r CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS BELONGING TO THE LIBRARY COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofbooksOOIibrrich CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS BELONGING TO THE LIBRARY COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA; TO WHICH IS PREFIXED, A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE INSTITUTION, WITH THE CHARTER, LAWS, AND REGULATIONS. COMMUNITER BONA PROFUND£R£ DEORUM EST. VOL. I. PHIIiADEIiPHIA: C. SHERMAN & CO. PRINTERS, 19, ST. JAMES STREET. 1835. 7.733 V. 1- ^ ADVERTISEMENT. A Catalogue of the Books belonging to " The Library Company of Philadelphia," was published in the year 1789, and another in the year 1807, to which Supplements have been occasionally added. Since that period, the Library has been very considerably increased by donations and purchases ; and a desire having been expressed, by many of the members, that another should be published, the Direc- tors have therefore prepared a complete Catalogue of the Books now belonging to the Institution, on a plan now generally approved of and adopted. A Synoptical Table of Contents is prefixed, and an alpha- betical Index subjoined, to facilitate inquiry. EXPLANATION. The Roman capitals which immediately follow the number of the books, refer to the size, thus : F. Folio. Q. Quarto. O. Octavo. D. Duodecimo. L. At the end of the title indicates that the work belongs to the donation of the late William Logan. P. In a similar situation, that the work forms part of the be- quest of the late Rev. Samuel Preston. M, That the work forms part of the bequest of the late William Mackenzie, Esq. The names of other donors are given in full. •?171 CONTENTS. Account of the Library ----- ix Charter - xiii Laws . - - - - - - xvii Rules and Regulations . . - . xxvii State of the Library ----- xxix List of Members ----- xxxi Synopsis ------- xxxvii Catalogue ------ 1 Index 985 SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE LIBRARY. The foundation of the present institution was laid in the year 1731, when but few resources for literary research were accessible in America. A small number of gentlemen having subscribed the sum of one hundred pounds, a collection was commenced upon principles well calculated to disseminate knowledge, the books being allowed to be carried to the dwellings of the members of the company for perusal during their hours of leisure. By slow degrees new members were added to the company, and the stock of books was annually increased by purchases, and by donations ; among the donors the then proprietaries of Pennsylvania are to be num- bered, and from them a charter of perpetual incorporation was obtained in 1742.* * On the eighteenth of June, 1738, Dr. Walter Sydserfe, of the island of Antigua, presented to the company, for the purchase of books, the sum of thirty-four pounds, six shillings, three pence, sterling. Samuel Norris, Esq. a respectable member of the company, bequeathed to the institu- tion, in the year 1746, the sum of twenty pounds. This was the first legacy left to the company. Abraham Claypoolc, by his will, dated July 4, 1750, bequeathed to the company, at the death of his mother, one hundred pounds, Pennsylvania currency, which was paid to the treasurer, with three years' interest due thereon, in August, 1789. It was by mere accident that the directors of the institution obtained a knowledge of this bequest, three, years after it became payable. This circumstance gave rise to that useful pro- vision made by the legislature of this state, which enjoins as a duty on the registers of wills, to give notice to the society or incorporated body to whom a legacy shall here- after be left. The late William Logan, son of the Hon. James Logan, the founder of the Loganian Library, presented to the institution a number of very scarce and valuable works. B The utility and success of this measure, caused other libraries to be commeiiced, but it soon appeared to be more conducive to the interests of ttteratore, that there should be one large rather tiian several small col- lections of books, and coalitions gradually took place among them, till the Amksable, the Association, and the Union companies were blended with the Library Company of Philadelphia, the title conferred by the charter. Since this period the members and property of the company have con- tinued to increase; the former being eight hundred and thirty-six in num- ber ; the number of volumes exclusive of eight thousand six hundred and sixty-three in the Loganian Library, (of which there is a separate cata- logue,) permanently annexed to this institution, at present amounts to thirty-five thousand two hundred and twenty-one, the selection being generally of a character to promote the more important interests of so- ciety ; this stock is continually increased by occasional donations, im- portations, and purchases of American productions of merit Besides the books, the personal property consists in some available funds )rielding interest, the sale of shares, the price of each of which since 1793 has been fixed at forty dollars, and the annual payments of four dollars from each member. The real estate of the company consists of the lot and buildings where the Philadelphia and Loganian libraries are kept. The members dispose of their shares by transfer or will, but the assent of the directors, as well in such cases, as in case of an origmal purchase, Is previously necessary ; a restriction early adopted, in order, as much as possible, to prevent improper persons from having access to a collection of a nature peculiarly liable to injury. Of the value of the library as a whole, it is sufficient to refer the in- quirer to the accompanying catalogue, which, however incomplete in some of its departments, will, it is believed, compare advantageously with any in America. The influence which it has exerted, and con- John Bleakley, Esq. who had been a much esteemed director of the institution beqimtbed to the company tlie sum of one thousand pounds, which was paid to Uio tmmirer of the iiutitQtion, in November, 1804, by Joseph P. Norri8,£sq. the executor orhisUstwilL In 1803, the Rev. Samael Preston, rector of Chevening, in Kent, Great Britain, be- queathed to the company above two thousand five hundred volumes, many of them very aplendid workM; and two abares of the stock of the first Bank of the United States, the par value of which was eight hundred Dollars. In August, 1804, tlie company London the books, prints, Slc bequeathed by the Rev. Samuel rrcstoii, portrait of him, painted by oar celebrated countryman Benjamin Weat, piaaented to the insUtotion by Mrs. Weat The lats William Mackenzie, Eaq. of this city, bequeathed five hundred vuhimes to be cboaeD by the dtroctora from his English books ; ho also made a liberal bequest to the Lofanian library, and by an arrangement made with tlio executors of his last wiD aad tftanmnt the residue of hb valuable library was purchased on very liberal terma by tbe two institutions. Dr. Tbomaa Parke, who bad, with great fidelity, aerved the institution as a director fcr nearly fifty -gete u yean, baqsaathed U> the company a perpetual ground rent of fifly dollars per aBBOin, free fton tiiee valued at one thousand dollars. XI tinues to exert, on the character of the city in which it is located has been and is highly beneficial. During the period when the congress of the United States, and the legislature of the state met in Philadelphia, the use of its treasures was freely granted to the members ; and though it is desirable that the library should not partake of the character of a reading-room, the Athenaeum supplying that desideratum, citizens and strangers are permitted to consult the books without charge. For the charter, laws, rules, regulations, &c. see the ensuing few pages. THE CHARTER John Penn, Thomas Penn, and Richard Penn, Esquires, true and absolute proprietaries of the province of Pennsylvania, and coun- ties of Newcastle, Kent, and Sussex, upon Delaware : To all to whom Preamble, these presents shall come, greeting, Whereas, Benjamin Franklin, Robert Grace, Anthony Nicholas, Thomas Cad walader, William Cole- man, Thomas Godfrey, Henry Pratt, Benjamin Paschall, Joseph Breintnall, John Jones, jun., Samuel Hale, William Parsons, Nicho- las Cassel, Francis Richardson, William Maugridge, David Bush, Thomas Hopkinson, Philip Syng, Jacob Duche, Evan Morgan, Jo- seph Stretch, John Paschall, Nicholas Scull, Thomas Green, Hugh Roberts, Rees Lloyd, John Roberts, Richard Standley, John Nicho- las, John Sober, Charles Read, Daniel Harrison, James Morris, Tho- mas Shaw, John Read, Joshua Richey, James Hamilton, William Plumsted, John Bard, Samuel Morris, John Stamper, Samuel Norris, John Mifflin, John Langdale, Samuel Coates, Samuel Rhoads, Joseph King, Alexander Graydon, James Merrywether, Anthony Morris, jun., Tobias Griscom, Charles Willing, Isaac Williams, William Al- len, Joseph Peters, Richard Peters, Thomas Clay, Phineas Bond, Is- rael Pemberton, jun., Robert Greenway, William Crosthvvaite, Wil- liam Callender, George Emlen, jun., Isaiah Warner, Tench Francis, James Bingham, Charles Meredith, Samuel MCall, Hugh Davy, Amos Strettell, Benjamin Shoemaker, Joseph Hatton, Andrew Ha- milton, Thomas Bond, and Williaip Peters, have, at a great expense, purchased a large and valuable collection of useful books, in order to erect a library for the advancement of knowledge and literature, in the city of Philadelphia; Now know ye. That we being truly sensi- Motives to ble of the advantage that may accrue to the people of this province, ^'^"'' by so useful an undertaking, and being willing to encourage the same. Have given and granted, and by these presents do, for us, our heirs and successors, give and grant. That the said Benjamin Franklin, Namesofthe Robert Grace, Anthony Nicholas, Thomas Cadwalader, William Cole- e''*"^^'^^^- man, Thomas Godfrey, Henry Pratt, Benjamin Paschall, Joseph Breintnall, John Jones, jun., Samuel Hale, William Parsons, Nicho- las Cassel, Francis Richardson, William Maugridge, David Bush, Thomas Hopkinson, Philip Syng, Jacob Duche, Evan Morgan, Jo- seph Stretch, John Paschall, Nicholas Scull, Thomas Green, Hugh Roberts, Rees Lloyd, John Roberts, Richard Standley, John Nicho- las, John Sober, Charles Read, Daniel Harrison, James Morris, Tho- mas Shaw, John Read, Joshua Richey, James Hamilton, William Plumsted, John Bard, Samuel Morris, John Stamper, Samuel Norris, John Mifflin, John Langdale, Samuel Coates, Samuel Rhoads, Joseph King, Alexander Graydon, James Merrywether, Anthony Morris, jun., Tobias Griscom, Charles Willing, Isaac Williams, William Al- Fower to XJV THB CHARTER. len, Joseph Peters, Richard Peterp, Thomas Clay, Phineas Bond, Is- rael Pemberton, jun., Robert Green way, William Crosthwaitc, Wil- liam Callender, George Emlen, jun., Isaiah Warner, Tench Francis, James Bingham, Charles Meredilh, Samuel M*Call, Hujrh Davy, Amos Strellell, Benjamin Shoemaker, Joseph Hatton, Andrew Ha- milton, Thomas Bond, and William Peters, and such other persons as shall hereafter be admitted, or become members of The Library Company of Philadelphia^ according to the laws and conslilutions of the said company, hereafter to be made, be, and for ever hereafter shall be, by virtue of these presents, one body corporate and politic Nmmofthe in deed, by the name of The Library Company of Philadelphia; and them by the name of The IJbrary Company of Philadelphia, one body politic and corporate in deed and in name, we do for us, our heirs and successors, fully create, constitute and confirm by these presents; and that by the name of The Library Company of Phila- delphia^ they shall have perpetual succession; and that ihcy, by the name of The Library Company of Philadelphia^ be, and at all times hereafter shall be, persons able and capable in law, to have, hold, receive, and enjoy lands, tenements, rents, liberties, franchises, and hereditaments, in fee-simple, or for term of life, lives, years, or otherwise; and also goods, ch^ittels, and other things, of what nature, kind or quality soever. And also to give, grant, let, sell, or assign, *c ' * the same lands, tenements, hereditaments, goods, and chattels; and m to do and execute all other things about the same, by the name afore- said: And also, that they and their successors, by the name of The Library Company of Philadelphia^ be, and shall be, for ever here- rovrerto after, persons able and capable in law, to sue and be sued, plead and •"*'^*^ be impleaded, answer and be answered unto, defend and be defended, in all or any of the courts, or other places, and before any judges, justices and other persons whatsoever, in all manner of actions, suits, complaints, pleas, causes and matters whatsoever, and of what nature or kind soever. And that it shall and may be lawful to, and for the said Library Company of Philadelphia, and their successors, for T* have a ever hereafter, to have one common seal for their use, in their affairs ; ■eaj. and the same at their will and pleasure to change and alter. And for the well governing and ordering the affairs of the said company, we do, for us, our heirs, and successors, further grant. That it shall and to may be lawful for the said company, and their successors, to assem- "■w«, ble and meet together on the first Monday in May, in every year, and at such other times as there shall be occasion, at their library, or some other convenient place, due and public notice being given at least twenty days before the times of such meetings ; not only of the day, hour and place, of such meeting, but of the cause thereof, and of the matters to be transacted at such meeting. And that they, the Otiorum. said company, or one fourth part of them at least, being so met, in (>erson, or by proxy duly constituted in writing, shall have full power and authority from time to time, to make, constitute, and establish «ich laws, statutes, orders and constitutions, as shall appear to them, or the major part of them, to be good and useful, honest and neces- Mry, according lo the best of their judgment and discretion, for the government, regulaiion, and direction of the Library Company, and every member thereof; and for the appointing and regulating the election or nomination of Directors, Treasurer, Librarian, Secretary, ACTS OF ASSEMBLY. XV and such, and so many other officers as they shall think fit; and for limiting and appointing their trust and authority; and for the admit- ting new memhers; and to do all things concerning the government, estate, goods, lands, revenues, as also all the business and affairs of the said" company. All which laws, statutes, orders, and constitu- Laws so tions, so to be made as aforesaid, shall be binding on every member, biading" and be from time to time inviolably observed, according to the tenor and effect of them, provided that they be not repugnant or contrary to the laws of England, or this government. Provided always. That for the increase and preservation of the said library, every member of the said company shall and do pay into the hands of the said company's Treasurer, for the time being, the sum of ten shil- lings, on the first Monday in May, in every year forever; and those who neglect so to do, shall pay such greater sum or sums in lieu thereof, at such times, within twelve months then next following, as by the laws of the said company shall be appointed: And that in Forfeiture default of these payments, every delinquent shall forfeit his share in °"^^^*"^*- the books and estate of the said company, and be no longer a mem- ber. In testimony whereof, we have caused the Great Seal of our said province to be hereunto affixed. WITNESS George Thomas, Esq. lieutenant-governor, and commander-in-chief of the said pro- vince and counties, at Philadelphia, the twenty-fifth day of March, in the fifteenth year of the reign of our sovereign lord king George the second, and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty-two, by virtue of certain powers and authorities to him for this purpose {inter alia) granted by the said proprietaries. GEORGE THOMAS. Jin act to authorize the Directors of the Library Company of Philadelphia to increase the annual payment of the Members of the said Company. Whereas, by the charter of the said company, the annual pay- ments directed to be made by its respective members appear limited to the sum of ten shillings, which, from the depreciation of money since the year one thousand seven hundred and forty-two, when the said charter was granted, has become inadequate to the purposes ori- ginally intended: And whereas, the stockholders in the said com- pany, at a general meeting on the sixteenth of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five, instructed the Directors to petition the Legislature to pass a law authorizing the said Directors to increase the said payments to two dollars, and it appears reasonable that the prayer of tiie said petitioners should be granted. Section 1. Be it therefore enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in Gene- ral Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the Directors of the Library Company, for the time being, be, and they are hereby, authorized to increase the annual payments hereafter to be made by the niembers of the said company, XVlll BY-LAWS. management of the moneys, library and effects of the said company, Mcnbmto It IS ENACTED, That thc mcmbcrs of the said company shall, in per- M^StuSty aon, or by proxy, annually attend at the place of election in the city in May. ^f Philadelphia, on the first Monday of the month of May, in every year; and that as many as so meet, and appear to be duly qualified, ivmmuw shall proceed to the choice of a person of the company, to be the rectontota company's Treasurer, and ten other persons of the company, to be ****^ Directors for the year next ensuing, and so from year to year. The place of election to be agreed on by the Directors of the current year, and notified by their Secretary, twenty days at least before the Tfct ^ojw election, by printed advertisements. The electors to choose by writ- tfmHum ten tickets, each containing the names of the ten persons voted Di- '**''^ rectors, and the name of the person voted Treasurer; and those who shall thereupon appear to have a majority of votes, shall be the com- pany's Treasurer, and the Directors, respectively, for thc year ensu- nirectoraio ing. That the said Directors shall, and are hereby required and S5SS}**^ empowered, to nominate some fit person of the company to be their SHr* Secretary for the year ensuing, who shall preside and collect the votes at the election aforesaid, and shall faithfully enter, in a book to be kept for that purpose, the names of the said electors, and the num- ber of the names of the candidates, according to the tickets, to That it shall and may be lawful to and for the electors aforesaid, 2«a*au u> when so met, to appoint persons to assist the Secretary in gathering uJ%*S*' ^^^ votes, and entering and numbering the names of the electors and persons voted for, and other service appertaining to the election, and to appoint and direct any method and rule in proceeding to and making the said election, so as they appoint or direct nothing to prejudice the right of any member, or infringe the charter or laws of the company. Director re- That if any pcrson elected Director, shall refuse to act, or shall jb^'tte rm ' happen to die or depart this province, so as to be absent for the space of two months, in any of the first ten months of the year for which he shall be elected Director; or if within the same year, or term of his office, he shall be confined by sickness, or otherwise rendered in- capable of executing the office of a Director, according to the true meaning hereof, the rest of the Directors, as often as occasion shall require, in any of the cases aforesaid, shall proceed in their duty and office without him ; or, if they think fit, they shall nominate »ome other suitable person to supply his place of a Director, until the then next ensuing election. ^ ^ That if any person so elected Treasurer, shall absent himself from kMtotrlVc. his said office for the space of thirty days, or shall otherwise be ren- JJ2^jJ^ dered incapable, or neglect his office or duty of Treasurer, in the judgment of the Directors for the time being, it shall and may be lawful for the Directors to displace him from any longer continuance in his said office: and the Directors causing their Secretary to make a minute for the purpose, containing their reasons for displacing him, be thtll thereupon, and from thenceforth cease to be the Treasurer flforeMid; and shall, upon notice thereof, adjust and settle with the Directors, and pay and deliver the company's money and effects in his hands, to such person as the Directors shall order and appoint: and in that case, and so often, and also if the Treasurer shall depart this life, the person who at the last election had the greatest number BY-LAWS. XIX of votes, next the highest (if alive, willing and capable) shall be sub- How the va- stitiited Treasurer, to supply the place of such deceased or displaced be"s?ppiied. Treasurer; for which purpose the Secretaries presiding at elections shall preserve the votes: but if the said person cannot, or will not, serve, the Directors shall nominate another person of the company, but not of their own number, to be Treasurer until the next annual election. That every person so chosen to be the company's Treasurer, im- mediately upon entering into his office, shall receive of the preceding Treasurer, his heirs, executors or administrators, the company's cash and books of accounts, giving his receipt for the same; and shall en- Treasurer to ter into an obligation, with one sufficient surety, in double the value obffgVuon, that doth, or probably may come into his hands during the continu- ^c. ance of his office, as near as can be estimated by the Directors, unto the Library Company of Philadelphia, conditioned that he will once a month, or oftener, if required, well and truly adjust, account and settle with them, for and concerning all moneys that are or shall come into his hands, belonging to the said company; and that he will well and truly deliver up and pay the balance of the moneys remaining in his hands, together with the books of accounts concerning the same, and the company's papers in his keeping, unto his successor in the said office, or such other person or service as the Directors, for the time being, shall order and appoint, and not otherwise; and that he will observe, do, and execute all other things as the company's Treasurer aforesaid, according to the sense and true meaning of this law. That all officers and servants belonging to the company, other Directors to than their Treasurer, shall be in the choice, and under the order and otheroffif direction of the Directors, who shall be accountable for their fidelity, '^^^^' ^^• and may displace them, and appoint others, as often as they shall think fit: which Directors shall have the power of calling general Directors, 1 .1 • 1 •- r 1 • . . r ,° their power meetings, when they judge it necessary for the interest of the com- and duty, pany, and shall cause due and public notice to be given of the occa- sion and design or purpose of such meetings; and shall nominate some discreet member to preside therein, and regulate the debates thereof: they shall also have the disposal of the moneys paid to the Treasurer to and for the use and serv'ice of the library ; they shall have the choosing of books for the library; the renting a house or place for the service of the library; the furnishing the same with presses, shelves, and other things necessary and fit; the keeping and power of affixing the seal of the company; which seal shall be and remain the same that is now used and affixed to this law, until an- other shall be appointed; the lending of books; the appointing se- curities for the return of the books to the library, and the prices of the loans; the printing and dispersing of catalogues; the admission of new members, under the limitations and conditions now or here- after to be established by the laws of the company; the settling the accounts with the company's Treasurer; the payment of house-rent, servants, and officers' v^^ages, and all other incident charges belonging to the company. Moreover the Directors are hereby invested with a discretional power to make suitable returns (on behalf of the com- pany) unto such benefactors as shall honour them by donations or otherwise. \*!Tfl*r "^^^ ^^^ *^® "^^"^ orderly execution of the duty and trust bclong- uionu»i> ing to the said Directors, they are hereby required to meet once a month at the place where the library shall be kept, or some other fit place in the said city of Philadelphia, to confer and conclude con- cerning the matters hereby committed to them. In every of which meetings of the Directors aforesaid, seven of their number met shall BevHi of be a quorum, capable to consult, confer, and conclude of, and upon ttaB • q»o- ^1 ^g^gi, appertaining to the Directors, according to the laws and constitutions of the company; and whatever six of the number so met shall so conclude, shall be deemed and taken for and as the reso- lution of the Directors for the time, and accordingly entered in their minutes. ctemr to That the charter granted to the said company shall be deposited Jj^JJjJJJjJ in the library for the inspection and perusal of all persons concerned; 1- who shall also have recourse to the journals of the Directors, the minutes and entries of their Secretaries, with the Treasurer's ac- counts, and all other books and papers belonging to the company ; and may, if the Directors think fit, take copies thereof. •tf Law for recording the laws of the company, and the names of such persons as shall hereafter be admitted members thereof <§'c. To THE END that the laws of the Library Company of Philadel- phia may be securely preserved, and that every member of the said company may have opportunity of being fully acquainted therewith; Laws to be It 18 hereby enacted by the said company, that all laws passed at the reeori«d.*c. general meetings of the said company, pursuant to their charter, shall be recorded in a large bound book, of good paper, which sl^all be safely kept in the library for the perusal of the company ; and that every law so recorded, shall be certified and subscribed in the said book by the Secretary for the time being. ^i^aJi^wi' •^nd it is hereby further enacted^ by the said company, That SiMte bTra^ every person who now is, or that hereafter shall be admitted, and become a member of the said company (other than those whose names are inserted in the charter) shall have his name, and the lime of his becoming a member as aforesaid, recorded in the said book of records, and certified by the Secretary, as aforesaid. And that all other matters and things, which by the laws of the company arc or shall be directed to be put upon record, shall also be recorded in the said book. Ji Law for preventing any advantage by survivorships among the members of the Library Company, It is enacted. That the members of the Library Company of Philadelphia, shall hold their estate and interest in the said company, as tenants in common, and not as joint tenants. The foregoing laws were all enacted and published May the Jd, 1742. Signed by order, JOSEPH BUEINTNALL, Secretary. BY-LAWS. XXI Jl law for reducing and fixing the price at which a share in the library may he purchased^ and to enable the Directors to dis- pose of duplicates of booksy (^'C. For the increasing the funds of the Library Company of Phila- delphia, for the enlarging the collection of books, and facilitating the advancement of knowledge and literature, it is enacted by the said Library Company, That any person or persons (who shall be ap- Fixing the proved of by the Directors for the time being) shall be admitted a share? * member or members of the said company, and be entitled to a share in the books, effects and estate of the said company, as fully, to all intents and purposes, as any member now is, or may or can be, upon paying into the hands of the said company's Treasurer, the sum of Ten Pounds, lawful money of Pennsylvania, and receiving a certi- ficate, &c. agreeably to the directions of a law directing the manner of admitting new members. *^nd it is further enacted^ That the Directors of the said company ^^^^^^^^^^ for the time being, shall and may, from time to time, as to them shall toseii dupu- seem meet, sell and dispose of such duplicates and broken sets of *^*^®^'*^*^' books as shall be found in the said library, and the moneys arising from such sale to pay to the company's Treasurer, for the use of the said library. The above law was enacted and published February 20, 1768. FRANCIS HOPKINSON, Secretary. ^ Law for ascertaining the fines for neglecting the yearly pay- ments. Whereas by a law of the Library Company of Philadelphia, entitled " A Law for ascertaining the fines for neglecting the yearly payments," it is, amongst other things, enacted, " That if any member or members of the said company shall neglect to pay his or their yearly payments, for any time not exceeding three months, from and after the first Monday in May, that he or they shall pay the sum of Five Shillings as a fine, together with the said Ten Shillings;^^ which said law has been found inconvenient and too strict: It is therefore hereby enacted, by the Library Company of Phi- ladelphia aforesaid, That if any member make his yearly payment within ten days after the said first Monday in May, the same shall be accepted without a fine; but if any member neglect to pay the ♦ yearly sum aforesaid, on the said first Monday in May, and for ten days afterwards, for any time longer, not exceeding three months from and after the said first Monday in May, such member shall pay ^-^^^ ^^^ to the Treasurer for the time being, the fine of Five Shillings, to- tied, gether with his said yearly payment. And for neglecting as afore- said for any time above three months, and not exceeding six months, the fine of Ten Shillings. And for neglecting as aforesaid for any time above six months, and not exceeding nine months, the fine of Fifteen Shillings. And for neglecting as aforesaid for any time above nine months, and not exceeding twelve months, the fine of XXll BY-LAWS. Twenty Shillings. Any thinjr in the said recited law to the con- trary in any wise notwithstanding. Enacted and published the thirteenth of March^ 17G9. FRANCIS HOPKINSON, Secretary. •^ Law to enable the Directors of the Library Company of Phi- iadelphia, to admit the members of the Union Library Com- pany of Philadelphia, Whereas it is conceived that great advantages may arise to the public, as well as to the individual members, by a union of the Library Companies aforesaid : Be it enacted by the Library Com- £|f[JfJlSIJ^ pany of Philadelphia, that their Directors for the time being, shall loadMit the YiKV^ full power and authority to admit the members of the Union Library Company; and that each member so admitted, shall, by virtue thereof, be entitled to an equal share of all the estate both real and personal belonging to the said Library Company of Philadelphia, in common with their other members; and shall receive accordingly certificates thereof. Provided always. That previous thereto, the said Union Library Company do assign over and convey all their estate, both real and personal, to the said Library Company of Phi- ladelphia, and deliver possession thereof to the Directors for the time being; subject nevertheless to all such contracts heretofore made and now subsisting between the said Union Library Company and any of their members, as the said Directors shall deem proper and expedient. Enacted and published the \3th of March, 1769. FRANCIS HOPKINSON, Secretary. •^ Law to enable the Directors of the Library Company of Phi- ladelphia, to purchase a lot of ground in the City of Philadel- phia, to erect a building thereon for the use of the institution, and for other purposes therein mentioned. In order to accommodate the company with a lot of ground, and a Oiicctora convenient building for the uses of the library, it is enacted by the Library Company of Philadelphia, That the Directors shall have power and authority to purchase a lot in the city of Philadelphia, on ground rent, on the best terms they can procure, and to cause to be executed, on behalf of the company, a proper counterpart of the deed to be received for the said ground. That the Directors shall have power to contract for materials and workmanship, and to cause to be erected a suitable building, with cellars, the said building to be two stories high, and of a size suifi- cieot to accommodate and serve the purposes of the library, having regard therein to a gradual increase of books, and other articles there to be deposited. to iHircliaae alot. And «net BY-LAWS. XXm That in order to defray the expense of the said building, the one hundred Directors shall endeavour to make an addition to the number of the previously members, by disposing of shares, and having procured one hundred '^^^p^^*^*^ o^- new members, they may proceed on the work, and may appropriate the moneys now due, and becoming due, and belonging to the com- pany, as well as the cash in the hands of the Treasurer, reserving enough for the current expenses of the library. And the Directors are hereby empowered to grant, bargain and sell for the highest price empowered they can obtain, and by deed or deeds, under the common seal of the Jea^egJate company, convey and assure all or any part of the real estate belong- belonging to ing to the company, and to appropriate the moneys arising from the pany?"^ said sales to the purposes aforesaid. // is hereby further enacted, That the Directors for the time being, may sell or let out on ground rent for ever, and by deed or ^etorwhich deeds, under the common seal of the company, convey and assure they may such part of the lot they may purchase, as they may judge proper. ^"*^ Enacted at a general meeting, held pursuant to public notice, on Monday the first day of June, 1789. W. RAWLE, Secretary. » ^t a meeting of the Directors, December 6th, 1792. Resolved, that persons indebted for fines, or hire, be, in future, entirely precluded from the use of the books belonging to the Library Company of Philadelphia, until such fines and hire be paid. Extracted from the Minutes. BENJAMIN R. MORGAN, Secretary. j2 law for increasing the price of Shares. For the increasing the funds of the Library Company of Phila- delphia, for the enlarging the collection of books, and facilitating the advancement of knowledge and literature, It is enacted by the said Library Company of Philadelphia, That any person or persons (who shall be approved of by the Directors for the time being) shall be admitted a member or members of the said Company as fully, to all intents and purposes, as any member now is or can be, upon paying into the hands of the said Company's Treasurer, the sum of Forty Dollars, and receiving a certificate, agreeably to the directions of a law directing the manner of admitting new members. ^nd be it further enacted, That so much of the law, passed on the twentieth day of February, one thousand seven hundred and sixty-eight, as fixes the price of a share at ten pounds, be hereby repealed. Enacted at a general m>eeting, held pursuant to public notice, on Friday, the thirtieth day of August, 1793. BENJAMIN R. MORGAN, Secretary. XXIV BY-LAWS. Jit a meeting of the Directors, on t/ie second of January , 1794, the following report was tnade a fid adopted by the Board, to wit : The committee to whom was referred the application of the Libra- rian, relative to the cases of executors and administrators of deceased members, report. That it would be advisable to direct the Librarian, that no books shall be lent, in such cases, except on notes signed by all the execu- tors or administrators of the person deceased, or by some one of them, appointed and authorized by written orders of the others — such orders to be left with the Librarian as long as any books are taken out by virtue of them. Extracted from the minutes of the Directors. BENJAMIN R. MORGAN, Secretary. ^n act to repeal so much of any law or laws of the Company, as authorizes the Directors to disjwse of the real estate belong- ing to the Company. It is enacted by the Library Company of Philadelphia, That so much of any law or laws as authorizes and empowers the Direc- tors to grant or demise any part of the real estate belonging to the said Company shall be and the same is hereby repealed. Provided always, nothing herein contained shall be deemed or taken to re- strain the Directors from making leases or agreements relative to the building erected for the reception of the Loganian Library, the cel- lar under the same, and the cellar under the building in which the Library belonging to this institution is now contained. Enacted at a general meeting held pursuant to public notice, on the sixteenth day of March, 1795. BENJAMIN R. MORGAN, Secretary. wi/ a meeting of the Directors of the Library Company of Phila- delphia, Jipril 17, 1795. Whereas, by an act of the General Assembly, passed on the thir- teenth day of April instant, the Directors of the Library Company of Philadelphia are authorized to increase the annual payments to be made by each member to the sum of two dollars, it is therefore Resolved, That the annual payment to be made on each share, on the first Monday of May next, and from and after that time, shall be, and it is hereby, increased to the sum of two dollars, and the Trea- surer is hereby authorized and instructed, to demand and receive the same from the members, under the like penalties and forfeitures as are now in force for recovering the annual payments heretofore established. Extracted from the Minutes. BENJAMIN R. MORGAN, Secretary. BY-LAWS. XXV Jit a meeting of the Directors^ held the sixth of August^ 1795^ the following resolution was adopted, to wit: Resolved, That every member, or other person, who shall take out a book or books on hire, shall pay, for the use of the Library, the following rates weekly: For Duodecimos and Octavos two-six- teenths of a dollar. Quartos three-sixteenths of a dollar, and Folios four-sixteenths of a dollar, and no smaller sum, although the book may be returned within the week. That for neglecting to return the book or books, so taken out on hire, within the time specified in the rules of the Company, they shall pay to the Librarian, for the use aforesaid, two-sixteenths of a dollar per week in addition to the hire.* Extracted from the Minutes. BENJAMIN R. MORGAN, Secretary. Jit a meeting of the Directors held November 7, 1805, the fol- lowing resolution was adopted, to wit : Books belonging to this institution, having in several instances been obtained by printers, and taken to pieces for the purpose of ena- bling them to print new editions, and such practices being deemed inconsistent with the purposes for which the Library has been esta- blished, Resolved, that in all future cases of a similar nature suits shall be brought against the parties transgressing. Extracted from the Minutes. BENJAMIN R. MORGAN, Secretary. » Jit a meeting of the Directors, held October 2, IS06, the follow- ing resolution was adopted^ to wit: Resolved, That the gazettes or public newspapers belonging to this institution be annually valued by the labelling committee for the time being, and the said valuation placed in the hands of the Librarian, and in case the same or any part thereof be required by any counsel or attorney as evidence in the courts of justice, the person applying for the same shall sign one of the notes usually taken for books bor- rowed of the Library, which note shall be filled up in the sum at which the whole set of such papers, of which any volume or volumes are required, shall have been last valued, and also that the same shall be returned within one week from the time of borrowing the same, and fifty cents per diem for each volume paid for its use on its being returned. Extracted from, the Minutes. BENJAMIN R. MORGAN, Secretary. * For the further penalties see the rules and regulations annexed, particularly the third and fourth. XXn BT-LAWS. Ji Law to increase the annual payments hcrec^er to he made by the members qfthe Library Company of Philadelphia, Whereas, by an act of the Legislature of this Commonwealth, entitled, <* An act to amend the Charter of the Library Company of Philadelphia," approved by the Governor, on the seventh clay of April, 1832, the members of the said Library Company of Philadel- phia, at their general meetinj^s, arc authorized to fix, alter, or enlarge the annual payments thereafter to be made, from time to lime, as they shall deem Just and reasonable: Provided the same shall, at no time, be fixed at less than two, or more than five dollars per annum, exclu- sive of the accustomed penalties or forfeitures for delay or neglect of payment: — Jlnd whereas, iha ^v\m\d\ payments heretofore received have become insufficient to procure the necessary number of books, and to defray the unavoidable expenses of the company: Be it therefore enacted by the said Library Company of Phila- delphia, That the annual payment to be made on each share, on the first Monday of May next, and from and after that time, shall be, and it is hereby increased to the sum of Four Dollars, and the Treasurer of the Company is hereby authorized and required to demand and receive the same from the members respectively, under the like pe- nalties and forfeitures as are now in force for recovering the annual payments heretofore established. Enacted into a law at a general meeting, held pursuant to public notice, on the twenty-eighth day of April, 1832. W. RAWLE, Chairman. Attest — Henry J. Williams, Secretary. By-Law of the Loganian Library, adopted February 14, 1833. The members of the Library Company shall be permitted to take out books from the Loganian Library upon signing a promissory note to return the same undefaced within the time limited by the existing by-law, and upon pledging at the same time their respective shares in the company as security for such return: Provided, That no such pledge shall be received, if at the lime of applying for a book in the Loganian Library, the applicant has out a book from the Philadelphia Library upon the same share : And provided also. That such pledge shall not be received as a sufficient security for any books that shall be considered by the Librarian as of greater value by itself than twenty dollars. By-law of the Philadelphia Library, adopted February 14, 1833. No member shall be entitled to take out a book upon his or her share who at the same time has a book out of the Loganian Library upon a pledge of the same share. RULES TO BE OBSERVED BY THE LIBRARY COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. > Weeks, L The Librarian shall attend at the Library, every day (Sundays excepted) from the first day of April until the first day of October, from two o'clock, P. M. until sun-set, and from the first day of Oc- tober until the first day of April, from one o'clock, P. M. until sun- set. He shall enter in the catalogue, kept at the library, such books as may be purchased or added to the library ; label and number the same, as well as all others from which the label or number may be torn off or defaced. He shall also replace the books on the shelves, as they are brought in, as soon as he conveniently can, first having examined whether they are free from damage. II. He shall lend to any member, One Folio for five. One Quarto for three. One Octavo, or Two Duodecimos, for two and no greater number, unless on hire, or so connected as to be other- wise useless. Such persons, however, who reside at the distance of seven miles or upwards, are permitted to have books one week longer than the above-mentioned times. For all books so lent, he shall take a note, payable to the Company, for double the value, as nigh as he can estimate, of the book or set of books to which they belong, con- ditioned to return the same, undefaced, within the time above men- tioned ; at the expiration of which (unless application has been made by another member for the same books, and the Librarian requested to take a memorandum thereof,) the borrower may, on producing the book to the Librarian, renew his note for the like time. III. Every person, not being a member, who shall hire a book, &c. shall first give a note for double the value thereof, in the same man- ner, and be subject to the same regulations, as a member; and shall also deposite, as security, in the hands of the Librarian, double the value of such book or books; but if the book or books should belong to a set, then such person shall deposite treble the value of the volume or volumes which he shall so take out. IV. Every member, or other person, who shall take out a book or books on hire, shall pay, for the use of the library, the following rates, weekly: For Duodecimos and Octavos two-sixteenths of a XXV 111 muLSS. dollar, Quartos, lhrce>sixteenths of a dollar, and Folios four-six^ teentha of a dollar, and no smaller sum, although the book may be returned within the week. V. Every member, or other person, who ^hall neglect to return the book or books, within the time specified in the second rule, shall for such neglect, pay to the Librarian, for the use of tlie library, (besides the hire, where the book is not taken out by virtue of a share,) two-aii^eenths of a dollar per week: and if not returned, un- defaced, within one month from the expiration of the time limited in the note, the fines and hire accruing thereupon shall be doubled; and if not so returned within three months from the same period, the note or deposite money shall be forfeited to the company. VI. Books returned are to be delivered into the hands of the Librarian, to be examined whether damaged or not. VII. No person from whom any hire or forfeiture is due, or who hath damaged any book, shall be permitted to have another book till satisfaction be made. VIII. If a member, and one who is not a member, should apply V for the same book at the same time, Uie member shall have the pre- ference. IX. A member may take out on hire, without a deposite, as many books in value for which his share in the library shall, by the Libra- rian, be deemed a sufficient security, on the same terms, in other re- spects, as persons who are not members. X. The Librarian shall furnish the Directors, at each monthly meeting, with an account of the fines and forfeitures which have accrued during the preceding month. XL The Librarian is to conform to the instructions of the Direc- tors with regard to such books as, from their scarcity and value, are to be let out only on certain conditions, or not at all. XII. No person, whether a member or not, is to lend the book or books he borrows to any person out of his dwelling-house. XIII. No book shall be lent on the share of a deceased member, unless the note be signed by all the executors or administrators of such deceased member, or by some one of them, appointed and au- thorized by written orders of the others. STATE OF THE LIBRARY. In February, 1785, in July, 1807, The Library contained. The Library contained. Works. Volumes. Works. Volumes 339 Folios, - - - 586 968 Folios, - 1,521 412 Quartos, - - - 709 1,424 Quartos, 2,193 1,282 Octavos, - - - 2,660 3,797 Octavos, 7,325 731 Duodecimos, - - 1,532 1,885 Duodecimos, 3,418 2,764 - - TOTAL - - 5,487 8,074 - - TOTAL - - 14,457 In August, 1835, The Library contained. Works. 1,184 Folios, 2,282 Quartos, 9,220 Octavos, 6,076 Duodecimos, 18,762 Increase of the Library, > Since July, 1807. Volumes. Works. Volumes 1,853 216 Folios, - - - 332 3,454 858 Quartos, - - 1,261 18,721 5,423 Octavos, - - 11,396 11,193 4,191 Duodecimos, - - 7,775 TOTAL - - 35,221 10,688 - TOTAL - - 20,764 THE LOGANIAN LIBRARY, Which was annexed to the Library Company of Philadelphia. In August, 1792, In August, 1835, The Library contained, The Library contained. Works. Volumes. 652 Folios, . , - 904 672 Quartos, - - - 887 756 Octavos, - - - 933 981 Duodecimos, - - 1,229 Works. Volumes. 994 Folios, - - - 1,383 1,148 Quartos, - - 1,553 2,485 Octavos, - - 2,956 2,295 Duodecimos, - - 2,771 3,061 - - TOTAL - - 3,953 6,922 - - TOTAL - - 8,663 RECAPIT ULATION. In the Philadelphia Library, In the Loganian Library, Works. 18,762 6,922 Volumes. 35,221 8,663 TOTAL - 25,684 43,884 XXX A TABLE SiMnriiig tiMnamba •oTShuw MMtBd/er/eite^aiid Um namber AeM, at the eiMi of each 11 Library Conpuij (July 1. 1731) to the lart day of Decern. y«v, ftwn llM orifin of tiM ber.lSM. r »r II ][ \t J 9 j[ n 11 1- 70 405 1731 95 95 95 1783 1 475 8 1739 19 44 1 43 1784 6 481 3 72 409 1733 19 56 5 50 1785 3 484 6 78 406 1734 9 65 1 58 1786 7 491 3 81 410 1735 1 66 59 1787 7 498 1 89 416 1736 7 73 66 1788 1 499 5 87 412 1737 9 75 68 1789 r77 576 2 89 487 1738 4 79 79 1790 70 646 6 95 551 1739 1 80 73 1791 t- 61 707 3 98 609 1740 80 9 •9 71 1792 40 747 2 100 647 1741 4 84 9 75 1793 18 765 3 103 662 1742 1 85 9 76 1794 4 769 1 104 G65 1743 8 93 9 84 1795 5 774 4 108 666 1744 1 94 9 85 1796 9 783 1 109 674 1745 4 98 9 89 1797 2 785 6 115 670 1746 98 9 89 1798 3 788 5 120 668 1747 9 100 9 91 1799 788 3 123 665 1748 3 103 9 94 1800 788 5 128 660 1749 1 104 9 95 1801 788 128 660 1750 104 9 95 1802 1 789 1 129 660 1751 104 9 95 1803 1 790 5 134 G56 1753 1 105 9 96 1804 4 794 4 138 656 1753 105 9 96 1805 3 797 10 148 649 1754 105 9 96 1806 15 812 1 149 663 1755 105 9 96 1807 11 823 149 674 1756 105 9 96 1808 10 833 149 684 1757 105 9 96 1809 8 841 149 692 1758 105 9 96 1810 5 846 1 150 696 1759 105 9 96 1811 10 856 150 706 1760 105 9 96 1812 9 865 150 715 1761 1 106 9 97 1813 14 879 150 729 17G3 4 110 9 101 1814 9 888 150 738 1763 1 HI 9 109 1815 4 892 1 151 741 1764 111 9 102 1816 8 900 151 749 1765 111 9 102 1817 19 919 151 768 1766 111 9 102 1818 16 935 151 784 1767 111 9 102 1819 4 939 151 788 1768 14 125 1 10 115 1820 7 946 151 795 1769 +993 418 3 13 405 1821 10 956 151 805 1770 9 420 9 29 398 1822 3 959 151 808 1771 I 421 2 94 397 1823 1 960 151 809 1773 1 492 24 398 1824 2 962 151 811 1773 422 4 28 394 1825 7 969 151 818 1774 423 28 395 1826 5 974 151 823 1775 3 496 4 32 394 1827 3 977 151 826 1776 9 498 32 396 1898 3 980 ] 152 828 1777 19 440 32 408 IB39 3 983 4 156 827 1778 18 458 9 34 424 1830 3 986 1 157 829 1779 11 469 34 435 1831 7 993 157 836 1780 1 470 34 436 1839 3 996 2 159 837 1781 470 16 50 420 1833 i 997 2 161 836 1789 4 474 19 62 419 1834 997 1 162 835 ;^ AlShtfMwt of whom we rareUnooi re Bleinbei shed before Certtfieatee of Memberdiip w ni of the Union LiaaAar. ere granted. 1 lTb« m Sturm, a mooDtiiif to 966, were sold to defray the ezpea ie of erecting the '^"^ 1 in which tb e Library u DOW kept LIST OF MEMBERS. Abbott, Timothy- Abbott, William Adams, Martha Levy Albertson, Benjamin Alexander, James, Estate. Alexander, Charles Allen, Solomon Alsop, Othniel Alter, Jacob Anderson, Samuel V. Anderson, William V. Andrews, John Armroyd, George Arrott, James Ash, Morgan Ashurst, Richard Astley, Thomas Atkinson, Samuel C. Atwood, John M. B. Bache, Franklin Bache, Richard Bacon, Job, Estate. Bacon, John Badger, Samuel Baker, John, Estate. Baker, Michael Baker, Charles H. Baker, Henry S. Bancker, Charles N. Barclay, John, Estate. Barclay, Andrew C. Barclay, Jr. John Barclay, John A. Barnes, Joseph Barker, Abraham, Estate. Bartram, Rebecca S. Bartram, George Barton, Thomas P. Be ere, Jonathan Bell, John Bell, William, Estate. Bell, Margaret Bennet, Daniel R. Bettle, Samuel Bettle, Edward, Estate. Betton, Thomas F. Beveridge, Thomas Biddle, Clement, Estate. Biddle, William S., Estate. Biddle, Thomas Biddle, Clement C. Biddle, Clement Biddle, Jr. Clement Biddle, Edward C. Bingham, William, Estate. Binney, Horace Blackwell, Robert, Estate. Bleight, Samuel, Estate. Blight, George Bohlen, John Bohlen, Bohl Boiler, Henry J. Bond, Dr. Henry Bordley, Elizabeth (now Gibson) Bradford, Thomas Brantly, William T. Bridges, Robert, M. D. Brinckle, Thomas R. Brinton, John H., Estate. Bristoll, Thomas L., Estate. Brooks, Samuel Broom, James M. Brown, Elijah Brown, Joseph D. Brown, Moses Brown, William Brown, Alexander Browne, John C, Estate. Bryan, William P. Buckley, Anthony M. Bunker, Nathan Bunting, Charles W. Bunting, Samuel C. Burd, Edward S. Burd, Sarah Burgin, George H. Burr, George H. Burtis, John Butler, Pierce Cadwalader, Thomas Caldcleugh, Robert A. Caldwell, David Camac, Turner, Estate. Campbell, George Campbell, James Carey, Henry C. Carlile, Abraham Carman, William Carpentier, Lewis D., Estate. Carson, Susan Carter, Durdin B. Chaloner, John, Estate. Chamberlain, William Chancellor, William Chancellor, Hannah Chapman, Nathaniel Chauncey, Charles Chauncey, Elihu Chew, Benjamin Christian, Peter Christian, Samuel J. Child, John Church, Samuel, Estate. Clark, John L. Clark, Thomas Clark, Ephraim Clark, John Y. Clapier, Lewis CJay, George Clav, Joseph A. Cleaveland, C. D. Clement, Jacob B. Clemson, William F. Cloud, Joseph Coates, John R. Coates, Mary Coates, George M. Coates, Benjamin H. Coleman, Edward Colhoun, Hugh Colhoun, Gustavus Colhoun, Samuel Collins, Zaccheus, Estate. Comly, Ethan Council, John Cook, Alexander Cook, John Cooke, David Cooke, Elisha C. Cooke, John Cooke, Lydia Cope, Thomas P. Cope, Israel Cope, Jasper Cope, Alfred Conrad, Solomon W., Estate. Cooper, Daniel W., Estate. Cooper, Richard M. xxxu LIST OP MEMBERS. Correy, Marg-aret S. Cowell, John V. Cowperthwaite, Joseph Coxe, John Redman Coxe, Edmund S. Craige, Selh W. Cresson, James Cresson, John £., Estate. Cresson, Sarah Emlen Cridland, John, Estate. Crothers, William S., Estate. Crozer, James G. Cruk shank, Joseph Cuningham Jane (now Drake) Curtis, John H, Cutlibcrt, John Cuthbert, Joseph Ogden D. Dallet, Elijah Dallet, Jr. Elijah Davids, Benjamin Davidson, William Davis, Henry R. Davis, Isaac Davis, Isaac R. Dawson, Anne (now Morrison) Dawson, Josiah Denckla, Christian Dewees, William P. Diamond, John Diamond, Maria E. Donaldson, Joseph Donnaldson, Edward M. Dixey, Charles Downing, John J. Drinker, Jr. John, Estate. Drinker, Francis Duane, William Duane, Jr. William Duffield, Edward Duncan, Stephen Dundas, James Dunlap, Thomas Dunn, Nathan Duponceau, Peter S. Dupont, Alexis J. Dupuy, Charles M. Dusar, Florimond J. Duval, Lewis Earle, Thomas Eckfeldt, Adam Edwards, Griffith Eldridge, Jacob R. Elfreth, Isaac C. Ella, John Elliot, John Elwyn, Alfred L. Ely, Hugh, Estate. Ely, Ezra Stiles Emerson, Governeur Emlen, Samuel Emlen, George Emlen, William F. Emlen, Joshua Emlen, Maria Elmslie, Alexander Evans, William Evans, Cadwalader Evans, Griffith Evans, Thomas Evans, Rowland E. Evens, John B., Estate. Evens, Mary Ewing, Edward Ewing, Robert Ewing, Catharine Eyre, Elizabeth Famum, Henry Fassit, James Fell, Jr. Jonathan, Estate. Finney, Christiana Fisher, Samuel R. Fisher, James C. Fisher, Samuel W., Estate. Fisher, James L., Estate. Fisher, Joseph Fisher, William W. Fisher, Joshua F. Folwell, John G. Folwell, William Foster, Nathaniel C. Foster, William Fox, Samuel M., Estate. Fraley, Frederick Franklin, Walter Frazer, Persifor Fry, WilUam Fullerton, Alexander Furness, William H. G. Gallaher, James, Estate. Garrigues, Benjamin George, Richard Gest, John Gerhard, William Gibson, George Gibson, James Gibson, John, Estate. Gibson, John (Farmer) Gill, Robert Gilpin, Henry D. Gilpin, Charles Goddard, John Gordon, David F. Govett, William G. Graham, Peter Grandom, Hart Graff, Charles Gratz, Hyman Green, Edmund Greeves, James R. Greiner, John Grelaud, Titon, Estate. Griffith, Dr. R. Eaglesfield Griffitts, Samuel P., Estate. Groves, Daniel H. Hacker, Isaiah Haines, Jane B. Hale, Thomas Hall, Thomas M., Estate. Hall, Jacob Hallowell, John Hamilton, James, Estate. Hansel, WiUiam S. Hare, Robert Harland, John, Estate. Harmes, Jacob N. Harrold, William Hart, John V. Hassinger, Jacob, Estate. Haworth, John, Estate. Hay, William J. Hay dock, Samuel Haydock, Eden Hays, Isaac, M. D. Hazard, Erskine Hazlehurst, Isaac, Estate. Harvey, Samuel D. Helfenstein, Albert Hembel, Jr. William Henry, Alexander Hertzog, Peter Hewitt, William, Estate. Hewson, Thomas T. Heyl, Jr. John Heylin, Isaac Hickling, Carter Hill, David Hildeburn, Samuel Hodge, William L. Hodgson, Jr. William Holland, Nathaniel Hollingsworth, Levi, Estate. Hollingsworth, Paschall Holmes, John Hood, John M. Hood, William Hooton, Mott Hopkinson, Joseph Horner, Alfred Hospital, The Pennsylvania Howard, Thomas, Estate. Howell, Arthur, Estate. Howell, Edward W. Howell, George Howell, Benjamin B. Howell, Samuel E. Huber, Frederick A. Huddell, Jr. Joseph Hughes, Rev. John Humphreys, Joshua Hutchinson, Mahlon Hutchinson, James Hutchinson, Thomas Hutchinson, Benjamin P. Hyde, William Ingersoll, Charles J. Ingcrsoll, Joseph R. Ingraham, Edward D. Innes, Edward W. LIST OP MEMBERS. XXXIU Jackson, Benjamin Jackson, Washington Jackson, M. D. Samuel Jackson, Andrew James, Thomas C^ Estate. James, Jr. Thomas C. James' St., Church Jaudon, Samuel Jeanes, Isaiah Jenkins, William, Estate. Jenks, Joseph R. Johnson, Jr. John, Estate. Johnson, Benjamin, Estate. Johnson, Topliff Johnston, Alexander W. Jones, Dr. John, Estate. Jones, David Jones, Jr. Benjamin Jones, Isaac C. Jones, M. D. Thomas P. Jones, Samuel W. Jones, William H. Jones, John M. Jordan, John Justice, George M. Justice, Jacob K. Kane Elisha, Estate. Keating, John Keating, WilUara H. Keith, William Keemle, Samuel Keen, Sarah Keene, Sarah L. Kemper, Jackson Kennedy, David, Elstate. Keppele, Catharine C. Ker, WiUiam Kicrnan, Grace King, James, Estate. King, Daniel King, William W. Kingston, Stephen Kinsman, Charles W. Kirkham, William Kirkpatrick, David Kitchen, Jaines, Elstate. Kite, Thomas Kittera, Thomas Klapp, Dr. Joseph Knauff, Henry- Knight, Alexander, Estate. Krumbhaar, Lewis Kuhl, Henry Kuhn, Hartman Kuhn, Charles Kuhn, Jr. Hartman Landreth, Jr. David Lardner, Lynford Estate Large, John Large, James Large, Robert H. Latimer, George, Estate. Latimer, John R. Latimer, William G., Estate. Laussat, Jr. Anthony, Estate. Lawrence, Mary L. Evans Lawrence, Joseph R. Lawrence, Sarah A. Lea, Joseph Lea, Isaac Lea, Mathew Carey Lea, Thomas T. Leaming, J. Fisher Leedom, Jonathan Leger, Ann Elizabeth Lehman, Ann (now Wells) Leiper, Thomas, Estate. Levy, L. J. Lewis, David Lewis, Joseph S. Lewis, Mordecai Lewis, Mordecai D. Lewis, Rachel Lewis, Robert M. Lewis, Lawrence Lewis, Samuel N. Lewis, Jr. David Lewis, Edwin M. Linnard, Thomas M. Lippincott, Joshua Lisle, John Littell, Eliakim Littell, Mary Frazer Logan, Albanus C. Logan, Deborah Livezey, John Longstreth, Joshua Longstreth, Isaac T. Longstreth, Morris Lowbcr, John C, Estate. Lesley, George W. Loxley, Richard Loyd, Isaac S. M. Maccoun, Henry T. Maclure, William Madeira, George A. Maitland, John Marr, Elizabeth Marache, Nicholas Markland, John Marshall, Elizabeth Mason, Thomas, Estate. Mason, Jr. Samuel Massey, Jr. Charles Matlack, Thomas Maxwell, Robert Mayer, Philip F. M'Allister, John M'Alpin, James M<;all, Archibald M'Call, Peter M'Caraher, Alexander M'Crea, Jr. John MCreedy, Jeremiah M'Euen, Dr. Thomas M'llvaine, Joseph M'llvaine, William £ M'Kean, Hannah M'Kean, William W. M'Murtrie, James Mease, James Meigs, Charles D. Meredith, William Meredith, William M. Messchert, H. Mifflin, Lloyd Mifflin, Sarah Mifflin, James L. Miller, Abraham Miller, Jr. John Miller, Joseph Miller, Julianna Miller, Anna Maria Milligan, James, Estate. Milnor, James Mitchell, John K. Mitchell, Thomas Montgomery, Mary H. Moore, J. Wilson Morgan, Benjamin, Estate. Morgan, Thomas, Estate. Morgan, Benjamin R. Morgan, George W. Morris, Luke W., Estate. Morris, Isaac W., Estate. Morris, Benjamin Morris, Catharine W. Morris, Israel W. Morris, Abigail Morris, Thomas Morris, Thomas W. Morris, Richard Hill Morris, Stephen P. Morris, Jacob G. Moss, Joseph M. Morton, Samuel G. Murray, Juliana Musgravc, James Myers, Jolrn B. N. Nash, William, Estate. Neal, William Neff, John Neill, Lewis, Estate. Newbold, James S. Newbold, Elizabeth R. Newlin, Thomas S. Newman, John B. Nicholas, Samuel Nicklin, Julia Nixon, John, Estate. Norris, Charles, El*}tatc. Norris, Joseph P. Norris, Charles Norris, Jr. Joseph P. Norris, William Nugent, George O. Oakford, Richard Oakford, Parsey O'Connor, Ann C. Odenheiraer, John W. XXXIV LIST OF MEMBERS. Ogdcn, Robert VV. Ogden, John M. Otto, John C. Palmer, Samuel Parke, Hannah Parker, Isaac B. Parker, Jeremiah, Eciate. Parker, Richard, Estate. Parker, Samuel Parker, Joaeph Parrish, Joseph Paachall, Stephen, Estate. Paschall, Thomas J., Estale. Patterson, Robert M. Pation, Abraham, Estate. Paton, Samuel Paul, John Paul, James Paul, ComegyB Paul, Samuel W. Paul's SL, Church Paxson, Richard Peace, Joseph, Estate. Pearson, Benjamin Pearson, Isaac L. Pearson, Mary Peirce, Jacob Peraberton, Henry Pcmberton, Mary, Estate, (late P^ox) Peraberton, Rebecca C. Pcmberton, Anne Pcnington, Edward Penington, William L. C. Penington, John Pennock, Horatio B. Pennock, Sarah Pennock, Abraham L. Penrose, Charles Perics, Adolphus Perit, John W. Perot, John Perot, BUliston, Estate. Perot, Joseph Peters, Richard Pettit, Sarah Barry Dale Philadelphia Society for the sup- port, &.C. Charity Schools. Phillips, Henry M. Phillips, William Phillips, John S. Physick, Philip Syng Pidgeon, David PicrsoU, William Picric, John G. Pleaaants, Joseph, Estate. PleasanU, Ann E. Piatt, WUliam Poalk, Robert Porter, F. W. Potta, Jr. John Potts, Joseph K. Poulaoo, Zachariah Podson, John Poolaon, Charles A. PoaboD, SoMUUUi (now Dobson) Prentice, John Preston, Jonas Price, Susan W. Price, Ricliard Price, Sarah Ann Purdon, John R. Ralston, Robert Randall, Josiah Randolph, George F. Randolph, Jacob Rawle, William Rawle, Jr. William Read, John Read, John M. Read, William Read, James Read, James (in Trust) Reath, Thomas Reed, William B. Rcisky, James Remington, Thomas P. Rhoads, Elizabeth Richards, Thomas Richardson, Nathaniel Richardson, John Ricketts, Philip Ridgway, Jacob Riggs, Romulus Ritchie, Sarah, Estate. Robb, Alexander Robbins, John Roberts, Hugh, Estate. Roberts, George Roberts, Joseph Roberts, Charles Roberts, Algernon S. Robertson, James Robinson, Jonathan J. Rogers, William Rogers, Molton C. Rotch, Susan Rugan, John Rush, Benjamin, Estate. S. Sansom, William Savage, John, Estate. Say, Thomas, Estate. Schively, William Schrack, Christian Scott, John M, Seckel, George D. Sergeant, John Sergeant, Elizabeth B. Sergeant, David R. Sergeant, Thomas Sergeant, Elizabetli F. Sergeant, Wintlirop Service, Andrew Sellers, Coleman, Estate. Sellers, James Sellers, Samuel Sellers, Ann Sharplcss, John T. Sharpless, Blakey Sharswood, James Shaw, Samuel, Estate. Sheaff, George D. Sheepshanks, William Sherwood, Samuel Shewell, Thomas Shewell, Mary (now Keim) Shippen, Dr. William Shields, Robert Shields, Thomas Shober, Samuel L. Shoemaker, Samuel, Estate. Shoemaker, Jonathan Shoemaker, Hannah Sill, Joseph Silver, J. S. Simmons, Stephen Simmons, Anthony Sims, Joseph Sims, Richard Key Heath Singer, John Siter, Jr. John Smith, Benjamin Smith, Jonathan B. Smith, George A. Smith, Joshua R. Smith, Robert Smith, Samuel F. Smith, Daniel B. Smith, John C. Smith, William H. Smith, George R. Smith, Jacob R. Smith, Charles Edward, Estate. Smith, Francis Gurney Smith, Benjamin P. Smith, Louisa Smith, John J. Smith, Joseph Few Smith, Joseph r. Smith, Daniel Smith, James S. Smith, George W. (in Trust) SncUing, Jr. Samuel Solms, Joseph Souder, Jacob, Estate. Sparks, Thomas Speakman, Townsend, Estate. Spohn, Elizabeth Stackhouse, Powell Stacey, Davis B. Steinmetz, John, Estate. Stevens, Edward, Estate. Stevenson, Cornelius Stewardson, Thomas Stewardson, George Stewart, Thomas Stewart, William Stillc, Benjamin Stille, Jr. John Stillc, Catharine Stokes, Charles Stott, Elizabeth Strawbridge, John Sulger, Jacob Swaim, James Swift, Joseph, Estate. Swift, Mary Swift, Elizabeth Sykcs, Robert W. LIST OF MEMBERS. XXXV T. Taylor, James Taylor, Robert Taylor, Benjamin Taylor, Lydia Taylor, Edward L. Taylor, Elizabeth Tenbrook, William E. Tevis, Benjamin Thackara, James Thomas, Joseph Thomas, Zebulon Thompson, Jonah Thompson, Rockland C. Thomson, Jesse Thomson, Peter Thomson, Charles W. Tilghman, Edward, Estate. Toland, Henry, Estate. Toland, Robert Toland, George W. Toland, Henry Tolbcrt, John Trautwine, William Troth, Henry Troth, Samuel F. Trotter, Joseph Trotter, Sansom W. Tunis, Anna Eliza V. Vanderkemp, John J. Van Gelder, Garret Van Hall, Peter J. Vaughan, John ^-, Vaux, George Vaux, Roberts Volans, Mary C. W. Wagner, John, Estate. Walker, Marianne Wallace, Joshua M., Estate. Wallace, John B. Wain, Robert Wain, Jesse, Estate. Wain, Jacob S. Wain, William, Estate. Wain, Jacob Wain, Jr. Nicholas Walsh, Robert Warner, Joseph Watson, Joseph Wayne, William Weir, Silas E. Wells, Richard W. Welsh, Samuel West, William, Estate. West, William Wetherill, Jr. Samuel, Estate. Wetherill, Samuel M. Wetherill, Joseph Wetherill, Samuel R. Wetherill, George D. Wharton, William Craig Wharton, William Wharton, Francis R. Wharton, John (in Trust) Wharton, Thomas I. Wharton, Hannah M. Wheeler, Enoch Wheeler, Charles White, William White, John White, Rebecca S. White, William R. Wickersham, Thomas Wikoff, Peter, Estate. Wilcox, Samuel Wilcox, Charles G. Williams, Thomas Williams, George Williams, Anna Maria Williams, Henry J. Williams, Julia R. Willing, Charles Willing, Richard Wilmer, Peregrine Wilson, George S., Estate. Wilson, Thomas Wilson, William Wistar, Thomas Wistar, Richard Wistar, Jr. Sarah Wistar, Bartholomew Wistar, Mifflin Wister, Charles J. Wister, John Wister, William Wood, George B. Wood, Richard D. Wright, Peter Wurts, Maurice Wylie, Samuel B. Y. Yard, James, Estate. Yard, Pearson Yarnall, Ellis Yarnall, Benjamin H. Yarnall, Edward Young, James H. Young, WiUiam W. Z. Zane, Jesse Zell, Thomas ZoUickoffer, Henry M. ( XXXV i ) The names of the . Librarians, and the time of service of each. from the first Establishment of the Library, to the first of July, 1S29. NameaoftheLibmimos. When appointed. Time of resignation. T. of 8t!rvice. 2 Days Months • No Librarian from July 1, 1731, to November 14, 1732. 1 4 13 Loais Timothy November 14, 1732, December 10, 1733. 1 26 Benjamin Franklin, William Parsons, December 10, 1733, March 11, 1734. 3 1 March 11, 1734, May 1, 1746. 12 1 20 Robert Greenway, May 1, 1746, June 13, 1763. 17 1 12 John Exlwards, June 13, 1763, February 13, 1764. 8 Francis Hopkinson, February 13, 1764, May 13, 1765. 1 3 James Johnston, May 13, 1765, May 9, 1768. 2 11 26 Ludowic Sprogle, May 9, 1768, May 1, 1769. 11 22 Ludowic Sprogle, and > John De Mauregnault, \ Joint Librarians, ( j. May 1,1769, ^ May 1, 1770. 1 John De Maurcgnault, May 1, 1770, August 5, 1771. 1 3 4 William Attmore, August 5, 1771, May 20, 1773. 1 9 15 Charles Cist, May 20, 1773, April 14, 1774 10 24 Francis Daymon, April 14, 1774, June 27, 1777. 3 2 13 Samuel Lobdill, June, 27, 1777, December 8, 1778. 1 5 11 John Todd, the elder. December 8, 1778, June 24, 1779. 6 16 Bernard Fearis, June 24, 1779, January 13, 1780. 6 19 Joseph Fawcett, January 13, 1780, January 13, 1784. 4 John Todd, Jr. January 13, 1784, February 19, 1785. 1 1 6 Zachariah Poulson, February 19, 1785, May 8, 1806. 21 2 19 George Campbell, May 8, 1806, May 8, 1829. 23 John J. Smith, Jr. Julj May 8, 1829, 7 1, 1835— Since the first f Drmation of the Compan 6 y, 104 YEARS. • The Instroment of Association, signed by thirty-eight Members, was dated July 1, 1731. The first meeting of the Directors, therein appointed, was held on the eighth day of November following. The first importation of Pooks from London, amounting to JE45 sterling, arrived the last of October, 1732, and on the fourteenth of the next ensuing month Louis Tiinothee, the first Librarian, was appointed, and the Library thereupon opened in a chamber of Robert Grace's house, in Pewter-platter Alley, now called Jones's Alley. On the seventh of April, 1740, the Library was removed from thence to the western wing of the State-house. In August, 1773, it was transferred to the Carpenters' Hall, and in October, 1790, it was placed in the present building. t At this time the Union Library (into which the Amicable and Association Libraries had previously merged) was incorporated with this Company, and John De Mauregnault, Librarian of tlie former, and Ludowic Sprogle, Librarian of the latter Company, jointly performed tlie duties of that station, until the first of May, 1770, when Ludowic Sprogle resigned. SYNOPSIS VOL. I. Page. Bibliography, 1 CLASS L— Religion. Treatises on Toleration, 8 Treatises on Natural Religion, and on the Existence of a God, 9 The Holy Scriptures: Texts and Versions, 1 1 Apocryphal Books, 16 Scripture Histories, Dictionaries, Concordances and Harmonies, 16 Criticism, Interpretation of and Commentaries on the Scriptures, 22 Treatises on the Truth and Evi- dences of Revealed Religion, 29 Creeds, Catechisms, Liturgies and Treatises thereon, 35 Collections of Prayers, 39 Metrical versions of the Psalms: Hymns, 40 Ancient and Modem Theologians, 41 Doctrinal, Practical, Controversial and Miscellaneous Divinity, 45 Sermons, Pastoral Letters and Charges, 90 Jewish Antiquities, History, Cus- toms, &c. 114 Ecclesiastical History, 116 History of the Inquisition, 130 Lives of Saints, Martyrologies, 130 Bible, Missionary, and other So- cieties, 132 Paganism, Mahomedanism, M)rtho- logy, 134 CLASS n. — Jurisprudence. General Treatises on Laws, 137 Law of Nature, and of Nations, 138 Treaties, 140 Ancient, Civil, Feudal and Ecclesi- astical Law, 141 Common, Chancery, Commercial and Mercantile Law, Constitutional and Municipal Law and Commentaries, The United States, Foreign: British, Continental Europe, Asia, Criminal and Penal Law, Police, Prisons, and Prison Discipline, Criminal and State Trials, Reports, Trials in Civil Cases, Individual and Particular Cases, Law relating to Women, Marriage and Divorce, Patent Law, Copyright, Military Law, Treatises on Courts- Martial, Trials, Page. 143 149 150 153 156 157 158 162 170 173 174 174 175 175 CLASS in. — Sciences and Arts. Philosophy, 177 Encyclopaedias, and Dictionaries of Arts and Sciences, 182 Metaphysics, 183 Physiognomy and Phrenology, 187 Occult Philosophy, Alchemy, As- trology, Demonology, &c. 188 Logic, 192 Ethics, or Moral Philosophy, 193 Ethical Treatises on the Passions, Virtues, Vices, Happiness, &c. 201 Education, Ellementary Works for Youth, &c. 206 Universities, Colleges, and Public Schools, 213 General Treatises on Government and Politics, 215 Political Economy, Population, Pau- perism, 221 Money, Finance, Banks, Paper Cre- dit, &c. 228 xxxvin SYNOPSIS. 233 241 247 252 253 259 264 269 275 Trade, Commerce, Weights and Measures, Usury, Slavery and the Slave Trade, ibternal Improvements, Roads, Ca- nals, Bridges, Tunnels, Wheel Carriages, &c. Hospitals, Dispensaries, and Poor Houses, Natural Philosophy, General Trea- tises, Systems, &c. Electricity, Galvanism, Magnetism, Meteorology, Pneumatics, Chemistry, Natural History, General works. Natural History of different Coun- tries, &c. Geology, Volcanoes, Elarthquakes, Waters, &c. 276 Mineralogy, Metals, Mines, Fossils, 280 Botany, General works, 283 Zoology: Animals, Birds, Fishes, Insects, Shells, &c. 291 Medicine, General and Miscellane- ous works, 296 Treatises on Health, Diet, Regi- men, 300 Theory and Practice of Medicine, 304 Diseases incident to various Places, Professions, &c. 309 Treatises on particular Diseases, 31 1 Anatomy and Physiology, 323 Surgery and Obstetrics, 330 Materia Medica: Pharmacopoeias, Dispensatories, 331 Mathematics, General and Miscel- laneous works, 335 Arithmetic, Algebra, Fluxions, 337 Geometry, Surveying, Trigonome- try, 340 Logarithms, Mathematical Tables, and Instruments, 343 Calculations of Probabilities, Life Annuities, 344 Mechanics : Hydrostatics, Descrip- tions of Machines, Steam En- gines, &c. 344 Astronomy, Astronomical Tables, Atlases, Instruments, &c. 348 Treatises on the Calendar, 352 Almanacs, Ephemerides, 353 Optics : Light, Vision, &c. 356 The Fine Arts, 358 Arts of Design, Perspective Paint- ing, Engraving, Sculpture, &c. 359 BookB of Prints, Catalogues and Descriptions of Pictures, &c. 364 Page. Vage, Architecture, 369 Views and descriptions of Edifices, Ruins, Arches, Columns, &c. 372 Vases, Gems, &c. 375 Music, 375 Arts and Trades, General works, Dictionaries, 376 Art of Memory, 378 Art of Writing and Printing, 378 Stenography, or Short-Hand, 380 Book Keeping, 380 Arts and Manufactures in general, 381 Particular Arts, 381 Agriculture and Gardening, 385 Treatises on Horses, Cattle, Sheep, &c. The Veterinary Art, Far- riery, 394 Treatises on Silk Worms and Bees, 397 Treatises on Cookery, «fcc. 398 Treatises on Warming, Lighting, and Ventilating Buildings, (fee. 399 Miscellaneous, 400 Navigation, Naval Architecture, Naval Tactics, 400 Military Art, Militia, 403 Recreative Arts, 406 Chess, 408 CLASS IV. — Belles-Lettres. Literary History, 409 Grammar and Lexicography, Ge- neral works, 411 Greek and Latin Languages, 412 Oriental, European, and other Lan guages, 4 1 5 Rhetoric, Criticism, Oratory, 423 Orations, Speeches, Eulogiums, and Addresses, 430 Treatises on Poetry, 439 Greek and Latin Poetry, and Trans- lations, 440 English Poetry, 450 French, ItEilian and German Poetry, and Translations, 490 Treatises on the Stage, 496 Dramatic works, Greek and Latin, and Translations, 498 English Dramatic works, 500 French, Italian, German, &c. and Translations, 516 History of Fiction, 519 Works of Fiction, Wit, and Hu- mour, Imaginary Voyages and adventures. Fables, in the Eng- lish Language, 520 SYNOPSIS. XXXIX Page. Greek, Latin, French, and other Languages, 544 Anecdotes, Proverbs, Maxims, Dia- logues, and Emblems, 547 Epistolary Writers, 552 Polygraphy, or the works of Au- thors who have written on va- rious subjects and in various styles, 562 Literary Miscellanies, Essays, 572 Page. Memoirs and Transactions of Sci- entific and Literary Institutions, 589 Periodical Literature, Scientific Journals, 592 Religious Journals, 594 Literary Journals, Magazines, and Reviews, 595 Registers, 603 Gazettes, 604 Directories, 606 Ui^U^SVap^S Adelung^ 8746, O. An historical sketch of Sanscrit literature; with copious bibliographical notices of Sanscrit works. From the German of Adelung. Oxford, 1832. AmeSj 449 & 1963, Q,. Typographical Antiquities; or, the history of printing in England, Scotland and Ireland. Containing memoirs of our ancient printers, and a register of the books printed by them. Begun by the late Joseph Ames, F. R. & A. SS., considerably augmented by William Herbert, of Cheshunt, Herts ; and now greatly enlarged, with copious notes, and illustrated with appropriate engravings; compre- hending the history of English literature, and a view of the progress of the art of engraving in Great Britain ; by the Rev. T. F. Dibdin. London, 1810. 5 vols. M. 1984,0,. Typographical Antiquities: being an historical account of printing in England; with some memoirs of our ancient printers, and a register of the books printed by them from the year 1471 to 1500. With an appendix concerning printing in Scotland and Ireland to the same time. By Joseph Ames, F. R. S. &c. With plates and cuts. London, 1749. M. Arch^ 4858, O. Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of books on sale, by John and Arthur Arch. London, 1815. Gift of J. and A. Arch. Ayscough, 768, Q,. A catalogue of the manuscripts preserved in the British museum, hitherto undescribed. By Samuel Ayscough. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1782. Baretti, 635, O. The Italian Library ; containing an account of the lives and works of the most valuable authors of Italy; with a preface exhibit- ing the changes of the Tuscan language, from the barbarous ages to the present time. By Giuseppe Baretti. London, 1757. Beauderk, 6500, O. Bibliotheca Beauclerkiana. A catalogue of the large and valuable library of the late Hon. Topham Beauclerk, F. R. S, Com- prehending an excellent choice of books, to the number of upwards of thirty thousand volumes, &c. &c. London, 1781. M. BeloCj 3812, O. Anecdotes of Literature and scarce books, by William Beloe. 6 vols. London, 1807. 1 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bent, 1420, O. A general catalogue of books in all languagres, arts, and sci- ences, printed in Great Britain, and published in London, from the year 1700 to 1786. By W. Bent. London, 1786. 8215, O. The London catalogue of books, for 1799. By W. Bent. Lon- don. 1799. 4680, O. The London catalogue of books, with their sizes and prices for 1814. Arranged by W. Bent London. Bnmety 6785, O. Catalogue des Livres rares, &c. du cabinet de M. d'Our- ches, &c «Scc. Par J. Ch. Brunet, fils. A Paris, 1811. Brydges, 7686 & 6684, O. Censura Literaria. Containing titles, abstracts, and opinions of old English books, with original disquisitions, articles of biography, and other literary antiquities. By Samuel Egerton Brydges, E^i. 10 vols. 1805, 1807. 0685, O. Restituta; or, titles and characters of old books, &c. By Sir Egerton Brydges, K. J. Nos. 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 11. London, 1815. Byrd, 1052, F. A catalogue of the books in the library at Westover, Va.; be- longing to William Byrd, Esq. MS. M. dark, 7288, O. A concise view of the succession of Sacred Literature, in a chronological arrangement of authors and their works, from the in- vention of alphabetical characters, to A. D. 1445. Vol. 1, part 1, by Adam Clark, L L. D. Part 2, by J. B. B. Clarke, M. A. London, 1830. Clarke, 457, D. Bibliographical Dictionary; containing a chronological account of books ; with anecdotes of authors, printers, and publishers. By Dr. Adam Clarke. 6 vols. Manchester, 1804. Crofts, 6502, O. Bibliotheca Croftsiana. A catalogue of the curious and dis- tinguished hbrary of the late Rev. and learned Thomas Crofts, A. M., P. R. S., &c. &c. London, 1783. M. Davis, 2853, D. An olio of bibliographical and literary anecdotes, and memo- randa, original and selected. By William Davis. London, 1814. 2813, D. Journey round the library of a Bibliomaniac, or cento of notes and reminiscences concerning rare, curious, and valuable books. By William Davis. London, 1821. 3103, D. A second journey round the library of a Bibliomaniac; or cento of notes and reminiscences of rare, curious, and valuable books. By William Davis. London, 1825. Dibdin, 3944, O. An introduction to the knowledge of rare and valuable edi- tions of the Greek and Latin classics ; including an account of Poly- glot bibles, the best Greek, and Greek and Latin editions of the Sep- tuagint and New Testament; the scriptores de re rustica; Greek romance, and lexicons and grammars. By the Rev. Thomas F. Dibdin. Third edition. 2 vols. London, 1808. 6583, O. The same. London, 1804. M. 4350, O. Bibliomania, or book-madness; a bibliographical romance, in six parts; illustrated with cuts. By the Rev. Thomas Frognall Dib- din. London, 1811. 5060, O. The Bibliographical Decameron: or, ten days pleasant dis- course upon illuminated manuscripts and subjects connected with early engraving, topography and bibliography. By T. F. Dibdin. 3 vols. London, 1817. 1664, Q^ Bibliotheca Spenceriana; or a descriptive catalogue of the books printed in the fifteenth century, and of many valuable first editions in the library of George John, Eiarl Si)encer; By the Rev. Thomas F. Dibdin; 4 vols. London, 1814. 1 828, Ct & 6473, O. ^Edes Althorpianaj ; or, an account of the man- fiooksand pictures, at Althorp: the residence of George John, Earl , ' or, K. G. To which is added, a supplement to the bibliotheca BIBLIOGRAPHY-. 3 Spenceriana, or a descriptive catalogue of the books printed in the XV century in that library. By the Rev. Thomas Frognall Dibdin, F. R. S. &c. librarian to his lordship. With exquisite engravings. London, 1822. M. Dibdin, 6474, O. A descriptive catalogue of the books printed in the XV cen- tury, lately forming part of the library of the Duke di Cassano Serra, and now the property of George John, Earl Spencer, K. G. With a general index of authors and editions contained in the present vo- lume, and in the bibliotheca Spenceriana and ^des Althorpianae. By the Rev. Thomas Frognall Dibdin, F. R. S. &c., librarian to his lord- ship. London, 1823. M. 5958, O. The library companion ; or the young man's guide, and the old man's comfort, in the choice of a library. By the Rev. T. F. Dibdin. 2 vols. London, 1824. Dupi?}, 192, F. A history of ecclesiastical writers; containing an account of the lives and writings of the primitive fathers. By Lewis Ellis Dupin. 7 vols. London. 1699. — '• 765, & 8434, O. Universal library of historians ; containing an ac- count of their lives, the abridgement, &c. of their histories; with critical observations on their style and character, and a catalogue of the several editions of their works. Translated from the French of Lewis Ellis Dupin. 2 vols. London, 1709. Evans, 1473, O. 2. Catalogue of pamphlets printed for T. Evans. London. Fabricius, 1275, Q,. Alberti Fabricii bibliotheca Graeca, sive notitia scriptorum veterum Graecorum. Tomi 14, in 13. Hamburgi, 1718. F. 1716, O. Joh. Alberti Fabricii bibliotheca Latina, sive notitia ve- terum Latinorum quorumcunque scripta ad nos pervenerunt. Lon- dini, 1703. L. 1488, D. Joh. Alberti Fabricii bibliotheca Latina, mediae et in fimae aetatis. Tomi VI. Hamburgi, 1734. F. 1272, Q,. J. Alberti Fabricii bibliographia antiquaria. Editio 2da. Hamburgi et Lipsise, 1716. F. 1274, Q,. Alberti Fabricii bibliotheca Latina, sive notitia auctorum veterum Latinorum. Tomi 2. Venetiis, 1728. F. Farmer, 6520, O. Bibliotheca Farmeriana. A catalogue of the curious, valua- ble and extensive library, in print and manuscript, of the late Rev. Richard Farmer, D. D. With the prices. London, 1798. M. Gesner, 500, F. Conradi Gesneri bibliotheca seu scriptorum omnium fere catalogus. Tiguri, 1574. L. Goodhugh, 6300, O. The English gentleman's library manual ; or a guide to the formation of a library of select literature; accompanied with no- tices of authors and books. By William Goodhugh. London, 1827. Hartshorne, 7103, O. The book rarities in the University of Cambridge ; il- lustrated by original letters and notes. By the Rev. C. H. Hartshorne, M. A. London, 1829. Harwood, 1506, D. View of the various editions of the Greek and Roman classics, with remarks. By Edward Harwood, D. D. London, 1775. F. Hayter, 1665, Q,. A report on the Herculaneum manuscripts, in a letter to the Prince Regent, by the Rev. John Hayter, A. M. London, 1814. Home, 4575, O. An introduction to the history of bibliography ; to which is prefixed, a memoir on the public libraries of the ancients: by Thomas H. Home. 2 vols. London, 1814. Jw/iz«5, 2621, D. 2. Bibliotheca Germano — Glottica, oder Versuch einer liter- atur der alterthiimer der sprachen und Vokerchaften der Reiche Ger- manischen ursprung und Germanischer beymischung von Dr. Nikolas Heinrich Julius. Hamburg, 1817. 4 BIBLIOGRAPHT. KumU% 21 1, Q. The foundation of an American library ; being a catalop^ue of several books, papers and writings, given to the society for the pro- pagation of tiie gospel in foreign parts. By Bishop Wliite Rennet. London, 1713. Lackington, 6046, O. LacUngton, Allen's & Ca general catalogue of books on divinity, ecclesiastical history, and sermons, &c London, 1815. Gift of S. TVffMff . Lanidoumt^ 0498, O. Bibliotheca Manuscripta Lansdowniana. A catalogue of the entire collection of Manuscripts, on paper and vellum, of the late Klarquis of Lansdowne. VoL 1st, containing the Burleigh state pa- pers. London, 1807. M. 6407, O. Bibliotheca Lansdowniana. A catalogue of the entire library of the late Marquis of Lansdowne. London, 1806. M. London^ 1848, d. A catalogue of the most vendible books in England, order- ly and alphabetically digested. By William London. London, 1658. Gift of James P. Parke, Longman^ 0475, O. Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica ; or, a descriptive catalogue of a rare and rich collection of early English poets, in the possession of Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown. Illustrated by occasional extracts and remarks, critical and biographical. With numerous fine cuts. London, 1815. M. Lowndes, 8748, O. The bibUographer's memual. By W. T. Lowndes. 4 vols. London, 1834. Martin^t 8972, O. A catalogue of books, privately printed. By John Martin. London, 1834. Middleton, 145, Q. Bibliothecae Cantabrigiensis ordinandae methodus quaedam. Operum Conyers Middleton. Tom. 3. MosSy 6094, O. A manual of classical biography : comprising a copious detail of the various editions, commentaries, and translations, of the Greek and Latin classics. By Joseph William Moss. 2 vols. London, 1 825. Nicholson, 212, F. An English historical library ; giving a short view and cha- racter of most of our historians, with an account of our records, law books, coins, &c By y{. Nicholson. London, 1714. 381, O. An English historiciil library ; or a short view of most of the writers now extant. By W. Nicholson. London, 1690. Gift of Henry Pratt. OldySt 1526, O. The British librarian; exhibiting a compendious review, or abstract, of our most scarce and valuable books in all sciences, as well in manuscript as in print. London, 1738. Wni. Oldys. Orme, 5960, O. BibliotI f ica; a select Hst of books on sacred literature; with notices, ; cal, critical, and bibliographical. By W^ni. Orme. Edinburgh, 1824. Partt 0393, O. Bibliotheca Parriana. A catalogue of the library of tlie late Rev. Dr. Parr. London, 1827. Perthes, 2622, D. Verzeichniss der neuen bilcher welche zii haben sind in Perthes and Besser's Buchandlung in Hamburg. Hamburg, 1816. PhotiuSt 490, F. Photii Myriobiblon; sive bibliotheca librorum quos Photius patriarcha Constiintinopolitanus legit et censuit. Graece et Latine. Ab Andreo Schottum translatum. Genevae, 1612. L. Pickering, 5992, D. Catalogue of biblical, classical and historical manuscripts and of rare and curious books, on sale by Wm. Pickering. London, 1734. Pinelli, 0481, O. Bibliotheca Pinelliana. A catalogue of the magnificent and celebrated library of Maffei Pinelli, late of Venice, &c. &c. London, n789. M, Priestley, 9127, 0. 7. Sale catalogue of the library of the late Dr. Joseph Priest- ley. Philadelphia, 1810. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 5 Prynne, 944, Q,. 1. Catalogue of printed books written by William Prynne, of Lincolne's Inne, Esq. London, 1643. Beecl, 6521, O. Bibliotheca Reediana. A catalogue of the curious and exten- sive library of the late Isaac Reed, Esq. editor of the last edition of Shakspeare, &c. &c. Portrait. London, 1807. M. RicJi, 9160&9161, O. Bibliotheca Americana Nova; or, a catalogue of books, in various languages, relating to America, to the year 1800. Com- piled by O. Rich. London, 1832—1835. Gift of the Compiler, Bit son, 536, D. Bibliographia Poetica ; a catalogue of English poets, of the twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth centuries ; with a short account of their works. By Joseph Ritson. London, 1802. Boverus, 6967, O. Bibliotheca Roveriana, sive catalogus librorum qui Studiis inservierunt Matthiae Roveri, &c. «fec. Lugduni Batavorum, 1806. Savage, 4148, O. The Librarian; being an account of scarce, valuable and useful English books, manuscripts, libraries, public records, &c. By James Savage. 3 vols. London, 1808 — 1809. Simon, 3412, D. Nouvelle bibliotheque choisie, oii fait connoitre les bons livres, en divers genres de litterature, et I'usage qu'on en doit faire. Par M. Simon. 2 tom. A Amsterdam, 1714. Shane, 798, O. 3. Codicils belonging to the last will and testament of Sir Hans Sloane, which relate to his collection of books and curiosities. Lon- don, 1763. Taylor, 6303, O. History of the transmission of ancient books to modern times. By Isaac Taylor. London, 1827. Walpole, 1 7, D. A catalogue of the royal and noble authors of England ; with a Ust of their works. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1759. Horace Walpole. TVatt, 1812, Q,. Bibliotheca Britannica ; or a general Index to British and Foreign Literature. By Robert Watt, M. D. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1821—1824. Williams, 4523, O. Bibliothecae quam vir doctus, et admodum Reverendus Daniel Williams, S. T. P. bono publico legavit, catalogus. Londini, 1801. IVhiting, 4526, O. A catalogue of Friends' books, written by many of the people called Quakers, from their first appearance, collected by John Whiting. London, 1708. 1159, F. Catalogue of the Harleian manuscripts preserved in the British museum, with indexes of persons, places and matters. 4 vols. London, 1808 — 1812. Gift of the British Government. 1160, F. Manuscripts in the Cottonian hbrary, deposited in the British mu- seum. London, 1802. Gift of the British Government. 1162, F. Catalogue of the Lansdowne manuscripts in the British museum, with indexes of persons, places, and matters. London, 1819. Gift of the British Government. 684, Q,. Bibliotheca Americana ; or, a chronological catalogue of books, pamphlets, state papers, &c. upon the subject of North and South America, from the earliest period to the present ; with an introductory discourse on the present state of literature in those countries. London, 1789. 1232, Q^ 6. Universal historical bibliotheque, or an account of most of the considerable books printed in January, 1686. P. 1232, a. 9. Universal bibliotheque, for February, 1686. P. ^ 72, O. Catalogus bibliothecae Harleianae. Tomi 2. Londini, 1743. 14, &, 194, O. Historia litteraria ; or an account of the most valuable books, published in the several parts of Europe. 3 vols. London, 1730, &c. 248, O. Catalogus universalis librorum in omni facultate linguaque insig- nium et rarissimorum. Tomi 2. Londini, 1699. Gift of Hugh Jones. 6 BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1010, O, A complete catalogue of all books and pamphlets published for ten years past ; with their prices, and references to their characters in the " monthly review.*' London, 1760. 1071, O. The universal catalogue, for the years 1772 and 1773. 2 vols. London. 1 1 13, O. The London catalogue of books in all languages, arts, and sciences, that have been printed in Great Britain since the year 1700; properly classed; with their prices. London, 1773. 1137, O. 1. A general catalogue of books in all languages, arts, and sciences, that have been printed in Great Britain since the year 1700 to the present time. London, 1779. 1 137, 0. 2. An appendix and a supplement to the general catalogue of books, containing those published since the year 1779, to the end of July, 1783. Lon- don, 1783. 1515, O. Notizia dei libri rari riella lingua Italiana. Londini, 1726. 1632, O. 2. The charter, laws, and catalogue of books of the union library company of Hatborough ; with a short account of the first establishment there- of. Philadelphia, 1788. 2109, 3726, &, 7014, O. Catalogue of the books belonging to the medical li- brary in the Pennsylvania hospital. {Gift of the managers of the said hospital.) Philadelphia, 1806-1829. 2618, O. 9. Catalogue of books in the Massachusetts historical library. Bos- ton, 1796. Gift of a member of the said institution. 3100,0. Critical observations on books, ancient and modern. 4 vols, in 2. P, 3670, 0. 1 . Charter, by-laws, and names of the members of the New York society library ; with a catalogue of their books. New York, 1793. 4075, O. Catalogue of the books, &c. belonging to the library company of Baltimore ; with the act of incorporation, by-laws, &c. Baltimore, 1809. Gift of the Directors. 3708, O. Catalogue of Books on Sale. London, 1803. 4270, O. Catalogue of the books belonging to the Salem Athenaeum ; with the by-laws and regulations. Salem, 1811. Gift of the Trustees of the said Institution. 4433, O. Catalogue of the library of the London institution. London, 1813. Gift of the Institution. 4473, 0. 2. Catalogue of the books, &c. belonging to the library at Washing- ton. Washington, 1812. 5270, O. Repertorium bibliographicum ; or some account of the most cele- brated British libraries. London, 1819. 5393, O. Charter and by-laws of the Athenaeum of Philadelphia ; together with a catalogue of the books, maps, &c., belonging to the institution. Phila- delphia, 1820. Gift of the Directors. 5443, O. Bibliotheca Americo-Septentribnalis ; being a choice collection of books in various languages, relating to the history, agriculture, commerce, &c. of North America. Paris, 1820. 5862, O. Catalogue of the library of the American Philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia, for promoting useful knowledge. Philadelphia, 1824. Gift of the Society. 6268, O. The London catalogue of books, with their sizes, prices, and pub- lishers, containing the books published in London, 1800, to March, 1827. Lon- don, 1827. 6345, O. A Catalogue of the books belonging to the Charleston library so- ciety. Charleston, 1826. Gift of the Society. 6584, 1857, & 3138, O. Accounts and extracts of the manuscripts in tlie li- brary of the King of PYance. Published under the inspection of a comniittee of the royal academy of sciences, at Paris. Translated from the French. 2 vols. London, 1789. M. 4- P. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 7 7062, & 9136, O. Catalogue of the books belonging to the library of the uni- versity of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1829. Gift of Trustees. 7317, O. Annual report and the treasurer's account of the apprentices' li- brary company of Philadelphia, March, 1831. 7382, & 1965, O. A catalogue of the library of Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. 4 vols. Cambridge, 1790 — 1830. Gift of the Trustees. 8638, & 8639, 0.3. Rules of the chapel library and catalogue of books. London, 1810. 8644, O. 10. Catalogue of books in the Manchester library, and a copy of the laws. Manchester, 1787. 8677, O. Why and Because; being the reasons produced in 1832, for and against keeping the Philadelphia Library open in the morning. Collected and arranged from the public prints, in the order in which they appeared. 1832. Gift of John J. Smith, Jr, 156, D. 1. A critical and historical account of all the celebrated libraries in foreign countries, as well ancient as modern ; with reflections upon the choice of books. By a gentleman of the temple. London, 1739. 917, D.2. Index Librorum Prohibitorum autoritate Pii IV. Sexto V. et Cle- mentis VIII. additis regulus ac exequendae prohibitionis ratione. Coloniae, 1614. 1913, D. A catalogue of the books belonging to the Charleston library so- ciety in May, 1806. Charleston, (South Carolina) 1806. Gift of the Society, 3159, D. 1. A catalogue of books belonging to the library company of Phila- delphia. Philadelphia, 1741. Gift of J. P. NorriSy Esq, 3159, D. 2. A catalogue of books belonging to the union library company of Philadelphia ; with the articles and rules. Philadelphia, 1754. Gift of James Thackara, Esq. 2621, D. 1. Verzeichniss der besten in Deutschland erschienenen Ausgaben der Grieschischen und Romischen classiker. Hamburg, 1814. 4202, D. Catalogue of books belonging to Friends' library. Philadelphia. Gift of the Man agers. 1831. 5845, D. A guide to the choice of books ; or a selection of more than 6000 volumes. London, 1833. CLASS I. TREATISES ON TOLERATION. Clarendon^ 4273, O. Religion and policy, and the countenance and assistance each should give to the other ; with a survey of the power and juris- diction of the Pojie in the dominions of other princes. By Edward, Earl of Clarendon. 2 vols. Oxford, 1811. Cohhett, 954, Q. 5. Treatise of the power of civil magistrates in matters of religion. By Thomas Cobbet. London, 1653. Coltbrooky 1905, O. Six letters on intolerance; including ancient and modern nations, and different religions and sects. By Sir George Colebrook. London, 1791. Fowler^ 3509, O. Libertas evangelica, or a discourse of Christian liberty. By Edward Fowler. London, 1680. P. Fumeaux, 2174, Qi. Letters to Mr. Justice Blackstone, on some positions rela- tive to religious liberty in his commentaries. By Philip Fumeaux, D. D. America, 1773. Goodwin, 934, Q. 3. Queries respecting the right of the civil magistrate to in- terpose his power in matters of religion, or in the worship of God. By John Good\^in. London, 1653. 934, Q. 4. Vindication of the queries concerning the power of the civil iiiriLMstrate in matters of religion. By John Goodwin. London, 1653. Hammondy 932, Q^ 3. On resisting the lawfull magistrate vnder colour of reli- gion- By Henry Hammond. Oxford, 1644. Heathcote, 518, & 3524, O. 3. The use of reason in matters of religion. By Ralph Heathcote. 2d edit. London, 1756. Milton, 1982, O. Treatise of civil power in ecclesiastical causes. By John Milton. London, 1790. Spinoza, 238, O. A treatise partly theological, and partly political ; showing that the liberty of making use of natural reason may be allowed with- out any prejudice to piety, or to the peace of any commonwealth. Translated from the Latin of Spinoza. London, 1737. Gift of Chris- tian Grashold. Taylor, 770, F. Discourse of the liberty of prophesying, with its just limits and temper. By Jeremy Taylor. 3d edit. London. P. HlUtefidd, 930, Q- II. Discourse for liberty of conscience in matters of reli- gion. By Thomas Whitefield. London, 1652. 930, ^12. Answer to the discourse respecting the liberty of conscience. London, 1652. ffW, 956, Q. 3. Letter from Dr. Robert Wild on his majesty's proclamation for liberty of conscience. London, 1672. WoUele^f 931, Q. 12. Liberty of conscience upon its true and proj^r grounds, asserted and vindicated. By Sir Charles Wolseley. London, 1 668. WytfUL, 6325, O. 3. Letters on the subject of universal toleration ; from origi- nal correspondence of the late Christopher Wy vill. With an Appen- dix by George Harrison. London, 1825. Gift of Dr» Parke. NATURAL RELIGION. 9 928, Q,. 22. Reasons against toleration and indulgence of popery, with the letter of the Archbishop of Canterbury to the king, &c. London, 1663. 931, Q. 13. Plea for libertie of conscience in a church way. London, 1644. 1468, O. 5. Considerations on an act of the legislature of Virginia, entitled, "An act for the establishment of religious freedom." Philad. 1786. 1976, O. 7. A catalogue of the publications which have appeared on the sub- ject of the toleration of protestant dissenting ministers, from 1772 to 1790. London, 1790. 4314, O. Hints on Toleration, in five essays, by Philagatharches. London, 1811. 3081, D. 1. The pulpit made free, and an ability and license to preach made common to all Christians. By a Layman. New York, 1822. Gift of the Author. TREATISES ON NATURAL RELIGION, AND ON THE EXISTENCE OF A GOD. Btll, 8912, O. Bridgewater Treatise. The hand, its mechanism and vital en- dowments as evincing design. By Sir Charles Bell. London, 1833. -ffmna^a?!, 2721, D. Vol. 16. An intellectual telescope ; or, a compendious dis- play of the goodness and power of God in the starry heavens and the great deep. By Thomas Branagan. Philad. 1809. Bradley^ 5318, D. 3. A philosophical retrospect on the general outlines of crea- tion and providence. By Abraham Bradley. Wilkesbarre, 1808. Brown, 4815, O. An essay on the existence of a Supreme Creator, possessed of infinite power, wisdom, and goodness. Containing also the refuta- tion from reason and revelation, of the objections urged against his wisdom and goodness ; and deducing from the whole subject the most important practical inferences; to which a prize of 3^1200 was ad- judged at Aberdeen. By William Lawrence Brown, D. D. 2 vols. Aberdeen. Bushnan, 9012, O. 1. Introduction to the study of nature; illustrative of the attributes of the Almighty as displayed in the creation. By J. S. Bushnan, F. L. S. London, 1834. Butler, 158, & 3178, O. The analogy of religion, natural and revealed, accord- ing to the course of nature ; with two dissertations, viz. the first, of personal identity; the second, of the nature of virtue. By Joseph Butler. 3d edit. London, 1740. Chalmers, 8908, O. & 5704, D. Bridgewater Treatise. On the power, wisdom, and goodness of God, as manifested in the adaptation of external na- ture to the moral and intellectual constitution of man. By Rev. Thomas Chalmers, D. D. 2 vols, in one. London and Philad. 1833. Clarke, 157, O. A discourse concerning the being and attributes of God, the obligations of natural religion, and the truth of the Christian religion; in answer to Messrs. Hobbs, Spinoza and others. By Samuel Clarke. 10th edit. London, 1749. Derham, 177, & 8503, O. Physico-theology ; or a demonstration of the being and attributes of God, from his works of creation ; with notes and observations. By William Derham. 8th edit. London, 1732. 3384, O. The same. 9th edit. London, 1737. P. 2737, O. The same. New edit. 2 vols. London, 1798. 499, «fe 736, O. Astro-theology ; or a demonstration of the being and attributes of God, from a survey of the heavens ; with plates. By William Derham. 6th edit. London, 1731. Dohson, 1297, & 1444, D. Letters on the existence and character of the Deity, and on the moral state of man. By Thomas Dobson. Philadelphia, 1799. 2 10 RELIGION. Fergus, 5712, D. The testimony of nature and revelation to the being, perfec- tions, and government of God. By the Rev. H. Fergus. Philadel- phia, 1833. /e/ifio;i, 212, D. A demonstration of the existence dnd attributes of God; drawn from a knowledge of nature, and from the idea of the Infinite himself. By M. Fenelon, archbishop of Cambray. 2d edit. London, 1720. 1487, D. Demonstration of the existence, wisdom, and omnipotence of God. By the Archbishop of Cambray. London, 1713. P. Kidd. The same. 5th edit. London, 1709. P. THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. H 683, O. Physico-theological discourses, concerning the primitive chaos and creation of the world ; the general deluge, its causes and effects ; and the dissolution of the world, and future conflagration. By John Ray. 4th edit. London, 1732. — 3515, O, & 4589, D. Three physico-theological discourses; concerning chaos, the deluge, and the world's dissolution. By John Ray. 3d edit. London, 1713, and 1693. P. Rogeti 9036, O. Bridgewater Treatise. Animal and vegetable physiology, considered with reference to natural theology. By Peter Mark Roget, M. D. 2 vols. London, 1834. Spinoza, 5669, O. Tractatus theologico politicus, cui, adjunctus est philosophia S. Scripturae interpres. By Benedict Spinoza. Hamburg, J.674. Tindal, 8142, O. Christianity as old as the creation ; or, the Gospel a repub- lication of the religion of nature. By Matthew Tindal, L. L. D. New- burg, 1798. WliewelU 8?88, O, & 5678, D. Bridgewater Treatise. Astronomy and general physics, considered with reference to natural theology. By the Rev. Wm. Whewell. London & Philadelphia, 1833. Whiston, 8499, O. Astronomical principles of religion, natural and revealed. By William Whiston. London, 1717. Wilkins, 787, & 8540, O. The principles and duties of natural religion. By Bishop Wilkins. 5th edit. London, 1704—1710. TFoolaston, 153, Q,. The religion of nature delineated. By William Woolass- ton. London, 1726. 1182, a. The same. 5th edit. London, 1731. P. • 509, O. The religion of nature delineated. By Mr. Woolaston ; with a preface, containing a general account of the life and writings of the author. 8th edit. London, 1759. 3593, O. A discourse of natural and revealed religion, in several essays. London, 1691. P. 1 1 58, & 4608, D. 2. Sentiments upon the religion of reason and nature. Translated from the French. Philadelphia, 1795. Gift of Denoon and Condie, THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. ' TEXTS AND VERSIONS. 334, & 349, P. Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum, cum variis Lectionibus, edidit Benjaminus Kennicott, D. D. Tomi II. Oxford, 1776. No. 349 is the gift of Br, Samuel Preston, of Kent in Great Britain. 3251, O. Ten annual accounts of the collation of Hebrew MSS. of the old testament, begun in 1760, and completed in 1769. By Benjamin Kenni- cott, D. D. Oxford, 1770. P. 416, Q. Biblia Sacra Hebraica, sine punctis. Accurante Nath. Forster. Tomi IV. Oxonii, 1750. Gift of Granville Sharp. 502, D. Biblia Hebraica, edidit J. Leusden. ex off. D. Jablonski, Berolini, 1712. 1829, a. Propheta Isaiae. Parisiis, 1539. Gift of J. P. Norris. 1068. F. 2. Psalterium Q,uintuplex, Parisiis, ex oflQcina Henri Stephani. 1512. 2946, D. Hebraicum Psalterium. 1648. 6ift of J. P. Norris. 12 RELIGION. 528, D. Novum testamentum Syriacum. (Hebraicis Uteris,) Antverpiae, 1575. Gift of John »^sterius Salbertz. 8427, O. Psalmorum Liber, in versiculos metric<> divisus, cum dissertatione de antiquo Hebraeoruni jxiesi. Ad finem adjecta sunt Poeseos Ilebraicse speci- mina, ex lis quae ediderunt, F. Gomarus, M. Meibomius, et Johannes Clericus. Cura, Franciscus Hare, S. T. P. 2 tomis. Londini, 1736. 1677, O. Vetus testamentum Graecum, ex versione septuaginta interpretum, cum Scholia. Londini, 1653. L. 3361, O. Vetus testamentum Graecum, ex versione LXX interpretum, ex antiquissimo MS. Codice Alexandrino accurate descriptum, et ope aliorum ex- emplarium ac priscorum scriptorum, emendatum atque suppletum. Edidit Joannes Ernestus Grabe. Tom. VIII. Oxonii, 1707—1720. 1001, D. Nuvum testamentum Graecum. Argentorati, 1524. 1830, D. Novum testamentum Graecum, ex bibliotheca regia. Tomi IL Lu- tetian, 1568. P. 364, F. Novum testamentum Graec^, ut ex Bibliotheca Regi, per Robertum Stephanum excusum fuit. Francofurti, 1601. Gift of Granville Sharp. 1831, D. Novum testamentum Graecum, cum L Causabon, H. Stephani et alii notis. Genevae, 1632. P. 1844, D. Novum testamentum Graecum, ex Regiis aliosque opt. ed. cum cura expressum. Amsteldami, 1678. P. 801, F. J. J. Wetstenii novimi testamentum Graecum, cimi Lectionibus Variantibus. Amstelodami, 1751. P. 3075, O. Novum testamentum Graecum, juxta exemplar Millianum, ex typis Baskerville. Oxonii, 1753. P. 661, F. Carolo Godefredo Woide novum testamentum Graecum, e codice MS. Alexandrino qui Londini in bibliotheca musei Britannici asservatur. Londini, 1786. P, 2011, D. Novum Testamentum Graecum, juxta exemplar Wetstenii, Glas- guae, et D. Jo. Jac. Griesbachii, Halae impressum; accedunt prolegomena in Evangelia, in Acta, et Epistolas Apostolorum. Accurante Guiliehno Whitfield Dakins, L. L. D. editio stereotypa. Londini, 1808. 974, F. Biblia Sacra, Graece, Latine et Germanice ; opera Davidis Wolderus. 3 tomis. Hamburg!, 1 596. Gift of Charles Pleasants. 729, F. Montani, novum testamentum Graecum, cum vulgata interpretatione Latina Graeci contextus lineis inserta. Antverpiae. 1519. P. 1124, 0. Exemplar aliud. Antverpiae. 1611. 936, F. Testamentum novum, Graeci et Latins. Paris. 1652. P. 1 820, D. Davidis regis ac prophetae psalmorum liber, Graeci et Latin^. Ant- verpiae, 1584. P. 813, F. Theod. Bezae novum testamentum Jesu Christi, Graece et Latin^. Genevae. 1598. P. 1856, D. Novum testamentum Jesu Xtr, ex interpretatione Theodori Bezae. Genevae. 1616. 4670, D. Psalmorum aliquot Davidis Metaphrasis Graeca Joannis Serrani, et precationes ejusdem Graeco-Latinae. Appendicis loco accessere Henrici Ste- phani, edidit Franciscus Okely. Londini, 1770. 1957, O. Metaphrasis Llbri Psalmormn, versibus Graecis contexta cum ver- sione Lat. op. Jacobus Dupertus. Cambridge, 1666. 191, Q,. A curious manuscript bible; written in Latin, on vellum, in the year 1016. Gift of Dr. George Faux, of I^ndon. 1065, F. Biblia cum concordantiis veteris et novi Testamenti, nee non juris canonici. Lugduno, 1529. 6747, O. Psalmi Davidis, Proverbia Solomonis, Ecclesiastices et Canticum Canticorum, Hebraice cum interlineari versione Santis Pagnini. B. A. Montani et alii. Parisiis, 1632. THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. 13 1987, O. Biblia sacrosancta testament! veteris et novi ex Unguis originalibus in Latinam reddita. Tiguri, 1544. 522, F. Testamenti veteris biblia sacra, sive libri canonici priscae Ivdaeorum ecclesiae a Deo traditi Latini recens ex Hebraeo facti, brevibusque scholiis illus- trati, ab Immanuell Tremillio et Francisco Junio. Francofvrti ad Maenvm, 1579. Gift of Joseph Crukshank. 164, F. Exemplar aliud. Hanoviae, 1623. Gift of Peter Evans. 3632, O. Biblia sacra, veteris et novi testamenti, juxta vulgatam editionem. Genevae, 1583. P. 911, F. Junii Francisci testamenti veteris biblia sacra, sive libri cannonici. London, 1593. F. 866,0,. Biblia Sacra, studio, Santam Pagninum. Lug. 1507. Giftof Mathew Carey, 978, F. Biblia Sacra, Latini ex Hebraeo facti ab Im. Tremellio et Fr. Juno. A Hanoviae, 1603. Gift of Charles Pleasants. 558, Q. Biblia sacra ex Hebraeo et Graeco Latina facta; cum Francisci Vatabli notis. Hanoviae, 1605. L. 1538, O. Biblia sacra Latina. Lugduni, 1612. 3283, D. Epitome Bibliorum, continens praecipua Vet. Test, testimonia us- piam in Nov. Test, citata; primum a CI. W. Schickardo edita, jam vero com- modo juventutis a M. Sebastiano Schroetero. Erfurti, 1550. Gift of J, P, N orris ^ Esq. 1801, D. Christoph. Comeri psalterium Latinum Davidis prophetae et regis. Lipsiae, 1563. P. 2905, D. Novum Testamentum Lat: editio Vulgatae. Vatican, 1592. 2491, D. Novum Testamentum. Lugd. Bat. Tomi H. 1633. Gift of Dr, Allison. 1321, D. Novum testamentum. Amstelodami, 1662. Gift of Mathew Carey, 485, Q,. Jesu Christi novum testEimentum, interprete Immanvele Tremellio. Londini, 1703. 5668, O. Novi Testamenti libri omnes interprete Sebastiano Schmidio, recen- suit Christ. Frider. Wilisah, S. T. D. Chemnitii, 1730. 3720, D. Novum Jesu Christi Testamentum ; a Seb. Castalione Latine red- ditum. Londini, 1776. 322, O. Initium evangelii S. Joannis apostoli, ex antiquitate ecclesiastica restitutum per L. M. Artemonium, a. d. 1726. Gift of Joseph Crellius. 65, F. The Byble in Englyshe, of the largest and greatest volume, overseen and perused by Bishops Tunstal and Heath. Black letter. London, 1541. Printed by Edward Whytchurch. Gift of fVilliam Fry. 977, F. The Holy Bible of the Old and New Testament, in English ; with the Book of Common Prayer prefixed. Black letter. London, 1560. Gift of Charles Pleasants. 72, F. The holy bible. With a prayer-book, according to the church of Ireland. Dublin, 1741. 3775, D. The Bible. 2 vols. London, 1742. 64, F. A new and' literal translation of all the books in the old and new testaments ; with notes. By Anthony Purver. 2 vols. London, 1764. 753, D. The holy bible. Philadelphia, 1782. 3045, O. The holy bible, containing the old testament and the new. Translated out of the original tongues, with notes. Published by John Reeves. 10 vols. London, 1802. 3902, O. The holy bible ; containing the old and new covenant, com- monly called the old and new testament. Translated from the Greek, by Charles Thomson, late secretary to the congress of the United States. 4 vols. Philadelphia, 1808. 14 RELIGION. 5987, O. The holy bible ; containing the old and new covenant, commonly called the old and new testament. Translated from the Greek, by Charles Thomson. 4 vols. Philadelphia, 1808. With the last corrections of the author in MS. Gift of John Thomson. 4426, O. The holy bible, containing the old and new testament — stereotyped for the Bible Society of Philadelphia. London, 1812. Gift of the Society. 4136, O. The book of Job. Translated from the Hebrew, by the late Miss Elizabeth Smith ; with an appendix and annotations by the Rev. F. Randolph, D. D. Bath, 1810. 967, Q,. A translation, from the original Hebrew, of the book of Job, into English verse; with remarks, historical, critical, and explanatory. By Thomas Scott. London, 1771. 3152, O. A new literal version of the book of psalms ; with a preface and notes. By the Rev. Stephen Street. London, 1790. P. 6807, O. A new translation of the book of psalms, fropi the original He- brew ; with various readings and notes. By the late Alexander Geddes, LL. D. London, 1807. 1125,0,. 5. Choheleth, or the royal preacher, a poetical paraphrase of the book of Ecclesiastes. London, 1778. P. 6522, O. Song of Songs; or, sacred Idylls. Translated from the original Hebrew, with notes critical and explanatory. By John Mason Good. London, 1803. M. 6716, & 7885, O. The song of songs, which is by Solomon. A new translation: with a commentary and notes. By T. Williams. London, 1801, and Philadelphia, 1803. 422, Q,. An attempt towards an improved version, &c., of the twelve minor prophets. By William Newcome. London, 1785. 1002, Q,. The book of the prophet Isaiah; in Hebrew and English; with notes, by Joseph Stock. Bath, 1803. 1075, Qi. A new translation of Isaiah, with notes. By Robert Lowth, D. D. London, 1778. P. 349, Q,. A new translation of Isaiah ; with a preliminary dissertation and notes. 2d edit. By Bishop Lowth. London, 1779. 1999, Q,. Daniel, an improved version attempted; with a preliminary dis- sertation, and notes, critical, historical and explanatory. By Thomas Wintle, B. D. Oxford, 1792. 900, Qi. Hosea. Translated from the Hebrew ; with notes, by Samuel Hors- ley, lord bishop of Rochester. London, 1801. 6946, O. Sacred extracts ; or, books and chapters selected from the old and new testaments. For the use of schools. Dublin, 1791. 710, F. The new testament ; translated out of the Latin vulgate. By John Wicliff, S. T. P. about 1378. London, 1731. P. 1629, a. The new testament, translated from the Latin, in the year 1380, by John WiclifF, D. D. ; to which are prefixed. Memoirs of his life, by the Rev. Henry H. Baber. London, 1810. 973, F. The new testament of Jesus Christ. Translated from the Latin, con- ferred with the Greek, &c. By the English college, then resident at Rheims, 1738. Gift of Charles Pleasants. 793, F. Text of the new testament, translated out of the vulgar Latin, with arguments and annotations. By W. Fulke. London, 1617. P. 65, CI. The text of the new testament of Jesus Christ, translated out of the vulgar Latine by the papists of the traiterous seminarie of Rheimes. Where- unto is added the translation out of -the original Greeke, commonly used in the church of England, with a confutation of all such arguments, glosses and annotations, as containe manifest heresie, .treason and slander against the chatholike church of God, &c. By William Fulke. London. 161. THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. 15 1347, D. New testament; with the book of Psalms and annotations, by Henry Ainsworth. Amsterdam, 1644. Gift of Francis K^hallus. 3447, O. The new testament in Greek and English, containing the original text and a new version. With notes by Dr. Macey. 2 vols. London, 1729. 3665, O. 12. A critical examination of the late new version of the new testa- ment. Wherein the editor's corrupt text, false version, and fallacious notes are detected and censured. By Leonard T wells, D. D. London, 1731. F. 433, O. The new testament ; with moral reflections upon every verse, by M. Q,uesnel. Translated from the French, by Richard Russell. 4 vols. Lon- don, 1719. 7731, O. The new testament; or an improved version, with a corrected text, and notes critical and explanatory. Boston, 1809. 6877, O. A new testament ; or, the new covenant, according to Luke, Paul and John. Published in conformity with the plan of the late Rev. Edward Evanson, A. M. London, 1807. 586, Q,. The four gospels, translated from the Greek ; with preliminary dis- sertations, and notes, critical and explanatory. By George Campbell. 2 vols. London, 1789. 785, Q,. The gospel of St. Matthew ; witli notes. Translated by Gilbert Wakefield. Warrington, 1782. 6686, O. The gospel of St. John, in Greek, with an interlineal and analyti- cal translation on the Hamiltonian system. With a preface and instructions, &c. &c. By James Hamilton. Edinburgh, 1826. 4137, O. A new literal translation, from the original Greek, of all the apos- tolical epistles, with a commentary and notes ; to which is added, a history of the apostle Paul, by James Macknight, D. D. Fourth edition, with an ac- count of the life of the author. 4 vols. London, 1809. 499, Q,. A literal translation, from the original of Paul's first and second epistle to the Thessalonians ; with a commentary and notes. By James Mac- knight. London, 1787. 1947, O. 2. Testament newydd ein hurglwydd a*n hiachawdwr Jesu Grist. Llundain, 1752. 2396, O. Y bibl cyssegr-lan ; sef yr hen destament a'n newydd. Llun- dain, 1752. Gift of Edward Fole. 1066, F. Biblia, tu ie, usa suetu, stariga inu novigia testamenta, Slovenski, tolmazhena skusi juria Dalmatina. Wittemberg, 1584. 976, F. La sainte bible du vieil et nouveau testament, avec une concor- dance, et preface par maistre Jehan Calvin. Geneva, 1 640. Gift of Charles Fleasants^ 595, Q. La sainte bible, qui contient le vieux et le nouveau testament. Revue sur les originaux et retouchee dans la langage : avec de petites notes marginales. Par David Martin. A Amsterdam, 1712. Gift of Charles Crawford. 833, D. Le nouveau testament par les pasteurs et professeurs de I'eglise a Geneve : avec les pseaumes de David mis en rime, par Clement Marot et Theodore Beze. Geneve, 1608. 823, D. Le nouveau testament, Latin et Francois. De I'imprimerie de Badius. 1554. 1291, D. Le nouveau testament de nostre seigneur Jesus Christ, traduit en Francois avec le Grec, et le Latin de la vulgate ajoutez a cote. Nouvelle edition. 2 tomes. A Mons, 1673. Gift of James Woodhouse. 295, Q,. Le nouveau testament. Traduit sur I'original Grec. Par Jean Le Clerc. Amsterdam, 1703. 1067, D. Biblia. Dat is die Gansche Heylige Schrifi; Grondelick ende trouwelick Verduytchet met berclaeringhe Duysterer woorden redenen end spreucken ende berscheiden lectien. Voor Jan Everss Cloppenburch en Isack Janss Canin. Ano, 1615. Leyden, 1615. Gift of Joseph Farker Norris. 1(^ RELIGION. 408, F. Biblia ; dat is : de gantsche H. Schrifture, ende niewe Regester. Leyden, 1637. 1532, O. Biblia, inlioudende dat oude ende nieuwe testament. T'Amster- dam, 1633. 5679, O. Davidisches Zeugnis oder die Psalmen Davids, ausden Hebraeis- chen griind text freye Nachamung von Christian G. Konig. Amsteldam, 1792. Gift of M, Carey. 807, F. Giovanni Diodati la sacra biblia. Tradotte in lingua Italiana. 1641. P. 1779, D. n neuovo testamento di Graeco, nouamente tradotte in lingua Tos- cana. Par Antonio Brucioli. 1638. P. 692, Q^ Gli atta de gli apostoli, descritti dall* Evangelista San Luca. Manuscript. Gift of Francis Shalhis. 6687, O. The gospel of St. John, in Italian ; adapted to the Hamiltonian System, &c. By George Hamilton. London, 1826. 7067, O. Nya Testamentet. Stockholm, 1814. Gift of J, P. Engles. 7068, O. Det Nye Testamente oversat fra Gundsproget. London, 1814. Gift of J. P. Engles. 1 577, Q,. The new testament in Arabic. Gift of Dr. Joel Martin. 2861, O. New testament, in the Bengalee language, at the mission-press, Serampore, under the inspection of the Rev. W. Carey. 1801. Gift of Dr, William Rogers. 7069, O. Novum testamentum Malaice, cura et sumptibus societatis, quae bibliis per omnes gentes, pervulgandis operam dat. Harlemi, 1820. Gift of J. P. Engles. 1 639, Q^ The holy bible, printed in the Indian language, for the use of the Indians of New England. Cambridge, 1680. Gift of S. TV, Fisher. APOCRYPHAL BOOKS. 3426, D. The Apocrypha. Edinburgh, 1763. 1762, D. The testaments of the twelve patriarchs the sonnes of Jacob, translated out of Greek into Latine and now Englished. By Robert Grost- head. London, 1628. P. 6208, O. Liber ecclesiasticus, the book of the church ; or ecclesiasticus. Translated from the Latin vulgate. By Luke Howard, F. R. S. London, 1827. Gift of the translator. SCRIPTURE HISTORIES, DICTIONARIES, CONCORDANCES, AND HARMONIES. Addy, 3866, O. The harmony of the divine will and the heavenly doctrines of the old and new testament : compiled by John Addy. London, 1807. Barringion, 3219, O. Miscellanea sacra; containing an abstract of the scrip- ture history of the apostles, in a new method, with four critical essays. By Shute Barrington. 3 vols. London, 1770. P. BekCf 9025, O. 2. Origines biblicae : or researches in primeval history. By Charles T. Beke. London, 1834. Broumy 8278, O. Harmony of scripture prophecies, and history of their fulfil- ment. By John Brown. Glasgow, 1784. > DICTIONARIES, CONCORDANCES, &C. 17 BrowHi 712, O. A dictionary of the holy bible; containing an historical ac- count of the persons ; a geographical account of the places, a literal and critical description of other objects, and the explication of the ap- pellative terms, mentioned in the writings of the old and new tes- tament. By the Rev. John Brown. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1797. Buck, 2972, O. A theological dictionary ; containing definitions of all religious terms, and an account of all the principal denominations which have subsisted in the religious world, from the birth of Christ to the present day. By Charles Buck. 2 vols. London, 1802. Bullj 1269, Q,. Harmonia apostolica seu binae dissertationes, auct. Georgio Bullo. Londini, 1070. P. Bulfinch, 4361, D. Contemplations of the Saviour. A series of extracts from the gospel history. By S. G. Bulfinch. Boston, 1832. Buxtorf, 356, F. Johannis Buxtorfi concordantiae bibliorum Hebraicae. Basi- ICcB, 1632. Gift of Granville Sharp. Burnet, 8368, O. The sacred theory of the earth ; containing an account of the original of the earth, and of the changes it hath undergone. By Thomas Burnet. With the author's defence of the work. 2 vols. London, 1726. 98, O, &. 172, D. The same. London, 1749 and Glasgow, 1753. Calmet, 326, F. A dictionary of the holy bible, with plates. By Dom. Augus- tin Calmet. 3 vols. London, 1732. 2064, d. Calmet's great dictionary of the holy bible, historical, critical, geographical, and etymological, wherein are contained all the proper names of men, women, cities, rivers, &c,, also most of the significant and remarkable appellatives. Revised and augmented with a new set of plates under the direction of C. Taylor. 4 vols. Charleston, 1812. 8690, O. Calmet's dictionary of the holy bible, by the late Mr. Charles Taylor, with the fragments incorporated. Condensed and arranged in alphabetical order. With maps and woodcuts. 2d edit. London, 1832. Campbell, 5 1 53, D. The life of Moses ; including the history of the Israelites, from their bondage in Egypt, until their arrival at Canaan. By John Campbell. London, 1808. Chemnitz, 766, F. Harmoniaj quatuor evangelistarum a theologis celeberri- mis, D. Martino Chemnitio primum inchoatrae, D. Polycarpo Lysero post continuatae, atque D. Johanne Gerhardo tandem felicissime per- fecta. Tomi III. Genevae, 1945. Clark, 2327, D. A collection of the promises of scripture, by Samuel Clark, D. D. London, 1801. Cruden, 88 1 , Q. A complete concordance to the holy scriptures of the old and new testament ; with a concordance to the books called apocrypha. By Alexander Cruden. 5th edit. London, 1794. 1050, Q. The same. 4th edit. London, 1785. P. Delany, 864, O. An historical account of the life and reign of David, king of Israel ; with various disquisitions, &c. 3d edit. 2 vols. By Patrick Delany, D. D. London, 1745. Ellwood, 237, F. Sacred history. By Thomas Ell wood. 2 vols. London, 1720. Fclloives, 6511, O. The guide to immortality; or, memoirs of the life and doc- trine of Christ, by the four evangelists : digested into one continued narrative, according to the order of time and place laid down by Arch- bishop Newcome ; in the words of the established version, with im- provements, and illustrated with notes, moral, theological and expla- natory; tending to delineate the true character and genius of Chris- tianity. By Robert Fellowes, M. A. Oxon. Portrait. 3 vols. Lon« don, 1804. M. 3 18 RELIGION. Ferguson, 8640, O. 6. Three letters to the Rev. John Kennedy, containing an account of mistakes in the astronomical part of his scripture chro- nology. By James Ferguson. London, 1775. Gldg, 4151, D. The history of the bible. By the Rev. G. R. Gleig. Vols. I &2. New York, 1830. Harris, 4631, D. The natural history of the bible. By Thaddeus M. Harris. Boston, 1793. 5384, O. The natural history of the bible ; or description of all the quadrupeds, fishes, reptiles, trees, flowers, and precious stones, men- tioned in the sacred scriptures ; collected from the best authorities. By Thaddeus Mason Harris, D. D. Boston, 1820. Heidegger, 865, Q,. Joh. Henrici Heideggeri historia sacra patriarcharum. Amstellodami, 1671. Gift of Mat hew Carey. Heinrich, 21 \ 6, O. Heinrich's letzten stunden einiger der evangelishen lehre zugethanen und in diesem und nechst verflossenen jahren selig in dem Herrn verstorbenen personen. Halle, 1746. The Gift of Mrs, Reedle. Howard, 769, Q,. Scriptural history of the earth and of mankind, compared with the cosmogonies, chronologies, and original traditions of ancient nations ; an abstract and review of several modern systems, &c. By Philip Howard. London, 1797. Hunter, 2764, O. Sacred biography; or the history of the patriarchs ; being a course of lectures delivered at the Scots church, London Wall. By Henry Hunter, D. D. 4th edit. 7 vols. London, 1792. Huttman, 5193, O. The life of Christ, including his apocryphal history, from the spurious gospels, unpublished manuscripts, &c. compiled by Wil- liam Huttman. London, 1818. Jones, 4967, O. The biblical cyclopaedia, or dictionary of the holy scripture, intended to facilitate an acquaintance with the inspired writings. By William Jones. 2 vols. London, 1816. Kennedy, 68, Q,. A complete system of astronomical chronology, imfolding the Scripture. By John Kennedy. London, 1762. Leigh, 1693, d. Scripture genealogy from Adam to Christ: exhibiting a dis- tinct view of the nation, tribe, family, and posterity of every person mentioned in the bible, so far as they can be traced from sacred or profane history. By Samuel Leigh. London, 1817. 1327,0. Critica Sacra; or philologicall and theologicall observations upon all the Greek words of the new testament, in order alphabeticed. By Edward Leigh. London, 1639. P. 886, F. Supplement to the critica sacra, explaining many of the origi- nal words of both testaments. By Edward Leigh. London, 1662. Lightfoote, 354, O. The harmony of the four evangelists, among themselves and the old testament. By John Lightfoote. London, 1644. Macknight, 219, Q,. The harmony of the four gospels ; with a paraphrase and notes, by James Macknight. London, 1756. Malcolm, 5962, & 4 1 08, D. A dictionary of important names, objects and terms found in the holy scriptures. By Howard Malcolm, A. M. Boston, 1830-1834. Gift of the author. Morgan, 321, & 369, F. Morgan's cyd-cordiad egwyddorawl o'r Scrythu- rau; or a Welch concordance of the holy bible. Philadelphia, 1730. No. 369 the gift of Joseph Crukshank. Newcombe, 337, F. The harmony of the gospels. By William Newcombe. Dublin, 1778. Oliver, 2471, O. Scripture lexicon; or a dictionary of above four thousand proper names of persons and places, mentioned in the bible. By Peter OUver, D. D. 4th edit. London, 1797. DICTIONARIES, CONCORDANCES, &C. 19 Parkhurst, 1 130, Q,. A Hebrew and English lexicon, without points, in which the Hebrew and Chaldee words of the old testament are explained ; to which is prefixed a Hebrew and Chaldee grammar. 3d edit. By John Parkhm^st. London, 1792. P. 1131, Q,. A Greek and Enghsh lexicon to the new testament ; to which is prefixed, a Greek grammar. By John Parkhurst. 2d edit. London, 1794. P. Pasor^ 3725, O. Lexicon, Graeco-Latinum, in novum Domini N. Jesu Xti tes- tamentum. Auct. G. Pasoris. Herbornae Nassonicorum, 1648. P. 1794, D. Manuale Graecorum vocum novi testamenti, cui accessit tractatus de Graecis novi testamenti accentibus, auctore G. Pasore. Lugd. Batavorum, 1627. P. Prideaux, 126, O. The connection of the old and new testament, in the his- tory of the Jews and neighbouring nations, from the declension of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah, to the time of Christ. By Humphrey Prideaux, D. D. 11th edit. 4 vols. London, 1749. 3359, O. The same. 10th edit. With a book of maps. 5 vols. London, 1729. P. 6742, O. The old and new testaments connected in the history of the Jews and neighbouring nations, from the declensions of the Idng- doms of Israel and Judah to the time of Christ. By Humphrey Pri- deaux, D. D. &c. With the life of the author. Maps and Plates. 4 vols. Charlestown, 1815. 1 J 01 , F. The old and new testament, connected in the history of the Jews and neighbouring nations, from the declension of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah, to the time of Christ. By H. Prideaux, D. D. 2 vols. London, 1718. Priestley, 352, Q,. The harmony of the evangelists, in Greek, with critical dis- sertations in English. By Joseph Priestley. London, 1777. Peland, 1184, Q,. Hadriani Relandi Palestina ex monumentis veteribus illus- trata. Tomi 2. Trajecti Batavorum, 1714. P. Roberts t 3120, O. 1. Connections of various passages in the English version of the old testament. By W. H. Roberts, D. D. London, 1794. P, Robinson, 5584, O. A theological, biblical, and ecclesiasticEd dictionary : ser- ving as- a general note book to illustrate the old and new testament. By John Robinson, D. D. London, 1816. Russel, 7038, O. A connexion of sacred and profane history, from the death of Joshua to the decline of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Intended to complete the works of Shuckford and Prideaux. By the Rev. Mi- chael Russel: 2 vols. London, 1827. Robinson, 3964, O. Scripture characters ; or, a practical improvement of the principal histories in the old and new testament. By Thomas Robin- son, M. A. 4 vols. 6th edit. London, 1 808. Scheuchzer, 701, F. Johannis Jacobi Scheuchzeri physica sacra, iconibus aeneis illustrata. Tomi 7 in 4. Ulmae, 1734. P. Sharp, 1347, O. 1. Remarks on "a catalogue of the sacred vessels restored by Cyrus, and of the chief Jews returned from captivity." By Granville Sharp. 2d edit. London, 1775. Gift of the author. Shuckford, 417, & 685, O. The sacred and profane history of the world, con- nected from the creation, to the dissolution of the Assyrian empire, and declension of the kingdoms of Judah and Israel. By Samuel Shuckford. 2d edit. 4 vols. London, 1741. 3d edit. 3 vols. Lon- don, 1743. 527, O. The creation and fall of man. A supplemental discourse to the preface of the first volume of " the sacred and profane history of the world connected." By Samuel Shuckford. London, 1753. 20 BELIGION. Shuckforih 6493, O. The sacred and profane history of the world, connected from the creation of the world to the dissolution of the Assyrian em- pire at the death of Sardanapalus, and to the declension of the king- doms of Judah and Israel, under the reigns of Ahaz and Pekah ; in- cluding the dissertation on the creation and fall of man. By Samuel Shuckford, D. U. &c. Revised, corrected, and greatly improved, by James Creighton, B. A. With maps and plans. 4 vols. London, 1819. M. Seldon, 1500, D. 1. Theanthropos, or Grod made man, a tract proving our Saviour's nativity to be on the 25th of December. By John Seldon. London, 1661. I\ Sellon^ 3751, D. An abridgment of the holy scriptures. By the Rev. Mr. Sel- lon. London, 1792. Stack fwuse, 71, F. A new history of the bible, from the beginning of the world to the establishment of Christianity ; with a connexion of profane his- tory. With plates. By Thomas Stackhouse, A. M. 3 vols. Lon- don, 1752. Stephanus, 360, F. H. Stephani concordantiae Graeco-Latinae testamenti novi. Editio secunda. Genevae, 1 624. Gift of Granville Sharp. 773, F. Examplar aliud. Genevae, 1624. F. TayloTt 1 12, F. The history of the life and death of the holy Jesus ; with the lives, acts, and martyrdoms of his apostles ; with plates. By Jere- my Taylor. London, 1742. 3668, & 4833, D. The life of our blessed Saviour Jesus Christ, likewise the lives, acts, and deaths of the holy evangelists and apostles. By Jeremy Taylor, D. D. Philadelphia, 1809. TViompson, 4535, O. A synopsis of the four evangelists, or a regular history of the conception, birth, doctrine, miracles, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ, in the words of the evangelists. By Chas. Thomson. Philadelphia, 1815. 7118, O. The monotessaron, or the gospel history, according to the four evangelists, harmonized and chronologically arranged in a new translation from the Greek text of Griesbach. By the Rev. Jno. S. Thompson. Baltimore, 1829. Gift of the author. Townley, 2380, D. Biblical anecdotes, illustrative of the history of the sacred scriptures, and of the early translations of them into various lan- guages. By James Townley. London, 1813. 7'ownsend, 6357, O. The old testament, arranged in historical and chronologi- cal order ; in such a manner that the books, chapters, psalms, prophe- cies, &c. &c. may be read as one connected history, with copious indexes. By the Rev. George Townsend. 2 vols. London, 1826. , 6358, O. The new testament arranged in chronological and histori- cal order with copious notes. By the Rev. George Townsend. 2 vols. London, 1827. Thurston, 2072, Q. Scripture prints ; or, a series of ninety-nine designs, taken from the old and new testament. By J. Thurston and W. M. Craig, Esq. Cut in wood by Bewick and others. London, 1810. Travera, 1740, Q. Arrangements of passages in the scriptures, in prose and in poetry. By Smith Travers. Philadelphia, 1818. Gift of the author. Trimmer, 690, D. The sacred history. By Sarah Trimmer. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1782.. Turner, 4383, D. The sacred history of the world. By Sharon Turner. New York, 1832. Uaher^ 366, F. Annales veteris testamenti Jacob! Usserii Armachanus diges- tore. Londini, 1650. Gift of Granville Sharjh DICTIONARIES, CONCORDANCES, &C. 21 Usher, 188, F. The history of the old and new testaments ; with that of the Maccabees. Also, all the most remarkable affairs of Asia and Egypt. By James Usher, D. D. London, 1698. Watkins, 3921, O, & 243, D. Scripture biography; or, lives and characters of the principal personages recorded in the old and new testament. By John Watkins. 2d edit. London, 1809 — 1802. TFellSi 153, O. An historical geography of the old testament; being a geogra- phical account of the several places, countries, and people mentioned therein ; with maps and a chronological table. By Edward Wells. 2d edit. 4 vols. London, 1721. 2065, Q,. Sacred geography : or, a companion to the bible ; being a geographical and historical account of places mentioned in the holy scriptures, originally composed by Edward Wells, D. D. ; now revised and corrected ; also augmented by a series of geographical excursions. Published under the direction of the editor of Calmet's dictionary of the holy bible, with maps and plates. Charlestown, 1817. Whiston, 2194, Q,. A short view of the chronology of the old testament, and of the harmony of the four evangelists. By William Whiston, M. A. Cambridge, 1702. Willan, 1229, O. The history of the ministry of Jesus Christ, combined from the narrations of the four evangelists. By Robert Willan, M. D. London, 1782. 4645, O. The united gospel, or ministry of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, combined from the narratives of the four evangelists. By R. and M. Willan. London, 1808. Wilson, 204, Q,. The christian dictionary ; explaining the principal words in the old and new testaments. By Thomas Wilson. London, 1616. Winning, 9025, O. 1. Essays on the antediluvian age. By the Rev. W. B. Winning, M. A. London, 1834. Wright, 583, F. The life of our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ ; with the lives of his apostles and other eminent primitive Christians ; with plates. By Paul Wright, Esq. London. 1311, Q,. Icones historiarum veteris testamenti. Lugduni, 1547. (P.) 667, O. The evangelical history of our Lord Jesus Christ ; with an account of the propagation of Christianity, and the original settlement and state of the church. By a society of gentlemen. 2 vols. London, 1757. 980, O. Dictionary of the holy bible. 3 vols. London, 1759. 1427, O. Scripture lexicon; or a dictionary of above three thousand pro- per names of persons and places, mentioned in the bible. Birmingham, 1784. 8376, O. A concordance to the holy scriptures of the old and new testa- ment. London, 1762. 785, D. A concise history of the holy bible. Philadelphia, 1787. Gift of Daniel Humphreys. 3660, D. Index to the bible, in which the various subjects which occur in the scriptures are alphabetically arranged, &c. Philadelphia, 1804. 22 RELIGION. CRITICISM, INTERPRETATION OF, AND COMMENTARIES ON, THE SCRIPTURES. ^damSj 1002, F. A commentary upon the 2d Epistle General of St. Peter, by Thomas Adams. 2 vols. London, 1633. Gift of a Friend. Jiinsivorth, 814, F. On the five books of Moses, the psalms and the canticles. By Henry Ains worth. London, 1639. F. SttersolU 922, F. Commentarie upon the epistle of St. Paul to Philemon, By William Attersoll. London, 1612. F. Baker ^ 1313, Q^ Meditations and disquisitions upon the Lord's prayer. By Sir Richard Baker. London, 1637. F. Blackmail^ 1241, Q,. Sacred classics defended and illustrated, or an essay humbly offered towards proving the purity, propriety, and true elo- quence of the writers of the new testament. By Anthony Blackwall. London, 1725. F. 114, & 223, D. The same. . 3d edit. 2 vols. London, 1737. Boudinot, 4534, & 7920, O. The second advent, or coming of the Messiah in glory, shown to be a scripture doctrine and taught by divine revela- tion, by an American layman. E. Boudinot. Trenton, 1815. Bowdler, 1363, D. Practical observations on the revelation of St. John. By Mrs. Bowdler. Written in the year 1775. Bath, 1800. Botvyer, 353, Q,. Critical conjectures and observations on the new testament. By W. Bowyer. 3d edit. London, 1782. Boyle, 4835, D. 2. Some considerations touching the style of the scriptures. By the Hon. Robert Boyle. London, 1763. Brett, 1364, O. A letter showing why our English Bibles differ so much from the Septuagint, though both are translated from the Hebrew original. By Thomas Brett. London, 1743. In vol. III. of Bishop Watson's tracts. Burder, 2894, O. Oriental customs ; or an illustration of the sacred scriptures ; with observations on many difficult and obscure texts. By Samuel Burder. London, 1802. 2 vols. 5580, O. Oriental literature, applied to the illustration of the sacred scriptures, especially with reference to antiquities, traditions, and manners, collected from the most celebrated writers and travellers. By the Rev. Samuel Burder, A. M. 2 vols. London, 1822. Burkittj 2138, Q,. Scripture notes, with practical observations upon the new testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ ; wherein the whole of the text is recited, and the sense explained ; by William Burkitt, M. A. New Haven, 1794. Butler, 1304, D. & 3747, O. Horae Biblicae ; being a connected series of miscel- laneous notes on the original text, early versions, and printed editions of the old and new testament. By Charles Butler. Oxford, 1799. Brothers, 2959, D. 2. A revealed knowledge of the prophecies and times, written and published by Richard Brothers. New London, 1795. Broughton, 5916, O. An examination of the hypothesis advanced in a recent publication, maintaining in opposition thereto, that the text of the Ellzevir Greek Testament is not a translation from the Latin. By the Rev. Wm. G. Broughton, M. A. London, 1823. Bryant, 993, Q. Observations upon some passages in scripture, which the enemies to religion have thought most obnoxious, and attended with difficulties not to be surmounted. By Jacob Bryant. London, 1803. CRITICISM, COMMENTARIES, &C. 23 Bryant, 2170, O. Observations upon the plagues inflicted upon the Egyptians ; with a prefatory discourse concerning the Grecian colonies from Egypt. By Jacob Bryant. London, 1794. 3087, O. The same. F. Bythner, 525, Q,. Lyra prophetica Davidis Regis sive analysis critica prac- tica psalmorum. Studio Victorini Bythneri. Londini, 1664. L. Canne, 927, Q,. 11. John Canne's reasons, proving that none of the seven last plagues, or vials, are yet poured out : neither will the time of their pouring out begin, till after the rising of the two witnesses, and the forty-two months of the beasVs reign be expired. London, 1656. Cappe, 2S7 4, O. Critical remarks on many important passages of scripture; with dissertations tending to illustrate the phraseology and doctrine of the new testament. By Newcome Cappe. To which are prefixed, memoirs of the life of the author, by Catharine Cappe. 2 vols. York, 1802. Carpenter, 4529, D. Introduction to the geography of the new testament. 4th edit. By Lant Carpenter, LL. D. London, 1817. Clarendon, 1197, D. The mor£d beauties of Clarendon ; compiled from his re- flections on the psalms of David, and selections from those psalms. 2 vols. London, 1796. Claridge, 712, O. A treatise of the holy scriptures. By Richard Claridge. London, 1751. Gift of Benjamin Jackson. Clarke, 7288, O. A concise view of the succession of sacred literature, in a chronological arrangement of authors and their works, from the in- vention of alphabetical characters, to A. D. 1445. Vol. 1, part 1, by Adam Clarke, LL. D. Part 2, & vol. 2, by J. B. B. Clarke, M. A. London, 1830. Clarke, 1 628, O. 4. On the prophetic numbers of Daniel and John. By John Clarke. Charleston, (South Carolina,) 1759. Collier, 2205, O. Herrn David Collier einleitung zum richtigen verstande und niitzlicher lesung der heiligen Schrift. Aus der England, sprache ebersetzet, von Friedrich Eberhard Rambach. Zweyte auflage. Ros- tock, 1763. Gift of John Philips. 2563, O. Historical and familiar essays on the scriptures of the new testament. By John Collier. 2 vols. London, 1797. CoUyer, 4883, O. The sacred interpreter, or a practical introduction towards a beneficial reading and a thorough understanding of the holy bible, by David Collyer, 2 vols. London, 1815. Conybeare, 5949, D. An elementary course of lectures on the criticism, inter- pretation, and leading doctrines of the bible. By W. D. Conybeare, M. A. London, 1834. Cosin, 1230, Q,. Scholastical history of the canon of the holy scripture, or the certain and indubitate books thereof By Doctor Cosin. London, 1672. P. Crawford, 3059, O. 7. An Essay upon the eleventh chapter of the revelation of St. John, Philadelphia. By Charles Crawford. Gift of the j9uthor. Croly, 6293, O. The apocalypse of St. John, or prophecy of the rise, pro- gress, and fall of the church of Rome, the inquisition, the revolution of France, the universal war, and the final triumph of Christianity ; be- ing a new interpretation. By the Rev. George Croly. London, 1827. Bod, 1354, Q. A plaine and familiar exposition of the ten commandments. ByJohnDod. London, 1604. P. Bobbs, 2767, O. A concise view, from history and prophecy, of the great pre- dictions in the sacred writings, that have been fulfilled ; also of those that are now fulfilling, and that remain to be accomplished. By Fran- cis Dobbs, Esq. In letters to his son. London, 1800. .24 RELIGION. Durham^ 575, F. A commentarie upon the book of the revelation. By Rev. James Durham, Edinburgh, 1658. Gift of Charles Crawford. Duncan^ 4371, D. Lectures on the general principles of moral government as they are exhibited in the three first chapters of Genesis. By JohnM. Duncan. Baltimore, 1832. Eichorth 5047, O. Einleitung in das neue testament. Von Gottfried Eichorn. Leipzig, 1804. Gift of S. Travers. Eltorii 74, Q,. The great mystery of godliness opened; being an exposition of the ninth chapter of the epistle of St. Paul to the Romans. By Ed- ward Elton. London, 1653. Gift of Evan Morgan. Erasmus J 871, F. The paraphrase of Erasmus on the new testament. 2 vols. London, 1522. P. EstiuSj 716, F. Gulielmi Estii, beati Pauli et septem catholics apostolorum epistolas commentaria tribus tomis distincta. Parisiis, 1666. P. 761, F. Gulielmi Estii, annotationes in precipuae ac difficiliora sacrae scripturae loca. Lutetioe Parisiorum, 1663. P. Faber, 3918, O. A dissertation on the prophecies, that have been fulfilled and are now fulfilling, or will hereafter be fulfilled ; relative to the great period of 1260 years, the papal and Mahommedan apostacies, the tyrannical reign of Anti-Christ, and the restoration of the Jews. By the Rev. George Stanley Faber, B. D. 3d edit. 2 vols. London, 1808. i 4333, O. A dissertation on the prophecy contained in Daniel ix. 24-27, generally denominated the prophecy of the seventy-weeks. By the Rev. George Stanley Faber, B. D. London, 1811. 4649, O. A general and connected view of the prophecies, relative to the conversion, restoration, union, and future glory, of the houses of Judah and Israel, and the ultimate general diffusion of Christianity. By the Rev. George S. Faber. 2 vols. London, 1809. Fleming, 5025, O. The fulfilling of the scripture, in three parts. By Robert Fleming. Glasgow, 1801. Gift of Richard Ferguson. Galloivay, 2892, & 2952, O. Brief commentaries upon such parts of the revela- tion, and other prophecies, as immediately refer to the present times. By Joseph Galloway. London, 1802. Geddesy 1954, Q. Critical remarks on the Hebrew scriptures : corresponding with a new translation of the bible. By the Rev. Alexander Geddes, LL. D. Vol. I. Containing remarks on the pentateuch. London, 1800. M. GeierOj 863, Q,. Praelectiones academics in Danielem prophetam, habitae ante- hac Lipsiae. A Martino Geiero. Lipsiaj, 1667. Gift of Mathew Carey. Gerard, 5689, O. Institutes of biblical criticism ; or heads of a course of lec- tures on that subject. By Gilbert Gerard, D. D. Boston, 1823. Gilpin, 3165, O. Exposition of the new testament, intended as an introduction to the study of the scriptur-es. By William Gilpin. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1793. P. Glasse, 1123, D. Contemplations on the sacred history, altered from the works of bishop Hall. By George Henry Glasse. 4 vols. Glouces- ter, 1793. Gray, 3184, O. A key to the old testament and apocrypha, or an account of their several books, contents, and authors. By the Rev. Robert Gray. 2d edit. London, 1791. P. Hall, 2649 & 3338, D. Conversations on the bible. By a lady. (Mrs. Hall.) London, 1824. 647, O. Contemplations on the historical passages of the old and new testaments. By Bishop Hall. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1749. CRITICISM, COMMENTARIES, &C. 25 Hare^ 1150, 7, & 3391, 0.3. The difficulties and discouragements which at- tend the study of the scriptures in the way of private judgment. By Francis Hare, D. D. 6th edit. London, 1715. Henry — 1231, D. The beauties of Henry: a selection of the most striking passages in the exposition of that celebrated commentator ; with an account of the author. By John Geard. London, 1797. Herder, 829, O. Oriental dialogues ; containhig the conversations of Eugenius and Alciphiron on the spirit and beauties of the sacred poetry of the Hebrews. Selected from the German dialogues of the celebrated Herder. London, 1801. Home, 6811, O. A commentary on the book of psalms. By George Home, D. D., &c. 2 vols. Oxford, 1784. 2154, D. A selection from bishop Home's commentary on the psalms. By Lindley Murray. York, 1812. 9075, O. An introduction to the critical study and knowledge of the scriptures. By Thomas Hartwell Home, B. D. 7th edit, corrected and enlarged. 4 vols. London, 1834. Gift of the author. 5235, O. An introduction to the critical study and knowledge of the holy scriptures. By Thomas H. Home, A. M. 2 vols. London, 1818. 3245, D. A comj^)endious introduction to the study of the bible. By Thomas H. Home, M. A. London, 1827. Horsley, 5342, O. Biblical criticism of the first fourteen historical books of the old testament ; also of the first nine prophetical books. By Samuel Horsley, D. D. 4 vols. London, 1820. 862, Q.. 3. Critical disquisitions on the eighteenth chapter of Isaiah; in a letter to Edward King. By Samuel Horsley, D. D. London, 1799. Hurdis, 2766, O. The nature and occasion of psalm and prophecy, in twelve critical dissertations. By James Hurdis. London, 1800. Huysinga^ 1837, Q. Verklaringe over de twaalf eerste capitelen van het evan- gelium na de Beschryvinge Matthei. door Johannes Huysinga. In's Graven Hage, 1679. 1850, Q.. Schrifturelyke verklaringe des evangeliums na de Be- schryvinge Matthei. Door Johannes Huysinga. Amstel. 1689. Jones, 4011, O. Illustrations of the four gospels, founded on circumstances peculiar to our Lord and the evangeUsts. By John Jones. London, 1808. 4648, O. Ecclesiastical researches, or Philo and Josephus proved to be historians and apologists of Christ, of his followers, and of the gospel. By John Jones. 2 vols. London, 1812. 6679, O. Sequel to ecclesiastical researches ; in which the origin of the introductory chapters in Matthew and Luke is brought to light, from Josephus, &c. &c. By John Jones. London, 1813. 5054, O. Lectures on the figurative language of the holy scriptures and the interpretation of it from the scripture itself By William Jones, M. A. to which is prefixed a short account of his life and writings. Philadelphia, 1818. Jurieu, 2045, O. Jurieu's accomplishment of the scripture prophecies, abridged ; wherein are contained many things relative to the late French revolu- tion in 1789, &c. London, 1793. 3560, O. Continuation of the accomplishment of the scripture prophe- cies, proving the papacy to be the antichristian kingdom. By Peter Jurieu. London, 1688. P. Kennicott, 3252, O. Two dissertations : the first on the tree of life, in para- dise, with some observations on the creation and fall of man ; the second on the oblations of Cain and Abel. By Benjamin Kennicott. 2d edit Oxford, 1747. P. 4 86 REUOION. Kennicott, 3258, O. Dissertation on the books of the Chronicles and Samuel, and observations on 70 Hebrew MSS. By Benjamin Kennicott. Ox- ford, 1753. P, Ketty 1312, D. History the interpreter of prophecy ; or a view of the scriptural prophecies and their accomplishment in the past and present occur- rences of the world ; with conjectures respecting their future comple- tion. By Henry Kett. 3 vols. Oxford, 1799. 4711, O. The same. London, 1816. Kidder, 1332, Q. 6. Reflections on a French testament, printed at Bordeaux. By Richard Kidder. London, 1690. F. 3421, O. 2. Critical remarks on some difficult passages of scripture. By Richard Kidder, 1719. P. Kingt 862, Q. 1. Remarks on the signs of the times. By Edward King. Lon- don, 1798. 862, U. 2. Supplement to remarks on the signs of the times. By Ed- ward King. London, 1799. 2765, O. Morsels of criticism, tending to illustrate some few passages in the holy scriptures. By Edward King. 2d edit, with additions. 3 vols. London, 1800. 1380, Q,. Exposition of the Lord's prayer. By Henry King. London, 1634. F. Knatchbully 3407, O. Annotations upon some difficult texts, in all the books of the new testament. By Sir Norton Knatchbull. Camb. 1693. F. Koenigj 2005, Q,. 10. Apocalyptisches Handbuch, das ist : Auserlesene Er- waegungen der Worte der Weissagung, nach der Ordnung der gesichte in dem Buche der Heiligen Offenbarung, &c. &c. &c. von Christian Gottlieb Koenig. Amsterdam. Levi, 7583, O. Dissertations on the prophecies of the old testament ; in two parts. By David Levi. London, 1793. Lightfoote, 488, Q,. Hora? Hebraicae et Talmudicae impensaB, I. In chorographiam aliquam terra) Israeliticae. II. In evangelium S. Matthai. A Jo: Lightfooto. Cantabriga?, 1658. 1365, Q. Commentary upon the acts of the apostles. By John Lightfoote. London, 1645. F. Lisle, 1356, Q^ 4. A Saxon treatise concerning the old and new testament, written (about 700 years agoe) by iElfricus Abbas, now first published with the English of our times. By William Lisle. London, 1623. F. Lowman, 1611, O. A paraphrase and notes on the revelation of St. John. By Moses Lowman. 3d edit. London, 1773. Lowth, 270, Q. De sacra poesi Hebrajorum prelectiones academicae. A Roberto Lowth. Oxonii, 1753. 3217, O. Lectures on the sacred poetry of the Hebrews. By Robert Lowth, D. D. Translated from the Latin, by G. Gregory. 2 vols. London, 1787. F. 1612, O. The same. 724, F. A commentary upon the three lesser prophets, being a conti- nuation of bishop Patrick's commentary. By William Lowth. 6th edit. London, 1766. Lucas, 783, F. Francisci Lucae commentarius in sacro-sancta quatuor Jesu Christi evangelia. Tomi III. Antverpiae, 1606. F. A/ar/m, 1158, Q^ Explication de plusieurs textes difficiles de I'ecriture. Par le R. P. Martin, religieux Benedictien de la congregation de St. Maur. 2 vols. Paris, 1730. F. Maccullogh, 4437, O. Lectures on the prophecies of Isaiah. By Robert Mac- cullogh. London, 1791. Gift of William M'Cullogh, Mede, 1 385, Q,. Key of the revelations, searched and demonstrated out of the natural and proper character of the visions. By Joseph Mede. Lon- don, 1650. F, CRITICISM, COMMENTARIES, &C. |57 Michaelis, 230, Q,. Introductory lectures to the sacred books of the new testa- ment. By John David Michaelis. London, 1761. 2956, O. An introduction to the new testament. By John David Michaelis. Translated from the German, and considerably augmented, by Herbert. Marsh. 6 vols. 2d edit. London, 1802. Middleton, 6740, O. The doctrine of the Greek article applied to the criticism and the illustration of the new testament. By T. F. Middleton, D. D., &c. New York, 1813. Newcombe J 211 9y O. An historicEil view of the Elnglish biblical translations; the expediency of revising, by authority, our present translation ; and the means of executing such a revision. By William Newcombe. Dublin, 1792. Newton, 445, Q,. Observations upon the prophecies of Daniel and the apoca- lypse of St. John. By Sir Isaac Newton. London, 1733. 82 1 , O. Dissertation on the prophecies, which have been remarkably fulfilled, and at this time are fulfilling in the world. By Bishop New- ton. 2d edit. 3 vols. London, 1733. 6909, O. Dissertation on the prophecies, &c. By Thomas Newton, D. D. late bishop of Bristol. 2 vols. Elizabeth-Town, 1787. Outrein, D\ 1407, Q,. De senbrief van Paul us aan de Kollossensen ende den cvii. den psalm, outledet, uitgebreideden verklaart door Johan D'Ou- trein. Amsterdam, 1694. Patrick, 723, F. A commentary upon the historical books of the old and new testaments. By Simon Patrick. 6th edit, corrected. 3 vols. Lon- don, 1765. P. Paxton, 8870, O. Dlustrations of the holy scriptures in three parts. By the Rev. George Paxton. 2d edit. 3 vols. London, 1825. Pearce, 332, & 1956, Q,. A commentary, with notes, on the four evangelists and the acts of the apostles ; together with a new translation of St. Paul's first epistle to the Corinthians ; with a paraphrase and notes. To which are added other theological pieces. By Zachary Pearce, D. D., late lord bishop of Rochester. To the whole is prefixed some accoimt of his lordship's life and character, written by himself Por- trait. 2 vols. London, 1777. M. Perkins, 1338, Q,. Commentarie or expositione upon the first five chapters of the epistle to the Galatians. By William Perkins. Cambridge, 1604. Perry, 5237, D. A short account of the several books of the new testament, from Dr. Perry's key. London, 1780. Porson, 8802, O. Letters to Mr. Archdeacon Travis, in answer to his defence of the three heavenly witnesses. By R. Porson. London, 1790. Poole, 975, F. Annotations upon the holy bible, wherein the sacred text is in- serted, and various readings annexed. By the late Rev. M. Matthew Poole. London, 1683. Rayaumonte, 460, D. Reflesione morali sopra I'historia del vecchio e nuovo testamento. Par Sig. Rayaumonte. Venezia, 1760. Reader, 1489, O. Remarks on the prophetic part of the revelation of St. John. By Thomas Reader. London, 1778. Gift of the Author. 1630, O. 2. Remarks on the three first chapters of the revelation of St. John; with four letters to the reverend Thomas Charles, on the num- ber of the beasts, &c. By Thomas Reader. Taunton, 1785. Rennell, 5788, O. 2. Proofs of inspiration, or the grounds of distinction be- tween the new testament and the apocryphal volume. By the Rev. Thomas Rennell, B. D. 2d ed. London, 1823. ScJdeiermacher, 6390, O. A critical essay on the gospel of St. Luke. By Dr. Frederick Schleiermacher. With- an introduction, by the translator. London, 1825. Schmidt, 864, Q. In libros regium annotationes. Adornatae k Sebastiano Schmidt. Tomi 2. Argentorati, 1697. Gift of Mathew Carey. 88 RKUGTON. Schmucker, 7965, O. The prophetic liistory of the Christian religion explain- ed; or, a brief exposition of the revelation of St. John. By the Rev. J. Greorge Schmucker. Baltimore, 1817. Sharp, 1343, O. Remarks on several important prophecies. By Granville Sharp. 2d edit. London. 1775. Gift of the Author. 3276, O. The same. London, 1768. P. 3490, & 4549, D. Remarks on the use of the definitive article in the Greek text of the New Testament. By Granville Sharp. With an appendix, containing a table of evidences of Christ's divinity. By D. Whitby, &c. 0(Z, 788, D. 4. Old Mr. Dod's sayings. London. Doddi 761, D. Thoughts in prison ; and other miscellaneous pieces. By Wil- ham Dodd. With an account of the author, and a list of his works. 2d edit. London, 1781. 762, D. Reflections on death. By William Dodd. London, 1782. 763, D. Comfort for the afflicted, under every distress ; with suitable de- votions. By William Dodd. 2d edit. London, 1773. Doddridge, 4508, O. A course of lectures on pneumatology, ethics and divi- nity, by the late Rev. Philip Doddridge, D. D. Third edition, by Andrew Kippis, D. D. 2 vols. London, 1794. Dorrington, 1714, D. Consolations addressed to a friend upon the death of his excellent and pious consort. By Theophilis Dorrington. London, 1695. P. Downame, 1704, D. Abstract of the duties commanded, and sins forbidden in the law of God. By George Downame, D. D. London, 1625. P. Drelincourt, 199, O. The Christian's defence against the fears of death; writ- ten in French, by C. Drelincourt, and translated into English, by Marius D'Assigny. London. 8378, O. The Christian's consolations against the fears of death, with directions how to prepare ourselves to die well. By the Rev. Charles Drelincourt. To which is prefixed an account of the author. Translated from the original. Edinburgh, 1771. Z^rct^, 4236, & 7511, O. An essay on the identity and general resurrection of the human body : in which the evidences in favour of these important subjects are considered in relation both to philosophy and scripture. By Samuel Drew. Brooklyn, 1811. Drexely 3967, D. Aloe amari sed salubris Succi Jejunium. Auctore Hiere- mia Drexelio, e Soc. Jesu. Antverpiae, 1 638. Dubois f 5914, O. Letters on the state of Christianity, in India, in which the conversion of the Hindoos is considered as impracticable : to which is added, a vindication of the Hindoos. By the Abbe J. A. Dubois. London, 1823. Duke, 3521, D. A course of lectures on the Christian covensint, on the articles of the Christian faith, and on baptism and the Lord's supper. By the Rev. William Duke, LL. B. &c. London, 1794. Dumesnil, 6892, O. De I'Esprit des religions. Par Alexis Dumesnil. A Paris, 1810. 56 RELIGION. Duname, 880, F. Guide to godlinesse, or a treatise of Christian life. By John Duname. London, 1627. P. Dunn, 337, D. Friendly and familiar advices, adapted to the various stations and conditions of life. By Lord Dunn. Edinburgh, 1754. Durell, 1301, Q. View of the government and public worship of God, in the reformed churches beyond the seas. By John Durell. London, 1662. P. 3611, O. 13. The church of England proved to be conformable to and approved by all the protestant churches in Europe, being an abridge- ment of Mr. Durell's book on foreign churches. London, 1705. Button, 788, D. Letter to George Whitefield. By Anne Dutton. Philadelphia. Earle, 2330, D. Sacramental exercises, by Jabez Earle, D. D. London, 1793. EcLStwick, 5429, D. Flagellum pontificis, et episcoporum Latialium. Auctore Johanne East wick, M. D. Londini, 1641. Eaton^ 351, O. The honey-combe of free justification by Christ alone. By John Eaton. London, 1642. Edwards, 8141, O. History of redemption; exhibiting the gradual discovery and accomplishment of the divine purposes in the salvation of man. By the late Rev. Jonathan Edwards. With notes, and the life and experience of the author. New York, 1798. 1859, D. 3. Two academical exercises on subjects bearing the fol- lowing titles; Millenium, Last Novelties. Published by Morgan Ed- wards. Philadelphia, 1788. Ellisj 1759, D. Gentile sinner, or England's brave gentleman charactered, in a letter to a friend, both as he is, and as he should be. By Clement Ellis. 5th edit. Oxford, 1672. P. 3612, O. Necessity of serious consideration, and speedy repentance, as the only way to be safe, both living and dying. By Clement Ellis. London, 1691. P. Ely, 2647, D. The journal of the stated preacher to the hospital and alms- house in the city of New York for 1811, 1813. By the Rev. E. S. Ely, 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1815. Elys, 1835, Q,. 2. A letter to the author of a book entitled an answer to W. P.'s key about the Q,uaker light within. By Edmund Elys. London, 1695. Erasmus, 1266, d. 1. Apologia Erasmi, nihil haberis, neq. dentis, neq. sto- machi neq. unguiam, qua respondat duabus invectius Eduardi Lei, nihil addo qualibus, ipse indicato lector. Antverpiae, 1520. 1266, Q,. 2. Ratio seu Methodus compendio perveniendi ad veram theologiam per Erasmi. Argumenta in omneis epistolas apostolorum, per eundem copiosius explicata. Per Erasmi. Ams., 1618. Esprit, 486, D. La faussete des vertus humaines, par M. Esprit. Amsterdam, 1709. Eslaugh, 518, D. Call to the unfaithful professors of truth ; with divers epistles by the same author. By John Estaugh. Philadelphia, 1745. Estrange, L\ 946, d. 2. Whipp for schismaticall animadverter upon the bishop of Worcester's letter. London, 1662. By Roger L'Estrange. 2200, Q^ 19. Reflections of a late libel, intituled, observations on a late famous sermon, intituled. Curse ye Merez. By R. L'Estrange. London, 1680. 2200, Q,. 17. The dissenters' sayings in requital for L'Estrange's , Sayings, published in their own words. By Roger L'Estrange. Lon- don, 1681. 946, Q,. 17. Apology for the protestants ; being a full justification of their departure from the church of Rome ; with proposals for a re- union. Translated from the French, by Roger L'Estrange. London, 1681. DOCTRINAL AND CONTROVERSIAL DIVINITY. 57 Evans, 5442, O. 3. Death the inevitable lot of man. Reflections suggested by the demise of his late majesty, George III. ; including his character, and a brief eulogy on the duke of Kent. By John Evans, LL. D. Lon- don, 1820. Gift of Dr. Rogers, 6084, O. A defence of the Christian doctrine of the society of Friends. In two parts. Philadelphia, 1825. Gift of Thomas Evans. 7461, O. A narrative of the proceedings of the religious society of the people called Q,uakers, against John Evans ; with an appendix compiled by John Evans. Philadelphia, 1811. Eaber, 5823, O. A treatise on the genius and object of the patriarchal, the Le- vitical and the Christian dispensations. By George S. Faber, B. D. 2 vols. London, 1823. 61 61 , O. & 399 1 , D. The difficulties of Romanism. By George Stanley Faber, B.D. London, 1826. Philadelphia, 1826. Fell, 2252, Q, 36. To the general councel and officers of the army, and to every member in particular. From Margaret Fell. London, 1659. 1864,0,. 19. A call unto the seed of Israel, that they may come out of Egypt's darkness. By M. Fell. London, 1660. Felltham, 96, F. Resolves ; divine, moral, and political ; with additions, in prose and verse. By Owen Felltham. London, 1696. FeneloHf 750, O. A dissertation on pure love. By the archbishop Fenelon ; with an account of the life and writings of the lady, for whose sake the archbishop was banished from court. Dublin, 1739. 1868, D. Extracts from the writings of Fenelon, with some memoir of his life. By John Kendal. Philadelphia, 1804. Gift of William M'Faden. Ferguson, 2628, D. Causes, results, and remedies of revenge and unmerciful- ness. By Richard Ferguson. Philadelphia, 1818. Gift of the au- thor. Fessenden, 7463, O. A theoretic explanation of the science of sanctity, accord- ing to reason, scripture, common sense, and the analogy of things. By Thomas Fessenden, A. M. Brattleborough, 1804. Featley, 1360, Q,. 1. The dippers dipt ; or the Anabaptists duck'd and plunged over head and ears, at a disputation in Southwark. By Daniel Feat- ley, D. D. London, 1646. Felhwes, 3670, D. A brief treatise on death, philosophically, morally and prac- tically considered. By Robert Fellowes, A. M. &c. London, 1805 6761,0. A picture of Christian philosophy. By Robert Fellowes, A. B. London, 1800. 6810, O. A body of theology, principally practical. In a series of lec- tures. By Robert Fellowes, A. M. &c. 2 vols. London, 1807. 6854, O. ReUgion without cant ; or, a preservative against luke-warm- ness and intolerance ; fanaticism, superstition and impiety. By Ro- bert Fellowes, A. M. &c. London, 1801. Field, 892, F. Of the church, five books. By Richard Field, D. D. 2d edit. Oxford, 1628. P. 7539, O. 9, 10. A letter addressed to the inhabitants of Warwick, in an- swer to several charges advanced against the dissenters. By William Field. Birmingham, 1791. Finley, 788. D. 6. Refutation of Mr. Thompson's sermon on the doctrine of convictions. By the Rev. Samuel Finley. Philadelphia, 1743. 1569, 1. 4. Vindication of " The charitable plea for the speechless ;" in an- swer to " Abel Morgan's anti-paedo-rantism." By the Rev. Samuel Finley. Philadelphia, 1748. " /i5A6r,790,&1007, 5. D. The light of Christ, displaying itself through the world. By Samuel Fisher. Philadelphia, 1744. 2252, Q. 27. To the parliament of England, and the several members thereof From Samuel Fisher. London, 1659. 8 56 RELIGION. Havel, 234 1 , D. A saint indeed, or the great work of a Christian expressed and pressed. By John Flavel. London, 1803. Flemings 3125, O. 3. Robert Fleming's republication of a discourse on the rise and fall of the papacy, originally published in the first year of the pre- sent century. London, 1793. P. Fletcher, 4585, D. An ap})eal to matter of fact and common sense, or a rational demonstration of man's lost and corrupt estate. By J. Fletcher. London, 1795. Forbes, 602, D. 4. Reflections on the sources of incredulity with regard to reli- gion. By Duncan Forbes. Edinburgh, 1752. Foster y 3222, D. An essay on the importance of considering the subject of re- ligion. Addressed particularly to men of education. By John Foster. Boston, 1827. FothergUU 3956, D. 2. On a life of purity and holiness, &c. &c. By J. Fother- gill. Salem, 1792. Foidis, 82, F. The history of Romish treasons and usurpations ; with an ac- count of the impostures in the church of Rome. By Henry Foulis, B. D. London, 1671. Fowler, 187, & 3634, D. The design of Christianity demonstrated. By Edward Fowler. Belfast, 1741. Gift of John Smith, 3606,0. The same. London, 1671. P. Fox, 778, D. 3. A looking-glass for the Jews. By George. Fox. Philadelphia, 1 784. Gift of Charles Crawford. 466, Q,. 2. The gospel family order, by George Fox. London, 1701. 1845,0,. A New England firebrand quenched, being an answer unto a book by Roger Williams. By George Fox and John Burnyeat. London, 1679. 1864,0^5. Something in answer to the old common prayer book, and for the information of those who are for it. By George Fox. Lon- don, 1660. 1804, Q,. 6. Some principles of the elect people of God, who in scorn are called Quakers. By George Fox. London, 1661. 1864, Q,. 7. The line of righteousness and justice stretched forth over all merchants, &c. By George Fox. London, 1661. 185, Q,. A New England firebrand quenched; being something in an- swer to Roger Williams his appendix. By George Fox and John Burnyeat. London, 1678. 2252, Q,. 26, A few plain words to be considered by those of the army or others that would have a parliament that is chosen by the voyces of the people to govern the three nations. By George Fox. London, 1659. 2252, O. 49. An answer to Doctor Burgess, his book entituled, a case con- cerning of buying bishop'' stands. By George Fox. London, 1660. 2252, Q,. 43. For the parliament of England and their army, so called. From George Fox, the younger, 1659. 2252, Q,. 56. A general epistle and a tender greeting sent unto the flock of Christ. By George Fox, the younger. London, 1660. Francus, 2220, Q. The two books of John Crellius Francus, touching one God the Father, wherein many things also concerning the nature of the Son of God and the Holy Spirit are discoursed of Translated into English. London, 1665. Franklin, 2104, O. 14. Letter to a bishop, concerning lectureships. By Tho- mas Franklin, D. D. 2d edit. London, 1769. Freeman, 1232, Q,. I. Dialogue between a minister and his parishioner, concern- ing the Catholic church. By Samuel Freeman. In three parts. Lon- don, 1687. P. Frend, 1976, O. 4. Addresses to the members of the church of England, and to DOCTRINAL AND CONTROVERSIAL DIVINITY. 59 protestant trinitarians in general. By William Frend. 2d edit. Lon- don, 1788. Frend^ 3712, O. 5. Animadversions on the elements of Christian theology, by the Rev. George Pretyman. By William Frend. London, 1800. Fuce, 2252, Q,. 15. A visitation by way of declaration unto the manifestations of the spirit in you, rulers and heads of these nations ; both parliament, officers and soldiers. From Joseph Fuce. London, 1659. Fuller^ 909, O. A serious reply to twelve sections of abusive queries, proposed to the consideration of the people called Quakers. By Samuel Fuller. Dublin, 1728. Galloway, 7876, O. The prophetic and anticipated history of the church of Rome. By Joseph Galloway, Esq. London, 1803. Gammon^ 433, D. A practical discourse of a believer's life, derived from, and resolved into, Christ. By John Gammon. 6th edit. London, 1743. Garnhaniy 1976, O. 1. Letters to Dr. William Cleaver, bishop of Chester ; com- prehending a vindication of the late bishop Hoadley. By R. E. Garn- ham. London, 1790. Garvey, 947, Q. 9. Conversion of Philip Corwine, a Franciscan friar, to the protestant religion, in 1589. Written by John Garvey, formerly pri- mate of Ireland. Dublin, 1681. Gaston^ 573, O. The scripture account of the faith and practice of Christians. By Hugh Gaston. Dublin, 1763. Gastrell, 350 1 , O. Certainty and necessity of religion in general, or the first grounds and principles of human duty established. By Francis Gas- trell. London, 1697. 2331, D. The Christian's institutes, being an account of the whole faith and duty of a Christian. By F. Gastrell, bishop of Chester. London, 1734. 1680, D. Christian institutes, or the sincere word of God, being an ac- count of the whole faith and duty of a Christian. By Francis Bishop of Chester. 8th edit. London, 1755. P. Gataker^ 923, Q,. 1. Trve contentment in the gaine of godliness, with its self- svfficiencie. By Thomas Gataker. Gaule, 5378, D. Distractions, or the holy madness, fervently (not furiously) inraged against evil men; or against their evils. By John Gaule. London, 1629. Gavin, 4850, D. A master key to popery, giving a full account of all the cus- toms of the priests and friars, and the rites and ceremonies of the popish religion. By Anthony Gavin. Dublin, 1812. Gawler, 2252, Q,. 6. Record of some persecutions inflicted upon some of the servants of the Lord in South Wales, for not paying tithes, not repair- ing steeple houses, and for not coming to the steeple houses. By Francis Gawler. London, 1659. Geddes, 2778, O. Apology for the Roman Catholics of Great Britain. By Alexander Geddes, LL. D. London, 1800. Gee, 3388, O. The Jesuits' memorial, for the intended reformation of England, under their first popish prince. Published from the copy that was presented to the late king James II. By Edw. Gee. London, 1 690. P. Gerard, 2650, O. On the pastoral care. By Alexander Gerard. Published by his son. London, 1799. Gerhard, 2903, D. Joh: Gerhardi meditationes sacrae. Oxoniae, 1633. Gilbert, 949, Q,. 4. Answer to the bishop of Condom's exposition of the Catholic faith, &c. wherein the doctrine of the church of Rome is detected. By John Gilbert. London, 1686. Gilby, 1081, D. An answer to the deuillish defection of Stephane Gardiner, bishoppe of Wynchester. By Anthony Gilby. London, 1547. 90 RELIGION. Oilpin, 1245, & 5341, D. Moral contrasts: or the power of religion exempli- fied under different characters. By William Gilpin. London, 1799. GisbomCf 3545, D. A familiar survey of the Christian religion, and of history ; &c. By Thomas Gisbome, A. M. New York, 1807. Gianville, 1298, Q,. Essays on several important subjects in philosophy and religion. By Joseph Glanville. London, 1676. F. 1734, D. An essay concerning preaching; written for the direction of a young divine. By Jos. Glanville. 2d edit. London, 1703. P. Gluesing, 2111,0. Gluesing's ersten tempel Gottes in Christo. Zweiter theil, 1720. Gift of Mrs. Reedle. Goldham, 998, D. A reasonable word to the doctors of reason. By N. Gold- ham. London, 1699. Goldney, 56, O. Friendly epistles to deists and Jews, in order to convert them to the Christian religion ; and scriptural remedies for healing the divi- sions of the church of England. By Edward Goldney. London, 1760. Goodman, 3554, O. A serious and compassionate inquiry into the causes of the present neglect and contempt of the protestant religion and church of England. By John Goodman. 3d edit. London, 1675. P. 3508, O. Penitent pardoned, or a discourse of the nature of sin and the eflBcacy of repentance. By I. Goodman. 4th edit. London, 1694. P. 3607, O. Winter evening conference between neighbours. By J. Goodman, D. D. 7th edit. 1698. P. 1634, D. The old religion demonstrated in its principles, and de- scribed in the life and practice thereof. By John Goodman, D. D. 4th edit. London, 1720. P. Goodwin, 93 1 , Q,. 6. A treatise showing that prelatique preachers are none of Christ's teachers. By John Goodwin. London, 1663. 934, Q,. 1 . Apologeticall account of some brethren of the church, whereof John Goodwin is pastour, why they cannot deliver up their said pastour unto Sathan, &c. London, 1647. Gordon, 412, D. The pillars of priest-craft and orthodoxy shaken. By Tho- mas Gordon. 2 vols. London, 1752. 7477, O. The independent whig; or, a defence of primitive Christianity, against the exorbitant claims and encroachments of fanatical and dis- affected clergymen. By Thomas Gordon. 4 vols. Hartford, 1816. 2203, a. & 354, & 364, D. The same. PhUadelphia, 1720, and Lon- don, 1735. Gosnold, 927, Q,. 7. A discourse of laying on of hands. By John Gosnold. Lon- don, 1656. Graves, 2570, & 2728, O. An essay on the character of the apostles and evan- gelists ; designed to prove that they were not enthusiasts. By Richard Graves. London, 1798. GraueruSj 1327, D. Grawerus redivivus, hoc est praelectiones hujus acade- micae in Augustanani confessionem. Cum supplemento ex Islebicit. Albert! Graueri S. T. P. Jenae, 1669. 1327, D. 2. Q,uaestiones illustres theologicae decern disputationibus proposita et D. Conrado Vorstio Eiliii.squc, ab Alberto Grauero S. T. P. Jenae, 1561. Gift of Mathew Carey, Gray, 7767, O. The fiend of the reformation detected. Part I. The two so- phisms detected which have split the reformers into Calvinists, Ar- menians, Universalists, &c. Part II. A brief review of the present state of the reformed church. By James Gray, D. D. Philadelphia, 1819. Green, 9132, O. 2. A report relative to a revival of religion among the students in the CoUege of New Jersey, in 1815. With an appendix. By Ashbel Green, D. D. Philadelphia, 1815. DOCTRINAL AND CONTROVERSIAL DIVINITY. 61 Grimke, 7^192, O. 3. Address on the expediency and duty of adopting the bible as a class book in every scheme of education, from the primary school to the university. By Thomas S. Grimke. Charleston, 1830. GrotiuSy 2200, Q,. 16. Anti-Dodwellisme ; being two very curious tracts, written by Hugo Grotius; containing a solution of two questions : 1st. Whe- ther the Eucharistie may be administered in the absence or want of pastors ? 2d. Whether it be necessary at all times, to communicate with the symbols ) London, 1683. Gunning, 927, Q,. 13. Contention for truth; in two publique disputations, be- fore thousands of people, at Clement Dane church, upon the 19th and 26th of November, 1658, between Mr. Gunning and Mr. Denne, con- cerning baptisme. London. Gurney, 6322, O. 3. A letter to a friend, on the authority, purpose, and effects of Christianity, and especially on the doctrine of redemption. By John Joseph Gurney. 19th ed. London, 1825. Gift of Dr. Parke. Guthrey, 2009, Q,. 4. Speech of Mr. James Guthrey, late Minister of Sterling. Edinburg, 1661. Haddonj 2197, Q,. 1. Against Jerome Ossorius, and against his slanderous in- vectives. An answere apologetical, for the necessary defence of the evangelical doctrine and veritie, first taken in hand by M. Walter Haddon, then undertaken and continued by M. John Fox, and now Englished by James Bell. London, 1581. Hakewill, 928, F. Apologie, or declaration of the power and providence of God in the government of the world. By George Hakewill. Lon- don, 1735. P. Hale, 3553, O. Contemplations, moral and divine. By Sir Mathew Hale. London, 1675. P. 298, D. The same. To which is prefixed, an account of his life and death, by Bishop Burnet. 4th edit. 2 vols. Glasgow, 1745. lialford, 943, Q,. 12. Account of the backslidings, and subsequent restoration to grace, of Daniel Halford. 2d edit. London, 1696. Hall, 5742, O. 2. Some serious remarks on that solemn and indispensable duty of duly attending assembhes for divine worship. By David HaU. London, 1756. 496, D. A treatise on the old religion ; wherein is laid down the true state of the difference between the reformed and Roman church. By Bishop Hall. London, 1636. 1376, Q,. Episcopacie by divine right. By Joseph Hall. London, 1640. P, 928, Q,. 12. The downfall of May-games ; wherein is set forth the rude- ness, prophaneness, stealing, drinking, fighting, dancing, whoring, mis-rule, and mis-pence of precious time. By Thomas Hall, B. D. London, 1660. Halyburton, 83, D. The great concern of salvation. By Thomas Halyburton. Philadelphia, 1801. Gift of Charles Crawford. Hambleton, 2252, Q,. 55. A testimony of the appearance of God, in the spirit of power : with some reasons why Margaret Hambleton doth deny the Presbyterians of Scotland, they being found in the steps of the false prophets. London, 1659. Hamilton, 7722, O. Strictures on primitive Christianity, by the Rev. Dr. Knowles ; as also upon the theological and polemical writings of the Bishop of St. David's, the Rev. Dr. Priestley, and the late Rev. Mr. Badcock. By James Edward Hamilton, Esq. London, 1792. Hancock, 6971, O. 2. On the abuse of figurative language, &c. in religious sub- jects. With some observations addressed ta the duakers. By John Hancock. Belfast, 1803. 62 RELIGION. Hanway, 679, Q,. Virtue in humble life, in conversations between a^ather and his dauofhter, amidst rural scenes. With a manual of devotion. By Jonas Han way. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1777. //arf, 3391, O. 4. Scripture vindication, &c.; being a reply to the Bishop of Bangor. By Francis Hare, D. D. London, 1721. Haweis^ 3956, D. 5. The communicant's spiritual companion, &c. By the Rev. Thos. Haweis. Newburyport, 1794. Hawkins, 3279, O. Tracts in divinity. By William Hawkins. 3 vols. Ox- ford, 1758. P. Haworthj 940, Q,. 9. A narrative of the conversion of a person in Hartfordshire, from the principles of the Gluakers. By William Haworth. London, 1690. ffat/, 8217, O. Religio philosophi ; or, the principles of morality and Christiani- ty illustrated from a view of the universe, and of man's situation on it. By William Hay, Esq. London, 1760. 5413, D. An abridgment of the Christian doctrine, by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Hay. Baltimore, 1809. HaywarcU 1808, D. Sanctuarie of a troubled soul. By Sir John Hayward. London, 1632. P. Heathcote, 518, 4. & 3524, 3. O. A seasonable discourse of the right, use, and abuse of reason in matters of religion. By Ralph Heathcote, D. D. London, 1676. P. Henningj 21 IS, O. Friederich Henning's reiner krystallstrom. Erster imd zweiter theil. Sternberg. Gift of Mrs. Reedle. Hervey, 775, 2339, &, 5112, D. Contemplations and meditations among the tombs, &c. by James Hervey. London, 1771 — 1776. Hewson, 4595, D. 1. A description of St. Patrick's purgatory in Lough-Derg, and an account of the pilgrim's business there. By the Rev. Mr. Hewson. Dublin, 1727. Hey, 2429, O. Lectures in divinity, delivered in the university of Cambridge. By John Hey, D. D. 3 vols. Cambridge, 1797. Hickeringill, 476, a. & 6633, O. The works of Mr. Edmund Hickeringill, late rector of All-Saints, in Colchester : — containing the history of priest- craft, in four parts ; exposing the follies and frauds of priests of all re- ligions, the last part being a vindication of the history. Also, the black non-conformist, the ceremony-monger, with his satyrs, and all the rest of his scarce and valuable pieces, collected into three volumes. London, 1721. M Hill, 1315, Q,. 2. Catholic balance, a discourse determining the controversies of the Catholic doctrines. By Mr. Hill. London, 1687. P, Hindmarsh, 4708, & 7518, O. A seal upon the lips of Unitarians, Trinitarians, and all others who refuse to acknowledge the sole, supreme and ex- clusive divinity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. By Robert Hind- marsh. Philadelphia, 1815. Gift of Coleman Sellers. Hoadley, 3320, O. A plain account of the nature and end of the sacrament of the Lord's supper. By Bishop Hoadley. 2d edit. London, 1735. P. Uodson, 5004,. D. 3. The young Christian's introduction to the knowledge of his God and Saviour. By J. Hodson, M. D. London, 1788. Hollwell, 1 425, O. Dissertations on the origin, nature, and pursuits of intelligent beings ; and on divine Providence, religion and worship. By J. Z. Hollwell. Bath, 1780. Hommius, 2900, D. LXX. Disputationes Theologicae adversus Pontificios. Pre- side Festo Hommio. Oxoniae, 1630. Home, 768, D. Letters on infidelity. By the author of a letter to Dr. Adam Smith. By Bishop George Home. Oxford, 1784. 5686, D. A manual for the afflicted. By the Rev. T. H. Home, with an appendix by the Rt. Rev. Geo. Washington Doane, bishop of New- Jersey. Boston, 1833. DOCTRINAL AND CONTROVERSIAL DIVINITY. 63 Horsley, 2784, O. Tracts in controversy with Dr. Priestley upon the historical question of the belief of the first ages in our Lord's divinity, by Samuel, Lord Bishop of St. David's. Gloucester, 1789. 6492, O. Tracts in controversy with Dr. Priestley, upon the historical question, of the belief of the first ages, in our Lord's divinity, &c. by Samuel, Lord bishop of St. Asaph (Dr. Horsley.) To which is added, an appendix, by the Rev. Heneage Horsley, A. M. Burlington, N. J., 1821. M. Hough, 5921, O. A reply to the letters of the Abbe Dubois, on the state of Christianity in India. By the Rev. James Hough. London, 1824. Gift of I)r, Parke. How, 927, Q.. A treatise on the sufficiency of the Spirit's teaching without humane learning. By John How. London, 1655. 937, Q. 5. The right use of that argument in prayer from the name of God. By John Howe. London, 1682. Howgill, 2252, O. 40. A presentation to London. By Edwd. Howgill. Lon- don, 1659. 1004, F. The dawnings of the gospel day, and its light and glory discovered, by Francis Howgill. London, 1676. Gift of a friend. 2252, Q,. 1. The popish inquisition newly erected in New England, whereby their church is manifested to be a daughter of Mysterie Baby- lon, also their rulers to be in the beast's power. Pubhshed by Francis Howgill. London, 1659. 2252, Q,. 30. An information, and also advice to the armie, &c. By Francis Howgill. London, 1659. 2252, Q,. 46. The mouth of the pit stopped, and the smoke that hath arisen out of it scattered by the breath of truth, in answer to a lying story called Hell broken loose, or the history of the Quakers. By Francis Howgill. London, 1659. 2252, Q,. 51. The heart of New England hardened through wicked- ness : in answer to a book entituled the heart of New England rent. The doctrine of the Quakers vindicated, &c. By Francis Howgill. London, 1654. 1864, Q,. 21. A remarkable letter of Mary Howgill to Oliver Crom- well. London, 1657. Howltt, 5759, D. A popular history of priestcraft in all ages and nations. By Wm. Howitt. London, 1833. 5773, D. History of priestcraft in all ages and nations. By William Howitt. Edited by a clergyman of New York. New York, 1833. Huhberthorn, 2252, Q,. 52. An answer to a declaration put forth by the Ana- baptists. By Richard Hubberthorn. London, 1659. Huet, 1708, D. Treatise of the situation of paradise. From the French of P. D. Huet. London, 1694. P. Hume, 233, & 929, O. An exhortation to the inhabitants of the province of South Carolina, to bring their deeds to the light of Christ, by Sophia Hume ; with some account of the author's experience in the business of religion. Philadelphia. 5742, O. 3. An epistle to the inhabitants of South Carolina : containing sundry observations proper to be considered by every professor of Christianity in general. By Sophia Hume. London, 1754. Humphreys, 1864, Q. 17. The vision of eternity held forth. By John Hum- phreys. London, 1651. llunnius, 1330, D. Articvlvs de providentia Dei, et eterna praedestinatione, auct. ^gidia Hunnii. Francofortii, 1696. Gift of MathewCarey, Husband, 1566, O. 2. Remarks on religion. By H. Husband. Philadelphia, 1761. 64 RELIGION. Hutchinson, 4969, O. On the principles of the Christian religion, addressed to her daughter ; and on theology. By Mrs. Lucy Hutchinson. London, 1817. Irving, 5842, O. For the oracles of God, four orations : for judgment to come, an argument, in nine parts. By the Rev. Edward Irving. Philadel- phia, 1823. Jackson, 4832, O. 5, Horae subscecivae, or a refutation of the popular opinions, that peace will ultimately prevail over the whole world. By Jeremiah Jackson, A. M. Wisbech, 1816. 353, O. The raging temt>est stilled ; or the historic of Christ, his pas- sage with his disciples over the sea of Galilee. By Thomas Jackson. London, 1623. James, 360, O. A treatise of the corruption of scripture, councils and fathers, by the pillars of the church of Rome, for the maintenance of popery. By Thomas James. London, 1688. 3507, O. The same. P. Jamieson, 2695, O. 2. Remarks on the Rev. Rowland Hill's journal, &,c. includ- ing reflections on itinerant and lay preaching. By the Rev. John Jamieson, D. D. 2d edit. Edinburgh, 1799. 2971, O. The use of sacred history, as illustrating and confirming the great doctrines of revelation. By John Jamieson, D. D. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1802. Jemingham, 4025, O. 3. The Alexandrian school ; or, a narrative of the first Christian professors in Alexandria ; with observations on the influence they still maintain in the established church. By Mr. Jerningham. London, 1809. John, 943, Q,. 11. Account of the conversion to Christianity of Theodore John, a late teacher among the Jews. 1 692. Johnson, 604, P. 1. Three papers — on the grounds of the laws against popery — whether or no all men have the Holy Ghost — and of the magistracy, &c. By Samuel Johnson. London, 1685. Jones, 123, & 3135, O. Free and candid disquisitions relating to the church of England, and the means of advancing religion therein ; addressed to the governing powers in church and state ; and more immediately directed to the houses of convocation. By John Jones. 2d edit. London, 1750. P. Jortin, 3288, O. Six dissertations upon different subjects, divine and moral. By John Jortin. London, 1755. P. ir«7A, 1835, 0.8. George Keith's complaint against the Quakers. London, 1700. 5537, D. The signs of the times, as denoted by the fulfilment of histori- cal predictions, traced down from the Babylonish captivity to the present time. By the Rev. Alexander Keith. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1832. — 819, D. The deism of William Penn and his brethren, destructive to the Christian religion. By George Keith. London, 1699. Kempis, 908, O. The Christian pattern ; or the imitation of Jesus Christ. By Thomas a Kempis. Translated by a female hand. Germantown, 1749. 2091, O. Meditations, with prayers, on the life of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. By Thomas a Kempis. Translated by Henry Lee. 2d edition. London, 1762. Gift of Edmund Ho gan. 8522, O. The Christian's exercise : or rules to live above the world, with meditations and soliloquies, suited to the Christian life. By Thomas a Kempis. Addressed to all lovers of devotion. By Robert Nelson^ Esq. London, 1795. I Kersey, 2304, D. A treatise on fundament£il doctrines of the Christian religion, in which are illustrated the profession, ministry and faith of tlie society of Friends, by Jesse Kersey. Philadelphia, 1814. DOCTRINAL AND CONTROVERSIAL DIVINITY. 05 Kettlewell, 1283, Q,. Measures of Christian obedience. By John Kettlewell London, 1681. /*. 955, Q,. 6. Christianity, a doctrine of the cross. By John Kettlewell London, 1691. 1757, D. The great evil and danger of profuseness and prodigality. By John Kettlewell. London, 1705. P. Xidder, 1697, D. The Christian sufferer supported ; a discourse concerning the grounds of Christian fortitude. By Richard Kidder, London, 1680. Killigrew, 1763, D. Midnight thoughts and divine meditations. By Mr. Killi- grew. London, 1681. P. King, 624, & 6601, O. An essay on the origin of evil. By Dr. William King, late lord archbishop of Dublin. Translated from the Latin ; with large notes. To which are added two sermons by the same author ; one on divine prescience, the other on the fall of man. By Edmund Law, M, A. Cambridge, 1739—1758. M. Knollys, 938, Gt. 6. An answer unto thirteen exceptions against the grounds of new baptism. By Hansard Knollys. London, 1 646. Knox, 2314, D. Christian philosophy, by Vicesimus Knox, D. D, London, 1798. iMcy, 5240, D. A cry from the desert ; or, testimonials of the miraculous things lately come to pass in the Cevennes. With a preface by John Lacy, London, 1707. Langford, 5746, O. Holl Ddled-Swydd dyn. (Whole duty of man.) Ynghyd a Dwy wolder Neillduol ar amry w Achosion. Gan Jo. Langford, A, M. Llundain, 1711. Langhorne, 528S, D. Consolations of human life. By John Langhorne, D. D, London, 1769. Laudy 912, F. Relation of the conference between William Laud, bishop of St, David's and archbishop of Canterbury, and Mr. Fisher, the Jesuit, by the command of King James. London, 1639. P, Lavington, 366, O. The Moravians compared and detected. By George Lavington, D. D. the author of " The enthusiasm of Methodists and papists compared." London, 1755. Laiv, 435, O. A serious call to a devout and holy life ; adapted to the state and condition of all orders of Christians. By William Law, 2d edit, London, 1732. 857, O. A practical treatise upon Christian perfection. By William Law, 4th edit. London, 1737. Lee, 7789, O. 2. Remarks on an appendix to an " Appeal to the public," in the case of the old meeting house, Wolverhampton. By T. Eyre Lee, Birmingham, 1819. Leslie, 1 474, D. The snake in the grass ; or Satan transformed into an angel of light, a discourse respecting the people called Quakers. By Charles Leslie. London, 1698. P. • 220, O. A defence of a book, entitled " The snake in the grass ;" in reply to several answers put out to it by George Whitehead, &c. By Charles Leslie. London, 1700. Lindsly, fi4t^2, O. 5. A plea for the theological seminary at Princeton, N. J. By Philip Lindsly. Trenton, 1821. Linn, 8598, O, 5. Remarks on Dr. Moore's address to the members of the Episcopal church. By William Linn, D. D. New York, 1793. Lloyd, 929, & 2200, Q,. 5. A seasonable discourse ; showing the necessity of maintaining the established religion, in opposition to popery. By William Lloyd. 3d edit. London, 1673. Loflus, 5165, D. The controversy between the churches of Rome and Englancli fairly stated, by the Rev. Smyth Loftus. Dublin, 1770. 9 M RELIGION. Lordy 5431, D. Reason why not anabaptist plunging, but infant believers* baptism, ought to be approved. By J. Lord. Boston, 1719. Lovell, 838, Q. 1. Papist mis-represented and represented ; or a twofold cha- racter of popery. By E. Lovell. London, 1685. Luther y 5539, D. Luther's table talk ; or some choice fragments of Dr. Martin Luther. London, 1832. Lynanij 2252, Q. 33. For the parliament sitting at Westminster, from M. Lynam. London, 1659. 2945, D. Letters to the people of the town of Antrim. By Margaret Lynam, MS. Macbeth, 4047, D. A dissertation on the Sabbath, in which the nature of the institution, and the obligations to its observance are stated and illus- trated. By the Rev. John Macbeth, A. M. Philadelphia, 1828. Gift of J. R. Engles. Mackray, 7039, O. An essay on the effects of the reformation on civil society in Europe. By Wm. Mackray. London, 1829. Macsparran, 789, D. 2. An address to the people of New England ; occasioned by the preaching of certain destructive doctrines. By James Mac- sparran. New Port, 1753. Magee, 6011, & 7510, O. Discourses and dissertations on the scriptural doc- trines of atonement and sacrifice. With an appendix. By William Magee. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1825. Malcolm, 5963, D. The Christian's rule of marriage. An essay. By Howard Malcolm, A. M. Boston, 1834. Manning, 5164, D. The shortest way to end disputes about religion. By the Rev. Robert Manning. Dublin, 1754. Marsh, 4646, O. A comparative view of the churches of England and Rome. By Herbert Marsh, D. D. London, 1814. Martin, 790, D. 6. Letter to Francis De Voltaire, vindicating the people called Quakers from his remarks. By S. Martin. Dublin, 1749. Marshall, 1360, Ct 2. A defence of infant baptism. By S. Marshall. London, 1646. Mason, 1741, D. A treatise of repentance and fasting, especially of the lent- fast. By Henry Mason. London, 1686. P. 925, F. Consecration of the bishops, and ordination of priests and deacons of the church of England. By Francis Mason. London, 1613. P. Mather, 940, Q,. 6. On the first principles of New England, concerning baptisme and the communion of churches. By Increase Mather. Cambridge, 1675. 943, Q,. 14. Dissertation concerning the future conversion of the Jewish nation ; with an inquiry into the first resurrection. By Increase Ma- ther. London, 1710. 940, d. 7. Essay for a nearer imion amongst the godly, of different judgments. By Samuel Mather. London, 1680. 5331, D. Directions for a candidate for the ministry. By Dr. S. Ma- ther. Boston, 1726. M'-Calla, 7065, O. Discussion of universalism, or a defence of ortliodoxy against the heresy of universalism, as advocated by Abner Kneeland, July, 1824. By W. L. M'Calla. Philadelphia, 1825. Gift of J. P. Engles. 7066, O. A discussion of Christian baptism, as to its subjects, its mode, its history and its effects upon civil and religious society, in opposition to the views of Mr. Alexander Campbell, &c. By W. L. M'Calla. Vol. 1. Philadelphia, 1828. Gift of J. P. Engles. M^Ewen, 5233, D. A select set of essays, doctrinal and practical, upon a variety of subjects in divinity. By the Rev. William M'Ewen. Edin- burgh, 1769. DOCTRINAL AND CONTROVERSIAL DIVINITY. 67 M'Ewen, 4766, D. Grace and truth ; or the glory and fulness of the Redeemer displayed. By the Rev. William M'Ewen. Philadelphia, 1792. Mears, 4608, D. 7. A short explanation of the end and design of the Lord's supper. With prayers and meditations. By J. Mears. London, 1758. Melmoth, 1092, D. The importance of a religious life, with some morning and evening prayers. By William Melmoth. 28th edit. London, 1790. Melvirif 1334, Q,. Sacriledge sacredly handled. By Andrew Melvin. Lon- don, 1619. P. Menasseh, 5395, D. Menasseh Ben-Israel de resurrectione mortuorum, quibus anima immortalitatis et corporis resurrectio contra Zaducoeus compro- batur, ex sacris Uteris et veteribus rabbinis. Amstelodami, 1536. Mentzer, 886, & 8542, O. A vindication of the Lutheran religion, from the charge of popery ; with an historical account of the persecutions and sufferings of many persons of that profession. Written originally in Latin, by Belthazer Mentzer, and now translated into English. Lon- don, 1720. Gift of Samuel Kirke. Meslrezat, 745, Q,. Traitte de I'eglisse. Par Jean Mestrezat. A Genove, 1649. Gift of Samuel Bobinson. Middleton, 174, Q,. A free inquiry into the miraculous powers, which are supposed to have subsisted in the Christian church, from the earliest ages ; by which it is shown, that no such powers were continued to the church after the days of the apostles. By Conyers Middleton. 3d edit. London, 1749. 601, O. A letter from Rome, showing the exact conformity between popery and paganism. By Conyers Middleton. London, 1741. 3261, O. Examination of the Lord Bishop of London's discourses concerning the use and intent of prophecy. By Conyers Middleton, D. D. London, 1750. P. Milbourne, 883, O. A legacy to the church of England ; vindicating her orders from the objections of papists and dissenters. By Luke Milbourne. 2 vols. London, 1722. Miller, 6325, O, 1 . An introductory lecture delivered at the theological semi- nary at Princeton. By Samuel Miller, D. D. Princeton, 1824. Gift of the author. Milton, 1901, Q,. A treatise on Christian doctrine, compiled from the holy scriptures alone. By John Milton. Translated from the original by Charles R. Summer, M. A. Cambridge, 1825. 930, d. 9. A treatise of prelatical episcopacy. By John Milton. Lon- don, 1641. — 931, Q,. 15. A treatise of true religion, haeresie, schism, toleration, and what best means may be used against the growth of popery. By John Milton. London, 1673. Gift of Zachariah Poulson. Monck, 931, 0^.2. Sion's groans for her distressed; or sober endeavours to save innocent blood, and stablish the nation in the best of settlements, by Thomas Monck, Joseph Wright, George Hamon, Francis Stanley, William Reynolds, and William Jeffery. London, 1661. Montagu, 4123, D. Selections from the works of Taylor, Hooker, Barrow, South, Latimer, Brown, Milton and Bacon. By Basil Montagu. 3d edit. London, 1829. Morgan, 409, & 1553, O. Anti-paedo-rantism ; or Samuel Finley's charitable plea for the speechless, examined, and the baptism of believers main- tained. By Abel Morgan. Philadelphia, 1747. Moore, 5715, & 5744, D. Travels of an Irish gentleman in search of a religion. By the author of Captain Rock's memoirs, (Thomas Moore.) 2 vols. London, 1833, and Philadelphia. 5939, D. Captain Rock in Rome. Written by himself 2 vols. Lon- don, 1834. 69 KELIGION. MorCi 4249, O. Practical piety ; or, the influence of the religion of the heart on the conduct of the life. By Hannali More. Builington, (New Jersey,) 1811. 4347, O. The same. 7th edit. 2 vols. London, 1812. ■ ■ ■ 5283, O. Moral sketches of prevailing opinions and manners, foreign and domestic : with reflections on prayer. By Hannah More. Lon- don, 1819. 2220, D. Christian morals, by Hannah More. New York, 1813. ■ ■ 2047, O. Remarks on the speech of M. Dupont, made in the national convention of France, on the subjects of religion and public education. By Hannah More. 3d edit. London, 1793. *— - 1060, 1664, & 3547, D. An estimate of the religion of the fashionable world. By one of the laity. 3d edit. London, 1791. Philadelphia, 1795. Murray, 2320, D. The power of religion over the mind in retirement and at the approach of death, by Lindley Murray. 10th edit. New York, 180L — 2321, D. Le pouvoir de la religion sur I'esprit, dans la retraite et aux approches de la mort; traduit de I'Anglais, par R. La Faye. A Londres, 1801. 2497, O. 3. A vindication of universalism ; being observations on the revelation of the unbounded love of God towards mankind. By John Murray. Charleston, 1797. NareSy 6008, D. Man as known to us theologically and geologically. By the Rev. Edward Nares, D. D. London, 1834. Necker, 1834, O. Of the importance of religious opinions. Translated from the French of M. Necker. London, 1788. 3320, O. The same. P. — 3618, &, 4486, D. The same. Boston, 1796. Nelsoriy 398, D. The practice of true devotion, in relation to the end as well as the means of religion. By Robert Nelson. 2d edit. London, 1715. ■ 1737, D. The great duty of frequenting the Christian sacrifice with suitable devotions. Ry Robert Nelson. 9th edit. London, 1727. P. i — 3417, O. Address to persons of quality and estate, with an appendix. By Robert Nelson. London, 1715. P. Newcome^ 719, D. On the duration of our Lord's ministry ; in reply to a letter from Dr. Priestley on that subject. By William Newcome. Dublin, 1780. ■ ■ 1. 364, & 1998, Q,. Observations on our Lord's conduct as a divine in- structor, and on the excellence of his moral character. By Bishop Newcome. London, 1782. Norton^ 2252, Q,. New England's ensigne : it being the account of cruelty, the professor's pride, and the articles of their faith, signified in charac- ters written in blood — this being an account of the sufferings sus- tained by us in New England, (with the Dutch,) in the years 1657, 1658. By Humphrey Norton. London, 1659. Nichols, 1332, Q,. 5. An answer to an heretical book, called the naked gospel. By Wm. Nichols, D. D. London, 1691. P. Nisbet, 3041, & 3785, O. The display of the triumphs of Christianity over in- fidelity ; being an answer to the objection of Mr. Gibbon, that our Lord and his apostles predicted the near approach of the end of the world in their own time. By N. Nisbet. Deal, 1802. Norris, 1 530, D. Discourse concerning the pretended religious assembling in private conventicles. By John Norris. London, 1685. P. DOCTRINAL AND CONTROVERSIAL DIVINITY. 69 Nicolas, 9142, O. 0. The divinity of Jesus Christ, considered from scripture evidence. By Lewis Nicolas. Philadelphia, 1791. O* Sullivan, 5745, D. A guide to an Irish gentleman in his search for religion. By the Rev. Mortimer O'Sullivan, A. M. Dublin, 1833. O' Gallagher, 7964, O. A brief reply to a short answer to a true exposition of the doctrine of the Catholic church, touching the sacrament of penance, &c. By S. F. O'Gallagher. New York, 1815. Okely, 2517, O. 1. A short treatise on Christianity ; with notes. By W. Okely. London, 1798. Oslervald, 913, O. The grounds and principles of the Christian religion, ex- plained in a catechetical discourse, for the instruction of young people. Translated from the French of I. F. Ostervald, by Humphrey Wanley. London, 1704. Gift of John Smith. Oswald, 1003, O. An appeal to common sense, in behalf of religion. By James Oswald. 2d edit. London, 1768. Owen, 8483, O. The history of images, and of image worship ; showing the origin and progress of idolatry among Pagans, Jews, and Christians. By the late Rev. Mr. James Owen. London, 1709. 1306, D. Christian monitor for the last days ; or a caution to the pro- fessedly religious against the corruptions of the latter times, in doc- trine, discipline and morals. By John Owen. London, 1799. — 937, Q,. 14. Vindication of the late reverend and learned Dr. John Owen. London, 1684. Palmer, 2897, D. An apology for the Christian Sabbath. By Samuel Palmer. London, 1799. Parker, 931, 3. & 1347, Q,. 8. Discourse concerning Puritans. By Robert Par- ker. London, 1641. 929, O. 2. Insolence and impudence triumphant ; — Envy and fury en- throned ; being an answer to " A discourse of ecclesiastical polity, &c." By S. Parker. London, 1669. Parr, 618, D. An exposition of the grounds of divinity. By Elnathan Parr. 7th edit. London, 1633. Parsons, 2272, D. 3. Christianity a system of peace, in two letters. By Thomas Parsons. New Bedford, 1814. 8559, O. Parsons : his Christian directory ; being a treatise of holy resolution. Put into modern English. By George Stanhope, D. D. London, 1727. Pascal, 474, & 1721, D. The mystery of Jesuitisme; discovered in certain letters, written upon occasion of the present differences between the Jansenists and the Molinists. By Blaise Pascal. London, 1 658. 2778, D. The spirit of Pascal ; comprising the substance of his moral and religious works. Leicester, 1819. 80, & 3504, O. Thoughts on religion, and other curious subjects. Translated from the French of M. Paschal, by Basil Kennet. 4th edit. London, 1741— .1704. P. Patrick, 840, Q,. 2. A treatise, showing that the Roman church falsely claims to be that church, and the pillar of that truth mentioned by St. Paul. By Dr. Patrick. London, 1688. 2 1 5, D. The heart's ease ; or a remedy against all troubles. By Symon Patrick, B. D. London, 1660. Gft of Mathew Carey. 1507, D. Jewish hypocrisie, a caveat to the present generation. By Symon Patrick, B. D. London, 1670. P. Pearsall, 2325, D. Contemplations on the ocean, harvest, and the last judg- ment. By Richard Pearsall. 2 vols. London, 1755. Pearsall, I, D. Meditations on select passages of scripture and sacred dia- 70 RELIGION. logfues between a father and his children. By Richard Pearsall, Published by Thomas Gibbons. 2 vols. London, 1765. Pearson, 927, Q. 17. A treatise on the great case of tythes. By Anthony Pearson. 3d edit. London, IGSU. 1331, Q,. 6. No necessity of reformation of the public doctrine of the Church of England. By John Pearson, D. D. London, 1660. Ptndlebury, 8643, O. 3. A treatise concerning the sacrifice of the mass. By . the Rev. Henry Pendlebury. With a life of the author. London, 1768, Penriy 472, Q,. No cross no crown. By William Penn. London, 1669. 564, D. No cross, no crown; a discourse showing the nature and disci- pline of the holy cross of Christ. By William Penn. London. 1835, Q,. 4. A letter to Mr. Penn, with his answer. London, 1688. Peronnetf 5004, D. 8. Letters to the author of a piece, entitled, The enthusiasm of Methodists and Papists compared. By Vin. Peyronnet. London, 1749. Philippe, 836, D. 5. Recognoissance D'Obbe Philippe par laquelle il confesse que lui et ceux qui ont enseigne et enseignent entre les anabaptistes n'ont nulle vocation legitime. A Leyde, 1595. Phillips, 5684, O. Vindiciae veritatis, or an occasional defence of the princi- ples and practices of the people called Quakers. By Daniel Phillips, M. D. London, 1702. Pickworlh, 6920, O. A charge of error, heresy, incharity, falsehood, &c. &c. &c., most justly exhibited, and offered to be proved against the most noted leaders, &c. of the people called Quakers, &c. &c. By Henry Pickworth, nominated, &c. as elder and overseer dver their body, &c. London, 1715. PikCf 63, D. A treatise concerning baptism and the supper ; wherein the peo- ple called Quakers are vindicated for their disuse of these signs. By Joseph Pike. London, 1710. Placete, 1678, D. The death of the righteous ; a treatise consisting of dis- courses, meditations and prayers towards dying well. By John Placete. 2d edit. Translated from the French. 2 vols. London, 1737. P, 840, Q,. 5. Incurable scepticism of the church of Rome. By M. de la Placete. London, 1688. Gift of Charles Crawford, Polwhele, 5341, O. 2. An essay on the evidence from scripture that the soul immediately after the death of the body is not in a state of sleep or insensibility, and on the moral uses of that doctrine. By the Rev. R. Polwhele. 2d edition. London, 1819. Pool, 1332, €1. 7. A moderate enquiry into the warrantableness of the preach- ing of gifted and unordained persons. By Matthew Pool. 1658. P. — 1796, D. Dialogue between a popish' priest and an English protestant, wherein the principal points of both religions are examined. By Matthew Pool. London, 1676. P. Porson, 6395, O. A vindication of the literary character of the late Professor Porson, from the animadversions of the Rt. Rev. Thomas Burgess, D. D. in various publications on John v. 7. Cambridge, 1827. Poslello, 642, D. Gvlielmo Postello absconditorum a constitutione mundi clauis, qua mens humana tarn in diuinis quam in humanis pertinget ad interiora uclaminis aeternae ueritatis. Parisiis, 1547. Po//cr, 6655, O. A discourse of church government; wherein the rights of the church and the supremacy of Christian princes are vindicated and adjusted. By John Potter, D. D. Archbishop of Canterbury. Phil- adelphia, 1824. 2252, Q,. 8. A relation of the commitment and long imprisonment of James Potter, Ann Potter, and Elizabeth Streeter, for tythe. London, 1659. I DOCTRINAL AND CONTROVERSIAL DIVINITY. 71 Powlett, 4647, O. A father's reason for being a Christian. By the Rev. Charles Powlett. London, 1813. Price, 6771, O. Four dissertations. On Providence. On Prayer. On the importance of Christianity, &c. On the reasons for expecting that virtuous men shall meet after death in a state of happiness. By Rich- ard Price, D. D., &c. London, 1777. 4009, D, Triumphus sapientiae, seu conciones, per Gulielmum Price. Amsterdam, 1655. Priestley, 1282, O. 1. Letters to Dr. Newcome, on the duration of our Saviour's ministry. By Joseph Priestley. Birmingham, 1780. 1454, O. 1. Letters to the Jews; inviting them to an amicable dis- cussion, of the evidences of Christianity. By Joseph Priestley. Bir- mingham, 1786. 4559, D. The smaller tracts of Joseph Priestley, LL. D. London, 1791, 7705, O. The theological repository ; consisting of original essays, hints, queries, &c., calculated to promote religious knowledge. Con- ducted by Joseph Priestley, LL. D., and others. 2d edit. 6 vols. London, 1773. -■ 4608, D. 3. A general view of the arguments for the unity of God. By Joseph Priestley, LL. D. Philadelphia, 1794. 7662, O. Observations on the increase of infidelity. By Joseph Priestley, LL. D. 3d edit. To which are added, animadversions on the writings of several modern unbelievers, and especially the Ruins of Mr. Volney. Philadelphia, 1797. Proud, 6901, O. A candid reply to the letters of Dr. Priestley to the members of the New Jerusalem, «fec. &c. By J. Proud, N. H. M. Birmingham, 1791. Prynne, 1862, 1. & 2236, Q,. The treachery and disloyalty of papists to their sovereigns. By William Prynne. 2d edit. London, 1643. Gift of T. Sergeant. ' 1862, Ql. 2, Rome's masterpiece, or the grand conspiracy of the pope and his Jesuited instruments to extirpate the protestant religion, by kindling a civil war in Scotland. By Wm. Prynne. London, 1643. Pugh\ 1846, Q,. Annerch ir cymrw in Gallw O. waith Ellis Pugh. Philadel- phia, 1721. 492, D. A salutation to the Britons, to call them from the many things, to the one thing needful. By Ellis Pugh. Philadelphia, 1727. Ram Mohun, 9132, O. 3. Defence of Hindoo theism, in reply to the attack of an advocate for idolatry at Madras. By Ram Mohum Roy. Cal- cutta, 1817. Paikes, 5540, D. Remarks on clerical education. By the Rev. H. Raikes. London, 1831. Railing, 1859, D. 6. A short essay; or scriptural instructions for the times. By John Railing. Philadelphia, 1800. Rambach, 7678, O. Meditations and contemplations on the sufferings of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. By J. Rambach, D. D. Translated from the German. 2 vols. New York, 1811. Rathbone, 3798, O. A narrative of events that have lately taken place, in Ire- land, among the society called Q,uakers ; also, memoirs of the pro- ceedings of the society, belonging to the monthly meeting of Hard- show and Lancashire, in the case of the author of said narrative. By William Rathbone. Liverpool, 1805. Gift of the author. Rawbone, 8391, O. The path to liberty; or, the method of man's redemption by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, together with Christian liberty. By Thomas Raw bone, A. M. With a preface by Dr. Edwards. Lon- don, 1711. 72 RELIGION. licynohls, 97, F. The triumphs of God's rcvenc^c against the sin of murther ; with his miraculous discoveries and severe punishments thereof. By John Reynolds. 4th edit. London, 1 663. 930, Q. 6. The judgment of Dr. Reynolds concerning episcopacy, whether it be God's ordinance, in a letter to Sir Francis Knowls, con- cerninsr Dr. Bancroft's sermon of the 9th of February, 1588. Lon^ don, 1641. — 930, Q. 7. Dr. Reynold's judgment touching the originall of episco- pacy more largely confirmed out of antiquity, by James, (Usher) Arch- bishop of Armagh. London, 1641. . • 729, O. Inquiries concerning the state and oeconomy of the angeli- cal worlds. By John Reynolds. London, 1723. Richards, 2266, O. 11. &. 8617, O. 2. Reflections on French atheism and on English Christianity. By Wm. Richards. Philadelphia, 1796. liichworth, 1797, D. Dialogues ; or the judgment of common sense in the choice of religion. By Wm. Rich worth. Paris, 1648. F. HichanUon, 2242, D. A collection of scripture sentences for committing to memory, intended as Sunday exercises for children, by C. E. Rich- ardson. Edinburgh, 1809. Ridley^ 839, Q. Brief declaration of the Lord's supper. By Bishop N. Ridley. London, 1580. Rigge, 1835, Q,. 6. A treatise concerning the internal word and spirit of God. by Ambrose Rigge. London, 1774. Roberts, 421 1, D. The portraiture of a Christian gentleman. By W. Roberts, Esq. New York, 1831. Roe, 1306, Q,. 2. The certainty of a future state, or an occasional letter, con- cerning apparitions. By J. Roe. London, 1698. F. Rogers, 891, F. Seven treatises on the practise of Christianitie. By Richard Rogers. London, 1604. F. Rolls, 8635, O. 3. Sacred sketches from scripture history. By Mrs. Hen. Rolls. London, 1815. Rossetti, 5909, D. Disquisitions on the anti-papal spirit which produced the reformation; its secret influence on the literature of Europe. By Gabriele Rossetti. Translated from the Italian by Miss Caroline Ward. 2 vols. London, 1834. Rowe, 5448, D. Devout exercises of the heart, in meditation and soliloquy, prayer, and praise. By the late Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe. Reviewed and published by J. Watts, D. D. Baltimore, 1811. Rush, 5442, 1. &. 6971, 1.0. An inquiry into the doctrine of Christian bap- tism. By Jacob Rush. Philadelphia, 1819. Rutty, 728, O. A treatise concerning Christian discipline ; compiled with the advice of a national meeting of the people called Quakers, held in Dublin, in the^year 1746. By John Rutty. Ryan, 6774, &, 6814, O. The history of the effects of religion on mankind, in countries, ancient and modern, barbarous and civilized. By Edward Ryan, D. D. &c. Edinburgh, 1806, & London, 1788. Sage, 2104, O. 6. The principles of the Ciprianic age, with regard to episco- pal power and jurisdiction. By John Sage. London, 1695. Salgado, 947, Q,. 11. Confession of faith of James Salgado, a Spaniard, formerly a priest in the church of Rome. London, 1681. Sanderson, 5254, D. Xases of conscience : occasionally determined. By the Rev. Robert Sanderson. London, 1764. Scitndrelt, 1323. Q.. Antidote against duakerisme. By Stephen Scandrclt. London, 1671. F. Scott, 3573, O. The Christian life, wherein the fundamental principles of Christian duty are explained. By John Scott, D. D. Vols. 1, 2, 4 and 5. 5th edit. London, 1700. F. I DOCTRINAL AND CONTROVERSIAL DIVINITY. 73 Scotti 706, O. The Christian life, from its beginning to its consummation in glory ; with directions for private devotion and forms of prayer. By John Scott. 10th edit. 5 vols. London, 1739. 2791, O. The scriptural doctrine of the trinity. By John Scott. Lon- don, 1754. Gift of James North. 2272, D. War inconsistent with the doctrine and example of Jesus Christ, in a letter to a friend, by J. Scott. New Bedford, 1813. Scherzer, 675, Q. Joh. Adami Scherzeri breviarium theologicum Hulsemanni- anum. Lipsiae, 1687. Gift of James Hardie. Schuetz, 2112, O. Gueldene rose, oder ein zeugnues der w^arheit von der uns nun so nahe bevorstehenden gueldenen zeit. Von Christoph. Schuetz. Indreytheil. Zweite edition. 1731. Gift of Mrs. Reedle. Scougal, 3868, D. The life of God in the soul of man, &c. &c. By Henry Scougal, M. A. Philadelphia, 1805. Scriviner^ 3594, O. The method and means of a true spiritual life. By Mat- thew Scriviner. London, 1688. P. Seiler, 3624, D. La religion des Petits Enfans, &c. Par M. George Frederic Seller. Traduite de I'Allemand, par Albert Hollard. A Erlang, 1773. Shaw, 68 1 5, O. A comparative view of the several methods of promoting reli- gious instruction, from the earliest down to the present time, &c. &c. By Duncan Shaw, D. D., ndon, 1744. 466, a. 5. Remarks upon a charge against enthusiasm. By George Whitefield. Boston, 1745. 789, 6. &. 1007, 7. D. A letter to the reverend Doctor Chauncey, on acooont of some passages relating to George Whitefield, in his book, entiCled, •• Seasonable thoughts on the state of religion in New Eng- land." By George Whitefield. Philadelphia, 1745. |j| DOCTRINAL AND CONTROVERSIAL DIVINITY. 81 Wliitefield^ 789, D. 6. Account of God's dealings with him ; with an account of the orphan-house of Georgia. By George Whitefield. Philadelphia, 1746. 1007, D. 3. A further account of God's dealings with George White- field. Philadelphia, 1746. 788, 6. & 5004, D. 7. Remarks on a pamphlet, entitled, " The enthu- siasm of Methodists and Papists compared." By George Whitefield. London, 1749. 1565,0.5. A letter to Count Zinzendorff. By George Whitefield. 3d edit. London, 1753. 788, D. 10. Observations on some fatal mistakes, in a book, entitled, "The doctrine of grace, &c." By George Whitefield. Philadelphia, 1763. Whitfield^ 205, Q,. A treatise upon the supremacy and infallibility pretended to by the church of Rome. By Peter Whitfield. Liverpool, 1749. Whit gift, 253, F. The defence of the answere to the admonition, against the replieofT. C. By John Whitgifi;. London, 1574. 924, F. The same. P. Whitehead, 1033, F. The Christian Quaker and his divine testimony vindi- cated. By George Whitehead. London, 1670. 1864, Q,. 16. The pernicious way of the rigid presbyter and anti- christian ministers detected. By George Whitehead. London, 1662. 2899, D. Judgment fixed upon the accuser of our brethren, and the real Christian Q,uaker vindicated from the persecuting outrage of apostate informers. By George Whitehead. London, 1682. Whiting, \^^^,Q,.l. The admonishers admonished. By John Whiting. Lon- don, 1705. 1835, Q,. 9. Answer to George Keith's complaint against the Quakers. By John Whiting. London, 1701. Whitelocke, 201, O. The essays, ecclesiastical and civil, of Sir Bulstrode White- locke. To which is added, a treatise of the work of the sessions of the peace. London, 1706. Wight, 196, Q,. History of the rise and progress of the people called Quakers, in Ireland, from the year 1653, to 1700 ; by Thomas Wight. With a continuation to the year 1751, and a treatise of Christian discipline, exercised among the said people. By John Rutty. Dublin, 1751. Wilberforce, 2416, O. A practical view of the prevailing religious system of professed Christians in the higher and middle classes in this country, contrasted with real Christianity. By William Wilberforce. Lon- don, 1797. Willet, 80, & 868, F. Synopsis papismi ; or a general view of papistry; where- in the whole mystery of iniquity is set down, which is maintained against the church of Christ. By Andrew Willet. London, 1600. Gift of Joseph Paschall. Williams, 2326, D. Extracts from the meditations and letters of Mr. Joseph Williams. Shrewsbury, 1779. 926, Q. 22. Experiments of spiritual life and health, and their preser- vatives. By Roger Williams, of Providence, New England. London, 1652. Gift of Zachariah Poulson, jun. Wilmot, 8634, O. 2. The doctrine of the church of England defended by Pyn- son Wilmot. Birmingham, 1753. Wilson, 1077, D. The friar disciplined ; or animadversions on Friar Peter Walsh his " New Remonstrant religion." By Robert Wilson. Gant, 1674. — 5224, D. A short and plain introduction, for the better understanding of the Lord's supper. By Thomas Wilson, lord bishop of Man. Lon- don, 1760. 11 82 RELIGION. Wilson, 3614, D. The knowledge and practice of Christianity made easy to the meanest capacities ; or, an essay towards instructions for the In- dians, &c. &.C. By Thomas Wilson, bishop of Sodor and Man. Lon- don, 1764. 141, 436, & 1079, D. The same. London, 1740. 40 1 3, D. The hope of immortality, imparted by revelation, &c. and es- tablished by the gospel. By James P. Wilson, D. D. Philadelphia, 1829. Willison, 4577, D. Sacramental meditations and advices, grounded upon scrip- ture texts proper for communicants. By the Rev. John Willison. Glasgow, 1783. Winchester, 4494, D. The universal restoration exemplified in a series of dia- logues ; wherein the most formidable objections are stated and an- swered by Elhanan Winchester. 4th edit, with notes, by W. Vidler. London, 1799. Winstanley, 430, D. A new form of self-examination. By the Rev. Mr. Win- stanley. London, 1752. JVitenhall, 1650, D. Gifts and offices in the publick worship of God. By Ed- ward Witenhall. Dublin, 1679. P. Wolseley, 931, Q,. 1 1. A vindication of the perfectioii of Christ's institutions and ordinances about his worship. By Sir Charles Wolseley. London, 1668. Woolrich, 2252, Q,. 13. To my persecutors, who have shot sore at me, and hated me without a cause, both magistrates, priests, and people, in Stafford- shire, or elsewhere. Written by Humphrey Woolrich. London, 1659. Wolzogen, 1329, D. Ludovici Wolzogen orthodoxa fides. 1668. Gift of Mathew Carey. Wood, 1729, D. That which may be known of God by the book of nature, and the excellent knowledge of Jesus Christ, by the book of scripture. By Edward Wood. Oxford, 1656. P. Woodhead, 839, Q,. 5. A discourse on the eucharist ; with two appendixes, by Francis Nicholson and Obadiah Walker. By Abraham Woodhead, A. M. Oxford, 1688. Gift of Charles Crawford. Worfhington, 3510, O. The great duty of self-resignation to the Divine will. By John Worthington, D. D. 2d edit. London, 1689. P, 3524, O. 4. Charitas evangelica; a discourse of Christian love. By John Worthington. London, 1691. P. Wyeth, 1835, d. 5. Remarks on Dr. Bray's memorial, &c. By Joseph Wyeth. London, 1701. Young, 288, 3590, & 5189, D. The centaur not fabulous ; in six letters, on the life in vogue. By Dr. Young. With the life of the author. Phila- delphia, 1806. London, 1755. Zanchius, 4855, D. The doctrine of absolute predestination stated and as- serted ; with a preliminary discourse on the divine attributes. Trans- lated from the Latin of Jerom Zanchius. By Augustus Toplady. Philadelphia, 1793. 250, F. The gospel truth demonstrated, in a collection of doctrinal books, held among the people called Q,uakers. London, 1706. Gift of Thomas Carpenter. 606, F. 30. Description of the covenant of grace. London, 1699. 606, F. 58. Seasonable warning by the general assembly of the church of Scotland, concerning the danger of popery. August 19, 1713. 839, F* Collection of cases and discourses lately written to recover dissen- ters to the communion of the church of England. London, 1694. P. 862, F. A common place book, on religious matters. Manuscript. 1141, F. A theological commentary. Greek manuscript. Gift of Her\ry Cox, Esq., of Ireland. DOCTRINAL AND CONTROVERSIAL DIVINITY. 89 502, Q,. Paradisisches wunder-spiel, welches sich in diesen letzten zeiten und tagen in denen abenlandischen welt-theilen als ein vorspiel der neuen welt hervorgethan. Ephratae, 1766. Gift of Zachariuh Poulson. 503, Ql. Ein angenehmer geruch der rosen und liJien die im thai der demuth unter den dornen hervor gewachsen. A. D. 1756. Gift of Z. Poulson. 693, Q,. Dissertatio de cherubim et aeternitatibus. Manuscript. Gift of Francis Shall us. 838, Q,. 5. Papists protesting against protestant-popery. London, 1686. Gift of Charles Crawford. 838, Q.. 8. Amicable accommodation of the differences between the repre- senter and answerer. Manuscript. 1686. 838, Q„ 10. Reply to the answer of the amicable accommodation, &c. Lon- don, 1686. Manuscript. 839, Q,. 1. Discourse of the real presence of the body and blood of Christ in the celebration of the eucharist. 2d edit. London, 1687. 839, Q,. 4. Discourse of the eucharist, in the two great points of the real presence and the adoration of the host. London, 1 687. 927, d. 12. Lamenting word, by way of testimony against the defection of these times. London, 1657. 927, Q,. 18. Discourse concerning the work of God in this nation, and the duty of all good people, both governors and governed in this their day. Lon- don, 1659. 927, Q. 19. Cause of God, and of these nations, sought out, and drawn forth from the rubbish of the lusts and interests of men. London, 1 659. 928, QL 20. Christ and Anti-christ; or 666 multiplied by 22, whereby the true number of Anti-christ's reign is discovered. 1662. 929, d. 11. Treatise on the resurrection of the dead ; — the reign of our Lord Christ on earth, till he hath subjected all his enemies ; — the resigning of the king- dome by the Lord Christ unto the Father ; — and of the succeeding kingdome of the Father. London, 1675. 929, Q. 1. Freeness of God's grace in the forgiveness of sins, by Jesus Christ, vindicated. London, 1668. 930, a. 1. Christian testimony against sinfull complyance. London, 1664. 930, Q,. 2. Discoverie of certaine practises to undermine the doctrine and discipline of our church at Ipswich. 1636. 930, Q,. 4. Looking-glasse for all lordly prelates. 1686. 930, Q^ 5. Queries proposed to our lord prelates. 1687. 930, €1. 10. Queries upon a late proclamation for enforcing the laws against conventicles, &c. London, 1668. 930, Q,. 13. The old non-conformist, touching the book of common prayer. London, 1660.^ 930, Q,. 14. Arguments against bowing at the name of Jesus. London, 1660. 930, Q. 15. Common-prayer book unmasked, and declared to be unlawfull. 930, Q. 16. Common-prayer book no divine service. London, 1660. 930, Q. 20. Questions propounded to the assembly of divines. London, 1646. 930, Q,. 21. Testimony for God and my country, against those who are found persecuting the innocent. London, 1664. Gift of Zachariah Poulson. 931, Q,. 8. Animadversions upon the letter of the Bishop of Worcester. Lon- don, 1662. 931, Q,. 14. Expedient for reducmg all dissenters to an exact and sincere obedience to our ecclesiastical and civil government. London, 1672. 937, Q,. 4. Case and cure of persons excommunicated according to the pre- sent law of England. London, 1682. 937, Q. 6. Vindication of the principles and practices of the moderate divines and laity of the church of England. London, 1683. 938, Q,. 2. Pelagius redivivus ; or Pelagius raked out of the ashes by Arminiua and his schollers. London, 1626. 84 RELIGION. 938, Q,. 3. Parallelismus nov-antiqui erroris Pelagiarminiani. Lon'dini, 1626. 938, Q,. 4. Second parallel, with a writ of error sved against the appealer. London, 1626. 938, Q,. 5. Vindication of the keyes of the kingdome of heaven, into the hands of the right owners. London, 1645. 939, Q,. 1. Apology for the church of England, with relation to the spirit of persecution for which she is accused. London, 1645. 939, Gl. 2. Answer to a paper, entitled, " A new test of the church of Eng- land's loyalty." London, 1645. 940, Q,. 1 7. Principles of the new Methodists in the great point of justification. London, 1693. Gift of Zachariah Poulson. 942, a 13. Vox regis. 942, d. 14. Digitus Dei. Gift of Zachariah Poulson, .943, Q,. 4. Inquiry respecting the original of infant-baptism. London, 1674. 943, Q. 7. Letter to a lady against the dissenters. London, 1680. 943, Q,. 8. Reflections upon a treatise of Mr. Richard Baxter, respecting the ministry. London, 1680. 943, Q,. 10. Observations upon the keeping of the thirtieth of January and the twenty-ninth of May. London, 1 694. 945, d. 3. Vindication of the answer to some late papers concerning the unity and authority of the Catholick church, and the reformation of the church of England. London, 1687. 946, Q,. 1. Presbytery displayed for the justification of such as do not like the government. London, 1663. 946, Q,. 3. Roman consistorie's designs and practices ; with remedies for pre- venting thereof London, 1 679. 946, Q,. 4. Jesuits unmasked; or observations upon the ambitious preten- tions and subtle intreagues of that cunning society. London, 1679. 946, Q,. 5. Study to be quiet ; or serious and seasonable advice to the citizens of London. London, 1680. 946, Q,. 6. Ananias and Saphira discovered ; or the true intent of a pamphlet called " Omnia comest a belo." London, 1679. 946, Q,. 18. Reformation reformed ; or a short history of new fashioned Chris- tians. London, 1681. 947, Ql. 17. Answer to two questions, by a protestant. London, 1682. (Hft of Zachariah Poulson. 955, Q,. 13. Treatise of Christian communion. In three parts. 1693. 956, Q,. 4. Letter concerning the votes of the bishops in the last session of parliament. London, 1704. 956, Q,. 6. Antidote against Mr. Baxter's palliated cure of church divisions. 1670. 956, Q. 7. Assenters sayings. London, 1681. 956, d. 10. Case of the present concern. London, 1681. 956, Q,. 12. Mystery of iniquity working to divide the protestants. London, 1689. 1332, Q,. 3. The protestants plea for a socinian. London, 1686. P. 1332, Q,. 4. True notion of passive obedience stated. London, 1690. P. 1347, Q,. 4. A very lively pourtrayture of the most rev. archbishops ; the right rev. bishops of the church of England, set forth in twenty irrefragable positions. P. 1347, Q,. 6. The beauty of godly government in a church reformed. 1641. P. 1360, a. Tracts on baptism. 4th edit. London, 1646. 1361, Q,. 3. A publicke conference betwixt six Presbyterian ministers, and some Independent commanders, held at Oxford, Nov. 12, 1646. London, 1646. 1843, Q,. The haughtie heart humbled, or the penitent's practise with the penitent's peace. 1651. DOCTRINAL AND CONTROVERSIAL DIVINITY. 85 1864, Q,. 1. The living God glorified in his temples, the true worshippers, that worship him in spirit and truth. London, 1658. 1864, d. 2. A message from the spirit of truth unto the holy seed, London, 1658. 1864, Q. 8. To all friends and people in the whole Christendome, that they may see what was the government of the church of the Jewes, the government of the church of Christ, and also the government of the false church. London, 1661. 2200,0,-1. Christianissimus Christiandus ; or, reason for the reduction of France to a more Christian state in Europe. London, 1678. 2200, €t 22. A word in season for Christian union to all protestant dissenters. London, 1680. 2009, Q,. 1. A Christian and modest oflfer to a most indifferent conference, or dispvtation, abovt the main and principall controversies betwixt the prelates, and the late silenced and deprived ministers, in England. 1606. 2200, Q. 9. A farewell to popery ; in a letter to Dr. Nicholas, showing the true motives that withdrew him to the Romish religion. London, 1 679. 2252, Q,. 2. The secret works of a cruel people made manifest ; whose little finger is become heavier than their persecutors the bishop's Loyirs, who have set up an image amongst them in New Elngland, which all must bow down unto and worship. With an account of the cruel sufferings of the people of God un- der the rulers of New England. London, 1659. 2252, Q,. 5. A true relation of the persecutions of the people of God called Quakers, in the town of Arundel, in the county of Sussex, with art account of the reasons of Nicholas Rickmans and Edward Hampers going to the steeple house upon their fast day. London, 1659. 2252, Q. 9. A narrative of the cruel and unjust sufferings of the people of God, in the nation of Ireland, called Quakers. London, 1659. 2252, Q. 10. A true relation of some of the sufferings inflicted upon the ser- vants of the Lord who are called Quakers, by the scholars and proctors of the university of Oxford. London, 1659. 2252, Q. 3. New England a degenerate plant ; who having forgot their former sufferings, have far outstript their persecutors the bishops, as by these their ensu- ing laws you may plainly see. Published for the information of all sober people. By John Rous, and others. London, 1659. 2252, Q. 25. To the generals and captains, officers and souldiers of this pre- sent army ; the just and equal appeal of us who have been turned out of your army for the exercise of our pure consciences, who are now persecuted under the name of Quakers. London, 1 659. 2252, Q. 31. Good counsel and advice rejected by disobedient men, and the days of Oliver Cromwell's visitation passed over ; and also of Richard Cromwell, his son, late protectors of these nations. London, 1659. 2252, Q^ 32. The copie of a paper presented to the parliament, and read 27th of 4th month, 1659. London. 2252, Q. 33. These several papers was sent to the Parliament the 20th of 5th month, 1659, being above seven thousand of the names of hand-maids and daughters of the Lord, and such as feel the oppression of tithes. London, 1659. 2252, Q. 39. A declaration from the people called Quakers, to the present dis- tracted nation of England. London, 1659. 2252, Q. 44. To both houses of parUament, the general and the officers of the army. London, 1660. 3506, O. The whole duty of man, with private devotions for all families. London, 1704. P. 132, O. & 4999, D. The new whole duty of man ; containing the faith, as well as practice, of a Christian ; with devotions proper for several occasions. 16th edit. London, 1709—1777. 86 RELIGION. 3613, O. The gentleman's calling. By t^e author of the whole duty of man. London, 1677. P, 709, & 940, O. The ladies' calling. By the author of the whole duty of man. 12th edit. Oxford, 1727. 358, O. The cause of the decay of Christian piety; or an impartial survey of the ruins of the Christian religion. By the author of the whole duty of man, London, 1675. 237, O. The lively oracles given to us ; or the Christian's birth-right and duty, in the custody and use of the holy scriptures. By the author of the whole duty of man. Oxford, 1678. 357, O. The art of contentment, ^y the author of the whole duty of man. Oxford, 1689. 356, D. A treatise on the government of the tongue. By the author of the whole duty of man, «&c. Oxford, 1675. 326, O. An illustration of the wisdom and equity of an indulgent providence : wherein the nature of happiness, and the origin of evil, are carefully examined and represented. London, 1761. 875, O. The Christian's companion, in the principles of religion, and the con- cerns of human life; with the terms of our salvation. London, 1716. 936, & 1635, O. Useful miscellanies; or serious reflections, respecting men's duty to God, and one towards another. Philadelphia, 1753. No. 936, the gift of Thomas Wharton. No. 1635, the gift of Zachariah Poulson, 1059, O. 4. The uncertainty of a death-bed repentance illustrated. German- town, 1760. Gift of Anthony Benezet. 1588, O. 2. A letter from a meeting of the brethren called Quakers, to the authors of the pamphlet, called, " Considerations on the German war." Boston, 1761. 1426, O. A Chinese fragment; containing an inquiry into the present state of religion in England ; with notes, by the editor. London, 1786. 1454, O. 2. An essay on the gift of tongues, proving that it was not the gift of languages. Bath, 1786. 1568, O. 1. Observations on George Whitefield and his opposers. Boston, 1740. 1599. Etwas vom rechten lebenswege. Philadelphia, 1781. Gift of Mehhior Steiner. 1976, O. 6. Remarks on Balguy's sermon. London, 1775. 1976, O. 9. Hints on the subject of non-conformity. London, 1773. 1976, O. 11. Remarks on bishop Kurd's charge to the clergy of Litchfield and Coventry, in 1775 and 1776. London, 1777. 2104, O. 1. Dissertation on national churches ; or the happy influences of so- ciety in its improved state. London, 1726. 2104, O. 5. Case concerning the power of suspension from the sacrament stated. London, 1694. 739, O. Wicked Christians, practical atheists ; or the free thoughts of a plain man on the doctrines and duties of religion in general, and of Christianity in particular. London, 1755. 752, O. A collection of select tracts against popery, showing the contrariety of the whole body of the popish religion. London. 2693, O. 1. Letters to William Wilberforce, on the doctrine of hereditary de-« pravity. By a layman. London, 1799. I 3567, 0. Lord Bishop of Lincoln's popery, or the principles and positions approved by the church of Rome pernicious to all. London, 1 683. P. 3608, O. Reflexions upon the devotions of the Roman church. London 1674. P. 3610, O. 1. The hazard of a death bed repentance, argued from the late re- morse of the late of D. of D. London, 1708. DOCTRINAL AND CONTROVERSIAL DIVINITY. 87 3611, O. 14. "The rights of the Christian church asserted, &c." confuted by scripture. London, 1709. 3611, O. 15. The distinction of high church and low church distinctly con- sidered an fairly stated. London, 1705. P. 4383, O. Tracts on moral, religious, and political subjects. London. 4529, O. Moral and religious tracts. 2 vols. London. 5659, O. Time an apparition of eternity. Philadelphia, 1796. 6661, O. Second thoughts concerning war, wherein that great subject is candidly considered, and set in a new light. Nottingham, 1758. 5742, O. 4. An address ; being a vindication of the Q,uakers. Philadelphia. 1765. 6325, O. 4. & 5990, O. 1 0. Observations on the sermons of Elias Hicks, with some introductory remarks. By a demi-Q,uaker. Philadelphia, 1826. Gift of the author. 7080,0. Natural history of enthusiasm. 2d edit. London, 1830. 8745, O. taken ovt of severall places of scriptvre. By John UdaU. London, 1 696. Gift of Joseph Crukshank. Fines, 927, Q. 9. Four sermons on obedience to magistrates, and on the cor- ruption of the mind. By Richard Vines. London, 1666. Wmnwright, 7005, O. Sermons upon religious education and filial duty. By the Rev. J. M. Wamwright, D. D. New York, 1829. Wake, 1261, Q. 16. On false prophets, a sermon. By William Wake, bishop of Lincoln. London, 1705. 1331, O. 11, 12, 13. Three sermons preached by William Wake, D, D. London, 1696. Walker, 1691, D. The Christian, being a- course of practical sermons. By Samuel Walker. 8d edit London, 1769. P. Wall, 048, Q. 10. A sermon before the natives of Worcester, June 28, 1681. By John Wall, D. D. London, 1681. WaUis, 1331, ^ 6. The necessity of regeneration, in two sermons, preached at Oxford. By John WaUis, D. D. London, 1682. 1331, Q. 1. Three sermons concerning the sacred trinity. By John Wallis, D. D. London, 1691. Warburton, 3660, O. The principles of natural and revealed religion, in a course of sermons, preached before the honourable society of Lin- cohi*s Inn. By the Rev. Mr. Warburton. 2 vols. VoL 1st London, 1753. P. • 3358, O. 2. A charity sermon, preached at the Abbey church, Oc- tober 24th, 1742. By William Warburton, D. D. P. Ward, 3634, O. Six sermons. By Seth Ward, bishop of Sarum. London, 1672. P. 947, Q. 7. Sermon at the funeral of George, duke of Albemarle, &c. on the 30th of April, 1670. By Seth Ward, lord bishop of Sarum. Lon- don, 1670. 1831, Q. An apology for the mysteries of the gospel ; being a sermon preached February 16, 1672— -3. By the bishop of Sarum. London, 1073. Warner, 4863, 0. 1. & 2. War inconsistent with Christianity, a sermon, preached at Bath, by the Rev. Richard Warner. Bath, 1805. Gift of a Friend. Warren^ 2187, Q,. A sermon preached before the society for the propagation of the gospel in foreign parts, February 16, 1787. By John Warren, bishop of Bangor. London, 1787. Watson, 633, Q,. 5. A charge delivered to the clergy of the diocese of LandafT, June, 1791. By Richard Watson, lord bishop of Landaff. London, 1792. 1157, Q,. 3. Lord bishop of Landaflf*s sermon, on Friday, January 30, 1784. London, 1784. P. 956, Q. 27. A pastor*8 love, expressed to a loving people in a farewell sermon, preached at St Stephen's, Walbrook, August 17, 1662. By Joseph Watson, D. D. London, 1662. Gift of Zachariah Pouhon. Watts, 8466, O. Discourses of the love of God and the use and abuse of the passions in religion. By L Watts, D. D. London, 1729. 4522, O. Faith and practice, represented in 54 sermons on the princi- pal heads of the Christian religion, preached in 1738, by 1. Watts and others. 2 vols. London, 1736. 958, Q. 11. A sermon on universal Christian charity. By Thomas Watts. London, 1697. 112 SERMONS. Wesley, 4608, D. 6. A sermon on Matt. xvi. 26. By John Wesley. London, 1785. Hlialey, 6044, O. 7. The gradation of sin, &c. &c. a sermon, preached at Ox- ford, January 30, 1709. By Nathaniel Whaley, M. A. London, 1710. Tfhite, 3201, O. Sermons preached before the university of Oxford. By Joseph White. 1784. P. 1418, O. Sermons preached in the year 1784, by Joseph White. 2d edit. London, 1785. 1468, O. A sermon delivered at the opening of the convention of the protestant Episcopal church. By Bishop William White, Philadel- phia, 1786. 2612, 1. & 8592, O. 4. A sermon on th^ duty of civil obedience, as re- quired in scripture, delivered in Christ church, on the twenty-fifth of April, 1799, being a day of general humiliation. By Wm. White, D. D., Bishop, dec. Philadelphia, 1799. 4867, O. 8. A sermon on the epiphany, by William White, D. D. Phil- adelphia, 1813. 9094, O. 9. A sermon on the only true foundation. By William White, D.D. Philadelphia, 1825. Whichcote, 3409, O. Discourses upon morality. By Benjamin Whichcote. 4th and last volume. London, 1707. P. Tfhitby, 3540, O. Sermons on the attributes of God. By Daniel Whitby. 2 vols, in one. London, 1710. P. fVhiteJield, 3482, D. Eighteen sermons preached by the late Rev. George Whitefield, A. M. Taken in short hand by Joseph Gurney. Revised by Andrew GifTord, D. D. Springfield, 1808. . 925, O. Discourses upon practical subjects. By George Whitefield. To which is added, " The Oxford Methodist." London, 1738. 520, D. Sermons on various subjects. By George Whitefield. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1740. Gift of Samuel Kirk. Whitfield, 1261, a 3. A discourse of Christian liberty. By Wm. Whitfield, D. D. London, 1703. Wilkins, 1647, D. Sermons preached upon several occasions, before the king at White Hall. By John Wilkins. 2d edit. London, 1680. P. 4854, D. A discourse concerning the gift of prayer. By John Wilkins, D. D. London, 1655. 1331, Q,. 7. A sermon preached November 5. By John Wilkins, bishop of Chester. London, 1673. Williams, 954, Q,. 33. A sermon on the protestant deliverance from the Irish rebellion, begun October 23, 1641. By Griffith Williams, D. D. Lon- don, 1690. , 1996, Q. Lectures on the universal principles and duties of religion and morality. As they have been read in Margaret street, Cavendish Square, in the years 1776 and 1777. By the Rev. David Williams. Portrait. 2 vols. London, 1779. 4422, D. The Christian preacher ; or, discourses on preaching, by several eminent divines, revised and abridged, with an appendix on the choice of books. By Edward Williams, D. D. Halifax, 1800. Wilson, 8514, O. 3. Christ, the great propitiation: a sermon. By Samuel Wil- son. London, 1746. fflng, 1356, Q. 2. The best merchandize; or, sermons on Proverbs iii. ver. 14, 15. By John Wing. Printed at Flushing, 1622. P. ff^therspoon, 1984, O. 9. A sermon on the dominion of providence over the passions of men. By John Witherspoon, D. D. Philadelphia, 1776. 1138, 5. & 1560, O. 2. A fast-day sermon. By John Witherspoon. Philadelphia, 1776. SERMONS. 113 Woodcock, 958, Q. 12. A sermon, August 19, 1708, on the frustration of the designed invasion. By Josiah Woodcock. London, 1708. Wrangham, 5236, O. Sermons, practical and occasional ; dissertations, trans- lations, including new versions of Virgil's Bucolica, and of Milton's Defensio Secunda, &c. By the Rev. Francis Wrangham. 3 vols. London, 1816. Zollikofer, 2921, & 8140, O. Sermons on the dignity of man, and of the value of objects relating to human happiness. From the German of the late G. J. Zollikofer. By the Rev. William Tooke. 2 vols. Worcester, 1807. Zubly, 1560, 1. & 3739, O. 4. A sermon on American affairs, preached by John J. Zubly, D. D. Philadelphia, 1778. 1478, 12. & 1984, O. 12. A sermon on the law of liberty. By John J. Zubly. Philadelphia, 1775. 1 1 40, F. A collection of homilies. Greek manuscript. Gift of Henry CoXi Esq. of Ireland. 634, Q,. 19. Ordonnance et instruction pastorale de Monseigneur TArche- vesque de Paris. A Paris, 1731. 925, Q. 23. Sermon preached at a late fast, before the house of peers. 1661. 928, Q. 17. Spark of light against the cloudy dark day, held forth in a letter to the churches. London, 1661. 948, Q,. 2. Sermon demonstrating that the highest insolences proceed from men of the lowest and most base extractions. London, 1 678. 942, Q,. 10. Sermon preached to the people, in Edinburgh, on the subject of the union. London, 1707. 1308, Q. A collection of sermons. London. F, 1344,0,. A collection of sermons. London. P. 1256, Q,. 5. A Saxon sermon on easter-day. London, 1623. P. 1378, O. Five especial sermons, preached by several men on several occa- sions and subjects. London, 1627. P. 1833, Q^ Ten sermons preached at the anniversary meetings of children educated in the charity schools in and about London, 1724 to 1734. London. 801, O. 6. A discourse on forgiveness. London, 1741. 1128, O. Sermons and tracts on the Bangorian controversy. London, 1716, 1720. 1464, O. 3. Two sermons preached on a fast-day during the late war with France. London, 1778. 1772, 0. 5. A sermon, preached at the anniversary meeting of the planters' society, on Great Pe-Dee. August 17, 1769. Charlestown, 1769. 1976, O. 3. Observations on the homilies of the church of England. London, 1790. 2630, O. Family lectures ; or a copious collection of sermons, selected from the most celebrated divines, on faith and practice. 3d edit. 2 vols. London, 1796. 2865, 0. 11. Sermon preached in Radnor church, on the 7th of January, 1747, the day appointed as a general fast. Philadelphia, 1748. 3610,0. Collectionofsermons, from 1707 to 1709. London. P. 3611, O. Collection of sermons, from 1705 to 1719. London. P. 3653, O. Collection of sermons, from 1678 to 1746. London. P. 4518, O. A collection of fast day and thanksgiving sermons, 1800 to 1807. London. 4791, O. British pulpit eloquence, a selection of sermons in chronological order, from the works of the most eminent divines of Great Britain during the 17th and 18th centuries, with biographical and critical notices. Vol. 1st. Lon- don, 1814. 7539, O. 5. The craftsmen ; a sermon or paraphrase upon several verses of 15 114 RELIGION. the nineteenth chapter of the acts of the apostles, composed in the style of the late Daniel Burgess. A new edition. Birmingham, 1791. 7317, O. 8. An epistle from the yearly meeting held in Philadelphia, and a re- port on education. Philadelphia, 1831. 9145, O. 3. An alphabetical extract of all the annual printed epistles sent from the yearly meetings of the people called Q^uakers. By John Fry. London, 1762. 9094, O. 6. Epistle of the yearly meeting of Friends in Philadelphia, 1834. 787, D. 3. A Connecticut thanksgiving sermon. Hartford, 1778. 788, D. 7. A sermon on Luke viii. 28. Philadelphia, 1741. 1500, D. 4. A short discourse concerning a future state. London. P. JEWISH ANTIQUITIES, HISTORY, CUSTOMS, &c. Adams, 3350, D. The history of the Jews from the destruction of Jerusalem, to the nineteenth century. By Hannah Adams. 2 vols. Boston, 1812. j^//en,4884, O. Modern Judaism, or a brief account of the opinions, traditions, rites and ceremonies of the Jews in modern times. By John Allen. London, 1816. Basnage, 53, F. The history of the Jews, from Jesus Christ to the present time ; containing an account of their antiquities, religion, rites, &c. being a continuation of the history of Josephus. Written in French, by M. Basnage, and translated into English by Thomas Taylor. Lond. 1708. Bernard, 8717, O. The main principles of the creed and ethics of the Jews. By Hermann Hedwig Bernard. Cambridge, 1832. Brown, 5340, O. Antiqtrities of the Jews, carefully compiled from authentic sources, and their customs illustrated from modern travels. By Wil- liam Brown, D. D. 2 vols. London, 1820. Clarke, 3419, D. A short history of the ancient Israelites, &c. &c. By Adam Clarke, LL. D. Baltimore, 1811. Cunaeus, 965, D. Petri Cunaei de republica Hebraeorum, libri III. Lugduni Batavorum, 1632. L. Fleury, 1388, & 4537, D. The manners of the ancient Israelites, written ori- ginally in French. By the Abbe Fleury. Much enlarged by A. Clarke. 2d edit. Manchester, 1805. Godwyn, 559, ^ 1. & 932, O. 1. Moses and Aaron ; being an account of the ecclesiastical and civil rites used by the ancient Hebrews. By Tho. Godwin, D. D. 7th edit. London, 1655— 1630. L. Grigoire, 1910, O. An essay on the physical, moral and political reformation of the Jews. By the Abbe Gregoire. Translated from the French. London. Isaacs., 9190, O. Ceremonies, customs, rites, and traditions of the Jews, in- terspersed with gleanings from the Talmud Mishna, &c. and a selec- tion from their prayers. By Hyman Isaacs, a converted Jew. Lon- don, 1835. Jahn, 6976, O. Jahn's history of the Hebrew commonwealth, translated from the German. By Calvin E. Stowe. Andover, 1828. Jennings, 1048, O. Jewish antiquities; or a course of lectures on the three first books of Godwin's Moses and Aaron, &c. By David Jennings, D. D. 2 vols. London, 1766. Josephus, 1295, D. Histoire des Juifs, 6crite par Flavius Josephe, sous le titre d*Antiquites Judaiques, traduite sur I'original Grec revu sur divers manuscrits, par Arnauld D'Andilly. Tome premier. A Bruxlles, 1701. Gi/l of Joshua Cresson. JEWISH ANTIQUITIES, &C. 115 JosephuSi 582, F. The whole works of Flavius Josephus ; with plates. Trans- lated from the Greek. By the Rev. Charles Clarke, D. D. To which are added, explanatory notes, by Mr, Yorke. London, 1794. • 169, F. The works of Flavius Josephus. Translated into English by Robert L'Estrange ; with discourses and remarks upon Josephus. 5th edit. London, 1733. • 49, O. The works of Flavius Josephus, the Jewish historian. Trans- lated from the original Greek; with the notes ofReland, Cellarius and others, and the plans, maps and notes of William Whiston. 4 vols. London, 1755. 703, F. Translation of the genuine works of Flavius Josephus, from the original Greek. By William Whiston. London, 1737. P. 2023, D. The same. 6 vols. Worcester, 1794. 3232, O. 3. Dissertation upon the account supposed to have been given of Jesus Christ, by Josephus. By Nathaniel Forster. Oxford, 1740. P. Johlson, 1242, O. Instruction in the Mosaic religion, translated from the Ger- man of J. Johlson. By Isaac Leeser, reader of the Portuguese Jew- ish congregation in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 5590. Leon, 940, Q. 8. Relation of the most memorable thinges in the tabernacle of Moses, and the temple of Solomon. By J. J. Leon. Amsterdam, 1675. Levi, 1314, O. A succinct account of the rites and ceremonies of the Jews, and a faithful account of the mishna, or the oral law, and the teachers thereof By David Levi. London. Lewis, 6635, O. Origines Hebraeae : The antiquities of the Hebrew republic. In four books. Designed as an explanation of every branch of the Levitical Law, and of all the ceremonies and usages of the Hebrews, both civil and sacred. By Thomas Lewis, M. A. 4 vols. London, 1724. M. Lowman, 487, O. A dissertation on the civil government of the Hebrews ; in which the true designs and nature of their government are explained, and vindicated. By Moses Lowman. 2d edit. London, 1745. Milman, 4096, D. The history of the Jews. By the Rev. H. Milman. 3 vols. London, 1829. Nassy, 2669, O. Lettre politico theologico morale sur les Juifs. Ecrite en Francois par D. Nassy. Suriname, 1798. Gift of the author. Pin/o, 218, Q. The prayers for Shabbath, Rosh-Hashanah and Kippur, ac- cording to the order of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews. Translated by Isaac Pinto. New York, 5556. Gift of John Murgatroyd. Spencer, 400, D. Dissertatio de urim et thummim, auct. John Spencer, D. D. Cantab., 1669. Thorowgood, 478, Q,. 3. & 4. Jewes in America ; or conjectures concerning the origin of the American Indians, By T. Thorowgood. London, 1650. 478, Q. 5. Americans no Jewes ; or an answer to Thorowgood's conjectures. By R. L'Estrange. London, 1652. Tama, 4925, & 6506, O. Transactions of the Parisian Sanhedrim, or acts of the assembly of Israelitish deputies of France and Italy, convoked at Paris in 1806. Translated from the original of M. Diogene Tama, with a preface and notes, by F. D. Kirwan. London, 1807. Tappan, 4196, O. Lectures on Jewish Antiquities, delivered at Harvard Uni- versity, Cambridge, in 1802 and 1803, By David Tappan, D. D. Cambridge, 1807. Wilkins, 4814,0. The history of the destruction of Jerusalem, as connected with the scripture prophecies, by the Rev. George Wilkins. Notting- ham, 1811. 1X6 RELIGION. 255, F. Vol. 1. & 129, O. Vol. 3. The history of the Jews to the Babylonish captivity. Jinc. Vn. HUtory. 255, F. Vol. 4. ii 129, O. Vol. 10. The history of the Jews from the Baby- lonish captivity to the destruction of Jerusalem. Jinc. Un. History. 1109, O. 2. The evening service of R and Kippur ; or the beginning of the year, and day of atonement New York, 1761. Gift of John Murgatroyd. 8681, (->. A rabbinical manuscript. Gift of Henry Cox, Esq., of Ireland. 8966, D. MS. in Hebrew, containing the forms of prayer used in counting the Gfiomor, or days previoiis to the feast of weeks. Gift of Matthias Lopez. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. ^dam, 5104, 0. The religious world displayed ; or a view of the four grand systems of religion, Judaism, Paganism, Christianity and Mohammed- ism, and of the various existing denominations in the Christian world. To which is subjoined, a view of Deism and Atheism. By the Rev. Robert Adam. 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1818. AdamSy 4408, 0. A view of religions, containing an alphabetical compendium of the various religious denominations which have appeared in the world, from the beginning of the Christian aera, and a brief account of the dif- ferent schemes of religion now embraced among mankind. Collected from the best authorities. By Hannah Adams. Boston, 1801. 8497, O. The same. Boston, 1795. ^lembert, D\ 3621 , D. An account of the destruction of the Jesuits in France. By M. D'Alembert. London, 1766. Arnaud, 6313, 0. The glorious recovery by the Vaudois of their valleys from the original of Henri Arnaud, with a compendious history of that peo pie, previous and subsequent to that event. By Hugh Dyke Acland. London, 1827. Arnold, 546, F. Gottfried Arnold's unpartheyishe kirchen und ketzer historien, vom anfang des neuen testaments bisz auf das jahr Christi, 1688. DreytheU. Schaffhausen, 1740. Gift of Mrs. Reedle. 690, i Gottfried Arnold's wahre abbildung der ersten Christen nach ihrem lebendigen glauben und heiligen leben. Sechsten auflage. Leipzig, 1740. Gift of Mrs. Reedle. Ayliffe, 564, F. Parergon juris canonici Anglicani; or, a commentary, by way of supplement to the canons and constitutions of the church of Eng- land- By John Ayliffe, LL. D. 2d edit. London, 1734. J9acArt/«, 1493, & 1752, O. History of New England, from the year 1690, to 1784; with particular reference to the denominations of Christians called Baptists. By Isaac Backus. 2 vols. Boston, 1777, 1796. No. 1493 the gift of the author. Bacon, 1101, & 2101, d. Liber regis vel thesaurus rerum ecclesiasticarum ; with an appendix. By John Bacon. London, 1786. P. Barruel, 2153, O. History of the clergy during the French revolution. By the Abb6 BarrueL Dedicated to the English nation. London, 1794. Baselus, 639, D. Jacobi Baseli Sulpitius Belgicus, sive historia religionis in- staurataj, corruptae et reformatae in Bc^lgio et a Belgis a nato Christo ad annum 1500. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, 1656. Benedict, 8017, O. A general history of the Baptist denomination in America, and other parts of the world. By David Benedict, A. M. Boston, 1812. Bede, 497, F. Historiae ecclesiastic® gentis Anglorum libri V. A venerabili Beda Presbytero scriptl Cantabrigiae, 1643. L. 1812, D. The same. 1601. P. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 117 Benoist, 253, Q,. The history of the famous edict of Nantes ; containing an account of all the persecutions that have been in France. From the French of the Abbe Benoist. London, 1694. Benezet, 791, D. 4. Account of the people called Quakers. By Anthony Bene- zet. 2d edit. Philadelphia. 1595, 7. 3741, O. 4. «fc 1086, D. 4. Observations sur I'origine, lesprin- cipes et I'establissement en Amerique, de la societe de Quakers ou trembleurs. Par Antoine Benezet. A Philadelphie, 1780. Beringtorit 6514, O. The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Catholic religion in England, during a period of 240 years, from the reign of Elizabeth to the present time; including the memoirs of Gregorio Panzani, envoy from Rome to the English Court, in 1643, 1644, and 1645, with many interesting particulars relative to the court of Charles I. and the causes of the civil war. Translated from the Italian original. By the Rev. Joseph Berington. London, 1813. M. Besse, 219, & 270, F. Collection of the sufferings of the people called Quakers, from 1650, to 1689. By Joseph Besse. 2 vols. London, 1763. Gift of the yearly meeting of Friends in London. Bonanij 1673, D. Histoire du clerge seculier et regulier avec des figures. Par le P. Bonani. 4 tomes. Amsterdam, 1716. P. Blair J 8945, 0. History of the Waldenses. By the Rev. Adam Blair. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1833. Blunt, 4321, D. Sketch of the reformation in England. By the Rev. I. J. Blunt. London, 1832. Branagan, 2721, D. vol. 18. Concise view of the principal religious denomina- tions in the United States ; with notes. By Thomas Branagan. Phi- ladelphia, 1811. Brandt, 108, F. The history of the reformation, in and about the low countries. By Gerard Brandt. 4 vols. London, 1720. Brechen, 2212,0,, A true narrative of all the passages of the proceedings in the general assembly of the church of Scotland, holden at Perth, A. D. 1668. By Dr. David Brechen. London, 1621. Brewster, 3033, O. A secular essay ; containing a retrospective view of events, connected with the ecclesiastical history of England, during the 18th century. By John Brewster, A. M. London, 1802. Broughton, 109, F. An historical dictionary of all religions, from the crea- tion to the present time. By Thomas Broughton. 2 vols. London, 1742. Brown, 4QSS,D. An account of the people called Shakers; their faith, doc- trines and practice, and a history of their rise and progress. By Thomas Brown. Troy, 1812. Browning, 7049, O. The history of the Huguenots during the sixteenth cen- tury. By W. S. Browning, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1829. Bullet, 6558, O. The history of the establishment of Christianity, compiled from Jewish and heathen authors only ; exhibiting a substantial proof of the truth of this religion. Translated from the French of Professor Bullet, with notes by the translator, and some strictures on Mr. Gibbon's account of Christianity and its first teachers. London, 1776. M Burnet, 206, F. The history of the reformation of the church of England. By Gilbert Burnet, D. D. 3 vols. London, 1679. 815, F. The same. P. 2942, D. 1 . Critique de I'Histoire des variations des Egllses Protestantes traduit de I'Anglois de M. Burnet. Par M. de Meaux. Amst. 1689. Gift of J, P. Norris. 290, D. The abridgement of the history of the reformation of the church of England. By Gilbert Burnet, D. D. 6th edit. 2 vols. London, 1728. lis RELIGION. Burton, 1046, F. Monasticon Eboracense ; and the ecclesiastical history of Yorkshire. Containing an account of the first introduction and pro- gress of Christianity in it, until the end of William the Conqueror's reign. Also, the description, &c. of all churches and other religious places, &C. Together with an account of monuments and inscrip- tions, &c. &c. With the catalogues of all the abbots, &c. &c. Cop- perplates. By John Burton, M. D. &c. York, 1758. M. . 7345, & 8862, O. Lectures upon the ecclesiastical history of the first century. By the Rev. Edward Burton, D. D. Oxford, 1831. 8863, O. Lectures upon the ecclesiastical history of the second and third centuries. By the Rev. Edward Burton. London, 1833. Butler, 5962, O. The book of the Roman Catholic church; in a series of let- ters addressed to Robert Southey, Esq., on his " Book of the church." By Charles Butler, Esq. London, 1825. 6103,0. Vindication of "The Book of the Roman Catholic church," against the Rev. George Townsend's " Accusations of history against the church of Rome," with notice of other charges. By Charles But- ler, Esq. London, 1826. Campbell, 598, O. Lectures on ecclesiastical history ; with an essay on tem- perance and self-denial, by Dr. George Campbell; and some account of the life and writings of the author. By George Skene Keith. 2 vols. London, 1800. 4066, O. Lectures on ecclesiastical history. By the late George Camp- bell, D. D. Philadelphia, 1807. Carranzam, 949, D. Summa conciliorum et pontificum a Petro usque ad Ju- lium III. Collecta per F. Bartholomeum Carranzam. Lugduni, 1587. L. Carlelon, 1370, & 2221, Q,. A thankful remembrance of God's mercy, in an historical collection of the deliverances of the church and state of Eng- land, from the beginning of Queen Elizabeth. Collected by George Carleton, D. D. 3d edit. London, 1627, & 1630. 1988,0. The same. London, 1625. Gift of Joseph Cruhshank. Carpzov, 2025, Q,. J. B. Carpzovi Isagoge, in libros ecclesiarum, Lutherana- rum symbolicos. Opus J. Oleario. Lipsiae, 1675. Carwitheth 7151, O. The history of the church of England. By J. B. S. Car- withen, B. D. Part the first. To the restoration of church and mo- narchy in 1660. 2 vols. London, 1830. Casaubon, 1245, d. The necessity of reformation, in and before Luther's time. By Meric Casaubon. London, 1654. F. CatroUy 1947, Q,. Histoire des anabaptistes. Par Francois Catrou. A Paris, 1706. Gift of Mr. Wm. Dick. Cave, 887, O. Primitive Christianity ; or the religion of the ancient Christians in the first ages of the gospel. By William Cave. 6th edit. Lon- don, 1702. Chaffield, 1461,0^ An historical review of the commercial, political, and mo- ral state of Hindostan, from the earliest period to the present time ; the rise and progress of Christianity in the east, its present condition, and the probability of its future advancement ; with an introduction and map illustrating the British empire in the east. By Robert Chatfield, L.L. B. London, 1808. Clialloner, 5451, D. A short history of the first beginning and progress of the protestant religion. By the late Rev. Dr. Richard Challoner. 12th edit. Baltimore, 1813. Chandler, 1558, O. 1. Appeal to the public in behalf of the church of England in America. By T. B. Chandler, D. D. New York, 1767. 1558, O.3. A defence of his "Appeal to the public." By Dr. T. B. Chandler. New York, 1769. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 119 Chandler^ 1558, O. 4. A further defence of his " Appeal to the public." By Dr. T. B. Chandler. New York, 1771. 1085, D. 6. Letter concerning American bishops, to Dr. Bradbury- Chandler. 1768, 1 559, O. 8. Examination of the critical commentary on Seeker's letter to Mr. Walpole. By Dr. T. B. Chandler. New York, 1774. Chauncey, 1558, O. 2. Answer to " Chandler's appeal to the public;" in behalf of the non-Episcopal churches in America. By Charles Chauncey. Boston, 1768. 1559, O. 1. Remarks on certain passages in the bishop of LandafTs sermon. By Charles Chauncey. Boston, 1767. Clarksorii 3791, O. A portraiture of Q,uakerism. By Thomas Clarkson. 3 vols. New York, 1806. 1914, D. The same. Philadelphia, 1808. Gift of James P. Parke. Cobbett, 4608, D. 1. A history of the Protestant reformation in England and Ireland. By William Cobbett. Philadelphia, 1825. Cookf 5866, O. A general and historical view of Christianity, comprehending its origin and progress, and the effect which it has produced on the moral and political state of Europe. By George Cook, D. D. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1822. 4292, O. History of the reformation in Scotland ; with an introductory book, and an appendix. By George Cook, D. D. 2 vols. Edin- burgh, 1811. 4686, O. The history of the church of Scotland, from the reformation to the revolution. By George Cook, D. D. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1815. Cracanthrop, 243, F. A treatise of the first general council held at Constanti- nople, anno 553. By Richard Cracanthrop, D. D. London, 1634. Crantz, 1181, 1244, do 7796, O. The history of the brethren; or a narrative of the Protestant church of the united brethren, or unitas fratrum, in remoter ages, and particularly in the present century. By David Crantz. Translated from the German, with notes, by Benjamin La Trobe. London, 1780. No. 1244, gift of Lewis TVeis. Crookshank, 5560, O. The history of the state and sufferings of the church of Scotland, from the restoration to the revolution. By William Crook- shank, A. M. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1812. Crosby, 1052, O. The history of the English Baptists, from the reformation to the beginning of the reign of George the first. By Thomas Crosby. 4 vols. London, 1738. Crowther, 2184, D. A portraiture of Methodism ; or, history of Wesleyan me- thodists ; including their rise, progress, and present state ; the lives and characters of divers of their ministers ; the doctrines they believe and teach ; with the plan of their discipline, &c. Also, a defence of Methodism. By Jonathan Crowther. With documents respecting the extension of their religious principles by a late act of the British legislature. New York, 1813. Dallas, 4886, O. The new conspiracy against the Jesuits, detected and briefly exposed, with a short account of their institute. By R. C. Dallas, Esq. London, 1815. Dupin, 1002, D. The history of the church, from the beginning of the world to the year 1718. By L. E. Dupin. 3d edit. 4 vols. London, 1724. Ecton, 3542, O. Liber valorum et decimarum, being an account of the valua- tions and yearly tenths of ecclesiastical benefices in England and Wales. By John Ecton. 2 vols. London, 1711. P. 3402, & 3374, O. State of the proceedings of the corporation of the go- vernors of the bounty of queen Anne, for the augmentation of the maintenance of the poor clergy. By John Ecton. London, 1719. 2d edit. 1721. P. 120 RELIGION. Eusebius, 1029, F. The ancient ecclesiastical histories of the first 600 years after Christ. By Eusebius, Socrates, and Evagrius. Translated from the Greek, by Meredith Hanmer. London, 1577. 280, F. The history of the church. By Eusebius Pamphilius, So- crates Scholasticus, and Evagrius Scholasticus. Translated into English. London, 1709. . 8843, O. The ecclesiastical history of Eusebius Pamphilius, bishop of Cesarea, in Palestine. In ten books. Translated from the original, by the Rev. C. F. Cruse, A. M. Philadelphia, 1833. EvanSy 2833, D. A sketch of the denominations of the Christian world ; with a persuasive to religious moderation. By John Evans, LL. D. 14th ed. London, 1831. Gift of the author. 9, 1426, 3438, 3805, & 4389, D. The same. London, 1801—1803, and Philadelphia, 1797—1812. 2317, D. The sequel to the denominations of the Christian world. By John Evans. London, 1801. 2962, & 3439, D. The golden centenary ; or one hundred testimonies in behalf of candour, peace, and unanimity, designed as a sequel to the sketch of the denominations of the Christian world. By John Evans, LL. D. London, 1822-1806. Gift of the author. Ffirthy 375, D. A vindication of the Methodist Episcopal church. By John Ffirth. Burlington, (New Jersey) 1794. Heetwood, 2104, O. 9. Articles of inquiry exhibited by Wm. Fleetwood, bishop of St. Asaph. London, 1710. Fleury^ Z>c, 872, O. Discourses on ecclesiastical history. Written in French, by the Abbe De Fleury, and now translated into English. 1721. Foshrooke^ 3683, O. British monachism; or manners and customs of the monks and nuns of England. By Thomas Dudley Fosbrooke, M. A. 2 vols. London, 1802. Fox, 10, F. Acts and monuments, containing the universal history of the church, from the primitive age to the present time ; with plates. By John Fox. With the life of the author. 9th edit. 3 vols. London, 1684. Gift of Robert Grace. 755, F. The same. London, 1641. P. Fuller, 351, F. The church history of Britain; from the birth of Jesus Christ to the year 1648. By Thomas Fuller. London, 1655. Gift of Ezra Jones. Geddes, 3410, & 8300, O. Church history of Ethiopia. By Michael Geddes, D. D. London, 1696. P. 341 1, & 8393, O. History of the church of Malabar, from the time of its being first discovered by the Portuguese, in the year 1501. Trans- lated from the Portuguese. By Michael Greddes, D. D. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1694. P. 3412, O. Miscellaneous tracts, relative to the history of the church and religion of Spain and Portugal. By Michael Geddes, D. D. 5 vols. London, 1714. P. Gibson, 58, F. A collection of the statutes, constitutions, canons, rubricks, and articles of the church of England. By Edmund Gibson, D. D. 2 vols. London, 1713. Gisborne, 2683, & 2835, O.^ A familiar survey of the Christian religion, and of history as connected with the introduction of Christianity, and with its progress to the present time. By Thomas Gisborne. London, 1799- Goughj 1922, O. A history of the people called Quakers ; from their first rise to the present time. By John Gough. 4 vols. Dublin, 1790. Gift of the society of Friends in Philadelphia. 2312, D. The history of the people called Quakers, abridged from Gough, Sewell, &c. 2 vols. London, 1794. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. Ijgl Grant, 4764, O. A summary of the history of the English church, and of the sects which have departed from its communion. By Johnson Grant, M. A. 2 vols. London, 1814. Gregory, 6499, O. An history of the Christian church, from the earliest pe- riods to the present time. By G. Gregory, D. D. With plates. 2 vols. London, 1795. M. Heylin, 859, F. Aerius redivivus, or the history of the Presbyterians, their be- ginnings, progresse and success. By Peter Heylin. 2d edit. Lon- don, 1672. P. Hildrop, 3395, O. 2. The contempt of the clergy considered, in a letter to a friend. By John Hildrop. Dublin, 1739. P. Hody, 955, d. 14. Statement of the case of sees vacant by an unjust or unca- nonical deprivation. By Humphrey Hody. London, 1693. Inett, 557, F. History of the English church, from the year 401 to the year 1066. By John Inett. London, 1704. Gift of George Booth. Ivimey, 4342, O. A history of the English Baptists, including an investigation of the history of baptism in England, from the earliest period to the close of the seventeenth century. By Joseph Ivimey. London, 1811. Jamieson, 1551, Q,. An historical account of the ancient Culdees of Zona, and of their settlement in Scotland, Eingland and Ireland. By John Jamieson, D. D. Edinburgh, 1811. Jewell, 806, F. Workes respecting the church of England. By John Jewell. London, 1611. P. Jones, 7342, & 6085, O. The history of the Christian church, from the birth of Christ to the 18th century, including the interesting account of the Waldenses and Albigenses. By William Jones. 2 vols. London, 1826. New York, 1824. 4768, O. The history of the Waldenses, connected with a sketch of the Christian church, from the birth of Christ to the 18th century. By William Jones. London, 1816. Jortin, 3323, O. Remarks on ecclesiastical history. By John Jortin. 2 vols. London, 1751. P. A"ay e, 6 1 56, O. The ecclesiastical history of the second and third centuries ; illustrated from the writings of Tertullian. By John Kaye, Bishop of Bristol. Cambridge, 1826. Kinnersley, 789, D. 11. Letter to the ministers of the Baptist congregations in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. By J. Kinnersley. Philadelphia, 1746. Kirkton, 1694, Q,. The secret and true history of the church of Scotland from the restoration to the year 1678. By the Rev. Mr. James Kirkton. To which is added an account of the murder of Archbishop Sharp. By James Russell, an actor therein. Edited from the MSS. By Charles K. Sharpe, Esq. Edinburgh, 1817. Laval, 1047, O. A history of the reformation in France, from the beginning of the reformation to the repealing of the edict of Nantes ; with an ac- count of the persecutions of the protestants under Lewis XIV. By Stephen Abel Laval. 6 vols. London, 1738. Ley, 923, Q,. 14. Platforme of the Presbyterian government; with the forme of church worship, &c. By Wm. Ley. London, 1644. Livingston, 1559, O. 2. A letter to the bishop of LandafF; occasioned by some passages in his sermon, on the 20th of February, 1767. By William Livingston. New York, 1761. 1559, O. 3. A vindication of the Bishop of Landaff's sermon. By William Livingston. New York, 1768. Lloyd, 3656, O. Historical account of church government, as it was m Great Britain and England, when they first received the Christian religion. By William Lloyd. London, 1684. P. IG 122 RELIGION. Lochmath 2636, D. The history, doctrine, and discipline of the evangelical Lutheran church. By George Lochman, A. M. Harrisburg, 1818. Lockman, 4677, D. A history of the cruel sufferings of the protestants and others, by popish persecutions. By John Locknian. London, 1760. Loltne, Be, 1116, & 1978, Q.. The history of the flagellants ; or, the advantages of discipline. Being a paraphrase and commentary on the Historia Flagellantium of the Abbe Boileau, Doctor of the Sorbonne, &.c. &c. By somebody who is not Doctor of the Sorbonne, J. L. de Lolme. With plates. London, 1777. M. 1293, 1788, i& 3117, O. The same. 2d edit. London, 1784. Maitland, 8881, O. Facts and documents illustrative of the history, doctrine, and rites, of the ancient Albigenses and Waldenses. By the Rev. S. R. Maitland. London, 1832. AlarceU 1521, D. Tablettes chronologiques, contenant avec ordre, I'etat de I'eglise en orient et en Occident, les conciles generaux et particulieres, &c. Par G. Marcel. Amsterdam, 1687. P, Mather y 1010, F. Magnalia Christi Americana ; or the ecclesiastical history of New England from 1620 to 1698. By the Rev. Cotton Mather. Lon- don, 1702. 7388, & 7398, O. Magnalia Christi Americana! ; or, the ecclesiastical history of New England from its first planting in 1620 to 1698. By Cotton Mather. 2 vols. Hartford, 1820. 835, D. An account of the remarkable providences in New England. By Cotton Mather. Boston, 1683—4. M^CriCi 6270, O. History of the progress and suppression of the reformation in Italy in the 16th century, including a sketch of the history of the reformation in the Grisons. By Thomas M'Crie, D. D. London, 1827. 8955, O. The same. 2d edit. Edinburgh, 1833. 7112, O. History of the progress and suppression of the reformation in Spain in the sixteenth century. By Thomas M'Crie. Edinburgh, 1829. M*Farland, 5857, D. Historical view of heresies and vindication of the primi- tive faith. By Asa M'Farland. Concord, 1806. M'Gavirtt 7255, O. The history of the reformation of religion in Scotland, by John Knox. With a memoir and notes by William M'Gavin. Glasgow, 1831. Mendham, 9049, O. Memoirs of the Council of Trent. By the Rev. Joseph Mendham, M. A. London, 1834. Middleton, 5596, O. An ecclesiastical memoir of the first four decades of the reign of George the Third: or an account of the state of religion in the church of England during that period : with characteristic sketches of distinguished divines, authors, and benefactors. By the Rev. John White Middleton, A. M. London, 1822. Millar^ 373, O. The history of the propagation of Christianity, and overthrow of paganism ; with an inquiry into the present state of the heathens, and methods proposed for their conversion. By Robert Millar. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1723. Milner, 4054, O. The history of the church of Christ, by the late Rev. Joseph Milner. 5 vols. Philadelphia, 1809. 8733, O. History of the seven churches of Asia ; their rise, progress, and decline. By the Rev. T. Milner, A. M. London, 1832. Mitford, 3030, D. Observations on the history and doctrine of Christianity, and as historically connected, on the primeval religion, on the Judaic, and on the heathen, public, mystical and philosophical. By Wm. Mitford, Esq. London, 1823. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 123 Morlandt 894, F. A history of the evangelical churches of the valleys of Pied- mont. By Sir Samuel Morland. London, 1658. P. Mosheim, 229, & 1119, Q. Ecclesiastical history, ancient and modern, from the birth of Christ to the beginning of the present century. By John Mosheim, LL. D. 2 vols. London, 1762 — 1756. 7239, O. An ecclesiastical history, ancient and modern, from the birth of Christ to the beginning of the present century. By John Law- rence Mosheim. 6 vols. Philadelphia, 1798. 6363, O. A summary of Mosheim's ecclesiastical history, ancient and modern, from the birth of Christ to the middle of the 18th century. To which is added, a continuation to the year 1819. By the Rev. Charles T. CoUins, A. M. 2 vols. London, 1822. 4651, O. Commentaries on the affairs of the Christians before the time of Constantine the Great, translated from the Latin of John L. Mosheim, D. D. by Robert S. Vidal. 2 vols. London, 1813. 798, O. 2. Memoirs of the Christian church in China ; being a series of facts to evidence the causes of the declension of Christianity in that empire. By John L. Mosheim. Translated from the German. Lon- don, 1750. MyleSy 255, D. A chronological history of the people called Methodists, from their rise in 1729, to their last conference in 1802. By William Myles. 3d edit. London, 1803. Needy 560, O. The history of the Puritans ; or protestant non-conformists ; from^he reformation to the act of toleration by William and Mary, in the year 1689 ; with an account of their principles and sufferings, and the lives of their principal divines. By Daniel Neal. 4 vols. Dub- lin, 1759. 2168, O. A history of the Puritans, or protestant non-conformists, from the battle of Edge-hill, to the death of king Charles the first ; by Daniel Neal. With a supplement, and some memoirs of the life and writings of the author, by Joshua Toulmin. 5 vols. Bath, 1795. 4293, & 7704, 0. Neal's history of the Puritans ; or, the rise, principles and sufferings of the protestant dissenters, to the a;ra of the revolution ; abridged in two volumes, by Edward Parsons. With the life of the author by Joshua Toulmin, D, D. London, 1812. Neander, 7359, O. The history of the Christian religion and church during the three first centuries. By Dr. Augustus Neander. Translated from the German, by Henry John Rose. Vol. I. London, 1831. Newcourty 734, F. Repertorium ecclesiasticum, or an ecclesiastical parochial history of the diocese of London. By Richard Newcourt. London, 1708. P. Newman^ 9055, O. The Arians of the 4th century. By J. H. Newman, M. A. London, 1833. Newton^ 3635, D. A review of ecclesiastical history. By John Newton. PhUadelphia, 1797. Nightingale, 3875, & 3927, O. A portraiture of Methodism; being an impar- tial view of the rise, progress, doctrines, discipline and manners of the Wesleyan Methodists. By Joseph Nightingale. London, 1807. Nisbety 6581, O. An abridgment of ecclesiastical history, from the commence- ment of Christianity, to the beginning of the present century ; con- structed upon a new plan and divided into four grand periods. By Patrick Nisbet, D. D. &c. Edinburgh, 1776. M. Pagitt, 1268, Q,. Christianographie, or the description of the multitude, and sundry scJrts of Christians in the world, not subject to the pope. By Ephraim Pagitt. London, 1635. P. Pascal, 3749, D. Les provinciales ; ou, les lettres ecrites par Louis de Mon- talte a un provincial de ses amis, et aux RR. PP. Jesuites. Par Blaise Pascal. A Cologne, 1738. 124 RELIGION. Pastorinh 4917, D. The general history of the Christian church from her birth ; chiefly deduced from the apocalypse of St. John. 4tli edit. With additional remarks, by Sig. Pastorini. New York, 1807. Penny 338, D. A brief account of the rise and progress of the people called Quakers. By William Penn. 5th edit. London, 1748. Picari, 13, F. Ceremonies and religious customs of the various nations of the known world ; with plates. Written in French, by B. Picart, and translated into English, by a gentleman of St. John's college. 6 vols. London, 1733. PUUaw, 2344, & 4474, D. The present state of the Greek church in Russia, or a summary of Christian divinity. By Platow, late Metropolitan of Moscow. Translated from the Sclavonian by Robert Pinkerton. New York, 1815. PurchaSy 879, F. Relations of the world, and the religions observed in all ages and places discovered from the creation unto this present. By Samuel Purchas. 3d edit. London, 1617. P. Reidy 9024, O. The history of the Presbyterian church in Ireland. By James Seaton Reid, D. D. Edinburgh, 1834. Ricauty 351, D. An account of the present state of the Greek and Armenian churches. By Paul Ricaut London, 1679. 3575, O. The same. Anno Christi, 1678. London, 1679. P. Robinson, 669, Q. Eicclesiastical researches. By Robert Robinson. Cam- bridge, 1792. RuUy 954, a. 38. Vindication of the church of Scotland. By Gilbert Rule. Edinburgh, 1691. Russtlly 6036, D, History of the church in Scotland. By the Rev. Michael Russell, LL. D. 2 vols. London, 1834. Rimius, 130, 468,3. & 1565, O. 1. A narrative of the rise and progress of the Herrnhutters, commonly called Moravians, or unitas fratrum ; with a short account of their doctrines, and observations on their politics, &c. By Henry Rimius. London, 1753, & Philadelphia, 1753. 639, O. The history of the Moravians, from their first settlement at Herrnhaag, to the present time ; with Andrew Frey's account of their conferences, casting lots, marriages, &c. By Henry Rimius. 2 vols. London, 1759. Sandy y 3571, O. Europae speculum ; or a view of the state of religion, in the western parts of the world. By Sir Edward Sandy. London, 1673. P. Sarpi, 535, CI. Historia del concilio Tridentino di Pietro Soave. (Paul Sarpi.) In Geneva, 1629. L, 215, F. A history of the council of Trent, with the practices of the court of Rome to hinder the reformation ; including the history of the Inquisition. By Pietro Soave Polano. London, 1676. 800, F. A historic of the council of Trent. By Pietro Soave Polano. London, 1640. P. 3397, O. A treatise of beneficiary matters: or a history of ecclesiastical benefices and revenues. By P'ather Paul Sarpi. Westminster, 1727. P. 169, O. The same. London, 1726. Schimme/pennickj 2471, D. Narrative of the demolition of the monastery of Port Royal, including biographical memoirs of its later inhabitants, by Mary Anne Schimmelpennick. London, 1816. Seoli^ 56ft5, D. Luther and the Lutheran reformation. By John Scott. 2 vols. London, 1832. ikmpUy 7822, O. A history of the rise and progress of the Baptists in Virginia. By Robert a Bemple. Richmond, 1810. Sewely 278, F. The history of the rise and progress of the people called auakers. By William SeweL PhUadelphia, 1728. Sewtly 534, F. The history of the rise and progress of the people called Quakers. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 125 By William Sewel. Translated from the low Dutch. 2d edit. Lon- don, 1725. Gift of the yearly meeting of Friends in London. Sleydariy 194, F. The general history of the reformation of the church, from the year 1517, to the year 1556; by John Sleydan, LL. D. with a continuation to the end of the council of Trent, in the year 1 562. By Edmund Bohun. London, 1689. Smedley, 5927, D. History of the reformed religion in France. By the Rev. Edward Smedley, M. A. 2 vols. London, 1832. Soames, 6359, O. The history of the reformation of the church of England ; by Henry Soames, M. A. 3 vols. London, 1826 — 7. Southey, 5878, O. The book of the church. By Robert Southey, Esq. LL. D. 2 vols. London, 1824. Spofswood, 855, F. History of the church of Scotland from the year 203 to the end of the reign of James VI. By John Spotswood. London, 1655. P. Sfackhouse, 3395, O. 1. The miseries and great hardships of the inferior clergy in and about London, by a clergyman of the church of England. J. Stackhouse. 1722. P. Stebbing, 5752, D. History of the Christian church. By the Rev. Henry Stebbing, M. D. London, 1833. Steele J 1730, D. Account of the state of the Roman Catholic religion through- out the world. By Sir Richard Steele. 2d edit. London, 1716. P. StevenSy 4452, O. Monasticon Hibernicum, or the monastical history of Ire- land. By John Stevens. London, 1722. Strype, 176, F. Annals of the reformation and establishment of religion, and various other occurrences in the church and state of England. By John Strype. 4 vols. London, 1734. 824, F. The memorials of archbishop Thomas Cranmer, with the his- tory of the church, and reformation of Canterbury. By John Strype. London, 1694. P. 1049, F. Ecclesiastical memorials; relating chiefly to religion and the reformation of it, and the emergencies of the church of England, under King Henry VIII. King Edward VI. and Queen Mary the First, &c. &c. &c. With a large appendix to each volume, containing original papers, records, &c. By John Strype, M. A. Portrait. 3 vols. Lon- don, 1721. M. 4817, O. The same. 6 vols. London, 1816. Stuart, 347, Q,. The history of the establishment of the reformation of religion in Scotland. By Gilbert Stuart. London, 1780. Taylor J 1071, F. Index Monasticus ; or the abbeys, and other monasteries, alien priories, friaries, colleges, collegiate churches, and hospitals, with their dependencies, formerly established in the diocese of Norwich and the kingdom of East AngUa. By Richard Taylor, of Norwich. London, 1 82 1 . Gift of the Author. 787, D. 8. Taylor's narrative of the principles, conduct, and character of the people known by the name of Shakers. Worcester, Mass. 1782. Thorndikcy 897, F. An ipilogue to the tragedy of the church of England ; being a consideration of the chief controversies that divide the western church. By Herbert Thorndike. London, 1659. P. TlioUy 2814, D. Histoire de la secte des Amis, suivie, d'une notice sur Ma- dame Fry, et la prison de Newgate a Londres. Par Madame Adele Du Thou. Londres, 1821. Toulmirij 4787, O. An historical view of the state of the protestant dissenters in England, and of the progress of free inquiry and rehgious liberty, from the revolution to the accession of dueen Anne. By Joshua Toul- min, D. D. London, 1814. 126 RELIGION. Usher, 830, F. Jacob! Usserii Britannicarum ecclesiarum antiquitates. Lon- dini, 1687. P. VUliers, 3776, O. An essay on the spirit and influence of the reformation by- Luther ; by C. Villiers. Translated from the French by B. Lambert. London, 1805. 5774, D. An essay on the spirit and influence of the reformation. By C. Villiers. Translated from the French by Samuel Miller, D. D. Professor in the theological seminary at Princeton, N. J. Philadel- phia, 1833. Waddington, %SiSb, & 9003,0. Library of useful knowledge. A history of the church, from the earliest ages to the reformation. By the Rev. George Waddington, A. M. London, 1833. New York, 1834. 4158, D. The present condition and prospects of the Greek or Oriental church. By the Rev. George Waddington. London, 1829. H^alkevy 792, F. An attempt towards recovering an account of the numbers and suflferings of the clergy of the church of England, in the time of the grand rebellion. By John Walker. London, 1714. P. Warner, 151, F. The ecclesiastical history of England, to the eighteenth cen- tury. By Ferdinando Warner. 2 vols. London, 1756. Wesley, 5004, D. 6. A plain account of the people called Methodists. By John Wesley. Bristol, 1764. Wharton, 840, Q. 7. Treatise of the celibacy of the clergy, wherein its rise and progress are historic£dly considered. By Henry Wharton. London, 1688. White, 5330, O. Memoirs of the protestant Episcopal church in the United States of America. By William White, D. D. Philadelphia, 1820. Wight, 196, Q,. History of the rise and progress of the people called Quakers, in Ireland, from the year 1653, to 1700 ; by Thomas Wight. With a continuation to the year 1751, and a treatise of Christian discipline, exercised among the said people. By John Rutty. Dublin, 1751. Wilks, 5465, O. History of the prosecutions endured by the protestants of the south of France, and more especially of the department of the Gard, during the years 1814, 1815, 1816, &c.; including a defence of their conduct. By Mark Wilks. 2 vols. London, 1821. Wilson, 4976, O. The history and antiquities of dissenting churches and meet- ing houses in London, Westminster, and Southwark ; including the lives of their ministers. By Walter Wilson. 4 vols. London, 1814. Womock, 1718, D. The examination of Tilenus before the triers, in order to his intended settlement in the ofiice of a public preacher, in the com- monwealth of Utopia. By Dr. Lawrence Womock. London, 1658. P. Wyse, 7098. O. Historical sketch of the late Catholic association of Ireland. By Thomas Wyse, junr. Esq. 2 vols. London, 1829. 92, F. Report of the committee to whom the petition of the deputies of the imited Moravian churches was referred; with extracts of the most material vouchers and papers contained in the appendix to said report. London, 1749. Gift of the Rev. Mr. Spangenberg. 412, F. 3. A collection of papers concerning the dispute between the French consistory in the city of New York, and Louis Rou, pastor of the French pro- testant reformed church. New York, 1725. 183, Q^ The history of popery. By several gentlemen. 2 vols. London, 1735. 463, O. 8. Minutes of the Baptist association, held at Philadelphia, October, 1774. Philadelphia, 1782. 466, Q. 15. Nadere trouwhartige weiarschouwinge tagen de verleindiingeu der Hermhuters. Nieuw York, 1 763. 634, Gt 7. Directions to ministers and people, in order to a confirmation. London. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 127 634, Q,. 8. A list of the widows relieved by the governors of the charity for the relief of poor widows and children of clergymen, in the year 1742. London. 871, Q,. Van de verscheidene gelegentheid en staate der kerke Gods onder de driederlei huys-houdinge ; der patriarchen des ouden en nieuwen testamentes. t'Amsterdam, 1678. Gift of Mathew Carey. 923, Q,. 2. Treatise vpon the ecclesiasticall constitvtions and canons, agreed vpon in synode of the bishops and cleargy of the prouince of Canterbury, held in London anno Domini 1603. London, 1628. 925, Q. 3. Answer of the assembly of divines to the reasons given by the dissenting brethren, of their not bringing in a model of their way. London, 1645. 929, Q,. 8. Vindication of the Anabaptists of New England. London, 1673. 931, Q,. 4. Proposals concerning the discipline and ceremonies of the church of England, presented to his majesty by the Presbyterian ministers. London, 1661. 931, Q,. 5. Dissertation maintaining the king's spirituall supremacie against the pretended indei)endencie of the prelates, &c. London, 1641. 931, Q,. 9. England's reformation ; or an examination of Dr. Heylin's history of the reformation of the church of England. London, 1661. 931, d. 7. Answer of the divines attending the commissioners of parliament at the treaty at Newport, in the Isle of Wight, to the second paper delivered to them by the king, October 6, 1648, about episcopal government. London. 940, Q,. 1. Jvdgement of the synode holden at Dort, concerning the fine arti- cles ; with their sentence touching Conradvs Vorstivs. London, 1619. 940, Q,. 13. Heads of agreement, assented to by the United ministers in and about London, formerly called Presbyterian and Congregational. London, 1691. 940, Q,. 14. Agreement in doctrine among the dissenting ministers in London, subscribed December 16, 1692. London, 1692. 951, Q,. 1. Q,uestions resolved concerning episcoped and presbyterian govern- ment in Scotland. London, 1690. 951, Q,. 2. Case of the afflicted clergy in Scotland truly represented. London, 1690. 951, Q,. 8. Answer to vox cleri, &c. examining the reasons against making any alterations, in order to a comprehension. London, 1 690. 951, Q,. 9. Censure of the answer to vox cleri. London, 1690. 951, €t 10. Remarks upon two letters relating to the convocation, and altera- tions in the liturgy. London, 1690. Gift of Zachariah Poulson, 954, Q. 17. Historical relation of the late general assembly in Scotland, and other particulars concerning the present state of the church in that kingdom. London, 1691. 954, Q,. 18. Account of the aflfairs of Scotland, in relation to their civil and religious rights. London, 1690. 954, Q,. 19. State of the papist and protestant proprieties in the kingdom of Ireland, from 1641 to 1662. London, 1689. 954, Q. 24. Answer to the letter of the bishop of Rochester, concerning the late ecclesiastical commission. By an Englishman. London, 1689. 954, Q. 39. Relation of the forme of government of the kirke of Scotland. 1640. 954, Q,. 35. Government and order of the chvrch of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1641. 1232, Ct 3. Church government; part 5th, a relation of the English reforma- tion. Oxford, 1687. P. 1232, Q,. 4. Animadversions on the aforegoing discourse. Oxford, 1687. P. 951, Q^ 7. Reflections on the relation of the English reformation, lately printed at Oxford. In two parts. Amsterdam, 1688. 1306, Q,. 4. An account of the late persecutions of the protestants, in the val- ley of Piedmont. Oxford, 1688. P, 128 RELIGION. 1306, a. 5. An account of the persecutions and oppressions of the protestants in France. 1686. P. 1306, d. 6. The case of the present afflicted clergy in Scotland, truly repre- sented. 1690. F. 1306, d. 7. A collection of papers relating to the practice of the rabble at Glasgow. 1688. P, 1306, Q. 8. Account of the sufferings of the church of Scotland. London, 1690. P. 1347, Q. 1. Corda Angliae, or the general expressions of the land; moving twenty-five particulars to the honourable assembly in the high court of parlia- ment, that the chmxh of England may become a glorious church of God. 1641. P. 1383, Q,. Extract from the minutes of the yearly meeting of Friends held in London, from its first institution. London, 1812. Gift of a Friend. 6001, D. 3. Extracts from the minutes of the yearly meeting of Friends. PhUadelphia, 1827. 2200, Q. 6. The principal acts of the general assembly, convened at Edin- burgh the 29th May, 1644. London, 1644. 230, 0. 1. Virginia's cure, an advisive narrative concerning Virginia ; discover- ing the true ground of that churche's unhappiness. London, 1662. 1201, D. Dialogues on the amusements of clergymen. London, 1796. 1565, O. 3. Brief van de Weleerwaarde classis van Amsterdam, aan de Weleerwaarde Vergaderinge van Kredikanten, & Ouderlingen der Herformde kerken in de provincien van Nieuw York, en Nieuw Jersey. Nieuw York, 1772. 1548, O. & 670, D. The American whig : being a collection of tracts on the subject of the residence of protestant bishops in the American colonies. 2 vols. New York, 1768. 1559, O. 4. A letter concerning an American bishop, &c. 1768. 1559, O. 5. An address from the clergy of New York and New Jersey to the EpiscopaUans in Virginia. New York, 1771. 1559,9.3744,0.13. The case of the Episcopal churches in the United States, considered. Philadelphia, 1782. 1559, O. 10. A critical commentary on Seeker's letter to Walpole, concern- ing bishops in America. Philadelphia, 1771. 1565, O. 4. A ploughman's complaint against a clergyman, being a letter to the Baptist association at Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1767. 1565, 0. 7. An address from the Baptist church in Philadelphia, to their sister churches. Philadelphia, 1781. 1630, O. 1. A draught of an overture, prepared and published by a committee of the associate reformed synod, for the purpose of illustrating and 'defending the doctrines of the Westminster confession of faith. Philadelphia, 1787. Gift of Zachariah Pouhon. 2104, 0. 2. Claims of the clergy, to a divine right of maintenance, considered. London, 1736. 2104,0. 3. Answers to the reasons of dissent, from the sentence of the gene- ral assembly of Presbyterians. Edinburgh, 1752. 2104,0.4. Memorial of the Presbyterians. London, 1706. 2104, O. 7. Answer to the memorial of the church of England. London, 1705. 2104, 0. 8. Warning for the church of England. London, 1706. 2104, O. 10. Nature of patronage and the duty of patrons. London, 1735. 2104,0. 15. Case of Easter offerings stated and considered. London, 1777. 2104, O. 16. Remarks on Mr. Gilbert's bill, for promoting the residence of the parochial clergy. London, 1777. 2866, O. New England judged by the spirit of the Lord ; containing a brief relation of the sufferings of the people called Quakers in New England, from ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 129 the time of their first arrival there, in the year 1656, to the year 1665. Lon- don, 1703. Gift of Zachariah Poulson. 3107,0. Full and comprehensive view of Christianity; containing a short historical account of rehgion, from the creation of the world to the fourth cen- tury after our Lord Jesus Christ ; and the complete duty of a Christian. Lon- don, 1747. P. 3835, O. A history of the rise and progress of the reformation of the church in England. By a gentleman. London, 1715. Gift of Alat hew Carey. 4695, O. A candid and impartial inquiry into the present state of the Me- thodist societies in Ireland ; wherein several important points relative to their doctrine and discipline are discussed. By a member of the society. Belfast, 1814. 4867, O. The complaint and petition of the commissioners of the third Pres- byterian church to the synod of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1814. 4887, O. A history of the Jesuits, to which is prefixed a reply to Mr. Dal- las' defence of that order. 2 vols. London, 1816. 4941, & 7628, O. Journals of the general conventions of the protestant Epis- copal church in the United States of America, from the year 1784 to 1814; also, the constitution and canons, and three pastoral letters. Philadelphia, 1817. 1628, 0. 7. Journal of a convention of the protestant Episcopal church, in the United States of America, held at Philadelphia, June, 1786. Philadelphia, 1786. Gift of Zachariah Poulson, 7319, O. 2. &3. Journal of the proceedings of the 46th and 47th convention of the protestant Episcopal church in Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1830, 1831. 7569, O. Official documents of the presbytery of Albany; exhibiting the trials of the Rev. John Chester and Mr. Mark Tucker; together with the whole case of the Rev. Hooper Cumming. Schenectady, 1818. 8144, O. A narrative and testimony enacted by the general associate sy- nod; together with an act respecting procedure in covenanting work, and copies of the national covenant and solemn league. Edinburgh, 1804. 8515, O. 4. The true spirit of the Methodists, in answer to six pamphlets pub- lished against Dr. Trapp's sermon. London, 1740. 8628, O. 6. Declaration of trust and proceedings of the Baptist churches in Kent. Cranboume, 1817. 8634, O. 4. Constitutional rules of the society of Unitarian Christians at Phi- ladelphia. Philadelphia, 1796. 9094, 5. & 9136, O. 12. The testimony of the society of Friends on the continent of America. 1 830. 89, D. Letters on the present affairs of the Jesuits in France. London. Gift of IVilliam Gallagher. 508, D. Memoirs of the antiquities of Great Britain, relating to the reforma- tion, &c. London, 1723. 787, D. 7. A warning by the associated presbytery in Pennsylvania, to the people of the United States. Lancaster, 1778. 789, D. 10. A protestation presented to the synod of Philadelphia, June 1, 1741. Philadelphia, 1741. 917, D. Sacrosancti et cecumenici concilii Tridentini Paulo III. Julio III. et Pio IV. celebrati canones et decreta. Coloniae, 1515. L. 1086, D. 4. An address from the Baptist church, in Philadelphia to their sis- ter churches throughout the United States. Philadelphia, 1781. 2171, D. A Christian's survey of all the primary events and periods of the world, from the commencement of history to the conclusion of prophecy. Lon- don, 18n. 2315, D. A collection of acts of parliament relating to Friends, from 1688. London, 1801. 17 130 RELIGION. 2536, D. 1. A history of ecclesiastical proceedings, relative to the third Pres- byterian church in Philadelphia, the Rev. Ezra Stiles Ely, and several of the judicatories of the church with which they are connected. Philadelphia, 1814. 2892, D. Methodist error ; or a friendly Christian advice to those Metho- dists who indulge in extravagant emotions and bodily exercises. By a Wes- leyan Methodist. Trenton, 1819. Gift of J. F. Watson, 3838, D. A short account of the complaints and cruel persecutions of the protestants in the kingdom of France, &;c. &c. &c. Also king Charles II. and king William and queen Mary's declarations, at length, for encouraging the French protestants to transport themselves into this kingdom. London, 1708. 4524, D. Proceedings of the presbytery of Philadelphia in the case of Samuel Wentz. Taken in short hand, by Thomas Lloyd. Philadelphia, 1820. 5652, D. Lambeth and the Vatican ; or anecdotes of the church of Rome, of the reformed churches, and of sects and sectaries. 3 vols. London, 1825." HISTORY OF THE INQUISITION. Bower ^ 801, O. 7. Motives for leaving his office of secretary to the court of inquisition. By Archibald Bower, Esq. Belfast, 1750. Dellon, 1732, D. Histoire de I'inquisition de Goa, enrichi des figures. Par Dellon, M. D. Amsterdam, 1697. P. 4579, O. Dellon's account of the inquisition at Goa, translated from the French; with an appendix, containing an account of the escape of Archibald Bower, from the inquisition in Italy. London, 1812. DugdaUi 601, F. 5. A narrative of the cruelties inflicted on the protestants be- yond seas, by the bloody Spanish inquisition. By Sir Wm. Dugdale. London, 1680. Limborch, 134, Q^ Limborch's history of the inquisition; with plates. Trans- lated into English by Samuel Chandler; with an introduction con- cerning the rise and progress of persecution, &c. 2 vols in one. Lon- don, 1731. UormtCj 6305, 0. The history of the inquisition of Spain, from the time of its establishment to the reign of Ferdinand VII. Composed from origi- nal documents, abridged and translated from the original of Don Juan Antonio Llorente. 2d edit. London, 1827. Puigblanchy 4885, O. The inquisition unmasked; being an historical and phi- losophical account of that tribunal, founded on authentic documents. By D. Antonio Puigblanch. Translated by William Walton, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1816. 546, O. Authentic memoirs of the Portuguese inquisition ; with reflections on ancient and modern popery, and the causes of its alarming progress in this kingdom. London, 1761. LIVES OF SAINTS— MARTYROLOGIES. Jllban, St. 3206, O. Sancti Albani et aliorum vita?. MS. P. Bevan, 3865, & 3966, O. The life of the apostle Paul, as related in scripture, but in which his epistles are inserted in that part of the history to which they are supposed to belong ; with select notes and a map of the countries in which the apostle travelled. By Joseph Gurney Bevan. London, 1807. Boyle, 478, D. Love and religion demonstrated in the martyrdom of Theodore and of Didymus. By Robert Boyle. 2d edit. London, 1702. MARTYROLOGIES. 131 Cave^ 735, P. History of the life and death of the Holy Jesus ; as also the lives, acts, and martyrdoms of his apostles. By William Cave. 7th edit. London, 1784. P. 7512, O. Apostolici ; or the history of the lives, acts, death, and martyr- doms of those who were contemporary with, or immediately succeeded the apostles ; as also, the most eminent of the primitive fathers. To which is added, a chronology of the three first ages of the church. By William Cave, D. D. Philadelphia, 1800. 834, F. The same. London, 1677. P. Clerc, Zf, 239, O. The lives of Clemens Alexandrinus, Eusebius, bishop of Caesar ea, Gregory Nazianzen, emd Prudentius the Christian poet ; with an account of their writings, and a short history of Pelagianism. Translated into Enghsh. By M. Le Clerc. London, 1696. Co/flf, 1257, Q,. Vita di S. Tomaso arcivescovo di Cantuaria e Martine, tradotte dalle Francese da Gio. B. Cota. Lucca, 1696. P. Crookshank, 1050, F. A general martyrology ; containing a collection of all the greatest persecutions which have befallen the church of Christ, from the creation to our present times : where is given an exact account of the protestant sufferings in queen Mary's reign. Together with a large collection of lives of great persons, eminent divines and singu- lar Christians, &c. most of them sufferers in the cause of Christ. By Samuel Clarke, &c. To which is added, the state and sufferings of the church of Scotland, from the reformation to the revolution. With an introduction containing the most remarkable occurrences relating to that church, from the reformation to the restoration. By William Crookshank, A. M. Glasgow, 1770. M. Fox, 1053, F. The ecclesiastical history: containing the acts and monuments of martyrs ; with the persecutions stirred up by the Romish prelates in the church, &c. &c. &c. in England and Scotland, from the time of king Henry VIII. until the beginning of the raigne of dueen Mary. By John Fox, &c. &c. Vol. II. London, 1641. Hookes, 737, O. The spirit of the martyrs revived, in a collection of the most remarkable passages and living testimonies of the true church and seed of God, and faithful martyrs in all ages. By Ellis Hookes. Lon- don, 1719. Helia, 1284, Q,. F. Helia da Cortona vita e miracoli di St. Antonio di Lisabona. Perugiae, 1672. P. Jocelin, 4113, O. & 4438, D. The life and acts of St. Patrick, the archbishop, primate and apostle of Ireland. Translated from the Latin of Jocelin, who flourished in the early part of the twelfth century ; with elucida- tions of David Rothe, bishop of Ossory. By Edmund L. Swift, Esq. Dublin, 1809. Philadelphia, 1823. More, 4650, O. An essay on the character and practical writings of Saint Paul. By Hannah More. 2 vols. London, 1815. 2427, D. The same. Philadelphia, 1815. Porter, 1321, Q,. Flowers of the lives of the most renowned saints of the three kingdonis of England, Ireland, and Scotland. By Hierome Porter. Do way, 1632. P. Eibadeneyra, 745, F. The lives of saints, with other feasts of the year accord- ing to the Roman calendar. By the Rev. Peter Ribadeneyra. Trans- lated from the Spanish. St. Omers, 1669. P. Whitaker, 3969, O. The life of St. Neot, the oldest of all the brothers to king Alfred. By the Rev. John Whitaker, D. D. London, 1809. 472, D. A short account of the lives and sufferings of several godly persons who died in England, for the sake of the gospel, in the reigns of king Henry the eighth, and Queen Mary. Corke, 1731. 132 RELIGION. BIBLE, MISSIONARY, AND OTHER SOCIETIES. Bormack, 4580, O. Account of the abolition of female infanticide in Guzerat, with considerations on the question of promoting the gos^iel in India. By the Rev. John Bormack, A. M. London, 1815. Brainerd., 202, O. An account of the rise and progress of a remarkable work of grace, amongst a number of Indians in New Jersey and Pennsyl- vania ; with some general remarks. By David Brainerd. Philadelphia. 449, D. An abridgement of David Brainerd's journal among the In- dians ; or the rise and progress of a remarkable work of grace among a number of Indians in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. By David Brainerd. London, 1748. Brown^ 4767, O. The history of the propagation of Christianity among the heathen since the reformation. By the Rev. William Brown, M. D. 2 vols. London, 1814. Bucharij 2005, Q,. 6. Petition to the lords of council and session, of George Bu- chan, Esq. and others, members of the bible societies of Edinburgh and Glasgow, against lord Meadowbank's interlocutor. Edinburgh, 1825. Burdert 2851, D. Missionary anecdotes, in two parts. By George Burder. A new edition. London, 1821. Crawford, 3721, O. 179, 1296, 4. & 1859, D. 5. An essay on the propagation of the gospel. By Charles Crawford. Philadelphia, 1801. No. 179, gift of the author. Daggett, 5432, D. 4. An inauguration address delivered at the opening of the foreign mission school. May 6th, 1818. By Herman Daggett. Eliza- beth town, 1819. Douglass, 1341, D. Journal of a mission to part of the highlands of Scotland, in the summer and harvest of 1797; designed to show the state of religion in that country. By N. Douglass. Edinburgh, 1799. Dudley, 5491, O. An analysis of the system of the bible society throughout its various parts ; including a sketch of auxiliary and branch societies and bible associations. By C. S. Dudley. London, 1821. Elliot, 951, O. 5. Elliot and Mayhew's narrative of the progress of the gospel among the Indians in New England. London, 1 653. Ellis, 7852, O. 2. A vindication of the South Sea missions from the misrepre- sentations of Otto Von Kotzebue. With an appendix. By William Ellis. London, 1831. Heckewelder, 5336, O. A narrative of the mission of the united brethren, among the Delaware and Mohegan Indians, from 1740 to 1808, interspersed with anecdotes, facts, and other interesting matter. By John Hecke- welder. Philadelphia, 1820. Hopkins, 1512, O. 2. Hopkins' historical memoirs, relating to the Housatunnuk Indians ; or an account of the methods used by John Sergeant for the propagation of the gospel among them. Boston, 1753. Humphreys, 342, O. An historical account of the incorporated society for the propagation of the gospel in foreign parts. By David Humphreys. London, 1730. Jowett, 5605, O. Christian researches in the Mediterranean, from 1815, to 1820, in furtherance of the objects of the church missionary society. By the Rev. Wm. Jowett, M. A. With an appendix containing the journal of the Rev. James Connor, chiefly in Syria and Palestine. London, 1822. Judson, 3248, D. An account of the American Baptist mission to the Burman empire. By Ann H. Judson. London, 1827. BIBLE AND MISSIONARY SOCIETIES. 1^3 Lord, 4413, D. A compendious history of the principal protestant missions to the heathen. Compiled by E. Lord. 2 vols. Boston, 1813. LosMeU 1864, O. Mission der evangelischen briider under den Indiandern in Nord Amerika durch George Heinrich Loskiel. Barby, 1789. Gift of the Reverend John Ettwein. 21 18, 2160, & 4063, O. History of the missions of the united brethren, among the Indians in North America. By George Henry Loskiel. Translated from the German, by C. I. Latrobe. London, 1794. Lushington, 6135, O. The history, design, and present state of the religious, benevolent, and charitable institutions, founded by the British in Cal- cutta and its vicinity. By Charles Lushington, Esq. Calcutta, 1824. Muratorii 350, & 3416, D. A relation of the missions of Paraguay. Wrote originally in Italian, by M. Muratori, and now done into English from the French translation. Map. London, 1759. Nieldt 3986, O. An account of the rise, progress, and present state of the society for the discharge and relief of persons imprisoned for small debts, throughout England and Wales. By James Nield, Esq. Lon- don, 1808. Oweny 4816, & 5099, O. The history of the origin and first ten years of the British and Foreign Bible Society. By the Rev. John Owen. Lon- don, 1816. 2 vols. Gift of Robert Barclay, Esq, Rippon^ 5663, O. A discourse on the origin and progress of the society for promoting religious knowledge among the poor. By John Rippon, D. D. London, 1802. Gift of S. Trovers. Staughton, 4904, D. The Baptist mission in India : containing a narrative of the rise, progress, and present condition, with a description of Bengal. Selected by W. Staughton, D. D. Philadelphia, 1811. Steinkopff, 2372, D. Letters relative to a tour on the continent, undertaken at the request of the committee of the British and Foreign Bible Society, in 1812, by the Rev. Ch. Fr. A. Steinkopff. London, 1814. Westy 6383, O. Journal of a Mission to the Indians of the British provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, and the Mohawks, on the Ouse, or Grand River, Upper Canada. By John West, A. M. London, 1827. Wheelock^ 1570, O. 8. A narrative of the original design, rise, progress, and present state of the Indian charity school at Lebanon, in Connecticut. By Eleazer Wheelock. Boston, 1763. Whitfield, 478, Q,. 6. Discovery of the state of the Indians in New England, concerning the progress of the gospel amongst them. By George Whitfield. London, 1651. 478, d. 7. 8. A manifestation of the progress of the gospel amongst the In- dians in New England. London, 1652. 478, d. 9. An account of the society for propagating the gospel in foreign parts. London, 1706. 1564, O. 3. A candid examination of Doctor Mayhew's observations on the character and conduct of the society for the propagation of the gospel in foreign parts. To which is added, a letter to a friend, containing a short vindication of the said society. By one of its members. Boston, 1763. 1976, O. 3. Account of some late proceedings of" The society for promoting Christian knowledge." London, 1789. 3670, O. 3. Excellence of the holy scriptures, an argument for their more general dispersion at home and abroad. 2d edit. London, 1803. 3735, O. 6. The first report of the British and ForeignBible Society. Lond. 1805. 4473, O. 5. Third report of the British and Foreign Bible Society. London, 1807. 134 RELIGION. 4494, O. Reports of tlie British and Foreign Bible society, with extracts from the correspondence from 1805 to 1813. 3 vols. London, 1813. Gift of Joseph R. Paxson. 4525, O. Some transactions between the Indians and Friends in Pennsyl- vania, in 1791 and 1792. London, 1792. 7318, O. 6. First annual report of the Bible Association of Friends in America. Philadelphia, 1830. 7320, O. 1 . Second annual report of the Bible Association of Friends in Ame- rica. Philadelphia, 1831. 8628, O. 4. An account of the Irish Evangelical Society. London, 1815. 8688, O. The first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth annual reports of the American Sunday School Union, 1825 to 1832, inclusive. Philadelphia, Gift of J. J. Barclay, Esq. 7320, O. 2. The seventh annual report of the Sunday School Union. 1831. 7320, O. 6. Proceedings of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the protestant Episcopal church of America. Philad. 1831. 7317, O. 9. Annual Report of the Protestant Episcopal Sunday and Adult School society for 1831, Philadelphia. 7320, O. 3. Sixteenth annual report of the Philadelphia Orphan Society. 1831. 7320, O. 4. Anniversary Report of the Pennsylvania Society for Discouraging the Use of Ardent Spirits. May, 1831. 7192, O. 11. Report of the Pennsylvania Society for Discouraging the Use of Ardent Spirits, presented at their annual meeting, 1829. 7318, O. 11. Articles of association, and reports of the Female Hospitable Society of Philadelphia. 1831. 7318, O. 8. Constitution of the Union Benevolent Association and report explanatory of its object. Philadelphia, 1831. 7320, 8. & 9092, O. 2. Report of the committee to investigate the evil of lotteries in Pennsylvania. 1831. 9096, O. Reports of the board of trustees of the society of the protestant Episcopal church, for the advancement of Christianity in Pennsylvania. Phila- delphia, 1813. 9129, O. 3. Report of the Temperance Society. Philadelphia, 1828. PAGANISM— MAHOMEDANISM— MYTHOLOGY. Baniert 318, & 1762, O. The mythology and fables of the ancients explained from history. By the Abbe Banier. Translated from the French. 4 vols. London, 1739. Blackwell, 478, & 7887, O. Letters concerning mythology. By Thomas Black well, M. A. London, 1748. Bryant i 288, Q,. An analysis of ancient mythology, wherein an attempt is made to divest tradition of fables, &c. By Jacob Bryant. 2 vols. London, 1774. Chompret 5371, D. Dictionnaire abrege de la fable, pour I'intelligence des poetes, des tableaux et des statues, par M. Chompre. A Paris, 1774. ChotUy 1263, Q,. Discours de la religion des anciens Romains. Par Guillaume Choul. Wesel, 1672. P. CUrc^ //€, 3101, & 6546, O. The religion of the ancient Greeks illustrated, by an explanation of their mythology. Translated from the French of M. Le Clerc de Septchenes. London, 1788. P. ^ M. Coleman^ 2228, d. The mythology of the Hindus, with notices of various mountain and island tribes inhabiting the two peninsulas of India and the neighbouring islands. With plates. By Charles Coleman, Esq. London, 1832. PAGANISM MAHOMEDANISM — MYTHOLOGY. I3S Eusebius^ 6896, O. The history of ancient Paganism, as delivered by Eusebius, &c. With critical and historical notes, &c. London, 1743. Fabeti 1673, Q,. The origin of Pagan idolatry ascertained from historical testi- mony and circumstantial evidence. By George S. Faber. 3 vols. London, 1816. 2976, O. A dissertation on the mysteries of the Cabiri ; or the great gods of Phenicia, Samothrace, Egypt, Troas, Greece, Italy, and Crete. By George Stanley Faber, A. M. 2 vols. Oxford, 1803. Farmer^ 65 1 5, O. The general prevalence of the worship of human spirits, in the ancient heathen nations, asserted and proved. By Hugh Farmer. London, 1783. M. Fontenelle, 312, D. The history of oracles. Translated from the French of M. de Fontenelle. London, 1750. 1655, D. The history of oracles, and the cheats of the Pagan priests. Translated from the French by M. de Fontenelle. London, 1688. P. Forstevj 7164, O. Mahoraetanism unveiled, an inquiry into that arch-heresy, its diffusion and continuance, tending to confirm the evidences, and aid the propagation of Christian faith. By the Rev. Charles Forster, B. D. 2 vols. London, 1829. Gale, 1695, & 3440, O. Opuscula mythologica, physica et ethica, Graec^ et Latins. Op. Thomas Gale. Amstelodami, 1688. P. Herbert t 560, Q,. De religione Gentilium errorumque apud eos causis. Authore Eduardo barone Herbert de Cherbury. Amst. 1663. L. Higginsy 1923, Q. The Celtic druids. By Godfrey Higgins, Esq. London, 1827. Horty 1991, D. The new pantheon; or, an introduction to the theology of the ancients. By W. Jellard Hort. London, 1808. Hugou de Bassville, 6926, O. Elemens de Mythologie, avec I'Analyse des Poemes d'Homere et de Virgile, &c. &c. Par M. Hugou de Bassville, Gouverneur, &c. de MM. Morris, de Philadelphie. A Geneve, 1784. Keightleyy 8886, O. The mythology of ancient Greece and Italy. By Thomas Keightley. London, 1831. 3232, D. The fairy mythology. By Thomas Keightley, 2 vols. London, 1828. King, 3636, D. An account of the heathen gods and heroes ; necessary for the understanding of the ancient poets, &c. By Dr. King. Plates. Lon- don, 1731. Marolles, de, 434, & 5171, D. The temple of the muses ; or the principal histo- ries of fabulous antiquity ; with explications and remarks. Translated from the French of the Abbe de Marolles. London, 1738. Mayo, 7989, O. The mythology of the Greeks and Romans ; illustrated by ana- lytical tables, a genealogical chart, and 30 plates. Compiled by Robert Mayo, M. D. Philadelphia, 1819. Mills, 4975, O. The history of Muhammedanism ; comprising the life and cha- racter of the Arabian prophet, an inquiry into the theokjgical and juridical codes of the Muselmans, and the literature and sciences of the Saracens and Turks. By Charles Mills. London, 1817. A/oor, 1502, Q. The Hindu pantheon. By Edward Moor. London, 1810. Ogilvie, 2311, O. A comparison of the theology of Plato, with the principles^ of oriental and Grecian philosophers. By John Ogilvie, M. D. Lon- don. Pitts, 333, D. An account -of the religion and manners of the Mahometans ; with a relation of their pilgrimage to Mecca, &c. By Joseph Pitts. 4th edit. London, 1738. Prideaitx, 110, O. The true nature of imposture, fully displayed in the life of Mahomet ; with a discourse vindicating Christianity from this charge. By Humphrey Prideaux, D. D. 8th edit. London, 1723. 136 RELIGION. Prichardy 5339, O. An analysis of the Egyptian mythology ; to which is sub- joined, a critical examination of the remains of Egyptian clironology. By J. C. Prichaid, M. D. London, 1819. Plutarch, 1069, O. Plutarchi de Iside et Osiride liber; a treatise of Isis and Osiris. Greek and English. Translated by Samuel Squire. Cam- bridge, 1744. Rabadan, 8450, 0. Mahometanism fully explained ; containing many surprising passages not to be found in any other author. Written in Arabick. By Mahomet Rabadan. Translated with notes, by J. Morgan. 2 vols. London, 1723. Ryer, 8277, O. The Koran ; commonly called the Alcoran of Mahomet. Trans- lated from the Arabick into French. By the Sieur de Ryer. Trans- lated into English. Springfield, 1806. Sak, 126, & 127, Q. The Koran, commonly called the Alcoran of Mohammed. Translated from the original Arabic, with explanatory notes. By George Sale. London, 1734. 1160, & 1171, a The same. P. SchediuSj 884, D. Eliae Schedii de diis Germanis, sive veterum Germanorum, Gallorum, Britannorum, Vandalorum religione syngrammata quatuor. Amsterodami, 1648. L. 1698, D. The same. P. Taylor, 5920, D. The history of Mohammedanism and its sects, derived prin- cipally from oriental sources. By W. C. Taylor, B. A, London, 1834. Tindal, 2284, & 3294, D. A guide to classical learning, or Polymetis abridged. By N. Tindal. London, 1768. Tooke, 2602, D. Tooke's pantheon of the heathen gods, and illustrious heroes; revised for a classical course of education. Baltimore, 1817. Tressan, de, 3534, D. La mythologie comparee avec I'Histoire ; par M. I'Abbe de Tressan, &c. Avec des Recherches sur I'ancienne religion des Habitans du Nord. Avec planches. 2 torn. A Paris, 1818. 2453, O. Tressan's mythology compared with history; or the fables of the ancients, elucidated from historical records ; with an account of the ancient druids. Translated from the French by H. North. Lon- don, 1797. Spence, 292, F. Polymetis ; or an inquiry concerning the agreement between the works of the Roman poets, and remains of the ancient artists. With plates. By the Rev. Mr. Spence. London, 1755. 678, F. The same. London, 1747. P, Upham, 9056, O. The Mahavansi, the Raja-Tatnacari, and the Rajah-Vali, forming the sacred and historical books of Ceylon. Translated from the Singhalese. Edited by Edward Upham. 3 vols. London, 1833. VossiuSj 550, Q,. Gerardi Joannis Vossii de theologia Gentili et physiologia Christiana, sive de origine ac progressu idololatriae, deque naturae mi- randis quibus homo adducitur ad Deum. Amsterdam!, 1642. L. 3925, D. History of the heathen gods, &c. Glasgow, 1781. CLASS 11. GENERAL TREATISES ON LAWS. ^ustin^ 8710, O. The province of jurisprudence determined. By John Austin, Esq. London, 1832. Aylva, 562, Q^ 9. Specimen juris universalis juxta atque civilis inaugurale, ex- hibens quaedam de servitute. Authore A. B. Aylva. Franequerae, 1770. Betters, 155, & 237, Q,. 1. A delineation of universal law. By Fettiplace Bellers. London, 1750. 3d edit. London, 1754. Bocerus, 1106, D. Henrici Boceri de jurisdictione tractatus singulari studio et methodo adornatus ; in scholis et foro utilissimus. Tvbingae, 1609. Gift of John C. Rtdeger. 1106, D. 2. Henrici Boceri tractatus de regalibus. Tubingae, 1608. Bentham, 5156, O. Papers relative to codification and public instruction ; in- cluding correspondence with the Russian emperor, and divers consti- tuted authorities in the American United States. By Jeremy Bentham. London, 1817. Cataneo, de, 570, O. The source, strength, and true spirit of laws ; in which the errors of Mr. De Montesquieu, and some other writers, are considered ; with essays on the natural origin of political governments. By Count de Cataneo. London, 1753. Dawson, 86, F. Origo legum ; or a treatise of the origin of laws. By George Dawson. London, 1694. Filangieri, 5233, O. La scienza della legislazione de Cavalier Gaetano Filan- gieri. Catania, 1789. 8 vols. Gift of E. Paxson, Esq. 2000, O. Filangieri on the science of legislation. Translated from the Italian, by William Kendall. London, 1792. Goguet, de, 988, O. The origin of laws, arts, and sciences ; and their progress among the most ancient nations. Translated from the French of the president De Goguet. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1761. Heraldus, 407, D. Heraldus de rervm judicatarvm auctoritate. Parisiis, 1640. Lenglet, 9091, O. 15. Observations sur Montesquieu. Par M. Lenglet. A Lille, 1787. Michel, 2^Q\,0. Principles of legislation. By Charles Michel. London, 1796. Montesquieu, 70, & 73, O. The spirit of laws. By Baron de Montesquieu. Translated from the French, with corrections and additions, by the author. 2 vols. London, 1750. 2d edit. London, 1752. 1533, D. The spirit of laws. By Baron de Montesquieu. Trans- lated from the French. 3d edit. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1762. P. Schmid, 6728. Principes de la legislation universelle. Par G. L. Schmid, 2 tom. A Amsterdam, 1776. Somers, 1859, D. 2. The judgments of whole kingdoms and nations, concern- ing the rights, power, and prerogative of kings, and the rights, privi- leges, and properties of the people. By Lord Somers. Philadelphia, 1773. 18 133 JURISPRUDENCE. Spencty 6155, O. An inquiry into the origin of the laws and political institu- tions of modern Europe ; particularly of those of England. By George Spence, Esq. London, 1826. Theodortt, 3119, O. 5. Thoma^ Comber's treatise of laws, from the Greek of Sylburgius's edition of Theodoret, bishop of Cyricus his therapeutica. Cambridge, 1776. P. Tracy, 4230, &- 7605, O. A commentary and review of Montesquieu's spirit of laws ; prepared for the press from the original manuscript ; with observations on the thirty-first book, by the late M. Condorcet, and two letters of Helvetius on the merits of the same work. By Destut T racy. Philadel phia, 1811. Volcmarus, 2907, D. De jure principium aliorumque magistratuum. Auctore B. Volcmaro. Francofurti, 1618. Gift of M. Carey. 2666, O. Institvtiones ivrisprvdentiae vniversalis. Editio secunda. lense, 1745. Gift of M. Carey. 1335, D. Juris public! prudentia compendio exhibita. Francofurti, 1750. Gift of M, Carey. LAW OF NATURE AND OF NATIONS. Burlamaqui, 77, O. The principles of natural law ; in which the true systems of morality and civil government are established ; and the different sentiments of Grotius, Hobbes, Pufendorf, Barbeyrac, Locke, Clark, and Hutchinson, occasionally considered. By J. J. Burlamaqui. Translated by Mr. Nugent. London, 1748. 85, O. The principles of politic law ; being a sequel to the princi- ples of natural law. By J. J. Burlamaqui. Translated into English, by Mr. Nugent. London, 1752. 694, Q,. Abrege du droit naturel par J. J. Burlamaqui. 2 tomes. A Geneve, 1750. Manuscript. Gift of Mrs. Penn. Bynkershoek, 4 1 76, O. A treatise on the law of war ; translated from the ori- ginal Latin of Cornelius Van Bynkershoek ; being the first book of his quesliones juris publici, with notes, by Peter S. Duponceau, Esq. Philadelphia, 1810. Gift of the Translator. Comeiras, 6780, O. La Voix du Sage, ou I'interet de peuples bien entendu, dans I'exercice du droit de guerre et de conquete. Par Delpuech Comeiras. A Paris, 1800. Itnettf 1649, D. Fineti philoxenis ; some choice observations of Sir John Fi- nett, knt. master of ceremonies to the two last kings ; touching the reception and treatment of foreign ambassadours in Holland. Lon- don, 1656. £den, 5788, O. An historical sketch of the international policy of Europe, as connected with the principles of the law of nature and of nations, con- cluding with some remarks on the holy alliance. By the Hon. Frede- rick Eden. London, 1823. Grotius, 1713, O. Hugonis Grotii de jure belli ac pacis libri tres, accesserunt etannotata in epistolam Pau liad Philemonem. Amsterdam!, 1646. L. ' 3255, O. Hugonis Grotii de jure belli ac pacis, libr! tres. Amstelo- dami, 1670. P. 54, F. The rights of war and peace ; wherein are explained the law of nature and nations. Written in Latin, by Hugo Grotius, and translated into English. With the notes of Mr. Barbeyrac. London, 1738. 757, F. The same. P. LAW OF NATURE AND OF NATIONS. 139 Hay, 6970, O. 14. A treatise on expatriation. By George Hay. Washington, 1814. 5645, 0. An essay on naturalization and allegiance. By George Hay. Washington, 1816. Heineccius, 627, O. A methodical system of universal law ; or the laws of na- ture and nations deduced from certain principles, and applied to pro- per cases. By Jo. Got. Heineccius. Translated by George TurnbuU. To which is added, a discourse upon the nature and origin of moral and civil laws. 2 vols. London, 1751. Justice^ 207, Q,. A general treatise of the dominion and laws of the sea. By Alexander Justice. London, 1705. Mackintosh, 2948, 0. 2. A discourse on the study of the law of nature and na- tions ; introductory to a course of lectures on that science. By Sir James Mackintosh, 3d edit. London, 1800. Ogilivie, 2997, O. 2. Essays on the right of property in land, with respect to its foundation in the law of nature, &c. By Mr. Ogilivie. London, 1781. Gift of the author. Pontanus, 424, D. Pontani discvssionvm historicarvm libri duo quibus praeci- pue quatenus et quodnam mare liberum, vel non liberum clausumque accipiendum dispicitur expenditurque. Harderovici, 1637. NaUy 5984, D. B. S. Nau's Grundsatze des Volkerseerecht. Hamburgh, 1802. Puffendorf ?86, D. S. Puffendorfii de officio hominis et civis juxta legem na- turalem, libri duo. Cantabrigiae, 1701. L. 3678, D. Les devoirs de I'homme et du citoyen, tels qu'ils sont presents par la loi naturelle. Traduits du Latin du Baron de Puf- fendorff. Par Jean Barbeyrac. Portrait. 3 torn. A Amsterdam, 1756. 1155, Q,. Droit de la nature et des gens, ou systeme generale des principes les plus importans de la morale, de la jurisprudence et de la politique. Par le Baron de Puffendorf. Traduit du Latin, par J. Bar- beyrac. 2 vols. Amsterdam, 1734. P. — 258, & 768, F. Puffendorf on the law of nature and nations : with the notes of Mr. Barbeyrac. To which is prefixed, Mr. Barbeyrac's historical and critical account of the science of morality, and the pro- gress it has made in the world. London, 1729. Rutherford, 303, O. Institute of natural law ; being the substance of a course of lectures on Grotius de jure belli et pacis. By T. Rutherford. 2 vols. Cambridge, 1754. Sharp, 1339, 0. A tract on the law of nature and principles of action in man. By Granville Sharp. London, 1777. Gift of the author. Schlegel, 8597, 0. 2. An impartial examination of the right of search of neutral vessels. By J. F. W. Schlegel. Philadelphia, 1801. Selden, 908, F. Joannis Seldeni mare clausum, seu de dominio maris libri duo. Londini, 1635. P. Tyrrell, 937, 0. A brief disquisition of the law of nature, according to the me- thod of Doctor Cumberland's Latin treatise on that subject ; with a confutation of Mr. Hobbe's principles. By Sir James Tyrrell. Lon- don, 1692. Vattel, 303, a. Le droit des gens par M. De Vattel. Amsterdam, 1775. Gift of Mr. Dumas. ' 224, Gt The law of nations ; or principles of the law of nature, applied to the conduct and affairs of nations and sovereigns. Translated from the French of M. De Vattel. 2 vols in one. London, 1760. 2427, O. The same. A new edition with notes. London, 1797. Volney, 3926, D. The law of nature ; or, principles of morality deduced from the physical constitution of mankind and the universe. By C. F. Vol- ney. Philadelphia, 1796. 140 JURISPRUDENCE. ffardt 2171, & 2348, 0. An enquiry into the foundation and history of the law of nations in Europe, from the time of the Greeks and Romans, to the age of Grotius. By Robert Ward. 2 vols. London, 1795. Warden^ 4714, 0. On the origin, nature, progress and influence, of consular establishments. By D. B. Warden. Paris, 1813. fficqueforty 544, F. Wicquefort's ambassador and his functions ; with an his- torical discourse concerning tlie election of the emperor and the elec- tors. Translated into EngHsh by John Digby. London. 2032, O. The secret history of the armed neutrality. With memoirs, offi- cial letters and state papers, illustrative of that celebrated confederacy. Trans- lated from the French. London, 1792. 2826, O. A collection of public acts and papers, relating to the principles of the £u-med neutrality, brought forward in the years 1780 and 1781. London, 1801. 3894, 0. 1. War in disguise ; or the frauds of the neutral flags. New York, 1806. 3894, 2. & 3897, O. 1. An answer to war in disguise ; or, remarks upon the new doctrine of England, concerning neutral trade. New York, 1806. 3894, 3. & 3897, O. 2. Examination of the British doctrine which subjects to capture a neutral trade not open in time of peace. 9128, 0. 3. Letters and instructions from Sir William Scott and Dr. John Ni- choll, prepared at the instance of Mr. Jay, (relative to the capture of enemies' property in neutral vessels.) London, 1794. 991, D. 4. Extract from the journals of congress relative to the capture and condemnation of prizes, &c. Philadelphia, 1776. TREATIES. 1179, F. Treaties, conventions and £ill public acts between the kings of England and all foreign powers from the arrival of William the first, 1066, to our times. 3 vols, each in two parts. Bringing them down to 57 Edw. 3. A. D. 1377. London, 1816—1830. Gift of the British Government. 244, O. A general collection of treaties of peace and commerce, renuncia- tions, manifestoes, and other public papers; from the year 1642, to the year 1731. 4 vols. London, 1732. 116, Q. An abridgment of the public treaties, commencing with the treaty of Munster, in 1648. London, 1747. 1 175, O. A collection of all the treaties of peace, alliance and commerce, be- tween Great Britain and other powers, from the revolution in 1 688, to the pre- sent time. 2 vols. London, 1782. 2122, O. A collection of treaties between Great Britain and other powers. By George Chalmers, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1790. 797, D. 9. A treaty for the sick, wounded and prisoners of war, of the land forces of his Britannic majesty, and of his most Christian majesty. Philadel- phia, 1777. 796, D. 13. The treaty of amity and commerce, and of alliance, between France and the United States of America. With the articles of confederation. Lancaster, 1778. 463, Q. 1 1. The treaties of amity and commerce, and of adliance, between his most Christian majesty and. the United States of America. Philadelphia, 1778. 2958, D. 3. Treaty of amity and commerce between his Britannic majesty and the United States of America. With a copious appendix. Philadelphia, 1795. 3669, O. 1 . A statement of the opinions given in the board of commissioners, under the sixth article of the treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation, with Great Britain. By J. M*Donald, Esq. Philadelphia, 1800. CIVIL — ECCLESIASTICAL LAW. 141 6336, O. Indian treaties, and laws and regulations relating to Indian affairs ; to which is added an appendix of papers relating to Indian affairs. Washing- ton, 1626. 966, F. Treaties and other documents, exhibiting the relations of the pro- vince of Pennsylvania with the Indians, from 172 J to 1756. MSS. 407, F. 1. A treaty held at Lancaster, in Pennsylvania, by the lieutenant- governor of the said province, and the commissioners of Virginia and Maryland, with the Indians of the six nations, in June, 1744. Philadelphia, 1744. 407, F. 2. A council held at Philadelphia, August, 1744, with the deputies of the Delaware Indians. 407, F. 3. An account of the treaty held at Albany, in the province of New York, by the governor of that province, and the commissioners of Massachu- setts, Connecticut and Pennsylvania, with the Indians of the six nations, in October, 1745. Philadelphia, 1746. 407, F. 4. A journal of the proceedings of the commissioners appointed for managing a treaty of peace, at Falmouth, September 29, 1749, with the eastern Indians. Boston. 407, F. 5. A journal of the proceedings of the commissioners, October 13, 1752, appointed to treat with the eastern Indians, to confirm a general peace. Boston, 1752. 407, F. 6. A journal of the proceedings at two conferences, held at Falmouth, June, 1754, between the governor of Massachusetts-bay, and the chiefs of the Norridgwalk and Penobscot Indians. Boston, 1754. 407, F. 7. A treaty between the government of New Jersey, and the Indians inhabiting the several parts of said province, held at Croswicks, in the county of Burlington, January, 1756. Philadelphia. 407, F. 9. A treaty with the Shawanese and Delaware Indians, negociated at fort Johnson, by Sir William Johnson. New York, 1757. 407, F. 10. A treaty held with the Ohio Indians, at Carlisle, in October, 1753. Philadelphia, 1753. 407, F. 11. Minutes of conferences, held with the Indians at Harris's ferry, and at Lancaster, in March, April, and May, 1757. Philadelphia, 1757. 407, F. 12. Proceedings and treaty with the Shawanese, Nanticokes, and Mohikander Indians, negociated at fort Johnson, by Sir William Johnson. New York, 1757. 407, 13. & 514, F. 1. Minutes of conferences, held with the Indians, at Easton, in July and August, 1757. Philadelphia, 1757. No. 514, 1. Gift of Pierre Du Similiere. 407, 14. & 514, F. 2. Minutes of conferences, held at Easton, in October, 1758, with the sachems and warriors of fourteen Indian nations. Philadelphia, 1759. No. 514, 2. CAft of Pierre Du Simitiere. 407, F. 15. Minutes of conferences, held at Easton, in August, 1761, with the sachems and warriors of eight Indian nations. Philadelphia, 1761. 407, 16. &/ 514, F. 3. Minutes of conferences, held at Lancaster, in August, 1762, with the sachems and warriors of several tribes of northern and western Indians. Philadelphia, 1763. No. 5\ 4^ S. Gift of Pierre Du Simitiere, ANCIENT, CIVIL, FEUDAL, AND ECCLESIASTICAL LAW. Mams, 1281,4. & 8590, O. 3. An essay on canon and feudal law. By John Adams. With the political character of the author. By an American. Philadelphia, 1783. Sever, 335, €1. History of the legal polity of the Roman senate ; and of the rise, progress, and extent of the Roman laws. By Thomas Bever, LL. D. London, 1781. 142 JURISPRUDENCE. Bruneman, 949, F. D. Joannis Brunemanni Jurisconsulti, commentarius in duodecim libros codicis Justiniani. Lus^d. 1 669. Bums, 3159, O. The ecclesiastical law. By Richard Burns, LL. D. 4 vols. London, 1767. P. Corvinus, 3963, D. Arnoldi Joh. F. Corvini, J. V. D. Digesta per Aphorismos strictim explicata. Amsterdam, ap. Elzevir, 1649. Dalrymple, 822, O. An essay towards a general history of feudal property in Great Britain. By John Dalrymple. 3d edit. London, 1758. Degges, 1503, D. Parson's councellor, with the law of tithes or tithing, in two books. By Sir Simon Degges. London, 1676. P. Domaf, 123, F. Civil law, in its natural order ; with the public law. Written in French by Monsieur Domat, and translated into English by William Strahan. To which are added, remarks on some material differences between the civil law and the law of England. 2d edit. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1738. Heineccius, 2182, D. Jo. Gottleib Heineccii Ic. et antecessoris elementa juris civilis secundum ordinem institutionum. Commoda auditoribus me- thodo adornata cum animadversionibus lo. Georg. Estor. Giessae, 1627. Gift of WiUiam M^Corkle. 2957, D. Jo. Gottl. Heineccii historia juris civilis Romani ac Ger- manici observationibus aucta. Jo. Dan. Ritteri et Jo. Mart. Silberadii accepit ejusdem historiae juris Gallicani epitome. Argentorati, 1765. 1333, D. Elementa ivris civilis secundum ordinem institutionum commoda avditoribus methodo adornata alo. Gottl. Heineccio. Bero- lini, 1752. Gift of Mathetv Carey. Hercddus, 407, D. Heraldi Desiderii. De rerum judicatarum auctoritate. Libri II. Parisiis, 1640. Hooker i 748, & 835, F. Lawes of ecclesiastical politic, in 8 books. By Richard Hooker. London, 1676. P. JensiuSi 2003, Q,. Joannis Jensii stricturae juris Romani. Rotterodami, 1737. Gift of Mathew Carey. Justinian, 7011, O. Justiniani institutionum. London, 1670. 941, F. Institutiones Justiniani, Graece et Latine. 1687. P. 1404, Q,. D. N. Justiniani institutionum, sive elementorum, libri quatuor. Lugd. Batav. 1744. 924, D. Justiniani constitutionum libri quatuor. Lugduni Batavo- rum, 1670. Z. 1690, D. Les institutes de I'empereur Justinien, traduits en Francois avec le Latin a cote. Par M. F. Helo. Paris, 1669. P. 64, Q,. The four books of Justinian's institutions. Translated into English, with notes. By George Harris. 2d edit. London, 1761. 1103, Q. The same. P. 1128,0. The same. London, 1756. P. 4390, O. The institutes of Justinian, with notes, by Thomas Cooper, Esq. Philadelphia, 1812. Gift of P. Byrne, the publicfher. , 1639, D. Traduction nouvelle des institutes de I'Empereur Justinien. Par Claude De Ferriere. Tom. 2. Lyon, 1718. P. Leake, 6315, O. 3. An edict of Dioclesian, fixing a maximum of prices through- out the Roman empire, A. D. 303. Published by W. M. Leake. Lon- don, 1826. Montague, 1333, Q,. Diatribae upon the first part of the late history of tithes. By Richard Montague. London, 1621. P. Pacius, 5745, O. Julii Pacii Isagogicorum in institutiones imperiales libri ix. digesta accurante Gerardo Wassenaer cum notis Abrahami de Wyck- ersloet. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1680. Pearson, 711, O. The case of tithes truly stated, clearly opened and fully re- solved. By Anthony Pearson. With a defence of some other princi- I COMMON — MERCANTILE LAW. 143 pies, held by the people called Quakers. London, 1730. Crijt of Tho- mas Carpenter. Flowden, 757, Q,. Church and state ; being an inquiry into the origin, nature and extent of ecclesiastical and civil authority, with reference to the British constitution. By Francis Plowden. London, 1795. Richard, 1345, Q,. A view of the civil and ecclesiastical law. By Sir Thomas Richard. 2d edit. Oxford, 1634. P. Savigny, 7057. O. The history of the Roman law, during the middle ages. , Translated from the original German of Carl Von Savigny. By E, Cathcart. Edinburgh, 1829. Schomberg, 1434, O. An historical and chronological view of the Roman law. With notes. By Alexander C. Schomberg. Oxford, 1785. Stillmgjieet, 1472, D. 2. Bishop of Worcester's discourse, concerning bonds of resignation of benefices in point of law and conscience. London, 1695. P, Sullivan, 272, Q,. An historical treatise of the feudal law and the constitution and laws of England ; with a commentary on magna charta. By Francis Stoughton Sullivan. London, 1722. Wood, 1 688, O. A new institute of the imperial or civil law. With notes. By Thomas Wood. 3d edit. London, 1721. L. 261, F. The same. To which is prefixed, a treatise of the first princi- ples of law in general. 4th edit. London, 1730. Zouch, 2916, D. Elementa jurisprudentiae definitionibus regulis et sententiis selectioribus juris civilis illustrata aut, Richard Zouch, LL. D. Oxoniae, 1629. L. 605,0,. Juris civilis compendium. Tomill. Genevae, 1750. MS. Gift of Airs. Penn. 1219,0,. Corpus juris canonici emandatum et notis illustratum. Coloniae, 1631. P. 6387, O. An historical essay on the laws and the government of Rome ; de- signed as an introduction to the study of the civil law. Cambridge, 1827. 8615, O. 2. A discussion of the subject of tithes. Dublin. 3970, D. An essay concerning the divine right of tythes. London, 1700. COMMON, CHANCERY, COMMERCIAL AND MERCANTILE LAW. Bache, 4246, O. The manual of a Pennsylvania justice of peace ; containing principally the laws, adjudications, and process for the exercise of his jurisdiction in civil cases. By Richard Bache. Philadelphia, 1810. Bacon, 2624, O. Elements of the common laws of England. By Sir Francis Bacon. London, 1 636. Gift of Henry Cox. Beawes, 57, F. Lex mercatoria rediviva ; or the merchant's directory. By Windham Beawes. 2d edit. London, 1761. Bentham, 2337, O. Protest against law taxes, showing the peculiar mischiev- ousness of all such impositions as add to the expense of appeal to jus- tice. By Jeremy Bentham, Esq. London, 1795. 501 1, O. 3. " Swear not at all;" containing an exposure of the need- lessness and mischievousness, as well as anti-Christianity of the cere- mony of an oath. By Jeremy Bentham. London, 1817. Bentham, 7059, O. Rationale of judicial evidence, specially applied to English practice. From the manuscripts of Jeremy Bentham, Esq. bencher of Lincoln's Inn. 5 vols. London, 1827. Blackstone, 42, & 257, O. Commentaries on the laws of England. By Wil- liam Blackstone. 3d edit. 4 vols. London, 1768. Oxford, 1770. 144 JURISPRUDENCE. Blacks tone J 3155, 0. Commentaries on the laws of England. By William Black- stone. 4 vols. Oxford, 1775. P. 834, O. Law tracts. By William Blackstone. 2 vols. London, 1746. 835, O. An analysis of the laws of Elngland. To which is prefixed, an introductory discourse of the study of law. By William Black- stone. 5tli edit. Oxford, 1762. 1990, Q,. An interesting appendix to Sir William Blackstone's com- mentaries on the laws of England. Containing, I. Priestley's remarks. n. Blackstone's reply to ditto. III. Priestley's answer to ditto. IV. The case of the late election in Middlesex considered, «fcc. V. Fur- neaux's letters to Blackstone, &c. VI. Argument of Mr. Justice Fos- ter and speech of lord Mansfield, &c. &c. Philadelphia, 1772. M. 2174, Q,. 2. A reply to Dr. Priestley's remarks on the fourth volume of tlie commentaries on the laws of England. By Sir William Black- stone. America, 1772. Blount, 1329, O. Blount's fragmenta antiquitatis ; or ancient tenures of land, and jocular customs of some manors. With notes, and an index of the obsolete difficult words. By Josiah Beckwith. York, 1784. BootCf 3615, D. A historical treatise of an action or suit at law, &c. By R. Boote. Dublin, 1791. Brackenridge, 4429, O. Law miscellanies ; containing an introduction to the study of the law, notes on Blackstone's commentaries, observations on Smith's edition of the laws of Pennsylvania, strictures on decisions of the supreme court of the United States, and on certain acts of con- gress, and a variety of other matters, chiefly original. By Hugh Henry Brackenridge. Philadelphia, 1814. Bridgman, 1032, F. Precedents of conveyancing. By Sir Orlando Bridgman. A new edition. By Thomas Page Johnson. London, 1682. BurgeSy 1 326, O. Considerations on the law of insolvency ; with a proposal for a reform. By James Bland Burges. London, 1783. Burnt 256, 1256, & 3158, O. The justice of the peace and parish officer. By Richard Burn, LL. D. 4 vols. London, 1772. P. Caines, 4187, O. An enquiry into the Law Merchant of the United States ; or, Lex Mercatoria Americana, on several heads of commercial import- ance. By George Caines, Esq. Vol. 1st. New York, 1812. CarCj 390, O. English liberties; or the free-born subject's inheritance. Com- piled by Henry Care. 4th edit. London, 1719. Chalmers, 5190, O. Opinions of eminent lawyers on various points of English jurisprudence, chiefly concerning the colonies, fisheries, and commerce ; collected and digested from the originals. By George Chalrfiers, Esq. 4 vols. London, 1814. Christian, 1950, O. An examination of precedents and principles; from which it appears, that an impeachment is determined by a dissolution of parliament ; with an appendix, in which all the precedents are collect- ed. By Edward Christian. 2d edit. London, 1790. Cooper, 9147, O. Notes resp)ecting registration and the extrinsic formalities of conveyances. By C. P. Cooper, Esq. London, 1831. 7127, O. A brief account of some of the most important proceedings in parliament relative to the defects in the administration of justice in the court of chancery, the house of Lords, and the court of commis- sioners of bankrupt. By C. P. Cooper, Esq. London, 1828. Gift of the author. 7126, O. Lettres sur la cour de la chancellerie, et quelques points de la jurisprudence Anglaise. Par M. C P. Cooper, avocat Anglais, A Londres, 1828. Gift of the author. COMMON MERCANTILE LAW. 145 Clifl, 950, F. A book of declarations, pleadings, verdicts, judgments, and ju- dicial writs, with the entries thereupon, by Henry Clift. Digested and published by Sir Charles Ingleby, Knt. London, 1703. Coke, 266, F. The first part of the institutes of the laws of England ; or a com- mentary upon Littleton. By Edward Coke. 12th edit. In the Savoy, 1738. 224, F. The second and third parts of the institutes of the laws of Eng- land. By Sir Edward Coke. 6th ed. 2 vols, in 1. London, 1680 — 1681. Colquhoun, 2996, O. 1. A treatise on the functions emd duties of a constable. By P. Colquhoun. London, 1803. Cunningham, 374, F. A law dictionary. By T. Cunningham. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1783. 55, O. The law of bills of exchange, promissory notes, bank notes and insurances; with rules for computing the exchange between England and the principal places of trade in Europe. By T. Cunning- ham. 2d edit. London, 1761. JDugdale, 7858, O. The history and antiquities of the four inns of court, and of the nine inns of chancery, also of sergeants inn, and scroops inn, ex- tracted from " Origines Juridiciales," written by Sir William Dugdale. Dublin, 1780. Duncombe, 135, O. Trials per Pais. The law of England concerning juries; with a complete treatise of the law of evidence. By Giles Duncombe. London, 1725. Gilbert, 721, O. The law and practice of ejectments. By Sir Geoffrey Gilbert. 2d edit. London, 1741. Godolphin, 165, Q,. The orphan's legacy ; or a testamentary abridgment. By John Godolphin. 4th edit. London, 1701. Germain, St., 1783, D. An exact abridgment of that excellent treatise called doctor and student. By Christopher St. Germain. London, 1630. P, 1066, D. Two dialogues between a doctor of divinity and a stu- dent in the laws of England, of the grounds of the said laws, and of conscience. London, 1709. Gift of Joseph Parker Norris. Hakewill, 923, Q,. 5. On the libertie of the subject, against the pretended power of impositions. By W. Hakewill. London, 1641. Hatvles, 800, D. 1. The Englishman's right; a dialogue between a barrister a law and a juryman. By Sir John Hawles. London, 1770. 8952, O. 1. The Englishman's right ; showing the office and duties of juries. By Sir John Hawles. Philadelphia, 1799. Highmore, 3358, D. An arrangement of accounts, necessary to be kept by executors and administrators of estates, &c. By A. Highmore. Lon- don, 1821. Hoffman, 4855, O. A course of legal study respectfully addressed to the stu- dents of law in the United States, by David Hoffinan. Baltimore, 1817. 6325, O. 2. A lecture introductory to a course of lectures delivering in the University of Maryland. By David Hoffman. Baltimore, 1826. Gift of the author. Horseman, 122, F. Precedents in conveyancing, settled and improved by Gilbert Horseman, and other eminent council. 2d edit. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1757. Jacob, 105, F. A new law dictionary. To which is annexed, a table of refer- ences to all the arguments of lord chief justice Holt. By Giles Jacob. 6th edit. London, 1750. 265, F. The common law common placed ; containing the substance and effects of all the common law cases. By Giles Jacob. 2d edit. London, 1733. 19 146 JURISPRUDENCE. Karnes, 225, F. Principles of equity. By Lord Karnes. Edinburgh, 1760. 615, O. Historical law-tracts. By Lord Kames. 2d edit. Edinburgh, 176L Kent, 6318, O. Commentaries on American law. By James Kent. 2 vols. New York, 1826—7. Kid, 1949, O. A treatise on the law of bills of exchange and promissory notes. By Stewart Kid. 2d edit. London, 1791. Knight, 923, Q. 4. A treatise of baile and maineprize. By R. Knight.' 2d edit. London, 1637. Lane, 2580, D. The student's guide through Lincoln's Inn : containing an ac- count of that honourable society, the forms of admission, keeping terms, call to the bar, and other useful information. By Thomas Lane. London, 1814. Lilly, 114, F. The practical conveyancer; containing rules for drawing all sorts of deeds, wills, &c. By John Lilly. London, 1742. Livermore, 4250, O. A treatise on the law relative to principles, agents, fac- tors, auctioneers, and brokers. By Samuel Livermore, Esq. Boston, 1811. Mackintosh, 6824, O. The study and practice of the law, considered in their various relations to society. In a series of letters. By a member of Lincoln's Inn. (Sir James Mackintosh.) Portland, 1 806. Magens, 25, Q,. An essay on insurances. To which is added, the famous insurance cause, pleaded before the house of lords. By Nicholas Ma- gens. 2 vols. London, 1755. Malynes, 203, F. Lex mercatoria ; or the ancient law-merchant. By Gerard Malynes. London, 1656. . 1104, F. Consuetodo vel Lex Mercatoria, or the ancient law-mer- chant. In three parts, according to the essentials of traffick. By Gerard Malynes. 3d edit. London, 1686. Marriot, 2346, O. 4. The country-gentleman's lawyer, and the farmer's com- plete library ; containing all the laws now in force which particularly relate to farmers, &c. By William Marriot, Esq. London, 1796. Marshall, 4216, O. A treatise on the law of insurance, in four books. By Samuel Marshall. Second American edition, including cases decided in the national and state courts of the United States, collected and arranged by Jonathan W. Condy. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1810. Maxwell, 2840, O. The spirit of marine law ; or compendium of the statutes relating to the admiralty. By John Irving Maxwell. London, 1800. Millar, 1919, O. Elements of the law relating to insurances. By John Millar, jun. Edinburgh, 1787. Molloy, 187, Q,. De jure maritimo et navali ; or a treatise of affairs maritime and of commerce. By Charles Molloy. 7th edit. 1722. Montejiore, 988, Q,. A commercial dictionary; containing the present state of mercantile law, practice, and custom. By Joshua Montefiore. Lon- don, 1803. 7982, O. Commercial and notarial precedents ; with an appendix, containing principles of law, relative to bills of exchange, insurance, and shipping. By Joshua Monteifiore. Philadelphia, 1803. Mortimer, 282 1 , 0. Lectures on the elements of commerce, politics and finance ; intended as a companion to Blackstone's commentaries on the laws of England. By Thomas Mortimer. London, 1801. Nelson, 1020, F. The country justice ; containing the practice, duty, and power of the justices of the peace. By Michael Dalton, Esq. With an ap- pendix and tables of the principal matters. By WiUiam Nelson, Esq. London, 1727. 265, D. The laws of England concerning hunting, hawking, fishing, and fowling. By William Nelson. 2d edit. London, 1753. COMMON — MERCANTILE LAW. 147 Park, 1804, O. A system of the law of marine insurances ; with three chapters on bottomry, on insurances on lives, and insurances against fire. By James Allan Park. Philadelphia, 1789. Piowden, 2407, O. A treatise upon the law of usury and annuities. By Fran- cis Plowden. London, 1797. Powell, 2192, O. An essay upon the law of contracts and agreements. By John Joseph Powell. 2 vols. London, 1790. Priestley, 2174, Q. 1. Remarks on some paragraphs in the fourth volume of Dr. Blackstone's commentaries, relating to the dissenters. By Joseph Priestley. America, 1772. 2174, Gt. 3. An answer to Dr. Blackstone's reply to Dr. Priestley's remarks. By Dr. Priestley. America, 1772. Read, 8283, O. The American pleader's assistant ; being a collection of ai> proved declarations, writs, &c. By CoUinson Read, Esq. Philadel- phia, 1806. Sedgwick, 917, Q,. Remarks critical and explanatory, on the commentaries of Sir William Blackstone. By James Sedgwick. London, 1800. Sharp, 1340. O. & 1463, D. 2. An account of the ancient division of the English nation into hundreds and tithings, by Gran\ille Sharp. London, 1784. Gift of the author. 1347, 0. 3. An address to the people of England ; being a protest against every suspension of law that is liable to endanger personal security. By Granville Sharp. Gift of the author, 1347, 0. 4. A tract concerning the doctrine of" Nullum tempus occurrit regi." By Granville Sharp. London, 1779. Gift of the author. Shaw, 8461, O. The practical justice of the peace; or a treatise showing the power and authority of that officer, in all its branches. By Joseph Shaw, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1733. Stanhope, 3240, O. Rights of juries defended, together with authorities of law in support of those rights ; and the objections to Mr. Fox's libel-bill refuted. By Charles, Earl of Stanhope. London, 1792. P. Simpson, 1012, O. 1. Reflections on the natural and acquired endowments requi- site for the study of the law. By Joseph Simpson. 4th edit. London, 1765. Stevens, 4856, O. An essay on average and on other subjects connected with the contract of marine insurance, by Robert Stevens. Philadelphia, 1817. 4920,0. The same. London, 1816. Somers, 1 587, O. 3. The security of Englishmen's lives ; or the trust, power, and duty of the grand juries of England. By Lord Somers. London, 1766. Swinburne, 302, F. A treatise of testaments and last wills ; compiled out of the laws ecclesiastical, civil, and canon. By Henry Swinburne. 6th edit. London, 1743. Tidd, 4910, D. The law of costs in civil actions. By William Tidd. Dublin, 1793. Tisdall, 8625, O. 2. Laws and usages respecting bills of exchange and pro- missory notes. By John Tisdall. Philadelpliia, 1795. Toller y 6832, O. The law of executors and administrators. By Samuel Toller, Esq. «&c. London, 1806. Tyler, 5906, D. Oaths ; their origin, nature, and history. By J. E. Tyler, D. D. London, 1834. Umfreville, 26, O. Lex coronatoria ; or the office and duty of coroners. By Edward Umfreville. 2 vols. London, 1761. Veil, De, 798, O. 6. Observations on the practice of a justice of the peace ; in- tended for such as design to act for Middlesex or Westminster. By T. De Veil. London, 1747. Watson, 2375, 6861, & 8179, O. A treatise of the law of partnership. By William Watson, Esq. London, 1794. 148 JURISPRUDENCE. TVeskett, 335, F. A complete digest of the theory, laws, and practice of insur- ance. By John Weskett. London, 1781. fVestt 2006, d. Symbolaeography, describing the methode and forme requisite to be observed in making of instruments extrajudicial!. By William West. London, 1597. Gift of M. Carey. Wheaton, 4705, O. A digest of the law of maritime captures and prizes. By Henry Wheaton, Esq. New York, 1815. ff^lson, 9109, O. 2. An introductory lecture to a course of law lectures, by James Wilson, LL. D. ; to which is added a plan of the lectures. Phi- ladelphia, 1791. 2084, O. A short treatise on the law relative to arbitration. By John Wilson, Esq. Hull, 1792. 8453, O. A practical treatise on fines and recoveries. By the late Serjeant Wilson. Dublin, 1792. Wingate, 1679, D. The body of the common law of England, as it stood in force before it was altered by statute, or acts of parUament or state. By E. Wingate. London, 1655. P, Wood, 186, F. Institutes of the laws of England. By Thomas Wood. 5th edit. London, 1734. WoodesoUj 418, & 1995, Q,. The elements of jurisprudence, treated of in the preliminary part of a course of lectures on the laws of England. By P. Woodeson. London, 1783. Wynne, 8373, O. Eunomus ; or dialogues concerning the law and constitution of England, with an essay on dialogue. By Edward Wynne, Esq. Dublin, 1791. 926, Q,. 13. Argvments upon the writ of habeas corpus, in the court of king's bench. London, 1649. 34, O. British liberties ; or the free-born subject's inheritance ; containing the laws that form the basis of those liberties, with observations thereon. 2d edit. London, 1767. 96, O. The student's law dictionary ; or complete English law-expositor. London, 1740. 443, O. 3. A letter concerning libels, warrants, and the seizure of papers. 6th edit. London, 1766. 468, O. 4. An inquiry into the nature and effect of the writ of habeas corpus. 2d edit. London, 1758. 1588, O. 11. An address to the several persons claiming under the Indian purchases, called The Mountain, Horseneck, and Van Gieson. By David Ogden, 1767. 1768, D. A manual or analecta, respecting the offices of a justice of peace. London, 1641. P. 4032, O. 4. Considerations on the abolition of the common law in the United States. Philadelphia, 1809. 4727, O. 2. Sampson against the Philistines, or the reformation of law-suits. Philadelphia, 1806. 5108, O. A disquisition on imprisonment for debt, as the practice exists in the state of New York. By Howard. New York, 1818. 5680, O. Defensio legis ; or the whole state of England inquisited and de- fended for a general satisfaction. By a person of honour. London, 1674. 5737, O. 2. Observations on the pernicious practice of the law. By Honestus. Boston, 1814. 6903, O. Every man his own lawyer, &c. &c. London, 1772. 7911,0. The conductor generalis; or the office, duty, and authority of justices of the peace, sheriffs, coroners, constables, &c. Philadelphia, 1801. 7828, O. The ship owner's manual, and seafaring man's assistant ; or an epitome of the laws and regulations, relative to the ship owner and merchant. Newcastle, 1806. 8589, O. 5. A letter on insolvency. Philadelphia, 1803. CONSTITUTIONAL MUNICIPAL LAW. 149 157, D. The complete juryman; or a compendium of the laws relating to jurors. London, 1752. 391, D. Precedents relating to judicial proceedings at common law. London, 1682. 2 103, D. Advice on the study of law ; with directions for the choice of books, and additional notes for the American student. Baltimore, 1811. 2803, D. Criticisms on the bar ; including strictures on the principal counsel practising in the courts of king's bench, common pleas, chancery, and exche- quer. By Amicus Curiae. London, 1819. 5134, D. The young clerk's magazine, or English law depository ; contain- ing a variety of useful precedents. Philadelphia, 1795. 5636, D. A catechism of American law. Adapted to popular use. Phila- delphia, 1832. Gift of S, C. Atkinson. CONSTITUTIONAL AND MUNICIPAL LAW AND COMMENTARIES. Adamst 854, D. Defence of the constitutions of government of the United States of America. By John Adams. Philadelphia, 1787. 2163. & 1848, O. Defence of the constitutions of government of the United States of America, against the attack of M. Turgot, in his let- ter to Dr. Price. 3 vols. By John Adams. London, 1788, & 1794. Bayard, 5616, D. A brief exposition of the constitution of the United States. With an appendix and index. By James Bayard. Philadelphia, 1833. Duer, 5781, D. Outlines of the constitutional jurisprudence of the United States. By Wm. A. Duer, LL. D. New York, 1833. Duponceau, 5862, D. A brief view of the constitution of the United States, ad- dressed to the law academy of Philadelphia. By Peter S. Duponceau. Philadelphia, 1834. Jefferson, 2807, D. A manual of parliamentary practice for the use of the senate of the United States. By Thomas Jefferson. 3d edit. Lancaster, 1813. Mansfield, 5965, D. The political grammar of the United States. By Edward D. Mansfield. New York, 1834. Mabley, 2960, D. Observations on the government and laws of the United States of America. By Abbi Mabley. Passy, 1783. Pownally 1494, O. The administration of the colonies ; wherein their rights and constitutions are discussed. By Thomas Pownall. 2d edit. Lon- don, 1765. 4th edit. London, 1768. Rawle, 5942, O. A view of the constitution of the United States of North America. By William Rawle. Philadelphia, 1825. Gift of the author. Sergeant, 5636, O. Constitutional law ; being a collection of points arising upon the constitution and jurisprudence of the United States, which have been settled by judicial decision and practice. By Thomas Ser- geant, Esq. Philadelphia, 1822. Smith, 776, Q,. Comparative view of the constitutions of the several states with each other, and with that of the United States. By William Smith. Philadelphia, 1796. Story, 8833, O. Commentaries on the constitution of the United States ; with a preliminary review of the constitutional history of the colonies and states, before the adoption of the constitution. By Joseph Story, LL. D. 3 vols. Boston, 1833. Taylor, 5848, 0. New views of the constitution of the United States. By John Taylor. Washington, 1823. ^lliams, 5624, D. The book of the constitution, containing the constitution of the United States, a synopsis of the several state constitutions, with other documents. By Edwin Williams. New York, 1833. 150 JUBISPRUDENCE. UNITED STATES. 3317, 0. 1. The charters of the British colonies in America. London. P. 2720, D. Constitutional law ; comprising the declaration of independence, the articles of confederation, the constitution of the United States, and of the several states. Washington, 1819. 8127, O. 4. Plan of the new constitution for the United States of America, agreed u[X)n in a convention of the states ; with a preface, by the editor. Lon- don, 1787. /». 3272, O. The constitutions of the several independent states of America ; the declaration of independence ; and the articles of confederation between the said states. Philadelphia printed. London reprinted, 1782. P. 4934, D. A collection of the constitutions of the United States of America. Glasgow, 1783. 1085, D. 1. Constitutions of the united and individual states of America, ac- cording to the latest amendments ; with the declaration of independence. Phi- ladelphia, 1791. Gift of Mathew Carey. 8607, O. 1. Constitution of the United States of America. London, 1794. 3658, D. The constitutions of the United States, &c. &c. &c. Philadelphia, 1800. 3701, D. The federalist : a collection of essays written in favour of the new constitution, as agreed upon by the federal convention, September 17th, 1787. 2 vols. New York, 1788. 5052, O. Laws of the United States of America, from the 4th March, 1789. to 4th March, 1815; including the constitution of the United States, treaties, and many other valuable ordinances and documents ; with copious notes and refer- ences. 5 vols. Philadelphia, 1815. 8406, O. Acts of the congress of the United States of America. Vols. 1st & 2d. Philadelphia, 1793. 2487, O. The laws of the United States of America, from June, 1789, to the present time. Published by Zephaniah Swift. 6 vols. Philadelphia, 1796, «Scc. 1968, O. Laws of the United States of America, from June 1, 1789, to March 3, 1791 ; with the federal constitution, the treaties, the declaration of indepen- dence, and sundry acts of congress under the confederation. Philadelphia, 1791. 2616, 9. & 2617, O. 9. Bills, with explanatory remarks, relative to the post- office, and post-roads, within the United States. Philadelphia, 1799. Gift of Jonathan IV. Condy. 2616, 10. & 2617, O. 10. Bill for the government of the navy of the United States. Philadelphia, 1799. 2616, &. 2617, O. 7. Bills to establish an uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United States. Philadelphia, 1798. 5739, O. 4. Remarks on the bankrupt law ; to which are added, the proposed amendments. By Civis. New York, 1819. 6739, O. 5. Speech of Mr. Sergeant in the house of representatives, March 7, 1822, on the bankrupt law. Washington, 1822. 5048, O. Acts passed at the first session of the fourteenth congress of the United States. Georgetown, 1815. Gift of the publis/ier. 4691, D. A digest of the revenue laws of the United States. By L. Adding- ton. Philadelphia, 1804. 6977, O. A digest of the laws of the United States, including an abstract of judicial decisions, with notes. By Thomas F. Gordon. Philadelphia, 1827. 5433, O. A digest of the laws of the United States of America, from March 4th, 1789, to May 15th, 1820; Including also the constitution, and the old act pf confederation. By Edward Ingersoll. Philadelphia, 1821. 9007, O. A system of civil and criminal law, for the district of Columbia, and for the organization of the courts therein. Washington, 1833. Gift of II. Binney^ Esq. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. 151 2261, O. A system of the laws of the state of Connecticut. By Zephaniah Swift. 2 vols. Windham, 1795. 8606, O. 1. The code of 1650; being a compilation of the earliest laws and orders of the general court of Connecticut ; also the constitution, or civil com- pact. To which is added some extracts from the laws commonly called blue laws. Hartford, 1822. 231, F. The laws of the government of Newcastle, Kent, and Sussex upon* Delaware. Philadelphia, 1752. 794, D. 13. An act for establishing a militia in the state of Delaware. 464, d. 12. The constitution of the state of Georgia. Georgia, 1777. 464, Q,. 13. An act for the better settling of intestates' estates, and an act for the securing the liberty of the subject. Georgia, 1777. 1568, O. 5. The charter of Maryland; with an abridgment of the acts of their assembly. 405, F. A collection of the laws of Maryland, from May 10, 1692, to October 3, 1728. Annapolis, 1727 and 1728. 3060, O. Ordinances of the corporation of the city of Baltimore, from Febru- ary, 1797, to May, 1798. Baltimore, 1798. Gift of Thomas P. Cope, Esq. 991, F. The charter granted to, and the laws of the province of, the Massa- chusetts Bay in New England. Boston, 1742. Gift of James Akin, 796, D. 8. The constitution of North Carolina. Philadelphia, 1779. 400, F. The grants, concessions, and original constitutions of New Jersey ; with the acts passed from 1664 to 1701. Philadelphia. 312, F. The acts of the assembly of the province of New Jersey, from the 17th day of April, 1702, to the 14th day of January, 1776. Revised by Samuel AUinson. Burlington, 1776. 421, F. The acts of the assembly of the province of New Jersey, from the year 1703 to 1761. Revised by Samuel Nevill. 2 vols. Woodbridge, 1752 «&. 1761. Gift of Zachariah Foulson, 403, F. The laws of New Jersey, from November 10, 1:773, to January 9, 1781. Trenton, 1774 & 1781. 514, F. 6. The acts passed by the general assembly of the state of New Jer- sey, from the 27th of August, 1776, to the 17th of March, 1777. To which is prefixed the constitution of the said state. Burlington, 1777. Gift of Joseph Crukshank. 794, D. 12. A supplement to the act for regulating the militja of New Jersey. Woodbridge, 1757. 462, Q,. 15. An act for regulating the militia of New Jersey. 1777. 1 582, O. 9. The ordinance of the convention of the state of New York, for establishing the government agreed to by the said convention. Fish-kill, 1777. 1532. O.^IO. The constitution of the state of New York. Philadelphia, 1777. * 7922, O. Laws of the state of New York ; published by authority. 2 vols. Albany, 1802. 397, F. The laws of the state of New York; commencing with the first ses- sion of the senate and assembly, after the declaration of independency, to the year 1782. Poughkeepsie. 412, F. 12. The charter of the city of New York. 1735. 412, F. 16. Laws made by the mayor, aldermen, and commonalty of the city of New York ; with the acts of the general assembly relating to the government of the said city. New York, 1763. . 53, Q,. A collection of charters, in manuscript, viz. the charter of Pennsylvania, granted by king Charles the second, to William Penn. Esq.; the charter of Wil- liam Penn to the freemen of the said province ; and the charter for erecting Phi- ladelphia into a city, by William Penn. 420, F. The charter and laws of the province of Pennsylvania and of the city of Philadelphia, from the year 1700 to 1742. Philadelphia, 1742. Gift of Zachariah Foulson. 1 52 JURISPRUDENCE. 233, F. The charters and laws of Pennsylvania. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1742. Gift of the assembly of Pennsylvania. 4 1 3, F. 2. A collection of charters and other public acts relating to Penn- sylvania. Philadelphia, 1740. 991, D. 5. Extracts from the votes of the assembly of Pennsylvania, contain- ing the articles of association. Philadelphia. 8629, O. 6. The constitution of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1776. 1582, O. 5. The constitution of Pennsylvania ; with the articles of confedera- tion of the United States of America. Philadelphia, 1781. 1321, 4. 2272, 6. 3742,7. & 9109, 5. Constitution of Pennsylvania; with the report of the committee of the council of censors thereon. Philadelphia, 1784. Gift of Josiah Hewes. 9110, O. 4. Report of the committee of the council of censors. Philadelphia, 1784. 1982, O. 3. Constitution of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1790. Gift of Zachariah Poulson. 4 1 3, F. 7. Defence of the legislative constitution of Pennsylvania as it now stands. Philadelphia, 1728. 4942, O. A digest of select British statutes, comprising those which appear to be in force in Pennsylvania, with some others ; with notes and illustrations. By Samuel Roberts. Pittsburgh, 1817. 4032, O. 5. Report of the judges of the supreme court of Pennsylvania, of the English statutes which are in force in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and of those of the said statutes which, in their opinion, ought to be incorporated into the statute law of this commonwealth. Lancaster, 1809. 1031, F. The laws of the province of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1728. 311,F. The acts of the assembly of Pennsylvania, from its first settlement, to the year 1781. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1776 and 1782. 399, F. The acts of the assembly of the state of Pennsylvania, from Novem- ber 28, 1776, to April 1, 1784. 558, F. Laws of Pennsylvania, from November twenty-eighth, 1776, to Oc- tober first, 1781; and from January eighth, 1791, to September twenty -third, 1794. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1782, &c. Gift of George Booth, 535, 536, 537, & 1116, F. The laws of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, from the second of October, 1781, to the twenty-second of February, 1801. By A. J. Dallas. 4 vols. (No. 537, 3 vols.) Gift of the Legislature of Penn- sylvania. 4226, 0. Laws of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, from the fourteenth day of October, 1700, to the twentieth of March, 1812. Republished under the authority of the legislature with notes and references, by Charles Smith, Esq. 5 vols. Philadelphia, 1810 — 12. 3069, 3070, & 3071, O. Laws of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, from the first day of December, 1801, to the fourth of April, 1835. Gift of the Legis- lature of Pennsylvania. 1758, 0. 1. A compilation of the poor laws of Pennsylvania, from the year 1700 to 1788, inclusive. Philadelphia, 1788. Gift of Zachariah Poulson. 794, D. II. A supplement to the acts of the assembly of Pennsylvania for the relief of the poor. Philadelphia, 1734. 1632, 0. 9. An act for regulating the general elections of Pennsylvania. Phi- ladelphia, 1785. 1773, O. 8. A supplement to the act, entitled, " An act for amending the se- veral acts for electing members of the assembly." Philadelphia, 1777. 2792, O. An abridgment of the laws of Pennsylvania, being a complete di- gest of all such acts of assembly as concern the commonwealth at large. By Collinson Read, Esq. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1801.' 4251, & 7766, O. An abridgment of the laws of Pennsylvania, from the year 1700 to the second of April, 1811 ; with references to reports of judicial de- CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. 153 cisions in the supreme court of Pennsylvania. By John Purdon, jun. Philadel- phia, 1811. 9092, O. 3. Report of the commissioners appointed to revise the civil code of Pennsylvania. Harrisburgh, 1832. 4268, O. Ordinances of the corporation of the city of Philadelphia ; to which are prefixed, the original charter, the act of incorporation, and other acts of as- sembly relating to the city ; with an appendix, notes and references. By John C. Lowber. Philadelphia, 1812. 5752, O. Ordinances of the corporation of the city of Philadelphia, 1815 — 1 82 1 . PhUadelphia, 1 82 1 . Gift of Joseph Read, Esq. 5753, & 7324, O. A digest of the ordinances of the corporation of the city of Philadelphia, and of the acts of assembly relating thereto. By John C. Lowber, and Clement S. MUler. Philadelphia, 1822. Gift of Joseph Read, Esq. 5807, O. The public laws of the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plan- tations, as revised by a committee, and finally enacted by the general assembly. Providence, 1798. 413, F. 6. An act for the establishment of a college or university in Rhode Island. Newport, 1764. 1 171, D. 9. Constitution of the state of Tennessee. Philadelphia, 1796. Gift of Thomas Condie. 261, O. 6. For the colony in Virginea Britannia. Lavves, diuine, morall and martiall. London, 1612. 1 5 1 3, O. An abridgment of all the public acts of the assembly of Virginia, in force, 1758. By John Mercer. Glasgow, 1759. 310, F. The acts of the assembly of Virginia ; with a supplement. Williams- burgh, 1769. FOREIGN— BRITISH. Acherly, 159, F. Britannic constitution; or the fundamental forms of govern- ment in Britain ; demonstrating the original contract entered into by king and people. By Roger Acherly. London, 1727. Allen, 7180, O. Inquiry into the rapid growth of the royal prerogative in Eng- land. By John Allen. London, 1830. AtkynSy 605, F. 1. An inquiry into the power of dispensing with penal statutes. By Sir Robert Atkyns. London, 1689. 605, F. 2. On the power, jurisdiction and privilege of parliament ; and the antiquity of the house of commons asserted ; occasioned by an information in the king's bench, by the attorney-general, against the speaker of the house of commons. Also, a discourse concerning the ecclesiastical jurisdiction in the realm of England. By Sir Robert At- kyns. London, 1689. Blackstone, 286, F. The great charter, and charter of the forest ; with other authentic instruments. To which is prefixed, an introductory dis- course, containing the history of the charters. By William Black- stone. Oxford, 1759. Cooper, 8736, O. An account of the most important public records of Great Britain, and the publications of the record commissioners. By C. P. Cooper, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1832. Custance, 2222, D. A concise view of the constitution of England. By George Custance. 2d edit. London, 1808. Davenant, 3405, O. A discourse upon grants and resumptions, that have pro- cured the crown revenue, and the forfeited estates. By Charles Da- venant, Esq. London, 1700. P. 20 154 JURISPRUDENCE. GurdoYiy 372, O. Tho history of the high court of parliament, and of court baron and court leet. 2 vols. By T. Gurdon, Esq. London, 1731. Hatsell, 401, Q. A collection of cases of the privileges of parliament, from the earliest periods, to the year 1628. By John Hatsell. London, 1776. Holies, 5678, O. A letter of a gentleman to his friend, showing that the bishops are not to be judges in parliament, in cases capital. By Lord D. Holies. London, 1679. Kelham, 2039, O. Domesday book ; containing an account of that ancient re- cord. By Robert Kelham. London, 1788. Lofty 9 11 5, O. 1. A dialogue on the principles of the constitution, &c. By Capel Loft. London, 1776. LolmCy de, 1787, O. The constitution of England ; or an account of the English government ; in which it is compared both with the republican form of government, and the other monarchies in Europe. By J. L. De Lolme. 2d edit. London, 1784. Molly neux, 1106, O. 2. The case of Ireland being bound by English statutes, stated. By William Mollyneux. London, 1770. Montesqueiv, 3317, O. 3. View of the English constitution, translated from the Baron de Montesqueiu, I'esprit des loix. London, 1781. P. Oldjield, 2452, O. The history of the original constitution of parliaments, from the time of the Britons to the present day. By T. H. B. Oldfield. London, 1797. Pelyly 32 1 , O. Lex parliamentaria ; or a treatise of the law and customs of parliaments. By George Petyt, Esq. 2d edit. London, 1690. JRamsay, 1034, O. An historical essay on the English constitution. By A. Ramsay. London, 1771. Hobertson, 1047, Q,. 3. Index, drawn up about the year 1629, of many records and charters granted by the different sovereigns of Scotland, between the years 1309 and 1413, most of which have been missing; with an introduction respecting the ancient records of Scotland, &c. By Wm. Robertson. Edinburgh, 1798. P. Selderiy 61, Q,. Historical and political discourses of the laws and government of England, from the earliest times to the end of the reign of queen Elizabeth. Collected from the notes of John Selden. By Nathaniel Bacon. 5th edit. London, 1760. Sharp, 3648, O. 1. An account of the constitutional English polity of congrega- tional court, and now particularly of the great annual court of the people, called the view of frankpledge. By Granville Sharp. London, 1786. P. Skene, J 975, Q. Regiam majestatem. The auld lawes and constitutions of Scotland. Faithfullie collected furth of the register, and other auld authentic bukes, fra the dayes of king Malcolme the second, untill the time of king James the first, of gude memorie, &c. &c. Be Sir John Skene, of Curriehill, &c. Quherto are adjoined twa treatises, the ane anent the order of proces observed before the lords of counsell and session, the other of crimes and judges in criminall causes. Printed conform to the first edition in 1609. Edinburgh, 1774. M. Stephen, 9201, O. The book of the constitution of Great Britain, containing a full account of the rise, progress, and present construction of the three estates of the realm and of the various courts of jurisdiction. By Thomas Stephen. Glasgow, 1835. Tyrrellf 827, F. Bibliotheca politica, or an inquiry into the ancient constitu- tion of the Elnglish government, in fourteen dialogues. By James Tyrrell. London, 1718. P. fVhitelock, 72, & 277, Ct Notes upon the king's writ for choosing members of parliament; being disquisitions on the government of England, by king, lords, and commons. By Mr. Whitelocke. Published by Charles Morton. 2 vols. London, 1766. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. 155 515, D. Magna charta et caetera antiqua statuta. Londini, 1556. Gift of Doctor Benjamin Franklin. 1150, P. Domesday book, with dissertations and index, and supplementary records of domesday. In 4 vols. 1st and 2d vols. Domesday book, — 3d vol. Dis- sertation and index. — 4th vol. Exeter domesday; Ely inquisition; Winton Domesday ; and Boldon book, or Durham survey. London, 1783 — 1816. 1151, F. The acts of the parliaments of Scotland to the union, 1707. 11 vols. London, 1814 — 1824. 1152, F. Parliamentary writs, and writs of military summons from 1 Edw. I. 4 volumes in 2. The 2d containing three divisions. Collected and edited by Sir F. Hargrave. London, 1827—1834. 1 1 53, F. Calendar of inquisitions post mortem and escheats, from Henry III. to James I. 4 vols. London, 1806—1828. 1154, F. Proceedings in chancery in the reign of Elizabeth, with examples of earlier proceedings. 3 vols. London, 1827 — 1832. 1155, F. Abstract of the records of retours of services for Scotland. 3 vols. London, 1811—1816. 1 1 56, F. Abstracts of the roll of the originalia of the exchequer, with indexes. 2 vols. Vol. 1st, during the reigns of Henry III., Edward I. and II. — Vol. 2d, during the reign of Edward III. London, 1805 — 1810. 1 1 57, F. The hundred rolls in the chapter house and tower, temp. Henry III. and Edward I., and index. 2 vols. London, 1812 — 1818. 1 1 58, F. Rotuli Scotiae preserved in the tower and chapter house. With indexes. 2 vols. London, 1814 — 1819. 1161, F. Po])e Nicholas the fourth's taxation of Elngland and Wales about the year 1200. London, 1802. 1163, F. Transcript of the rolls of quo warranto in the exchequer temp. Edward I., II. and lU. London, 1818. 1164, F. Calendars to the charter rolls in the tower, and to the inquisitions ad quod damnum. The first from 1199 to 1483; the last from 1307 to 38 Henry VI. London, 1803. 1165, F. Nine inquisitions in the exchequer temp. Edw. HI. London, 1807. 1 166, F. The twelve rolls and first book of the register of the great seal of Scotland. London, 1814. 1167, F. The calendars to the inquisitions post mortem pleadings, surveys, &c., in the duchy of Lancaster. 2 vols. London, 1823 — 1827. 1168, F. Calendars and indexes to the records of the court of king's bench. From 1 Edw. I. to 18 Edw. I., and of the placita exercitus 24 Edw. I. London, 1811. 1 169, F. Testa de Nevill sive liber feodorum. London, 1807. 1170, F. The ecclesiastical survey, in pursuance of the act 26 Henry VIU. 6 vols. London, 1810—1834. 1171, F. Office calendars and indexes to the patent rolls in the tower. Lon- don, 1802. No. 1 150 ^0 1171, gift of the British government, 1181, F. Circular questions from the record commission. London, 1833. 741, F. Declaratio parliamenti ubi Johannes, primogenitus Roberti, habet succedere in regnum, 1371. Edinburgh, 1763. P. 8613, O. 2. A review of the constitution of Great Britain. London, 1792. 1577, 0. 1. The rights and prerogatives of the crown of Great Britain. Lon- don, 1764. 2200, Q,. 8. A moderate decision of thie point of succession, humbly proposed to the consideration of parliament. London, 1682. 939, d. 26. Letter concerning the necessity of frequent parliaments in Eng- land, for correcting erroneous judgments in Westminster-hall. 1689. 928, Q,. 25. News from Rome ; or magna charta discoursed between a poor man and his wife. London, 1688. 156 JURISPRUDENCE. 1146, F. The statutes of the realm. Printed by command of his majesty George III., from original records and authentic manuscripts from 1 Henry III. to Geo. I. 9 vols. London, 1810 — 1822. Gift of the British Government. 1147, F. Alphabetical index to the same. London, 1824. 1148, F. Chronological index to the same. London, 1828. Gift of the British Government, 56, F. The statutes at large, from magna charta to March 7, 1722 ; carefully examined by the rolls of parliament. By John Keeble. 5 vols. London, 1695 and 1724. 263, F. An abridgment of the public statutes, in force, from magna charta, to the eleventh year of the reign of king George the second, mclusive. By John Cay. 2 vols. London, 1739. 41,0,. The statutes at large, from magna charta, to the end of the last par- liament, 1761. By Owen Ruff head. 8 vols. London. 1067, F. The laws and acts of parliament made by king James the first, second, third, fourth, fiflh, queen Mary, king James the sixth, Charles the first and second. By Sir Thomas Murray. Edinburgh, 1681. 1712, O. An abridgment of all the statutes of king William and queen Mary, and of king William the third. By Joseph Washington. London, 1701. L. 451, O. The statute-law common-placed; or, a general table of the statutes, from magna charta, to the reign of king George the second. By Giles Jacob. 4th edit. London, 1739. 66, Q,. Observations upon the statutes, from magna charta, to the twenty- first year of the reign of James the first. With an appendix, being a proposal for new modelling the statutes. By D. Barrington. 2d edit. London, 1766. 827, O. The laws, ordinances, and institution of the adm.iralty of Great Bri- tain, civil and military. With dissertations and notes. 2 vols. London, 1746. 928, O. 24. Abridgment of the statute laws of this kingdom against Jesuites, seminary priests, and popish recusants. London, 1666. 606, F. 26. Considerations for amending the bill against bankrupts. 1 698. 888, O. The several statutes made in Ireland and Great Britain, relating to his majesty's revenue, and the trade of Ireland. With a book of rates. Dub- lin, 1759. 1523, 0. 1. An act for granting stamp-duties in the British colonies, in Ame- rica, passed in 1765. Philadelphia, 1765. 562, a. 4. The Boston port act. 1774. 1383, D. A collection of the British statutes now in force relating to the post- office. New York, 1774. Gift of Ebenezer Hazard. 604, F. 22. An act for raising money by a poll and otherwise, towards the reducing of Ireland. With the speech of Henry Powle on the same. London, 1689. 604, F. 23. An act for exempting their majesties protestant subjects, dissent- ing from tJie church of England, from the penalties of certain laws. 1689. 923, Q,. 9. Liberties, usages, and customs of the city of London, collected by Sir Henry Colthrop. London, 1642. 603, F. 6. Fourteen papers on the right of the lord-mayor of London to choose a sheriff. London, 1682. 9117, 0.5. An act of parliament, 31 George III.,, for the relief of Roman Catholics. Dublin, 1791. CONTINENTAL EUROPE. 1 157, a. 5. Constitution Fran^oise donnee a Paris le 14 Septembre, 1791. P. 2044, 5. & 3127, 0. 1. An authentic copy of the French constitution, as revised and amended, by the national assembly, and presented to the king on the third CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. 157 of September, 1791. Translated from the original, published by order of the national assembly, London, 1791. P. 3127, O. 2. The same in French. P. 8611, O. 3. The constitution of France. Dublin, 1793. 6968, 5. & 7423, O. Peace republicans' manual ; or, the French constitution of 1793, &c. With debates on this constitution, &c. Translated extracts from pieces seized in BaboeuTs Rooms, &c. &c. With notes. New York, 1817. 7312, O. The code Napoleon ; or, the French civil code. Literally translated from the original and official edition published at Paris, in 1804. By a barrister of the inner temple. London, 1804. 6835, O. Analyse Raisonee de la discussion du code civil au conseil d'etat, &c. &c. Par Jacques de Malleville. 4 tom. A Paris, 1807. 821, D. Recueils de reglemens, edits, declarations et arrets, concernant le commerce, Tadministration de la justice, et la police des colonies Fran^aises de TAmerique et les engages. Avec le code noir. A Paris, 1745. 463, Q^ 15. Proems verbal de ce qui s'est passe, au lit de justice. 1771. 1335, D. 3. Aurea Bulla Caroli IV. Rom. Imp. juxta editionem Goldasti, ac- oesserunt variae lectiones pene multae, et versio Germanica. Moguntiae, 1610. 3718, O. Johannis Stephani Putteri institutiones juris publici Germanici. Goettingae, 1770. 1401, Q. Pauli G. F. P. N. Merulae I. C. manier van procederen in de pro- vincien van Holland, Zeelandt, en West-Vriestlandt bekuigende civile zaken. Leiden, 1741. 1907, 3. & 3127, O. 3. New constitution of the government of Poland, esta- blished by the revolution, the 3d of May, 1791. 2d edit. London, 1791. P. 833, O. The Frederician code ; or a body of law for the dominions of the king of Prussia. Translated from the French. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1761. 1 051 , Q,. Grand instructions to the commissioners appointed to frame a new code of laws for the Russian empire, composed by her imperial majesty Catha- rine n. empress of all the Russias. By Michael Tatischeff. London, 1768. P, 279, F. An act of assembly, passed in the island of Antigua, for establishing courts, and for the better administration of justice. Gift of John Burke. 1600,0. The acts an.l > of the island of Bar badoes. London, 1654. 196, F. The acts of ti jly, passed in the island of Jamaica, from the year 1681, to 1737, inclusive. London, 1738. 159, 1. & 462, Q,. 22. A letter concerning the privileges of the assembly of Jamaica. 2d edit. Kingston, 1765. ASU. 1501, Q. Ta Tsing Leu Lee; being the fundamental laws, and a selection from the supplementary statutes of the penal code of China ; originally printed and published at Pekin, in successive editions, under the sanction, and by the authority, of the Ta Tsing or present dynasty. Translated from the Chinese, accompanied with an appendix of authentic documents, and a few occasional notes. By Sir George Thomas Staunton, F. R. S. London, 1810. 1126, Q. & 1177, O. A code of Gentoo laws, or ordination of the pundits, from a Persian translation made from the original, written in the Shanscrit lan- guage. By Nathaniel Brassey Hallhed. London, 1776. P. 2359, O. Institutes of Hindu law ; or the ordinances of Menu, according to the gloss of Culluca ; comprising the Indian system of duties, religious and civil. Translated from the original Sanscrit, by Sir William Jones. London, 1796. 15S JURISPRUDENCE. 2769, & 2817, O. A digest of Hindu l»wr, on contracts and successions. With a commentary by Jagannat'ha Tercapanchanana. Translated from the original Sanscrit. By H. T. Colcbrooke, Esq. 3 vols. London, 1801. CRIMINAL AND PENAL LAW, POLICE, PRISONS, AND PRISON DISCIPLINE. Beaumont J 8845, O. On the penitentiary system in the United States, and its application in France ; with an appendix on penal colonies, and sta- tistical notes. ByG. de Beaumont, and A. de Toque ville. Translated from the French. By F. Lieber. Philadelphia, 1833. Beccarittj 122, O. An essay on crimes and punishments. Translated from the Italian of the Marquis Beccaria ; with a commentary, attributed to Monsieur de Voltaire. Translated from the French. London, 1767. 5294, D. The same. Philadelphia, 1793. 6876, O. Des delits et des peines. Ouvrage traduit de I'ltalien de Beccaria. A Paris, 1795. Bevarii 2731, D. Notes on a visit made to some of the prisons in Scotland and the north of England. By Joseph G. Bevan. London, 1819. Gift of Dr, Parke, BichenOf 5276, O. Observations on the philosophy of criminal jurisprudence, with remarks on penitentiary prisons. By J. E. Bicheno, Esq. Lon- don, 1819. Bradford, 1962, O. An inquiry how far the punishment of death is necessary in Pennsylvania, with notes and illustrations. By William Bradford. To which is added, an account of the gaol and penitentiary house of Philadelphia, and the interior management thereof By Caleb Lownes. PhUadelphia, 1793. Gift of William Bradford. Brissot, 1753, O. Theorie des loix criminelles. Par J. P. Brissot de Warville. 2 tomes. A Berlin, 1781. Gift of the author. 1754, O. Bibliotheque philosophique du legislateur, du politique, du jurisconsulte sur la legislation criminelle. Par J. P. Brissot de War- ville. 10 tomes. A Berlin, 1782. Gift of the author. Buxton^ 5507, O. 3. Notes recueillies en visitant les prisons de la Suisse et re- marques sur les moyens de les ameliorer, avec quelques details, sur les prisons de Chambery et de Turin, Par Francis Cunningham, suivies de la description des prisons de Gand, Philadelphie, llches- ter, and Milbank. Par T. F. Buxton, Esq. Paris, 1820. 5547, O. 3. Severity of punishment. Speech of Thomas F. Buxton, Esq. in the house of commons. May 25, 1821. London, 1821. Colquhon, 2305, & 7675, O. A treatise on the police of the metropolis, con- taining a detail of the various crimes and misdemeanours, and sug- gesting remedies for the prevention. By P. Colquhon. London, 1797. 8096, O. The same. PhUadelphia, 1798. Bufriche, 6781, O. Loix penales, dediees a Monsieur, frere du roi. Par M. Dufriche de Valaze. A Alen«jon, 1784. Elme8y 1861, Q,. 1. Hints for the improvements of prisons, for their better regu- lation, and for a more economical management of prisoners. By James Elmes. London, 1817. Fielding, 548, O. Extracts from such laws as particularly relate to the good order of this metropolis ; with an account of the felonies made so by statute ; and a treatise on the office of constable. By Sir John Field- ing. London, 1762. Hale, 262, F. The history of the pleas of the crown. By Sir Matthew Hale. With notes, by Solomon Emlyn. 2 vols. London, 1736. CRIMINAL LAW. 159 Hanway, 1330, O. 4. The neglect of the effectual separation of prisoners, and the want of good order and religious (Economy in our prisons, the chief cause of the frequent thefts and violences committed. In letters. By Jonas Han way, Esq. London, 1784. Hawkins, 260, F. A treatise of the pleas of the crown. By William Hawkins. 3d edit. London, 1739. Howard, 391, Q,. State of prisons in England and Wales ; with preliminary ob- servations, and an account of some foreign prisons and hospitals. With plates. By John Howard. 3d edit. Warrington, 1784. 573, Q,. An account of the principal lazarettos in Europe ; with papers relative to the plague : together with further observations on some foreign prisons and hospitals, and remarks on the present state of those in Great Britain and Ii'eland ; with plates. By John Howard. War- rington, 1789. 1034, a. The same. P. 1409, Q. 8. Observations concerning foreign prisons and hospitals, col- lected by Mr. Howard in his concluding tour : together with two let- ters to Mr. Howard, from John Haygarth, M. D. Hume, 892, Q,. Commentaries on the law of Scotland, respecting the descrip- tion and punishment of crimes. By David Hume. 2 vols. Edin- burgh, 1797. Jebby 1452, O. 2. On the construction and polity of prisons ; to which is added, an abstract of felonies created by statute, and other articles relating to the penal system. By John Jebb. London, 1786, Livingston, 6965, O. 3. Letter from Edward Livingston, Esq. to Roberts Vaux, on the advantages of the Pennsylvania system of prison discipline, &c. &c. Philadelphia, 1828. 7320, O. 7. On the expediency of abolishing the punishment of death. By Edward Livingston. Philadelphia, 1831. 6965, O. 5. Introductory report to the code of prison discipline, &c. &c. : being part of the system of penal law prepared for the State of Louisiana. By Edward Livingston. Philadelphia, 1827. 8919, O. A system of penal law, for Louisiana, prepared under the authority of a law of the said state. By Edward Livingston. Phi- ladelphia, 1834. Miller, 5623, O. An inquiry into the present state of the statute and criminal law of England. By John Miller, Esq. London, 1822. Mease, 7113, O. 6. Observations on the penitentiary system, and penal code of Pennsylvania. By James Mease, M. D. Philadelphia, 1 828. Montagu, 4164, O. The opinions of different authors upon the punishment of death : selected by Bassil Montagu, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1809. Moreau de St. Mery, 2275, O. 3. Des prisons de Philadelphie. Par un Euro- peen. Philadelphie, 1796. Gift of the author. 2269, O. 5. On the prisons of Philadelphia. By an Euro- pean. Philadelphia, 1796. Gift of the author. Paul, 1323, O. 1. Considerations on the defects of prisons, and their present system of regulation. By Sir G. O. Paul. London. 3973, O. Proceedings of the grand juries, magistrates, &c. of the county of Glocester, on designing and executing a general reform in the con- struction and regulation of the prisons for the said county. By Sir G. O. Paul. Glocester, 1808. Palmer, 9092, O. 7. A treatise on jails, penitentiaries, &c. By Major James Palmer. Dublin, 1832. Gift of Geo. Stewardson, Esq. lioscoe, 5222, O. Observations on penal jurisprudence and the reformation of criminals ; with an appendix of reports and other documents. By William Roscoe, Esq. London, 1819. Push, 1758, 8. & 9110, O. 7. An inquiry into the effects of public punishments IGO JURISPRUDENCE. Upon criminals, and uy)on society. By Benjamin Rush. 2d edit. London, 1787. Gift of the author. Rush, 1985, O. 10. Considerations on the injustice and impolicy of punishing murder by death. By Benjamin Rush. Philadelpliia, 1792. Gift of the author. Sharp, 1348, O. Remarks on the opinions of some of the most celebrated writers on crown law, respecting the distinction between manslaughter and murder. By Granville Sharp. London, 1773. Gift of the author. 3578, & 30 18, O. 3. The same. F. Sergeant, 6965, O. 4. Observations and reflections on the design and effects of punishment. By John Sergeant, Esq. and Colonel Samuel Miller ; in letters addressed to Roberts Vaux. Also the opinion of the keepers of the ixjnitentiary and bridewell at Philadelphia, on the separate con- finement of criminals. Philadelphia, 1828. TumbuU, 2389, 3743, 7. & 4524, O. A visit to the Philadelphia prison ; being an accurate and particular account of the wise and humane adminis- tration adopted in every part of the building ; with an account of the penal laws of Pennsylvania, and observations on the impolicy and in- justice of capital punishments. By Robert I. Turnbull. Philadelphia, 1796. Gift of the author. Tyson, 6322, O. 5. Essay on the penal law of Pennsylvania. By Job R. Tyson. Philadelphia, 1827. Gift of the author. Vaux, 6322, O. 4. Notices of the original and successive efforts to improve the discipline of the prison at Philadelphia, and to reform the criminal code of Pennsylvania. By Roberts Vaux. Philadelphia, 1826. Gift of the author. 6965, O. 1. Letter on the penitentiary system of Pennsylvania, addressed to William Roscoe, Esq. By Roberts Vaux. Philadelphia, 1827. -^— 6965, O. 2. Reply to two letters of William Roscoe, Esq. on the peniten- tiary system of Pennsylvania. By Roberts Vaux. Philadelphia, 1 827. Voltaire, 1638,1). M. De Voltaire commentaire sur le livre des delits et des peines. Geneve, 1767. F. Wakefield, 4310, D. Facts relating to the punishment of death in the metro- polis. By E. G. Wakefield, Esq. London, 1831. . 8942, O. Old Bailey experience. With an essay on prison disci- pline, and a history of the crimes committed by offenders in the pre- sent day. By the author of " The schoolmaster's experience in New- gate." London, 1833. Whately, 8795, O. Thoughts on secondary punishment, in a letter to Earl Grey. By Richard Whately, D. D. London, 1832. 2029, d. Report from the select committee on the police of the metropolis, communicated by the commons to the lords. London, 1829. 1093, O. Considerations on criminal law. London, 1772. 1811, O. Edict of the grand duke of Tuscany, for the reform of criminal law in his dominions. Translated from the Italian ; with the original. War- rington, 1789. 1977, O. 5. Remarks on the subject of punishment and reformation of crimi- nals. Philadelphia, 1790. 5325, O. 2. The penal code of France ; translated into English, with a preli- minary dissertation and notes. London, 1819. 5472, O. Rules proposed for the government of gaols, houses of correction, and penitentiaries ; to which are added, plans of prisons on improved principles. London, 1820. 5473. Report of the committee of the society for the improvement of prison discipline, and for the reformation of juvenile offenders. London, 1820. Gift of the Society. 5509, O. 4. Report on the penitentiary system made to the senate of Penn- sylvania. Harrisburgh, 1821. Gift of C. Raguet, Esq. CRIMINAL LAW. 161 5610, O. 3. Description of the tread-mill for the employment of prisoners. London, 1822. 5507, 0. 1. Inquiries relative to prison discipline; published by the society for the improvement of prison discipline. London, 1820. 5507, O. 2. Rules proposed for the government of gaols, houses of correction, and penitentiaries. Published by the society for the improvement of prison dis- cipline. London, 1820. Gift of the Society, 6965, 7. & 9123, O. 1. Report of the compiissioners on the penal code, with the accompanying documents. Read in the senate, January 4, 1828. Harris- burgh, 1828. 6965, 6. & 9129, O. 5. Second and seventh annual reports of the prison dis- cipline society. Boston, 1827, & 1832. 7192, O. 9. Constitution of the Philadelpliia society for alleviating the miseries of public prisons. Philadelphia, 1830. 7304, O. An account of the state prison or penitentiary house in the city of New York. By one of the inspectors. New York, 1801. Gift of J. J. Bar- clay. 73 1 3, O. 4. Address to the society for diffusing information on the subject of capital punishment and prison discipline, with an account of Warwick gaol. London, 1817. 7318, O. 5. An account of the Maison de Force at Ghent. London, 1817. 7318, O. 9. Documents of the acting committee of the Philadelphia society for alleviating the miseries of public prisons. 7192, 5. 7318, 10. & 9092, O. 10. Annual reports of the house of refuge of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1831 — 32. 7318, O. 12. First and second annual reports of the inspectors of the eastern state penitentiary of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1831. 8693, O. Remarks on the form and construction of prisons, with appropriate designs. Illustrated with engravings. London, 1826. 9092, O. 1. The seventh, eighth, and tenth annual reports of the ladies' British society for the reformation of female prisoners. London, 1828. Gift of John J, Smithy Jr, 9092, O. 8. Annual report of the acting committee of the Philadelphia society for alleviating the miseries of public prisons. 1833. 9092, O. 9. Second annual report of the New Jersey Howard society. 1 834. 9129, O. 1. & 2. Description of, and report on the eastern and western peni- tentiaries. Philadelphia, 1830. 9135, O. L «fe 2. Addresses from the managers of the house of refuge. Phi- ladelphia, 1826, and 1828. 9136, O. 3. Report on punishments and prison discipline, by the commission- ers appointed to revise the penal code of Pennsylvania. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1828. 9138, O. 2. Report on the penitentiary system of the United States, prepared under a resolution of the society for the prevention of pauperism in the city of New York. New York, 1822. 769, D. Thoughts on executive justice, with respect to our criminal laws. 2d ed. London, 1785. 6001, D. 8. Speech of Mr. Thompson on a penitentiary within the District of Columbia. Washington, 1826. 6001, D. 9. Letters to the commissioners appointed by the legislature of New York, to report on state prisons. New York, 1825. 6041, D. The book of penalties; or, a summary of the pecuniary penalties inflicted by the laws of England on the several occupations and businesses. With an abstract of the local acts and customs of London. London, 1834. 21 169 JUBISPRUDENCB. CRIMINAL AND STATE TKIALS. Jimery, 1400, d. The whole proceedings, in several informations in the nature of a quo warranto the king on the prosec^ution of James Templar, Elsq. his majesty's coroner, against Mr. Thomas Amery, one of the 24 aldermen, and Mr. John Wonk, one of the 40 common council men of the city of Chester, on the relation of Ralph Eddowes of the said city, merchant; together with the arguments of counsel, and the judgments of the court of king's bench and the house of lords in said cause. 2 vols. Chester, 1791. Gift of H. Eddowes, Esq, Jindenon^ 600, F. 15. Tryals and condemnation of Lionel Anderson, William Russell, Charles Parris, Henry Starkey, James Corker, William Mar- shall, and Alexander Lumsden, for high treason. London, 1680. Aram, 1583, O. 4. The trial of Eugene Aram, for the murder of Daniel Clark. 3d edit. York, in England, 1759. Jir^h, 936, Q. 6. Account of the proceedings against Archibald, earl of Ar- gyle, for high treason. 1681. Armstrong, 603, F. 18. Proceedings against Sir Thomas Armstrong, in the court of king's bench, upon an outlawry for high treason, &c. and an account of what passed at his execution, on the 20th June, 1684. Lon- don. Gift of Zachariah Pouhon. Atterbury, 607, F. 13. Replies of Thomas Reeve and Clement Wearg, in the house of lords. May 13, 1723, in behalf of the bill to inflict pains and penalties on the late bishop of Rochester. 1723. London. 607, F. 14. Speech of the bishop of Salisbury, in the house of lords, upon the third reading of the bill to inflict pains and penalties on Fran- cis, late bishop of Rochester, May 15, 1723. London. B08, F. 2. Wynne's defence of Francis, late bishop of Rochester, at the bar of the house of lords, on the 9th and 1 1th of May, 1723. Lon- don. 608, F. 3. Speech of Francis, late lord bishop of Rochester, at the bar of the house of lords, May 11, 1723, in his defence against the bill for inflicting pains and penalties upon him. London, 1723. Addison, 8606, O. 2. The trial of Alexander Addison, Esq. on an impeachment before the senate of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Taken in short-hand, by Thomas Lloyd. Lancaster, 1803. Bailzie, 604, F. 2. Tryal, conviction and execution of Robert Bailzie, for high treason, in Edinburgh, in December, 1684. Bastwickj 930, Q. 3. Answer to John Bastwick, doctor of phisicke, to the infor- mation of Sir John Bancks, atturney universall. 1637. Bayard, 412, F. 2. An account of the illegal prosecution and trial of Colonel Nicholas Bayard, of New York, for high treason, 1701 — 2. New York, 1702. Bealy, 7833, O. 6. The trial of Robert Beaty, (who was tarred and feathered,) on an indictment for perjury. Baltimore, 1809. .fifmarrfia^on, 603, F. 15. Tryal and conviction of Sir Samuel Bernardiston, for a high misdemeanor, on Thursday, the 14th of February, 1683. London, 1684. Blount, 7833, 0. 7. Report of the committee of the house of representatives of the United States, appointed to prepare and report articles of impeach- ment against William Blount, a senator of the United States, impeach- ed of high crimes and misdemeanors. Philadelphia, 1797. Braddon, 603, F. 14. Tryal of Lawrence Braddon and Hugh Speke, upon an in- formation of high misdemeanor in endeavouring to raise a belief, that the late earl of Essex did not murder himself in the tower. London, 1684. CRIMINAL AND STATE TRIALS. 163 Bright, 4248, 0. 2. A report of the whole trial of General Michael Bright and others, in the circuit court of the United States for the district of Penn- sylvania, on an indictment for obstructing the execution of a writ of arrest issued out of the district court of Pennsylvania. By Thomas Lloyd. Philadelphia, 1809. Brodie, 8180, O. The trial of William Brodie and of George Smith at Edin- burgh, 28 August, 1788, for breaking into the excise office. By ^neas Monson. Edinburgh, 1788. ^wrr, 7641, 0. The trial of Col. Aaron Burr, for treason, before the circuit court of the United States, held at Richmond, May term, 1807, includ- ing the arguments and decisions, taken in short-hand. By T. Carpen- ter. 3 vols. Washington City, 1807. 4088, O. Reports of the trials of Col. Aaron Burr, (late Vice President of the United States) for treason and for a misdemeanour, in the cir- cuit court of the United States for the district of Virginia, in the sum- mer term of the year 1807 ; to which is added, an appendix, taken in short-hand. By David Robertson. Vol. 1st. Philadelphia, 1808. Broad, 7833, O. 5. Trial of Amos Broad and his wife, for assaulting and beat- ing Betty a slave, and her child Sarah, had at New York on the 28th February, 1809. New York, 1809. Caroline, 5456, O. The legislatorial trial of her majesty, Caroline queen of Eng- land. London, 1820. Castlemaine, 600, F. 19. Tryal of Roger, earl of Castlemaine, for high treason, on the 23d of June, 1680. London, 1681. Gift of Zachariah Poulson. Cellier, 601, F. 3. Tryal and sentence of Elizabeth Cellier, for writing, printing and publishing a scandalous libel, called, " malice defeated, &c." Lon- don, 1680. Chapman, 7375, O. Trial of Lucretia Chapman, otherwise called Lucretia Es- pos y Mina, who was jointly indicted with Lino Amelia Espos y Mina, for the murder of William Chapman. By William E. Dubois. Phila- delphia, 1 832. Charles /., 5566, D. The trials of Charles the first and some of the regicides, with biographies of Bradshaw, Ireton, Harrison, and others. London, 1832. Chaae, 3893, O. Trial of Samuel Chase, an associate justice of the supreme court of the United States, impeached by the house of representatives, for high crimes and misdemeanours before the senate of the United States. Taken in short-hand, by S. H. Smith and T. Lloyd. Wash- ington city, 1805. Gift of S. H. Smith. 7410, O. Report of the trial of the Hon. Samuel Chase, one of the as- sociate justices of the supreme court of the United States, before the senate of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanours. Taken in short-hand by Charles Evans. Baltimore, 1806. Cheetham, 7833, 6. & 8606, O. 5. Speech of counsellor Sampson, on the trial of James Cheetham for libelling Madame Bonneville. With a sketch of the trial. New York, 1810. Chauncy, 937, Q,. 15. Narrative of the proceedings of the court of sessions in Bristol, August 15, 1684, against Ichabod Chauncy, physician in that city. Published by himself London, 1684. Clifton, 1632, O. 13. The trial of Alice Clifton for the murder of her child; with the trial of James M'Glochlin for burglary. Philadelphia, 1787. Coleman, 599, F. 9. The trial of Edward Coleman, for conspiring the death of the king and the subversion of the government of England, and the protestant religion. London, 1678. ColledgSt 602, F. 14. Tryal and condemnation of Stephen Colledge, for high treason, in August, 1681, with his speech at the place of execution. London, 1681. Cooper, 7833, 0. 2. An account of the trial of Thomas Cooper, of Northumber- 164 JURISPRUDENCE. land, on a charge of libel against the President of the United States ; taken in short hand, with a preface, notes, and appendix. By Thomas Cooper. Philadelphia, 1800. Cornish, 604, F. 7. Tryals of Henry Cornish, Esq. for conspiring the death of the king, and raising a rebellion in this kingdom ; and John Fernley, William Ring, and Elizabeth Gaunt, for harbouring and maintaining rebels, at the old baily, October 19, 1685. London, 1685. Coxe, 3003, & 3056, O. A report of the case of the commonwealth vs. Tench Coxe, Esq. on a motion for a mandamus in the supreme court of Pennsylvania. By Alexander James Dallas. Philadelphia, 1803. Gift of Paul Busti, Esq. Cranburne, 605, F. 9. Tryals and condemnations of Charles Cranburne and Robert Lowick, for high treason, on the 22d of April, 1696. London. Danby, 603, F. 4. Account of the earl of Danby's arguments, at the court of king's bench, upon his motion for bail; with the answers of the judges, and the earl's replyes. 2d edit. London, 1682. 943, Q,. 5. Transactions in parliament, in the year 1678, in relation to the impeachment of Thomas, earl of Danby. London, 1695. Delamere^ 604, F. 8. Tryal of Henry, baron Delamere, for high treason, in Westminster hall, the 14th January, 1685. London, 1686. Derwentwater, 607, F. 2. The whole proceeding, to judgment, in Westminster hall, upon the articles of impeachment of high treason, exhibited against James earl of Der went water, William lord Widdrington, William earl of Nithisdale, Robert earl of Carnwath, William viscount Ken- mure, and William lord Nairn, on the 9th of February, 1715. Lon- don, 1716. Despard, 2949, O. 2. Proceeding on the trial of Colonel Despard, and the other state prisoners, before a special commission, on the seventh and ninth of February, 1803. London, 1803. Dillworth, 5398, D. The royal assassins ; containing an account of the trials of Ravaillac, Damiens, the Duke of Aveiro and others. Compiled by H. W. Dill worth. London, 1759. Duffin, 3668, O. 4. Trials of P. W. Duffin and Thomas Lloyd, for a libel. 2d edit. London, 1793. Eberle, 4937, & 7744, O. The trial of Frederick Eberle and others, at Philadel- phia, July 1816, for illegally conspiring together to prevent the intro- duction of the English language into the service of St. Michael's and Zion's churches, in the city of Philadelphia. Taken in short-hand, by James Carson. Philadelphia, 1817. Fitzharris, 602, F. 12. Arraignment and plea of Edward Fitzharris ; with all the arguments in law, and proceedings of the court of king's bench thereupon, in caster term, 1681. London. 602, F. 13. Tryal and condemnation of Edward Fitzharris, and Dr. Oliver Plunket, for high treason. London, 1681. 605, F. 3. Hawles' remarks upon the tryals of Edward Fitzharris, Stephen Colledge, Count Conigsmark, Lord Russell, Colonel Sidney, Henry Cornish, and Charles Bateman. London, 1689. Jhsler, 303, F. A report of some proceedings on the commission of oyer and terminer and gaol delivery, for the trial of the rebels, in the year 1746, in the county of Surry ; and of other crown cases. To which are added, discourses upon a few branches of the crown law. By M. Foster. Oxford, 1762. Fries, 3662, & 8047, O. A report of the two trials of John Fries, on an indict- ment for treason ; with the trials of several other persons concerned in the insurrection in the counties of Bucks, Northampton, and Mont- gomery, in the spring of 1799. By Thomas Carpenter. Philadelphia, 1 800. Gift of Jacob Hoffman. Gerald, 6711, O. The trial of Joseph Gerald, delegate from the London cor- CRIMINAL AND STATE TRIALS. 165 responding society, to the British convention. Before the high court of justiciary at Edinburgh, in March, 1794, for sedition. Portrait. New York, 1794. GileSf 601, F. 1. Tryal of John GiJes, for an attempt to murther John Arnold, a member of parliament. London, 1681. Grahmef 605, F. 6. Tryai and condemnation of Sir Richard Grahme, and John Ashton, for high treason against their majesties king William and queen Mary, in January, 1690. London, 1601. Green, 599, F. 11. Tryals of Robert Green, Henry Berry, and Lawrence Hill, for the murder of Sir Edmund-bury Godfrey. London, 1 679. Gurneyj 2572, O. An account of the trial of James O'Coigly, Arthur O'Con- nor, John Binns, John Allen, and Jeremiah Leary, for high treason, at Maidstone, in Kent, on the twenty-first and twenty-second days of May, 1798. By Joseph Gurney. London, 1798. 8606, O. Trial of Thomas Walker, James Cheetham, and others, for a conspiracy at Lancaster. April 2d, 1794. Taken in short-hand, by Joseph Gurney. Manchester, 1794. 5737, 3. & 6966, O. 9. The same. PhUadelphia, 1794. 4540, O. The trial of C. R. de Berenger, lord Cochran, and others, for a conspiracy, on the 8th and 9th June, 1814. Taken in short-hand, by W. B. Gurney. London, 1814. HaleSy Q04, F. 18. Case of Sir EM ward Hales; being an account of the tryal upon an action of five hundred pounds brought against him upon the king's dispensing witli the stat. 25 Car. 11. London, 1689. 939, Q,. 24. Sir Edward Herbert's account of the authorities in law, upon which judgment was given in the case of Sir Edward Hales. Lon- don, 1688. Hamilton, 606, F. 49. Tryal of John Hamilton, for the murder of Charles lord Mohun, and James duke of Hamilton and Brandon, December 12, 1712. Hampden, 603, F. 13. Tryal and conviction of John Hampden, Esq. upon an indictment of high misdemeanor, for stirring up sedition in this king- dom. London, 1684. Hardy, 2i27 J O. The trial of Thomas Hardy for high treason, at the old bailey, in November, 1794. Taken in short-hand, by Joseph Gurney. 2 vols. London, 1795. Hastings, 2571, O. The trial of Warren Hastings, from February, 1788, to June, 1794 ; with a preface, containing the history of the origin of the impeachment, &c. 3 vols. London, 1794. 2881, O. The history of the trial of Warren Hastings, before the high court of parliament, from February 7, 1786, until his acquittal, April 23, 1795. London, 1796. 2129, O. 2. Report of the committee of the house of commons, on the trial of Warren Hastings, Esq. London, 1794. 2088, Q,. Debates of the house of lords on the evidence delivered in the trial of Warren Hastings, Esq. London, 1797. Hogan, 5563, O. The trial of the Rev. William Hogan, for an assault and bat- tery; tried before the mayor's court, April, 1822 ; taken in short-hand. By Joseph A. Dowling. Philadelphia, 1822. Gift of David P. Brotvn, Esq. Holcroft, 2129, O. 3. A narrative of facts relating to a prosecution for high trea- son. By Thomas Holcroft. 2d edit. London, 1795. Holloway, 603, F. 17. Confession and narrative of James Hollo way, with the proceedings against him, in the court of king's bench, for high trea- son, for which he was executed on the 30th of April, 1684. Hopkinson, 2201, & 8158, O. The Pennsylvania state trials, containing the impeachment, trial, and acquittal of Francis Hopkinson and John Ni- cholson, Esqs. Philadelphia, 1794. 166 JURISPRUDENCE. Hussey, 606, F. 12. Case of Joseph Hussey, of Cambridge, who was tried for depraving the book of common prayer, August 4, 1698. Howell^ 4539, O. A complete collection of state trials, from the earliest period to the present time, with notes, compiled by T. B. Howell, Esq. 33 vols. London, 1814. Ireland^ 599, F. 10. Tryals of William Ireland, Thomas Pickering, and John Grove, for conspiring to murder the king. London, 1678. Johnston, 6972, O. 7. Proceedings in the case of Francis Johnston, Esq. late re- ceiver general of the land office. Lancaster, 1799. Knox, 600, F. 12. Tryal and conviction of Thomas Knox and John Lane, for a conspiracy to defame Dr. Oates and Mr. Bedloe, thereby to discredit their evidence about the horrid popish plot. London, 1680. Kelly, 607, F. 15. Speech of George Kelly, at the bar of the house of lords, on the 2d of May, 1723, in his defence against the bill, then depending, for inflicting pains and j^enalties upon him. London, 1723. Lacomhe, 9142, O. 5. Trial of J. B. Lacombe, as a traitor, at Bordeaux. Trans- lated from the French. Philadelphia, 1795. Langhorn, 600, F. 4. Tryal of Richard Langhorn, for conspiring the death of the king, subversion of the government, and protestant religion. Lon- don, 1679. Laud, 956, Qi. 24. Articles exhibited in parUament against William Laud, arch- bishop of Canterbury, 1640. Lauderdale, 599, F. 5. Impeachment of the duke and dutchess of Lauderdale, with their brother, lord Hatton, by the city of Edinburgh. Layer, 608, F. 4. Arraignment, tryal and conviction of Christopher Layer, for high treason, in compassing and imagining the death of the king. London, 1722. Legatt, 1062, D. 4. A relation of the commissions and warrants for the con- demnation and burning of Bartholomew Legatt and Edward Wight- man. London, 1692. Gift of Joseph Parker Nor ris. Lilburne, 227, O. 3. An account of the trial of Colonel John Lilburne, at Guild- hall. London, 1649. Little, 7833, O. 4. A faithful report of the trial of Dr. William Little, for an as- sault and battery on his wife, Mrs. Jane Little, a black lady. New York, 1808. Lloyd, 8317, O. The trial of the boot and shoemakers of Philadelphia, on an indictment for a combination and conspiracy to raise their wages. By Thomas Lloyd. Philadelphia, 1806. Marsom, 7539, O. 1. The report of the trials of the rioters, at Warwick, August 20th, 1791. Taken in short-hand, by Marsom and Ramsey. Bir- mingham, 1791. Macclesfield, 008, F. 5. Tryal of Thomas, earl of Macclesfield, in the house of peers, upon an impeachment for high crimes and misdemeanors, in May, 1725. London. Gift of Zachariah Paulson. M'Kinley, 5196, O. Trial of Andrew M'Kinley, at Edinburgh, on the 26th July, 1817, for administering unlawful oaths. Taken in short-hand, by John Dow, Esq. Edinburgh, 1818. MClean, 4365, O. 2. Report of the trial of James Sylvanus M*Clean and Wil- liam L. Graham, for a conspiracy to extort money from Stephen Gi- rard, Esq. Philadelphia, 1812. M'Manus, 3663, & 8589, O. Trials of Charies M'Manus, John Hauer, Elizabeth Hauer, and others, at Harrisburgh, Pennsylvania, in June, 1798, for the murder of Francis Shitz. Harrisburgh, 1798. Gift of Jacob Hoffman. Oates, 604, F. 5. Tryals, convictions, and sentence of Titus Oates, upon two indictments for wilful, malicious and corrupt perjury. London, 1685. Oxford, 607, F. 9. Tryal of Robert, earl of Oxford, and earl Mortimer, upon the impeachment of the house of commons for high treason, &c. in Westminster hall, from June 24, to July 1, 1717. London, 1717. CRIMINAL AND STATE TRIALS. 167 Penriy 929, d. 5. Tryal of William Penn and William Mead, at the sessions held at the old baily, in London, the 1st, 3d, 4th, and 5th of September, 1670. London. Peltier^ 3688, O. The trial of John Peltier, for a libel against Napoleon Bona- parte, first consul of the French republic, on the twenty-first of Fe- bruary, 1803. London, 1803. Phillipps^ 6145, O. State trials ; or, a collection of the most interesting trials, prior to 1688, reviewed and illustrated. By Samuel M. Phillipps, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1826. Pilkington, 604, F. 31. Case of Sir Thomas PUkington, lord mayor of London. 1689. Gift of Zachariah Poulson. Richer^ 5988, D. Causes celebres et interessantes, avec les jugemens qui les on decidees redigees de noveau. Pai' M. Richer. Tom, 16. Amster- dam, 1772—1779. Reading, 599, F. 17. Tryal of Nathaniel Reading, for attempting to stifle the king's evidence as to the horrid plot. London, 1679. Rook wood, 605, F. 8. Tryal and condemnation of Ambrose Rook wood, for a conspiracy to assassinate king William, in order to a French invasion of this kingdom, on the 21st of April, 1696. London. Rudyard, 929, Q. 6. Tryals of Thomas Rudyard, Francis Moor, Richard Mew, Richard Mayfield, Richard Knowlman, Gilbert Hutton, Job Boulton, Richard Thornton, Charles Banister, John Boulton, and William Bay- I3C, held at the old baily, from the last day of the sixth-month, till the seventh day of the seventh-month, 1670. London. Sachevereli, 6644, O. 8. The bishop of Salisbury, his speech in the house of lords, on the first article of the impeachment of Dr. H. Sacheverell. London, 1710. 395, O. The trial of Doctor Henry Sacheverell before the house of peers, upon an impeachment by the house of commons. London, 1710. Gift of John Smith. 607, F. 10. Collections of passages referred to by Dr. Henry Sacheverell, in his answer to the articles of his impeachment. Lon- don, 1710. Sancroftj 604, F. 1 1 . Tryal of the lord archbishop of Canterbury, and the other six bishops, in the court of king's bench, in the year 1688. London, 1689. Sayer, 2863, O. 15. Account of the case of John Sayer, Esq. from the time of his unhappy marriage, to his death, and the prosecution against No- ble, as appeared at the coroner's inquest and at Kingston assizes. 3d edit. London, 1713. Self ridge, 3788, 1. & 8080, O. Trial of Thomas O. Selfridge for killing Charles Austin, in Boston, August 4th, 1806. Taken in short-hand. By T. Lloyd and George Caines. Boston, 1806. 3788, O. 2. A correct statement of the preliminary controversy with Benjamin Austin, and a brief account of the catastrophe. By T. O. Selfridge. Boston, 1807. Shaftesbury, 603, F. 1. Proceedings in the old baily, London, on the 24th of No- vember, 1681, upon an indictment for high treason against the earl of Shaftesbury. London. 599, F. 6. Case of Anthony, earl of Shaftesbury, respecting his con- finement in the tower. London, 1679. 602, F. 15. Information of Captain Henry Wilkinson, respecting an attempt to prevail with him to swear high treason against the earl of Shaftesbury. London, 1681. Gift of Zachariah Poulson. Shippen, 4060, O. Report of the trial and acquittal of Edward Shippen, Esq. chief justice, and Jasper Yeates and Thomas Smith, Esquires, assis- tant justices of the supreme court of Pennsylvania, on an impeach- ment before the senate of the commonwealth, January, 1805. By William Hamilton. Lancaster, 1805. 168 JURISPRUDENCE. Sidnei/, 603, F. 12. Arraignment, tryal, and condemnation of Algernon Sidney, Esq. for high treason, for conspiring the death of the king, and intend- ing to raise a rebellion in this kingdom ; with the paper which he de- livered to the sheriffs upon the scaffold, December 7, 1683. London, 1684. Smith, 4067, O. The trials of William S. Smith and Samuel G. Ogden, for misdemeanors, had in the circuit court of the United States, for the New York district, in July, 1806. Taken in short-hand. By Thomas Lloyd. New York, 1807. 4842, O. The trials of Richard Smith and Ann Carson for the murder of Captain John Carson, together with the arguments of counsel, the charge and sentence of the court. Philadelphia, 1816. Stafford, 600, F. 16. Tryal of William, viscount Stafford, for high treason, upon an impeachment, in Westminster hall, begun the 30th of November, 1680 ; with the manner of his execution. London, 1680 — 1. Gift of Zachariah Poulson. Strafford, 954, d. 25. Relation of the answers and replies of Thomas, earle of Strafford, to the articles exhibited against him by the house of com- mons, April 13, 1641. London, 1647. 954, Q,. 28. Replication of Master Glyn, in the name of all the com- mons of England, to the generall answer of Thomas, earle of Strafford, April 13, 1641. London, 1641. Steel, 934, Q,. 9. Statement of the case of Duke Hamilton, earl of Cambridge, argued on the behalf of the commonwealth, before the high court of jus- tice. By Mr. Steel. London, 1649. Stockdale, 2019, O. The trial of John Stockdale, for a libel on the house of commons, December 9, 1789 ; with an argument in support of the rights of juries. Taken in short-hand. By Joseph Gurney. London, 1790. Stone, 2323, O. The trial of William Stone for high treason, on the 28th and 29th of January, 1796. Taken in short-hand. By Joseph Gurney. London, 1796. Towns, 606, F. 50. Tryal of Richard Towne, tallow-chandler, for felony, in de- frauding his creditors. London, 1712. 606, F. 52. Paper left by Richard Towne, and delivered by him for publication after his execution. London, 1712. Turner, 956, Q,. 23. An account of the tryal, condemnation and confession of Colonel James Turner, for breaking open the house of Francis Tryon, merchant, London, at the old baily, January 15, 16, and 19, 1663. By R. L'Estrange. London. Thompson, 603, F. 5. Tryal of Nathaniel Thompson, William Pain, and John Farwell, upon an information exhibited by the king's attorney-general against them, for writing, printing, and publishing libels, reflecting upon the justice of the nation, in the proceedings against the murderers of Sir Edmund-bury Godfrey, on the 20th of June, 1682. London. Vaughan, 605, F. 11. Tryal and condemnation of Captain Thomas Vaughan, for high treason, in adhering to the French king, on the 6th of No- vember, 1696; also, an account of the tryal of John Murphey, for high treason. London, 1697. Gift of Zachariah Pouhon. n'akeman, 600, F. 6. Tryals of Sir George Wakeman, William Marshall, Wil- liam Rumley, and James Corker, for conspiring the death of the king, subversion of the government and protestant religion. London, 1679. 600, F. 7. Observations upon the late tryals of Sir George Wake- man, &c. London, 1679. TValcot, 603, F. 9. Tryals of Thomas Walcot, William Houe, WiUiam Lord Russel, John Rous, and William Blagg, for high treason, for conspir- ing the death of the king, and raising a rebellion in this kingdom. London, 1683. CRIMINAL AND STATE TRIALS. 169 Wemms, 1528, 6. & 1771, O. 1. The trial of William Wemms and seven other soldiers in the twenty-ninth regiment of foot, for the murder of Crispus Attuks and four other citizens of Boston, in the evening of the 5th of March, 1770. Taken in short-hand. By John Hodgson. Boston, 1770. Whistelo, 7833, O. 3. The commissioners of the alms-house v. Alexander Whistelo, a black man ; being a remarkable case of bastardy, tried and adjudged by the mayor, recorder, and aldermen of the city of New York. New York, 1808. White, 599, F. 22. Tryals and condemnation of Thomas White, William Har- court, John Fen wick, John Gavan, and Anthony Turner, for conspir- ing the death of the king, the subversion of the government, and pro- testant religion. London, 1 679. Gift of Zachariah Poulson. Winton, 607, F. 7. Tryal of George earl of Winton, upon articles of impeach- ment of high treason, in Westminster hall, on the 15th, 16th, and 19th of March, 1715—16. London, 1716. Yorke, 2231, O. The trial of Henry Yorke for a conspiracy, &c., before justice Rooke, on the tenth of July, 1795. London, 1795. Zenger, 230, F. The trial of John Peter Zenger, printer of the New York Weekly Journal. New York, 1751. Gift of Henry Pratt. 412, F. 7. A narrative of the trial of John Peter Zenger, printer of the New York Weekly Journal. With remarks on said trial. Lancaster, 1756. 1387, Q. 4. Narrative of the trial of John Peter Zenger, for a libel. New York, 1770. 254, F. A complete collection of state-trials, from the reign of king Richard the second, to the end of the reign of king George the first. 2d edit. 8 vols. London, 1730. 255, F. A new abridgment and critical review of the state trials, from the reign of king Richard the second, to the remarkable trial of captain Porteous, in the eleventh year of the reign of king George the second. London, 1738. 603, F. 7. Trial of fourteen persons for the riot at Guild-hall, on midsummer- day, 1682, at the election of sheriffs. London, 1683. 606, F. 51. Behaviour and confessions of the malefactors that were executed at Tyburn, on the 23d of December, 1712. 380, O. Select trials for murders, robberies, and other offences at the ses- sions in the old baily ; with accounts of the lives and confessions of the most eminent convicts, from the year 1720 to 1732. 2 vols. London, 1734. 3753, O. Sketches of trials in Ireland for high treason, &c. including the speeches of Mr. Curran at length, &c. Baltimore, 1805. 6067, O. Celebrated trials, and remarkable cases of criminal jurisprudence, from the eariiest record to the year 1825. 6 vols. London, 1825. 8390, O. The tryal and judgment at large of twenty-nine regicides, the mur- derers of king Charles the first, on the 9th of October, 1660. Dublin, 1730. 8608, O. Trials of George Robert Fitzgerald and others for murder. The marquis of Headfort for crim. con. James Fry for murder. John Magee for a hbel. Francis Bellew, Esq. for a riot. The proprietor of the Northern Star for a libel. Dublin, 1786—1804. 9102, O. Celebrated trials of all countries, and remarkable cases of criminal jurisprudence. Selected by a member of the Philadelphia bar. Philadelphia, 1835. 171, D. Select trials at the sessions-house in the old baily, for murders, robberies, and other offences ; with accounts of the lives and confessions of the most eminent convicts. 2d edit. 4 vols. London, 1742. 2093, & 4674, D. The criminal recorder ; or, an awful beacon to the rising generation of both sexes. Collected from authentic documents. Philadelphia, 1810. 22 170 JURISPRUDENCE. 5547, D. The libraiy of entertaining knowledge; criminal trials. Vol. 1, London, 1832. 798, 8. 1 138, 8. 1572, 5. & 2866, 0. 1. Speech to the grand jury of the county of New Castle, November, 1741. By Samuel Chew, Esq. Philadelphia, 1741. 412, F. 5. Delancy's charge to the grand jury of New York. 1733. 804, Q. 7. Sir James Eyre's charge to the grand jury of Middlesex, England, on the 2d of October, 1794. London, 1794. 955, Q,, 12. Judge Hare's charge at the general quarter sessions of the peace for the county of Surry, April 5, 1692. London. 2266, O. 8. The charge of Judge Patterson to the jury, in the case of Van- home's lessee against Dorrance ; tried at a circuit court of the United States, held at Philadelphia, April term, 1795; wlierein the controverted title to the Wyoming lands received a decision. Philadelphia, 1796. Gift of Samuel H» Smith, 465, Q,. 3. A charge given by the chief justice of New York to the grand jury, March, 1726—7. New York, 1727. 1567, O. 3. A charge to the grand jury of Charlestown. By William Dray- ton, Esq. 1776. REPORTS— TRIALS IN CIVIL CASES. Jlddisotit 2999, O. Reports of cases in the county courts of the fifth circuit, and in the high court of errors and appeals, of the state of Pennsyl- vania ; and charges to grand juries. By Alexander Addison. W^ash- ington, Pa. 1800. Ashhy, 606, F. 21. Report of the state of the case upon the writ of error, lately depending in the house of peers, wherein Matthew Ashby was plain- tiff, and William White and others defendants. London, 1704. Baker, 3774, O. 14. Copies of petitions, &c. presented by J. Austin, and G. A. Baker, respecting the claim of said Austin to " The New Ferry." Phi- ladelphia, 1784. Biddle, 9133, O. 4. Statement of James C. Biddle, and William M. Meredith of the Philadelphia bar. Philadelphia, 1822. Binney, 7169, O. Reports of cases adjudged in the supreme court of Pennsyl- vania. By Horace Binney. 6 vols. Philadelphia, 1809, to 1815. Gift of the author. Blackstone, 343, F. Reports of cases in the several courts of Westminster hall, from the year 1746, to 1779 ; by William Blackstone. With a preface, containing memoirs of the author's life. 2 vols. London, 1781. Burroughs 2252, Q,. 50. To Charles Fleetwood and others, being judges in the court of Kingstone-upon-Thames, the state of the old controversie laid before you, depending in your court, between Richard Mayo, plain- tiffe, and Edward Burrough, defendant. By Edward Burrough. Lon- don, 1659. Coke, 240, F. The twelfth part of the reports of Sir Edward Coke. London, 1656. Dallas, 1863, O. Reports of cases ruled and adjudged in the courts of Penn- sylvania, before and since the revolution. By Alexander James Dal- las. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1790. Decow, 8926, O. A full report of the case of Stacey Decow, and Joseph Hen- drickson, v. Thomas L. Shotwell, decided at Trenton, N. J. Philadel- phia, 1834. 7316, O. An authentic report of the testimony in a cause at issue in the court of chancery of the state of New Jersey, between Thomas L. Shotwell, complainant, and Joseph Hendrickson and Stacey Decow, REPORTS — TRIALS IN CIVIL CASES. 171 defendants. By Jeremiah J. Foster, master in chancery. 3 vols. Phi- ladelphia, 1831. Douglass, 1789, O. The history of the cases of controverted elections, which were tried and determined during the first and second sessions of the fourteenth parliament of Great Britain. By Sylvester Douglass. 4 vols. London, 1775. 342, F. Reports of cases in the court of king's bench, in the nine- teenth, twentieth, and twenty-first years of the reign of George III. By Sylvester Douglass. London, 1783. Douglas, 240, Q,. The case of Archibald Douglas, Esq. and his guardians, against the duke of Hamilton and others ; to be heard at the bar of the house of lords, on the sixteenth of January, 17G9. 241, Q. Proof for Archibald Douglas, Esq. against the duke of Ha- milton and others. January 28, 1766. 287, F. The case of the duke of Hamilton, against A. Douglas, Esq. 286, Q. Letters to Lord Mansfield, from Andrew Stuart, Esq. Lon- don, 1773. Gift of John Crosse. Eslienney 3404, D. Causes Amusantes et Connues. Rec. par R. Estienne. 2 tom. A Berlin, 1769. Evans, 7462, 0. Report of the case of trespass and assault and battery, wherein John Evans was plaintiflf, and Eliza Yarnall and others were defend- ants ; including an interesting and important discussion respecting the discipline of the society of Friends. Revised by Joseph R. Hopkins. Philadelphia, 1810. Hamilton, 2273, Q,. 2. Plaidoyer pour M. Gawin Hamilton des Comtes de Clam- brasil, descendant des comtes d'Arran heritier du Royaiune d'Ecosse, &c. &c. Contre le Sir Benjamin Beresfort, chapelain Anglican. Paris, 1782. Har grave, 1106, 0. 1. An argument in the case of James Somersett, a negro, lately determined in the court of king's bench. By Francis Hargrave. London, 1772. Houston, 4943, & 7533, O. The trial of Robert W. Houston, v. General John Dicks, and other members of a court-martial ; being an action of tres- pass in the coui't of common pleas of Lancaster county ; containing the proceedings and opinions of the said court, also the arguments of counsel before the supreme court, and the opinions of the judges ot said court. By G. B. Porter, Esq. Philadelphia, 1817. Hut ton, 1833, O. Courts of requests ; their nature, utility, and powers de- scribed ; with a variety of cases, determined in that of Birmingham. By W. Hutton. Birmingham, 1787. Jessup, 3897, O. 4. Report of a cause, John Jessup v, John Ffirth, Esq. for a libel, tried at Woodbury, Gloucester, New Jersey, March circuit, 1807. Trenton, 1807. Lefty, 1952, O. 4. The proceedings in the cause of Lefty against Mills, on the legality of demanding half a crown for noting bills of exchange on the day of payment. By E. Hodgson. London, 1790. Peters, 3333, O. Admiralty decisions in the district court of the United States for the Pennsylvania district, by the Hon. Richard Peters. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1807. Gift of Richard Peters, jr. Esq., the editor. 4032, O. 3. The whole proceedings in the case of Olmstead and others, V. Rittenhouse's executors ; collected and arranged by Richard Peters, junior. Philadelphia, 1809. Pntchard, 604, F. 3. Tryal between Sir William Pritchard, plaintiff, and Tho- mas Papillon, defendant, in an action upon the case, on the 6th of No- vember, 1684. London, 1689. Shermer, 9094, O. 10. Report of the trial of Shermer v. Rusling, before Judge Pettit. (Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal church.) Philadelphia, 1833. 172 JURISPRUDENCE. Salkeldt 264, F. Reports of cases adjudged in the court of king's bench; with some special cases in tiie courts of chancery, common pleas, and ex- chequer, from the first year of WilHam and Mary, to the tenth of queen Anne. By William Salkeld. 4th edit. London, 1742. Sampson, 8588, O. 6. Is a whale a fish ? Accurate report of the trial of James Maurice against Samuel Judd, wherein the above problem is discussed. By William Sampson. New York, 1819. Stair, 401, F. A bill in the chancery of New Jersey, at the suit of John, earl of Stair, and others, proprietors of the eastern division of New Jersey, against Benjamin Bond and others; with maps. New York, 1747. Talham, 2271, O. 6. Report of a case decided on the sixteenth of November, 1793, in the general court of Virginia, on a question touching the con- stitutionahty of an act of assembly; With the arguments and opinions of the respective judges at large. By WiUiam Tatham. Philadelpliia, 1794. Gift of the reporter. Tooke, 2044, O. 3. John Home Tooke's account of the proceedings in an action for debt between Charles James Fox and himself London, 1792. IVallace, 5737, O. 4. Reports of cases 'adjudged in the circuit court of the United States, for the third circuit. By John B. Wallace. Philadelphia, 1801. WhitefielcU 1569, O. 8. A brief account of the occasion, process, and issue of a late trial at Gloucester, March 3, 1743, between some Methodists and certain persons of the town of Minchin-Hampton. By George White- field. 3d edit. London, 1744. Jflght, 3063, D. Mornings at Bow-street : a selection of the most humorous and entertaining reports which have appeared in the Herald. By J. Wight. With drawings by G. Cruikshank. London, 1824. 268, F. Modern reports ; or, select cases adjudged in the courts of king's bench, chancery, &c., since the restoration of king Charles the second. 3d edit. 6 vols. London, 1720. 556, F. Tables of all the cases printed in the books of reports, digested un- der proper heads. In the Savoy, 1719. Gift of George Booth. 2496, O. 5. Case decided in the supreme court of the United States, in Febru- ary, 1793, in which is discussed the question, " whether a state be liable to be sued by a private citizen of another state?" Philadelphia, 1793. 7236, O. The case of the Cherokee nation against the state of Georgia, ar- gued and determined at the supreme court of the United States, January term, 1831. With an appendix. By Richard Peters, counsellor at law. Philadel- phia, 1831. 464, 0. 14. The case of the sloop Active. Philadelphia, 1779. 8606, O. 4. Proceedings of the trial of the ship Two Friends, in the court of vice-admiralty in Bermuda. Philadelphia, 1795. 462, Q,. 20. The proceedings of the court of vice-admiralty, in Charlestown, South Carolina, in the cause — George Roupell v. The ship Ann and goods. America, 1768. 1905, D. Praxis Curiae Admiralitatis Angliae. Auct. Francisco Gierke. Lon- dini, 1667. Gift of Mathew Carey. 8560, O. Styles' practical register, consisting of rules, orders, and observa- tions concerning the practice of the common law, in the courts, criminal and civil. London, 1707. 504, Q,. 2. The rules and orders for regulating the practice of the supreme court of the state of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1788. Gift of Zachariah Pouhon. PARTICULAR CASES. 173 INDIVIDUAL AND PARTICULAR CASES. 1939, D. 1. Address to the- people of the United States, on the measures pur- sued by the executive with respect to the batture at New Orleans : to which are annexed, a number of documents necessary to a full understanding of this in- teresting case. By Edward Livingston, Esq. New Orleans, 1808. 1939, D. 2. A review of the cause of the New Orleans batture, and of the discussions that have taken place respecting it ; containing answers to the late publications of Messrs. Thierry and Derbigny on that subject. By Peter S. Duponceau, Esq. Philadelphia, 1809. Gift of Peter S. DuponceaUj Esq. 4365, O. 3. The same. . 4457, O. The proceedings of the government of the United States in main- taining the public right to the beach of the Mississippi, adjacent to New Orleans, against the intrusion of Edward Livingston. Prepeured for the use of counsel, by Thomas Jefferson, Esq. New York, 1812. 4436, 4442, & 4457, O. 2. An answer to Mr. Jefferson's justification of his conduct in the case of the New Orleans batture. By Edward Livingston. Phil- adelphia, 1813. Tivo last, the gift of Peter S. Bitponceau, Esq. 4472, O. - Pamphlets, on the right of the inhabitants of New Orleans to the batture. Washington & New York, 1809. 1588, O. 11. An address to the several persons claiming under the Indian purchases, called the Mountain, Horsneck, and Van Gieson. By David Ogden. 1767. 1 576, O. 4. The right of the governor ahd company of Connecticut, to hold the lands within the limits of their charter. Hartford, 1773. 1100, 1101, & 1576, O.5. An examination of the Connecticut claim, to the lands of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1774. 1296, O. 6. Susquehanna title stated and examined. Catskill, 1796. Gift of Zachariah Poulson, 9142, O. 4. A plea in vindication of the Connecticut title to the contested lands lying west of New York. By Benjamin Trumbull. New Haven, 1774. 9142, O. 2. Examination into the rights of the Indian nations to their respec- tive countries ; and a vindication of the grant from the Six Nations, to the pro- prietors of Indiana. With documents. Philadelphia, 1781. 1 576, O. 6. A view of the title to Indiana, a tract of country on the Ohio. Philadelphia, 1776. 576, F. 16. Documents respecting the claim of the persons therein mentioned to a certain tract of land called Indiana. Philadelphia. Gift of G. Morgan. 9142, O. 3. Public good; being an examination into the claim of Virginia to the western territory. By T. Paine. Philadelphia, 1780. 796, 7. & 1007, D. 13. A defence of the right of the New Hampshire grants. Dresden, 1779. 6002, D. 2. A concise view of the controversy between the proprietors of East and West Jersey. Philadelphia, 1785. 4470, O. 2. Sundry papers in relation to claims, commonly called Yazoo claims. Washington, 1809. 9128, O. 1. A report of the attorney-general to congress, relative to land situ- ate in the southwest part of the United States, claimed under a law of Georgia. Philadelphia, 1796. 462, Q,. 13. A narrative of facts, relating to the disputed will of Samuel Flower, Esq. By Dr. John Kearsley, jun. Philadelphia, 1770. 1572, O. 4. A state of the case of Rebecca Richardson, respecting a house and lot in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1755. 465, Q. 2. A narrative of the imprisonment of two Presbyterian ministers. New York, 1755, 174 JURISPRUDENCE. LAWS RELATING TO WOMEN, MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE. 1294, O. Laws respecting women as they regard their natural rights, or their connections and conduct. Also, the obligations of parent and child, ai\d the condition of minors. London, 1777. 955, O. A treatise of feme coverts ; or the lady's law ; containing all the laws and statutes relating to women ; with select precedents. London, 1732. 2915, D. 2. De Re Uxoria. Auct. Francisco Barbaro. Amstelodami, 1662. Gift of J. P. iWorris, 1758, 3. & 9126, O. 2. An essay on marriage ; or, the lawfulness of divorce, in certain cases, considered. Philadelphia, 1788. 925, Q,. 7. Doctrine and discipline of divorce. London, 1645. 925, Q^ 8. Expositions upon the foure chief places in scripture which treat of marriage, or nullities in marriage. London, 1645. 47, O. 2. The case of marriages between near kindred considered, with re- spect to the doctrine of the scripture, the law of nature, and the laws of England. London, 1756. 954, Q^ 1. Mr. Emmerton's marriage with Mrs. Bridget Hyde considered; wherein the rights and nature of marriage is discoursed. London, 1682. 1062, D. 2. The proceedings touching the divorce between the lady Frances Howard and Robert earl of Essex ; with the arraignment of Sir Jervis Yelvis, &c. for murdering Sir Thomas Overbury in the tower. London, 1692. 1306, Gt 9. Counsellor's plea for the divorce of G. D. and Mrs. F. London, 1715. P. PATENT LAW— COPYRIGHT. 2273, Q,. 3. The decision of the court of session upon the question of literary proi^erty in the cause of John Hinton against Alexander Donaldson and others, booksellers. Published by James Bos well, Esq. Advocate. Edinburgh, 1774. 4182, O. An essay on the law of patents for new inventions ; with an appen- dix, containing the French patent law, forms, &c. By Thomas Green Fessen- den. Boston, 1810. 6968, 3. &, 9127, O.8. Exposition of part of tlie patent law, &c. With re- flections on the patent law. By Oliver Evans. Philadelphia, 1816. 4411, D. Patent right oppression exposed; to which is added, an alarming law case : also reflections on the patent laws, with notes and anecdotes. Phila- delphia, 1813. 6968, 2. & 9127, O. 8. Oliver Evans to his counsel, who are engaged in de- fence of his patent rights, &c. &c. 2269, O. 8. A treatise on the justice, policy, and utility of establishing an ef- fectual system for promoting the progress of useful arts, by assuring property in the products of genius. By Wm. Barney. Philadelphia, 1792. Gift of the author. 4471, 0. 10. Memorial to congress, praying relief from the oppressive opera- tion of Oliver Evans* patent. Baltimore, 1813. 9008, O. 4. Report on the state of the patent office. Washington, 1831. MILITARY LAW. 175 MILITARY LAW— TREATISES ON COURTS-MARTIAL. Macomb, 4432, O. A treatise on martial law and courts-martial, as practised in the United States of America. By Major Alexander Macomb. Charleston, 1809. M' Arthur, 4626, O. Principles and practice of navsd and military court-martials. By John M' Arthur, LL. D. 2 vols. London, 1813. Tytler, 2968, O. An essay on military law, and the practice of courts-martial. By Alexander Fraser Tytler. Edinburgh, 1800. TRIALS. »^ndre, 1583, O. 8. The proceedings of a board of general officers respecting major John Andre. Philadelphia, 1780. Arnold, 4 J. 3, 4. & 514, F. 10. Proceedings of a court-martial, June 1, 1779, for the trial of major-general Arnold. Philadelphia, 1780. Gift of Zachariah Poulson, Bache, 7670, O. Proceedings of a general court-martial, for the trial of lieut. col. Louis Bache, upon charges of disobedience of orders, and insubor- dination, at the camp Marcus Hook, on the Delaware river, October, 1814. Philadelphia, 1815. Byng, 3110, & 8366, O. The trial of admiral Byng, at a court-martial, held Dec. 28th, 1756, with his defence. 2 vols. London, 1757. Cushing, 4365, O. 1. Trial of colonel Thomas H. Cushing, before a general court-martial, on charges preferred against him by brigadier-general Wade Hampton. Reported by the Judge Advocate. Philadelphia, 1812. Dalrymple, 9131, O. 6. Proceedings of the court of enquiry upon the conduct of Sir Hew Dalrymple, relative to the convention at Cintra. With an account of the campaign, and a sketch of his life. By W. E. Tomlins. London, 1808. Gardner, 8606, O. 3. Proceedings on a court-martial for the trial of major Charles K. Gardner, upon charges of misbehaviour and cowardice, preferred against him by major-general Ripley. Boston, 1816. Henley, 1583, O. 5. The proceedings of a court-martial, held at Cambridge, upon the trial of col. David Henley. Boston, 1778. Hull, 4477, O. Report of the trial of brigadier-general William Hull, by a court- martial, held at Albany, 3d January, 1814, taken by lieut. col. Forbes. New York, 1814. 2280, D. Defence of brigadier-general William Hull, delivered before the general court-martial, with an address to the citizens of the United States, written by himself: to which are prefixed, the charges against general Hull. Boston, 1814. Keppel, 514, F. 7. Minutes of the proceedings at a court-martial, assembled for the trial of admiral Augustus Keppel, on a charge exhibited against him by the vice-admiral Sir Hugh Palliser. London, 1779. 1773, O. 4. An address to admiral Augustus Keppel ; containing candid remarks on his defence ; with observations on such passages as relate to the conduct of vice-admiral Sir Hugh Palliser. By a seaman. Lon- don, 1779. Gift of Doctor Thomas Parke. Lee, 413, 1. & 514, F. 9. The proceedings of a general court-martial, July 4, 1778, for the trial of major-general Lee. Philadelphia, 1778. Palliser, 514, F. 8. Minutes of the proceedings at a court-martial, assembled for the trial of vice-admiral Sir Hugh Palliser. London, 1779. Gift of Doctor Thomas Parke. 176 JURISPRUDENCE. Porter f 6081, O. A report of the trial of commodore David Porter, of the U. S. na\*y, before a general court-martial. By Robert Beale. To which is added, a review of the court's decision. Washinrrton city, 1825. Schuyler y 413, F. 3. The proceedings of a court-martial, October 1, 1778, for the trial of major-general Schuyler. SL Clair, 413, F. 2. The proceedings of a court-martial, August 25, 1778, for the trial of major-general St. Clair. 712, d. 1. Minutes of the proceedings of the court-martial held at Portsmouth, August 12, 1792, on the ten persons charged with mutiny on board the ship Bounty ; with an appendix, containing an account of the real causes of that transaction. London, 1794. CLASS III. Self ii(rf!$ antif ^vta^ PHILOSOPHY. ^grippa, 847, D. Henr, Cornelii Agrippae de vanitate artium et scientiarum, de nobilitate et praecellentia foeminei sexus et de matrimonio, libri. Cologne, 1G09. 1809, D. The same. Paris, 1622. P. 317, Q^ Henrie Cornelius Agrippa, of the vanitie and vncertaintie of arts and sciences. London, 1575. Anderson^ 607, Q,. The philosophy of ancient Greece investigated, in its origin and progress in the Ionian, Italic, and Athenian 'schools ; with remarks on the systems of their founders and accounts of their lives and cha- racters, and those of their most eminent disciples. By Walter Ander- son. Edinburgh, 1791. Argens^ D\ 380, D. The impartial philosopher; or, the philosophy of common sense ; containing dissertations upon the uncertainty of human know- ledge. Written in French, by the Marquis D'Argens. To which is added, a dissertation upon gravity, &c. by Monsieur Mauper- tuis. Translated from the French into English. 2 vols. London, 1749. Aristotle, 424, F. Aristotelis opera. Graec6 et Latin^. Editore G. Du Val. Tomi II. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1629. L. 728, F. Aristotelis opera Stagiritae philosophorum omnium longe principis. Graece et Latine. 2 vols. Aurele Allobrogum, 1605. P. Babbage, 7161, O. Reflections on the decline of science in England, and on some of its causes. By C. Babbage. London, 1830. Bacon, 146, Q,. The philosophical works of Francis Bacon. Methodized and made English from the originals. With notes by Peter Shaw. 3 vols. London, 1733. 167, a. The same. 5 vols. London, 1765. Gift of S. Bordley. • 877, F. Resuscitatio, or bringing into public light several pieces of the works of the right honourable Francis Bacon. By William Rawley. 3d edit. London, 1671. P. 1358, Q,. Two books of the proficience and advancement of learning, divine and human, to the king. By Sir Francis 3acon. Oxford, 1633. P. 1795, D. Franc. Baconis, novum organum scientiarum. Lugduni Bata- vorum, 1650. P. 3301, D. Novum organum scientiarum: containing rules,* for conduct- ing the understanding in the search of truth, and raising a solid structure of universal philosophy. By Francis Bacon, Baron Veru- 1am, &c. Translated from the Latin by Peter Shaw, M. D. With notes, critical and explanatory. 2 vols. London, 1802. M. 23 178 SCIENCES AND ARTS. BacorXt 3311, D. De augmentis scientiarum ; or the arrangement and general survey of knowledge: with its particular defects, and the ways of supplying them, for the advancement of arts and sciences. By Fran- cis Bacon, Baron Verulam, &c. Translated from the Latin by Peter Shaw, M. D. With notes, critical and explanatory. Portrait. 2 vols. London, 1803. J/. Bailly, 6833, O. Lett res sur Torigine des sciences, and sur celle des peuples de I'Asie, adressees a M. de Voltaire, par M. Bailly and precedees de quelques lettres de M. de Voltaire a I'auteur. A Londres, 1777. 6834, O. Lettres sur Tatlantide de Platon et sur I'ancienne histoire de TAsie. Pour servir de suite aux lettres sur I'origine des sciences; adressees a M. de Voltaire, par M. Bailly. A Londres, 1779. Biaifj 6273, O. Scientific aphorisms ; being the outline of an attempt to esta- blish fixed principles of science, and to explain from them the general nature of the constitution and mechanism of the material system, and the dependence of that system on mind. By Robert Blair, M. D. Edinburgh, 1827. BoetiuSt 1685, O. Boethii consolationis philosophiae, libri V. cum notis Johan- nis- Bernartii, Theodori Sitzmani et Renati Vallini. Lugduni Bata- vorum, 1621. Z. 6585, O. Boethius' consolation of philosophy. Translated from the Latin, with notes and illustrations, by the Rev. Mr. Philip Ridpath, &c. London, 1785. M. Boiingbroke, 618, O. 3. An analysis of the philosophical works of the late Lord Bolingbroke. London, 1755. Boyle, 259, F. The works of Robert Boyle. To which is prefixed the life of the author. 5 vols. London, 1744. 147, Q^ The philosophical works of Robert Boyle; abridged and me- thodized under the heads of physic, statics, pneumatics, natural his- tory, chemistry, and medicine ; with notes. By Peter Shaw. 2d edit. 3 vols. London, 1738. Bruce, 707 J D. The first principles of philosophy. By John Bruce, A. M. 2d edit. Edinburgh, 1781. Burnett 3451, O. 2. Archaeologiae philosophicae, or the ancient doctrine concern- ing the original of things, translated from the Latin. By Thomas Burnet. London, 1729. P. Cicero, 1029, Q. M. Tullii Ciceronis opera cum indicibus et variis lectionibus. 10 vols. Oxonii, 1783. P. 3247, O. M. Tullii Ciceronis de natura deorum, libri tres. Edit. 3tia. Cantabrigiae, 1733. P. 3362, O. M. Tullii Ciceronis de finibus bonorura and malorum, libri quinque. Cantabrigiae, 1728. P. 3396, O. M. Tullii Ciceronis Tusculanarum disputationum, libri V. Edit, quarta. Cantabrigiae. 1738. P. H?*?, D. The five days* debate at Cicero's house in Tusculum, upon various subjects, between master and sophister. London, 1683. P. 3478, O. Marcus T. Cicero's Tusculan disputations in five books, a new translation. London, 1758. P. 3408, D. Tusculanes de Ciceron ; traduites par Messieurs Bouhier et d'Ollvet. Latin et Francois. 2 tom. A Paris, 1776. - 1042, O. Cicero of the nature of the gods. W^ith notes, and an inquiry into the astronomy and anatomy of the ancients. London, 1741. 505, D. Cicero's three books, touching the natflre of the gods. Trans- lated into English, with notes and illustrations. London, 1683. 3493, O. The same. London, 1741. P. 1689, D. The same. P. PHILOSOPHY. 179 Cicero f 1545, D. M. I'Abbe Regnier traduction des deux livres de la divina- tion de Ciceron. Paris, 1710. F. 1660, D. Traite de la divination, traduit du Latin de Ciceron. Par Regnier des Marais. Amsterdam, 1711. F. 457, P. Nizolius sive thesaurus Ciceronianus post Nizoli et aliorum operas per Marcellum Squarcialupum Plumbinensem digestus et illus- tratus. Basileae, 1576. Z. ', 1821, D. M. T. Ciceronis. Sententiorum. London, 1703. 613, O. Cicero's Tusculan disputations. A new translation. By a gentleman. London, 1758. 334, O. Cicero's five books de finibus; or concerning the last object of desire and aversion. Translated into English by S. P. With a preface by Jeremy Collier. To which is added, an apology for the philosophical writings of Cicero, by Henry Dodwell. London, 1702. 3482, O. Tully's five books de finibus, or concerning the last object of desire and aversion. By Jeremy Collier. London, 1702. F. 3477, O. M. T. Cicero, of the nature of the gods, with critical, philoso- phical, and explanatory notes. By the Rev. Dr. Francklin. A new edition. London, 1775. F. 3472, D. Thoughts of Cicero, on religion, man, conscience, &c. &c. Published in Latin and French, by the Abbe d'Olivet. To which is added, an English translation, with notes. By the Rev. Alexander Wishart. London, 1773. Cliahron, 519, D. Philosophia per argumenta breviter explicata, auctore P. Gulielmo Chabrono. Tomi 3. Parisiis, 1650. Clerks 895, D. Joannis Clerici pneumatologia cui subjecta est Thomae Stanleii philosophia orientalis. Tomi II. Amstelodami, 1710. L. Cousin, 7365, O. Introduction to the history of philosophy. By Victor Cou- sin, professor of philosophy at Paris. Translated from the French by H. G. Linberg. Boston, V832. Comenius, 2936, D. 1 . Johannis Amos Comenii Pansophiae prodromus, aliaq. ejus dem. Lug. Bat. 1644. 2936, D. 2. I. A. Comenii Pansophiae diatyposis ichnographica et orthographica delineatione. Amstelodami, 1645. Bes Cartes, 206, Q,. 1 . Renati Des Cartes principia philosophiae. Amstelodami, 1664. Duten, 3486, O. Inquiry into the origin of the discoveries attributed to the moderns. By, the Rev. Mr. Duten. London, 1769. F. England, 172, d. An inquiry into the morals of the ancients, wherein the moral virtues are compared with those of the Christian world ; with an inquiry into the causes of their virtues, and the degeneracy of the Christians. By George England. London, 1737. Enfield, 626, Q,. The history of philosophy, from the earliest times to the be- ginning of the present century; drawn up from Brucker's "Historia - critica philosophiae." By William Enfield. 2 vols. London, 1791. 1092, Q,. The same. P. 6756, O. The same. Dublin, 1792. Falconer, 365, Gl. Remarks on the influence of climate, situation, nature of country, population, &c., upon mankind. By William Falconer, M. D. London, 1781. Glanville, 1298, Q,. Essays on several important subjects in philosophy and religion. By Joseph Glanville. London, 1676. F. 1646, D. Plus ultra, or the progress and advancement of knowledge since the days of Aristotle. By Joseph Glanville. London, 1 668. F. Goguet, De, 988, O. The origin of laws, arts and sciences ; and their progress among the most ancient nations. Translated from the French of the president De Goguet. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1761. ISO SCIENCES AND ARTS. Grant, 2001, Q. Essays on tlie origin of society, language, property, govern- ment, jurisdiction, contracts and marriage. With illustrations from the Greek and Galic Languages. By James Grant, Esq. Advocate. London, 1785. -flarm, 1781, 0. Philosophical arrangements. By James Harris. London, 1775. Uierodisy 3439, O. Pet Needham Hieroclis philosophi Alexandrini, commenta- rius in aurea carmina de providentia et fato, quae supersunt et reliqua fragmenta, Graec^ et Latin^. Cantabrigiae, 1709. P. 1 ♦>66, D. Hierocles upon the golden verses of the Pytliagoreans. Translated from the Greek, first printed in 1682. Glascow, 1756. P. 885, D. Hieroclis philosophi commentarius in aurea Pythagoreorum carmina. Joan. Curterio interprete. Greece et Latinfe. Londini, 1673. L. Hutto/it 729, Q,. Investigation of the principles of knowledge, and of the pro- gress of reason, from sense to science and philosophy. By James Hutton. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1794. Johnson, 3248, O. Questiones philosophicae. Opera Thomae Johnson, A. M. Edit, tertia. Cantabrigiae, 1741. P. 81, D. The elements of philosophy. By Samuel Johnson. Third edition. London, 1754. KaimSy 291, Q,. Sketches of the history of man. By Lord Kaims. 2 vols. Edin- burgh, 1774. Zocitf, 7, & 1025, Q. The works of John Locke. 7th edit. 4 vols. London, 1768. Morell, 6269, O. Elements of the history of philosophy and science, from the earliest authentic records to the commencement of the eighteenth cen- tury. By Thomas Morell. London, 1827. Maximus, 969, D. Maximi Tyrii dissertationes. Oxoniae, 1677. L. Ocellus, 3479, O. Ocellus Lucanus philosophus de universi natura, Graecfe et Latins. 1646. P. 1669, D. Ocellus Lucanus, en Grec et en Francois, avec des disserta- tions sur les principals questions de la metaphysique, de la physique et de la morale des anciens. Par le Marquis D'Argens. Berlin, 1762. P. Ogilvie, 7520, O. Philosophical essays ; to which are subjoined copious notes, critical and explanatory, and a supplementary narrative, with an ap- pendix. By James Ogil vie. Philadelphia, 1816. Penrose, 8111, O. Letters on philosophical subjects; particularly the creation, the deluge, vegetation, &c. By E. Penrose. London, 1794. Person, 053, O. Varieties ; or a svrveigh of rare and excellent matters, neces- sary and delectable for all sorts of persons ; wherein the principall heads of diverse sciences are illustrated. By David Person. London, 1635. Gift of John Campbell. Plato, 38, Q. A synopsis, or general view of the works of Plato. By Floyer Sydenham. London, 1759. 1 127, O- The same. 4 vols. P. 7, & 135, D. The works of Plato abridged; with an account of his life, philosophy, morals, and politics ; and a translation of his choicest dia- logues. With notes, by M. Dacier. Translated from the French, by several hands. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1720. 1970, Q^ The dialogues of Plato; translated by Floyer Sydenham. Vol. 1. London, 1767. M. 3115, O. Cratylus, Phaedo, Parmenides and Tumaeus of Plato. Translated from the Greek. By Thomas Taylor. London, 1793. P, 3123, O. 1. A dissertation on the phaedon of Plato, or a dialogue of the im- mortality of the soul. By Charles Crawford. London, 1773. P. PHILOSOPHY. 181 Plato, 5223, D. Examen Philosophige Platonicae. Authore Lud. de Morainvil- lier d'Orgeville. Maclovii, 1650. Playfair, 5423, O. 2. A general view of the progress of mathematical and clas- sical science since the revival of letters in Europe. Part 2d. By John Playfair. Boston, 1821. 5024, O. 2. A general view of the progress of mathematical and phy- sical science, since the revival of letters in Europe. By John Playfair. Boston, 1817. Flotimis, 465, F. Plotini Platonicorum facile coryphaei operum philosicorum omnium libri LIV. Graece et Latine. Basileae, 1580. L. 5089, O. Select Works of Plotinus, and extracts from the treatise of Synesius, on Providence; translated from the Greek; with the life of Plotinus. By Thomas Taylor. London, 1817. 1464, D. 2. Thomas Taylor concerning the beautiful, or a paraphrase translation from the Greek of Plotinus. Enead 1., book 6. London, 1787. P. Papiriy 5190, D. Reflections upon ancient and modern philosophy, moral and natural ; together with the use that is to be made thereof. Translated from the French of R. Rapin. London, 1678. Hayt 2265, 4. & 8537, O. Synopsis ; or, a comprehensive view of philosophical, political, and theological systems, from the creation to the present time. A new edition. By J. M, Ray. Edinburgh, 1792. Rolling 165, O. The history of the arts and sciences of the ancients. Trans- lated from the French of Mr. Rollin. 4 vols. London, 1737. Sallust, 6689, O. Sallust on the gods and the world ; and the pythagoric sen- tences of Demophilus ; translated from the Greek ; and five hymns, by Proclus, in the original Greek, with a poetical version. With five hymns, by the translator. London, 1793. Scherzer^ 610, D. Joh. Ad. Scherzeri nucleus philosophise qvadripartitus. Lip- siae, 1632. Seneca, 1117, F. The works of Lucius Annaeus Seneca, newly enlarged and corrected. By Thomas Lodge. London, 1620. 5485, D. Joh. Fred. Gronovii ad L. and M. Annaeos Senecas notae. Lug. Bat. 1749. 529, O. Seneca's morals. To which is added, a discourse entitled, "An after-thought." By Sir Roger L'Estrange. 13th edit. Lon- don, 1729. 3453, O. Abstract of Seneca's morals. By Sir Roger L'Estrange. 12th edit. London, 1722. P. 58, D. A new translation of the morals of Seneca. To which is pre- fixed, some account of his life ; with the opinions of the ancients con- cerning his writings. By George Bennet. London, 1745. Smith, 6751, O. Essays on philosophical subjects. By Adam Smith, LL. D. &c. To which is prefixed an account of the life and writings of the author. By Dugald Stewart, F. R. S. E. Dublin, 1795. Somerville, 5932, D. On the connexion of the physical sciences. By Mrs. Somerville. London, 1834. Stanley, 129, Q. Historia philosophiae, vitas, opiniones, resque gestas et dicta philosophorum complexa, auctore Thoma Stanleio. Lipsiae, 1711. Gift of James Greenwood. 175, F. The history of philosophy ; containing the lives, opinions, &c. of the philosophers of every sect. By Thomas Stanley. 3d edit. London, 1701. 733, F. The same. P. 774, Q,. The same. 4th edit. With the life and writings of the au- thor. London, 1743. Stearns, 7677, O. The American oracle; comprehending an account of recent 182 SCIENCES AND ARTS. discoveries in arts and sciences, with a v^ariety of religious, political, and philosophical subjects. By the Hon. Samuel Stearns, LL. D. New York, 1791. Tennemany 8749, O. A manual of the history of philosophy, translated from the German of Tenneman. By the Rev. Arthur Johnson, M. A. Ox- ford, 1832. Voltaire, 3535, D. The philosophical dictionary. From the French of M. de Voltaire. Dublin, 1793. VossiuSj 522, Q,. Gerardi Johannis Vossii de quatuor artibus popularibus, de philologia, et scientiis mathematecis, cui operi subjungitur chronologia mathematicorum, libri tres. Amstelaedami, 1660. L. Woodward, 1677, & 2070, Q,. A system of universal science. By A. E. B. Woodward. Philadelphia, 1816. Young, 9162,0. Lectures on intellectual philosophy, by the late John Young, LL. D. ; with a memoir of the author. Edited by William Cairns, A. M. Glasgow, 1834. 1987, Q. A critical and chronological history of the rise, progress, declen- sion, and revival of knowledge, chiefly religious. In two periods. I. The pe- riod of tradition from Adam to Moses. II. The period of letters from Moses to Christ. By Henry Winder, D. D. 4 vols, in 1. London, 1745. M. 3358, O. 1. A view of Lord Bolingbroke's philosophy. By W. Warburton. London, 1755. F. 3719, O. Les principes de la science et des mathematiques. Dresde, 1750. 8906, & 9204, O. Reports of the first, second, and third meeting of the Bri- tish association for the advancement of science. London, 1833 — 34. 3959, D. 4. Reflexions on philosophy in general ; on logick ; on moral phi- losophy ; on natural philosophy ; on metaphysics ; and on the use of philosophy in matters of religion. London. ENCYCLOPAEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 479, F. Johannis Henrici Alstedi encyclopaedia. Herbornse Nassoviorum, 1632. Z. 27, F. The universal dictionary of arts and sciences ; with plates. By Mr, Chambers. 2d edit. 4 vols. London, 1738, and 1753. 373, F. Cyclopaedia ; or an universal dictionary of arts and sciences ; with plates. By E. Chambers. With the supplement, and modern improvements, incorporated in one alphabet. By Abraham Rees. 5 vols. London, 1786. 313, F. A dictionary of arts and sciences. 265, Q,. Encyclopaedia Britannica ; or a dictionary of arts and sciences, com- piled upon a new plan; with plates. By a society of gentlemen in Scotland. 3 vols. London, 1773. 448, Q,. Encyclopaedia Britannica ; or a dictionary of arts, sciences, &c. with a description and general history of the known world, and an account of the lives of the most eminent persons in every age and nation ; with plates. 2d edit. 10 vols, with a supplementary volume. Edinburgh, 1778. 2007, Q,, Encyclopedic methodique, ou par ordre de matieres, par une so- ciete de gens de lettres, de savants et d'artistes. 29 tomes. A Paris, 1784. Gift of Joseph, P. Norris, Esq. 1792, Q^ Encyclopaedia ; or a dictionary of arts and sciences, and miscella- neous literature. Published by Thomas Dobson. 21 vols. Philadelphia, 1798 —1803. 840, O. The general magazine of arts and sciences ; containing the young gentleman and lady's philosophy ; the natural history of England ; the philolo- gical arts and sciences ; the institutes of arithmetic, algebra, fluxions, geometry, METArnYsies. 183 and mechanics ; the lives of eminent philosopliers and mathematicians ; and mis- cellaneous correspondence ; with plates. By Benjamin Martin. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1755 & 1756. 4485, O. The general magazine of arts and sciences, comprehending all the branches of useful knowledge, on an improved plan, by Benjamin Martin. Lon- don, 1764. 383, O. A philosophical library of literary arts and sciences. By Benjamin Martin. London, 1737. 30, O. A dictionary of arts and sciences ; comprehending all the branches of useful knowledge; with plates. By a society of gentlemen. Published for W. Owen. 2d edit. 4 vols. London, 1763. 745, O. The philosophical dictionary; or the opinions of modern philoso- phers on metaphysical, moral, and political subjects. 4 vols. London, 1786. 3082, O. New and complete dictionary of arts and sciences, comprehending all the branches of useful knowledge, with copperplates ; by a society of gentle- men. 4 vols. London, 1763. P. 3942, O. The British encyclopaedia ; or, dictionary of arts and sciences ; comprising an accurate and popular view of the present improved state of hu- man knowledge ; with engravings. By William Nicholson. 6 vols. London, 1809. 6605, O. The elements of universal erudition, containing an analytical abridgment of the sciences, polite arts, and belles-lettres. By Baron Bielfeld. Translated by W. Hooper, M. D. 3 vols. London, 1770. M. 7012, O. Elncyclopaedia Americana, a popular dictionary of arts, sciences, literature, history, politics, and biography. 12 vols. Philadelphia, 1829. 2566, D. The universal preceptor ; being a general grammar of arts and sci- ences, and useful knowledge. By the Rev. David Blair. Philadelphia, 1817. 745, D. The philosophical dictionary ; or the opinions of modern philoso- phers on metaphysical, moral, and political, subjects. 4 vols. London, 1786. METAPHYSICS. Abercrombie, 7328, O. & 5505, D. Inquijies concerning the intellectual powers and the investigation of truth. By John Abercrombie, M. D. F. R. S. Edinburgh, 1831, and New York, 1832. Andre, 3414, D. Elssai sur le beau. Augmente de six discours, sur le modus, le decorum, &c. &c. Parle P^re Andre. A Paris, 1810. Aristotle, 1550, D. Aristotelis de anima, libri tres, Graece et Latine. Franck- forti, 1621. P. Bagshaw, 5926, D. On man ; his motives, their rise, operations, opposition, and results. By William Bagshaw. 2 vols. London, 1833. Baxter, 5448, O. An enquiry into the nature of the human soul ; wherein the immateriality of the soul is evinced from the principles of reason and philosophy. 3d edit. By Andrew Baxter. 3 vols. London, 1745. 148, Q^ The same. London. 592, O. An. appendix to the first part of the inquiry into the nature of the human soul. By Andrew Baxter. London, 1750. Bcasley, 5514, O. A search of truth in the science of the human mind. Part 1st. By the Rev. Frederick Beasley, D. D. Philadelphia, 1822. Beattie, 2017, D. An essay on the nature and immutability of truth, in op|x> sition to sophistry and scepticism, by James Beattie, LL; D. Phila- delphia, 1809. Gift of Solomon ffiatt. } Bent ham, 5011, O. 4. A table of the springs of action ; shewing the several spe- cies of pleasures and pains of which man's nature is susceptible. By Jeremy Bentham. London, 1817. / 184 SCIENCES AND ABTS. Berkeley, 1375, O. Treatise concerning the principles of human knowledge. By George Berkeley, M. A. London, 1734. Bonnet, 6933, O. La palingenesie philosophique, ou idees sur Tetat passe et sur Tetat futur des etres vivans, &c. &c. Par C. Bonnet. 2 torn. A Geneve, 1770. Brissot, 1755, O. De la verite ou meditations sur les moyens de parvenir a la verite dans toutes les connoissances humaines. Par J. P. Brissot de WarviUe. A Neuchatel, 1782. Gift of the author. Brown, 5449, O. Lectures on the philosophy of the human mind. By the late Thomas Brown, M. D. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1820. Browne, 3259, O. The procedure, extent, and Hmits of the human understand- ing. By Peter Browne. London, 1728. P. 5620, O. Essays on subjects of important inquiry, in metaphysics, morals, and religion. By the late Isaac Hawkins Browne, Esq. Lon- don, 1822. Buffier, 6730, O. First truths, and the origin of our opinions, explained : with an inquiry into the sentiments of modern philosophers, relative to our primary ideas of things, &c. &c. Translated from the French of Pere Buffier. London, 1780. Burigny, 1612, D. Histoire de la philosophic payenne, ou sentiments des phi- losophes et des peuples payennes les plus celebres sur Dieu, sur Tame, et sur le devoirs de I'homme. 2 tomes. Par de Burigny. La Haye, 1724. P. Collins, 1751, O. 3. A philosophical enquiry concerning human liberty. By Anthony Collins. 4th edit. Glasgow, 1749. . 243, O. 1. & 2179, D. The same. London, 1717—1727. Condillac, 718, & 1085, O. An essay on the origin of human knowledge; being a supplement to " Locke's essay on the human understanding." Trans- lated from the French of the Abbe de Condillac, by Mr. Nugent. Lon- don, 1756. 3616, D. Traite des systemes, ou I'on demele les inconvenients et les avantages. Par M. I'Abbe de Condillac. A Amsterdam, 1771. 3609, D. Traite des sensations. Par M. I'Abbe de Condillac. 2 ' tom, A Paris, 1751. Condorcet, 6820, O. Esquisse d'un tableau historique des progres de I'esprit humain. Ouvrage posthume de Condorcet. A Paris, 1798. 2180, O. Outlines of an historical view of the progress of the human mind. By M. de Condorcet. A posthumous work. Translated from the French. London, 1795. 4738, D. The same. Philadelphia, 1796. Coward, 8377, O. Second thoughts concerning the human soul ; demonstrat- ing the notion of the human soul. By William Coward. London, 1702. Crousaz, 387, O. A new treatise of the art of thinking ; or a complete system of reflections, concerning the conduct and improvement of the mind. Translated from the French of M. Crousaz. 2 vols. London, 1724. Cudworth, 121, Q,. The intellectual system of the universe, by Ralph Cud- worth ; wherein the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted; to which is added an account of the life and writings of the author. By Thomas Birch. 2d edit. London, 1743. Davits, 6361, O. An estimate of the human mind: being a philosophical in- quiry into the legitimate application and extent of its leading faculties, as connected with the principles and obligations of the Christian reli- gion. By the Rev. J. Da vies. 2 vols. London, 1828. Bendy, 5571, D. On the philosophy of dreams, and other transient illusions. By Walter C. Dendy. London, 1832. r METAPHYSICS. 185 DreWt 3035, O. An essay on immateriality and immortality of the human soul, founded solely on physical and rational principles. By Samuel Drew. 2d edit. Bristol, 1803. Godwin, 7202, O. Thoughts on man, his nature, productions, and discoveries ; with some particulars respecting the author. By William Godwin. London, 1831. Gregoire, 4092, O. An enquiry concerning the intellectual and moral faculties, and literature, of negroes ; followed with an account of the life and works of fifteen negroes and mulattoes distinguished in science, lite- rature, and the arts. By H. Gregoire. Translated by D. B. Warden. Brooklyn, 1810. Gregory, 3603, D. A comparative view of the state and faculties of man with those of the animal world. By John Gregory, M. D. &c. Dublin, 1778. Hamilton, 7219. O. The progress of society. By the late Robert Hamilton, LL. D. &c. London, 1830. Hartley J 2177, & 7658, O. Hartley's theory of the human mind, ^n the princi- ple of the association of ideas ; with essays relating to the subject of it. By Joseph Priestley. 2d edit. London, 1790. 6772, O. Observations on man, his frame, his duty, and his expecta- tions. By David Hartley, M. A. 3 vols. London, 1801. Helvetius, 574, Q. De I'esprit, or essays on the mind, and its several faculties. Written by Helvetius. Translated from the edition printed under the author's inspection. London, 1759. 1 175, a. The same. P. 1797, O. De I'esprit. Par M. Helvetius. II tomes. A Londres, 1776. 1613, O. A treatise on man, his intellectual faculties, and his educa- tion. By M. Helvetius. Translated from the French, with notes, by William Hooper. 2 vols. London, 1777. Hume, 4844, D. Philosophical essays concerning human understanding. By David Hume. London, 1748. 5038, «fc 7480, O. Philosophical essays on morals, literature, and poli- tics. By David Hume. To which is added, an answer to his objec- tions to Christianity, by Dr. Campbell ; also, an account of Mr. Hume's life, an original essay, and a few notes. By Thomas Ewell, M. D. 2 vols. Philadelphia; 1817. Jung- Stilling, 5835, D. Theory of pneumatology, in reply to the question, what ought to be believed concerning presentiments, visions, and ap- paritions. By Dr. J. H. Jung-Stilling. From the German, by S. Jack- son. London, 1834. Kanty 2553, O. Elements of critical philosophy ; containing a concise account of its origin and tendency ; a view of all the works published by its founder, professor Immanuel Kant. With three philological essays. Translated from the German of John Christopher Adelung. By A. F. M. Willich. London, 1782. 2372, O. An introductory view of professor Kant's prin6iples concerning man, the world, and the Deity. ByF. A. Nitsch. London, 1796. Kirwan, WQ\, O. Metaphysical essays ; containing the principle and funda- mental objects of that science. By Richard Khrwan, Esq. London, 1809. Law^ 7568, & 9132, 0.4. Second thoughts on instinctive impulses. By Thomas Law, Esq. Philadelphia, 1830. Ij>cke, 1105, F. An essay concerning human understanding. Written by John Locke. London, 1700. ■ 13, O. An essay concerning human understanding. By John Locke. 14th edit. 2 vols. London, 1753. 24 186 SCIENCES AND ARTS. Locke, 1025, Q. Works on the human understanding. By John Locke. 8th edit. 4 vols. London, 1777. 3630, D. Some thoughts on the conduct of the understanding in the search of truth. By John Locke, Esq. London, 1741. 3567, D. An essay concerning human understanding. By John Locke, gent. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1765. 3461, D. An Emalytical abridgment of Locke's essay concerning hu- man understanding. London, 1808. Lyons, 463, D. The infallibility of human judgment : its dignity and excellen- cy ; being a new art of reasoning and discovering truth. By Mr. Lyons. 5th edit. London, 1725. Macaulay, 1278, O. A treatise on the immutability of moral truth. By Cathe- rine Macaulay. London, 1783. Macnishj 5853, D. The philosophy of sleep. By Robert Macnish. New- York, 1834. Mallebranche, 1737, O. De la recherche de la verite. Ou Ton traitte de la na- ture de Tesprit de I'homme, et de I'usage qu'il en doit faire pour eviter I'erreur dans les sciences. By N. Mallebranche. Deux tomes. A Amsterdam, 1588. L. Mendelssohn, 1839, O. Phaedon; or the death of Socrates. By Moses Men- delssohn. Translated from the German. London, 1789. Mill, 7092, O. Analysis of the phenomena of the human mind. By James Mill, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1829. Monhoddo, 427, Q,. Ancient metaphysics ; or the science of universals ; with an appendix, containing an examination of the principles of Sir Isaac Newton's philosophy. By Lord Monboddo. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1779. O'Keeffe, 2345, O. 1. An essay on the progress of human understanding. By J. A. O'Keeffe, M. D. London, 1795. Priestley, 7581, O. Disquisitions relating to matter and spirit. To which is added the history of the philosophical doctrine concerning the origin of the soul, and the nature of matter. By Joseph Priestley. London, 1779. 1412, O. The same. 2d edit. 2 vols. Birmingham, 1782. 4669, D. Observations on Dr. Priestley's doctrines on philosophical necessity and materialism. By J. Purves. Philadelphia, 1797. Reid, 425, Ct Essays on the intellectual powers of man. By Thomas Reid, D.D. Edinburgh, 1785. — — 6575, O. The same. 3 vols. Dublin, 1786. M. 992, O. An inquiry into the human mind, on the principles of common sense. By Thomas Reid. London, 1769. Rtist, 8543, O. Two treatises ; the one lux orientalis, or an enquiry concerning the pre-existence of souls ; the other, a discourse of truth. By the late Rev. Dr. Rust. London, 1682. Sayer, 2087, O. Disquisitions, metaphysical and literary. By F. Sayer, M. D. London, 1793. Scott, 6560, O. Elements of intellectual philosophy; or, an analysis of the powers of the human understanding ; tending to ascertain the princi- ples of a rational logic. By R. R Scott, A. M. Professor Univ. Aberdeen. Edinburgh, 1805. M. Stewart, 3836, 6746, & 6754, O. Elements of the philosophy of the human mind. By Dugald Stewart. Philadelphia, 1793, and New York, 1818. 1519, Q. Philosophical essays. By Dugald Stewart, Esq. Edinburgh, 1810. 4239, 4240, 4241, & 7958, O. The same. Philadelphia, 1811. 5024, O. 1. A general view of the progress of metaphysical, ethical, and ix)litical philosophy, since the revival of letters in Europe. By Dugald Stewart, Esq. Boston, 1817. b PHYSIOGNOMF — PHRENOLOGY. 187 Tucker t 1062, O. The light of nature pursued. By Edward Search. (Abraham Tucker.) 3 vols. London, 1768. •— 3999, O. The same. Abridged by William Hazlett London, 1807. yVatts, 6542, & 7934, O. Philosophical essays on various subjects ; viz : space, substance, body, spirit, &c. &c. &,c. With some remarks on Mr. Locke's essay on the human understanding. To which is subjoined, a brief scheme of ontology, &c. By Isaac Watts, D. D. London, 1793. M, Upham, 9076, O. A philosophical and practical treatise on the will. By Thomas C. Upham. Portland, 1834. 1279, O. 2. Dialogues concerning innate principles. London, 1779. 5087, O. An essay on capacity and genius to prove there is no original men- tal superiority between the most illiterate and the most learned of mankind; also an enquiry into the nature of ghosts. London, 1817. 8319, O. The nature, extent and province of human reason considered. 2d edit. London, 1792. 597, D. A comparative view of the state and faculties of man with those of the animal world. London, 1706. 2019, D. The theory of dreams, in which air enquiry is made into the powers and faculties of the human mind, as they are illustrated in the most remarka- ble dreams recorded in sacred and profane history. 2 vols. London, 1808. 2846, & 4283, D. Essays on the formation and publication of opinions, and on other subjects. London, 1821. Philadelphia, 1821. 4284, D. Essays on the pursuit of truth, on the progress of knowledge, and on the fundamental principle of all evidence and expectation. By the author of essays on the formation, &c. of opinions. Philadelphia, 1831. 6039, D. The natural influence of speech in raising man above the brute creation. London, 1834, PHYSIOGNOMY— PHRENOLOGY. CombCj 9001, 0. A system of phrenology. By George Combe, late president of the phrenological society. 2d American from the third Edinburgh edition. Revised and enlarged by the author. Boston, 1834. 4146, &5911, D. The constitution of man, considered in relation to external objects. By George Combe. London, 1808. Boston, 1829. Cross, 5019, O. An attempt to establish physiognomy upon scientific princi- ples. By John Cross, M. D. Glasgow, 1817. Gall, 4012, O. Some account of Dr. Gall's new theory of physiognomy, found- ed upon the anatomy and physiology of the brain and the form of the scull ; with the critical strictures of C. W. Hufeland, M. D. London, 1807. Ixivater, 435, Q,. Essai sur la physiognomy par Jean Gaspard Lavater. Deux tomes. A la Haye. 1882, O. Essays on physiognomy; for the promotion of the know- ledge and the love of mankind; with plates. By J. C. Lavater. Translated from the German, by Thomas Holcroft. 3 vols. London, 1789. 7835, O. Essays on physiognomy ; calculated to extend the know- ledge and the love of mankind. Written by the Rev. John Caspar Lavater. Translated from the last Paris edition, by the Rev. C. Moore. 4 vols. London, 1747. Spurzheim, 4653, O. The physiognomical system of Drs. Gall and Spurzheim, founded on an anatomical and physiological examination of the ner- vous system in general, and of the brain in particular, and hidicating 188 SCIENCES AND ARTS. the dispositions and manifestations of the mind, by J. G. Spurzheim. London, 1815. Spurzheim, 8784, O. Phrenologj% or the doctrine of the mental phenomena. By G. Spurzheim, M. D. 2 vols. Boston, 1832. ■ 8838, O. Phrenology, in connexion with the study of physiognomy. By J. G. Spurzheim, M. D. Illustration of characters with plates ; with a biography of the author, by Nahum Capen. Boston, 1833. 5606, D. Outlines of phrenology. By G. Spurzheim, M. D. Be- ing also a manual of reference to the marked bust. Boston, 1832. 4879, D. Philosophical letters upon physiognomies ; to which are added disser- tations on the inequality of souls, philanthropy and misfortune. London, 1751. OCCULT PHILOSOPHY, ALCHEMY, ASTROLOGY, DEMONOLOGY, &c. ^grippoy 481, Q,. Three books of occult philosophy. Written by Henry Cor- nelius Agrippa. Translated from the Latin, by J. F. London, 1651. 1529, O. La philosophic occult de Henr. Cor. Agrippa. Traduite du Latin. A la Havre, 1727. .Alexis, 1544, O. Les secretes du Seigneur Alexis Piemontois. A Rouen, 1737. 2213, Q,. The secretes of the Rev. Maister Alexis of Piement, by him collected out of divers excellent authours, with a necessary table in theende. Englished by Wyllyam Ward. London, 1562 — 1563. Ashmohi 2208, Q,. Theatrum chemicum Britannicum ; containing several poet- ical pieces of our famous English philosophers, who have written the hermetique mysteries, in their own ancient language. Collected by Elias Ashmole, Esq. London, 1652. Augrelliusy 5860, D. 2. Joannis Aurelii Augrelli chrysopoeia et vallus aureum. Genevae, 1653. Bacon, 4916, D. The cure of old age, and preservation of youth. By Roger Bacon. Translated out of Latin, with notes and an account of his life and writings, by Richard Browne. Also, • a physical account of the tree of life, by Edward Madeira Arrais ; translated out of Latin, by the same. London, 1683. Barclay, 8102, O. A new anatomical nomenclature, relating to the terms which are expressive of position and aspect in the animal system. By John Barclay, M. D. Edinburgh, 1803. Barrett, 2149, Q,. The magus, or celestial intelligencer ; being a complete sys- tem of occult philosophy, exhibiting the sciences of natural magic ; also, the nature, creation and fall of man ; the constellatory practice, or talismanic magic ; magnetism, and cabalistical or ceremonial ma- gic ; the times, bonds, offices, and conjuration of spirits. To which is added, biographia antiqua ; or, the lives of the most eminent phi- losophers, magi, &c. ; illustrated with curious engravings, magical and cabalistical figures, «fcc. By Francis Barrett, F. R. C. London, 1801. 5135, O. Lives of the alchemystical philosophers ; with a catalogue of books in occult chemistry, and a selection of the most celebrated treatises on the theory and practice of the hermetic art. By Francis Barrett. London, 1815. Basil, 2256, Q. Azoth, sive aurelliae occultae philosophorum, materiam primam et decantatum ilium lapidum philosophorum filiis hermetis solide ex- plicantes. Per F. Basilii Vicentini. Francofurti, 1610. Blaise, 2216, Q. An excellent treatise of fire and .salt, discoursing many mys- teries, philosophical and theological. By Lord Blaise. London, 1649. Bodinus, 1543, O. lo. Bodini Andegavensis de magorum daemonomania libri IV. Francofurti, 1590. OCCULT PHILOSOPHY. 189 Braam, De, 8512, O. Apocalyptic Gnomon, points out eternity's divisibility, rated with time, pointed at by Gnomon's sidereals. By J. G. de Braam, Philadelphia, 1795. Brewster, 5564, D. Letters on natural magic, addressed to Sir Wedter Scott. By Sir David Brewster. London, 1832. 5612, 5613, M/ican, 4911, O. The philosophy of human nature, containing a complete tlieory of human interests, to which is added, an essay on the origin of evil. By John Duncan. Edinburgh, 1815. DiqHmt, 2860, O. Philosophic de Tunivers. Par DuiK)nt de Nemours. Troi- sieme edition. Augmentee de plusieurs notes, et d'une table des ma- tieres. A Paris. Gift of the author. Dymondy 7220, Q. Essays on the principles of morality. By Jonathan Dymond. 2 vols. London, 1830. Etisofy 6537, O. The hidependent man ; or, an essay on the formation and develoj^ement of those principles and faculties of the human mind, which constitute moral excellence. By George Ensor, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1806. Epictetus, 5655, O. Epicteti enchiridion, una cum Cebetis tabula, quibus ad- jiciuntur simplicii comentarius in enchiridion Epicteti, itam arriani commentariorum omni Hieronimo Wolfio, interprete. Londini, 1070. Gift of Edward Paxson, Esq. 3435, O. Epicteti enchiridium una cum Cebetis Thebani tabula. Graece et Latine. Delphis, 1723. P. 1847, D. The same. Amstelodami, 1670. 909, D. Epicteti enchiridion, Cebetis Thebani tabula, Theophrasti characteres ethici, prodici Hercules et Ciceronis de exilio dialogus, Graece cum versione Latina. Oxonii, 1680. L. 36, Q,. All the works of Epictetus, w^hich are now extant ; preserved by Arrian. Translated from the original Greek, by Elizabeth Car- ter ; with an introduction and notes, by the translatrix. London, 1758. 1053, a The same. P. 1549, & 3533, D. The same. London, 1768. P. 368, O. The morals of Epictetus ; with the comment of Simplicius. Translated from the Greek into English. By George Stanhoix}. With the life of Epictetus, from Monsieur Boileau. London, 1721. 1785, D. Life and philosophy of Epictetus, with the embleme of hu- man life. By Cebes. By John Davies. London, 1670. P. Ferguson, 65 1 , Ct Principles of moral and political science. By Adam Fer- guson. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1792. 8458, O. Institutes of moral philosophy. By Adam Ferguson, LL. D. A new edition, enlarged. Basil, 1800. Formey, 209, D. Philosophical miscellanies on various subjects ; with an ac- count of the author, and his works, by himself. Translated from the original of M. Formey. London, 1759. Forsyth, 4041, O. The principles of moral science. By Robert Forsyth, Esq. Edinburgh, 1805. Foster, 5373, & 8430, O. An essay on the evils of popular ignorance. By John Foster. London, 1820. New York, 1821. Godwin, 7262, O. Thoughts on man, his nature, productions, and discoveries ; with some particulars respecting the author. By William Godwin. London, 1831. 8061, O. Enquiry concerning political justice; and its influence on morals and happiness. By William Godwin. 2d edit. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1796. 666, a 6757, & 6828, O. The same. London and Dublin. 2366, O. The inquirer ; being reflections on education, manners, and literature. In a series of essays. By William Godwin. London, 1797. 251.5, O. 2. Examination of the leading principle of the new system of] morals, as stated and applied in Godwin's enquiry concerning political j justice. London, 1798. ETHICS, OR MORAL PHILOSOPHY. 197 Gisborne^ 717, Q,. Inquiry into the duties of men in the higher and middle classes of society in Great Britain, resulting from their respective stations, professions and employments. By Thomas Gisborne. Lon- don, 1794. 1836, O. The principles of moral philosophy investigated and ap- plied to the constitution of civil society ; with remarks on the principle assumed by Mr. Paley, as the basis of all moral conclusions. By Thomas Gisborne. London, 1789. 2178, O. The same ; with an appendix, containing remarks on the late decision of the house of commons respecting the abolition of the slave-trade. By Thomas Gisborne. 3d edit. London, 1795. 2371, O. An inquiry into the duties of the female sex. By Thomas Gisborne. London, 1797. Gregoire, 4092, & 7470, O. An enquiry concerning the intellectual and moral faculties and literature of negroes ; followed with an account of the life and works of fifteen negroes and mulattoes, distinguished in science, literature, and the arts. By H. Gregoire. Translated by D. B. War- den. Brooklyn, 1810. Gros, 8210, O. Natural principles of rectitude, for the conduct of man in all situations of life. By J. D. Gros, D. D. New York, 1805. Grove, 317, O. A system of moral philosophy. By Henry Grove. Published by Thomas Amory. 2 vols. London, 1755. Herder^ 882, Qi. Herder's outlines of a philosophy of the history of man. Translated from the German, by T. Churchill. London, 1800. Heston, 4409, D. Moral and political truth, or reflections suggested in reading history and biography. By Jacob F. Heston. Philadelphia, 1813. Hollwell, 1425, O. Dissertations on the origin, nature, and pursuits of intelli- gent beings ; and on divine PnovmENCE, religion and worship. By J. Z. HoUwell. Bath, 1786. Hope, 7261, O. An essay on the origin and prospects of man. By Thomas Hope. 3 vols. London, 1831. Hume, 313, D. An inquiry concerning the principles of morals. By David Hume. London, 1751. Hutcheson, 141, d. A system of moral philosophy. By Francis Hutcheson. To which is prefixed, some account of the life and writings of the au- thor, by William Leechman. 2 vols. Glasgow, 1755. . ' 404, 1696, & 8562, O. An inquiry into the original of our ideas of beauty and virtue. By Francis Hutcheson. 5th edit. London, 1753. 2d edit. London, 1726. L. 3736, D. The same. Glasgow, 1772. 529, & 3691, D. A short introduction to moral philosophy; con- taining the elements of ethics and the law of nature. By Francis Hutcheson, LL. D. &c. Translated from the Latin. 2 vols. Glas- gow, 1772, & 1753. Jenningham, 4025, O. 2. The dignity of human nature, an essay. By Mr. Jen- ningham. London, 1805» /o/ins^on, 2915, D. 1. Joh. Jonstoni naturae constantia. Amstelodami, 1634. Gift of J. P. Norris. Karnes, 8231, O. Sketches of the history of man; considerably improved in a third edition. By Henry Home Lord Kames. Dublin, 1779. 291, a. The same. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1774. 5234, D. The same. 4 vols. Dublin, 1775. 882, O. Essays on the principles of morality and natural religion. Edinburgh, 1751. 2692, D. Introduction to the art of thinking. By the late Henry Home, Esq. To which is prefixed, an original life of the author. New York, 1818. 198 SCIENCES AND ARTS. Kantt 2384, O. 3. Kant's project of a perpetual peace ; a philosophical essay. Translated from the German. London, 1796. Kniggfi 1307, D. The practical philosophy of social life; or the art of con- versintr with men. Translated from the German of Baron Knigge, by P. Will. 2 vols. London, 1799. Leonard f 1341, Q. Treatise on wisdom, in three books. By Samson Leonard. P. LewU, 4988, D. The candid philosopher ; or, free thoughts on man, morals, and manners. By Mr. Lewis. 2 vols. London, 1778. Lovelt, 6941, O. Thoughts on the cause of evil, physical and moral. In a series of letters. By Henry William Lovett. London, 1810. Lycosthenes, 433, F. Theatrum vitae humanae, authore comrado Lycosthene. Basiliae, 1565. L. Mably, 3369, D. Principes de morale. Par M. I'Abbe de Mably. A Paris, 1784. 3620, D. Entretiens de Phocion, sur le rapport de la morale avec la politique: traduits du Grec de Nicocles, avec des remarques. Par M. Mably. A La Haye, 1764. 1053, O. Phocion's conversations, on the relation between morality and politics. Translated from a Greek manuscript of Nicoeles, by Abb§ Mably. With notes by William Mac Bean. London, 1769. M'Bride, 5436, D. Principles of virtue and morality ; or,* essays -and medita- tions on various subjects. By David M'Bride, M. D. Boston, 1796. Mackintosh, 7323, O. A general view of the progress of ethical philosophy, chiefly during the 17th and 18th centuries. By Sir James Mackin- tosh, LL. D. &c. Philadelphia/ 1832. Macpherson, 1859, D. 4. Lectures on moral philosophy. By John Macpherson. Philadelphia, 1791. MarcellinuSy 1292, Ct D Diamerone di M. Valerio Marcellino. Vinegia, 1565. P. Marraudy 1707, D. The judgement of humane actions. Translated from the French of L. Marraude. By John Reynolds. London, 1629. P. Maugham, 5915, O. Outlines of character: consisting of the great character, the gentleman, the poet, the man of genius. By Robert Maugham. London, 1823. MeinerSj 1982, D. History of the female sex; comprising a view of the habits, manners, and influence of women among all nations, from the earliest ages to the present time. Translated from the German of C. Meiners, by Frederick Shoberl. 4 vols. London, 1808. Morgan, 869, O. Physico-theology ; or a philosophico-moral disquisition con- cerning human nature, free agency, moral government, and divine pro- vidence. By T. Morgan. London, 174 L Murray, 3928, O. Elnquiries, historical and moral, resix>cting the character of nations, and the progress of society. By Hugh Murray. Edinburgh, 1808. Nisbettt 7894, O. Lectures on moral philosophy, logic, &,c. By the Rev. Dr. Nesbitt, of Carlisle, Pa. MS. Ogilvie, 4848, O. Philosophical essays ; to which are subjoined, copious notes, critical and explanatory, and a supplementary narrative, with an ap- pendix. By James Ogilvie. Philadelphia, 1816. Okely, 2419, O. Pyrology ; or, the connection between natural and moral phi- losophy. With a short disquisition on the origin of Christianity. By WUliam Okely, M. D. London, 1797. Paley, 439, Ct Principles of moral and political philosophy. By William Paley. 2d edit. London, 1786. 6938, O. The same. Philadelphia, 1788. ETHICS, OR MORAL PHILOSOPHY. 199 Palirit 5703, O. Observations on the influence of habits and manners on the human race. By Ralph Palin, M. D. London, 1822. PeZ/ieo, 5946, D. The duties of men. By Silvio Pellico. London, 1834. Pemble, 923, Q,. 3. The svmme of moral philosophy. By William Pemble. Oxford, 1632. Petrarch, 1822, D. Francisci Petrarchae, de remediis utriusque fortunae, libri duo. Editio tertia. Bernae, 1605. P. 4422, O. Petrarch's view of human life. Translated from the Latin, by Mrs. Dobson. London, 1797. Plutarch, 89, F. The philosophic, commonly called, the morals. Written by Plutarch, and translated out of Greeke into English, by Philemon Hol- land. London, 1663. Gift of Joseph Breintnall. 2191, O. Plutarch's treatise upon the distinction between a friend and flatterer ; with remarks. By Thomas Northmore. London, 1793. Price, 4009, D. Triumphus sapientiae, sue conciones, per Gulielmum Price. Amsterdam, 1655. 465, & 6793, O. A review of the principal questions and difficulties in morals ; particularly those relating to the original of our ideas of vir- tue, &c. By Richard Price. London, 1758. Proby, 2598, O. 3. Modern philosophy and barbarism ; or a comparison between the theory of Godwin, and the practice of Lycurgus. By W. C. Proby, London, 1798. Padclijfe, 1345, D. Female advocate; or, an attempt to recover the rights of women from male usurpation. By Mary Anne Radcliffe. London, 1799. Robinson, 8627, O. 4. A letter to the women of England. By Frances Randall. (Mary Robinson.) London, 1799. Rochefoucault, 8351, O. & 403, D. Moral maxims; by the duke de la Roche- foucault. Translated from the French, with notes. London, 1797 — 1749. Bush, 460, Q,. 5. An oration on the influence of physical causes upon the moral feculty. By Benjamin Rush. Philadelphia, 1786. Sanford, 5651, D. Woman in her social and domestic character. By Mrs. John Sandford. London, 1832. Segur, 1441, D. On the condition and influence of women in society. By Jo. Alex. Segur. Translated from the French. 3 vols. London, 1803. Shaftesbury, 384, O. Characteristics of men, manners, opinions, and times. By Anthony, earl of Shaftesbury. 5th edit. 3 vols. 1732. 211, D. The same. With a collection of letters. By Anthony, earl of Shaftesbury. 3 vols. 1758. 91, 3263, & 3293, O. Essays on the characteristics of the earl of Shaftesbury. By John Brown. 4th edit. London, 1752. Sharp, 3647, O. 1. On the law of nature and principles of action in man. By Granville Sharp. London, 1777. P. Smith, 43, & 6888, O. The theory of moral sentiments ; with a dissertation on the origin of languages. By Adam Smith. 3d edit. London, 1767. 6523, O. The same. London, 1804. M. 727, Q,. Essays on philosophical subjects, by Dr. Adam Smith ; with an account of the life and writings of the author, by Dugald Stewart. Lon- don, 1795. 4370, O. The lectures, corrected and improved, which have been de- livered, for a series of years, in the college of New Jersey, on the sub- jects of moral and political philosophy. By Samuel Stanhope Smith, D. D. president of the college. 2 vols, in 1. Trenton, 1812. Spttrzheim, 5605, D. Philosophical catechism of the natural laws of man. By G. Spurzheim, M. D. 2d edit, improved. Boston, 1832. 200 SCIENCES AND AKTS. Stewartt 6426, O. The philosophy of the active and moral powers of man. By Dusrald Stewart, Esq. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1828. Stuarty 325, & 380, Q. A view of society in Europe, in its progress from rude- ness to refinement ; or inquiries concerning the history of law, go- vernment, and manners. By Gilbert Stuart. Edinburgh, 1778. 2d edit. 1783. Taylor^ 8643, O. 2. A sketch of moral philosophy. By J. Taylor. London, 1760. Theophrasttts, 1731,0. Theophrasti notationes morum. Isaacus Casaubonus recensuit. Graece et Latind. Lugduni, 1617. L. 1692, D. Theophrasti characteres ethici ; Graec. Lat. et Anglicfe. Glasgucc, 1743. P. . 338, O. Characters of Theophrastus, with a literal translation of the Greek into Latin, and notes. By Richard Newton, D. D. Oxford, 1754. P. . 1540, O. 1576, & 3773, D. Les caracteres de Theophraste, tra- duits du Grec, avec les caracteres, ou les moeurs de ce Siecle. Par M. de la Bruyere. Et la clef en marge, &c. 2 tom. A Amsterdam, 1701—1726. 1542, O. Apologie de M. de la Bruyere ou reponse a la critique des caracteres de Theophraste. Paris, 1701. 1467, D. 2. Imitations of the characters of Theophrastus. Lon- don, 1774. P. TTiomas, 637, D. An essay on the character, manners, and genius of women ; enlarged from the French of M. Thomas, by Mr. Russell. Philadel- phia, 1774. Gift of Robert Mtkin, Torrey, 5458, D. 1. The intellectual flambeau, demonstrating that national hap- piness and virtue exist with the dissemination of philosophy, science, and intelligence. By Dr. Jesse Torrey, jr. Washington city, 1816. 5458, D. 2. Postscript to the intellectual flambeau. By Thomas Pole, M. D. Washington, 1816." Toussaint, 3548, D. Les mosurs. Par Pr. V. Toussaint. Paris, 1755. 284, D. Manners. Translated from the French. 3d edit. Lon- don, 1752. Tucker, 1062, O. The light of nature pursued. By Edward Search. (Abra- ham Tucker.) 3 vols. London, 1768. 3999, O. An abridgement, by W. Hazlitt, of the light of nature pur- sued. By Abraham Tucker, Esq. Published originally under the name of Edward Search, Esq. London, 1807. Volneyi 5483, D. The law of nature ; or, principles of morality, deduced from the physical constitution of mankind and the universe. By C. F. Vol- ney. Philadelphia, 1796. Wakefield, 1419, D. Reflections on the present condition of the female sex; with suggestions for its improvement. By Priscilla Wakefield. Lon- don, 1798. West, 7912, O. An essay on moral agency. By Stephen West, D. D. To which is added an appendix. Salem, 1794. Whitby, \1\Q,0. Ethices compendium in usum academicae juventutus. Au- thore Daniele Whitby. Oxonii, 1684. L. White, 845, Q,. An account of the regular gradation in man, and in different animals and vegetables ; and from the former to the latter; with plates. By Charles White. London, 1799. Witherspoon, 3596, D. Lectures on moral philosophy and eloquence. By thej Rev. John Wither.spoon, D. D. &c. Philadelphia, 1810. WolUtonecraff, 1942, & 6715, O. A vindication of the rights of woman ; with strictures on political and moral subjects. By Mary Wollstonecraft;. London, 1792. Boston, 1792. ETHICS, OR MORAL PHILOSOPHY. 201 Zimmerman, 2688, 9. «& 81 13, O. Reflections on men and things. Translated from the French of the late J. G. Zimmerman. London, 1799. ETHICAL TREATISES ON THE PASSIONS, VIRTUES, VICES, HAPPI- NESS, &c. Adams, 8582, O. An essay concerning self-murther, wherein it is endeavored to prove that it is unlawful, according to natural principles. By J. Adams. London, 1702. Bellegarde, de, 1800, D. M. I'Abbe de Bellegarde les regies de la vie civile, avec des traits d'histoire pour former I'esprit d'un jeune prince. Am- sterdam, 1707. P. 1108, D. Reflexions sur le ridicule et sur les moyens de I'evi- ter. Par M. I'Abbe de Bellegarde. A Amsterdam, 1707. Gift of John C. JRedeger. 3385, O. & 320, D. Reflections upon ridicule ; or what it is that makes a man ridiculous, and the means to avoid it. Wherein are re- presented the manners and characters of persons of the present age. 5th edit. 2 vols. London, 1739. Bolton, 1751, O. 1. Essays on the employment of time. By Robert Bolton. 3d edit. London, 1754. 99 1 , O. Letters and tracts on the choice of company and other subjects. By Robert Bolton. 2d edit. London, 1762. Bosquet, 2596, D. The young man of honour's vade mecum, being a salutary treatise on duelling, together with the annals of chivalry, the ordeal trial and judicial combat, from the earliest times. By Abraham Bos- quet, Esq. London. Boyle, 950, O. Discourse against swearing. By Robert Boyle. London, 1695. 4763, D. The Hon. Robert Boyle's " occasional reflections," with a pre- face, &c. By John Weyland, jun. EsqJ London, 1808. Brown, 350, O. An estimate of the manners and principles of the times. By the author of essays on the characteristics, &c. John Brown, D. D. 6th edit. London, 1757. 518, O. 1. A defence of the estimate of the manners and principles of the times. London, 1758. 518, O. 2. Doubts occasioned by the second volume of an estimate of the manners and principles of the times. 2d edit. London, 1758. Brinsley, 954, Q,. 4. A looking-glasse for good women, held forth by way ofcoun- sell and advice. By John Brinsley. London, 1645. Buckingham, 9200, O. Evidence of drunkenness presented to the house of commons by the select committee. J. S. Buckingham, Esq. chairman. London, 1834. Bulwer, 1095, 0. Anthropometamorphosis ; man transformed ; or the artificiall changling historically represented, in the mad gallantry, foolish bravery, ridiculous beauty, and filthy finenesse of most nations, fashioning and altering their bodies from the mould intended by natvre ; with figures of those transfigurations. By John Bulwer. London, 1653. Burgh, 45, O. The dignity of human nature; or an account of the means for at- taining the true end of our existence. By James Burgh. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1767. Burton, 852, F. The anatomy of melancholy ; philosophically, medicinally, and j, .. historically opened and cut up by Democritus, jun. By Robert Bur- ^" ton. 8th edit. London, 1676. P. 2741, O. Anatomy of melancholy, what it is, with all the kinds, causes, 26 202 SCIENCES AND ARTS. ' ' sovcral euros of it. By Robert Burton. v\ , .or. Utljrdit. 2 vols. London, 1800. Caraccioiu 358'i, 1). 1^ Juuissance de soi-meme. Par le Marquis Caraccioli. A Franrfort, 1759. Cary^ 4190, 1). Letters on female character, addressed to a youncr lady on the death of her mother. By Mr.s. Virginia Tary. Richmond, 1830. Casot de la, 380G, & 5367, D. Galateo ; or a treatise on politeness and delicacy of manners. From the Italian of M. Giovanni de la Casa. Also, the honours «>t the table, with the whole art of carving. Baltimore, 1811. CastigHone, 1988, Ci, II Coitegiano; or, the courtier. Written by Conte Bal- dassar Castiplione. And a new version of the same into EnglisJ^ Tojrether with several of his celebrated pieces, as well Latin as Italian, both in prose and verse. To which is prefixed, the life of the autlior. By A. P. Castiglione, of the same family. Portrait. Italian and Eng- lish. London, 1727. M. 1 606, D. Le parfait courtisan du comte Baltazar Castillonois, Italien et Francois. Paris, 1 585. P, Cogarit 2727, O. A philosophical treatise on the passions. By T. Cogan, M. D. Bath, 1800. 4042, O. An ethical treatise on the passions, founded on the principles investigated in the philosophical treatise. By T. Cogan, M. D. 2 vols. Bath, 1807. Crowe, 5^74, O. 2. Zoophilos, or considerations on the moral treatment of in- ferior animals. By Henry Crowe, M. A. London, 1819. Davan, 3364, 4609, 1. & 6003, D. 2. An essay on the passions. By Kingsmill Dav^an, Esq. London, 1799. Donaldsotif 2144, O. 2. Sketches of a plan for an effectual and general refor- mation of life and manners. By John Donaldson. London, 1794. Drake, 3954, D. 1. On intemperance. By Dr. Daniel Drake. Cincinnati, 1828. Droz, 5499, D. The art of being happy ; from the French of Droz ; in a series of letters from a father to his children ; with observations. By Timo- thy Flint. Erasmus, 4618, D. The complaint of peace; to which is added, Antepolemus ; or, the plea of reason, religion, and humanity, against war. Translated from the Latin of Erasmus. Bo.ston, 1813. Erskine, 4033, O. 4. The s|:)eech of Lord Erskine, in the house of peers, on the bill for preventing malicious and wanton cruelty to animals ; taken in short-hand. London, 1809. Gift of Dr. Thomas Parke. Espiard, 653, O. The spirit of nations. Translated from the French of the Abbe E.spiard. 'London, 1753. Feltham, 5333, D. The beauties of Owen Feltham ; selected from his resolves. By J. Vine. New York, 1805. Ferguson, 2610, D. Abbadon's steam engine, calumny, delineated, being an at- tempt to stop its deleterious results on society, the church and state ; to which is subjoined, the infernal triumvirate ; oppres.sion, depression, and extortion. By Richard Ferguson. Philadelphia, 1817. Gift of the author. Fuller, 180, & 5125, D. Introductio ad prudentiam ; or directions, counsels and cautions tending to the prudent management of affairs in common life. By Thomas Fuller. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1740. Oration, 107, Q. The hero. From the Spanish of Balthasar Gracian ; with re- m?irks, moral, political and historical, of the learned father J. de Cour- »»'\il!e. By a gentleman of Oxford. London, 1726. HarwooJ, 772, D. Of temperance and intemperance. By Edward Harwood, D. D. London, 1774. Herritt, 1961, Ct 3. An address to the public on the frequent and enormous crime of suicide. By John Herries. London, 1774. MISCELLANEOUS ETHICAL TREATISES. Herttell, 5738, O. 5. An expose of the causes of intemperate drinking, and the means by which it may be obviated. By Thomas Herttell. New York, 1819. Gift of M. Carey. Hickes, 347, O. & 51 18, D. The gentleman instructed in the conduct of a virtuoi^a and happy life ; to which is added, a word to the ladies. By George Hickes. 2 vols. 12th edit. London, 1755. Hildrop, 3741, O. 5. Free thoughts upon the brute creation. By J. Hildro^ London, 1743. Lettsom, 2937, O. Hints designed to promote beneficence, temperance and medical science. By John Coakley Lettsom. 3 vols. London, 1801. 3669, O. 2. An appeal, addressed to the calm reflection of the authors of the critical review, &c. By J. C. Lettsom. London, 1803. 804, Q,. 2. History of some of the effects of hard drinking. By J. C. Lettsom. 6th edit. London, 1791. Gift of Dr. Thomas Parke. Lucas, i52, O. An inquiry after happiness. By Richard Lucas. 6th edit. 2 vols. London, 1734. 367, D. The same. 8th edit. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1754. Macnish, 5631, D. The anatomy of drunkenness. By Robert Macnish. 4th edition. Glasgow, 1832. Mandeville, 4878, O. The fable of the bees ; or private vices, public benefits, with an essay on charity and charity schools, and a search into the nature of society. By Bernard de Mandeville, M. D. London, 1795. Mason, 831, O. A treatise on self-knowledge; with various reflections on hu- man nature. By John Mason. 5th edit. London, 1755. Montagu, 4674, O. Some enquiries into the effects of fermented liquors. By Basil Montagu, Esq. London, 1814. Moore, 613, Q,. A full inquiry into the subject of suicide. To which are added, two treatises on duelling and gaming. By Charles Moore. 2 vols. London, 1790. Moulin, du, 836, D. 4. Heraclite ou de la vanite et misere de la vie humaine. Par P. du Moulin. Middlebourg, 1610. Nettleton, 187, O. A treatise on virtue and happiness. By Thomas Nettleton. 3d edit. London, 1751. 427, D. The same, 6th edit. Glasgow, 1751. Owen, 570, D. Fashionable world displayed. By John Owen. 2d edit. Lon- J^ don, 1804. 3516, D. The same. New York, 1806. Peacham, 1335, Q,. The complete gentleman, fashioning him with the most ne- cessary qualities of mind and body. By Henry Peacham. London, r 1634. P. Peale, 4382, O. 6. An essay to promote domestic happiness. By Charles W. Peale. Philadelphia, 1813. Gift of the author. Plutarch, 2942, D. 3. Traite de la superstition compose par Plutarque et tra- duit par M. le Fevre, avec un entretien sur la vie de Romulus. A Saumur, 1666. Gift of J. P. Norris. Pollier, 3511, O. Du gouvernement des moeurs. Par Pollier. Lausanne, 1784. P. Primatt, 2967, O. A dissertation on the duty of mercy, and sin of cruelty, to brute animals. By Humphrey Primatt, D. D. London, 1776. Sacy, de, 3738, D. Traite de la gloire, par M. de Sacy, avec une dissertation de M. du Rondel, sur le meme sujet. A La Haye, 1745. Seneca, 6640, 0. Seneca de Benfizii ; tradotto de lingua Latina en volgare Fiorentino da Benedetto Varchi. Con annotazioni in margine, &c. Aggiuntavi la Vita dell' Autore, &c. En Venezia, 1738. M (In very singular and expensive binding.) Sibbit, 2788, O. 3. A dissertation, moral and political, on the influence of luxu- ry and refinement on nations ; with reflections on the manners of the d04 SCIENCES AND ARTS. age at the close of the eighteenth century. By Mr. Sibbit. London, 1800. Silvester, 3841, D. Moral instructions from a father to his son, ready to un- dertake a long voyage. From the French of Silvester du Four. Edinburgh, 1782. Smith, 5961, D. The moral testament of a man. By Theodore H. Smith. PhUadelphia, 1834. Gift of the author. Staely rfc, 2587. O. A treatise on the influence of the passions upon the happi- ness of individuals and of nations ; illustrated by striking references to the principal events and characters that have distinguished the French revolution. Translated from the French of the Baroness Stael de Holstein; with a sketch of the author's life, by the translator. Lon- don, 1798. 2374, D. 1. Reflections on suicide. By Madame de Stael. London, 1813. 2515, D. The same. Philadelphia, 1816. Sullivan, 2220, O. View of nature, in letters to travellers among the Alps ; with reflections on atheistical philosophy, now exemplified in France. By Richard Joseph Sullivan. 6 vols. London, 1794. Taylor, 2494, D. Practical hints to young females, on the duties of a wife, a mother, and a mistress of a family. By Mrs. Taylor. Boston, 1816. 2562, D. Maternal solicitude for a daughter's best interests. By Mrs. Taylor. New York, 1816. Vassetz, de, 2906, D. Traite du merite. Par M. I'Abbe de Vassetz. A la Haye, 1704. Gift of J, P. Norris, Watts, 556, D. The doctrines of the passions, explained and improved ; or a comprehensive scheme of the natural affections of mankind ; with mo- ral and divine rules for the regulation of them. By Isaac Watts. 2d edit. London, 1732. Watson, 4373, 0. 4. Observations on the customary use of spirituous liquors; particularly addressed to the inhabitants of Pennsylvania. By John Watson. Philadelphia, 1810. ^6cms, 6968, O. 4. The drunkard's looking-glass. By M. L. Weems. 1816. West, 8112, O. Letters to a young lady ; in which the duties and character of women are considered, chiefly with a reference to prevailing opinions. By Mrs. West. New York, 1806. WUmer, 5317, D. 2. Man as he is, and the world as it goes. By J. J. Wilmer. Baltimore, 1803. Young, 1359, D. An essay on humanity to animals. By Thomas Young. Lon- don, 1798. Zimmermann, 85, D. Zimmermann on solitdde ; with notes and a copious in- dex. 2 vols. London, 1799. 1944, O. Solitude considered with respect to its influence upon the mind and the heart. Written originally in German by M. Zim- mermann. Translated from the French of J. B. Mercier. 2d edit. London, 1791. 989, Q,. 7. Considerations to prove, that it is unlawful for women to cut their hair, poUed or shorn ; and men to wear the same to cover their heads. London, 1688. 954, d. 16. Conjugium languens ; or the natural, civil, and religious mischiefs arising from conjugal infidelity and impurity. London, 1700. 405, O. An essay on the nature and conduct of the passions and affections ; with illustrations on the moral sense. 4th edit. London, 1756. 411, O. The gentleman and lady instructed, in the principles of politeness, prudence, and virtue. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1759. Gift of David Hall. 1886, O. The Kalish revolution ; containing observations on man and man- ners. By Durus, king of Kalikang. Edinburgh, 1789. MISCELLANEOUS ETHICAL TREATISES. 205 2318, O. Address to a young lady on her entrance into the world. Lon- don, 1796. 2591, O. Appeal to the men of Great Britain in behalf of women. London, 1798. 3624, O. Discourse upon the passions. From the French. London, 1661. P. 3122, 0. 1. The soldier's faithful friend, political, moral, and religious moni- tions to officers in the army and militia. London, 1766. P. 4155, O. Additional studies perfective of the temple of truth. London, 1810. 4183, O. The weekly monitor; a series of essays on moral and religious subjects. By a layman of Charleston, South Carolina. Philadelphia, 1810. 4319, 0. The philanthropist; or, repository for hints and suggestions calculated to promote the comfort and happiness of man. 6 vols. London, 1811 — 1813. 5820, O. An inquiry, with a view to ascertain how far nature and education respectively determine the moral and intellectual character of man. London, 1823. 6157, O. The contest of the twelve nations ; or, a view of the different bases of human character and talent. Edinburgh, 1826. 6613, O. Beauty's triumph; or, the superiority of the fair sex invincibly proved. Wherein the arguments for the natural right of man to a sovereign authority over the woman are undeniably refuted, &c. &c. London, 1751. M. 6871, O. The philosophy of the passions; demonstrating their nature, pro- perties, effects, use, and abuse. 2 vols. London, 1772. 6627, O. An essay on public happiness, investigating the state of human nature under each of its particular appearances, through the several periods of history to the present times. Translated from the French. 2 vols. London, 1774. M. 6969, O. 15. Report of a committee of the Pennsylvania society for discour- aging the use of ardent spirits ; on the laws for the suppression of vice and im- morality, &c. &c. February 14, 1828. Philadelphia, 1828. 1632, & 8633, O. 4. An essay on matter. Philadelphia, 1784. 8628, O. 2. The advantages and disadvantages of the marriage state consi- dered. London, 1761. 9092, O. 12. Report of the committee of vice and immorality o^the senate of Pennsylvania, Feb. 1832. 18, D. Human nature surveyed by philosophy and revelation. In two essays ; with aphorisms and indexes to both essays. By a gentleman. Lon- X don, 1728. "^ 257, & 258, D. The gentleman's library ; containing rules for conduct in life. 3d edit. London, 1734. o 739, D. Maxims and reflections. London, 1785. -^ 877, D. 2. The polite philosopher ; or, an essay on the art which makes a man happy in himself, and agreeable to others. 9th edit. Philadelphia, 1781. 870, D. 8. Brantewein und verderben. A treatise in German on the perni- cious effects of drinking spirituous liquors. Philadelphia, 1785. 1147, D. Letters on the female mind, its powers and pursuits. Addressed to Helen M. Williams. 2 vols. London, 1793. 2026, D. Lessons for young persons in humble life. Philadelphia, 1809. 2104, D. Letters from an elder to a younger brother, on the conduct to be pursued in life. Boston, 1810. 2174, D. The history of agreeable sensations ; including a dissertation upon harmony of style. Philadelphia, 1812. 2748, D. Letters of advice from a lady of distinction to her niece shortly after her marriage. London, 1819. 2774, D. The enjoyments of youth ; a groundwork to the comforts of old age ; with notes and illustrations. London, 1819. 2847, D. The art of employing time to the greatest advantage, the true source of happiness. London, 1822. 206 SCIENCES AND ARTS. 2958, D. 1. T' 11 the importance of the manners of the great to gene- ral society. Phi;.. . ., ...a, 1796. 3354, D. Instructive narratives ; or, a father's advice to his daughter. Lon- don, 1815. 3387, D. The world unmasked; or, the philosopher the greatest cheat. Translated from the French. Philadelphia, 1806. 4017, D. Essays on the pursuits of truth, on the progress of knowledge, and on the fund; I principle of all evidence and expectation. By the author of essays on li ion and pubHcation of opinions. London, 1829. 4408, D. The pliilosophy of nature; or the influence of scenery on the mind and heart 2 vols. London, 1813. 4G06, D. 2. Mock and absurd philosophy ; or, a word to the reasonable. Boston, 1811. 5246, D. The theory of agreeable sensations ; in which the principles of natu- ral theology and moral philosophy are established. Translated from the French. London, 1749. 5319, D. 4. Reflections on cruelty towards the brute creation. London. EDUCATION— ELEMENTARY WORKS FOR YOUTH, &c. Sddington, 4907, D. Eusebes to Philetus : a series of letters from a father to his son, on a devout temper and life. By Stephen Addington. Lon- don, 1767. Arrowsmith, 5374, O. The art of instructing the infant deaf and dumb. By John P. Arrowsmith ; to which is annexed the method of educating mutes of a more mature age, as practised by the Abbe de L'Epee. London, 1819. Ascham, 6608, O. The scholemaster : shewing a plain and perfect way of teaching the learned languages : by Roger Ascham, Esq. Preceptor to dueen Elizabeth. Revised and improved by James Upton, A. M. &c. London, 1743. M. Barbauld, 1151, D. Evenings at home ; or the juvenile budget opened. Con- sisting of miscellaneous pieces, for the instruction and amusement of young persons. By Mrs. Barbauld. 2d edit. 3 vols. London, 1794. BarroWt 1410, D. Essay on education ; in which are particularly considered the merits and the defects of the discipline and instruction in our aca- demies. By William Barrow, LL. D. 2 vols. London, 1802. Bat/ley, 4500, D. Vacation evenings ; or conversations between a governess and her pupils. By Catharine Bayley. London, 1809. Beaumont, de, 269, D. Young ladies' magazine ; or dialogues between a go- verness and several young ladies. By M. Le Prince de Beamnont. 2 vols. London, 1780. .Sc//, 3991, O. The Madras School, or elements of tuition; comprising the analysis of an experiment in education, made at the male asylum, • Madras, with its facts, proofs, and illustrations ; to which are added, extracts of sermons preached at Lambeth, and a sketch of a national institution, for training up the children of the poor. By the Rev. Dr. Andrew Bell. London, 1808. Bennelj 271 1, D. Letters to a young lady on a variety of useful and interest- ing subjects. By the Rev. John Bennet. Philadelphia, 1818. Bentham, 5091, O. Chrestomathia ; being a collection of papers, explanatory of the design of an institution for the extension of the new .system of instruction to the higher branches of learning. By Jeremy Bentham, Esq. London, 1816. EDUCATION. 207 Berquin, 731, D. The children's friend. Translated from the French of M. Berquin. 6 vols, in 1. London, 1783. Bosworth, 2486, D. The accidents of human life, with hints for their preven- tion, or the removal of their consequences. By Newton Bosworth. London, 1813. Braithivaite, 1353, Q,. The English gentlewoman. By Richard Braithwaite. London, 1631. P. 1346, Q,. The English gentleman. By Richard Braithwaite. An ancient book. P. Broadhurst, 3951, O. 5. Advice to young ladies on the improvement of the mind and the conduct in life. By Thomas Broadhurst. Bath, 1809. Burton, 1119, & 4713, D. Lectures on female education and manners. By I. Burton. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1793. Baltimore, 1811. Caldwell, 5955, D. Thoughts on physical education. By Charles Caldwell, M. D. Boston, 1834. Callow, 2345, O. 5. Observations on a course of instruction, for young persons in the middle classes of life. By Samuel Catlow. Sheffield, 1793. Chapman, 1206, D. A treatise on education. By George Chapman, A. M. With a sketch of the author's method. 2d edit. London, 1774. Gift of William Cohbett. Chapone, 859, D. Letters on the improvement of the mind ; addressed to a young lady. By Hester Chapone. 2 vols. London, 1787. Chazotte, 2625, D. An essay on the best method of teaching foreign languages, as applied with extraordinary success to the French language. By Peter S. Chazotte. Philadelphia, 1817. Gift of the author. Chesterfield, 877, 1, & 1858, D. 4. Lord Chesterfield's advice to his son, on men and manners ; or a new system of education, in which the principles of politeness, &c. are laid down. Philadelphia, 1781. Wilmington, 1789. 120, & 4468, D. The elements of a polite education, selected from the letters of the late earl of Chesterfield to his son. By G. Gregory, D. D. London, 1809—1800. 3481, D. The same. Boston, 1801. 3758, & 5477, D. The young gentleman's parental monitor : con- taining Lord Chesterfield's advice to his son. Marchioness de Lam- bert's advice to her son. Lord Burghley's ten precepts to his son. London, 1790—1799. Chirol, 4154, O. An inquiry into the best system of female education ; or, boarding school and home education, attentively considered. By I. L. Chirol. London, 1809. Clarkson, 3738, O. 10. An address to the citizens of Philadelphia, respecting the better government of youth. By Matthew Clarkson, Esq. Phila- delphia, 17^95. Cobbett, 4286, D. Advice to young men and young women in the middle and higher ranks of life. By William Cobbett. New York, 1831. Cowan, 2236, & 4935, D. Anthropaideia ; or a tractate of general education. By Andrew Cowan, M. D. 2 vols. London, 1803. Cousin, 5937, D. Report on the state of public instruction in Prussia, by M. Victor Cousin. Translated by Sarah Austin. London, 1834. Cutbush, 4833, & 5736, O. 3. An oration on education : with annotations. By James Cutbush. Philadelphia, 1812. Gift of the author. Darwin, 4770, & 3494, D. A plan for the conduct of female education, in boarding schools, private families, and public seminaries. By Eras- mus Darwin, M. D. &c. To which are added, rudiments of taste, &c. Philadelphia, 1798. 800, a. 4. The same. London, 1797. 208 SCIENCES AND ARTS. Diiwyny 2611, D. Occasional reflections, offered principally for the use of schools. By George Dilwyn. Burlington, N. J. 1815. Dodslet/j 758, &, 4487, O. The preceptor, containing a general course of edu- cation, wherein the first principles of polite learning are laid down in a way most suitable for trying the genius and advancing the instruc- . lion of youth, in twelve parts. By Robert Dodsley. 4th edit. 2 vols. London, 1763. Duke, 8592, O. 2. Remarks upon education, with respect to the learned lan- guages. By the Rev. William Duke. Philadelphia, 1795. Edgeworth, 826, Q^ Practical education. By Maria Edgeworth, and Richard Lovell Edgeworth. 2 vMs. London, 1798. 7981, O. The same. New York, 1801. 4655, O. Essays on professional education. By Richard L. Edge- worth, Esq. 2d edit. London, 1812. Fellenberg, 5474, O. 3. The establishments of M. Emmanuel de Fellenberg, at Hoffwyl ; considered with reference to their claim upon the attention of men in public stations. By the Count Louis de Villevieille. Lon- don, 1820. 3959, D. 2. Reports of the school of industry, at Hoffwyl, in Swit- zerland, 1814. Dublin, 1817. Fenelon, 216, & 4914, D. Instructions for the education of a daughter, by Mr. Fenelon. To which is added, a small tract of instructions for the con- duct of young ladies of the highest rank ; with suitable devotions. Translated into Elnglish by Dr. George Hickes. 4th edit. London, 1706—1721. Fordyce, 3500, D. Dialogues concerning education. By David Fordyce, Profl Phil. Univ. Aberdeen. 2 vols. Glasgow, 1768. 7979, O. 485, & 567, D. The same. London, 1745. FoXy 4033, O. 5. A comparative view of the plans of education, as detailed in the publications of Dr. Bell and Mr. Lancaster. By Joseph Fox. Lon- don, 1808. Gift of Dr. Thomas Parke, GauUier, 1372, D. Amusing and instructive conversations for children of five years. By the Abbe Gaultier. Translated from the French. Lon- don, 1800. Gejilis, 1096, D. Lessons of a governess to her pupils ; or journal of the me- thod adopted by Madame de Sillery-Brulart, (formerly Countess de Genlis,) in the education of the children of M. d'Orleans. Translated from the French. 3 vols. London, 1792. 1032, & 3536, D. Anntiles de la vertu, ou cours d'histoire a I'usage des jeunes personnes, par I'auteur du theatre d'education. 3 tomes. A Paris, 1782. Glasse, 3782, D. Advice from a lady of quality, to her children, in the last stage of a lingering illness. Translated from the French, by S. Glasse, D. D. London, 1786. Grant, 2197, D. Sketches of intellectual education, and hints on domestic economy, addressed to mothers; with an appendix, containing an essay on the instruction of the poor. By Mrs. Grant. Baltimore, 1813. Gregory, 665, D. A father's legacy to his daughter. By Dr. Gregory. Phila- delphia, 1775. Gift ofKohert Aitken. Hale, 2511, I). A letter of advice to his grandchildren by Sir Matthew Hale. London, 1816. Hamilton, 2812, O. Letters on education. By Elizabeth Hamilton. Bath, 1801. 1888, & 3531, D. Letters on the elementary principles of educa- tion. By Elizabeth Hamilton. 2 vols. Alexandria, 1805. Dublin, 180L EDUCATION. 209 Hamilton, 2425, D. Hints addressed to the patrons and directors of schools, ^principally intended to show, that the benefits derived from the new mode of teaching may be increased, by a partial adoption of the plan of Pestalozzi. By Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton. London, 1815. Hanway, 2316, D. Advice from Farmer Truman to his daughter; abridged from Jonas Hanway, Esq. Pontefract, 1805. Helme, 1278, D. Instructive rambles in London, and the adjacent villages. De- signed to amuse the mind, and improve the understanding of youth. By Elizabeth Helme. 2 vols, in 1. London, 1798. 1409, D. Maternal instruction ; or family conversations, on moral and entertaining subjects. Designed for the perusal of youth. By Eliza- beth Helme. 2 vols. London, 1802. Hodson, 2961, O. The accomplished tutor ; or, complete system of liberal edu- cation ; with plates. By Thomas Hodson. 2 vols. London, 1800. Jardine, 5211, O. Outlines of philosophical education, illustrated by the me- thod of teaching logic or first class of philosophy in the university of Glasgow. By George Jardine. Glasgow, 1818. Jeune, 9154, O. Choix de livres Francois a I'usage de les jeunes gens. Par Mr. Le Jeune. A Londres, 1780. Jetvsherry, 5956, D. Letters to the young. By Maria Jane Jewsberry. Bos- ton, 1834. Josse, 127, D. Juvenile biography; or lives of celebrated children; with moral reflections addressed to the youth of both sexes. By Mr. Josse. 2 •-^- vols. London, 1801. Joyce, 4694, O. Systematic education, or elementary instruction in the various departments of literature and science, with practical rules for study- ing each branch of useful knowledge. By the Rev. W. Shepherd, the Rev. J. Joyce, and the Rev. Lant Carpenter, LL. D. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1815. 1882, D. Scientific dialogues, intended for the instruction and entertain- ment of young people. By the Rev. J. Joyce. 6 vols. London, 1805. Johnston, 6295, O. A general view of the present system of public education in France, and of the laws, regulations, and courses of study in the royal university of that kingdom ; preceded by a short history of the university of Paris before the revolution. By David Johnston, M. D. Edinburgh, 1827. Karnes, 6564, & 8014, O. Loose hints upon education, chiefly concerning the culture of the heart. By Henry Home. (Lord Karnes.) 2d edit. Edinburgh, 1782. Kelt, 2934, O. The elements of general knowledge, introductory to useful books in the principal branches of literature and science. By Henry Kett, B. D. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1802. Knox, 692, D. On liberal education ; or a practical treatise on the methods of acquiring useful learning. By Vicesimus Knox. 6th edit. London, 1783. Kruger, 591, D. An essay on the education of children; with an appendix, concerning their diseases. Translated from the German of John Gott- lob Kruger. London, 1765. Lancaster, 1915, & 4518, D. Improvements in education, as it respects the indus- trious classes of the community ; containing an account of the institution for the education of one thousand poor children,^ borough road, South- wark, and of the new system of education on which it is conducted. By Joseph Lancaster. To which is prefixed, an account of the New York free school. New York, 1807. 4632, D. The British system of education, practised by Joseph Lan- caster. Washington, 1812. 27 210 SCIENCES AND ARTb. iMncaster, 5031, O, Every man his own teacher ; or Lancaster's theory of education, practically displayed : being an introduction to aiithmetic, in 13 imrts. By John Preston. Albany, 1817. Lieber, 8024, O. A constitution and plan of education for Girard college for orphans, with an introductory report laid before the board of trustees. By Francis Lieber. Philadelphia, 1834. Locke, 8570, O. Some thoughts concerning education. By John Locke. Lon- don, 1699. 51, & 268, D. The same. London, 1732. Macauley, 6799, O. Letters on education. By Mrs. Catharine Macauley. With observations on religious and metaphysical subjects. London, 1790. MorCy 3652, O. Strictures on the modem system of female education. By Hannah More. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1799. P. 1302, D. The same. 4th edit. 2 vols. London, 1799. Moreau de Saint Men/, 1188, D. Idee generale ou abrege des sciences et des arts a I'usage de la jeunesse. Publie par M. L. E. Moreau de Saint Mery. Philadelphia, 1796. Gift of the publisher. Mortice, 2897, & 3064, O. The art of teaching, or communicating instruction ; as applied to all the branches of scholastic education. By David Mor- rice. London, 1801. Gift of Joseph Dennie. Neef 2029, 3570, & 4778, D. Sketch of a plan and method of education, founded on an analysis of the human faculties and natural reason, suitable for the offspring of a free people. By Joseph Neef. Phila- delphia, 1808. Nelson, 4873, D. An essay on the government of children, health, manners, and education. By James Nelson. Dublin, 1763. Newnham, 6372, O. The principles of physical, intellectual, moral, and reli- gious education. By W. Newnham, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1827. Osborn, 1738, D. Advice to a son, or directions for your better conduct through life. By Francis Osborn. 6th edit. Oxford, 1658. P. Parsons, 4707, D. Essays on education. By John Weddell Parsons, A. B. London, 1794. Pestalozzi, 5736, O. 6. A biographical sketch of the struggles of Pestalozzi to establish his system of education. Dublin, 1815. Gift of JVm. Duane. Philpot, 7720, O. An essay on the advantage of a polite education, joined with a learned one. By Stephen Philpot. London, 1747. Pilkington, 1400, D. Biography for girls ; or moral and instructive examples for the female sex. By Mrs. Pilkington. 3d edit. London, 1800. Pilmore, 870, D. 7. An address on the importance of female education. By Joseph Pilmore. Philadelphia, 1788. Gift of Zachariah Poulson. Priestley, 6607, O. An essay on a course of liberal education for civil and active life, &c. &c. By Joseph Priestley, LL. D. &c. London, 1765. M. 1198, & 8281, O. Miscellaneous observations relating to education, more especially as it respects the conduct of the mind. 2d ed. By Joseph Priestley, LL. D, Birmingham, 1788. Bath, 1778. Puckle, 335, & 4962, D. The club ; or a grey cap for a green head ; containing maxims, advice, and cautions ; being a dialogue between a father and son. By James Puckle. 7th edit. Dublin, 1743. Reeve, 4492, D. Plans of education ; with remarks on the systems of other writers. By Clara Reeve. London, 1792. Bush, 2395, O. 5. Thoughts upon female education, accommodated to the pre- sent state of society, manners, and government in the United States of America ; addressed to the visitors of the young ladies' academy, July 28th, 1787. By Benjamin Rush, M. D. With a prayer, by Samuel Magaw. Philadelphia, 1787. EDUCATION. 211 Biisself 4774, O. A view of the system of education pursued in the schools and universities of Scotland, and communications relative to the uni- versity of Cambridge, the school of Westminster, and the Perth aca- demy, and a more detailed account of the university of St. Andrews. By the Rev. M. Russel, M. A. Edinburgh, 1813. Sabine^ 2000, D. The student's companion ; or, a summary of general know- ledge. By John Sabine. London, 1807. Salzman, 8356, O. Gymnastics for youth ; or a practical guide to healthful and amusing exercises, an essay toward the necessary improvement of education. Translated from the German of C. G. Salzman. Philadel- phia, 1802. 2796, O. The same. London, 1 800. Gift of Joseph Bennie. — 1256, D. The elements of morality, for the use of children; with an address to parents ; with plates. By C. G. Salzman. 2 vols, in one. Philadelphia, 1796. Gift of Charles Craivford. Sanderson, 6001, D. 1. Remarks on the plan of a college, in which English literature, the sciences, and arts, are to be taught in exclusion of the Latin and Greek languages. By John Sanderson. Philadelphia, 1826. Sheridan, 58, & 8237, O. British education ; or the source of the disorders in Great Britain ; being an essay towards proving that immorality, igno- rance, and false taste, are the natural consequences of the present de- fective system of education. By Thomas Sheridan. London, 1756 — 1769. 8270, O. A plan of education for the young nobility and gentry of Great Britain. By T. Sheridan. London, 1769. Simpson, 5893, D. Necessity of popular education, as a national object ; with hints on the treatment of criminals, and observations on homicidal in- sanity. By James Simpson. Edinburgh, 1834. Somerville, 1447, D. Preludes to knowledge; or conversations on history, as- tronomy, geography, &c. By Elizabeth Somerville. London, 1803. Spurzheim, 5610, D. A view of the elementary principles of education, founded on the study of the nature of man. By G. Spurzheim, M. D. Bos- ton, 1832. Stith, 8682, O. Thoughts on education. By Mrs. Townshend Stith. Phila- delphia, 1831. Gift of the authoress. Talleyrand, Be, 689, Q. Rapport sur I'instruction publique, fait au nom du comite de constitution a I'assemblee nationale, les 10, 11, et 19 Sep- tembre, 179 1 . Par M. De Talleyrand Perigord. A Paris, 1791. Gift of the author. Taylor, 2784, & 5123, D. Self cultivation recommended; or hints to a youth leaving school. By Isaac Taylor. Boston, 1820. 2788, D. Advice to the teens ; or, practical helps towards the formation of one's own character. By Isaac Taylor. Boston, 1820. 2754, 3689, & 5126, D. Character essential to success in life; address- ed to those who are approaching manhood. By Isaac Taylor. Bos- ton, 1820. Thelwall, 4168, O. A letter to Henry Cline, Esq. on imperfect developements of the faculties, mental and moral, and on the treatment of impediments of speech. By John Thelwall, Esq. London, 1810. Toulmin, 1434, D. Addresses to a young man. By Joshua Toulmui. Lon- don, 1803. Trusler, 2009, D. The progress of man in society ; for the use of schools by the Rev. Dr. Trusler. Bath. ' Turnbull, 8321, O. Observations on liberal education, in all its branches, con- taining the substance of what has been said on that subject, by the best writers. By George Turnbull. London, 1742. 212 SCIENCES AND ARTS. Watson^ 4658, O. Instruction of the deaf and dumb, or a theoretical view of the means by which they are taught to speak and understand a lan- guage. By Joseph Watson. 2 vols. London, 1809. IVatterson, 3000, D. A course of study preparatory to the bar or the senate; to which is annexed, a memoir on the private or domestic lives of the Romans. By CJeorge Watterson. Washington, 18'i3. Wilson, 544, D. A compendium of juvenile instruction. By Mrs. Wilson, London, 1803. 956, Q. 2L Address to the parliament for an act to remedy the foul abuse of childien at school. London, 1699. 1588, O. 13. The countryman's lamentation, on the neglect of a proper educa- tion of children ; with an address to the inhabitants of New Jersey. Philadel- phia, 1762. 1977, O. 5. Letter to the patrons and trustees of charity schools, recommend- ing a more eflacacious mode of educating the children of the poor. London, 1778. 2877, O. The parent's friend ; or, extracts from the principal works on edu- cation, from the time of Montaigne to the present day ; witli observations and notes by the editor. 2 vols. London, 1802. 5497, O. The private tutor ; or, thoughts upon the love of excelling and the love of excellence. London, 1820. 6203, O. 5. Plans for the government and liberal instruction of boys in large numbers, di*awn from experience. London, 1822. Gift of Carey fy Lea. 7245, O. The introductory discourse and lectures delivered in Boston before the convention of teachers, and the friends of education, assembled to form the American institute of instruction. Boston, 1831. 8624, 0.3. Moral education. By a disciple of the old school philosophy. New Haven, 1804. 9094, O. 1. Report to the Pennsylvania legislature on a system of general education. By Samuel Breck. Harrisburg, 1834. 9121, O. 7. Report on education read in the senate of Pennsylvania. John Wurts, Esq. chairman. Harrisburg, 1822. 234, D. The Rotchfords ; or, the friendly coimsellor. Designed for the in- struction and amusement of the youth of both sexes. 2 vols, in 1. Philadel- phia, 1801. 330, D. Amusement-hall ; or, an introduction to useful knowledge. By a lady. Philadelphia, 1796. 521, D. A present for an apprentice; or, a sure guide to gain both esteem and estate ; witli rules for his conduct to his master and in the world. 4th edit. Philadelphia, 1749. 576, D. Elegant preceptor; or, an introduction to the knowledge of the world. London, 1803. 728, D. Letters containing a plan of education for rural academies. Lon- don, 1783. 770, D. Female tuition; or, an address to mothers, on the education of daughters. 2d edit. London, 1786. 866, D. Miscellanies, moral and instructive, in prose and verse ; collected from various authors, for the use of schools. Philadelphia, 1787. Gift of Milcah Martha Moore, 870, D. 6. A plan for the establishment of public schools, &c. in Pennsylva- nia ; with thoughts upon the mode of education, proper in a republic. Philadel- phia, 1786. 1 194, D. Lodoik ; ou, lemons de morale pour I'instruction et I'amusement de la jeune«9e. 6 tomes en 3. Londres, 1793. 1379, D. Historical and miscellaneous questions, for the use of young peo- ple. London, 1800. UNIVERSITIES, &C. 213 3197, D. Thoughts on domestic education; the result of experience. By a mother. London, 1826. 3546, D. Maternal letters to a young lady, on her entrance into life. Lon- don, 1795. 3613, D. Address to a young lady, on her entrance into the polite world. Dublin, 1796. 3919, D. The governess ; or, little female academy, &c. Philadelphia, 1791. 5856, D. Aids to mental developement. By a lady of Philadelphia. Phila- delphia, 1834. 5923, D. Outlines of a system of national education. London, 1834. 5960, D. Remarks on the classical education of boys. By a teacher. Bos- ton, 1834. UNIVERSITIES, COLLEGES, PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 4117, O. A history of the colleges, halls and public buildings attached to the university of Oxford ; including the lives of. the founders. By Alexander Chalmers. Illustrated by engravings. 2 vols. Oxford, 1810. 1089, F. Oxonia illustrata : sive, omnium celeberrimae istius universitatis, collegiorum, aularum, bibliothecae Bodleianae, scholarum publicarum, theatri Sheldoniani ; nee non urbis totius scenographia. Delineavit et sculpsit Dav. Loggan. Oxoniae, 1675. 2943, D. Parecbolae sive excerpta 6 corpore statutorum universitatis Oxo- niensis. Oxoniae, 1671. 894, D. Parecbolae sive excerpta e corpore statutorum universitatis Oxo- niensis ; accedunt articuli religionis XXXIX. nee non juramenta fidelitatis et suprematus. Oxoniae, 1691. Z. 1662, D. Parecbolae sive excerpta e corpore statutorum universitatis Oxo- niensis ; accedunt articuli religionis XXXIX. in^ecclesia Anglicana recepti ; nee non juramenta fidelitatis et suprematus. Oxoniae, 1710. P, 1731, D. Parecbolae sive excerpta e corpore statutorum universitatis Oxo- niensis. Oxoniae, 1729. P. 939, Q,. 27. Relation of the illegal proceedings against St. Mary Magdalen colledge in Oxon, in the year 1687. 2d edit. London, 1689. 950, Q,. 10. Defence of the rights and privileges of the university of Oxford. Oxford, 1690. 950, a. 1 1 . Case of the university of Oxford. Oxford, 1690. 1920, D. Oxoniana ; a collection of anecdotes relating to the university. 4 vols. London, 1807. 4676, O. Replies to the calumnies of the Edinburgh review against Oxford, containing an account of studies pursued in that university. Oxford, 1811. 5903, D. A discourse on the studies of the university. By Adam Sedgwick, M. A. 2d edit. Cambridge, 1834. 4689, O. History of the universities and colleges of Cambridge, including notices relating to the founders and eminent men. By G. Dyer, A. B. 2 vols. London, 1814. 4916, O. 1. The literary and scientific pursuits which are encouraged and enforced in the university of Cambridge, briefly described and vindicated, with various notes. By the Rev. Latham Wainewright, A. M. London, 1815. 3198, D. Alma mater ; or seven years at the university of Cambridge. By a Trinity man. 2 vols. London, 1827. 1 146, Q. History of the college of Corpus Christi and the blessed Virgin, in the university of Cambridge, from its foundation to the present time. By Ro- bert Masters. Cambridge, 1753. P. 214 SCIENCES AND ARTS. 4977, O. The history of the university of Edinburgh ; chiefly compiled from original papers and records never before published. By Alexander Bower. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1817. 4774, O. A view of the system of education pursued in the schools and uni- versities of Scotland, and communications relative to the university of Cam- bridge, the school of Westminster, and the Perth academy, and a more detailed account of the university of St. Andrews. By the Rev. M. Russel, M. A. Edin- burgh, 1813. 5990, O. 1. Catalogus senatus academici in universitate Cantabrigae in repub- licae Massachusettensi. Cantabrigiae, 1824. Gift of the university. 7246, O. Annals of Yale college in New Haven, Conn, from its foundation to the year 1831 ; with an appendix. By Ebenezer Baldwin. New Haven, 1831. 1564, O. 5. A letter to the governors of the college of New York, respecting the collection that was made in this kingdom in 1762 and 1763, for the colleges of Philadelphia and New York ; with notes, and an appendix, containing the letters which passed between alderman Trecothick and the author. By James Jay. London, 1771. 412, F. 9. The charters of the college of New York, in America. With a vin- dication of the trustees of the said college. New York, 1754 & 1755. 6969, O. 6. Address of the trustees of the public school society, in the city of New York, &c. «&c. New York, 1828. 9092, O. 6. Twelfth annual report of the New York deaf and dumb institu- tion, for 1830. New York, 1831. Gift of Robert Pear sail. Esq, 9094, O. 4. Fourth annu£d report of the trustees of the high school of New York, 1828. 5566, O. Discourses delivered in the college of New Jersey ; with notes, in- cluding a historical sketch of the college from its origin to the accession of pre- sident Witherspoon. By Ashbel Green, D. D. Philadelphia, 1822. 1588, O. 12. An account of the college of New Jersey. Woodbridge, 1764. 1588, O. 14. An address to the inhabitants of Jamaica, and other West India islands, in behalf of the college of New Jersey. Philadelphia, 1772. 634, Q,. 11. Methods used for erecting charity schools, with the rules and or- ders by wliich they are governed, &c. By Mr. Lupton. 7th edit. London, 1718. 6964, O. 8. M. Carey on a college in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1826. 3670, O. 7. Abercrombie's charge, delivered July 27, 1804, to the senior class of the Philadelphia academy. Philadelphia, 1804. 5445, O. 5. An account of the origin and progress of the Pennsylvania insti- tution for the deaf and dumb. Philadelphia, 1821. Gift of the directors. 5286, 3. 5509, 5. 5749, 2. 5990, 8. 6971, 8. 9. 10. 7113, 4. 7317, 1. & 9094, O. 2. Annual reports of the controllers of the public schools of the first school district ; with their accounts. Philadelphia, 1819 — 1834. Gift of the controllers, 5736, O. 2. Review of the Maryland report, on the appropriation of public lands for schools. Baltimore, 1821. 7318, O. 3. Report of the committee on public schools to the Pennsylvania society for the promotion of public economy, Nov. 1817. Philadelphia, 1817. 9094, O. 3. Annual report of the board of managers of the Philadelphia so- ciety for the establishment of charity schools. Philadelphia, 1834. 9129, O. 9. Report on the manual labour academies. Harrisburgh, 1833. 6001, D. 10. Prospectus of the lyceum at Mount Airy, near Germantown. Philadelphia, 1825. 9135, O. 10. Catalogue of the officers and students of the university of Penn- sylvania, and an abstract of the regulations of the university. Philadelphia, 1832. 9142, O. 8. Freyheits brief der Deutschen hohen schule (college) in der Lan- caster, Staate Pennsylvanien. Philadelphia, 1787. I GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS. 215 GENERAL TREATISES ON GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS. ^ dams J 6671, O. Discourses on Davila. A series of papers on political histo- ry. Written in 1790, and then published in the Gazette of the United States. By an American citizen, (John Adams.) Boston, 1805. Jiristotle, 806, Q.. & 6513, O. Aristotle's ethics and politics, comprising his prac- tical philosophy. Translated from the Greek. Illustrated by intro- ductions and notes ; the critical history of his life ; and an analysis of his speculative works. By John Gillies. 2 vols. London, 1797. 544, Q,. Aristotelis de optimo statu reipublicae, libri octo. Parisii, 1556. L. 1111, Q,. Treatise on government, translated from the Greek of Aristotle. By William Ellis. London, 1776. P. 1228, Q,. Trattato dei governi di Aristoteli, tradotte di Greco, in lingua vulgare Florentina da Bernardo Segni. Lorenzo, 1549. Ascham, 1686, D. Confusions and revolutions of governments. By Ant. Ascham. London, 1649. P. Barlow^ 8599, O. 6. A letter on the advantages of the French revolution. By Joel Barlow. London, 1795. 2009, O. Advice to the privileged orders in the several states of Europe. * By Joel Barlow. 2d edit. London, 1792. 2233, O. 1. Advice to the privileged orders in the several states of Europe, resulting from the necessity and propriety of a general revo- lution in the principles of government. Part IL 2d edit. London, 1795. Bates J 1263, D. Cursory view of civil government ; chiefly in relation to virtue and happiness. By Ely Bates, Esq. London, 1797. Bellegarde, de, 1800, D. Mr. I'Abbe de Bellegarde les regies de la vie civile, avec des traits d'histoire pour former I'esprit d'un jeune prince. Am- sterdam, 1707. P. Bentham^ 6041, O. The book of fallacies: from unpublished papers of Jeremy Bentham. By a Friend. London, 1824. Bigland, 4971, O. An historical display of the effects of physical and moral causes, on the character and circumstances of nations. By John Big- land. London, 1816. Bolingbroke, 439, O. Letters on the spirit of patriotism ; on the idea of a pa- triot king; and on the state of parties at the accession of king George the first. By Henry St. John, lord viscount Bolingbroke. London, 1752. 495, & 967, O. Dissertation on parties. By lord viscount Boling- broke. 6th edit. London, 1743. Boxhorn, 5674, O. Arcana imperii detecta : or divers select cases in govern- ment. Translated from the Latin of Boxhorn. London, 1701. Brown, 3118, O. 2. & 1134, D. An essay on the natural equality of men ; on the rights that result from it, and on the duties which it imposes. By William Lawrence Brown, D. D. 2d edit. London, 1794. Burdon, 2852, O. 1. Thoughts on politics, morality, and literature. By William Burdon, M. A. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1800. Burgh, 1127, O. Political disquisitions. By James Burgh. 3 vols. Philadel- phia, 1775. Burke, 4602, D. 2. A vindication- of natural society. By Edmund Burke. Ox- ford, 1796. Callisen, 3743, 0. 4, Ueber den freyheitsinn unserer zeit. "Von J. L, Callisen. Altona, 1791. 216 SCIENCES AND ARTS. CasauXj 1457, O. Casaux's thoughts on the mechanism of societies. Trans- lated from the French, by Parkyns Mac Mahon. London, 1786. Chateaubriand, 4687, O. An historical, political, and moral essay on revolu- tions, ancient and modern. By F. A. de Chateaubriand. London, 1815. Chenevix, 7334, O. An essay upon national character ; being an inquiry into some of the principal causes which contribute to form and modify the characters of nations, in the state of civilization. By jthe late Richard Chenevix, Esq. F. R. S., «&c. 2 vols. London, 1832. Cicero, 3978, D. The republic of Cicero ; translated from the Latin ; with a critical and historical introduction. By G. W. Featherstonhaugh, Esq. New York, 1829. Condillac, 3885, D. Le commerce et le gouvernment, consideres relativement I'un a I'autre. Par Condillac. 2 tom. A Paris, 1795. Cooper, 8603, O. 2. Political essays. By Thomas Cooper, Esq. Philadelphia, 1800. Craigi 4574, O. Elements of political science. By John Craig, Esq. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1814. Croix, la, 2065, O. A review of the constitutions of the principal states of Europe, and of the United States of America. By M. de la Croix. Translated from the French. 2 vols. London, 1792. Ensor, 4130, O. On national government. By George Ensor, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1810. Fellowes, 5207, O. 2. The rights of property vindicated against the claims of universal suffrage, with an analysis of the principles of property. By Robert Fellowes, A. M. London, 1818. Ferguson, 43, Q,. An essay on the history of civil society. By Adam Fergu- son. 2d edit. London, 1768. Fern, 924, Q,. 1. An examination of the case — whether, upon a supposition that the king is seduced to subvert religion, laws, and liberties, subjects may conscientiously take arms and resist ? Henry Fern, D. D. Lon- don, 1642. 924, Qi. 3. Answer to the treatise written by Dr. Fern, on the subject of the people's taking up arms against their sovereign. London, 1642. Filangieri, 5233, O. La scienza della legislazione de Cavalier Guetano Filan- gieri. Catania, 1789. 8 vols. Gift of E. Paxson, Esq. 2000, O. Filangieri on the science of legislation. Translated from the Italian by William Kendall. London, 1792. Filmer, 6640, O. The freeholder's grand inquest. Observations upon forms of government. Directions for obedience to government, in danger- ous times. Observations concerning the original of government, upon Mr. Hobs his leviathan, Mr. Milton against Salmasius, H. Grotius de Jure Belli, Mr. Hunton's treatise of monarchy. An advertisement to jury-men of England, touching witches. Patriarcha ; or, the natural power of kings. By the learned Sir Robert Filmer, baronet. Portrait. London, 1680. M. Frend, 3705, & 7783, O. Patriotism ; or, the love of country ; an essay, illus- trated with examples from ancient and modern history. By William Frend, Esq. London, 1804. Gisborne, 2589, O. An inquiry into the principles of national order ; with re- flections on the present state of the Christian world, the probable causes of war, and the best means of promoting and securing the future peace of Europe. To which are prefixed, two tracts written by Edward, earl of Clarendon, on the subjects of war and peace. By Thomas Gisborne. London, 1798. Godwin, 666, Q,. An inquiry concerning political justice, and its influence on general virtue and happiness. By William Godwin. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1793. GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS. 217 Gochvin, 6757, 6828, & 8061, O. The same. London & Dublin, 1796. Gordon, 23, D. A collection of political and other tracts. By the late John Trenchard, and John Gordon. 2 vols. London, 1751. Harrington, 220, P. James Harrington's oceana and other works ; with an ac- count of his life, prefixed by John Toland. London, 1737. 934, Q,. 19. Animadversions on the commonwealth of oceana, pro- posed by James Harrington. By Henry Stubbs. London, 1660. Gift of Zachariah Pouhon. Hazlittj 5348, O. Political essays, with sketches of public characters. By William Hazlitt. London, 1819. Hearne, 2046, O. A view of the rise and progress of freedom in modern Europe, as connected with the causes which led to the French revolu- tion ; with a vindication of the English constitution, in answer to the calumnies of Thomas Paine. By Thomas Hearne. London, 1793. Heeren, 5847, O. Reflections on the politics of ancient Greece ; translated from the German of Arnold H. L. Heeren, by George Bancroft. Boston, 1824. HohheSy 960, D. Elemerita philosophica de cive. Auctore Thoma Hobbes Malmesburiensi. Amsterodami, 1657. L. 1735, D. Philosophical rudiments concerning government and society. By Thomas Hobbes. London, 1651. P. 237, Q^ 2. Remarks on Hobbes's philosophical rudiments of government and society. 2d edit. To which is added, a letter from an American to the author ; with her answer. By Mrs. Catharine Macauley. Lon- don, 1759. LeckiBj 5088, O. An historical research into the nature of the balance of power in Europe. By Gould Francis Leckie. London, 1807. Lee, 4129, O. An essay on government. By Mrs. R. F. A. Lee. London, 1809. Lewis, 8713, O. Remarks on the use and abuse of some political terms. By George C. Lewis, Esq. London, 1832. Leycester, 923, Q. 6. Commonwealth. Conceived, spoken, and published by John Leycester. London, 1641. Locke, 393, O. Treatises on government. By John Locke. 5th edit. Lon- don, 1728. Gift of Doctor Benjamin Franklin. Logan, 1569, O. 1. An inquiry into the doctrine of the jure-divinoship of heredi- - tary monarchy. By George Logan, M. A. Edinburgh, 1749. Mably, 3370, D. (Euvres politiques de M. I'Abbe de Mably. 4 tom. A Am- sterdam, 1777. 3373, D. Doutes proposes aux philosophes economistes, sur I'ordre naturel et essentiel des societes politiques, par M. I'Abbe de Mably. A La Haye, 1768. 3368, D. Des droits et des devoirs du citoyen, par M. I'Abbe de Mably. A Kell, 1789. Macauley, 2367, O. Rudiments of political science, containing elementary prin- ciples ; with an appendix. By Angus Macauley. London, 1796. Machiavelli, 1747, O. Nicolai Machiavelli princeps ex Sylvestri Tellii traduc- tione. A. D. 1589. Z. 891, D. Nicolai Machiavelli disputationum de republica libri IIL Ex Italico Latini facti. Francofurti, 1708. L. — — ^— 2910, D. Nicolai Machiavelli princeps ex Sylvestrilelii fulginatis traductione diligenter emendatus. Francofurti, 1608. — — — 497, O. Anti-Machiavel ; or an examination of Machiavel's prince; with notes, historical and political. Published by Mr. De Voltaire. Translated from the French. London, 1761. 28 218 SCIENCES AND ARTS. MachiavelH, 6902, O. Machiavel commentd par N. Buonaparte. MS. trouve dans le carosse de Buonaparte, apres la battaille de Mont Saint-Jean, le 18 Juin, 1815. A Paris, 1816. Mercier^ 2147, O. Fragments of politics and history. Translated from the French. By J. B. Mercier. 2 vols. London, 1795. Millar^ 254, & 382, (i. Observations concerning the distinction of ranks in so- ciety. By John MiUar. London, 1771 & 1781. 3860, O. The origin of the distinction of ranks. By John Millar ; to which is prefixed, an account of the life and writings of the author. By John Craig. Edinburgh, 1806. Mirabeau, 1447, 1621, & 2148, O. Inquiries concerning lettres de cachet; the consequences of arbitrary imprisonment ; and a history of tlie dis- tresses and sufferings of state prisoners. By the Count Mirabeau. 2 vols. London, 1787. Molloy, 8601, O. 1. An appeal to man in a state of nature. By T. Molloy. Dublin, 1792. Montagu, 578, O. 3391, & 4556, D. Reflections on the rise and fall of the an- cient republics, adapted to the present state of Great Britain. By Edward W. Montagu, Jr. London, 1759. Philadelphia, 1806. A/ore, 47, & 1953, D. Utopia. Written in Latin by Sir Thomas More. Trans- lated into English. London, 1684 & 1808. Nalson, 231, O. On the common interest of king and people; showing the ori- ginal, antiquity, and excellency of monarchy, compared with aristocra- cy and democracy, and particularly of the EInglish monarchy. By John Nalson. London, 1678. Necker, 2066, O. An essay on the true principles of executive power in great states. Translated from the French of Mr. Necker. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1792. Neville, 4959, D. Plato redivivus ; or, dialogues concerning government. By the Hon. Henry Neville. London, 1742. Nichols, 3566, O. Duty of inferiors towards their superiors. By William Nichols, D.D. London, 1701. P. Paine, 2425, & 8345, 0. The political works of Thomas Paine. Albany, 1794, & Philadelphia, 1797. 1483, 1580, & 8629, O. 2. Common sense. By Thomas Paine. Phi- ladelphia, 1776. 1483, & 8629, 0. 3. The crisis. By Thomas Paine. Philadelphia, 1777. 1907, 3284, & 9126, O. 3. Rights of man; being an answer to Mr. Burke's attack on the French revolution. By Thomas Paine. 6th edit. London, 1791. 1943, O. Rights of man. Part the second. Combining principle and practice. By Thomas Paine. 8th edit. London, 1792. 2145, 2. & 8598, 0. 9. Dissertations on first principles of government ; with the speech which he delivered at the tribune of the French con- vention, July 7th, 1795. 2d edit. London, 1795. 9115, O. 3. A protest against Paine's rights of man. London, 1792. Parker, 933, Q,. 1. Discourse concerning the right of subjects and the right of princes. By Henry Parker. London, 1644. Parr, 6562, O. A free translation of the preface to Bellendenus. Containing animated strictures on the great political characters of the present time. By Samuel Parr, D. D. London, 1788. M. Parula, 1030, F. Maximes of state and government in divers politick dis- courses. By Paulo Paruta. Rendered into English. London, 1667. Patrick, 933, F. Discourse upon the means of well governing and maintaining in good peace a kingdom or other principalitie, in three parts, against Nicholas Machiavelle the Florentine. By Symon Patrick. London, 1602. P. GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS. 219 Patton, 8074, O. The principles of Asiatic monarchies, politically and histori- cally investigated, and contrasted with those of the monarchies of Europe. By Robert Patton, Esq. London, 1801. PlatOt 3474, O. Edmundus Massey Platonis de republica, sive de justo, libri X. Graece et Latine. Tomi II. Cantabrigiae, 1713. P. 1277, Q. Republic of Plato in ten books. Translated from the Greek. By H. Spens, D. D. Glasgow, 1763. P. Priestley^ 1014, O. Essay on the first principles of government, and the nature of political, civil and religious liberty ; including remarks on Dr. Brown's code of education, and on Dr. Balguy's sermon on church authority. By Joseph Priestley. 2d edit. London, 1771. 2100, Q,. 2. Plan for a free community on the coast of Africa, inde- pendent of all European laws and governments. By Joseph Priestley. London, 1789. — 8644, 0. 3. Political dialogues on the general principles of government. By Joseph Priestley. London, 1791. Raleigh, 1765, D. Cabinet council ; containing the chief arts of empire and mysteries of state. By Sir Walter Raleigh. London, 1658. P. Randal, 6966, O. 6. A political catechism of man, &c. «&c. By Citizen Randal, of Ostend. London, 1795. Ray, 2265, 4. & 8537, O. Synopsis ; or a comprehensive view of philosophical, political, and theological systems, from the creation to the present time. By J. M. Ray. Edinburgh, 1792. Gift of the author. Richelieu, 1784, D. Testament politique d'Armand du Plessis Cardinal due de Richelieu. 2 tomes. Amsterdam, 1688. P, Robinson, 7650, & 8620, O. A political catechism ; intended to convey just ideas of good civil government, and the British constitution. By Ro- bert Robinson. 3d edit. London, 1784. Rohan, 2913, D. 19. Interets et maximes des princes and des etats souverains. Par le Due de Rohan. A Cologne, 1 656. Rousseau, 571, D. A treatise on the social compact ; or the principles of politic law. By J. J. Rousseau. London, 1764. 3414, O. & 3540, D. Inquiry into the nature of the social compact, or principles of political right. Translated from the French of John James Rousseau. London, 1791. Dublin, 1791. P. • 1030, O. A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the ine- quality of mankind. By John James Rousseau. London, 1761. Sadler, 933, Q,. 15. Rights of the kingdome, or customes of our ancestours; touching the duty, power, election, or succession, of our kings and parliaments ; with a discourse of the great changes yet expected in the world. By John Sadler. London, 1649. Gift of Zachariah Paulson. Schmidt, 2792, & 4525, D. Europe and America, or the relative state of the civilized world at a future period. Translated from the German of Dr. C. F. Von Schmidt-Phiseldeck. By Joseph Owen. Copenhagen, 1820. Shaftesbury, 8396, O. Thoughts on civil liberty, on licentiousness, and faction. By Lord Shaftesbury. London, 1765. Sharp, 1342, 1463, 1. 1474, 8. 1593, 3. 2273, 7. & 3649, O. 2. A declaration of the people's natural right to a share of the legislature ; which is the fundamental principle of the British constitution of state. By Gran- ville Sharp. 2d edit. London, 1775, & Philadelphia, 1774. P. Sidney, 6792, & 8260, O. The essence of Algernon Sidney's work on govern- ment. To which is annexed, his essay on love. By William Scott. London, 1797. 77, F. Discourses concerning government. By Algernon Sidney. 2d edit. To which is added, the paper he delivered to the sheriff imme- diately before his death. London, 1704. 220 SCIENCES AND ARTS. Sidney t 127, O. The same. To which is added, a short account of the author's life. 2 vols. London, 1730. 4434, D. Political classics ; containing the life and memoirs of Alger- non Sidney; social compact, by J. J. Rousseau; and Utopia, by Sir Thomas Moore. 3 vols. London, 1794. SomerSf 1587, 4. 0. 3542, & 4892, D. The judgment of whole kingdoms and na- tions, concerning the rights, power, and prerogative of kings, and the rights, privileges, and properties of the people. By Lord Somers. Philadelphia, 1773. TTiomaSy 8598, O. 8. Virtues of Hazel ; or blessings of government. By the Rev. Thomas Thomas. London, 1794. Trenchard, 23, D. A collection of political and other tracts. By the late John Trenchard and John Gordon. 2 vols. London, 1751. 282, & 366, D. Cato's letters ; or essays on liberty, civil and reli- gious, and other important subjects. By John Trenchard and John Gordon. 5th edit. 4 vols. London, 1748. Tucker, 7741, O. Tracts on political and commercial subjects. 2d edit. By Josiah Tucker, D. D. Gloucester, 1774. Tyers, 1197, O. Political conferences between several great men, in the last and present century ; with notes. By Thomas Tyers, Esq. 2d edit London, 1781. Vidaurre, 6963, O. Efectos de las facciones en los Gobiernos nacientes. Obra escrita por el Cuidadano M. L. Vidaurre, ministro de estado, &c. &c, del Peru. Boston, 1828. Gift of the author. Volney, 2031, O. Ruins ; or, a survey of the revolutions of empires. Trans- lated from the Frenchof C. F. Volney. London, 1792. fValsingham, 2172, D. Arcana aulica ; or, Walsingham's manual of pruden- tial maxims for the statesman and the courtier. London, 1810. Willis f 2230, & 2412, O. Philosophical sketches of the principles of society and government. By R. D. Willis. 2d edit. London, 1796. Workman, 2415, D. Essays and letters on various political subjects. By James Workman, Esq. Second edition. New York, 1809. Gift of the author. Worfmnn, 8026, O. A treatise concerning political enquiry, and the liberty of the press. By Tunis Wortman. New York, 1800. Zimmerman, 3958, D. 3. Reflexions sur la perfectibilite de I'homme ; sur la souverainete du peuple; sur la liberte indefinie; sur I'egalite parfaite; et sur M. Necker. Traduit de I'Allemand de Mr. Z n. 1797. 2707, O. 4. Reflections on the i^rfectibility of man; the sovereignty of the people ; indefinite liberty ; perfect equality ; and on the princi- ples of Mr. Necker. Translated from the German of M. Zimmerman. London, 1799. 2410, O. An essay on national pride ; with memoirs of the author's life and writings. Translated from the German of M. Zimmerman. By Samuel Hull Wilcocke. London, 1797. Xenophon, 2145, O. 1. Xenophon's defence of the Athenian democracy. Trans- lated from the Greek; with notes and an appendix, containing observa- tions on the democratic part of the British government. London, 1794. yorke, 2820, & 2933, O. Elements of civil knowledge. By Henry Redhead Yorke. Dorchester, 1800. 934, Q,. 8. Discourse on the original and end of civil power. London, 1649. 935, Q. 21. Dialogue concerning government. London, 1681. Gift of Zachariah Poulson. 942, (i. 3. Mysterie of magistracy unveiled. London, 1663. 956, (i. 22. Political aphorisms ; or the true maxims of government displayed. London, 1090. 687, O. An essay on civil government : containing an inquiry into the ends POLITICAL ECONOMY — PAUPERISM. 221 of government, and the means of attaining them ; with reflections on the go- vernment and commerce of England. London, 1743. Gift of James Child. 910, O. The finishing stroke; being a vindication of the patriarchal scheme of government ; wherein Mr. Hoadly's examination of this scheme is fully con- sidered. London, 1716. Gift of William Clampfer. 1632, O. 4. Observations on government; including animadversions on Mr. Adams's defence of the American constitutions; and on Mr. De Lolme's remarks on the constitution of England. New York, 1787. 2618, O. 10. Essay on hereditary titles, and university degrees, particularly doctorates in divinity. Boston, 1798. Gift of the author, 6707, O. Considerations on the choice of public rulers ; on the extent of their powers, and on the advantages and abuses of popular elections. NeV York, 1805. 7729, & 8604, O. 5. The manual of liberty : or, testimonies on behalf of the rights of mankind ; selected from the best authorities in prose and verse, and methodically arranged. London, 1795. 7836, O. The politician's creed ; or, political extracts. 3 vols. London, 1799. 4598, D. 2. Cosmopolite's thoughts on the progress of light and Uberty. Phi- ladelphia, 1817. P0L1TICA.L ECONOMY— PAUPEJIISM. Jipflegarth, 2130, 0. 4. A plea for the poor ; or remarks on the price of provisions, and the peasant's labour, &c. By Robert Applegarth. London, 1790. Mien, 6203, O. \. Colonies at home, or the means of rendering the industrious labourer independent of parish relief; and for providing for the poor population of Ireland, by the cultivation of the soil. By William Allen. London, 1826. Gift of Dr. Parke. Barton, 5075, 0. 2. Observations on the circumstances which influence the con- dition of the labouring classes of society. By John Barton. London, 1817. 5371, O. 2. An inquiry into the causes of the progressive depreciation of agricultural labour in modern times ; with suggestions for its re- medy. By John Barton. London, 1820. Becher, 6437, D. 2. The anti-pauper system. With plans of the Southwell work-house. By the Rev. J. T. Becher. London, 1828. Belsham, 2100, Q,. 3. Remarks on the bill for the better support and mainte- nance of the poor. By William Belsham. London, 1797. BoileaUy 4348, O. An introduction to the study of political economy ; or, an elementary view of the manner in which the wealth of nations is pro- duced, increased, distributed, and consumed. By D. Boileau. Lon- don, 1811. Brown, 4032, O. An address to the congress of the United States, on the utility and justice of restrictions upon foreign commerce ; with reflec- tions on foreign trade in general, and the future prospects of America. By C. B. Brown. Philadelphia, 1809. Browning, 9191, O. The domestic and financial condition of Great Britain; preceded by a brief sketch of her foreign policy ; and of the statistics and politics of France, Russia, Austria, and Prussia. By G. Brown- ing. London, 1834. Bryan, 2560, & 3335, D. Conversations on political economy, in which the elements of that science are familiarly explained. By Mrs. Margaret Bryan. Philadelphia, 1817. Burke, 2810, 0. 4. Thoughts and details on scarcity, originally presented to 222 SCIENCES AND ARTS. William Pitt, in November, 1795. By Edmund Burke. 3d edit. Lon- don, 1800. Capper, 2990, 0. 2. A statistical account of the population and cultivation, pro- duce and consumption of England and Wales. By Benjamin P. Cap- per. London, 1801. Carey, 5857, O. The political economist. Edited by M. Carey, Esq. Phila- delphia, 1824. Gift of the editor, Chalmers, 372, Q,. 1. An estimate of the comparative strength of Britain ; with an essay on population, by lord chief justice Hale. By George Chal- mers. London, 1782. . 4211, O. An inquiry into the extent and stability of national re- sources. By the Rev. Thomas Chalmers. Edinburgh, 1808. 8703, O. On political economy, in connexion with the moral state and moral prospects of society. By Thomas Chalmers, D. D. Glas- gow, 1832. Chastelux, 8264, O. Essays on historic subjects, containing remarks on the ancients, those of the middle age, and a comparison with modern his- tory, with observations on Hume, Voltaire, Montesquieu, Dr. Robert- son, and others, proving that agriculture and population are the truest proofs of the welfare of the people. From the French of the Marquis de Chastelux. 2 vols. London, 1790. Clay, 5481, O. 3. A free trade essential to the welfare of Great Britain, or an in- quiry into the present state of the country, and the increase of pauper- ism, misery and crime. By John Clay. London, 1819. Colquhon, 3814, O. A treatise on indigence, exhibiting a general view of the national resources for productive labour. By P. Colquhon, Esq. LL. D. London, 1806. Comber, 3919, O. An inquiry into the state of national subsistence, as con- nected with the progress of wealth and population. By William T. Comber. London, 1807. Cooper, 6326, O. Lectures on the elements of political economy. By Thomas Cooper, M. D. Columbia, 1826. Cowes, 2593, O. 3. Cowes' religious and philanthropic tracts : — on the princi- ples, the temper, and duties of Christians — On the state of the poor, and on the means of improving it by friendly societies, &c. — Rules for forming and managing friendly societies, with a view to facilitate their general establishment. London, 1797. Coxe, 1977, 0. 7. An address to an assembly of the friends of American manu- factures. By Tench Coxe. Philadelphia, 1787. Gift of Joseph Parker Norris. Crumpe, 2185, O. An essay on the best means of providing employment for the people. By Samuel Crumpe. 2d edit. London, 1795. Davies, 1994, Q,. The case of labourers in husbandry stated and considered, &c. With an appendix, containing a collection of accounts, &c. By David Davies. Bath, 1795. 8062, O. The same. London, 1796. Davis, 5474, & 5810, 0. 1. Hints to philanthropists ; or a collective view of prac- tical means for improving the condition of the poor and labouring classes of society. By William Davis. Bath, 1821. Gift of Dr. Parke. Degerando, 5501, D. The visitor of the poor. Translated from the French of the Baron Degerando, by a lady of Boston. With an introduction by J. Tuckerman. Boston, 1832. Dignan, 3710, D. Essai sur les principes politiques de I'economie publique. Par M. D. Browne Dignan. A Londres, 1776. Dunbar, 1228, & 2125, O. History of mankind in rude and cultivated ages. By James Dunbar. London, 1780. POLITICAL ECONOMY PAUPERISM. 223 Bupont, 4473, 0. 4. Idees sur les secours a donner aux pauvres malades. Par M. Dupont de Nemours. Philadelphia, 1786. JEderij 718, D. Letters to the earl of Carlisle, on various political subjects ; with a fifth letter on population. By William Eden, Esq. 3d edit. Lon- don, 1780. 2990, 0. 1. Observation's on filendly societies, for the maintenance of the industrious classes, during sickness, infirmity, and old age. By Sir W. M. Eden. London, 1801. Edmonds, 6382, O. Practical, moral, and political economy ; or the govern- ment and institutions most conducive to individual happiness and na- tional power. By T. R. Edmonds, A. B. London, 1828. Emerson, 7319, O. 8. Medical statistics of the population of Philadelphia, with its changes. By G. Emerson, M. D. Philadelphia, 1831. Fisher, 5611, D. Pauperism and crime. By W. L. Fisher. Philadelphia, 1831. Gift of the author. Ganilht 4380, O. An inquiry into the various systems of political economy ; their advantages and disadvantages ; and the theory most favourable to the increase of national wealth. By Charles Ganilh. Translated from the French, by D. Boileau. New York, 1812. Gaskell, 8893, O. The manufacturing population of England ; with an exa- mination of infant labour. By P. Gaskell. London, 1833. Gilbert t 1835, O. Plan for the better relief and employment of the poor, and for amending the laws respecting houses of correction, and vagrants ; with the bills intended to be offered to parliament for those purposes. By Thomas Gilbert. London, 1781. Godwin, 5407, O. On population ; an inquiry into the power of increase in the numbers of mankind ; being an answer to Mr. Malthus' essay. By William Godwin. London, 1820. Grahame, 4914, O. An inquiry into the principles of population, including an exposition of the causes and the advantages of a tendency to exube- rance of numbers in society, and a defence of the poor laws. By James Grahame, Esq. Edinburgh, 1816. Graunt, 198, & 316, Q. 4. Natural and pohtical observations on the bills of mortality. By John Graunt. London, 1662. Gray, 1681, Q.» The happiness of states : or an inquiry concerning population, the modes of subsisting and employing it, and the effects of all on human happiness. By S. Gray, Esq. London, 1815. Hale, 95, F. Primitive origination of mankind; considered and examined ac- cording to the hght of nature. By Sir Matthew Hale. London, 1 677. Hamilton, 7219, O. The progress of society. By the late Robert Hamilton, LL. D. &c. London, 1830. Hanway, 423, Q,. The defects of police, the cause of immorality, &c. By Jo- nas Hanway. London, 1775. 1051, O. Letters on the importance of the rising generation of the labouring part of our fellow subjects ; being an account of the misera- ble state of the infant parish poor ; the usefulness of the hospital for deserted children properly restricted ; and an historical detail of the whole mortality of London and Westminster, from the year 1592, to this time ; with political, moral, and religious reflections. By Jonas Hanw^ay. 2 vols. London, 1767. Hertzburgh, 1452, 0. 1. Discourses on the population of states in general; and on the true riches of nations, the balance of commerce and that of power ; delivered before the royal academy of sciences and belles-let- tres, at Berlin. Translated from the French of the Baron de Hertz- burgh. London, 1786. Hill, 2990, O. 3. Means of reforming the morals of the poor, by the prevention of poverty. By John Hill. London, 1801. 224 SCIENCES AND ARTS. Jennison^ 6472, O. An outline of political economy. By William Jennison. Philadelphia, 1828. Jones, 7332, O. An essay on the distribution of wealth, and on the sources of taxation. By the Rev. Richard Jones, A. M. London, 1831. Lauderdale, 3093, O. An inquiry into the nature and origin of public wealth. By the earl of Lauderdale. Edinburgh, 1804. Ltttsom, 2346, 2. & 2495, 0. 4. Dr. Lettsom's hints respecting the distresses of the poor. 2d edit. London, 1796. One copy the gift of Thomas Parke. Zyongfiehl, 9012, 0.2. Lectures on political economy, delivered in trinity and michaelmas terms, 1833. By Mountford Longfield, LL. D. Dublin, 1834. Lowe, 5619, O. The present state of England, in regard to agriculture, trade and finance, with a comparison of the prospects of England and France. By Joseph Lowe, Esq. London, 1822. Malthus, 2586, O. An essay on the principle of population, as it affects the fu- ture improvement of society; with remarks on the speculations of Mr. Godwin, M. Condorcet, and other writers. London, 1798. 7647, O. An essay on the principle of population ; or, a view of its past and present effects on human happiness ; with an enquiry into our prospects respecting the future removal or mitigation of the evils it occasions. By T. R. Malthus. 2 vols. Georgetown, 1809. 3790, O. The same. London, 1806. 5006, O. Additions to the fourth and former editions of an essay on • the principle of population. By T. R. Malthus, A. M. London, 1817. 3839, O. Reply to Malthus's essay on population ; to which are added, extracts from the essay, with notes. London, 1807. 5371, 0. 1. Principles of political economy, considered with a view to their practical application. By the Rev. T. R. Malthus. London, 1820. 5395, O. The same. Boston, 1821. 3164, D. Definitions in political economy, preceded by an inquiry into the rules which ought to guide political economists in the defini- tion and use of their terms, with remarks. By the Rev. T. R. Mal- thus. London, 1827. 4915, O. 2. An inquiry into the nature and progress of rent, and the principles by which it is regulated. By the Rev. I. R. Malthus. London, 1815. M'^Culloch, 61 11, O. The principles of political economy ; with a sketch of the rise and progress of the science. By J. R. M'Culloch, Esq. Edin- burgh, 1825. 6082, O. Outlines of political economy. By J. R. M'Culloch. To- gether with notes explanatory and critical, and a summary of the, science. By Rev. John M'Vikar, A.M. New York, 1825. Mill, 5544, O. Elements of political economy. By J. Mill, Esq. London, 1821, Mirabeau, 8152, O. The (economical table; an attempt towards ascertaining and exhibiting the source, progress, and employment of riches. By| the Marquis de Mirabeau. Translated from the French. Londor 1766. Morgan, 6437, O. 1. The constitution of friendly societies exemplified by rules and tables, examined, authenticated and recommended for general use, by William Morgati and Arthur Morgan. By the Rev. J. Thomas Beecher. London, 1828. Mun, 388, D. England's treasure by foreign trade ; or the balance of our foreign trade is the rule of our treasure. By Thomas Mun. Glas- gow, 1755. Oddy, 7957, O. A sketch for the improvement of the political, commercial, and POLITICAL ECONOMY PAUPERISM. 225 local interests of Great Britain. By J. Jepson Oddy, Esq. London, 1810. Owen, 5001, O. 1. A new view of society ; or essays on the formation of the human character preparatory to the developement of a plan for grad- ually ameliorating the condition of mankind. By Robert Owen. 3d edit. London, 1817. 5001, O. 2. An address delivered to the inhabitants of New Lanark, at the opening of the institution established for the formation of charac- ter. By Robert Owen. 3d edit. London, 1817. 5001,0.3. Observations on the effect of the manufacturing system; with hints for the improvement of those parts of it which are most injurious to health or morals. By Robert Owen. 2d edit. London, 1817. • 8783, O. An examination of the new system of society. By Robert Owen. Showing its insufficiency to reform mankind. Philadelphia, 1826. Gift of JVm. L. Fisher. Fatton, 2362, O. An investigation of the eflfects of property upon society and government. By Charles Patton. With an historical review of the monarchy and republic of Rome upon the principles derived from the eflfects of property. By Robert Patton. London, 1797. Flace, 5609, O. Illustrations and proofs of the principle of population ; includ- ing an examination of the proposed remedies of Mr. Malthus, and a reply to the objections of Mr. Godwin, and others. By Francis Place. London, 1822. Flay fair, 1421, &, 2130, Q,. An inquiry into the permanent causes of the de- cline and fall of powerful and wealthy nations. Illustrated by four engraved charts. By William Playfair. 2d edit. London, 1805 — 1807. Fitt, 2595, O. 1. An address to the landed interest on the deficiency of habita- tions and fuel for the use of the poor ; with plates. By Wm. Morton Pitt. London, 1797. Fae, 9214, O. Statement of the new principles on the subject of political econ- omy, exposing the fallacies of the system of free trade. By John Rae. Boston, 1834. Faymond, 5388, O. Thoughts on political economy, in two parts. By Daniel Raymond. Baltimore, 1820. FicardOf 5004, O. The principles of politick economy and taxation. By David Ricardo. London, 1817. Fuggles, 2353, O. The history of the poor; their rights, duties, and the laws respecting them. By Thomas Ruggles. 2 vols. London, 1794. Fumford, 2287, O. Essays, political, economical, and philosophic£il. By Count Rumford. 3 vols. London, 1796. Fyan, 5533, D. Lectures on population, marriage and divorce, as questions of state medicine. By Michael Ryan, M. D. London, 1831. Sadler, 7153, O. The law of population, in six books, in disproof of the super- fecundity of human beings, and developing the real principle of their increase. By M. T. Sadler. 2 vols. London, 1830. Say, 5471, O. A treatise on political economy; or the production, distribution, and consumption of wealth. By Jean Baptiste Say. Translated from the French, by C. R. Prinsep, M. A. With notes. 2 vols. London, 1821. — — 5512, O. The same, with notes. By Clement C. Biddle. 2 vols. Bos- ton, 1821. — 4947, O. Catechism of political economy, or familiar conversations on the manner in which wealth is produced, distributed, and consumed in society. By J. B. Say. Translated from the French, by John Rich- ter. Philadelphia, 1817. 20 226 SCIENCES AND ARTS. Scrope, 5844, D. Principles of political economy. By C. P. Scrope, M. P. London, 1833. Sheffield, 9131, O. 3. Remarks on the deficiency of grain in 1799, and on the mis- apprehensions which take place respecting corn. By Lord Sheffield. London, 1800. Short, 89, O. New observations, natural, moral, civil, political and medical, on city, town and country bills of mortality ; with abstracts of the best authors, who have written on this subject, and an appendix on the weather and meteors. By Thomas Short. London, 1750. Smith, 336, d. An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. By Adam Smith. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1778. 354 1, D. The same. 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1789. ' — 5003, O. The same ; with notes and an additional volume. By David Buchanan. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1814. 500, Q,. 3. Additions and corrections to his inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. London, 1777. 2470, O. An analysis or abridgment of Dr. Adam Smith's inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. By Jeremiah Joyce. Cambridge, 1797. 8615, O. 4. A letter to Adam Smith from John Girvin. Dublin, 1786. 5475, O. An attempt to define some of the first principles of political economy. By Thomas Smith. London, 1821. Spence, 5704, O. Tracts on political economy, with prefatory remarks. By Wm. Spence. London, 1822. Stewart, 11, & 2071,0,. An inquiry into the principles of political economy; being an essay on the science of domestic policy in free nations. By James Stewart. 2 vols. London, 1767. 1020,0. The same. 3 vols. Dublin, 1770. Thompson, 5885, O. An inquiry into the principles of the distribution of wealth most conducive to human happiness : applied to the newly proposed system — voluntary equality of wealth. By Wm. Thompson. Lon- don, 1824. Tooke, 5770, 0. Thoughts and details on the high and low prices of the last thirty years. By Thomas Tooke, F. R. S. London, 1823. Torrens, 5470, O. An essay on the production of wealth ; with an appendix ; in which the principles of political economy are applied to the actual circumstances of this country. By R. Torrens, Esq. F. R. S. Lon- don, 1821. 8975, O. On wages and combination. By R. Torrens, Esq. Lon- don, 1834. Tracy, 5181, O. A treatise on political economy; to which is prefixed, a sup- plement to a preceding work on the understanding ; or elements of idealogy ; with an analytical table, and an introduction on the faculty of the will. By the Count Destutt Tracy. Georgetown, D. C. 1817. Gift of Joseph Milligan. Trosne, 6915, O. De I'ordre social, suivi d'un traite elementaire sur le valeur, I'argent, &c. &c. &c. Par M. Le Trosne. A Paris, 1777. Turgot, 2232, 2. 2384, 4. & 8620, O. 2. Reflections on the formation and dis- tribution of wealth. Translated from the French of M. Turgot. Lon- don, 1795. Vancouver, 2346, O. I . An inquiry into the causes and production of poverty, and the state of the poor ; with the proposed means for their eflfectual relief By John Vancouver. London, 1796. Wallace, 1084, & 4046, O. A dissertation on the numbers of mankind, in an- cient and modern times ; in which the superior populousness of anti- quity is maintained ; with an appendix, containing additional observa- tions on the same subject, and some remarks on Mr. Hume's " politi- POLITICAL ECONOMY — PAUPERISM. 227 cal discourse of the populousness of ancient nations." By Robert Wallace, D. D. Edinburgh, 1753 &, 1809. TfallacCf 646, O. Various prospects of mankind, nature and providence. By- Robert Wallace, D. D. London, 1761. TVeyland, 4822, O. The principles of population and production, as they are affected by the progress of society, with a view to moral and political consequences. By John Weyland, jr. Esq. London, 1816. Whately, 7354, O. Introductory lectures on political economy. By Richard Whately, D. D. London, 1831. Yarranton, 2139, O. England's improvement by sea and land. To out-do the Dutch without fighting ; to pay debts without money ; to set at work all the poor of England with the growth of our own lands, &c. By Andrew Yarranton. London, 1677. Youngs 8627, O. 2. The question of scarcity considered. By A. Young. Lon- don, 1800. 6331, O. Summary of the practical principles of political economy; with ob- servations on Smith's wealth of nations, and Say's political economy. By a friend of domestic industry. Cambridge, 1826. 1 589, O. 8. Necessaries ; best product of land ; best staple of commerce. Phi- ladelphia, 1776. 1409, Q,. 10. The level of Europe and North America ; or, the observer's guide. 1795. 3347, D. Remarks upon the history of the landed and commercial interests of England, from the invasion of the Romans to the accession of James the first. 2 vols. London, 1785. 2971, D. Questions in political economy, politics, morals, metaphysics^ polite literature, and other branches of knowledge ; with remarks under each question, original and selected. London, 1823. 5569, D. The working man's companion. The rights of industry. Lon- don, 1831. 5754, D. History of the middle and working classes, and of the principles of the industrious orders. London, 1833. 929,0,. 10. Discourse on the prevention of poverty; showing the causes of the decay of trade, fall of lands, and want of money throughout the nation. Lon- don, 1674. 2996, O. 2. Observations and facts relative to public houses. By a magis- trate. 2d edit. London, 1796. 1977, O. 6. Thoughts on the circumspection necessary in licensing public ale-houses. London, 1776. 2595, O. 3. Proposals for supplying London with bread, at an uniform price, from one year to another, according to an annual assize. London, 1798. 9129, 0. 10. Report on the influence of manufactures on agriculture. Harris- burgh, 1833. 2275, Q. 1 . Thoughts on taxation, submitted to the people of New York. New York, 1784. 8644, O. 1. A dissertation on the poor laws. London, 1786. 9070, O. Report from his majesty's commissioners for inquiring into the administration and practical operation of the poor laws. London, 1834. 4777, O. 2. Minutes of the evidence taken before the committee appointed to inquire into the state of mendicity and vagrancy in the metropolis. London, 1815. 2685, 0. & 67, D. Reports of the society for bettering the condition, and in- creasing the comforts of the poor. 3 vols. London, 1800—1798. 5736, 4. 7318, 2. & 9139, O. 2. Report of the library committee of the Penn- sylvania society for the promotion of public economy. Philadelphia, 1817. 5749, 1. 9129, 4. & 9138, O. 3. Reports of the managers of the society for the prevention of pauperism in the city of New York. New York, 1820 — 1821. 228 SCIENCES AND ARTS. 6965, O. 9. Report of the committee appointed at a town meeting, in Phila- delphia, July 23, 1827, on the pauper system, &c. &c. Philadelphia, 1828. 6971, O. 13. Eleventh annual report of the managers of the indigent widows' and single womens' society, &c. &c. Philadelphia, 1828. 6971, O. 14. First annual report of the American temperance society, Novem- ber, 1827. Andover, 1828. 6972, O. 1. & 4293, D. Regulations, rules and orders of the London mara- time institution for the benefit of decayed master mariners and their families. London, 1792. 7113, O. 2. Sixth annual report of the provident society for employing the poor. Philadelphia, 1830. 7113, O. 8. Eleventh annual report of the society for the promotion of per- manent and universal peace, for 1827. London, 1827. Gift of John J. Smith, jr. 8624, 4. & 8628, O. 5. Plan for a benefit society at Cranbrook. Canterbury, 1817. MONEY, FINANCE, BANKS, PAPER CREDIT, &c. Barwell, 5947, D. The value of money. By Mrs. Barwell. London, 1834. Boissard, 677, D. Traite des monoyes. Par M. Boissard. 2 tomes. Paris, 1711. Bollman, 4707, & 4867, O. 1. Plan of an improved system of the money con- cerns of the Union. ByErick Bollman, M. D. Philadelphia, 1816. Gift of the author. 2095, & 4695, D. Paragraphs on banks. By Erick Bollman. M. D. Philadelphia, 1811. Gift of the author. Boyd, 4917, O. 3. Reflections on the financial system of Great Britain, and par- ticularly on the sinking fund. By Walter Boyd, Esq, London, 1815. Brewster, 9127, O. 6. An appeal to banks in particular, and the public in general. By Abel Brewster. Hartford, 1815. Carey, 4371, 3. & 4372, O. 3. Letters to Dr. Adam Seybert, representative in congress for the city of Philadelphia, on the subject of the renewal of the charter of the bank of the United States. By Mathew Carey. Philadelphia, 1811. Gift of Mathew Carey. 1465, O. 5. Carey's account of the debates and proceedings of the gene- ral assembly of Pennsylvania, on the memorials praying a repeal of the law annuHing the charter of the bank. Philadelphia, 1786. 4371, 2. & 4372, O. 2. Desultory reflections upon the ruinous conse- quences of a non-renewal of the charter of the bank of the United States. By Mathew Carey. 3d edit. Philadelphia, 1810. 4867, O. 5. Reflections on the consequence of the refusal of the banks - to receive in deposite southern and western bank notes. By Mathew Carey. Philadelphia, 1815. Gift of the author. 2536, D. 4. A letter to the Hon. Mr. Calhoun, chairman of the committee on a national currency. By M. Carey. Philadelphia, 1816. 4956, O. 1. Letters to bank directors on the pernicious consequences of the prevailing system of banking operations. By M; Carey. Phila- delphia, 1816. Gift of the author. 4956, O. 2. Reflections on the present system of banking in the city of Philadelphia. By M. Carey. Philadelphia, 1817. Gift of the author. 2573, D. Essays on banking. By M. Carey. Philadelphia, 1816. Gift of the author. Chaptal, 6964, O. 10. Essay on impost duties. From the French of Count Chaptal. Philadelphia, 1827. Colquhoun, 1628, Q,. A treatise on the wealth, power and resources of the British MONEY, FINANCE, &C. 229 empire, in every quarter of the world, illustrated by copious tables. By P. Colquhoun, LL. D. London, 1814. Coherij 5690, O. A compendium of finance, containing an account of the origin and present state of the public debts, revenue, and expenditure. By Bernard Cohen. London, 1822. Crouch, 689, O. A complete view of the British customs ; to which is added, an index, comprehending the substance of the laws, now in force, re- lating to the customs, &c. By Henry Crouch. 4th edit. 2 vols. London, 1745. Cuningham^ 2358, O. A history of the customs, aids, subsidies, national debts, and taxes of England, from William the conqueror, to the year 1778. By T. Cuningham. 3d edit. London, 1778. Ede, 1951, D. A view of the gold and silver coins of all nations, exhibited in above four hundred engi'avings ; with the name, assay, weight and value of each ; also, Sir Isaac Newton's tables of foreign gold and silver coins, made in the year 1700, by order of the privy council. By J. Ede. London, 1808. Edwards^ 855, d. On the practical means of effectually exonerating the public burthens ; of paying off the national debt, and of raising the supplies of war without new taxes, or loans of any kind. By George Edwards. London, 1790. Ellis, 4125, D. The British tariff for 1829-30; a manual on the subjects of the duties, warehouseing, and navigation acts, &c. &c. By R. Ellis. London, 1829. Fairman, 2383, O. 4. An examination of the stocks; or guide to purchasers in the public funds. By William Fairman. 2d edit. London, 1796. Fleetwood, 866, O. Chronicon preciosum ; or an account of English money, the price of corn and other commodities, and of stipends, salaries, por- tions, day-labour, &c. in England, for six hundred years past. By Bishop Fleetwood. London, 1745. Folkes, 1055, Qt. Tables of English silver and gold coins, from the Norman con- quest and 18th of Edward HI. to the present time, with their weights, intrinsic values, and some remarks upon the several pieces, with plates and explanations. By Martin Folkes. London, 1763. F. Ford, 2200, Q,. 11. A further attempt towards the reformation of the coin. By R. Ford. London, 1696. Gale, 1322, 1. & 1486, O. An essay on the nature and principles of public cre- dit. By S. Gale. London, 1784. Gift of Tench Coxe. Gardiner, 6320, O. Essays on currency and absenteeism, &c. &c. By Henry Gardiner. Liverpool, 1827. Gift of Dr. Parke. Gouge, 5776, D. A short history of paper money and banking in the United - States, including an account of provincial and continental paper money. By William M. Gouge. Philadelphia, 1833. Gift of the author. Graham, 6163, O. 2. Com and currency : in an address to the land owners. By Sir James Graham. London, 1826. Grellier, 4150, O. The history of the national debt, from the revolution in 1 688, to the beginning of the year 1800 ; with a preliminary account of the debts contracted previous to that sera. By the late J. T. Grellier. London, 1810, Grenville, 6437, O. 3^ Essay on the supposed advantages of a sinking fund. By Lord Grenville. London, 1828. Hamilton, 588, Q,. An inquiry into the principles of taxation, chiefly applicable to articles of immediate consumption. By Andrew Hamilton, Esq. London, 1790. 4770, O. An enquiry concerning the rise and progress, the redemp- tion and present state and management of the national debt of Great Britain. 2d edition. By Robert Hamilton, LL. D. Edinburgh, 1814. 230 SCIENCES AND ARTS. Harris, 5000, O. An essay upon money and coins, in two parts. By Mr. Harris. London, 1757. Harleyy 2381, O. 4. An essay upon public credit; being an inquiry how the public credit comes to depend upon the change of the ministry, or the dissolutions of parliaments ; and whether it does so or not] By Ro- bert Harley, earl of Oxford. 2d edit. London, 1797. Iluskissoii, 4323, O. L The question concerning the depreciation of our cur- rency stated and examined. By W. Huskisson, M. P. Fifth edition. London, 1810. Jacob, 7344, & 7369, O. An historical inquiry into the production and consump- tion of the precious metals. By Wm. Jacob, Esq. F. R. S. 2 vols. London, 1831, and Philadelphia, 1832. Joplin, 8738, O. An analysis of the currency question. By J. Joplin. London, 1832. Law, 616, D. Money and trade considered. By John Law. Glasgow, 1760. Liverpool, 1496, Q,. A treatise on the coins of the realm; in a letter to the king. By Charles, Earl of Liverpool. Oxford, 1805. M-Arthur, 2822, & 3072, O. Financial and political facts of the eighteenth century; with comparative estimates of the revenue, expenditure, debts, manufactures, and commerce of Great Britain. By John M' Arthur, Esq. 3d edit. London, 1801. M-Conndl, 1632, O. 5. An essay on the domestic debts of the Uriited States of America ; with a statement of the foreign debt. Philadelphia, 1787. M'Cay, 5725, O. 3. A general view of the history and objects of the bank of England. By John M'Cay. London, 1822. Magens, 3712, O. 1. Inquiry into the real difference between actiial money, con- sisting of gold and silver, and paper money of various descriptions ; and an examination into the constitution of banks. By Donan Ma- gens, Esq. London, 1804. Mahon, 1071, Q,. 2. Considerations on the means of preventing fraudulent prac- tices on the gold coin. Written at Geneva, in 1773, by Lord Viscount Mahon. London, 1775. P. Molleson, 848, Q,. An account of the reports of the commissioners appointed to examine, take and state the public accounts of the kingdom, pre- sented to his majesty, and to both houses of parliament. By Messrs.- Molleson and Lane. 3 vols. London, 1797. Morris, 593, F. A statement of the accounts of the United States of America, during his administration of the finances; from February 20, 1781, to November 1, 1784. By Robert Morris. Philadelphia, 1785. Gift of Ebenezer Hazard. Morgan, 2233, O. 3. A review of the writings of Dr. Price on the finances of Great Britain ; with the three plans, communicated by him to Mr. Pitt, in the year 1786, for redeeming the national debt; an account of the state of the public income and expenditure, to the year 1791 ; and a supplement, continuing the account to the year 1795. By William Morgan. 2d edit. London, 1795. Mushet, 6107, O. 2. An attempt to explain from facts the effect of the issues of the bank of England, upon its own interests, public credit, and country banks. By R. Mushet. London, 1826. Paine, 1465, 2. 2272, 4. 3667, 3. & 8629, O. 5. Dissertations on government ; on the bank, and on paper money. By Thomas Paine. Philadelphia, 1786. Necher, 1365, O. A treatise on the administration of the finances of France. By Mr. Necker. Translated from the French, by Thomas Mortimer. 3 vols. London, 1785. Parnell, 6386, O. Observations on paper money, banking, and overtrading. By Sir Henry Parnell. London, 1827. Pebrier, 8856, O. Taxation, revenue, expenditure, power, statistics, and debt of the whole British empire. By Pablo Pebrier. London, 1833. MONEY, FINANCE, &.C. 231 Play fair, 741, Q,. The commercial and political atlas, which represents at a single view, by means of charts, the most important public accounts of revrenues, expenditures, debts, and commerce of England. By Wil- liam Playfair. With charts of the revenues and debts Of Ireland. By James Corry. London, 1787. Price, 1106, O. 3. An appeal to the public on the subject of the national debt. By Dr. Richard Price. 2d edit. London, 1772. 1236, O. 3. State of the public debt in 1783. 2d edit. London, 1783. 1322, O. 2. A postscript to Dr. Price's pamphlet, on the state of the pub- lic debts and finances. London, 1784. Paguet, 4867, O. 4. An inquiry into the causes of the present state of the cir- culating medium of the United States. By Condy Raguet. Philadel- phia, 1815. Gift of the author. Ricardo, 4323, O. 3. The high price of bullion a proof of the depreciation of bank notes. By David Ricardo. Fourth edition, with an appendix. London, 1811. 4323, O. 4. Reply to Mr. Bosanquet's practical observations on the re- port of the bullion committee. By David Ricardo. London, 1811. 4832, O. 1. Proposals for an economical and secure currency, with ob- servations on the profits of the bank of England. By D. Ricardo. London, 1816. Rose, 2810, O. 1. A brief examination into the increase of the revenue, com- merce and manufactures of Great Britain, from 1792 to 1799. By the Hon. George Rose. 7th edit. London, 1799. Ruding, 1698, Q. Annals of the coinage of Britain, and its dependencies, from the earliest period of authentic history, to the end of the 50th year of the reign of George III. By the Rev. Rogers Ruding, B. D. 4 vols. London, 1817. Saxhy, 37, O. The British customs ; containing an historical and practical ac- count of that revenue, &c. with an index, in which all the laws now in force, relating to the customs, are abridged. By Henry Saxby. London, 1757. Senior, 7147, O. Three lectures on the cost of obtaining money, and on some effects of private and government paper money. By N. W. Senior, A. M. London, 1830. Simon, 1578, Q,. 1. An essay towards an historical account of Irish coins and the currency of foreign monies in Ireland. By James Simon. Dub- lin, 1749. Sinclair, 440, Q. & 8238, O. The history of the public revenue of the British empire. By Sir John Sinclair. Vols. 1, 2. London, 1785. 3802, O. The same. Vol. 3. London, 1804. Smith, 4013, O. An essay on the theory of money and exchange. By Thomas Smith. London, 1807. Tallmadge, 9091, O. 13. Speech of the Hon. N. P. Tallmadge in the senate of New York, February 1832, on the renewal of the charter of the United States bank. Tatham, 2383, O. 3. Letters to William Pitt, on the national debt. By Edward Tatham, D. D. London, 1795. TTiornton, 2903, 1. 3871, & 7944, O. An inquiry into the nature and effects of the paper credit of Great Britain. By Henry Thornton, Esq. M. P. Philadelphia, 1807. Tooke, 6107, O. 1. Considerations on the state of the currency. By Thomas Tooke, F. R. S. London, 1826. Webster, 1281, 2. 1591, 1. 1773,7. 2273, 12. 2274,9. & 3774, O. 10. An es- say on free trade and finance. By Pelatiah Webster. Numbers 1 , 2, 4, 5, 6 & 7. Philadelphia, 1779, &c. 232 SCIENCES AND ARTS. Webster, 1465, 1. & 1632, O. 3. An essay on credit, in which the doctrine of banks is considered. By Pelatiah Webster. Philadelphia, 1786. 1485, O. 3. Reasons for repealing the act of the legislature of Pennsyl- vania, which took away the charter of the bank of North America. By Pelatiah Webster. Philadelphia, 1786. 1877, &, 8460, O. Political essays on the nature and operation of money, public finances, and other subjects. By Pelatiah Webster, A. M. Philadelphia, 1791. Williams, 5277, O. Considerations on the alarming increase of forgery on the bank of Elngland, and the neglect of remedial measures ; with an es- say on the remedy for the detection of forgeries. By Charles W. Williams. London, 1818. Woods, 4323, O. 2. Observations on the present price of bullion and rates of exchange. By George Woods. London, 1811. Vansittart, 2343, O. 4. An inquiry into the state of the finances of Great Bri- tain, in answer- to Mr. Morgan's facts. By Nicholas Vansittart. Lon- don, 1796. 490, Q,. Alter und neuer muntz schliissel, ein tractat von der muntz alter- thum, aufkommen, gerechtigkeit selbige zu schlagen unterschiedlichen sorten, als Hebrais, &c. mid kupfer stechen. Niirnberg, 1692. 569, O. The history of our national debts and taxes, from the year 1688, to 1751. London, 1751. 1578, Q,. 2. Twelve plates of English silver coins, from the Norman conquest to Henry VIII. inclusive, with a calculation of their respective values. London, 1756. 1572, O. 1. An inquiry into the nature and necessity of a paper currency. Philadelphia, 1729. 3774, 0.11. Table for the payment of principal and interest of loans, agreea- ble to the resolution of congress, of 28th June, 1780. 1858, D. 5. Considerations on the bank of North America. Philadelphia, 1785. 9127, O. 1. Proceedings of the stockholders of the bank of the United States, preparatory to the creation of a trust for closing the concerns. Philadelphia, 1811. 1465, 0. 4. An essay on money, as a medium of commerce; with remarks on paper money. Philadelphia, 1786. 1590, O. 2. Considerations on lowering the value of gold coins in Massachu- setts-bay. 1761. 1591, 0.2. Considerations on the subject of finance. Philadelphia, 1781. 1591, O. 3. Observations on the nature and use of paper credit, including proposals for a national bank. Philadelphia, 1781. 4303, O. Report, with minutes of evidence and accounts, from the select committee appointed to inquire into the cause of the high price of gold bullion, and to take into consideration the state of the circulating medium, and of the exchanges between Great Britain and foreign parts. London, 1810. 5288, O. Documents relating to the bank of the. United States. Washing- ton, 1819. 5809, O. An exhibit of the losses sustained at the office of discount and de- posit, Baltimore. Compiled by the president and directors of the office at Bal- timore ; to which is added, a report of the conspiracy cases tried at Hartford court, in Maryland. Baltimore, 1823. Gift of J. C. Fisher, 6969, O. 4. Report of the proceedings of the triennial meeting of the stock- holders of the bank of the United States, September 1, 1828. Philadelphia, 1828. 7374, O. Legislative and documentary history of the bank of the United States ; including the original bank of Nojth America. Compiled by M. St Clair Clarke and D. A. Hall. Washington, 1832. I TRADE, COMMERCE, &C. 233 5219, O. Annals of banks for savings ; containing an account of their rise, progress, reports, &c. London, 1818. 7317, O. 6. Report of the Bank of the United States, Sept. 1831. Philadel- phia, 1831. 9 1 08, O. 1 . List of the stockholders of the bank of the United States. Washing- ton, J 832. 9091. O. 9. Report of the bank of the United States to the committee of ways and means, January, 1833. 8725, O. Hints on wages, the corn laws, high and low prices, paper money, and banking. By a British merchant. London, 1832. 6972, O. 6. A short history of the nature and consequences of excise laws. Philadelphia, 1795. 7290, O. 2. Historical sketch of the bank of England ; with an examination of the question as to the prolongation of the exclusive privileges of that estabUsh- ment. London, 1831. 8882, O. A digest of the evidence on the bank charter taken before the com- mittee of 1832. London, 1833. 51 13, D. 2. An abstract or brief declaration of the present state of his majes- ty's revenue. London, 1692. 5274, O. A letter to the right hon. Robert Peel, M. P. on the pernicious ef- fects of a variable standard of value, especially as it regards the condition of the lower orders, and the poor laws. Oxford, 1819. 5275, O. Report of the secret committee on the expediency of the bank re- suming cash payments; with (he minutes of evidence. London, 1819. 9091, O. 10. Report of the committee on banks in the house of representatives of Pennsylvania, January, 1833. TRADE, COMMERCE, WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, USURY. AdamSy 5428, O. Report upon weights and measures. By John Q,. Adams. Philadelphia, 182L Aldridge, 4532, & 8211, O. The universal merchant, in theory and practice. W. J. Aldridge. Philadelphia, 1797. Gift of Dr. Thos. Parke. Anderson, 6849, &, 7946, O. Anderson's historical and chronological deduction of the origin of commerce from the earliest accounts, containing an history of the great commercial interests of the British empire, &c. &c. With an introduction and an appendix, by Mr. Coombe. Map, &c. 6 vols. Dublin, 1790. 12, F. The same. London, 1764. — ■ 360, Q,. Observations on the means of exciting a spirit of national industry. By James Anderson. Edinburgh, 1777. Arbuthnot, 1049, Q. Tables of ancient coins, weights and measures. By Charles Arbuthnot. London, 1727. P. BeaujouYy 44 1 0, O. A view of the commerce of Greece, formed after an annual average from 1787 to 1797. By Felix Beaujour. Translated from the French, by Thomas H. Home. London, 1800. Beckett 1320, O. 3. The use of the hydrostatic balance made easy, and applied particularly to the purpose of detecting counterfeit gold coin. By Mr. Becket. Bristol. Bentham, 1074, & 5370, D. Defence of usury ; to which is added, a letter on the discouragement of inventive industry. By Jeremy Bentham, Esq. Philadelphia, 1796. London, 1787. BiddlCj 5334, O. Commercial regulations of the foreign countries with which the United States have commercial intercourse ; collected, digested, 30 234 ' SCIENCES AND ARTS. and printed, under the direction of the President of the United States. By Nicholas Biddle, Esq. Washington, 1819. Bingham, 1281, 4. & 9115, O. 9. Strictures on Lord Sheffield's pamphlet on the commerce of the states, &c. By Wm. Bingham. Philadelphia, 1784. Bosquet, 5212, O. A series of essays on several most important new systems and inventions, particularly interesting to the mercantile and mari- time world. By Abraham Bosquet. London, 1818. BorisoWj 5356, O. The commerce of St. Petersburgh, with a brief description of the trade of the Russian empire ; with an account of the charges, duties, tares, «S:c. By C. J. Borisow. London, 1819. Brougham, 2960, & 7648, O. An inquiry into the colonial policy of the Euro- pean powers. By Henry Brougham, junr. F. R. S. 2 vols. Edin- burgh, 1803. Bruce, 1565, Q. Annals of the East India company, from their establishment by the charter of queen Elizabeth, 1600, to the union of the London and English East India companies, 1707-8. By John Bruce, Esq. 3 vols. London, 1810. Cantillon, 633, O. The analysis of trade, commerce, coin, bullion, banks, and foreign exchanges. By Philip Cantillon. London, 1759. Child, 183, & 542, D. A new discourse of trade ; wherein are recommended several weighty points relating to companies of merchants, &c. By Josiah Child. 4th edit. London, 1698. Colquhon, 2729, O. A treatise on the commerce and police of the river Thames ; containing an historical view of the trade of the port of London, and suggesting means for preventing the depredations thereon, by a legis- lative system of river police. By Patrick Colquhon, LL. D. London, 1800. Cock, 3782, O. 3. An answer to Lord Sheffield's pamphlet on the subject of the navigation system. By S. Cock. London, 1804. Coxe, 1582, Q,. A statement of the arts and manufactures of the United States of America, for the year 1810, digested and prepared by Tench Coxe, Esq. Philadelphia, 1814. Dallas, 977, Q,. 1. Letter to Sir William Poulteney, on the subject of the trade between India and Europe. By Sir George Dallas. London, 1802. Davenant, 281, O. An essay upon the probable methods of making a people gain in the balance of trade. By Ch. Davenant. London, 1699. Gift of Mr. Pratt, 1027, O. The political and commercial works of Charles Davenant, relating to the trade and revenue of England. Revised by Charles Whit worth. 5 vols. London, 1771.* Dearborn, .5292, O. A memoir on the commerce and navigation of the Black Sea, and the trade and maritime geography of Turkey and Egypt ; with charts. By Henry A. S. Dearborn. 2 vols. Boston, 1819. De Foe, 815, O. & 304, D. The complete English tradesman; directing him in the several parts and progressions of trade. By Daniel De Foe. 5tli edit. 2 vols. London, 1745. Dirom, 758, Q,. An inquiry into the corn laws and corn trade of Great Britain, and their influence on the prosperity of the kingdom ; with sugges- tions for their improvement. By Alexander Dirom. To which is added, a supplement, bringing down the consideration of the subject to the present time. By William Mackie. Edinburgh, 1790. Eton, 3782, O. 1. A concise account of the commerce and navigation of the Black Sea. By W. Eton. London, 1805. Fauchet, 2502, O. 1. A letter on the subject of weights and measures. By Joseph Fauchet. Philadelphia, 1795. Gift of Samuel Ji. Otis. Gee, 140, D. The trade and navigation of Great Britain considered. By Joshua Gee. 4th edit. London, 1738. 1709, D. The same. 6th edit. Glasgow, 1755. P. TRADE, COMMERCE, &C. 235 Goodfellow, 7414, O. The universal directory, or complete pocket-assistant for merchants, masters of ships, and all persons concerned in ships, or shipping of goods. By J. Goodfellow. London, 1778. Gordon, 6897, O. The universal accountant and complete merchant. By William Gordon. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1763. Greer, 645, Q,. 1. Report of the state of the linen markets of the province of Ulster. By John Greer. Dublin, 1784. Gift of Joseph Parker Norris. Guest, 7030, O. The British cotton manufactures, and a reply to an article on spinning machinery, contained in a recent number of the Edinburgh review. By Richard Guest. Manchester, 1828. Glover, 3237, O. 3. The substance of the evidence delivered to a committee of the honourable house of commons, by the merchants and traders of London, concerned in the trade to Germany and Holland, and of the dealers in foreign linens, as summed up by Mr. Glover, with his speech. London, 1774. P. Haine, 929, Q,. 16. Proposals for restoring the woollen manvfactvre. By Richard Haine. London, 1679. Hamilton, 4864, O. 1. Report of the secretary of the treasury of the United States (Alexander Hamilton) on manufactures, Dec. 5, 1791. Dublin, 1792. Gift of a friend. Hannay, 3076, D. Defence of the usury laws, with a proposal to lower the legal rate of interest. By Robert Hannay. Edinburgh, 1823. Hayes, 86, O. The negociatpr's magazine; or an account of the moneys, weights, and measures of the principal places of trade in the world ; the European exchanges, &c. By Richard Hayes. 7th edit. Lon- don, 1740. Hewitt,! 4^1, O. A treatise upon money, coins, and exchange, both in theory and practice ; with forms of bills mostly in use, arid the custom of merchants relating thereto. By John Hewitt. London, 1755. Gift of George Keith, of London. Huet, 820, O. Bishop Huet's history of the commerce and navigation of the ancients. Translated into English. London, 1716. Jacob, 6163, O. 1. Report on the trade in foreign corn, and on the agriculture of the north of Europe. By William Jacob. With an appendix of official documents. London, 1826. 6417, O. Tracts relative to the corn trade and corn laws. By William Jacob. London, 1828. Jackson, 3755, 1. 4454, D. & 7947, O. Reflections on the commerce of the Me- diterranean, deduced from actual experience, during a residence on both shores of the Mediterranean. By John Jackson, Esq. New York, 1806—1809. Jefferson, 2502, O. 5. A report on the subject of establishing a uniformity in the weights, measures, and coins of the United States. By Thomas Jefferson, Esq. New York, 1790. Gift of Samuel A. Otis. Aci/ft, 644, Q. 3. Tracts on weights, measures, and coins. By G. S. Keith, D. D. London, 1791. Gift of John Beale Bordley. Kelly, 1568, Qi. The universal cambist, and commercial instructor; being a general treatise on exchange, including the moneys, coins, weights, and measures of all trading nations and colonies ; with an account of their banks, and paper currencies. By Patrick Kelly, LL. D. 2 vols. London, 1811. 4828, O. Metrology, or an exposition of weights and measures, chiefly those of Great Britain and France, comprising tables of comparison, and views of various standards. By P. Kelly, LL. D. London, 1816. — 8694, & 9010, O. Oriental metrology, comprising the moneys, weights, and measures of the East Indies and Asia. With an appendix on ori- ental measures of the time. By P. Kelly, LL. D. London, 1832. 236 SCIENCES AND ARTS. King, 7753, O. The British merchant; or, commerce preserved. By Mr. Charles King 3 vols. London, 1721. 190, & 305, D. The British merchant ; being a collection of papers re- lating to the trade and commerce of Great Britain and Ireland. Pub- lished by Charles King, from the originals of Sir Theodore Jansen, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Martin, Mr. Milner, Mr. Torriano, Joshua Gee, and others. 2d edit. 3 vols. London, 1743. Kmsen, 1741, Q„ Krusen's allgemeiner und besonders Hamburgisher conto rist. 2 theil. Hamburg, 1761. Gift of Edivard Paxson, Esq. Laffan^QWl, O. 1. Political arithmetic of the population, commerce, and manu- factures of Ireland. By James Laffan. Dublin, 1785. Macpherson, 854, Q,. History and management of the East India company, from its origin in 1600 to the present times. By James Macpherson. London, 1779. 1566, d. The history of the European commerce with India; to which is subjoined, a review of the arguments for and against the trade with India, and the management of it by a chartered company ; with an appendix of authentic accounts. By David Macpherson. London, 1812. Majoribanks, 8966, O. 2. Letter to the Rt. Hon. Charles Grant, on the inter- course with China. By C. Majoribanks. London, 1833. MalthuSj 4915, O. 3. The grounds of an opinion on the policy of restricting the importation of foreign corn. By the Rev. T. R. Malthus. London, 1815. — 4915, O. 1. Observations on the effects of the corn laws, and of a rise or fall in the price of corn on the agricultural and general wealth of the country. By the Rev. T. R. Malthus. London, 1815. M'Culloch, 8753, O. A dictionary, practical, theoretical, and historical, of com- merce, and commercial navigation. Illustrated with maps. By J. R. M'Culloch, Esq. London, 18.S2. McDonnell, 6152, O. Free trade ; or an inquiry into the expediency of the pre- sent corn laws, &c. comprising a general investigation of the altera- tions lately adopted, and still further meditated, in the commercial policy of the country. By Alexander M'Donnell, Esq. London, 1826. M^Konnochie, 5205, O. A summary view of the statistics and existing com- merce of the principal shores of the Pacific ocean. By Capt. M'Kon- nochie. London, 1818. Martin, 8714, O. 2. The past and present state of the trade of England, and the continents of Europe and America, &c. By R. M. Martin. London, 18;32. Milburne, 1589, Q,. Oriental commerce, containing a geographical description of the principal places in the East Indies, China and Japan, with their produce, manufactures, and trade. By William Milburne, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1813. Miller, 1906, O. 1. Speeches in the house of commons upon the equalization of the weights and measures of Great Britain, with notes. Also, a gene- ral standard proposed for the weights and measures of Europe ; with abstracts of the acts of parliament, &c. for the equalization of weights and measures. By John Riggs Miller. London, 1790. Mortimer, 4149, O. A general dictionary of commerce, trade, and manufac- tures ; exhibiting their present state in every part of the world. Com- piled by Thomas Mortimer, Esq. London, 1810. Napier, 8857, O. The colonies : treating of their value generally — of the Ionian islands in particular. By Col. C. J. Napier, C. B. London, 1833. Newman, 3953, O. Mercantile tables, upon a new and universally approved method ; adapted to the use of public offices, bankers, merchants, law- TRADE, COMMERCE, &C. 237 yers, &c. to which are added, simple interest tables, at six per cent, for every day in the year. By S Newman, of Lloyd's. London, 1804. Oddy^ 3837, &. 7853, O. European commerce ; showing new and secure chan- nels of trade with the continent of Europe ; detailing the produce, manufactures, and commerce, of Russia, Prussia, Sweden, Denmark, and Germany. By J. Jepson Oddy. 2 vols. Philadelphia, J 807. Oldenburg/i, 2129, Q,. A calculation of foreign exchanges, as transacted in the Royal Exchange of London. By Edward Oldenburgh. 3d edit. London, 1756. Fasley, 9196, O. Observations on the expediency and practicability of simpli- fying and improving the measures, weights, and money, used in this country without materially altering the present standards. By C. W. Pasley. London, 1834. Pitkiih 4801, O. A statistical view of the commerce of the United States of America ; its connection with agriculture and manufactures, and an account of the public debt, revenues and expenditures. By Timothy Pitkin. Hartford, 1816. 9206, O. A statistical view of the commerce of the United States of America. By Timothy Pitkin. New Haven, 1835. Postlethwayt, 236, Q,. The merchant's public counting-house. By Malachy Postlethwayt. London, 1751. 587, O. Britain's commercial interest explained and improved; in a series of dissertations on several important branches of her trade and police. By Malachy Postlethwayt. 2 vols. London, 1757. 26, F. An universal dictionary of trade and commerce. Trans- -y^ lated from the French of Monsieur Savary, with large additions and improvements. By M. Postlethwayt. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1757. 132, F. Maps belonging to Postlethwayte's dictionary. London. Preston, 4864, 5. & 4866, O. 6. A letter from William Preston on the manu- factures of Ireland. Dublin, 1798. Gift of P. Bitrne. Penny, 3864, O. 1. A demonstration of the necessity, and advantages of a free trade to the East Indies, and of a termination to the present monopoly of the East India company. By Robert Renny, Esq. London, 1807. Peuss, 8853, O. Calculations and statements relafive to the trade between Great Britain and the United States of America. By W. F. Reuss. London, 1833. Reynell, 5687, O. The true English interest ; or, an account of the chief na- tional improvements. By Carew Reynell, Esq. London, 1 674. Ricardo, 5610, O. 1. On protection to agriculture. By David Ricardo, Esq. M. P. London, 1822. Richard, 1946, Q,. Le negoce d' Amsterdam, contenant tout ce que doivent savoir les marchands et banquiers. Par Jean Pierre Richard. A Amsterdam, 1722. Gift of Mr, PVm. Dick. Roberts, 242, F. The merchant's map of commerce ; handling the universal matter and manner of trade; with the coins, weights, and measures of all places of traffic. By L. Roberts, 1637. Gift of Joseph Breint- nail. Rordansz, 5129, & 7418, 0. European commerce; or, complete mercantile guide to the continent of Europe, comprising tables of monies, ex- changes, weights, and measures, tariffs of duties, tares, &c. By C. W. Rordansz. London, 1818, Boston, 1819. Roll, 153, F. A new dictionary of trade and commerce. By Mr. Rolt. Lon- don, 1756. Rose, 382 Ij O. Brief examination into the increase of the revenue, commerce, and navigation of Great Britain, during Mr. Pitt's administration, with a sketch of his character. By George Rose. London, 1806. 238 SCIENCES AND ARTS. Shephard, 5553, O. The commercial guide and continental negotiator ; being an accm*ate comparison, equalization, and arrangement of the weights, measures, and monies of Europe, North and South Americas, &c. with those of Great Britain. By James Shephard. Derby, 1821. Speer, 3044, 0. 4. An inquiry into the causes of the errors in ascertaining the strength of spirituous liquors by the hydrometer. By Wm. Speer. London, 1 802. Spence, 3864, O. 3. Britain independent of commerce. By William Spence. 5th edit. London, 1808. Stevenson, 5961, O. Historical sketch of the progress of discovery, navigation and commerce, from the earliest records to the beginning of the 19th century. By Wm. Stevenson, Esq. London, 1824. Stacl, rfe, 6970, O. 11. An appeal to the nations of Europe against the continen- tal system, &c. &c. By Madame de Stael-Holstein. Boston, 1813. Talleyrand, 3864, O. 2. Memoir concerning the commercial relations of the United States with England ; to which is added, an essay on the ad- vantages to be derived from new colonies. By Citizen Talleyrand. London, 1806. Taylor, 9095, 0. 7. Effect of incorporated coal companies upon the anthracite coal trade of Pennsylvania. By George Taylor. Pottsville, 1833. Tibbits, 6964, O. 9. Tibbits on creating, &c. a home market for agricultural production and raw materials ; by the introduction or growth of arti- sans and manufacturers, &c. Philadelphia, 1827. Torrens, 4675, O. An essay on the external corn trade. By R. Torrens, Esq. London, 1815. TryoUy All^, D. The merchant citizen and countryman's instructor ; or, a necessary companion for all people. By T. Tryon. London, 1701. Tucker, 891, O. 2. An essay on the advantages and disadv^antages which re- spectively attend France and Great Britain, with regard to trade. By Josiah Tucker, D. D. London, 1749. UstariZf 316, O. The theory and practice of commerce and maritime affairs. Written originally in Spanish. By Don Jeronymo de Ustariz. Trans- lated by John Kippax. 2 vols. London, 1751. Van Schagen, 413, F. 9. Nieuwe projecten, geinventeert door Jan Van Schagen.' Strekkende ten considerablen voordeele van de West-Indische com- pagnie. Amsterdam, 1749. Vernon, 442, D. The complete compting-house ; or, the lad taken from the writing school and instructed in the mysteries of a merchant, &c. By John Vernon. 8th edit. Dublin, 1741. Villier, 1 182, F. First report on the commercial relations between France and Great Britain. By George Villier and John Bowring. London, 1834. Wadstrom, 728, d. An essay on colonization, particularly applied to the west- ern coast of Africa; with thoughts on cultivation and commerce; and brief descriptions of the colonies already formed, or attempted, in Africa, including those of Sierra Leona and Bulama. With plates. By C. B. Wadstrom. London, 1794. Walker, 2582, O. An essay on the manufactures of Ireland; in which is con- sidered to what manufactures her natural advantages are best suited, and what are the best means of improving such manufactures. By Thomas Walker. Dublin, 1798. Walters, 1290, D. Tables of insurance on sliips and merchandize, showing what sum must be insured, to cover any value from one, to one thou- sand pounds, &c. By Thomas Walters. London, 1779. Weston, 749, O. The complete merchant's clerk ; or, British and American compting house. By William Weston. London, 1754. TRADE, COMMERCE, &C. 239 Wilkinson, 3886, 0. 2. An account of the commerce and navigation of the Black sea. By Charles Wilkinson. London, 1807. ^I'/son, 4491, D. Tables for accurately ascertaining by weight or measure the strength of spirituous liquors. By John Wilson. Edinburgh 1798. ^ * Tfliitehurst, 500, Q,. 2. An attempt towards obtaining invariable measures of length, capacity, and weight, from the mensuration of time, indepen- dent of the mechanical operations requisite to ascertain the centre of oscillation, or the true length of pendulums ; with plates. By John Whitehurst. London, 1787. Whitworth, 368, F. The state of the trade of Great Britain, in its imports and exports, progressively from the year 1697 ; also the trade to each par- ticular country, during the above period. By Sir Charles Whit worth. London, 1776. Wright, 447, O. The American negociator ; or, the various currencies of the British colonies in America, and in the islands, reduced to English money. By John Wright. 3d edit. 1765. Gift qt Benjamin Condy. Wood/all, 977, d. 2. Report of the debate at the East India House, at a special general court, held April 8, 1802, on the subject of the private trade. By Wm. Woodfall. London, 1802. Forke, 3684, O. Annals of public economy, containing reports of the state of agriculture, commerce, and manufactures, in the different nations of Europe, for the year 1802. By Henry Redhead Yorke. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1803. Young, 9048, O. Letters on the "Rights of fishery," upon the coasts of Nova Scotia, Labrador, and Newfoundland. By Gecwge R. Young, Esq. London, 1834. 576, F. 18. Bill for enrolling and licensing ships or vessels to be employed in the coasting trade and fisheries. 606, F. 11. Account of the rise and progress of the East India company. March 25, 1699. ^ 275, a. A treatise upon the trade from Great Britain to Africa. By an African merchant. London, 1772. 433, a. The increase of manufactures, commerce, and finance ; with the ex- tension of civil liberty, proposed in regulations for the interest of money. Lon- don, 1785. 465, Q,. 5. Proposals for trade and commerce in New Jersey. 1717. 1451, Q. Considerations upon the trade with India, and the policy of con- tinuing the company's monopoly. London, 1807. 956, a. 1. Treatise showing that the East India trade is best secured in a company, and a joint stock. London, 1680. 1690, Q. Papers respecting the negociation for a renewal of the East India company's exclusive privileges. 2 vols. London, 1812— 1813. 1691, Q. Minutes of evidence on the affairs of the East India company. 3 vols. London, 1813. Two fast, gift of Matthias Aspden, Esq. 6130, O. An analysis of the constitution of the East India company, and of the laws passed by parliament for the government of their affairs at home and abroad. By Peter Auber, Esq. London, 1826. 7172, O. Minutes of evidence taken before the select committee of the house of lords, appointed tojnquire into the present state of affairs of the East India company, &c. London, 1830. 7173, O. Report, from the select committee of the house of commons on the affairs of the East India company China trade. London, 1830. 4859, O. List of the members of the united company of merchants of Eng- land trading to the East Indies. London, 1807. Gift of Matthias Aspden, Esq. 240 SCIENCES AND ARTS. 2904, O. 5. Letter to the proprietors of East India stock, respecting the pre- sent situation of the company's affairs both abroad and at home. London, 1802. 8714, O. L British relations with the Chinese empire in 1832. Comparative statement of the Enghsh and American trade with Canton. London, 1832. 312, Q,. 4. Colonising; or a plain investigation of that subject. London, 1774. 3979, O. The dictionary of merchandize and nomenclature in all languages ; containing the history, places of growth, culture, use, and marks of excellence, of such natural productions as form articles of commerce; with their names in all European languages. Philadelphia, 1805. 1510, O. The present state of Great Britain and North America, with regard to agriculture, population, trade and manufactures, impartially considered. London, 1707. 2200, a. 12. A letter concerning clandestine trade. Written by a fair mer- chant. London, 1700. 1097,0. Select essays on commerce, agriculture, mines, fisheries, and other useful subjects. London, 1754. 556, O. Select pieces on commerce, natural philosophy, morality, antiquities, history. &c. Translated from the authors of repute in the French, Italian, Span- ish and other languages. Lohdon, 1766. 1977, O. 2. Monies, coins, weights, and measures, proposed for the United States of America. Philadelphia, 1789. 4778, O. Geographical, commercial and political essays, including statistical details of various countries. London, 1812. 5944, O. A digest of the commercial regulations of the different foreign na- tions with which the United States have intercourse. Washington, 1825. Gift of B. B. Morgan. 6969, O. 5. Metrology universalized; or, a proposal to equalize, &c. the weights, &c. of Great Britain and America; with a sketch of the French system, r Atiii a. !.' \v!ii« !i i> ill- 1, a letter to Napoleon Bonai>arte in 1801. By i 11. Philadelphia, 1804. -Bnwo/, 1981, O. 3. ' »irs de rAmerique Septentrionale. Par J. p. 1' A Paris, 1789. Carey, 9097. O colonization society. By M. Carey. 1832. Clarkson, <' i the slave trade, and the state of the na- ti , which are contin:uou8 to fort St. Lewis and lioree ; \vi JJy T. Clarkson. London, 1791. Gift of the Phiiaddphii / for promoting the abolition of slavery. WAS, 1641, 23^5, 12. & 3666, O. 3. An essay on the slavery and commerce of ihe human si>ecies, jwrticularly the African. By T. Clarkson. London, 1786. No. 1641, the gift of the Philadelphia so- ciety for promoting the abolition of slavery. 10H5, O. 7. An essay on the impolicy of the African slave trade, by T. Clarkson ; to which is added, an oration upon the necessity of esta- blishing, at Paris, a society to promote the abolition of the trade and slavery of the negroes, by J. P. Brissot de Warville. Translated from the French by Charles Crawford. Gift of the translator. 1934, & 1935, D. The history of the rise, progress, and accomplish- ment of the abolition of the African slave trade, by the British parlia- ment. By Thomas Clarkson, M. A. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1808. No. 1935, the gift of James P. Parke, the publisher. Cooper, 8644, 0. 8. & 878, D. 3. Letters on the slave trade. By Thomas Cooper. Manchester, 1787. 8644, O. 7. Supplement to Mr. Cooper's letters on the slave trade. Warrington, 1788. Crawford, 778, 2. & 1027, D. Observations uix)n negro-slavery. By Charles Crawford. 2d edit. Philadelphia, 1790. Gift of the author. Cropper, 5810, O. 2. Letters addressed to William Wilberforce, M. P. recom- mending the encouragement of the cultivation of sugar in the East In- dies. By James Crop]^er. Liverpool, 1822. Gift of Dr. Parke. Day, 1464, 4. & 1639, 0. 1. A fragment of an original letter on the slavery of the negroes. By Thomas Day. London, 1784. Falconbridge, 1639, O. 4. An account of the slave trade on the coast of Africa. By Alexander Falconbridge. London, 1788. Frossard, 1971, O. La cause des esclaves negres, et des habitans de la Guinee. Par M. Frossard. 2 tomes. A Lyon, 1789. Gift of the Pennsyl- vania society for the abolition of slavery. Grcgoire, 1979, O. 8. Lettre aux philanthropes. Par M. Gregoire. A Paris, 1790. Hodgson, 5810, O. 4. A letter to M. Jean Baptiste Say, on the comparative ex- pense of free and slave labour. By Adam Hodgson. Liverpool, 1823. Gift of Dr. Parke. Lay, 493, dt 3846, D. All slave-keepers that keep the Innocent in bondage, apostates, &jc, &c. Written for a general service, &c. &c. ; by Ben- jamin Lay. PhUadelphia, 1737. Lewis, 9149, O. The African observer. Published by Enoch Lewis. Pliila- delphla, 1826. Lindoe, 5990, O. 9. Observations on slavery ; setting forth that to hold the prin- ciple of slavery is to deny Christ By Robert Lindoe, M. D. London, 1824. Gift of Dr. Parke. MtUOfU 1639, O. 9. An occasional discourse on the subject of the African slave trade. By W. Mason. York, 1788. Gift ofttu Philadelphia societ for promoting the abolition of slavery. ^ ^ SLAVERY. 243 Newton, 878, D. 4. Thoughts upon the African slave trade. By John Newton. London, 1788. Nisbeti 1862, O. 3. The capacity of negroes for religious and moral improve- ment, considered ; with short and practical discourses to negroes. By Richard Nisbet. London, 1789. Nickolls, 875, 2. & 878, D. 5. A letter to the treasurer of the society for effect- ing the abolition of the slave trade, from the Rev. Robert Boucher Nickolls. London, 1788. Gift of the Philadelphia society for pro- moting the abolition of slavery. Parrish, 4383, 0. 1. Remarks on the slavery of the black people, to the citizens of the United States. By John Parrish. Philadelphia, 1806. Peckard, 1639, O. 7. Justice and mercy recommended, particularly with refer- ence to the slave trade. A sermon, by P. Peckard. With the report of a committee of the society instituted in London, for the purpose of effecting the abolition of the slave trade. Cambridge, 1788. Pinkney, 9110, O. 2. Speech of Wm. Pinkney, Esq. in the house of delegates in Maryland, on slavery. Philadelphia, 1790. Priestley, 1639, O. 8. A sermon on the subject of the slave trade. By Joseph Priestley. Birmingham, 1788. Ramsay, 1415, 2. & 1639, O. 2. An inquiry into the effects of putting a stop to the African slave trade, and of granting liberty to the slaves in the British colonies. By Rev. James Ramsay. London, 1784. 1292, & 1415, O. 1. An essay on the treatment and conversion of African slaves in the British sugar colonies. By the Rev. James Ram- say. London, 1785. 1415j O. 3. A reply to the invectives and objections against " An essay on the treatment and conversion of African slaves." By the Rev. James Ramsay. London, 1785. Raymond, 1 979, O. 5. Observations sur I'origine et les progres du prejuge des colons blancs contre les hommes de couleur. Par M. Raymond. A Paris, 1791. Saunders, 5738, 2. & 9139, O. 8. A memoir presented to the American conven- tion, for promoting the abolition of slavery. By P. Saunders. Phila- delphia, 1818. 5738, 1. 6971, 4. & 9139, 0. 10. An address before the Pennsylvania Augustine society for the education of people of colour, September 30, 181?. With a constitution of the society. By Prince Saunders. Sharp, 3174, O. Representation of the injustice and dangerous tendency of tolerating slavery, or of admitting the least claim of private property in the persons of men in England. By Granville Sharp. London, 1769. P. 602, 15. & 1007, D. Extract from a representation of the injustice and dangerous tendency of tolerating slavery. By Granville Sharp. Phi- ladelphia, 1771. 1347, O. 2. An appendix to the representation of the injustice of tolera- ting slavery. By Granville Sharp. London, 1772. Gift of the author. 1341, 1. 3647, 2. & 8526, O. The just limitation of slavery, in the laws of God, compared with the unbounded claims of the African traders and British-American slave holders. By Granville Sharp. London, 1776. P. 3647, O. 3. Essay on slavery, proving from scripture, its inconsistency with humanity and reason. By Granville Sharp. London, 1776. P. 3647, 4. & 8526, O. 2. Law of passive obedience, or Christian submis- sion to personal injuries. By Granville Sharp. London, 1776. P. 1344, & 3649, O. On the law of retribution; or, a serious warning to Great Britain and her colonies, against tyrants, slave holders, and op- pressors. By Granville Sharp. London, 1776. Gift of the author. P, 244 SCIENCES AND ARTS. Sharp, 1341, 3. 3647, 6. &, 8526, O. 8. On the law of liberty; or royal law, by which all mankind will be jiulsrod ! Earnestly recommended to the serious consideration of all slave-holders. By Granville Sharp. Lon- don, 1776. Gift of the author. Smith, 1639, O. 3. A letter from Captain J. S. Smith to the Rev. Mr. Hill, on the state of the negro slaves ; with an introduction and remarks on free negroes, &c. by the editor. London, 1786. Steele, 4576, O. Mitigation of slavery, in two parts. Part 1, letters and papers of the late Hon. Joshua Steele. Part 2, letters to Thomas Clarkson, By William Dickson, LL. D. London, 1814. Stephen, 7293, O. The slavery of the British West India colonies delineated. By James Stephen. London, 1830. Vol. 2d. Thorpe, 5217, O. 1. A view of the present increase of the slave trade, the cause of that increase, and suggesting a mode for its total anniiiihition, with observations on the African institution and Edinburgh review : also a plan for civilizing Africa. By Robert Thorite, LL. D. London, 1818. Torrey, 4875, O. A portraiture of domestic slavery in the United States, in- cluding facts on kidnapping. By Jesse Torrey, jr. Philadelphia, 1817. Gift of the author. Webster, 2269, O. 1. On the effects of slavery on morals and industry. By Noah Webster. Hartford, 1793. Wesley, 655, 2. 878, D. 1. Thoughts upon slavery. By John Wesley. 4th edit. Dublin, 1775. TFIiiteley, 9097, O. 4. Excessive cruelty to slaves. Three months in Jamaica in 1832. By Henry Whiteley. London, 1832. WHberforce, 5811, O. 2. An appeal to the religion, justice, and humanity of the inhabitants of the British empire, in behalf of the negro slaves in the West Indies. By Wm. Wilberforce. London, 1823. Gift of Dr. Parke. Woolmath, 1059, O. 2. Woolman's considerations on keeping negroes. Phila- delphia, 1762. Wright, 7352, O. 1 . Slavery at the Cape of Good Hope. By the Rev. William Wright, M. A. London, 1831. Young, 2383, O. 5. An account of the Black Charaibs in the island of St. Vin- cents ; with the Charaib treaty of 1773, and other documents. By Sir Wm. Young. London, 1795. 623, F. The substance of the evidence of sundry persons on the slave trade, collected in the course of a tour made in the autumn of 1788. London, 1789. Gift of the Philadelphia society for promoting the abolition of slavery. 506, Q. 1. Remarks on the slave trade, and the slavery of the negroes. Lon- don, 1788. Gift of the Philadelphia society for promoting the abolition of slavery. 644, (i. 4. Addresse de la societe des amis des noirs, a I'assemblee nationale. A Paris, 1791. 1059, O. 1. An account of that part of Africa, inhabited by the negroes ; wit respect to the fertility of the country ; the good disposition of the natives, an< the manner by which the slave trade is carried on. 2d edit. Philadelpl 1762. 1059, O. 3. Observations on the inslaving, importing and purchasing of n< groes. 2d edit. Germantown, 1760. 1415, O. 4. The case of the oppressed Africans, respectfully recommended t( the consideration of the legislature of Great Britain, by the i)eople called Qua- kers. London, 1783. 1415, O. 5. Thoughts on the slavery of the negroes. 2d edit. London, 1785. 1415, O. 7. A serious address to the rulers of America, on the inconsistency of their conduct respecting slavery. London, 1783. ft SLAVERY. 245 1584, O. 2. An essay in vindication of the colonies of America, from the censure of Mr. Adam Smith, in his " Theory of moral sentiments." With re- flections on slavery in general. London, 1764. 1584, O. 3. Slavery not forbidden by scripture; or a defence of the West India planters. Philadelphia, 1773. 1584, O. 4. An address to the inhabitants of the British settlements in Ame- rica, upon slave-keeping. 2d edit. With observations on a pamphlet, entitled, " Slavery not forbidden by scripture, &c." Philadelphia, 1773. 1584, O. 5. A vindication of the address to the inhabitants of the British settlements, on the slavery of the negroes. Philadelphia, 1773. 1584, O. 6. Personal slavery established, by the suffrages of custom and right reason. Philadelphia, 1773. 1584, O. 7. A serious address to the rulers of America, on the inconsistency of their conduct respecting slavery. Trenton, 1783. 1628, O. 3. Considerations on slavery, and the expediency of its abolition. Burlington, 1773. Gift of Zachariah Poulson. 1628, O. 1. Jupiter Hammon's address to the negroes in the state of New York. Philadelphia, 1787. 1628, O. 2. Rules for the regulation of the society for the relief of free ne- groes, &c. unlawfully held in bondage ; with the acts of the assembly of Penn- sylvania, respecting the gradual abolition of slavery. Philadelphia, 1784. Gift of Zachariah Poulson. 1639, O. 5. A general view of the African slave trade, demonstrating its in- justice and impolicy ; with hints towards a bill for its abolition. London, 1788. Gift of the Philadelphia society for promoting the abolition of slavery. 9143, O. 1. Abridgment of evidence in the slave trade. London, 1791. 1908, O. 1. The debate on a motion for the abolition of the slave trade, in the house of commons, on the 18th and 19th of April, 1791. London, 1791. 1979, 1. 1981, 1. & 1985, O. 8. Report of the court of directors of the Sierra Leone company, to the general court held at London, October 19, 1791. Lon- don, 1792. 5145, O. Substance of the reports of the Sierra Leone company. To which is prefixed, memoirs of Naimbana, an African prince. Philadelphia, 1799. 1979, 6. & 1981, O. 5. Addresse a I'assemblee nationale, pour Tabolition de la traite des noirs. Fevrier, 1790. A Paris. 1979, 0. 7. Reflexions sur le code noirs, et denonciation d'un crime affreux, commis a Saint Domingue. A Paris, 1790. 1979, 9. & 1981, O. 6. Seconde addresse a I'assemblee nationale, par la so- ciete des amis des noirs, etablie a Paris. Paris, 1790. 1979, O. 11. La societe des amis des noirs a Arthur Dillon. Paris, 1796. 1981, O. 4. Correspondance secrete des deputes de Saint-Domingue avec les comites de cette isle. Paris, 1790. 1981, & 1989, O. 8. Petition nouvelle des citoyens de couleur des isles Fran- coises, a I'assemblee nationale. A Paris, 1791. 2269, O. 2. Inquiry into the causes of the insurrection of the negroes in the island of St. Domingo. London, 1792. Gift of Josiah Hewes. 1981, O. 7. M. Lamiral, refute par lui-meme, ou reponse aux opinions de cet auteur. Paris, 1790. 3670, O. 4. Notices on the slave trade : in reference to the present state of the British isles. London, 1804. 3735, O. 3. Old truths and established facts ; being an answer to a very new pamphlet indeed. London, 1790. 4864, O. 4. Reflections on slavery, by Humanitas. Philadelphia, 1803. Gift of P. Byrne. ^blly O. Eight reports of the committee of the African institution, read at the general meetings from 1807. London, 1814. 246 SCIENCES AND ARTS. 6788, 0. 3. Negro slavery ; or a view of some of the more prominent features of that state of society, as it exists in the United States of America, and in the colonies of the West Indies, esjx^cially in Jamaica. London, 1823. 5810, O. 3. East and West India sugar; or a refutation of the claims of the West India colonists to a protecting duty on Eiast India sugar. London, 1823. GiftofJh. Parke. 6811, O. I. Declaration of the Liverpool society for promoting the abolition of slavery. Liverpool, 1823. Gift of Br. Parke. 681 1, O. 3. Negro slavery ; or a view of some of the most prominent features of that state of society. London, 1823. Gift of Dr. Parke. 7113, O. 3. Immediate and gradual abolition, or an enquiry into the means of getting rid of West India slavery. Phiiada., 1824. Gift of John J. Smith, Jr. 7131, 7320, 5. & 9097, O. 2. Annual reports of the American society for colonizing the free people of colour of the United States. Washington. Gift of Elliot Cresson. 7170, O. The African repository, and colonial journal. 6 vols. Washing- ton, 1826 — 1831. PubUshed by order of the managers of the American coloni- zation society. 7318, 1. 9139, 7. 9143, 2. & 9133, O. 2. Minutes of the proceedings of the convention of delegates from the abolition societies assembled in Philadelpliia. Philadelphia, 1794—1818. 8624, O. 1. An act for protecting slaves. St. Jago de Vega, 1808. 8644, O. 4. An address on the propriety of abstaining from West India sugar and rum. London, 1791. 8645, O. 2. Observations on the inslaving and purchasing negroes. German- town, 1760. 8859, O. Report from the select committee on the extinction of slavery throughout the British dominions, with the minutes of evidence, and general in- dex. London, 1833. 9097, O. 5. A review of the report of the select committee of the house of commons on the state of the West India colonies. Liverpool, 1833. Gift of John J. Smith, Jr. 9129, O. 8. Report on the supposed increase of the number of slaves in Penn- sylvania. Harrisburgh, 1833. 9114, O. 2. The same, in German. 9136, O. 5. Constitution of the American society of free persons of colour, for improving their condition. Philadelphia, 1831. 602, 3. 791, 8. & 1007, D. 14. Extract from an address in the Virginia Gazette, on the iniquity of the slave trade. 1767. 790, D. 3. Observations on slave-keeping. Philadelphia, 1772. 874, 5. 875, 3. & 878, D. 3. A summary view of the slave trade, and the pro- bable consequences of its abolition. London, 1787. Gift of Doctor Thomas Parke. 875, D. 1. A list of the society, instituted in the year 1787, for the purpose of affecting the abolition of the slave-trade. London, 1788. Gift of Dr. Thomas Parke. 1083, I. & 1084, D. 1. Evidence delivered before a committee of the house of commons, in the years 1790 and 1791, respecting the slave trade. 2d edit. London, 1792. 1083, D. 2. Sketch of the evidence, for the abolition of the slave trade, de- livered before a committee of the house of commons. London, 1792. 1 170, D. 2. Debate on a motion for the abolition of the slave trade, in the house of commons, on the 2d of April, 1792. London. 6001, D. 4. Constitution of the free produce society of Pennsylvania. Phila- delphia, 1827. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. 1^47 INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS, ROADS, CANALS, BRIDGES, TUNNELS, WHEEL CARRIAGES, &c. *Qckerman, 5324, O. 2. Observations on Ackerman's patent moveable axles for four wheeled-carriages, with plans and sections. London, 1819. Andrese, 3059, O. 1. A description of the curious wooden bridge across the Rhine, at Schauffhausen, in Switzerland. London, 1799. 304, & 951, F. Plates of the bridge. Bache, 9095, O. 4. Report of experiments to navigate the Chesapeake and De- laware canal, by steam. By A. D. Bache. Philadelphia, 1834. Badnally 8967, O. A treatise on railway improvements. By Richard Badnall, Esq. London, 1833. Bcdlmgall, 8723, O. The mercantile navy improved, or a plan for the greater safety of lives and property in steam vessels, packets, smacks, and yachts. By James Ballingall. London, 1832. Blodgety 8607, O. 5. The utility of an extensive plan of inland navigation in America. By Wm. Blodget. Philadelphia, 1 805. CamaCi 3669, 4. &; 9144, O. 3. Facts and arguments respecting the great utility of an extensive plan of inland navigation in America. By Turner Camac. Philadelphia, 1805. Gift of the author. Carty, 7124, & 7125, O. A connected view of the whole internal navigation of the United States, natural and artificial, present and prospective ; corrected and improved from the edition of 1826, and much enlarged from authentic materials. With a sheet map, and various authentic statistical details. By a citizen oif the United States. Philadelphia, 1830. 6327, O. The same. Philadelphia, 1826. 7317, O. 7. Brief view of the system of internal improvement of the state of Pennsylvania. By M. Carey. Philadelphia, 1831. Chapman, 827, Q,. Observations on the various systems of canal navigation ; with inferences, practical and mathematical ; including an account of the canals and inclined planes of China ; with plates. By William Chapman. London, 1797. Cundy, 9068, O. Inland transit ; the practicability, utility, and benefit of rail roads. By N. W. Cundy, civil engineer. Second edition. London, 1834. Dodd, 833, Q,. 2. Reports, with plans, sections, &c. of the proposed dry tunnel or passage, from Gravesend, in Kent, to Tilbury, in Essex ; with some miscellaneous and practical observations. By Ralph Dodd. London, 1798. Drewry, 8819, O. 2. A memoir on suspension bridges. "By C. S. Drewry. London, 1832. Duane, 4190, O. 2. Letters addressed to the people of Pennsylvania, respecting the internal improvement of the commonwealth by means of roads and canals. By William J. Duane. Philadelphia, 1811. 5738, 8. & 9132. O. 5. Observations on the importance of improving the navigation of the river Schuylkill, for the purpose of connecting it with the Susquehanna. By Wm. J. Duane. Philadelphia, 1818. Bark, 7197, O. A treatise on rail roads and internal communications, com- piled from the best authorities, with original suggestions and remarks. By Thomas Earle. Philadelphia, 1830. Gift of the author, Eden, 1261, D. 1. Porto-bello ; or a plan for the improvement of the port and city of London: with plates. By F. M. Eden. London, 1798. Edgeworth, 4650, O. An essay on the construction of roads and carriages. By Richard L. Edge worth, Esq. London, 1813. 848 tCtSNCES AND ARTS. /WW, 1767, Q. A treatiae on rivers and torrents; with the method of regu- lating their ooorae and channels. By Paul Frisi. To wiiicii is added an eaaay cm navigable canals. Translated by Major Gen. Juhn GarS' tin. London, 1618. Fry, 5875, A 8799, O. An essay on the construction of wheel carriages, as thoy affect both the roads and the horses ; with suggestions relating to iIk» principles on which tolls ought to be imposed ; and a few re- marks on the formation of roads. By Joseph S. Fry. London, 1820. fiJion, 759, 765, dt 830, CI. A treatise on the improvement of canal naviga- tion ; with a description of the machinery for facilitating conveyance by water through the most mountainous countries. With plates. By Robert Fulton. London, 1796. No. 765, Gift of Thomas Mifflin. Gallatin^ 3896, 2. & 9137, O. 4. Report of the secretary of the treasury on the subject of public roads and canals, made in pursuance of a resolution of the senate of the United States, March 2, 1807. Philadelphia, 1808. Gilpin, 5516, O. A memoir on the rise, progress, and present state of the Chesapeake and Delaware canal; accompanied with original docu- ments and maps. By Joshua GDpin. Wilmington, 1821. Gift of the author. Gordon, 8726, O, An historical and practical treatise upon locomotion, by means of steam carriages, on common roads. By A. Gordon. Lon- don, 1832. Gray, 1013, & 1110, O. 3. Reflections on inland navigations ; and a new me- thod proposed for executing the intended navigation betwixt the Forth and the Clyde. By John Gray. London, 1768. 6062, O. Observations on. a general iron railway, or land steam con- veyance : showing its superiority in every respect. By Thomas Gray. London, 1825. Hamilton, 9095, O. 6. Defence of a liberal construction of the powers of con- gress as regards internal improvement, &c. By Major (now Gov.) Hamilton. Philadelphia, 1831. Harper, 6968, O. 8. General Harper's speech to the citizens of Baltimore, De- cember 20, 1823, on a canal between the Ohio and Chesapeake, &c. &c. With his reply to Mr. Winchester's objections. Baltimore, 1824. Hut ton, 2811, O. 1. Principles of bridges; containing the mathematical demon- strations of the properties of the arches, the thickness of the piers, &c By Charles Hutton. 2d edit. London, 1801. Jones, 6322, O. 9. Remarks on the proposed breakwater at Cape Hcnlopen. By William Jones. To which are added the report and memorial. Philadelphia, 1825. Gift of G. Ralston. Labelye, 2811, O. 4. Description of Westminster bridge; with an account of the methods made use of in laying the foundation of its piers, ^. By Charles Labelye. London, 1751. 2811, O. 3. Description of Westminster bridge; with historical ac- counts relating to the building and expense thereof; with plates. Lon- don. Lairobe, 4032, O. 10. Letters from B. H. Latrobe, Esq. to the Hon. Alber Gallatin, secretary of the treasury of the United States ; and othei papers relative to the Chesapeake and Delaware canal company. Phi- ladelphia, 1809. Leachi S227, O. A treatise on universal inland navigation, and on all sortt of mines; with plates. By Edmund Leach. London, 1791. hMngit&ny 6322, O. 2. Speech of Mr. Livingston on the subject of internal im- provement. Washington, 1824. Gift of the author. ATMam, 5838, O. Remarks on the present system of road making ; with ob- servations, deduced from practice and experience with n view to the INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. 249 introduction of improvement in the method of making, repairing, and preserving roads. 7th ed. By John L. M'Adam, Esq. London, 1823. MMam, 5520, O. The same. Baltimore, 1831. Macneill, 2250, d. Ganal navigation. On the resistance of water to the pas- sage of boats upon canals and other bodies of water. Being the result of experiments, made by John Macneill. London, 1833. MoreaUj 5604, D. Description of the rail road from Liverpool to Manchester. By P. Moreau. With a history of rail roads, by A. Notre. Translated from the French, by J. C. Stocker. Boston, 1833. Miller, 4048, O. Observations on the advantages and practicability of making tunnels under navigable rivers. By James Miller, M. D. and William Vazie, Esq. Edinburgh, 1807. Palmevy 5986, 0. 1. Description of a railway on a new principle, with observa- tions on those hitherto constructed, and a description of a new dyna- mometer. By Henry R. Palmer. With plates. London, 1824. Parnell, 9042, O. A treatise on roads. By Sir Henry Parnell. London, 1834. Peak, 2495, O. 6. An essay on building wooden bridges ; with plates. By Charles W. Peale. Philadelphia, 1797. Gift of the author. Perry, 1149, O. 1. An account of the stopping of Dagenham breach; with the accidents that have attended the same from the first undertaking; also, rules for performing any the like work. By John Perry. Lon- don, 1721. Phillips, 7714, O. A general history of inland navigation, foreign and domestic ; containing a complete account of the canals already executed in Eng- land ; with considerations on those projected. By J. Phillips. Lon- don, 1809. — 631, & 835, a. The same. London, 1795. Pitrou, 1085, F. Recueil de differents projets d 'architecture de charpente et autres concernant la construction, des ponts. Par feu M. Pitrou. A Paris, 1756. Pope, 4257, O. A treatise on bridge architecture, in which the superior advan- tages of the flying pendant lever bridge are fully proved ; with an his- torical account and description of different bridges erected in various parts of the world, from an early period to the present time. By Thomas Pope. New York, 1811. • Raguet, 5812, O. Report on roads, bridges, and canals, read in the senate, (Pennsylvania) March 23, 1822. C. Raguet, chairman. Harrisburgh, 1823. Rion, 2811, O. 2. Principles for the architecture of stone bridges; with practi- cal observations. By Stephen Rion. London, ] 760- Sharp, 1349, O. Remarks concerning the encroachments on the river Thames near Durham-yard. Addressed to the corporation of London. By Granville Sharp. London, 1771. Gift of the author. Shriver, 5846, O. An account of surveys and examinations, with remarks and documents, relative to the projected Chesapeake and Ohio canals, and Ohio and Lake Erie canals. By James Shriver. Baltimore, 1824. Strickland, 1039, F. Reports on canals, railways, roads, and other subjects, made to " the Pennsylvania society for the promotion of internal improve- ment." By William Strickland. Philadelphia, 1826. Sutcliffe, 5018, O. A treatise on canals and reservoirs, and the best mode of designing and executing them; likewise, observations on the best mode of carding, roving, drawing and spinning all kinds of cotton twist. By John Sutcliffe. London, 1816. Tarascon, 3735, 7. & 9137, O. 2. An address to the citizens of Philadelphia, on the great advantages which arise from the trade of the western coun- try, to the state of Pennsylvania at large, and to the city of Philadel- phia in particular. By Messrs. Tarascon, jun. and James Berthoud &Co. 1806. 32 250 SCIENCES AND ARTS. fVore, 557 1» O. Tracts on vaults and bridges; containing observations on the various forms of vaults, and on the principles of arches ; illustrated by extensive tables of bridges. By Samuel Ware. London, 1822. Wedgwood, 2100,0,. 1. A letter lo a respectable proprietor of the navigation from the Trent to the Mersey, in answer to the assertions in a letter signed An old proprietor. By Josiah Wedgwood, F. R. S. London, 1785. TFhitworthy 365, F. A report and survey of the canal, proposed to be made on one level, from Waltham abbey to Moorfields ; also a report and survey of a line from Marybone to the said canal. By Robert Whit worth. To which is added, an address to the corporation of London on the importance of canals. By James Sharp. London, 1773. 819, F. The same. P. JVood^ 7391, O. A practical treatise on rail roads and interior communications in general. Illustrated by numerous engravings. By Nicholas Wood. First American from the 2d English edition. By George Washington Smith. Philadelphia, 1832. 6063, O. A practical treatise on rail roads, and interior communication in general ; with original experiments, and tables on the comparative value of canals and railroads. By Nicholas Wood. London, 1825. loim^*, 1 524, 2. & 3237, 0. 1. Extracts from Mr. Young's six months tour through the north of England, and from the letter of an unknown au- ' thor, published in the London magazine, for October, 1772, on the subject of canal navigations ; with plates. Addressed to the corpora- tion of London. By James Sharp. 1774. P. 613, F. Reports from the committee appointed to inquire into the best mode of providing sufficient accommodation for the increased trade and shipping of the port of London, &c. with plans and drawings. 2 vols. London, 1796 — 1800. 95 1 , F. Theatrum machinarum universale, containing, plates of a pile engine ; views of Black Friar's bridge, London; of Westminster bridge; of the bridge at Schaffhausen, Switzerland: of Fennel's saltworks; and of the funeral ceremony of Maria Clementina, queen of England. Amsterdam, 1734. > 1792, O. The history of inland navigations, particularly that of the duke of Bridgwater; with geographical plans. 3d edit. London, 1779. 9013, O. Report from the select committee on steam carriages; with the minutes of evidence and an appendix. Birmingham, 18H4. 4032, O. 9. The memorials and petitions of the president and directors of the ChesajDeake and Delaware canal company, to the honourable the senate and house of representatives of the United States ; and the first, second, third, and fourth general reports of the president and directors. Philadelphia, 1805 — 9. Gift of Joshua Gilpin. 9095, O. 9. Report of the general committee of stockholders of the Chesa- peake and Ohio canal company. 1 834. 7192, O. 6. Eleventh general report of the president and directors of the Chesapeake and Delaware canal company. June, 1830. Gift of the directors. 7317, O. 5. Twelfth general report of the Chesapeake and Delaware canal company. Philadelphia, 1831. 5286, O. 1. Reports of the commissioners of New Jersey for ascertaining the route and expen.se of a canal to connect the Delaware and Raritan. New York, 1817. 4373, O. 1. Report of the commissioners appointed by the legislature of the state of New York, in " An act to provide for the improvement of the internal navigation of the state," passed April 8, 1811. Albany, 1812. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. 251 4373, O. 2. Remarks on the importance of the contemplated grand canal, between Lake Erie and the Hudson river. Albany, 1812. Gift of Thomas Eddy, 9137, O. 5. Report of the commissioners appointed to explore the route of an inland navigation from Hudson river to Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. New York, 1811. 4965, O. The official reports of the canal commissioners of the state of New York, and the acts of the legislature respecting navigable communications be- tween the great western and northern lakes, and the Atlantic ocean. With maps. New York, 1817. 5738, O. 11. Considerations on the great western canal, from the Hudson to Lake Erie, with a view of its expense, advantages, and progress. 2d edit. Brooklyn, 1818. 6007, O. Laws of the state of New York in relation to the Erie and Cham- plain canals, together with the annual reports, and other documents requisite for a complete official history of those works ; also correct maps. 2 vols. Albany, 1825. 804, 3. 2275, Q,. 3. & 9144, O. 5. An historical account of the rise, progress, and present state of the canal navigation in Pennsylvania ; with an appendix, containing abstracts of the acts of the legislature since the year 1790, for im- proving roads and navigable waters throughout the state. Philadelphia, 1795. Gift of Zachariah Poulson. 3738, 3. & 9109, O. 4. Report from Reading Howell, Frederick Antes, and William Dean, commissioners, appointed to explore the head waters of the rivers Delaware, Lehigh, Schuylkill and Susquehannah. Also, the report of the commissioners appointed to examine the western waters of the state of Penn- sylvania. Philadelphia, 1791. 3738, O. 4. Reports of sundry commissioners, appointed to view and explore the rivers Susquehanna and Juniata, the Delaware, Schuylkill, &c. Philadel- phia, 1791. 6964, O. 4. Address of the committee of the Pennsylvania society for the pro- motion of internal improvements, to the citizens of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1825. 6964, O. 5. Facts and arguments in favour of adopting railways in preference to canals, in Pennsylvania, &c. Philadelphia, 1825. 6964, O. 6. Internal improvement. Rail roads, canals, bridges, &c. Phila- delphia, 1825. 6964, O. 7. Communication from the governor, accompanied with a report of the board of commissioners of Pennsylvania, and documents accompanying said report, January 1, 1827. Harrisburgh, 1827. 6971, O. 12. First annual report of the committee of the society for the pro- motion of internal improvement in Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1826. 6994, O. Report of the canal commissioners, December 15, 1828. Harris- burgh, 1828. Gift of S. Duncan, Esq. 9095, O. 8. Pennsylvania canal regulations and rates of toll. Harrisburgh, 1833. 2482, O. A description of the river Susquehanna; with observations on the present state of its trade and navigation, and their practicable and probable im- provement. Philadelphia, 1796, Gift of Jonathan W. Condy. 5990, 5. 6971, 5. 6. 7. 6322, 6. 7113, 9. 7192, 8. 7317, 4. & 9095, O. 1. 3. 5. Annual reports of the president and managers of the union canal company of Pennsylvania, 1824 to 1834. Philadelphia. Gift of the company . 5509, O. 3. Observations on improving the navigation of the river Schuylkill for the purpose of connecting it with the Susquehanna. Philadelphia, 1821. Gift of Schuylkill navigation company. 252 SCIENCES AND ARTS. 5738, O. 9. Report of the managers of the Lancaster and Schuylkill bridge company. Philadelphia, 1814. 3735, O. 2. Rrjxirt of the select and common councils, on the progress and state of the water- works. 1799. 9144, O. 4. Observations on the application for a law, to incorporate the union canal comixmy. By Charles G. Paleske. Philadelphia, 1808. 9095, O. 2. Opinion of counsel, on the right of the Schuylkill navigation com- pany, to make another lock and canal at Fair Mount. Philadelphia, 1833. 9139,0. 11. Address of the Schuylkill navigation company. Philadelphia, 1817. 9137, O. 1. A statistical account of Schuylkill permanent bridge. Philadel- phia, 1806. 9137, O. 3. View of the practicability and means of supplying the city of Philadelphia with wholesome water. By B. H. Latrobe. Philadelphia, 1798. 9111, O. 3. Report of the committee on internal improvements and inland navigation. Harrisburgh, 1831. 9095, O. 10. Report on the surveys for a rail road in Tioga county. Penn- sylvania, 1833. 9095, O. 1 1 . First annual report of the Philipsburg and Juniata rail road com- pany. 1833. HOSPITALS— DISPENSARIES— POOR HOUSES. Bailey ^ 1589, O. 3. A treatise on the better employment, and more comfortabFe support of the poor in work-houses ; with some observations on the growth and culture of flax ; and divers new inventions for the im- provement of the linen manufacture ; with plates. By William Bailey. London, 1758. Barton^ 4444, O. A treatise, containing a plan for the internal organization and government of marine hospitals in the United States ; together with a scheme for amending and systematizing the medical department of the navy, by Wm. P. C. Barton, M. D. Philadelphia, 1814. Gift of the author. 7496, O. The same. 2d edit. Philada., 1817. Cross, 4776, O. Sketches of the medical schools of Paris, including remarks on the hospital practice, lectures and museums, and exhibiting the actual state of medical instruction in the French metropolis. By John Cross. London, 1815. Good J 1267, D. 3. A dissertation on the best means of maintaining and employ- ing the poor in parish work-houses. By John Mason Good. Lon- don, 1798. HttweSi 2493, O. 5. Report to the royal humane society, for the year 1796. By Wm. Hawes, M. D. London, 1796. Gift of Thomas Parke. Highmore, 4172, O. Pietas Londiniensis. The public charities of London ; being an account of their origin, design, and present state. By An- thony Highmore, Esq. London, 1810. Howard, 391, Q, State of prisons in England and Wales; with preliminary observations, and an account of some foreign prisons and hospitals. With plates. By John Howard. 3d edit. Warrington, 1784. 573, Q,. An account of the principal lazarettos in Europe; with papers relative to the plague : together with further observations on some foreign prisons and hospitals, and remarks on the present state of those In Great Britain and Ireland ; with plates. By John Howard. Warrington, 1789. 1 034, a The same. P. HOSPITALS, &C. 253 Howard, 1409, Q,. 8. Observations concerning foreign prisons and hospitals, collected by Mr. Howard in his concluding tour : together with two letters to Mr. Howard from John Haygarth, M. D. London, 1790. Sharpe, 4777, O. 1. R.eport from the committee of the house of commons on mad houses in England, together with minutes of evidence arranged, by J. B. Sharpe. London, 1815. Sylvester, 1771, Q,. 1. The philosophy of domestic economy; as exemplified in the mode of warming, ventilating and cooking, &c. ; adopted in the Derbyshire general infirmary, and in other public buildings erected in this country. By Charles Sylvester. Nottingham, 1819. Ttike, 1631, & 2093, Q,. Description of the Retreat, an institution near York, for insane persons of the society of Friends ; containing an account of its origin and progress, the modes of treatment, and a statement of cases, by Samuel Tuke. London, 1813. 2219, D. The same. Philadelphia, 1813. Voght, 28 1 0, O. 2. An account of the management of the poor in Hamburgh, since the year 1788. By Caspar Voght. London, 1796. Wood, 2949, O. 3. An account of the Shrewsbury house of industry ; with hints to those who may have similar institutions in view. By J. Wood. 5th edit. Shrewsbury, 1800. 1863, Q,. 2. Reasons for establishing, and further encouragement of St. Luke's hospital for lunatics, together with the rules and order for the government thereof London, 1807. 4866, O. 8. An account of the Dublin dispensary and humane society. Dub- lin, 1793. Gift of P. Burne. 9092, O. 11. Fifteenth annual report of Friends' asylum. 1832. 2917, D. The order of St. Bartholomew's, Christ's, Bridewell, and St. Tho- mas's Hospitals. London, 1557. 462, Q,. 10. Some account of the Pennsylvania hospital, from its first rise, to May, 1761 ; with a list of the contributors. Philadelphia, 1754, & 1761. 3527, O. 6. An account of the hospital for the maintenance and education of exposed and deserted young children. London, 1749. P. 1 39, O. An account of several work-houses, for employing and maintaining the poor. 2d edit. London, 1732. 2810, O. 3. Account of the proceedings of the acting governors of the house of industry in Dublin, for the years 1798 and 1799. London, 1799. 1452, D. 2. Information for overseers of the poor. 3d edit. London, 1801. 5509, O. 1. Report to the guardians of the poor of the regulations for the government of the children's asylum. Philadelphia, 1820. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, GENERAL TREATISES, SYSTEMS, &c. Adams, 2639, O. Lectures on natural and experimental philosophy, describing in a familiar and easy manner the principal phenomena of nature ; and shewing that they all co-operate in displaying the goodness, wisdom, and power of God. By George Adams. 2d edit, with additions, by William Jones. With plates. 5 vols. London, 1799. 249, D. Elements of useful knowledge. By the Rev. John Adams. 3d edit. London, 1802. Algarotti, 3672, D. Le Newtonianisme pour les dames, ou entretiens sur la lumiere, sur les couleurs, et sur I'attraction. Traduits de I'ltalien de Mr. Algarotti, par Mr. Du Perron de Castera. 2 tom. A Amster- dam, 1741. 254 SCIENCES AND ARTS. JSmottt 8272, O. Elemen*- -^ '^''vslcs, in natural philosophy, general and medi- cal, explained li itly of technical uiatheniatics. By M. Arnott, M. D. London, irtcV. Baxter, 602, O. Matho ; or the cosmotheria puerilis, a dialogue in which the principles of philosophy and astronomy are accommodated to the ca- pacity of young persons. By And. Baxter. 2d edit. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1745. Beccherus, 309, Q^ Johannis lochimi Beccheri, physica subterranea. Lipsiae, 1738. Bennett 4868, O. 3. A new explanation of the ebbing and flowing of the sea, upon the principles of gravitation. By S. Bennet. New York, 1816. Gift of the autfwr, Beckham^ 8612, O. 8. An essay on the tides. By Caleb Bickham. Philadel- phia, 1805. Boyle, 259, F. The works of Robert Boyle. To which is prefixed the life of the author. 5 vols. London, 1744. 147, Q^ The philosophical works of Robert Boyle; abridged and me- thodized under the heads of physic, statics, pneumatics, natural his- tory, chemistry, and medicine ; with notes, by Peter Shaw. 2d edit. 3 vols. London, 1738. 547, Q^ Considerations on the vsefvlnesse of experimental and natural phUosophy. By Robert Boyle. 2d edit. Oxford, 1 664. L. 8579, O. The works of the Hon. Robert Boyle, Esq. epitomized by Richard Boulton. With plates. London, 1699. 1514, O. A general idea of the epitomy of the works of Robert Boyle, Esq. ; to which are added, general heads for the natural history of a country. By R. Boulton. London, 1700. 2202, Q. Some considerations touching the usefulness of experimental philosophy. By the Hon. Robert Boyle, Esq. 2d edit. Oxford, 1644. 4768, D. A disquisition about the final causes of natural things. By the Hon. Robert Boyle, Esq. To which are subjoined, some observations about vitiated sight. London, 1688. Cavallo, 2935, O. The elements of natural or experimental philosophy ; with plates. By Tiberius Cavallo, F. R. S. 4 vols. London, 1803. Clare, 505, 506, & 3009, O. A treatise on the motion of fluids, natural and arti- ficial ; with plates. By Martin Clare, A. M. &c. Revised and cor- rected, by R. Hall. London, 1802. Coldent 1149, O. 2. Colden's explication of the first causes of action in matter; and of the cause of gravitation. London, 1746. Conunius, 2936, D. 3. I. A. Comenii physicae ad himen divinum reformatae sy- nopsis. Amsterdam, 1649. Ci>oA", 8513, O. Clavis natura ; or the mystery of philosophy unveiled. By John Cook, M. D. London, 1723. Cutlnuh, 4383, O. 8. Hydrostatics, or a treatise on specific gravity, with a de- scription of the diflTerent hydrometers, and their apj)lication to the pur- poses of philosophy and the arts ; with sundry tables. By James Cutbush. Philadelphia, 1812. Gift of the author. Dttaguliera, 130, & 195, Q^ A course of experimental philosophy; with a de- scription of the air-pump, and the different s|)ecips of barometers, &c. By J. T. Desaguliers. To which are added, Sir Isaac Newton's co- lours ; the description of the condensing engine, and Rowley's horary ; with plates. London, 1719. 2193, Q,. Lectures on experimental philosophy, wherein the prin- ciples of mechanics, hydrostatics, and optics, are demonstrated and explained. By J. T. Desaguliers. London, 1719. Descarleg, 642, Q. RenatI Ucscartes principia phil(j.sr)i)liiaj. Amstelodaiiii, 1672. L. t NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 255 Elliott, 8103, O. Philosophical observations on the senses of vision and hear- ing ; to which are added, a treatise on combustion and animal heat. By J. Elliott. London, 1780. Emerson, 7933, O. A short comment on Sir I. Newton's Principia, containing notes upon some difficult places of that excellent book. By W. Emer- son. London, 1770. Enfield, 432, d. Institutes of natural philosophy, theoretical and experimental ; with plates. By William Enfield. London, 1785. Euler, 5682, D. Letters of Euler on different subjects of natural philosophy. Addressed to a German princess. With notes, and a life of Euler, by David Brewster, LL. D. ; and additional notes, by John Griscom. 2 vols. New York, 1833. — ^- 2172, O. The same. Translated from the French, by Henry Hunter. With notes, plates, and a glossary of foreign and scientific terms. 2 vols. London, 1795. Eiving, 4027, & 7774, O. A plain, elementary and practical system of natural experimental philosophy, including astronomy and chronology. By the late Rev. John Ewing, D. D. provost of the university of Pennsylvania ; being a course of lectures delivered by him in that seminary ; illus- trated by engravings. Revised, with notes, by Robert Patterson; with a biographical sketch of the author. Philadelphia, 1809. Feuillee, 1159, d. Journal des observations physiques, mathematiques, et botaniques. Par Louis Feuillee. Tom. 3. Paris, 1714. P. Fitzgerald, 2189, d. Sm'veys of nature, historical, moral, and entertaining, exhibiting the principles of natural science in various branches. By Francis Fitzgerald, Esq. London, 1789. Crihson, 8411, O. A course of experimental philosophy; being an introduction to the true philosophy of Sir Isaac Newton. By Robert Gibson. Dub- lin, 1738. Goclenius, 3724, O. Rodolphi Goclenii physica completa. Franc. 1604. Gravesande, 114, & 2159, Q,. Mathematical elements of natural philosophy, confirmed by experiments ; or, an introduction to Sir Isaac Newton's philosophy. Written in Latin, by the late W. James s' Gravesande, LL. D. translated into English by the late J. T. Desaguliers, and pub- Hshed by his son J. T. Desaguliers. 6th edition. 2 vols. London, 1747. 169, O. The same. 4th edit. London, 1731. Gregory, 2072, D. Lectures on experimental philosophy, astronomy, and che- mistry; intended chiefly for the use of students and young persons. By George Gregory, D. D. 2 vols. London, 1808. 6218,0. An elementary treatise on natural philosophy; translated from the French of M. R. J. Haiiy. By Olinthus Gregory, A. M. 2 vols. London, 1807. Hales, 898, O. Philosophical experiments ; containing useful instructions for such as undertake long voyages at sea ; showing how sea water may be made fresh and wholesome, and how fresh water may be preserved sweet. By Stephen Hales. London, 1739. Halley, 652, & 1530, O. Miscellanea curiosa; containing a collection of some of the principal phaenomena in nature ; with plates. To which are added, a discourse of the influence of the sun and moon on human bodies. By R. Mead. And Fontenelle's preface of the usefulness of mathematical learning. By Edmund Halley. 3d edit. 3 vols. Lon- don, 1708 and 1726. Havers, 587, F. Philosophical conferences of the French virtuosi, upon ques- tions for improving natural knowledge. Translated into English by G. Havers and J. Davies. London, 1665. Gift of Mraham Cohen. 256 SCIENCES AND ARTS. Hdahaniy 5, O. A course of lectures in natural philosophy ; with plates. By Richard Helsham. Published by Bryan Robinson. Dublin, 1739. Herschell, 4 179, D. A preliminary discourse on the study of natural philosophy. By John F. W. Herschell. London, 1 830. 4280, 6l 4299, D. The same. Philadelphia, 1831. Nig^jis, 2226, & 2306, O. Minutes of the society for philosophical experi- ments and conversations; with plates. By Bryan Higgins, M. D, London, 1795. Hillary, 8186, O. 2. The nature and laws of motion and of fire. By Wm. Hil- laiy, M. D. London, 1760. Hooke, 879, & 1160, O. Philosophical exjseriments and observations; with plates. By Doctor Robert Hooke, and other eminent virtuosi in his time. Published by William Derham. London, 1726. Hooper^ 8284, O. Rational recreations, in which the principles of numbers and natural philosophy are elucidated by experiments. By W. Hooper, M. D. London, 1783. 248, D. The same. 2 vols. London, 1802. Howard^ 2199, d. Remarks on the new philosophy of Des Cartes; in four parts. By Edward Howard. London, 1701. HuttoUi 714, Q. Dissertations on different subjects in natural pliilosophy. By James Hutton. Edinburgh, 1792. Imison, 3012, O. The elements of science and art; being a familiar introduc- tion to natural philosophy and chemistry; with plates. By John Imison. 2 vols. London, 1803. 1431, &- 7840, O. The school of arts; or, an introduction to useful knowledge, being a compilation of real experiments, and improvements in several pleasing branches of science. 2d edit. By John Imison. London, 178.'^. Jamieaon, 2819, D. Universal science, or the cabinet of nature and art; comprising above 1000 entertaining and instructive facts and experi- ments, selected from various departments of natural philosophy and the arts. By Alexander Jamieson. 2 vols. London, 1821. Joyce, 1362, & 1882, D. Scientific dialogues, intended for the instruction and entertainment of young people, in the first principles of natural and experimental philosophy. 4 vols. London, 1800. 6 vols. London, 1805. Keill, 171 1, O. Introductio ad veram physicam seu lectiones physicae. duibus accedunt Christian! Hugenii theoremata de vi centrifuga et motu circulari demonstrata. Per Jo. Keill. Editio secunda. Oxonii, 1705. 327, 432, 670, & 8435, O. John Keill's introduction to natural philosophy ; or philosophical lectures, read in the university of Oxford. To which is added, the demonstrations of Monsieur Huygen's theorems, con- cerning the centrifugal force and circular motion. 5th edit. London, 1758. 2d edit. London, 1730. 3d edit. London, 1733—1726. Knight, 80, Q. An attempt to demonstrate that all the phenomena in nature may be explained by two simple principles — attraction and repulsion. By Gowin Knight. London, 1754. LeUmitz, 403, O. A collection of papers which passed between Mr. Leibnitz and Dr. Clarke, in the years 1715 and 1716; relating to the principles of natural philosophy and religion. London, 1717. 3436, O. The same. P. lAilie, 5796, O. Elements of natural philosophy. By John Leslie, Esq. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1823. Maclaurin, 1 18, &, 1959, O. 382, a//on, 2182, 5966, & 9189, O. Meteorological observations and essays. By John Dalton. London, 1763 & 1823. Manchester, 1834. Donovan, 4913, O. Essay on the origin, progress and present state of galvan- ism : containing investigations experimental and speculative, and a statement of a new hypothesis. By M. Donovan. Dublin, 1816. Ellis, 4284, O. Inquiries into the changes induced on atmospheric air by the germination of seeds, the vegetation of plants, and the respiration of animals. By Daniel Ellis. 2 vols. London, 1807 — 1811. Ferguson, 8246, O. An introduction to electricity ; 3d edit. By James Fergu- son. London, 1778. Forrest, 783, D. 2. A treatise onthe monsoons in the East Indies. By Capt. Tho- mas Forrest. London, 1783. Foster, 4664, O. Researches about atmospheric phenomena. By Thos. Foster. London, 1815. Franklin, 194, Q. New experiments and observations on electricity ; made at Philadelphia,* by Dr. Benjamin Franklin. Communicated in several letters to Peter Collinson, of London. 3d edit. London, 1760. 217, & 322, d. Experiments and observations on electricity; made at Philadelphia, by Dr. Benjamin FrankUn. To which are added, let- ters and papers on philosophical subjects ; with plates. London, 1769. 5th edit. London, 1774. No. 217, the gift of the author. 1442, O. 2. Report of Doctor Benjamin Franklin, and other commis- sioners, charged by the king of France, with the examination of the animal magnetism, as now practised at Paris. Translated from the French ; with an historical introduction. London, 1785. Freke, 585, & 776, O. A treatise on the nature and property of fire, motion, electricity, and magnetism. By John Freke, F. R. S. London, 1752. Gale, 4832, D. Electricity, or ethereal fire, considered ; comprehending both the theory and practice of medical electricity : constituting the best family physician. By T. Gale, M. D. Troy, 1802. Green, 4059, 2. & 7541, O. An epitome of electricity and galvanism. By two . gentlemen. (Green & Hazard). Philadelphia, 1809. 7864, O. Principles of modern chemistry, systematically arranged. By Dr. Frederick Charles Green. Translated from German, with notes and additions. 2 vols. London, 1800. Hales, 1579, Q. Sonorum doctrina rationalis et experimentalis, ex Newtoni optimorumque physicorum scriptis, methodo elementaria congesta. Cui praemittetur disquisitio de aere et modificationibus atmosphaerae, auctore Gulielmo Hales, A. M. Londini, 1778. Howard, 5419, O. The climate of London, deduced from meteorological ob- servations made at different places in the neighbourhood of the me- tropolis. By Luke Howard. 2 vols. London, 1820. Jeffries, 456, 3. & 1177, Q,. 1. Doctor Jeffries' narrative of the two aerial voyages of Doctor Jeffries with Monsieur Blanchard ; with meteorological ob- servations and remarks. The first voyage on the 30th November, 1784, from London into Kent; the second, on the 7th January, 1785. from England into France. London, 1786. P. Jones, 2785, O. 1. Letters on electricity. By Wm. Jones. London, 1800. King, 787, Q,. 4. Remarks concerning stones said to have fallen from the clouds, both in these days and in ancient times. By Edward King. London, 1796. 262 SCIKNCBS AND ARTS. Kmnersley, 794, D. 8. Experimenta in electricity. By J. Kinnersley. Phila- *(lHpl»iii, 1764. Kireher, 984. D. AthanasU Kircheri magneticum naturae regnum. Amstelo- dami, 1667. JHriMm, 1618, 0. An estimate of the temperature of different latitudes. By Richard Kirwan. London, 1787. LetHe, 7689, O. A short account of experiments and instruments, depending on the relations of the air to heat and moisture. By John Leslie. Edinburgh, 1813. Lorimer, 2099, Q. A concise essay on magnetism ; with an account of the declination and inclination of the magnetic needle ; and an attempt to ascertain the cause of the variation thereof By John Lorimer, M. D. London, 1795. Zt///tn, 8621, O. 5. Dissertatio physica de electricitate. Amadeus Lullin. Geneva, 1776. Lyorit 2345, O. 3. An account of several new phenomena, discovered in examin- ing the bodies of a man and four horses, killed by lightning, near Dover, in Kent; with remarks on the insufficiency of the popular theory of electricity to explain them. By the Rev. John Lyon. Lon- don, 1796. Mahon, 348, Q^ Principles of electricity ; containing new theorems and experi- ments, with an analysis of the superior advantages of high and point- ed conductors ; with plates. By Charles Viscount Mahon. London, 1779. 1090, Q. The same. P, Martin, 1952, O. 2. Animal magnetism exammed. By John Martin. Lon- don, 1790. Meade, 6964, O. 3. On the origin and progress of galvanism, or voltaic electri- city. By Wm. Meade, M. D. Dublin, 1 805. Mxchell, 1149, 4. & 8186, O. 3. A treatise of artificial magnets, and a method of making them. By J. Michell. Cambridge, 1751. MUner, 1320, 1. & 8148, O. 2. Experiments and observations on electricity. By Thomas Milner, D. D. London, 1783. Morgan, 1 1 49, <& 4979, D. Lectures on electricity. By G. C Morgan. 2 vols. Norwich, 1794. Naime, 8632, O. 5. Directions for using the electrical machine, made by Ed- ward Naime. London, 1764. 8594, 0. 4. The description and use of Nairne*8 electrical machine, with medical observations. London, 1783. Penrose, 900, O. 3. A treatise on electricity. By Francis Penrose, M. D. Ox- ford, 1752. Pointer , 494, O. 1 . A rational account of the weather ; with three essays to- wards accounting for wet years ; the aurora borealis ; and the plague. By John Pointer, M. D. 2d edit. London, 1738. Pollock, 8872, O. An attempt to explain the phenomena of heat, electricity, galvanism, magnetism, gravitation, and light. By T. Pollock. Lon- don, 1832. PritttUy, 32, (i. The history and present state of electricity ; with original experiments. By Joseph Priestley. London, 1767. 8092, O. Experiments and observations on different kinds of air and other branches of natural philosophy, connected with the subject. By Joseph Priestley. 3 vols. Birmingham, 1790. JZodb/rinr, 8621, O. 2. Observations and experiments on electricity, with the manner of performing them. By B. Rackstrow. London, 1748. Pead, 2066, dt 6709, 0. A sununary view of the spontaneous electricity of the earth and atmosphere; wherein the causes of lightning and thun- der, &c. are explained. To which is subjoined the atmospherico- ELECTRICITY, &C. 263 electrical journal, kept during two years. By John Read. London, 1793. Redjield, 7319, O. 5. Remarks on the prevailing storms of the Atlantic coast of the North American states. By C. Redfield. New York, 1803. Sauli 894, O. An historical and philosophical account of the barometer or wea- ther-glass ; wherein the use of that instrument, the theory of the at- mosphere, and the causes of its gravitation are explained. By Edward Saul, A. M. London, 1730. Scheele, 1207, O. Chemical observations and experiments on air and fire. Translated from the German of Charles William Scheele, by John Reinholdt Forster. Wtth notes by Richard Kirwan ; and a letter to him from Joseph Priestly. London, 1780. Southern f 1442, O. 1. A treatise upon aerostatic machines ; containing rules for calculating their powers of ascension, &c. the method of constructing them ; with directions for filling them and making inflammable air, &c. By John Southern. Birmingham, 1785. Stanhope, 1124, Gi. 2. Remarks on Mr. Brydone's account of a remarkable thunder-storm in Scotland. By Charles Edward Stanhope. London, 1787. Thompson, 7136, O. An outline of the sciences of electricity and heat. By Thomas Thompson, M. D. London, 1830. Walker, 2803, O. 6. A treatise on magnetism. With plates. By Ralph Walker. London, 1794. 2585, O. A treatise on the magnet, or natural loadstone ; with tables of the variation of the magnetic needle, fpr all latitudes and longi- tudes. To which is added an appendix, containing hints to ship- builders and navigators. With plates. By Ralph Walker. London, 1798. TVatson, 900,1. & 8621, O. 3. Experiments and observations on the nature and properties of electricity. By Sir William Watson, M. D. 3d edit. London, 1746. 900, O. 2. Sequel to the " Experiments and observations on the nature and properties of electricity." By Sir William Watson, M. D. 2d edit. London, 1746. 8621, O. 4. An account of the experiments made to discover whether the electrical power would be sensible at great distances. Commu- nicated by Sir William Watson, M. D. London, 1748. Wells t 7471, O. Two essays : one upon single vision with two eyes, the other on dew, and an account of a female, part of whose skin resembles that of a negro ; with some observations on the causes of the differences in colour and form between the white and negro race of men. By the late William Charles Wells, M. D, ; with a memoir of his life, written by himself London, 1818. Wilkinson, 3018, O. Elements of galvanism ; with a view of its history, from the first experiments of Galvani to the present time ; with plates. By C. H. Wilkinson. London, 1804. Williamson, 4951, O. Observations on the climate in different parts of Ame- rica, compared with the climate in corresponding parts of the other continent. By Hugh Williamson, M. D. New York, 1811. Gift of the author. Wilson, 1275, 0. Observations relative to the influence of climate on vegeta- ble and animal bodies. By Alexander Wilson, M. D. London, 1780. 8640, O. 5. An essay on electricity. By Benjamin Wilson, P. R. S. London, 1746. 21, O. A treatise on electricity. By Benjamin Wilson, F. R. S. 2d edit. London, 1752. 387, Q,. 3. A short view of electricity. By Benjamin Wilson, F. R. S. London, 1780. 264 SCIENCES .^M) AUTS. 954,(1,20. Observe' nt extraordinary frost. London, 1684. 1055, F. 1. Tho m< ;.int in keeping a diary of tlic weather; or, atmosplK >ter, «Scc &Ai. London, 1798. 479, C). A • > 'LTical history of the air, weather, seasons, meteors, &c. in sundry places and ditferent times; more particularly for the space of two hun- dred and fifty years ; with their effects on animal bodies. 2 vols. London, 1749. CHEMISTRY. Jiccunii 7865, O. System of theoretical and practical chemistry. 2 vols. By Frederick Aocum. 2d edit. London, 1807. 2638, D. Chemical amusement, comprising a series of curious and in- structive experiments in chemistry. 2d edit. By Frederick Accum. London, 1818. ^ikirij 1437, Q. A dictionary of chemistry and mineralogy; with an account of the processes employed in many of the most important chemical manufactures. By A. and C. R. Aikin. 2 vols. London, 1807. 1632, a. An account of the most important recent discoveries and im- provements in chemistry and mineralogy, to the present time. By A. and C. R. Aikin. London, 1814. Bache^ 2268, O. 7. An inaugural dissertation to ascertain the morbid effects of carbonic acid gas, or fixed air, on healthy animals, and the manner in which they are produced. By William Bache. Philadelphia, 1794. Gift of the author. 7756, O. A system of chemistry, for the use of students of medicine. By Franklin Bache, M. D. Philadelphia, 1819. Barton^ 3876, & 9132, O. A dissertation on the properties of the nitrous oxide gas, submitted as an inaugural thesis for the degree of M. D. By William P. C. Barton, A. B. Philadelphia,' 1808. Gift of the author, Beaumci 4646, D. A manual of chemistry. Translated from the French of M. Beaume. Warrington, 1786. Bergman^ 1367, & 7782, O. Physical and chemical essays. Translated from the original Latin of Sir Torbern Bergman, by Edmund CuUen, M. D. To which are added, notes and illustrations, by the translator. 2 vols. London, 1788. Berzeliu8f 5601, O. The use of the blowpipe, in chemical analysis, and in the examination of minerals. By J. J. Berzelius; translated from the French of M. Fresncl. By J. G. Children, with notes and additions. London, 1822. Black, 1008, Q. Lectures on the elements of cliemistry, delivered in the uni- versity of Edinburgh. By Joseph Black, M. D. Published from his manuscripts. By John Robinson. 2 vols. Edinbiu-gh, 1803. 7793, O. The same. 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1807. 5003, D. 2. Experiments upon magnesia alba, and quick lime. By Joseph Black, M. D. To which is annexed an essay on the cold pro- duced by evaixjrating fluids. By Wm. Cullen, M. D. Edinburgh, 1777. BoerhaavCt 1 16, & 124, Q. A new method of chemistry; including the theory and practice of the art ; with notes and plates. To which is prefixed, a critical history of chemistry and chemists, from the origin of the art to tlic present time. By H. Boerhaave. Translated by P. Shaw and E. Cbambers. London, 1727. 2 1 64 , (i. The same. London, 1741. CHEMISTRY. 265 Boerhaave, 8186, O. 5. Some experiments concerning mercury. By J. U. Boer- haave. London, 1734. Brande, 5423, O. 1 . Dissertation, exhibiting a general view of the progress of chemical philosophy, from the early ages to the end of the 18th cen- tury. By William Thomas Brande. Boston, 1818. 5271, O. A manual of chemistry ; containing the principal facts of the science, arranged in the order in which they are discussed and illus- trated in the lectures at the royal institution of Great Britain. By William Thomas Brande. London, 1819. 7754, O. The same. With notes, &c. By W. J. Macnevin, M. D. New York, 1821. Bryan^ 1908, & 3334, D. Conversations on chemistry. By Mrs. Bryan. Plates. 2 vols. in. 1. Philadelphia, 1816. 2658, D. Conversations on chemistry ; in which the elements of that science are familiarly explained and illustrated by experiments. By Mrs. Margaret Bryan; revised and corrected by Thomas Cooper, M. D. 2 vols. Philadelphia. 1818. Cooper, 9 1 39, O. 6. A discourse on the connection between chemistry and medi- cine, delivered in the university of Pennsylvania. By Thomas Cooper, Esq. M. D. Philadelphia, 1818. Chaptal, 2255, O. Elements of chemistry. By M. I. A. Chaptal. Translated^, from the French. 3 vols. London, 1791. "-^ 7476, O. Elements of chemistry. By M. J. A. Chaptal. Fourth American edition, by James Woodhouse, M. D. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1807. 7794, O. Elements of chemistry. By M. J. A. Chaptal. Translated from the French, by Wm. Nicholson. Philadelphia, 1799. Coxe, 5743, L & 9145, O. 4. Observations on combustion and acidification, with a new theory of those processes. By John R. Coxe, M. D. Philadel- phia, 1811. Cutbush, 2173, & 4731, D. The philosophy of experimental chemistry. By James Cutbush. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1813. Gift of the author. Dalton, 3937, O. A new system of chemical philosophy. Part 1st. By John Dalton. Manchester, 1808. Davy, 4395, & 7484, O. Elements of chemical philosophy. By Sir Humphrey Davy, LL. D. Part 1, vol. 1. Philadelphia, 1812. 4662, O. The same. London, 1812. 4536, O. Elements of agricultural chemistry, in a course of lectures, for the board of agriculture. By Sir Humphrey Davy. New York, 1815. 4661, O. The same. London, 1814. Donovan, 5749, D. A treatise on chemistry. By Michael Donovan. London, 1832. DossiCj 982, & 8276, O. Institutes of experimental chemistry: being an essay towards reducing that branch of natural philosophy to a regular sys- tem. 2 vols. By Robert Dossie, Esq. London, 1759. 881, & 8269, O. The laboratory laid open; or, the secrets of modern chemistry and pharmacy revealed. By Robert Dossie, Esq. London, 1768. Eivelli 7690, O. Plain discourses on the laws or properties of matter, contain-, ing the elements or principles of modem chemistry. By Thomaa Ewell, M. D. New York, 1800. Farady, 6263, O. Chemical manipulation ; bejng instructions to students in chemistry, the methods of performing experiments of demonstration, or of research, with accuracy and success. By Michael Farady. Lon- don, 1827. F^ure, /c, 311, Q,. A complete body of chemistry. By Nicasius Le Febure. London, 1670. 34 266 SCIENCES AND ARTS. Fourcroy, 1369, O. Fourcroy's elementary lectures on chemistry and natural history. Translated from the French. By Thomas Elliott, with addi- tions and notes, by the translator. 2 vols. London, 1785. 7967, O. Elements of natural history and chemistry. By M. Four- croy. Translated from the last Paris edition, with a view of the an- cient and modern names of chemical substances, to which is prefixed, by the translator, a preface, containing strictures on the history and present state of chemistry. 3 vols. London, 1790. Forster, 8186, O. 6. An easy method of assaying and classing substances. By John R. Forster. London, 1772. Freindt 4586, D. Chymical lectures, in which almost all the operations of che- mistry are reduced to their true principles. By John Freind, M. D. London, 1757. Gorhanij 5187, O. The elements of chemical science; with plates. By John Gorham, M. D. Boston, 1819. Grange^ la, 8043, O. A manual of a course of chemistry. By J. B. Bouillon La Grange. Translated from the French, with an appendix by the translator. 2 vols. London, 1800. Gray, 6415, O. The operative chemist; being a practical display of the arts and manufactures which depend upon chemical principles. By S. F. Gray. London, 1828. Gurney, 5974, O. A course of lectures on chemical science, as delivered at the Surrey institution. By Goldsworthy Gurney. London, 1823. Hales, 8333, O. 3. An account of a useful discovery to distil sea water. By Stephen Hales, D. D. London, 1756. 8444, O. Philosophical experiments : containing instructions for voyages at sea, showing how sea water may be made fresh, &c. ; and a propo- sal for cleansing mud, &c. out of rivers, harbours, &c. By Stephen Hales, D. D. London, 1739. Harrington, 7639, O. The death warrant of the French theory of chemistry, signed by truth, reason, common sense, honour, and science ; and strictures upon the chemical opinions of Messrs. Weigleb, Cruik- shanks, Davy, Leslie, Count Rumford, and Dr. Thompson. By Ro- bert Harrington, M. D. London, 1804. Henry, 1397, D. An epitome of chemistry. By Thomas Henry. 2d edit. London, 1801. 6149, O. The elements of experimental chemistry. By William Henry, M. D. 10th edit. 2 vols. London, 1826. 1280, O. 1. Method of preserving water, at sea, from putrefaction ; with a mode of impregnating water with fixed air ; and the preparation of artificial yeast ; with plates. By Thomas Henry. Warrington, 1781. Higgins, 7724, O. Experiments and observations, relating to acetous acid, fixable air, oils, and fuel ; fire and light, combustion, respiration, and other subjects of chemical philosophy. By Bryan Higgins, M. D. London, 1786. Hill, 8186, O. 8. Enquiries into the nature of a new mineral acid. By Sir John HilL London, 1775. Jacobt, 5169, D. 1. The student's chemical pocket companion. By W. S. Jacobs, M. D. Philadelphia, 1802. Jacquin, 8146, O. Elements of chemistry, by J. Francis Jacquin. Translated from the German. By Henry Stutzer. London, 1799. Johnson^ 3019, &, 7685, O. History of the progress and present state of ani- mal chemistry. By W. B. Johnson, M. B. 3 vols. London, 1803. ■ 2490, O. 6. An experimental inquiry into the properties of carbonic acid gas, or fixed air. By Joseph Johnson. Philadelphia, 1797. Gift o/Jamet fVoodhouse. Kirwan, 7901, O. An essay on phlogiston, and the constitution of acids. By CHEMISTRY. 267 R. Kirwan, Esq. To which are added, notes, exhibiting and defend- ing the antiphlogistic theory ; with additional remarks and replies, by the author. London, 1789. Kunkle, 1161, O. Pyrotechnical discourses ; being an experimental confirma- tion of chemical philosophy, by John Kunkle ; a discourse on the ori- ginal of metallic veins, by George Ernest Stahl ; and the grounds of metallic assaying, &c. by John Christian Fritschius. Translated from the Latin. London, 1705. Lardner, 5747, D. A treatise on heat. By the Rev. Dionysius Lardner, LL. D. London, 1833. Lavoisier, 7638, O. Elements of chemistry, in a new systematic order, con- taining all the modern discoveries. By M. Lavoisier. Translated from the French by Robert Kerr. Edinburgh, 1790. — 2409, O. The same. London, 1797. 1325, & 1354,0. Lavoisier's essays, physical and chemical. Trans- lated from the French, with notes and an appendix, by Thomas Henry. London, 1776. Lemery, 1155, O. A course of chemistry. By Nicholas Lemery, M. D. 3d edit. London, 1798. Leslie, 3689, O. An experimental inquiry into the nature and propagation ot heat; with plates. By John Leslie. London, 1804. Lewis f 8130, O. A course of practical chemistry. By William Lewis, M. B. London, 1746. Mackenzie, 5467, O. One thousand experiments in chemistry ; with illustra- tions of natural phenomena ; and practical observations on the manu- facturing and chemical processes at present pursued in the useful arts ; with engravings. By Colin Mackenzie. London, 1821. Maclean, 2626, O. 4. Two lectures on combustion, supplementary to a course of lectures on chemistry. By John Maclean. Philadelphia, 1797. Macquer, 274, Q^ A dictionary of chemistry ; containing the theory and prac- tice of that science. Translated from the French of M. Macquer. London, 1771. 3297, O. The same ; with notes, additions, and plates. 3 vols. Lon- don, 1777. P. 306, 0. The elements of the theory and practice of chemistry. Trans- lated from the French of M. Macquer. 2 vols. London, 1758. Magellan, 8594, O. 5. Description of a glass apparatus for making the best minera,l waters. By J. H.'de Magellan. London, 1783. Monro, 7905, O. A treatise on medical and pharmaceutical chemistry, and the materia medica. 4 vols. By Donald Monro, M. D. London, 1783. Morgan, 8594, O. 1. An examination of Dr. Crawford's theory of heat and com- bustion. By WilHam Morgan. London, 1781. Moyes, 8594, O. 6. Heads of a course of lectures on philosophical chemistry. By Henry Moyes, M. D. London. Murray, 4134, O. A system of chemistry. By J. Murray. 2d edit. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1809. 5378, O. The elements of chemical science, as applied to the arts and manufactures, and natural phenomena. By J. Murray. London, 1818. Neumann, 78, & 79, Q,. The chemical works of Caspar Neumann, abridged and methodized ; with large additions, containing the later discoveries and improvements made in chemistry. By William Lewis. London, 1759. 8004, O. The same. 2 vols. London, 1773. Nicholson, 7827, O. The first principles of chemistry. By William Nicholson. 3d edit.. Revised by the author. London, 1796. Ottley, 6167, O. A dictionary of chemistry, and of mineralogy as connected 268 SCIENCES AND ARTS. with it ; in which is attempted a complete list of the names of sub stances, according to tlje present as well as former systems ; with an introduction and a vocabulary. By William C. Ottley. London, 1826. ParkeSy 2090, D. The rudiments of chemistry ; illustrated by experiments and engravings. By Samuel Parkes. Philadelphia, 1810. 8071, O. The chemical catechism ; with notes, illustrations, and expe- riments. By S. Parkes. London, 1808. 3872, & 4843, 0. The same. PhUadelphia, 1807. 6th edit. New York, 1816. 2478, D. Chemical essays, principally relating to the arts and manu- factures of the British dominions. By Samuel Parkes. 5 vols. Lon- don, 1815. Parkinson, 2WIyiy. The chemical pocket-book, or memoranda chemica ; ar- ranged in a compendium of chemistry. By James Parkinson. 4th edit London, 1809. 185, & 4948, D. The same ; with an appendix, containing the prin- cipal objections to the anti-phlogistic system of chemistry, with plates. By James Woodhouse. Philadelphia, 1802. Gift of James Hum- phreys. Pasley, 5445, O. 8. A treatise on heat, fleune, and combustion. By T. H. Pas- ley. London, 1820. Pictet, 4972, D. An essay on fire. By Mark Augustus Pictet. Translated from the French. London, 1791. Priestley, 8186, O. 1. An enquiry into the genereil nature of heat, with MS. notes by Dr. Priestley. London, 1790. 4764, D. Heads of lectures on a course of experimental philosophy, particularly chemistry. By Joseph Priestley. Dublin, 1794. 4382, O. 2. The doctrine of phlogiston established. By Joseph Priestley. Northumberland, 1805. Rothtram, 8640, O. 1. A philosophical inquiry into the nature and properties of water. By J. Rotheram, M. D. Newcastle, 1770. Sandivogius, 1832, Q. A new chymical light. By M. Sandivogius. Trans- lated into English. MS. Gift of J. P. Norris, Esq. Schtele, 8221, O. The chemical essays of Charles William Scheele. Trans- lated by Thomas Beddoes. London, 1786. Shaw^ 282, O. Chemical lectures, for the improvement of arts, trades, and na- tural philosophy. By Peter Shaw. London, 1732. 959, & 8481, O. Philosophical principles of universal chemistry: de- signed as a general introduction to artificial philosophy, or genuine chemistry. Drawn from the collegium jenense of Dr. G. E. Stahl. By Peter Shaw, M. D. London, 1730. Smitk, 2485, & 8612, O. 5. Sketch of the revolutions in chemistry. By Tho- mas P. Smith. Philadelphia, 1798. Gift of the author. Stack, 2943, O. An introduction to the study of chemistry, explaining its prin- ciples, and their application to arts, manufactures, &c. By Richard Stack, D. D. Dublin, 1802. Symes, 8621, O. 1. Fire analysed ; and the method of making electricity medi- cinal and healing. By Richard Symes. Bristol, 1771. TTitnard, 5272, O. An essay on chemical analysis ; chiefly translated from the fourth volume of traite de chime elementaire, of L. J. Thenard. With additions, comprehending the latest discoveries and improvements, by John George Children. London, 1819. Tliompson, 3676, & 7918, O. A system of chemistry. By Thomas Thomson, M.D. 4 vols. London, 1802. 4238, D. The history of chemistry. By Thomas Thomson, M. D. 2 vols. London, 1830. NATURAL HISTORY. 269 7\irnerf 6314, O. The elements of chemistry, including the recent discoveries and doctrines of the science. By Edward Turner, M. D. Edinburgh, 1827. Vaughan, 5169, D. 4. Chemical syllabus. By Dr. John Vaughan. Wilming- ton, 1799. Waller, 2412, O. 2. An account of some remarkable discoveries in the produc- tion of artificial cold. By R. Waller. London, 1 796. Watson, 701, D. Chemical essays. By R. Watson, D. D. 2d edit. 5 vols. London, 1782, &c. 1627, D. The same. Cambridge, 1781. P. 8192, O. The same. Dublin, 1791. Wiegeleb, 2114, Q,. A general system of chemistry, theoretical and practical; digested and arranged with a particular view to its application to the arts, taken chiefly from the Germein of M. Wiegeleb. By C. R. Hop- son, M. D. London, 1789. Woodhouse, 2268, O. 2. Observations on the combination of acids, bitters and astringents ; being a refutation of some of the principles of Dr. Perci- val on that subject. By James Woodhouse. Philadelphia, 1793. Gift of the author. 5169, 2. & 1249, D. The young chemist's pocket companion ; con- nected with a portable laboratory. By James Woodhouse. Philadel- phia, 1797. Gift of the author. 318, Q,. 1. A key to Van Helmont; or a short introduction to the theory and method of chymical physicians. London, 1682. 2218, Q,. 3. A chymical dictionary ; explaining hard places and words met withall in the writings of Paracelsus, and other obscure authors. London, 1650. 8100, O. Vocabulary and tables of the old and new nomenclatures of chem- ical science. Edinburgh, 1796. 8593, O. 5. Observations on evaporation. Liverpool, 1772. NATURAL HISTORY— GENERAL WORKS. Ahercromhie, 347, D. Two compends — of elocution — and of natural history. By James Abercrombie. Philadelphia, 1803. Adams, 186, Q,. Observations in natural history by the microscope ; with a va- riety of experiments explaining its use. By George Adams. Lon- don, 1746. Gift of Thomas Penn^ Esq. Aildn, 1273, D. Natural history of the year ; being an enlargement of Dr. Aikin's « Calendar of nature." By Arthur Aikin. London, 1798. 735, & 5303, D. 4. Calendar of nature. By John Aikin. 2d edit. Lon- don, 1785. 2988, O. Woodland companion ; or a brief description of British trees ; with some account of their uses. With plates. By J. Aikin. London, 1802. Bacci, 1270. Q,. Andrea Bacci, medico et filosofo, libri tre del Tevere. Venetia, 1576. P. Bacon, 1128, P. Sylva sylvarum; or, a natural history in ten centuries, where- unto is added the new atlantis, and the history naturall and experi- mentall of life and death, or of the prolongation of life. Written by the Rt. Hon. Francis Bacon Lord Verulum, published after the author's death, by William Rawley, D. D. London, 1651. 241, F. & 929, D. The same. Gift of Francis Richardson. Beaurieu, c?e, 810, D. Cours d'histoire naturelle. Par G. G. de Beaurieu. 6 tomes. Paris, 1770. 270 SCIENCES AND ARTS. Bingley, 2587, D. Useful knowledge; or, a familiar and explanatory account of the various productions of nature, mineral, vep^etable, and animal. By the Rev. William Dingley, A. M. 3 vols. London, 1816. Bhimty 5239, D. A natural history, containing many observations extracted out of the best modem writers. By Sir Thomas Pope Blount. Lon- don, 1693. Blumenbach, 6105, O. A manual of elements of natural history. By J. F. Blumenbach. Translated from the German, by R. T. Gore. London, 1825. Bonnet, 1870, O. CEuvres d'histoire naturelle et dephilosbphie de Charles Bon- net. 18 tomes. A Neufchatel, 1783. Boyle, 1701, D. General heads for the natural history of a country. By Robt. Boyle. London, 1691. P. Bradley, 268, & 2091, Q,. A philosophical account of the works of nature; en- deavouring to set forth the several gradations remarkable in the mine- ral, vegetable, and animal parts of the creation ; tending to the compo- sition of a scale of life. With cuts. By Richard Bradley, F. R. S. London, 1721. Bucke, 5469, O. On the beauties, harmonies, and sublimities of nature ; with occasional remarks on the laws, customs, manners, and opinions of various nations. By Charles Bucke. 4 vols. London, 1821. Buffbn, de, 1182, & 3213, 0. Natural history, general and particular, by Count De Buffon. Translated into English, with three hundred and one copperplates, and occasional notes and observations. 8 vols. London, 1781. P. 2385, O. Buffon's natural history, general and particular ; with plates. Translated from the French, with notes, by William Smellie. 3d edit. 9 vols. London, 1791. Clarke, 45Si,D. The hundred wonders of the world, and of the three king- doms of nature, described according to the latest and best authorities. By the Rev. C. C. Clark. New Haven, 1824. Collier, 2782, O. Essay on the progress of the vital principle from the vegeta- ble to the animal kingdoms, and the soul of man, introductory to con- templations on Deity.* By J. Collier. London, 1 800. Darwin, 715, d. Zoonomia; or, the laws of organic life. By'Erasmus Darwin. 2 vols. London, 1794. 7917, O. The same. New York, 1796. 2574, 0. Observations on the Zoonomia of Erasmus Darwin. By Thomas Brown. Edinburgh, 1798. Delafond, 319, D. Delafond's dictionary of the wonders of nature. London, 1803. DeUuze, 5841, O. History and description of the royal museum of natural his- tory. Translated from the French of M. Deleuze. Paris, 1823. Donavan, 2345, O. 6. Instructions for collecting and preserving various sul)- jects of natural history ; with a treatise on the management of insects in their several states By E. O. Donavan. London, 1794. Doughty, 2045, Q,. The cabinet of natural history, and American rural sports; with illustrations. By J. & T. Doughty. Philadelphia, 1830. Drummond, 4318, D. Letters to a young naturalist, on the study of nature, and natural theology. By James L. Drummond, Esq. London, 1831. Dtifresne, 2704, D. Taxidermy; or the art of collecting, preparing and mount- ing objects of natural history; for the use of museums and travellers ; with plates. Translated from the French of M. Dufresne. London, 1820, Edwards, 1, Q. Gleanings of natural history; exhibiting figures of quadru- pedes, birds, insects, plants, &c. By George Edwards, F. R. S. 3 vols. London, 1758. NATURAL HISTORY. 27l Falconefj 700, Q. Miscellaneous tracts and collections relating to natural his- tory, selected from the principal writers of antiquity on that subject. By William Falconer. Cambridge, 1793. Flinty 5629, & 5630, D. Lectures upon natural history, geology, chemistry, steam and interesting discoveries in the arts. By Timothy Flint. Boston, 1833. Father gill, 2409, D. An essay on the study, philosophy and use of natural history. By Charles Fothergill. London, 1813. Girarch 5317, D. 3. The friend of nature. Translated from the French of M. de Girard. By A. Gerna. Dublin, 1795. Godman, 6188, O. American natural history. By John Godman, M. D. 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1826—7. 5690, & 5691, D. Rambles of a naturalist. By John D. Godman, M. D. To which are added, reminiscences of a voyage to India, by Dr. R. Coates. Philadelphia, 1833. Presented by John J. Smith, Jr. Goldsmith, 1132, & 2388, O. The history of the earth, and animated nature; with plates. By Oliver Goldsmith. 4 vols. London, 1774, and Phi- • ladelphia, 1795. 5843, O. A history of the earth and animated nature. By Oliver Goldsmith, M. B. A new edition, with corrections and additions. 6 vols. London, 1822. 6705, O. Goldsmith's natural history, abridged for the use of schools. By Mrs. Pilkington. Plates. London, 1810. Good, 6144, O. The book of nature. By John Mason Good, M. D. 3 vols. London, 1826. Grand, le, 1280, Q. Antonii le Grand, historia naturae, variis experimentis et ratiociniis elucidata. 2d edit. Londini, 1680. P. Graves, 5062, O. The naturalist's pocket book, or tourist's companion, being a brief introduction to the different branches of natural history, with approved methods for collecting and preserving the various produc- tions of nature. By Geo. Graves, F. L. S. 3 vols. London, 1817. Gregory, 2289, 2349, §l 8169, O. The economy of nature, explained and illus- trated on the principles of modern philosophy. With plates. By G. Gregory, D. D. 3 vols. London, 1796. Hardie, 4499, D. A dictionary of the wonders of art and nature. Compiled by James Hardie, A. M. New York, 1819. Heron, 8005, 0. Elegant extracts of natural history ; collected and revised from authentic writers, with a preface, containing some hints on education. By Robert Heron. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1792. mil, 165, & 1098, F. A general natural history; or, new and accurate de- scriptions of the vegetables, animals, and minerals of the various parts of the world ; with their virtues and uses in medicine and mechanics. By John Hill, M. D. 2d edit, 3 vols. London, 1748 and 1773. 282, F. The vegetable system ; or, a series of experiments and observa- tions ; including a new anatomy of plants ; with plates. By John Hill. London, 1759. 2279, O. Essays on natural history and philosophy ; containing a series of discoveries by the assistance of the microscope. By John Hill London, 1752. Gift of Charles Crawford. Hooke, 147, 338, & 1100, F. Micrographia restorata; or, the copperplates of Dr. Hookes' wonderful discoveries by the microscope; intermixed with many discoveries and observations in natural history. London, 1745_1780. Howitt, 5967, D. Sketches of natural history. By Mary Howitt. Philadel- phia, 1834. Jardine, 5840, D. The naturalist's library. 3 vols. By Sir Wm. Jardine, Bart. Edinburgh, 1833. 272 SCIENCES AND ARTS. Jewf, 5522, 5660, & 5661, D. Gleanings in natural history; with local recol- lections. By Edward Jesse, Esq. London and Philadelphia, 1832. 5890, D. Gleanings in natural history, 2d series. To which are added some extracts from the unpublished MSS. of the late Mr. White, of Selbome. By Edward Jesse, Esq. London, 1834. JonttOfh 1805, D. Thaumatographia naturalis, in decem classes distincta. Auctore J. Jonston. Amstelodami, 1665. F. Leeuwenhoek, 529, d. Antonii a Leeuwenhoek opera omnia seu arcana naturae ope exactissimorum microscopiorum detecta. Tomi IV. Lugduni Batavorum, 1722. L. 1474, O. The select works of Antony Van Leeuwenhoek; con- taining his microscopical discoveries in many of the works of nature. Translated from the Dutch and Latin, by Sanmel Hoole. 2 vols. London, 1800 and 1807. Lempriere, 6356, & 7216, O. Popular lectures on the study of natural history and the sciences, vegetable physiology, zoology, and of human facul- ties, mental and corporeal. By William Lempriere, M. D. London, 1827, 1830. Lettsom, 4736, O. The naturalist's and traveller's companion, containing in- structions for collecting and preserving objects of natural history, and for promoting inquiries after human knowledge in general. By John C. Lettsom, M. D. London, 1776. Limxxus, 1134, & 1238, O. Linnaei systema naturae. 12th edit. 4 vols. Stockholm, 1766 and 1767. 2867, «fe 8007, O. A general system of nature, through the three grand kingdoms of animals, vegetables, and minerals, systematically divided. Translated from Gmelin's edition of systema naturae, by Sir Charles Linne. By William Turton, M. D. 7 vols. London, 1802. — 1 203, O. A general view of the writings of Linnaeus. By Richard Pulteney, M. D. London, 1781. Loudon, 8555, O. The wonderful magazine, and extraordinary museum ; being a complete repository of the wonders of nature and art. By Archibald Loudon. Carlisle, 1808. LuCt De, 2057, O. Lettres physiques et morales sur I'histoire de la terre et de I'homme. Par J. A. De Luc. 5 tomes. Paris, 1779. Gift of Joseph Peter Vogels. Maillet, 600, 3005, & 8432, O. Telliamed, or the world explained : containing discourses between an Indian philosopher and a missionary, on the diminution of the sea, the origin of men, and other singular subjects relating to natural history and philosophy. Translated from the French of M. Maillet. London, 1750, «fe Baltimore, 1797. Martinet, 5303, D. 3. The catechism of nature. By Dr. Martinet. Translated from the Dutch, by John Hall. London, 1790. Martin, 4482, O. Miscellaneous correspondence, containing a variety of sub- jects relative to natured and civil history, geography, &c. by Benjamin Martin. 4 vols. London, 1759. Mavor, 4655, D. The elements of natural history. By William Mavor. 5th edit. London, 1806. Mayo, 4480, D. New complete and universal natural history of the most re- markable quadrupeds, birds, fishes, reptiles, and insects. In the known world. From the last London edition of J. Macloe, Esq. By Benja- min Mayo. Philadelphia, 1818. Mtidie, 6696, D. A popular guide to the observation of nature ; or hints of in- ducement to the study of natural productions and appearances in their connexions and relations. By Robert Mudie. New York, 1833. Nelson, 631, O. The wonders of nature throughout the world, displayed. By G. Nelson. London, 1740. NATURAL HISTORf . 273 Parsons^ 79, O. Philosophical observations on the analogy between the propa- gation of animals and that of vegetables ; in which are answered some objections against the indivisibility of the soul, deduced from late ex- periments upon the polypus, &c. By James Parsons. London, 1752. PealCt 3742, O. 8. Introduction to a course of lectures on natural history. By C. W. Peale. Philadelphia, 1800. 2618, 13. & 9136, O. 4. Peale's scientific and descriptive catalogue of his museum. No. 1. Philadelphia, 1796. Gift of the author, Pliny^ 426, F. Cali Plinii secundi historia naturalis cum notis Joannis Har- duini. Tomi III. Paris, 1733. L, 267, 799, & 1054, F. The historie of the world, commonly called the natural history of C. Plinius secundus, translated into English, by Philem. Holland. London, 1601, & 1635. P, Pluchejde, 1531, O. & 1602, D. La spectacle de la nature, ou entretiens sur les particularites de I'histoire naturelle. Par I'Abbe de Pluche. 8 tomes. Paris, 1754, and 3 tomes, Franckfort, 1752. 3502, D. Analyse et Abrege Raisonne du spectacle de la nature de M. Pluche. A Reims, 1786. 1558, D. La spectacle de la nature, or nature displayed ; being dis- courses on such particulars of natural history, as were thought most proper to excite the curiosity and form the minds of youth. 5 vols. London, 1757. P. 44, O. & 1 15, D. The same. London, 1736—1762. Prichard, 4654, O. Researches into the physical history of man, by James C. Prichard, M. D. London, 1813. 6209, O. Researches into the physical history of mankind. By James C. Prichard, M. D. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1826. Paff, 4652, D. A system of natural history, adapted for the instruction of youth. Translated from the German of Prof. Raff. 2 vols. London, 1796. Reiche, 1043, D. Fifteen discourses on the marvellous works in nature, deli- vered by a father to his children. By Charles Christopher Reiche. Philadelphia, 1791. Gift of Joseph Sansom. Riley 1 5352, D. Beauties of creation : or a new moral system of natural his- tory. By George Riley. Worcester, 1798. Ross, 5161, D. Arcana Microcomi ; or the hid secrets of man's body discover- ed ; with a refutation of Dr. Browne's vulgar errors, Lord Bacon's natural history, and Dr. Harvey's book de generatione. By Alexander Ross. London, 1652. Pierre, Saint, 2222, & 7464, O. Studies of nature. By James-Henry-Bernar- din Saint-Pierre. Translated by Henry Hunter, D. D. 5 vols. London, 1796. 4213, O. The same. With original notes and illustrations by Benjamin Smith Barton, M. D. 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1808. 3336, D. The same. Abridged from the translation of Henry Hunter, D. D. London, 1799. 4751, O. Harmonies of nature, by J. B. H. de Saint-Pierre; being a sequel to his studies of nature, and a prefatory account of the author and the work, by Louis Aime Martin. Translated by W. Meeston. 3 vols. London, 1815. Sibly, 2223, O. An historical miscellany of the curiosities and rarities in nature and art. By E. Sibly. 5 vols. London. 2224, O. An universal system of natural history ; comprehending the whole science of animals, plants, and minerals ; with plates. By E. Sibly. 5 vols. London. ' 2224, O. Appendix to Silby's natural history. 35 274 SCIENCES AND ARTS. Simttierey dit, 963, F. Manuscripts relating to natural history. By Pierre du Simitiere. SImrpe, 3658, O. Remarks concerning the encroachments on the river Thames, near Durham yards. By Granville Sharpe. London, 1771. P. Shaw, 6068, O. Nature displayed in the heavens, and on the earth, according to the latest observations and discoveries. By Simeon Shaw, LL. D. 6 vols. London, 1823. Smeliiey 780, & 2120, Q,. The philosophy of natural history. By William Smellie. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1790, 1799. Smithy 2655, O. Tracts relating to natural history. By James Edward Smith. London, 1798. 2034, D. The wonders of nature and art ; or, a concise account of whatever is most curious and remarkable in the world. Comjnled by the Rev. Thomas Smith, and revised and corrected by James Mease, M. D. 14 vols. Philadelphia, 1806. Spallanzanii 2446, O. Dissertations relative to the natural history of animals and vegetables. Translated from the Italian of the Abbe Spallanzani. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1789. 2657^ O. Tracts on the nature of animals and vegetables ; with plates. Translated from the Italian of the Abbe Spallanzani. Edin- burgh, 1799. Stillingjleet, 999, O. Miscellaneous tracts relating to natural history, husbandry and physic. To which is added, the calendar of Flora. By Benjamin StUlingfleet. With plates. London, 1762. 1273, O. Select dissertations from the amoenitates academicae ; being a supplement to Stillingfleet's tracts relating to natural history. Translated by F. J. Brand, M. A. London, 1781. Swainsorij 6035, D. A preliminary discourse on the study of natural history. By William Swainson, Esq. London, 1834. Townson, 2651, & 2944, O. Tracts and observations on natural history and physiology ; with plates. By Robert Townson. London, 1799. Walker, 4304, O. Essays on natural history and rural economy, by the late John Walker, D. D. London, 1812. fVanley, 4404, O. The wonders of the little world, or a general history of man ; displaying the various faculties, powers, and defects of the human body and mind, collected by Nathaniel Wanley ; a new edition, by William Johnston. 2 vols. London, 1806. Ward, 712, D. A modern system of natural history ; containing accurate de- scriptions of animals, vegetables, and minerals; with plates. By Samuel Ward. 12 vols, in 6. London, 1775. While, 3024, O. Natural history, comprising the natural history of Sclborne ; and the naturalist's kalendar. By Gilbert White ; with observations by W. Markwick. 2 vols. London, 1802. 7269, O. The gardens and menagerie of the Zoological Society delineated. 2 vols. Chiswick, 1830. 328, D. Beauties of the creation ; or a new moral system of natural history ; with plates. 5 vols. 2d edit. London, 1793. 4025, & 4212, D. The journal of a naturalist. London, 1829, & Philadel- phia, 1831. 4091, D. The British naturalist. 2 vols. London, 1829. NATURAL HISTORY OF DIFFERENT COUNTRIES, &C. 275 NATURAL HISTORY OF DIFFERENT COUNTRIES, &c. ^costa^ 228, O. Natural! and morall historic of the East and West Indies, By Joseph Acosta. Translated out of the Spanish by E. G. London, 1604. Atwood^ 1933, O. The natural and civil history of the island of Dominica. By Thomas Atwood. London, 1791. Bancroft y 1054, O. An essay on the natural history of Guiana, in South Ame- rica ; containing a description of many productions in the animal and vegetable systems of that country. By Edward Bancroft, M. D. Lon- don, 1769, Boate, 2266, D. Ireland's natural history ; being a true and ample description of its situation, greatness, shape and nature, written by Gerard Boate, and now published by Samuel Hartlib, Esq. London, 1652. Borlase, 156, F. The natural history of Cornwal, with an account of the in- habitants ; their manners, customs, &c. with a map of the county, and plates. By Wm. Borlase, LL. D. Oxford, 1758. BrickalU 1517,0. The natural history of North Carolina; with plates. By John Brickall, M. D. Dublin, 1737. Catesby, 289, F. The natural history of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama islands ; in French and English ; containing the figures of birds, beasts, fishes, &c. and a map of the countries. By Mark Catesby, F. R. S. 2 vols. London, 1771. Hitchcock, 8920, O. Report on the geology, mineralogy, botany and zoology of Massachusetts, made and published by order of the state. By Ed- ward Hitchcock. With an atlas. Amherst, 1833. Horrehoio, 75, F. The natural history of Iceland. By N. Horrebow. London, 1758. Hughes, 23, 598, & 1043, F. The natural history of Barbados. With nume- rous plates, coloured and plain. By the Rev. Mr. Griffith Hughes, A. M., F. R. S. &c. London, 1750. M. Josselyn, 506, D. New England's rarities discovered ; in birds, beasts, fishes, plants, &c. of that country. By John Josselyn. London, 1672. Martin, 4484, O. The natural history of England, or a description of each par- ticular county, in regard to the curious productions of nature and art. By Benjamin Martin. 2 vols. London, 1759. Matani, 1 1 40, Q,. Antonio di Matani delle produzioni naturali del territorio Pis- tojese relazione istorica e filosofica. Pistoja, 1762. P. Pison, 448, F. Gulielmi Pisonis de Indiae utriusque re naturali et medica libri XIV. cum iconibus! Amstela3dami, 1658. Pontoppidan, 102, F. 1. The natural history of Norway; with an account of the customs and manners of the inhabitants ; with physiological notes. Translated from the Danish original of Erich Pontoppidan. London, 1755. Plott, 837, F. The natural history of Oxfordshire, being an essay toward the natural history of England. By Robert Plott. Oxford, 1677. P. 222, F. The same. 2d edit. Oxford, 1705." 223, F. The natural history of Staffordshire. By Robert Plott. Oxford, 1686. Badcliffe, 1828, O. The natural history of East Tartary ; traced through the three kingdoms of nature. Published at Petersburgh by the academy of sciences. Translated into English from the French translation, by William Radcliffe. London, 1789. RomanSi 1139, 1551, O. 672, & 4626, D. A concise natural history of East and West Florida. By Captain Bernard Romans. New York, 1776. trO SCIENCES AND ARTS. Rus8th 722, Q^ The natural history of AJcppo ; containing a description of the city, and the principal natui*al productions in its neighbourhood ; with an account of the climate, inhabitants, and diseases, particularly of the plague. By Alexander Russel, M. D. With plates. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1794. 10, 37, & 1058, O. The same. London, 1756. Shane, 350, F. A voyage to the islands of Madeira, Barbadoes, Nieves, St. Christopher's, and Jamaica ; with the natural history of the last of those islands. With plates. By Hans Sloane, M. D. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1707. Soulaviej 1318, O. Histoire naturelle de la France meridionale. Par G. Sou- lavie. 6 tomes. Paris, 1780. White, 661, €1. The natural history and antiquities of Selborne, in the county of Southampton ; with plates. By Gilbert White. London, 1789. 1121, a. The same. P. 4335, D. The natural history of Selborne. By the late Rev. Gilbert White. With additions, by Sir William Jardine. Philadelphia, 1832. 677, Gl. A journal of a voyage to New South Wales ; with plates of non- descript animals, birds, lizards, serpents, curious cones of trees and other natural productions. By John White, Esq. London, 1790. GEOLOGY, VOLCANOES, EARTHQUAKES, WATERS, &c. Auldjo, 8860, O. Sketches of Vesuvius, with short accounts of its principaJ eruptions, from the commencement of the Christian era to the present time. By John Auldjo. London, 1833. BakeweU, 4659, O. An introduction to geology, illustrative of the general structure of the earth. By R. Bakewell. London, 1813. Barlolomeus, 1291, Q. Barptolomei a Clivolo, de balneorumnaturalium viribus, libri quatuor. Lugduni, 1552. P. Beche, De La, 4309, D. A geological manual. By Henry T. De La Beche, F. R. S. London, 1831. 5929, D. Researches in theoretical geology. By H. T. De La Beche, F. R. S. London, 1834. Boase, 9192, O. A treatise on primitive geology, being an examination, both practical and theoretical, of the older formations. By Henry S. Boase, M. D. London, 1834. Bonito, 1203, Q^ Terra tremante, overo continuatione de terremoti dalla creatione del mondo sino al tempo presente. Del D. Marcello Bonito. Napoli, 1691. P. Brande, 5022, O. 1. Outlines of geology; being the substance of a course of lectures delivered at the royal institution, in the year 1816. By Wil- liam Thomas Brande. London, 1817. 4028, D. Outlines of geology. By William Thomas Brande, F. R. S. London, 1829. Browne, 9093, O. 2. Essays on the physical history of the globe. By Peter A. Browne. Philadelphia, 1833. 9093, O. 4. On the geological character of the beds on which Philadel- phia stands. By Peter A. Browne. Philadelphia, 1 833. -firucc, 4621, D. An historical account of the most remarkable earthquakes,* and volcanic eruptions, from the beginning of the world. By Rev. Ar. Bruce. Whitburn, 1820. Burnet^ 3451, O. 1. Doctrina antiqua de rerum originibus, or an inquiry into the doctrine of the philosophers of all nations, concerning the original of the world. By Thomas Burnet. London, 1734. P. GEOLOGY, &C. 277 Burnet, 98, O The sacred theory of the earth ; containing an account of its original creation, &c. with memoirs of the author's life. By Thomas Burnet. 7th edit. 2 vols. London, 1749. 8368, O. & 172, D. The same. Glasgow, 1751. 3451, O. 3. Theory of the visible world, by way of commentary on his own theory of the earth. By Thomas Burnet. London, 1729. P. Catcotty 2044, O. 2. A descriptive account of a descent made into Penpark-hole, in the parish of Westbury-upon-Trim, in the county of Gloucester, in 1775 ; with the narratives of Captains Sturney and Collins, containing their descriptions of the same, in 1669 and 1682. By G. J. Catcott. Bristol, 1792. Carhton, 7931, O. Three tracts on Bath water. By R. Charleton, M. D. with cases and notes. Bath, 1774. Ckavelandi 4933, O. An elementary treatise on mineralogy and geology, be- ing -an introduction to these sciences. By Parker Cleaveland. Bos- ton, 1816. Conybeare, 5635, O. Outlines of the geology of England and Wdes, with an introductory compendium of the general principles of that science, il- lustrated by a map. By the Rev. W. D. Conybeare £ind Wm. Phillips. Part 1st. London, 1822. Cuvierj 4660, O. Essay on the theory of the earth, translated from the French of M. Cuvier. By Robert Kerr. With mineralogical notes, by pro- fessor Jameson. Edinburgh, 1813. 5056, & 7455, O. Essay on the theory of the earth, by M. Cuvier, with mineralogicEil notes. By Professor Jameson. To which are now added, observations on the geology of North America, illustrated by the description of various organic remains found in that part of the world. By Samuel L. Mitchell. New York, 1818. 4334, D. A discourse on the revolutions of the surface of the globe, and the changes thereby produced in the animal kingdom. By Baron G. Cuvier. Translated from the French, with illustrations and a glos- sary. Philadelphia, 1831. " Dana, 5186, O. Outlines of the mineralogy and geology of Boston and its vi- cinity, with a geological map. By I. Freeman Dana, M. D. and Samuel L. Dana, M. D. Boston, 1818. Baubeny, 6235, O. A description of active and extinct volcanos ; with remarks on their origin, chemical phenomena, and the character of their pro- ducts. By Charles Daubeny, M. D. London, 1826. Desham, 1505, D. Hydrologia philosophica, or an account of Ilmington waters, in Warwickshire. By Samuel Desham. Oxford, 1685. P. Douglass, 1644, Q,. A dissertation on the antiquity of the earth. By the Rev. James Douglass. London, 1785. Elliot, 8148, O. 3. An account of the nature and medicinal virtues of the prin- cipal mineral waters of Great Britain and Ireland, and those most in repute on the continent. By John Elliot, M. D. London, 1781. Gardiner, 8589, O. 8. Account of an earthquake, which happened in South America. By G. A. Gardiner, M. D. Poughkeepsie, 1820. Cruidot, 4462, D. A discourse of Bathe, and the hot waters there, also of the water near Bristol, and that of Castle-Carey. By Thomas Guidot, M. B. London, 1676. Hales, 930, O. 3. Some considerations on the causes of earthquakes. By Stephen Hales. 2d edit. London, 1750. Hamilton, 3522, O. Observations on mount Vesuvius, mount Etna, and other volcanoes, in a series of letters, with explanatory notes. By Sir Wil- liam Hamilton. London, 1772. P, Hibbert, 8709, O. History of the extinct volcanoes of the basin of Newwied, on the lower Rhine. By S. Hibbert. Edinburgh, 1832. 278 scIE^XES and ahts. Hilary t 6972, O. 3. Hilary on the contents and medicinal virtues of Lincomb Sixnv water, near Bath. Plate. London, 1742. Huviboidi, 5826, O. A geognostical essay on the sui:>erposition of rocks in both hemispheres. By Alexander de Humboldt. Translated from the French. London, 1823. Huttori, 2299, O. Theory of the earth, with proofs and illustrations. By James Hutton. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1795. Kidd^ 4771, O. A geologicsd essay on the imperfect evidence in support of a theory of the earth, deducible either from its general structure, or from the changes produced on its surface by the operation of existing causes. By 1. Kidd, M. D. Oxford, 1815. Archer, 429, F. Athanasii Kircheri mundus subterraneus tomi duo in uno. , Amstelodami, 1665. L. Ktrwoii, 2684, & 2839, O. Geological essays. By Richard Kirwan, Esq. London, 1799. Knight^ 5210, O. Facts and observations towards forming a new theory of the earth. By William Knight. Edinburgh, 1819. Lauder t 7178, O. Account of the great floods of August, 1829, in the province of Moray and adjoining districts. By Sir Thomas Dick Lauder. Edin- burgh, 1830. Litnbourg, Ue, 1671, D. Traite des eaux minerales de Spa. By J. P. De Lim- bourg. Liege, 1756. Linden^ 599, O. A treatise on the origin, nature, and virtues of chalybeat wa- ters and natural hot baths ; with a medical description of the most fa- mous mineral waters in England, and at Cleves in Germany ; and a dissertation on Baron Schwanberg's liquid shell, with the process of preparing the same. By Diederick Wessel Linden. London, 1748. Lipscomb, 1420, D. 1. A description of Matlock-bath ; with an attempt to ex- plain the causes of the heat, and of the petrifying quality of the springs. By George Lipscomb. Birmingham, 1 802. Zmc, e/e, 3992, O. An elementary treatise on geology, determining fundamental points in that science, and containing an examination of some modern geologicEil systems, and particularly of the Huttonian theory of the earth. By J. A. de Luc. Translated from the French manuscript. By Henry de la Fitte, M. A. London, 1809. 4133, O. Geological travels. By J. A. de Luc, F. R. S. Vol. 1st. Travels in the north of Europe, containing observations on some parts of the coast of the Baltic and the North Sea. Vols. 2d and 3d. Travels in Eingland. Translated from the French. 3 vols. London, 1810—1812. 4589, O. Geological travels in some parts of France, Switzerland, and Germany. By I. A. de Luc. 2 vols. London, 1813. 7282, O. Letters on the physical history of the earth, addressed to I)rofessor Blumenbach ; containing geological and historical proofs of the divine mission of Moses. By the late J. A.de Luc, F. R. S. Lon- don, 1831. Lyell, 7189, O. Principles of geology ; being an attempt to explain the former changes of the earth's surface, by reference to causes now in opera- tion. By Charles Lyell, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1830. MacuUoch^ 7275, O. A system of geology, with a theory of the earth, and an explanation of its connection with the sacred records. By John Ma- culloch. 2 vols. London, 1831. Alacleay, 4341, & 8616, O. 5. Description of the spar cave lately discovered in the Isle of Skye ; with some geological remarks relative to that island. By K. Macleay, M. D. Edinburgh, 1811. Maclure, 5331, O. Observations on the geology of the United States of Ame- rica; with some remarks on soils, a geological ma]), and two plates. By William Maclure. Philadelphia, 1817. GEOLOGY, &C. 279 Mantelh 8879, O. The geology of the south-east of England. By Gideon Man- tell. London, 1833. Meade, 4948, O. An experimental enquiry into the chemical properties and medical qualities of the principal mineral waters of Ballston and Sara- toga, in the state of New York, and a chemical analysis of the Leba- non spring. By William Meade, M. D. Philadelphia, 1817. Mease, 1885, D. A geological account of the United States. By James Mease, M. D. Philadelphia, 1807. Miln, 3203, O. Course of physico-theological lectures upon the state of the world, from the creation to the deluge. By Robert Miln. Carlisle, 1786. P. Ordinaire f 716, O. Ordinaire's natural history of volcanoes ; including sub- marine volcanoes, and other analogous phenomena. Translated from the French, by R. C. Dallas. London, 1801. Owen, 21, D. Observations on the earths, rocks, stones, and minerals about Bristol ; and on the nature of the ho By Edward Owen. London, 1754. Pearson, 1310, O. Observations and experiments for investigating the chemi- cal history of the tepid springs of Buxton ; and an account of some newly discovered substances relating to several branches of chemistry, and animal and vegetable life ; with a history of the atmosphere of the Peake, and the form and structure of the mountainous regions of Der- byshire. With plates. By George Pearson, M. D. 2 vols. London, 1784. Penn, 5717, O. A comparative estimate of the mineral and mosaical geologies. By Granville Penn, Esq. London, 1822. Play/air, 2965, O. Illustrations of the Huttonian theory of the earth. By Wil- liam Pla3rfair. Edinburgh, 1802. Raspe, 8581, O. An account of some German volcanos ; with a new hypothesis of the prismatic basaltes. By R. E. Raspe. London, 1776. Ray, 1486, D. Miscellaneous discourses, concerning the dissolution and changes of the world. By John Ray. London, 1692. P. Pouelle, 2626, O. 5. A complete treatise on the mineral waters of Virginia. By John Rouelle. Philadelphia, 1792. Push, 1566, O. 12. Experiments and observations on the mineral waters of Philadelphia, Abingdon, and Bristol. By B. Rush, M. D. Philadelphia, 1773. Putty, 56, Q,. A methodical synopsis of mineral waters, both cold and hot, of Great Britain, Ireland, France, Germany, Italy, and several other parts of the world. By John Rutty. London, 1757. Saunders, 2781, O. A treatise on the chemical history and medical powers of some of the most celebrated mineral waters ; with practical remarks on the aqueous regimen, and observations on the use of cold and warm bathing. By William Saunders, M. D. London, 1801. Scrope, 1926, €1. Memoir of the geology of central France: including the vol- canic formations of Auvergne, the Velay, and the Vivarais : with maps and plates. By G. P. Scrope, F. R. S., &c. 2 vols. London, 1827. Seaman, 1973, D. A dissertation on the mineral waters of Saratoga ; including an account of the waters of Ballston. By Valentine Seaman, M. D. 2d edition. New York, 1809. Taylor, 8588, O. 3. A medical treatise on the virtues of St. Bernard's Well. By J. Taylor, M. D. Edinburgh, 1795. Tondi, 5750, O. 3. Tableau Synoptique D'Oreognosie, ou connoissance des Montagnes ou Roches donne par M. Tondi dans sor dernier Cours. A Paris, 1811. Troosf, 6322, O. 7. Geological survey of the environs of Philadelphia. By G. Troost, M. D. Philadelphia, 1826. 280 SCIENCES AND ARTS. Ure, 7033, O. A new system of geology, in which the revolutions of the earth and animated nature are reconciled at once to modern science and sacred history. By Jno. Ure. London, 1829. Whiston, 572, O. A new theory of the earth, from its original to the consum- mation of all things. By William Whiston. 6th edit. London, 1755. . 8578, O. 1. A new theory of the earth, from its original. By William Whiston, M. A. London, 1696. 8578, O. 2. A vindication of the new theory of the earth. By WilUam Wliiston. London, 1698. Whitehurst, 400, & 1106, Q.. 1. An inquiry into the original state and formation of the earth, deduced from facts and the laws of nature ; with an ap- pendix, containing observations on the strata of Derbyshire. By John Whitehurst. London, 1778. P. Willan, 1320, O. 2. Observations on the sulphur- water at Croft, near Darling- ton. By Robert WiUan, M. D. London, 1782. Woodward, 8577, O. An essay toward a natural history of the earth and ter- restrial bodies, especially minerals. By John Woodward. London, 1675. 642, F. Istoria de fenomeni, del tremoto avenuto nelle Calabrie, e nell Val Demone nell' anno 1783, posta in luce d'alla reale academica delle scienze e delle belle lettere di Napoli. 2 vols. In Napoli, 1784. P. 930, O. 1. The natural history of mount Vesuvius; with the explanation of the various phenomena that attend the eruptions of this volcano. Translated from the Italian. London, 1743. MINERALOGY, METALS, MINES, FOSSILS. Accunii 1940, D. A manual of analytical mineralogy, intended to facilitate the practical analysis of minerals. By Frederick Accum. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1808. 4467, D. A practical essay of the analysis of minerals. By Frederick Accum. Philadelphia, 1809. Agricola, 317, F. Agricolae de re metallica libri XII. Basiliae, 1657. Jlikin, 2410, D. A manual of mineralogy. By Arthur Aikin. London, 1814. 1437, Q,. A dictionary of chemistry and mineralogy. By A. & C. R. Aikin. London, 1807. Allan, 4171, O. An alphabetical list of the names of minerals, at present most familiar in the English, French, and German languages ; with tables of analysis. By T. Allan. Edinburgh, 1808. 9187, O. A manual of mineralogy, comprehending the more recent dis- coveries in the mineral kingdom. By Robert Allan, Esq. Edinburgh, 1834. Babington, 893, Q. A new system of mineralogy, in the form of a catalogue, after the manner of Baron Born's systematic catalogue. By Williami Babington, M. D. London, 1799. I Barha, 235, & 4953, D. A collection of scarce and valuable treatises uporJ metals, mines, and minerals ; being a translation from the learned Al-| baro Alonso Barba. 2d edit. London, 1740. Bergman, 1320, 4. & 8148, O. 1. Outlines of mineralogy ; translated from the original of Sir Torbem Bergman, by William Wethering, M. D. Bir-, mmgham, 1783. Boumon^ 1473, Q,. Traite de mineralogie premiere partic renfermant, I'intro- duction a la mineralogie en general, la theorie de la cristallisation t MINERALOGY, &C. J^81 I'etude de la chaux carbonatee proprement dite, et de rarragonite. Par M. le Comte de Bournon. 3 tomes. Londres, 1808. Buckland, 1875, Q,. Reliquiae deluvianse ; or observations on the organic re- mains contained in caves, fissures, and deluvial gravel, and on other geological phenomena, attesting the action of an universal deluge. By the Rev. William Buckland. 2d edit. London, 1824. CUaveland, 4933, O. An elementary treatise on mineralogy and geology, being an introduction to these sciences. By Parker Cleaveland. Boston, 1816. Comstock, 7117, O. Elements of mineradogy, adapted to the use of seminaries and private students. By J. L. Comstock, M. D. Boston, 1827. Cramer, 78, O. Cramer's elements of the art of assaying metals. Translated from the Latin, with notes, by Cromwell Mortimer. To which is added, a list of the English authors who have written upon minerals and metals. 2d edit. London, 1764. Cronsted, 3177, O. An essay towards a system of mineralogy. Translated from the original Swedish, with annotations. By Alexander Frede- ric Cronsted. 2 vols. 2d edit. London, 1788. 8186, O. 7. Appendix to Cronsted's mineralogy. By M. T. Brunnich. London, 1789. Ci/rr, 1720, Q,. The coal viewer and engine builder's practical companion. By John Curr. Sheffield, 1797. Dacosta, 76, Q,. A natural history of fossils. By Emanuel Mendes Dacosta. London, 1757. Dana, 7400, O. Outlines of the mineralogy and geology of Boston and its vi- cinity, with a geological map. By J. Freeman Dana, M. D. and Sa- muel L. Dana, M. D. Boston, 1818. Erckern, 318, 518, & 415, F. Fleta minor. The laws of art and nature in knowing, assaying, refining, and inlarging the bodies of confined metals ; with plates. By Lazarus Erckern and John Pettus. Lon- don, 1683, «& 1686. Forster, 1578, O. 2. An introduction to mineralogy; or an accurate classifica- tion of fossils and minerals. By John R. Forster. London, 1768. Gellert, 8147, O. Metallurgic chemistry; being a system of mineralogy and the arts arising from this science. Translated from the German of C. E. Gellert. London, 1776. Gesnerf 4943, D. De omni rerum fossilium genera, gemmis, lapidibus, metallis ; et hujusmodi, libri aliquot, plerique nunc primum editi opera Conradi Gesneri. Tiguri, 1565. Gronovius, 1122, O. Gronovii index supellectilis lapideae. Lyons, 1750. Gift of John Bartram, Henckel, 61, O. Pyritologia ; or a history of the pyrites ; in which are consi- dered its names, species, beds, and origin ; its iron, copper, &c. Trans- lated from the German. By J. F. Henckel. London, 1757. Henfrey, 6972, 4. & 9125, O. 4. A plan, with proposals to work mines in the United States, and to smelt and refine the ores. By Benjamin Hen- frey. Philadelphia, 1797. Hill, Sim, 0,Q. Artificial arrangement of fossils. By Sir J. Hill. London, 1774. Jameson, 3997, O. A system of mineralogy. By Robert Jameson. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1804 — 8. Keating, 9121, O. 5. Considerations on the art of mining. By W. H. Keating, A. M. Philadelphia, 1821. Kidd, 3957, O. Outlines of mineralogy. By J. Kidd, M. D. 2 vols. London, 1809. Kirwan, 1291, O. Elements of mineralogy. By Richard Kir wan. London, 1784. 3278, O. The same. P. 36 282 SCIENCES AND ARTS. Logan^ 1589, O. 2. Experimenta meletemata de plantarum generatione. Au- tore Jacobo Logan. Latin and English. London, 1747. Lowry, 2871, D. Conversations on mineralogy. With plates, engraved by Mr. and Miss Lowry. 2 vols. London, 1822. Luyart, de, 1368, O. 2. A chemical analysis of wolfram. Translated from the Spanish of Messrs. de Luyart, by Charles Cullen. To which is added, a translation of Mr. Scheele's analysis of the tungsten, or heavy stone ; and professor Bergman's supplemental remarks. London, 1785. Manningham, 8, O. A complete treatise of mines ; extracted from " Les me- moires d'artillerie ;" with an introductory dissertation of the force and physical effects of gunpowder ; with plates. By Henry Manningham. London, 1752. Martin, 3958, O. Outlines of an attempt to establish a knowledge of extrane- ous fossils on scientific principles. By William Martin, F. L. S. Mac- clesfield, 1809. Mawe, 2876, D. New descriptive catalogue of minerals, with diagrams of their simple forms ; for the use of students. By John Mawe. 4th edit. London, 1821. Mohs, 3093, D. Treatise on mineralogy, or the natural history of the mineral kingdom. By Frederick Mohs. Translated from the German, with additions, by WiUiam Haidinger. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1825. Monntt, 4824, D. Nouveau systeme de mineralogie. Par M. Monnet. Paris, 1779. Morton, 9079, O. Synopsis of the organic remains of the cretaceous group of the United States, illustrated by 19 plates. By Samuel George Mor- ton, M. D. Philadelphia, 1834. Gift of the author. Nicholas, 315, Q,. A lapidary; or the history of precious stones. By Thomas Nicholas. Cambridge, 1652. Parkinson, 1494, Q,. An examination of the mineralized remains of the vege- tables and animals of the antedeluviari world, generally termed ex- traneous fossils. By James Parkinson. 3 vols. London, 1804 & 1808. 5613, O. An introduction to the study of fossil organic remains. By James Parkinson. London, 1822. Peale, 8622, O. 8. An historical disquisition on the mammoth. By Rembrant Peale. London, 1803. Philips, 2506, D. An elementary introduction to the knowledge of mineralogy, including some account of mineral elements and constituents. ISy William Philips. London, 1816. 2474, D. An outline of mineralogy and geology, intended for the use of those who may desire to become acquainted with the elements of those sciences. By William Philips. London, 1815. 2445, D. The same. New York, 1816. 7113, O. 5. Catalogue of a cabinet of minerals, the property of the late William Philips. London, 1829. Pinkerton, 4278, O. Pretralogy ; a treatise on rocks. By J. Pinkerton. 2 vols. London, 1811. Plattes, 8622, 0. 2. A discovery of subterranean treasure, viz : all manner of mines and minerals, from gold to coal ; also the art of melting, refin- ing, &c. By Mr. Gabriel Plattes. Philadelphia, 1792. Pryce, 341, F. A treatise on minerals, mines, and mining. By William Pryce. London, 1778. Schlutter, 305, Q^ De la fonte, des mines, et des fonderies, &c. Traduit de TAlIemand de C. A. Schlutter. A Paris, 1750. Schmeisser, 8057, O. A system of mineralogy, formed chiefly on the plan of Cronstedt. By J. G. Schmeisser. London, 1795. BOTANY. 283 Schoolcraft, 5293, & 7708, O. A view of the lead mines of Missouri ; includ- ing some observations on the mineralogy, geology, soil, climate, and productions of Missouri and Arkansaw, and other sections of the western country ; with engravings. By Henry R. Schoolcraft. New York, 1819. Sowerhy, 5030, O. British mineralogy ; or coloured figures intended to eluci- date the mineralogy of Great Britain. By James Sowerby, F. L. S., with assistance. 5 vols. London, 1804 — 1817. Swedenborgj 205, F. Swedenborgii regnum subterraneum cum figuris aeneis. Tomi in. Dresdae et Lipsiae, 1734. Theophrastus, 3090, & 7791, O. Theophrastus's history of stones, with an English version and notes, including the modern history of gems de- scribed by that author, with a Greek index of all the words in Theo- phrastus. By Sir John Hill. 2d edit. London, 1774. P, 154, O. & 3363, D. P. The same. London, 1746. Tredgoldi 6023, O. Practical essay on the strength of cast iron and other metals ; containing rules, tables, and examples, founded on a series of new experiments. 2d edit. By Thomas Tredgold. London, 1824. Turner, 1409, 9. & 2005, Q,. 5. Memoir on the extraneous fossils, denominated mammoth bones, &c. &c. By George Turner. Philadelphia, 1799. Werner, 3760, O. A treatise on the external characters of fossils. ^Translated from the German of A. G. Werner, by Thomas Weaver. Dublin, 1805. ^e&s^cr, 2201, Q,. Metallographia : or, an history of metals; wherein is de- clared the signs of ores and minerals, both before and after digging, &c. By John Webster. London, 1671. Williams, 4135, O. The natural history of the mineral kingdom, relative to the strata of coal, mineral veins, and the prevailing strata of the globe. By John Williams. Second edition, with an appendix, containing a more extended view of mineralogy and geology, by James Millar, M. D. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1810. Witham, 2044, Q,. Observations on fossil vegetables, accompanied by repre- sentations of their internal structure. By Henry Witham. Edin- burgh and London, 1831. Woodward, 480, O. & 4417, D. An attempt towards a natural history of the fossils of England, in a catalogue of the collection of J. Woodward, M. D. 2 vols. London, 1729. 807, O. & 4852, D. A natural history of fossils of all kinds, me- thodically digested ; with papers tending to promote the knowledge of minerals, ores, &c. By J. Woodward, M. D. London, 1728. 4714, D. A compendious system of mineralogy and metallurgy; extracted from the American edition of the encyclopedia. Philadelphia, 1794. BOTANY, GENERAL WORKS. Mercromhie, 2161, Q,. The gardener's vegetable system, and botanical display of the genera, species, and varieties, with their classes and orders, of all trees, shrubs, plants, flowers, and fruits, proper for cultivation. By John Abercrombie. London, 1789. *^charius, 6324, O. 1. Synopsis methodica lichenum. Auctor Erik Acharius. Lond. 1824. Gift of Joseph P. Engles. Aiton, 4346, O. Hortus Kewensis ; or, a catalogue of the plants cultivated in the royal botanic garden at Kew. By the late Wm. Aiton. 2d edit. Enlarged by William Townsend Aiton. 3 vols. London, 1810. 284 SCIENCES AND ARTS. Aiton, 1850, O. Hortus Kewensis. 2 vols. London, 1789. Gift of Robert Barclay y of London. AUioni, 1106, Q^ 2. Caroline Allioni, M. D. rariorum Pedemontii stirpium. Augustas Taurinorum. 1755. Barton, 3845, O. Elements of botany. By Benjamin S. Barton, M. D. Phi- ladelphia, 1803. 2659, tfc 4435, D. Compendium Florae Philadelphicae ; containing a de- scription of the indigenous and naturalized plants found within a cir- cuit of ten miles around Philadelphia. By Wm. P. C. Barton, M. D. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1818. Bartram, 4736, D. 2. A catalogue of trees, shrubs, and plants, cultivated and disposed of. By John Bartram and son, near Philadelphia. Philadel- phia, 1807. J9aM/itnt/s, 541, Q,. Caspari Bauhini theatrum botanicum. Basileae, 1671. L. Berkenhouty 590, D. A botanical lexicon ; in which the terms of botany are ex- plained. By John Berkenhout, M. D. London, 1764. 1724, D. Clavis Anglica linguae botanicae ; or, a botanical lexicon. By John Berkenhout, M. D. London, 1764. P. BigeloWy 1722, Q,. American medical botany; being a collection of the native medicinal plants of the United States, with coloured engravings. By Jacob Bigelow, M. D. 3 vols. Boston, 1817. 4465, O. Florula Bostoniensis ; a collection of plants of Boston and its environs, with their generic and specific characters, synonyms, descriptions, places of growth, and time of flowering, and occasional remarks. By Jacob Bigelow, M. D. Boston, 1814. Blackstone, 1491, D. Specimen botanicum, quo plantarum plurium rariorum, Angliae indigenarum loci natales illustrantur. Authore I. Blackstone. Londini, 1746. P. Blackwelly 581, & 1099, F. Herbal; containing five hundred coloured cuts of the most useful plants which are now used in the practice of physic; with a short description of the plants, and their common uses in physic. By Elizabeth Blackwell. 2 vols. London, 1737—1739. Blair, 279, O. Botanic essays ; with figures. By Patrick Blair, M. D. Lon- don, 1720. 310, Q,. 6. An alphabetical and classical dissertation on all the British plants of the Nevf London dispensatory. By Patrick Blair, M. D. London, 1723. Boerhaave, 5660, O. Index plantarum quae in horto academico lug : Bat : repe- riuntur. Conscriptus ab Hermann Boerhaave. Lug. Bat. 1710. Brookes, 1 568, D. Natural history of vegetables, foreign and indigenous, uses, properties, &c. with the method of cultivation. By R. Brookes, M. D. London, 1763. P. Browne, 7387, O. The sylva Americana; or, a description of the forest trees indigenous to the United States, practically and botanically consider- ed. By D. J. Browne. Boston, 1 832. Bryan, 4078, D. Conversations on vegetable physiology, comprehending the elements of botany, with their application to agriculture. By the author of conversations on chemistry, &c. (Mrs. Bryan.) 2 vols. London, 1829. Bryant, 1259, O. Flora diaetetica; or, history of esculent plants. By Charles Bryant. London, 1783. Bujfon, 1 567, D. A treatise on the manner of raising forest trees, &c. in a let- ter, on repairing forests and the culture of forests ; to which is added, two memoirs. By M. Buffon. Translated from the French. Edin- burgh, 1761. P. Catesby, 1 532, Q.. Hortus Britanno-Americanus ; or, a curious collection of trees and shrubs the produce of the British colonies in North America, BOTANY. 285 adapted to the soil and climate of England ; with observations on their constitution, growth, and culture. By Mark Catesby. London, 1763. Celsius, 309, O. Olavi Celsii, hiero-botanicon. Upsal. 1745. Gift of Peter Kalm. Chantrans, 1574, Q,. Recherches chimiques et microscopiques sur les conferves bisses, tremelles, &c. avec 36 planches, par Girod Chantrans. A Paris, 1802. Clayton, 304, Q,. Johannis Claytoni, flora Virginica, studio et opera D. Joh. Fred. Gronovii. Lugduni Batavorum, 1762. Clusius, 449, F. Caroli Clusii atrebatis rariorum plantarum historia. Antver- piae, 1601. L. 450, F. Caroli Clusii atrebatis exoticorum libri decern. A. D. 1605. L. Cobb, 5803, D. A manual of information on the growth of the mulberry tree. By J. H. Cobb. Boston, 1833. Gift of Horace Binney, Esq, Coles, 1 1 33, F. Adam in Eden ; or, nature's paradise, the history of plants, herbs, and flowers. By William Coles, herbarist. London, 1657. Curtis, 377, F. Flora Londinensis ; or plates and descriptions of such plants as grow wild in the environs of London. By William Curtis. 4 vols. London, 1777. 663, & 942, F. The same. 3 vols. P. 3759, O. Practical observations on British grasses. By William Cur- tis ; to which is added, a short account of the blight, mildew, and the rust in corn, by Sir Joseph Banks. 4th edit. London, 1 805. Dalibard, 667, D. Florae Parisiensis prodromus, ou catalogue des plantes, &c. suivant la methode sexuelle de M. Linnaeus. Par M. Dallibard. Paris, 1749. Gift of John Bartram. Decandole, 5468, O. Elements of the philosophy of plants ; containing the prin- ciples of scientific botany, nomenclature, theory of classification, phy- thotography, physiology, and diseases of plants ; with a history of the science, and practical illustrations. By A. P. Decandole, and K. Sprengel. Translated from the German. London, 1821. Dillenius, 255, Q,. Historia muscorum. loh. Dillenii. Oxonii, 1741. Gift of John Bartram. 244, & 1030, Q,. Historia muscorum, a general history of land and water, &c. mosses and corals ; containing all the known species, exhi- bited by about 1000 figures on 85 large royal 4to copperplates. Lon- don, 1768. P. Dillwyn, 1498, Q,. British confervas ; or coloured figures and descriptions of the British plants, referred by botanists to the genus conferva. By Lewis Weston Dillwyn, F. R. S. London, 1809. Gift of the author, 3787, O. The botanist's guide through England and Wales. By D. Turner and Lewis W. Dillwyn. 2 vols. London, 1805. Duhamel, 805, D. 2. Avis pour le transport par mer, des arbres. Par Duhamel du Monceau, et de la Gallisonniere. Paris, 1752. Eberle, 2651, D. Botanical terminology ; or a pocket companion for students of botany, being a concise explanation of the terms employed in the classification and description of the vegetable kingdom. By John Eberle, M. D. Philadelphia, 1818. Elliott, 5422, O. Sketch of the botany of South Carolina and Georgia, By Ste- phen Elliot. Charleston. Evelyn, 320, & 507, F. Sylva ; or a discourse of forest and fruit trees, and the making of cyder ; with the gardener's almanack. By John Evelyn. London, 1679. L. 850. F. The same. P. 1023, a The same. York, 1776. P. Edwards, 4881, O. The botanical register; consisting of coloured figures of exotic plants cultivated in British gardens, with their history and 286 SCIENCES AND ARTS. mode of treatment, designs by Sydenham Eldwards. 19 vols. Lon- don, 1816—1834. Forster, 1578, 3. &. 8591, O. 3. Catalogue of the plants of North America. By John R. Forster. London, 1771. Father gill, 1319, O. 4. Hortus Uptonensis ; or a catalogue of the stove and green-house plants in Dr. Fothergill's garden ; with plates. Gift of Dr. Thomas Parke. /\ir6er, 4715, D. Catalogues of fruits and flowers. By Robert Furber. Lon- don, 1742. Gerard, 1112, F* The historie of plants. By John Gerard. London, 1597. Grew, 825, F. Anatomy of plants, with an idea of a philosophical history of plants, and several other lectures, read before the royal society. By Nehemiah Grew. London, 1682. F. 1165, O. The comparative anatomy of trunks, and an account of their vegetation; with plates. By Nehemiah Grew. London, 1675. Gronovius, 1120, O. Flora orientalis, GronovlL Lyons, 1755. Gift of John Bartram. Hales, lOiO, O. Statical essays; containing vegetable statics ; or an account of some statical experiments on the sap in vegetables ; with plates. By Stephen Hales. 4th edit. 2 vols. London, 1769. 3266, O. 3. The same. F. Hill, 20, &, 1093, F. The British herbal ; an history of plants and trees, natives of Britain, cultivated for use, or raised for beauty. By John Hill, M. D. London, 1756. 7712, O. The construction of timber, from its early growth ; explained by the microscope, and proved from experiments, in a great variety of kinds. With figures. By John Hill, M. D. London, 1770. 8133, O. The useful family herbal; or an account of all those English plants, which are remarkable for their virtues, with figures. By Sir John Hill, M. D. London, 1789. Hooker, 7446, O. Muscologia Britannica ; containing the mosses of Great Bri- tain and Ireland ; systematically arranged and described with plates. By William Jackson Hooker, and Thomas Taylor, M. D. London, 1818. 2278, Q. Flora boreali Americana ; or the botany of the northern parts of British America. Compiled by William Jackson Hooker. London, 1833. Hooper, 2473, O. Observations on the structure and economy of plants ; with the analogy between the animal and vegetable kingdoms. By Robert Hooper. Oxford. 1797. Hopkirk, 5063, O. Flora anomola. A general view of the anomalies in the vegetable kingdom. By Thomas Hopkirk, F. L. S. Glasgow, 1817. Hosack, 4473, 1. 9130, 3. & 9137, O. 6. Catalogue of plants in the Elgin botanic garden, established by Dr. Hosack. New York, 1811. 4382, O. 5. Statement of facts relative to the Elgin botanic garden. By D. Hosack, M. D. Gift of the author. Ingen-housz, 3204, O. Experiments upon vegetables, discovering their great power of purifying the common air in the sun-shine, and of injur- ing it in the shade and at night. By John Ingen-housz. London, 1779. F. Keith, 4834, O. A system of physiological botany. By the Rev. P. Keith. 2 vols. London, 1816. Lee, 449, 813, & 8006, O. An introduction to botany; containing an explana- tion of the theory of that science; extracted from the works of Linnaeus. With plates. By James Lee. 2d edit. London, 1765 and 1794. 3157,0. The same. London, 1775. F. BOTANY. 287 Lindley, 7203, O. An introduction to the natural system of botany. By John Lindley, F. R. S. &c. London, 1830. Zi/ina?W5, 3316, O. Linnaei Caroli species plantarum, exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas secundum systema sexuaJe digestas. Editio secunda, aucta. Tomi II. Holmiae, 1762 et 1763. P. 1119, O. Linnaei genera plantarum. Stockhohn, 1764. Gift of John Bar tram, 1121,0. Linnaei bibliotheca botanica. 2d edit. Amsterdam, 1751. Gift of John Bar tram. 261, Q,. Linne's institutes of botany ; containing descriptions of all the known genera of plants. Translated from the Latin ; and a view of the ancient and present state of botany, &c. prefixed by Colin Milne. London, 1771. 2067, Q,. Linnaeus's system of botany, so far as relates to his classes and orders of plants ; illustrated by figures ; with copious explanatory descriptions. By Wilham Curtis. London, 1803. 1289, & 8168; O. The elements of botany ; containing the history of that science ; the theory of vegetables and names used in botany, be- ing a translation of the philosophia botanicae of Linnaeus. By Hugh Rose. London, 1775. LobelU 307, Q,. Plantarum seu stirpium iscones, a M. Lobell. Antverpiae, 1581. Loudon, 7019, O. An encyclopaedia of plants. By J. C. Loudon. London, 1829. Lovell, 5347, D. Isagoge Phytologica ; or, an introduction to herbarisme. By Robert Lovell. London, 1646. Magnol, 2921, D. Botanicum Monspeliense, sive plantarum circa Monspe- lium nascentium index, aut. Petro Magnol, M. D. Monspelii, 1686. Malphigi, 455, F. Marcelli Malphigii anatome plantarum cui de ovo incubato appendix adjungitur cum iconibus. Tomi II. Londini, 1675. L. Marshall, 1469, 3. &8554, O. Arbustrum Americanum; or American grove; being an alphabetical catalogue of forest trees and shrubs, na- tives of the American United States ; with some hints of their uses in medicine, dyes, and domestic CBGonomy. By H. Marshall. Philadel- phia, 1785. Martyn, 3556, & 8086, O. The language of botany ; being a dictionary of the terms made use of in that science, with familiar explanations. By Thomas Martyn, B. D. London, 1796—1793. P. 2558, O. Thirty-eight coloured plates, with explanations, intended to illustrate Linnaeus' system of vegetables. By Thomas Martyn, London, 1794. Matthiolus, 443, F. Petri Andreae Matthioli opera quae extant omnia adjectis plantarum iconibus. A. D. 1598. L. 746, F. The same. P, 1097, F. Kreutterbuch detz hochgelehren und weitberuhmbten. D. Petri Andreae Matthioli jetztwiderumb mit vielen schonen neivenfiguren (auch nutzlichen Artzeneyen) und andern guten stefen zuem dritten mal ausz sonderm fleisz gemehret und verfertig durch Joachimum Ca- merarium, M. D. Franckfurt am Mayn, 1611. Meyrick, 8268, O. The new family herbal, or domestic physician ; enumerat- ing all the known vegetables which are remarkable for medical effica- cy in diseases. By William Meyrick. Birmingham, 1790. MichauXi 612, F. Histoire des chenes de I'Amerique ou descriptions et figures de toutes les especes et varieties de chenes de I'Amerique Septentrl- onale, considerees sous les rapports de la botanique, de leur culture et de leur usage. Par Andre Michaux. A Paris, 1801. — 4938, O. Histoire des arbres forestiers de I'Amerique Septentri- onale, consideres principalement sous les rapports de leur introduc- 288 SCIENCES AND ARTS. -tion dans le commerce. Par Fs. Andre Michaux. 3 torn. Paris, 1812. Michaux, 1130, F. Oaks of the United States and of Canada. By F. Andrew Michaux. Philadelphia. 5296, O. The North American sylva ; or a description of the forest trees of the United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia ; to which is added a description of the most useful of the European forest trees. Illustrated by engravings. Translated from the French of F. Andrew Michaux. 3 vols. Paris, 1819. Miller, 8440, O. Botanicum officinale ; or a compendious herbal : giving an ac- count of plants used in the practice of physic, with their descriptions and virtues. By Joseph Miller. London, 1722. 572, F. Illustration of the sexual system of Linnaeus ; with coloured and other plates. By John Miller. 2 vols. London, 1777. Milne, 8085, O. Indigenous botany ; or, habitations of English plants ; contain- ing the result of several botanical excursions. By Colin Milne and Alexander Gordon. London, 1793. Muhlenberg, 4435, O. A catalogue of the hitherto known native and natural- ized plants of North America, arranged according to the sexual sys- tem of Linnaeus. By Henry Muhlenberg, D. D. Lancaster, 1813. Gift of the author. 5750, O. 2. Reduction of all the genera of plants contained in the catalogus plantarum Americae Septentrionalis of the late Dr. Muhl- enberg, to the natural families of M. de Jussieu's system. Philadel- phia, 1815. Munting, 1640,0,. Waare Oeffening der planten, door Abrahamus Munting. r Amsterdam, 1692. Gift of Dr. N. S. Jillison. Newton, 2901, O. A complete herbal ; containing the prints, and the English names of several thousand trees, plants, shrubs, flowers, exotics, &c. By James Newton. London, 1752. Nuttall, 2668, & 4466, D. The genera of North American plants, and a cata- logue of the species to the year 1817. By T. Nuttall. Philadelphia, 1818. Parkinson, 161, F. Theatrum botanicum ; or an herbal of great extent. By John Parkinson. London, 1640. Gift of Br. Patrick Baird. Parsons, 181, Q,. The microscopical theatre of seeds; being a short view of the characters, &c. of seeds ; with an account of the plants, their vir- tues and botanical terms; with plates. By James Parsons. London, 1745. Phelps, 4167, O. A botanical calendar ; exhibiting at one view the generic and specific name, the class, order, and habit of all the British plants ; ar- ranged according to their time of flowering, under each month of the year. By the Rev. William Phelps. London, 1810. Phillips, 5549, O. History of cultivated vegetables ; comprising their botanical, medicinal, edible, and chemical qualities. By H. Phillips. 2 vols. ' London, 1822. 5629, O. Pomarium Britannicum, an historical and botanical account of fruits known in Great Britain, By Henry Phillips. 2d edit. Lon- don, 1821. 5789, O. Sylva florifera : the shrubbery historically and botanically treated ; with observations on the formation of ornamental plantations and picturesque scenery. By Henry Phillips. 2 vols. London, 1824. 5927, O. Flora historica; or, the three seasons of the British parterre, historically, and botanically treated, with observations on planting. By Henry Phillips. 2 vols. London, 1824. Plumier, 486, Q,. Nova plantarum Americanarum genera, authore P. Carolo Plumier. Parisiis, 1703. BOTANY. 289 Pulteney, 3216, O. HistoricEil and biographical sketches of the progress of bo- tany in England, from its origin, to the introduction of the Linnaean system. By Richard Pulteney, M. D. 2 vols. London, 1790. P. Furshf 4735, O. Flora Americae Septentrionalis, or a systematic arrangement and description of the plants of North America, containing many new and rare species, collected by Frederick Pursh. 2 vols. London, 1814. Bqfinesque, 2660, & 4593, D. 1. Florula Ludoviciana; or. Flora of the state of Louisiana ; translated and improved from the French of C. C. Robin. By C. S. Rafinesque. New York, 1817. Bay, 430, F. Joannis Raii historia plantarum. Tomi 3. Londini, 1686. L. • 1670, O. Joannis Raii methodus plantarum emendata et aucta, accedit methodus graminum, juncorum, et cyperorura specialis. Londini, 1703. L. 1656, O. Joannis Raii synopsis methodica stirpium Britannicarum. Cum iconibus. Tomi II. Londini, 1724. L. Richard, 4593, D. 3. A botanical dictionary; being a translation from the French of Louis Claude Richard, with additions. New Haven, 1817. Rousseau, 2561, & 8076, O. Rousseau's letters on the elements of botany, ad- dressed to a lady. Translated into English, with notes, and twenty- four additional letters, fully explaining the system of Linnaeus, by Thomas Martyn. 5th edit. London, 1796 & 1794. Favon, 995, F. Flora Peruviana et Chilensis, secundum systema Linnaeanum digestae auctoribus Hippolito Ruiz et Josepho Pavon. Tomi 4. Madrid, 1798. Salisbury, 2640, D. The botanist's companion; or, an introduction to the knowledge of practical botany, and the uses of plants. By Wm. Salis- bury. 2 vols. London, 1816. Salmon, 39, F. The English herbal ; or, an history of plants ; with cuts. By William Salmon. London, 1710. Short, 782, O. Medicina Britannica ; or, a treatise on such physical plants as are generally found in the fields or gardens in Great Britain ; with an appendix, containing the true preparation, preservation, uses and doses of most forms of remedies for private families. By Thomas Short. 2d edit. London, 1747. Sibthorp, 4880, & 5061, O. Florae Graecae prodromus : sive plantarum omnium enumeratio, quas in provinces aut insulis Graeciae, invenit Johannes Sibthorp, M. D. characteres et synonyma omnium cum annotationibus elaboravit. Jacobus Edvardus Smith, M. D. 2 vols. London, 1816. Smith, 3852, O. An introduction to physiological and systematical botany. By James Edward Smith, M. D. London, 1807. 4459, O. The same. With notes by Jacob Bigelow, M. D. Philadel- phia, 1814. Stackhouse, 1710, Q,. Nereis Britanica, continens species omnes fucorum in insulis Britanicis crescentium iconibus illustratas auctore Johanni Stackhouse. Oxonii, 1816. Gift of the author. Sumner, 4484, D. A compendium of physiological and systematic botany, with plates. By George Sumner, M. D. Hartford, 1820. Sweet, 6337, O. Sweet's hortus Britanicus; or, a catalogue of plants cultivated in the gardens of Great Britain; arranged in natural orders. By Robert Sweet. London, 1826. Gift of Br. Parke. Tatham, 2783, O. An historical and practical essay on the culture and com- merce of tobacco. By William Tatham. London, 1800. Theophrastus, 469, F. Theophrasti Eresii de historia plantarum libri decem. Cum iconibus rariorum plantarum et commentariis Johannis Bodaei. Amstelodami, 1644. L, 37 290 SCIENCES AND ARTS. Thickness, 8353, O. A treatise on foreign vegetables ; containing an account of their analyses, virtues, and effects. By Ralph Thickness, M. D. Lon- don, 1749. Thomson, 5633, O. Lectures on the elements of botany ; with plates. By Anthony T. Thomson. Part 1st. London, 1822. Thornton, 7427, O. Elements of botany. By R. J. Thornton, M. D. 2 vols, in I. London, 1812. 8642, O. 1. A companion to Dr. Thornton's lectures on botany. New York, 1816. 4734, O. A new family herbal, or popular account of the nature and properties of the various plants used in medicine, diet, and the arts. By Robert John Thornton, M. D., with plates. London, 1810. 2487, & 5372, D. A grammar of botany ; containing an explanation of the system of Linnaeus and the terms of botany, with botanical exercises. By R. J. Thornton, M. D. New York, 1818, London, 1811. Titford, 1647, Q,. Sketches towards a hortus botanicus Americanus, or coloured plates of new and valuable plants of the West Indies and North and South America, also of others of Africa and the East Indies, by W. I. Titford, M. D. London, 1812. Torrey, 3221, D. A compendium of the flora of the northern and middle states. By John Torrey, M. D. New York, 1826. Tournefort, 519, Q,. Josephi Pitton Tournefort institutiones rei herbariae. Tomi. III. Parisiis, 1700. L. Tretv, 994, F. 1. Plantae selectae ; Londini in hortis curiosorum nutrita collegit D. Christophorus Trew, et notis illustravit D. B. C. Vogel. 1750. 994, F. 2. Plantae rariores in horto domestico coluit D. C. Trew, edente J. C. Keller. Norimbergae, 1763. 994, F. 3. Plantae rariores primam decadem illustravit D. C. Trew, pos- teriorem D. B. C, Vogel. Norimbergae, 1779. Wakefield, 1308, 3617, & 4947, D- An introduction to botany, in a series of familiar letters ; with illustrative engravings. By Priscilla Wakefield. Dublin, 1796, & 1798. Walcott, 3180, O. Flora Britannica indigena, or plates of the indigenous plants of Great Britain ; with their descriptions, taken from Linnaeus' sys- tema naturae ; to which are added, their English names, places of growth and times of flowering : also, descriptions and figures of petri- factions found in the quarries, &c. near Bath. By John Walcott. Lon- don, 1778. P. Waterhouse, 4423, & 7693, O. The botanist, being the botanical part of a course of lectures on natural history, delivered in the university of Cambridge ; together with a discourse on the principles of vitality. By Benjamin Waterhouse, M. D. Boston, 1811. Watterson, 5738, O. 12. A memoir on the history, culture, manufactures, uses, &c. of the tobacco plant. By George Watterson. Washington, 1817. Wheeler, 1 8, O. The botanist's and gardener's dictionary ; comprising also the gardener's calendar ; with an introduction to the Linnaean system of botany. By James Wheeler. London, 1765. Wilson, 8326, O. A synopsis of British plants, in Mr. Ray's method, together with a botanical dictionary. By John Wilson. Newcastle, 1744. Withering, 2449, O. An arrangement of British plants, according to the latest improvements of the Linnaean system ; with an introduction to the study of botany ; with plates. By William Withering. 4 vols. Bir- mingham, 1796. ;- 8134, O. A botanical arrangement of all the vegetables growing in Great Britain, with descriptions of the genera and species ; with an easy introduction to the study of botany. By* William Withering, M. D. 2 vols. Birmingham, 1776. ZOOLOGY. 291 Woodhouse, 4382, O. 4. Experiments and observations on the vegetation of plants. By James Woodhouse, M. D. Philadelphia, 1802. 327, F. Impressions from plants. 2 vols. Philadelphia. 307,0,. Plantarum seu stirpium icones. Ant verpiae, 1581. 316, Q,. 9. A book of fruits and flowers ; showing the nature and use of them, either for meat or medicine. London, 1653. 2460, O. Botanical dialogues ; with plates. Designed for the use of schools. By a lady. London, 1797. 7694, O. Tracts relative to botany ; translated from different languages, il- lustrated by plates, and occasional remarks. London, 1805. 2872, D. The wonders of the vegetable kingdom, displayed in a series of letters. London, 1822. 5283, D. The botanist's calendar and pocket Flora ; with references to the best figures of British plants. 2 vols. London, 1797. ZOOLOGY— ANIMALS— BIRDS— FISHES— INSECTS— SHELLS, &c. .^rfam^, 1107, Q,. Essays on the microscope, containing a description of the most approved microscopes, and a general history of insects. By George Adams. London, 1787. F. 742, F. Plates for essays on the microscope. By George Adams. London, 1787. F. 2122, Q,. Essays on the microscope; containing a general history of insects ; their transformations, peculiar habits, and economy. Illus- trated with plates. By the late George Adams. Second edition, with considerable additions and improvements. By Frederick Kaumacher. London, 1798. Mlian, 952, D. Claudii iEliani de animalium natura libri XVII. Graec§ et Latine. Gallo et Helvetio interpretibus. Genevae, 1611. Audubon, 7240, & 7247, O. Ornithological biography, or an account of habits of the birds of the United States of America, with descriptions of the objects represented in the work entitled "The birds of America." By John James Audubon. Philadelphia & Edinburgh, 1831. Baker, 498, O. Attempt towards a natural history of the polype ; with figures. By Henry Baker, F. R. S. London, 1743. Barbut, 356, Q,. The genera insectorum of Linnaeus ; exemplified by various specimens of English insects ; with plates. By James Barbut. Lon- don, 1781. 357, Q,. The genera vermium, exemplified by various specimens of the animals contained in the orders of the intestina et molusca Lin- naei ; with plates. By James Barbut. London, 1783. Barton, 4867, O. 9. Facts and observations on the opossum of North America, by B. S. Barton, M. D. Philadelphia, 1813. Bevan, 3201, D. The honey bee ; its natural history, physiology, and manage- ment. By Edward Bevan, M. D. London, 1827. Bewick, 1872, & 7838, O. A general history of quadrupeds. The figures en- graved on wood, by T. Bewick. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1790 — 1807. 2559, O. History of British birds ; the figures engraved on wood, by T. Bewick. 3 vols. Newcastle, 1797. Bingley, 2954, O. Animal biography ; or, anecdotes of the lives, manners, and economy of the animal creation, arranged according to the system of . Linnaeus. By the Rev. William Bingley. 3 vols. London, 1803. 4666, O. Memoirs of British quadrupeds, illustrative principally of their habits, instincts, and uses to mankind, by the Rev. W. Bingley. London, 1809. 292 SCIENCES AND ARTS. Blackwalh 9199, O. Researches in zoology, illustrative of the manners and economy of animals ; with descriptions of numerous species new to naturalists. With plates. By John Blackwall, F. L. S. London, 1834. Bohadsch, 1575, Q. Joann. Bapt. Bohadsch de quibusdam animalibus marinis eorumque proprietatibus orbi literario vel nondum vel minus notis liber cumnonnullis tabulis. Dresdaj, 1761. Brookes, 1789, d. An introduction to the study of conchology ; including ob- servations on the Linnaean genera, and on the arrangement of M. Lamarck, a glossary and a table of English names, with plates. By Samuel Brookes. London, 1815. Brown, 678, Ct New illustrations of zoology, containing plates of non-descript birds, quadrupeds, reptiles and insects. By Peter Brown. London, 1776. 7449, O. The elements of conchology ; or natural history of shells, according to the Linnaean system, with observations on modern ar- rangements. By Thomas Brown. London, 1816. 4084, D. Anecdotes of dogs. By Captain Thomas Brown. Edin- burgh, 1829. 4181, D. Biographical sketches and authentic anecdotes of horses and the allied species. By Captain Thomas Brown. Edinburgh, 1830. 5553, D. Biographical sketches and anecdotes of quadrupeds. By Captain T. Brown. Glasgow, 1831. 5934, D. Anecdotes of the animal kingdom ; containing illustrations of their characters, habits, &c. By Captain Thomas Brown. Glas- gow, 1834. Buffbn, Be, 446, O. The natural history of the horse ; with that of the ass, bull, cow, ox, sheep, goat and swine ; and directions for breeding and improving those animals. By Count De Buffon. Translated from the French. London, 1762. 2386, O. The natural history of birds ; with plates. By Count De Buffon. Translated from the French, with notes. 9 vols. Lon- don, 1793. Burrows, 4789, O. Elements of conchology according to the Linnaean system, illustrated by 28 plates drawn from nature, by the Rev. E. J. Burrows. London, 1815. Crouch, 1927, Q,. An illustrated introduction to Lamarck's conchology. Being a translation of the descriptions of the recent and fossil genera. With plates. By Edmund A. Crouch, F. L. S. London, 1826. Cuvier, 6355, O. The animal kingdom arranged in conformity with its organi- zation. By the Baron Cuvier. With additional descriptions, by Ed- ward Griffith and others. 5 vOls. London, 1827. 7313, O. The animal kingdom arranged in conformity with its organi- zation, by the Baron Cuvier. The Crustacea, arachnides, and insecta, by P. A. Latreille. Translated from the French, with notes and additions, by H. M'Murtrie, M. D. &c. &c. 4 vols. New York, 1831. Dallon, 105, D. Natural history of birds ; with plates. By John Dalton. 3 vols, in 2. London, 1791. DiUwyn, 5007, O. A descriptive catalogue of recent shells, arranged according to the Linnaean method, with particular attention to the synonomy. By Lewis Weston Dillwyn, F. R. S. 2 vols. London, 1817. Dodd, 917, O. An essay towards the natural history of the herring. By James Solas Dodd. London, 1752. Drury, 2056, d. Illustrations of natural history, wherein are exhibited upwards of two hundred and twenty figures of exotic insects, according to their ZOOLOGY. 293 different genera ; with a particular description of each insect. By D. Drury. 2 vols. London, 1770—1773. Dubois, 3021, D. Epitome of Lamarck's arrangement of testacea, with illus- trative observations. By Charles Dubois, F. L. S. London, 1824. Edwards, 220, Q,. Ornithologia nova ; or a natural history of uncommon birds ; and of some other rare and undescribed animals ; with plates. By George Edwards, F. R. S. 7 vols. London, 1750. Ellis, 20, Q,. An essay towards a natural history of the corallines, and other marine productions of the like kind. By John Elhs. London, 1755. 451, Q,. The natural history of many curious zoophytes ; collected from various parts of the globe ; with plates. By John Ellis. London, 1786. Fleming, 5573, O. The philosophy of zoology ; or a general view of the struc- ture, functions, and classifications of animals. By John Fleming, D. D. with engravings. Edinburgh, 1822. 7045, O. A history of British animals, exhibiting the descriptive characters and systematical arrangement of the genera and species. By John Fleming, D. D. Edinburgh, 1828. Forster, 1578, O. 4. A catalogue of the animals of North America. By J. R. Forster. London, 1771. Franzius, 1326, D. Historia animalium sacra, a Wolfgang Franzias. Wilte- bergae, 1642. Gift of Mat hew Carey. Gockelius, 3\6, Q,. I. De serpentaria Virginiana. C. L. Gockelius. Danae, 1710. Godman, 6969, O. 3. A letter to Dr. Thomas P. Jones, editor of the Franklin Journal. By John D. Godman, M. D. Philadelphia, 1826. Goedartius, 5658, O. Johannes Goedartius de insectis in methodum redactus ; cum notularum additione opera M. Leister. Londini, 1685. Griffith, 1810, Q,. General and particular descriptions of the vertebrated ani- mals. Arranged by Edward Griffith. London, 1821. Hancock, 5970, O. An essay on instinct, and its physical and moral relations. By Thomas Hancock, M. D. London, 1824. Harlan, 5990, O. 2. Observations on the genus salamandra, and description of a new genus of quadrupeds, of the order edentata. By Richard Har- lan, M. D. New York, 1825. Gift of the author. — 5997, O. Fauna Americana ; being a description of mammiferous ani- mals inhabiting North America. By Richard Harlan, M. D. Phila- delphia, 1825. Gift of the author. 6324, O. 2. American herpetology, or genera of North American reptilia. By Richard Harlan, M, D. Philadelphia, 1827. Gift of the author. 6324, O. 3. Description of the elephant tortoise. By Richard Harlan, M. D. Philadelphia, 1826. Gift of the author. 6324, O. 4. Description of an hermaphrodite orang outang. By Richard Harlan, M. D. Philadelphia, 1826. Gift of the author. 6969, O. 2. Refutation of certain misrepresentations, issued against the author of the " Fauna Americana," in the Franklin Journal and North American Review. Philadelphia, 1826. Harris, 139, F. A collection of prints of all the known English butterflies and moths ; with plates. By Moses Harris. London, 1765. 1055, F. 2. The aurelian ; or natural history of English moths and but- terflies, &c. &c. By Moses Harris. Coloured plates. London, 1766. Horsfield, 1 892, Q,. Zoological researches in Java and the neighbouring islands. By Tiiomas Horsfield, M. D. London, 1824. Huber, 20^7, D. New observations on the natural history of bees. By Francis Huber. Translated from the original. Edinburgh, 1808. 2765, D. The natural history of ants. By M. P. Huber. Translated from the French, with notes, by J. R. Johnson, M. D. London, 1820. 294 SCIENCES AND ARTS. Htiishi 4780, O. A treatise on the nature, economy, and practical manage- ment of bees, in which the various systems of apiarians are examined, and the most improved methods laid down for effectually preserving the lives of the bees ; illustrated with plates. By John Huish. London, 1815. Humphreys, 2634, 1. & 5002, D. 4. Letters from the hon. David Humphreys, to the rifi^ht hon. Sir Joseph Banks, containing some account of the ser- pent of the ocean, seen in Gloucester bay. New York, 1817. JKrfty, 2939, O. Monographia apum angliae ; or an attempt to divide into their natural genera and families, such species of the Linnaean genus apis as have been discovered in England ; with plates. By William Kirby. 2 vols. Ipswich, 1802. 5008, & 7723, O. An introduction to entymology : or elements of the natural history of insects, with plates. By William Kirby and William Spence. 4 vols. London, 1817. Latham, 501, Q,. The general synopsis of birds : with plates. By John Latham. 6 vols, and 2 supplements. London, 1787. 1122,0,. General synopsis of birds. By John Latham. 7 vols. Lon- don, 1781. P. 1123, Q,. Joannis Latham index ornithologicus sive systema ornitho- logiae complectens avium, divisionem in classes, ordines, genera, spe- cies ipsarum qui varietates. Tomi 2. London, 1790. P. Lea, 2005, 3. Q,. Description of six new species of the genus unio, &c. with anatomical observations on the genus. By Isaac Lea. Coloured plates. Philadelphia, 1827. Gift of the author. Lister, 294, F. Martini Lister, M. D. historia sive synopsis methodica conchy- liorum. Oxonii, 1770. Lyonet, 1148, Q,. Pierre Lyonet traite anatomique de la chenille, qui ronge le bois de Saule, augmentee d'une explication abregee des planches, et d'une description de I'instrument et des outils dont I'auteur s'est servi, pour anatomiser a la loupe et au microscope, et pour determiner la force de ses verres suivant les regies de I'optique et mechaniquement. Amsterdam, 1762. P. Macquin, 4783, O. A description of more than 300 animals, including quadru- peds, birds, fishes, serpents, and insects, with original remarks, and an appendix upon allegorical and fabulous animals. By A. D. Mac- quin. London, 1812. Melsheimer, 4593, D. 2. A catalogue of insects of Pennsylvania. By Fred. VaL Melsheimer. Hanover, Pa. 1806. Monro, 372, & 660, F. The structure and physiology of fishes explained, and compared with those of man and other animals ; with figures. By Alex- ander Monro. Edinburgh, 1785. P. Montagu, 7281, O. Ornithological dictionary of British birds. By Colonel G. Montagu. 2d edition. With a plan of study, by James Rennie. London, 1831. Moufet, 482, F. Moufeti insectorum theatrum cum iconibus. Londini, 1634. L. Mudie, 5907, D. The feathered tribes of the British islands. By Robert Mudie. London, 1834. Needham, 420, O. Microscopical discoveries in the natural history of animals, plants, &c. By Tuberville Needham. London, 1745. 1 Nuttall, 7362, O. A manual of the ornithology of the United States and Canada. | By Thomas Nuttall. Cambridge, 1832. 8933, O. A manual of the ornithology of the United States and of Canada. By Thomas Nuttall, A. M. The water birds. Boston, 1 834. Obsonville, J)\ 1356, O. Philosophic essays on the manners of various foreign animals ; with observations on the laws and customs of several eastern ZOOLOGY. 295 nations. Written in French by M. Foucher D'Obsonville, and trans- lated into English by Thomas Holcroft. London, 1784. Obsonville, D\ S112, O. The same. F. Pennant, 1 178, O. British zoology ; containing a natural history of quadrupeds, birds, reptiles, fishes, worms, and shells ; with plates. By Thomas Pennant. 4th edit. 4 vols. Warrington, 1776. P. 1161, a. The same. 4 vols. London, 1776. P, 434, Q,." Arctic zoology ; with plates. By Thomas Pennant. 2 vols. London, 1784. 1 162, Q,. The same ; with a supplement. P. 739, Q\ Indian zoology : with plates. By Thomas Pennant. 2d edit. London, 1790. 738, Q,. The history of quadrupeds ; with plates. By Thomas Pen- nant. 3d edit. 2 vols. London, 1793. 7701,0. British zoology. Class III. Reptiles. IV. Fish. By Thomas Pennant. 3d edit. Dublin, 1783. Pay, 1669, O. Joannis Raii synopsis methodica avium et piscium, opus post- humum. Londini, 1713. L. Rede, 2924, D. Francisci Redii opusculorum sive experimenta circa genera- tionem insectorum. Accedit J. Frid. Lachmund de ave diomedea dis- sertatio. Amstelodami, 1686. Gift of J. P. Norris. Reeve, 4007, O. An essay on the torpidity of animals. By Henry Reeve, M. D. London, 1809. Richardson, 2020, Q,. Fauna boreali Americana, or the zoology of the northern parts of British America. By John Richardson, M. D., F. R. S. «&c. assisted by W. Swainson and W. Kirby. Plates. London, 1829. 2234, Q. Fauna boreali- Americana ; or the zoology of the northern parts of British America. Part second. Birds. By W. Swainson and John Richardson. With plates and wood cuts. London, 1831. Rumphius, 308, F. Rumphii thesaurus imaginum piscium testaceorum. Ha- gae Comitum, 1739. Sellius, 298, Q,. Godfredi Selii historia naturalis teredinis marinse. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1733. Shaw, 2953, O. A general zoology ; or systematic natural history ; with plates. By George Shaw, M. D. 6 vols. London, 1800—2. 3909, O. Zoological lectures, delivered at the royal institution. By George Shaw; with plates. 2 vols. London, 1809. Smith, 5790, D. Natural history of the fishes of Massachusetts. With an es- say on angling. By J. V. C. Smith, M. D. Boston, 1833. Stuhbs,2Sl,¥. The anatomy of the horse ; with plates. By George Stubbs. London, 1766. Swaimson, 5570, O. Zoological illustrations, or original figures and descrip- tions of new, rare, or interesting animals ; selected chiefly from the classes of ornithology, entomology, and conchology. By Wm. Swaim- son, F. R. S. 3 vols. London, 1820 — 1. Swammerdam, 284, F. The book of nature ; or the history of insects ; reduced to distinct classes ; with plates. By John Swammerdam. Translated from the Dutch and Latin, by Thomas Floyd ; and revised and im- proved, by notes from Reaumur and others, by John Hill. London, 1758. Tapsel, 197, F. The history of four-footed beasts. and serpents; collected out of the writings of Conrad Gesner, and other authors. By Edward Tapsel. With the theatre of insects, by T. Muffet. London, 1658. Taylor, 4922, D. The general character of the dog ; illustrated by a variety of anecdotes of that animal. By Joseph Taylor. Philadelphia, 1807. Thorley, 619, O. Female monarchy; being an inquiry into the nature, order, and government of bees ; with a method of preserving their lives ; with plates. By John Thorley. London, 1744. 296 SCIENCES AND ARTS. Wakefield^ 2159, & 2557, D. Instinct displayed, in a collection of well-authen- ticated facts, exemplifying the extraordinary sagacity of various spe- cies of the animal creation. By Priscilla Wakefield. Philadelphia, 1816. . Warder^ 387, & 4865, D. The true amazons ; or, the monarchy of the bees ; being a new discovery and improvement of those wonderful creatures. By Joseph Warder. 9th edit. London, 1785. JVildman, 1024, O. A treatise on the management of bees;* with the natural history of those insects, and of wasps, hornets, &c. With plates. By Thomas Wildman. 2d edit. London, 1779. Willis, 628, 910, & 911, D. De anima brutorum exercitationes physiologicae et pathologicae. Studio Thomae Willis. Londini, 1672—1674. L. fVillughby, 437, F. Francisca Willughbeii historia piscium. Editore Johanne Raio, cum figuris. Oxonia, 1686. L. Wilson, 985, & 993, F. American ornithology ; or, the natural history of the birds of the United States ; illustrated with coloured plates. By Alex- ander Wilson. 9 vols. Philadelphia, 1809—10. Wotton, 277, F. Edwardi Wottonii Oxoniensis de differentiis animalium libri decem. Londini, 1551. Gift of Henry Callister. 5563, D. Popular zoology ; comprising memoirs and anecdotes of the quad- rupeds, birds, and reptiles, in the zoological society's menagerie. London, 1832. 4094, D. The menageries. Q,uadrupeds described and drawn from living sub- jects. London, 1829. 2241, D. Anecdotes of birds, or short accounts of their habits in a state of nature, collected from the best authors on natural history. London, 1809. 4241, D. The hbrary of entertaining knowledge. Architecture of birds. London, 1831. 5756, D. Library of entertaining knowledge. The domestic habits of birds. London, 1833. 6045, D. The library of entertaining knowledge. The faculties of birds. London, 1835. 3277, O. A treatise on domestic pidgeons. London, 1765. P, 8119, O. The natural history of insects, compiled from Swammerdam, Brookes, Goldsmith, &c. intended as a companion to Buffon's natural history. Perth, 1792. 4101, D. The natural history of insects. London, 1829. 4093, D. Insect architecture. London, 1830. 4315, D. The hbrary of entertaining knowledge. Insect miscellanies. Lon- don, 1831. 4183, D. Insect transformations. London, 1830. 5775, D. Lessons on shells, as given in a Pestalozzian school at Cheam, in Surrey. By the author of "lessons on objects." New York, 1833. MEDICINE.— GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Beauprcj 6159, O. A treatise on the effects and properties of cold, with a sketch, historical and medical, of the Russian campaign. By Mori- cheau Beaupre, M. D. Translated by John Clendinning, M. D. Edinburgh, 1 826. Bell, 6969, O. 9. On the influence of medicine. An oration before the Phila- delphia medical society, February -9, 1828. By John Bell, M. D. Philadelphia, 1828. Black, 1303, O. An historical sketch of medicine and surgery, from their ori- gin to the present time. By W. Black, M. D. London, 1782. MEDICINE. 297 Blancardus, 2667, O. Stephani Blancardi lexicon novum medicum Graeco-la- tinum. LugduniBatavorum, 1690. Gift of Mathew Carey. Boerhaave, 375, O. A method of studying physic. By Herman Boerhaave. Translated from the Latin into English. By Mr. Samber. Lond., 1719. Brown, 2401, O. The elements of medicine ; by John Brown ; with a biogra- phical preface, by Thomas Beddoes. 2 vols. London, 1795. 5131, D. The elements of medicine"; or a translation of the Elementa Medicinae Brunonis. Fair haven, 1797. Cabanis, 6830, O. Sketch of the revolutions of medical science, and views relating to its reform. By P. J. G. Cabanis. Translated from the French, with notes, by A. Henderson, M. D. London, 1806. Celsus, 1725, O. Aur. Corn. Celsi de medicina libri octo Rob. Constantini scholiis et aliorum illustrati. Amstelaedami, 1713. Z. 1045, O. A treatise of medicine, in eight books. By Cornelius Celsus. Translated into English, with notes, by James Grieve. London, 1756. Chevalier, 815, D. Lettres de M. Chevalier, a M. de Jean, sur les maladies et les plantes de St. Domingue, et sur le remora et les halcyons. A Paris, 1752. Clerc, Le, 1151, Q,. Histoire de la medicine. Par Daniel Le Clerc. Amster- dam, 1723. P. Conringius, 537, Q,. Hermanni Conringii de Hermetica iEgyptiorum vetere et Paracelsicorum nova medicina. Liber unus. Helmestadii, 1648. L. 546, Q,. Hermetis ^Egyptiorum et chemicorum sapientia ab Her- manni Conringii animadversionibus vindicata per Oliaum Borrichium. 1696. L. Coxe, 3741, O. 3. A short view of the importance and respectability of the science of medicine. By J. R. Coxe, M. D. Philadelphia, 1800. Elliot, 8021, O. Elements of the branches of natural philosophy, connected with medicine ; together with Bergman's tables of elective attractions. By J. Elliot, M. D. London, 1786. Ferriar, 4298, O. Medical histories and reflections. By John Ferriar. 3 vols. London, 1810. Fothergill, 413, Gt. The works of John Fothergill ; with plates. To which is prefixed some account of his life. By John Coakley Lettsom. Lon- don, 1784. Freincl, 671, O. The histoiy of physic; from the time of Galen, to the begin- ning of the sixteenth century ; chiefly with regard to practice. By John Freind, M. D. 3d edit. 2 vols. London, 1727. 3300, O. The same. P. Glauber, 315, F. Glauber's works; containing a variety of secrets in medicine and alchymy, in the working metallic mines and the separation of metals. Also, various ways of making salt-petre, and improving bar- ren land and fruit trees. Translated from the German, by Christopher Packe. London, 1689. Goddard, 316, a. 3. A discourse, setting forth the unhappy condition of the practice of physic in London. By J. Goddard, M. D. London, 1670. Gregory, 1039, O. Observations on the duties and offices of a physician, and on the method of prosecuting inquiries in philosophy. By Dr. Gre- gory. London, 1770. Good, 7393, O. The study of medicine. By John Mason Good. Edited by Samuel Cooper. 5 vols. Boston, 1829. Halford, 4230, D. Essays and orations read and delivered in the royal col- lege of physicians, to which is added an account of the opening of the tomb of king Charles 1st. By Sir Henry Halford. London, 1831. Hamilton, 8184, 0. 2. Reply to Dr. Gregory. By Dr. Hamilton. Edinburgh, 1793. Harris, 7319, O. 9. An oration before the Philadelphia medical society, Feb., 1831. By Thomas Harris, M. D. Philadelphia, 1831. 38 298 SCIENCES AND ARTS. Harvey, 1766, D. Conclave of physicians, detecting their intrigues, frauds, and plots against thefr patients. By Gideon Harvey, M. D. London, 1083. P. Hippocrates, 444, F. Hippocratis opera omnia qua? extant, Anutio Fcesio il- lustrat. Genevaj, 1657. L. 492, F. CEconomia Hippocratis, alphabetica serie distincta. Anutio FoBsio authore. Francofurti, 1588. L. 791, O. Hippocrates upon air, water and situation ; upon epidemical diseases ; and upon prognostics in acute cases. To which is added, Thucydides's account of the plague at Athens. The whole translated, with notes, by Francis Clifton. London, 1734. 3494, O. Hippocrates de morbis popularibus, liber primus et ter- tius, cum commentariis. Londini, 1717. P. Hooke, 509, F. The posthumous works of Doctor Hooke, containing his cutle- rian lectures, and other discourses,, read before the royal society ; with plates. London, 1705. Z. Jackson, 8673, O. The principles of medicine, founded on the structure and functions of the animal organism. By Samuel Jackson, M. D. Phil- adelphia, 1832. James, 25, F. A medicinal dictionary ; including physic, surgery, anatomy, chemistry and botany, in all their branches ; also, an history of drugs, and an account of their preparations and uses ; with plates. By R. James. 3 vols. London, 1743. Lachaise, 6078, O. Topographic medicale de Paris. Par C. Lachaise, M. D. Paris, 1822. Gift of Dr. Lohstein. Lettsom, 375, Q. 1. History of the origin of medicine; an oration. By J. C. Lettsom, M. D. London, 1778. Lewis, 476, O. Medical essays and observations ; published by a society in Edinburgh, in six volumes ; abridged in two volumes, by William Lewis. London, 1746. Lommius, 1332, D. Observation vm medicinalivm libri tres Jodoci Lommil lenae, 1739. Gift of Mathew Carey. Mead, 234, Q,. The medical works of Richard Mead. London, 1762. Metzger, 8128, O. Adversaria medica. Autore J. D. Metzger, M. D. Tra- jecti ad Mosam. 1774. M' Bride, 8190, O. Experimental essays on medical and philosophical subjects. By David M'Bride, M. D. Dublin, 1767. Middleton, 145, Q,. Tom. IV. De medicorum Romae degentium conditionc ig- nobili et servili defensio examinata. Opera C. Middletoni. London, 1752. Miller, 4479, O. The medical works of Edward Miller, M. D. collected and ac- companied with a biographical sketch of the author. By Samuel Miller, D. D. New York, 1814. Monro, 392, Q,. The works of Alexander Monro ; with an account of his life. Published by his son Alexander Monro. With plates. Edinburgh, 1781. Moore, 1416, O. Medical sketches. By William Moore. London, 1786. Morgan, 897, 3834, & 8641, O. 3. A discourse upon the institution of medical schools in America. By John Morgan, M. D. Philadelphia, 1765. Gift of M. Carey. Motherly, 375, F. A medical dictionary ; containing a description of the va- rious particulars relating to anatomy, physiology, physic, surgery, materia medica, and chemistry ; with plates. By G. Motherby. 2d edit London, 1785. Nisbet, 4568, D. The Edinburgh school of medicine ; containing preliminary or fundamental branches of professional education. By William Nis- bet, M. D. 4 vols. London, 1802. MEDICINE. 299 Pendleton, 3067, O. Materials for an alphabet to the science of medicine, em- bracing an inquiry into the nature of the mind and passions. By- James Pendleton. Philadelphia, 1804. Gift of the author. Fercival, 8640, O. 7. Dissertatio medica inauguralis de frigore. Submittio Thomas Percival. Lug. Bat. 1765. 3037, O. Medical ethics ; or a code of institutes and precepts, adapted to the professional conduct of physicians and surgeons ; with notes. By Thomas Percival. Manchester, 1803. Pitcairn, 8438, O. The works of Dr. Archibald Pitcairn ; wherein are disco- vered the foundations and principles of the art of physick, with cases and observations. Done from the Latin, with some account of the author. London, 1715. Qulncy, 688, & 8034, O. Lexicon physico-medicum ; or, a new medicinal dic- tionary ; explaining the difficult terms used in the profession, with an account of the things signified by such terms. By John Gluincy, M. D. London, 1787—1757. Bees, 3735, O. 5. Remarks on the medical theories of Brown, CuUen, Darwin, and Rush. By John T. Rees. Philadelphia, 1805. Push, 1566, O. 2. An oration, delivered February 4, 1774, before the American philosophical society ; containing an inquiry into the natural history of medicine among the Indians in North America. By Doctor Benja- min Rush. Philadelphia, 1774. Salmon, 8584, O. Synopsis medicinae : a compendium of physick, chirurgery and anatomy. By William Salmon. 2 vols. London, 1681 — 1695. Sanctorius, 268, & 8382, O. Medicina statica ; being the aphorisms of Sanc- torius. Translated into English, with large explanations. By John Q^uincy. To which is added. Doctor Keill's medicina Britannica. With essays on agues, fevers, an elastic fibre, the gout, the leprosy, the king's evil, and the venereal disease. 5th edit. London, 1737. Septalius, 880, D. Ludovici Septalii animadversionum et cautionum medica- rum libri novem. Cum ejusdem auctoris liber de naevis. Dordrechti, 1650. L. Sydenham, 1652, O. Thoma9 Sydenham, M. D. opera universal Londini, 1705. L. ■■ — 8422, O. The entire works of Dr. Thomas Sydenham, newly made English from the originals : to which are added explanatory and prac- tical notes, by John Swan, M. D. London, 1749. 269, O. The works of Thomas Sydenham ; wherein the history and cure of acute and chronical diseases are treated of. Corrected from the original Latin, by J. Pechy. 10th edit. London, 1734. Templeman, 1090, O. Remarks in physic, anatomy, chirurgery, chemistry, botany, and medicine ; extracted from " The memoirs of the royal aca- demy of sciences at Paris," by Dr. Peter Templeman. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1753. Turner, 1156, O. The ancient physician's legacy impartially surveyed; with a discourse on quicksilver, &c. By Daniel Turner. London, 1733. Van Helmont, 322, F. The works of John Baptista Van Helmont ; containing his philosophy, physick, chirvrgery and anatomy. London, 1664. 1125, F. Oriatrike ; or, physick refined: the common errors therein refuted, and the whole art reformed and rectified. Written by that most learned phylosopher and chymical physitian, John Bap- tista Van Helmont ; and now faithfully rendered into English, by J. C. London, 1662. TVhytt, 442, a. The works of Doctor Whytt. Published by his son. Edin- burgh, 1768. Willan, 1414, D. Reports on the diseases in London, particularly during the 300 SCIENCES AND ARTS. years 1796, 1797, 1798, 1799, and 1800. By Robert Willan, M. D. London, 1801. TToodward, 8646, O. 3. A sober vindication of Dr. Woodward's state of physic London, 1719. Tatts, 2576, & 7604, O. A view of the science of life ; on the principles esta- blished in the elements of medicine, of the celebrated John Brown, M. D. with an attempt to correct some important errors of that work, and cases in illustration. By William Yates and Charles Maclean, to which is subjoined a treatise on the action of mercury, and a disserta- tion on the source of epidemic and pestilential diseases. Philadelphia, 1797. 1129, F. 2. A physical dictionary; expounding such words as, being terms of art, are dark to the English reader. London, 1655. 310, Q. 3. The king and council's letters relating to the college of physicians ; with a short account of that institution. London, 1688. 310, d. 8. An appeal to the royal college of physicians, touching medical ca- pacity. London, 1745. 8646, 0. 7. An address to the college of physicians ; occasioned by the num- ber of unlicensed physicians. London, 1747. 6971, 15. O. Historiced sketch of the origin, &c. of the college of physicians and surgeons of the university of the state of New York. New York, 1813. 610, & 8290, O. Medical observations and inquiries; with plates. By a so- ciety of physicians in London. 6 vols. London, 1757 — 1763. 1114, O. Medical and philosophical commentaries. By a society in Edin- burgh. London, 1774. 1226, O. A treatise on experience in physic. 2 vols. London, 1772. 1411,0. Medical communications ; with plates. London, 1784. 1301, O. The medical register for the year 1783. London. 2491, 0.2. Transactions of the college of physicians of Philadelphia. Phila- delphia, 1793. Gift of the college. 2492, O. 1. Proceedings of the college of physicians of Philadelphia, relative to the prevention of the introduction and spreading of contagious diseases. Phi- ladelphia, 1798. Gift of Thomas Parke. 3179, D. Idee de I'homme physique et morale pour servir d'introduction, a un traite de medicine. A Paris, an 7. Gift of Dr. Lobstein. 4074, O. A collection of inaugural dissertations and theses, submitted by candidates for the degree of doctor of medicine, from 1768 to 1806. 6 vols. Gift of Jonathan B. Smith, Esq. 4474, O. A collection of inaugural dissertations for the degree of doctor of medicine in the university of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1800 — 1812. Gift of Dr. Coxe. 8184, O. 1. London medical journal for 1781. London. 8292, O. Medical and philosophical commentaries. By a society in Edin- burgh. Vol. 3d. London, 1775. 8612, O. 3. ^sculapian kibyrinth explored; or medical mystery illustrated. Dublin, 1789. 8646, O. 1. An essay for abridging the study of physic. London, 1731. 8646, O. 6. The fundamental laws of physick. London, 1711. TREATISES ON HEALTH— DIET— REGIMEN. ^ccum, 2743, D. A treatise on adulterations of food, and culinary poisons, ex- hibiting the fraudulent sophistications of bread, liquors, tea, coffee, confectionary, and other articles employed in domestic economy, and methods of detectmg them. By Frederick Accum. London, 1820. TREATISES ON HEALTH, &C. 301 *^dam8f 8131, O. The medical and agricultural register for 1806 and 1807, containing directions for the preservation of health, - tics, on the doses and effects of medicine in diuretics and sudorifics, and the use of cantharides. By William Alexander. London, 1770. •^Ucn, 537, O. A summary view of the whole practice of physic ; being the sentiments of the most celebrated authors in all ages, relating to dis- eases, their causes and cures ; with cases in surgery and midwifery. By John Alien. 3d edit. 2 vols. London, 1749. Alpinus, 1162, O. The presEiges of life and death in diseases. By Prosper Alpinus. Translated into English by Doctor James. 2 vols. London. 1746. AtleCt 5743, O. 3. An inaugural essay on the influence of music in the cure of diseases. By Edwin A. Atlee. Philadelphia, 1804. Aurelianua^ 513, Q. Caelius Aurelianus de morbis acutis et chronicis cum notis Joh. Conradi Amman, et Th^odori Janss. ab Almeloveen. Amstela&- dami, 1709. L. Baglivi, 1 151, & 8420, 0. The practice of physick, reduced to the ancient way of observations, containing a just parallel between the wisdom and ex- perience of the ancients, and the hypothesis's of modern physicians Written in Latin by Geo. Baglivi, M. D. 2d edit. London, 1723 — 1704. Ball, 8253, O. The modern practice of physic ; or a method of treating dis- orders incident to the human body. By John Ball, M. D. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1768. BeddoeSj 2692, O. 3. Notice of some observations made at the medical pneuma- tic institution. By Thomas Beddoes, M. D. Bristol, 1799. Berkenhout, 1437, O. Symptomatology. By John Berkenhout. London, 1784. Blair ^ 176, O. Miscellaneous observations in the practice of physic, anatomy and surgery; with curious remarks in botany. To which is prefixed, a letter to Dr. Baynard: with improvements in the use of tlie cold bath. By Patrick Blair. London, 1718. Boerhaave, 149, & 323, O. Dr. Boerhaave's academical lectures on the theory of physic ; being a translation of his institutes and explanatory com- ment 2d edit. 6 vols. London, 1751. 889, 1 131, dc 8419, O. Dr. Boerhaave's aphorisms, concerning the knowledge and cure of diseases. Translated from the Latin, with ex- planations. 3d edit London, 1756. M6, O. Dr. Boerhaave's medical correspondence ; containing the various symptoms, and method of cure, of chronical distempers ; with his practice in the hospital at Leyden, and manner of instructing his pupils. London, 1745. THEORY AND PKACTICE OF MEDICINE. 305 Boerhaave, 906, D. Institutiones medicae digestae ad Hermanno Boerhaave. Lugduni Batavorum, 1727. L. BrookeSi 7636, 0. The general practice of physic ; extracted from the writings of the most celebrated physicians, and medical essays and memoirs, to which is prefixed an introduction, containing inquiries, relative to the patient, of the pulse, of obstructions, &c. By R. Brookes, M. D. 7th edit. London, 1777. Buchan, 1022, & 1243, O. Domestic medicine. By William Buchan. Phila- delphia, 1784. Gift of JosephCruikshank. 6855, O. Domestic medicine, &c. a treatise on the prevention and cure of diseases by regimen and simple medicines. With an appendix, &c. By William Buchan, M. D. London, 1784. Burdin, 7781, O. A course of medical studies ; containing a comparative view of the anatomical structure of man and of animals, and a history of diseases. By J. Burdin, M. D. ; translated from the French. 3 vols. London, 1803. Cheyne, 714, O. The natural method of curing the diseases of the body, and the disorders of the mind depending on the body. By George Cheyne. 4th edit. London, 1742. Clarke, 3788, D. Compendium of the practice of physic, &c. By E. G. Clarke, M, D. &c. Translated from the Latin, with notes, &c. By R. W. Worthington. Philadelphia, 1818. Cleghorn, 8641, O. 2. Index of an annual course of lectures. By George Cleg- horn. Dublin, 1756. Glossy, 8553, O. Observations on diseases of the human body. By Samuel Clossy, M. D. London, 1763. Gornwall, 7930, O. The domestic physician, or guardian of health ; pointing out the symptoms of every disorder, together with the gradual pro- gress and method of cure. By B. Cornwall, M. L. London, 1787. Gorp, 7595, O. An essay on the changes produced in the body by operations of the mind. By the late Wm. Corp, M. D. London, 1791. Gullen, 1230, O. Synopsis nosologiae methodicae. Auctore Gulielmo Cullen. Tomill. Editio tertia. Edinburgi, 1780. 1210, 1239, 1240, 1444, & 8469, O. First lines of the practice of phy- sic. By William Cullen, M. D. 3d edit. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1789. Vol. 1. Philadelphia, 1781. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1781. No. 1239 the gift of Steiner and Cist. No. 1444 the gift of Br. B. Smith Barton. 5374, D. Synopsis and nosology, being an arrangement and definition of diseases. By William Cullen, M. D. Springfield, 1795. Culpeper, 7770, O. Culpeper's English family physician ; or, medical herbal, enlarged principally from Sir John Hill, and a new dispensatory from the MS. of the late Dr. Saunders. By Joshua Hamilton, M. D. 2 vols. London, 1792. 4929, D. A key to Galen's method of physick. By Nicholas Cul- peper. London, 1654. Currie, 2577, & 7749, O. Medical reports, on the effects of water, cold and warm, as a remedy in fever and other diseases ; with observations on the nature of fever, and on the effects of opium, alcohol, and inanition. By James Currie. 2d edit. Liverpool, 1798. London, 1808. Darlington, 5743, O. 6. A dissertation on the mutual influence of habits and disease. By William Darlington. Philadelphia, 1804. Bekkers, 533, Q,. Frederici Dekkers exercitationes practicae circa medendi me- thodum, figuris illustratae. Lugduni Batavorum, 1695, L. Bewell, 8594, O. 3. The philosophy of physic ; or, phlogistic system. By T. Dewell. Marlborough, 1784. 39 306 SCIENCES AND ARTS. Dodonseus, 1724, O. Praxis medica Rcmberti Dodonaei, Mechliiiiensis. Am- sterdami, 1616. L. Duncariy 4679, D. Heads of lectures on the theory and practice of medicine. By Andrew Duncan. 3d edit. Edinburgh, 1785. 1305, O. Medical cases, by Andrew Duncan, M. D. ; with his *' de laudibus Gulielmi Harvei, oratio;" and an account of the life and writ- ings of Alexander Monro. Edinburgh, 1781. EhmUIeruSy 1 1 64, O. Etmullerus abridged ; or a complete system of the theory and practice of physic. 2d edit. London, 1703. Evans, 316, QU 5. Universal medicine ; or the virtues of his magnetical and an- timonial cup. By John Evans. London, 1642. jRirr, 8595, O. 1. Dissertatio medica inauguralis de animo et causa morborum. Submittit Samuel Farr. Lug. Bat. 1765. Fbrdyce, 1307, O. Elements of the practice of physic. By George Fordyce, M. D. 5th edit. London, 1784. Galen, 5486, D. 1. C. L. Galeni pergameni de ratione curandi ad glauconem. Martino Acakia interprete ct commentatore. Lugduni, 1551. Gamier, 652, D. Formules de medecine, Latines et Francoises. Par Pierre Garnier. A Lyon, 1764. Gaubius, 7739, O. The institutions of medicinal pathology. By H. D. Gaubius. Translated from the Latin by Charles Erskine. Edinburgh, 1778. Graham, 2166, QL The general state of medical and chirurgical practice, an- cient and modern, exhibited ; showing them to be inadequate, ineffec- tual, absurd, and ridiculous ; and more rational, elegant, speedy, and lasting methods of cure, by means of diet, simple medicines, &c. re- commended. By James Graham, M. D. Bath, 1778. 4708, D. The same. London, 1779. Gregory, 6193, O. Treatise on the theory and practice of physic. By George Gregory, M. D. With notes and additions adapted to the practice of the United States, by Nathaniel Potter, M. D. and Samuel Colhoun, M. D. Philadelphia, 1826. Gift of Dr. S. Colhoun. 4538, O. A dissertation on the influence of a change of climate in curing diseases. By professor Gregory. Translated from the Latin, with notes, by William P. C. Barton. Philadelphia, 1815. Groenvelt, 597, O. The rudiments of physic ; with some methods of cure in most diseases. By Dr. John Groenvelt. Translated from the Latin. London, 1753. Guest, 8624, O. 4. A guide from pain to health. By B. Guest. London, 1802. Haller, 377, O. 1. Pathological observations from the dissections of morbid bodies. By Albert Haller. London, 1756. Hippocrates, 4610, D. 3. The prognostics and crises of Hippocrates, translated from the Greek, with notes. By H. W. Ducachet, M. D. New York, I 1819. t 5486, D. 2. Aphorismi Hippocratis, Graece et Latine. Cum Ga- leni commentariis. Lugduni, 1549. • 5489, D. Aphorismi Hippocratis ; de recognitione A. Vorstii. Lug- duni, 1661. 4 926, D. Claudii Galeni In aphorismos Hippocratis commentarii ; f j ex interpretatione Anutii Foesii et Gulielmi Plantii, cum ejusdem anno- tationibus. Lugduni Batavorum, 1653. L. — — 1717, O. Demonstratio medico-practica prognosticorum Hippo- cratis. Ab Henrico Cope. Dublinae, 1736. L. Bt^ffman, 1353, O. A system of the practice of medicine. Translated from the Latin of Dr. Hoffman, by William Lewis, and revised and com- pleted, by Andrew Duncan. 2 vols. London, 1783. Bcnne, 1299, O. Clinical experiments, histories and dissections. By Francis ^ Home, M. D. 3d edit. London, 1783. THEORY AND PRACTICE OP MEDICINE. 307 Hooper, 4688, D. The physician's vade mecum ; containing the symptoms and treatment of diseases, and a select collection of formulae. By Robert Hooper, M. D. London, 1811. Hosack, 5445, O. 6. An introductory discourse to a course of lectures on the theory and practice of physic, containing a tribute to the memory of the late Dr. Benjamin Rush. By David Hosack, M. D. New York, 1813. Gift of Dr. Hosack. Jackson, 9140, O. 11. An introductory lecture to the institutes of medicine. By Samuel Jackson, M. D. Philadelphia, 1827. Johnson, 5154, O. The influence of the atmosphere on the health and functions of the human frame, to which are added practical researches on the pathology, treatment, and prevention of gout and rheumatism; an essay. By James Johnson, M. D. London, 1818. Laforgue, 4861, O. 1. Semiologie buccale et buccamancie, ou traite des signes qu'on trouve a la bouche, par L. Laforgue. A Paris, 1814. Lieutaud, 7851, O. Synopsis of the universal practice of medicine ; exhibiting a concise view of all diseases, both internal and external : illustrated with complete commentaries. By Joseph Lieutaud. Translated from the Latin, by Edwin A. Atlee, M. D. Philadelphia, 1816. Lobb, 1 1 54, O. A practical treatise of painful distempers ; with some effectual methods for curing them. By Theophilus Lobb, M. D. London, 1739. 611, O. General medical principles and cautions; shewing when bleed- ing, vomiting, purging, sweating, blistering, &c. ought and ought not to be advised. By Theophilus Lobb. London, 1753. Lobstein, 3009, D. A general guide for practising physicians, in the examina- tion of the sick ; with an appendix of medical formulae. By J. F. Daniel Lobstein, M. D. Philadelphia, 1823. Gift of the author, Manningham, 310, Q,. 7. A certain method to know the disease; being the substance of his first lecture in physic. By Henry Manningham. Published by Doctor Rudd. 2d edit. London, 1742. May, 2625, O. 8. An inaugural dissertation on sympathy. By Arthur May. Philadelphia, 1799. Gift of James Woodhouse. 2804, O. 9. An inaugural dissertation on the unity of disease as opposed to nosology. By Alexander May. Philadelphia, 1800. Mead, 4909, D. Medical precepts and cautions. By Richard Mead, M. D. Translated from the Latin. 7th edit. Edinburgh, 1763. Moncrieff, 4612, D. 3. An inquiry into the medicinal qualities and effects of the aerated alkaline water. By John Moncrieff". Baltimore, 1810. Morgan, 8421, O. The mechanical practice of physick; in which the specified method is examined and exploded. By T. Morgan, M. D. London, 1735. Morveau, 2889, O. A treatise on the means of purifying infected air, of pre- venting contagion, and arresting its progress. Translated from the French of Guyton Morveau. By R. Hall. London, 1802. Nisbet, 4730, D. The clinical guide ; or, a concise view of the leading facts, on the history, nature, and cure of diseases, to which is subjoined, a practical pharmacopaeia. By William Nisbet, M. D. 4th edit. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1801. Ontyd, 2653, O. A treatise on mortal diseases ; containing a particular view of the different ways in which they lead to death, and the best means of preventing them from proving fatal. By Conrad George Ontyd. Trans- lated from the Latin by the author. London, 1798. Parrish, 3735, O. 4. An inaugural dissertation on the influence of the passions upon the body in the production and cure of diseases. By Joseph Parrish. Philadelphia, 1805. Prioleau, 2492, O. 4. An inaugural dissertation on the use of the nitric and 308 SCIENCES AND ARTS. ozigenated muriatic acids, in some diseases. By Philip Grendron Prio leau. Pliiladolphia, 1798. Gift of IViomas Parke. Pughy 1019, d. Physiological, theoretic, and practical treatise upon the utility of the muscular action, for restoring the power of the limbs. By John Pugh. London, 1794. P. Beece, 7422, O. A practical dictionary of domestic medicine ; comprising the latest discoveries relative to the causes, treatment, and prevention of diseases. By Richard Reece, M. D. London, 1808. RiveriuSy 1129, F. 1. The practice of physick, in two volumes, much enlarged; wherein is plainly set forth, the nature, cause, differences, and several sorts of signs : together with the cure of all diseases in the body of man. By Lazarus Riverius, Nicholas Culpeper, Abdiah Cole, and William Rowland. London, 1658. 1129, F. 3. Four books of that learned and renowned doctor, Laza- rus Riverius ; containing five hundred and thirteen observations, or histories, of famous and rare cures, to which is added, select medicinal counsels of John Fernelius. By Nicholas Culpeper. London, 1638. 1 643, O. Riverius reformatus sive praxis medica methodo Riveriano non absimilis. Genevae, 1696. L. Rondeletius, 1718, O. Gulielmi Rondeletii methodus curandorum omnium mor- borum corporis humani. Lugduni, 1576. L. Rowley, 2288, O. Rational practice of physic. By William Rowley. 4 vols. London, 1793. Rush, 4219, O. Medic£d inquiries and observations. By Benjamin Rush, M. D. 3d edition, revised. 4 vols. Philadelphia, 1 809. 1805, 1. & 8255, O. The same. Philadelphia, 1789 & 1794. 4220, & 6661, O. Sixteen introductory lectures, to courses of lectures upon the institutes and practice of medicine, with a syllabus of the latter. To which are added, two lectures upon the pleasures of the senses, &c. By Benjamin Rush, M. D. Philadelphia, 1811. Salmon, 4650, D. Collectanea medica : the country physician : or, a choice col- lection of physick fitted for vulgar use. By William Salmon, M. D. London, 1703. Shannon, 7795, O. Practical observations on the operation and effects of cer- tain medicines, in the prevention and cure of diseases, to which Euro- peans are subject in hot climates, and in these kingdoms. To which are added, plain directions for private use in the absence of a physi- cian. By R. Shannon, M. D. London, 1794. ShaWf 591, O. A new practice of physic; wherein the various diseases, inci- dent to the human body, are described ; their causes assigned, and the medicines prescribed for their cure. By Peter Shaw. 2 vols. 1730. — 1675, & 8330, O. The same. London, 1726—1728. L. Smith, 2188, Q,. The family physician: being a collection of useful family remedies. By Hugh Smith. 8th edit. London, 1772. Sprengell, 1044, O. The aphorisms of Hippocrates, and the sentences of Cel- 8U8. Translated into English. By Conrad Sprengell. To which are added, explanations and references to the most considerable writers in physic and philosophy, both ancient and modern ; and apho- risms upon several distempers not well distinguished by the ancients. 2d edit. London, 1735. Sydenham, 5338, D. Processus Integri in morbis fere omnibus curandis, a Thoma Sydenham, M. D. conscripti, nee non de phthisi tractatulo. Edinburgi, 1750. TTuobald, 5201, D. Every man his own physician ; being a collection of reme- dies for every disease. By J. Theobald, M. D. Philadelphia, 1794. Tlwmas, 2058, O. The modern practice of physic. By Robert Thomas, M. D. 2 vols. London, 1802. DISEASES OP PLACES, &C. 309 Tliomas, 7846, O. The modern practice of physic ; exhibiting the prognostics, morbid appearances, and improved method of treating diseases of all climates. By Robert Thomas, M. D. With an appendix by David Hosack, M. D, New York, 1817. Thornton, 3673, & 7637, O. Philosophy of medicine ; or, medical extracts on the nature of health and disease, including the laws of the animal (Econ- omy, and the doctrines of pneumatic medicine ; with plates. By a friend to improvements. Thomas Thornton, M. D. 4th edit. 5 vols. London, 1799. Townsend, 7790, O. Elements of therapeutics ; or, a guide to health, being cautions, and directions in the treatment of diseases. By the Rev. Joseph Townsend. 3d edit. London, 1801. 5343, D. The physician's vade mecum; being a compendium of nosology and therapeutics, for the use of students. By the Rev. Joseph Townsend. 6th edit. Boston, 1805. 5445, O. 7. An inaugural dissertation on the influence of the passions in the production and modification of disease. By Peter S. Town- send, A. B. New York, 1816. Gift of the author. Van Sivieten, 299, O. Commentaries upon the aphorisms of Doctor Herman Boerhaave, concerning the knowledge and cure of the several diseases incident to human bodies. By Doctor Gerard Van Swieten. Trans- lated into English. 2d edit. 14 vols. London, 1765. fVallis, 6760, O. The art of preventing diseases and restoring health ; founded on rational principles, and adapted to persons of every capacity. By George Wallis, M. D. &c. London, 1793. Wesley, 5202, D. Primitive physic ; or, an essay and natural method of curing diseases. By John Wesley. 16th edit. Trenton, 1788. Wilkins, 4924, D. The family adviser ; or, a plain and modern practice of physick. By Henry Wilkins, M. D. To which is annexed, Mr. Wes- ley's primitive physic, revised. Philadelphia, 1793. Wilkinson, 2644, 313 SMALL POX. JBoylston, 799, D. L An historical account of the small pox inoculated in New England. By Zabdial Boylston. 1721. Bimsdale, 1233, 3. & 1277, O. Tracts, by T. Dimsdale; containing his method of inoculating for the smallpox. London, 1781. Franklin, 644, Q,. 7. Dr. Franklin's account of the success of inoculation for the small pox, in England and America ; with plain instructions for performing the operation. London, 1759. Hay garth, 1463, O. 1. An inquiry how to prevent the small pox ; and proceed- ings of a society for promoting inoculation. By John Haygarth, M. D. Chester, 1785. 2082, O. A sketch of a plan to exterminate the casual small pox from Great Britain ; with a correspondence on the nature of variolous contagion. By John Haygarth, M. D. 2 vols. London, 1793. Lobb, 514, O. A treatise on the small pox. By Theophilus Lobb. 2d edit. London, 1757. Maclean, 1566, O. 6. An essay on inoculation. By L. Maclean. Philadelphia, 1756. Bush, 1805, 0. 2. An appendix ; containing the new method of inoculating for the small pox ; also, observations on the duties of a physician, and the method of improving medicine. By Doctor Benjamin Rush, 2d edit. Philadelphia, 1789. Gift of the author. TVoodville, 2403, O. A history of the inoculation of the small pox in Great Bri- tain. By William Woodville. 2 vols. London, 1796. 462, 16. & 562, Q,. 6. An account of the success of inoculation for the small pox, in England and America ; with instructions for performing the operation, and conducting the patient through the distemper. London, 1759. 562, d. 7. Instruction for inoculation. 644, Q,. 8. Plain instructions for inoculation in the small pox. 1632, O. 7. Remarks on the practice of inoculation for the small x 2d edit. London, 1767. Gift of Zachariah Foulson. 8035, O. Letters and essays on the small pox and fevers of the West Indies, by different practitioners. London, 1778. COW POX. Mkin, 1380, D. 1. A concise view of all the most important facts which have hitherto appeared concerning the cow pox. By C. R. Aikin. 2d edit. London, 1801. Coaje, 3733, O. Practical observations on vaccination. By John Redman Coxe, M. D. Philadelphia, 1802. Gift of the author, Goldson, 3711, O. 2. Cases of small pox, subsequent to vaccination. By Wm. Goldson. Portsea, 1804. 3711, 0. 3. An answer to Mr. Goldson; proving that vaccination is a permanent security against the small pox. By John Ring. London, 1804. Jenner, 5286, O. 2. Letter from Dr. Edward Jenner on the effect of vaccination, with documents. Philadelphia, 1818. Gift of Dr. Parke. Moore, 5093, O. 1. The history and practice of vaccination. By James Moore. London, 1817. Mosely, 7941, O. Medical tracts ; on sugar, on the cow pox, on the plague, &c. By Benjamin Moseley, M. D. London, 1800. Oliver, 3058, 4. & 3670, O. 10. Letters on the kine-pox, and other medical sub- jects, written by Dr. B. L. Oliver, of Salem, and Dr. William Currie, of Philadelphia, 1802. Gift of Dr. Currie. 40 314 SCIENCES AND ARTS. 37 1 1 , 0. 1 . Statement of evidence of vaccine inoculation. By the physicians of the vaccine-pock institution in London. London, 1804. 8624, O. 8. Report of the London vaccine institution. London, 1811. SCURVY. C/aifiot/mc, 2618, 0. 7. An inaugural dissertation on scurvy. By John Clai- bourne. Philadelphia, 1798. Gift of the author. ilii/man, 8117, 0. 3. An inquiry from whence scurvy and putrid fevers arise. By Francis Milman, M. D. London, 1782. Morley^ 8595, O. 4. An essay on the nature and cure of scrophulous disorders. By John Morley, Esq. 19th edit. London, 1779. DROPSY. Mlston, 2490, O. 8. An inaugural dissertation on the dropsy, or the hydropic state of fever. By William Allston. Philadelphia, 1797. Gift of James Woodhouse. Milman, 8593, O. 1. Animadversiones de natura hydropis ejusque curatione. Auct. Francisco Milman, M. D. Londini, 1779. Monro J 1023, O. An essay on the dropsy and its different species. By Donald Monro. 3d edit. London, 1765. Newman, 2268, O. 3. An inaugural dissertation on genersd dropsy. By J. New- man. Philadelphia, 1793. Gift of the author. Tilton, 1566, O. 9. Dissertatio medica de hydrope. Auctore Jacob Tilton. Philadelphiae, 1771. DROWNING AND SUSPENDED ANIMATION. Calhoun, 3125, D. An essay on suspended animation. By S. Colhoun, M. D. Philadelphia, 1823. Gift of the author. Coleman, 2083, O. A dissertation on suspended respiration, from drowning, hanging, and suffocation. By Edward Coleman. London, 1791. Cullen, 1439, O. 1. A letter concerning the recovery of persons drowned and seemingly dead. By W. Cullen, M. D. London, 1776. Jackson, 799, D. 3. A physical dissertation on drowning. By Rowland Jack- son, M. D. Dublin, 1747. Struvet 5357, D. A practical essay on the art of recovering suspended anima- tion. Translated from the German of C. A. Strove. Albany, 1803. 1632, O. 6. Directions for recovering persons, who are supposed to be dead, from drowning ; also for preventing and curing the disorders produced by drink- ing cold liquors. Published by the humane society of Philadelphia ; with the constitution of the said society. Philadelphia, 1787. Gift of Zachariah Foul- son. 1319, O. 1. Reports of the humane society, for recovering persons apparently drowned. London, 1779, 1780, 1781, and 1782. 1464, O. 1. Reports of the humane society for the recovery of persons appa- rently drowned; for the years 1783 and 1784 ; with the mode of treatment. Lon- don. 1319, O. 3. & 5. A list of the directors and members of the humane society of London, for the years 1779 and 1780, and 1781 and 1782; with an account of the said society. London. DYSENTERY. Fisher, 2490, 0. 2. An inaugural dissertation on that grade of the intestinal state of fever known by the name of dysentery. By James Fisher. Phila- delphia. 1797. Gift of James Woodhouse, TREATISES ON PARTICULAR DISEASES. 315 Hoskins, 5743, O. 9. Observations on dysentery. By John Hosklns. Philadel- phia, 1804. Mackenzie, 2490, O. 4. An inaugural dissertation on the dysentery. Philadel- phia, 1797. By Colin Mackenzie. Gift of James JVoodhouse. Dyspepsia. 4145, D. A full and accurate account of the new method of curing dyspepsia, discovered and practised by O. Halsted. With some ob- servations on diseases of the digestive organs. New York, 1830. 3424, D. An essay on morbid sensibility of the stomach and bowels, as the cause, &c. of indigestion, hypochondriasis, &c. &c. By James John- son, M. D. Philadelphia, 1827. EPIDEMIC AND CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. Bernard, 3059, O. 2. An account of the institution for the cure and prevention of contagious fevers in the metropolis. By T. Bernard. London, 1801. Borihwick, 8176, O. 3. Prevention of infectious diseases. By G. Borthwick. Cork, 1784. Hippocrates, 825, Q. Hippocrates's history of epidemics. Translated from the Greek into English, with notes and observations, and a preliminary dissertation on the nature and cause of infection. By Samuel Farr. London, 1780. Hosack, 1585, Q,. Observations on the laws governing the communication of contagious diseases, and the means of arresting their progi'ess. By David Hosack, M. D. New York, 1815. Gift of the author. Huxham, 5234, O. Observationes de Aere, et morbis epidemicis ab anno 1728 ad 1737, Plymuthi factae auct. Johanne Huxham, M. D. 2 vols. Londini, 1752. Gift of E. Paxson, Esq. Smyth, 2647, O. On the effect of the nitrous vapour, in preventing and de- stroying contagion, ascertained from a variety of trials ; with an in- troduction respecting the nature of the contagion which gives rise to the jail or hospital fever. By James Carmichael Smyth. London, 1799. Webster, 2698, O. A brief history of epidemic and pestilential diseases, with the principal phenomena of the physical world which precede and ac- company them, and observations deduced from the facts stated. By Noah Webster. 2 vols. Hartford, 1799. Gift of the author. FEVERS. Balfour, 1368, O. 1. A treatise on the influence of the moon in fevers. By Francis Balfour, M. D. Edinburgh, 1785. Camp, 5743, O. 5. An inaugural dissertation on the use of mercury in fevers. By John H. Camp. Philadelphia, 1804. Currie, 2699, O. Observations on the causes and cure of remitting or bilious fevers ; with facts and reflections relative to the synochus icteroides, or yellow fever. By William Currie. Philadelphia, 1798. Gift of the author. Evans, 5743, O. 8. An inaugural essay on the rheumatic state of fever. By George Evans. Philadephia, 1805. Ffirth, 3670, O. 11. A treatise on malignant fever; with an attempt to prove its non-contagious nature. By S. Ffirth. Philadelphia, 1804. Gift of the author. Grant, 3273, O. Essay on the pestilential fever of Sydenham, commonly called the gaol, hospital, ship and camp fever. By William Grant. London, 1775. P. 316 SCIENCES AlfD ARTS. Hay garth, 960, 0. A letter on the prevention of infectious fevers ; and an ad- dress to the college of physicians at Philadelphia, on the prevention of the American pestilence. By John Haygarth, M. D. 2 vols. Bath, 1801. Hubardy 2618, O. 6. An inaugural dissertation on puerperal fever. By James T. Hubard. Philadelphia, 1798. Gift of the author. Jacksoriy 3960, O. An exposition of the practice of affusing cold water on the surface of the body as a remedy for the cure of fevers. By Robert Jackson, M. D. Edinburgh, 1808. Lirult 1018, O. 3. Two papers on fevers and infection. By James Lind, M. D. London, 1763. Lobb, 1 1 52, O. Rational methods of curing fevers. By Theophilus Lobb, M. D. 2 vols. London, 1734. Lommius, 8364, O. A treatise of continual fevers ; to which are added, medi- cinal observations. By Jodocus Lommius. Translated from the Latin, by Thomas Dale, M. D. London, 1732. Mason, 1 159, O. On the nature of an intermitting fever and ague. By Simon Mason. London, 1745. North, 8494, O. A treatise on a malignant epidemic, called spotted fever ; with remarks on the nature of fever in general, &c. By Elisha North. New York, 1811. Potts, 1566, O. 10. De febribus intermittentibus dissertatio medica inauguralis. Auctore Jonathan Potts. Philadelphia, 1771. Pringle, 1018, O. 2. Observations on the nature and cure of jail fevers. By Sir John Pringle. London, 1750. Robertson, 1302, O. Observations on the jail, hospital, or ship fever. By Ro- bert Robertson, M. D. London, 1783. Strother, 16, O. Criticon febrium; or, a critical essay on fevers; with the di- agnostics and method of cure. To which is prefixed, an introduction concerning the use and abuse of the mathematics in physic. By Ed- ward Strother. London, 1716. Turner, 8383, O. A discourse concerning fevers ; with some short but general remarks. By Daniel Turner, M. D. London, 1727. TVebster, 2491, O. 1. A collection of papers on the subject of bilious fevers, pre- valent in the United States for a few years past. Compiled by Noah Webster. New York, 1796. Williamson, 2268, O. 6. An inaugural dissertation on the scarlet-fever, attend- ed with an ulcerated sore throat. By M. H. Williamson. Philadel- phia, 1793. Gift of the author. Pfillis, 920, D. Thomas Willis diatribaj de fermentatione et de febribus ; huic accessit dissertatio epistolica de urinis. Londini, 1662. L. YELLOW FEVER. Bancroft, 4386, O. An essay on the disease called yellow fever, with observa- tions concerning febrile contagion, typhus fever, dysentery and the plague. By Edward N. Bancroft, M. D. London, 1811. Caldwell, 8184, O. 3. Analogy between plague and yellow fever. By Charles Caldwell, M. D. Philadelphia, 1801. Ckirey, 2105, 2. & 3734, O. 1. An account of the malignant fever, lately preva- lent In Philadelphia ; with accounts of the plague in London and Mar- seUles. By Mathew Carey. 4th edit. Philadelphia, 1793, 1794. 2105, O. 4. Observations on Dr. Rush's inquiry into the origin of the late epidemic fever in Philadelphia. By Mathew Carey. Philadelphia. 1793. CathrcUl, 2268, O. 10. A medical sketch of synochus maligna, or malignant con- tagious fever, as it appeared in Philadelphia, in 1793 ; with some ac- TREATISES ON PARTICULAR DISEASES. 317 count of the morbid appearances observed after death, on dissection. By Isaac Cathrall, M. D. Philadelphia, 1794. CathralU 2752, & 3734, O. 9. A memoir on the analysis of the black vomit eject- ed in the last stage of the yellow fever. By Isaac Cathrall. Phila- delphia, 1800. ChalwilU 2605, & 3741, O. 1. A dissertation on the sources of the malignant bilious, or yellow fever, and means of preventing it. By William G. Chalwill. Philadelphia, 1799. Gift of the author, Condie, 2619, O. 2. An history of the pestilence, commonly called the yellow fever, which almost desolated Philadelphia, in the months of August, September, and October, 1798. By T. Condie and R. Folwell. Phi- ladelphia, 1799. Carrie, 2105, 6. & 2268, O. 11. A treatise on the synochus icteroides, or yellow fever ; as it appeared in Philadelphia, in 1793 ; with a view of its rise, progress, and symptoms, and the method of treatment. By Wm. Currie, M. D. Philaddphia, 1794. 2626, 3. & 3734, O. 5. Memoirs of the yellow fever, which prevailed in Philadelphia, &c. in the summer and autumn of 1798 ; with a collec- tion of facts respecting the origin of the fever. By Wm. Currie, M. D. Philadelphia, 1798. 3734, O. 10. A sketch of the rise and progi'ess of the yellow fever in 1799. By William Currie, M. D. Philadelphia, 1800. Deveze, 2105, 7. & 3734, O. 2. An inquiry into the causes and effects of the epidemic' disease, which raged in Philadelphia in 1793. By Jean Deveze. French and English. Philadelphia, 1794. Helmuth 3961, D. 1. Kurze nachricht von dem gelben fieber, Philadelphia, von J. H. C. Helmuth. Philadelphia, 1793. 2268, O. 9. An account of the yellow fever in Philadelphia, in 1793, for the reflecting Christian. Translated from the German of H. Hel- muth, D. D. By Charles Erdman. Philadelphia, 1794. Nassy, 2105, O. 6. Observations on the cause, nature, and treatment of the epidemic disorder lately prevalent in Philadelphia. Translated from the French. By David Nassy. Philadelphia, 1793. Pascalis, 2619, O. 1. An account of the contagious epidemic yellow fever, which prevailed in Philadelphia in the summer and autumn of 1797. By Felix Pascalis, M. D. Philadelphia, 1797. Gift of the author. Bush, 2106, O. An account of the bilious remitting yellow fever, as it appear- ed in Philadelphia in the year 1793. By Benjamin Rush, M. D. Phi- ladelphia, 1794. 3734, O. 8. Observations upon the origin of the malignant bilious or yel- low fever in Philadelphia, and upon the means of preventing it. By B. Rush, M. D. Philadelphia, 1799. Ruston, 3066, O. A collection of facts on the nature, causes, and cure of the yellow fever. By Thomas Ruston. Philadelphia, 1804. Gift of the author. Watts, 2625, O. 4. An inquiry into the causes and nature of the yellow fever. By Washington Watts. Philadelphia, 1799. Gift of James Wood- house. 2105, O. 1. Minutes of the proceedings of the committee appointed on the 14th of September, 1793, to attend to and alleviate the sufferings of the afflicted with the malignant fever prevalent in the city of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1794. 2626, O. 2. Facts and observations relative to the nature and origin of the pestilential fever, which prevailed in Philadelphia, in 1793, 1797, and 1798. By the college of physicians. Philadelphia, 1798, 3734, O. 3. History of the yellow fever in Philadelphia in 1797. Philadelphia, 1797. 3734, O. 4. The same. 2d edit. Philadelphia, 1798. 318 SCIENCES AND ARTS. 3734, O. 6. Proofs of the origin of the yellow fever in Philadelphia and Ken- sincrton in 1797, from domestic exhalation. By the academy of medicine of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1798. 3734, O. 7. Proceedings of the college of physicians of Philadelphia, relative to the prevention of the introduction £Uid spreading of contagious diseases. Phi- ladelphia, 1798. 7532, O. A series of letters and other documents relating to the late epi- demic or yellow fever, and the reports of the faculty and district medical society of Baltimore; also, essays of the physicians. Baltimore, 1820. 2804, O. 1. Occasional essays on the yellow fever. By a Philadelphian. Phi- ladelphia, 1800. 8176, O. 10. On the yellow fever. Philadelphia, 1794. 1171, D. 2. Account of the rise, progress and termination of the malignant fever lately prevalent in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1793. PLAGUE. ^isalinh 539, D. Assalini*s observations on the disease called the plague, the dysentery, the ophthalmy of Egypt, and on the means of prevention; with remarks on the yellow fever of Cadiz. Translated from the French by Adam Neale. London, 1804. Hancock^ 5494, O. Researches into the laws and phenomena of pestilence ; in- cluding a medical sketch and review of the plague of London, in 1665; and remarks on quarantine. By Thomas Hancock, M. D. London, 1821. Harvey y 8236, O. The city remembrancer ; being historical narratives of the plague at London, 1665; fire, 1666; and storm, 1703; with observa- tions and reflections. Originally compiled by the late Dr. Harvey, and enlarged. 2 vols. London, 1769. 1598, O. 1. A discourse of the plague. By Gideon Harvey, M. D. London. Heberden, 922, Q,. 5. Observations on the increase and decrease of different dis- eases, and particularly of the plague. By W. Heberden, M. D. Lon- don, 1801. Hecker, 5918, D. The black death in the 14th century. From the German of J. F. C. Hecker, M. D. Translated by B. G. Babington, M. D. London, 1833. Hirdj 8593, O. 4. Remarks on pestilence and pestilential diseases. By William Hird, M. D. London, 1753. Hodget 186, O. Loimologia; or an historical account of the plague in London, in the year 1665. By Nathaniel Hodge. To which is added, an essay on the different causes of pestilential diseases, and how they become contagious. By John Quincy. 3d edit. London, 1721. KeUwaye, 1598, O. 3. A denfensative against the plague. By Thomas Kell- waye. London, 1593. Kemp, 1598, O. 4. A treatise of the nature, causes, and cure of the pestilence. By W. Kemp. London, 1665. Gift of Joseph Crukshank. Pusselli 602, Q^ A treatise of the plague ; containing an historical journal, and medical account of the plague at Aleppo, in the years 1760, 1761, and 1762. Also, remarks on quarantines, lazarettos, and the administra- tion of police in times of pestilence. By Patrick Russel. London, 1791. Scottt 5561, D. Narratives of two families exposed to the great plague of Lon- don, A. D. 1665. Republished with notes and observations. By John Scott, M. A. 2d edit. London, 1832. 68, 2081, & 8365, O. The history of the great plague in London, in the year 1665, by a citizen who lived the whole time in London. With a journal of the plague at Marseilles, in the year 1720. London, 1754. TREATISE ON PARTICULAR DISEASES. 319 798, D. 6. An account of the progress, &c. of the plague in the city of London, in the year 1665. Germantown, 1763. EYE, DISEASES OF THE. Berger, 5750, 0,1. Dissertation sur L'Opthalmie. Par Franc Berger. A Paris, 1812. Griffiths, 7893, O. A treatise on one hundred and eighteen diseases of the eyes and eyelids, &c. By William Rowley, M. D. London, 1790. 9143,0.4. An essay on ophthalmia. By Elijah Griffiths. Philadel- phia, 1804. Seip, 2804, O. 10. Inaugural dissertation on cataract. By Frederick Seip. Phi- ladelphia, 1800. Stevenson, 7683, O. On the morbid sensibility of the eye, commonly called weakness of sight. By John Stevenson. London, 1810. 3342, D. The same. Hartford, 1815. Feet. 2705, D. The art of preserving the feet ; or practical instructions for the prevention and cure of chilblains, corns, &c. ; "with directions for the management of the hands and nails. London, 1818. Fistula. 1060, O. 1. Remarks on the disease commonly called fistula in ano. By Percival Potts. 2d edit. London, 1767. 1060, O. 2. Observations on the fistulalachrymEilis. By Percival Potts. 3d edit. London, 1769. Gangrene. 2490, O. 10. An inaugural dissertation on gangrene and mortifica- tion. By F. K. Huger. Philadelphia, 1797. Gift of James Wood- house. GOUT AND RHEUMATISM. Cadogan, 1022, O. 2. Dissertation on the gout, and all the chronic diseases. By W. Cadogan. Philadelphia, 1772. Gift of Robert Aitken. Cheshire, 818, O. A treatise upon the rheumatism, and a method of cure for every species of that distemper. By John Cheshire. London, 1 734. Cheyne, 8471, O. An essay of the true nature and due method of treating the gout. By Geo. Cheyne, M. D. London, 1724. Dawson, 8199, O. Cases on the acute rheumatism, and the gout; with cursory remarks. By Thomas Dawson, M. D. London, 1775. Gardiner^ 4729, D. An inquiry into the nature, cause, and cure of the gout, and of some of the diseases with which it is connected. By John Gardiner, M. D. Philadelphia, 1793. Johnson, 5154, O. The influence of the atmosphere on the health and functions of the human frame, to which is added practical researches on the pa- thology, treatment and prevention of gout and rheumatism; an essay. By James Johnson, M. D. London, 1818. Pfeiffer, 1985, O. 3. An inaugural dissertation on the gout. By George Pfeiffer. Philadelphia, 1791. Gift of the author. Scudamore, 7966, O. A treatise on the nature and cure of gout and rheuma- tism, including general considerations on morbid states of the diges- tive organs : some remarks on regimen, and practical observations on gravel. By Charles Scudamore, M. D. Philadelphia, 1819. Spilshury, 8117,0. 2. Free observations on gout, scurvy, diet and remedy. By Francis Spilsbury. London, 1780. Stevenson, 8595, 0. 5. A successful method of treating gout, by blisters. By Wm. Stevenson. Bath, 1784. 320 SCIENCES AND ARTS. IFallis, 2597, O. 3. An essay on the gout, in wliich is introduced, a candid ex- amination of Dr. Latham's principles, lately published, on this subject. By George Wallis. London, 1798. Warner t 1036, O. An account of the gout. By Ferdinand Warner. 2d edit. London, 1768. Glands. 267, D. A dissertation on the use of sea-water in diseases of the glands. By Richard Russell, M. D. To which is added a commen- tary on sea water, by L Speed. Translated from the Latin. 3d edit. London, 1765. Head. 8176, O. 4, 5, 6. On injuries of the head and scrofula. By J. Roche. Dublin, 1784. 7366, O. On the causes, cure and prevention of the sick headache. By James Mease, M. D. 4th edit. Philadelphia, 1832. Heart. 7640, O. An essay on the organic diseases and lesions of the heart and great vessels, from the clinical lectures of J. N. Corvisart, pub- lished by C. E. Floreau. Translated with notes by Jacob Gates. Phi- ladelphia, 1812. Hydrocele. 8176, 0. 2. Observations on hydrocele. By William Deare. Dublin, 1782. 2490, O. 9. An inaugural dissertation on hydrocele. By Samuel Jones. Philadelphia, 1797. Gift of James PFoodhouse. HYDROPHOBIA. Blaine, 4612, D. 2. An essay on hydrophobia, and on distemper in dogs. By D. P. Blaine. Revised by James Carver. Philadelphia, 1818. Burke, 8176, O. 8. On canine madness, by M. Bourke, M. D. Philadelphia, 1792. Folhergill, 8595, O. 2. The case of a hydrophobia. By Dr. Fothergill. Lon- don, 1778. Mease, 1985,5.2913, 1. nomy of human bodies. By Baron Haller. Lon- don, 1754. 0844, & 7739, O. First lines of physiology ; by the celebrated Baron Albertus Haller, M. D. &c. Translated from the Latin. Printed under the insiXTtion of William Cullen, M. D. Edinburgh, 1779— 180L Hambergerust 1334, D. Georgii Erhardi Hambergeri elementa physiologiae medicae. lenae, 1757. Gift of Mat hew Carey. Ilarvet/t 976, D. Gulielmi Harveii exercitationes anatomic®, de cordis et san- guinis motu. Londini, 1661. L. 528, Q. Gulielmi Harveii exercitationes de generatione animalium quibus accedunt quaedam de partu, de membranis ac humoribus uteri et de conceptione. Londini, 1651. L. Havers, 8583, O. Osteologia nova; or, some new observations of the bones, and the parts belonging to them ; and a discourse of the cartilages. 2d edit. By Clopton Havers, M. D. London, 1729. Heisterj 3960, D. Laurentii Heisteri compendium anatomicum. Cum notis et oratione de incrementis anatomiae in Seculo XVIII. Cum figuris aeneis. Amstelodami, 1720. ffewsorij 1268,0. Experimental inquiries; part the third; containing a de- scription of the red particles of the blood. By Magnus Hewson. London, 1777. 7716, O. Experimental inquiries; containing an inquiry into the pro- perties of the blood, and a description of the lymphatic system, in the human subject, and in other animals, with plates. By Wm. Hewson. 2 vols. London, 1780. Hey, 8593, O. 3. Observations on the blood. By Wm. Hey. London, 1779. Hooper, 4573, D. The anatomist's vade mecum ; containing the anatomy and physiology of the human body. By Robert Hooper. Boston, 1802. 5003, D. 3. Examinations in anatomy, physiology, surgery, and chemis- try for the use of students. By Robert Hooper, M. D. London. 1811. Horner, 7317, 10. & 9135, O. 9. Introductory lecture to a course of anatomy in the university of Pennsylvania. By William C. Horner, M. D. Phir ladelphia, 1831. 8782, O. Catalogue of the anatomical museum of the xiniversity of Pennsylvania. By W. E. Horner. Gift of the author. Hunter, 412, ^ 1. Two introductory lectures to his last course of anatomical lectures. By William Hunter. London, 1784. Hutchinson, 3058, O. 3. An experimental essay on the conversion of chyle into blood. By James Hutchinson. Philadelphia, 1803. Gift of the author. Jameson, 4312, O. Essays on the changes of the human body at its different stages, the diseases to which it is predisposed in each period of life^ and the physiological principles of its longevity. By Thomas Jam< son, M. D. London, 1811. Jenty, 289, O. A course of anatomico-physiological lectures on the hum? structure and animal (Economy; with notes. By Charles Nicholas"! Jenty, M. D. 3 vols. London, 1757. Jones, 6003, D. 1 . A candid examination into the origin of the difference of colour in the human family. By Charles Jones. Philadelphia, 1822. Keill, 5349, D. The anatomy of the human body abridged, or a short and full view of all the parts of the body. By James Keill, M. D. Edin- burgh, 1747. Kerckringius, 526, Q. Theodori Kerckringii spicilegium nee non osteogenia. foBtuum. Amstelodami, 1670. L. ife. neJ lai^ ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. 327 Kissam, 5743, O. 2. An inaugural dissertation on the functions of the uterus. By Benjamin P. Kissam. New York, 1816. Gift of the author. Klapp, 9143, O. 6. A chemico physiological essay on absorption. By Joseph Klapp. Philadelphia, 1805. Lawrence, S98 5 J O. Lectures on physiology, zoology, and the natural history of man. By W. Lawrence, F. R. S. Salem, 1828. Lobstein, 8790, O. A treatise on the structure functions and diseases of the hu- man sympathetic nerve. By J. F. Lobstein. Translated by J. Pan- coast, M. D. Philadelphia, 1831. Gift of the translator. Lord, 6029, D. Popular physiology. By Perceval B. Lord. London, 1834. Lorenzini,3\0,Qi. 5. Observations on the dissections of the cramp-fish, &c. By S. Lorenzi. Translated into English from the Italian, with figures, by J. Davis. London, 1705. Malpighi, 889, D. Marcelli Malpighi de viscerum structure exercitatio ana- tomica; acce.dit dissertatio ejusdem de polypo cordis. Londini, 1669. L. Mayo, 8622, O. '6. An inaugural dissertation on the sensorium. . By Robert Mayo. Philadelphia, 1808. 7084, O. Outlines of human physiology. By Herbert Mayo, F. R. S. 2d edit. London, 1829. Mojon, 6274, O. Laws of physiology ; translated from the Italian of U Signor Dott. B. Mojon. -With additions and a physiological table of man, by - George S. Skene. London, 1827. Molyneux, 316, Q,. 7. An anatomical account of the elephant. By A. Molyneux. London, 1682. 316, Q,. 8. Anatomical observations on the eyes of animals. By A. Molyneux. London, 1682. Monro, 340. F. Observations on the structure and functions of the nervous system; with plates. Alexander Monro. Edinburgh, 1783. 808, Q,. Three treatises : on the brain, the eye, and the ear; with plates. By Alexander Monro. Edinburgh, 1797. 8003, O. A system of anatomy and physiology, with the comparative anatomy of animals. Compiled from the best authorities. By Alex- ander Monro. Edinburgh, 1801. 725, D. A description of the human muscles. By John Innis. Im- proved by Alexander Monro. Edinburgh, 1784. Morgan, 5209, O. Sketches of the philosophy of human life. By Sir T. C. Morgan. London, 1818. 1566, O. 8. Tentamen medicum de puris confectione. Auctore, Johanne Mtjrgan. Edinburgi, 1763. Plenck, 2464, O. Plenck's hygrology ; or chemico-physiological doctrine of the fluids of the human body. Translated from the Latin, by Robert Hooper. London, 1797. Pole, 1880, O. The anatomical instructor; or an illustration of the most ap- proved methods of preparing and preserving the different parts of the human body, and of quadrupeds ; with plates. By Thomas Pole. Lon- don, 1790. Gift of the author. Prichard, 7093, O. A review of the doctrine of a vital principle, as maintained by some writers on physiology ; with observations on the causes of physical and animal life. By J. C. Prichard, M. D. London, 1829. Richmond, 4677, O. 2. A statement of the facts relative to the supposed absti- nence of Ann Moore, and a narrative of the circumstance which led to the detection of the imposture. By the Rev. Leigh Richmond. Burton, 1813. Rossi, 8593, O. 2. Nuove observazione sopra J. Gobetti Rossi xlel Sanque. In Lucca, 1766. 328 SCIENCES AND ARTS. Bedhead, 1985, O. 2. Dissertatio physiolog:ico-medica, inauguralis, de adipe. Aut. Jos. Redhead. Edinburgi, 1789. Gift of Benjamin Smith Barton. JRosseaUf 2804, O. 4. An inaugural dissertation, on absorption. By J. B. C. Rosseau. Philadelphia, 1800. RuccOy 5743, O. 2. A dissertation of the general principles of anatomy and com- parative physiology, as applied to the science of medicine. By Julius Rucco, M. D. Philadelphia, 1818. Rush, 6198, O. The philosophy of the human voice; embracing its physiologi- cal history — together with a system of principles, by which criticism in the art of elocution may be rendered intelligible and instruction definite and comprehensive. By James Rush, M. D. Philadelphia, 1827. 3735, 5. & 9143, O. An inquiry into the cause of animal life, in three lec- tures. By Benjamin Rush, M. D. Philadelphia, 1809. Saussure, 8644, O. 5. A description of the two albinos of Europe, from M. Saus- sure's journey in the Alps. Birmingham, 1785. Saumarez, 2441, O. A new system of physiology ; comprehending the laws by which animated beings in general, and the human species in particular, are governed. By R. Saumarez. 2 vols. London, 1798. Sawyer, 2268, O. 5. An inaugural dissertation on the existence of the living principle and causes of animal life. By M. E. Sawyer. Philadelphia, 1793. Gift of the author. Seybertj 2014, O. An inaugural dissertation ; being an attempt to disprove the doctrine of the putrefaction of the blood of living animals. By Adam Seybert. Philadelphia, 1793. Gift of the author. Shattuck, 4093, O. Three dissertations on Boylston prize questions for the years 1806 and 1807. By George Cheyne Shattuck, M. D. Being the dissertations to which the Boylston prize medals were adjudged. To which is prefixed, an account of their adjudication. Boston, 1808. Smibert, 1 566, O. 7. Dissertatio medica inauguralis, de menstruis retentis. Auc- tore William -Smibert. Edinburgi, 1772. Smith, 4195, & 6708, O. An essay on the causes of the variety of the com- plexion and figure in the human species ; with animadversions on cer- tain remarks made on the first edition of this essay by Mr. Charles White.; also strictures on Lord Kaim's discourse on the original diver- sity of mankind, and an appendix. By Samuel Stanhope Smith, D.D. New Brunswick, (New Jersey,) 1810. 1627, 1. & 9109, O. 1. The same. Philadelphia, 1787. 2804, 0. 5. An inaugural dissertation, to prove that certain substances are conveyed, unchanged, into the circulation ; or, if changed, that they are recomposed, and regain their active properties. By E. D. Smith. Philadelphia, 1800. Spallanzanii 7728, O. Experiments on the circulation of the blood, throughout the vascular system ; on languid circulation ; on the motion of the blood, independent of the action of the heart, and on the pulsations of the arteries. By the Abbe Spallanzani. With notes and a sketch of his life, by J. Tourdes, M. D. Translated into English, with notes, by R. Hall, M. D. London, 1801. Spigelius, 1096, F. 1. Adriani Spigelii de humani corporis fabrica, libri decem. Venetiis, 1627. 1096, F. 3. Adriani Spigelii de formatio factu liber singularis, -^neis figuris exornatus. Epistolae tiuae anatomicae tractatus de Anthritide. Petauij, 1026. Stevens, 8697, O. Observations on the healthy and diseased properties of the blood. By William Stevens, M. D. London, 1832. ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. 329 Tiedeman, 9163, O. A systematic treatise on comparative physiology, intro- ductory to the physiology of man. Translated with notes from the German of Frederick Tiedeman. By James Manby Gully, M. D. & J. Hunter Lane, M. D. London, 1834. Tortebat, '^l^l, P. Francois Tortebat abrege d'anatomie, accommode aux arts de peinture et de sculpture. Paris. P. Trent, 2804, O. 3. An inquiry into the effects of light in respiration. By John Trent. Philadelphia, 1800. Vaughan, 7806, O. An exposition of the principles of anatomy and physiology, containing the praelectiones anatomicae of Ferdinand Lober. By Wal- ter Vaughan, M. D. 2 vols. London, 1791. Verney, Du, 904, D. Traite de I'organe, de I'ouie. Par M. Du Verney. A Paris, 1683. L. Vieussejis, 485, F. Raymundi Vieussens neurographia universalis. Lugduni, 1684. L. Walker, 2490, O. 5. An inquiry into the causes of sterility in both sexes ; with its method of cure. By James Walker. Philadelphia, 1797. Gift of James fVoodhouse. Wallace, 2268, O. 4. An inaugural physiological dissertation on the catamenia ; with observations on amenorrhoea. By J. W. Wallace. Philadelphia, 1793. Gift of the author. Wharton, 1721, O. Adenographia sive glandularum totius corporis descriptio. Authore Thoma Whartono. Londini, 1656. L. Whytt, 218, & 8275, O. An essay on the vital and other involuntary motions of animals. By Robert Whytt. Edinburgh, 1751—1763. 4957, D. Physiological essays. By Robert Whytt, M. D. Edinburgh, 1755. Wilkinson, 2474, & 2644, O. 1. Essays, physiological and philosophical, on the distortion of the spine, the motive power of animals, the fallacy of the senses, and the properties of matter. By C. H. Wilkinson. London, 1798. Willis, 897, D. Pathologige cerebri et nervosi generis specimen in quo agitur de morbis convulsivis et de scorbuto. Studio Thomae Willis. Londini, 1678. Z. Winslow, 156, Q,. An anatomical exposition of the structure of the human body ; with plates. By James Benignus Winslow. Translated from the French original, by George Douglass. 4th edit. 2 vols, in one. London, 1756. Giftof Br. Ralph Asheton. lllntringham, 1266, O. De morbis quibusdam commentarii. Auctore Clifton Wintringham. Londini, 1782. Tfistar, 4462, O. A system of anatomy, fOr the use of students of medicine. By Caspar Wistar, M. D. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1814. Gift of the author. 871, O. The strength of imagination in pregnant women examined, and the opinion that marks and deformities in children arise from thence, demonstrated to be an error. London, 1727. 1715, D. Italian love ; or eunuchism displayed. 2d edit. London, 1740. P. 4578, D. Anatomical dialogues ; or a breviary of anatomy ; wherein all the parts of the human body are described, and their uses explained. London, 1785. 4743, D. The London dissector ; or system of dissection practised in the hospitals and lecture-rooms ; and an appendix containing the Ruyschian art of making preparations. Philadelphia, 1809. 5188, D. Anatomical examinations ; a complete series of anatomical ques- tions, with answers. 2 vols. London, 1807. 42 330 SC1£KC£S AND ARTS. SURGERY AND OBSTETRICS. Alanson, 1308, O. Practical observations on amputation, and the after-treat- ment ; illustrated by cases. By Edward Alanson. 2d edit. London, 1782. BdU 1406, O. A system of surgery ; with plates. By Benjamin Bell. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1786. 7798, O. The principles of surgery. By John Bell. Abridged by J. Augustine Smith, with notes and additions. New York, 1810. Bilguefj 47, O. 3. A dissertation on the inutility of the amputation of limbs. By J. U. Bilguer. Translated from the Latin into English. London, 1764. Blackj 2490, O. 7. An inaugural dissertation on fractures. By Robert Black. Philadelphia, 1797. Gift of James Woodhouse. ClerCy le, 512, O. The complete surgeon ; or the whole art of surgery ex- plained in a most familiar method. Written in French. By M. Le Clerc. 6th edit. To which are added, the method of midwifery ; and some reports in surgery. London, 1727. Dav€nter,2Q\, Qi. Henrici a Daventer operationis chirurgicae novum lumen. Lugduni Batavorum, 1701. DeweeSi 5743, O. 3. An essay on the means of lessening pain, and facilitating certain cases of difficult parturition. By Wm. P. Dewees. Philadel- phia, 1806. Dionis, 1158, O. A course of chirurgical operations; with plates. By M. Dionis. Translated from the French. London, 1710. Dorsey, 4463, O. Elements of surgery, for the use of students, with plates, by John Syng Dorsey, M. D. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1814. Gift of the author. Else, 1309, O. The works of Joseph Else ; containing a treatise on the hydro- cele, and other papers on surgery. With an appendix, containing some cases of the hydrocele. By George Vaux. London, 1782. Hippocrates, 1361, O. Hippocrates's doctrines and practice in surgery and physic ; with remarks. By Francis RioUay. London, 1783. Hosackj 9127, O. 5. Observations on the surgery of the ancients, vindicating their claims to many discoveries and improvements. By David Hosack, M. D. New York, 1813. Hunter, 2262, Q,. Hunterian reminiscences ; being the substance of a course of lectures on the princi])les and practice of surgery, delivered by the late Mr. John Hunter in 1785. Taken in short hand by Mr. James Parkinson. London, 1833. Jones, 2123, O. The surgical works of John Jones; with an account of the life of the author, by James Mease. Philad., 1795. Gift of James Mease. Kirkland, 1300, O. *An inquiry into the present state of medical surgery. By Thomas Kirkland. London, 1783. Lara, 5299, D. Dictionary of surgery. By Benjamin Lara. London, 1798. Mynors, 729, D. 1. Practical thoughts on amputations. By Robert Mynors. Birmingham, 1783. Neale, 12, D. Memoirs of the royal academy of surgery; being a collection of observations and experiments, made by the most eminent surgeons ; with extraordinary cases. Translated from the original, by George Neale. 3 vols. London, 1759. Paracelsus, 601, F. Philippi Aureoli Theophraati Paracelsi chirurgia magna a Josquino Dalhemio Ostrofranco Latine reddita. Argentorati, 1673. L. MATERIA MEDICA. 331 Parker^ 5743, 0. 4, An inaugural dissertation on fractures of the leg. By John Parker. Philadelphia, 1804. Potts^ 1060, O. 3. General remarks on fractures and dislocations ; with plates. By Percival Potts. London, 1769. Saviard, 8252, O. Observations on surgery, being a collection of cases, with remarks on each. Translated from the French of M. Saviard, by J. Sparrow. London. Turner, 402, O. The art of surgery; with singular cases. By Dr. Daniel Turner. 4th edit. 2 vols. London, 1752. Vigieriiis, 553, d. Johannis Vigierii opera medico-chirurgica. Hagae Comi- tum, 1659. L. White, 8209, O. Cases in surgery, with remarks. By Charles White. And an essay on the ligature of arteries, by J. Aikin. London, 1770. TVihner, 1304, O. Cases and remarks in surgery; with an appendix, contain- ing the method of curing the bronchocele in Coventry. By B. Wilmer. London, 1779. 929, Q,. 14. Catalogue of the rarities in the anatomie-hall of Leiden. In Lei- den, 1678. 814, O. Memoirs of the royal academy of surgery at Paris ; containing a va- riety of cases. Translated from the original. 2 vols. London, 1750. 8612, O. 4. By-laws, ordinances, and constitutions of the royal college of sur- geons in Ireland. Dublin, 1792. MATERIA MEDICA, PHARMACOPCEIAS, DISPENSATORIES. Aikin, 232, & 405, Q,. An experimental history of the materia medica. Lon- don, 1761. 3d edit, with additions. By John Aikin. London, 1784. Barton, 2626, 1. 4221, & 8118, O. Collections for an essay towards a materia medica of the United States. By Benjamin Smith Barton, M. D. Phi- ladelphia, 1810—1798. 2266, Q,. Vegetable materia medica of the United States ; or medical botany. By William P. C. Barton, M. D. 2d edit. 2 vols. Phila- delphia, 1825. Berkeley, 971, O. Philosophical reflections and inquiries concerning the virtues of tar- water. By George Berkeley. 2d edit. London, 1744. Berkely, 2804, O. 1 1 . An inquiry into the modus operandi of that class of medi- cines called sedatives. By Robert Berkely. Philadelphia, 1800. Gift of Dr. Woodhouse. Blair, 310, Gl. 6. An alphabetical and classical dissertation on all the British plants of the new London dispensatory. By P. Blair, M. D. Boerhaave, 1323, D. Hermanni Boerhaave libellus de materia medica et re- mediorum formulis, quae serviunt aphorismis de cognoscendis et cu- randis morbis. Lugduni Batavorum, 1727. Gift of Mathew Carey. 8311, O. Herman Boerhaave's materia medica, or a series of pre- scriptions adapted to the sections of his practical aphorisms, concern- ing the cure of diseases. Translated from the Latin. London, 1741. 8363, O. De viribus medicamentorum : or a treatise of the virtue and energy of medicines, written in Latin. By Herman Boerhaave. London, 1720. Brailsford, 2628, & 8633, O. An experimental dissertation on the chemical and medical properties of the nicotiana tabacum of Linnaeus, com- monly known by the name of tobacco ; with a coloured plate. By Edward Brailsford. Philadelphia, 1799. Gift of the author. Byfeld, 8646, O. 12. The two Sosias, or the true Dr. Byfield, to the pretender. London, 1715. 332 SCIENCES AND ARTS. Byfitld, 8646, O. 2. A letter to the learned Dr. Woodward. By Dr. Byfield. London, 1715, 8646, O. 4. Letter in answer to that pretended to be written by Dr. Byfield. London, 1719. Church, 2490, O. L An inaugural dissertation on camphor. By John Church. Philadelphia, 1797. Gift of the author. Cooke, 4277, D. Observations on the efficacy of white mustard seed in affec- tions of the livei', internal organs, and nervous system, and on the general management of health and life. By C. T. Cooke. New York, 1828. Cxdlen, 299, Q. Lectures on the materia medica. By William Cullen. Phila- delphia, 1775. 8098, O. A treatise of the materia medica. By William Cullen, M. D. 2 vols. Dublin, 1789. Dossie, 7940, O. Theory and practice of chirurgical pharmacy ; comprehend- ing a complete dispensatory. By R. Dossie. Dublin, 1761. Duncan, 8176, O. 7. List of the materia medica. By A. Duncan. Edinburgh, 1784. Duval, 3058, O. 6. An experimental botanico-medical essay on the melia aze- darach of Linnaeus. By G. Duval. Philadelphia, 1802. Gift of the author. Ferris, 1490, O. A dissertation on milk. By Samuel Ferris, M. D. Edin- burgh, 1785. Gift of Dr. B, S. Barton. Floyer, 8571, O. The touchstone of medicines, discovering the virtues of vege- tables, minerals, and animals, by their tastes and smells. By Sir John Floyer, M. D. 2 vols. London, 1687. Fuller, 8447, O. & 607, D. Pharmacopoeia extemporania, or a body of medi- cines answering most intentions of cure. By Thomas Fuller, M. D. London, 1720-- 1701. Fordyce, 3202, O. 4. On the proper method and great importance of cultivating and using rhubarb in Britain, for medicinal uses ; with an appendix. By Sir William Fordyce. London, 1792. P. Gaubius, 8384, O. Extemporaneous dispensatory ; or the method of prescrib- ing, compounding, and exhibiting extemporaneous medicines. Trans- lated from the Latin of Dr. H. D. Gaubius. London, 1742. Gcoffroy, 8353, O. A treatise on foreign vegetables, cliiefly taken from the ma- teria medica of S. F. Geoflfroy, M. D. By Ralph Thicknesse, M. D. London, 1749. Gough, 2804, O. 8. An essay on cantharides ; comprising a brief account of their natural history, with an inquiry into their mode of operation, and their use in diseases. By John P. Gough. Philadelphia, 1800. Hales, 795, O. 4. Experiments and observations on tar- water. By Stephen Hales, D. D. With a letter from Mr. Read to Doctor Hales, on the same subject. 2d edit. London, 1747. Haygarth, 2692, O. 4. On the imagination, as a cause, and as a cure, of disor- ders of the body ; exemplified by fictitious tractors, and epidemical convulsions. By John Haygarth, M. D. Bath, 1800. Ihnrif, 1463,0.3. Experiments and observations on magnesia alba; calcined magnesia ; quick-lime ; absorbents ; vegetable infusions, and fixed air. With strictures on Mr. Glass's magnesia. By Thomas Henry. Lon- don, 1773. IIUU 128, & 2156, d. A history of the materia medica ; containing descriptions of all the substances used in medicine, &c. &c. By John Hill, M. D. London, 1751. Horsefield, 2492, O. 2. Experimental dissertation on the rhus-vemix, rhus-radl- cans, and rhus-glabrum ; commonly known in Pennsylvania by the names of poison-ash, poison-vine, and common sumach. By Thomas Horsefield. Philadelphia, 1798. Gift of the author. MATERIA MEDICA. 333 Houlstoriy 1463, O. 2. Observations on poisons ; and on the use of mercury in the cure of obstinate dysenteries. By Thomas Houlston, M. D. With plates. London, 1784. Jackson, 1013, O. 1. An essay on British isinglass. By Humphrey Jackson, Esq. London, 1765. James, 8251, O. Pharmacopoeia universalis ; or, a new universal dispensatory. By R. James, M. D. London, 1764. Kerchringius, 934, D. Theodori Kerckringii commentarius in currum trium- phalem Antimonii Basilii Valentini. Amstelodami, 1671. L. King, 2625, O. 5. An inaugural essay on blisters. By Robert J. King. Phila- delphia, 1799. Gift of James Woodhouse. Leigh, 1491, O. An experimental inquiry into the properties of opium, and its effects on living subjects. By John Leigh. Edinburgh, 1786. Gift of Doctor Benjamin Smith Barton. Lemery, 616, Q,. Dictionnaire ou traite universel des drogues simples; avec des figures. Par Nicolas Lemery. A Rotterdam, 1727. Gift of Jacob Greiner. Leivis, 8417, O. An experimental history of the materia medica, or of the natu- ral and artificial substances made use of in medicine. By William Lewis, M. B. 2 vols. Dublin, 1759. Lievre, Le, 8595, O. 3. Observations on the Beaume de Vie, discovered by Mr. Le Lievre; and its wonderful efficacy. London, 1765. Lohstein, 6079, O. Researches and observations on the use of phosphorus in the treatment of various diseases. By J. F. Daniel Lobstein, M. D. Philadelphia, 1825. Gift of the author. Linnseus, 8274, O. C. A. Linne materia medica, per regna tria naturae digesta. Ed. alt. Cur. Jo. C. D. Schrebero. Vindobonae, 1773. Mead, 5373, D. Pharmacopaeia pauperum ; or, the hospital dispensatory ; con- taining medicines used in the hospitals of London. By the direction of Dr. Mead and others. London, 1718. 371, «fe 3580, O. Mechanical account of poisons, in several essays. By Richard Mead, M. D. London, 1702, 1745. P. Mitchell, 2838, D. Medical chemistry ; or, a compendious view of the various substances employed in the practice of medicine, that depend on chemical principles for their formation : to which is added, a discourse on the medical character. By Thomas Mitchell, M. D. Philadelphia, 1819. Gift of the author. Monro, 7905, O. A treatise on medical and pharmaceutical chemistry, and the materia medica. 4 vols. By Donald Monro, M. D. London, 1783. Moore, 2804, O. 7. Inaugural dissertation on digitalis purpurea, or fox-glove ; and its use in some diseases^ By John Moore. Philadelphia, 1800. Murray,lbQ\,0. Elements of materia medica and pharmacy. By J. Murray. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1804. 7760, O. Elements of materia medica and pharmacy. By J. Murray. Philadelphia, 1808. Nott, 5457, D. 1. A posologic companion to the London pharmacopoeia. By John Nott, M. D. London, 1794. Pemherton, 645, & 8334, O. The dispensatory of the royal college of physi- cians, London. Translated into English with remarks, by H. Pember- ton, M. D. London, 1748. Percival, 729, D. 2. Observations and experiments on the poison of lead. By Thomas Percival, M. D. London, 1774. Perkins, 8176, O. 12. Evidences of the efficacy of Dr. Perkin's metallic points. 1797. Pomet, 95, & 2177, Q,. A complete history of drugs, written in French. By Monsieur Pomet. To which is added what is further observable on the same subject, from Mess. Lemery and Tournefort, divided into 334 SCIENCES AND ARTS. three classes, vegetable, animal, and mineral. Done into English from the originals. 3d edit. London, 1737 — 1748. Prior^ 424, O. An authentic narrative of the success of tar-water, in curing a variety of distempers ; with two letters from the author of Syrus, show- ing the medicinal properties of tar- water. By Thomas Prior. London, 1746. Quina/y 104, O. A complete English dispensatory. By John duincy. 8th edit. London, 1730. 7942, O. Pharmacopoeia officinalis et extemporanea ; or, a complete dispensatory, theoretic and practical. By John Quincy, M. D. Lon- don, 1782. 609, 0. The new dispensatory; intended as an improvement of duincy. London, 1753. Radcliffe, 8470, O. Dr. Radcliffe's practical dispensatory ; containing a complete body of prescriptions fitted for all diseases. Selected by Edward Strother, M. D. London, 1721. _ Bigby, 1330, O. 2. An essay on the use of the red Peruvian bark in the cure of intermittents. By Edward Rigby. London, 1783. RogerSy 3058, O. 5. An investigation of the properties of the liriodendron tulipi- fera, or poplar tree. By Patrick K. Rogers. Philadelphia, 1802. Gift of the author. Salmon^ 944, & 8407, O. Pharmacopoeia Londinensis ; part II. or, Doron medi- cum ; a supplement to the New London dispensatory. By William Salmon, M. D. London, 1683. Saunders, 1320, & 3281, O. Observations on the superior efficacy of the red Peruvian bark, in the cure of agues and other fevers. By William Saunders. 2d edit. London, 1782. F, Shaw, 674, O. The dispensatory of the royal college of physicians in Edin- burgh. Translated into English, with notes and improvements. By Peter Shaw. 5th edit. London, 1746. Short, 8381, O. Medicina Britanica; or, a treatise on such physical plants as are found in Great Britain ; with an account of their nature, virtues, and uses, and the observations of the most learned physicians. By Thomas Short, M. D. London, 1746. Shtdtz, 2256, O. Inaugural botanico-medical dissertation on the Phytolacca decandra of Linnaeus. By Benjamin Shultz. Philadelphia, 1795. Gift of the author. 8176, O. 11. Dissertation on the pokeweed. By B. Shultz. Philadel- phia, 1793. Smithy 8622, O. 1. Medical prescriptions for various disorders. Translated from the Latin of Dr. Hugh Smith. With a sketch of his life. Lon- don, 1791. Stocky 4736, D. 3. Catalogus medicaminum e materia, tam Galenica, quam che- mica, pharmacopeiae Londinensis, pracparatorum. A Gulielmo Stock. Londini, 1788. Swainiy 8917, O. A treatise on Swaim's panacea. By William Swaim, with his portrait. Philadelphia, 1833. Gift of the author. Theobald, 4772, D. Medulla medicina; universae ; or, a new compendious dis- pensatory. By John Theobald, M. D. 7th edit. London, 1771. Untzer, 1598, O. 2. Matthias Untzeri de sulphere commentatio. Hal. 1620. Van Swieten, 1924, O. Lectures on the materia medica. By Doctor Gerard Van Swieten. In manuscript. Latin. 8 vols. Gift of John Greiner, VolcmarOy 2925, D. 2. Opobalsami orientalis examen a Joh : Geo : Valcmaro, M. D. Norimbergiae, 1700. Walker y 8176, O. 13. On the dogwood. By J. M. Walker. Philadelphia, 1803. IVUkinaon, 3700, O. Experiments on the cortex salicis latifoliae, or broad-leafed willow bark. By G. Wilkinson. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 1803. MATERIA MEDICA. 335 Wilson, 3058, O. 7. An inaugural dissertation on the morbid effects of opium upon the human body. By Daniel Wilson. Philadelphia, 1803. Gift of the author. Winter, 318, Q,. 4. A dispensatory of physical receipts. By John Winter, M. D. Bristol, 1725. Woodhouse, 1956, & 8633, O. 3. An inaugural dissertation on the chemical and medical properties of the persimmon tree, and the analysis of astrin- gent vegetables. By James Woodhouse. Philadelphia, 1792. Gift of the author. Woodville, 2173, Q,. Medical botany; containing systematic and general de- scriptions, with plates, of all the medicinal plants, indigenous and exo- tic, comprehended in the catalogues of the materia medica. By William Woodville, M. D. 3 vols. London, 1790, and supplement. Young, 607, O. A treatise on opium, founded upon practical observations. By Doctor George Young. London, 1753. 9103, O. The pharmacopoeia of the United States of America. By authority of the national medical convention, held at Washington, A. D. 1830. Philadel- phia, 1831. 5424, O. The pharmacopoeia of the United States of America. 1820. By the authority of the medical societies and colleges. Boston, 1820. 2922, & 5184, D. Pharmacopoeia coUegil regii medicorum Edinburgensis. Edinburgi, 1744. 678, & 799, D. 5. Pharmacopoeia simpliciorum et efficaciorum in usum noso- comii militaris ad exercitum Americae civitatum pertinentis. Philadelphiae, 1778. Gift of Charles Cist. 1459, & 6752, O. The Edinburgh new dispensatory. Edinburgh, 1786. 4470, D. The Edinburgh dispensatory. Edinburgh, 1821. 4684, D. The new British dispensatory ; containing the preparations and compositions of the new London and Edinburgh Pharmacopoeias, with notes. London, 1781. 318, Q,. 2. A treatise of the elixir pro'prietatis of Van Helmont, Paracelsus and Crollius. London, 1671. 318, Q,. 3. The virtues and uses of the elixir proprietatis. London, 1679. 8646, O. Reasons against the bills for searching and examining drugs and medicines. London, 1726. 929, Q,. 4. Letter on the venomous qualities of tobacco. 8646, O. 8. An enquiry into the petition presented by the company of apothe- caries. London, 1748. 8646, O. 9. An answer to the apothecaries' pamphlet. London, 1748. 8646, O. 10. Considerations on deceits and uncertainties in drugs. London, 1748. 8646, O. U. Apothecaries vindicated from the imputation of ignorance. Lon- don, 1724. 6969, O. 16. First report of the committee of the Philadelphia medical society, on quack medicines ; December 15, 1827. Philadelphia, 1828. MATHEMATICS— GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. ^rchimedis, 531, Gi. Archimedis opera, Apollonii Pergaei conicorum Libri IV. Theodosii sphaerica. Per. Is. Barrow. Londini, 1675. L. Barrow, 663, O. The usefulness of mathematical learning demonstrated ; being mathematical lectures read in the public schools at the university of Cambridge. By Isaac Barrow. London, 1734. Bossut, 3692, O. A general history of mathematics, from the earliest times, to the middle of the eighteenth century. Translated from the French of John Bossut. London, 1803. 336 SCIENCES AND ARTS. Dodson, 236, D. A mathematical repository. By James Dodson. 3 vols. London, 1748. Ihwin 6276, O. Mathematics practically applied to the useful and fine arts. By Baron Charles Dupin. Adapted to the state of the arts in England, by George Birkbeck, M. D. London, 1827. Foster 1021, F. Miscellanies; or mathematical lucubrations of Mr. Samuel Foster. Published and translated by John Twysden. London, 1659. Gift of Dr. Gallaher. Fuller, 4829, D. Mathematical miscellany. By Samuel Fuller. Dublm, 1772. Oaky 237, D. Gale's cabinet of knowledge ; or miscellaneous recreations. 3d edit. London, 1800. Hainlinus, 1854, D. Joh. Jac. Hainlini synopsis mathematica. Tubmgae, 1653. Hatton, 6922, O. A mathematical manual ; or, delightful associate, &c. By K Hatton, Gent. London, 1728. Hutton, 756, a. The mathematical and philosophical dictionary, contammg an explanation of the terms, and an account of the subjects, comprised under the heads of mathematics, astronomy and philosophy, with me- moirs of the lives and writings of the most eminent authors. With plates. By Charles Hutton. ^2 vols. London, 1796. . 4627, O. Tracts on mathematical and philosophical subjects. By Charles Hutton, LL. D. 3 vols. London, 1813. . 3010, O. Mathematical and philosophical recreations ; with plates. By Charles Hutton. 4 vols. London. Landen, 383, a. Mathematical memoirs ; with an appendix, containing tables of theorems for the calculation of fluents. By John Landen, F. R. S, London, 1781. Leybourn, 3 1 9, F. Pleasure and profit, consisting of recreations of divers kinds, viz. numerical, geometrical, mechanical, statical, astronomical, horo- metrical, cryptographical, magrietical, automatical, chymical, and his- torical. By William Leybourn. To which is added, a treatise of al- gebra. By R. Sault. London, 1694. »_ 4628, O. New series of the mathematical repository. By Thomas Leybourne. 3 vols. London, 1814. Ludlam, 7437, O. Mathematical essays. By Wm. Ludlam. 2d edit. With additions. Cambridge, 1787. 7526, O. Rudiments of mathematics; containing an introduction to algebra, remarks on the first six books of Euclid, and tlie elements of plain trigonometry. By W. Ludlam. 5th edit. Enlarged by M. Fryer. London, 1809. Macgregor, 2964, & 7571, O. A complete treatise on practical mathematics ; including the nature and use of mathematical instruments ; with an ap- pendix on algebra. By John Macgregor. Edinburgh, 1792. Manly, 8531, O. Synopsis mathematica universalis : or a system of mathema- tics ; containing a variety of useful practices in arithmetic, &c. By Venterus Manly. London, 1729. Martin, 4481, O. A new and comprehensive system of mathematical institu- tions, agreeable to the present state of the Newtonian mathesis. By Benjamin Martin. 2 vols. London, 1759. Minto, 1138, 0. 1. An inaugural oration, on the progress and importance of the mathematical sciences. By Walter Minto. Trenton, 1788. Moxon, 361, «fc 4842, D. Mathematics made easy ; or a complete mathematical dictionary. By J. Moxon. London, 1701. Newton, 8354, O. Sir Isaac Newton's mathematic philosophy demonstrated, with Dr. Halley's account of comets illustrated. By Wm. Winston, M. A. London, 1716. . Oughtred, 1663, O. Gulielmi Oughtred opuscula mathematica hactenus medita. Oxonu, 1677. Z. ARITHMETIC. 337 Oughtrecl, 1743, O. Gulielmi Oughtred clavis mathematica. Oxoniae, 1667. L. Ozanam,lQ9y O. Ozanam's recreations, mathematical and physical; laying down and solving many problems of arithmetic, geometry, optics, gnomonics, cosmography, mechanics, physics, and pyrotechny. Translated into English. London, 1708. 167, O. Cursus mathematicus ; or a complete course of the mathe- matics ; with plates. Written in French by Monsieur Ozanam, and translated into English, with improvements and additions, by J. T. Desaguliers, and others. 5 vols. London, 1725. Potter^ 8025, O. A system of practical mathematics ; with a plain account of the new style, Vith tables for finding Easter, and tables of logarithms, sines, and tagents. By John Potter. 2d edit. London, 1757. Stoney 8256, O. A new mathematical dictionary, with an explanation of terms, and a history of mathematica and natural philosophy. By E. Stone, London, 1743. Sturm, 5667, O. Joh. Christophori Sturmii mathesis juvenalis. Norimb. 1711. 1730, O. Joh. Christoph. Sturmii mathesis enucleata. Norimbergae, 1695. L. 581, D. J. C. Sturmii mathesis juvenilis tomus posterior opticam, astronomiam, chronologiam, horagraphiam complexus. Norimbergae, 1701. Ward., 538, O. The young mathematician's guide ; being a plain and easy in- troduction to the mathematics. By John Ward. 11th edit. To which is added, a supplement, containing the history of logarithms, and an index to the whole work. London, 1762. fFarner, 1150, O. 3. Mathematical exercises. By John Warner. London, 1710. Webber, 111 1 , O. Mathematics ; compiled from the best authors, and intended -to be the text book in the university at Cambridge. 2d edit. By Samuel Webber, D. D. Cambridge, 1808. Webster, 2290, D. A compendious course of practical mathematics. By William Webster. 3 vols. London, 1751. Wilkins, 8496, O. The mathematical and philosophical works of the Rev. John Wilkins. To which are prefixed, the author's life, and an account of his works. London, 1708. Williamson, 3963, O. Mathematics simplified, and practically illustrated, by the adaptation of the principal problems to the ordinary purposes of life ; with a complete essay on the art of surveying lands, &c- By Captain Thomas Williamson. London, 1808. Wolfius, 557, Q,. Christiani Wolfii elementa matheseos universal. Tomi duo. Halae Magdeburgica;, 1713. L. 62, D. Idem. Lausannae et Genevae, 1742. ARITHMETIC— ALGEBRA— FLUXIONS. Alexander, 1664, O. Synopsis algebraica, opus posthuiiium Johannis Alexan- dra Londini, 1693. L. BarloWt 4343, O. An elementary investigation of the theory of numbers ; with its application to the indeterminate and diophantine analysis, the ana- lytical and geometrical division of the circle, and other algebraical and arithmetical problems. By Peter Barlow. London, 1811. Birks, 2970, O. Arithmetical collections and improvements ; being a complete system of practical^ arithmetic. By Anthony and John Birks. 2d edit. London, 1774. 43 338 SCIENCES AND ARTS. Brande, 6385, O. Tables in illustration of the theory of definite proportionals; showing the prime equivalent numbers of the elementary substances, and the volume and weights in which they combine. By William Thomas Brande. London, 1828. Brown, 5670, O. A treatise on arithmetic and gunnery. By Matthew Brown, M.S. 1659. Gift of J. P. Norris. Butler, 2163, D. Arithmetical questions on a new plan, intended to answer the double purpose of arithmetical instruction and miscellaneous in- formation, designed for the use of young ladies. By William Butler. London. 1811. Cochin, 8 1 88, O. A rational and practical treatise on arithmetic. By W. Cockin. London, 1766. Condillac, 3395, D. La langue des calculs, ouvrage posthume et elementaire. Par Condillac. 2 tom. A Paris, 1798. Condorcet, 3459, D. A sure and easy method of learning to count. Translated from the French of Condorcet. By Elias Johnstone. With a life of the author. Edinburgh, 1816. Dealtry, 7527, O. The doctrine of fluxions ; designed for the use of students in the universities. By William Dealtry, B. D. 2d edit. Cambridge, 1816. IHlworth, 415, D. The schoolmaster's assistant; being a compendium of arithmetic, both practical and theoretical. By Thomas Dilworth. Dublin, 1745. Ditton, 1706, O. An institution of fluxions ; containing the first principles of that admirable method. By Humphrey Ditton. 2d edit. London, 1726. L. Bonn, 307, O. A new introduction to the mathematics ; being essays on vulgar and decimal arithmetic. By Benjamin Donn. London, 1758. Bubost, 4044, O. The elements of commerce ; being a complete system of commercial calculations. By Christopher Dubost. 2 vols. London, 1805—1806. 2001, D. Commercial arithmetic, with an appendix upon algebraical equations ; being an introduction to the elements of commerce. By Christopher Dubost. London, 1805. Emerson, 1088, O. The doctrine of fluxions; with plates. By William Emer- son. 3d edit. London, 1768. Euler, 4141, O. Elements of algebra. By Leonard Euler. Translated from the French, with the additions of La Grange, and the notes of the French translator ; to which is added, an apjiendix. 2 vols. 2d edit. London, 1810. Penning, 349, D. The young algebraist's companion ; or a new and easy guide to algebra ; with an appendix on the rudiments of quadratic equations. By Daniel Fenning. 3d edit. London, 1759. Fisher, 381, D. Arithmetic in the plainest and most concise methods hitherto extant. By George Fisher. 7th edit. London, 1748. Halliday, 7919, O. An introduction to fluxions, designed for the use, and adapted to the capacities of beginners. By the Rev. F. Halliday. London, 1777. Hamiltoru 8040, 0. An introduction to merchandise ; containing a complete system of arithmetic and algebra, book-keeping, &c. 5th edit. By Robert Hamilton. Edinburgh, 1802. Hammond, 526, O. The elements of algebra, in a new and easy method ; witJi an easy introduction, containing an account of this science. By Na- thaniel Hammond. London, 1742. I/aves, 211, F. A treatise on fluxions. By Charles Hayes. London, 1704. Hill, 510, O. Arithmetic, both in theory and practice. By John Hill. With a preface, by Henry Dutton. 6tli edit. London, 1736. ARITHMETIC. 339 ^er56i/, 81,F. The elements of algebra. By John Kersey. London, 1673. Gift of James Logan. Landen, 262, Q,. 2. A discourse concerning the residual analysis ; a new branch of the algebraic art. By John Landen. London, 1758. Lardner, 5933, D. A treatise on arithmetic, theoretical and practical. By the Rev. Dionysius Lardner. London, 1834. Leslie^ 5098, O. The philosophy of arithmetic ; exhibiting a progressive view of the theory and practice of calculation. By John Leslie. Edin- burgh, 1817. LowCt 160, D. A system of arithmetic, accommodated to the various occasions of business. By Solomon Lowe. London, 1749. Maclaurin, 1081, O. A treatise of algebra; with an appendix, concerning the general properties of geometrical lines. By Colin Maclaurin. 3d edit. London, 1771. Malcolm, 176, Q,. A new system of arithmetic, theoretical and practical. By Alexander Malcolm. London, 1730. Martin, 368, D. The young student's memorial-book; or pocket-library; containing the rudiments of logarithms, decimals, and algebra. By Benjamin Martin. London, 1736. Maseres, 80, Q,. A dissertation on the use of the negative sign in algebra ; with an appendix, containing Mr. Machin's quadrature of the circle. By Francis Maseres. London, 1758. Mountains, 2196, Q,. The mariner's new calendar, containing the principles of arithmetic, and practical geometry, by Nathaniel Colson, revised by William Mountaine. London, 1764. Musa, 8706, O. The algebra of Mohammed Ben Musa. Edited and translated by Frederic Rosen. London, 1831. Newton, 962, O. Universal arithmetic ; or a treatise of arithmetical composi- . tion and resolution ; with Dr. Halley's method of finding the roots of equations arithmetically. By Sir Isaac Newton. Translated by Mr. Ralphson, and corrected by Mr. Cunn. 2d edit. Lond., 1738. Patterson, 2698, D. A treatise on practical arithmetic ; intended for the use of schools. By Robert Patterson. Pittsburgh, 1819. Gift of the author. Pestalozzi, 5736, O. 5. A sketch of Pestalozzi's intuitive system of calculation ; compiled and translated by an Irish traveller. Dublin, 1815. Gift of Tfm. Duane. Pike, 1803, O. A new and complete system of arithmetic; composed for the use of the citizens of the United States. By Nicolas Pike. New- buryport, 1788. Recorde, 1 336, D. System of arithmeticke, dedicated to Edward the sixth. By Robert Recorde. London, 1571. Gift of Edward J. Coale. Botve,Sd,0. An introduction to the doctrine of fluxions. By John Rowe. 2d edit. London, 1757. Saunderson, 844, O. The method of fluxions : with a demonstration of Mr. Coate's forms of fluents ; and an explanation of the principal propo- sitions of Sir Isaac Newton's philosophy. By Nicholas Saunderson. London, 1756. Schooten, 1912, O. Francisci a Schooten exercitationvm mathematicarum liber primus ; continens propositionum arithmeticarvm centuriam. Lugduni Batavorum, 1657. Gift of Joseph Crukshank. 548, a. The same. L. Simpson, 1089, O. The doctrine and application of fluxions. By Thomas Simpson. 2 vols. London, 1750. Smith, 795, O. 1. A compendious division; containing a variety of contractions of division, both whole numbers and decimals. By T. Smith. Lon- don, 1751. 840 SCIENCES AND ARTS. Trail, 2092, O. Elements of alpcbra. By Professor Trail of Aberdeen. Edin- burgh, 1729. Gift of Eihmnul Ilogan. Value, 2961, D. Arithmetic, theoretical and practical, wherein the fundamental piinciples of that science are explained. By Victor Value. Philadel- phia, 1 823. Gift of the author. fValker, 4773, O. The philosophy of arithmetic, and the elements of algebra, designed for the use of schools, and in aid of private instruction. By John Walker. Dublin, 1812. Wallisj 84, F. A treatise of algebra, both historical and practical ; with some additional treatises. By John Wallis. London, 1685. 'JFhitet ft 164, O. 1. A practical system of mental arithmetic ; or a new method of making calculations by the action of the mind, illustrated by nume- rous examples : to which is subjoined, as an appendix, a variety of contracted examples ; also, a method of working by logarithms. By John White. Philadelphia, 1818. 5164, O. 2. A key to the ap^>endix in White's mental arithmetic, and the mental arithmetic illustrated by figures ; also, a key to White's self- instructor; with notes. By the same author. Philadelphia, 1818. 5164, O. 3. The self-instructor; or a system of practical arithmetic. By John White. Philadelphia, 1818. fflngafe, 296, O. A plain method for attaining the knowledge and practice of common arithmetic. By Edmund Wingate. 19th edition, with addi- tions and emendations, by James Dodson. London, 1760. GEOMETRY, SURVEYING, TRIGONOMETRY. Archimedes, 531, Q,. Archimedis opera, Apollonii Pergaei conicorum libri IV. Theodosii sphaerica. Per Is. Barrow. Londini, 1675. L. 1467, O. 2. Arenarius of Archimedes. Translated from the Greek, with notes and illustrations, by G. Anderson. To which is added, the dissertation of Christopher Clavius on the same subject. Translated from the Latin. London, 1784. Beddoen, 2187, O. Observations on the nature of demonstrative evidence; with an explanation of certain difficulties occurring in the elements of geo- metry ; and reflections on language. By Thomas Beddoes, M. D. London, 1793. Collins, 629, O. Johannis Collins et aliorum commercium ei)istolicum de ana- lysi promota. Londini, 1722. Gift of Dr. Jhnjamin Franklin. Cowley, 2127, Q,. An illustration and mensuration of solid geometry; contain- ing forty-two moveable copix^rplate schemes for forming the various kinds of solids, and their sections. By th.e late J. L. Cowley. Re- vised by William Jones. London, 178^. Davis, 2583, O. Complete treatise of land surveying, by the chain, cross, and offset staffs only. By William Davis. London, 1798. Descartes, 554, Q. Geometria a Ilenato Descartes anno 1637 Gallic5 edita; in Latinam linguam a Florimondo de Beaune versa cum illius et Fran- risci a Schooten notis illustrata. Amstelodami, 1683. L. hii^'^PH, 1989, O. Geometrical practice, diuided into three bookes, longimetra, planimetra, and stereometria. By Leonard Digges. London, 1571. Gift of Joseph Parker Norris. Emerson, 997, (J. The elements of trigonometry ; containing the properties, rotations and calculations of sines, tangents, secants, &c. By Wil- liam Emerson. 2d edit. London, 1764. Euclid, 1114, F. Euclidis elementorum libri XV. ; accessit XVI. de solidorum GEOMETRY, &C. 341 regularium, cujus libet intra quod libet comparatione. Tertio editi, auctore Christophoro Clavio. Coloniae, 1591. Euclid, 1650, O. The same. Francofurti, 1607. 2219, Q,. Euclid's elements of geometry : the first six books ; in a com- pendious form, contracted and demonstrated. By Captain Thomas Rudd. Whereunto is added the mathematical preface of Mr. John Dee. London, 1571. 1034, F. Euclid's elements of geometry, and a treatise of solids, by campane and flusas. Published by John Leeke and George Serle. London, 1661. Gift of J. P. Norris. ■■ — 1851, Q,. Les elemens de la geometric d'Euclides megarien, traduicts & restitues. Par Dovnot. A Paris, 1610. \ — 630, O. The elements of Euclid ; with select theorems out of Archi- medes, by Andrew Tacquet. To which are added, practical corolla- ries, shewing the uses of many of the propositions. By William Whiston. With an appendix of practical geometry. Dublin, 1728. Gift of David Bush. 8337, O. Euclid's elements of geometry, from the translation of Qo- mandine. By Dr. John Keil. Revised by Samuel Cunn. 5th edit. London, 1745. 297, O. Euclid's elements of geometry, from the Latin translation of Comandine. With a treatise of the nature and arithmetic of loga- rithms ; and another, of the elements of trigonometry. By Samuel Cunn. 8th edit. 2 vols. London, 1759. — 923, O. The elements of Euclid, explained in a new, but easy, method ; with the use of every proposition through all parts of the mathematics. Written in French, by F. Claude Francis Milliet de Chales. 7th edit. 77, Q,. The elements of Euclid; containing the first six books, with the eleventh and twelfth. By Robert Simpson. Glasgow, 1756. Gift of the editor. 6866, & 4072, O. The same. Edinburgh, 1767—1793. 8530, O. The elements of Euclid, with select theorems out of Archi- medes ; by the learned Andrew Tacquet. To which are added, prac- tical corollaries, by William Whiston, M. A. 11th edit. Dublin, 1791. 4704, D. An epitome of geometry, being a compendious collection of Euclid. By William AUingham. London, 1714. 4223, & 8185, O. Elements of geometry ; containing the first six books of Euclid, with a supplement on the quadrature of the circle, and the geometry of solids ; with elements of plane and spherical trigonometry. By John Playfair. 2d edit. Edinburgh, 1804. Philadelphia, 1806. 5238, D. Euclid's elements, compendiously demonstrated. By Mr. Isaac Barrow. London, 1660. Everhard, 385, D. Stereometry ; or the art of guaging made easy, by the help of a sliding rule ; with an appendix of conic sections. By Tho- mas Everhard. 1 1th edition, with an addition of excise tables, &c. London, 1750. Ewing, 635, D. A synopsis of practical mathematics ; containing plane trigo- nometry,- mensuration of heights, &c. By Alexander Ewing. Edin- burgh, 1771. Gibson, 1332, O. A treatise of practical surveying; with plates. By Robert Gibson. 4th edit. Philadelphia, 1785. Gift of Joseph Crukshank. Gregory, 8154, O. A treatise on practical geometry. By the late Dr. David Gregory. Translated from the Latin. Edinburgh, 1787. Gummere, 4466, O. A treatise on surveying, containing the theory and prac- tice ; to which is prefixed, a perspicuous system of plane trigonome- 342 SCIENCES AND ARTS. try : the whole clearly demonstrated and illustrated by a large number of appropriate examples. By John Gummere. Philadelphia, 1814. Hamilton, 284, Q,. A geometrical treatise of the conic sections. By Hugh Hamilton. London, 1773. HopitaU V, 175, & 285, Q,. An analytic treatise of conic sections. By the marquis De I'Hopital. Translated into English, by E. Stone. Lon- don, 1723. HuUoTif 7862, O. A treatise on mensuration, both in theory and practice. 3d edit. By Charles Hutton, LL. D. London, 1802. Jamieson, 4921, O. A treatise on the construction of maps ; in which the prin- ciples of the projections of the sphere are demonstrated with an ap- pendix and copious notes. By Alexander Jamieson. London, 1814. Keillj 414, D. The elements of plane and spherical trigonometry; with a short treatise of the nature and arithmetic of logarithms. By John Keill. 3d edition, translated by Samuel Cunn, and corrected by Mr. FuUar. Dublin, 1726. Lamy, 1105, D. Elemens de geometry. Par M. Lamy. Paris, 1762. Langlei/i 120, F. Practical geometry; applied to the useful arts of building, gardening, and mensuration. By Batty Langley. 2d edit. London, 1729. Leslict 5550, O. Geometrical analysis, and geometry of curved lines. By John Leslie, Esq. Edinburgh, 1821. LovCf 1082, & 8517, O. The art of surveying made easy. By John Love. Ninth edition, corrected and improved, by Samuel Clark. London, 1771. New York, 1796. Mackenzie, 5326, O. A treatise on marine surveying, in two parts. By Mur- doch Mackenzie, Corrected and republished by James Horsburgh. London, 1819. Overley, 858, O. The young guager's instructor ; being an easy introduction to that art. By Isaac Overley. 2d edit. London, 1752. Ozanam, 524, Q,. Traite des lignes du premier genre par M. Ozanam. A Paris, 1687. L. Payne, 5268, D. An introduction to geometry. By William Payne. London, 1768. Pardies, 488, D. The elements of geometry. Written in French, by F. Ignat. Gaston Pardies, and translated into English by John Harris. 7th edit. London, 1734. Petiscus, 1838, Q,. Bartholomaei Pitiscii trigonometriae, sive de dimensione tri- angulos. Francofurti, 1612. Playfaify 4223, & 8185, O. Elements of geometry, containing the first six books of Euclid ; with a supplement on the quadrature of the circle, and the geometry of the solids. By John Playfair. Philadelphia, 1806. Proclus, 1479, Q,. The philosophical and mathematical commentaries of Pro- clus on the first book of Euclid's elements ; to which are added, a his- tory of the restoration of Platonic theology, by the latter Platonists, and a translation from the Greek of Proclus' theological elements. By Thomas Taylor. London, 1792. Gift of George Faux, Esq, 1078, a. The same. P. Sganzin, 6206, O. An elementary course of civil engineering. Translated from the French of M. I. Sganzin. With notes and applications adapted to the United States. Boston, 1827. Simpson, 7596, O. Trigonometry, plane and spherical ; with the construction and application of logarithms. By Thomas Simpson, F. R. S. Lon- don, 1799. 7945, O. The elements of geometry ; with their application to the mensuration of solids and superficies, and to the construction of a LOGARITHMS, &C. 343 great variety of geometrical problems. By Thomas Simpson. 5th edition, revised. London, 1800. Tacquet, 893, D. Elementa geometriae planae ac solidae, quibus accedunt se- lecta ex Archimede theoremata. Auctore Andrea Tacquet. Antver- piae, 1672. L. 1124, & 5284, D. The same. Amst. 1701. Gift of Edmund Hog an. Wilson^ 547, O. Wilson's surveying improved; or the whole art, both in theory and practice, fully demonstrated. With geodesia accurata ; or surveying made easy, by the chain only ; and an essay upon solids. By William Hume. 4th edit. London, 1755. Wright, 1083, & 8412, O. Elements of trigonometry, plane and spherical ; with the principles of perspective, and projection of the sphere. By John Wright. Edinburgh, 1772. 7155, O. Library of useful knowledge. Geometry, plane, solid, and spheri- cal. London, 1830. LOGARITHMS, MATHEMATICAL TABLES, AND INSTRUMENTS. Adams, 2041, & 8087, O. Geometrical and graphical essays, containing a general description of the mathematical instruments used in geometry and surveying, with many new practical problems. By the late George Adams. 4th edit. Corrected and enlarged by William Jones. Lon- don, 1791—1813. Bion, 174, F. The construction and uses of mathematical instruments. Trans- lated from the French of M. Bion. To which are added, the construc- tion and uses of such instruments as are omitted by M. Bion. By Edmund Stone. With plates. 2d edit. London, 1758. Blagrave, 2005, Q,. The mathematical jewel : showing the making and most excellent use of a singular instrument so called ; in that it perform- eth with wonderful dexteritie, whatsoever is to be done, either by quadrant, ship, circle, cylinder, ring, dyal, horoscope, &c. &c. &c. By John Blagrave, of Reading, Gent. With cuts, &c. London, 1584. Mountaine, 7883, O. A description of the lines drawn on Gunter's scale, as improved by Mr. John Robertson, and executed by Messrs. Nairne and Blunt, with their rise and application to practice exemplified, more especially in navigation and astronomy. By William Mountaine. London, 1788. Robertson, 8063, & 8333, O. 1. A treatise of such mathematical instruments as are usually put into a portable case. By John Robertson. London, 1775. Taylor, 592, F. Tables of logarithms of all numbers, from 1 to 101000, and of the sines and tangents to every second of the quadrant. By Michael Taylor. With a preface and precepts for the explanation and use of the same, by Nevil Maskelyne. London, 1792. 997, Q,. Sexagesimal tables. By Michael Taylor. London, 1780. Gift of Capt. William Vicary. Wallf 1632, O. 1. Description with instructions for the use of Wall's newly in- vented surveying instrument, called the trigonometer. Philadelphia, 1788. Gift of Zachariah Poulson. \ 344 SCIENCES AND ARTS. CALCULATION OF PROBABILITIES—LIFE ANNUITIES. Babbagc, 6108, O. A comparative view of the various institutions for the assurances of lives. 13y Charles Babbage, Esq. London, 1820. /ifliVei/, 4151, O. The doctrine of life annuities and assurances, analytically investigated and explained ; with several useful tables connected with the subject, and a variety of practical rules, for the illustration of the same. By Francis Bailey. London, 1810. Campbell, 4274, O. The value of annuities from 1/. to 1000/. per annum, on single lives, from the age of one to ninety years ; with the number of years purchase each annuity is worth, and the rate of interest the purchaser receives. By William Campbell, Esq. London, 1810. ClerCi Ze, 1751, O. 2. Reflections upon what the world commonly call good- luck and ill-luck, with regard to lotteries ; and of the use which may be made of them. Translated into English from the French of Mons. Le Clerc. London, 1758. Gordon^ 1591, O. 4. Plan of a society for making provision for widows, by annuities for life. By Wm. Gordon. Boston, 1772. MoivrCj De, 1046, O. Annuities on lives. By A De Moivre. London, 1752. Morgan^ 5624, O. The principles and doctrines of assurances, annuities on lives and contingent reversions, stated and explained. By William Morgan, F. R. S. London, 1821. 1215, & 1311, O. The doctrine of annuities and assurances on lives and survivorships. By William Morgan. With an essay on the pre- sent state of population in England and Wales. By Doctor Price. London, 1779. Price, 1037, O. Observations on reversionary payments, on schemes for pro- viding annuities for widows, &c. and on the national debt. By Richard Price. 2d edition, with a supplement. London, 1772. 1106, O. 4. A supplement to the second edition of "Price's observations on reversionary payments." London, 1772. 606, F. 10. Proposal of the mercer's company for granting annuities, Febru- ary 8, 1698. 4438, O. An address from the presidjent and directors of the Pennsylvania company for insurance on lives and granting annuities. Philadelphia, 1814. Gift of the directors. 8628, O. 8. Report of the committee of the annuity society. London, 1805. 8639, O. 1. The plan and by-rules of the London annuity society to make provision for widows. London, 1806. 8640, O. 3, Tables for renewing and purchasing leases. London, 1735. 2076, O. 2. Tontines calculated, and their principles and consequences ex- plained, and exemplified in the Yorkshire tontine ; with hints for one on an improved plan. London, 1791. MECHANICS— HYDROSTATICS— DESCRIPTION OF MACHINES- STEAM ENGINES, &c. Mwood, 1 352, O. A treatise on the rectilinear motion and rotation of bodies ; and a description of original experiments relative to the subject; with plates. By George Atwcx)d. Cambridge, 1784. ^Iderson, 9057, D. An essay on the nature and application of steam. With an historical notice of the rise and progressive improvement of the steam engine. By M. A. Alderson, civil engineer. London, 1834. MECHANICS. 345 Bailey, 299, F. Advancement of arts, manufactures and commerce ; or descrip- tions of the useful machines and models contained in the repository of the society for the encouragement of arts, &c. and an account of the several discoveries and improvements promoted by the society ; with a volume of plates. By William Bailey. London, 1772. 589, F. A hundred and six copperplates of mechanical machines, and implements of husbandry, approved and adopted by the society for the encouragement of arts, manufactures, and commerce ; with a par- ticular description of each instrument. By Alexander M. Bailey. 2 vols, in one. London, 1782. Bahhvin, 1451, O. Airopaidia; containing the narrative of a balloon excursion from Chester, September 8, 1785; hints on the improvement of bal- loons ; with plates, extensive tables, and various philosophical obser- vations and conjectures, serving as an introduction to aerial naviga- tion. By Thomas Baldwin. Chester, 1786. Barlow, 5096, O. 1. An essay on the strength and stress of timber, founded upon experiments, preceded by an historical review of former theories and experiments ; also, an appendix on the strength of iron and other materials. By Peter Barlow. London, 1817. Bate, 473, Q,. The mysteries of nature and art ; with cuts. By John Bate. 2d edit. London, 1635. Beatson, 2595, O. 4. An essay on the comparative advantages of vertical and horizontal wind-mills; with plates. By Robert Beatson. London, 1798. Belidor, 245, Gt Architecture hydraulique, ou I'art de conduire, d'elever et de menager les eaux. Par M. Belidor. 5 tomqs. A Paris, 1737. Bigland, 2948, O. 1. The mechanic's guide; or a treatise on the laws of mecha- nics, as they relate to wheel machines. By Wm. Bigland. Margate, 1 797. Bland, 5980, O. The elements of hydrostatics, with their application to the solution of problems. By Miles Bland, B. D. Cambridge, 1824. Br amah, 1977, O. 8. A dissertation on the construction of locks. By Joseph Bramah. London, 1787. Buchanan, 3939, O. An essay on the teeth of wheels, and their application to mill-work and other machinery. By Robertson Buchanan. Revised by Peter Nicholson. London, 1808. 6021, O. Practical essays on mill- work and other machinery. By Robertson Buchanan. 2d edit. With notes and additional articles, by Thomas Tredgold. 2 vols. London, 1823. 4919, O. A practical treatise on propelling vessels by steam, &c. By Robertson Buchanan. Glasgow, 1816. Chapman, 5096, O. 2. A treatise, containing the results of numerous experi- ments on the preservation of timber from premature decay. By Wm. Chapman. London, 1817. Clark, 262, Q,. 1 . An easy introduction to the theory and practice of mechanics. By Samuel Clark. London, 1764. Cotes, 2987, O. Hydrostatical and pneumatical lectures. With plates. By Roger Cotes, A. M. 2d edit. Cambridge, 1747. Croix, De la, 409, Q,. De la Croix on the mechanism of the motions of floating bodies. Translated from the French, by Admiral Knowles. London, 1775. Cutbush, 8622, O. 4. Hydrostatics ; or, a treatise on specific gravity. By James Cutbush. Philadelphia, 1812. Duer, 5289, O. 1. A letter to Gadwallader D. Colden, Esq. in answer to the strictures contained in his " Life of Robert Fulton," on the report of the committee on the memorial relative to steam navigation ; with an appendix. By Wm. Alexander Duer, Esq. Albany, 1817. Gift of the author. 44 346 SCIENCES AND ARTS. ZhdCff 5289, O. 3. A reply to Mr. Colden's vindication of the stoam-boat mono- poly, with an appendix. By W. A. Duer, Esq. Albany, 1819. Gift of the author, 5108,2. & 5289, O.2. A \indication, by Cadwallader D. Colden, Esq. of the steam-boat ri^fht granted by the state of New York, in answer to the letter of Mr. Duer. Albany, 1818. Gift of Mr. Duer. Dodd, 5155, O. An historical and explanatory dissertation on steam-oncrines and steam-packets, with the evidence given to the committees of the house of commons, together with the committees' reports. By George Dodd. London, 1818.' -^mersoM, 491, O. The principles of mechanics ; explaining the general laws of motion, the laws of gravity, &c. By William Emerson. London, 1754. 169, Q. The same. 2d edit. London, 1758. Evans, 7434, O. The abortion of the young steam engineer's guide, containing an investigation of the principles, construction, and powers of steam- engines. Illustrated with five engravings. By Oliver Evans. Phila- delphia, 1805. Farey, 1934, Q,. A treatise on the steam engine, historical, practical and de- scriptive. ByJohnFarey. London, 1827. Fenwick, 3044, 0. 1. Four essays on practical mechanics. By Thomas Fen- wick. 2d edit. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1802. Ferguson^ 91,0,. Lectures on select subjects in mechanics, hydrostatics, pneu- matics and optics ; with the use of the globes ; the art of dialling, and the calculation of the mean times of new and full moons, and eclipses ; with plates. By James Ferguson. London, 1764. 92, Q,. A supplement to the lectures on select subjects ; with plates. By James Ferguson. London, 1767. 7762, O. Ferguson's lectures on select subjects in mechanics, hydros- tatics, optics, and dialling. A new edition, with notes, by David Brewster; revised- and corrected, by Robert Patterson. 2 vols, and Atlas. Philadelphia, 1806. 8632, O. 2. Analysis of a course of lectures on mechanics, &c. By James Ferguson. London, 1761. Gamble, 784, Q.. 2. An essay on the different modes of communication by sig- nals ; containing an history of the improvements in this art. By John Gamble. London, 1797. Gray, 5324, O. 1. A treatise on spinning machinery ; illustrated with plans of different machines made use of in that art ; with some observations, tending to show that the arts of spinning, weaving and sewing, were invented' by the ingenuity of females. By Andrew Gray. Edinburgh, 1819. Gregory, 4391, O. A treatise on mechanics, theoretical, practical and descrip- tive. By Olinthus Gregory, A. M. 2d edit. With improvements. 3 vols. London, 1807. Griffith, 9121, O. 4. An essay on the art of boring the earth for obtainment of water ; with hints for a new theory for the rise of waters. By Mr. Griffith. New Brunswick, 1826. Hales, 757, O. A description of ventilators ; whereby fresh air may with ease be conveyed into mines, gaols, hospitals, work-houses, and ships. By Stephen Hales. London, 1743. Hawkesbee, 808, O. Physico-mechanical experiments, on various subjects ; wit! explanations of all the machines engraved on copper. By F. Hawkes, 1303, Q^ Princijx^s raisonnes de la langue Fran^oise. Par M. De Lavaud. London, 1769. F. Or/ic,9130, O. 6. Nature explained. By D'Orlic. Philadelphia, 1806. Perrin, 1250, O. A grammar of the French tongue. By M. Perrin. 3d edit, PhUaddphia, 1779. Hichclet, 794, F. Pierre Richelet dictionnaire de la langue Fran^aise ancienne et moderne, &c. 3 tomes. Basle, 1735. P, Texier, 8178, O. Abridgement of a French and English grammar. By M. A. Texier de la Pommeraye. Philadelphia, 1822. 3151, D. Lecteur Fran^ais, amusant et instructif. Par A. Texier de la Pommeraye. Philadelphia, 1826. Gift of the author. 300, & 647, F. Dictionnaire de I'academie Fran^oise. Quatri^me edition. 2 tomes. A Paris, 1762. Gift of Joseph Sansom. 1830, Q^ A new dictionary, French and Elnglish. London, 1677. 1641, D. L'art de bien parler Francois. 2 vols. Amsterdam, 1720. P. GAELIC. Shaw, 8549, O. An analysis of the Gaelic language. By William Shaw. 2d edit. Edinburgh, 1788. GERMAN. Bachmair, 1066, O. A complete German grammar. By John James Bach- mair. Philadelphia, 1772. Gift of Henry Miller. Beilerj 855, O. A new German grammar ; with several useful dialogues. By Benedictus Beiler. 2d edit. London, 1736. Hazen, 3961, D. 3. Het leezen gemaklijk gemaakt, &c. door J. Hazen, C. Zoon. Te Amsterdam, 1792. Gift of M. Carey. Ludwig, 125, Q,. English, German and French dictionary. By Christian Lud- wig. 2d edit. 2 vols. 1736. HEBREW. Parkhurst, 1130, Q,. A Hebrew and English lexicon, without points, in which the Hebrew and Chsddee words of the old testament are explained; to which is prefixed, a Hebrew and Chaldee grammar. 3d edit. By John Parkhurst. London, 1792. P. Robertson, 1914, O. The true and ancient manner of reading Hebrew without points, and the art of the Hebrew versification deduced from it. By John Robertson. 2d edit. London, 1748. Gift of Joseph Parker Norris. ■ 1764, D. Gate or door to the holy tongue ojsened in English. By William Robertson. London, 1658. Schindler, 363, F. Lexicon Pentaglotton, Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum, Talmudico-Rabbinnicum et Arabicum. Auctore Valentino Schindlero CEderano. Hanoviae, A. D. 1612. SchuUens, 1325, D. Directorum et Clavis kisus Chartacei, reserans grammati- cam Hebraeo, harmonicam cum specimine lexici. Ex CI. Albert! Schultens. Amstelosdami, 1755. Gift of Mathew Carey. Smith, 8282, O. A Hebrew Grammar, without points ; designed to facilitate the study of the scriptures in the original. By John Smith, A. M. Boston, 1810 LANGUAGES. 421 Wilson, 7978, O. An easy introduction to the knowledge of the Hebrew- language without the points. By James P. Wilson, D. D. Philadel- phia, 1812. INDIAN— (AMERICAN.) JDuponceau, 5286, 0. 4. Report made to the historical and literary committee of the American philosophical society, by their corresponding secretary, (P. S. Duponceau, Esq.) on languages of the American Indians. Phila- delphia, 1819. Gift ojf the author. Pickering, 2005, Gl. 2. Pickering, on a uniform orthography of the Indian lan- guages of North America. Cambridge, 1820. Gift of the author. Say^ 6964, O. 2. Vocabularies of Indian languages. By Thomas Say. Phila- delphia. Zeisberger, 817, D. An essay of a Delaware-Indian and English spelling book. By David Zeisberger. Philadelphia, 1776. 2538, D. Delaware-Indian and English spelling-book, for the schools of the mission of the united brethren. By David Zeisberger. Phila- delphia, 1816. Gift of the society. IRISH. Valiancy^ 4795, O. A grammar of the Iberno-Celtic or Irish language, to which is prefixed, an essay on the Celtic language. By Lieutenant Colonel Charles Valiancy, LL. D. DubUn, 1781. Gift of Mr. Ed- ward Hudson. ITALIAN. Antoni7ii^ 1144, Q,. Dizionario Italiano, Latino, e Francese. Dall' Abbate An- nibale Antonini. 2 vols. Lione, 1770. P. Altierit 133, Q,. A dictionary, Italian and English, and English and Italian. By P. Altieri. 2 vols. London, 1727. Baretti, 1154, Q,. Dictionary of the English and Italian languages; and an English and Italian grammar. By Joseph Baretti. London, 1760. P. Barton^ 1705, D. New Italian grammar. By the Rev. Mr. Barton. London, 1719. P. Mason, 3434, D. Rudiments of the Italian language, with pieces in prose and verse, &c. By Arthur Mason, M. A. London, 1771. Montucci, 1469, D. The amusing instructor; or a key to the Italian classics. By Antonio Montucci. Containing a select collection of remarkable sayings and anecdotes, in Italian and English. With a copious and critical treatise on the pronunciation of the Italian tongue. London, 1793. P. Palermo, 3301, O. Palermo's grammar of the Italian language. London, 1755. P. Peretti, 6764, O. Grammaire Italienne. Par Vincent Peretti. A Paris, 1815. Pavizzotti, 1049, O. A new Italian grammar. By Gaettano Ravizzotti. Lon- don, 1799. Polll, 1601, D. 2. Paslo Rolli's Italian adverbs, particles, prepositions, and ad- verbial phrases explained. 3d edit. London, 1773. P. Secreti, 3740, D. Grammaire Italienne pour les dames. Par Louis Secreti. A Geneve, 1787. Veneroni, 163, O. The Italian master; or the easiest method for attaining that language. By Signior Veneroni. To which is added, a dictionary, composed by the author of this grammar. 2d edit. London, 1729. 683, F. Vocabolario degli academic! Delia Crusca, in Napoli. 5 vols. 1756. P. 422 BELLES-LETTRES. PERSIAN. (hueUy, 760, Q. Persian miscellanies ; an essay to facilitate the reading of Persian manuscripts ; with notes and engraved specimens. By William Ouseley. London, 1795. PORTUGUESE. Cattro, 641, O. A Portuguese and English, and English and Portuguese gram- mar. By John Castro. 2d edit. London, 1751. 701, O. An English and Portuguese grammar. London, 1731. SANSCRIT. Wilson, 2247, Q,. A dictionary in Sanscrit and English, translated, amended, and enlarged from an original compilation prepared by learned natives for the coUege of Port WiUiam. By H, H. WUson. 2d edit. Cal- cutta, 1832. SAXON. O* Conor f 5790, O. The elements of Anglo-Saxon grammar, with copious notes ; to which are prefixed, remarks on the history and use of the Anglo-Saxon, and an introduction on the origin and progress of alpha- betical writing, with critical remarks. By the Rev. Charles O'Conor, D. D. Exemplified by engravings, by the Rev. J. Bosworth. Lon- don, 1823. SCOTTISH. Jamieson, 6490, O. An etymological dictionary of the Scottish language ; in which the words are explained in their different senses, authorized by the names of the writers by whom they are used, or the titles of the works in which they occur, and deduced from their originals. Abridged from the quarto edition, by the author, John Jamieson, D. D. dec. Eldin- burgh, 1818. M. Macpherson, 632, Q. Critical dissertations on the origin, antiquities, language, government, manners, and religion, of the ancient Caledonians, their posterity the Picts, and the British and Irish Scots. By John Mao- pherson. London, 1768. SPANISH. Barettu 8986, O. A dictionary, Spanish and Elnglish, and English and Spanish. By Joseph Baretti. London, 1807. Cormont 2270, Q^ Sobrino aumentado, ou, nuevo diccionario de las lenguas Espa&ola, Francesca y Latina, con un diccionario abreviado de geo- grapMa. Per Francisco Cormon. Tom. 2. En Amberes, 1776. Gift of James Yard, Esq. Dufief 7601, O. Dufiefs nature displayed in her mode of teaching language to man ; or, a new and infallible method of acquiring a language, in the shortest time possible. Adapted to the Spanish. By Don Manuel de Torres and L. Hargons. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1817. Erro, /)«, 71 1 1, O. The alphabet of the primitive language of Spain, and a phi- losophical examination of the antiquity and civilization of the Basque RHETORIC. 423 people. An extract from the works of Don Juan De Erro. Boston, 1829. Presented by George W. Erving. Fernandez, 6843, O. A new practical grammar of the Spanish language. By the Rev. Don Felipe Fernandez, A. M. &c. Philadelphia. GatteU 9107, O. Noveau dictionnaire Espagnol et Fran^ais — Frangais et Es- pagnol. Avec I'interpretation Latine de chaque mot. Par M. I'Abbi Gattel. Tom 4. A Lyon, 1790. Gift of James Yard, Esq. 3315, D. The new pocket dictionary of the English and Spanish lan- guages. By C. M. Gattel. Paris, 1803. M. O* Conway, 4086, & 7903, O. Hispano Anglo Grammar ; containing the defini- tions, structure, government, and combination of the various classes of words in the Spanish language, also a vocabulary and index. By M. J. O'Conway. Philadelphia, 1810. Sejournant, De, 1152, Q,. Nouveau dictionnaire, Espagnol, Fran^ias, et Latin, compose sur les dictionnaires des academies royales de Madrid et de Paris. Par M. De Sejournant. 2 tomes. Paris, 1775. P. Stevens, 523, O. A new Spanish grammar. By John Stevens. London, 1725. TURKISH. Davids, 2235, Q.. A grammar of the Turkish language, with a preliminary dis- course on the language of the Turkish nations. By Arthur Lumley Davids. London, 1832. WELSH. Jones, 2940, D. A copious dictionary of Welsh and English. Compiled by 2941, D. The English and Welsh dictionary ; or the English before the Welsh. London, 1701. JJewelyn, 1 108, O. 3. Historical and critical remarks on the British tongue, and its connection with the languages ; founded on its state in the Welch bible. By Thomas Llewelyn. London, 1769. Malcolm, 830, O. An essay on the antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland ; designed to show an affinity between the languages, &c. of the ancient Britons and the Americans of the isthmus of Darien. By the Rev. David Malcolm. Edinburgh, 1738. RHETORIC, CRITICISM, ORATORY. Mercrorabie, 3429, D. Two compends for the use of the Philadelphia academy. I. Of elocution. 11. Of natural history. By James Abercrombie, D. D. &c. Philadelphia, 1803. Mams, 4085, O. Lectures on rhetoric and oratory, delivered to the classes of senior and junior sophisters in Harvard university. By John duincy Adams, LL. D. Cambridge, 1810. Alexander, 464, F. Alexandri ab Alexandro Jurisperiti Neapolitani genialium dierum, libri sex. Francofurti, 1594. Z. 1681, O. Idem. Lugduni, 1616. L. Alison, 972, Q,. & 8410, O. Essays on the nature and principles of taste. By the Rev. Archibald Alison, LL. B. Dublin, 1790. Edinburgh, 1790. Andrews, 2207, D. Elements of rhetoric, and belles-lettres, compiled for the use of schools. By John Andrews, D. D. Philadelphia, 1813. 424 BELLES-LETTRES. Aristotle, 1234, (X. Aristotelis de rhetorica seu arte dicendi, libri tres, Greco- lat. Londini, 1096. P. 1670, D. Aristotle's rhetoric, or tlie true grounds and principles of oratory. London, 1086. P, 6504, O. Aristotle's treatise on rhetoric, literally translated from the Greek; with notes. By a graduate of the university. To which is added, an analysis of Aristotle's rhetoric, by Thomas Hobbes, of Malmsbury. Oxford, 1823. M. Athenmu^ 489, F. Athenaei Deipnosophistarum, libri XV. Graecfe et Latin^^ recensuit Isaacus Casaubonus. Genevas, 1597. L. Baretii, 8589, D. Observations on the Greek and Roman classics. To which are added, remarks on the Italian language and writers. By Joseph Baretti. London, 1753. Bel/our^ 2058, D. The lyceum of ancient literature ; or a biographical and ana- lytical account of the Greek and Roman classics! By the Rev. O. Belfour. Vol. 1. London, 1810. Bentley, 3377, O. Dissertation upon the epistles of Phalaris, with an answer to the objections of the honourable Charles Boyle, Esq. By Ricliard Bentley. London, 1699. P. Berdmore, 2904, 4. & 7598, O. Specimens of literary resemblance, in the works of Pope, Gray, and other celebrated writers ; with critical ob- servations. By the Rev. Samuel Berdmore, D. D. London, 1801. Blackwall, 1592, D. Introduction to the classics. By Anthony Blackwall. 4th edit. London, 1728. P. Blackwell, 50, O. An inquiry into the life and writings of Homer. By Tho- mas BlackweU. 2d edit. London, 1736. 52, O. Proofs of the inquiry into the life and writings of Homer. By Thomas Blackwell. London, 1748. Blair f 7817, O. Lectures on rhetoric and belles-lettres. By Hugh Blair, D. D. 6th edit. 3 vols. London, 1796. 340, a & 4207, O. The same. London, 1783 «fe 1809. Blount, 495, F. Censura celebriorum authorum, sive tractatus in quo varia virorum doctorum de clarissimis cujusque seculi scriptoribus judicia traduntur. Authore Thoma Pope Blount. Londini, 1690. L. Boccalinit 214, F. Advises from Parnassus, in two centuries ; with the politi- cal touchstone, and an appendix to it. By Trajano Boccalini. To which is added, a continuation of the advices by Girolamo Briani. The whole translated from the Italian. Revised and corrected by Mr. Hughes. London, 1706. Booth, 5538, D. The principles of English composition : illustrated by exam- ples, with critical remarks. By David Booth. London, 1831. Bowles, 5547, O. 2. Two letters to the right honourable Lord Byron, in answer to his lordship's letter, more particularly on the question, whether poetry be more immediately indebted to what is sublime or beautiful in the works of nature, or the works of art. By the Rev. William L. Bowles. London, 1821. — ^-^ 6114, O. 1. A final appeal to the literary public, relative to Pope, in reply to certain observations of Mr. Roscoe. By the Rev. William L. Bowles. London, 1825. 6114, O. 3. Lessons in criticism to William Roscoe, in answer to his letter to the Rev. William Lisle Bowles, with further lessons in criti- cism to a quarterly reviewer. By the Rev. William Lisle Bowles. I^ndon, 1826. Boyle, 3437, O. Examination of Dr. Bentley's dissertations on the epistles of r "lis, and the fables of .^Isop. By the Hon. Charles Boyle. Lon- i M. 1698. P. Bryant, 784, U. 1* A dissertation concerning the war of Troy, and the expedition RHETORIC AND CRITICISM. 425 of the Grecians, as described by Homer ; shewing that no such expe- dition was ever undertaken, and that no such city of Phrygia existed. By Jacob Bryant. London, 1797. Bryant, 833, Q,. 1. A vindication of Homer, and of the ancient poets and his- torians, who have recorded the siege and fall of Troy ; with plates. In answer to two late publications of Mr. Bryant. By J. B. S. Morritts. York, 1798. Brydges, 3044, D. Letters on the character and poetical genius of Lord Byron. By Sir Egerton Brydges. London, 1824. Burgh, 462, & 8299, O. The art of speaking ; exhibiting a variety of matter for practice. By James Burgh. London, 1761. 6882, O. & 660, D. The same. London, 1768. 4th edit. Philadel- phia, 1775. Burke, 6678, O. A philosophical enquiry into the origin of our ideas of the subhme and beautiful. With an introductory discourse concerning taste, and several other additions. By Edmund Burke. Portrait. Montrose, 1803. 550, O. & 5428, D. The same. London, 1764 & 1810. 1527, D. Recherches philosophiques sur I'origine des idees que nous avons du beau et du subhme; precedees d'une dissertation sur le gout. Par M. Burke. Traduit de I'Anglois. 2 tomes. Londres, 1765. P. Byron, 5547, O. 1. Letter to **** ******^ on the Rev. W. L. Bowles's strictures on the life and writings of Pope. By the right honourable Lord Byron. London, 1821. Campbell, 1174, 2974, & 6733, O. The philosophy of rhetoric. By George Campbell, D. D. 2 vols. London, 1776 & 1801. 7881, O. The same. A new edition, with the author's last addi- tions and corrections. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1808. Carlisle, 548 1 , D. Rudiments of taste, in a series of letters from a mother, to which are added, maxims addressed to young ladies. By the Countess of Cariisle. Philadelphia, 1790. Cicero, 88, O. M. T. Cicero de oratore ; or his dialogues upon the character and qualifications of an orator. Translated into English, with notes, a preface, and an alphabetical explanation of the terms used by the author. By William Guthrie. London, 1742. 3456, 3457, & 8402, O. The same. 2d edit. London, 1755. 3149, O. Cicero's Brutus; or history of famous orators; also, his ora- tor, or accomplished speaker. Translated by E. Jones. London, 1776. P. 323, P. Rhetoricorum M. T. Ciceronis libri IV. cum notis Francisci Maturantii et Antonii Mancinelli. Lutetiae, 1508. Clarke, 1689, O. Joannis Clerici ars critica. London. L. — 918, D. Formulae oratoriae in usum scholarum, per Johannem Clarke. L. Coleridge, 4164, & 4276, D. Introductions to the study of the Greek classic poets ; designed principally for young persons at school and at college. By Henry N. Coleridge. London, 1830. Constable, 400, O. Reflections upon accuracy of style ; containing the chief rules to be observed for obtaining an accurate style, and observations upon all the faults and beauties of writing. By John Constable. Lon- don, 1734. Cooper, 365, 6600, & 8603, O. 4. Letters concerning taste, and essays on simi- lar and other subjects. By the author of the life of Socrates. (J. G. Cooper.) London, 1757—1755. M. Crombie, 4345, O. Gymnasium, sive symbola critica. By the Rev. Alexander Crombie, LL. D. 2 vols. London, 1812. 54 426 BELLES-LETTRES. Crovsaz, 1654. D. Examination of Mr. Pope's essay on man. Translated from the French. By M. Crousaz. London, 1739. P. Donaldson, 8642, O. 3. The elements of beauty. By J. Donaldson. Edin- burgh, 1780. Enjitldj 4488, O. The speaker, or miscellaneous pieces, selected from the best English writers, and dispersed under proper heads ; to which is pre- fixed, an essay on elocution. By William Enfield, LL. D. London, 1781. 3619. D. The same. London, 1794. 693, D. Exercises in elocution ; selected from various authors. By William Enfield. 2d edit. Warrington, 1782. FtUon, 155, D. A dissertation on reading the classics, and forming a just style. By Henry Felton. 4th edit London, 1730. Fenelon, 704, O. Archbishop Fenelon's dialogues concerning eloquence in ge- neral, and particularly that kind which is fit for the pulpit ; with his letter concerning rhetoric, poetry, history, and a comparison betwixt the ancients and moderns. Translated from the French, by William Stevenson. London, 1722. 4497, D. Dialogues on eloquence in general, by M. Fenelon ; with his letter to the French academy. Translated from the French, with notes, by William Stevenson. A new edition, revised by the Rev. J. Creigh- ton. London, 1808. Itsgrave, 4563, D. Midas ; or a serious inquiry concerning taste and genius, including a proposal for the advancement of the elegant arts. By Anthony Fisgrave. London, 1808. Foscolo, 5698, O. Essays on Petrarch. By Ugo Foscolo. London, 1823. Gaultier, 921, Q,. Method of making abridgments; or easy and certain rules for analyzing authors. By the Abbe Gaultier. London, 1800. Geddes, 653, O. An essay on the composition and manner of writing of the ancients, particularly Plato. By James Geddes. Glasgow, 1748. GelliuSf 1651, O. Auli Gellii noctes Atticae seu vigiliae Atticae. et Henrici Ste- phani noctes Parisianae, cum ejusdem in Aulum Gellium annotatio- nibus. Parisiis, 1585. L. 916, D. Auli Gellii noctes Atticae. Francofurti, 1603. L. 1557, D. Les nulls Attiques d'Aulu Gelle. Par TAbbe de V. 3 tomes. Paris, 1776. P, 2184, & 3218, O. Translation of the Attic nights of Aulus Gellius. By the Rev. W. Beloe. 3 vols. London, 1795. P. Oerard, 3509, & 4746, D. An essay on taste, by Alexander Gerard, M. A. &c. With a dissertation on the same subject, by M. de Montesquieu. Phi- ladelphia, 1804. 6565, O. An essay on genius. By Alexander Gerard, D. D. &c. Lon- don, 1774. M. CribbonSt 8408, O. Rhetoric ; or, a view of its tropes and figures, in their origin and powers, with a variety of rules. By Thomas Gibbons, D. D. London, 1767. Hamilton, 3946, O. Parliamentary logick ; to which are subjoined, two speeches delivered in the house of commons, of Ireland, and other pieces, by the right honourable William Gerard Hamilton ; with an api)endix con- taining considerations on the corn laws, by Samuel Johnson, LL. D. never before printed. London, 1808. Hein$iu8t 978, D. D. Heynsii Crepundia Siliana ; ejusdem dissertatio de verae critica apud veteres ortu, et exercitatio critica. Cantabrigae, 1640. L. Hobjunue, 5117, O. Historical illustrations of the fourth canto of Childe Ha- rold. By John Hobhouse, Esq. New York, 1818. 5967, &, 5163, O. The same. London, 1818. RHETORIC AND CRITICISM. 427 Irving^ 26, 121, & 3544, D. Elements of English composition, containing prac- tical instructions for writing the English language with perspicuity and elegance. By David Irving, M. A. London, 1801. 8297, O. The same. 4th edit. London, 1816. Jamieson, 2706, D. A grammar of rhetoric and polite literature ; comprehend- ing the principles of language and style, the elements of taste and cri- ticism. By Alexander Jamieson. London, 1818. 4851, D. The same. New Haven, 1820. Xames, 193, & 6806, O. Elements of criticism. ByLordKames. Portrait. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1788—1765. 4851, & 8228, O. The same. Philadelphia, 1816. Knight t 4039, 6588, & 8072, O. An analytical inquiry into the principles of taste. By Richard Payne Knight. 4th edit. London, 1808— 1806. Knox, 1203, D. 2. Hints to public speakers ; intended for young barristers, students at law, and all others who may wish to improve their deli- very, and attain a just and graceful elocution. By Vicessimus Knox, D. D. London, 1797. Lawson, 612, O. Lectures concerning oratory. By John Lawson. London, 1759. Lemoine, 5241, D. The art of speaking, upon an entire new plan, and in which the operations and emotions of the mind are particularly considered. By H. Lemoine. London, 1797. Longinus, 1727, O. Dionisii Longini de grandi sive sublimi genere orationis liber. Graece et Latine. A Gab. De Petra redditus. Genevse, 1712. 3464, O. Dionysii Longini de sublimitate commentarius, cum ver- sione et notis Zachariae Pearce. Editio secunda. Londini, 1732. L. . 349, & 367, O. Dionysius Longinus on the sublime. Translated from the Greek, with notes, and some account of the life and writings of the author, by William Smith. London, 1739. 2d edit. London, 1742. No. 367, the gift of John Kinsey.jun. 3462, O. The same. London,. 1739.' P. 553, D. The same. 5th edit. London, 1757. 5236, D. An essay on the sublime ; translated fiXDm the Greek of Dionysius Longinus. With notes and observations, and a life of the author. By William Smith, A. M. London, 1786. Mavor, 2162, D. The new speaker, or English class-book ; consisting of moral and instructive essays, narrative pieces, orations, &c. to which are prefixed, a short system of rhetorick for the use of schools. By Wil- liam Mavor, LL. D. Fourth edition. London, 1811. Macrobius, 1726, O. Aur. Theodosii Macrobii opera cum Pontani notis. Lug- duni Batavorum, 1597. L. Malkin, 6054, O. Classical disquisitions and curiosities, critical and historical. By Benjamin Heath Malkni, LL. D. London, 1825. Marshall, 2466, O. A review of " The landscape, a didactic poem;" also of" An essay on the picturesque ;" with practical remarks on rural ornament. By Wm. Marshall. London, 1795. Maury, 2190,0. The Abbe Maury's principles of eloquence; adapted to the pulpit and the bar. Translated from the French, with notes, by John Neal Lake. London, 1793. Mudford, 6706, O. A critical inquiry into the writings of Dr. Samuel Johnson, in which it is shown, that the pictures of life in the rambler, &c. &c. have a dangerous tendency. With an appendix, &c. &c. By William Mudford. London, 1803. Peddle, 8589, O. 1. Rudiments of taste in letters from a mother to her daughter. By Mrs. Peddle. Dublin, 1790. Orrery, 8342, O. Remarks on the life and writings of Dr. Jonathan Swift. By John, Earl of Orrery. Dublin, 1751. 428 BBLLES-LETTHES. Penn, 4607, O. Observations in illustration of Virgil*s celebrated fourth eclogue. By Granville Penn, Esq. London, 1810. 5543, O. An examination into the primary argument of the Iliad. By Granville Penn. London, 1821. Porson^ 4782, O. Tracta and miscellaneous criticism of Richard Person, Eisq. coUected by the Rev. Thomas Kidd. London, 1815. Potter^ 347, 18. & 1114, d. 2. An inquiry into some passages in Dr. John8on*8 lives of the poets; particularly his observations on lyric poetry, and the odes of Gray. By Robert Potter. London, 1783. P. PritMtley^ 2000, Q. A course of lectures on oratory and criticism. By Joseph Priestley, LL. D. &c London, 1777. Quinciiiian, 789, ^ M. Fabii Quintiliani de institutione oratoria libri duodecim, cum notis et animadversionibus virorum doctorum, summa cura re- cognitl et emendati fier Petrum Burmannum. Tomi IL Lugdvni Batavorum, 1720. Gift of James Caret/. 1741, O. Quintiliani institutionum oratoriarum libri duodecim cum Parei spicilegio et Q,uintilianorum declamationibus. Francofurti, 1629. L, 1 585, D. M. Fabii Quintiliani institutionum oratoriarum libri XII. a Carolo Rollin. Tomi II. Parisus, 1735. 3040, O. The declamations of Q,uintilian, being an exercitation or praxis upon his twelve books concerning the institution of an orator. Translated from the Latin. London, 1686. P. 2601, O. M. Fabius Q,uintilianus, his institutes of eloquence; or the art of speaking in public, in every character and capacity. Trans- lated into English, with notes, by William Guthrie. 2 vols. London, 1756. 3350, O. The same. P. 787», O. Qumtilian's institutes of the orator. Translated from the original Latin, with notes. By J. Patsall. 2 vols. London, 1774. 1 560, D. Q,uintilien, de Tinstitution de I'orateur, traduit par I'Abbe Gedoyn. 4 tomes. Paris, 1752. P. Ray^ 6329, O. 1. Two lectures on classical literature; being part of a course delivered at the New York Athenaeum. By Richard Ray. New York, 1826. Rapin^ 6638, O. The whole critical works of Monsieur Rapin. Containing comparisons between Demosthenes and Cicero, Homer and Virgil, Thucydides and Livy, Plato and Aristotle, dc^. &c. &c. Translated into English by several hands. 2 vols. London, 1706. A/. 293, O. The critical works of Monsieur Rapin. Translated into English, by Basil Kennet. 3d edit. 2 vols. London, 1731. 1743, & 1744, D. Reflections uix)n the use of the elocjuence of those times, together with a comparison between the eloquence of Ciccrc) and Demosthenes ; translated from the French of M. Rapin. Oxford, 1672. P, Rice, 6826, O. An introduction to the art of reading with energy and propriety. By John Rice. London, 1766. Rhodiginutt 484, F. Rhodigini lectionum antiquarum libri triginta. Genevs, 1620. L, Roicoe, 61 14, O. 2. A letter to the Rev. Wm. Lisle Bowles, in reply to his final appeal to the literary public relative to Pope. By William Roscoc, Esq. London, 1825. Rtdando. 5681, O. Formulae et elegantiae Graecarum locutionum et phrasinm ad puram, omatum et elegantium orationis compositionem valdc ncfcs- sariaj: Autroe Martino Rulando, with MS. note«. Augusta, 1582. Gift of J. P. Norris. SdHne, 4728, D. A guide to elocution. By Joim Sabine. London, 1807. RHETORIC AND CRITICISM. 429 Scott, 1381, O. Critical essays on some of the poems of several English poets. By John Scott. With an account of the life and writings of the author, by Mr. Hoole. London, 1785. Sheridan, 3484, O. 3. An introductory discourse on elocution, and the English language. By Thomas Sheridan. London, 1759. P. 227, Q,. A course of lectures on elocution ; with two dissertations on language, and some other tracts on the same subjects. By Thomas Sheridan. London, 1762. Spence, 112, D. An essay on Mr. Pope's Odyssey. By Mr. Spence. 3d edit. London, 1747. 1569, D. The same. P. Steele, 656, Q,. Prosodia rationalis ; or, an essay towards establishing the me- lody and measure of speech, to be expressed and perpetuated by pecu- liar symbols. By Joshua Steele. 2d edit. London, 1789. Urquhart, 6505, & 8022, O. Commentaries on classical learning, by the Rev. D. H. Urquhart, M. A. &c. &c. London, 1803. M, Vossius, 561, Q,. Gerardi Johannis Vossii de veterum poetarum temporibus, libri duo, qui sunt de poetis Graecis et Latinis, Amstelaedami, 1 654. X. 881, D. Gerardi Joannis Vossii rhetorices contractae sive partitionum oratoriarum libri V. Oxoniae, 1651. L. 5683,0. The same. Amstelodami, 1666. 156, D. 2. Vossii elementa rhetorica cui interpungendi ratio adjicitur. Londini, 1724. Wakefield, 2244, O. Observations on Pope. By Gilbert Wakefield. London, 1796. Walker, 605, D. Guilielmo Walker troposchematologiae rhetoricas libri duo. Londini, 1703. Ward, 981, O. A system of oratory, delivered in a course of lectures, at Gre- sham college. By John Ward. 2 vols. London, 1759. Warner, 2991, D. Illustrations, historical, biographical, and miscellaneous, of the novels by the author of Waverley 5 wuth criticisms, general and particular. By the Rev. Richard Warner. London, 1823. Warton, 559, & 1223, O. An essay on the genius and writings of Pope. By Thomas Warton. 4th edit. 2 vols. London, 1782. 3245, O. The same. 2d edit. London, 1772. P, 1471, D. Observations on the fairy queen of Spencer. By Thomas Warton. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1762. 1235, 1. & 3166, O. An inquiry into the authenticity of the poems at- tributed to Thomas Rowley, in which the arguments of the dean of Exeter, and Mr. Bryant, are examined by Thomas Warton, F. S. A, &c. 2d edit. London, 1782. Werenfelsius, 255, O. A discourse of logomachys; or controversies about words so common among learned men ; with a dissertation concern- ing meteors of style, or false sublimity. By Samuel Werenfelsius. Translated from the Latin. London, 1711. Whateley, 6422, O. Elements of rhetorick. By Richard Whateley, D. D. Lon- don, 1828. Withers, 1949, O. Aristarchus, or the principles of composition ; containing a methodical arrangement of the improprieties frequent in writing and conversation, with select rules for attaining to purity and elegance of expression. By Dr. Withers. 2d edit. London, 1791. Wotton, 1157, O. Reflections upon ancient and modern learning. By Wm. Wotton. With a dissertation upon the epistles of Themistocles, So- crates, Euripides, &c. and the fables of i^Esop. By R. Bentley. 3d edit. London, 1705. Wolf, 1072, F. J. Wolfii lectionum memorabilium et reconditarum centenarii XVI. Lavingae, 1600. Gift of James Reed, Esq. 430 BELLES-LETTmSS. Ymmg^ 1482, O. 1. A criticism on the elegy, written in a country church-yard; being a continuation of Dr. Johnson's criticism on the ixxmus of Gray. By John Young, A. M. 1 783. 887, a S. Obeenrations on Dr. J ni''^ of Hammond. Lond. 1782. S43, O.2. A diaoome ooncemii l irony in writing. Lond. 1729. 1108, 0. 1. A vindication of Lofii ^..(wLcowaiy on the subject of ridicule. Lon- don. 1761. 2904, O. 2. Attalus*8 critical inquiry into the moral writings of Dr. Samuel Johnson ; with an appendix, containing a dialogue between Boswell and John- son, in the shades. London, 1802. 7174, O. A commentary, mythological, historical, and geographical, on Pope*8 Homer, and Dryden*s iBniad of Virgil ; with a copious index. London, 1829. 5546, O. Letters to Richard Heber, Elsq. ; containing critical remarks on the aeries of novels beginning with ** Waverley," and an attempt to ascertain their author. London, 1821. 3899, D. Remarks on Johnson's life of Milton. To which are added Mil- ton's tractate on education and areopagitica. London, 1780. ORATIONS, SPEECHES, EULOGIUMS, AND ADDRESSES. Ad€anM, 7321, O. 6. An oration addressed to the citizens of the town of Q,uincy, on the 4th of July, 1831. By John auincy Adams. Boston, 1831. Addison, 8592, O. 2. An oration on the rise and progress of the United States of America. By Alexander Addison, Esq. Philadelphia, 1798. ^schines, 3491, O. iEschinis in Ctesiphontem oratio' et Demosthenis de corona oratio, Graece, interpretatione Latina. 4ta edit. Oxonii, 1746. P. 6609, O. The orations of iEschines and Demosthenes, concerning the crown. Translated from the Greek, and illustrated with notes historical, geographical, and critical. By Thomas Dawson, LL. B. &c. Dublin, 1732. M. 3111, O. The orations of iEschines against Ctesiphon and Demos- thenes de corona. Translated from the original Greek, with notes. By A. Portal. Oxford, 1755. P. Alembert, D\ 1337, D. D'Alembert's select eulogies on the members of the French academy ; with notes. Translated from the French, with a preface and additional notes, by J. Aikin. 2 vols. London, 1799. Austin, 1409, Q„ 2. An oration, delivered March 5, 1778, at the request of the inhabitants of Boston, to commemorate the bloody tragedy of March 5, 1770. By J. W. Austin. Barker, 6343, 1. & 9140, O. 2. Sketches of the primitive settlements on the river Delaware. A discourse delivered by James N. Barker. Phila- delphia, 1827. Bell, 6969, 0. 9. On the influence of medicine. An oration before the Philadel- phia medical society, February 9, 1828. By John Bell, M. D. Phila- delphia, 1828. Bentham, 8443, O. Funeral eulogies upon military men, from Thucydides, Plato, Lydas, and Xenophon; with the original Greek, to which are added extracts from Cicero, with observations and notes in English. By Edward Bentham, D. D. 2d edit. Oxford, 1768. P. — — 3484, O. I. Two orations in praise of Athenians slain in battle, from the Greek, with reflexions. By Edward Bentham. London, 1759. P. Belknap, 4032, O. 2. A discourse intended to commemorate the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus ; delivered at the request of the ORATIONS, &C. 431 historical society in Massachusetts ; to which are added, four disserta- tions connected with the discourse. By Jeremy Belknap, D. D. Bos- ton, 1792. Biddhi 463, Q,. 4. An oration, delivered the 2d of March, 1781, at the request of the American philosophical society. By Owen Diddle. Philadel- phia, 1781. 9090, O. 10. Annual oration before the Philomathean society of the university of Pennsylvania. By James C. Biddle, 1832. 9130, O. 6. Oration delivered before the Pennsylvania state society of Cincinnati, 4th of July, 1811. By Nicholas Biddle, Esq. Philadel- phia, 1811. 9140, O. 10. Address delivered before the agricultural society. By Nicholas Biddle, Esq. Philadelphia, 1822. Bond, 1409, Q,. 4. An oration, delivered May 21, 1782, before the American philosophical society. By Thomas Bond. Philadelphia, 1782. 9140, O. 1. An address, delivered before the New England society of Philadelphia. By Henry Bond, M. D. Philadelphia, 1824. Bishop, 6970, 0. 1. Connecticut republicanism. An oration delivered at New Haven, September, 1800. By Abraham Bishop. Philadelphia, 1800. Bowdoin, 1566, 0.4. A philosophical discourse, addressed to the American academy of arts and sciences. By James Bowdoin, Esq. Boston, 1780. Brackenridge, 645, Q,. 3. & 464, O. 9. An eulogium of the brave men who have fallen in the contest with Great Britain; delivered July 5, 1779. By Hugh H. Brackenridge. Philadelphia. . 7315, O. Speeches on the Jew bill in the house of delegates of Maryland, by H. M. Brackenridge, Col. W. G. D. Worthington, and John S. Tyson, Esq. ; together with an argument on the chancery powers, and an eulogy on Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams, &c. By H. M. Brackenridge. Philadelphia, 1829. Gift of the author. Breck, 6959, 0. 8. Address before the Blockley and Merion agricultural society on the death of their late president, the Hon. Richard Peters. By Samuel Breck. Philadelphia, 1828. Brougham, 8739, O. Selections from the speeches and writings of the Right Hon. Henry Lord Brougham and Vaux, with a brief memoir of his life. London, 1832. Brown, 3913, O. The British Cicero, or a selection of the most admired speeches in the English language; arranged under three distinct heads, popular, parliamentary, and judicial oratory, with historical disputa- tions ; to which is prefixed, an introduction to the study and practice of eloquence. By Thomas Brown, LL. D. 3 vols. London, 1808. Budd, 6969, 10. & 9135, O. 6. An oration before the Washington benevolent society of Pennsylvania, February 22, 1828. By Thomas A. Budd. Philadelphia, 1828. Butler, 4832, O. 2. The inaugural oration spoken Nov. 4th, 1815, at the cere- mony of laying the first stone of the London institution. By Charles Butler, Esq. London, 1816. Caldwell, 2604, O. An eulogium to the memory of Dr. Samuel Cooper, deliver- ed, by appointment, before the Philadelphia medical society, on the fourth of March, 1799. By Charles CaldweU. Philadelphia, 1799. Gift of said society. 4177, O. 2. An oration commemorative of Washington, delivered be- fore the American republican society of Philadelphia, on the twenty- second day of February, 1810. By Charles Caldwell, M. D. Phila- delphia, 1810. Campbell, 1982, 9. & 2395, O. 2. An oration in commemoration of the indepen- dence of the United States of America, delivered July 4, 1787; with 432 BELLES-LETTBES. an intr vcr by William Rogers. Philadelphia, 1787. Gift of Hi Canning, 6230, c >, .ches of the Rt. Hon. George Canning, delivered on public nccuMais in Liverpool. Liverpool, 1825. 6468, O. The sjK^eilies of the Rt. Hon. George Canning. With a memoir of his life. By R. Therry, Elsq. &c. 6 vols. London, 1828. Carey ^ 5990, O. 3. Address delivered before the PhiJadelphia society for pro- moting agriculture. By Mathew Carey, Esq, Philadelphia, 1824. (iif( of M. Carey, Carpenter, 4682, O. Select American speeches, forensic and parliamentary, with prefatory remarks. By S. C. Carpenter, Esq. 2 vols. 1813. Carroll, 9090, 0. 2. Address on the death of Charles Carroll, of Carrollton. By Antony Laussat Philadelphia, 1832. Chatining, 5736, O. 1. Inaugural discourse delivered in the chapel of the uni- versity in Cambridge. By Edward J. Channing. Cambridge, 1819. Chapman, 3892, O. Select speeches, forensick and parliamentary ; with prefa- tory remarks. By N. Chapman, M. D. 5 vols. Philadelphia, 1 808. Chatliam, 8931, O. Celebrated speeches of Chatham, Burke, and Erskine. To which is added, the argument of Mr. Mackintosh in the case of Pel- tier. Philadelphia, 1834. Cicero, 3425, O. Ciceronis orationes, in usum Delphini. Edit, quarta. Lon- dini, 1722. P. 3541, O. Cicero's orations, translated into English. 2d vol. London, 1741. P. 300, O. Cicero's orations. Translated into Elnglish, by William Guth- rie. 3d edit. 3 vols. London, 1758. . 3337, O. Cicero's select orations, translated into English, with the ori- ginal Latin, from the best editions, with notes. London, 1756. P. — 3193, O. M. T. Cicero's select orations, translated by Professor Dun- can, with notes. 2 vols. London, 1777. P. . 6842, O. Cicero's select orations, translated into English ; with notes, &c. &c. By William Duncan. Latin and English. New York, 1802. . ■ 1093, Q^ Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero against Caius Cornelius Verres. Translated from the original, with annotations, by James White. London, 1787. P. 4573, O. The two last pleadings of M. T. Cicero against C. Verres; translated by Charles Kelsal ; to which are added, remarks on the state of modern Sicily. London, 1812. 3343, O. 2. M. T. Ciceronis sententiae duae de iis augendis, qui pericu- lum vitae adierunt reipub. causa. Oxford, 1746. Clay, 6205, O. The speeches of Henry Clay, delivered in the congress of the United States ; to which is prefixed a biographical memoir. Philadel- phia, 1827. Clinton, 4684, O. An introductory discourse, delivered before the literary and philosophical society of New York, on the 4th of May, 1814. By De Witt Clinton, LL. D. New York, 1814. Coates, 9090, O. 13. Annual discourse before the historical society of Pennsyl- vania, on the origin of the Indian population of America. By B. H. Coates, M. D. PhUadelphia, 1834. 9133, O. 1. An oration on certainty in medicme, delivered before the Philadelphia medical society. By Benjamin H. Coates, M. D. Phila- delphia, 1830. Colbert, 6938, O. 2. Eloge de Jean-Baptiste Colbert. A Paris, 1788. Curran, 4300, O. Speeches of the Right Hon. John Philpot Curran, master of the rolls in Ireland, on the late interesting state trials. 3d edit, with additions. Dublin, 1811. ORATIONS, &c. 433 Davy, 1932, Q,. Six discourses delivered before the royal society, at their an- niversary meetings, preceded by an address to the society on the pro- gress and prospects of science. By Sir Humphrey Davy. London, 1827. De Kay, 6329, 0. 2. Anniversary address, on the progress of the natural sciences in the United States, delivered before the lyceum of natural history of New York. By James E. De Kay. New York, 1826. Delancey, 7317, O. 2. An address before the trustees, &c. of the university of Pennsylvania. By W. H. Delancey. Philadelphia, 1830. 7192, O. 7. An address delivered before the trustees, faculty, and students of the university of Pennsylvania, on opening the collegiate session of 1830-31. By William H. Delancey, D. D. Philadelphia, 1830. Demosthenes, 423, F. Demosthenis et .^schinis opera Graece et Latine cum notis H. Wolfi. Frankofurti, 1504. L. 3194, O. Richardi Mounteney Demosthenis selectae orationes. Graece et Latine. Cantabrigiae, 1731. P. 3442, O. Henrici Brooke Demosthenis de fsilsa legatione oratio, et ^schinis de falsa legatione oratio, Graece. Oxonii, 1721. P. 102, & 1173, Q. 1. The orations of Demosthenes, pronounced to excite the Athenians against Philip, king of Macedonia. Trans- lated into English, and digested so as to form a regular history of the progress of the Macedonian power ; with notes. By Thomas Leland. London, 1756. P, 1064, Q,. Orations of Demosthenes, delivered on occasions of public deliberations ; with the orations of ^schinis and Demosthenes on the crown. By Thomas Leland, D. D. London, 1770. P. 676, O. All the orations of Demosthenes, pronounced to excite the Athenians against Philip, king of Macedon. Translated into English. By Thomas Leland. 2d edit. London, 1757. 158, D. The orations of Demosthenes, exciting the Athenians to oppose the power of Philip, king of Macedon ; with a preface, contain- ing a short view of the history of Greece and the life of Demosthenes. London, 1744. 1541, D. The same. P. Drayton, 9090, O. 1. An oration delivered in the first Presbyterian church, Charleston, July 4, 1831. By the Hon. Wm. Drayton. Charleston, 1831. Duponceau, 9090, O. 14. A discourse on the necessity and means of making our national literature independent of that of Great Britain. By Peter S. Duponceau. Philadelphia, 1834. 9090, O. 15. An historical discourse before the society for the com- memoration of the landing of William Penn, 1832. By Peter S. Du- ponceau. 9135, O. 8. An address delivered before the law academy of Phila- delphia, on the opening of the session, 1831-2. By P. S. Duponceau, Esq. Philadelphia. Dtvight, 9140, O. 7. An oration before the Washington benevolent society of Pennsylvania. By W. T. D wight. Philadelphia, 1827. Erskine, 4143, O. The speeches of the hon. Thomas Erskine, (now lord Er- skine) when at the bar, on subjects connected with the liberty of the press, and against constructive treasons. Collected by James Ridg- way. 5 vols. London, 1810. 8601, O. 4. Speech of the hon. T. Erskine on the trial of the pub- lishers of Paine's age of reason. Philadelphia, 1797. Everett, 6010, O. 2. An oration delivered at Concord, April 19th, 1825. By Edward Everett. Boston, 1825. 55 434 BELLES-LETTRES. Everett, 6010. O.7. An oration delivered at Plymouth, December 22d, 1824. By Edward Everett Boston, 1825. Fairfax, 3H49, O. Oration delivered in Charleston, Virginia, on July 4, 1806. By Ferdinando Fairfax. Washington, 1808. Gift of the author. Ihx, 4693, O. The speeches of the Right hon. Charles James Fox in the house of commons. 6 vols. London, 1815. Gimmti, 1192, Q^ Elogi accademici della societa degli spensierati di Rossano descritta dal D. Giacinto Gimma. 2 vols. Napoli, 1703. P. Colder, 6334, O. The American teacher's lessons of instruction ; being a com- pilation of select speeches and readings from tlie most eminent Ameri- can authors. By John Colder, Esq. Philadelphia, 1827. Gift of the author. Grattan, 4424, O. Speeches of the Right hon. Henry Grattan, with prefatory observations, the whole comprising a brief review of the most im- portant political events in the history of Ireland. Vol. 1st New York, 1813. 5529, O. The speeches of the Right hon. Henry Grattan. Edited by his son. 4 vols. London, 1822. Grimke, 9090,- O. 6. Oration on the principal duties of Americans. By T. S. Grimke. 1832. 9092, O. 5. Address on the patriot character of the temperance refor- mation. By Thomas S. Grimke. Charleston, 1833. Halford, 4230, D. Essays and orations read and delivered in the royal col- lege of physicians, to which is added, an account of the opening of the tomb of King Charles 1st By Sir Henry Halford. London, 1831. Hare, 9127, 0. 2. Oration delivered before the Washington benevolent society of Pennsylvania. By Charles W. Hare, Esq. Philadelphia, 1813. Harris, 7 Sl\), 0.9. An oration before the Philadelphia medical society, Feb. 1831. By Thomas Harris, M. D. Philadelphia, 1831. Hazlett, 4045, O. The eloquence of the British senate ; being a selection of the best speeches of the most distinguished parliamentary speakers, from the beginning of the reign of Charles I. to the present time, with notes, biographical, critical and explanatory. By William Hazlett 2 vols. London, 1808. Heinsius, 4993, D. Danielis Heinsii orationum, editio nova. Lugduni Batavo- rum, 1527. Hichborn, 462, Q. 6. An oration delivered in Boston, March 5, 1770. By Ben- jamin Hichborn. Boston, 1777. Hilliard, 6965, O. 8. Address before the Massachusetts charitable mechanic as- sociation, October 4, 1827. By Wm. Hilliard. Cambridge, 1827. Hopkinson, 4177, 3. & 9130, O. 1. Annual discourse delivered before the Penn- sylvania academy of fine arts, on the thirteenth day of November, 1810. By Joseph Hopkinson, Esq. Philadelphia, 1810. 4868, O. 4. A summary statement of the origin and present state of the Washington benevolent society, with an account of the opening and dedication of the hall, and an oration. By the honourable Joseph Hopkinson. Philadelphia, 1816. 6203, O. 2. An address delivered before the law academy of Phi- ladelphia. By Joseph Hopkinson, LL. D. Philadelphia, 1826. Gift of the academy. Rtmphrey$, 3670, O. 6. A valedictory discourse, delivered before the Cincinnati of Connecticut, in Hartford, July 4, 1804. By David Humphreys. Boston, 1804. Gift of the author. Huskisson, 7252, O. The speeches of the Rt hon. William Huskisson; with a biographical memoir from authentic sources. 3 vols. London, 1831. IngenoU, 9090, O. 3. An address to the law academy of Philadelphia. By Chas. IngersolL ORATIONS, &c. 435 Ingersoll^ 9140, 0. 14. A discourse delivered before the society for the com- memoration of the landing of Wm. Penn. By C. J. Ingersoll, Esq. Philadelphia, 1825. 4868, O. 5. An oration delivered before the Washington benevolent society, July 5, 1813. By Joseph R. IngersoD, Esq. Philadelphia, 1813. 9140, 3. & 6322, O. 12. Annual discourse before the Philomathean society. By Joseph R. Ingersoll, Esq. Philadelphia, 1827. Gift of the society. Isocratis, 1733, O. Isocratis orationes et epistolae Graece cum Latina interpre- tatione Hieronymi Wolfii. Cantabrigiae, 1686. Z. 319, O. The orations and epistles of Isocraies. Translated from the Greek, by Joshua Dinsdale. London, 1752. 3448, O. The same. F. Jackson, 460, Q,. 6. An oration, to commemorate the independence of the United States of America. Delivered at Philadelphia, July 4, 1786. By Major William Jackson. Philadelphia, 1786. Jones, S090, O. 12. An eulogium upon Antony Laussatt. By John Pringle Jones. Philadelphia, 1834. Kane, 9135, O. 7. A discourse pronounced before the law academy of Philadel- phia. By John K. Kane, V. P. Philadelphia, 1831. Krauth, 9090, O. 9. Oration on the advantages of the study of the German lan- guage. By C. P. Krauth. Gettysburg, 1832. La Roche, 9140, O. 12. An oration delivered before the Philadelphia medical society. By R. La Roche, M. D. Philadelphia, 1827. Latrobe, 4248, O. 1. Anniversary oration, pronounced before the society of ar- tists of the United States, by appointment of the society, on the eighth of May, 1811. By B. H. Latrobe. Philadelphia, 1811. Lettson, 375, Q. 1. History of the origin of medicine ; an oration. By J. C. Lett- son, M. D. London, 1778. Livingston, 1387, Q,. 3. Oration before the society of the Cincinnati of New York, July 4, 1787. By Robt. R. Livingston. New York. Lysias, 3445, O. Joannis Taylorii Lysise Atheniensis orationes, Graece et Latine, ex interpretatione, et cum brevibus notes. Cantabrigiae, 1740. P. 1081, d. Orations of Lysias and Isocrates. Translated from the Greek ; with some account of their lives, &c. with a discourse on the history, manners and characters of the Greeks. By John Gillies, LL. D. London, 1778. P. Ludloiv, 9090, O. 7. An address by the Rev. John Ludlow, D. D. on his inaugu- ration as provost of the university of Pennsylvania. 1831. Matlack, 463, 3. & 1409, a. An oration delivered March 16, 1780, before the American philosophical society, held at Philadelphia. By Timothy Matlack. Philadelphia, 1780. Mirabeau, 1939, & 2436, O. Speeches of M. de Mirabeau the elder, pronounced in the national assembly of France. To which is prefixed, a sketch of his life and character. Translated from the French edition of M. Mejan. By James White. 2 vols. London, 1792. Mitchell, 9140, O. 4. An oration delivered before the Philadelphia medical so- ciety. By J. K. Mitchell, M. D. Philadelphia, 1825. Morris, 6968, O. 1. A discourse before the New York historical society, Sep- tember 4, 1816, &c. &c. By Governeur Morris. New York, 1816. Morton, 464, Q,. 7. An oration, delivered at Boston, April 8, 1776, on the re- interment of Joseph Warren, Esq. By Perez Morton. Philadelphia, 1776. Norton, 6010, O. 6. Speech delivered before the overseers of Harvard College, Feb. 3, 1825, in behalf of the resident instructors of the college, with an introduction. By Andrews Norton. Boston, 1825. 436 BELLES-LETTBES. Peale, 9093, O. 5. Address delivered by Chjurles W. Peale, to the corporation of Philadelphia, 1816. Perry t 4668, D. The orator ; being a collection of pieces selected from the best Encrlish writers. 1^ Wm. Perry. Edinburgh, 1777. Phillips, 5323, O. Specimens of Irish eloquence, now first arranged and col- lected, with biographical notices, and a preface. By Charles Phillips, Esq. London, 1819. 4966, O. The speeches of Charles Phillips, Esq. delivered at the bar, and on various public occasions, in Ireland and England. Edited by himself New York, 1817. 731 1,0. Speeches of Phillips, Curran and Grattan, the celebrated Irish orators. Philadelphia, 1831. Pettit, 9135, O. 4. An annual discourse delivered before the historical society of Pennsylvania. By T. M. Pettit, Esq. Philadelphia, 1828. Pitt, 3898, O. The speeches of the right honourable William I^tt, in the house of commons. 2d edit. 3 vols. London, 1808. Porter, 1982, 8. & 2272, O. 9. An oration to commemorate the independence of the United States of North America, delivered July 4, 1791. By Ro- bert Porter. Philadelphia, 1791. 3670, O. 8. An oration in commemoration of American inde|>endence, delivered July 4, 1804. By John Ewing Porter. Philadelphia, 1804. Gift of the author, Potts, 7321, O. 2. An address delivered in Philadelphia, July 4, 1826. By George Potts. Philadelphia, 1826. Quincy, 7192, O. 2. An address to the citizens of Boston, September, 1830. The close of the second century from the first settlement of the city. By Josiah Quincy, LL. D. President of the Harvard university. Bos- ton, 1830. Gift of the author. Rawle, 9135, O. 3. A discourse on the nature and study of law, delivered be- fore the law academy of Philadelphia. By Wm. Rawle, LL. D. Phi- ladelphia, 1832. 9139, O. 4. An address delivered before the Philadelphia society for promoting agriculture. By William Rawle. Philadelphia, 1819. 9140, O. 15. Two addresses to the associated members of the Philadel- phia bar. Pronounced by William Rawle, Esq. Philadelphia, 1824. Ramsay, 464, Q^ 8. An oration on the advantages of American independence ; spoken at Charlestown, on the second anniversary of that aera. By David Ramsay. Charlestown, 1778. 4402, O. An eulogium on Benjamin Rush, M. D. written at the re- quest of the medical society of South Carolina, and delivered before them in Charleston. By David Ramsey, M. D. Philadelphia, 1813. Rittenhouse, 312, 1. 463, 2. 644, 2. & 1409, Q. 1. An oration before the Ameri- can philosophical society, February 24, 1775. By David Ritten- house. Philadelphia, 1775. Rogers, 1982, 10. & 2395, O. 3. An oration delivered July 4, 1789. By Wm. Rogers, D. D. With a prayer, by Ashbel Green. Philadelphia, 1789. CHft of the author. RomiUy, 5405, O. The speeches of Sir Samuel Romilly, in the house of com- mons. 2 vols. London, 1820. Rush, 2165, 2273, 6. 1409, 6. Q. & 1758. O. 7. An oration, delivered before the American philosophical society, held in Philadelphia on the 27th of February, 1786; containing an enquiry into the influence of physical causes upon the moral faculty. By Benjamin Rush, M. D. Philadel- phia, 1786. 2496, 5. &, 2497, O. 4. An eulogium, intended to perpetuate the memo- ry of David Rittenhouse, late president of the philosophical society. ORATIONS, &c. 437 By Benjamin Rush, M. D. Philadelphia, 1796. Gift of the said so- ciety. Rush, 1566, 6. 2. An oration delivered February 4, 1774, before the American philosophical society ; containing an inquiry into the natural history of medicine among the Indians in North America. By Doctor Benja- min Rush. Philadelphia, 1774. Renwick, 9140, O. 8. Inaugural discourse, delivered by James Ren wick. A, M. in Columbia college, N. Y. New York, 1821. Schultz, 8625, O. 3. An oration delivered before the Mosheimian society. By Benjamin Schultz, M. D. Scatty 4868, O. 6. An oration delivered before the Washington benevolent so- ciety, February 22, 1815. By John M. Scott, Esq. Philadelphia, 1815. Sergeant, 8764, & 8789, O. The select speeches of John Sergeant of Pennsyl- vania. Philadelphia, 1832. Gift of M. Carey. 7113, O. An address delivered before the citizens of Philadelphia, at the House of Refuge, 1828. By John Sergeant, Esq. Philadelphia, 1828. 9096, O. 5. An address to the apprentices' library company of Phila- delphia, 1832. By John Sergeant. Sheridan, 4892, O. Speeches of the late Right hon. Richard Brinsley Sheridan ; several corrected by himself 5 vols. London, 1816. Smith, 463, Q,. 1. An oration, dehvered January 22, 1773, before the American philosophical society, held at Philadelphia. By William Smith. Phi- ladelphia, 1773. 9115, O. 7. An oration on Gen. Montgomery. By Wm. Smith, D. D. Philadelphia, 1776. Staughton, 4870, O. 2. An eulogiumin memory of the late Dr. Benjamin Rush, By William Staughton, D. D. Philadelphia, 1813. Sullivan, 6010, O. 3. An address to the members of the bar of Suffolk, Mass. at their stated meeting. By Wm. Sullivan. Boston, 1825. 7%wci'6?e(/es, 3343, O. 1. Thucididis Platonis et Lysiae, orationes funebres; with English notes. By Edward Bentham. Oxford, 1746. P. Tyson, 7192, 4. & 7317, O. 3. An address delivered at the request of the board of managers of the apprentices' library company of Philadelphia. By J. R. Tyson. Philadelphia, 1830. 9135, 5. & 7319, O. 7. Annual discourse delivered before the historical society of Pennsylvania. By Job R. Tyson. Philadelphia, 1831. Vaughan, 5169, D. 3. The valedictory lecture delivered before the philosophi- cal society of Delaware. By Dr. John Vaughan. Wilmington, 1800. Vaux, 5990, O. 4. Address delivered before the Philadelphia society for promot- ing agriculture. By Roberts Vaux. Philadelphia, 1825. Gift of the author. Verplank, 9139, O. 3. An anniversary discourse delivered before the New York historical society. By Gulian C. Verplank, Esq. New York, 1818. Washington, 2596, O. 3. An oration, delivered on Tuesday, the twenty-ninth of November, 1796, at the great room Brewer street, London, on the resignation of General Washington, including a short review of his life, character and conduct. By John Gale Jones. London, 1796. 1409, a. 2799, 1. & 2800, O. 1 A funeral oration, in honour of the memory of general George Washington, delivered before the president of the United States, and the members of the two houses of con- gress, the twenty-sixth of December, 1799. By Henry Lee. Phila- delphia. 2799, 2. & 2800, O. . A sermon on the death of general George 438 BELLES-LETTBBS. Washington, delivered February 22, 1800, in the city of Baltimore. By Thomas Morrell. Baltimore fftuhingtoih 2799, 3. &2800. O. Two discourses, occasioned by the death of genera] George Washington, at Mount Vernon, December 14, 1799. By Uiall Og^en, D. D. 2d edit Philadelphia, 1800. 2799, 4. 2800, & 9125, O. 2. A funeral oration occasioned by the death of general George Washington, delivered January 1, 1800, at New Rochelle, in the state of New York. By Samuel Bayard. New Brunswick, 1800. . 2799, 6. & 2800, O. A funeral oration on brother Georpe Wash- ington, delivered January 1, 1800, before the French lodge I'Amenite in Philadelphia. By Simon Chaudron. Translated from the French, by Samuel F. Bradford. Philadelphia, 1800. 2799, 6. & 2800, O. An oration on the death of general George Washington, delivered at Trenton, January 14, 1800. By James S. Smith. Trenton, 1800. 2799, 7. 2800, & 3739, O. 12. An oration on the sublime virtues of general George Washington, pronounced in Boston, February 8, 1 800. By Fisher Ames. Philadelphia, 1 800. 2799, 8. 2800, & 8592, O. 3. An eulogium delivered at Dover, Fe- bruary 22, 1800, in commemoration of the death of general George Washington. By John Vining, Philadelphia, 1 800. 2799, 9. & 2800, O. A funeral eulogy, occasioned by the death of general Washington, delivered February 22, 1800, before the New York state society of the CincinnatL By William Linn, D. D. New York, 1800. 2799, 10. &2800, O. An oration commemorative of the virtues and greatness of general Washington, pronounced in Philadelphia, be- fore the grand lodge of Pennsylvania, February 22, 1800. By Samuel Magaw, D. D. 2799, 11. & 2800, O. Oration on the death of general George Washington, delivered in New Brunswick, February 22, 1800. ^ general Frederick Frelinghuysen. New Brunswick, 1800. — 2799, &. 2800, O. 12. An oration delivered in Burlington, Feb- ruary 22, 1800, in commemoration of general George Washington, who died at Mount Vernon, December 14, 1799, in the sixty-eighth year of his age. By William Griffith. With a prayer on the same occasion, by Charles H. Wharton. Trenton, 1800. — 2799, 1 3. & 2800, O. A discourse on the death of general George Washington, delivered in Bucks county, Pennsylvania, February 22, 1800. By the Rev. Jacob Larzelere. Mount Holly, 1800. — 2799, 14. & 2800, O. A discourse delivered at Woodbury in New Jersey, February 22, 1 800, to the memory of general George Wash- ington. ByJohnCroes. Philadelphia, 1800. — 2799, 15. dc 2800, O. A discourse on general Washington, deli- vored in the Catholic church in Baltimore, February 22, 1800. By the Right Rev. Bishop Carroll. Baltimore. — 2799, 16. 2800, & 3739, O. 10. An eulogium on the character of general Washington, pronounced at the request of the Pennsylvania society of the Cincinnati, before the president of the United States, and the members of both houses of congress, February 22, 1800. By Major William Jackson. 2d edit. Philadelphia, 1800. — 3739, 0. 11. An oration on the death of general Washington. By Governeur Morris. New York, 1800. 2858, dc 8069, O. The Washingtoniana ; a collection of eulogies, orations, dec. collected by F. Johnston. Lancaster, 1802. Webiter, 7196, O. Speeches and forensic arguments. By Daniel Webster. Boston, 1830. POETRY. 439 Webster, 6010, O. 4. An address delivered at the laying of the corner stone of the Bunker Hill monument. By Daniel Webster. Boston, 1805. Wharton, 6343, 0. 2. A discourse delivered before the society for the comme- moration of the landing of William Penn. By T. J. Wharion, Esq. Philadelphia, 1826. Williston, 6352, O. Eloquence of the United States. Compiled by E. B. Wil- liston. 5 vols. Middletown, Conn. 1828. Wilson, 8605, O. 6. Oration on the power and value of national liberty. By Alexander Wilson. Philadelphia, 1801. Windham, 4570, O. Speeches in parliament of the Right Honorable William Windham; to which is prefixed, some account of his life. By Thomas Amyott. 3 vols. London, 1812. Wood, 6203, 3. 9140, 13. & 6322, O. 11. An address delivered before the phi- lomathean society of the university of Pennsylvania. By George B. Wood, M. D. Philadelphia, 1 826. Gift of the society. 2092, & 2264, D. The American speaker, a selection of popular, parliamen- tary and forensic eloquence. 2d edit. Philadelphia, 1814 — 1815. 3735, O. 1. An address, delivered January, 1806, before the American litera- ry association. Philadelphia. 8994, O. The introductory discourses and lectures delivered before the Ame- rican institute of instruction in 1833. Boston, 1834. POETRY. TREATISES ON POETRY. Aikin, 2336, O. & 3397, D. Essay on the application of natural history to poetry. By Arthur Aikin. Warrington, 1777. 3363, D. Letters to a young lady on a course of English poetry. By J. Aikin, M. D. New York, 1806. Aristotle, 1113, Q,. A translation of Aristotle's treatise on poetry, with notes on the translation, and on the origmal ; and two dissertations on poetical and musical imitation. By Thomas Twining. London, 1789. P. 3119, 2. & 6714, O. Aristotle's poetics; or discourses concerning tragic and epic imitation. Translated from the Greek. London, 1775. 728, F. Tom. 2. De poetica liber. Opera Aristotelis. Aurele AI- lobrogum, 1605. P. Brown, 2131, Q,. A dissertation on the rise, union, and power, the progres- sions, separations, and corruptions, of poetry and music, to which is prefixed, the curse of Saul, a sacred ode. Written by Dr. Brown. London, 1763. Buchler, 882, & 2931, D. I. Thesaurus poeticus. Opera M. J. Buchleri. Lon- don, 1670. 2931, D, 2. Reformata poeseos institutio ex Jacob! Pontani. Opera M. J. Buchleri. Londini, 1670. Bysshe, 178, D. The art of English poetry. By Edward Bysshe. 8th edit. 2 vols. London, 1737. Collier, 2771, D. The poetical decameron, or ten conversations on English poets and poetry, particularly of the reigns of Elizabeth and James I. By J. Payne Collier. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1820. Duhos, 1642, D. Reflexions critiques sur la poesie, et sur la peinture. Par Dubos. 2 tomes. Utretcht, 1732. P. Edgeworth, 2556, D. Readings in poetry. By Richard L. Edgeworth, and Maria Edgeworth. London, 1816. 2562, D. 2. The same. Boston, 1816. 440 BELLES-LETTRES. Hawkins, 5159, O. An inquiry into the nature and history of Greek and Latin jxMMry, more particularly of the dramatic species. By John S. Haw- kins, Esq. London, IK 17. Hazlitt, 5109, & 7579, O. Lectures on the English poets, delivered at the Surry institution. By William Hazlitt. Philadelphia, 1818. HurdUt 853, Q. Lectures shewing the several sources of that pleasure which the human mind receives from poetry. By James Hurdis, D. D. Bishopstooe, 1797. Jones, 841, d. Vol. 2. Poeseos Asiaticae commentariorum. By Sir William Jones. London, 1789. 841, Q^ VoL 5. Essay on the poetry of the Eastern nations. By Sir William Jones. London, 1799. Afitford, 3780, O. An enquiry into the principles of harmony in language, and of the mechanism of verse, ancient and modern, by William Mitford, London, 1804. Montgomery, 5734, D. Lectures on poetry and general literature, delivered at the royal institution, in 1830 — 1831. By James Montgomery. Lon- don, 1833. Rapin, 198, D. Reflections on Aristotle's treatise of poesie ; containing the ne- cessary rules for epic, dramatic, and the other sorts of poetry ; with re- flections on the works of the ancient and modern poets. By M. Rapin. London, 1674. Ritson, 536, D. Bibliographia poetica ; a catalogue of English poets, of the twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth centuries ; with a short account of their works. By Joseph Ritson. London, 1802. Roscommon, 1238, Q. 9. An essay on translated verse. By the Earl of Ros- common. London, 1684. P. Taylor, 7047, O. Historic survey of German poetry, interspersed with various translations. By W. Taylor, of Norwich. 2 vols. London, 1828. Vigors, 4099, O. An enquiry into the nature and extent of poetic license. By N. A. Vigors, jr. Esq. London, 1810. Vossius, 551, Q,. Gerardi Joannis Vossii poeticarum institutionum libri tres. Amstelodami, 1647. L. Warton, 290, & 358, O. The history of English poetry, from the close of the eleventh, to the commencement of the eighteenth century ; with two dis- sertations ; the first, on the origin of romantic fiction in Europe ; and the second, on the introduction of learning in England. By Thomas Warton. London, 1774. 2d edit. 3 vols. London, 1775. 1901, D. Yratado da versificacao Portugueza. Lisbon, 1777. Gift of Mathew Carey. GREEK AND LATIN POETRY, AND TRANSLATIONS. Jinacreon, 1544, & 4887, D. The works of Anacreon, Sappho, Bion, Moschus, and Musaeus, translated from the Greek. By Francis Fawkes. 2d edit. London, 1789—1760. 615, D. The works of Anacreon and Sappho; also pieces from an- cient authors, and occasional essays ; with notes. To which is pre- fixed, The classic, a poem. By E. B. Greene. London, 1768. 3714, &, 8374, O. Translation into English verse of the odes of Ana- creon ; with notes. By Thomas Moore. Philadelphia, 1804. 2684, D. Le odi di Anacreonte tradotte in versi Italiani, de Eritisca Pilenejo. Gift of M. da Ponte. ApoUonius, 1048, Q^ Joannis Shaw Apollonii Rhodii Argonauticorum libri qua tuor. QraBC^ et Latinfe. Tomi duo. Oxonii, 1777. P. GREEK AND LATIN POETRY. 441 *^pollonius, 1700, O. ApoUonii Rhodii Argonauticorum libri IV. ab Jeremia Hoslzlino in Latinum conversa. Lugduni Batavorum, 1641. L. 3116, O. Argonautics of Apollonius Rhodius in four books, with notes, and a translation of Coluthus's Greek poem. By Francis Fawke. London, 1780. F. 3392, D. The loves of Medea and Jason. Written by ApoUonis of Rhodes, 244 years before Christ. Translated, &c. by Jeffery Ekins, London. Apuleius, 2691, O. 2. Cupid and Psyche, from the golden ass of Apuleius. Lon- don, 1795. Augrellius, 5860, D. 2. Joannis Aurelii Augrelli chrysopaeia at vellus Aureum. Genevae, 1653. AvsoniuSy 977, D. Ausonii Burdigalensis opera a Josepho Scaligero emendata. Lugduni, 1575. L. Beveridge^ 1557, O. 8. Familiar epistles, and other miscellaneous pieces. Latin and English. By John Beveridge. Philadelphia, 1765. Blandy 6885, O. Translations, chiefly from the Greek anthology. With tales and miscellaneous poems. By Rev. R. Bland. London, 1806. 4637, O. Collections from the Greek anthology, and from the pasto- ral, elegiac, and dramatic poets of Greece, by the Rev. Robert Bland, and others. London, 1813. Bosch, 2102, Q,. Hieronimi de Bosch Carmen de aequalitatem hominum. Am- steledami, 1793. Bourne, 1699, D. 2. A. V. Bourne poematia Latine, partim reddita, partim scripta. Londini, 1735. P. 3294, O. Thyrsis and Chloe, William and Margaret; votum, Dr. Gualteri Pope, The old man's wish, and Corydon Q,uerens. Colin's complaint. Tres Cantilenae Anglicanae celebrations nominis, Latine redditae. V. Bourne. Londini, 1728. Browne, 2229, & 7909, O. The immortality of the soul ; a poem, from the Latin of Isaac Hawkins Browne. Translated by John Lettice, B. D. To which is added the original poem ; with a commentary and anno- tations by the translator. Cambridge, 1795. 160, €1. 1. The same. Translated from the Latin, by Richard Grey. London, 1754. Buchanan, 948, D. Georgii Buchanani poemata quae extant. Amstelodami, 1676. L. — 1825, D. Georgii Buchani Scoti poemata paraphrasis, in librum psalmorum. Amstelodami, 1687. F. Burton, 160, d. 2229, 1. & 3232, O. 9. Sacerdos paroecialis rusticus. By A. J. Burton. Oxonii, 1757. P. Callimdchus, 3333, O. Callimachi hymni et epigrammata, Graecd et Latin^. Londini, 1741. F. 3334, O. Callimachi Cyrenaei hymni cum Latina interpretatione, a Salvinio Etruscis versibus nunc primum redditi. Florent. 1763. F. 1110, Q,. The works of Callimachus, translated into English verse ; the hymns and epigrams from the Greek. By H, W. Tytler. London, 1793. F. 259,0,. The hymns of Callimachus. Translated from the Greek, into Enghsh verse, with explanatory notes. To which are added, se- lect epigrams, and the Coma Berenices of the same author. By Wil- liam Dodd. London, 1755. 1026, a. The same. F. Catullus, 6543, O. The poems of Caius Valerius Catullus, in English verse. With the Latin text, revised, and classical notes. Prefixed are en- gravings of Catullus, and hl^ friend Cornelius Nepos. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1795. M. 56 442 BELLES-LETTRES. Catullus^ 2832, U. The poems of Caias Valerius Catullus ; translated with a preface and notes. By the Hon. George Lamb. 2 vols. London, 1821. CebeSt 1125, Q,. 6. Tablet of Cebes, or a picture of human life, a poem, copied from the Greek of Cebes the Theban. Oxford, 1759. P. Cephala, 3638, O. &, 1497, D. Anthologiae Graecae, a Constantino Cephala con- ditjB, libri tres. Graecfe et Latin^. Oxonii, 1766. P, Claudian^ 966, D. CI. Claudiani quae extant. Amstelodami, 1650. L. 1668, O. CI. Claudiani quae extant. Cum notis Nicolai Heinsii et aliorum commentariis. Amstelodami, 1665. L. 6 1 60, O. The works of Claudian translated into Elnglish verse. 2 vols. By A. Hawkins, Esq. London, 1817. Ca?r/fy, 1671, O. Abrahami Couleij Angli poemata Latina. Londini, 1668. L. Ltdekindus, 6590, O. Grobianus; or the compleat booby. An ironical poem. Done into English, from the Latin of Friderick Dedekindus, by Roger Bull, Esq. London, 1739. M. Elton, 4788, O. Specimens of the classic poets in a chronological series, from Homer to Tryphiodorus, translated into English verse, and illustrated with biographical and critical notes. By Charles A. Elton. 3 vols. London, 1814. Epictetus, 1699, D. 1. Edvardum Ives Epecteti Enchiridion. Latinis versibus adumbratum. Editio secunda. Oxoniae, 1723. P. Farnaby, 1753, D. Florilegium epigrammatum Graecorum, eorumque Latino versu a variis redditorum. A Th. Farnaby. Londini, 1629. P. Geddes, 890, Q,. 3. Bardomachia poema macoronico Latinum. By A. Geddes. Londini, 1800. Giles, 6549, D. Scriptores Graeci minores, quorum reliquias, fere omnium melioris notae, ex editionibus variis excerpsit J. A. Giles, A. B. Oxon. 2 vols. Oxon. 1831. Grotius, SSSyD. Hugonis Grotii poemata. Londini, 1639. L. Hesiod, 3167, O. Hesiodi Ascraei quae extant, Orphei et Procli philosophi hymni, omnia Graece et Latine. Ab. A. M. Seilvini in Italiam linguam trans- lata. Batavii, 1747. P. 1548, D. The works of Hesiod, translated from the Greek. By Thomas Cooke. 2d edit. London, 1740. P. 1958, & 3682, D. The remains of Hesiod, the Ascraean. Translated from the Greek into English verse ; with a preliminary dissertation and notes, by Charles Abraham Elton. London, 1804 — 1809. Homer, 939, F. & 1202, Q. Homeri llias et Odyssea, cum Latina versione, ac- curante Corn. Schrevelio. Amstelodami, 1656. P. 1499, Q,. Homeri llias et Odyssea -a Cornelii Schrevelio. Amstelo- dami, (Elzevir,) 1636. Gift of Richard Leke, Esquire, of Savannah, Georgia. 927, D. Homeri llias et Odyssea, Graecd et Latin^, cum ejusdem ba- trachomyomachia hymnis et epigrammatibus. Apud Johan. Vignon. Tomi II. 1609. L. 3533, O. Samuel Clarke, S. T. P. Homeri Dias, Graec5 et Latins, an- notationes scripsit et edidit. Eiditio secunda. Tomus primus. Lon- dini, 1735. P, 3332, O. Samuel Clarke Homeri Dias, GraecS et Latins. 2 vols. Lon- dini, 1779. P. 3353, O. Samuel Clarke Homeri Odyssea, Graecfe et Latins. Edit. 2da. Tomi II. Londini, 1758. P. 6825, O. Homeri Odyssea, Graece et Latine. Edidit, annotationesque, ex notis nonnullis manuscriptis a Samuele Clarke, S. T. P. defuncto reUctis, partim collectas, adjecit Samuel Clarke, S. R. S. 2 torn. Edinburgi, 1810. GREEK AND LATIN POETRY. 443 Homer, 208, P. Homeri Ilias ; Graece. Glasguae, 1756. Gift of Doctor Small, of London. 3623, O. Homeri Ilias, id est, de rebus ad Trojam gestis. Graece et Latine. Londini, 1722. P. 8991, O. The Iliad of Homer, from the text of Wolf With English notes and Flaxman's illustrative designs. Edited by C. C. Felton. Boston, 1^133. 1684, O. Clavis Homerica. Londini, 1727. L. 3341, O. Joannis Schaufelbergeri nova clavis Homerica. Tomi VlU. Turici, 1761. P. 451, p. Eustathii archiepiscopi Thessaloniae, in Homeri Diadis et Odys- sae libros parekbolai. Tomi 11. Basiliae, 1560. L. 5388, D. The works of Homer, translated from the Greek into English verse. By Alexander Pope. With notes and commentaries. 8 vols. London, 1794. 753, F. Homer's Odyssey ; translated by A. Pope. 5 vols. London, 1725. P. 754, F. Homer's Iliad; translated by A. Pope. 6 vols. London, 1715. P. . 2293, O. The Odyssey of Homer ; translated by Alexander Pope ; a new edition, with notes, by Gilbert Wakefield. 5 vols. London, 1796. 2294, O. The Iliad of Homer ; translated by Alexander Pope ; a new edition, with notes, by Gilbert Wakefield. 6 vols. London, 1796. 2286, D. The Odyssee of Homer, translated by Alexander Pope, Esq. 3 vols. London, 1763. 2287, D. The Iliad of Homer, translated by Alexander Pope, JEsq. 4 vols. London, 1763. 3837, D. The Iliad of Homer ; translated from the Greek, by Alexander Pope, Esq. 2 vols. Boston, 1806. 3766, D. The Odyssey of Homer. Translated from the Greek, by Alexander Pope, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1795. 264, Q,. The Iliad of Homer. Translated by James Macpherson. 2 vols. London, 1773. 1045, a. The same. P. — 620, a. «& 6827, O. The Iliad and Odyssey of Homer, translated into English blank verse, by W. Cowper. 2 vols. London, 1791, & Dub- lin, 1792. 1100, a. The same. P. 6554, O. The same. With a preface by his kinsman, J. Johnson, LL. B. &c. 4 vols. London, 1802. M. 7010, O. The Iliad of Homer, translated into English blank verse. By the Rev. J. Morrice. London, 1809. 7267, O. The Iliad of Homer ; translated by William Sotherby. 2 vols. London, 1831. 1280, O. 4. Homer's hymn to Ceres. Translated into English verse, by Richard Hole. Exeter, 1781. 2546, O. A burlesque translation of Homer. By Thomas Brydges. With plates. 4th edit. 2 vols. London, 1797. 3446, O. M. Bitaube I'lliade d'Homer, traduction nouvelle, precede des reflections sur Homer et suivi des remarques. 3 vols. Paris, 1780. P. Horace, 858, F. Q,uinti Horatii opera. Venetiis, 1562. P, 1871, O. dvinti Horatii opera. Tomi II. Londini aenis tabvlis indi- ci Johannes Pine. 1733. 3422, O. duinti Horatii Flacci opera, cum commentariis selectissi- mis variorum et scholiis integris Johannis Bond. Lugd. Batavorura, 1658. P. 444 BBLLES-LBTTRES. Horace, 3520, O. Q,uinti HoratU Fined epistols ad Pisones et Au^ustum, with an English commentary and notes. By the Rev. Mr. Hurd. 5th edit. 3 vols. London, 1776. P, 3«39, O. The same. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1763. P. 59, D. Qulnti Horatii epistolae ad Pisones et Aupustum. With an Elnglish commentary and notes. To which are added, two disserta- tions — one, of the provinces of dramatic poetry ; and the other, on poetical imitation. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1753. 971, D. Q,uinti Horatii Flacci poemata, annotationibus Joannis Bond illustrata. Londini, 1670. L. 3870, D. Q,. Horatii Flacci Carmina, ab omni obscoenitate expurgata, et notulis illustrata, a Nicolao Piat. Parisiis, 1782. 5462, D. Q,uinti Horatii Flacci opera omnia, ad optimum exemplarium fidem recensitis. Edinburgi, 1789. 3473, O. Translation of several odes, satyrs and epistles of Horace, with some versions out Catullus, Martial, and the Italian poets. By John Han way. London, 1730. P. 3339, O. Works of Horace translated into English prose, together with the original Latin. By David Watson. 4th edit. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1760. P. 7882, O. The satires, epistles, and art of poetry of Horace, translated into English verse, by Wm. Boscawen, Esq. London, 1797. 1470, & 8313, O. The lyric works of Horace. Translated into English verse ; with a number of original poems, by John Parke. Philadel- phia, 1786. Gift of Caleb Buglasa. 188, & 189, D. A poetical translation of the works of Horace; with the original text and notes. Collected from the best Latin and French commentators on that author. By Philip Francis. 2d edit. 4 vols. London, 1747. 6th edit. London, 1756. 1564, & 4863, D. The same. 7th edit. London, 1765. Dublin, 1794. P. 386, Q,. 3. Horace^s art of poetry, an epistle to the Pisos. Translated into English, with notes, by George Coleman. London, 1783. 126, D. The odes, satyrs, and epistles of Horace. Translated into English, by Mr. Creech. 5th edit. London, 1730. 1826, D. Horace's works, translated literally into English prose, by C. Smart, with the Latin text. 2 vols. London, 1756. P. 4634, D. The works of Horace in English verse. By Messrs. Dun- combe and others. With notes and imitations. 2d edit. 3 vols. London, 1767. 1054, Q,. R. P. Sanadon poesies d*Horace disposees suivant I'ordre chronologique et traduites en Francois, avec des remarques et des dis- sertations critiques. 2 vols. Paris, 1728. P. 5199, D. The lyric pieces of Horace, disposed according to chronolo- gic order. By P. Sanadon. With an English translation in |>oetic prose. To which are prefixed, Sanadon's life of Horace, and a critical preface. By Matthew Towers. 2 vols. Dublin, 1742. 2051, D. Poesies completes d*Horace traduites, par Batteux et F. Peyrard, avec le texte en regarde. A Paris, 1803. Gift of Joseph Dennitt Esq. 1294, Q. Giovanni Fabrini opere d'oratio poeta lirico commentate. Venetia. 1681. P. Johnson, 1663, & 1681, D. Thonue Johnson novus Graecorum epigrammatum et poematum, delectus; cum nova versione et notis. Londini, 1712. P. Juvenal, 3400, O. D. Junii Juvenalis et Auli Persii Flacci satyrae cum veteris •choUastc et variorum commentarii. Amstelodami, 1684. P. GREEK AND LATIN POETRY. 445 Juvenal, 414, F. The satyrs of Juvenal ; with plates. Translated into English, by Sir Robert Stapylton. London, 1660. Gift of Samuel Coates. 5342, D. The same. London, 1673. 327, D. The satyrs of Decimus Junius Juvenalis, and of Aulus Persius Flac-^.us. Translated into English verse, by Mr. Dryden, and several other hands. To which is prefixed, a discourse concerning the original and progress of satyr. 5th edit. London, 1726. 1806, D. The same. F. 3472, O. The satyrs of Juvenal translated, with explanatory and clas- sical notes relating to the laws and customs of the Greeks and Romans ; Greek and English. London, 1739. F. 3136, O. New and literal translation of Juvenal and Perseus, with co- pious explanatory notes. By the Rev. M. Madan. 2 vols. London, 1789. 4882, D. The satires of Juvenal translated ; with explanatory and classical notes. Dublin, 1777. 966, Q,. The satires of Decimus Junius Juvenalis, translated into Eng- lish verse ; with notes. By William Gifford. London, 1802. 5094, O. The satires of Decimus Junius Juvenalis and of Aulus Persius Flaccus. Translated into English verse. By William Gifford, Esq. with notes and illustrations. 2 vols. London, 1817. 1011, Q. 2. An examination of the strictures of the critical reviewers on the translation of Juvenal. By Wm. Gifford, Esq. London, 1803. 1397, Q,. 3. A supplement to his examination of the strictures of the critical reviewers of his translation of Juvenal. By Wm. Gifford. Lon- don, 1804. . — 1238, Q,. 13. A modern essay on the thirteenth satyr of Juvenal. By Henry Higden. London, 1686. F. 1238, Q,. 14. The tenth satyr of Juvenal. English and Latin. By Tho- mas Shad well. London, 1687. F. 1238, Q. 15. An essay on the tenth satyr of Juvenal. By Henry Higden. London, 1687. F, Langston, 1754, D. Lusus poeticus Latino- Anglicanus, in usum scolarum, or the more eminent sayings of the Latin poets, collected for the service of youth. Latin and English. By John Langston. 2d edit. Lon- don, 1679. F. Longus, 3916, D. Les amours pastorales de Daphnis et Chloe, escrites en Grec par Longus, et translatees en Francois par Jacques Amyot. Avec figures. A Versailles, 1784. 3897, D. Gli Amori Pastorali di Dafni e Cloe di Longo Sofista, tra- dotti duUa lingua Graeca dal commendatore Annibal Caro. Parisi, 1800. Lucan, 1698, O. M. Annaeus Lucanus de bello' civili cum Grotii et aliorum notis. Tomi II. Amstelodami, 1669. L. 1788, D. Translation of Lucan's pharsalia. By Thomas May. 3d edit. London, 1635. 196, 197, & 5286, D. Lucan's pharsalia. Translated into English verse by Nicholas Rowe. 2 vols. London, 1753 — 1807. 666, F. & 1554, D. The same. London, 1718. 2 vols. London, 1753. F. 3450, O. Traduction de la pharsale de Lucan en Fran9ois. Par M. Marmontel. 2 tomes. Paris, 1766. Lucretius, 1206, Q,. T. Lucretius Carus de rerum natura. LutetiaB, 1670, F. 879, D. Titi Lucretii Cari de rerum natura, libri sex. Londini, 1713. L. 1823, D. Titi Lucretii de rerum natura, libri sex. Lugdini, 1546. F. 446 BELLES-LETTRES. Lucretius, 3471, O. Lucretius Carus, of the nature of things, in six books, translated into English verse. By Thomas Creech. 2 vols, London, 1715. F. — 3588, O. P. & 46. D. The same. London, 1683—1699. HM")!, O. Of the nature of things, in six books. By T. Lucretius ( 11 us. Illustrated with useful notes and copperplates. 2 vols. Lon- a.MK 1713. p, KUitl, \ 1985,0. The nature of things : a didactic poem. Trans- lated from the Latin of Titus Lucretius Carus, accompanied with the original text, and illustrated with notes, philological and explanatory. By John Mason Good. With plates. 2 vols. London, 1805. M. 1769, D. Di Tito Lucrezio Caro della natura, delle cose, libri VI. Tradotti da Alessandro Marchetti. Londra, 1761. P. Maniliuty 3480, O. The five books of M. Manilius, containing a system of the ancient astronomy and astrology, together with the philosophy of the stoics, done into English verse, with notes. By T. Creech. London, 1697. P, Martial, 1703, O. M. Valerii Martialis epigrammata cum notis Famabii et va- riorum. Lugduni Batavorum, 1670. L. 3495, O. The epigrams of Martial, Englished, with some other pieces, ancient and modern. London, 1695. P. 3490, O. & 1546, D. Select epigrams of Martial. Translated and imitated, by William Hay. London, 1755. P. 1084, d. Epigrams of Martial, in 12 books. By James Elphinstone. London, 1782. P. 1116, Q,. 2. A specimen of the translation of the epigrams of M. Val. Martial, liy James Elphinstone. London, 1788. P. Morriltj 562, D. Miscellaneous translations and imitations of minor Greek poets. By J. B. S. Morritt. London, 1802. Oppian, 10, O. Oppian's halieuticks, of the nature of fishes and fishing of the ancients. Translated from the Greek ; with an account of Oppian's life and writings, and a catalogue of his fishes. Oxford, 1722. Orpheus, 3431, O. Jo. M. Gesneri Orphei Argonautica Hymni, libellus de lapi- dibus, et fragmenta. Graec^ et Latind. Lipsiae, 1764. P. 1465, D. 1. Mystical initiations; or, hymns of Orpheus, translated from the original Greek. By Thomas Taylor. With a preliminary disser- tation on the life and theology of Orpheus. London, 1787. P. Ovid, 901, D. Publii Ovidii Nasonis opera tomi III. Amstelodami, 1661. L, 3376, O. P. Ovidii Nasonis metamorphoseon libri XV. ad usum serenissi- mi Delphini. Londini, 1719. P. 1 1 12, D. Publii Ovidii Nasonis Tristium. Ex accuratiss. Andrea* Nau- gerii castigatione. Antverpiae, 1575. Gift of John C. Pedeger. 3583, D. P. Ovidii Nasonis Tristium libri quinque. Cum argunientis et Notis Johannis Minellii, Anglice redditis, &c. &c. Ojwra et Studio N. Bailey. Londini, 1726. 665, O. Ovidii epistolarum heroidum liber, in usum Delphini. Londini, 1737. Gift of J. Poberts. 3296, D. Ovid's metamorphoses. In fifteen books. Translated by Mr. Dryden, Mr. Addison, Mr. Garth, and other eminent hands. Publish- ed by Sir Samuel Garth, M. D. Plates. 2 vols. London, 1751. -/>/. 2289, D. Ovid's metamorphosis, epitomized in an Englisli poetical style. London, 1760. 3488, O. Ovid's metamorphoses, translated into English prose ; with the Latin text on the same page. 3d edit. London, 1759. P. 811, F. Ovid's metamorphoses, English mythologized and represented in figures. By G.Sandys. 1632. P. GREEK AND LATIN POETRY. 447 Ovid, 418, D. Ovid's epistles; with his amours. Translated into English verse, by the most eminent hands. London, 1748. 1787, D. Ovid's art of love, together with his amours and remedy of love. Translated into English verse, by several eminent hands. Lon- don, 1719. F. 1745, D. Ovid's invective, or curse against Ibis. Translated into Eng- lish verse, by John Jones. Oxford, 1667. P. Owen, 1827, U. Joannis Owen epigrammatum, editio quarta. Londini, 1612. P. Palengenius, 5487, D. Marcelli Palingenii stellati poetae doctissimi Zodiacus vitae, hoc est de hominis vita, studio, ac.moribus optime instituendis. Amstelodami, 1728. 951, D. The same. Parisiis, 1564. L. Persius, 890, D. Auli Persii Flacci satyrae VI., cum posthumis commentariis Joannis Bond. Amstelodami, 1659. L. 1116, Q,. 1. The satires of Persius. Translated into English (prose), with notes. By Edmund Burton, Esq. London, 1752. P. 3133, O. 2. Satires of Persius. Translated into English, by Thomas Sheridan. With explanatory notes. 2d edit. London, 1739. P. 1246, D. A translation of the satires Of Persius. By William Drum- mond. London, 1797. 3713, D. 3. The satires of Persius. Translated by Mr. Gifford. Philadelphia, 1822. Phxdrus, 1543, D. Poetical translation of the fables of Phaedrus, with the ap- pendix of Gudius. By C. Smart. London, 1765. P. Pindar, 962, D. Pindari Olympia Pythia Nemaea, Isthmia. Caeterorum octo lyricorum carmina Alcaei, Sapphus, Stesichori, Ibyci, Anacreontis, Bacchylidis, Simonidis, Alemanis, nonnuUa etiam aliorum. Olira Pauli Stephani, 1702. L. 149, Q. The odes of Pindar; with several other pieces in prose and verse. Translated from the Greek, by Gilbert West ; with a disserta- tion on the Olympic games. London, 1749. 1153, a. The same. P. 1535, D. Odes of Pindar, with several other pieces in prose and verse. Translated from the Greek. By Gilbert West. 2 vols. London, 1753. P. 1465, D. 3. Six Olympic odes of Pindar. Translated into English verse, with notes; being those omitted by Mr. West. London, 1775. P. Prudentius, 1838, D. Aurelii Prudentii dementis opera. Amstelodami, 1631. P. Rousseau, 3294, O. 5. In obitum Roussaei, anno 1721. Carmen elegiacum. London, 1726. P. Rooke, 3434, O. The select translations of Mr. Rooke, in poems ; from the works of Sammazarius, H. Grotius, Bapt. Amaltheus, D. Heinsius, G. Buchanan, and Marius H. Vida. London, 1726. P. Sale, 1748, D. Sale's epigrammatum, being the choycest disticks of Martial's fourteen books of epigrams, and of all the chief Latin poets ; together with Cato's morality. London, 1664. P. Sarbievius, 1843, D. Sarbievii Cosimiri Mathiae lyricorum. Libri IV. Can- tabrigiae, 1684. P. Scaliger, 1657, O. Julii Caesaris Scaligeri poetices libri septem ad sylvium filium. Apud Petrum Santandreanum. 1594. Z. Secundus, 1466, D. 2. Kisses, being an English translation in verse, of the basia of Johannes Secundus Nicolaiiis of the Hague, accompanied with the original Latin text. London, 1775. P. Silius, 945, D. Silius Italicus de secundo bello Punico. Amsterod. 1631. L- 448 BELLES-LETTRES. Spratj 3524, O. 2. The plague of Athens, which happened in the second year of the Peloponnesian war. By Tliucidides. Translated into English verse, by Thomas Sprat 1683. F, Staiiust 6582, O. The thebaid of Statius. Translated into English verse, with notes and obser\Titions ; and a dissertation upon the whole, by way of preface. 2 vols. London, 1773. M. Stephanus, 431, F. Poetae Graeci principes heroici carminis et alii nonnuUi et fragmenta aliorum. Ex. H. Stephanus. 1566. L. Tosher, 1145, D. Select odes of Pindar and Horace. Translated by William Tasker, with his original miscellaneous poems, and a series of letters, with notes. 2d edit. 2 vols. Exeter, 1790 and 1792. Theocritus, 1653, O. Theocriti quae extant cum Graecis scholiis, notis et indi- cibus opera. Graece et Latm^. Oxoniae, 1699. L. 3461, O. Theocriti quae extant, cum Graecis scholiis. Londini, 1729. P. 3487, O. Thomae Martin Theocriti, Moschi et Bionis Idyllia, Graecfe et Latins. Londini, 1760. P. 1703, D. Translation of the idylliums of Theocritus, by Mr. Creech ; with Rapin's discourse upon pastorals. 3d edit. London, 1721. P. 6491,0. The Idylliums of Theocritus. Translated from the Greek, with notes critical and explanatory, by Francis Fawkes, M. A. Por- trait. London, 1767. M. 3105,0. The same. London, 1769. P. Thompson, 1396, D. Select translations from the works of Homer and Horace; with original poems. By Gilbert Thompson. London, 1801. TibuUus, 881, F. TibuUi elegiarum libri quatuor cum Catulli epigrammatis nee non Propertii libri quatuor degiaci. Venetis, 1520. P. 1746, O. Catulli, Tibulli et Propertii nova editio: Josephus Scaliger recensuit et castigavit. Lutetiae, 1577. L. 900, D. Catulli, Tibulli et Propertii opera. Londini, 1715. L. 1840, D. Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius, cum C. Galli fragmentis. Amstelaedami, 1686. P. 6616, O. The works of Tibullus ; containing his four books of love- elegies. Translated by Mr. Dart. With the life of the author, and observations on elegiac verse. Also, characters of the most celebrated Greek, Latin, and English elegiac poets. London, 1720. M. . 1563, D. Poetical translation of the elegies of Tibullus, and of the poems of Sulpicia ; with the original text and notes, critical and ex- planatory. By James Grainger. 2 vols. London, 1759. P, Tryphiodorus, 3195, O. Destruction of Troy, being the sequel of the Iliad, translated from the Greek of Tryphiodorus, with notes. By I. Mer- rick. Oxford, 1739. P. Tyrtceus, 1657, D. 3. Elegies of Tyrtoeus; translated into English verse, with notes and the original text. London, 1761. P. Vida, 8463, O. Poems on divine subjects, original, and translated from the Latin of M. Hieron Vida, with large annotations, by Thomas Morell, A. M. London, 1732. Vaniert, 1472, D. 8. Jacobi Vanerii e societate Jesu, Apes. Londini, 1729. P. 2663, O. 3. The bees; a poem. From the fourteenth book of Vaniere's pracdium rusticum. By Arthur Murphy. London, 1799. Ftr^, 472, F. Virgilii quae extant opera omnia. Cum annotationibus Tilx*- rii Donati et Cerulii Honorati etGeorgii Fabricii. Basileae, 1547. L. 1 645, O. Publii Virgilii Maronis opera omnia cum notis Serii et alio- rum. Lugduni Batavorum, 1 652. L. 046, D. Virgilii opera. Nic. Heinsi us recensuit. Ultrajecti, 1704 L. 3, QL Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, Georgica et iEneis. Birming- hamiflB. 1754. Gift of Doctor John Pother gill. GREEK AND LATIN POETRY. 449 Virgilj 5677, O. Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolica Georgica and ^Eneis. Bir- ming. 1760. 7752, O. Clavis Virgiliana ; or, a vocabulary of all the words in Virgil's Bucolics, Georgics, and ^neid. Compiled out of the best authors, Philadelphia, 1811. 324, & 3244, O. The works of Virgil ; in Latin and English. Trans- lated by Christopher Pitt and Joseph Warton. With essays on pas- toral, didactic, and epic poetry. 4 vols. London, 1753. 2288, D. The same. London, 1763. . 3776, D. The works of Virgil. Translated into English verse, by John Dryden. With remarks on the corrections of Dr. Carey. 4 vols. London, 1806. 5389, D. The same. London, 1795. 1711, D. Translation of the works of Virgil into English blank verse, with explanatory notes and observations. By Joseph Trapp, D. D. 2d and 3d vols. 3d edit. London, 1735. P. 7426, O. The works of Virgil. Englished by Robert Andrews. Bir- mingham, 1766. 6528, O. The works of Virgil, translated into English prose; with the Latin text and order, or construction on the same page ; and notes in English, from the best commentators, &c. 2 vols. London, 1821. M. 954, O. The thirteen books of ^neidos. Translated into English verse, by Thomas Phaer and Thomas Twyne. London, 1607. 3475, O. Virgil's -^neis, translated into English blank verse. By Nicholas Brady, D. D. 4 vol^. London, 1716. P. 1339, Q. ^neas, his descent into hell. By John Boys. London, 1661. P. 90, a The ^neid of Virgil. Translated by Christopher Pitt. 2 vols. London, 1740. 1707, a. The ^neis of Virgil. Translated by Charles Symmons, D. D. London, 1817. 3459, O. Georgicorum Virgilii libri quatuor ; with an English transla- tion and notes. By John Martin. 2d edit. London, 1746. P. 6747, O. The Georgics of Virgil translated. By William Sotheby, Esq. &c. London, 1800. 6931, O. The Georgics of Publius Virgihus Maro. Translated into English blank verse, by James R. Deare, LL. B. &c. Portrait. Lon- don, 1808. 771, D. A translation of the first and second Georgia, in blank verse. By Capel Lofft. London, 1783. 4132, & 4667, O. Observations in illustration of Virgil's celebrated fourth eclogue. By Granville Penn, Esq. London, 1810. 749, F. L'opere de Virgilio Mantovano, cioe la Bucolica, la Georgica e I'Eneide commentate in lingua volgare toscana. Venezia, 1741. P. 680, F. Antonio Giuseppe Monaldini, P. Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, Georgica, et ^Eneis, ex cod Medice-Laurentiano, descripta ab Anto- nio Ambrogi Florentino. Italico versu reddita. Tomi 3. Romae, 1763. P. Wakefield, 6952, O. Poetical translations from the ancients. By Gilbert Wake- field, B. A. London, 1795. Walpole, 5180, D. Specimens of scarce translations of the seventeenth cen- tury from the Latin poets. To which are added, miscellaneous trans- lations from the Greek, Spanish, Italian, &c. By Robert Walpole, Esq. London, 1805. Winterton, 1692, O. & 4680, D. Poetae minores Graeci. Accedunt Radulphi Wintertoni. Cantabrigiae, 1677 — 1652. L. 1300, Q,. Irenodia gratulatorisi, sive illustrimissi amplissimique viri Oliveri Cromwelli, &c. epinicion. In Cambrigia, 1652. P. 57 450 BELLES-LETTRES. 6848, O. Selecta ex poetis Grascis, cum notis, &c in usum scholae etonensis. Graece et Inline. Etons, 1771. 1659, D. Gnecorum epigrammatum collectio, versione Latina. Londini, 1690. P. 2932, D. Epigrammatum Graecorum florilepium novum. London, 1726. 2U35, D. Epigrammatum delectus ex omnibus turn veteribus turn recentiori- bus poetis, accurante decerptus subjungitur alterius delectus specimen ex |)oetis pretermissis. Londini, 1689. 2308, D. Gradus ad parnassum, sive novus synonymorum, epithetorum, phra- sium, poeticarumac versuum thesaurus. Londini, 1773. 1702, D. 7. Translations from various Greek authors. London, 1728. P. 4661, D. Musae Anglicanae ; sive poemata quaedam melioris notae. 2 vols. London, 1761. ENGLISH POETRY. Mams^ 8772, O. Dermot Mac Murrough, or the conquest of Ireland. An historical tale of the 12th century, in 4 cantos. By John Quincy Adams. Boston, 1832. .^£/ 3426, O. The same. P. 1316. D. Poems by Wm. Cowper; with plates. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1803. Gift of Robert Johmon. — 2517, D. Posthumous poems, by William Cowper, and a sketch of his life, by John Johnson, LL. D. Boston, 1815. 3627, & 3724, D. The task, a poem, by William Cowper, Esq. Phi- ladelphia, 1803—1787. 3703, O. Cowper, illustrated by a series of views, in, or near the park of Weston-Underwood, Bucks ; with a sketch of the poet's life. Lon- don, 1803. Crabbe, 5838, D. The poetical works of the Rev. George Crabbe, with hig letters and journals, and his life. By his son. 3 vols. London, 1834. 3891, O. Poems by the Rev. George Crabbe. Philadelphia, 1808. 2007, D. The same. 2 vols. London, 1809. • 374, Q. 6. The library, a poem. By George Crabbe. 2d edit. Lon- don, 1783. 374, Q,. 7. The village, a poem, By George Crabbe. London, 1783. ■ 431, Q,. 3. The news-paper, a poem. By George Crabbe. Lond. 1785. 4158, O. The borough, a poem in twenty-four letters. By the Rev. G. Crabbe. London, 1810. 4630, O. Tales. By the Rev. George Crabbe, LL. B. London, 1812. 2195, D. The same. 2 vols. New York, 1813. 5218, O. Tales of the hall. By the Rev. George Crabbe, LL. B. 2 vols. London, 1819. 2736, D. The same. 2 vols. Boston, 1819. Crawford, 6923, O. Poems on various subjects. By Charles Lindsay Craw- ford, Earl of Crawford and Lindsay, &c. London, 1810. 1448, D. Poems on several occasions. By Charles Crawford. 2 vols, in 1. London, 1803. Gift of the author, 715, 3. 778, 1. & 793, D. 1. The Christian, a poem; with notes, a preface in defence of Christianity, and an address to the people of America. By Charles Crawford. To which is added, his miscel- laneous poems. Philadelphia, 1783. No. 715 and 778, gift of the author. — 2859, 3720, O. & 1127, D. The same. Philadelphia, 1794 & 1802. Gift of the author. — — — 1171, D. 5. A poetical paraphrase on our Saviour's sermon on the moiint. By Charles Crawford. Philadelphia, 1796. Gift of the author. 1171, D. 6. The progress of liberty, a Pindaric ode. By Charles Crawford. Philadelphia, 1796. Gift of the author. 1296, 2. 6l 3959, D. 3. The dying prostitute, a poem ; by Charles Crawford, Esq. Philadelphia, 1797. ENGLISH POETRY. 459 Croker, 2271, 1. 9145, O. 2. & 2613, D. 2. The battles of Talavera, a poem. By J. W. Croker. London & Philadelphia, 1811. Croly, 4273, D. The poetical works of the Rev. George Croly. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1830. Crowe, 1177, Q. 5. Lewesdon hill, a poem. By the Rev. Wm. Crowe. Oxford, 1788. P. Cumberland, 1061, Q,. Calvary, or the death of Christ; a poem. By Richard Cumberland. London, 1792. P. • 1377, 3654, & 5194, D. The same. A new edit. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1800, & Boston, 1796. • 2142, D. 1. Retrospection, a poem in familiar verse. By Richard Cumberland. Philadelphia, 1812. 1449, Q,. The exodiad, a poem, by the authors of Calvary, and Richard the first. London, 1807. Cunningham, 611, D. Poems chiefly pastoral. By John Cunningham. New- Castle, 1771. 2493, D. 2. De Ranee, a poem. By J. W. Cunningham. New York, 1816. 5541, D. The maid of Elvar. A poem. By Allan Cunningham, London, 1832. Currie, 2688, D. Poems. By Helen Currie. Philadelphia, 1818. Dahney, 2358, D. Poems, original and translated. By Richard Dabney. Philadelphia, 1815. Gift of the author. Darwin, 654, Q,. Botanic garden, a poem ; containing the oeconomy of vege- tation, and the loves of the plants ; with philosophical notes, and plates. By Erasmus Darwin, M. D. London, 1791. — 1080, a. The same. P, 6954, & 7561, O. The same. Dublin, 1790, & London, 1799. 987, Gl. Temple of nature ; or the origin of society. A poem with notes and plates. By Erasmus Darwin. London, 1803. Davan, 5321, D. 4. Original poems on various subjects. By K. Davan. Lon- don, 1799. Davenant, 863, F. Gondibert, an heroick poem. By Sir William Davenant. London, 1672. P. 1361, Gl. 23. A poem, upon the return of Charles II. to his dominions. By Sir William Davenant. London, 1766. P. Davidson, 4060, D. Amir Khan, and other poems ; the remains of Lucretia Maria Davidson, who died at Plattsburg, N. Y. Aug. 27, 1825, aged 16 years 11 months, with a biographical sketch, by Samuel L.Morse, A. M. New York, 1829. Davies, 1733, D. The original nature and immortality of the soul, a poem, with an introduction concerning human knowledge. By Sir John Davies. 2d edit. London, 1714. De Foe, 793, D. 2. The true-born Englishman, a satire. By Daniel De Foe. Philadelphia, 1778. 254, O. Jure divino, a satire. By the author of the " True-born Enghshman" (Daniel De Foe). London, 1706. Denham, 854, O. The poems and translations of Sir John Denham ; with the Sophy, a tragedy. 5th edit. London, 1709. 1816, D. The poetical works of Sir John Denham. Edinburgh, 1779. P. 1472, D. 7. Cooper's hill, a poem. By Sir John Denham. London, 1709. P. Dermody, 1997, D. The harp of Erin, containing the poetical works of Thomas Dermody. 2 vols. London, 1807. 3881, O. The life of Thomas Dermody, interspersed with pieces of original poetry, by James Grant Raymond. 2 vols. London, 1806. 460 BELLES-LETTRES. JHbdin, 8947, O. The last lays of the last of the three Dibdins. By T. Dibdin. London, 1833. Dodtley, 1 1, dc. 4668, D. A collection of poems in six volumes. Published by J. Dodsley. 6 vols. London, 1758. Donne, 1368, O. 1. Poems. By J. Donne. With elegies on the author's death. London, 1633. P. Downman, 6699. O. Poems to Thespia. By H. Downman, M. D. Portrait Exeter, 1805. 6953, O. & 704, D. Infancy ; or, the management of children ; a didactic poem, in six books. By Hugh Downman, M. D. Edinburgh, 1776—1790. Drayton, SS9,F. Polyolbion,in 18 songs. By Michael Dra)rton. P. ^ 6631, O England's historical epistles, by Michael Drayton. With notes, and illustrations. London, 1788. M. Drummoml, 274, /e, 3179, O. Arthur ; or the northern inchantment, a poetical romance in 7 books. By Richard Hole. London, 1789. P. 59 466 BBLLES-LETTBES. Holfordy 1524, Q. WaUaoe; or, the fight of Falkirk; a metrical romance. B;^ Miss Holford. London, 1809. 4335, O. Poems. By Miss Holford. London, 1811. 2525, D. Margaret of Anjou, a poem. By Miss Holford. Philadel- phia, 1816. Jloliand, 2206, (i. «. Elegie on the untimely death of the incomparable prince Henry. By Mr. Holland. London, 1613. Hoiloway, 1436, & 4951, D. Scenes of youth; or rural recollections; with other poems. By William Holloway. London, 1803. .')193, D. The peasant's fate; a rural poem. With miscellaneous l>ooms. By William Holloway. Wilmington, 1808. 2082, D. The minor minstrel ; or, poetical pieces, chiefly familiar and descriptive. By W. Holloway. London, 1808. Honcyirood, 214, D. Poems, with some pieces in prose. By Sir John Honey- wood. New York, 1801. Hood, 3208, D. Odes and addresses to great people. By Thomas Hood and others. 3d ed. London, 1826. Hopkinson, 104, 2. & 462, Q^ 4. Science, a poem. By Francis Hopkinson. Philadelphia, 1762. 462, Q,. 3. An exercise, containing a dialogue and an ode, on the ac- cession of George the third. By Francis Hopkinson. Philadelphia, 1762. 2273, Q,. 4. An oration which might have been delivered to the stu- dents in anatomy, on the late rupture between the two schools in this city. By Francis Hopkinson, Esq. Philadelphia, 1789. Howitty 3204, D. The desolation of Eyam ; the emigrant, a tale of the American woods, and other poems. By William and Mary Howitt. London, 1827. 4243, & 4333, D. The book of the seasons ; or, the calendar of nature. By William Howitt. London and Philadelphia, 1831. Hubbard, 977, Q. 6. Jacobinism ; a poem. By the Rev. J. C. Hubbard. Lon- don, 1801. Hucks, 1282, D. 1. Poems. By J. Hucks. Cambridge, 1798. Huddlcsford, 8529, O. The poems of Greorge Huddesford, M.A. 3 vols. Lon- don, 1801. 3042, & 8534, O. The wiccamical chaplet; a selection of orifrinal jx)etry. Edited by George Huddesford. London, 1804. Humphrey 8y 1083, 3. & 1087, D. 1. Poems. By David Humphreys, Esq. 2d edit. Philadelphia, 1789. Gift of Mathew Carey. Hunt, 3094, O. & 3688, D. Juvenilia ; or, a collection of pot»ms ; written be tween the ages of twelve and sixteen. By J. H. L. Hunt. Portral London, 1801. Philadelphia, 1804. 2500, D. The story of Rimini, a poem. By Leigh Hunt. Boston, 181 2563, D. 2. The descent of liberty, a mask. By Leigh Hunt ; to which prefixed, an essay on the origin and nature of masks, and a memoiri the author. Philadelphia, 1816. 2282, D. The feast of the |x)ets, with notes, and other pieces in vei By Leigh Hunt. New York, 1814. 240 1 , D. The same. London, 1814. 2657, D. Foliage, or poems original and translated. By Leigh Hui Philadelphia, 1818. Mm/er, 1433, D. Poems. By Anna Hunter. 2d edit. London, 1803. _ Hurdit, 3444, D. Poems. By the Rev. James Hurdis, B. D. &c. PhUadelphis, 1796. 1909, & 6948. O. Poems by the author of the village curate, &c. (Hur dis.) London, 1790. ENGLISH POETRY. 467 Hurdis, 1842, &, 8051, O. The village curate; and other poems ; including some pieces now first published. By the Rev. James Hurdis, D. D. London, 1810. Dublin, 1790. 891, Gl. & 4157, O. The favourite village, with an additional poem (now first published) and a tragedy, by the Rev. James Hurdis, D. D. Lon- don, 1800—1810. 2234, 0. 2. The tears of aflfection, occasioned by the death of a beloved sister. By the Rev. James Hurdis, D. D. London, 1794. . — 2234, O. 3. The bouquet; a collection of scattered poetical pieces. By the Rev. James Hurdis, D. D. London, 1794. Button, 3753, & 5350, D. Leisure hours ; or, poetic effusions. By Jos. Hut- ton. Philadelphia, 1812. Ingram, 7697, O. The flower of Wye ; a poem, in six cantos. By Henry In- gram. London, 1815. Irwin, 386, Q,. 2. Irwin's occasional epistles. Written during a journey from London to Busrah, in the gulf of Persia, to William Hayley. London, 1783. Israeli, D\ 1011, Q.. 1. D'Israeli's narrative poems. London, 1803. Jameson, 4021, & 5662, D. The loves of the poets. By the author of the diary of an ennuye. 2 vols. London, 1829. James I, 6547, O. Poetical remains of James the first, king of Scotland. With dissertations on his life and writings, on Scottish music, &c. &c. Edinburgh, 1783. M. Jerningham, 1317, O. Poems by Mr. Jerningham. 5th edit. London, 1779. 412, Q. 5. The rise and progress of the Scandinavian poetry, a poem. By Mr. Jerningham. London, 1784. Johnson, 3840, D. The poetical works of Samuel Johnson, LL. D. With his life. Philadelphia, 1805. 5473, D. The poems of Dr. Samuel Johnson; to which is prefixed, the life of the author. By F. W. Blagden, Esq. London, 1808. 2341, O. 2. John Johnson's trifles in verse. London, 1796. Johnston, 2669, & 4613, D. 1. The mariner; a poem, by Archibald Johnston. Philadelphia, 1818. New York, 1801. Jones, 554, F. Musical and poetical relicks of the Welsh bards, from very remote antiquity; with a general history of the bards and druids, from the earliest period to the present time. By Edward Jones. London, 1794. 789, F. The same. London, 1784. P. 1281, D. The hobby horses, a poetic allegory. By Jenkin Jones. Lon- don, 1797. 4224, D. Attempts in verse. By John Jones, an old servant ; and an introductory essay by Robert Southey. London, 1831. 3712, D. 1. The poetical works of Sir William Jones ; with his life. Phi- ladelphia, 1822. Keats, 7299, O. The poetical works of Coleridge, Shelly and Keats. Philadel- delphia, 1831. 4504, D. Poems. By John Keats. London, 1817. 386, Q^ 1. An epistle to Angelica KauflTman. By John Keats. Lon- don, 1781. Kenrick, 614, O. Epistles, philosophical and moral, in verse. By Wm. Ken- rick. London, 1759. Knight, ^2^0, T>. Poems; in two volumes. By Henry C. Knight. Boston, 1821. Gift of the author. 2437, D. The broken harp, poems, by H. C. Knight. Philadelphia, 1815. 665, & 1097, Q,. 2. The landscape, a didactic poem in three books, ad- dressed to Uvedale Price, Esq. By R. P. Knight. London, 1794. 468 BXIJLE9-LETTBB8. Knightt 749. Q^ Progress of civil society ; a didactic poem. By Richard Payne Knight. London. 1796. 431, a. 4. Elegies and sonneU. By Samuel Knight London, 1785. Knox, 1780, 6i 2632, O. Elegant extracts ; or useful and entertaining pieces of poetry ; selected for the improvement of youth in six^aking, reading. thinking, composing and in the conduct of life. By Vicessimus Knox. London, 1792—1796. Lakt, 5291, D. The Parnassian pilgrim ; or the posthumous works of the late Mr. William Lake. With a sketch of his life. Hudson, 1807. Lamb, 6645, O. Specimens of English dramatic ix)ets, who lived about the time of Shakspeare. With notes. By Charles Lamb. London, 1808. M. Lambey 2223, D. An exact history of the battle of Floddon, in verse; written about the time of queen Elizal)eth, in which are related many facts not to be found in the English history ; published from a curious MS. with notes, by Robert Lambe. New Castle. 1809. Landon, 3174, D. The golden violet, with its tales of romance and chivalry ; and other poems. By L. K Landon. London, 1827. Langhorne, 613, 4fc 3852, D. The poetical works of John Langhorn, D. D. 2 vols. London, 1766. 3917, D. 2. Fables of Flora. By Dr. Lahghome. PhUadolphia, 1787. 1458, 3852, (fe 3730, D. The same. With memoirs of the author. By his son, the Rev. J. T. Langhorne, LL. B. &c. Portrait. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1804—1796. 374, Q,. 9. Owen of Carron, a poem. By Doctor Langhorne. Lon- don, 1778. 412, Q^ 3. The country justice, a poem. London, 1794. 516, D. Poems upon several occasions. 2d edit. London, 1776. Lanadovme, 5424, D. The poetical works of the right honourable Georpe Granville, Lord Lansdowne: with the life of the author. London, 1797. Z«rA:in, 3488, D. The nightingale; a collection of the most popular anciont and modern songs. Selected by Samuel Larkin. Portsmouth, 1804. Lawsoriy 5394, D. 4. The maniac, with other poems. By John Lawson. Piii- ladelphia, 1811. Leadbeater, 'S9'Z9,0. Poems. By Mary Leadbeater, (late Schackelton ;) to which is prefixed her translation of the 13th book of the iEneid, witii the Latin original, by Maffceus. Dublin, 1808. /^flpor, 294, 0. Poems upon several occasions. By Mrs. Leapor. Lond(^n, 1748. Lee, 5255, p. Flowers from Sharon ; or original poems on divine subjects. Ty Richard Lee. London, 1794. Lewis, 859, Q,. 1. The love of gain, a poem. By M. G. Lewis. Lond. 1791). 2758, O. Poetical tales of wonder; original and collected. By M. (i. Lewis. London, 1801. Ley den f 5243, O. The poetical remains of the late Dr. John Leyden ; with memoirs of his life. By the Rev. James Morton. London, 1819. 3677. D. Scenes of infancy : descriptive of Teviotdale. By Jolni Leyden. Plate. Edinburgh, 181 1. Linn, 2799, & 2800, O. 17. A poem on the death of Washington. In imitatioii of the manner of Ossian. By Rev. John Blair Linn. Philadelphi.i, 1800. 1453, do 5295, D. The powers of genius; a poem, in three parts ; with plates. By John Blair Linn. 2d edit. Philadelphia, 1802. 1573, & 2162, QL Valerian, a narrative poem: intended, in part, to de- scribe the early persecutions of Christians, and to illustrate the in- ENGLISH POETRY. 469 fluence of Christianity on the manners of nations. By John Blair Linn, D. D. With a sketch of the Hfe and character of the author. By Charles B. Brown. Philadelphia, 11B05. Gift of Charles A. Foulson. Lloyd, 2319, O. Poems on various subjects. By Charles Lloyd. Carlisle, 1795. 1282, D. 2. Blank verse. By Charles Lloyd, and Charles Lamb. Lon- don, 1798. 2870, D. Desultory thoughts in London, Titus and Gisippus, with other poems. By Charles Lloyd. London, 1821. Lofft, 2479, D. Laura : or an anthology of sonnets and elegiac quatuorzains original and translated, with a preface, critical and biographical notes and index. By Capel LofFt. 5 vols. London, 1814. Lovibond, 767, D. Poems on several occasions. By Edward Lovibond. Lon- don, 1785. Low, 4404, D. Poems. By Samuel Low. 2 vols. New York, 1800. Lunn, 3032, D. Horse Jocosae, or the doggerel decameron ; being ten facetious tales in verse, with some miscellaneous pieces. By Joseph Lunn, Esq. London, 1823. Lynch, 5400, D. The world described in easy verse, illustrative of the various nations. By W. R. Lynch, Esq. New York, 1822. Lytleton, 5469, D. The poetical works of Lord Lytleton. London, 1792. Macauley, 8611, O. 6. Verses on the death of Louis XVI. By J. Macauley. Dublin, 1793. Macgregor, 1124, Q,. 5. An epistle to Doctor Shebbeare; to which is added, an ode to Sir Fletcher Norton, in the imitation of Horace, ode VII. book IV. By Malcolm Macgregor. London, 1777. P. Macneill, 5204, D. The poetical works of Hector Macneill, Esq. 2 vols, Lon- don, 1801. 2436, D. The same. New edit. Philadelphia, 1815. 1471, Q,. The pastoral or lyric muse of Scotland, in three cantos. By Hector Macneill, Esq. Edinburgh, 1808. Madan, 1157, Q,. 4. The call of the gentiles, a poetical essay. By Spencer Madan, D. D. Camb. 1782. Mallet, 3746, D. 1. The poems of David Mallet ; edited by Dr. Johnson. Lon- don, 1790. Markoe, 2395, 8. & 9126, O. 1. Miscellaneous poems. By Peter Markoe. Phi- ladelphia, 1787. 2269, O. 4. The times. A poem. By Peter Markoe. Philadelphia, 1788. Gift of Joslah Hewes. 2395, 8. & 91 10, O. 6. The same. With MS. notes. Marriot, 549, O. Female conduct ; being an essay on the art of pleasing, to be practised by the fair sex before and after marriage. A poem. By Thomas Marriot. 2d edit. London, 1760. Mason, 374, Q. 12. An ode to the honourable William Pitt. By William Mason. London, 1782. 489, O. Poems. By William Mason. Containing odes, elegies, and dramatic poems. London, 1764. 2397, O. Poems. By William Mason, M. A. 3 vols. York, 1797. 562, d. 1. The Enghsh garden, a poem. Book the first. By W. Mason. 2d edit. London, 1772. 3525, 6940, O. & 682, D. The English garden ; a poem. In four books. By William Mason, M. A. With a commentary and notes. By W* Burgh, Esq. LL. D. York, 1783. Mathias,S{ll,0. The pursuits of literature ; a satirical poem, with notes* By T. J. Mathias, Esq. Philadelphia, 1800. 2413, & 3215, O. The same. London, 1797, «& 1798. P. 470 BXXJ.X8-LXTTBB8. Mathias, 734, (1. 4. The imperial epistle from Kien Long, emperor of China, to GtHiipe the third, in tlie year 1794. Translated into En^^lish verse from the oripinul Chinese poetry ; with notes. London 1794. — — — 2663, O. 2. Shade of Alexander Pope on the banks of the Thames ; a satirical iM>rni, with notes. By the author of the pursuits of literatuie. 2d edit. London, 1799. 7444, O. The imperial epistle and shade of Alexander Pope. By the author of the pursuits of literature. Philadelphia, 1800. 800, (A. 3. The grove; a satyr. With notes, including anecdotes of the king, du:. By the author of the pursuits of literature. 2d edit London, 1798. Maxirictt 417, Q^ Poems and miscellaneous pieces ; with a free translation of the (Edipus Tyrannus of Sophocles. By Thomas Maurice. London, 1779. 2722, & 7871 , O. Poems, epistolary, lyric, and elegiacal. By the Rev. Thomas Maurice, A. M. London, 1800. 734, Q. 2. An elegiac and historical poem, sacred to the memory and virtues of Sir William Jones ; containing a survey of the progress of science, and the Mohammedan conquests in Asia. By Thomas Mau- rice. London, 1795. 859, Qi. 6. Grove-hill, a descriptive poem ; with plates. To which is added, an ode to Mithra. By Thomas Maurice. London, 1799. Maxwell, 2518, D. Poems. By William Maxwell, Esq. of Norfolk, Va. Phi- ladelphia, 1816. May lent, 1557, O. 4. Gallic perfidy, a poem. By John Maylem. Boston, 1758. Mead, 8296, O. Mississipian scenery ; a poem, descriptive of the interior of North America. By Charles Mead. Philadelphia, 1819. Mellen, 6010, O. 5. Ode for the celebration of the battle of Bunker-hill— June 17, 1825. By Grenville MeUen. Boston, 1825. 5772, D. The martyr's triumph ; buried valley ; and other poems. By Grenville Mellen. Boston, 1833. Merle, 4306, D. Odds and ends, in verse and prose. By William Henry Merle, Esq. Dlustrated by George Cruikshank. London, 1831. Merry, 1019, & 5258, D. The British Album; containing the poems of Delia Crusca (R. Merry), Anna Matilda, &c. 2 vols. 3d edit. London, 1790. . 665, Q,. 2. Paulina ; or, the Russian daughter ; a poem. By Robert Merry. London, 1787. 762, QL 4. The pains of memory. A poem. By Robert Merry. Lon- don, 1796. McMurlrie, 5421, 3. & 8636,0. 6. Sisyphi opus ; or touches at the times ; a satiir. By the author of American bards, (Dr. McMurtrie.) Philadelphia, 1820. Mickle, 1899, & 3711, D. The poetical works of William Julius Mickle; with a life of the author, by the Rev. John Sim. London, 1806, & Pliila- delphia, 1822. 710, Q, Poems, and a tragedy, entitled, ♦♦ The siege of Marseilles." 1 5y William Julius Mickle. London, 1794. 374, Q. 1. Almada hill, an epistle from Lisbon. By William Julius Mickle. Oxford, 1781. MilU, 1930, D. Poetic trifles. By John Henry Mills. Baltimore, 1808. Jftii^o/i, 3998, O. The poetical works of John Milton, with notes of various authors; to which are added, illustrations, and some account of the life and writings of Milton. By the Rev. Henry J. Todd. Secoi edition. 7 vols. London, 1809. 3849, U. The poetical works of John Milton ; from the text of Dr^^ Newton : with a critical essay. By J. Aikin, M. D. 4 vols. Phi delphia, 1804. ENGLISH POETRY. 471 Milton, 2079, Q. Paradise lost : a poem, in twelve books. By John Milton. London, 1794. 477, O. Paradise lost, a poem ; with plates. By John Milton. With notes of various authors, by Thomas Newton. 2d edit. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1750. 3804, &, 3836, D. Paradise lost. A poem. By John Milton. Phila- delphia, 1804—1818. 6949, O. Milton's paradise lost. Plates. 2 vols. London, 1802. 733, Q,. Paradise regained. By John Milton. A new edition, with notes of various authors, by Charles Dunster. London, 1795. 2080, Q,. Paradise regained : a poem. To which is added, Samson Agonistes : and poems \ipon several occasions. By John Milton. A new edition, with notes of various authors. By Thomas Newton, D. D. London, 1752. 374, Q,. 8. Milton's Italian poems. Translated by Doctor Langhorne. London, 1776. 1398, O. Poems upon several occasions, English, Italian, and Latin; with translations, by John Milton ; and notes, by Thomas Warton. London, 1795, 3164, O. The same. F. 1455, Q,. Latin and Italian poems of Milton. Translated into English verse, and a fragment of a commentary on Paradise lost, by the late William Cowper, Esq. Chichester, 1808 3481, O. Gulielmi Hogaei paraphrasis poetica, in tria Johannis Miltoni, viri clarissimi poemata, viz. paradisum amissum, paradisum recupera- tum et Samsonem Agonisten. Londini, 1690. F. • 1129, Q,. Johannis Miltoni paradisus amissus Latine redditus. Inter- prete Joseph o Trapp. 2 vols. Londini, 1741. F. ■ 1145, Q,. Joannis Miltoni paradisus amissus Latine redditus a Guliel- rao Dobson. Latin and Enghsh. Oxonii, 1750. F. 6665, O. Paradis perdu, traduit par Jacques Delille. Avec figures. 2tom. A Paris, 1820. ■ 278, O. Explanatory notes and remarks on " Milton's paradise lost ;" with the life of the author, and a discourse on the poem. By J. Rich- ardson, father and son. London, 1734. Mitchell, 515, O. Poems on several occasions. By Joseph Mitchell. 2 vols. London, 1732. Mitford, 4635, O. Narrative poems on the female character in the various re- lations of life. By Mary Russel Mitford. London, 1813. 2200, D. The same. New York, 1813. Montgomery, 5321, D. 5. The poetical works of Capt. Alexander Montgomery. Glasgow, 1754. 1507, Q. Poems on the abolition of the slave-trade. By James Montgomery, James Grahame, and C. Benger. Embellished with en- gravings from paintings. ByN. Smirke. London. 1933, D. The wanderer of Switzerland, and other poems. By James Montgomery. New York, 1807. 2105, D. The West Indies, and other poems. By James Mont- gomery. Philadelphia, 1811. 4634, O. The world before the flood, a poem, in ten cantos, with other occasional pieces. By James Montgomery. London, 1813. 2246, & 3762, D. The same. New York, 1814. 2718, D. Greenland and other poems. By James Montgomery. New York, 1819. 3206, D. The pelican island, and other poems. By James Mont- gomery. London, 1827. 472 BBLLXS-LXTTmSS. Mont gome ^ *& 82T7, D. The omnipresence of the Deity, a poem. By K iitgoniery. London, 1828. Montolieu, 2741), U. 2. The enchanted plants, fables in verse. By Mrs. Mon- tolicu. London, 1800. Moore, 5387, D. Fables for the ladies. By Edward Moore. To which are added, &bles of Flora. By Dr. Langhorne. Philadelphia, 1787. 3917, D. L Fables for the ladies. By Edward Moore. Philadelphia, 1787. 983, Q^ L Poems, lyrical and miscellaneous. By the Rev. Henry Moore. London, 1803. 7302, O. The poetical works of Thomas Moore, including his melo- dies, ballads, &c., complete in one volume. Philadelphia, 1831. — . 5423, D. Little and Moore's poetical works. 2 vols. New York, 1807. 6663, O. Epistles, odes, and other poems. By Thomas Moore, Esq. Philadelphia, 1806. 2216, & 2406, D. 1. Intercepted letters, or the twopenny post-bag; to which are added, trifles reprinted, by Thomas Brown the younger. Philadelphia, 1813, and London, 1813. 2438, & 2439, D. Irish melodies. By Thomas Moore, Esq. Philadel- phia, 1815. ' 1700, Q. Lalla Rookh, an oriental romance. By Thomas Moore. London, 1817. 2606, & 2607, D. The same. Philadelphia, 1817. 2650, & 3725, D. The Fudge family in Paris, edited by Thomas Brown the younger. (Thomas Moore.) Philadelphia, 1818. 2677, D. The same. London, 1818. 2656, & 3700, D. Melodies, songs, ahd sacred songs. By Thomas Moore, Esq. Philadelphia, 1818. 2719, D. 2. Tom Crib's memorial to congress: with a preface, notes, and appendix. By T. Moore, Esq. New York, 1819. 5726, O. 2. The loves of the angels. By Thomas Moore. London, 1823. 2893, D. The same. . . 2967, D. 1 . Fables for the holy alliance, rhymes on the road, &c. By Thomas Moore. Philadelphia, 1823. 2978, D. The same. London, 1823. 3977, D. Odes upon cash, corn. Catholics, and other matters. By Thomas Moore. Philadelphia, 1828. More, 4930, O. Poems. By Hannah More. London, 1816. 1280, O. 3. Sir Eldred of the bower ; and the bleeding rock ; two le- gendary tales. By Hannah More. 2d edit. London, 1778. 875, D. 4. Poems by Hannah More, viz. " Sensibility ;" and " Reflections of king Hezekiah." Philadelphia, 1785. Gift of Messrs, Young, Stewart, and M'Cuttoch. 431, Qv 2. Florio, a tale; and the bas bleu; or conversation. Two poems. By Hannah More. London, 1786. 504, Q,. 3. &. 1 109, O. 1. A search after happiness, a pastoral drama ; with Armine and Elvira, a legendary talc. By Hannah More. Philadel- phia, 1774—1767. 495, 3. &, 506, Q. 4. Slavery, a poem. By Hannah More. London, 1788. Morgan, 1916, D. The lay of an Irish harp; or, metrical fragments. By Syd- ney Owenson. (Lady Morgan.) Philadelphia, 1807. Newcamb, 229, F. The last judgment of men and angels, a poem ; after the manner of Milton. By Thomas Newcomb. London, 1723. ENGLISH POETRY. 473 Nichols, 1702, D. A select collection of poems; with notes. By J. Nichols. 2d edit. 8 vols. London, 1780. Nicholson, 4543, D. Tales in verse, and miscellaneous poems ; descriptive of rural life and manners. By William Nicholson. Edinburgh, 1814. Nisbit, 804, Q,. 6. Nisbit's poem, entitled, " The source of virtue." Saint Chris- topher's, 1790. Gift of the author. Northmore, 1977, D. Washington ; or Uberty restored, a poem in ten books. By Thomas Northmore, Esq. London, 1809. Norton, 1320, Q. Ancient poems. By Thomas Norton. P. Nivernois, 2749, O. The fables of the Duke of Nivernois. Translated into English verse. London, 1799. Ogilvie, lOS, & 109, Q,. Providence, an allegorical poem. By John Ogilvie. London, 1764. 609, D. The same. Boston, 1766. 2, O. Poems on several subjects. By John Ogilvie. London, 1764. Oldham, 794, O. Satires upon the Jesuits ; written in the year 1679, and some other pieces by the same hand. By John Oldham. 5th edit. Lon- don, 1679. Gift of William Bering. Opie, 287, D. Poems. By Mrs. Opie. 2d edit. London, 1803. 977, 0,. 3. An elegy to the memory of the late Duke of Bedford. By Mrs. Opie. London, 1802. 3889, O. The warriour's return, and other poems. By Mrs. Opie. Phi- ladelphia, 1808. 5938, D. Lays of the dead. By Amelia Opie. London, 1834. Orme, 5356, D. 3. Songs. Written by Mr. Orme. London, 1804. Ossian, 7493, & 8050, O. An original collection of the poems of Ossian, Or- rann, Ulin, and other bards, who flourished in the same age. Col- lected by Hugh and John M'Callum. Montrose, 1816. 1422, O. The poems of Ossian. Translated from the Gaelic language. By James Macpherson. 2 vols. London, 1785. 4440, D. The poems of Ossian. Translated by James Macpherson, Esq. With a review of the controversy relative to the poems. With engravings. 2 vols. New York, 1810. 3875, D. The poems of Ossian, the son of Fingal. Translated by James Macpherson, Esq. With a dissertation on the era and poems of Ossian. 2 vols. Glasgow, 1799. 3357, D. The poems of Ossian. Translated by James Macpherson, Esq. With dissertations, &c. 2 vols. New York, 1810. 70, Q. Fingal, an ancient epic poem ; with several other poems, com- posed by Ossian, the son of Fingal. Translated from the Gaelic lan- guage, by James Macpherson. 2d edit. London, 1762. 2153, Q. Temora, Sul-Malla of Lumon, Cath-Loda, Oina-Merul, Colna- Dona. Translated from the original Gaelic of Ossian. By James Macpherson, Esq. With a dissertation on the poems. London, 1768. 2154, Q,. The Fingal of Ossian, an ancient epic poem. Translated from the original Gaelic language. By James Macpherson. Rendered into heroic verse by Ewen Cameron. London, 1777. 623, Q,. & 6791, O. Report of the committee of the highland society of Scotland, appointed to inquire into the nature and authenticity of the poems of Ossian. Drawn up by Henry Mackenzie, Esq. its chair- man. With a copious appendix. Edinburgh, 1805. 628, Q,. Gaelic antiquities ; consisting of a history of the Druids, parti- cularly of those of Caledonia; a dissertation on the authenticity of the poems of Ossian ; and a collection of ancient poems, translated from the Gaelic of Ullin, Ossian, Orran, &c. By John Smith. Edinburgh, 1780. 60 474 BELLES-LETTRES. Otway, 2200, Q. 3. The poet's complaint of his muse; or a satyr against libels. A poem. IJy Thomas ()l way. London, 1680. ri:^s. ti. 10. Windsor castle, in a monument to our late sovereign, king Charles n. By Thomas Ot way. London, 1685. P. Parh 1223, D. Sonnets and other small poems. By T. Park. London, 1797. Parnell, 588, O. Poems on several occasions. By Doctor Thomas Parnell. To which are added, the life of Zoilus, and his remarks on Homer's battle of the frogs and mice. London, 1737. 6300, D. Poems, by Dr. Thomas Parnell, and published by Pope, with the life of Zoilus. To which is prefixed, the life of Dr. Parnell, written by Dr. Goldsmith. London, 1773. 2337, D. The poetical works of Dr. Thomas Parnell, with the life of the author. London. Parsons,, 2005, & 4994, D. Travelling recreations. By William Parsons, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1807. Paulding, 2687, & 5327, D. The backwoodsman. A poem. By J. K. Paul- "ding. Philadelphia, 1818. Penn^, 1098, O. Poems, consisting of original works, imitations, and transla- tions ; with plates. By John Penn. 2 vols. London, 1801. 9145, O. 1. Marriage, a didactic poem. By John Penn, Esq. With two engravings. London, 1816. Peppery 8125, O. Juvenile essays ; or a collection of poems. By Henry Pepper. Philadelphia. PercivaU 5813, O. Poems, by J. G. Percival. New York, 1823. Percy ^ 1521, & 6652, O. Reliques of ancient English poetry ; consisting of old heroic ballads, songs, and other pieces of our earlier poets ; together with some few of later date. By Bishop Percy. 3 vols. London, 1775, and Philadelphia, 1823. M. 1817, 2690, O. The influence of local attachment with respect to home. A poem, in seven books ; with notes and other poems. By R. Polwhele. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1798—1796. 3780, D. The unsexed female ; a poem addressed to the author of the pursuits of literature. By the Rev. Richard Polwhele. With a sketch of the private and public character of Peter Pindar. New York, 1800. Pomfret, 33, 438, 3887, & 4903, D. Poems on several occasions. By the Rev. John Pomfret. With some account of his life and writings, and his remains. London, 1756 — 1753. Philadelphia, 1791. 2285, D. Poems on several occasions, by the Rev. Mr. John Pomfret. London, 1763. Pope, 29, O. The works of Alexander Pope ; with his last corrections, addi- tions, and improvements ; and the commentary and notes of Mr. War- burton; with plates. 9 vols. London, 1760. 3173, O. The works of Alexander Pope, in nine volumes complete; with his last additions, corrections, and improvements. 9 vols. London, 1752. P, 5786, O. The works of Alexander Pope : with notes and illustrations. By Joseph Warton, D. D. and others. A new edition. 9 vols. Lon- don, 1822. 3430, D. The poetical works of Alexander Pope. With all his notes. Together with the commentary and notes of Mr. Warburton. 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1819. 76, F. An essay on man ; in epistles to a friend. By Alexander Pope. London, 1734. 874; D. 1. An essay on man. By Alexander Pope. With his universal prayer. Philadelphia, 1778. 3675, D. An essay on man. By Alexander Pope, Esq. To which is prefixed a critical essay, by J. Aikin, M. D. Plates. London, 1802. 1078, Qi. 2. Pope's essay on man, French and English. Nouvelle edition, ornee des figures en taille dousce. Lausanne et a Geneve, 1745. P. 4426, D. The rape of the lock. An heroi-comical poem. By A. Pope. Adorned with plates. London, 1798. (Bensley.) 4427, D. The same. London, 1801. (Bulmer.) Porchester, 6447, O. The Moor. By Lord Porchester. With an introduction and notes, illustrative of the revolution in Spain in 1820, and of the author's personal adventures among the Guerillas. London, 1 827. Pratt, 374, Q,. 5. Sympathy, a poem. By Mr. Pratt. 6th edit. London, 1782. 460, Q,. 3. Landscapes, in verse. Taken in spring, by the author of sym- pathy. London, 1785. 589, Q,. 2. Humanity ; or, the rights of nature. A poem. By the author of sympathy. London, 1788. 922, Gl. 3. Bread; or, the poor. A poem. With notes. By Mr. Pratt. London, 1801. 4071, O. The cabinet of poetry; containing the best entire pieces to be found in the works of the British poets. Edited by S. I. Pratt. 6 vols. London, 1808. 2079, D. The lower w^orld, a poem. By Mr. Pratt, in four books. Lon- don, 1810. 495, Q,. 2. The triumph of benevolence ; occasioned by the national design of erecting a monument to John Howard, Esq. By Mr. Pratt. Lon- don, 1786. Preston, 2984, O. The poetical works of William Preston. 2 vols. Dublin, 1802. Pnor, 662, F. Poems on several occasions. By Matthew Prior. London, 1718. P. 476 BELLES-LETTRES. Prior, 3379, O. The same. 2d edit. London, 1709. P. 36, 297, & 5130, D. The same. London, 1725, 1741, and 1754. 594, 1). 2. Miscellaneous poems. By Matthew Prior. Dublin, 1739. 1172, Q. Matthei Prior Solomon de mundi vanitate, poema Latin^ red- ditum per G. Dobson. Latin and English. Oxonii, 1734. P. Procter, 6420, O. Marcian Colonna, an Italian tale, with three dramatic scenes, and other poems. By Barry Cornwall. (W. H. Procter.) London, 1820. 2837, D. The same. Philadelphia, 1821. 2804, D. A Sicilian story, with Diego de Montilla, and other poems. By Barry Cornwall. London, 1820. 2805, D. Dramatic scenes, and other poems. By Barry Cornwall. London, 1820. Pye, 1398, D. Verses on several subjects, written in 1801. By Henry James Pye. London, 1802. 460, O. 2. Shooting, a poem. By Henry J. Pye, London, 1784. 800, Q. 2. Naucratia ; or, naval dominion ; a poem. By Henry J. Pye. London, 1798. 44, Q,. Alfred ; an epic poem, in six books. By Henry James Pye. London, 1801. 431, Q,. 1. The progress of refinement, a poem. By Henry James Pye. Oxford, 1783. Pack, 6055, O. Poems on several occasions. By E. Rack. London, 1775. RadcUffe, 6016, D. The poetical works of Anne Radcliffe. 2 vols. London, 1834. Ramsay, 4717, D. Poems. By Allan Ramsay. Glasgow, 1770. 2733, O. The poems of Allan Ramsay. A new edition, corrected and enlarged ; with a life of the author, and remarks on his poems. 2 vols. London, 1800. 5476, D. Poems of Allan Ramsay. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1802. 3385, D. The poems of Allan Ramsay; with the life of the author and his collection of Scots proverbs. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1813. Randolph, 1350, Q,. Poems, with the muses' looking-glass. By Thomas Ran- dolph. Oxford, 1638. P. Reeves, 2155, Q,. Poems on various subjects. By Eliza Reeves. London, 1780. Relph, 7740, O. Poems; humorous and sentimental. By the Rev. Josiah Relph. With memoirs of the author. London, 1805. Reynolds, 2180, Q. A view of death; or, the soul's departure from the world; a philosophical sacred poem, with notes, and some additional compo- sures. By J. Reynolds. London, 1728. Richards, 1440, D. Poems. By George Richards. 2 vols. Oxford, 1804. 1151, Q,. 9. Aboriginal Britons, a prize poem, spoken at the theatre at Oxford, July 8, 1791. By George Richards. 2d edit. London, 1791. Richardson, 8635, O. 1. Poems, on different occasions. By Charlotte Richard- son ; with an account of the author, by Catharine Cappe. Philadel- phia, 1806. Rickman, 2170, Q. The fallen cottage. A poem. By T. C. Rickman. Lon- don. RUton, 455, D. A selection of ancient English metrical romancers. By Jo- seph Ritson. 3 vols. London, 1804. 664 1 , O. Ancient songs, from the time of King Henry III. to the revo- lution. By Joseph Ritson. London, 1792. M /?oac/(, 3683. D. Roach's beauties of the poets. Plates. London, 1794. /?o6tfMon,2661, O. Poems by Mrs. M. Robinson. London, 1791. 1203, D. 3. Sappho and Phaon; in a series of legitimate sonnets; with thoughts on poetical subjects, and anecdotes of the Grecian poetess. By Mary Robinson. London, 1796. ENGLISH POETRY. 477 Robinson, 1385, D. 1. Lyrical tales. By Mary Robinson. London, 1800. 3880, O. Poems. By Thomas Romney Robinson, written between the ages of 7 and 13 ; with an account of the author. Brooklyn 1808. ^ Roger Sy 2102, Q,. 2. Ode to superstition; with some other poems. By Samuel Rogers. London, 1786. 2081, D. The pleasures of memory, with other poems. By Samuel Rogers. A new edition. London, 1810. 1631, 3577, 5222, D. The same. London, 1794, 95, and 96. 7200, O. Italy; a poem. By Samuel Rogers. London, 1830. 2967, D. 2. The same. Philadelphia, 1823. 2712, D. 1. Human life; a poem. By Samuel Rogers. Philadelphia, 1819. 2729, D. The same. London, 1819. Roscoe, 506, a. 3. The wrongs of Africa, a poem. By Wm. Roscoe. London, 1787. 2102, Q. 9. War; a poem. By William Roscoe. London, 1794. 6042, D. Poems by William Stanley Roscoe. London, 1834. Roscommon, 904, O. Poems. By the eari of Roscommon. To which is added, an essay on poetry, by the duke of Buckingham ; with poems by Richard Duke. London, 1717. Rose, 4225, &, 7412, O. Sketches in verse. By Robert H. Rose, M. D. Phi- ladelphia, 1810. Rowden, 2917, O. A poetical introduction to the study of botany. By Frances Arabella Rowden. London, 1801. 2224, D. The pleasures of friendship, a poem, in 2 parts. By Frances Arabella Rowden. London, 1810. Rowlandson, 7402, O. The grand master ; or, adventures of aui Hi ? in Hin- dostan, a Hudibrastic poem. In eight cantos. Illustrated with en- gravings. By Rowlandson. London, 1816. Rush, 4870, O. 1. Elegiac poem on the death of Dr. Benjamin Rush. Philadel- phia, 1813. Rutt, 2102, a. 7. The sympathy of priests; addressed to Thomas Fysche Palmer. To which are added, odes written in 1792. By J. T. Rutt. Cambridge, 1795. Salmon, 4596, D. 1. The beauties of Hawkstone park. A poem. By J. W. Salmon. London, 1817. Sandys, 890, F. A paraphrase upon the divine poems. By George Sandys. London, 1638. P. 5725, D. Christmas carols, ancient and modern. With notes by Wil- liam Sandys. London, 1833. Sargent, 4379, O. Hubert and Ellen ; with other poems. By Lucius M. Sar- gent. Boston, 1812. Scott, 1196, & 4509, O. The poetical works, with plates, of John Scott. Lon- don, 1782, and 1786. — 7301, O. The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott, with a sketch of his life, by J. W. Lake. Complete in one vol. Philadelphia, 1831. — 7785, O. The lay of the last minstrel. A poem. By Walter Scott, Esq. 9th edit. London, 1808. — 1397, a. 1. & 2086, D. The same. London, 1805. Philadelphia, 1810. — 7417, O. Illustrations of Walter Scott's lay of the last minstrel ; consist- ing of twelve views ; engraved by J. Heath, from designs taken on the spot. By John C. Schetky. With anecdotes and descriptions. Lon- don, 1810. — 1441, Gl. & 81 14, 0. Marmion, a tale of Flodden-field. By Walter Scott, Esq. Edinburgh, 1808. 478 BELLES-LETTRES. Scott, 1932, 2068, A 8855, D. The same. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1808. No. 2053, Iht gift of Joseph Dennit, Esq, 1510, a. &, 7875, O. The lady of the lake, a poem. By Waltor Scott, Esq. Edinburgh, 1810. 2084. D. The same. New York, 1810. 2087, D. The same, Philadelphia, 1810. 4837, O. The viskNi of Don Roderick, and other poems. By Walter Scott, Esq. 2d edit Edinburgh, 1811. 2116, & 3786, D. 1. The same. Philadelphia, 1811. 2213, D. The bridal of Triermain ; or, the vale of St. John, in three can- tos. Philadelphia, 1813. 2402, D. The same. London, 1813. 4750, O. 1. The field of Waterloo, a poem. By Walter Scott, Esq. Lon- don, 1815. 2519, D. 2. The dance of death, and other poems. By Walter Scott, Esq. Philadelphia, 1816. 2759, D. The search after happiness ; or, the quest of the Sultaun Soli- man, with other poems. By Walter Scott, Esq. Philadelphia, 1820. 2035, D. Ballads and lyrical pieces. By Walter Scott, Esq. Boston, 1807. 6556, O. Sir Tristrem; a metrical romance of the thirteenth century; by Thomas of Erceldoune, called the rhymer. Edited from the Auchin- leck MS. by Walter Scott, Esq. Edinburgh, 1806. M. 5363, D. The same. Philadelphia, 1813. 4631,0. Rokeby, a poem. By Walter Scott, Esq. Edinburgh, 1813. 2 1 93, & 2 1 94, D. The same. Philadelphia, 1813. 4632, O. The lord of the isles, a poem. By Walter Scott, Esq. Edin- burgh, 1815. 2355, 2356, & 2357, D. The same. Philadelphia, 1815. 2957, & 6595, O. Minstrelsy of the Scottish border ; consisting of histori- cal and romantic ballads, collected in the southern counties of Scotland, a few of modern date, founded upon local traditions. By Walter Scott, Esq. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1803. M. Seward, 2063, D. The poetical works of Anna Seward ; with extracts from her literary correspondence. Edited by Walter Scott, Esq. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1810. 374, Q,. 3. A monody on Major Andre. By Miss Seward. With In- ters addressed to her by Major Andre, in the year 1769. 2d e«iit. Litchfield, 1781. 374, Q. 4. A poem to the memory of lady Miller. By Miss Seward. London, 1782. 762, Q. 2. Llangollen vale: with other poems. By Miss Sewaid. London, 1796. Sewell, 559, D. Poems. By Mrs. Sewell. 2d edit. 1803. Shakspeare, 4444, D. The poems of Shakspeare. To which is added an jk - count of his life. Boston, 1807. Sharpe, 4017, O. Metrical legends, and other poems. By Charles K. Sharp*', Esq. Oxford, 1807. Shaw, 2117, D. 1. Poems, by the late John Shaw; to which is prefixed, a bi"- graphical sketch of the author. Philadelphia, 1810. Shee, 2121, D. Rhymes on art; or, the remonstrance of a painter, in two parts; with notes and a preface. By Martin Archer Shee, R. A. Philadel- phia, 1811. 7299, &, 7554, O. Elements of art ; a poem, in six cantos, with notes .ml a preface; including strictures on the state of the arts, criticism, pa- tronai^e, and public taste. By Martin Archer Shee, R. A. London, 1809. I ENGLISH POETRY. 479 Shelley, 5095, O. The revolt of Islam; a poem, in 12 cantos. By Percy Bysshe Shelley. London, 1818. 7299, O. The poetical works of Coleridge, Shelley &, Keats, complete in one vol. Philadelphia, 1831. Shenstone, 22, O. The works, in verse and prose of William Shenstone. 3 vols. London, 1764—1791, 8528. 3854, D. The poetical works of William Shenstone. With his life and a description of the Leasowes. Plates, 1799. 1284, & 3763, D. Shenstone's poems. Plates. London, 1802 1798. Sigourney, 5970, D. Poems. By Mrs. Sigourney. Philadelphia, 1834. Simmons, 2808, D. The maniac's confession, a fragment of a tale. By J. W. Simmons. Philadelphia, 1821. Gift of Z. B. Stout. Simpson, 2041, D. Science revived; or the vision of Alfred, a poem in eight cantos ; with biographical notes, by the Rev. J. Simpson. B. D. Phila- delphia, 1810. Gift of John Wilson. Smart, 3704, D. The poems of the late Christopher Smart, M. A. &c. with an account of his life and writings. Portrait, 2 vols. Reading, 1791. 88, Q,. Poems on several occasions. By Christopher Smart. London, 1752. Smith, 457, O. 3. Elegiac sonnets. By Charlotte Smith. 3d edit. London. 1786. 1604, & 5198, D. The same. London, 1789. P. 1898, D. Beachy Head, with other poems. By Charlotte Smith. Lon- don, 1807. 531, D. Conversation, introducing poetry ; chiefly on subjects of natural history. By Charlotte Smith. 2 vols. London, 1804. 2199, D. Rejected addresses, or the new theatrum poetarum. By T. &H. Smith. New York, 1813. 2406, D. 2. The same. London, 1813. 2209, D. Horace in London, consisting of imitations of the first two books of the odes of Horace, by the authors of rejected addresses. Boston, 1813. London, 1815. 2406, D. 3. The same. London, 1813. 752, & 1640, D. Poems on several occasions. Written in Pennsylva- nia. By Wm. M. Smyth. Philadelphia, 1786. P. Smyth, 377, D. Rhyme and reason; short and original poems. By Philip Smyth. London, 1803. 3705, D. English lyrics. By William Smyth. London, 1806. Somerville, 5470, D. The poetical works of William Somerville. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1780. — 4985, D. The chase ; to which is annexed field sports. By Wil- liam Somerville. With a sketch of the author's life, by Edward Top- ham. London, 1804. 3294, O. 7. Hobbinol, or the rural games, a burlesque poem. By William Somerville. 1740. P. Sotheby, 3044, O. 2. A poetical epistle to Sir George Beaumont, on the encou- ragement of the British school of painting. By William Sotheby. London, 1801. 3449, D. Saul; a poem, in two parts. By William Sotheby, Esq. Bos- ton, 1808. 1394, D. Oberon; or, Huon de Bordeaux; a mask. And Orestes; a tragedy. By William Sotheby. London, 1802. 2143, D. 1. Constance de Castile, a poem, in ten cantos. By William Sotheby, Esq. Boston, 1812. Southey, 2335, & 3402, D. Poems by Robert Southey, 2 vols. London, 180L Boston, 1789. 480 BELLES-LETTRES. Souihmft 2230, &. 3362, D. Joan of Arc. an epic poem, by Robert Southey. 2 vols. London, 1806. Boston, 1798. 92, D. Thalaba, the destroyer. A poem, in twelve books. By Robert Southey. 2 vote. London, 1801. 1992, 6l 8437, D. Madoc, an epic poem. By Robert Southey. 2 vols. London, 1807. 4082, O. The same. Boston, 1806. . 2172, D. The curse of Kehama, a poem. By Robert Southey. 2 vols. London, 1807. 2118, D. The same, in one volume. New York, 1811. 1627, a. & 3365, D. Roderick, the last of the Goths. By Robert Southey, Esq. London, 1814—1816. 24 1 3, & 24 1 4, D. The same. Philadelphia, 1815. 4037, D. All for love, and the pilgrim to Compostella. By R. Southey, Elsq. LL. D. poet laureate, &c. London, 1829. 7251, O. Select works of the British poets from Chaucer to Jonson, with biographical sketches. By Robert Southey. London, 1831. 4026, O. Specimens of the later English poets ; with preliminary no- tices. By Robert Southey. 3 vols. London, 1811. Spencty 4238, & 7737, O. Minstrelsy of Edmund the wanderer ; collected by his early companion and intimate friend lieutenant Spence of the United States navy. New York, 1810. 5319, D. 3. Poems and miscellaneous pieces. By Sarah Spence. Lon- don, 1795. Spensery 426, & 546, D. The works of Edmund Spenser ; with a glossary, explaining the old and obscure words. Published by Mr. Hughes. 6 vols. London, 1715 — 1750. 930, F. Fairie queen. Shepherd's calender, &c. By Edmund Spenser, London, 1611. P. — 6563, O. The faerie queene, by Edmund Spenser. With notes criti- cal and explanatory, by Ralph Church, M. A. &c. 4 vols. London, 1757. M. 1471, D. & 6702, O. Observations on the fairy queen of Spenser. By Thomas Warton, A. M. &c. 2 vols. London, 1307— 1762. P. 4320, O. Poems by William Robert Spenser. London, 1811. 1397, QL 2. The year of sorrow. Written in the spring of 1803. By William Robert Spenser. London, 1804. Steele, 392, 7. 1420, D. 2. Peter Pindar's tears and smiles. A miscellaneous collec- tion of poems. London, 1 80 L 977, Q. 4. Peter Pindar's island of innocence ; a poetical epistle. Lon- don, 1802. 983, Q. 2. Peter Pindar's horrors of bribery ; a penitential epistle. London, 1802. 1924, D. Tristria ; or, the sorrows of Peter. By Peter Pindar. Lon- don, 1806. Wolfe, 3260, D. Remains of the late Rev. Charles Wolfe, A. B. With a brief memoir of his life, by the Rev. John A. Russell. Hartford, 1828. Woodworthy 2732, D. The poems, odes, songs, and other metrical effusions of Samuel Wood worth. New York, 1818. Gift of Lopez. Wordsworth. 5874, D. The poetical works of William Wordsworth. 4 vols. Boston, 1824. 1897, D. Poems, by William Wordsworth. 2 vols. London, 1807. 1288, &, 3597, D. Lyrical ballads, with other poems. By W. Words- worth. 2 vols, in 1. Philadelphia, 1802. London, 1798. — 1626, Q,. The excursion, being a portion of the recluse, a poem. By William Wordsworth. London, 1814. 5617, O. 2. Ecclesiastical sketches. By William Wordsworth. Lon- don, 1822. — - 1658, Qi. The white doe of Rylstone, or the fate of the Nortons, a poem. By William Wordsworth. London, 1815. 5503, O. The river Duddon, a series of sonnets ; Vaudracour and Julia ; and other poems : to which is annexed a topographical descrip- tion of the country of the lakes in the north of England. By William Wordsworth. London, 1820. Worgan, 2218, D. Select poems, by the late John Dawes Worgan, of Bristol, who died aged 19 years; to which are added, some particulars of his life and character, by an early friend ; with a preface, by William Hay- ley, Esq. Philadelphia, 1813. Wright, 3976, O. Horae lonicae, a poem, descriptive of the Ionian islands, and part of the adjacent coast of Greece. By Walter Rodwell Wright, Esq. London, 1809. Yeardey, 1393, O. Poems on several occasions. By Ann Yearsley, the Clif- ton milk-woman. To which are prefixed, fugitive pieces, by another hand. London, 1785. 495, Q,. 1. Poems on various subjects. By Ann Yearsley, the Clif- ton milk- woman. Being her second work. London, 1787. Young, 781, O. The poetical works of the reverend Edward Young. 2 vols. London, 1741. 4721, D. The works of Edward Young, LL. D. To which is prefixed, the life of the author. London, 1798. 3847, D. The poetical works of the Rev. Dr. Edward Young. With his life. 4 vols. Philadelphia, 1805. 1702, D. 1. Poem on the last day. By Edward Young, LL. D. 4th edit. London, 1745. P. 284, D. The complaint ; or, night-thoughts on life, death and immor- tality. To which is added, a paraphrase of the book of Job. By Ed- ward Young. London, 1755. 3769, 3866, & 5459, D. The same. PliUadelphia, 1804, London, 1743, 1791. ENGLISH POETRY. 485 940, d. 10. Ecstasie ; or, the soul's transmigration into the heavenly countrey. Put into a poetick dress. London, 1 689. 232, O. Abramidies ; or, the faithfull patriarch, exemplifyed in the lives of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph ; an heroic poem. London, 1705. 5155, D. Sacred poetry; comprising an entire system of divine truth. 2 vols. London, 1790. 4461, D. Fidelis Achates; or, an account of the most remarkable transac- tions in the late reigns, and the present revolution. In heroic verse. London, 1699. 948, O. Poetical essays ; with a preliminary essay, in prose. London, 1791 . 398, O. The muses' library ; or, a series of English poetry ; containing also the lives and characters of all the known writers, &c. London, 1741. Gift of John Smith. 2016, O. American poems, selected and original. Litchfield, 1793. 2234, O. 4. Academical contributions of original and translated poetry. Cam- bridge, 1795. 2895, O. Metrical miscellany ; consisting chiefly of poems hitherto unpub- lished. London, 1802. 2989, O. Poetical register, and repository of fugitive poetry, for 1801. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1802. 3949, O. Musae Seatonianae ; a complete collection of the Cambridge prize poems, from the first institution of that premium, by the Rev. Thomas Seaton, in 1750 to 1806 ; to which are added, three poems likewise written for the prize, by Mr. Bally, Mr. Scott, and Mr. Wrangham. 2 vols. Cambridge, 1808. 2054, O. Poems, chiefly by gentlemen of Devonshire and Cornwall. 2 vols. Bath, 1792. 3074,0. A collection of select poems. Printed in 1795. P. 3444, O. Miscellaneous poems, by several hands. London, 1726. P. 608, Q,. 1. Salmagundi: a miscellaneous combination of original poetry. Lon- don, 1791. 5875, D. The Christian year : thoughts in verse for the Sundays and holy days. Philadelphia, 1834. 113, D. A poetical dictionary; or the beauties of the English poets alpha- betically displayed. 4 vols. London, 176 L 1349, D. Annual anthology. 2 vols. Bristol, 1799. 1072, & 4877, D. The beauties of poetry, British and American. Philadel- phia, 1791. Gift of Mat hew Carey. 2075, D. The muses' bower, embellished with the beauties of English poetry. 4 vols. London, 1809. 2076, & 2165, D. English minstrelsy; being a selection of fugitive poetry from the best English authors ; with some original pieces hitherto unpublished. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1810. 1532, D. The works of the most celebrated minor poets. 3 vols. Lon- don, 1751. P. 4859, D. The minor poets ; or, the works of the most celebrated authors, of whose writings there are but small remains. 2 vols. Dublin, 1761. 4177, D. Oxford English prize poems. Oxford, 1828. 4696, D. A family tablet; containing a selection of original poetry. Boston, 1796. 4846, D. The poetical miscellany : consisting of select pieces from the most eminent poets. Dublin, 1774. 5156, D. The American poetical miscellany, original and selected. 2 vols, Philadelphia, 1809. 5158, D. The poetry of the world. 5th edit. 2 vols. London, 1795. 5464, D. The beauties of Ancient poetry. London, 1794. 5170, D. The bouquet, a selection of poems from the most celebrated au- thors, with some originals. 2 vols. London, 1792. 486 BELLES-LETTRES. 5456. D. Sacred and moral poems, on Deity, creation, lite, death, ami im- mortality. 2d edit London, 1789. 514, F. 5. Pennsylvania, a poem. By a student of the college of Philadel- phia. Philadelphia, 176a 412, Q,. 4. Fkahion, an ode; with other poems. London, 1783. 462, Q^ 2. An exercise, containing a dialogue and two odes. Philadelphia, 1767. 462, 5. 479, 7. i^ 644, Q. 6. Liberty, a poem. By Rusticus. 2d edit. Charles- town. South Carolina, 1770. Philadelphia, 1769. 464, Q^ 1. An ode on the late glorious successes of his majesty's arms, Phi- ladelphia. 1762. 464, O. 2. A panegyrick. By Strephon. Philadelphia, 1762. 464, Q,. 5. A dialogue on peace, held at Nassau hall, September, 1763. Phi- ladelphia, 1763. 464, a. 10. Liberty, a Pindaric ode. Philadelphia, 1783. 479, Q. 6. Oppression, a poem. By an American. London. 712, O. 6. Poetical sketch of the campaign of 1793. By an oflacer of the guards, on the continent. London. 506, Q,. 2. West Indian eclogues. London, 1787. 1157, Q,. 1. Odes on various subjects. 2d edit. London, 1747. P. 1855, Q, The ruins of Paestum, and other compositions in verse. Salem, 1822. 2273, Q. 10. Reason, a poem ; to which is prefixed, a notion of poetry, an essay. London, 1758. 1557, O. 3. An exercise ; containing a dialogue, and an ode on peace. Phila- delphia, 1763. 1557, O. 5. Poems upon several occasions. Boston, 1779. 1557, O. 6. The kirkiad; or golden age of the church of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1774. 1557, O. 9. A poem on the rising glory of America. Philadelphia, 1772. 1557, O. 11. Resignation ; in two parts, with a postscript to Mrs. B . Phi- ladelphia, 1764. 2948, O. Poetic£il essays; with a preliminary essay, in prose. London, 1791. 1978,0. 1. Ouabi; or the virtues of nature. An Indian tale. Boston, 1790. 4338, O. Metrical effusions ; or, verses on various occasions. Woodbridge, 1812. 7487, O. The echo ; with other poems. New York, 1807. 8639, O. 3. Miscellaneous poems, on moral and religious subjects. By Osan- der. Hudson, 1821. 562, D. 3. The inquiry. Part I. London, 1803. 793, D. 3. A poetical epistle to general Washington. Philadelphia, 1781. 1962, D. Fowling, a poem ; descriptive of grouse, partridge, pheasant, wood- cock, duck, and snipe shooting. London, 1808. 2563, D. 1. llderim, a Syrian tale in four cantos. Philadelphia, 1816. 874, D. 2. Effusions of female fancy. By a young lady, native of America. New York, 1784. 3760. D. The poetry of Anna Matilda. London, 1788. 4405, D. Original poems. By a citizen of Baltimore. Baltimore, 1809. 4736, D. 6. Hours of leisure ; a series of unconnected trifles in verse. Cran- brook, 1820. 3199, D. An essay on mind, with other poems. London, 1826. 5001, D. 1. Calcutta, a poem; with notes. London, 1811. 2635, D. Tlie bridal of Vaumond, a metrical romance. New York, 1817. 6226, D. The lyre of love. 2 vols. London, 1806. ENGLISH POETRY. 487 5285, D. A poetical picture of America, being observations made during a residence at Alexandria and Norfolk, in Virginia, interspersed with anecdotes. By a lady. London, 1809. 5361, D. The art of domestic happiness, and other poems. By the recluse. Pittsburgh, 1817. 5394, D. 1. Resignation, a poem. Philadelphia, 1795. 8635, O. 2. The words of the Dettingen Te Deum, and a miscellaneous act of music, performed by the musical fund society of Philadelphia, at the opening of their new hall, December 29th, 1824. With notes. Philadelphia, 1824. 1557, O. 10. The plan of a performance of solemn music, to be sung in the college of Philadelphia. 1765. 5321, D. 3. The words of a selection of sacred music, performed at the church of St. Augustine in Philadelphia, 20th June, 1810. Philadelphia, 1810. 374, Q,. 11. An elegy on the ancient Greek model. Cambridge, 1779. 504, Q. 4. A monody in honour of the chiefs who have fallen in the cause of American liberty ; and a rondelay, celebrating American independency. Phila- delphia. Gift of Zachariah Poulson. 374, Q,. 2. Edwin and Eltruda, a legendary tale. By a young lady. Lon- don, 1782. 1157, Q,. 8. Ode to Landsdowne Hill, with notes mostly relative to the Gran- ville family; to which are added, two letters of advice from George, Lord Lans- downe, anno 1711, to William Henry, Earl of Bath. London, 1785. P. 407, F. 18. An epistle from S r F o, to S a F a. London, 1727. 407, F. 19. An answer from S a F a, to S r F o. London, 1727. 464, Q,. 4. The manners of the times, a satire. By Philadelphiensis. Phila- delphia, 1762. 562, Q. 2. The poem which the committee of the town of Boston had voted to be published ; with extracts from a composition never before published. Bos- ton, 1772. 562, Q,. 3. An oration which might have been delivered to the students in anatomy, on the late rupture between the two schools in this city. Philadel- phia, 1789. 712, Q,. 9. Magic lantern; or, les ombres patriotiques. London, 1796. 762, d. 1. The monopolist; or the installation of Sir John Barleycorn. A poetical tale, addressed to servant maids. Bath, 1795. 956, Qi. 5. Fable of the beasts and their king. London, 1703. 977, Q,. 5. The genius of France ; or, the consular vision. A poem, with notes. London. 1 124, Q,. 9. An heroic epistle to Sir William Chambers. 2d edit. London, 1773. P. 1124, Q,. 1. Heroic postscript to the public, occasioned by the favourable re- ception of a late heroic epistle to Sir William Chambers, Knt. &c. by the author of that epistle. 7th edit. London, 1774. P. 1124, d. 4. The dean and the squire, a political eclogue, humbly dedicated to Soame Jenyns, Esq. 3d edit. London, 1782. P. 1124, 8. & 2005, Q. 4. Diaboliad, a poem, dedicated to the worst man in his majesty's dominions. London, 1776 — 1777. P. 1238, Q,. 6. Love given o'er; or, a satyr against the pride, lust, and incon- stancy of woman. London, 1682. P. 1238, Q,. 7. The female advocate ; or an answer to the above satyr against woman. London, 1686. P. 2102, Q,. 1. The recovery ; or the tears of faction. A poem. By an Oxonian. London, 1789. 2102, Q. 6. Dr. Price and the rights of man; an elegy, sacred to the memory •1S8 BELLES-LETTRES. of that late reverend divine, and genuine philanthropist. By R. H. H. Lon- don, 1791. 2169, Q, Varnishando, a serio-comic poem ; addressed to collectors of paint- ings. Manchester, 1809. 2274, 0.4. The patriots of North America; a sketch. New York, 1775. Gift of Josiah Hewea. 1557, O. 1. The patriot muse, or poems on some of the principal events of the late war; with a poem on the peace. London, J 764. 161, & 845, O. The manners of the age ; written with a design to expose the vicious conduct of both sexes. London, 1733. 216, O. Poems on affairs of state, from the time of Oliver Cromwell, to the year 1707. 4 vols. London, 1703, &c. 1525, O. I. The birth, parentage, and education of Praise-god Barebones; with an election ballad. Philadelphia, 1766. 1150, O. 10. The free-thinker; or reason asserted; in a dissection of bigotry and devotion ; a satire. London, 1740. 1557, 0.7. The London clergy's petition against the Quaker's affirmation, answered. 1722. 1573. O. 10. The present situation of American affairs, a poem. 1776. 1573, O. 11. American liberty, a poem. New York, 1775. 1573, O. 12. General Gage's soliloquy. MS. 1775. 1573, O. 13. A voyage to Boston, a poem. New York, 1775. 1573, O. 14. General Gage's confession to his ghostly father — friar Francis. 1775. 1573, O. 16. America invincible, an heroic poem. Danvers, near Boston, 1779. 1573, O. 17. A speech of general Washington on entering the town of Bos- ton after the British had abandoned it. (In verse.) 1388, 4. & 1884, O. 1. Criticisms on the Rolliad ; to which are added, politi- cal eclogues. London, 1791 — 1785. 1952, O. 3. Animal magnetism. A ballad. With notes and observations, containing anecdotes of animal magnetizers, ancient, as well as modern. By Valentine Absonus. London, 1791. 2266, O. 4. Monarchy ; a parody on the eclogue of Pope. Philadelphia, 1795. Crift of Samuel Harrison Smith. 2345, O. 4. Epistle, in verse, to Dr. Randolph, occasioned by the publication of the correspondence between the Earl and Countess of Jersey, and the doctor, upon the subject of some letters belonging to the Princess of Wales. London, 1796. 2831, O. School for satire; or a collection of modern satirical poems, writ- ten during the present reign. London, 1801. 4169, O. Pursuits of agriculture ; a satirical poem, in three cantos, with notes. London, 1810. 4642, O. 3. Leaves of laurel, or new probationary odes. London, 1813. 4642, O. 4. Woburn Abbey georgics, or the last gathering, a poem. Lon- don, 1813. - 5554, O. Takings ; or the life of a collegian : a poem ; illustrated by 26 etchi ings, from designs, by R. Dagley. London, 1821. 6787, O. 2. The age of bronze ; or, carmen seculare et annus haud mirabilis. London, 1823. 5421, O. 2. Sukey. Boston, 1821. 7442, O. Marmion travestied ; a tale of modern times. By Peter Pry, Esq. London, 1800. 7539, O. 2. Loyalty and humanity ; or church and king ; a poem. Occasioned by the late riots at Birmingham. Birmingham, 1791. 8587, O. 3. A poem on reading the president's address ; with a sketch of ther character of a candidate. Philadelphia, 1796. ENGLISH POETRY. 489 8605, O. 4. The house of wisdom in a bustle ; a poem ; descriptive of the battle lately fought in congress. New York, 1798. 8636, O. 2. The fleiad. By Paul Pindar. Dublin, 1788. 8636, O. 4. The fleas' turtle feast; a satirical poem. London, 1808. 8637, O. 2. A portraiture of London; in prose and verse. London, 1809. 2405, D. 1. The modern dunciad, a satire, with notes. London, 1814. 2405, D. 2, The general post-bag, or news foreign and domestic, and le baga- telle. London, 1814. 2215, D. Jokeby, a burlesque on Rokeby, a poem, in six cantos, by an ama- teur of fashion ; to which are added, occasional notes, by our most popular cha- racters. Boston, 1813. 2998, D. 1. Warreniana, with notes, critical and explanatory. By the editor of a quarterly review. Boston, 1824. 730, D. 2. Modern characters for 1778, by Shakspeare. 2d edit. Lond. 1778. 874, D. 4. The lamentations of a sow, on a late thanksgiving-day, at Danbury, in Connecticut, 1778. Gift of Zachariah Poulson. 744, D. Moral fables. Edinburgh, 1784. 792, D. 4. The Wilkiad, a tale. Edinburgh, 1768. 1032, D. 10. Substance of exercises in scurrility-hall. In seven numbers, 1765. 1859, D. 1. A demonstration of the uninterrupted succession and holy conse- cration of the first English bishops. 1766. 1922, D. The age of frivolity, a poem. By Timothy Touch'em. London, 1807. 2217, D. The lay of the Scottish fiddle, a tale of Havre de Grace, supposed to be written by Walter Scott, Esq. New York, 1813. 2856, D. My note book, or sketches from the gallery of St. Stephen's. A satirical poem. London, 1821. 4736, D. 6. A pill for the author of Cranbrook. A poem. Cranbrook, 1819. 6647, O. The musical miscellany ; being a collection of choice songs and lyric poems. With the basses to each tune, and transposed for the flute. By the most eminent masters. 6 vols, in 3. London, 1729 — 1731. M. 3523, D. The charmer ; a collection of songs, chiefly such as are eminent for poetical merit, &c. &c. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1782. 4601, D. The myrtle and vine ; or complete vocal library ; containing plain- tive and humorous songs. 2 vols. Dublin. 4755, D. The New York songster ; being a selection of the most modern and approved songs. New York, 1811. 4756, D. The goldfinch ; or new modern songster ; being a collection of Scots and English songs, Glasgow. 4810, D. 3. The songs of the beggar's opera, adapted to the present times. Dublin, 1789. 4906, D. The Billington ; or, vocal enchantress, and town and country song- ster. Dublin, 1790 5124, D. The vocal remembrancer ; being a choice collection of the most admired songs. Philadelphia, 1790. 5144, D. Vocal music, or the songster's companion, being a complete col- lection of songs, cantatas, with the music adapted for the violin or German flute. London. 5231, D. The British songster ; being a select collection of favourite English and Scotch songs. London, 1788. 5244, D. The Apollo : being a collection of English songs. Philadelphia, 1793. 5355, D. 2. Ballads and songs, Scotish. Ludlow, 1799. 5399, D. The union song book; or, American sky -lark. Boston, 1805. 5382, D. The new olio : or, collection of songs, catches, glees, &.c. London. 1237, D. Select epigrams. 2 vols. London, 1797. 62 490 BELLES-LKTTHES. 1870, p. The British Martial ; or, an anthology of English epigrams. 2 vols. London, 1806. 2232, D. A new collection of enigmas, charades, transpositions, &c. Lon- don, 1800. C901, O. 0. Songs in the siege of Belgrade; a comic opera. Philadelphia, 1801. :{1MG, D. 5. Songs, &c. in the two misers. Philadelphia, 1794. 3U16, D. 6. Songs in the castle of Andalusifiu Philadelphia, 1794. 3946, D. 7. Songs in the purse. Philadelphia, 1794. 3946, D. 8. Songs in the farmer. Philadelphia, 1794. 4797, D. 7. Songs in the opera of a match for a widow. By Joseph Atkin- son. Dublin, 1786. 8609, 0. 7. Songs, &c in Mahmoud. An opera. By P. Hoare. London, 1798. FRENCH, ITALIAN, AND GERMAN POETRY, AND TRANSLATIONS. Anderson, 2519, D. 2. Poems from the Danish, selected, and illustrated with historical notes, by A. Anderson, translated by Wm. S. Walker. Phi- ladelphia, 1816. Jirioslo, 1174, Q,. Orlando Furioso of Ariosto, Italian and English. 2 vols. P. 1163, Q- Orlando Furioso. By Ludovico Ariosto. In Italian and Einglish. By Henry Croker. 2 vols. London, 1755. P. 1986, Q,. Orlando Furioso, translated from the original Italian, with annotations, by W. Huggins, Esq. Italian and English. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1756. M. 927, F. Orlando Furioso, in English heroic verse. By Sir John Har- rington. London, 1634. P. 1102, & 1263, O. Orlando Furioso; with plates. Translated from the Italian of Ludovico Ariosto. By John Hoole. London, 1772. 5 vols. London, 1783. 3146, O. The same. 5 vols. London, 1783. P. 7927, O. The Orlando of Ariosto ; reduced to 24 books ; the narra- tive connected, and the stories disposed in a regular series. By John Hoole. 2 vols. London, 1791. 6621, O. The Orlando Furioso, translated in English verse, from the Italian of Ludovico Ariosto, with notes, by William Stewart Rose. 5 vols. London, 1823—1827. 1619, D. Le Comte de Tressan nouvelle traduction de Roland Fu- rieux, poeme herioque de r Ariosto. 5 tomes. Paris, 1780. P. 2662, D. 2. Rime et satire di M. Ludovico Ariosto, con Tanotationi in- terne a concetti, di M. Francesco Turchi^Trevigiano. In Venetia, 1581. Gift of Mr. Thomas Wilson. 1600, D. Satires of Ludovico Ariosto. London, 1759. P. Baraton, 5989, D. Poesies diverses, contenant des contes choisis, bon mots, dtc. Par M. Baraton. A Paris, 1705. Bartas, du, 744, Q,. Commentaires et annotations svr la sepmaine de la crea- tion dvmonde, deGvsslavme de Salvste Seigneur dv Bartas. A Paris, 1 583. Gift of Samuel Robinson. V206, €1. 1. The works of William de Salluste du Bartas; con- taining the Birth of the world, the Triumph of faith, &c. Translated by Joshua Sylvester. London, 1595. Bassif 6658, O. Scelta di poesie Italiane de' piu celebri Autori d'ogni Secolo. Raccolte, e con opportune note illustrate da Anton-Benedetto Bassi. 2 tom. in Parigi, 1783. FRENCH, ITALIAN, AND GERMAN POETRY. 491 Bembo, 1773, D. 1. Rime de M. Pietro Bembo, degli errore di tutti I'altere im- pressione purgata. Napoli, 1615. F, 1773, D. 3. Observationi intorno alle rimo del Bembe, e del Cassa. G. B. Basile. Napoli, 1607. P. Bernis, de, 3824, D. (Euvres de Francois-Joachim de Pierre, Cardinal de Bernis. 2tom. A Paris, 1803. 6620, O. The Orlando inamorato, translated into prose, from the Italian of Francesco Berni, and interspersed with extracts in the same stanza as the original, by William Stewart Rose. London, 1823. M, 6721, O. The enchanted lake of the Fairy Morgana, From the Orlando inamorato of Francesco Berni. Plate. New York, 1806. Bitaube, 3862, D. Joseph, poeme en neuf chants; par M. Bitaube. A Paris, 1773. Boccacio, 2691, O. Patient Griselda. A poetical tale, from the Italian of Boc- cacio. By Miss Sotheby. Bristol, 1798. Boiardo, 1260, Q,. Orlando inamorato, composto del Signor Matteo Maria Boiardo, conte di Scandiano et reformata da Messer Ludovico Domi- nichi. Venetia, 1565. P. Boileau, 61, D. Oeuvres de Boileau Despreaux. IV tomes. Amsterdam, 1729. 119,0. The works of Monsieur Boileau ; with cuts. Made English from the last Paris edition, by several hands. To which is prefixed, an account of his life, by Monsieur Des Maizeaux. 2d edit. 3 vols. London, 1736. 6921, O. L'art poetique de Boileau Despreaux. Suivi de sa IXe. Satire et de son epitre a M. De Lamoignon. Avec des argumens, des notes, &c. &c. A Lyon, 1805. Bowring, 2854, D. Specimens of the Russian poets ; translated by John Bow- ring, with preliminary remarks and biographical notices. 2d edition. London, 1821. 3034, D. Batavian anthology ; or specimens of the Dutch poets : with remarks on the poetical literature and language of the Nether- lands. By John Bo wring, and Harry S. Van Dyke. London, 1824. 3207, D. Specimens of the Polish poets ; with notes and observations on the literature of Poland. By John Bo wring. London, 1827. Buonaparte, 2423, D. Charlemagne, or the church delivered, a poem. By Lucien Buonaparte. 2 vols. New York, 1815. Burgher, 561, F. 1. Leonora. Translated from the German of Gottfreid Au- gustus Burgher. By W. R. Spencer. With designs, by Lady Diana Beauclerc. London, 1796. Camoens, 1721, Q,. Os Lusiadas, poema epico de Luis de Camoes. Nova edi^ao correcta, e dad a a luz, por Dom Jose Maria de Souza-Botelho, Paris, 1817. Gift of the Marquis de Souza, the editor. 342, Q,. The Lusiad ; or the discovery of India, an epic poem. Trans- lated from the original Portuguese of Louis De Camoens. By William Julius Mickle. 2d edit. Ox'ford, 1778. 1102, a. P. & 6801, O. The same. 2 vols. London, 1798. 6153, O. The Lusiad, an epic poem. By Luis de Camoens. Trans- lated from the Portuguese. By Thomas Moore Musgrave. London, 1826. 8635, O. 4 & 562, D. 2. Poems from the Portuguese of Luis de Camoens, with remarks on his life and writings. By Lord Strang- ford. Philadelphia, 1805. Carlyle, 764, Q,. Specimens of Arabian poetry, from the earliest time to the extinction of the Khaliphat; with some account of the authors. By I. D. Carlyle, B. D. &c. Cambridge, 1796. Cassano, 1773, D. 2. Rime de M. Giovanni, Casa della, dell cavaliere Gio Battista Basile. Napoli, 1617. P. 492 BBLLS8-LBTTRX9. Ca99ano, 1449, &. 8344, D. II Flore della poesia Italiana, de Secola XVIII. pre- ceduto da alcunc noUzie istoriche de* poetc, che lo coiDpongono. Scclto, dx. daO. a Cassana « tooL Londra, 1802. Creuzit 3823, D. Les chevaUere de la table ronde ; po6me en vingt chants, tire det vieuz romanciers. Par M. Creuze de Lesser. A Paris, 1812. Dante, 888, F. Alighieri Dante comedia col* espositione di Christophoro Lan- dina 1529. P. 3654, O. La divina commedia di Dante Alighieri. Napoli, 1716. P. 2878, O. Translation into English verse, of the divina comniedia of Dante Alighieri; consisting of the Inferno — Purgatorio — and Paradiso; with preliminary essays and notes. By the Rev. Henry Boyd. 3 vols. London, 1802. 2661, D. Dante, con nuove, et utili ispositioni. In Lione, 1576. Gift of Mr. Thomas HVton. 3300, D. The inferno of Dante Alighieri. With a translation in Eng- lish blank verse, notes, and a life of the author. By the Rev. Henry Francis Gary, A. M. Italian and English. 2 vols. London, 1805. M. 742, D. Translation of the inferno of Dante Alighieri in English verse; with notes, the life of Dante, and a specimen of a new translation of the Orlando Furioso of Ariosto. By Henry Boyd, A. M. 2 vols. London, 1785. 5550, D. The vision ; or hell, purgatory, and paradise of Dante Alighie- ri. Translated by the Rev. H. F. Carey. 3d edition. 3 vols. Lon- don, 1831. 3714, D. The same. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1822. 1124,0.6. The inferno of Dante— translated. London, 1782. P. Delille, 1813, D. Les jardins, ou Tart d'embellir les paysages, poeme. Pre- miere edit. Par I'Abbe Delille. Paris, 1782. 859^ Q,. 4. The gardens, a poem. Translated from the French of the Abbe Delille. London, 1798. 1 32, D. Rural philosopher ; or French georgics. A didactic poem. Translated from the original of the Abbe Delille. By John Maunde. London, 1801. Ercilla, de, 873, F. La Araucana, primera, secunda, y tercera parte de Don Alonso de Ercilla y Zunica. Madrid, 1733. P. Farre, la, 3928, D. Poesies de M. le Marquis de la Farre. A Geneve, 1777. Firadusiy 8868, O. Oriental Translations. The Shah Nameh of the Persian poet, Firadusi. With notes. By James Atkinson. London, 1832. Fontaine, /a, 1597, D. Contes et nouvelles en vers. Par Monsieur De La Fontaine. 2 tomes. Amsterdam, 1709. P. 3882, D. Fables de La Fontaine. A Paris, 1816. 6763, O. La Fontaine's Fables. Now first translated from tlie French. By Robert Thomson. 2 vols. Paris, 1806. 3881, D. Le fa vole del La Fontaine; tradotte in versi Italiana da Steiano Egidio Petronj. Francois et Italien. 2 tom. Parigi, 1811. -^-^— ^-- 3895, D. Les amours de Psyche et de Cupidon ; suivies dos Poemes d* Adonis, de la Captivite de Saint Male, et du Quinquina. Par La Fontaine. A Paris, 1804. — — — 5655, O. Fables from La Fontaine, in Einglish verse. Translated by R. Croker. London, 1821. Fortiguerra, 8889, D. Richardet ; Pofime traduit de I'ltalien de Fortiguerra. Par A. F. D. Dumouriez. 2 tomes. Paris, 1776. Fresnoy, du, 1264, Q. C. A. Du Fresnoy, de arte graphica ; or the art of painting, with remarks. Translated into English, by Mr. Dryden. London, 1695. P. 873. 1097, I. 1089, a. & 6138, D. The art of painting of FRENCH, ITALIAN, AND GERMAN POETRY. 493 Charles Alphonse du Fresnoy. Translated into English verse, by William Mason ; with annotations by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Dublin & York. 1783. essner, 1404, D. The works of A. Gessner; with some account of his life and writings, translated from the German. 3 vols. Liverpool, 1802. — 3923, D. (Euvres de Sal. Gessner. Traduites de I'Allemand. 3 torn. A Zuric, 1792. 3903, D. Idylles et poemes champetre de M. Gessner. Traduits de I'Allemand, par M. Huber. A La Haye, 1762. 682, & 2136, Q,. New idyls. By Solomon Gessner; with a letter to M. Fuslin, on landscape painting; and the Two friends of Bourbon, a moral tale. By M. Diderot. Translated by W. Hooper. London, 1776. 7405, O. The death of Abel, in five books, attempted from the Ger- man of Mr. Gessner. London, 1797. 168, D. The death of Abel, in five books, attempted from the German of Mr. Gessner. By Mary Colier. 6th edit. London, 1764. oeihe, 133, D. Herman and Dorothea. A poem from the German of Goethe. By Thomas Holcroft. London, 1801. 3921, D. Herman et Dorothee ; poeme Allemand de Goethe traduit par Bitaube. A Paris, 1800. ressety 4255, D. CEuvres de M. Gresset, de I'academie Frangaise. Tom. 2. A Rouen, 1792. 3904, D. CEuvres choisies de Gresset. A Paris, 1813. 3894, D. Poesies choisies de Gresset. Portrait. A Paris, 1802. 160, Q,. 2. Ver-vert; or the nunnery parrot, an heroic poem. By Monsieur Gresset. Translated from the French. London, 1759. randt le, 775, Q,. Fabliaux or tales, from French manuscripts of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Translated into English verse, with notes. By M. Le Grand. Vol. 1. London, 1796. 1482, Q,. Partenopex de Blois, a romance, in 4 cantos, freely trans- lated from the French of M. le Grand; with notes. By William Stewart Rose. London, 1807. uion, 170, D. Poems, translated from the French of Madame de la Mothe Guion, by the late William Cowper; with some original poems of his own. Newport-Pagnel, 1801. 614, & 3902, D. The same. PhUadelphia, 1804. Gift of Emmor Kimher. ^afiz, 899, Q,. 2. Persian lyrics, or scattered poems, from the Diwan i-Hafiz; with paraphrases in verse and prose, &c. London, 1800. ^erbert, 532, D. Translations from the German, Danish, &c. with miscellane- ous poetry. By William Herbert. London, 1804. krder, 5878, D. The spirit of Hebrew poetry. By J. G. Herder. Translated by James Marsh. 2 vols. Boston, 1833. ones, 1276, O. Poems, consisting chiefly of translations from the Asiatic languages ; with two essays — I. On the poetry of the eastern nations — II. On the arts, commonly called imitative. By Sir William Jones. 2d edit. London, 1777. Ueist, 8589, O. 7. Kleist's Vernal Season; from the German. By G. H. Egestorf London, 1814. Uopstock, 77, D. The Messiah. Attempted from the German of Mr. Klop- stock. 2 vols. London. ,afosse, 3809, D. Poesies de Lafosse et de Duche. A Paris, 1811. fCssingy 4279, D. Fables and epigrams ; with essays on fable and epigram. From the German of Lessing. London, 1825. \ockharty 1874, Q,. Ancient Spanish ballads, historical and romantic. Trans- lated by J. G. Lockhart. Edinburgh, 1823. 494 BELLES-LETTBES. Malherbe, 8«W, D. Poesies de MaHierbe; avec la vie de Tauteur, et de courtes notes. A Paris, 1772. Afathiat, 2688, D. 1. Componimenti liricl scelU de pui Ulustri poeti d'ltalla. Di T. J. Mathlas. Londra, 1809. Mdodino, 4826, O. Relics of Melodino, translated by Edward Lawson, Esq. from an unpublished manuscript, dated 1645. London, 1815. Metattasio, 3081, O. Opere del Signor Abate Pietro Metastasio. 12 tomes. Parlgi, 1780. P. 604, D. The works of Metastasio. Translated from the Italian, by John Hoole. 2 vols. London, 1767. 2763, O. dt 1462, D. The same. London, 1800. P, Montis 2685, D. La revoluzione Francese, visione alia Dantesca, in quarto canti. Da Vincenzo Monti. Londra, 1804. Gift of M. da Ponte, 3512, D. The penance of Hugo; a vision of the French Revolution. In the manner of Dante. Written on the occasion of the death of Nicola Hugo de Basseville, envoy from the French republic at Rome, January 14, 1793. Translated from the original Italian of Vincenzo Monti, into English verse ; with two additional cantos, by the Rev. Henry Boyd, A. M. &,c. London, 1805. Muyser, 1402, Q„ Nagelaate poezy van Gerard Muyser. Amsterdam, 1760. Neufiumn, 8705, O. Translations from the Chinese and Armenian, with notes and illustrations. By Charles Fried. Neumann. London, 1831. Pamy, 6900, O. CEuvres de M. le Chevalier de Parny ; contenant ses opus- cules poetiques et ses poesies erotiques. A I'lsle de Bourbon, 1780. Petrarch, 883, D. U Petrarca con I'espositione d'Alessandro Velutello. In Venetia, 1552. Z. 979, D. II Petrarca. In Lione, 1587. L. 1845, D. D Petrarca con nuove spositione. 2 tomi. Lyone, 1564. P. 872, F. Sonetti et canzone de Misser Francesco Petrarcha. Vene- tia, 1515. P, 6951, O. & 1465, D. 2. Sonnets and odes, translated from the Italian of Petrarch ; with the original text and some account of his life. Lon- don, 1777—1782. P. 4412, O. Petrarch translated, in a selection of his sonnets and odes, accompanied with notes and the original Italian, by the Rev. Dr. Nott London, 1803. 3834, D. The same. Boston, 1809. 3777, D. The triumphs of Petrarch; translated into English verse. With an introduction and notes. By the Rev. Henry Boyd, A. M. &c. London, 1807. 3908, D. Choix des poesies de Petrarque ; traduites de Tltalien, par M. Levesque. Italien et Fran90is. Portrait. 2 tomes. A Veniso, 1787. m Polignac, 3374, D L'anti-Lucrece ; poeme sur la religion naturelle ; par Bll le Cardinal de Polignac. Traduit par M. De Bougainville. 2 torn." A Bruxelles, 1772. PolUiafio, 2686, D. Stanze di Messer Angelo Politiano, cominciate per la Giostro del magnifico Giuliano di Piero de Medici. Vincentis, 1521. Gift of M. da PorUe. Jlodd, 6822, O. History of Charles the Great and Orlando, ascribed to arrh- bishop Turpin; translated from the Latin in Spanheim's lives of ecclesiastical writers: together with the most celebrated ancient Spanish ballads relating to the twelve peers of France, mentioned in Don Quixote; with English metrical versions, by Thomas Rodd. Spanish and English. 2 vols. London, 1812. iZosa, 1529, D. Salvator Rosa, satire di con le note d*Anton Maria Salvini e FRENCH, ITALIAN, AND GERMAN POETRY. 495 d'Altri, ed alcune notizie appartenenti alia vita deli' autore. Editione secunda. Amsterdam, 1781. P. Rousseau, 14:% Q,. Odes, cantates, epitres et poesies diverses de J. B. Rous- seau. A Paris, 1790. Gift of C. F. Volney. 3898, D. The same. A Paris, 1799. Rozoi, 455 1 , D. Les sens, poeme en six chantes. Par M. Rozoi. 2d edit. A Londres, 1776. SaemumU 2554, O. Icelandic poetry ; or the Edda of Saemund. Translated into English verse, by A. S. Cottle. Bristol, 1797. Saint Hyac'mthe, 822, D. Le cheuf-d'oeuvre d'un inconnu. Par Saint Hya- cinthe. A la Haye, 1714. Stengler, 2249, Q. Raghuvansa Kalidasae carmen Sanscrit et Latine edidit Adolphus Fredericus Stengler. London, 1832. Tansillo, 817, Q,. & 5227, D. The nurse; a poem. Translated from the Italian of Luigi Tansillo, by William Roscoe. Liverpool, 1798 — 1800. Tasso, 1215, Q,. Opere del Torquato Tasso publicate da M. A. Foppa. 2 tomes. Roma, 1666. P. 3825, D. La Gerusalemme liberata di Torquato Tasso. 4 torn. Avig- none, 1816. 1178, Gt. Godfrey of Bulloigne, or the recovery of Jerusalem, done into English verse. By Edward Fairfax. London, 1600. P. 3355, & 6553, O, Tasso's Jerusalem delivered ; or, Godfrey of BuUoign ; an heroic poem. Done into English, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, by Edward Fairfax, Gent. With a glossary and index. London, 1749. M. P. 90, D. Jerusalem delivered, an heroic poem. Translated from the Italian of Torquato Tasso, by John Hoole. 2d edit. London, 1764. 1562, D. The same. London, 1762. P. 7619, O. & 3638, D. The same. Dublin, 1778, & Newburyport, 1800. 3715, D. Tasso's Jerusalem delivered; an heroic poem: with notes and occasional illustrations. Translated by the Rev. Joel Hunt, A. M. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1822. 808, F. Lo Tasso Napohtano zoe la Gierosalemme libberata de lo sio Torquato Tasso, votata a Uenguanosta da Gabriele Fasona. Napole, 1689. P. 2049, O. Rinaldo, a poem. Translated from the Italian of Torquato Tasso, by John Hoole. London, 1792. Tassoni, 3858, D. La secchia rapita ; poema eroicomico di Alessandro Tas- soni. Con alcune scelte annotazioni. 2 tom. Avignone, 1813. 3867, D. Le seau enleve ; poeme heroi-satiro-comique : traduit de I'ltalien de Tassoni. Italien et Francois. 2 tom. A Paris, 1759. Thorns, 6133, O. Chinese courtship, in verse ; to which is added, an appendix treating of the revenue of China. By Peter Peering Thoms. London, 1824. Vega, de la, 3019, D. The works of Garcillasso de la Vega, translated into English verse ; with a critical and historical essay on Spanish poetry, and a life of the author. By J. H. Wiffen. London, 1823. Versteeg, 1403,0,. Mozes, door Nicholaes Versteeg. Rotterdam, 1771. Villeneuve, 3789, D. Le tresor du Parnasse ; ou, le plus joli des recueils. Par de Villeneuve et Berenger. 2 tom. A Londres, 1762. Voltaire, 3489, O. Henriade, an epic poem, in ten cantos. Translated from the French of Voltaire into English blank verse. London, 1732. P. 592, Gl. Les ceuvres de M. de Voltaire. 30 tomes. Geneve, 1768. Walpole, 8161, O. & 1969, D. The garland of flowers ; composed of transla- tions, chiefly original. 2 vols. By Robert Walpole. New York, 1806. 496 BELLES-LETTRES. fFattSt 7897, O. Original poems, and translations ; particularly Ambra fi'om Lorenzo da Medici, chiefly by Susanna Watts. London, 1802. ffleland, 0912. O. dt 1262, D. Oberon ; a poem, from the German of Wieland. By William Sotheby, Esq. 2 vols, in 1. London, 17U8. 1595, O. 1. La verity ode AM. de Voltaire, suivie d'une dissertation historique et critique sur le gouvernement de Geneve et ses revolutions. A Londres, 1765. 2278, O. L'Amerique deliveree, esquisse d*un poeme sur rindeix?ndance de TAmerique. Deux tomes ensembles. A Amsterdam, 1783. Gift of Zachariah Pouhon. 803, D. 5. Choregraphus ; ou le rejoissance infernelle. Paris, 1703. 836, D. 1. Advis faniiliers par un zelateur de la prosperite des pais-bas. Sur le bruit d'une treve. 1608. 3789, D. Le tresor du Pamasse ; ou, le plus joli des recueils. 2 tom. A Londres, 1762. 3889, D. Richardet ; po€me traduit de Tltalien. 2 tom. THE DRAMA. TREATISES ON THE STAGE. Mgarottij 5277, D. An essay on the opera, written in Italian. By Count Alga- rotti. Glasgow, 1768. Cailhava, 6809, O. De I'art de la comedie. Par M. de Cailhava. 2 tom. A Paris, 1786. Chetwoodj 5235, D. A general history of the stage, with the memoirs of most of the principal performers ; with notes and several pieces of poetry. CoUected by W. R. Chetwood. London, 1749. Gibber, 7310, O. The history of the stage; together with the theatrical life of Mr. Colley Gibber. London, 1742. Collier, 251,0. A short view of the immorality and profaneness of the English stage ; with the sense of antiquity upon this argument. By Jeremy Collier. 3d edit. ' London, 1698. 4225, D. The history of English dramatic poetry to the time of Shak- speare ; and annals of the stage to the restoration. By J. Payne Col- lier, &c. 3 vols. London, 1831. Davies, 741, D. Dramatic miscellanies; consisting of critical observations on several plays of Shakspeare. By Thomas Davies. 3 vols. London, 1785. 3415, O. The same. London, 1784. P. Dibdin, 44 1 5, O. A complete history of the English stage. By Mr. Dibdin. vols. London. Dunlap, 8769, O. A history of the American theatre. By William Dunlap. New York, 1832. Dutlon, 7949, O. The dramatic censor ; or weekly theatrical report, compris- ing a chronicle of the stage, and a regular series of theatrical criticism. By Thomas Dutton, A. M. 4 vols. London, 1800—1801. Ebera, 3975, D. Seven years of the king's theatre. By John Ebers. Phila- delphia, 1828. Edgeeumbe, 4036, D. Musical reminiscences, chiefly respecting the Italian opera In England, from the year 1773 to the present time. By the Eari of Mount Edgecumbe. 3d edit. London, 1828. Gardiner, 8167, O. The speech of John Gardiner, Esq. in the house of repre- sentatives, on the 26th January, 1792, on repealing the law against theatrical exhibitions. Boston, 1792. .1 TREATISES ON THE STAGE. 497 GillUand, 4400, D. The dramatic mirror; containing the history of the stage, an account of dramatic writers, and of the most distinguished perform- ers. By Thomas Gilhland. 2 vols. London, 1808. Hazlitt, 5215, O. A view of the English stage ; or a series of dramatic criti- cisms. By William Hazlitt. London, 1818. 5322, O. Lectures on the dramatic literature, of the age of Elizabeth, delivered at the Surrey institution. By William Hazlitt. London, 1820. Jacksorii 7618, O. The history of the Scottish stage; with a distinct narrative of some recent theatrical transactions ; the whole interspersed with me- moirs of his own life. By John Jackson. Edinburgh, 1793. Mason, 6529, O. Comments on the plays of Beaumont and Fletcher, with an appendix, containing some further observations on Shakspeare, &c. &c. By the right honourable J. Monk Mason. London, 1798. Mercier, 6859, O. Du theatre; ou, nouvel essai sur Tart dramatique. Par Mer- cier. A Amsterdam, 1773. Oulton, 6643, O. & 4512, D. The history of the theatres of London ; contain- ing an annual register of all the new and revived tragedies, comedies, &c. &c. that have been performed at the theatres royal in London, from 1771 to 1795. With occasional notes and anecdotes. By W. C. Oulton. 2 vols. London, 1796. M. Oxberry, 4946, D. The theatrical banquet ; or the actor's budget, consisting of monologues, prologues, &c. and a collection of theatrical anecdotes, songs, &c. By W. Oxberry. 2 vols. London, 1809. Riccoboni, 6614, O. An historical and critical account of the theatres in Eu- rope, viz: — the Italian, Spanish, French, English, Dutch, Flemish and German theatres. With a review of the manner, &c. of the actors, and dissertations on the drama. Also, an essay on action, &c and a comparison of the ancient and modern drama. By Lewis Riccoboni, &c. Illustrated with notes by the author and translator. London, 1741. M. Saint Evremond, 1238, Q,. 20. Mixed essays upon tragedies, comedies, Italian comedies, English comedies and operas. Written originally in French, by the Sieur de Saint Evremond. London, 1685. P. Schlegel, 4910, O. A course of lectures on dramatic art and literature. By Augustus William Schlegel. Translated from the German, by John Black. 2 vols. London, 1815. Siddons, 7515, O. Practical illustrations of rhetorical gesture and action, adapted to the English drama, from a work on the same subject, by M. Engel. By Henry Siddons. With numerous engravings expres- sive of the various passions, and representing the modern costume of the London theatres. London, 1807. Victor, 3295, D. The history of the theatres of London and Dublin, from 1730 to the present time. To which is added, an annual register of all the plays, &c. performed at the theatres royal in London from 1712. With notes and anecdotes. By Mr. Victor. 3 vols. London, 1761. M. JValker, 822, & 2113, Q. Historical memoirs of Italian tragedy, from the ear- liest period to the present time. Illustrated with specimens and analyses of the most celebrated tragedies, and interspersed with occa- sional observations on the Italian theatres, and biographical notices of the principal tragic writers of Italy. By Joseph Cooper Walker. London, 1799. Williams, 4620, D. The pin basket to the children of Thespis, with notes. By John Williams. London, 1794. Witherspoon, 4905, D. A serious inquiry into the nature and effects of the stage. By John Witherspoon, D. D. Also a sermon on the burning 63 498 BELLE5-LETTBES. of the theatre at Richmond, &c By Samuel Miller, D. D. New York, 1812. 1572, O. 9. The character of Euaebint ; containing remarks on a late pam- phlet, vindicating stage plays. Philadelphia, 1757. 3282,0. 5. The theatrical review, for the year, 1767, and beginning of 1758; containing critical remarks on the principal performers of both theatres, with observations on dramatic pieces. London, 1758. P. 7dl7, O. The theatrical censor, and critical miscellany. By Gregory Gry- phon, Bk|. PhUadelphia, 1806. 8608, O. The mirror of taste and dramatic censor. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1810. 3673, D. A companion to the theatre ; or a view of the most celebrated dramatic pieces, die With remarks, historical, critical and moral. Dublin, 1751. 3648, D. The actor ; a treatise on the art of playing. London, 1750. ^546, D. A new f il dictionary; containing an account of dramatic pieces, and a catalogu matic writers; with a sketch of the rise and pro- gress of the English stage. London, 1 792. 5167, D. The taste of the town; or a guide to public diversions, viz. of operas, poetry, dancing, masquerades, &c. London, 1731. 5209, D. The Thespian preceptor ; or a full display of the scenic art, includ- ing instructions for treading the stage, using proper action, modulating the voice, and expressing the several dramatic passions. Boston, 1810. DRAMATIC WORKS— GREEK AND LATIN AND TRANSLATIONS. XsehyluSy 527, Q. -^schyli tragoediae VII. Graecae cura Petri Victorii. Ex of- ficina Henrici Stephani. 1557. L. 1125,0. 1. Prometheus vinctus. Gr. et Lat. Cum notis. By T. Morell. London, 1773. P. 1125, Q,. 3. Variorum notae in ^Eschyli Prometheum vinctum. P. 37 1 , d. The tragedies of iEschylus. Translated by Richard Potter. Norwich, 1777. 1 109, a The same. P. 3168, O. A translation of the tragedies of iEschylus. 2d edit. with notes. By R. Potter. 2 vols. London, 1779. P. 1125,0.4. Prometheus in chains. Translated from the Greek of iEschylus. By Thomas Morell. London, 1773. P. 6683, O. The tragedies of iEschylus ; translated by R. Potter. London, 1809. 5908, O. 2. The Agamemnon of ^Eschylus, a tragedy, translated from the Greek. By H. S. Boyd. London, 1823. -^— 8757, O. The Agamemnon of iEschylus. Translated from the Greek. By John S. Hartford, Esq. London, 1831. 3716, D. Selections from the tragedies of iEschylus, Sophocles and Euripides. Translated from Potter and Francklin. Philadelphia, 1823. ArUtophanit^ 466, F. Aristophanis comoedis undecim cum Latina interpreta- tione et scholiis Nicodemi Fri«chlini, et aliorum. Aureliae AUobrogum, 1608. L. 923, D. Aristophanis comoedis undecim, Graced et Latind, cum croendationibus Josephi ScaligerL Lugduni Batavorum, 1624. L. 4641, O. The comedies oK Aristophanes, translated into English, by Richard Cumberland and others. London, 1812. THE DRAMA. 499 Aristophanes, 5594, O. The comedies of Aristophanes. By Thomas Mitchell. 2 vols. London, 1822, and Philadelphia. 3119, O. 4. Plutus, the god of riches, a comedy. Translated from the original Greek of Aristophanes. By Henry Fielding. London, 1742. P. 2663, 0. 4. The clouds of Aristophanes. Translated by Richard Cumberland. London, 1786. 1469, D. 3. The clouds, a comedy. Translated from the Greek of Aristophanes. "With notes. By James White. London, 1759. P. Brumoy, 1982, Q. The Greek theatre of father Brumoy. Translated by Mrs. Charlotte Lennox. 3 vols. London, 1759. M. Euripides, 452, & 805, P. Josuae Barnes Euripidis Tragaediae, Graece et Latine. Cantabrigiae, 1694. P. 3354, O. Thomae Morell Euripidis, Hecuba, Orestes et Phoenissae. Graece et Latine. Tomi II. Londini, 1748. P. 807, Q,. Euripides Hyppolitus coronatus per Franciscum Henricum Egerton. Oxonii, 1796. Gift of the editor. 2005, Gl. 7. Numbers IX. X. XL XII. XIII. of Addenda and Corrigen- da to the edition of the Hippoly tus Stephanephoros of Euripides. By the Hon. F. H. Egerton, &c. &c. Paris, 1821. 354, & 796, Q,. The tragedies of Euripides. Translated by Richard Potter. 2 vols. London, 1781. No. 796, Gift of James B. Taylor. 1112, a. & 6682,0. The same. 2 vols. London, 1814. P. 3104, O. Euripides' select tragedies selected from the original Greek. London, 1780. P. 3207, O. Illustrations of Euripides on the Ion, and the Bacchae. By Richard Paul Joddrell. 2 vols. London, 1781. P. 3089, O. A translation of nineteen tragedies and fragments of Euri- pides. By Michael Woodhull. 4 vols, London, 1782. P. Grotius, 516, Q,. Excerpta ex tragoedias et comcediis Graecis emendata, et Latinis versibus reddita, ab Hugone Grotio. Graece et Latine. Parisiis, 1626. L. Menander, 1702, O. Menandri et Philemonis reliquiae quot-quot reperiri potue- runt ; Graece et Latine, cum notis Hugonis Grotii et Joannis Clerici. Amstelodami, 1709. L. Plautus, 376, O. Plauti comoediae, cum notis Gronovii et aliorum. Tomi II. Amsterdami, 1684. 3455, O. Plautus's comedies, Amphitryon, Epidicus, et Rudens, made English, with critical notes and remarks upon each play. Lon- don, 1694. P. 933, D. M. Accii Plauti comoediae superstites XX. Amstelodami, 1629. L. 3106, O. Comedies of Plautus translated into familiar blank verse. By Bonnell Thornton. 4 vols. London, 1767. Ruggle, 3147, O. Georgii Ruggle Ignoramus; comedia, &,c. cum notis histori- cis et criticis. Londini, 1787. P. 1793, D. Exemplar aliud. Editio tertia. Londini, 1658. P. Seneca, 1646, O. Annaei Senecae tragoedia cum notis Antonii Thysii. Lugdu- ni Batavorum, 1651. L. 981, D. Lucii Annaei Senecae tragoediae. Ex officina Plautiniana, 1601. L. 3469, O. Tragedies. By L. Annaeus Seneca. Translated into Eng- lish verse, with annotations, by Sir Edward Sherburne. London, 1702. P. Sophocles, 534, Q,. Sophoclis tragoediae septem, una cum omnibus Graecis scho- liis et Latina Viti Winsemii interpretatione. Excudebat Paulus Ste- phanus. 1603. L. 500 BELLES-LETTRES. SopIwcUs^ 1680, O, Sophoclis tragcediae scptemcum omnibus Graecis scholiis. Cantabrigiae, 1669. L, Si'A'Z, O. ThomaB Johnson Sophoclis tragediae septem tribiis volu- nunibus comprehensa?. Graec^ et Latind. Tomi III. Londini, 1746. P. 6805, O. The tragedies of Sophocles, from the Greek. By Thomas Francklin, D. 1>. &c. With a dissertation on ancient Greek tragedy, and a plan of the construction of the Greek theatre. London, 1793. 47, a. 3345, O. & 4665, D. The same. London, 1759, 1766. P. Dublin, 1761. 3124, O. 3. (Edippus, king of Thebes ; a tragedy from the Greek of Sophocles ; translated into prose ; with notes, critical and explanatory. By George S. Clarke. Oxford, 1790. P. 5908,0. 1. The king (Edipus, of Sophocles, literally translated into English prose. By T. W. C. Edwards. London, 1823. 5926, O. The tragedies of Sophocles, translated into English verse. By the Rev. Thomas Dale. 2 vols. London, 1824. Stubbe, 1069, D. 2. Fraus honesta ; comoedia, auct. M. Stubbe, olim Cantabrig. acta in coll. Trin. Londini, 1632. Gift of Joseph Parker Norris. Terence, 713, F. Pub. Terentii comoediae, nunc primum Italicis versibus red- ditae. Urbini, 1736. P. 1699, O. Publii Terentii comoediae sex, ^lil Donati commentarius, cum selectis Guieti et variorum notis. Lugduni Batavorum, 1662. L. 915, D. Publii Terentii comoediae sex. Londini, 1713. L. 954, D. Publii Terentii comoediae. Cantabrigiae, 1701. L. 3583, O. Publii Terentii, comediae sex ; post optimas editiones emen- datae ; accedunt ^lii Donati commentarius integer, &c. Lugd. Bata- vorum, 1644. P. 1708, O. M. Terentii omnia quae extant cum notis Josephi Scaligeri et aliorum. His accedunt tabulae naufragii seu fragmenta ejusdem. Durdrechti, 1619. L. 3646, O. Terence's plays, in English, with the Latin text. London, 1641. P, 1752, D. Terence's comedies made English, with his life, and some remarks at the end, by Lawrence Echard. 7th edit. London, 1729. P. 3340,0. & 3611, D. Terence's comedies, translated into English prose. By S. Patrick, LL. D., together with the original Latin. 2d edit. 2 vols, in one. London, 1750, Dublin, 1766. P. 4836, D. Terence's comedies, translated into English, with notes, and a dissertation on the life and writings of Terence, by Thomas Cooke. 2 vols. London, 1755. 65, O. The comedies of Terence ; with plates. Translated into blank verse, by George Colman. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1768. 3347, O. & 3611, D. The same. Dublin, 1766. P. 3713, D. 2. Select comedies of Terence, translated by G. Colman. Philadelphia, 1822. 1069, D. 1. Pedantius, commedia, olim. Cantab, acta in Coll. Trin. Londini, 1631. ENGLISH. Mdison, 6962, O. 3. 3931, 4796, 3. & 4818, D. 4. Cato, a tragedy, by J. Addi- son. Dublin, 1760, Boston. jmingham, 4795, D. 5. The weathercock, a farce, by J. T. Allingham. Dub- lin. THE DRAMA. 501 Mingham, 4821, D. 4. Hearts of oak, a comedy, by J. T. Allingham. Alexan- dria, 1804. . 4821, D. 6. The marriage promise, a comedy, by J. T. Allingham. New York, 1804. Jrne, 3946, D. 9. Thomas and Sally, by Arne. Belfast, 1766. 4800, D. 4. The guardian outwitted ; an opera, by Dr. Arne. Dublin, 1765. 4808, D. 1. Artaxerxes, an opera, by Dr. Arne. Dublin, 1766. Arnold, 7910, O. 8. Man and wife, a comedy, by S. J. Arnold. Philadelphia, 1810. 4817, D. 1. The shipwreck, an opera, by S. J. Arnold. New York, 1805. Atkinson, 4794, D. 3. A match for a widow, an opera. By Joseph Atkinson. Dublin, 1788. 4805, D. 5. Tit for tat, a comedy. By Joseph Atkinson. Dublin, 1788. Baillie, 3697, O. Miscellaneous plays. By Joanna Baillie. London, 1804. 4416, O. A series of plays, in which it is attempted to delineate the stronger passions of the mind — each passion being the subject of a tragedy and a comedy, by Joanna Baillie. 3 vols. London, 1812. 3951, D. 4. The tryal. By Joanna Baillie. 3934, D. 5. The family legend. By Miss Baillie. New York, 1810.^ 2J40, 2. & 3951, D. 3. The election ; by Joanna Baillie. 2140, D. 3. Basil, and the trial ; by Miss Baillie. Beaumont, 562, O. The works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher ; col- lated with all the former editions, and corrected. With notes. By Messrs. Theobald, Seward, and Simpson. 10 vols. London, 1750. 758, F. Fifty comedies and tragedies. By Beaumont and Fletcher. London, 1679. P. 4813, D. 5. Philaster, a tragedy, by Beaumont and Fletcher. Dub- lin, 1763. 4820, D. 6. Wit without money, a comedy, by Beaumont and Fletcher. Dublin, 1738. 1238, Q,. 3. Valentinian, a tragedy. London, 1685. P. Bickerstaff, 3945, D. 2. Lionel and Clarissa ; by Bickerstaflf. Philadelphia, 1794. 3946, 10, & 4797, D. 4. The romp, a farce, by Mr. Bickerstaff. Phi- ladelphia, 1792. 3945, 1. 3953, 2. & 4817, D. 3. The maid of the mill, an opera, by Isaac Bickerstaff. Dublin, 1780. 5479, D. 4. The recruiting sergeant, a farce. By Isaac Bickerstaff. New York, 1824. 3946, 3. & 3953, D. 3. Love in a village. By Bickerstaff. Phila- delphia, 1822. 3943, D. 4. The sultan. 3945, D. 3. The padlock. Boston, 1^95. Boaden, 4821, D, 5. The maid of Bristol, a play. By James Boaden. New York, 1803. Brook, 3939, D. 7. Gustavus Vasa ; a tragedy. By Brook. Philadelphia, 1791. — 4797, 6. & 3948, D. 1. Rosina. By Mrs. Brooke. London, 1806. 6961, O. 2. Marion ; a comic opera. By Mrs. Brooke. London, 1800. Brown, 7134, O. Sertorius, or the Roman Patriot. By D. P. Brown, Esq. Philadelphia, 1830. Gift of the author. 3932, D. 3. Barbarossa. By John Brown. Boston, 1794. Buckingham, 3941, D. 4. The rehearsal. By the Duke of Buckingham. With a key, his life, &c. Edinburgh, 1774. 502 BELLES-LETTRES. Burgess, 6961, 5. & 7910, O. 5. Riches, or the wife and brother; a play by Sir J. B. Burgess. Philadelphia, 1810. Burgoyne, 2074, D. The dramatic and poetical works of the late general Burgoyne ; to which are prefixed, memoirs of the author. 2 vols. London, 1808. 6962, O. 3. The maid of the oaks ; a new dramatic entertainment. By General Burgoyne. Philadelphia, 1777. . 4817, D. 6. The lord of the manor; an opera. By General Bur- goyne. Philadelphia, 1790. 3950, 1. & 4784, D. 3. The heiress, a comedy. By General Burgoyne. Dublin, 1786. Byron, 2809, D. 1. The doge of Venice; a tragedy in five acts. By Lord Byron. Philadelphia, 1821. 3687, D. Sardanapalus, a tragedy. The two Foscari, a tragedy. Cain, a mystery. By Lord Byron. Boston, 1822. 5726, O. 1. Werner, a tragedy. By Lord Byron. London, 1823. 2893, D. 2. The same. Philadelphia, 1823. 2998, D. 2. The deformed transformed ; a drama. By the Rt. Hon. Lord Byron. Philadelphia, 1824. Carey, 4789, O. 3. The dupes of fancy, a farce, by G. S. Carey. Dublin, 1792. ^ 3942, D. 4. The contrivances. By G. S. Carey. Carlisle, 1050, O. Tragedies and poems. By Frederick, Earl of Carlisle. Lon- don, 1801. Centlivre, 4814, D. 3. The wonder, a comedy. By Mrs. Centlivre. Dublin, 1794. 3936, & 5479, D. 2. A bold stroke for a wife, a comedy. By Mrs. Centlivre. Edinburgh, 1774, &New York, 1824. Chenevix, 4642, O. 1. Two plays, the Mantuan revels and Henry VII. By Rich- ard Chenevix, Esq. London, 1812. Cherry, 3948, D. 5. The travellers, an operatic drama. By Cherry. Philadel- phia, 1807. Cibber, 3289, D. The dramatic works of Colley Cibber, Esq. With his life. Portrait. 5 vols. London, 1777. M 3936, D. 2. The careless husband. By Cibber. London, 1704. 2140, D. 2. Love makes the man ; or, the fop's fortune. By Cibber. — , 2140, D. 3. She wou'd and she wou'd not. By Cibber. 2184, Q.. 5. Love's last shift; or the fool in fashion, a comedy, by Mr. Cibber. London, 1694. 5376, D. The refusal ; or, ladies' philosophy, a comedy, by Colley Cib- ber. London, 1792. Cobb, 3946, D. 4. The haunted tower. By James Cobb. Dublin. 4793, D. 2. Love in the east, an opera. By James Cobb. Dublin, 1788. 4822, D. 5. The first floor, a farce. By James Cobb. New York, 1805. Coffey, 5479, 3. & 3942, D. 11. The devil to pay : a farce. By C. Coffey. New York, 1824. Coleridge, 642, O. 2. Remorse, a tragedy. By S. T. Coleridge. London, 1813. Collier, 5899, D. Five old plays, forming a supplement to the collection of Dod- sley and others. Edited by J. P. Collier. London, 1833. Caiman, 4792, D. 1. The surrender of Calais, a play. By George Colman, jr. Dublin, 1791. 3946, 11. & 4795, D. 2. Inkle and Yarico, an opera. By G. Colman, jr. Dublin, 1787, & Boston, 1794. 3947, 9. & 4789, D. 1. The battle of Hexham, a comedy. By G. Col- man, jr. Dublin, 1790, & London, 1809. 4800, D. 2. Two to one, an opera. By G. Colman, jr. Dublin, 1785. 4803, D. 4. Feudal times. By George Colman, jr. Dublin, 1799. THE DRAMA. 503 Colman, 3952, 3. & 4805, D. 2. Who wants a guinea 1 a comedy. By G. Col- man, jr. London, & New York, 1805. 3943, 12. & 4807, D. 4. Ways and means, a comedy. By G. Colman, jr. Dublin, 1788. 4810, D. 4. We fly by night, a farce. By G. Colman, jr. Baltimore, 1806. 6776, O. 1. & 4814, D. 4. The clandestine marriage, a comedy. By G. Colman and D. Garrick. Dublin, 1794. 4817, D. 2. The children in the wood, a farce. By G. Colman, jr. New York, 1808. 4823, D. 2. Blue Beard, a drama. By G. Colman, jr. New York, 1806. 5321, D. 2. The lady of the wreck. By George Colman, jr. Boston, 1812. 3942, D. 12. The musical lady. By Colman. 3943, D. 3. The deuce is in him. By Colman. 3944, D. 5. The Oxonion in town. By Colman. 3944, D. 10. Man and wife ; or the Shakspeare jubilee. 2140, D. 2. The Africans. By Colman. Congreve, 3947, D. 5. The mourning bride, a tragedy. By Congreve. Lon- don, 1809. 3938, D. 4. The way of the world. By Congreve. Edinburgh, 1774. 2183, Gl. 6. & 3938, D. 5. The double dealer. By Congreve. Edin- burgh, 1774. 3936, D. 5. The old bachelor. By Congreve. London, 1776. _ 2184, a. 3. & 3933, D. 2. Love for love, a comedy. By Congreve. London, 1807. Conway, 4785, D. 4. False appearances, a comedy. By Gen. Conway. Dub- lin, 1789. Cowley, 8630, O. 5. & 6. Love's riddle : a comedy. By A. Cowley. London, 1707. 4788, D. 3. The fate of Sparta : a tragedy. By Mrs. Cowley. Dub- lin, 1788. 4791, D. 5. The school for grey beards, a comedy. By Mrs. Cowley. Dublin, 1787. 3950, 4. & 4802, D. 1. A bold stroke for a husband, a comedy. By Mrs. Cowley. Dublin, 1793. — . 3953, D. 4. Who's the dupe, a farce. By Mrs. Cowley. Philadelphia, 1823. Cradock, 4813, D. 4. Zobeide, a tragedy. By J. Cradock. Dublin, 1772. Cumberland, 4640, O. The posthumous dramatic works of the late Richard Cumberland, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1813. 3939, D. The brothers. By R. Cumberland. Dublin, 1774. 3939, D. 5. The choleric man. By Cumberland. Dublin, 1775. 6776, O. 3. The carmelite. By R. Cumberland. 3940, D. 1. The natural son, a comedy. By Cumberland. Bos- ton, 1797. 3949, D. 4. The Jew of Mogadore, a comic opera. By Cumber- land. Boston, 1808. , .^937, 1. & 4783, D. 5. False impressions, a comedy. By Richard Cumberland. Dublin, 1798. 4790, D. 3. The box lobby challenge, a comedy. By Richard Cumberland. Dublin. 4795, D. 1. The natural son, a comedy. By R. Cumberland. Dublin, 1785. 604 BELLES-LETTRES. Cumberland, 4803, D. 3. The days of yore, a drama. By Richard Cumberland. Dublin, 1796. 4805, D. 6. The jew, a comedy. By Richard Cumberland. New York, 1795. 3568, D. Plays. 1. The wheel of fortune. By R. Cumberland. 2. The West Indian. By R. Cumberland. 6776, O. 4. The wheel of fortune. By R. Cumberland. 3962, D. 2. The sailor's daughter. By Cumberland. Dublin, 1804. DeiU, 4788, D. 1. Too civil by half, a farce. By John Dent. Dublin, 1783. Dimond, 7910, O. 7. & 3949, D. 7. The foundling of the forest. A play. By William Dimond. Philadelphia, 1810. JHlke, 2184, a. 6. The lover's luck, a comedy. By Mr. Dilke. London, 1695. Dibdin, 3946, D. 1. The deserter. By Dibdin. New York, 1787. 3948, D. 4. The waterman, a ballad opera. By Dibdin. London 1806. . 4783, D. 2. Harvest home, a comic opera. By Mr. Dibdin. Dublin, 1788. 4822, D. 3. Family quarrels, an opera. By T. Dibdin. New York, 1806. 4822, D. 4. The will for the deed, a comedy. By T. Dibdin. New York, 1805. 3948, 3. 3951, 6. & 4822, D. 2. The Quaker, an opera. By Charles Dibdin. London, Edinburgh, and New York, 1806. . 4820, D. 5. n bondocani, an opera. By T. Dibdin. New York, 1805 ■■ — 4794, D. 4. Five thousand a year, a comedy. By T. Dibdin. Dub lin, 1799. 4797, D. 3. Poor Vulcan, a burletta. By C. Dibdin. Philadelphia 1795. 4800, D. 6. Thirty thousand, an opera. By T. Dibdin. Baltimore 1806. 4810, D. 2. The naval pillar, a farce. By T. Dibdin. Dublin, 1800. — 4817, D. 4. Damon and Philida, an opera. By Mr. Dibdin. Dublin 1763. 4821, D. 3. Guilty or not guilty, a comedy. By T. Dibdin. Nev York, 1804. Dodsley, 3942, D. 2. The toy-shop. By Dodsley. Dry den, 2182, Q,. Plays. By John Dryden. In the Savoy, 1664. 2183,0,. 3. The kind keeper; or, Mr. Limberham: a comedy. Bj John Dryden. London, 1690. . 2183, Q.. 4. & 4820, D. 2. Sir Martin Marr-all ; or the feign'd inno cence: a comedy. By J. Dryden. London, 1691, & 1735. 2183, Q,. 5. The assignation : or, love in a nunnery. By John Dry den. 3d edit. London, 1692. 2183, Q,. 8. Love triumphant; or, nature will prevail. A tragi< comedy. By Mr. Dryden. London, 1694. . 2184, d. 1. The conquest of Granada by the Spaniards. By Johi Dryden. London, 1695. . 2184, Q,. 2. & 3953, D. 1. The Spanish friar : or, the double discovery By Mr. Dryden. London, 1605, & 1791. 2184, 4. & 4802, D. 5. All for love; or, the world well lost, a tragedy By Mr. Dryden. London, 1696—1776. 3744, D. 1. CEdipus. By Mr. Dryden and Mr. Lee. 3748, I>. Plays. An evening's love, a comedy. By Mr. Dryden Tyrannick love, a tragedy. By Mr. Dryden. London. 3931, D. 4. Don Sebastian; altered from Dryden. Dublin, 1751. 3941, D. 6. The Indian emperor ; being a sequel of the Indian Q,ueen By Dryden. DubUn, 1754. THE DRAMA. 505 Dry den, 4819, D. 1. An evening's love, a comedy. By Mr. Dryden. London, 1735. 4819, D. 2. Tyrannick love, a tragedy. By Mr. Dryden. London, 1735. ' 4819, D. 3. Secret love, a comedy. By Mr. Dryden. London, 1735. 4820, D. 1. The tempest, a comedy. By Mr. Dryden. London, 1785. Dudley, 4792, D. 2. The woodman, an opera, by Bate Dudley. Dublin, 1791. — 4816, D. 3. The travellers in Switzerland, an opera, by B. Dudley. Dublin, 1795. 3944, D. 7. The rival candidates ; by B. Dudley. Dublin, 1789. 3945, D. 7. The flitch of bacon; by B. Dudley. Dublin, 1789. i?Mn/ff/?, 6961, O. 7. The archers; or, the mountaineers of Switzerland: an opera. With a brief historical account of Switzerland, &c. &c. By William Dunlap. New York, 1796. 2497, O. 2. Andre, a tragedy, in five acts. By William Dunlap. With authentic documents respecting Major Andre ; consisting of letters to Miss Seward, the cow-chace, proceedings of the court martial, &c. New York, 1798. 4822, D. 1. The voice of nature, a drama. By William Dunlap. New York, 1803. Edgeworth, 2592, D. Comic dramas, in three acts. By Maria Edgeworth. London, 1817. 2608, D. The same. Philadelphia, 1817. Elliston, 4820, D. 3. The Venetian outlaw, a drama. By R. W. Elliston. New York, 1806. Etherege, 3936, D. I. The man of mode : by Etherege. With his life. Edin- burgh, 1774. Farquhar, 5479, D. 1. The beaux' stratagem, a comedy, by George Farquhar. New York, 1824. 4806, D. 1. The recruiting officer, a comedy, by Farquhar. Dublin, 1765. 3950, 2. & 4809, D. 5. The constant couple, a comedy, by Mr. Far- quhar. London, 1808. 4802, D. 6. Sir Harry Wildair, a comedy, by G. Farquhar. London, 1772. 3933, D. 3. The inconstant, a comedy, by Farquhar. London, 1807. 4784, D. The stage-coach, by G. Farquhar. Dublin, 1761. Fielding, 8596, O. The plays of Henry Fielding. London, 1732. 4817, D. 7. The virgin unmasked, a farce, by H. Fielding. Cork, 1762. 4807, D. 1. The miser, a comedy, by Henry Fielding. Dublin, 1788. 3943, D. 7. The lottery ; by Fielding. 3944, D. 1. The intriguing chambermaid; by Fielding. 3939, D. 4. The miser ; by Fielding. With his life. Edinburgh, 1774. Fletcher, 5394, D. 3. The pilgrim, a comedy, by Fletcher, altered by Dryden; revised, with additions. Philadelphia, 1811. Foote, 8295, O. The dramatic works of Samuel Foote, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1765. 3735, D. The works of Samuel Foote, Esq. 3 vols. New York, 1814. 3942, D. 9. The mayor of Garratt; by Foote. 3943, D. 2. The knights ; by Foote. 3943, D. 5. The orators ; by Foote. 3943, D. 8. The commissary ; by Foote. Ford, 6489, O. The dramatic works of John Ford. With an introduction and 63 I 506 BELLES-LETTRES. explanatory notes. By Henry Weber, Esq. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1811. M. /Voncis, 353ft, O. 3. Eugenia, a tragedy. By Philip Francis. London, 1752. P. 4813, D. 2. Constantine, a tragedy. By Philip Francis. Dublin, 1754. Frankliriy 4792, D. 6. The mermaid, a farce. By Andrew Franklin. Dublin, 1792. Gallott 6394, D. 2. The elephant of Siam and the fire fiend, an eastern drama; as performed in Paris and London, under the direction of T. Gallot Philadelphia, 1831. Oarrick, 2539, &, 4725, D. Dramatic works of David Garrick, with a life of the author. 3 vols. London, 1798. 3939, D. 1. Albumazar; altered by Mr. Garrick. Dublin, 1773. 3941, D. 5. Cymon, a dramatic romance ; by Garrick. Dublin, 1771. 3942, D. 6. Miss m her teens ; by Garrick. 3942, D. 7. The guardian ; by Garrick. 3943, D. 1 . Lethe, a dramatic satire ; by Garrick. 3943, D. 6. Neck or nothing ; by Garrick. 3943, D. 10. Bon-ton; by Garrick. 3948, D. 6. The lying valet, a farce; by Garrick. London, 1806. 3568, D. 4. The Irish widow ; by Garrick. Gay, 4790, 5. & 4815, D. 1. The beggar's opera. By John Gay. London, 1777. 4815, D. 2. Polly, an opera. By John Gay. London, 1777. 4815, D. 3. Achilles, an opera. By John Gay. London, 1777. Glover, 3931, D. 6. Boadicea; by R. Glover. Dublin, 1753. 1138, a. Medea, a tragedy. By R. Glover. London, 1761. P. Goldsmith, 1023, D. The poeticd and dramatic works of Oliver Goldsmith ; with an account of the life and writings of the author. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1786. 4798, D. 4. She stoops to conquer, a comedy. By O. Goldsmith. London, 1772. 4795, D. 4. The good-natured man. A comedy. By Goldsmith. London, 1768. Greatheed, 4804, D. 2. The regent, a tragedy, by B. Greatheed. Dublin, 1788. Hartson, 3933, 4. &, 4818, D. 3. The Countess of Salisbury, a tragedy, by H. Hartson. Dublin, 1775. London, 1807. Hawkesworth, 3944, D. 6. Edgar and Emmeline. By Dr. Hawkesworth. Hayley, 2134, Q. & 4801, D. Plays of three acts, written for a private theatre, by William Hayley. London and Dublin, 1784. Hemans, 7210, O. The siege of Valencia, a dramatic poem. The last Con- stantine: with other poems. By Mrs. Hemans. London, 1823. Heywood, 6886, O. 2. Love's mistress ; or, the queen's mask. By Thomas Hey wood. mU, 67, O. The dramatic works of Aaron Hill. To which is added, an ac- count of his life. 2 vols. London, 1760. 4813, D. 6. Merope. A tragedy. By Aaron Hill. Dublin, 1762. Hoadly, 3938, 3. & 4814, D. 2. The suspicious husband, a comedy, by Dr. Hoadly. Dublin, 1794. PhUadelphia, 1791. Hoare, 4789, D. 2. No song no supper; an opera, by P. Hoare. Dublin, 1792. — 4817, D. 5. Chains of the heart; an opera, by P. Hoare. New York, 1804. 3949, 3. dt 4822, D. 6. The prize ; a farce, by P. Hoare. New York, 1805. Holcroft, 4784, D. 2. The school for arrogance ; a comedy. By Thomas Hol- croft. Dublin, 1791. 4787, D. 4. Love*8 frailties ; a comedy. By Thomas Holcroft. Dub- lin, 1794. THE DRAMA. 507 Holcroft, 4806, D. 4. He's much to blame ; a comedy. By T. Holcroft. Dub- lin, 1798. 3939, 2. & 4807, D. 2. The deserted daughter ; a comedy. By T. Holcroft. Boston, 1795. Dublin, 1793. 4819, D. 6. Hear both sides; a comedy. By Thomas Holcroft. Phi- ladelphia, 1803. 3937, D. 5. Knave or not; by Holcroft. Dublin, 1798. Holman, 8613, O. 1. & 3945, D. 8. Abroad and at home. An opera. By J. G. Holman. London, 1796. • 4789, D. 4. The votary of wealth. A comedy. By J. G. Holman. Dublin, 1799. Home, 4818, D. 5. The fatal discovery. A tragedy. By John Home. Dub- lin, 1769. Hooh 3948, 2. & 4823, D. 5. The soldier's return. An opera. By Mr. Hook. Philadelphia, 1807. 3949, D. 5. Tekeli, a melo-drama; by Hook. London, 1807. 3949, D. 2. The fortress, a melo-drama ; by Hook. Philadelphia. Hughes, 3931, D. 2. The siege of Damascus, by Hughes ; with his life. Edin- burgh, 1774. 48 11, D. Moral dramas, intended for private representation ; by Mrs. Hughes. London, 1799. Hurdis, 2052, & 6962, O. 2. Sir Thomas Moore : a tragedy, by Hurdis. Lon- don, 1793. Hurlstone, 4790, D. 2. Just in time, an opera, by Thomas Hurlstone. Dublin, 1793. Inchbald, 4787, D. 1. The widow's vow. A farce. By Mrs. Inchbald. Dublin, 1786. 4806, D. 6. The midnight hour, a comedy. By Mrs. Inchbald. Bos- ton, 1795. 4809, D. 1. To marry, or not to marry, a comedy. By Mrs. Inch- bald. Baltimore, 1805. 3951, D. 5. Every one has his fault. By Mrs. InchbEild. Boston, 1809. IngersolU 4799, D. 2. Edwy and Elgiva. A tragedy. By C. J. Ingersoll. Phi- ladelphia, 1801. Jackson, 4804, D. 5. The British freeholder, a tragedy. By J. Jackson. Dub- lin, 1796. Jackman, 4792, D. 4. The man of parts, a farce. By Isaac Jackman. Dublin, 1796. 3942, D. 3. All the world's a stage. By Jackman. Jephson, 3294, O. 8. & 3931, D. 5. Braganza, a tragedy. Written by Robert Jephson. 1775. P. 3933, D. 1. The Count of Narbonne, a tragedy. By Jephson. Lon- don, 1807. 3931, 8. & 4786, D. 4. Julia; or, the Italian lover. By Jephson. Dub- lin, 1788. 4821, D.2. The hotel. A farce. By R. Jephson. New York, 1805. Johnstone, 4793, D. 3. The disbanded officer, a comedy. By J. Johnstone. Dublin, 1788. Jones, 3947, D. 4. The Earl of Essex, a tragedy. By Jones. London, 1809. Jonson, 5012, O. The works of Ben Jonson, in nine volumes, with notes, cri- tical and explanatory, and a biographical memoir. By W. Gifford, Esq. London, 1816. 2140, 1. & 3935, D. 6. Every man in his humour. By Ben Jonson. Altered by Garrick. With the life of the author. Edinburgh, 1774. — 3940, D. 3. The alchemist, a comedy. By Ben Jonson. Edinburgh, 1774. 508 BELLES-LETTRES. KeUy, 8614, O. 5. & 3942, D. The romance of an hour, a comedy. By Hugh Kel'y. Philadelphia, 1777. 3951, D. 1. A word to the wise. By Kelly. London, 1795. 395 1 , D. 2. False delicacy. By Kelly. London, 1795. Kembh, 4808, D. 4. The point of honour, a play. By C. Kemble. Dublin, 1800. 4786, D. 1. Love in many masks. Altered by J. P. Kemble. Dublin, 1790. 9098, O. 1 . Francis the first, a tragedy, in 5 acts. By Frances Ann Kemble. New York, 1832. Kenney, 3949, D. 6. Raising the wind. A farce. By Kenney. London, 1804. 1 3952, D. 1. The world. By Kenney. New York, 1808. Knowles^ 8832, O. The hunchback, a play, in 5 acts. By J. Sheridan Knowles. New York, 1832. 5807, D. Select works of James Sheridan Knowles, consisting of his most popular tales and dramas, with a notice of his life and writings. 2 vols. Boston, 1833. Lamb, 2225, D. Specimens of English dramatic poets, who lived about the time of Shakspeare, with notes, by Charles Lamb. London, 1808. Lee, 1238, Q,. 1. Constantino the great, a tragedy acted at the theatre royal. By Nathaniel Lee. London, 1764. P. 4784, D. 1. The force of love, a tragedy; taken from Nathaniel Lee. Dub- lin, 1786. 6886, O. 3. The ransom of Manilla. By R. G. Lee. 6776, O. 5. Almeyda. By Sophia Lee. 6961, O. I. The chapter of accidents, a comedy. By Miss Lee London, 1792. 3943, D. 13. The mysterious marriage, a play. By Harriet Lee. Leims, 7910, O. & 3932, D. 4. Alfonso, king of Castile. By Lewis. Philadelphia, 1802—1810. 3934, D. 2. Adelgitha. By Lewis. New York, 1808. 7910, 0. 9. Venoni, a tragedy. By M. G. Lewis. Philadelphia, 1810. 8614, O. 2. The East Indian, a comedy. By M. G. Lewis. New York, 1800. 4798, D. 1. The castle spectre, a drama. By M. G. Lewis. Philadel- phia, 1801. 3940, 5. & 4820, D. 4. Adelmorn, a drama. By M. G. Lewis. New York, 1805. Philadelphia, 1802. ZzV/o, 3932, D. 8. Arden of Feversham. ByLillo. Dublin, 1763. 3947, D. 3. Fatal curiosity, a tragedy. By Lillo. London, 1809. 4804, D. 4. George Barnwell, a tragedy. By Mr. Lillo. London. LloytU 4810, D. 1. Arcadia, a pastoral. By Mr. Lloyd. Dublin, 1761. Macauley, 8630, 0. 3. The genius of Ireland, a masque. By J. Macauley, Esq. ' Dublin, 1785. Macklin, 3944, D. 3. The true born Irishman. By Macklin. 3950, D. 3. The man of the world. By Macklin. 1808- MacnuUy, 4800, D. 1. Robin Hood, a opera. By L. Macnally. Dublin, 1788. Macready, 8609, O. 6. The bank note, a comedy. By Wm. Macready. London, 1746. M'Cready, 4792, D. 5. The Irishman in London, a farce. By W. M'Cready. Dublin, 1793. 4816, D. 4. The Irishman in London, a farce. By Wm. M'Cready. Dublin, 1793. M' Donald, 4790, D. 1. Vimonda, a tragedy. By A. M'Donald Dublin, 1788. ^foulder, 6962, D. 1. Themistocles, a tragedy. By Dr. Samuel Moulder. Lon- don. 1720. fs y y THE DRAMA. 509 Mallet y 3490, O. 3. Alfred the great. An English opera. By Mallet & Thom- son. London, 1753. P. 3744, D. 4. Eurydice. By Mr. Mallet. London. Markoe, 2395, O. IL Patriot chief, a tragedy in 5 acts. By P. Markoe. Phila- delphia, 1790. 2395, 10. & 6961, O. 4. The reconciliation, a comic opera. By Peter Markoe. Philadelphia, 1790. Marlowe, 3234, D. The works of Christopher Marlowe. 2 vols. London, 1826. Martyju 3744, D. 2. Timoleon. By B. Martyn, Esq. Massinger, 6510,0. The plays of Philip Massinger; with notes critical and explanatory. By William Gifford, Esq. Portrait. 4 vols. London, 1805. M. 7910, O. 4. The bondman, a comedy. By Philip Massinger. Phi- ladelphia, 1810. 7910, O. 5. The maid of honour, a comedy. By Philip Massinger. Philadelphia, 1810. 7910, O. 6. The fatal dowry, a comedy. By Philip Massinger. Phi- ladelphia, 1810. 7910, O. 10. & 3935, D. 4. A new way to pay old debts. By Phi- lip Massinger. Philadelphia, 1810. Dublin, 1775. 2140, D. 1. The duke of Florence, and the Roman actor. By Mas- smger. Mason, 3536, O. 4. & 4819, D. 4. Elfrida, a dramatic poem, on the model of the ancient Greek tragedy. By William Mason. 2d edit. London, 1752. P. 1173, Q,. 2. Caractacus, a dramatic poem, written in the model of the ancient Greek tragedy. By the author of Elfrida. London, 1749. P. 2683, D. 2. SafFo, dramma lirico, sul modello Toscano, dall' Inglese di Guglielmo Mason tradotto. Da T. J. Matthias. Londra, 1809. Gift of M. da Ponte. 2683, D. 3. Sappho, a lyrical drama. By William Mason. London, 1809. Gift of M. da Ponte. Merry, 3931, 7. 4788, 4. &4804, D. 3. Lorenzo, a tragedy. By Robert Merry. Dublin, 1791. Miller, 6483, O. The ancient British drama. Published by William Miller. 3 vols. London, IS 10. M. Milman, 5377, O. The fall of Jerusalem, a dramatic poem. By the Rev. H. H. Milman. London, 1820. 2761, D. 1. The same. New York, 1820. 5504, O. The Belvidere Apollo ; Fazio, a tragedy; and other poems. By the Rev. H. H. Milman. London, 1821. 5607, O. 2. The martyr of Antioch, a dramatic poem. By the Rev. H. Milman. London, 1821. 2862, D. 2. The same. New York, 1822. 5607, O. 2. Belshazzar, a dramatic poem. By the Rev. H. Milman. London, 1822. 2862, D. 1. The same. Boston, 1822. 6151, O. Anne Boleyn ; a dramatic poem. By the Rev. H. H. Mil- man. London, 1826. Milton^ 2555, O. Comus, a mask, presented at Ludlow castle, 1 634. By John Milton. With notes by various commentators, and preliminary illus- trations, by Henry John Todd. Canterbury, 1798. 3633, . Sacred dramaa. Reflections of king Hezekiah. Sensibi- lity, a poem, and easasrt on various subjects. By Hannah More. Phi- laddptOa, 1787. London. 1782. Morton^ 4806, D. 8. Secrets worth knowing, a comedy. By T. Morton. Dub- ttn, 1798. — 4809, D. i. The school of reform, a comedy. By T. Morton. Balti- more, 1806. 8085, D. 1. Town and country. By Morton. Philadelphia, 1807. 3940, D. 2. Speed the plough, a comedy. By Morton. 4788, 5. & 8937, D. 7. Columbus, an historical play. By Morton. Mimfordt 8609, O. 4. The candidates ; or the humours of a Virginia election, a comedy. By William Munford. Philadelphia. Murdoch^ 4797, D. 1. The triumphs of love, a comedy. By J. Murdock. Phi- ladelphia, 1795. 4797, D. 2. The beau metamorphosed, a force. By J. Murdock. Phi- ladelphia. 1800. 8609, O. 3. The politicians, a comedy. By John Murdock. Phila- delphia, 1798. Murphy, 3944, D. 8. The apprentice. By Murphy. 3932, D. 1. The Grecian daughter. By Murphy. Dublin, 1785. 3942, D. 1. The citizen. By Murphy. 3943, D. 9. Three weeks after marriage. By Murphy. 3948, D. 7. The apprentice, a farce. By Murphy. 4786, D. 3. The rival sisters, a tragedy. By Arthur Murphy. Dub- lin, 1793. 3944, 2. & 4792, D. 3. The old maid, a comedy. By Mr. Murphy. London, 1762. 4807, D. 3. No one's enemy but his own, a comedy. By A. Murphy. DubUn, 1764. 4814, D. 1. The way to keep him, a comedy. By A. Murphy. Dub- lin, 1794. 4823, D. 4. The desert island, a drama. By A. Murphy. London, 1795. QHara, 3942, D. 13. Midas, a burletta. By O'Hara. CTKttft^ 3933, D. 6. The castle of Andalusia, a comic opera. By O'Keefe. Dul^ lin, 1794. 5321, 1. & 3945, D. 6. The poor soldier. By O'Keefe. Philadelphia, 1787. 3946, D. 2. Peeping Tom of Coventry. By O'Keefe. Dublin, 1786. 3950, D. 5. Fontainbleau, a comic opera. By O'Keefe. DubUn, 1807. 8614, O. 3. The London hermit, a comedy. By J. O'Keefe. London, 1793. 4784, D. 4. The castle of Andalusia, an opera. By J. O'Keefe. Dub- lin, 1794. 4786, D. 2. The little hunchback, a farce. By J. O'Keefe. Dublin, 1793. 4790, D. 4. Modern antiques, a farce. By John O'Keefe. Dublin, 1792. 3941, 1. & 4798, D. 3. WUd oats, a comedy. By J. O'Keefe. Phila- delphia, 1793. 3945, 4. & 4800, D. 2. The highland reel, an opera. By J. O'Keefe. Beaton, 1797. ^ 8086, 8. & 4805, D. I. The world in a village, a comedy. By John dtoefe. Dublin, 1794. 4806, D. 6. The youngauaker, a comedy. By John O'Keefe. Dublin, 1784. 4810, b. 6. Patrick in Pruwia. By J. O'Keefe. Philadelphia, 1700. THE DRAMA. 511 Orrery, 6886, O. 7. M. Anthony. By the Earl of Orrery. Otivay, 994, D. The works of Thomas Otway, 2 vols. London, 1757. 3942, 14. & 4802, D. 4. The cheats of Schapin ; a farce. By T. Ot- way. London, 1771. 5297, D. Plays. The orphan, and Venice preserved. By Thomas Otway. With the life of the author. Glasgow, 1767. 0«//on, 4710, D. The beauties of modern dramatists; containing interesting characters, speeches, &;c. in the most favourite dramas, alphabetically arranged. By W. C. Oulton. 2 vols. London, 1800. 4787, D. 3. As it should be; a drama. By W. C. Oulton. Dublin, 1789. 4810, D. 7. The sixty-third letter ; a farce. By W. C. Oulton. Philadelphia, 1803. Pearce, 4791, D. 4. The midnight wanderers. An opera. By Mr. Pearce. Dublin, 1793. 4793, D. 1. Hartford bridge. A farce. By Mr. Pearce. Dublin, 1793. 4793, D. 6. Netley abbey. A farce. By Mr. Pearce. Dublin, 1799. Penn, 9143, O. 3. The battle of Eddington, or British liberty. By John Penn. London, 1796. Phillips, 4818, D. 2. The distrest mother. A tragedy. By A. Phillips. Dublin, 1758. Pilon, 4798, D. 2. The fair American. An opera. By F. Pilon. Dublin, 1785. 4810, D. 8. Barataria. A farce. By F. Pilon. Dublin, 1785. Pocock, 3945, D. 5. Rob Roy Macgregor ; a musical drama. By Pocock. Philadelphia, 1818. Pres/on, 8630, O. 1. The siege of Ismsiil. A tragedy. By William Preston. With notes. Dublin, 1749. Ramsay, 3935, D. 2. The gentle shepherd ; a Scots pastoral comedy. By Ramsay. Edinburgh, 1784. 4807, 5. & 4815, D. 4. The same. Philadelphia and London, 1795 and 1777. 6758, O. The gentle shepherd ; a Scotch pastoral. By Allan Ram- say. Attempted in English by Margaret Turner. London, 1790. Ravenscroft, 3944, D. 9. The anatomist. By Ravenscroft. Reed, 4795, D. 3. Tom Jones. A comic opera. By J. Reed. Dublin, 1769. Reynolds, IQIQ, O. 2. The exile ; a comedy. By Frederick Reynolds. Phila- delphia, 1810. 7910, O. 12. The free knights ; a comedy. By Frederick Rey- nolds. Philadelphia, 1810. 4785, D. 1. Speculation; a comedy. By Frederick Reynolds. Dub- lin, 1796. 4785, D. 3. Notoriety; a comedy. By Mr. Reynolds. Dublin, 1792. 4787, D. 5. Cheap living ; a comedy. By Frederick Reynolds. Dublin, 1798. 4791, D. 2. Speculation ; a comedy. By Frederick Reynolds. Dub- lin, 1796. 4794, D. 2. Life ; a comedy. By Frederick Reynolds. Philadel- phia, 1802. 4799, D. 1 . The blind bargain ; a comedy. By F. Reynolds. Phi- ladelphia, 1806. 3938, 1. &4805, D. 4. How to grow rich; a comedy. By F. Reynolds. Dublin, 1793. 4806, D. 3. Laugh when you can ; a comedy. By F. Reynolds. Dublin, 1799. 512 BELLES-LETTRES. Reynolds, 4823, D. 1 . The caravan ; a play. By F. Reynolds. New York, 1805. WWA^, D. a The dramatist. By Reynolds. Dublin, 1790. 3U27, D. 2. The rage. By Reynolds. Dublin, 1795. /?ic/iarc/«(7n, 5187, D. The maid of Lochlin; a lyrical drama, with legenda- ry odes and other poems. By Wm. Richardson. London, 1801. 4787» D. 2. The fugitive ; a comedy. By Joseph Richardson, Esq. Dublin, 1791. Figaudy 4797, D. 5. Selinia and Azore. An opera. By Mrs. Rigaud. Phi- ladelphia, 1790. Robson, 4806, D. 2. Look before you leap ; a comedy. By H. Robson. Dub- lin, 1789. /?o//, 4791, D. 1. The royal shepherd. An opera. By Richard Rolt. Dublin, 1764. Rosty 4783, D. 4. The prisoner ; a musical romance. By John Rose. Dublin, 1793. Rowty 3947, 2. & 4794, D. 5. The fair penitent ; a tragedy. By N. Rowe. Dublin, 1797. Rowson, 4808, D. 5. Slaves in Algiers ; a play. By Mrs. Rowson. Phila- delphia, 1794. Rtuselly 5726, O. 3. Don Carlos, or persecution ; a tragedy. By Lord John Russell. London, 1822. Sackvilhy 3294, O. 6. Tragedy of Gorbaduc. By Thomas Sackville, Lord Backhurst. London, 1736. P. Sandy Sy 1722, D. Christ's passion; a tragedy, with annotations. By George Sandys. 1729. F. Sargenty 1136, Q^ The mine; a dramatic poem. By John Sargent. London, 1785. P, Scaweny ilSdyD. b. New Spain ; an opera. ByMr. Scawen. Dublin, 1791. Scotty 2865, D. Hallidon hill ; a dramatic sketch from Scottish history. By Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Philadelphia, 1822. Sedleyy 2183, Gt 1. The mulberry garden ; a comedy. By Sir Charles Sed- ley. London, 1675. 2183, Q,. 2. Bellamira, or the mistress ; a comedy. By Sir Charles Sedley. London, 1687. Shakspearey 23, & 409, O. The plays of William Shakspeare ; with the correc- tions and illustrations of various commentators. No. 23 has also the notes of Doctor Samuel Johnson. 8 vols. London, 1765. And No. 409 those of Hanmer. 6 vols. London, 1745. -1810,0. Shakspeare's comedies; with plates. Taken from the general magazine. London, 1788. 2258, O. The plays and poems of William Shakspeare ; with the corrections and illustrations of various commentators ; and an historical account of the English stage. By Edmund Malone. 1 1 vols. London, 1790. 3246, O. The plays of William Shakspeare ; with notes critical and explanatory. By Pope and Warburton. 8 vols. London, 1747. 1966, O. Twenty plays of Shakspeare, which were printed in quarto during his life-time. Published by George Stevens. 4 vols. London, 1766. Gift of Charles Cist. 6656, O. Stockdale's edition of Shakspeare, including the whole of his dramatic works; with explanatory notes compiled from various rnmmentaries. Portrait. 2 vols. London, 1784. i\r)3\y O. The plays of William Shakspeare ; with the corrections and illustrations of various commentators. To which are added notes, by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens. Revised and aug- THE DRAMA. 513 merited by the editor of Dodsley's collection of old plays. With plates, 10 vols. London, 1785. M. ShakspearCj 7429, O. Shakspeare's dramatic works ; with explanatory notes and an index of the remarkable passages and words. By the Rev. Samuel Ayscough. New edition. 2 vols. Dublin, 1792. 1780, D. Bell's edition of the dramatic writings of William Shak- speare, with the notes of all the various commentators. 20 vols. Lon- don, 1788. P. 4061 & 4062, O. The plays of William Shakspeare; with the corrections and illustrations of various commentators, to which are added, notes by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens. Revised and augmented. By Isaac Reed, Esq. with a glossarial index. 17 vols, in 9. Philadelphia, 1809. No. 4062 (17 vols.) the gift of Zachariah Poulson. 4724, D. The beauties of Shakspeare, selected from his works. 5th edit. London, 1785. 5307, D. The beauties of Shakspeare. By the late Rev. William Dodd. Philadelphia, 1820. 3933, D. 5. Twelfth night; a comedy. By Shakspeare. Lon- don, 1808. 3934, D. 4. Pericles, prince of Tyre. Supposed to be written by Shakspeare. London, 1796. 3935, D. 5. The merry wives of Windsor. By Shakspeare. London, 1733. 4802, D. 2. Much ado about nothing ; a comedy. By Shakspeare. With the notes of Mr. Theobald. London, 1766. — 4802, D. 3. The merchant of Venice. By Shakspeare. London, 1769. — 3802, & 5411, D. Prolegomena to the dramatic writings of Wil- liam Shakspeare. Portrait and plates. London, 1786. — 3285, D. Shakspeare illustrated ; or, the Novels and Histories on which the plays of Shakspeare are founded, collected and translated fi om the original authors. With critical remarks. 3 vols. London, 1753. M. — 3995, O. Illustrations of Shakspeare, and of ancient manners ; with dissertations on the clowns and fools of Shakspeare, on the col- lection of popular tales, entitled gesta romanorum, and on the English morris dance. By Francis Douce. 2 vols. London, 1807. — 3803, D. Annotations by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens, and the various commentators upon the plays of William Shakspeare. 12 vols. London, 1787. — 5377, D. Annotations of Samuel Johnson and George Steevens, and the various commentators upon Troilus and Cressida, and the Merchant of Venice, by William Shakspeare, London, 1787. — 8285, O. Comments on the last edition of Shakspeare's plays. By John Monck Mason. London, 1785. 5214, O. Shakspeare's genius justified ; being restorations and illustrations of seven hundred passages in Shakspeare's plays. By Z. Jackson. London, 1819. — 24, O. &. 4676, D. Critical observations on Shakspeare. By John Upton. Dublin, 1747. London, 1748. — 6759, O. An essay on the writings and genius of Shakspeare ; compared with the Greek and French dramatic poets. With some remarks upon the misrepresentations of M. de Voltaire. Also, Three dialogues of the dead. By Mrs. Montagu. London, 1785. — 4742, D. Essays on Shakspeare's dramatic characters. To which 65 514 BELLES-LETTRES. is added an essay on the faults of Shakspeare. By Mr. Richardson. London, 1786. Shakspeare, 37 3U, D. A philosophical analysis and illustration of some of Shak8peare*s remarkable characters: to which is added, an essay on the faults of Shakspeare. By W. Richardson, Esq. Philadelphia, 1788. 748, D. Elssays on ShakspeaVe's dramatic characters of Macbeth, Hamlet, Jaques, and Imogen. By William Richardson. 4th edition. London, 1786. «_ 6316, D. 3. Essays on Shakspeare's dramatic character of Sir John Falstaff; and on his imitation of female character. By Mr. Richardson. London, 1789. 2686, D. Macbeth and king Richard the third ; an essay in an- swer to remarks on some of the characters of Shakspeare. By J. P. Kemble. London, 1817. 35 1 1, & 4062, D. The morality of Shakspeare's drama illustrated. By Mrs. Griffith. 2 vols. Dublin, 1777. 5020, O. Characters of Shakspeare's plays. By William Hazlitt. London, 1817. Sheridan, 5499, O. The works of the late Right Honourable Richard Brinsley ^ Sheridan. Published by Thomas Moore. 2 vols. London, 1821. . 3940, D. Pizarro ; a tragedy ; from the German of Kotzebue, &c. adapted to the English stage. By Sheridan. Philadelphia, 1799. 3564, D. School for scandal, — critic, — rivals, — and trip to Scar- boro*. Dublin, 1792. 6962, O. 7. The real and genuine school for scandal. 6776, O. 2. The critic. By R. B. Sheridan. 6957, O. 5. L'Ecole du scandale ; ou, les McEurs du Jour : come- die. Traduit de I'Anglois de Sheridan. Par M. Bunel Delille. A Londres, 1789. 3568, 3. & 4810, D. 5. St. Patrick's day. A play. By Mr. Sheridan. Dublin, 1789. 4821, D. 1. The duenna; an opera. By R. B. Sheridan. New York, 1806. Shirley, 9050, O. The dramatic works and poems of James Shirley, now first collected ; with notes by the late William Gifford, Esq. 6 vols. Lon- don, 1833. 6886, O. 4. The royal master. By James Shirley, Gent. 6886, O. 6. The maid's revenge. By James Shiriey, Gent. Siddons, 4785, 2. & 4817, D. 8. The Sicilian romance. An opera. By H. Sid- dons. Dublin, 1794. Smithy 2497, O. 1 . Edwin and Angelina ; or, the banditti. An opera in three acts. By E. H. Smith. New York, 1797. 3744, D. 3. Phaedra and Hippolitus. By Edmund Smith. 4794, D. 1. What is she? A comedy. By Chariotte Smith. Dublirt, 1799. Smollett, 3942, D. 10. The reprisal. By Smollett. Sothfhy, 4639, O. Tragedies. By Wm. Sotheby, Esq. London, 1814. .Vo»//Acrr?, .3940, D. 7. Oroonoko. A tragedy. By Southern. Dublin, 1750. Southey, 2688, D. 2. Wat Tyler, a dramatic poem. By Robert Southey. Lon- don, 1817. 6022, O. 6. A letter to William Smith, Esq. M. P. from Robert Southey, Esq. London, 1817. St. John, 4783, D. 3. The island of St. Marguerite, an opera. By J. St. John. DubUo, 1789. Starke, 4823, D. 3. The tournament. A tragedy. I^ Mariana Starke. New York, 1803. THE DRAMA. 515 Steeky 3937, D. 3. The conscious lovers. By Steele. Edinburgh, 1774. 3939, D. 6. The tender husband. By Steele. London. — 3941, D. 2. The funeral. By Steele. Edinburgh, 1776. Terry, 3949, D. 1. Guy Mannering; a musical play. By Terry. New York, 1816. Thomson, 3931, D. 1. Tancred and Sigismunda^ by Thomson. Glasgow, 1759. 3934, 1. & 4819, D. Edward and Eleonora; altered from Thomson. London, 1795. Tobin, 3949, D. 8. The school for authors, a comedy ; by Tobin. New York, 1810. 3952, D. 4. The curfew, a drama ; by Tobin. New York, 1807. 6961, O. 6. The honey moon, a comedy ; by John Tobin. Philadelphia, 1805. Tourneur, 6886, O. I. The atheist's tragedy. By Cyril Tourneur. Vcmbrugh, 3944, D. 4. Like master like man. Altered from Vanbrugh. 3953, D. 5. The confederacy, a comedy; by Vanbrugh. London, 1823. 4809, D. 3. The provoked husband, a comedy ; by Vanbrugh and Gibber. London. Walpole, 6962, O. 9. The mysterious mother ; a tragedy. By Horace Walpole. Dublin, 1791. Warwick, 1323, O. 5. Edwy, a dramatic poem. By Rev. Thomas Warwick. London, 1784. Whitehead, 4:8 12, D, Plays and poems. By William Whitehead, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1774. ; 3932, 2. & 4813, D. 1. Creusa, Queen of Athens. A tragedy. By William Whitehead. Dublin, 1762. 3947, D. 6. The Roman father, a tragedy ; by Whitehead. London, 1809. Whyncop, 3227, O. Scanderbeg, or love and liberty, a tragedy ; with a list of all the dramatic authors and dramatic pieces ever published in the English language, to the year 1747. By Thomas Whyncop. Lon- don, 1747. F. Williamson, 8630, O. 2. Preservation, a play ; by J. B. Williamson. Charles- ton, 1800. Winstanley, 8614, O. 1. The hypocrite unmasked, a comedy. By W. Winstan- ley. New York, 1801. WrighU 3932, D. 6. Altorf, atragedy; by Frances Wright. Philadelphia, 1819. Wycfierley, 2183, Gl. 7. Love in a wood ; or, St. James's Park ; a comedy. By Mr. Wycherley. London, 1694. 3936, D. 4. The country girl ; altered from Wycherley, by Garrick. London, 1790. 3941, D. 3. Plays by Wycherley. The plain dealer. The country wife. Gentleman dancing master. Love in a wood. Dublin, 1775. Young, 3932, 3. & 4796, D. 4. The revenge. A tragedy. By E. Young. Lon- don. 4813, D. 3. The brothers. A tragedy. By Dr. Young. London, 1777. 1238, Q.. 2. The rampant alderman, a farce. London, 1685. P. 1525, O. 2.& 1252, D. The disappointment, or the force of credulity, a new American comic opera. By Andrew Barton. New York, 1767. 1 573, O. 6. The battle of Bunker's hill, a dramatic piece ; with a military song. Philadelphia, 1776. 3536, O. 2. The mistakes ; or, the happy resentment, a comedy. London, 1758. P. 6649, O. A collection and selection of English prologues and epilogues; commencing with Shakspeare and concluding with Garrick. 4 vols. Lon- don, 1779. M. 516 BELLES-LETTRES. 6886, O. 5. Poor Covent garden ; or, a scene rehearsed. 6941, O. 8. The politicians; a dramatic piece. By a citizen of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1798. 1573, 8. 1978, 2. & 6962, O. 4. The group, a farce: as lately acted, 0, D. The reverie ; or a flight to the paradise of fools. By the editor of" The adventures of a guinea." 2 vols. London, 1763. 4861, D. The pilgrim; or, a picture of life; containing remarks uix)n the laws, customs and manners of the English and other nations; with anecdotes and ch£u:-acters. By the author of Chrysal (Johnstone). 2 vols. London. Jones, 4231, D. Haverhill; or, memoirs of an officer in the army of Wolfe. By James Athearn Jones. 3 vols. London, 1831. Keatinge, 4640, D. Cabinet of entertainment, or marvellous magazine, being gleanings from the most amusing writers. By H. S. Keatinge. Bal- timore, 1806. Keehine, 3096, D. Tales and sketches of the west of Scotland. By Christo- pher Keel vine. Glasgow, 1824. Kennedy, 5500, D. Swallow barn, or a sojourn in the old dominion. By J. P. Kennedy. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1832. 6069, D. Horse Shoe Robinson; a tale of the tory ascendancy. By the author of Swallow barn. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1835. Kelt, 2379, & 5306, D. The flowers of wit, or a choice collection of bon mots, ancient and modern, by the Rev. Henry Kett. 2 vols. London, 1814, Boston, 1819. Knigge, 1118, D. German Gil Bias; or, the adventures of Peter Claus. Translated from the German of Baron Knigge. 3 vols. London, 1793. Knight, 1932, & 2100, O. Marcus Flaminius ; or, a view of the military, political and social life of the Romans. By E. Cornelia Knight. 2 vols. London, 1792. 4590, D. Dinarbas, a tale ; being a continuation of Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia. By E. C. Knight. London, 1793. 5316, D, 4. The ears of Lord Chesterfield and Parson Goodman. Translated from the French of M. Voltaire, by J. Knight. Bern, 1786. Kock, de, 5706, D. The modern Cymon, fi-om the " Jean" of C. Paul de Kock. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1833. Kotzebue, 1309, D. Ildegerte, queen of Norway. Translated from the German of Augustus Von Kotzebue, by Benjamin Thompson. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1798. 5250, D. The escape, a narrative, from the German of A. Von Kotzebue. By Benjamin Thompson. London, 1799. 4624, D. Zaida ; or, the dethronement of Mohammed IV. ; a novel, translated from the German of A. Von Kotzebue, by Charles Smith. New York, 1803. Kramer, 1143, D. Herman of Unna; a series of adventures of the fifteenth century, in which the proceedings of the secret tribunal under the emperors Winceslaus and Sigismund are delineated. Translated from the German of Kramer. 2d edit. 3 vols. London, 1794. Lamb, 2211, dc 4390, D. Tales from Shakspeare, designed for the use of young persons, by Charles Lamb. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1813. 1880, D. 2. The tale of Rosamond Gray, and old blind Margaret. By Charles Lamb. London, 1798. London, 4340, &^ 4341, D. Romance and reality. By L. E. L. 2 vols. New York, 1832. FICTION. 531 Langhorne, 1017, D. Letters supposed to have passed between Theodosius and Constantia. By John Langhorne. 2 vols. London, 1778. 3860, & 5375, D. Solyman and Almena. An oriental tale. By Dr. Langhorne. London. Lantievy 2637, O. The travels of Antenor in Greece and Asia ; including some account of Egypt. From a Greek manuscript found at Herculaneum. Translated from the French of E. F. Lantier. London, 1799. Lathom, 3016, & 7952, O. The castle of the Tuileries ; or, a narrative of all the events which have taken place in that palace, from the time of its construction. Translated from the French. By Francis Lathom. 2 vols. London, 1803. Leadbeater, 2156, D. Cottage dialogues among the Irish peasantry, by Mary Lead beater; with notes and a preface. By Maria Edge worth. Lon- don, 1811. 2399, D. 1. Tales for cottagers, accommodated to the present condi- tion of the Irish peasantry, by Mary Leadbeater and Elizabeth Shakle- ton. Dublin, 1814. 2399, D. 2. The landlord's friend, intended as a sequel to cottage dialogues, by Mary Leadbeater. Dublin, 1813. Zee, 5750, D. The Canterbury tales. By Sophia and Harriet Lee. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1833. 1224, D. The recess; or a tale of other times. By Sophia Lee. 4th edit. 3 vols. London, 1792. Lennox, 4940, D. The history of Sir George Warrington ; or, the political Quixote. By Mrs. Lennox. 3 vols. London, 1797. ' 3851, D. The female Q,uixote ; or the adventures of Arabella. By Mrs. Lennox. Plates. 2 vols. London, 1799. Leslie, 5669, D. Pencil sketches ; or outlines of character and manners. By Miss Leslie. Philadelphia, 1833. 6068, D. The same. 2d series. Philadelphia, 1835. Lewis, 1258, & 4978, D. Ambrosio : or, the monk ; a romance, by M. G. Lewis. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1798, &l New York, 1802. 1957, & 5328, D. Romantic tales. By M. G. Lewis. 4 vols. London, 1808. Lyster, 5688, D. Arlington, a novel. By the author of Granby (Lyster). 2 vols. New York, 1832. Lockhart, 6057, D. Valerius : a Roman story. By J. G. Lockhart. 2 vols. New York, 1835. Macfarlane, 4328, 4359, & 4360, D. The romance of history. Italy. By Charles Macfarlane. 2 vols. New York, 1832. Mackenzie, 3663, & 5315, D. Julia de Roubigne, a novel, by H. Mackenzie, Esq. Philadelphia, 1782. 2496, & 3769, D. The man of feeling, by Henry Mackenzie, Esq. London, 1803. Macneill, 3340, D. Scottish adventurers, or the way to rise ; an historical tale. By Hector Macneill, Esq. Madden, 4144, D. The Mussulman. By R. R. Madden, Esq. author of Travels in Turkey, Egypt, &c. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1830. 4112, D. The same. Philadelphia, 1830. Malcolm, 4126, D. Tales of field and flood, with sketches of life at home. By John Malcolm. Edinburgh, 1829. Mandeville, 921, O. Voyages and travels ; with cuts. Wherein is set down the way to the holy land, and to Hierusalem ; as also, the lands of the great Caan, and of Prestor John ; to India, and divers other countries. By John Mandeville. London, 1722. Marmontel, 3503, & 5314, D. Belisarius ; with fragments of moral philosophy. 532 BELLES-LETTRES. By M. Marmontcl. Translated from the French. London, 1768, 1794, & 1600. Marmontei, 28, 1097, 4t 4603, D. Moral tales. By M. Marmontel. 3 vols. London, 1766. 2612, D. The Incas ; or the destruction of the empire of Peru. By M. Marmontel. 2 vols. Dublin, 1792. Maryatt, 5879, D. The king's own. By the author of Peter Simple, &c. % vols. Philadelphia, 1834. 6800, D. Peter Simple. By the author of Newton Forster, &c. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1834. .')S>^0, D. Jacob Faithful. By the author of Peter Simple. 3 vols. Piiiladelphia, 1834. 5971, D. The pacha of many tales. By Captain Maryatt. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1834. 6063, D. The adventures of Japhet in search of a father. By the author of Peter Simple. Philadelphia, 1835. Martineau, 5766, D. Illustrations of political economy, in a series of tales. By Harriet Martineau. London. Mavofj 2227, & 2412, D. A father's gift to his children, consisting of original essays, tales, fables, reflections, &c. By William Mavor, LL. D. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1815. M*MuUan, 4926, O. The wanderings of a goldfinch; or characteristic sketches of the 19th century. By Mary Anne M'Mullan. London, 1816. Meier f 5344, D. The merry philosopher ; or, thoughts on jesting : containing rules by which a proper judgment of jests may be formed ; together with instructions for improving the taste of those who have a natural turn for pleasantry and good humour. By G. F. Meier. Translated from the German. London, 1764. Mercier, 3530, & 4749, D. Memoirs of the year 2500. Translated from the French of Mercier. By W. Hooper, M. A. Philadelphia, 1795. Milliy 5590, O. The travels of Theodore Ducas, in various countries in Europe, at the revival of letters and arts. Edited by Charles Mills. 2 vols. London, 1822. Mitchell^ 1176, D. Tales of Instruction and amusement, for the use of young persons. By Miss Mitchell. 2 vols. London, 1795. Mitfordy 4053, & 4375, D. Our village : sketches of rural character and scenery. By Mary Russell Mitford. 3 vols. New York, 1828. Montesquieu, 5178, D. The temple of Gnidus, and Asaces and Ismenia. Trans- lated from the French of Baron de Montesquieu. London, 1797. .Afon/o/icM, 2127, D. Sentimental anecdotes. By Madame de Montolieu. Trans- lated from the French, by Mrs. Plunket. Philadelphia, 1812. MoorBf 1815, O. 3552, & 4965, D. Zeluco. Various views of human na- ture, taken from life and manners, foreign and domestic. By John Moore. 2 vols. London, 1789. New York, 1794. — 2357, O. 749, D. Clarissa ; or the history of a young lady ; comprehending the most important concerns of private life. By Samuel Richardson. 8 vols. London, 1785— 1822. 4854, O. & 750, D. The history of Sir Charles Grandison and the Hon. Miss Byron, in a series of letters, by Mr. Samuel Richardson. 2 vols. London, 1811. 8243, 8768, O. & 747, D. Pamela; or virtue rewarded. In a series of letters. By Samuel Richardson. 12th edit. 4 vols. Lon- don, 1785, & 1823. Richmond, 2716, D. Annals of the poor ; containing the Dairyman's daughter, the Negro servant, and the young cottager. By the Rev. Legh Rich- mond. New York, 1815. Ritchie, 4163, &, 4198, D. The romance of history, France. By Leitch Ritchie. 3 vols. London & New York, 1831. Roberts, 2418, D. Duty, or the white cottage, a tale, by Mrs. Roberts; with a life of the author, by Mrs. Opie. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1815. Roby, 7341, O. Traditions of Lancashire; second series. By J. Roby, M. R. S. L. 2 vols. London, 1831. 536 BELLES-LETTRES. Hoscoe, 3131, D. The German novolists: tales selected from ancient and modern authors in tli isxe. Translated from the originals; with critical and biogia,-....... aotices. By Thomas Roscoe. 4 vols. London, 1826. 3169, D. The Italian novelists: selected from the most approved au- thors in that language. Translated from the original Italian — accom- panied with notes critical and biographical. By Thomas Roscoe. 4 vols. London, 1827. 5755, D. The novelist's library, edited by Thomas Roscoe, Esq.; with illustrations. 15 vols. London, 1831, &c. BousseaUt 587, D. Emilius and Sophia ; or a new system of education ; with plates. Translated from the French of J. J. Rousseau, by the transla- tor of Eloisa. 4 vols. London, 1767. 853, 1014, & 4963, D. The same. 4 vols. London, 1779, & 1783. 1015, & 4825, D, Eloisa; or a series of original letters, collected and published by J. J. Rousseau. Translated from the French. A new edition ; to which is added, " The sequel of Julia ; or the new Eloisa." 3 vols. London, 1784, & 1803. 5334, D. Letters of an Italian nun and an English gentleman. Translated from the French of J. J. Rousseau. Worcester, 1796. Sage, Le, 7392, O. The adventures of Gil Bias of Santillane. Translated from the French of Le Sage. By T. Smollett, M. D. With a memoir of the author. Hartford, 1831. Sabin, 4706, D. The life and reflexions of Charles Observator ; in which are displayed the real characters of human life. By the Rev. Elijah R. Sabin. Boston, 1816. Scarron, 5242, D. Scarron's city romance, made English. In the Savoy, 1671. Scottj 4352, D. Waverley novels. Revised edition, with the author's notes. 28 vols. Boston, 1830—2. . 2393, D. Waverley, or 'tis sixty years since. By Walter Scott. 3 vols. London, 1814. 2300, & 2301, D. The same. 2 vols. New York, 1814. 2394, D. Guy Mannering, or the astrologer, by the author of Waverley. 3 vols. London, 1815. 2507, D. The Antiquary, by the author of Waverley, &c. 3 vols. Lon- don, 1816. 2514, D. The same. 2 vols. New York, 1816. 2546, D. Tales of my landlord ; collected and arranged, by Jedediah Cleishbotham. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1816. 2558, & 2559, D. The same. Philadelphia, 1817. 4290, ed by Matthew Montagu, her nephew and executor. 2 vols. London, 1809. Phila- delphia, 1809. 558 BELLES-LETTRES. Montague, 439, 459, 3706, rtant occasions. 5th edit. London, 1752. 390, D. The post-man robbed of his mail ; or the packet broke open ; being a collection of miscellaneous letters. London, 1719. 986, D. The Algerine spy in Pennsylvania ; or, letters written by a native of Algiers on the affiiirs of the United States in America, from the close of the year 1783 to the meeting of the convention. Philadelphia, 1787. 2030, D. Letters of Shah Coolen, a Hindu philosopher, residinfr in Philadel- phia, to his friend El Hassan, an inhabitant of Delhi. Boston, 1 802. 2371, D. Letters of the Swedish court, written in the early part of the reign ofGustavus 111. London, 1809. 3612, D. The complete letter-writer. London, 1767. 3668, D. Personal nobility ; or, letters to a young nobleman, on the conduct of his studies, and the dignity of the peerage. London, 1793. 5515, D. The private correspondence of a woman of fashion. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1832. 4983, D. The school for tutors ; consisting of a series of correspondence between a gentleman and his tutor. London, 1782. 2235, D. Letters from a mother to her daughter on religious and moral sub- jects. By M.S. London, 1806. 2776, D. Letters from a father to his son, in an office under government ; including letters on religious sentiment and belief. By the Rev. Henry G. White. London, 1819. POLYGRAPHY; OR, THE WORKS OF AUTHORS WHO HAVE WRITTEN ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS, AND IN VARIOUS STYLES. Addison, 2768, & 6527, O. The miscellaneous works, in verse and prose, of the Rt. Hon. Joseph Addison, Esq. With some account of the life and writings of the author. By Mr. Tickell. Portrait. 4 vols. Lon- don, 1765. M. 146, & 321, D. The same. 3 vols. London, 1763. ^rbuthnot, 311, D. The miscellaneous works of the late Doctor Arbuthnot. 2d edit. 2 vols. Glasgow, 1751. Aristotle, 728, F. Aristotelis opera Stagiritae philosophorum omnium long5 principis. GraBc^ et Latins. 2 vols. Aurele Allobrogum, 1005. P. 424, F. Aristotelis opera, Graece et Latin6, accessit commenta- rius, authore Guill. Duval. Parisiis, 1629. L. 5aco/i, 167, 4. The works of Francis Bacon. 5 vols. London, 1765. Gift of Stephen Boardley. 1042, a The same. P. 877, F. Resuscitatio, or bringing into public light several pieces of the works of the Right Honourable Francis Bacon. By William Rawley. 3dedrt. London, 1671. P. ■ 131, D. Miscellaneous writings; including philosophy, morality, and religion. By Francis Bacon. London, 1802. Barhauld, 6097, O, The works of Anna Laetitia Barbauld, with a memoir. By Lucy Aikin. 2 vols. London, 1825. BeaUie, 8106, D. The works of James Beattie, LL.D. 10 vols. Philadel- phia, 1800. POLYGRAPHY. 563 Bembij 1630, D. 2. Petri Bembi insignia, quot quot extant opuscula. A Ba- sille. Romae, 1512. P. Bernard, 3768, D. CEuvres completes de Bernard. A Paris, 1798. Boileau, 61, D. CEuvres de Boileau Despreaux. IV tomes. Amsterdam, 1729. 119,0. The works of Monsieur Boileau ; with cuts. Made English from the last Paris edition, by several hands. To which is prefixed, an account of his life, by Monsieur Des Maizeaux. 2d edit. 3 vols. London, 1736. Boissy, 3811, D. CEuvres diverses de Boissy. 2 tom. A Paris, 1812. Bolingbroke, 6765, O. The works of the late Rt. Hon. Henry St. John, Lord Viscount Bolingbroke. Published by David Mallet, Esq. 5 vols. Dublin, 1793. Boyle, 259, F. The works of Robert Boyle. To which is prefixed the life of the author. 5 vols. London, 1744. Boyd, 2730, O. The miscellaneous works of Hugh Boyd, Esq., with an account of his life. By Lawrence Dundas Campbell. London, 1798. Branagan, 2721, D. The complete works of Thomas Branagan. 19 vols. Philadelphia, 1805—1814. Gift of the author. Brissot, 1756, O. CEuvres de J. P. Brissot de Warville. 3 vols. Paris, 1784. Gift of the author. Brown, 1115, F. The works of the learned Sir Thomas Brown, M. D. Con- taining, 1st, inquiries into common and vulgar errors; 2d, religio medici, with annotations and observations upon it ; 3d, hydriotaphia or urnburial — together with the garden of Cyrus ; 4th, certain miscel- lany tracts. London, 1686. Bruyere, 175, & 2603, O. The works of Monsieur de la Bruyere, containing the moral characters of Theophrastus ; the characters of the present age, and Bruyere's speech upon his admission into the French aca- demy ; with an account of the life and writings of Monsieur Bruyere. By Monsieur Coste. Also, an original chapter of the manner of living with great men, by N. Rowe. 2 vols. London, 1713 — 1723. 3369, O. The same. P. Buckingham, 625, 803, & 8397, O. The works of John Sheffield, duke of Buckingham. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1729 — 1740. 606, D. The same. 4th edit. 2 vols. London, 1753. Burke, 681, d. The works of Edmund Burke. 6 vols. London, 1792. 4456, & 5732, O. The same. New York, 1823. Burns, 2708, O. 3846, & 4547, D. The works of Robert Burns ; with an account of his life, and a criticism of his writings, and some observa- tions on the character and condition of the Scottish peasantry. 4 vols. Liverpool, 1800, and Philadelphia, 1804—1831. 5940, D. The same ; with his life. By Allan Cunningham. 6 vols. London, 1834. - Cambridge, 990, & 2069, Q. The works of Richard Owen Cambridge, Esq.; including several pieces never before published. With an account of his life and character, by his son, George Owen Cam- bridge. London, 1802. Cassa, della, 2662, D. 1. Rime et prose, di M. Giovanni della Cassa. In Venetia, 1575. Gift of Mr. Thomas Wilson. Charles I., 5006, D. Reliquiae sacrae Carolinae, or the works of King Charles I. ; collected together and digested in order. Haguae, 1651. 1089, D. The works and prayers of King Charles the First ; with a vindication of the King. London, 1697. Gift of Francis Shallus. Chatterton, 2919, O. The works of Thomas Chatterton, with his life, by Dr. Gregory. 3 vols. London, 1 803. Chesterfield, 6559, O. The miscellaneous works of the late Philip Dormer Stanhope, earl of Chesterfield; consisting of letters to his friends, 564 BELLES-LETTRES. never before printed, and various other articles. To which are pre- fixed, memoirs of his life, tendinpr to illustrate the civil, |X)litical, and literary history of his time. By M. Maty, M. D., &c. &c. With an appendix, containing sixteen characters, &,c. Portrait. 4 vols. Lon- don, 1779. M. Cheiterfield, 328, a The same. 2 vols. London. 1778, &- 7916, O. 3 vols. Dublin, 1777. Christina, 152, D. The works of Christina, queen of Sweden; containing maxims and sentences, and reflections on the life and actions of Alexander the Great. Translated from the French. To which is prefixed, an account of her life, character, and writings, by the trans- lator. London, 1753. Cicero, 1029, Q,. M. TuUii Ciceronis opera cum indicibus et variis lectionibus. 10 vols. Oxonii, 1783. P. Cockburn, 4, O. The works of Catharine Cockburn; theological, moral, dra- matic, and poetical. With an account of the life of the author. By Thomas Birch. 2 vols. London, 1751. Colardeav, 3814, D. (Euvres choisies, ou chef d'oeuvres de M. Colardeau. Paris. Collier, 4660, D. The miscellaneous works of Tim Bobbin, Esq., (John Collier ;) containing his view of the Lancashire dialect, his poem of the flying dragon, and the man of Heaton. With a life of the author. By Richard Townley, Esq. London, 1806. Colman, 1461, D. George Colman's works. 3 vols. London, 1787. P. Condillac, 4950, O. CEuvres de Condillac, revues, corrigees par Tauteur, et impiimees sur ses manuscrits autographes. A Paris, 1798. Gift of John C. Montgomery, Esq. Cottin, 8762, O. (Euvres completes de Madame Cottin, avec une notice sur la vie et sur les crits de I'auteur. Tom 5. Paris, 1820. Cowley, 1121, F. The works of Mr. Abraham Cowley. 9th edit. London, 1700. 144, & 145, D. The works of Abraham Cowley; with an account of his life and writings, by Doctor Sprat, bishop of Rochester. 12th edit. 2 vols. London, 1721. 4004, O. & 4981, D. The works of Mr. A. Cowley, in prose and verse, with notes, by Dr. Hurd, late bishop of Worcester; with Dr. Johnson's life of the author. 3 vols. London, 1809. Dublin, 1772. Cowper, 5886, D. The miscellaneous works of William Cowper, Esq. with a life and notes, by John S. Memes. 2 vols. London, 1834. Crabbe, 5980, D. Life of the Rev. George Crabbe, with his posthumous poems, letters and journals. By the Rev. George Crabbe, A. M. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1835. Crebillon, 3584, D. Collection complete des oeuvres de M. de Crebillon, fils. 7 tom. A Londres, 1777. Dancourt, 3812, D. CEuvres choises de Dancourt. 5 tom. A Paris, 1800. Dana, 5801, D. Poems and prose writings of Richard H. Dana. Boston, 1833. De Foe, 915, O. A collection of the works of Daniel De Foe; containing thirty- nine treatises, in prose and verse. 3d edit. 2 vols. London, 1710. 8429, O. A true collection of the writings of the author of the true bom Englishman, (Daniel De Foe.) London, 1703. Dethoulieres, 3912, D. (Euvres choisies de Madame et de Mademoiselle Des- houlieres.* A Londres, 1780. Dionynui, 446, F. Dionysii Halicarnassei scripta quae extant omnia, et histo- rica et rhetorica. Opera et studio Frederici Sylburgii. Lipsiaj, 1691. L. Doddridge, 7193, O. The misceUaneous works of Philip Doddridge, D. D. With an introductory essay, by the Rev. T. Morell. 2 vols. London, 1830. Dry dent 4138, O. The works of John Dry den ; now first collected ; illustrated POLYGRAPHY. 565 with notes, historical, critical and explanatory, and a life of the author, by Walter Scott, Esq. 18 vols. London, 1808. Dry den, 2736, & 6488, O. The critical and miscellaneous prose works of John Dryden, now first collected : with notes and illustrations ; an account of the life and writings of the author, grounded on original and au- thentic documents ; and a collection of his letters, the greater part of which has never before been published. By Edmond Malone, Esq. Portraits. 4 vols. London, 1800. M. Evelyn, 1897, Q,. The miscellaneous writings of John Evelyn, Esq. F. R. S. author of Sylva — now first collected, with notes. By Wilham Up- cott. London, 1825. Favart, 3807, D. (Euvres choisies de Favart. 3 torn. A Paris, 1813. Fielding, 441, O. Miscellanies. By Henry Fielding, Esq. 3 vols. London, 1743. 1376, O. The works of Henry Fielding; with plates. To which is prefixed, an account of the author's life. 10 vols. London, 1784. Florian, 3796, D. Nouveaux melanges de poesie et de litterature. Par Flo- rian. A Paris, 1806. Fontenelle, 420, D. (Euvres de Fontenelle. Tome sixieme. A Paris, 1758. 3508, D. CEuvres diverses de M. de Fontenelle, de I'academie Fran- 90ise. 6 torn. A La Haye, 1736—1744. Forbes, 3466, D. The whole works of the Rt. Hon. Duncan Forbes, late lord president of the court of sessions. Glasgow, 1788. Franklin, 321, Q,. Political, miscellaneous and philosophical pieces, by Doctor Benjamin Franklin. London, 1779. 3163, O. The same. F. 3379, 3581, & 5482, D. Works of the late Dr.' Benjamin Franklin: consisting of his life, written by himself Together with essays, &c. London. Philadelphia, 1818. 5680, & 5681, D. A collection of the familiar letters and miscella- neous papers of Benjamin Franklin ; now first collected. Boston, 1833. Frederick IL, 3083, O. (Euvres posthumes de Frederic II. roi de Prusse. 15 tomes. Berlin, 1788. F. 1783, O. The posthumous works of Frederick the second, king of Prussia ; containing the history of his own times. Translated from the French, by Thomas Holcroft. London, 1789. 1820, O. The works of Frederick II. king of Prussia. Translated from the French, by Thomas Holcroft;. 13 vols. London, 1789. Freneau, 864, & 5114, D. The miscellaneous works of Mr. Philip Freneau; containing his essays, and additional poems. 2 vols. Philadel- phia, 1788. Gerard, 3642, D. Melanges interessans; precedes des memoires de ma vie. Par I'auteur du Comte de Valmot, &c. (I'Abbe Gerard.) A Paris, 1810. Gibbon, 750, Q,. & 6875, O. Miscellaneous works of Edward Gibbon, Esq. With memoirs of his life and writings, composed by himself; illustrated from his letters, with occasional notes and narrative, by John, Lord Sheffield. 3 vols. London & Dublin, 1796. Goldsmith, 29 iS, O. Miscellaneous works, by Oliver Goldsmith ; with some account of his life and writings. 4 vols. London, 1801. 7128, O. The miscellaneous works of OUver Goldsmith, with an account of his life and writings, edited by Washington Irving. Phila- delphia, 1830, complete in one volume. Grajigny, 3906, D. (Euvres choisies de Mme. de Orafigny ; augmentees des lettres d'Aza. 2 torn. Londres, 1783. Granville, 445, D. The genuine works, in prose and verse, of George Gran- ville, Lord Lansdowne. 3 vols. London, 1736. Grattan, 6710, & 5891, O. Miscellaneous works of the Rt. Hon. Henry Grat- tan. London, 1822. 566 B£LLE8-LETTR£S. Gray, 2264, Q. The works of Thomas Gray. By the Rev. John Mitford. London, 1816. Greaves, 310, O. The miscellaneous works of John Greaves. To wliich is prefixed, an account of the life and writings of the author. PubHshed by Thomas Birch. 2 vols. London, 1737. GregorUt 922, O, Gregorii posthuma; or certain learned tracts; witli cuts. Written by John Gregorie. With an account of the author's life ; pub- lished by J. G. London, 1649. Gift of Joseph BreintnalL Griffin, 7298, & 7386, O. Remains of the Rev. Edmund T. Griffin; compiled by Francis GriflSn. With a biographical memoir, by the Rev. John M'Vickar. 2 vols. New York, 1831. Hale, 4206, O. The works, moral and religious, of Sir Matthew Hale ; the whole now first collected and revised ; to which are prefixed, his life and death, by Bishop Burnet, and an api^endix to the life, including the notes of Richard Baxter, by the Rev. T. Thirlwall, M. A. 2 vols. London, 1805. Halifax, 273, 549, O. & 4939, D. Miscellanies, by the Right Hon. George Sa- \iJle, Marquis of Halifiix. Glasgow, 1751. London, 1717. Harding, 5208, O. The miscellaneous works, in prose and verse, of George Harding, Esq. 3 vols. London, 1818. Harrington, 1100, D. Nugae antiquae; being a miscellaneous collection of ori- ginal papers in prose and verse, written in the reigns of Henry VIII. Queen Mary, Elizabeth, &c. By Henry Harrington, A. M. 3 vols. London, 1792. Harris, 906, & 2068, Q. The works of James Harris, Esq. ; with an account of his life and character, by his son, the Earl of Malmsbury. 2 vols. London, 1801. Hay, 705, Q,. Works of William Hay. 2 vols. London, 1794. Hickeringill, 476, Q,. & 6633, O Miscellaneous tracts, essays, satyrs, &c. in prose and verse. By Edmund Hickeringill. London, 1707. Htldrop, 43, D. The miscellaneous works of John Hildrop. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1754. Hill, 8222, O. The works of Aaron Hill, consisting of letters, and of poems, with an essay on the art of acting. 4 vols. London, 1783. Home, 5585, O. The works of John Home, Esq., now first collected ; to which is prefixed an account of his life and writings. By Henry Mackenzie, Esq. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1822. Hooker, 45, & 358, F. The works of Richard Hooker ; containing eight books of the laws of ecclesiastical polity ; with several other treatises. To which is prefixed the life of the author, by Isaac Walton. London, 1723. No. 358, the gift of Doctor William Sliarp. //apAm«on, 1973, & 7718, O. The miscellaneous essays and occasional wri- tings of Francis Hopkinson, Esq. 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1792. Humphreys, 3002, O. The miscellaneous works of David Humphreys. New York, 1790. 3063, O. The miscellaneous works of David Humphreys, late minister plenipotentiary from the United States of America, to the court of Madrid. New York, 1804. Gift of the author. Hard, 4285, O. The works of Richard Hurd, D. D. Lord Bishop of Worces-I ter. 8 vols. London, 1811. T James, 578, F. The works of King James. London, 1616. Gift of Henry Cox. Jebb, 1790, O. The works, theological, medical, political, and miscellaneous, of John Jebb ; with memoirs of the life of the author, by John Disney. 3 vols. London, 1787. Jenyni, 8245, O. 6l 1044, D. The works of Soame Jenyns; to which are pre- fixed, short sketches of the liistory of the author's family, and also of his life. By Charles Nalson Cole. 4 vols. London, 1790. ,« POLYGRAPH Y. 567 Johnson, 3826, «fc 7929, O. The works of Samuel Johnson, LL. D. a new edi- tion, with an essay on his life and genius. By Arthur Murphy, Esq. 6 vols. Dublin, 1793. 1487, O. The life and works of Doctor Samuel Johnson, published by Sir John Hawkins. 11 vols. London, 1787. Jones J 841, Q,. The works of Sir William Jones; with plates. 6 vols. Lon- don, 1799. Jonson, 5012, O. The works of Ben Jonson, in nine volumes, with notes, cri- tical and explanatory, and a biographical memoir. By W. Gilford, Esq. London, 1816. Jortin, 3200, O. Tracts, philological, critical and miscellaneous. By John Jortin. 2 vols. London, 1790. P, 3288, O. Six dissertations upon different subjects, divine and moral. By John Jortin. London, 1755. P. Julian, 1359, O. The select works of the emperor Julian, and some pieces of the sophist Libanius. Translated from the Greek ; with notes from Petau, La Bleterie, Gibbon, &;c. And the history of the emperor Jo- vian, from the French of the Abbe De la Bleterie, by John Duncombe. 2 vols. London, 1784. — 3103, O. The same. P. Keith, 1906, D. A collection of papers and other tracts, written on various subjects ; to which is prefixed, an essay on the nature of public spirit. By Sir William Keith. London, 1740. Gift of Mathew Carey. Lamb, 2725, D. The works of Charles Lamb. 2 vols. London, 1818. Leonard, 6893, O. (Euvres diverses de Mr. Leonard. Avec figures. A Liege, 1777. Lindsay, 3664, D. The works of the famous and worthy knight. Sir David Lindsay of the Mount, alias, Lion King of Arms, &c. Edinburgh, 1776. Locke, 7, & 1025, Q,. The works of John Locke. 7th edit. 4 vols. Lon- don, 1768. 336, O. A collection of several pieces of John Locke; with plates. Pub- lished by the author of the life of John Hales. London, 1720. Loredano, 1848, D. Opere di Gio. Francesco Loredano, in quattro volumi. Venetia, 1649. P. Lucian, 782, F. Luciani Samosatensis philosophi opera omni quae extant, Graece et Latine. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1615. P. 3642, & 3643, O. Luciani dialog! selecti ab Edwardo Leedes, Graece et Latine. Londini, 1710. P. 1523, D. Luciani Samosatensis dialogi selectiores coelestes marini et inferni, Graece et Latine. Editi in usum puerorum. Lipsiae, 1567. P. 3465, O. The works of Lucian, translated from the Greek, by seve- ral eminent hands. 4 vols. London, 1711. P. 1185, O. The works of Lucian. Translated from the Greek, by Thomas Francklin. 4 vols. London, 1781. 1086, a. The same. 2 vols. London, 1780. P, L^yttelton, 300, d. The works of George Lord Lyttelton. Published by George Edward Ayscough. London, 1774. 1257, O. The same. 3d. edit. 3 vols. London, 1776. ' Machiavel, 1027, F. The works of the famous Nicholas Machiavel of Florence. Translated into English. London, 1675. 120, Q,. Machiavel' s works. Translated from the originals, and illustrated with notes, anecdotes, &c. and the life of the author, with plans on the art of war, by Ellis Farneworth. 2 vols. London, 1762. 2200, Q,. 15. Machiavel's vindication of himself and his writings. against the imputation of atheism and other crimes. London, 1537. Mackenzie, 1184, F. The works of Sir George Mackenzie, of Rosehaugh, ad- vocate to king Charles II. and king James VII. with many learned treatises of his. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1716. 568 BELLES-LETTRES. Maclaurin, 2652, O. The works of the late John Maclaurln, of Dreghorn, one of the senators of the collepe of justice, in Scotland. In prose and verse. 2 vols. In 1. Edinburgh, 1798. Mairet, 3818. D. Chefs-d'ojuvres de Mairet, Duryer, Rotrout et Desmarets. Paris, 1800. Malherbe, 344 1,D. Les ceuvres de Fran^ais de Malherbe, avec Ics observa- tions de Mr. Menage, et les remarques de Mr, Chevreau sur les poesies. 3 torn. A Paris, 1723. 3MUi, 16ft, 4k 208, D. The works of David Mallet. 3 vols. London, 1759. Marvtil, 896, Q,. The works of Andrew Marvell, with the life of the author, by Edward Thompson. 3 vols. London, 1776. Muont 5009, O. The works of William Mason, M. A. 4 vols. London, 1811. 4145,0. Literary miscellanies. By James Mason. 2 vols. London, 1809. MiddUton, 145, Q. The miscellaneous works of Conyers Middleton; contain- ing all his writings, except the life of Cicero. 4 vols. London, 1752. Milton, 202, F. A collection of the historical, jwiitical, and miscellaneous works of John Milton. With an account of the life and writings of the author. 2 vols. London, 1738. 1032, a The same. 5 vols. London, 1753. P. 2155, D. The prose works of John Milton; containing his principal political and ecclesiastical pieces. With new translations and an introduction, by George Burnett. 2 vols. London, 1 809. Montague, 244, & 2584, D. The works of the Rt. Hon. Lady Mary Wortley Montague, inclu 1798. Walton, 3574, O. Reliquiae Wottonianae ; or a collection of lives, letters, and poems ; with characters of sundry personages. By Sir Henry Wotton. 3d edit. London, 1678. P. Xenophon, 498, F. Xenophontis imperatoris et philosophi omnia quae extant opera. Grsece et Latine. Joanne Lewenklaio interprete. Basiliae, 1669. />. 572 B£IXES-L£TTR£S. LITERARY MISCELLANIES^ESSAYS. Addison, 2545, O. The spectator. 8 vols. London, 1797. 68, 220, 1618, &. 5173, D. The same. London, 1726. P, 1758, & Philadelphia, 1803. — 104. D. The beauties of the spectators, tatlers, and guardians; con- nr( tril and digested under alphabetical heads. 2 vols. London, 1757. 4701, U. The beauties of the spectators, tatlers, and guardians, to which is prefixed, the life of Joseph Addison. 2 vols. Boston, 1801. Aikin, 2247, O. Miscellaneous pieces in prose. By John Aikin and Anna Lsfs titia Barbauld. 3d edit. London, 1792. 6690, O. Elssays, literary and miscellaneous ; by J. Aikin, M. D. Lon- don, 1811. Alden^ 2303, D. A collection of American epitaphs and inscriptions, with oc- casional notes, by Rev. Timothy Alden, A. M. 5 vols. New York, 1814. Alembertt D\ 1035, D. Melanges de litterature, d'histoire, et de philosophic. Par D'Alembert. Nouvelle edition. 5 tomes. A Leide, 1783. 4893, D. Miscellanies concerning literature, history, philosophy, and other subjects of the belles-lettres. By M. D'Alembert. Trans- lated from the French. Glasgow, 1765. Ames^ 3905, O. Works of Fisher Ames, compiled by a number of his friends; to which are prefixed, notices of his life and character. Boston, 1809. Amory^ 555, O. Memoirs ; containing the lives of several ladies of Great Bri- tain; an history of antiquities, productions of nature, and monuments of art ; observations on the Christian religion ; remarks on the writings of the greatest English divines ; and a review of the works of tlie writers called infidels. By Thomas Amory. London, 1755. Andrews, 1237, O. Remarks on the French and English ladies. By John An- drews. London, 1783. 3549, D. A comparative view of the French and English nations, in their manners, politics and literature. By John Andrews, LL. D. Dublin, 1785. 3707, D. An inquiry into the manners, taste and amusements of the two last centuries in England. By John Andrews, LL. D. Lon- don, 1782. Anvers^ D\ 355, D. The craftsman. By Caleb D*Anvers, Esquire. 14 volg. London, 1731. Argenaon, i)', 1841, & 3148, O. & 3519, D. Essays, civil, moral, literary and political. Written after the manner of M. de Montaigne ; intersjiersed with characters, portraits, &c. &c. By the celebrated Marquis D'Ar- genson, many years prime minister of France, &c. Translated from his valuable MSS. &c. Dublin, 1789. London. P. Amaud, 6727, O. Varietes litteraires, ou recueil de pieces, tant originales que traduites, concernant la philosophic, la litterature, et Ics arts. Par TAbbe Arnaud et Suard. 4 tom. A Paris, 1804. Aubrey, 1975, D. Miscellanies on various subjects, by John Aubrey; with some account of his life and character. Londoh, 1784. Ay ton, 3118, D. Essays and sketches of character. By the late Richard Ay- ton, Esq. With a memoir of his life. London, 1825. Bacon, 296, Q^ 774, O. & 4973, D. The essays or counsels, civil and moral, of Sir Francis Bacon ; with a table of the colours of good and evil, a discourse of the wisdom of the ancients, and the character of queen Elizal>eth. London, 1639—1691 — 1718. Gift of William Govett. 832, D. The same, with a preliminary discourse, containing memoirs of the author. London, 1663. 129, D. Essays, moral, economical, and political. By Francis Bacon. London, 1801. MISCELLANIES. 573 Bacon, 1364, a. & 1824, D. The same. London, 1613—1629. P. 3832, D. Essays by Lords Bacon and Clarendon. 2 vols, in 1. Bos- ton, 1820. Barbauld, 1979, D. Selections from the spectator, tatler, guardian, &c. with a preliminary essay, by Anna Laetitia Barbauld. 3 vols. London, 1804. Beattie, 379, & 1983, Q,. Dissertations, moral and critical. By James Beattie, LL. D. &c. London, 1783. M. 1209, O. Essays, on poetry and music, as they affect the mind; on laughter and ludicrous composition; and on the utility of classiceil learning. By James Beattie. Edinburgh, 1778. 2342, D. Miscellanies, by James Hay Beattie ; with an account of his life. London, 1803. Belcher i 4719, D. Essays on various subjects, critical and moral. By William Belcher, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1787. Bellamy, 7786, O. Miscellanies, in prose and verse ; written by Thomas Bel- lamy. 2 vols. London, 1794. Bellegarde, 320, D. Reflections upon ridicule ; or what it is that makes a man ridiculous, and the means to avoid it. Wherein are represented the manners and characters of persons of the present age, by the Abbe Bellegarde. 5th edit. 2 vols. London, 1739. Beloe, 1166, D. Miscellanies; consisting of poems, classical extracts and ori- ental apologues. By William Beloe. 3 vols. London, 1795. Belsham, 1840, O. & 3601, D. Essays, philosophical, historical and literary. (By Mr. Belsham.) 4 vols. Dublin, 1790—1791. Berkeley, 586, & 6615, O. A miscellany, containing several tracts on various subjects. By the Bishop of Cloyne. (Berkeley.) London, 1752. M, Bicknell, 1995, O. Instances of the mutability of fortune. Selected from an- cient and modern history. By A. Bicknell. London, 1792. Bigland, 6839, O. Essays on various subjects. By J. Bigland. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1805. Borde, 3717, D. Tableau philosophique du genre humain depuis I'origine du monde, jusqu'a Constantin. Traduit de I'Anglois. Par M. Borde. A Londres, 1767. Bowyer, 668, Q,. Bowyer's miscellaneous tracts, with those of several of his friends. Collected by John Nichols. London, 1785. Boyd, 2556, O. The Indian observer, by Hugh Boyd ; with the life of the au- thor, and some miscellaneous poems, by Lawrence Dundas Campbell. London, 1798. Boyle, 137, O. The works of Robert Boyle epitomized; with plates. By Richard Boulton. 4 vols. London, 1699. Brackenridge, 1883, D. Gazette publications. By H. H. Brackenridge. Car- lisle, 1806. Gift of the author. Brady, 3110, D. Varieties of literature ; being principally selections from the port folio of the late John Brady, Esq. Arranged by J. H. Brady, his son. London, 1826. Brerewood, 1729, O. Inquiries touching the diversity of languages and reli- gions, through the chief parts of the world. By Edward Brerewood. London, 1674. L. 1501, D. The same. P. Brewer, 2002, & 4567, D. Hours of leisure ; or essays and characteristics. By George Brewer. London, 1806. Brown, 269, & 471, Q,. Pseudodoxia epidemica ; or enquiries into many tenets and commonly received truths. To which are added, religio medici; a discourse of sepulchral urnes lately found in Norfolk ; and the gar- den of Cyrus. By Thomas Brown. London, 1659. -T 926, F. The same. London, 1650. P. 1301, D. Miscellaneous sketches; or hints for essays. By Arthur Brown. 2 vols. London, 1798. 574 BELLES-LETTRES. Brydgts^ 2382, D. The niminator, containing a series of moral, critical and srntimenta] essays, by Sir Egerton Brydgres. 2 vols. London, 1813, Burgh, 57, D. Crito ; or an essay on various subjects, by J. Burgh. 2 vols. London, 1767. Burkt, 2551. O. The beaaties of the late Edmund Burke, selected from the writings, Ac. of that extraordinary man, alphabetically arranged; V iili a sketch of the life, and some original anecdotes of Mr. Burke. 2 vols. London, 1798. Burnett^ 3884, O. Specimens of English prose writers, from the earliest times to the close of the 17th century, by George Burnett. 3 vols. London, 1807. Burton^ 852, F. The anatomy of melancholy; philosophically, medicinally, and historically opened and cut up by Democritus, jun. (Robert Bur- ton.) 8th edit. London, 1676. P. 2741, O. The same. London, 1800. Butler, 448, O. The genuine remains, in prose and verse, of Mr. Samuel Butler, author of Hudibras; with notes by R. Thyer. 2 vols. London, 1769. Canibon, 3465, D. Letters and conversations between several young ladies on interesting and improving subjects. Translated from the Dutch of Madame de Cambon. Philadelphia, 1797. Cardonne, 5111, D. A miscellany of eastern learning; translated from Turk- ish, Arabian, and Persian manuscripts, by Mons. Cardonne. Trans- lated into English. 2 vols. London, 1701. Careyt 3840, O. Carey's miscellanies ; containing a poem to Col. Oswald — a plumb pudding for Peter Porcupine — an answer to a publication in the Gazette of the United States, of December 18th, 1798 — the Porcupi- niad — reflections on the fate of John Fullerton — reflections on the sys- tem of taxation, established in Philadelphia — and an account of the fever prevalent in Philadelphia, in 1793. Gift of the author. 7196, O. Miscellaneous essays, containing, among a variety of other articles, history of the yellow fever in Philadelphia, in 179.3 ; review of the evidence of the pretended general conspiracy of the Roman Catholics in Ireland ; reflections on the subject of emigration from Eu- rope ; essays on the public charities of Philadelphia ; a brief view of the policy of the founders of the colonies; critical remarks on the tra- gedy of Hamlet, and a vindication of Sterne from the charges of pla- giarism. By M. Carey. Philadelphia, 1830. Gift of the author. 7227, O. Miscellaneous pamphlets, by M. Carey. Collected April, 1831. Gift of the author. 1172, D. Miscellaneous trifles, in prose. By Mathew Carey. PhilaJ delphia, 1796. Gift of the editor. ' Channing, 7123, O. Discourses, reviews, and miscellanies. By Wm. Ellery Channing.* Boston, 1830. Chapone, 860, D. Miscellanies, in prose and verse. By Mrs. Hester Chapone. 3d edit. London, 1777. 1894, D. The posthumous works of Mrs. Hester Chapone. London, 1807. Christie, 1954, O. Miscellanies; philosophical, medical, and moral. By Mr. Christie. London, 1789. Clarendon, 2426, D. Essays, moral and entertaining, on the various faculties and passions of the human mind. By the Right Hon. Edward Earl of Clarendon. 2 vols. London, 1815. Cobbett, 3767, O. Cobbett's spirit of the public journals, for 1804. Vol. 1st London, 1805. Coleridge, 7305, O. The friend ; a series of essays to aid in the formation of fixed principles, in politics, morals, and religion. By S. T. Coleridge, Esq. Buriington, 1831. CoUyer^ 2333, D. Fugitive pieces, for the use of schools. By W. B. CoUyer. London, 1803. MISCELLANIES. 575 Creech J 4762, O. Edinburgh fugitive pieces, with letters; containing a compa- rative view of the arts, commerce, manners, &c. of Edinburgh, at different periods. By the Jate William Creech. To which is prefixed, an account of his life. Edinburgh, 1815. Cumberland, 1384, 1450, O. & 4885, D. The observer; being a collection of moral and familiar essays. By Richard Cumberland. 5th edit. To which is added, an entire translation of the comedy of the clouds. 6 vols. London, 1786—1798. Dennie, 2531, & 2532, D. The lay preacher. By Joseph Dennie. Collected and arranged by John E. Hall, Esq. Philadelphia, 1816. JDepping, 4387, D. Evening entertainments. By J. B. Depping. Philadel- phia, 1817. Diderot, 1079, O. Select essays from the encyclopaedia; being the most curi- ous, entertaining, and instructive parts of that very extensive work. Written by Mallet, Diderot, D'Alembert, and others. London, 1772. Dodd, 260, & 760, D. The visitor. By several hands. Published by William Dodd. 2 vols. London, 1764. Dodsley, 558, 1000, 3469, & 5385, D. The world. Edited by R. Dodsley. 4 vols. London, 1794. 3561, D. Fugitive pieces, on various subjects. By several authqrs. 2 vols. Dodsley. London, 1765. Douglass, 4603, O. An essay on certain points of resemblance between th6» ancient and modern Greeks. By the Hon. F. S. N. Douglass. Lon- don, 1813. Drake, 1950, D. Essays, biographical, critical, and historical; illustrative of the tatler, spectator, and guardian. By Nathan Drake, M. D. 3 vols. London, 1805. 1959, D. Essays, biographical, critical, and historical; illustrative of the rambler, adventurer, and idler, and of the various periodical papers, which, in imitation of the writings of Steele and Addison, have been published since the spectator. By Nathan Drake, M. D. 2 vols. London, 1809. 2519,0. Literary hours; or sketches, critical, and narrative. By Nathan Drake. London, 1798. 3676,0. The same. 3 vols. London, 1804. 2769, D. Winter evenings; or fireside lucubrations. By Nathan Drake, M. D. 2 vols. London, 1820. 2867, D. Evenings in autumn ; being a series of essays, narrative and miscellaneous. By Nathan Drake, M. D. 2 vols. London, 1822. 3015, D. Noontide leisure; or sketches in summer; outlines from nature and imagination, and including a tale of the days of Shak- speare. By Nathan Drake, M. D. 2 vols. London, J 824. 3235, D. Mornings in spring ; or retrospections, biographical, critical, and historical. By Nathan Drake, M. D. 2 vols. London, 1828, 4282, O. The gleaner; a series of periodical essays, selected and arranged from scarce or neglected volumes ; with an introduction and notes. By Nathan Drake, M. D. 4 vols. London, 1811. Dreux, 3690, O. Le temple du bonheur, ou recueil des plus excellens traites sur le bonheur, extraits des meilleurs auteurs, anciens and modernes. Par Dreux du Radier. 3 tom. A Bouillon, 1769. Duane, 4678, D. The American poetical and prose miscellany ; original and selected. By Wm. Duane. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1809. Duncan, 4779, O. An essay on genius ; or the philosophy of literature. By John Duncan. Edinburgh, 1814. Duche, 623, 624, 809, & 5266, D. Observations on a variety of subjects, lite- rary, moral, and religious. By the Rev. J. Duche. Philadelphia, 1774. 576 BELLES-LETTRES. Buffy 6557, O. An essay on ori^nal genius, and its various modes of exer- tion in philosophy and the fine arts, particularly in poetry. By Wm. Duff. M.A. London, 1707. M. £dg€Worth, 2334, O. Letters for literary ladies; with an essay on the noble science of self-justification. London, 1795. 1390, & 4831, D. An essay on Irish bulls. By R. L. Edgeworth and Maria Edgeworth. London, 1802, and Philadelphia, 1803. Edwards, 824, O. The canons of criticism and glossary; the trial of the letter Y; and sonnets. By Thomas Edwards. London, 1758. Elioty 566, D. The bankette of sapience, compyled by Syr Thomas Eliot. London, 1534. Engel, 2229, D. Essays and tales, moral, literary, and philosophical. By M. Engel. Translated from the original German, by Thomas Home, London, 1808. Evans, 462, Q. 1 1. Geographical, historical, political, philosophical, and mecha- nical essays. By Lewis Evans. Philadelphia, 1756. 2383, D. The ponderer ; a series of essays, biographical, literary, moral, and critical. By the Rev. John Evans. London, 1812. Ferriar, 1265, D. Illustrations of Sterne ; with other essays and verses. By John Ferriar, M. D. London, 1798. Fisher, 164, D. The American instructor; or young man's best companion. To which is added, the poor planter's physician ; with prudent advice to young tradesmen. By Greorge Fisher. 9th edit. Philadelphia, 1748. Fletcher, 2818, O. The naval guardian. By Charles Fletcher, M. D. 2 vols. London, 1800. Foster, 6266, O. Essays, in a series of letters, on a man's writing memoirs of himself, on decision of character, &c. By John Foster. 8th edit, London, 1826. 3478, D. Essays on decision of character, and other subjects. By John Foster. 2 vols, in 1. Hartford, 1807. Fry, 4380, D. The listener. By Caroline Fry. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1832. Gait, 3013, D. The bachelor's wife ; a selection of curious and interesting ex- tracts, with cursory observations. By John Gait. Edinburgh, 1824. Gardiner, 3677, O. Essays, literary, political, and economical. By John Gar- diner. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1803. Geddes,%\\,0. Miscellaneous tracts. By Michael Geddes. 3d edit. 3 vols. London, 1730. Glanvill, 1317, Q,. Seipsis scientifica ; or confest ignorance the way to science, in an essay on the vanity of dogmatizing. By Joseph Glanvill. Lon- don, 1665. P. 1725, D. Vanity of dogmatizing, or confidence in opinions, mani- fested in a discourse of the shortness and uncertainty of our know- I ledge. By Joseph Glanvill. London, 1661. P, Godwin, 1961, & 5445, D. Essay on sepulchres; or, a proposal for erecting i some memorial of the illustrious dead, in all ages, on the spot where their remains have been interred. By William Godwin. London. Goldsmith, 1202, 1257, 1340, & 5408, D. Essays and criticisms, by Oliver Goldsmith; with an account of the author. 3 vols. London, 1798— 1794. 308, 1216, & 5386, D. The citizen of the world. By Oliver Gold- smith. London, 1794. Grant, 430, Q^ Essays on the origin of society, language, property, govern- ment, jurisdiction, contracts, and marriage ; with illustrations from the Greek and Gallic languages. By James Grant, Esq. London, 1785. Gravti, 2850, O. Senilities ; or solitary amusements, in prose and verse ; with a cursory disquisition on the future condition of the sexes. By the Rev. Richard Graves. London, 1801. MISCELLANIES. 577 Wee/2, J 1^69, Q. Extracts from the diary of a lover of literature. By T. Green. Ipswich, 1810. G^regbry, 2173, O. Essays philosophical and literary. By James Gregory. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1792. ^ 1433, & 6816, O. Essays, historical and moral. By G. Gregory. London, 1785—1788. Greville, 594, 2038, & 8262, O. Maxims, characters, and reflections, critical, satirical, and moral. By Mr. Greville. London, 1756. Grose, 2010, O. The olio; being a collection of essays, letters, &c. By Fran- cis Grose. London, 1792. Ilallj 3734, D. The Philadelphia souvenir ; a collection of fugitive pieces from the Philadelphia press. With biographical and explanatory notes. By J. E. Hall. Philadelphia, 1826. 5671, D. Selections from the writings of Mrs. Sarah Hall, author of Conversations on the Bible ; with a memoir of her life. Philadelphia, 1833. Hamilton, 4668, O. & 3790, D. A series of popular essays, illustrative of prin- ciples essentially connected with the improvement of the understand- ing, the imagination, and the heart. By Elizabeth Hamilton. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1813. Boston, 1817. 861, Q,. Angelica's ladies' library; or parent's and guardian's pre- sent; with plates. Published by John Hamilton. London, 1794. Hawke, 1190, D. The ranger ; a collection of periodical essays. By M. Hawke and R. Vincent. 2 vols. Brentford, 1795. Hawkesivorth, 2734, O. The adventurer. By John Hawkesworth, LL. D. A new edit. 3 vols. London, 1794. 125, & 3680, D. The same. 4 vols. A new edition. London, 1788—1756. Hazlitt, 5548, O. Table-talk, or original essays. By William Hazlitt. Lon- don, 1821. 6146, O. The plain speaker: opinions on books, men, and things. By William Hazlitt. 2 vols. London, 1826. 2589, D. The round table : a collection of essays on literature, men, and manners. By William Hazlitt, 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1817. Hoare, 1440, Q,. The artist ; a collection of essays relating to painting, poetry, the drama, and various other subjects. By Prince Hoare. London, 1807. Hohhouse, 2450, O. A collection of tracts. By Benjamin Hobhouse, Esq. London, 1796. Hodgson, 3893, & 5441, D. The gleaner; being a selection of prose from the most esteemed authors. By William Hodgson, M. D. London. Hope, 8263, O. Thoughts, in prose and verse, started in his walks. By John Hope. Stockton, 1780. Home, 2239, D. Essays and thoughts on various subjects, and from various authors ; together with nine papers from the OUa podrida and poems. By the Right Rev. George Home, D. D. late bishop of Norwich. Lon- don, 1808. Hume, 723, O. Essays on several subjects. By David Hume. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1764. 5038, & 7480, O. Philosophical essays, on morals, literature, and poli- tics. By David Hume. To which is added the answer to his objec- tions to Christianity. By Dr. Campbell. Also, an account of Mr. Hume's life, and a few notes. By Thomas Ewell, M. D. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1817. Hunt, 5897, D. The indicator and companion ; a miscellany for the field and fireside. By Leigh Hunt. 2 vols. London, 1834. Hutton, 2671, D. Remarks, moral, practical, and facetious, on various inte- 73 578 BELLES-LETTRES. resting subjects, selected from the writings of the late WBUpm, H«l^ ton, Esq. London, 1818. Hurd, 1108, 0.2. Letters on chivalry and romance. By Bishop Hurd.. y,?^ edit. London, 1762. Israeli, 1)\ 2249, O. An essay on the manners and genius of the literary cha* racter. By J. D'lsraeli. London, 1795. 2339, O. Miscellanies, or literary recreations. By J. D'lsraeli. Lbb. London, 1797. Webster, 1876, O. A collection of essays and fugitive writings, on moral, his- torical, political, £md literary subjects. By Noah Webster, jun. Bos- ton, 1790. Weems, 8598, O. 4. The philanthropist. By the Rev. M. L. Weems. Dum- fries, 1799. Whyte, 8498, O. Miscellanea nova; containing remarks on Boswell's John- son ; and some new anecdotes of that extraordinary character, and a critique on Burger's Leonora, and an essay on the art of reading and speaking in public. By T. Whyte and E. A. Whyte. Dublin, 1801. fHr/, 8616, O. 1. Letters of the British spy. By Wm. Wirt, Esq. Rich- mond, 1803. 4329, D. The letters of the British spy. By William Wirt, Esq. 10th edit. With a biographical sketch of the author. New York, 1 832. 2492, D. The old bachelor. By W. Wirt, Esq. Richmond, 1814. 188, dc 214, Q. Caribbeana; containing letters and dissertations. With poetical essays on various subjects. Written in the West Indies, by several hands. 2 vols. London, 1741. 1278, Q- Extracts in manuscript. From various authors. 1475, O. Ancient Indian literature; illustrative of the researches of the Asia- tic society. From original manuscripts. London, 1809. 256, O. The mottos of the wanderers ; in Latin and Elnglish ; several of which are paraphrased in heroic verse. London, 1718. MISCELLANIES. 585 298, O. The monitor ; or British freeholder ; from August 9, 1755, to July 14, 1759. 3d edit. 4 vols. London, 1760. 348, O. The Athenian oracle ; being a collection of all the valuable questions and answers in the old Athenian mercuries. By a member of the Athenian society. 4 vols. London, 1728. 359, & 804, O. The letters of Hibernicus ; or a philosophical miscellany ; containing original essays and poems on various subjects ; with translations. Written by several hands in Dublin. 2 vols. London, 1734. 1 150, 0. 1. Essays, for the month of December, 1716; with plates. By a society of gentlemen. London, 1716. 1640, O. 3520, & 4996, D. The olla podrida ; a periodical work. 2d edit. London and Dublin, 1788. 1779, & 2631, O. Elegant extracts ; or useful and entertaining passages, in prose. London, 1797. 2001, O. The loiterer; a periodical work. 2 vols. Oxford, 1790. 2183, O. The lounger's common-place book; or alphabetical arrangement of miscellaneous anecdotes ; a biographical, political, literary, and satirical compi- lation, in prose and verse. 4 vols. London, 1792, &c. 29. 4835, O. Prize essays and transactions of the Highland society of Scotland. By Henry Mackenzie. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1816. 7294, O. Prize essays and transactions of the Highland society of Scotland. New series. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1829, &c. PERIODICAL LITERATURE— SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS. Barton^ 3846, O. The Philadelphia medical and physical journal, arranged by Benjamin S. Barton, M. D. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1805-6. Bradley, 7684, O. The medical and physical journal ; conducted by T. Bradley, M. D., R. Batty, M. D., and A. A. Noehden, M. D. Vols. 4th, 6th, 6th, 11th, and 15th. London, 1800—1806. Brewster, 5328, O. The Edinburgh philosophical journal, exhibiting a view of the progress of discovery in natural philosophy, chemistry, natural history, practical mechanics, geography, statistics, and the fine and useful arts ; conducted by -Dr. Brewster and Professor Jameson. 14 vols. Edinburgh, 1819, &c. 5985, O. The Edinburgh journal of science ; exhibiting a view of the progress of discovery in natural philosophy, zoology, the fine and useful arts, &c. Conducted by David Brewster, LL. D. 16 vols. Edinburgh, 1824, &c. Coxe, 3732, O. The Philadelphia medical museum. By John Redman Coxa, M. D. 6 vols. Philadelphia, 1805. Gift of the author. 77.57, O. The same. New series. 1vol. 1811. 4369, O. The emporium of arts and sciences. Conducted by John Red- man Coxe, M. D. Continued by Thomas Cooper, M. D. 5 vols. Philadelphia, 1812, &c. Curtis, 2634, O. Botanical magazine ; or flower garden displayed : in which the most ornamental foreign plants, cultivated in the open ground, the green-house, and the stove, are accurately represented in their natural colours, with their names, class, order, generic and specific characters, according to Linnaeus ; their places of growth, and times of flower- ing ; and the most approved methods of culture. By William Curtis. 61 vols, and index. London, 1797, &c. 3077, O. The same. 15 vols, bound in 5. London, 1787. P. Emlen, 5637, O. The journal of foreign medical science and literature : being a continuation of the eclectic repertory. Conducted by Samuel Em- len, Jr. M. D. and William Price, M. D. 4 vols. Philadelphia, 1822. English, 7257, O. The quarterly mining review, for 1830, 1831. 2 vols. By Henry English. London. Feather itonhaugh, 9093, O. 1. The monthly American journal of geology. By G. Featherstonhaugh. Philadelphia, 1831. Garnett, 2806, O. Annals of philosophy, natural history, chemistry, literature, agriculture, and the mechanical and fine arts. For the year 1800. By T. Garnett, M. D. and others. 3 vols. London, 1801. Gill, 5634, O. The technical repository ; containing practical information on subjects connected with the discovery and improvement in the arts, with engravings. By Thomas Gill. 17 vols. London, 1823, (fee. J fall, 4178, O. The American law journal, and miscellaneous repertory. By John E. Hall, Esq. 6 vols. Philadelphia, 1 809, &c. SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS. 593^ Hallt 5754, O. The journal of jurisprudence ; a new series of the American law journal. By John E. Hall, Esq. Philadelphia, 1821. Jameson^ 6245, O. The Edinburgh new philosophical journal; exhibiting a view of the progressive improvements and discoveries in the sciences and the arts. Conducted by Robert Jameson. 17 vols. Edinburgh, 1826, &c. Jones, 6126, O. The Franklin journal, and American mechanics' magazine; devoted to the useful arts, internal improvements, and general science. Edited by Thomas P. Jones. 18 vols. Philadelphia, 1826, &c. 3954, D. 3. Charter, constitution and by-laws of the Franklin institute of Pennsylvania, &c. With the first quarterly report, &;c. Phila- delphia, 1824. Landreth, 2265, O. The floral magazine and botanical repository. By D. & C, Landreth. Vol. 1st. Philadelphia, 1834. Loudon, 6239, O. The gardener's magazine, and register of rural and domes- tic improvement. Conducted by J. C. Loudon. 10 vols. London, 1826. ' 6991, O. The magazine of natural history, and journal of zoology, botany, mineralogy, geology, and meteorology. Conducted by J. C. Loudon. 7 vols. London, 1829, &c. Mease, 4191, O. Archives of useful knowledge; a work devoted to commerce, manufactures, rural and domestic economy, agriculture, and the use- ful arts. By James Mease, M. D. 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1812. Mitchell, 3736, O. The medical repository. By Samuel L. Mitchell. 22 vols. New York, 1797. Nicholson, 828, Q,. Journal of natural philosophy, chemistry, and the arts ; with plates. By William Nicholson. 5 vols. London. 2883, O. The same. 36 vols. London, 1802, &c. Rennie, 8946, O. The field naturalist's magazine. By James Rennie. 2 vols. London, 1833, &c. Rivinus, 9152, O. Atalantis journal des neusten und wissen-wiirdigsten aus dem gebiete der politik, geographie und hteratur der nord und sud Amorikanischen reiche, mit einschluss des westindeschen archipela- gus. Von E. F. Rivinus. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1826-7. Silliman, 5231, O. The American journal of science, more especially of mine- ralogy and geology, and the other branches of natural history, inclu- ding also agriculture; conducted by Benjamin Silliman, M. D. 27 vols. New York, 1819, &c. Taylor i 2018, Q,. Records of mining, edited by John Taylor, F. R. S., &c. Part L London, 1829. Thomson, 4652, O. Annals of philosophy, or magazine of chemistry, minera- logy, natural history, agriculture and the arts, by Thomas Thomson, M. D. 28 vols. London, 1814, &c. Tilloch, 2702, O. The philosophical magazine; comprehending the various branches of science, the liberal and fine arts, agriculture, manufac- tures and commerce ; with plates. By Alexander Tilloch. 84 vols. London, 1798, &c. Vigors, 6460, O. The zoological journal. Edited by N. A. Vigors and others. 4 vols. London, 1825—1828. Walker, 4147, O. Archive of universal science; conducted by Alexander Walker. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1809. Young, 1796, O. Annals of agriculture, and other useful arts; with plates. Col- lected and pubhshed by Arthur Young. 35 vols. London. 447, Q,. Archaeologia ; or miscellaneous tracts, relating to antiquity. Pub- lished by the society of antiquaries of London ; with plates. 22 vols, and in- dex. London, 1770. 2188, O. The repertory of arts and manufactures; consisting of original communications, specifications of patent inventions, and selections of useful 75 594 BET.LES-LETTBES. practical papers from the transactions of the philosophical societies of all na- tions ; with plates. 62 vols. London, 1794, &c. 8752, O. The repertory of patent inventions, and other discoveries and im- provements in arts, manufactures and agriculture ; being a continuation of the repertory of arts and manufactures. 18 vols. London, 1825, &c. 3020, O. < ::il and agricultural magazine from August, 17d9, to the year 1803; ^v i s. vols. London, 1799, &c. 3847, O. The American register; or, repository of science, for 1806-7. 7 vols. Philadelphia. 4140, O. Retrospect of philosophical, mechanical, chemical and agricultural discoveries ; being an abridgement of the periodical and other publications, English and foreign, relative to arts, manufactures, &c. with remarks on the merits and defects of the respective papers. 8 vols. London, 1806 — 1812. 4882, O. The joum£d of science and the arts, edited at the royal institution of Great Britain. 29 vols, and index. London, 1816, &c. 5984, O. Register of arts and sciences, containing a correct account of the most important and interesting inventions, discoveries, and processes. Vol. 1. London, 1824. 6220, O. The Glasgow mechanics' magazine, and annals of philosophy. 5 vols. Glasgow, 1824-6. 6221, O. Mechanics' magazine. 7 vols. London, 1823 — 1827. 6222, O. The economist and general adviser, containing important papers. 2 vols. London, 1825 — 1826. 6238, O, The Dublin philosophical journal, and scientific review. Vol. 1. Dublin, 1825. 3674, O. Farmer's magazine ; a periodical work, exclusively devoted to agriculture and rural affairs; with plates. 5th edit. 23 vols. Eldinburgh, 1802, &c. 7256, O. The quarterly journal of agriculture. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1820. 9180, O. The journal of the royal Asiatic society of Great Britain and Ire- land. London, 1834. 4222, O. The eclectic repertory and analytical review, medical and philoso- phical. Ekiited by a society of physicians. 10 vols. Philadelphia, 1811. 4232, O. The American medical and philosophical register ; or, annals of medicine, natural history, and the arts. 4 vols. New York, 1811. 5755, O. United States law journal, and civilians' magazine. Edited by several members of the bar. Vol. 1 . New Haven. 4382, O. 1. Journal of the Massachusetts medical society. 1806. 6226, O. The chemist. Vols. 1, 2. London, 1824-5. 7168, O. The journal of health, conducted by an association of physicians. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1830. Gift of John J. Smith, Jr. 5067, O. Annals of the fine arts. 5 vols. London, 1816, (Sec. 8960, O. The nautical magazine. 3 vols. London, 1832 — 1833. RELIGIOUS JOURNALS. 559, O. The Christian's magazine ; or a treasury of divine knowledge. For the years, 1760, 1761, 1762, 1763, 1764, 1765, and 1766. 7 vols. London. 4235, O. The panoplist and missionary magazine united. 6 vols. Boston. 5034, O. The Christian disciple, published monthly. 7 vols. Boston, 1818. 5889, O. The episcopal magazine. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1820, &c. 4397, O. The Christian observer, conducted by members of the established church; from the London edition. 34 vols. Boston, 1813—1836. 4441, O. The quarterly theological magazine and religious repository, con- MAGAZINES AND REVIEWS. 595 ducted principally by members of the protestant episcopal church. 4 vols. Bur- lington, N. J. 1814. 5122, O. The quarterly theological review,, conducted by the Rev. Ezra Stiles Ely, M. A. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1818. 6459, O. The missionary register, for 1816—1834 : containing the principal transactions of the various institutions for propagating the gospel. 1 9 vols. London, 1816, &c. 6467, O. The religious magazine ; or, spirit of the foreign theological jour- nals and reviews. 4 vols. Philadelphia, 1828, &c. 7404, O. The halcyon luminary, and theological repository, a monthly ma- gazine, devoted to religion and polite literature. Vol. 1st. New York, 1812. 8586, O. 2. The Christian miscellany for 1792. London. 8659, O. The general assembly's magazine, or evangelical repository for 1805-6-7. 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1806. 8667, O. 1. The clerical review. Edinburgh, 1801. 2. The orthodox church- man's magazine. London, 1801. 8669, O. The Connecticut evangelical magazine for 1800—1801. Hartford. 8672, O. The Methodist magazine for 1797—1798. 2 vols. Philadelphia. LITERARY JOURNALS— MAGAZINES— REVIEWS. jickerman, 4197, O. The repository of arts, literature, commerce, manufac- tures, fashions, and politics. Published by R. Ackerman. 2 vols. London, 1809. ^iken, 3827, O. The athenaeum, a magazine. By J. Atkin. 5 vols. London, 1807—1809. 3011, O. Annual review ; and history of literature. By Arthur Aikin. 7 vols. London, 1806. ,^itken, 1117, 1506, & 1767, O. The Pennsylvania magazine; or American monthly museum, from January, 1775, to July, 1776, inclusive ; with plates. By Robert Aitken. 2 vols. Philadelphia. Anderson^ 1139, D. The bee ; or, literary weekly intelligencer. Consisting of original pieces, and selections from performances of merit, foreign and domestic. By James Anderson. 18 vols. Edinburgh, 1790, &c. Atkinson, 8689, O. The casket. Gems of literature, wit, and sentiment. By Samuel C. Atkinson. 5 vols. 1827— 1828— 1829— 1830— 1831. Phi- ladelphia. Gift of the publisher. Baillet, 314, D. Jugemens des scavans sur les principaux ouvrages des au- teurs. Par Adrien Baillet. 17 tomes. A Amsterdam, 1725. Bailey, 1562, O. 1. The United States magazine; a repository of history, poli- tics, and literature ; for January, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, and October, 1779. By Francis Bailey. Philadel- phia. Baldwin, 5376, O. The London magazine. Edited by Baldwin. 23 vols. London, 1820, &c. 5309, D. The literary miscellany, or monthly review. By Charles N. Baldwin. New York, 1811. Bell, 3906, O. La belle assemblee, or Bell's court and fashionable magazine. 28 vols. London, 1808, &c. Bisset, 2994, O. Historical, biographical, literary, and scientific magazine, for 1799 and 1800. By Robert Bisset. 5 vols. London. Blackwood, 5068, 6403, & 8700, O. The Edinburgh monthly magazine. Con- ducted by W. Blackwood. 36 vols. Edinburgh, 1818, &c. BronsoUf 4179, & 4180, O. Select reviews, and spirit of the magazines. By 596 BELLES-LETTRES. R Bronson. and others. 8 vols. Philadelphia, 1809. Gift of the editor, Browfij 3713, & 8649, O. The literary magazine, and American register, from October, 1803, to the year 1808. By Charles Brown. 8 vols. Phi- ladelphia, 1803, &.C. Carey, 1625, &. 1626, O. The American museum ; or repository of ancient and modern fugitive pieces, prose and poetical ; from January, 1787, to December, 1792. By Mathew Carey. 12 vols. Philadelphia. Gift of the editor, 2705, O. The same for the year 1798. By Mathew Carey. Philadel- phia, 1799. Gift of the editor. Cttmbcrland, 4006, O. The London review, conducted by Richard Cumber- land. 2 vols. London, 1809. Frankliuj 1008, D. The general magazine and historical chronicle, for the Bri- tish plantations in America ; for January, February, April, May, and June, 1741. By Benjamin Franklin. Philadelphia, 1741. Fraser, 8730, O. Fraser's magazine for town and country. 1 vols. Lon- don, 1830, &c. Holcombe, 3061, O. Holcombe's Georgia analytical repository. 2d edit. Vol. 2. Savannah, 1802. Gift of Dr. HVliam Rogers, Leggett, 7071, O. The critic; a weekly review of literature, fine arts, and the drama. By William Leggett. Vol. 1. New York, 1828 & 1829. Littell, 5643, & 7390, O. The museum of foreign literature and science. 84 vols. Published by E. Littell. Philadelphia, 1823, &c. Meconit 1562, O. The penny-post, from January 9, to January 27, 1769, in- clusive. By Benjamin Mecom. Philadelphia. Smith, 2510, O. The American universal magazine; from July 10, 1797, to March 7, 1798 ; with plates. Vols. 3 & 4. By Samuel H. Smith. Philadelphia, 1797, &c. Tait, SeOO, O. Tait's Edinburgh magazine. 5 vols. 'Edinburgh, 1832. Taylor f 3915, O. The literary annual register; or, records of literature, do- mestic and foreign. Charles Taylor, jr., editor. For 1807 and 1808, London. Waldie, 2237, to 2242, Q.. The select circulating Hbrary ; containing the best popular literature, including memoirs, biography, novels, tales, travels, voyages, &c. Published by Adam Waldie. Philadelphia, 1833 — 35. Gift of the editor. Vol. I. Lafayette and Louis Philippe, or history of the events and the men of July, 1830. By B. Sarrans, jr. — The gentle recruit, a tale. By the author of " The subaltern." — Saratoga, a tale. By the same — A family tour through South Holland, up the Rhine, and across the Netherlands. By Lieutenant-Colonel Batty. — Lives and exploits of banditti and rob- bers. By C. Mac Farlane, Esq. — Semi-serious observations of an Ita- lian exile, during his residence in England. By Count Pecchio. — Me- moirs of Hortense Beauharnais, Duchess of St. Leu, ex-queen of Hol- land. Translated from the French. — Journal of a nobleman ; being a narrative of his residence at Vienna during the congress. — Letters of the late Eiarl of Chatham, to his nephew, Thomas Pitt, Esq. From the fourth London edition. — Wacousta, or, the prophecy ; a tale of De- troit and Michillimackinac. By the author of Ecarte. — Narrative of a journey from Calcutta to Europe, by way of F^ypt, in the years 1827 and 1828. By Mrs. Charles Lushington. — Rambles of a naturalist. By the late Dr. John Godman. With a memoir, by Dr. Drake of Cin- cinnati. — Reminiscences of a voyage to India. By Dr. Reynell Coates. — Biographical memoir of Dr. John Leyden. By Sir Walter Scott. — Waltham, a novel ; being the third volume of the library of romance. MAGAZINES AND REVIEWS. 597 — Memoirs of Dr. Burney. By his daughter, Madame D'Arblay, author of Evelina, Cecilia, &c. Vol. II. Traditionary stories and legendary illustrations. By Andrew Picken, author of the Dominie's legacy, Lady Barbara of Carloghie, and the Johnstons of Fairly, the Priors of Lawford. — The infirmities of genius illustrated. By R. R. Madden, Esq. author of Travels in Turkey, &c. — Fragments of voyages and travels, 2d and 3d series. By Captain Basil Hall. — The earthquake of Caraccas, a tale of Venezuela. By the author of Campaigns and cruises in Venezuela. — The rise and fall of Massaniello, at Naples, A. D. 1647. — Memoirs of Casanova. Writ- ten by himself — Letters from the north of Europe ; or a journal of travels in Holland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Prussia, and Saxony. By Charles Boileau Elliott, Esq. of the Bengal civil service, &c. — Shipwreck of the Medusa ; comprising the suffer- ings of the Picard family. By Madame Dard. — Life and adventures of the Chevalier Charles Stuart, and history of the rebellion in Scot- land in 1745 — 1746. By Robert Chambers, author of Traditions of Edinburgh, &c. &c. — Great Britain in 1833. By Baron D'Haussez, ex-minister of King Charles X. — A subaltern's furlough ; descriptive of scenes in the United States, Upper and Lower Canada, New Bruns- wick, and Nova Scotia in 1832. By Lieut. E. T. Coke. Vol. III. Krutzner ; the German's tale. From the Canterbury tales of Sophia and Harriet Lee. — Memoirs of Sir James Campbell of Ardkinglas. Written by himself — Rome in the nineteenth century, a series of let- ters. By Miss Waldie. — The black watch, an historical novel. By Andrew Picken. — Narrative of a tour in Mexico, and an excursion to Cuba in 1831 — 32. By Henry Tudor, Esq. — Biographical and criti- cal history of English literature, for the last fifty years. By Allan Cunningham.— Helen, a tale. By Maria Edgeworth. — Journal of a West India proprietor. By the late Mathew Gregory Lewis, Esq., M. P., author of" The monk." Vol. IV. Bubbles from the Brunnens of Nassau. By an old man. — The diary of Luc Antonio Viterbi, kept during the time he was starving himself to death in the prisons of Corsica, in 1821. — The three Westminster boys. From " Nights of the round table." By Mrs. Johnstone. — Me- moirs of Henry Masers de Latude, who was confined during thirty- five years in the different state prisons of France. Arranged from the original documents of Monsieur Thierry. — High life, a novel, from " Nights of the round table." By Mrs. Johnstone. — Letters from Swit- zerland and Italy during a late tour. By John Carne, Esq., of Queen's college, Cambridge, author of Letters from the east, and travels in the east. — A day at Fonthill Abbey. — Italy ; with sketches of Spain and Portugal. By the author of Vathek. — Henri Q,uatre ; or, the days of the league. An historical novel. — The black death in the fourteenth century. From the German of Professor J. F. C. Hecker, M. D. Translated by B. G. Babington, M. D. — Two years at sea ; being the narrative of a voyage to the Swan river and Van Dieman's Land, during 1829 — 30 — 31. By Jane Roberts. — Randolphiana. — The charmed sea, a tale, by Harriet Martineau ; being No. 13 of her " Il- lustrations of political economy." — Traditions of the American war of independence. From the United Service Journal. Vol. V. Jenning's landscape annual — The fall of Granada. By Thomas Roscoe, Esq. — Letters and essays in prose and verse. By Richard Sharp, Esq. — The fashionable wife and unfashionable husband. By Mrs. Ople. — Traditions of the American war of independence; No. 2. From the United Service Journal. — Travels into Bokhara : being an account of a journey from India to Cabool, Tartary, and Persia. Also, narra- 498 BELLES-LETTRES. tive of a yoyage from the sea to Lahore, with presents from the King of Great Britain. Performed under the orders of the supremo grovern- ment of India, in 1831, 1832, 1833, by Lieut. Alexander Burnes, F.R. S. of the East India Com|)any's service, assistant political resident in Cutch, and late on a iwlitical mission to Lahore. — The siege of Vienna. From the German of Madame Pichler. An historical romance. — My cousin Nicholas, or the Bull winkles of Underdo wn Hall. Collected from Blackwood's magazine. — Remarkable cases of circumstantial evidence. — Biographical sketch of the late Thomas Say, Esq. Read before the academy of natural sciences of Philadelphia, Dec. IG, 1834. By Benjamin H. Coates, M. D. — Life of William Cowper, Esq., of the Inner Temple, By John S. Memes, LL. D., author of the Life of Ca- nova. Memoirs of Josephine, &c. — Mr. Dickson's narrative. Mexican banditti — The Cliffords of Craven. A tradition. By the late Andrew Picken, author of " The dominie's legacy," " The Priors of Lawford," &c. — The cruise of the Midge. Chapters IX. X. XI. XII. Continued from part 2, 1834, page 358. — The odd-tempered man. By Mrs. Opie. — A tale of trials : told to my children. By Mrs. Opie. — Sketches of Portugal, during the civil war of 1834. By James Edward Alexander, K. L. S., captain 42d Highlanders, lieutenant-colonel Portuguese ser- vice ; author of " Travels in the east," " Transatlantic sketches," &c. — The dream of a broken heart. By the author of " Traits and stories of the Irish peasantry." From a new volume entitled *' Tales of Ire- land." — Naval adventures, during thirty-five years' service. By Lieu- tenant Bowers, R. N. — Narrative of a second voyage in search of a north-west passage, and of a residence in the arctic regions, during the years 1829—30—31—32—33. By Sir John Ross, C. B., K. S. A., &c. &c., captain in the royal navy. Walters, 2508, 2509, & 8653, O. The weekly magazine of original essays, fu- gitive pieces, and interesting intelligence ; from February 3, to April 28, 1798. By J. Watters. 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1798. 2038, Q,. The literary gazette, and journal of belles-lettres, arts, &c, for the year 1830, ifcc. 4 vols. London, 1830, &c. 8657, O. Anti-Gallican ; or standard of British loyalty, religion and liberty. London, 1804. 8658, O. The anti-Jacobin ; or weekly examiner. Vol. 1, 1799. 4th edit. London, 1799. 5037, O. The atheneum, or spirit of the English magazines. 32 vols. Bos- ton, 1817. 8652, O. Anthologia Hibernica for 1793. Dublin. 8636, O. 3. A book. A periodical work. New York, 1807. 3525, D. The critic. A periodical paper. Philadelphia, 1820. 3857, O. The director. A weekly literary journal 2 vols. London, 1807. 2724, O. The inspector of select literary intelligence for the vulgar, A. D. 1798, but correct A. D. 1801, the first year of the nineteenth century. London. 1799. 812, D. 1. Journal ency eloped ique pourl'annee, 1769. A Bouillon, 1769. 812, D. 2. Journal encyclojjedique jx)ur I'annee, 1783. A Bouillon, 1783. 7397. O. The lady's book. 4 vols. PhUadelphia, 1830-32. Gift of L. Ji. Godey fy Co. 102, 544, & 3190, O. The gentleman's magazine; or monthly intelligencer; from the year 1732, to the year 1835, inclusive ; with plates. By Sylvanus Urban. 104 voU. London. No. 3190. P. 8996, O. A selection of curious articles from the gentleman's magazine. 4 vols. London, 1809. 74, 646, & 3224, O. The London magazine; or gentleman's monthly intelli- gencer, from the year 1732, to the year 1772. 44 vols. London. No. 3224, P, 1 MAGAZINES AND REVIEWS. 599 75, O. A general index to the first twenty-seven volumes of the London magazine. London, 1760. 474, O. The universal magazine of knowledge and pleasure; from June, 1747, to January, 1789 ; with plates. 136 vols. London. New series, 5 vols, to December, 1805. 408, O. The royal magazine ; or gentleman's monthly companion ; with plates. From July, 1759, to July 1765. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, &, 12. London. 1123, O. The Westminster magazine ; or the pantheon of taste, from Janu- ary, 1773, to December, 1785, inclusive ; with plates. 13 vols. London. 8661, O. The lady's magazine, or entertaining companion for the fair sex. 21 vols. London, 1770 to 1788—1793 & 1805. 21 vols. 1400, 2387, & 3192, O. The European magazine, and London review; with plates; from January, 1782, to January, 1824, inclusive. By the philological society of London. 89 vols. London. JVo. 3192, F. 1624, O. The new London magazine ; being a repository of knowledge, in- struction, and entertainment ; from January, 1785, to January, 1788 ; with plates. By a society of literary gentlemen. 5 vols. London. 2284, &, 2480, O. Edinburgh magazine, or literary miscellany ; with plates. From January 1st, 1793. 11 vols, Eduiburgh, &c. 2479, & 2521, O. The monthly magazine and British register, from Febru- ary, 1796, to the present time; with plates. 79 vols. London. 1809, O. The general magazine and impartial review ; from June, 1787, to the year 1790 ; with plates. 3 vols. London. 1819, O. The literary magazine and British review; with plates. From July 1, 1788, to 1794. 11 vols. London. 2853, & 2854, O. The new magazine ; or moral and entertaining miscellany, for the year 1799 ; with plates. Dublin. 2876, O. The union magazine ; or impartial register ; with plates. From January, 1801, to January, 1803. 4 vols. London, 1801, &c. 8665, O. The gentlemen's and London magazine ; or, monthly chronologer. Dublin, 1778 & 1779. 2995, O. Monthly register, and encyclopedian magazine ; with plates. From April, 1802, to the year 1804. 2 vols. London, 1802, &;c. 2940, O. Monthly epitome and catalogue of new publications, from January, 1797, to the year 1806. 9 vols. London, 1797, &c. 2809, O. Monthly mirror ; reflecting men and manners ; with strictures on their epitome, the stage. From December, 1795, to July 1st, 1810. 30 vols. London, 1795, &c. 2423, O. The monthly ledger, or literary repository ; containing philosophi- cal, historical, biographical, and moral essays, with anecdotes of literature. For the years 1773, 1774, and 1775. 3 vols. London, 1773, &c. 444, O. The student ; or the Oxford and Cambridge monthly miscellany. 2 vols. Oxford, 1750. 3850, O. The literary panorama ; a review of books, register of events, and magazine of varieties. 24 vols. London. 6402, O. The London magazine. New series. 11 vols. London, 1827 — 1832. 8664, O. The German museum ; or monthly repository of the literature of Germany for 1 800. London. 7789, O. 3. The monthly repository for March, 1819. London. 8655, O. The British magazine. Vols. 1 & 2 for 1800. London. 8671, O. The London and Dublin magazine. Dublin, 1735. 8651, O. The Liverpool magazine for 1816. Liverpool. 7789, O. 6. The Jamaica magazine for October and November, 1813. 1150, O. 5. Miscellanae curiosae ; or entertainments for the ingenious of both sexes; with plates. From January, 1734, to March, 1735. York, 1734 & 1735. 600 BELLES-LETTRES. 28(5, O. The annual Hampshire repository ; or historical, economical, and literary miscellany, for the years 1800 & 18U1. 2 vols. London. 7433, O. The vocal magazine. London. 386, D. Ladies* monthly museum ; or polite repository of amusement and instruction. By a society of ladies. 32 vols. London, 1806. 8940, O. The court magazine. 5 vols. London, 1833. 7330, O. The metropolitan ; a monthly journal of literature, science, and the arts. II vols. London, 1831, &c. 7350,0. The Englishman's magazine. London, 1831. 2916, O. The naval chronicle, from January 1, 1799, to the year 1819; with plates. 40 vols. London, 1799, &c. 7015, & 8740, O. The united service journal and naval and military maga- zine, 14 vols. London, 1829, &c. 7016, O. The naval and military magazine. 4 vols. London, 1830. 8950, O. The nautical magazine. 3 vols. London, 1832 — 33. 6219, O. The mirror of literature, amusement, and instruction, containing original essays, select extracts, poetry, discoveries in the arts and sciences, Ac. &c. 24 vols. London, 1 823, &c. 5556, O. The new monthly magazine. 30 vols. London, 1821, &c. 5517, O. The same. 42 vols. Philadelphia, 1821. 6992, 2798, O. New York monthly magazine, and American review, from April, 1799, to December, 1800, inclusive. 3 vols. New York. 8682, 0. The ladies* magazine and musical repository. 3 vols. New York,] 1801. 3867, O. The literary miscellany ; including dissertations and essays, an< occasional reviews. 2 vols. Cambridge, 1805—6. 5888, Sl 1974, D. The polyanthos. 6 vols. Boston, 1805—7. 4227, Sl 8668, 0. The mirror of taste and dramatick censor ; with plates. vols. Philadelphia, 1811. 4849, 0. The portico : a repository of science and literature. 4 vols. Balti- more, 1810. 5050, O. The American monthly magazine and critical review. Vol. Ist & 2d New York, 1818. MAGAZINES AND REVIEWS. 601 5390, O. The belles-lettres repository; and monthly magazine. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4. New York, 1819. 5391, O. The rural magazine, and literary evening fireside. Vol. 1st. Philadelphia, 1820. 5854, O. Collections historical and miscellaneous, and monthly literary jour- nal. Concord, N. H. 1823. 4394, O. The analectic magazine, containing selections from foreign reviews and magazines, of such articles as are most valuable, curious, or entertaining. 16 vols. Philadelphia, 1814. 4051, 4179, & 4180, O. Select reviews and spirit of the foreign magazines. By E. Bronson, and others. Vols. 1st to 8th. Philadelphia, 1809. The two last (4 vols, each) the gift of the editors. 8844, O. The select journal of foreign periodical literature. 2 vols. Bos- ton, 1833, &c. 1424, Q,. The evening fireside; or, weekly intelligencer, for 1805, & 1806. 2 vols. Philadelphia. Gift of the editors. 1811, Q,. The literary gazette; journal of criticism, science, and the arts; being a series of the analectic magazine for 1821. Philadelphia, 1821. 1809, Q,. The North Georgia gazette and winter chronicle. Edited by Ed- ward Sabine. London, 1821. 4253, O. L'Hemisphere journal Fran^ais et Anglais, contenant des varietes litteraires, biographiques, &c. par J. J. Negrin. 2 tomes. Philadelphia, 1810 & 1811. Gift of the editor. 9176, O. The Oxford university magazine. Vol. 1st, for 1834. Oxford. 2271, Q,. Mercurio Peruano, de historia, literatura, y noticias publicas que da a Luz la sociedad academica de amantes de Lima. 1791 — 1795. Tom. XII. En Lima. Gift of James Yard, Esq. 9089, O. The penny magazine of the society for the diffusion of useful know- ledge. Vols. 1, 2. 192, O. The monthly review; or literary journal; beginning in May, 1749, and continued to 1790. 79 vols. London. 1860, & 3191, O. The monthly review; or literary journal, enlarged from January 1, 1790, to the present time. 133 vols. London. No. 3191. P. 1 394, O. General index to the monthly review, from its commencement, to the end of the seventieth volume. By Samuel Ayscough. 3 vols. London, 1786. 1086, O. The critical review; or annals of literature; from the year 1756 to the year 1788, inclusive. By a society of gentlemen. 69 vols. London. 1915,0. The critical review; or annals of literature, extended and im- proved. From January 1, 1791, to 1816. By a society of gentlemen. 76 vols. London. 7789, O. 7. The critical review for November, 1811. London. 2064, & 3189, O. The British critic, a new review; from the first of May, 1793, to the present time. 83 vols, with an index to the first 20 vols. Lon- don, 1793, &c. 2993, O. Edinburgh review; or critical journal, from October 1802. 60 vols, and index. Edinburgh, 1803, &c. 8902, O. Selections from the Edinburgh review, comprising the best articles from its commencement to the present time, with notes. Edited by Maurice Cross. 4 vols. London, 1833. 4018, O. The quarterly review. 52 vols. London, 1807, &c. 3100, O. Critical observations on books, ancient and modern. Vols. 3 & 4. London, 1791. 5948, O. The Westminster review; for the year 1824. 21 vols. London, 1824, &c. 5495, O. The retrospective review. 14 vols. London, 1820. New series. 2 vols. 1823. 76 602 BELLES-LETTRES. 6397, O. The foreign quarterly review. From July, 1827. 14 vols. Lon- don, 1827, &c. 6461, O. The foreign review. 5 vols. London, 1828, &c. 1991, O. Analytical review; or a history of literature, domestic and foreign, from May, 1788. 28 vols. London, 1788, &c. 8654, O. Anti-jacobin review and magazine ; or, monthly political and lite- rary censor. 8 vols. London, 1798 — 1806. 4265, O. The British review, and London critical journal. Vols. 1 & 2, for 1811. London. 4266, O. The eclectic review. Vol. 7, parts 1st and 2d, for 181 1. London. 308, d. Weekly memorials for the ingenious ; or an account of books lately set forth in several languages ; with other accounts relating to arts and sci- ences. London, 1683. 477, Q,. Miscellaneous letters, giving an account of the works of the learn- ed, both at home and abroad; for the years 1694, 1695 and 1696. London, 1094, &c. 318, (i. 7. Miscellaneous letters, giving an account of the works of the learn- ed, for December, 1695. London. 850, O. The history of the works of the learned, from January, 1737, to August, 1743, inclusive; interspersed with dissertations on various curious subjects, and memoirs of the most eminent writers in all branches of polite lite- rature. 13 vols. London. . 851, O. The present state of the republic of letters, from July, 1733, to No- vember, 1736, inclusive. 6 vols. London. 1150, O. 6. The literary magazine; or select British library; containing an account of books and pamphlets, published in Great Britain and Ireland, a view of the state of learning, &c. for the months of October and January, 1735. By a society of gentlemen. London, 1735. 648, O. The museum; or the literary and historical register; from March 29, 1746, to September 12, 1747, inclusive. 3 vols. London. 2940, O. Monthly epitome and catalogue of new publications, from January, 1797, to 1806. 10 vols. London, 1797, &c. 8877, O. La France litteraire. Tom 6. Paris, 1832. 804, D. 4. Mercure de France. 1 Novembre, 1783. A Paris. 804, D. 5. Journal politique de Bruxelles. Octobre, 1783. 1595, O. 3. Annales politiques par Mons. Linguet. Part of 1779. Paris. 4850, O. The North American review, and miscellaneous journal. 40 vols, and index. Boston, 1816, &c. 6250, O. The American quarterly review. 16 vols. Philadelphia, 1827, &c. 6404, O. The southern review. 8 vols. Charleston, 1828, &c. 5333, O. The western review ; and miscellaneous magazine. 4 vols. Lex- ington, 1820. 3981, O. The monthly anthology and Boston review. 10 vols. Boston, 1808, &c. 4393, O. The general repository and review. 3 vols. Cambridge, Mass. 1812. REGISTERS. 603 REGISTERS. 292, O. The annual register ; or a view of history, politics, and literature ; from the year 1758, to the year 1834. Published by J. Dodsley. 71 vols. London. 3225, & 3099, O. The annual register, or a view of the history, politics, and literature of 1760. P. 3315, O. The annual register, or a view of the history, politics, and litera- ture, of the years 1758, 59, 60, 61, and 62. 5 vols. P. 1402, O. The new annual register; or general repository of history, politics, and literature ; published by G. Robinson. 43 vols. London. 4356, O. The Edinburgh annual register; for the years 1808 to 1824. 17 vols. Edinburgh. 8648, O. Cobbett's annual register. 2 vols. 1st and 2d for the year 1802. London. 2808, O. Asiatic annual register ; or a view of the history of Hindostan, and of the politics, commerce and literature of Asia, from 1799 to 1807. 12 vols. London. 3955, O. The ecclesiastical and university annual register for 1808; with an appendix, containing an index to the English rectories, vicarages, &c. Lon- don, 1809. 8650, O. The Cambrian register for the year 1795. London. 547, D. Millan's universal register of court and city offices, for the years 1755 and 1756. 2 vols. London. 1810, D. The court and city register, for the years 1748, 1753, 1775, 1780, 1786, 1788, 1791, 1794, and 1797. 9 vols. London. P. 8060, O. The court register, and statesman's remembrancer ; containing a series of all the officers, ministers of state, &c. London, 1782. 20, O. The political register and London museum ; from May, 1767, to De- cember 18, 1772; with plates. 10 vols. London, 1767, &c. 8663, O. The register of the times ; or political museum. 6 vols. Lon- don, 1794, 1795. 3958, D. 2. Historisches journal. Herausgegeben von Friedrich Gentz, Mai bis August, 1800. Berlin, 1800. Gift of T. B. Mams. 4431, O. The historical register of the United States, from the declaration of war in 1812. 4 vols. Philadelphia. 4242, O. The American review of history and politics ; and general reposi- tory of literature and state papers. 4 vols. Philadelphia, 1812. 4874, O. The American register, or summary review of politics and litera- ture, by Robert Walsh, jun. Esq. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1817. 6249, O. The American annual register. 8 vols. New York, 1825—1832. 4376, D. The New York annual register for 1832. By Edwin Williams. New York, 1832. 4367, O. The weekly register; containing political, historical, scientifical, astronomical, and biographical documents, essays and facts ; with notices of the arts and manufactures, and a record of the events of the times. By H. Niles. 45 vols. Baltimore, 1812, &c. 5230, O. The Philadelphia register, and national recorder. 6 vols. Phila- delphia, 1819, &c. 7115, O. The register of Pennsylvania, devoted to the preservation of facts and documents, and every other kind of useful information respecting the state of Pennsylvania. Edited by Samuel Hazard. 11 vols. Philadelphia, 1829, &c. 8647, O. The American weekly messenger, or register of state papers, by John Conrad. Philadelphia, 1814. 604 BELLES-LETTRES. GAZETTES. 179, F. The Ameiican weekly mercury, from December 22, 1719, to Janu- ary 1, 1746. By Andrew Bradford, William Bradford, Isaiah Warner and Cornelia Bradford. 6 vols. Philada. Gift of Mr. Hopkinson. 177, F. The universal instructor in all arts and sciences ; and the Pennsyl- vania gazette; from December 24, 1728, to the present time. By Samuel Kreimer, Franklin and Meredith, Benjamin Franklin, Franklin and Hall, and Hall and Sellers. 24 vols. Philadelphia. The first five volumes the gift of Mr. Hopkinson. 178, F. The Pennsylvania journal ; or weekly advertiser, from January 6, 1747-8, to the present time. By William and Thomas Bradford. 18 vols. Philadelphia. The first six volumes the gift of the heirs of Evan Morgan, 1057, F. Pennsylvania Gazette, 1753 to 1758. 2 vols. Philadelphia. 992, F. The Pennsylvania Gazette, from January 1st, 1754, to December, 1774. By Hall and Sellers. 6 vols. Gift of Michael Kepple, Esq. 948, F. The Pennsylvania gazette, for 1763 and 1767. Gift of R. S. Jones, Esq. 515, F. Der wochentlische Pennsylvanische staatsbothe, von das jahr 1763, zu das jahr 1779. Bey Henrich Miller. 4 volumen. Philadelphia. Gift of the editor. 5, o8ed and engraved by J. F. W. Des Barres, Esq. London, 177( f-{/tofJ.P.Norris,Esq. De Laet, 939, D. Gallia sive de Francorum Regis Dominiis et Opibus com mentarius, a J. De Laet Lugduni Batavorum, 1629.—/;. GEOGRAPHY. 611 Dickinson, 7517, O. Elements of Geography; or an extensive abridgement thereof; illustrated with maps. By R. Dickinson, Esq. Accompanied with a new and extensive introduction, by E. Hoyt, Esq. Boston, 1813. JDionisius, 514, Q,. Dionysii Alex, et Pomponi Melae situs orbis descriptio. ^thici cosmographia, etc. J. Solini Polycistor. Cum annotationibus Henrici Stephani et aliorum. Excusum anno 1577. — Z. Donkin, 7023, O. A dissertation on the course and probable termination of the Niger. By Lieutenant Sir R. Donkin. London, 1829. Dunn, 378, F. A new atlas of the mundane system; or of geography and cos- mography ; describing the heavens and earth, the distances, motions, and magnitudes of the celestial bodies, &c. with plates. By Samuel Dunn. London, 1778. Ebeling, 3958, D. 1. Erklserung einer neuen karte von Frankreich, &c. von C. D. Ebeling. Hamburg, 1792. Gift of M. Carey. Evans, 291, D. An epitome of geography. By John Evans, A. M. 2d edit. London, 1802. 462, Q,. 11. Geographical, historical, political, philosophical and mecha- nical essays. By Lewis Evans. Philadelphia, 1756. 469, 3. & 2273, d. 1. An analysis of his general map of the middle colo- nies. By Lewis Evans. 2d edit. Philadelphia, 1755. Field, 6051, O. Geographical memoirs of New South Wales ; by various hands, together with other papers on the aborigines, geology, &c. Edited by B. Field. London, 1825. Flint, 6974, & 7399, O. A condensed geography and history of the western states, or the Mississippi valley. By Timothy Flint. 2 vols. Cincin- nati, 1828. Gordon, 386, &; 8572, O. Geography anatomized : or, the geographical gram- mar. By Patrick Gordon. London, 1725—1730. 8830, O. A gazetteer of Pennsylvania. By Thomas F. Gordon. Phi- ladelphia, 1832. 8997, O. A gazetteer of the state of New Jersey, comprehending a general view of its physical and moral condition, together with a topo- graphical and statistical account of the counties, towns, villages, ca- nals, &c. By Thomas F. Gordon. Trenton, 1834. Guthrie, 437, Q,. & 6741, O. A new system of modern geography; or a geo- graphical, historical and commercial grammar. By William Guthrie. The astronomical part by James Ferguson. 3d edit, with a volume of maps. London, 1786. 720, Q. The same. The astronoinical parts corrected by Dr. Ritten- house. The first American edition. 2 vols, with a volume of maps. Philadelphia, 1794. 512, F. Maps belonging to Guthrie's system of geography. Lon- don, 1786. 555, F. Maps of Carey's American edition of Guthrie's geography. Philadelphia, 1794. Hamilton, 4606, O. The East India gazetteer; containing particular descrip- tions of the empires, kingdoms, &c. of Hindostan, India beyond the Ganges, and the eastern archipelago, by Walter Hamilton. Lon- don, 1815. Heron, 2440, O. A new system of universal geography ; containing a full sur- vey of the natural and civil state of the terraqueous globe ; with a philosophical view of universal history. With maps. By Robert Heron. 4 vols. London, 1797. Heylin, 52, F. Cosmography ; containing the chorography and history of the world. By Peter Heylin. London, 1703. 612 HISTORY. Huebner, 1 126, D. Huebner's kurtze fragen aus der neuen und alten geogra- phie. Regespurc. 1746. Gift of Mrs. lieeiUe. Jeffreys^ 104, Q,. 4. A map of Nova Scotia and cape Breton, and the adjacent parts of New England and Canada ; with an explanation thereof. By Thomas Jeffreys. London, 1755. 469, Q. 1. An explanation for the map of Nova Scotia, dec. by Thomas Jeffreys. London, 1765. 194, Q, 6. Map of the seat of war, on the coast of Choromandel, with an explanation thereof, and an account of the war. By Thomas Jef- freys. London, 1754. Kinneir, 1 590, Q. A geographical memoir of the Persian empire. By John M. Kinneir. London, 1813. Lansegue, 7550, O. A short compendium of ancient and modern historical ge- ography. Translated from the French, by Mr. De Lansegue. Lon- don, 1791. Laurent, 9043, O. An introduction to the study of ancient geography, with copious indexes. By Peter Edmund Laurent. 2d edit. Oxford, 1832. Vhltj 404, 6. «fc 463, Q^ 14. Explication de la carte des nouvelles decouvertes au nord de la mer du sud. Par M. de L'Isle. A Paris, 1753. lAtytSt 618, Q,. Johannis Luyts, philosophiae professoris, introductio ad geo- graphiam novam et veterem. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1692. Gift of Jacob Greiner. 3/a/Aam, 7921, O. The naval gazetteer; or seaman's complete guide; con- taining a full and accurate account of the several coasts, countries, and islands, in the known world. By the Rev. John Malham. 2 vols. Boston, 1797. Mtke-BruTij 6653, O. Universal geography ; or a description of all the parts of the world, on a new plan, according to the great natural divisions of the globe : accompanied with analytical, synoptical, and elementary tables. By M. Malte-Brun. With additions. Boston, 1824. 9202, O. Principles of mathematical physical and political geogra- phy. By Malte-Brun. 2d edit. Edinburgh, 1834. Martyn, 847, Q,. A geographical magazine ; or new system of geography ; with maps and plates. By William Frederick Martyn. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1794. Mayer^ 1985, O. 9. Nouvelle methode pour lever en peu de tems et a peu de frais une carte generale exacte de tout la Russie. Par Christian Mayer. A St. Petersbourg, 1770. Mayo, 4434, O. A view of ancient geography and ancient history, by Robert Mayo, M. D. accompanied with an atlas. Philadelphia, 1813. Melish, 7845, O. A geographical description of the world ; intended as an ac- companiment to the map of the world, in Mercator's projection. By John Melish. Philadelphia, 1818. 8219, O. A geographical description of the United States, with the contiguous British and Spanish possessions. By John Melish. 3d edit. Philadelphia, 1818. 8011, O. A military and topographical atlas of the United States; in- cluding the British possessions and Florida. By John Melish. Phila- delphia, 1815. Milbume, 1589, Q,. Oriental commerce, containing a geographical description of the principal places in the East Indies, China and Japan, with their produce, manufactures and trade, by William Milburne, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1813. .Molly 182, Q,. Atlas geographus ; or a complete system of geography, ancient and modem ; containing the discoveries and improvements of the best modern authors ; with maps and cuts. Done by Herman Moll. 5 vols. London, 1711. GEOGRAPHY. 613 M>//, 1107, F. Thesaurus geographicus : or the complete geographer. With maps engraved. By Herman Moll. London, 1722. 126, F. The world described; or a new set of maps; showing the kingdoms and states in all the known parts of the earth. By Herman Moll. London. Morse, 2621, O. American universal geography ; or a view of the present state of all the empires, kingdoms, states and republics in the known world, and of the United States of America in particular. With maps. By Jedediah Morse. 2d edit. 2 vols. Boston, 1796. 4451, O. The same. 6th edit. Boston, 1812. 1802, &, 2208, O. The American geography; or a view of the present situation of the United States of America ; with maps. By Jedediah Morse. Elizabethtown, 1789. London, 1792. 3098, O. The same. London, 1792. P, 2622, O. American gazetteer, exhibiting an account of the states, pro- vinces, counties, cities, towns, villages, rivers, bays, harbours, gulfs, sounds, capes, mountains, forts, Indian tribes, and new discoveries, on the continent of America, also of the West India islands, &c. With maps. By Jedediah Morse. Boston, 1797. Murray, 9178, O. An encyclopaedia of geography; comprising a complete de- scription of the earth. By Hugh Murray and others. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1834. Myers, 1820, d. A new and comprehensive system of modern geography, mathematical, physical, political, and commercial, comprising a per- spicuous delineation of the present state of the globe, with its inhabi- tants and productions ; accompanied with a series of coloured maps, and a variety of appropriate views. By Thomas Myers, A. M. 2 vols. London, 1822. Ortelius, 1009, D. Epitome theatri Ortelii praecipuarum orbis regionum deline- ationes continens. Antverpiae, 1595. 1013, F. 1. Theatrum orbis terrarum, auct. Abrah. Ortelii. Ant- verpiae, 1570. Gift of H. C, Byrne, Esq. Parrish, 2044, D. A new system of modern geography ; or, a general descrip- tion of all the considerable countries in the world. Compiled by Eli- jah Parrish, D. D. Newburyport, 1810. Payne, 302, O. Geographical extracts, forming a general view of earth and nature ; with maps. By John Payne. London, 1796. Perks, 8244, O. The youth's introduction to geography ; containing a descrip- tion of the several empires, kingdoms, and states in the world. By Wm. Perks. London, 1793. Pinkerton, 964, Q,. Modern geography ; a description of the empires, king- doms, states, and colonies, with the oceans, seas, and isles, in all parts of the world ; including the most recent discoveries, and political alte- rations. Digested on a new plan. With maps. By John Pinkerton. 2 vols. London, 1802. 6674, & 7765, O. The same. Philadelphia, 1804. 1007, F. A modern atlas, from the latest and best authorities; exhibiting the various divisions of the world, with its chief empires, kingdoms, and states, in sixty maps ; directed and superintended by John Pinkerton. London, 1815. Playfair, 1588, Q,. A system of geography, ancient and modern. By James Playfair, D. D. 6 vols, and folio atlas. Edinburgh, 1814. Pococke, 127, F. Maps of Egypt. By Richard Pococke. London, 1743. Po^^s, 4142, O. Gazetteer of England and Wsdes; containing the statistics, agriculture, and mineralogy of the counties ; the history, manufac- tures, and population of the cities, towns, and boroughs. With two maps, descriptive of the roads and inland navigation. By Thomas Potts. 2 vols. London, 1810. 614 HISTORY. Ptolomy^ 876, F. Geografia cioe descrittione universale della terra. Di C. L. Tolomeo, dal Latino nell* Italiano tradotta dal Leonardo Cernoti. Venetia, 1598. P. 1013, F. 2. Noraenclator Ptolemaicus, omnia locorum vocabula qua; in tota Ptoloma?i geoprapha, occurrunt continens. Antvorpia% 1595. Gift of H. Byrnt, Esq, I'j:i7, Q,. D. Claudio Tolomeo Alessandrino, geografia tradotti. Di Greco da M. G. Ruselli. Venetia, 1574. P. Puysegur, 7751, O. A treatise upon the navigation of St. Domingo; with sail- ing directions for the whole extent of its coasts. By M. de Chastenet Puysegur. Translated from the French, by Charles de Monmonier. Baltimore, 1802. PyCj 7805, O. A classical and historical dictionary of ancient geography ; ex- hibiting the modern in addition to the ancient names of places. By Charles Pye. London, 1803. QtiadujUj 907, F. Europae universalis et particularis descriptio tabulis novem et sexaginta expressa. Auctore M. Q,uadum. Coloniae, 1594. P. Rennell^ 912, «fc 1095, Qi. The geographical system of Herodotus examined and explained, by a comparison with those of other ancient authors, and with modern geography. With maps. By James Rennell. Lon- don, 1800. P. 7358, O. A treatise on the comparative geography of western Asia ; accompanied with an atlas of maps. By the late Major James Ren- nell. 2 vols. London, 1831. 627, F. A map of Hindostan, or the Mogul empire. By James Ren- nell. 1788. P. 528, F. A Bengal atlas ; containing maps of the theatre of war and commerce. 1 vol. and a quarto pamphlet. By James Rennell. Lon- don, 1781. Robbe^ 1620, &> 1621, D. Monsieur Robbe methode pour apprendre facilement la geographic, avec un traite de la navigation. 2 tomes. Paris, 1746. P. 2918, D. The same. Haye, 1691. Robertj 639, F. M. Robert's atlas universal. Elnglish and French. Paris, 1757. P. SalmasiuSy 434, F. Claudii Salmasii Plinianae exercitationes in Caji Julii So- lini polyhistora. Item Cajii Juli Solini polyhistor ex veteribus libris emendatus. Accesserunt huic editioni de Homonymis Hyles latricaj exercitationes antehac ineditae, nee non de manna et saccharo. Tomi II. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1689. L. Salmon, 3477, D. The modern gazetteer ; or a short view of the several na- tions of the world, &c. By Mr. Salmon. Maps. London, 1769. Sanson, 465, D. Introduction a la geographic par le Sieur Sanson. Utrecht, 1692. Gift of John Smith. Scott, 5348, D. A geographical description of the states of Maryland and Delaware. By Joseph Scott. Philadelphia, 1807. 1 168, D. The United States' gazetteer ; containing an authentic descrip- tion of the several states, &c. With maps. By Joseph Scott. Phi- ladelphia, 1795. Senex, 125, F. A collection of maps. By John Senex. London. i^ffordt 4i2S, O, A gazetteer of the state of New York, carefully written, from authentic and original materials ; arranged on a new plan ; with an accurate map of the state. By H. G. Spafford. Albany, 1813. StockdaU, 897, Q. A geographical, historical, and political description of the empires of Germany, Holland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Prussia, Italy, Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia; with a gazetteer of reference to the princifMi] places in those countries. Compiled and translated from GEOGRAPHY. 615 the German, with statistical tables and maps. By John Stockdale. London, 1800. Strabo, 467, F. Strabonis rerum geographicarum librl XVI. cum notis Casau- boni et aliorum. Graece et Latino. Amstelodami, 1707. L. Strahlenberg, 210, Q,. An historico-geographical description of the northern and eastern parts of Europe and Asia ; but more particularly of Rus- sia, Siberia, and Great Tartary. Translated from the German of Strahlenberg. London, 1738. Tanner, 1036, P. A new American atlas ; containing maps of the several states of the North American Union. By Henry S. Tanner. Philadelphia, 1823, Gift of the author. 3930, D. A map of Philadelphia and the adjacent country. By H. S. Tanner. Philadelphia, 1826. Ternpleman, 2172, Q,. A new survey of the globe; or an accurate mensura- tion of all the empires, kingdoms, countries, states, &c. in the world. By Thomas Templeman. London, 1720. Tuckey, 4541, O. Maritime geography and statistics; or a description of the ocean and its coasts, navigation, &c. By James H. Tuckey, R. N. 4 vols. London, 1815. Varenus, 1682, O. Bernhardi Vareni geographia generalis cum schematibus. Isaaco Newton, math. prof. Cantabrigiense. Cantabrigiae, 1672. Z. 511, O. A complete system of geography, written in Latin, by Ber- nard Varenius ; containing also the foundations of the art of naviga- tion, measuring distances, dialling, and the ways of finding the longi- tude at sea. Improved by Sir Isaac Newton and Dr. Jurin. Trans- lated uito English, with notes and improvements, by Mr. Dugdale, and revised and corrected by Peter Shaw. 3d edit. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1736. 1678, O. Bernhardi Vareni descriptio regni laponiae et Slam. Can- tabrigiae, 1673. L. Walker, 2207, O. Elements of geography, and of natursd and civil history. By John Walker. 2d edit. London, 1765. 2924, O. The same. 3d edit. London, 1800. 2206, & 8213, O. The universal gazetteer; being a concise descrip- tion of the nations, cities, rivers, mountains, &c. in the known world. By John Walker. Enlarged and improved by Arthur Kershaw. London, 1795 & 1801. Wells, 8550, O. A treatise on ancient and present geography. By Edward Wells. 2d edit. London, 1706. Wilkinson, 1533, Q,. Atlas classica; being a collection of the maps of the countries mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane; with their various subdivisions at different periods. Published by Robert Wilkinson. London, 1797. 1534, Q,. Wilkinson's general atlas of the world; with appropriate tables. 2d edit. London, 1809. Worcester, 50o5, O. A geographical dictionary; or universal gazetteer; an- cient and modern. By J. E. Worcester. 2 vols. Andover, 1817. Workman, 2261, D. Elements of geography; designed for young students in that science. By Benjamin Workman, A. M. 15th edit. Philadel- phia, 1814. Gift of William M'Culloch. Wynne, 3650, O. A short introduction to geography ; with an abridgment to astronomy. By Richard Wynne. Translated into French and Ita- lian, by Catharine Wynne. London, 1787. P. 128, P. A new atlas; containing a geographical and historical account of all the empires, kingdoms, and other dominions of the world ; with the natural history and trade of each country. Taken from the best authors. London, 1721. GIG HISTORT. 140, F. Maps and charts belonging to the modern part of the universal his- tory. London, 1766. 336, F. Atlas scholasticus. London. Gift of Robert S. Jones. 828, F. A geographical atlas. 1056, F. Geographia classica ; the geography of the ancients, &c. Twenty- nine maps. London, 1753. 1064, F. Nouvelle carte des cotes de I'ocean. Paris, 1720. Gift of Joseph S. Lewis, Esq. 470, Q. Atlas geographus ; or a complete system of geography for America. With plates. Vol. 5. Savoy, 1717. 954, Q. 3. Geographicall and anthologicall description of all the empires and kingdomes of the whole world. London, 1634. 5760, D. Geography in all ages. By the author of history in all ages, and history of the Jews in all ages. London, 1832. 7904, O. A new geographical, commercial, and historictd grammar; and present state of the several empires and kingdoms of the world. 2 vols. Edin- burgh, 1790. 4778, O. Geographical, commercial, and political essays ; including statis- tical details of various countries. London, 1812. 5907, O. Critical researches in philology and geography. Glasgow, 1824. 8801, O. The journal of the geographical society of London. 3 vols. 1830—34. London. 5572, O. The Edinburgh gazetteer; or geographical dictionary; containing a description of the various countries, kingdoms, states, cities, mountains, &c. of the world ; forming a complete body of geography. 6 vols. Edinburgh, 1822. 4478, O. A gazetteer of the province of Upper Canada. To which is added, an appendix ; describing the principal towns, fortifications, and rivers in Lower Canada. New York, 1813. 106, D. The American gazetteer; containing a distinct account of all parts of the new world, their situation, climate, soil, produce, manufactures, and commerce. With maps. 3 vols. London, 1762. 1 1 12, O. The atlantic pilot. London, J 772. 6970, O. 7. Report of the commissioners for surveying the coast of North Carolina. Washington, 1806. 799, O. I, A geographical history of Nova Scotia. London, 1749. 941, D. Respublica sive status regni Poloniae, Lithuaniae, Prussiae, Livoniae, etc. Lugduni Batavorum, 1642. L. 942, D. Russia seu Moscovia itemque Tartaria, commentario topographic© atque politico illustratae. Lugduni Batavorum, 1630. L. 967, D. Belgii confederati respublica seu chorographica politicaque descriptio. Lugduni Batavorum, 1630. L. 980, D. Respublica sive status regni Scotiae et Hiberniae. Lugduni Bata- vorum, 1627. L. 3139, D. Index; containing the names and geographical positions of all places in the maps of India. London, 1826. TOPOGRAPHY AND STATISTICS. 6015, O. A treatise on topography, for both civil and military purposes, compiled and partly written by C. S. de Malortie. 2 vols. London, 1815. 4778, O. Geographical, commercial, and political essays, including statisti- cal details of various countries. London, 1812. 740, Q. Andrew's plans of the capital cities in Europe, and some cities in the other three parts of the world. London. TOPOGRAPHY AND STATISTICS. 617 5205, O. A summary view of the statistics and existing commerce of the principal shores of the Pacific Ocean. By Capt. M'Konnochie. London, 1818. 32'-^, D. Statistical observer's pocket companion ; containing a systematical set of queries, to assist travellers. London, 180L BRITISH. 641, Q,. British topography ; or an historical account of what has been done for illustrating the topographical antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland ; with plates. By Richard Gough, F. R. S. 2 vols. London, 1780. 1587, Q,. Magna Britannia ; being a concise topographical account of the several counties of Great Britain, by Daniel and Samuel Lysons. Vol. 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, and 5th. London, 1813. 8159, O. A topographical dictionary of the United Kingdom, containing geographical, topographical, and statistical accounts of every district, object, and place. With maps. By B. P. Capper, Esq. London, 1808. 5128, O. England described; being a concise delineation of every county in England and Wales, with an account of its products. By John Aikin, M. D. London, 1818. 2785, O. 2. Estimate of the number of inhabitants in Great Britain and Ire- land. By Sir Frederick Morton Eden. London, 1800. 1352, 1854, & 2211, Q,. A book of the names of all parishes, market towns, villages and hamlets in England and Wales, alphabetically set down. London, 1668. P. 2093, O. A topographical survey of the great road from London to Bath and Bristol ; with historical and descriptive accounts of the country, towns, villages, and gentlemen^s seats on and adjacent to it. With plates. By Archibald Robertson. 2 vols. London, 1792. 5276, D. A guide to all the watering and bathing places ; with a description of the lakes, and a tour in Wales, with itineraries. London, 1804. 3502, O. The Kentish traveller's companion, or a descriptive view of the towns, villages, &c. on the road from London to Margate, Dover and Canter- bury. 2d edit. Canterbury, 1779. P. 2424, O. A topographical description of Cumberland, Westmoreland, Lan- cashire, and a part of Yorkshire ; with plates. By John Housman. Carlisle, 1800. 2216, O. Guide to the lakes in Cumberland, Westmoreland and Lancashire. 3d edit. London, 1784. 3310, & 6701, O. The same. Kendal, 1807. 6503, O. The topographer for the years 1789, 1790, and 1791 ; containing a variety of original articles, illustrative of the local history and antiquities of England, (fee. &c. With plates. 4 vols. London, 1789— 1791. M, 1409, d. 7. Bibliotheca topographica Britannica, No. XLV. London. 5986, D. Historisch statische Darstellung des Nordlichen England. Von C. E. Rivinus. Leipsic, 1824. 5359, D. The new Bath guide ; or, useful pocket companion, for all persons residing in, or resorting to that city. To which is added, the life of Richard Nash, Esq. Bath, 1807. 1832, & 7600, O. An history of Birmingham. 2d edition, with considerable additions. By W. Hutton. Birmingham, 1783. 2742, D. A description of modern Birmingham, including Warwick and Leamington. By Charles Pye. Birmingham, 1818. 6526, O. A new description of Blenheim, the seat of the Duke of Marlbo- rough ; containing an account of the paintings, tapestry, furniture, gardens, park, &c. &c. With a preliminary essay on landscape gardening. With views, &c. Oxford, 1811. M 4597, D. 2. Attree's topography of Brighton. Brighton, 1809. 7S 618 HISTORY. 3660, O. A walk in and about the city of Canterbury, with many observa- tions not described in other publications. By W. Gostling. 2d edit. Canter- bury, 1779. P. 1209, Q,. Most accurate history of the ancient city and famous cathedrall of Canterbury, illustrated with divers maps and figures. By William Somen London, 1661. P. 696, F. Plates of the tombs, &c. at Canterbury and Westminster abbey. London, 1720. P, 1518, Q^ The history of Cleveland in the county of York; with an account of the soil, produce and natural curiosities. By the Rev. John Graves. Car- Usle, 1808. 8628, O. 1. A topographical account of Cranbrook in Kent. Cranbrook, 1825. 1457, Q. The history of the county of Cumberland and some places adja- cent, from the earliest accounts to the present time ; comprehending its local history, antiquities, mines, minerals, and plants, with biographical notes. By William Hutchinson, F. A. S. 2 vols. Carlisle, 1794. 8016, O. A view of the present state of Derbyshire, with an account of its most remarkable antiquities. By James Pilkington. 2 vols. Derby, 1789. 2078, O. The history of Derby; from the remote ages of antiquity, to the year 1791 ; with plates. By W. Hutton. London, 1791. 3403, D. The antiquities of the abbey and cathedral church of Durham. With a description of the county of Durham, &c. &c. &c. By Patrick Sander- son. Durham, 1767. 1016, Q.. History and antiquities of the conventual and cathedral church of Ely, from the foundation of the monastery, 673, to the year 1771. By James Bentham. Cambridge, 1771. P. liA, F. The history and antiquities of Essex, containing nineteen weekly numbers. By N. Salmon. 1747. P. 3306, D. Excursions in the county of Essex ; comprising brief historical and topographical delineations, &c. &c. &c. ; forming a complete guide for the traveller and tourist. Illustrated with one hundred engravings, including a map. 2 vols. London, 1818. M. 1098, Q,. The history and antiquities of the abbey and borough of Evesham. Evesham, 1794. P. 1157, Q.. 7. An account of the parish at Fairford, in the county of Glouces- ter ; with a particular description of the stained glass in the windows of the church, and engravings of ancient monuments. Lond. 1791. P. 1177, Q. 6. Bibliotheca topographica Britannica, No. XL. containing the his- tory and antiquities of the town, college and castle of Fotheringay, in the county of Northampton ; with several particulars of the execution and funeral of Mary queen of Scots. London, 1787. P. 1645, D. Treatise of the Roman ports and forts in Kent. By William Som- ner. Oxford, 1693. P. 7668, O. The Hasting's guide ; or, a description of that ancient town and port, and its environs ; to which is added some account of the Cinque ports. London, 1794. 677, F. History and topographical survey of the county of Kent, containing the ancient and present state of it, civil and ecclesiastical. By Edward Hasted. 4 vols. Canterbury, 1778. P. 916, F. Kent surveyed and illustrated. By Thomas Philipott. London, 1659. P, 1384, Q. Perambulation of Kent, in the year 1570, containing the descrip- tion, history and custom of that shyre. By William Lambard. London, 1576. P. 4838, D. A companion to the Leasowes, Hagley and Envilie ; with a sketch TOPOGRAPHY AND STATISTICS. 619 of Fisher wick. To which is prefixed the present state of Birmingham. Lon- don, 1789. 2062, Q,. A concise account, historical and descriptive, of Lambeth palace. London, 1806. 4607, D. 1. The Leeds' guide ; including a sketch of the environs of Kirk- stall abbey. Leeds, 1806. 1042, F. The history and antiquities of the county of Leicester. — Introduc- tory volume. — Domesday, &c. with the early history of the town of Leicester, &c. — Second part of 1st vol. — Town of Leicester, general indexes, &c, — First part of 2d vol. — Framland hundred, &c. By John Nichols, F. S. A. With numerous plates and portraits. 3 vols. London, 1795. M. 3600, D. A walk through Leicester ; being a guide to strangers : containing a description of the town and its environs ; with remarks upon its history and antiquities. Map. Leicester, 1804. 6508, O. A topographical and historical description of the county of Lin- coln ; containing an account of its towns, cathedral, castles, &c. &c. With biographical notices, &;c. With seven engravings and a map. London, 1807. M. 2461, O. A descriptive history of the ancient and present state of Liver- pool ; with an account of the true causes of its extensive African trade. 2d edit. Liverpool, 1797. 4604, D. 2. The Liverpool guide ; including a sketch of the environs. By W. Moss. Liverpool, 1799. 2051, d. Ancient topography of London ; containing specimens of sacred, public, and domestic architecture, from the earliest period to the time of the great fire. Drawn and etched by John Thomas Smith. London, 1810. 1666. 315, O. A description of London and its environs ; containing whatever is remarkable in the city and twenty miles round it ; with plates. 6 vols. Lon- don, 1761. 22, F. The history and survey of London, from its first foundation to the present time, and a description of churches, antiquities, &c. with plates. By William Maitland. London, 1756. 51, F. A survey of the cities of London and Westminster ; containing a par- ticular account of the government of London ; all its charters and liberties ; and a description of all churches, palaces, halls, hospitals, &c. with plates. By Ro- bert Seymour. 2 vols. London, 1735. Gift of Robert Greenway. 137, F. A map of London, Westminster, and South wark ; with the conti- guous buildings ; from a survey taken by John Rocque, and engraved by John Pine. London, 1746. 566, Q,. An alphabetical index of the streets, squares, lanes, alleys, &c. con- tained in the plan of the cities of London and Westminster, and borough of South wark, with the contiguous buildings ; from a survey made by John Roque. London, 1747. 142, F. Prospects of the most noted buildings, in and about the city of Lon- don ; with a short historical account relating to the same. London, 1724. 520, F. The new and universal history, description, and survey of London, Westminster, South wark, and the parts adjacent ; with maps and plates. Com- piled by a society of gentlemen, and revised and improved, by William Thorn- ton. London. 639, & 2090, €1. The environs of London, being an historical account of the towns, villages, and hamlets within twelve miles of that capital ; with biogra- phical anecdotes and plates. By the Rev. Daniel Lyson. 4 vols. London, 1792. 1076, a The same. P. 883, Q,. An historical account of those parishes in the county of Middlesex, which are not described in his environs of London ; with plates. By Daniel Lyson. London, 1800. 620 BISTORT. 1390, Q^ Londlnium rodlvivum; or, an ancient history and modern descrip- tion of London ; with plates. By James Peller Malcohn. London, 1802. 1452. Q. Anecdotes of the manners and customs of London, during the 18th century; to which is added, a sketch of the domestic and ecclesiastical ar- fjhitecture, and of the various Improvements of the metropolis. By James Pel- ler Malcolm. London, 1808. 4289, 0. Anecdotes of the manners and customs of London, from the Roman invasion to the year 1700, including the origin of British society, customs, and manners ; with illustrations of the changes in our language and literary customs, and various particulars concerning public and private libraries ; illustrated by engravings. By James Peller Malcolm. 3 vols, London, 1811. 5768, 0. Prospectus. View of London and the surrounding country ; to be published In four engravhigs. By Thomas Horner. London, 1823. 690, Q^ Of London; with plates. By Thomas Pennant. London, 1790. 6484, O. Some account of London. By Thomas Pennant. With plates. London,' 1791. A/. 7420, O. Some account of London. By Thomas Pennant. 3d edit. Dub- lin, 1791. 6237, O. Illustrations of the public buildings of London ; with historical and descriptive accounts of each edifice. By J. Britton and A. Pugin. Vol. 1st. London, 1825. 8195, O. A new and accurate history and survey of London, Westminster, Southwark, and places adjacent. By the Rev. John Entick, M. A. 4 vols. London, 1766. 3078, D. London : or interesting memorials of its rise, progress, and present state. By Shoito and Reuben Percy. 3 vols. London, 1824. 97, & 4744, D. The foreigner's guide ; or a necessary companion in a tour through the cities of London and Westminster. In French and English. 3d edit London, 1752. 1446, 1925, cing a correct guide to all the curiosities, exhibitions, and remarkable objects in and near London ; with two large maps and several views. London. 2708, & 3302, D. Walks through London, including Westminster and the borough of Southwark, with the surrounding suburbs : describing everything worthy of observation, &c. &c. forming a complete guide to the British metro- polis. By David Hughson, LL. D. With numerous fine plates. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1817. M. 4236, D. Londiniana ; or reminiscences of the British metropolis, including characteristics, antiquarian, topographical, descriptive, and literary. By E. W. Brayley. 4 vols. London, 1829. 4629, D. Ambulator ; or a pocket companion in a tour round London. Lon- don. 1791. 4656, D. A concise and comprehensive description of London and West- minster; intended as a complete guide to foreigners. London, 1760. 4657, D. Kearsley*8 stranger's guide, or companion through London and Westminster, and the country round. London, 1791. S403, O. A critical review of the public buildings, statues, and ornaments, in and about London and Westminster. London, 1734. P. 4840. D. New remarks of London; or a survey of London, of Westminster, of Southwark, and part of Middlesex and Surry. London, 1732. M90, D. The antkiuities of London and Westminster, being an account of whatsoever is ancient, curious, or remarkable. By N. Bailey. London, 1734. 79ft, F. History of St. Paul's cathedral, in London. By William Dugdale. London, 1068. P. I79t, Q. The history and antiquities of the tower of London, with biogra- pMcal aneedoCes of royal and distinguished persons ; deduced from original and authenUc sources. By John Bayley, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1821. TOPOGRAPHY AND STATISTICS. 621 798, D. 7. An historical account of the tower of London. 4614, D. I. An historical description of the tower of London, and its curio- sities. London, 1807. 4614, D. 3. The monument described, erected to perpetuate the dreadful fire of London, 1666. By John Mattison. London, 1801. 3210, D. Chronicle of London bridge. By an antiquary. (Richard Thomp- son, Esq.) London, 1827. 2234, O. 1. Hodges's historical account of Ludlow castle ; with an appendix. London, 1794. 4322, O. An account of the past and present state of the Isle of Man, in- cluding a topographical description, a sketch of its mineralogy, an outline of its laws, with the privileges enjoyed by strangers, and a history of the island. By George Woods. London, 1811. 4909, O. History of the Isle of Man, with a comparative view of the past and present state of society and manners, containing also, biographical anec- dotes. By H. A. Bullock. London, 1816. 359, d. The history of Manchester. By John Whitaker. 2 vols. London, 1771. 767, Q,. Description of the country from thirty to forty miles round Man- chester ; with plates. By John Aikin. London, 1795. 2373, D. Margate ! ! ! or sketches descriptive of that celebrated place of re- sort, with its environs. By Mrs. M. Pilkington. London, 1813. 669, F. Collections for the history of Worcestershire. By F. Nash. 2 vols. London, 1781. P. 1999, D. The picture of Newcastle-upon-Tyne; containing a guide to the town and neighbourhood, and a description of the coal mines. Newcastle, 1807. 6509, O. A topographical and historical description of the county of Not- tingham ; containing an account of its towns, cathedral, castles, &c. &c. &c. With biographical notices, ' ; boin^ a na- tural, civil, rfckidiartfnl. Mt^oricffl, and toiKjgmphicul description tiiereof. By Charles Smith. Dublin, 1756. FRANCE, ITALY, SPAIN, &c. 45S0, & 7680, O. Sketch of the geography, political economy, and sta- titties of France, from the original work by Peuchet ; digested, abridged and translated, by James N. Taylor. Washington City, 1815. 8896, O. Statistics of France, by Lewis Goldsmith. London, 1832. IWt, Q. Abr6g6 chronologique de I'histoire d' Aries. Par M. de Noble La- lauziere. Aries, 1808. Gift of E. Clay, Esq. aeOO, D. Almanack de la ville D'Arles. 1825. 8S8, D, Liste generale des postes de France. A Paris, 1 749, 8480, D. The gentleman's guide in his tour through France, &c. «fcc. &c. Map. London, 1788. 1150, ^ L'Abbe M. Venuti dissertations sur les anciens monuments de la villey de Bordeaux, sur les Gahets, les antiquites et les Dues d'Aquitaine. Bor- deaux. 1754. P. 1494, D. Description de la ville de Lyons, avec des recherches sur les hommes celebres qu'elle a produits. Lyon, 1741. P. 1651, D. Recherche des antiquites et curiosites de la ville de Lyon. Lyon, 1673. P, 1282, Q. Antiquites de la ville de Nisraes. Par Le Sieur Deyron. Nismes, 1663. P, 3997, D. Histoire des antiquites de la ville de Nismes. 1826. 1577, D. Pietas Romana et Parisiensis, or a faithful relation of charitable works, in the cities of Rome and Paris, extracted from T. Amydemus and T. Cane, Oxford, 1687. P. 1622, Q, Picturesque views of public edifices in Paris, by Messrs. Segard and Testard, aquatinted, by Mr. Rosenberg. London, 1814. 6093, O. The history of Paris, from the earliest period to the present day : containing a description of its antiquities, public buildings, and institutions, with numerous historical facts and anecdotes. 3 vols. London, 1 825. 215, & 6840, O. New picture of Paris. By M. Mercier. Translated from the French. 2 vols. Dublin & London, 1800. 161 1, D. Description de la ville de Paris. Peir Gtermain Brice. 7tieme edit. 3 tomes. Paris, 1717. P, 2376, D. A new picture of Paris, or the stranger's guide to the French me- tropolis, by Edward Planta, E^q. London, 1814. 2375, D. Picture of Paris, being a complete guide to all the public buildings, places of amusement, and curiosities, in that metropolis, by Louis Tronchet. Loodon, 1814. 8884, D. Picture of Paris, &c &c. &c. With routes from the coast, &^. &c. By M. GaJignani. Paris, 1817. 86W, D. Paris in miniature ; taken from the tableau de Paris. With re- marks and anecdotes, , 381 , F. Travels into Muscovy, Persia, and part of the East Indies ; containing a description of whatever is remarkable in those countries;, with plates. By M. Corneille Le Bruyn. Also an account of the jour- ney of Mr. Isbrants, through Russia and Tartary to China ; with re- marks on the travels of Shr John Chardin and Mr. Kajmpfer. 2 vols, London. 1737. Camfbtil, 6604, O. A journey over land to India, partly by a route never gone: bdore hy any European, dtc. Ac. By Donald Campbell, of Barbreck,, B«|. Ac. Philadelphia, 1797. Capper, 1601, O. Observations on the passage to India, through Egypt ; also by Vienna, through Constantinople to Aleppo» and from thence by Bagdad, and across the Great Desert to Bassora ; with plates. By James Capper. 8d edit. London, 1785. 866, 4. Ac 1 1 4 1 , O. The same. London, 1785. P. »» VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 633 Chateaubriand, 4847, & 7695, O. Recollections of Italy, England, and America, with essays on various subjects in morals and literature. By F. A. de Chateaubriand. Philadelphia, 1816. 4898, O. The same. 2 vols. London, 1816. 6362, O. Travels in America and Italy : by the Viscount de Chateaubriand. 2 vols. London, 1828. 4287, 4384, & 4387, O. Travels in Greece, Palestine, Egypt, Barbary, &c. ; during the years 1806 and 1807, by F. A. de Chateau- briand. Translated from the French, by Frederick Shoberl. 2 vols. London, 1812. Clarke, 1509, Q,. Travels in various countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa. By Edward Daniel Clarke, LL. D. Part 1st. Russia, Turkey, Tartary. London, 1810. Part 2d. Greece, Egypt, and the Holy Land. Lon- don, 1812. 4243, 4244, 4245, po, and over the desert to Bagdad and Bussora ; a i.'^sora to Bombay, and along the western coast of In- . Bombay to Mocha and Suez in the Red sea ; and „ ^ . - K'Z to Cairo and Rosetta, in Egypt. By the late Abraham farsons, Esq. London, 1808. PkdsUdtTMt P A ioumal from Calcutta, in Bengal, by sea, to Busserab; firom ! loss the great desert to Aleppo ; and from thence to Maneii.oo, <...vi through France to England, in the year 1750. By B. Ptaisted. 2d edit London, 1758. Fotoekt, 49, F. A description of the east, and some other countries ; with ob- •ervatfcxis on Egypt. By Richard Pococke. 2 vols. London, 1745. P&ivre^ Le* 684, Sl 4864, D. The travels of a philosopher ; bein^ observations on the customs and manners of several nations in Asia and Africa. Translated from the French of M. Le Poivre. London, 1769. 1632, O. 12. The same. Philadelphia, 1778. Gift of Z. Pouhon, Jr, Poto, 1730, Q,. The travels of Marco Polo, a Venetian, in the 13th century: being a description of that early traveller, of remarkable places and things in the eastern parts of the world. Translated from the Italian ; with notes. By Wm. Marsden, F. R. S. London, 1818. Papelje, 9086, O. A narrative of excursions, voyages, and travels, in America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. By George Rapelje, Esq. New York, 1 834. i?«e», 2951, D. 2. A journal of voyages and travels. By the late Thomas Rees. London, 1822. Piedesel, 6837, O. Voyages en Sicile, dans le grande Gr^ce et au Levant. Par M. le Baron de Riedesel ; suivis de I'histoire de la Sicile, par Le No- vaYri. A Paris, 1802. Shoberly 2830, D. The world in miniature. Edited by Frederick Shoberl. 12 vols. London, 1821. Steele, 7696, O. A tour through the Atlantic, in recollections from Madeira, the Azores, and Newfoundland, visited in 1809. By Robert Steele, Esq. London, 1810. Stewart, 4703, D. Travels over the most interesting parts of the globe, to dis- cover the source of moral motion. By John Stewart. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1800. 7We6, 4175, & 7557, O. The travels of Mirza Abu Taleb Khan, in Asia, Africa, and Europe, during the years 1799, 1800, 1801, and 1802; written by himself; in the Persian language, and translated by Charles Stewart, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1810. Taylor, 2658, & 2680, O. Travels from England to India, in the year 1789, by the way of the Tyrol, Venice, Scandaroon, Alepjx), and over the great dc«ert to Bussora ; with instructions for travellers. By Major John Taylor. 2 vols. London, 1799. Thunberg, 2194, O. Travels in Europe, Africa, and Asia, made between the y«urt 1770 and 1779. By Charles Peter Thunberg. 4 vols. London, 1795. — — S819, O. The same. P. Halsh, 3266, 8267, dt 8279, D. Narrative of a journey from Constantinople to Engi«nd. By the Rev. R. Walah. London, 1828. a ^1l2i ^ y^^ff^ through Italy, Greece, Egypt, and Palestine ; also, through Swtorknd, Alaatla, and the Netherlands, in the years 1721, 1722, and 1723. Written by « Pret ich offi cer. 2d edit. London, 1739. 14M^ I. A Jour nal kept on a journey from Bassora to Bagdad ; over the mtle deeeft to Aleppo, Cypmi, Rhodes, Zante, Corfu, and Otranto, in Italy, in the year 1779. Horsham, 1784. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 637 2542, O. Letters to a traveller, on the different countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa. London. 5897, O. Scenes and impressions in Egypt and in Italy. By the author of Recollections of the peninsula. London, 1824. 595, D. The beauties of nature and art displayed, in a tour through the world. With plates. 13 vols. London, 1763. 4104, D. Sketches, by a traveller. Boston, 1830. 4134, D. A mariner's sketches. Providence, 1830. 4883, D. Letters from several parts of Europe and the east. Written in the year 1750, &c. 2 vols. London, 1753. ROUND THE WORLD— SOUTH SEAS— N. W. PASSAGE— POLYNESIA- AUSTRALIA— N. W. COAST OF AMERICA. AnsoYit 246, O. A journal of a voyage to the South Seas, and round the globe, in his majesty's ship Centurion, under the command of commodore George Anson. By Pascoe Thomas, teacher of the mathematics on board the Centurion. London, 1745. 486, 766, & 2757, O. A voyage round the world, in the years 1740, 1741, 1742, and 1743; performed by commodore George Anson. Compiled from his papers, by Richard Walter. 10th edit. 1762. — 6th edit. London, 1749.— 15th edit. London, 1780. 3593, 4694, & 5157, D. A voyage round the world, in the years 1740, 41, 42, 43, 44, by George Anson, Esq., late Lord Anson, &c. Com- piled from his papers, &c. by Richard Walter, M. A., &c. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1800, 1804, 1807. Atkinson, 6176, O. An account of the state of agriculture and grazing in New South Wales ; including observations on the soils and general appear- ance of the country. By James Atkinson, Esq. London, 1826. Harrington, 2343, O. 2. A voyage to New South Wales ; with a description of the country, the manners, customs, religion, &c. of the natives in the vicinity of Botany Bay. By George Barrington. 3d edit. Lon- don, 1796. 5118, O. The possibility of approaching the north pole asserted. By the Hon. D. Barrington. A new edition ; with an appendix, con- taining papers on the same subject, and on a north-west passage. By Colonel Beaufoy; with a map. New York, 1818. 5140, O. The same. London, 1818. /Harrow, 5198, O. A chronological history of voyages into the arctic regions; undertaken chiefly for the purpose of discovering a polar passage be- tween the Atlantic and Pacific, from the earliest periods. By John Barrow. London, 1818. Beechey, 2043, Gt. Narrative of a voyage to the Pacific and Beering's strait, to co-operate with the polar expeditions; performed in his majesty's ship Blossom, under the command of Capt. F. W. Beechey, R. N., in the years 1825, 26, 27, 28. 2 vols. London, 1831. 8676,0. The same. Philadelphia, 1832. Bennett, 9174, O. Wanderings in New South Wales, Batavia, Pedor Coast, Singapore, and China ; being the journal of a naturalist during the years 1832 — 33. By George Bennett, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1834. Betagh, 797, & 8404, O. A voyage round the world, in 1719, chiefly to cruize on the Spaniards in the great South ocean. By William Betagh. London, 1728. Bischoff, 8701, O. Sketches of the history of Van Dieman's Land, and an ac- count of the Van Dieman's Land company. By James Bi|choff; Esq. London, 1832. Bligh, 596, Q,. A narrative of the mutiny on board the ship Bounty, and the 638 ni^TORr. nt vo3raffe of part of the crew, in the ship's boat, from Tofoa !^' Wi!!i iin I'.iJL-h. London, 1790. i\ , umiertaken for the purjxise of con- West Indies ; including an account ship. With plates. I3y Wni. Bligh. 1,: 7 i *, '«. . . .'- — •••I* proceedings of the court-martial held at Ports- mouth, August 12, 1792, on the ten persons charged with mutiny on board tJie ship Bounty ; with an appendix, containing an account of the real causes of that transaction. London, 1794. -712, Q. 2. Captain Slights answer to the assertions contained in the appendix to a pamphlet entitled " Minutes of the proceedings of the court-martial, held at Portsmouth, August 12th, 1792." London, 1794. 712, (i. 3. A reply to captain William Bligh's answer. By Edward C liristian. London, 1795. 4370, D. A description of Pitcairn's Island, and its inhabitants ; with an authentic account of the mutiny of the ship Bounty, &,c. New York, 1832. Bougainville, 279, Q,. A voyage round the world ; performed by order of his most Christian majesty, in the years 1766, 1767, 1768, and 1769. With plates. Translated from the French of M. de Bougainville, by John Reinold Forster. London, 1772. Breton^ 8959, O. Excursions in New South Wales, Western Australia, and Van Dieman's Land, in 1830, 31, 32, & 33. By Lieutenant Breton, R.N. London, 1833. Broughton, 1394, & 2124, Q,. A voyage of discovery to the North Pacific ocean ; in which the coast of Asia, the island of Insu, the coasts of Japan, the Lieushieux, and the adjacent isles, as well as the coast of Corea, have been examined and surveyed ; performed in the years 1795—1798. By Wm. R. Broughton. London, 1804. Bulkeley, 934, O. & 4459, D. A voyage to the South seas, in the years 1740-1 ; containing a narrative of the loss of the ship Wager, on a desolate island, &c. By John Bulkeley and John Cummins. 2d edit. Phila- delphia, 1757. Gift of Mo8e8 Foster, Bumey, 1001, & 2053, Q^ A chronological history of the discoveries in the South sea, or Pacific ocean. 5 vols. With charts. By James Bur- ney. London, 1803. — — 5311, O. A chronological history of north-eastern voyages of disco- very, and of the early eastern navigations of the Russians. By Capt. James Burney, F. R. S. London, 1819. Bynm, 543, O. Commodore Byron's voyage round the world, in the ship Dolphin ; containing an account of the several places, people, plants, animalA, &c., seen in the voyage. With a description of the straits of Magdlan, and the seven islands lately discovered in the South seas. By an officer on board the said ship. London, 1767, 1038, O. A narrative of an expedition round the world ; containing an account of the distresses suffered by himself and his companions, on the coast of Patagonia, from the year 1740 till their arrival in Eng- land, in the year 1746. By Commodore Byron. London. 1917, (^ Voyage of H. M. S. Blonde to the Sandwich Islands, in the year* 1824-25. By Capt Lord Byron. London, 1826. CmmfML 4619, D. 4901, O. A voyage round the world, from 1806 to 1812; in which Japan. Kamschatka, and the Sandwicli Islands were visited. By Archibald Campbell Edinburgh, 1816. CWOiw, 810,0. An account of the EnglUh colony in New South Wales. With I VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 639 remarks on the dispositions, customs, manners, &c. of the native in- habitants of that country ; with some particulars of New Zealand. With plates. By David Collins. 2 vols. London, 1798. Colnett, 813, Q,. A voyage to the South Atlantic, and round Cape Horn, into the Pacific ocean, for the purpose of extending the spermaceti whale fisheries, and other objects of commerce. With charts. By Captain James Colnett, R. N. London, 1798. Cook, 347, F. The maps and plates of Cook's last voyage. London. 331, Q,. A voyage towards the south pole and round the world; per- formed in the years 1772, 1773, 1774, and 1775, by Capt. James Cook; with Capt. Furneaux's narrative of his proceedings in the Adventure, during the separation of the ships. With plates. 3d edit. 2 vols. London, 1779. 393, Q,. A voyage to the Pacific ocean, in the ships Resolution and Discovery, in the years 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, and 1780. With maps and charts. 3 vols. The first and second volumes writ- ten by Capt. James Cook, and the third by Capt. James King. Lon- don, 1784. 1024, a. The same. P. 1249, O. The same. Philadelphia, 1783. 630, F. Plates to the same. P. 376, Gl. A voyage round the world, in his Britannic majesty's sloop Resolution, commanded by Capt. James Cook, in the years 1772, 1773, 1774, and 1775. By George Forster, F. R. S. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1777. 258, Q,. 1. A voyage round the world, in his Britannic majesty's ship Endeavour, in the years 1768, 1769, 1770, and 1771 ; with a concise vocabulary of the language of Otaheite. London, 1771. 1116, O. An account of a voyage round the world, in the years 1768, 1769, 1770, and 1771, undertaken by order of his present majesty, by Capt. James Cook, in the ship Endeavour. Drawn up from his journal, and the papers of Joseph Banks, Esq., by John Hawkesworth. With plates. 2 vols. New York, 1774. Gift of Robert Aitken, 2305, D. The voyages of Capt. James Cook round the world. 7 vols. London, 1809. 5320, D. A voyage to the Pacific ocean, for making discoveries in the northern hemisphere; performed under captains Cook, Clarke, and Gore, in 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, 1780. Compiled from the various accounts hitherto published. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1798. - 5329, D. Captain Cook's third and last voyage to the Pacific ocean, in the years 1776--1780. Faithfully abridged. London, 1785. Cruise, 5836, O. A journal of a ten months' residence in New Zealand. By Richard A. Cruise, Esq. London, 1823. Cunningham, 3188, D. Two years in New South Wales; in letters compris- ing sketches of the state of society in that colony, its advantages, population, &c. By P. Cunningham. 2 vols. London, 1827. Dampier, 6634, O. Voyage round the world ; containing an account of Capt. Dampier's expedition into the South seas, in the ship St. George, in the years 1703 and 1704, &c. &c. Together with the author's voy- age from Amapalla, on the west coast of Mexico, to East India ; his passing three unknown islands, &c. &;c. By William Funnell, mate to Captain Dampier. Plates. London, 1707. M. 4424, D. A new voyage round the world; describing the isthmus of America, the West Indies, East India islands, New Holland, cape of Good Hope, &c. By Captain William Dampier. 5th edit. 2 vols. London, 1703. Dawson^ 7201, O. The present state of Australia, a description of the coun- 640 iiisiuiiv and prosjpKiM, with reference to emicrration, and a account of the manners, customs, and conditiun of its abo ^Inhabitants. By Robert Dawson, Esq. London, 1830. Dctoio, iiSl, O. A narrative of vp3rages and travels in the nortiiern and aoutliem bemisplieref; comprising three voyages round the world. TogeClier with a voynge of survey and discovery in the I'acific ocean and oriental Islet. By Amasa Delano. Ik>ston, 1818. Dixofit 207S, ^ A YOTBge round the world, but more particularly to the iKNtlv>weat coast of America; performed in 1785, 1786, 1787, and 1788. By Captain George Dixon. 2d edit. London, 1789. EarU, 87M. O. A narrative of a nine months' residence in New Zealand, in 1827. Together with a journal of a residence in Tristan D'Acunha. By Augustus Earle. London, 1832. EiH$, 664, O. A voyage to Hudson's bay, in the years 1746, and 1747, for discovering a north-west passage ; with a survey of the coast ; and an account of the attempts hitherto made for finding a passage. With plates, and a chart of the countries adjacent. By Henry Ellis. Lon- don. 1748. 6166, O. Narrative of a tour through Hawaii, or Owyhee ; with remarks on the history, traditions, manners, and customs of the inhabitants of the Sandwich islands. By William EUlis. London, 1826. 7099, O. Polynesian researches, during a residence of nearly six years in the South sea islands. By William Ellis, missionary. In 2 vols. London, 1829. 4267, D. The same. 2d edit 4 vols. London, 1831. EvanSj 5593, O. 3. A geographical, historical, and topographical description of Van Dieman's Land. With important hints to emigrants. By George William Evans. London, 1822. Fanning^ 8836, O. Voyages round the world, &c. By Edmund Fanning. New York, 1833. lUher, 5487, O. A journal of a voyage of discovery to the arctic regions, in the year 1819 and 1820. By Alexander Fisher. London, 1821. Hindert, 1603, Q. A voyage to Terra Australis, undertaken for the purpose of completing the discovery of that vast country, in H. M. S. the In- vestigator, by captain Matthew Flinders. 2 vols, and folio atlas. London, 1814. FofiteTt 324, & 345, Q,. Observations made during a voyage round the world on physical geography, natural history and ethic philosophy. By John Reinhold Forster. London, 1778. 455, Q^ & 7803, O. History of the voyages and discoveries made in the north ; with maps. By John Reinhold Forster. Translated from the German. London, 1786. /VanJb/tn, 6816, O. Narrative of a journey to the shores of the Polar sea, in the years 1819-20-21 and 22. By John Franklin, Capt. R. N. with an appendix, Illustrated by a frontispiece and map. Philadelphia, 1824. 1870, Q. The same. London, 1820. 7494, O. Narrative of a journey to the shores of the Polar sea, in the years 1819, 20, 21, and 22. By John Franklin. With an appen- dix, containhig geognostical observations and remarks on the aurora borealis. Philadelphia, 1824. -^— 1949, Q^ Narrative of a second expedition to the shores of the Polar Sea, in the years 1825-6-7. By John Franklin, R. N. Including an account of the progress of a detachment to the eastward. By John Richardson, M. D. With plates and maps. London, 1828. 6451, d, 6462, O. A narrative of a second expedition to the shores of the Polar Sea, in the years 1826—1827. By John Franklin. In- cMiof an account of the progress of a detachment to the eastward. By John Richardson, M. D. PhlladelphU, 1828. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 641 Freycinet, 1859, Q,. Narrative of a voyage round the world in the Uranie and Physicienne corvettes, commanded by captain Freycinet, during the years 1817—1820. By J. Arago. London, 1823. Frezier, 164, & 180, Q. A voyage to the South sea, and along the coast of Peru, in the years 1712, 1713, and 1714, with plates. By M. Frezier. London, 1717. Gentil, Ze, 1867, O. Voyag6 dans les mers de I'lnde, fait par ordre du Roi, a I'occasion du passage de Venus sur le disque du soleil le 6 Juin, 1761, et le 3 du meme mois, 1769. Par M. Le Gentil. 5 tomes. En Suisse, 1781. Gilbert, 576, Q,. Voyage from New South Wales to Canton, in the year 1788, with views of the islands discovered. By Thomas Gilbert. Lon- don, 1789. Goldson, 667, Q,. Observations on the passage between the Atlantic and Pa- cific oceans, in two memoirs on the straits of Anian, and the discove- ries of De Fonte ; with a map. To which is prefixed, an historical abridgment of discoveries in North America. By William Goldson. Portsmouth, 1793. Grant, 1392, Q,. The narrative of a voyage of discovery, perfqrmed in the years 1800, 1801, and 1802, to New South Wales; with plates. By James Grant. London, 1803. Gregory, 2773, O. A display of Divine Providence ; or the journal of a cap- tured missionary, designated to the Southern Pacific ocean, in the second voyage of the ship Duff, captured by Le Grand Buonaparte, off cape Frio. By Wm. Gregory. London, 1800. Hawkesworth, 263, & 266, Q,. An account of the voyages undertaken by the order of his present majesty, for making discoveries in the southern hemisphere, and performed by Byron, Wallis, Carteret and Cook. Drawn up from the journals which were kept by the several com- manders, and from the papers of Joseph Banks, Esq. By John Hawkes- worth. With plates, charts and maps. 3 vols. London, 1773. Hearne, 746, Q,. A journey from Prince of Wales's fort, in Hudson's bay, to- the Northern ocean ; for the discovery of copper mines, a north-west passage, &c. in the years 1769, 1770, 1771, and 1772. With plates. By Samuel Hearne. London, 1795. Henderson, 8911, O. Observations on the colonies of New South Wales and Van Dieman's Land. By John Henderson. Calcutta, 1832. Holman, 9038, O. A voyage round the world, including travels in Africa, Asia, Australasia, America, «&.c. &c. from 1 827 to 1832. By James Holman, R. N. 2 vols. London, 1834. Hunter, 638, & 703, Q,. An historical journal of the transaction^ at Port Jack- son and Norfolk Island, with the discoveries which have been made in New South Wales and in the Southern ocean ; with plates. By John Hunter. London, 1793. Jeffreys, 458, Q,. An account of voyages made by the Russians from Asia to America, for completing the discoveries of the north-west coast of America;' with maps. By Thomas Jeffreys. London, 1761. 5414, O. Van Dieman's Land; geographical and descriptive delinea- tions of the island of Van Dieman's Land. By Lt. Ch. Jeffreys, R. N. London, 1820. Keatc, 509, Q. & 1778, O. An account of the Pelew islands, situated in the western part of the Pacific ocean ; composed from the journals and communications of captain Henry Wilson, and some of his oflficers. By George Keate; with plates. London, and Dublin, 1788. 1035, 2074, a. & 6872, O. The same. London, 1788. P. Basil, 1789. 81 64f HISTORY. King, Wl I. O. NamtiTe of a survey of the intortropiral and western coasts of Australia; per(brni«l between the years 1H18 and 1822. By Cap- tain Philip P. King. With an appendix. 2 vols. London, 1827. K0ixibuet 6587, O. A voyage of discovery into the South sea and Beering's straits, for the purpose of exploring a northeast i>assage, in the ship Rurick, commanded by Lieut Otto Von Kotzebue. 3 vols. Lon- doo, 1891. — ^-»— 4160, IX A new vojrage round the world in 1823, 24, 25, and 26. By Otto VoD Kotzebue, of the Russian navy. 2 vols. Ix>ndon, 1830. 7S52, O. 8. A vindication of the South sea missions from the misre- presentations of Otto Von Kotzebue; with an apix'ndix. By William BUis. London, 1831. J6u$en»iem, 1604, CL Vo)rage round the world, in the years 1803-4-5 & 6, by order of his imperial majesty Alexander, on board the sliips Na- deshda and Neva, under the command of Captain A. I. Von Krusen- stem. Translated from the German, by Richard's. Hoppner. Lon- don, 1813. Lang, 5889, D. An historical and statistical account of New South Wales. By John Dunmore Lan^j, D. D. 2 vols. London, 1834. Langtdorfy 1606, Q. 4952, & 4953, O. Voyages and travels in various parts of the world, during the years 1803 and 1806. By G. H. Von Langs- dorC London, 1813. Philadelphia, 1817. Leslie^ 4153, & 4171, D. Narrative of discovery and adventure in the polar seas and regions ; with illustrations of their climate, geology, and na- tural history ; and an account of the whale fishery. By professors Leslie and Jamieson, and Hugh Murray. Edinburgh & New York, 1831. Luiatitky, 1605, Ct A voyage round the world, in the years 1803-4-5 & 6, performed by order of his imperial majesty Alexander, in the ship Neva. By Urey Lisiansky. London, 1814. Lyon, 6973, O. A brief narrative of an unsuccessful attempt to reach Repulse bay, through Sir Thomas Rowe's " Welcome," in II. M. S. Griper, in the year 1824. By Captain G, F. Lyon. With a chart. London, 1825. 3004, & 3005, D. The private journal of Captain G. F. Lyon, of II. M. S. Hecla, during the recent voyage of discovery under Captain Parry. Boston, 1824. 5890, O. The same. London, 1824. Mannt 1826, Q^ The present picture of New South Wales, illustrated with views ; including the present state of agriculture, and trade, internal regulations, &.c. By D. D. Mann. London, 1811. Marehand, 6561, O. Voyage autour du monde, jx^ndant ies annees 1790, 1791, 1792. Par Etienne Marchand, precede d'une introduction Iiistorique ; avec cartes et figures, par C. P. Claret Fleurieu. 6 tom. A Paris an VL am of J. P. EngU9. — — ^ 910, i A voyage round the world, performed during the years 1790, 1791, and 1792 ; witii an historical introduction and charts. By Btinme Bfarchand. Translated from the French of C. P. Claret Fleu- fteo. 8 Tols. London, 1801. Marrinir, 490S, O. An account of the natives of the Tonga islnnds in the ScNitli Pacific ocean, with an original grammar and vocabulary of their laniruage, compiled and arranged from the communications of Mr. WOlisjn Manincr, by John Martin, M. D. 2 vols. London, 1817. Mufidau 6086, O. Narrative of a vo3rage to New Zealand in the years 1814 and 1816, in company with the Rev. Samuel Marsden. By John L. NIdiolas, Esq. 2 vols. 1817. MmrUt 600, ,.l|.!iin. ic islan.ls of tlje Pacific ocean, and a visit to the Muli/ravt ;,, 1:1.1 ^ in pursuit of the mutineers of the whale ship Globe. With .1 iu.i|>. IJy Lit'uicnant H. Paulding. New York, 1831. Peran, 16ff7, Q^ Voyage de decouvertes aux terres Australes pendant les an- nes 1800 — 1804. Publie par decret imperiel et redige, par F. M. Pe- ron; avec planches. A Paris, 1807. Pcrtnut, Aa, 80©, Q. 2623. & 8065, O. A voyage round the world, performed In the years 1785, 1786, 1787, and 1788. By La Perouse. Published by order of the national assembly of France, under the sui^rintondencc of L. A. Milet Mureau. Translated from the French. 2 vols. With a folio volume of charts and plates. London, 1799. 3 vols. Lon- don, 1798. 573, F. Plates and charts belonging to La . Perouse's voyage round the world. London, 1799. ■ 2740, O. An account of a voyage in search of La Perouse, un- dertaken by order of the constituent assembly of France, and per- formed in the years 1791, 1792, and 1793 ; with plates. By M. La- billfirdiere. 2 vols. London, 1800. 7100, O. Narrative and successful result of a voyage in the South seas ; performed by order of the government of British India, to ascertain the actual fate of La Perouse's expedition. By Captain P. Dillon. 2 vols. London, 1829. Phillip, 581, Q,. The voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany Bay ; with an ac- count of the establishment of the colonies of Port Jackson and Norfolk Island. To which are added, " The journals of lieutenants Shortland, Watts, Ball, and captain Marshall." With plates. Published by John Stockdale, Esq. London, 1789. 8166, O. The same. Dublin, 1791. 1132, Q,. 2. Copies and extracts of letters from Governor Phillip, giving an account of the nature and fertility of the land in, and adjoinmg to any settlement in New South Wales. London, 1792. P. Phipptj 398, d. A voyage towards the north pole ; undertaken in the year 1773. With plates. By Constantine Phipps. London, 1784. 5542, O. 4. The journal of a voyage for making discoveries towards the north pole. By the Hon. Commodore Phipps, and Captain Lut- widge. London, 1774. Porter, 4503, 4504, & 4505, O. Journal of a cruise made to the Pacific ocean, by Captain David Porter, in the United States frigate Essex, in the years 1812, 1813, and 1814 ; containing descriptions of the Cajx* de Verd islands, coasts of Brazil, Patagonia, Chili, and Peru, and of the Gallapagos islands — also, a full account of the Washington group ol islands, the manners, customs, and dress of the inhabitants, Hf^ S33S, O. 2. A narrative of the expedition to Botany Bay ; with an ac- count of New South Wales, its productions, inhabitants, &c. By Capt. W. Tench. 8d edit. London, 1789. TVidbey, 7666, O. An account of a voyage to establish a colony at Port Philip in Bass* strait, on the south coast of New South Wales, in the years 1802, 3, 4. By J. H. Tuckey. London, 1805. TlimbuU, 1871, D. A voyage round the world, in the years 1801, 2, 3, and 4. By John Turnbull. 3 vols. London, 1805. T^ermon, 7263, O. Journal of voyages and travels by the Rev. Daniel Tyer- man and George Bennet, Esqrs. ; deputed by the London missionary society to visit their stations in the South sea islands, China, India, &c., between 1821 and 1829. Compiled by James Montgomery. 2 vols. London, 1831. ntler, 5634, & 5635, D. Historical view of the progress of discovery on the more northern coasts of America, from the earliest history, by P. F. Tytler, with descriptive sketches of natural history. By James Wil- son. New York, 1833. Vancouver, 810, Q. A voyage of discovery to the North Pacific ocean, and round the world ; in which the coast of North West America has been carefully examined and accurately surveyed. Undertaken by his ma- jesty's command, principally with a view to ascertain the existence of any navigable communication between the North Pacific and North Atlantic oceans. Performed in the years 1790, 1791, 1792, 1793, 1794, and 1795. By captain George Vancouver. 3 vols, with a folio volume of charts and plates. London, 1798. 1033, a The same. P. 571, F. Plates belonging to Vancouver's voyage of discovery to the North Pacific ocean, and round the world. London, 1798. 633, F. The same. 1791. P. Walker, 4874, D. The voyages and cruises of commodore Walker, during the late French and Spanish wars. 2 vols. London, 1760. Warriner, 5977, D. Cruise of the United States frigate Potomac, round the world, during the years 1831 — 1834. By Francis Warriner, A. M. New York, 1835. Webster, 9170, O. Narrative of a voyage to the Southern Atlantic ocean, in 1828—1830, in H. M. S. Chanticleer, from the journal of W. H. B. Webster. 2 vols. London, 1834. Weddell, 6119, O. A voyage towards the south pole, performed in the years 1822 — 1824, containing an examination of the Antarctic sea, and a visit to Tierra de Fuego. . By James 'Weddell. London, 1825. Wentworth, 5370, O. A statistical, historical, and political description of New South Wales, and its dependant settlements in Van Dieman's island. 2d edit. By W. C. Went worth. London, 1820. White, 677, Q^ A journal of a voyage to New South Wales ; with plates of nondescript animals, birds, lizards, serpents, curious cones of trees and other natural productions. By John White, Esq. London, 1790. Widowion, 7054, O. Present state of Van Dieman's Land, comprising an ac- count of its agricultural capabilities, and other matters connected with emigration. By Henry Widowson. London, 1829. Wilton, 842, Q. A missionary voyage to the Southern Pacific ocean, perform- cn in the years 1796, 1797, and 1798 ; with plates. By Thomas Wil- son. London, 1799. — — 4128, O. An authentic narrative of four years' residence at Tongata- boo, one of the Friendly islands in the South sea, by George , who went thither in the Duff, under captain Wilson. London, 1810. 2738, D. The South tea islander ; containing many interesting facts rela- tive to the former and present state of society in the island of Otaheite. New York, 1820. SHIPWRECKS AND DISASTERS AT SEA. 647 4072, D. The picture of Australia, exhibiting New Holland, Van Dieman's Land, and all the settlements, from the first at Sydney, to the last on the Swan river. London, 1829. - 4129, D. The library of entertaining knowledge. The New Zealanders. London, 1830. 6052, D. The new British province of South Australia. London, 1834. SHIPWRECKS AND DISASTERS AT SEA. Adams, 1672, Q,. & 7478, O. The narrative of Robert Adams, a sailor, who was wrecked on the western coast of Africa, in the year 1810, and resided several months in the cityof Tombuctoo. London, 1816. Brisson, 1862, 2. 8073, O. & 5700, D. An account of the shipwreck and captivity of M. de Brisson ; containing a description of the deserts of Africa, from Senegal to Morocco. Translated from the French. London, 1789. Bulkeley, 934, O. & 4459, D. A voyage to the South seas in the year 1740-1 ; containing a narrative of the loss of the ship Wager, on a desolate island, &c. By John Bulkeley and John Cummins. 2d edit. Phila- delphia, 1757. Crift of Moses Foster, Byron, 4697, D. Narrative of the Hon. John Byron; being an account of the shipwreck of the Wager, and adventures of her crew, written by him- self; with the life of the author. Edinburgh, 1812. 1038, O. A narrative of an expedition round the world; containing an account of the distresses suffered by himself and his companions on the coast of Patagonia; from the year 1740, till their arrival in Eng- land in the year 1746. By Commodore Byron. London. Campbell, 8164, O. & 1219, D. A narrative of the extraordinary adventures, and sufferings by shipwreck and imprisonment of Donald Campbell ; with the singular humours of his Tartar guide; comprising the occurrences of four years, in an over-land journey to India. London, 1796— Philadelphia, 1797. 4519, & 4901, D. A voyage round the world, from 1806 to 1812 ; including an account of the author's shipwreck, and the present state of the Sandwich Islands. By Archibald Campbell. New York, 1817. Carter, 2005, O. A narrative of the loss of the Grosvenor East Indiaman, which was wrecked upon the coast of Caffraria, on the fourth of Au- gust, 1782. By George Carter. London, 1791. 660, &L 1132, Q,. 1. A journal of a journey from the cape of Good Hope, undertaken in 1790 and 1791, by Jacob Van Reenen, in search of the wreck of the Grosvenor. By Captain Edward Riou. London, 1792. Dickinson, 1067, O. An account of the remarkable deliverance of Robert Barrow, &c. when shipwrecked among the cannibals of Florida. By Jonathan Dickinson. 4th edit. ' Philadelphia, 1751. Gift of Thomas Bradford. 465, Q,. 16. Journal of the travels of several persons who were cast away among the Indians of Florida. By Jonathan Dickinson. Phila- delphia, 1699. Duncan, 1926, & 4557, D. The mariner's chronicle; being a collection of the most interesting narratives of shipwrecks, fires, famines, and other calamities incident to a life of maritime enterprise. By Archibald Duncan, Esq. 4 vols. Philadelphia, 1806, .& 1810. Francken, 5359, O, 2. A narrative of the loss of the E. I. company's ship, ik 648 BISTORT. Cabalva, July 7, 1818. in the Indian ocean. By C. W. Fianckcn. London, 1819. Keate^ 609, 1035, 2074. Qi. & 1778, 6872, O. An account of the Pelew Islands : composed from the journals and communications of Capt. Heni\ Wilson, and some of his officers, who in August, 1783, were there shipwrtH'kcd. By George Keate, Esq. 3d edit. London, 1781). Mackay, 2597, O. 2. A narrative of the shipwreck of the Juno, on the coast of Aracan ; with notes. By Wm. Mackay. 4th edit. London, 1798. MeLeod, 5051, & 5088, O. Narrative of a voyage in his majesty's late ship Alceste, to the Yellow ses^ along the coast of Corea, and throufrli its numerous islands to the island of Lewchew ; with an account of her shipwreck in the straits of Caspar. By John McLeod. Philadelphia, 1818, & London, 1817. Paddock, 1746, Q- A narrative of the shipwreck of the ship Oswego, on th(^ coast of South Barbary, and of the sufferings of her crow among tiir Arabs ; interspersed with remarks on the country and its inliabitants. By Judah Paddock. London, 1818. 5168, 2. & 7505, O. The same. New York, 1818. Page, 8139, O. 6. A narrative of the loss of the ship Fanny upon rocks in the centre of the Chinese ocean. By Thomas Page. London, 1805. Picardj 5700, D. Perils and captivity ; comprising the sufferings of the Picard family afler the shipwreck of the Medusa in 1816. Narrative of thr captivity of M. de Brisson in 1785. Voyage of Madame Godin along the river of the Amazons in 1770. Edinburgh, 1827. Prenties, 716, D. 1. A narrative of a shipwreck on the island of cape Breton ; in a voyage from Quebec in 1780. By S. W. Prenties. 2d edit. London, 1783. Bedding J 5843, D. Shipwrecks and disasters ait sea. Compiled by Cyrus Redding. 2 vols. London, 1833. Biley, 4872, 4873, 5168, 1. &; 7950, O. An authentic narrative of the loss of the American brig. Commerce, on the western coast of Africa, in 1815; with an account of the sufferings of her surviving officers and crew : and observations historical and geographical. By James Riley. 3d edit. New York, 1818. Bobbins, 2663, D. A journal, comprising an account of the loss of the brig Com- merce, James Rile)% master, upon the western coast of Africa ; also of the slavery and sufferings of the author, and the rest of the crew, upon the desert of Zahara, in the years 1815, 1817. By Archibald llob- bins. Hartford, 1817. Savigny, 5148, O. Narrative of a voyage to Senegal in 1816; comprising an account of the shipwreck of the Medusa, and the sufferings of the crew in the desert of Zaara. By J. B. Henry Savigny, and Alex. Correard. Illustrated with the notes of M. Bredif London, 1818. Smith, 2343, O. 1 . A narrative of the loss of the Catharine, Venus and Pied- mont transports, and the Thomas, Golden Grove and Aeolus merchant- ships near Weymouth. Nov. 18, 1795. By Charlotte Smith. Lon- don, 1796. Stoul, 2517, O. 3. Narrative of the loss of the ship Hercules, on the coast of CafTraria, the 16th of June, 1796; with a detail of his travels through the southern deserts of Africa, and the colonies of the cape of Good Hope ; and an introductory address to John Adams, president of the United States, by J. Stout. By Capt. B. Stout. London, 1798. Vmtghan, 3664, & 3702, O. A narrative of the sufferings of Captain David Woodward and four seamen, who lost their ship, while in a boat at •ea, and surrendered themselves up to the Malays, in the island of CelrljcK. By WUliam Vaughan. London, 1804. No. 3664, gift of the author. 4613, O. Shipwreck* and disasters at sea, or historical narrative of the most TRAVELS IN EUROPE. 649 noted calamities and providential deliverances which have resulted from mari- time enterprise. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1812. 798, D. 4. A narrative of the loss of the Doddington Indiaman. New York, 1762. 1171, D. 4. Narrative of the loss of the Winterton, on her passage to India, the twentieth of August, 1792, on a reef of rocks off the island of Madagascar. London, 1793. 4320, D. The eventful history of the mutiny and piratical seizure of H. M. S. Bounty: its cause and consequences. London, 1831. 5002, D. A narrative of the loss of the Winterton, on her passage to India, offthe island of Madagascar. London, 1793. TRAVELS IN VARIOUS PARTS OF EUROPE. Mien, 5512, D. The practical tourist, or sketches of the state of the useful arts, and of society, scenery, (fee. &c. in Great Britain, France, and Holland. By Zachariah Allen. 2 vols. Boston, 1832. Baillie, 5261, O. First impressions on a tour upon the continent in 1818, through parts of France, Italy, Switzerland, the borders of Germany, and a part of French Flanders. By Marianne Baillie. London, 1819. Baretti, 1041, & 6864, O. Journey from London to Genoa, through England, Portugal, Spain and France. By Joseph Baretti. 3d edit. 4 vols. London, 1770. Bernard, 4592, O. A tour through some parts of France, Germany and Bel- gium, in the autumn of 1814, by the Hon. R. B. Bernard. London, 1815. . 2352, D. The same. Philadelphia, 1815. Blainville, Be, 98, Q. Travels through Holland, Germany, Switzerland, but especially Italy; with maps. By Monsieur De BlainviUe. 3 vols. London, 1757. 1166, a. The same. P. Bocage, Bu, 51Q2, D. Letters concerning England, Holland, and Italy. By the celebrated Madame Du Bocage. Translated from the French. 2 vols. Dublin, 1771. Breval, 702, F. Remarks on several parts of Europe, (with maps) relating chief- ly to the history and antiquities of those countries through which the author has travelled. By I. Breval. 4 vols, in 3. London, 1726. P. Brown, 314, Q,. Travels into Hungaria, Servia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Thessa- ly, Austria, Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, and Friuli ; with figures. By Edward Brown, M. D. London, 1673. Brydges, 5484, O. Letters from the continent. By Sir Egerton Brydges. Kent, 1821. 3059, D. Recollections of foreign travel, on life, literature, and self- knowledge. By Sir Egerton Brydges. 2 vols. London, 1825. Burnet, 280, D. Bishop Burnet's travels through France, Italy, Germany, and Switzerland ; with an appendix, containing remarks on Switzerland and Italy, by a person of quality. London, 1750. 8451, O. The same. London, 1224. Carter, 6316, & 6340, O. Letters from Europe, comprising the journal of a tour through Ireland, England, France, and Italy, in the years 1825, 26, and 27. By N. H. Carter. 2 vols. New York, 1827. Bibdin, 1805 Q,. A bibliographical, antiquarian and picturesque tour in France and Germany. By the Rev. Tho. Frognall Dibdin, F. R. S. 3 vols. London, 1821. 82 650 HIM'ORY. JHdier, 6436, 4- 7614, O. Letters frc^m Varla, and other cities of France, Hol- land, Ac, written tliirin|j a tour and residence in these countries in the years 1816, 17, 18. 19, and 20; wHh remarks on the conduct of the ultra royalists since the restoration. By Franklin J. Didier, M. D. New York. 1821. DougUu9t 1466, O. 2. Douglass's travelling anecdotes, through various parts of Europe ; with plates. 2d edit. London, 1785. Dotmet, 5525, D. Letters from continental countries. By George Dounes. 2 vols. London, 1832. Duppot 7185, O. Travels on the continent, Sicily, and the Lipari islands. By R. Duppa, LL. B. Second edit. London, 1829. Dutenit 1786, O. A journal of travels made through the principal cities of Europe. Translated from the French of M. L. Dutens, by John High- more. London, 1782. Ebrington, 5787, O. 4. Extracts of notes taken in the course of a tour on the continent of Europe, in 1814 and 1815; principally relating to a visit to the island of Elba, and a conversation held with Napoleon Bona- parte there. By Lord Ebrington. London, 1822. Este, 2157, & 7955, O. A journey in the year 1793, through Flanders, Brabant, and Germany, to Switzerland. By C. Este. London, 1793. Gardenstonej 1101, D. Travelling memorandums, made in a tour upon the continent of Europe, in the years 1786, 1787, and 1788. By Lord Gardenstofte. 2d edit. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1792. Granville^ 6987, O. St. Petersburgh, a journal of travels to and from that ca- pital, through Flanders, Russia, Saxony, Germany and France. By A. B. Granville, M. D. 2 vols. London, 1828. Gray, 2126, & 7859, O. Letters during the course of a tour through Germany, Switzerland, and Italy, in the years 1791 and 1792, with reflections on the manners, literature, and religion of those countries. By Robert Gray, M. A. London, 1794. Gritcom, 5762, & 5763, O. A year in Europe ; comprising a journal of obser- vations in England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Switzerland, the north of Italy, and Holland, in 1818 and 1^819. By JohnGriscom. 2 vols. New York, 1823. Hanway, 30, <&; 31, Q. An historical account of the British trade over the Cas- pian sea, and a journal of travels through Russia, Germany and Hol- land; also an account of the revolutions of Persia, during the present century, and a particular history of the usurper, Nadir Kouli Khan ; with maps and plates. By Jonas Hanway, Esq. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1754. Heger, 5410, O. A tour through part of the Netherlands, France, and Switzer- land, in the year 1817; containing a variety of incidents, witii the author's reflections. By Thomas Heger. London, 1 820. Hog, 5976, O. Tour on the continent, in France, Switzerland, and Italy, in the years 1817 and 1818. By Roger Hog, Esq. London, 1824. Hogg, 3187, D. Two hundred and nine days ; or the journal of a traveller on the continent. By T. J. Hogg. 2 vols. London, 1827. Holman, 6820, O. The narrative of a journey, undertaken in the years 1819, 1820, and 1821, through France, Italy, parts of Germany, Holland, and the Netherlands, comprising incidents that occurred to the author, who has long suffered under a total deprivation of sight. By James Holman. London, 1823. 6037, O. Travels through Russia, Siberia, Austria, Hanover, &c. during the years 1822, 1823, and 1824, while suffering from total bimdness. By James Holman, R. N. 2 vols. London, 1825. Houniion, 81 14, D. Foreign scenes and travelling recreations. By John Ho- wiMon. Esq, Zdtdit 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1825. TRAVELS IN EUROPE. 651 Jameson^ 5950, D. Visits and sketches at home and abroad. By Mrs. Jame- son. 2 vols. New York, 1834. 3146, & 3147, D. Diary of an ennuyee. By Mrs. Jameson. Phila- delphia, 1826. Johnson, 7244, Sl 8737, O. Change of air, or the diary of a philosopher in pur- suit of health and recreation. By James Johnson, M. D. 2d edit. London, 1831. New York, 1831. Jorgenson, 4094, O. Travels through France and Germany in the years 1815, 1816, and 1817 ; comprising a view of the moral, political, and social state of those countries, interspersed with historical and political an- ecdotes. By J. Jorgenson, Esq. London, 1817. Keysler, 5147, D. Travels through Gtermany, Switzerland, Italy, and Lorrain; containing an accurate description of the present state and curiosities of those countries. By John George Keysler. To which is prefixed, a life of the author, by M. Godfrey Schutze. Translated from the German. 4 vols. London, 1758. 15, & 567, a. The same. " London, 1756. Macgill, 1993, D. Travels in Turkey, Italy, and Russia, in the years 1803, 4, 5 and 6 ; with an account of some of the Greek islands, by Thomas Macgill. 2 vols. London, 1808. Maclean, 7682, O. An excursion in France, and other parts of the continent of Europe, from 1801 to 1803. By Charles Maclean, M. D. Lon- don, 1804. Marshall, 1091, & 6858, O. Travels through Holland, Flanders, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Lapland, Russia, the Ukraine, and Poland, in 1768, 1769, 1770, &c. &;c. ; with particular reference to the agricul- ture, arts, &c. of those countries. By Joseph Marshall. 4 vols. London, 1772. Matthews, 5367, O. The diary of an invalid ; being the journal of a tour in pursuit of health, in Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, and France, in the years 1817, 1818, and 1819. By Henry Matthews. London, 1820. 3107, D. The same. Paris, 1825. Matthison, 2689, & 6697, O. Letters written from various parts of the conti- nent, between 1785 and 1794; containing anecdotes relative to Ger- man literature and literati. With an appendix, containing the un- published letters of Gray's, &c. &c. Translated from the German of Frederic Matthison. By Anne Plumptre. London, 1790. M'-Lellan, 5799, D. Journal of a residence in Scotland, and tour through Eng- land, France, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy; with a memoir of the author, and extracts from his religious papers. Compiled from the MSS. of the late Henry B. M'Lellan, by J. M'LeUan, Jr. Boston, 1834. Misson, 8239, O. A new voyage to Italy, Germany, Savoy, Flanders, and Hol- land. By Maximilian Misson. 4 vols. London, 1739. Modeen, 6380, O. Shigurf Namah-I-Veaet ; or excellent intelligence concern- ing Europe; being the travels of Mirza Itessa Modeen in Great Britain and France. Translated from the original Persian MS. by James E. Alexander, Esq. London, 1827. Moryson, 274, F. An itinerary, by Fynes Moryson ; containing his ten yeeres travell through the twelve dominions of Germany, Bohmerland, S weitz- erland, Netherland, Denmarke, Poland, Italy, Turkey, France, Eng- land, Scotland, and Ireland, London, 1617. Muirhead, 7594, O. Journals of travels in parts of the late Austrian low coun- tries, France, the Pays de Vaud, and Tuscany, in 1787 and 1789. By Lockhart Muirhead, A. M. London, 1803. Nodier, 2880, D. Promenade from Dieppe to the mountains of Scotland. By Charles Nodier. Translated from the French. Edinburgh, 1822. 65S HItTOBT. Nugent, 3»4, D. Qnnd tour ; containing a description of most of the cities, towns, Ac. of Europe. By Mr. Nupent. 4 vols. London, 1749. Omuby, 5315, O. Letters from the continent, during the months of October, November, and December, 1818. Including a visit to Aix la Chapelle, and the left bank of the Rhine. By the Rev. James W. Ormsby, M. A. London, 1819. Oioen, 8895, ft. 8044, O. Travels into different parts of Europe, in the years 1791 and 1792; with familiar remarks on places, men, and msinners. By John Owen. 2 vols. London, 1796. /'«r.'ttii*'/on, 4119. O. Continental excursions; or tours in France, Switzer- land, and Germany, in 1782, 1787, and 1789 ; with a description of Paris and the glaciers of Savoy ; to this are added, observations on the disposition of the French, previous to the revolution. By the Rev. Thomas Pennington, A. M. 2 vols. London, 1825. 6034, O. A journey into various parts of Europe; and a residence in them during the years 1818, 1819, 1820, and 1821; with notes, historical and classical. By the Rev. Thomas Pennington, A. M. 2 vols. London, 1825. Piozzi, Tm, & 8220, O. Observations and reflections made in the course of a journey through France, Italy, and Germany. By Hester Lynch Piozzi. 2 vols. London, 1789. Puckler Muskau, 4305, D. Tour in England, Ireland, and France, in 1828 and 1 829, in a series of letters. By a GJerman prince. 2 vols. London, 1832. 8775, 8776, 8777, & 8778, O. The same. PhUadelphia, 1833. 5891, «fc 5873, D. Tutti Frutti. By the author of the " Tour of a German prince." 2 vols. London & New York, 1834. Rayy 173, O. Travels through the Low Countries, Germany, Italy, and France, with curious observations, and a catalogue of plants found spontane- ously growing in those parts, with an account of their virtues. By John Ray. Also, an account of the travels of Francis Willoughby, through great part of Spain. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1737. 3630, O. The same. London, 1673. P. Richard, 4984, & 6000, D. 2. A tour from London to Petersburgh, and from thence to Moscow and London. By John Richard. Dublin, 1781. Salvo, 1918, D, Travels in the year 1806, from Italy to England, through the Tyrol, Bohemia, Poland, and Livonia; containing the particulars of the liberation of Mrs. Spencer Smith from the hands of the French police, and of her subsequent flight, eflfected and written by the Mar- quis de Salvo. London, 1807. Sanaom, 3729, & 7776, O. Letters from Europe, during a tour through Switz- erland and Italy, in the years 180 J and 1802. By Joseph Sansom. 8 vols. Philadelphia, 1805. Sheppard, 5263, O. Letters descriptive of a tour through some parts of France, Italy, Switzerland, and Germany, in 1816; with incidental reflections on some topics connected with religion. By John Sheppard. Edin- burgh, 1817. Sherlock, 689, D. Letters from an English traveller, (Martin Sheriock, Esq.) Translated from the French with notes. 2 vols. London, 1780. SiUinum, 2760, & 333 1 , D. A journal of travels in England, Holland, and Scot- land, and of two passages over the Atlantic, in 1805 and 1806, with additions. By Benjamin Silliman. 3 vols. New Haven, 1820. — 4083, 4084, 6l 7672, O. The same. 2 vols. New York, 1810. 2071, O. A tour on the continent, in the years 1786 and 1787. By James Edward Smith. 3 vols. London, 1793. 3160,0. The same. />. Starke^ &363, O. Travels on the continent ; written for the use and particular information of travellers. By Mariana Starke. London, 1820. TRAVELS IN EUROPE. 653 Stevenson, 6371, O. A tour in France, Savoy, Northern Italy, Switzerland, Germany, and the Netherlands, in 1825 ; including observations on the scenery of the Necker and the Rhine. By Seth W. Stevenson. 2 vols. London, 1827. Stolberg, 773, Q,. Travels through Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and Sicily ; with plates. By Count Stolberg. Translated from the German, by Thomas Holcroft. 2 vols. London, 1797. 2870, O. The same. 2d edit. London. — 641, F. Maps and charts to the same. Tennantj 5876, O. A tour through parts of the Netherlands, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Savoy, and France, in the years 1821 — 2. By Charles Tennant, Esq. Also containing, in an appendix, eight letters from Napoleon to his wife, Josephine. 2 vols. London, 1824. Walter, 7 058, O. Letters from the continent; containing sketches of foreign scenery and manners ; with hints as to the different modes of travel- ling, expense, &c. By the Rev. Weever Walter. Edinburgh, 1828. Watkins, 2028, O. Travels through Switzerland, Italy, Sicily, the Greek islands, to Constantinople; through part of Greece, Ragusa. and the Dalmatian isles; in the years 1787, 1788, and 1789. By Thomas Watkins. 2 vols. London, 1792. Willard, 5804, D. Journal and letters from France and Great Britain- By Emma Willard. Troy, 1834. Wilson, 5364, O. A journal of two successive tours upon the continent, in the years 1816 — 17 and 18. By James Wilson, Esq. 3 vols. London, 1820. — 6158, & 6304, O. Travels in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Hanover, Germany, Netherlands, &c. By William Rae- Wilson, Esq. Illus- trated by engravings. London, 1826. Wolff, 992, Q,. Sketches and observations, taken on a tour through a part of the south of Europe. By Jens Wolff. London, 1801. Woods, 1943, Q. Letters of an architect, from France, ItEily, and Greece. By Joseph Woods. 2 vols. London, 1828. Wordsworth, 5617, O. 1. Memorials of a tour on the continent, 1820. By Wil- liam Wordsworth. London, 1822. 2360, O. Sketches and observations, made on a tour through various parts of Europe in the years 1792, 1793, and 1794. London, 1797. 4598, O. Alpine sketches, comprised in a short tour through parts of Hol- land, Flanders, France, Savoy, Switzerland and Germany, during the summer of 1814. London, 1814. 5775, O. Rambles abroad ; or observations on the continent, made during the years 1816, 1817, 1818, in excursions through parts of the north of France, the low countries along the Rhine, and the Prussian frontier. London, 1823. 2480, D. A tour through some parts of Istria, Carniola, Styria, Austria, the Tyrol, Italy, and Sicily in 1814, by a merchant. London, 1815. 2675, D. History of a six weeks' tour through a part of France, Switzer- land, Germany, and Holland. London, 1817. 4234, P. Dates and distances ; showing what may be done in a tour of sixteen months through various parts of Europe, as performed in the years 1829 and 1830. London, 1831. 44G9, D. A travel through Belgium, the frontiers of France, Liege, Luxem- burg, and along the Rhine, in 1814. Amsterdam, 1815. 58] 5, D. The reminiscences of an old traveller throughout different parts of Europe, Edinburgh, 1834, . 654 nisTORV. TRAVELS IN THE NORTH OF EUROPE.— GERMANY, HOLLAND, AND BELGIUM. Jtterbi^ 970, l(Nt8, A 2160, ^ Travels through Sweden, Finland and Lapland, to the North cape, in the years 1708 and 1799 : with plates. By Joseph Acerbi. 2 vols. London, 1802. Jidamit 1778, O. Letters on Silesia, written durinp a tour throupli that coun- try in the years 1800 and 1801. By John Quincy Adams, Esq. Lon- don, 1804. Jlnderttn, 3786, O. A tour in Zealand in 1802, with a sketch of the battle of Copenhagen. By A. Andersen, a native of Denmark. London, 1805. . 1907, D. The same. Philadelphia, 1807. BmrroWf 6901, D. Excursions in the north of Europe, throuirh parts of Rus- sia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, in the years 1830, 1833. By John Barrow, jr. London, 1834. Beaitie, 4223, D. Journal of a residence in Germany, written during a pro- fessional attendance on their royal highnesses, the Duke and Duchess of Clarence. By William Beattie, M. D. 2 vols. London, 1831. BilUngSt 974, Q,. Account of a geographical and astronomical expedition to the northern parts of Russia, in the years 1785, &c. to 1794 ; with plates. By Commodore Joseph Billings. London, 1802. Bltsiington, 2953, D. Journal of a tour through the Netherlands to Paris, in 1821. By Lady Blessington. London, 1822. Boisgtliiu 1554, & 2132, Q,. Travels through Denmark and Sweden; to which is prefixed, a journal of a voyage down the Elbe, from Dresden to Ham- burgh ; including a compendious account of the Hanseatic League. By Louis de Boisgelin. With views by Dr. Charles Parry. 2 vols. London, 1820. Brig/iti 1732, Q. Travels from Vienna through Lower Hungary, with some remarks on the state of Vienna during the congress in 1814. By Richard Bright, M. D. Edinburgh, 1818. Brooke^ 1871, & 1905, Q. Travels through Sweden, Norway, and Finmark, to the North cape, in the summer of 1820. By A. de Capell Brooke. London, 1823. 1929, Q^ A winter in Lapland and Sweden ; with various observa- tions relating to Finmark and its inhabitants. By Arthur de Capell Brooke. London, 1827. Burnett, 1919, D. A view of the present state of Poland. By George Bur- nett. London, 1807. Bumty, 2050, & 7808, O. The present state of music in Germany, the Neth- erlands, and United Provinces; or the journal of a tour through these countries, to collect materials for a general history of music ; by Charles Bumey, Mus. D. Second edition. 2 vols. London, 1770. Cbit, 3728, 3799, & 6739, O. A northern summer; or, travels round the Bal- tic, through Denmark, Sweden, Russia, Prussia and part of Germany, In 1804. By John Carr, Esq. Philadelphia, 1805. 3831, 3832, & 7819, O. A tour through Holland, along the right and loft banks of the Rhine, to the north of Germany, m the summer of 1806. By Sir John Carr. Philadelphia, 1807. ChmUnau, 3747, D. Voyage philosophique, politique et litteraire fait en Rus- iie pendant les annees 1788 et 1789. Par Chantreau. 2 tom. Avcc Owte. A Hambonrg, 1794. 2214, O. Philosophical, political and literary travels in Russia TRAVELS IN THE NORTH OP EUROPE. 655 during the years 1788 and 1789 ; with plates. Translated from the French of M. Chantreau. 2 vols. London, 1794. Cochrane^ 5864, & 5865, O. Narrative of a pedestrian journey through Russia and Siberian Tartary, from the frontiers of China to the Frozen sea and Kamtchatka, performed during the years 1820 — 1823. By Capt. John D. Cochrane, R. N. Philadelphia, 1824. 5886, O. The same. London, 1824. Cogan, 2156, O. The Rhine; or, a journey from Utrecht to Frankfort; chiefly by the borders of the Rhine, and the passage down the river from Mentz to Bonn ; with plates. By T. Cogan, M. D. 2 vols. London, 1794. Consettt 578, Q,. A tour through Sweden, Swedish-Lapland, Finland and Denmark ; with plates. By Matthew Consett. London, 1788. CoxCj 399, Q. Travels into Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark ; inter- spersed with historical relations and political inquiries ; with charts and plates. By William Coxe. 2 vols. London, 1784. 1060, a. The same. 3 vols. P. 7843, O. The same. 4 vols. London, 1787. Jhwnes, 5706, O. Letters from Mecklenburgh and Holstein ; comprising an account of the free cities of Hamburg and Lubeck. Written in the summer of the year 1820. By George Downes. London, 1822. Dwight, 7002, O. Travels in the north of Germany, in the years 1825 and 1826. By Henry E. D wight, A. M. New York, 1829. Dyke^ 5817, D. Travelling mems, during a tour through Belgium, &c. in 1832. By Thomas Dyke, jr. London, 1834. Edmonston, 4121, & 7559, O. A view of the ancient and present state of the Zetland islands ; including their civil, political, and natural history ; and an account of their agriculture, commerce, and the state of society and manners. By Arthur • Edmonston, M. D. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1809. Engelhard^ 1860, Q,. Mahlerische Wanderungen durch Sachsen von Engelhard und Veith. 1 Heft. Leipzig, 1794. Gift of M. Carey, Elliott, 7333, O. Letters from the north of Europe ; or, a journal of travels in Holland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Prussia, and Saxony. By Charles Boileau Elliott, Esq. London, 1832. 5710, D. The same. Philadelphia, 1833. Este, 2157, & 7955, O. A journey in the year 1793, through Flanders, Bra- bant, and Germany, to Switzerland. By C. Este. London, 1795. Everest, 7025, O. A journey through Norway, Lapland, and part of Sweden, with some remarks on the geology of the country, &c. By the Rev. R. Everest, A. M. London, 1829. Faulkner, 5645, D. A visit to Germany and the low countries. By Sir Arthur Brooke Faulkner. 2 vols. London, 1833. Felly 554, P. S. Pallas. 2 vols. London, 1802. Pkmchi^ 6431, O. Tlu' descent of the Danube, from Ratisbon to Vienna, dur- ing the autumn of 1827. With anecdotes and recollections, historical and legendary. By J- R- Planche. London, 1828. Porter, 1466, ^ Travelling sketches, in Russia and Sweden, during: the years 1805, 6, 7, and 8. By Robert Kerr Porter. 2 vols. London, 1809. 4029, 4030, & 4031, O. The same. Each in 1 vol. Philadelphia, 1809. Pratt, 2703, 4t 2291, O. Gleanings through Wales, Holland, and Westphalia; with views of peace and war, at home and abroad. To which is added, *' Humanity, or the rights of nature," a poem. By Mr. Pratt. 4 vols. London, 1795. Price, 2279, Q^ Norway ; views of wild scenery, and journal. By Eld ward Price, Esq. London, 1834. Raddifft, 1827, O. A journey through Sweden; containing an account of its population, agriculture, commerce, and finances. To which is added, an abridged history of the kingdom, and of the different forms of government, from the accession of Gustavus Vasa in 1 523 ; with some particulars relating to the history of Denmark. Translated from the French, by William RadcUffe. London, 1789. 708, & 2109, Q. A journey made in the summer of 1794, through Holland and the western frontier of Germany, with a return down the Rhine. To which is added, observations during a tour to the lakes of Lancashire, Westmoreland, and Cumberland. By Arm Radcliffe. Lon- don, 1795. 6846, & 8129, O. The same. Dublin, 1795. Jidchard, 2800, D. An itinerary of Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Russia ; being a complete guide to travellers through those countries ; contain- ing a minute description of the roads, cities, inns, coins, modes and price of travelling. By M. Reichard. London, 1820. Render, 2878, & 7586, O. A tour through Germany ; particularly along the banks of the Rhine, Mayne, &c. To which is added, a concise voca- bulary of familiar phrases, &c. in German and English. By the Rev. Dr. Render. 2 vols. London, 1801. Riesbeck, 1610, O. Riesbeck's travels through Germany. Translated from the German, by Mr. Maty. 3 vols. London, 1787. 3185, O. The same. P. Ru$$eU, 6003, & 6004, O. A tour in Germany and some of the southern pro- vinces of the Austrian empire, in the years 1820, 1821, and 1822. By John Russell, Esq. Boston, 1825. 3074, D. The same. 2 vols. London, 1825. Rutland, 1819, (I. A tour through part of Belcrium and the Rhenish provinces. By the Duke of Rutland. London, 1822. Saabye, 5200, O. Greenland ; being extracts from a journal kept in that coun- try in the years 1770 — 1778. By Hans Egede Saabye ; to which is prefixed, an introduction, containing some accounts of the manners oL the Greenlanders, and of the mission in Greenland. By G. Friofi London, 1818. SeotU 4754, O. 6l 2495, 4437, D. Paul's (Sir Walter Scott) letters to his kins- folk. Philadelphia, 1816. SempU, 4593, O. Observations made on a tour from Hamburgh through Ber- lin, Gorlitz, and Breslau, to Gottenburgh. By Robert Semplc. Lon- don, 1814. 8imp$on, 2482, D. A visit to Flanders in July, 1815, being chiefly an account of Uie field of Waterloo, with a short sketch of Antwerp and Brussels. By J. Simpson. Edinburgh, 1815. 2499. D. The same. New York, 1816. TRAVELS IN THE NORTH OP EUROPE. 659 Skioldebrand, *4605, O. A picturesque journey to the North cape. By A. F. Skioldebrand. Translated from the French. London, 1813. Smith, 6233, O. Notes during a tour in Denmark, Prussia, Saxony, Holland, and France. Interspersed with some observations on the foreign corn trade. By R. Smith, Esq. London, 1827. Smithers, 5223, 0. Observations made during a tour in 1816 and 1817, through part of the Netherlands ; with remarks on the works of art, and in- quiries into the present state of agriculture, political economy, laws, government, and rehgion. By Henry Smithers. Brussels, 1818. Southey, 2510, & 2516, D. The poet's pilgrimage to Waterloo. By Robert Southey, Esq. London, 1816. StaH, 4581, O. Germany. By the Baroness Stael-Holstein. 3 vols. Lon- don, 1813. 2279, D. The same. 2 vols. New York, 1814. Svenin, 8604, O. 3. Sketches of Moscow and St. Petersburgh. By Paul Svenin. With nine engravings. Philadelphia, 1813. Swinton, 1936, & 8032, O. Travels into Norway, Denmark, and Russia, in the years, 1788—1791. By A. Swinton. Dublin & London, 1792. Thickness e, 1428, O. A journey through the Austrian Netherlands ; with plates. By Philip Thicknesse. 2d edit. London, 1786. Thomson, 1618, Q,. Travels in Sweden during the autumn of 1812. By Tho- mas Thomson, M. D. London, 1813. Toland, 6935, O. 1. An account of the courts of Prussia and Hanover ; sent to a minister of state in Holland. By Mr. Toland. London, 1705. Townson, 772, Q,. Travels in Hungary, with a short account of Vienna, in the year 1793. By Robert Townson. With plates. London, 1797. Trollope, 9077, O. & 5885, D. Belgium and western Germany. By Mrs. Trollope. Philadelphia «fe London, 1834. Uklanski, D\ 2550, D. Travels in Poland, Austria, Saxony, Bavaria, and the Tyrol, in the years 1807 and 1808. By Baron d'Uklanski. London. Vigor, 1122, D. Letters from Russia; with historical notes. By Mrs. Vigor. 2d edit. London, 1787. Von Troil, 3172, & 8036, O. Letters on Iceland, containing observations made during a voyage undertaken in 1772, by Joseph Banks, Esq., assisted by Dr. Solander, Dr. J. Lend, Dr. Uno Von Troil, and others. Written by Uno Von Troil, D. D. 2d edit. London, 1780. 1270, O. The same. 3d edit. London, 1783. Von Buch, 1617, Q,. Travels through Norway and Lapland, during the years 1806, 7, and 8. By Leopold Von Buch. Translated from the Ger- man, by John Black ; with notes, and some account of the author, by Robert Jameson. London, 1813. Walpole, 5751, D. Journal of an excursion to Antwerp during the siege of the citadel, in December, 1832. By the Hon. C. S. Walpole. London, 1833. TVilson, 6441, O. Travels in Russia, &c. &c. By William Rae Wilson, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1828. Wolf, 1653, Gt. Sketches on a tour to Copenhagen, through Norway and Sweden, interspersed with historical and other anecdotes of public and private characters, with an appendix relative to the present poli- tical state of Norway. By Jens Wolf, Esq. London, 1814. Wollstonecraft, 2321, O. Letters written during a short residence in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. By Mary Wollstonecraft. London, 1796. 5177, D. The same. Wilmington, 1796. Wraxall, 1206, O. A tour through some of the northern parts of Europe, par- ticularly Copenhagen, Stockholm, and Petersburgh. By Nathaniel William Wraxall. 3d edit. London, 1776. 660 HISTORT. fFraxaU, 2660, O. Memoirs of the court of Berlin, Dresden, Warsaw, and Vienna, In the yoars 1777, 1778, and 1779. By Nathaniel William Wraxall. % vols. London, 1799. 100, &. 725, O. A deacription of Holland ; or the present state of the United Provinces; oootaining a particular account of the Hague, and all the principal cities and towns of the republic ; with directions for making the tour of the pro- vinces. London, 1743. 301, O. 2. An account of Sueden, as it was in the year 1688; with an extract of the history of that kingdom. London, 1738. 1298, O. Observations on the present state of Denmark, Russia and Switz- erland, in a series of letters. London, 1784. 2076, O. 1. Tour through the theatre of war in November and December, 1792, and January, 1793; with military anecdotes, and an authentic account of the death of Louis XVI. London, 1793. 2356, & 7999, O. Letters from Scandinavia, on the past and present state of the northern nations of Europe. 2 vols. London, 1796. 2642, O. A tour through Germany ; containing observations of the state of agriculture and policy of the different states, and particular descriptions of the courts of Vienna and Berlin, and Coblentz and Mentz, with the banks of the Rhine, the present theatre of war. London, 1792. 4907, O. Narrative of a residence in Belgium during the campaign of 1815, and a visit to the field of Waterloo. By an Englishwoman. London, 1817. 4615, O. Letters from Flushing, containing an account of the expedition to Walcheren under the command of the Eiarl of Chatham, by an officer. Lon- don, 1809. 5145, O. An autumn near the Rhine, or sketches of courts, society, scenery, &c. in some of the German states bordering on the Rhine. London, 1818. 5780, O. Letters literary and political on Poland ; comprising observations on Russia and other Sclavonian nations and tribes. Edinburgh, 1823. 8521, O. A description of Holland; or the present state of the United Pro- vinces, with a particular account of the Hague. London, 1743. 838, D. Les delices de la Hollande. Amsterdam, 1685. 1513, &, 1674, D. Les delices des Pays-Bas, ou description geographique et historique des XVII. provinces Belgiques. 5 tomes. Liege, 1769. Brussellc, 1711. 1903, D. Reys-boek door de Vereenigde de Nederlande. Amsterdam, 1700. Gift of Mathew Carey. 1942, D. The Belgian traveller; or, a tour through Holland, France, and Switzerland, during the years 1804-5; in a series of letters. Edited by the author of the revolutionary Plutarch. 4 vols. London, 1806. 3413, D. The present state of Holland ; or, a description of the United Pro- vinces, &c. &c. &c. With directions for making the tour of the Provinces. Leiden, 1765. 3276, D. Austria as it is : or, sketches of continental courts. By an eye- witness. London, 1828. 4227, D. Journal of a nobleman; comprising an account of his travels, and a narrative of his residence at Vienna during the congress. 2 vols. London, 1831. ^ 4323, D. A family tour through South Holland ; up the Rhine ; and across the Netherlands to Ostend. London, 1831. 4694, D. 3. A sketch of Hambourg, its commerce, customs and manners. Hambourg, 1801. 6027, D. What may be done in two months. A summer's tour through Beigtuin, up the Rhine, &c. London, 1834. 6049, D. A July up the Rhine. With one word to Mr. Bulwcr's " Englan and the Bnglish.** London, 1834. TRAVELS IN ITALY, FRANCE, &C. 661 TRAVELS IN ITALY, FRANCE, SPAIN, PORTUGAL, &c. Addison, 3380, O. Remarks on several parts of Italy, &c. in the years 1701, 2, and 3. By Joseph Addison, London, 1705. F. Agassis, 8981, O. A journey in Switzerland, and pedestrian tours in that coun- try. By L. Agassis, Esq. London, 1833. Albertij 842, F. Descrittione de tutta Italia di Leandro Alberti. Bologna, 1550. P. Alexander^ 9194, O. Sketches in Portugal, during the civil war of 1834, by James Edward Alexander, with observations on the present state and future prospects of Portugal. London, 1835. Andrews, 1324, e, 98, Q,. Travels through Holland, Germany, Switzerland, but especially Italy; with maps. By Monsieur De Blainville. 3 vols. London, 1757. _ 1166,0. The same. F. Blanc, Le, 370, O. Letters on the English and French nations. By Monsieur Le Blanc. 2 vols. London, 1747. Blaneyy 4594, O. Narrative of a forced journey through Spain and France, in the years 1810 to 1814, by major general Lord Blaney. 3 vols. Lon- don, 1814. Blaquiere, 4599, O. Letters from the Mediterranean ; containing a civil and political view of Sicily, Tripoli, Tunis, and Malta, with biographical sketches and anecdotes, by E. Blaquiere, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1813. Blunts 5702, O. Vestiges of ancient manners and customs, discoverable in modern Italy and Sicily. By the Rev. John James Blunt. London, 1823. Boid^ 9184, O. A description of the Azores, or Western Islands, from personal observation, by Captain Bold. London, 1835. Boswellj 39, & 124, O. Account of Corsica; being the journal of a tour to that island ; and memoirs of Paschal Paoli ; with a map of Corsica. By James Bos well. 2d edit. London, 1768. 3330, O. The same. F. Bourgoing, 3970, O. Modern state of Spain ; exhibiting a complete view of its topography, government, laws, religion, finances, naval and mili- tary establishments, and of society, manners, &;c. in that country. By J. Fr. Bourgoing. Translated from the last Paris edition of 1807; to which are added, essays on Spain, by M. Peyron, and the book of post roads, with an atlas of plates. 4 vols. London, 1808. 1893, 6865, & 8301, O. Travels in Spain; containing a view of the present state of that country, by the chevalier de Bourgoing. To which are added, extracts frohi the essays on Spain by M. Peyron. Translated from the French. 2 vols. London, 1789. Dublin, 1790. Bourrit, 3312, O. Nouvelle description generale et particuliere des glacieres valees de glace et glaciers qui forment la grande chaine des Alpes de Suisse d'ltalie et de Savoye. Par M. Bourrit. 3 vols. Geneve, 1785. F. 721, & 5010, D. A relation of a journey to the Glaciers, in the duchy of Savoy, translated from the French of M. T. Bourrit. By Charles and Frederick Davy. 3d edit. Dublin, 1776. Bowdieh^ 1900, Q,. Excursions in Madeira and Porto Santo, during the au- tumn of 1823. By the late T. Edward Bowdich, Esq. To which is added, by Mrs. Bowdich, a narrative of the continuance of the voyage to its completion. Illustrated by views. London, 1825. Boylt, 626, D. Letters from Italy in the years 1754, and 1755, by R. Boyle, ear) of Cork and Orrery. London, 1773. i/romjen, IMSQ, O. I. Remarks on the north of Spain. By John Bramsen. London, 1823. TRAVELS IN ITALY, FRANCE, &C. 663 Brockedon, 5724, D. Journals of excursions in the Alps, the Penine, Graian, Cottian, Rhetian, Leopontian, and Bernese. By William Brockedon. London, 1833. Brooke^ 2535, O. Observations on the manners and customs of Italy ; with remarks on the importance of British commerce on that continent ; and particulars of the explosion of Mount Vesuvius, in June 1794. By N. Brooke, M. D. Bath, 1798, Brasses, de, 6847, O. Lettres historiques et critiques sur I'ltalie, de Charles de Brosses ; avec des notes relatives a la situation actuelle de I'ltalie, et la liste raisonnee des tableaux, &c. qui ont ete apportes a Paris, de Milan, de Rome, &c. &c. 3 tom. A Paris, 1799. Bronghton, 4701, O. Letters from Portugal, Spain, and France, written during the campaigns of 1812, 13 and 14; describing the provinces passed through, and the state of society, manners, &c. of the people. By S. D. Broughton. London, 1815. Brydone, 1361, & 5426, D. A tour through Sicily and Malta, in a series of letters, from P. Brydone. A new edition, with engravings. 2 vols. Perth, 1799. 2096, D. The same. Edinburgh, 1808. Burnet, 1508, D. Some letters containing an account of what seemed most remarkable in travelling through Switzerland, Italy, some parts of Ger- many, &c., in the years 1685 and 1686. By Gilbert Burnet, D. D. Rotterdam, 1687. P, Bidwer, 5792, & 6010, D. France, social, literary, and political. By Henry L5rtton Bulwer, Esq., M. P. 2 vols. New York, & London, 1834. Busby, 6012, D. Journal of a recent visit to the principal vineyards of Spain and France. By James Busby, Esq. London, 1834. Bygge, 1369, &4735, D. Travels in the French republic: containing a cir- cumstantial view of the present state of learning, the arts, manufac- tures, learned societies, manners, &c. in that country. By Thomas Bygge. Translated from the Danish, by John Jones. London, 1801. Cadell, 5365, O. A journey into Carniola, Italy, and France, in the years 1817, 1818; containing remarks relative to language, history, architecture, the mechanical arts, and manufactures. By W. A. Cadell, Esq. With engravings. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1820. Cambry, 6890, O. Voyage dans la Finisterre, ou etat de ce departement en 1794 et 1795. Par M. Cambry. Avec figures. 3 tom. A Paris, 1799. Carey, 5828, O. Journal of a tour in France, in the years 1816 and 1817. By Frances Jane Carey. London; 1823. Carries, 8953, O. Letters from Switzerland and Italy, during a late tour. By the author (Carnes) of" Letters from the east," &c. London, 1834. Carr, 1620, Q. Descriptive travels in the southern and eastern parts of Spain and the Balearic isles, in 1809. By Sir John Carr. London, 1811. 1005, Q. The stranger in France ; or, a tour from Devonshire to Paris; with plates. By John Carr, Esq. London, 1803. .S800, O. The same. Baltimore, 1805. Carter, 1258, & 3170, O. A journey from Gibraltar to Malaga, with plates ; taken in the year 1772. By Francis Carter. 2d edit. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1777—1780. F. Chateauvieux, 526ii, O. Italy, its agriculture, &c., from the French of Mons. Chateauvieux ; being letters written by him in Italy, in 1812 and 1813. Translated by Edward Rigby, Esq. Norwich, 1819. Chatelet, 4120, O. Travels of the Duke de Chatelet in Portugal ; comprehend- ing interesting particulars relative to the colonies and the court ; the manuscript revised, with notes on the present state of the kingdom and colonies, by J. Fr. Bourgoing. Translated from the French, by John Joseph Stockdale. With a map. 2 vols. London, 1809. 6<>4 HisToay. Chrke^ 84, & 2146, d. Letters concerning the Spanisli nation ; written at Madrid, during the years 1700 and 1701. 13y the Rev. Edward Clarke. London, 1703. ^— 5142, O. An examination of the interned state of Spain; to which is prefixed, a brief sketch of her history to the late invasion of the French. By Christopher Clarke. London, 1818. CobbetU 3041. it, 3042, D. A ride of eight hundred miles in France; contain- ing a sketch of the face of the country, an account of the prices of land, labour, and other things, and a general view of the finances of the kingdom. By James Paul Cobbett. New York, 1824. CoMwn^ 4698. O. A voyage to Cadiz and Gibraltar, up the Mediterranean, to Sicily and Malta, in 1810 and 1811 ; including a description of Si- cily and the Lipari islands, and an excursion in Portugal. By Lieut, general Cockburn. 2 vols. London, 1815. CoUtorit 6827, O. Journal of a tour in France, Switzerland, and Italy, during the years 1819, 1820, and 1821. By Marianne Colston. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1823. Condamine, 589, D. An extract from the observations made in a tour to Italy, by the chevalier de la Condamine. Translated from the French into English. London, 1768. — — 631, D. A journal of a tour to Italy. By Mr. de la Condamine. London, 1773. Conder, 42bl, D. Italy. By Josiah Conder. 3 vols. London, 1831. Cook, 9059, O. Sketches in Spain, during the years 1829, 30, 31, and 32; con- taining notices of some districts very little known. By Captain S. S. Cook, R. N. 2 vols. London, 1834. Cooke, 6019, D. Narrative of events in France, and of the attack on New Or- leans, in 1814—1815. By Captain J. H. Cooke. London, 1835. Costigan, 1638, O. Sketches of society and manners in Portugal: in a series of letters from Arthur William Costigan, to his brother in London. 2 vols. London, 1787. 4485, D. The same. 2 vols. London, 1785. Coxe^ 1225, O. Sketches of the natural, civil, and political state of Switzerland. By William Coxe. 2d edit. London, 1780. 3079, O. The same. London, 1779. F. 1822, & 7842, O. Travels in Switzeriand ; with plates. By William Coxe. 3 vols. London and Dublm, 1789. 6916, O. Lettres de M. William Coxe a M. W. Melmoth, sur I'etat poli- tique, civil, et naturel de la Suisse ; traduites de T Anglais, et augmen- tees des observations, &c., par le traducteur. 2 tom. A Paris, 1782. Craven, 1804, Q^ A tour through the southern provinces of the kingdom of Naples. By the Hon. Richard Keppel Craven : to which is subjoined, a sketch of the immediate circumstances attending the late revolution. London, 1821. Croker, 2649, O. Travels through several provinces of Spain and Portugal By Richard Croker, Esq. London, 1799. Cu$hing, 6668, D. Reminiscences of Spain, the country, its people, history, and monuments. By Caleb Cushmg. 2 vols. Boston, 1833. DalrympU, 412, O. 2. & 5228, D. Travels through Spain and Portugal, in the year 1774; with a short account of the Spanish expedition against Al- giers, in 1775. By major Wm. Dalrymple. London, 1774—1777. DanoUt 1683. D. Travels in Spain; or a genuine relation of the laws, com- merce, customs, and manners of that country. By the countess of Danois. 2 vols. London, 1774. P. DidUr. 5436, O. Letters from Paris, and other cities of France, Holland, &.c. V. 'ten during a tour and residence in these countries, in the years 1510—1820. By FrankUn J. Didier, M. D. New York, 1821. TRAVELS IN ITALY, FRANCE, &C. 665 Dillon, 1958, a. & 333, 1059, 2. 8247, O. Travels through Spain, with a view to illustrate the natural history and physical geography of that king- dom, and interspersed with historical anecdotes, notes, and observa- tions relative to the arts, &c. &c. With maps and plates. By John Talbot Dillon, knight, &c. &c. London, 1780. 3230, O. Letters from an English traveller in Spain, in 1778, on the origin and progress of poetry, in that kingdom. Adorned with por- traits of the most eminent poets. By John Talbot Dillon. London, 1781. P. Ducarel, 667, F. Anglo-Norman antiquities, considered in a tour through part of Normandy. Illustrated with 27 copperplates. By Dr. Ducarel. London, 1718. P. Dumouriez, 1276, D. An account of Portugal, as it appeared to Dumoui:iez, in 1766. London, 1797. Dupaty, 2095, & 2536, O. Travels through Italy, in a series of letters. Writ- ten in the year 1785. Translated from the French of the Abbe Du- paty. London, 1788. 3491, D. Sentimental letters on Italy. Written in French, by Pre- sident Dupaty, in 1785. Translated by J. Povoleri. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1789. Elmhirst, 5269, O. 2. Occurrences during a six months' residence in the pro- vince of Calabria Ulteriore, in the kingdom of Naples, in 1808 and 1810; containing a description of the country, inhabitants, &c. By Lieut. P. J. Elmhirst, R. N. London, 1819. Eustace, 1615, Q,. A tour through Italy; exhibiting a view of its scenery, its antiquities, an(i its monuments, particularly as they are objects of classical interest and elucidation ; with an account of the present state of its cities and towns ; and occasional observations on the recent spo- liations of the French. By the Rev. John Chetwode Eustace. 2 vols. London, 1813. 4836, O. The same. Philadelphia, 1816. 4591, O. 2. Letter from Paris to George Petre, Esq. By the Rev. J. C. Eustace. London, 1814. Evans, 9165, O. The classic and connoisseur in Italy and France; with an appendix, containing an abridged translation of Lanze's " Storria pit- torica." By the Rev. G. W. D. Evans. 3 vols. London, 1835. Faulkner, 6401, O. Rambling notes and reflections; suggested during a visit to Paris, in the winter of 1826 and 1827. By Sir Arthur B. Faulkner. London, 1827. Fellowes, 4753, O. Paris, during the interesting month of July, 1815, in a series of letters. By W. D. Fellowes, Esq. London, 1815. Ferber, 1191, 3231, & 7954, O. Travels through Italy, in the years 1771 and 1772 ; described in a series of letters to Baron Born, on the natural history, particularly, the mountains and volcanoes of that country. By John James Ferber. Translated from the German. . London, 1776. P, Fielding, 245, & 5480, D. A journal of a voyage to Lisbon. By the late Henry Fielding, Esq. London, 1755 and 1785. Fischer, 2926, O. Travels in Spain, in 1797 and 1798. By Frederick Augustus Fischer. Translated from the German. London, 1802. 3935, O. A picture of Valencia. Translated from the German of Frederick Augustus Fisher, by Frederick Shoberl. London, 1809. 3948, O. A picture of Madrid ; taken on the spot. Translated from the German of Frederick Augustus Fisher. London, 1808. Forsyth, 4597, 5039, & 7895, O. Remarks on antiquities, arts, and letters, during an excursion in Italy, in the years 1802 and 1803. By Joseph Forsyth, Esq. London, 1813. 2d edit. ^ Boston, 1818. 84 666 HISTORY. Fhrcty De la, 644, D. Noureau voyage de France. Par M. Piganiol De la Force. 2 tomes. A Paris, 1755. 1596, D. Nouvelle description des chateaux et pares de Ver- sailles et de Maries. Par M. Piganiol De la Force. 3nie edit. 2 tomes. Paris, 1713. P. Galiffe^ 54 1 1 , O. Italy and its inhabitants ; an account of a tour in that coun- try, in 1810 and 1817; containing a view of characters, manners, cus- toms, and the fine arts. By James Aiig. Galifie. 2 vols. London, 1820. affords 2351, O. A residence in France, during the years 1792, 1793, 1794, and 1795 ; described in a series of letters from an English lady. Pre- pared for the press by John Gifford, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1797. GiUy^ 1882, Q. Narrative of an excursion to the mountains of Piedmont, and researches among the Vaudois, or Waldenses. With maps. By the Rev. Wm. S. Gilly. London, 1824. 7284, O. Waldensian researches, during a second visit to the Vaudois of Piedmont. By Wm. S. Gilly. London, 1831. GraJiamy 5409, O. Three months passed in the mountains east of Rome, dur- ing the year 1819. By Maria' Graham. London, 1820. Greene, 2899, O. A relation of several circumstances which occurred in Lower Normandy, during the revolution, from 1789 to 1800. By George Greene. London, 1802. Grosley, 8197, O. New observations on Italy and its inhabitants. Translated by Thomas Nugent, from the French of M. Grosley. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1769. Hager, 1385, D. 2. Dr. Hager's picture of Palermo. Translated from the Ger- man, by Mary Robinson. London, 1800. HaU, 5314, O. Travels in France, in 1818. By Lieut. Francis Hall. London, 1819. Hazlitt, 6400, O. Notes of a journey through France and Italy. By William Hazlitt. London, 1826. Hervey, 1399, O. Letters from Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Germany, in the years 1759, 1760, and 1761. By Christopher Hervey. 3 vols. Lon- don, 1785. HtlL, 1927, O. Observations in a journey through Sicily and Calabria, in the year 1791 ; with a postscript, containing some account of the ceremo- nies of the last holy week at Rome, and of a short excursion to Ti- voli. By Brian Hill. London, 1792. Hoare, 1744, Q. A classical tour through Italy and Sicily ; tending to illustrate some districts which have not been described by Mr. Eustace, in his classical tour. By Sir Richard Colt Hoare. London, 1819. 1650, a. A tour through the island of Elba. By Sir Richard C. Hoare. Illustrated with views. London, 1814. Hobhouse, 4820, & 4845, O. The substance of some letters written by an Englishman (J. C. Hobhouse) resident at Paris, during the last reign of the emperor Napoleon ; with an appendix of official documents. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1816. Holcroft, 1009, Q. Travels from Hamburg, through Westphalia, Holland, and the Netherlands, to Paris. With plates. By Thomas Holcroft. 2 vols. London, 1804. 7734, O. The same. Abridged by John Fulton, V. M. Glasgow, 1804. Houel, 656, F. Voyage pitturesque des isles de Sicile, de Malta, et de Lipari. Par Jean Houel, peintre du roy. 5 tomes. A Paris, 1781. P. Hugluiy 1780, Q. Travels in Sicily, Greece, and Albania. By the Rev. Thos. S. Hughes, A. M. London, 1820- TRAVELS IN ITALY, FRANCE, &C. 6G7 Hughes^ 2986, O. A tour through several of the midland and western depart- ments of France, in the summer of 1802. With plates. By W. Hughes. London, 1803. 5618, O. An itinerary of Provence and the Rhon^, made in the year 1819. By John Hughes, A. M. London, 1822. Hully 1264, O. Select letters between the late duchess of Somerset, William Shenstone, and others ; including a sketch of the manners, laws, &c. of the republic of Venice ; and some poetical pieces. Published by Mr. Hull. 2 vols. London, 1778. Inglis, 7292, O. Spain in 1830. By Henry D. Inglis. 2 vols. London, 1831. Jackson, 3156, D. Remains of the Vaudois of Piedmont, during an excursion in 1825. By the Rev. J.L.Jackson. London, 1826. Gift of Dr, Parke. Jacob, 1553, Q,. Travels in the south of Spain, in letters written in 1809 and 1810. By William Jacob, Esq. London, 1811. James, 2756, D. Sketches of travels in Sicily, Italy, and France, in a series of letters addressed to a friend in the United States. By John James, M.D. Albany, 1820. Jardine, 1823, & 3988, O. Letters from Barbary, France^ Spain, and Portugal. By Major Alexander Jardine. 2 vols. London, 1788 — 1808. Johnson, 3250, D. Journal of a tour through parts- of France, Italy, and Switz- erland, in the years 1823-4. By John Willes Johnson, R. N. Lon- don, 1827. Jones, 3993, D. Sketches of naval life ; with notices of men, manners, and scenery, on the shores of the Mediterranean ; in a series of letters from the Constitution and Brandywine frigates. By a civilian (Mr. Jones.) 2 vols. New Haven, 1829. Kinloch, 5182, & 7495, O. Letters from Geneva and France; written during a residence of between two and three years in different parts of those countries, and addressed to a lady in Virginia, by her father (I. Kin- loch, Esq.) 2 vols. Boston, 1819. Kinsey, 1952, a. Portugal illustrated. By the Rev. W. M. Kinsey, B. D. With a map and plates. London, 1828. Kotzebue, 4746, O. The Russian prisoner of war among the French. By Moritz Von Kotzebue, lieutenant Russian staff. Edited, with a pre- face and postscript, by A. Von Kotzebue. Translated from the Ger- man. London, 1816. 489, D. Travels from Berlin, through Switzerland, to Paris, in the year 1804. Translated from the German of Augustus Von Kotzebue. 3 vols. London, 1804. 1879, D. Travels through Italy, in the years 1804-5. By A. Von Kotzebue. 4 vols. London, 1807. Labor de, 4107, & 7614, O. A view of Spain; comprising a descriptive itinerary of each province, and a general statistical account of the country. Translated from the French of Alexander de Laborde. 5 vols. Lon- don, 1809. Lancelot, 4590, O. Narrative of a tour taken in the year 1667, to Le Grande Chartreuse and Alet. By Dom Claude Lancelot; including some account of De Ranee, of the Abbe de St. Cyran, and of Cornelius Jansenius, bishop of Ypres. London, 1813. iMngle, 862, D. A sentimental journey through Spain. By the marquis de Langle. Translated from the French. 2 vols. London, 1786. Lassels, 4515, D. The voyage of Italy; or a journey through Italy; with cha- racters of the people, and a description of the chief towns. By Richard Lassels. London, 1685. Latrobe, 7097, O. The alpenstock; or sketches of Swiss scenery and man- ners — 1825 and 1826. By Charles Joseph Latrobe. London, 1829. 668 HISTORY. Ltgnmdt 6850, O. Voyage fiUt en 1787 et 1788, dans la ci-devant haute et basse Anvergne, aujourd*hui departmcns du Puy-de-Dome, du cantal et paitie de ^ui de la haute Loire. Par le Cit Legrand. 3 torn. A Paris, 1795. Lemautn^ 8854, O. Travels, after the peace of Amiens, through parts of France, Switzerland, Italy, and Germany. By L G. Lemaistre, Esq. 8 vols. Lx)ndon, 1806. lidd&ari^ 8748, O. A three months* tour in Switzerland and France. By the Rev. William Liddiard London, 1832. Link, 8088, O. A picture of Lisbon ; taken on the spot, by a gentleman many years resident there. (H. F. Link.) London, 1809. 557, 6538, & 7994, O. Travels in Portugal, and through France and Spain; with a dissertation on the literature of Portugal, and the Spanish and Portuguese languages. By Henry Frederick Link. Translated from the German, with notes. London, 1801. Luc, Dt, 1970, O. Lettres sur quelques parties de la Suisse et sur le climat d'Hieres. Par J. A. De Luc. A La Haye, 1778. Gift of Joseph Peter Vogels, Macleany 3698, O. An excursion in France, and other parts of Europe, from 1801, to the close of 1803. By Charles Maclean, M. D. London, 1804. Macnemn, 7564, O. A ramble through Swisserland in the summer and au- tumn of 1802. By William J. Macnevin, M. D. Dublin, 1803. Martyriy 1904, &, 7585, O. A tour through Italy; containing full directions for travelling in that interesting country ; with ample catalogues of every thing that is curious in architecture, painting, sculpture, &c. By Tho- mas Martyn. London, 1791. 3222, O. The same. P, Meeke, 6435, & 7269, O. A comparative view of the social life of England and France, from the restoration of Charles U. to the French revolution. By Mrs. Meeke. London, 1828. Mercier, 215, &, 8015, O. New picture of Paris. By M. Mercier. Translated from the French. 2 vols. Dublin, 1800. MUford, 5078, O. Observations, moral, literary, and antiquarian, made during a tour through the Pyrenees, south of France, Switzerland, Italy, and the Netherlands, in 1814 and 1815. By John Milford, jr. 2 vols. London, 1818. 5143, O. Peninsular sketches during a recent tour. By John Mil- ford, jr. London, 1816. AfiUer, 1190, O. Letters from Italy ; describing the manners, customs, antiqui- ties, paintings, &c. of that country, in the years 1770 and 1771. By an Englishwoman. (Mrs. M. Miller.) 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1777. 3651, D. The same. Dublin, 1776. MitMon, 101, & 219, O. A new voyage to Italy; with observations on Ger- many, Switzerland, Savoy, Geneva, Flanders, and Holland ; and in- structions for those who shall travel thither. By Maximilian Misson. 6th edit. 4 vols. London, 1739. MonUdgne, 1041, D. Journal du voyage de Michael de Montaigne en Italic, par la Suisse et rAIlemagne en 1680 et 1581. Avec des notes par M. de Q,uerlon. 3 tomes. A Rome, 1774. Moody, 2451, O. A sketch of modem France ; in a seriesT of letters written in the years 1796 and 1797, during a tour through France. By a lady. Bdhed by C. L. Moody. London, 1798. Moon, 1188, O. A view of society and manners in France, Switzerland, and Germany ; with anecdotes relating to some eminent characters. By John Moore, M. D. 6th edit. 2 vols. London, 1783. 7985, 4 1107, 0. The same. 9th edit. London, 1800. Boston, 1792. TRAVELS IN ITALY, PRANCE, &C. 669 Moore, 1189, O. A view of society and manners in Italy; with anecdotes re- lating to some eminent characters. By John Moore. 3d edit. 2 vols. London, 1783. 1115, O. The same. 6th edit. London, 1795. 2026, O. A journal during a residence in France, from the beginning of August, to the middle of December, 1792 ; with an account of the most remarkable events that happened at Paris from that time to the death of the late king of France. By John Moore. 2 vols. London, 1792 & 1793. Morgan, 1704, Q,. France. By Lady Morgan. London, 1817. 5026, & 5027, O. The same. Philadelphia, 1817. 2599, D. The same. New York, 1817. 4358, D. & 7175, O. France in 1829—30. By Lady Morgan. 2 vols. New York & London, 1830. 1803, d. Italy. By Lady Morgan. 2 vols, in 1. London, 1821. 5444, 5508, & 7602, O. The same. 2 vols. New York, 1821. Morton, 7083, O. Protestant vigils, or evening records of a journey in Italy in the years 1826 and 1827. By Harriet Morton. 2 vols. London, 1829. Muirhead, 2979, O. Journals of travels in parts of the late Austrian low coun- tries, France, the Pays de Vaud, and Tuscany, in 1787 and 1789. By Lockhart Muirhead. London, 1803. Murphy, 700, Q,. Travels in Portugal ; through the provinces of Entre Douro e Minho, Beira, Estremadura, and Alem-Tejo, in the years 1789, and 1790. Consisting of observations on the manners, customs, trade, public buildings, arts, antiquities, &c. of that kingdom ; with plates. By James Murphy. London, 1795. 790, d. A general view of the state of Portugal ; in which are in- cluded, an account of the physical and moral state of the kingdom ; with plates. By James Murphy. London, 1798. Non, St., 656, F. Voyage pittoresque, ou description des royaumes de Naples et de Sicile, par I'Abbe de St. Non. A Paris, 1781. F, 1856, O. Travels in Sicily and Malta. Translated from the French of M. De Non. London, 1789. 3096, O. The same. P. Northall, 8413, O. Travels through Italy; containing new and curious ob- servations on that country. With accounts of pieces of painting, sculpture, and architecture, that are to be seen there. By John Nor- thall, Esq. London, 1766. Nugent, 1002, & 6808, O. New observations on Italy and its inhabitants. Written in French by two Swedish gentlemen. Translated by Tho- mas Nugent, LL. D. &c. 2 vols. London, 1769. Pardoe, 5792, & 5811, D. Traits and traditions of Portugal, collected during a residence in that country. By Miss Pardoe. . 2 vols. London, 1833, & Philadelphia, 1834. Peak, 7228, O. Notes on Italy. By Rembrant Peale. Written during a tour in the years 1829 and 1830. Philadelphia, 1831. Pinkerton, 3763, O. Recollections of Paris in the years 1802, 3, 4, and 5. By J. Pinkerton. 2 vols. London, 1806. Pinkney, 1525, Q,. Travels through the south of France and the interior of the provinces of Provence and Languedoc, in the years 1807 and 1808, along the banks of the Loire, the Isere, and the Garonne, through the greater part of their course. By Lieutenant-Colonel Pinkney. Lon- don, 1809. Piozzi, 1813, O. Observations and reflections made in the course of a journey through France, Italy, and Germany. By Hester Lynch Piozzi. 2 vols. London, 1789. I 670 HISTOHY. Plwfaiff 6309, O. France as it is ; not Lady Morgan's France. By William Play lair. 2 vols. London, 1820. Phanptre, 41 18, O. A narrative of a three years' residence in France, from the year 1802 to 1806 ; including some authentic particulars rospectin«? the early life of the French emperor, and a general inquiry into his character. By Anne Plumptre. 3 vols. London, 1810. Quim 6T72, O. A visit to Spain, detailing the transactions which occurred during a residence in that country, in 1822, and 1823. By Michael J. auin. London, 1823. JlmMffi 2079, D. Letters during a tour through some parts of France, Savoy, Switzerland, Germany, and the Netherlands, in the summer of 1817, By Thomas Raffles, A. M. New York, 1818. Ramondt 4696, dt 7733, O. Travels in the Pyrenees, containing a description of the principal summits, passes, and valleys ; from the French of M. Ramond. By F. Gold. London, 1813. Bhys^ Jip-, 654, O. An account of the most remarkable places and curiosities in Spain and Portugal. By Udal ap Rhys. London, 1749. Richard, 643, D. Description historique et critique de I'ltalie. Par M. I'Abbe Richard. VI. tomes. Digon, 1766. Biedeselj 6837, O. Voyages en Sicile, dans la Grand Gr^ce et au Levant. Par M. le Baron de Riedesel ; suivis de I'histoire de la Sicile, par Le No- vaYri. A Paris, 1802. 1074, & 2072, O. Travels through Sicily, and that part of Italy for- merly called Magna Graecia ; and a tour through Egypt. By Baron Riedesel. Translated from the German, by J. R. Forster. London, 1773. Rose, 5225, O. Letters from the north of Italy, addressed to Henry Hallam, Esq. By William S. Rose. 2 vols. London, 1819. Russell, 5264, O. A tour through Sicily in the year 1815. By George Rus- sell. Ulustrated by a map, and engravings. London, 1819. Rye, 713, Q. 3. An account of an excursion to the peak of Teneriffe, in 1791. By Peter Rye, Esq. London, 1793. >n, 2761, O. An historical description of ancient and modern Rome; also of the works of art, particularly in architecture, sculpture, and paint- ing. With a tour through the cities and towns in the environs of that metropolis ; with plates. By I. Salmon. 2 vols. London, 1 800. Sass, 6146, O. A journey to Rome and Naples^ performed in 1817 ; giving an account of the present state of society in Italy, and containing observa- tions on the fine arts. By Henry Sass. London, 1818. 8488, O. & 2667, D. The same. New York, 1818. Saussure^ 3495, D. Sketch of a tour through ^wisserland. With a short ac- count of an expedition to the summit of Mont Blanc. By M. de Saus- sure. Map. London, 1788. Scott, 4699, O. A visit to Paris in 1814, being a review of the moral, political, intellectual, and social condition of the French capital. By John Scott. London, 1815. 2456, D. 1. The same. PhUadelphia, 1815. — 4749, O. Paris revisited in 1815, by the way of Brussels, with a walk over the field of battle at Waterloo. By John Scott. London, 1816. 2498, D. The same. Boston, 1816. — ^ 6486, O. Sketches of manners, scenery, &c. in the French provinces, Switzerland, and Italy, with an essay on French literature. By the late John Scott, Esq. London, 1821. 4764. O. Paul's letters to his kinsfolk. By Walter Scott, Esq. Edin- burgh, 1816. 2406, D. The same. Philadelphia, 1816. Sen^Ue, 9882, O. Observations on a journey through Spain and Italy to Na- TRAVELS IN ITALY, PRANCE, &C. 671 pies, and thence to Smyrna and Constantinople. By Robert Semple. 2 vols. London, 1807. Semple, 2059, D. A second journey into Spain in the spring of 1809, from Lis- bon, through the western skirts of the Sierra Morena to Seville, Cor- dova, Grenada, Malaga, Git>raltar, and thence to Tetuan and Tangiers ; with plates. By Robert Semple. London, 1809. Sharp, 40, &; 8358, O. Letters from Italy ; describing the customs and man- ners of that country, in the years 1765 and 1766; with an admonition to gentlemen who pass the Alps, in their tour through Italy. By Sa- muel Sharp. 3d edit. London. 4664, & 3631, D. The same. Dublin, 1767. 42, O. A view of the customs, manners, drama, &c. of Italy, as they are described in the frusta litteraria, and in the account of Italy, writ- ten by Mr. Baretti ; compared with the letters from Italy, written by Mr. Sharp. By Samuel Sharp. London, 1768. Shepherd, 4591, O. 1. Paris in 1802 and 1814. By the Rev. William Shepherd. London, 1814. 2350, & 2351, D. The same. Philadelphia, 1815. Simond, 5576, O. Switzerland ; or a journal of a tour and residence in that k country in the years 1817, 1818, and 1819 ; followed by an historical sketch on the manners and customs of ancient and modern Helvetia. By L. Simond. 2 vols. London, 1822. 5638, O. The same. 2 vols. Boston, 1822. 6374, & 6433, O. A tour through Italy and Sicily. By L. Simond. London, 1828. Sinclair, 4128, D. An autumn in Italy, being a personal narrative of a tour in the Austrian, Tuscan, and Sardinian states in 1827. By J. D. Sinclair, Esq. London, 1829. Sliddell, 4226, D. A year in Spain. By a young American. (Lieut. Sliddell.) 2 vols. London, 1831. 6999, & 7003, O. The same. Boston, 1829. Sloan, 7499, & 5107, O. Rambles in Italy in the years 1816 and 1817. By an American. (Mr. Sloan.) Baltimore, 1818. Smith, 5573, D. Santarem; or sketches of society and manners in the inte- rior of Portugal. By J. Gordon Smith. London, 1832. Smollet, 558, O. Travels through France and Italy; with a particular de- scription of the town of Nice. By Tobias Smollett. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1766. Smyth, 1883, Q,. Memoir descriptive of the resources, inhabitants and hy- drography of Sicily and its islands ; interspersed with antiquarian and other notices. By Capt. Wm. H. Smyth, R. N. London, 1824. 6381, O. Sketch of the present state of the island of Sardinia. By Capt. William H. Smyth, R. N. London, 1828. Southey, 2408, & 7544, O. Letters written during a short residence in Spain and Portugal ; with an account of Spanish and Portuguese poetry. By Robert Southey. London, 1797. Spallanzani, 2525, O. Travels in the Two Sicilies, and some parts of the Apennines; with plates. Translated from the Italian of the Abbe Spallanzani. 4 vols. London, 1798. Stanion, 3387, O. An account of Switzerland, written in the year 1714. By Temple Stanion. London, 1714. P. Starke, 2G79, O. Letters from Italy, between the years 1792 and 1798, con- taining a view of the revolutions in that country, from the capture of Nice by the French to the expulsion of Pius VL from the ecclesiasti- cal state. By Mariana Starke. 2 vols. London, 1800. Stendhall, 50S0, O. Rome, Naples, and Florence, in 1817; sketches of the 678 BiSTORr. present state of society, manners, arts, literature, &c. in these cele- brated cities. By the Count de Stendhall. London, 1818. Siemt, 769d, O. A sentimental journey through France and Italy. By Laur- ence Sterne, A. M. With six plates by Stothard. London, 1792. __ MM. D. The same. With a continuation, and some account of the life and writings of Mr. Sterne. 2 vols. London, 1796. St ew atim^ 7839, O. A- 1942, D. A picture of the empire of Buonaparte ; or the Ddgian traveller : being a tour through Holland, France, and Switzer- land, during the years 1804 — 5. By Mr. Stewarton. Middletown, 1807. SloUutrdt 1786, U. Letters written during a tour through Normandy, Bri- tany, and other parts of France, in 1818 ; including local and histori- cal descriptions : with remarks on the manners and character of the people. By Mrs. Charlotte Stothard; with engravings. London, 1820. Swinburne^ 980, F. Picturesque tour through Spain. By Henry Swinburne, Esq. London, 1806. 377, Q,. Travels in the Two Sicilies ; with plates. By Henry Swinburne. 2 vols. London, 1783. . 1017, a The same. F. 329, & 1059, O. 1. Travels through Spain, in the years 1775 and 1776, in which several monuments of Roman and Moorish architec- ture are illustrated by drawings taken on the spot. By Henry Swin- burne. London, 1779. P. St. John, 4254, D. Journal of a residence in Normandy. By J. A. St. John. Edinburgh, 1831. 4654, D. Letters from France to a gentleman in Ireland, containing various subjects interesting to both nations. By James St. John, Esq. 2 vols. Dublin, 1788. Tench, 2312, O. Letters, written in France between November, 1794, and May, 1795. By Major Tench. London, 1796. Thicknesse, 1274, & 7861, O. A year's journey through France, and part of Spain. By Philip Thicknesse, Esq. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1778. Thiebault, 4602, O. A voyage to the isle of Elba, with notices of the other isljmds in the Tyrrhenian Sea ; translated from the French of Arsenne Thiebault de Berneaud, by William Jerdan. London, 1814. Thiers, 5794, O. The Pyrenees of the south of France during the months of November and December, 1822. By A. Thiers. London, 1823. Thompson, 1619, Q,. Sicily and its inhabitants : observations made during a residence in that country, in the years 1809 and 1810. By W. H. Thompson, Esq. London, 1813. Tliomton, 1434, Q,. A sporting tour through France ; to which is prefixed, an account of French wolf hunting, by Colonel T. Thornton. 2 vols. London, 1806. Tobint 6559, D. Journal of a tour made in the years 1828 — 29, through Styria, Camiola, and Italy, whilst accompanying the late Sir Hum- prey Davy. By J. J. Tobin, M. D. London, 1832. Towntend, 1901, O. A journey through Spain in the years 1786 and 1787 ; with particular attention to the agriculture, manufactures, commerce, population, taxes, and revenue of that country; and remarks in passing through a part of France. By Joseph Town send. 3 vols. London, 1791. — ^ 8818, 0. The same. 2d edit London, 1792. P. Twurman, 6007, D. The Italian sketch book. By an American. Philadel- phia, 1835. Turner, 6406, O. Account of a tour in Normandy ; undertaken chiefly for the TRAVELS IN FRANCE, ITALY, &C. 673 purpose of investigating the architectural antiquities of the duchy ; with observations on its history, on the country, and on its inhabi- tants ; with engravings. By Dawson Turner. 2 vols. London, 1820. Twiss, 4926, D. Travels through Portugal and Spain, in 1772 and 1773. By Richard Twiss, Esq. With an appendix. 2 vols. Dublin, 1775. Uklanski, d\ 2643, D. Travels in upper Italy, Tuscany, and the Ecclesiastical State; in a series of letters written to a friend in 1807 and 1808 : to which are added, a few occasional poems. By Baron D' Uklanski. 2 vols. London, 1816. Ulysses, 2315, & 8054, O. Travels through various provinces of the kingdom of Naples, in the year 1789. By Charles Ulysses. Translated from the German, by Anthony Aufrere; with plates. London, 1795. Vaudoncourf, 6042, O. Letters on the internal political state of Spain during the years 1821, 22, and 23; extracted from the correspondence of the author, and founded upon authentic documents. By G. G. D. Vaudoncourt. London, 1825. Vaughan, 1557, Q,. A view of the present state of Sicily, its rural economy, population and produce ; with an appendix, containing observations on its general character and climate, from a late survey of the Abbate Balsamo. To which are added, with notes, an examination of the Sicilian volunteer system, and extracts from letters written in Sicily in 1809, and 1810. By Thomas Wright Vaughan, Esq. London, 1811. Vieusseux, 3045, D. Italy, and, the Italians of the nineteenth century : a view of the civil, pohtical, and moral state of that country ; with a sketch of the history of Italy under the French, and of Italian literature. By A. Vieusseux. 2 vols. London, 1824. Waldie, 2793, D. Rome in the nineteenth century ; containing a complete ac- count of the ruins of the ancient city, the remains of the middle ages, and the monuments of modern times ; with remarks on the fine arts, manners, and customs of the modern Romans, in a series of letters, written during a residence at Rome in the years 1817, and 1818. By Miss Waldie. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1820. Waring, 2766, D. The traveller's fireside ; a series of papers on Switzerland, the Alps, &c. ; containing information, and descriptions original and selected, from French and Swiss authors. By Samuel M. Waring. London, 1819. WatkinSi 2028, O. Travels through Switzerland, Italy," Sicily, the Greek islands, to Constantinople ; through part of Greece, Ragusa, and the Dalmatian isles; in the years 1787, 1788 and 1789. By Thomas Watkins. 2 vols. London, 1792. Wehh, 6264, O. Minutes of remarks on subjects picturesque, moral, and mis- cellaneous, made in a course along the Rhine, and during a residence in Swisserland and Italy, in 1822 and 1823. By William Webb, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1827. Webster, 5719, O. A description of the island of St. Michael; comprising an account of its geological structure, with remarks on the other Azores, or Western islands. By John W. Webster, M. D. Boston, 1821. West, 5539, O. A ten years' residence in France, during the revolution from 1787 to 1797 ; containing anecdotes of several of the most remarkable personages of that period. By Charlotte West. London, 1821. White, 5712, O. Letters from Spain. By Don Leucadio Doblado. (B. White.) London, 1822. Williams, 2793, O. Sketches of the state of manners and opinions in the 85 674 BISTORT. French republic, towards the dose of the eighteenth century. By Helen Maria Williams. 2 vols. London, 1801. ;n//mm*. 6784, O. The same. In French. Paris, 1801. 2588, & 8127, O. A tour in Switzerland ; or a view Of the present state of the governments and manners of those cantons ; with compa- rative sketches of the present state of Paris. By Helen Maria Wil- liams. 2 vols. London, 1798. 1052, D. Letters from France. By Helen Maria Williams. 3 vols. London, 1794. 1138, D. Letters, containing a sketch of the politics of France from the thirty-first of May, 1793, till the twenty-eighth of July, 1794, and of the scenes which have passed in the prisons at Paris. By Helen M. Williams. 2 vols. London, 1795. 3595, D. Letters from France, &c. By Helen Maria Williams. — To which are annexed, the correspondence of Dumourier with Pache, &c. Slc. 4 vols. Dublin, 1794. 2004, D. State of France, during the years 1802, 3, 4, 5, and com- prising a description of the customs and manners of that country ; with observations on its government, finances, &c. To which are added, anecdotes tending to delineate the character of the court of the French government. By W. F. Williams. 2 vols. London, 1807. Woraley, 1877, D. An account of France and its government, during the last three years. By Israel Worsley. London, 1806. Wntuno/A 4911, D. A tour through the western, southern, and interior pro- vinces of France. ByN. W. Wraxall, Esq. London, 1784. Wright, 1156, Q,. Observations made in travelling through France, Italy, &c. in the years 1720, 1721, 1722. By Edward Wright. 2 vols, in L London, 1730. P. Wilkinson, 1 163, D. The wanderer; or a collection of anecdotes and incidents, with reflections politick and religious, during two excursions, in 1791 and 1793, in France, Germany and Italy. By Joshua Lucock Wilkinson. 2 vols. London, 1795. Weatherhead, 8970, O. The philosophical rambler ; or, the observations and adventures of a pedestrian tourist, through France and Italy. By G. H. Weatherhead. London, 1834. M. Wolfe, 7214, O. English prisoners in France ; containing observations on their manners and habits, principally with reference to their religious state. By the Rev. R. B. Wolfe, chaplain. London, 1830. Vorke, 3764, O. Letters from France, in 1802. By Henry Redhead Yorke. 2 vols. London, 1804. Young, 1974, O. Travels during the years 1787, 1788, and 1789. Under- taken more particularly with a view of ascertaining the cultivation, wealth, resources, and national prosperity of the kingdom of France. By Arthur Young, Esq., F. R. S., &c With maps. London, 1792. M. 640, Q. The same. Bury St. Edmonds, 1792. 6982, O. Portugal in 1828 ; comprising sketches of the state of private society, and of the religion In that kingdom under Don Miguel : with a narrative of the author's residence there. By William Young, Esq. London, 1828. ZurUmben, ^l, F. Tableaux topographiques, pittoresques, physiques, his- toriques, moraux, poHtiques, et literaires de la Suisse. Par M. le Baron Zuriauben. 5 tomes. A Paris, 1780. P, 7W, O. 3. An historical account of the discovery of the island of Madeira. London, 1750. 1941, O. Letters from Paris, during the summer of 1791. 2 vols. London, 1792. TRAVELS IN FRANCE, ITALY, &C. 675 2930, 0. Sketch of modern Paris ; or letters on society, manners, public cu- riosities, and amusements, in that capital. Written in 1801 and 1802. London, 1803. 3014, O. Paris as it was, and as it is; a sketch of the French capital, illus- trative of the effects of the revolution. Written by an English traveller, during the years 1801 and 2. 2 vols. London, 1803. 2949, O. 1. Journal of a party of pleasure to Paris, in the month of August, 1802 ; with plates. London, 1802. 4906, O. Memorandums of a residence in France in the winter of 1815-16, including remarks on French manners and society. London, 1816. 4897, , D. Recollections of the peninsula. By the author of " Sketches in PhUadelphia. 1824. 8108, D. The English in Italy. 3 vols. London, 1825. 3101, D. Rambles in Madeira and in Portugal, in the early part of 1826. With an appendix. London, 1827. 3247, D. Narrative of a three years' residence in Italy, in 1819 — 1822 ; with illustrations of the present state of religion in that country. London, 1828. 8653, D. Journal d'un voyage de Geneve a Londres en passant pour la Suisse, entremele d'avantures tragiques. Paris, 1783. 4003, D. Guide de voyageur en France. Paris, 1771. 4004, D. Nouvelle manuelle du voyageur en Swiss. Paris, 1826. Gift of T, W, Clay, Esq. 4031, D. A spinster's tour in France, the states of Geneva, &c., during the year 1827. London, 1828. 4116, D. The English army in France; being the personal narrative of an officer. 2 vols. London, 1830. 4615, D. 4. A facetious and sentimental excursion through part of Flanders and France. London, 1794. 6018, D. Slight reminiscences of the Rhine, Switzerland, and a corner of Italy. 2 vols. London, 1834. TRAVELS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Aikin, 2422, & 8441, O. Journal of a tour through North Wales, and part of Shropshire. By Arthur Aikin. London, 1797. AngeUmi, 295, & 8414, O. Letters on the English nation. By Batista Ange- loni, a Jesuit. Translated from the Italian. London, 1756. Jirchtnholz, 1148, & 4868, D. A picture of England ; containing a description of the laws, customs, and manners of England. By M. D'Arclienholz. Dublin, 1791. Austin, 3899, & 7468, O. Letters from London ; written during the years 1802 and 1803. By Wm. Austin. Boston, 1804. Barber, 2980, O. Tour throughout South Wales and Monmouthshire ; with plates. By J. T. Barber, F. R. S. London, 1803. Bieheno, 4130, D. Ireland and its economy; being the result of observations Diadein a tour in 1829. By J. E. Bicheno, Esq. London, 1830. ^^g^t 2731, O. Tour round North Wales, performed during the summer of 1798; containing not only the description and local history of the country, but also a sketch of the history of the Welsh bards, &c. ._!_ With plates. By the Rev. William Bingley. London, 1800. Biguow, 8880, D. it 8442, O. Leaves from a journal ; or sketches of rambles to tome parU of North Britain and Ireland, in the year 1817. By An- drew Bigelow. Boston, 1821. Blanc, Ia, 870, O. Letters on the English and French nations. By M. Le "* 2 vola. London, 1747. TRAVELS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 677 Boswell, 1414, *. 6717, & 5718, D. Great Britain in 1833. By Baron D*Haussez, ex-minister of marine under king Charles X. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1833. 5819, & 5728, D. The same. London, 1834. Hentznert 2475, & 7667, O. Paul Hentzner's travels in England, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Translated by Horace, late earl of Orford. To which is added, Sir Robert Naunton's fragmenta regalia ; or, ob- servations on Q,ueen Elizabeth's times and favourites ; with portraits and views. London, 1797. Heron, 2217, & 7987, O. Observations made in a journey through the western counties of Scotland in 1792; relating to the scenery, customs, popu- lation and literature of these parts. By R. Heron. Perth, 1793. Hibbcft, 1824, Q,. A description of the Shetland islands, comprising an ac- count .of their geology, scenery, antiquities, and superstitions. By Samuel Hibbert, M. D. With a geological map, plates, &c. Eldin- burgh, 1822. Htllf 2695, 0. 1. Journal of a tour through the north of England and parts of Scot- land ; with remarks on the present state of the established church of Scotland, &c. By the Rev. Rowland Hill, London, 1799. Hoare, 3816, & 8000, O. A journal of a tour in Ireland, in 1806, by Sir Rich- ard C. Hoare. London, 1807. Holmes, 535, O. Sketches of some of the southern counties of Ireland, collect- ed during a tour in the autumn of 1797 ; with plates. By George Hohnes. London, 1801. Housman, 7936, O. A descriptive tour and guide to the lakes, mountains, and other natural curiosities in Cumberland, Westmoreland, Lancashire, and part of Yorkshire. By John Housman. Carlisle, 1800. Hucki, 1 177, D. A pedestrian tour through north Wales. By J. Hacks, B. A. London, 1795. Hut ton, 3701, O. A tour to Scarborough, in 1803. By W. Hutton. London, 1804. • 4127, O. A trip to Coatham, a watering-place in the north extremity of Yorkshire. By William Hutton. London, 1810. — — 1 1 15, &. 3529, D. A journey from Birmingham to London, by W. Hut- ton, F. S. A. Sco. Birmingham, 1785. Jnglis, 6013, D. Ireland in 1834. A journey throughout Ireland, during the spring, summer, and autumn of 1834. By Henry D. Inglis. 2 vols. London, 1834. — 6004, D. The channel islands ; Jersey, Guernsey, Aldemey, &c. By ILD. Inglis. 2 vols. London, 1834. Irving, 60(12, D. The Crayon miscellany. . By the author of the sketch book. No. 2. Abbotsford and Newstead abbey. Philadelphia, 1 835. JohnMon, 1288, O. A journey to the western islands of Scotland. By Samuel Johnson. London, 1784. 3645. 6l 4466, D. The same. Philadelphia, 1810. Dublin, 1775. 2642, D. Diary of a journey to north Wales in the year 1774, by Samuei Johnson, LL. D. edited with notes by R. Duppa. London, 181«i TRAVELS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 681 Johnson, 9052, O. The recess, or autumnal relaxation in the highlands and lowlands. By James Johnson, M. D. Sequel to « Change of air." London, 1934. Keate, 696, & 5140, D. Sketches from nature, in a journey to Margate. By George Keate, Esq. Boston, 1793. Knox, 1785, O. A tour through the highlands of Scotland, and the Hebride isles, in the year 1786. By John Knox. London, 1787. Latocnaye, 1310, & 4396, D. Rambles in Ireland. Translated from the French of M. de Latocnaye. 2 vols. Cork, 1798. London, 1799. Lettice, 2212, O. Letters on a tour through various parts of Scotland in the year 1792. By J. Lettice, B. D. London, 1792. Levis, 4790, O. England at the beginning of the nineteenth century. From the French of M. de Levis. Vol. 1st. London, 1815. Lipscomb, 2816, O. Journey into Cornwall, through the counties of South- ampton, Wilts, Dorset, Somerset, and Devon ; with moral, historical, literary, and political remarks. By George Lipscomb. Warwick, 1799. 2928, & 7587, O. Journey into South Wales, through the counties of Oxford, Warwick, Worcester, Salop, Stafford, Buckingham, and Hertford, in the year 1799. By George Lipscomb. London, 1802. JjUckombe, 4566, D. The beauties of England ; being a descriptive view of the chief villages, market towns, and cities, in England and Wales. By Philip Luckombe. 2 vols. London, 1791. Lytelton, 3629, O. A gentleman's tour through Monmouthshire and Wales, in 1774, with an account of a journey into Wales. By G. Lord Ly- telton. New edit. London, 1781. P. Macculloch, 5355, O. A description of the western islands of Scotland, includ- ing the Isle of Man : comprising an account of their geological struc- ture, with remarks on their agriculture, scenery, and antiquities. By John Macculloch, M. D. 3 vols. London, 1819. 5924, O. The highlands and western isles of Scotland ; contain- ing descriptions of their scenery and antiquities, with an account of their political history, and of the origin, agriculture, music, and pre- sent condition of the people, &c. founded on a series of annual jour- neys betweeen the years 1811 and 1821. By John Macculloch, M. D. 4 vols. London, 1824. M'Nicol, 1961, O. Remarks on Samuel Johnson's journey to the Hebrides. By the Rev. Donald M'Nicol. London, 1779. Gift of Samuel Mifflin. .Malcolm, 3863, O. Excursions in Kent, Gloucestershire, &c. ; with sketches of l^i- the most interesting places and buildings. By James Peller Malcolm. London, 1807. Martin, 783, O. A description of the western islands of Scotland ; containing an account of their situation, government, religion, customs, inha- bitants, &c. By M. Martin. 2d edit. London, 1716. Maton, 2402, & 2539, O. Observations relative chiefly to the natural history, picturesque scenery, and antiquities of the western counties of Eng- land, made in the years 1794, and 1796, with aquatinta views by Ai- ken. By William George Maton. 2 vols. Salisbury, 1797. Mavor, 148, D. The British tourist, or traveller's pocket companion, through England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. By William Mavor. 2d edit. 6 vols. London, 1800. Medwin, 9169, O. The angler in Wales, or days and nights of sportsmen. By Thomas Medwin, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1834. Meeke, 7289, O. Social life in England and France, from the restoration of Charles the second to the French revolution. By the editor of Ma- dame du Deffaud's letters, (Mrs. Meeke.) London, 1831, 86 038 HISTORY. JMStMiif S803, 0. MlBSon*8 memoirs and observations in his travels over Eng- land ; with some account of Scotland and Ireland. Translated from the French, by lir, OEell. London. 1719. MoritZt U7i, A IUMI, D. Travels, chiefly on foot, through several parts of England, in 1782. By Charles P. Moritz. Translated from the Ger- man, by a lady. London, 1705. Morgan^ 9818, O. A tour to Milford Haven, in the year 1791. By Mrs. Mor- gan. London, 1795. ^— — 3006, D. Patriotic sketches of Ireland, written in Connaught, by Miss Owenson. (Lady Morgan.) 2 vols. London, 1807. Murray t 8718, O. A companion and useful guide to the beauties of Scotland, to the lakes of Westmoreland, Cumberland, and Lancashire ; with a more particular description of Scotland. By Mrs. Murray. London, 1799. Napea^ 4904, O. Letters from London. Observations of a Russian during a residence in England of ten months. Translated from the original manuscript of Oloff Napea. London, 1816. Neill, 3819, O. A tour through some of the islands of Orkney and Shetland. By Patrick Neill. Edinburgh, 1806. Newellf 5476, O. Letters on the scenery of Wales ; including a series of sub- jects for the pencil, with their stations determined on a general prin- ciple. By the Rev. R. H. Newell, B. D. London, 1821. Aftr/c, 2111, & 625, Q. Prospects and observations on a tour in England and Scotland ; natural, (Economical, and literary ; with plates. By Thomas Newte. London, 1791. Olwaxfy 3192, & 4161, D. Sketches in Ireland ; descriptive of interesting and hitherto unnoticed districts in the north and south. By the Rev. Caesar Otway. Dublin, 1827. Paulding, 2860, D. A sketch of Old England. By a New England man. (J. K. Paulding.) 2 vols. New York, 1822. Pecchio, 5642, & 5659, D. Semi-serious observations of an Italian exile in England. By Count Pecchio. London, 1833. Philadelphia. Pennant, 16, Q,. A tour from Downing to Alston Moor; with plates. By Tho- mas Pennant. London, 1801. 293, d. & 1075, O. A tour in Scotland and a voyage to the Hebrides; with plates. By Thomas Pennant. 2 vols. London, 1774 — 1772. 367, Q. A tour in Wales ; with plates. By Thomas Pennant. 2 vols. London, 1778. 368, Q. & 8259, O. A journey from Chester to London ; with plates. By Thomas Pennant. London, 1782—1783. 369, d. A journey to Snowden ; with plates. By Thomas Pennant. London, 1781. 880, Q. A journey from London to the Isle of Wight ; with plates. By Thomas Pennant. 2 vols. London, 1801. Peterkin, 5804, O. Notes on Orkney and Zetland : illustrative of the history,! antiquities, scenery, and customs of those islands. By Alexander Pe-j terkln, Esq. Vol. 1st Edinburgh, 1822. PhiUipi, 8126. 0. &. 2581, D. A morning walk from London to Kew. By Sir Richard PhlUips. London, 1817. Pichoi, 6030, O. Historical and literary tour of a foreigner in Elngland and Scotland. By Dr. Pichot 2 vols. London, 1825. PilUif 8640, D. Views of England, during a residence of ten years. By Ma- jor^Jcncral PUlet Translated from the French. Boston, 1818. Pbanpire, 1687, Q. Narrative of a residence in Ireland during the summer of 1814 and that of 1816. By Anne Plumptre. London, 1817. Prait, 2708, O. Gleanings through Wales, Holland, and Westphalia ; to which Is added, Humanity, a poeoi ; and gleanings in England, descriptive of TRAVELS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 683 the countenance, mind, and character of the country. By Mr. Pratt. 5th edit. 5 vols. London, 1799. 3762, O. Harvest home ; consisting of supplementary gleanings, &c. By Mr. Pratt. 3 vols. London, 1805. Puckler Muskau, 8775, 8776, 8777, & 8778, O. Tour of a German prince, (Puckler Muskau,) in England, Ireland, and France in 1828 and 1829. In a series of letters. Philadelphia, 1833. 4305, D. The same. London, 1832. Pugh, 1645, Q,. Cambria depicta : a tour through North Wales, illustrated with picturesque views. By Edward Pugh. London, 1816. Radcliffe, 708, & 2109, Q,. A journey, in the summer of 1794, through Hol- land, and the western frontiers of Germany, with a return down the Rhine ; to which are added, observations during a tour to the lakes of Lancashire, Westmoreland, and Cumberland. By Ann Radcliffe. Lon- don, 1795. 6846, & 8129, O. The same. Dublin, 1795. Reidi 5715, O. Travels in Ireland, in the year 1822 ; exhibiting sketches of the moral, physical, and political state of the country, with reflections on the best means of improving its condition. By Thomas Reid. Lon- don, 1823. Rush, 8839, 8840, 8841, 8842, & 8916, O. Memoranda of a residence at the court of London. By Richard Rush, envoy extraordinary, and minister plenipotentiary from the United States, from 1817 to 1825. Philadelphia, 1833. 2d edit, revised. Philadelphia, 1833. Selkirk, 3783, O. Observations on the present state of the highlands of Scot- land ; with a view of the causes and probable consequences of emigra- tion. By the Earl of Selkirk. 2d edit. Edinburgh, 1806. Shaw, 1825, O. A tour to the west of England, in 1788. By S. Shaw. Lon- don, 1789. Silliman, 4083, 4084, 7572, O. 2760, & 3331, D. A journal of travels in Eng- land, Scotland, and Holland, and of two passages over the Atlantic ; in the years 1805 and 1806. By B. Silliman. 2 vols. New York, 1810. New Haven, 1820. Simond, 4583, &- 4804, O. Journal of a tour and residence in Great Britain during the years 1810 and 1811, by a French traveller, (L. Simond,) with remarks on the country, its arts, literature, and politics, and on the manners and customs of its inhabitants. 2 vols. New York, 1815. Edinburgh. Skrine, 725, & 2078, Q,. Three successive tours in the north of England and great part of Scotland, interspersed with description of the scenes they presented. By Henrv Skrine, Esq. London, 1795. 1047, Q. 2. The same. P.' 2540, O. Two successive tours throughout Wales, with several adja- cent English counties. London, 1798. 3151, O. The same. P. Sothehy, 704, & 2058, Q,. A tour through parts of Wales. With sonnets, odes, and other poems. By William Sotheby. With plates, by J. Smith. London, 1794. Southey, 1929, 3737, & 4506, D. Letters from England. By Don M. A. Es- priella, (Southey.) 3 vols. London, 1807. New York, 1800. Sorbiere, 6636, O. A voyage to England, containing many things relating to the state of learning, religion, and other curiosities of that kingdom. By Monsieur Sorbiere. As also, observations on the same voyage, by Dr. Thomas Sprat, F. R. S. &c. With a letter of M. Sorbiere's, concerning the war between England and Holland in 1652. And his life, writ by M. Graverol. Done into English from the French. Lon- don, 1709. M. 684 nisTORT. Spence^ 1985, D. Summer excursions through parts of England and Wales. By Elizabeth Isabella Sponce, 2 vols. London, 1809. — 2180, D. Sketches of the present manners, customs, and scenery of Scotland; with incidental remarks on the Scottish character. By BHiabeth Isabella Spence. 2 vols. London, 1811. 4W8, O. Letters from the north highlands during the summer 1816. By Elizabeth Isabella Spence. London, 1817. ^ti^r,2704, D. Travels through England, Wales, and Scotland, in the year 1816. By Dr. S. H. Spiker. Translated from the German. 2 vols. London, 1820. iS/ac/, 6110, O. Letters on England. By Mad. de Stael-Holstein. London, 1825. Stewart, 5881, D. Sketches of society in Great Britain and Ireland. By C. S. Stewart, M. A., of the U. S. navy, author of " A visit to the South seas/* !w::v. TranU 7212. O. Narrative of a journey through Greece, in 1830. By Capt. T. Abercrombie TranL London. 1830. Turner, 6366, O. Journal of a tour in the Levant By William Turner, Escj. 3 volt. London, 1890. VaudcncourU 6081, O. Memoirs on the Ionian isles, considered in a commer- cial, poUticaK and military point of view ; including the life and clia- racter of Ali Pacha. By General Guillaume do Vaudencourt. Trans- lated by Wm. Walton, Baq. London. 1816. FoAuy, 1609. A. 8359, 0. Travels through Syria and Egypt, in the years 1783, 1784. and 1785; with plates. Translated from the French of C. F. Volney. 2 vols. London, 1787. Dublin, 1793. — 3162. O. The same. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1788. P. Waddington, 3090. D. A visit to Greece, in 1823 and 1824. By George Wad- dington, Esq. 2d edit. London. 1825. fFalpole, 1714, (i. Memoirs relating to European and Asiatic Turkey; edited from manuscript journals. By Robert Walpole, M. A. London, 1817. ffVkinton, 3886. O. 2. An account of the commerce and navigation of the Black sea. By Charles Wilkinson. London, 1807. ffUHams, 5312, O. Travels in Italy, Greece, and the Ionian islands'; in a series of letters, descriptive of manners, scenery, and the fine arts; v\ith en- gravings. By H. W. Williams, Esq. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1 820. HWyanit 962, Q- A voyage up the Mediterranean, in the Swiflsure, one of the ships under the command of Admiral Nelson; including a description of the battle of the Nile, and a detail of events that occurred subse- quent to the battle in various parts of the Mediterranean ; with plates. By Cooper Willy am. London, 1802. Wilson, 5721, O. Travels in Egypt and the Holy Land. By William Rae Wilson. London, 1823. ffines, 5508, D. Two years and a half in the navy ; or a journal of a cruise in the Mediterranean and Levant. By E. C. Wines. 2 vols. Phila- delphia, 1832. ffUtman, 994. Q. & 7848, O. Travels in Turkey, Asia Minor, Syria, and across the desert into Egypt, during the years 1799, 1800. and 1801. in company with the Turkish army and the British military mission ; with observations on the plague, and on the diseases prevalent in Turkey, and a meteorological journal ; with plates. By William Witt- man. M. D. London. 1803. Philadelphia, 1804. Wibtter, 7140, O. Travels through the Crimea, Turkey, and Egypt, performed during the years 1825 — 1828, including particulars of the last illness of the emperor Alexander, and of the Russian conspiracy in 1825. By the late James Webster. 2 vols. London, 1830. ZaUony, 6181, O. Journal of a voyage up the Mediterranean; principally among the islands of the Archipelago, and in Asia Minor: including many interesting particulars relative to the Greek revolution : to which Is added, an essay on the Fanariotes. Translated from the French of Mark Philipi Zallony, a Greek. By the Rev. Charles Swan. 2 vols. London, 1826. 2885. dt 7784. O. Travels in the Crimea; a history of the embassy from 8t Petervburgh to Constantinople, in 1793 ; including their journey through Krementachuck, Oczakow. Wallachia, and Moldavia ; with their reception at the court of Selim the third. London. 1802. ^8*76, D. Sketches of modern Greece ; illustrative of the leading events of the WOJud on. By a volunteer. 2 vols. London, 1828. 6810, D. Sketches of Corfu ; historical and domestic, its scenery, dtc. Lon- don, 1886. TRAVELS IN PERSIA, CHINA, &C. 693 TRAVELS m PERSIA, CHINA, THE EAST INDIES, &c. ,^beel, 5968, D. Journal of a residence in China and the neighbouring coun- tries, from 1829 to 1833. By David Abeel, missionary. New York, 1834. ^bel, 1743, Q,. Narrative of a journey in the interior of €hina, and of a voy- age to and from that country, in the years 1816 and 1817. By Clark Abel, P. L. S. London, 1818. ^/f, Hassan, 8731, O. Observations on the Mussulmans of India, descriptive of their manners, customs, habits, and religious opinions; made dur- ing a twelve months' residence in their immediate society. By Mrs. Meer Hassan Ali. 2 vols. London, 1832. Anderson, 701, Q,. Narrative of a British embassy to China, in the years 1792, 1793, and 1794; with an account of the customs and manners of the Chinese, and a description of the country, towns, cities, &c. By ^neas Anderson. London, 1795. 4702, D. The same. Philadelphia, 1795. 6234, O. Mission to the east coast of Sumatra, in 1823; including historical and descriptive sketches of the country, and a visit to the Batta cannibal states in the interior. By John Anderson, Esq. Edin- burgh, 1826. Archer, 8889, O. Tours in upper India, and in parts of the Himalaya moun- tains. By Major Archer. 2 vols. London, 1833. Attiret, 798, O. 1. An account of the emperor of China's gardens, near Pekin. By father Attiret. Translated from the French, by Sir Harry Beau- mont (the Rev. Joseph Spence.) London, 1752. Autoroche, D\ 225, Q,. A journey into Siberia, in the year 1761. With plates. By M. D'Autoroche. Translated from the French. London, 1770. Barri, 230, O. 3. Cochin-China; containing many admirable rarities and singu- larities of that country. By Christopher Barri. London, 1633. Barrow, 1395, Q,. 6743, & 8066, O. Travels in China; containing descrip- tions, observations, and comparisons, made and collected in the course of a short residence at the imperial palace of Yuen-Min-Yuen, and on a subsequent journey through the country, from Pekin to Canton, &c. Portrait. By John Barrow, Esq. &c. London, 1804, and Philadel- phia, 1805. 1608, Q. A voyage to Cochin-China, in the years 1792-3. To which is annexed, an account of a journey to the residence of the chief of the Booshuana nation. By John Barrow, Esq. London, 1806. Bartolomeo, 2681, 2932, & 8067, O. Bartolomeo's voyage to the East Indies; containing an account of the manners, customs, &c. of the natives, with a geographical description of the country ; collected during a residence of thirteen years, between 1776, and 1789, in districts little frequented by the Europeans ; with notes, by John Reinold Forster. Translated from the German, by William Johnston. London, 1800. Bernier, 6138, & 9044, O. Travels in the Mogul empire. By Francis Bernier. Translated from the French, by Irving Brock. 2 vols. London, 1826. BertoUacci, 4992, O. A view of the agricultural, commercial, and financial interests of Ceylon ; with an appendix, containing some of the prin- cipal laws and usages of the Candians. By Anthony Bertollacci, Esq. London, 1817. Bourges, Be, 3568, 0. Relation du voyage de Monseigneur I'Eveque de Beryle, vicEiire apostolique du royaume de la Cochin-Chine. Par M. De Bourges. Paris, 1666. P. Brydges, 9061, O. An account of the transactions of his majesty's mission to 694 HI8T0RV. the court of Persia, In 1807-1 1. By Sir Harford Jones Brydges, bai t. To which it added, a brief history of Wahauby. 2 vols, in 1. Lon- don, 1884. Burmt, 7270, O. A narrative of a visit to the court of Sinde ; a slcetch of thr history of Catch. By James Burnes. Edinburgh, 1 83 1 . 5961, D. & 9034, 0. Tratels into I3okhara ; being the account of a journey fnxn India to Cabool, Tartary, and Persia. Also, narrative of a voy- age on the Indus, from the sea to Lahore. By Lieut. AlexV. Durnt >. % vols. London, 1834, and PhUadelphia, 1835. 1610, Q. Letters written in a Mahratta camp, during the year 1809, descriptive of the manners, habits, &c. of the Mahrattas. By Thomas D. Broughton. London, 1813. 1 394, & 2 124, Ct. A voyage of discovery to the North Pacific ocean ; in which the coast of Asia, the island of Insu, the coasts of Japan, the Lleoshieux, and the adjacent isles, as well as the coast of Corea, have been examined and surveyed; performed in the years 1795 — 1798. By Wm. R. Broughton. London, 1804. Buchanan, 1439, Q,. A journey from Madras, through the Mysore, Canara, and Malabar, for the purpose of investigating the state of agriculture, arts, and commerce; manners, history, and antiquities. By F. Bucha- nan. 3 vols. London, 1807. Buckingham, 2011, Q,. Travels in Assyria, Medea, and Persia; including a journey from Bagdad to Hamadam, researches in Ispahan, description of Bussora, Bushire, Ormoz, and Muscat. By J. S. Buckingham. London, 1829. BurgeSj 4517, D. A series of Indostan letters. By Bartholomew Burges ; con- taining an account of the Gentoo nations, Slc. New York, 1790. Bustche, Dct 5084, O. 1. Letters on Ceylon, particularly relative to the king- dom of Candy. By Capt. L. de Bussche. London, 1817. Campbell, 716, Q,. A journey over land to India, partly by a route never gone before by any European ; comprehending his shipwreck and imprison- ment with Hyder AH, and his subsequent transactions in the East. By Donald Campbell. London, 1795. 1219, D. A narrative of the extraordinary adventures and suffer- ings, by shipwreck and imprisonment, of Donald Campbell; with the singular humours of his Tartar guide; comprising the occurrences of four years, in an over-land journey to India. London, 1796. Comet 6164, O. Letters from the east. By John Came, Elsq. London, 1826. 4073, D. Recollections of travels in the east ; forming a continuation of the letters from the east. By John Came. London, 1 830. Chardirit 382, F. Travels into Persia and the East Indies, through the Black sea and the country of Colchis ; with plates. By Sir John Chardin. London, 1686. Chuterfidd, 727, D. Genuine memoirs of Asiaticus, in a series of letters from India. By Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield. London, 1784. Cochrane, 6864, Sl 6865, O. Narrative of a pedestrian journey through Russia and Siberian Tartary, from the frontiers of China to the Frozen tea and Kamtchatka, performed during the years 1820 — 1823. By Capt John D. Cochrane, R. N. Philadelphia, 1824. ' M86, 0. The same. London, 1824. Comyn^ 6479, O. State of the Philippine islands ; being an historical, statistical, and descriptive account of that portion of the Indian archipelago. By Thomas de Comyn. Translated from the Spanish ; with notes. By Winiam Walton, Esq. London, 1 82 1 . Conolly, 0040, O. Journey to the north of India over land, from England, through Russia, Persia, and Affgaunistaun. By Lieutenant Arthur CoooDy. 2 vols. London, 1834. TRAVELS IN PERSIA, CHINA, &C. 695 Cor diner t 1443, Q,. A description of Ceylon ; with narratives of a tour round the island in 1800; the campaign in Candy in 1803, and a journey to Ramisseram. By the Rev. James Cordiner. 2 vols. London, 1807. 5359, O. 1. A voyage to India. By the Rev. James Cordiner, A. M. Aberdeen, 1820. Cox, 5483, O. Journal of a residence in the Burmhan empire, and more parti- cularly at the court of Amarapoorah. By Captain Hiram Cox. Lon- don, 1821. Qrawfurd, 1889, O. Sketches relating to the history, religion, learning, and manners of the Hindoos ; with a concise account of the present state of the native powers of Hindostan. By Quinton Crawfurd, Esq. Lon- don, 1790. 3205, O. The same. F. 1941, Q,. Journal of an embassy from the governor-general of India to the courts of Siam and Cochin China ; exhibiting a view of the actual state of those kingdoms. By John Crawfurd, Esq. London, 1828. 20 1 6, Q,. Journal of an embassy from the governor-general of India to the court of Ava, in 1827. By John Crawfurd, Esq., late envoy. London, 1829. DanielU 1006, F. A picturesque voyage to India by the way of China. By Thomas and William Daniell. London, 1810. Davy, 1806, Q,. An account of the interior of Ceylon, and of its inhabitants ; with travels in that island. By John Davy, M. D. London, 1821. Delia Valle, 1118, & 861, F. The travels of Sig. Pietro Delia Valle, into East India and Arabia Deserta ; whereunto is added, a relation of Sir Tho- mas Roe's voyage into the East Indies. London, 1665. Dobell, 4118, D. Travels in Kamtchatka and Siberia, with a narrative of a re- sidence in China. By Peter Dobell. 2 vols. London, 1830. Dubois, 1699, Q,. 5174, & 7522, O. Description of the character, manners, and customs of the people of India ; and of their institutions, religious and civil. By the Abbe J. A. Dubois. Translated from the French manu- script. 2 vols. London & Philadelphia, 1818. Ellis, 1715, Q,. Journal of the proceedings of the late embassy to China ; com- prising a correct narrative of the public transactions of the embassy, of the voyage to and from China, and of the journey from the mouth of the Pei-Ho, to the return to Canton, with observations upon the face of the country, the polity, character, and manners of the Chinese na- tion. By Henry Ellis. London, 1817. 5041, 5042, & 7543, O. The same. Philadelphia, 1818. 657, Q,. Memoir of a map of the countries comprehended between the Black sea and the Caspian ; with an account of the Caucasian nations, and vocabularies of their languages. By George Ellis, Esq. London, 1788. Elphinstone, 1651, d. An account of the kingdom of Caubul and its depend- encies in Persia, Tartary, and India; comprising a view of the Af- ghaun nation, and a history of the Dooraunee monarchy. By the Hon. Mountstuart Elphinstone. London, 1815. Finlayson, 6117, O. A mission to Siam and Hue, the capital of Cochin China, in the years 1821-2. From the journal of the late George Finlayson, Esq. ; with a memoir of the author. By Sir T. S. Raffles. London, 1826. Forbes, 1602, Q,. Oriental memoirs, selected and abridged from a series of fa- miliar letters, written during seventeen years' residence in India. By James Forbes. 4 vols. London, 1813. Forrest, 622, Q,. A voyage from Calcutta to the Merqui archipelago, lying on I 696 HISTORY. the east side of the bay of Bengal ; with plates. By Thomas Forrest London, 1792. I^muklin, 1866, & 7869, O. Ob8er\'ation8 made in a tour from Bengal to P< r- sia, in the years 1786-7, with an account of the remains of the palace of PtoraepoUs. By WiUiam Francklin. 2d edit. London, 1790. 8280. O. The same. P. Praitr, 1772, CI. Journal of a tour through part of the snowy range of the Hi- mili mountains, and to the sources of the rivers Jumna and Ganges. By James R Fraser. London, 1820. 1907, Q^ Narrative of a journey in Khorasan, in the years 1821 and 1822 — including some account of the countries to the north-east of Persia. By James B. Fraser. London, 1825. 1910, ^ Travels and adventures in the Persian provinces, on the southern banks of the Caspian sea. With an appendix containinpj short notices on the geology and commerce of Persia. By James B. Fraser. London, 1826. Dreygan, 6819, O. Letters from the Caucasus and Georgia ; to which are added, the account of a journey into Persia, in 1812, and an abridged history of Persia since the time of Nadir Shah. By M. Freygan. Translated from the French, with maps and engravings. London, 1823. GUberti 1842, Q^ A discourse of a discoverie for a new passage to Cataia. Written by Sir Humphrey Gilbert. London, 1576. Gilchristj 6043, O. The general East India guide, and vade mecum for the public functionary, private agent, trader, or foreign sojourner in Bri- tish India, and the adjacent parts of Asia. By J. B. Gilchrist. Lon- don, 1825. GUrii 2951, D. 1. Journal of a tour from Astrachan to Karas, containing re- marks on the general appearances of the country, manners of the in- habitants, (fee. By the Rev. Wm. Glen. London, 1823. Golownin, 5082, O. A narrative of my captivity in Japan, during the years 1811, 1812, and 1813, with observations on the country and the peo- ple. By Capt. G. Golownin. To which is added, an account of voy- ages to the coasts of Japan. By Capt. Rickford. 2 vols. London, 1818. 5316, O. Recollections of Japan; comprising a particular account of the religion, laws, and manners of the people ; with observations on the geography, climate, and productions of the country. By Capt. Golownin, R. N. London, 1819. Graham^ 1 609, Q. Journal of a residence in India. By Maria Graham. Eldin- burgh, 1812. 4608, O. Letters on India. By Maria Graham. London, 1814. Grandprt^ 3021, O. A voyage in the Indian ocean and to Bengal, in the years 1789 and 1790 ; also, a voyage in the Red sea, including a description of Mocha, and of the trade of the Arabs of Yemen; with plates. Translated from the French. By L. De Grandpre. 2 vols. London, 1803. Grorier, 4877, &, 7932, O. A general description of China; containing the to- pography of the fifteen provinces, that of Tartary and the isles, and other tributary countries. Translated from the French of the Abbd Grotier. 2 vols. London, 1788. Groit, 1440, dc 8000, O. A voyage to the East Indies ; with general reflections on the trade of India. By Mr. Grose. To which is added, a journey from Aleppo to Bussora; by Mr. Carmichael. 2 vols. London, 1772. Orove$, 6048, D. Journal of a residence in Bagdad, in 1830—31. By A. N. Groves, missionary. London, 1832. Guizlaff, 6760, D. The journal of two voyages along the coast of China, in 1831 and 1882. By Charles Gutzlaff. New York, 1833. TRAVELS IN PERSIA, CHINA, &C. 697 Gutzlaff, 9071, O. Journal of three voyages along the coast of China, in 1831, 1832, and 1833. By Charles Gutzlaff. London, 1834. Hall, 1735, Q,. Account of a voyage of discovery to the west coast of Corea and the great Loo Choo island, with charts. By Capt. Basil Hall. And a vocabulary of the Loo Choo language ; By ,H. L Clifford, Esq. London, 1818. 5119, & 5120, O. The same. Philadelphia, 1818. 3228, D. Voyage to the eastern seas, in 1816, including an account of Captain Maxwell's attack on the batteries at .Canton, and notes of an interview with Bonaparte at St. Helena, in 1817. By Capt. B. Hall. New York, 1827. Hamilton, 1759, Q,. An account of the kingdom of Nepaul, and of the territories annexed to this dominion by the house of Gorkah. By Francis Ham- ilton, M. D. Edinburgh, 1819. 696, O. An account of the East Indies, and the islands lying be- tween the cape of Good Hope and the island of Japan. By Alexander Hamilton. 2 vols. London, 1744. Heber, 1950, Q. Narrative of a journey through the upper provinces of India, from Calcutta to Bombay, in 1824 and 1825. (With notes upon Cey- lon.) An account of a journey to Madras and the southern provinces, in 1826, and letters written in India. By the late Rt. Rev. Reginald Heber, D. D. 2 vols. London, 1828. 6405, & 6406, O. Narrative of a journey through the upper provinces of India, from Calcutta to Bombay, in 1824 and 1825. (With notes upon Ceylon.) An account of a journey to Madras and the southern pro- vinces, in 1826, and letters written in India. By the late Rt. Rev. Reginald Heber, D. D. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1828. Hodges, 636, Q. Travels in India, during the years 1780, 1781, 1782, and 1783; with plates. By William Hodges. London, 1793. 1047, a 1. The same. P. Hough, 7053, O. Letters on the climate, inhabitants, productions, &c. of the Nilgherries, or blue mountains of south India. By James Hough. London, 1829. Hug gins, 5911, O. Sketches in India, treating on subjects connected with the government ; civil and military establishments, characters of the Eu- ropean, and customs of the native inhabitants. By William Huggins. London, 1824. Irwin, 1083, Q,. 2. Occasional epistles ; written during a journey from London to Busrah, in the gulph of Persia, in the years 1780 and 1781, to Wm. Hayley, Esq. By Eyles Irwin, Esq. London, 1783. P. Jacquemont, 9168, O. Letters from India; describing a journey in the British dominions of India, Tibet, Lahore, and Cashmere, in 1828 — 1831. By -'■< Victor Jacquemont. With a map. 2 vols. London, 1834. Jervis, 8979, O. Narrative of a journey to the falls of the Cavery ; with an ac- count of the Neilgherry hills. By Lieut. H. Jervis. London, 1834. Johnston, 4125, & 7867, O. A narrative of the operations of a detachment in an expedition to Candy, in the island of Ceylon, in the year 1804. By Major Johnston. London, 1810. Kirkpatrick, 1548, Q,. An account of the kingdom of Nepaul; being the sub- stance of observations made during a mission to that country, in the year 1793, with plates. By Colonel Kirkpatrick. London, 1811. Klaproth, Von, 1616, Q. Travels in the Caucasus and Georgia, performed in the years 1807 and 8. By Julius Von Klaproth. Translated from the German, by Frederick Shoberl. London, 1814. Knox, 90, F. An historical relation of the island of Ceylon ; with an account of the captivity of divers Englishmen, and of the author's escape. With plates. By Robert Knox. London, 1727. 88 698 HISTORY. XoiMdbm^ 6S69» it 75a0i O. Narrative of a journey into Persia, in the suite of the imperial Ruarian empire, in the year 1817. By Moritz Von Kot- zebua Translated from the German. London, 1819. Pliiladdphia, 18m Leckie, 8iN), Q. 4. Journal of a route to Nagpore, by the way of Cuttac, Bor- roaumber, and the southern Bunjar Ghaut, in the year 1790 ; with an account of Nagpore, Ac By L). R. Leckie. London, 1800. Leiiht 878S, O. 2. A short account of the settlement, produce, and commerce of Prince of Wales* island, in the straits of Malacca. By Sir CJeorge Lcith. London, 1806. Ltuepi^ Z>f, 1894, &, 2537, O. Travels in Kamtschatka, in the years 1787 and 1788. Translated from the French of M. De Lesseps. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1790. Malcolm, 3165, &; 3229, D. Sketches of Persia; from the journals of a travel- ler in the east. (Sir J. Malcolm.) 2 vols. London, 1827. Philadel- phia, 1828. M^Leody 5051, O. Narrative of a voyage in his majesty's late ship Alceste, to the Yellow sea, along the coast of Corea, and through its numerous islands to the island of Lewchew ; with an account of her shipwreck in the straits of Gaspar. By John M*Leod. Philadelphia, 1818. 5083, O. The same. London, 1817. Mignan, 7157, O. Travels in Chaldea, including a journey to Bagdad, Hillah, and Babylon, performed on foot in 1827. By Captain Robert Mignan. London, 1829. Montanus, 17, F. A relation of remarkable passages in two embassies, from the Dutch Eiast India company to the emperor of China ; with a geo- graphical description of that empire. With plates. Translated fioui Arnoldus Montanus. By John Ogilby. London, 1671. 18, F. An account of remarkable addresses, by way of embassy, from the Dutch East India company to the emperor of Japan ; with a description of the cities, religions, laws, customs, &c. With plates. By Arnoldus Montanus. Translated by John Ogilby. London, 1073. Mooff 2141, ^ A narrative of the operations of Captain Little's detachment, and of the Mahratta army, commanded by Purseram Bhow, during the late confederacy in India against the Nawall Tippoo Sultan Baiuidar. By Lieut. Edward Moor. London, 1794. Morten 1547, d. 4728—4731, & 7603, O. A journey through Persia, Armenia, and Asia Minor, to Constantinople, in the years 1808 and 1809; in which is included some account of the proceedings of his majesty's mission under Sir Harford Jones, to the court of Persia : with plates. By James Morier, Esq., secretary to the embassy. London, 181 i. Philadelphia, 1816. 1742, (i. A second journey through Persia to Constantinople, between ' the years 1810 to 1816. By James Morier, Esq. London, 1818. Mortimer ^ 601, Q. Observations made during a voyage from TenerifTe to Canton, in the year 1789. By George Mortimer. London, 1791. \furrmj, 5.357, O. Historical account of discoveries and travels in Asia, from , »i' •arliest ages to the present time. By Hugh Murray. 2 vols, j i-ldmburgh, 1820. Mundy, 8609, O. Pen and pencil sketches ; being a journal of a tour in India. By Captain Mundy. 2 vols. London, 1832. Smforeite, 1108, F. An account of the empire of China. By Father D. F. Na- varette. London. 1732. yieuhoff', 16, & 513, F. An embassy from the Dutch East India company to the emperor of China ; with a description of the cities, towns, ports, rivers, Ac in their passage from Canton to Peking. With plates. By John Nieuhoff. Translated by John Ogilby. Ist and 2d edit. Lon- don, laee sl 1673. TRAVELS IN PERSIA, CHINA, &C. G99 Ogilby, 19, F. A description of Persia, the empire of the Great Mogul, and other parts of India ; with an account of the customs, religion, and languages of the inhabitants, and their government and commerce. With plates. Collected by John Ogilby. London, 1673. Osbeckf 1025, & 8314, O. Osbeck's voyage to China and the East Indies ; with a voyage to Suratte, by Oloff Toreen ; an account of the Chinese hus- bandry, and a catalogue of Chinese animals and plants. Translated from the German, by John Reinhold Forster. 2 vols. London, 1771. Ousely, 1757, Q. Travels in various countries of the east, more particularly Persia, in 1 8 1 0, 1 8 1 1 , and 1 8 1 2. By Sir Wm. Ousely . London, 1819. Percwal, 1006, Q,. An account of the island of Ceylon; with the journal of an embassy to the court of Candy. By Robert Percival. London, 1803. Porter, 1801, Q,. Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, ancient Babylonia, &c. &c. during the years 1817— -1820. By Sir Robert Kerr Porter. With numerous engravings. London, 1821. Foitinger, 1671, Q,. Travels in Beloochistan and Sinde, accompanied by a geographical and historical account of those countries, with a map. By Lieut. Henry Pottinger. London, 1816. Price, 1904, Q,. Journal of the British embassy to Persia; embellished with views. Also, a dissertation upon the ruins of Persepolis. By William Price, F. R. S. L. London, 1825. Renaudot, 966, O. Ancient accounts of India and China, by two Mahommedan travellers in the ninth century. Translated from the Arabic, with notes. By Eusebius Renadout. London, 1733. JRicius, 5983, D. De Christiana expeditione apud Sinas suscepta ab Soc. Jesu. ex P. Matthaei Ricii. Libri V. In quibus Sinensis regni mores, leges, &c. describuntur aut. P. Nicolao Trigantio. Coloniae, 1617. Pochon, 2073, China, and residence in Peking in 1820 — 1821. By George Tini- kowsky. With corrections and notes by Julius Von Klaproth. With maps, plates, &c. 2 vols. London, 1827. Tltsinghf 1818, Q,. Illustrations of Japan; consisting of private memoirs and anecdotes of the reigning dynasty of the Djogouns, or sovereigns of Japan, a description of the feasts and ceremonies, marriages and fune- rals : to which are subjoined, observations on the legal suicide of tlie Japanese, remarks on their poetry, &;c. &c. By M. Titsingh. Trans- lated by Frederick Shoberl. With plates. London, 1822. Tumefy 872, Q. An account of an embassy to the court of the Teshoo Lanw, in Tibet ; containing a narrative of a journey through Bootan, and part of Tibet. By Samuel Turner. To which are added, views taken on the spot, by Lieutenant Samuel Davis ; and observations botanical, mineralogical and medical, by Robert Saunders. London, 1800. yaknlioy 1481, Q,. Voyages and travels to India, Ceylon, the Red Sea, Abyssinia, and Egypt, in 1802, 3, 4, 5, and 6. By Cieorge Viscount Valentia. 3 vols. London, 1809. - Varenus, 1678, O. Bernhardi Vareni descriptio regni laponia; et Siam. Can- 1 tal)rigia?, 1673. /^ P'an Branm, 2524, O. Authentic account of the embassy of the Dutch East India company, to the court of the emperor of China, in the years 1794 and 1795 ; containing a description of several parts of the Chi- nese empire, unknown to the Euro|)eans. By Andre Everard Van Braam. Translated from the Frem;h. 2 vols. London, 1798. Vincent, 770, (i. The voyage of Nearchus from the Indus to the Euphrates, col- lected from the original journal preserved by Arrian, and illustrated by authorities ancient and modem ; containing an account of the first navigation attempted by Euroi^eans in the Indian ocean. By Wn). Vhicent, D. D. London. 1797. H'aUaee, 5799, U. Fifteen years in India ; or sketches of a soldier's life ; being an attempt to describe persons and things in various parts of Bin- TRAVELS IN PERSIA, CHINA, &C. 701 dostan. From the journal of an officer. (R. G. Wallace.) London, 1823. TValpole, 1776, Q,. Travels in various countries of the east ; being a continua- tion of memoirs relating to European and Asiatic Turkey. Edited by the Rev. Robert Walpole. London, 1820. Waring, 1445, Q,. A tour to Sheeraz ; with remarks on the laws, literature, and language of the Persians ; to which is added, a history of Persia. By Edward Scott Waring. London, 1807. Wathen, 1607, Gl. Journal of a voyage in 1811 and 1812 to Madras and China, returning by the cape of Good Hope and St. Helena. By James Wathen. London, 1814. White, 982, Q,. Journal of a voyage from Madras to Columbo, and Da Lagoa bay, on the eastern coast of Africa, in the year 1798 ; with some ac- count of the manners and customs of the inhabitants. By William White. London, 1800. 5817, O. A history of a voyage to the China Sea. By John White, U. S. N. Boston, 1823. Williamson, 4144, O. The East India vade mecum ; or, complete guide to gentlemen intended for the civil, military, or naval service of the Hon. East India Company. By Capt. Thomas Williamson. 2 vols. 1810. Wolf, 743, D. The life and adventures of John Christopher Wolf; with a de- scription of Ceylon, its natural productions and the manners of the inhabitants. By Mr. Eschelfkroon. Wood, 4137, D. Sketches of China, with illustrations from original drawings. By W. W. Wood. Philadelphia, 1830. Zuniga, 4696, O. An historical view of the Philippine islands, exhibiting their discovery, population, productions and commerce, from the Spanish of Martinez de Zuniga, with a map ; translated by John Maver, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1814. Zwich, 4162, D. Calmuc Tartary ; or a journey from Sarepta to several Cal- muc hordes of Astracan. By H. A. Zwick and J. D. Schill. London, 1831. 227, O. 8. A voyage to the East Indies. 1607. 939, O. An historical description of the kingdom of Macasar, in the East Indies ; giving a particular account of the country, the manners, customs, &c. of the inhabitants. London, 1701. 2516, O. A complete view of the Chinese empire; exhibited in a geographi- cal description of that country, a dissertation on its antiquity, and a genuine and copious account of Earl Macartney's embassy. London, 1798. 4902, O. Sketches in India, or observations descriptive of the scenery in Bengal. Written in India in the years 1811 — 1814, together with notes on the cape of Good Hope and St. Helena. London, 1816. 5482, O. Sketches of India ; written by an officer for fire-side travellers at home. London, 1821. 5773, O. Essays relative to the habits, character, and moral improvement of the Hindoos. London, 1823. 5795, O. Diary of a tour through southern India, Egypt, and Palestine, in the years 1821 and 1822. By an officer of cavalry. London, 1823. 5834, O. A tour through the upper provinces of Hindostan, in 1804 — 1814 ; with remarks, and authentic anecdotes. London, 1823. 6311, O. Two years in Ava, from May, 1824 to 1826. By an officer. Lon- don, 1827. 7055, O. Letters from an eastern colony, in the years 1826, 1827. By a seven years' resident. London, 1829. 8966, O. 1. Report of proceedings on a voyage to the northern ports of China, in the ship Lord Amherst. London, 1833. 702 HISTORY. OM. D. Pttsia ttti regnl Pordd itatiis Tariaque itinera in atque per Per- siam cum aliquot ioonibiia inoolanim. Lugduni Batavorum, 1647. L. 3340, U. Brief narratiTe of an embassy from tlie governor general of India, to the king of Ava, in 1886—87. London, 1827. 6644, D. The East India sketch book : an account of the present state of •odety in Calcutta, Bombay, ^bc 2 vols. London, 1832. 5814, D. The £ast India sketch book. By a lady. 2d series. 2 vols. London, 1888. TRAVELS IN AFRICA. 5503, O. 1. Sketches, taken during ten voyages to Africa, between the years 1786 and 1800; including observations on the country be- tween cape Palmas and the river Congo. By Capt. John Adams. London, 1822. 1672, Q^ & 7478, O. The narrative of Robert Adams, an American sailor, who was wrecked on the western coast of Africa, in the year 1810, and resided several months in the city of Tombuctoo. Boston, 1817. AdoMOfiy 617, O. Voyage to Senegal, the isle of Groree, and the river Gambia. By Joseph Adanson. Translated from the French, with notes, by an English gentleman, who resided in that country. London, 1759. Antes, 889, Q^ Observations on the manners and customs of the Egyptians, the overflowing of the Nile, the plague, and other subjects ; written during a residence of twelve years in Cairo and its vicinity. By John Antes, Esq. With an appendix, containing an account of Bonaparte's expedition, memoirs of Nelson, Smith, &c. Maps and plates. Lon- don, 1801. 3450, & 4741, D. The same. Dublin, 1801. Baldwin^ 2844, O. Political recollections relative to Egypt ; with a narrative of the ever-memorable British campaign in the spring of 1801. By George Baldwin. London, 1801. Barrowy 884, & 2108, Q,. An account of travels into the interior of South Africa ; including cursory observations on the geology and geography of that continent. By John Barrow. 2 vols. London, 1801. 7870, O. The same. New York, 1802. BtaUon, 1659, (i. Tracts, relative to the island of St. Helena; written during a residence of five years. By Major General Alexander Beatson. London, 1806. BeaucUrkt 6466, O. A journey to Morocco, in 1826. By Capt. G. Beauclerk. London, 1828. Beaver, 1398, Q. African memoranda, relative to an attempt to establish a British settlement on the island of Bulama, on the western coast of Africa, in 1792. By Capt. Philip Beaver. London, 1805. Beechey, 1942, Q^ Proceedings of the expedition to explore the northern coast of Africa, from Tripoli eastward, in 1821 and 1822; compre- hending an account of the Greater Syrtis and Cyrenaica, and of the ancient cities composing the Pentapolis. By Capt F. W. Beechey, R. N., and H. W. Beechey, Esq. London, 1828. Bilxoni, 1787, Q^ Narrative of the operations and recent discoveries within the pyramids, temples, tombs, and excavations in Egypt and Nubia, and of a journey to the coast of the Red Sea. By G. BelzonL Lon- don, 1820. 1010, P. Plates, illustrative of the researches and operations of G. Beizoni, in Egypt and Nubia. London, 1820. TRAVELS IN AFRICA. 703 Blaquiere^ 4599, O. Letters from the Mediterranean; containing a civil and political view of Sicily, Tripoli, Tunis, and Malta; with biographical sketches and anecdotes. By E. Blaquiere, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1813. BosmaHy 276, O. A description of the coast of Guinea ; containing a geogra- phical, political, and natural history of the kingdoms and countries; with an account of the rise, progress and present condition of all the European settlements upon that coast. Written in Dutch, by Wil- liam Bosman, and now translated into English. 2d edit. London, 1721. Bowdich, 1762, Q,. Mission from cape Coast Castle to Ashantee; with a sta- tistical account of that kingdom, and geographical notices of other parts of the interior of Africa. By T. Edward Bowdich, Esq. Lon- don, 1819. 5910, O. An account of the discoveries of the Portuguese in the interior of Angola and Mozambique; from original MSS. By T. E. Bowdich, Esq. London, 1824. Boyle, 8720, O. A practical medico-historical account of the western coast of Africa. By James Boyle. London, 1831. Browne, 858, & 2081, d. Travels in Africa, Egypt, and Syria, from the year 1792 to 1798. With plates. By G. W. Browne. London, 1799 and 1806. 1096, a The same. P. Bruce, 584, Q,. Travels, to discover the source of the Nile, in the years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773. With plates. By James Bruce. 5 vols. Edinburgh, 1790. Gift of Robert Barclay, of London. 1921, O. The same. 6 vols. Dublin, 1791. 6796, O. The travels of James Bruce, Esq. into Abyssinia, to discover the source of the Nile. Abridged by Samuel Shaw, Esquire. Plates. London. 4439, D. Travels, between the years 1768 and 1773, through parts of Africa, Syria, Egypt, and Arabia, into Abyssinia, to discover the source of the Nile. By the late James Bruce. Glasgow, 1818. 890, Q. 1. Observations on the authenticity of Bruce' s travels in Abys- synia ; in reply to some passages in Browne's travels through Egypt, Africa, and Syria ; with a comparative view of life and happiness in Europe and in Caffraria. By Richard Wharton. Newcastle-upon- Tyne, 1800. Bvffa, 4126, • n naar, under the command of Ismael Pacha, undertaken by order of Mehemmed All Pacha, viceroy of Egypt. By George B. English. Boston, 1823. 67^2, O. I. The same. London, 1822. TRAVELS IN AFRICA. 705 Falconbridge, 1141, D. Two voyages to Sierra Leone, during the years 1791, 1792, and 1793. By Anne Maria Falconbridge. 3d edit. London, 1795. Fleurieu, 603, &l 702, a. Discoveries of the French in 1768 and 1769, to the south-east of New Guinea ; with an historical abridgment of the voy- ages and discoveries of the Spaniards in the same seas. Translated from the French of C. P. C. de Fleurieu. With plates. London, 1791. Forrest, 323, 404, 2095, Q,. & 8165, O. A voyage to New Guinea, and the Moluccas from Balambangan ; including an account of Magindano, Sooloo, and other islands; performed in the years 1774, 1775, and 1776. With plates. By Thomas Forrest. London, 1779. 2d edit. London, 1780. Gobat, 5902, D. Journal of a three years' residence in Abyssinia, for the fur- therance of the objects of the Church missionary society. By the Rev. Samuel Gobat. London, 1834. Golberry, 1412, D. Travels in Africa, performed during the years 1785, 1786, and 1787, in the western countries of that continent; with plates. By Silv. Meinard Xavier Golberry, Esq. Translated from the French, by Francis Blagdon. 2 vols. London, 1802. Gray, 6044, O. Travels in western Africa, in the years 1818, 19, 20, and 21, from the river Gambia to the river Niger. By Major William Gray, and the late Surgeon Dochard. With maps. London, 1825. Hamilton, 1506, d. Remarks on several parts of Turkey. Part 1st, Egyp- tiaca ; or some account of the ancient and modern state of Egypt, as obtained in the years 1801 and 1802. By William Hamilton, Esq. F. A. S. London, 1809. 988, F. Plates to Hamilton's Turkey. Hanno, 2743, O. 3. The voyage of Hanno, translated and accompanied with the Greek text : explained from the accounts of modern travellers, by the Rev. Tho. Falconer. London, 1797. Hawkins, 1207, 1208, & 3676, D. A voyage to the coast of Africa, and travels into the interior of that country ; containing descriptions of the cli- mate and inhabitants, and particulars concerning the slave trade. By Joseph Hawkins. Philadelphia, 1797. Henniker, 5798, O. Notes written during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oases, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem. By Sir Frederick Henniker, Bart. Lon- don, 1823. Horneman, 975, Q,. The travels of Frederick Horneman from Cairo to Mour- zouk, the capital of the kingdom of Fezzan in Africa, in the years 1797-8. London, 1802. Hutton, 5536, O. A voyage to Africa, including a narrative of an embassy to one of the interior kingdoms, in the year 1820. By William Hutton. London, 1821. Irwin, 362, 621, &; 1083, Q,. A series of adventures in the course of a voyage up the Red Sea, on the coasts of Arabia and Egypt, and of a route through the deserts of Thebais, in the year 1777 ; with maps and plates. By Eyles Irwin. London, 1780. No. 621, gift of John Dunlap, Jackson, 1483, Q,. An account of the empire of Morocco and the district of Suse ; compiled from miscellaneous observations made during a long residence in,- and various journies through, these countries ; to which is added, an account of Timbuctoo, the great emporium of central Africa. By James Grey Jackson, Esq. London, 1809. 2038, 2039, 2040, & 3427, D. The same. Philadelphia, 1810. 6870, O. Reflections on the commerce of the Mediterranean, deduced from actual experience, &c. &c. By John Jackson, Esq. F, S. A. &c. New York, 1805. 89 r06 BISTORT. 4172, D. Narrative of discovery and adventure in Africa. By Pro- fessors Jaroeeon, James, Wilson, and Hugh Murray. Edinburgh, 1830. Jardine, 18S3, db SM8, O. Letters from Barbary, France* Spam, Portu^l, &c. By an English officer. (Mi^r Alexander Jardine.) 2 vols. London, 1788 & 1808. Jtnmmt S640, D. A view of the present condition of the states of Barbary, alao a description of their mode of warfare, intersi)ersed witli anec- dotes ofcniei treatment towards Christian captives. By William Jan- ton. London, 1816. Johmum, 9142, O. 5. A geographical and historical account of the island of Bu- lama ; with observations on its climate, productions, &c. By Andrew Johansen. London, 1794. JToy, 6882, D. Travels and researches in Caffraria. By Stephen Kay. Lon- don, 1833. Mbibenf 531, & 532, 0. The present state of the cape of Good Hope ; or a par- ticular account of the several nations of Hottentots ; their relipion, laws, customs, &c. with a short account of the Dutch settlement at the cape. Written in High German, by Peter Kolben, and translated into English by Mr. Medley. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1738. Labartht, 5734, O. Voyage a la cote de Guinee, ou description des cut(\s d'Afrique depuis, le Cap. Tagrin jusqu'au Cap. de Lopez Gonzah »s. Par P. Labarthe. A Paris, 1803. Gift of J, P. Ejigles. Laingy 6045, O. Travels in the Timannee, Kooranko, and Solima countries ia Western Africa. By Major Alexander Gordon Laing. With plates. London, 1825. Lander^ 5565, & 4377, D. Journal of an expedition to explore the course and termination of the Niger, with a narrative of a voyage down that n\o\\ to its termination. By Richard and John Lander. 3 vols. London, 1832. 5497, & 5498, D. The same. 2 vols. New York, 1832. iMtrobe, 1737, O. & 5171, O. Journal of a visit to South Africa, in 1815 and 1816, with some account of the missionary settlements of the United Brethren near the cape of Good Hope. By the Rev. C. S. Latrobe. London & New York, 1818. LegK 1684, Q^ Narrative of a journey in Elgypt and the country beyond thej cataracts. By Thomas Legh, Esq. London, 1815. 4960, O. The same. Philadelphia, 1817. Lempriere, 2003, O. & 3510, D. A tour from Gibraltar to Tangier, Sallee, Mo- gadore, Santa Cruz, and Tarudant, and thence over Mount Atlas to Morocco. Including a particular account of the royal harem, &c. r.y William Lempriere, surgeon. London, 1793, & Philadelphia, 1791. Leyden, 4990, O. Historical account of discoveries and travels in Africa, i '.> the late John Leyden, M. U. enlarged and completed to the i)resent time, with illustrations of its geography and natural history. liy Hugh. Murray, Eisq. 2 vols. London, 1817. '^— 9211, O. Histoire complete des voyages et decouvertes en Afrique. Par le Dr. Leyden et M. Hugh Murray. Traduite de I'Anglais et aug- mentee de toutes les decouvertes (kites jusqu*a ce jour, par M. A. C. 4 torn. A Paris, 1821. Light, 1746, Q. Travels in Egypt, Nubia, Holy Land, Mount Libanus, and Cy- prus, In 1814. By Henry Light. London, 1818. Lichtenitein, 161 1, a Travels in southern Africa in the years 1803-4-5, and 6. By Henry Lichtensteln. Translated from the German, by Anne Plumptre. 2 vols. London, 1812. Lobo, WT. O. A voyage to Abissinia, by Father Jerome Lobo, a Portuguese Jeffult ; with a continuation of the history of Abissinia to the beginning: of the eighteenth century, by Mr. Le Grand. London, 1735. I TRAVELS IN AFRICA. 707 LiidoIphuSt 1113, p. A new history of Ethiopia; being a full and accurate de- scription of the kingdom of Abessinia. In four books. Illustrated with copperplates. By Job Ludolphus. 2d edit. Made English by J. P. Gent. London, 1684. LyoUf 1807, d. A narrative of travels in Northern Africa, in the years 1818, 1819, and 1820; accompanied by geographical notices of Soudan, and of the course of the Niger. With a chart and plates. By Captain G. F. Lyon, R. N. London, 1821. Macgill, 4355, O. An account of Tunis ; of its government, manners, customs, and antiquities, especially of its productions, manufactures and com- merce. By Thomas Macgill. Glasgow, 1811. Matthews, 3126, O. 2. A voyage to the river Sierra Leone, on the coast of Africa ; containing an account of the trade and productions of the country, and of the civil and religious customs and manners of the people ; in a series of letters to a friend in England, in the years 1785, 1786, and 1787. By John Matthews. London, 1788. F. M'Leod, 2768, D. A voyage to Africa ; with some account of the manners and U customs of the Dahomian people. By John M'Leod, M. D. London, P^ 1820. Meredith, 4760, O. An account of the Gold Coast of Africa, with a brief his- tory of the African company. By Henry Meredith, Esq. London, 1812. Minutoli, 3162, etween the manners of its ancient and modern inhabitants, its commerce, agriculture, government, and religion, with the descent of Louis XL at Damletta. Extracted from Jolnville, and Arabian authors. Trans- lated from the French of M. Savary. 2 vols. London, 1786—1799. 3182. O. The same. P. Saoigny, 5148, O. Narrative of a voyage to Senegal, in 1816; comprising an account of the shipwreck of the Medusa, and the sufferings of the crew in the desert of Zaara. By J. B. Henry Savigny, and Alexan- der Correard. Illustrated with the notes of M. Bredif. London, 1818. SmpU, 8048, O. & 4594, D. Walks and sketches at the cape of Good Hope ; with a journey from Cape Town to Blettemberg's bay. By Robert Semple. London, 1803. Shabttny, 6362, O. An account of Timbuctoo and Housa, territories In the interior of Africa. By El Hage Abd Salam Shabeeny. With notes and letters descriptive of travels through West and South Barbary, Iqr James Grey Jackson. London, 1820. TRAVELS IN AFRICA. 709 Shaw, 163, & 779, F. Travels and observations relating to several parts of Barbary and the Levant. By F. Shaw. Oxford, 1738. P. 4210, O. The same. Third edition, corrected; with some account of the author. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1808. Singleton, 5593, O. 2. Report of the committee managing a fund, raised by some friends for the purpose of promoting African instruction ; with an account of a visit to the Gambia, and the Sierra Leone. By Wm. Singleton. London, 1822. Smith, 865, O. A new voyage to Guinea; describing the customs, manners, soil, climate, &c., and whatever else is memorable among the inhabit- ants. By William Smith. 2d edit. London, 1745. Snelgrave, 207, O. A new account of some parts of Guinea, and the slave trade ; containing the history of the late conquest of the kingdom of Whidaw ; the manner of the negroes becoming slaves ; and a relation of the author's being taken by pirates. By William Snelgrave. Lon- don, 1734. Sonnini, 2678, O. Travels in upper and lower Egypt; undertaken by order of the old government of France. With plates. By C. S. Sonnini. Translated from the French, by Henry Hunter. 3 vols. London, 1799. Sparrman, 426, Q.. A voyage to the cape of Good Hope, towards the antarctic polar circle, and round the world, from the year 1772 to 1776. With plates. Translated from the Swedish original. By Andrew Sparr- man. 2 vols. London, 1785. 1065, a. The same. F. St. John, 9032, O. Egypt and Mohammed Ali ; or travels in the valley of the Nile. By James Augustus St. John. 2 vols. London, 1834. St. Pierre, 6737, & 8099, O. A voyage to the isle of France, the isle of Bour- bon, and the cape of Good Hope ; with observations and reflections upon nature and mankind. By J. H. B. de St. Pierre. Translated from the French. To which is added, some account of the author. London, 1800. Stevens, 488 1 , D. An account of Algiers ; comprehending a detail of events relative to the American captives. By J. W. Stevens. Philadelphia, 1797. Thompson, 1930, Q,. & 8792, O. Travels and adventures in Southern Africa. By George Thompson. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1827. Tuckey, 1736, d. Narrative of an expedition to explore the river Zaire, usually called the Congo, in South Africa, in 1816, under the direction of Capt. J. H. Tuckey. To which is added, the journal of professor Smith, and some general observations on the country and its inhabit- ants. London, 1818. 5110, 5111, & 7488, O. The same. Philadelphia and N. York, 1818. Tully, 1706, Q,. Narrative of a ten years' residence at Tripoli, in Africa ; from the original correspondence in the possession of the family of the late Richard Tully, Esq. 2d edit. London, 1817. Vaillant, 1854, O. Travels into the interior parts of Africa, by the way of the cape of Good Hope, in the years 1780, 1781, 1782, 1783, 1784, and 1785. With plates. Translated from the French of M. Le Vaillant. 2 vols. London, 1790. 3271, O. The same. P. 2355, & 8240, O. New travels into the interior parts of Africa, by the way of the cape of Good Hope, in the years 1783, 1784, and 1785. With plates. Translated from the Frepch of M. Le Vaillant. 3 vols. London, 1796. Waddington, 1823, Q,. Journal of a visit to some parts of ^Ethiopia. By George Waddington, Esq. and the Rev. Richard Hanbury. With maps and other engravings. London, 1822. 710 HISTORY. ffalckmaer, 9212, O. Recherches geographiques sur I'intcMieur de TAfrique, septentrfonale, avec divera itineraires. Par C. A. Walckenaer. A ParU,1821. fFaUhy 2 1 05, O. Journal of the late campaign in Egypt ; includin«: descriptions of that country, and of Gibraltar, Minorca, Malta, Mariuorice, and Macri. By Thomas Walsh. Illustrated by numerous engravings. I.^>ndon. 1803. HV$9n^ T' ^<*ls in Egypt, and the Holy Land. By William Rae i*lon, 1823. Wydktt 201^, U. A Jihort relation of the river Nile, of its source and current, and of other curiosities. Translated from a Portuguese MS. By Sir Peter Wyche. London, 1791. 58&, Q. A. 3126, O. Proceedings of the association for promoting the dis- covery of the interior parts of Africa. London, 1790. Gift of Bobert Barclay of Jjondon. 1010, Q. Observations made in Egypt, by an officer upon the staff of the British army ; describing the country, its inhabitants, their manners and cus- toms; with plates. London, 1803. 2218, O. An account of the colony of Sierra Leone, from its first establish- ment in 1793. Published by order of the directors. London, 1795. 2633, O. 1. Copies of original letters, from the army of General Bonaparte in Egypt, intercepted by the fleet under the command of Admiral Lord Nelson. Part the 2d. With an English translation. London, 1799. 2810, O. 5. Copies of original letters from the French army in Egypt. Part the third, consisting of letters to the French government intercepted by the British fleet in the Mediterranean ; from an English translation. 7th edit. Lon- don, 1800. 2713, O. Memoirs relative to Egypt, written in that country during the campaigns of General Bonaparte, in the years 1798 and 1799, by the learned and scientific men who accompanied the French expedition. London, 1800. 4625, O. 2. Account of the conquest of Mauritius, with some notices on the history, products, &c. of this island. By an oflicer. London, 1811. 5278, O. 2. Thirteenth report of the directors of the African institution, read 24th March, 1819. London, 1819. 1171, D. 7. Report of the court of directors of the Sierra Leone company. London, 1792. 5540, O. Notes on the cape of Good Hope ; made during an excursion on that colony in 1820. London, 1820. 7538, O. Gleanings in Africa ; exhibiting a faithful and correct view of the manners and customs of the inhabitants of the cape of Good Hope, and the surrounding country, interspersed with observations and reflections on the state of slavery in the southern extremity of the African continent. In a series of letters from an English officer. With engravings. London, 1806. 1875, D. A description of the island of St. Helena ; containing observations on its singular structure and formation, and an account of its climate and in- habitants. London, 1805. 3104, D. Scenes and occurrences in Albany and Cafferland, South Africa. London, 1827. 4232, D. Recollections of seven years* residence at the Maritius, or isle of France. By a lady. London, 1830. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN AMERICA. 711 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN AMERICA. Abbott, 7007, O. Letters written in the interior of Cuba, between the moun- tains of Arcana and Cusco. By the late Rev. Abiel Abbott, D. D. Boston, 1829. Alexander^ 8846, & 8905, O. Transatlantic sketches, comprising visits to the most interesting scenes in North and South America and the West Indies. By Capt. J. E. Alexander. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1833. Anburey, 1878, O. Travels through the interior parts of America; with plates. By Thomas Anburey. 2 vols. London, 1780. Andrews, 3190, D. Journey from Buenos Ayres through the provinces of Cor- dova, Tucuman, and Salta, to Potosi, thence to Arica and Coquimbo, in the years 1825-6. By Captain Andrews. 2 vols. London, 1827. Arfwedson, 9181, O. The United States and Canada in 1832—1834. By C. D. Arfwedson, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1834. Ashe, 3890, & 8479, O. Travels in America, in 1800, for the purpose of ex- ploring the rivers Alleghany, Ohio, and Mississippi, and ascertaining the produce and condition of their banks and vicinity. By T. Ashe. New York, 1811. Atwater, 5503, D. Remarks made on a tour to Prairie du Chien, thence to Washington city, in 1829. By Caleb At water. Columbus, (Ohio,) 1831. Auteroche, 5542, O. 1. A voyage to California, by Mons. Chappe d'Auteroche; with an historical description of the author's route through Mexico : also a voyage to Newfoundland and Sallee. By Mons. de Cassini. London, 1778. Azara, 4722, O. Voyages dans I'Amerique meridionale ; par Don Felix de Azara, depuis 1781 jusqu'en 1801. Publics par C. A. Walckenaer, ehrichis de notes par G. Cuvier et M. Sonini. 2 tom. Paris, 1809. 4905. The same. 4 tomes, and atlas. Paris, 1809. Bache, 6194, & 6195, O. Notes on Colombia, taken in the years 1822-3, with an itinerary of the route from Caracas to Bogota, and an appendix. By Lieut. R. Bache. Philadelphia, 1827. Bartram, 9088, O. Observations on the inhabitants, climate, soil, rivers, &c. made by John Bartram, in his travels from Pennsylvania to Canada. With an account of the cataracts of Niagara, by Mr. Peter Kalm. London, 1751. 1925, O. Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, the Cherokee country, the territories of the Musco- gulges, or Creek confederacy, and the country of the Chactaws ; con- taining an account of the soil and natural productions of those regions, with observations on the manners of the Indians, with plates. By William Bartram. Philadelphia, 1791. 3208, 0. The same. P. Bayley, 7149, O. Four years' residence in the West Indies. By F. W. N. Bay- ley. London, 1830. Beatfy, 1524, Sc 1564, O. 4. A journal of a two months' tour, with a view of promoting religion among the frontier inhabitants of Pennsylvania. By Charles Beatty. London, 1768. Beaufoy, 6432, O. Mexican illustrations ; founded upon facts, indicative of the present condition of society, manners, religion and morals of the Spa- nish and native inhabitants of Mexico. With observations upon the government and resources of the republic of Mexico. By Mark Beau- foy. London, 1828. BeaujouTj 4612, O. Sketch of the United States of North America, from 1800 718 HISTOBT. to 1810, with itortgrtnil tables. By Le Chevalier Felix de Beaujour ; tnuulatad firom the French, by William Walton, Esq. London, 1814. Btmrnmi. 0S88, O. Travels in Buenos Ayrea^ and the adjacent provinces of the Rio de la Plata. By J. A. B. Beaumont, Esq. London, 1828. Beli^ 3025, D. (lints to emigrants, in a series of letters from Upper Canada. By the Rev. Wm. Bell. Edinburgh, 1824. BickdL, 5946, O. The West Indies as they are ; or a real picture of slavery ; but more particularly as it exists in Jamaica. By ihe Rev. R. Bickell. London, 1825. G^ of Dr. Parke, . 5972, O. The same. Birkbeck, 2616, D. Notes on a journey in America, from the coast of Virginia to the territory of Illinois. By Morris Birkbeck. Philadelphia, 1817. 2680, & 3681, D. Letters from Illinois. By Morris Birkbeck, illus- trated by maps. Philadelphia, 1818. 5500, O. 2. Extracts from a supplementary letter from Illinois — ad- dress to British emigrants — reply to Wm. Cobbet, Esq. By Morris Birkbeck. New York, 1819. Blanchardiere, De la, 1 593, D. M. L'Abbe Courte de la Blanchardiere, nou- veau voyage fait au Perou. Paris, 1751. P. Bolingbroke, 1448, Q^ A voyage to the Demarary; with an account of the settlements there, and on the Berbice, the Essequibo and other conti- guous rivers of Guyana, by Henry Bolingbroke. London, 1807. 7706, O. The same. Philadelphia, 1813. BossUt 3025, O. Travels through that part of North America, formerly called Louisiana, by M. Bossu. Translated from the French, by John Rein- hold Forster. 2 vols. London, 1771. Brackenridge, 2459, D. Journal of a voyage up the river Missouri, performed in 1811. By H. M. Brackenridge. Baltimore, 1815. 4501, & 4502, O. Views of Louisiana; together with a journal of a voyage up the Missouri river in 1811. By H. M. Brackenridge, Esq. Pittsburgh, 1814. 5284, O. Voyage to South America, performed by order of the American government, in the yeau-s 1817 and 1818, in the frigate Con- gress. By H. M. Brackenridge, Esq. 2 vols. Baltimore, 1819. 5802, D. Recollections of persons and places in the west By H. M. Brackenridge, a native of the Ohio. Philadelphia, 1834. Bradbury, 5086, O. Travels in the interior of America in 1809, 10, and 11 ; including a description of upper Louisiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennes- see, and containing remarks and observations useful to persons emi- grating to those countries. By John Bradbury. London, 1817. Brainerd, 1512, O. 1. A journal among the Indians; containing an account of the rise and progress of the work of grace amongst a number of the Indians in New Jersey and Pennsylvania ; with some general remarks. By David Brainerd. Philadelphia, 1746. Brand, 6463, O. Journal of a voyage to Peru ; a passage across the Cordil- lera of the Andes, in 1827, and a journey across the Pampas. By Lieutenant Charies Brand, R. N. London, 1828. Bristol, 1972, O. Nouveau voyage dans les Etats-Unis de TAmerique Septen- trionale. loit en 1788. Par J. P. Brissot de Warville. 3 tomes. A Paris, 1791. Gift of the author. — — 2159, O. Travels in the United States of America; including conside- rations on the commerce of America with Europe ; particularly with France and Great Britain. By J. P. Brissot de Warville. Translated from the French. To which is added, a sketch of the life of J. P. Bris- sot, and an appendix, by the translator. 2 vols. London, 1794. — — 7988, O. New travels in the United States of America, performed in 1788. By J. p. Brissot de Warville, translated from the French. Dublin, 1792. TRAVELS IN AMERICA. 713 Brissot, 1620, & 8139, O. 4. A critical examination of the marquis de Chatel- lux's travels in North America, translated from the French of J. P. Brissot de Warville, with additions. Philadelphia, 1788. Bullock^ 5884, O. Six months' residence and travels in Mexico ; containing re- marks on the present state of New Spain, with plates and maps. By W. Bullock, F. L. S. London, 1824. Burnaby, 1981, Q. & 5542, O. 3. Travels through the middle settlements in North America, in the years 1757 and 1760. With observations on the state of the colonies. By the Rev. Andrew Burnaby, D. D. &c. &c. London, 1798. M. Butler, 6056, D. Journal. By Frances Anne Butler. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1835. Caldchugh, 5956, O. Travels in South America, during the years 1819, 20, and 21 ; containing an account of the present state of Brazil, Buenos Ayres, and Chili. By Alexander Caldcleugh, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1825. CarmichaeU 5726, D. Domestic manners and social condition of the white, coloured, and negro population of the West Indies. By Mrs. Carmi- chael. 2 vols. London, 1833. Cartwright, 664, Q,. A journal of transactions and events, during a residence of nearly sixteen years on the coast of Labrador. With plates. By George Cartwright. 3 vols. London, 1792. Carver, 1171, &; 1172, O. Travels through the interior part? of North Ame- rica, for more than five thousand miles, in the years 1766, 1767, and 1768 ; to which is prefixed an account of the author's life. With plates. By Jonathan Carver. 3d edit. Dublin, 1779. London, 1781. No. 1172, the gift of Doctor Thomas Parke. 3212,0. The same. P. 6539, O. The same. M. 3492, D. Three years' travels throughout the interior parts of North America, for more than five thousand miles, &c. &c. By Capt. Jona- than Carver. Charlestown, 1802. Castiglioni, 9151, O. Viaggo negli Stati Uniti dell' America Septentrionali fatto negli anni 1785, 1786, 1787, da Luigi Castiglioni. Tom. 2. Milano, 1790. 'happell, 4998, O. Narrative of a voyage to Hudson's bay, in his majesty's ship Rosamond ; containing some account of the north-east coast of America, and of the tribes inhabiting that remote region. By Lieut. Edward Chappell, R. N. London, 1817. 5152, O. Voyage of H. M. S. Rosamond to Newfoundland and the southern coast of Labrador. By Lt. Edward Chappell, R. N. Lon- don, 1818. CliarlevoiXy 483, Q,. Histoire et description generale de la nouvelle France avec le journal historique d'un voyage dans I'Amerique Septentrionale. Par le P. de Charlevoix. 3 tomes. A Paris, 1744. - 4723, O. A voyage to North America, containing the geographical description, and natural history of Canada and Louisiana, with the customs and religion of the inhabitants, by Father Charlevoix. 2 vols. Dublin, 1766. 760, O. A journal of a voyage to North America, undertaken by command of the French king. Translated from the French of P. de Charlevoix. 2 vols. London, 1761. Chastellux, 1460, erformed in 1 820, for the purpose of ascertaining the actual state of the Indian trilx^s in our country. By the Rev. Jedediah Morse, D. D. New Haven, 1822. Mural, 5735, D. A moral and political sketch of the United States of Ame- rica. By Achille Murat. With a note on negro slavery. London, 1838. Murray, 7086, O. Historical account of discoveries and travels, in North Ame- rica, including the United States, Canada, the shores of the polar sea, and the voyages in search of a north-west passage ; with observations on emigration. By Hugh Murray, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1829. Nultal, 5513, O. A journal of travels into the Arkansa territory, during the year 1819; with occasional observations on the manners of the ahorl- gineH. Illustrated by a map and other engravings. By Tlionias Nuttal. PI • ; I;,, 1821. Ogdtn, 357 1 , I >. A ,n into Bethlehem and Nazareth, in Pennsylvania, in 1799. With a Huccinct history of the United Brethren. By John C. Ogdeo. Ptuladelpliia, 1805. h TRAVELS IN AMERICA. 723 Palmer, 5268, O. Journal of travels in the United States of North America and in Lower Canada, in 1817 ; containing remarks on the country and people, and an account of the commerce and present state ; with a map. By John Palmer. London, 1818. Paulding, 2614, & 2615, D. Letters from the south, written during an excur- sion in the summer of 1816. By James K. Paulding. 2 vols. New York, 1817. 3261, D. The new mirror for travellers, and guide to the springs. By Paulding. New York, 1828. Pike, 4228, & 7596, O. An account of expeditions to the sources of the Mis- sissippi, and through the western parts of Louisiana to the sources of the Arkansaws, Kans, La Platte, and Pierre Jaune rivers, during the years 1805, 1806, and 1807 ; and a tour through the interior parts of New Spain, in the year 1807 ; with maps and charts. By Major Z. M. Pike. Philadelphia, 1810. Pinckard, 3820, O. Notes on the West Indies ; written during the expedition of Sir R. Abercrombie. By George Pinckard, M. D. 3 vols. Lon- don, 1806. Pitman, 6064, O. A succinct view and analysis of authentic information ex- tant, in original works, on the practicability of joining the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, by a ship canal across the isthmus of Darien. By Ro- bert Birks Pitman. London, 1825. Plantagenet, 1019, O. 1. A description of the province of New Albion in North America. By Beauchamp Plantagenet. 1648. Poinsett, 5850, 5851, & 6495, O. Notes on Mexico, made in the autumn of 1822. Accompanied by an historical sketch of the revolution, and translations of official reports on the present state of that country. With a map. By a citizen of the United States. (Mr. Poinsett.) Phi- ladelphia, 1824. M. 6028, O. The same. London, 1825. 5287, O. 3. Letter of J. R. Poinsett, Esq. on South American affairs. Washington, 1819. Post, 565, O. 1. A second journal, on a message from the governor of Penn- sylvania, to the Indians on the Ohio. By Christian Frederick Post. London, 1759. Priest, 2927, O. Travels in the United States of America, commencing in the year 1793, and ending in 1797. By William Priest. London, 1802. Proctor, 6056, O. Narrative of a journey across the Cordillera of the Andes, and of a residence in Lima and other parts of Peru, in the years 1823 and 1824. By Robert Proctor, Esq. London, 1825. Renger, 6265, O. The reign of Dr. Joseph Gaspard Roderick de Francia, in Paraguay ; being an account of a six years' residence in that republic, from July 1819 to 1825. By Messrs. Renger and Longchamps. Trans- lated from the French. London, 1827. Roberts, 5694, D. Narrative of voyages and excursions on the east coast of central America. By Orlando W. Roberts. Edinburgh, 1827. Robin, 5446, O. Voyages dans I'interieur de la Louisiane, de la Floride Occi- dentale, et dans les isles de la Martinique et de St. Domingue, pen- dant les annees 1802 — 1806, suivis de la flore Louisianaise. Par C. C. Robin. 3 tom. A Paris, 1807. Gift of Dr. John Barnes. 8139, O. 1. New travels in North America: exhibiting the campaigns of the allied armies ; interspersed with political and philosophical ob- servations. Translated from the French of the Abbe Robin. Phila- delphia, 1783. Robinson, 5631, O. Journal of an expedition up the Orinoco and the Arauca ; with an account of the country, the manners of the people, military operations, &c. By J. H. Robinson. London, 1822. 724 BISTORT. Robton^ 764. iL 1507, 0. An account of six years' residence in Hudson's bay, from 1733 to 1736, and 1744 to 1747 ; with drafts. By Joseph Rob- son. London, 175*Z. Rochfoucault Lianoourt, 843, Q. Travels through the United States of North America, the country of the Iroquois, and Upper Canada, in the years 1795, 179ft, and 1797 ; with an authentic account of Lower Canada. By the Duke de la Rochfoucault Liancourt. 2 vols. London, 17U9. Roos, 6310, O. Personal narrative of travels in the United States and Canada, in 1826 ; illustrated by plates. With remarks on the present state of the American navy. By Lt. the Hon. Fred. Fitzgerald de Roos, R. N. London, 1827. Royal, 3141, D. Sketches of history, life, and manners in the United States. By Mrs. Royal. New Haven, 1826. Sale, 1040, D. Journal historique du dernier voyage que feu M. de la Sale fit dans le golfe de Mexique, pour trouver rembouchure, et le cours de la riviere de Missisipi, nonime a present la riviere de Saint Loiiis qui traverse la Louisiane. Par Monsieur Jovtel, Tun des compagnons de ce voyage, redige et mis en ordre par Monsieur De Michel. A Paris, 1713. Seuuonh 2600, & 2601, D. Sketches of Lower Canada, historical and descrip- tive, during a tour to Quebec, in the month of July, 1817. By Joseph Sansom, Esq. New York, 1817. Saxt'fVeimary 6468, & 6409, O. Travels through North America, during the years 1825 and 1826. By his highness Bernhard, duke of Saxe- Wei- mar. Philadelphia, 1828. Schmidtmeyer, 1876, Q,. Travels into Chile over the Andes, in the years 1820 and 1821, with some sketches of the productions and agriculture, mines and metallurgy, inhabitants, history, &c. of America, particu- larly Chile and Arauco ; illustrated with plates. By Peter Schmidt- meyer. London, 1824. Schoolcraft, 5425, & 5426, p. Narrative journal, or travels through the north- western regions of the United States, extending from Detroit through the great chain of American lakes to the sources of the Mississippi river, in the year 1820. By Henry R. Schoolcraft. Albany, 1821. 5946, & 5947, O. Travels in the central portions of the Missis- sippi valley : comprising observations on its minerals, geography, in- ternal resources, and aboriginal population. By Henry R. School- craft. New York, 1825. 9002, O. Narrative of an expedition through the Upper Missis- sippi to Itasca lake, the actual source of this river, embracing an ex- planatory trip through the St. Croix and Burntwood or Broule rivers, in 1832. Under the direction of Henry R. Schoolcraft. New York, 1834. SempU, 2152, D. Sketch of the present state of Caracas, including a journey from Caracas through La Victoria and Valencia to Puerto Cabello. By Robert Semple. London, 1812. ShuUx, 4188, & 4189, O. Travels on an inland voyage through the states of New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee, and through the territories of Indiana, Louisiana, Mississippi, and New Orleans ; performed in the years 1807 and 1808 ; with maps and plates. By Christian Shultz, jr. Esq. New York, 1810. SUUman, 2779, dc 2780, D. Remarks made on a short tour between Hartford and Quebec, In the autumn of 1819. By Benjamin Sillunan. New Haven, 1820. Singktonf 6064, 0. 1. Letters from the south and west. By William Singleton, Etq. Boston, 1824. SJr^'ier, 1418, Q. The present state of Peru. By Joseph Skinner. London, 1805. TRAVELS IN AMERICA. 725 Shane, 350, P. A voyage to the islands of Madeira, Barbados, Nieves, St. Christopher's, and Jamaica ; with the natural history of the last of those islands. With plates. By Hans Sloane, M. D. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1707. Smith, 1019, O. 2. Smith's description of New England in the year 1614. London, 1616. Smyth, 1377, O. A tour in the United States of America. By J. F. D. Smyth. 2 vols. London, 1784. Sfedman, 755, Q,. Narrative of a five years' expedition against the revolted negroes of Surinam, in Guiana, on the wild coast of South America : from the year 1772 to 1777 ; elucidating the history of that country, and describing its productions, &c. With plates. By Captain J. G. Stedman. 2 vols. London, 1796. Stevenson, 6024, O. A historical and descriptive narrative of twenty years' residence in South America. 3 vols. By W. B. Stevenson. Lon- don, 1825. Stewart, 5835, O. A view of the past and present state of the island of Ja- maica ; with remarks on the moral and physical condition of the slaves, and on the abolition of slavery in the colonies. By J. Stewart. Edin- burgh, 1823. St. Clair, 8958, O. A residence in the West Indies and America, with a nar- rative of the expedition to the island of Walcheren. By T. S. St. Clair. 2 vols. London, 1834. St. John, 813, D. Lettres d'un fermier de Pennsylvania, traduites de I'Anglois. A Amsterdam, 1769. — 1261, O. Letters from an American farmer ; describing certain pro- vincial situations, manners and customs. By J. Hector St. John. London, 1783. 3331,0. The same. London, 1782. P. & 3557, D. Philadelphia, 1793. Stanislaus, 2406, & 2543, O. A voyage to St. Domingo, in the years 1788, 1789, and 1790. By the Baron de Stanislaus. Translated into Eng- lish, by J. Wright. London, 1797. Stanshury, 2884, & 4530, D. A pedestrian tour in North America, to the lakes, the Canadas, and New England States, in 1821. By P. Stansbury. New York, 1822. Stoddard, 4378, O. Sketches, historical and descriptive, of Louisiana, By Major Amos Stoddard. Philadelphia, 1812. Strachan, 7665, O. A visit to the province of Upper Canada, in 1819. By James Strachan. Aberdeen, 1820. Strangeways, 5791, O. Sketch of the Mosquito shore, including the territory of Poyais, descriptive of the country. By Thomas Strangeways. Ed. 1822. Stuart, 8827, O. Three years in North America. By James Stuart, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1833. 5677, D. The same. New York, 1833. Sutdiff, 2126, D. Travels in some parts of North America, in the years 1804, 1805, and 1806. By Robert Sutcliff. Philadelphia, 1812. Talbot, 5954, O. Five years' residence in the Canadas, including a tour through part of the United States, in the year 1823. By Edward A. Talbot, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1824. Tanner, 5509, D. View of the valley of the Mississippi : or the emigrant's and traveller's guide to the west. By H. S. Tanner. Philadelphia, 18.S2. Temple, 7139, O. Travels in various parts of Peru, including a year's residence in Potosi. By Edmond Temple. 2 vols. London, 1830. 5617, to 5622, D. The same. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1833. 726 HISTORY. Terry^ 6957, D. Travds in the equatorial rej?ions of South America, in 183*2 By Adrian R. Terry, M. D. Hartford, 1834. TIneryy 9125, O. Traite de la culture du nopal, &c.; precede d'un voyajje a Guaxaca. Par M. Thiery de Menonville. 2 torn. A Paris, 1787. ThomoM^ 2715, &. 4490, D. Travels through the western country, in the sum merof 1816; including notices of the natural history, antiquities, coii; merce, and manufactures. By David Thomas. Auburn, 1819. Tlu>mp90fi, 4033, D. Narrative of an official visit to Guatemala from Mexico. By G. A. Thompson, Esq. London, 1829. TT^nuon, 3218, D. Letters on the moral and religious state of South America, written during a residence of seven years in Buenos Ayres, Chili, Peru, and Colombia. By James Thomson. London, 1827. Gift of Dr. Parke. TroUope, 8678, & 8679, O. Domestic manners of the Americans. By Mrs. Trollope. New York, 1832. 5527, D. The same. 2 vols. London, 1832. Tudor, 5818, D. Narrative of a tour in North America, comprising Mexico; with an excursion to Cuba. By Henry Tudor, Esq. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1834. 2749, & 2755, D. Letters on the eastern states. By William Tudor. New York, 1820. Tytler, 5634, & 5635, D. Historical view of the progress of discovery in the more northern coasts of America from the earliest period. By P. F. Tytler. With descriptive sketches of natural history, by James AVil- son. New York, 1833. Uttoa^ 6594, O. A voyage to South America. Describing at large, the Spanish cities, towns, provinces, &c. on that extensive continent. Undertaken by command of the king of Spain, by Don George Juan and Don An- tonio de Ulloa, both captains of the navy, P. R. S. &c. &c. Trans- lated from the Spanish. To which are added, by Mr. John Adams. who resided several years in those parts, occasional notes and ob servations ; an account of some parts of the Brazils, &c. &;c. Maps and plates. 2 vols. London, 1772. M. 286, 418, & 4720, O. The same. London, 1760—1806. Umfreville, 2161, & 7699, O. The present state of Hudson's bay; to which are added, remarks and observations made in the inland parts, and a journal of a journey from Montreal to New York. By Edward Um- freville. London, 1790. Vigne, 5528, D. Six months in America. By Godfrey T. Vigne, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1832. 5599, to 5603, D. The same. Philadelphia, 1833. VignoleSj 5652, O. Observations on the Fioridas. By Charles Vignoles. New York, 1823. Votney, 4076, O. Tableau du climat et du sol des Etats Unis d'Amerique ; suivi d'eclaircissemens sur la Floride sur la colonic Fran^aise au Sci- oto, sur quelques colonies Canadiennes et sur les sauvages. Par C. F. Volney. 2 tom. A* Paris, 1802—3. Gift of the author. 3690, & 7582, O. A view of the climate and soil of the United States of America ; with an account of Florida, Scioto, Canada, and the sa^ vages or natives ; with plates. Translated from the French of C. F. Volney. London, 1804. Van Sack, 1523, ^ A narrative of a voyage to Surinam; of a residence there during 1805, 6, and 7, and of the author's return to Europe by the way of North America. By Baron Albert Von Sack. London, 1810. Fan flpix, 6875, O. Travels in Brazil, in the years 1817—1820. By Dr. Joh. Bapt. Von Spix, and Dr. C. F. Phil. Von Martins. 2 vols. London,. 1824. 1 TRAVELS IN AMERICA. 727 Talker, 5150, O. Letters on the West Indies. By James Walker. London, 1818. 'Talslh 7143, O. Notices of Brazil, in 1828 and 1829. By the Rev. R. A. Walsh, LL. D. 2 vols. London, 1830. 4210, D. The same. Boston, 1831. I'alton, 4295, O. Present state of the Spanish colonies ; including a particular report of Hispaniola, or the Spanish part of Santo Domingo. With a general survey of the settlements on the south continent of America, as relates to history, trade, population, customs, manners, &c. By William Walton, jun. 2 vols. London, 1810. Wanscy, 2394, O. & 4441, D. A journal of an excursion in the United States of North America, in the summer of 1794. By Henry Wansey, F. A. S. Salisbury, 1796. Ward, 6416, O. Mexico in 1827. By H. G. Ward, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1828. - 7308, O. Mexico. By H. G. Ward. Second edition, enlarged ; with an account of the mining companies, and of the political events in that republic, to the present day. 2 vols. London, 1829. Waterton, 1906, Q,. Wanderings in South America, the north-west of the United States, and the Antilles, in the years 1812, 1816, 1820, and 1824; with instructions for the preservation of birds, &c. for cabinets. By Charles Waterton, Esq. Telby, 5627, O. A visit to North America, and the English settlements in Illinois; with a winter residence at Philadelphia; solely to ascertain the actual prospects of the emigrating agriculturist, mechanic, and commercial speculator. By Adlard Welby, Esq. London, 1822. Veld, 3808, & 7758, O. Travels through the states of North America, and the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, during the years 1795, 1796, and 1797. By Isaac Weld, jun. 3d edit. 2 vols. London, 1800. Thitbonrne, 259, O. A discovrse and discovery of Nevv-fovnd^land ; with many reasons to proue how beneficiall a plantation may there be made after a far better manner than now it is. Written by captaine Richard Whitbourne. To which are added, certaine letters from that coun- trey. London, 1622. ' Vhitefield, 1628, 5. & 8139, O. 3. A journal of a voyage from Savanna to Phila- delphia, and from Philadelphia to England, in the year 1740, with George Whitefield. By Wm. Seward. London, 1740. Gift of Za- chariah Poulson, jun, Villiams, 6170, O. A tour through the island of Jamaica, in the year 1823. By Cynric R. Williams. London, 1826. 6207, O. A view of West Florida ; embracing its geography, topog- raphy, &c. With an appendix, treating of its antiquities, land titles, and canals ; and a map. By John Lee Williams. Philadelphia, 1827. illiamson, 5149, O. Medical and miscellaneous observations relative to the West India islands. By John Williamson, M. D. Edinburgh, 1818. irt, 8616, O. & 2116, D. 2. The letters of a British spy. By Wm. Wirt, Esq. Fourth edition, with corrections, by the author. Baltimore, 1811. ^ ^Vood, 227, O. 1. New England's prospect ; discovering the state of that coun- try, both as it stands to our English planters, and the native inhabit- ants. By Wm. Wood. London, 1639. — 1501, O. New England's prospect; being a description of New Eng- * I land. By William Wood. 3d edit. Boston, 1764. ( ^Foods, 5612, O. Two years' residence in the settlement of the English prairie in the Illinois country, "in the United States; with an account of the ^ I principal towns, villages, &c. By John Woods. London, 1822. 728 BISTOBT. Ifrightt 5431, &, 6488, O. Views of society and manners in America, in a series of letters from that country, during the years 1818—1820. By an Englishwoman (Miss Frances Wright.) New York, 1821. 5489, O. The same. London, 1 82 1 . Zimmemum^ 8848, O. Essal de comparaison entre Le Prance et les Etats- Dnls. Par Mr. E. A. W. de Zimmerman. A Leipzig, 1797. Gift of Muthew Carey. 20t, O. 8. A plaine (i'escription of the Barmudas, now called Sommer Islands, with the manner of their discoverie, anno 1609. By W. C. London, 1613. 478, Q. 1 . A publication of Guiana's plantation, undertaken by the Eiarl of Bwkshirr. London, 1632. 4 1 - A tour through part of Virginia, in the summer of 1808 ; in a .so- rles ' ; including an account of Harper's ferry, the natural bridge, Wcii 's cave, Moniicello, &c. New York, 1809. 6318, O. Narrative of a voyage to the Spanish Main, the occupation of Ame- lia island, sketches of the province of East Florida, and anecdotes of the man- ners of the Seminole Indians. London, 1819. 6825, O. Colombia: being a geographical, statistical, agricultural, comni»r- ciaJ and political account of that country; adapted for the general reader, tlie merchant and the colonist. 2 vols. London, 1822. 5899, O. A summary view of America; comprising remarks on the so( ial, moral, and political character of the people — being the result of observations and enquiries during a journey in the United States. By an Englishman. Lon- don, 1824. 5922, O. Excursions through the United States and Canada, during tlic years 1822 — 1823. By an English gentleman. London, 1824. 5923, O. Letters written from Colombia, during a journey from Caraca- to Bogota, and thence to Santa Martha, in 1823. London, 1824. 6243, O. The present state of Colombia; containing an account of the }irin- cipal events of its revolutionary war, its constitution, laws, revenue, mines, k learning in Europe. By the late Andrew Dalzell, M. A. t ToU. Edinburgh, 1821. Drumm^md, 8141, O. A review of the governments of Sparta and Athens. By WUttam Drummond. London, 1794. Emerton^ 7886, O. The history of modern Greece, from its conquest to the present time. By James Emerson. 2 vols. London, 1830. Got/, 878, ^ The history of Greece, from the accession of Alexander of Ma- oedon, till its final subjection to the Roman power. By John Gast, D. D. London, 1782. 1069. d. The same. P. Gherardini, 3020, D. History of Suli and Parga, containing their chronology and their wars, particularly those with Ali Pacha. Translated from the Italian of C. Gherardini. 2d edit. Edinburgh, 1824. Gil&ei, 438, Q,. The history of ancient Greece ; from the earliest accounts, till the division of the Macedonian empire in the east ; with maps. By John Gillies, LL. D. 2 vols. London, 1786. 4217, O. The same. 5th edit. 4 vols. London, 1809. Gold$mUK 3468, D. The Grecian history, from the earliest state to the death of Alexander the great. By Dr. Goldsmith. 2 vols, in 1. Philadel- phia, 1811. Gordon^ 8812, O. History of the Greek revolution. By Thomas Gordon, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1832. Grttn, 6424, O. Sketches of the war in Greece. From the private corre- spondence of James Green, Esq. ; with illustrative notes. London, 1828. Herodotus, 476, F. Herodoti Halicamassei historiarum libri novem. Graecfe et Latins. Ed. Thos. Gale. Londini, 1679. L. 1672, D. Herodoti Halicarnassensis historia. GrecS et LatinS. Tomi IX. Glasguae, 1761. P. 912, Q. A comparison of the geographical system of Herodotus, with those of other ancient authors, and with modern geography ; with maps. By James Rennell. London, 1801. 161, & 3470, O. History of Herodotus. Translated from the Greek, by Isaac Littlebury. 2 vols. London, 1709. P. 1737. 1897, & 6478, O. The history of Herodotus. Translated from the Greek, with notes, by William Beloe. 4 vols. London, 1791—1825. 3223, O. The same. P, Heerm, 7078, O. A sketch of the political history of ancient Greece. By A. L. Heeren. Translated from the German. Oxford, 1829. //tfl, 8710, D. Essay on the institutions, government, and manners of the states "f ancient Greece. By Henry David Hill, D. D. London, 1819. Anm, 6450. O. An historical sketch of the Greek revolution. By Samuel G. Howe, Bl D. New York, 1828. l^ake, 81 11. D. An historical outline of the Greek revolution, with a few re- marks on the present state of affairs in that country. By Wm. M. ^^^ Uake. London, 1826. Mmigt 8878, D. Observations sur Phistoire de la Grece, &c. par M. I'Abbe de Mably. A Geneve, 1766. miford,WI,^^ The history of Greece. By William Mitford. 2 vols. Lon- don, 17tt0. 5481,4 6841,0. The same. Dublin, 1797. HISTORY OP GREECE. 743 Mulkr, 7279, O. The history and antiquities of the Doric race. By C. O. MuUer. Translated from the German, by H. Tufnel and G. C. Lewis. 2 vols. London, 1830. Fausanias, 468, F. Pausaniae accurata Graeciae descriptio, Graece et Latine, cum annotationibus Xylandri et Fred. Sylburgii. Francofurti, 1633. L. 1247, Q,. Descriptione della Greca di Pausania, tradotte del Greco da A. B. Faudressi. Mantoua, 1554. F. 211, & 3153, O. Pausanias's description of Greece. Translated from the Greek, with notes illustrative of their mythology. 3 vols. London, 1794. F. 8331, O. An extract out of Pausanias, of the statues, pictures, and temples in Greece, which were remaining there in his time. London, 1758. 3134, O. 1. Account of the statues, pictures, and temples in Greece. Translated from the Greek of Pausanias, by Uvedale Price. London, 1780. F. Fauw, De, 2404, O. Philosophical dissertations on the Greeks. Translated from the French of M. De Pauw. 2 vols. London, 1793. Rollin, 70, & 230, D. The ancient history of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Macedonians and Gre- cians. Translated from the French of Mr. Rollin. 2d edit. 10 vols. London, 1739—1758. 9101, O. The same. 2 vols. New York, 1834. Rous, 559, Q,. 3. Archaelogiae Atticae libri septem ; being seven of the Attick an- tiquities. By Francis Rous and Zachary Bogan. 4th edit. Oxford, 1664. 932, O. 3. Archaelogiae Atticae ; or a treatise on ancient rites and customs. 1637. Stanyan, 790, O. The Grecian history, from the origin of Greece to the end of the Peloponnesian war; containing the space of about 1684 years. By Temple Stanyan. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1739. Thucydides, 427, F. Thucydides de bello Peloponnesiaco libri octo. Graece et Latine. Oxoniae, 1696. L. 1666, O. Thucydides de bello Peloponnesiaco libri VIU, ex inter- pretatione Laurentii Vallae. Francofurti, 1587. L. 822, F. A translation from the Greek of Thucydides*s history of the Peloponnesian war, in 8 books. By Thomas Hobbes. 2d edit. London, 1676. F. 92, O. Thucydides's history of the Grecian war : with maps. Translated by Thomas Hobbes. 3d edit. 2 vols. London, 1723. 6734, & 7874, O. The history of the Peloponnesian war, trans- lated from the Greek of Thucydides ; to which are added, three pre- liminary discourses : 1st, On the life of Thucydides ; 2d, On his quali- fications as an historian ; 3d, A survey of the history . By William Smith, D. D. To which are prefixed, the life and character of the translator. Philadelphia, 1818. 73, & 1170, a The same. 2 vols. London, 1753. F. 7162, O. The history of Thucydides ; newly translated into Eng- lish, with copious annotations, and a new life of Thucydides. By the Rev. S. T. Bloomfield, of Sidney college, Cambridge. 3 vols. Lon- don, 1829. Wilson, 1357, O. An archaeological dictionary; or classical antiquities of the Jews, Greeks, and Romans. By T. Wilson. London, 1783. Xenophon, 498, F. Xenophontis imperatoris et philosophi omnia quae extant opera. Graece et Latine. Joanne Lewenklaio interprete. Basiliae, 1669. Z. 3346, O. Xenophontis memorabilium, Socratis dictorum, libri IV. Graece et Latine. Edit. 5ta. Oxonii, 1780, F. 744 BISTORT. Xenophon, 34«7. & 3468, O. Joannit Leundavii Amellumi, Xonophontis de Cyri institutione Ubri octo ; Gr»cd cum Latina interpretationc. Lon- dini, 1713. P. « 1 1 (10. (^ Xenophon*8 history of the affairs of Greece, by Dr. Smith, the translator of Thucydides. London, 1770. P. 6601, O. The same. London, 1812. AL M4, O. Cyroprdia ; or the institution of Cyrus, by Xenophon. Translated from the Greek, by Maurice Ashley. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1728. — 8866,4.6477.0. The same. P. London, 1816. M. — 604, 607, 8306, O. & 3332, D. The expedition of Cyrus into Per- sia; and the retreat of the ten thousand Greeks. Translated from Xenophon ; with critical and historical notes, by Edward S]>elman. 2d edit 2 vols. London, 1749. — .^28, A; 6479, O. The same. London, 1776. P. London, 1813. M. — 1696, Q^ Illustrations of the history of the expedition of Cyrus from Sardis to Babylonia; and the retreat of the ten thousand Greeks from thence to Trebisonde, and Lydia ; with an appendix. By James Rennell. London, 1816. 4217, D. Xenophon. 2 vols. Volume 1st. The anabasis; trans- lated by Edward Spelman. Volume 2d. The cyropaedia; translated by M. Ashley Cooper. New York, 1831. Forktt 818, Q,. & 2033, O. Athenian letters ; or the epistolary correspondence of an agent of the king of Persia, residing at Athens during the Pelo- ponnesian war; containing the history of the times. By Philip Yorke, EsiTl of Hardwicke, and others. 2 vols. London, 1798 — 1792. Voungt 1260, & 1614, O. The spirit of Athens; being a political and philoso- phical investigation of the history of that republic. By William Young, Esq. London, 1777. 3758, O. The history of Athens, by Sir William Young. 3d edition. London, 1804. 7106, O. Library of useful knowledge ; history of Greece from the earliest times, to its final subjection to Rome. London, 1829. 6333, O. The history of modern Greece, with a view of the geography, an- tiquities, and present condition of that country. From the London edition, with a continuation to the present time. Boston, 1827. 4133, D. Winter evenings at college ; a familiar description of the manners and customs, sports and religious observances of the ancient Greeks, &c. By a clergyman. 2 vols. London, 1829. 866, F. 2d voL history of the ancient kingdom of Greece. Anc. Un. Hist. 866, F. 3d vol. history of the Greek islands in the archipelago, and of the of Alexander. Anc. Un. Hist HISTORY OF ROME. Jidmn, 7070, O. Roman antiquities ; or, an account of the manners and cus- toms of the Romans ; designed to illustrate the Latin classics. By Alexander Adam. PhUadelphia, 1807. 6788, O. ii 1068. D. The same. Edinburgh, 1791—1792. Adami, 1028, O. The history of Rome, from the foundation of the city, by Romulus, to the death of Marcus Antoninus. 3 vols. By the author of the history of France, in three volumes, octavo. By the Rev. John Adams. London, 1702. 640. Q. Ammiani Marcellini rerum gestanim qui de XXXI. super- m librt XVUL Hamburgi, 1609. L. HISTORY OF ROME. 745 Appiariy 1110, F. Appiani Alexandrini Romanarum historiarum. Lutetiae, 1551. 1674, O. Appiani Alexandrini Romanarum historiarum pars prior, cum Alexandri Tollii et H. Stephani emendationibus, Graece et Latine. Amstelodami, 1670. 1648, O. Appiani Alexandrini Romanarum historiarum pars altera, continens bellorum civilium libros V. Amstelodami, 1670. L. • 6604, O. Appiani Alexandrini Romanarum historiarum quae super- sunt, novo studio conquisivit, digessit, ad fidem Codd. MSStorum re- censuit, supplevit, emaculavit, varietatem lectionum adjecit, latinam versionem emendavit, adnotationibus variorum suisque illustravit, commodis indicibus instruxit Johannes Schweighaeuser, Argentora- tensis, &c. &c. Graece et Latine. 3 tom. Lipsiae, 1785. M. 85, F. Appian's history of the Punic, Syrian, Parthian, Mithridatick, Illyrian, Spanish, and Hannibalick wars, and the civil wars of Rome. London, 1679. 818, F. The same. 2d edit. London, 1692. P. Arnay, D\ 266, D. Private life of the Romans. Translated from the French of M. D'Arnay. Edinburgh, 1761. 1536, D. The same. 2 vols. P. Bankes, 5123, O. The civil and constitutional history of Rome, from its foun- dation to the age of Augustus. By Henry Bankes, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1818. Beau, Le, 1077, O. History of the lower empire, from Constantine the great. By M. Le Beau. Translated from the French. London, 1770. Blackwell, 247, Q,. Memoirs of the court of Augustus. By Thomas Black- well. 3d edit. 3 vols. London, 1764. Blair, 5748, D. An inquiry into the state of slavery amongst the Romans. By William Blair. Edinburgh, 1833. Bridges, 6436, O. The Roman empire, under Constantine the great. By Mat- thew Bridges. London, 1828. Broclie, 4311, O. A history of the Roman government, from the commence- ment of the state till the final subversion of liberty by the successful usurpation of Caesar Augustus, in the year of Rome, 724. By Alex- ander Brodie. Edinburgh, 1810. Caesar, 1642, O. Caii Julii Caesaris quae extant omnia, cum notis Vossii, Davisii et aliorum. Ut et qui vocatur Julius Celsus de vita et rebus gestis C. Julii Caesaris. Lugduni Batavorum, 1713. L. 1745, O. Caii Julii Caesaris commentariorum libri VIII. cum Henrici Glareani notis. Basileae, 1583. L. 963, D. Caii Julii Caesaris quae extant, ex emendatione Jos. Scaligeri. Amstelodami, 1661. L. 298, F. The commentaries of Caesar ; with plates. Translated into English, by William Duncan. London, 1753. 840, F. The commentaries of C. Julius Caesar, of his wars in Gallia, and the civil wars between him and Pompey. Translated by CI. Edmonds. London, 1605. P. 864, F. The commentaries of Julius Caesar, of his wars in Gallia, and the civil wars betwixt him and Pompey, with plates. Translated by C. Edmonds. Savoy, 1677. P. 6576, O. C. Julius Caesar's commentaries of his war in Gaul, and civil war with Pompey. To which is added, a supplement to his commen- tary of his wars in Gaul ; as also, commentaries of the Alexandrian, African and Spanish wars. By Aulus Hirtius, or Oppius, &c. With the author's life. Translated by Col. Martin Bladen. With notes, &c. &c. Plates. London, 1770. M. ■ 983, D. The eyght bookes of Caius Julius Caesar ; conteyning his mar- 94 746 HISTOIT. tiall ezploytes In the realme of GaUia, and the countries bordering vppoii the same. Translated oute of Latin into English, by Arthur QoldlDCB. London. 1666. CWrtNi, 6S, P. The Ronan history ; with plates. By the Rev. Fathers Catrou, and Roudle. Translated by R. Bundy. 6 vols. London, 1728. Cknmwn. SSOt* O. An eaaay on the Roman senate. By Thomas Chapman, a D. Camhridge, 1760. P. CVmif, 686» O. Crevier*8 history of the Roman emperors, from Augustus to Oonstantine. Translated from the French, by John Mills. 5 vols. London, 1766. /Xmi Ottnufj 441, F. Dionis Cassli Romananim historiarum libri XXV. Gnwd et Latins. A. D. 1592. L. 277, & 856, O. The history of Dion Cassius, abridged by Xi- philin ; containing the most considerable passages under the Roman emperars, from the time of Pompey the great, to Alexander Severus. Translated from the Greek, by Mr. Manning. 2 vols. London, 1704. 3303, & 3452, O. The same. P. Dionysitu, 446, F. Dionysii Halicarnassei scripta quae extant omnia, et histo- rica et rhetorica. Opera et studio Frederici Sylburgii Lipsiae, 1691. L, 19, Q^ The Roman antiquities of Dionysius Halicarnassensis. Translated into English, with notes, by Edward Spelman. 4 vols. London, 1758. 1133, d. The same. With notes and dissertations. P, Echardt 1142, O. Roman history, from the building of the city to the perfect settlement of the empire, by Augustus Caesar ; containing the space of 2202 years. 9th edit. 5 vols. By Lawrence Echard, M. A. Lon- don, 1724. EtUropitu, 3485, O. Eutropii historiae Romanae breviarium, &c. with an Eni^- lish translation, notes and index. By Mr. Thomas. London, 1760. J\ Ferguson, 344, Q. A history of the progress and termination of the Rdiiian republic; with maps. By Adam Ferguson. 3 vols. London, 1783. 6769, O. The same. 3 vols. Dublin, 1783. /lorus, 899, 2. dt 5384, D. Lucius Annaeus Florus. Cui subjungitur Lucii Am- pelii liber memorialis. Londini, 1715. Oibbon, 837, Q. The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire; with mape. By Edward Gibbon. 6 vols. London, 1782 & 1788. 4064, O. The same. 8 vols. PhUadelphia, 1805. 6570,0. The same. 12 vols. London, 1783. M. 1929, O. The same abridged. 2 vols. London, 1790. — 6518, O. Gibbon*s history of the decline and fall of the Roman om- plre, in vols. IV. V. and VI. quarto, reviewed. By the Rev. John Whitaker, B. D. &c London, 1791. Af. 1464, D. 1. Remarks on the two last chapters of Mr. Gibbon's history of the decline and &II of the Roman empire. By James Chelsura, 1 > i>. Oxford, 1778. P. OMsnutk, 1607, O. The Roman history, from the foundation of the cit> 4 Rome, to the destruction of the western empire. By Oliver GoUl- mtth. 2 vols. London, 1786. 3406, D. Dr. Goldsmith*s Roman history. Abridged by hims< If. 1798. (Mix, 766, P. Hiiioria imperatorum Caesanimque Romanorum ex antiquis ntunlsmatibiis restitnta. Auc. Huberto Goltz. Brugis Flondorum, 1371. P. 6664, O. RomanaB historic anthologia recognita et aucta. *>glWj exposition of the Roman antiquities. By Thomas Goodwi London, 1666. -660,S.lt93S,a2. The same. r'wM HISTORY OF ROME. 747 Hancarville, 1692, Q,. Recherches sur I'origine, Fesprit et les progres des arts ; sur leur connexion avec les arts et la religion des plus anciens peuples connus; sur les monumens antiques de I'lnde, de I'Europe, and de I'Egypte. Par M. d'Hancarville. 3 tomes. A Lon- dres, 1785. Herodianus, 1701, O. Herodiani historiae sui temporis libri VIII. Accessit prin- cipum bonorum et malorum speculum, sive monita et exempla ethico- politica. Francofurti ad Maenum, 1630. L. Hooke, 978, O. The Roman history, from the building of Rome to the ruin of the commonwealth. By N. Hooke, Esq. 6 vols. Dublin, 1767. 17, Q. Observations on the Roman senate. By Hooke, Middleton, and Chapman. London, 1758. Irvingy 2952, D. An epitome of Roman antiquities; or an account of the civil government, judicial proceedings, dress, entertainments, &c. &c. of the Romans. By C. Irving. London, 1822. Kennet, 961, & 6895, O. Romae antiquae notitia; or the antiquities of Rome. With two essays concerning Roman learning, &c. By Basil Kennet. 12th edit. London, 1754. 8289, O. The same. 10th edit. London, 1787. Leigh^ 1525, D. Select and choyce observations, containing all the Roman emperors. By Edward Leigh. London, 1657. P. Livii, 743, F. Titi Livii Romanae historiae, libri omnes, quotquot ad nostram aetatem pervenerunt. Francofurti, 1678. P. 1693, O. Titi Livii historiarum quod extat, cum perpetuis Caroli Sigonii et J. F. Gronovii notis. Tomi tres. Amstelodami, 1679. L. 846, F. Le deche historic Romane di Tito Livio Padovano tradotte nuouamente lingua Toscana, da Jacopo Nardi. Venetia, 1540. P. 1017, F. The Roman history of Titus Livius. With a supplement and notes, by J. Freinshemius. London, 1659. Gift of S. V. Anderson. 658, & 3314, O. Roman history, by Titus Livius, with the entire sup- plement of John Freinsheim. Translated into English, with geogra- phical and chronological notes. 5 vols. London, 1744 — 1754. P. 2428, & 2762, O. Livius's history of Rome. Translated from the ori- ginal, with notes, by Greorge Baker. 6 vols. London, 1797. 205, D. Titus Livius in nuce ; der kern und auszug dieses autoris, Nuremberg, 1730. 1581, D. Titus Livius' Roman history, translated into English, by Wil- liam Gordon, and illustrated with notes. 1st vol. Glasgow, 1783. P, Lockman, ^ITI, D. A new Roman history, extracted from ancient authors, and the most celebrated among the modem. By John Lockman. London, 1791. Long^ 7348, O. The march of Hannibal from the Rhone to the Alps. By Henry Lawes Long, Esq. London, 183 L Mably, 964, & 3306, O. Manners and customs of the Romans. By the Abbe Mably. Translated from the French. London, 1740. P. 49, D. Observations on the Romans. By the Abbe Mably. London, 1751. 3371, D. Observations sur les Romains. Par M. TAbbe de Mably. A Geneve, 1767. Macquer, 580, O. A chronological abridgment of the Roman history, from the foundation of the city to the extinction of the republic. Translated from the French of M. Macquer, and illustrated with notes and the antiquities of Rome, by Thomas Nugent. London, 1760. Mercurialise 170, Q,. Hieronymi Mercurialis de arte gymnastica libri sex. Amstelodami, 1762. Montesquieu, 72, D. Reflections on the causes of the rise and fall of the Ro- man empire. Translated from the French of M. de Secojidat, baron 748 uiSTORV. de Montesquieu. To which is added, the eloge of M. de Montes- quieu, by M. de Maupertuis. Glasgow, 1758. Moniesguieu^ 8394, O. Reflections on the causes of the rise and fall of the Roman empire. Translated from the French of M. de Secondat, baron de Montesquieu. 3d edit. London, 1759. yUlmhr, 8291, O. The Roman history. By G. B. Niebuhr. Translated from the German, by F. A. Walter, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1827. ■ 8444, O. The history of Rome. By G. B. Niebuhr. Translated by Julius Charles Hare and Connop Thirwal. Vol. 1st. London, 1828. Panviniut, 790, F. Onuphrii Panvinii Fastorum, a Romulo rege usqua ad imp. Cesarum Carolum V. Heidelburgise, 1588. F. 730, F. Onuphrii Panvini Veronensis de ludis Circensibus libri II. de triumphis liber unus. Venetiis, 1600. P. PtUercuIus, 892, D. C. Velleius Paterculus, cum Aldi Manutii et aliorum notis. Lugduni, 1593. L. 3454, O. A Roman history. By C. Velleius Paterculus. Trans- lated by I. P. Edinburgh, 1722. P. Polybiut, 1 665, O. Polybii Lycortae historiarum libri qui supersunt, Graece et Latind interprete Isaaco Casaubono, cum Gronovii et aliorum notis. Tomi tres. Amstelodami, 1670. L. 258, O. The history of Polybius, the Megalapolitan ; containing a general account of the transactions of the world, and principally of the Roman people, during the first and second Punic wars. Translated by Sir H. S. With a character of Polybius and his writings, by Mr. Dryden. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1698. 2269, d. Abrege des commentaires de M. de Folard sur Thistoire de Polybe. Ill torn. A Paris, 1754. Gift of James Yard, Esq. 311, O. The general history of Polybius. Translated from the Greek, by Mr. Hampton. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1761. 1044, O. The same. 3d edit. 2 vols. London, 1772. P. 3348, O. The same. 4 vols. London, 1772. P. 237, d. 3. Two extracts from the sixth book of the general history of Polybius. Translated by Mr. Hampton. London, 1764. 3119, O. 1. A fragment out of the sixth book of Polybius. Trans- lated from the Greek, with notes, by a gentleman. London, 1743. P, 9157, O. L'esprit du Chevalier Folard, tire de ses commentaires sur I'historie de Polybe, pour T usage d'un officier. A Amsterdam, 1761. Potter^ 421, & 6907, O. The antiquities of Greece; containing an account of the laws, customs, civil government and religion of Greece. By John Potter. 6th edit. 2 vols. London, 1740—1764. 786, O. The antiquities of Greece. 2 vols. Oxford, 1699. — - 3530, O. The same. P. Robinson, 4037, O. Archaelogia Graeca; or the antiquities of Greece; being an account of the manners and customs of the Greeks, chiefly designed to illustrate the Greek classics. To which are prefixed, a brief his- tory of the Grecian states, and biographical sketches of the principal Greek writers. By the Rev. John Robinson. London, 1807. RoUifi, 155, dt 541, O. The Roman history, from the foundation of Rome to the battle of Actium — that is, to the end of the commonwealth. Trans- lated from the French of Mr. Rollin. 2d edit. 16 vols. London, 1754. 618, Q. Johannis Rosini Romanarum antiquitatum corpus absolutis- simum cum notis ThomaB Dempster. Lugduni Batavorum, 1 663. Z. 439, F. Historis Augusts scriptores sex. Claudius Salmasius ex ^^Y^^*^^«*« Hbris resensuit. Parisus, 1620. L. San Do mingo^ 3237, D. Roman tablets ; containing facts, anecdotes, and ob- ^ViOkms on the manners, customs, ceremonies, and government of ««•• By M, de Santo Domingo. Translated from the French London, 1826. HISTORY OP ROME. 749 Sallust, IIS3, Q,. Josephi Wasse, C. Crispus Sallustius, cum notis. Canta- brigiae, 1710. F. . 1644, O. Caii Crispi Sallustii opera omnia quae extant, cum commen- tariis integris Joh. Rivii et aliorum. Lugduni Batavorum, 1677. L. 899, D. 1. Caii Sallustii Crispi quae extant. Londini, 1713. L. 1426, Q,. The works of Sallust ; with two essays on his life, literary- character, and writings. By Henry Steuart. 2 vols. London, 1806. 3861,0. The works of Sallust. Translated into English, by the late Arthur Murphy. London, 1807. ■ 8476, O. The history of the wars of Catiline and Jugurtha; by Sallust. A free translation, with the life of Sallust, by M. Le Clerc. By John Clarke. 3d edit. London, 1743. ' 30, D. Sallust's history of Catiline's conspiracy and the Jugurthine war; with a new translation of Cicero's four orations against Catiline; and the life of Sallust, by William Rose. London, 1757. 34, D. Caius Crispus Sallustius, the historian ; with the life and cha- racter of the author and his works. By John Rowe, Esq. 3d edit. London, 1726. Sismondi, 5924, D. A history of the fall of the Roman empire ; comprising a view of the invasion of the barbarians. By J. C. L. de Sismondi. 2 vols. London, 1834. Suetonius, 1226, Q. Isaaci Casauboni Caii Suetonii Tranquilli de XII. Caesari- bus librii VIII. ejusdem de illustribus grammaticis et de Claris rheto- ribus. Genevae, 1611. P. 1228, D. C. Suet. Tranquilli Divus Julius Caesar. Gift of James Carey. 1804, D. Caii Suetonii Tranquilli de XII. Caesaribus libri VIII. Co- loniae Allobrogum, 1615. P. 1547, D. History of the twelve Caesars, emperors of Rome. By Caius Suetonius Tranquillus. Translated from the Latin. London, 1672. P. Tacitus, 158, F. Taciti opera omnia quae extant, cum notis Lipsii. Antverpiae, 1648. 2268, Q,. C. Cornelii Taciti opera. Recognovit, emendavit, supple- mentis explevit notis, dissertationibus tabulis geographicis illustravit Gabriel Brotier. Tomi IV. Parisiis, 1771. Gift of James Yard, Esq, 982, D. C. Corn. Tacitus ex Lipsii editione cum notis et emendatio- nibus H. Grotii. Lugduni Batavorum, 1640. L. • 1803, D. C. Cornelius Tacitus cum optimis exemplaribus collatus. Amsteledami, 1701. P. 1187, Q,. C. Cornelio Tacito opere di traspertate della lingua Castig- liana nella Toscana. Da Girolamo Canini. Venetia, 1665. P. • 171, F. The works of Tacitus: with political discourses upon that author. By Thomas Gordon. 2 vols. London, 1728. 679, of the war with Spain. By William Biggs. Limerick, 1749. Gift r. of Evan Morgan. Bigland, 3709, O. Letters on the modern history, and political state of Europe. By John Bigland. London, 1804. 758 HISTOR7. Bigkmd, 499^ O, A sketch of the history of Europe, from the peace of 1783 to the present time. By John Bigland. 2 vols. London, 1810. Burghenh, 5781, O. Memoirs of the operations of the allied arniirs under Prince Schwartzenberg and Marshal Blucher, during the latter end of 1813, and the year 1814. By Lord Burghersh. London, 1822. Calonnt^ 2820, & 8599, O. 5. The political state of Europe, in 171)6, by M. de Calonne; translated from the French, by D. St. Uuonton. Dublin, 1746. Ckaifidd^ 6419, O. A compendious view of the darker ages; comprehending a general sketch of Roman and barbarian history. By C. Chatfield. London, 1824. Caokt, 5521, D. Memoirs of the late war ; comprising the personal narrative of Captain Cooke, of the 43d regt. light infantry. The history of the campaign of 1809 in Portugal, by the Earl of Munster; and a narra- tive of the campaign of 1814 in Holland, by Lieut. T. W. D. Moodie. 2 vols. London, 1831. Coott^ 4763, O. The history of ancient Europe, from the earliest times to the subversion of the western empire, intended as an accompaniment to Dr. Russell's history of modern Europe, by Charles Coote. 3 vols. London, 1815. 7824, O. The history of modem Europe ; comprising the progress and establishment of the British power in India ; the American war ; and the revolution in France, to the treaty of Amiens in 1802. By Charles Coote, LL. D. Philadelphia, 1812. Criquyt 9179, O. Recollections of the eighteenth century from 1710 to 1800, translated from the French of the Marquis de Crequy. Vol. 1 &, 2. London, 1834. Dumouriez, 2598,0. 1. Dumouriez's speculative sketch of Europe. Trans- lated from the French ; with strictures upon the chapter relative to Great Britain. London, 1798. EdCy 1947, D. Annals of Europe ; exhibiting the origin, progress, decline, and fall of every kingdom and state, from the dismemberment of the Roman empire to the peace of Tilsit in 1807. By James Ede. 2 vols. London, 1810. Entickt 438, O. General history of the late war ; containing its rise, progress and event in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. By John Entick. 5 vols. London, 1763. Everett f 5515, O. Europe ; or a general survey of the present situation of the principal powers ; with conjectures on their future prospects. By a citizen of the U. S. (A. H. Everett.) Boston, 1822. Feuqtderes, 583, O. Memoirs of M. de Feuquieres ; being an account of all the wars in Europe, from the year 1672 to 1710. Translated from the French. 2 vols. London, 1737. Fraiiiartt 1953, Q. Sir John Froissart's chronicles of England, France, Spain, Portugal, Scotland, Brittany, Flanders, and the adjoining countries ; translated from the original French, at the command of king Henry the eighth, by John Bourchier, Lord Berners. — Reprinted from Pyn- •ont* edition of 1523 and 1525, with the names of places and pt^sons carefully corrected. To which is added, a memoir of the translator. 2 vols. London, 1812. M. Funedtu, 6673, O. Chrlstiani Funcci historic poUt : orbls breviarum Wratis- lavis, 1689. HerritM, 2966,4, 8160, O. The state of Europe before and after the French revolulSoiL Translated from the German of Gentz, by John Charles Herries. 2d edit London, 1800—1803. Halhm, 1727. O. View of the state of Europe during the middle ages. By Henry HaUam, Bm|. 2 ycAm. London. 1818. 6667,0. The nine. 4 vols. Philadelphia, 1821. HISTORY OF EUROPE. 753 Heeren, 8976, O. A manual of the history of the political system of Europe and its colonies. By A. H. L. Heeren. 2 vols. Oxford, 1834. Howison, 9058, O. European colonies, in various parts of the world, viewed in their social, moral, and physical condition. By John Howison. 2 vols. London, 1834. JoviuSf 463, F. Pauli Jovii Novocomensis episcopi, historiarum sui tem- poris tomus primus. Lutetia, 1558. L. Londonderry, 4206, 4207, & 4208, D. - Narrative of the war in Germany and France, in 1813 and 1814. By Lieut. General Charles William Vane, Marquess of Londonderry. Philadelphia, 1831. Malcolm, 4317, O. Miscellaneous anecdotes illustrative of the manners and history of Europe, during the reigns of Charles the Second, James the Second, William the Third, and Q,ueen Anne. By James Poller Mal- colm. London, 1811. Mallot, 6972, O. 9. The dangers which threaten Europe, &c. &c. &c. From . the French of M. Mallet du Pan. With the aeras of events subse- quent to the revolution of France, &c. &c. New York, 1795. mntmorres, 1053, D. The danger of the political balance of Europe. Trans- lated from the French of the king of Sweden, by Lord Mountmorres. London, 1790. Nani, 234, F. The history of the affairs of Europe in this present age, particu- larly of Venice. Translated from the Italian of Baptista Nani, by Sir Robert Honey wood, knt. London, 1673. Nugent, 564, O. The present state of Europe ; containing the interests, con- nections, political and commercial views of its several powers ; com- prehending also a concise history of the present constitutions of each country. By Thomas Nugent. 6th edit. London, 1761. Pinkerton, 3118, O. 1. Dissertation on the origin and progress of the Scythians or Goths, being an introduction to the ancient and modern history of Europe. By John Pinkerton. London, 1787. P. Pradt, De, 4737, *w» Philadelphia, 1819. Gift of the author, *** rs ***** ^ '^^^ antiquities of England and Wales. By Francis Oroae, Etq. F. A. 8. With numerous plates of views, &c. &c. 4 vols. London, 1773^1776. M, fOaO, Q. The tame. 8 vols. 600, Q. The antiquities of Scotland ; with plates. By Francis Grose. 2 vote. London, 1780. BRITISH HISTORr. 763 Grose, 2061,0,. The antiquarian repertory: a miscellaneous assemblage of topography, history, biography, customs, and manners, intended to illustrate and preserve several valuable remains of old times. Com- piled by Francis Grose and others. Adorned with numerous views, portraits, and monuments. A new edition. 4 vols. London, 1807 —1809. Gurney, 2722, D. A literal translation of the Saxon chronicle. By a lady. (Miss Gurney.) Norwich, 1819. Gift of the translator. Gutchj 2955, O. Collectanea curiosa ; or miscellaneous tracts, relating to the history and antiquities of England and Ireland. By John Gutch. 2 vols. Oxford, 1781. Guthrie, 34, F. A general history of England, from the invasion of Julius Csesar, to the revolution in 1688; and Ralph's continuation to the year 1702 ; with plates. By William Guthrie. 5 vols. London, 1744. G Wynne, 1858, Q.. Military memoirs of great civil wars; being the military memoirs of John Gwynne, and an account of the earl of Glencairn's expedition in the highlands of Scotland, in the years 1653 and 1654: and an appendix. Edinburgh, 1822. Hahington, 935, F. Historic of Edward the fourth, king of England. By Wil- liam Habington. London, 1640. P. Hall, 1480, Q,. Hall's chronicle; containing the history of England, during the reign of Henry IV. and the succeeding monarch s to the end of the reign of Henry VIII. in which are particularly described, the manners and customs of those periods. Collated with the editions of 1548 and 1550. London, 1809. Hallam, 1925, d. The constitutional history of England, from the accession of Henry VII. to the death of George II. By Henry Hallam. 2 vols. London, 1827. Hansard, 7295, O. Hansard's parliamentary debates. Third series, commenc- ing with the accession of William the fourth. London. Hardyng, 1542, Q,. The chronicle of John Hardyng, containing an account of public transactions from the earliest period of English history, to the beginning of the reign of Edward the fourth; with the continuation by Richard Grafton, to the thirty-fourth year of Henry the eighth ; to which are added, a biographical and literary preface and an index, by Henry Ellis. London, 1812. Harleian, 1464, Q,. The Harleian miscellany; a collection of scarce, curious, and entertaining pamphlets and tracts, as well in manuscript as in print ; selected from the library of Ed ward Harley ; interspersed with historical, political, and critical annotations. By the late William Oldys, Esq. and some additional notes, by Thomas Park. Vols. 1st to 8th inclusive. London, 1808-9. 123, Q,. The same. 8 vols. London, 1744. 2135, Q,. A selection from the Harleian miscellany of tracts, which principally regard the English history ; of which many are referred to by Hume. London, 1793. Harris, 817, O. An historical and critical account of the life and writings of Charles the first, king of Great Britain. By William Harris. Lon- don, 1758. Hay, 3695, & 7855, O. History of the insurrection of the county of Wexford, A. D, 1798 ; including an account of transactions preceding that event. By Edward Hay, Esq. Dublin, 1803. Haynes, 1047, F. A coUectipn of state papers relating to affairs in the reigns of King Henry VIIL Edward VI. queen Mary and queen Elizabeth, from the year 1542 to 1570. Translated from original letters and other authentick memorials never before published, left by William Cecill, Lord Burghley, &c. &c. By Samuel Haynes, A. M. &c. Lon- don, 1740. M, 766 HisTORr. r, 1669. O. The life and relgne of king Edward the sixth, by Sir John Hay ward. London. 1630. L, Htamt^ 1994, O. A collection of curious discourses, written by eminent anti- quaries upon English antiquities. By Thomas Hearne. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1775. Utalh^ 643, & 669, O. A natural and historicaJ account of the islands of Sicily, and the county of Cornwall; with draughts. By Robert Heath. London, 1750. 5676, O. The glorious and magnificent triumphs of the blessed resti- tution of his sacred majesty, king Charles II. By James Heath. London, 1662. Gift of J. P. Norris, Esq. Hendcrsoru 902, O. History of the rebellion, in 1745 and 1746; with the ma- nifestoes of the pretender and his son. By Andrew Henderson. 3d edit London, 1752. Henry, 491, Q^ The history of Great Britain, from the first invasion of it by the -Romans under Julius Caesar; with maps. By Robert Henry, D. D. 6 vols. London and Edinburgh, 1785. 6868, O. The history of Great Britain, from the first invasion of it by the Romans under Julius Caesar. Written on a new plan. By Robert Henry, D. D. &c. 6 vols. Dublin, 1789. Herbert^ 508, F. The life and reign of king Henry the eighth. By Lord Her- bert, of Cherbury. London, 1682. L. 923, F. The same. London, 1649. P. 4545, O. Memoirs of the two last years of the reign of Charles I. by Sir Thomas Herbert. London, 1813. Heriot, 3093, O. Historical sketch of Gibraltar ; with an account of the siege which that fortress stood against the combined forces of France and Spain, including a minute and circumstantial detail of the sortie made by the garrison on the morning of November 27th, 1781. By John Heriot. London, 1792. P. Heylin, 3546, O. Examen historicum ; or a discovery and examination of the mistakes, falsities and defects in some modem histories. By Peter Heylin. London, 1659. P. ' Holinshed, 1431, Q,. Holinshed's chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland. 6 vols. London, 1807. HolHday, 1794, Q,. A general history of the house of Guelph, or royal family of Great Britain, from the earliest period to the accession of George the first. By Andrew Holliday, M. D. London, 1821. Home, 915, & 2094, Q. The history of the rebellion in the year 1745. By John Home, Esq. London, 1802. Hookct 649, O. The negotiations of Colonel Hooke in Scotland, in favour of the pretender, in 1707, including the original letters and papers that passed between the Scotch and Irish lords, and the court of Versailles and St. Germaines. Written by himself With a narrative of the pretender's expedition into Scotland in 1708. London, 1760. Hvpkins, 6922, D. Great Britain, for the last forty years, being an historical and anal3rtical account of its finances, economy and general condition. By Thomas Hopkins. London, 1834. Howeli, 458, O. The ancient and present state of England ; being a compen- dious history of all its monarchs, from the time of Julius Caesar. Con- tinued by an impartial hand to the death of George the first. By N. Howell. 9th edit. London, 1734. ttighes, 7217, O. The Boscobel tracts, relating to the escape of Charies the •ocond after the battle of Worcester, and his subsequent adventures, Ac Edited by J. Hughes, A. M. London, 1830. Hume, 1S0, Q. The history of England, from the invasion of Julius Caesar, to the rcTdution in 1688. By David Hume. 6 vols. London, 1762. BRITISH HISTORY. 767 Hume, 137, Q,. The history of England, to the accession of Henry VII. By David Hume. 138, Q,. The history of England under the house of Tudor; compre- hending the reigns of Henry the seventh, Henry the eighth, Edward .the sixth, Mary and Elizabeth. By David Hume. 2 vols. London, 1759. 139, Q,. The history of Great Britain, under the house of Stuart; con- taining the reigns of James the first, Charles the first, the common- wealth, and Charles the second, and James the second. By David Hume. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1752. 2481, O. The history of England, from the invasion of Julius Caesar, to the revolution in 1688; by David Hume; with an account of the author's life, written by himself 6 vols. Philadelphia, 1795. 6548, O. The history of England, from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the revolution in 1688. By David Hume, Esq. 12 vols. Basil, 1789. M. 1 323, O. 2. Observations on Mr. Hume's history of England. By Joseph Towers. London, 1778. Hutton, 3032, O. The history of the Roman wall, which crosses the island of Britain, from the German ocean to the Irish sea ; with plates. By Wm. Hutton. London, 1802. Ingram, 1868, Q,. The Saxon chronicle, with an English translation and notes; to which are added, chronological, topographical, and glossarial in- dices; a short grammar of the Anglo-Saxon language, plates of coins, &c. By the Rev. J. Ingram, B. D. London, 1823. Israeli, D\ 6446, O. Commentaries on the life and reign of Charles the first, king of England. By J. D'Israeli. 2 vols. London, 1828. 2504, D. An inquiry into the literary and political character of James the first. By J. D'Israeli. London, 1816. 4079, D. History recollections of Henry of Monmouth and other eminent characters. By J. D'Israeli. London, 1829. James, 5254, O. A full and correct account of the military occurrences of the late war between Great Britain and the United States of America; with an appendix and plates. By William James. 2 vols. London, 1818. 5528, O. The naval history of Great Britain, from the declaration of war in February, 1793, to January, 1820. By William James. 2 vols, and tables, 4to. London, 1821. Johnson, IQ^S, O. Debates in parliament. By Samuel Johnson. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1787. Johnstone, 1784, a. The history of the rebellion of 1745 and 1746; by the Chevalier de Johnstone. Translated from a French MS. London, 1820. Jones, 145, F. An account of Stonehenge, on Salisbury plain; with plates. By Inigo Jones. London, 1725. 5137, D. The secret history of Whitehall, from the restoration of Charles II. to the abdication of king James. By D. Jones. London, 1697. 6430, O. Recollections of royalty, from the death of William Rufus, in 1160, to that of Cardinal York, in 1807. By Charles C. Jones, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1828. Jordan, 7659, O. Jordan's parliamentary journal, for the year 1793 ; being an accurate and impartial history of debates and proceedings of both houses of parliament. 2 vols. London, 1793. Keating, 29, F. A general history of Ireland ; with the lives and reigns of one hundred and seventy-four succeeding monarchs; their travels into Mi Spain, and from thence into Ireland ; with an account of their wars, * &c. By Jeoffrey Keating. London, 1738. 768 HISTORY. Mdlht W, F. The history of tlje affairs of church and state in Scotland, from the beginning of the reformation, in the reign of James the fifth, to tlie retreat of queen Mary into li^ngland, 1568. By Robert Keith. Edin- burgh, 1734. Kcftnett 36, ^ 1045. F. A register and chronicle, ecclesiastical and civil ; con- taining matters of fact, delivered in the words of the most authentic records, digested in exact order of time. With proper notes and re- ferences towards discovering and connecting the true history of Eng- land, from the restoration of king Charles II. By White Kennet, bishop of Peterborough. Vol.1. London, 1728. M. KmbtTt 1801, O. The history of England, as well ecclesiastical as civil, from the earliest period to the close of the twelfth parliament of Great Bri- tain ; also, tlie history of Scotland, Ireland, and the neighbouring king- doms and states. With plates. By Mr. Kimber. 10 vols. London, 1766. Kingi 1249, Q. The state of the protestants of Ireland, under the late king James's government. By Wm. King, archbishop of Dublin. London, 1691. P. Kirkby^ 599, F. 7. Narrative of the manner of the discovery of the popish plot. By Christopher Kirkby. London, 1678. Laing^ 2732, & 4200, O. The history of Scotland, from the union of the crowns, on the accession of James the sixth to the throne of England, to the union of the kingdoms in the reign of queen Anne ; with a preliminary dissertation on the participation of Mary, queen of Scots, in the murder of Darnley. By Malcolm Laing, Esq. 4 vols. London, 1804. Laneham, 4594, D. 1. Laneham's letter, describing the pageants presented be- fore queen Elizabeth, at Kenilworth" castle, in 1575. Philadelphia, 1822. Langloft, 4101, O. Peter Langtoft's chronicle, (as illustrated and improved by Robert of Brunne,) from the death of Cadwallader to the end of king Eldward the first's reign. Transcribed from a manuscript in the Inner Temple hbrary. By Thomas Hearne, M. A. To which is added, a glossary and other curious papers. 2 vols. London, 1810. Laurence, 1683, D. Interest of Ireland in its trade and wealth, stated. By Richard Laurence. Dublin, 1682. P. LaWi 1752, Q,. Memorials ; or the memorable things that fell out within the island of Britain, from 1638 to 1684. By the Rev. Mr. Robert Law. Edited from the MS. by Charles K. Sharpe, Esq. Edinburgh, 1819. Lediard, 182, F. The naval history of England, from the year 1066 to the conclusion of the year 1734. By Thomas Lediard. 2 vols, in 1. Lon- don, 1735. Ledwich, 2117, Q. Antiquities of Ireland. By Edward Ledwich. Dublin, 1790. 8604, O. 1. A statistical account of the parish of Aghaboe, in Ireland. By Edward Ledwich. DubUn, 1796. Jjdgh^ 189, F. The antiquities of Lancashire, Cheshire, and Derbyshire; with the natural history of those parts. By Charles Leigh. Oxford, 1700. L. Leland, 1993, O. Joannis Lelandi antiquarii de rebus Britannicis collectanea. Cum Thomae Hearnii prefatione, notis et indice ad editionem primam. Tom. 6. Londini, 1774. 3078,0. Itinerary of antiquities. By John Leland. 9 vols. Oxford, 1770. P. 289, Q^ The history of Ireland, from the invasion of Henry the second. By Thomas Leland. 3 vols. London, 1773. 1099. dc 8288. O. The same. 3d edit. 3 vols. Dublin, 1774. Lon- don, 1761. BRITISH HISTORY. 769 Lingard, 7398, O. A history of England, from the first invasion of the Ro- mans. By John Lingard, D. D. First American, from the last Lon- don edition. 14 vols. Philadelphia, 1827, and Baltimore, 1831. 1754, Q. The same. 6 vols. London, 1819, &c. 6315, O. 1. A vindication of certain passages in the fourth and fifth volumes of the history of England. By J. Lingard, D. D. London, 1826. 6315, O. 2. Reply to Dr. Lingard's vindication, in a letter from John Allen. London, 1827. Lhuyd, 488, F. Archaelogia Britannica ; giving an account of the languages, histories and customs of the original inhabitants of Great Britain and Ireland. By Edward Lhuyd, A. M. Oxford, 1707. L. Lloyd, 7223, O. George the 4th. Memoirs of his life and reign. By H. C. Lloyd. London, 1830. Llwyd, 9017, 0. The history of Wales. By Richard Llwyd, gent., and others. Shrewsbury, 1832. Lindsay, 3288, D. The history of Scotland, from February 21, 1436, to March, 1565; in which are contained accounts of many remarkable passages, altogether differing from our other historians, &c. &;c. By Robert Lindsay, of Pittscottie. To which is added, a continuation, by another hand, till August, 1604. Edinburgh, 1778. M. 1205, D. The same. Gift of Charles Crawford. Lockhart, 162, O. Memoirs concerning the affairs Of Scotland, from queen Anne's accession to the throne to the union of the two kingdoms of Scotland and England, in May, 1707. With an account of the de- signed invasion from France ; and reflections on the ancient state of Scotland. By George Lockhart. 2d edit. London, 1714. 1 695, Q,. The Lockhart papers ; containing memoirs and commen- taries upon the affairs of Scotland, from 1702 to 1715. By George Lockhart, Esq. His secret correspondence, and his other political writings, published by Anthony Aufrere, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1817. Lockringe, 4301, D. Historical gleanings on the memorable field of Naseby. By H. Lockringe, M. A. London, 1830. Lodge, 612, Q,. Illustrations of British history, biography, and manners, in the reigns of Henry VIIL, Edward VI., Mary, Elizabeth, and James I. With notes and plates. By Edmund Lodge. 3 vols. London, 1791. JjOgan, 7213, O. The Scottish Gael ; or, Celtic manners, as preserved among the highlanders. By James Logan. 2 vols. London, 1831. Luders, 2363, D. Essay on the character of Henry V. when prince. By Alex- ander Luders. London, 1813. Ludlow, 1595, d. 2. Three tracts, published in 1691 and 1692, under the name of letters of general Ludlow to Sir Edward Seymour and others. London, 1812. Lyte, 3940, O. A sketch of the history and present state of the island of Jersey. By Thomas Lyte. London, 1808. Lyttleton, 12, & 13, Q. The history of the life of king Henry the second, and of the age in which he lived. With a history of the revolutions of England, from the death of Edward the confessor to the birth of Henry the second. By George Lord Lyttleton. 2d edit. 3 vols. London, 1767. Macaulay, 45, Q,. The history of England, from the accession of James the first to the elevation of the house of Hanover. By Catharine Macau- lay. London, 1767. Continued down to the year 1780. 9 vols. 460, O. The history of St. Kilda ; containing a description of this island, the manners and customs of the inhabitants, the religious and pagan antiquities found there — with many other curious particulars. By Kenneth Macauley. London, 1764. 97 770 HISTORY. Ifadtoirie, 1795, O. Memoirs of the affairs of Scotland, from the restoration of king Charles IL A. D. 1660. By Sir George Mackenzie, knt. Edinburgh, 1821. Bimkifiiotk, 2261, Q,. &. 9104, O. History of the revolution in England, in 1688 ; comprising a view of the reign of James II. By the late Rt. Hon. Sir James Mackintosh. With a notice of the life, writings, and speeches of Sir James Mackintosh. London, 1834, and Philadelphia, 1835. 9078, O. The history of England, from the earliest times to the year 1588. By the Rt. Hon. Sir James Mackintosh, LL. D. Phila- delphia, 1834. 4135, D. The cabinet history of England. By Sir J. Mackintosh, M. P. 2 vols. Philadelphia. 1830. Afarfarlath 1382, O. The history of the reign of George the third, from the year 1770 to 1780. By Robert Macfarlan, Esq. London, 1782. 1194, O. The history of the reign of George the third, from his accession to the throne to the year 1780. By Robert Macfarlan, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1782—1783. 2398, O. The history of the reign of George the third, from his accession to the throne, in 1760, to the end of the sixth session of the seventeenth parliament, in 1796. By Robert Macfarlan, Esq. 4 vols. London, 1793, &c. Mac Kinnon, 8890, O. Origin and services of the Coldstream guards. By Colonel Mac Kinnon. 2 vols. London, 1833. Macnevin, 7656, O. Pieces of Irish history, illustrative of the condition of the Catholics of Ireland, and of the origin and progress of the political system of the United Irishmen. Published by James Macnevin. Mac Pherson, 246, Q^ An introduction to the history of Great Britain and Ireland ; or an inquiry into the origin, &c. of the Britons, Scots, Irish, and Anglo-Saxons. By John Mac Pherson. 2d edit. London, 1772. 276, & 632, Q,. Critical dissertations on the origin, antiquities, language, government, manners, and religion of the ancient Caledo- nians, their posterity the Picts, and the British and Irish Scots. By John Mac Pherson. London, 1768. 394, Q. The history of Great Britain, from the reformation to the accession of the house of Hanover. By John Mac Pherson. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1776. 395, Q. Miscellaneous state papers, from 1501 to 1526. Col- lected by John Mac Pherson. 2 vols. London, 1778. MadoXy 249, Q,. The history and antiquities of the exchequer of the kings of England, from the Norman conquest to the end of the reign of Ed- ward the second. By Thomas Madox. 2 vols. London, 1769. Maitlandy 221, F. The history and antiquities of Scotland, from the earliest accounts to the death of James the first, A. D. 1437. By William Maitland. And from that period to 1603, by another hand. 4 vols. London, 1757. Manning, 1177, O. 4. Owen Manning's will of king Alfred. Oxford, 1783. P. Marckmonit 7266, O. A selection from the papers of the earls of Marchmont, in the possession of Sir George Henry Rose : illustrative of events from 1685 to 1750. 3 vols. London, 1831. Martin, 901 1, O. History of the British colonies. By R. Montgomery Martin. 6 vols. London, 1834. MuertM, 4783, O. Select tracts, relating to the civil wars in England, in the >*lgn of Charles L, by writers who lived in the time of those wars, and were witnesses of the events which they describe. Republished br Fmnci* Maseres. 2 vols. London, 1815. Mailhew, 4e2. F. Matthsi Paris historia major. Editore Gulielimo Watts. Loodini, 1040. L. BRITISH HISTORY. 771 May^ 1595, Q,. 1. The history of the parliament of England, which began No- vember 3d, 1640 ; with a short and necessary view of some precedent years. By Thomas May. London, 1812. Melvilli 232, F. Memoirs of Sir James Melvill ; containing an account of the most remarkable affairs of state, relating to the kingdoms of England and Scotland, under the reigns of Elizabeth, Mary, queen of Scots, and king James. By George Scott. London, 1683. Merchant, 481, D. The history of the late rebellion in Great Britain. By John Merchant. New York, 1747. Millar, 496, Q,. An historical view of the English government, from the settle- ment of the Saxons in Britain to the accession of the house of Stew- art. By John Millar. London, 1787. 3017, O. An historical view of the English government, from the set- tlement of the Saxons in Britain to the revolution in 1688. By John Millar. 4 vols. London, 1803. Miller, 8965, O. The history of Great Britain, from the death of George 2d to the coronation of George 4th ;^ designed as a continuation of Hume and Smollett. By J. R. Miller. London, 1831. Milton, 942, O. The history of Britain, from the first traditional beginning to the Norman conquest. By John Milton. London, 1677. 3523, 0. The same. London, 1695. P. Molyneux, 695, O. Conjunct expedition ; or expeditions that have been carried on jointly by the fleet and army ; with a commentary on a littoral war. By Thomas More Molyneux. London, 1759. Monck, 466, Q,. 14. A speech of general Monck, at Whitehall, February 21, 1659. London, 1659. 1351, Q,. Sundry letters to and from lord general Monck, and papers relative to parliament. London, 1659. P. Monson, 579, F. 1. Monson's account of the last seventeen years of the reign of queen EHzabeth, both military and civil. London, 1682. Gift of Henry Cox. More, 2848, D. The history of king Richard the third. By Sir Thomas More. A new edition, revised and corrected, by S. W. Singer. Chiswick, 1821. Moore, 4972, O. The history of the British revolution of 1688-9, recording all the events connected with that transaction, in England, Scotland, and Ireland. By George Moore, Esq. London, 1817. 7424, O. Monastic remains and ancient castles, in England and Wales. Drawn by James Moore, and executed in aquatinta, by G. J. Parkyns, Esq. London, 1792. 6071, D. The history of Ireland. By Thomas Moore. Vol. 1. Phi- ladelphia, 1835. Montmorency-Morres, 5524, O. A historical and critical inquiry into the origin and primitive use of the Irish pillar tower. By Col. de Montmorency- Morres. London, 1821. Mountmorres, 2352, O. The history of the principal transactions of the Irish parliament, from the year 1634 to 1666; with a preliminary discourse of the ancient parliaments of that kingdom. By Lord Mountmorres. 2 vols. London, 1792. Mullala, 7643, O. The political history of Ireland, from the commencement of Lord Townshend's administration to the departure of the marquis of Buckingham; with observations on the trade and finance of the coun- try. By James Mullala. Dublin, 1793. Musgrave, 564, Q,. Memoirs of the different rebellions in Ireland, from the arrival of the English ; with a particular detail of that which broke out on the twenty-third of May, 1798, the history of the conspiracy which preceded it, and the characters of the principal actors in it. With maps and plates. By Sir Richard Musgrave. Dublin, 1801. Gyt - 85( HISTORY. ^ . i . A Inic account and declaration of the horrid conspiracy ist the late king, (Charles 2d) his present majesty, (James the 2d) t he government. By Thomas Newcomb. In the Savoy, 1685. afjoteph P. Norrist Esq. \f rr/iMum, UTO, Q- A view of the natural, political, and commercial circun^- atances of Ireland. By Thomas Newenham, Esq. London, 1809. AiduUs, 6403, O. Recollections and reflections, personal and political, as con- nected with public aflairs, during the reign of George 111. By John Nichols. London, 1820. Nicholson, 212, F. A. 881, O. An English historical library ; or a short view of most of the writers now extant. By W. Nicholson. London, 1696. of Henry Pratt. >09, O. The Scottish historical library ; containing a short view and character of writers, records, &c., which may be serviceable to the undertakers of a general history of Scotland. By W. Nicholson. London, 1702. Nickols, 1 19, F. Original letters and papers of state, addressed to Oliver Crom- well, from the year 1649 to 1658; found among the political collec- tions of John Milton. Published from the originals, by John Nickols. London, 1743. NicolaSj 3280, D. The history of the battle of Agincourt ; and of the expedi- tion of Henry the fifth into France. By Nicholas H. Nicolas, Esq. London, 1827. 7075, O. A journal by one of the suit of Thomas Beckington, after- wards bishop of Bath and Wells, during an embassy to negotiate a marriage between Henry 6th and a daughter of tlie count of Arma- gnac, A. D. 1442. "With notes and illustrations. By N. H. Nicolas. London, 1828, 7259, O. Privy purse expenses of Elizabeth of York ; wardrobe ac- counts of Edward the fourth. With a memoir of Elizabeth ; and notes. By Nicholas H. Nicolas. London, 1830. (T Connor, 5697, O. Chronicles of Eri; being the history of the Gael Sciot Iber ; or the Irish people. Translated from the original MSS. in the Phoenician dialect of the Scythian language. By O'Connor. 2 vols. London, 1822. OConor, 724, O. Dissertations on the history of Ireland. To which is sub- joined, a dissertation on the Irish colonies established in Britain ; with some remarks on Mr. Macpherson's translation of Fingal and Temora. By C. O'Conor. Dublin, 1766. Gift of the author, (TDriscol, 6287, O. The history of Ireland. By John O'Driscol. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1827. 5701, O. Views of Ireland; moral, political, and religious: com- 1 1 ising education, religion, the union, and the rebellion. By John "Oiiscol. 2 vols. London, 1823. (T Flaherty, 556, & 1580, Q^ Ogygia ; seu rerum Hibemicarum chronologia ab universal! diluvio ad annum 428, cum regum Hiberniaj Christian- orum ad annum 1022 et aliorum eventuum ad Carolum 11. tabuli brevi nee non carmine chronographico et regum in Britannia, Scotorum catalogo. Authore Roderico O'Flaherty. Londini, 1685. 4796, O. The Ogygia vindicated against the objections of Sir George Mackenzie, by Roger O'Flaherty ; to which is annexed, an Trfstle from Jolm Lynch, D. D. and a dissertation on the origin and of the ancient Scots, by C. O'Connor, Esq. Dublin, 1775. ' ., J I'- Hudson, (Tflmiagm^ 4806, 4. &, 8589, O. 3. Cambrensis refuted, or historic credit in the aflairs of Ireland, taken from Giraldus Carabrensus, by Gratianus BRITISH HISTORY. 773 Lucius. Translated from the Latin, with notes by Theophilus O'FIanagan. Dublin, 1795. Gift of P. Byrne. Ogilbyy 674, P. Entertainment of Charles II. in his passage through the city of London to his coronation. By John Ogilby. London, 1662. P. O'Halloran, 493, Q,. A general history of Ireland, from the earliest accounts to the close of the twelfth century. By Silvester O'Halloran. 2 vols. London, 1778. Oldmixon^ 93, O. The critical history of England; ecclesiastical and civil. By John Oldmixon. London, 1726. 3d edit. 2 vols. London, 1728. Orleans., D\ 1739, O. Histoire des revolutions d'Angleterre, par le Pere D' Or- leans. 3 tomes. A Paris, 1719. L. 6630, O. The history of the revolutions in England, under the family of the Stuarts, from 1603 to 1690. Wherein are contained many secret memoirs relating to that family, and the last great revo- lution, anno 1688. By F. J, D'Orleans, of the society of Jesus. Translated from the French. To which is prefixed, an introduction to the history, by Laurence Echard, M. A. &c. London, 1722. M. 3519, 0. The same. P. Ormonde, 532, F. An history of the life of James, duke of Ormonde, from his birth in 1610, to his death in 1688, containing an account of the most remarkable affairs of his time, particularly of Ireland, under his government. 2 vols. To which is added, in another volume, a valuable collection of letters on state affairs. By Thomas Carte, M. A. London, 1736. Oldjield, 4781, O. The representative history of Great Britain and Ireland; being a history of the house of commons, and of the counties, cities, and boroughs of the united kingdom, from the earliest period. By T. H. B. Oldfield. 6 vols. London, 1816. Osborne, 4280, O. Secret history of the court of James the first ; containing first, Osborne's traditional memoirs ; second, Sir Anthony Weldon's court and character of James ; third, Aulicus Coquinariae ; fourth. Sir Edward Peyton's divine catastrophe of the house of Stuarts. With notes and introductory remarks. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1811. Owen, 1427, D. The Cambrian directory; or, cursory sketches of the Welsh territories. By William Owen. 3d edit. London, 1802. Palgrave, 4249, D. History of England. Vol. I. Anglo Saxon period. By Francis Palgrave, F. R. S. London, 1831. 2232, d. The rise and progress of the English commonwealth. Anglo-Saxon period. By Francis Palgrave, F. S. A. F. R. S. 2 vols. London, 1832. Pasley, 4302, O. Essays on the military policy and institutions of the British empire. By C. W. Pasley. 3d edit. London, 1811. Peck, 117, F. Desiderata curiosa ; containing many scarce pieces of English history. By Francis Peck. 2 vols, in 1. London, 1732. 788, F. The same. P. Perrott, 4453, O. The government of Ireland, under the honourable, just and wise governor. Sir John Perrott, knt. — beginning 1584, and ending 1588. London, 1626. Petty, 554, D. The political anatomy of Ireland ; with the establishment for that kingdom, when the late duke of Ormond was lord lieutenant. Taken from the records. By William Petty. London, 1691. Philippart, 4756, O. The royal military calendar, containing the services of general officers in the British army, with an appendix, containing an account of the operations of the army on the eastern coast of Spain in 1812 and 1813. By John Philippart, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1815. 7 7 i HISTORY. JHnktriotu 1015, Q. Medalllc history of England to the revolution. By John Pinkerton. With forty plates. London, 1790. P. — — — 1851, & 4543, O. An enquiry into the history of Scotland preceding the year 1056, including the authentic history of that period. By John Pinkerton. 2 vols. London, 1814. 779, & 1980, Q. The history of Scotland, from the accession of the house of Stuart to that of Mary. With appendices of original papers. By John Pinkerton. With portrait. 2 vols. London, 1797. Af. Plowdm^ 2304, & 7890, O. A short history of the British empire during the year 1704. By Francis Plowden, LL. D. London, 1795. 6767, & 8181, O. A short history of the British empire for 1792 and 1793. By Francis Plowden, LL. D. Philadelphia, 1794. 985, U. An historical review of the state of Ireland, from the inva- sion of that country, under Henry II. to its union with Great Britain on the first of January, 1801. By Francis Plowden. 3 vols. Lon- don, 1803. 7797,0. The same. 5 vols. Philadelphia, 1805. PrettwicK 614, Q. Respublica; or a display of the honors, ceremonies and en- signs of the commonwealth, under the protectorship of Oliver Crom- well. By Mr. Prestwich. London, 1787. Raleigh, 1063, D. An introduction to a breviary of the history of England ; with the reign of William I. By Sir Walter Raleigh. London, 1693. Gift of Joseph Parker Norris. Ralphs 543, F. A history of England, during the reigns of king William, queen Mary, and king George I. With an introductory review of the reigns of the royal brothers, Charles and James. By James Ralph. 2 vols. London, 1744. 270, O. The use and abuse of parliaments ; in two historical discourses. The first, a general view of government in Europe ; and the second, a detection of the parliaments of England, from the year 1660. By James Ralph. 2 vols. London, 1744. Rapin, 705, F. The history of England. Translated from the French of M. Rapin. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1732. P. 97, & 542, O. The history of England ; with genealogical tables, and plates. Translated from the French of M. Rapin, into English, with a continuation, by N. Tindall. 1st edit. 30 vols. London, 1728. 4th edit. 21 vols. London, 1757. 138, F. Maps, plans of cities, battles, &c. belonging to Tindall's con- tinuation of Rapin's history of England. London. RoMtell, 1543, Q,. The pastime of people; or, the chronicle of divers realms, and most especially of the realm of England. Briefly compiled by John Rastell, (A. D. 1529,) now first reprinted and systematically ar- ranged, with facsimile wood cuts, by Thomas F. Dibdin. London, 1811. Richard, 6249, O. The description of Britain, translated from Richard of Ci- rencettcr ; with the original treatise de Situ Brittaniae, and a com- mentary on the Itinerary ; with maps. London, 1819. Riiton, 8243, D. Memoirs of the Celts or Gauls. By Joseph Ritson, Esq. London, 1827. Robert, 4100, O. Robert of Gloucester's chronicle ; transcribed from a manu- script in the Harleyan library, by Thomas Hearne, M. A. To which is J7i>A«w 1^^* * ^^^^^^ ^^ other improvements. 2 vols. London, 1810. Rooeriif ^j^* O. Memoirs of the royal houses of York and Lancaster, histo- rical and biographical : embracing a period of English history from Richard IL to Henry VU. By Emma Roberts. 2 vols. London, 1827. BRITISH HISTORY. 775 Eohertson, 59, 6530, & 7779, O. The history of Scotland during the reigns of queen Mary and of king James VI. till his accession to the crown of England. With a review of the Scottish history previous to that pe- riod, and an appendix, &c. By William Robertson, D. D. &c. &c. Portrait. London, 1791. M. 1761. Dublin, 1793. 22, a. The same. 2 vols. London, 1759. Robinson^ 2590, O. A view of the causes and consequences of English wars, from the invasion of the country by Julius Caesar to the present time. By Anthony Robinson. London, 1798. Rose, 2929, O. The naval history of the late war, compiled from authentic docu- ments. By William Stewart Rose. London, 1802. Rowlands, 452, d. Mona antiqua restaurata ; an archaeological discourse on the antiquities, natural and historical, of the isle of Anglesey ; with plates. By Henry Rowlands. 2d edit. London, 1766. Russell, 2820, D. An essay on the history of the English government and con- stitution, from the reign of Henry VII. to the present time. By Lord John Russell. London, 1821. Rushworth, 204, F. Historical collections of private passages of state, weighty matters in law, and remarkable proceedings in five parliaments, be- ginning in the sixteenth year of king James, 1618, and ending the fifth year of king Charles, 1629. Digested in order of time. By John Rush worth. 8 vols. London, 1721. Rymer, 301, F. Foedera, conventiones, litera et cujuscunque generis acta pub- lica inter reges Angliae, et alios quosvis imperatores, reges pontifices, principes vel communitates ab anno 1101 ad nostra usque tempora habita aut tractata. Accurante Thoma Rymer. Editio secunda col- lata et emendata studio Georgii Holmes. Tomi XX. Londini, 1727. Ryves, 1253, O. Mercurius Rusticus ; or the countrie's complaint of the bar- barous outrages commited by the sectaries of this late flourishing kingdom ; with a chronology of the battles, sieges, conflicts, and other remarkable passages, from the beginning of this unnatural war, to the twenty-fifth of March, 1646. By Bruno Ryves. London, 1685. Sadler, 1513, Q,. The state papers and letters of Sir Ralph Sadler, knight. Edited by Arthur Clifford, Esq. To which is added, a memoir of the life of Sir Ralph Sadler ; with historical notes, by Walter Scott, Esq. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1809. Saint Croix, 3719, D. Histoire des progres de la puissance navale de I'Angle- terre, suivie d'observations sur I'acte de navigation, et des pieces jus- tificatives. Par de Saint Croix. 2 torn. Yverdon, 1783. Salmon, 3307, & 8505, O. The chronological historian ; containing a regular account of all the material transactions and occurrences, ecclesiastical, civil, and military, from the invasion of the Romans to the present time. By Mr. Salmon. London, 1723. P. 684, O. The same. To the fourteenth year of George the second. By Mr. Salmon. 3d edit. 2 vols. London, 1747. Sammes, 193, F. The antiquities of ancient Britain ; with a chronological his- tory of Britain, from the first traditional beginning. By Aylett Sam- mes. London, 1676. Gift of Samuel Hale. Sanderson, 918, F. The history of the hves and reigns of Mary, queen of Scot- land, and her son James the sixth. By William Sanderson. London, 1656. P. Sandford, 664, F. The history of the coronation of James the second, king of England, France, and Ireland, and his consort, queen Mary. By Francis Sandford. In the Savoy, 1687. P. Sawyer, 116, F. Memorials of affairs of state, in the reigns of Elizabeth and James the first. Collected chiefly from the original papers of Sir Ralph Winwood; comprehending likewise the negotiations of Sir Henry 776 HISTORY. NevUlc Sir Charles Cornwallis, Sir Dudley Carlton, &c. at tlie courts of France and Siiain, and in Holland, Venice, &c. By Edmund Saw- yer. 8 vols. London, 1725. Scott, 4065, D. The cabinet cyclo|iaBdia ; conducted by the Rev. Dionysius Lardner, assist. " inent literary and scientific men. History of Scotland. By r Scott, Bart. 2 vols. Philadelpliia, 1830. 9089, D. The history of England, during the reign of George the third. By Robert Scott, Esq. 6 vols. London, 1820-4. SeuHtrd, 7551, O. Collectanea politica ; or the political transactions of h'eland, from the accession of King George the third, to the present time ; con- lt an im|Xirtial statement of parliamentary proceedings, and a jiistantial account of the late rebellion. By William W. Seward, Esq. Dublin, 1803. Sheringhaimts, 1679, O. De Anglorum gentis origine disceptatio. Authore Roberto Sheringhamo. Cantabrigiae, 1670. L. Shtffieidy 1396, O. Observations on the manufactures, trade, and present state of Ireland. By Lord Sheffield. London, 1785. Sinclair, 1992, O. A statistical account of Scotland. By Sir John Sinclair. 21 vols. Edinburgh. Smith, 1981, D. The history of England, from the earliest records, to the peace of Amiens ; in a series of letters to a young lady at school. By Char- lotte Smith. 3 vols. London, 1806. 1362, Q. Commonwealth of England. By Sir Thomas Smith. Lon- don, 1612. P. 944, D. ThomjB Smithi de republica Anglorum libri tres. Item varii aliorum discursus politici de regno Angliae, ejusque administratione ; ac Caspar! Contareni de republica Venetorum libri V. Lugduni Ba- tavorum, 1625. Z. •< 628, Q. Gaelic antiquities ; consisting of a history of the Druids parti- cularly of those of Caledonia ; a dissertation on the authenticity of the poems of Ossian ; and a collection of ancient poems, translated from the Gaelic of Ulin, Ossian, Orran, &c. By John Smith. Edinburgh, 1780. Smollett, 46, Q,. The complete history of England, from the descent of Julius Caesar, to the treaty of Aix la Chapelle in 1748. By Tobias Smollett. 4 vols. London, 1757. 482, & 6618, O. The complete history of England, from the descent of Julius Cassar, to the treaty of Aix la Chapelle, in 1748 ; with plates. By Tobias Smollett. 2d edit. 1 1 vols. London,'1758. Gift of Dr. Jonathan Potts. 483, &, 6619, O. The continuation of Smollett's complete history of England, from the treaty of Aix la Chapelle, to the fifth year of Georgt' the third ; with plates. 5 vols. London, 1763. ■ 1405, O. The history of England, from the revolution to the death of George the second. (Designed as a continuation of Hume's history.) By Tobias Smollett. 5 vols. London, 1785. Somen, 1465, Q. A collection of scarce and valuable tracts on the most in- teresting and entertaining subjects, but chiefly such as relate to the history and constitution of these kingdoms ; selected from an infinite number, in print and in manuscript, in the royal, Cotton, Sion, and other public and private libraries, particularly that of the late lord Somers. 2d edit. Revised, &c. by Walter Scott. 7 vols. London, 67, a The same. 12 vols. London, 1768. — — J5MI, Ct The same. I vol. London, 1795. SomervtUe, 815, a. History of Or i ,tn during the reign of queen Anne ; wiUi^an appendix, contaiii .ual papers. By Thomas Somervillc. 1798. BRITISH HISTORY. 777 ISomerville, 627, Q,. The history of political transactions, and of parties, from the restoration of king Charles II. to the death of king William. By- Thomas Somerville. London, 1792. 7886, O. The same. Dublin, 1793. Sparks^ 1062, D. 1. The history of the first fourteen years of the reign of James I. By Michael Sparks. London, 1692. Gift of Joseph Parker Norris. Speeds 354, F. The history of Great Britain, from the invasion of Julius Caesar to king James, in 1605. By John Speed. Gift of Samuel Hudson. 657, F. History of Great Britaine, under the conquests of the Romans, Saxons, Danes, and Normans ; their originals, manners, warres, coins, and seals, with the successions, lives, acts, and issues of the English monarchs, from Julius Caesar to our most gracious sovereigne king James. By John Speed. London, 1611. P. 511, F. The same. With cuts. 3d edit. London, 1632. L. . 1299, D. England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, described and abridged, with the historic relation of things w^orthy memory ; with maps. Done by John Speed. Anno 1627. Gift of Henry Cox. Spenser, 3684, D. A view of the state of Ireland, as it was in the reign of queen Elizabeth. By Edmund Spenser. With his life. Dublin, 1763. 4102, & 7761, O. Ancient Irish histories. The works of Spencer, Campion, Hanmer, and Marleborrough. 2 vols. Dublin, 1809. Stewart, 5574, O. Sketches of the manners, character, and present state of the highlanders of Scotland, with details of the military service of the highland regiments. By Colonel David Stewart. 2d edit. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1822. Strafford, 923, Q,. 7. Letter from the earle of Strafford to the king, dated from the tower, May 4, 1641. Strutt, 407, Q,. The chronicle of England; or a complete history of the ancient Britons and Saxons, from the landing of Julius Caesar in Britain, to the Norman conquest ; with plates. By Joseph Strutt. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1779. 1 134, Q,. Regal and ecclesiastical antiquities of England, containing the representations of all the English monarchs, from Edward the Con- fessor to Henry the eighth ; and many of the great persons eminent in their reigns. By Joseph Strutt. London, 1777. P. Stuart, 334, Q,. The history of Scotland, from the establishment of the refor- mation, till the death of queen Mary. By Gilbert Stuart. 2 vols. London, 1782. Stukely, 273, F. Stonehenge, a temple restored to the British druids ; with plates. By William Stukely. London, 1740. Swift, 759, & 8348, O. The history of the four last years of queen Anne. By Jonathan Swift. London, 1758. Sydney, 6059, O. Sydney papers ; consisting of a journal of the earl of Lei- cester, and original letters of Algernon Sydney. Edited, with notes, &c., by R. W. Blencoe. London, 1825. Taylor, 5625, D. History of Ireland. By W. C. Taylor. With additions, by William Sampson, Esq. 2 vols, ^ew York, 1833. 4166, D. A history of the rebellion in the county of Wexford, in 1798 ; with the author's account of his captivity and deliverance. By George Taylor. Dublin, 1829. Teeling, 6449, O. Personal narrative of the " Irish rebellion" of 1798. By Charles Hamilton Teeling. London, 1828. Temple, 1493, D. An introduction to the history of England. By Sir William Temple. London, 1695. P. Thierry, 6033, O. History of the conquest of England by the Normans : with its causes from the earliest period, and its consequences to the present 98 778 HiSToar. time. Translated from the French of A. Thierry. 3 vols. London, 18S5. Thomson, 6147. O. Meoiolra of the court of Henry the eighth. By Mrs. A. T. Thomwn. « vote. London, 1820. Thurloe, 182, F. Thurloc's collection of state papers ; containing authentic memoriaU of the English affisdrs, from 1 638 to the restoration of Charles tbe second. With the life of Mr. Thurloe, by Thomas Birch. 7 vols. London, 174S. 891, O. 3. A letter to a friend in the country, on the publication of Thurloe*8 state papers. 2d edit. London, 1742. TWfU, 6SI8, O. The chronological historian; or a record of public events, historical, biographical, and miscellaneous — principally illustrative of the history of Great Britain. By W. Toone, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1826. Townsendt 679, F. 2. Historical collections ; or an account of the proceed- ings of the four last parliaments of queen Elizabeth. By Heywood Townsend. London, 1680. Gift of Henry Cox. Turner^ 2770, O. The history of the Anglo-Saxons, from their first appearance above the Ellbe, to the death of Egbert. By Sharon Turner. London, 1799. 1440,^ The history of the Anglo-Saxons. By Sharon Turner. 2 vols. London, 1807. 1 594, d. History of England, from the Norman conquest to the acces- sion of Eid ward I. By Sharon Turner. London, 1814. 1919, Q^ The history of the reign of Henry the eighth; comprising the political history of the commencement of the English reformation. By Sharon Turner, London, 1826. 2010, Q, The history of the reigns of Edward VI., Mary, and Eliza- beth. By Sharon Turner, F. S. A. London, 1829. Twysdm^ 432, F. Historiae Anglicanae scriptores decem ex vetustis manu- scriptis. Cura Rogeri Twysden. Londini, 1652. Z. TyrcUj 804, F. A general history of England, ecclesiastical and civil. By James Tyrell. 5 vols. London, 1695. P. Faughan, 7265, O. Memorials of the Stewart dynasty, including the constitu- tional and ecclesiastical history of Elngland. By Robert Vaughan. 2 vols. London, 1831. Vergil, 496, F. Polydori Vergilii Urbinatis, Anglicae historiae libri XXVI. Basiliae, 1534. L. Ferstegany 1337, Q.. 285, O. A restitution of decayed intelligence in antiquities, concerning the English nation. By Richard Verstegan. Antwerp, 1605. Wakefield^ 1552, Q^ An account of Ireland, statistical and political. By Ed- ward Wakefield. 2 vols. London, 1812. fFaikeft 1771, Q,. The complete history of Independency upon the |iarliament, begun 1640, and continued to 1660. By Clement Walker, Esq. Lon- don, 1661. 4297, 0. An economical history of the Hebrides and highlands of Soot- land. By John Walker, D. D. 2 vols. London, 1812. 939, Q. 38. Apology for George Walker's account of the late siegr of Deny. 1689. Wsfpole, 600, Q. Historic doubts on the life and reign of kmg Richard the third. By Horace Walpole. 2d edit. London, 1768. — 1817, Q. Memoirs of the last ten years of the reign of George the second. By Horace Walpole, eari of Orford: from the original MSS. 2 vols. London, 1822. fFare, 1614, 4. 2266, D. Jacobi Warsi equitis aurati, de Hibernia et antiqui- tatllms ejos disquisitiones, editio secund : emendatior, et quarta parte •ttctior aoeesserunt rcrum Hibemicarum regnante Henrico Vll. an- •--•^ Londini, 1658. BRITISH HISTORY. 779 Ware, 269, P. Works concerning Ireland ; containing the history of the bishops of that kingdom, and such matters in which they were concerned, from the first propagation of Christianity therein, to the present time. By Sir James Ware. 2 vols. Dublin, 1764. 816, F. The entire works of Sir James Ware, concerning Ireland; re- vised and improved. 2 vols. Dublin, 1764. P. fVarwick, 223, O. Memoirs of the reign of Charles the first ; with impartial characters of many great persons, and a continuation to the restoration of Charles the second. By Sir Philip Warwick, knt, 3d edit. London, 1703. /Farner, 51, & 231, Q. The history of Ireland. By Ferdinando Warner. Lon- don, 1763. 52, & 215, Q,. The history of the rebellion and civil wars of Ireland. By Ferdinando Warner. 2d edit. London, 1768. Warrington, 4:4:1,0,. The history of Wales : with an appendix. By William Warrington. London, 1786. 1918,0. The same. 3d edit. 2 vols. London, 1791. Weaver, 896, F. Ancient funeral monuments in Great Britain, Ireland, and the adjacent islands. By John Weaver. London, 1631. P. Wellington, 9031, O. The despatches of field-marshal the duke of Wellington, during his various campaigns. Compiled by Lieut. Col. Gurwood, London, 1834. Welhvood, 4415, D. Memoirs of the most material transactions in England, for the last hundred years preceding 1688. By James Well wood, M. D. London, 1702. Wells, 9067, O. The revenue and the expenditure of the united kingdom. By Samuel Wells, Esq., barrister at law. London, 1834. West, 486, F. Matthaei West flores historiarum de rebus Britannicis et chro- nicon ex chronicis ab initio mundi usque ad annum MCXVIII. Fran- cofurti, 1601. Z. Wilson, 3697, D. A biographical index to the present house of commons. Carefully compiled, by Joshua Wilson, M. A. Corrected to March, 1806. London, 1806. Whitaker, 6517, O. The genuine history of the Britons asserted against Mr. Macpherson. By the Rev. John Whitaker, &c. London, 1773. M. Whitelocke, 47, F. An historical account of what passed from the beginning of the reign of Charles the first, to the restoration of Charles the second. By Mr. Whitelocke. London, 1732. 1013, Q,. A journal of the Swedish embassy, in the years 1653 and 1654, from the commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland; with an appendix of original papers. By lord commissioner White- locke. Published by Charles Morton. 2 vols. London, 1772. William of Malmsbury, 1633, Q,. The history of the kings of England, fi-om A. D. 449, to A. D. 1143. By William of Malmsbury. Translated from the Latin, with notes, by the Rev. John Sharp. London, 1815. Wood, 5525, O. An inquiry concerning the primitive inhabitants of Ireland. By Thomas Wood, M. D. London, 1821. Wright, 1484, D. A compendious view of the late tumults and troubles in this kingdom, by way of annals, for seven years, viz. from the beginning of the 30th, to the end of the 36th year of the reign of his late majesty Charles II. By James Wright. London, 1685. P. 9, Q,. An introduction to the antiquities of Ireland, representing the principal ruins, curiosities and ancient dwellings in the county of Lowth ; with plates. By Thomas Wright. 2d edit. London, 1758. York, 8424, O. Memoirs of the English affairs, chiefly naval, from the year 1660 to 1673; written by James, duke of York, under his adminis- tration of lord high admiral. London, 1729. 7S0 BisTOBr. 30, Q^ England illustrated ; or a compendium of the natural liistory, geo- graphy, topography, and antiquities, ecclesiastical and civil, of England and Wales ; with maps of the several counties, and plates of many remains of anti- quity. 2 vols. London, 17ft4. 934, Q^ 10. Portraitvre of the kings of England, drawn from their titles, suc- cessions, raigns, and ends. London, 1 650. 1875, ^ Miscellanea antiqua Anglicana, or a select collection of curious tracts, illustrative of the history, literature, manners and biography of the Eng- lish nation. London, 1816. 1801, D. A new method for studying the history of England. London, 1764. 1005, D. The private history of the court of England. 2 vols. London, 1808. 7350, O. Public records. A description of the contents, objects, and uses of the various works printed by authority of the record commission. Lon- don. 1831. 7028, O. The British chronologist ; comprehending every material occur- rence relative to England and Wales from the invasion of the Romans ; to which is added an index. 3 vols. London, 1789. 168, O. The parliamentary or constitutional history of England; from the earliest times to the restoration of king Charles the second. By several hands. 2d edit 24 vols. London, 1762. 1930, O. The history of the court and reign of Charles the second, by a member of his privy council ; to which are added, introductory sketches of the preceding period, from the accession of James I. with notes, and a supplement continuing the narrative in a summsiry manner to the revolution ; by the editor. 2 vols. London, 1792. 2180, D. The secret history of the reigns of Charles the second, and of James the second. London, 1690. Gift of William M'Corkle. 2822, D. Memoirs of James the second, king of England, &c. ; collected from various authentic sources. 2 vols. London, 182L 5113, D. 1. Truth brought to light by time; or the most remarkable transac- tions of the first fourteen years of king James's reign. London, 1692. 169, & 143, D. An history of the life and reign of William Henry, prince of Orange, king of England, &c. with a dissertation on the government of Holland, and a brief account of the house of Orange. 4 vols. London, 1747. 880, O. The life of William the third, late king of England, &c. containing also an account of his family. London, 1703. 102, D. The history of the life and reign of William the third, king of Eng- land, dec. containing a series of memorable efforts, military and political, from the year 1672, to the end of 1701. London, 1764. 1035, O. The history of the reign of George the third, from his accession to the throne, to May, 1770 ; with a view of the late war. London, 1770. 1967, & 8137, O. 1. A sketch of the reign of George the third, from 1780, to the close of the year 1790. 2d edit. London, 1791. 5552, D. Memoirs of the life and reign of George IV. London, 1831. 1 170, O. The parliamentary register ; or a history of the proceedings and debates of the house of commons, from November, 1774, to 1796. 55 vols. London. 387, O. A collection of the parliamentary debates in England, from the year 1006, to the present time. vols. London, 1741. 1 17. O. The history and proceedings of the house of commons from the res- toration to the year 1746. 15 vols. London. 118, O. The history and proceedings of the house of lords, from the resto- ration, to tiie year 1741. 8 vols. London. ??i?i ^* '^^^ «enator ; or chronicle of the proceedings and debates of the iropertal parliament, held in the year 1801. 5 vols. London. /^^ ^^'^^ Intereit of Scotland considered, with regard to its police in em- ploying the poor; lu agriculture, trade, manufactures, and fisheries. Lon- don, nwo. BRITISH HISTORY. 781 514, D. Memorials for the government of the royal burghs in Scotland ; also a survey of the city of Aberdeen ; with the epigrams of Arthur Johnston upon some of our chief burghs. Translated into English. Aberdeen, 1685. 203, O. Memoirs of Ireland, from the restoration to the present time. Lon- don, 1716. 1619, O. 2. A review of some interesting periods of Irish history. Lon- don, 1786. 6180, O. Ireland in past time; an historical retrospect, ecclesiastical and civil, with illustrative notes. 2 vols. London, 1826. 8002, O. History of the Irish rebellion in the year 1798 ; with a review of the history of Ireland. Philadelphia, 1813. 8852, O. Excerpta historica, or illustratiofts of English history. London, 1833. 4757, O. A chronological abridgment of the history of England, its consti- tution and laws, from the Norman conquest to the revolution in 1688. Lon- don, 1815. 6580, O. The regulations and establishment of the household of Henry Al- gernon Percy, the fifth earl of Northumberland, at his castles of Wresill and Lekinfield, in Yorkshire. Bqgun Anno Domini MDXII. London, 1768. M. 4889, D. The history of the late grand insurrection ; or, struggle for liberty in Ireland, collected from Stephens, Hay, Jones, &c. To which is added, a short account of the insurrection by Emmett. Carlisle, 1805. 1072, O. A narrative of the oppressions of the islanders of Jersey; with a history of the military actions, constitutions, laws, &c. 2 vols. London, 1771. 929, Q,. 17. Privileges and practice of parliaments in England ; collected out of the laws of this land. London, 1680. 599, F. 1. Q,ueen Elizabeth's last speech to her last parliament, 1601, after her delivery from the popish plots, &c. London, 1679. 579, F. 3. A declaration of the horrible treasons practised by .William Parry, against the queen's majesty, and of his conviction and execution for the same, the second of March, 1584. London. Gift of Henry Cox. 1062, D. 3. An abstract of the present state of his majesty's revenue. Lon- don, 1602. 954, Q,. 12. Speech of his majestic to both houses of parliament, the 19th of March, 1603. London, 1604. 1347, Q,. 3. Record of some worthie proceedings, in the honourable, wise and faithful house of commons, in the parliament holden in the year 1611. 1741. P. 1139, F. A collection of the offices of England, as well of his majestie*s courts of recorde, as of his highness' honourable householde, his majestic' s towns of defence against invasion, as castles, bulwarkes, and fortresses, his highness' houses, parkes, forrests, and chases, with many other particulars newly collected. Anno 1609. Manuscript. Gift of Henry Cox, Esq. of Ireland. 1172, F. Original letters of king James the first, to the privy council of Ire- land, from 1603 to 1615 inclusive. Manuscript. In the first volume is an ori- ginal letter from queen Elizabeth, dated 1558. 2 vols. Gift of Henry Cox, Esq. of Ireland. 1173, F. Original corriespondence and orders of the privy council, with the government of Ireland, from 1603 to 1615 inclusive. Manuscript. 2 vols. Gift of Henry Cox, Esq. of Ireland. 1174, F. Original diary and correspondence of the marquis of Clanricarde, lord deputy of Ireland, during the rebellion 1641 to 1643 inclusive. Manu- script. Gift of Henry Cox, Esq. of Ireland. 1175, F. Original instructions from king James I. to Sir Arthure Chichester, knight baron of Belfast, and deputie of our realme of Ireland, dated 5th June, 1614. Manuscript on vellum. Gift of Henry Cox, Esq. of Ireland. 1176, F. A true description as well of his ma*^ courtes of record as of his highness' most ho^^^ household, the nobilitie of England, the havens and harbors 782 HISTORT. 1 i of Elngland and Wales, the counsells of the north of Wales, and the marshes,' the admoraltjre, the annorye, and the mynte, his ma'*^" towns of warre, castles,; bulwarkes and fortresses, the islands, w his highness' howses, parks, forrests,, and chases, collected in Anno 1614. Manuscript. Gift of Henry Cox, Esq. ■ 937, d. 1. His majestie's speach in the starre-chamber, the 20th of Jvne, 1616^| London, 1616. 954, Q^ 14. Proclamation of his majestie for dissolving the present conuentiooj of parliament London, 1621. 954, Q. 13. Declaration of his majestie, touching his proceedings in the latel aasemblie and conuention of parliament. London, 1622. 1867, Q,. Speeches and passages of this great and happy parliament, from! the 8d November, 1640, to this instant, June, 1641. London, 1641. P. 2200, Q,. 2. The declaration or remonstrance of the lords and commons, in! parliament assembled, with divers depositions and letters thereto annexed.' London, 1641. 2864, O. 3. Character of the parliament, commonly called " The rump^** &c, begun November 3d, in the year 1640; with an account of some of their pro-j ceedings. 7th edit. London, 1723. ' 923, CL 8. Answer to the reasons sent by the house of commons to the house of lords against allowing the bishops to vote in parliament. 1G41. 2009, Q.. 12. The humble petition of the county of Cornwall to the king, with! his majestie's answer. London, 1642. 923, Q,. 10. Letter from the pope to king Charles, with his answer. 1642. ' 923, Ct 11. Declaration of the parliament assembled at Oxford, for promoting! the peace of the kingdom. Oxford, 1643. 923, Q,. 13. Proceedings in the late treaty of peace ; with several letters ot his majesty to the queen, and of prince Rupert to the earle of Northampton, l which were intercepted and laid before parliament ; and their declaration upon ; those proceedings and letters. London, 1643. 1232, Q,. 8. Account of the massacre in Ireland in 1642. London, 1679. P, 954, Q,. 32. Proclamation concerning a cessation of arms in Ireland, dated i September, 19, 1643. Dublin, 1643. 933, Q^ 4. Secret letters and papers, written with the king's own hand, and ; taken in his cabinet at Nasby-field, June 14, 1645, by Sir Thomas Faiiiax, con- ; taining many mysteries of state, tending to justify the cause for which Sir ! Thomas Fairfax joyned battell on that memorable day ; with annotations ' thereupon. London, 1645. 925, Q,. 9. Declaration of the commissioners of Scotland, concerning the i king's letter to the marques of Ormond, presented to parliament on the 8th of j June, 1646; with two proclamations, one by the committee of estates, and the j other by the earl of Leven, &c. London, 1646. i 925, Q. 10. Reply to the citie remonstrance, presented to parliament, May ' 26, 1646. London. i 925, Qi, \l. Representation to parliament from the citizens of London. 1646. \ 925, Q,. 12. Petitions of the corporation of London to the house of commons.,; I^ondon, 1646. , 925, Q. 15. Answer of the parliament of England to several papers of the | commissioners of Scotland. London, 1646. 925, (i. 16. Papers delivered by the commissioners of Scotland to the parlia- i inent of England. Edinburgh, 1646* 925, Q, 25. Message from king Charles to both houses of parliament, deliver- | ed May 12, 1647. London. j 933, (i. 8. Declaration of the commons of England, expressing their reasons . for declining any farther address or application to the king. London, 1647. - 933, Q. 9. Reasons of the judgment of the vniversity of Oxford, concerning j the solemne league and covenant, the negative oath, and the ordinances con- cerning discipUne and worship. 1647. BRITISH HISTORY. 783 925, Q. 20. Declaration of parliament concerning the papers of the Scots commissioners. London, 1647. 925, Q,. 21. Declaration of the kingdome of Scotland to the parliament of England. Edinburgh, 1647. 925, d. 22. Solemne engagement of the army under the command of Sir Thomas Fairfax, and a briefe vindication of their principles, &c. London, 1647. 925, Q,. 27. Petition and vindication of the officers of the armie, under the command of Sir Thomas Fairfax. London, 1647. 926, Q,. 3. Representation of the commissioners of the general assembly to the padiament. London, 1648. 926j Q,. 4. Propositions of the lord« and commons for a safe and well-ground- ed peace, presented to his majesty at Hampton-court, September 7, 1647. Lon- don, 1648. 933, Q,. 14. Declaration of the parliament of England, expressing the grounds of their late proceedings, and of settling the present government in the way of a free state. London, 1648. 926, Q,. 7. Remonstrance of Lord Fairfax, commander of the parliament's forces, and of the generall councell of officers, held at St. Albans, the 16th of November, 1648, presented to the house of commons. London, 1648. 116, D. The military history of Germany and of England, from the year 1631, to the year 1648. Edinburgh, 1759. 926, Q,. 9. Declaration of the parliament of England concerning their endea- vours to remove all misunderstandings betweene the commonwealth of England afid the kingdome of Scotland. London, 1649. 942, Q. 1. Declaration of king Charles the second to his subjects of the king- doms of Scotland, England and Ireland ; and the sermon preached by Robert Dowgias, atliis coronation at Scoone, January 1, 1651. 926, Q,. 21. Answer of the parliament of the commonwealth of England, to three papers delivered by the ambassadors of the states-general of the United Provinces ; with an account of the late engagement between the English fleet under the command of General Blake, and the Holland fleet under the command of lieutenant Admiral Trump. London, 1652. 928, 14. 2009, a. 6. & 1771, O. 2. Letter and declaration sent by the king to the house of peers, by Sir John Grenvil, from Breda; and read in the house, May 1, 1660. London, 1660. 928, Q,. 15. Declaration of king Charles II. to all his loving subjects of the kingdome of England, dated from his court at Breda, in Holland, the 14th of April, 1 660 ; with his letter to lieutenant general Monck, to be communicated to the lord president of the council of state, and to the officers of the army under his command. London, 1660. 2009, Q. 7. His majestie's letter to his excellency the lord gen. Monck. Lon- don, 1660. 928, Q,. 10. Letter from his majesty to the speaker of the commons, with his declaration, and the resolve of the house thereupon. London, 1660. 2009, Q,. 10. A true relation of the reception of his majesty, and conducting him through the city of London. London, 1660. 2209, Q,. 11. A catalogue of the names of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, &c. London, 1661. 3010, D. A journal of the siege of Latham house, defended by the countess of Derby against the parliamentary officers, in 1664. London, 1823. 1361, Q,. 26. Speeches spoken to the king and queen, duke and duchess of York, in Christ church hall, Oxford, September 29, 1663. P. 935, Q,. 7. Votes and addresses of the house of commons in the year 1673, concerning popery and other grievances. 599, F. 12. Speech of the king, with that of the lord chancellor, to both houses of parliament, on the sixth of March, 1678-9. London. 784 HISTORY. { M9, F. 8. Speech of the kinp, with that of the lord chancellor, to both houses 1 of parliament, on the 21st of Octobt r, 1078. London. 590, R 16. Declaration of the king for the dissolution of his late privy-council , and for constituting a new one, April 20, 1679. London. ; 485, D. A collection of the acts, memorials, &c. that passed in the negotia- tion of the peace; with the treaties of peace concluded at Nimeguen. London, i 1679. 1 600, F. 18. Declaration of king Charles to all his loving subjects, June 2d, ' 1680. London. \ 602, F. 8. Votes of the house of commons, from October 21, to January 10, i 1680; including the messages from the king, and the articles of impeachment \ exhibited against William Scroggs, chief justice of the court of king's bench. '; London, 1680. 601, F. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, & 14. Information delivered at the bar of the I house of commons, by Francisco de Faria, Robert Jenison, Thomas Dangerfield, | Stephen Dugdall, Edward Tuberville, William Lewis, and Eustace Conryne, on i the subject of the late horrid popish plot. London, 1689. 601, F. 4. Speech of the king to both houses of parliament, on Thursday, the ■ 21st of October, 1680. London. 602, F. 8. Speech of the king to both houses of parliament, on the 21st of \ March, 1680-1. , 602, F. 9. Debates and proceedings of the house of commons, in March, 1681. ' 602, F. 10. Declaration of the king, touching the causes and reasons that [ moved him to dissolve the two last parliaments. London, 1681. j 604, F. 4. A number of the London Gazette, announcing the death of king : Charles the second, February 6, 1684. 603, F. 16. Installation of prince George of Denmark, Charles, duke of Somer- i set, and George, duke of Northumberland, knights and companions of the most i noble order of the garter, April 8, 1684. London. j 937, Q,. 9. Declaration of the king to his loving subjects, concerning the con- j spiracy against his person and government. London, 1683. i 956, Q^ 14. Address of the presbyterians to the king, with his answer. 1687. ; 604, F. 9. Two papers written by the late king Charles II., and one by the i late duchess of York. London, 1686. j 604, F. 10. King James's proclamation of a general pardon, and his declara- ; tion for liberty of conscience ; with the speech of William Penn, upon his de- \ livering the Quaker address, &c. London, 1687. i 939, Q^ 14. Declaration of the prince of Orange, shewing the reasons why he | invades England; with some remarks on it. London, 1688. i 939, a. 15. Declaration of William Henry, prince of Orange. 1688. I 950, & 957, Q,. 2. Declaration of the reasons given by the prince of Orange . for invading England ; with remarks thereon. London, 1688. i 604, F. 12. London Gazette, containing the declaration of king James, on the : invasion of England by the prince of Orange, November 8, 1688. ! 604, F. 13. Memorial from the English protestants to the prince and princess ] of Orange. 1688. i 605, F. 4. Speech of the king to the two houses of parliament ; the votes of ' the house of commons, from October 23, to January 27, 1689 ; and an act de- j daring the rights of the subject, and settling the succession of the crown. Lon- J don, 1689. ; 001, F. 14. A number of papers^-containing the resolution of the states-ge- ; neral for aiding the prince of Orange with troops and ships for the invasion of i England; — Association of the English protestants for the same purpose; — Their i dedaration of the motives which induced it; — Several addresses to the prince '. of Orange; — His letter, calling a free pariiament; — His address to this conven- tion ; — Five papers respecting the grievances to be redressed, and the settlement \ of the crown and succession; — Declaration of the pariiament; — The manner of j BRITISH HISTORY. 785 proclaiming the king and queen; — Speech of the king, and answers of both houses of parliament; — The act for establishing the coronation oath; — and an account of the coronation of king William and queen Mary, on the 11th of April, 1689. London, 1689. 604, F. 19. Addresses of the two houses of parliament to king William, with his answers thereto, April 16, 1689. 604, F. 15. Declaration of the prince of Orange, stating the reasons which induced him to appear in arms for preserving of the protestant religion, and for restoring the laws and liberties of Scotland. London, 1689. 604, F. 16. Account of the proceedings of the meeting of the estates in Scot- land ; with the letters of king William, and the late king James, to the said estates. London, 1689. 604, F. 17. Preliminaries to the settlement of the crown of Scotland. Lon- don, 1689. 941, 3. & 939, Q,. 36. Address of the members of the parliament of Scotland, delivered to king William, the 15th of October, 1689. Gift of Zachariah Paul- son. 967, F. 1. MSS. letters, viz. Of the lords commissioners of Ireland, in 1660; — of king James II. in 1688 and 1689 ; — of the cardinals to king James, 1089: — of the cardinal Othoboni to king James, in 1 689 ; — and of pope Alexander VIII. to king James, in 1689 and 1690. Gift of Henry Coxe, Esq. 957, Q,. 7. Account of the most material passages in Ireland since 1688; with a particular relation of the forces of Londonderry. London, 1689. 428, D. The debates between the house of lords and house of commons, at the free conference in 1688. London, 1695. 606, F. 7. Votes of the house of commons, granting the supplies for 1698. 606, F. 8. Abstract of the acts for granting to the king the sums necessary for the year 1698. 606, F. 20. Representation from the parliament to the king. 1703. 606, F. 17. Votes, addresses, and acts of the two houses of parliament, from 1689 to 1704. 606, F. 22. Act of security, passed in the parliament of Scotland. 1704. 606, F. 23. Proceedings of the house of lords concerning the Scottish con- spiracy, and the papers and letters laid before that house, by her. majesty's com- mand, relating thereunto. London, 1704. 606, F. 24. Representation and papers presented to the queen by the house of lords, with her answer to the same, March 14, 1704. London. 606, F. 27. Letter from the princess Sophia to the archbishop of Canterbury, with another from Hanover, written by Sir Rowland Gwynne, 1705. London. 3611, O. 15. Articles of the union agreed upon by the commissioners of both kingdoms. London, 1706. 870, D. 2. The North Briton extraordinary ; containing a comprehensive re- view of the English and Scottish history concerning the union. 3d edit. Phila- delphia, 1769. Gift of Zachariah Poulson. 606, F. 36. Address of the house of lords, with the several papers referred to therein, presented to the queen on the 1st of March, 1707, with her answer. London, 1707. 606, F. 37. Address of the house of lords, with the reports therein contained, presented to the queen on the 22d of March, 1707. London, 1708. 606, F. 38. Address of the two houses of parliament, presented to the queen on the 3d of March, 1708. 606, F. 42. Representations and addresses to the queen from the two houses of parliament, and the queen's speeches to them, in the years 1711 and 1712. 606, F. 43. Memorial of the prince Eugene, delivered to secretary St. John, February 18, 1711-12. 606, F. 44. Resolutions, memorials and vouchers of their high mightinesses, shewing that the states-general of the united provinces are wrongfully charged, 99 786 HISTORY. by the parliament of Great Britain, with having failed, in the course of the pre- sent war, to furnish their quota. 1712. 606, F. 48. Letter from the states-general to the queen, about the duke of Ormond's orders not to fight, &.c. June 5, 1712. 2863, O. 10. Protest of the lords, upon addressing her majesty for her speech. 1712. 606, F. 67. List of the members of the house of commons. 1713. 606, F. 47. Address of the two houses of parliament to the queen. 1713. 606, F. 64. Sj^eech of the recorder of London to king George the first, upon his royal entry, September 20, 1714. 606, F. 65. Congratulatory oration to king George, spoken in Latin, by one of the boys of Christ's hospital. London, 1714. 606, F. 66. Form of proceedings to the coronation of king George, on the 20th of October, 1714. 91, 607, 1. & 1040, F. Report of the committee of secrecy, appointed by order of the house of commons, to examine several books and papers laid be- fore the house, relating to the late negotiations of peace and commerce, during the ministry of the earl of Oxford and lord viscount Bolingbroke. Reported on the Uth of January, 1715, and published by order of the house of commons. London, 1715. 607, F. 8. Papers which were laid before the house of lords, relating to the riots at Oxford. London, 1717. 8495, O. The secret history of the late ministry, from their admission to the death of the queen, (Anne) with characters of the late and present ministry. London, 1718. 607, F. 11. Reports made by the committee of secrecy, appointed by the house of commons, to examine into the state of the South sea stock. London, 1721. 607, F. 12. Collection of the protests of the lords, during the last session of parliament. London, 1722. 2864, O. 1. Two lists of the members of the first parliament of king George I. London, 1722. 2864, O. 2. History of the late septennial parliament. 4th edit. London, 1722. 607, F. 16. Collection of the protests in the house of lords, in the session of parliament, in the years 1722 and 1723. London. Gift of Zachariali Paulson. 608, F. 1 . Report of the committee of the house of lords, to whom the re- port and original papers, delivered by the house of commons, were referred, on the subject of the conspiracy mentioned in his majesty's speech ; with appen- dixes, containing copies of original letters and papers, viz. Foreign correspon- dence; — papers relating to Captain Halstead and Christopher Layer ; — to an intended invasion ; — to John Plunket; — to the bishopof Rochester;— to George Kelly; — to Dennis Kelly; — to John Sample; — to the duke of Norfolk and others ;— to Scotland ;— and to Ireland. London, 1722. 798, O. 7. The letters and messages, in French and English, that passed be- tween the king, queen, prince and princess of Wales, on the birth of the young princess. London, 1737. 148, O. The present state of Great Britain and Ireland. 8th edit. London, 1738. 1 .')09, D. A complete collection of all the protests made in the house of lords, from 1641 to the dissolution of the last parliament, June, 1747. London, 1747. P, 2002, O. Miscellaneous state papers, from 1501 to 1726. Vol. II. London, 1778. 3686, O. 9. An authentic account of our last attempt upon the coast of France, in a letter to a friend. London, 1758. P. BRITISH HISTORY. 787 41, O. A collection of the lords' protests, from the first upon record, in the reign of Henry the third, to the present time ; with an index, and an historicEil essay on the legislative power of England. 2 vols. London, 1767. 462, 15. 16. (fc 644, Q,. 9. Historical memorial of the negotiation of France and England, from the twenty-sixth of March to the twentieth of September, 1761 ; with the vouchers. Translated from the French. London, 1761. 5267, D. The royal register; with annotations. 9 vols. London, 1780. 7880, O. A short account of the naval actions of the late war. 2d edit. By an officer. London, 1790. 1923, O. An abstract of the evidence delivered before a select committee of the house of commons, in the years 1790 and 1791. London, 1791. 2245, O. Report of the commissioners appointed to inquire into the fees, gratuities, perquisites, and emoluments, which are or have been lately received in the several public offices, presented to the house of commons, in June, 1793. London, 1793. 4420, D. The Scottish register ; or general view of history, politics, and lite- rature, for 1794. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1794. 2146, O. A collection of state papers, relative to the war against France, now carrying on by Great Britain and other European powers. 11 vols. London, 1794. 2270, O. ] . Reports from the committee of secrecy, to whom were referred the sealed papers mentioned in his majesty's message of the twelfth of May, 1794, and which were presented to the house of commons by Mr. secretary Dundas. 4th edit. London, 1794. 2144, O. 3. Official documents and interesting particulars of the victory ob- tained over the French fleet, on the 1st of June, 1794, by the British fleet, under the command of earl Howe. 3d edit. London. 836, Q,. 4. Narrative of the proceedings of the British fleet, commanded by Admiral Jervis, in the late action with the Spanish fleet, on the fourteenth of February, 1797, off" cape St. Vincents; with plates. London, 1797. 2594, O. 1. Report of the committee of the house of commons, in conse- quence of the several motions relative to the treatment of the prisoners of war. London, 1798. 2573, O. Report from the committee of secrecy, of the house of commons in Ireland, August 21, 1798. London, 1798. 2633, O. 2. Report of the committee of secrecy of the house of commons. Ordered to be printed the 15th of March, 1799. London, 1799. 2692, O. 1. Report of the select committee of the house of commons, on the subject of a new police in the metropolis, &c. and the convict establishment. London, 1799. 8627, O. A narrative of what passed at Killalda, during the invasion of the French, in 1798. London, 1800. 2948, O. 3. Narrative of the proceedings of the squadron under the command of Sir J. Saumarez, in the year 1801. London, 1801. 2904, O. 6. Review of public affairs since the commencement of the present century. London, 1802. 1530, Q,. State calendar; or memorandums and narratives, parliamentary, civil, military, naval, and ecclesiastical. London, 1810. 3527, O. 5. An historical account of the antiquities in the cathedral church of St. Mary, Lincoln. Lincoln, 1771. P. 5527, O. 2. The state of the nation at the commencement of the year 1822; considered under the four departments of the finance, foreign relations, home department, colonies and board of trade, &c. &c. London, 1822. 6104, O. The session of parliament for 1825; exhibiting the state of parties and interests, and proceedings of the British legislature, during that period. London, 1825. 6129, O. Parliamentary abstracts ; containing the substance of all important 788 HISTORY. papers laid before the two houses of parliament, during the session of 1825-6. 2 vols. London, 1826. 4239, D. Annual retrospect of public affairs for 1831. 2 vols. London, 183L 8828, O. A key to both houses of parliament ; consisting of alphabetical notices of the lords and commons of Great Britain and Ireland, &,c. London, 1832. 8747, O. Authentic records of the court of England for the last 70 years. London, 1832. BRITISH POLITICS, LOCAL AND OCCASIONAL— ARRANGED CHRONOLOGICALLY, TO 1650. 1316, Q^ Alexander Nevillus de furoribus, Norfolciensium. Ketto duce. Norfolc, 1575. P. 2864, O. 8. Letters from the earl of Shaftesbury to Robert Moles worth, Esq. with two letters written by the late Sir John Cropley. London, 1621. 1356, Q,. 3. J. R. P.'s word of comfort on the fall of the popish meeting- house. 1623. P. 1356, Q,. 6. England's joy for suppressing the papists. London, 1624. P. 1356, Qi. 7. Report of the colloquy between Smith and Walker. 1624. P. 1347, Q^ 9. An humble remonstrance to the high court of parliament, by a dutiful Sonne of the church. 1640. P. 1347, Q^ 10. England's looking in and out, presented to the high court of par- liament now assembled. London, 1640. P. 1347, Q.. 11. A speech delivered at the visitation of Downe and Connor, held in Lisnegarwy, 26th September, 1638. P. 1347, Q,. 12. The speeches of Sir Benjamin Rudger, in the high court of par- liament. 1641. P. 1347, CI. 13. Mr. Grimston's speech in the high court of parliament. Lon- don, 1641. P. 1347, Q^ 14. Mr. St. John's speech in the upper house of parliament, on ar- guments concerning ship money. 1641. P. 1347, Q. 15. The case of ship money, briefly discoursed, according to the grounds of law, policy, and conscience, November 3, 1640. P. 954, Q,. 36. Charge of the Scottish commissioners against Canterburie and the lievetenant of Ireland. London, 1641. 954, Q, 37. England's third alarm to vvarre. London, 1643. 1347, Q,. 5. The speeches of the lord Digby, in the high court of parliament, concerning grievances and the triennial parliament. 1641. P. 2009, Q^ 2. An answer to a booke, entitled, an humble remonstrance, &c., London, 1641. 954, Q. 40. Vindication of the reasons of the house of commons against the votes of bishops in parliament. London, 1641. Gift of Zachariah Poulson. 947, Q, 4. Letter sent by a bishop from the tower. London, 1642. 954, Q. 2. Speech of alderman Garroway, at a common-hall, January 17, 1 642 ; with a relation of the victory obtained by Sir Ralph Hopton, neere Bodmin, in the county of Cornwall, January 19, 1642. London, 1643. 954, ^31. Abstract of certain depositions, concerning the traitorous inten- tion of the rebels in Ireland ; with an extract of a letter from Rome, January 4, 1641. London, 1642. 944, Q, 5. Plea for the parliament, from the serious consideration of the state of the controversie, betweene the king and the parliament. London, 1642. 944, Q. 8. Soveralgne antidote to prevent, appease, and determine our unna- turalJ and destructive civiU wars and dissensions. London, 1642. Gift of Zachariah PouUon. BRITISH POLITICS. 7S9 958, CI. 20. Vindication of the parliament and their proceedings. London, 1642. 924, Q,. 4. Maximes unfolded on the subject of the opposition made by par- liament against king Charles. 1642. 924, Q,. 5. Commission of array, is jus regis, the power of the king, but not jus regni, the power of the kingdom. 924, Q,. 6. Political catechism, or certain questions concerning the govern- ment of England. Published by order of the house of commons. London, 1643. 924, Q,. 7. The English pope, or a discourse wherein the late mysticall intel- ligence between the court of England, and the court of Rome, is in part disco- vered; with the true grounds of this unnatural warre. London, 1643. 924, Q,. 8. Treatise of monarchic, in which the present contention is debated, and the readiest means of reconcilement proposed. London, 1643. 924, Q,. 9. Mysterie of iniqvity yet working in the kingdomes of England, Scotland and Ireland, for the destruction of the protestant religion. By Edward Bowles. London, 1643. 924, Q,. 10. Treatise on the fundamental! lawes, or politique constitution of this kingdome, the king's negative voice, and the power of parliaments. Lon- don, 1643. 924, Q,. 11. The necessity and lawfulnesse of the present Warre, for sup- pressing of that butcherly brood of cavaiiering incendiaries, who are now ham- mering England, to make an Ireland of it. By J. Goodwin. London, 1643. 924, Q,. 12. The kingdome's case; intended to rouse the people of England to repress the army assembled by the king. Pubhshed by order of the house of commons. London, May 1 , 1 643. Gift of Zachariah Poulson. 1862, & 2236, Q,. The treachery and disloyalty of the papists to their so- veraignes in doctrine and practise, together with the soveraigne power of par- liaments and kingdoms. By Wm. Prynne. London, 1643. 954, Q,. 34. The vndeceiver. London, 1643. 954, Q. 15. Case of our affaires in law, religion, and other circumstances briefly examined. Oxford, 1643. 944, 2. &L 958, Q,. 19. The soveraigne power of parliaments and kingdomes. In three parts. By Wm. Prynne. London, 1643. 944, Q,. 3. Discovery of the king's extraordinary favours to, and protections of notorious papists, priests, Jesuits, &c. By Wm. Prynne. London, 1643. 944, Q,. 4. Treatise on the grand conspiracy of the pope, and his jesuited in- struments, to extirpate the protestant religion. By Wm. Prynne. 2d edit. London, 1644. 925, Q,. 1. The new army regulated, London, 1645. 925, Q,. 2. The independants' militarie entertainment. London, 1645. 944, Q,. 6. The discovery of some prodigious new wandering-blazing-stars and firebrands, styling themselves new-lights, firing our church and state into new combustions. By Wm. Prynne. London, 1645. 944, Q,. 7. Observations upon some of his majesty's late answers and ex- presses. 923, Q,. 15. England's miserie and remedie, in a jvdiciovs letter from an utter- barrister. 1645. 925, Q,. 6. Q,ueries resolved touching the religion, church, confession, and prayer of the late archbishop of Canterburie. London, 1645. 933, Q,. 2. Observator vpon the successe of former parliaments. 933, €1. 3. Vindication of the fundamental liberties, &c. of all English free- men. By Wm. Prynne. London, 1645. 933, Q,. 5. Relation of divers things, from the beginning of these unhappy troubles, to this day. London, 1645. 933, 4. 6. Narration of the proceedings of the Scottish army, and a vindica- tion of the parliament of England. London, 1646. 790 HISTORY. 933, Q. 7. Vindication of the power and proceedings of the parliament, occa sioned by a defence of the covenant. London, 1646. 933, Q,, 10. The union of hearts between the king, the parliament, the arm> under the command of Sir Thomas Fairfax, the assembly of divines, and everj honest man that desires a sound and durable peace. By John Cook. Lon don, 1647. 938, Q. 11. Complaint of the contra-replicant to his majestic. 1647. 983, Q. 12. Justification of the proceedings of parliament in declining a per aonall treaty with the king, notwithstanding the advice of the Scottish commis doners to that purpose. By Henry Marten. London, 1648. 933, Q. 13. State of the kingdome represented to the people, concerning th( king, parliament, and the army. London, 1648. 957, Q. 15. A vindication of the questions concerning excommunication anc suspension. By Wm. Prynne. London, 1645. Gift of Zachariah Poulaon, 925, Q. 14. A defiance against all arbitrary usurpations, either of the house of lords, or any other, upon the sovereignty of the supreme house of commons London. 1646. 925, Q. 19. A treatise, shewing that the king may, without impeachment tc his oath, consent to the abrogation of episcopacy. By John Geree. London 1646. 1361, Q. 2. The ballance put into the hand of every rationall Englishman tc poize the state of this kingdom. Lpndon, 1646. 925, Q. 26. A religious retreat sounded to a religious army. London, 1647. 926, Q. 1. Supreme power of Christian states vindicated against the insolent pretences of William Apollonius of Trever. London, 1647. 1361, Q. 1. Judge Jenkins's remonstrance to parliament in 1647. London, 1660. 926, Q. 5. England's condition considered and bewailed ; with observations on the propositions sent to the king. London, 1648. 926, Q. 6. Memento to the present unparliamentary jvnto, touching their pre- sent intentions to depose and execute Charles Steward, their lawful king. By William Prynne. London, 1648. 926, Q. 8. Weighty considerations, submitted to the members of the high court of justice for the tryal of the king. By Joshua Sprigge. London, 1648. 926, Q. 10. A vindication of army-remonstrances, in answer to Mr. Sedg- wick's book. By Thomas Collier. London, 1648. 926, Q. 11. Groans of Kent; or remonstrances from divers well-affected in the county of Kent, to lord general Fairfax, and the army under his command. London. 926, Q. 12. Vox militaris; or an apologeticall declaration concerning the an my under the command of Sir Thomas Fairfax. London. 926, Q. 14. Looking- glasse for, or an awakening word to the officers of the armies. London. 1361, Q. 6. The tragedie of king Charles the first. 1361, Q. 7. A tragi-comedy called New-market fay re. London, 1648. 1361, Q. 16. An elegie on the murder at Colchester of Sir George Lucas and Sir George Lisle, 1648. By Martin Llewellin, M. D. London, 1648. 934, Q. 2. A defence of the sentence passed upon the late king, by the high court of justice. By John Goodwin. London, 1649. 934, Qu 7. Agreement prepared for the people of England, to secure peace upon grounds of common right, freedom and safety. London, 1649. 943, Q. 2. A vindication of the liberties of England, against illegal taxes and pretended acta of parliament. By Wm. Prynne. London, 1649. 1650 TO 1660. 1316, U. I. The Image unbroken, or a perspective against a libel called the pourtrayture of hi« sacred majestie in his solitudes and sufferings. Printed in 1651. P. BRITISH POLITICS. 791 1361,0,. 8. Paul's church-yard: Libri, theologici, politici, prostant venales. Done into English for the assembly of divines. London, 1653. P. 1361, Gl. 9. Bibliotheca parliamenti libri theologici, politici qui prostant ve- nales. London, 1653. P. 1361, Q,. 10. A list of the names of the members of the house of commons which are officers of the army. 1653. P. 1361, d. 24. Bibliotheca parliamenti classis secunda. P. 509, D. The leviathan drawn out with a hook; or animadversions upon Mr. Hobbes's leviathan. With some observations upon Sir Walter Raleigh's histo- ry of the world. By Alex. Ross. London, 1653. 927, Q.. 2. Hypochrisie discovered; or a manifestation of the designe of the protector, so called, to seat himself in the office of chief magistrate in this na- tion, contrary to the many declarations and protestations he made in opposi- tion thereto. 927, Q,. 3. Proposals presented to parliament in relation to the common good of the people of this nation. London, 1653. 927, Q. 4. Answer to a part of the lord protector's speech; or a vindication of the fifth monarchy-men. London, 1654. 934, Q,. 5. Queries tending to allay the discontents about the late revolution of government in the commonwealth. London, 1654. 934, Q,. 6. The proctor of the six book-sellers non-suited. London, 1655. 927, Q. 6. Papers sent to his highness the lord protector of the commonwealth, concerning the rtiurthers and other cruelties, committed on the protestants dwell- ing in the valleys of Piedmont, by the duke of Savoy's forces, joyned with the French army, and several Irish regiments. London, 1655. 927, Q. 10. Reply to a paper called Mr. Hay ward's answer to G. Kendal's scandalous pamphlet. London, 1656. 934, Q. 11. Plea for the common w^ealth, in this monstrous and shaking junc- ture, wherein treason is scarcely accounted an offence, and traitors have so manie advocates. London. 934, Q. 12. Letter from a person in the country, respecting a book, entituled, "A healing question." 1656. 927, Q. 14. Declaration of the general council of the officers of the army, agreed upon at Wallingford-house, October 27, 1659. London. 927, Q. 15. Queries upon the ten new commandments of the general council of the officers of the army, December 22, 1659. 927, Q. 16. The army's plea for their present practice. London, 1659. 927, Q. 20. Queries propounded to the people of England, and their represen- tatives, in this juncture of affairs. London, 1659. 927, Q. 21. Memorial of that remarkable meeting of the officers of the army in England, at Windsor-castle, in the year 1 648. By William Allen. Lon- don, 1659. 927, Q. 22. Testimony and warning by the presbytery of Edinburgh, against a petition lately presented to the parliament. London, 1659. 927, Q. 23. Fitz-brain's narrative of the great revolutions of affairs in these later times. London, 1659. 928, Q. 2. A prescription to recover our kingdom, church and nation, from their present destructive confusion. By William Prynne. London, 1659. 928, Q. 3. A vindication of the old and new secluded members of parliament. By William Prynne. London, 1659. 928, Q. 5. A statement of the case of the excluded members. By William Prynne. London, 1660. 928, Q. 6. On the dissonant harmony of sacred publique oathes, protestations, leagues, covenants, &c. lately taken by many time-serving saints, without scru- ple of conscience, and who have violated them too, without any fear of God, men, devils, or hell. By William Prynne. London, 1659. 792 HISTORY. 928, Q,. 7. IVclaration of the true state of the case of the excluded members ; with a vindication of themselves and their privileges. London, 1660. 028, Q^ 8. Narrative of the manner in which divers members of the house of commons were illegally imprisoned by the armies' force, in December, 1648, and May 7, 1659. London, 1660. 928, Q. 9. Engagement and declaration of the officers and soldiers, who are not mercenary janazaries, to maintain the just rights of the people. London, 1660. 1361, Q. 13. Mercurius pragmaticus. London, 1659. 934, Q. 13. Chamberlin's problemes, respecting the legislative power. Lon- don, 1659. 934, 14. & 1232, Q. 7. A discourse shewing that killing is not murder. By William Allen. (Colonel Titus.) London, 1659. 934, d. 15. Hawke's answer to Allen's discourse, shewing that killing is mur- der. London, 1659. 934, Q. 16. Principles and maxims concerning government and religion, as asserted by those commonly called levellers. London, 1659. 934, Q. 17. On the unreasonable burthen now pressed upon the shoulders of this groaning nation, by the headless head and unruly rulers that usurp upon the liberties of the oppressed people. By William Prynne. London, 1659. 934, Q. 18. A letter concerning a select senate ; with sundry positions about government. By Henry Stubbes. London, 1659. 935, Q,. 1. A view of England's true interest. By M. Nedham. London, 1659. 1361, Q. 11. A speech made in the house of commons concerning the other house. London, 1659. 1361, Q. 12. A brief account of the meeting, proceeding, and exit of the com- mittee of safety. London, 1659. 2252, Q. 16. The commonwealth's remembrancer for discovery of the dis- turbers of her peace. By R.H. London, 1659. 2252, Q. 17. This for the parliament, counsel, and the officers of the army of the commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland. By Thomas Daven- port. London, 1659. 2252, Q. 18. Some considerations proposed to this distracted nation of Eng- land, concerning the present design and work of God therein. By Isaac Pening- ton, the younger. London, 1659. 2252, Q. 19. The prophet approved by the words of his prophecie coming to passe. Also a letter from Daniel Baker to the mayor and recorder of Lon- don. Published by Thomas Hart. London, 1659. 2252, Q. 20. To the supream authoritie (under God,) of the commonwealth, the commons, in parliament assembled. The true and faithful testimony of Wil- liam Morris, a late member of the army in Ireland. London, 1659. 2252, Q. 21. To the parliament of the common- wealth of England. Fifty-nine particulars laid down for the regulating things, &c. By George Fox. London, 1659. 2252, Q. 22. Oh, ye heads of the nation, who are set in the supream authority thereof^ and are at this time assembled in parliament, hear ye the word of the Lord. By Ambr. Rigg. London, 1659. 1660 TO 1670. 928, Q. 4. Queries in behalf of the secluded members, propounded to the twice broken rump now sitting. London, 1 660. 928, Q. 13. A discourse concerning obedience to kingly government, show- ing that the kingdom of England is the best commonwealth. By James Aber- deen. London, 1600. 986, Q, 2. Letter from a near attendant on his majestie's person at Brus.sels. 1660. BRITISH POLITICS. 793 1361, Q,. 14. The famous tragedie of the life and death of Mrs. Rump. Lon- don, 1660. 1361, Q,. 15. Address to lord general Monck. London, 1660. 932, Q,. 11. Reasons showing the necessity of reformation in church affairs. London, 1660. 932, Q,. 12. Reasons showing that there is no necessity of reformation in the affairs of the church. London, 1660. 2009, a. 9. Speech of Sir Harbottle Grimston. London, 1660. 2209, d. 8. Declaration and vindication of the lord mayor, aldermen, and commons of London. London, 1660. 937, Gl. 2. Speeches and prayers of some of the late king's judges, made during their imprisonment and at the place of execution, viz. major-general Har- rison, John Carew, Justice Cooke, Hugh Peters, Thomas Scott, Gregory Cle- ment, colonel Adrian Scroop, colonel John Jones, colonel Daniel Axtell, and colonel Francis Hacker. London, 1660. 1361, a. 18. The tragedy of Christopher Love at Tower Hill. By Robert Wald. London, 1660. 1361, Q,. 17. An elegie and epitaph on king Charles I. By Henry Edwards. London, 1661. 3249, D. 2. Flagellum parliamentarum ; being sarcastic notices of nearly two hundred members of parliament, A. D. 1061 to 1678. London, 1827. 2009, Q. Speech of the late marquis of Argyll upon the scaffold. Edenburg, 1661. 2009, Q,. 11. A catalogue of the names of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, &c. London, 1661. 935, Q,. 3. On the revival of the long parliament. By J. Philips. London, 1661. 935, Q,. 4. Answer to Philip's long parliament revived. London, 1661. 928, Q,. 18. Speeches, discourses and prayers of colonel John Barkstead, colonel John Okey, and Mr. Miles Corbet, upon the 19th of April, 1662, being the day of their suffering at Tyburn; with an account of the manner of their being taken in Holland, and their discourses and letters before, and during the time of their imprisonment. London, 1662. 928, Q,. 19. A letter to Edward, earl of Clarendon, lord high chancellor of England. By Edward Bagshaw. London, 1662. 928, Q,. 26, Apology in behalf of the papists, reprinted, and answered in be- half of the royalists. London, 1667. 928, d. 27. Account of the information exhibited to the committee appointed by parliament to enquire into the cause of the late dreadful burning of the city of London ; with information touching the insolency of popish priests and jesuites, and the increase of popery. London, 1667. 930, Q. 10. Answer out of the west to a question out of the north, respecting the decay of trade, &c. London, 1667. 929, a. 3. Letter to D. Lauderdale. London, 1667. 935, d. 5. Directions to a painter for describing our naval business in imita- tion of Waller. By John Denham. With Clarindon's house-warning, by an unknown author. 1667. 1670 TO 1680. 932, Q,. 9. dueries upon the late act against conventicles. London, 1670. 932, d. 10. Letter from a justice of peace to a counsellor at law, concerning conventicles, with the counsellor's reply. 2200, d. 5. A seasonable discourse ; showing the necessity of maintaining the established religion, in opposition to popery. 3d edit. London, 1673. 935, d. 6. Speech of lord Lucas in the house of peers, February 22, 1670-L Middleburgh, 1673. 100 794 HISTORY. 006, F. 25. Brief account of the tack, and two poems, and the speech of king Charies II. on the subject of the tackers. 935, Q. 8. England's appeal from the private cabal at Whitehall to pariia- ment. 1673. 2200, (i. 4. Some few questions concerning the oath of allegiance. London, 1674. 599, F. 4. JFacts relating to the affairs of Scotland, under the administration of the duke of Lauderdale. 1 674. 935, Q. 9. Letter from a person of quality to his friend in the country. 1675. 935, Q, 10. Speeches of earl of Shaftsbury and the duke of Buckingham, in the house of lords, October 20th, and November 16th, 1675. Amsterdam, 1675. 935, Q,. 11. The discovery of England's present interest, with honour to the prince and safety to the people. By William Penn. London, 1675. 954, Q,. 26. Account of the imprisonment and death of Mr. John Thompson, minister of the gospel. 1675. 954, Q,. 27. Reasons which have induced the dissenters in Bristol to continue their open meetings, however prosecuted and disturbed. 1675. 956, Q. 20. Letter from a person of quality to his friend in the country. 1675. 957, Ct 14. Animadversions upon a late pamphlet entitled, " Naked truth ; or the true state of the primitive church." London, 1676. 932, Q,. 8. Dr. Croft's true state of the primitive church. London, 1675. 935, Q,. 12. A letter to Monsieur Van B- — de M , at Amsterdam, writ- ten in the year 1676. By Lord D. Holies. ' 935, a. 13. The long parliament dissolved. 1676. 935, d. 14. Seasonable question, and an useful answer. 1676. 935, Q. 15 Argument to perswadeall the grand juries in England to petition for a new parliament. Amsterdam, 1677. 935, Q,. 16. An account of the growth of popery, and arbitrary government in England. By Andrew Marvell. Amsterdam, 1677. 935, O. 17. Principal proceedings of the house of commons to preserve the king and kingdom from the growth of popery, and for reducing the growing greatness of France. 1678. 935, Q,. 18. Coleman's letters to Monsieur I'Chaise, confessor to the French king, with his answer thereto. 1678. 929, Q,. 12. Proposals to the king and parliament for raising a monthly tax. By M. Lewis. London, 1677. 929, Q,. 13. Remarkable prophecies and predictions of the learned James Usher, late lord primate of Ireland, foretelling the rebellion in Ireland forty years before it came to pass ; — the miseries of England, in church and state ; — the death of king Charles the first, &c. London, 1678. 952, Gt 1. Healing paper ; or a catholic receipt for union. London, 1678. 958, 3. & 2200, Q,. 24. Account of the growth of knavery, under the pretend- ed fears of arbitrary government, and popery. London, 1 678. 600, F. 8. A narrative of the late horrid and treasonable popish plot. By Robert Jenlson. London, 1679. 600, F.-9. A narrative, containing a further discovery of the late horrid popish plot. By John Smith. London, 1679. 600, F. 10. A narrative of the late popish design to charge those of the pres- bjrterian party with a pretended conspiracy against the king and government. By Thomas Dangerfield. London, 1379. 599, F. 13. Vindication of the parliament, with the state of the plot, and the manner of its discovery. 599, F. 14. Narrative of the late design of the papists to charge their horrid plot upon the protestants. London, 1679. 699, F. 15. A narrative of the horrid plot and conspiracy of the popish party, BRITISH POLITICS. 795 against the life of the king, the government, and the protestant religion ; with a list of the conspirators. By Titus Gates. London, 1679. 599, F. 18. Examination of Edmund Everard, who was four years close pri- soner in the tower of London, concerning the popish plot. London, 1679. 599, F. 19. Pereat papa; or reasons why a presumptive heir, or popish suc- cessor, should not inherit the crown. 599, F. 20. Discourse of the peerage and jurisdiction of the lords spiritual in parliament. London, 1679. 599, F. 21. Narrative of the discovery of the horrid popish plot. By Miles Prance. London, 1679. 600, F. 1. The last speeches of the five notorious traitors, viz. Thomas White, William Harcourt, John Gavan, Anthony Turner, and John Fenwick, who were executed at Tyburn on the 20th of June, 1679. 600, F. 2. Answer to the last speeches of the five traitors, who were executed on the 20th of June, 1679. London. 600, F. 3. The true speeches of Thomas White, Henry Harcourt, John Fen- wick, John Gavan, and Anthony Turner, before their execution at Tyburn, June 20th, 1679; with animadversions thereon. London, 1679. 600, F. 13. Answer to a letter written by a member of parliament, upon the occasion of his reading the gazette of the 11th of December, 1679. 600, F. 14. New year's gift for the lord chief justice Scroggs; being remarks on his speech. 956, Q,. 18. Letter concerning the king's disavpwing his having been married to the duke of Monmouth's mother. 956, Q,. 19. Case put, concerning the succession of his royal highness the duke of York. London, 1679. 600, F. 5. Speech of Richard Langhorn at the place of execution, July 14, 1679 ; with an answer thereto. London. 929, Q. 1 5. Account of the hellish plots, bloody persecutions, and inhumane tortures, exercised by the papists, on the protestants ; as well abroad as in Eng- land, Scotland, and Ireland, from the beginning till this present year 1678. Lon- don, 1679. 1680 TO 1690. 935, Q,. 19. Letter concerning the bill for disabling the duke of "i'ork from in- heriting the imperial crown of this realm. London, 1680. 935, Q,. 20. Letter concerning the king's disavowing his having been married to the duke of Monmouth's mother. 1680. 600, F. 11. Narrative of the late popish intrigue, to form a plot, and then to cast the odium thereof upon the protestants. By Roderick Mansell. London, 1680. 600, F. 1 6. Second narrative, relating to the late popish plot, and to the mur- ther of Sir Edmund-bury Godfrey. By Thomas Dangerfield. London, 1680. 600, F. 17. Narrative concerning the late horrid popish plot, and conspiracy for the destruction of his majesty and the protestant religion. By Robert Bol- ron. London, 1680. 601, F. 2. Examination of captain William Bedlow, relating to the popish plot. London, 1680. 602, F. 4. Information given by John Mac-Namarra, Maurice Fitzgerrald, and James Nash, respecting the popish plot in Ireland. London, 1680. 602, F. 5. Speech made in parliament by the earl of Shaftsbury, in Decem- ber, 1680. 602, F. 6. Three papers on the choice of members of parliament, and the suc- cession to the crown of England. London, 1680. 602, F. 7. Brief history of the succession, collected out of the records and the most authentic historians. 796 BISTORT. 606, F. 1. Petition to the king, <3elivered July 25, 1680. 954, Q. 10. Memorial upon the liberties of the presse and pulpit. London, 1680. 2200, O. 18. A narrative of the plot. By R. L'Estrange. London, 1680. 946, O. 7. Defence of Dr. Titvs Gates. By R. L' Estrange. London, 1680. 946, Q. 8. An answer to a whole litter of libellers. By R. L'Estrange. Lon- don, 1680. 946, Or 9. Memorial upon the liberties of the presse and pulpit. London, 1680. 046, Q,. 10. A free-born subject, or the Englishman's birthright; asserted against all tyrannicall vsvrpations either of church or state. By R. L'Estrange. 2d edit. London, 1680. 946, d. 11. Citt and bumpkin ; or a dialogue over a pot of ale, concerning matters of religion and government. In two parts. London, 1680. 946, Q,. 12. Reply to the second part of the character of a popish successor. By R. L'Estrange. London, 1681. 946, Q. 13. Dissenter's sayings, in requital for L'Estrange's sayings. Pub-i lished in their own words, by Roger L'Estrange. J^ondon, 1681. 946, d. 14. Character of a papist in masquerade; in answer to the character of a popish successor. By R. L'Estrange. London, 1681. 946, Q,. 15. L'Estrange no papist nor jesuite. London, 1681. 946, Q,. 16. An appeal to the king and parliament. By R. L'Estrange. Lon- don, 1681. 9.32, Ct 15. Answer to the order of sessions at Hick's-hall, of the 13th of January, 1681, shewing that the said order is against law. London, 1681. Gift of Zachariah Pouhon. 601, F. 15. Letters and other writings, relating to the horrid popish plot; printed from the originals in the hands of the chairman of the committee of se- crecy appointed by the house of commons. In two parts. With the keys for deciphering the passages written in figures. London, 1681. 958, Q. 8. Vindication of Sir Robert Clayton, Sir George Treby, Slingsby Bethell, and Henry Cornish. London, 1681. 936, Q,. 1. Detection of the aspersions cast upon Sir Robert Cla3rton, and others. London, 1681. 936, Q. 2. Letter touching the reasons which moved the king to dissolve the two last parliaments. 936, Q. 3. Vindication of the proceedings of the two last parliaments. 1681. 936, Q. 4. Account of the nature and tendency of the late addresses. Lon- don, 1681. 936, 5. & 2200, Q. 7. Pretended conspiracy of protestants against the king and government, discovered to be a conspiracy of the papists against the king and his protestant subjects. In three parts. London, 1681, &c. 2200, Q. 10. The loyalty of the last parliament : or, a letter showing that the late parliaments did not so much intrench on the prerogative as that of XVin. years' continuance. London, 1681. 602, F. 1 . Animadversions upon the speech of William late viscount Stafford, Immediately before his execution, on the 29th of December, 1680. 2d edit. London, 1681. 602, F. 2. A discourse, occasioned by the late conspirators dying in the de- nyal of their guilt. By John Smith. London, 1681. 602, F. 11. Observations upon a late libel, called, " A letter from a person of quality to his friend," concerning the king's declaration. London. 948, Q. 12. Salus populi, &c. or the case of king and people. London, 1681. Cy't of Zachariah PouUon. 966, Q. 15. Priest-crafl, its character and consequences. 956, Q. 16. Foxes and fire-brands ; or a specimen of the danger and harmony of popery and tcparatlon. 2d edit. London, 1681. ^tm^timr BRITISH POLITICS. 797 603, F. 2. Narrative of the case of Simpson Tonge, respecting his knowledge of the contrivers of the horrid popish plot. London, 1681. 603, F. 3. Four papers respecting the conduct of the earl of Shaftsbury. Lon- don, 1682. 932, Q. 7. An apology for the non-conformists. By Toby Troughton. Lon- don, 1681. 932, Q. 13. Specimen of a bill for uniting the protestants. 932, Q. 14. Address expressing the true sense of the dissenting protestants of Engfland. London, 1682. 929, Q,. 23. Absalom senior : or Achitophel transposed. A poem. London, 1682. 929, Q,. 24. The medall. A satyre against sedition. London, 1682. Gift of Zachariah Poulson. 936, Q,. 7. Discovery of a design to alter the constitution of the government, and to betray the protestant religion. London, 1682. 936, Q. 8. Inquiry concerning the election of the sheriffs of London. London, 1682. 936, Q.. 9. A mid-summer moon ; or the livery-man's complaint. By S. Thompson. London, 1682. 936, Q,. 10. Statement of Mr. Emer ton's cause now depending before the delegates. London, 1682. 936, Q,. 11. Second part of the growth of popery and arbitrary government, from the year 1677 to the year 1682. Cologne, 1682. 936, Q. 12. A defence of the charter and municipal rights of the city of Lon- don, &c. By R. Hunt. London. Gift of Zachariah Poulson. 2200, Q,. 23. A tory plot ; or the discovery of a design carried on by our late abhorrers, to alter the constitvtion of the government, and to betray the protes- tant religion. London, 1682. 603, F. 8. An account how the earl of Essex killed himself in the tower of London, the 13th of July, 1683. London, 1683. 939, 20. & 957, Q,. 11. Inquiry into, and detection of the barbarous murther of the late earl of Essex. London, 1689. 941, 15. & 957, Q,. 12. Essex's innocency and honour vindicated ; or murther and perjury justly charged on the murtherers of that noble lord Arthur, late earl of Essex. London, 1690. 956, Q. 17. An answer to a libel concerning the death of Habin the informer. By R. L'Estrange. London, 1683. 1238, d. 4. Epistles to the king and duke. London, 1683. P. 1238, Q,. 5. Massinello, or a satyr against the association and the Guild-hall riot. London, 1683. P. 2200, Q. 25. Some reflections upon the pretended parallel in the play called the Duke of Guise. London, 1683. 954, Q. 23. Memoirs of the life and actions of Roger the fidler, alias the ot>- servator. London, 1683. 936, Q. 9. Letter to the observator. By William Smythies. London, 1684. 937, Q,. 10. A plea for the non-conformists, giving a true state of the case of the dissenters. By Thomas Delaune. London, 1684. 937, Q. 11. The image of the beast. By Thomas Delaune. London, 1684. 937, Q. 12. Narrative of the sufferings of Thomas Delaune, for writing " The plea for the non-conformists." London, 1684. 938, Q,. 8. Examinations of Henry Barrow, John Greenwood, and John Penry, before the lords of the council, touching their refusal to take an oath, and have communion with the church of England, November 19, 1586. London. 838, Q,. 9. Answer to the amicable accommodation, &c. London, 1686. 957, Q,. 9. Considerations about the new test of the church of England's loyalty. 957, Q. 10. New test of the church of England's loyalty. London, 1687. 798 HISTORY. 2200, Q. 13. A discourse for taking off the tests and penal laws about reli- gion. London, 1687. 2200, Q. 20. A letter to a dissenter, upon occasion of his majestie's declara- tion of indulgence. London, 1687. 957, Q. 13. Exiwstulatory letter to Mr. Sclater, of Putney. London, 1687. 950, Q. 1. Relation of the proceedings against St. Mary Magdalen college, in the year 1687. London, 1688. 957, Q. 8. Dialogue between Harry and Roger, concerning the times. Ox- ford, 1688. 939, Q. 3. Letter from Heer Fagel to the marquis of Albeville, dated April 9, 1688. 939, Q. 4. Anatomy of an equivalent. 939, Q- 5. King's power in ecclesiastical matters truly stated. 939, Q. 6. Proposals made to the king by the archbishop of Canterbury and other bishops. 1688. 939, Q. 8. Account of the persecution now laid to the charge of the church of England. 939, Q. 9. Letter to a dissenter concerning the penal laws and the test. 1688. 939, Q,. 1 0. Q^ueries concerning liberty of conscience, directed to William Penn and Henry Cave. 939, Q,. 11. The command of God to his people to come out of Babylon, de- monstrated to mean the coming out of the present papal Rome. 1688. 939, €1. 12. Judgment, according to scripture prophecy, on the present Turk- ish affairs. 939, Q. 13. Account of the late persecution of the protestants in the valleys of Piedmont, by the.duke of Savoy and the French king, in the year 1 686. Ox- ford, 1688, 939, Q. 16. Letter shewing that popish treaties are not to be relied on. 1688. 939, Q. 17. Dr. Burnet's inquiry into the measures of submission to the su- pream authority. London, 1688. 939, Q. 23. Queries relating to present proceedings in parliament. 1688. 604, F. 20. Letter from a lawyer to a member of parliament, on the subject of the late vacancy of the throne. London, 1689. 604, F. 21. Case of the protestant dissenters, and the grievances of the church of England. London, 1 689. 604, F. 25. An argument in the great case concerning the election of members to parliament. By Robert Atkyns. London, 1689. 939, Q. 18. Opinion, that resistance may be used in case our religion and rights should be invaded. By R. Johnson. London, 1689. 939, Q. 19. Oaths of allegiance and supremacy no badges of slavery. Lon- don, 1689. 939, Q. 21. Dr. Burnett's enquiry into the present state of affairs. London, 1689. 939, Q. 22. Justification of the prince of Orange*s descent into England. By R. Ferguson. London, 1689. 939, Q. 25. Dialogue between George Buchanan and Thomas Maitland, con- cerning the due privilege of government in the kingdom of Scotland. Trans- lated out of the Latine. London, 1689. 939, Q. 28. Observations concerning the regulating of elections for parliament, found among the papers of the earl of Shaftsbury. London, 1689. 939, Q. 29. Address of the dissenting ministers, in and about the city of Lon- don, to the king and queen, upon their accession to the crown, with their answer. London, 1689. 93^, Q. »1. Aphorisms relating to the kingdom of Ireland. London, 1689. 989, Q. 32. Examination of a new oath of allegiance. London, 1689. 941, Q. L Groans of the plantations, on account of the heavy impositions upon sugar, and other hardships. London, 1689. BRITISH POLITICS. 799 941, Q. 2. Vindication of the votes of the parliament of Scotland, contained in an address to the king. Glasgow, 1689. 941, Q. 4. Reflections upon the occurrences from November 5, 1688, to No- vember 5, 1689. London, 1689. 950, Q.. 3. Thoughts about the gentlemen's undertaking at York, in No- vember, 1688. 950, Q,. 4. Inquiry into the lawfulness of taking the new oath of allegiance. London, 1689. 950, Gl. 5. Pastoral letter, written by the bishop of Sarum, concerning the Oath of allegiance to king William and queen Mary. London, 1689. 950, Q,. 6. Discourse concerning the unreasonableness of a new separation on account of the oaths^ London, 1689. 950, Q,. 7. Doctrine of non-resistance no way concerned in the controversies between the Williamites and the Jacobites. London, 1689. 950, Q,. 8. Reflections upon Mr, Baxter's book, entitled " The English non- conformity." London, 1689. 950, Q,. 9. Plain case, as it now stands, in reference to subjection to the present government. London, 1690. 951, Q,. 3. Great bastard, protector of the little one. Done out of the French. Cologne, 1689. 951, Q,. 4. Letter to a member of the house of commons, concerning the bishops lately in the tower, and now under suspension. London, 1689. 951, Q,. 5. Discourse concerning ecclesiastical commission. London, 1689. 951, Q,. 6. Account of Mr. Parkinson's expulsion from the university of Ox- ford. London, 1689. 955, Q,. 1. Thoughts on the justice of the gentlemen's undertaking at York, November, 1688. London, 1689. 955, Q.. 2. Inquiry into the measures of submission to the supream authority. 955, Q,. 3. Reflections upon the late great revolution in England. London, 1689. 955, Q. 4. Letters concerning the bishops lately in the tower, and now under suspension. London, 1689. • 956, Q. 8. Sovereign right and power of the people over tyrants, plainly proved. London, 1689. 953, Q. 1. Lord chief justice Herbert's account examined, by a barrister at law. London, 1689. 953, Q. 2. Account of all the secret intrigues of the Romish party in Ire- land, from 1660 to this present year, 1689. London, 1690. 958, Q. 24. Copies of two papers written by the late king Charles II. 958, Q. 25. Copy of a paper written by the late duchess of York. 957, Q. 4. Case of the people of England with regard to the oath of allegi- ance. London, 1689. 957, Q. 5. Jurieu's judgment upon the question of defending our religion by arms ; with reflections upon the affairs of England. Translated out of the French. London, 1689. 957, Q. 6. Hunt's defence of the charter and municipal rights of the city of London, and other cities and towns in England. London. 2914, D. Les sources des mahleurs d'Angleterre, et des tous les maux, dont ce roiaume a ete affiige depuis le regne de Jacques I. A Cologne, 1689. 958, Q. 4. Letter of the bishop of Rochester. In the Savoy, 1689. 1690—1700. 605, F. 5. Papers on the subject of the election of members of parliament, &c. London, 1690. 956, Q. 26. Vindication of the Rev. Mr. Alexander Osborn in reference to the affairs of the north of Ireland. London, 1690. 954, Q. 30. Vindication of Mr. Alexander Osborn in reference to the affairs of the north of Ireland. London, 1690. 800 HISTORY. 941, Q. 5. Vindication of the occurrences of the last year. London, 1690. 941, Q. 6. A^wlopy for Mr. R. Stafford, with an admonition and explanation of the Elnglish monarchy. London, 1690. 941, Q. 7. Relation of the late action at sea, between the English and Dutch, and the French fleets, from June 22 to July 6, last; with reflections upon the present state of the nation. London, 16U0. 941, Q. 8. Act for the reformation of the manners of the people of this nation. 94 1 , Q. 9. Plain Elnglish, oflfered to the consideration of the king and parlia- ment. London, 1690. 941, Q. 10. Reproof of a malicious libel against the government. London, 1090. 941, Q. 11. Queries concerning the election of members for the ensuing parliament; with a reply. London, 1690. 941, Q. 12. Roger L'Estrange's queries considered. London, 1690. 950, Q. 12. Letter concerning the disabling clauses lately offered to the house of commons, for regulating corporations. London, 1690. 950, Q. 13. Dr. Sherlock's case, in preaching after deprivation incurred by the express words of a statute, fairly stated and examined. London, 1690. 950, Q,. 14. Observations concerning elections for parliament. Gift of Za- chariah Pouison. 954, Q. 29. Relation of the general assembly, held at Edinburgh, from Octo- ber 16 to November 13, 1690. London, 1691. 952, Q. 3. Inquiry into the measures of submission to the supream authority. 952, Q. 4. Inquiry into the carriage of some dissenting bishops. 952, Q. 5. Dialogue concerning the East India company. London, 1691. 952, Q. 6. Progress of needful reformation in England. London, 1691. 955, Q. 7. Apology for the new separation. London, 1691. 955, Q. 8. Anglicani novi schismatis redargutio ; seu tractatus ex historiis ecclesiasticis quo ostenditur episcopos, injuste licit depositos, orthodoxi succes- soris communionem nunquam refugisse. Editore Hvmfredo Hody. Oxonii, 1691. 955, Q. 9. Case of the deprived bishops and clergy discussed. London, 1692. 955, Q. 10. Vindication against the false principles contained in the sermon of Dr. Sherlock. London, 1692. 955, Q. 11. Answer to the vindication against the principles contained in Dr. Sherlock's sermon. London, 1 692. 941, Q. 13. Letter concerning the French invasion. 2d edit. London, 1692. 941, Q. 14. Inquiry into the causes of the present fears and dangers of the government. London, 1692. 941, 16. & 957, Q. 3. An argument, proving that the abrogation of kin^ James, and the promotion of the prince of Orange to the throne of this king- dom, was according to the constitution of the English government. By R. Johnson. London, 1692. 952, Q. 7. Letter from general Ludlow to Dr. Rollings worth. Amst. 1692. 952, Q. 8. Legacy of John Wilmer to the lords and commons of England. London, 1692. 952, Q,. 9. Case of the deprived bishops and clergy discussed. London, 1692. 952, Q. 10. Letter concerning the French invasion. London, 1692. 952, Q. 11. Life of William Fuller, the late pretended evidence, now a pri- •oner in the king's bench. London, 1692. 962, Q. 12. Treatise, showing that the pourtraiture of king Charles the first, In his solitudes and sufferings, was not written by himself, but by Dr. Gaoden, late bishop of Worcester. Ijondon, 1 692. 9W, Q. 18. Isaac Chauncy's neonomianism unmasked; or the ancient go« pel pleaded against the new law. London, 1693. 952, QL 14. Continuation of the answer to the Scots presbyterian eloquence London, 1693. Gift of Z. Pouison. BRITISH POLITICS. 801 941, Q. 17. Account of the sessions of parliament in Ireland, in 1692. Lon- don, 1693. 941, Q,. 18. Truth brought to light; or the forgeries of Dr. Hollingsworth, respecting the character of king Charles the first, detected. London, 1693. Gift of Zachariali Poulson. 669, D. Defence de la nation Britannique contre I'auteur de I'avis important aux refugies. Londres, 1692. 605, F. 7. Speech of Sir Charles Sidley ; — Five numbers of the weekly obset"- vator ; — Admiral Russell's letter, containing a relation of the late happy victory and success against the French fleet ; — Rules about the baroscope ; — Account of the murder of the earl of Essex ; — Two numbers of the Athenian mercury; — Relation of the attempt to assassinate the Rev. Mr. Samuel Johnson ; — Speech of the lord chief baron Atkyns to Sir William Ashurst, lord-mayor elect of the city of London, October 13, 1693 ; — Miraculous cure of David Wright, a shep- herd; — Representation of the commons to the king against the army agents; — Names of the juries who condemned several late patriots ; — Form of the pro- ceeding to the funeral of queen Mary, 1694 ; — Observations on the bank of Eng- land ; — Argument for establishing another bank ; — and several other miscella- neous papers, and acts of parliament. 958, Q. 27. Earl of Anglesey's state of the government and kingdom. Lon- don, 1694. Gift of Zachariali Poulson. 606, F. 2. Account of the men of war captured from the French by the Eng- lish, and of the number of vessels lost by the English, during the war, from May 7, 1689, to October 1, 1695. 606, F. 3. Crosfeild's proceedings in the house of lords, with an account of the state of the nation. London, 1695-6. 606, F. 4. Distressed seamen's groans, represented to the king and par- liament. 606, F. 5. Instances of the oppressions suffered by the sailors of the English navy. London, 1699. 606, F. 6. Speech of Isaac Grew, an orphan of the grammar school in Christ's hospital, to king William III. London, 1697. 605, F. 10. Several miscellaneous papers. 1696. 954, Q. 11. Letter of advice to a friend, upon the modern argument of the lawfulness of simple fornication, half-adultery, and polygamy. London, 1696. 958, Q. 18. Night-walker, for March, 1697. London. 606, F. 9. Case of Philip Nisbett, merchant of London, November 5, 1698. 3i0, Q. 2. A letter to Doctor Charles Goodall; occasioned by his letter to Doctor Leigh ; with an answer to a paper, entitled, " A reply to Mr. Richard Boulton, written by Charles Leigh." By Richard Boulton. London, 1699. 1700 TO 1710. 958, Q. 1. Letter of advice to the churches of the non-conformists in the Eng- lish nation. London, 1700. 2200, Q. 26. Remarks on the present condition of the navy. London, 1700. 956, Q. 2. Letters concerning some proceedings in the house of commons, during the last session. London, 1701. 606, F. 15. Discovery of the murder of Peter Wolsters, April 28, 1701. 953, Q. 7. Letter to a minister of state, concerning the pretended prince of Wales's being proclaimed king of England, &c. London, 1701. 953, Q. 8. Advice to the protestant non-jurors, shewing the danger of ac- knowledging the pretended prince of Wales, for king of England. London, 1702. 958, Q. 5. Vindication of the bill for preventing the translation of bishops. London, 1702. 953, Q. 3. Mock mourners. A satyr, by way of elegy on king William. By the author of the true-born Englishman. 3d edit. London, 1702. 101 802 HISTORY. 053f Q. 4. Saul and Samuel ; or the common interest of our king and coun- try. London, 1702. 953, Q. 5. Exorbitant grants of William the third examined and questioned. 2d edit. London, 1703. 953, Q. 6. Animadversions upon a seditious libel, intituled, " Exorbitant grants of William HI. &c." London, 1703. 606, F. 18. Peace without union, in reply to Sir H M 's peace at home. London, 1703. 606, F. 19. Letter from the protestants in the Sevennes, now under affliction, to the protestant refugees. London, 1703. 958, Q. 16. Word to the wise concerning penal laws and tests in matters of religion. London, 1703. 953, Q. 9. Relation of the late dreadful tempest. London, 1704. Gift of Zachariah Poulson. 958, Q. 21. Advice from the scandal club, for November, 1704, and January, 1705. London. 958, Q. 22. Review of the affairs of France and of all Europe. London, 1705. 958, Q,. 26. Letter to a newly elected member of parliament concerning occa- sional conformity, &c. London, 1705. 606, F. 28. Country parson's advice to the lord keeper. 1705. 606, F. 29. Will of Benjamin Dod, citizen of London. 1706. 606, F. 32. Narrative of a miraculous cure of a decrepid maid, on a new-year's day, 1705-6, by faith, prayer, and anointing with oil. 606, F. 33. Lord Haversham's speech in the house of peers, Nov. 19, 1707. 606, F. 34. Russian merchants' complaints against admiral Whetston's con- duct. December, 1707. 606, F. 35. Last words of William Parry, who suffered death for endeavour- ing to depose the queen. 8646, O. 5. The dispensarians are the patriots of Great Britain. London, 1708. 3665, O. 1. Prussian memorial, proving France's faith is an arrant fraud. London, 1709. 958, a. 13. Review of the state of the British nation, November 10, 1710. London, 1709. 958, Q,. 14. Athenian news, or Dunton's oracle. London, 1709. 968, Q,. 15. Absalom and Achitophel. A poem, by Dryden. London, 1709. 1710 TO 1720. 958, Q,. 23. Remarks respecting the case of the Rev. Mr. Greenshields. Lon- don, 1710. 606, F. 39. Reasons humbly offered to parliament for passing the bill for set- ting the assize of bread. London, 1710. 606, F. 40. Several papers addressed to the electors of members to parlia- ment. London, 1710. 606, F. 41. Letter to the earl of Oxford, on the advantages of the South-sea trade. London, 1711. 943, O. 17. Review of the state of the nation. March 11, 1711. 943, 16, & 958, Q,. 17. Reasons which induced the queen to create Robert Harley, Esq. a peer of Great Britain. London, 1711. 2863, O. 3. A letter concerning the late Minehead doctrine which was esta- blished by a certain free parliament of Sweden, to the utter enslaving of that kingdom. By G. Benson. 10th edit. London, 1711. 2S03, 0. 6. The Dutch better friends than the French, to the monarchy, church, and trade of England. 3d edit. London, 1713. 214, 4t 2863, O. 7. Barrier-treaty vindicated. 2d edit. London, 1712. 2863,0.8. Answer to the cavils against the barrier-treaty of 1709; with] the articles of the new treaty that relate to the Hanover succession. Lon-i don, 1713. BRITISH PQLITICS. S03 2863, O. 9. Groans of Europe at the prospect of the present posture of affairs. Translated from the French. London, 1713. 606, F. 45. State of the Bewdley case. London, 1711. 2863, O. 16. Account of a strange and wonderful apparition or ghost, that did appear unto Mistress Brown. London, 1711. 2863, O. 17. Highland visions; or the Scots new prophecy, declaring, in twelve visions, what strange things shall come to pass in the year 1712. Lon- don. Gift of Zachariah Foidson. 606, F. 46. Letter from the Hague to a gentleman in London, May, 23, 1712. 956, Q,. 13. An account of the murder of the duke of Hamilton and Brandon. By T. Mackartney. London, 1712. 95, O. The medleys for the year 1711. To which is prefixed the five whig- examiners. London, 1712. 2863, O. 1. Case of Robert Walpole. London, 1712. 2863, O. 4. Letter from a tory freeholder to his representative in parliament, London, 1712. 2863, O. 5. Historical account of the fair and friendly dealings of the French towards the English for these six hundred years past ; with seasonable reflec- tions. London, 1712. 606, F. 59. Sixty-six news, and other papers, among which are numbers of the spectator ; — The Englishman; — Bill of mortality for 1713 ; — Flying post ; — The English post; — The post-man; — The daily courant; — The tatler; — The protestant post-boy, &c. — printed from July, 1703, to February 10, 1712. Gift of Zachariah Poulson. 2863,0. 11. New proofs by which it appears that the pretender is truly James the third. 3d edit. London, 1713. 2863, O. 12. Certain information of a certain discourse that happened at a certain house, in a certain county. By Thomas Burnett. 4th edit. London, 17J3. 2863, O. 13. John Bull's last will and testament, as it was drawn by a Welsh attorney. London, 1713. 2863, O. 14. Observations upon the state of the nation in January, 1712-3. 2d edit. London, 1713. 606, F. 53. King William's ghost, and ten ballads and songs. 1713 and 1714. 8362, O. Parliamentary right maintained ; or the Hanover succession justi- fied, wherein the hereditary right to the crown of England asserted, &c. is con- sidered. London, 1714. 943, Q,. 18. Letter from a layman in communion with the church of England to the bishop of . London, 1714. 943, Q,. 19. Richard Steele's Englishman; with an epistle concerning whigs, tories, and new converts. London, 1714. 943, Q,. 20. A letter to a member of parliament, concerning the growth of schism. By R. Steele. 2d edit. London, 1714. 607, F. 3. Speech of the earl of Derwentwater, who was beheaded on Tower- hill, for high treason, February 24, 1715-16. 607, F. 4. Vindication of the king's evidence from the misrepresentations set forth in Mr. Gascoigne's paper, delivered to the sheriflf at the place of exe- cution. May 25, 1716. London. 607, F. 5. Several speeches against the bill for repealing the triennial act, as they were spoken in the house of commons, April 24, 1716; with the reasons given by the lords who protested against the said bill. London, 1716. 943, Q,. 21. A letter to a member of parliament, concerning the condemned lords. By Richard Steele. London, 1716. 943, d. 22. King George's welcome to London. London, 1717. Gift of Zachariah Poulson. 607, F, 6. Letters which passed between count Gyllenborg, the barons S04 HISTORY. Gortz, Sparre, and others ; relating to the design of raising a rebellion in his majesty's dominions, to be supported by a force from Sweden. London, 1717. 803, D. 3. Dissertation sur les whigs et les torys par M. D. Rapin Thoyras. A la Haye, 1717. 1591, O. 5. An answer to a libel against lord Archibald Hamilton. London, 1718. 8546, O. 4. An appeal to common sense. London, 1719. 1720 TO 1740. 1844, a. The independent whig, No. 1, to No. 53. London, 1720. 2864, O. 4. Right of sovereigns, with the popular argument of kings de facto, and kings de jure, set at fulliight. London, 1720. 2861, O. 5. Remarks on a paper, entitled " A letter to protestant dissenters, concerning their conduct in the ensuing elections. London, 1722. 2864, O. 6. History of the inhumane slaughters committed by papists upon protestants ; with an account of the massacres of Ireland and Paris, and of the bloody inquisition; intended as a caveat against the pretender. London, 1723. 2864, O. 9. Memoirs of the life of Scriblerus. London, 1723. 2864, O. 10. Apology for father Dominick, chaplain to prince Prettyman, the Catholick. London, 1723. Gift of Zachariah Poulson. 705, O. The true Briton. 2 vols. London, 1723. 146, O. The old whig; or the consistent protestant. 2 vols. London, 1730. 891, O. 1. An address to the electors of Great Britain; occasioned by the secession. London, 1739. 361, O. 3. Observation upon a pamphlet, called, " An English merchant's re- marks." 2d edit. London, 1738. 2104, O. 1 1. Papers relating to the Quaker's tithe-bill. London, 1736. 1740 TO 1750. 1587, 1. & 3665, O. 11. Britain's remembrancer; or, the danger not over. London, 1740. 3665, O. 2. Letter to a certain person on his late promotion. London, 1747. 3665, O. 3. Manchester politics ; or a dialogue between true-blue and whig- love. London, 1748. 3665, O. 4. Letter to George Heathcote, on his resignation, as alderman of London. London, 1749. 3665, O. 5. Letter to Sir John Phillips on the bill to naturalize foreign pro- testants. London, 1747. 3665, O. 7. Stultus versus sapientem, in three letters. London, 1749. 3665, O. 8. Proposal offered to parliament on the increase of popery, &c. London, 1749. 3665, O. 9. Pasquin pasquinaded, or comments on the peace. London, 1749. 1507, O. 2. A review of two pamphlets, one entitled, ** An apology for a late resignation;'* the other, " The resignation discussed, &c." London, 1748. 8626, O. 1. A detection of the principles of the navy bill. London, 1749. 8626, 0. 2. An examination of the principles and conduct of the two brothers. London, 1749. 8626, O. 3. Some thoughts on the constitution. London, 1748. 603, O. 1. An inquiry into the conduct of the two b rs, in regard to the estabKshment of their power, and their prosecution of the war, till the signing the prdiminaries. 2d edit. London, 1749. 603, O. 2. A letter vindicating the conduct of the two b rs. London, 1749. BRITISH POLITICS. 805 603, O. 3. The conduct of the two b rs vindicated ; and the examiner's contradictions and inconsistencies exemplified. London, 1749. 603, O. 4. A second series of facts and arguments, by the author of the in- quiry into the conduct of the two b rs. London, 1749. 603, O. 5. A reply to a pamphlet, entitled, " A second series of facts and " arguments." London, 1749. 603, O. 6. A letter concerning the treaty negociated at Hanau, in 1743, and the manner in which it was rejected. London, 1749. 603, O. 7. A letter from a person of distinction to the Right Honourable J E , of Eg 1. Occasioned by the publication of three pamphlets, respect- ing the conduct of the two b rs. London. 603, O. 8. The trial of J P , Esq., commonly called E of E , the reputed author of a pamphlet entitled " An inquiry into the conduct of the two b rs. London. 603, O. 9. The finesse of rantum scantura ; being a dialogue betwixt Tom and Harry. London, 1748. 603, O. 10. The conspirators ; a tragic comic opera. As it was acted in Eng- land and Ireland, without applause. Carrie kfergus, 1749. 603, O. 11. The tale of two tubs; or the b rs in querpo. London, 1749. 8626, O. 5. An attempt to prove that no time is more proper than the present for a reformation. London, 1749. 1750 TO 1760. 891, O. 4. Reflections on the expediency of a law for the naturalization of foreign protestants. By Josiah Tucker, D. D. London, 1751. 437, D. A cordial for low spirits ; being a collection of valuable tracts. By Thomas Gordon. 2d edit. London, 1751. 798, O. 4. The necessity for a well-regulated and able-bodied nightly watch, for the preservation of the city of London. London, 1752. 1983, O. 10. Exposition of the motives which determined the king of Prussia to lay an attachment upon the funds which he had promised to reimburse to Great Britain. London, 1752. 565, O. 3. Reflections upon the present state of affairs, at home and abroad. In a letter from a member of parliament. London, 1755. 801, O. 2. A letter to the gentlemen of the common council. London, 1756. 801, 0. 3. Postlethwayt on the importance of the African expedition. London, 1758. 2779, O. Free-holder ; or political essays. By Joseph Addison. London, 1758. 417, & 422, D. The same. 7th edit. 2 vols. London, 1746. 42 1 , D. Characteristics of the present political state of Great Britain. 2d edit. London, 1758. 8626, O. 4. The case of the five millions fairly stated. London, 1758. 160, Q,. 3. A discourse on the conduct of the government of Great Britain, in respect to neutred nations, during the present war. 2d edit London, 1759. 1760 TO 1770. 8626, O. 6. Remarks on the letter addressed to two great men. London, 1760. 8626, O. 7. Considerations on the present German war. London, 1760. 8626, O. 8. A full and candid answer to considerations, &c. London, 1760. 1005, O. The North Briton, from number one to number forty-six, inclusive; with explanatory notes. By a friend to ci\il and religious liberty. London, 1764. 94, & 1587, 5. & 5292, D. The same. 1762—1769. 49, Gt The spiritual and temporal liberty of subjects in Elngland. By An- thony Ellis. London, 1765. 1014, O. 3. An essay on the constitution of England. 2d edit. London, 1766. 806 HISTORY. 3123, O. 2. The conduct of the late administration examined ; with an appen- dix, containing original and authentic documents. London, 1767. P. 1577, O. 4. An examination of the principles of William Pitt. London, 1766. 1577, 6. & 1989, O. 9. The Englishman deceived; wherein some important secrets of state are recited. London, 1768. 1577, O. 6. The present state of the nation ; particularly with respect to its trade, finances, Ac With an appendix. London, 1768. 1577, O. 7. Remarks on the appendix to " The present state of the nation.'* London, 1769. 6271, D. Sermons to asses. By J. Murray. London, 1768. 1770 TO 1780. 1061, O. 1. Thoughts on the late transactions respecting Falkland's islands. 2d edit London, 1771. 1061, O. 2. & 1587. 6. The false alarm. London, 1770. 1773, O. 3. The crisis ; in answer to the false alarm. London, 1770. 1061, O. 3. Thoughts on the cause of the present discontents. 4th edit. Lon- don, 1770. 1061, O. 4. Observations on a pamphlet, entitled " Thoughts on the cause of the present discontents." By Mrs. C. Macauley. 5th edit. London, 1770. 3792,0. The letters of Junius; with notes and illustrations, by Robert Heron. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1804. 636, & 5249, D. The letters of Junius. London, 1797. 5484, D. The letters of Junius. London, 1806. 4398, O. Junius ; including letters by the same writer under other signa- tures, (now first collected,) to which are added, his confidential correspondence with Mr. Wilkes, and his private letters addressed to Mr. H. S. Woodfall : with a preliminary essay, notes, fac-similes, &c. 2 vqIs. Philadelphia, 1813. 4571, O. The same. 3 vols. London, 1813. 1587, O. 7. The king's answer to Junius. Philadelphia, 1771. 4572, O. 2. An inquiry concerning the author of the letters of Junius. By Richard Glover. London, 1814. 4572, O. 3. The life of the author of the letters of Junius, the Rev. James Wil- mat, D. D. By his niece, Olivia W. Serres. London, 1813. 4833, O. Letters to a nobleman, proving a late prime minister (the duke of Portland,) to have been Junius ; and developing the secret motives which in- duced him to write under that and other signatures. London, 1816. 5166, O. The identity of Junius with a distinguished living character, (Sir Philip Francis,) established, including the supplement ; consisting of fac-similes of hand-writing, and other illustrations. New York, 1818. 6052, O. A critical inquiry regarding the real author of the letters of Junius, proving them to have been written by lord viscount Sackville. By George Coventry. London, 1825. 3252, D. Junius unmasked; or lord George Sackville proved to be Junius. With an appendix. Boston, 1 828. 464, Q. 6. A soliloquy. Printed in the year 1770. 281, Q. Political essays concerning the present state of the British empire. London, 1772. 1265, O. Baratariana ; or a collection of political pieces, published during the administration of lord Townsend in Ireland ; with plates. 2d edit. Dublin, 1773. Gift of John Dean, 312, Q. 3. A letter to those ladies whose husbands possess a seat in either houte of parliament. London, 1775. 1188, 7. &- 1982, O. 13. An address to the protestant dissenters of all deno- minations, on the approaching election of members of parliament. London, 1774. 2273, Q. 8. An address to the people of Great Britain and Ireland on the pre- •ent important criiis of aAirs. By Catharine Macauley. London, 1776. BRITISH POLITICS. 807 1573, 15. 2384, 5. & 3742, O. 5. Anticipation; containing the substance of his majesty's speech to both houses ; and the debates in parliament. 6th edit. Philadelphia, 1779. 1573, O. 17. De Sartine's green box. Translated from the French. 5th edit. London, 1779. 8590, O. 1. The present state of the nation. London, 1779. For tracts and pamphlets on the American revolution, vide American po- litics. 1780 TO 1790. 718, D. Letters to the earl of Carlisle, on various political subjects ; with a fifth letter on population. By William Eden, Esq. 3d edit. London, 1780. 1279, 3. ?onardi Agostini. Lione, 1697. P. /'aw/, IISO, Q. •• quarrells of pope Paul V. with the state of Venice. B^ \ 11 pi. London, 1626. P. Pm^ 5687, O. I ative of the political and military events whicli took plart '" 1820; with observations. By Gen. William Pepe. war London, 1821. Perdvai^ (JOiO, i*. i >" ...-lory of Italy, from the fall of the western empire to the oommencement of the wars of the French revolution. By George Pferdval, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1823. PigmoUi, 5718, O. The history of Tuscany, interspersed with essays. By Lorenzo Pignotti. Translated from the Italian, with the life of the author, by John Browning. 4 vols. London, 1823. Peyrant 6227, O. An historical defence of the Waldenses or Vaudois, inhabit- ants of the valleys of Piedmont. By Jean R. Peyran. With an intro- duction and appendixes, by the Rev. Thomas Sims, M. A. London, 1826. Pezzo, 3357, O. 3. Dei Cimbri Veronesi, e Vincentini, libri due di Marco Pezzo P. Veroneze. Terza edizione. Veronae, 1763. P. Planta, 876, Q,. Planta's history of the Helvetic confederacy. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1800. 6616, O. 2. A view of the restoration of the Helvetic confederacy, being a sequel to the history of that republic. By Joseph Planta, Esq. Lon- don, 1821. PotUano, 1630, D. 1. Le guerre di Napoli, di Giovan Govano Pontano, nova- mente di Latino in lingua Italiana tradotte. Venetia, 1544. P. Saint Didier^ 1594, D. La ville et la republique de Venize. Par de Saint Didier. Paris, 1680. P. St. Realt 4834, D. The history of the conspiracy of the Spaniards against the republic of Venice, in the year 1618. Translated from the French of the abbot de St. Real. Glasgow, 1747. Saini Marc, 1061, D. Abrege chronologique de I'histoire generale d'ltalie, de^ puis la chute de Terapire Romain en Occident, c'est a dire depuis Tan 476 de I'ere Chreti^ne, jusqu'au traite d'Aix-la-chapelle en 1748. Par Nf. de Saint Marc. 6 tomes. A Paris, 1770. Gift of Joseph Parker Norri8. Scheuchzerus, 1217, Q. Johannis Jacobi Scheuchzeri Helvetius sive itinera Alpina. Londini, 1708. P. Sismondh 8763, O. Histoire des republiques Italiennes du moyen age. Par J. C. L. Simonde de Sismondi. Seconde editione Parisienne. Tom. 16. A Paris, 1818. 6228, O. History of the crusades against the Albigenses, in the 13th century. From the French of J. C. L. Simonde de Sismondi. With an introductory essay by the translator. London, 1826. • 436.5, 4366, &, 4357, D. A history of the Italian republics ; being a x-iew of the rise, progress, and fall of Italian freedom. By J. C. L. de ^^ Klsmondi. Philadelphia, 1832. f^on, UIO. K. The history of the city and state of Geneva, from its first foun- daUon to the present time. By Isaac Spon. London, 1687. B48. F. The same. P, Sumonte, \ri9, a G. Antonio Sumonte historia della citta e regno di Napoli. . TiMni trejt in duo. Napoli, 1601. SuihiHoiid, 4153. D. The achievements of the knights of Malta. By Alex. Sutberland. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1830. I I FRANCE. 827 Tenhove, 794, Q,. Memoirs of the house of Medici, from its origin to the death of Francesco, the second grand duke of Tuscany, and of the great men who flourished in Tuscany within that period. Translated from the French of M, Tenhove, with notes. By Sir Richard Clayton. 2 vols. Bath, 1797. VarillaSj Dt, 1661, D. Le Sieur de Varillas anecdotes de Florence, ou I'histoire secrete de la maison de Medicis. La Haye, 1685. P. Wilkinson, 2008, & 4944, D. An epitome of the history of Malta and Gozo. By Charles Wilkinson. London, 1804. Wood, 2648, & 8093, O. A general view of the history of Switzerland ; with a particular account of the origin and accomplishment of the late Swiss revolution. By John Wood. Edinburgh, 1799. Zschokke, 3028, & 7545, O. The history of the invasion of Switzerland by the French, and the destruction of the democratical republics of Schwitz, Uri, and Unterwalden. By Henry Zschokke. Translated from the French of T. B. Briatte. London, 1802. ' 5831, D. The history of Switzerland, from its origin to the present time. From the German of Heinrich Zschokke. London, 1834. 1595, 0. 1. La verite, ode a M. de Voltaire, suivie d'une dissertation historique et critique sur le gouvernement de Geneve et ses revolutions. A Londres, 1765. 3964, D. 4. Het edel mojende collegie ter admiraliteit resideerende binnen Amsterdam; naam-register, &c. &c. t' Amsterdam, 1782. 5590, D. The history of Switzerland, from B. C. 110, to A. D. 1830. Phila- delphia, 1832. 9142, O. 4. Authentic history of the origin and progress of the late revolution in Geneva. Philadelphia, 1794. 2598, O. 2. A rapid view of the overthrow of Switzerland. By an eye-wit- ness. Translated from the French. London, 1798. 936, D. De principatibus Italiae tractatus varii. Lugduni Batavorum, 1627. L. 5868, O. Venice under the yoke of France and of Austria ; with memoirs of the courts, governments, and people of Italy. By a lady of rank. 2 vols. London, 1824. 315, & 1280, D. The history of the revolutions of Genoa, from its establish- ment to the conclusion of the peace in 1748. 3 vols. London, 1751. 4248, D. Sketches from Venetian history. 2 vols. London, 1831. 938, D. Helvetiorum respublica. Diversis auctoribus. Lugd. Batav. 1627. L. HISTORY OF FRANCE. Adams, 2079, O. An impartial history of the revolution in France, from its commencement to the death of the queen and the execution of the deputies of the Gironde party. By the Rev. John Adams. 2 vols. London, 1794. Adolphus, 2527, 2735, & 2795, O. Biographical memoirs of the French revo- lution. By John Adolphus. 2 vols. London, 1799. No. 2795. Gift of Joseph Dennie. ' 3015, O. History of France, from the year 1790 to the peace, con- cluded at Amiens in 1802. By John Adolphus. 2 vols. London, 1803. Mmilius, 1714, O. Pauli ^milii Veronensis de rebus gestis Francorum, libri X. Chronicon de iisdem regibus, a Pharamundo usque ad Henricum II. Parisiis, 1548. L. Anquetil, 6572, O. Memoirs of the court of France, during the reign of Lewis XIV. and the regency of the duke of Orleans. By M, Anquetil. Translated from the French. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1791. M. S28 HISTORY. ^nroulime, 8830, O. Royal memoirs of the French revolution; containing a narrative of the journey of Louis XVI. and his family to Varennes ; a narrativeofa journey to Bnixelles and Coblentz, in 1791, by Louis X Vm ; private memoirs of what passed in the temple. By the duchess of Angouleme. London, 1823. Jfngtn, JT, (»4, Q. 18. Harangue faite a la Reine, a Fontainebleau le 10 Sep- tcmbre,1726. Par Monseigneur L'Eveque D'Angers. A Paris, 1725. Betmehampf De, 4702, O. An authentic narrative of the invasion of France in 1814. By M. De Beauchamp. 2 vols. London, 1815. ___. 4760, 0. 4. Authentic narrative of the campaign of 181 5. By an officer of the French army ; forming a sequel to Beauchamp's his- tory. London, 1815. Btckford, 2164, 6776, & 7555, O. The history of France, from the most early records to the death of Louis XVI. The ancient part by William Beckford, Esq. The modern part by an English gentleman, some time resident in Paris. Plates. Vols. 1, 2 & 3. London, 1794. BiUt 7276, O. The history of the first revolution in France ; comprising the period from 1787 to 1802. By John Bell, Esq. London, 1831. Bmoiti 1204, Q. History of the famous edict of Nantes, containing an account of all the persecutions that have been in France. Translated from the French of the Abbe Benoit. 2 vols. London, 1694. F. BenstvaU 9156, O. Memoires de M. le Baron Benseval, Lt. Gen. des armees du roi, &c. ; contenant d'anecdotes sur la cour et sur les Evenemens da Temps, &c. 3 vols. A Paris, 1805. Berthre, 3756, & 8492, O. An historical sketch of the civil war in the Vendee, from its origin to the peace concluded at La Jannaie. Translated from the French of P. Y. I. Berthre De Bournisseaux, (of Thonan.) Paris, 1802. Bertrand, 2869, 0. Bertrand de Moleville's annals of the French revolution ; or a chronological account of its principal events ; with a variety of anec- dotes and characters. Translated from the French, by R. C. Dallas. 4 vols. London, 1800. 2354, & 7914, O. Private memoirs relative to the last year of the reign of Lewis the sixteenth, late king of France. Translated from the French of Bertrand de Moleville. 3 vols. London, 1797. 3145, O. The same. P. Bigland, 2703, D. Letters on French history, for the use of schools. By J. Bigland. London, 1819. BotiUle, De, 2456, O. Memoirs of the French revolution. By the marquis De Bouille. Translated from the French. London, 1797. Botdainvillierst 81, O. Boulainvilliers' historical account of the ancient parlia- ments of France, or states general of the kingdom, and chronological abridgment of the history of France, under the reign of the kings of the first race. Translated from the French, by Charles Forman. 2 vols. London, 1739. Boyee, 4739, O. The second usurpation of Bonaparte; or a history of the causes, progress, and termination of the revolution in France, in 1816; particularly comprising a minute and circumstantial account of the victory of Waterloo. By Edmund Boyce. With maps, plates, &e. 2 vols. London, 1816. Bmtot, 1979, & 1981, O. 2. Discours sur la rarete de numeraire, et sur les inoyens d'y remedier. Par J. P. Brissot de WarviUe. A Paris, 1790. — — 1979, O. 8. Lettre de J. P. Brissot A. M. Barnave. A Paris, 1790. 2061, O. 1. Brissot, deputy of Eure and Loire, to his constituents. ft-— J'^"^"*'^^**^ ^r'^m the French. 2d edit. London, 1794. Broea, Du^ 1418, & 4899, D. Interesting anecdotes of the heroic conduct of women, during the French revolution. Translated from the French ofM. du Broca. Baltimore, 1804. FRANCE. 829 Biirke, 1888, O. Reflections on the revolution in France, and on the proceed- ings in certain societies in London, relative to that event. By Edmund Burke. 6th edit. London, 1790. Cameron, 2981, O. Review of the French revolution; with inferences respect- ing men and manners in all ranks of society ; and the moral improve- ment of peace. By Duncan Cameron. Edinburgh, 1802. Calonne, De, 3141, O. Considerations on the present and future state of France. Translated from the French of M. de Calonne. London, 1791. P. Caracioli, 2273, Q,. 1 1 . Lettre de M. le marquis de Caracioli a M. d'Alembert, (sur M. Necker.) A Paris, 1781. Carnofy 2707, O. 1. A reply to the report made on the conspiracy of the 18th of Fructidor, 5th year, by J. Ch. Bailleul, in the name of the select committee. By L. M. N. Carnot. 2d edit. London, 1799. Castellane, 1982, O. 7. De Castellane's opinion on the declaration of rights, delivered on the 1st of August, 1789, in the French national assembly. London. Chaloriy 755, O. The history of France, from the establishment of that monar- chy, under Pharamond, to the death of Lewis the thirteenth. By M. Chalon. 2 vols. London, 1752. Chateaubriand, 4899, O. The monarchy, according to the charter. By the viscount de Chateaubriand. London, 1816. '- 4900, O. Of Bonaparte and the Bourbons, and of the necessity of rallying round our legitimate princes, for the happiness of France, and that of Europe. By F. A. de Chateaubriand. London, 1814. Christie, 1899, & 2260, O. Letters on the revolution of France, and on the new constitution established by the national assembly ; occasioned by the publications of Edmund Burke and Alexander de Calonne; with a chart of the new constitution, and original papers relative to the affairs of France. By Thomas Christie. London, 1791. No. 2260, Gift of C. R Volney. Claviere, 1979, O. 4. Reflexions addressees a I'assemble nationale. Par M. Claviere. Paris, 1790. Comber, 4578, O. The histoiy of the Parisian massacre. By the Rev. Thomas Comber. London, 1810. Commines, 909, F. Historie of Philip de Commines, knight, lord of Argenton. By Thomas Danett. London, 1614. F. 107, O. Memoirs of Philip de Commines; containing the history of Europe for almost half the fifl;eenth century, particularly the reigns of Lewis the eleventh of France, and Edward the fourth and Henry the seventh of England. Translated from the French into English ; with remarks on all the occurrences relating to England, by Mr. Uvedale. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1723. Crowe, 4221, &. 4237, D. The cabinet history. Conducted by the Rev. Dio- nisius Lardner. History of France. By Eyre Evans Crowe. 2 vols. Philadelphia and London, 1831. dishing, 5796, D. Review, historical and political, of the late revolution in France, and of the consequent events in Belgium, Poland, Great Bri- tain, and other parts of Europe. By Caleb Cushing. 2 vols. Boston, 1833. Dangeau, 6032, O. Memoirs of the court of France, from the year 1 684 to 1720. Now first translated from the diary of the marquis de Dan- geau, with historical and critical notes. By John Davenport. 2 vols. London, 1825. Daniel, 209, O. The history of France, from the time the French monarchy was established in Gaul to the death of Lewis the fourteenth. By Gabriel Daniel. Translated from French into English. 5 vols. Lon- don, 1726. 830 HISTORY. D&M «370, dt 8188, O. The history of the campaigns of general Pichegru, from March, 1794, to March, 1795 ; with memoirs of generals Piche- gru, Jourdan, Moreaii, Macdonald, &c. By Citizen David. Trans- lated from the French. London, 1796. Ikmkk 148, ^ 144, ^ Da Vila's history of the civil wars in France, during the reigns of Francis the second, Charles the ninth, Henry the third, and Henry the fourth. Translated from the Italian, by Ellis Fame- worth. 2 vols. London, 1758. DeUmdbu^ 6255, O. A narrative of the operations of the royalist armies in the interior of France, in 1815. By M. Delandine de St. Esprit. Trans- lated by James Teissier, Esq. London, 1819. Dtklandei^ 534, O. An essay on maritime power and commerce ; particularly those of France. By Monsieur Deslandes. London, 1743. DemwutlinM, 8611, O. 4. The history of the Brissotins. By C. Desniouslins. Dublin, 1794. Dttnite^ 5987, D. Essai sur Thistoire generale de Picardie jusqu'au regne le Louis XIV. Par M. Deverite. 2 tom. A Abbeville, 1790. DiUon, 698, Q.. Memoirs of the general revolution in France, in the year 1789 ; from the opening of the states general, on the 25th of April, till the framing of the constitution, on the sixth of August following. By John Talbot Dillon. London, 1790. Dodington, 906, F. A translation of the history of the government of Finance under the administration of the great Arraand du Plessis and duke Richelieu. By John Dodington. London, 1657. F. Dudos, 6623, O. The history of Lewis XI. king of France. By M. Duclos. Translated from the French original, 2 vols. London, 1764. M. Dumouriez, 2342, 2. e, 903, D. Histoire de France avant Clovis. Par le Sr. De Meze- ray. A Amsterdam, 1796. L. 905, D. Abrege chronologique de 1' histoire de France. Par le Sr. De Mezeray en six tomes. A Amsterdam, 1673. L. 217, F. Mezeray's general chronological history of France ; be- ginning before the reign of king Pharamond, and ending with the reign of king Henry the fourth. Translated by John Bulteel. London, 1683. MigntU 6215, O. History of the French revolution, from 1789 to 1814. By A. F. Mignet. 2 vols. London, 1826. BBnAeou, 6323, O. 2. De la Caisse d'Escompte. Par M. le Comte de Mirabeau. Avec pieces justificatives ou accessoires. Paris, 1785. Gift of George Fox, Esq. MoorCt 2150, O. A view of the causes and progress of the French revolution. By John Moore. 2 vols. London, 1795. Money J 2135, O. 1. Money's history of the campaign of 1792, between the ar- mies of France, under general Dumouriez, &c. and the allies, under the duke of Brunswick ; with an account of what passed in the Thiul- leries on the 10th of August. London, 1794. Montfaucon, Z)e, 71 1, F. Bernard De Montfaucon monuments de la monarchie, qui comprennent I'histoire de la France, avec les figures de chaque regne, que I'injure des temps ont epargne. 5 tom. Paris, 1729. F, Montgaillard, 2128, O. 1. Count de Montgaillard's account of the state of France in May, 1794 ; wkh notes. In two parts. Translated from the French, by Joshua Lucock Wilkinson. London, 1794. 4869, O. 4. Continuation of the state of France. By the Count de MontgaUlard. DubUn, 1794. Gift of P. Byrne. Montjoyey 2363, O. The history of the conspiracy of Maximilian Robespierre. By M. Montjoye. Translated from the French. London, 1796. Mofutrelety 4417, O. The chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet, containing an account of the cruel civil wars between the houses of Orleans and Burgundy, and other memorable events, beginning at the year MCCCC, and continued to the year MDXVI. Translated by Thomas Johnnes, Esq. 13 vols. London, 1810. MontlotitTt 9213, O. De la monarchie Fran^aise depuis son etablissement jus- qu'a nos jours ; avec un supplement sur le gouvernemente de Buona- parte, et sur le retour de la maison de Bourbon. Par M. le Comte de MonUosler. 3 torn. A Paris, 1814. Btoumett 2891, O. Mounier on the influence attributed to philosophers, free- magons, and to the illuminati, in the revolution of France. Translated from the French. By J. Walker. London, 1801. NapoUarit W30, O. Memoirs of the history of France, during the reign of Na- poleoo, dictated by the emperor at St. Helena, to general Gorgaud ; from the original manuscripts, corrected by himself 8 vols. Lou- don, 1823. PRANCE. 833 XapaleoUi 5731, O. Memoirs of the history of France during the reign of Na- poleon, dictated by the emperor at St. Helena, corrected by himself. Historical miscellanies, dictated to count Montholon. Vol. l&r. Lon- don, 1823. Neckerj 3143, O. Historical review of the administration of Mr. Necker. Writ- ten by himself. Translated from the French. London, 1791. P, • 6934, O. Memoires de M. Necker, au roi, sur Testablissement des ad- ministrations provinciales, comte rendu au roi, &c. Portrait. A Paris, 1785. 2433, O. On the French revolution. By Mr. Necker. Translated from the French. 2 vols. London, 1797. ■ 1157, Q,. 6. Compte rendu au roi. Par Mr. Necker, directeur general des finances, aumois de Janvier, 1781. Re-imprime a Londres, 1781. Avec des gravures. P. Orleans, 5901, O. Secret memoirs of the court of Louis XIV. and of the re- gency. Extracted from the German correspondence of the Duchess of Orleans ; preceded by a notice of this princess, and notes. London, 1824. 1952, 0. 5. Memoire a consulter et consultation pour M. Louis-Philippe Joseph D'Orleans. 1790. Pages, Be, 2435, O. The secret history of the French revolution, from the con- vocation of the notables in 1787, to the first of November, 1796. By M. De Pages. Translated from the French. 2 vols. London, 1797. Pau, Du, 2075, O. 2. Considerations on the nature of the French revolution ; and on the causes which prolong its duration. By M. Du Pau. Trans- lated from the French. London, 1793. Peltier, 2526, O. A picture of Paris ; or a faithful narrative of the revolution of August 10th; of the causes which produced the events which pre- ceded, and the crimes which followed it. By M. Peltier. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1793. Prefore, De, 1776, D. Histoire du roy Henri le grand. Par Hardouin de Pre- fore. Amsterdam, 1661. P, Priolo, 1735, O. Priolo's history of France under the ministry of Cardinal Mazarine, from 1643 to 1664. Translated from the Latin into Eng- lish, by Christopher Wase. London, 1671. L, Puisaye, 4104, O. Memoires du comte Joseph de Puisaye, It. gen. qui pour- ront servir a I'histoire du parti royaliste Francois durante la derniere revolution. 7 tomes. A Londres, 1803 — 1808. Rahaut, 2023, O. History of the revolutions in France. Translated from the French of P. Rabaut. By James White. 2d edit. London, 1793. 4912, D. The same. 2 vols. New York, 1794. 1982, O. 6. Address to the people of England. By M. Rabaut. Lon- don. Ranken, 2805, O. The history of France, from the time of its conquest, A. D. 486. By the Rev. Alexander Ranken. 2 vols. London, 1801. Rocca, De, 4700, O. Memoirs of the wars of the French in Spain, by M. de Rocca, knight of the legion of honour. Translated from the French, by Maria Graham. London, 1815. Rouvray, 9145, O. 7. Rapport presente au roi le 15 Aout, 1815 attribue a M. le due d'Otranto refute par M. Gueau de Reverreaux de Rouvray. Paris, 1815. Rutlige, 6004, D. 2. Essai sur le caractere et les moeurs des Francois, com- parees a celles des Anglais. Par le chevalier de Rutlige. A Londres, 1776. Sarrans, 5647, D. Lafayette, Louis-PhUippe, and the revolution of 1830; or history of the events and the men of July. By B. Sarrans, jun., aide- 105 834 HISTORY. de-camp to Lafeyette. Translated from the French. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1^:^2 Sami Just, 212U, O. l . Report to the committee of public safety at Paris, in the month of May, 1794, on the subject of expenses incurred with the neutral powers. By M. Saint Just. Translated from the French. London, 1794. Sajnnmtd^ 8076, D. Historical memoirs of La Vendee. By Madame de Sa- pinaud. London, 1824. SomerviUe, 5758, O. Letters from Paris, on the causes and consequences of the French revolution. By Wm. C. Somerville. Baltimore, 1822. Sottiavie, 2814, O. Historical and political memoirs of the reign of Lewis XVI. from his marriage to his death. Translated from the French of M. Soulavie. With plates. 6 vols. London, 1802. 4301, O. Historical memoirs and anecdotes of the court of France, during the favour of Madame de Pompadour, from the original papers preserved in the port folio of Madame la marechale D * * * *. By J. Soulavie, the elder. London, 1811. St(ulj 5132, 5165, & 5192, O. Considerations on the principal events of the French revolution : posthumous work of the baroness de Stael. Edited by the duke de Broglio and the baron de Stael. Translated from the original French. 3 vols. London, 1818. 7657, The same. 2 vols. New York, 1818.. Street J 2 1 52, O. The history of the reign of Lewis the sixteenth, king of France. By Thomas George Street. London, 1795. Talma, 2253, O. A chronological account of the events of the French revolu- tion, from the opening of the general states in May, 1789, to the death of the dauphin, in June, 1795. By J. Talma. 2d edit. London. TTiiers, 6096, O. The history of the French revolution. From the French of A. Thiers and F. Bodin. 3 vols. London, 1825. Torcy, 185, & 8200, O. Memoirs of the marquis de Torcy ; containing the history of the negociations, from the treaty of Ryswick to the peace of Utrecht. Translated from the French. 2 vols. London, 1757. Tumbull, 7205, O. The French revolution of 1830 ; the events which produced it, and the scenes by which it was accompanied. By D. Turnbull. Esq. London, 1830. Varillas, 1712, D. Histoire de Charles IX. Par le Sieur Varillas. 2 tomes. Cologne, 1684. VeUey, 1070, O. Velley's history of France, from the foundation of the mon- archy to the reign of Lewis the fourteenth. Translated from the French, by Thomas Nugent. London, 1769. Vertot, 16, O. The critical history of the establishment of the Bretons among the Gauls. Translated from the French of M. Vertot, by John Henley. 2 vols. London, 1722. Vtlale, 2232, O. 2. Causes secretes de la revolution du 9 & 10 Thermidor. Par Vilate. A Londres. Voltaire, 320, O. The age of Lewis the fourteenth. Translated from the French of M. de Voltaire. London, 1752. — ^ 3449, O, & 1668, D. The same. 2 vols. London, 1770. P. H'aUh, 4058, 2. & 7649, O. A letter on the genius and disposition of the French government ; including a view of the taxation of the French empire ; addressed to a friend, by an American recently returned from Europe. (R. Walsh, jun.) Philadelphia, 1810. frUiiam$, 2969, O. The political and confidential correspondence of Lewis the •Irteenth ; with observations on each letter. By Helen Maria Wil- liam*. 3 voU. London, 1803. — ^— 6262, O. Letters on the events which have passed in France, since the restoration in 1815. By Helen Maria Williams. London, 1819. FRANCE. 835 Wbllstonecraftj 2151, O. An historical and moral view of the origin and pro- gress of the French revolution; and the effect it has produced in Europe. By Mary Wollstonecraft. London, 1794. Wraxall, 707, Q,. The history of France, from the accession of Henry the third, to the death of Louis the fourteenth ; preceded by a view of the civil, military, and political state of Europe, between the middle and the close of the sixteenth century. By Nathaniel William Wraxall. 3 vols. London, 1795. 1224, O. Memoirs of the kings of France of the race of Valois, from the year 1364 to 1574 ; with a tour through the western, southern, and interior provinces of France. By Nathaniel William Wraxall. 2 vols. London, 1777. — ■' 1421, O. Memoirs of the kings of France of the race of Valois, from the year 1364 to 1574. By Nathaniel William Wraxall. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1785. 606, F. 31. Speech made to the French king, at Versailles, the 23d of March, 1706-7, by the cardinal de Noaille. 1707. 997, F. The history of France, the first four books. London, 1695. Gift of David Gallaher. 939, Q. 34. Declaration of the confederate princes and states against Lewis the XIV th, king of France and Navarre, delivered at Versailles, July 15, 1689. Translated from the French. London, 1689. 634, Q,. 20. Mandement de I'archevesque prince d'Embrun. 1730. 634, Q,. 21. Arret rendu au consul d'estate du roy. 1731. 957, Q,. 2. Declaration of the confederate princes and states against Lewis the fourteenth, delivered at Versailles, July 15, 1689. Translated from the French. London, 1689. 590, O. Memoirs of the regency of the late duke of Orleans, during the mi- nority of Lewis the fifteenth ; containing the public treaties and principal mat- ters of the court of France ; with the remarkable events of the several courts of Europe during his administration. London, 1732. 1887, • ral historie of Spaine; containing all the memora- ble things tiiat have passed in the realmes of Castille, Leon, Navarre, Anragon, Portugall, Granado, &c. Written in French. By Lewis Mayeme Turquet. Translated into English, and continued, by Ed- ward Grimestone, Esq. London, 1612. Vmigfutn, 8980, 0. 2. Narrative of the siege of Zarragossa. By C. R. Vaughan. 6th edit London, 1809. Fertott 179, 1697, & 8388, O. Vertot's history of the revolutions in Spain, from the first foundation of the monarchy to the accession of Lewis the first ; with a history of the late war. Translated from the French, by Mr. Morgan. 5 vols. London, 1724. No, 1597 gift of Samuel Coaiet. 4931, D. Revolutions de Portugal. Par M. I'Abbe de Vertot. Paris, 1773. 407, O. The history of the revolutions of Portugal. By the Abbe Vertot. 5th edit. London, 1754. 1472, D. 6. Abbot de Vertot's revolutions of Portugal. Translated from the French. London, 1721. P. Jfaltony 9193, O. Spain! or, who is the lawful successor to the throne! By William Walton. 1834. Wat9on, 6744, & 7924, O. The history of the reign of Philip the second and of Philip the third, kings of Spain. The first four books by Robert Wat- son, LL. D. The two last by William Thomson, LL. D. 2 vols. New York, 1818. 343, a The same. 3 vols. London, 1778—1783. 267, O. The complete history of the affairs of Spain, from the first treaty of partition to the present time ; containing the actions of queen Anne and her allies in Spain, the Netherlands, Italy, &c. to secure to Spain the house of Aus- tria. London, 1709. Gift of John Sober. 3941, O. The intrigues of the queen of Spain with the prince of peace and others. By a Spanish nobleman and patriot. London, 1808. 4033, O. 7. An exact and impartial account of the most important events which have occurred in Aranjuez, Madrid, and Bayonne, from the seventeenth of MardbNOntil the fifteenth of May, 1808. Written in Madrid, and translated In this city. New York, 1808. 4916, O. 2. Some documents respecting the history of the late events in BpBiiL London, 1815. ^6361, 0. 1. Memoirs of the early campaigns of the duke of Wellington in Portugal and Spain. By an officer. London, 1820. •Wit O. Letters from Portugal, Spain, and France, during the memorable campaigns of 181 1, 12, and 13; and from Belgium and France, in 1815. By an olncer. London, 1819. ^^?^* ^' ^ historical view of the revolutions of Portugal, since the close ofUie peninsular war; exhibiting a full account of the events which have led to theprwent state of that country. By an eye-witness. London, 1827. rnH^ r ^'r}^i„J^^ ^* ^^® legitimate king of Portugal? By a Portuguese. ^iyitffJ' C. EUreth, Esq. f5S' R' "»«t^ry of Spain and Portugal. 4 vols. London, 1832. »4M, D. The same. 2 voU. Philadelphia, 1832. OTTOMAN EMPIRE. 841 3106, D. The subaltern ; or sketches of the peninsular war, during the cam- paigns of 1813 — 1814. By an eye-witness. New York, 1825. 3980, O. 3. Political, commercial, and statistical sketches of the Spanish tmpire in both Indies; and a view of the question between Spain and the United States respecting Louisiana and the Floridas ; with the claims of Great Iliitain, as founded on treaty, to the navigation of the Mississippi. London, 1S09. HISTORY OF THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE. Cantemir, 185, F. The history of the growth and decay of the Ottoman empire; with the heads of the Turkish emperors. By Demetrius Cantemir. London, 1734. SJton, 2532, & 7700, O. A survey of the Turkish empire; in which are consi- dered its government, the state of the provinces, the causes of the decline of Turkey, with many other important particulars. By W. Eton, Esq. London, 1798— 1801. Fraser, 2248, Q. Oriental translations. Annals of the Turkish empire, from 1591 to 1659 of the Christian empire. Translated from the Turkish. By Charles Eraser. Vol. 1. London, 1832. 8794, O. History of the war in Bosnia, during 1737,8, and 9. Trans- lated from the Turkish. By C. Eraser. London, 1830. Habesci, 1297, & 1391, O. The present state of the Ottoman empire; contain- ing an account of the religion, government, &;c. of the Turks. By Elias Habesci. Translated from the French. London, 1784. Baji, 2249, Q. 4. The history of the maritime wars of the Turks. Translated from the Turkish of Haji Khalefah, by James Mitchell. London, 1834. Hojah, 510, D. The reign of sultan Orchan, second king of the Turks. Trans- lated out of Hojah Effendi, a Turkish- historian, by William Seaman. London, 1652. Knolles, 272, F. The historic of the Turkes, from the first beginning of that nation to the year 1 638. With the lives and conquests of the Otto- man kings and emperours. By Richard KnoUes. 5th edit. 3 vols. London, 1638. Lusignan, 1262, O. The history of the revolt of Ali Bey against the Ottoman porte ; including an accoimt of the form of government of Egypt, with a description of Grand Cairo, &c. By S. Lusignan. London, 1783. Ilicant, 721, F. Turkish history, from the origin of that nation to the growth of the Ottoman empire. With the lives and conquests of their princes and emperors. By Sir Paul Ricaut. 3 vols. London, 1687. F. 236, F. The present state of the Ottoman empire ; containing the maxims of the Turkish polity, &c. With plates. By Paul Ricaut. 3d edit. London, 1760. Ohsson, D\ 559, F. Plates, belonging to the general histoiy of the Othoman empire. By M. D'Ohsson. London, 1789. 747, Q. A general ' history of the Othoman empire. Translated from the French of M. D'Ohsson. London, 1789. Thornton^ 1428, Q. The present state of Turkey; or a description of the con- stitution, government, and laws of the Ottoman empire. With the geographical and political state of Moldavia and Wallachia. By Thos. Thornton. London, 1807. Valentini, 7072, O. Military reflections on Turkey. By Baron Von Valentini. With a map and plan. London, 1828. Volney, De, 1862, O. 4. Considerations on the war with the Turks. Trans- lated from the French of M. De Volney. London, 1788. 106 943 BISTORT. UVkinmn, ftS68, 0. An aooount of the principalities of Wallacliia and Mol- daTia ; with Taiiout poMtiadrobservations relating to them. By Wui. WiUdntoii, Esq. London, 1820. 465. Q. 1 ft. An aooount of the imperial proceedings against the T urks. Lon- don, 168ft. 8904,0. Turkey and its resources, its municipal organization and free trade; the ttatf and prospects of English commerce in the east ; the new admi- nltt ftfrm of Greece, its revenue and possessions. London, 1833. S990, D. The establlriiinent of the Turks in Europe. An historical discourse. London, 18S8. ASUTIC AND AFRICAN HISTORY. JibuU Ohaze, 160, O. The ancient history of the Moguls and Tartars. By Abu*l Ghaze Bahadar. Translated from the Tartar manuscript ; with a description of the countries they inhabit, compiled by the translator. 2 vols. London, 1730. AcOMtOt 228, O. Naturall and morall historic of the East and West Indies. By Joseph Acosta. Translated out of the Spanish, by E. G. London, 1604. Amimid^ 2226, Q^ A brief outline of the existing system of the government of India, and a tabular statement of legislative enactments from 1773 to 1826. By A. Annaud, A. B. London, 1832. ArchenlioUz^ 1660, D. L* Anglais aux Indes, d'apres Orme. Par I. W. Archen- holtz. Lausanne, 1791. 3 tomes. Gift of Moreau de St. Mtry. Atkinson^ 8867, O. Oriental translations, customs, and manners of the women of Persia, and their domestic superstitions. Translated from the ori- ginal. By James Atkinson, Esq. London, 1832. Auber, 8941, O. China. An outline of its government, laws, and policy, and the embassies to that empire. By Peter Auber. London, 1834. BealMon^ 875, & 2112, Q,. View of the origin and conduct of the war with Tippoo Sultan ; comprising a narrative of the operations of the army under the command of lieutenant-general George Harris, and of the siege of Seringapatam ; with plates. By Alexander Beatson, Esq. London, 1800. Belzom, 6725, 0. 2. Memoranda, illustrative of the tombs, &c. of the Egyp- tians. By G. Belzoni. London, 1822. Benizet, 602, D. 3. & 1584, O. 1. An account of that part of Africa inhabited by the negroes. By Anthony Benezet. Philadelphia, 1702. — 3590, O. Historical account of Guinea ; with an inquiry into the rise and progress of the slave trade. By Anthony Benezet. Philadelphia, 1771. London, 1772. P. • 698, 699, 600, ^ 601, D. An historical account of Guinea ; its situa- tion, produce, and the general disposition of its inhabitants. By An- thony Benezet Philadelphia, 1 77 1 . Gift of the author. litrthier, 3779, O. Memoirs of the campaigns of Buonaparte in Egypt and Syria. By General Berthier. Translated by T E. White. London, 1806. iUacker, 1799, Q. Memoir of the operations of the British army in India, durmg the Mahratta war of 1817, 1818, and 1819; illustrated by maps and plans. By lieutenantKiolonel Valentine Blacker. 2 vols. London, 1821. firmikwaUe, 205, dc 356, O. The history of the revolutions in the empire of Morocco, upon the death of the late emperor Muley Ishmael ; with obawvalions, natural, moral, and |)olitical, relating to that country and By John Brailhwaite. London, 1729. ASIATIC AND AFRICAN HISTORY. 843 BriggSi 7148, O. The present land tax in India, considered as a measure of finance, and its effects on commerce. By J. Briggs. London, 1830. Bruce, 649, Q,. Historical view of plans for the government of British India, and outlines of a plan of foreign government, &c. for the Asiatic in- terests of Great Britain. By John Bruce, Esq. London, 1793. Cambridge, 69, Q,. An account of the war in India, between the English and French, on the coast of Coromandel, from 1750 to 1760; a relation of events on the Malabar coast, and the expeditions to Golconda and Surat; with maps and plates. Compiled from original papers, by Richard Owen Cambridge. London, 1761. 4476, O. An account of the war in India, between the English and French, from the year 1750 to 1760. By Richard Owen Cambridge, Esq. Dublin, 1761. Catrou, 6162, O. History of the Mogul dynasty in India, from Tamerlane to 1657. Translated from the French of Father F. Catrou. London, 1826. Cerceau, JJu, 2908, D. Histoire de la derniere revolution de Perse. Par le P. Du Cerceau. 2 vols. A la Haye, 1728. Gift of J. P. Norris, Esq. 622, O. History of the late revolutions in Persia ; taken from the memoirs of Father Krusinsky. Translated from the French of Father Du Cerceau. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1733. Chamichf 7152, O. History of Armenia. By Father Michael Chamich: from B. C. 2247 to 1780. Translated from the original Armenian, by Jo- hannes Avdall, Esq. ; with a continuation to the present date, by the translator. 2 vols. Calcutta, 1827. Chaffieldj 1461, Q,. An historical view of the commercial, political, and moral state of Hindostan, from the earliest period to the present time ; the rise and progress of Christianity in the east, its present condition, and the probability of its future advancement ; with an introduction and map, illustrating the British empire iri the east. By Robert Chatfield. London, 1808. Chenier, 1826, O. The present state of the empire of Morocco. Translated from the French of M. Chenier. 2 vols. London, 1788. Colebrooke, 3813, O. Remarks on the internal husbandry and commerce of Bengal. By H. T. Colebrooke. London, 1806. Copland, 5606, O. A history of the island of Madagascar ; comprising a poli- tical account of the. island, the religion, manners, and customs of its inhabitants, and its natural productions. By Samuel Copland. Lon- don, 1822. Court, 5538, O. Relations of the British government with the sultaun and state of Palembang, and designs of the Netherlands government on that country. By Major M. H. Court. London, 1821. Crauford, 4989, O. Researches on the laws, theology, learning, commerce, &c. of ancient and modern India. By Q,. Crauford, Esq. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1817. Crawford, 5358, O. History of the Indian archipelago ; containing an account of the manners, arts, institutions, and commerce of its inhabitants. With maps. By John Crawford. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1820. Crichton, 5808, & 5830, D. The history of Arabia, ancient and modern. By Andrew Crichton. 2 vols. London, 1833. New York, 1834. Dalzell, 751, &; 1683, Q.. The history of Dahomy, an inland kingdom of Africa; compiled from authentic documents, with notes. By Archibald Dal- zell, Esq. London, 1793. Dictys, 1839, D. Dictys Cretensis de bello Trojano, et Dares Phrygius de ex- cidio Trojae. Amstelodami, 1638. P. Dirom, 782, Q,. A narrative of the campaign in India, which terminated the war with Tippoo Sultan, in 1792 ; with plates. By Major Dirom. 2d edit. London, 1794, 1073, a. The same. P. _ : HISTORY. Damki$if 702S, O. A dissertation on the course and probable termination of the Niger. By Lieut Gen. Sir R. Donkin. London, 1829. Dow, Z7S. & 402, Q^ The history of Hindostan ; with plates. Translated from the Persian, by Alexander Dow. 2d edit. 3 vols. London, 1770. DuboUt 1699, Q. l^e8crii>tion of the character, manners, and customs of the people of India, and of their institutions, religious and civil. By the Abbo J. A. Dubois. Translated from the French. London, 1817. 5174. O. The same. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1818. Dudley^ 6481, 0. 1. A dissertation, showing the identity of the rivers Niger and Nile, chiefly from the authority of the ancients. By John Dudley. London, 182L Ditff] 61 41, O. A history of the Mahrattas. By James Grant Duff, Esq. 3 vols. London, 1826. Du Ifaldt, 280, A; 001, O. A general history of China; with maps and plates. By P. ' . 3d edit. 4 vols. London, 1741. No. 280 gift of John J r/. 726, F. Maps and plates to Du Halde's description of China. 1734. P. ElUaeut^ 2229, Q. 1 . The history of Vartan, and of the battles of the Arme- nians; containing an account of the religious wars of the Armenians. By Elisaeus, bishop of the Amadunlans. Translated from the Arme- nian, by C. F. Neuman. London, 1830. Evanitt 7105, O. On the practicability of an invasion of British India, and the resources of the empire. By Colonel De Lacy Evans. London, 1829. FerUhta, 718, Ct Ferishta's history of Dekkan, from the first Mahummedan conquests, to the reduction of its last monarchs by the emperor Au- lumgeer Aurungzebe, and the reigns of his successors in the empire of Hindostan. to the present day ; with the history of Bengal to the jrear 1780. By Jonathan Scott. 2 vols. Shrewsbury, 1794. 7036, O. History of the rise of the Mahomedan power in India, till the year A. D. 1612. Translated from the original Persian of Maho- med Kasim Ferishta. By John Briggs, M. R. S. A. 4 vols. London, 1829. Forster, 3232, O. 1. Reflections on the natural foundation of the high antiquity of government, arts, and sciences in Egypt. By Nathaniel Forster. Oxford, 1743. P. Franckliny 834, Q. The history of the reign of Shah Aulum, the present em- peror of Hindostan; containing the transactions of the court of Delhi and the neighbouring states during a period of thirty-six years ; with an appendix. By W. Francklin. London, 1798. Franklin^ 1371, D. The history of ancient and modern Egypt. From the most authentic records. By J. Franklin, Esq. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1800. Frater, 5834, D. An historical and descriptive account of Persia. By James B. Fraser, Esq. Edinburgh, 1834. / Galloway, 8744, O. Observations on the law and constitution, atra present go- vernment of India. By Lieutenant-colonel Galloway. 2d edit, with additions. London, 1832. a lad win, 3198, O. 2. Memoirs of Khojeh Abdulkurreem, a Cashmcrian of dis- tinction, including the history of Hindostan, from A. D. 1739 to 1749. Translated from the Persian. By Francis Gladwin. Calcutta, 1788. P. ^\?^* D. 1. A narrative of the transactions in Bengal, during the soo^ bwjdaries of Azcem Us Khan, Jaffer Khan, Shuga Khan, Scrafraz Khan, CLmm im n ^y^^^y ^^^^^' By Francis Gladwin. Calcutta, 1788. P. uuu, fw, \i. The history of the discovery and conquest of the Canary islands. Tnuinlated from a Spanish manuscript, found in the island of Palma ; with an Inquiry Into the origin of the inhabitants, &c. by George Glas. London, 1764. ' ^ ^ OlHg, 41M. D. Tiic history of the British empire in India. By the Rev. G. R.GIcig. London, 1830. ASIATIC AND AFRICAN HISTORY. 845 if rant, 918, Q,. The history of Mauritius, or the isle of France, and the neigh- bouring islands ; from their first discovery to the present time ; with maps. By Charles Grant. London, 1801. Greville, 2132, O. British India analyzed. The provincial and revenue esta- blishments of Tippoo Sultan and of Mahomedan and British con- querors in Hindostan stated and considered. By Mr. Greville. 3 vols. London, 1795. Grieve, 87, 2. & 685, Q. The history of Kamtschatka, and the Kurilki islands, with the countries adjacent ; with plates. Translated by James Grieve, M. D. Glocester, 1764. (i rosier, 4877, & 7932, O. A general description of China ; containing the to- pography of the fifteen provinces which compose this vast empire ; that of Tartary, the isles, and other tributary countries. Translated from the French of the Abbe Grosier. 2 vols. London, 1788. Gutzlaff, 9167, O. & 5974, D. A sketch of Chinese history, ancient and mo- dern, comprising a retrospect of the foreign intercourse and trade with China ; with a map. By the Rev. Charles Gutzlaff. 2 vols. Lon- don &; New York, 1834. Hamilton, 1773, Q. A geographical, statistical, and historical description of Hindostan and the adjacent countries. By Walter Hamilton. 2 vols. London, 1820. Harkness, 8691, O. A description of a singular aboriginal race, inhabiting the summit of the Neilgherry hills or blue mountains of Coimbatoor, in India. By Captain Henry Harkness. London, 1832. Hastings, 8^33, O. Memoirs relative to the state of India. By Warren Hast- ings, Esq. London, 1786. Heeren, 7335, O. Reflections on the politics, intercourse, and trade of the an- cient nations of Africa. By A. K. L. Heeren. Translated from the German. 2 vols. London, 1832. Herbert, 902, F. Description of the Persian monarchy, now the oriental Indies, &c. By Thomas Herbert. London, 1634. P. Heyne, 1660, Q,. Tracts, historical and statistical on India, with journals of tours through various parts of the peninsula ; also an account Of Su- matra. By Benjamin Heyne, M. D. London, 1814. Hollwell, 771, O. Interesting and historical events relative to the provinces of Bengal, and the empire of Indostan. Also the mythology, festivals, &c. of the Gentoos. By J. Z. Hollwell. 2d edit. London, 1766. Hussein-Khan, 8978, O. Oriental translations. The syar-ul-mutakherin, a his- tory of the Mahommedan power in India. By Mir Gholam Hussein- Khan. Revised by John Briggs, M. R. A. S. Vol. 1. London, 1832. Irwin, 2692, O. 2. Buonaparte in Egypt ; or an appendix to the inquiry into his supposed expedition to the east. By Eyles Irwin. Dublin, 1798. /o?2e5, 2063, 2175, & 8170,0. Dissertations and miscellaneous pieces, relat- ing to the history and antiquities, the arts, sciences and literature of Asia. By Sir William Jones, and others. Dublin, 1793. 2063, & 2175, O. Dissertations and miscellaneous pieces relating to the history and antiquities, the arts, sciences, and literature of Asia. By Sir William Jones. 2 vols. London, 1792. Ksempfer, 170, F. The civil and natural history of Japan ; with plates. 2 vols, in 1. By Englebertus Kaempfer. London, 1728. Klaproth, 8937, Q. Oriental translations. San Kokf Tsou Ran To Sets, ou apercu general des trois royaumes. Traduit de I'original Japonais- Chinois ; with maps. Par Mr. J. Klaproth. Paris, 1832. Knox, 90,^. & 1682, Q,. The history of Ceylon, from the earliest period to 846 HISTORY. 181 f^ ■-'**' '^flails of the religion, laws, and manners of the people* By ! -5. To which is subjoined, Robert Knox's historical re- lation oi uir i;>Iand, with an account of his captivity. London, 1817. lAtng^ 6021, D. View of the origin and migrations of the Polynesian nation. By Jolm Dunmore Lang, D. D. London, 1834. Lauderdaie, 4016, O. An inquiry into the practical merits of the systems for the government of India, under the superintendence of the board of eontrol. By the Earl of Lauderdale. London, 1809. LaWt 74I6, O. A sketch of some late arrangements, and a view of the rising resources In Bengal. By Thomas Law, Esq. London, 1792. Ltibfdtz^ 2992, O. 2. A summary account of Leibnitz's memoir, addressed to Lewis the fourteenth, recommending to that monarch the conquest of Eigypt, as conducive to establishing a supreme authority over the go- vernments of Europe. London, 1803. Letcii, 731i O. The history of the Parthian empire, from the foundation of that monarchy by Arsaces, to its final overthrow by Artaxerxes the Per- sian. By Thomas Lewis, M. A. London, 1728. Leudeth 6526, O. Malay annals. Translated from the Malay language, by the late Dr. John Leyden. With an introduction, by Sir Thomas S. Raffles, F. R. S. London, 1821. Ludolphusy 275, F. A new history of Ethiopia ; being a full description of Abyssinia. By Job Ludolphus. London, 1682. 866, F. The same; with plates. 2d edit. London, 1684. P. Mackenzie, 778, Q,. A sketch of the war with Tippoo Sultan ; or, a detail of military operations, from December, 1789, to February, 1972. By Ro- derick Mackenzie. Calcutta, 1793. Mackintosh, 9197, O. An account of the present condition of the tribe of Ra- moosies, including the life of the chief Oomiah Naik. By Captain Alexander Mackintosh. Bombay, 1833. McQueen, 6480, O. A geographical and commercial view of northern central Africa ; containing a particular account of the course and termination of the great river Niger in the Atlantic ocean. By James M'Q,ueen. Edinburgh, 1821. Malcolm, 1646, Q. The history of Persia, from the most early period to the present time; containing an account of the religion, government, usages, and character of the inhabitants of that kingdom. By Colonel Sir John Malcolm. 2 vols. London, 1815. 4357, O. Sketch of the political history of India, from the introduc- tion of Mr. Pitt's bill in 1784, to the present date. By John Malcolm. 2d edit. London, 1811. 4609, O. Sketch of the Sikhs, a singular nation, who inhabit the pro- vinces of the Pen jab, situated between the rivers Jumna and Indus. By Lieutenant-colonel Malcolm. London, 1812. 5824, O. A memoir of central India, including Malwa and adjoining provinces, with the history and copious illustrations of the past and present condition of that country. By Sir John Malcolm. 2 vols. London, 1822. 6179, O. The political history of India, from 1784 to 1823. By Major-general Sir John Malcolm. 2 vols. London, 1826. • 8887, O. The government of India. By Major-general Sir John Malcolm. London, 1833. Mansur, 6304, O. History of Seyd Said, sultan of Muscat ; together with au- account of the countries and people on the shores of the Persian gulf; particularly of the Wahabees. By Shaik Mansur. Translated from the original Italian. London, 1819. Marigny, 540, O. The history of the Arabians under the government of the ASIATIC AND AFRICAN HISTORY. 847 Caliphs, from Mahomet to the death of Mortazem ; containing the space of six hundred and thirty-six years. By the Abbe Marigny. Translated from the French. 4 vols. London, 1758. Gift of Br, Benjamin Franklin. Marsden, >385, Q,. The history of Sumatra ; containing an account of the go- vernment, laws, customs, and manners of the native inhabitants. By William Marsden. London, 1783. 1105, a. The same. 2d edit. London, 1784. P. Martinius, 1798, D. Martini Martinii de bello Tartarico historia. Amstelo- dami, 1655. P. 5997, D. Regni Sinensis a Tartaris devastate enarratio. Aut. Martino Martinii. Amstelodami, 1661. Maurice, 732, Q. The history of Hindostan ; its arts and its sciences, as con- nected with the history of the other great empires of Asia, during the most ancient periods of the world. With plates. By Thos. Maurice. London, 1795. 1091, Q. The same. 2 vols. P. 1469, Q. The modern history of Hindostan ; comprehending that of the Greek empire of Bactria, and other great Asiatic kingdoms bor- dering on its western frontier, commencing at the death of Alexander, and intended to be brought down to the close of the 18th century. By Thomas Maurice. 3 vols. London, 1803. 243^7, O. Indian antiquities ; or dissertations relative to the geogra- phical divisions, theology, civil laws, form of government, commerce, and literature of Hindostan, compared with the religion, laws, govern- ment, commerce, and literature of Persia, Egypt, and Greece. With plates. By Thomas Maurice. 6 vols. London, 1794, &c. ^ 3186, O. The same. P. Maw, 9062, O. Memoir of the early operations of the Burmese war. Address- ed to the editor of the united service journal. By H. Lister Maw, R. N. London, 1832. Mirkhouch 8866, O. Oriental translations. History of the early kings of Persia. Translated from the Persian of Mirkhoud, by David Shea. London, 1832. Mill, 1712, a. The history of British India. By James Mill, Esq. 3 vols. London, 1817. Mills, 5300, O. The history of the crusades for the recovery and possession of the holy land. By Charles Mills. 2 vols. London, 1820. Mine, 8821, O. A dissertation on the calendar and zodiac of ancient Egypt, By W. Mine, Esq. Edinburgh, 1832. Morgan, 131, Q. A complete history of Algiers; with an epitome of the gene- ral history of Barbary, from the earliest times. By J. Morgan. Lon- don, 1731. Aloor, 1561, Q<. Hindu infanticide ; an account of the measures adopted for suppressing the practice of the systematic murder, by their parents, of female infants ; with incidental remarks on other customs peculiar to the natives of India. Edited, with notes and illustrations, by Ed- ward Moor, F. R. S. London, 1811. MunrOf 2107, Q. A narrative of the military operations on the Coromandel coast, from the year 1780 to the peace in 1784. By Innes Munro, Esq. London, 1789. Murray, 5357, G. Historical account of discoveries and travels in Asia, from the earliest ages to the present time. By Hugh Murray. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1820. 5554, D. Historical and descriptive account of British India. By Hugh Murray, James Wilson, R. K. Greville, professor Jameson, &c. &c. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1832. 543 HISTORY. Oakff 1388, O. 2. Narrative of the treatment of tlie English who were taken prisoners on the reduction of Begnore, by Tippoo Saib. By Capt. H. Oakes. With an appendix, relative to the conduct of the British forces there, by John C. Sheen. London, 1785. OekleUt 1099, O. The history of the Saracens, &c. ; with an account of their battJes and sieges. By Simon Ockley. 2 vols. Cambridge, 1757. OgUby, U. F. A description of tlie regions of Egypt, Barbary, Lybia, and Bil- ledulgerld ; the land of negroes—Guinea, ^Ethiopia, and the Abys- sines ; with the adjacent islands, either in the Mediterranean, Atlantic, Southern, or Oriental sea. Collected and translated from authentic authors. With notes and plates. By John Ogilby. London, 1670. Orme^ 1420, Q. Historical fragments of the Mogul empire, and of the English concerns in Indostan, from 1759. By Robert Orme, Esq. London, 1805. 1459, Q. A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, from the year 1745. To which is prefixed, a dissertation on the establishment made by Mahommedan conquerors in Indostan. By Robert Orme, Esq. A new edition. 4 vols. London, 1803, 4, and 5. Ouselet/f 1 343, D. An epitome of the ancient history of Persia. Extracted and translated, from the Jahan Ara, a Persian manuscript. By William Ouseley. London, 1799. PalafoXt 250, O. The history of the conquest of China, by the Tartars. With an account of the religion, manners, &c. of both nations. Translated from the Spanish of Senor Palafox into English. London, 1671. Parker^ 403, Q. Evidence of our transactions in the East Indies. With an inquiry into the conduct of Great Britain to other countries, from 1763. By Mr. Parker. London, 1782. Pauw, De, 2174, . O. An analysis of the political history of India ; in which is oootidered the present situation of the east, and the connection of its •everal powers with Great Britain. By John Sulivan. 2d edit. Lon- don. 1784. 2221, O. Tracts upon India; written in the years 1779, 1780, and 1788, with subsequent observations. By John Sulivan. London, 1795. Taylor^ 888, Q^ Letters on India, political, commercial, and military, relative to subjects important to the British interests in the east. By Colonel Taylor. London, 1800. TVyinon/, 3681, O. Indian recreations ; consisting chiefly of strictures on the domestic and rural economy of the Mahomedans and Hindoos. By William Tennant. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1804. 4420, O. Thoughts on the effects of the British government on the state of India, accompanied with hints concerning the means of con- veying civil and religious instruction to the natives of that country. By the Rev. Wm. Tennant, LL. D. Edinburgh, 1807. TTionxsoriy 2418, O. Memoirs of the war in Asia, from 1780 to 1784, including a narrative of the imprisonment and sufferings of the British officers and soldiers. By William Thomson, LL. D. 2d edit. London, 1789. Thont, 1635, Q. Memoirs of the conquest of Java ; to which is subjoined, a statistical and historical sketch of Java and its dependencies. By Major William Thorn. With plans, views, &c. London, 1815. 1729, Q,. Memoirs of the war in India, conducted by general lord Lake and major-general Sir Arthur Wellesley, from 1803 to 1806; with historical sketches. By Major William Thorn. London, 1818. TippoOt 1562, Q,. Select letters of Tippoo Sultan to various public functiona- ries ; including his principal military commanders, governors of forts and provinces, &c. arranged and translated by William Kirkpatrick ; with notes and observations, and an appendix of original documents. London, 1811. Todt 2225, Q. Annals and antiquities of Rajast'han, or the central and western Rajpoot states of India. By Lieutenant-colonel James Tod. 2 vols. London, 1829—32. IVre/f/, 271, (i. A view of the rise, progress, and present state of the English government in Bengal. By Harvy Verelst, Esq. London, 1772. fi'aUttcet 5896, O. Memoirs of India; comprising a brief geographical account of the liast Indies; a succinct history of Hindostan. By R. W. Wal- lace, Esq. London, 1824. trahk, 9U.^, Q,. A journal of the late campaign in Egypt ; including descrip- ti<)n8 of that country, and of Gibraltar, Minorca, Malti, Marmorice, dtc. ; with plates. By Thomas Walsh. 2d edit. London, 1803. fVard, 4988, &, 8463, O. A view of the history, literature, and religion of the Hindoos ; including a minute description of their manners and cus- ton»«, and translations fn^m their principal works. By the Rev. Wil- Ibni Ward. 4 vols. London, 1817—1821. Hannsr, 1526. C|. A history of the Mahrattas ; to which is prefixed, an histo- rical Mk(*tch of the Decan, containing a short account of the rise and Cill of the Mooslim sovereignties prior to the acra of Mahratta inde- pendence. By Edward Scott Waring. London, 1810. ASIATIC AND AFRICAN HISTORY. 851 Welleshy^ 1567, Q. History of all the events and transactions which have taken place in India ; containing the negotiations of the British govern- ment relative to the glorious success of the late war. By the Marquis of Wellesley. London, 1805. 2126, Q,. Notes relative to the late transactions in the Mahratta em- pire, with an appendix of official documents, and also six engravings. By the Marquis Wellesley. London, 1804. White, 2, Q. ^gyptiaca ; or observations on certain antiquities of Egypt ; with plates. By Joseph White. Oxford, 1801. 6225, O. A political history of the extraordinary events which led to the Burmese war ; illustrated with a map. By Captain W. White. London, 1827. Wilks, 1520, & 1713, Q,. Historical sketches of the south of India, in an at- tempt to trace the history of Mysoor, from the origin to 1799. By Lieutenant-colonel Mark Wilks. 3 vols. London, 1817. Wilson, 980, Q,. A history of the British expedition to Egypt, and a sketch of the present state of that country, and its means of defence ; with plates. By Robert Thomas Wilson. London, 1802. 3773, O. The history of Egypt, from the earliest accounts of that country till the expulsion of the French in 1801. By James Wilson, D. D. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1805. Winterbotham, 2303, & 7644, O. An historical, geographical, and philosophical view of the Chinese empire. By W. Winterbotham. To which is added, a copious account of Lord Macartney's embassy, compiled from original communications. 2d edit. London, 1795. Winterholtom, 3027, O. An account of the native Africans in the neighbour- hood of Sierre Leone; with plates. By Thomas Winterbottom, M. D. London, 1803. Young, 5803, 1. & 6285, O. An account of some recent discoveries in hiero- glyphical literature, and Egyptian antiquities, with a translation of five unpublished Greek and Egyptian manuscripts. By Thomas Young, M. D. London, 1823. 256, F. vol. 1. History of Egypt, of Canaan, of ancient Syria, and the Phoe- necians. Anc. un. hist. 2251, Q,. A dissertation on. the antiquity, origin, and design of the principal pyramids of Egypt. London, 1833. 377, O. 2. Memoirs of the revolutions in Bengal, in 1757. London, 1760. 291, & 425, O. A complete history of the piratical states of Barbary; con- taining the origin, revolutions, and present state of these kingdoms, their forces, revenues, policy, and commerce. By a gentleman who resided there many years in a public character. London, 1750. 536, O. A new history of the East Indies, ancie'ht and modern ; with an essay towards a history of the commerce of the nations of Europe to the East Indies. 2 vols. London, 1757. 3648, O. 3. A short sketch of temporary regulations for the intended settle- ment on the grain coast of Africa, near Sierra Leone; with an appendix. 2d edit. London, 1786. P. 5251, O. Origin of the Pindarics; preceded by historical notices on the rise of the different Mahratta states. By an officer. London, 1818. 8597, O. 1. Observations on the expedition of general Bonaparte to the east, and the probability of its success considered. London, 1798. 8805, O. The political, commercial, arfd financial condition of the anglo- eastern empire in 1832, &c. London, 1832. 8861, O. An historical sketch of the princes of India. By an officer. Lon- don, 1833. 8903, O. The dynasty of the Kajars. Translated from the Persian manu- script. With a history of Persia, and a map. London, 1833. 358 mSTOBT. 937, D. De imperio Magni Mogolis, slve India vera, commentarius. Lug- dnniBatavonim, 1631. L. , .. . *u r.u. „ , W28. & 5374. D. MiflceUaneous pieces relating to the Chinese. 2 vols. London. 1743-^17«2. ^ ,^^^ 4601, D. The history of the Mogol. London, 1707. 6046, a The Ubrary of entertaining knowledge. The Hindoos. London, 1834. HISTORY OF AMERICA, (except the united states.) ^coste, 228, D. Naturall and morall historic of the East and West Indies. By Joseph Acosta. Translated out of the Spanish, by E. G. London, 1604. AdaiT^ 623, O. The history of the American Indians, particularly those na- tions adjoininpr to the Mississippi, East and West Florida, Georgia, South and North Carolina, and Virginia ; with a map of the country referred to in the history. By James Adair. London, 1775. Anspach^ 5310, O. A history of the island of Newfoundland ; containing a de- scription of the island, the banks, the fisheries, and trade of New- foundland, and the coast of Labrador; with maps. By the Rev, Lewis Amadeus Anspach. London, 1819. Arispe, 9148, O. 5. Memorial on the natural, political, and civil state of the province of Cohaula, in the kingdom of Mexico, and those of the new kingdom of Leon, New Santander, and Texas. By Don Miguel Ramos de Arispe. Translated from the Spanish. Philadelphia, 1814. Barton, 2493, O. 2. New views of the origin of the tribes and nations of Ame- rica. By Benjamin Smith Barton. Philadelphia, 1797. Gift of the author. Beckford, 1852, O. A descriptive account of the island of Jamaica; with re- marks upon the cultivation of the sugar cane, and reflections upon what would probably be the consequences of an abolition of the slave trade. By William Beckford. 2 vols. London, 1790. Bland, 5287, O. 1. Report of Theodoric Bland, Esquire, on South America. Washington, 1819. Blame, 1527, O. The present state of his Britannic majesty's isles and territo- ries in America; with maps. By Richard Blome. London, 1687. Bonyctulle, 7540, O. Spanish America ; or a descriptive, historical, and geo- graphical account of the dominions of Spain in the western hemisphere, continental and insular. By R. H. Bonycastle. Philadelphia, 1819. 5204, & 5227, O. The same. 2 vols. London, 1818. Boone, 8156, O. A collection of some interesting narratives of Indian warfare in the west ; containing an account of Col. David Boone. Compiled by Samuel L. Metcalf Lexington, 1821. Baucheiie, 2048, Q^ The British dominions in North America ; or a topogra- phical and statistical description of the provinces of Lower and Upper Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, the islands of Newfoundland, prince Edward, and cape Breton. Including considerations on land- gnuiting and emigration, and a topographical dictionary of Lower Canada, statistical tables and tables of distances ; with maps and pUtefc By Joseph Bouchette, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1831. ^^-^— 6767, O. A topographical description of the province of Lower Owiida, with remarks upon Upper Canada, and on the relative con- neiUm of both provinces with the United States of America. By JoMjph Bouchette, Esq. Embellished with views. London, 1815. Boulian, I4«2, O. A sketch of his majesty's province of Upper Canada. By ITArcy Boulton. London, 1805. AMERICA. 853 Bouquetj 178, 179, & 469, d. An historical account of the expedition against the Ohio Indians, in the year 1764. By Col. Bouquet. With a map and plates. Philadelphia, 1765. Browriy 104, P. The civil and natural history of Jamaica. With plates. By Patrick Browne, M. D. London, 1756. Brydges, 6398, O. The annals of Jamaica. By the Rev. George Wilson Brydges, A. M. Vol. 1. London, 1828. Buchanan, 5979, & 6040, O. Sketches of the history, manners, and customs of the North American Indians. By James Buchanan, Esq. London, 1824. Burnaby, 7802, O. Regulations for the better government of his majesty's subjects in the bay of Honduras. Presented to them by Sir William Burnaby. London, 1809. Cabrera, 1872, Q,. Description of the ruins of an ancient city, discovered near Palenque, in the kingdom of Gautemala, in Spanish America. Trans- lated from the original report of capt. Don Antonio Del Rio ; followed by a critical investigation and research into the history of the Ameri- cans. By Dr. Paul Felix Cabrera. London, 1822. Carii, 4721, & 6812, O. Lettres Americaines, dans lesquelles on examine I'ori- gine, I'etat civil, politique, militaire et religieux, les arts, &c. &c. des anciens habitans de I'Amerique, &:c. &c. pour servir de suite aux memoires de D. Ulloa. Par M. le Comte J. R. Carli, &c. Avec des observations et additions du traducteur. 2 tom. A Paris, 1788. CasaSy Las, 2811, D. Breve relation de la destruccion de las Indias occiden- tales. Par Don Fray Bartoleme de las Casas. Filadelfia, 1821. Gift of Dr. de Mier, editor. Castillo, 894, 9 1 6, rflXf, 0218. O. Biography and history of the Indians of North America. By Samuel G. Drake. 3d edit. Boston, 1834. EbeHng, 3956, D. Christoph Dan : Elbelings Erdbeschreibung und Geschichte von America. Hamburgh, 1793. EthDordSy 696, Q. History, civil and commercial, of the British colonies in the West Indies ; with plates. By Bryan Edwards. 2d edit. 3 vols, and an appendix. London, 1794. 6753, & 7474, O. The same. 4 vols. 4th edit. With an atlas. Philadelphia, 1805. 771, Q. Historical survey of tile French colony in the island of St. Domingo ; with a narrative of the calamities which have desolated the country since the year 1789, and a detail of the military transactions of the British army in that island to the end of 1794. By Bryan Ed- wards. London, 1797. 2364, O. An account of the proceedings of the governor and assem- bly of Jamaica, in regard to the Maroon negroes ; with an introduc- tory account of the Maroons, and a detail of the origin, progress and termination of the late war between those people and the white in- habitants. By Bryan Edwards. London, 1796. Engel, iTy 2464, D. Essai sur cette question : quand et comment I'Amerique, a-t-elle ete peuplee d'hommes et d'animaux? par G. Bailly d'Engel. 5 tomes. Amsterdam, 1767. Everett t 6201, O. America, or a general survey of the political situation of the several powers of the Western continent ; with conjectures on their future prospects. By A. H. Everett. Philadelphia, 1827. Gordon, 4268, & 4263, D. The history of America. By Thomas F. Gordon. 2 vols. Containing the history of the Spanish discoveries prior to 1520. Philadelphia, 1831. One copy the gift of the author. Grant, 3974, O. History of Brazil, comprising a geographical account of that country ; with a narrative of the most remarkable events which have occurred there since its discovery; a description of the manners, customs, religion, &c. of the natives and colonists ; with remarks on its soil, climate, productions and commerce. By Andrew Grant, M. D. London, 1809. Ikdiburton, 7145, &, 7264, O. An historical and statistical account of Nova Scotia, illustrated by a map of the province, &c. By T, C. Haliburton, Esq. HaliCix & London, 1829. I/aUcettt 6040. O. Historical notes respecting the Indians of North America ; with remarks on the attempts made to convert and civilize them. By J. Halkctt. London. 1825. Ilendertmu 1814, Q. A history of Brazil ; comprising its geography, commerce, colonization, aboriginal inhabitants, &c. By James Henderson. Lon- don, 1821. — — 2070. D. An account of the British settlement of Honduras ; being a brief view of its commercial and agricultural resources, soil, climate, AMERICA. 855 &c. with a map. To which are added, sketches of the manners and customs of the Mosquito Indians, preceded by a journal of a voyage to the Mosquito shore. By Capt. Henderson. London, 1809. Iltrrera, 409, F. Description des Indes Occidentales. Par Antoine de Herrera. Translatee d'Espagnol en Francois. Amsterdam, 1622. 136, O. The general history of the continent and islands of America, from the first discovery thereof Collected from original relations sent to the king of Spain. By Antonio de Herrera. Translated into English, by John Stevens. 6 vols. London, 1725. — 2005, Q,. 11. Correspondencia entre Jose Manuel de Herrera, Secre- tario de Estado, &c. del Imperio de Mexico y Miguel Santamana, Enviado, &c. dela republica de Colombia, &c. &c. Mexico, 1822. Heriot, 3851, O. The history of Canada, from its discovery; comprehending an account of the colony of Louisiana. By George Heriot. Vol. 1st. London, 1804. Holmes, 3829, O. American annals ; or, a chronological history of America, from its discovery in 1492, to 1806. By Abel Holmes. 2 vols. Cam- bridge, 1805. 8927,^0. The same. 2d edit. Cambridge, 1829. Hughes, 23, 598, & 1043, F. The natural history of Barbadoes, by Griffith Hughes. London, 1750. Humboldt, 4186, 4281, & 8171, O. Political history of the kingdom of New Spain; containing researches relative to the geography of Mexico, the extent of its surface, state of the population, of agriculture, and manufacturing and commercial industry, &c. By Alexander Hum- boldt. Translated from the French, by John Black. Vols. 1 and 2. New York, 1811. No. 4281 in 4 vols. London, 1811. ■■ 4611, O. Researches concerning the institutions and monuments of the ancient inhabitants of America, written in French, by Alexan- der de Humboldt ; and translated by Helen Maria Williams. 2 vols. London, 1814. Jeffreys, 469, Q,. 4. Directions for navigating the gulf and river St. Lawrence, by Thomas Jeffreys. London, 1760. 124, & 166, F. The civil and natural history of the French dominions in North and South America; with plates. By Thomas Jeffreys. London, 1740. Juarros, 5779, O. A statistical and commercial history of the kingdom of Guatemala in Spanish America, with an account of its conquest by the Spaniards, and a narrative of the principal events down to the present time. By Don Domingo Juarros. Translated by J. Baily. London, 1823. Knox, 228, Q. A journal of the campaigns in North America, for the years 1757, 1758, 1759, and 1760; containing the most remarkable occur- rences of that period. By John Knox. 2 vols. London, 1769. Laet, De, 410, F. Novus orbis seu descriptiones Indias Occidentalis. Authore Joanne De Laet. Lugduni, A. D. 1633. Lafitau, 617, Q,. Moeurs des sauvages Americains ; avec des figures. Par le P. Lafitaii. Tomes II. A Paris, 1724. Gift of John Beak Bordley, IJ Estrange, 478, Q. 5. Americans no Jewes ; or impossibilities that the Ameri- cans are of that race. By H. L' Estrange. London, 1652. Ligon, 857, Q.. A trve and exact history of the island of Barbadoes. By Ri- chard Ligon. London, 1657. Long, 302, Q,. The history of Jamaica ; or a general survey of the ancient and modern state of that island ; with plates. By Edward Long. 3 vols. London, 1774. Loudon, 565, O. 6. 7. The conduct of a noble commander in America, (Lord Loudon) impartially reviewed; with the causes of the discontents at New York and Halifax. 2d edit. London, 1758. 856 BISTORT. M^C^Ihekt 7J78. O. Reieardies, philosophical and antiquarian, concernino: the aboriginal history of America. By J. H. M'CuUoch, Jr. M. D. Bal- timore, 1829. «-^— 667S, A 7458, O. Researches in America ; being an attempt to settle some poinU relative to the aborigines of America, &c. By J. H. M'CuUoch, Jr. M. D. Baltimore, 1816. ]l§gntt S907, ^ The history of the late war in North America and the islands of the West Indies, including the campaigns of 1763 and 1764, against his m^jiMty's Indian enemies. By Thomas Mante. London, 1773. jaUl, 0014, O. The history of Mexico, from the Spanish conquest to the pre- sent era. By Nicholas Mill. London, 1824. Mnmrffl. 1966, 2050, &, 4622, D. The history of Don Francisco de Miranda's attempt to effect a revolution in South America ; in a series of letters. To which are annexed, sketches of the life of Miranda. By an officer under him. Boston, 1808—1813. MolinOy 4718, O. Compendio de la historia geografica, natural y civil, del reyno de Chile; escrito en Italiano, por el abate Don Juan Ignacie Molina. Traducida en Espanol, por Don Domingo Joseph de Arquellada Men- doza. 2 vols. En Madrid, 1788. 4002, O. The geographical, natural, and civil history of Chili, trans- lated from the original Italian of the Abbe Don J. Ignatius Molina; to which are added notes from the Spanish and French versions, and two appendixes, containing an account of the archipelago of Chili, and an account of the native tribes who inhabit the southern extremity of South America. 2 vols. London, 1809. 3901, O. The same. Translated by an American gentleman. Mid- dletown, (Connecticut) 1808. Mmreau de St, Mery, 2262, O. Description topographique et politique de la parte Espagnole de I'isle Saint-Domingue. Par M. L. E. Moreau De Saint Mery. 2 tomes. Philadelphie, 1796. Gift of the author. 2280, O. The same. Translated from the French. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1796. Munoz, 2442, O. History of the new world. By Don Juan Baptista Munoz. Translated from the Spanish, with notes. London, 1797. OgUbt/t 15, F. A description of America ; containing the original of the inha- bitants ; the remarkable voyages thither ; the conquest of the empires of Mexico and Peru ; with an appendix, containing a survey of the discoveries of the south land and the arctic region. Collected and translated from various authors, with plates, by John Ogilby. London, 1671. OUlnUxoru 100, & 3423, O. The British empire in America; containing the history of the discovery, settlement, progress, and present state of all the British colonies on the continent and islands of America. By John Oldmixon. 2 vols. London, 1708. P, Parft 1627, 0. 2. A vindication of governor Parr and his council, against the complaints of certain persons who sought to engross two hundred and seventy-five thousand acres of land in Nova Scotia. London, 1784. 1627, O. 3. Viator's reply to remarks on a late pamphlet, entitled, " A vin- dication of governor Parr and his council." London, 1784. ^~— 1627, 0. 4. Viator's answer to Dr. Inglis's defence of his character, against the charges contained in a pamphlet entitled " A reply to remarks on a vindication of governor Parr and his council." London, 1785. Paxot, 5226, O. Letters on the united provinces of South America, addressed to the Hon. Henry Clay. By Don Vincente Pazos. Translated from the Spanish, by Piatt H. Crosby, Esq. New York, 1819. Poytr, 1458, ii 1973. Q. The history of Barbados, from the first discovery of the UlantU in the year 1605, tUl the accession of lord Seaforth, 1801. By John Poyer. London, 1808. M, HISTORY OF AMERICA. S57 Fradt, De, 4974, O. The colonies and the present American revolutions. By M. De Pradt. London, 1817. 5700, O. Europe and America in 1821 ; with an examination of the plan laid before the Spanish cortes for the recognition of the indepen- dence of South America. Translated from the French of the Abbe de Pradt. By J. D. Williams. 2 vols. London, 1822. Preston^ 784, Q,. 3. A letter to Bryan Edwards, containing observations on some passages of his history of the West Indies. By Wm. Preston. Lon- don, 1795. Rainsford, 1416, Q,. An historical account of the black empire of Hayti. By Marcus Rainsford, Esq. London, 1805. Baleigh, 230, O. 4. Newes of Sir Walter Rauleigh ; with a true description of Gviana, and a relation of the excellent gouernment, &c. London, 1618. Ranking, 6284, O. Historical researches on the conquest of Peru, Mexico, Bo- gota, Natchez, and Salomeco, in the thirteenth century, by the Mon- gols, accompanied with elephants. With maps and portraits. By John Ranking. London, 1827. Raynal, 1 170, O. The philosophical and political history of the settlements and trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies ; with maps. Translated from the French of the Abbe Raynal, by J. Justamond. 3d edit. 5 vols. London, 1777. 6569, O. The same. 6 vols. London, 1783. 5270, D. A philosophical history of the British settlements and trade in North America. From the French of the Abbe Raynal. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1776. Renny, 1447, Q,. An history of Jamaica; with observations on the chmate, scenery, and on the manners and customs of the inhabitants. By R. Renny. London, 1807. Robertson, 3 iS, & 351, Q. The history of South America; with plates. By William Robertson. 2 vols. London, 1777. 2d edit. London, 1778. 4199, O. The history of America. By William Robertson, D. D. Tenth edition ; in which is included the posthumous volume contain- ing the history of Virginia to the year 1688, and of New England to the year 1652. 4 vols. London, 1803. 6910, O. The same. 3 vols. Basil, 1790. Robinson, 5383, 5385, & 7549, O. Memoirs of the Mexican revolution ; in- cluding a narrative of the expedition of general Xavier Mina ; with some observations on the practicability of opening a commerce be- tween the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. By William Davis Robinson. Philadelphia, 1820. — 5488, O. The same. 2 vols. London, 1821. Rogers, 64, O. A concise account of North America ; with a description of several nations of Indians. By Robert Rogers. London, 1765. Sanders, 2666, D. Haytian papers, a collection of the very interesting procla- mations, and other official documents, together with some account of the rise, progress, and present state of the kingdom of Hayti. By Prince Sanders. Boston, 1818. Sargent, 2100, Q,.' 5. Papers relative to certain American antiquities. By Winthrop Sargent, Esq. and B. S. Barton, M. D. Philadelphia, 1796. Shepherd, 7346, O. An historical account of the island of Saint Vincent. By Charles Shepherd. London, 1831. Simitiere, Du, 968, F. MSS. papers relating to the West Indies. Collected by Du Simitiere. Smith, 496, O. The natural history of Nevis, and the rest of the English lee- ward Charibee islands in America ; with an introduction to the art of decyphering. By John Smith. Cambridge, 1745. 108 058 HISTORY. ^nnfjjl S085, D. The history of North and South America, from its dis- covery to the death of general Washington. By Richard Snowden. Philadelphia, 1806. SoKt, Jk, 140, & 1009. F. The. history of the conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. Translated into English, from the original Spanish of Don Antonio de Solis, by Thomas Townsend. London, 1724. - 416, O. The same. 2 vols. London, 1738. 8080, O. The history of the conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. From*the Spanish of De Solis. Translated by Thomas Townsend, and revised by N. Hooke. 2 vols. London, 1753. Southey, 1514. O. The history of Brazil. By Robert Southey. Part 1st. * London. 1810. 6262. O. Chronological history of the West Indies. By Capt. Tho- mas Southey. 3 vols. London, 1827. 2828, D. The expedition of Orsua, and the crimes of Aguirre. By Robert Southey, Esq. London, 1821. Thonncood^ 478, Q- 3. & 226, O. 4. Jewes in America ; or conjectures con- cerning the origin of the American Indians. By Thorowgood. Lon- don, 1650. 478, Q,. 5. Americans no Jewes ; or an answer to Thorowgood's conjectures. By R. L'Estrange. London, 1652. Torres^ 5108, 1. & 5751, O. An exposition of the commerce of South Ameri- ca ; with some observations upon its importance to the United States, with tables of moneys, weights, and measures, and of exchange. By Manuel Torres. Philadelphia, 1816. UmfreviUct 2161,0. The present state of Hudson's bay; containing a de- scription of that settlement, and the adjacent country ; and likewise of the fur-trade, with hints for its improvement, &c. To which are added, observations made in the inland parts ; a specimen of five Indian languages ; and a journal of a journey from Montreal to New York. By Edward Umfreville. London, 1790. Venegas, 958, & 2602, O. A natural and civil history of California ; with ac- counts of the several voyages and attempts made for settling Califor- nia; with plates. Translated from the Spanish of Miguel Venegas, 2 vols. London, 1759. Fegfl, 201, F. The royal commentaries of Peru; treating of the original of their laws, government, &c. Written in Spanish, by the Inca Garci- lasso de la Vega, and translated into English, by Paul Ricaut. Lon- don. Viduarre, 5766, O. Cartas Americanas politicas y morales que contiener muchas reflecciones sobre le guerra civil de las Americas. Por Manuel de Viduarre. 2 vols. Filadelfia, 1823. Gift of the author. WaUon^ 4761. O. An expose on the dissensions of Spanish America, con- taining an account of the origin and progress of those fatal differences, by William Walton. London, 1814. WiUiamtt 2080, O. An inquiry into the truth of the tradition, concerning the discovery of America, by prince Madog ab Owen Gwynedd, about the year 1170. By John Williams, LL. D. London, 1791. Wyrmt^ 1033. ^ 1760, O. A history of the British empire in America; con- taining an historical, political and commercial view of the English settlements in North America and the West Indies. By Mr. Wynne. 2 vols. London, 1770. 466, Q. 1 1. A vindication of the proceedings of the assembly of Jamaica. 1766. 460, Q. 6. Remarks and observations for sailing from France to Quebec. BosUm, 1760. HISTORY OF AMERICA. 859 2272, Q,. The memorials of the English and French commissioners concern- ing St. Lucia. London, 1755. 2275, Q,. 4. Extract of the proceedings of council relative to a conversion of the present tenures in the province of Quebec. Quebec, 1790. 129, O. Vol. 39. The history of America. Mod. Un. Hist. 180, 181, 1508, 6617, tcniber 6, 1774, to November 2, 1782. 13 vols. Philadelphia, &c. 0006, O. History of congress; exhibiting a classification of the proceedings of the senate and the house of representatives. Vol. 1. Philadelphia, 1834. Oift ofH. Bitmey, Etg, 0008, O. Journals of the American congress, from 1774 to 1788. 4 vols. Washington, 1823, &c. Gift of H. Binney, Esq. 0008, O. Journals of the house of representatives, from 1789 to 1813. 13 vols. Oifi of Horace Binney, Esq. 6434, O. Secret journals of the acts and proceedings of congress, from the first meeting to the dissolution of the confederation. 4 vols. Boston, 1820. 6888, O. Journal acts, and proceedings of the convention assembled at Phi- lidelphia, May 14th, 1787, wliich formed the constitution of the United States. Boston, 1819. 6439, O. Secret proceedings and debates of the convention assembled in the year 1787, for the purpose of forming the constitution of the United States of America; from notes taken by the late Robert Yates, Esq., chief justice of New York, and copied by John Lansing, jun. Esq., late chancellor of that state ; including the " genuine information" laid before the legislature of Maryland by Luther Martin. Also, other historical documents. Albany, 1821. 527, F. Journal of the house of representatives of the United States, from March 4, 1789, to March 3, 1791, inclusive. New York and Philadelphia. Gift of John Beckley. 549, F. Journal of the senate of the United States of America, from the 4th of March, 1789, to the 9th of June, 1794, inclusive. 3 vols. New York, &c. I>hiladelphia, 1791, &c. Gift of Samuel Atyne Otis. 1978, O. 6. Debates in council, on the banks of the Ottawa river, November, 1791. PhUadelphia, 1792. 2090. 1. &, 2271, O. 1. Message of the president of the United States to congress, relative to Great Britain and France; delivered Deceml)er 5, 1793; with the papers therein referred to. Philada. 1793. Gift of Josiah Hewes. 2271, O. 2. Messages of the president of the United States to congress, rela- tive to France and Great Britain ; delivered the fifteenth and twenty-second of January, 1794 ; with the papers therein referred to. Philadelphia, 1794. Gift ofJoiiah Hewea, 227 1 , O. 3. Report of the secretary of state on the privileges and restrictions on the commerce of the United States in foreign countries. Philadelphia, 1793. Gift of Josiah Hewes. 2271, O. 5. Finley*8 account of the proceedings in the house of representa- t\veH of the United States, res|)ecting the contested election for the eastern dis- trict of Georgia. Philadelphia, 1792. Gift of the editor. 3744, i). 16. Message from the president to congress, May 23, 1794. 2502. O. 4. Proceedings of the executive of the United States respecting the Insurgents. 1704. PhOadelphia, 1795. Gift of Samuel A. Otis. 8607, 5. At 2511, O. 1. French original letters, from Joseph Fauchet and P. ^Adef, t4j the executive of the United States. Philadelphia, 1794. Gift of ^T?* ^'_ ^f**^* ^*"^" remembrancer; or an impartial collection of essays, lesolfV^ speeches. 4c. relative or having affinity to the treaty with Great Bri- tain. 3toI«. Philadelphia, 1795. HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 869 7590, O. British treaty ; debates in the house of representatives of the United States, upon questions involved in the British treaty of 1794. 2d edit. Phila- delphia, 1808. 5360, D. The United States register, for the year 1795. Philadelphia, 1795. 4739, D. A collection of the speeches of the president of the United States to congress, with their answers. Boston, 1796. 4068, O. The American senator ; or a copious and impartial report of the debates in the congress of the United States. By Thomas Carpenter. With the treaties, proclamations, &c. 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1796. 2507, O. 1. Rules and orders of the house of representatives of the United States. Philadelphia, 1797. Gift of John Holt Oswald. 2390, 2391, & 7552, O. Message from the president of the United States of America to congress, relative to the French republic; delivered January 19th, 1797, with the papers therein referred to. Philadelphia, 1797. 2507, O. 2. Speech of the president of the United States to both houses of congress, on the 16th of May, 1797; also the documents referred to therein. Philadelphia, 1797. Gift of John Holt Oswald, 2507, O. 3. Message from the president of the United States to both houses of congress, relative to the proceedings of the commissioner for running the boun- dary line between the United States and East and West Florida. Philadelphia, 1797. Gift of John Holt Oswald. 2507, O. 4. Reports made to the senate and house of representatives, from the heads of the departments, respecting the finances, the army, and the navy, and the depredations committed on the commerce of the United States. Phila- delphia, 1797. Gift of John Holt Oswald. 2502, O. 2. Accounts of the treasurer of the United States, of the payments and receipts of public moneys for the year 1796. Philadelphia, 1797. Gift of Samuel A. Otis. 2502, O. 3. Documents referred to in the president's speech to both houses of the fifth congress, on the 16th of May, 1797. Philadelphia, 1797, Gift of Samuel Ji. Otis. 2502, O. 6. Reports made to the senate and house of representatives of the United States, on petitions for the settlement of claims, &c. Philadelphia, 1797. 2501, O. Journal of the senate of the United States of America; from De- cember 7, 1795, to July 10, 1797. Philadelphia, 1797. Gift of Samuel Ji. Otis. 2496, 2. & 2511, O. 4. Message from the president of the United States, ac- companying the instructions to, and the despatches from, the envoys extraordi- nary to the French republic. Dated the 3d of April, 1798. Philadelphia. 2496, 3. & 2511, O. 5. Message from the president of the United States, ac- companying the communications from the envoys extraordinary to the French republic. Dated May 4, 1798. Philadelphia. 2625, O. 3. Instructions to the envoys extraordinary from the United States of America to the French republic, their letters of credence and full powers, and the despatches from them relative to their mission. Philadelphia, 1798. 2616, UBe of delegates of Maryland, on the subject of the recent mobs and riots in the city of Baltimore. Annapolis, 1813. Massachcsetts. — 678, & 1502, O. The history of the colony of Massachu- setts bay, from the first settlement thereof in 1628, until the year 1750. By Mr. Hutchinson. 2 vols. Boston, 1767. 3 vols. London, 1765. 3841, O. Continuation of the history of Massachusetts bay, from 1748 to 1765; with a sketch of events from its settlement. By George Richards Minot. 2 vols. Boston. 1805. 4087, O. The history of the insurrections in Massachusetts in the year 1786, and the rebellion consequent thereon. By George Richards Minot. 2d edit. Boston, 1810. 6998, 6l 6255, O. History of Massachusetts, fiom July, 1764, to the year 1789, inclusive. By Alden Bradford. 2 vols. Boston, 1822-5. 6751, O. 2. A geographical and statistical view of Massachusetts proi)cr. By Rodolphus Dickinson, Esq. Greenfield, 1813. Gift of Mr. J. P. Angles. 798, D. 2. Narrative of mischief done by the Indian and French enemy on the frontiers of Massachusetts bay, from 1743-4 to 1748. By J. Doolittle. Boston, 1750. 1690, O. 1. Observations relating to the circumstances of Massachusett8| bay. Boston, 1760. 1690, O. 4. Vindication of the conduct of the house of representatives ol Massachusetts bay. By J. Otis. Boston, 1762. 1777, O. 6. A petition from the assembly of Massachusetts bay to the king with several other papers. 1768. 406,' Q. 13. A copy of the complaint of the house of representatives of Ma sachuHetts bay against Sir Francis Bernard ; with his answer. 1770. 1690, O. 6. Extract of a letter from the house of representatives of Massa- chusetts bay to their agent, Denny s de Berdt, Esq. London, 1770. 1628, O. 6. A narrative of the massacre in Boston, on the evening of the fifth of March, 1770; with a frontispiece representing the scene. J3oston, 1770. 1690, O. 6. State of importations from Great Britain into the port of Boston, from the 8th i»f January to the 29th of June, 1770. Boston. 1146,0. I. The letters of lieutenant-governor Hutchinson and lieutenant- governor Oliver ; with the assembly's adi&ess ; the proceedings and rei)ort of } 1 PARTICULAR HISTORY. S75 the lords' committee of council ; and the substance of Mr. Wedderbum's speech relating to those letters. 2d edit. London, 1774. 5855, O. Speeches of the governors of Massachusetts from 1765 to 1775; and the answers of the house of representatives to the same; with their resolu- tions and addresses for that period. Boston, 1818. New England. — 3870, 0. A summary history of New England. By Hannah Adams. Dedham, 1799. 1493, & 1752, O. History of New England, from the year 1690 to 1784. By Isaac Backus. 2 vols, of the former, and one of the latter number. No, 1493, gift of the author. 1065, O. 2. History of the wars of king Philip, the great Mount Hope Indian sachem. By T. Church. 2d edit. Newport, 1772. Gift of Josiah Hewes. 954, Q,. 6. An answer to a scandalous pamphlet, called "111 news from New England," written by John Clarke, of Rhode Island. By T. Cobbett. Lon- don, 1653. 1590, O. 3. A defence of the New England charters. By Wm. Dummer. London, 1766. 6075, D. New England and her institutions. By one of her sons. Boston, 1835. 8675, O. A genealogical register of the settlers of New England ; alphabeti- cally arranged. By John Farmer. Lancaster, (Mass.) 1829. 262, O. 3. New England's plantation ; or a description of the commodities and discommodities of that country. By Mr. Higgeson. London, 1630. 5999, & 6256, O. Antiquarian researches; comprising a history of the Indian wars in the country bordering Connecticut river ; and other interesting events. By E. Hoyt, Esq. Greenfield, 1824. 475, Q,. A narrative of the troubles with the Indians in New England, from 1607 to 1677. By William Hubbard. Boston, 1677. 954, d. 7. & 8. & 265, O. The present state of New England; being a narra- tive of the troubles with the Indians in New England, from the first planting thereof, in the year 1606, to the year 1677. By William Hubbard. London, 1676—1677. 1556, O. A narrative of the Indian wars in New England, from the year 1607 to 1677. By Wm. Hubbard. Boston, 1775. 506, D. New England's rarities discovered, in birds, beasts, fishes, plants, &c. of that country. By John Josselyn. London, 1672. 227, O. 2. Plain dealing ; or newes from New England ; containing a view of its government, &c. By T. Lechford. London, 1641. 951, O. 5. View of New England's present government, &c. By T. Lech- ford. London, 1642. 262, O. 4. A brief history of the war with the Indians in New England. By Increase Mather. London, 1676. 5542, O. 2. A short view of the history of the New England colonies, with respect to their charters and constitutions. By Israel Maudiut. 4th edit. Lon- don, 1776. 2016, & 4511, D. A compendious history of New England, designed for schools and private families. By Jedediah Morse, D. D. and Elijah Parrish, D. D. 2d edit. Charlestown, 1804, and Newburyport, 1809. 262, 1. & 951, O. 3. A relation of the proceedings of the English plantation settled at Plimoth, in New England. By G. Moust. London, 1622. 263, O. New Canaan; containing an abstract of New England ; setting forth the original of the natives, &c. By Thomas Morton. Amsterdam, 1637. 474, a. & 1065, O. 7. New England's memoriall. By Nathaniel Morton. Cambridge, 1669, and Newport, 1772. 6253, O. New England's memorial. By Nathaniel Morton. 5th edit. Con- taining, besides the original work and supplement, large additions in marginal notes, and an appendix, by John Davis. Boston, 1826. 376 HISTORY. 1 14, & 1520, O. The history of New England ; containing an account of the dvil and ecclesiasUcal affairs of the country to the year of our Lord 1700; with iU present state. Also, an appendix, containing their charter, ecclesiastical disdpUne and municipal laws. By Daniel Neal. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1720—1747. 448, D. The history of the wars of New England with the eastern Indians, from the year 1703 to 1726. By Samuel Penhallow, Esq. Boston, 1726. 1555, O. & 161, D. A chronological history of New England. By Thomas Prince. 2 vols. Boston, 1736. 6251, O. A chronological history of New England, in the form of annals, from the discovery, in 1602, to 1730. By Thomas Prince, M. A. A new edition. Bolton, 1826. 880, 6. & 951, O. 4. New England's trials, declaring the present estate of that kappie plantation. By Capt. John Smith. 2d edit. London, 1622. 951, O. 2. Good news from New England; or a relation of things remarka- ble at Plimouth. By Edward Winslow. London, 1624. 3877, O. A journal of the transactions and occurrences in the settlement of Massachusetts and the other New England colonies, from 1620 to 1644. By John Winthrop, Esq. first governor of Massachusetts. Hartford, 1700. 6252, O. The history of New England, from 1630 to 1649. By John Win- throp, Esq. From his original MS. With notes by James Savage. 2 vols. Boston, 1825. 954, Q,. 8. Table, showing the towns and places which are inhabited by the English in New England ; with a map of that countrey ; being the first that ever was here cut. August 13, 1676. 951, O. 1. A relation of the discovery of New England, and of svndry acci- dents therein occvrring, from the yeere 1607 to 1622. London, 1622. 262, O. 2. A relation of the battell fought in New England, between the Eng- lish and the Pequet savages ; with the present state of things there. London, 1638. 951, 0. 7. New England's first fruits, in respect to the conversion of the In- dians, the progress of learning, &c. London, 1643. 465, a. 12. Patent for Plymouth, in New England ; with extracts from the records of that colony. Boston, 1751. New Hampshire. — 1807, O. The history of New Hampshire; comprehend- ing the events of one complete century from the discovery of the river Pascata- qua. By Jeremy Belknap. Philadelphia, 1784. 3879, & 7849, O. The history of New Hampshire, comprehending the events to the year 1790; containing also a geographical description of the state. By Jeremy Belknap, D. D. 3 vols. 2d edit. Boston, 1813, & 1792. New Jersey. — 8997, O. The history of New Jersey, from its discovery to the adoption of the federal constitution. By Thomas F. Gordon. Trenton, 1834. 25, 1498, &, 7787, O. The history of the colony of New Jersey, from its first settlement to the year 1721 ; with some particulars since, and a view of its pre- sent state. By John Smith. Burlington, 1765. 1688, O. 10. An account of the first settling of New Jersey by the Europeans. New York, 1759. 465, CL 6. Extracts from the minutes and votes of the assembly of New Jer- »cy; with notes and observations. 1743. 465, Q. 7. An answer to the notes and observations upon the votes of the aitembly of New Jersey. 1743. 466, Q. 8. The speech of Lewis Morris, Esq. governor of New Jersey. Phila- delphia, 1744. 466, Q. 9. Dialogues respecting the affairs of New Jersey. 466, ^ 10. A vindication of the late New Jersey assembly. 1742. PARTICULAR HISTORY. 877 1588, O. 10. An address to the freeholders of New Jersey, on the subject of public salaries. Philadelphia, 1763. 412, F. 17. A memorial of the proprietors of the patents of Minisink and Wa- wayanda, bordering on the crown lands of New York, respecting the contro- versy between New York and New Jersey. New York, 1757. 412, F. 18. A brief of the claim on the part of New Jersey, and of the proof offered in support of it, before the commissioners appointed for settling the boundary line between New Jersey and New York. 1582, O. 1. Extracts from the journal of the proceedings of the provincial congress of New Jersey. Burlington, 1775. 402, F. Votes of the general assembly of New Jersey, from October 28, 1777, to March 21, 1780. Trenton, 1779 & 1780. New York.— 5394, O. Memoir read before the historical society of New York, 31st December, 1816. By Egbert Benson. New York, 1817. Gift of the author, 824, D. The history of the five Indian nations depending on the province of New York. By Cadwallader Golden. 1727. 1250, D. The same. 3d edit. 2 vols. London, 1755. 3980, D. A history of the state of New York, from its first discovery to the present time. By F. S. Eastburn. New York, 1828. 4418, oll list of the election for representatives for the city and county of New York. 1769. 462, Q. 7. The commercial conduct of New York considered. New York, 1767. 465, ^ 1. A remark on the disputes and contentions in this province. By David Marin Ben Jesse. New York, 1755. 1547, 0. 2. The conduct of Cadwallader Colden, Esq. lieutenant-governor of New York. 1767. 791, D. 10. Reasons for not signing the association of New York. By S. Sayre. 1762. 5441, O. 6. Proceedings of the committee appointed to inquire into the official conduct of William W. Van Ess, Esq. New York, 1820. 5639, O. Re^wrts of the proceedings and debates of the convention of 1821, assembled for the purpose of amending the constitution of the state of New York. By Nathaniel J. Carter and William L. Stone, reporters, and Marcus T. C. Gould, stenographer. Albany, 1821. 7321, D. 1. Address of the society of Tammany or Columbian order, to its members. New York, 1819. 796, D. 3. An address from the convention of New York to their constituents. Philadelphia, 1777. 796, D. 1 1. An address from the legislature of New York to their constituents. Fishkill, 1781. 1005, 4, & 1858, D. 6. Address of the convention of the representatives of the convention of the state of New York to their constituents. Philadelphia, 1777. 3955, D. 6. Zuschrift aus der versammlung der representanten des staats von New York, an die, welchie sie dazu bestellt haben. Philadelphia, 1777. Pennsylvania. — 487, Q,. & 9083, O. Description of the province of New Sweden, now called by the English Pennsylvania, in America. By Thomas Campanius Holm. Translated from the Swedish, by Peter S. Duponceau, LL. D. Philadelphia, 1834. 5975, D. Annals of the Swedes on the Delaware. By the Rev. Jehu C. Clay. Philadelphia, 1835. 2263, 1. & 7642, O. Incidents of the insurrection in the western parts of Pennsylvania, in the year 1794. By Hugh H. Brackenridge. Philadelphia, 1795. 4109, D. A sketch of the history of Wyoming. By the late Isaac A. Chap- man, Esq. To which is added an appendix, containing a statistical account of the valley and adjacent country. Wilksbarre, 1829. 6441, O. 3. A discourse on the early history of Pennsylvania. By P. S. Du- ponceau. PhUadelphia, 1821. Gift of the author. 7535, O. An historical review of Pennsylvania, from its origin ; founded on authentic documents. By Benjamin Franklin, LL. D. Philadelphia, 1812. 60, 503, 1499, 1763, & 7938, O. The same. London, 1759. 2263, O. 2. History of the insurrection in the four western counties of Penn- sylvania, in the year 1794; with a recital of the circumstances connected there- with, and a review of the previous situation of the country. By Wm. Findley. Philadelphia, 1796. 6073, 6996, &. 6997, O. The history of Pennsylvania, from its discovery by Europeans to the declaration of independence in 1776. By Thomas F. Gordon. Philadelphia, 1829. No. 6997, gift of the author. 487, 4t 9083, Q, Novae Suecia3 seu PennsylvaniaB in America descriptio. By T. Campanius. Stockholmiae, 1702. ^.l?lfl^^^^' ^* "^^^ iiistory of Pennsylvania, from the first settlement of i that provluoe, under the first proprietor and governor, William Penn, in 1681, J PAKTICULAR HISTORY. 879 till after the year 1742 ; with a brief description of the said province between the years 1670 and 1770. By Robert Proud. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1797, &c. 816, & 2467, D. An historical and geographical account of the province and country of Pennsylvania, and of West New Jersey, in America. By Gabriel Thomas. London, 1698. 1572, O. 11. Remedies proposed for restoring the sunk credit of Pennsylva- nia. 1721. 794, D. 1. A letter from Sir William Keith, governor of Pennsylvania, to James Logan, Esq. Philadelphia, 1725. 926, 1. 1572, 6. & 2865, O. 7. Plain truth, or serious considerations of the present state of the city of Philadelphia and the province of Pennsylvania. By a tradesman in Philadelphia. (Benjamin Franklin.) Printed and sold by Gatthan Ambruster. Philadelphia, 1747. 2865, O. 3. The same. In German. 2865, O. 4. Necessary truth ; or seasonable considerations for the inhabi- tants of Philadelphia, in relation to the pamphlet, called, " Plain truth, &c." Philadelphia, 1748. 2865, O. 8, Sundry Christian truths, and short views of a pamphlet lately published, entitled, " Plain truth." In German. By a tradesman of German- town. Germantown, printed by C. Sower, 1748. 2865, O. 9. Treatise showing the need we have to rely upon God as sole protector of this province. Philadelphia, 1748. 2865, O. 10. Clear and certain truths, relating to the present crisis, as well the truly pious Christians as others. By a simple tradesman. Germantown, printed by C. Sower, 1747. 2865, O. 11. A short apology for plain truth, in a letter from a third trades- man in Philadelphia, to his friend in the country. Printed in 1748. 794, D. 3. A letter from a farmer to his friend. Philadelphia. 794^ D. 4. A letter from Benjamin Jones in Virginia, to John Jones in Penn- sylvania, relative to the encroachments of the French in Pennsylvania. 1754. 1572, O. 18. An account of distances from the city of Philadelphia, of all the places of note in Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1754. 618, 2. & 1546, O. 1. A brief state of the province of Pennsylvania, in which the conduct of their assembly is examined. 3d edit. London, 1756. 618, 1. & 1546, O. 2. An answer to an invidious pamphlet, entitled, " A brief state of the province of Pennsylvania." London, 1755. 1546, O. 3. A brief view of the conduct of Pennsylvania, for the year 1755. London, 1756. 1546, O. 4. 1170, 1. & 6002, D. 1. A true and impartial state of the province of Pennsylvania ; being a full answer to the pamphlets, entitled, " A brief state of the province of Pennsylvania ;" and " A brief view of the conduct of Penn- sylvania." Philadelphia, 1759. 469, Q.. 4. Evan's letters on the impropriety of sending forces to Virginia, &c. Philadelphia, 1756. 407, F. 8. An address from the trustees and treasurer of " The friendly association for preserving peace with the Indians," to William Denny, Esq. governor of Pennsylvania, 1757. 1572, O. 2. Elixir magnum ; or the philosopher's stone found out ; by way of address to the legislature. Philadelphia, 1757. 1572, O. 7. A letter from Batista Angeloni, to his friend Manzoni; wherein the Q,uakers are considered. Ephrata. 1572, O. 8. An address to the inhabitants of Pennsylvania, 1758. New York. 1572, O. 10. A letter to the people of Pennsylvania ; on the assembly's con- stituting the judges of the supreme court during good behaviour. Philadelphia, 1760. 1082, D. 1. Mechanics' address to the farmers. Philadelphia, 1761. 930 HISTORY. 794, D. 7. A prophecy lately discovered ; in which are predicted great and terrible events. 1763. .... r ui ^ • 1671, 1. 3742. O. 1. Cool thoughts on the present situation of pubhc affairs. Philadeiphia, 1764. ^ ^ , 1571.2. & 1983, O. 3. The plain dealer; or remarks on Quaker politics. Number one, two, and three. Philadelphia, 1764. 1571.3. & 1983. O. 2. An address to the inhabitants of Pennsylvania; in answer to " The plain dealer.*' Philadelphia, 1764. 1671.4. & 8605. O. 8. Speech in the house of assembly; by John D. Dick- insoiL With a preface. 2d edit. Philadelphia, 1764. 1671. O. 5. The maybe; or observations on Dickinson's speech. Philadel- phia, 1764. 1671. 6. & 8605. O. 9. Speech in the house of assembly ; in answer to Dick- inson's speech. By Joseph Galloway. Philadelphia, 1764. 1110, 3. 1571, 7. & 8605, 10. Dickinson's reply to Galloway's speech. Phi- ladelphia. 1764. 1571, O. 17. A protest against the appointment of Mr. Franklin an agent for Pennsylvania. 1764. 1571. 8. 1983, 6. & 3744, O. 1. Remarks on a late protest against appointing him an agent for Pennsylvania. By B. Franklin. Philadelphia, 1764. 1571, 9. & 3744, O. 2. An answer to Mr. Franklin's remarks on a late pro- test. Philadelphia, 1764. 1571, O. 10. ishburnham, 7179, O. A narrative by John Ashburnham of his attendance on king Charles the first ; with a vindication of his conduct from the misrepresentations of lord Clarendon. 2 vols. London, 1830. •5s/ie, 2545, D. Memoirs and confessions of capt. Ashe, author of " The spirit of the book." Written by himself 3 vols. London, 1815. ^ubignij D\ 6591, O. The hfe of Theodore Agrippa D'Aubigne; containing a succinct account of the most remarkable occurrences during the civil wars of France: in the reigns of Charles IX., Henry III., Henry IV., and in the minority of Louis XIII. London, 1772. M. Auguste II., 1713, D. La saxe galante augmentee de I'histoire des enfans le- gitimes d'Auguste seconde. Par B. De Pollnitz. Amsterdam, 1735. P. Baber, 1928, Q,. Memoirs of Zehir-ed-Din Muhammed Baber, emperor of Hin- dostan. "Written by himself, and translated partly by the late John Leyden, M. D., partly by William Erskine. With notes, and an intro- duction and a map. London, 1826. Bacht 5803, O. 2. Life of John Sebastian Bach ; with a critical review of his compositions. By J. N. Forkel. Translated from the German. Lon- don, 1820. Bacon, 423, O. The life of Francis Bacon, lord chancellor: of England. By M. Mallet. London, 1740. 6789, O. Memoir of the life and character of the Rev. Samuel Bacon, A. M. &c. late principal agent of the American government for persons liberated from slave ships on the coast of Africa. By J. Ashmun. Washington, 1822. Baillie, .S062, D. Memoirs of the lives and characters of the Rt. Hon. George Baillie, of Jerviswood, and of lady Grissell Baillie. By Lady Murray. Edinburgh, 1824. — — 1 124, Q,. 3. Inscription on the monument of the Right Honourable George Baillie, of Jerviswood, Esq. and lady Grissell Baillie, at Malerstan. P. Baird, 8822, O. The life of Sir David Baird, bart. 2 vols. London, 1832. Baglione, 1211, Q,. 1. G. Baglione vite de pittori, scultori, et architetti. Romae, 1642. P. Baker, 3085, O. Memojrs of the life and writings of the late Rev. Thomas Baker, B. D., with a catalogue of his MS. collections. By Robert Masters. Cambridge, 1784. P. 270, D. & 6597, O. Biographia dramatica ; or a companion to the play- house. Containing historical and critical memoirs, and original anec- dotes of British and Irish dramatic writers, from the commencement of our theatrical exhibitions, &c. Also, an alphabetical account of their works, the dates when printed, and observations on their merits. With a view of the rise and progress of the British stage. By David Er- skine Baker, Esq. 2 vols. Dublin, 1767 & 1782. M. 4291, & 7513, O. The same. Continued by Isaac Reed, with additions by Stephen Jones. 3 vols, in 4. London, 1812. Ballard, 97, Q,. Memoirs of several ladies of Great Britain, who have been celebrated for their writings or skill in the learned languages, arts and sciences. By George Ballard. Oxford, 1752. Barclay, 4758, O. 1. A genealogical account of the Barclays of Urie, for up- wards of 700 years, with memoirs of col. David Barclay and his son Robert. Also, letters never before published, by Henry Mill. Lon- don, 1812. 2334, D. A short account of the life and writings of Robert Barclay. London, 1802. Barcroft, 487, D. A brief narrative of the life and labours, in the work of the ministry, of John Barcroft. Dublin, 1730. Bard, 5567, O. A domestic narrative of the life of Samuel Bard, M. D. By the Rev. John M'Vickar, A. M. New York, 1822. — 3233, D. Vol. 20—21. The same. 908 HISTORY. Bartiih, 4560. O. Memoirs of Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina, margravine of Bareith, sister of Frederick the great. Written by herself. Trans- lated from the French. 2 vols. London, 1812 &, 1828. Bamardt 6242, O. The life of Sir Thomas Barnard. By the Rev. James Baker. London, 1819. Barney, 8683, O. A biographical memoir of the late commodore Joshua Bar- ney ; from autographical notes and journals in possession of his family, and other authentic sources. Edited by Mary Barney. Boston, 1832. Barretlh 635, O. The Italian library; containing an account of the lives and works of the most valuable authors of Italy ; with a preface, exhibiting the changes of the Tuscan language, from the barbarous ages to the present time. By Guisseppe Barretti. London, 1757. Barrett, 5135, O. Lives of the alchemystical philosophers; with a catalogue of books in occult chemistry, and a selection of the most celebrated treatises on the theory and practice of the hermetic art. By Francis Barrett. London, 1815. Barri, 1539, O. Anecdotes sur M. la comtesse du Barri. A Londres, 1775. 3233, D. Vols. 29 — 32. Memoirs of Madame du Barri. Translated from the French. London, 1830. Barrington, 4759, O. 2. The political life of Wildman viscount Barrington. Compiled from original papers, by his brother, Shute, bishop of Dur- ham. London, 1815. 6260, & 6261, O. Personal sketches of his own times. By Sir Jonah Barrington. Philadelphia, 1827. 6298, O. The same. 2 vols. London, 1827. Barrymore, 2325, O. Review of the life of the earl of Barrymore. London, 1793. Bart, 4035, D. The life of the celebrated Jean Bart, a naval commander in the service of Louis 14th. From the French, by the Rev. Edward Man- gin. London, 1828. Barton, 9127, O. 3. A biographical sketch, read before the Philadelphia medi- cal society, of their late president, professor Barton. By Wm. P. C. Barton, M.D. Philadelphia, 1810. Barwick, 3256, O. Vita Johannis Barwick, S. T. P. Londinensis duani. Lon- doni, 1721. P. 8456, O. The life of Dr. John Barwick, D. D. With an appendix of letters and other papers, relating to the history of that time. London, 1724. Baxter, 6626, O. An abridgment of Mr. Baxter's history of his life and times. With an account of the ministers, &c. who were ejected after the res- tauration of king Charles II., their apology and their treatment in the reign of king Charles and king James, and after the revolution, and the continuation of their history till 1711, &c. &c. To which is added, the church and dissenters compared, «fec. &;c. By Edward Calamy, D.D. 4 vols. London, 1713— 1727. M. 7185, O. The life and times of Richard Baxter; with a critical exami nation of his writings. By the Rev. William Orme. 2 vols. London 1830. Bayard, 3089, D. The right joyous and pleasant history of the feats, gests, and prowess of the Chevalier Bayard. Translated from the French, vols. London, 1825. BayU, 100, F. Dictionary, historical and critical. By M. Bayle. 2d edit With the life of the author, by Mr. Des Maizeaux. 5 vols. London 1734. 967, F. Dictionnaire, historique et critique. Par M. Pierre Bayle tomes. Rotterdam, 1697. 007, F. The same. 6th edit. 5 vols. Amsterdam, 1734. BIOGRAPHY AND PERSONAL NARRATIVES. 909 JBayle, 4266, D. An historical and critical dictionary ; selected and abridged from the great work of Peter Bayle. With a life of Bayle. 4 vols. London, 1826. Beattie, 6692, & 7821, O. An account of the life and writings of James Beattie, LL. D. ; including many of his original letters. By Sir Wm. Forbes. New York, 1806—1807. 1417, Q. The same. Edinburgh, 1806. Beauharnais, 5675, & 5676, D. Memoirs of Hortense Beauharnais, duchess of St. Leu, ex-queen of Holland. From the French. Philadelphia, 1833. Beaumont, 9135, O. 11. Adventures of two Americans (Messrs. Beaumont) at the siege of Brussels, Sept. 1830. By one of them. London, 1830. Beaver, 7028, O. The life and services of captain Philip Beaver, late of his majesty's ship Nisus. ByCapt. W. H. Smyth, R. N. London, 1829. Beddoes, 1550, Q,. Memoirs of the life of Thomas Beddoes, M. D. ; with an analytical account of his writings. By John Edmonds Stock, M. D. London, 1811. Bedell, 9215, O. Sermons. By the Rev. Gregory T. Bedell, D. D. With a biographical sketch of the author, by Stephen H. Tyng. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1835. Behmen, 695, D. Memoirs of the hfe and writings of Jacob Behiflen. By Francis Okely, Northampton, 1780, klisarius, 7026, O. & 4327, D. The life of Belisarius. By Lord Mahon. London, 1829, and Philadelphia, 1832. Belknap, 3052, O. American biography; or an historical account oi those persons who have been distinguished in America. By Jereijiy Bel- knap. 2 vols. Boston, 1794. Berkenhout, 326, Q,. Biographia literaria ; or a biographical history of litera- ture ; containing the lives of the English, Scottish, and Irsh authors, from the first dawn of letters in these kingdoms to the p'esent time. By John Berkenhout, M. D. London, 1777. F. Pell, 5444, D. Piety promoted, in a collection of dying sayings of livers of the people called Quakers ; with some account of their service;, sufferings, and virtuous lives. By John Bell. London, 1771. Bellamy, 1012, D. An apology for the life of George Anne Belimy, late of Covent-garden theatre. Written by herself. To which is annexed, her original letter to John Calcraft. 4th edit. 5 vols. Lmdon, 1786. Bellarmino, 1256, Q,. Vita di Roberto cardinal Bellarmino, arivescovo di Capua Dal Padre Daniello Bartoli. Roma, 1678. F. Beloe, 5013, O. The sexagenarian ; or recollections of a literary !ife. By Wm. Beloe. 2 vols. London, 1817. Benezet, 3150, D. Memoires sur la vie d'Antoine Bene^t. Par R. Vaux. Londres, 1824. Gift of the author. > 2569, D. The same. In English. Philadelphia, 1817. Gift of Jas, F. Farke. Bentivoglio, 1720, D. Relationi del Cardinal Bentivoglio. \olonia, 1646. F, Bentley, 2035, Gl. The life of Richard Bentley, D. D. WithW account of his writings, and anecdotes of many distinguished chara^ers. By James Henry Monk, D. D. London, 1830. Benyowsky, 587, Q,. Memoirs and travels of Mauritius Au^tus Count de Benyowsky ; with plates. Written by himself. Traili|ated from the original manuscript. 2 vols. London, 1790. Bernard, 99, P. A dictionary, historical and critical ; containiri the history of the most illustrious persons of all ages and nations. \t John Peter Bernard, Thomas Birch, John Lockman, and others. iLols. Lon- don, 1734. \ 4304, & 4330, D. Retrospections of the stage. By i\\ late John Bernard. 2 vols. London and Boston, 1830. 910 HISTORY. Btmadotte, 4531, 0. Memoirs and campaigns of Charles John, prince royal of Sweden. By John Philippart, Esq. Baltimore, 1815. 7094, O. Memorials of Charles John, king of Sweden and Norway ; illustrative of his character, of his relations with the emperor Napo- leon, and of the present state of his kingdoms. By William George Meredith, Esq., A. M. London, 1829. Berkeley^ 1234, O. 3. An account of the life of George Berkeley, late bishop of Cloyne; with notes. London, 1776. Berry, 8963, O. &, 5786, D. The duchess of Berri in La Vendee ; comprising a narrative of her adventures ; with her private papers and conespon- dence. By Gen. Dermoncourt. Philadelphia and London, 1833. , 5460, 0. Memoirs, letters, and authentic details relating to the life and death of H. R. H. Charles Ferdinand duke de Berry. Translated from the French of M le Vte. de Chateaubriand. London, 1821. Berwick, 2362, D. Lives of Marcus Valerius Messala Corvinus, and Titus Pomponius Atticus, with notes, to which is added, an account of the five first Caesars. By the Rev. Edward Berwick. Edinburgh, 1813. 2544, D. Lives of C. A. Pollio, M. T. Varro and Cn. C. Gallus, with notes and illustrations, by the Rev. Edward Berwick. London, 1814. Bewick, 165, D. Characters of the kings and queens of England ; selected from the best historians ; with heads. By T. Bewick. London, 1795. Best, 7044, O. Personal and literary memorials. By the author of " Four years in France," "Italy as it is," &c. (Best.) London, 1829. Betty, 4419, D. Biographical memoirs of Wm. H. W. Betty ; including a history of his engagements, with strictures on his acting. New York, 1806. Biddle, 3423, D. A review of the life, character, and writings of the Rev. Jchn Biddle, M. A. who was banished to the isle of Scilly, in the prt)tectorate of Oliver Cromwell. By Joshua Toulmin, A. M. Lou- den, 1791. Bingley, 26('3, D. Biographical conversations on the most eminent and in- stinctive British characters ; and also the most eminent voyagers of dif^rent nations, interspersed with numerous anecdotes. By the Rei". Wm. Bingley. 2 vols. London, 1818. 274, D. Biographical conversations on celebrated travellers. By Wfliam Bingley. London, 1819. Blackader, 3^29, D. Memoirs of the Rev. John Blackader ; containing illus- tratons of the episcopal persecutions from the restoration to the death of Charles II. By Andrew Crichton. Edinburgh, 1823. 3095, D The life and diary of It. col. J. Blackader, who served under kltg William and the duke of Marlborough. By Andrew Crichton. Edinburgh, 1824. Black Hawk, 584^ D. Life of Black Hawk, with an account of his nation, wars, &<. &c. and travels in the United States. Dictated by himself. Boston,! 834. Blaize, 865. F. The commentaries of Messire Blaize de Montluc, marcschall of Frace, describing all the combats, &c. of that warrior. London, 1674. P. Blair, 3812, 43934, O. An account of the life and writings of Hugh Blair, D. I By the late John HUl. Edinburgh, 1807. Bkuhtr, 474; O. The life and campaigns of field marshal prince Blucher of Wnlstatt, from his birth to 1815, translated in part from the German ogeneral count Gneisenau, with additions, by J. C. Marston, Esq. mdon, 1815. /^oflfrfimir 5876, D. Memoir of George Dana Boardman, late missionary to Iirmah. By Alonzo King. Boston, 1834. Boaie, 170, L>. Life of Mrs. Margaret Boate. Paris, 1651. P, I BIOGRAPHY AND PERSONAL NARRATIVES. 911 Bodley, 379, O. Reliquiae Bodleianae ; or some genuine remains of Sir Tho- mas Bodley ; containing his life ; the draught of the statutes of the library at Oxford, and a collection of letters to Dr. James, &c. Lon- don, 1703. Gift of Mr, Jones. Boleyn, 5457, O. Memoirs of the life of Anne Boleyn, queen of Henry VIII. By Miss Benger. 2 vols. London, 1821. 5519, & 7447, O. The same. Philadelphia, 1822. Bolingbroke, 552, D. The memoirs of the hfe and ministerial conduct of the late lord viscount Bolingbroke. London, 1722, Bolivar, 7006, O. Memoirs of Simon Bolivar, president liberator of the repub- lic of Colombia; of his principal generals, &c. By Gen. H. L. V. Du- coudray Holstein. Boston, 1829. 4069, D. Memoirs of Simon Bolivar, president liberator of the repub- lic of Colombia, and of his principal generals. By Gen. H. L. V. Ducoudray Holstein. 2 vols. London, 1830. /Bonaparte, 1312, O. &; 4432, D. The life of Bonaparte, first consul of France ; from his birth to the peace of Luneville ; with anecdotes of his differ- ent campaigns. Translated from the French. London, & Walpole, N. H. 1802. 3770, O. The life and character of Buonaparte, from his birth to the 15th of August, 1804. By W. Burdon. 2d edit. Newcastle upon Tyne. 1805. 4152, O. The secret history of the cabinet of Buonaparte, including his private life and domestic administration, and his conduct to foreign powers ; with secret anecdotes of the different courts of Europe, and of the French revolution. By Lewis Goldsmith. London, 1810. 2094, D. The same. New York, 1810. 4740, O. Memoirs of the life and campaigns of Napoleon Buona- parte, with a complete history of recent events, in Silesia and Bohe- mia. Illustrated by professional and biographical anecdotes of cotemporary leading characters. By E. Gifford. 2 vols. London, 1815. 4747, O. A narrative of events which have taken place in France from the landing of Buonaparte till the restoration of Louis 18th, with an account of the present state of society and public opinion. By H. M. Williams. London, 1816. 2457, & 2458, D. The same. Philadelphia, 1816. 2416, D. A year of the life of the emperor Napoleon, or an histori- cal account of all that happened from April 1st, 1814, to March 20th, 1815, relative to his majesty; translated from the French. New York, 1815. 4758, O. 2. A narrative of Napoleon Buonaparte's journey from Fontainbleau to Frejus in April, 1814. By Count Trouchses-Waldburg, London, 1815. 4895, O. Letters written on board the Northumberland, and at St. Helena in which the conduct and conversations of Buonaparte are described. By William Warden. London, 1816. 2561, & 2565, D. The same. Philadelphia, 1817. 2626, D. Letters from the cape of Good Hope, in reply to Mr. Warden. New York, 1817. 5022, O. 3. 2572, & 2567, D. Manuscript transmitted from St. Helena, by an unknown channel. Translated from the French. (Life of Buonaparte.) London & New York, 1817. 5246, O. Anecdotes of the court and family of Napoleon Buona- parte, translated from the French. London, 1818. 5307, O. Memoirs of the private life, return and reign of Napoleon in 1815. By M. Fleury de Chauboulon, ex-secretary of the emperor, &c. 2 vols. London, 1820. 912 HISTORY. Bonaparte, 5806, O. The manuscript of 1814 : a history of events which l.d to the abdication of NaiK)leon. Written at the command of the em- peror. By Baron Fain, secretary. London, 1823. 6955, O. The last days of the emperor Napoleon. By Dr. F. An- tommarchie, his physician. 2 vols. London, 1825. 6168, O. Narrative of the surrender of Buonaparte, and of his residence on board H. M. S. Bellerophon, with a detail of the princi- pal events that occurred. By Capt. F. L. Maitland. London, 1826. 6232, O. Napoleon in the other world. A narrative written by himself. London, 1827. 6258, 6259, & 6654, O. The life of Napoleon Bonaparte, with a preliminary view of the French revolution. By the author of Waver- ley. 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1827. ^3181,D. The same. 9 vols. Edinburgh, 1827. . 6998, O. The same. Abridged by an American gent. Philadelphia, 1827. Gift of John J. Smith Jun. 6980, O. A reply to Sir Walter Scott's history of Napoleon, by Louis Bonaparte. Philadelphia, 1829. . 6407, & 6408, O. Private memoirs of the court of Napoleon, and of some public events of the imperial reign, from 1805 to 1814; to serve as a contribution to the history of Napoleon. By F. J. de Bausset. Translated from the French. Philadelphia, 1828. — 7043, O. The life of Napoleon Buonaparte. By William Hazlitt. 4 vols. London, 1828. 7150, 7229, to 7234, O. Private memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, during the periods of the directory, the consulate, and the empire. By M. de Bourrienne, private secretary to the emperor. 2 vols. Phila- delphia, 1831. London, 1830. 6 copies. 7430, O. Historical memoirs of Napoleon. Book IV. 1815. Translated from the original MS. by B. E. O'Meara. Philadelphia, 1820. 5299, & 5308, O. The same. Book IX. 5568, & 5569, O. Napoleon in exile ; or, a voice from St. Helena. The opinions and reflections of Napoleon on the most important events of his life and government, in his own words. By Barry E. O'Meara, Esq. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1822. 5581, O. The same. 2 vols. London, 1822. 2979, D An answer to O'Meara's Napoleon in exile, or a voice from St. Helena. From the quarterly review. New York, 1823. 2361, D. 2. Portrait of Bonaparte, being a view of his administra- tion. By F. A. de Chateaubriand. New York, 1815. 4458, & 7502, O. The life of Napoleon Bonaparte, with a concise history of the events that have occasioned his unparalleled elevation ; including memoirs and original anecdotes of the imperial family, and the most celebrated characters that have appeared in France during the revolution. By William L. Van Ess, Esq. 4 vols. Philadelphia, 1809. 1980, D. The same. 5 vols. London, 1807—9. 7747, O. Bonaparte, and the French people under his consulate. Translated from the German. 2d edit. London, 1802. 8137, O. 4. Anecdotes of general Bonaparte ; compiled from original papers. By W. Craig. London, 1796. -^— — 8617, O. 6. An appeal to the British nation on the treatment expe- rienced by Napoleon Bonanarte in St. Helena. By M. Santini. Lon- don, 1817. — — 550, D. The life of Buonaparte, in which the atrocious deeds' which he perpetrated, to attain his elevated station, are faithfully recorded. By Mr. Sarratt. London, 1804. BIOGRAPHY AND PERSONAL NARRATIVES. 913 Bonaparte, 1954, D. The expose; or Napoleon Bonaparte unmasked, in a con- densed statement of his career and atrocities; with notes. London, 1809. 2388, D. Secret memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, by one who never quitted him for fifteen years. Translated from the French. 2 vols. London, 1815. 2416, D. A year of the life of the emperor Napoleon, or an histori- cal account of all that happened from April 1st, 1814, to March 20th, 1815, relative to his majesty ; translated from the French. New York, 1815. 2947, & 2948, D. Memorial de St. Helene. Journal of the private life and conversations of the emperor Napoleon at St. Helena. By the Count de Las Casas. 8 vols. Philadelphia, 1823. 5694, O. The same. 8 vols. London, 1823. 4098, D. The history of Napoleon Bonaparte, with engravings on steel and wood. 2 vols. London, 1829. 4100, & 4300, D. The court and camp of Bonaparte. London, 1829. New York, 1832. 5217, O. 2. & 4452, D. Observations on lord Bathurst's speech in the house of peers, March 18th, 1817 ; approved of by Bonaparte. New York, 1818. 5075, O. 4. An appeal to the British nation on the treatment expe- rienced by Napoleon Bonaparte, in the island of St. Helena. By M. Santini. With an authentic copy of the official memoir, dictated by Napoleon. London, 1817. 5623, D. Bonaparte's voyage to St. Helena ; comprising the diary of rear-admiral Sir George Cockburn, during his passage from Eng- land to St. Helena. Boston, 1833. 9099, O. The life of the emperor Napoleon ; with an appendix con- taining an examination of Sir W. Scott's " Life of Napoleon Bona- parte." By H. Lee. Vol. 1. New York, 1835. 5247, O. Memoirs of the private and political life of Lucien Bona- parte, prince of Canino, translated from the French. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1818. Bonelli, 1281, d. Vite de principi di Milano. Del Giovan M. Bonelli. P. BomievaU 778, O. Memoirs of the bashaw count Bonneval, from his birth to his death; containing also the secret history of Europe for the best part of the current century. Written by himself. London, 1750. 6821, O. Memoire sur le comte de Bonneval. Par le prince de Ligne, suive des lettres de la comtesse de Bonneval a son mari, &c. &c. A Paris, 1817. Bonchamps, 2997, D. Memoirs of the marchioness de Bonchampson La Ven- dee ; edited by the Countess de Genlis. Translated from the French. London, 1823. Borgia, 1807, D. Thomas Thomassi la vie de Caesar Borgia, appelle du depuis le due de Valentinois ; traduit de I'ltalien. Monte Chiaro, 1671. P. Bormvlaski, 5533, O. Memoirs of count Boruwlaski ; containing a sketch of his travels, with an account of his reception at the different courts of Europe. Written by himself. Durham, 1820. Bossuet, 2151, D. Some account of the life and writings of James Benigne Bossuet, bishop of Meaux. By Charles Butler, Esq. London, 1812. Bourbon, 4312, D. Historical memoirs of the house of Bourbon. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1831. . 5160, D. Historical memoirs of Stephani Louis de Bourbon Conte. Newbern, 1801. Bouthillier, 2364, D. The lives of Don Armand Jean Le Bouthillier de Ranee, abbot regular and reformer of the monasteiy of La Trappe ; of Thomas 115 914 HISTORY. « and of Michel de THopital, chancellor of state. By Charles h\ '[. London, 1814. BmodUr, 612*2,0. Memoir of the late John Bowdler, Esq. To which is added, some account of the late Thomas Dowdier, Esq. London, 1825. Botcdoin, 2100, Ct 6. An eulogy on the Hon. James Bowdoin, Esq. late president of the American acadamy of arts and sciences. By John Lowell. Boston, 1791. Bower ^ 68, Q. History of the popes, from the foundation of the see of Rome, to the present time. By Archibald Bower. 7 vols. London, 1748. 1087, Q^ The same. 3d edit. London, 1750. P. Bowers^ 5898, D. Naval adventures during thirty-five years' service. By Lieut. W. Bowers, R. N. 2 vols. London, 1833. Bowies, 1094, D. Memoirs of William Augustus Bowles, ambassador from the united nations of Creeks and Cherokees, to the court of London. Lon- don, 1791. Bowring, 5787, O. 3. Details of the arrest, imprisonment, and liberation of an Englishman, (John Bowring,) by the Bourbon government of France. London, 1823. Boityer, 363, CI. Biographical and literary anecdotes of William Bowyer, printer, and of many of his learned friends ; containing an incidental view of the progress and advancement of literature in this kingdom, from the beginning of the present century to the end of the year 1777. By John Nichols. London, 1782. Boyles, 8519, O. Memoirs of the lives and characters of the family of the Boyles, particularly of the late Charles, earl of Orrery ; in which arc contained many curious pieces of English history. By E. Budg( II, Esq. London, 1737. Boy 8 J 3186, D. Narrative of a captivity and adventures in France and Flan- ders, between the years 1803 and 1809. By Capt. Edward Boys, R. N. London, 1827. Bracciolini, 971, Q,. The life of Poggio Bracciolini. By the Rev. William Shepherd. Liverpool, 1802. Brackenrid^e, 645, Q,. 3. Brackenridge's eulogium of the brave men who hav(^ fallen in the contest with Great Britain; delivered July 5, 1779. Phi- ladelphia, 1779. Bfainerdt 5688, O. Memoirs of the Rev. David Brainerd, missionary to the Indians; chiefly taken from his own diary. By the Rev. Jonathan Edwards; includmg his journal, now first incorporated. By S. E. D wight. New Haven, 1822. — ^-^^ 1948, D. The life of David Brainerd, missionary to the Indians; with an abridgment of his diary and journal from president Edwards. By John Styles. London, 1808. Brantome, 807, D. Memoires de Brantome. Tomes VII. Leyden, 1699. Brasbridge, 5982, O. The fruits of experience ; or memoir of Joseph Bras- bridge. Written in his 80th and 81st year. 2d edit. London, 1824. Britsot, 2142, O. 2. The life of J. P. Brissot, deputy to the national conven- tion. Written by himself. Translated from the French. 2d edition. London, 1794. Brook, 4547, O. The lives of the Puritans, containing a biographical account of those divines who distinguished themselves in the cause of religious liberty, from the reformation to 1662; by Benjamin Brook. 3 vols. London, 1813. AviMi« 6126, O. The northern courts, containing original memoirs of the ■overeigns of Sweden and Denmark, since 1766. By John Brown. 3 vob. London, 1818. — 6469, O. Anecdotes and characters of the house of Brunswick, from BIOGRAPHY AND PERSONAL NARRATIVES. 915 the act of settlement to the youth of George III., including a memoir of the electress Sophia. By John Brown. London, 1821. Brown, 4805, 4806, & 8097, O. The life of Charles Brockden Brown ; together with selections from the rarest of his printed works, from his original letters, and from his manuscripts before unpublished. By William Dunlap. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1815. 4985, O. Memorial sketches of the Rev. David Brown ; with a selec- tion of his sermons, preached at Calcutta. Edited by Charles Simeon. London, 1816. 6046, O. Account of the life and writings of Thomas Brown, M. D., professor of moral philosophy in the university of Edinburgh. By the Rev. David Welsh. Edinburgh, 1825. Bruce, 384, Q. Memoirs of Peter Henry Bruce, a military officer; containing an account of his travels in Germany, Russia, Tartary, Turkey, the West Indies, &c. London, 1782. 1456, Q,. Account of the life and writings of James Bruce, of Kinnaird, Esq. By Alexander Murray. Edinburgh, 1808. 4184, D. The life of Bruce, the African traveller. By Major F. B. Head. London, 1830. Bryan, 4828, D. Living Christianity dehneated, in the diaries and letters of Mr. Hugh Bryan, and Mrs. Mary Hutson ; with a preface. By the Rev. J. Conder and Thomas Gibbons. London, 1760. Brydges, 9051, O. The autobiography, times, opinions, and contemporaries of Sir Egerton Brydges, bart. 2 vols. London, 1834. Brysson, 6050, O. Memoirs of Mr. William Veitch, and George Brysson. Written by themselves. With other narratives, illustrative of the history of Scotland, from the restoration to the revolution. With notes, by Thomas M'Crie, D. D. Edinburgh, 1825. Buchan, 2326, & 2458, O. Essays on the lives and xC-ritings of Fletcher of Sal- toun, and the poet Thomson ; with some pieces of Thomson's never before published. By the Earl of Buchan. London, 1792. Buchanan, 4203, O. Memoirs of the life and writings of George Buchanan. By David Irving, M. A. Edinburgh, 1807. 4981, O. Memoirs of the life and writings of the Rev. Claudius Buchanan, D. D. By the Rev. Hugh Pearson, M. A. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1817. 5049, O. & 6033, D. The same. Philadelphia, 1817. 4th edit. London, 1834. Buck, 2583, & 2627, D. Memoirs and remains of the late Rev. Charles Buck; containing extracts from his diary, and interesting letters to his friends. By John Styles, D. D. London, 1817. BucJdngham, J783, Q,. 2. Historical and biographical memoirs of George Vil- liers, first duke of Buckingham. Reprinted, London, 1819. Bull, 3549, O. The life of Dr. George Bull, late lord bishop of St. David's ; with the history of those controversies in which he was engaged. By Robert Nelson. London, 1713. P. Bunyan, 2Q11, D. The life of Mr. John Bunyan ; in which is exemplified the power of evangelical principles. Compiled by Joseph Iviraey. Lon- don, 1815. Burder, 5404, O. Memoirs of eminently pious women of the British empire. By the Rev. Samuel Burder. With portraits. 3 vols. London, 1820. Burford, 2785, O. 3. Memoir of the life and dying experience of the Right Ho- nourable Jane, countess of Burford, who departed this life, July 18, 1800. Birmingham, 1800. Burke, 801, Q,. Memoirs of Edmund Burke ; or an impartial review of his pri- vate life, his public conduct, his speeches in parliament, and the diffe- rent productions of his pen. By Charles M'Cormick, LL. B. London, 1797. 916 HISTORY. Burki, $560, 0. Life of Edmund Burke ; comprehending an impartial account of his political and literary efforts ; and a sketch of the conduct and character of his most eminent associates, coadjutors, and opponents. By Robert Bisset. London, 1798. _— 5888, & 5937, O. Memoir of the life and character of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke ; with specimens of his poetry and letters, and an esti- mate of his genius and talents, compared with those of his great con- temporaries. By James Prior, Esq. London, 1824, and Philadelphia, 1825. , 367 1 , 3. & 6966, O. 1 0. A defence of the political and parliamentary con- duct of the Rt. Hon. Edmund Burke. London, 1794. Burghley, 1939, Q. Memoirs of the life and administration of the Rt. Hon. Wm. Cecil, lord Burghley ; containing an historical view of the times in which he lived ; with extracts from his private and official correspondence, and other papers. By the Rev. Edward Nares, D. D. 2 vols. London, 1828. BurmaJh 6568, O. The lives of those eminent antiquaries, Elias Ashmole, Esq. and Mr. William Lilly. Written by themselves. Containing, first, William Lilly's history of his life and times, with notes, by Mr. Ash- mole ; secondly, Lilly's life and death of Charles the first ; and, lastly, the life of Elias Ashmole, Esq., by way of diary. With several occa- sional letters, by Charles Burman, Esq. London, 1774. M. Burnet, 8884, O. & 5833, D. Lives, characters, and an address to posterity. By Gilbert Burnet. Edited by John Jebb, D. D. London, 1833. Bum, 2469, D. Memoirs of the life of the late major-general Andrew Burn, R. M. Collected from his journals, with copious extracts from his principal works on religious subjects. 2 vols. London, 1815. Bumey, 8829, O. Memoirs of Dr. Burney ; arranged from his own manu- scripts, from family papers, and from personal recollections. By his daughter, Madame Darblay. 3 vols. London, 1832. 9208, O. The same. Philadelphia, 1835. Burns, 6423, O. Life of Robert Burns. By J. G. Lockhart. Edinburgh, 1828. Burr, 3955, D. 1 . A view of the political conduct of Aaron Burr, Esq. By Jas. Cheetham. New York, 1802. jBwrfOH, 863, O. An account of the life and writings of Herman Boerhaave. By William Burton, M. D. 2d edit. London, 1746. 3232, O. 6. De vita et moribus Johannis Burtoni, S. T. P. Etonensis epistola Edvardi Bentham, S. T. P. R. Oxoni, 1771. P. Bulhr, 5600, O. Reminiscences of Charles Butler, Esq. London, 1822. BuUerworth, 2974, D. Three years' adventure of a minor in England, Africa, and the West Indies, South Carolina and Georgia. By Wm. Butter- worth. Leeds, 1823. Byron, 4697, D. Narrative of the Hon. John Byron ; being an account of the shipwreck of the Wager, and adventures of her crew. Written by himself. With the life of the author. Edinburgh, 1812. 3055, & 3056, D. Correspondence of lord Byron with a friend; includ- ing his letters to his mother, written in 1809—1811. Philadelphia, 1826. 4 140, D. The life of lord Byron. By John Gait, Esq. London, 1830. 4141, D. The same. New York, 1830. 5718, O. Memoirs of the life and writings of the Rt. Hon. lord Byron ; with anecdotes of some of his contemporaries. London, 1822. 6938, iL 6939, O. Recollections of the life of lord Byron, from the year 1808 to the end of 1814. Taken from authentic documents in the postetsion of the author. By the late R. C. Dallas, Esq. Phila- laddphia, 1826. 6060, O. The game. London, 1824. BIOGRAPHY AND PERSONAL NARRATIVES. 917 Byron, 6025, O. The life, writings, opinions, and times of the Rt. Hon. George Gordon Noel Byron, lord Byron ; including memoirs and anecdotes of eminent public and noble characters, and copious recollections of the lately destroyed MS. 3 vols. London, 1825. 6027, O. A narrative of lord Byron's last journey to Greece. Ex- tracted from the journal of count Peter Gamba. London, 1825. 3051, 3052, & 5562, D. Journal of the conversations of lord Byron, noted during a residence with his lordship at Pisa, in the years 1821 and 1822. By Thomas Med win, Esq. New York, 1824. 5968, O. The same. London, 1824. 6026, O. & 3088, D. The last days of lord Byron ; with his lordship's opinions on various subjects. By William Parry. London, 1825. 2034, a. 7109, & 7110, O. Letters and journals of lord Byron; with notices of his life. By Thomas Moore. N. York and London, 1830. 7176, O. Conversations on religion, with lord Byron and others, held in Cephalonia, a short time previous to his lordship's death. By the late James Kennedy, M. D. London, 1830. 8954, O. Conversations of lord Byron with the countess of Blessing- ton. London, 1834. 1935, Q,. Lord Byron and some of his contemporaries. With recollec- tions of the author's life, and of his visit to Italy. By Leigh Hunt. London, 1828. 6353, & 6354, O. Lord Byron and some of his contemporaries. With recollections of the author's life, and of his visit to Italy. By Leigh Hunt. Philadelphia, 1828. Cabot, 7296, & 7297, O. A memoir of Sebastian Cabot ; with a review of the history of maritime discovery. Illustrated by documents from the rolls, now first published. Philadelphia, 1831. Caesar, 1181, 1238, & 4558, D. The life of Caius Julius Caesar; drawn from the most authentic sources of information. By Charles Coote, LL. D. London, 1796. 1933, Q,. Life of Sir Julius Caesar, knt., chancellor of the exchequer, and a privy counsellor to king James and Charles I. ; with memoirs of his family and descendants. By Edmund Lodge, Esq. London, 1727. Cagliostro, 2008, & 3199, O. The life and adventures of Joseph Balsamo, commonly called count Cagliostro, and his trial before the inquisition. London, 1791. P. 5133, D. The same. Dublin, 1792. Calamy, 7090, O. An historical account of my own life ; with some reflections on the times I have lived in (1671—1731.) By Edmund Calamy, D. D. Edited and illustrated with notes, historical and biographical. By John To will Rutt. 2 vols. London, 1829. Calvin, 4114, & 6694, O. Memoirs of the life and writings of John Calvin ; compiled from the narrative of Theodore Beza, and other authentic documents ; accompanied with biographical sketches of the reforma- tion. By John Mackenzie. London, 1809. Cameron, 1583, O. 1. The life and adventures of Duncan Cameron. 3d edit. Philadelphia, 1756. Camoens, 5347, O. &, 3177, D. Memoirs of the life and writings of Luis de Camoens. By John Adamson. 2 vols. London, 1820. Gift of the author. Campan, 5965, O. The private journal of Madame Campan ; comprising ori- ginal anecdotes of the French court, selections from her correspond- ence, thoughts on education, &c. Edited by M. Maigne. London, 1825. 3054, D. The same. Philadelphia, 1825. 918 BISTORT. CmnpbtU, 88, O. Lives of the admirals, and other eminent British seamen ; in- cluding an accurate naval history, from the earliest account of time. By Dr? John Campbell. 3d edit. 4 vols. London, 170 1. - 3i54, & 8095, O. Lives of the British admirals ; containing a new and accurate naval history, from the earliest account of time. By Dr. J. Campbell; with a continuation to the year 1779, by Dr. Berken- hout London, 1781—1779. P. ^ 8742, O. Memoirs of Sir James Campbell of Ardkinlass. Written by himself. 2 vols. London, 1832. Cndhi 1236, D. The life of Bianca Capello, wife of Francesco de Medicis, grand duke of Tuscany. Translated from the German of Siebenkee, by C. Ludger. Liverpool, 1797. Chape, 5699, O. Memoirs of the life of the late Mrs. Catharine Cappe. Writ- ten by herself London, 1822. Cbrftr, 4897, D. The life and adventures of Mr. Bamfield Moore Carew, com- monly called the king of the beggars ; with his travels through Ame- rica, and an account of the origin, laws, and customs of the gypsies. London, 1782. CarUtoriy 3989, O. Memoirs of captain George Carleton, an English officer ; including anecdotes of the war in Spain under the earl of Peterbo- rough, and many interesting particulars relating to the manners of the Spaniards in the beginning of the last century ; written by himself. 4th edit. Edinburgh, 1809. Canning, 7224, O. The political life of the Right Honourable George Canning. By A. G. Stapleton, Esq. 3 vols. London, 1831. 3242, D. Memoirs of the life of the Right Honourable George Can- ning. 2 vols. London, 1828. Came, 5654, D. Lives of eminent missionaries. By John Came, Esq. Lon- don, 1832. Canova, 5959, O. Memoirs of Antonio Canova, with a critical analysis of his works, and an historical view of modern sculpture. By J. S. Memes. Edinburgh, 1825. Caroline, 5532, O. Memoirs of her majesty queen Caroline Amelia Elizabeth, consort of George IV. By John Wilkes, jr. 2 vols. London, 1 822. 5456, O. The legislatorial trial of her majesty, Caroline, queen of England. London, 1820. 2212, 0, O. Memoirs of lady Fanshawe, wife of the Right Hon. Sir Richard Fanshawe, bart., ambassador from Charles the II. to the court of Madrid, in 1665. Written by herself. London, 1829. Fayette, La, 0002, 0. Life of the marquis de La Fayette, major-general in the service of the United States of America in the war of the revolution. By Robert Wain, jr. Philadelphia, 1825. BIOGRAPHY AND PERSONAL NARRATIVES. 929 Fayette^ La^ 9090, O. 8. Oration on the life and character of La Fayette. By John Q,. Adams. Washington, 1835. 3040, D. Memoirs of Gilbert Motier La Fayette. By Gen. H. L. Villaume Ducoudray Holstein. Translated from the French MS. New York, 1824. Felibien, 4898, D. Entretiens physiques par le Pere Regnault ; et les vies, et les ouvrages, des plus excellent peintres, avec la vie des architectes. Par M. Felibien. 4 tom. Trevoux, 1725. Fellowes, 1951, Q,. Historical sketches of Charles the first, Cromwell, Charles the second, and the principal personages of that period. With plates. By W. D. Fellowes, Esq. London, 1828. Fenelon, 41 1 5, O. The life of Fenelon, archbishop of Cam bray. Compiled from original manuscripts, by M. L. F. de Bausset. Translated from the French, by William Mudford. 2 vols. London, 1810. 1578, D. Histoire de la vie de Mons. Francois de Salignac de la Motte Fenelon, archeveque due de Cambray. A la Haye, 1 723. F. 2102, D. The life of Fenelon, archbishop of Cambray. By Charles Butler, Esq. Philadelphia, 1811. 3731, D. Abrege de la vie des plus illustres philosophes de I'antiquite, &c. &c. Par F. de Salaignac de la Motte Fenelon. Portrait. A Lyon, 1811. Fennell, 4450, O. An apology for the life of James Fennell, Written by him- self Philadelphia, 1814. Ferdinand VIL, 5906, 0. Memoirs of Ferdinand VII. king of the Spains. Trans- lated from the Spanish manuscript, by Michael J. Q,uin. London, 1824. Ferguson, 3233, D. vol. 6. A short account of the life of James Ferguson. Written by himself. London, 1826. Fernagus, 4946, O. Relation de la deportation, et de I'exil a Cayenne d'un jeune Fran^ais, (Fernagus) sous le consulate de Buonaparte en 1802. A Paris, 1816. Gift of the author. Finatij 4:174:, D. Narrative of the life and adventures of Giovanni Finati of Ferrara. Translated from the Italian, by Wm. John Banks. 2 vols. London, 1830. Firmin, 1332, Q,. 2. A short account of Mr. Thos. Firmin. London, 1698. P. Fitzgerald, 4269, D. The life and death of lord Edward Fitzgerald. By Tho- mas Moore. 2 vols. New York, 1831. Fletcher, 2691, D. The life of Mrs. Mary Fletcher, consort and relict of the Rev. John Fletcher. Compiled from her journal and other authentic documents, by Henry Moore. Philadelphia, 1819. Fontaine, La, 892, O. The French spy ; or the memoirs of John Baptist de la Fontaine ; containing many secret transactions relating both to Eng- land and France. Translated from the French. London, 1700. Foote, 1880, D. Memoirs of Samuel Foote, Esquire; with a collection of his genuine bon mots, anecdotes, opinions, e//, 2911, & 3039, O. Memoirs of Angelus Politianus, Actius Sincerus Sannazarius, Petrus Bembus, Hieronymus Fracastorius, Marcus An- tonius Flaminius, and the Amalthei; with translations from their poetical works. By W. Parr Greswell. Manchester, 1801. Griffith, 1242, O. A journal of the life, travels, and labours, in the work of the ministry, of John Griffith; with his brief remarks upon sundry impor- tant subjects. Philadelphia, 1780. Grindall, 668, F. The history of the life and acts of Edmund Grindall, the first bishop of London, in the reign of queen Elizabeth. By John Strype. London, 1710. P. Grosvtnor, 2609, D. A sketch of the life, last sickness, and death of Mrs. Mary Jane Grosvenor, left among the papers of the late Hon. Thomas P. Grosvenor. Baltimore, 1817. BIOGRAPHY AND PERSONAL NARRATIVES. 935 Grotius, 287, O. The life of Hugo Grotius. Written originally in French, by M. De Burigny. London, 1754. 6231, O. The life of Hugo Grotius; with brief minutes of the civil, ecclesiastical, and literary history of the Netherlands. By Charles Butler, Esq. London, 1826. Guillemard, 3135, & 3145, D. Adventures of a French serjeant, during his campaigns in Italy, Spain, Germany, Russia, &;c. from 1805 to 1823. By Robert Guillemard. London, 1826. Giistavus, 48, Q. The life of Gustavus Adolphus, king of Sweden, surnamed the great. By Walter Harte, M. A. 2 vols. London, 1759. 7998, O. The history of the hfe of Gustavus Adolphus, king of Swe- den, surnamed the great. By the Rev. Walter Harte. 2d edit, cor- rected. 2 vols. London, 1767. 4201, O. The history of Gustavus Adolphus, king of Sweden, sur- named the great. To which is prefixed, an essay on the military state of Europe, containing the manners and customs of the early part of the seventeenth century. By the Rev. Walter Harte, M. A. 3d edition, revised and corrected by J. J. Stockdale. 2 vols. London, 1807. 374, D. An historical discourse on the life of Gustavus Adolphus, king of Sweden. By M. Bayle. Translated from the French. 2d edit. Glasgow, 1757. Gwinnett, 8139, O. 2. The life and adventures of Ambrose Gwinnett; who, for a murder he never committed, was executed, and yet lived many years afterwards. To which are added, an account of John Matthie- son, lately executed for forgery ; also, a narrative of the adventures of four Russian sailors, who were cast away on the desert island of East Spitzbergen. Philadelphia, 1784. Hadyn, 5194, O. & 4384, D. The lives of Hadyn and Mozart, with observa- tions on Metastasio, and on the present state of music in France and Italy. Translated from the French of L. A. C. Bombet ; with notes. London, 1818. Ha/iz, 8708, O. The life of Hafiz-Moolk Hafiz Remut Khan, written by his son. Abridged and translated from the Persian, by Charles Elliot, Esq. London, 1831. Hale, 1717, D. The life and death of Sir Matthew Hale, knight, sometime lord chief justice of his majesty's court of king's bench. By Gilbert Bur- net, D. D. London, 1682. F. Hall, 6306, O. Memoirs of the life^ writings, and sufferings of the Rev. Joseph Hall, D. D. bishop of Norwich ; with a view of the times in which he lived, and an appendix. By the Rev. John Jones. London, 1826. 8727, O. Reminiscences of the Rev. Robert Hall, A. M. late of Bristol. By John Greene. London, 1832. 8949, O. Biographical recollections of the Rev. Robert Hall, A. M. By J. W. Morris. London, 1833. Halbert, 797, D. 2. The last speech and confession of Henry Halbert, who was executed at Philadelphia, October 19, 1765, for the murder of the son of Jacob Woolman. Philadelphia, 1765. Halle, 2005, Q. 9. Discours prononce sur le tombe de M. Halle, par J. J. Le- roux, &c. A Paris, 1822. Gift of Dr. Lobstein. Holler, 732, D. Memoirs of Albert de Haller. By Thomas Henry. Warring- ton, 1783. Halyhurton, 3669, D. Memoirs of the Rev. Thomas Halyburton. Partly writ- ten by himself, &c. Philadelphia, 1796. Hamilton, 1028, F. The memoirs of the lives and actions of James and William, dukes of Hamilton, &c.; with an account of the civil wars of Scotland, together with letters and other papers written by king Charles I. From the originals, by Gilbert Burnet. London, 1677. Gift of Mr, Thomas Stewart. 936 HISTORY. Hamilton, 5137, O. Memoirs of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton, with a se- lection from her correspondence and other unpublished writings. By Miss Benger. 2 vols. London, 1818. 4692, O. Memoirs of lady Hamilton ; with illustrative anecdotes of many of her most particular friends and distinguished contemporaries. London, 1815. 8489, O. & 2417, D. The same. Philadelphia, 1815. 8993, O. The life of Alexander Hamilton. By his son, John C. Hamilton. New York, 1834. 8224, O. A collection of the facts and documents relative to the death of general Alexander Hamilton ; with orations, sermons, and eulogies. By W. Coleman. New York, 1804. Hampden, 7343, O. Some memorials of John Hampden, his party, and his times. By Lord Nugent. 2 vols. London, 1832. 8873, O. Eliot, Hampden, and Pym ; or a reply, by the author of commentaries on the reign of Charles the first, to the author of memo- rials of Hampden. London, 1832. Hanger, 429, & 8287, O. The life, adventures, and opinions of col. George Hanger. Written by himself 2 vols. London and New York, 1801. Hanivay, 1799, &7792, O. Remarkable occurrences in the hfe of Jonas Han- way ; comprehending an abstract of his travels in Russia and Persia ; and d history of the institutions founded and supported by him. By John Pugh. 2d edit. London, 1787—1788. Hardie, 4260, O. The new universal biographical dictionary, and American remembrancer of departed merit ; containing complete and impartial accounts of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons of every station, but more especially those who have signalized them- selves in America. By James Hardie. 4 vols. ^arJi/, 8819, O. 1. Memoir of Sir Thomas Hardy. Written by himself. Lon- don, 1832. Harriott, 1938, & 3383, D. Struggles through life; exemplified in the various travels and adventures in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, of lieut. John Harriot. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1809. Hartley, 2775, D. British genius exemplified in the lives of men who have raised themselves to opulence and distinction ; including the lives of some distinguished foreigners. By Cecil Hartley. London, 1823. Hastings, 396, D. An historical character relating to the holy and exemplary life of lady Elizabeth Hastings. By Thomas Bernard. Leeds, 1742. Hauser, 5627, & 5628, D. Casper Hauser. An account of an individual kept in a dungeon. By A. Von Fuerbach. Translated from the German. Boston, 1832. Haussef, 3113, D. The private memoirs of Madame du Hausset, lady's maid to Madame de Pompadour. London, 1825. Hayley, 1867, Q,. Memoirs of the life and writings of William Hayley, Ks((. ' Written by himself. With extracts from his private correspondcm (^ and unpublished poetry, and memoirs of his son, Thomas A. HayleyJ Edited by John Johnson, LL.D. 2 vols. London, 1823. 1 Hays, 5530, O. Memoirs of queens, illustrious and celebrated. By Mary Hays. ' London, 1821. 1405, D. Female biography; or memoirs of illustrious and celebrated; women, of all ages and countries. By Mary Hays. 6 vols. London, J 1803. Hazan, M, 8707, O. The life of Sheikh Mohammed Ali Hazan. Written b himself. Translated from two Persian manuscripts, by J. C. Belfour, M. A. London, 1830. Hazlit, 597 1 , O. The spirit of the age ; or contemporary portraits. By William Hazlit. London, 1825. J BIOGRAPHY AND PERSONAL NARRATIVES. 937 Heath, 3004, & 8242, O. Memoirs of major-general Heath ; containing anec- dotes, details of skirmishes, battles, and other military events, during the American war. Written by himself. Boston, 1798. Heber, 7167, O. The life of Reginald Heber, D. D., lord bishop of Calcutta. By his widow. With selections from his correspondence, unpublish- ed poems, and private papers. Together with a journal of his tour in Norway, Sweden, Russia, Hungary, and Germany, and a history of the Cossacks. 2 vols. New York, 1830. 2037, a. The same. 2 vols. London, 1830. 7159,0. The last days of bishop Heber. By Thomas Robinson. Ma- dras and London, 1830. • 4066, D. Some account of the life of Reginald Heber, D. D., bishop of Calcutta. Boston, 1829. 5823, D. Memoir of the life of the Rt. Rev. Reginald Heber, D. D. By the Rev. George Bonner. London, 1833. 6043, D. Memoirs of the life and writings of the Right Rev. Reginald Heber, D. D. By Thomas Taylor, author of the life of Cowper. Lon- don, 1835. Henley^ 4233, D. A memoir of the life of Robert Henley, earl of Northington, lord high chancellor of Great Britain. By Robt. lord Henley. London, 1831. Henry, 508, F. The life and reign of king Henry the eighth. By lord Herbert, of Cherbury. London, 1682. Z. The same. London, 1649. P. — 2363, D. An essay on the character of Henry V. when prince of Wales. By Alexander Luders. London, 1813. 4079, D. Historical recollections of Henry of Monmouth, the hero of Agincourt, and other eminent characters. By the author of memoirs of James the second. London, 1829. 777, O. Life of Henry, prince of Wales, son of James the first. By Thomas Birch. London, 1760. 1776, D. Histoire du roy Henry le Grand. Par Hardouin De Prefore. Amsterdam, 1661. P. 5872, O. Memoirs of Henry the great, and of the court of France, dur- ing his reign. 2 vols. London, 1824. 1024, & 1468, D. 2. Anecdotes of Henry IV. of France, shewing the great encouragement he gave to literature ; with several of his letters. Translated from the French. London, 1787. P. 1102, D. Anecdotes of Henry the fourth of France. 2 vols. London, 1793. 5032, & 5033, O. Sketches of the life and character of Patrick Henry. By William Wirt. Philadelphia, 1817. Herbert, 673, a. & 3233, D. Vol. 8. The life of lord Herbert of Cherbury. Written by himself London, 1792, and 1827. Hervey, 2995, D. Herveiana ; or graphic and literary sketches illustrative of the life and writings of the Rev. Jas. Hervey, A. M. Scarborough, 1822. Hey, 5603, O. The life of William Hey, Esq. F. R. S. member of the royal college of surgeons in London. By John Pearson, F. R. S. London, 1822. Heywood, 8813, O. A memoir of the late captain Peter Hey wood, R. N. with his diary and correspondence. By Edward Tagart. London, 1832. Hill, 5454, O. The life of George Hill, D. D. principal of St. Mary's college, St. Andrews. By George Cook, D. D. Edinburgh, 1820. 9030, O. Memoirs of the life, ministry, and writings, of the Rev. Row- land Hill, M. A. By William Jones, M. A. With sermons. London, 1834. 118 938 HISTORY. Hill, 9029, O. 90, O. The life and times of WUliam Laud, D. D. lord archbishoi) of Canterbury. By John Parker Lawson, M. A. 2 vols. London, 1829. Lavaiert 2252, O. The secret journal of a self-observer ; or his confessions BIOGRAPHY AND PERSONAL NARRATIVES. 945 and familiar letters. Translated from the German original of Lavater. By Peter Will. 2 vols. London, 1795. Lavalette, 7340, O. Memoirs of count Lavalette. Written by himself. 2 vols. London, 1831. 5593 to 5598, D. The same. Philadelphia, 1832. Law, 633, Q,. 2. A sketch of the life and projects of John Law, of Lauriston, comptroller-general of the finances in France. Edinburgh, 1791. 3071, D. Memoirs of the life of John Law, of Lauriston; including a de- tailed account of the Mississippi system. By John Philip Wood, Esq. Edinburgh, 1824. Lawrence, 7283, O. The life and correspondence of Sir Thomas Lawrence, kt. By D. E. Williams. 2 vols. London, 1831. Lay, 2428, & 2429, D. Memoirs of the lives of Benjamin Lay and Ralph San- diford, two of the earliest public advocates for the emancipation of the enslaved Africans. By Roberts Vaux. Philadelphia, 1816. Leach, 7357, O. Rough sketches of the life of an old soldier. By Lt. Colonel J. Leach, C. B. London, 183 L Ledyard, 6338, & 6339, O. The life of John Ledyard, the American traveller; comprising selections from his journals and correspondence. By Jared Sparks. Cambridge, 1828. 6448, O. The same. London, 1828. Lee, 6071, &; 6072, O. Memoir of the life of Richard Henry Lee, and his cor- respondence with the most distinguished men in America and Europe, illustrative of their characters, and of the events of the American revo- lution. By his grandson, Richard H. Lee. Philadelphia, 1825. 7061, O. The life of Arthur Lee, LL. D., joint commissioner of the U. S. to the court of France, &c. By Richard Henry Lee, A. M. 2 vols. Boston, 1829. 2007, O. 1088, & 4591, D. Memoirs of the late Charles Lee ; to which are added, his political and military essays; also, letters to and from dis- tinguished characters. New York, 1792. Leicester, 847, O. The life of Robert, earl of Leicester, the favourite of queen Elizabeth; drawn from original writers and records. London, 1727. Lempriere, 3954, &7679, O. Universal biography; containing a copious ac- count, critical and historical, of the life and character, labours and actions, of eminent persons in all ages and countries, conditions and professions; arranged in alphabetical order. By J. Lempriere, D. D. London, 1808, and New York, 1810. 4205, 6770, &, 7891, O. A classical dictionary; containing a copi- ous account of all the proper names mentioned in ancient authors ; with the value of coins, weights, and measures, used among the Greeks and Romans; and chronological table. By J. Lempriere, D. D. New York, 1792, and 1809. Leo X., 1399, Q. 3748, & 7563, O. The life and pontificate of Leo X. In 4 vols. By Wm. Roscoe. Liverpool and Philadelphia, 1805. Letlsom, 1455, O. Memoirs of doctor John Fothergill, doctor William Cum- ming, doctor George Cleghorn, doctor Alexander Russel, and Peter Collinson. By John Coakley Lettsom. With plates. 4th edit. Lon- don, 1786. 4983, O. Memoirs of the life and writings of the late John Coakley Lettsom, M.D. By Thomas Joseph Pettigrew. 3 vols. London, 1817. Lewis XL, 6623, O. The history of Lewis XL king of France. By M. Duclos. Translated from the French original. 2 vols. London, 1764. M. Lewis XIV., 320, O. The age of Lewis the fourteenth. Translated from the French of M. de Voltaire. London, 1752. 3449, O. The same. P. 119 946 HISTORY. I.,ewU AT., i668, D. The age of Lewis the fifteenth ; being the sequel of the age o( Lewis the fourteenth. Translated from the French of M. de Vol- taire. 2 vols. London, 1770. P. Letvis XVI, 3853, & 3874, O. The last years of the reign and life of Lewis XVL By Francis Hue, one of the officers of his chamber. Translated by R. C. Dallas. London, 1806. 7914, O. Private memoirs relative to the last year of the reign of Lewis the sixteenth, late king of France. By Ant. Fr. Bertrand de Mole- ville. Translatedfrom the original manuscripts. 3 vols. London, 1797. 2271, O. 4. The trial of Lewis XVI. late king of France; contain- ing an authentic narrative of the accusation, trial, defence, sentence, cruel execution, &c. of this unfortunate monarch. London, 1793. Gift of John Borsey. 3125, O. 1. M. Clery's journal of occurrences at the temple, during the confinement of Lewis XVI. king of France. Translated from the original manuscript, by R. C. Dallas, Esq. London, 1798. P. 2528, & 8028, O. 2. Henry Hunter's sermon, preached February 3, 1793, at the Scots church, London- Wall, on occasion of tiie trial and execution of Lewis XVI. king of France. London, 1793. P. 2955, D. The defence of Lewis, pronounced at the bar of the national convention, 26 December, 1792. By citizen Deseze. Trans- lated by Cezar Dubuc. Paris, 1792. Lewis XVIIL, 7087, O. Private memoirs of the court of Lewis XVIII. By a lady. 2 vols. London, 1830. 5643, D. Memoirs of Lewis the eighteenth. Written by himself. 2 vols. London, 1832. Liezili 1272, D. An account of the life of Muley Liezit, late emperor of Mo- rocco. Written by a Spanish agent at the Moorish court, who wit- nessed the events of Liezit's reign, and who, by his intrigues, accom- plished that emperor's fall. Translated by Robert Heron. London, 1797. Ligne, De, 2020, D. Letters and reflections of the Austrian field-marshal prince de Ligne, edited by the baroness de Stael-Holstein ; containing anec- dotes, hitherto unpublished, of Joseph II., Catharine II., Frederick the great, Voltaire, Rousseau, and others. With interesting remarks on the Turks. Translated from the French, by D. Boileau. Philadelphia, 1809. Lillt/, 5692, O. William Lilly's history of his life and times, from the year 1602 to 168 L Written by himself London, 1822. 3233, D. Vol. 2d. The same. London, 1826. Lindsey, 4553, & 7537, O. Memoirs of the late Rev. Theophilus Lindsey, A. M. ; including a brief analysis of his works. Also, a general review of the progress of the unitarian doctrine in England and America. By Thomas Belsham. London, 1812. 7607, O. A sequel to the apology on resigning the vicarage of Cat- terick, Yorkshire. By Theophilus Lindsey, A. M. London, 1776. Linnsnu, 719, Q. The life of Sir Charles Linnaeus ; with a list of his works, and a biographical sketch of the life of his son. By D. H. Stoever. Trans- lated from the German, by Joseph Trapp. London, 1794. lAilet 2676, O. Life of major 1. G. Semple Lisle ; containing a faithful narra- tive of his alternate vicissitudes of splendour and misfortune. Written by himself. London, 1799. lAverpooU 6378, O. Memoirs of the life and administration of the Rt. Hon. the earl of Liverpool. London, 1827. Livingston, 8835. O. A memoir of the life of William Livingston; with ex- tracts from his correspondence, and notices of various members of his fiunily. By Theodore Sedgwick, jr. New York, 1833. BIOGRAPHY AND PERSONAL NARRATIVES, 947 Lloyd, 1676, D. State worthie^; or the statesmen and favourites of England, since the reformation to the time of Charles the first. By D. Lloyd. London, 1670. P. Locke, 2021, Q,. The life of John Locke ; with extracts from his correspondence, journals, and common-place books. By Lord King. London, 1829. 7095,0.1. Oxford and Locke. By Lord Grenville. London, 1829. Londonderry, 5986, O. 3. The political and private life of the marquis of Lon- donderry ; with anecdotes and reflections. By T. P. Fitzgerald, Esq. London, 1822. Lorenzo, 761, Q,. The life of Lorenzo de Medici, called the Magnificent. By William Roscoe. 2 vols. Liverpool, 1795. 1070, a. 6664, & 7899, O. The same. Philadelphia, 1803. 5604, O. Illustrations, historical and critical, of the life of Lorenzo de Medici, called the Magnificent. With an appendix of original and other documents. By William Roscoe. London, 1822. Louisa, 2158, D. The life of the princess Louisa, (Madame Louise,) of France, daughter of Louis the fifteenth, a Carmelite nun. 2 vols. Salisbury, 1808. Louvet, 2142, O. 3. John Baptist Louvet's narrative of the dangers to which he has been exposed since the 31st of May, 1793 ; with historical memo- randums. London, 1795. • 8491, O. Historical fragments ; with a narrative of the perils encoun- tered after the event of the 31st of May, 1793. By Jean B. Louvet. Written by himself, and translated from the French. London, 1795. Lovat, 2411, O. Memoirs of the life of Simon lord Lovat, written by himself Translated from the French original. London, 1797. Ludlow, 1 74, her8. and character. Written by himself, between the years 1773 and 1790. Edinburgh, 1800. Mahomet, 1017, O. Life of Mahomet. Translated from the French of the count de BoulainvilJiers. London, 1731. 251, D. The same. London, 1752. 1623, D. Jean Gagnier la vie de Mahomet, traduite et compilee de Talcoran des traditions authentiques, &c. 2 tomes. Amst. 1732. P. Mohammed, 4152, D. The life of Mohammed, founder of the religion of Islam, and of the empire of the Saracens. By the Rev. George Bush. New York, 1830. Maintenon, 4653, D. The life of Madame de Maintenon. Translated from the French. London, 1753. — — ^— 210, D. Memoirs for the history of Madame de Maintenon, and of the last age. Translated from the French. 5 vols. London, 1757. Macfarlane, 5637, 5638, & 5656, D. Lives and exploits of banditti and robbers, in all parts of the world. By C. Macfarlane, Esq. Including an account of Blackbeard and Kid, prepared for the American edition. Philadelphia, 1833. Malcolm, 1649, Q^ Lives of topographers and antiquaries who have written concerning the antiquities of England ; with portraits of the authors and a complete list of their works. By James P. Malcolm. London, 1815. Malsherbes, 1865, & 5379, D. The life of C. G. Lamoignon Malsherbes. Trans- lated from the French. By Edward Mangin. Edinburgh, 1804. Malvasia, 1 199, Q. Felsina Pittrice overo le vite de pittori Bolognezi dal Carlo C. Malvasia. Tomi II. Bologna, 1678. P. Manheim, 6972, O. 5. Affecting history of the dreadful distresses of Frederick Manheim's family ; the sufferings of John Corbly's family ; adventures of captain Stewart, «&c. &c. &c. Philadelphia, 1794. Mansfield, 781, a The life of William, late earl of Mansfield. By John Holli- day. London, 1797. New York, 1806. Maruon, 2726, D. Memoirs of Madame Manson, explanatory of her conduct on the trial for the assassination of M. Fualdes. Written by herself. Translated from the French, with an abstract of the trial. London, 1818. Maratti, 1211, Q. 2. Giam Pietro Bellori vita di Carlo Maratti l*ittore, scritte fin air anno 1789. Roma?, 1732. P, Marion^ 2528, D. The life of general Francis Marion, a celebrated partisan officer in the revolutionary war in South Carolina and Georgia. By brigadier-general P. Horry and M. L. Weems. Philadelphia, 1816. Marlborough, 1726, Q. Memoirs of John, duke of Marlborough, with his ori- ginal correspondence, collected from the family records and other authentic sources, illustrated with portraits, maps, and plans. By William Coxe, M. A. 2 vols. London, 1818. 113, dc 266, O. The life of John, duke of Marlborough ; with maps, plans of battles, and a number of original letters and papers. Bjr Thomas Lediard. 2 vols. London, 1736. — — — 437, O. An account of the conduct of the dowager, dutchess of BIOGRAPHY AND PERSONAL NARRATIVES. 949 Marlborough, from her first coming to court, to the year 1710. In a letter from herself to lord . London, 1742. Marmontel, 1850, D. Memoirs of Marmontel, written by himself; containing his literary and political life. Translated from the French. London, 1805. 3233, & 4636, D. Vols. 3 & 4. Memoirs of Marmontel, written by himself; containing his literary and political life, and anecdotes of the principal characters of the eighteenth century. Philadelphia, 1801 , & London, 1826. Marshall, 5957, O. Royal naval biography ; or memoirs of the services of all the flag-officers, &c. on the admiralty list, illustrated with notes, which contain an account of all the naval actions and othefr important events. By John Marshall. (B.) 7 vols. London, 1824. Marshall, 952, Q. 2. Life of Mr. Stephen Marshall, some time minister of the gospel at Finchingfield, in Essex. London, 1680. Martin, 4483, O. Biographica philosophica ; being an account of the lives, writings, and inventions of the most eminent philosophers and mathe- maticians, who have flourished, from the earliest ages to the present time. By Benjamin Martin. London, 1764. Martyn, 7088, O. Memoirs of John Martyn, F. R. S. and of Thomas Martyn, B. D. F. R. S. &c. professors of botany in the university of Cambridge. By George Cornelius Gorham, B. D. London, 1830. 2875, D. Memoir of the Rev. Henry Martyn, B. D. 6th edit. By John Sargent, jun. London, 1822. Marvell, 5650, D. The life of Andrew Marvell, the celebrated patriot. By John Dove. London, 1832. Marie, 3685, D. Marie d'Angleterre, reine-duchesse. Par Mademoiselle de de Lussan. Amsterdam, 1749. Mary, 711, Q. The history of Mary, queen of Scots, including an examination of the writings which were ascribed to her ; with copies of those writings. By Thomas Robertson. Edinburgh, 1793. 1749, Gl. & 5511, O. The life of Mary, queen of Scots, drawn from the state papers ; with six subsidiary memoirs ; illustrated with plates. By George Chalmers. 2 vols. London, 1818, &; Philadel- phia, 1821. — 1604,0. Mary, queen of Scots vindicated, by John Whitaker. 3 vols. London, 1787. — 5728, O. , Memou-s of Mary, queen of Scots. By Miss Benger. 2 vols. London, 1823. — 6053, O. The case of Mary, queen of Scots, and of Elizabeth, queen of England, legally, briefly, and historically stated, with an account of the last moments of Mary ; drawn from state papers, &c. By Hugh Campbell, LL. D. London, 1825. — 4215, D. Life of Mary, queen of Scots. By Henry Glassford Bell. 2 vols. New York, 1831. — 891, O. 5. An inquiry into the reign of queen Elizabeth, so far as relates to Mary, queen of Scots. London, 1754. Mason, 1332, Q,. 1. Impartial account of Mr. John Mason and his sentiments. By H. Maurice. London, 1695. P. 5738,4. & 9127, O. 10. Controversy between Armstead Thompson Mason, and Charles Fenton Mercer. Washington, 1818. Massaniello, 140, O. The history of the rise and fall of Massaniello, the fisherman of Naples ; containing a relation of the tumults and insur- rections that happened in that kingdom in the year 1647, on account of the tax upon fruits. By Francis Midon. London, 1729. Massers, 2043, 0. 2. Memoirs of Henry Massers de la Tude ; containing an account of his confinement thirty-five years in the state prisons of 950 HISTORY. France, and of the strataprems he adopted to escape ; with the sequel of those adventures. Written by himself, and translated from the French. London, 1787. Masters, 6942, D. The same. A new translation. London, 1834. Mather, 940, Q. 5. Life and death of the pious Richard Mather, teacher of the church in Dorchester, in New England. Cambridge, 1670. Mavor, 1279, D. British Nepos, or youth's mirror; being select lives of illus- tiious Britons, who have been distinguished by their virtues, talents, or remarkable progress in life; with incidental and practical reflections. By William Mavor. London, 1798. Mead, 2044, O. 4. Leman's memoirs of the life and writings of Dr. Richard Mead. London, 1755. Medley, 2777, O. Memoirs of the late Rev. Samuel Medley, with two ser- mons, and a variety of miscellaneous pieces in verse. Compiled by his son. London, 1800. Meikle, 4672, D. The traveller ; or, meditations on various subjects ; written on board a man of war. By James Meikle. To which is prefixed, a life of the author. New York, 1811. Melancthon, 4690, O. The life of Philip Melancthon, comprising an account of the most important transactions of the reformation. By F. A. Cox, A. M. London, 1815. Melmoth, 2383, O. 1. Melmoth's memoirs of a late eminent advocate, and member of the society of Lincoln' s-inn. London, 1796. Melvil, 6603, O. The memoirs of Sir James Melvil of Halhill : containing an impartial account of the most remarkable affairs of state. More par- ticularly relating to England and Scotland, under the reigns of queen Elizabeth, Mary, queen of Scots, and king James, not mentioned by other historians, &c. &c. &c. Published from the original MS. by George Scott, gent. Edinburgh, 1735. M. 5301, O. The life of Andrew Melville; containing illustrations of the ecclesiastical and literary history of Scotland, during part of the 16th and 17th centuries. By Thomas M'Crie, D. D. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1819. Mendelsohn, 6065, O. Memoirs of Moses Mendelsohn, the Jewish philosopher ; including the celebrated correspondence on the Christian religion with J. C. Lavater of Zurich. By M. Samuels. London, 1825. Menzicoff, 2747, D. Memoirs of prince Menzicoff, favourite of Peter the great. By M. De la Harpe. London, 1819. Metastatio, 2297, f, 6988, O. Memoirs of Scipio de Ricci, reformer of Catholicism in Tuscany. Compiled from MSS. and the letters of distinguished per- sons of bis times. Edited from the original of M. Potter. By Thomas Roscoe. 2 vols. London, 1828. Richard III., 2848, D. The history of king Richard the third. By Sir Thomas More, A new edition, revised and corrected, by S. W. Singer. Chis- wick, 1821. Richards, 2783, D. The Welsh non-conformist's memorial ; or Cambro-British I'i' _:raphy; containing sketches of the founders of the protestant-dis- - - ,; ing interest in Wales. To which are prefixed, an essay on Druid- ism, and introduction of the gospel into Britain ; with an appendix. By the late Rev. William Richards. Edited with notes, by John Evans. London, 1820. Gift of Rev. William Rogers. Richmond, 6981, O. A memoir of the Rev. Legh Richmond, A. M. By the Rev. T. S. Grimshaw, A. M. London, 1828. 3972, D. The same. New York, 1829. - 8824, O. Domestic portraiture ; or the successful application of re- ligious principles exemplified in the memoirs of three of the deceased children of the Rev. Legh Richmond. London, 1833. - - 5667, D. Domestic portraiture ; or the successful application of re- ligious principles in the education of a family, exemplified in the me- mou-s of the deceased children of the Rev. Legh Richmond. New York, 1833. Riego, 5898, O. 2. Memoirs of the life of Don Rafael del Riego. By a Spanish officer. London, 1823. 5986, O. 2. The last military operations of general Riego; to which is added, a narrative of the sufferings of the author in prison. By Geo. Matthews, aide to gen. Riego. London, 1824. KUson, 8556 O. Bibliographia poetica ; a catalogue of English poets of the 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries. By J. Ritson. London, 1802. Rittenhouse, 4430, & 7507, O. Memoirs of the life of David Rittenhouse, LL. D. F. R. S., &c.; interspersed with various notices of many distinguished men : with an appendix, containing sundry philosophical and other papers, most of which have not hitherto been published. By William Barton, M. A. Philadelphia, 1813. Hobertt, 717, 1. & 790, D. 2. Memoirs of the life of John Roberts ; written by his son, Daniel Roberts. 5th edit. Philadelphia, 1766. i(ooert8on,2m, O. An account of the life and writings of William Robertson, ^' D- By Dugald Stewart. London, 1801. 1986, p. Illustrious biography ; containing the lives and characters ol the prmciiml personages delineated by Dr. Robertson, in his history ^liiQ ^"^' of Charles V., and of America. Edinburgh, 1808. th A ?' ^^^^^^^^ ^^ public characters, drawn from the living and Dnt..^' i!f^« ^y Ignatius Loyala Robertson. New York, 1830. ^'"'w'jth^^''''- ^^^ ""'"'^'y of Robespierre, political ;nd personal; RahinMA cunous anecdotes. London, 1794. ifaatiMon, 4691 O Some account of the Rev. Thomas Robinson ; with a se- darTlSU ^ ^^ ^^"^"* ^^ ^^® ^®^' ^^^^^^ T. Vaughan. Lon- G^^u n ^^T'^"" of ^he life and writings of Robert Robinson. By ueoFLM nvor. London, 1796. f . '\P' . ^^J- '^' Memoirs of the late Mrs. Robinson ; writ- i Hf. London, 1801— 1826. BIOGRAPHY AND PERSONAL NARRATIVES. 963 Rohusti, 1235, & 1255, Q,. Vita di Giacopo Robusti, detto il Tintoretto celebre Pittore da Carlo Ridoffi. Venitia, 1642. P. Rob Roy, 2690, D. Historical memoirs of Rob Roy and the clan Macgregor ; "with an introductory sketch, illustrative of the condition of the high- lands prior to the year 1745. By K. Macleay, M. D. Philadelphia, 1819. Rochester, 941, O. 1579, & 2336, D. Some passages of the life and death of the Rt. Hon. John, earl of Rochester, who died July 26, 1680. By Gilbert Burnet, D.D. London, 1680. P. 1805. Rodney, 72 1 5, O. The life and correspondence of the late admiral lord Rodney. By Major-general Mundy. 2 vols. London, 1830. Rogers, 4467, & 7486, O. Memoirs of the Rev. John Rogers, D. D., late pastor of Wall street and Brick churches, in the city of New York. By Sa- muel Miller, D. D. New York, 1813. 4008, O. Memoirs of Josias Rogers, Esq., commander of his majesty's ship Quebec. By the late W. Gilpin. London, 1808. 4544, O. The lives of the twelve Caesars. By Elisa Rogers. 4 vols. and folio atlas. London, 1811. 3047, D. A new American biographical dictionary ; or remembrancer of the departed heroes, sages, and statesmen of America. Compiled by T. J. Rogers. 2d edit. Easton, Penna. 1823. Roland, 2143, O. 2. Appel a I'impartiale posterite par la citoyenne Roland. A Londres, 1795. 2296, 6773, & 7755, O. An appeal to impartial posterity, by Madame Roland, wife of the minister of the interior ; or a collection of tracts written by her during her confinement in the prisons of the Abbey and St. Pelagie, in Paris, &c. Translated from the French. 2 vols. London, 1796. New York, 1798. Romney, 1489, Q,. The life of George Romney^ Esq. By William Hayley, Esq. Chichester, 1809. 2036, d. Memoirs of the life and works of George Romney; includ- ing various letters and testimonies to his genius, &c. Also, some par- ticulars of the life of his brother. By the Rev. John Romney. Lon- don, 1830. Rosa, 5867, O. The life and times of Salvator Rosa. By Lady Morgan. 2 vols. London, 1824. Roscoe, 8875, O. & 5702, D. The life of William Roscoe. By his son, Henry Roscoe. 2 vols. London & Boston, 1833. 4180, D. The cabinet of biography ; conducted by the Rev. Dionysius Lardner. Eminent British lawyers. By Henry Roscoe, Esq. Lon- don, 1830. Rossini, 5898, O. 1. Memoirs of Rossini. By the author of the lives of Haydn and Mozart. London, 1824. Rousseau, 1234, O. 4. Relation ou notice des derniers jours de J. J. Rousseau, circonstances de sa mort et quels sont les ouvrages posthumes qu'on pent attendre de lui. Par Mons. Le Begue du Presle, docteur en me- dicine, et avec une addition relative au meme sujet. Par J. de Mag- gellan. A Londres, 1778. 1095, D. The confessions of John James Rousseau ; with a new col- lection of letters from the author. Translated from the French. 5 vols. London, 1790. 3877, D. Les confessions de Jean Jaques Rousseau. 4 tom. A Paris, 1808. 1261, D. 2. Corancez's anecdotes of the last twelve years of the life of J. J. Rousseau. Translated from the French. London, 1798. 1470, D. Confessions of J. J. Rousseau; with the reveries of the soli- tary walker. Translated from the French. 2 vols, in one. London, 1783. P, 964 HISTORY. Jfozeliu 4465, D. . Memoirs of the life and adventures of Signer Rozelli, at the Haffiie. Done into English from the French. London, 1709. Jiuddimany 2241, O. The life of Thomas Ruddiman; with new anecdotes of Buchanan. By George Chalmers, Esq. London, 1794. HutseU, 1755, d. 1. The life of William lord Russell, with some account of the times in which he lived. By Lord John Russell. London, 1819. 1755, Q^ 2. Some account of the life of Rachel Wriothesley, lady Rus- sell, followed by a series of letters to her husband, William lord Rus- sell. London, 1819. 603, F. 10. Speeches and behaviour of William, late lord Russell, Thomas Walcot, John Rous, and William Houe, a little before their execution, on the 20th July, 1683. 603, F. 11. Two papers in answer to the speeches of lord Russell and Thomas Walcot. London, 1683. 604, F. 24. Atkyn's defence of the late lord Russell's innocency. Lond. 1689. 604, F. 26. Lord Russell's case, with observations upon it, by Henry Lord de la M^re. London, 1689. 604, F. 27. Answer to the defence of the late lord Russell. 604, F. 28. Atkyn's reply, in which the innocency of lord Russell is further defended. London, 1689. 604, F. 29. Hawle's reply to the answer to the defence of the late lord Russell. London, 16S9. 604, F. 30. Two answers to the several replies vindicating the inno- cency of the late lord Russell. 8909, & 8910, O. Historical memoirs of the house of Russell. By J. H. Wiffen. 2 vols. London, 1833. Hyarit 5239, O. Biographia Hibernica; a biographical dictionary of the worthies of Ireland, from the earliest periods. By Richard Ryan. 2 vols. London, 1819. By ley, 2091, D. The itinerant ; or, memoirs of an actor. By S. W. Ryley. Philadelphia, 1811. Salt, 9028, O. The life and correspondence of Henry Salt, Esq. F. R. S. His B. M.'s consul general in Egypt. By J. J. Halls, Esq. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1834. Sampson, 4234, & 8 1 55, 0. Memoirs of Wm. Sampson, including particulars of his adventures in various parts of Europe, several original letters, a short sketch of the history of Ireland, and observations on the state of man- ners in America. New York, 1807. Sancho, 737, D. Letters of the late Ignatius Sancho, an African ; with memoirs of his life. 3d edit. London, 1784. Sancroft, 5452, O. The life of William Sancroft, archbishop of Canterbury, compiled principally from original and scarce documents, with an appendix. By George D'Oyly, D. D. 2 vols. London, 1821. Sand^ 5345, O. 2. A memoir of Charles Louis Sand ; including a narrative of the circumstances attending the death of Augustus Von Kotzebue : also a defence of the Gerwan universities. With notes. London, 1819. Savary, 6427, O. Memoirs of the duke of Rovigo (M. Savary.) Written by himself; illustrative of the history of the emperor Napoleon. 2 vols. London, 1828. 6887, O. 2. Memoir of the duke of Rovigo, (M. Savary,) relative to the fate of the duke D'Enghien. London, 1^823. Saxe, 202, p. The history of Maurice, count Saxe ; containing an account of all the wars of Europe, since the treaty of Utrecht, in which he was concerned. Translated from the French. 2 vols. London, 1753. BIOGRAPHY AND PERSONAL NARRATIVES. 965 Saint Leu, 2233, Q,. Memoires snr la duchesse de St. Leu, ex-reine de Hol- lande : suivis des romances composees et mises en musique par elle- meme et ernes d'un portraite et de douze gravures. A Londres, 1832. 5675, & 5676, D. Memoirs of the duchess of St. Leu, ex-queen of Holland. Translated from the French. Philadelphia, 1833. Saint Simon, 8876, O. Memoires complets et authentiques du due de Saint Simon sur le siecle de Louis XIV. et la regence, publics pour la pre- miere fois, par M. le Marquis de Saint Simon. Tom. 21. Paris, 1829. Saint Palaye, 1392, & 3196, O. The literary history of the troubadours; con- taining their lives, &c. and many particulars relative to the customs, morals and history of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. By M. de St. Palaye. London, 1779. St. JoAw, 5506, D. The lives of celebrated travellers. By James Augustus St. John. 3 vols. New York, 1832. Sanderson, 5387, O. Biography of the signers to the declaration of indepen- dence. By John Sanderson. 7 vols. Philadelphia, 1820. Say, 1227, D. Compilation of the extraordinary life and writings of Thomas Say. By his son Doctor B. Say. Philadelphia, 1796. 790, D. 8. The vision of Thomas Say. Philadelphia, 1774. Schiller, 6058, O. The life of Frederick Schiller ; comprehending an examina- tion of his works. London, 1825. 5789, D. The same. Boston, 1834. Scipio, 5077, O. Memoirs of the life of the elder Scipio Africanus; with notes and illustrations. By the Rev. Edward Berwick. London, 1817. Scott f 5625, O. The life of the Rev. Thomas Scott, D. D. ; including a narra- tive, drawn up by himself, and copious extracts of his letters. By John Scott, A.M. London, 1822. 2866, D. The same. Boston, 1822. 5896, D. Recollections of a naval life. By Capt. James Scott. 3 vols. London, 1834. 3082, & 3083, D. Lives of the novelists. By Sir Walter Scott. Phila- delphia, 1825. 4256, D. Autobiography of Sir Walter Scott, bart. Philadelphia, 1831. 9053, O. Life of Sir Walter Scott, baronet ; with critical notices of his writings. By George Allan, Esq. Edinburgh, 1834. 5854, D. Familiar anecdotes of Sir Walter Scott. By James Hogg. With a sketch of the life of the shepherd. By S. D. Bloodgood. New York, 1834. 6051, D. The domestic manners and private life of Sir Walter Scott. By James Hogg. Glasgow, 1834. Scurry f 3024, D. The captivity, sufferings, and escape of James Scurry, who was detained a prisoner during ten years, in the dominions of Hyder Ali and Tippoo Saib. London, 1824. Seeker, 1559, 6. & 2593, O. 1. Review of the life and character of archbishop Seeker ; with an appendix, containing his letter to the Rev. Mr. Mac- clenachan. By Bulby Porteus, D. D. New York, 1773. 5th edit. London, 1797. Segur, 6039, O. Memoirs and recollections of count Segur, ambassador from France to Russia, Prussia, &c. Written by himself. 3 vols. Lon- don, 1825. 6008, O. Xenophon*s memorable things of Socrates ; with the lives of Socrates and Xenophon. By M. Charpentier, &c. Translated by Ed- ward Bysshe. 2d edit. London, 1722. 1026, O. Xenophon's memoirs of Socrates ; with the defence of So- crates before his judges. Translated from the Greek, by Sarah Field- ing. 2d edit. London, 1767. 3114. O. The same. Bath, 1762. P, 82, & 331, O. The life of Socrates. By John Gilbert Cooper. 2d and 3d edit London, 1750. 3241, O. The same. P. Somertt 1649, Q^ An account of the life and writings of lord chancellor Somers, including remarks on the public affairs in which he was engaged, and the bill of rights, with a comment By Henry Maddock, Esq. Part 1. London, 1812. 1756, Q,. Essay on the life and character of John, lord Somers ; also sketches of an essay on the life and character of Philip, earl of Hard- wicke. By Richard Cooksey, Esq. Worcester, 1791. Somervilie, 4890, 6496, & 7523, O, Memorie of the Somervilles ; being a his- tory of the baronial house of Somerville. By James, eleventh Lord Somerville. Portrait 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1815. M. Sondes^ 1098, D. Sir George Sondes's memorials of remarkable occurrences in his family. Evesham, 1790. Southey, 5746, D. Lives of the British admirals, with an introductory view of the naval history of England. By R. Southey, LL. D., &c. Vol. 1. London, 1833. SparkSf 5795, D. The library of American biography. Conducted by Jared Sparks. 2 vols. Boston, 1834. Spence, 3213, D. Memoir of the life and character of Mr. Robert Spence, of York. York, 1827. Spencer^ 2619, D. Memoirs of the life and ministry of the Rev. Thomas Spen- cer, with a selection from his papers, &c. By Thomas Raffles. To which is added, reflections on mortality. By the Rev. Charles Buck. Hartford, 1815. Spirot 1781, D. A relation of the fearful estate of Francis Spira, in the year 1548. London, 1640. P. Spurzheim^ 5813, D. A memoir of the life and philosophy of Spurzheim. By A. Carmichael. Dublin, 1833. Stael, Dt, 2834, & 2835, D. Ten years exile ; or memoirs of that interesting period of the life of the baroness de Stiel-Holstein. Written by her- self, during the years 1810 to 1813, and now first published by her son. Translated from the French. New York, 1821. 5461, O. The same. London, 1821. — ^— 5346, O. Sketch of the life, character, and writings of baroness d«" Stael-Holstein. By Madame Necker des Saussure. Translated from the French. London, 1820. Stanislaus, 100, D. The history of Stanislaus, king of Poland; with a relation of his retreat from Dantzig. Written by himself. Translated from the French. London, 1 74 1 . StanUnit 619, D. A journal of the life, travels, and gospel labours of Daniel Stanton. Philadelphia, 1772. Gift, of Joseph Cruhhank. Simighton, 5797. D. Memoir of the Rev. WUliam Staughton, D. D. By th< Rev. S. W. Lynd, A. M. Boston, 1834. StMing, 4156, D. Lives of the Italian poets. By the Rev. Henry Stebbii , M. A- With twenty medallion portraits. In 3 vols. London, 1831 Stewarton, 7436, O. The revolutionary Plutarch ; containing the biographic^ historical, and secret memoirs of the Buonaparte family. By Mi Stewarton. Baltimore, 1806. BIOGRAPHY AND PERSONAL NARRATIVES. 969 Sfewarfon, 4588, D. The revolutionary Plutarch ; exhibiting the most distin- guished characters, literary, military, and political, in the annals of the French republic. By Mr. Stewarton. 5th edit. 3 vols. London, 1806. 4579, D. The female revolutionary Plutarch; containing biographi- cal, historical, and revolutionary sketches, characters, and anecdotes. By Mr. Stewarton. 3d edit. 3 vols. London, 1806. Stiles, 4069, & 6862, 0. The life of Ezra Stiles, D. D. LL. D., president of Yale college, &c. By Abiel Holmes, A. M. Boston, 1798. 21 12, D. A history of three of the judges of king Charles the first ; major- general Whalley, general Goffe, and colonel Dixwell, who, at the re- storation, in 1660, fled to America, and were concealed in Massachu- setts and Connecticut for near thirty years ; with an account of Mr. Theophilus Whale, supposed also to have been one of the judges. By president Stiles. Hartford, Conn. 1794. Stilling fleet, 4405, O. Literary life and select works of Benjamin Stillingfleet ; several of which have never before been published. Illustrated with plates. By William Coxe. 3 vols. London, 1811. Stockdale, 3968, O. Memoirs of the life and writings of Percival Stockdale ; containing many interesting anecdotes of the illustrious men with whom he was connected. Written by himself 2 vols. London, 1809. Story, 1 1 1 , F. A journal of the life of Thomas Story ; with his travels and labours in the service of the gospel. . Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1747. 3471, D. The life of Thomas Story, abridged. By John Kendall. Phi- ladelphia, 1805. 4917, O. 2. A journal kept in France, during a captivity of more than nine years. By William Story. Sunderland, 1815. Stothart, 5716, O. Memoirs of the late Charles A. Stothart; including original journals, letters, and antiquarian tracts, and some account of a journey in the Netherlands. By Mrs. Charles Stothart. London, 1823. Strong, 5441, O. 1. Biography of the Hon. Caleb Strong, governor of Massa- chusetts. By Alden Bradford. Boston, 1820. Struensee, 1846, O. Authentic elucidation of the history of counts Struensee and Brandt, and of the revolution in Denmark in the year 1772. Trans- lated from the German, by B. H. Lathrope. London, 1789. 1129, O. A narrative of the conversion and death of count Struen- see ; with a history of count Brandt, from the time of his imprisonment to his death. Translated from the German, by D. Munster. London, 1773. 6057, O. A narrative of the conversion and death of count Struen- see. By Dr. Munter. With an introduction and notes, by Thomas Rennell, B. D. London, 1825. Strutt, 1036, & 1539,0,. A biographical dictionary; containing an historical account of all the engravers, from the earliest period of the art of en- graving, to the present time, and a short list of their most esteemed works ; to which is prefixed, an essay on the rise and progress of the art of engraving. By Joseph Strutt. 2 vols. London, 1786. Gift of James Akin. Stuart, 6246, O. Memoirs of Elizabeth Stuart, queen of Bohemia, daughter of king James I. ; including sketches of the state of society in Holland and Germany, in the 17th century. By Miss Benger. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1825. Styles, 2763, D. Early blossoms ; or biographical notices of individuals dis- tinguished by their genius and attainments, who died in their youth ; with specimens of their respective talents. By John Styles, D. D. London, 1819. 122 970 HISTORY. Suiioniust 1226, Q. Isaaci Casauboni Caii Suetonii Tranquilli de XII Tacsari- bus libri VIII. ejusdem de illustribus grammaticis et de clans rhetori- bus. Genevae, 1611. P. 1228» D. C. Suet. Tranquilli Divus Julius Caesar. Gift of James Carey. 1804, D. Caii Suetonii Tranquilli de XII Caesaribus libri VIII. Co- loniiB Allobrogum, 1 6 1 5. Z'. 1547, D. History of the twelve Caesars, emperors of Rome. By Caius Suetonius Tranquillus. Translated from the Latin. London, 1672. P. 6540, & 7857, O. The lives of the first twelve Caesars, translated from the Latin of C. Suetonius Tranquillus ; with annotations, and a re\iew of the government and literature of the different periods. By Alexander Thomson, M. D. London, 1796. StiUy, 1595, D. Memoires de Maximilian de Bethune, due de Sully, principal ministre de Henry le grand. 8 tomes. Londres, 1763. P. 121, & 5045,0. The memoirs of the duke of Sully, prime minister to Henry the great. Translated from the French, by Charlotte Lennox. A new edition, with a brief historical introduction. 5 vols. Philadelphia, 1817. 3636, O. & 2137, D. Memoirs of Maximilian de Bethune, duke of Sully, prime minister of Henry the great ; newly translated from the French edition of M. de L'Ecluse. To which is annexed, the trial of Francis Ravaillac, for the murder of Henry the great. 5 vols. Edinburgh, 1770 & 1805. SummtrJiehU 7000, O. Memoirs of the life and ministry of the Rev. John Sum- merfield, A. M., late a preacher in connexion with the Methodist Epis- copal church in America. By John Holland. With an introductory letter, by James Montgomery. New York, 1829. SurteeSy 5646, D. Twenty-five years in the rifle brigade. By the late William Surtees. London, 1833. SuworoWj 2739, O. The history of the campaigns of count Alexander Suwo- row Rymnikski ; with a preliminary sketch of his private life and cha- racter. Translated from the German of Frederick Anthing. 2 vols. London, 1799. 4443, & 7528, O. The life of field marshal Souvaroff ; with reflec- tions upon the principal events, political and military, connected with the history of Russia, during part of the eighteenth century. By L. M. P. de Laverne. Translated from the French. Baltimore, 1814. Swartz, 8969, O. Memoirs of the life and correspondence of the Rev. Christian Frederick Swartz ; with a sketch of the history of Christianity in India. By Hugh Pearson, D. D. 2 vols. London, 1834. Swift, 4009, O. An essay on the earliest part of the life of Swift. By tiie Rev. John Barrett, D. D. With various pieces ascribed to Swift, two of his original letters, &c. London, 1808. • 472, O. Observations upon lord Orrery's remarks on the life and writ- ings of Dr. Jonathan Swift. London, 1754. 4262. D. Memoirs of Jonathan Swift, D. D., dean of St. Patrick's. By Sir Walter Scott. 2 vols. Paris, 1826. Gift of John J. Smith, Jr. Sydney, 1478, Q^ Memoirs of the life and writings of Sir Philip Sydney. By Thomas Zouch, D. D. York, 1808. 4551, O. Memoirs of Algernon Sydney. By George W. Meadley. With an appendix. London, 1813. Syke$t 1964, O. Memoirs of the life and writings of Arthur Ashley Sykes. By John Dlaney, D. D. London, 1785. TalUyrmd, 1867, & 4393, D. Memoirs of C. M. Talleyrand de Perigord; con- taining Uie particulars of his private and public life. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1805. BIOGRAPHY AND PERSONAL NARRATIVES. 971 Tanner^ 7129, O. A narrative of the captivity and adventures of John Tanner, (United States interpreter at the Saut de St. Marie,) during thirty- years' residence among the Indians, in the interior of North America. Prepared for the press by Edwin James, M. D. New York, 1830. Tasso, 1517, Q,. The life cf Torquato Tasso; with an historical and critical account of his writings. By John Black. 2 vols. London, 1810. Taylor, 5587, D. The records of a good man's life. By the Rev. Charles B. Taylor, M. A. New York, 1832. 4786, O. The life of the Rt. Rev. Jeremy Taylor, D. D. By the Rev. Henry K. Bonney, M. A. London, 1815. 3016, D. The life of the Right Rev. Jeremy Taylor, D. D. ; with a cri- tical examination of his writings. By Reginald Heber, D. D. 2 vols. London, 1824. 457, O. The history of the travels and adventures of the chevalier John Taylor. Written by himself. 3 vols. London, 1761. 8817, O. Records of my life. By the late John Taylor, Esq., author of Monsieur Tonson. 2 vols. London, 1832. 8786, & 8787, O. The same. New York, 1833. 3128, D. Memoirs and poetical remains of the late Jane Taylor; with extracts from her correspondence. By Isaac Taylor. Boston, 1826. Teonge, 6049, O. The diary of Henry Teonge, chaplain on board the Assist- ance, anno 1675 to 1679. Now first published; with notes. London, 1825. Terrain 5991, D. Memoirs de I'Abbe Terrai, controleur general contenant sa vie^ son administration ses intrigues, & sa chute. Paris, 1776. Thacher, 6409, O. American medical biography ; or memoirs of eminent phy- sicians who have flourished in America. To which is prefixed, a suc- cinct history of medical science in the United States. By James Thacher, M. D. Boston, 1828. 5591, D. Indian biography; or an historical account of those indivi- duals who have been distinguished among the North American na- tives as orators, warriors, statesmen, &c. By B. B. Thacher, Esq. 2 vols. New York, 1832. Thelwall, 3668, O. 3. Thelwall's vindication of his motives and political con- duct. London, 1795. Theodosius, 3393, D. Histoire de Theodose le grand. Par Flechier. A Lyon, 1815. 374, O. The life of the emperor Theodosius the great. Trans- lated from the French of M. Flechier, by Francis Manning. London, 1693. Thicknesse, 8258, O. Memoirs and anecdotes of Philip Thicknesse. Dublin, 1790. 1816, O. Memoirs and anecdotes of Philip Thicknesse. 3 vols. 1788. TTiomas, 3775, O. Military memoirs of Mr. George Thomas, who rose from an obscure situation to the rank of a general, in the service of the na- tive powers in the north-west of India. Compiled from Mr. Thomas's original documents, by William Frankhn. London, 1805. Thomason, 8939, O. The life of the Rev. T. T. Thomason, M. A. By the Rev. J. Sargent, M. A. London, 1833. Thorburn, 5798, D. Forty years' residence in America ; or the doctrine of par- ticular Providence exemplified in the life of Grant Thorburn, seeds- man. New York. Written by himself. Boston, 1 834. Thoresby, 7137, O. The diary of Ralph'Thoresby, F. R. S., author of the topo- graphy of Leeds, (1 677 — 1724) ; from the original MSS. By Joseph Hunter, D. D., F. R. S. 2 vols. London, 1830. Thuanus, 3856, O. The hfe of Thuanus ; with some account of his writings. By the Rev. J. Collinson. London, 1807. 972 HISTORY. TVghmmi^ 6993, O. Life of the Hon. Wm. Tilghman, Jate chief justice of the state of Pennsylvania. Compiled by John Golder, Esq. Philadelphia, 1829. Gift of the compiler, 6343, O. 3. Eulogium in commemoration of the Hon. Wm. Tilgh- man, chief justice of the state of Pennsylvania. By Peter S. Dupon- ceau, Esq. Philadelphia, 1827. 6343. 4. & 9140, O. 6. An eulogium on the Hon. Wm. Tilghman, late chief justice of the state of Pennsylvania. By Horace Binney, Esq. Philadelphia, 1827. TtUotson, 852, O. Life of Dr. John Tillotson, archbishop of Canterbury. By Thomas Birch. London, 1752. Thnberlake, 1006, O. Memoirs of lieutenant Henry Timberlake, who accom- panied the three Cherokee Indians to England, in the year 1762. TTmt/r, 2230, Q,. 1. The Mulfuzat Timury; or autobiographical memoirs of the Moghul emperor Timur. Written in the Jagtay Turkey language ; turned into Persian by Abu Talib Hussyny, and translated into Eng- lish by Major Charles Stewart. Printed by the oriental translation committee. London, 1830. 396, O. The history of Timurbec, emperor of the Moguls and Tar- tars ; being an historical journal of his conquests in Asia and Europe. By Cherefeddin All Translated from the Persian. 2 vols. London, 1723. 4545, D. The history of the life of Tamerlane the great; wrote by Athacen, a learned Arabian ; and translated into English, with notes, by L. Vane, Esq. London, 1753. Titian, 7211, O. The life of Titian ; with anecdotes of the distinguished per- ^ sons of his time. By James Northcote, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1830. Tobiriy 5306, O. Memoirs of Mr. John Tobin, author of the Honey moon ; with a selection from his unpublished writings. By Miss Benger. London, 1820. Tomkins, 438, & 2309, D. Piety promoted ; being a collection of the dying sayings of many of the people called auakers ; with memorials of their lives and sufferings. By John Tomkins, and John Field. Dub- lin, 1721, & 1781. Tone, 6091, O. Life of Theobald Wolfe Tone. Written by himself and con- tinued by his son. 2 vols. Washington city, 1826. ' 3233, D. Vol. 19. The life of Theobald Wolfe Tone. Written by him- self London, 1828. Tooke, 4554, O. Memoirs of John Home Tooke, interspersed with original documents, by Alexander Stephens. 2 vols. London, 1813. Jorcy, 185, rland, 824 Dunlop, J. Memoirs of Si>ain, 837 — Roman literature, 409 — History of fiction, 519 Dunn, H. Central America, 715 Dunn, S. On the transit of Venus, 349 — New atlas, 611 Dunn, Lord. Friendly advices, 56 Dupaty, Abbe. Travels in Italy, 665 Dupin, Baron. On Great Britain, 763 Dupin, C. Mathematics, 336 Dupin, li. E. E>:clcsia8tical writers, 3 — Library historians, 3. 607 — History of the (-hurch, 119 Duponceau, P. S. Report on languages, 412 — View of the constitution, 1 49 — Historical discourse, 433 Dupont. Philosophic de universe, 196 — Lcs sccours aux malades, 223 Ehippa, R. Papal government, 824 Duprats, M. History of Louisiana, 873 Dupuis, I. Residence in Ashantce, 704 Durell, I. Worship of God, 56 — On foreign Churches, 56 Durham, J. Commentary on Rev. 24 Duryer, i\I. CEuvres, 568 Dutens, M. Discoveries of the moderns, 179 — Travels in Europe, 650 Dutlon, A. Letter to Whitfield, 56 Dutton T. Dramatic censor, 496 Dwight,H. E. Travels, 655.715 Dwight, T. Sermons and life, 95 — Hartford convention, 901 — Travels, 715 Dwight, Wm. T. Oration, 433 Dyer, G. University of Cambridge, 213 Dyke, Jr. T. Travels, 655 Dymond, J. Principles of morality, 55. 196 Dyott, T. W. System at Dyottville, 377 Earle, A. New Zealand, 640 Earle, J. Sacramentid exercises, 56 — Micro-cosmography, 525 Earle, T. On rail roads, 247 Earthquakes, account of, 276 Eastburn, F. S. History of New York, 877 East India company, 233 Elaston, J. Human longevity, 302 Easton, T. Sur rasscmbl(3c nationale, 830 Ebeling, C. D. Karto von Frankeich, 611 — Von America, 884 Ebcrs, I. King's theatre, 496 Ecliard, L. Roman history, 746 — History of England, 763 Ecton, J. Liber valorum, 119 — Proceeding of Queen Anne's hunting corjxjration, 119 Ecclesiastical law, 141 — History, 116 Ede, J. Annals, 752 — View of gold and silver coins, 229 Eden, F. M. Great Britain and Ireland, 617 — Port of London, 247 Eden, R. E. and W. Indies, 633 Eden, W. Letters on politics, 223 — On friendly societies, 223 Edgecumbe, E. Italian opera, 496 Eklgeworth, Abbe. Letters and life, 555 Edgeworth, Miss. Novels and talcs, 525 — Dramas, 505 — Letters and Irish bulls, 576 Edgeworth, M. & R. L. On education, 208 Edgeworth, R. L. Roads and carrriages, 247 — Readings in poetry, 439 Edifices, descriptions of, 372 Cddis, W. Letters from America, 715 Edmonds, T. R. Moral and polit. economy, 223 Edmonson, Sir A. Journey in Egypt, 764 Edmonson, J. Heraldry, 737 Edmonston, A. Zetland islands, 655 F^ducation, treatises on, 206 I'^dwards, B. West Indies, &,c. 854 Edwards, G. On the public burthens, 229 Edwards, Jon. Works of, 42 1004 INDEX. Edwards, Jon. On redemption, 56 Edwards, M. On the millennium, 56 Edwards, T. Canons of criticism, 576 Edwards, W. F. On physical agents, 325 Edye, J. Naval discipline, 401 Egan, P. Sporting anecdotes, 548 Egede, H. Hist, of -Greenland, 816 Eglantine, P. F. N. Comedie, 516 Egmont, Van. Travels in Europe, 633 Egypt. History, 842 — Travels in, 702 Eichorn, G. Einleitung das N. Test. 24 Ekins, C. Naval battles, 401 Eldon, A. Travelling oracle, 630 Electricity, treatises on, 259 Elegant extracts. Prose, 585 — Verse, 468 Elgin marbles, description of, 372 Eliot, Sir T. Bankette of sapience, 576 Ellicott, A. Journal, 715 Elliott, C. B. North of Europe, 655 Elliott, J. Philosophy, 255 Elliot. Gospel in New England, 132 Elliot, J. On mineral waters, 277 — Nat. philosophy and medicine, 297 — On vision and hearing, 325 Elliot, S. Botany of South Carolina and Georgia, 285 Ellis, C. Gentile sinner, 56 — Serious considerations, 56 Ellis, D. On atmospheric air, 261 Ellis, G. On Black sea and Caspian, 695 Ellis, H. Chronicles of England, 763 — Original letters, 555 — Embassy to China, 695 — Voyage to Hudson's bay, 640 Ellis J. The Ellis correspondence, 763 — Nat. hist, of corallines, «fec. 293 Ellis, R. British tariff 1830, 229 Ellis, W. Tour through Owyhee, 640 — Polynesian researches, 640 — Vindication of missions, 132 Elisaeus, B. Wars of the Armenians, 844 Elliston, R. W. Venet. outlaw, 505 Elmes, J. On prisons, 158 Elmhurst, P. J. Calabria, 665 EUmore, H. M. Navigation, 401 Elphinstone, M. Account of Caubul, 695 Elton, E. Epist. to Romans, 24 EUwood, Th. Sacred history, 17 Ellwood, Mrs. Journey to India, 633 Ely, E. S. Theological review, 595 — Journal of a preacher, 56 Elys, E. Quaker light within, 56 Emblems, 547 Embree, T. Orthography, 41 6 Emerson, G. Medical statistics, 223 Emerson, J. Picture of Greece, 688 — Hist, of Greece, 742 Emerson, W. On Newton's Principia, 255 — Fluxions, 338 Emlen, S. Journal medicine, 592 Encyclopsedias and dictionaries, 182 Eneas Vicus. Delle medaglie, 740 Enfield, W. Discourses and sermons, 95 — Hist, of philosophy, 179 — Nat. philosophy, 255 — The speaker, 426 Engel, De. I'Amerique peupl6e de, 854 Engelhard. Wanderungen, 655 England, history of, 755 — Travels in, 676 England, Bp. Roman missal, 36 England, G. Morals of the ancients, 179 Engel, M. Essays and tales, 576 Englefield, Sir H. On comets, 349 Englefield, Sir H. C. Isle of Wight, &c. 678 English, G. B. Expedition to Dongola, 704 English, H. Mining review, 592 Engraving, art of, 359 Ensor, G. On national government, 216 Entick, J. Hist, of the war, 752 — British empire, 763 Entomology, 291 Epee, L'. Instruction of deaf and dumb, 206 Epictetus. Enchiridion, 196 — Works translated, 196 — Morals and life of, 196 Epigrams. See poetry, 439 Ephemerides, 353 Epistolary writings, 552 Erasmus, D. Paraphrase of the New Test. 24 — Apologia, 56 — Veram theologiam, 56 — Complaint of peace, 202 — Laus stultitisB, 545 — Praise of folly, 525 — Works, 548 — Copia verborum, 413 Erckern, L. Assaying metals, 281 Erpenius. Grammatica Arabica, 415 Erskine, R. Sermon, 95 Erskine, Lord. On cruelty to animals, 202 — Speeches on liberty of the press, 433 — Armata, 814 Escoiquiz, Don J. Events in Spain, 837 Espinel, V. Marcos de obregon, 525 Esprit, M. Vertus humaines, 56 Espiard, Abb6. Spirit of nations, 202 Essayists, 572 Estaugh, J. Unfaithful professors, 56 Este, C. Journey in Flanders, 655 Estius, G. Comment. Epist. S. Pauli, 24 — Annotationes, Sac. Scrip. 24 Estlin, J. P. Sermons, 96 Estrada, Don. Defence of the Cortes, 837 Estrange, L'. Controversial tracts, 56 Etherege. Play, 505 Ethics, or moral philosophy, 193 Ethical treatises on the passions, &c. 201 Eton, W. Turkish empire, 841 — Commerce of Black sea, 234 — Hist, of Malta, 824 Euclid. Elements of geometry, 341 Euler, L. Navigation, 401 — Nat. philosophy, 255 — Algebra, 338 Eulogiums, collections of, 430 Europe, travels in, 649 — History of, 751 Eusebius. Ecclesiast. hist. 120 — Hist, of anc. paganism, 135 Eustaphieve, M. Resources of Russia, 816 Eutropius. Hist. Romanse, 746 Eustace, J. C. Travels in Italy, 665 Evagrius. Ecclesiastical history, 120 Evans, J. Denominations of the religious world, and sequel, 120 INDEX. 1005 Evans, J. Golden centenary, — Death, the lot of man, — Defence of Friends, — Proceedings against, — Sermons, — Epitome of geography, — Tour in Wales, &c. Evans, G. W. Van Dieman's Land, Evans, G. W. D. Connoiseur in Italy Evans, L. De. British India, Evans, L. Analysis of general map, — Essays, Evans, O. Evans, R. Evelyn, J. 611. Patent law. Rectory of Valehead, On forest trees, — Discourse of medab, — Works, Everest, R. Journey, Everett, A. H. Europe, — America, Everett, £. Defence of Christianity, — An oration, Everhard, T. Art of guaging, Evliya. Travels in Europe, Ewing, J. Columbian alphabet, — Natural philosophy, Euripides, J. B. Trageedis Greece, F. Faber, G. S. On the prophecies, — On the seventy weeks, — Restoration of the Jews, — HorsB Mosaics, — Levitical dispensation, — Difficulties of Romanism, — Sermons, — Pagan idolatry, — Mysteries of the cabin, Faber, M. Slate of France, Fables, collection of, Fabretti, R. Aqusductibus Rom. Fabricius, A. Bib. Greeca et Lat. — Bib. antiquaria, Fabyan, R. Chronicles, Fagan. L'etourderie, Fairholroe, G. Geology of Scripture, Fairman, W. Guide to stocks. Faith, confessions of, Falconbridge, A. On the slave trade, Falconbridge, A. M. Voyages to S. Leone, Falconer, W. On climate, — Navigation, Falle, P. Account of Jersey, Fanning, E. Voyages, Farmer, H. Worship of Spirits, Farmer, J. Genealogical register, Farquhar, G. Comedies, Farriery, systems of, Farro, D. Universal grammar. Fathers of the Church, Fauchet, J. Political sketches, — Weights and measures, Faulkner, Sir A. B. Visit to Paris, — Visit to Germany, Faux, W. Journal of a tour, Favart, M. (Euvres, Fawcett, J. Sermons, Fayetto, Mad. Ilcnrietta, 120 57 57 57 96 611 678 640 665 844 611 576 174 525 285 740 565 655 752 854 31 433 341 633 416 255 499 24 24 24 31 57 57 96 135 135 665 520 735 3 3 763 517 31 229 35 242 705 179 401 763 640 135 875 505 394 417 41 898 234 665 655 716 565 96 525 Fayette, Mad. CEuvres, 545 — Pricesse de Cleves, 545 Fearon, H. B. Sketches of America, 716 Featherstonhaugh, G. W. Geology, 592 Featley, D. Anabaptists duck'd, 57 Federalist, the, 150 Fellenberg, E. Establishment at Hofifwyl, 208 Feller, F. X. de. Defence of Christianity, 31 Fell, M. Counsel to the army, 57 — Call to the seed of Israel, 57 — Sermons, 96 Fell, R. Tour in Holland, 655 Fellowcs, Robt. Harmony, 17 — On death, 57 — Christian philosophy, 57 — Lectures on theology, 57 — Rights of property, 21 6 Fcllowes, W. D. Letters from Paris, 665 Fcltham, J. Isle of Man, 679 Fellhain, O. Resolves, divine and moral, 57 — Beauties of, 202 Fclton, H. Reading the classics, 426 Fenelon, Archbp. On the existence of God, 10 — Dissertation on love, 57 — Writings and life, 57 — On Education, 208 — On eloquence, 426 — Telemachus, 525. 545 — Tales and fables, 526 — Dialogues des morts, 548 Fenn, J. State letters, 763 Fenning, D. On the use of the globes, 349 Fenton R. Tour in Pembroke, 679 Ferber, J. J. Travels in Italy, 665 Fergus, H. On the government of God, 10 Ferguson, A. Roman republic, 746 — History of civil society, 216 — Moral and political science, 196 — Moral philosophy, 196 — Notes on Canada, 716 Ferguson, J. On electricity, 261 — Lectures, 346 — Tables and tracts, 377 — On Kennedy's chronology, 18 Ferguson, R. Remedies of revenge, 57 — On calumny, 202 Ferishta. History of Dekkan and India, 844 Fern, H. Right of resistance, 216 — Reply to, 216 Fernandez, P. Gramatica inglesa, 417 Ferrar, J. View of Dublin, 679 Ferrarius, F. B. De concionum, 36 Ferrell, S. A. Rambles through the U. S. 716 Ferriar, J. Theory of Apparitions, 189 — Illustrations of Sterne, 576 Ferris, S. Dissertation on milk, 332 Fessenden, T. G. Britain and America, 900 Fessenden, T. Science of sanctity, 57 Feudal law, 141 Feuillee, L. Physiques et botaniques, 255 Feuquires, De. War in Europe, 752 Fevers, 315 Ffirth, J. Methodist Church, 120 Fiction, treatises on, 519 — Works of, 520 Fidler, J. Observations on the U. S. 716 Fiddcs, R. Letter to a free thinker, 31 Field, B. Geography New South Wales, 611 1006 INDEX. Field, R. Of the Church, 57 Field, W. Letter on dissenters, 57 Fielding, H. Plays, 505 — Voyage to Lisbon, 665 — Novels, 526 — Works and miscellanies, 565 Fielding, Sir J. Police of metropolis, 158 Fielding, T. Select proverbs, 548 Filangeri, G. Science of legislation, 216. 137 Filmer, Sir R. Freeholders inquest, 216 Filson, J. Discovery of Kentucky, 873 Findley, W. Penn. insurrection, 878 Finance, treatises on, , 228 Finch, J. Travels in the United States, 716 Findlay, R. Vindication of the sacred books, &c. 31 Finett, J. On ambassadours, 138 Finlayson, G. Siam and Hu6, 695 Finley, S. Refutation, 57 — Vindication, 57 Firmicus, J. De vera religione, 43 Fish, J. Discourse, 96 Fischer, F. A. Travels in Spain, 665 Fisgrave, A. Taste and genius, 426 Fisher, A. Voyage to North Pole, 640 Fisher, G. The American instructor, 576 Fisher, S. Ck)llected labours, 42 — Light of Christ, 57 — To the parliament, 57 Fisher, W. L. Pauperism and crime, 223 Fisher, S. J. On the vine, 387 Fishes, natural history of, 291 Fitch, J. Reply to Rumsey, 347 Fitzclarence, Col. Journals, 633 Fitzgerald, F. Natural science, 255 Flack, N. B. Navigation, 401 Flavel, J. Exposition of Catechism, 36 — A saint indeed, 58 Flaxraan, J. Engravings from Homer, 366 Flechier, M. E. Panegyriques et sermons, 96 Fleetwood, Bp. On English money, 229 — Articles of enquiry, 120 Fleming, R. On the Scriptures, 24 — Fall of Papacy, 58 Fleury, Abbe. Ecclesiastical history, 120 — Ancient Israelites, 114 Fletcher, J. Man's lost estate, 58 Fletcher, C. Comedy, 505 — Naval guardian, 576 Fletcher, J. History of Poland, 816 Fleurieu, C. P. C. de. Voyages to Guinea, 705 Flinders, Capt. Voyage, 640 Flinter, Col. Account of Puerto Rico, 716 Flint, T. Western States, 611 — Recollections, 716 — Geography and history, 861 Florian, J. B. Course of studies, 410 Florian, M. do. Theatre Italian, 517 — Nouvelles, 545 — Novels, 526 — Melange, 565 Florida, histories of, 872 Florus. L. A. Hist Rom. 746 Floras, 283 Flourners, G. Voyageurs, 630 Flower, R. Letters from Illinois, 716 Fluxions, treatises on, 337 Folks, M. Tables of coins, 229 Fontaine, De. Revolution of Poland, 819 Fontaine, C. Des medalles, 740 Fontaine, M. Fables, 526. 546 Fontenelle. Dialogues of the dead, 548 Fontenelle, M. Plurality of worlds, 349 — Northern antiquities, 816 — (Euvres, 565 Foote, S. Dramatic works, 505 Forbes, J. Oriental memoirs, 695 Forbes, D. Works, 565 — Religious works, 42 — Incredulity, 58 — Culloden papers, 763 Forbes, R. Jacobite memoirs, 763 Forbes, J. G. Sketches of Florida, 873 Force, De la. Voyage de France, 666 Ford, R. Reformation of coin, 229 Ford, J. Dramatic works, 505 Ford, Miss. Letter and ballad, 555 Fordyce, D. Dialogues on education, 208 Fordyce, Sir W. On cultivation of rhu- barb, 332 Forrest, T. On monsoons, 261 — Voyage to Guinea, 705 — Voyage to Calcutta, 695 Forster, C. Mahometanism, 135 Forster, G. Journey from 13engal, 633 Forster, J. R. On classification, 266 — Plants of North America, 286 — Voyage round the world, 640 — Voyages, &.c. 630 Forster, N. On Egypt, 844 — Dissertation on Josephiis, 115 Forsyth, J. Travels in Italy, 665 Forsyth, R. Beauties of Scotland, 679 — Moral science, 196 Forster, R. Fossils, 280 Foster, J. On popular ignorance, 196 — Essays, 576 — Subject of religion, 58 — Sermons, 96 Foster, T. Atmospheric phenomena, 261 Foriney, M. Philosophical miscellanies, 196 Fortis, Abbe. Dalmatia, 655 Fosbroke, T. D. British monarchies, 120 Foscolo, U. Essays on Petrarch, 426 Fothergill, A. Navigation, 401 Fothergill, S. Discourses and prayers, 96, 97 Fothergill, J. Purity and holiness, 58 — Works and life, 297 — Hortus Uptonensis, 286 Foque, la Motte. Novels, 526 Foulis, H. Romish treasons, 58 Fountainhall, L. Scottish affairs, 764 Fournier, A. Adornement des dames, 302 Fournier, G. On fortifications, 404 Fowler, E. On Christian liberty, 8 — Sermons, 97 — Design of Christianity, 58 Fowler, G. Chinese letters, 555 Fowler, J. Tour in New York, 716 Fox, C. J. History of James II. 763 Fox, G. Religious tracts, 58 Fox, J. Hist, of the church, 120 — Sermon on Christ, 97 — Ecclesiastical hist, and martyrs, 131 — Plans of education, 208 Foy, Gen. War in the peninsula, 837 Francus, J. Hieroglyphics, 735 Francus, J. C. Concerning the son of God, 58 INDEX. 1007 France. Constitutions and codes, — History of, Francis, P. Tragedy, Francken, C. W. Shipwreck, &.c. Franckel, D. H. Tlianksgiving sermon, Francois, L. Preuve de la religion, Frankland, C. C. Travels, &c. Frankland, Capt. C. C. Visit to Russia, Franklin, A. A farce, Franklin, Dr. B. Indian massacres, — Hist of Pennsylvania, — Letters, — General magazine, — Works, — Du bonhomrae Richard, — On electricity, — On animal magnetism, Franklin, J. State of Hayti, — Hist, of Egypt, Franklin, T. Letter to a bishop, Franklin, W. Tour from Bengal, — Reign of Shah Auluni, Franklin, Capt. J. Voyage to Polar seas, Franzius, W. Hist, animalium sacra. Eraser, C. Turkish empire. Eraser, D. American magazine. Eraser, J. B. Hist, of Persia, — Travels in India and Persia, — Journal of a tour, dec. Eraser. Magazine, Eraser, R. Gleanings in Ireland, Frederick II. Works, — Memoirs Brandenburgh, — On war, — Hist, of Corsica, Freeman, G. J. Sketches in Wales, Freeman, S. Concerning the Catholic church. Freemasons, Freherus, M. Gcrmani scriptores, Ereke, J. On fire, electricity, &c. Erend, W. Address to Church of England, — Christian theology, — Patriotism, — Evening amusements, Freneau, P. Works, Eresnoy, du. Etude de rhistorie, — Study of history, Ereycinet, Capt, Voyage, Ereygan, M. Account of Persia, Erezier, M. Voyage to S. sea, Friends, society of. Testimony of, Frisi. On rivers and canals. Frith, John, the martyr. Works of, Froissart. Chronicles, Fromaget, Abb6. Cousin de Mahomet, Frossard. Cause des esclaves. Frost, J. The art of swimming, Fry, C. The listener. Fry, M. Roads and carriages. Fry, Elizabetli. Report on Ireland, Euce, J. Manifestations of the spirit, Fuller, A. Thornton Abbey, Fuller, J. Tour in Turkey, Fuller, S. Reply to Quakers, Fuller, T. Art of thinking, — Church history, — Counsels and cautions, Falles, P. Visitation sermon. 156 1 Fulman, W. Anglicarum scriptorum, 764 827 1 Fulton, G. Pronouncing dictionary, 417 506 Fulton, R. Torpedo war and canals, 248. 401 647 1 Funtcius, C. llistorio polit. 752 97 Furneaux, Ph. On religious liberty, 8 31 688 655 506 Gadbury, J. Nativities, 189 880 Gaffarel. Talismanic sculpture, 189 878 Gage, T. West Indies, 716 555 Gail, J. B. Greek grammar, 413 596 Gale, S. On pubUc credit, 229 565 Gale, T. Electricity, 261 549 — Debates in Connecticut, 872 261 — Opuscula mythologica, 135 261 Gales, J. S. Debates in Congress, 862 716 Galiffe, J. A. Italy, 666 844 Galileo. Sidcrius nuncius, 349 58 Gall, Dr. Physiognomy, 187 696 Gallatin, A. On roads and canals, 248 844 — On finances, 898 640 — Foreign intercourse, 898 293 Gallaud, M. Contes Arabes, 546 841 Gallot, T. Drama, 506 549 Galloway, Col. Government of India, 844 844 Galloway, Jos. On revelation, 24 696 — Hist of the church of Rome, 59 696 Galloway, J. Remarks on Sir W. Howe, 894 596 Gait, J. Novels, 526 679 — Bachelor's wife, 576 565 — The Canadas, 716 820 — Voyages and travels, 689 404 — Travels, 638 824 Galvanism treatises on, 259 679 Gambler, E. On moral evidence, 192 Gamble, J. On signals, 346 58 — Sketches in Ireland, 679 739 Gammon, J. A believer's life, 59 820 Ganganelli, Pope. Letters and life, 555 261 Ganilh, C. Political economy, 223 58 Garat, D. J. On the French revolution, 830 59 Garden, A. Anecdotes, 862 216 Garden, J. Hist of Henry IIL 830 349 Gardening, treatises on, 385 565 Gardiner, G. A. Acct. of an earthquake, 277 607 Gardiner, H. Currency and absenteeism, 229 607 Gardiner, J. On theatrical exhibitions, 496 641 — Essays, &c. 576 696 Gardiner, Jane. London to Dover, 679 641 Gardner, R. Views on the Rhine, 655 39 Garnett, T. Tour in the highlands, 679 248 — Annals of philosophy, 592 44 Garnham, K. E. Vind. of Bp. Hoadley, 59 830 Garrick, D. Dramatic works, 506 546 — Letters and life, 555 242 Garvey, J. Conversion of a friar, 59 407 Gaskell, P. Manufacturing poor, 223 576 Gaslight, treatises on, 399 248 Gaston, H. Practice of Christians, 59 764 Gastrell, F. Necessity of religion, 59 59 — Christian's institutes, 59 526 Gast, J. Hist, of Greece, 742 689 Gassendius, E. P. On atoms, 189 59 Gassicourt, C. L. de. Voyage Autriche, 656 192 Gataker, T. True contentment, 59 120 Gaudence de Luques, 547 202 Gaultier, Abb<4. Art of abridging, 426 97 —Conversations, 308 1008 INDEX. Gavin, A. Key to popery, 59 Gawler, F. Persecutions of the Quakers, 59 Gay, J. FafculsB selectee, 546 — Operas, 506 Gazettes and newspapers, 604 Geddes, Alexr. On Heb. scriptures, 24 — Apology for Roman Catholics, 59 Geddes, J. Essay on writing, 426 Geddes, M. Miscellaneous tracts, 576 — Church history, 120 Gee, E. Jesuits memorial, 59 Gee, Joshua. Trade and navigation, 234 Geiero, Martin. Prselect. in Daniel, 24 Gell, SirW. Pompeii, 373 — Journey in Morea, 689 — Topography of Rome, 626 Gellert, C. C. Metallurgic chemistry, 281 Gellius, Aullus. Noctes Atticae, 426 Gems, catalogues of, 375 Genealogy, 736 Genlis, Mad. Nouvelles, 546 — Novels, 526 — Lessons of a governess, 208 — Annales de la vertu, 208 — French plays, 517 Gennes, M. de. Voyage, 716 Gentil, M. Voyage men d'Inde, 641 Geoffrey, S. F. On foreign vegetables, 332 Geography, 608 Geographical transactions, 591 Geology. Systems and treatises, 276 Geological transactions, 591 Geometry, works and treatises on, 340 George, J. Navigation and dry rot, 401 Georgia, histories of, 873 — Constitution and laws of, 151 Gerald, J. Convention on war, 810 Gerard, A. Pastoral care, 59 — Evidences of Christianity, 31 — Essay on taste, 426 Gerard, Abbe. Comte de Valmont, 546 — Melanges, 565 Gerard, Gilbert. Bib. criticism, 24 Gerard, M. Friend of nature, 271 Geree, J, On episcopacy, 790 — Judicial astrology, 189 Gerhard, J. Meditationes sacrse, 59 Grermain, St. Doctor and student, 145 Germany, histories of, 819 — Travels in, 654 — Aurea Bulla, 157 Gesner, S. Letters, 555 Gesner, C. Bibliotheca, 3 Gherardmi, C. Hist.ofSuli, 742 Ghirardi, M. B. Comedia, 517 Giannone, P. Istoria de Napoli, 824 — History of Naples, 824 Gibbon, E. Study of literature, 410 — Mis. works, 565 — Roman empire, 746 Gibbons, T. Rhetoric, 426 Gibson, E. B. Canons, &c. of the Church of England, 120 Gibson, R. Experimental philosophy, 255 Giffard, E. C. France and England, 830 Gifford, J. Hist, of France, 831 — Louis XVI. 831 — Residence in France, 666 Gilbert, Sir G. Law of ejectment, 145 Gilbert, J. Answer to Bossuet, 59 Gilbert, Sir H. Passage to Cataia, 696 Gilbert, T. Employment of the poor, 223 — Voyage to Canton, 641 Gilby, A. Gardner's defection, 59 Gilchrist, J. B. East India guide, 696 Gilchrist, J. Rational grammar, 417 — Dictionary of English language, 417 Gill, T. Technical repository, 592 Giles, C. Discourse on noise, 527 Gillespie, A. Gleanings in Buenos Ayres, 716 Gillies, J. History of the world, 731 — Ancient Greece, 742 — Frederick II. 820 Gilliland, T. Dramatic mirror, 497 — The trap, 527 Gilly, W. S. Piedmont and Waldenses, 666 Gilmore, T. Navigation, 401 Gilpin, J. On canals, 248 Gilpin, W. Exposit. new test. 24 — Moral contrasts, 60 — Dialogues, 549 — On picturesque beauty, 358 — Observations on England, 679 Giraffi, A. Revolutions of Naples, 824 Giraldi, G. Centi novelle, 546 Giraud, F. Campaign of Paris, 831 Gisborne, T. Familiar survey, 120, 60 — On the duties of men, 197 — Moral philosophy, 197 — Duties of the female sex, 197 — On national order, 216 Gladwin, F. The Gulestan, 527 — History of Hindostan, 844 Glanville, J. Vanity of dogmatising, 576 — Philosophy and religion, 60 — Concerning preaching, 60 — Saducisimus, 190 Glass, G. Canary Islands, 844 Glasscock. Naval sketches, 633 Glasse, G. H. Sacred history, 24 Glasse, S. Advice to children, 208 Glauber, J. R. (Euvres de, 190 — Works, 297 Gleig, G. R. Hist, of the bible, 18 — British empire in India, Glen, W. Tour to Karass, Globes, use of. Glover, J. On digestion. Glover, R. Play, Glover, Mr. Trade of Germany and Hol- land, Gluesing. Gottes in Christo, Gobat, S. Residence in Abyssinia, Gockelius, C. L. De sepentaria Virginia, 293 Goclenius, R. Physica completa, 255 Goddard, J. Practice of physic in Lon- don, Godolphin, J. Orphan's legacy, Godwin, W. On man, — Political justice, — The inquirer, — Examination of, — On population, — Novels, — Essays on sepulchres, — History of England, Godwyn, M. Annals of England, Godwyn, T. Rites of the Hebrews, 844 696 348 325 506 235 60 705 297 145 196 196 196 196 223 527 576 764 764 114 INDEX. 1009 Goede, A. G. Travels in England, Goerres, P. Germany and tlie revolution, Goethe, W. J. Novels, — Faustus, GoflFaux, F. J. Rob. Crusoe, Latine, Golberry, M. Travels in Africa, Golder, J. American teacher, Goldham, N. Reasonable word, Goldney, E. Epistles to deists, Goldoni, C. Commedie scelte, Goldsborough, C. W. Naval chronicle, Goldson, W. On Atlantic ocean, Goldsmith, L. Conduct of France, — Statistics of France, Goldsmith, O. Works and life, — Roman history, — Dramatic works, — Vicar of Wakefield, — Essays, — History of England, — Grecian history, Goldson, W. Passage to the Pacific, Golownin, G. Captivity in Japan, Goltz, H. Hist. Imp. Cassarumque, — Historia Romanorum, Good, J. On celestial bodies. Good, J. M. Support of poor, — Book of nature, Goodal, W. Hist, of Scotland, Goodfellow, J. Assistant for merchants, Goodhugh, W. Library manual, Goodisson, W. Ionian islands, Goodman, J. Religious tracts, Goodwin, J. Rights of magistrates, — Vindication of the same, — Christ's teachers, — Apologetical account, ' — Primitive Christianity, Goodwin, T. Roman antiquities, Goguet. Origin of laws, Gordon, A. Journey in the Netherlands, — Hieroglyphical figures, — Steam carriages, — Life of Pope Alexander, — Hist, of Peter the Great, — Journey in Scotland, Gordon, J. Tracts, — History of Ireland, — Pillars of priestcraft, — Independent whig, Gordon, P. Geographical grammar, Gordon, P. L. Rjlgium and Holland, Gordon, T. Hist, of Gr. revelation, — Ship architecture, Gordon, T. F. Laws of the U. S. — History of America, — Gazetteer of Pennsylvania, — Gazetteer of New Jersey, — History of New Jersey, — History of Pennsylvania, — Hist, of the United States of America, Gordon, W. Universal accountant, — State of Rome, Gorgaud, Gen. Campaign of 1815, — Examination of Segur, Gorio, A. F. Inscriptiones antiquse, Gorani, J. Memoires de Tltalie, GoMe, M. Lovers of la Vendee, Goisling, W. City of Canterbury, 127 679 820 5-27 517 546 705 434 60 60 516 862 641 901 624 565 746 506 527 576 764 742 641 696 740 746 190 252 271 764 235 3 689 60 8 8 60 60 60 Gosnold, J. Laying on of hands, 60 Goudemetz. Historical epochs, 831 Gouge, W. M. Paper money and banking, 229 Gough, J. P. On cantharides, 332 Gough, J. History of the Quakers, 120 Gough, R. On topography, 617 Gourlay, R. Statistics of Canada, 627 Gout, treatises on, 319 Government, treatises on, 215 Gracian, B. The hero, 202 Graffigny, Mad. (Euvres, 565 — Peruvian letters, 555 Grafton. Chronicle, 764 Graham, Mrs. Rome, 666 — India, 696 — Voyage to Brazil, 716 Graham, J. Corn and currency, 229 — Principlej of population, 223 Grahame, J. History of the U. States, 862 Grammar, treatises on, 411 Grandpr6, T. Voyage to Bengal, 696 Grant, A. History of Brazil, 854 Grant, C. History of Mauritius, 845 Grant, J. Voyage of discovery, 641 — Latin Grammar, 413 — Essays, &c. 576 — Hist, of the English church, 121 — Origin of society, 180 Grant, Mrs. Letters from the mountains, 555 — Am. lady, 527 — Intellectual education, 208 Granville, A. B. Travels in Russia, &,c 650 Granville, Lord. Works, 565 Grattan, H. Works, 565 — Speeches, 434 — Tales, 527 Grattan, T.C. History of Netherlands, 822 Grauer, A. Praelectiones, 60 746|Graunt, J. On bills of mortality, 223 179 Graves, J. Hist of Cleveland, 618 656 Graves, R. On the apostles, 60 735 — Senilities, 576 248 Gravesande, W. J. Natural philosophy, 255 825 Gray, H. Letters from Canada, 717 816 Gray, J. Inland navigation, 248 679 — Fiend of the reformation, 60 217 Gray, R. Letters from Germany, 650 764 — Key to the old testament, 24 60 Gray, S. Happiness of states, 223 60 Gray, T. Letters, 555 611 —Works, 566 656 Gray, Wm. Travels in Africa, 705 742 Greatheed, B. Tragedies, 506 401 Greaves, J. Works and life, 566 150 Greece, history of, 741 854 — Travels in, 687 611 Green, A. Revival of religion, 60 611 — Account of New Jersey college, 214 876 Green, C. F. Modern chemistry, 261 878 Greene, G. Lower Normandy, 666 862 Green, J. On electricity, 261 235 — War in Greece, 742 824 — Journey to Aleppo, 689 831 Green, T. Diary of literature, 577 816 Green, W. Annals of George IIL 764 735 Greenham, R. Works of, 42 825 Greenland, history of, 815 527 Greenwood, J. English grammar, 417 618 Greer, J. Linen market of Ulster, 235 1010 INDEX. Gregoire, AbW. On the reforination of the Jews, 114 — On the negroes, 197. 185 Gr6goire. Lcttre aux philanthropes, 242 Gregorie, J. Tracts, 566 — Works of, 42 Gregory, G. Hist, of the Christian Church, 121 — Letters, 555 — Philosophy and chemistry, 255 — Economy of nature, 271 Gregory, J. On man and aiymals, 185 — Essays, 577 Gregory, Dr. J. Duties of a physician, 297 — A father's legacy, 208 Gregory, VV. Voyage in the Duff, 641 Grellief. Hist. nat. debt, 229 Gremus, M. Documens du Geneve, &c. 825 Greuville, Lord. On the sinking fund, 229 Greswell, E. View of tlie Greek press, 379 Gresswell, W. On the Mosaic ritual, 31 Greville, Mr. British India, 845 — Maxims, 549 — Philosophical essays, 577 Grew, N. Gresham college, 590 Grey, F. Lord. Ryehouse plot, 764 Grey, J. Address to the Quakers, 893 Grey, Z. Charles I. 764 Grieve, J. Kamtschatka, 845 Griffin, E. T. Remains and life, 566 Griffin, W. On the pine apple, 387 Griffith, Mrs. Novels, 528 — Pierre Viaud, 528 — On boring for water, 346 Griffith, J. Travels, 634 Grimm, Baron. Correspondence, 556 Grimke, T. S. On the Bible as a class book, 61 — Oration, 434 Grimshaw, W. Hist, of England, 764 — Hist, of U. States, 862 Griscom, J. Travels in Europe, 650 Grisone, F. De cavalcare, 406 Gronovius, J. F. Do supellectilis lapidese, 281 — Ad Seneca notae, 181 Gros, J. D. Principles of rectitude, 197 Grose, F. Antiquities, &,c. 764 — Military antiquities, 404 — Drawing caricatures, 361 — Provincial glossary, 417 — The olio, 577 Grose, Mr. Voyage to India, 696 Grosier, Abb6. Descript. China, 845 Grosley, M. Italy and its inhabitants, 666 — Tour in England, 679 Grotius, H. De veritate relig. 31 — Christian religion, 31 — Opera omnia, 42 — De jure belli, 138 — Rights of war, 138 — On the Euchariste, 61 — Tragoedias ct comoediis, 499 ~ Rebus Belgicis, 822 Grove, H. Moral philosophy, 197 Groves, A. N. Residence in Bagdad, 696 Guaging, works on, 340 Guarini. Dramatic works, 517 Gueulette, M. Contes Chinois, 546 Guen^e, Abb6. Jews' letters, 31 Guest, R. Cotton manufactories, 235 Guicciardini, A. BelgieB descriptio, 822 Guerres d'ltalie, 825 History of Italy, 825 Guicciardini, L. Hore recreatione, 546 Guidot, T. Discourse of Bathe, 277 Guillim, J. Heraldry, 737 Gunning. Disputation with Denne, 61 Gunning, Mrs. Farmer's boy, 528 Gurdon, T. Court of Parliament, 154 Gurncy, J. J. Evidences of Christianity, 31 On redemption, 61 Gurney, Miss. Saxon chronicle, 765 Gutch, J. Antiquities of England, 765 Guthberlet, H. Chronologia, 731 Guthrey, J. Speech, 61 Guthrie, Mrs. Tour in Crimea, 656 Guthrie, W. Geography, 611 — Hist, of England, 765 Guys, M. Voyages de la Grece, 689 Gutzlaff, C. Voyage to China, 696 — Hist, of China, 845 Gwynne, J. Military and civil war, 765 H. Habesci, E. Ottoman empire, 841 Habington, W. Edward IV. 765 Hacke, W. Voyages, &c. 630 Hackett, J. South America, 717 Hackman, J. Letters, 556 Haddon, W. Answer to Orosius, 61 Hadley. Hadley's quadrant, 401 Hager, Dr. Palermo, 666 Haine, R. On woollen manufacture, 235 Haji. Wars of the Turks, 841 Hakewill, G. On providence, 61 Hakewill, W. Liberty of the subject, 145 Hakluyt, R. Voyages, &c. 630 — Virginia and Florida, 862 Hale, Sir M. Works and life of, 42 — Contemplations and life, 61 — Pleas of the crown, 158 — Origination of mankind, 223 — Advice to his children, 208 Hale, Mrs. American character, 528 Hales, G. Sonorum doctrina, 261 Hales, J. Remains, 42 Hales, S. Statistical essays, 346 — On ventilation, 286 — Philosophical experiments, 255 — On tar-water, 332 — Distilling sea water, 266 Hales, W. Chronology, 731 Haley, W. Plays, 506 Halford, D. Backslidings, 61 Halford, Sir H. Essays and orations, 297 Halhed, N. B. Gentoo laws, 157 Halifax, Marquis of. Miscellanies, 566 Halifax, C. Letters, 556 Halkett, J. American Indians, 854 Hall, B. Voyages and travels, 634 — Loochoo Islands, 697 — Voyages to eastern seas, 697 Hall, D. Duty of attending worship, 61 Hall, E. Hist, of England, 765 Hall, F. Travels in France, 666 — Travels in Canada, 717 — Colombia, 717 Hall, J. Tour in Scotland and Ireland, 680 INDEX. 1011 Hall, J. Legends and tales, 528 — Letters from the west, 716 HalL J. E. Law Journal, 592 — Philadelphia souvenir, 577 Hall, Bp. J. Works of, 42 — On the old religion, 61 — On episcopacie, 61 — Contemplations, 24 Hall, R. Works and memoir of, 42 Hall, Mrs. S. Bible conversations, 24 Hall, T. Downfall of May games, 61 Hallam, H. Middle ages, 752 — Hist, of England, 765 Halley, E. Miscellanea curiosa, 255 — Astronomical tables, 350 Haller, M. Lettres, 556 Haller, Baron. Christian religion, 32 Halliday, Sir A. House of Hanover, 820 — House of Guelph, 737 Halliday, A. Portugal, 837 Haliburton, T. C. Hist, of Nova Scotia, 854 Haly burton, T. On salvation, 61 Hambleton, Margaret. Testimony, 61 Hamilton, A. Works, &c. 899 — U. S. treasury report, 235 — On taxation and nat. debt, 229 — Acct. of the East Indies, 697 Hamilton, Elizabeth. Letters on educa- tion, 208 — Hints on schools, 209 — Popular essays, 577 — Tales, 528 — Letters, 556 Hamilton, W. East India Gazetteer, 611 Hamilton, F. Account of Nepalu, 697 Hamilton, Gov. Internal improvement, 248 Hamilton, J. P. Travels in Colombia, 717 Hamilton, Capt. Travels in America, 717 — Peninsular war, 838 — Cyril Thornton, 528 Hamilton, J. £. Strictures on Dr. Knowles, &c. 61 Hamilton, M. Voyage en Irlande, 680 Hamilton, R. Progress of society, 185 Hamilton, Sir W. Antiquities, Vases, 375 — On Vesuvius, 277 — Roman antiquities, 735 Hamilton, W. Hindostan, &c. 845 — Remarks on Turkey, 705 Hamilton, W. G. Parliamentary logic, 426 Hammond, H. On resisting the civil ma- gistrate, 8 — Practical catechism, 36 — Works of, 42 Hammond, J. Virginia and Maryland, 884 Hancarville, D'. Recherches, 747 Hancock, J. On figurative language, 61 — Essay on instinct, 293 Hand, F. On the tobacco plant, 387 Hannay, R. Defence of usury, 235 Hanno. Voyages of, 705 Hansard. Parliamentary debates, 765 Han way, J. On prisons, 159 — Advice to a daughter, 20!) — Infant parish poor, 223 — Virtue in humble life, 62 Hardie, J. Latin grammar, 413 — Diet, of wonder and art, 271 — American remembrancer, 731 Harding, G. Works, 566 Hardyng, J. Hist, of England, 765 Hardy, R. W. Travels in Mexico, 717 Hare, C. W. Oration, 434 Hare, Bp. F. Stufly of the scriptures, 25 Reply to the bishop of Bangor, 62 Hare, R. Resources of the U. S. 901 Harkness, H. Hist, of the Neilgherries, 845 Harlan, R. On salamandra, &c. 293 Harley, R. On public credit, 230 Harleian. Pamphlets and tracts, 765 Harleville, M. C. Comedie, 517 Harmonies. Old and New Testament, 16 Harpe, La. L'Histoire des voyages, 631 Harper, R. G. Political speeches, 901 — Correspondence on Russia, 816 — Foreign intercourse, 898 U. S. and France, 898 Harper, Gen. On canals, 248 Harring, H. Hist, of Poland, 816 Harrington, E. A schizzo on man, 361 Harrington, H. Nugce antiquae, 566 Harrington, J. Oceana and life, 217 Harrington, R. On fire and planets, 350 Harris, J. Works and life, 566 — Treatises on art, 358 — Philosophical arrangements, 180 On money and coins, 239 — Philology, 412 — Voyages, &c. 630 Harris, T. Medical orations, 434 Harris, T. M. Tour to Alleghany moun- tains, 717 — Nat. hist. Bible, 18 Harris, W. Hist. Charles L 765 — Hist of Dublin, 623 Harris, W.T. Tour in U. States, 717 Harrison, G. Adversaria, 549 Harlson, H. Tragedy, 506 Hart, Miss. Letters, 717 Harte, W. Hist, of Gustavus, 816 Hartford, Countess of. Letters, 556 Hartley, D. Christian religion, 32 — On the human mind, 185 — On man, 185 Hartley, J. Researches in Greece, 689 Hartshorne, C. H. Book rarities, 3 Hartwell, M. State of Virginia, 884 Harwood, E. Of temperance, 202 — Greek and Roman classics, 3 Harvey, G. Fraud of physicians, 298 Harvey, W. W. Sketch of Hayti, 717 Hassal, Miss. Horrors of St. Domingo, 717 Hasselquist. Voyages and trxivels, 689 Hasted, E. County of Kent, 618 Hastings, W. Memoirs of India, 845 — On accidents by fire, 399 Hatsell, J. Privileges of parliament, 154 Haussez, d'. Great Britain, 680 Hauteville, M. Account of Poland, 81 Havercamp, S. De numismale, 740 Havers, G. Nat. pliilosophy, 255 Haweis, T. Communicant's companion, 62 Hawes, W. Humane society, 2.52 Havvke, M. Essays, 577 Hawkesbee, F. Mechanical experiments, 346 Hawkesbury, L. On neutral nations, 809 Hawkesworth, J. Voyages, 641 — The adventurer, 577 1012 INDEX. Hawkesworth, Dr. Play, 506 Hawkins, Sir C. On the Ictus of Diodorus, 731 Hawkins, J. S. Greek and Latin poetry, 440 Hawkins, J. Travels in Africa, 705 Hawkins, Miss. Memoirs and anecdotes, 549 — Novels, 528 Hawkins, W. Tracts on divinity, 62 — Pleas of the crown, 159 Hawles, Sir S. Duties of juries, 145 Haworth, W. Conversion of a Quaker, 62 Hay, E. Insurrection of Wexford, 765 Hay, G. On expatriation, 139 — On naturalization, 139 Hay, Major. Peninsular war, 838 Hay, W. Works of, 566 — Rcligio philosophi, 62 Hay, L. Peninsular war, 838 Hayes, R. Moneys, weights, measures, 235 Haygarth, J. On tractors, 332 Hayley, W. Essay on old maids, 528 Haym, N. F. Museo nummario, 740 Haynes, S. State papers, &.c. 765 Hayter, J. Herculaneum MSS. 3 Hayward, Sir J. Edward VI. 766 Hazard, E. State papers, 862 Hazard, S. Register of Pennsylvania, 603 Hazlitt, W. Travels in France, 666 — On English poets, 440 — British eloquence, 434 — Political essays, 217 — Table talk, &c. 519. Comic writers, 517 — English stage, 497 Head, Sir T. Brunnens of Nassau, 656 Head, Capt. Travels, 717 Head, F, B. Rio Plata association, 718 Health, treatises on, 300 Hearne, S, Hudson's bay, 718 Hearne, T. English antiquities, 766 — Progress of freedom, 217 Heath, R. Natural history of Cornwall, 766 Heathcoat, H. Navigation, 401 Heatchcote, R. On the use of reason in matters of religion, 8. 62 Heber, Bp. R. Journey in India, 697 Heckewelder, J. Mission to Indians, 132 Hedericus. Lexicon Grajcum, 413 Heeren, A. H. L. Anc. history, 731 — Anc. Greece, 742 — Politics of Greece, 217 — Hist, of Europe, 753 — Anc. Africa, 845 Hegenitius, G. Itinerarium, 656 Heidegger, J. H. Hist, patriarchum, 18 Heineccius, J. G. Universal law, 139 — Juris civilis, 142 Heinrich. Der evangelischen, 18 Heinsius. Orationum, 434 — Crepundia Siliana, 426 Heiss, S. Hist, of the empire, 820 Helia, F. Vita di S. Antonio, 131 Heliodorus. Ethiopicorum, 546 — Theagcnes and Chariclea, 528 Helme, Elizabeth. Maternal solicitude, 209 — Rambles in London, 209 Helms, A. Z. Travels from Buenos Ayres, 718 Helvetius, M. De Tesprit, 185 — On man, 185 Helvicus, C. History and chronology, 731 Hemans, Mrs. Siege of Valencia, 506 Henault, M. Hist, of France, 831 Henderson, Al. On wines, 302 Henderson, J. Letters and poems, 556 — New S. Wales, 641 — Travels in Russia and Iceland, 656 — Hist, of Brazil, 854 Henderson, Capt. An account of Honduras, 854 Hennepin, R. P. L. Voyages, 718 Henning, F. Reiner krystallstrom, 62 Henniker, Sir F. Visit to Egypt, 705 Henry, A. Adventures in Canada, 718 Henry, J. J. Campaign in Quebec, 862 Henry, M. Selections from commentaries, 25 — Method of prayer, 39 Henry, R. Hist, of Great Britain, 766 Henry, T. Preserving water at sea, 266 Hentzner, P. Travels in England, 680 Heraldry, 736 Heraldus. De rerum judicatorum, 137 Herbals, 283 Herbert, Ld. Life of Henry VIIL 766 — Relig. Gentilium, 135 Herbert, T. Travels, 634 — Hist, of Persia, 845 Herder. Sac. poetry of the Hebrews, 25 — Outlines of philosophy, 197 Heriot, G. Hist, of Canada, 855 — Travels in Canada, 718 Herodian. Historise sui teraporis, 747 Herodotus. Historia, 742 Hermilly, D'. Hist. d'Espagne, 837 Heron, R. Geography, 611 — Letters of literature, 410 — Journey in Scotland, 680 — Natural history, 271 Herrera, J. M. Correspondencia, 855 Herrera, A. de. Hist, of America, 855 Herries, J. On suicide, 202 Herries, J. C. State of Europe, 752 Herschel, T. Catalogue of stars, and astro- nomy, 350 Herttell, T. On intemperance, 203 Hertzburgh, de. Population of states, 223 Hervey, C. Letters from Italy, 666 Hervey, J. Remarks on Bolingbroke's letters, 32 — Meditations, 62 — Letters and dialogues, 556 Hervey, Lady. Letters and memoir, 556 Hess, E. Psalterium Davidis, 40 Heston, J. F. Moral and political truth, 197 Heude, W. Voyages, 634 Hewitt, A. Hist of North Carolina and Georgia, 871 Hewitt, J. Money and coin, 235 Hewson, W. On the blood, 326 Hewson. St. Patrick's purgatory, 62 Hey, J. Ijectures on divinity, 62 Heyden, C. Astrology, 190 Heylin, J. Lectures on theology, 42 Heylin, P. Cosmography, 611 — Hist, of the Presbyterians, 121 Hey no, B. Tracts on India, 845 Hey wood, S. Vindication of C. J. Fox, 764 Heywood, T. Play, 506 Hibbert, S. Shetland islands, 680 — On extinct volcanoes, 277 — Philosophy of apparitions, 190 Hichborn, B. Oration, 434 INDEX. 1013 Hickeringill, E. Mis. works, 56G — Priestcraft, 62 Hickes, G. Gentleman instructed, 203 Hieroclis. In aurea carmina, 180 Hieroglyphics, Egyptian, 416 Higgeson. N. England plantation, 875 Highmore, A. Charities of London, 252 — Executor's accounts, 145 Higgins, G. Celtic druids, 135 Hildrop, J. Works, 566 — Contempt of the clergy, 121 — On the brute creation, 203 Hill, A. Works, 566 — Dramatic works, 506 Hill, B. Journey in Sicily, 666 Hill, H. D. Anc. Greece, 742 Hill, J. On plants and timber, 286 — Prevention of poverty, 223 — Works of the royal society, 590 — Latin synonymes, 413 — Vegetable system, 271 Hill, R. Village dialogues, 549 — Tour in England, 680 Hill, Mr. Catholic balance, 62 Hilliard, W. Address, 434 Hills, R. Sketches of Flanders, &c. 656 Hinckley, J. Republic of Venice, 825 Hindmarsh, R. Seal on the lips, 62 Hinton, J. Topography of the U. S. 627 Hippislcy, G. Expedition to Orinoco, 718 Hippocrates. Opera, 306. 298 — Surgery and physic, 330 History, treatises on, 607 — General, 729 Hitchcock, E. Geology, &c. Massachusetts, 275 Hoadley, Bp. On the sacrament, 62 Hoadly, Dr. Comedy, 506 Hoare, Sir R. C. Tour in Italy, 666 — Tour in Ireland, 680 Hoare, P. On the arts, 358 — Operas, 506 — The artist, 577 Hobart, Bp. J. H. Works and life, 42 Hobbes, T. Philosophica de cive, 217 — Philosophical rudiments, 217 Hobhousc, B. Collection of tracts, 577 Hobhouse, J. C. Historical illustrations, 426 — Illustrations of Byron, 41 — Letters from Paris, 666 — Journey to Albania, 689 Hodges, G. L. Expedition to Portugal, 838 Hodges, W. Travels in India, 697 Hodgkin, J. Greek accidence, 413 Hodgskin, T. Travels in Germany, 656 Hodgson, A. On slave labour, 242 — Travels in N. America, 718 Hodgson, W. The gleaner, 577 Hodson, J. Christian's introduction, 62 Hodson, T. Accomplished tutor, 209 Hody, H. On the vacant sees, 121 Hoffland, Mrs. Matilda, a tale, 528 Hoffman. A winter in the west, 529 Hoffman, D. Course of legal study, 145 — Introductory law lecture, 145 Hogarth, W. Analysis of beauty, 361 — Prints and illustrations of, 365 Hogg, J. Tales, 528 — The three perils of woman, 529 Hojah, E. Hist of Sultan Orchan, 841 Holbein, H. Dance of death, 365 Holberg, Baron. Univers. hist. 731 Holcombe. Georgia repository. 596 Holcrofl, T. Travels to Paris, 666 — Comedies, &.c. 507 Holderness, Mrs. New Russia, 656 Hole, M. On the liturgy. 38 — Expost. of catechism. 36 Holland, H. Travels, 689 Holland, I. Dialogos et axiomata. 190 Holland. Civile zaken. 157 — Travels in. 689 — History of, 822 Holies, Ld. Letter, 794 — Bishops not judges. 154 Holley, M. A. Texas, 718 Holwell, J. Z. On providence, &c. 62 — Hist, of Bengal, 845 — Pursuits of intelligent beings. 197 Holman, J. Travels, 650 Holman, J. G. Dramatic works. 507 Holmes, A. American annals. 855 Holmes, J. Greek grammar. 413 — Account of the U. S. 718 Holmes, G. Sketches in Ireland, 680 Home, I. Tragedy, 507 — Works and life. 566 Homilies, 90 Hommius, F. Disputationes, 62 Hone, W. Table, day, and year book. 353 Hood, T. Whims and oddities. 529 Hook, Mr. Operas, 507 Hooke, Dr. Discoveries by the microscope, 271 — Posthumous works, 298 Hooke, N. Roman history, 747 Hooker, W. J. Flora boreali Americana, 286 Hooker, R. Works and life, 566 — Eccleciastical polity, 142 Hooker, W. J. Tour in Iceland, 656 Hookes, E. Spirit of the Martyrs, 131 Hoolc, C. Sayings and proverbs, 549 Hope, T. Anastasius, 529 — Origin of man, 197 — Household furniture, &c. 370 Hopkins, J. Psalms in metre, 40 — Gospel among the Indians, 132 Hopkinson, F. Works, 566 Hopkinson, J. Discourse, 434 Hopkirk, T. Flora anomala, 286 Home, Bp. G. Essays, 577 — Commentary on Psalms, 25 — Murray's selection, do. 25 — On infidelity, 62 Home, T. H. Bibliography, 3 — Introduction to the scriptures, 25 — Manual for the afflicted, 62 Horneman, F. Travels in Africa, 705 Horrebow, N. Hist, of Iceland, 275 Horsefield, T. Zoology of Java, 293 Horseley, Bp. S. Biblical criticism, 25 — On Isaiah c. xviii. 25 — Controversy with Dr. Priestley, 63 Horseman, G. Conveyancing, 145 Horsemanden, D. New York conspiracy, 877 Horsemanship, treatises on, 406 Horses, treatises on, 394 Hort, W. J. New pantheon, 135 Horticulture, 385 Hosack, D. College of physicians, 590 1014 INDEX. Hosack, D. Elgin botanic garden, 286 D'Hospital. Herculaneum, 735 Hospitals, account of, 252 Hotoman, F. State of France, 831 Houel, J. Voyage pittoresque, 666 Hough, J. Letters on tlie Nilgherries, 697 — Reply to the Abbe Dubois, 63 Hough, S. Sketch of Chili, 718 Houlston, T. Observations on poisons, 333 Housman, J. English counties, 617 — Guide to the lakes, 680 How, J. On prayer, 63 — On the Spirit's teaching, 63 Howard, J. Hist, of the bastile, 831 — On prisons, 252 — On prisons and hospitals, 159 Howard, L. Climate of London, 261 Howard, Ph. Scripture history, 18 Howe, S. G. Greek revolution, 742 Howe, Sir W. Narrative, 862 Howe, W. French revolution, 831 Howel, N. General history, 731 Howell, A. Journal to India, 634 Howell, J. Familiar letters, 556 Howison J. Tales of colonies, 529 — Sketches of Upper Canada, 718 — Travels, 650 — European colonies, 753 Howgill, E. Controversial tracts, 63 Howgill, Mary. Letter to Cromwell, 63 Howitt, W. History of priestcraft, 63 Howitt, E. Letters on the U. S. 718 Hoyland, J. Epitome of history, 731 Hoyt, E. Hist. Indian wars, 875 Hubbard, W. Indian wars, 875 Hubly, B. American revolution, 862 Hubberthorn, R. Answer to the anabaptists, 63 Hucks, J. Tour in Wales, 680 Huebner. Geographic, 612 Huet, (Bishop). Commerce and navigation, 235 Huet, D. On paradise, 63 Huggins, W. Sketches in India, 697 Hughes, D. Correspondence, 556 Hughes, G. Hist. Barbadoes, 855 Hughes, Mrs. Moral dramas, 507 Hughes, J. Letters, 556 Hughes, T. S. Travels in Sicily, 689 Hughes, W. Travels in France, 666 Hugou, M. Mythologie, 135 Hull, T. Moral tales, 529 Hull, W. Select letters, 556 Humboldt, A. de. Travels, 718 — New Spain, 855 — Ancient America, 855 Hume, D. History of England, 766 — House of Douglas, 737 — Laws of Scotland, 159 — Essays, answer to and life, 185 — Principles of morals, 197 Hume, Sir P. Argyle's expedition, 763 Hume, Sophia. Exhortation and epistle, 63 Humour, works of, 520 Humphreys, D. Works, 566 — Valedictory discourse, 434 — Propagation of the Gospel, 132 — On the sea serpent, 294 Humphreys, J. Vision of eternity, 63 Hungary, history of, 819 Hunnius, JEq. De Providentia, 63 Hunt, J. Family compact, 892 — Case of, 892 Hunt, L. The indicator and companion, 577 Hunter, A. Georgical essays, 388 Hunter, C. G. Russia, 656 Hunter, H. Sacred biography, 18 Hunter, J. New South Wales, 641 Hunter, J. D. Indian customs, &c. 719 Hunter, Mrs. Letters of Mrs. Palmerson, 529 Hunter, W. Travels, 634 Huntingford. Greek writing, 413 Hurd, Bp. Works, 566 — Chivalry and romance, 578 — Dialogues, 549 Hurdis. Tragedy, 507 Hurdis, J. Lectures on poetry, 440 — On psalm and prophecy, 25 Hurlstone, T. Opera, ' 507 Hurwitz, H. Hebrew tales, 529 Husband, H. On religion, 63 Husbandry, 385 Huskisson, W. On currency, 230 — Speeches, 434 Hussein-Khan. Mahommedan powers, 845 Hutcheson, F. Moral philosophy and life, 197 — On beauty and virtue, 197 Hutchins, T. Topography of Virginia, &c. 627 — Louisiana and Florida, 874 Hutchinson. Hist, of Massachusetts, 874 — Letters of, 874 Hutchinson, Lucy. On the Christian reli- gion, 64 Hutchinson, W. County of Cumberland, 618 Hutchinson, J. On chyle, 326 Huttman, W. Life of Christ, 18 Hutton, C. Mathematical diet. 336 Hutton, J. Principles of knowledge, 180 — On bridges, 248 — Theory of the earth, 278 Hutton, W. Roman wall, 767 — Tours, 680 — Hist, of Birmingham, 617 — Hist, of Derby, 618 — A voyage to Africa, 705 — Remarks, moral, &c. 577 Huysinga, J. Verklaringe de Matthei, 25 Hydraulics, treatises on, 344 Hydrostatics, treatises on, 344 Hygiene, treatises on, 300 Hymns and psalms, 40 I. Icthyology, 291 Ignatius. Epistle translated, 41 — EpistolsB, 42 Imison, J. School of arts, 377 Imlay, G. Western territory, 627 Improvements, internal, 247 Inchbald, Mrs. Dramatic works, 507 Inett, J. Hist, of the English church, 121 Ingenhousz, J. Experiments on vegetables, 286 IngersoU, E. Laws of the U. S. 150 Ingersoll, C. J. Policy of the U. S. 900 — Edwy and Elgiva, 507 — Inchiquin's letters, 719 Ingersoll, J. R. Address to law academy, 434 Inglis, H. D. The Tyrol, 656 — Spain, 667 INDEX. 1015 Inglis, H. D. Ireland and channel islands, 680 — New Gil Bias, 529 Ingram, J. Saxon chronicle, 767 Inquisition, history, 130 Insects, nat. history of, 291 Interest and usury, 233 Ireland, history of, 755 — Travels in, 676 Ireland, W. H. France, 831 Irenaeus, S. Adversus hseresest 42 — Dodwell dissertationes, 42 Irving, C. Roman antiquities, 747 Irving, D. English composition, 427 Irving, E. Oracles of God, 64 Irving, W. Abbotsford, &c. 680 — Voyages of Columbus, 634 — Conquest of Grenada, 638 — Salmagundi, &,c. 529 — Tour to the prairies, 719 Irwin, E. Voyages to Red Sea, 689 — Journey to Busrah, 697 — Bonaparte in Egypt, 845 Isaacs, H. Ceremonies, Scc^ of the Jews, 1 14 Isla. Hist, of Gerund Zotes, 529 Isocrates. Orationes et epistolee, 556 — Greek and Latin orations, 435 Israeli, D'. Charles I. and James I. 767 — Calamities of authors, 410 — Anecdotes, 549 — Miscellanies and essays, 578 Italy, history of, 824 — Travels in, 661 Iviraey, J. Hist of the English baptists, 121 Ivernois, F. D'. Hist of Geneva, 824 — Losses of the French, 831 Izard, Gen. Military operations, 862 Jackman, J. Plays, 507 Jackson, F. J. Correspondence, &c. 900 Jackson, H. On isinglass, 333 Jackson, J. Hora) subsceciva?, 64 — Raging tempest, 64 — Scottish stage, 497 — Tragedy, 507 — Commerce of Mediterranean, 235 — Journey from India, 634 — Chronolog. antiquities, 731 Jackson, J. G. Travels in Morocco, 705 Jackson, J. L. Vaudois and Piedmont, 667 Jackson, R. On the figure of the earth, 350 Jackson, T. On the apostles' creed, 35 — Works and life, 42 Jackson, W. The four ages, 578 — Thirty letters, 556 — Oration, 435 Jacob, G. Law dictionary, 145 — Common law, 145 Jacob, W. On the precious metals, 230 — Travels in Spain, 667 — State of Germany, 656 — Trade in corn, 235 Jacquemont, V. Letters from India, 697 Jahn. Hist, of Hebrews, 114 James I., King. Works, 566 James, C. Military dictionary, 404 James, G. P. R. On chivalry, 737 James, J. Travels in Sicily, 667 James, T. Churcli of Rome, 64 James, T. Tour in Germany, 656- James, T. J. Schools of painting, 361 James, W. Naval and military history, 767 — Military occurrences, 863 — De Lisle, 52» Jamaica, laws of, 157 Jameson, T. On the changes in the body, 326 Jameson, Prof. Edinb. Journal, — Travels in Africa, Jameson, Mrs. Sketches and tales, — Characteristics of women, — Visits and sketches, — Diary of an Ennuyee, Jamieson, A. On rhetoric, — On the construction of maps, Jamieson, J. On languages, — On lay preaching, — Use of sacred history, — Hist of the Culdees, Jannitus, D. De repub. Vcnet Janson, W. States of Barbary, Jardine, G. Philosophical education. Jar dine. Major. Letters from Barbary, Jay, J. On N. York college, — Letters to Littlepage, Jebb, J. Correspondence, — Works and life, — On prisons, Jefferson, T. Notes on Virginia, — Letters, — Parliamentary practice, — Weights and measures, Jeffreys, Lt C. Van Dieman's Land, Jeffreys, T. Map of Nova Scotia, — River St. Lawrence, — French dominions, — Voyages of the Russians, — On Spanish islands, Jeffreys, Dr. Aerial voyages, Jenkins, R. On Christianity, Jenks, B. Prayers for families, Jennings, D. Jewish antiquities, Jennison, W. Political economy, Jenour, M. Travels to India, Jenoway, R. O. Historical notes, Jensius, J. Juris Romani, Jenyns, S. Works, — Disquisitions, — Internal evidence of Christian religion, Jephson, R. Plays, — Confessions, &c. Jerningham. On the Alexandrian school, Dignity of human nature, Jervis, H. Falls of the Cavery, Jerome, S. Opera omnia, Jesse, W. Importance of the Scriptures, Jesuits, travels of, — History of, Jeune, M. Choix do livres, Jews, history, antiquities, &c. Jewsberry, Maria J. Letters to the young. Jewel, Bp. J. Opera theologica, — On the church of England, Joannis, S. Damasceni theologia, Jocelyn. Life of St. Patrick, Johansen, A. Account of Bulama, Johlson, J. Mosaic religion, John, T. Conversion of (a Jew), Johnson, C.B. Settlement in Pennsylvania, 719 593 706 529 577 651 651 427 352 413 64 64 121 825 706 209 706 214 895 556 566 159 885 941 149 235 641 612 855 855 641 719 261 32 39 114 224 634 750 142 566 577 32 507 529 64 197 697 42 32 634 116 209 114 203 42 121 43 131 706 115 64 1016 INDEX. Johnson, D. Field sports, 407 Johnson, J. Civic life, 302 — Diary of a philosopher, 651 — Influence of atmosphere, 307 — Recess in the highlands, 681 Johnson, J. A journey from India, 634 Johnson, S. Frederick of Prussia, 820 Johnson, J. W. Tour in Spain, 667 Johnson, Dr. S. Prayers of, 49 — Tour in Scotland, 680 — Debates in parliament, 767 — Letters, 556 — Dictionary of the English language, 417 — Table talk, 549 — Works and life, 567 — Beauties, 578 Johnson, S. On the laws against popery, &c. 64 Johnson, S. W. Rural economy, 388 Johnson, T. Questiones philosophicae, 180 Johnston, D. Education in France, 209 Johnston, J. Naturas constantia, 197 Johnston, R. Travels in Russia, 656 Johnston, Major. Expedition to Candy, 697 Johnstone, J. A comedy, 507 — Adventures of a guinea, 530 Johnstone, Chev. de. Hist, rebellion, 767 Joliffe, J. Tour in Greece, 689 Joliflie, T. R. Tour to Palestine, 689 Jones, A. Narrative of the blacks, 882 Jones, C. On difference in colour, 326 Jones, D. Journal to the Ohio, 719 — History of Whitehall, 767 Jones, J. Recollections of royalty, 767 — On the Christian religion, 32 — Church of England, 64 — Illustrations of the Gospels, 25 — Ecclesiastical researches, 25 — Greek and English lexicon and gram- mar, 413 — Naval Hfe, 667 — History of Stonehenge, 767 — Tragedy, 507 Jones, G. M. Travels in Norway, &c. 634 Jones, H. State of Virginia, 885 Jones, J. P. An eulogium, 434 Jones, J. T. War in Spain, 838 Jones, J. A. Haverhill, 530 Jones, M. Miscellanies, 578 Jones, R. Distribution of wealth, 224 Jones, S. Hist, of Poland, 817 — Pronouncing dictionary, 417 Jones, T. P. FrankUn Journal, 593 Jones, Sir W. Works, 567 — Poeseos Asiaticee, 440 — Letters, 557 — Hindu Law, 157 — Antiquities, &c. of Asia, 845 Jones, W. Biblical cyclopedia, 18 — On the Scriptures, 25 — Waldenses, 121 — On the breakwater, 248 — On electricity, 261 Jorgenson, J. France and Germany, 651 Josselyn, J. New England's varieties, 275 — New England voyages, 719 Jose, Mr. Juvenile biography, 209 Joseph II. Letters, 557 Joijephus. Works, 115 — Par de Andilly, 114 Journals, scientific, Jouy, De. L'Hcrmite en Province, Jowett, W. Christian researches, Joyce, J. Systematic education, — Scientific dialogues, Jonson, B. Works and life, Dramatic works, Joplin, J. Currency question, Jopp, J. On the English constitution, Jordan. Parliamentary journal, Jortin, J. Tracts and dissertations, Discourse on the Christian religion, — Six dissertations, — On ecclesiastical history, Jovius, Bp. Historia sui temp. Juarros, Don. Hist, of Guatemala, Judson, Mrs. Baptist mission, Julian, Emperor. Works, Julien, S. Oriental translations, Julius, Dr. N. Biblioth. Germano, Jung-Stilling. Pneumalology, Junius, F. F. Opera theologica, Junius. Letters of, — Publications relating to, Jurieu, P. On the prophecies. Jurisprudence, Justamond. Life of Lewis XV. Justice, A. Laws of the sea, Justin. History, Justin Martyr. Apology, — Apologia, — Account of, Justinian. Institutiones, K. Ksempfer, E. Hist, of Japan, Kalm, P. Travels in North America, Kames, Ld. Principles of equity, — Law tracts, — Hist, of man, — Principles of morality, — Art of thinking and life, — Hints on education, — Elements of criticism, Kane, J. K. Discourse on law, Kant, Im. Critical philosophy, — View of the principles of, — On perpetual peace, Karamsin, N. Travels, Kavina, M. Faventia historica, Kay, S. Travels in Caffraria, Kaye, Bp. J. Ecclesiastical history, Keate, G. Pelew islands, — Journey to Margate, — Hist, of Geneva. Keating, J. Hist, of Ireland, Keating, Col. Travels in Europe, Keating, H. S. Marvellous magazine, Keelvine, C. Sketches of Scotland, Keene, R. R. Vindication of, Keightley, T. The crusaders, — Mythology, — Fairy mythology, Keith, Alexr. Signs of the times, — Christian religion, Keith, G. Travels to Caratuck, — Against the Quakers, — Deism of William Penn, Keith, G. S. Weights and measures, 592 578 132 209 209 567 507 230 814 767 567 32 64 121 753 855 132 567 517 3 185 43 806 806 25 137 831 13» 731 41. 43 42 42 143 845 719 146 146 197 197 197 209 427 435 185 185 198 634 825 706 121 641 681 825 767 635 530 530 902 732 135 135 64 32 719 64 64 235 180, INDEX. 1017 Keith, R. Hist, of Scotland, Keith, Sir W. Hist, of Virginia, — Papers and tracts, Kelham, R. Domesday book, Kelly, H. Comedies, Kelly, P. On spherics, — Treatise on exchange, — Navigation, Kerable, C. Plays, Kerapis, Th. {u Meditations and prayers, — Opera, — Christian pattern, — Christian's exercise, Kendal, E. A. Travels U. S. Kendrick, T. C. Ionian isles, Keneday, A. Importance of the colonies, Kennedy, J. Astronomical chronology, Kennedy, J. P. Novels, Kennet, Bp. White. American library, — Register and chronicle, — Cavendish family, Kennet, B. Paraphrase of the Psalms, — Roman antiquities, Kenney. Plays, Kennicott, B. Bibl. Hebralca, — Ten annual accounts, — On the tree of life, «fec. — On Chronicles and Samuel, Kent, J. Commentaries, Kentucky, histories of, Keppel, G. Journey from India, — Journey to Balcan, Ker, H. Travels in North America, Ker, J. B. English grammar, Kerckringius, T. Commentarius, Kerroux, M. Histoire de I'HoHand, Kersey, J. Society of Friends, Kett, H. Interpreter of prophecy, — General knowledge, — Bon mots, &c. Kettlewell. On Christian obedience, — Christianity, a doctrine of the cross, — Evil of prodigality, Keysler, J. G. Travels, Kid, S. Bills of exchange, &c. Kidd, John. Bridgewater treatise, Kidder, Bp. R. On a French Testament, — On difficult passages of Scripture, — On Christian fortitude, Killigrew, H. Midnight thoughts, Kindersley, N. E. Hindoo literature, Kimber, Mr. English peerage, — Hist, of England, King, C. On commerce. King, E. On ^Erolites, — Signs of the times, — Criticisms on Scripture, King, H. Exposition of Lord's prayer. King, Sir P. Apostles' creed. King, Capt. P. P. Australia, King, Arbp. Wm. Origin of evil, — Irish protestants. King, Dr. Heathen gods. Kingdom, W. On America and British colonies, Kingsbury. Prayers for families, Kinloch, J. Letters .from France, &c. Kinneir, J. M. Persian empire, — Journey in Asia, 138 768 1 Kinneir, J. M. Geography of Persia, 612 885 j Kinnersley, J. Letter to the Baptists, 121 567 — On electricity, 262 154 Kinsey, W. M. Portugal illustrated, 667 508lKirkby, C. Popish plot, 768 350 ! Kirchendoffer, H. Book of fate, 190 235 Kircher, A. Magneticum naturae, 262 — Mundus subterraneus, 278 Kirkpatrick, Col. Account of Nepal, 697 Kirkton, J. Hist. Church of Scotland, 121 Kir wan, R. Metaphysical essays, 185 — On temperature, 262 Kitchener, H. T. On telescopes, 350 401 508 64 43 64 64 719 689 , 886 18 530 4 768 737 40 747 508 11 11 25 26 146 873 635 689 719 417 333 822 64 26 209 530 65 65 65 651 146 10 26 26 65 65 579 737 768 236 261 26 26 26 35 642 65 768 135 719 40 667 612 689 Kitchener, W. On the eyes and spectacles, 357 — Traveller's oracle, 629 Klaproth, J. Original translations, 845 — Travels in the Caucasus, 697 Klopstock, F. S. Letters and biography, 557 Knatchbull, Sir N. Annotations on the New Testament, 26 Knigge, Baron. Social life, 198 — German Gil Bias, 530 Knight, E. C. Marcus Flaminius, 530 Knight, J. Chesterfield and Goodman, 530 Knight, Mad. Journals in New York, 719 Knight, R. Treatise on bail, 146 Knight, R. P. Principles of taste, 427 Knight, W. Theory of the earth, 278 Knollys, H. On the new baptism, 65 Knolles, R. Hist, of the Turks, 841 Knowles, J. On the navy, 401 Knowles, J. S. Plays, «fcc. 508 Knox, Alexr. Remains of, 43 Knox, J. Tour in Scotland, 681 — Campaigns in North America, 855 Knox, R. Hist, of Ceylon, 845 Knox, V. Christian philosophy, 32. 65 — Liberal education, 209 — Winter evenings, 579 — Hints to public speakers, 427 Kock, De. The modern Cymon, 530 Koenig, C. G. Apocalyptisches Handbuch, 26 Kohlmeister, B. Voyage to Ungava bay, 710 Kolben, P. Cape of Good Hope, 706 Koran, the, translated, 13& Koster, H. Travels in Brazil, 719 — • Travels, 719 Kotzebae, Von. Comedies, 517 — Novels, 530 — Travels, 667 Kotzebue, Lt. O. Voyages, 642 Kotzebue, M. Journey to Persia, 698 — Prisoner in France, 667 Kramer. Herman of Unna, 530 Krantz, A. Rerum Germanicarum, 817 Krauth, C. P. Oration, 435 Kruger, J. G. Education of children, 209 Krusen. Allgemeiner und besonders, 236 Krusenstern, Capt. A. J. Voyage, 642 Labarthe, P. Voyage de Guin6e, 706 Labat, J. B. Voyage Amerique, 719 Labaume, E. Campaign in Russia, 817 Labelye, C. On Bridges, 248 Labillardiere, M. Voyage, 644 Laborde, A. View of Spain, 667 Lachaise, C. Topographic med. de Paris, 298 1018 INDEX. Lacombe, J. Diet, des anecdotes, 549 Lacroix, De. Military hints, 404 Lactantius, L. C. Opera, 43 Laey, J. Cry from the desert, 65 Laet, J. De. Nov us or bis, 855 — Francorum regis, 831 LafFan, Jas. Commerce and manufactures, 236 Lafayette. Tour in America, 720 Lafitau, P. Sauvages Araer. 855 Laforguc, L. Semiologie buccale, 307 Lahontan, M. Voyages to America, 720 Laing, A. G. Travels in Africa, 706 Laing, J. Voyage to Spitzbergen, 657 Laing, M. History of Scotland, 768 Lally Tolendal. Defence of the emigrants, 831 Lamb, C. Works, 567 — Essays. Ella, 579 — Dramatic poets, 508 — Tales of Shakspeare, 530 Lambard, W. County of Kent, 618 Lambert, J. Travels in America, 720 Lambert, Abbe. Observations on nature, 350 Lamotte, C. Essays, 579 Lancaster, J. Improvement in education, 209 Lancelot, C. Tour to Alet, 667 Landman, G. State of Portugal, 838 Landman, J. Field engineer, 404 Landen, J. On the residual analysis, 339 Lander, R. & J. Course of the Niger, 706 Landon, L. E. Romance, &c. 530 Landor, W. S. Conversations, 549 Landreth, D. Floral magazine, 593 Landt, G. Feroe islands, 657 Lane, T. Guide to Lincoln's Inn, 146 Laneham. Kenilworth castle, 768 Lang, J. D. New South Wales, 642 — Polynenian nation, 846 Langford, J. Whole duty of man, 65 Langhorne, J, Consolations of life, 65 Langshorne, Dr. Letters, &c. 531 Langle, M. de. Journey in Spain, 667 Langles, M. Contes Indiens, 546 Langsdorf, G. H. Voyages, 635. 642 Langtoft, P. Chronicle, 768 Langwith, J. Tables on ancient coins, 735 Languages, treatises on, 411 Landsdowne, Marquis of. MSS. 4 — Library, 4 Lansegue, M. Geography, 612 Lantier, E. F. Travels of Antenor, 531 Lanzi, L. History of painting, 361 Lapland, history of, 815 — Travels in, 654 Laplace. Mechanique celeste, 350 — System of the vvrorld, 350 Lardner, D. Treatise on heat, 267 Lardner, N. Testimonies, 32 — Gospel history, 32 La Roche, R. Oration, 435 Laskey, J. C. Napoleon medals, 740 Lassels, R. Journey in Italy, 667 Lathom,F. Thuilleries, 531 Lathy, T. P. Court of Louis XIV. 831 Latimer, Bp. H. Sermons and life, 101 Latocnaye, M. de. Rambles, 681 Latour, A. L. War in Louisiana, 874 Latrobe, C. S. Visit to South Africa, 706 Latrobe, C. J. Ramble in the Tyrol, 657 — Switzerland, 667 Latrobe, B. H. Oration on arts, 435 — On canals, 248 Laud, Abp. W. Conference with Fisher, 65 Lauder, Sir T. D. Moray floods, 278 Lauderdale, E. Government of India, 846 Lauderdale, Earl of Public wealth, 224 Laurence, R. Trade of Ireland, 768 Laurent, M. P. Classical tour, 690 Laurent, P. E. Ancient geography, 612 Laval, S. A. Reformation in France, 121 Lavalle, J. Letters of a mameluke, 557 Lavater, J. C. Physiognomy, 187 — Aphorisms, 549 Lavaysse, M. Venezuela, 720 Lavington, Bp. G. Moravians compared and detected, 65 Law treatises, 137 Law, Bp. E. On catechising, 36 Law, J. Money and trade, 230 Law, R. Memorials, 768 Law, T. Sketch of Bengal, 846 — Instinctive impulses, 185 Law, W. Christian faith, 33 — On prayer, 40 — Works, 43 — Serious call, 65 — Christian perfection, 65 Lawson, J. Concerning oratory, 427 — Voyage to Carolina, 720 Lay, B. On slavery, 242 Lea, I. On the genus unio, 294 Leach, E. Inland navigation, 248 Leadbeater, M. Irish peasantry, 531 Leake, W. M. Greek revolution, 742 — Edict of Dioclesian, 142 — Researches in Greece, 690 Leaming, J. Evidences of Christianity, 32 Lechford, T. News from New England, 875 Leckie, D. R. Journey to Nagpore, 698 Leckie, G. F. On the balance of power, 217 — Affairs of Great Britain, 814 Lediard, T. Naval history, 768 Ledwich, E. Antiquities of Ireland, 768 Lee, A. Answer to S. Deane, 8j4 Lee, H. Campaign in Carolina, 871 — War in the south, 863 Lee, N. Dramatic works, 508 Lee, S. & H. Canterbury tales, 531 Lee, T. E. Remarks on an appendix, 65 Lee, Mrs. Essay on government, 217 Lewenhoek, A. Select works, 272 Leggett, W. The critic, 596 Legh, T. Journey in Egypt, 706 Legh, P. Music of the eye, 370 Legouve, G. Tragedie, 518 Legrand, Cit. Voyage dans I'Auvergnc, 668 Leigh, E. Roman Emperors, 747 Leibnitz. Memoir, &c. on Egypt, 846 Leigh, E. Critica sacra, 18 Leigh, J. On opium, 333 Leigh, S. Scripture genealogy, 18 Leighton, R. Theological lecture, 43 Leigh, C. Antiquities of Lancashire, 768 Leith, SirG. Prince of Wales Island, 698 Leland, .T. Itinerary, 768 Leland, T. Hist, of Ireland, 768 Leland, J. View of deistical writers, 32 — On Bolingbroke's letters, 32 — Christian revelation, 32 INDEX. 1019 Leland, J. Divine authority, 32 Lemaistre, J. G. Travels in France, 668 Lemere, N. Dictionnaire des drogues, 333 Lemoine, H. Art of speaking, 427 Lempriere,J. Classical dictionary, 735 Lempriere, W. Travels in Africa, 706 Lendrum, J. American revolution, 863 Lenglet, M. Sur Montesquieu, 137 Lennox, Mrs. Novels, 531 Leo. Mag. pont. Opera, 43 Leon, J. J. Tabernacle and temple, 115 Leonard, P. Voyages, 635 Leonard, S. Treatise on wisdom, 198 Leonard, M. CEuvres, 567 Leopold, F. Citto Firenze, 625 Lerius, J. Navigationis in Braziliam, 720 Lescarbot Nova Francia, 863 Leslie, C. Method with deists, 33 — Snake in the grass, 65 Leslie, J. On air, 262 ~ On heat, 267 Leslie, Prof. Polar seas, 642 Leslie, Miss. Pencil sketches, 531 Lesseps, M. Travels in Kamtschatka, 698 Lessing, G. E. A play, 518 Lesser, M. Insccto theology, 10 L'Estrange, R. Defence of T. Oates, 796 — Political pamphlets, 795 — Americans no Jews, 855 Letters, collections of, 552 Lettice, J. Tour in Scotland, 681 Lettsom, J. C. On preserving objects, 272 — On beneficence and temperance, 203 — Hints on the poor, 224 — Oration on medicine, 435 Levi, D. On the prophecies, 26 — Defence of the Old Testament, 33 — Ceremonies of the Jews, 115 Levis, M. de. England, 681 Lewis XVI. Letters, 557 Lewis XVIII. Journey to Brussels, 657 Lewis, G.C. On political terms, 217 Lewis, E. African Observer, 242 Lewis, M. G. Dramatic works, 508 — Ambrosia, 531 — Le moine, 546 — Journal in the West Indies, 720 Lewis, T. Origines Hebraese, 115 — Hist, of the Parthian empire, 846 Lewis, W. Commerce of arts, 377 Lewis, Mr. Thoughts on man, 198 Lewis & Clarke. Expedition, 720 Lexicons, 411 Ley, W. Presbyterian government, 121 Leybourn, W. Recreations, 336 Leycester, J. The commonwealth, 217 Leycester, G. H. On the commandments, 33 Leyden, J. Malay annals, 846 — Travels in Africa, 706 Libraries. Histories and catalogues of, 1 Lichtenstein, H. Travels in South Africa, 706 Liddel, R. Navigation, 401 Liddiard, W. Tour in France, 668 Lieber, F. Education for Girard college, 210 — Letters from America, 720 Lievre, le. On the Beaume de vie, 333 Light, treatises on, 356 Light, H, Travels in Egypt, 706 — Travels in Egypt, 690 Lightfoote, J. Harmony, 18 — HorcB HebraicsB, 26 — Commentary on the Acts, 26 Lighting, houses, streets, &c. treatises on, 399 Ligne, Prince de. Letters, 557 Ligon, R. History of Barbadoes, 855 Lillo. Plays, 608 Lilly, J. Practical conveyancer, 146 Limborch. Hist of the Inquisition, 130 Lind, J. Diseases of hot climates, 310 Lindley, T. Voyages to Brazil, 720 Lindsay, Sir D. Works, 567 Lindsay, R. Hist, of ScoUand, 769 Lindsley, P. On the theological seminary, 65 Lindoe, R. On slavery, 242 Lingard, J. Hist, of England, 769 Linguet, M. L'ovcrture, de I'Escaut, 823 — Memoirs of the bastile, 831 Link, H. F. Travels in Portugal, 668 Linn, W. Remarks on Dr. Moore, 65 Linnteus. Tour in Lapland, 657 Linnoeus, C. Letters, 557 Lipscombe, G. Travels in Cornwall and Wales, 681 Lisianski, U. Voyages, 642 L'Isle, M. Mersud. 612 Lisle, W. On the Old Testament, 26 Literary history, 409 — Journals, 595 Literature, 409 Lithography, art of, 359 Lithgow, W. Travels, &c. 635 Littel, E. Museum, 596 Littleton, A. English and Latin Dictionary, 413 Littleton, G. Conversion of St. Paul, 34 Liturgies, 35. 39 Livermore, S. Law of agents, 146 Liverpool, Lord. On coins, 230 Livingston, E. On prison discipline, 159 — On punishment by death, 159 — Penal law of Louisiana, 159 — Internal improvement, 248 Livingston, R. R. Oration, 435 Livingston, W. Letter to Bp. Landaff, 121 — Vindication of the Bp. LandafTs ser- mon, 121 Livy, T. Roman history, 747 - Lloyd, E. Archaelogia Britannica, 769 Lloyd, H. e. Reign of George IV. 769 Lloyd, H. E. Life of Alexander I. 817 Lloyd, L. North of Europe, 657 Lloyd, R. Hist, of Wales, 769 — War in Germany, 820 Lloyd, T. Congressional register, 863 Lloyd, Mr. Play, 508 Lloyd. W. On the established religion, 65 — Church government, 121 — Series chronologica, 732 Llorente, J. A. Hist, of the Inquisition, 130 Lobell, M. Stirpium icones, 287 Lobo, F. Voyage to Abyssinia, 706 Lobstein, J. F. D. Guide to physi- cians, 307 — On the sympathetic nerve, 327 — On phosphorus, 333 Locke, J. Original letters, 557 — Works, 567 — Reasonableness of Christianity, 33 — Works, 180 1020 INDEX. Locke, J. Abridgment of, 1 86 — Essay on tlie understanding, 185 — Thoughts on education, 210 — Treatises on government, 217 — Dialogues on travel, C29 Lockhart, G. Hist, of Scotland, 769 — Papers, 769 Lockhart, J. G. Valerius, 530 Lockman,G. Hist, of the Lutheran church, 122 Lockman, J. Hist, of persecutions, 122 — Roman history, 747 Lockringe, H. Field of Naseby, 769 Lockwood, A. Nova Scotia, 720 Lodge, E. British peerage, 737 — British history, 769 Loft, C. On the English constitution, 154 Logan, G. On hereditary monarchy, 217 Logan, Jac. De plantarura generatione, 282 Logan, J. Scottish Gael, 769 Logan, Rev. Mr. Philosophy of history, 607 Logarithms, tables of, 343 Logic, treatises on, 192 Lolme, J. de. Hist, flagellants, 122 — Constitution of England, 154 London, histories of, 619 Londonderry, Marquis of. War in Ger- many, 753. 817 — Peninsular War, 838 Long, E. Hist, of Jamaica, 855 Long, H. L. March of Hannibal, 747 Long, J. Travels in North America, 720 Long, S. H. Expedition to the west, 721 Longfellow, H. W. Outre mer, 635 Longfield, M. Political economy, 224 Longinus, D. De sublimitata, 427 Lord, J. On baptism, 66 Lord, E. Hist, of missions, 133 Lorenzini, S. Dissection of the cramp fish, 327 Loredano, G. F. Opere, 567 Lorimer, J. On magnetism, 262 Lormian, M. B. Tragedie, 518 Loskiel, G. H. Hist, of missions, 133 Lothian, W. Hist, of Netherlands, 823 Loudon, A. Wonderful mag. 272 Loudon, J. C. Encyclopaedia of plants, 287 — Gardner's mag. 593 Loudon, Ld. Conduct reviewed, 855 Loughton, W. Practical grammar, 417 Louisiana, histories of, 873 Lovell, E. On popery, 66 Lovell, R. Subtil medium, 190 — Herbarisme, 287 Lovett, W. H. Thoughts on evil, 198 Lowber, J. C. Ordinances, Philadelphia, 153 Lowe, J. State of England, 223 Lowman, M. On the Revelations, 26 — Hebrew government, 115 Lowndes, W. T. Bibliographer's manual, 4 Lowth, R. English grammar, 417 Lowth, Bp. R. De sacr. poesi Heb. 26 — Translated, 26 Lowth, W. Comment, on Isaiah, 26 — Vind. of the Old and New Testaments, 33 — Remains and life of, 101 Luc, J. A. de. Lettres physiques, 272 — Lettres de la Suisse, 668 Lucas, Fr. Comment, evangelia, 26 Lucas, R. Inquiry after happiness, 203 Lucchesini, M. Hist, of the Rhine, 820 Luccock, J. Notes on Brazil, Lucian. Dialogues, — Opera, — Translated, Luckombe, P. Beauties of England, Luders, A. On Henry V. Ludlam, W. Mathematics, Ludlow, G. Tracts, Ludlow, J. Addresses, Ludolphus, J. Hist, of Ethiopia, — Hist, of Abyssinia, LuUin, D. De electricitate, Lully, R. Philosopher's stone, Lumisden, A. City of Rome, Lumisden, T. Travels, Lupton, Mr. On charity schools, Lushington, C. Benevolent societies, — Travels, Lusignan, S. Revolt of Ali Bey, Lussan, Mad. Phillippe Auguste, Luther, M. Catechism, — Table talk, Luyart, De. Analysis of wolfram, Luyts, J. Geographia, Lyall, R. Character of the Russians, Lycosthenes, C. Theatrum vitse, Lyman, T. State of Italy, — Diplomacy of U. States, Lynam, M. To the parliament, Lyon, G. F. Travels in Africa, — Tour in Mexico, — Voyage to Polar sea, Lyonet, P. Traite de chenille, Lyon, J. On lightning, Lyons, Mr. On human judgment, Lysias, J. T. Orationes Greece, Lyson, D. & S. Magna Britannia, Lyson, D. Hist, of London, Lyster, H. Arlington, Lyte, T. Island of Jersey, Lyttleton, Ld. Letters, — Dialogues, — Works, — Tour in Wales, Lyttleton, L. G. Hist, of Henry II. M. Mably, Abb6. (Euvres politique, — Sur I'ordre naturel, — Droits du ciloyen, — Principes de morale, — Entretiens de Phocion, — Phocion's conversations, — D'Ecrire histoire, — Sur I'histoire Grec, — Observations, — On the United States, — On American revolution, Macarius. Travels, Macarthy, J. Choix de voyages, Macaulay, Mrs. Hist, of England, — Remarks on Hobbes, — On moral truth, — Letters on education, — Letter to the people, Macauley, A. Political science, Macauley, J. Comedy, — Hist, of New York, Macbeth, J. On the sabbath. 721 549 567 567 681 769 336 769 435 846 706 262 190 626 635 214 133 635 841 546 56 66 282 612 657 198 825 863 66 707 721 642 294 262 186 4.35 617 619 531 769 557 549 567 681 769 217 217 217 198 198 198 607 742 747 149 149 635. 657 631 769 217 186 210 806 217 508 877 66 INDEX. 1021 Macculloch, J. Acct. of Western islands, 681 Maeculloch, R. On Isaiah, 26 Macdonnel, D. E. Diet, of quotations, 413 Macdonald, J. Travels, 635. 657 — On telegraphs, 347 — Voyage to Patagonia, 721 Macfarlane, C. Romance of history, 531 — Constantinople, 690 Macfarlane, R. Hist, of George III. 770 M acgill, T. Account of Tunis, &,c. 651. 707 Machiavel, N. Works, 567 — Hist, of Florence, 825 — Princeps, 217 — De republica, 217 — Anti-Machiavel, 217 — Commente par Bonaparte, 218 Machines, various descriptions of, 344 Mackay, A. On navigation, 402 Mackay, S. French campaigns, 817 Mackay, W. Shipwreck, 648 Mackenzie, C. Five thousand receipts, 377 Mackenzie, W. L. View of United States, 721 Mackenzie, Sir G. Works, 567 — Affairs of Scotland, 770 — Travels, 657 Mackenzie, H. The mirror, 579 — Novels, 531 Mackenzie, M. On marine surveying, 342 Mackenzie, R. Tippoo Sultan, 846 Mackinnon, C. Coldstream guards, 770 MackinnoD, H. Campaign in Portugal, 838 Mackinnon, W. A. On public opinion, 815 Mackintosh, A. Tribe of Ramoosies, 846 Mackintosh, Sir J. Tour in Europe, 635 — Law of nations, 139 — Study of the law, 146 — Progress of ethical philosophy, 198 — Revolution in England, 770 — Vind. Gallicae, 808 Macknight, J. Harmony, 18 Mackray,W. Effects of the Reformation, 66 Maclaine, A. Letters to S. Jenyns, 33 Maclaurin, J. Works, 568 Maclean, C. Excursion in France, 668 — Sciences of life, 300 Macleay, K. Account of Spar Cave, 278 Macklin. Dramatic works, 508 Maclure, W. French convention, 900 Macmichel, W. Journey to Constantinople, 635 Macnally, L. Operas, 508 Macniell, H. Historical tale, 531 Macniell, J. Canal navigation, 249 Macneven, J. Irish history, 770 Macnevin, W. J. Ramble in Switzerland, 668 Macnish, R. Philosophy of sleep, 186 — On drunkenness, 203 Macomb, A. On courts martial, 175 Macquer. Roman history, 747 Macpherson, J. Hist, of East India Co. 236 — Moral philosophy, 198 — Hist, of Britain, 770 Macpherson, R. On swimming, 407 Macready, W. Comedy, 508 Macrobius, T. Opera, 427 Macsparran, J. On doctrines, 66 Mactaggert, J. Travels in Canada, 721 Macvicar, J. G. Economy of nature, 257 Madden, R. R. Genius illustrated, 579 — Travels in Europe, 635 Madden, R. R. The Mussolman, 531 Maddox, J. Holy Land, &c. 690 Maddox, T. History of the exchequer, 770 Maffei, S. Ancient amphitheatres, 373 Magazines and reviews, 595 Magee, Abp. W. On the atonement, 66 Magellan, J. H. On making mineral wa- ters, 267 Magens, D. On money and banks, 230 Magens, N. On insurance, 146 Magic, natural, works on, 189 Magrath, T. W. Letters from Canada, 721 Magnetism, treatises on, 259 Magnol, P. Botanicum Monspeliense, 287 Magnus, O. Historiae gentium, 820 Mahon, Lord. War in Spain, 838 — On gold coin, 230 — On electricity, 262 Maillet, M. Telliamed, 272 Maimbourg, L. Histoire de Tempire, 820 — Hist, of the league, 831 Maine, history of, 874 Maintenon, Mad. de. Letters, 557 Mair. Latin dictionary, 413 Mairet, M. CEuvres, 568 Maitland, S. R. Hist, of the Waldenses, 122 Maitland, W. Antiquities of Scotland, 770 — Hist, of Edinburgh, 623 Majoribanks, C. Intercourse with China, 236 Malavolti. Historia di Siene, 825 Malcolm, H. Scripture dictionary, 18 — On marriage, 66 Malcolm, Sir J. Sketches of Persia, 698 — Hist, of Persia and India, 8'16 Malcolm, John. Sketches and tales, 531 Malham, J. P. London, 620 — Excursion in Kent, 681 — Anecdotes of Europe, 753 Malcolm, J. Naval gazetteer, 612 — On navigation, 402 Malherbe, F. CEuvres, 568 Malkin, B. H. Essays, 579 — Classical disquisitions, 427 Mallebranche, N. De la verity, 186 Mallet, D. Works, 568 — Plays, 509 Mallet, M. Northern antiquities, 817 — Dangers of Europe, 753 Malmontet, M. Espagnole littdrature, 410 Malortie, C. S. Treatise on topography, 616 — Military drawing, 404 Malouet, M. On the French revolution, 832 Maltebrun, M. Geography, 612 Maltby, E. Truth of Christian religion, 33 Malthus, T. R. On population, 224 — Reply to, 224 — Political economy, 224 — On rent, 224 — On corn laws, 236 Malynes, G. Lex mercatoria, 146 Manby, G. W. Voyage, 657 Mandeville, B. Fable of the bees, 203 Mandeville, J. Voyages and travels, 531 Mann, D. D. New South Wales, 642 Manning, O. Alfred's will, 770 Manning, R. On ending disputes in reli- gion, 66 Manningham,H. On gun powder and mines, 404 Mansfield, E. D. Political grammar, 149 1022 INDEX. Manstein, Baron de. Memoirs of Russia, 817 Mansur, S. History of Seyd Said, 846 Mante, T. War in North America, 856 Manuscripts, catalogues of, 1 Maps, on the construction of, 340 Marana, J. P. Turkish spy, 557 Marbois, B. Hist, of Louisiana, 873 Marcel, G. Etat de I'eglise, 122 Marcellinus, V. II diamerone, 198 Marchand, E. Voyage, 642 Marchmont, E. Selection of papers, 770 Mariana, J. Hispani historia, 838 Marigny, A. Hist, of the Arabians, 846 Mariti, Abbe. Cyprus, &c. 690 Markoe, P. A tragedy, 509 Marlianus, B. Romse, 626 Marlowe, C. Dramatic works, 509 Marmontel, M. Contes Moraux, 546 — Belisarius, &c. 531 Marraud, L, Judgment of human actions, 1 98 Marriage, laws relating to, 174 Marriner, W. Tonga Islands, 642 Marriot, W. Farmer's lawyer, 146 Marolles, de. Temple of the muses, 135 Marsden, W. Hist, of Sumatra, 846 Marsden, S. New Zealand, 642 Marsh, Bp. H. Translation of Michaelis, 27 — Comparative view, 66 Marshall, H. Hist, of Kentucky, 873 — Arbustrum Americanum, 287 Marshall, J. On American colonies, 863 Marshall, S. Westminster catechism, 37 — On baptism, 66 — Law of insurance, 146 Marshall, W. Review of the landscape, 358 — Agricultural works, 388 Marthe, S. Hist, de France, 832 Marten, H. Justification of parliament, 790 Martin, B. Arts and sciences, 410 — Natural history of England, 275 — Newtonian philosophy, 257 — On crystals, thermometers, &c. 357 — Lexicon philologicum, 413 — English language, 417 Martin, J. Animal magnetism, 262 Martin, L. Federal convention, 863 Martin, M. Western Isles, 681 Martin, R. M. British colonies, 770 — Trade of England, 236 Martin, R. P. le. Explication de textes, 26 Martin, S. Vindication of Quakers, 66 Martin, B. Arts and Sciences, 182 Martin, T. Mechanical arts, 773 Martin, F. X. Hist, of Louisiana, 873 Martineau, H. Political economy, 532 Martiniere, M. B. Diet, historique, 732 Martinius, M. Debello Tartarico, 847 — Regni Sinensis, 847 Martyn, B. Account of Georgia, 873 — Play, 509 Martyn, T. Tour in Italy, 668 Martyr, P. Decades, new worlde, 721 Martyn, W. F. Geography, 612 Marty rologues, 130 Marvell, A. Growth of popery, 754 — Works and life, 568 — Essay on councils, creeds, &c. 35 Mary, Queen of Scots. History, 949 — Love-letters, 557 Maryatt, Capt. Sketches, tales, &c. 532 Maryland, charter and laws, 151 Maryland, histories of, 874 Mascou. Hist, of Germany, 820 Maskeline, N. Astronomical observations, 351 Massachusetts, histories of, 874 — Charter and laws, 151 Masseres, F. Civil war in England, 770 Massaniello. Fisherman of Naples, 949 Massinger, P. Plays, &c. 509 Mason, F. Consecration of bishops, &c, 66 Mason, H. On fasting, 66 Mason, J. On self knowledge, 203 — Miscellanies, 568 Mason, J. M. Works of, 43 — Beaumont and Fletcher, 497 Mason, W. Dramatic works, 509 — Works, 568 — On'^the slave trade, 242 Mason, W. S. Statistics of Ireland, 623 Masters,R. Hist, of Corpus Christi college, 213 Matani, A. Nat. prod, del Pistojese, 275 Mattel, B. Istorico del Tuscolo, 825 Materia medica, treatises on, 331 Mathematical tables and instruments, 343 Mathematics. Works and treatises, 335 Mather, Cotton. Christian philosopher, 10 — Magnalia Amer. 122 — Providences in New England, 122 — Trial of witches, 190 — Wonders of invisible world, 190 Mather, J. Candidate for the ministry, 66 — On baptism and communion, 66 — Conversion of the Jewes, 66 — Union amongst the godly, 66 — Indian wars, 875 — Testimony, 886 Mathew Paris. Historia, 770 Mathison, G. F. Visit to Brazil, 721 Matlack, T. Oration, 435 Maton, W. G. Western counties, 681 Matthews, J. Voyages and travels, 651. 707 Maude, J. Falls of Niagara, 721 Mauduit, J. Hist, of New England, 875 Maugham, R. Outlines of character, 198 Maundrell, H. Journey to Jerusalem, 690 Maupertius, M. Figure of the earth, 351 Maurice, M. Hist, of Louis XIV. 832 Maurice, T. Hist, of Hindostan, 847 — Indian antiquities, 847 Maurier, B. Princes of Orange, 823 Maury, Abbe. Sujets de religion, 579 — On eloquence, 427 Mavor, W. Universal history, 732 — British tourist, 681 — English class book, 427 — Essays, tales, &c. 532 — Miscellanies, 579 Maw, H. L. Burmese war, 847 — Voyage from Pacific, 722 Mawe, J. Travels to Brazil, 722 Maximilian, P. Travels in Brazil, 722 Maxims, 547 Maximus, T. Dissertationes, 180 Maxwell, J. J. Marine law, 146 Maxwell, W. Letters of Virginia, 722 May, T. Parliament of England, 771 May, W. Family prayer book, 40 Mayer, C. Geography, 612 INDEX. 1023 Mayne, W. Campaigns, &c. 838 Mayo, B. Natural history, 272 Mayo, R. Mythology, 135 — Geography and history, 612 Mazochii, A. Tabulas Herculanensis, 735 McAdam, J. L. On roads, 248 McAffee, R. B. Western war, 863 McArthur, J. Financial facts, 230 — On courts martial, 175 McBride, D. Principles of virtue, 198 McCall, H. Hist, of Georgia, 873 McCalla, W. L. On Universalism, 66 — On baptism, 66 McCallum, P. F. Travels in Trinidad, 721 McCay, J. On the Bank of England, 230 McClure, D. Survey of the Delaware, 628 McClung, J. A. Settlement of the west, 863 McCuUogh, W. Hist of United States, 863 McConnell, M. Debts of the United States, 230 McCready, W. Dramatic works, 508 McCrie, T. Reformation in Italy, 122 — In Spain, 122 McCuIloch, J. H. Hist, of America, 856 McCullocb, J. R. Political economy, 224 — Commercial dictionary, 236 McDermot, M. Beauties of literature, 580 McDiarinid. The scrap book, 580 McDonald, A. A tragedy, ' 508 McDonnell. On corn laws, 236 McEwen, W. Essays on divinity, 66 — Grace and truth, 67 McFarland, A. View of heresies, 122 McGavin, W. Reformation in Scotland, 122 McGregor, J. British America, 721 McKenney, T. L. Tour to the lakes, 721 McKenzie, C. Notes on Hayti, 721 McKonnochie, Capt. Commerce of the Pacific, 236 McKinnan, D. Tour in West Indies, 721 McLean, H. Fever of St. Domingo, 310 McLeod, J. Voyage to Africa, 707 — Voyage in the /Qceste, 648 McMahon, J. V. L. Hist, of Maryland, 874 McMullan, M. A. Sketches, &c. 532 McMurtrie, H. Sketches of the west, 721 McQueen, J. Central Africa, 847 McNicol, D. Remarks on Johnson, 681 Mead, R. Medical works, 298 — Medical precepts, 307 — On poisons, 333 — Dispensatory, 333 Meares, J. Voyages, 642 — On the Lord's supper, 67 Mease, Dr. J. Wonders of nature and art, 274 — Archives, 593 — Description of medals, 740 — Picture of Philadelphia, 629 — Reply to J. N. Barker, 629 Mechanics, treatises on, 344 Mecom, B. Penny post, 596 Medals, 740 Mede, J. Key of the Revelations, 26 — Works of, 43 Medicine, 296 — General works on, 296 — Theory and practice of, 304 Medwin, T. Angler in Wales, 681 Meeke, Mrs. England and France, 668 — Letters, 554 Meier, G. F. The merry philosopher, 532 Meiners, C. Hist, of the female sex, 198 Meisner, E. Institut. Aulic®, 751 Mellish, J. Travels in America, 722 — Geography, 612 — Traveller's directory, 628 Melmoth, W. On a religious life, 67 Melvill, Sir J. Memoirs, &c. 771 Melvin, A. Sacrilege handled, 67 Memes, J. S. History of sculpture, 358 Memoirs of societies, 589 Memory, art of. Systems, 378 Menagiana, 549 Menander. Reliquia, 499 Menasseh, Bern. De resurrectione, 67 Mendelsohn, M. Phcedon, 186 Mendham, J. Council of Trent, 122 Mcndoza, J. Astronom. tables, 351 Menestrier, P. F. C. Methode du blason, 737 Meng, A. R. Works of, 361 Mensuration, treatises on, 340 Mentzer, B. On the Lutheran religion, 67 Merault, P. Siege of Rochelle, 832 Mercier, J. B. Politics and history, 218 — I'Art dramatique, 497 — Memoirs of 2500, 532 — Picture of Paris, 624 Merchant, J. Rebellion in Gt. Britain, 771 Mercurialis. Arte gymnastica, 747 Meredith, H. Account of Gold coast, 707 Merrick, J. Version of the Psalms, 40 Merula, P. Belgii, &c. 823 Merry, R. Tragedy, 509 Messenius, J. Scondia illustrata, 817 Mestrezat. Traits de I'eglise, 67 Metals, treatises on, 280 Metaphysics, general works on, 183 Metastasio, A. Dramas, 518 Metcalf, S. L. Indian wars, 852 Meteorology, treatises on, 251^ Metzer, J. D. Adversaria, 298 Mezeray, do. Hist, de France, 832 Michaelis, J. D. Introductory lecture to the New Testament, 27 — Introduction to the New Testament, 27 Michaux, F. A. Travels in America, 722 — Chenes de I'Amerique, 287 Michel, C. On legislation, 137 Michel, J. On magnets, 262 Microscopes, treatises on, 356 Middleton, C. De Latinarium, 413 — Works, 568 — Free inquiry, 67 — Letter from Rome, 67 — On the Bp. of London's discourse, 67 — De medicorum Romae, 296 — Miscellaneous tracts, 580 Middleton, Bp. T. F. Doctrine of the Greek article, 27 Middleton, J. W. Ecclesiastical memoir, 122 Miers, J. Travels in Chili, «&c. 722 Mignet, A. F. French revolution, 832 Mignan, R. Travels in Chaldea, 698 Milbourne, L. Church of England, 67 Milford, jun. J. Tour in France, &c. 668 — Peninsular sketches, 668 Milburnc, W. Oriental commerce, 612 Military art, treatises on, 403 Militia, treatises on, 403 1024 INDEX. Mill, J. Political economy, 224 — History of India, 847 — On the mind, 186 Mill, N. History of Mexico, 856 Millar, J. Historical view, 771 Millar, John. Distinction of ranks, 218 Millar, R. Propagation of Christianity, 122 Miller, E. Medical works, 298 Miller, G. Philosophy of history, 607 Miller, J. Law of insurance, 146 Miller, J. Compendious herbal, 288 — Statute and criminal law, 159 Miller, Mrs. Letters from Italy, 668 Miller, J. P. Condition of Greece, 690 Miller, J. R. Weights and measures, 236 Miller, S. Lecture at Princeton, 67 — Retrospect — arts and sciences, 410 — On tunnels, 249 Millingen, J. Affairs of Greece, 690 Millington, J. Natural philosophy, 257 Milman, H. Hist, of the Jews, 115 Millman, H. H. Dramatic works, 509 Mills, C. Theodore Ducas, 532 — Hist, of Mohammedanism, 135 — Hist, of the crusades, 847 — Chivalry, 737 Mills, R. Statistics of South Carolina, 629 Mills and mill work, treatises on, 345 Millot, Abbe. Elements of history, 732 Milner, J. Latin grammar, 413 Milner, J. Hist, of the church, 122 Milner, T. Hist, of the seven churches, 122 Milner, T. On electricity, 262 Milnes, R. M. Tour in Greece, 690 Milton, J. History of Britain, 771 — Dramatic works, 509 — Civil power in religion, 8 — On Christian doctrine, 67 — Familiar letters, 557 — Works, 568 Mine, W. Egyptian zodiac, 847 Mineral waters, 276 Mineralogy, systems and treatises, 280 Mines, account of, 280 Minot, G. R. History of Massachusetts, 874 Mins, Capt. Expedition to Portugal, 838 Minshew. A guide to the tongues, 412 Minucius, Felix. De idolorum, 43 — Octavius, 43 — Apology, 43 Minutoli, Mad. Recollections of Egypt, 707 Miot, J. Expedition to Egypt, 707 Mirabeau, Count. Letters, 557 — Court of Berlin, 820 — Economical table, 224 — Speeches and life, 435 — Letters de cachet, 218 — Caisse d'Escompte, 832 Miranda, F. Revolution of South America, 856 Mirkhoud. Hist, of Persia, 847 Miscellanies, literary, 572 Missals, Roman, 36 Mison, M. Voyage to Italy, &c. 651. 668 Misson. Travels in England, 682 Missionary societies, 132 Mist. Miscellany letters, 557 Mitchell, J. Scottish anecdotes, 549 — Tour in Belgium, 657 Mitchell, J. K. Medical oration, 435 Mitchell, J. M. D. Hist, of Sweden, 817 Mitchell, S. L. Medical repository, 5U3 Mitchell, T. D. The philanthropist, 80 Mitchell, Miss. Tales, &c. 532 Mitford, M. R. Sketches, &c. 532 Mitford, W. Observations on Christianity, 122 — Harmony in language, 440 — History of Greece, 742 Mixon, J. Prose and verse, 580 Mnemonics, systems, 378 Mohamedanism, 134 Moir,T. Subjects of history, 732 Molesworth, L. Account of Denmark, 817 Molien, G, Travels in Africa, 707 — Travels in Columbia, 722 Moliere. Dramatic works, 518 Molina, J. J. Historia de Chile, 856 Moll, H. Atlas, geographus, 612 MoUeson, A. Miscellanies, 580 Molloy, C. Jure maritime, 146 MoUoy, T. Appeal to man, ' 218 Molly neux, W. Ireland and English sta- tutes, 154 Mollyneux, T. M. Expeditions, 771 Monboddo, Lord. On languages, 412 — Ancient metaphysics, 186 Monchy, De. Diseases of voyages, 310 Monck, T. Sion's groans, 67 Monck, Gen. Speech, &c. 771 Money, G. Campaign in 1792, 832 Money, treatises on, 228 Monro, A. Works and life, • 298. 327 Monroe, J. Tour of the Union, 722 — View of the executive, 897 Monson's Queen Elizabeth, 771 Monstrelet. Chronicles, 832 Montagu, B. Selections from Taylor, &c. 67 — Punishment of death, 159 — On fermented liquors, 203 Montague, E. W. Ancient republics, 218 Montague, R. On tithes, 142 Montague, Lady M. W. Works, 568 — Travels and letters, 635 Montague, Mrs. E. Letters, 557 Montanus, A. Dutch embassy, 698 Montaigne, M. de. Voyage en Italic, 668 Montaigne, De. Les essais, 580 Montefiore, J. Commercial dictionary, 146 — Notarial precedents, 146 — Expedition to Bulam, 707 Montemayor. Roman Espagnol, 546 Montesquieu, De. Spirit of the laws, 137 — English Constitution, 154 — On the Roman empire, 747 — Temple of Gnidus, &c. 532 Montesquieu, M. Persian letters, 558 — Miscellanies, 580 Montfaucon, De. Antiquities, 735 — Monuments de la France, 832 — Antiquities of Italy, 825 Montfaucon, Abbe. Le comte de Gabalis, 190 Montgaillard, M. State of France, 832 Montgomery, J. Lectures on poetry, 440 — Prose, by a poet, 580 Montjoye, M. Hist, of Robespierre, 832 Montier, Mad. Letters, 558 Montlosier, M. Monarchic Fran9aisc, 832 Montmorres, L. European colonies, 753 — Irish parUaraent, 771 INDEX. 1025 Montolieu, Mad. Sentimental anecdotes, 532 — Caroline de Lichfield, .'j Ifi Montucci. Italian classics, 580 — Anecdotes, 5 19 Moody, C. L. Modern France, 668 Moor, E. Hindu pantheon, 135 — Oriental fragments, 580 — Hindu infanticide, 847 — Operations in India, 698 Moore, Ann. Supposed abstinence of, 327 Moore, C. On suicide, 203 Moore, E. Tragedy, 510 Moore, G. F. Swan river, 643 Moore, G. HisL of England, 771 Moore, J. Works and life, 568 — Society in France, &,c. 668 — London to Odessa, 690 — View of the French revolution, 832 — Mooriana, .549 — Zeluco, 532 — British army in Spain, 838 — Lady's monitor, 580 Moore, S. S. Traveller's directory, 628 Moore, T. Hist, of Ireland, 771 — Search of a religion, 67 — Capt- Rock in Rome, 67 — Epicurean, a tale, 532 Moorson, Capt. Sketches of Nova Scotia, 722 Moral philosophy, 193 Moraes, F. De. Palmerin of England, 532 Morancy, A. Comcdie, 518 More, Hannali. Reflections on prayer, 40 — Practical piety, 68 — Moral sketches, 68 — Christian morals, 68 — Remarks on M. Dupont, 68 — Religion of tlie fashionable world, 68 — Character of St. Paul, 131 — Modern education, 210 — Works, 568 — Sacred dramas, 510 — Essays, 580 More, Henry. Providence of God, 10 — Theological works, 43 More, J. Ancient castles, &c. 771 More, Sir T. Works, 568 — Life, 952 — Utopia, 218 — Hist, of Richard III. 771 Moreau. On rail-roads, 249 Moreau de St. Mery. Abr^ge des sciences, 210 — Prisons de Philadelphia, 159 — St. Domingo, 856 Morehead, R. Tour in Holy Land, 690 Morland, S. Piedmont churches, 123 Mormile, G. Citta de Napoli, 625 Morell, T. Hist, of philosophy, 180 Moreri. Dictionnaire historiquc, 732 Morgan, A. Anti-pado-rantism, 67 Morgan, G. C. On electricity, 262 Morgan, J. Hist, of Algiers, 847 — On medical schools, 298 Morgan, J. C. Canada, 722 Morgan, W. &, A. Friendly societies, 224 Morgan, Mrs. Tour, 682 Morgan, S. The sphere of gentry, 737 Morgan, T. Physico-thcology, 198 Morgan, Sir T. C. Philosophy of life, 327 Morgan, Lady. France and Italy, 669 129 Morgan, Lady. Ireland, — The Ijoudoir, — Woman, &c. Morgan, W. Review of Dr. Price, — Concordance, (Welsh) Morier, J. Journey through Persia, — I^ovels, Morritt, J. B. S. Reply to Bryant, Moritz, C. P. Travels in England, Morrell, B. Four voyages, MorrcU, Mrs. Voyage, Morrell, Sir C. Tales of the genii, Morrcs, M. De. Irish pillar towers, Morrice, D. Art of teaching, Morris, Gov. Discourse historical, Morris, R. Finances of the U. S. Morrison, R. Chinese grammar, Morse, J. Geography and gazetteer, — American revolution, — Hist, of New England, — On Indian affairs, Mortimer, G. Voyage to Canton, Mortimer, T. Compend of history, — Companion to Blackstone's commenta- ries, Morton, E. Travels in Russia, Morton, Harriet. Journey in Italy, Morton, N. New England's ii\emorial, Morton, P. Oration, Morton, Dr. S. G. Organic remains, Morton, S. W. Sketches, Morton, T. Dramatic works, Morveau, G. On purifying air, Moseley, B. On coffee and sugar, Moscr, J. Tales, &,c. Moses, Campbell's life of, Mosheim, J. L. Ecclesiastical history. Moss, J. W. Classical bibliography, Motte, A. La. Voyage en Norwege, Molleson. Public accounts, Mottley, J. Life of Peter the Great, Mottraye, De la. Travels, Moulder, S. A tragedy, Moulc, T. On the Roman villas, Moulin, P, du. Vanity de la vie, Moulton, J. W. Hist, of New York, Moultrie, W. American revolution, Mounier. On the French revolution, Mountanie, W. Navigator, — Lines on Gunter's scale, Mourt, G. Plantation at Plymouth, Moxon, J. North Pole, Moyle, W. Works of, — Select tracts, Mudford, W. A critical inquiry, — Campaigns, &c. Mudie, R. Guide to nature, 272. 1026 INDEX. Munford, W. Poems and prose, 580 Munoz, J. B. New world, 85G Munro, J. Operations in Coromandel, 847 Murat, A. Sketch of the U. S. 722 Muratori. Hist of Parag-aay missions, 133 Murdock, J. Dramatic works, 510 Muret, M. Rites of funerals, &.C. 36 Murphy, A. Dramatic works, 510 — Gray's Inn journal, 580 — Works, 568 Murphy, F. Tales of an evening-, 533 Murphy, J. Travels in Portugal, 669 Murray, A. On European languages, 412 Murray, H. On the character of nations, 198 — Geography, 613 — History of India, 847 — Discoveries in Asia, 698. 847 — Hist, of India, 847 — Discoveries in America, 722 Murray, J. Vindication of Universalism, 68 — Sermons to asses, 1 03 — Sermons to doctors, 103 Murray, L. English grammar, 417 — English reader, 581 — Power of religion, 68 Murray, M. On shipwright, 402 Murray, Mrs. Guide to Scotland, 682 MussBus. Travels and journals, 533 Muschenbroek, P. Natural philosophy, 257 Musgrave, Sir R. On Irish rebellions, 771 Mushet, R. On the issues of the bank, 230 Music, works and treatises on, 375 Myers, T. Geography, 613 Myles, W. Hist, of the Methodists, 123 Mythology, 134 N. Nairne, E. Electrical machine, 262 Nalson, J. Excellence of monarchy, 218 Nani, B. Histoire de Venice, 753. 825 Napea, O. Letters from England, 682 Napier, C. J. Value of Ionian islands, 236 Napier, W. F. P. War in the Peninsula, 838 — Strictures on, and replies, 838 Napoleon. History of France, 833 Nares, E. Man theologically considered, 68 — Thinks I to myself, 533 — Heraldic anomalies, 737 Nares, R. Glossary of words, 417 — Veracity of the evangelists, 33 Nary, C. History of the world, 732 Nash, F. Hist, of Worcestershire, 621 Nash, R. Bath guide, 617 Nassy, D. Lettre sur Ics Juifs, 115 Natural religion, 9 Natural philosophy, works on, 253 Natural history, systems and treatises on, 269 Natural history of different countries, 275 Nau. Der Volkerseerecht, 139 Nauclerius, J. Chronica, 732 Naudceana, 550 Naudet, J. Goths en Italic, 825 Naval architecture, treatises on, 400 Naval tactics, treatises on, 400 Navarette, F. Account of China, 698 Navigation, treatises on, 400 Nay lor, F. H. Hist, of Germany, 820 — Hist, of Helvetia, 826 Neal, D. Hist, of New England, 876 Neal, D. Hist, of the Puritans, 123 Neale, A. On Portugal and Spain, 839 — Travels in Germany, 635 Neander, A. Hist, of tlie Christian religion, 123 Nccker, M. Importance of religion, 68 — On executive power, 218 — Finances of France, 2^i0 — On the French revolution, 833^ Needham, T. Microscopical discoveries, 294 Needier, H. Works, 568 Neef, J. Plan of education, 210 Neele, H. Romances, 533 — Remains, 568 Neill, P. Tour in Shetland, 682 Nelson, Lord. Letters, 558 Nelson, J. On the government of children, 210 Nelson, R. Festivals and fasts, 37 — True devotion, 68 — Christian sacrifice, 68 -— To persons of quality, 68 Nelson, W. Country justice, 146 — Laws of hunting, &-c. 146 Nettleton, T. On virtue and happiness, 203 Neutral trade and rights, 140 Neville, A. Furoribus, Norfolciensum, 788 Neville, H. Dialogues on government, 218 Neville, S. Laws of New Jersey, 151 New England, histories of, 875 New Hampshire, histories of, 876 New Jersey, history of, 876 — Charters and laws, 151 New Orleans batture, case of, 173 New York, constitution and laws of, 151 New York city, charter of, 151 New York, histories of, 877 Newcombe, T. Conspiracy against Charles the Second, 772 Newcome, Bp. W. Harmony, 18 — Biblical translations, 27 — On our Lord's ministry and character, 68 Newell, R. H. Letters on Wales, 682 Newenham, T. View of Ireland, 772 Newhouse, D. Navigation, 402 Newman, E.M. Analysis of sounds, 417 Newman, J. H. The Arians, 123 Newman, S. Mercantile tables, 236 Newnham, W. Moral education, 210 Newte, T. Tour in England, 682 Newton,.!. Olney hymns, 40 — Works, 43 — Ecclesiastical history, 123 — ^ On the slave trade, 243 Newton, Sir I. Observations on Daniel and the Apocalypse, 27 — Natural philosophy, 257. 351 — Mathematics, 336. 339 — Chronology, 732 Newton, Bp. T. Dissertation on prophecy, 27 — Works and life, 43 Nicholas, T. On precious stones, 282 Nichols, F. British peerage, 737 Nichols, J. Hist, of Leicester, 619 Nichols, W. Reply to an heretical book, 68 — Duty of inferiors, 218 Nicholson, J. On manufactories, 347 Nicholson, W. British encyclopaedia, 183 — Nat. philosophy, 257 — Navigation, 402 — Historical library, 772 INDEX. 1027 Nicholson, W. Chemistry, 267 — Journal, 593 Nicholson, Archbp. W. Letters, 558 Nickols, J. State letters, 772 NickoUs, R. B. On slave trade, 243 Nicolai, F. Life of Nothanker, 533 Nicolai, N. Viaggi nella turchia, 690 Nicolas, L. Divinity of Christ, 69 Nicolas, Sir N. H. Literary history, 410 — Chronology of history, 732 — Battle of Agincourt, 772 — Beckinglon's embassy, 772 Niebuhr, G. B. Roman history, 748 Niebuhr, M. Travels in Arabia, 690 Nield, J. Account of prison society, 133 NieuhofF, J. Embassy to China, 698 Nieuwentyt, Dr. Relig. philosopher, 10 Nightingale, J. Portraiture of Methodism, 123 Niles, H. Weekly register, 603 Nollet, Abb6. Experimental philosophy, 257 Nisbet, A. Use of armories, 737 Nisbet, N. Answer to Gibbon, 68 Nisbet, P. Ecclesiastical history, 123 Nisbet, Dr. Moral philosophy, 198 Nisbet, R. Capacity of negroes, 243 Nixon, J. Cheshire prophecy, 190 Nixon, W. Prosody made easy, 41 7 Noah, M. M. Travels, 635 Noble, M. House of Stewart, 737 Nodier, C. Travels in Scotland, 651 Non, Abb6 St. Voyage pittoresque, 669 -- Travels in Sicily, 669 Nongaret, M. Des beaux arts, 359 Norbury, Lord. Matilda, a tale, 533 Norden, F. L. Travels in Egypt, 707 Norgate, T. S. Essays, 581 Norris, J. On private conventicles, 68 — Miscellanies, 581 North Carolina, constitution and laws of, 151 NorthalJ, C. Travels in Italy, 669 Norton, A. Speeches, &/C. 435 Norton, H. Sufferings in New England, 68 Nott, E. Miscellaneous works, 568 Novello, M. Ramble in Germany, 657 Novels and romances, 520 Noyer, Mad. du. Lettres, 558 Nugent, Mr. Greek language, 414 — Travels in Italy, 669 Nugent, T. State of Euroix;, 753 — Hist, of Vandalia, 820 Nugent, Lord. Travels, 652. 657 — Legends, &c. 533 Numismatics, 740 Nuttal, T. Genera North American plants, 288 — Travels in Arkansa, 722 Nye, S. Nat. and revealed religion, 10 O. Cakes, H. Narrative of Begnore, Gates, T. Trial, — Popish plot, Obsonville, D'. Philosophic essays, Obstetrics, treatises and works on, Occult philosophy. Ocellus L. De uiiivcrsi, Ocklcy, S. Hist, of Saracens, O'Connor. Chronicles of Eri, — Hist, of Ireland, 848 166 794 294 330 188 180 848 772 772 O'Connor, A. Beauties of the press, 581 O'Connor, D. R. Works of, 568 Odcleben, Von. Campaign in Saxony, 820 Odell, J. On prosody, 417 Oddy, J. J. Improvement of Gt. Britain, 224 — European commerce, 237 O'DriscoU, J. Hist, of Ireland, 772 O'Flaherty, R. Ogygia, 772 O'Flanagan, T. Cambrensis refuted, 772 O'Gallagher, F. Physical system, 257 O'Gallagher, S. F. On penance, 69 Ogden, J. C. Excursion in Pennsylvania, 722 Ogden, U. Antidote to Deism, 33 Ogilby, J. Coronation of King Charles II. 773 Description of America, 856 Description of Egypt, &c. 848 Ogilvie, J. Philosoph. essays, 180. 198 — Theology of Plato, 135 Ogilvie, W. Property in land, 139 O'Halloran, S. Hist, of Ireland, 773 O'Hara. A burlctta, 510 Ohsson, D'. Hist, of Ottoman empire, 841 O'Kcefe. Dramatic works, 510 O'Keefe, Miss. Novels, 533 O'Keeffe, J. A. On the understanding, 186 Okely, W. On Christianity, 69 — Natural and moral philosophy, 198 Oldenburgh, E. Calculation of exchanges, 237 Oldham, J. Works of, 568 Oldfield, J. H. B. Hist, of Gt. Britain, 773 Oldfield, T. B. Hist, of parliaments, 154 Oldmixon, J. Hist, of England, 773 — British America, 856 Oldys, W. British librarian, 4 Oliver, P. Scripture lexicon, 18 Olivier, G. A. Travels in Ottoman empire, 635 Onis, L. De. Negotiating with Spain, 864 Ontyd, C. G. On mortal diseases, 307 Operas, 500 Opie, Mrs. Tales, &c, 534 Optics, treatises on, 356 Orations, collections of, 430 Oratory, treatises on, 423 O'Reilly, B. Greenland, 643 Origen. Contra Marcion, 43 Orleans, Duchess of. Secret memoirs, 8.33 Orleans, Duke of Consultation, 833 Orleans, Pere d'. Hist de Angieterre, 773 — Translated, 773 Orlurs, J. J. Der Nederlanden, 823 Orme, R. Hist, of Mogul empire, 848 Military transactions, 848 Orme, W. Bibliotheca biblica, 4 Ormond, Duke of Cartes' life of, 773 Ormsby, J. W. Travels in Europe, 652 War in Spain and Portugal, 839 Ornithology, 291 Orosius, P. Contra Pelagium, 43 Orrery, Earl of On Swift's writings, 427 A tragedy, 511 Ortellius, A. Itinerarium, 657 Theatrum orbis, 613 Orton, J. Letters, 558 Osbcck. Voyage to China, 699 Osborne, F. Advice to a son, 210 — Memoirs of James I. 773 Osorio. Portuguese history, 839 Ostervald, J. F. On the ('hiisfian rrligion, 69 O'Sttllivan, M. Guide to an Irish gentleman 69 1028 INDEX. Oswald, J. Appeal for religion, Otis, J. Vindication of Massachusetts, Ottoman empire, history of, Otway, C. Sketches of Ireland, Otway, T. Dramatic works, Oulton, W. C. Hist, of theatres, — Plays, Ouseley, Sir W. Travels in Persia, — History of Persia, — Oriental collections, Ousely, W. G. Statistics of the U. S. Outrein, D. J. Senbrief van Kollosenen, Owen, Jas. History of idolatry, Owen, John. Christian monitor, — Vindication of, — Bible society, Owen, J. Fashionable world, — Travels in Italy, Owen, R. New view of society, — Examination of, — On the manufacturing system, Owen, Capt. W. F. Voyages to Airica, Sec. Owen, W. Cambrian directory, — Diet, of arts and sciences, Oxberry, W. Actor's budget, Oxley, J. New South Wales, Ozanam. Mathematical recreations, Ozanam, M. Sports, &c. Ozell, M. Logic, 69 874 841 GS2 511 497 511 699 848 581 627 27 69 69 69 133 203 652 225 225 225 707 773 183 497 643 337 407 192 Packenham. On ship-building, 402 Pacius, J. Institutiones impuriales, 142 Paddock, J. Shipwreck, 648 Paganism, 134 Page, T. Shipwreck, 646 Pages, F. Dialogues des morts, 550 Pages, M. de. Travels, 636 — French revolution, 833 Pagitt, E. Christianographic, 123 Pazos, V. Letters on South America, 85G Paine, R.T. Works, 568 Paine, T. Political works, 218 — On government, banks, &,c. 230 — Rights of man, 809 — Claim of Virginia, 885 — Crisis and common sense, 892, 893 — Reply to Abbe Raynal, 895 Painting, treatises on, 359 Palafox, Sen. History of China, 848 Palaye, St. Troubadores, 581 — Ancient chivalry, 737 Paley, Wm. Natural theology, 10 — Horae Paulinee, 33 — Evidences of Christianity, 33 — Moral and political philosophy, 198 Palgrave, F. Hist, of England, 773 Palin, R. Influence of habits, &c. 199 Palissot, M. Le genie de Voltaire, 581 — Comedy, 518 Pallas, P. S. Travels in Russia, 657 Palmer, H. R. Rail-ways, 249 Palmer, John. Travels in America, 723 Palmer, J. On penitentiaries, 159 Palmer, S. Family prayers, 40 — On the Sabbatli, 09 Palmer, W. Origin es liturgies, 36 Pananti. liesidencc in Algiers, 707 Pancirollus, G. Memorable things lost, 377 Panvinius, O. Fustorum Rom. 748 Paracelsus. Opera, 190 Pardee, Miss. Traits of Portugal, 669 Paris, histories of the city of, 624 Park, J. A. Law of insurance, 147 Park, M. Travels in Africa, 707 Parke, T. Nuga3 moderna), 581 Parkhurst, J. Greek grammar, 414 Parkhurst,J. English and Hebrew lexicon, 19 — English and Greek lexicon, 1 9 Parker, H. Rights of subjects, 218 Parker, H. W. Van Dieman's Land, 643 Parker, Capt. J. Voyage, 643 Parker, M. Transactions in India, 848 Parker, R. Concerning Puritans, 69 Parker, S. De Deo et providentia, 10 — Answer to Hobbes, 69 Parkinson, S. Voyage, 643 Parnell, Sir H. On paper money, 218 — On roads, 249 Parnell, T. Verse and prose, 569 Parr, E. Grounds of divinity, 69 Parr, Dr. S. Works, 568 — Aphorisms, 550 — Preface to Bellendenus, 218 Parr, Gov., vindication of, 856 Parrisb, E. Hist, of New England, 875 — Modern geography, 613 Parrish, J. On the influence of the passions, 307 — Remarks on slavery, 243 — Voyage to Mauritius, 708 Parsons, A. Travels, 636 Parsons, J, Analogy between animals and vegetables, 273 — Theatre of seeds, 288 Parsons, J. W. Essays on education, 210 Parsons, T. On Christianity, 69 Parsons, R. Christian directory, 69 Parthenay, M. Hist, of Poland, 817 Partington, R. F. Natural philosophy, 257 Paruta, F. Sicilia descritta, 826 Paruta, P. State maxims, 218 Parry, D. Corpus doctrinse, 36 — Miscellanea catecheticffi, 36 Parry, Capt. W. E. North west passage, 643 Pascal, B. Pcnsees, 33 — Jesuitisme, 69 — Spirit of, 69 — Thoughts on religion, 69 — Provinciales, 123 — Letters provinciales, 558 Passions, ethical treatises on the, 201 Pasley, C. W. PoUey of the British empire, 773 — Weights and measures, Pasley, T. H. On Jieat and flame, Pasor, G. Lexicon Novum Test. — Manuale, Pastorini, Sig. Church history. Patent law, and essays on, Paterculus, V. Roman history, Patterson, R. Newtonian system, Patterson, W. Journeys in CafFraria, Patin, C. Hist, numismatum, Patiniana, Patton, R. Asiatic monarchies, — Eflects of property, Patoun, A. Navigation, Patrick, F. Ilcrmcb Trisuiegistus, 237 268 19 39 124 174 748 257 708 740 550 219 225 402 190 INDEX. 1029 Patrick, Bp. Simon. Commentary, 27 — On the Roman church, 69 — Heart's ease, 69 — Jewish hypocrisie, 69 — Discourse against Machiavel, 218 Paul, Sir G. O. On prisons, 159 Paulding, Lieut. H. Journal, 644 Paulding, J. K. Sketch of England, 682 — Letters from the South, 72.3 — Guide to the springs, 723 — Stories, tales, &c. 534 Pauperism, treatises on, 221 Pausanias. Grecia descript. 743 — Translated, 743 Pauw, M. du. French revolution, 833 — On the Egyptians, &.c. 848 — On the Greeks, 743 Pavon, J. Flora Peruviana, 289 Pazos, V. Letters on South America, 856 Paxton, G. Illustrations of Scripture, 27 Payne, J. Geography, 613 — Epitome of history, 732 Peacham, IL Complete gentleman, 203 Peale,C. W. On bridges, 249 — An address, 436 — On domestic happiness, 203 Peale, R. Notes on Italy, 669 — On the mammoth, 282 Pearce, M. An opera, 511 Pearce, Bp. Z. Comment on the Evange- lists, 27 Pcarsall, R. Contemplations, 69 — Meditations, 69 Pearson, A. On tithes, 142 Pearson, Bp. J. Exposition of the creed, 35 Pearson, J. On tlie Church of England, 70 Pcbrier, P. On taxation, revenue, &c. 230 Peck, F. Desiderata curiosa, 773 Pecchio, Count. Spain and Portugal, 839 — Exile in England, 682 Pcckard, P. On slave trade, 243 Peddle, Mrs. Letters on taste, 427 Peerage, 736 Pegge, S. Anecdotes, 550 — Anonymiana, 581 Pellico, Sig. Duties of men, 199 — Italian tragedy, 518 Peltier, M. Picture of Paris, 833 Pelegromius, S. Synonymorum, 417 Pelham, W. NotaUon, 418 Pemble, W. Moral philosophy, 199 Penal and criminal law, 158 Pendlebury, H. On the Mass, 70 Pendleton, J. Alphabet to medicine, 299 Penhallow, S. Indian wars, 876 Penmanship, treatises on, 378 Penn, W. Works, &c. 569 — No cross, no crown, 70 — Letter to and answer, 70 — Account of the Quakers, 124 Penn, G. On Virgil, 428 — A Christian's survey, 733 Penn, J. On public opinion, 812 — Play, 511 Pennant, T. London, 620 — Tours in England, 682 — View of Hindostan, 848 Pennecuik, A. Miscellanies, 569 Penneyman, M. Miscellanies, 58J Pennington, Is. Works of, 43 Pennington, M. Letters, 558 Pennington, T. Travels in Europe, 652 Pennsylvania, history of, 878 — Charter, constitution, and laws, 151. 153 Penrose, E. Letters on philosophy, 180 Penrose, F. On electricity, 262 Pepe, W. Events at Naples, 826 Perceval, T. Philosophical works, 569 Percival, G. Hist, of Italy, 826 Percival, R. Acct. of Cape of Good Hope, 708 — Account of Ceylon, 699 Percival, T. Moral dissertations, 581 — Moral tales, &c. 534. 569 — On tlie poison of lead, 333 — Experiments on water, 302 — Medical etliics, 299 — De frigore, 299 Percy, Bp.Th. Key to tlie New Testament, 27 Perks, W. Geography, Perkins, Dr. On meiallic points, Perkins, S. Hist, of the war, Perkins, W. On Galatians, Perraud, C. Contes des Fees, Perraud, T. Demons et sociers, Perret, J. J. I'Art k sc raser, Perron, F. M. Voyage, 613 333 864 27 546 581 400 644 70 773 690 249 436 644 644 842 693 180 359 210.339 733 Perronet, V. Letters to Bp. Lavington Perrott, Sir J. Government of Ireland Perry, C. View of the Levant, Perry, J. Dagenham breach. Perry, Wm. The orator, Perouse, M. La. Voyage, — In search of, Persia, history of, — Travels in. Person, D. Diverse sciences, Perspective, treatises on, Pestalozzi. System of education, Petavius, A. Rationarum temp. Peter's letters to his kinsfolk, 685 Peterkin, A. Orkney and Zetland, 682 Petion, J. Les ceuvres, 569 Petrarch, F. De remcdiis fortunce, 199 — View of life, 199 Petronius. Works, 534. 546 Pettigrew, T. Egyptian mummies, 848 Pettit, T. M. Historical discourse, 436 Pettus, J. Assaying metals, 281 Petty, W. Anatomy of Ireland, 773 Petyt, G. Lei parliamentaria, 154 Peyton, Sir E. Catastrophe of the Stuarts, 773 Peyran, J. R. Valleys of Piedmont, 826 Pezelius, C. Doctrinae genethliacae, 190 Pezron, M. Rise and fall of empires, 733 Pezzo, M. Cimbri Veronesi, 826 Phaedrus. Fabulse, 546 Phalaris. Epistolse, 558 — Epistles and remarks on, 558 Pharmacopceias, 331 Pharmacy, treatises on, 331 Philadelphia. Charter and ordinances, 153 Philip, J. Researches in Africa, 708 Philippart, J. Military calendar, 773 — Northern campaigns, 820 Philippe, O. Sur les Anabaptistcs, 70 Phillip, Gov. Voyage, 644 Phillips, A. A tragedy, 511 Phillips, C. Iriah eloquence, 436 1030 INDEX. Phillips, D. Defence of the Quakers, 70 Phillips, H. Vegetables and fruits, 288 Phillips, J. On canals, 249 Phillips, J. B. Tales, 534 Phillips, J. T. English and Latin gram- mar, 414 Phillips, Sir R. Arts of life, 377 — A million of facts, 377 — Phenomena of the universe, 257 — Walk to Kew, 682 Philosophical transactions, 590 Philosophy. General works, 177 Philosophy, occult, 188 Philpot, S. On a polite education, 210 Philpot, T. County of Kent, 618 Phipps, C. Voyage, 644 Photius. Myriobiblon, 4 Physics, 253 Physiognomy, treatises on, 187 Physiology, treatises on, 323 Phrenology, treatises on, 187 Picard, M. French comedies, 518 Picard. Shipwreck, 648 Picart, B. Religious ceremonies, 124 Picart, M. Mesure d'un degre, 351 Picherellus, P. Opuscula theolog. 43 Pichot, M. Dc. Tour in England, 682 Pickering, J. Vocabulary, 418 Pickering, T. Correspondence, 900 Pictet, M. A. On fire, 268 Pictures, catalogues and galleries of, 364 Pierce, B. On church music, 40 Pierce, C. The American guide, 864 Pignotti, L. Hist, of Tuscany, 826 Pike, J. Vindication of the Quakers, 70 Pike, Z. M. Expedition to Mississippi, 723 Pickworth, H. Heresy of the Quakers, 70 Piles, De. Lives of the painters, 362 Pilkinton, J. Derbyshire, 618 Pilkington, M. Dictionary of painters, 362 Pilkington, Mrs. Tales of a cottage, 534 — Biography for girls, 210 Pillet, Gen. Views of England, 682 Pilmore, J. On female education, 210 Pilon, F. An opera, 511 Pinchbeck, W. F. Mysteries unravelled, ] 90 Pinckard, G. Notes on the West Indies, 723 Pine, W. H. Microcosm, 377 Pinkerton, J. Geography and atlas, 613 — Collection of voyages, 631 — Hist of Europe, 753 — Hist of Scotland, 774 — Correspondence, 558 — Petralogy, 282 — Essay on medals, 740 — Medallic history, 774 — Recollections of Paris, 669 Pinkerton, R. State of Russia, 817 Pinkney, Lieut Col. Travels in France, 669 Pinckney, W. Speech on slavery, 243 Pinto, J. Jewish prayers, 115 Piozzi, Mrs. Retrospection, 751 — Journey in France, «fcc. 669 — Journey in Europe, 6.'52 Pison, G. De India, 1>75 Pitcairn, Dr. A. Works and life, 299 Pitisci, S. Antiquities of Rome, 735 Pitkin, T. Hist of the U. S. 864 — Commerce of the U. S. 237 Pitman, B. Isthmus of Darien, 723 Pitman, P. Settlement on the Mississippi, 864 Pilot, Mon. Navigation, 402 Pitt, C. J. The pedlar, 581 Pitt, W. Speeches, 436 Pitt, W. M. Address to the landed interest, 225 Pitrou. D'architecture, 249 Pitts, J. Religion of Mahometans, 135 Pius VI., Pope. Lettre, 558 Place, F. Principles of population, 225 Placete, J. On dying well, 70 — Church of Rome, 70 Plaisted, B. Travels to Aleppo, 636 Planche, J. R. Descent of the Danube, 658 — British costume, 366 Planta, E. Helvetic confederacy, 826 — Picture of Paris, 624 Plantagenet, B. Description of N. Albion, 723 Plato. View of the works of, 180 — Works abridged, 180 — Dialogues translated, 180 — De republica, 219 — Examen philosophic, 181 — Translations of, 569. 624 Platow, Bp. Greek church, 124 Plautus. Comedies, 499 Playfair, J. Works and life, 257 — Natural philosophy, 257 — View of science, 181 — Geography, 613 Playfair, W. Chronology, 733 — Decline of nations, 225 — British nobility, 738 — France, 670 — Political atlas, 231 — Hist of jacobinism, 811 — Political portraits, 814 Plescheef, S. Survey of Russia, 817 Pliny, C. Natural history, 273 — Letters, 559 Plotimus. Opera, 181 — Paraphrase of, 181 Plott, R. Natural hist, of Oxfordshire, &c. 275 Plowden, F. Hist, of the British empire, 774 — Hist, of Ireland, 774 — Church and state,' 143 — Law of usury, 147 Pluche, Abbe. Hist, of the heavens, 351 — Truth of the gospel, 33 Plumtre, Miss. Western mail, 559 — Tales of wonder, 534 — Residence in France, 670 — Residence in Ireland, 682 Plutarch. Opera omnia, 569 — Morals, 199 — On friendship, 199 — De la superstition, 203 — De Iside et Osiride, 136 Pneumatics, treatises on, 259 Pocock, R. Musical drama, 511 Pocock, J. Headlong hall, 534 Pococke, R. Travels in Egypt, &c. 636 — Maps of Egypt, 613 Poetry, treatises on, 439 — Greek and Latin and translations, 440 — English, 450 — P'rench, Italian, German and transla- tions, 490 Poiudexter, Mr. Speech, 900 INDEX. 1031 Poinsett, J. R. Letters on South America, 723 — Notes on Mexico, 723 Poison, R. (Euvres choisies, 569 Pointer, J. On the weather, 262 Poivre, M. le. Travels in Asia, 636 Poland, histories of, 815 — Constitution of, 157 — Travels in, 65-1 Polilika, M. U. S. and Europe, 864 Political economy, 225 Politics and government, 215 Politics, British, (local) 788 — United States, (local) 886 Pollier. Des moeurs, 203 Pollock, T. On heat, electricity, &c. 262 Polo, M. Travels, 636 PoUucis. Vocabularium, 414 Polwhele, R. Essay on the soul, 70 Polybius, L. Historiarum, 748 — History, 748 Poly carp. Epistle, 41 Polygraphic authors, 562 Pomet, M. On drugs, 333 Pompadour, Mad. Lettres, 559 Pontano. Guerre di Napoli, 826 Pontanus. De mare liberium, 139 Pontopidan, E. Hist, of Norway, 275 Poor houses, account of, 252 Poole, M. Annotations on tlie Bible, 27 — On preaching, 70 — Dialogue with a priest, 70 Pope, A. Works, &c 569 — Letters, 559 Pope, T. On bridges, 249 Popish plot, pamphlets on, 795 Population, treatises on, 221 Poqueville, F. C. Travels in the Morea, &c. 690 Porchcster, Lord. Portuguese constitution, 839 Porney, L. Novels and romances, 534 Porney, M. Heraldry, 738 — Models of letters, 559 Person, R. Tracts, 581 — Miscellaneous works, 428 — Letters to Travis, 27 — Vindication of, 70 Porta, J. B. Natural magic, 190 Porter, Commodore. Cruise, 644 — Constantinople, 690 Porter, H. Lives of the saints, 131 — P. B. Speech, &c. 901 Porter, R. Oration, 436 Porter, Sir R. K. Travels in Russia, 658 — Campaign in Russia, 817 — Travels in Persia, &c. 699 — On Portugal and Spain, 839 Porter, Miss. Romances, &c. 534 Porteus, Bp. B. Christian revelation, 33 Portlock, Capt. Voyage, 644 Portugal, histories of, 836 — Travels in, 661 Posselius. Calligraphia, 414 — Syntaxis Graeca, 41 4 Post, C. F. Journey to the Ohio, 723 Post, H. A. V. Visit to Greece, 690 Postell, G. Clavis absconditorum, 70 Postlethwaite, M. Merchant's counting- house dictionary, 237 Potter, Arbp. J. On church government, 70 Potter, J. Antiquities of Greece, 748 Potter, R. On Johnson's works, 428 Pottingcr, Lt. H. Bcloochistan, &c. 699 Potter, James. Imprisonment for tithes, 70 Pott. Comment, theologicarum, 43 Potts, G. An address, 436 Potts, T. Gazetteer, 613 Powell, B. Nat. philosophy, 257 Powell, J. J. Law of contracts, 147 Power, G. Mussulmans in Spain, 839 Powlctt, C. Reasons for being a Christian, 71 Pownall, Gov. Memorial, 895 — Administration, 887 — Middle colonies, 627 — On currents, 257 Poyer, J. Hist, of Barbadoes, 856 Pradt, M. De. American revolution, 857 — Congress of Vienna, 753 Pratt, S, J. Gleanings in Holland, &c. 658 Pratt, M. Miscellaneous works, 569 Pratt, Mr. Harvest home, 683 Prayer, book of common, 37 — Advice to readers of, 38 — Ordinance of the parliament against, 38 Prayers, collections of, 39, 40 — Forms of, on various occasions, 38 Prefore, M. De. Henri le Grand, 833 Prentis,C. Child of Pallas, 581 Prentis, S. W. Shipwreck, 648 Preston, VV. Manufactures of Ireland, 237 — Letter to B. Edwards, 857 — Tragedy, 511 Prestwich, M. Display of honours, 738 — RespubUca, 774 Pretty man, Bp. G. Study of the Bible, 33 Prevost, Abbd. Hist, de voyages, 631 — Nouvelles, 547 Prevost, F. Flowers of literature, 581 Price, D. Mahommedan history, 848 — Hist, of Arabia, 848 Price, E. Journal in Norway, 658 Price, G. Triumphus sapientiae, 199 Price, Dr. R. On providence, prayer, &c. 71 Questions on morals, 199 On the national debt, 831 — On morals and Deity, 10 — Civil liberty, 8I>3 — On love of country and American revo- lution, 895 Price, U. Essays on the picturesque, 359 Price, W. Embassy to Persia, 699 Prichard, J. C. Egyptian mythology, 136 — Physical history of man, 273 Prideaux, H. Connection of the Old and New Testament, 19 — And life, 19 — Completed by M. Russel, 19 — Life of Mahomet, 135 Priest, W. Travels in the United States. 723 Priestley, Dr. J. Natural religion, 10 — Harmony, 19 — Heathen philosophy, 33 — Lettsrs to Bp. Newcome, 71 — Letters to the Jews, 71 — Smaller tracts, 71 — Theological repository, 71 — On the unity, 71 — On infideUty, 71 — Remarks on Blackstone, 147 — On matter and spirit, 186 1032 INDEX. Priestley, Dr. J. On education, 210 — On government, 219 — On the slave trade, 243 — Natural philosophy, 258 — On electricity, 262 — On heat, 268 — Phlogiston, 268 — Language and grammar, 412 — Oratory and criticism, 428 — On the riots, 808 — Intercepted letters, 812 — On colours, 357 — Lectures on history, 607 Primatt, H. On cruelty to animals, 203 Prince, T. Hist, of New England, 876 Pringle, Sir J. Diseases of the army, 310 — Discourses, 581 Pringle, T. African sketches, 708 Prinsep, H. T. British India, 848 Prinsep, Mrs. Van Dieman's Land, 644 Printing, art of, 378 Prints, books of, 364 Priolo, M. Hist, of France, 833 Prior, T. On tar-water, 334 Proby, W. C. Modern philosophy, 199 Proclus. Commentaries on Euclid, 342 Proctor, R. Journey across the Andes, 723 Proud, J. Reply to Dr. Priestley's letters, 71 Proud, R. Hist, of Pennsylvania, 878 Prout, W. Bridgewater treatise, 10 Proverbs, 547 Prussia. Frederician code, 157 Prynne, W. Catalogue of books, 5 — Dislo)'alty of the papists, 71 — Rome's masterpiece, 71 — Political pamphlets, 791 Psalmanazaar, G. Hist, of Formosa, 535 Psalms. Metrical versions, 40 Psalterium Romanum, 36 — EcclesicB Angl. 37 Ptolomy. Geographia, 614 Puckle, J. Dialogue, 581 — The club, 210 Puckler, Pr. Travels in England, 652. 683 Puffendorf. De officio homines, 139 — Devoirs de I'homme, 139 — Law of nature and nations, 139 — Hist, of Europe, 753 — Hist, of Sweden, 818 Pugh, E. Annerch ir cymrw, 71 — Salutation to the Britons, 71 — Cambria depicta, 683 Pugh, J. On muscular action, 308 Puglia, J. P. Federal politician, 896 Puisaye, Gen. De. Memoires, 833 Puigblanch, A. History of the Inquisi- tion, 130 PuUein, A. M. Preserving seeds, 391 Purchas, S. Religions of the world, 124 — Pilgrims, 631 Putter, J. S. Germanic empire, 821 Purdon, J. Laws of Pennsylvania, 152 Pursh, F. Plants of North America, 289 Purves, J. Observations on Dr. Priest- ley, 186 Puysegur, M. St. Domingo, 614 Pye, C. Hist, of Birmingham, 617 — Ane. geography, 614 Pye, H. J. Sketches, 581 Q. Quad am. Europce descriptio, 614 Quarles, F. Emblems, 550 Quevcdo, Don. Works, 535 Quin, M. J. Visit to Spain, 670 Quinctilian, M. F. Works, 428 Quincy, J. Speech, &c. 901 An address, 436 Lexicon, 299. 334 R. Rabadan, M. Mahometanism, 136 Rabelais, F. Works, 535 Rabener, M. Satirical letters, 559 Rabaut, F. French revolution, 833 Racine, M. Les tragedies, 519 Rack, E. Essays, 581 Rackstrow, R. On electricity, 262 Radcliffe, Ann. Journey and tours, 658 Romances, &c. 535 — Female advocate, 199 Rae, J. Fallacies of free trade, 225 Rafinesque, C. S. Annals of Kentucky, 873 Flora of Louisiana, 284 Raffles, T.S. Hist, of Java, 848 Raffles, T. Tour in France, 670 Raguet, C. On roads and bridges, 249 — On the circulating medium, 231 Raikes, H. On clerical education, 71 Rainesford, M. Empire of Hayti, 857 Raleigh, Sir W. Hist, of the world, 733 — Hist, of England, 774 Description of Guiana, 857 — Arts of empire, 219 Railing, J. Scriptural instructions, 71 Ralph, J. Use of parliaments, 774 — Hist, of England, 774 Ramazzini, B. Diseases of tradesmen, 310 Rambach, J. Meditations, 71 Ramesey, W. Astrology restored, 190 Ram Mohun. Defence of Hindoos, 71 — Judiciary of India, 848 Ramond, M. Travels in the Pyrennees, 670 Ramsay, A. Scots' proverbs, 550 — English constitution, 154 — Dramatic works, 511 Ramsay, Chev. Nat. and revealed religion, 10 — Travels of Cyrus, 535 Ramsay, D. Universal history, 733 — Hist, of the U.S. 864 — Hist, of South Carolina, 872 — Oration, 436 Ramsay, J. On slavery and slave trade, 243 Ramsey, G. Dictionary of anecdotes, 550 Ramus, P. EpistolsB, orationes, 581 — Liber de militia, 403 Randal. Political catechism, 219 Randolph, J. Observations, 900 — Address, 900 — Letters, 559 Ranken, A. Hist, of France, 833 Ranking, J. Historical researches, 848 — Conquest of Peru, 857 Rapeljc, G. Voyages and travels, 636 Raphael's astral art, 190 Rapin, M. Sur les whigs, 804 — Works, 428 Rapin, R. Reflections on philosophy, 181 INDEX. 1033 Rapin. Reflections on poetry, 440 — Hist, of England, 774 Rasiel, H. Dora Inigo, 547 RastcU, J. Pastime of the people, 774 Rath bone, W. Events among the Quakers, 71 Ravenscroft, S. Play, 511 Ravenscroft, T. Psalms and hymns, 40 Rawbone, T. Man's redemption, 71 Rawle, W. On the constitution, 149 — Discourse on law, 436 Ray, John. Wisdom of God, 10 — Discourses, 11 — On the changes of the world, 279 — English proverbs, 550 — Travels in Europe, 652 — Select remains, 569 Ray, J. M. On philosophical systems, 181 — View of systems, 219 Ray, R. Classical literature, 428 Rayaumonte, Sig. Reflesione sopra del V. and N. Test 27 Raymond, D. Political economy, 225 Raymond, M. Prejuge contres les noirs, 243 Raymond, H. A. Hist, of Sweden, 818 Raynal, Abbe. Revolution of America, 865 — Hist, of the East and West Indies, 848 — British settlements, 857 — Political history, 857 Rajnouard, M. Tragedie, 519 Recreative arts, 406 Read, C. Laws of Pennsylvania, 152 — American pleader, 146 Read, J. On electricity, 262 — City of Philadelphia, 628 Reader, T. On the Revelations, 27 Redding, C. Hist, of wines, 302 — Shipwrecks, &c. 648 Rede, L. T. Anecdotes, 550 Rede, F. De generatione insectorum, 295 Redfield, C. On storms, 263 Reece, R. Domestic medicine, 308 Reed, J. Remarks on Johnson's speech, 894 Reed, Capt. Indian massacre, 880 Reed, J. A play, 51 1 Reed, W. Remains, 569 Rees, J. T. Remarks on Dr. Brown, &c. 299 — Voyages and travels, 636 Reeve, C. Plans of education, 210 Reeve, H. On torpidity of animals, 295 Reeves, W. Apologies of Justin Martyr, &.C. 43 Regimen and diet, treatises on, 300 Registers, annual, 603 Reichard, M. Itinerary, 658 Reiche, C. C. Marvellous works, 10. 273 Reid, J. S. History of the Presbyterian church, 124 Reid, T. On the intellectual powers, 186 — On the human mind, 186 — New South Wales, 644 — Travels in Ireland, 683 Reide, T. Military treatise, 405 Reland, H. Palestina illustrata, 19 Religion. Class I. 1 — Natural, treatises on, 9 — Revealed, evidences and defences of, 29. 35 Religious magazines and journals, 594 Relly,J. Works, 569 Remembrancer, American, 866. 868 Renaudot, E. Account of China, 699 130 : Render, Dr. Tour in Germany, 658 Renger, Mr. Residence in Paraguay, 723 Rennell, J. Herodotus, 614 — Geography of Asia, 614 — On currents, 258 — Map of Hindostan, 849 Rennell, T. On the New Testament, 27 Rennie, J. Naturalist's magazine, 593 Rennie, R. On peat moss, 391 Renny, R. Hist of Jamaica, 857 — Free trade, 237 Renwick, J. Letters, 559 — Inaugural discourse, 437 Reports of trials and cases, 170 Repton, H. Miscellanies, &c. 535 Retzsch, M. Gallerie zu Shakspcare, 367 Reuss, W. F. U. S. and British trade, 237 Reviews and magazines, 595 Reynolds, F. Dramatic works, 511 Reynolds, Sir J. Works, 569 — Works and life, 359 Reynolds, J. Discoveries of murder, 72 — On episcopacy, 72 — On the angelic world, 72 Reynolds, J. N. Voyage, 644 Reynell, C. National improvements, 237 Reynier, M. State of Egypt, 849 Rhetoric, treatises on, 433 Rhode Island, laws of, 153 Rhodiginus. Antiquarium, 4SiS Rhys,Ap. Hist of Spain, 670 Ribadeneyra, P. Lives of saints, 131 Ricardo, D. Political economy, 225 — Currency and bullion, 231 — Protection to agriculture, 237 Ricaut, P. Greek and Armenian churches, 124 — Hist of Turkey, 841 Riccius, M. Sinensis regni, 699 Riccoboni, L. European theatres, 497 Rice, J. Art of reading, 428 Rich, C. J. Ruins of Babylon, 736 Rich, O. Biblioth. Americana, 5 Richard, Abbe. Descript de Italic, 670 Richard, J. Tour to Moscow, 652 Richard, J. P. Negoce d'Amsterdam, 237 Richard, Sir T. Civil and ecclesiastical law, 143 Richard of Cirencester. Description of Britain, 774 Richards, W. French atheism, 72 Richardson, W. Anecdotes of Russia, 818 Richardson, C. E. Scripture sentences, 72 Richardson, J. Fauna boreali Americana, 295 359 367 410 33 691 535 559 559 550 512 219 535 849 708 72 — Account of pictures, Richardson, G. Emblematical figures, — Ancient mythology, — New Testament vindicated, Richardson, R. Travels in the Mediterra- nean, Richardson, S. Novels, -— Letters, MSS. — Letters, — Moral sentiments, Richardson, W. Dramatic works, Richelieu, Due de. Testament polit. Richmond, L. Annals of poor, Rickards, R. India, Ricketts, Major. Ashantee war, Rickworth. Dialogues on rchgion, 1034 INDEX. Ridley, Bp. N. On the Lord's supper, 72 Riedesel, Baron. Voyages en Sicile, 670 Riedesel, Mad. Memoirs and letter, 814 Riesbeck. Travels in Germany, 658 Rigaud, Mrs. An opera, 512 Rigby, E. On Peruvian bark, 334 Rigge, A. On the word and spirit, 72 Riley, G. Beauties of creation, 273 Riley, J. Voyages and shipwrecks, 648 Rimius, H. House of Brunswick, 821 — Hist, of the Moravians, 124 Rion. Architecture, 249 Ripaud, M. Antiquities of Egypt, 849 Ripperda, Duke of. Life, 904 Rippon, J. Society for relig. knowledge, 133 Ritchie, J. E. Memoirs of Europe, 753 Ritchie, L. Romance of history, 535 Rites and ceremonies, 35 Ritson, J. On the Celts or Gauls, 774 — Letters, 559 — Bibliog. poetica, 5 — On animal food, 303 Rittenhouse, D. Oration, 436 Rivinus. Atalantis journal, 593 — Historich statische, 617 Roads and rail-roads, works on, 247 Robbe, M. Geography, 614 — Atlas, 614 Robert of Gloucester. Chronicle, 774 Roberts, Emma. Houses of York and Lancaster, 774 Roberts, G. Voyages to the Canaries, &c. 708 Roberts, L. Map of commerce, 237 Roberts, O. W. Central America, 723 Roberts, P. On Christianity, 33 Roberts, W. Hist, of Florida, 872 — Christian gentleman, 72 Roberts, W. H. Scripture passages, 19 Roberts, Mrs, A tale, 535 — Swan river, 645 Robertson, A. Road to Bath, 617 Robertson, G. A. Notes on Africa, 708 Robertson, J. Mathematical instruments, 343 — Navigation, 402 Robertson, W. Hist, of Mary Queen of Scots, 775 — Hist, of Charles V. 821 — Hist, of America, 857 — Hist, of Scotland, 775 — Records of Scotland, 154 — Beauties, 751 — Ancient India, 849 — English and Latin dictionary, 414 Robin, C. C. Voyage dans Louisiana, 723 Robin, J. H. Travels in North America, 723 Robinson, A. English wars, 775 Robinson, J. Account of Sweden, 818 — Theological dictionary, 19 — Grammar of history, -733 — Antiquities of Greece, 748 Robinson, J. H. Expedition up the Orinoco, 723 Robinson, Mary. Letter to the women, 199 Robinson, T. Scripture characters, 19 Robinson, R. Ecclesiast. researches, 124 — Political catechism, 219 Robinson, W. D. Mexican revolution, 857 Robson, H. Comedy, 512 Robson, J. Residence in Hudson's Bay, 724 Roby, J. Traditions, «&c. 535 Rocca, M. De. War in Spain, Rochfoucault, Duke. Travels, Rochefoucauld, M. Maxims, Rochester, Earl of. Letters, Rochon, Abbe. Madagascar, Roe, J. On apparitions, Rogers, Th. On the thirty-nine articles, Rogers, R. Practice of Christianity, — Account of North America, Rogers, Capt. W. Cruise, Rogers, W. Oration, Roget, P. M. Bridgewater treatise, Rohan, Due de. Maximes, Rohault, J. Physica, Roland, J. M. P. Literary works, RoUin, C. Ancient history, — Hist, of Rome, — Arts and sciences, — Belles-lettres, Rolls, Mrs. H. Sacred sketches, Rolt, R. Wars of Europe, — An opera, Rolt, M. Trade and commerce, Rome. Pictures and antiquities, — Histories, Romaine, M. Letters, Romances and novels, Romans, Capt. B. Hist, of Florida, Romilly, Sir S. Speeches, Rooke, H. Arabia Felix, Roos, F. F. Travels in U. S. Roque, M. De la. Voyage to Palestine, — Blasons des armes, Rordansz. Mercantile guide, Roscoe, T. Tales, (fee. Roscoe, Wm. Origin of literature, — Penal jurisprudence, — Tracts on the war, — Relative to Pope, Roscommon, Earl. An essay. Rose, C. Four years in Africa, Rose, G. On revenue and navigation, — Revenue of Great Britain, — Revenue and navigation of Gt. Britain, — On Fox's history of James II. Rose, H. J. Inscriptiones Graecse, Rose, J. A play. Rose, W. S. Naval history, — Letters from Italy, Rosinus, J. Rom. antiquitatum, Ross, A. On Hobbes' leviathan, — Arcana microcosmi, Ross, Capt. J. Voyage, Ross, J. Latin grammar, Rosse, Earl of. Truth of the Christian re- ligion, Rosetti, G. On the reformation, Rotheram, J. On water, Rous, F. Attic antiquities, Rousseau, J. J. Social compact, — Inequality among mankind, — Works, — Novels, — Letters, Roustan, A. J. Rouvray, De. Rowe, Mrs. E. — Letters, Rowe, N. On living with the great Etat de Christianisme, Refutation de Soult, Devout exercises. 839 724 550 559 699 72 37 72 857 645 436 11 219 258 569 748 748 181 411 72 753 512 237 626 744 559 520 275 436 691 724 691 738 237 536 411 15JI 814 428 440 708 814 231 237 763 736 512 775 670 748 791 273 645 414 33 72 268 743 219 219 569 536 559 33 833 72 559 194 INDEX. 1035 Rowe, N. A tragedy, 512 Rowlands, H. Hist, of Anglesea, 775 Rowning, J. Nat philosopliy, 258 Roy all, Mrs. Manners in the U. S. 724 Ruddiman, T. Collections, 581 Ruding, R. Coinage of Gt. Britain, 231 Ruggles, T. History of the poor, 225 Ruins, views and descriptions of, 372 Ruiz, H. Flora Peruviana, 289 Rulando, A. M. Elegantise Graecarum, 428 Rule, G. Church of Scotland, 124 Rulhiere, M. Hist, of Russia, 818 Rumford, Count. Essays, 225 — Philosophical essays, 377 — Philosophical papers, 258 Rumphius. Pisciura testaceoram, 295 Rumsay, J. On steam, 347 Rundel, Mrs. Letters, 559 Ruschenberger, Dr. Voyages, 645 Russel, A. Natural history of Aleppo, 276 Russel, G. Tour in Sicily, 670 Russel, J. Tour in Germany, 658 Russell, J. Military tactics, 405 Russell, Lord J. English constitution, 775 — Affairs of Europe, 753 — Tragedy, 512 Russell, M. Hist of Egypt, Palestine, and Nubia, 849 — Sacred and profane history, 19 — Church of Scotland, 124 — Education in Scotland, 211 — Schools in Scotland, 214 Russell, Lady R. Letters, 559 Russell, W. HisL of Europe, 753 Rush, Dr. B. On the moral faculties, 199 — On female education, 210 — Medical inquiries and lectures, 308 — On public punishments, 159 — On Pennsylvania, 882 — Essays, 582 — Oration, (medical) 299 Rush, Jacob. On baptism, 72 Rush, Dr. James. On the human voice, 328 Rush, R, Residence in London, 683 Russia, histories of, 815 — Travels in, 654 — Code of laws, 157 Rust, Dr. On truth, 186 Rushworth, H. Historical collections, 775 Rutherford, T. Natural law, 139 Rutherford, W. View of ancient history, 608 Rutland, Duke of. Tour in Belgium, 658 Rutlidge, M. Caractere des Fran9ois, 833 Rutlidge, C. de. Le babillard, 519 Rutty, J. Discipline of the Quakers, 72 Ryan, E. Effects of religion, 72 Ryan, M. On population, 225 Rye, P. Excursion to Tcneriffe, 670 Ryer, M. The koran translated, 136 Rymer, T. Foedera, 775 Ryquius, J. de. Capitolio Romana, 373 S. Saabye, H. E. Greenland, Sabbath ier, M. Ancient nations, Sabin, E. R. Characters of life, Sabine, J. Guide to elocution, — Student's companion. 658 733 536 428 210 Sackville, T. Tragedy, 512 Sacy, S. De. Sur les medailles, 740 — De la gloire, 203 Sadler, J. Rights of the kingdom, 219 Sadler, M. T. Law of population, 225 Sadler, Sir R. State papers, 775 Sage, J. On episcopal power, 72 Sage, Le. Historic atlas, 608 Sage, M. le. Gil Bias, 536. 547 — Diable boiteux, 547 St. Clair, A. Indian campaigns, St. Clair, T. S. Travels in America, St. Croix. Puissance navale, St. Didier. Republic of Venice, St Evermond, S. Theatrical works, — Letters, — Works, St. John, J. Letters, St John, J. A. Travels in Egypt, St John, F. American farmer, St John, J. Operas, St. John. Journal in France, St Just Report to the committee, St Marc. Histoire d'ltalie, St Martin. Universal chronologist, St Pierre, J. H. B. Studies of nature, — Isle of France, &c. — Paul and Virginia, St Real. Conspiracy at Venice, Salame, A. Expedition to Algiers, Sale, M. de la. Voyage golfe de Mexique, 724 Sale, G. The koran translated, 136 Salgado, J. Confession o^ (a priest,) Sallust On the gods, &c. — Opera omnia, — Works translated, Salmasius. Historiee AugustjE, Salmon, J. Description of Rome, Salmon, M. Gazetteer, — English nobility, Salmon, N. Archai, — Hist of Essex, Salmon, T. Modern history, — Chronological historian, Salmon, W. English herbal, — Builder's dictionary. Salt, H. Voyage to Abyssinia, Salvo, M. de. Travels in Europe, — Revolutions of Europe, Salzade, De. On modern and ancient mo- neys, Salzman, C. G. Gymnastics for youth, — Elements of morality, Sammes, A. Ancient Britain, Sancho, J. Letters, Sanchoniatho. Phoenician history, Sanctius. Minerva, Sanders, P. Memoir and address, Sanderson, J. Plan of a college, Sanderson, P. Church of Durham, Sanderson, Bp. R. Cases of conscience, Sanderson, R. Logicae compend. Sanderson, W. Lives of Mary and James, 775 Sandford,E. Hist of the U. S. 864 Sandford, Mrs. Woman, social and do- mestic, 199 Sandivogius, M. Chymical light, 268 — Lumen chymicum, 190 Sands, R. C. Prose and verse, 570 864 725 775 826 497 560 570 560 709 725 514 672 834 826 734 273 709 538 826 849 72 181 749 749 748 670 614 738 413 618 733 775 289 381 708 652 755 735 210 210 775 559 849 414 243 211 618 72 192 1036 INDEX. Sandwich, Earl of. Voyage and life, (591 Sandys, E. EuropiB speculum, 124 Sandys, G. A tragedy, 512 Sandys, G. Travels in Egypt, 708 — Travels in Turkey, 691 Sangermano. Burmese empire, 849 Sansom.J. Tours in Europe, 652 — Tour to Quebec, 724 Sanson, M. Geographic, 614 Santo Domingo. Roman tablets, 748 Santos, F. Description of the Escurial, 627 Sapinaud, Mad. Mem. la Vendee, 834 Sarrans, jr. B. French revolution, 833 Sarazin, Gen. Wars in Spain, &c. 839 Sargent, J. Dramatic poem, 512 Sargent, W. American antiquities, 857 Sarpi, P. Hist, of the council of Trent, 124 Sass, H. Rome and Naples, 670 Saugnier, M. Voyages to Africa, 708 Saul, E. On barometers, 263 Saurin, De. (Euvres choisies, 570 Saussure, M. Tour in Switzerland, 670 — On two Albinos, 328 Sauve, la Noue. Choix de pieces, 51 9 — De theatre, 519 Savage, J. New Zealand, 645 — Scarce books, &c. 5 Savage, R. Life and writings, 570 Savary, M. Letters on Egypt, 708 Savigny, Von. Roman law, 143 Savigny, J. B. H. Voyage to Senegal, 708 Savigny, J. On the use of a razor, 400 Saxby,'H. British customs, 231 Saxe, Count. Art of war, 405 Saxe- Weimar. Travels in North America, 724 Sawyer, E. Memorials of state, 775 Say, J. B. Political economy, 225 Sayer, F. Disquisitions, 186 Scaliger, J. Emendatione temp. 733 — Latinse linguae, 414 Scaliger, J. C. Epistolse et orationes, 560 Scandrelt, S. Antidote to Quakerism, 72 Scapula. Greek dictionary, 414 Scarron. Romance, 535 Scawen, Mr. An opera, 512 Schackleton, W. Ready calculator, 400 Schedius, E. De diis Germanis, 136 Scheele, C. W. On air and fire, 263 Schuetz, C. Gueldene rose, 73 Scherzer, J. A. Nucleus philosophiaj, 181 — Theologicum Hulsemannianum, 73 Scheuchzer, J. J. Itinera Alpina, 826 — Physica sacra, 19 Schiller, F. Wars in Germany, 821 — Belgian republic, 823 — Dramatic works, 51 9 Schimmelpennick, Mary Ann. History of Port Royal, 124 — On beauty and deformity, 359 Schlegel, A. W. Dramatic art, 497 Schlcgel, F. Hist, of literature, 411 Schlegel, J. F. W. Right of search, 139 Schleiermachcr. On St. Luke, 27 Schlutter, C. A. De la fonte, &c. 282 Schmidt, C. F. Europe and America, 219 Schmidt, S. Libros regium, 27 Schmidt, G. L. Legislation universellc, 137 Schmidtmeyer, P. Travels in Chili, 724 Schmucker, J. G. Exp. of the Revelations, 28 Schoel, F. Congr(5s de Viennc, 754 Scholar armed, 45 Schomberg, A. C. Roman law, 143 Schomberg, J. Naval chronology, 733 Schoolcraft, H. R. On lead mines, 283 — Travels, 724 Schools, history and account of, 213 Schooten, F. Exercit. mathemat. 239 Schrauehius, G. Chronology, 733 Schrevelius. Lexicon, 414 Schuler, J. Examen Descartes, 258 Schultz, B. Oration, 437 Schwartz, C. F. Remains of, 43 Sciences and arts. Class III. 177 Science, reports on the advancement of, 182 Scoresby, W. Arctic regions, 645 Scotland, histories of, 755 — Travels, 676 Scott, Job. War inconsistent, &,c. 73 — Baptism of Christ, 582 Scott, Jno. Christian life, 72 — Doctrine of the Trinity, 73 — Luther and the reformation, 124 — Essays, 429 — Geography, 614 — Gazetteer, 614 — Paris and France, 670 Scott, J. M. Oration, 437 Scott, R. Hist, of England, 776 — Discovery of witchcraft, 191 Scott, R. E. Intellectual philosophy, 186 Scott, Sir W. Dramatic sketch, 512 — Novels, 536 — On demonology and witchcraft, 191 — Paul's letters, 670 — History of Scotland, 776 — Novels in French, 547 — Letters, 560 Scougal, H. Life of God, 73 Scrafton, D. Government of Hindostan, 849 Scruggs, G. G. Beauties of sentiment, 582 Scriptures, holy, H — Histories, 16 — Dictionaries, 16 — Concordances, 16 — Harmonies, 16 — Icones historiarum, 21 — Criticism, &c. 22 — Interpretations, 22 — Commentaries on, 22 Scriviner, M. Spiritual life, 73 Scrope, C. P. Political economy, 226 Scudery, De. The female orators, 537 — Conversations, 582 Sculpture, essays and treatises on, 359 Seaman, Gul. Catechesis Christians, 37 Sedgwick, A. Studies at Oxford, 213 Sedgwick, J. Remarks on Blackstonc, 147 Sedgwick. Tales, romances, &c. 537 Sedley, Sir C. A comedy, 512 Seely, J. B. Voice from India, 849 — Visit to Flora, 699 Segur, J. A. Frederic II. 821 — On the condition of women, 199 Segur, P. Hist, of Russia, 818 — Expedition to Russia, 81 8 Segar, W. Honores Anglican!, 738 Seller, G. F. Religion des enfans, 73 Selden, J. Mare clausum, 139 INDEX. 1037 Selden, J. On the laws and government of England, 154 — Nativity, 25 December, 20 — Table talk, 582 — Opera omnia, 570 Selius, G. Hist, teredinis marinae, 295 Selkirk, Earl. Highlands of Scotland, 683 Sellon, Rev. Mr. Abridgment of the Scrip- tures, 20 Semple, R. B. Hist of the Baptists, 124 Semple, R. Journey to Naples, 670 — State of Caracas, 724 — Tour from Hamburgh, 658 — Cape of Grood Hope, 708 Senar, Don J. Siege of Tarragona, 839 Seneca, A. L. A. Tragoedia, 499 — Epistles, 560 — Opera omnia, 570 — Works of, 181 — Morals, 181 — Gronovii notse, 181 — pe beneficii, 203 Senior, N. W. Lectures on money, 231 Sergeant, J. Speech on bankrupt law, 150 — Effects of punishment, 160 — Select speeches, 437 Sergeant, T. Constitutional law, 149 Sermons, 90 Sevign6, Mad. Letters, 560 Seward, Miss. Letters, 560 Seward, W. W. Collectanea politica, 776 Sewell, J. Massaehusettensis, 892 Sewel, W. Hist, of the Quakers, 124 — Greek language, 414 Seybcrt, A. Statistics of the U. S. 627 Seyboldus. Adagia, 550 Sganzin, M. J. Civil engineering, 342 Shabeeny, El. Account of Timbuctoo, 708 Shaftsbury, Earl of. On liberty, 219 — Characteristics, 199 — Original letters, 557 Shakspeare, W. Dramatic works, 512 — Miscellaneous papers, 582 Shaler, W. Algiers, 6089,0. Shallus, F. Chronological tables, 734 Shannon, R. Diseases of hot climates, 308 Sharp, G. On the law of nature, 199 — Court of frank pledge, 154 — Murder and manslaughter, 160 — Anc. division of England, 147 — On personal liberty, 147 — On " Nullum tempus," 147 — On river Thames, 249 — Remarks on the catalogue of sacred vessels, &c. 19 — Remarks on prophecies, 28 — On the Greek article, 28 — Passive obedience, • 73 — Law of nature, 139 — People's rights, &c. 219 — On slavery and slave trade, 243 — Encroachments on the Thames, 274 Sharp, J. Works of, 44 Sharp, J. B. On mad houses, 253 Sharp, R. Letters and essays, 582 Sharp, S. Letters from Italy, &c. 671 Sharp, T. Works of, 43 Shattuck, G. C. Boylston prize essays, 328 Shaw, D. On religious instruction, 73 Shaw, F. Travels in Barbary, &c. 709 Shaw, J . Justice of the peace, 147 — Austrian Netherlands, 823 Shaw, S. Hist, of Staffordshire, 622 — Nature displayed, 274 — Tour in England, 683 Sheep, treatises on, 394 ShefFerus, J. Hist, of Lapland, 818 Sheffield, Lord. On American commerce, 895 — Replies to, 895 — Deficiency of grain, 226 — On Ireland, 776 Shelby, J. Battle of King's mountain, 871 Shells;, natural history of, 291 Shenston, W. Works, &c. 570 — Essays, 582 Shephard, C. Isle of St. Vincent, 857 Shephard, J. Tour in Europe, 652 — Commercial guide, 238 Shephard, W. Paris in 1814, 671 Sherburne, H. True republican, 582 Sheridan, C. F. Hist, of Sweden, 818 Sheridan, R. B. Speeches, 437 — Dramatic works, 514 Sheridan, Mrs. Sidney Biddulph, 538 Sheridan, T. On elocution, 429 Sheringham, R. De Anglorum, 776 Sherlock, M. Travels, 652 Sherlock, Bp. T. Trial of the witnesses, 34 — Lectures on the catechism, 38 Sherlock, W. Our Saviour's divinity, 34 — Proofs of Christianity, 34 — Answer to Papists protesting, &c. 73 — Reply to reflections, &c. 73 — Nature, &c. of the Catholic church, 73 — Preservation against popery, 73 — Examination of the Oxford decree, 73 — Answer to the Bp. of Bangor, 73 Sherman, J. Christ distinct from Grod, 73 Sherwood, Mrs. Works, 570 Shillibeer, Lieut. J. Voyage, 645 Shipley, Bp. J. Works, 44 Shrigley, N. Relation of Virginia, 885 Shirley, J. Dramatic works, 514 Shoberl, F. World in miniature, 636 — Events near Leipzig, 821 — Hist, of Valencia, 627 Short, T. On bills of mortality, 226 Shortliand writing, systems of, 380 Shriver, J. On canals, 249 Shuckford, S. Sacred and profane hist. 1 9 — Creation and fall of man, 19 Shultz, C. Travels in the United States, 724 Shurreef, J. Travels in India, 699 Sibbit, Mr. On luxury and refinement, 203 Sibly, E. Curiosities and rarities, 273 — Science of astrology, 191 Sibbs, R. Soul's conflict, 73 Sibthorp, J. Florae Grasca;, 289 Sidney, A. On government, 219 — Memoirs, 220 — Original letters, 557 Sidney, Sir P. Aphorisms, 550 — Arcadia, 538 — Miscellanies, 570 Siddons, H. On gesture, 497 — Operas, 514 Sigaud, M. Dictionnaire physique, 258 Siganius, T. Hist, imperio, 821 1038 INDEX. Sigourney, Mrs. Sketches, Silkworms and silk, treatises on, Silliman, B. Journal of science, — Tour to Quebec, — Travels in Europe, Silvester, M. Moral instructions, Simes, T. Military science, Simitiere, Du. Manuscripts, Simond, L. Tour in England, — Switzerland, Simon, J. On Irish coins, Simon, M. Nouv. Biblioth. choisie, Simon, R. On editions of the Bible, — Des vieux Testament, — Hist, of the Old Testament, — Hist, of the New Testament, Simpson, D. Plea for the Trinity, &c. — Plea for religion, and life of, Simpson, J. On the study of law, — On popular education, — Evidences of Christianity, — Arguments for a printed liturgy, — Visit to Flanders, Simpson, T. Tracts on astronomy, &c, Sinclair, Sir J. Statistics of Scotland, — On naval strength, — Public revenue, — Letters, Travels in Italy, Hist, of playing cards. Letters from the West Sinclair, J. D. Singer, S. W. Singleton, W. — Visit to Gambia, Sismondi, J. C. L. de. Roman empire, — South of Europe, — Republiques Italiennes, — Religious opinions, Skeltou, P. Truth in mask, — Essays, Skene, Sir J. Laws and constitution of Scotland, Skillet, J. Essays, Skinner, Bp. J. Primitive truth. Skinner, J. State of Peru, Skinner, T. Travels in India, Skrine, H. Tours in England, Skioldebrund, A. F. North Cape, Skynner, S. Christian practice, Slade, A. Travels in Turkey, &,c. Slavery and the slave trade, Sleydan. Hist, of the Reformation, Sliddel, Lt. Travels in Spain, Sloan, G. Travels in Italy, Sloane, Sir H. Codicils, — Voyage to Jamaica, &c. Smart. World displayed, Smeaton, J. Miscellaneous papers, — Eddystone lighthouse, Smedley, E. Hist of reformed religion, Smitli, A. Philosophical essays, and life, — Moral sentiments, — Wealth of nations, Smith, Mrs. C. Shipwreck, — Ethelinde, — Novels, romances, &,c. — Hist, of England, — Hist, of Waterford, — History of Kerry, — Religious tracts, 28 28 28 73 34 147 211 34 35 658 347 776 810 231 560 582 671 379 724 709 749 411 826 73 538 582 154 582 73 724 699 683 659 74 691 241 125 671 671 5 276 631 347 374 125 181 199 226 648 547 538 776 623 624 74 582 Smith, C. Mathematical instrument, 402 397 Sraitli, E. Cure of deism, 34 593 Smith, E. H. An opera, 514 724 ' Smith, Capt. F. Voyage, 645 683 Smith, G. School of arts, 377 204 Smith, H. Family physician, 308 405 — Rejected articles, 582 857. 864. 888 Smith, J. History of Nevis, 857 683 ' — New England trials, 876 671 1 — Hist, of New Jersey, 876 231 — Hist, of New York, 877 5 — Discourses by, and life of, 108 28 — Explanation of the prophets, 28 — The mechanic, 377 — Gaehc antiquities, 776 Smith, Capt. J. Virginia, 864 — New England, .725 Smith, J. E. Tour in Europe, 652 Smith, J. G. Sketches of Portugal, 671 Smith, J. P. Testimony to the Messiah, 28 Smith, Capt. J. S. On slaves, 244 Smith, R. Address to the people, 901 — Tour in Denmark, &c. 659 Smith, S. Plymley's letters, 813 Smith, S. H. Universal magazine, 596 Smith, Dr. S. S. On variety of compleidon, 328 — Moral and political philosophy, 199 Smith, T. Remarks on the Turks, 691 Smith, Th. Moral testament, 204 — Political economy, 226 — Money and exchange, 231 Smith, Sir T. Commonwealth of England, 776 Smith, W. Voyage to Guinea, 709 — Works, 44 — Oration, 437 — View of the constitution, 149 — Voyage in the Duff, 645 Smithers, H. Tour in the Netherlands, 659 Smollett, T. History of England, 776 ~ Travels, 671 — Plays, 514 — Works, &c. 538 — Miscellaneous works, 570 Smyth, J. F. D. Tour in the U. S. 725 Smyth, W.H. Tour in Sicily, 671 Snelgrave, W. Account of Guinea, 709 Snodgrass, M. Burmese war, 849 Snowden, R. Hist, of N. and S. America, 858 Soames, H. Hist, of the Reformation, 125 Socinus, F. De Deo trino et uno, 74 Socrates. Ecclesiastical history, 120 Solis, De. Conquest of Mexico, 858 Somer, W. Canterbury, 618 — Roman ports, 618 Somers, Lord. Rights, &c. of kings, 137. 220 — Duty of grand juries, 147 — Collection of tracts, 776 Somerville, T. Hist, of Great Britain, 776 Soraerville, W. C. On the French revo- lution, 834 Somerville, Mrs. Physical Bciences, 181 — Prelude to knowledge, 211 — Mechanism of the heavens, 351 Somerville, J. Baronial house of, 738 Sonnerat, M. Voyages to India, 699 Songs. — See Poetry, 439 Sonini, C. S. Travels in Egypt, 709 — Travels in Greece, 691 Sophocles. Tragoedi®, 499 INDEX. 1039 Sorbiere, M. Voyage to England, 683 Sotheby, W. Tragedies, 514 — - Tour in Wales, 683 Soto, F. de. Historie de la Floridei 872 ~ Conquest of Florida, 872 Soulavie, J. Memoirs and anecdotes, 834 Southern, J. On aerostatics, 263 Southern, T. Tragedy, 514 Southey, R. Hist, of Brazil, 858 — Travels in Spain, 671 — Espriella's letters, 683 — Peninsular war, 839 — Chronicle of the Cid, 838 — Dramatic poem, 514 — Omniana, 582 — Book of the church, 125 — On the Romish religion, 74 — Correspondent, 560 — Colloquies, 550 — Poet's pilgrimage, 659 — Expedition of Orsua, 858 Southey, T. Hist of tlie West Indies, 858 Southwell, Sir R. Hist of Portugal, 839 Spafford, H. G. Gazetteer, 614 Spain, histories of, 836 — Travels in, 661 Spalding, J. The New Jerusalem, 74 Spallanzani, Abb6. Travels, 671 Spanheim. Evangelica dubia, 28 Spanheim, F. De numismata, 741 Sparks, J. On the ministry, &c. of the Pro- testant Episcopal church, 74 — On the trinitarian and unitarian doc- trines, 74 Sparks, M. Hist, of James I. 777 Sparks, N. Dariotus redivivus, 191 Sparrraan, A. Cape of Good Hope, 645 Sparrow, A. On the book of Com. Prayer, 38 Speeches, collections of, 430 Speed, J. Hist, of Great Britain, 777 Speer, W. Hydrometers, 238 Spcnce, E. J. Sketches and travels, 684 Spence, G. Origin of laws, 138 Spence, J. Anecdotes, 550 — Polymetis, 359 Spence, W. Political economy, 226 — On commerce, 238 Spence, Mr. On Pope's Odyssey, 429 Spencer, E. State of Ireland, 777 Spencer, J. De urim et thummim, 115 — Discourse on prodigies, 191 Spener. Heraldry, 738 Spens, P. Extracts, 582 Spencer, E. State of Ireland, 777 Spikcr, S. H. Travels in Wales, 684 Spineto, M. On hieroglyphics, 849 Spinkes, N. Sick man visited, 74 Spinoza. On religious liberty, 8 — Tractatus theologico, 11 Spon, J. Hist, of Geneva, 826 Spottswood, J. Church of Scotland, 125 Sprati, T. Hist, of the Royal Society, 590 Sprigge, J. Trial of King Charles I. 790 Spurzheim, G. Phrenology, 187 — Natural laws of man, 199 — Principles of education, 211 Squire, S. Certainty of religion, 74 Stackhousc, T. Hist, of the Bible, 20 Stackhouse, J. Hardships of the clergy, 125 Stael, Mad. de. (Euvres completes, — Literature, — On the passions, — Reflections on suicide, — On French revolution, — Germany, — Delphine et Corinne, — Continental system. Stage, treatises on the, Stalham, J. Charge against Quakers, Stalker, J. On japanning, Stanfield, J. F. Essays, Stanford, J. K. The stoic, Stan ham, M. Alarm to churches, Stanhope, C. E. On a thunder storm. Stanhope, G. Christian directory. Stanhope, Earl. Rights of juries, Stanhope, D. Letters on Greece, Stanislaus, Baron. Voyage to St. Domingo, 725 Stanislas, Roi. Philosophic bienfaisant, 583 Stanley, T. Hist, philosophise, — Translated and life, Stansbury, P. Tour in North America, Stanyan, T. Grecian history, — Account of Switzerland, Starke, M. Travels in Italy, — A tragedy, Statham, J. Indian recollections. Statistics, Staunton, Sir G. Embassy to China, — Laws of China, Staughton, W. Baptist mission, — Eulogium, Stavorinus, J. Voyages to India, Steam engines and boats, Stearns, S. American oracle, Stebbing, H. On Warburton's legation, — Christian church, Stedman, E. American war, Stedman, J. G. Voyage to Surinam, Steele, A. Poems, &c. Steele, J. Mitigation of slavery, Steele, R. Voyage, Steele, Sir R. Town talk, — Christian hero, — Roman Catholic religion, — Letters, — Dramatic works, Steele, T. Spanish wars, Steinkopff, C. F. A. Missionary tour, Stendhall, De. Sketches of Rome, Stenography, systems of, Stephen, J. On slavery, — War in disguise, — Answer to, Stephen, T. Constitution of Gt. Britain, Stephens, A. Hist, of wars, Stephens, H. ConcordantieB, — Latin language, Stephenson, R. Military instructions, Sterne, L. Works and life, — Letters, — Sentimental journey, Sternhold, J. Psalms in metre, Steuben, B. Military tactics, Stevens, J. Monasticon Hibernicum, — Hist, of Spain, — Hist, of Persia, Stevens, J. W. Acct. of Algiers, 570 582 204 204 834 659 538. 547 238 496 74 381 583 538 75 263 74 147 691 181 181 725 742 671 671 514 699 616 699 157 133 437 700 344 181 34 125 865 725 570 244 636 583 74 125 560 514 839 133 671 380 244 813 813 154 754 20 414 405 570 560 672 40 405 125 839 850 709 1040 .INDEX. Stevens, R. Essay on average, 147 Stevens, G. A. Lectures, 538 Stevenson, R. Cordial for Christians, 75 Stevenson, S. W. Tour in Europe, 653 Stevenson, W. Navigation and commerce, 238 Stevenson, W. B. Residence in South Ame- rica, 725 Stewarts, genealogy of the, 738 Stewart, C. Hist, of Bengal, 850 Stewart, C. S. Sketches in England, 684 — Voyages, 645 Stewart, D. Philosophy of the mind, 1 86 — Progress of philosophy, 186 — Active and moral powers, 200 — Sketches of Highlanders, 777 Stewart, J. Travels, 636 — Jamaica, 725 — Anecdotes, 583 — Political economy, 226 — State of Ireland, 809 Stewart, M. Tracts, physical and mathe- matical, 352 Stewart, W. G. On Highlanders, 684 Stewarton, Mr. Travels in Belgium, 672 Stickney, S. Pictures of life, 538 Stillingfleet, Bp. E. Letter to a Deist, 34 — Miscellaneous tracts, 274 — Controversial tracts, 75 Stith, Mrs. S. Thoughts on education, 211 Stith, W. Hist, of Virginia, 885 StoaB, J. F. PoetsB laureati, 414 Stobaeus, J. SententisB, 550 Stockdale, J. Geography, 614 Stockdale, J. J. Sketches of Java, 700 Stockdale, F. W. L. Travels in Cornwall, 684 Stockdale, W. Right of dividing, 75 — Persecutions in Scotland, 75 Stocqueler, J. H. Pilgrimage, 700 Stoddard, A. Sketch of Louisiana, 725 Stoddard, J. Remarks on Scotland, 684 Stolburg, Count. Travels, 653 Stone, Wm. L. Tales and sketches, 538 Stonecastle, H. Spectator, 538 Storch, H. Hist, of Petersburgh, 626 — Statistische Russichen, 626 Story, J. Comment, on the constitution, 149 Story, T. Vindication of the Quakers, 75 Stothard, Mrs. Tours in France, 672 Stothert, W. Wars in Spain, &c. 840 Stout, B. Shipwreck of the Hercules, 648 Strabo. Geographia, 615 Strachan, J. Visit to Canada, 725 Strada, F. Histoire Flandre, 823 Strada, J. Thes. antiquitatura, 741 Strada. Prol. academ. 583 Straehlin, Von. Archipelago, 645 Strafford, Earl of. Letter to the king, 777 Strahlenberg. Geography, 615 Strange, R. On the royal academy, 359 Strangeways, T. Mosquito Shore, 725 Strauss, F. An Indian story, 538 Street, T.G. Reign of Lewis XVL 834 Stretch, L. M. Beauties of history, 751 Strickland, W. Rail-roads, canals, &c. 249 Strutt, J. Chronicle and antiquities, 777 — Sports and pastimes, 407 — A romance, 539 Strype, J. Annals, 125 — Memorials, 125 Stuart, A. Hist, of the Stewarts, 738 Stuart, G. Hist, of Scotland, 777 — Reformation in Scotland, 125 — View of society, 200 Stuart, J. Antiquities of Athens, 374 — Hist, of Armagh, 623 — Three years' in America, 725 Stubbe, M. Comoedia auct. 499 Stubbs, G. Anatomy of the horse, 295 Stubbs, H. On the Oceana, 217 Stubbs, J. Light out of darkness, 75 Stukely, W. Stonehenge, 777 Sturm, C. C. On the works of God, 75 Sturt, C. Southern Australia, 645 Suchet, Marshal. Wars in Spain, 840 Suckling, Sir J. Works, 570 Suetonius. Lives of the Csesars, 749 Suffolk, Countess of. Letters, 560 Sullivan, F. S. Feudal law, 143 Sullivan, J. Hist, of India, 850 Sullivan, R. J. Tour in England, 684 — Hist, of Maine, 874 — Political letters, 560 — View of nature, 204 Sullivan, W. An address to the Bar, 437 Sumner, J. B. Records of the creation, 34 Sumonte, De. Hist, of Naples, 826 Surgery, treatises and works on, 330 Surveying, treatises on, 340 Susquehannah. Title stated, 173 Sutherland, Capt. Tour up the straits, 691 Sutherland, A. Knights of Malta, 826 Sutherland, W. Ship building, 402 Sutcliff, R. Travels in North America, 725 Sutcliffe, J. Canals, &c. 249 Svenin, P. Sketches of Moscow, 659 Sweden, histories of, 815 — Travels in, 654 Swedenborg, E. Regnum subterraneum, 283 — Religious works, 76 Swift, J. Reign of Queen Anne, 777 — Letters, 560 — Predictions, &c. 539 — Works, 570 — Miscellanies, 583 Swifl, Z. Laws of Connecticut, 151 Swineburn, H. Tours in Spain, 672 — On last wills, 147 Swinden, T. On the place of hell, 76 Swinnock, G. Christian's calling, 76 Swinton, A. Travels in Norway, 659 Sydenham, T. Works of, 299 Sydney, A. Papers, 777 Switzerland, histories of, 824 — Travels in, 661 Sykes, A. A. Paraphrase on Hebrews, 28 — Examination of Warburton's divine le- gislation, 76 Sylvester, C. Domestic economy, 253 Symes, M. Embassy to Ava, 700 Symes, R. Fire analyzed, 268 T. Tacitus, C. C. Opera, — Translated, — Germany, Tailfer, P. Hist, of Georgia, Tait. Edinburgh magazine, 749 749 821 873 596 INDEX. 1041 Takoor, M. Ooriya and English vocab. Talbot, Mrs. C. Works of, Talbot, E. A. Canada, Taleb-Khan. Travels, Talleyrand. Commercial essays, — L'instruction publique, Talma, J. On the French revolution, Talmadge, N. P. Speech on the bank, Tama, D. Parisian Sanhedrim, Tancoigne, M. Journey in Persia, Tannehill, W. Hist, of literature. Tanner, H. Atlas, Tanner, H. S. Guide to the West, Tappan, D. Jewish antiquities, Tarascon, J. On trade, Tarlton, Col. Campaigns, &c Tartary, histories of, — Travels in, Tasso, T. Comedies, Taste, treatises on, Tate, N. Version of the psalms, Tatem, H. Egyptian grammar, Tattershall, D. W. Psalmody, Tatham, E. Chart and scale of truth, — On the national debt, Tatham, W. On tobacco, Tatius, A. Clitophon, Taylor, C. Letters on India, — Annual register, Taylor, G. Incorporations, — Irish rebellion, — Hist, of the Shakers, Taylor, H. Navigation, Taylor, Bp. J. Liberty of prophecy in g, — Life of Christ, — Works, — Doctor dubitantium, — Holy living, Taylor, J. Doctrine of atonement, — U. S. government, — Views of the constitution, — Moral philosophy, — Character of the dog, — Eccentric letters, — Old sayings, — Records of mining, — Travels from India, Taylor, Jos. Apparitions, Taylor, Is. Advice to the teens, — Character essential, — Self cultivation, — On Christian evidence, — Transmission of books, Taylor, Jane. Tales, &c. — Contributions, Q. Q. — Hints to females, — Maternal solicitude, Taylor, J. N. Statistics of France, Taylor, M. Tables of logarithms, Taylor, R. Index raonaslicus, Taylor, T. On the Platonic theology, Taylor, W. German poetry, Taylor, W. C. Hist, of Ireland, — Mohammedanism, Tchuykevitch, Col. On Russia, Teeling, C. H. Irish rebellion. Tela, J. Philosph. library. Temperance, essays and treatises on. Temple, E. Travels in Peru, 131 414 570 725 636 238 211 834 231 115 700 411 6l5 725 115 249 865 842 693 519 423 40 416 40 76 231 289 547 850 596 238 777 125 402 8 20 44 76 76 77 901 149 200 295 560 550 593 636 197 211 211 211 34 5 539 583 204 204 624 343 125 342 440 777 136 818 777 583 201 725 Temple, Sir W. Political memoirs, 583. 754 — Provinces of Netherland, 823 — Works, 571 — Essays, 583 — Hist, of England, 777 Tcmpleman, T. Survey of the globe, 615 Tench, M. Travels in France, 672 Tench, W. Botany Bay, 646 Tenhove,M. House of Medici, 827 Tennant, C. Tour in Europe, 653 Tennant, W. Indian recreations, 850 Tenneman. Hist, of philosophy, 182 Tennent, G. Examiner examined, 77 — On the peace of Jerusalem, 77 Tennessee, constitution of, 153 Terradon, M. Sethos, 547 Terrence. Commedite, 500 Terry, A. R. Travels in S. America, 726 Terry, T. Musical play, 515 TertuUian. Opera, 44 — Apology, 41. 43, 44 Tessin, Count. Letters to a prince, 561 Thatcher, J. Essay on demonology, 191 — Military Journal, 865 Thackrah, C. T. Effects of arts and trades, 303 Thelwal, J. Imperfect developements, 211 — On Burke's letter, 811 Theodoret Therapeutica, 138 Theologians, works of, 41 Theophrastus. Notationes morum, 200 — Characteres ethici, 200 — Translation of, 200 — Imitated, 200 Theophylacti. Commentarii, 28. 44 Theresa, Maria, Letters, 561 Thiebalt, A. Voyage to Elba, 672 Thicknesse, P. Tour in France, 672 — Tour in the Netherlands, 659 Thicknesse, Mrs. School of fashion, 539 Thicknesse, R. On vegetables, 290 Thiebault, D. Frederick the Great, 821 Thiery, M. Voyage a Guaxaca, 726 — Traite du nopal, 329 Thierry, A. Hist, of England, 777 Thiers, A. French revolution, 834 — The Pyrennees, 672 Thom, W. Pedestrianism, 407 Thomas, D. Travels in the West, 726 Thomas, G. Hist, of Pennsylvania, 879 Thomas, Job. Testimony concerning, 77 Thomas, M. On the character of women, 200 Thomas, T. Blessings of government, 220 Thomas, R. Modern practice, 309 Thompson, C. On horsemanship, 539 Thompson, G. A. Visit to Guatamala, 726 Thompson, G. South Africa, 709 Thompson, J. S. Monotessaron, 20 Thompson, T. Electricity and heat, 263 — On election and reprobation, 77 Thompson, W. Distribution of wealth, 226 Thompson, W. H. Sicily, &c. 672 Thorns, W. J. Legends of Europe, 539 Thomson, A. T. Henry VIIL 778 Thomson, Ch. Translation of the Bible, 13, 14 — Synopsis of the evangelists, 20 Thomson, G. Lectures on history, 608 Thomson, J. Residence in S. America, 726 — Works, 571 — Plays, 515 1042 INDEX. Thomson, T. Travels in Sweden, 659 — Hist, of the Royal Society, 590 — Annals of philosophy, 593 Thomson, W. Military memoirs, 405 — War in Asia, 850 Thorn, W. Conquest of Java, 850 Thoresby, R. Letters, 561 Thorndike, H. Church of England, 125 Thornton, H. On paper credit, 231 Thornton, J. Anecdotes, 550 Thornton, T. State of Turkey, 841 — Philosophy of medicine, 309 Thornton, Col. T. Sporting tour, 672. 684 Thornton, W. Deaf and dumb, 412 Thorowgood, T. Jews in America, 115 Thorpe, B. AppoUonius, 539 Thorpe, R. On the slave trade, 244 Thou, Adele du. Secte des Amis, 125 Thucydides. De bello Pelop. 743 — Translated, 743 — Orationes funebres, 437 Thunanus, J. Historia, 754 Thunberg, C. P. Travels, 636 Thurloe. State papers and life, 776 Thurston, J. Scripture prints, 20 Tibbits. Home market, 238 Tidd. Law of costs, 147 Tiedeman, F. Comparative physiology, 329 Tillotson, Abp. J. Works, 44 — Sentiments of popery, 77 — Answer to " A true account," 77 Tilloch, A. Philosophical mag. 593 Timbs, J. Dorking, 684 — Knowledge for Uie people, 378 Time, treatises on, 352 Tirakowski, G. Travels in China, 700 Tindal, Mat. Christianity as old as the creation, 11 Tindal, N. Polymetis abridged, 136 Tippoo Suit in. Letters, 850 Tisdall, J. Laws of bills and notes, 147 Tissot, A. Diseases of literary persons, 310 Titford, W. J. Hortus Americanus, 290 Titsingh, M. Anecdotes at Japan, 700 Tizzard, S. Prose and verse, 539 Tobin, J. J. Tour in Italy, 672 — Plays, 515 Tod, J. Antiquities of India, 850 Togno, J. On acoustics, 258 Toland, J. Nazarenus, 77 — Tetradymus, 77 Toland, Mr. Account of Prussia, 659 Toldervy, J. Against the Quakers, 77 Toleration, treatises on religious, 8 Toller, S. Laws of executors and adminis- trators, 147 Tombs, J. On baptism, 77 Torakins, J. Piety promoted, 77 Tomline, Bp. G. (Prettyman.) Elements of Christian theology, 77 Tooke, A. Pantheon, 136 Tooke, J. H. Diversions of Purley, 412 Tooke, T. On high and low prices, 226 — On the currency, 231 Tooke, W. Hist, of Russia, 818 — Life of Catharine, 818 Toone, W. Chronological historian, 778 Toplady. Theological works, 44 Topography, 616 Torcy, M. Memoirs, Torrens, R. Corn trade, — On the production of wealth, — On wages and combination, Torrey, Dr. J. Intellectual flambeau, — Domestic slavery, Torres, M. On South America, Toulmin, J. Addresses to a young man, — Hist, of the dissenters, Tournefort, M. Voyage to the Levant, Tourneur, C. Tragedy, Toussaint, V. Les moeurs, and translation. Towers, Jos. On prophecy, — On Hume's history, Towerson, G. On the decalogue, Towne, J. Nature of the soul, Townley, H. Answer to the Abb6 Dubois, Townley, J. Biblical anecdotes, — Biblical literature, Townsend, G. Old Testament arranged, — New Testament arranged, Townsend, H. Historical collections, Townsend, J. Journey in Spain, Townson, Rev. Th. Works of, Townson, R. Travels in Hungary, Tracy, Destut. On political economy, — Review of Montesquieu, Trade, works and treatises on. Trail, R. On justification, Tragedies, Transactions of various societies, Trant, Capt. T. Journey in Greece, Trapp, J. Controversial tracts, Travelling, treatises on, Travers, S, Arrangement of scriptures, — De sacramentis. Treaties and conventions, Tredgold, T. Strength of iron, Tredway, T. J. Statistics of the U. S. Trees, forest. Works on, Tren chard, J. A collection of tracts, — Political tracts, — Cato's letters, Tressan, Abb6. Mythologie, Trent, J. On respiration. Trimmer, Sarah. Sacred history, Trials, criminal and state, — Civil cases. Trigonometry, Trollope, Mrs. Belgium, — Manners of Americans, — Refugee in America, Trosne, M. le. De I'ordre social. Trotter, J. B. Walks in Ireland, Trotter, T. Med. nautica, Trublet, A. Essays, Trueba, Don. Romance of history, Trumbull, B. Hist, of Connecticut, — Hist, of United States, Trussler, J. Chronology, Trussler, Dr. Progress of man, Truxtun, T. On navigation, Tryon, T. Merchant's instructor, — Sure guide to God, Tucker, Ab. Light of nature, — Abridged by Hazlitt, Tucker, Dean. Interest of Gt. Britain, — On naturalization, — On trade. 834 238 226 226 200 244 858 211 125 691 515 200 28 767 77 77 77 20 28 20 20 778 672 44 659 226 138 233 77 498 589 692 77 629 20 78 140 283 628 283 583 220 220 136 329 20 162 170 340 659 726 539 226 684 310 583 539 872 865 734 211 402 238 78 200 200 889 805 238 INDEX. 1043 Tucker, Dean. Political tracts, 220 Tucker, W. On predestination, 78 Tuckey, J. H. Voyage to the Congo, 709 — Bass's straits, 646 — Maritime geography, 615 Tuckerraan, Dr. Italian sketch book, 672 Tudor, H. Tour in North America, 726 Tudor, W. Letters on the eastern states, 726 — Miscellanies, 564 Tuke, H. Duties of religion, 78 — Religious principles, 78 Tuke, S. Insane hospital, 253 Tullie, G. Government of the thoughts, 78 Tully, R. Ten years at Tripoli, 709 Tully, T. PrsBcipuorum theologiee, 78 Tunnels, works on, 247 Tunbridge Wells, history of, 622 Turgot, M. On wealth, 226 Turkey, histories of, 841 — Travels in, 687 Turnbull, D. French revolution, 834 Turnbull^G. On liberal education, 211 Turnbull, J. Voyage round the world, 646 Turnbull, R. J. Philadelphia prison, 160 Turner, D. Tours in Normandy, 672 — Anc. physician, 299 — Elssays, 584 Turner, Sharon. Sacred history, 20. 78 — Hist of the Anglo-Saxons, 778 — Henry VIII. and Edward VI. 778 Turner, T. Embassy to Tibet, 700 Turner, W. Tour in the Levant, 692 Turquet, L. M. Hist, of Spain, 840 TurselUnus, H. Hist. Lauretanee, 625 Turton, T. W. On hot and cold baths, 303 Twells, L. Examination of the new text, 15 Twiss, R. Travels in Spain, 673 Twysden, R. Historiae Angl. 778 Tyers, T. Political tracts, 220 Tyler, J. E. On oaths, 147 Tyndall,Wm. Works of, 44 Tyreman, D. Voyages to South seas, 646 Tyrrell, Sir J. Law of nature, 139 — Hist of England, 778 — Constitution of England, 154 Tyson, J. R. On penal law, 160 — An address, 437 Tytler, A. F. General history, 734 — Courts martial, 175 Tytler, P. F. Discoveries in America, 726 U. Uklanski, Baron. Travels, 659. 673 Ulla, A. De. Voyage to South America, 726 Ulysses, C. Travels in Italy, 673 Umfreville, E. Office of coroner, 147 — Hudson's bay, 726 Underbill. News from America, 865 United States, history of, 860 — Constitutional laws of, 150 — Laws of, 150 Universal history, 729 Universities, history and account of, 213 Upham, C. W. Lectures on witchcraft, 191 Upham, E. Sac. books of Ceylon, 136 Upham, T.C. Treatise on the will, 187 Urquhart, D. H. Classical learning, 429 Urquhart, H. On seamen, 402 Usher, Bp. J. Annales Vet. Test 20 — Hist, of ihe Old and New Testaments, 21 — Works of, 44 — Extent of Christ's death, 78 — Answer to Jesuit's challenge, 78 — Origin of episcopacy, 78 — On laying on of hands, 78 — Eccles. antiquitates, 126 Ustariz, Don J. Commerce, 238 Usury, works and treatises on, 233 Vad6, J. J. CEuvres poissardes, 571 Vaillant, J. Hist, numismata, 741 Vaiilanl, M. Le. Travels in Africa, 709 Valentia, G. Travels to India, &c. 700 Valentini, B. Last will of, 191 Valentine, Von. Reflections on Turkey, 841 Valerius, Max. Memorabilium, 751 Valesius, F. Museum Cortonense, 374 Valiancy. On fortification, 405 Vancouver, G. Voyages, 646 Vancouver, J. On tlie causes of poverty, 226 Van Bramm, A. E. Embassy to China, 700 Vanbrugh, A. Dramatic works, 515 Van Helmont, J. B. Works of, 299 Vans Kennedy. Languages of Asia and Europe, 412 Van Schagen, J. Nieuwen projecten, 238 Vansittart, N. Finances of Gt. Britain, 232 Van Swieten. Diseases of armies, 310 Varenus. Geographia, 615 — Descriptio Japoniae, 615 Varillas, D. Anecdotes de Florence, 827 Varillas, S. Hist de Charles IX. 834 Vases, collections of, 375 Vassetz, De. Trait6 du mdrite, 204 Vasi, M. Picture of Naples and Rome, 625, 626 Vassor, M. Le. German empire, 821 Vattel, De. Droit des gens, 139 — Law of nations, 139 Vaughan, C. R. Siege of Zaragossa, 840 Vaughan, J. Valedictory address, 437 Vaughan, R. Stewart dynasty, 778 Vaughan, T. Aula lucis, 191 Vaughan, T. W. State of Sicily, 673 Vaughan, Wm. Shipwreck, 648 Vaudoncourt, G. Ionian islands, 692 Vaudoncourt, G. G. D. Letters on Spain, 673 Vaux, R. Address, 437 — On prison discipline, 160 — The penitentiary system, 160 Veil, De. Defence of the scriptures, 34 Vega, J. G. Commentaries of Peru, 858 Vegetius. Vocabulis rei militaris, 405 Velly. Hist of France, 834 Venegas, M. Hist, of California, 858 Ventilating houses, 399 Venuti, M. Ville de Bordeaux, 624 Vere, M. De. Life and adventures, 539 Verelst, H. Views of Bengal, 850 Vergel, P. Angl. historiee, 778 — De inventoribus, 377 Vermont. History and state papers, 884 Verney, M. du. De I'ouio, 329 Veinon, J. Book-keeping, 238 Vertot Miscellanies, 584 Verri, C. Roman nights, 539 1044 INDEX. Verplanck, G. C. Historical address, 437 Verstegan, R. Decayed intelligence, 778 Vertot, Abbe. Hist, of Rome, 749 — Hist, of Sweden, 818 — Knights of Malta, 738 Vertot, M. Hist, of the Bretons, 834 Vertot. Revolutions in Spain, 840 — Revolutions in Portugal, 840 Veterinary art, 394 Veyle, De. Le somnambule, 519 Victor, Mr. London theatres, 497 Vices, etiiical treatises on the, 201 Vidaure, M. L. Efectos de las facciones, 220 Viduarre, C. M. Cartas Americanas, 858 Vieusseux, A. Italy, 673 Vieussens, R. Neurographia, 329 Vievard, J. A. Letters on England, 684 Vigne, G. T. Tour in America, 726 Vignoles, C. On Florida, 726 Vigor, Mrs. Letters from Russia, 659 Vigors, N. A. Poetic license, 440 Villanio, J. De Rubicone, 626 Villate. Ninth Thermidor, 834 Villier, G. On commerce, 238 Villiers, C. Essay on the reformation, 126 Vision, treatises on, 356 Vincent. Adversus profanas, 78 Vincent, T. Defence of the Trinity, 78 Vincent, W. Voyages of Nearchus, 700 Vincentius. De Rubicone, 626 Virginia, history of, 884 Virginia, law^s of, 153 Virtues, ethical treatises on, 201 Voght. On support of the poor, 253 Volcanoes, history and description of, 276 Volcmar. Jure principium, 138 Volney, C. F. Travels in Syria, 692 — Lectures on history, 608 — Climate of the U.S. 726 — Law of nature, 139. 200 — Ruins, &c. 220 — War with Turkey, 841 — Arabic language, 415 Voiture, M. de. Letters, 571 — Works, 571 Voltaire. Annals of the empire, 821 — Dramatic works, 519 — Romances, 539 — Collection des ceuvres, 571 — Select pieces, 584 — Hist, of Lewis XIV. 834 — Contes de Vade, 547 — Essay on history, 606 — Universal history, 608 — Des delits et des peines, 160 — Philosophical dictionary, 182 Von Buch, L. Travels in Norway, 659 Von Lohen, B. Analysis of nobility, 738 Von Sack, A. Voyage to Surinam, 726 Von Spix, J. B. Travels in Brazil, 726 Vontroil, U. Letters on Iceland, 659 Voyages and travels, 629 Voyages, fictitious, 520 Vossius, G. J. De theologia Gentili, 136 — Poeticarum, inst. 440 — De studiis, 411 — LingusB LatinsB, 414 — De veterum poet. 429 W. Waddington, G. Visit to Ethiopia, 709 — Hist, of the church, 126 — Visit to Greece, 692 Wadstrom, C. B. On colonization, 238 Wainewright, L. Pursuits at Cambridge, 213 Wake, Apb. W. Church catechism, 37 — Epistles of the apostolic fathers, 44 — Church of England, — On the king's supremacy, Wakefield, E. Hist, of Ireland, Wakefield, E. G. Punishment of death, — Old Bailey experience, Wakefield, G. On Pope, — Correspondence, Wakefield, P. Leisure hours, Wakefield, Miss. Family tour, Wakefield, P. Nature and art, — Condition of the female sex, — Instinct displayed, — Juvenile travellers, Walckenaer,C. A. Recherche del'Afrique Waldie, A. Circulating Library, Waldie, Miss. Rome, Wales, histories of, — Travels in, Wales, W. Navigation, Walker, A. Natural philosophy, — Archives, Walker, C. Hist, of independency. Walker, Commodore. Voyages, Walker, D. On manly exercises, Walker, G. Siege of Derry, — Doctrine of the sphere, — Troposchematologiae, — A romance. Walker, J. Sufferings of the clergy, -Key, — Geography and Gazetteer, — Hist, of the Hebrides, — Letters on the West Indies, — On the sterility of the sexes, Walker, J. C. Italian tragedy. Walker, O. On the eucharist. Walker, R. On historical time, — On the magnet. Walker, Mr. Paramythia, Walker, T. Manufactures, Wall, W. Notes on the New Test. — On baptism, — Answer to Dr. Stillingfleet, — Surveying instrument, Wallace, R. On the numbers of mankind, — Various prospects, Wallace, R. G. Sketches in India, Wallace, R. W. Memoirs of India, Waller, E. Works, Waller, R. On artificial cold, Wallies, J. Christian sabbath, Walpole, C. S. Siege of Antwerp, Walpole, H. Works, Noble authors, — Anecdotes of painting, — Catalogue of engravers, — Historic doubts, — Memoirs of George II. — Otranto, 78,79 79 778 160 160 429 561 550 684 584 200 296 539 710 596 673 755 676 403 258 593 778 646 407 778 352 429 539 584 126 414 615 778 727 329 497 82 734 263 551 238 28 79 79 343 226 227 700 850 571 269 79 659 571 5 363 363 778 778 540 INDEX. 1045 Walpole, H. Correspondence, 561 — A tragedy, 515 — Walpoliana, 551 — Reminiscences, 584 Walpole, R. Herculanensia, 735 — Travels in Turkey, 692. 701 Walpoole, G, A. British traveller, 684 Walsh, E. Expedition to Holland, 823 Walsh, R. A. Notices of BrazU, 727 Walsh, R. Essay on coins, 741 — Travels from Constantinople, 636 Walsh, jr. R. On the French government, 834 — American Register, 603 Walsh, T. Campaign in Egypt, 850 Walsingham. Manual of maxims, 220 Walter, W. Travels, 653 Walters, T. Tables of insurance, 238 Walton, I. Angler, 407 Walton, W. Spanish America, 858 — Spanish colonies, 727 — Spanish throne, 840 Wanley, N. Wonders of the little world, 274 Wansey, H. Travels in the U. S. 727 Warburton, J. Hist, of Dublin, 623 Warburlon, Bp. W. Works, 44 — Supplement, 584 — Letters, 561 — Warburtonian tracts, 584 — Julian, 34 — Divine legation, 34 — Alliance of church and state, 79 — Doctrine of grace, 79 — View of Lord Bolingbroke, 182 Ward, E. Miscellaneous works, 571 Ward, H.G. Mexico, 727 Ward, J. A system of oratory, 429 — Mathematics, 337 Ward, N. Cobbler of Aggavvamm, 886 Ward, R. Law of nations, 140 Ward, W. Hist, of the Hindoos, 850 — Farewell letters, 561 Warden, D. B. Consular establishments, 140 — Hist, of the U.S. 865 Wardlaw, R. Christian ethics, 79 Ware, J. Romish fox, 79 — De Hibernia, 778 — Hist, of Ireland, 779 Ware, S. Bridges and vaults, 250 Waring, E. S. Tour to Sheeraz, 701 — Letter, 79 — Hist. ofMahrattas, 850 Waring, S. W. Traveller's fireside, 673 Warming buildings, treatises on, 399 Warne, J. Church of England and dis- senters, 79 — On justification, 79 Warner, F. Ecclesiastical history, 1 26 — Hist, of Ireland, 779 Warner, R. Tours, 684 — Miscellanies, 584 — On Waverley novels, 429 Warrington, W. Hist, of Wales, 779 Warren, Mrs. American revolution, 865 Warriner, F. Cruise round the world, 646 Warton, T. English poetry, 440 — Essay on Pope, 429 — Observations on Spenser, 480 — On Rowley's poems, 456 Warwick, T. Drama ic poem, 515 Warwick, Sir P. Reign of Charles I. 779 Washington, G. Letters, 561 — Official letters, 865 — Writings, 571 — Orations and eulogiums, 437 Wathen, J. Voyage to Madras, 701 Waterhouse, E. On arms and armoury, 738 Waterland, D. On tlie euchariste, 79 — On regeneration, 79 Waters, mineral and Bath, 277 Waterton, C. Wanderings in S. America, 727 Watkins, J. Scripture biography, 21 Watkins, T. Travels in Europe, 653 — Travels in Italy, 673 Watkinson, W. Ingratitude of men, 79 Watson, J. On spirituous liquors, 204 — Instruction of deaf and dumb, 212 Watson, J. F. Annals of Philadelphia, 629 — Historic tales, 629 Watson, Bp. R. Letter to the Archbp. of Canterbury, 79 — Apology for Christianity, 34 — Apology for the Bible, 34 — Theological tracts, 44 Watson, R. Kings of Spain, 840 Watson, W. Law of partnership, 147 Watson, Sir W. On electricity. 263 Watson, jr. W. A treatise on time, 353 Watt, J. On the church of Scotland, 39 Watt, R. Biblioth. Brit. 5 Watters, J. Weekly magazine, 596 Watterson, G. Course of studj', 211 — On the tobacco plant, 290 Watterston, G. Statistics of the U. S. 627 Watts, I. Posthumous works, 44 — World to come, 79 — Philosophical essays, 187 — Logic and posthumous works, 192 — Discourse on education and life, 192 — On the passions, 204 Weatherhead, G. H. Pedestrian tour, 674 Weaver, J. Funeral monuments, 779 Webb, D. Miscellanies, 584 Webb, D. C. Excursions in England, 685 Webb, E. Military treatise, 405 Webb, Elizabeth. Letter to A. W. Boehm, 79 — His answer, 79 Webb, W. Travels on the Rhine, 673 Weber, H. Tales of the east, 540 Webster, D. Speeches, 438 Webster, J. Travels in the Crimea, 692 — Display of witchcraft, 191 — Natural and mechanical philosophy, 258 Webster, J. W. Azore islands, 673 Webster, N. Effects of slavery, 244 — Essays, 584 — The prompter, 551 Webster, P. On free trade and finance, 231 — On money, banks, &c. 232 Webster, W. H. B. Voyages, 646 Weckerus, J. J. Secretes variis, 191. 258 Weddell,J. Voyages, 646 Wedgwood, J. Canal navigation, 249 Weems, M. L. Philanthropist, 584 — Drunkard's looking-glass, 204 Weemse, J. Work« 44 — Image of God, 79 Weidenfield, J. S. Secrets of the adepts, 191 Weights and measures, works on, 233 1046 INDEX. Welby, A. Visit to North America, 727 Welchman, E. Defence of Churcli, 79 Weld, jr. J. Travels in North America, 727 Weldon, Sir A. Court of James I. 773 Wellesley, Marquis. India, 851 Welling-ton, Duke of. Despatches, 779 Wells, E. Geography of the Old and New- Testament, 21 — Sacred Geography, 21 — Geography, 615 Wells, J. J. Essay on war, 80 Wells, S. Revenue of Great Britain, 779 Wells, W. C. On dew and vision, 263 Wellwood, J. Memoirs of England, 779 Wendeborn, F. A. Views of England, 685 Wentworth, W. C. Van Dieman's Land, 646 Werenfelsius, S. Logomachys, 429 Weskett, J. Law of insurance, 148 Wesley, J. Notes on New Testament, 28 — Earnest appeal, 79 — Journal to Georgia, 80 — Advice on dress, 80 — Account of the Methodists, 126 — Thoughts on slavery, 244 — Natural philosophy, 258 — Primitive physic, 309 West, C. Travels in France, 673 West, G. On the resurrection, 35 West, J. Mission to the Indians, 133 West, M. Flores historiarum, 779 West, R. Transit of Venus, 352 West, S. On moral agency, 200 West, W. SymbolsBography, 148 West, Mrs. Letters, 561 — Duties and character of women, 204 — Tales, 540 West Indies, histories of, 852 — Travels in, 711 Weston, W. Merchant's clerk, 238 — Wonders of antiquity, 736 Wetherill, T. On anti-nomianism, 80 Weyland, jr. J. On population and pro- duction, 226 Whalley, P. Vindication of the gospels, 35 Wharton, Rev. C. H. Remains, 44 — Letter to Roman Catholics, 80 — On Protestant and Roman churches, 80 — Reply to Bp. Carroll, 80 Wharton, H. Celibacy of the clergy, 126 Wharton, T. J. Discourse, 439 Whately, R. Logic, 192 — Political economy, 227 — Elements of rhetoric, 429 — On secondary punishment, 160 Wheare, D. Methodus legendi hist. 608 Wheatley, Ch. Book of common prayer, 38 Wheaton, H. Hist, of the Northmen, 818 — Law of prizes, 148 Wheaton, N. S. Journal in England, 685 Wheeler, R. B. Hist, of Stratford, 622 Wheelock, E. Indian charity school, 133 Whelpley, S. Compend of history, 734 Whewell, Wm. Bridgewater treatise, 11 Whichcote, Dr. Aphorisms, 551 Whiston, W. Theory of the earth, 280 — Longitude, 403 — Chronology of the Old Testament, 21 — Primitive Christianity, 44 Whitaker, E. W. On the prophecies, 28 Whitaker, J. Course of Hannibal, — Life of S. Neot, — Hist, of the Britons, — Hist, of Manchester, Whitbourne, R. Newfoundland, Whitby, Dan. Paraphrase, &c. in the New Testament, — Certainty of Christian faith, — Reply to S. Cressy, — On the Latin service, — Ethices compendum. White, B. Evidence of Catholicism, — Letters from Spain, White, C. Gradation in man, White, Dorothy. Religious tracts. White, F. S. History of inventions. White, G. Nat. hist, of Selborne, White, H. G. Letters, White, H. K. Remains and life. White, J. Voyage to China, — Voyage to New South Wales, — Lives of churchmen and dissenters, — John of Gaunt, — Egyptiaca, White, J. E. Letters on England, White, T. Naval researches, — Answer to Gary's discourse. White, Bp. W. Lectures on catechism, — Calvinists and Arminians, — On the Holy Spirit, — Letter to the Am. quarterly review, — On ordination, — Memoirs of the Church, White, W. Voyage to Columbo, — Burmese war, Whitefield, G. Voyage, — Religious tracts, Whitefield, G. Gospel among the Indians, — Account of Georgia, Whitefield, T. On liberty of conscience, — Answer, Whitfield, P. Church of Rome, Whitgifl, J. Answer to the admonition, Whitehead, G. Religious tracts. Whitehead, P. Poems, &c. Whitehead, W. Dramatic works, Whitehurst, J. Weights and measures, Whiteley. Cruelty to slaves, Whitelock, Sir B. Historical account, — Swedish embassy. 750 131 779 621 727 29 35 80 80 200 80 673 200 80 378 276 562 571 701 646 80 540 851 685 403 52 37 80 80 80 80 126 701 851 727 80 133 873 8 8 81 81 81 571 515 239 244 779 779 81 On the government of England, 154 Whiting, J. Admonishers admonished, 81 — Answer to George Keith, 81 Whitney, P. Hist, of Worcester co. Mass. 629 ■ ~ - - 239 250 818 515 329 299 584 736 140 646 547 547 551 628 Whitworth, C. On trade, — On canals, Whitworth, Lord. Russia, Whyncop, T. A tragedy, Whyt, R. On motion of animals, Whytt, Dr. Works, Whyte, T. Miscellanea nova, Wickes, Scurray. City of Hcraclea, Wicquefort. On ambassadors, Widowson, H. Van Dieman's Land, Wieland, M. De Sternheim, — Agathon, — Dialogues, Wigglesworth, E. American population. INDEX. 1047 Wight, T. Hist of the Quakers, 126 Wigstead. Tour in Wales, 685 Wilberforce, W. Practical view, 81 — On slavery, 244 Wilcocks, J. Roman conversations, 750 Wild, Dr. R. On liberty of conscience, 8 Wilkes, J. Letters and life, 561 Wilkie, W. Fables, 540 Wilkins, G. Destruction of Jerusalem, 115 Wilkins, Bp. J. Natural religion, 11 — Philosophical works, 258 — Philosophical language, 412 — Mathematical magic, 191 — World in the moon, 540 Wilkins, W. Atheniensia, 374 Wilkinson, C. Hist, of MalU, 827 — Black Sea, 692 Wilkinson, C. H. Electricity in disease, 309 — Natural philosophy, 259 — On galvanism, 263 — On the motive power, 329 Wilkinson, J. L. Excursion in France, 674 Wilkinson, R. Atlas classica, 615 Wilkinson, W. Account of Moldavia, 842 Wilkes, J. The North Britain, 805 Wilks, M. Hist of Mysoor, 851 — Hist of Protestants, 126 WiUan, R. Hist of Christ, 21 — Diseases of London, 299 Willard, E. Journal in Europe, 653 Willet A. Synopsis papismi, 81 William of Malmsbury. History, 779 Williams, C. R. Tour in Jamaica, 727 Williams, C. W. On the increase of for- gery, 232 Williams, E. Book of the constitution, 149 — Virginia in general, 885 Williams, H. M. On the events in France, 834 — Letters on France, 673 Williams, H. W. Travels in Greece, 692 Williams, J. Denmark, Sweden, &c. 818 — Meditations and letters, 81 — Welsh Indians, 858 — Children of Thespis, 497 Williams, J. F. L. Hist of inventions, 377 Williams, J. L. View of Florida, 727 Williams, R. Spiritual life, 81 Williams, S. Hist of Vermont 884 Williams, T. H. Travels in England, 685 Wiliams, W. F. State of France, 674 Williams, Col. On navigation, 403 Williamson, H. On climate, 263 — North Carolina, 871 Williamson, J. On the West Indies, 727 Williamson, J. B. A play, 51 5 Williamson, T. E. India vade mecum, 701 Williamson, T. Agricultural mechanism, 392 Williamson. Sports of the East, 407 Willich, M. F. M. Dtjpaestic encyclopaedia, 377 — By Dr. Mease, ' 378 Willis, R. D. Philosophical sketches, 220 Willis, T. De anima brutorum, 296 Willison, J. Sacramental meditations, 82 WiUiston, E. B. Eloquence of U. S. 439 Wihner, J. J. Man as he is, 204 Wilmot P. Church of England defended, 81 Wilmot, J. E. American loyalist, 865 Wilson, A. On climate and electricity, 263 Wilson, A. Ornithology, 296 Wilson, G. On fines and recoveries, 148 Wilson, J. Law lectures, 148 — Works, 571 — Hist of Egypt 851 Wilson, Jno. Law of arbitration, 148 — Index to house of commons, 779 — Address to the Philadelphians, 882 — Travels in Europe, 653 — Weights and measures, 339 Wilson, J. P. Objections to Christianity answered, 35 — On grammar, 412 — Hope of immortality, 82 Wilson, Sir R. T. Power of Russia, 818 — Expedition to Egypt 851 Wilson, R. Friar disciplined, 81 Wilson, S. Account of Carolina, 871 Wilson, Bp. T. On the Lord's supper, 81 — Practice of Christianity, 82 — Works, 45 Wilson, Th. Christian dictionary, 21 — Missionary voyage, 646 — ArchsBological dictionary, 736 Wilson, W. Hist of dissenting churches, 126 Wilson, W. R. Travels in Russia, 659 — Norway, &c. 653 — Travels in the Holy Land, 692 Wilson, Mrs. Juvenile instruction, 212 Wilton, S. Review of thirty -nine articles, 37 Willyam, Capt Mediterranean, 692 Willymott W. Latin exercises, 415 Winchester, E. Universal restoration, 82 Winchester, T. On the seventeenth article, 37 Winchester, W. Hymns, 40 Winder, Hist, of knowledge, 182 Windham, W. Speeches, 439 Wines, treatises on, 301 Wines, E. C. Two years in the navy, 692 Wingate, E. The common law, 148 Winkelman, Abbe. On the arts, 359 Winkler, J. H. Natural philosophy, 258 Winning, W. B. Antediluvian age, 21 Winslow, E. News from New England, 876 Winstanley, Mr. Self examination, 82 Winstanley, W. A comedy, 515 Winterbotham, W. Chinese empire, 851 — View of the U.S. 865 Winterbottom, T. An account of Sierra Leone, 851 — Directions for hot climates, 303 Winthrop. Hist of New England, 876 Wirt W. British spy, 584 Wise, F. Enquiries on Europe, 754 Wistar, Dr. C. Anatomy, 329 Wit works of, 520 Witchcraft, works on, 188 Witenhall, E. Gifts and offices in worship, 82 Witgeest, S. Hocus pocus, 407 Withers, Dr. Principles of composition, 429 Witherspoon, J. Moral philosophy, 20O — Works, 571 Witherspoon, R. Select works, 45 Witman, W. Travels in Turkey, &c. 692 Witsius, H. The economy of the covenants, 45 Wolcott, O. Address, 899 Wolf, C. Elementa matheseos, 337 Wolf, J. Tour to Copenhagen, 659 — Lectionum memorabilium, 429 — Sketches in Europe, 653 1048 INDEX. Wolf, J. C. Description of Ceylon, 701 Wolfe, R. B. Prisoners in France, 674 WoUaston, G. Hist, of a pilgrim, 540 WoUaston, W. Religion of nature, 11 Wollstoncrafl, Mrs. Posthumous works, 571 — Letters from Norway, 659 — On the French revolution, 835 — Rights of women, 200 Wolesley, Sir C. Ordinances of worship, 82 — On liberty of conscience, 8 Wolzogen, L. Orthodoxa fides, 82 Women, laws relating to, 174 — History of and treatises on, 193 Womock, L. Examination of Tilenus, 121 Wood, E. Book of nature, and scripture, 82 Woods, G. Isle of Man, 621 — On bullion and exchange, 232 Wood, G. B. Address, 439 Wood, J. History of Switzerland, 827 — Political pamphlets, ^ Wood, J. Houses of industry, 253 Wood, N. Rail roads, 250 Wood, R. Ruins of Balbec and Palmyra, 374 Wood, S. Hist, of Long Island, 877 Wood, T. Civil law, 143 — Institutes, 148 — Inhabitants of Ireland, 779 Wood, W. New England prospects, 727 — Sketches of China, 701 Woodbury, F. Writings of, 45 Woodeson, P. Law lectures, 148 Woodfall, W. N. Private trade, 239 Woodhead, A. On the eucharist, 82 Woodhouse. Refutation of Dr. Percival, 269 Woodley, G. Scilly Islands, 685 Woods, J. Residence in Illinois, 727 — Travels in Europe, 653 Woodward, A. B. Executive of the U. S. 900 Woodward, G. M. Eccentric excursions, 685 Woodward, Dr. Vindication of, 300 Woodworth, S. American war, 865 Woolman, J. Works, 45 — On keeping negroes, 244 Woolrich, H. To his persecutors, 82 Worcester, Marquis of Inventions, 348 Worcester, J. E. Gazetteer, 615 Wordsworth, W. Memorials, 653 Workman, B. Geography, 615 Workman, J. Political essays, 220 Worseley, W. F. Account of France, 674 Worster, B. Natural philosophy, 259 Worthington, J. Self resignation, 82 — Christian love, 82 Wortman, T. Liberty of the press, 220 Wotton, E. De difFerentiis animal, 296 Wotton, Sir H. Poems, letters, &c. 571 Wotton, T. English baronetage, 738 Wotton, W. On learning, 429 — Hist, of Rome, 750 Wraxall,N.W. Tour in France, 674 — Tour in Europe, 659 — Hist of France, 835 — Political correspondence, 810 Wright, E. Travels in France, &c. 674 Wright, F. A tragedy, 515 — Days in Athens, 540 — Letters on America, 728 Wright, J. Am. Negotiator, 239 ~ Reign of Charles II. 779 Wright, J. M. F. Commentary on Newton, 259 Wright, P. Life of Christ, 21 Wright, T. Antiquities of Ireland, 779 — Clavis celestes, 352 Wright, W. On the Revelations, 29 — Slavery at the Cape of Good Hope, 244 Writing, art of, 378 Wurtzer, H. On Kurlandischen Edelmann, 738 Wyche, SirP. Relation of the Nile, 710 Wycherley, Mr. Dramatic works, 515 W'yeth, J. Remarks on Dr. Bray, 82 Wyndham, H. P. Tour in Wales, 685 Wynne, E. Law of England, 148 Wynne, Mr. British empire in America, 858 Wj'nne, R. Geography, 615 Wyse, jr. F. Catholic association, 126 Wyvill, C. On toleration, 8 X. Xenophon. Athenian democracy, 220 — Opera, 743 — Memorabilium, 743 — Institutiones, 744 — Anabasis and Cyropeedia, 744 — Philosophi omnia, 571 Yarranton, A. England's improvement, 227 Yates, W. Science of life, 300 York, Duke of. English affairs, 779 Yorke, H. R. Letters from France, 674 — Civil knowledge, 220 — Agriculture, &c. 239 York, P. Athenian letters, 744 Young, A. Travels in France, 674 — Tour in Ireland, 685 — Tour in England, 685 — Annals of agriculture, 593 — Question of scarcity, 227 — Canal navigation, 250 Young, E. Dramatic works, 515 Young, G. R. Rights of fishery, 239 Young, J. Intellectual philosophy, 182 — On Gray's elegy, 430 Young, R. Powers of nature, 259 Young, T. Egyptian hieroglyphics, 851 — On humanity to animals, 204 — Natural philosophy, 259 Young, Sir W. Athens, 744 — Account of the Charaibs, 244 Young, W. Portugal, 674 — Centaur not fabulous, 82 Youth, elementary works for, 206 Yriarte, De. Fables, &c. 540 Z. Zallony, M. P. Voyage in Greece, 692 Zanchius, J. On predestination, 82 Zantanus, A. Numismatis, 741 Zimmerman, E. A. W. Comparison, &c. 728 " " 201 204 220 220 220 291 29 243 827 701 674 701 Zimmerman, J. G. On n^pn, — On solitude, — Sur la perfectibility, — Perfectibility of man, — On national pride. Zoology, systems and treatises, Zouch, Th. On the prophecies, Zouch, R. Juris civilis, Zschokke, H. Invasion of Switzerland, Zuniga, M. Phillippine islands, Zurlauben, Baron. Tableaux de Suisse, Zwick, H. A. Journey in Tartary, 'i ««T»QMSC..5at9SBa^ 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. TW, h'l'"'^*" ONlY_m. NO. 64W405 This book IS due on the last date stamped below or p.„ ^°^''"«