. 8°. 7190 PAGE, HENRY FOLSOM. Law of Warrants, Entries, Sur- veys and Patents, in the Virginia Military District in Ohio. Col- umbus: 1850. 8°. 7191 PAG:fiS, MONSIEUR de. Travels Round the World in 1767. From the French. 2d Ed, 3v. London: 1793. 8°. CATALOGUE. 401 7192 PAINE, THOMAS. (KOBT. TKEAT PAINE, Jr.) The Kuling Passion: An occasional Poem. Written by Appointment of the Society of cJ)BK, and spoken in their Anniversary. 20 July, 1797. Boston: 1797. 4°. 7193 Works in Verse and Prose. With Notes. With Sketches of his Life, Character, and Writings, by Charles Prentiss. Boston: 1812. 8°. Portrait. [Scarce.] 7194 PAINE, THOMAS. Examination of the Passages in the New Testament, quoted from the Old, and called Prophecies concerning Christ. Also An Essay on Dreams. N. York. [n. d.] 7195 Letters to the People of France, and the French Armies, on the Event of the 18 Fructidor. N. York: 1798. 8°. 7196 Dissertation on First Principles of Government. Paris: 3d year of the Fr. Republic [1794.] 8°. 7197 — Letter to Geo. Washington. On Affairs Public and Private. Phila.: 1796. 8°. 7198 Common Sense: addsd. to the Inhabs. of America. 4th ed. Lancaster. Introd. Dated 1776. 12°. 7199 Letter to the Earl of Shelburne, on the Acknowledgement of Amer. Independence. Phila.: London Rep. 1783. 8°. 7200 • Agrarian Justice, opposed to Agrarian Law,&c.; a Plan for Meliorating the Condition of Man. Phila. [n. d.] 8°. 7201 Common-Sense. 9th ed. London: 1792. 8°. 7202 Correspondence between T. P. and William Carver. N. Y.: 1831. 8°. 7203 Tom Paine's Jests ; an entirely new and select Collection of Patriotic Bon Mots. Phila. : 1796. 12°. 7204 Age of Reason, with Twenty-five Precepts of Reason. By J. G. St. Sauveur. 6th Am. ed. With Wakefield's Examn. Wor- cester: 1794. Also Tom Paine's Jests. Phila.: 1794. 12°. [Dif- ferent from the edition above.] 7205 Theological Works. London and N. York: 1724. 8°. 7206 Reasons for wishing to preserve the Life of Louis Capet. London, [n. d.] 7207 The Paine Festival. Celebration of the 119th Anniversary ' of the Birth-day of Thomas Paine, at Cincinnati, 29 Jan. 1856. 12°. 7208 Political Writings of T. P. With a brief Sketch of the Author's Life. Charlestown: 1824. 8°. 2 vols. 7209 On the Origin of Free-Masonry. [A Posthumous work.] New York: 1810. 8°. 7210 Speech of, in the Convention, July 7, 1795. 8°. 7211 Letter to Abbe Raynal on the Affairs of N. Amer. In which the Mistakes in the Abbe's Acct. of the Revolution in Amer. are corrected. Philad. Boston : 1872. 8°. 72 12 Common Sense: 6th Ed. Philad. Rep. at Providence: 1776. 4°. [Last leaf gone.] 402 CATALOGUE. 7213 PAINE, THOMAS. Letter addsd. to Abbe Kaynal. Philada. London: Eeprd. 1872. 8°. 7214 A Letter to the Earl of Shelburne, on his Speech, July 10, 1786. Eept. London: 1783. 8°. 7215 Eights of Man. Part Second. 2d Phila. Ed. 1792. 8°. 7216 Letter addressed to the Addressors, on the late Proclama- tion. Philada.: 1793. 8° 7217 Age of Eeason; an Investigation of True and Fabulous Theology. Paris and London: 1794. 8°. 7218 Eights of Man. Baltimore: 1791. 8°. 7219 Eights of Man. Part Second. Combining Principle and Practice. 2d Phila. Ed. 1792. 8°. 7220 Decline and Fall of the English System of Finance. Philada. 1796. 8^. 7221 Letters to the Citizens of the U. S., on his Arrival from France. Washington City: 1802. 8°. 7222 Thomas Paine to the Citizens of Penna. , on the Proposal for calling a Convention. Philad. 1805. 12°. 7223 Letter to the Earl of Shelburne. [With Appendix not in the Ed. of 1783.] Dublin: 1791. 8°. 7224 ■ Common Sense. Written by an Englishman. Phila. Boston: 1776. 8°. 7225 Additions to Common Sense. Boston: 1776. 8°. 7226 Trial of Thos. Paine, for Libel contained in the Second Part of the Eights of Man. Boston: 1793. 8°. 7227 Writings of P. Albany: 1794. 8°. 7228 PALFEEY, JOHN G. Disc, on Temperance. April 5, 1827. [Boston]: 1827. 18°. [Scarce.] 7229 History of New England. Boston: 1859-60. 2v. 8°. 7230 Sermons on duties belong, to some of the Conditions, etc., of private life. Boston: 1834. 8°. 7231 Same. 2d ed. Cambridge: 1835. 8°. 7232 PALMEE, J. W. The New and the Old; or, California and India. With 13 Illustrations. New York: 1859. 12°. 7233 PALMER, JOHN C. E. Explanations; or 1830. Facts in the life of. Boston: 1831. 8°. 7234 PALMEE. JOSEPH. Necrologv of Alumni of Harvard Col- lege, 1851-52 to 1862-63. Boston: 1864. 8°. 7235 PALMEE, PETEE S. History of Lake Champlain, from 1609 to the close of 1814. Albany: 1866. 8°. 7236 PALMEE, THOMAS H. Historical Eegister of the U. S. From 1812 to Jan. 1st, 1814. 2d ed. Philadelphia: 1814-16. 8°. 4 vols. [Very rare.] 7237 Prize Essay. The Teacher's Manual. Boston: 1843. 12°. 7238 PAMPHLETS. Lot of 161. Eemarkable Events; Eemarkable Trials; Josiah Quincy and Edward Everett's Addresses, etc. CATALOGUE. 403 7239 PAMPHLETS. Miscellaneous Lot of 251. 7140 PAXOPLIST (The). 13 vols., 1806-17, inclusive. Best. 8«. 7241 PANTHEON" OF THE AGE, (The); or, Memoirs of 3,000 Contemporaiy Public Characters, British and Foreign. Second ed. London: 1825. 12°. 7242 PAPERS of the New Haven Colony Hist. Society. Vol. 1. N. Haven: 1865. 8°. 7243 Relating to Public Events in Massachusetts preceding the Amer. Revolution. Phila.: 1856. 8°. ['76 Soc] 7244 Relating to Pemaquid and Parts adjacent in Maine. Com- piled by F. B. Hough. Albany: 1856. 8°. 7245 Concerning the Attack on Hatfield and Deerfield by a Party of Indians from Canada, Sept. 19th, 1677. N. York: 1859. R. 8°. [Bradford Club, No. 1.] Map. 7246 PARENTAL LEGACIES. Boston: 1804. 8°. 7247 PARIS, MATTHEW. English History. From 1235-73. From the Latin, by Rev. J. A. Giles, d.c.l. Lond: 1852. 2 vols. 12°. Port. 7248 PARIS. Sinnett's Picture of. London: 1849. 16°. 7249 Picture of P., by L. Trouchet. 4th ed. London: 1815. 18°. 7250 New Picture of P., by Ed. Planta. London: 1814. 18°. 7251 PARISH, ELIJAH. Sacred Geography; or a Gazetteer of the Bible. Boston: 1813. 8°. Maps. 7252 Sermons practical and doctrinal, with a biog. sketch of the Author. Boston: 1826. 8°. 7253 PARIVAL, J. N. De. Abrege de L'Histoire de ce Siecle de fer. A. Leyde: 1653. 12°. 7254 PARK, EDWARDS A. Writings of Wm. Bradford Homer, Pastor of the Congl. Ch. in So. Berwick, Me., with Intrody. Essay and Memoir. 2d Ed. Boston: 1849. 12°. 7255 Writings of Professor B. B. Edwards, with a Memoir. 2 vols. Boston: 1853. 12°. 7256 PARK, JOHN. The Boston Spectator; devoted to Politicks and Belles-Lettres. Boston: 1814. 4°. 7257 PARK, MUNGO. Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa in 1795, 6 and 7. N. York: 1813. 12°. 7258 PARK, ROSWELL. Sketch of the hist, and topog. of West Point, and the U. S. Military Acad. Phila. : 1840. 18°. 7259 PARKER, A. A. A Trip to Texas; comprising a Journey of 8,000 miles. Concord, N. H., 1835. 12°. [Rare.] 7260 Same. 2d ed. Concord: Boston: 1836. 12°. 7261 PARKER, JOHN R. Musical Biography; Sketches of the Lives and Writings of eminent Musical Characters. Boston: 1825. 8°. 7262 PARKER, NATHAN, d.d. Sermons by, late Pastor of the South Church, Portsmouth, N. H. With a Memoir of the Author by Henry Ware, Jr., d.d. Portsmouth: 1835. 8°. 404 CATALOGUE. 7263 PARKER, K. HOWE. Iowa in 1855; a Gazetteer for Citizens, and a Hand-Book for Emigrants. Chicago, 111. : 1855. 12°. Plates. 7264 The Iowa Hand-Book, for 1857. With a new and correct Map. Boston: 1857. 12°. 7265 The Minnesota Hand-Book, for 1856-7. Boston: 1857. 12°. Map. 7266 Kansas and Nebraska Hand-Book, for 1857-8. With a New and Accurate Map. Boston: 1857. 12°. 7267 PARKER, RICHARD GREEN. Tribute to the Life and Character of Jonas Chickering. Boston: 1854. 12°. Portrait. 7268 PARKER, SAM'L. Journal of an Exploring Tour beyond the Rocky Mountains. Ithaca, N. Y. : 1838. 12". Map. 7269 Same. 5th ed. Auburn: 1846. 12°. Map. 7270 PARKER, THEODORE. Trial of, for the " Misdemeanor " of a Speech in Eaneuil Hall against Kidnapping. Boston: 1855. 8°. 7271 Experience as a Minister, with some Account of his early Life. Boston: 1859. 8°. 7272 2 vols. 60 Tr. Y. 1. On the Trans, and perm, in Christ, 1841; same, 2d ed. ; same, 3d ed. ; The So. Boston Unit. Ordina- tion, 1841; Reply to Parker^s Review of Hennell, 1844; Relation of Jesus to his Age, 1845; The Excellence of Goodness, 1845; True Position of T. P., by Rev. J. T. Sargent, 1845; Answers to Questions to the Bost. Asso. of Cong. Ministers, 1845; Answer to Questions to Rev. T. P. and his Friends, by a " Friend Indeed," 1845; Installation Sermon, Jan. 4, 1846; Letter to the Bost. Asso., 1845; Parker and His Views, Christ. Exam., 1845; Letter to the so- called " Boston Churches," 1846; a Sermon of War, 1846; Perishing Classes in Boston, 1846; Immortal Life, 1846; Of Merchants, 1846; The Dangerous Classes, 1847; The Most Christian Use of the Sun- day, 1848; Letter on Slavery, 1848. Y. 2. On the Mexican War, 1848; Moral and Spirit, condition of Boston, 1849; Public Education of the Pulpit, 1850; Review of Webster's Speech, 1850; Sermon of Conscience, 1850; State of the Nation, 1851; Chief Sins of the People, 1851; Rendition of Simms, 1852; T. P., The Reform Pulpit, by J. T. Sargent, 1852; Death of Daniel Webster, 1852; Public Functions of Woman, 1853; Friendly Letter to the Am. Unit. Asso, 1853; the Nebraska Ques- tion, 1854. The New Crime against Humanity, 1854; Parker and his Theol., Jas. Freeman Clarke, 1859; Theo. Parker, by O. B. Fi^othingham, 1860; John Brown's Exped., 1860; Tribute to T. P., 1860; Tribute to, by W. R. Alger, 1860; A Sermon of Old Age, 1859; The Revival of Religion which we need, 1858; What Religion may do for a Man, 1859; Effect of Slavery, 1858; A New Lesson For the Day, 1856; Moral Dangers incident to Prosperity, 1855; Dangers to the Rights of Man in Amer. , 1854. CATALOGUE. 405 7273 PARKER, W. B. Notes during the Expedition of Capt. Marcy, through Unexplored Texas, in 1854. Phila. : 1856. 12°. 7274 PARKER SOCIETY. Letters relative to the Reformation, written during the Reigns of Hen. 8, Ed. 6, and Q. Mary. Ed. by Rev. Hastings Robinson, d.d. The first Portion. Cambridge: 1846. 8°. 7276 Original Letters. Cambridge: 1847. 8°. 7276 PARKINSON,»RICHARD, late of Orange Hill, near Baltimore. A Tour in America, 1798-1800. London: 1805. 2v. 8°. 7277 PARKINSON, SYDNEY. Journal of a Voyage to the South Seas, in his Majesty's Ship the Endeavour; embellished with 29 Viewes and Designes, engraved by capital Artists. With Appendix of Byron, Wallis, Carteret, Bougainville, Cook, and Clarke's Voy- ages. London: 1784. R 4°. Parkinson was draughtsman to Sir Jos. Banks, In his exped. around the world. 7278 PARKMAN, FRANCIS. Conspiracy of Pontiac. Boston: 1851. 8°. Maps. 7279 France and England in North America. A Series of His- torical Narratives. Part I. Boston: 1865. 12°. 7280 PARLIAMENTARY REGISTER. Vol.9. Lond.:1778. 8°. 7281 For 1795. [Vol.42.] London: 1795. 8°. 7282 During 1st sess. of the 18th Pari. Vol. 1. Lond.: 1797. 8°. 7283 PARNELL, THOMAS. Poems on several occasions, and published by Mr. Pope. 9th ed. Dublin: 1776. 12°. 7284 PARNELL, JAS. A Testimony concerning the Sufferings and Death of. [No title page.] 4°. 7285 PARRIS, SAML. BARTLETT. Remains of. Miscellaneous Poems and Essays, with Biograph. Sketch. Plymouth, Mass.: 1829. 12°. 7286 PARRY, J. D. Hist, and desc. of Wobum and its Abbey, etc. 6 Plates. London, n. d. 8°. 7287 PARSONS, BENJAMIN. The Greatness of the British Em- pire, traced to its Sources. [2 vols, in one.] Lond.: 1851. Cr. 12°. 72«8 Last Words of an Advocate of Pure Evangelical Religion. N. York: 1856. 18°. 7289 PARSONS, C. G. Inside View of Slaveiy, with Intrody. Note by H. B. Stowe. Boston: 1855. 12°. 7290 PARSONS, C. W. Memoir of Usher Parsons, m.d. Provi- dence: 1870. 8^^. 7291 PARSONS, HORATIO A. Book of Niagara Falls. 6th ed. Buffalo: 1838. 18°. View of Falls. 7292 Same. 3d ed. Buffalo: 1836. 18°. Maps. 7293 Same. 5th ed. Buffalo: 1838. 18^ Map. 7294 PARSONS, ISAAC, (Rev.) Memoir of the Life of Rev. Joseph Vaill,latePastorof theCh. inHadlyme. N.Y.:1839. 12^. Front. 406 CATALOGUE. 7295 PAKSOl^S, KOBEKT. Leycesters Commonwealth: Conceived, Spoken, and Published with most earnest Protestation of all duti- full good Will and affection towards this Eealme; for whose Good onely it is made common to many. Printed, 1641. 4°. Ley- cester's Ghost. [A Poem: also published in connection with it, but paged separately.] 4°. Dr. James Drake edited an edition of this work (except the "Q-host") which was puh. lished in 1706, 8°. The title was changed to "Secret Memoirs of Rohert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, Prime Minister and Favourite of Queen Elizabeth," etc. — S. Oc. D. 7296 Parsons, his Christian Directory, a Treatise of Holy Kesolutions. Put into Modern English by Geo. Stanhope, d.d. 6th ed. London: 1735. 8°. 7297 PARSONS, THEOPHILUS. Memoir of; with Notices of some of his Contemporaries. Boston: 1859. 12°. Portrait. 7298 Essays. Boston: 1845. 12°. 7299 P ARSONS, USHER. Life of Sir William Pepperrell, Bart. London: 1856. Cr. 8°. 7300 PARTON, J. Life of Horace Greeley. New York: 1855. 12°. 7301 Life of John Jacob Astor. N. York: 1865. 12°. 7302 General Butler in New Orleans. 12th ed. N. York: 1864. Port. 7303 PASSION-FLOWERS. [Poems.] Boston: 1854. 12°. 7304 PATENT OFEICE REPORTS. 1847-59, 61. Washington, 1848-62. 25 V. 8°. 7305 PATERSON, DANIEL. The Roads of England. London: 1811. 8°. Maps. [t. p. w.] 7306 New and Accurate Description of all the Direct and Princi- pal Cross Roads in Eng. and Wales, and part of the Roads of Scot- land. 13th ed. London: 1803. 12°. 7307 PATESHALL, RICHARD, (a.m.) PRIDE humbled, or Mr. Hobby chastised: some Remarks on said Hobby's Defence of the ' Conduct of the Rev. Mr. Whitefield. Boston: 1745. 4°. 7308 PATRIOTIC ADDRESSES to the President of the U. S. Bos- ton: 1798. 12°. 7309 PATRIOTICK Proceedings of the legislature of Mass., Jan. 26- March4, 1809. Boston: 1809. 8°. 7310 PATRIOTISM AND PIETY: Speeches of Gov. Caleb Strong. Newburyport: 1808. 12°. 7311 PATRIOTISM in Poetry and Prose: selected Passages from J. E. Murdock. Also Poems by T. B. Read, G. H. Boker, P. de H. Janvier, and others. Phila. : 1864. 12°. 7312 PATRIOTS of North America. New York: 1775. 8°. 7313 PATTEN, WILLIAM, d.d. Reminiscences of the late Rev. Samuel Hopkins, D.D. Providence, R. I.: 1843. 18°. 7314 • Serm. at the Request of the African Benevolent Soc, in the 2d Congregational Ch. Newport, April, 1808. Newport: 1808. 4°. CATALOGUE. 407 7315 PATTEN, WILLIAM, d.d. Memoirs of Mrs. Ruth Patten, of Hartford, Conn. Hartford: 1834. 12°. Portrait. 7316 PATTERS0:N', D. WILLIAMS. Letter of Directions to his Father's Birth-place, by John Holmes. Notes and Geneal. New York: 1865. 8°. 7317 Memorables of the Montgomeries. N. Y. : 1866. R. 8°. 7318 PATTERSON, JOHN. Memoir of Joseph Train, f.s.A. An- tiquarian Correspondent of Sir Walter Scott. Glasgow: Edinburgh: 1857. 16°. 7319 PATTERSON, LAWSON B. Twelve Years in the Mines of California. Cambridge : •1862. 12°. 7320 PATTERSON, Gen. ROBERT. Narrative of the Campaigns in the Valley of the Shenandoah in 1861. . Phila. : 1865. 8°. 7321 PATTERSON, SAMUEL. Narrative of Adventures and Suf- ferings in the Pacific Ocean, and with an Account of the Feegee, and Sandwich Islands. Palmer, [Mass.:] 1801. 12°. [Rare.] 7322 PAULDING, JAMES K. Life of Washington. In Two Vols. N. York: 1835-6. 18°. Illust. 7323 The Backwoodsman. A Poem. Philadelphia: 1818. 12°. M. Thomas, 52 Chestnut st. [Scarce.] For this production Paulding was mercilessly criticised by Bnelling, in " Truths." 7324 American Comedies. Phila. : 1847. 12°. 7325 — — Chronicles of the City of Gotham, from the Papers of a Retired Common Councilman. N. York: 1830. 12°. 7326 The United States and England: a reply to Inchiquin's Letters." N! Y.: 1815. 8°. ; — in same vol. Mutius' Letters to the Prest. of the U. S. Wash.: 1810. 8°.— Correspondence be- tween R. G. Harper and Robt. Walsh, Jr. Phila.: 1813.— Emott Jas' Speech in H. of R., 12th Jan. 1813. Boston: 1813.— Hunter, Wm. Speech on the Propriety of seizing East Forida. Newport: 1813; and five other tracts incl. Proceedings of the Hartford Con- vention. Hartford: 1815. 8°. [Very scarce.] 7327 PAULDING, WM. J. Literary Life of James K. Paulding; by his Son. New York: 1867. 12°. Portrait. 7328 PAYNE, A. R. M. The Geral-Milco; Narrative of a Resi- dence in a Brazilian Valley. Map and Illusts. New York: 1852. 12°. 7329 PAYSON, EDWARD, (Rev.) Sermons, by Pastor of the Second Church irf Portland. Portland: 1828. 8°. Portrait. 7330 PAYSON, SETH. Proofs of Dangerous Tendency of Ulumi- nism. Charlestown: 1802. 12°. 7331 PAZOS, DON VICENTE. Letters on the United Provinces of South America, addressed to the Hon. Henry Clay. From the Spanish by P. H. Crosby, Esq. New York. London: 1819. 8°. Map. 40S CATALOGUE, 7332 PEABOBY, ANDREW P. Sermons connected with the Re- opening of the Church of the South Parish in Portsmouth, K. H. Portsmouth: 1859. 12°. 7333 Memorial of John W. Poster. Portsmouth. Boston: 1852. 12°. Portr. 7334 Conversation; its Faults and its Graces. Kew Ed. Bos- ton: 1856. 16°. 7335 PEABODY, EYERETT. Literary Remains of Wm. B. O. Peabody. Boston: 1850. 12°. Portrait. 7336 PEABODY, GEO. Proceedings at the Dinner at the London Coffee House. London: 1851. 8°. 7337 PEABODY, JOEL R. World of Wonders; showing the Triumph of Animal Magnetism in New England. Boston: 1838. 16°. 7338 PEABODY, WM. B. O. Sermons, with Mem. by his Brother. 2ded. Boston: 1849. 12°. Portrait. 7339 The Springfield Collection of Hymns. Springfield: 1835. 16°. 7340 PEACOCK, GEO. Hand-Book of Abyssinia. Lond.: 1867. 12°. 7341 PEAK, JOHN. Memoirs of P. By himself. Boston: 1832. 12°. 7342 Memoirs. 2d ed. Boston: 1832. 18°. Portrait. 7343 Serm. on Sanctifi cation: with Memoirs of Mrs. Gale, and Mrs. Esther Peak. 4th ed. Boston: 1840. 32°. Portrait. 7344 PE ALE , REMBR ANDT. Notes on Italy, written during a Tour in the Years 1829 and 1830. Phila. : 1831. 8°. 7345 PEARS, STEWART A. The Correspondence of Sir Philip Sid- ney and Languet. London: 1845. 8°. Port. 7346 PEARSON, Rev. HUGH. Memoirs of Rev. Claudius Bu- chanan. Boston: 1818. 12°. 7347 PEARSON, JONATHAN. Contributions for the Genealogies of the First Settlers of Schenectady. Albany: 1873. 4°. 7348 Early Records of the City and County of Albany, and Colony of Renssellaerswyck. 1656-1675. From the Dutch. Albany: 1869. 8°. 7349 PECK, GEO., d.d. Wyoming; its History, stirring Incidents, and Romantic Adventures. Illust. N. Y.: 1858. 12°. 7350 PECK, IRA B. Genealogy of the Descendants of Joseph Peck, who emigrated to this Country in 1638. Boston: 1868. 8°. Ports. 7351 PECK, JOHN. Poem, containing a descant on the Universal Plan. 4th ed. Boston: 1858. 18°. — Spirit of Methodism. A Poem. N. Y.: 1831. 18°. 7352 and John Lawton. Historical Sketch of the Bapt. Mission- ary Convention of N. Y. Utica: 1837. 12°. 7353 PECK, J. M. Gazetteer of Illinois. Three Parts. 2ded. Phila.: 1837. 18°. 7354 Gazetteer of Illinois. Jacksonville: 1834. 16°. [First ed.] 7355 Traveller's Directory for Illinois. N. Y.: 1839. 18°. Map. CATALOGUE. 409 7356 PECK, J. M. New Guide for Emigrants to the West, contain- ing Sketches of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Michigan. Boston: 1836. 18°. 7357 New Guide to the West: containing Sketches of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, Wisconsin and Iowa. Cincinnati: 1848. 18°. 7358 " Father Clark," or the Pioneer Preacher. Sketches and Incidents of Rev. John Clark. By an Old Pioneer. N.Y.:1855. 16°. 7359 Guide for Emigrants, containing Sketches of Illinois, Mis- souri. Boston: 1831. 18°. Map. 7360 PECK, WM. B. and C. E. Tourist's Companion to Niagara • Palis, Saratoga Springs, the Lakes, Canada, &c. Engravings and Maps. Buffalo: 1845. 18°. 7361 PEEP (A) Behind the Curtain. By a Supernumerary. Boston: 1850. 12°. 7362 PEEP AT THE PILGRIMS in 1636. A Tale of Olden Times. 2 vols. Boston: 1824. 12°. 7363 PEERAGE. Extinct Peerage of England, to the Present Time. London: 1769.- 18°. 7364 PEGG, SAMUEL. Anecdotes of the English Language : regard- ing the Local Dialect of London. 2d ed. London : 1814. 8°. 7365 PEIRCE, BENJAMIN. History of Harvard University. Cam- bridge: 1833. 8°. Plates. 7366 Elem. treatise on plane and spherical Trigonometry. New ed. Boston: 1852. 8°. 7367 PEIRCE, J. A Tractate on Church Music; being an Extract from the Revd. and Learned Mr. Peirce's Vindication of the Dis- senters. London: 1786. 8°. Autog. of Bartholomew Kneeland. 7368 PELHAM, WILLIAM. System of Notation; representing the Sounds of Alphabetical Characters by a new Application of the accentual Marks in present Use. Boston: 1808. 12°. [Scarce.] 7369 PEMBERTON, EBENEZER. True Servant of his Generation Characterized. Serm. on the Death of the Hon. John Walley. Boston: 1712, 4°. 7370 Serm. on the Death of the Rev. Samuel Willard. [Title, &c., incl. to p. 2 gone.] 16°. 7371 Practical Discourses on various texts. Boston: 1741. 12°. 7372 PEMBLE, WILLIAM. Yindicise Gratice. A Plea for Grace. More especially the Grace of Faith. London: 1627. Rare. Has MS. note by Mr. D. 7373 PENDLETON, W. N., d.d. Science a witness for the Bible. Phila.: 1860. 12°. 7374 PENHALLOW, SAMUEL. The History of the Wars of New England with the Eastern Indians. Boston: 1726. 12°. Very scarce indeed. The title and a few leaves of this copy are supplied by reprinting, in fac-simile. 410 CATALOGUE. 7375 PEI^HALLOW, SAMUEL. Same. Cincinnati: 1859. 4°. 7376 PEKK, GEAllTVILLE. Memorials of the Life and Times of Sir William Penn, Admiral and General of the Fleet, during the Interregnum. Two Yols. London: 1833. 8°. Portraits. 7377 The Bioscope, or Dial of Life, explained; and an Elem. Yiew of General Chronology. 2d Ed. London : 1814. 12°. 7378 A Christian's Survey of all the Primary Events and Periods of the World. 3d Ed. London: 1824. 12°. 7379 Institutes of Christian Perfection, of Marcus the Egyptian, called The Great. London: 1816. 12°. 7380 PEi^K, JOHK. The Battle of Eddington; or British liberty. A tragedy. 2d ed. London: 1832. 8°. Autog. " Lady Burke with Mr. Penn's Compliments." 7381 PEiNTK, WILLIAM. A Brief Account of the Kise and Progress of the People called Quakers. 5th ed. London: 1748. 12°. 7382 Ko Cross Ko Crown. 6th ed. London: 1702. 8°. 7383 Collection of the Works of. 2 vols. To which is prefixed a Journal of his Life. Letters and State Papers. Lond. : 1726. Fol. 7384 — - Life and Anecdotes of. Phila. : 1848. 12°. 7385 Fruits of Solitude. 11th ed. Phila. : 1794. And Fruits of a Father's Love. 9th ed. Phila. : 1794. 12°. 7386 PE]S':N'AKT, THOMAS. Literary Life of . Written by himself . London: 1793. 4°. Plates, original and inserted. 7387 History of the Parishes of Whiteford and Holywell. Lon- don: 1796. 4°. Plates. 7388 Journey from Chester to London. London: 1782. 4°. Plates. 7389 Some Account of London. 2ded. London: 1791. 4°. Port. 7390 PEN:N'SYLYANIA. Documents relating to the Manufacture of Iron in Pennsylv. Phila. : 1850. 8°. Numerous folding Tables. 7391 PE:N^]S'SYLYA]S'IA HISTOKICAL society. Memoirs. Yol. 4, pt. 1. Phila.: 1840. 8°. 7392 PEOPLE'S MAGAZrN"E, The, Yol. 1. March, 1833-March, 1834. 8°. 7393 PEPE, G., Lt. Gen. Narrative of Scenes and Events in Italy. From 1847 to 1849. From unpubd. Italian Manuscript. 2 vols. London: 1850. 12°. 7394 PEPYS, SAMUEL. Memoires Kelating to the State of the Royal Navy of England, for Ten Years, Determined December, 1688. London: 1690. 8°. This curious little volume belonged to the Duke of Sussex. It has the rare portrait of Pepys ; also autograph of Wm. Ashurst, 1690. 7395 Diary and Correspondence, with Life and Notes by Lord Braybrook. New ed. London: 1865. 4v. 8°. Portrait. 7396 PERCIYAL, JAMES G. Clio. No. 3. N. Y.: 1827. 12°. 7397 Poems. New Haven: 1821. 18°. [Scarce.] CATALOGUE. 411 7398 PERCIVAL, JAMES G. Prometheus. Pt. 2, with other Poems. New Haven: 1822. 18°. 7399 PERCY, THOMAS. Reliques of Ancient English Poetry. London: 1846. 3v. 18°. 7400 PERKINS, A. T. Sketch of the Life and Works of John Singleton Copley. Cambridge: 1873. r. 8°. 7401 Losses to Literature and Art by the Great Fire in Boston, [of Nov. 9 and 10, 1872.] Boston: 1873. 4°. 7402 PERKINS, B. W. Brief in the Matter of Capt. B. W. Perkins, agt. the Government of Russia. 4°. 7403 PERILS and CAPTIVITY. Sufferings of the Picard Family ■ after the Shipwreck of the Medusa, in 1816. Captivity of M. De Brigson, 1785. Voyage of Madame Godin along the Amazon in 1770. Boston; 1831. 18°. 7404 PERKINS, JAMES H., (Rev.) Annals of the West. Cincin- nati, O.: 1847. 8°. 7405 Memoir and Writings of James Handasyd Perkins. Edited by William Henry Channing. 2 vols. Boston: 1851. 12°. 7406 PERKINS, N. M., Rev. The Vestry Harp, a Collection of Hymns and Tunes. Boston: 1858. 12°. 7407 PERKINS, NATHAN, d.d. Twenty-four Discourses on some of the important and interesting Truths, Duties and Institutions of the Gospel. Hartford: 1795. 8°. 7408 PERKINS, SAMUEL. Historical Sketches of the United States, from the Peace of 1815 to 1830. N. Y.: 1830. 12°. 7409 The World as it is. Nmnerous Engravings. 5th ed. Hart- ford: 1840. 12°. 7410 History of the Political and Military Events of the Late War between the U. S. and Great Britain. N. Haven: 1825. 8°. Port. 7411 PERKINS, WM. Workes of that Famous and worthie Minister of Christ, in the Universitie of Cambridge. Newly corr. according to his owne Copies. Vol. 2. Cambridge : 1609. Fol. 7412 Cases of Conscience. London: 1606. 4°. 7413 PERMANENT TEMPERANCE DOCUMENTS of the American Temperance Society. Vol. 1. Boston: 1835. 7414 P^ROUSE JOHN FRA. GALAUP de la. Voyage of, Round the World, in 1785-8. Arranged by M. L. A. Milet Mureau. Voyage from Manilla to St. Blaise. And Travels over the Conti- nent, with the Despatches of La Perouse in 1787^. By M. De Les- seps fr. the French. 51 Plates. London: 1798. 2v. 8°. 7415 PERPETUAL LAWS (The) of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts, from Oct. 1780 to May 1789. Boston: 1789. Fol. 7416 PERRY, M. C, Commodore. Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Sea and Japan. B. F. L. Hawks, d.d. Washington: 1856. 3v. 4°. Numerous Illustrations. 28 412 CATALOGUE. 7417 PEKKY, WILLIAM. Synonymous, Etymological, and Pro- nouncing Dictionary and Grammar. London: 1805. r. 8°. 7418 General Dictionary of the English Language and Gram- mar. Portrait of Author. London: 1795. 12°. 7419 Koyal Standard English Dictionary. Boston: [n. d.] s. 4°. 7420 Same. [n. t. p.] s. 4°. 7421 PEKEY, WM. STEVENS, d.d. Papers relating to the His- tory of the Church in Virginia 1650-1776. Privately printed. 1870. 7422 Same rel. to Ch. in Mass. 1676-1785. Priv. print. 1873. 7423 Same rel. to Ch. in Pennsylvania 1680-1778. Privately print. 1871. 7424 PEKKY, WM. S. Churchman's Year Book, with Calendar for 1870. Hartford: 1870. sq. 12°. 7425 PETEK, JOHN. A Relation or Diary of the Siege of Vienna. London: 1684. 4°. Plans. [Scarce.] 7426 PETEK THE GKEAT. History of the Life and Keign of the Czar, Emperor of Kussia. New Ed. Trenton: 1813. 12°. 7427 PETERS, HUGH. Historical and Critical Account of Hugh Peters. London: 1751. Rep.: 1818. 4°. Portrait. 7428 PETERS, JOHN K. Remarks upon the Government of the Chinese. Boston: 1845. 8°. 7429 PETERS, RICHARD. Keport of the Case of Edward Prigg against the Comwtli. of Pa. in the Supreme Court of the U. S.,1842, relative to Fugitive Slaves. Phila. : 1842. 8°. 7430 Case of the Cherokee Nation vs. the State of Georgia deter- mined at the Sup. Court of the U. S. , Jan. 1831. Phil. : 1831. 8°. The blank leaves at end are occupied by cuttings and MS. notes affecting the Cherokees and their controversies with the govt. 7431 PETERS, SAML. General History of Connecticut, from the first Settlement under Geo. Fenwick, to its latest Period of Amity with Great Britain prior to the Revolution. Illustrated. New Haven: 1829. 12°. [Scarce.] [Imp. copy.] 7432 PETERSBURG, VA. Report of the Comte. on the Conduct of the war on the Attack on Petersburg. Wash. : 1865. 8°. 7433 PETERSON, CHARLES J. Mihtary Heroes of the Revolu- tion: with a Narrative of the War of Independence. Phila.: [n. d.] Plates. 7434 PETERSON, EDWARD, Rev. History of Rhode Island. N. York: 1853. 8°. Engravings. 7435 PETHEKAM, JOHN. Historical Sketch of the Progress and Present State of Anglo-Saxon Literature in England. London: 1840. 8°. 7436 PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS of the Proprietors of West and East Jersey, to the Legr. of N. Jersey. N. Y. : 1783. 8°. 7437 PETO, S. MORTON. Resources and Prospects of America: London: 1866. 8°. CATALOGUE. 413 7438 PETT, Sir PETER. Memoirs of the Rt. Hon. Arthur, Earl of Anglesey. London: 1693. 8°. 7439 PETTIGREW, T. J. Chronicles of the Tombs. A Select Collection of Epitaphs, and Essay on Epitaphs. London: 1857. 12°. 7440 PETTIGREW, THOS. JOSEPH. Life and Writings of the late John Coakley Lettsom, m.d. With Correspondence. London: 1817. 3v. 8°. Portrait. 7441 PETTIT, EDWARD. Divisions of Government. London: 1684. 8°. Curious Frontispiece. 7442 PETTY, WILLIAM, Sir. Discourse made before the Royal Society concerning the use of Duplicate Proportion; with a new Hypothesis of Springing of Elastique Motions. London: 1674. 18°. 7443 Several Essays in Political Arithmetick. 4th ed. Memoirs of Authors. London: 1755. 8°. 7444 PETYT, WILLIAM. Miscellanea Parliamentaria. Cont. Directions. 1. Of Freedom from Arrests. 2. Of Censures. Lon- don: 1680. 12°. 7445 PEYRE-FERRY, FRANCOIS. Art of Epistolary Composi- tion. And a Discourse on Education, by Capt. Alden Partridge. Middletown (Conn.) : 1826. 12°. Portrait of Capt. Partridge. 7446 PFEIFFER, IDA. Journey to Iceland, and Travels in Sweden and Norway. Translated by Charlotte Fenimore Cooper. N. Y. : 1852. 12°. Map. 7447 A Lady's Second Journey round the World. London: 1855. 2v. 12°. 7448 PHARMACOPCEIA NOSOCOMII NEO-EBORACENSIS ; or, the Pharmacopoeia of the New York Hospital. N. Y. : 1816. 8°. 7449 (The) of the U. S. of America. 1820. Bost.: 1820. 8°. 7450 PHELPS, ALMIRA H. LINCOLN. Lectures to Young La- dies. Delivered to the Pupils of Troy Female Seminary. Boston: 1833. 12°. Plate. 7451 PHELPS, RICHARD H. History of Newgate of Connecticut, at Simsbury, now East Granby; its Insurrections and Massacres. Albany; 1860. 4°. Port. 7452 PHELPS, S. DRYDEN. Eloquence of Nature, and other Poems. Hartford: 1842. 12°. [In vol. of Miscellany.] 7453 PHELPB, SAML. M. Triumphs of Divine Grace; a Poem: added Promiscuous Pieces by Harriette E. Phelps. N. Y.: 1835. 12°. 7454 PHELPS' TRAVELLER'S GUIDE through the U. S. N. Y. : 1847. 18°. Map. 7455 PHENIX (The): or, a Revival of Scarce and Valuable Pieces from the Remotest Antiquity down to the Present Times. Lon- don: 1707. 8°. [Very rare.] Autog. Francis Foxcroft. 414 CATALOGUE. 7456 PHILADELPHIA. Annual Eeport of the Watering Comm. for 1836. Prefixed Eeport for 1822, and an extract from Eeport for 1823. Phila.: 1837. 8°. 7457 And its Manufactures: a Hand Book of the Manufacturing Industry of Phila. By E. T. Freedley. Phila.: 1858. 12°. 7458 A Hand-book for the Stranger in. By a Philadelphian, Phila.: 1854. 18°. 7459 In 1830-31 : or, a Brief Account of the various Institutions. Phila.: 1830. 18°. Map. 7460 Ladies' Philadelphia Shopping Guide. 1859. 18°. 7461 Stranger's Guide in Philad. and its Environs. Phila.: 1852. 18°. 7462 In 1824; or, a Brief Account of the various Institus. With a Plan, Views, &c, Phila.: Aug. 1824. 18°. 7463 Hand Book for the Stranger in. By a Philadelphian. ■ Phila.: 1849. 16°. Map. 7464 PHILADELPHUS. Letters addressed to Caleb Strong. Show- ing war to be inconsistent. K. Y. London: Eepr. 1818. 8°. 7465 Same. 3d ed. Providence: 1818. 8°. 7466 PHILANDEOS. An Astonishing Affair! The Eev. Saml. Arnold cast and tried for his Cruelty. Concord: 1830. 18°. 7467 PHILALETHES, EUGEIS'IUS. Anthroposophia Theomagica: or, a Discourse of the Nature of Man and his state after Death. London: 1650. 18°. Also, Anima Magica: or a Discourse of the universall Spirit of Nature. London: 1650. 7468 PHILALETHES and Toletus. A Friendly Dialogue between, upon the Nature of Duty. Newbypt. : 1784. 12°. 7469 PHILANTHEOPIC EESULTSof the Warin America. N.Y.: 1864. 18°. 7470 PHILANTHEOPOS. Essays of Philanthropos on Peace and War. 2d ed. Exeter, N. H.: 1827. 18°. 7471 PHILIP, EGBERT. Life and Times of the Rev. George White- field. London: 1838. 8°. Portrait. 7472 PHILIPOTT, THOMAS. Villare Cantianum: or Kent sur- veyed and Illustrated. Added an Historical Catalogue of the High Sheriffs of Kent. Collected by John Philipott. London: 1659. Fol. 7473 PHILIPS, KATHERINE. Poems. The Matchless Orinda. To which is added Monsieur Corneille's Pompey and Horace, Trage- dies. With several other Translations out of French. London: 1669. Fol. Portrait. 7474 Memoirs of the Life of Catherine Philips, to which are added some of her epistles. Phila. : 1798. 12°. 7475 PHILLIP, AETHUE. Voyage to Botany Bay; with Account of the Establishment of the Colonies of Port Jackson and Norfolk CATALOGUE. 415 Island. Added, the Journals of Lieuts. Shortland, Watts, Ball, and Capt. Marshall. London: 1789. 4°. Maps and Plates. Portrait. 7476 PHILLIPPO, J. M. Jamaica: Its Past and Present State. London: 1843. Cr. 8°. 7477 PHILLIPS, EDWARD. New World of Words: or Univer. Eng. Diet. 6th ed. Rev. By J. K. London: 1706. Fol. Frontis- piece. 7478 PHILLIPS, GEO. Reply to a Confutation of some grounds for Infants Baptisme: also, Concerning the form of a Church put forth against mee by one Thomas Lamb. London: 1645. 4°. Gone after p. 132. 7479 PHILLIPS, HENRY, Jr. Historical Sketches of the Paper Currency of the Araer. Colonies. 1st and 2d ser. Roxbury, Mass. : 1865. 2v. 4°. Ed. 250 copies. 7480 PHILLIPS, Sir RICHARD. A morning's walk from London toKew. London: 1817. 12°. Author's Autog. 7481 PHILLIPS, SAMUEL. Seasonable Advice to a Neighbor: a familiar Dialogue, relative to five important Points in Divinity. 2d ed. Cambridge: 1811. 12°. 7482 Seasonable Advice to a Neighbor. Boston: 1761. 12°. 7483 PHILLIPS, SAMUEL. Guide to the Crystal Palace and Park. London: 1857. 12°. 7484 PHILLIPS, WENDELL. Speeches, Lectures, and Letters. Boston. Redpath: 1863. 12°. Portrait. 7485 PHILLIPS, WILLARD. Propositions concerning Protec- tion and Free Trade. Boston: 1850. 12°. 7486 PHILLIPS, WILLIAM. Conquest of Kansas, by Missouri and her Allies. Boston: 1856. 12°. 7487 PHILOSOPHICAL DICTIONARY. From the French. Cats- kill, N. Y. : 1796. 18°. [Scarce.] 7488 PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS and Collections, to the End of 1700. London: 1705. 3v. 4°. 7489 Same. From 1700-20. London: 1721. 2v. 4°. 7490 Same. From 1719-33. By John Fames, F.R.S., and John Martin, f.r.s. London: 1734. 2v. 4°. 7491 Yol. 52, for 1762. v. 61, 62, for 1771. London: 1762-72. 3v. 4°. 7492 PHILP, J. M. Places worth Seeing in London: Hand Book of the Parks, Palaces, &c. Illustrations. London: [1858.] 8°. 7493 PHIPPS, CONSTANTINE JOHN. Voyage towards the North Pole, 1773. London: 1774. 4°. Maps and Plates. •* The scientific observations are of high value." 7494 PHIPPS, JOSEPH. Original and present state of Man, briefly consid. by the People called Quakers. Trenton: 1793. 8°. 416 CATALOGUE, 7495 PICIvELL, JOHN". New Chapter in the Early Life of Wash- ington, with Narrative History, of the Potomac Company. N. Y.: 1856. 8°. 7496 PICKEKING, DAYID. Lectures in Defence of Divine Keve- lation. Providence: 1830. 12°. 7497 PICKERING, H. Ruins of Athens, with other Poems. Wash- ington: 1831. 8°. 7498 PICKERING, JOHN. Yocahulary, or Collection of Words and Phrases which have been supposed to be peculiar to the United States. Boston: 1816. 8°. [Veiy rare.] 7499 PICKET, A. & W. The Academician, containing the Elements of Scholastic Science. New York: 1820. R. 8°. 7500 AND J. W. Geographical Grammar, combining the Inter- rogative mode of Instruction. N. Y. : 1816. 8°. Maps. 7501 PICKET, JOHN W. The Western Academician and Journal of Education and Science. Cincinn. : 1837. 8°. 7502 PICTURES of New York in 1846; Map of the City. N. York: 1856. 18°. 7503 PIDGEON, WILLIAM. Traditions of De-coo-dah, And An- tiquarian Researches: extensive Explorations, &c., of the mysterious earthen remains of the Mound-builders in America. N. Y. : 1858. 8°. Engravings. 7504 PIERCE, FRANKLIN, Life of. By D. W. Bartlett. Auburn, N. Y. : 1852. 12°. 7505 PIERCE, GEORGE E., d.d. Incidents of Western Travel : a Series of Letters. Ed. by Thomas O. Summers, d.d. Nashville, Tenn.: 1857. 12°. Port. 7506 PIERCE, JOHN, d.d. Address at the opening of the Town Hall, Brookline, Oct. 14, 1845. Bost.: 1846. 8°- 7507 PIERCE, JOSIAH. History of Gorham, Me. Portland: 1862. 8°. 7508 PIERCE, WM. L. Account of the Great Earthquake in the Western States, Dec. 16-23, 1811. Newburyport: 1812. 8°. 7509 The Year: A Poem in Three Cantos. N.Y.: 1813. 18°. [Scarce,] 7510 PIERPONT, JOHN. Airs of Palestine, 2d ed. 1817. 18°- 7511 Same. Sded.rev. Boston: 1817. 18°. 7512 Same. With other poems. Boston: 1840. 12°. 7513 PIERSON, HAMILTON W. Jefferson at Monticello. From entirely New Materials, with numerous Eac-similes. New York: 1862. 8°. Plates. 7514 PIGAFFETTA, LE CHEY'R. Premier Yoyage Autour du Monde, sur L'escadre de Magellan, et d'une Notice sur le chevalier Martin Behaim. Chartes et Figures. A Paris: 1801. 8°. Illust. 7515 PIGOT, J. Manchester and Salford Directory for 1811, with a Plan of the Town. Manchester: 1811. 8°. CATALOGUE. 417 7516 PIGOT, CHARLES. Political Dictionary. Illustrated and Exemplified in the Lives and Conduct of Illustrious Personages. ^. Y.: 1796. 18°. 7517 PIKE, NICHOLAS. New and Complete System of Arithmetic. Newburyport : 1788. 8°. No American library should be withoat Pike. — S. Or. D. 7518 PIKE, SAMUEL. Conpendious Hebrew Lexicon. Cambridge: 1802. 8°. 7519 PIKE, Z. M. (Maj.) Account of Expeditions to the Sources of the Mississippi, and through the Western Parts of Louisiana, to the Sources of the Arkansas, Kansas, La Platte and Pierre Juan, Rivers. Phila. : 1810. 8°. Numerous Maps. [Very scarce.] 7520 PILGRIM CELEBRATION, Account of. (Aug. 1, 1853.) Boston: 1853. 8°. 7521 PILKINGTON, M. Celebrated Female Characters in every Age and Nation. Illustrated. London: 1804. 18°. 7522 Mirror for the Female Sex. Historical Beauties for Young Ladies. Hartford: 1799. 12°. 7523 PILLET, Maj.-Gen. Views of England, during a Residence of Ten Years; Six of them as a Prisoner of "War. From the French. Boston: 1818. 12°. 7524 PINCKARD, GEORGE, m.d. Notes on the West Indies: written during the Expedition under the late General Sir Ralph Abercromby. London: 1806. 3v. 8°. 7525 PINKERTON, JOHN. Modern Geography. Digested on a New Plan. Maps. 2d Ed. London: 1806. 8°. 7526 Same. Astronomical Introd. by S. Vince. Article on America by Dr. Barton of Phila. Phila. : 1804. 2v. 8°. 7527 Same. London: 1802. 2v. 4°. 7528 PINKNEY, WILLIAM, d.d. The Life of. By his Nephew. N. Y.: 1853. 8°. Portrait. 7529 PINNEO, ORRAMEL, and E. H. Memoir of Addison Pin- neo. 3d Ed. Boston: 1848.- 18°. Front. 7530 PIOMINGO. The Savage, by a Headman and Warrior of the Muskogulgee Nation. Philad.: 1810. 12°. [John Robinson, the author.] 7531 PIOZZI, HESTHER LYNCH. Anecdotes of Saml. Johnson, during the last twenty Years of his Life. New Ed. Lond. : 1826. 8°. 7532 PITKIN, TIMOTHY. Statistical View of the Commerce of the United States. Hartford: 1816. 8". Original edition. 7533 Same. New Haven: 1835. 8°. 7534 Same. 2d Ed. N. Y.: 1817. 8°. 7535 Political and Civil History of the United States, to the close of the Administration of President Washington. N. Haven: 1828. 2v. 8°. 418 CATALOGUE. 7536 PITTE:N'GER, (Lt.) WM. Daring and Suffering. Phila.: 1864. 12°. Port. 7537 PLAIIS" DEALI:N'G. Or JSTews from :N'ew England. By Thos. Lechford. Boston: 1867. 4°. 7538 PLAII^ TRUTHS addressed to the Inhabitants of America,— remarks on a pamphlet, entitled Common Sense by Candidus. Phila. : 1776. 8°. — Rights of Great Britain Asserted. An answer to the *' Declaration of Congress." London and Phila. : 1776. 8°. — The True Interest of America. Phila. : 1776. 8°. — Observations on the Reconciliation of G. B. and the Colonies, by a Friend of Am'n Lib- erty. Phila.: 1776. 8°.— The True Interest of Britain, by Jos. Tucker, d.d. Phila. : 1776. 8°. An Address to the Inhabitants of Penna. by those Ereemen of the City of Phila. now confined in the Mason's Lodge. Phila. : 1777. 8°. The Second title is ascribed to Lord George Germaine ; no comment is needed on the value of early Revolutionary pamphlets. 7539 PLAI^ OF RE-UKION between Great Britain and Her Colonies. London: 1778. 8°. 7540 PLANS, for connecting Lakes Erie and Ontario. 5 nos. 7541 PLATFORM of Church Discipline agreed upon by Synod at Cambridge in New Eng., 1648. Boston: 1808. 12°. 7542 of Church-Discipline, gathered out of the Word of God; and Agreed upon by the Elders and Messengers of the Church in Synod at Cambridge in K. E. Boston; 1757.' 18°. Confession of Faith in Same Volume. [Very rare.] 7543 PLATO. Works of. With an Account of his Life. Vol. 1. Trans, with Notes by Madam Dacier. London: 1701. 8°. Autog. Jer. Belknap. 7544 Phedon, or a Dialogue of the Immortality of the Soul. London, [n. d.] 12°. 7545 PLAYFAIR, WILLIAM. History of Jacobinism, its Crimes, Cruelties, and Perfidies. Appendix by Peter Porcupine, containing a History of American Jacobins, commonly called Democrats. 2 vols. Phila.: 1796. 8°. Peter Porcupine was Wm. Cobbett's pseudonym. 7546 PLAYFERE, THOS. d.d. The Meane in Mourning. London: 1596. 16°. Marked as having cost a guinea. 7547 PLEASURES of Human Life: Investigated, Elucidated, Pro- mulgated, Discussed. By Hilaris Benevolus & Co. Bost.: 1807. 12°. 7548 PLINY, (The Consul.) Letters of, with occasional Remarks. By William Melmoth. Boston: 1809. 2v. 12°. 7549 PLOWDEN, FRANCIS. History of the British Empire, from May, 1792, to the Close of the Year 1793. Phila. : 1794. 8°. CATALOGUE, 419 7550 PLOWDEISr, FRANCIS. The Case Stated. Lond.: 1791. 8°. 7551 PLUMER, WILLIAM. Life of, by his son, William Plumer, Junior. Edited with a Sketch of the Author's Life, by A. P. Pear body. Boston: 1856. 8°. Portrait. 7552 Youth, or Scenes from the Past; and other Poems. Boston: 1841. 12°. 7553 Manhood, or Scenes from the Past; a Series of Poems. Boston: 1843. 12°. 7554 PLUMER, WILLIAM S. (Rev.) Thoughts on Religious Education and Early Piety. Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Richmond, Va. N. Y.: 1836. 18°. Plate. 7555 PLURALITY OF WORLDS, A. By the author of the Dialogues of the Dead. London: 1702. 12°. Plates, &c. 7556 PLUTARCH'S LIVES. From the Greek by Several Hands. 5 vols. Life of Plutarch. London: 1688. Plates. 7557 PLYMOUTH. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth in N. Eng. Ed. by N. B. Shurtleff. Boston: 1855-61. 12v. 4°. 7558 POCKET MAGAZINE. New York: 1796. 16°. Wanting to page 7. [Rare old magazine.] 7559 POCAHONTAS. Historical Drama, in Five Acts; with Essay and Notes. By a Citizen of the West. N. Y.: 1837. 12^. 7560 POCOCK, ROBERT. Memorials of the Family of Tufton, Earls of Thanet. Gravesend: 1800. 8°. Plates. [Rare.] 7561 POE, EDGAR A. The Conchologist's First Book. A System of Testaceous Malacology. 2d ed. Phila. : 1840. 12°. 7562 POEMS. Collection of, relating to State Affairs, from Oliver Cromwell to this Present Time. By the Greatest Wits of the Age. [Andrew Marvell, Waller, Dryden, Denham, Rochester.] London : 1705. 8°. Port, of Marvell. [Scarce.] 7563 POEMS By the Author of " Moral Pieces in Prose and Verse." Boston: S. G. Goodrich. 1827. 12°. 7564 By a South Carolinian. Charleston: 1848. 12°. 7565 POET (The), and his Song. Charleston: 1848. 12°. 7566 POETICAL MIRROR; or. The Living Bards of Britain. Phila.: 1817. 18°. 7567 POETRY of the Seasons. Boston: 1842. 16°. 7568 POLE, WILLIAM. Collections towards a Description of the County of Devon. London: 1791. 4°. 7569 POLITICAL ANALYSIS of the War. The Principles of the present political Parties examined. London: 1762. 8°. MS. note by Mr. D. 7570 POLITICAL CONSIDERATIONS. Few Thoughts of a Candid Man at the Present Crisis. In a Letter to a Noble Lord retired from Power. London: 1762. 8°. 7571 POLITICAL TEXT BOOK for 1860: Comprising a Brief View of Presidential Nominations. Speeches and Letters of Messrs. 420 CATALOGUE. Lincoln, Douglas, Bell, Cass, Seward, Everett, Breckenridge. By- Horace Greeley, and J. F. Cleveland. N. Y. : 1860. 8°. 7572 POLITICAL DETECTION; or, the Treachery and Tyranny of Administration both at Home and Abroad; displayed in a series of Letters Signed, Junius Americanus. London: 1770. 8°. Written, according to Hutchinson, by Arthur Lee. 7573 POLITICAL MIEKOR; or. Review of Jacksonism. N. Y.: 1835. 18°. 7574 POLITICAL MEMORIAL. Containing Washington's Fare- well Adds., The Fed. Constn., Names of the Delegates, and Biogl. Memoir of Gen. W. Concord: 1827. 24°. Port. 7575 POLLARD, EDWARD A. The first year of the war. Cor- rected ed. Richmond: 1862. 8°. Portrait of the traitor J. D. 7576 The Lost Cause; a New Southern History of the War of the Confederates. New York: 1867. R. 8°. Port, of Jeff. Davis. 7577 POLLOK, ROBT. Course of Time. A Poem ; with a memoir by Prall. New York: 1831. 18°. 7578 POLVVHELE, [RICHARD.] Poems. London: 1806. 3v. 12°. Portrait inserted. 7579 Reminiscences, in Prose and Yerse; Consisting of the Epis- tolary Correspondence of Distinguished Characters. London: 1836. 3v. in 1. 18°. 7580 Traditions and Recollections ; Domestic, Clerical, and Lit- erary. 2 vols. London: 1826. 8°. Portrait and 5 other Plates. 7581 The English Orator; an Address to Pennant, an Ode, twenty Sonnets. London: 1788. 4°. Newspaper cuttings on the Author, 7582 The Idyllia, Epigrams, and Fragments, of Theocritus, Bion. and Moschus, with the Elegies of Tyrteeus; from the Greek. With a Dissertation and Notes. New ed. corr. Bath: 1792. 2v. 8°. 7583 POLYANTHOS (The.) 5 vols. 1806-7. 18°. Boston: Pub- lished by J. T. Buckingham. 7584 Yol. 2. New Series. Boston: 1812. 18°. 7585 Enlarged. 4 vols. Published by J. T. Buckingham. Bos- ton: 1812-14. 4°. [Yery rare.] Contains many well written biographical sketches of American military and naval heroes," distinguished in the war of 1812. 7586 POND, ENOCH. The Mather Family. Written for the Mass. Sabbath School Soc. Boston: 1844. 18°. Portrait. 7587 Memoirs of Count Zinzendorf. Boston: 1839. 16°. 7588 Lives of Increase Mather and Sir Wm. Phipps. Boston: 1847. Sm. 12°. 7589 POOLE, ALEXIS. Statistical Yiew of the Executive Depart- ment of the Govt, of Massachusetts, 1848-1857, with Complete Lists of both Branches. [Account of the Boston Tea Party.] Bost. 8°. 7590 POOLE, WM.F. The Mather Papers. Cotton Mather and Salem Witchcraft. [Repr. from the Daily Advertiser of Oct. 28,1868.] 12°. CATALOGUE. 421 7591 POOLE, WM. F. Cotton Mather and Salem Witchcraft. [Re- printed from the K. A. Rev.] Boston: 1869. 8°. 7592 Witchcraft Delusion of 1692, by Gov. Thos. Hutchinson. Boston: 1870. 4°. 7593 POOR, ALFRED. Historical and Genealogical Researches and Recorder of Merrimack Valley. Haverhill: 1857-8. R. 8°. 7594 Genealogy of Fiske Family. Sixteen Generations. Period, 1399-1867. Salem: [1867.] 4°. 7595 POPE, ALEXANDER. Works of, in Prose. Letters of, and several of his Friends. London: 1737. Fol. Portrait in Title. 7596 "Works of. London: 1717. Fol. Port. 7597 The Works of. Vol. 2. London: 1735. Fol. 7598 Poetical Works of, with a Memoir of the Author, Notes, and Critical Notices on each Poem. By the Rev. George Croly. New ed. London: 1854. 12°. Portrait and Vignette. 7599 The Illiad of Homer, translated by. With Obs. on Homer and his Works by J. S. Watson. Flaxman's Designs. London: 1859. 12°. 7600 Poetical Works. London: 1807. 18°. Frontis. 7601 Essay on Man, Boston, 1854. French Dictionary, Heard. London: 1844. 2 vols. 18°. 7602 Essai sur I'homme. French and Eng. Par le Marquis de Saint-Simon. Nouv. ed. A Amsterdam: 1787. 8°. 7603 Essay on Man. 15 eds. London: [n. d.] 18°. Boston, corr. from the Lond. ed. [n.d.] 18°. Dover: [n.d.] 12°. With notes by Wm. Warburton. London: 1745. 12°. Newbury: 1780. 12°. With notes by Wm. Warburton. London. Printed: Boston, repr. 1787. 12°. Worcester, Mass.: 1797. 12°. Boston: 1800. 12°. Hallowell: 1811. 12°. Hartford: 1824. 16°. Hallowell: 1819. 12°. New York: 1825. 24°. Designed for the use of schools, by D. Clarke. Portland: 1835. 18°. 7604 Portland: 1845. 18°. 7605 Adapt, to the use of Schools by J. Swett. Claremont, N.H.: 1845. 18°. 7606 — — The Odyssey of Homer: Trans, by. With Obs. and brief Notes. Flaxman's Designs. London: 1859. 12°. 7607 The Illiad of Homer: from the Greek. Philada.: 1795. 12°. 7608 Poetical Works of. Glasgow: 1773. v. 2-4. 24°. 7609 The Dunciad and Essay on Man. Ulustd. Lond. : 1853. 8°. 7610 The Iliad. London: 1826. 18°. 7611 POPULAR Essays on Naval Subjects. By the Author of a " Year in Spain." N. Y. : 1833. 18°. 7612 PORNY. [MARK ANTONY.] Elements of Heraldry: added a Dictionary of the Technical Terms in Heraldry. 4th ed. London: 1787. 8°. 422 CATALOGUE. 7613 POET ROYAL, M. DU. Art of Speaking, rendered in English. 2d ed. London: 1708. 16°. 7614 PORTER, DAYID, Capt. Cruise to the Pacific Ocean in the Frigate Essex, in 1812, '13 and 1814. 2d ed. 2 vols. Engravings. N. Y.: 1822. 8°. 7615 Proceedings of the Court of Inquiry in relation to Capt. David Porter: convened at Washington, 1825. Printed from the official Records. Washington: 1825. 8°. 7616 Cruise made to the Pacific Ocean, in the Frigate Essex, in the Years 1812-14. lUustd. Phila.: 1815. 2v.ini. 8°. 7617 Trial of Lieut. Joel Abbot, by Gen. Court Martial, on Alle- gations made agt. him by Capt. David Porter. Boston: 1822. 8°. 7618 PORTER, EBENEZER. Memoir of, by Lyman Matthews. Boston: 1837. 16°. 7619 PORTER, JANE. The Scottish Chiefs. Pliila.: 1847. 18<^. 7620 Same. New York: 1819. 2v. 18°. 7621 PORTER, NOAH, Jr. Educational Systems of the Puritans and Jesuits compared. A Premium Essay. N. Y. : 1851. 12°. 7622 PORTFOLIO, The. New ser. Phila.: 1806-24. 37 v. 8°. A perfect Storehouse of American History, Biography, Poetry and Criticism. 7623 PORTLOCK, N. and DIXON, GEO. Voyages to the N. W. Coast of America. (In Dutch.) Amsterdam: 1795. Maps. 4°. 7624 PORTLOCK, NATHANIEL (Capt.) Voyages round the World; but more particularly to the North West Coast of America. 20 Copperplates. London: 1789. 4°. Portrait. Map. 7025 PORTRAITS of United States Senators, with a Biographical Sketch of each. Claremont: 1856. 12°. 7626 PORTSMOUTH. The Hist, of, with an Acct. of Portsea, Gos- port, and Isle of Wight, [&c.] Portsm.: 1801. 12°. Plates inserted. 7627 PORTSMOUTH, YA. Report of the Relief Association dur- ing the prevalence of the Yellow-fever in 1855. Richmond : 1856. 8°. 7628 PORTUGAL. A Full, Clear, and Authorized Account of the Late Conspiracy in Portugal; the Horrid Attempt upon the Life of his Most Faithful Majesty; the real Manner of discovering the Plot, and ther dreadful Execution of the Conspirators. London: 1769. 8°. Folding Yiew of the Execution, and Portrait of the King. 7629 POSSIBILITY of Approaching the North Pole Asserted. By Col. Beaufoy. N. Y.:1818. 8°. Map. 7630 POSTLETHWAYT, MALACHY. In Honour to the Adminis- tration. The Importance of the African Expedition considered. Observations for the benefit of all British African and West-Indian Merchants. London: 1758. 8°. 7631 Great Britain's True System. London: 1757. 8°. 7632 POST BOY (The.) Robbed of his Mail: or. The Paquet Broke Open. Consisting of Letters of Love and Gallantry, and all Miscel- laneous Subjects. 2d ed. London: 1706. 8°. CATALOGUE. 423 7633 POTOMAC MUSE (The). By a Lady, a Native of Virginia. Richmond: 1825. 12°. 7634 POTERIE, C. F. B. de la. A Pastoral Letter, from the Apos- tolic Vice Prefect, Curate of the Holy Cross at Boston : 1789. 7635 POTHERIE, Baqueville de la. Hist, de I'Amerique. Septen. a Paris: 1722. 4 Tomes. 12°. 7636 POTTER, CHANDLER, E. The Military History of N. Hamp- shire, 1623-1861. Concord: 1869. 8°. Portrait. 7637 POTTER, C. E. History of Manchester, New Hampshire; in- cluding that of Ancient Amoskeag, or the Middle Merrimack Valley. Manchester: 1856. 8°. Portraits, Maps and other Plates. 7638 POTTER, ISRAEL. Life and Remarkable Adventures of; a Soldier in the American Revolution. Wounded three times in the Battle of Buker Hill. Providence: 1824. 18°. [Rare.] 7639 POTTER, NATHANIEL. The Baltimore Medical and Phil- osophical Lycaeum. Baltimore: 1811. 8°. 7640 POTTER, RAY. Treatise on the Millennium, or Latter-day Glory of the Church. Providence: 1824. 12°. 7641 Memoirs of the Life and Religious Experience of. Writ- ten by Himself . Providence: 1829. 12°. 7042 POUCHOT, M. The Late War in North America, between the French and English. Translated and Edited bv Franklin B. Hough. 2 vols. Albany: 1866. r. 8°. Numerous Maps, Plans of Forts, &c. 7643 POUQUEVILLE, F. C. H. L. Travels in Greece and Tur- key, comprising a particular Account of the Morea, Albania, &c. 2ded. Illustrated. London: 1820. 4°. 7644 POUSSIN, GUILLAUME TELL. The United States; its Power and Progress. First Amer. from the 3d Paris ed. Transl. by E. L. Du Barry, m.d. Philad.: 1851. 8°. 7645 POWEL, DAVID. The historic of Cambria, now called Wales: A part of the most famous Yland of Brytaine, written in the Brytish language aboue two hundreth yeares past translated into English by H. Lhoyd Gentleman: Corrected, augmented, and con- tinued out of Records and best approoued Authors, by Dauid Pouel Doctor in diuinity. 1584. 4°. Very rare. This old Welsh Chronicle contains the celebrated voyage of Madoc to " some part of Nova Hispania or Florida" before the discoveries of Columbus or Americus Vespucius. 7646 POWERS, GEO. W. Story of the 38th Regt. of Mass. Volun- teers. Cambridge: 1866. 12°. 7647 POWERS, GRANT, (Rev.) Historical Sketches of the Dis- cover3-. Settlement and Progress of Coos County and Vicinity. Haverhill, N. H.: 1841. 12°. [Very scarce.] 7648 POWERS OF FANCY and other Poems. Balto.: 1822. 12°. 7649 POWNALL, THOMAS. The Administration of the Colonies. 3d ed. rev. corr. enlg. added app. London: 1766. 8°. [Rare.] 424 CATALOGUE. 7650 Fowls' ALL, THOMAS. Same. 4th ed. Lond.:1768. 8°. [Rare.] 7651 Same. 5th ed. London: 1774. 2v. 8°. [Yery scarce.] 7652 Essay on the Study of Antiquities. 2d ed. Oxf . : 1782. 8°. 7653 Antiquarian Romance, Endeavoring to Mark a Line, by which the most ancient People may be investigated. Lond. : 1795. 8°. 7654 A Treatise on the Study of Antiquities as the Commentary to Historical Learning. London: 1782. 8°. Folding Flates. Pownall was crown governor of Mass, Bay, 1757-60, and enjoyed the esteem of the colo- nists. He afterward endeavored to avert, with his pen, the catastrophe of the Revolu- tion. He was an antiquary as well as a statesman, and his literary works have led admirers to single him out as the veritable " Junius." All his works are desired by American collectors; but they are getting uncommon. 7655 PRATT, EN'OCH, Rev. History of Eastham, Wellfleet and Orleans, Mass. 1644 to 1844. Yarmouth: 1844. 8°. 7656 PRATT, JOSIAH. Remains of the Rev. Rich. Cecil. Arm- strong's ed. Boston: 1817. 18°. 7657 PRATT, LUTHER. A Defence of Freemasonry, in Letters to Solomon Southwick, Esq. Troy: 1828. 16°. 7658 PRAY, ISAAC C. Jr. Prose and Yerse, from the Port-folio of an Editor. Boston: 1836. 12°. 7659 PRAY, LEWIS G. Historical Sketch of the Twelfth Cong. Society in Boston. Boston: 1863. 12°. 7660 PREBLE. Life of Commodore Edward Preble. Portrait. 7661 PREBLE, GEO. H. (U. S. K.) Geneal. Sketch of the first Three Generations of Prebles in America. Boston: Printed for family Circulation: 1868-70. 8°. Portrait. 7662 Our Flag. Origin and Progress of the Flag of the U. S. A., with an Introd. Acct. of the Symbols, Standards, Banners and Flags of Ancient and Modern Nations. Albany: 1872. 8°. Illust. 7663 PREMIUMS offered for the Advantage of the Brit. Amer. Dominions by the Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manu- factures and Commerce. London: 1763. 8°. 7664 PRE:N'TICE, ARCHIBALD. Historical Sketches and Personal Recollections of Manchester. London: and Manchester: 1851. 8°. 7665 PREKTICE, GEORGE D. Biography of Henry Clay. Kew York: 1831. 12^. Portrait. 7666 PRE:N'TICE, THOMAS, a.m. "When the People and the Rul- ers. A Serm. at Charlestown, on a General Thanksgiving, July 18; 1745, for the Reduction of Cape-Breton. Boston: 1745. 4°. 7667 PREKTISS, CHARLES. Fugitive Essays, in Prose and Yerse. Leominster: 1797. 12°. Gone after p. 190. 7668 PRE:N'TIES, S. W. Narrative of a Shipwreck on the Island of Cape Breton, in a Yoyage from Quebec, 1780. 2ded. Lond. : 1783. 18°. 7669 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. A History of the Division of the, in the U. S. A. By a Com'te of the Synod of N. York and K. Jersey. N. York: 1852. 12°. CATALOGUE, 425 7670 PRESCOTT; henry p. F. Tobacco and its Adulterations. London: 1858. 8^. 40 Plates. 7671 PRESCOTT, JAMES. Report of the Trial by Impeachment of James Prescott, Esq., Judge of the Probate for Middlesex, for Mis- conduct and Maladministration in Office, before the Senate of Mass., in 1821. Boston: 1821. 8°. 7672 PRESCOTT, JEDEDIAH B., late Pastor of the Christian Church in Monmouth. Monmouth, Me.: 1861. 18°. Portrait. 7673 PRESCOTT, WM. The Prescott Memorial. Bost.:1870.'8°. Port. 7674 PRESENT STATE (The) of the Revenues and Forces, by Sea and Land, of France and Spain; compared with those of Great Britain. Being an Essay to demonstrate the Disadvantages under which France must enter into the Present War. Appendix; cont. a View of those Countries of the Spanish W. Indies that will probably be the Seat of the Present War. Dublin: 1740. 8°. 7675 PRESENT POLITICAL STATE of the Province of Mass. Bay in general, and the Town of Boston in particular. By a Native of New England. New York: 1775. 8°. 7676 PRESENT STATE (The) of the British Empire in Europe, America, Africa and Asia. London: 1768. 8°. 7677 PRESIDENT and LITTLE BELT. Docs, relative to the action between the, — including the Court of Inquiry into the Con- duct of Com. Eodgers. 8°. Unbound. Washington: 1811. 7678 PRESS, (The.) Vol 5, for the year 1857. London: 1857. Folio. 7679 PRESTON, JOHN. The Breastplate of Faith and Love. 6th ed. London: 1651. 4°. 7680 PRESTON, LYMAN. Complete Time Table: showing the Num- ber of Days from any Date in any given Month. N. Y. : 1828. Ob. 4°. 7681 PRICE, JOHN. An Hist, and Topog. Account of Leominster, and its Vicinity; with Appendix. Ludlow: 1795. 6°. Fine tinted plates. 7682 PRICE, KICHAKD, d.d. Sermons on the Christian Doctrine, with an Appendix, occasioned by Dr. Priestley's Letters to the Author. London: 1787. 8°. 7683 Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty. New Ed. London: 1776. 8°. 7684 Observations on the Importance of the American Revolu- tion. Added a Letter fr. M. Turgot, and the Will of M. Fortune Ricard. London: 1785. 8°. Portrait. [Scarce.] 7685 A Review of the Principal Questions and Difficulties in Morals. 2d ed. Corr. London: 1769. 8°. 7686 Sermons on the Security and Happiness of a Virtuous Course. Phila. : 1788. 18°. Auto, of T. M. Harris. 7687 Same. Boston: 1794. 8°. 7688 Four Dissertations. 1. On Providence. 2. On Prayer. 3. Reasons, etc. 4. Miracles, etc. 2d ed. London: 1768. 8°. 426 CATALOGUE, 7689 PEICE, RICHAKD, d.d. Observations on Reversionary Pay- ments, Annuities, &c. London: 1771. 8\ 7690 Observations on the Importance of the American Revolution. Rep. Boston: 1784. 12°. 7691 Two Tracts on Civil Liberty, the War with America, the Debts and finances of the Kingdom : with a General Introduction and Suppl. London: 1778. 8°. 7692 PRICHARD, JAS. COWLES, (m.d.) The Eastern Origin of the Celtic ]^ations proved by a Comparison of their Dialects with the Sanskrit, &c., forming a Supplement to Researches into the Physical History of Mankind. London: 1831. 8°. 7693 PRIDEAUX, HUMPHREY, d.d. The True N'ature of Impos- ture Eully Display 'd in the Life of Mahomet. 5th ed. corr. Lond: 1713. 8°. 7694 The Original and Right of Tithes, for the Maintenance of the Ministry. Truly stated. Norwich: 1710. 8°. 7695 PRIEST, JOSIAH. American Antiquities, and Discoveries in the West. Albany: 1833. 8°. Plates. 7696 A Yiew ^of the Expected Millennium. Embellished with a Chart. 6th ed. Albany: 1828. 12°. 7697 Wonders of Nature and Providence, Displayed. Albany* 1825. 8°. 7698 PRIEST, WILLIAM. Travels in the United States, 1793-97. With the Author's Journals of his Voyages across the Atlantic. London; 1802. 8°. Frontispiece. Scarce. — Facts with regard to the infancy of the Theatre in the U. S. are given here. The author was a theatrical musician. 7699 PRIESTLY JOS. Des. of a new chart of History. London: 1781. 12°. 7700 PRIESTLEY, JOSEPH. A Description of a System of Biog- raphy; with a Catalogue of all the Names inserted in it, and the dates annexed to them. New ed. Phila. : 1803. 8°. Chart. 7701 Lectures on History, and General Policy. New ed. with Enl. from the Amer. Ed. London: 1826. 8°. 7702 Discourses relating to the Evidences of Revealed Religion, did. in Phila. Yol 2. Phila : 1797. 8°. 7703 Familiar Letters in Refutation of Charges against the Dis- senters and Unitarians. By the Rev. Mr. Madan. 2d ed. Birming- ham: 1790. 8°. 7704 An Appeal to the Public, on the subject of the Riots in Birmingham: added, Strictures on a Pamphlet entitled " Thoughts on the late Riot at Birmingham." Birmingham: 1791. 8°. 7705 The History and Present State of Electricity, with original Experiments. 4th ed. corr. and enlg. London: 1775. 4°. 7706 A Course of Lectures on Oratory and Criticisms. London: 1777. 4°. CATALOGUE. 427 7707 PRIESTLEY, JOSEPH. Discourses on the Evidences of Re- vealed Religion. 2d ed. Boston: 1795. 12°. 7708 An Examination of Dr. Reid's Inquiry in the Human Mind. Dr. Beattie's Essay on Truth, and Dr. Oswald's Appeal. 2d ed. London: 1775. 8°. 7709 Three Tracts. 1. An Appeal to the Serious and Candid. 2. A Familiar Illustration of certain Passgs. of Scripture. 3. A General View of the Arguments for the Unity of God. London : 1791. 12°. 7710 An History of the Corruptions of Christianity. 3d ed. Boston: 1707. 2v. 12°. 7711 4 Tracts. An Appeal to the Serious and Candid Professors of Christianity. 3d. ed. 1771. A Free Address to Protestant Dis- senters, as such, 1771; A Free Address on the subject of the Lord's supper, 1769; Additions to the Address, London, 1770. 12°. 7712 Letters to the Jewes; inviting them to an amicable Discus- sion of the Evidences of Christianity. New York: 1794. 12°. 7713 Remarks on Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England. , Relating to the Dissenters. Phila. : 1773. 8°. 7714 A Comparison of the Institutions of Moses with those of the Hindoos and other Ancient Nations. Northumberland: 1799. 8°. 7715 Discourses on various Subjects. Northumberland: 1805. 8°. 7716 PRIME, NATHANIEL S. A History of Long Island. New York: 1845. 12°. 7717 PRINCE, JOHN, (Yicar of Berry-Pomeroy.) Danmonii orien- tales illustres. Or, The Worthies of Devon. New Ed. , with Plates. London: 1810. 4°. 7718 PRINCE, JOHN. Rural Lays and Sketches, and other Poems. Essex: 1845. Sm. 4°. 7719 PRINCE, NANCY, (Mrs.) A Narrative of the Life and Travels of. Written by Herself . 3d Ed. Boston: 1856. 18°. 7720 PRINCE, NATHAN. An Essay to solve the Difficulties that attend the several Accounts of our Saviour's Resurrection. By a Fellow of Harvard College. Boston: 1734. 4°. 7721 PRINCE, THOMAS. New England Chronology. Boston: 1736. 12°. Vol. 1, and Vol. 2, Nos. 1 and 2. [Rare.] 7722 Same. Boston: 1826. 8°. 7723 Same. With Add. by S. G. Drake. Boston: 1852. 8°. Many illus. 7724 Fun. Serm. on the Rev. Nathl. Williams, at the South Church in Boston, Jan. 10, 1737, 8. Boston: 8°. 7725 Serm. at the Pub. Lect. in Boston, Jan. 8, 1729, 30. Upon the Death of the Hon. Samuel Sewall, Esq.; late Chief Justice of the Circuits. Boston: 1730. 8°. 7726 Six Sermons by one of the Ministers of the South Church 428 CATALOGUE. in Boston. Published from his MSS., by John Erskine, d.d. Edin- burgh: 1785. 12°. 7727 The Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, of the Old and iNTew Testament, fully Translated into English Metre. Being the New England Psalm Book Rev. and Impr. Boston: 17c8. 12°. [Rare.] Prince's Revision contains a history of the celebrated " Bay Psalm Book," the first book printed in America. Coi>ies of the original " New England Psalm Book," that have probably become separated from Prince's Library, are valued at $1,000. 7728 The Christian History, containing Accounts of the Revival and Propagation of Religion in Great Brit, and America. For 1743. Boston: 1744. 8°. [Very rare.] 7729 Same. For 1744. Boston: 1745. 8°. [Yery rare.] 7730 The Sovereign God. A Serm. occasd. by the Decease of Mrs. Deborah Prince, on Friday July 20, 1744. Boston: 1744. 8°. 7731 God destroyeth the Hope of Man. A Serm. on the Death of Frederick, Prince of Wales. Boston: 1751. 8°. 7732 Extraordinary Events. Illustrated in a Serm. at the So. Ch. in Boston, ^ST. E., on the Gen. Thanksgiving, 18 July, 1745. Occasd. by taking the City of Louisbourg. Boston: 1745: 8°. One of the best accounts of that enterprise.— S. G-. D. 7733 PRINCE, WM. R. The Pomological Manual. Pt. 2. New York: 1831. 8°. 7731 PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. Short Account of. London: 18.39. 8°. Map. 773 "> PRINCETON, Ms. Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of. Oct. 20th, 1850. Worcr.: 1860. 8°. 773G PRIOR, GEO. U. S. Commercial Register, containing the lives of distinguished merchants. N. Y. : 1851. 12°. 7737 PRIOR, MARGARET. Walks of Usefulness; or, reminiscences or M. P. N. Y.: 1844. 12°. Port. 7738 PRIOR, JAMES, (Esq.) Memoir of the Rt. Hon. Edmund Burke, with Autograph. Phila.: 1825. 8°. Portrait. [Scarce.] 7739 PRIOR, MATTHEW. Poems on several occasions. London: 1718. Frontis. Elegant tall folio. 23 pages of names of original subscribers. 7740 PRITTS, J. Mirror of Olden Time Border Life; Embracing a History of the Discovery of America, History of Virginia, of the Early Settlement of Pennsylvania, Personal Narratives, Sketches of Frontier Men, etc. Abingdon, Va.: 1849. 8°. Woodcuts. 7741 PRIZE-BOOK of the Publick Latin School in Boston. Nos. 1-6. Boston: 1820. 8°. 7742 PROBATE DIRECTORY, The. Boston: 1803. 12°. 7743 PROBLEM (The) of American Destiny solved by Science and History. N. York: 1863. 12°. CATALOOVK 429 7744 PROCEEDINGS of a conveution of Delegates from Several N. E. States held at Boston, 1780. Introd. and notes by Franklin B. Hough. Albany: 1867. 4<>. 7745 of the U. S. Anti-Masonic Convention held atPhila., Sept. 11, 1830. Embracing Journal, [n. p.] 1830. 8°. 7746 of the Trial of the ship Two Friends, in the Court of Vice Admiralty, Bermuda, Phila. 1795; Smith, Saml. H., Remarks on Education, Phila. 1798; Slender, Robt. O. S. M. Letters on Vari- ous Subjects. Phila.: 1799. 1vol. 8°. 7747 at the Reception and Dinner in Honor of George Peabody, by the Citizens of Danvers, Oct. 9, 1856. Boston: 1856. R. 8°. Il- lustrated. Portraits. 7748 of the First Ten Years of the American Tract Society. [Andover]: 1824. 12^ 7749 Proceedings of the Commissioners of Indian Affairs, with an Introd. by F. B. Hough. Albany: 1861. 4°. 2 vols. 7750 of a General Court-Martial, holden at Cambridge, upon the Trial of Col. David Henley. Boston: 1778. 8°. Scarce. A trial held at the instigation of Gen. Burgoyne, who acted as prosecutor, for alleged cruelties to the t»aratoga prisoners. Henley was in command at Cambridge. 7751 of the Council, and the H. of Representatives of the Prov- ince of Mass. -Bay, rel. to the Convening, Holding and Keeping the Gen. Assembly at Harvard College. Boston: 1770. 8°. • 7752 of the 2^ew York Hist. Society for 1844. N. Y.: 1845. 8°. 7753 at the Dedication of the Boston Public Library Building. Jan. 1, 1858. Boston: 1858. 8°. 7754 of the N. York Hist. Soc. on the Announcement of the Death of Luther Bradish. Oct. 1863. :N'. Y. : 1855. R. 8°. 7755 of the New York Hist. Society at the Dedication of the Library. 3 :N'ov. , 1857. 8°. 7756 at the Dedication of the Cong. House, Boston, Feb. 12th, 1873; with a Brief History of the Cong. Asso. Boston: 1873. 8°. 7757 of the Grand Lodge of Mass. Dec, 1873. Bost.: 1874. 8°. 775>^ PR0CLAMATI0:N'S for Thanksgiving, issued by the Con- tinental Congress, Pres't Washington, by the National and State Governments on the Peace of 1815, by the Governors of New York, &c.; with an Hist. Introd. and Notes. Albany: 1858. Fol. 7750 PRODIGIES AND APPARITIONS, — or, England's Warning Pieces. [London:] 1643. 18°. Curious plates. A curious picture of the superstition of the day. This rare little volume is illustrated with many engravings of the wonderful evidences of the supernatural. 7760 PROFESSIONAL YEARS, The, of John H. Hobart, d.d. N. Y. : 183). 12". 7761 PROGRESS OF THE GOSPEL. N. Y.: 1865. 4°. 7762 PROGRESS OF THE PILGRIM GOOD-INTENT, in Jaco- binical Times. 2d Am. Ed. N. Y. : 1828. 430 CATALOGUE, 7763 PROLIX, PEREGRINE, (Pseud.) A Pleasant Peregrination through the prettiest Parts of Pennsylvania. Phila.: 1886. 18°. 7764 Letters descriptive of the Yirginia Springs; with a Map of Ya. 2d Ed. Phila.: 1837. 18°. 7765 PROPER OBJECT (The) of the Present War with France and Spain considered. London: 1762. 8°. 7766 PROPHETIC Conjectures on the French Revolution, and other Recent and Shortly Expected Events. 3d ed. ^N'orthamp. : 1794. 18°. 7767 PROPRIETORS (The) of Charles River Bridge, in Equity vs. the Proprietors of the Warren Bridge. [Boston: 1829.] 4°. 7768 PRO-SLAYERY ARGUME]!^T (The). As maintained by the most Distinguished Writers of the Southern States: Chancellor Harper, Governor Hammond, Dr. Simms, and Prof. Dew. Phila.: 1853. 12°. 7769 PROSPECT (A) Of the most famous Parts of the World. Yiz. : Asia, Africa, Europe and America. London: 1675. Ob. 8°. This little book contains numerous maps (one of N. England and N. York) ; and descrip- tions of various parts of America. Scarce. 7770 PROTEST (A) Against T. Paine's " Rights of Man." London: 1792. Also, A Fourth Letter to Thomas Paine, in Ans. to the Second Part of the Rights of Man. London: 1792. 8°. 7771 PROTESTANT ALMANACK (The New). For the Year 1677, from onr Deliverance from Popery by Q. Elizabeth, 118. Calculated according to Art, for the Meridian of Rome, where the Pope is ele- vated 90 Degrees, above all Reason. London: 1677. 12°. 7772 PROTESTANT (The), 1830, 1831. [A Weekly Newspaper.] 2 vols. Sm. Fol. 7773 PROTESTANT JESUITISM. By a Protestant. New York: 1836. 12°. 7774 PROUD, ROBERT. The History of Pennsylvania, from the Original Institution and Settlement, till after the year 1742. Phila. 1797-98. 2v. 8°. 7775 PROUDFIT, Rev. ALEX. Memoir of, by John Forsyth. New York: 1855. 16°. Portrait. 7776 PROYINCIAL CONGRESS OF MASS. Journals in 1774-5; and of the Com. of Safety. Bost.:1838. 8°. Autog. of J. P. Bigelow. 7777 PRUSSIA. Report on the state of Public instruction in P. by Y. Cousin. Tr. by S. Austin. New York: 1835. 16°. 7778 PRYNNE, WILLIAM. The Perpetvity of a Regenerate Man's Estate. London: 1627. 4°. 7779 PSALMS, HYMNS (The), And Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament. For the Use, Edification, and Comfort of the Saints in Public and Private, especially in New England. 27th Ed. Boston: 1762. 12°. 7780 Yiz.: Trinity Church. Boston, 1808; (Autog. of Thos. Perkins); Brattle Square, 1812, (Autog. of N. L. Frothing h am) ; CATALOGUE, 431 Chapel Hymns, Lowell Mason, 1842; Dr. Livingston, N. Y., 1789 ; Universalist, Boston, 1808 ; Providence Selection, 1820. 6 vols. 12°. 7781 Collection, Boston, 1814; Chapel Hymn Book, Boston, 1842. Order of Worship, Philad., 1830; Sacred Extracts, Boa- ton, 1814; Hymns, &c., Philad., 1814. 5 vols. 12°. 7782 Methodist Collection. N. Y., 1839. Collection, N. Y., 1820. 2 vols. 8°. 7783 PUBLIC CHARACTERS, or Cotemporary Biography. Balti- more: 1803. 8°. 7784 to be continued annually. 1799-1802. London: 1801-07. 3v. 8°. 7785 PUFFENDORF, SAML. An Introduction to the Hist, of the Principal Kingdoms and States of Europe. London: 1697. 8°. Portrait. 7786 Of the Laws of Nature and Nations. With the Notes of M. Barbeyrac. London: 1717. Fol. 7787 An Introd. to the History of the Principal States of Europe. Continued by Mr. De La Martiniere. Impr. by J. Sayer. New ed. London: 1764. 2v. 8°. Portrait. 7788 PULLEYN, WILLIAM. Church-yard Gleanings, and Epi- grammatic Scraps. A Collection of Remarkable Epitaphs and Epigrams. London. 12°. Frontispiece. 7789 PULPIT ORATOR. A New Selection of Eloquent Pulpit Discourses. Boston: 1804. 12°. 7790 PULSZKY, FRA: and THERESA. White, Red, Black. — Sketches of American Society. 2 vols. New York: 1853. 12°. 7791 PULTENEY, WILLIAM, Esq. Thoughts on the present state of Affairs with America, and the means of Conciliation. 5th ed. London: 1778. pp. 111. [Containing an Appendix of Letters of Dr. Franklin, a Tract of Dr. Tucker.] 7792 PREMMILL, JAMES. The Fruits of Leisure; A Collection of Original Yerse. Circleville, O.: 1847. 18°. 7793 PUNCH ARD, GEORGE. History of Congregationalism from about A. D. 250 to 1616. Salem: 1841. 12°. 7794 A View of Congregationalism. With an Introd. by R. S. Storrs, D.D. Salem: 1840. 12°. 7795 PyRCHAS,SAMVEL. Pvrchas his Pilgrimage, or Relations of the World. This First Part containeth a Theological and Geographi- cal Historic of Asia, Africa, and America, with the Islands Adia- cent. London: 1613. Fol. 7796 A Theatre of Politicall Flying-Insects. Wherein especially the Nature, the Worth, the Work, the Wonder, and the manner of Right ordering of the Bee, is Discovered and Described. London: 1657 4°. 432 CATALOGUE. 7797 PYRCHAS, SAMYEL. His Pilgrim es. In Five Bookes. Con- taining English Yoyages, to the East, West and South Parts of America. The Fourth Part. [4th vol.] London: 1625. Fol. Map of ]Sr. England. This is the vol. "which contains the early voyages to America, and is consequently more valued than the others. Purchas was the successor and imitator of Hakluyt, — these two are the corner-stone of American maritime discovery. 7798 Spiritual Honey from ^Natural Hives. Meditations and Ob- servations on the Katural History and Habits of Bees. First introduced to Public Notice in 1657. London. 7799 PURPLE, EDWIN" R. Geneal. :N'otes of the Golden Family in America. K. Y. : 1873. Privately printed. 4°. 7800 PURPLE, SAMUEL S.,M.D. Geneal. Memorials of Wm. Brad- ford, the Printer. ]Sr. Y.:1873. Privately printed. R. 4°. Auto- graph letter of Author. 7801 PURSUITS of Literature. A satirical poem with notes. 1st Amer. from 7th London ed. Phila. : 1800. 8°. 7802 PURYIANCE, ROBERT. A :Nrarrative of Events which oc- curred in Baltimore Town during the Revolutionary War. Baltimore : 1849. 12". [Scarce.] 7803 PUTI^AM , A. W. , Esq. History of Middle Tennessee ; or. Life and Times of Gen. James Robertson. Nashville, Tenn. : 1859. 8°. Maps and Yiews. 7804 PUTNAM, OLIYER. Tracts on Political Economy. Boston: 1834. 8°. 7805 PUTNAM PHALANX. Origin and first parade of the. Reor- ganization, By-laws, second parade. Hartford: 1860. 8°. 7808 PUTNAM'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE of Amer. literature, science and art. Yols. 1-6, N. Y.: 1853-55. 6v. 8°. This valuable series is becoming scarce. It numbered some of the best American writers among its contributors. Vol. 1 contains the history of '* Old Ironsides," by Cooper. 7807 PYM, ARTHUR GORDON. The Narrative of, of Nantucket, North America; comprising the Details of a Mutiny, Famine, and Shipwreck, during a Yoyage to the South Seas; resulting in various extraordinary Adventures and Discoveries. London : 1838. 12°. Q. 7808 QUACKENBOS, G. P. (a.m.) Illustrated School History of the U. S. [New Ed.] N. York: 1866. 12°. 7809 Same. New York: 1859. 12°. 7810 QUAKER TRACTS. 25 nos. Hull Henry (1813.) Yindica- tion of the Quakers (1765) , &c. CATALOGUE. 433 7811 QUAKER TRACTS. Lot of 2G. Getchell, 1799; Anthony Turver, 1799; II. Hull, 1812; ,W. Savery, 1805; Job Scott, 1^07; II. Take, 1812; M. Birkbeek, 181G. 7812 QUAKERS. A Treatise of Oaths. Containing Several ^^eighty Reasons why the People call'd Quakers refuse to swear. Presente/I to the King and Great Council of England, Assembled in Parlia- ment. London: 1075, and Re-Printed in Dublin, 17 J 3. 12°. 7813 A Collection of Acts of Parliament, relative to the Quakers, from the Year 1688. London: 1757. 4°. [Very rare.] 7814 The Foundation of True Preaching asserted. In Opposi- tion to a Counterfeit Sermon, pretended to be preached before the people called Quakers. London: 1087. 7815 Three Treatises in which the Principle, Doctrines, Ministry, &c., are plainly declared. The First by Wm. Penn; 2d by Robt. Barclay; 3d, Jos. Pike. Wilmington: 1783. 8°. 7816 QUARLES, FRAISTCIS. Judgment and Mercy for afflicted Souls. New Ed.: with a Biog. and Crit. Introdn., by Reginalde Wolfe, Esq. [T. F. Dibdin.] London: 1807. 8°. Port. 7817 Enchiridion: Containing Institutions. London: 1856. 12°. Portrait. 7818 QUEBEC ALMA^NTAC. The, and Brit. Amer. Royal Kalendar, for 1819. Quebec: [n. d.] 18°. 7819 QUEBEC. An Accurate and Authentic Journal of the Siege of Quebec, 1759. By a Gentleman in an eminent Station on the Spot. London: 1759. 8°. Portraits, View, Plans and Maps. Autog. Robt. Monckton. • 7820 The Quebec Guide. Historical and Descriptive. With a Plan of the City. Quebec: 1844. 18°. 7821 The Picture of Quebec. Quebec: 1829. 18°. 7822 Same. 2d ed. N'ew York: 1830. 18°. Map. 7823 QUICK, J0H:N'. Synodium in Gallia Reformata: the Acts, De- cisions and Canons of the 7 last Il^'ational Councils of the Reformed Churches in France. Vol. 2. London: 1692. Folio. 7824 QUILLmAK, EDWARD, Esq. Carmina Brugesiana. Do- mestic Poems. Geneva: 1822. 8°. 7825 QUINCE, PETER. (Pseud.) A Parnassian Shop opened in the Pindaric Stile. Boston: 1801. 12°. [Isaac Story was Peter Quince.] 782i> QUINCY, EDMUND, Esq. A Treatise of Hemp-IIusbandry. With introd. Observations upon the Necessity which the American British Colonies are under, generally to engage in the said Produc- tion. Boston: 1765. 4°. Plate of a Hemp-mill. 7827 QUINCY, EDMUND. Life of Josiah Quincy, by his Son. Boston: 1867. 12°. Two Portraits. 7828 QUINCY, JOHN, m.d. Limologia: or, an Historical Account of the Plague in London in 1665. London: 1721. 8°. 434 CATALOGUE, 7829 QUINCY, JOHK, m.d. Prselectiones Pharmaceuticse : or a Course of lectures in Pharmacy. Pub. with a preface by P. Shaw. London, 1723. 4°. 7830 QUIKCY, JOSIAH. A Municipal History of Boston, during Two Centuries. From Sept. 17th, 1630, to Sept. 17th, 1830. Bos- ton: 1852. 8°. must. 7831 The History of the Boston Athenaeum, with Biog. Notices of its Founders. Cambridge: 1851. 8°. 7832 The Journals of Maj. Samuel Shaw. With a Life of the Author. Boston: 1847. 8°. Port. 7833 Memoir of the Life of John Quincy Adams. Boston: 1859. 8°. Port. .834 The History of Harvard University. 2 vols. Cambridge: 1840. 8°. 7835 Memoir of the Life of Josiah Quincy, Jr. By his son. Bcfeton: 1825. 8°. Scarcp. 7836 Memoir of the life of. 1744-75. 2 ed. Boston: 1874. 8°. 7837 QUIKCY, JOSIAH, Junior. Observations on the Boston Port-Bill; with Thoughts on Civil Society and Standing Armies. Phila.: 1774. 8°. Rare. 7838 QUIKCY, JOSIAH PHILLIPS. Charicles: A Dramatic Poem. Boston: 1856. 12°. 7839 QUINCY, SAMUEL. Twenty Sermons. Preach'd in the Parish of St. Philip, Charles-Town, S. C. Boston, New-Eng.: 1750. 8°. 7840 QUINCY PAMPHLETS. 33 nos. Speeches, Addresses, &c., by Josiah Quincy, Sen., on Various occasions, — in Congress, as Mayor of Boston, as President of H. U., on the Boston Athenaeum, etc. This collection covers a period from 1806 to 1869. Several autographs of Mr. Quincy. 7841 QUINT, A. H. The Potomac and the Rapidan. Bost.: 1864. 12°. 7842 The Record of the Second Mass. Infantry, 1861-65. Bos- ton: 1867. 4°. With eleven Steel Portraits. R 7843 R. H. The Trumpet of Fame; or Sir Francis Drake's and Sir John Hawkins' Farewell; with an encouragement to all Sailors and Soldiers, that are minded to go, in this worthy enterprise. With names of many ships and what they have done against our foes. London: 1595. 2d ed. Kent: 1818. 12°. 7844 R. H. R. Sketches in Yerse. [Largely from the Portfolio.] Phila.: 1810. 8°. 7845 RABAUT, J. P. Precis Historique de la Revolution Fran9ais. With engravings. 2d ed. Paris and Strasbourg: 1792. 18°. CATALOGUE. 435 7846 RADCLIFFE, ANK. Journey made in 1794, through Holland and Germany, with a Return down the Rhine. Observations dur- ing a Tour to the Lakes of Lancashire, Westmoreland, and Cumber- land. Dublin: 1795. 8°. 7847 RAE, JOHN. Some new Principles on Political Economy, exposing the Fallacies of the System of Free Trade. Boston : 1834. 8°. 7848 RAFINESQUE, C. S. Atlantic Journal and Friend of Knowl- edge. Philada.: 1832-3. 8°. Front. 7849 Ten Tracts on various Subjects, including Kentucky fossils. 7850 RAILROAD HISTORY. 250 Pamphlets. 7851 RAILROAD JUBILEE. Celebration Commemorative of the opening of Railroad Communication betw. Boston and Canada. Boston: 1852. 8°. Map. 7852 RAILROADIANA. New History of England. Sketches. Descriptive of the Vicinity of the Railroads. 1st Ser. Map and Illustrations. London: 1838. 12°. 7853 RAINBOW (The). 1st Ser. Originally pub. in the Richmond Enquirer. Richmond: 1804. 8°. [Scarce.] 7854 RAINE, JOHN. History and Antiquities of the Parish of Blyth. Westminster: 1860. 4to descriptive plates. 7855 RALEIGH, WALTER, Sir. Abridgment of History of the World: Five Books. His Premonition to Princes: Also some Genuine Remains of that learned Knight, viz. : I. Of The Inven- tion of Shipping. II. A Relation of the Action at Cadiz. III. A Dialogue bet. a Jesuit and a Recusant. lY. An Apology for his unlucky Voyage to Guiana. Published by Philip Raleigh, the only Grandson to Sir Walter. 3d ed. Author's Life, Trial and Death. London: 1702. 8°. Port. 7856 Remains of. London: 1675. 18°. Portrait. 7857 Judicious and Select Essays and Observations by that Re- nowned and Learned Knight. With his Apologie for his Voyage to Guiana. London: 1650. 18°. Portrait. 7858 The History of the World. In five Bookes. London: 1614. Fol. Portrait and Engraved Title-page. *7859 The History of the World. 11th ed., printed from a Copy revised by Himself. Prefixed, the Life of R. by Mr. Oldys. His Trial. London: 1736. 2v. Fol. Port. 7860 Sir Walter Rawleigh's Ghost; or, his Apparition to an inti- mate Friend, willing him to translate into English, this Learned Book of L. Lessius, entitled, (De Providentia Numenis, et Animi Immortalitate.) Written against the Atheists and Politi- tians of these days. London: 1651. 18°. Portrait. 7861 RALPH, JAMES. The Muses Address to the King: An Ode. London: 1728. 8°. 436 CATALOGUE. 7862 KAMSAY, DAVID, m.d. History of the Kevolution of South Carolina, from a British Province to an Independent State. Tren- ton: 1785. 2v. 8°. 78f)3 La Yida de Jorge Washington. Traducida el Espanol por Eduardo Barry. Filadelfia: 1826. 12°. 7864 Memoirs of Martha Laurens Ramsay. 3d ed. Boston: 1812. 18°. 7865 [Same.] Phila.: 1845. 18°. Portrait. 7866 Life of Geo. Washington. 2d ed. Boston: 1811. 12°. Port. 7867 History of the United States, 1607 to 1808. Continued to the Treaty of Ghent by S. S. Smith. 2d ed. 3v. Phila. : 1818. 8°. 7868 The History of the Amer. Revolution. 2 vols. Trenton: 1811. 8°. 7869 Same. Phila. : 1789. 2v. Pol. 7870 History of the American Revolution. Phila.: 1789. 2v. 8°. 7871 Life of Washington. N. York: 1807. 8°. Port. 7872 Sketch of the Soil, Climate, Weather and Diseases of South Carolina. Charleston: 1796. 8°. 7873 History of South Carolina, from its first Settlemt. in 1670 to the year 1808. 2 vols. I^ewberry, S. C. : 1809. 8°. [Very scarce.] 7874 Eulogy upon Benj. Rush, m.d. Delivered in the Circular Ch. of Charleston, 1813. Phila.: 1813. 8°. 7875 Life of Geo. Washington. 4th ed. Engravings. Balti- more: 1815. 12°. 7876 RAMSEY, J. G. M. Annals of Tennessee, from its Settlement, 1769 to 1800. Charleston: 1853. 8°. Map. 7877 RAMSAY, JAMES, (Rev.) An Essay on the Treatment and Conversion of African Slaves in the British Sugar Colonies. Lon- don: 1784. 8°. 7878 RAMSEY, W. Missionary Tour in India, performed by the Rev. Messrs. Reed & Ramsey. Phila. : 1836. 12°. Portrait. 7879 RAI^D, E. S., Jr. Life Memories; and other Poems. Boston: 1859. 12°. 7880 RAKDALL, H. S. Life of Thos. Jefferson, in 3 vols. Yol. 3. 8°. 7881 RANDALL, S. S. Digest of the Common School System of the State of New York. Albany: 1844. 12°. 7882 RANDOLPH, J. (m.d.) Life and Character of Philip Syng Physic, M.D. Phila. : 1839. 8°. Portrait. 7883 RANDOM RECOLLECTIONS OF ALBANY. By G. A. Worth. Albany: 1866. 1. p. 8°. Ill'd. 7884 RANEW, NATHL. Doctrinal Puritans. Solitude Improved by Divine Meditation. London: 1847. 18°. 7885 RANKIN, P. HARRISON. The White Man's Grave. A Yisit to Sierra Leone, in 1834. 2 vols. London: 1836. 12°. Eront. CATALOGUE. 437 78S6 RANKIN", MELINDA. Texas in 1850. Boston: 1850. 12°. 7887 Same. Boston: 1852. 12°. 7888 RANKING, JOHN. Conquest of Peru, Mexico, Bogota, Natchez, and Talomeco, in the 13th Century, by the Mongols, accompanied with Elephants. London: 1827. 8°. Maps and portraits. 7889 RANTOUL, ROBERT, Jr. Reports on the Abolition of Cap. Punishment. Boston: 1837. 8\ 7890 RAPELJE, GEORGE. Excursions, Voyages, and Travels, in America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. N. Y. :1834. 8°. Port. 7891 RAPIN, THOYRAS, PAUL Be. The whole critical Works of. Vol. 2. London: 1706. 8°. 7892 History of England. Trans, by N. Tindal. Illustrated with Maps, Genealogical Tables, and the Heads and Monuments of the Kings. 4th ed. London: 1757. 12 v. 8°. 7893 Continuation of Rapin's Hist, of England; From the Revo- lution to the Present Times. By N. Tindal. 4th ed. Lond: 1758-9. 9v. 8°. 7894 RAUMER, FREDERICK, voN. America, and the Araer. People. From the German. N. Y.: 1846. 8\ 7895 RAWSON, SULLIVAN S. Memoir of Edward Rawson, Secy, of the Colony of Mass. Bay, 1651-86. Boston: 1849. 8°. Port. 7896 RAY, JAMES (of Whitehaven), (Volunteer under his Royal Highness the D. of Cumberland.) Compleat History of the Rebel- Hon, from its first Rise, in 1745, to its total Suppression at the glori- ous Battle of Culloden. Bristol: 1750. 12°. 7897 RAY, JOHN. Three Physico-Theological Discourses concern- ing Chaos, the Deluge, and Dissolution of the World, wherein are largely discussed the Use of Mountains, Volcanoes and Earth- quakes. Also an Historical Account of those Two late remarkable ones in Jamaica and England. 3d ed. With Copper Plates. Lotid. : 1713. 8^. Port. 7898 RAY, RICHARD. Two lectures on classical Literature, del. at N. Y. Athen^um. N. Y.: 1826. 8°. 7899 RAY , WM. Poems on various Subjects. Sketch of the Author's Life. Auburn: 1821. 12^. [Scarce.] 7900 RAYMOND, GEORGE. Chronicles of England: A Metrical History. 8°. London: 1842. Port, of Elizabeth. 7901 RAYMOND, HENRY J. Life and Public Services of Abraham Lincoln, with his State Papers. With Carpenter's Reminiscences. Port, and Illusts. N. Y. : 1865. 8°. Port. 7902 RAYMOND, ROSSITER W. Mineral Resources of the States and Territories West of the Rocky Mountains. Washn. : 18(39, 8°. 7903 RAYNAL, GUIL.-TH. Histoire philosophique et politique. A Geneve, 1780. lOv. 18°. Portraits. 7904 Atlas de R. [n. t. p.] 4°. 438 CATALOGUE. 7905 EAY:N'AL, GUIL.-TH. The Revolution of America. Salem: 1782. 12°. 7906 Same. 2d ed. Phila. : 1782. 8°. 7907 Philosophical and Political History of the Settlements and Trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies. From the French. Kew set of Maps. 2d ed. London: 1798. 6v. 8°. Port. The Parliament of Paris ordered this work to he hurned, and the author of it to be expelled from the country. 7908 Revolution de l'Am6rique. Ouvrage qui peut servir de Sup- plement k la ditte Histoire Philosophique, &c. ALondres: 1781. Portrait. 7909 RAYKER, B. L. Sketches of the life, writings and opinions of Thomas Jefferson. K. Y. : 1832. 8°. 7910 RAYXER, MENZIES. The Religious Inquirer: Devoted to the Doctrine of Universal Salvation, Freedom of Inquiry, Religious Lib- erty. Yol. 8. Hartford, Conn.: 1830. 4°. 7911 Dissertation upon Extraordinary Awakenings, or Religious Stirs; Conversion. 2d ed. Hudson: 1816. 18°. 7912 READ, HENRIETTA FANKIIS'G. Dramatic Poems. Bost.r 1848. 8°. 7913 READ, HOLLIS. Commerce and Christianity. A Premium Essay. Phila.: 1859. 18°. 7914 READ, THOS. BUCHAN^AN. The House by the Sea. A Poem. Phila.: 1856. 12°. 7915 Sylvia; or, The Last Shepherd. An Eclogue, and other Poems. Phila.: 1857. 12°. 7916 Poems. Boston: 1847. 12°. 7917 New Pastoral. Phila. : 1855. 12°. 7918 READER, SAMUEL. History and Antiquities of the Town and Borough of Reading in Berkshire with Notices of Places in the County. Reading: 1835. 18°. 7919 READY RECKONER. The Federal. 1st ed. Chestnut-hill: 1793. 16°. 7920 REASONS for Keeping Guadaloupe at a Peace, preferable to Canada, explained in Five Letters, from a Gentleman in Guadaloupe. London: 17d1. 8°. Map. 7921 REASONS HUMBLY OFFERED to Prove that the Letter Printed at the End of the French Memorial of Justification is a French Forgery, and falsely ascribed to His R ^1 H ss. Lon- don: 1756. 8°. 7922 for the Clergy's being employ'd in the Government. Lon- don: [n. d.] 8°. Autograph, J. Checkley. 7923 RE AVIS, L. U. Life of Horace Greely, with an Introduction by Cassius M. Clay, N. Y. : 1872. 12°. CATALOGUE, 439 7924 REBELLION PAMPHLETS. 9 vols. 1861-65. 200 Nos. Vol. 1, 1861, Elias Nason; Joel Parker (Habeas Corpus and Martial Law); Adams, W.; Carroll, A. E.; Mason and Slidell Case; Stearns, E. J., God Bless Abr. Lincoln; Washburne; Clarke, J. F., Personal Liberty Laws; Journal of the Conference Convention at Washing- ton, Feb., 1861; Thomason, D. R.; Owen, R. D.; Cutler, E.: Ware, J. F. W. ; Anderson, O. P. , &c. • 7925 Vol. 2. Motley, John L.; Porter, W. D.; ISTason, E.; Dwinell, J. E.; Stille, C. J.; Train, G. F.; Segar, Hon. Jos.; Mitchell, O. P.; Maryland and Massachusetts; Andrew, J. A.; Thomas, B. F.; Winthrop, R. C; J. C, Slavery in the South; Alleghania; What are we fighting for; De Joinville, Prince; Wade, Ben, &c. 7926 Vol. 3. Power of Congress to Emancipate, Kason, E. ; Mill, John Stuart; Everett's Orat. at Gettysburg; Cairnes on the Slave Power; Letter on the British Policy; Vindication of McKin- stry; -Dale, W. J.; Bellows, H. W.; Marshall, E. C. (W. Parish Graduates); Opinions of the Fathers on Slavery; Williams, Jno. M.; Future of the N. W. ; Rosecrans' Letter, &c. 7927 Vol. 4, 1863. Life of Grant; Battle of Gettysburg; Ditter- line; War Powers; Whiting, Wra. ; Sumner, C; Flanders, Henry; McClellan's Campaigns (Review of); Keith, G.B.; Owen, R. D.; Revelations, Edge, Fred. M. ; Enrollment Acts, Act to Provide a IS'ational Currency; Hedge, F. H.; Lieber, Fr., English Neutrality; Letters from the 44th M. V. M. 7928 Vol. 5, 1863. Trumbull H. Clay; Cooper Institute Meet- ing; Tax Bill; Rebel Terms of Peace; Swinton, Wm.; A Savory Dish; Cooper, Peter, Loyal League; Chicago Copperhead Conven- tion; Laboulaye, E., &c. 7929 Vol. 6. 1863-4. Johnson, Reverdy; Mass. Dead at Get- tysburg; Bishop, J. P.; Keith, G. B.; McDougall, J. A.; Liver- more, Geo.; Statement of M. Gen. McDowell; Freedmen; Andrew Jackson's Prophecy; A Word to Dr. Russell; Sanitary Com. Missouri and Ills. Soldiers' Relief, Butler, B. F., &c. Vol. 7. 1864. Everett, E.; Bishop, J. P.; Dana, R. H.; Thompson, S. P.; Freedman's Aid Soc; Sanitary; Dickerson, E. N.; Cowdin, Robert; Andrew, J. A. ; Privations of Prisoners of War, &c. 7930 Vol. 8. 1864. McClellan, G. B.; Soldiering in N. Caro- lina; Copperhead Catechism; Young, H. P.; Beasely; Grant, U. S.; Hamilton, A. J.; Smith, Gerrit; Gov. Peirpoint; Brigham, J. A.; Cleveland, E. L.; Jay, J.; Conkling, Henry, &c. 7931 Vol. 9. 1865. Lieber, F.; Cordner, Jno.; Sherman, W. T.; Fletcher, T. C; Lowe, Ch.; Kirkland, C. P.; Smyth, Fred.; Prime, G. W.; Van Bureu; T. B.; Union Victories; Coit, T. W.; Conway, M. F.; Capen, E. H.; Grant, U. S., &c. 440 CATALOGUE. 7932 RECHERCHES HISTORIQUES ET POLITIQUES. Sur les fitats-TJnis de L'Am^rique Septentrionale. Par un Citoyen de Virginie. Avec qiiatre Lettres. AcoUe: 1788. 8°. The author was Mazzei, who emigrated before the Revolution to America. Mr. Jeffer- eon, with whom he was intimate, gave him a mission to Tuscany. 7933 RECFIERCHES PHILOSOPHIQUES. Sur les Americains, &c. ParM. de P . 3 vols. Cleves: 1772. [Scarce.] 7934 RECORDS of Salem Witchcraft, copied from the Original Docu- ments. [Albany]: 1864. 2v. Sm. 4°. 7935 Record of a School. [A. B. Alcott's, 7 Temple PL] Ex- emplifying the General Principles of Spiritual Culture. Boston: 1835. 12°. 7936 Same 2d ed. Boston and N". Y.: 1836. 12°. 7937 of the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, in :N'ew England. Ed. by J. R. Bartlett. Providence: 1850-65. R. 8°. lOv. 7938 RECUEIL de divers Voyages faits en Afrique et en L'Ameri- que, qui n'ont point est6 encore publier; contenant I'origine, les Moeurs, les CoCitumes et le Commerce des Habitans de ces deux Parties du Monde. Avec des Traitez curieux touchant la Haute Ethyopie, le debordement du aSTil, la mer Rouge, & le Prete-Jean. Le tout enrichi de Figures. A Paris: 1684. 4°. Map of X. E. Scarce. Contains a description of Xew England. 7939 Precieux de la Ma9onnerie adonhiramite. Dedie aux Ma90ns Instruits. Par un Cevalier de tons les Ordres Mac^onniques. A Philae.: 1787. 18°. Tables. Plates. 7940 REDBURN; or, the Schoolmaster of a Morning. New York: 1815. 12°. 7941 REDDEN", LAURA C. Idyls of Battle and Poems of the Re- bellion. N. Y.: 1865. 12°. 7942 REDHEAD, T. W. The French Revolutions, from 1789 to 1848. Two vols. Boston: 1848. 12°. 7943 REDPATH, JAMES. Life of Capt. John Brown. With an Autobiog. of his Childhood and Youth. Boston: 1860. 12°. Port. 7944 Guide to Hayti. Ed by R. Boston: 1861. 12°. Map. 7945 The Roving Editor; or, Talks with Slaves in the Southern States. N. Y.:1859. 12°. Illust. 7940 Echoes of Harper's Ferry. Boston: 1860. 12°. 7947 and Hinton, R. J. Hand-Book of Kansas Territory and the Rocky Mts. Gold Region. K. Y. : 1859. 16°. Maps. 7948 REED, A:N^DREW, d.d., and MATHESOiN", J.,d.d. Visit to the American Churches, by the Deputation from the Congrega- tional Union of England and Wales. 2 vols. N. Y. 1835. 12°. 7949 Andrew and Matheson. Visit to the American Churches. 2ded. London: 1836. 2v. 12°. CATALOGUE, 441 7950 REED, JOHN, d.d. Apolosry for the Rite of Infant Baptism, and for the usual Modes of Baptizing. Against the Reasonings by the Rev. D. Merrill. Providence: 1806. 12°. 7951 REED, JONAS. History of Rutland, Worcester County, Mass., from its earliest Settlement, with Biography of First Settlers. Wor- cester: 1836. 12°. 7952 REED, REBECCA THERESA. Six Months in a Convent; or, the Narrative of, who was an inmate of the Ursuline Convent on Mount Benedict, Charlestown, Mass. Boston: 1835. 18°. 7953 Supplement to, confirming the Narrative of R. T. Reed. Boston. 18°. 7954 REED, WILLIAM B. Life and Correspondence of Joseph Reed. 2v. Phila.: 1847. 8°. 7955 Reprint of the Original Letters from Washington to Joseph Reed, during the American Revolution. Phila. : 1852. 8°. 7956 REES, JAMES. The Beauties of Daniel Webster, with a Critical Essay on his Genius and Writings. 2d ed. Portrait. N. Y. : 1839. 18°. 7957 Another ed. N. Y.: 1839. 12°. 7958 REES, DAVID M., m.d. Letters to the Hon. Wm. Jay, being a reply to his " Inquiry into Amer. Colonization." N. Y. : 1835. 12°. 7959 REEVE, J. C, m.d. History of the Discovery of the Circula- tion of the Blood, by P. Elourens, from the French. Cincinnati: 1859. 12°. 7960 REEVE, JOHN. Sacred Remains; or, a Divine Appendix; being a Collection of Several Treatises, Epistolary and Publick. Originally written above 50 years since, by the L6rd's last Im- mediate Messenger J. Reeve. 1657. 4°. 7961 REEVES, JOHN. History of the Government of the Island of Newfoundland. With App. London: 1793. 8°. 7962 Two Tracts shewing that Americans, born before the Inde- pendence, are, by the Law of England, not Aliens. 2d ed. London: 1816. 8°. 7963 REFLECTIONS UPON THE NEW TEST., &c. With a letter of Sir F. Walsingham, London, 1687,4°; also in Same vol. "The Church Told of Mr. Ed. Bagshaw's Scandals," by Rich'd Baxter, Lond., 1672, 4°. A Remonstrance of the State of the Kingdom, Lond., 1641. Another Declaration of the Lords and Com- mons, Lond., 1642, 4°. Tertia Pars de Comparatis Comparandis, by Aur. Wilber, Lond. and Oxford, 1618. Conference Betwixt a Papist and a Jew, Lond., 1G78. An Apology for the Parliament, Lond., 1697. A Cal to all the Souldiers of the Armie, Lond., 1G47, 4°. [All scarce.] 7964 REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH. Constitution of. N. York: 1793. 16°. 442 CATALOGUE. 7965 REFOKMER (The), or, Essays on some Important Subjects. ^ew York: 1816. 12°. 7966 REGISTER of all the Officers, and Agents, Civil, Military, and Kaval, in the Service of the U. S. ; also the Ships, etc. belong, to the U. S. 1821, 25, 33, 39, 41, 47, 51. Washington: 1822-51. 7v. 8°. 7967 of the Commissioned and Warrant officers of the U. S. Navy and Marine Corps, 1862, 64, 65, 66, 67. 5 vols. 8°. 7968 of the Debates in Congress. 2d Sess. 18th Cong. Yol. 1. Washington: 1825. Fol. 7969 of Debates in Congress; with app. of State Papers, Laws. Yol. 1. 3. Washington: 1825-27. 2v. 8°. 7970 REGULATI0:N'S (The). Lately made concerning the Colonies, and the Taxes Imposed upon them considered. London: 1765. 8°. 7971 for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States. Parti. Hartford: 1792. 18°. 7972 for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the U. S. Parti. Phila.: 1779. 8°. 8 Plates. 7973 for the Pay Department of the Army of the United States. Washington: 1849. 12°. 7974 for the Field Exercise, Manoeuvres, and Conduct of the Infantry of the U. S. Phila. : 1812. 8°. 33 Plates. 7975 REID, HIRAM A. Harp of the West; a Poem, in Five Parts. Davenport: 1858. 8°. 7976 REID, JOH:Nr, (Maj.) Life of Andrew Jackson: comprising a Hist, of the War in the South, from the commencement of the Creek Campaign, to the Termination of Hostilities before N. Orleans. Com- pleted by J. H. Eaton. Phila.: 1817. 8^. Plans of Battles. Port. [Scarce.] 7977 REIGART, J. FRANKLIN". Life of Robert Fulton. Copies of his original Drawings. Numerous Plates. Phila. : 1856. 8". 7978 REINARD, The FOX. The Crafty Courtier: or, the Table of Reinard the Fox: Newly done into English Yerse. London: 1706. 8°. Frontis. 7979 REJECTED ADDRESSES The. With the Prize Address pre- sented for the Prize Medal, offered for the Best Address, on the opening of the New Park Theatre, in New York. N. Y.: 1821. 18°. [Scarce.] C. Sprague, S. "Woodworth, and McDonald Clarke, were among the Contributors. 7980 ; or the New Theatrum Poetarum. From the 19th London Edit. Boston: 1840. 16°. 7981 REJECTED STONE; or Insurrection vs. Resurrection in Amer- ica. By a native of Ya. Boston: 1861. 12°. 79S2 Same. Boston: 1862. 8°. 7983 RELATION of Maryland; tog. with a map of the Country. Char- ter to Ld. Baltimore. London: 1635. N. Y., Sabin: 1865. 4°. CATALOGUE. 443 7984 RELATIONS DES JlfiSUITES. Contenant ce qui s'est pass6 de plus remarquabl clans les Missions des P6res de la Corapagnie de Jesus dans la Nouvelle-France. [3 Tomes.] Quebec: 1858. R. 8°. A small ed. printed ; contains important information relative to the Indian tribes, and early history of Me., N. Y. and the Northwest. The first relation is that of Father Biard, beginning in 1611, giving an account of the attempted Colony at Mt. Desert, Mo. 7985 RELIGIOISJ IN AMERICA. By Robert Baird. N. Y.: 1844. 8°. 7986 RELIGION of Nature delineated. London: 1725. 4°. 7987 REMARKS on Some Paragraphs in Blackstone's Commentaries. By Joseph Priestly. Phila.: 1773. 8°. 7988 on the Jacobiniad. Pt. 1. Boston: 1795. 12°. 7989 on the Letter Addressed to Two Great Men. London. 7990 REMEMBRANCES of a Polish Exile. Albany: Printed. Phila. Rep. : 1836. 18°. 7991 Same. Albany: 1835. 18°. 7992 RENOUARD, ANT. AUG. Annales de I'imprimerie des Aide, on Hist, des trois Manuce et de leurs Editions. A Paris: 1803. 2v. 8°. 7993 REPLY to Mr. Heathcote's Letter from an honest Man. Lon- don: [n. d.] 8°. 7994 of the Country Gentleman to the Answer to his Military Arguments, by an Officer. London: 1758. 8°. 7995 REPORT of the Sec. of the Navy in relation to Armored Ves- sels. Washington: 1864. 8°. 7996 of the Bd. of Directors of Internal Improvements of the State of Mass. on the Practicability of a Rail-Road from Boston to the Hudson River, and from Boston to Providence. Boston : 1829. 8°. Splendid Plans. 7997 of Special Comte. on Volunteering. Embracing a com- plete Statement of Operations in filling the Quota of the County of N.York. New York: 1864. 8°. 7998 of the Secretary of War, respecting the purchase of Camels. Washington: 1857. 8°. 7999 of the Com. of Investigation, appointed by the Legisl. of Pa. to Investigate whether corrupt means had been used to produce legislation favorable to the Banks. Harrisburg: 1842. 8°. 8000 of the Commissioners of the State of Mass. on Canals from Boston Harbour to Connecticut and Hudson Rivers. Boston: 1826. 8°. Map. 8001 of the Committee of the Soc. for Prop, the Gospel among the Inds. in N. Amer. Boston: 1856. 8°. 8002 of Experiments and Observations on the Concord and Sud- bury Rivers, in 1861. Boston: 1862. 8°. 2 Folding Maps. 8003 of the Com. on the Rept. of the Sec. of the Navy. June nth, 1812. 8°. 30 444 CATALOGUE. 8004 EEPOKT of the Special Com. appointed by the Com. Council of N. Y., relative to the Catastrophe in Hague Street. N. Y.: 1850. 8°. 8005 of the Comm. of Grievances and Courts of Justice of the Ho. of Delegates of Maryland. Annapolis: 1813. 8°. 8006 of Hauteville Case. Philad. : 1840. 8°. 80U7 from Sec'y of the Treasury, &c. 1st Sess. 18th Congress. Washington: 1824. 8°. 8008 of a French Protestant Refugee in Boston, 1687, from the French. Brooklyn: 1868. 4°. Ed. 125 copies. 8009 of Deputy and Proceedings of the Council, A.*. A.*. S.'. Rite, for the State of Mass. Boston: 1871. 8°. 8010 of a Com. of Citizens of Boston opposed to increase of duties, &c. Boston: 1827. 8°. 8011 of Comm. on Boston Harbor, 1852. Bost. : 1853. 8°. 8012 of the Comm. on Mystic River, Boston Harbor and Dor- chester Bay, 1854. Boston: 1855. 8". 8013 REPORTS of the Prison Discipline Society. Sixth ed. Bos- ton: 1830. 8°. 8014 and Documents relating to the State Lunatic Hospital at Worcester, Mass. Boston: 1837. 8°. 8015 of the Association of American Geologists and Naturalists, at Phila. in 1840 and '41, and at Boston in 1842. Boston: 1813. 8°. Many folding Plates. 6016 of the Select Committee 36 Cong. 2d Ses. Comm. Reports. Abstracted Indian trust-bonds. Washington: 1861. 8°. 8017 REPUBLIC OF COLUMBIA, Its History. K Y.: 1830. 18°. 6018 RESOLVES of the Gen. Court of the Com'wealth of Mass. resp. the Sale of Eastern Lands. Boston: 1803. 8°. 6019 of the Gen. Court. Mass., 1781. Boston: 1781. Fol. 6020 liESOURCES'OF RUSSIA in the event of War with France; with a des. of the Cozaks, and sketch of the Campaign in Russia. Boston: 1813. 12°. Autog. of J. H. Ilenshaw. 8021 RESULTS OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATION'S under direction of the Smithsonian Institute, from 1854-5'J inclu- sive. Ex. Docs. 1st Sess. 36th Cong. Vol. 2. Part 1. Washing- ton: 1864. 4°. 6022 RETROSPECT and Other Poems. Boston: 1846. 12°. 602 { REVERE, JOSEPH WARREN. Tour of Duty in California, incl. a Description of the Gold Region, and an Account of the Voyage around Cape Horn. Ed by J. N. Balestier. Map and Plates. N. Y.: 1849. 12°. 8021 REVIEW OF THE WEEK. Clipped from Boston Daily Traveller. Jan., 1854 -May, 1875. 3 vols. 8025 REVIEW OF PITT'S ADMINISTRATION. 2d ed. Lon- don: 1763. 8°. Several rare portraits. CATALOGUE. 445 8026 REVIEW OF THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES, Brit. Provinces and W. I. Islands. London: 1790. 8<». 8027 REVIEW of a Pamphlet purporting to be Documents in relation to the Differences between Com. O. H. Perry and Capt. J. D. Elliott. Boston: 1834. 8°. 8028 REVIEWS of a part of Prescott's " Hist, of Ferdinand and Isabella," and of Campbell's Lectures on Poetry. Boston : 1841. 12°. 8029 REVISED STATUTES OF MASSACHUSETTS. Boston: 1836. R. 8°. 8030 REVOLUTION IN NEW ENGLAND, The Late. N. Y.: 1865. 4°. 8031 REYNAL, RAFAEL, Don. Viage por los Estados Unidos del Norte, dedicado i. los J«venes Mexicanos de Ambos Secsos. Cincinnati: 1834. 18°. 8032 REYNOLDS, ED. A further Accompt of the Progresse of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New England. London: 1659. N. York: 18(55. 4°. 8033 REYNOLDS, J. (m.d.) Peter Gott, the Cape Ann Fisherman. Salem: Boston: 1856. 12°. Plates. 8034 REYNOLDS, J. N. Voyage of the U. S. Frigate Potomac, under the Command of Commodore John Downes, during the Cir- cumnavigation of the Globe, 1831-34. Illustrated. New York: 1835. 8°. 8035 REYNOLDS, JOHN. Recollections of Windsor Prison, etc. 3d Ed. Boston: 1839. 12°. 8036 RHODE ISLAND. Acts of the General Assembly, holden at East-Greenwich and Newport. 1785-1799. Official copy. 7 Nos. 8°. 8037 Acts and Resolves, January Session of the Gen. Assembly, 1864. Providence: 1864. 8 . 8038 Interference of the Executive [of the U. S.] in the Affairs of. 28th Cong. 1 Ses. Washington: 1845. 8°. [Dorr's Rebellion.] 8039 Cottage (The). A Gift for the Children of Sorrow: A Narrative of Facts. N. Y.: 1835. 18°. Plate. 8040 Annual Report of the Adj. Gen. of the State of R. I. for 1865. Providence: 1866. 8^^. Portrait. 8041 RHYMER'S CLUB (The). By an Honorary Member. N.Y.i 1859. 12°. 8042 RICCI, SCIPIO De. Female Convents. Secrets of Nun- neries disclosed. Comp. from the Autograph MSS. of, by Mr. De Potter. N. York: 1834. 12°. 8043 RICE, B. H. and J. H. Memoir of James Brainerd Taylor. 1st Ed. N. Y.:1833. 12°. Port. 8014 RICE, HARVE V. Mount Vernon, and other Poems. 4th ed. Columbus: 1862. 12°. 446 CATALOGUE. 8045 KICE, j^. L. (He v.) Account of the Lawsuit against Eev. K. L. Kice, for a Libel on Kev. David Duparque, a Roman Priest, Louisville, Ky.: 1837. 18°. 8046 RICE, NATHAN P. (m.d.) Trials of a Public Benefactor. Illustrated in the Discovery of Etherization. N. T.: 1859. 12°. [Port, of W. T. G. Morton.] 8047 RICH, ELIHU. Cyclopaedia of Biography: a Series of original Memoirs. Written by Allison, Baird, Brewster. London and Glasgow: 1854. Cr. 8°. 8048 RICHARDS, T. T. History of the Halleck Guard. St. Louis: 1869. 4°. ed. 10 copies. 8049 RICHARDS, WM. C. Electron; or, the Pranks of the modern Puck. A Telegraphic Epic. N. Y.: 1858. 12°. 8050 A Day in the K. Y. Crystal Palace. N. York: 1853. 12°. 8051 RICHARDSON, JABEZ. Monitor of Free Masonry; being a Guide. N. Y.: [n. d.] 12°. 8052 RICHARDSON, JOHN. Account of the Life of that Ancient Servant of Jesus Christ. 6th ed. London: 1825. 12°. 8053 RICHARDSON, W. H. Journal of. A Private Soldier in the Campaign of New and Old Mexico, under the command of Col. Doniphan, of Missouri. 3d. ed. N. Y. : 1848. 12°. 8054 RICHARDSON, WM. M. Life of, late Chief Justice of the Superior Court, in New Hampshire. Concord: 1839. 18°. 8055 RICHMOND, JOHN W. Rhode Island Repudiation; or, the Hist, of the Revolutionary Debt, of R. I. 2d ed. Prov. : 1855. 8°. 8056 RICHMOND, LEGH. Memoir of Hannah Sinclair. 2d Amer. ed. N. Y.: 1839. 16°. 8057 RICHMOND, W. E. Mount Hope, an evening excursion. [A poem.] Providence: 1818. 12°. 8058 RICHMOND in by-gone days: being reminiscences of an old Citizen. Richmond, Ya. 1856. 12°. 8059 RICRAFT, JOSIAH. A Survey of England's Champions and Truth's faithful Patriots. London: 1647. 8°. Portraits. [Rare.] 8060 RICKETSON, DANIEL. History of New Bedford, Mass., incl. a Hist, of the Old Township of Dartmouth and the present Townships of Westport, Dartmouth, and Fairhaven. New Bedford: 1858. Autog. of Author. 8061 RIDDLE, J. E. (Rey.) Complete Latin-English Dictionary. Chiefly from the German. 4th ed. London: 1844. 8°. 8062 RIDER, WILLIAM. New Universal English Dictionary. London: 1759. Folio. Plates. 8063 RIDGELY, DAVID. Annals of Annapolis, comprising sun- dry Notices of that Old City. Baltimore: 1841. 12°. 8064 RIEDESEL, MADAM De. Letters and Memoirs relating to the War of American Independence, and the Capture of the Ger- man Troops at Saratoga. From the German. N. Y. : 1827. 12^ ).o CATALOGUE. 447 8065 RIGGS, LUTHER G. The Anarchiad: A New England Poem. Written in concert by David Humphreys, Joel Barlow, John Trum- bull, and Dr. Leml. Hopkins. New Haven: 1861. Min. 4°. 8066 RIGGS, S. R. (Rev.) Grammar and Dictionary of the Dakota Language. Collected by the Members of the Dakota Mission. Washington City: 1852. R. 4°. 8067 RIGHT and WRONG IN BOSTON, in 1836. Annual Report of the Boston Female Anti-Slavery Society; a History of the Case of the Slave Child Med. Boston: 1836. 12°. 8068 RIGHTS of Parliament Vindicated on Occasion of the late Stamp-Act. In which is exposed the Conduct of the American Colonists. London: 1766. 8°. 8069 of Great Britain Asserted against the Claims of America: being an Answer to the General Congress. Fifth ed. London : 1776. 8°. 8070 Same. Phila.: repr. 1776. 8°. 8071 RIKER, JAMES, Jr. Annals of Newtown, Queen's County, N. Y. : cont. its History from its first Settlement. N. Y.: 1852. 8<'. Maps. 8072 RILEY, GEORGE. Beauties of Creation: or a new moral sys- tem of Natural Hist. 3d Amer. ed. Worcester: 1798. 18°. 8073 RILEY, Capt. JAMES. Loss of the American Brig Commerce, wrecked on the western Coast of Africa, 1815. With an Acct. of Timbuctoo, and the hitherto Undiscovered Great city of Wassanah. London: 1817. 4°. 8074 Same. 3d ed. Added a Narrative of the Ship Oswego on the coast of South Barbary, by Judah Paddock. N. Y.: 1818. 8°. Portraits. 8075 RILEY, W. W. Sequel to Riley's Narrative: a Sketch of Inter- esting Incidents in the Life, Voyages and Travels of Capt. J. Riley. Columbus: 1851. 8°. Plates. 8076 RIPLEY, DOROTHY. The Bank of Faith and works united. Phila.: 1819. 12°. 8077 RISDON, TRISTRxlM, (of Winscot, Gent.) Chorographical Description, or Survey of the County of Devon, with the City and County of Exeter. Containing Matter of History. Printed from a genuine copy of the Original Manuscript. London: Plymouth: 1811. 8°. Has a lengthy MS. note by Mr. Drake. 8078 RISE OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE U. S. By Richard Frothingham. Boston: 1872. 8°. Author's Autog. 8079 RITCHIE, ARCHIBALD TUCKER. The Columbiad, aPoem. From the Lond. ed. N. Y.: 1843. 12°. 8080 RITCHIE, ANNA CORA. Mimic Life; or, Before and Behind the Curtain. Boston: 1856. 12°. 448 CATALOGUE. 8081 EITCIIIE, LEITCH. Versailles, with Twenty highly finished Eno^ravings. London: 1839. 8°. 8082 BITTER, ABRAHAM. History of the Moravian Church in Phila. Phila.: 1857. 8°. Many Portraits. 8083 RIVALS OF ACADIA (The.) An Old Story of the l^ew World. Boston: 1827. 12°. 8084 RIVERO, MARIA:N'0 E. Peruvian Antiquities. N. Y.: 1854. Frontis. 12°. 8085 RIVERS, Rev. Sir PETER. Serm. (Christ Ch., London, 1764,) yearly meeting of Charity Schools; acct. of Soc. for Prom. Christ. Know. London: 1764. 4°. 8086 ROBBIE'S, ARCHIBALD. Journal comprising a Voyage to Africa, Loss of the Brig Commerce and Captivity among the Arabs. Hartford: 1817. 12°. 8087 Same. 7th ed. Hartford: 1818. 12°. Map. 8088 14th ed. Hartford: 1821. 12°. Map. 8089 R0BBI:N^S, chandler. History of the Second Church, or Old Korth, in Boston; also, a Hist, of the Kew Brick Church. Engravings. Boston: 1852. 8°. pp. 320. Autog. of Author. 8090 Portrait of a Christian from Life: (Maria Elizabeth Clapp.) Boston: 1858. 12°. 8091 ROBBIJSTS, THOS. Semis, on the Divinity of Christ. Hart- ford: 1820. 16°. 8092 ROBERTS, DANIEL. Memoirs of John Roberts, by his son. Phila.: 1851. 18°. 8093 ROBERTS, GEORGE, (Capt.) Four Voyages of; a Series of uncommon Events which befell him. Written by Himself. Several Copper Plates. London: 1726. 8°. 8094 ROBERTS, GEORGE. (Author of the Hist, of Lyme Regis, [&c.] ) Diary of Walter Yonge, Esq. 1604 to 1628. Camd. Soc: 1848. 4°. 8095 ROBERTS, JOB. The Pennsylva. Farmer. A Selection from the most approved Treatises on Husbandry. Phila.: 1804. 12°. [Rare.] 8096 ROBERTS, LEWES. The Merchants' Mappe of Commerce. London: 1638. Fol. Portrait. Engr. Title. Map. A very rare book, containing a map of New England and description of the American plantations. In the first part are commendatory verses addressed to the author by Iz. Walton. 8097 ROBERTSON, JAMES, (Rev.) Hist, of the Mission of the Secession Church to Nova Scotia and P. E. Island, from its Com- mencement in 1765. Edinburgh and London: 1817. 12°. 8098 ROBERTSON, WILLIAM. Dictionary of Latin Phrases. London: 1829. 8°. 8099 History of America, Books 9 and 10 containing the Hist, of CATALOGUE. 449 Virginia to the Year 16S8, and of New England to the Year 1652. Phila.:1799. 8°. 8100 Same. New ed. N. Y^ork: 1798. 2v. 8°. 8101 Same. Books 9 and 10. Walpole, N. H. 1850. 12°. 8102 Same. London: Edinburg: 1777. 2v. 4. 8103 ROBIN, C. C. Voyages dans I'Interieur de la Louisiane, de la Floride Occidentale, et dans les Isles de la Martinique et de Saint Domingue, pendant les Ann6es, 1802, 1803, 1804, 1803 et 1806. Suivis de la Flore Louisianaire. Avec une Carte nouvelle. Tome 1. [In 3 vols.] A Paris: 1807. 8°. 8104 ROBIN HOOD, J3allads and Songs, from Ritson and others. London: 18G2. 18. 8105 BOBBINS, THOMAS. View of All Religions; and the Reli- gious Ceremonies of all Nations at the Present T>2iy. By "Wm, Ward, D.D. 3d Ed. Hartford: 1824. 8°. 8106 An Historical View of the First Planters of New England, Hartford: 1815. 12°. Scarce. 8107 All Religions and Religious Ceremonies. Hartford: 1823. 12°. 8108 ROBINSON, CONWAY. Discoveries in the West until 1519, and Voyages along the Atlantic Coast of N. America, from 1520 to 1573. Richmond: 1848. 8°. Scarce. 8109 ROBINSON, DANS SON ILE. Abr6g^ des Aventures de Robinson a I'usage des Ecoles. Par M. Ambroise Rendu. Paris: 1846. 18°. 8110 ROBINSON, FAYETTE. Account of the organization of the Army of the U. S. ; with Biographies of distinguished Officers. 36 authentic Portraits. Two Vols. Phila. : 1848. 12°. 8111 ROBINSON, J. H. Journal of an expedition 1400 miles up the Arauca. London: 1822. 8°. Beautiful Colored Plates. 8112 ROBINSON, JOHN. Proofs of Conspiracy against the Reli- gions and Governments of Europe, in the Secret Meetings of Free Masons, Illuminati, &c. 4th Ed. New York: 1798. 8°. 8113 ROBINSON, ROBERT. Hist, of Baptism. Ed. by David Benedict. Boston: 1817. 8°. 8114 ROBINSON, SARA T. L. Kansas; its Interior and Exterior Life. 7th ed. Boston: 1857. 12°. 8115 ROBINSON, WILLIAM DAVIS. Memoirs of the Mexican Revolution: Includ. Narrative of the Expedit. of Gen. Xavier Mina. Phila.: 1820. 8°. 8116 ROBSON, JOSEPH. Six Years Residence in Hudson's Bay, from 1733 to 1736, and 1741 to 1747, [&c.] Illustrated. London: 1752. 8°. 8117 ROBY, JOHN. Legendary and Poetical Remains of, Author of " Tradition of Lancashire." With a Sketch of his Literary Life and Character. By his Widow. London: 1854. cr. 8°. 450 CATALOGUE. 8118 ROCCHIETTI^ JOSEPH. Lorenzo and Onalaska. Winches- ter, Ya. : 1835. 8°. [Very scarce.] 8119 ROCHAMBEAU, Marshal Count de. Memoirs, relative to the War of Independence of the U. States, from the French. By M. W. E. Wright, Esq. Paris: 1838. 8°. Scarce ; and valuable as emanating from the Commander-in-chief, of the French expedi- tionary army, who speakB of what he saw, and was part of. 8120 ROCHEOUCAULD, Duke de la Liancourt. Travels through the United States, the Country of the Iroquois and U. Can- ada, in 1796, 1796 and 1797. With an Acct. of Lower Canada. 2 vols. London: 1799. 4". Contains the autog. of Admiral Collingwood. The author details with minuteness what fell under his eye in two journeys through N. England. N. York, &c. ; the first account of an intelligent traveller after the Revolution. 8121 ROCHO:!^, ABBE. Voyage to Madagascar, and the East Indies, from the French. Map of Madagascar. Lond.: 1792. 8°. 8122 ROCKWOOD, E. L. Historical and Genealogical Record of the Descendants of Timothy Rockwood. Boston: 1856. 12°. 8123 ROCKY M0U:N'TAIN"S, The, or Scenes, Incidents and Adven- tures in the Far West. By Washington Irving. 2 vols in one. Phila.: 1837. 12°. 8124 ROGERS, AMMI, (Rev.) Memoirs, [n. p.] 1824. 12°. [Scarce.] An Epis. Clergyman. Educated at T. C. Persecuted in the State of Ct. on acct. of Relig. and Politics almost 20 yrs. Falsely accused and Imprisoned in Norwich gaol 2 yrs. on the charge of improper intimacy with a young woman. 8125 Same. 4th ed. With Add. and Alterations. Concord, N. H.: 1832. 12°. 8126 ROGERS, E. P., a.m. Protestant Dutch Ch. of Albany, Kov. 26, 1857, in the Korth Dutch Church. ISTew York: 1858. R. 8°. Plates. 8127 ROGERS, HENRY D. 2d. Ann. Rep. on the Geological Ex- ploration of the State of Pennsylvania. Harrisburg: 1838. 8°. 8128 ROGERS, HESTER A:N':N', (Mrs.) Experience of. By herself. With an Extract from her Diary. Funeral Serm. Appended. !N". Y. , 1804. 12°. 8129 ROGERS, JOHN. The Doctrine of Faith. 5th ed. London: 1663. 24°. 8130 Ohel or Beth-shemesh. ATabernacle for the Sun : or Ireni- cvm Evangelicvm. An Idea Church of Church Discipline, in the Theorick and Practick Parts. [&c.] London: 1653. 4°. Dedicated to " the Lord Gen. Cromwell." The author, John Rogers, was son of Nehemiah Rogers. S. G. D. 8131 ROGERS, JOHK (of Leominster). The Book of Revelation of Jesus Christ. Boston: 1720. Nevr London: Rep. 1817. 12°. CATALOGUE. 451 8132 ROGERS, ROBERT, (Major.) Journals: Containing an Ac- count of several Excursions under the Generals who commanded in N. America, during the late War. London: 1765. 8°. Map inserted. [Scarce.] 8133 Account of North America: a Description of the several . British Colonies. Also of the Interior, or Westerly Parts of the Country. An Account of the Indians. London: 1775. 8°. 8134 ROGERS, THOMAS J. ISTew Biographical Dictionary; or Re- membrancer of Departed Heroes, Sages and Statesmen of America. 3d ed. Philadelphia: 1829. 12°. Portraits. 8135 Same. [First Ed.] Easton, Penn. : 1813. 12°. [Scarce.] 8136 Same. Easton, Pa. : 1823. 12°. 8137 ROGERS, TIMOTHY, m.a. Tlie Character of a Good Woman, both in a Single and Marry'd State. A Funeral Disc, on Mrs. Eliza- beth Dunton, who died May 28, 1697. With an Account of her Life and Death. Part of the Diary writ with her own Hand. London: 1697 (?). 12°. 8138 Discourse concerning Troubles of Mind, and the Disease of Melancholy. Also some Letters from several Divines. London: 1691. 12°. 8139 Consolation for the Afflicted: or, the Way to prevent Fainting under Outward or Inward Trouble. A Disc, occasd. by the Death of Mr. Edward Rede. London: 1694. 16°. 8140 ROGERS, WILLIAM B. Report of the Geological Reconnois- sance of the State of Virginia. Phila. : 1836. 8°. Map. 8141 ROGERS , WOODES , Capt. Cruising Yoyage Round the World. (South Sea, and East Indies.) Begun in 1708, and finished in 1711. Maps. 2dEd.,Corr. London: 1718. 8°. 8142 ROLAND, MADAME. Appeal to Impartial Posterity. Tracts written by her during her confinement in the Prisons of the Abbey, and St. Pelagic , Paris. Transl. from the French original. 1st Amer. Ed. Corr. Kew York: 1798. 2v. 8°. 8143 ROLL OF HONOR. Names of Soldiers who died in defence of the American Union, interred in the National Cemeteries at Wash- ington, D. C. , from August, 1861, to June, 1865. Washn. : 1865. 8°. 8144 ROLLIN, CHARLES. Life of Alexander the Great. From the French. Providence: 1796. 12°. [Scarce.] 8145 ROLLINS, J. R. Families of the name of Rollins, in the United States. Lawrence: 1874. 8°. Front, and Plates. 8146 ROLT, RICHARD. Impartial Representation of the Conduct of the Powers of Europe, engaged in the late General War: Account of all the Military and Naval Operations of G. Britn. and Spain, in 1739, to the Pacification at Aix la Chapelle, in 1748. (Also) Letters betn. M. Yoltaire and R. 2d ed. London: 1754. 4v. 8°. 8147 New and Accurate History of South America. With Dis- 452 CATALOGUE. sertations on the British, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Dutch, and Indian Settlements. London: 17o6. 8°. 8148 R0MAI:N'E, ROBT. dexter. The new Age of Gold; or the Life and Adventures of , written by Himself. Boston: 1856. 12°. 8149 ROMA]S' HISTORY, A new. Emb. with copper-plate cuts. London: 1784. 18°. 8150 ROMANS, BERNARD. Annals of the Troubles in the Neth- erlands. From the Accession of Charles Y. Mirror for the present Americans. Vol. 1. Hartford: 1778. 8°. 8151 ROME. Seen in a Week. Rome: 1853. 16°. 8152 RONDTHALER, ED WD. (Rev.) Life of John Heckewelder. Ed. by B. H. Coates, m.d. Phila.: 1847. 12°. Portrait. 815.3 ROSE-HILL, A tale of the Old Dominion, by a Virginian. Phila. : 1835. 18°. 8154 ROOT, M. A. Theory and Practice of Penmanship. Phila.: 1844. 8155 ROOTS, PETER PHIL. Letter to the First Congregal. P^do- baptist Church, at Rutland, Vt.: also a Collection of Observations Hymns, Letters, &c. Hartford. 8156 ROSARY (The.) Boston: 18a4. 18°. [There is a brief Preface by the Editor, J. T. Buckingham.] 8157 ROSCOE, WILLIAM. Occasional Tracts relative to the War between Great Britain and France. London: 1810. 8°. "Wm. Eustice, Esq., from the Author. 8158 on Penal Jurisprudence and the Reformation of Criminals. With an App. of the latest Reports of the Prisons of Phila., N. York, and Mass. London: 1819. 8°. 8159 Life of Lorenzo di' Medici. 3d ed. 2 vols. London : 1797. 4°. Port. 8160 Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth. Phila. : 1805-06. 4v. 8". Portraits. 8161 ROSCOMMON, (Earl of.) Poems. Also an Essay on Poetry, by the Earl of Mulgrave, now Duke of Buckingham. With Poems by Richard Duke. Lond. : 1717. 8^. 8162 ROSE, Hon. GEORGE. Observ. of the historical wor"k of Chas. J. Fox, with a narrative of events in the enterprise of the Earl of Argyle in 1685, by Patrick Hume. Lond. : 1809. 4°. 8163 ROSEAVELL, SAMUEL, a.m. Arraignment and Tryal of the late Rev. Mr. Thomas Rose well, for High Treason; with Account of his Life and Death. London: 1718. 8°. 8164 ROSS, ALEXANDER. HANSEBETA : or. View of all Re- ligions in the World: [&c.] 6th ed. Annexed, The Lives, Actions, and Ends of certain notorious Hereticks. With their Effigies in Copper-Plates. London: 1683. 8°. Portrait. 8165 Mystagogus Poeticus, or the Muses Interpreter: Explain- ing the Historical Mysteries, and Mystical Histories of the Ancient CATALOGUE. 453 Greek and Latin Poets. 6th ed. with Genealogy of the Heathen Gods. London: 1672. 8°. Portrait. 8166 Yirgilii Evangelisantis Christiados Librii XIII. Londini: 1638. 12°. 8167 BOSS, ARTHUR A. Disc, embracing the Civil and Religious History of Rhode Island; delivered April, 1838, at the close of the Second Century from the first settlement of Rhode Island. Provi- dence: 1838. 12°. [Rare.] 8168 ROSS, J0H:N', Capt. Treatise on Navigation by Steam. Plates and Engravings. London: 1828. 4°. 8169 Narrative of a Second Voyage in Search of a North "West Passage, during 1829-33. Paris: 1835. 8°. Plates. 8170 Memoirs and Correspondence of Admiral Lord Saumarez. 2 vols. London: 1838. 8°. Plates. 8171 ROUSE, S. S. The Bugle Blast. Comprising Naval and Mili- tary Exploits, Dashing Raids. Phila.: 1864. 12°. 8172 ROWE, ELIZABETH. Friendship in Death; Twenty Letters from the Dead to the Living. London: 1750. 8°. Portrait. 8173 Same. Boston: 1782. 12°. 8174 History of Joseph, with Misc. Poems. Boston: 1815. 18°. 8175 ROWE, JOHN, Esq. Caius Crispus Sallustius the Historian made English. The Life and Character of the Author and His Works. London: 1709. 8°. 8176 ROWE, NICHOLAS, Esq. Lucan's Pharsalia; Trans, into English Yerse. London: 1720. 18°. Portrait inserted. 8177 ROWE, SAMUEL. Panorama of Plymouth; or. Guide to Ob- jects of Interest, in the Towns and Yicinity of Plymouth, Dock, and Stonehouse. Plymouth: 1821. 18°. Map. 8178 ROWLANDSON, MARY. Narrative of the Captivity and Removes of, who was taken by the Indians at the Destruction of Lancaster, in 1676. Written by Herself. 6th ed. 2d Lancaster ed. Lancaster: 1828. 18°. [Scarce.] 8179 NaiTative of. Boston: 1791. Rep. 1856. 12°. One of the best eds. of this interesting work. S. G. D. 8180 ROWLEY, THOMAS. Poems supposed to have been written at Bristol, by T. Rowley and Others, in the Fifteenth Century. Cam- bridge: 1794. 8°. 8181 ROWNTREE, JOHN STEPHENSON. Quakerism, Past and Present : an Inquiry into the Causes of its Decline in Great Britain and Ireland. London: 1859. 12°. 8182 RO WSE, ELIZABETH. Outlines of English History in Yerse. London: 1808. 12°. Plate. 8183 ROWSON, SUSANNA. The Inquisitor; or, Invisible Rambler. 2d Amer. Ed. Phila. : 1794. 3 v. in 1. 12°. 8184 Biblical Dialogues between a Father and his Family. Bos- ton: 1822. 2v. 12°. 454 CATALOGUE. 8185 KOWSON, SUSANKA. Eebecca, or the Fille de Chambre. A Novel. 2d Amer, ed. corr. rev. Boston: 1814. 12°. 8186 History of Charlotte Temple. 2v. in 1. Hartf.: 1801. 18°. 8187 Charlotte's Daughter. Sequel to Charlotte Temple. With Memoir of the Author. Boston: 1828. 12°. 8188 Sarah, or the Exemplary Wife. Boston: 1813. 18°. 8189 Miscellaneous Poems. Boston: 1804. 12°. [Scarce.] 8190 ROXBUKY. Ads. of L. B. Comins. Roxbury: 1854. 8°. 8191 ROXBURY DIRECTORY, 1864. Illustrated Handbook for Travellers. N. Y.: 1849. Peck's Tourists' Companion. Buffalo: 1845. Blanchard's Map of the U. S. 4 vols. 18°. 8192 ROY, JENNET. History of Canada. Montreal: 1850. 12°. 8193 ROYAL, ANN. Letters from Alabama on various Subjects. Washington: 1830. 8°. 8194 [ ] Sketches of History, Life, and Manners in the United State. By a Traveller. N. Haven: 1826. 12°. Also, The Tennessean; A Novel, founded on Pacts. New Haven: 1827. 12°. 8195 The Black -Book: or a Continuation of Travels in the United States. 2 vols. Yol. 1. Washington City: Printed for the Author, 1828. 12°. She claimed relationship with the Royall family of Medford, Mass. Gowans said she would have been a better fishmonger than author. [1 leaf wanting.] 8196 ROYAL MAGAZINE (The); or Gentleman's Monthly Com- panion. Yol. 1. London: [1759.] 8°. Valuable Plates and Maps. 8197 RUBEK, SENNOIA. Stanzas to Queen Victoria, and other Poems. N. York: 1866. 8°. Front. 8198 RUBIO. Rambles in the U. S. and Canada in 1845, with a Short Account of Oregon. 2d ed. London: 1847. 12°. 8199 RUDDIMAN, THOMAS. Rudiments of the Latin Tongue. Rev. by R. J. Bryce. 2d ed. London: 1850. 12°. 8200 RUFIANA: or the Poetical Sinnings of William Rufus, of Charleston, S. C. N. Y.: 1826. 18°. [Scarce.] 8201 RUINS (The) of Psestum: And other Compositions in Verse. Salem, Mass. : 1822. 4°. pp. 128. 8202 (The) of Athens, with other Poems. By a Voyager. Washington: 1831. 8°. pp. 111. By Henry, 3d Son of Col. Tim. Pickering. 8203 RULES AND REGULATIONS for the P. W. and B. and New Castle and Erenchtown Railroads. Phila.: 1854. 8°. 8204 RULES, Regulations, &c., for the Naval Service of the U. S., prepared by the Board of Navy Commissioners. Washington City: 1818. 12°. 8205 and Regulations for the Massachusetts Army. Pub. by Order. Salem: 1775. 8°. CATALOGUE. 455 8206 RUMFORD, BEN J., Count of. Essays, Political, Economi- cal and Philosophical. 1st. Amer. from the 3d London ed. 2 vols. 8°. [Very scarce.] 8207 RUNDALL, M. A. (Miss.) History of England; Illustrated by numerous Symbolical Engravings. 2d ed. London: 1829. 12°. 8208 RUNDALL, THOMAS. Narratives of Voyages towards the North "West, in Search of a Passage to Cathay and India. 1496 to 1631. London: Hak. Soc: 1849. 8°. Map. 8209 Memorial of the Empire of Japan : in the 16th and 17th centuries. Ed. with Notes. London: Hak. Soc. 1850. 8°. Map. 8210 RUPP, J. DANIEL. He Pasa Ekklesia: An Original History of the Religious Denominations at present existing in the U. S. Phila.: 1844. r. 8°. 8211 History of Northampton, Lehigh, Monroe, Carton, and Schuylkill Counties. Harrisburg: 1845. 8°. [Scarce.] 8212 RUSCHENBERGER, W. S. W. Voyage Round the World; including an Embassy to Muscat and Siam, in 1835-7. Phila. : 1838. 8213 RUSH, BENJAMIN, M.D. Essays. 2d ed. Phila.: 1806. 8°. Port. " William Rosco, Esq., from his obliged friend the Author." 8214 Observ. on the Changes of Air, and the concomitant epidem- ical Diseases in the Island of Barbadoes. By William Hillary, m.d. 'Notes by R. Phila.: 1811. 8^. 8215 Six Introductory Lectures upon the Institutes and Practice of Medicine, deld. in the University of Pa. Phila.: 1801. 8°. Autog. of Danl. Drake. 8216 Inquiry into the Sources of Summer and Autumnal Disease, The Yellow Pever not contagious. Phila. : 1805. 8.. 8217 Obs. on the Epidemical Diseases of Minorca, 1744-49. By G. Cleghorn, M.D. With Notes. Phila.: 1809. 12°. 8218 Medical Inquiries and Observations upon the Diseases of the Mind. 5th ed. Phila. : 1835. 8°. 8219 Works. 2d Amer. ed. 5 vols. Phila. : 1794-1798. 8°. . 8220 RUSH, CAROLINE E. Robert Morton, or the Stepmother: Containing Edmund and lone. Letters from the South, &c.,&c. Phila.: 1850. 12°. 8221 RUSH, JACOB. Charges and Extracts on Moral and Religious Subjects. Phila.: N.York: May, 1804. V2P- 8222 RUSH, RICHARD. Residence at the Court of London. Phila.: 1833. 8°. 8223 Occasional Productions; among others, a Glance at the Court and Government of Louis Philippe and the French Revolu- tionofl848. PhUa.: 1860. 8°. Port. 8224 Washington in Domestic Life. From Original Letters and MSS. Phila.: 1857. 8°. 456 CATALOGUE. 8225 KUSIT, RICIIAllD. Residence at the Court of London. Lon- don: 1833. 8°. 8226 EUSIIWORTH, JOHl!^. Historical Collections. London: 1680. 2v. Fol. Portraits. 8227 RUSKI^N', JOHN. Sesame and Lilies. Lectures at Manchester in 1864. N. Y.:1865. 12°. 8228 RUSSELL, ARTHUR T., Rev. Memorials of the Life and Works of Thomas Fuller, D.D. London: 1844. 18°. Port. 8229 RUSSELL, J., Jr. History of the War, between the U. S. and Great Britain. 2d ed. Hartford: 1815. 8°. [Scarce.] 8230 RUSSELL, JOHX (Lord). Life of Wm. Lord Russell. Lon- don: 1819. 4°. Portraits. 8231 Memorials and Correspondence of Chas. James Fox. Lon- don: 1853. 2v. 8°. 8232 RUSSELL, MICHAEL, (Rev.) View of Ancient and Modern Egypt; with Outline of its Natural History. Map and 10 Engrav- ings by Hranston. Edinburgh: 1831. 16°. 8233 RUSSELL, W. H. Canada: its Defences, Condition, and Re- sources, Concluding Yol. of my Diary, North and South. Boston: 1865. 12°. 8234 The War. From the Death of Lord Raglan to the Evacuar tion of the Crimea. London: 1856. 12°. Portrait. 8235 Canada: itd Defences, &c. London: 1865. 8°. Two Maps. 8236 RUSSELL, WM. History of Ancient Europe, with a view of the Revolutions in A.sia and Africa. Phila. : 1801. 2v. 8°. 8237 RUSSELL, WM. S. Pilgrim Memorials, and Guide to Ply- mouth. Map and eight copper plate engravings. 3d ed. Boston: 1860. 12°. 8238 Guide to Plymouth, and Recollections of the Pilgrims. Boston: 1816. 12°. 8239 RUSSIA, by a recent Traveller. A Series of Letters. Illustrated. London: 1859. 12°. 8240 RUTIIERFURD, SAMUEL. The due Right of Presbyteries, or a Peaceable Plea for the Government of the Ch. of Scotland. The way of the Ch. of Christ in New England. London: 1644. 4°. Title paije partly supplied. An interesting fragment of New England ecclcBiastical history. 8241 RUTER, MARTIN. The Martyrs, or a History of Persecu- tion, from the Commencement of Christianity to the Present Time. Cincinnati: 18:54. 12°. 8242 RUTTENBER, E. M. History of the Indian Tribes of Hud- son's River. Albany: Munsell, 1872. 8°. Many Engravings. 8243 RYAN, MICHAEL. Prostitution in London; with Compara- tive View of that of Paris and New York. Numerous Plates. London: 1839. 12°. CATALOGUE. 457 S. 8244 S. (M. T.) When will the day come, &c. Host, [n.d.] Port. 12®. 8245 S. S. S. Two hundred years ago; a lirief hist, of Cambridge Port, etc. Boston: 1859. sq. 18°. 8246 SABIN, ELIJAH 11. (Rev.) Life and Reflections of Charles Observator. Boston: 1816. 12°. 8247 Journey from Egypt to Jerusalem: or the Road to Happi- ness. Boston: 1811. 12°. 8248 SABLNTE, ED. (Lt. Col.) Narrative of an exped. to the Polar Sea commanded by Adm. Ferd. Von Wrangell. London: 1844. Port. 15°. 8249 SABINE, JAMES. An Ecclesiastical History; from the Com- mencement of the Christian Era to the Present Time. Boston: 1820. 12°. [Scarce.] 8250 SABINE, LORENZO. Address bef. the New Eng. Hist, and Geneal. Soc. on the 100th anniversary of the death of Gen. Wolfe. Boston: 1859. 8°. 8251 Report on the Fisheries of the American Seas. Prep'd for the Treasury Department of the U. S. Washington: 1853. 8°. 8252 American Loyalists, or Biogl. Sketches of Adherents to the Brit. Crown in the Revolution. With a Prelim. Hist. Essay. Boston: 1847. 8°. 8253 SABRE, G. E. (Lieut.) Nineteen Months a Prisoner of War. His Experience in the War Prisons. Ill'd. N". York: 1865. 12°. 8254 SACRA PRIVATA. The private meditations of the Rev. Tho. Wilson. 1st Amer. ed. Cambridge: 1804. 12°. 8255 SACRED CIII^ONOLOGIE. Drawn by Scripture Evidence. By Roger Drake, M.D. London: 1648. 4°. MS. noces by Mr. D. 8256 SADLER, RALPH, Sir. State Papers and Lettei-s'of. Ed. by Artl.ur Clifford. 2 vols. With a Memoir of the Life of Sir Ralph Sadler, with Historical Notes, by Walter Scott, Esq. Edin- burgh: 1809. 4°. Frontispiece. 8257 SAFFELL, W. T. R. Records of the Revolutionary War: containing the Military and Financial Correspondence of Distin- guished Officers. Philada. : 1860. 12°. 8258 SAFFORD, WM. H. Life of Herman Blennerhassett. An authentic Narrative of the Burr Expedition. Cincinnati: 1853. 12°. 8259 The Blennerhasset Papers; the Private Journal of H. Blen- nert. Cincinnati: 1864. 8°. Three Portraits. 8260 SAGITTARIUS' LETTERS and Political Speculations. Bos- ton: 1774. 8^. Very Uaro, wants title and last 3 leaves after page 120. Pee Stevens' "Nuggets," No. 2426. Printed by order of the St'lectmeu of Boston. It is a curious tract of the iievolutionary times. MS. note by 8. G. D. : priced in England at 158. 458 CATALOGUE, 8261 ST. DOMIiS'GO. History of, from its First Discovery by Columbus, to the Present Period. London: 1818. 8°. 8262 ST. JAMES' MAGAZI:N^E: or, Memoirs of Our own Times. Vol. 1. London: 1774. 8°. 8263 ST. JOHi^, JOHK R. True Description of the Lake Superior Country. With Bayfield's Chart. Also, a minute Acct. of the Copper Mines. Map of the Mineral Regions. N. Y. : 1846. 12°. 8264 ST. JOHK [OLIVER]. An Argvment of Law concerning the Bill of Attainder of High-Treason of Thomas Earle of Strafford: Pub. by Order of the Commons House. London: 1641. 4°. 8265 ST. J0KATHA:N', the Lay of a Scold. '' Eye, thou dishonest Sathan." N. York: 1838. 12°. 8266 ST. PIERRE, BERKARDm De. Voyages of Amasis. In Erench and English. Boston: 1795. 12°. 8267 SALEM, (Ms.) Rules and Orders of, with City Charter. Salem: 1841. 12°. 8268 SALEM CONTROVERSY. Pamphlets, &c., containing the Articles of Unitarianism. Salem: 1834. 8°. 8269 SALEM E. I:N'DIA MARINE SOC. Incorp. and Catal. of. Salem: [n.d.] 8270 SALEM WITCHCRAFT. Comprising More Wonders of the Invisible World, by Robt. Calef ; and Wonders of the Invisible World, by Cotton Mather. Notes, &c., by Saml. P. Fowler. Bost.: 1865. 8°. Port. 8271 SALISBURY GUIDE. Giving an Acct. of the Antiquities of Old Sarum, and the Ancient and Present State of New Sarum, or Salisbury; the cathedral, Stonehenge. 22d ed. Salisbury: 1801. 12°. Frontis. 8272 SALLUST: Trans, of Catiline and Jugurtha. With life of Sallust, by Le Clerc. Gloucester: 1789. 8°. 8273 SALMON, THOMAS, m.a. (Rector Mepsall in the County of Bedford.) A New Historical Account of St. George for England, and the Original of the most Noble Order of the Garter. Illustrated. London: 1704. 8°. 8274 Chronological Historian. From the Invasion of the Romans, to the 14th Year of Geo. II. Illustrated with Effigies of all our English Monarchs. By Vertue. 3d ed. Lond. : 1747. 2 vols. 8°. 8275 Modern Gazetteer; Or, a Short View of the World. Gene- alogies and Families of the Emperors, Kings, and Princes, now reigning. 5th ed. London: 1758. 8°. 8276 Same. 6th ed. London: 1759. 16°. Maps. 8277 Short View of the Families of the Scottish Nobility, [&c.] London: 1759. 12°. 8278 Impartial Examination of Bishop Burnet's Hist, of his Own Times. Vol.2. London: 1724. 8°. CATALOGUE. 459 8279 SALMON, THOMAS, m.a. Geography. London: (printed about 17C6.) 8°. Wants 16 pp. at beginning. " As quaint as old Fuller and as valuable to tbosc fond of antiquarian curiosities." 8280 SALMOiN", W. (m.d.) Ars Anatomica; or, the Anatomy of Human Bodies. In seven Books. Illustrated with 29 Anatomical Sculptures. London: 1714. 8°. Portrait. 8281 SALT, HENRY. Voyage to Abyssinia, and Travels into the Interior of that Country, in 1809-10. Phila. : 1816. 8°. 8282 SALTMARSH, JOHN. The Smoke in the Temple. Wherein is a Designe for Peace and Reconciliation of Believers of the Several Opinions of these Times about Ordinances. London: 1646. 4°. 8283 Sparkles of Glory; or, some Beams of the Morning Star. "Wherein are many Discoveries as to Truth and Peace. London: 1647. 18°. 8284 SALZMANN, G. G. Gymnastics for Youth. An Essay toward the necessary Improvement of Education. With Copper Plates. Phila.: 1802. 8°. 8285 Elements of Morality. SdAmer. ed. Wilming'n: 1796. 12°. 8286 SAMMES, AYLETT. Britannia Antiqua Illustrata: or, the Antiquities of Ancient Britain. London : 1676. Eol. 8287 SAMPSON EZRA. The Brief Remarker on the Ways of Man: or Dissertations respecting Social and Domestic Relations, and the various economy of Life. Hudson: 1820. 12". The Youth's Companion, or an Historical Dictionary. 3d ed. Hudson: 1816. 12°. SAMPSON, M. B. Rationale of Crime; and its appropriate treat- ment. A Treatise on Criminal Jurisprudence considered in relation to Cerebral Organization. From the 2d Lond. ed. Notes and Illustra- tions by E. W. Famham. Portraits of Criminals. N. Y. : 1846. 12°. 8290 SAMPSON, WILLIAM. Memoirs of. Particulars of his Ad- ventures in Europe ; confinement in the Dungeons of the Inquisi- tion in Lisbon, &c. Leesburg. Ya. : 1817. 8°. [Scarce.] 8291 SAN FRANCISCO, Annals of. A Summary of the History of the first Discovery, Settlement, Progress, and present Condition of California. By Frank Soule, J. H. Gihon, m.d., and James Nisbet. 150 Engravings. New York: 1855. 8°. 8292 SANDERS, PRINCE. Haytian Papers. A Collection of Proc- lamations and other official Documents, with some Account of the Rise, Progress, and Present State of the Kingdom of Hayti. Boston: 1818. 12'-^. 8293 SANDERSON, PAT. Antiquities of the Abbey or Cathedral Church of Durham. Also a Descriptn. of County Palatine of Durham. Newcastle upon Tyne: 1767. 12°. Illust. 81 460 CATALOGUE. 8294 SANDERSOK, WM. Peter pursued; or, Dr. Heylin Overtaken, Arrested, and Arraigned upon his Three Appendixes. Patched to- gether in his Examen Historicum. London: 1658. 4°. 8295 SANDS, ROBERT C. Writings in Prose and Verse. With Memoir. 2 vols. N". York: 1834. 8°. Portrait. 8296 SANDWICH ISLANDS. 10 tracts in the Hawaiian lang. 12° 8297 [SANDYS, EDWIN, Sir.] Evropse Specvlvm; or, A View or Svrvey, of the State of Religion in the Western parts of the World Wherein the Romane Religion, and the pregnant policies of the Church of Rome to support the same, are notably displayed: with some other memorable discoveries and Commemorations. Pub. according to the Authour's Originall Copy, and acknowledged by him for a true copy. London : 1637. 4°. Very rare. " Sandya participated in the first debate in Parliament in which Amerio* is noticed." 8. G. D. 8298 SANFORD, EZEKIEL. History of the United' States before the Revolution: with some Account of the Aborigines. Philad.: 1819. 8°. 8299 SANSOM, JOSEPH. Sketches of Lower Canada, historical and descriptive. N. York: 1817. 12°. View of Quebec. 8300 SANSON, NICHOLAS. Cosmography and Geography. Many Maps. London: 1682. 2v.ini. Folio. Contains a large and fine Map of America. 8301 SARATOGA, Hand Book of, by R. L. Allen. Albany: 1866. 8°. 8302 SARGENT, AARON. Geneal. of the Sarge[a]nt Family, Desc. of Wm. S. of Maiden, Mass. Boston: 1858. 12°. 8303 SARGENT, EPES, Jr. Velasco; A Tragedy, in Five Acts. Boston: 1837. 8°. Author's autog. 8304 Songs of the Sea; other Poems. 2d Ed. Boston: 1849. 12°. 8305 SARGENT, L. M. Hubert and Ellen. With other poems. Boston: 1812. 8°. 8306 Same. Boston: 1813. 8°. 8307 Same. 3d ed. With alterations. Boston: 1815. 18°. 8308 Reminiscences of Samuel Dexter, (by Sigma.) Boston: 1857. 18°. 8309 Dealings with the Dead. By a Sexton of the Old School. Boston: 1856. 2v in 1. 8°. 8310 Temperance Tales. Illustrated Ed. Boston: 1852. 2v. in 1. 12°. 8311 SARGENT, WINTHROP. History of an Expedition against Fort Du Quesne, in 1755 under Gen. Braddock. Ed. from the Orig- inal MSS. Phila.: 1856. 8°. lUust. 8312 Life of Major John Andr6. Boston: 1861. 12°. ed. of 75 copies. Plates. CATALOGUE. 461 8313 SARMIENTO, FERDINAND L. flistory of our Flag, from the earliest Period to the Present Time. Phila. : 1864. 8°. 8314 SAUNDERS, DANIEL, Jr. Journal of the Travels and Suffer- ings of. A Mariner on board the Ship Commerce of Boston, Samuel Johnson Commander. 3d ed. Salem: 1824. 12°. 8315 Same. Salem: 1794. 12°. Said to have been written by Rev. Wm. Bentley of Salem. 8316 SAUNDERS, F. Memoirs of the Great Metropolis; or, London. N. Y. : 1852. 12°. 8317 SAUNDERS, WM. m.d. Structure, Economy, and Diseases of the Liver. Walpole, N. H.: 1810. 12°. 8318 SAVAGE, ED WARD H. Chron. Hist, of the Boston Watch and Police, 1631 to 1865; with Recollections of a Boston Police Officer, or Boston by Daylight and Gaslight. Boston: 1865. 8°. 8319 Same. 2d ed. rev. Boston: 1865. 8°. Port. 8320 SAVAGE, JAMES. Genealogical Dictionary of the First Set- tlers of New England. 4 vols. 1860. 8°. Author's autog. 8321 Hist, of New England, by John Winthrop. From orig. MS. With notes. New ed. Boston: 1853. 2v. 8°. 8321 A SAVAGE, JOHN, (Esq.) Account of New Zealand; par- ticularly the Bay of Islands. Lond. : 1807. 8°. 8322 SAVAGE, TIMOTEIY. The Amazonian Republic, recently dis- covered in the Interior of Peru. N. Y. : 1842. 12°. 8323 SAVARY, C. Letters on Egypt, with the Descent of Louis IX, at Damietta. Extracted from Joinville, and Arabian Authors. From the French. 2d ed. Lond. : 1787. 2 vols. 8°. Maps and Plates. 8324 SAXE, FIELD MARSHAL COUNT. Memoirs upon the Art of War. Added, some original Letters: with his Reflections upon the Propagation of the Human Species. From the French. Lon- don: 1757. 4°. 40 Copperplates. 8325 SAXE, JOHN G. Money King, and other Poems. Boston: 1860. 12°. Port. 8326 Poems. 3d ed. Boston: 1851. 12°. 8327 SAXTON, WM. RANDALL. Memoir of, by C. T. Torrey. Salem: 1838. 18°. 8328 SAYER, ROBERT. The North American Pilot for Newfound- land, Labrador, the Gulf and River St. Lawrence. 60 Accurate Charts, &c. From original Surveys: Taken by J. Cook and M. Lane, Surveyors, J. Gilbert, and others. London: 1784. Fol. 8329 Same. (Pt. 2.) N. Amer. Pilot for New Eng., N. Y., Penna., Maryland, and Va. : Also the two Carolinas, and Florida. From Orig. Surveys by Capt. J. Gascoigne, J. Fisher, J. Blarney, and others. London: 1783. Fol. 8330 SCARBORO'. Theakston's Handbook for Visitors in Scarbo- rough. Scarboro': 1859. 18°. Illust. Map. 462 CATALOGUE. 8331 SCEJ^ES AT WASHmGTO:^'; a Story of the Last Genera- tion. By a Citizen of Baltimore. N. Y. : 1848. 12°. 8332 [SCHADD, J. C] Ocean Waves in Lyric Strains. Pittsburg, Pa.: 1858. 8^. 8333 SCHALK, EMIL. Campaigns of 1862 and 1863. Illustrating the Principles of Strategy. 2d ed. Phila. : 1863. 12°. 8334 SCHARF, J. THOMAS, (Col.) Chronicles of Baltimore; from the earliest Period to the Present Time. Baltime. : 1874. 8°. Author's Autograph. 8335 SCHEFEER, JOHN. History of Lapland, wherein are shewed the Original Manners, Habits, Marriages, Conjurations, &c., of that People. Oxford: 1674. Pol. Numers. Plates. 8336 SCHMIDT, C. E. VON, (Dr.) Europe and America, or the relative State of the civilized world at a future period. Erom the German. Copenhagen: 1820. 8°. 8337 SCHMUCKER, SAML. M. Hist, of the Civil War in the U. S. Specimen Copy; only 38 pp. of letterpress, the rest maps and plates. Phila., &c.: 1865. 8338 SCHNECK, B., d.d. The Burning of Chambersburg, Pa. 2d ed. Phila.: 1864. 12°. 8339 SCHOMBERG, ISAAC, Esq. Naval Chronology; or an His- torical Summary of Naval and Maritime Events, from the Time of the Romans, to 1802. London: 1802. 5v. 8°. 8340 SCHOOLCRAFT, HENRY R. Narrative of an Expedition through the Upper Mississippi to Itasca Lake, the actual source of this River. In 1832. New York: 1834. 8°. Maps. 8341 Notes on the Iroquois; or Contributions to American His- tory, Antiquities, and General Ethnology. Albany: 1846. 8°. Plates. 8342 The Red Race of America. N. York: 1847. 8°. 8343 Narrative Journal of Travels, through the N. Western Re- gions of the U. S. Extending from Detroit thi'o' the Great Chain of American Lakes, to the Sources of the Mississippi River in 1820. With a Map and 8 Copr. -plate Engravings. Albany: 1821. 8°. [Rare.] 8344 The Myth of Hiawatha, and other Oral Legends of the North Amer. Indians. Phila.: 1856. 12°. 8345 View of the Lead Mines of Missouri; including Obs. on the Mineralogy, Geology, Antiquities, &c. Engravings. N. Y.:1819. 8°. 8346 Summary Narrative of an Exploring Expedition to the Sources of the Mississippi River, in 1820: Completed, by the Discov- ery of its Origin in Itasca Lake, in 1832. Phila. : 1855. 8°. 8347 Information respecting the History, Condition, and Pros- pects of the Indian Tribes of the U. S. Illustrated by Capt. East- man, U. S. A. Phila.: 1854. 4°. Autog. of Geo. H. Mannypenny, Com'r of Ind. Affairs. CATALOGUE. 463 8348 SCIIOULER, WILLIAM. Annual Report of the Adjutant General, of Massachusetts, with Reports from the Quarter Master Gen., Surg. Gen. and Master of Ordnance, 1862-65. Boston: 1803- 66. 4v. 8°. Autograph of S. 8349 Massachusetts in the Civil War. Boston: 1868-71. 2v. 8°. Portrait. 8350 SCHOWART, AISTTHONY WILLIAM. Observations Histor- ical and Genealogical: In which the Originals of the Emperor, Kings, Electors, and other the Sovereign Princes of Europe. Written in Latin, and now made English, with enlargements rel. to England. London: 1693. 8°. 8351 SCHREIBER, A. Traveller's Guide to the Rhine. New ed. London: 1830. 18°. 8352 SCHROEDER, JOHN FREDERICK. Life and Times of Washington: Account of the Illustrious Men of the Revolution. Illustrated with Steel Engravings, and full-length Portraits, by Chap- pel. 2 vols. 4°. Bchroeder died while the 4th No. was in press. The work was then continued by other writers, among whom was R. W. Griswold. 8353 SCHULTZ, CHRISTIAN, Jr., (Esq.) Travels on an Inland Voyage through the States of N. York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee, and through the Territories of In- diana, Louisiana, Mississippi and New Orleans, in 1807-8. Maps and Plates. New York: 1810. 2 vols, in one. 8°. Portrait. 8354 SCIENTIFIC TRACTS, for Instruction and Entertainment. By Josiah Holbrook and others. Vol. 2. Boston: 1832. 12°. 8355 SCIPIO'S Reflections on Monroe's View of the Conduct of the Executive on the Foreign Affairs of the U. S. Connected with a Mission to the French Republic. Boston: 1798. 12°. 8356 SCORESBY, WM., (Rev.) American Factories and their Fe- male Operatives. London: 1845. 12°. 8357 SCOTLAND DELINEATED. A Geographical Description of every Shire in Scotland, Including the Northern and Western Isles. 2d ed. Map. Edinburgh: 1799. 8°. 8358 Hist, of Feuds among the Clans in Scotland and the West- ern Islands. From 1021 to 1619. Now first pub. fr. a MS. wrote in the reign of James VI. Glasgow: 1764. 18°. 8359 SCOTT, BENJAMIN. The Pilgrim Fathers, neither Puritans nor Persecutors. London: 1866. 8360 SCOTT, JOB. Journal of the Life, Travels, and Gospel Labours of that Faithful Servant. N. York: 1797. 12°. 8361 SCOTT, JONA. M. Blue Lights, or the Convention. A Poem, in four Cantos. N. York: 1817. 18°. [Scarce.] 8362 The Sorceress, or Salem delivered. A Poem. N. York: 1817. 18°. [Scarce.] 464 CATALOGUE. 8363 SCOTT, JOSEPH. The United States Gazetteer. 19 Maps. Phila.: 1795. 12°. Rare. The first Gazetteer of the U. 8. issued. 8364 SCOTT, Mrs. JULIA H. Poems, with Memoir by Miss S. C. Edgarton. Boston: 1843. 16°. Portrait. ^365 SCOTT, :N'ANCY IST. Memoir of Hugh Lawson White, Judge of the S. C. of Tennessee, &c., &c. With Selections. Phila.: 1856. 8°. Portrait. 8366 SCOTT, WALTER (Sir). Vision of Don Roderick; a Poem. Boston: 1811. 18°. 8367 Demonology and Witchcraft. Letters to J. G. Lockhart. London and ]N'ew York: n. d. 12°. Hlust. 8368 SCOTT, WILLLA.M. New Spelling, Pron. and Explan. Dic- tionary of the English Language. i^Tew Ed. Edinburgh: 1797. Sq. 12°. 8369 SCOTT, WINFIELD, (Gen.) Memoirs of. Written by Him- self. 2 vols. K. York: 1864. 12°. Port. 8370 SCOTTISH TOURIST and Itinerary. Guide to the Sceneiy and Antiquities of Scotland and the Western Islands; with a Description of the principal Steamboat Tours. 5th Ed. Maps and Views. Edinburgh: 1834. 12°. 8371 SCOUGAL, HEKRY. The life of God in the soul of man;' with memoirs of the Author. Boston: reprin. from 9th Eng. ed. 1789. 18°. 8372 SCRANTOISr, ERASTUS, a.m. Genealogical Register of the Descendants of John Scranton, of Guilford, Conn. Hartford: 1855. 8°. 8373 SCRIBBLIKGS AND SKETCHES. Diplomatic, Piscatory, and Oceanic. By a Fisher in Small Streams. 2d Ed. Phila.: 1844. 12°. 8374 SCURRY, JAMES. Captivity, Sufferings, and Escape; a prisoner Ten Years, in the Dominions of Hyder Ali and Tippoo Saib. Written by Himself. London. 12°. Portrait. 8375 SEABORN, ADAM, Capt. (Pseud.) Symzonia; A Voyage of Discovery. N. Y.:1820. 12°. [Scarce.] 8376 SEAMAN, VALENTINE, m.d. Dissertation on the Mineral Waters of Saratoga, incl. the Waters of Ballston. 2d ed. enlg. New York: 1809. 12°. Map. [Scarce.] 8377 SEARLE, JANUARY. Memoirs of William Wadsworth,— numerous Quotations from his Poems. London: 1852. 12° or Cr. 8°. Portrait. 8378 Life of Ebenezer Elliott, the Corn Law Rhymer. London: 1850. 18°. 8379 SEARLES, R. A. (Mrs.) Scraps and Poems. Cincinnati: 1851. 18°. CATALOGUE. 465 8380 SEARS, EDMUND IF. Pictures of the Olden Time, shown in the Fortunes of a Family of the Pilgrims; with a Genealogy. Private ed. Boston: 1857. 12°. [Very few cop. printed.] 8381 SEARS, M. The American Politician; with the Portraits of the Presidents, from Washington to Tyler. Boston: 1842. 12°. 8382 SEARS, REUBEN, (a.m.) Poem on the Mineral Waters of Ballston and Saratoga, with Notes. Ballston, Spa.; 1819. 18°. 8383 SEAVER, JAMES E. Life of Mary Jemison: Deh-he-Wiimis. 4th ed. With Explanatory Notes. New York: 18C0. 12°. Plates. 8884 SEAWEEDS. From the Shores of Nantucket. Bost. : 1853. 12°. 8385 SECESSION, or Prose in Rhyme, and East Tennessee. A Poem by an East Tennessean. Phila. : 1864. 18°. 8386 SECRET PROCEEDINGS and Debates of the Convention at Phila., in 1787, for forming the Constitution of the U. S. A. From Notes taken by the late Robert Yates. Including " The Genuine Information laid before the Legislature of Maryland by Luther Martin, Esq. Richmond, Va.: 1839. 8°. [Scarce.] 8387 JOURNALS of the Acts and Proceedings of Congress, from the first meeting to the dissolution of the Confederation. Boston: 1821. 4v. 8°. Vol. 2 w. 8388 HISTORY; or, the Horrors of St. Domingo, a Series of Letters to Col. Burr. Philad. : 1808. 12°. 8389 SECRETS REVEALED: or, an open Entrance to the Shut Palace of the King: containing the greatest Treasure in Chymistry, never yet Discovered. Composed by a famous Englishman, styling himself Anonymous. London: 1669. 12°. 8390 SEDGWICK, CHAS. A Talk with my pupils. Boston: 1863. 12°. 8391 SEDGEWICK, CATHARINE MARIA. Letters from Abroad to Kindred at Home. 2 vols. N. York: 1841. 12°. 8392 Poetical Remains of the late Lucretia Maria Davidson, col- lected and arranged by her Mother: with Biography by Mrs. Sedg- wick. Phila.: 1841. 12°. 8393 [ ] Hope Leslie; or Early Times in the Massachusetts. 2 vols. New York: 1827. 12^. 8394 Memoir of Joseph Curtis, a Model Man. N. York: 1858. 16°. 8395 SEDGWICK, THEODORE. Public and Private Economy. Part First. New York: 1836. 12°. 8396 Memoir of the Life of William Livingston, Memb. of Con- gress, 1774-76. N. York: 1833. 8°. Portrait. 8397 SEELEY, CATHARINE. Memoir of Catharine Seeley, late of Darien, Cont. N. York: 1843. 12°. 8398 SEGA, JAMES. What is True Civilization, or Means to sup- press the practice of Duelling, &c. Boston: 1830. 12°. 466 CATALOGUE. 8399 SfiGUR, le COMTE. Memoirs and Kecollections of, Ambas- sador from France to the Courts of Russia and Prussia, &c., &c. Written by himself. London: 1825. 8°. 8400 [Same]. Boston: 1825. 8°. A book that gives, from personal reminiscence, interesting pictures of the American Revo, lutionary Army and its leaders. 8401 SELDEN, JOHN (of the Inner Temple). The Priviledges of the Baronage of England, when they sit in Parliament. London: 1642. 18°. 8402 SELDEK, JOHIST. Titles of (Honor. London: 1614. The friend of Ben Jonson, who occupies two preliminary leaves. 8403 SELECT BIOGRAPHIES. 'From the Library of Useful Knowledge. Cardinal Wolsey, Sir Chris. Wren, Wm. Caxton, Coke, i^iebuhr, Newton, Adm. Blake, Galileo, Kepler, etc. 14 nos. 8°. 8404 SELECT BIOGRAPHY. By D. Eraser. N. Y.: 1798. 12°. 8405 SELECT JOURJSTAL of foreign periodical literature, Jan. 1833, -Oct., 1834. Boston: 1833-34. 4v. 8°. 8406 SELECT TRACTS rel. to Colonies. The Benefit of Plantations or Colonies. By Wm. Penn. A Discourse concerning Plantations. By Sir Josiah Child. London: [n. d.] 8°. 8407 Collection of Poems, and other elegant Extracts, from Pope, Dwight, &c. Boston: 1807. 12°. 8408 SELECTIONS from Female Poets. Boston: 1837. 18°. 8409 of Patriotic Addresses to the President of the U. S. With the Answers. Boston: 1798. 12°. 8410 SELFRIDGE, T. O. Trial of Thos. O. Self ridge; Attorney-at- Law, before the Hon. Isaac Parker, Esq. For killing Charles Austin, on the Public Exchange, in Boston, Aug. 4, 1806. Boston: 8°. [Scarce.] A trial of extraordinary interest from the high standing of the parties, and the eminent legal talent engaged. James Sullivan was Attorney-General; Saml. Dexter and Chris- topher Gore defended Selfridge. . 8411 SELLER, JOHN. Atlas Minimus; or, a Book of Geography Shewing all the Empires, Monarchies, Kingdoms, in the whole World. London: 32°. [n. d.] 8412 SEMI-CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION (The) of the Park St. Church and Society; [Boston] Feb. 27, 1859. Boston: 1861. 12°. Portrait. 8413 SEMINOLE WAR. Debate in the U. S. H. of Representatives on the Seminole War, in Jan. and Feb., 1819. 12°. 8414 SEMMES, RAPHAEL, Lieut. U. S. N. Service afloat and ashore during the Mexican War. Cincinnati: 1851. 8°. 8415 The Cruise of the Alabama and the Sumpter. From Private Journals and other Papers. N. York: 1864. 12°. Portrait. CATALOGUE. 467 8416 SENAC, JEAN, m.d. A Treatise on the Ilidden Nature, and the Treatment of Intermitting and Remitting Fevers. Trans, with Notes, by C. Caldwell, m.d. Preface by B. Rush, m.d., &c. Phila.: 1805. 8°. 8417 SENECA, LUCIUS ANN^US. Workes of. Enlg. and Corr. by Tho. Lodge. London, [n. d.] Fol. 8418 SENHOUSE, JOHN. The Satires of Aulus Persius Flaccus. Trans, with Annotations, and Account of his life. Lond. : 1730. 12°. 8419 SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY, A. Through France and Italy; also Sterne's Letters, &c. 2 vols, in 1. Dublin: 1780. Autog. of Chancellor Jas. Kent. 8420 SENTIMENTS of the Early Christians on War. Selected from Clarkson's Portraiture of Quakerism. New Bedford: 1814. 18°. 8421 (The) and Resolution of an Association of Ministers (con- vened at Weymouth, Jan. 15th, 1744-5), concerning the Rev. Mr. Geo. Whitefield. Boston: 1745. 12°. 8422 SERGEANT, Hon. JOHN. Select Speeches. Phila. : 1832. 8°. 8423 SERIOUS ADDRESS on the Dangerous Consequences of Neglecting Common Coughs, &c. By Thos. Hayes. Boston: 1796. 12°. Autog. of Ebenezer Pemberton. 8424 SERMONS. By the late Rev. David Osgood, d.d. Boston: 1824. 8°. 8425 SERMONS (Certain), or Homilies appointed to be read in Churches in the time of Q. Elizabeth. Lond. : 1687. 16°. 8426 SERMONS, IN ENGLAND, 1628-1650. 10 Tracts. Jer. Dyke, " To the H. of Commons " (Publicke Fast), Apr. 5, 1628.— Sibbs, Rich'd, "Two Sermons upon the First Words of Christ's Last Serm.," «&c., 1635.— Jere Burroughs, " Sions Joy" [To H. of C. for the Peace bet. Eng. and Scotland], 1641. — " Glimpse of Sion's Glory," 1641.— Jno. Geree, " Judah's Joy at the Oath," 1641.— Steph. Marshall, " Meroz Cursed" [Fast, H. of C], 1641.— And. Perne, " Gospel Courage " [Fast, H. of C], 1643.— J. H., " Jehoy- adah's Justice," 1645. — Wm. Bridge, "Serm. to the Volunteers," &c., 1642. — Vindication of Ordinances and Grace and Love, 1645. All these old Sermons, relating to the troubles in England and the period of the Com- monwealth are highly prized by collectors, and have a scarcity equal to early Election Sermons in New England. 8427 SERMONS by N. L. Frothingham, Geo. Putnam, T. M. Harris, Nath. Hall, Ezra Gannett, Theo. Parker, H. W. Bellows, H. Ware, F. W. P. Greenwood, Th. Gray and G. W. Doane. Bound. 8428 selected from the MSS. of several Ministers, in the County of Hampshire. Northampton: 1799. 8°. 8429 collected from a number of Ministers, in the Northern States. Stockbridge: 1814. 8°. 8430 preached in Boston on the death of Abraham Lincoln. Boston: 1865. 12°. 468 CATALOGUE. 8431 SERYETUS, MICHAEL. An Impartial History of Michael Servetus, burnt alive at Geneva for Heresie. London: 1724. 8°. [Very rare.] 8432 SERVICES, Arlington Street Church. Boston; 1862. .12°. 8433 SESSIONS, ALEXR. J. The Relig. Experience of Eunice Winchester Smith. Salem: 1840. 32°. 8434 SETTLE, DIONYSE. A True reporte of | the laste voyage into the | West and Northwest regi | ons, &c. 1577, worthiliy at- chie I ued by Capteine Frobisher of | the sayde voyage the first | finder and Generall. | With a description of the people | there inhabiting, and other | circumstances | notable. | Written by Dionyse Settle, one of | the companie in the sayde voy | age. Lon I don: Anno 1577. 4°. This appears to be an exact reprint page for page, of the orig. edit. The only signs that it is a reprint are its being on new white paper, and on the reverse of the half title, " 50 copies printed. No. 7. J. R. B." My copy is from " J. Carter Brown." S. G. D. 8435 SETTLE, E. Augusta Lacrimans. A funeral poeni to the memory of the Hon. Sir James Bateman. London: 1718. f°. 8436 SEVENTY-SIX SOCIETY. Papers relating chiefly to the Maryland Line during the Eevolution. Ed. by Thos. Balch. Phila. : 1857. 8°. ed. 150 copies. 8437 SEWALL, JONA. MITCHELL. Miscellaneous Poems, with Specimens from Ossian. Portsmouth: [N. H.] 1801. 18°. [Scarce.] One of the rarest works of early American poets. Bewail was author of the couplet, — "No pent-up Utica contracts your pow'rs But the whole boundless continent is yours." 8438 SEWALL, JOSEPH. The Duty, Character and Reward. Sermon after the funeral of Rev. T. Prince, who died Oct. 22, 1758. A. 72. Bost.: 1708. [1758?] 8°. 8439 SEWALL, JOTHAM, (Rev.) A Memoir of the Rev. Jotham Sewall, of Chesterville, Me. Boston: 1853. 12°. Portrait. 8440 SEWALL, RUEUS KING. Sketches of St. Augustine. N- York: 1848. 12°. Plates. 8441 SEWALL, SAMUEL. Phoenomena quadam Apocalytica ad Aspectum Novi Orbis configurata. Or, some few Lines towards a description of the New Heaven as it wakes to those who stand upon the New Earth. 2d ed. Mass. Boston: 1727. 4°. Portrait and Pedigree of Sewall inserted; also Willard, S. The Fountain opened, etc. 1727. 4°. Very scarce and very valuable. 8442 History of Woburn, Mass., 1640-1860. With a sketch of the Author by Rev. Chas. C. Sewall. Boston: 1868. 8°. Portrait. 8443 SEWALL, STEPHEN, a.m. An Oration did. May 8, 1779, at the Funeral of the Hon. John Winthrop, Esq., Ll.d., f.k.s. Bos- ton: 1779. 4°. CATALOGUE, 469 8444 SEWALL, THOMAS, m.d. An Examination of Phrenology; in two Lectures, did. to the Students of the Columbian College, B.C. Washington: 1837. 8°. 7 Plates. 8445 Same. 2d Ed. , rev. and enlg. Boston: 1839. 8°. Plates. 8446 SEWARD, ANNA. Monody on Major Andrb; with letters addressed to her by Andr6 in 1769. Lichfield: 1781. 4°. —Also Elegy on Capt. Cook, and Ode to the Sun. London : 1780. — Sym- pathy; a Poem, by S. J. Pratt. London: 1781. — Armine and El- vira, Goldsmith's Deserted Village. 4°. Frontis. 1 vol. 4°. A very choice and beautiful collection. 8447 SEWARD, W. Biographiana. London: 1799. 2v. 8°. Containing brief biographies and anecdotes of Boilenu, Fontenclle, Racine, Charles XIT. Elizabeth, Mary Queen of Scots, Peter the Great, Lord Bacon, Warren Hastings, and hundreds of other personages. Portraits. 8448 SEWELL, W. The History of the Rise, Increase, and Pro- gress of the Christian People called Quakers. New Ed. Phila. : 1832. 2v. in 1. 8°. 8449 SEWELL, WM. G. The ordeal of free labor in the Brit. W. Indies. N. Y.: 1861. 12°. 8450 SEXAGENARIAN (The); or, the Recollections of a Literary Life. 2 vols. London: 8°. 8451 SEXAGENARY; or. Reminiscences of the American Revolu- tion. Albany: 1833. 12°. Autograph of W. L. Stone. 8452 SEYBERT, ADAM, m.d. Statistical Annals: Population, Commerce, Navigation, Fisheries, Public Lands, P. Office Estab- lishment of the U. S. Phila. : 1818. 4°. 8453tSEYD, ERNEST. California and its Resources. London: 1858. 8°. Ill'dMap. 8454 SEYMOUR, E. S. Sketches of] Minnesota. With incidents of travel in that Territory in 1849. N. Y. : 1850. 12°. 8455 SHAFTSBITRY, ANTHONY, Eatil of. Characteristics of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times. 5th ed. With addition of a Let- ter concerning Design. 1732. 3v. 8°. 8456 SHAKSPEARE. The Poems of Shakspeare. With an Ac- count of his Life. IstAmer. Ed. Boston: 1807. 12°. 8457 Beauties of Shakspeare. With a Biogl. Sketch. London: 1830. 12°. 8458 Tercentenary celebration by the N. E. Hist, and Gen. Soc. Boston: 1864. 8°. 8459 SHALER, WM. Sketches of Algiers, Political, Historical and Civil. Boston: 1826. 8°. 8460 SHALLUS, FRANCIS. Chronological Tables for every Day in the Year. Phila. : 1817. 2v. 12°. 8461 SHAM PATRIOT (The) UNMASKED; or, an Exposition of the fatally successful Arts of Demagogues. Written by Historicus, 470 CATALOGUE. and first pub. in the Balance. Hudson: 1802. 24°. [By Ezra Sampson]. 8462 SHARP, GRANVILLE. Tracts concerning the Ancient and only true legal Means of National Defence, by a Free Militia. London: 1782. Cr. 8°. 8463 SHARP, JOHN. Genealogical Peerage of the British Empire. London: [1833.] 2v. 12°. Thackeray terms this book the '• British Bible." MS. notes and cuttings. 8464 SHATTUCK, LEMUEL. Memorials of the Descendants of William Shattuck. Boston: 1855. 8°. Portrait. 8465 A History of Concord, Mass., to 1832; and the adjoining towns, Bedford, Acton, Lincoln, and Carlisle. Boston: 1835. 8°. [Scarce.] Port, and Map. 8466 Report of a General Plan for the promotion of Public and Personal Health, by the Commissioners under a Resolve of the Leg- islature of Mass., 25 Apl. 1850. Boston: 1850. 8°. Autog. of the author, Lemuel Shattuck. 8467 SHAW, CHARLES, Esq. A Topographical and Historical Description of Boston; with some Account of its Environs. Boston: 1817. 12°. Plates. 8468 SHAW, ELIJAH (Elder). Memoir of, by his Daughter Boston: Phila.: 1852. 12°. Portrait. 8469 SHAW, JOHN A. Eulogy on John Adams and Thomas Jeffer- . son, Augt. 2d, 1826, by request of the Inhabits, of Bridgewater. Taunton: 1826. 8°. 8470 S HAW, SAMUEL. Immanuel ; or a discovery of True Religion, &c. Boston: 1741. 18°. [Rare.] 8471 SHAW, THOMAS. Travels, or observ. rel. to Barbary and the Levant. Illust. with copper plates. 3d ed. Edinb.: 1808. 2v. 8°. 8472 SHAWMUT: or the settlement of Boston by the Puritan Pil- grims. Boston: 1847. 18°. Plate. 8473 SHEA, JOHN GILMARY. Discovery and Exploration of the Mississippi Valley: with the original Narratives of Marquette, Al- louez, Membre, Hennepin, and Anastase Doua. With a fac-simile of the newly-discovered Map of Marquette. N. Y.: 1853. 8*-. Autog. of Author. A valuable work now out of print. S.G.D. 8474 [SHEBBEARE, JOHN, m.d.] A Letter to the People of England, on the Present Situation and Conduct of National Affairs. Letters 1-6. 3d ed. London: 1756-57. 8°. The whole series Is not often found together. In some of them American Affairs is a prominent Topic. For the Sixth Letter Dr. S. was prosecuted and stood in the Pillory. 8475 A Full and Particular Answer to all the Calumnies, Mis- representations, and Falsehoods, Contained in a Pamphlet, called A Fourth Letter to the People of England. London: 1756. 8°. CATALOGUE, 471 8476 [SHEBBEARE, JOHNjM.d.] An Answer to a Pamphlet call'd The Conduct of the Ministry Impartially Examined. By the Author of the Four Letters to the People of England. London: 1756. 8°. 8477 SHEFFIELD, LORD. The Autobiography of Edward Gibbon, Esq., illustrated from his Letters, with occasional Notes and Narra- tives. New York: 1846. 8°. 8478 Observations on the commerce of the American States. 6th ed. London: 1784. 8°. 8479 SHELDON, E. M. The Early History of Michigan, to 1815. New York: 1856. 8°. Portraits. 8480 SHELDON, WM. (f.a.s.) History of the Heathen Gods, and Heroes of Antiquity. 1st ed. Ornamented with a number of ele- gant Cuts. Worcester: [1809.] 18°. 8481 SHELYOCKE, GEORGE, (Capt.) A Voyage Round the World by the way of the Great South Sea, in 1719-22. London: 1726. 8°. Map and Plates. " Remarkable for the conclusive evidence obtained of the golden wealth of California, and the way in which the discovery was frustrated. 8482 Same. 2d Ed. Rev. and Re-Pub. by Geo. Shelvocke. [Son of the Captain.] London: 1757. 8°. 8483 SHENTON, F. K. J. Guide to the Crystal Palace and Park. London: 1858. 12°. Illust. 8484 SHEPARD, ISAAC FITZGERALD. Pebbles from Castalia. Boston: 1840. 12°. 8485 SHEPARD, J[EREMIAH]. A Sort of Believers never saved. The Danger of Miscarrying in Point of Salvation by a false in- effectual Faith; having no Root. Two Serm. at Lynn. Boston: 1711. 16°. 8486 SHEPARD, THOMAS, (of N. Eng.) Theses Sabbaticse; or, the Doctrine of the Sabbath. London: 1650. 12°. 8487 The Parable of the Ten Virgins open and applied, with a Biog. Preface, by the Rev. J. Foote. Aberdeen: 1853. 8°. 8488 The Sound Believer. A Treatise of Evangelical Conver- sation. Boston: 1742. 12°. 8489 The Clear Sunshine of the Gospel breaking forth upon the Indians in New England. London: 1648. N. Y. Sabin: 1865. 4°. Ed. 200 copies. 8490 Three valuable Pieces, viz., Select Cases Resolved; First Principles of the Oracles of God, and a Private Diary, never before published, with some Acct. of the Rev. Author [by T. Prince] Boston: 1747. 16°. Very rare. In same vol. are the 'First Principles of the Oracles of God.' Boston : 1747, ' Meditations and Spiritual Experiences.' Preface by D. Brainerd, 1747. 8491 The Saints Jewell, shewing how to apply the Promise. And the Soul's Invitation unto Jesus Christ. In two Sermons. Boston: 1743. 16°. 472 CATALOGUE. 8492 SHEPARD, THOMAS, (of N. Eng.) The Parable of the Ten Yirgins. Aberdeen: 1838. 12°. 8493 The Sincere Convert; Discovering the small Number of True Believers, and the great Difficulty of Saving Conversion. Kewly Corrected and Amended. Boston: 1742. sm. 12°. 8494 The Sincere Convert. Glasgow: 1667. 16°. In same vol., The Sound Believer; or, a Treatise of Evangelical Conversion. Edinburgh: 1658. 16°. 8495 SHEPHARD, CHAS. Hist, account of the Island of St. Vin- cent. London: 1831. 8°. 8496 SHEPHERD, (The Rev. Dr.) History of the American Revo- lution. Pubd. by the Soc. for the Diff. of Useful Knowledge. Lond. : [sans t.] 8°. 8497 SHEPLEY, DAVID, (Rev.) Memoir, with Sermons, of Rev Josiah Peet. N.Y.:1864. 8°. Port. 8498 SHEPPARD, JOHN H. A Memoir of S. G. Drake, a.m., Au- thor of the Book of the Indians, History of Boston, etc. , etc. Albany: 1863. 4°. 8499 Reminiscences of the Vaughan Family. Boston: 1865. 8°. Bound. 8500 The Life of Samuel Tucker, Commodore in the American Revolution. Boston: 1868. 12°. Port. 8501 A Sketch of the Brit. Museum. London: 1869. 4°. 8502 SHERBURNE, ANDREW. Memoirs of; A Pensioner of the Navy of the Revolution. Utica: 1828. 12°. Has pedigree of John Sherburne of Portemouth, hy Mr. D., — fly leaf. 8503 Same. 2d ed. Enlg. and Imp. Providence: 1831. 12°. 8504 SHP:RBURNE, henry, a.b. The Oriental Philanthropist, or True Republican. Portsmouth: 1800. 12". [Rare.] 8505 SHERBURNE, JOHN HENRY. The Life of John Paul Jones. N. Y.:1851. 8°. Port. 8506 SHERMAN, ELEAZER. The Narrative of; Account of his Life, Experience, Call to the Ministry^ and Travels. Providence : 1832. 12°. 8507 SHERMAN, W. T., (Gen.) Official Account of his Great March through Georgia and the Carolinas. N. Y.: 1865. 12°. 8508 SHERRILL, HUNTING. A Review of the Diseases of Duchess Country, from 1809-25. Also an Essay on a Disease of the Jaw-bones. N. Y.: 1826. 8°. 8509 SHEW, JOEL, M.D. Consumption: Its Prevention and Cure by the Water Treatment. N. Y.: [1862.] 8°. 8510 SHIELDS, CHAS. W. Funeral Eulogy at the Obsequies of Dr. E. K. Kane. Phila.: 1857. 18°. 8511 SHIPPEY, JOSIAH, (A.B.) Leisure Hours poetically employed. With Notes. Also Life of the Author. N. Y. : 1811. 12°. CATALOUUE. 473 8512 SHIPWKECK by lightning. Papers rel. to Harris's lightning con- ductors, by R. B. Forbes. Boston: 1853. 8<». 8513 SHIRLEY, WM. Gen. The Conduct of . Briefly Stated. Lond.: 1756. 8°. Map. 8514 SHORT HISTORY (A) of the Opposition during the Last Ses- sion of Parliament. 6th ed. London: 1779. 8°. 8615 SHORT NARRATIVE (A) of the Homd Massacre in Boston, perpetrated in the Evening of the Eifth Day of March, 1770, by the Soldiers of the XXIXth Regiment. With some Observations of the State of Things prior to that Catastrophe. Printed by Order of the Town of Boston: 1777. 8°. Plate in facsimile, and portraits. 8516 Same. London: 1770. 8°. Plate. 8517 Same. N. Y. : repr. with Notes and lUust. By J. Doggett, Jr. 1849. 8°. Plate and Map. 8518 SHORT and Easy Method with the Deists, in a Letter to a Friend. Lond.: 1723. 8^. [Very rare.] ' Autog. of John Checkley. 8519 Hist, of the Conduct of the Present Ministry, with regard to the Stamp Act. London: 1776. 8°. 8520 Defence of the Opposition; in answer to a pamph. intitled " A Short History of the Opposition." Lond.: J. Almon. 1779. 8°. 8521 SHREWSBURY. A Guide Descriptive and Historical, through the Town of. 3d ed. 61 engravings. Shrewsbury: 1850. 12°. 8522 SHURTLEFF, NATH. B. A decimal System for the arrange- ment and administration of Libraries. Boston: 1856. Fol. 8523 SIBLEY, JOHN LANGDON. A History of the Town of Union, Me. Boston: 1851: 12°. Portrait. 8524 SICKELS, DANIEL. The Free Mason's Monitor. N. York: 1864. 18°. 8525 SICKLES, DANIEL E. Trial of, for Shooting Philip Barton Key, Esq., Feb. 27th, 1859. Reported by F. G. Fontain. N. Y.: 8°. Port. 8526 SIDNEY, EDWIN, (Rev.) The Life of Lord Hill, g.c.b., late Commander of the Forces. 2d ed. London: 1845. 8°. 8527 SIDNEY, PHILIP, (Sir.) Miscel. Works. With a Life of the Author and illustrative Notes, by Wm. Gray. Bos. : 1860. 8°. 8528 The Life and Times of S. 3d cd. Boston: 1859. 12°. Port. 8529 Works. In Prose and Verse. 14th ed. London: 1725. 3v. 8°. Rare edition. Port. 8530 SIGOURNEY, L. H. (Mrs.) Examples from the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. N. York: 1857. 16°. 8531 Pleasant Memories of Pleasant Lands. Bos. : 1842. 12°. 8532 Olive Buds. [Narrative Stories.] Hartf.: 1836. Sq. 12°. 8533 Poems for the Sea. Hartford: 1850. 12°. 8534 The Western Home, and other Poems. Phila. : 1854. 12?. Portrait. 474 CATALOGUE. 8535 SIGOURKEY, L. H. (Mrs.) Scenes in my My Niative Land. Bost.: 1845. 12°. Plates. 8536 Traits of the Aborigines of America, a Poem. Cam- bridge: 1822. 12°. 8537 Zinzendorff, and other Poems. N. Y. : 1836. 12°. 8538 Letters to Young Ladies. 2d ed. Hartford: 1835. 12°. 8539 Sketches. [In Prose.] Phila.: 1834. 12°. Frontispiece. [Presentation copy " from Mr. Sigourney."] 8540 Marcus AureUus, Emperor of Rome. Hartf.: 1836. 16°. 8541 SILL, GEORGE S. Genealogy of the Descendants of John Sill, who Settled in Cambridge, Mass., in 1637. Albany: 1859. 12°. 8542 SILLIMA:N', BEISTJAMIISr. A Journal of Travels in England, Holland, and Scotland, and of two passages over the Atlantic, in 1805-6. New York: ISIO. 2v. 8°. [Yery scarce.] 8543 Same. 3ded. K. Haven: 1820. 3v. 12°. [Yery scarce.] 8544 A Yisit to Europe in 1851, with illustrations. New York: 1853. 2v. 12°. 8545 Outline of the Course of Geological Lectures, given in Yale College. New Haven: 1829. 8°. 8546 Remarks made on a Short Tour between Hartford and Quebec, in the Autumn of 1819. New Haven: 1820. 12°. Plates. 8547 Same 2d ed., with Corr. and Add. N. Haven: 1824. 12°. 8548 SIMCOE, J. .G. (Lt. Col.) History of the Operations of a Partisan Corps, called the Queen's Rangers, during the War of the American Revolution. Illust. by ten Plans of Actions, &c. With a Memoir. New York: 1844. 8°. 8549 SIMES, THOMAS, (Esq.) A New MiUtary, Historical and Ex- planatory Dictionary; including the Warrior's Gazetteer of Places remarkable for Sieges and Battles. Phila.: 1776. 8°. [Yery rare.] 8550 SIMMS, JEPTHA R. Trappers of New York; or, a Biography of Nicholas Stover and Nathl. Foster. Some Account of Sir Wm. Johnson. Albany: 1857. 12°. Plates. 8551 History of Scoharie County and Border Wars of New York. Engravings. Albany: 1845. 8°. 8552 SIMMS, W. G. Atalantis; a Story of the Sea. Philadelphia: 1848. 12°. 8553 The History of South Carolina. New ed. New York: 1860. 12°. 8554 The Life of Francis Marion. N. Y.: 1845. 12°. 8555 The Life of Nathaniel Greene. N. Y. : 1859. 12°. 8556 Lyrical and other Poems. Charleston: 1827. 12°. [Scarce.] 8557 SIMON (Mrs.) The Ten Tribes of Israel Historically Iden- tified with the Aborigines of the Western Hemisphere. London: 1836. 8°. CATALOGUE. 475 8658 SIMOIN', B. A. (Mrs.) Evangelical Review of Modern Genius; Truth and Error contrasted. N. Y.: 1823. 12°. 8559 SIMONDS, THOS. C. History of South Boston; formerly Dorchester Neck. Boston: 1857. Portrait of C. Alger. 8560 SIMPSOX, ALEXANDER. The Life and Travels of Thomas Simpson, the Arctic Discoverer. By his Brother. London: 1846. 8°. Map and Portrait. 8561 SIMPSON, JAMES. Necessity of Popular Education, as a National Object. N. Y.: 1834. 8°. 8562 SIMPSON, JAS. H. (Col.) Report on the Pacific Railroad and Branches. Made Nov. 23, 1865; with Laws. Wash.: 1866. 8°. Map. 8563 SIMPSON, ROBERT, M. A. (Rev.) The History and Antiqui- ties of the Town of Lancaster. Lancaster: 1852. 8°. Plates. 8564 SIMPSON, STEPHEN. Biography of Stephen Girard. 2d ed. Phila.: 1832. 12°. Port. 8665 SIMPSON, THOMAS. A Treatise of Algebra: Rev. and Corr. byD. McClure. Phila.: 1821. 8°. 8566 SIMS, CLIFFORD STANLEY. The Origin and Signification of Scottish Surnames. With a Vocabulary of Christian Names. Al- bany: 1862. 8°. 5567 SIMS, RICHARD. Hand Book to the Library of the British Museum, [&c.] Lond.: 1854. 12°. Plan of Localities of the Lond. Libraries. 8568 An Index to the Pedigrees and Arms contained in the Her- alds' Visitations, and other Geneal. MSS. in the British Museum. Lond.: 1849. 8°. 8569 A Manual for the Genealogist, Topographer, Antiquary, and Legal Professor. Lond. : 1856. 8°. 8570 SINCLAIR, HANNAH. Letter on the Principles of Christian Faith. 10th ed. Edinburgh: 1819. 18°. 8571 SINCLAIR, WM. (Rev.) An Address upon the Opening of Baltimore College. Baltimore: [1811.] 8°. Boards. 8572 SINCLAIR, JOHN, Sir. Memoirs of the Life and Works of the Late Rt. Hon. By his son, the Rev. John Sinclair, M.A. 2 vols. Edinburgh: 1837. 8°. 8573 The Correspondence of, with Reminiscences of the most distinguished Characters. 2 vols. London: 1831. 8°. Apx. with Autographs, &c. 8574 The History of the Public Revenue of the British Empire. 3d Ed. London: 1803. 3v. 8°. 8575 The Code of Agriculture; including Obs. on Gardening, Orchards, AYoods and Plantations. Hartford, 1818. 8°. 8576 SINGER, SAMUEL WELLER. The Text of Shakspeare Vindicated from the Interpolations and Corruptions Advocated by John Payne Collier, Esq. London: 1853. 8°. 32 476 CATALOGUE, 8577 SINGLETOK, ARTHUR, Esq. (Pseud.) Letters from the South and West. Boston: 1824. 8°. [H. C. Knight.] 8578 SITGREAYES, Capt. L. [Senate] Report of an Expedition down the Zuni and Colorado Rivers. Maps, Sketches, Views and Illust. Washington, 1853. 8°. [Very Scarce.] 8579 SIX CODES (Les). Avec indication de leurs dispositions cor- relatives et rapports entre eux. Augmentes de la Charte constitu- tionnelle. Paris, 1828. 16°. 85S0 SIX MONTHS IN KANSAS. By a Lady. Boston: 1856. 12°. 8581 SKETCH of Connecticut, Forty Years Since. Hartf.: 1821. 12°. 8582 (A) of the Internal Condition of the U. S. and their Politi- cal Relation with Europe. By a Russian. Baltimore: 1826. 8°. 8583 of Old England, by a New-England Man. New York: 1822. 2v. 12°. 8584 SKETCHES OF NEWPORT and its Vicinity; with the His- tory, Settlement and Geog. of Rhode Island. Engravings. N. Y.: 1842. 12°. 8585 of the War, between the U. S. and British Islands: includ- ing Biog. Notices of distinguished Military and Naval Commanders. Rutland, Vt.: 1815. 8^. 8586 of the North River. N. Y.: 1838. 18°. 8587 of the Higher Classes of Colored Society in Philadelphia. By a Southerner. Phila.: 1841. 18°. 8588 of Scenery and Manners in the United States. By the Author of the " Northern Traveller." N.Y. : 1829. 12°. Etchings. 8589 of the Seminole War. By a Lieutenant of the Left Wing. Charleston: 1836. 12°. 8590 of WiUiams College. Williamstown, Mass.: 1847. 8°. 8591 of the War. By C. C. Nott. N. Y.: 1865. 12°. 8592 of the Campaign in Northern Mexico. By an officer. N.Y.: 1853. 8°. 8593 of Domestic Life. By an Observer. Portland: 1831. 12°. 8591 SKINNER, JOHN S. The American Farmer, containing Original Essays and Selections on Rural Economy and Internal Im- provements, with Engravings. 3d ed. Baltimore: 1821. 2v. 4°. 8595 SKINNER, O. A. The Theory of Wm. Miller, concerning the End of the World in 1843, utterly exploded. Boston: 1840. 18°. 8596 Letters to Rev. B. Stow, R. H. NeaFe, and R. W. Cushman, on Modern Revivals. Boston: 1842. 12°. 8597 SKINNER, ROGER SHERMAN. N. York State Reg. for 1850. 12°. 8598 SKIPPON, PHILLIP, Maj. Gejt. A Salve for Every Sore or, A Collection of Promises out of the whole Book of God, and is the Christian Centurions Infallible ground of Confidence. London: 1643. 18°. CATALOGUE. 477 8599 SKOTTOWE, AUGUSTINE. Life of Shakspeare; and Essays on Ancient Theatres, etc. Vol.1. London: 1824. 8°. 8600 SLADE, WM. Jr. Vermont State Papers; connected with the Assumption and Establishment of Government; together with the Journal of the Council of Safety, the first Constitution, the Early Journals of the Genl. Assembly, and the Laws from 1779-86. Mid- dle*bury: 1823. 8°. 8601 SL AFTER, EDMD. F. Memorial of John Slafter, with a Gen- eal. Acct. of his Descendants. Privately pr. for the Family. J3os- ton: 1869. 8^. 8602 Disc. bef. the N. E. H. G. Soc. 18 Mar. 1870, the 25th Anni- versary of its Incorporation. Boston: 1870. 8°. 8603 SLIGHT, HENRY. Chronicles of Portsmouth. Lond.: 1828. 8°. 8604 SLOCUM, J. J. (Rev.) Further Disclosures by Maria Monk, concerning the Hotel Dieu Nunnery of Montreal. Preceded by a Reply to the Priests Book. N. York: 1837. 18°. Port. 8605 SMALL, H. B. Canadian Handbook, and Tourists Guide. ^Montreal: 1866. 8°. Photographs. 8606 SM ALLEY, E., (d.d.) ^The Worcester Pulpit; with Notices Hist, and Biographical. Boston: 1851. 12.° 8607 SM ALLEY, JOHN, a.m. Sermons on the leading principles of revealed religion. Hartford: 1803. 8°. 8608 SMEATON, JOHN. An Historical Report on Ramsgate Har- bour. London: 1791. 8°. 8609 SMELLTE, WM. The Philosophv of Natural History. Dover, N. H. 1808. 8°. 8610 SMILES, SAML. The Life of Geo. Stephenson, Railway Engineer. From the 4th London Ed. Columbus, O. : 1860. 8°. Port. 8611 SMITH, ALEX. Poems by. Boston: 1853. 12°. 8612 SMITH, AMASA. A Short Compendium of the duty of Artil- lerists: Showing the Method of Exercise with Light Fieldpieces. Worcester: 1800. .12°. 8613 SMITH, ARCHIBALD, m.d. Peru as it is: A Residence in Lima and other Parts. London: 1839. 2v. 12°. 8614 SMITH, BUCKINGHAM. Narratives of the Career of Her- nando De Soto in the Conquest of Florida. Tr. by B. S. N. Y.: 1866. R. 8°. Autog. 8615 SMITH, CHARLES ADAM. Forest Voices. Tr. from the German of Putlitz. Albany: 1866. 12°. 8C1() SMITFf , CHAS. HAMILTON, (Lt. Col.) The Natural Hist, of the Human Species; with a Preliminary Abstract of the Views of Blumenbach, Prichard, Bachman, Agassiz. By S. Kneeland, Jr. M.D. Boston: 1851. 12°. 11 Plates. 8617 SMITH, Mrs. E. VALE. Hist, of Newburyport; with a bio- graphical app. Newburyport: 1854. 8°. Plates. 478 CATALOGUE. 8618 SMITH, ELIAS. The Life, Conversion, Preaching, Travels, and Sufferings of . Written by Himself . Yol. 1. Portsmouth, K. H. : 1816. 12°. Portrait. [Extremely rare.] 8619 The Herald of Gospel Liberty, Sept. 1st, 1808, to Aug. 14th, 1812. Vol. 1. Intelligence is the Life of Liberty. Phila. : 1811. 4°. The first Religious Newspaper ever published in America. It was issued every other Friday. Whether continued beyond the time mentioned I have not learned. It is in 4 vols.— S. G. D. 8620 The American Physician and Family Assistant. 4th ed. Boston: 1837. 18°. Portrait. 8621 The Herald of Life and Immortality. Jan., 1819, to Oct., 1820. Boston. 8 JSTos. 12°. [Scarce.] 8622 A New Testament Dictionary. Phila.: 1812. 24°. 8623 The Amer. Physician, and Family Assistant. 3d ed. Bos- ton: 1832. sm. 12°. 8624 Sermons, containing Illustrations of the Prophecies. Exe- ter: 1808. 12°. 8625 Hymns, Original, and Selected for the use of Christians. By S. and Abner Jones. 8th ed. Boston: 1817. 16°. 8626 SMITH, ETHA:N', a. m. A Dissertation on the Prophecies 2d ed. Boston: 1814. 8°. 8627 View of the Hebrews; or, the Tribes. of Israel in America. Poultney, Vt. : 1823. 12°. [Very scarce.] 8628 Memoirs of Mrs. Abigail Bailey, of Landaff , N. H. Written by herself, with Original Biog. Sketches. Boston: 1815. 18°. 8629 A Treatise on the Character of Jesus Christ, and on the Trinity. Boston: 1814. 12°. 8630 SMITH, F. O. J. The Secret Corresponding Vocabulary; adapted for use to Morse's Electro-magnetic Telegraph. Portland: 1845. 4°. 8631 SMITH, G. The Laboratory; or. School of Arts. Lond.: 1730. IlPd. 8632 SMITH, GEOKGE. Programme of Entertainment. Preceded by Memoirs of Mr. [W. E.] Love, the Dramatic Polyphonist. London: [1854?] 4°. 8633 SMITH, GEOKGE, (m.d.) Hist, of Delaware Co., Pa., from the Discovery of the Territory to the Present Time, with a Notice of the Geology. Written under Direction of the Delr. Co. Inst, of Science. Phila : 1862. 8°. Maps and Plates. 8634 SMITH, HORACE «fe JAMES. Horace in London: consisting of Imitations of the first two Books of the Odes of Horace. Bostn. : 1813. 16°. 8635 SMITH, HORATIO, Esq. Festivals, Games, and Amusements, ancient and Modern. London: 1831. 12°. Plates. 8636 SMITH, Col. JAMES. Remarkable occurrences in the life and travels of S., during his captivity with the Indians in 1755-59. By Himself. Notes by Wm. M. Darlington. Cincinnati: 1870. r. 8°. CATALOGUE. 479 8637 SMITH, JAS. EDWD. (m.d.) Gramr. of Botany. Added a Re- duction of all the Genera, of N. Amer. Plants. By H. Muhlenberg. K. Y.:1822. 8°. Plates. 8638 Introduction to Physiological and Systematic Botany. Notes by Jacob Bigelow, M.D. Boston: 1814. 8®. 8639 SMITH, J. E. A. The History of Pittsfield (Berks. Co.), Ms. 1734 to 1800. Boston: 1869. 8°. 8640 SMITH, JAS. F. The Cherokee Land Lottery. New York: 1838. 8°. 8641 SMITH, JEROME V. C. Nat. Hist, of the Fishes of Mass., embracing a practical Essay on Angling. 2d ed. Boston: 1843. 12°. 8642 An Essay on Cultivating the Honey Bee, in Towns and Cities, as a Source of Economy and Profit. Bost. : 1831. 18°. 8643 A Pilgrimage to Egypt, embr. a Diary of Explorations on the Nile. Bost.: 1852. 12°. lUust, 8644 SMITH, JOHN, (Capt.) The Trve Travells, Adventures, and Observations of . Fr. the Lond. ed. of 1629. Richmond: 1819. 2v. 8°. Port, and Maps. Very scarce indeed. Issued under the patronage of John Randolph. 8645 A Descrip. of N. Eng. Rep». by W. Veasie. Bost. : 1865. sm. 4°. Map. ed. 75 copies. 8646 Advertisements for the unexperienced Planters of N. Eng. i or anywhere. Lond.: 1631. Repr. by Veasie. Boston: 1865. Map sm. 4°. pp. 72. ed. 75 copies. 8647 New England's Trials. Declaring the Successe of 80 Ships, employed thither within these eight yeares. With the present estate of that happie Plantation, begun but by 60 weake in the yeare 1620. 2ded. Lond.: 1622. R. 8°. One of sixty copies printed for John Carter Brown, presented to 8. G. D. 8648 A true Relation of Virginia. Introd. and Notes by Chas. Deane. Boston: 1866. 4°. 8649 The Last Will and Testament of S., with some addl. Mem- oranda. Cambg.: 1867. 4°. 8650 SMITH, JOHN CALVIN. Jehovah-Jireh. A Disc, at the 27th Annive. of the Organization of the Fourth Presbyterian Ch. Wash- ington, D. C. Deld. 25 Nov. 1855. Wash. : 1855. 12°. 8651 Illustrated Hand Book, a New Guide for Travellers through the U. S. A. Map. N. Y.: 1847. 18". 8652 SMITH, JOHN S. T. D. A Hebrew Grammar, without points designed to facilitate the study of the Scriptures in the original. Boston: 1803. 8°. 8653 SMITH, JOHN PYE, d.d. Letters to the Rev. T. Belsham, on some important Subjects of Theological Discussion referred to in his Discourse on the Death of the Rev. J. Priestley. 1st Amer. from 2d Lond. ed. Boston: 1809. 12°. 480 CATALOGUE. 8654 SMITH, J0H:N' EUSSELL. Bibliotheca Americana. A cata- logue of Books, etc. Illust. The hist, and geog. of JS". and S. Amer. and the W. Indies. On sale. Lond. : 18G5. 8°. 8655 Same. Lond. : 1871. 8°. 8656 Same. Lond. : 1874. 8°. 8657 Bibliotheca Cantiana: A Bibliog. Ace. of what has been pub. on the Hist. Topog. Antiquities, Geneal., &c., of the Co. of Kent. Lond.: 1837. 8°. Autographs. 8658 SMITR, JOSIAH, Y. D. M. The Character, Preaching, &c., of the Eev. George Whitefield. With Pref. by Dr. Colman and Mr. Cooper. Boston: 1740. 18°. 8659 Humane Impositions. Serm. at the Opening of a Presbytery in Charlestown in the Province of S. Carolina. Boston: 1729. 4 . 8660 SMITH, JOSEPH, d.d. Old Bedstone; or Hist. Sketches of Western Presbyterianism. Philad. : 1854. 8°. Portrait. 8661 Hist, of Jefferson Coll. inch an Ace. of the Early " Log- Cabin" Schools, and the Canonsburg Academy: with Biogl. Sketches of. Pittsburg: 1857. 12°. Portrait. 8662 SMITH, JOSEPH, Jr. The Book of Mormon: An Account written by the hand of Mormon, upon Plates taken from the Plates of Nephi. Tr. by S. Kirkland, O. 1837. 18°. [Yery rare.] The original ed. is one of the scarcest of American hooks. Lord Macaulay, the historian, endeavored, unsuccessfully to ohtain a copy of it. 8663 SMITH, JOSHUA HETT, Esq. Authentic JN'arrative of the Causes which led to the Death of Major Andre. Added, a Monody on the Death of Major Andre, by Miss Seward. London: 1808. 8°. pp. 357. Port, and Monument. [Scarce.] 8664 Same, in 12°. Imp. 8665 SMITH, JOSHUA, T0ULMI:N'. The Northmen in ^. Eng.; or America in the Tenth Century. Boston: 1839. 12°. Map. 8666 SMITH, M. Geog. Yiew of the British Possessions in K. Amer. With App. cont. a Hist, of the War in Canada. Baltimore: - 1814. 18°. [Scarce.] 8667 Geog. Yiew of the Province of Upper Canada and Eemarks on the Government. In 2 Pts. , with App. Cont. a Descriptn. of Niagara Falls and History of the War. N. York: Augt. 1813. 12°. pp. 120. [Scarce.] SMITH, MATTHEW HALE. Universalism not of God. With the Experience of the Author, during a Ministry of twelve years. Pub. by Amer. Tr. Soc. [n. d., n. p.] 18®. — Universalism * Examined, Eenounced, etc. Boston : 1842. 12°. 8670 SMITH, KATHAK D. (m.d.) Smithn. Contrib. to Kn. Meteorological Obs. made near Washington, Ark., extending over a period of 20 yrs., 1840-59. Phila. : [I860.] 4°. CATALOGUE. 481 8671 SMITH, NATHAN D. (m.d.) Medical and Surjjical Memoirs, ed. by N. R. Smith. Balto. : 1831. 8°. Illust. 8672 SMITH, O. H. Early Indian Trials. Cinni.: 185S. 8°. Port. 8673 SMITH, S. F. Life of the Rev. Jos. Grafton, Pastor of the Ist Bapt. Ch., Newton, Ms. With App., embr. Hist., Statist, and Eccl. Information pert, to the town of Newton. Boston: 1849. 12°. 8674 SMITH, SAMUEL ABBOTT. West Cambridge on the 19th April, 1775. Boston: 1864. 12°. 8675 SMITH, SAML. STANHOPE, (d.d.) Essay on the Causes of the Variety of Complexion and Figure in the Human Species. Added Strictures on Lord Kame's Discourse on the Ori«T. Diversity of Mankind. New Ed. with Notes, by a Gentn. of the University of Edinburgh. Phila.: Pr. Edin. Repr.: 1788. 8°. [Rare.] 8676 Same. New Brunswick: 18^0. 8°. 8677 The Lectures corr. and impr. Del. in the College of New Jersey: on Moral and Politl. Philosop. 2 vols. Trenton: 1812. 8°. [Scarce.] 8678 — - Sermons. Newark, (N. J.): 1799. 8°. 8679 Sermons. Pref. a Mem. of his Life and Writings. Vol. 1. Phila.: 1821. 8°. 8680 SMITH, SEBA. Powhatan; a metrical Romance. N. York: 1841. 12°. 86S1 Riches without wings. 4th ed. Boston: 1844. 16°. 8682 SMITH, T. M. Legends of the War of Independence, and of the earlier settlements in the West. Louisville, Ky. : 1855. 8°. 8683 SMITH, THOMAS, (Sir.) The Commonwealth of England, And the Government thereof. London: 1633. 18°. Engraved Title by Marshall. 8684 SMITH, THOMAS. A Topog. and Hist. Ace. of the Parish of St. Mary-le-Bone. Views and Map. London: 1833. 8°. 8685 SMITH, THOMAS W. A Narrative of the Life, Travels of. By himself. Boston: 1844. 8°. 8686 SMITH, W. H. Canada: Past, Present and Future. Vol. 1. Toronto: [n.d.] 8°. 8687 Same. Cont. Co. Maps, and Map of the Province. Toron- to: [1851.] 2v.8°. 8688 SMITH, W. L. G. Fifty Years of Public Life. Life and Times of Lewis Cass. With Port, on Steel. N. Y. : 1856. 8°. 8689 SMITH, WM. New Voyage to Guinea. London: 1744. 8°. Engravings. 8690 Journal of a Voyage in the Miss. Ship Duff, to the Pacific Ocean in 1796-1802. N. Y. : 1813. 12°. 8691 SMITH, WM., d.d. Discourses on Public Occasions in Amer- ica. London: 1759. 8°. 8692 Same. 2d ed. London: 1763. 8°. 482 CATALOGUE. 8693 SMITH, WM., d.d. Eecommendation of, to the University of Oxford. London: 1759. 4°. 8694 SMITH, WM. Hist, of the late Province of :N'ew York, from its Discovery to 1762. :i^ew York: 1829-30. 2v. 8°. 8695 Same. To 1732. With cont. by Yates to 1814. Albany: 1814. 8°. 8696 Hist, de la Nouvelle-York, depuis la Decouverte de cette Provence jusqu'a notre Si6cle. Trad, de I'Angl. par M. E. A Londres: 1767. 12°. •' This is the best account of the famous confederation of the Iroquois." — De TocquevilU* 8697 SMITH, WM. K. Hist, of Wisconsin. Comp. by Direction of the Legislature. 2 vols. Vol. 1. Historical. [Vol. 2 never pubd.] Vol. 3. Documentary. 8°. Auto. L. C. Draper. 8698 SMITH, Adm. Sir WM. SIDNEY. Life and Correspondence, by J. Barrow. London: 1848. 2v. 8°. Portrait. 8699 SMITHEKS, HENEY. Liverpool, its Commerce, Statistics, and Institutions ; with a hist, of the Cotton Trade. Liverpool : 1825. 8°. 8700 SMITHS0]S'IA:N' INSTITUTION. Annual Keports. 1849, 50, 54-59,61,63. Washington: 1850-64. lOv. 8°. 8701 REPOET on Eecent Improvement in the Chemical Arts. By Prof. J. C. Booth and C. Morfitt: with 17 other pamphlets. Washington. 8°. 8702 SMOLLETT, TOBIAS, (M.D.) Historyof England, from Julius Caesar, to the Treaty of Aix la Chapelle, 1748. 3d ed. London: 1758, 7v. 8°. 8703 Same. Erom the Eevolution to end of American war. Edinburgh: 1791-96. 8v. 8°. [Vol. 7 wanting.] 8704 SMYTH, J. F. D. (Esq.) Tour in the U. S. of America: with Desc. of the Indian Nations. London: 1784. 2v. 8°. 8705 SMYTH, THOMAS, d.d. The Unity of the Human Eaces proved to be the Doctrine of Scripture, Eeason, and Science. With a View of Theory of Agassiz. N. Y. : 1850. 12°. 8706 SNAKE IN THE GEASS (The), or, Satan transformed into An Angel of Light, discovering the Subtlety of the Leaders of those People called Quakers. 2d ed. with Add. London: 1697. 8^. [Scarce.] 8707 SNELGRAVE, WM. (Capt.) New Account of Guinea, and the Slave-trade. Map. London: 1754. 8°, 8708 SNELLING, Mrs. ANNA L. Kabosa; or the warriors of the West. A tale of the last war. N. York: 1842. 8°. 8709 SNELLING, JOSEPH, (Eev.) Life, being a Sketch of his Labors in the Ministry by Himself . Boston: 1847. 12°. Portrait. 8710 SNIVELY, WM. A. (Eev.) The Eecognition of God. Serm. in Pittsburgh, 26 Nov. 1863. 8°. CATALOGUE. 483 8711 SNELLmG. WM. J. Tales of the North West; Sketches of Indian Life. Boston: 1830. 18°. knelling was a mercilcfls critic, especially of N. P. WUHb, Geo. Lunt, Whittlcr, Paulding, and others, Willis was provoked to reply by an allusion to SnclUng's •• Northwest Tales " too indelicate to repeat. 8712 [ ] History of the Life and Adm. of Andrew Jackson. Boston: 1831. 12°. Portrait. 8713 Six Months in a House of Correction. Boston: 1835. 18°. 8714 SNOW, CALEB H. m.d. History of Boston, from its origin to the present Period. Engravings. Boston: 1825. 8°. [Very scarce.] The interleaved and annotated copy of the author, Dr. Snow ; contains many useful notes and memoranda. 8715 Same. Boston: 1825. 8°. 8716 Geog. of Boston and the Adjacent Towns; with Hist. Notes, Maps and Plates. Boston: 1830. 18°. [Scarce.] 8717 SNOW, EDWIN M. (m.d.) Eeport of the Small Pox in Prov- idence, Jan. to June, 1859. Prov.: 1859. 8°. 8718 Report upon the Census of R. I. , 1865. Prov. : 1867. 8°. 8719 SNOW, WM. Sepulchral Gleanings; or, a Collection of Epi- taphs, Ancient, Modern, Curious. London: 1817. 12°. [Scarce.] 8720 SNOW, W. PARKER. A Two Years' Cruise off Tierra del Fuego, the Falkland Islands, Patagonia, and the River Plate. Illustrations. London: 1857. 2v. 8°. 8721 SNOWDEN, RICHARD, Esq. The History of North and South America. From its Discovery to the Death of Gen. Wash- ington. 2 vols. [In one.] Phila.: 1805. 12°. Maps. 8722 The American Revolution; written in Scriptural or An- cient Historical Style. Baltimore: [No d.] Also, The Colum- biad; A Poem on the American War. Baltimore: [No d.] 12°. Scarce. 8723 SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI, Institution, by officers of the Army of the U. S. Boston: 1801. 8°. 8724 Same, with proceedings of the State Soc. of Mass. from its organization, 1783, to 1811. Boston: 1812. 8°. 8725 Same, pub'd by order of members in R. Island. Boston: 1802. 8°. 8726 Same. Boston: 1859. 8°. 8727 SOMBRE, SAM'L. [Pseud.] Aquarelles; or Summer Sketches. N. Y.: 1858. 12°. 8728 SOME FEW REMARKS upon a Scandalous Book, against the Government and Ministry of New Engld. Written, by one Robert Calef. Detecting the Unparallel'd Malice and Falsehood, of the said Book; and Defending the Names of several particular Gentle- men, by him therein aspersed and abused. Composed and Published 484 CATALOGUE. by several Persons belonging to the Flock of some of the Injured Pastors, and concerned for their just Vindication. Truth will Come oif Conqueror. Boston, :N'. E. Printed by T. Green, Sold by Mcholas Boone. 1701. 18°. pp. 72. Of excessive rarity. 8729 SOME KEASOI^S by the Western Assoc, why they disapprove of Mr. Whitefield's preaching in N. Eng. Boston: 1745. 12°. 8730 SOMERYILLE, THOMAS, d.d. History of PoHtical Trans- actions, from the Restoration of Charles II., to the Death of King William. Dublin: 1793. ^8°. 8731 SOMNER, WILLIAM. A Treatise of Gavelkind, both IN'ame and Thing. 2d ed. Added Life of S. By the Ld. Bp. of Peter- borough. [White Kennett.] London: 1726. 4°. 8732 The Antiquities of Canterbury, a Svrvey of that Ancient Citie, with the Svbvrbs and Cathedrall. London: 1640. 4°. 8733 SOMMERS, CHARLES G. Memoir of the Rev. John Stan- ford, D.D. With App., comp. Memoirs of the Rev. John Williams, the Rev. Thos. Baldwin, d.d., and the Rev. Richd. Furman, d.d. New York: 1835. 12°. Portrait and Plates. 8734 SOIS'GS (The) OF ZIOK. Hymn Book, for the Use of Methodists. Baltimore: 1817. 18°. 8735 SOI^GS of the Free, and Hymns of Christian Freedom. Bost. : 18;^6. 12°. 8736 S0:N'S of THE SIRES (The). Hist, of the Rise, Progress, and Destiny of the American Party, and its probable Influence on the next Presidential Election. Added a Review of the Letter of the Hon. H. A. Wise, against the Know-Nothings. By an American. Phila. : 1855. 12°. Port. Washington. 8737 SORCERESS (The); or, Salem Delivered. A Poem. N. York: 1818. 18°. 8738 SOULE, ALFRED B. Memorial of, late Major of the 23d Regt., Me. Volunteers. By Cheston. Salem: 1866. 12°. Plate Port. 8739 SOULE, RICHARD, Jr. Memorial of the Sprague Family. Poem recited at a Meeting in Duxbury of the Descendants of Hon. Seth Sprague, on his 86th birth day, July 4th, 1846. Geneal. and biog. Sketches in Notes. Boston: 1847. 12°. Portrait. 8740 SOUTH (The) Vindicated from the Treason and Fanaticism of the Northern Abolitionists. Phila. : 1836. 12°. 8741 SOUTH AMERICA. Carte encyprotype, de L' Amerique Meri- dionale, par H. Brue. A Paris: 1816. Double sheet. Incase. 8742 SOUTH SEA COMPANY. The Names of the Proprietors of Unclaimed Dividends of the S. S. C. [To 1780.] 8°. 8743 SOUTHAMPTON GUIDE (The); or, an Account of the Ancient and Present State of that Town, &c. Also of the Isle of CATALOGUE. 485 Wight, Lymington, Lyndhurst, Eomsey, Eedbridge, Millbrook, Titchfield, &c. 4th ed. With add. Southampton: 1787. 12°. 8744 SOUTHERN BAPTIST MISSIONARY JOURNAL. 3 vols. Richmond: 1846-51. [Scarce.] 8745 SOUTHERN BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Campbell. Parts 1,2. Charleston: 1854. 8°. 8746 SOUTHEY, ROBERT, (Poet Laureate.) The Poet's Pil- grimage to Waterloo. 2d ed. London: 1816. 12°. Plates. 8747 Lives of the British Admirals, with a View of the Naval History of England. London, [n. d.] 5v. 12°. 8748 The Two Visions; or, Byron vs. Southey. Cont. the Vision of Judgment, by S. Also another by Ld. Byron. N. Y.: 1823. 18°. 8749 The Life of Nelson. London: 1862. 18°. 8750 Madoc. A Poem. 2 vols. Boston: 18—. 8°. 8751 SOUTHEY, THOMAS, (Capt.) Chronol. Hist, of the West Indies. London: 1827. 3v. 4°. Brother of the poet, Robt. Southey, who furnished valuable hints to the author, — telling him what books to consult, etc. 8752 SOUTHGATE, HORATIO, (Rev.) The War in the East. N. Y.: 1854. 18°. Autog. of Jno. P. Robinson, •' he says he wont vote for Governor B." 8753 SOUTH WEST (The). By a Yankee. N. Y.:1835. 2v. 12°. 8754 SPAFFORD, HOR. GATES. Gazetteer of the State of New York. • Map and Profiles of the Canals. Albany: 1824. 8°. Cuttings. 8755 SPALDING, JOSHUA. Sermon previous to the Execution of Isaac Coombs, an Indian. Salem: 1787. 4°. 8756 The Divine Theory, a system of Divinity, in 2 vols. Vol. 1. Elizabethtown: 1808. 8°. 8757 SPALDING, M. J. (d.d.), Bishop of Ky. Sketches of Early Catholic Missions of Kentucky, to 1827. Louisville: [1844.] 12°. 8758 Miscellanea: Comprising Reviews, Lectures and Essays. 2ded. Louisville: 1855. 8°. 8759 SPALLANZANI, L. Travels in the Two Sicilies. 4 vols. Vol. 1, only. London: 1798. 8°. 8760 Essay on Animal Reproductions. London: 1759. 8°. 8761 SPARKS, JARED. Life of Gouverneur Morris, with Selections from his Correspondence and Papers. 3 vols. Boston: 1832. Por- trait. 8762 Life of Washington. Auburn and Buffalo: 1854. 2v. inl. 12°. Port. 8763 Collection of Essays and Tracts on Theology. Vol. 2. Boston: 1823. 12°. 8764 Correspondence of the American Revolution; Being Let- ters to Washington. Boston: 1853. 4v. 8°. 486 CATALOGUE, 8765 SPARKS, JARED. Familiar Letters and Miscellaneous Papers of Benjamin Franklin. Boston: 1833. 12«. 8766 Life of John Ledyard. Cambridge: 1828* 8°. 8767 Life and Writings of Washington. 12 vols. Boston: 1837. Port. 8768 Same. Boston: 1858. 12v. 8°. Portraits. 8769 Life of Washington. Boston: 1853. 8°. Portrait. 8770 Same. Boston: 1857. 8°. 8771 Letters on the Ministry, Ritual and Doctrines of the Prot- estant Episcopal Church. Baltimore: 1820. 8°. 8772 Continuation of Franklin's Autobiography; Appleton's Hand-Book, 1860; Guide, 165; Bradshaw's Guide, 1859; Pocket Courier of the Continent, &c. 6v. 12". 8773 American Biography; containing the lives of celebrated Americans, by eminent authors. 18 vols. 12°. Ports. There is no more excellent series of biogra,phie8 in any language than this. Few of the eminent personages of the Colonial or Revolutionary times are omitted. 8774 SPARRMA:N', ANDREW, m.d. Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, towards the Antarctic Polar Circle, and Round the World: But chiefly into the Country of the Hottentots and Caff res, from the year 1772 to 1776. From the Swedish. Plates. 2v. Perth: 1789. 12°. 8775 SPAULDI:N'G, J0H:N' H. Historical Relics of the White Mts. Also White Mt. Guide. Boston: 1855. 12°. 8776 Same. Mt. Washington: 1862. 16°. 8777 SPEAR, CHARLES. Essays on the Punishment of Death. 3d Ed. Boston, 1844. 12°. 8778 Same. 8th ed. Boston: 1844. 12°. 8779 Prisoners' Friend: a Monthly Magazine, devoted to Crim\. nal Reform, Philosophy, Literature, Science and Art. Vol. Boston: 1849. 12°. 8780 SPECTATOR, A. Authentic Account of the Reduction of Louisbourg, in June and July, 1758. London: 1758. 8°. 8781 SPECTATOR, The. London: [n. d.] 8v. 8782 SPECULATOR (The). Vol. 1. [All pub.] London: 1790. 8°. By Drs. Ashe and Drake. 8783 SPEECH Intended to have been spoken on the Bill for alter- ing the Charters of Massachusetts Bay. 2d Ed. London: 1774. 8°. 8784 SPEECHES of the different Governors, to the Legislature of H. York. Albany: 1825. 8°. 8785 SPEECHES of the President of XT. S. to both Houses of Con- gress, etc. Boston: 1796. 16°. 8786 SPEECHES OF THE GOVERKOKS of Mass., from 1765 to 1775; with the answers of the House of Reps. Boston: 1818. 8°. 8787 SPEED, JOHK. A Clowd of Witnesses: and they the Holy Genealogies of the Sacred Scriptures. London: 1616. 18°. CATALOGUE. 487 8788 SPEED, JOHN. The Historie of Great Britaine under the Con- quest of the Romans, Saxons, Danes and Normans. 3d ed. Lond. : 1632. Fol. Copies of this book have been sold at Auction in London for £10 sterling. 8789 SPEED, SAMUEL. Romse Antiqute Descriptio. View of the Religion, Laws, Customs of the Ancient Romans, and Others. Written in Latin by that famous Historian Quintus Valerius Maxi- mus: and now carefully rendered into English. Tog. with the Life of the Author. London: 1678. 8°. Frontis. of 12 Roman Heads. 8790 SPENCER, H. LADD. Poems. Boston: 1850. 12°. 8791 SPENCER, O. M., Rev. Indian Captivity: A True Narrative of the Capture of, by the Indians, in the Neighborhood of Cincinnati. By Himself. N. Y.:[n. d.] 18°. Portrait. 8792 SPENCER, EDMUND. Works. Pub. by Mr. Hughes. Lon- don: 1715. 24°. 8793 SPENCER, JOHN. Discourse concerning Prodigies : wherein the Vanity of Presages by them is reprehended, and their true and proper Ends asserted and Vindicated. 2d ed. added a short Trea- tise concerning Vulgar Prophecies. London: 1665. 12°. 8794 SPENCER, JOHN A. (d.d.) Hist, of the United States, from the earliest Period to the present Time. Vol. 1. N. Y. : [u. d.] Illustrated by Leutze, Weir, Powell, Chapman, Vanderlyn, Chappel and other eminent American Artiste. 8795 SPIRA, FRANCIS. Relation of the Fearful State of, after he turned Apostate. Notes by Rev. W. C. Brownlee. Philadelphia: 1814. 18°. 8796 SPIRIT of the Public Journals; or Beauties of the American Newspapers, for 1805. Baltimore: 1806. 12°. 8797 of Despotism. Lond.: 1795. Phila.,Rep.,28 Nov. 1795. 12°. 8798 of Popery: An Exposure of its Origin, Character, and Re- sults in Letters. N. Y. : 1844. 18°. 8799 of the Fair, 1864. N. Y. : 1864. 4°. 8800 of the Farmer's Museum, and Lay Preacher's Gazette. Walpole, N. H.: 1801. 12°. 8801 of the Pilgrims, 1828-33. Boston. 6v. 8°. SPIRITUALISM, WITCHCRAFT, DEMONOLOGY, &c. 8802 Vol. 1. Pamphlets. Vindication of Three Miracles, N. Lardner, London, 1731. — Case of the Demoniacs, same, 1758. — Cotton Mather and Witchcraft, Poole. — The Coming Struggle, N. Y. 1853. — Spiritualism, Rice, 1855. — Christianity vs. Spiritualism, Hunt, 1856. — Supernal Theology, Warren, 1852. — Question of Mir- acles, Harwood, 1841. — Essay on the Demoniacs, Gannet, 1832. — Same, Barker, 1783. 8°. 8803 Vol. 2. Essay on Demoniacs, by Plain Truth, Amherst, 1833. — Signs of the Times, Coggshall, 1851. — Second Sight, Mason, 488 CATALOGUE. I860. — On the Devil, Winans, 1826.— INatural Hist, of the Devil, Conway, 1859. — Popular Superstitions, Whitman, 1829. 8801 SPIKIT KAPPING UNVEILED, Mattison, IsT. Y. 1854.— Kecromancy, P. Cooke, Boston, 1857. — The Spiritual Medium, Old- field, Boston, 1852. — Spiritualism Tested, Samson, Boston, 1860* 12°. — Keview of Spirit Manifestations, Beecher, N. Y. 1853. — Spirit Eapping, &c. Exposed, Porter, Boston, 185:J. — History of Spiritualism in Phila. , Phila. 1851. — Reply to Dwight, Woodman, Portland, 1857. — Mesmerism-, Spiritualism. &c., Putnam, Boston, 1858, &c. 8°. 11 nos. 8805 SPOEFORD, JEREMIAH. Gazetteer of Massachusetts. Cont. a Genl. View of the State. Newburyport: 1828. 12°. Map. 8806 SPOONER, LYSANDER. Essay on Trial by Jury. Boston: 1852. 8°. 8807 SPOTORNO, D. G. B. Memorials of Columbus; or, a Collection of authentic Documents of that celebrated Navigator. Memoir of his Life and Discoveries. Erom the Spanish and Italian. London: 1828. 8°. Portrait and other Plates. 8808 SPRAGUE, CHARLES. Poetical and Prose Writings of . Rev. ed. Boston: 1850. 12°. 8809 SPRAGUE, PELEG. Speeches and Addresses. Bost.: 1858. 8°. 8810 SPRAGUE, WM. B., d.d. Visits to European Celebrities. Boston: 1855. 12°. 8811 Letters to Young Men, founded on the History of Joseph. 4th Ed. Albany: 1847. 12°. Plate. 8812 Memoirs of Rev. J. McDowell, d.d., and of the Rev. Wm. A. McDowell, d.d. N. Y.: 1864. 12°. Portrait. 8813 SPRANGE, J. The Tunb ridge Wells Guide. Tunbridge Wells: 1780. Frontispiece. 8814 SPRAT, THO. History of the Royal Soc. of London, Fourth Ed. London: 1734. 4°. 8815 Sermons preached on several Occasions. London: 1722. 8°. 8816 SPRATT, T. An Investigation of the movements of the Teignmouth bar. London: 185'5. 12*^. Plans. 8817 SPRIGGE, JOSHUA. Anglia Rediviva ; England's Recov- ery: being the History of the Motions, Actions, and Successes of the Army under the Conduct of His Excellency Sr. Thomas Fair- fax. London: 1647. Fol. Arms of Fairfax. 8818 SPRING, GARDINER. Essays on the Distinguishing Traits of Christian Character. Boston, 1819. 18°. 8819 Same. N. Y.: 1813. 8°. 8820 Memoirs of the Rev. Samuel J. Mills, Missionary. N. Y.: 1820. 8°. [Scarce.] 8821 SPRING, SAMUEL. Moral Disquisitions; and tlie Rev. David Tappan's Letters to Philalethes. 2d Ed. Exeter: 1815. 18°. The author was father of Gardiner Spring. CATALOOUE. 489 8822 SPRINGER, JOHN S. Forest Life and Forest Trees: Winter Camp Life among the Loggers. N. Y.: 1851. 12°. Cuts. 8823 SPURIOUS REPRINTS of Early Books. Bibliog. Tr. No. 1. Boston: 1865. 8°. 8824 SPURSTOWE, WILLIAM. Spiritual Chymist: or, Six De- cades of Divine Meditations on several Subjects. With Account of- the Author's Life. London : 1668. 8825 SPURZHEIM, J. G., m.d. Phrenology; or the Doctrine of Mental Phenomena. 2 vols. 1st Am. Ed. Boston: 1832. 8°. Plates. 8826 Phrenology, in connection with the Study of Physiognomy. 35 Plates. 1st Amer. Ed. Biography of the Author, by Nahum Capen. Boston: 1833. 8°. 8827 Same. 3d Ed. Boston: 18:<6. 88i8 Philosophical Catechism of the Natural Laws of Man. 2d Ed. Boston: 1832. 18°. 8829 Observations sur la Folic, ou sur les derangemens des Fonc- tions morales et intellectuells. Avec deux Planches. A Paris: 1818. 8°. 8830 View of the Elementary Principles of Education. 1st Am. Ed. Boston: 1832. 12°. 8831 Outlines of Phrenology. Boston: 1832. 18°. 8832 Examination of the Objections made in Britain against the Doctrines of Gall and Spurzheim. Boston: 1833. 12°. 8833 Life and Philosophy of. 1st Am. ed. Boston: 1833. 12°. 8834 SQUIER, E. G. Nicaragua; its People, Scenery, Monuments, and the Proposed Interoceanic Canal. Numerous Maps and Illusts. 2 vols. N. Y.: 1852. 8°. 8835 Notes on Central America; particularly Honduras and San Salvador, and the proposed Honduras Railway. N. Y.: 1855. 8°. Maps and Plates. 8836 Amer. Archseologl. Researches, No. 1. The Serpent Sym- bol. N. Y,: 1851. 8°. 8837 Collection of Rare and Original Documents and Relations, concerning the Discovery and Conquest of America. No. 1. N. Y.: 1860: 4°. Map. 8838 Monograph of Authors who have written on the Language of Central America. N. Y.: 1861. 4°. 8839 STAMP ACT. Correct Copies of the Two Protests against the Bill to Repeal the American Stamp Act. A Paris: 1766. 8°. Also, Celebrated Speech of a Celebrated Commoner [Pitt]. Lon- don: 17i)6. [Both very scarce.] 8840 Anno Regni Georgii III. Regis Magnte Britanniae, Quinto. At the Parliament begun and holden, 19th May, Anno Dom. 1761, and cont. to 10th Jan., 1765. London: 1765. 8°. The celebrated fc-tamp Act, which was not enforced in America. 8841 STANHOPE, LEICESTER, (Col.) Greece in 1823 and 1824; 490 CATALOGUE. a Series of Letters and other Documents, on the Greek Kevolution, added, the Life of Mustapha Ali. Phila. : 1825. 8°. 8842 STAN'LEY (Colonel). Bibliotheca Stanleiana. Splendid selection of Rare and Fine Books, from the Distinguished Library of. 1813. 8°. 8843 STANLEY, THOMAS. Claudius ^lianus. His Various His- tory. London: 1666. 8°. 8844 The History of Philosophy, in Eight Parts. London: 1656. Eolio. Port, by Faithorae, after Lely, with full length Portraits of the Philosophers. 8845 STA:N-SBURY, HOWARD, (Capt.) Exploration and Survey of the Valley of the Great Salt Lake. Washington: 1853. 8°. Plates, and vol. maps to accompany Report. 8846 STAJS'SBURY, P. Pedestrian Tour of 2300 miles in :Nrorth America. — The Lakes, — The .Canadas, — And the New-England States. Performed in the Autumn of 1821. Views. N. Y. : 1822. 12°. Scarce. 8847 STAPLES, WM. R. Annals of Providence, from its Settle- ment, to the organization of the City Government, in 1832." Prov- idence: 1843. 8°. 8848 STARK, CALEB. Memoir and Official Correspondence of Gen. John Stark, with Notices of other Officers of the Revolution. Also a Biography of Capt. Phinehas Stevens, and of Col. Robert Rogers. Concord: 1860. 8°. Portrait. 8849 History of Dunbarton, Merrimack Co., N. H., from the Grant by Mason's Assigns, in 1751, to 1860. Concord: 1860. 8°. 8850 Reminiscences of the French War; containing Roger's Expeditions; Life and Military Services of Maj.-Gen. John Stark. Concord, N. H., 1831. 12°. Portrait. 8851 STARS AND STRIPES — in Rebeldom. Series of Papers written by Federal Prisoners (Privates) in Richmond, Tuscaloosa, New Orleans, and Salisbury, N. C. Boston: 1862. 12°. 8852 STARTLING FACTS for Native Americans called ''Know- nothings." N. Y.:1855. 8°. 8853 STATE of Importations from Great Britain into Boston, from Jan., 1770; added an Acct. of Goods reship. for G. B. since Jan., 1769. Boston: 1770. 12°. 8854 STATE PAPERS and Public Documents of the IJnited States from the Accession of Geo. Washington, 1789-1819. 12v. 8°. 8855 on Nullification: Public Acts of the Convention of South Carolina. The Proclamation of the President. Boston: 1834. 8°. 8856 STATEMENT respecting the Earl of Selkirk's Settlement upon Red River, in N. America; its Destruction, and the Massacre of Gov. Semple and his Party. London: Murray: 1817. 8°. 8857 STATISTICS exhibiting the Condition and Products of Industry ■CATALOGUE. 491 in Massachusetts, for the year ending April 1, 1837. ^y John P. Bigelow. Boston: 1838. 8°. 8858 For the year ending April 1st, 1845. By J. G. Palfrey. Boston: 1846. 8°. Auto, of Geo. Livermore. 8859 For the year ending June 1, 1B56. By Francis De Witt. Boston: 1856. 8°. 8860 STATISTICAL ANNALS. Views of the population, etc., of the U. S., by Adam Seybert. Phila.: 1818. 4^. 8861 STAUNTON, GEO. T., Sir, Authentic Account of an Em- bassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China. 2 vols. Phila. : 1799. 8°. 8862 Historical Account of the Embassy to China, by Order of the King of G. Brit. 83 engravings. London: 1797. 8°. 8863 STEARNS, JOHN G. Inquiry into the Nature and Tendency of Freemasonry. 5th ed. Utica: 1829. 12°. 8864 Inquiry. 2d ed. Utica: 1827. 16°. 8865 STEARNS, JONA. F. First Church in Newark. Historical Discourses. Newark: 1853. 8°. Portrait. 8866 STEARNS, SAMUEL. The American Oracle. Comprehend- ing an Account of recent Discoveries in the Arts and Sciences. London: 1791. 8°. 88t)7 The American Herbal ; or. Materia Medica. Wherein the Virtues of the Mineral, Vegetable, and Animal Productions of N. and S. America. Walpole: 1801. 12°. [Very scarce.] -8868 STEARNS, W. A. Life and Character of Rev. Samuel H. Stearns. 2d ed. Boston: 1833. 12°. 8869 Life of Rev. Samuel H. Stearns, late Minister of the Old South Church in Boston. New ed. Boston: 1846. 12°. 8870 STEBBINS, RUFUS P. Historical Address, did. at the Cen- tennial Celebration of the Town of Wilbraham, 1863. Bost: 1864. 8°. Plates. 8871 STEDMAN, C. History of the American War. 2 vols, Lon- don: 1794. 4°. Maps. This is one of the rare works relating to the War of the Revolution, from which our own and English historians have drawn freely. The author was a commissary of the British army, and served with Howe, Clinton and Cornwallis. It has plans of the Battle of Bunker Hill, Howe's campaign in New York and N. Jersey, the Sieges of Savan- nah, Yorktown, etc. 8872 STEDMAN, EDMUND C. The Prince's Ball. A Brochure. From Vanity Fair. Illustrations. N. Y. 1860. 12°. 8873 STEDMAN, JAMES S. Fatal Effects of Vicious Company. The Life of James S. Stedman. Also an Extract from the Memoirs of Stephen B. Stedman. Washington, O.: 1832. 12°. 8874 STEDMAN, JOHN W. Norwich Jubilee. Report of the Celebration at Norwich, Ct., on the 200th Anniversary of the Set- tlement. Norwich: 1859. 8°. Map and other Plates. 83 492 . CATALOGUE, 8875 STEEL, JOHN H. (Dr.) Analysis of the Mineral Waters of Saratoga and Ballston; Geology and Mineralogy of the surrounding Country. Map. 2ded. Albany: 1819. 18°. 8876 Analysis with a History of the Discovery and Settlement of these celebrated Watering Places. Saratoga Springs : 1831. 12°. 8877 Analysis of the Mineral Waters. Albany: 1817. 12°. [Scarce.] 8878 STEELE, ZADOCK. The Indian Captive; or a Narrative of Captivitv and Sufferings, related by Himself. To which is jirefixed an Acct. of the Burning of Eoyalton. Montpelier, Yt. : 1818. sm. 12°. [Bare.] 8879 STEELE, Mrs. A Summer Journey in the West. I^. York: 1841. 12°. 8880 STEELE, ASHBEL, Kev. Chief of the Pilgrims: or Life and Time of William Brewster. Plates. Phila.: 1857. 8°. 8881 STEELE, EICHARD H., d.d. Historical Discourse; at the 150th Anniversary of the Eirst Kef. Dutch Church, K. Brunswick, N. J. New Brunswick: 1867. 8<^. Plates. 8882 STEEL'S NAVAL CHEONOLOGIST of the Late War, Prom its Commencement in 1793, to its Conclusion in 1801. 3d ed. London: 1802. 4°. Plans, &c. 8883 STEVENS, GEORGE. Bibliotheca Steevensiana. Catalogue of the Curious and Valuable Library of. 1800. London. 8°. 8884 STEINMAN, GEO. STEINMAN. History of Croydon. Lon- don: 1833. 8°. 8885 STEPHENS, ANN S. Portland Sketch Book. Port.: 1836. 12°. 8886 STEPHENSON, MARMADUKE. Call from Death to Life, being an Account of the Sufferings of; also William Robinson and Mary Dyer, in New England, in the Year 1659. London: 1660. Ed. 100 copies. Privately repr. Providence, R. I. : 1865. sm. 4°. 8887 STERNE, LAWRENCE. Sentimental Journey through France and Italy. Dublin: 1780. 12°. 8888 Works of. Vol. 7. Sermons. 5th ed. Dublin: 1780. 12°. 8889 STERNHOLD, THOS. and HOPKINS, JOHN. The whole Book of Psalms, collected into English Metre. Oxford: 1872. 4°. 8890 STETSON, A. W. Is our Prosperity a Delusion? Our National Debt and Currency. By a Boston Merchant. Bost. : 1864. 16°. 8891 STEUART, J. Bogota in 1836-7; Narrative of an Expedition to the capital of New Grenada. N. York : 1838. 12°. 8892 STEUBEN (Baron) FREDK. WILLIAM. Regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the XJ. S. Bost. : 1793. 12°. Diagrams, &c. Autog. of Saml. Jaques. A rare "book, by the well-known inspector-gen. of the armies of the U. S. 8893 Regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the U.S. Newed. Bost: 1794. 12°. CATALOGUE. 493 8894 STEVEN'S, B. F. Annual Keports of the N. England Mut. Life Ins. Company. 1844 to 1862. Bost. : 1863. 8°. 8895 STEVEjJ^S, CHAS. E. Anthony Burns. A History. Boston: 1856. 12°. 8896 STEVElSrS, GEORGE ALEXR. Mirth and Song: a Lecture on Heads. And the Courtship. Boston: 1804. 16°. 8897 Lecture on Heads, with Additions by Mr. Pilon. With 47 Heads by I^isbit, from Designs by Thurston. Lond. : 1802. 18°. 8898 STEVENS, JAS. WILSON. Hist, and Geogr. Account of Al- giers; Events relative to the American Captives. Phila.: 1797. 12°. [Scarce.] 8899 STEVENS, HEN"RY. Catalogue of my English Library. Lond.: 1853. 18°. 8900 Historical Kuggets. Bibliotheca Americana. 2 vols. Lond. : 1862. 12°. No American book collector need be told the value of these volumes. They are worth much more than the twenty dollars usually paid for them. 8901 STEVENS, JOHN", (Capt.) History of Spain; added. Summary Account of the Dominions of that Crown. London: 1701. 8*^. 8902 History of Portugal, from the first Ages of the World, to the late Revolution, in 1640. Written in Spanish, by Emanuel de Earia y Sousa. Translated, and Continued down to this present Year, 1698. London: 1698. 8°. 8903 New Spanish and English, and English and Spanish Diction- ary, Grammar, Dialogues. London: 1706. Fol. 8904 STEVENS, THADDEUS. Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of. Wasn. : 1868. 8°. 8905 STEVENS, WM. BACON", (d.d.) Disc, commem. of the Rt. Rev. Alonzo Potter, d.d. Phila. : 1866. 8°. 8906 Two Discourses preached in St. Andrew's Church. Phila. : 1828. 12°. 8907 STEVENSON", WM. G. Thirteen Months in the Rebel Army: a Narrative of Personal Adventures. N". Y. : 1862. 12°. 8908 STEWARD, JAMES, (d.d.) History of the Discover}- of Amer- ica, of the Landing of our Forefathers, at Plymouth, and of their most remarkable Engagements with the Indians, in New En2:land, from 1620, until 1669. Also the Defeat of Generals Braddock, Har- mar and St. Clair, by the Indians at the Westward, &c. Brooklyn, L. I. Printed. 8°. Afterwards issued by Henry Trumbull as author ; only omitting the Preface, STEWART, C. S. Visit to the South Seas, in the U. S. ship Vincennes, 1829-.30. 2 vols. N". Y.:1831. 12°. 8910 Sketches of Society in Great Britain and Ireland. 2 vols. Phila.: 1835. 12°. 494 CATALOGUE. 8911 STEWART, C. S. Journal of a Residence in the Sandwich Islands, during 1823-5. 2d ed. N. Y.: 1828. 12°. Portrait. 8912 Brazil and La Plata: The Personal Record of a Cruise. N. Y.: 1856. 12°. 891.3 STEWART, VIRGIL A. History of, and Adventures in cap- turing and exposing the Great " Western Land Pirate" and his Gang; Trial, Confession, and Execution of a number of Murrell's Associates. N. Y.: 1838. 12°. [Scarce.] 8914 History of the Detection and Trial of John A. Murrell, the Great Western Land Pirate; with a Biographical Sketch of V. A. Stewart. 1835. 12°. or sm. 8°. 8915 STICK]N"EY, CHAS. E. History of the Minisink Region. Mid- dletown, N.Y.: 1867. 12°. 8916 STICKNEY, MATTHEW A. Stickney Eamily. Salem: 1869. 8°. Ports. 8917 STIFF, EDWARD, (Col.) The Texas Emigrant: Adventures of the Author in Texas : Description of the Soil, Climate, Produc- tions, Minerals, Towns, Bays, Harbors, with Incidents of 15 years Revolution in Mexico. Cincinnati: 1840. 12°* 8918 STILES, EZRA, (Brest.) History of three of the Judges of Ejng Charles the First. Hartford: 1794. [Very scarce.] 8919 The Christian Union. Convent. Serm. Boston: 1761. 8°. 8920 U. States elevated to Glory. An Elect. Serm. May 8, 1785. 8°. Has the autog. of Al>iel Holmes, father of the poet. 8921 Oratio Inauguralis habita in sacello CoUegii Yalensis 1798. HartfordiEe: 1778. 8°. 8922 STILES,HEKRYR. (M.D.) History of Ancient Windsor, Conn, prior to 1768. Genealogies and Geneal. Notes prior to 1800. N. Y. : 1859. 8°. Frontis. 8923 Autobiography of Thomas Douglas, Late Judge of the Sup. Court of Florida. N. Y.:1856. 12°. 100 only, privately pr. Port. 8924 Contributions towards a Genealogy of the (Massachusetts) Family of Stiles. Albany: 1863. 4°. 8925 History of the City of Brooklyn. Brooklyn, K. Y. : 1867- 70. 3v. 8°. 8926 STILES, JOSEPH C. The National controversy, or the voice of the Fathers upon the state of the country. N. York: 1861. 12°. 8927 STILLINGFLEET, BEN J. Tracts relating to Natural History, Husbandry, and Physic. 2d ed. London: 1762, 8°. Plates. 8928 STILLINGFLEET, EDWARD, d.d. Relation of a Confer- ence, held about Rehgion, at London, April, 1676. By Edward Stillingfleet and Gilbert Burnet, with some Gentlemen of the Church of Rome. London: 1676. 8°. 8929 STILLM AN, SAMUEL. Good news from a far country. Serm. Bost., May 17, 1766. Upon the arrival of news of the repeal of the Stamp Act. Boston: 1766. 8°. CATALOGUE. 495 8930 STILLMAN, SAMUEL. Select sermons on doctrinal and practical subjects. Biog. sketch of Author. Bost. : 1808. 8°. Port. 8931 STIRLING, WILLIAM. Cloister Life of the Emperor Charles Fifth. From the 2d London Ed. Boston: 1853. 12°. Port. 8932 STOBO, ROBERT, (Maj.) Memoirs of Major Robert Stobo, of the Virginia Regiment. Pittsburgh: 1854. 18°. 8933 STOCKELL, WM. (Capt.) Narrative of Travels in differ- ent Countries; 18 years in the Service of his Brit. Majesty and of the U. S. and in the Whale Fishery. Rev. and corr. by E. A. Atlee, M.D. Cincinnati: 1840. 8°. Cuts. 8934 STOCKTON, ROBT. F. (Com.) A Sketch of the Life of, with his Correspondence respecting his Conqt. of Calif orn. N. Y. : 1856. 8°. Portrait. 8935 STODDARD, Maj. AMOS. Sketches, Hist, and descriptive of Louisiana. Phila.: 1812. 8°. 8936 STODDARD, ANTHONY, of Boston, Mass, and his Descend- ants. A Genealogy. Rev. and enlg. by E. W. Stoddard. N. York: 1865. 8°. 8937 STODDARD, SOLOMON. The Safety of Appearing at the Day of Judgment, in the Righteousness of Christ, Opened and Applied. Northampton: 1804. 12°. 8938 The Doctrine of Instituted Churches Explained and Proved from the Word of God. London: 1700. 4°. 8939 A Guide to Christ; or, the Way of directing Souls that are under the Work of Conversion. With an Epistle prefixed, by the Rev. Dr. Increase Mather. 2d ed. N. Y.: 1751. 18°. [Scarce.] 8940 STOKES, SAMUEL. Narration of the Many Unparallel'd Hardships, and Cruel Sufferings while in France; of the Crew of the Terrible Privateer, Capt. Wm. Death. London: [1757?] 8°. 8941 STONE, EBENR. W. Compend of Military Tactics, and Man- ual of Percussion Arms. Boston: 1857. 12°. 8942 STONE, EDWIN M. History of Beverly, from 1630 to 1842. Boston: 1843. 12°. Out of print. Auto, letter of Author. 8943 Life and Recollections of JohnHowland. Providence: 1857. 12°. Portrait. Out of print. 8944 Rhode Island in the Rebellion. 2d ed. Prov. : 1865. 12°. 8945 The Invasion of Canada in 1775: Incl. the Journal of Capt. S. Thayer, during Arnold's March through the Wilderness. Provi- dence: 1867. 8°. [Portrait of Col. C. Greene.] Two Autograph letters of Author. 8946 Manual of Education: A Brief Hist, of the R. Island Inst. of Instruction. Providence: 1874. 8°. 8947 STONE, JAMES W. Trial of Prof. John W. Webster, for the Murder of Dr. Geo. Parkman. 2d ed. Boston: 1850. 8°. 8948 STONE, JOHN S. (RexO The Contrast: or the Evangehcal and Tractarian Systems. N. Y. : 1853. 12°. 496 CATALOGUE. 8949 STOKE, JOHK S. (Key.; A Memoir of the Life of James Milnor, d.d. K. Y. : 1848. 8°. Portrait. 8950 A Disc, commem. of the Life and Char, of the Kev. James May, D.D. Phila.: 1864. 8°. 8951 ST0:N"E, T. D. p. Biography of Mrs. Kebecca Gair Webster. Boston: 1848. 12°. Portrait. 8952 ST0:N^E, WM. L. Life of Joseph Brant-Thayandanaga: In- cluding the Border Wars of the Amer. Ee volution. 2 vols. New York: 1838. Plates. 8953 Matthias and his Impostures: or, the Progress of Pana- ticism. ISTew York: 1835. 18°. 8954 Letters on Masonry and Antimasonry, addressed to the Hon. John Quincy Adams. V. York: 1832. 8°. 8955 The Poetry and Hist, of Wyoming. 3d ed. Albany: 1864. 12°. 8956 The Life and Times of Sir William Johnson, Bart. 2 vols. Albany: 1865. 8°. Portrait. 8957 Poetry and History of Wyoming. 2d ed. N. Y. : 1844. 12°. 8958 Memoirs, Letters and Journals, of Maj.-Gen. Keidesel, during his Eesidence in America, trans, from the orig. German of Max Yon Eelking. 2 vols. Albany: 1868.- 8°. 8959 Uncas and Miantonomoh: a Hist. Discourse, at Norwich, July 4th, 1842, on occasion of erecting a Monument to Uncas. N. York: 1842. 16°. 8960 Poetry and Hist, of Wyoming. [1st ed. with engravings.] N. York: 1841. 12°. 8961 Life and times of Ked- Jacket or Sa-go-ye-wat-ha, sequel to the Hist, of Six Nations. N. York and London: 1841. 8°. 8962 Same with a Memoir of S. by his son. Albany: 1866. 1. 4". Portrait. 8963 STORIES of Popular Yoyages and Travels; with Illustrations. Containing recent Travels in S. America. London: 1829. 12°. 8964 STORK, WM. A Description of East Florida, with a Journal, kept by John Bartram of Phila. , Botanist. 3d ed. enlg. and impr. London: 1769. 4°. 3 Maps. [Very rare.] 8965 STORY, JOSEPH. The Miscellaneous writings of. Ed. by his son, Wm. W. Story. Boston: 1852. 8°. 8966 Miscellaneous Writings, now first collected. Bos. : 1835. 8°. 8967 A familiar Exposition of the Constitution of the U. S. N. York: 1857. 12^. 8968 The Power of Solitude, a poem. Boston. 12°. Judge Story endeavored to suppress this volume. 8969 Same, new and improved ed. Salem: 1804. 12°. Erontis. [Yery scarce.] 8970 STORY, ROBERT HERBERT. Memoir of the Rev. Robert CATALOGUE. 497 Story, late Minister of Rosneath, Dunbartonshire. Cambridge: [Eng.] 18G2. 12°. Portrait. 8971 STORY, THOMAS. A Journal of the Life of: Containing an Account of his remarkable Convincement of, and Embracing the Principles of the Quakers; as also of his Travels. Newcastle upon Tyne: 1747. Polio. A very curious and important book on America, as the author, who was the friend ot William Penn, saw it, at the close of the seventeenth century. A good companion for the Journal of Geo. Fox, as exhibiting through similar spectacles the colonies at a later day. 8972 STOW, BARON. Disc, at the 100th Anniversary of the Bald- win Place Bapt. Ch., 27 July, 1843. Boston: 1843. 18°. 8973 STOW, JOHN. The Abridgment of the English Chronicle, first collected by M. John Stow, and after him augmented with very many memorable Antiquities, vnto the end of the yeare 1610. By E. H. Gentleman. London: 1611. 8°. 8974 The Annals or Generall Chronicle of England, begun first by Maister lohn Stow, and after him continued and augmented with matters foregne and domestique, auncient and modeme vnto the ende of this present yeere 1614. By Edmond Howes, gentleman. Londini. Folio. The genuine antiquary will forego many comforts rather than be deprived of Stow. — S. Qc. D. Its value and scarcity are too well known to need comment. 8975 Same. London: 1681. Polio. This is further continued and augmented by Howes. "Worse paper, but better otherwise than the 1614 edition. , 8976 A Svrvay of London. Conteyning the Originall, Anti- quity, Increase, Modern estate, and descrip. of that City, written in the year 1598, by John Stow, Citizen of London. Since by the same Author increased, with diuers rare notes of Antiquity, and published in the yeare 1603, &c. London: 1603. 4°. This is Stow's last edition. Port. 8977 Same. New Ed. Ed. by W. J. Thoms. London: 1842. R. 8°. 8978 The Survey of London. Beguune furst by the Paines and Industry of lohn Stow, in the yeere 1598, and now completely finished by the study and labour of A. M. H. D., and others, this present yeere, 1633. London: 1633. Polio. 8979 STOW, PHINEAS. Melodies for the Temperance Ship; a Col- lection of Hymns, Tunes and Songs. Boston: 1850. sq. 16°. Author's Autog. 8980 Ocean Melodies. Boston: 1850. Autog. 8981 STOW, W. Remarks on London: Being an exact Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster. London: 1722. 18°. 8982 STOWE. A Description of the Magnificent House and Gardens 498 CATALOGUE. of the Kt. Hon. Richard Grenville Temple, Earl Temple. Kew ed. Plans and Yiews. London: 1768. 8°. 8983 STRACHEY, WILLIAM, Gent. (The first Secretary of the Colony.) The Historic of Travaile into Yirginia Britannia. Ed. by R. H. Major. London: 1849. 8°. Hak. Soc. Maps and plates. 8984 STRADA, FAMIA:N^US. De Bello Belgico. The History of the LowCountrey Warres. Written in La,tine by Famianus Strada; in English by Sr. Rob-. Stapylton, Kt. Illustrated with divers Fig- ures. London: 1650. Folio. 8985 Famiani Strada Romani E Societate Jesu de Bello Belgico de cas prima Ab excessu Caroli V. Imp. Usque at initia Prsef ecturse Alexandri Farnesii. Romse: 1648. 18°. Map and Portraits. 8986 STRAHLENBERG, PHILIP JOHI^ YON. An Histori-Geo- graphical Description of ISTorth and Eastern Part of Europe and Asia; but more particularly of Russia, Siberia, and Great Tartary. A New Table of Dialects of 32 Tartari-an JiTations. Map. London: 1736. 4°. Plates. 8987 STRATTO]^, R. B. Captivity of the Oatman Girls: Being an interesting l^Tarrative of Life among the Apache and Mohave In- dians. N. York: 1859. 12°. Plates. 8988 [Same.] San Francisco: 1859. 8°. 8989 STRATTO:Nr, WM. D. Dedication Memorial of the Kew Ma- sonic Temple, Boston. Boston: 1868. sq. 8°. 8990 STREET, ALFRED B. Frontenac. A Poem. London: 1849. Cr. 8®. 8991 The Council of Revision of the State of Kew York; its His- tory. Biog. Sketches of its Members and Yetoes. Alb.: 1859. 8°- 8992 The Poems of Alfred B. Street. Kew York: 1845. 8°. Front. 8993 Woods and Waters: or the Saranacs and Racket. Map and 9 Wood cuts. N. Y. : 1860. 18°. 8994 Frontenac, a poem of the Iroquois. Albany: Munsell, 1866. Large paper. Portrait, slightly defaced with ink. 8995 STREETER, G. L. Acct. of the Newspapers and other Pe- riodicals pub. in Salem 1768-1856. Salem: 1856. 8°. 8996 STREETER, RUSSELL. The New Hymn Book, designed for Universalists. Add. by Sebastian and Russell Streeter. Boston: 1829. 12°. 8997 STRICKLAND, W. P. Old Mackinaw; or, the Fortress of the Lake and its Surroundings. Phila. : 1860. 12°. Maps and Plates. 8998 History of the American Bible Society. Introd. by Rev. N. L. Rice, d.d. Port, of Hon. Elias Boudinot, ll.d. N. York: 1849. 8°. 8999 The Pioneer Bishop: or, Life and Times of Francis CATALOGUE. 499 Asbury. With an Introd. by IS". Bangs, D.D. N. York: [n.d.] 12°. Port. 9000 STRICTURES on a Pamphlet entitled a " Friendly Address to all Reasonable Americans." Addressed to the People of America. Phila.: 1774. 8°. 9001 STOCK, DANIEL, Jr. [JOHN FROST?] Pictorial History of King Philip's War. With 100 Engravings, from original Designs, by W. Croome. Boston: 1852. 8°. 9002 STRONG, CALEB, Esq. Patriotism and Piety. The Speeches of his Excely. to the Senate and H. of Reps. With their Answers ; and other official Papers, from 1800-7. Newburyport: 1808. 12°. Portrait. 9003 STRONG, NATHAN. Sermons on Various Subjects. Yol. 2. Hartford: 1800. 8°. 9004 STRONG, T. Candid Examination of the Episcopal Church nth ed. Boston: 1828. 18°. 9005 Same. 4th ed. Boston: 1827. 18°. 9006 STRONG, WM. (Rev. a.m.) Frithiof's Saga: A Scandinavian Legend of Royal Love. Transl. from the Swedish of Esaias Tegner, Bp. of Wexio. London: 8°. Portrait. 9007 STROUD, GEORGE M. A Sketch of the Laws relating to Slavery in the several States of the U. S. Phila. : 1827. 8°. 9008 STOWE, HARRIET BEECITER, (Mrs.) The Minister's Wooing. N. York: 1859. 12°. 9009 The Mayflower; or, Scenes and Characters among the Descendants of the Pilgrims. N. Y. : 1843. 18°. 9010 Dred: A Tale of the Dismal Swamp. 2 vols. Boston: 1856. 9011 Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin. Boston: 1853. r.8°. 9012 Old Town Fireside Stories. Boston: 1872. 12°. 9013 STRUTHERS, JOHN. The poor man's Sabbath, with other Poems. From 3d ed. Boston: 1813. 24°. 9014 STRUYS, JEAN. Les Voyages de, in Muscovie, en Tartaric, en Perse, aux Indes, & en plusieurs autres pais etrangers. A quoi I'on a ajoute comme une chose digne d'etre sue, la Rlation d'un Naufrage, dont les suites on produit des effets extraordinaires. A Amstredam: 1681. 4°. Beautifully lU'd. Maps, etc. [Rare.] 9015 STRYPE, JOHN. The Life of the Learned Sir Thomas Smith, Kt. Principal Sec. of State to Edward the Sixth, and Queen Eliza- beth. London: 1698. 8°. Portrait and Plates. 9016 A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster. By John Stow. Now lastly, Corr. Impr. and very much Enlg. and brought down to the year 1633. With Life of the Author. 2 vols. London: 1720. Folio. 9017 The Life of the Learned Sir John Cheke, Kt. New Ed. Corr. Oxford: 1821. 8°. Portrait. 500 CATALOGUE. 9018 STUAET, ARABELLA W. The Lives of Mrs. Ann B. Jud- son, with a Biogrl. Sketch of Mrs. Emily C. Judson, Missionaries to Burmah. Auburn: 1853. 8°. Two Portraits. 9019 STUART, C, Esq. The Emigrants Guide to Upper Canada; Present State of that Province. London: 1820. 12°. 9020 STUART, CARLOS D. lanthe: and other Poems. N. Y.: 1845. 12°. 9021 STUART, I. W. Life of Jonathan Trumbull, Sen., Gov. of Connecticut. Boston: 1859. 8°. Colored Plates. 9022 Life of Capt. ]*^athan Hale, the Martyr Spy of the Amer. Revolution. With Illustrations. Hartford: 1856. 12°. 9023 STUART, JAMES. Three Years in ]^orth America. 2 vols. Edinburgh: 1833. Cr. 8°. [Very scarce.] «' The most truthful tourist that has ever visited the U. S." 9024 Same. Er. the 2d Lond. ed. IST. Y. : 1833. 2v. 12°. 9025 STUART, MOSES. Dissertations on the Original Languages of the Bible. By Jahn and others. Trans, from the Originals, with Notes. Andover: 1821. 8°. 9026 STUBBE, HEJ^RY (Physician at Warwick). Legends no Histories : or, a Specimen of some Animadversions upon the Royal Society. Together with the Plus Ultra of Mr. Joseph Glanvill re- duced to a Non Plus, &c. London: 1670. 4°. 9027 STUDIES OK SLAVERY. By John Fletcher. Natchez: 1852. 8°. 9028 STYLES, JOHN. Life of David Brainerd, Missionary to the Indians; with an Abridgment of his Diary and Journal. 2d Amer. ed. Boston: 1821. 12°. 9029 SUBALTERN (The) ; or Sketches of the Peninsular War, during the Campaigns of 1813 and 14. By an Eyewitness. New York: 1825. 12°. 9030 A Subaltern in America; comprising his narrative of the Campaigns of the British Army, at Baltimore, Washington, &c. &c. during the Late War. Phila.: Boston: 1«33. 12°. [Very rare.] 9031 SUBSTANCE of Reports of Directors of the Sierra Leone Com- pany, to the Proprietors. With Memoirs of Naimbanna, an African Prince. Phila.: 1799. 12°. Map. 9032 SUCKLING, JOHN, Sir. Works. Cont. Poems, Letters and Plays. London: 1719. 18°. Portrait. 9033 SULLIVAN, JAMES, ll.d. The History of Land Titles in Massachusetts. August, 1801. 8°. Port. Full of valuable information to the historical student. S. Ot. D. Autog, of author. 9034 History of the District of Maine. With a correct Map. Boston: 1795. 8°. Port. 9035 SULLIVAN, RICHARD JOSEPH. Analysis of the Political History of India. 2d Ed. London: 1784. 8°. CATALOGUE, 501 9036 SULLIYAN, WILLIAM. Historical Causes and Effects. Boston: 1838. 12°. 9037 Familiar Letters on Public Characters, and Public Events; from 1783, to 1815. Boston: 1834. 12°. [Scarce.] 9038 SULLY, Duke of. The Memoirs of, Prime-Minister of Henry the Great. Tr. from the French by Charlotte Lennox. New Ed. With addi. Notes, some Letters of Henry the Great, and a brief Histl. Introduction. Embellished with Portraits. London: 1810. 5v. 8°. Sully's Memoirs open a scene of manners, which to a modern conception appears per- fectly romantic— Gi^«cn'« Diary, 9039 SUMMER MONTH (A). EecoU. of a visit to the Falls of Niagara. Phila.; 1823. 8°. 9040 SUMNER, CHARLES. The Crime against Kansas. Speech of, in the Senate of the U. S.; 19th and 20th May, 1856. Boston: 1856. 12°. Port. 9041 SUMNER, GEORGE. An Oration Deld. bef. the Municipal Authorities of the City of Boston, July 4th, 1859. Boston: 1859. 8°. Bound. 9042 A Compendium of Botany. Plates. Hartford: 1820. 9043 SUMNER, WM. H. (Gen.) Memoir of Increase Sumner, Govt, of Mass. Together with a Genealogy of the Sumner Family. Boston: 1854. 8°. 9044 SUMNER, W. H. A History of East Boston; with Biog. Sketches of the Early Proprietors. Boston : 1858. 8°. Portrait. 9045 SUNDAY SCHOOL JOURNAL, 1850-57. Phila. 7v. (1853 wanting.) 9046 SUPERNATURALISM of New England. By the Author of " The Stranger in Lowell." London: 1847. sq. 12°. 9047 SUPPLEMENT (A) to the Works of the most celebrated Minor Poets. London: 1750. 8°. 9048 SURETTE, LOUIS A. By-laws of Corinthian Lodge, of Free and Accepted Masons, of Concord, Mass. Added, an Hist. Sketch of Masonry. Concord: 1859. 12°. Portraits. 9049 SURR, T. S. George Barnwell, a Novel founded on fact. Boston: 1826. 2v in 1. 12°. 9050 SUTCLIFF, ROBERT. Travels in some Parts of N. America, in 1804-6. 2d ed. York: 1815. 12°. Plates. 9051 SWALLOW, G. C. 1st and 2d Annual Reports of the Geolo. Survey of Missouri. Jefferson City: 1855. 8°. Plates. 9052 Geological Report of the Country along the Line of the S. W. Branch of the Pacific Railroad, State of Mo., with a Memoir of the Pacific R. R. St. Louis: 1859. 8^. Map. 9053 SWAN, JAMES G. The North West Coast; or. Three Years' in Washington Territory. N. Y.:1857. 12°. Map and plates. 502 CATALOGUE. 9054 SWAN", JAMES. (A Native of Great Britain.) A Dissuasion to Great Britain and the Colonies, from the Slave-Trade to Africa. Boston: [1773?] 12°. [■ Col. James Swan was a member of the Boston Tea Party, an author, politician and sol- dier before the age of 22. 9055 Causes qui se sont opposees aux Progres du Commerce, entre la France, etles Etats-Unis de I'Amerique, en six Lettres address6es h, Monsieur le Marquis de la Fayette. A Paris: 1790. 8°. A work scarcely known to American collectors. S. G-. D. Author's autog. letter. 9056 SUMMAEY of the Millennial Church, or United Soc. of Believ- ers, commonly called Shakers. Albany: 1823. 12°. 9057 Same. 2d ed. rev. and impr. Albany: 1848. 12°. 9058 SWA:N'T0N, HANNAH. The Casio Captive: or the Catholic Keligion in Canada, and its Influence on the Indians in Maine. 2d ed. Boston: 1839. 18°. 9059 SWANWICK, JOHN, (Esq.) Poems on several Occasions. Phila.: 1797. 24°. 9060 SWEDENBORG, EMANUEL. A Treatise on the Nature of Influx; or, of the Intercourse between the Soul and Body. Tr. by Eev. Thos. Hartley, d.d. Boston: 1794. 12°. [Dr. Belknap's copy.] 9061 Treatise on the Nature of Influx, Bost. 1794; Dialogues on the nature, design and evidence, of the Theol. Writings of E. S. Bost. 1794. Doctrines of the New Jerusalem (tr. from the Latin), Bost. 1795; Clowes' Affectionate Add's. 1846; Rites and Ceremonies for the use of the Lord's Ch., Lond. 1805; Remarks on the Asser- tions respecting the Character of E. S. &c., Phila. 1800; Emanuel Swedenborg, presentation copy from the author (G. E. Ellis) ; Doc- trine of the New Jerusalem (from the Latin), Camb. 1820; Phil- osophy of the Infinite, tr. by J. J. G. Wilkinson, Bost. 1848; Arcana Ccelestia (Genesis) 3 parts, Bost. 1794; N. Jerusalem Mag., Feb. 1837, Jan. 1840; Proceedings of Gen'l Conventions, 1821, 26, 27, 29, 31; Memorabilia of Swedenborg (5 nos.). 26 nos. 9062 SWETT, SAMUEL. History of Bunker Hill Battle, with a plan. Enlg. with new Information from the surviving Soldiers present at the Celebration on the 17th of June last; Notes. Bos- ton: 1826. 8°. 9063 Same. 3d edition. Likenesses of the Principal Officers. [None ever appeared.] Boston: 1827. With Plates inserted by Mr. Drake. 8°. 9064 Remarks concerning Richard Bourne and his Descendants. 1852. sm. fol. 2 leaves. 9065 Original Planning and Construction of Bunker Hill Monu- ment. Engravings. Albany: 1863. 8°. 9066 Who was the Commander at Bunker Hill? With remarks on Frothingham's History of the Battle. Bost. : 1850. 8°. CATALOGUE, 503 9067 SWETT, S. An Address, did. at Salem, July 4, 1806. Boston: 1806. 8°. 9068 An Abstract of the Baron de Rogniat's Considerations on the Art of War. With Notes. Bost. : 1817. 8°. 9069 [ ] Return of an Old Man to his Native Tlace. No. 3. [No Place nor Date. Signed, Senex.] 12°. 9070 SWIFT, JOB, (d.d.) Discourses on Religious Subjects, with Sketches of his Life and Character, and a Sermon at his l\ineral, by Lemuel Haynes. Middlebury, Vt. : 1805. 12^. 9071 SWIFT, JONATHAN. Works of. Vol.1. Edinburgh: 1761. 12°. This vol. has autog. of Saml. Waldo, a colonial personage of distinction. 9072 A Tale of a Tub. Lond: 1704. 8°. Port. 9073 Same. 8th ed. London: 1733. S°. 9074 The History of the Four Last Years of the Queen. Lond. : 1758. 8 . 9075 Travels into several Remote Nations of the World. Dublin : 1735. 8°. Port. 9076 SWIFT, SAMUEL. History of Middle. Vt. Middlebury: 1859. 8°. Ports, and views. 9077 Statistical and Historical Account of the County of Addison, Vt. Middlebury: 1859. 8°. 9078 SWINBORNE, ROBERT. An Account of Colchester, in Essex, [&c.] Colchester: [no date.] Illustrated. 9079 SWINBURNE, ALGERNON CHAS. Chastelard. A Tragedy. N. Y.: 1866. 12°. 9080 SWINTON, A. Travels into Norway, Denmark, and Russia, 1788-91. Dublin: 1792. 8°. 9081 SWINTON, WM. The Twelve Decisive Battles of the War: A Hist, of the Eastern and Western Campaigns. N.Y. : 1867. 8°. Ports. 9082 SWITZERLAND. Practical Swiss Guide. A Complete Itiner- ary of and the adjoining Districts of Savoy, Piedmont, North Italy. Lond.: 1860. 12°. 9083 SYDENHAM, JOHN. The History of the Town and County of Poole [in Dorsetshire]. Poole: 1839. 8°. Plates. 9084 SYLVESTER, JOSHUA. Dubartas, his Diuine Weekes and Workes. London: 1608. 4°. 9085 SYLVESTER, MATTHEW. Reliquise Baxteriante: or, Mr. Richard Baxter's Narrative of the Most Memorable Passages of his Life and Times. London: 1696. Folio. Portrait by White. 9086 SYMMES, JOHN CLEVES, (Capt.) Theory of Concentric Spheres: Demonstrating that the Earth is hollow, habitable within, and widely open at the Poles. By a Citizen of the United States. Cincinnati: 1826. 12°. [Scarce.] 9087 SYMONDS, W. S. (Rev., f.g.s.) Records of the Rocks; or, Notes on the Geology, Natural History, and Antiquities of North 504 CATALOGUE. and South "Wales, Devon, and Cornwall. London: 1872. 12°. Illustrated. 9088 SY:N"0PSIS (A) of the Genera of American Plants. With the Kew Genera of Michaux and others. Georgetown, D. C. : 1814. 12°. SYSTEM OF NOTATIOISr by Wm.Pelham. Boston: 1808. 12°. T. 9090 TABLE of Post Offices in the U. States. Washington: 1842- 46. 2v. 8°. 9091 TABLES OF MEMOEY, The. Shewing every memorable event in history to the year 1790. 7th ed. London: 1790. 18°. Autog. of Dr. Jeremy Belknap, historian. 9092 TAGGAET, CYNTHIA. Poems. 3d ed. N. Y. : 1848. 12°. 9093 Poems. 2d ed. Cambridge: 1834. 12°. Plate. 9094 Poems. Providence: 1834. 12°. 9095 TAGGAET, SAMUEL. View of the evidences of Christian- ity. In nine discourses. Greenfield: 1811. 12°. 9096 TAINTOE, CHAELES M. Genealogy and History of the Taintor Family. Greenfield: 1847. 18°. 9097 Extracts from the Eecords of Colchester. Hartford: 1864. 12°. 9098 TAINTEE, DEAN W. History and Genealogy of the Descend- ants of Joseph Tayntor, who settled in Watertown, Mass. For Private Distribution. Boston: 1859. 8°. 9099 TALBOT, SILAS. Historical Sketch of the Life of Silas Talbot, of Ehode Island, lately Commander of the Frigate, Consti- tution. N. Y.:1803. 12°. [Extremely rare.] 9100 TALES of Illustrious Men. N. Y.: 1852. 18°. Plates. 9101 of the Fireside. By a Lady of Boston. Boston: 1827. 12°. 9102 and Sketches. By a Country School-master. New York: 1829. 12°. 9103 of the Puritans. The Eegicides. The Fair Pilgrim. Castine. [By Miss Delia, sister of Leonard Bacon, d.d.] New Haven. 1831. 16°. 9104 of passed times, by Mother Goose. With morals, by M. Perrault. Eng. by E. S. Gent. Eng. and French. 7th ed. N. Y.: 1795. 12°. 9105 TAMS, G., m.d. Visit to the Portuguese Possessions in South- western Africa. From the Germ. London: (2 vols.) [1845?] 12°. 9106 TANNEE, H. S. American Traveller; or. Guide through the United States. 4th ed. Phila. : 1839. 18°. Maps and Views. 9107 Surveys, Observations, and Internal Improvements in the U. S. Phila.: 1829. 12°. CATALOGUE. 505 0108 TAN'NER, H. S. Traveller's Hand Book for the State of N. Y., the Province of Canada. N. Y. : 1845. 18°. 9109 Description of the Canals and Railroads of the U. S. N. Y.: London: Paris: 1840. 8°. Map. 9110 View of the Valley of the Miss. ; Emigrant's and Travel- ler's Guide to the West. Phila.: 1832. 12°. Maps. 9111 Same. 2d ed. Phila.: 1834. 12°. Maps. 9112 Geographical, Historical and Statistical View of the Central or Middle States. 2d ed. Phila. :' 1841. 18°. 9113 Memoir of recent surveys, «fcc. 2d ed. Phila. : 1830. 9114 TAiSTNER, JOHK. Captivity and Adventures during Thirty Years' Residence among the Indians in Korth America. N. Y.r 1830. 8°. Portrait of 3. T. 9115 TAPPAN, DAVID, (d.d.) Two Friendly Letters from Toletus to Philalethes. Kewburyport: 1785. 8°. [Scarce.] 9116 Works including Sermons on Important Subjects. With Biographical Sketch of the Author; and a Sermon preached at his Funeral by Dr. Holmes. Boston: 1807. Lectures on Jewish Antiquities, 1802-3. Boston: 1807. 8°. 9117 Lectures on Jewish Antiquities deld. at H. U. 1802-3. Boston: 1807. 8°. 9118 TAPP AX, SARAH. Memoir of. N. Y.: 1834. 12°. Port. 9119 TAPPA]^', WILLIAM B. New England, and other Poems. Phila.: 1819. 18°. 9120 Poems of, not cont. in a former Vol. Phila. : 1836. 18°. 9121 Poems and Lyricks. Boston: 1846. 12°. 9122 The Poet's Tribute. Poems of. Boston: 1840. 12°. 9123 Lyrics. Phila.: N. Y.: 1822. 12°. 9124 TARLETOK, BANASTRE, (Lt. Col.) History of the Cam- paigns of 1780 and 1781, in the Southern Provinces of North America. Dublin: 1787. 8°. [Scarce.] Portrait inserted. 9125 TASSO, TORQUATO. Jerusalem Delivered. From the Italian. 2 vols. 1st Amer. Ed., from 8th London. Newburyport: Exeter: 1810. Portrait and Plates. 9126 The Jerusalem Delivered of Torquato Tasso. In English Spenserian Verse, with Life of the Author. By J. H. Wiffen. 3d Ed. 2 vols. London: 1830. 12°. 9127 TATLER (The). The Lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff. 2 vols. London: 1716. 18°. 9128 The Lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff. New Ed. 6 vols. London: 1786. Cr. 8°. Six Portraits, and other Plates. 9129 TAYLOR, ABRAHAM. The Insufficience of Natural Reli- gion: a Disc. Reprinted on the Occasion of Dr. Mayhew's late Serms. With a Preface by And. Croswell. Boston : 1765. 8°. 9130 TAYLOR, EMILY. Letters to a Child on the Subject of Maritime Discovery. N. Y.: 1821. 18°. Frontispiece. 506 CATALOGUE. 9131 TATLOK, FITCH W. The Flag Ship: or A Voyage Around the World, in the frigate Columbia. 2 vols. 12°. N". Y. : 1840. 9132 The Broad Pennant: or, a Cruise in the U. S. Flag Ship of the Gulf Squadron, during the Mexican Difficulties. New York: 1848. 12°. 9133 TAYLOR, HENRY. On the Intention of the Imperial Gov- ernment to unite the Provinces of British North America. Toronto: 1858. 12°. 9134 TAYLOR, JAMES B. Lives of Virginia Baptist Ministers. 2d ed. Richmond: 1838. 8°. 9135 Virginia Baptist Ministers. With an Introduction by Rev. J. B. Jetter, d.d. 2d Ser. N. Y:: 1860. 12°. 9136 TAYLOR, JANETTE. Life and Correspondence of John Paul Jones, including his Narrative of the Campaign of the Liman. N. Y. : 1830. 8°. Portrait. 9137 TAYLOR, JEREMY. Contemplations of the State of Man, etc. 9th ed. Boston: 1723. 18°. 9138 TAYLOR, JOHN. Narrative of Mr. Joseph Rawson's Case. 2d ed. London: 1742. With 5 other tracts in same vol. 8°. 9139 TAYLOR, JOHN BROUGH. Legend of St. Cuthbert, with the Antiquities of the Church of Durham. Sunderland: 1816. 4°. 9140 TAYLOR, JOHN L. Memoir of Samuel Phillips. Boston: 1856. 8°. Portrait. 9141 TAYLOR, ROBERT, Rev. The Diagesis ; being a Discovery of the Origin, Evidences, and Early History of Christianity. Bos- ton: 1834. 8°. Port. 9142 TAYLOR, SILAS. History of Gavel-kind. With the Ety- mology thereof; containing also an Assertion that our Eng. Laws are for the most part Those that were used by the Antient Brytains. London: 1663. 4°. 9143 TAYLOR, THEODORE. Thackeray the Humorist and the Man of Letters. Added: In Memoriam,By Charles Dickens, and a Sketch by Anthony TroUope. N. York: 1864. 12°. Portraits and Illustr. 9144 TAYLOR, Rkv. TIM. A. Memoir of the Rev. Alden Taylor, of Manchester, Ms. Boston: 1853. 12°. Portrait. 9145 TAYLOR, W. B. S. History of the University of Dublin. London: 1845. 8°. Plates. 9146 TAYLOR, WM. Annals of St. Mary Overj- an Historical and Descriptive Account of St. Saviour's Church and Parish. Numer- ous Illustrations. London: 1833. 4°. 9147 TAYLOR and CROOKS. Sketch Book of St. Louis. St. Louis, Mo.: 1858. 12°. 9148 TEGG'S DICTIONARY of Chronology. 5th ed. London: 1854. 8°. CATALOGLE. 507 9149 TEIGNMOUTH, JOHN LORD. Life and Correspondence of. By his son, Lord Tcignmouth. 2 vols. London: 1843. 8°. Port. 9150 TELEGIlAPillC DICTION AKY. Brooklyn: 1812. 12°. 9151 TELLIAMED; or the World Explained; containing Discourses between an Indian Philosopher and a Missionary. Baltimore: 1797. 8°. [Hare.] ' By M. dc Mailiet. Said to have enggcsted to Mr. Darwin his^thcory of the Origin of Species. 9152 TEMPERANCE. 115 Tracts. 9153 TEMPLE, Rev. DANIEL. Life and Letters, by his Son. Boston: 1855. 12°. Portrait. 9154 TEMPLE, EDMOND. Travels in various Parts of Peru, and a Year's Residence in Potosi. 2 vols. 1st Amer. Ed. Phila: 1833. 12°. Front. 9155 TEMPLE, J. H. History of AVhately, Mass. Including Leading Events from the first Planting of Hatfield: 1000-1871. With Genealogies. Boston: 1872. 8°. 915G History of Northfield, Ms. for 150 years. With Family Genealogies. Albany: 1875. 8°. 9157 TENNANT, WM. The Thane of Fife; a Poem. Phila.: 1S22. 18°. 9158 TENNENT, GILBERT. The necessity of holding fast the Truth [with Preface by Colman, Prince, Webb, Cooper, Foxcroft and Gee.] Boston: 1743. 8°. 9159 The Unsearchable Riches of Christ considered in Two Ser- mons at N. Brunswick, N. J., Augt. 1737. Boston: 1739. 8°. Also, a Serm. by Saml. Blair, Aug. 7, '73. One by Wni. Tennent, 8 Aug. 1777; and several others by T. 9160 TENNESSEE. Annals of. By J. G. M. Ramsey. Phila.: 1803. 8°. 9161 TENNEY, JONATHAN. Memorial of the Class of Grads. at' Dartmouth College, July 27th, 1843. Albany: 1809. 8°. 9162 TENNEY, W. J. Military and Naval History of the Rebellion. With Biographical Sketches of deceased Officers. Illustrated. N. Y. : 1805. R. 8°. 9163 TERRY, EZEKIEL. Memoir of Rev. George At well. Palmer: 1815. [Scarce.] 9101 TESCHEMAKER, J. E. Application of the Principles of Structural Botany to Horticulture. Boston: 1840. 18"^. 9165 TESTIMONIES concerning the Character and Ministiy of Mother Ann Lee and the first Witnesses of the Gospel of Christ's Second Appearing. Albany: 1827. 12°. (Paper.) 9166 TESTIMONY of Christ's Second Appearing; containing a Gen- eral Statement of all things pertaining to the Faith and Practice of Ch. of God. Albany: 1810. 12°. 9167 Same. 3d Ed. Union Village (Ohio). 1823. 12°. 34 508 CATALOGUE. 9168 TESTIMOJS'Y and Advice of an Assembly of Pastors of Chs. in N. England, at a Meeting in Boston, July 7, 1743. Occasioned by the late Happy Revival . Boston: 1743. 8°. 9169 Of the President, Professors, Tutors and Hebrew Instruc- tor of Harvard College, against Mr. George Whitefield, and his Conduct. Boston: 1744. 8°. 9170 Of Christ's Second Appearing. Lebanon, Ohio: 1808. 12°. 9171 Of an Association of Ministers convened at Marlborough, 1744, 5, agt. Mr. Whitefield. Boston: 1745. 8°. 9172 TEXAS IN 1840, or the Emigrants Guide. By an Emigrant. Introd. by Rev. A. B. Lawrence. N. York: 1840. 12°. 9173 THACHER, JAMES, M.D. The American Orchardist. Boston: 1822. 8°. [MS. additions by Saml. P. Gardner.] 9174 Military Journal during the American Revolutionary War. 2d ed. Boston: 1827. 8°. [Scarce.] 9175 American Medical Biography: or Memoirs of Emi- nent Physicians in America. 2 vols. Boston: 1828. 8°. Portraits. [Scarce.] 9176 History of Plymouth; from its first Settlement. Boston: 1832. 12°. 9177 Same. 2d ed. Boston: 1835. 12°. 9178 Essay on Demonology, Ghosts and Apparitions and Popular Superstitions. Also, an Account of the Witchcraft Delusion at Salem, in 1692. Boston: 1831. 18°. [Very rare.] 9179 The American :N"ew Dispensatory. 2d ed. Bost. : 1813. 8°. 9180 Practical Treatise on the Management of Bees; and the Establishment of Apiaries. Boston: 1829. 12°. 9181 American Orchardist. 2d ed. Plymouth, Mass. : 1825. 12°. 9182 THACKERAY, W. M. Punch's Prize Novelists, the Fat Con- tributor, and Travels in London. N. Y.: 1853. 12°. 9183 THANE, JOHN. British Autography. A Collection of Fac- similes of the Hand Writing of Royal and Illustrious Personages, with their authentic Portraits. [Three Vols. 4°. No date; but belonging to the beginning of this (19th) Century.] An exceedingly valuable collection. Embracing some 400 portraits. 9184 THARIN, R. S. Arbitrary Arrests in the South; Experience of an Alabama Unionist. N. Y. : 1863. 8°. 9185 [THATCHER, B. B.] Traits of the Tea Party; being a Me- moir of Geo. R. T. Hewes, one of the last of its survivors; Reminis- cences of the Massacre, and the Siege. By a Bostonian. N. Y.: 1835. 18°. [Scarce.] 9186 Tales of the Indians. From Authentic Sources. Boston: 1831. 18°. 9187 Memoir of S. Osgood Wright, late Missionary to Liberia. Boston: 1834. 16°. Port. CATALOGUE, 509 9188 [THATCHER, B. B.] Indian Traits: Manners, Customs, and Character of the North Araer. Natives. 2 vols. N. Y. : 1833. 18°. Only vol. 1. 9189 Indian Biography: or an Histor. Acct. of Orators, Warriors. 2 vols. N. York: 1836. 18°. Port, of R. Jacket. 9190 TIIAYENDANEGEA, JOSEPH. Prayers, Litany, Catechism, other Prayers, Psalms of David, Some Chapters in Genesis, some do. of M'thew, Gospel of Mark, a Collection of Sentences from the Ho. Scrips. Trans, to the Mohawk language on op. pages. London: 1787. 8°. A few pages gone. 9191 THAYER, EBENEZER. Christ the Great Subject of Gospel Preaching: the Substance of Several Serms. Boston: 1722. 12°. 9192 THAYER, ELISHA. Family Memorial. Genealogy of Four- teen Families. Hingham: 1835. 8°. [Rare.] 9193 THAYER, ELIUU, d.d. Sermons, Evangelical, Doctrinal, and Practical. Exeter: 1813. 8°. 9194 THELLER, E. A. Canada in 1837 and 1838, showing by His- torical Facts, the Causes of the late attempted Revolution. 2 vols. Phila.: 1841. 12°. 9195 THEOPHILANTHROPIST. Containing Critical, Moral, Theo- logical and Literary Essays. N. York: 1810. 8°. [Very rare.] 919(5 THEOPHRASTUS. The Character of, illustrated by Physiog- nomical Sketches. Boston: 1831. 12°. Portraits. 9197 THEORY OF TEACHING. By a Teacher. Boston: 1841. 8°. 9198 THESAURUS POETICUS, or Poetical Treasury, etc., by a Clergyman. N. Y.: 1826. 8°. [Scarce.] 9199 THICKNESSE, PHILIP. A Year's Journey through the Pais Bas. 2d ed. London: 1786. 8°. 9200 THIERRY, AUGUSTIN. History of the Conquest of England by the Normans, from the Paris Ed. 3d ed. London: 1840? R. 8°. 9201 Historical Essaj^s, published under the Title of " Dix Ans D'6tudes Historiques." Autobiographical Preface. Philadelphia: 1845. 8°. 9202 THIERS, M. A. The Mississippi Bubble : A Memoir of John Law added, Acct. of the Darien Expdn., and So. Sea Scheme. N. Y.:1864. 12°. 9203 THOMAS, E. S. Reminiscences of the Last Seventy-five years. 2 vols. Hartford: 1840. 8°. 9204 THOMAS, GABRIEL. Historical and Geographical Account of the Province and Country of Pensilvania; and of West New Jersey. Map. London: 1698. sm. 8°. Fac-similied, N. Y.: 1>48. [Scarce.] 9205 THOMAS, ISAIAH. History of Printing in America. With a Biography of Printers, and an Account of Newspapers. Prefixed View of the Discovery and Progress of the Art ^in other parts of 510 CATALOGUE. the World. 2 vols. Worcester : 1810. 8°. Port., &c. [Very scarce.] Valuable in every sense. If this book had not been written, we should now be without the annals of printing in the American Colonies. The author began life in poverty and raised himself to the control of an extensive business. His own life connected two his- toric eras, so that he was able to give interesting personal sketches of theold pre-revolu- tionary printers ; and of a literature that will never diminish in interest. It is evident that Thomas wrote largely from recollection, as errors occur in his work for which we are at a loss to account; still less for their appearance in the recent edition. The origi- nal edition has been scarce for manj' years. Buckingham drew upon it freely for his Specimens of Newspaper Literature. 9206 Specimen of Isaiah Tliomas's Printing Types. Being as large and complete an Assortment as is to be met with in any one Printing Office in America. Chiefly Manufacd. by that great Artist, Wm. Caslon, of London. Worcester: 1785. sm. 4°. [Scarce.] 9207 THOMAS, JOHNS'. ITie Origin and Course of Intemperance: A Poem in Five Cantos. N. Y. : 1832. 18°. 9208 THOMAS, MARCIA A. Memorials of Marshfield and Guide Book to its Localities. Bost. : 1854. 12°. Plates. 920i) THOMAS, PASCO E. True and Impartial Journal of a Voyage to the South Seas, and Round the Globe, in his Majs. ship the Cen- turion, under the Command of Commodore George Anson. Lond. : 1745. 8°. 9210 THOMAS, R. History of the American Wars: Comprising the War of the Revolution and the War of 1812. 81 Engravings. Hartford: 1847. 12°. 9211 The Glory of America; comprising Lives of the Distin- guished Officers in the Late War with Great Britain. Engravings. Hartford: 1847. 12°. 9212 THOME, JAS. A. & KIMBALL, J. H. Emancipation in the West Indies. A Six Months' Tour in Antigua, Barbadoes and Jamaica, in 1837. K. York: 1838. 12°. Map. 9213 TH0MPS0:N', a. C. Feeding the Lambs: a Quarter Century Memorial of the Eliot Sabbath School, Roxbury. Bos. : 1859. 12°. 9214 Serm. on the Death of John Jenkins. Boston: 1859. 8°. Portrait. 9215 THOMPSO^sT, BEI^J. F. History of Long Island; containing an Account of the Discovery and Settlement. I^. Y. : 1839. 8°. 9216 The History of Long Island; from its Discovery and Set- tlement to the Present Time. 2d ed. 2 vols. N. Y. : 1843. 8°. Illustrated. 9217 TH0MPS0:N', D. p. History of the Town of Montpelier. Montpelier: 1860. 8°. Port. 9218 May Martin and other Tales of the Green Mountains. I^ew Ed. Boston: 1852. 12°. 9219 THOMPSON, GEO. Thompson in Africa. Missionary La- bors. Cleveland, 1852. 18°. Portrait, Map, and Cuts. CATALOGUE. 511 9220 TnOMPSO:N", GEO. Lectures on British India, with a Pref . by Wm. Lloyd Garrison. Pawtucket, R. I. : 1840. 12°. 9221 Prison Life and Reflections: or, the Arrest, Trial and De- liverance of Work, Burr, and Thompson in Missouri, for attempt- ing to aid some Slaves to Liberty. Hartford: 1851. 12°. 3d ed. is 1849. 9222 The Prison Bard: or Poems Written in Prison. Hartford: 1848. 12°. 9223 Letters and Addresses, during his Mission in the United States. Boston: 1837. 12°. 9224 THOMPSON, JAMES. The Seasons. Notes by James Rob- ert Boyd. New York: 1852. 8°. 9225 THOMPSON, JOHNS. The Christian Guide. Utica: 1826. 8°. 9226 THOMPSON, JOSEPH P. Memoir of David Hale, late Edi- tor of the Journal of Commerce. N. York: 1850. 12°. Portrait. 9227 THOMPSON, OTIS. Review of the Rev. Thos. Andros's Essay on the Doctrine of Divine Efficiency. Providence: 1821. 12°. 9228 THOMPSON, PISHEY. Collections for a Topographical and Historical Account of Boston, County of Lincoln. Engravings. London: 1820. 8°. Plates. 9229 History and Antiquities of Boston, and the Villages of Shirbeck, Eishtfot, Freiston, Butterwick, Benington, Leverton, Leake, and Wrangle. Illustrated. Boston: 1856. R. 8°. 9230 History and Antiquities of Boston, Lincolnshire, England. Boston: 1856. Pol. 9231 Sampson's Discourse, and Correspondence with various Learned Jurists, upon the History of the Law. Washington City. 1826. 8°. 9232 THOMPSON, WADDY. Recollections of Mexico. N. Y. and London: 1846. 8°. 9233 THOMPSON, WM. (Rev.) Memoirs of the Rev. Sam'l Mun- son, and the Rev. Henry Lyman, Missionaries. N. York: j839. 8°. 9234 THOMPSON, ZADOCK. Gazetteer of Vermont; containing a Brief General View of the State. Map and Engravings. Mont- pelier: 1824. 12°. Scarce. " One of the best abridged histories of any of the States. The story of the Green Mt. Boys is told with great earnestness." 9235 Histoiy of Vermont; for Families and Schools. Burling- ton: 1858. 12°. 9236 Geography and Geology of Vermont. Maps. Eor Schools and Families. Burlington: 1848. 12°. Maps. 9237 History of Vermont, in Three Parts, 1853. Burlington: 1842-53. 8°. 9238 THOMSON, (Mrs.) Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745. London: 1845-46. 3v. 8°. Portraits. 512 CATALOGUE. 9239 THOMSON, JOHN LEWIS. Historical Sketches of the Late War, between the U. States and Great Britain. Phila. : 1816. 12°. 9240 THOMSON, M. A. Mrs. Sir Walter Ralegh, and the Period in which he lived. Hlustrations. N. York and Auburn : 1856. 18°. 9241 THOMSON, SAMUEL. New Guide to Health; or Botanic Family Physician. Life and Medical Discoveries of the Author. Boston: 1835. 12°. Port. 9242 Life and Medical Discoveries of ; Written by himself. Boston: 1822. 12°. Portrait. 9243 THORBURN, GRANT. Forty Years' Residence in America: or the Doctrine of a particular Providence exemplified in the Life of G. T., Seedsman, N. York. Written by Himself. Boston: 1834. 12°. Portrait. 9244 The Gentleman and Gardner's Kalendar, for the Middle States. 2ded. N. Y.: 1817. 12°. £245 THORIUS, RAPHAEL. Hymnus Tabaci; a Poem in honour of Tabaco. London: 1651. 12°. Portrait. 9246 THORN, WILLIAM, (Maj.) Conquest of Java; with Opera- tions of the British Forces, in the Oriental Archipelago, and Sketch of Java. Plans, Charts and Views. London: 1815. 4°. 9247 THORN COTTAGE, or the Poet's Home. A Memorial of Frederick Knight, of Rowley. Boston: 1855. 12°. 9248 THORNTON, ABEL (Elder). Life of, Written by Himself. Providence: 1828. 12°. 9249 THORNTON, JOHN WINGATE. The First Records of Anglo-American Colonization. Boston: 1859. 8°. [Scarce.] Ed. 250 copies. 9250 Pulpit of the American Revolution; or, the Political Ser- mons of the Period of 1776. Illustrations. Boston: 1860. 12°. 9251 Colonial Schemes of Popham and Gorges. Boston: 1863. 8°. Autog. of Author. 9252 Lives of Isaac Heath and John Bowles, and of the Rev. John Eliot, Jr., Preacher to the Indians, and first Pastor of the Church in Newton. For Private Distribution, MDCCCL. 8°. 9253 THORNTON, Lieut. Gen., WM. Speech in the House of Commons, May 7, 1818. London: 1818. 8°. 9254 THORPE, T. B. Our Army at Monterey. Description of the Battle and Storming of Monterey. Yiew and Map. Phila. : 1847. 12°. 9255 THOUGHTS upon Several Passages of Scripture by Philother- ous. Worcester: 1791. 12. 9256 on the Late Transactions Respecting Falkland's Islands. The Second ed. London: 1771. 8°. 9257 THREE Experiments of Living. Living within the Means. Living up to the Means. Living beyond the Means. 2d ed. Bos- ton: 1837. 16°. CATALOGUE. 513 9258 THREE YEARS IN THE PACIFIC, including Notices of Brazil, Chile, Bolivia and Peru. By Ruschenberger an Officer of • the United States Navy. Phila. : 1834. S**. 9259 THRILLING STORIES of the Great Rebellion. - Incidents of Fun and Merriment in Camp and Field. By a Disabled Officer. Illustrations. Phila.: 1865. 12°. 9260 THUANUS, JA. AUG. History of the Bloody Massacres of the Protestants in France in the Year of our Lord, 1572. Written in Latin by the Famous Historian Ja. Avg. Thvanvs, and faithfully rendered into English. London: 1674. 4°. 9261 THURBER, CHAS. A Hart Offering to the Memory of the Loved and the Lost. Boston: 1853. 12°. Portrait. 9262 THURMAN, W. C. Non-Resistance. 6th ed. Charlottsville, Va.: 1864. 18°. 9263 THURSTON, DAVID. Hist, of Winthrop, from 1764 to Oct. 1856. Portland: 1855. 12°. 9264 TICKNTOR, GEORGE. The Remains of Nathaniel Appleton Haven. With his Life. Cambridge: 1827. 8°. 9265 TIGHE, HENRY, Mrs. Psyche, with other Poems. Phila : 1812. 18°. Portrait. 9266 TILTON, THEODORE. The Amer. Board and Amer. Slavery. Speech in Plymouth Church. 2d ed. N. York: 1860. 18°. 9267 TIMBERLAKE, HENRY, Lieut. Memoirs of. (Who accom- panied the three Cherokee Indians to England in 1762.) Also Occur- rences during their Residence in Lond. Map. London: 1765. 8°. 9268 TIMPERLEY, C. H. Dictionary of Printers and Printing, with the Progress of Literature, &c. London: 1839. 8°. Plates. 9269 TIOMNADH NUADH. The New Testament in Gaelic. Edinburgh: 1813. 12°. 9270 TOCQUEVILLE, ALEXIS de. Democracy in America. 2 vols, in 1. N. York: 1851. 8°. 9271 TODD, Col. CHAS. and DRAKE BEN J. Civil and Military Services of W. H. Harrison. Cincinnati: 1810. 18°, 9272 Same. Rev. and enl. by J. H. Perkins. Cincin. : 1847. 18°. 9273 TODD, HENRY J., Rev. Lives and Writings of Gower and Chaucer. London: 1810. 8°. 9274 TODD, JOHN, d.d. Moral Influence, Danger and Duties, con- nected with Great Cities. London: 1841. 18°. 9275 Acquiescence in the will of God. Fun. Serm. at the Funeral of Rev. Saml. Russell, Pastor of the Cli. in Norwich. Northampton 1835. 18°. 9276 The Pulpit. Serm. at the Dedication of the Edwards Church in Northampton, Mss. Northampton : 1834. 12°. 9277 TODD, SUSAN HILL. Occasional Poems: A New Year's Offering. Boston: 1851. 12°. 514 CATALOGUE, 9278 TOLLAISTD, (Conn.) Early History of. By L. P. Waldo. Hartford, 1861. 8°. 9279 TOM CRIB'S Memorial to Congress. By one of the Fancy.' London: 1819. N. Y. 18°. 9280 TOMES, ROBERT. Panama in 1855. The Panama Railroad, and Cities of Panama and Aspinwall. N. York: 1855. 16°. 9281 Battles of America by Sea and Land. Specimen copy con- sisting of 8 steel plates. N. Y. 4^. 92.S2 TOiSTG, W. Life and Death of Rev. John Shower, late of Lon- don. With his Funeral Sermon. London: 1716. 8°. 9283TOPLADY, A. M. (Rev.) Remarks on "American Unitari- anism." By Amana. Also two Letters to Dr. Priestley. Boston: 1815. 8°. In same vol. Are you a Christian, or a Calvinist? By a Layman. Boston: 1815, and the Catholic Question at Boston, by Amana. Boston: 1815. 8°. 9284 TOPLIFF, N'ATHAXIEL. Poems, Moral, Descriptive, and Political. Boston: 1809. 12°. 9285 TOPOGRAPHER, (The). A variety of Articles illustrative of the Local History and Antiquities of England. 4 vols. London: 1789. 8°. Many Plates. 9286 T0R:N'AD0 of 1851 in Medford, W. Cambridge, &c. By Chas. Brooks. Boston: 1852. 12°. [Long out of Print.] Also, Narra- tive of Jas. Williams, an Americsin Slave, N'. Y., 1838; Life of Jno. Elwes, by Topham, Poughkeepsie, 1815; Acct. of Jane C. Ryder, the Springfield Somnambulist, by Belden, Springfield, 1834, &c. 10 vols. 12°. 9287 TORREY, CHAS. T. Rev. Memoir of William Randall Sax- ton, of Lebanon, Ct. With Funeral Serm. Salem: 1838. 18°. 9288 TORREY, F. P. Cruise of the U. States Ship, Ohio. Com. Isaac Hull, in the Mediterranean, 1839, 1840, 1S41. Boston: 1841. 18°. [Very rare.] 9289 TORREY, JESSE, JuN. Portraiture of Domestic Slavery, in the United States. Phila.: 1817. 8°. 9290 The Intellectual Flambeau. Washington City: 1816. 18°. 9291 TORR E Y , WM. Brief Discourse concerning Futurities or Things to come. Preface by the Rev. Mr. Prince. Boston: 1757. 8°. 9292 TOULMTN, HARRY. Acts of the General Assembly of Ken- tucky and Virginia relating to Land Titles, Recovery of Rents, En- couragement of Learning, and Summary of Criminal Law. Frank- fort: 1802. 12°. 9293 T0ULMI:N', JOSHUA, d.d. History of Taunton in the County of Somerset. :s:ew Ed. By James Savage. Taunton: 1822. 8°. Plates. 9294 Historical View of the Protestant Dissenters in England. Bath: 1814. 8°. CATALOGUE. 515 9296 TOULMIN, JOSHUA, d.d. Practical Efficacy of the Unita- rian Doctrine considered, in Letters to the Rev. Andrew Fuller. 2d ed. London: 1801. 12°. 9296 Life, Character and Writings of the Rev. John Biddle, who was banished to the Isle of Scilly in the Protectorate of Oliver Crom- well. London: 1791. 12°. In same Vol. Life of Mr. Thos. Firmin, of London, with Sermon on the Occasion of his Death. London: 1791. 12°. 9297 Life, Character, and Writings of Faustus Socinius. Lon- don: 1777. 8°. 9298 TOUR OF JAS. MO:NrUOE, 1817: with Sketch of his life, by S. Putnam Waldo. Hartford: 1818. 12°. 9299 TOURIST, (The), or Pocket Manual for Travellers on the Hud- son, the Wn. Canal and Stage Road to Niag. Falls, down Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence. 4th ed. N. Y.:1835. 1G°. Map. 9300 TOUSSAINT, PIERRE. Memoir of. Born a Slave in St. Domingo. Sded. Boston: 1854. Portrait. 9301 TOWLE, NANCY. Vicissitudes in the Experience of, in Europe and America. Letters, and Engraving. Preface by Lorenzo Dow. 2d ed. Portsmouth: 1833. 18°. Front. 9302 TOWN, SALEM. System of Speculative Masonry. Course of Lects. bef . the Grand Chaptr. of the State of New York. Salem, N. Y.: 1818. 12^. 9303 TOWN AND COUNTRY MAGAZINE. Yol. 2 for 1763. Yol. 3,1771. Yol. 9, 1779. 3 vols. London. 8°. Plates. 9304 TO WNE, JOSEPH H. Manual for the Members of the Church of Christ in Leyden Chapel, Boston. Bost.: 1846. 8°. 9305 TO WNSEND, CHARLES. Letter to the Right Hon. Chas. Tnd. 2ded. Lond.: 1763. 8°. 9306 TOWNSEND, Rev. JESSE. History of the Church of Christ. Abridg. from the five first vols, of Milner's Ch. Hist. Utica: 1816. 8°. 9307 TOWNSEND, JOHN. Memoirs of, founder of the Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb. 1st Amer. ed. Bost.: 1831. 12°. Port. i|p.308 TOWNSEND, JOHN K. A Journey across the Rocky Moun- tains, to the Columbia River, and a Yisit to the Sandwich Islands, Chili, &c. Phila.: 1839. 8°. 9309 TOWNSEND, LEONARD. Alphabetical Chronology of Re- markable Events. Lond.: [n. d.] 40 Parts. 9310 [TOWNSEND, SHIPPIE.] lOTracts. An Attempt to Illustrate the Great Subject of the Psalms. Bost.: 1773. 8°. — Gospel News, divided into eleven Sections. Bost.: 1794. 8°. — A Yiew of a most Magnificent Singing Choir. Bost. : 1793. 12°. — Some Remarks on a Pampht. intituled " All Men will not be saved forever." Wrote by Saml. Mather. Bost. : 1783. 8°. — Peace and Joy. A brief Attempt 516 CATALOGUE, to consider the Blessings of Peace bet. Great B. and America. Bost. : 1788. 8°. — Thoughts concerning the Gospel. Bost. : 1792. 8°. — An Attention to the Scriptures. Bost. : 1795. 12°. — Obs. on the Religs. Education of Children. Chelmsford. Bost. : 1797. 8°. — A Sober Attention to the Scriptures of Truth. Bost. 1793. 8°. — - Scripture Truths and Precepts. A Short Catechism, with Proofs. Bost. : 1791. 8°. — Divine Glory. A Letter to the Friend of Truth. Bost: 1783. 8°. 9311 T0W:N^SHE:N"D, HEYWOOD. Historical collections; or, An exact Account of the Proceedings of the Four last Parliaments of Q. Elizabeth. London: 1680. Fol. 9312 TRACTS (41) principally Juvenile; on various subjects. 18°. 9313 Relative to the Aborigines. 1838-42. London: 1843. 8°. 9314 TRACY, E. C. Memoir of Jeremiah Evarts. Boston: 1845. 8°. Port. 9315 TRACY, JOSEPH. The Great Awakening. A History of the Revival of Religion in the Time of Edwards and Whitefield. Boston: 1842. 8°. Portraits. 9316 The Three Last Things: The Resurrection of the Body, the Day of Judgment, and Final Retribution. Boston: 1839. 18°. 9317 History of the Amer. Board of Com. for Foreign Missions. 2ded. N. Y.: 1842. 8°. 9318 TRADE. The Antiquity, Honor and Dignity of, particularly as connected with the City of London; by a Peer of England, and addressed to his youngest son. "Westminster: 1813. 4°. 6 Portraits. Large paper, 50 copies printed. 9319 TRAITS of the Tea-Party; being a mem. of Geo. R. T. Hewes; with a hist, of that transaction. [By B. B. Thatcher.] N. Y. : 1835. 16°. Portrait. A very scarce little book : the narrative of an eye-witness. 9320 TRA:N'SACTI0:N'S of the Soc. for the Promotion of Agricult., Arts and Manufactures. Yol. 1. Albany: 1801. 8°. 9321 of the Amer. Arts Union for 1847. IST. Y. 1848. 8°. 9322 of the Amer. Philosoph. Soc, held at Phila. Yols. 1-3. 1789-93. 4°. 9323 Same. New Ser. Yol. 1. Phila.: 1818. 4°. 9324 of the Gaehc Soc. of Dublin. Yol. 1. 8°. 1808. 9325 of the Amer. Philosoph. Soc, held at Phila., for the Prom. of Useful Know. Yol. 1. Phila. : 1771. 4°. 9326 of the K. Hamp. State Agricult. Soc. for 1850-52, 55. Con- cord: 1853-56. 8°. 9327 of the Amer. Ethnological Soc Yol. 1. N. Y.: London: 1845. 8°. 9328 of the Literary and Philosoph. Soc. of N. Y. Yol. 1. i^. Y.: 1815. 4°. CATALOGUE. 517 9329 TRASK, GEO.,Bev. Thoughts and Stories on Tobacco for American Lads. Boston: 1852. 8°. 9330 TRASK, WM. B. The Seaver Family, of Roxbury, Mass. Boston: 1872. 4°. 9331 TRAVELS of several Learned Missionaries of the Soc. of Jesus, into Divers Parts of the Archipelago, India, China, and America. From the French. Paris: 1713. London: 1714. 8°. Plates. 9332 through the northern parts of the U. States in 1807-6. By E. A. Kendall. 3 vols. N. Y.: 1809. 8°. 9333 TREATIES. Conference held at St. George's in the Co. of York, 20 Sept. 1753, bet. Sir ^Y. Pepperrell, J. Wendell, T. Hub- bard, J. Winslow, and James Bowdoin, to treat with the Eastn. Inds. Boston: 1753. 4°. [Very rare.] 9334 TREATISE on Internal Navigation. Report of Albert Gallatin on Roads and Canals. Ballston Spa. : 1817. 12°. 9335 TREATY, of Amity, Commerce and Navigation, bet. his Brit. Maj. and the U. S. Phila.: 1795. 8°. 9336 [Same] with App. 1795. 12°. 9337 TRENCH EDMUND. Some Remarkable Passages in the life and death of. London: 1693. 12°. 9338 TRENCK, BARON FREDERICK. Life of ; containing his Adventures; his cruel and excessive sufferings, during ten years' imprisonment at the fortress of Magdeburg. 2v. in 1. Dublin: 1789. 8°. Frontispiece. 9339 Same. Poughkeepsie : 1816. 18°. 9340 TRESCOT, WM. HENRY. The Diplomatic History of the administrations of Washington, and John Adams. 1789-1801. Boston: 1857. 8°. 9341 TRENTON FALLS. Picturesque and Descriptive : Edited by N. Parker Willis; Embracing the Original Essay of John Sherman, the first Proprietor and Resident. Illustrations. N. Y. 1851. 12°. 9342 TRIAL of Six Witches at Maidstone in the Co. of Kent. (1652.) London: 1837. 8*^. 9343 of William Wemms. Soldiers in his Majesty's 29th Regi- ment of Foot, for the Murder of Crispus Attucks, Saml. Gray, Saml. Maverick, 5th March, 1770. Boston: 1770. 8°. One of the rare Revolutionary tracts, on the celebrated Boston Massacre. 9344 of Frederick Eberle and others, July, 1816, for conspiring to prevent the Introduction of the English Language into Churches. Phila.: 1817. 8°. 9345 of John Fries, on an Indictment for Treason; and of sev- eral other Persons. In the Counties of Bucks, Northampton and Montgomery, begun in Phila., 11 Apl., 1799. Phila.: 1800. 8°. 9346 Court of Enquiry into the official Conduct of Capt. Isaac 518 CATALOGUE. Hull, as Commandant of the N'avy-yard at Charlestown, 12tli Aug., 1822. Washington: 1822. 8°. [Scarce.] A curious case ; and an impressive example of the difference "between physical and moral courage. Hull, as hrave a man as ever lived, could not escape the taint of official cor- ruption. 9347 of the British Soldiers. Bos.: Wm. Emmons: 1824. 12°. 9348 of Wm. S. Smith, and Saml. G. Ogden, for Misdemeanours, in July, 1806. N. Y.: 1807. 8°. 9349 of the British Soldiers of ih^ 29th Kegt. of Foot. Boston: 1807. 8°. [Relates to the " Massacre."] 9350 TRIAL (The) in the Case of the Seven Bishops. Lond.: 1716. 8°. [Frontispiece of Seven Portraits.] 9351 of the Rev. John Chester, and Mark Tucker. Schenectady: 1818. 8°. 9352 TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. By the Citizens of Troy to the Memory of Abraham Lincoln. Albany: 1865. 8°. 9353 of the Boston Merchants to the Memory of Joshua Bates, Oct., 1864. 8°. 9354 TRI:N'ITY CHURCH, Boston. [A Yol. of Tracts on, viz.]: — 1. Statement of the Course of Proceedings under the Endowment. "The Green Foundation." 1845. 8°. — 2. Correspondence betn. the Wardens and Yestry and the Rector, and Assistant Minister. 1846. 8°. — 3. Report of the Committee of the Proprietors of Trinity Church: 1846. 8°.— 4. To the Worshipers at Trin. Ch., who are not proprietors. Apl., 1846. 4°. — 5. Report of a Comte. on the Ac- counts of the Treasurer. 1846. 8°. — 6. Appendix to the Report. Containing farther Correspondence. 1846. 8°. — 7. A Few Sug- gestions to the Proprietors of Trinity Church, [n. d.] 4°. — 8. Report of a Commte. of the Proprietors of Trinity Church. 1846. 8°. — 9. Proceedings of the Trustees of the Green Foundation. 1847. 8°. — 10. Remarks by a Membr. of the Corporation, on the Report of the Committee on the Accounts. 8°. 9355 TRIPP, E. H. White Mountain Guide Book. 4th ed. Illus- trated. Boston and K. Y. : 1852. 18°. Maps. 9356 Same. Bostn: [n. d.] 18°. 9357 TROLLOPE, MRS. Domestic Manners of the Americans. N". Y.: 1832. 8°. Plates. 9358 TROLLOPE, A:N^TH0KY. :N"orth Amer. iN". Y.: 1862. 12°. 9359 TROLLOPIAD (The); or. Travelling Gentlemen in America. A Satire, by Ni] Admirari, Esq. N. Y.: Providence: 1837. 12°. [By F. W. Shelton.] MS. note by Mr. D. 9360 TROSS, GEORGE (Rey.) Life of . Written by Himself . Added the Serm. at his funeral. Exon: 1714. 8°. 9361 TROTTER, ALEXAi^TDER. The Financial Position and Credit of such States of the Union as have contracted Public Debts. London: 1839. 8°. Map. CATALOGUE, 519 9362 TRUE SENTIMENTS of America: a Collection of Letters from the House of Representatives of the Province of Massachusetts- Bay to several Persons of High Rank in this Kingdom. London: 176S. 8°. Port. 9363 and Infernal Friendship; or, the Wisdom of Eve. And the Character of the Serpent. Providence, R. I.: 1813. 12°. 9364 TRUMBULL, BENJAMIN, d.d. History of Connecticut to the close of the Indian Wars. New Haven: 1818. 2v. 8°. Portrait. [Very scarce.] TrtmbuU cannot be superseded. — S. G. D. 9365 General History of the United States of America; from the Discovery. 3 vols. Vol.1. All pub. Boston: 1810. 8°. 9366 Twelve Discourses, comprising a systematical Demonstra- tion of the Divine Origin. 1st ed. Hartford: 1799. 12°. 9367 History of Connecticut. Vol. 1. Hartford: 1797. 8°. 9368 TRUMBULL, H. CLAY. The captured Scout of the Army of the James. Boston: 1869. 18°. 9369 TRUMBULL, HENRY. History of the Discovery of America, of the Landing of our Forefathers, at Plymouth, and of their most remarkable Engagements with the Indians. Norwich: 1812. 8°. Plates. 9370 The Creek and Seminole war. Boston: 1819. 8°. Plates. 9371 Life and Adventures of Robert the Hermit of Massachusetts, who has lived 14 years in a Cave, secluded from human society. Providence: 1829. 12°. [Scarce.] 9372 Indian Wars. Norwich : 1810. 8°. 9373 History of the Discovery of Amer. 2d ed. Trenton: 1812. 8°. 2 Plates. 9374 History of the Ind. Wars: to which is prefixed a short acct. of the Discovy of America. By Henry Trumbull. New ed. Bost. : 1846. 8°. Illustrated. 9375 TRUMBULL, JOHN. Poetical Works of. Cont. McEingal, the Progress of Dulness. 2 vols.' in 1. Hartf.:1820. 8°. Plates. 9376 ^^McFingal. With Explanatory Notes. Hallowell: 1813. 18°. [Scarce.] 9377 Same. With Introd. and Notes by B. J. Lossing. N. Y. : 1860. R. 8°. 9378 Same. Boston: 1826. 18°. [Scarce.] 9379 Same. With Introd. and Notes by B. J. Lossing. N. Y. : 1864. 18^. Portrait. 9380 Same. Fine Edition. Phila. : 1839. 18°. [Scarce.] 9381 Same. With explan. Notes and Plates. Hudson. 1816. 16°. [Scarce.] 9382 TRUMBULL, JOHN, ll.d. Autobiog'y, Reminiscences and Letters of. N. Y.: 1841. 8°. Portraits of Indian Chiefs and rare Map of Boston, 1776. 520 CATALOGUE. 9383 TRUTH; a New Year's Gift for Scribblers. Boston: 1831. 18°. Scarce. By W. J. Snelling. See note to title 8711. 9384 TUCKER, ABRAHAM. Light of N"ature Pursued. 2d Lon- don ed. AVith Acct. of the Life of the Author. By Sr. H. P. St John Mildmay, Bart. Cambridge: 1831. 4v. 8°. 9385 TUCKER, [N'ATHANIEL BEVERLEY. The Partisan Lead- er: a Tale of the Future. 2 vols. 1856. 12°. This production foreshadowed the secession conflict. "Written under the pseud, of Edwd. "Wra. Sidney. 9386 TUCKER, Miss. The Southern Cross and Southern Crown: or, the Gospel in New Zealand. N. Y. : 1855. Sm. 12°. Maps, &c. 9387 TUCKER, GEORGE. Life of Thomas Jefferson. 2 vols. Phila.: 1837. 8°. 9388 TUCKER, GIDEON. Names of Persons for whom Marriage Licenses were issued by the Secretary of the Province of N. Y., previous to 1784. Albany: 1860. 8°. 9389 TUCKER, JOSIAH. Series of Answers to certain popular Objections against separating from the Rebellious Colonies. Gloces- ter: 1776. 8°. 9390 True Interest of Britain in regard to the Colonies, and the only means of living in Peace and Harmony with them. To which is Added A few more Words, on the Ereedom of the Press in Amer- ica. Phila.: 1776. 8°. 9391 TUCKERMAN, H. T. The Italian Sketch-Book. 2d ed. Bos- ton: 1837. 12°. 9392 Poems. Boston: 1851. 12°. 9393 TUCKERMAN, JOSEPH. Principles and Results of the Min- istry at Large in Boston. Boston: 1838. 12°. 9394 TUCKETT, JOHN. Devonshire Pedigrees, Recorded in the Heralds Visitation of 1620; with additions from the Harleian MSS. and the printed Collections of Westcote and Pole. Parts 1 to 12. 4°. [1860, &c.] 9395 TUCKEY, J. K. Expedition to explore the River Zaire, usually called the Congo, in South Africa, in 1816. Lond. : 1818. 4^'. Plates. 9396 TUDOR, HENRY. Tour in North America, comprising Mexico, the Mines of Real del Monte, with an Excursion to Cuba. 2 vols. London: 1734. Cr. 8°. 9397 TUDOR, WM. Letters on the Eastern States. 2d ed. Boston: 1821. 8°- [Scarce.] 9398 Miscellanies. Boston: 1821. 12°. 9399 Life of James Otis; also. Notices of some contemporary Characters and Events. Boston: 1823. 8°. Rare. Illustrated with many plates by Mr. D. Contains an account of the Battle of Bunker Hill. 9400 Letters on the Eastern States. N. Y. : 1820. 12o. 9401 TUKE, HENRY. Principles of Religion as proposed by the Friends. N. Y.: 1819. 12°. CATALOGUE. 521 9402 TUKE, SAMUEL. Description of the Retreat, an Institution near York, for Insane Persons of the Society of Friends. Engrav- ings. York: 1813. 4°. 9403 Same. Phila. : 1813. 12°. Plate. 9404 TURELL, EBENEZER, Rev. Life and Death of the Pious and Ingenious Jane Turell, who died at Medford, 1735; added Two Sermons, at Medford, the Lord's Day after her Funeral, by her Father Benj. Colman, D.D. London: 1741. 12°. 9405 The Life and Character of the Rev. Benj. Colman. Bos- ton, K.E.: 1749. 8°. Port. Bet\j. Colman and autog. letter of author. 9406 TURNBULL, DAVID. Travels in the West. Cuba; with Porto Rico and the Slave-Trade. London: 1840. 8°. 9407 TUR:N'BULL, JOIIIS". Voyage Round the World, 1800-04. IstAmer. Ed. Phila.: 1810. 12°. 9408 TURNER, A. J. Legislative Manual of Wisconsin. 11th ed. Madison: 1872. 12°. 9409 Same, for 1873. 12°. 9410 TURNER, DAWSON. Stranger's Guide to the Roman An- tiquities of the City of Treves, from the German. Illustrations. London: 1839. 8°. Portrait. 9411 Literary Correspondence of John Pinkerton. 2 vols. Lon- don: 1830. 8°. Portrait. 94i2 TURNER, DAWSON. Sepulchral Reminiscences of a Market Town, collected chiefly from Monuments and Gravestones still remaining, June, 1845. Yarmouth: 1848. 8°. 9413 TURNER, G. Traits of Indian Character; as generally appli- cable to the Aborigines. 2 vols. Phila. : 1836. 12°. 9414 TURNER, JACOB. Genealogy of the Descendants of Humphrey Turner, with Family Records. 2 Pts. Boston : 1852. 8°. 9415 TURNER, O. History of the Settlement of Phelps and Gor- ham's Purchase, Monroe Co., &c. Rochester: 1851. 8°. 9416 TURNER, R., Jr. Easy Introduction to the Arts and Sciences. 11th Ed. London: 1806. 18°. 9417 TURNER, SAM'L H. (Rev.) Autobiography of. N. Y.: 1863. 12°. Portrait. 9418 TURNER, SHARON. History of the Reign of Henry the Eighth. Lond.: 182'). 4°. 9419 History of the Reigns of Edward the VI, Mary and Eliza- beth. Lond.: 1829. 4°. 9420 History of the Anglo Saxons, from their first Appearance above the Elbe, to the Death of Egbert. Map. Lond.: 1799. 3 vols. 8^ 9421 TURNOR , EDMUND. Collections for the History of the Town and Soke of Grantham. Cont. authentic Memoirs of Sir Isaac New- ton, first Published from the Orig. MSS. London: 1806. Map and Plates. 522 CATALOGUE, 9422 TUSTI:N', JOSIAH p. Dedication of the Kew Church Edifice of the Baptist Church in Warren, R. I. Providence: 1845. 18°. 9i23 TUTHILL, FRA:N"KLIK. History of California. San Fran- cisco: 18(56. 8°. 9424 T WELLS, LEONARD, (d.d.) Twenty-four Sermons preach'd at the Parish Ch. of St. Mary le Bow, London; and Eight Serms. preach'd at the Cathedral Cli. of St. Paul in 1738-9. 2 vols. Lond.: 1743. 8°. 9425 TYLER, BEKN'ET, d.d. Lectures on Theology. With a Me- moir, by Rev. ^N'ahum Gale. Bost.: 1859. 8°. Port. 9426 TYKDALE, WM. The New Testament, the original edition, 1526. Added, the essential variations of Coverdale's. By J. P. Dab- ney. Andover: 1837. 8°. Port. 9427 An Answer to Sir Thomas More's Dialogue, the Supper of the Lord after the true Meaning of John vi. and 1 Cor. xi. and Wil- liam Tracy's Testament Expounded. Camb. : 1850. Parker Soc. Pub. 9428 Expositions and Notes on sundry portions of the Holy Scrip- tures. Camb. : 1849. 8°. Parker Soc. Pub. 9429 TYNG, DUDLEY ATKINS. Reports of Cases argued in the Supreme Court, of Mass., 1806. Newburyport: 1807. 8°. 9430 TYNG, STEPHEN H, Memoir of the Rev. Greg. T. Bedell 2ded. Phila.: 1836. 12°. Portrait. 9431 TYSON, ELISHA. Life of. Baltimore: 1825. 18°. Portrait. [Scarce.] 9432 TYSON, JOB R. The Lottery System in the United States. 3d ed. Phila. : 1837. 12°. 9433 TYTLER, ALEXR. ERASER. Elements of General History, Ancient and Modern. With Questions for the Use of Schools. Concord, N. H. : 1825. 12°. 9134 TYTLER, PATRICK ERASER. Historical View of the Progress of Discovery on the more Northern Coasts of America, from the earliest Period to the present Time. Map, engravings. Edinburgh: 1832. 12°. 9435 Life and Writings of Sir Thomas' Craig. Edinburgh: 1823. 12°. Portrait. 9436 Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. Edinburgh; 1833. 18°. Portrait and Cuts. 9437 Life of Henry YIIL, with Biog. Sketches of Wolsey, More, Erasmus, Cromwell, Cranmer. Portrait of Henry. Edin- burgh: 1837. 12°. TJ. 9438 UBALDINO, PETRUCCIO, (Citizen of Florence.) A Gen- uine and most Impartial Narration of the Glorious Victory over the CATALOGUE. 523 falsely stiled Invincible Armada of Spain, A.D. 1588. Annexed Orig. Letters, Exploits agt. the Spanish Galeons in 1050. Capt. Morgans in 1669, and Admiral Vernon in 1730. London: 1740. ^^. Map. 9439 ULLOA, DON GEO. JUAN, & DON ANTONIO de. A Voyage to South America. Describing at large the Spanish Cities, Towns, Provinces. Tr. from the Spanish. With Copper Plates. 2d ed. London: 1760. 2v. 8°. A BcientlAo expedition, to co-operate with that of the French Academy, under Conda- mine. 9440 Voyage Historique de L'Amerique. 2 vols. A Amst. et A Lepzic: 1752. 4°. 9441 UMFREVILLE, EDWARD. The Present State of Hudson's Bay, and the adjacent Country; and likewise of the Fur Trade. London: 1790. 8°. 9442 UNDERHILL, UPDIKE. The Algerine Captives; or, the Life and Adventures of Dr. Updike Underbill, Six Years a Prisoner among the Algerines. 2v. in 1. Hartford: 1816. 18°. By Royal Tyler, Chief Justice of the Sup, Court of Vt. 9443 UNERRING AUTHORITY (The) of the Catholic Church, in Matters of Faith maintained. London: Phila.: rep. 1789. 12°. 9444 UNIQUE (The). Or Biography of Distinguished Characters; with fine Portraits. Hingham: 1834. 18°. 9445 [Same title, but a different work.] Boston: 1829. 18°. 9446 UNITARIAN (The). Cond. by B. Whitman. Cambridge and Boston: 1834. 8°. 9447 UNITARIAN MISCELLANY AND CHRISTIAN MONI- TOR. Baltimore: 1821-24. 6 vols. 12°. 9448 UNITARIAN MONITOR. Dover, N. H., April 28, 1831, to 10th Apl., 1833. 4°. 9449 UNITED STATES Case of, to be laid before the tribunal of Arbitration to be conv. at Geneva. Wash. : 1872. 8°. 9450 The, AND ENGLAND ; a reply to the criticism of Inchiquin's Letters. N. Y. : 1815. 8°. 9451 UNITED STATES AND MEXICAN BOUNDARY. Sur- vey. By W. H. Emory. Vol. 1. Washington: 1857. 4°. Unbound Plates. 9452 U. S. ALMANAC, or Complete Ephemeris for 1843. Phila.: 1843. 2v. 8°. 9453 U. S. CHRISTIAN COMMISSION for the Army and Navy 1863. Phila.: 1864. 8°. Frontis. 9454 U. S. COAST SURVEY. Reports. 1847-51. 2v. 8°. — 1852-57, 59-61. Wash.: 1853-02. 9v. 4°. 11 vols. 9455 U. S. COM'L REGISTER. N. Y.: 1851. 12°. 9466 U.S. LITERARY GAZETTE. Vols. 1-3. Bost: 1825-26. 3v. 4°. 35 524 CATALOGUE, 9457 U. S. OFFICIAL REGISTER Sept. 30,1839. Wash.: 1839. 8°. 9458 U. S. REGISTER. For 1795. Phila.: Dec. 4, 1794. 18°. 9459 U. S. REV^IEW, and Literary Gazette, Oct. 1826-Sept. 1827. Bost. and N. Y.: 12 nos. 8°. 9460 U. S. SA:N'ITARY COMMISSION. A Sketch of its purpose and work. Bost.: 1863. 12°. 9461 UNIVERSAL BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. Also a Dictionary of Principal Divinities and of Eminent Living Charac- ters. N. Y. [Elartford.] 1825. 12°. Frontispiece of 20 Ports. 9462 UNIVERSAL Damnation and Salvation, clearly proved by the Scriptures. Bost.: 182(5. 12°. 9463 UNIVERSAL MERCHANT (The), in theory and practice im- prov. and enl. by W. J. Alldridge. 1st Amer. ed. Phila. : 1797. 8°. 9464 UNIVERSAL MUSEUM (The), and Complete Magazine of Knowledge and Pleasure. Vol. 3, for 1767. London: 1767. 8°. Plates. 9465 UNTAUGHT BARD (The). An original Work. N. Y.:1804. 12°. 9466 UPDIKE, WILKINS, Esq. Memoirs of the R. L Bar. Bos- ton: 1842. 8°. [Scarce.] 9467 History of the Episcopal Church in Narraganset, R. I., and of other Epi. Churches in the State. N. Y. : 1847. 8°. 9468 UPHAM, ALBERT G. Family History. Notices of the Life of John Upham, such of his Descendants as were the Ancestors of Hon. Nathaniel Upham, of Rochester, N. H. Concord, N. H. : 1845. 12°. [Scarce.] 9469 UPHAM, CHARLES W. Lectures on Witchcraft, comprising a History of the Delusion in Salem, in 1692. Boston: 1831. 18°. 9470 Life, Explorations and public Services of John Charles Fre- mont. With Illustrations. Boston: 1856. 12°. 9471 Salem Witchcraft and C. Mather. Morrisania: 1869. 8°. 9472 Salem Witchcraft; with an Account of Salem Village, and a History of Opinions on Witchcraft and Kindred Subjects. 2 vols. Boston: 1867. 9473 UPHAM, THOMAS C. A Treatise on Divine Union. Bos- ton: 1851. 12". 9474 Elements of Mental Philosophy. 3d ed. Portland: 1839. 2v. 8°. 9475 The Manual of Peace; exhibiting the Evils and Remedies of War. Boston: Amer. Peace Soc: 1842. 16°. 9476 Letters Aesthetic, Social, and Moral, written from Europe, Egypt, and Palestine. Private ed; Brunswick: 1855. 12°. Port. 9477 Ratio Disciplinie or Constitution of the Congregational Churches. Portland: 1829. 12°. 9478 UPHAM, WM. P. Memoir of Gen. John Glover, of Marble- head. Salem: 1863. sm. 4°. Portrait. CATALOGUE. 525 9470 UPPER CANADA, A Short Topographical description of. London: 1799. 8^. 9480 URIXG, NATHANIEL, Capt. A History of the Voyages and Travels of. With New Draughts of the Bay of Honduras and the Caribee Islands; and Particularly of St. Lucia, and the Har- bour of Petite Carenage; [&c.] London: 1726. 8°. Maps. —In same Vol. Relation of the late Intended Settlement of the Islands of St. Vincent, in America. London: 1725. 8°. p. 135. " Contains a curious chapter in the history of Boston. Exceedingly rare." S. G. D. The •' Relation" is printed in connection with the former, and bound with it, tho' a year earlier. 9481 USHER, JAMES. The Power Communicated by God to the Prince, and the Obedience Required of the Subject. Faithfully Published by Robert Lord Bishop of Lincoln [Sanderson]. Lon- don: 1061. 4°. Portrait. 9482 The Annals of the World. Deduced from the Origin of Time, and continued to the Beginning of the Emperour Vespasians Reign. London: 1658. Polio. Portrait. 9483 VADE MECUM (The). For America: or a Companion for Traders and Travellers; added the Streets in Boston. Boston: 1731. Long 12°. Rare. It has a list of the streets of Boston, and interior routes through the Colonies. 9484 VAIDEN", THOS. J. (m.d.) America Vindicated from Euro- pean Theologico-Political and Infidel Aspersions. N. Y. : 1855. 12°. 9485 VALE, G. Fanaticism; its Source and Influence, Illustrated by the Simple Narrative of Isabella, in the Case of Matthias. Mr. and Mrs. B. Folger, Mr. Pierson, Mr. Mills, Catherine, Isabella, &c. &c. A Reply to W. L. Stone, with Descrij^tive Portraits of all the Parties, while at Sing-Sing. N. York: 1835. 12^. 9486 The Life of Thomas Paine. Boston: 1859. 8^. 9487 VALENS. The Letters of Valens (originally) in the London Evening Post, with Corrections, Explan. Notes, and a Preface. London: 1777. 8°. 9488 VALENTINE, DAVID T. Manual of the Corporation of the City of New York. 1843-66. New York: 1843-66. 13 vols. 12°. 9489 History of New York. New York: 1853. 8°. Map. 9490 VALLETTE, ELIE. The Deputy Commissary's Guide within the Province of Maryland. Annapolis: 1774. 8°. [Very rare.] 9491 VALPY, R. (d.d., f.a.s.) Poetical Chronology of Ancient and English History; with Notes. Added, Am er. * Chronology. Adopt, by the School Comte. for the Use of tlie Pub. Schools in Boston. Boston: 1816. 12°. 526 CATALOGXJE. 9402 YANCAMPE:N', Maj. MOSES. Border adventures, in the life and times of Y., Survivor of the Revolution. By John N. Hubbard. Bath, K. Y.: 1842. 12°. 9493 VAK CLEVE, J. The Great Northern Route. Hand-Book for Travelers to Kiagara Falls, Montreal and Quebec, and through L. Charaplain to Saratoga Springs. Buffalo: 1852. 12°. Many- Engravings. 9494 YANCOUYER, (Capt.) GEO. Yoyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, and round the World. New ed., with Corr. 19 Yiews and Charts. London: 1801. 6 vols. 8°. 9495 YANDENHOFE, G. The Clay Code; or, Text-Book of Elo- quence, a Collection. Gathered from the Public Speeches of Henry Clay. N. Y.:1844. 12°. 9496 Common Sense, a Bash at Doings of the Day; a Social Satire in verse. Boston: 1858. 12°. 9497 YANE, Lieut. Gen. CHAS. WM. Narrative of the war in Germany and France in 1813, 14. Phila. : 1846. 8°. 9498 YANE, HENRY, Sir Kt. The Tryal of Sir Henry Yane, Kt., at Westminster, June the 2d and 6th, 1662. With his intended speech for Arrest of Judgment, and his Bill of Exceptions. With Occasional Speeches, &c. Also his Speech and Prayer, &c. on the ■ Scaffold. 1662. 4°. Port, inserted. 9499 YAN HEUYEL, J. A. El Dorado; being a Narrative of the Reports of the existence of a Rich and splendid City in So. America, to which that name was given, and a Defence of Sir W. Raleigh. With a Map. N. Y. [Without date.] 8°. 9500 YAN POLANEN, ROGER G. Life and Character. Cambridge: 1847. 8°. 9501 YANS, WM. Life of, by himself, [very curious]; also Letters on Female Character, YirginiaCary, Hartford, 1831; Silk-Raiser's Man- ual, Morin, Boston, 1836; Love (Christopher) Serms., London; Pre- vention and Cure of Disease, Gerrish, Boston, 1841, &c. 6 vols. 12°. 9502 YAN SCHAAC, HEN. C. Henry Cruger: the Colleague of Edmund Burke in the British Parliament. N. Y. : 1859. 8°. 9503 YAN SCHAACK, PETER, (ll.d.) The Life of, with Selec- tions from the Correspondence and other Writings, during the Amer- ican Revolution, by his son Henry C. Yan Schaack. N. Y.: 1842. 8°. Port. 9504 YASTEY, Barok de. An Essay on the Causes of the Revolu- tion and Civil Wars of Hayti. Exeter: 1823. 8°. 9505 YATTEL, M. D. The Law of Nations. Northampton: 1805. 8°. 9506 Questions de Droit Naturel, et Obs. sur le Traite du Droit de la Nature de M. Baron de Wolf. A Berne, 1762. 12°. 9507 YAUGHAN, EDW. THO. (m.a.) Some Accfount of the Rev. Thos. Robinson, m.a. London: 1816. 8°. Portrait. CATALOGUE. 527 9508 VAUGHAN, ROBERT, d.d. The Age of great Cities: or, modern Civilization viewed in its relation to Intelligence, Morals and Religion. 2d ed. London: 1843. 8°. 9509 VAUX, ROBERTS. Memoirs of the Life of Anthony Benezet. Phila.: 1817. 12°. 9510 YAUX, W. S. W., Esq., m.a. The World Encompassed by Sir Francis Drake. Collated with an unpublished MS. of Francis Fletcher, Chaplain to the Expedition. With App., and an Introd. London: Hak. Soc. 1854. 8°. Map. 9511 VEAUX, S. De. The Traveller's Own Book, to Saratoga Springs, Niagara Falls, and Canada. Maps and Engravings. Buffalo: 1842. 18°. 9512 The Niagara Falls; or Tourist's Guide. Buffalo: 1839. 16°. 9513 Same. 5th. Buffalo: 1847. 16°. 9514 YENABLES, W. H. June on the Miami, and other Foems. Cincinnati: 1872. 12°. 9515 YENEGAS, MIGUEL. A Natural and Civil History of Cali- fornia. With Accounts of several Yoyages and Attempts made for settling California. Illustrated with Copper-plates, and an accurate Map. In 2 vols, from the Spanish. Madrid: 1758. Lond. : 1759. 8°. Map and other Plates. A scarce and valuable book compiled by Per*- Burriell, S. J. 9516 YENERONI, JOHN (Signor). The Italian Master. Done into English, with farther Improvements, by Mr. Uvedale. 2d ed. Added a Dictionary. London: 1729. 8°. 9517 YENN, H., a.m. The Complete Duty of Man. or, a System of Doctrinal and Practical Christianity. 1st. Amer. Ed. Worcester: 1804. 8°. v^ 9518 YENTILATION. Reports and other Documents relating to School Houses of the City of Boston: 1848. 4°. 9519 YERMONT ALMANACK. Pub. by H. Doten, 1843, '46, '51. Woodstock: 3v. 18°. 9520 YERMONT DIRECTORY, and Almanack. Pub. by W. W. Atwater. 1858, 64, 65, QS, 69. Burlington and Claremont. 5 nos. 18°. 9521 YERMONT REGISTER (The), and Almanack, for 1817. Bur- lington, Yt.: 18°. pp.112. 9522 Directory. Montpelier: 1865. 12°. 9523 Annual Directory for the Use of the General Assembly. Montpelier: 1867. 12°. 9524 YERMONT REGISTER and Farmer's Almanack. Pub. by E. P. Watson: 1836, 38, 40, 47-50, 52-66, 69-72. Montpelier and Claremont. 27 nos. 18°. 9525 YERPLANCK, GULIAN. An Essay on the Doctrine of Contracts. N. Y.: [1826.] 8°. 528 CATALOGUE. 9526 YEEPLAKCK, GULIA:N'. The Advantages and the Dangers of the American Scholar. N. Y. : 1836. 8°. 9527 The Eight Moral Influence and Use of Liberal Studies. K. Y.: 1833. 12°. 9528 Essays on Evidences of Christianity. ]^. Y. : 1824. 8°. 9529 Anniver. Disc, before the K. Y. Hist. Soc, Dec. 7, 1818. N. Y.: 1818. 8°. 9530 VERSAILLES. :N'ew Guide to the Museum, Palace and Gardens of. Versailles: 1859. 18°. 9531 VERSTEGAN, RICHARD. A Restitution of Decayed Intel- ligence: In Antiquities. Concerning the most Noble, and renowned English Nation. London: 1634. 4°. 9532 VIAUD, PIERRE, (MONS.) The Shipwreck and Adventures of, a Native of Bourdeaux, and Captain of a Ship. 1st Amer. ed. Dover, N. H. : 1799. 12°. 9533 VICARS, JOHN. England's Worthies. Under whom All the civill and Bloudy Warres since Anno 1642 to Anno 1647, are related. London: 1845. 8°. Portraits. 9534 VICTOR, FRANCES PULLER, (Mrs.) The River of the West. Life and Adventures in the Rocky Mountains of Oregon, with the Early History of the North-western Slope. Pub. by Sub- scrii^tion only. Hartford: 1871. 8°. Plates. 9535 VICTOR, ORVILLE J. Hist, of the Southern Rebellion and the war for the Union. Vol. 1. New York: 1862. 8°. In 17 nos. 9536 VIDE, V. V. American Tableau, No. 1. Sketches of Abo- riginal Life. N. Y. : 1846. 12°. 9537 VIEW (A) of the United States. A Complete Emigrant's Directory. Upper and Lower Canada. Maio. London: 1820. 8°. 9538 of South America and Mexico. 2v. in 1. N. Y. : 1825. 12°. Portrait. 9539 (A) of the Coasts, Countries and Islands within the Limits of the South-Sea Company. Map, and Particular Draughts of the most Important Places ; By Herman Moll. London: 1711. 8°. 9540 of the Origin, Constitution and Proceedings of the Hon. London Society of the New Plantation in Ulster. Lond. : 1822. 8°. 9541 VIGNE, GODFREY T. Six Months in America. Phila.: 1833. 18°. 9542 VIGNOLES, CHARLES. Observations upon the Floridas. N. York: 1823. 8°. 9543 VILLAGE, The. A Poem with an app. Portland: 1816. 18<5. 9544 VILLAGE CURATE, The. A Poem. 1st. Amer. ed. New- buryport: 1793. 12°. 9545 VINCENT, H. (Rey.) A History of the Martha's Vinyard, Camp Meeting, from 1835 to 1858, inclusive. Boston: 1858. 18°. 9546 VINCENT, THOMAS. An Explanation of the Assembly's Shorter Catechism. Boston: 1729. 12°. CATALOGUE. 529 9547 VINCENT, THOMAS. God's Voice in the City, in the Narra- tion of the two dreadful Judgements of Plague and Fire inflicted upon the City of London, in the Years 1605 and 1666. Also a con- cise Statement of the Origin of Lond. Bridgeport, [Ct.] : 1811. 18°. 9548 VINCENT, WM. The Periplus of the Erythrean Sea. Pt. 1. London: 1800. 4°. Frontis. Maps. 9549 VINDICATION, A, of Pope's Essay on Man, from the misrep- resentation of Mr. DeCrousaz. In 6 Letters. Lond. : 1750. 12°. 9550 VINDICATION, (A) of the Government, Doctrine, and Wor- ship of the Church of England, against the Injurious Reflections of Mr. Neale in his late History of the Puritans. London : 17.33. 8°. pp. 362. [By Isaac Maddox.] 9551 (A) of New England. 4°. n. d., about 1692. In double columns. Paged from 1 to 27. Last page in MS. [Excessively rare.] I am of opinion that Increase Mather may have furnished much of the material for thlf work, though indirectly. So it is quite certain that he was the principal author of " New England Justified," both works having much in common. Both were pub- lished anonymously. — S. Q-. D. 9552 of the Rev. Mr. Geo. Whitefield, against the Charges upon him, more especially, the Testimony of the Gentn. at College. By a Lover of Good Men. Bost. : 1745. 8°. 9553 VINDICIJS ANTI-BAXTERIAN^: or some animadversions on a book, intituled Reliquse Baxterianse; or the life of Rich. Baxter. Lond.: 1696. 18°. Written in an old-style hand in this copy *«by Mr. Sam. Young, a Presbyterian." 9554 VINES, RICHARD, (Minr. at Weddington.) Magnalia Dei ab Aquilone; Thanksg. Ser. Thursd. July 18, 1644, bef. the Parliamt. for the great Victory over Rupert and the Earle of Nevrcastles Forces neere York, Lond.: 1644. 4°. 9555 Subjection to Magistrates, a Serm. at the Election of Lord Mayor of London, on Michaelmas day, 1654. Lond.: 1655. 4°. 9556 VINTON, FRANCIS. An Oration on the Annals of R. I. and Prov. Plantations. And a Rhyme of Rhode Island and the Times by Geo. Wm. Curtis, in N. Y., 29 May, 1863. N. Y. : 1863. 4°. [1. p.] 9557 VINTON, JOHN A. (Rev.) The Vinton Memorial, a Gcneal ogy of the Descendants of John Vinton of Lynn, 1648. Bost. : 1858 8°. Ports. [Very scarce.] 9558 The Giles Memorial. Genealogical Memoirs of Giles, Gould Holmes, Jennison, Leonard, Lindall, Curwen, Marshall, Robinson Sampson and Webb. Bost. : 1864. 8°. Ports. 9559 The Female Review. Life of Deborah Sampson, the Fe male Soldier, in the War of the Revolution. With Introd. and Notes Bost.: 1866. 4°. 9560 Same. Large Paper. Port. 9561 The Symmes Memorial. A Biog. Sketch of Rev. Zachariah 530 CATALOGUE. Symmes, with a Genealogy and an Autobiography. Bost.: 1873. 8°. Port. 9562 YIRGI:N'IA. A True Relation of. By Capt. John Smith. Introd. and Notes by Chas. Deane. Bost. : 1866. 4". Map. 9563 The First Settlers of Ya. , an Historical ISTovel, a Yiew of the Colony at James Town, a Picture of Indian Manners. 2d ed. enlg. K. Y. : 1806. 8°. [Scarce.] Frontis. 9564 YIR(^I]S'IA HISTOllICAL REPORTER: conducted by the Executive Commte. of the Ya. Hist. Soc. Yol. 2. P. 1. Richmond: 1860. 8°. 9565 YISION (The) of Rubeta, an Epic Story of the Island of Man- hattan. With Illustrations, Done on Stone. Boston: 1838. 8°. [By Lawton Osborn.] An abusive satire upon the editors of the N. Y. American and Commercial Advertiser. 9566 YISIT TO TEXAS. The Journal of a Traveller. 2d ed. With a Hist, of the Late War. N. Y. : 1836. 18°. 9567 YOICE (A) From America to England. London: 1839. 8°. 9568 YOICESfrom the Kenduskeag. Bangor: 1848. 12°. 9569 YOLNEY, C. F. Lectures on History, del. in the Normal School of Paris. Phila.: 1801. 12°. 9570 A Yiew of the Soil and CHmate of the U. S. : With Re- marks upon Canada; the French Colonies on the Mississijipi and Ohio, and in Canada; and on the Aboriginal Tribes. Tr. with Re- marks by C. B. Brown. Maps and Plates. I'hila. : 1804. 8°. 9571 The Ruins: or a Survey of the Revolutions of Empires. London: 1796. 8°. Plates. 9572 The Law of Kature, or Principles of Morality, deduced from the Physical Constitution of Mankind and the Universe. Phila.: 1796 24°. Portrait. 9573 Travels through Syria and Egypt, 1783-85. Illustrated. From the French. 2 vols. 2d ed. London: 1788. 8°. Napoleon had a high opinion of this writer, and a copy of his Travels in Egypt, found in the Emperor's library, was filled with notes. 9574 YOLTAIRE, MARIE FRANCIS AROUET De. Miscellan- eous: containing, 1. The Pupil of Nature; 2d. The Princess of Babylon; 3. Zadig; or the Book of Fate, an Oriental History. With Historical Notes. Phila.: 1778. 8°. 9575 The Life of Yoltaire, by Condorcet. Added, Memoirs of Yoltaire, written by himself. Phila. : 1792. 2 v. in 1. 12°. 9576 A Philosophical Dictionary; With additional Notes. 1st Amer. Stereotype ed. Boston: 1836. R. 8°. 9577 The History of Charles XII. 4th ed. London: 1732. 8°. Portrait, Map, and Autog.— Jas. Kent. 9578 Histoire de Charles XII. Roi des Suedes. A Paris: 1817. 18°. 9579 Letters concerning the Eng. Nation. 2ded. L.: 1741. 12°. CATALOGUE, 531 9580 YON BUCH, LEOPOLD. Travels through Norway and Lap- land, 1806-08. Tr. by J. Black; with notes and ace. of the Author by R. Jameson. London: 1813. 4°. Maps. 9581 VON FEUERBACH, ANSELM. Caspar Hauser. An Ac- count of an Individual kept in a Dunp^eon from early Childhood to about 17. 2ded. Boston: 1833. 16°. Port. 9582 VON RAUMER. America and the American People. Tr. by Wm. W. Turner. N. Y.: 1846. 8°. 9583 VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Boston. Also, an Attested copy of a Vote of the Town at a preceding Meeting. Boston: [1772.] 8°. [Printd. 1773.] A very rare Revolutionary Pamph. 9584 VOYAGE in Search of La Perouse. Performed during the years 1791-94, by M. Labillardiere. One of the Naturalists of the Exped. With 46 Plates. 2 vols. London: 1800. 8°. 9585 VOYAGE (Noveau). Vers le Septentrion. Amsterdam: 1708. 12°. Autog. of Benj. Vaughan. 9586 VOYAGE dans la Haute Pensylvanie et dans L'Etat de New- York, par un Membre adoptif de la Nation On6ida. Traduit et pub- lic par I'auteur des Lettres d'un Cultivateur Americain. (Hector St. John de Crevecoeur). 3 Tomes. A Paris. An 9,-1801. 8°. 9587 VOYAGES AROUND THE WORLD, in French. With notice by M. Halley, Maps, Plates, &c. ; also Statistical View of the Number of Sheep, &c. Camb.: 1837. 12°. 9588 VUE de la Colonic Espagnole du Mississipi, ou des Provinces de Louisiane et Floride Occidentale, en I'Annee 1802. Par Observateur resident sur les lieux. Deux cartes. Paris: 1803. 8®. 9589 W , G. Life and History of a Pilgrim. Dublin: 1753. 8°. 9590 WADDEL, MOSES (d.d.) Life of Caroline E. Smelt. 3d Ed. Charlestown: 1820. 18°. 9591 WADDINGTON, JOHN, (Rev). John Penry, the Pilgrim Martyr, 1559-1593. London, 1854. 18°. 9592 WADE, JENNY, of Gettysburg. A Poem. Phila.: 1864. 12°. 9593 WADE, JOHN. British History Chronologically arranged, &c. 3d Ed. London: 1844. R. 8°. 9594 WADE, W. M. Walks in Oxford; an Account of the Colleges, Halls and Public Buildings of the University; with Academical History of. Added, History and Desc. of the City, and Environs. Oxford: 1817. 8°. Plan and Plates. 9595 WADSWORTH, BENJ. Five Sermons: viz.: The First. Being the Last Delivered in the Old Meeting House, which was burnt, Oct. 2d, 1711. 55^ CATALOGUE, The Second. At the South M. H. in Boston, on Octob. 7, 1711, Being the First Lords Day after the Fire. The Third on Decemb. 18, 1711. Being on a Fast. Kept by the Old Church: Occasioned by the Burning of their Meeting-H. The Fourth on May 3, 1713. Being the First in the Brick Meet.- H. , where the former was Burnt. The Fifth on Kov. 12, 1713. A Thanksgiving Sermon' for God's Goodness in providing a New Meet.-H. for the Old Church. With a Preface, giving some Acct. of the Fire, Oct. 2, 1711. Boston: 1714. 18°. 9596 Guide for the Doubting, t. p. w. Autog. John Adams. 9597 Vicious Courses. Lecture Sermon, at Boston, Feb. 19, 1718. Boston: 1744. 12°. 9598 Men Self -condemned, in being worse in their Carriage to God, than to One Another. Psalms should be Sung, with Grace in the Heart. A Pious Tongue, an Inriching Treasure. Boston: 1706. 1G°. Wanting after p. 68. 9599 The well ordered Family: or, Eelative Duties. Being the Substance of Several Sermons. 2d ed. Boston: 1719. 9600 Guide for the Doubting, and Cordial for the Fainting Saint. 3d Impression. Boston: 1720. 18°. Gone fr. title to p. 19 and after p. 238. 9601 WAGSTAFFE, THOMAS. Piety promoted, in brief memori- als, and dying expressions, of some of the people called Quakers. 9th pt. London: 1796. K. Y.:1823. 12°. 9602 WAGSTAFF, WM. R., m.d. A History of the Soc. of Friends. Pt. 1. K. Y. and London: 1845. 8°. 9603 WAIF (The). A Collection of Poems. 2d ed. Cambridge: 1845. 16°. 9604 WAKEFIELD, GILBERT. Correspondence with the late Charles James Fox, 1796-1801. London: 1813. 8°. 9605 WAKEFIELD, PRISCILLA. Excursions in North America, 2ded. London: 1810. 12°. Map. 9606 Family Tour through the British Empire ; containing Ac- count of manufactures, Natural and Artificial Curiosities, Hist, and Antiqs. 15th ed. London: 1840. 12°. Map. 9607 Mental Improvement: or the Beauties and Wonders of Na- ture and Art. 4th Amer. Ed. Phila. 1819. l25°. 9608 Instinct Displayed, in a Collection of Facts, exemplifying the Sagacity of the Animal Creation. 1st Amer. fr. the 2d London edit. Boston: 1816. 18°. 9609 Variety; or. Selections and Essays, consisting of Anec- dotes, curious Facts, and Interesting Narratives. London: Phila.: Repr.: 1809. 12°. 9610 Domestic Recreation; or, Dialogues illustrative of Natural and Scientific Subjects. Phila.: 1805. 18°. CATALOGUE. 588 9G11 WAKEFIELD, PRISCILLA. Sketches of Human Manners, Stories illustniting the Characters, Religion, and Singular Customs of the World. 1st Am. Ed. Phila.: 1811. 18°. Portrait. 9612 W AKELY, ANDREW. Mariner's Compass Rectilied. With Descript. and Use of those Instruments most in Use in the Art of Navigation. London: 1750. 16°. 9613 WALBRAN, J. R., Ma you of Ripon. Guide to Ripon, Har- rowgate, Eountains Ahbey, Bolton Priory, &c. 6th ed. Ripon: 1856. 8°. Cuts and Plan. 9614 WALDEGRAVE, JAMES, Earl. Memoirs from 1754-58. London: 1821. 4°. Account of the Author, said to be by Ld. Holland. 9615 WALDO, LORIN P. Early History of Tolland, Ct. Hartford: 1861. 8°. 9616 WALDO, S. PUTNAM. Tour of James Munroe, in the year 1817. Hartford: 1818. 12°. Portrait. 9(517 Same. 2d ed. Hartford: 1820. 12°. Port. 9618 Memoirs of Andrew Jackson. Hartford: 1819. 12°. 9019 Same. 5th ed. 1819. 12°. Portrait. 9620 Life and Character of Stephen Decatur. Middletown: 1821. 12°. 9621 Biographical Sketches of Distinguished Naval Heroes. Hartford: 1823. 8°. [Scarce.] 9622 WALDRON, WM. WATSON. Pocahontas, Princess of Vir- ginia; and other Poems. N. Y.: 1841. 12°. Autog. of Author. 9623 WALKER, A. Analysis of a Course of Lectures. Kendal: 1766. 8°. 9624 WALKER, ADAM. Journal of two Campaigns of the 4th U. S. Inf. in the Mich and Indiana Territories, under Col. John P. Boyd, and Lt. Col. James Miller during 1811 and 1812. Keene, N. H.: 1816. 12°. [Scarce.] 9625 WALKER, Rev. C. Memoir and Sermons of the Rev. Wm. Duval. Richmond, Ya.: 1854. 12°. Portrait. 9626 [WALKER, CLEMENT.] Relations and Observations, Histor- icall & Politick, upon the Parliament, begun 1640. Divided into II Bookes: — I. The Mystery of the luntos, Presbyterian and Inde- pendent. II. The History of Independency. With proceedings of the Independent faction in Scotland. 1648. 4°. Frontispiece, Cromwell cutting down the Royall Oak. [Very rare.] 9627 WAf.KER, GULIELMI. Idiomatologia Anglo-Latina, sive Dictionarium Idiomaticum. 5th ed. Londini: 1690. 12°. 9628 WALKER, FRANCIS A. The Indian Question. Boston: 1874. 12°. Map. 9629 WALKER, HOVENDEN, Sm. Account of the late Expedi- tion to Canada. With App. containing Commissions, Orders, In- structions, &c. relating thereto. London: 1720. 8". [Very rare.] 534 CATALOGUE, 9630 WALKEE, JAMES. Memoir of Josial^ Quincy. Cambridge: 1867. 8°. Portrait. 9631 WALKER, JOH^. Attempt towards Recovering an Account of the numbers and Suffering of the Clergy of the Church of Eng- land in the late Times of the Rebellion. Occasioned by Dr. Calamy's Life of Baxter. London: 1714. Folio. 9632 WALKER, JOHN. Rhetorical Grammar. 3d ed. London: 1801. 8°. Portrait. Autog. James Kent. 9633 Critical Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language. Phila.: 1803. 8°. 9634 Same. Glasgow: 1838. 18°. Port, and cuttings. 9635 WALKER, JONATHAN. Trial and Imprisonment of Jona. Walker, at Pensacola, Fla., for aiding Slaves to escape. With sketch of his life. Boston: 1846. 12°. Portrait. 9636 W^ALKER, SAML. ABRAHAM. Church of England Mission in Sierra Leone; including an Account of that Colony, and Sketch of the Niger Expedition in 1841. London: 1847. 8°. Maps. 9637 WALKER, WM. (Gex.) The War in Nicaragua. Mobile: 1860. 12°. Portrait and Map. 9638 WALKINGAME, FRANCIS. Tutor's Assistant. 42d ed. Same. New Ed. Key to Tutor's Assist. Same. By J. Eraser. London: 1811-28. 4v. 12°. 9639 WALL, WM. S. History and Description of the Skeleton of a New Sperm Whale. Lately set up in the Australian Museum. Plates. Sydney: 1851. 8°. 9640 WALLACE, ALEXANDER. The Bible and the Working classes. Edin.: 1853. 8°. 9641 WALLACE, DAYID A. Theology of New England. The Doctrines now prevalent in the Orthodox Congregational Churches. Introd. by Daniel Dana, D.D. Boston: 1856. 12°. 9642 WALLACE, JOHN WM. Address at the Celebration of the N. Y. Hist. Society, May 20, 1863, of the 200th Birth Day of Wm. Bradford, who introduced Printing into the Middle Colonies of Brit. Amer. Albany: 1863. 8°. 9643 WALLACE, WILLIAM (Sir). Life and Acts of. The most Famous and Valiant Champion. Belfast: 1728. 24°. 9644 WALLACE, W. W., m.d. Odd-Fellows' Keepsake: A History of Odd-Fellowship in the U. S. N. Y. : 1850. 12°. 9645 WALLER, EDMUND. Poems, &c. 8th ed., with Life of the Author. London: 1711. 8°. Many Portraits. 9646 WALLER, WILLIAM, Sir. Vindication of the Character and Conduct of; Commander of the Parliament Forces in the West. (Written by Himself.) Portraits. London: 1793. 8°. Port. 9647 WALLINGFORD, CONN., History of; by Chas. H. S. Davis. Meriden: 1870. 8°. Illustrated. CATALOGUE, 585 9648 WALN, ROBERT, Jr. Life of the Marquis do la Fayette. Phila.: 1825. 8°. Illust. 9649 WALPOLE, HORACE. Reminiscences; written in 1788, for the amusement of Miss Mary and Miss Agnes B***y. J3ost.: 1820. 18°. 9650 WALSH, Rev. R. Narrative of a Journey from Constanti- nople to England. Phila. : 1828. 8°. 9651 WALSH, ROBERT, Jr. Appeal from the Judgments of Great Britain respecting the United States. Phila. : 1819. 8°. 9652 Rev. Notices of Brazil in 1828 and 1829. 2 vols. Boston: 1831. 12°. 9653 WALSINGHAM, FRANCIS, Sir. Arcana Aulica: or Walsing- ham's Manual of prudential Maxims, for the Statesman and Courtier. To which is added Fragmenta Regalia. By Sir Robert Naunton. London: 1694. 18°. 9654 WALTER, NEHEMIAH. Discourses on the whole 55th Chapter of Isaiah. Preparatory to Communion at the Lord's- Table. To which is added the Author's last Sermon, with Account of his Life and Character. By Thomas Prince and Thos. Foxcroft. Boston: 1755. 8°. [Scarce.] Pedigree inserted. 9655 WALTER, RICHARD. Yoyage round the World, in the years 1740-4, by George Anson. Ill'd with 42 fine copper-plates and port, of Anson. London: 1748. 4°. 9656 Same. London: 1748. 8°. 9657 WALTER, WM. H. Chorals and Hymns, ancient and modem, from the German. N. Y. : 1862. sq. 8°. 9658 WALTON, IZAAK. The Life of John Donne, d.d., late Dean of St. Paul's, London. London, [s. t.] 12°. 9659 WALTON WM. An Expos6 on the Dissentions of Spanish America. London: 1814. 8°. 9660 Present State of the Spanish Colonies; including Report of Hispanola, or the Spanish Part of Santo Domingo, and Survey of the Settlements on the Continent of America. 2 vols. London: 1810. 8°. Map, Portrait, i&c. 9G61 WANDERER in Washington. 2d ed. Washington: 1829. 12°. Contains amusing pen sketches of the public men of the time, — J. Q. Adams, and his Cabinet, etc. 9662 (The), or Horatio and Lsetitia: A Poem, in five Epistles. Utica: 1811. 12°. 9663 WANOSTROCHT, N. Petite Encylop^die, avec figures. 6th ed. Londres: 1816. 12°. 9664 WAR OF 1812. Letters addressed to Caleb Strong, late Gov. of Mass. London: 1818. [Scarce.] 9665 24 Pamphlets. Anderson's motion, (U. S. Senate); Prest. Monroe's Manifesto; Military Laws; Charleston Resolutions; Rept, of Sec. of War; Resolutions of Citizens of Maryland; Memorial of Mass. Legislature (by H. G. Otis) ; Compendious Hist, of the War 536 CATALOGUE, (Boston, 1815); A. Gallatin; Gen. "Wilkinson's Memorial (Report on); Rep. on Impressments, (1812); Cases of Br. Licences, 1813; Dallas, A J., Exposition of Causes of the Late War, Boston, 1815; Boyd, J. P., on the Military Events, 1816; Jackson, A., and the mm'der of 6 American militia-men. Washington: 1828. 9666 WAR, IX DISGUISE: or, the Frauds of the Neutral Elags. 2d American ed. N'ew York: 1806. 12°. [By James Stevens.] 9667 or, the Frauds of the Neutral > lags. N. Y. : January, 1806. 8°. 9668 WAR IN FLORIDA. An Exposition of its Causes. History of the Campaigns of Generals Clinch, Gaines, and Soott. By a late Stafe Officer. Baltimore: 1836. 12°. Maps. 9669 WARBURTON, ELIOT. The Conquest of Canada. By the Author of '^ Hochelaga." 2 vols. N. Y.:1850. 12°. 9670 Reginald Hastings: An Autobiography. 3d ed. London: 1851. 8°. 9671 Hochelaga, or England in the New World. 2 vols. Lond. : 1846. 12°. 9672 WARBURTON, WM. Julian: or, a Discourse concerning the Earthquake and Fiery Eruption, which defeated the Attempt to rebuild the Temple at Jerusalem. 2d ed. London: 1751. 8°. 9673 WARBURTON, WILLIAM. Letters from a late Eminent Prelate to one of his Friends. [Richd. Hurd, Bp. of Worcester.] 2d ed. London: 1809. 8°. Portraits. 9674 WARD, ANDREW H. History of the Town of Shrewsbury, Mass., from 1717 to 1829. Including Family Register. Boston: 1847. 8°. Portrait. 9675 Ward Family; Descendants of Wm. Ward, who settled in Sudbury, Mass., in 1039. Boston: 1851. 8°. Portrait. 9676 Genealogical History of the Rice Family: Descendants of Deacon Edmund Rice. Boston: 1858. 8°. Ed. exhausted. 9677 Family Register of the Inhabitants of the Town of Shrews- bury, Mass. From 1717 to 1829. Boston: S. G. Drake, 1847. 8°. Portrait. 9678 WARD, EDWARD. Hudibras Redivivus: or, a Burlesque Poem on the Times. 2 vols in 1. 3d ed. Added: An Apology, and some other Improvements. London: 1715. 4°. Portrait of the Author. 9679 Second Yol. of the Writings of the Author of the London Spy. 2d ed. London: 1704. 8°. [Scarce.] 9680 Life and Notable Adventures of that Renowned Knight Don Quixote. Merrily Translated into Hudibrastic Yerse. Yol. 1. London: 1711. 8°. [All ever published.] [Scarce.] ^681 The London-Spy, Compleate in Eighteen Parts. The first Yol. of the Author's Writings. 3d Ed.. Lond.:17l'6. 8°. [Scarce.] CATALOaUE. 537 9682 WARD, EDWARD. Vulgus Britannicus; or the British Hudi- bras. In Fifteen Cantos. The five Parts complete in one Volume. Containing the Secret History of the Late London Mob, [&c.] 2d Ed. Adorned with Cuts. London: 1710. 8°. 9683 Vulgus Britannicus. 3d Ed. London: 1711. 8°. 9684 The Wooden World Dissected; in the Character of a Ship of War, [&c.] 5th Ed. London: 1756. 8°. Frontispiece. 9685 History of the Grand Rebellion; Containing the most Re- markable Transactions from the begining of the Reign of Charles I. to the Happy Restoration. With the Impartial Characters of the most Famous and Infamous Persons. Digested into Verse. Illustrated with about One Hundred Heads. 3 vols. London: 1713. 8^. "Ward visited Boston in 1699, and has left a ludicrous account of the place and people. All hia works are scarce. 9686 WARD, GEO. ATKi:NrSOK. Journal and Letters of the late Samuel Curwen, Judge of Admiralty, an American Refugee in England. K. Y.: 1842. 8°. 9687 WARD, MRS. HETTA L. Memoir of . Boston: 1843. 12°. 9688 WARD, JAMES W. Woman. APoem. Cincinnati: 1852. 12°. 9689 WARD, JXO. Young Mathematician's Guide. 9th ed. Lon- don: 1752. 8°. 9690 WARD, JULIUS H. Life and Letters cff Jas. Gates Percival. Boston: 1866. 12^. Portrait. 9691 WARD, NATHANIEL, Rev. The Simple Cobbler of Agawam in America. Ed. by D. Pulsifer. Boston: 1843. 12°. 9692 WARD, THOMAS. England's Reformation, (From the Time of King Henry VIII. to the End of Oates's Plot.) A Poem in Four Cantos. Adorned with Copper Plates. London: 1747. 8°. 2 vols. 9693 2d Ed. of the First Part of Strictures on the Characters of various Barristers, and also on the Conduct of the most Respectable and the most Infamous and Oppressive Town and Country Practicing Attorneys. London: 1818. [A blackmail book, said to have been suppressed. In it is a MS. note of the Author.] 9694 WARD. WM. (d D.) Farewell Letters to Friends, on returning to Bengal, in 1821. London: N. Y.: 1821. 12°. 9695 Same. London: 1821. 12°. 9696 WARDE:N', D. B. Statistical, Political, and Historical Acct. of the U. S. 3 vols. Edinburgh: London: 1819. 8°. Map, and Plan. 9697 WARDEJN", WILLIAM. Letters written on board II. M. Ship Northumberland, and at St. Helena, in which the Conduct and Con- versations of Napoleon and his Suite are described. Brussels: 1817. 8°. Fac-similes of hand writing. Portrait inserted. 9698 Same. Phila. : 1817. 12°. Medallion Porti'aits of Nap. and Louise d'Autriche. 538 CATALOGUE. 9699 WAKE, IIE:N"KY, Jr. Discourses on the Offices and Character of Jesus Christ. 2d Ed. Boston: 1826. 12°. 9700 Memoir of the Eev. Nathan Parker, Late Pastor of the South Church in Portsmouth, N. H. Portsmouth: Boston: 1835. 8°. 9701 [ ] Kecollections of Jotham Anderson. Boston: 1824. 12°. 9702 Extracts from, Serms. by the late J. E. Abbot, of Salem, Ms. With his Life. Boston: 1830. 12°. 9703 Hints on Extemporaneous Preaching. Boston: 1824. 18°. 9704 WARE, JOHN, (m.d.) Philosophhy of Nat. Hist, by W. Smellie, with an Introd. 2d Ed. Boston: 1827. 8°. 9705 Hints to Young Men, on the True Relation of the Sexes. Boston: 1850. 18°. 9706 Hints to Young Men, on the true Relation of the Sexes. Boston: 1866. 16°. 9707 — — Life of Henry Ware, Jr. 2 vols. New Ed. Boston: 1846. 12°. 9708 WARE, THOMAS, (Rev.) Life and Travels of, written by Himself. N. Y.:1842. 12°. Port. 9709 WARE, WM. American Unitarian Biography. 2 vols. Bos- ton: 1850. 12°. Portrait. 9710 Lectures on the Works and Genius of Washington Allston. Boston: 1852. 12°. 9711 WARNER, HARRIOT W. Autobiography of Charles Cald- well, m.d. Phila.: 1855. 8°. Portrait. 9712 AVARNER, OLIVER. Journal and Documents of the Valu- ation Committee of the Year 1860, with Acts of 18G1, to secure a uniform Appraisal of Estates. Boston: 1861. 8°. 9713 Returns of the Railroad Corporations in Mass., 1859. Bos- ton: 1860. 8°. 9714 Statistical Information relating to Industry in Mass. for the Year ending May 1st, 1865. Boston: 1866. 8°. 9715 — Same. 1864. Boston: 1865. 8°. 9716 WARREN, CAROLINE MATILDA. The Gamesters; or, Ruins of Innocence. Boston: 1805. 12°. 9717 WARREN, G. WASHINGTON. Argument on behalf of the Bunker Hill Monument Association. Boston: 1869. 8°. Front. 9718 WARREN, JOHN, (m.d.) Eulogy on Thomas Russell, Did. May 4, 1796. Boston: 1796. 4°. 9719 WARREN, JOHN. The Conchologist. Boston: 1834. 4P. Plates. 9720 WARREN, JOHN C, m.d. Address before the American Medical Association Boston: 1850. 8°. 9721 Etherization; with Surgical Remarks. Boston: 1848. 12°. Author's Auto. 9722 Physical Education and the Preservation of Health. Bos- ton: 1846. 18°. CATALOGUE. 539 9723 WARREN, JOHN C, m.d. Address to the Boston Society of Natural History. Boston: 1853. 8°. 9724 Tlie Great Tree on Boston Common. Boston: 1855. 8*^. 9725 Comparative View of the Sensorial and Nervous Systems in Men and Animals. Boston: 1822. 8°. Plates. [Very scarce.] 9726 Letter to Isaac Parker, containing Remarks on the Disloca- tion of the Hip Joint. Cambridge: 1820. 8°. 9727 Remarks on some Fossil Impressions in the Sandstone Rocks of Ct. River. Boston: 1854. 8°. 9728 WARREN, JOHN ESAIAS. Para; or, Scenes and Adventures on the banks of the Amazon. N. Y.: 1851. 12°. 9729 WARREN, JOSEPH, (Gen.) Biographical Sketch of, with the celebrated Eulogy pronounced by Perez Morton. Boston: 1857. 18°. Portrait. 9730 WARREN, MERCY. History of the Rise, Progress and Ter- mination of the Amer. Revon. 3 vols. Bost. : 1805. 8°. [Scarce.] Being the sister of Jas. Otis and wife of Jas. W«rren, who succeeded Joseph as president of the Massachusetts Provincial Congress, the author enjoyed the unusual advantage of an acquaintance with the public men and an inside view of the principles and acts of the revolutionary struggle. 9731 Poems, Dramatic and Miscellaneous. Boston: 1790. 12*'. [Scarce.] 9732 WARRENIANA: With Notes, Critical and Explanatory. Boston: 1851. 12°. 9733 WARTON, JOSEPH, d.d. Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope. 2 vols. 5th Ed. Lbnd.:1806. 8°. Portraits and Fac-similes. 9734 WASHBOURNE, HENRY. Book of Family Crests ; compris- ing nearly every Family bearing, properly Blazoned and explained. 4,000 engravings. Vol. 1. All the Crests. London: 1840. 12°. 9735 WASHBURN, EMORY. Judicial History of Mass., from 1C30- 1775. Boston: 1840. 8°. 9736 Historical Sketches of the Town of Leicester, Mass., from its Settlement. Boston: 1860. 8°. Plates. 9737 WASHINGTON, GEO. Collection of the Speeches of, to both Houses of Cong., with their Answers. With Circular Letter of W. to the Governors of the Several States, and his Farewell Orders to the Army. Boston: 1796. 12°. 973S Diary of VV., from the 1st day of Oct. 1789, to the 10th day of March, 1790. From the original MS. now first printed. By J. Carson Brevoort. N. Y. : 1858. R. 8°. Only 100 of this ed. were printed. 9739 Pictorial Life of Washington: Embracing Anecdotes. Phila. : 1847. sq. 16°. 9740 Letters to Arthur Young, and Sir John Sinclair. Cont. an Account of his Husbandry, etc. Alexandria: 1803. 8°. 36 540 CATALOGUE. 9741 WASHI:N'GT0:N', GEO. Farewell Address. Pub. for the Wash- ington Benevolent Soc. Hudson: 1812. 16°. Portrait. 9742 Life of. N. Y. [n. d.] 18°. Ill'd. 9743 Farewell Add. Brookfield: 1812. 12°. 9744 Same. Boston: 1827. 12°. 9745 Official Letters to the Honourable American Congress. 2d Boston Ed. 2 vols. Bost.: 1796. 12^. Port. 9746 Fac Similes of Letters to Sir John Sinclair, on Agricul. and other interesting Topics. Washington: 1844. 4°. Portrait. Illust. 9747 Eulogies and Orations on the Life and Death of. Boston: 1800. 8°. [Rare.] 9748 Political Legacies, with Acct. of his Illness and Death, and Biog. Outline of his Character. Bost. : 1800. 8°. 9749 Life of. Dedicated to the Youth of America. Poughkeep- sie: 1812. 32°. 9750 's Farewell Address. Springfield, Ms. : 1812. 18°. Port. 9751 Monuments of Patriotism. A Collection of the most inter- esting Documents, coneected with the Military Command and Civil Administration of. Annexed an Eulogium. Selected and Arranged by two Gentlemen. Phila.: 1802. 8°. 9752 Farewell Adds.; Constn. U. S., and Declara. of Independ- ence. Bost.: 1827. 18°. 9753 Official Letters to the Amer. Cong. 2v. N. Y. : 1796. sm. 8°. 9754 Farewell Address. With Arabesque Designs and Illumina- tions. Phila. R. 4°. 9755 Epistles, Domestic, Confidential, and Official. Written about the Commencement of the American Contest. K. Y. : Lond. : Rep: 1796. 8°. 9756 Farewell Adds. Hudson: 1813. 12°. Port. 9757 Political Legacies, with Account of his Illness, Death, and the National Tributes of Respect. Biographical Sketch. His Will, and Dr. Tappan's Discourse. N. Y. : 1800. 12°. 9758 Resignation and Address, in a Circular Letter to the State of N. Hampshire. Exeter: 1783. 4°. Also Address bef. the Wash- ington Jjenevolent Soc. in Newburyport, Feb. 22, 1816. Newbury- port: 1816. 8°. 9759 Official Letters to Congress, during the War betn. the U. Cols, and G. Britain. 2 vols. Bost. : 1795. 8°. 9760 Farewell Address to the People of the U. States in German and English. N. Y.: 1853. 16°. 9761 Biographical Memoirs of the Illustrious W. Also a Sketch of his Private Life. Brattleboro': 1814. 12°. [Scarce.] 9762 Revolutionary Orders of, during 1778, '80, '81, and '82, from the MSS. of John Whiting, and edited by his Son Henry Whiting. N. Y. and Lond.: 1844. 8°. 9763 Official Letters to the Hon. Am. Cong. 2v. Lond.: 1795. 8°. CATALOGUE. 541 9764 WASIimGTON, GEO. Monuments of Patriotism; containing a Fac Simile of his Public Accounts, kept during the Rev. War. 4th ed. Washington: 1844. Fol. 9765 Life of, by John Marshall. Phila. : 1804-07. 5v. 8°. Atlas to. Phila.: [u. d.] 8°. 9766 Essay on the Life of W., by Aaron Bancroft. Worcester: 1807. 8°. Portrait. 9767 Authenticated Copy of the Last Will and Testament of G. W., of Mt. Vernon. Washington, D. C: 1868. 8°. 9768 WASIII:NGT0:N' COMMEMORATION at Poughskeepsie, and 18 Tr. Cavender, G. H. Moore, Dr. Parr, J. Pickering, I. Burchall, Prof. Maury, G. P. Bond, &c. WASHINGTON PAMPHLETS. 4vols. 8°. 87 Nos. Vol.1. Eulogies. 9769. Abbott, A. Haverhill, 1800. — 9770. Alsop, R. (Poem.) Hartford: 1800. Ames, Fisher. Boston: 1800.— 9771. BiGELOW, TiMO. (Masonic.) Boston: 1800.— 9772. Blake, Geo. (Masonic.) Boston: 1800, (Autog. of W. Scollay.)— 9773. Caeroll, Bishop. Baltimore: 1800. — 9774. Davis, John. Bos- ton: 1809. [Rare.] — 9775. Dunham, Josiah. Windsor, Vt.: 1814. [Rare.] — 9776. Foster, Jno. Boston: 1800. [Rare.] — 9777. Greenwood, And. Hallowell: 1800. — 9778. Kikkland, Jno. T, Boston: 1800. —9779. Lee, Maj. Gen. H. Boston. [Rare.] — 9780. Mead, S. c?) Merrick, Pliny. Brookfield: 1800. —9781. Miller, S. N.Y.: 1800.— 9782. Minot, G. R. Boston. —9783. Morris, Gouverneur. N. Y.: 1800. [Rare.] — 9784. Paine, Thos. Newburyport: 1800. — 9785. Proceedings of Charlestown, Mass., Jan. 1800. Vol. 2. Eulogies. 9786. Parish, E. Newburyport. — 9787. Patten, W. Newport: 1800. [Very rare.]— 9788. Rogers, Wm. Phila.: 1800. [Very scarce.] — 9789. Schenck, N. H. Balto.: 1861. — 9790. Spring, S. Newburyport. — 9791. Stone, Eliab. Boston. [Very scarce.]— 9792. Story, .Jos. Salem: 1800. [Scarce.] —9793. Strong, Nathan. Hartford: 1800.— 9794. Sumner, C. P. Dedham: 1800. —9795. Thacher, Thos. Dedham: 1800.— 9796. TucKERMAN, Jos. Bostou.- 9797. West, Saml. Boston. —9798. Willard, S. and Tappan, D. (Cambridge:) 1800. —9799. Re- marks Occasioned by the Late Conduct of Mr. Washington. Phila.: 1797. — 9800. Letters from Genl. W. to several of his friends. Phila.: 1795. — 9801. Death of Washington, Last Will. &c., Geo. Washington. Boston: 1800. — 9802. Farewell Address. Balto.: 1810. Vol. 3. Tracts. — 9803. Akniversary, Washington, 1832 (autog. of C. R. Lowell).— 9804. Graham's Life, N. Y.,1849.— 9805. Balch, J. O. Dover, 1813. — 9806. Bartlett, Jos. , Charles- ton, 1813. —9807. Bates, J. C, Northampton.— 9808. Chester, J. L., Boston, 1866. — 9809. Circular Letter and Papers relative 542 CATALOGUE. to half-pay, Boston, 1783. — 9810. Conduct of W, Boston, 1813. — 9811. Dana, E. H., 1814. — 9812. Dwight, Jasper. — 9813. Let- ter to G. ^Y. (Yeiy abusive.) Phila., 1796. — 9814. Dwight, W. . T. Phila., 1827. —9815. Forbes, Eli, :Nrewburyport, 1800. —9816. Gleason, Benj. Wrentham, 1800. —9817. Gray, F. T.,1832.— 9818. Griffin, J., Charlottesville, 1848. —9819. Harris, T. M. 1813. — 9820. Hildreth, Hose A, 1813. — 9821. Holmes, A., 1813. 9822. Jennings E., Stockbridge, 1814.-9823. Liyermore G. Mills, E. H. Quincy J. Smith, C. A., 1852. 4 tr. Yol. 4. Tracts. — 9824. Sparks, J. Reply, to Lord Mahon, &c. Letter to Lord Mahon, &c. Remarks on a reprint of Original Letters to Jos. Reed, Stewart, K. J. [Scarce.] — 9825. Sulliyan, W., 1812.-9826. Waue, A., 1816.-9827. Ware, S., 1814.— 9828. Ode distributed at WaUingford, 1789 (Washington's Visit). — 9829. Farewell Ads. , 1796, and several eds. — 9830. Journal of the House, 1st sess., 6th Cong., Washington's Inaugural, 1802. — 9831. Masonic Character of W. Anniv'y Address and Memorials. 9832 WASnT:N'GTON, H. A. The Writings of Jefferson, his Auto- biography, and Correspondence, from the Original MSS. K. Y.: 1853. 8°. Yol. 1. Portrait and Fac-similes. 9833 WASHINGTON", JOSEPH. Exact Abridgement of all the Statutes of King William and Q. Mary, and of William the III. and Queen Anne, in Force and Use. Yol. 2. London: 1708. 8°. 9834 WASHINGTON (The) Guide: Containing an Account of the Dist. ofCol. 2d ed. Washington: 1830. 24°. 9835 WASHINGTON BENEYOLENT SOCIETY. Constitution and By-Laws of the Penn. Phila. : 1813. 24°. Also Washington's Farewell Address. Phila. : 1813. 24°. 9836 WASHINGTONIANA. Paine's Eulogy. Charleston, S. C* 1800.— Fisher Ames' Orat., 1800.— Wm. Sulliyan, 1812. — Jo- siAH Quincy, 1813. — Rey. Wm. Patten, Newport, 1799. — JosiAii Bartlett, 1813. —Hon. F. C. Gray, 1832. (Author's autog.) 9837 (The). Privately Re-Printed. N. Y.: 865. 18°. Portrait. ed. 100 copies. 9838 Memorials of the Death of Washington, giving an Ac- count of the Funeral Honors paid to his Memory, with a List of Tracts and Yolumes printed upon the Occasion, and a Catalogue of Medals commemorating the Event. 2 vols. Albany: 1865. R. 8°. 2 Portraits. 9839 WATERFIOUSE, BENJ., m.d. Essay concerning Tussis Con- vulsiva, or Whooping cough. Boston: 1822. 8°. 9840 Course of Lectures, on the Theory and Practice of Medi- cine. 4pts. Boston: 1786. 4°. 9841 Journal of a Young Man of Massachusetts, late a Surgeon CATALOGUE. 548 on board an American Privateer. Dartmoor Prison. 2d Ed. Boston: 1816. 12°. [Scarce.] 9842 The Botanist. Being tlie Botanical Part of a Course of Lectures on l^atural History, did. in the University of Cambridge. Boston: 1811. 8°. 984.3 On the Principle of Vitality. A Disc, in the First Ch. Boston, June 8th, 1790. Boston: 1790. 4°. 9844 WATERHOUS, EDWARD. An humble Apologie for Learn- ing and Learned Men. London: 1053. 8°. From the Mather Library, with the Autograph of " I. Mather," many of his MS. refer- ences, and Autograph of" S. Mather, 1740." 9845 WATERMxV:N^, THOMAS. By-Laws of St. Andrew's Royal Arch Chapter, Boston. With Biog. Sketches of Distinguished Members. Boston: 1859. 12°. 9846 Same. Boston: 1866. 12°. 9847 By-Laws for the Regulation and Government of Mount Yernon Lodge, Boston. Boston: 1867. 12°. 9848 WATERSTON, GEORGE. :New Guide to Washington. Wash- ington: 1S42. 18°. 9849 WATERSTOlSr, R. C. Thoughts on Moral and Scriptural Cul- ture. 2d Ed. Boston: 1844. 18°. 9850 WATKI]SrS, C. T. The Portable Cyclopedia; or, Compendious Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. London: 1816. 12°. 9851 W ATKINS, JOHN. Biographical, Hist, and Chronol. Diet. 3d ed. enlg. London: 1807. 8°. 9852 WATSON, FREDERIC. New and Complete Geographical Dictionary. London: 1781. Folio. Maps and Plates. 9853 WATSON, ELKANAH. Rise, Progress, and existing Con- dition of the Western Canals in the State of N. Y. Albany: 1820. 8°. Portrait. 9854 Tour in Holland, in 1784. Worcester: 1790. 8°. Auto- graph — " James Kent 1791." 9855 WATSON, J. E. Methodist Error. Trenton, 1819. Presented to Robt. Southey, " a gift from America." MS. notes. 9856 WATSON, JOHN, (Rev.) History and Antiquities of the Parish of Halifax, in Yorkshire. Illustrated. London: 1775. 4°. Portrait. 9857 WATSON, JOHN F. Annals of Philadelphia, a Collection of Memoirs, Anecdotes and Incidents. Phila. : 18.i0. 8°. Plates. 9858 Annals and Occurrences of N. York City and State, in the Olden Time; a Collection of Memoirs, Anecdotes, and Incidents. Phila.: 1846. 8°. 9859 Annals of Phila. in the Olden Time. 2v. Phila. : 1845. 8°. WATSON, JOHN L. Memoirs of the Marstons of Salem, with a brief Geneal. of some of their desc. Boston : 1873. 8°. 544 CATALOGUE. 9861 WATS0:N', EIGHARD. Apology for the Bible, in a Series of Letters, addressed to Thomas Paine. N. Y.: 1796. 12°. 9862 WATS0:N', ROBERT. History of the Reign of" Philip III. Firt Amer. fr. the last London ed. N. Y. : 1818. 8°. 9863 Hist, of the Reign of Philip III. The two last Books by Wm. Thomson. N. Y.: 1818. 8°. 9864 WATSOI^, WINSLOW C. Men and Times of the Revolu- tion; or, Memoirs of Elkanah Watson, including Journals of Travels in Europe and America, from 1777 to 1842. ]^ew York: 1856. 8°. 9865 Same. 2d ed.,with Portrait and Engravings. N. York: 1861. 12°. 9866 Pioneer History of the Champlain Yalley; an Account of the Settlement of Willsborough by Wm. Gilliland, with Journals and other Papers, and a Memoir. Albany: 1863. 8°. [Scarce.] 9867 WATTS, ISAAC. Art of Reading and Writing English; or, the Chief Principles and Rules of Pronouncing our Mother Tongue. London: 1794. 18°. 9868 -^^ — Life and Death of Mrs. Elizabeth Bury, who died May 11th, 1720, with her Elegy. 4th ed. Boston: 1743. 12°. 9869 The Psalms of David. Boston: 1773. 12°. 9870 Plain and Easy Catechisms for Children and Preservative from the Sins and Follies of Childhood. Newbpt: 1797. 18°. 9871 Orthodoxy and Charity united; in several Essays. 2d ed. Boston, :N'. E.: 1749. 8°. 9872 Plaine and Easy Catechisms for Children and Preservative from the Sins and Follies of Youth. Salem, N. Y.: 1815. 18°. 9873 The Psalms of David, with Hymns. Boston: 1791. 8°. 9874 Knowledge of the Heavens and the Earth made easy. London: 8°. 1745. 9875 The Ruin and Recovery of Mankind. London: 1740. 8°. 9876 Psalms carefully suited to the Christian Worship in the U. S. of Amer. Rutland, Yt. : 1814. 24°. 9877 Psalms of David. London: 1783; Salem: 1795; Boston: 1808; Sutton, Mass.: 1808; Dedham: 1811; Boston: 1812; Boston: 1813. 7 vols. 12°. i vol. 8°. 9878 Psalms of David. First Worcester ed. printed by Isaiah Thomas. Worcester: 1786; also Keene, N. IL: 1803. 2 vols. 8°. 9879 Divine and Moral Songs for Children. Camb. : 1803. 18°. 9880 Improvement of the Mind, or a Supplement to the Art of Logic. Also his Posthumous Works, by D. Jennings, d.d. and P. Doddridge, D.D. London: 1792. 12°. 9881 Beauties of the late Isaac Watts; containing the most Striking and Admired Passages in his works, and Life of the Au- thor. Elizabethtown: 1769. 18°. CATALOGUE. 545 9882 WATTS, TALBOT. Japan and the Japanese. Illustrations. N. Y.: 1852. 8°. 9883 WA-WA-W AND A. A Legend of Old Orange. N. Y. : 1860. 12o. 9884 WAYLAND, FRANCIS, Jr. Elements of Moral Science. N. Y.: 1835. 8°. 9885 Thoughts on the Collegiate System in the U. S. Bost. : 1842. 12°. Author's Autog. 9886 WAYLRN, EDWARD, (Rev.) Ecclesiastical Reminiscences of theU. S. N. Y.: 1846. 8°. 9887 WEBB, JOHN, A.M. Practical Discourses on Death, Judgment, Heaven and Hell. In twenty-four sermons. Bost. 1726. 8°. MS. t. [Scarce.] 9888 WEBB, PHILIP CARTERET. Short Acct. of Dangeld: with Particulars relating to William the Conqueror's Survey. London: 1756. 4°. 9889 WEBB, T. New Select Collection of Epitaphs, Panegyrical and Moral, Humorous, Whimsical, Satyrical, and Inscriptive: In- cluding the most Remarkable in the Collections of Hacket, Jones and Tolderoy. New ed. Lond. : 1775. 2v. 12°. Scarce. 9890 WEBB,THOS. SMITH. Freemason's Monitor; or Illustrations of Masonry. New ed. Salem: 1808. 12°. [Very scarce.] 9891 WEBBER, SAMUEL. Logan, an Indian Tale. Cambridge: 1821. 16°. 9892 WEBBER, SAMUEL. Mathematics, comp. from the best Au- thors. 2ded. Camb.: 1808. 2v. 8°. 9893 Same. Vol.2. Bost.: 1801. S°. 9894 WEBER, GEORGE. Outlines of Universal History, from the Creation. With Hist of the U. States. By Francis Bowen. 3d ed. Boston: 1854. 8°. 9895 WEBSTER, DANIEL. Life and Memoirs of. From the N. Y. Daily Times. N. Y. : 1853. 2v. 12°. 9896 Speeches and Forensic Arguments. Boston: 1835-43. 3v. 8°. Portrait. 9897 Diplomatic and Official Papers of, while Sec. of State. — N. Y.: 1848. 8°. Portrait. Life, Eulogy and great Orations of. Rochester: 1853. 8°. Address deliv. before the N. Y. Hist. Soc, February 23, 1^52. 8°. 9900 True American Politics. A collection of Mr. Webster's Speeches, and articles relating to the Harrison Campaign of 1840. With portraits, arranged by Mr. Drake, sm. 18°. The fly-leaf has Mr. "Webster's autog., dated 1844. 9901 Report of the Committee of. Arrangements of New York, to render a Tribute of Respect to the Memory of. N. Y. : 1853. 8°. Plates. 546 CATALOGUK 9902 WEBSTEE, DANIEL. 4 v. of Pamphlets, Orations, Speeches, Eulogies, &c. Yol.l, 16 Tr., 1806-30. Anniv. Ads., Concord, July 4, 1800 (presentation copy); On the Embargo, 1809; On the Army Bill (2), 1813; Plym., Comm., Dec. 22, 1820; On the Tariff, 1824; Greek Eevolution (2); Bunker Hill, Corner-Stone Ads., 1825; Adams and Jefferson, 1826; On the Tariff, 1838; Public Lands, 1830 (Foot's Kesolution); Eeply to Hayne, Sketch of the Debate, &c. 9903 Vol. 2. 27 Tr. 1831-1843. On the Bank Charter, 1832 (2); Worcester Conv.; Reply to Calhoun on the Enforcing Bill, '33; On Removal of the Deposits, '34; On Benton's Res., '36; At Kiblo's, '37; Sub-Treasury, and Answer to Calhoun, '38 (4); Agricultural Meeting, 1840; Faneuil Hall Speech, '42; Completion of B. Hill Monument, '43, &c. 9904 Vol. 3. 29 Tr. Andover Address, '44, B. Hill (3); Girard Will Case, '44 (presented by author); Treaty of Washington of 1842; Philad. Dinner, 1845 (Steel Port.); R. I. Question, '48; War with Mexico; Marshfield Speech; On Clay's Res., 1850; On the Compro- mise; Hlilseman Correspondence, '51; Address toK. Y. Hist. Soc, 1852, with author's autograph. 9905 Vol. 4. 20 Tr. Sermons, Eulogies, Addresses, &c., on the death of Webster,by Adams (Neheniiah), Bartol, Eastburn (Bishop), Eels, Haven (Jos.), Hillard (G. S.), Starr King, Kirk, Lawrence (E. A.), Lothrop, McCoy, Parker (Joel), Skinner, Stearns, Taft, AValker (T.), Webster, Whipple, &c. 9906 WEBSTER AND H.VYNE. 7 Tr. The great Speeches of both in the Senate on Eoot's Resolution, with contemporary accounts, biographies and portraits. 9907 WEBSTER, JOHN W. Manual of Chemistry on the Basis of Professor Brand's. 2d Ed. Boston: 1828. 8°. [Scarce.] The author was the principal figure in one of the most celebrated criminal causes to be found in our annals. 9908 WEBSTER, M. M., Mrs. Pocahontas. A Legecd. With Hist, and Traditionary N'otes. Phila. : 1840. 12°. Plate. 9909 WEBSTER, KOAH. National Pictorial Dictionary. Ed. by Wm. A. Wheeler. Springfield: 1868. R. 8°. 9910 The Peculiar Doctrines of the Gospel Explained and De- fended. 3d Ed. Portland: 181 L 18°. 9911 Collection of Papers on Political, Literary and Moral Sub- jects. :N'. Y.: 1843. 8°. 9912 Letters to a Young Gentleman commencing his Education. With a Brief History of the U. S. New Haven: 1823. 8°. 9913 An American Dictionary of the Eng. Language rev. and enlg. by C. A. Goodrich and K. Porter. Springfield, Mass. : 1864. 4°. 9914 The Prompter, or a Commentary on Common Sayings and Subjects. Brunswick: 1821. 18^ [Scarce.] CATALOGUE. 547 9915 WEBSTER, NOAH. Same. 2d Leominster ed. Leominster: 1797. 12°. 9910 Same. Boston: 1792. 12°. 9917 Same; or, a Commentary on Common Sayings and Subjects. N. Y. : Duyckinck, 1815. 18°. 9918 Same. Boston: 1793. 18°. Wants 2 leaves. Early editions of the Prompter are scarce. 9919 Dissertation on the English Language. Added, an Essay on a Reformed Mode of Spelling, with Frankhu's arguments. Bos- ton: 1789. 8°. [Scarce.] 9920 History of Epidemic and Pestilential Diseases. 2 vols. Hartford: 1799. 8<^. [Scarce.] 9921 Collection of Papers on Bilious Fevers. N. Y.: 1796. 8°. 9922 Pocket Dictionary. Ed. by Wm. G. Webster. N. Y.: 1858. 32°. 9923 Diet, of the Eng. Language. Phila. : 1870. 4°. 9924 WEBSTER, SAMUEL, a.m. Young Children and Infants de- clared by Christ. Two discourses, Sept. 20, 1772, to the West Con- gregation in Salisbuiy. 3d ed. Boston: 1780. 4°. 9925 WEBSTER'S Royal Red Book, or Court Register for 1853. Lon- don, [n. d.] 1G°. 9926 WEDDELL, JAMES. Yoyage towards the South Pole, in 1822- 24. 2d Ed. London: 1827. 8°. Maps and Plates. 9927 WEEK (A) in Wall Street. By one who knows. IS". Y.: 1841. 12°. 9928 WEEKLY REGISTER. H. Niles, ed. 3d ed. Sept. 1811- Sept. 1817. Baltimore: 1816-17. 12v. R. 8°. Usually no mention has been made in this catalogue of bindings, although many are ele- gant and costly. These volumes of Niles demand especial attention as unique in their ■way. Each cover is adorned with a picture, in colors, representing some battle or inci" dent connected with the war of 1812, the period embraced in the text. 9929 WEEKS, DELL A J. Legends of the War. Poem. Bost.:1863. Port. 9930 WEEKS, J0II:N' M. History of Salisbury, Yt. Middlebury: 1860. 12°. Port. 9931 WEEMS,MASOXL. Life of Gen. Francis Marion. Phila.: 1848. 12°. lU'd. 9932 Hymen's Recruiting-Sergeant; or the New Matrimonial Tat-too. Hartford: 1845. 18°. 9933* Life of George Washington. Engravs. Phila. : 1833. 12°. 9934 Lifeof Wm Penn. Phila.: 1822. 12°. Ports. 9935 Life of Geo. Washington. 10th Ed. Engravings. Phila. : 1810. 12". 9936 Life of Benj. Franklin. 6th Ed. Phila. : 1822. 12°. Port. 9937 Life of Washington. 10th Ed. Engravs. Phila. : 1813. 12°. 9938 Same. 22d Ed. Engravs. Phila.: 1819. 12°. 548 CATALOGUE. 9939 WEEYER, J0H:N'. Ancient Fvnerall Monvments within the Ynited Monarchie of Great Britaine, Ireland, and the Islands adiacent, with the dessolued Monasteries therein contained. Lond. : 1631. Fol. Portrait, and other Plates. 9940 WEIS ER, R. Luther by a Lutheran ; or a full length Portrait of Dr. Martin Luther: Baltimore: 1848. 12°. 9941 WELBELOYED, C. Antiquities in the Grounds and in the Museum of Yorkshire Philosoph Soc. York: 1852. 8°. Plates. 9942 WELD, CHARLES RICHARD. History of the Royal Society; with Memoirs of the Presidents. 2v. Lond. : 1848. 8°. Engravings. 9943 WELD, ISAAC, Jr. Travels through the States of N'orth America, and the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, 1795-97. Lond.: 1799. 4°. Illustrated. 9944 Scenery of Killarney and the Surrounding Country. Lond. : 1812. R. 8°. 9945 WELLS, GEO. WADSWORTH. Practical Discourses. With a Memoir. Bost. : 1844. 12°. 9946 WELLS, JOHK G. Wells' Illustrated Handbook: embracing Invaluable Documents connected with the Political Hist, of America. Newed. Cincin.:[1857.] 13°. 9947 Every Man his own Lawyer; U. S. Form Book for every State. N. Y. : 1860. sm. 8°. 9948 Wells's Lawyer and U. S. Form-book. Bost.: 1848. 12°. 9949 WELLS, THOMAS. Letters on Palestine: or, Travel along the Eastern Shores of the Mediterranean. Boston: 1846. 12°. 9950 WELLS, WALTER. Water-Power of Maine. Augusta: 1869. 8°. 9951 WELLS, WM. Y. Walker's Expedition to Nicaragua; a History of the Central American War; and the Sonora, and Kinney Expe- ditions. Map of Central America, and Memoir and Portrait of Gen. Wm. Walker. N. Y.:1856. 12°. 9952 Life of Samuel Adams. 3 vols. 1. p. ed. Boston: 1866. 8°. Port. 9953 WELWOOD, A:srDREW. A Glimpse of Glory; or Gospel- Discovery of Emmanuel's Land. Edinburgh: 1763. 12°. 9954 WELWOOD, JAMES, m.d. The most material Transactions in England for the last Hundred Years, Preceding the Revolution ofl6S8. 4th ed. London: 1702. 8°. 9955 WENTWORTH, W. C. Statistical, Historical, and Poli1:ical Description of IS'ew South Wales and Yan Dieman's Land. 2d ed. Yiew and Map. London: 1820. cr. 8°. 9956 WESLEY, J0H:N'. Calm Address to our American Colonies. New ed. London, [n. d.] 12°. Portrait. [Scarce.] 9957 An Old Fox Tarr'd and Feather'd. Occasioned by Wesley's Calm Address. By an Hanoverian. London: 1775. 12°. Portrait. [Scarce.] CATALOOIJE. 549 9958 WESLEY, JOIi:?^. Experience of several Eminent Methodist Preachers. Barnard, (Vt.): 1812. 12<>. 9959 Sermons on several Occasions. Hudson: 1810. 8°. 9960 Tliou.£;hts upon Slavery. London: Phila., repr. with Notes. [By A. Benezet?] 1774. 12°. 9961 WEST, JOHN. Journal during a Residence at the Red River Colony British N. A. : And Excursions among the North West Am. Indians. 2d ed. With a Journal of a Mission to the Inds. of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, and the Mohawks on the Ouse or Grand River, Upper Canada. London: 1827. 8°. Frontis. and Map. 9962 WEST, SAMUEL. Essays. In two Parts. Part 1. New Bed- ford: 1795. 12°. Part 2. New Bedford: 1795. 8°. In same vol. 9963 WEST, STEPHEN.. The Scripture Doctrine of Atonement. New Haven: 1785. 8'^. 9964 Life of the Late Rev. Samuel Hopkins, d.d., Pastr. of the 1st Cong. Ch. in Newpt., written hy Himself. Dr. Hart's Serm. at his Funeral. Hartford: 1805. 12°. Portrait. [Scarce.] 9965 Essay on Moral Agency. 2d ed. Salem: 1794. 8°. 9966 WEST INDIES. A Winter in the. By an Invalid. N. Y.: 1839. 12°. 9967 WESCOTE, THOMAS. View of Devonshire in 1630, with a Pedigree of most of its Gentry. Exeter: 1845. 4°. 9968 WESTCOTT, THOMPSON. Life of John Fitch, the Inven- tor of the Steam boat. Phila. : 1857. 12°. 9969 WESTERN LITERARY JOURNAL and Monthly Review. Ed. by Mr. D. Gallagher. Vol. 1. 1836. Cincin. 8°. 9970 WESTERN MARTYROLOGY (Tlie) or Bloody Assizes. Containing the Lives, Trials, and Dying speeches of all those Emi- nent Protestants that Suffered in the West of England, and Else- where, from the Year 1678, with Life and Death of George L. Jef- freys. 5th ed. London: 1705. 8°. Frontispiece of 12 portraits. 9971 WESTERN MESSENGER of Religion and Literature. Cin- cinnati and Louisville: 1836-37, 40. 5v. 8°. [Scarce.] 9972 WESTERN MONTHLY MAGAZINE. From Jan. 1833-36. 11 nos. 8°. [Scarce.] 9973 WESTERN PORTRAITURE and Emigrant's Guide, by Dan. S. Curtiss. N. Y.:1852. 12°. Map. 9974 WESTERN R.R. (Mass.) Reports of Directors, &c. 1836-46. 2 vols. 8°. Maps. 9975 WESTGARTH, WILLIAM. Victoria; late Australia-Felix, or Port Phillip District of New South Wales. Edinburgh: 1853. 8®. Map. 9976 WESTON, D. C. Scenes in a Vestry: the late Controversy in the South Parish Cong. Ch. in Augusta. Augusta, [Me.]: 1841. 12°. 550 CATALOGUE. 9977 WESTOK, EDWAED P. The Bowdoin Poets. [Me.]: 1840. 12°. Folding View and Frontispiece. 9978 WESTON", GEORGE M. Progress of Slavery in the U. S. Washington: 1857. 12°. 9979 WETHERALD, THOMAS. Sermons by, and Elias Hicks, did. during the Yearly Meeting of Friends in the City of K. Y., 1826: with a Sermon by Elizth. Robson, and a Prayer, by Anna Braithwait: also Serms. did. in Phila., and Wilmington. Phila.: 18-26. 8°. 9980 [WETMORE, PROSPER M.] Lexington, with other Poems. N. Y.: 1830. 9981 WEYER, A. The Family Physician. St. Clairsv. O.: 1831. 16°. 9982 WHARTON, GEORGE. Calendarium Carolinum; Or, a New Almanack after the good Old Fashion. For the Year of Man's Creation, 5610. Redemption 1661. London: 1661. Also, Gesta Britannormn: or, A Succinct Chronologic of the Actions and Ex- ploits, Battails, Sieges, Conflicts, from 1600 to 1661. London: 1661. 12°. [Very curious and very rare.] 9983 WHARTON, JOHN, m.d. The Yirginia Wreath: or Original Poems. Winchester, Ya.: Printed for the Author, 1814. 12°. [Scarce.] 9984 WHAT THINK YE OF THE CONGRESS NOW? or, an En- quiry how far the Americans are Bound to abide by, and Execute the Decisions of the Late Congress. N. York: 1775. 8°. [Rare.] 9985 WHATLEY, STEPHEN. England's Gazetteer: or an accurate Description of all the Cities, Towns, and Villages of the Kingdom. 3 vols. London: 1751. 12°. 9986 WHEATLAND, HENRY. Notice of some of the Descend- ants of Joseph Pope, of Salem. 4°. Salem. 9987 WHEATLEY, PHILLIS. Memoirs and Poems of. A Native African and a Slave. Also Poems by a Slave. 3d ed. Boston: 1838. 18°. Portrait. Few persons would be willing to believe these poems were the work of an uneducated negress; yet such is the fact. The book is not common. WHEATLY, CHARLES. A rational illustration of the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of Eng. Boston: 1825. 8°. WHEATON, HENRY. History of the Northmen, or Danes and Normans, to the Conquest of Eng. Phila.: 1831. 8°. [Scarce.] 9990 WHEATON, NATHL. S. Journal of a Residence during several months in London in 1823-4. Hartford: 1830. 8°. 9991 WHEDON, D. D. Public Addresses, Collegiate and Popular. Boston: 1852. 12°. 9992 WHEELER, A. C. Chronicles of Milwaukee. History of the Town. Milwaukee: 1861. 12°. 9993 WHEELER, HENRY G. History of Congress, Biographical and Political. Illustrated by numerous Steel Portraits and Fac- simile Autographs. N. Y.:1848. 8°. CATALOGUE. 551 9994 WHEELER, JOHN, D.D. Historical Discourse by. An Address, by J. R. Spalding, and a Poem, by Rev. O. G. Wheeler, on the occasion of the Semi-Centenl. of the University of Vermont. Bur- lington: 1854. 8°. 9995 WHEELER, JOHN H. Historical Sketches of North Carolina, 1584-1851. Phila.: 1851. 2v.ini. 8°. Illust. 9996 WHEELER, JOHN. Sermon preached at Boston, in New England, vpon a Fast Day the xvjth of January, 1636. Morrisania, N. Y.:1867. 8°. 9997 WHEELOCK, ELEAZAR, d.d. Continuation of the NaiTative of the Indian Charity- School. To which is added an Account of Missions in the Last Year, in an Abstract from the Journal of the Rev. Mr. Frisbie, Missionary. Hartford: 1775. 4°. [Scarce.] 9998 Continuation of the Nar., from the Year 1768, to the Incor- poration of it with Darthmouth College, and Removal and Settle- ment in Hanover, in the Province of New Hampshire, 1771. 8°. [Scarce.] 9999 WHEILDON, W. W. Memoir of Solomon Willard, Architect and Superintendent of the Bunker Hill Monument. 1865. 8°. Plates. 10000 WHELPLEY, SAMUEL. A Compend of History, from the Earliest Times. N. Y. : 1814. 8°. 10001 Historical Compend, &c. Yol. 2 only. Morristown: 1807. 12°. 10002 WHIG AGAINST TORY; or, the Military Adventures of a Shoemaker. A Tale of the Kevolution. For Children. Hartford: 1847. 24°. 10003 WHINCOP, THOS. Scanderbeg; or, Love and Liberty. A Tragedy. London: 1747. 8°. Front. 10004 WHIPPLE, EDWIN P. Washington and the Principles of the Revolution: An oration before the Municipal Authorities of the City of Boston, July 4, 1850. 2d Ed. Boston: 1850. 12°. 10005 WHIPPLE, ENOCH. Importance of Early Piety; a Sermon del'd in the Academy at Gilmanton, Nov. 11th, 1799. Gilmanton: [1799?] 4^. 10006 WHIPPLE, JOSEPH. History of Acadie, Penobscot Bay and River, with a particular Geographical and Statistical View of the District of Maine. List of all the Towns, and Date of their Incorporation. Bangor: 1816. 8°. [Scarce.] 10007 WHISPER TO A NEWLY-MARRIED PAIR. Phila.: 1833. 16°. [Scarce.] 10008 WITISTON, WM. Astronomical Principles of Religion, Nat- ural and Revealed. London: 1717. 8°. 10009 Astronomical Lectures, Read in the Publick Schools at Cambridge. London: 1715. 8°. Frontispiece. 552 CATALOGUE. 10010 WHISTON, WM. Sir Isaac Newton's Mathematick Philoso- phy, with Dr. Halley's Account of Comets lUust. Lond. : 1716. 8°. 10011 Account of a Surprising Meteor, seen in the Air, March the 6th, 171-1, at Night. 2d Ed. London: 1716. 8°. [Arms of William Byrd of Westover in Yirginia.] Contains a MS. biog. sketch of "Wm. Whiston. 10012 Life and Writings of, containing Memoirs of several of his Friends. Written by himself . 2d Ed. London: 1753. 8°. 2 vols. Port. Also; Liturgy of the Church of England, reduced near to the Primitive Standard. London: 1750. 2d Ed. 8°. [Bound with the above.] 10013 ■ New Theory of the Earth, from its original, to the Con- summation of all Things. 3d Ed. London: 1722. 8°. 10014 WHITAKER, JOHN. The Course of Hannibal over the Alps ascertained. London: 1794. 2v. in L 8°. 10015 Gibbon's History of the Decline and Pall of the Roman Empire, in vols. 4, 5, and 6. Quarto. Reviewed. Lond. : 1791. 8°. 10016 WHITE, CHARLES. The Regular Gradation in Man, and in different Animals and Vegetables, and from the Former to the Latter. Illustrated. London: 1799. 4". 10017 WHITE, D. A. New England Congregationalism in its Origin and Purity. Salem: 1861. 8". 10018 WHITE, E. (Dr.) Ten Years in Oregon. Travels and Ad- ventures of, and Lady. Comp. by Miss A. J. Allen. Ithaca, N. Y.: 1848., 12°. 10019 WHITE, GEO. Rev. Historical Collections of Georgia. 100 Engravings. 3d Ed. N, Y. : 1855. 8°. 10020 WHITE, GEORGE S. Memoir of Samuel Slater, the Father of American Manufactures. With a History of Cotton Manufac- ture in England and America. 2d Ed. Phila.: 1836. 8°. Por- trait and Silk Loom. 10021 WHITE, HENRY. Early History of New England. 4th Ed. Concord, N. H.: 1841. 12°. 10022 WHITE, HENRY KIRKE. Remains of; with a memoir. Glasgow: 1830. 16°. 10023 WHITE, J. (Lieut. U. S. N.) Yoyage to the China Sea. 2d Ed. Boston: 1826. 8°. Map. 10024 WHITE, NATHxiN FRANCIS. Voices from the Spirit- Land. N. Y.: 1854. 12°. 10025 WHITE, RICHARD GRANT. National Hymns. How they are written and How they are not written. N. Y.: 1861. 8°. 10026 WHITE, WM. History of Belfast, with introd. on Acadia. Belfast: 1827. [Scarce.] 12°. 10027 WHITEFIELD, GEORGE. Brief Account of some Lent and other extraordinary Processions and Ecclesiastical Entertain- CATALOGUE. 553 ments seen last Year at Lisbon. 2d Ed. London: 1766. 8^. Imperfect. 10028 Britain's Mercies, and Britain's Duty; ASerm. Preach'din Phila. 24 Aug. 1746. 2d Ed. Boston: 8°. 1746. 10029 Necessity and Benefits of Keligious Society. A Serm. Boston: 1740. 18°. 10030 Answer to the 1st Part of an Anonymous Pampht. en- titled '* Obs. upon the Condct. and Behavior " of a certain Sect, usually called Methodists. Boston: 1774. 4°. 10031 Letter to the President, and Professors of Harvard Col- lege; In answer to a Testimony against the Rev. Mr. Geo. White- field. Boston: 1745. 4°. 10032 Letter to the Rev. Dr. Dvrell, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford; occasioned by a late Expulsion of Six Stu- dents from Edmund-Hall. London, Boston: 1768. 8°. 10033 A Continuation of his Journal from his leaving iN". Engld., Oct. 1740, to his arrival at Falmouth in England. Boston: 1741. 12°. Gone after p. 44. 10034 A Contin. of his Jourl. from Savannah, June 26, 1740, to his arrival at R. Island, his Travels in other Governments of K. Eng., to his Departr. from Stratford for N. York. Boston: 1741. 12°. 10035 Observations on some fatal Mistakes, in a Book intitled, The Doctrine of Grace. By Dr. "Wm. Warburton, Lord Bp. of Gloucester. London: Edinburgh: reprinted 1763. 12°. 10036 The Two first Parts of his Life, with his Journals. Lon- don: 1756. 8°. One of these journals was written during the author's tour in Penn., N. Jersey, N. York, and R. Island. 10037 Account of the Occasion, Process and Issue of a Late Trial at Gloucester, Mar. 3, 1743. Between some of the People call'd Methodists, and certain Persons of the Town of Minchin-Hampton. 3d Ed. London: 1744. 8°. 10038 Letter to the Rev. Thomas Church. In Answer to his Letter. 2d Edit. London: 1744. 8^. 10039 Acct. of the First Part of the Life of the Rev. Geo. White- field, written by Himself. Boston: 1740. 12°. 10040 Journal of a Voyage from London to Savannah. 2 Parts. 5th Ed. London: 1739. 8°. [Very rare.] [In same vol.] A Continuation of the Rev. Mr. Whitefield's Journal from his Arrival at Savannah. 2d Ed. London: 1739. 8°. ; also A Continuation of Mr, W.'s Journal during the Time he was detained in England by the Embargo. The 4th Edit. London: 1739. 8°; also AContinu. from his Arrival in London, to his Depart, for Georgia. London* 1739. 8°. 554 CATALOGUE, 10041 WHITEHEAD, CHARLES. Life and Times of Sir Walter Ralegh. London: 1854. 8°. Pictorial. 10042 WHITEHEAD, JOHN". A Discourse del'd at the Funeral of the late John Wesley. 7 other serms. in same vol. Lond. : 1791. 8°. 10043 WHITEHEAD, J0H:N', m.d. Life of the Rev. John Wesley. Account of his Ancestors and Relations: With the Life of the Rev. Charles Wesley. London, Printed: 1793. Auburn and Buf- falo: [n. d.] 12°. 10044 WHITEHEAD, WM. A. Early History of Perth Amboy and adjoining Country. Maps and Engrav. N. Y. : 1856. 8°. Autog. 10045 WHITELAW, ALEX. Book of Scottish Ballads. Edinburg: 1861. 12°. 10046 WHITFIELD, HEKRY. Strength out of Weakness. Or a Glorious Manifestation of the further Progresse of the Gospel amongst the Indians in K. E. London: 1652. N. Y.: 1865. 4°. .10047 The Light appearing more and more towards the perfect Day. Or, a farther Discovery of the present state of the Indians in N. E. London: 1651. N. Y.:1865. 4°. 10048 A Farther Discovery of the Present State of the Indians of N. England. iN". Y.: 1865. 10049 WHITEFIELD, J. M. America and other Poems. Buffalo: 1853. 18°. 10050 WHITI:N'G, henry. Sannillac, a Poem. With Notes by Lewis Cass and H. R. Schoolcraft. Title gone. 12°. 10051 WHITING, JOHN. Persecution exposed, in some Memoirs relating to the Sufferings of, and many others of the People called Quakers, for Conscience sake. 2d ed. London: 1791. 8°. 10052 WHITING, WM. Memoir of Rev. Joseph Harrington. Bos- ton: 1854. 12°. Port. 10053 Report of the Argument of, in the Case of A. L. Brooks et al., vs. Jno. Fisk and N. G. Norcross. Boston: 1854. 8°. Plates. 10054 Memoir of the Hon. Wm. Whiting. Boston: For Private Distribution: 1874. 8°. 10055 Memoirs of Rev. Saml. Whiting, and of his wife, Eliza- beth St. John, with reference to some of their EngUsh Ancestors and American Descendants. Fifty copies printed — not pub. Bos- ton: 1871. 8°. 10056 Same, 250 copies printed. Boston: 1873. 8°. Contains alterations and additions. 10057 WHITLOCKE, BULSTRODE, Sm. Memorials of the En- gUsh Affairs, from the suppos'd Expediton of Brute to this Island, to the end of the reign of K. James I., from his Original MS. with Life and Writings by Wm. Penn, Governor of Pennsylvania. And Preface by James Welwood. London: 1709. Fol. Portrait. 10058 Journal of the Swedish Embassy in the years 1653 and CATALOGUE. 555 1654, from the original MS. hy Dr. diaries Morton. New Ed. London: I800. 2 vols. 8°. 10059 Essays, Ecclesiastical and Civil, with Treatise of the Work of the Sessions of the Peace. London: 1706. 8°. 10060 WHITMAN, BENJAMIN. Index to the Laws of Mass., from the Adoption of the Constitution to the Year 1796. Worces- ter: 1797. 8°. 10061 WHITMAN, BERNARD. The Unitarian. Cambridge and Boston: 1834. 8°. 10062 WHITMAN, JASON, Rev. The Christian Patriarch. A Memoir of Dea. John Whitman. Boston: 1843. 18°. Portrait. . 10063 Memoir of the Rev Bernard Whitman. Boston: 1837. 18°. Portrait. 10064 WHITMAN, SARAH HELEN. Hours of Life, and other Poems. Providence: 1853. 12°. 10065 Edgar Poe and his Critics. New York: 1860: 12°. 10066 WHITMAN, ZECIIARIAH G. Historical Sketch of the Ancient and Honourable Artillery Company. Boston: 1820. 8°. [Very scarce.] 100()7 History of the Ancient and Honourable Artillery Company. 2ded. Boston: 1842. 8°. 10068 WHITMORE, WM. H. Hand book of Genealogy: Being a Catalogue of Family Histories. Albany: 1862. 4°. 10069 The Elements of Heraldry: with an Essay upon the Use of Coat Armor in the U. S. Illustrations. Boston: 18(50. 8°. 10070 Ancestral Tablets. Collection of Diagrams for Pedigrees. Boston: 1808. 4°. 10071 Memoranda relating to the Lane, Reyner, and Whipple Families, Yorkshire and Massachusetts. Boston 1857. 6°. 10072 Register of Families settled atMedford, Mass. Boston: 1855. 8°. 10073 Catalogue of the Amer. portion of the Library of the Rev. T. .Prince, with a memoir. Boston. 1868. 12°. Portrait of P. 10074 Brief Geneal. of the desc. of Wm, Hutchinson and Thos. Oliver. Repr. from N. E. Hist, and Geneal. Register. Boston: 1865. 4°. 10075 Massachusetts Civil List for the Colonial and Provincial Periods, 16:i0-1774. Albany: 1870. 8°. 10076 WHITNEY, ANNE. Poems. N. Y.: 1859. 12°. 10077 WHITNEY, HENRY AUSTIN. Extracts from the Minutes of Daniel Cushing, of Hingham. Also, some Acct. of John Cutler. Privately printed. Boston: 1865. Fol. 10078 WHITNEY. LORENZO H. History of the War for the Preservation of the Federal Union. 2 vols. Phila. : 1863. 8°. Plates. Only 1st vol. 37 556 CATALOGUE. 10079 TV FIITIS^EY, J. P. Fresh- Water Tide Lands of California. Cambrid.ofe: 1873. R. 8°. Map. 10080 WHITNEY, PETER. History of the County of Worcester, in the Commonwealth of Mass. Worcester: 1793. 8°. Map. [Scarce.] 10081 WHIT]N"EY, THOMAS R. Defence of the American Policy, as opposed to the Encroachments of Foreign Influence. N". Y. : 1856. 8°. 10082 wriITO:N', JOH]^ M. History of New Hampshire, from its Settlement in 1623, to 1833. Concord: 1834. 12°. 10083 WHITON, JOHN. A Pious xVIeditation, composed in the 17th . Century, with account of the author, by the late Geo. Symes Catcott, with additional Memoirs by the Rev. John Eden. Bristol: 1829. R. 8°. Portrait and Monument. 10084 AVHITTEMORE. THOS. (Rev.) Life of the Rev. Hosea Ballou; with Account of his Writings, and Biogl. Sketches of his seniors and contemporaries. 2 vols Boston: 1854. 12°. Portrait. 10085 Modern History of Universalism, from the Era of the Reformation. Boston: 1830. 12°. 10086 Notes and Illustrations of the Parables of the New Testa- ment. Rev. Edition. Boston: 1844. 12°. 10087 The Early Days of Thomas Whittemore: An Autobiog- raphy, from 1800 to 1825. Boston: 1860. 12°. Portrait. 10088 Life of Rev. John Murray, Preacher of Universal Salva- tion. Boston: 1833. 12°. 10089 WHITTIER, JOHN G. Chapel of the Hermits, and other Poems. Boston: 1853. 12°. 10090 Leaves from Margaret Smith's Journal in the Province of Mass. Bay, 1678-9. Boston: 1849. 12°. 10091 Literary Recreations, and Miscellanies. Bost. :1854. 12°. 10092 Songs of Labor, and other Poems. Boston: 1850. 12°. 10093 National Lyrics. Illust. by White. Boston: 1865. 16°. 10091 Lays of Home and other Poems. Boston: 1843. 12°. 10095 Legends of New England. Hartford: 1831. 12°. [Scarce.] 10096 WHITTLESEY, CHAS. Early History of Cleveland, O. Cleveland: 1867. 8°. Autog. 10097 WHIT WELL, WM. Disc, occasd. by the Loss of a Number of Vessels with their Mariners, belonging to the Town of Marble- head; Did. 17 Dec. 1769. Salem: 1770. 8°. [Scarce.] 10098 WHOLE DUTY OF WOMAN (The). Comprised in the fol- lowing Sections, viz. : 1. Introd. 2. Curiosity. 3. Reflection. 4. Yanity. 5. Knowledge. 6. Reputation. 19 Virginity. 24. Religion. 6 ed. By a Lady. Boston: 1790. sq. 18°. 10099 WICLIFFE, JOHN De. Apology for the Lollard Doctrines, attributed to Wicliffe. Introd. and Notes by J. H. Todd, d.d. London, Camd. Soc: 1842. 4°. CATALOGUE. 557 10100 WIDE-AWAKE GIFT: A Know-Nothing Token for 1855. Edited by " One of 'em." N. Y.: Boston, Cincinnati: 1855. 12°. Plates. 10101 WIFE OF LE0:N', and other Poems. By two Sisters of the West. N. Y.: 1844. 12°. 10102 WIFFIN, J. H. Historical Memoirs of the first race of ancestry, whence the House of Russell had its Origin. London: 1833. 8°. 10103 WIGGLESWORTH, EDWD. d.d. Letter to Rev. George Whitefield, a Reply to his Answer to the College Testimony against him and his Conduct. Bost. : 1745. 4°. 10104 WIGGLE8W0RTH, MICHAEL. Day of Doom. A Poem. 6th ed. Bost.: 1715. [First ten pages gone.] [Very rare.] 10105 Day of Doom: or a Poetical Description of the Great and Last Judgement. With a Short Discourse about Eternity. Bost. : 1828. 18°. [Rare.] 10106 Meat out of the Eater: Or Meditations concerning the Necessity of Afflictions. 5th ed. Bost.: 1717. 16°. Scarce. 10107 WIGGLES WORTH, SAMUEL. Points of Doctrine, appre- hended by Many as Unsound, Propagated in preaching and Conver- sation, and since Pub. by Rev. Wm. Balch. Bost.: 1746. 4°. [Rare.] 10108 WIGHT, DANFORTH PHIPPS, m.d. The Wight Family. Memoir of Thomas Wight, of Dedham, Mass., with Genealogical Notices of his Descendants. Bost. : 1848. 12°. 10109 WIGHTMAN, JOSEPH M. Boston Primary School Commit- tee, from its first establishment in 1818. Bost. : 1860. 8^. 10110 Inaugural Address of his Honor J. M. Wightman, Mayor of the City of Boston. Bost. : 1862. 8°. 10111 WICKOFF, HENRY. My Courtship and its Consequences. 2ded. Lond.: 1855. 12°. 10112 WILBERFORCE, WILLIAM. View of the Prevailing Reli- gious System of Professed Christians, in the Higher and Middle Classes. 3d Amer. ed. Bost. : 1803. 12°. 10113 WILBUR, HERVEY, (Rev.) Mary Green, or Consolation in Sorrow. N. Y. : 1839. 16°. 10114 WILBUR, JOHN. Narrative and Exposition Proceedings of New England Yearly Meeting. N. Y.: 1845. 12°. 10115 WILDASH, W. History and Antiquities of Rochester: a description of the Towns, &c., on or near the Road to Margate, Deal, and Dover. 2d ed. Engravings. Rochester: 1817. 8"^. Map. 10116 WILDER, DAVID. History of Leominster, or the Northern Half of the Lancaster New Grant. Fitchburg: 1853. 12°. 10117 WILDER, R. G. Missions Schools in India. With Sketches of the North Amer. Indians. N. Y.:1861. 12°. 10118 WILEY AND PUTNAM'S Emigrant's Guide. Advice and Instruction in the Voyage to America. Lond. : 1845. 18°. 558 CATALOGUE. 10119 WILKES, CHARLES, (U. S. ^.) United States Exploring Expedition. During the Years 1838-42. Atlas. Phila.:1845. 5v. r. 8°. Plates. 101-20 WILKES, JOHN". Letters between the Duke of Grafton, the Earls of Halifax, Egremont, Chatham, Temple, and Talbot, Baron Bottetourt, [&c.] and J. W. 2 vols. 1769, 1771. 18°. 10121 Speeches of, one of the Knights of the Shire for the County of Middlesex. 3 vols. Lond.: 1777-78. 12°. 10122 Three Interesting Tracts by. London: 1767. 12°. 10123 Letters, from 1774 to 179(i, to his Daughter: with Poems. Also Memoir of his Life. 4 vols. London: 1805. 18°. 10124 English' Liberty: a Collection of interesting Tracts, from 1762 to 1769. Containing the Private Correspondence, Public Let- ters, Speeches and Addresses of. London, [n. d.] Fol. Frontis. 10125 SpeecLes of, in the House of Commons. [Lond.]: 1786. 8°. 1U12) WILKIE, FRANC B. Davenport Past and Present; includ- ing the early History. Davenport: 1858. 8°. Plates. 10127 WILKINSOISr, ELIZA. Letters During the Invasion and pos- session of Charlestown, S. C. by the British in the Revolutionary War. N". Y. : 1839. 12°. 10128 WILKIXSOX, Ge^. JAMES. Memoirs of my Own Times. 3 vols. Phila. : 1816. 8°. Wilkinson was G-ates' adjutant-genl., and as such received the surrender of Burgoyne's army. The interesting narrative of events from the Siege of Boston to the close of the Revolution includes an account of the Battle of Bunker Hill, much used and much abused by recent authors. 10129 WILL ARD,D. History of Greenfield. Greenfield: 1838. 18°. [Very scarce.] 10130 WILLARD, EMMA. History of the U. S. N. Y.: 1848. 8°. 10131 Last Leaves of American History: comprising a separate History of California. K. Y. : 1853. 12°. 10132 Journal and Letters, from France and Germany. Troy, N. Y.: 1833. 12°. Map. 10133 History of the U. S. for Schools, and Private Libraries. 5th ed. N. Y.: 1834. 8°. 10134 Universal History, in Perspective. 2d Ed. ISr.Y.:1845. 8°. 10135 — - Series of Maps to Willard's Hist. N. Y. [n. d.] 4°. 10136 Poems. Fulfilment of a Promise. N.Y.:1831. 12°. [Scarce.] MS. notes by Mr. Drake. 10137 WILLARD, JOSEPH. Willard Memoir; or. Life and Times of Major Simon Willard. Engravings. Boston: 1858. 8°. 10138 Address to the Members of the Bar of Worcester County. Lancaster: 1830. 8°. 10139 Address in Commemoration of the 200 Anniversary of the Incorporation of Lancaster, Mass. Boston: 1853. 8°. CATALOGUE, 559 10140 WILLARD, S. Plans and Sections of the Obelisk on Bunker's Hill. Boston: 1843. 4°. 10141 WILLARD, SAMUEL. Compleat Body of Divinity in Two Hundred and Fifty Expository Lectures on the Assembly's Shorter Catechism. Boston: 172G. Fol. Except the lawB, the first folio volume printed in America. 10142 The Fountain Opened: or, the Great Gospel Priviledge of having Christ exhibited to Sinfull Men. Wherein is also proved that there shall be a National Calling of the Jews, from Zech. XIII. 1. Boston: 1700. 12°, or 18°. 10143 WILLARD, SIDNEY. Memories of Youth and Manhood. 2 vols. Cambridge: 1855. 12°. Contains most interesting sketches of the old college life and customs of Harvard. 10144 WILLARD, SYLVESTER D. Annals of the Med. Soc. of the County of Albany, 180G-51. Albany: 1864. 8°. Portraits. 10145 WILLEY, BEN J. G. Incidents in White Mountain History. Fourth thousand. Boston: 1858. 12°. [Scarce.] 10146 WILLIAM III. History of King William the Third. 3 vols. London: 1702-3. 8°. Fine Plates. 10147 Princely Excellency: or Regal Glory. Being an exact Account of the most Glorious, Heroick, and Matchless Actions, of that most Serene and Potent Prince. London: 1702. 18°. 10148 WILLIAMS, CATH. R. Biography of Revolutionary Heroes ; containing the Life of Brigadier-Gen. Wm. Barton, and Capt. Stephen Olney. Providence: 1839. 12°. 10149 Neutral French; or, the Exiles of Nova-Scotia. Two vols. in one. Providence: 1841. 12°. 10150 [ ?] Might and Right; by a Rhode Islander. Providence: 1844. 12°. Portrait of Dorr. 10151 Original Poems on various subjects. Providence: 1828. 18°. [Scarce.] 10152 WILLIAMS, E. A. The Cruise of the Pearl round the World. With Operations of the Naval Brigade in India. London: 1859. 12°. Front. 10153 WILLIAMS, EDWIN. New Y^ork Annual Register, 1830 to 1837. N.Y.: 1832-7. 12°. 8 vols. 10154 WILLIAMS, ELEAZER. Life of Te-ho-ra-gwa-ne-gen, alias Thomas Williams, a Chief of the Caughnawaga Tribe of Indians in Canada. Albany: 1859. R. 8°. 10155 WILLIAMS, J. J. The Isthmus of Tehuantepec: Result of a Survey for a Railroad to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Maps and Engravings. N. Y. : 1852. 8°. 10156 WILLIAMS, JESSE. Description of the United States Lands in Iowa. N. Y. : 1840. 1S°. 10157 WILLIAMS, lOHN. Deane of Salisbury. A Serm. of Ap- 5 GO ' CATALOGUE. parell, before the King^s Maiestie, and the Prince, his Highness, at Theobalds, 22 February, 1619. Loudon: 1620. 4°. 10158 WILLIAMS, lOHX. A Serm. in the Collegiat Church of S. Peter, in IVestminster, the sixth of April, 1628. Before the Lords of the higher House of Parliament. London: 1628. 4°. 10159 WILLIAMS, JOHK. The Redeemed Captive; or, a Taithful History of Remarkable Occurrences in the Captivity and Deliverance of. By Himself. Annexed, a Serm., also an Appendix by the Rev. Mr. Taylor of Springfield. Likewise an Appendix by the Rev. Mr. Williams of Deerfield. With a conclusion by the Rev. Mr. Prince of Boston. 6th ed. 1795. 12°. [Very rare.] 10160 Same. Added a Biographical Memoir of the Author, with an Appendix and Notes, by Stephen W. Williams, m.d. North- ampton: 1853. 12°. Portrait and Views. 10161 Same. N. Haven: 1802. 1S°. [Scarce.] 10162 The Captivity and Deliverance of W. and Mrs. Mary Row- landson, of Lancaster. Written by themselves. Brookfield: Sept. 1811. 12°. [Rare.] 10163 The Redeemed Captive. Appendix by Rev. Stephen Williams of Springfield. An Appendix by Rev. John Taylor of Deerfield. Obs. by the Rev. Thos. Prince of Boston. And a Cent. Serm. at Springfield, 6 Oct. 1775, by the Rev. Robert Breck. 6th ed. Greenfield? 1800. 18°. 10164 WILLIAMS, JOHN. The Missionary's Farewell; Valedictory Services of. N. Y. : 18:58. 18°. 10165 Missionaiy Enterprises in the South Sea Islands: with Natural History, origin. Languages, Traditions, and Usages of the Inhabitants. Engravings. 1st Amer. Ed. N. Y.: [n. d.] 8°. 10166 WILLIAMS, JOHN LEE. The Territory of Florida: or, Sketches of the Topography, Civil and Natural History, Climate, and the Indian Tribes, from the first Discovery. Map. Views, &c. N. Y.: 1837. 8°. 10167 View of West Florida: its Geography, Topography, and Antiquities. Map. Phila.: 1827. 8°. 10168 WILLIAMS, JOHN S. Invasion and Capture of Washington, and Events whidi preceded and followed. N. Y. : 1857. 12°. Map. 10169 Improved McAdaraized Roads. Cincinnati: 1838. 8°. 10170 The American Pioneer. Devoted to the Objects of the Logan Historical Society. Vol. 1. 2d ed. Cincin.: 1842. 8°. lUust. 10171 WILLIAMS, R;)GER. Experiments of Spiritual Life and Health, and their Preservatives, in which the weakest Child of God may get assurance of his Spirituall Life and Blessedness. London: 1662. 4°. Repr. Providence: 1863. 10172 WILLIAMS, SAMUEL. The Natural and Civil History of Vermont. Walpole, N. H.: 1794. 8°. Map. [Scarce.] 10173 Same. 2 vols. 2d ed. Burlington, Vt. : 1809. 8°. Map. CATALOGUE. 561 10174 WILLIAMS, SAMUEL. History of the American Revolution. A Reading-book for Schools. 2d ed. Stonington: 1826. 12°. 10175 WILLIAMS, SAMUEL PORTER. Sermons, chiefly Prac- tical. With Sketch of the Author's Life and Character. Salem: 1827. 8°. Port. 10176 WILLIAMS, STEPHEN W. American Medical Biography: or. Memoirs of eminent Physicians. Greenfield, Mass. : 1845. 8°. Portraits and Engrs. Out of Print. 10177 Genealogy and History of the Family of Williams in America, particularly of the Descendants of Robert Williams, of Roxbury. Greenfield: 1847. 12°. Portraits. 10178 - — Biographical Memoir of the Rev. John Williams, first Min. Deerfield, Ms. Greenfield: 1837. 12°. 10179 WILLIAMS, THOMAS. The Virtues, Talents, and Suffer- ings of her Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte of Wales and Cobourg. London: 1818. 18°. Portrait. 10180 WILLIAMS, W. Appleton's Northern and Eastern Traveller's Guide. Map. N. York: 1852. 18^^. 10181 Traveller's and Tourist's Guide through theU. S., Canada, etc. Phila.: 1853. 18°. Map. 10182 Appleton's Railroad and Steamboat Companion. N. Y.: 1848. 18°. 10183 WILLIAMSON, HUGH, m.d. Climate in different Parts of America. With Account of the Aborigines. An Introductory Discourse to the History of North Carolina. New York: 1811. 8°. 10184 The History of North Carolina. 2 vols. Phila. : 1812. 8°. Map. 10185 WILLIAMSON, PETER. French and Indian cruelty exem- plified in the Life of. Edinburgh: 1787. 12°. 10186 WILLIAMSON, WM. D. History of the State of Maine, from its first discovery, 1602. 2 vols. Hallowell: 1832. 8°. Port. 10187 WILLICH, A. F. M., m.d. Lectures on Diet and Regimen. 1st Boston, from the 2d London ed. Boston: 1800. 8°. 10188 WILLIS, LYDIA. Lettei-s with some of the Letters of Madam Ann Stockbridge, and the Character of Madam Sarah Page. Boston: 1788. 8°. 10189 WILLIS, N. P. The Legendary, consisting of original Pieces, illustrative of American History, Scenery and Manners. Boston: 1828. 2v. 8°. 10190 Hurrygraphs; or. Sketches of Scenery, Celebrities and Society. N. Y. : 1851. 12^. 10191 Trenton Falls, embracing the orig. essay of J. Sherman. Illustrated. N. Y.: 1851. 16°. 10192 WILLIS, WM. History of Portland, from its first Settlement: with Notices of Neighboring Towns, Portland: 1833. 8°. Maps and engravings. [Scarce.] 562 CATALOGUE, 10193 WILLIS, WM. Journals of the Eev. Thorn. Smith, and the Eev. Sam'l Deane, Pastors of the First Church in Portland. Port- land: 1849. 8°. Portraits. 10194 History of Portland, from 1632 to 1864: with 5^otice of Previous Settlements. 2d Ed. Portland: I860. 8°. Plates. 10195 WILLIS, WILLIAM. History of the Law, the Courts, and the Lawyers of Maine, from its first Colonization. Portland: 1863. 8°. Presentation copy. 10196 WILLISOK, JOIIK, Key. Fair and Impartial Testimony, &c. Pittsburgh: 1808. 12°. 10197 WILLSOK, MARCUS. American History; comprising Sketches of Indian Tribes; Antiquities; Hist. U. States, British Provinces, and Mexico. Chicago: 1855. 8°. '10198 American History. Cincinnati: 1847. 8^ 10199 History of the U. States for Schools. 14th Thousand. :N'. Y.: 1847. 12°. 10200 WILLYAMS, COOPER, Rev. Campaign in the West In- dies, in the year 1794, under Lt. Gen. Sir Chas. Grey, Yice Adm. Sir John Jervis. London: 1796. 4°. 10201 WILMER, LAMBERT A. Life, Travels and Adventures of Ferdinand Be Soto. Phila. : 1-58. 8°. 10202 Our Press Gang; or, A Complete Exposition of the Cor- ruptions and Crimes of the American Newspapers. Phila. : 1859. 12°. Port. 10203 WILSON, D. Henrietta Robinson. K. Y. and Auburn: 1855. 12°. Portrait. 10204 WILSON, AMOS. The Pennsylvania Hermit, the extraor- dinary Life of, who expired in a Cave in the Neighborhood of Har- risburgh, (Penn.) Boston: 1822. 12°. 10205 WILSON, BIRD. Memoir of Wm. White, [Bishop]. Phila. : l&i9. 8°. Portrait. 10206 WILSON, HENRI, Capt. Relation des Isles Pelew, L'ocean- Pacifique; composee sur les Journaux et les Communications du Capt. Henry Wilson et de quelque-uns des Officers, qui, en Aout 1783, y ont fait naufrage. Traduit de 1' Anglais, de George Keate, Ecuyer. A Paris: 1793. 8°. [2 Tomes en un.] Numerous Plates. 102ia7 WILSON, Rev. JAMES. ApostoUc Church Government Dis- played, and the Government and System of the Methodist Episcopal Church Investigated. Providence: 1798. 12°. 10208 WILSON, JAMES, Capt. Missionary Yoyage to the Southern Pacific Ocean, in 1796-98. Maps, Charts and Yiews. London: 1799. 4°. 10209 WILSON, JAMES GRANT. Biographical Sketches of Illi- nois Officers engaged in the War against the Rebellion of 1861. Chicago: 1862. 8°. CATALOGUE. 563 10210 WILSON, JAMES P. Sermons by the Rev. John Ewing; with Life of the Author. Easton: 1812. 8°. 10211 Essay on Grammar; the Principles of which are Exempli- fied. Phila.:1817. 8°. 10212 WILSON, JOB. An Inquiiy into the nature and treatment of Spotted Fever, etc. Boston: 1815. 18°. 10213 WILSON, JOHN. Volume for all Libraries, peculiarly adapted to the Votaries of Correct Literature. Washington: 1814. 18°. 10214 WILSON, JOHN. Treatise on English Punctuation. 2d ed. Boston: 1850. 12°. 10215 WILSON, JOHN. Phrasis. A Treatise on the Hist, and Structure of the Different Languages of the World. Albany: 1864. 8°. 10216 WILSON, JOSEPH. Memorabilia Cantabrigia3: or an Account of the different Colleges in Cambridge; Biographical Sketches of the Founders and Eminent Men; with many original Anecdotes; Views and Portraits. London: 1803. Cr. 8°. 10217 WILSON, JOSHUA. Biographical Index to the Present House of Commons. London: 1808. 12°. 10218 Biographical Index to the H. Commons. London: 1806. Sm. 12°. 10219 Biographical Index to H. of Lords. London: 1808. 12°. 10220 WILSON, ROBERT ANDERSON. New History of the Con- quest of Mexico. Phila. : 1859. 8°. 10221 WILSON, SAMUEL. Sermons. With Consul Dean's Narra- tive, relating to his sufferings, shipwreck, and wonderful preserva- tion in 1710. London: 17.35. 8°. 10222 WILSON, THOM. The Knowledge and Practice of Chris- tianity made easy. Or an Essay towards an Instruction for the Indians. 9th Ed. London: 1759. 12°. 10223 WILSON, THOMAS. Biography of the Principal American Military and Naval Heroes during the Revolutionary and Late War. 2d Ed. " 2 vols. N. Y. : 1822. 12°. 10224 WILSON, WALTER. History and Antiquities of Dissenting Churches and Meeting-houses, in London, Westminster and South- wark; including the Lives of their Ministers. 4 vols. London: 1808-1814. R. 8°. Portraits. 10225 WILTON-HOUSE, ^des Pembrochianse: Descript. of the Statues, Bustos, Relievos, Paintings, Medals, and other Antiquities and curiosities in Wilton House: 1788. 8°. 10226 WIMPFFEN, FRANCIS A. S. (Baron de). Voyage to St. Domingo, in the Years 1788, 1790. From the Orig. MS. London: 1817. 8°. Map. 10227 Voyage a Saint Dominigue, pendant les Annies 1788, '90. Tome Premier. A Paris. An cinqueme de la Republique, (1797 vieux style). 2 vols. 8°. 564 CATALOGUE. 10228 Wi:srCHELL, ALEXK. Genealogy of the Family of Win- chell in America; Ann Arbor: 1869. 8°. 10229 WIN-CHELL, JAMES M. An Arrangement of the Psalms, Hymns, etc. of Rev. I. Watts. With Supl. Imp. Boston: 1832. 2i°. 10230 WINCHESTER, ELHAKAN. Course of Lectures, on the Prophecies that remain to be fulfilled. Norwich [Ct.] : 1794. 8°. [2 vols, in one.] 10231 The Seed of the Woman Bruising the Serpent's Head. A Disc. Phila. 1781. 8°. 10232 The Process and Empire of Christ. A Poem, in 12 Books. Brattleboro'. 1805. 12°. [Scarce.] 10233 Ten Letters addressed to Mr. Paine, in Answer to his Pamphlet, entitled The Age of Reason. Boston: 1794. 12°. 10234 The three woe trumpets. Two discourses. 1st Amer. ed. Boston: 1794. 8°. 10235 WINDUS, JOHN. Journey to Mequinezo; the Residence of the Present Emperor of Morocco, on the Occasion of Commodore Stewart's Embassy thither for the Redemption of the British Cap- tives. London: 1725. 8°. 10236 WINES, E. C. A Trip to Boston, a Series of Letters. Bos- ton: 1838. 12°. 10237 How Shall I govern my School? Phila.: 1838. 18°. 10238 Two Years and a Flalf in the Navy: or, a Journal of a Cruise in the Mediterranean and Levant. 2 vols. Phila.: 1832. 12°. 10239 WINGATE, EDMUND. An exact Abridgment of all Statutes in force and use: Upon the 4th day of January 16|^. London: 1655. 10240 Mr. Wingate's Arithmetick: containing a Plain and Familiar Method for attaining the Knowledge and Practice of Com- mon Arithmetick. Rev. by John Kersey. 11th Ed. Suplt., by G. Shelley. London: 1704. 8°. 10241 WINGFIELD, EDWARD MARIA. A Discourse of Virginia. Ed. with Notes and Introd. by Chas. Deane. Bost. : 1800. R. 8°. 10242 WINSLOW, BENJ. DAVIS. The True Catholic Church- man, in his Life, and Death. The Sermons and Poetical Remains of. N. Y.: 1841. 8°. 10243 WINSLOW, HUBBARD. Christianity applied to our Civil and Social Relations. Boston: 1835. 12°. 10244 Discourses on the Nature, Evidence, and Moral Value, of the Doctrine of the Trinity. Boston: 1834. 18°. 10245 WINSLOW, MIRON. A Sketch of Missions; or. History of the principal Attempts to propagate Christianity among the Heath- en. Andover: 1819. 12°. 10246 Memoir of Mrs. Harriet Wadsworth Winslow^, combining a Sketch of the Ceylon Mission. N. Y. : 1835. 12°. Portrait, 10247 Same. N. Y.: 1840. 12°. Portrait. CATALOGUE. 505 10248 WINSOR, JUSTIN. History of Buxbury, Mass. Boston: 1849. Port, and author's autog. 10249 WINSTANLEY, WM. Lives of the most Famous English Poets, or, the Honour of Parnassus; In a Brief Essay of the Works and Writings of above Two Hundred of them, from tlie Time of William the Conqueror to James II. London: 1G87. 12°. Frontis. 10250 England's Worthies. Select Lives of the most Eminent Persons from Constantino the Great, to the death of Oliver Crom- well, late Protector. London: 1660. 8°. Frontispiece, with 43 portraits. Contains many thingfs not in the later edition. 10251 England's Worthies, etc. London: 1684. Frontispiece, as In the edtn. of 1660; but Cromwell's portrait is not designated.] 10252 WINTER, WILLIAM. The Queen's Domain; and other Poems. Boston: 1859. 12°. 10253 WINTERBOTHAM, W. Historical, Geographical, Commer- cial, and Philosophical View of the U. S., and of the European Set- tlements in America and the West Indies. 1st Amer. ed. N. Y. : 1796. 4v. 8°. With rare portraits of Washington, Penn, Franklin, Winterbotham. One of the useful auxiliaries in historical and geographical research, though the author is indebted to Dr. Morse for much of his material. 10254 WINTHROP, GRENYILLE TEMPLE, Lt. Col. Trial by a Court Martial of. Printed for the Respondent. Boston: 1832. 8°. 10255 WINTHROP, JAMES. Appendix to the New Testament. Cambridge: 1809. 12°. [Scarce.] 10256 WINTHROP, JOHN. History of New England from 1630 to 1649. Boston: 18-'5-26. 2v. 8°. Portrait. 10257 Same. New ed. 2 vols. Boston: 1853. 8°. Portrait. 10258 Transactions and occurrences in the Settlement of Mass. , and other N. Eng. Colonies, from 1630-44. Hartford: 1790. 8®. [Scarce.] 10259 WINTHROP, ROBT. CHAS. Life and Letters of John Win- throp, Govr. of the Mass. -Bay Company. Bost. : llB04. 8°. 10260 WINTHROP, THEODORE. A Companion to the Heart of the Andes. N. Y.:1859. 8*='. 10261 WIRT, WM. Sketches of the Life and Char, of P. Henry. 3d ed. Phila.: 1818. 8°. Port. 10262 The two principal Arguments on the Trial of Aaron Burr. Richmond: 1808. 16°. 10263 Letters of the British Spy, with Biog. of the Author. N. Y.: 1872. 12°. Port. 10264 WISE, JOHN. Vindication of the Government of the New England Churches. Bost.: 1772. 12°. [Very rare.] 10265 Same. Boston. 4th ed. Bost.: 1860. 12°. 10266 Same. Boston: 1772. 8°. [Very rare.] 566 CATALOGUE. 10267 WI:N'SER, benjamin B. Memoirs of Susan Huntington, of Boston. 2d ed. Edinburgh: 1828. 12°. Port. 10268 Memoirs of Susan Huntington, of Boston. 4th ed. With Int. Essay and Poem by James Montgomery. Bost. : 1833. 12°. 10269 WITCH of New England. Phila. : 1814. 16°. 10270 WITCHES. A True and Impartial Relation of the Informa- tions against Three Witches, viz. Temperance Lloyd, Mary Trembles, and Susanna Edwards. London: 1682. 4°. [Extremely rare.] 10271 WITHAM, WARD. A Brief Notice of the Life of Hannah Kenney. Boston: 1842. 18°. 10272 WITHER, GEORGE. Hymns and Songs of the Church. Lon- don: 1856. 12°. Port. 10273 Abuses Stript and Whipt; or. Satirical Essays. Bristol: Rep. from original ed. [n. d.] cr. 8°. 10274 WITHERS, ALEXANDER S. Border Warfare, or a History of the Settlement of Western Virginia: and of the Indian Wars and Massacres in that Section of the State. Clarksburg, Ya. : 1831. 12°. 10275 WITHERSPOON, JOHN, (Rev.) The Works of. With Author's Life, in a Sermon occasioned by his Death, by the Rev. John Rogers, of N. Y. Four vols. 2d ed. Phila.: 1802. 8°. Portrait. [Scarce.] 10276 Lectures on Moral Philosophy, and Eloquence. 3d ed. Phila.: 1810. 12°. 10277 Miscellaneous Works of . Phila.: 1803. 8°. [Scarce.] 10278 A Serious Inquiry into the Nature and Effects of the Stage: and a Letter respecting Play Actors. Also a Sermon on the Burning of the Richmond Theatre. By Samuel Miller, d.d. N. Y. : 1812. 12". [Scarce.] 10279 A Serm. on the Relig. Educatn. of Children, in N. Y. Elizabethtown: 1788. 8°. 10280 WITHINGTON, HIRAM. Memoir of, with Selections from his Sermons and Correspondence. Boston: 1849. 12°. 10281 WITHINGTON, WILLIAM. The Growth of Thought as affecting the Progress of Society. Boston: 1851. 12°. 10282 WITNESS (The). Original and Selected Pieces on Religious Subjects. Boston: [n. d.] 12°. 10283 WOBURN. Historical and Topographical Account of, its Abbey, and Vicinity; also. Genealogy of the House of Russell, and Memoirs of Francis, Duke of Bedford. Woburn: 1818. 12°. 10284 WOLCOTT, R. Letter to Rev. Noah Hobart. The New English Congregational Churches are, and always have been Conso- ciated Churches. Boston: 1761. 4°. 10285 WOLFE, JAMES, (Gen.) Instructions to young Officers: also Orders for a Battalion and an Army. Phila. : 1778. 8°. [Very rare.] CATALOGUE. 567 10286 WOLLASTON, WILLIAM. The I^eligion of Nature De- lineated. 8th ed. Life and Character of author. London: 1769. 8°. Portrait. 10287 Same. 6th ed. London: 1738. 4°. The ed. of 1726 is that on which Franklin worked, when a journeyman printer In London. 10288 WOLLSTOJiECIlAFT, MARY. Vindication of the Rights of Woman. Boston: 1792. 8°. [Scarce.] 10289 Letters written during a short Residence in Sweden, Nor- way, and Denmark. 1st Am. ed. Wihnington, (Del.): 1796. 12°. 10200 WOMAN'S MISSION, from the English ed. Bost.:1840. 12°. 10291 WONDER OF WONDERS, The. Or the wonderful ap- pearance of an Angel, Devil, and Ghost. Boston: 1774. 12°. (Gone after p. 30, and wants title and Devil.) Rare and curious. 10292 WONDERFUL NARRATIVE, The. Or faithful Account of the French Prophets, their Agitations, Extacies, and Inspirations. Added several other remarkable Instances of the Influence of the like Spirit in various parts of the World, particularly in New Eng- land. Boston: 1742. 10293 WOOD, ANTHONY A. Athenje Oxonienses. An exact His- tory of all the Wrighters and Bishops who have had their Education in the most Antient and famous University of Oxford. 2 vols. 2d Ed. London: 1721. Fol. 10294 WOOD, BEN J. The New Gospel of Peace according to St. Benjamin, in four books. New York: 1863. 8°. 10295 WOOD, ISAIAH. The Massachusetts Compendium: stating the Boundaries of Mass.; the District of Maine; of the several Counties therein, and of each of the several Towns, 499 in number. Hallowell: 1814. 18°. 10296 Same. 513 Towns. 2d Ed. Portland: 1816. 8°. 10297 WOOD, JOHN. The Suppressed History of the Administra- tion of John Adams. Phila. : 1846. 12°. Portrait. 10298 WOOD, SILAS. First Settlement of the several Towns on Long Island; with their Political condition, to the end of the Amer- ican Revolution. New Ed. Brooklyn: N.Y.: 1828. 8°. [Scarce.] 10299 WOOD, WM. New England's Prospect. A true, lively, and experimental Description of New England: Discovering the State of that Country, both as it stands to our new-come English Plant- ers; and to the old Native Inhabitants. 3d ed. London: 1639. Boston: 1763. 8°. [Rare.] 10300 Same. Repr. Boston: 1865. Prince Soc. 4°. 10301 WOOD, WM. B. Personal Recollections of the Stage. Por- trait. Phila.: 1855. 12°. 10302 WOODARD, DAVID, Capt. Narrative of, and four Sea- men, who lost their Ship while in a Boat at Sea. London: 1804. 8°. Portrait and Maps. 568 CATALOGUE. 10303 WOODLAWK CEMETERY in North Chelsea and Maiden. Boston: 185(5. 8°. 10304 WOOD-i^OTES; or, Carolina Carols: a Collection of ITorth Carolina Poetry. 2 vols. Raleigh: 1854. 12°. [Vol. 1 only.] 10305 WOODMAN, CYRUS. The Woodmans of Buxton, Maine. Boston: Printed for private use: 1874. 8°. 10306 WOODROW, G. Biographical Gallery, comprising 240 Por- traits of Distinguished Characters of all Nations. London: 1834. cr. 8°. 10307 WOODROW SOCIETY. Select Biographies, from MSS. in the Library of the Faculty of Advocates. By the Rev. W. K. Tweedie. Yol. 1. Edinburgh: 1845. 8°. 10308 WOODS, GEORGE. Present State of the Isle of Man. Lon- don: 1811. 8°. Map. 10309 WOODS, JOHN. Two Years' Residence in the Settlement on the English Prairie, in Illinois. With the Habits and Customs of the Backwoodsmen. London: 1822. 8°. 2 Maps. 10310 WOODS, LEONARD, d.d. Letters to Unitarians occasioned by the Sermon of the Rev. W. E. Channing at the Ordination of Jared Sparks. Andover: 1820. 8°. Other tracts by M. Stuart and H. Ware. 8°. 10311 Examination of the Doctrine of Perfection, as held by Rev. Asa Mahan. N. York: 1841. 18°. 10312 Lectures on Swedenborgianisra. Boston: 1846. 12°. 10313 Lectures on Church Government, containing Objections to the Episcopal Scheme. N. York: Feb. 1844. 18°. 10314 Serm. at Haverhill, Mass., in remembrance of Mrs. Har- riet Newell. 5th Ed. Boston: 1814. 18°. Port. 10315 Memoirs of American Missionaries, connected with the Society of Inquiry in the Andover Theol. Sem'y. Boston: 1833. 12°. 10316 Sermons and Memoir of Mrs. Harriet Newell. Boston: 1814. 8°. Portrait. 10317 WOODYILLE; or, The Anchoret Reclaimed. A Descriptive Tale. Knoxville, T.: 1832. 12°. 10318 WOODWARD, ASHBEL, m.d. Life of General Nathaniel Lyon. Hartford: 1862. 12°. Portrait. 10319 Review of Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, an Essay on Slavery. Cincinnati: 1853. 12°. 10320 Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Organization of the Congregational Ch. and Soc, in Franklin, Ct. New Haven: 1869. 8°. must. 10321 WOODWARD, E. M. Our Campaigns; or Marches, Bivouacs, Battles. Phila.: 1865. 12°. 10322 WOODWARD, JOHN, m.d. Essay towards a Natural History of the Earth, and Terrestrial Bodies. With an Account of the Uni- versal Deluo^e. London: 1695. 8°. CATALOGUE. 900 10323 WOODWARD, JOHN, m.d. Remarks upon the Antient and present State of London, occasioned by some Roman Urns, Coins, and otherAntiquities, lately Discovered. 3d Ed. Lond.: 1723. 8**. 10324 Catalogue of the Library, Antiquities, &c. of. Fellow of the College of Physicians, and of the Royal Soc. 1728. 8°. Prices for which the books sold in MS. throughout. 10325 WOODWARD, W. ELLIOT. A List of Washington Memo- rial Medals. Privately Printed. Albany: I860. R.8°. Ed. 10 copies. 10326 WOODWORTII, JOHN. Reminiscences of Troy, from its Settlement in 1790 to 1807. 2d ed. Albany: 1860. 4°. 10327 WOOLE Y, CHARLES. A Two Years' Journal in N. York, and Part of its Territories in America. N. Y.: 18G0. 8°. Reprint of a very rare and curious work. 10328 WOOLMAN, JOHN. Works of, in Two Parts. London: 1775. 8°. 10329 Life, Gospel Labours, and Christian Experience of, latfe of Mount Holly, in the Province of New Jersey. Phila. : 1774. 8*^. 10330 Serious Considerations on various Subjects of Importance. N. York: IftOS. 12°. 10331 WORCESTER, J. F. The Worcester Family: or the Descend- ants of Rev. William Worcester. Lynn: 1856. 8*^. Out of print. 10332 WORCESTER, JOSEPH E. Dictionary of the English Lan- guage. Boston: 1800. 4°. 10383 Sketches of the Earth and its Inhabitants. 100 Engrav- ings. 2 vols. Boston: 1823. 12°. 10334 WORCESTER, NOAH. Bible News, or the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In a series of letters. Concord, N. H.: 1810. 8°. [Scarce.] 10335 Same. 2d ed. Boston: 1812. 12°. 1033(5 Same. 3d ed. Boston: 1825. 12°. 10337 The Atoning Sacrifice, a display of Love — not of Wrath. Cambridge: 1829. 12°. 10338 Same. 2d ed. Cambridge: 1830. 12°. 10339 Causes and Evils of Contentions unveiled. Boston: 1831. 18°. 10340 WORCESTER, SAMUEL. Life and Labors of, Pastor of the Tabernacle Church, Salem, Mass. 2 vols. Boston: 1852. 12°. Portrait. 10*41 Serious and Candid Letters to the Rev. Thomas Baldwin, on his Book, entitled "The Baptism of Believers only." Salem: 1807. 8^. 10342 A Memorial of the Old and New Tabernacle, Salem, Ms., 1854-5. Boston: 1855. 12°. 10343 Facts and Documents, exhibiting a Summary Yiew of the Ecclesiastical Affairs, lately transacted in Fitchburg. Boston: 1802. 12°. [Rare.] 570 CATALOGUE. 10344 WORCESTEK, SAMUEL. Sermons on various Subjects, Practical and Doctrinal. Salem: 1823. 8°. 10345 Select Hymns: Third Part of Christian Psalmody. Bos- ton: 1823. 18°. 10346 The Christian Mourning; A Serm. at Beverly, 14tli ^Nov. 1808, on the Death of Mrs. Eleanor Emerson. Boston: 1809. 12". 10347 Two discourses on the perpetuity and provision of God's gracious covenant with Abraham; also, Letters to the Eev. Th. . Baldwin. Salem: 1807. 8°. 10348 9 Tracts. Paul on Mars Hill, Andover, 1815. — Wisdom of God, Bost., 1809. — Serm. at Installn. of Eev. Josiah Webster, Salem, 1808. — Ord. of Rev. Ed. L. Parker, Concord, 181L— Funeral of Rev. Ruf. Anderson, Bost., 1814. — Courage and Success, Salem, 1812. — Kingdom of the Messiah, Salem, 1813. — God A Rewarder, Salem, 1811. — Ord. of Rev. Wm. Cogswell, Dedham, 1815. 8°. 10349 WORCESTER MAGAZ^E (The), and Historical Journal. Vols. 1, 2. 1825-26. Worcester: 1826. 2v. 8°. Autog. John W. Lincoln. 10350 WORCESTER MAGAZI:N'E. Vols. 3 and 4. L Thomas: 1787 and 1788. 8°. Scarce. These vols, contain histories of towns not to be found elsewhere. — S. G. D. 10351 WORCESTER TALISMAN" (The), From April 5, 1828, to March 21, 1829. Vol. L 8^ 10352 WORKMAN, JAMES. Political Essays, Relative to the War of the French Revolution. A Memorial proposing a Plan for the Conquest and Emancipation of Spanish America, to promote the Tranquility of Ireland. Alexandria: 1801. 12°. 10353 Essays and Letters on various Political Subjects. 2d Amer. Ed. N. York: 1809. 12°. 10354 WORLD DISPLAYED, THE ; or, a Curious Collection of Yoyages and Travels, selected and compiled from the Writers of All jSTations; by Smart, Goldsmith, and Johnson. 1st Amer. Ed. Yol. 1. Phila.: 1795. 8°. 10355 WORLD Unmasked, The. New ed. trans, from the French. Phila.: 1806. 12°. Scarce. 10356 WORLD without Souls. 2d Bost. ed. Boston: 1810. 12°. Autog. G. Bancroft. 10357 WORSLEY, ISRAEL. A Yiew of the American Indians. London: 1828. 12°. A curious work showing the Indians to be descended from the Ten Tribes of Israel. 10358 WORTH, GORHAM A. Random Recollections of Albany, from 1800 to 1808. 3d Ed. Albany: 1866. 8°. 10359 WORTHINGTON, ERASTUS. History of Dedham, from the beginning of its Settlement in Sept. 1635, to May, 1827. Bos- ton: 1827. 8°. Long out of print. CATALOGUE. 571 10360 WORTIIINGTON, ERASTUS. Dedication of the Memorial Hall, in Dedham. Dedham: 1809. 8«. 103GI WORTLEr, EMMELINE S. (Lady.) Travels in the Uni- ted States, dnring 1849 and 1850. Three Vols. London: 1851. 12<>. Entertaining sketchea of Webster, Everett, Prescott and other celebrated Amorlcans. 10302 WORTMAX, TUNIS. Treatise concerning Political Enquiry, and the Liberty of the Press. N. Y. : 1800. 8°. 10363 WOTTON, HENRY, Sr. The State of Christendom: or, A most exact and Curious Discovery of many Secret Passages, and Hidden Mysteries of the Times. Lond.: 1657. Fol. Autog. of Dr. "Wm. Jenks and MS. sketch of Wotton on fly-leaf. 10364 Reliquiae Wottonianoc: or, a Collection of Lives, Letters, Poems; with Characters of sundry Personages. 4th ed., with Add. Lond.: 1685. 8°. 10365 WOTTON, THO. English Baronets. Being a Genealogical and Historical Account of their Families. Lond. : 1727. 3v. sq. 18°. Hlust. with Coats of Arms. 10366 WOTTON, WM. Reflections upon Ancient and Modem Learn- ing. 2d ed. Lond. : 1697. 8°. 10367 The History of Rome from the Death of Antoninus Pius, to the Death of Severus Alexander. Lond.: 1701. 8°. Port, of the Duke of Gloucester, and Medallion of the Roman Emperoi*s. 10368 Defence of the Reflections upon Ancient and Modern Learning. Lond.: 1705. 8°. 10369 WRANGHAM, FRANCIS. Milton's Second Defence of the People of England; in Answer to an Infamous Anonymous Work, entitled " The Cry of the Royal Blood to Heaven against the English Parricides." Only 50 copies printed. 8°. [Autog. of W.] 10370 WRAXALL, WILLIAM. Memoirs of the Courts of Beriin, Dresden, Warsaw, and Vienna, in the Years 1777, 1778, and 1779. 2ded. Lond.: 1800. 2v. 8°. A valuable and deeply interesting book. 10371 WRIGHT, C. History and Description of Arundel Castle, Sussex. Lives of the Earls. 2d ed. London: 1818. 12°. Fold- ing Plates. 10372 WRECK of tlie London. 2d ed. London: [n. d.] 12°. Numerous Engravings. 10373 WRIGHT, CALEB. Costumes and Remarkable Personages in India. lU'd. Boston: 1848. 8°. 10374 WRIGHT, DAVID. Memoir of Alvan Stone, of Goshen, Mass. Boston: 1837. 16°. 10375 WRIGHT, ELIZABETH C. Lichen Tufts, from the Alle- ghanies. N. Y. : 1860. 12°. 10376 WRIGHT, FRANCES. Course of Popular Lectures, as deliv- ered in N. York, Phila., Baltimore, Boston. N. Y. : 1829. 8°. 38 572 CATALOGUE. 10377 WRIGHT, FRANCES. A Few Days in Athens, being the Translation of a Greek MS. discovered in Herculaneum. Part 1. K. Y.: 1835. 12^ 10378 Society and Manners in America. By an Englishwoman. London: 1821. 8°. [Scarce.] 10379 WRIGHT, G. :N'. Scenes in Korth Wales. With Historical Illustrations. Legends and Biographical Kotices. London: 1833. 12°. Plates. 10380 WRIGHT, J. Sir Henry Cavendish's Debate of the House of Commons, during the 13th Parliament of Great Britain, commonly called the Unreported Parliament. Vol. 1. May 10, 1768 — May 3, 1770. London: 1841. R. 8°. 10381 The American l!^egotiator: or, the Various Currencies of the British Colonies in America; as well the Islands as the Conti- nent. London: 1761. 8°. 10:382 WRIGHT, N. H. The Fall of Palmyra: and other Poems. Middlebury, Yt. : 1817. 24°. [Scarce.] 10383 WRIGHT, ROBERT. Memoir of Gen. James Oglethorpe, one of the earliest Reformers of Prison Discipline in England, and the Founder of Georgia. London: 1867. cr. 8°. Map. 10384 WRIGHT, THOMAS. Queen Elizabeth and her Times, a Series of Original Letters. 2 vols. London: 1838. 8°. Portrait. 10385 Popular Treatises on Science. London: 1841. 8°. 10386 WRITER, THE. A Series of Original Essays, Moral and Amusing. By a Gentleman of Massachusetts. Boston: 1822. 12°. [Scarce.] 10387 WRITINGS, (The) OF LACO. Ten chapters in the life of John Hancock. JS". York: 1857. 8°. [Scarce.] 10388 WYETH, JOH:^r B. Oregon; or a Short History of a Long Journey from the Atlantic Ocean to the Region of the Pacific, by Land. Cambridge: 1833. 12°. Scarce.] 10389 WYMAN, SETH. Life and Adventures of, Events of a Life spent in rascality. By Himself. Manchester, K. H. : 1843. 12°. 10390 WYMAN, THOMAS B. Geneal. of the Name and Family of Hunt. Early established in Amer. from Europe. Exhibiting Pedigrees of ten thousand Persons. Boston, 1862-63. 4°. 10391 WYKKE, JOHi^ HUDDLESTONE. History of the British Empire in America. Illustrated. 3 vols. [Only the 1st.] Lon- don: 1769. 8°. 10392 General History of the British Empire in America. 2 vols. London: 1770. 8°. 10393 General History of Ireland. From the Earliest Accounts to the Present Time. Yol. 1. London: 1772. 8°. Map and Ports. CATALOGUE, 573 Y. 10394 YAHOO THE; A Satirical Rhapsody. N. Y.: 1855. 12°. '• This work first appeared in England without name, perhaps because some of the allu- sions might be there considered personal, and libellous. A few copies were for sale in octavo form, hut at a high price. These have also disappeared." This reprint is get- ting to be as scarce as the original. 10395 YALE, CYRUS, (Rev.) The Godly Pastor. Life of the Rev. Jeremiah Hallock, of Canton, Conn., and of the Rev. Moses Hallock, of Plainfield, Mass. N.Y.:[1863.] 12°. 10396 Same. 2d ed. Hartford: 1830. 12°. 10397 YALE COLLEGE. The Laws of, in N. Haven, enacted by the President and Fellows, N. Haven, 1774, 4to; also in same Vol. Answer to a Pamphlet, containing the Corres. bet. John Jay and Lewis Littlepage, N. Haven. [Autog. of James Kent, 1787.] — Oration bef. Society of the Cincinnati of N. Y. Robt. Livingston, !N".Y.: 1787. 4°. — Trevett agt. Weeden, Jas. Vainum. Providence: 1787. 4°. The first has autogs. of Prest. Stiles and A. Baldwin, Wm. Robinson and N. Atwater, Tutors ; also of Jas. Kent. The last tract was an action for refusing paper bills, at par with specie. [All scarce.] 10398 YARRANTO:?^, AI^DREW. England's Improvement by Sea and Land. To Out-do the Dutch without Fighting, to Pay Debts without Moneys, to set at Work all the Poor of England with the Growth of our own Lands. London: 1677. 4°. Plates. [Scarce.] 10399 YARROW, ROBERT. Sovereigne Comforts for a Troubled Conscience. Wherein the Subtilties of Satan are discovered. Lon- don: 1634. 24°. 10400 YERRINGTOK, J. M. W. Report of the Case of Geo. C. Hersey, for the Murder of Betsey Frances Tirrell. Boston: 1862. 8°. 10401 YOAKUM, H. History of Texas from its first Settlement in 1685 to 1846. 2 Yols. N. Y.: 1856. 8°. Map and Portrait. [Scarce.] 10402 YORICK, MR. Sermons of 2 vols. London: 1794. 12°. 10403 YOUNG, ALEXANDER. Chronicles of the First Planters of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, from 1623 to 1636. With Notes. Boston: 1846. 8°. Portrait. 10404 Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers of the Colony of Ply- mouth. Boston: 1841. 8°. Portrait. 10405 Same. 2d ed. Boston: 1844. 8°. Portrait. 10406 YOUNG, ANDREW W. First Lessons in Civil Government. Cleveland: 1848. 12°. 10407 YOUNG, EDWARD. Night Thoughts; memoir by J. R. Boyd. New York: 1852. 8°. 574 CATALOGUE. 10408 YOUNG, GEO. R. The British North American Colonies. Letters upon the existing Treaties, as regards tlieir "Rights of Fishery " upon the Coasts of Kova Scotia, Labrador, and New- foundland. London: 1834. 8°. Map. 10409 YOUNG, JOSEPH, m.d. The Universal Restoration of All Men; Proved by Scripture, Reason, and Common Sense. Cincin.: 1823. 12°. 10410 YOUNG LADY'S ACCIDENCE: or a short and easy intro- duction to English Grammar. By Caleb Bingham. 11th ed. Bos- ton: 1799. 18°. A very scarce little book. One of the very early American school bopks. Bingham was a "bookseller as well as pioneer educator. He was author of the •• American Preceptor," *' Columbian Orator," etc. 10411 YOUNG, WM. T. Life and Public Services of Lewis Cass. With the Pamphlet on the Right of Search, and some of his speeches. Detroit: 1852. 8°. ^ 10412 YOUNG LADY'S ERIEND (The). Boston: 1836. 12°. z. 10413 ZIMMERMAN, E. A. W. DE. Essai de Comparaison entre la Erance et les l5tats-Unis de l'Am6rique. Trad, de I'Allemand. Tome 1. d Leipzig: 1797. 8°. 10414 ZIMMERMAN, J. G. Essay on National Pride. Added, Author's Life and Writings. London: 1797. 8°. 10415 ZINZENDORF. Life of Nicholas Lewis Count Zinzendorf, Bishop and Ordinary of the Church of the United (or Moravian) Brethren. By August Gottlieb Spangenberg. Fr. the German. London: 1838. 12°. Portrait. 10416 ZOLLIKOFEER, G. J. Exercises of Piety. From the French by James Manning. Abridged by Thad. M. Harris. Worcester: 1803. 12°. 10417 Devotional Exercises and prayers from the German by the Rev. Wm. Tooke. London: 1815. 8°. Library, CUHtatni*- ^/,^ RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library . or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY BIdg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED iA^FTER 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW APR 1 8 19Q5 20,000 (4/94) ^>.> > > ^ 3>»_i :» ^ ^ >j: . > > x> » y >)J> t > •..3 y^y > ;>> i» ^ >:> » B» •■;> > ?J> ^ ' » -> ^> -^ , > ^> > > »> » > > >» » > > »> :: >0 >>s) - ' :>:>> >-» • >^-' > >>> ' > :>» » > >> > > > j> j>» :) J> :»]> ^> \^? •> ) o^ j>2P ^ yy ^-^^^fl s>> /^^^^l y>^ ^^^1 »;» '<^>j^H •>-> ^ ^^^^^1 > > > » ^ » S5^ ^^ < > > > > ^ o >^ > ^> ■ > > > JJ ► > >:> ^> » -> > ^^ > > > :> : ^ >> >> > >. ) >o o> ^ > ^> J> ->j> > 3 ^ -> i > . 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