THE PROPERTY OF H9lii!8Miiiil'" -'■" icftliePaGil, MEPICAL .SCInI®OL THE PROPERTY OF Hateo'inK-'-'^'-llglfionk Pacific DONATED BY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation ATLAS AND ESSENTIALS OF BACTERIOLOGY BY Prof. K. B. LEHMANN CHIEF OP THE HYGIENIC INSTITUTE IN WUrZBURG AND Dr. EUDOLF NEUMANN ASSISTANT IN THE HYGIENIC INSTITUTE IN wtJRZBURG WITH 63 CHROMO-LITHOGRAPHIC PLATES, COMPRISING 558 FIGURES, AND NUMEROUS ENGRAVINGS NEW YORK WILLIAM WOOD AND COMPANY • • • • .97 LIST OF PLATES. Plate 1.-— Micrococcus pyogenes a aureus. (Ros.) Lehm and Neura. (Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus. Rosenbach.) Plate 2. —Micrococcus pyogenes y albus. (Ros. ) (Staphylococcus pyogenes albus. Rosenbach.) Micrococcus pyogenes /3 citreus. (Ros.) (Stai:^ylococcus pyogenes citreus. Rosenbach. ) Micrococcus candicans. Flilgge. Plate 3. —Micrococcus agilis. Ali Cohen. Micrococcus gonorrhoeae. Neisser, Bumm. Streptococcus meningitidis cerebrospinalis. (Weichs. ) Lehm. and Neum. Plate 4. — Micrococcus roseus. (Bumm.) Lehm. and Neum. Plate 5.— Streptococcus lanceolatus. Gamaleia. (Diplococcus pneumoniae. A. Fraenkel.) Plate 6. — Streptococcus pyogenes. Rosenbach. Plate 7. — Micrococcus tetragenus. Koch, Gaffky. Plate 8.— Micrococcus luteus. Cohn em. Lehm. and Neum. Sarcina pulmonum. Virchow, Hauser. Plate 9. — Sarcina flava. De Bary em. Lehm. and Stuben- rath. Plate 10. —Sarcina aurantiaca. Flligge. Plate 11. — Sarcina cervina. Stubenrath. Sarcina pulmonum. Virchow. Sarcina erythromyxa. Krai. Sarcina lutea. Fliigge. Sarcina aurantiaca. Flugge. Sarcina rosea. Schroeter em. Zimmermann. Micrococcus badius. Lehm. and Neum. Sarcina canescens. Stubenrath. 13566 IV LIST OF PLATES. Plate 12. —Bacterium pneumonias. Friedlander. Plate 13. — Bacterium acidi lactici. Hiippe. (Lactic acid bacillus. ) Plate 14.— Bacterium coli commune. Escherich. Plate 15. — Bacterium coli commune. Escherich. Plate 16.— Bacterium typhi. Eberth, Gaffky. (Typhoid bacillus.) Plate 17. — Bacterium typhi. Eberth, Gaffky. Plate 18. — Bacterium septicsemise hsemorrhagicae. Hiippe. (Chicken cholera, rabbit septicaemia, etc. ) Plate 19. — Bacterium mallei. Loffler. (Glanders bacillus.) Plate 20. — Corynebacterium diphtherise. (Loffler.) Lehm. and Neum. (Diphtheria bacillus.) Plate 21. — Bacterium latericium. Adametz. Bacterium hsemorrhagicum. (Kolb.) Lehm. and Neum. (Morbus Werlhofii. ) Plate 22. Bacterium putidum. (Flugge.) Lehm. and Neum. Plate 23.— Bacterium syncyaneum. (Ehrenb.) Lehm. and Neum. (Bacillus cyanogenes Flugge. Blue milk. ) Plate 24. — Bacterium syncyaneum. (Ehrenb.) Lehm. and Neum. (Bacillus cyanogenes Flugge. Blue milk.) Plate 25. —Bacterium prodigiosum. (Ehrenb.) Lehm. and Neum. Plate 26. —Bacterium kiliense. (Breunig and Fischer.) Lehm. and Neum. (Kiel water bacillus. ) Plate 27. — Bacterium janthinum. Zopf. Plate 28. — Bacterium fluorescens. (Flugge.) Lehm. and Neum. (Bacillus fluorescens liquefacieus Flugge, ) Plate 29. — Bacterium pyocyaneum. (Flilgge. ) Lehm. and Neum. (Green pus.) Plate 30. — Bacterium Zopfii. Kurth. LIST OF PLATES. V Plate 31. — Bacterium Zopfii. Kurth. Plate 32. —Bacterium vulgare ^ mirabilis. (Hauser. ) Lehm. and Neum. (Proteus mirabilis Hauser.) Plate 33. — Bacterium vulgare. (Hauser.) Lehm. and Neum. (Proteus vulgaris Hauser. ) Plate 34. — Bacterium erysipelatus suum. (Loffler.) Mi- gula. (Hog erysipelas. ) Bacterium murisepticum. (Flligge.) Migula, (Mouse septicaemia. ) Plate 35. — Bacillus megatherium. De Bary. Plate 36.— Bacillus subtilis. F. Cohn. (Hay bacillus, ) Plate 37.— Bacillus subtilis. F. Cohn. (Hay bacillus.) Plate 38. — Bacillus anthracis. F. Cohn and R. Koch, (Anthrax bacillus. ) Plate 39. — Bacillus anthracis. F. Cohn and R. Koch. (Anthrax bacillus. ) Plate 40. — Bacillus anthracis. F. Cohn and R. Koch. (Anthrax bacillus. ) Plate 41. — Bacillus mycoides. Fliigge. (Root bacillus.) Plate 42. Bacillus mycoides. Flugge. (Root bacillus.) Bacillus butyricus. Hlippe. (Butyric acid bacillus.) Plate 43.— Bacillus vulgatus. (Flugge.) Migula. (B. mesentericus vulgatus Flugge. Potato bacillus. ) Plate 44.— Bacillus mesentericus. (Flugge.) Lehm. and Neum. (B. mesentericus fuscus Fliigge.) Plate 45.— Bacillus tetani. Nicolaier. (Tetanus bacillus.) Plate 46.— Bacillus Chauvoei of French writers. (Rauschbrand.) Plate 47.— Bacillus oedematis maligni. Koch. VI LIST OF PLATES. iberculosi is. (Koch.) Lehm, and (Koch. ) Buchner, (Koch. ) Buchner. (Koch.) Buchner. (Koch.) Buchner. (Koch.) Buchner. . Plate 48. — Mycobacterium Neum. (Tubercle bacillus. ) Plate 49. — Vibrio cholera). (Comma bacillus. ) Plate 50. — Vibrio cholera3. (Comma bacillus. ) Plate 51. — Vibrio choleras. (Comma bacillus.) Plate 52. — Vibrio cholerse. (Comma bacillus.) Plate 53. — Vibrio choleraB. (Comma bacillus.) Vibrio Metschnikovii. Gamaleia. Vibrio proteus. Buchner. (Vibrio Finkler. Author. ) Plate 54. — Vibrio albensis. Lehm. and Neum. (Fluorescent Elbe vibrio. ) Plate 55. — Vibrio danubicus Heider. Vibrio berolinensis Rubner. Vibrio aquatilis Gunther. Plate 56. — Vibrio proteus. Buchner. (Vibrio Finkler. Author.) Plate 57. — Spirillum rubrum. v. Esmarch. Spirillum concentricum. Kitasato. Plate 58. — Spirillum serpens. (E. O. Mijller. ) Neum. Spirilla from nasal mucus. Spirillum undula. Ehrenberg. Vibrio spermatozoides. Loffler. Spirochsetes of the mucus from the gums. Spirillum Obermeieri Virchow. (Recurrens spirilla. ) Plate 59.— Leptothrix epidermidis. Biz. Plate 60.— Oospora farcinica. Sauv. and Rad. (Farcin de boeuf . ) Plate 61. — Oospora chromogenes. (Gasparini.) Neum. (Cladothrix dichotoma Autorum non Cohn. ) Lehm. and Lehm. and LIST OF PLATES. 711 Plate 62.— Oospora bovis. (Harz. ) Sauv. and Rad. (Actinomyces. ) Plate 63. — Mycobacterium leprae. (Arm. Hansen.) Lehm. and Neum. (Leprosy bacillus.) Bacterium influenzae. R. Pfeiffer. (Influenza bacillus. ) Bacterium pestis (Kitasato, Yersin) . Lehm. and Neum. (Plague bacillus. ) Bacteria in soft chancre. LIST OF ABBEEVIATIONS. A. H. = Archiv flir Hygiene, Munich. Oldenbourg since 1883. A. G. A. = Arbeiten aus dem kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamt, Berlin, Springer, since 1885. A. K. = Arbeiten aus dem bakteriologischen Institut der tech- nishen Ilochschule zu Karlsruhe. Edited by Klein and Migula, since 1894. A. P. — Annalcs de 1' Institut Pasteur, Paris, Masson, since 1887. C. B. = CentralblattfiirBakteriologieuudParasitenkunde, Jena, Fischer. Since 1894 this publication has been divided into two parts : C. B., Part I., devoted to medico-hygienic questions. C. B., Part II., devoted to zymotechnical, agricultural, and phytopathological studies. Z. H. = Zeitschrift fiir Hygiene, Leipsic, Veit, since 1886. Fltigge = Fliigge : Die Mikroorganismen, second edition, Leip- sic, 1886. Kitt, B, K. = Kitt : Bakterienkunde fiir Tieraerzte, second edi- tion, Vienna, 1893. Zimmermann 1 and 2 = 0. E. R. Zimmermann : Die Bakterien unserer Trink- und Nutzwasser, Chemnitz, Part I., 1890; Part II.. 1894. Tab. 1, Explanation of Plate 1. Micrococcus pyogenes a aureus. Eosenbach, Leh- mann and Neumann. (Staphylococcus aureus Eos.) I. Gelatin stick culture, six days at 22°. II. Agar streak culture, five days at 22°. III. Agar stick culture, five days at 22°. Stick canal. IV. Agar stick culture, five days at 22°. Surface. V. Agar plate culture (natural size), six days at 22°. Superficial and deep colonies. VI. Agar plate, six days at 22"". x60. Superficial small colony. VII. Gelatin plate (natural size), four days at 22°. Superficial and deep colonies. VIII. Gelatin plate, four days at 22"". x 60. Superficial and deep colonies. IX. Potato culture, six days at 22°. X. Microscopical preparation ( X 1, 000) of agar cul- ture, two days at 22°. XI. Microscopical preparation; individual cocci, be- fore and after division. xlj500. XX. Explanation of Plate 2. Micrococcus pyogenes y albus. Eosenbach. (Staphylococcus albus.) I. Agar streak culture, four days at 22°. II. Gelatin stick culture, fi-ve days at 22°. Micrococcus pyogenes /5 citreus. Eosenbach. (Staphylococcus citreus.) III. Agar streak culture, six days at 22°. Micrococcus candicans. Flligge. IV. Gelatin stick culture, six days at 22°. V. Gelatin plate, eight days at 22°. VI. Gelatin plate, six days at 22°. Left side, super- ficial colony ; right side, deep colony, x 50. VII. Potato culture, ten days at 22°. VIII. Microscopical preparation of agar culture (xTOO), two days. Tab. 2. \^ LithAlSt V y RpirMiold Vliiiubcii Tab. 3. LiihAnsr.v. K Reirhhold . Miinchm Explanation of Plate 3. Micrococcus agilis. Ali-Cohen. I. Gelatin stick culture, six days at 22°. II. Gelatin plate, seven days at 22°. x 50. On right side, superficial colony; on left side, deep- seated colony. III. Agar plate, seven days at 22°. Natural size. IV. Microscopical preparation (x600) from an agar culture two days old. The individual cocci vary greatly in size, and are more irregular than appears in the plate. V. Potato culture, ten days at 22°. Micrococcus gonorrhce^. Neisser, Bumm. VI. Smear preparation from gonorrhoeal pus. x 1, 000. The large blue cells are pus cells. VI. a. Smear preparation from gonorrhoeal pus. x 1,200. Semi-schematic. VI. h. Diplococcus gonorrhoeae much enlarged. Sche- matic. Streptococcus meningitidis cerebrospinalis. (Weichselbaum) Lehmann and Neumann. VII. Smear preparation from meningeal exudation ; pus cells with transversely divided diplococci. (Cop- ied from Jaeger: Zschr. f. Hyg., Vol. XIX., PI. VI., Pig. 3.) About X 1,200. VIII. Microscopical preparation; pure culture, forma- tion of tetrads. Aboutx 1,200. (Copied from Jaeger: Zschr. f. Hyg., Vol. XIX., PI. VII., Fig. 6.) VI. a Yl. b Explanation of Plate 4. Micrococcus roseus. (Bumm) Lehmann and Neumann. I. Gelatin stick culture, twenty days at temperature of room. II. Agar streak culture, thirty days at temperature of room. The white reflex on the right side is not always so pronounced. III. Agar stick culture, ten days 22°. Puncture canal. IV. Agar stick culture, ten days 22°. Surface. V. Agar plate, twelve days at 22°. x50. Above, a superficial, below, a deep-seated colony. VI. Agar plate. More delicate structure. Fourteen days at 22°. x 50. Above, a superficial colony, below, deep-seated colonies. VII. Gelatin plate, eight days at 22°. x 50. Superficial and deep colonies. VIII. Microscopical preparation from agar culture (x 1,000), three days. The cocci are dividing. IX. Potato culture of diplococcus roseus placed on an anthrax culture, ten days at temperature of room. X. Potato culture, twenty days at temperature of room. Tab. 4. Tab. 5. Explanation of Plate 5. Streptococcus lanceolatus. Gamaleia. (Diplococcus pneumoniae A. Fraenkel.) (Pneumococcus.) I. Gelatin stick culture, ten days at 22°. II. Agar streak culture, four days at 37°. III. Agar stick culture, four days at 37°. Puncture canal. IV. Agar stick culture, four days at 37°. Surface. V. Agar plate, three days at 37°. Natural size. VI. Agar plate, three days at 37°. x50. Superfi- cial colony. The dark colony is situated near the surface. VII. Agar plate, three days at 37°. x50. Deep-seated colonies. VIII. Gelatin plate, eight days at 22°. The upper col- ony superficial, the two lower ones deep seated. IX. Smear preparation from pneumonia sputum. X 1,000. X. Pure culture from agar plate three days old. x 1,000. XI. Microscopical preparation. (a) Diplococci, single and arranged in chains. High magnifying power. (b) Diplococci surrounded with gelatinous cap- sule. ; . ^ ! I • XI. Explanation of Plate 6. Streptococcus pyogenes. Eosenbach. I. Agar streak culture, ten days at 37°. II. Gelatin stick culture, six days at 22°. The col- ony is not often found in such a vigorous state. III. Agar stick culture, six days at 37°. Puncture canal. IV. Agar stick culture, six days at 37°. Surface. V. Gelatin plate, six days at 22°. VI. Gelatin plate, six days at 22°. x70. Somewhat abnormal shape with ragged edges. The larger colonies superficial, the smaller ones deep. VII. Gelatin plate, six days at 22°. x 70. More fre- quent form. Upper one superficial, lower one deep. VIII. Agar plate, eight days at 37°. x50. Larger colony superficial, smaller colonies deep. IX. Microscopical preparation from a bouillon cul- ture, two days at 37°. X 700. The individual cocci are usually more regularly rounded. X. Microscopical preparation from an agar culture, two days. Shorter chains. xljOOO. XI. Microscopical preparation. Called streptococcus conglomeratus. Smear preparation from the blood of the spleen from a case of scarlatina. Copied from Kurth (Kaiserl. Gesundheits- amt, Vol. VII.). XII. Streptococci chains, before and during division. High magnifying power. V V XII. Tab. 6. ^^^^^^_ .,.: # e e i vn. •* 1 VI. LiiiuuiiL.v. r itcicimuKi, Muartiea Tab. 7, LiilijViist V Y RcirhhnUl.Miifirheti Explanation of Plate 7. Micrococcus tetra genus. Koch, Gaffky. I. Agar streak culture, five days at 37°. II. Gelatin stick culture, ten days at 22°. Puncture canal. The " nail-head" shape is characteristic. III. Gelatin stick culture, ten days at 22°. Surface. The color is too brown in the plate ; should have been white. IV. Agar stick culture, six days at 37°. The puncture does not always turn out so vigorous. V. Agar stick culture, six days at 37°. Surface. VI. Agar plate, five days at 37°. Natural size. VII. Gelatin plate, eight days at 22°. In nature the colonies are pure white. Natural size. VIII. Gelatin plate, eight days at 22°. x60. The larger colony is superficial, the smaller ones are deep. IX. Microscopical preparation from an agar culture (x800) two days old. We do not always find tetrads alone. There are numerous individual cocci. X. Potato culture, seven days at 37°. XI. Microscopical appearances. Tetrads before, dur- ing, and after division highly magnified. XI. Explanation of Plate 8. Micrococcus LUTEus. Cohen with Lehm. andNeum. I. Gelatin stick culture, six days Sit 22°. II. Gelatin plate, three days at 22°. x 50. On right side superficial, on left side deep-seated colony. III. Microscopical preparation (x 1,000) from an agar plate two days old. The micrococci are often aggregated into tetrads. IV. Agar plate (natural size), five days at 22°. The colonies are sometimes more yellow. V. Potato culture, six days at 22°. Sometimes, has a dull lustre. Sarcina pulmonum. Virchow, Hauser. VI. Gelatin stick culture, twenty days at 22°. In reality the puncture is grayer in color. VII. Agar streak, twenty days at 22°. VIII. Gelatin plate, twenty days at 22°. On the right, superficial colony ; on the left, deep-seated one. IX. Potato culture, twenty days at 22°. Tab. 8. Tab. 9. Explanation of Plate 9. Sakcina flava. De Bary with Lehm. and Stubenrath. I. Gelatin stick culture, ten days at 22°. II. Agar streak culture, six days at 22°. III. Agar stick culture, six days at 22°. Puncture canal. IV. Agar stick culture, six days at 22°. Surface. V. Gelatin plate, five days at 22°. Natural size. VI. Gelatin plate, five days at 22°. x60. Superficial colony. VII. Agar plate, six days at 22°. Natural size. VIII. Agar plate, six days at 22°. x60. Upper colony superficial, lower colony deep seated. IX. Potato culture, ten days at 22°. X; Microscopical preparation. Pure culture from an agar plate, x 1? 000. Stained with f uchsin and decolorized with acetic acid. XI. Microscopical preparation. Pure culture from bouillon. Unstained. xljOOO. XII. Sarcina in the shape of bales (regular combination of individual packages). XIII. Sarcina in heaps of packages (irregular mass of single regular or irregular packages). xn. XIII. Explanation of Plate 10. Sarcina aurantiaca. riiigge. I. Gelatin stick culture, six days at 22°. II. Agar streak culture, five days at 22°. The color is not so red in all cases, usually it is a bright orange. Likewise in the agar stick and potato cultures. III. Agar stick culture, six days at 22°. Puncture canal. IV. Agar stick culture, six days at 22°. Surface. V. Gelatin plate, five days at 22°. Natural size. The gray rim around the colony indicates the depression. VI. Gelatin plate, five days at 22°. x60. A young colony. The gray ring indicates the zone of depression. VII. Agar plate, five days at 22°. Natural size. VIII. Agar plate, five days at 22°. x 60. Upper colony superficial, lower colonies deep seated. The superficial colonies are usually opaque toward the middle. IX. Potato culture eight days old. X. Microscopical preparation. Pure culture of agar. X 1,000. Colored with fuchsin and decolor- ized with acetic acid. XI. Microscopical preparation. Pure culture from bouillon. xl?O0O. Unstained. Semi-sche- matic. 10 Tab. 10. i. — - V 1 tf Lz ' vu- IX Tab. 11 Explanation of Plate 11. Sarcin^ Diverse. I. Sarcina cervina Stubenrath. Agar streak culture, fifteen days at 22'', isolated from gastric con- tents. II. Sarcina pulmonum Virchow. Agar streak cul- ture, fifteen days at 37°. III. Sarcina erythromyxa Krai. Agar streak culture, thirty days at 22°, isolated from beer. IV. Sarcina lutea Fliigge. Agar streak culture, ten days at 22°, isolated from stomach. V. Sarcina aurantiaca Fliigge. Agar streak culture, ten days at 22°, isolated from dough. VI. Sarcina rosea Schroeter and Zimmermann. Agar streak culture, twenty-five days at 22°, isolated from " weissbeer. " VII. Micrococcus badius Lehman and Neumann. Agar streak culture, fifteen days at 22°, isolated from the atmosphere. VIII. Sarcina canescens Stubenrath. Agar streak cul- ture, twenty days at 22""^ isolated from stomach. 11 Explanation of Plate 12. Bacterium pneumonia. Friedlander. (Friedlander's pneumonia bacillus.) I. Agar streak culture, four days at 22°. II. Gelatin stick culture, ten days at 22°. III. Agar stick culture, four days at 22°. Puncture canal. IV. Agar stick culture, four days at 22°. Surface. V. Gelatin plate, three days at 22°. Natural size. VI. Agar plate, two days at 22°. x60. The brown, whetstone-shaped colony is deep seated. VII. Gelatin plate, three days at 22°. x 50. Above, superficial colony ; below, deep-seated one. VIII. Agar plate, four days at 22°. Natural size. The delicate gray colonies and the smallest ones are deep seated. One colony has been colored too yellow. IX. Microscopical preparation. Pure culture ( x 800) from an agar plate. Stained with fuchsin. X. Microscopical preparation. Smear preparation from sputum. X 800. Fuchsin stain. XI. Potato culture, six days. 13 Tab. 12. Tab. 13. Explanation of Plate 13. Bacterium acidi lactici. Fltigge. (Lactic-acid bacillus. ) I. Gelatin stick culture, five days at 22°. In nature the puncture canal is a little whiter. II. Agar streak culture, five days at 22°. III. Agar stick culture, three days at 22°. Puncture canal. IV. Agar stick culture, three days at 22°. Surface. V. Agar plate, three days at 22°. Natural size. VI. Agar plate, three days at 22°. x 50. Upper col- ony superficial, lower ones deep seated. Vide PI. 14, VII. VII. Gelatin plate, two days at 22°. VIII. Gelatin plate, two days at 22°. x50. Upper col- ony superficial, lower colonies deep seated. The superficial colony may vary extremely in its growth. Vide PL 15, IV., VII. ; PI. 16, IX., VIII.; PI. 17, I., II. IX. Microscopical preparation. Pure culture from an agar colony, x 800. X. Potato culture, six days at 22°. The air bubbles on the surface often cover it completely. 13 Explanation of Plate 14. Bacterium coli commune. Escherich. I. Gelatin stick culture, ten days at 22°. II. Gelatin streak culture, four days at 22°. In na- ture, transparent and iridescent like mother-of- pearl. VideTl. 16, VI. III. Agar streak culture, four days at 22°. Vide PI. 16, V. IV. Agar stick culture, two days at 22°. Puncture canal. V. Agar stick culture, two days at 22°. Surface. VI. Agar plate, four days at 22°. x60. Deep-seated colonies. VideVL 13, VI. VII. Agar plate, four days at 22°. x60. A part of a superficial colony. During growth occasionally exhibits forms like bacillus acidi lactici. Vide PI. 13, VI. ; PI. 17, v., VI. ; PI. 18, IV. ; PI. 12, VIII. VIII. Agar plate, three days at 22°. Natural size. IX. Potato culture, five days at 22°. May also ap- pear of a lighter or darker color. X. Bacteria with long flagella from bacterium bras- sicse acidse. xljOOO. Stained according to Loffler's method. XI. Bacteria with flagella, from the bacterium of pig- eon diphtheria. xljOOO. Stained by Loffler's method. XII. Bacteria with one flagellum, rarely with two fla- gella, from bacterium of the deer plague. X 1,000. Stained by Loffler's method. Tab. 14. viu. Tab. 15. VTl VTII Explanation of Plate 15. Bacterium coli commune. Escherich. I. Gelatin plate, eight days at 22°. x60. Coli culti- vated from pus. Deep-seated colonies. Ab- normal shapes. II. Gelatin j)late, four days at 22°. Natural size. III. Gelatin plate, one day at 22°. x 90. Superficial colony. Vide PL 13, VIII. ; PL 16, VIII. IV. Gelatin plate, four days at 22°. x 60. Superficial colony. Vide PL 16, IX. ; PL 17, I., II. V. Gelatin plate, four days at 22°. x60. Deep- seated colony. VI. Gelatin plate, ten days at 22°. x90. Superficial colony. VII. Gelatin plate, ten days at 22°. x90. Superficial colony. VIII. Microscopical preparation. Pure culture from an agar plate, x 500. IX. Bacteria of various kinds of coli. x 1,000. Great differences in size. • /• V IX. 16 Explanation of Plate 16. Bacterium typhi. Eberth, Gaffky. (Typhoid bacillus.) I. Agar stick culture, three days at 22°. Puncture canal. II. Agar stick culture, three days at 22°. Surface. III. Gelatin stick culture, eight days at 22°. Punc- ture canal. IV. Gelatin stick culture, eight days at 22°. Surface. y. Agar streak culture, four days at 22°. Vide PI. 14, III. VI. Gelatin streak culture, three days at 22°. Vide PI. 14, II. VII. Gelatin plate, one and a half days at 22°. Deep- seated colony. Vide PI. 15, V. ; PI. 13, VIII. VIII. Gelatin plate, one and a half days at 22'^'. Super- ficial colony. Vide PI. 15, III. ; PI. 13, VIII. IX. Gelatin plate, four days at 22°. Superficial col- ony. Vide PI. 15, IV., VII. 16 Tab. 16. M va □ □ L\. VTU Tab. 17. Explanation of Plate 17. Bacterium typhi. Eberth, Gaffky. (Typhoid bacillus.) I. Gelatin plate, eight days at 22°. x90. Superfi- cial colony. Vide PI. 15, VII., VI. II. Gelatin plate, eight days at 22°. xl50. Su- perficial colony. III. Gelatin plate, four days at 22°. Natural size. IV. Agar plate, four days at 22°. Natural size. V. Agar plate, four days at 22°. x60. Deep-seated colonies. VI. Agar plate, four days at 22°. x60. Superficial colonies. VII. Potato culture, five days at 22°. VIII. Microscopical preparation. Pure culture from agar plate, x 1,000. IX. Microscopical preparation. Bacilli with flagella. Copied from Fraenkel and Pf eiffer : " Atlas d. Bakterienkunde," Plate 54, Fig. 111. X. Microscopical preparation. Long thread, thickly studded with flagella. x 1, 500. Loffier' s stain. XI. Microscopical preparation of bacterium typhi murium Loftier, with flagella and capsule. X 1,500. Stained by Loffler's method. 17 Explanation of Plate 18. Bacterium sEPTic^MiiE hemorrhagica. Htippe. (Fowl cholera, rabbit septicaemia, etc.) I. Gelatin stick culture, seven days at 22°. II. Agar streak culture, seven days at 22°. III. Agar plate, five days at 22°. Natural size. IV. Agar plate, five days at 22°. x60. Superficial colony. Vide PI. 17, YI. ; 14, YII. ; 13, VI. V. Agar plate, five days at 22°. x60. Deep-seated colonies. VI. Gelatin plate, five days at 22°. Natural size. VII. Gelatin plate, five days at 22°. x90. Deep-seated colonies. VIII. Gelatin plate, five days at 22°. x 90. Superficial colony. Vide PL 17, I.; PL 16, IV., VIII.; PL 15, IV., III., VII. ; PL 13, VIII. IX. Microscopical preparation, x 1,000. Pure culture from an agar plate. X. Individual bacteria. Highly magnified. Sche- matic. 18 Tab. 18. Tab. 19. Explanation of Plate 19. Bacterium mallei. Loffler. (Glanders.) I. Gelatin stick culture, six days at 22°. II. Agar streak culture, six days at 37°. The mid- dle white line is not always so pronounced. III. Agar stick culture, three days at 37°. Puncture canal. IV. Agar stick culture, three days at 37°. Surface. V. Gelatin plate, five days at 22°. Natural size. VI. Gelatin plate, four days at 22°. x60. Upper colony superficial, lower colonies deep seated. VII. Agar plate, two days at 22°. x60. Upper col- ony superficial, lower colonies deep seated. VIII. Microscopical preparation. Pure culture. X 800. Puchsin stain. IX. Potato culture, two days at 37°. X. Potato culture, twenty days at 37°. XI. Individual bacteria. Highly magnified. In some places the staining fluid is absorbed poorly or not at all. XI. X» Explanation of Plate 20. CoRYNEBACTERiuM DIPHTHERIA. (Lo£ Lehmann and Neumann. (Diphtheria bacillus.) I. Glycerin-agar stick culture, twenty days at 22°. Puncture canal. II. Glycerin-agar streak culture, eight days at 22°. III. Glycerin-agar stick culture, twenty days at 22°. Surface. lY. Glycerin-agar plate, eight days at 22°. x60. Deep and superficial colonies. V. Glycerin-agar plate, forty days at 22°. x 60. On the left side deep-seated colonies ; on the right side deep and superficial colonies. VI. Glycerin-gelatin plate, twenty days at 22°. Natural size. Superficial and deep colonies. VII. Glycerin-gelatin plate, twenty days at 22°. x60. On the left side deep-seated colonies; on the right side superficial ones. VIII. Potato culture, fourteen days at 22°. IX. Microscopical preparation. Pure culture from bouillon two days old. x TOO. X. Microscopical preparation. Pure culture from bouillon. Involution forms. About x 1,200. XI. Individual bacteria. Highly magnified. Sche- matic. 20 Tab. 20. ua^ vm a Tab. 21 YE. Vffl. LitliJ\nxt.y. F. ReichlioUi , Miiiichf Explanation of Plate 21. Bacterium latericium. Adametz. I. Agar streak culture, seven days at 22°. II. Gelatin stick culture, fourteen days at 22°. III. Gelatin plate, seven days at ^l"" . x60. Deep- seated colonies on the right, superficial on the left. IV. Potato culture, thirty days at 22°. Natural size. V. Agar plate, seven days at 22°. Superficial colony on the right, deep one on the left. VI. Microscopical preparation. Pure culture from agar twenty-four hours. About x 800. Bacterium h^morrhagicum. (Kolb) Lehm. and Neum. (Morbus Werlhofii.) VII. Microscopical preparation. Pure culture from bouillon three days old. (Copied from Kolb : A. G., Vol. VII., PI. II., Figs, 1 and 2). VIII. Smear preparation from the liver of a dog. (Copied from Kolb: Lo., Vol. VIL, PL in., Fig. 8.) 21 Explanation of Plate 22. Bacterium putidum (Fliigge) Lehm. and Neum. (Bacterium fluorescens non-liquef aciens Autor. ) I. Gelatin stick culture, three days at 22°. II. Gelatin plate, twenty -four hours at 22"". x90. Deep-seated colony. III. Gelatin plate, twenty -four hours at 22°. x90. Superficial colony. Vide PI. 13, VIII. ; PL 15, III. IV. Gelatin plate, four days at 22°. Natural size. Appearance of colonies upon a dark background. V. Potato culture, four days at 22"". Natural size. Vide PI. 14, IX. VI. Microscopical preparation. Pure culture from gelatin plate, x 800. Ordinarily threads are formed on agar. VII. Agar plate, eight days at 22°. Natural size. Appearance of the colony on a white back- ground. VIII. Agar plate, three days at 22°. x60. IX. Bacteria with one flagellum, more rarely two fla- gella. X 1,000. Stained according to Loffler's method. J^ EL 23 Tab. 22. Lithj\iist,v. ¥ Reiohhold . Miinrhwi Tab. 23. p w ''«s '^' [ vn. ItthJtaslv. F Reichhold . Miinohen Explanation of Plate 23. Bacterium syncyaneum. (Ehrenb.) Lehm. and Neum. (Bacillus cyanogenes Fliigge ; blue milk. ) I. -III. Gelatin stick cultures, six to ten days at 22°. Other shades of color are also observed. IV. Agar stick culture, ten days at 37°. V. Bouillon culture, four days at 37°. VI. Milk culture, three days at 37°. upon non-steril- ized milk. VII. Microscopical preparation. Pure culture from agar plate, x 800. VIII. Microscopical preparation. Pure culture. Fla- gella stained with Loffler^s mordant. IX. Bacteria with flagella ; one or more at a pole, x 1,000. Stained by Loffler's method. H IX. 23 Explanation of Plate 24. Bacterium syncyaneum. (Ehrenb.) Lelun. and Neum. (Bacillus cyanogenes Fliigge ; blue milk. ) I.-III. Potato cultures, three to ten days at 22°. Potatoes of different kinds inoculated with the same culture. The differences in color may be still more manifold. IV. Agar plate, three days at 22°. Natural size. V. Agar plate, three days at 22° . x 60. On the right deep-seated, on the left superficial colonies. VI. Gelatin plate, three days at 22°. Natural size. VII. Gelatin plate, eight days at 22°. Natural size. View of the colonies against a white back- ground. VIII. Gelatin plate, three days at 22°. x60. Above, superficial j below, deep-seated colonies. 34 Tab. 24. \TiT Aiisi \ y i;i'irhhol(i.Miinfhi'i Tab. 25. !;. ;.l,!'le, alcohol and carbonic acid ; or acetic and lactic acids) . Hence anaerobics are almost always cultivated upon gelatin or agar which contains one to two per cent of grape sugar. III. Facultative Aerobics and Facultative Anae- robics. — The large majority of the bacteria which, as a rule, are cultivated aerobic (including almost all the pathogenic forms) tolerate a restriction in the supply of oxygen without suffering injury or ex- hibiting diminished growth. In many cases life in the animal body, for example in the intestinal canal, decidedly involves a diminution or aboli- tion of the supply of oxygen. When oxygen is excluded the formation of pigment is almost al- ways abolished, while virulent products of dis- assimilation are produced in greater abundance (Hiippe). It is a very important fact that recent investigations THE VITAL CONDITIONS OF BACTEBIA. 97 have shown that aerobic races exist among the anae- robic varieties. It is observed not very rarely that varieties which on isolation exhibited more or less anaerobic growth (for example, grew chiefly into the depth of the agar stick canal), in time manifest a purely aerobic con- dition, i.e., distinct growth upon the surface and dwarfed growth in the canal. These observations show that two varieties cannot be distinguished from one another by simply calling one aerobic, the other anaerobic. In addition to the strict anaerobics all the faculta- tive anaerobic varieties thrive well in nitrogen and hydrogen, but they tolerate carbonic acid in various ways. A large number do not flourish at all, but their development is entirely checked until oxygen is again supplied— for example, bacillus anthracis, bacillus subtilis, and allied forms. Of several varieties (an- thrax, cholera) it has been ascertained that the major- ity of individuals are killed very quickly by carbonic acid, while certain ones oif er a very vigorous resistance and render complete sterilization by CO^ impossible. A second group exhibits — especially when the ex- periment is made at incubating temperature — feeble growth (staphylococci, streptococci), while a third group is not at all injured (bacterium prodigiosum, bacterium acidi lactici, bacterium typhi). These grow as well as they do in the air, and the liquefac- tion of the gelatin is not interfered with. As a matter of course, pigment is not formed on account of the absence of oxygen. A mixture of twenty -five per cent air with seventy-five per cent carbonic acid exerts no 7 98 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. demonstrable injurious influence upon bacteria which remain absolutely undeveloped in pure carbonic acid (C. Fraenkel: Z. H., Y.) Sulphuretted hydrogen in large amounts is al- ways an active bacterial poison; small amounts kill the bacterium Pfliigeri very rapidly (Lehmann and Tollhausen: C. B., V., 785). 6. INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE ON THE LIFE OF BACTERIA. Each variety of bacteria makes certain demands upon the temperature of its nutritive medium. Vege- tative bacterial life is possible from 0° to about 70°, but there are some varieties which flourish at the lower range, others at the upper range. In each variety the minimum and maximum of temperature are separated by about 30°, and the following com- prehensive classification may be made according to the temperature requirements : PsychropMlic bacteria : minimum at 0°, best at 15°- 20°, maximum at about 30°. These varieties usually live in the water. They include, for example, many phosphorescent bacteria of the ocean (vide Forster : C. B., XII., 431). Mesophilic bacteria: minimum at 10°-15°, best at 37°, maximum at about 45°. These include all the pathogenic varieties, because acclimatization to the bodily temperature is a necessary condition of their pathogenic action. Bacillus vulgatus, * which still thrives at 50°, fur- nishes a transition to the following group. * Bacillus vulgatus thrives at from 15°-50°, and odg variety of Globig's ranges from 5r-68°, but such cases are very rare. Glo- THE VITAL CONDITIONS OF BACTERIA. 99 Thermophilic bacteria: minimum at 40°-49°, best at 50°-55°, maximum at GO'^-TO". These include many bacteria of the soil, and almost all the sporulating bacilli related to bacillus mesentericus. According to Globig about thirty varieties are still capable of de- velopment at 60°, and a few at 70° (Z. H., III., 294). Miquel {Ann. de Micrograph., I., 4; C. B., V., 281) has described a bacillus thermophilus Miqu. , which thrives at from 42°-72°, best at 65°-70°, and has its habitat in i)rivies, the intestinal contents, and dirty water. The description is insufficient to distinguish the bacillus. Kecently Lydia Rabinowitsch has described eight thermophilic facultative anaerobic varieties; they were all non-motile sporulating rods*, which throve best at 60°-70°, but proliferated slowly even at 34°-44°, best in an anaerobic agar culture (Z. H., XX., 163). These varieties are widely diffused, particularly in the faeces, but Rabinowitsch did not make any com- parison with the forms described by previous writers. By gradually increasing and lowering the temper- ature Dieudonne (C. B., XVI., 965) succeeded in in- creasing the temperature interval within which the bacillus anthracis is capable of proliferating. The bacillus could be adapted gradually to a temperature of 42°. According to the assumption of some writers pigeons are tolerably immune to ordinary anthrax on account of their high temperature (42°), but when the bacilli had been adapted to high temperatures the pigeons died more frequently after inoculation. Still more striking;; Tfcre , the results Vh^n DiQudonne big found unusuaDy narrow ranges for many thermopuile varie- ties; for example, oueiorm §rew pirly at;'bet\^?('ji^r'\65*.\ ' 100 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. gradually acclimatized the bacilli to a temperature of 12° and showed that they could then kill frogs which are kept at 12°. Temperatures somewhat below the minimum for the variety in question inhibit the development but are not otherwise injurious. Petruschky has recently recommended keeping them in an ice-box (about 4°-6°). He claims that in this way varieties which perish easily can be kept not only alive and capable of proliferation but also virulent, after they have been allowed to grow for two days at a temperature of 20° (streptococci, etc.). Temperatures below 0° also act very slowly and injure the different varieties with varying rapidity. If temperatures 5° -10° above the best act upon the culture, the latter is injured in various ways. Eaces of diminished intensity of growth develop, the viru- lence and fermentative power diminish, and the capa- bility of sporulation is gradually lost. The injurious influence sometimes predominates in one direction, sometimes in another. If the maximum temperature is exceeded, the culture dies. For the psychrophilic forms about 37°, for the mesophilic forms about 60°, for the thermophilic forms 75°, are quite rapidly fatal temperatures. No bacterium free from spores can tolerate a temperature of 100° even for a few minutes. 7. MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EFFECTS. OiIj: xuttur^ea- are. jr^a^e, almgst exiclusively upon nutri^nffc. j^iedi^.^hicJi.aiTe k^eptrquje;; (it is only to secjaEOr abundant sporulation in ^uid media, in the THE VITAL CONDITION'S OF BACTERIA. 101 case of aerobic varieties, that a slight movement of the fluid is usually secured). Hence a theoretical in- terest alone attaches to the fact that, according to Meltzer's recent investigations, brief or feeble shak- ing of bacteria cultures in vessels one-third full acts favorably on the development of the bacteria, while constant and vigorous shaking for a number of hours, especially when balls, of glass are placed in the fluid, scatters the bacteria into a fine dust and kills them. The various bacteria act in different ways (Ztschr. f. Biolog., XXX., p. 454). Meltzer makes the very remarkable statement that the feeble tremor which a steam engine running day and night communicated to the floor of a brewery was sufficient to kill, in four days, all the germs of bacillus mycoides and subtilis kept in a bottle of nutrient fluid. Concerning our scanty knowledge of the influence of the electrical current upon bacteria, vide Frieden- thal: C. B., Part L, XIX., 319. The majority of the effects of the electrical currents hitherto observed are readily explained by the action of heat and electrolysis. 8. EFFECT OF LIGHT. The development of many bacteria, perhaps of the majority, is impeded by the action of diffuse daylight upon the cultures, and still more by the action of direct sunlight. After a time the bacteria lose the power of proliferating freely in the dark and we ob- tain a generation of feeble organisms ; for example, they liquefy imperfectly, form pigment imperfectly, 102 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. are less pathogenic, etc. It is only after repeated transference to fresh nutrient media in the dark that they regain their old power. When the action of light is still more prolonged the micro-organisms die. In order to test the sensitiveness to light it is best, according to H. Buchner, to expose to diffuse light or to sunlight densely crowded plates of gelatin or agar, a black paper cross being pasted on the light side. In order to exclude the action of heat the light may first be passed through a layer of water or alum a few centimeters in thickness. After exposure to the light for one-half, one, one and a half, two hours, etc. , the plates are placed in the dark and it is noted whether the bacteria develop only at the loca- tion of the cross. When all the colonies which were illuminated have perished, we find a sharply defined cross, formed of cultures in a light field. During March, July, and August bacteria putidum and prodigiosum are killed in one-half hour by direct sunlight. In November, at the end of one and a half hours, their power of producing pigment and tri- methylamin is interfered with materially, they grow slowly, and bacterium prodigiosum liquefies poorly. The organisms died in one and a half and two and a half hours. In diffuse daylight, inhibition of development oc- curs in the spring and summer in three and a half hours, in winter in four and a half hours; death occurs in from five to six hours. The electric arc light, of 900 candle power, inhibited development in ^ye hours, and killed the germs in eight hours. Bacterium coli, bacterium typhi, and bacillus anthra- cis reacted in a similar manner. THE VITAL CONDITIONS OF BACTERIA. 103 The ultra violet, violet and blue light have a power- ful injurious effect, green light has a feeble effect, and red and yellow have none at all. The action of light seems to be dependent in part on the oxygen of the air. Strict anaerobic (tetanus) and facultative anaerobic varieties (bacterium coli) tolerate sunlight very well if there is complete exclu- sion of oxygen. Richardson and recently Dieudonne have discov- ered a fact which possesses great importance in re- gai-d to the mechanism of the action of light, al- though it does not explain everything. They found that hydrogen hyperoxide (H^OJ develops in a short time (in ten minutes in direct sunlight) upon illumi- nated agar plates, but only in blue to ultra violet light. * An agar plate, half covered with black paper, is exposed to the light, then a paste containing a small amount of potassium iodide is poured over it and this followed by a weak solution of sulphate of ferric oxide, the illuminated side turns a bluish-black. In gases which contain no oxygen H.,02 does not form and light does not give rise to any injury. This also explains the fact that slight " attenuation" of the bacilli is also observed frequently when agar plates which have been standing in the sun f are inocu- lated. Bacteria which have been previously ex- posed to the light develop with special difficulty on an illuminated nutrient medium. * Hours elapse before H2O2 can be demonstrated upon gelatin. f Other decompositions of the nutrient media by sunlight may interfere occasionally with the subsequent growth of bacteria, for example, the development of formic acid from tartaric acid (Duclaux) . 104 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. 9. EFFECT OF OTHER BACTERIA UPON BACTERIAL GROWTH. Althougli it is the object of every bacteriologist to obtain only pure cultures, it must not be forgotten that in nature bacteria often appear in mixed cul- tures. When water, milk, the intestinal contents of sick or healthy individuals, etc., are examined, sev- eral varieties will always be found at the same time. Although this admixture usually appears to be purely accidental, it is found on closer investigation that, in the domain of bacteriology, there are syn- ergetic (favoring the growth of one another) and antagonistic (injuring one another) varieties. Nencki speaks of symbiosis and enantobiosis. Garre demonstrated the antagonism experimentally by making streak cultures of various bacteria upon gelatin plates, in the shape of parallel or intersect- ing lines. It was then found that certain varieties thrive very poorly or not at all when another variety is growing in their immediate neighborhood. In very many cases the antagonism is one-sided. For example, bacterium putidum grows very well when inoculated between closely approximated, well-devel- oped streaks of staphylococci. On the other hand, micrococcus pyogenes does not grow when inoculated between luxuriantly developing cultures of bacterium putidum, and the former remains very meagre when both varieties are applied in streak cultures at the same time (Garre: Corresp. f. Schweizer Aerzte, 1887). Or we make plates of gelatin or agar (for liquefy- ing varieties) which have been infected, in the melted THE VITAL CONDITIOl^S OF BACTERIA. 105 condition, with an equal number of individuals of two different varieties of bacteria. In many cases only one variety will undergo development (Lewek: C. B., VII., 107). The following is the third method of making the experiment. The same fluid nutrient medium is in- oculated with two varieties and later we ascertain the victor in the struggle, either with the microscope or macroscopically upon thin plates. To this category belongs the frequent experience that fermentation- producers, when present in large numbers in a suit- able medium, prevail over contaminating bacteria. The latter sometimes disappear entirely. The following practical inference may be drawn from these experiences. In counting bacteria very dense plates may not be regarded as decisive, and in the isolation of certain varieties thin plates may also be necessary. For example, in isolating bacterium Pfliigeri from an abundance of bacterium putidum; no bacteria Pfliigeri grow within a circle of several millimetres around each culture of bacterium putidum (K. B. Lehmann). Finally, bacteria may antagonize one another with- in the animal body. As Emmerich showed, animals infected with anthrax may be saved by subsequent inoculation with streptococcus pyogenes. It is im- possible to enter into the mechanism of this process within the limits of this work. Greater practical importance attaches to the sym- biosis of bacteria, as is shown by the following examples. 1. A series ol bacteria thrive better in company with others than alone. Certain anaerobics even 106 ATLAS OF BACTEKIOLOGT. thrive on the admission of air, if other aerobic varie- ties are present {vide bacillus tetani). 2. Certain chemical actions, for example, the de- composition of nitrate into gaseous nitrogen cannot be effected by some bacteria alone, while it can be done by two forms in combination. This experience is to be remembered in looking for the xjrodncers of certain decompositions. When the isolated varieties do not act singly or act incompletely, combinations must be examined. 3. In a similar way it has been observed, for ex- ample, that among a series of soil bacteria each single variety is not pathogenic, while certain com- binations, when introduced into the animal, make the latter sick. This experience also merits special attention in the search for the producers of a new or obscure disease. Some writers also assume the production of cholera by two germs (diblastic theory). 4. Feeble pathogenic varieties (for example, atten- uated tetanus bacilli) are said to gain in virulence when cultivated with bacterium vulgare. D. The Conditions of Formation and Germi- nation of Spores. Biological Characters of Spores. The extent of the formation of endogenous spores appears to be imperfectly known at the present time. Apart from a large group of bacilli which are re- lated to bacillus anthracis and bacillus tetani, un- doubted endogenous spores are known only in sarcina FORMATION AND GERMINATION OF SPORES. 107 pulmonum and the peculiar spirillum endoparagoci- cum. As H. Buchner (C. B., YIII., 1) showed, the for- mation of spores takes i^lace in suitable varieties when the nutrient medium is beginning to be ex- hausted, i.e., it is most rapid in very poor media. On the other hand, a good nutrient medium not alone facilitates the development of the bacilli but also that of the spores, in so far as the vigorously growing bacilli also sporulate luxuriantly and con- stantly. The crop of spores is disproportionately large. Whether the quality (power of resistance) of the spores, which grow upon different nutrient media, also differs, does not seem to have been investigated methodically. The temperature must sometimes (always ?) be higher for sporulation than for vegetative growth. For example, the bacillus anthracis flourishes at 13°-14°, but does not form spores under 18°. All aerobic bacteria require the entrance of oxygen particularly for sporulation. The mode in which facultative anaerobic varieties act has not been as- certained. Strict anaerobics produce spores only on the exclu- sion of oxygen or on the admission of oxygen in mixed cultures or when synergetic bacteria have perished. Spores never germinate in the exhausted nutrient medium in which they have been formed, or which has been affected injuriously by the products of dis- assimilation. It is only after removal to a new nu- trient medium that germination takes place (the mor- phological details have been described on page 79) . 108 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. Spores are much more resistant than vegetative forms to all injurious influences. They require no nourishment or water in order to remain capable of germination for years and decades,* they are much more indifferent to gases than bacilli, and the spores of anaerobic varieties usually tolerate free oxygen welLt The power of resistance of the spores to dry and moist heat is very considerable. Dr^^ heat is toler- ated relatively very well, and many spores resist a temperature of 100°. In the moist condition a tem- perature of 70° kills the anthrax bacillus in one minute, while the spores resist this temperature for hours, and in water or steam at 100° they live from two to ^Ye minutes, occasionally even from seven to twelve minutes. The varying resistance of different anthrax spores (v. Esmarch: Z. H., Y., p. 67) seems to be partly a race peculiarity. It is very probable, more- over, that the nutrient medium, the temperature at the formation of the spores, the degree of maturity, etc., also exert an influence upon the resistance. Careful investigations on this subject are almost en- tirely lacking, but Percy Frankland has shown that spores formed at 20° are more resistant to light than those formed at incubation temperature (C. B., XV., p. 110). * According to an observation of v. Esmarch the virulence of anthrax spores seems to be lost, in the course of time, before their power of germination. f Dry garden earth containing the spores of malignant oedema preserved the latter excellently in my laboratory for four y^ars. On the other hand, tetanus spores which were dried on threads and kept in the room had perished at the end of three days ; they were still alive on the second day. FORMATION- AND GERMINATION" OF SPORES. 109 The resistance is tested by simply hanging in the steam chamber little tulle bags containing fragments or bits of glass upon which anthrax spores have been dried. From minute to minute a bag is removed and the bits of glass placed upon an agar plate which is kept at incubating temperature. Anthrax spores are obtained by careful removal of sporulating agar streak cultures, and warming the emulsion, prepared with little water, to 70° for five minutes. The varying resistance of apparently identical an- thrax spores possesses great practical importance: (1) in disinfection tests which may be made only with spores of known resistance ; (2) in differential diagnosis, because it shows that we must be on our guard against creating two species based on a differ- ence in resistance. Various forms which occur in hay and soil possess remarkable resistance. Christen found (C. B., XVII., p. 498), for example, that in steam under pressure the resisting spores of the soil required for their destruction : At 100°, more than sixteen hours; 105°-110°, two to four hours; 115°, thirty to sixty minutes; 125°-130°, five minutes or more; 135°, one to five minutes ; 140°, one minute. The apparatus raised objects very rapidly to the de- sired temperature. Spores are also very resistant to chemical agents. Thus, anthrax spores require, according to their origin (v. Esmarch : I. c.) a five-per-cent solution of carbolic acid at least two days, in some cases even forty days. A one-per-cent aqueous solution of corrosive subli- mate is withstood by very resistant anthrax spores as much as three days, although their virulence was lost 110 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. in twenty hours. These tests are made best with thin deposits of the spores in water, to which the disin- fectant is added, as we have indicated above in regard to the tests of antiseptic action against bacilli. In order to test the resistance of spores to gases it is best to dry them upon pieces of glass ; the gases are allowed to act first in a dry chamber, then in one saturated with water. Spores are also less damaged by light than bacilli are; as in the case of bacilli an oxygenated atmos- phere is necessary in order to produce injury by light. Anthrax spores on agar plates were found by Dieudonne to be killed by direct sunlight in three and a half hours (bacilli in one and a half hours) ; when oxygen was excluded they were not injured by exposure for nine hours. E. The Effects of Bacteria, Especially in Re- gard to Their Employment for Diagnostic Purposes. The effects of bacteria* in vitro may be classified as (1) mechanical; (2) thermal; (3) optic; and (4) chemical. They will be discussed in this order and a fifth section will deal with the effects of bacteria upon the living animal body and will explain the guiding principles necessary to the comprehension of * It goes without saying that a classification of bacteria into zymogenous, saprogenous, chromogenous, and pathogenic, is no longer admissible. For example, bacterium coli produces fer- mentation in solutions of sugar, indol and sulphuretted hydrogen in albuminous media, brownish -yellow foci upon potatoes, and is pathogenic to guinea-pigs, i.e., it combines the characteristics of all four groups. THE EFFECTS OF BACTERIA. Ill their pathogenic iDfluence, the struggle between the bacteria and the tissue cells. All the effects of bacteria depend: (1) upon the present condition of the bacteria; (2) upon the nu- trient medium ; (3) upon the entrance of air ; (4) upon the temperature; and (5) upon the illumination. A large number of other circumstances — in part less im- portant, in part imperfectly known — also appear to play a part. As the most important points in reference to tem- perature and illumination have already been given, I will discuss chiefly the influence of the nutrient medium and the entrance of air on the one hand, and the composition of the terminal culture on the other hand. Emphasis must be constantly laid upon the latter point in order to show as clearly as pos- sible how much the effects of bacteria vary according as they are examined in a fully virulent zymogenic, chromogenic, or pathogenic condition, or in an attenu- ated condition. 1. MECHANICAL EFFECTS. Under the microscope it is readily seen that many bacteria exhibit a pronounced active movement, and the study of flagella proves that almost all the mo- tile varieties* present flagella and move by means of these appendages. The movement varies greatly in character; for example, creeping (bacillus megathe- rium), waddling (bacillus subtilis), sinuous (vibri- * In the actively motile spirochsBte Obermeieri and the slowly creeping beggiatoa flagella have not been demonstrated, so that the motion is supposed to be due to an undulating narrow mem- brane which encloses the organism. 112 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. ones). It is sometimes very slow, sometimes so rapid that observations in detail are hardly possible (bacterium typhi) . In some cases it is difficult to decide whether there is a real active movement or whether the micro-organ- isms do not exhibit an unusual degree of the so- called Brownian molecular movement — i.e., the danc- ing and trembling which are also found in finely divided, non-organized particles. In such cases, apart from the attempt to render the flagella visible, it is well to examine the organism in a drop of five- per-cent carbolic acid or one-per-cent corrosive subli- mate. If the movements then continue, we have had to deal only with molecular movements. Some varieties do not always exhibit movements of their own, but they may be absent in certain nutrient media. According to A. Fischer the vital movements may be lacking, although the flagella are perfectly developed — for example, in bacillus subtilis upon a nutrient medium containing two to four per cent ammonium chloride. In two different cultures of micrococcus agilis Ali-Cohen, drawn from a good source, we saw neither vital movements nor flagella, and reached the conclusion that the same variety may occur with or without flagella. Certain chemical substances attract bacteria (posi- tive chemotaxis), others repel them (negative chemo- taxis). Oxygen in particular attracts aerobic, and repels anaerobic bacteria. As Beyerinck showed, very beautiful chemotaxic or aerotaxic figures can be obtained in the following way : In a test tube filled three-quarters full with sterilized water is placed an unsterilized bean, pea, or the like. By diffusion the THE EFFECTS OF BACTERIA. 113 bean gives off nutritive substances, which slowly ex- tend ui^ward. In this feeble nutrient solution cer- tain bacteria which have been introduced with the bean develop in sharply defined horizontal planes, which slowly ascend. Certain varieties form several planes above one another. I have had these interest- ing statements investigated by Mr. Miodowski, who corroborated them in great measure. But instead of the non-sporulating bacillus perlibratus Bey., which usually formed the planes in Beyerinck's experi- ments, we found chiefly an organism allied to ba- cillus mesentericus and bacillus subtilis {vide Bey- erinck: C. B., XIV., 827, and Miodowski: Diss., Wiirzburg, 1896). Schenk has observed a positive thermotropism. If a hanging drop containing bacteria is warmed at one point with a warm wire (temperature difference 8°-10°) the bacteria congregate in that spot (C. B., XIY.). 2. OPTICAL EFFECTS. Phosphorescent bacteria are distributed quite widely, especially in and near salty media (the ocean, rivers, salted fish) , and a considerable number — main- ly bacilli and vibriones — have been carefully studied. Phosphorescence is a vital symptom and does not depend upon the oxidation of a photogenic substance secreted by the bacteria (K. B. Lehmann and ToU- hausen : C. B. , V. , 785) . It is destroyed by all factors which injure the life of the bacteria; cold produces rigidity of the organisms and interrupts the phos- phorescence as long as it lasts. High temperatures, acids, chloroform, etc., interfere temporarily with the 8 114 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. phosphorescence. Living bacteria can always be ob- tained from phosphorescent cultures, and a filtered culture free from germs is always devoid of phos- phorescence. But although the organism cannot give light without life, it may live without giving light — for example, in an atmosphere of carbonic acid. In like manner the muscles cannot contract without life, but they may be alive without contracting. According to Beyerinck (C. B., YIII., pp. 716 and 651), who includes all phosphorescent bacteria in one (physiological) genus, photobacterium, they require peptone and oxygen in order to produce light. Four of his six varieties also require, in addition to pep- tone, a supply of carbon which may also contain nitrogen. Small amounts of sugar (dextrose, levu- lose, galactose, maltose), glycerin, and asparagin act in this way. In some varieties a higher percentage of sugar causes cessation of the phosphorescence, after the formation of acids and marked fermentation. When the phosphorescence is to be maintained, we would recommend a gelatin nutrient medium, made by cooking fish in sea water, to which one per cent peptone, one per cent glycerin, and one-half per cent asparagin have been added. But even in this medium phosphorescence is soon lost if inocula- tions are infrequent, so that in the majority of labor- atories the phosphorescent bacilli do not emit light. By repeated rapid transfers to a suitable nutrient medium we can often succeed in restoring the photo- genic power. I recommend that two salt herrings be cooked in one litre of water, and ten per cent gelatin added to the filtrate without neutralization. THE EFFECTS OF BACTERIA. 115 3. THERMIC EFFECTS. The development of heat during the metabolism of bacteria is not noticeable in our ordinary cultures on account of its slight amount. Even luxuriantly growing, fermenting fluid cultures do not reveal to the hand any noticeable production of heat. But there is no doubt, on the other hand, that the heat given out by moist decomposing organic matters, such as beds of tobacco, hay, manure, etc., depends, at least in part, on bacterial activity. In view of the high temperature produced, it is very probable, ac- cording to Lydia Kabinowitsch, that the thermophilic bacteria take part in the process. Careful investiga- tions concerning the producers of these high temper- atures are still wanting (vide Eabinowitsch : Z. H., XX., 163). 4. CHEMICAL EFFECTS. The chemical actions of bacteria, which are accom- panied in part by the production of light, and always by the production of heat, are known only in their main outlines, despite the extremely numerous and successful investigations of the last twenty-five years. In many cases we know only the final products, and have no accurate information concerning the mechan- ism of their development, the intermediate pro- ducts, and the substances which appear in small quantities. We may distinguish the following three principal varieties of chemical efl'ects : 1. The bacteria store up their cell substance. 116 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. 2. The bacteria excrete ferments, designed to make the surrounding nutrient medium more suitable for assimilation. Tho products which develoj^ at this time in the vicinity of the bacteria may be called transformation products. 3. The bacteria assimilate some substances and excrete others — true products of disassimilation. A separation of fermentative products and disassimila- tive products, such as is still attempted at times, is incorrect because the substances are only fermented when thej^ have previously entered the bacterium cell. Hence fermentation products are products of disassimilation under the influence of special nutri- tion (vide page 124). I. Bacterial Ferments and the Changes Produced BY Them. Under the term ferments in the narrower sense (enzymes) we refer to chemical bodies which, in mini- mum amounts and without being used up, are able to separate large amounts of complicated organic mole- cules into simple, smaller, more soluble and diffusible molecules.* Ferments may be regarded as chemical only when we can prove : 1. That the fermentation continues in the presence of substances (for example phenol, three per cent; thymol, .01 per cent; chloroform, ether) which kill bacteria but do not endanger ferments ; or 2. That the germless filtrate of the bacterial culture * This definition does not hold good for a single ferment, the milk ferment, which coagulates the milk {nde page 123) . THE EFFECTS OF BACTBBIA. 117 through a cIslj or porcelain cylinder possesses the power of fermentation ; or 3. That this power inheres in a sterile preparation of the ferment, made in the shape of a powder. Of the extremely numerous details which we have learned from Fermi's methodical and thorough inves- tigations, we can here give only the most important. All ferments dialyze as little as ordinary albuminoids through good parchment paper. Proteolytic — i.e., albumin-dissolving enzymes — are widely distributed. The liquefaction of the gelatin, which is chemically allied to albumin, in our nutrient media is sure evidence of the presence of a proteolytic ferment. As the reaction at which the gelatin is dis- solved is always or may be alkaline, the bacteria cultures do not contain pepsin (which is effective only with acid reaction) but trypsin. The different bac- terio-trypsins vary greatly in their resistance to heat (in a moist condition they tolerate a temperature of from 55°-70° for one hour), their sensitiveness to dif- ferent acids, etc. Some are efficient even when a con- siderable amount of acid has been added, but they never act better than in an alkaline reaction. The action on fibrin is much weaker than that on gelatin, and hence Fermi has recommended the fol- lowing method as the most convenient and certain demonstration of the presence of even a trace of pro- teolytic ferment. A non-neutralized solution is made of about seven per cent gelatin in one per cent car- bolic acid and equal amounts are placed in test tubes of the same size. The solution to be tested for the ferment is then placed on the solid gelatin, after re- ceiving two per cent carbolic acid. We can then read 118 ATLAS OF BACTEKIOLOGY. off on a millimetre scale, at the temperature of the room, the rate at which the liquefaction of the gelatin proceeds for days and weeks. Qualitative tests may be simply made by using 1 c.c. of a liquefied gelatin culture which has been sterilized with carbolic acid. * This material also suffices in testing the influence of the nutrient medium upon the formation of the fer- ment. By this method we may also compare the action of different degrees of concentration of differ- ent bacterio-trypsins. The less the percentage of gelatin and the nearer the temperature to incubating temperature, the more certainly do we obtain the action of even traces of ferment. In such critical cases the experiment is continued for two weeks and we then note whether the test tubes in the refrigera- tor, provided with the ferment, remain fluid, while the control tubes remain rigid. In order to demonstrate the production of a true peptone, we proceed in the following way : The variety of bacteria in question is cultivated upon a fluid albuminous nutrient medium free from peptone (blood serum, milk serum, milk). If the culture grows well, all the albuminoids, with the exception of the peptone, are precipitated by the ad- dition of solid ammonium sulphate (about 30 gm. to 20 c.c). Milk and milk serum may be warmed to 60°-80°, blood serum to about 40°. The precipitate is then filtered, the filtrate cooled; a part is made strongly alkaline by the addition of potash, and one- per-cent solution of copper sulphate is then added * As a matter of course we must never fail to make a control test with two-per-cent solution of carbolic acid in water (free from germs) . THE EFFECTS OF BACTERIA. 119 drop by drop. The appearance of a rose color indi- cates the presence of peptone.* The formation of proteolytic ferments varies in many, perhaps in all, species to a much greater extent than we would imagine from the ordinary descrip- tions. In the case of two phosphorescent vibriones Beyerinck found that one which at first liquefied gelatin very slowly, did so more rapidly after longer culture, while the other variety acted in the opposite way. Katz made a similar observation in experi- ments on Australian phosphorescent bacteria. Max Gruber and Firtsch have watched very closely the development of feebly liquefying races in vibrio pro- teus (A. H., VIII., 369), and similar statements have been made concerning cholera vibrio, bacterium vulgare, and micrococcus pyogenes. Indeed, some observers have even seen a liquefying streptococcus pyogenes. We have also observed in many varieties that on thin plates the individual distinctly visible, super- ficial colonies exhibit very different degrees of lique- faction. In fact a beginner would be convinced that he had to deal with several varieties. It is to be regretted that, as a result of these obser- vations, one of the most convenient diagnostic aids, viz., the liquefaction of gelatin, has lost consider- ably in value. The causes of the increase and decrease of liquefac- tion with prolonged culture are looked for in our artificial nutrient media, or in the influence of the * Recent investigations have shown, however, that in addition to peptone a few albumoses remain unprecipitated in part by ammonium sulphate. 120 ATLAS OF BACTEEIOLOGY. products of disassimilation of tlie micro-organism, but we are unable to give any positive data. Concerning the influence of the nutrient media upon the formation of trypsin in a culture or the liquefac- tion of the gelatin, the following facts are known: 1. The majority of circumstances which impair the growth of a variety of bacteria upon a nutrient medium also interfere with liquefaction — for exam- ple, the addition of phenol, or a large percentage of glycerin. Wood found that the impaired power of liquefying gelatin, which was produced by phenol, was transmitted during several generations upon a good nutrient medium (C. B., YIII., 266). 2. The liquefying facultative anaerobics do not liquefy gelatin* in hydrogen and nitrogen, but they do in carbonic acid, if they are able to grow in the latter medium. As the gases, according to Fermi, have no effect upon the action of the ferment, they must influence the formation of the ferment. Strict anaerobics, on the other hand, produce the most pro- nounced liquefaction of gelatin. 3. In many bacteria the addition of sugar inter- feres not with their growth, but with the liquefaction of gelatin — for example, in bacterium vulgare (proteus vulgaris) but not in bacillus subtilis (Kuhn: A. H., Xin., 70). This is explained, perhaps, by the fact that bacterium vulgare produces an acid from sugar, and the vulgare trypsin is very sensitive to acids. Upon 10 c.c. of a one-per-cent grape-sugar gelatin, in five days bacterium vulgare produced 3.7 c.c. of one- tenth normal acid, vibrio proteus 2.1 c.c, bacillus *With the single exception of bacterium prodigiosum, but this also ceases to liquefy on the addition of grape sugar. THE EFFECTS OF BACTERIA. 121 subtilis 1.7 c.c, bacillus anthracis 0.9 c.c. ; bacte- rium vulgare was the only one which did not produce liquefaction. 4. In fluid, non-albuminous, glycerin-containing (free from sugar) nutrient media, very few bacteria produce proteolytic ferments — for example, bacterium prodigiosum and bacterium pyocyaneum. The pro- duction of ferment also apj^ears to be less on pep- tone bouillon than on peptone - bouillon gelatin (Fermi). Upon albuminous nutrient media the liquefying bacteria produce bitter products of disassimilation —for example, this is done in milk by very many varieties (Hiippe) An enumeration of the trypsin- forming varieties is unnecessary because they are characterized as trypsin-producers by their liquefac- tion of gelatin. The other ferments have been studied less care- fully. Diastatic ferments convert starch into sugar. They are demonstrated in the following manner: A thin starch paste containing one per cent thymol is com- bined with a culture to which one to two per cent thy- mol has been added, and is kept six to eight hours in the incubating chamber. A little Fehling's solution is then added and sugar is recognized by the reduction of copper (reddish-yellow precipitate) on boiling. We can also make a direct examination of mashed potato cultures of the bacteria by boiling the cultures and testing the extract. According to Fermi about one-third of the varie- ties examined — only upon albuminous nutrient media — possess the power of forming such a ferment (A. H., 122 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. X., and C. B., XII., p. 713) viz., the bacilli of the sub- tilis group (anthrax, megatherium, Fitzianus, etc.), the vibriones related to the cholera vibrio, also micro- coccus tetragenus, micrococcus mastitidis, bacterium violaceum, bacterium mallei, bacterium pyogenes foetidum, bacterium phosphorescens, bacterium pneu- moniae, bacterium synxanthum, bacterium aceticum; the others are not active or are doubtful. In addition all the actinomyces and oospora varieties (with the ex- ception of oospora carnea). The majority of the varieties mentioned subsequently convert the sugar into acid but some do not, for example, bacillus subtilis. Inverting ferments (i.e., those which convert cane sugar into grape sugar) are rare, according to Fermi and Montesano. They are demonstrated in the fol- lowing way : A one to two per cent solution of cane sugar containing one per cent of carbolic acid is added to a culture containing one per cent of carbolic acid. After a few hours we test whether the fluid reduces Fehling's solution; as is well known, cane sugar does not produce this reaction. Control tests with a solution of cane sugar alone are always neces- sary. Bacteria invertin tolerates (always?) a tem- perature of 100° for more than an hour, and also de- velops upon a non-albuminous nutrient medium if glycerin is present. The above-named writers men- tion only the following forms as producers of invert- ing ferments ; bacillus megatherium, bacillus kiliense, bacillus fluorescens liquefaciens, bacterium vulgare, vibrio cholerse and Metschnikovii. The attempts to find a ferment similar to emulsin have been unsuccessful. Micrococcus pyogenes THE EFFECTS OF BACTERIA. 123 tenuis transfori][is amygdalin into benzaldehyd, but this function cannot be separated from cell life. Eennet ferments — i.e., bodies which coagulate milk of a neutral (or amphoteric) reaction and indepen- dently of the action of acids — are not wanting among the bacteria. It can be demonstrated, for example, in not too old cultures of bacterium prodigiosum which, sterilized at 55°-60°, can easily coagulate sterilized milk solid in one or more days (Gorini : C. B., XIL, 666). So far as I know, thorough investigations concern- ing the distribution of this ferment are still lacking. We may suspect it in all varieties which coagulate milk without possessing the power of forming lactic acid out of milk sugar. II. The Chemical Actions of Bacterial Metabolism. Like the production of ferments, the majority of the other chemical actions of bacteria depend, in great measure, on the nutrient medium. This is most striking when the growth of many forms of bacteria is observed upon an albuminous nutrient medium, which at one time is free from sugar, at another time contains sugar. In the former event, apart from pigment substances and perhaps some badly smelling substances, hardly any perceptible metabolic products are formed , but in the latter event there is often a very striking change, characterized by the development of gas and active production of acid. The organism joroduces fermentation in the sugar-containing medium, in the other it does not. 124 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. On account of the practical (and diagnostic) im- portance of the fermenting power we must here give a precise definition of this process. The term fermen- tation is used in literature in various senses. 1. Some writers call every typical decomposition produced by bacteria a fermentation, and speak, for example, of the putrid fermentation of albuminoids. 2. Others confine the term fermentation to proc- esses which are attended with the visible develop- ment of bubbles of gas. According to this definition the conversion of nitric acid into nitrogen is a fer- mentation as well as the fermentation of milk sugar by bacterium acidi lactici. 3. Still others use the term only in cases of decom- position of hydrocarbons with or without the forma- tion of gas. It seems to me that the term fermentation is always in place when it can be shown that an organism, in addition to or instead of its other metabolic products, forms one or a few special metabolic products in an unusual amount — metabolic products which are al- most always derived from the merely superficial splitting up of a bacterial nutrient which is easily split up. Oxidative fermentation is rarer. A necessary condition of fermentation is the presence of a definite nutrient matter which the bacteria attack with special ease, often discarding substances which are less acces- sible but which they decompose in the absence of the fermenting substance. Every fermentation is intended to carry a supply of energy to the fermenting organism. In the fer- mentation which splits up organic material, this is due to the fact that the complicated, fermentible THE EFFECTS OF BACTERIA. 125 molecule in the bacterial cell is decomposed into smaller particles, during which process heat is given off. I will illustrate this by the ordinary form of fermentation of sugar in which the process is very simple. CeHiaOe = SCsHeO + 2C0, 1 grape sugar = 3 alcohol + 2 carbonic acid. Or, Or, CeHisOs = 2C3H6O3 1 grape sugar = 2 lactic acid. CeHiaOe = 3C2H4O2 1 grape sugar = 3 acetic acid. The organism requires such a source of energy, particularly when it grows in the absence of oxygen, and there is a failure of the source of energy at the command of the aerobic varieties and which consists in the oxidation of absorbed substances by the oxy- gen which has been taken up. Hence all anaerobic varieties are provided with great power of fermenta- tion of sugar, and some facultative anaerobics only give rise to fermentation of a saccharine nutrient when oxygen is excluded. In contradistinction to fermentation by the split- ting-up process is the much rarer oxidative fermen- tation, the best example of which is the production of acetic acid from alcohol. Here we find a one-sided metabolic activity of the acetic acid bacteria. These obtain a considerable supply of energy, not by split- ting up, but by oxidation of the absorbed alcohol. The gain in energy occurs simply from a one-sided intensification of the ordinary nutritive processes of bacteria. It is evident from these remarks that products of 126 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. fermentation are products of metabolism like all the other products of the bacterial cell, and hence a di- vision of fermentations in principle is not warranted. But it will be advisable to discuss the individual bac- terial products according to their development upon a saccharine or non-saccharine nutrient medium, and then to add some functions of the bacteria which are manifested by decomposition of salts of the fatty acids, alcohols, etc. A. Functions upon which the Amount of Sugar in the Nutrient Medium Exerts no Great Influence. 1. Formation of Pigment. The chemistry of the pigment matters has been very little studied, but in recent times a preliminary survey has been made by some of Migula's pupils. In regard to the fluorescent pigments I follow the statements of K. Thumm ( " Arbeiten d. bact. Instituts Karlsruhe," published by Klein and Migula, Vol. I., Pt. 3, p. 291) and those of Paul Schneider (eod. loco, Yol. I., Pt. 2, p. 201) in regard to the other pigments. 1. Ked and Yellow Pigments. According to Schneider the twenty -seven yellow and red bacte- ria furnish, in almost all cases,* pigments which are soluble in alcohol, insoluble in water, f and are also * The coloring matter of micrococcus cereus flavus Passet was soluble only in dilute caustic potash. f A striking contrast to these results is furnished by M. Freund (C. f. B., xvi., 640). In examining four newly discovered red and yellow bacteria he found the pigment always soluble in water, and insoluble in alcohol and ether. SUGAR IN" THE NUTRIENT MEDIUM. 127 soluble in ether, carbon bisulphide, benzol, and chlo- roform. The large majority,* in the dry condition, are colored bluish-green by concentrated sulphuric acid and red or orange by caustic potash, or they retain these colors when so treated. But the various pig- ments show various chemical differences and quite a different reaction in the spectrum. The majority may be placed unhesitatingly in the large group of lipochromata which are widely distributed in the animal and vegetable kingdoms, and to which belong the coloring matter of fat, yolk of the egg, the carotin of carrots, and many others. Entirely different from these substances are the pigments of bacterium prodigiosum and bacterium kiliense. These take a brownish-red color with con- centrated sulphuric acid, and a yellowish-brown and yellowish-red color with caustic potash. They are allied to one another but still quite distinct, f It has often been assumed, especially on account of the golden shimmer of the prodigiosum culture, that we have to deal here with a coloring matter resembling fuchsin, but on careful examination the resemblance is found to be very superficial. Violet Pigments. Bacterium violaceum and bac- * Thirteen red and fourteen yellow bacteria were examined, and the only exceptions were bacterium prodigiosum and bacte- rium kiliense. Schneider furnishes full tabulated statements concerning the reactions of the alcoholic solution and of the dry coloring matter with various agents, and also concerning the spectrum reactions. f The fact that this coloring matter or one of its derivatives is not entirely insoluble in water is evident from the fact that in old agar cultures garnet-red pigment is diffused in the agar. 128 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. terium janthinum were found to contain a violet coloring matter, which was insoluble in water, readily soluble in alcohol, but insoluble in ether, benzol, and chloroform. In the dry state it is turned yellow hj concentrated sulphuric acid and emerald green by caustic potash. In alcoholic solution it assumes a greenish to bluish-green color on the addition of strong acids and ammonia. The pigment loses its color on the addition of zinc and sulphuric acid. Claessen and Schneider examined, in a very imper- fect manner, the beautiful blue coloring matter of bacterium indigonaceum Claessen. This pigment is insoluble in the ordinary solvents; in hydrochloric acid it gives at first a blue, then a yellowish-brown solution. Other acids dissolve it but cause decom- position. Caustic potash gives a bluish-green color. Distinct from these blue coloring matters is the blue pigment formed by bacterium syncyaneum (blue milk) in addition to bacterio-fluorescein (vide below) and for which I propose the term syncyanin. Thumm describes the pigment as very unstable. Acids color it steel blue ; in slight acidity it is bluish-black, neu- tral black, and alkaline brownish-black. According to the recent investigations of Thumm the fluorescent pigments, which are found in numer- ous cultures, are all identical. The coloring matter, for which I propose the term bacterio-fluorescein, is lemon yellow and amorphous in the dry state, soluble in water and dilute alcohol, and insoluble in strong alcohol, ether, and carbon bisulphide. The watery solution, when concentrated, has an orange color, when diluted, a pale yellow color; with acid reaction it shows no fluorescence, with neutral reaction a SUGAR IN THE NUTRIENT MEDIUM. 129 bluish, with alkaline a green fluorescence. The fluorescence of the cultures is at first blue, later green, on account of the increase of the ammonia formed by the bacteria. The pigment is not sensi- tive to oxidizing substances. Colorless preliminary stages have not been observed. Phosphoric acid and magnesium are necessary to the development of bac- terio-fluorescein. The variations in the chromogenic functions have been the subject of numerous investigations. All possible factors which have an unfavorable influence on the growth of the bacteria also diminish the de- velopment of pigment. After continued culture upon unsuitable nutrient media or at improper tempera- tures, etc. , the formation of pigment by later genera- tions may remain permanently diminished. For example, there are races of bacterium syncy- aneum which form no trace of coloring matter in agar or milk, but on potato give a dark color even to the parts around the culture. The development of pig- ment appears to have been lost here simply on account of the rare inoculation of the agar cultures. At 37° bacterium prodigiosum forms no pigment, and if the cultures are kept up at this temperature for a long time, the production of pigment will be lost for many generations even under favorable conditions (Schottelius). Very interesting communications are scattered throughout the literature on pigment-forming races among otherwise colorless varieties. For example, Fawitzky reports yellow to rusty red colonies of streptococcus lanceolatus; Kruse and Pasquale ob- served colored races of streptococcus pyogenes 9 130 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. (Ziegler's "Beitrage," XII.). Kutscher lias recently published the experience that a pseudo-glanders bacillus, taken from the animal, had a bright orange- red color only in the first culture upon serum, but this color changed to white after a few inoculations. Perhaps still greater importance attaches to the often made observation that, as the result of in- ternal causes, colored and uncolored colonies of one variety, for example, bacterium kiliense, occasion- ally develop upon plate cultures. 2. The Formation of Alkaline Metabolic Products and Urea Fermentation. According to v. Sommaruga (Z. H., XII., 273) aerobic bacteria, when growing in a non-saccharine nutrient medium, always produce an alkali from the albuminoids. When sugar is present the majority of varieties form acid out of the sugar, in addition to the produc- tion of alkali, and the originally neutral or feebly acid reaction of many young bacterial cultures is ex- plained simply by a slight percentage of sugar in the bouillon (derived from the meat). When the sugar is used up, the production of alkali becomes more pronounced (Th. Smith). So far as we know at present, the alkaline bodies produced are ammonia (occasionally perceptible to the sense of smell), amine and ammonia bases. In order to determine the degree of production of the alkali, we titrate tubes which contain 10 c.c. peptone bouillon, uninoculated, and one to eight days after inoculation with one-tenth normal acid and phenol- SUGAR IlSr THE NUTRIENT MEDIUM. 131 plithalein as indicator. The difference in the titra- tions gives the increase of alkali. The following will serve as an illustration of the production of alkali by bacteria which in the pres- ence of sugar form acid actively (5-7 c.c. normal acid to 100 c.c). One hundred cubic centimetres of a nutrient medium containing traces of meat sugar and rendered neutral by phenolphthalein used up : When Inoculated with Bacterium Coli. At the end of five days 0.1 normal sodium. At the end of ten days 0.1 normal sodium. At the end of fifteen days 0.25 normal acid. A special form of alkali production by bacteria is the conversion of urea into ammonium carbonate: CO(NH,), + 2H,0 = C03(NH,),. Leube (Yirch. Arch., 100, p. 540) first isolated a few organisms frona decomposing urine which pro- duced ammonia from urea : micrococcus urese Leube, bacillus ure?e Leube. This is also done by sarcina pul- monum and a few other unnamed varieties. Fliigge has described a micrococcus ureae liquefaciens. We have cultivated a large number of white lique- fying and non-liquefying cocci and rods from decom- posing urine. None of them possessed in any strik- ing degree the power of setting free ammonia from diluted urine or a nutrient medium treated with urea, although they flourished in these solutions. It can- not be denied that natural urea fermentation depends partly on symbiosis. The ability to decompose urea does not seem to be very widespread. Among twenty-four organisms ex- amined Warington found that two alone (micrococcus 132 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. ureae and bacillus fluorescens) produced ammoniacal decomposition of urine. Among sixty varieties only three (bacterium vul- gare, bacterium prodigiosum, and bacterium kiliense) developed a distinct ammoniacal odor in sterilized human urine. Leube employed Jacksch's nutrient solution : In 1 litre 0.125 acid potassium phosphate, 0.062 mag- nesium sulphate, 5 gm. Seignette salts, which were sterilized . by boiling. To the sterile solution he added 3 gm. urea which had been sterilized in a dry state at 106^ (boiling of urea solutions is to be avoided because a part of the urea is thus converted into ammonium carbonate) . In order to demonstrate the presence of the ammonia Leube employed Ness- ler's reagent, a very sensitive test. For the study of the quantitative relations vide Brodmeier (C. B., XVIII., p. 380). Urea is not decomposed upon a nutrient medium which contains sugar. Burri, Her- feldt, and Stutzer (C. B., Pt. II., Vol. I., 284) recently described three rods which decompose urea very vigorously. In addition to ammonia Brieger's investigations have disclosed a large number of basic crystalline nitrogenous bodies as products of bacterial metab- olism. These bodies are now usually called pto- mains (7rrw//a, putrefaction) or putrefaction alkaloids, when they are not poisonous, and toxins* when they are poisonous. * With the growth of our knowledge of bacterial poisons the conception of toxins has been enlarged, so that now the major- ity of writers call all bacterial poisons toxins, irrespective of their chemical constitution. SUGAR IK THE NUTKIENT MEDIUM. 133 So far as they have been closely examined, the majority belong to the following groups : 1. Amins. Methylamin, dimethylamin, and tri- /CH3 /CH3 N-H N— CH3 \H \H methylamin, similar to ethylamin, diethylamin, and /CH3 N— CH3 xCHs triethylamin. Ethylendiamin || „ and its homo- logues, dimethylethylendiamin-putrescin, with which sepsin is isomeric; pentamethylendiamin is called cadaverin. The most virulent one is ethylendiamin. 2. Ammonium Bases. The best known is cholin- /CH3 ^CH3 bilineurin = N^- — CH3 Muscarin (CgHj^NOg) is closely allied, and likewise vinylcholin (C.H.^NO) and neuridin (C,H,,NJ. 3. Pyridin derivatives. Derived from pyridin CgH.N ; the principal ones that have been found are coUidin C^H^N and i^arvolin CgHjgN. 4. Indol (C«H,N) and skatol (C,H,N), vide page 142. In addition, amido acids (leucin, tyrosin, etc.), sub- stances allied to guanidin (C(NH)(NH2)2) and numer- ous other imperfectly characterized bodies have been discovered. It would be useless to mention them here as the poisonous ones are no longer regarded as the true viruses of the disease {vide page 135) . 134 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. The isolation of these bodies can only be hinted at. According to Brieger's method, which is usually employed, the culture of a feebly acid reaction (hy- drochloric acid) is brought to a boil for a short time, the filtrate then condensed into a syrup, dissolved in ninety-six-per-cent alcohol, and then freed from im- purities (especially traces of albumin) by alcoholic lead acetate. The lead is then removed, the filtrate concentrated, and from this the mercurial binary compound of the ptomains are precipitated with al- coholic solution of corrosive sublimate. When the alcohol has been removed by heat and the mercury by sulphuretted hydrogen, the characteristic gold and platinum binary compounds are produced, or we at- tempt directly to obtain the crystalline chlorhydrates and, by the aid of caustic soda, the free, often fluid. Some ptomains, like very many vegetable alka- loids, can be easily obtained with ether in a watery solution as soon as they have been set free by potash lye. But Brieger's method is much better because it secures many substances which do not dissolve in ether. 3. Formation of Complicated "Albumin-like'' Toxic Metabolic Products, (" Toxalbumins, " Toxins.) In connection with the discussion of the relatively simple, basic, more or less poisonous metabolic prod- ucts of bacteria, we may make a few brief remarks on other bacterial poisons. In the present state of our knowledge they may be divided into two classes. SUGAR IK THE NUTRIENT MEDIUM. 135 1. Bacterial Proteins (Buchner). — This term refers to certain albuminoid substances which produce fe- ver (pyogenic) and inflammation (phlogogenic). They are obtained by boiling, for several hours, po- tato cultures together with one-half-per-cent potash lye (about fifty volumes potash to one volume bac- terial substance). The clear fluid, filtered through paper, allows the precipitation of the proteins after careful feeble acidulation. The proteins may then be washed, dried, and, before using, dissolved in a weak solution of soda. The best-known protein is Koch's tuberculin. Mal- lein also belongs to this category. According to Buchner and Roemer all bacterial proteins have es- sentially the same action. According to Mathes deu- teroalbumose, which is obtained by the action of pepsin on albumin and has no connection whatever with bacteria, produces the same effects on tubercu- lous guinea-pigs. 2. '^ Toxalbumins.'' — C. Fraenkel and Brieger (Deut. med. Wschr., 1890, 4 and 5) confirmed in great measure the statements of earlier observers (Christ- mas, Roux and Yersin, Hankin) that measures which precipitate albumin will also precipitate from the bouillon cultures of many bacteria amorphous poisons which exert an intense and usually specific (similar to the living culture) toxic action. They called these poisons toxalbumins and considered them analogous to the toxic albuminoid bodies in many plants (ricin in ricinus communis, abrin in abrus precatorius, etc.). The majority of investigators regarded — and some still regard — these poisons as " labile" albumi- noids, which are derived from the bacterial cell. 136 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. They are also regarded as analogous to snake poisons and to the enzymes. With these bodies they share a great sensitiveness to heat, reagents, light, etc. The toxalbumins are obtained as a raw product by precipitating, with absolute alcohol or ammonium sulphate, old bouillon cultures of the bacteria which have been concentrated in a vacuum, and which have been freed from living germs by passing through a porcelain filter. If the ammonia salt has been used, this is removed from the filtered precipitate by dialy- sis with flowing water in a parchment coil and, after renewed concentration in a vacuum, precipitation of the bodies with absolute alcohol. It has recently been discovered that zinc chloride precipitates these bodies quantitatively, and the toxins can be separated from the precipitate by the aid of sodium phos- phate (Brieger and Boer: Z. H., XXI., 268). From the beginning, however, doubts were ex- pressed whether these toxalbumins were not merely carried down by the precipitated albumin and perhaps had no connection with the albumin. In the case of tetanus poison, Brieger and Cohn (Z. H., XY., 1) succeeded in obtaining from the raw product, by means of lead acetate and ammonia, a pure virus which showed a faint violet color with copper sulphate and soda lye but gave no albumin reaction ; it is free from phosphorus and almost en- tirely from sulphur. It thus seems to be proven that the tetanus virus is not an albuminoid. The statements of Uschinsky that he obtained an albuminoid tetanus virus and diphtheria virus upon a non-albuminous nutrient medium have not been tested hitherto because German observers did not SUGAR INT THE NUTRIENT MEDIUM. 137 succeed in securing a sufficient growth of these organ- isms upon a non-albuminous medium. Brieger and Cohn found that cholera vibriones formed a non- albuminous virus upon the Uschinsky nutrient me- dium. The diphtheria virus is also recognized now as free from- albumin (Brieger and Boer: L c). It is becoming more and more customary to call the bacterial poisons simply toxins and to ignore entirely the existence of the above-described crystal- lizable toxins of simple constitution. Concerning the other characteristics of these tox- ins I will make a few remarks, taking the tetanus virus as an illustration (Brieger and Cohn: I. c). Waterjt solutions are not coagulated by heat but lose their poisonous properties in time. The addition of small amounts of acid or alkali to produce solution, and prolonged transmission of carbonic acid and sulphuretted hydrogen impair the toxicity very ma- terially. In the dry state the virus tolerates a tem- perature of 70° very well for a long time, higher temperatures decompose it rapidly. When dried and protected from light, air, and moisture, it is converted slowly into an inert substance. It is bet- ter preserved when covered with absolute alcohol, anhydrous ether, and the like. The virulence of the purest tetanus virus is almost inconceivable. A mouse weighing 15 gm. is killed by 0.00005 mgm. ; a man weighing 70 kgm., with the same susceptibility, would be killed by 0.23 mgm. Thirty to one hundred milligrams of strychnine are required to kill a man. 138 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. 4. Sulphuretted Hydrogen, Sulphuretted liydrogen is a very widely distributed bacterial product. It is easily demonstrated by fastening, by means of the cotton plug, a moist strip of lead acetate paper in the neck of the culture tube and closing it with a rubber cap (made of black rubber free from sulphur). Frequent observations of the originally brownish, later black, often very feeble dis- coloration of the paper is necessary, because some- times the color fades away at a later period. Tests which are apparently negative should not be ter- minated too soon. The literature consists mainly of articles by Petri and Maassen (A. G. A., YIII., 318 and 490), Eubner, Stagnitta-Balistreri, and Niemann (A. H., XVI.). Sulphuretted hydrogen may be formed from : 1. Albuminoid bodies. (It is well known that mere boiling eliminates H^S from egg albumin). According to Petri and Maassen this power inheres in all the bacteria examined upon a fluid nutrient medium which is rich in peptone (five to ten per cent) and free from sugar; in bouillon free from peptone very few varieties form H^S (for example, bacterium vulgare); in bouillon containing one per cent peptone, about fifty per cent of the bacteria (Stagnitta-Balistreri) . 2. Powdered sulphur. In nutrient media to which pure powdered sulphur has been added all bacteria produce much larger amounts of sulphuretted hy- drogen than without this addition. Petri and Maas- sen regard this production of sulphuretted hydrogen SUGAR IN- THE NUTRIENT MEDIUM. 139 as a function of the nascent liydrogen wliich the bac- teria produce, i.e., they regard the formation of H^S as a proof of the formation of nascent hydrogen. 3. Thiosulphate and thiosulphite. This has been studied especially in yeast but has also been demon- strated in the case of some bacteria (by Petri and Maassen). 4. Sulphates. Beyerinck in particular has de- monstrated this practically important function for his (morphologically poorly characterized) motile, strict anaerobic spirillum desulphuricans. It is rarely found developed among other bacteria (C. B., Part 11. , Vol. L, 1). Rubner has shown that in bacterium vulgare the decomposed organic sulphur always suffices for the production of sulphuretted hydrogen. The presence of sugar in the nutrient media rarely prevents or diminishes the production of sulphur- etted hydrogen, even when the bacteria are able to decompose (ferment) sugar vigorously. The decom- position of hydrocarbons does not protect the albumi- noids from decomposition. The presence of saltpetre is a disturbing factor and under these circumstances very little H^S but an abundance of nitrite is formed (Petri and Maassen). The exclusion of oxygen favors the production of sulphuretted hydrogen. On pass- ing air through the cultures of facultative anaerobic producers of sulphuretted hydrogen the amount of H^S produced diminishes considerably, and in its place sulphates are formed. Many producers of sulphuretted hydrogen also produce stinking mercaptan (CH^— SH), demonstra- ble by tiie green color which it gives to the yellow- 140 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. ish-red isatin sulphate. Upon the culture glass is placed a tube open on both sides ; this is filled with glass beads which are moistened with a one and a half per cent solution of isatin in concentrated sul- phuric acid. The presence of sugar iu the nutrient media diminishes or prevents the formation of mer- captan. 5. Reduction Processes. (Keduction of Coloring Matters, Nitrates, etc.) We have seen that aerobic bacteria in general possess the power of converting powdered sulphur into sulphuretted hydrogen and that nascent hydrogen is necessary thereto. Similar processes, and probably also due in part to nascent hydrogen, are the following : 1. Reduction of blue litmus coloring matter, methyl blue, and indigo when added to colorless leuco-prod- ucts. The upper layer in contact with the air often shows no reduction, only the deeper layers. On shaking in the air the color is restored, but occasion- ally the litmus coloring matter is restored with a red color on account of the coincident production of acid. The mode of experiment goes without saying ; bouil- lon serves as the nutrient medium. According to Cahen the reduction of litmus is effected by all lique- fying bacteria. It is observed very beautifully, for example, in bacillus fluorescens liquefaciens, but there are also non-liquefying varieties (for example, bacterium coli) which exhibit this characteristic. 2. Reduction of nitrates to nitrites and ammonia. The former power seems to belong to very many bac- SUGAR IN^ THE NUTRIENT MEDIUM. 141 teria. At least Petri and Maassen found that, among six varieties cultivated in bouillon containing 2.5-5 per cent peptone and 0.5 per cent saltpetre, there was almost always a pronounced production of nitrites; in one case, indeed, only ammonia was found. Rub- ner (A. H., XYI., 62) found the production of nitrites absent only in isolated cases. Among twenty-five varieties Warington found that eighteen produced nitrites. In our experiments with bacterium coli, typhi, vulgare, bacillus anthracis, subtilis, vibrio cholerae, the addition of sugar was not a disturbing factor. At the end of three days the nitrite reaction was equally pronounced, with or without the pres- ence of one per cent grape sugar, in one per cent pep- tone bouillon containing one-half per cent saltpetre. Nitrites are demonstrated in the following way: After the tubes have remained for a few days in the incubating chamber, some potassium iodide starch solution (thin starch paste with one-half per cent KI) and a few drops of sulphuric acid are added to the nitrate bouillon (also to two uninoculated control tests). The control tubes remain colorless or at the most gradually acquire a very faint blue color, but if nitrites are present, a dark blue to dark brownish- red color develops. Small amounts of nitrite are de- monstrated by metaphenylendiamin and somewhat diluted sulphuric acid (yellowish-brown color) or (most clearly) by a mixture of sulphanilic acid and naphthylamin (red color) . ( Vide Dieudonne, A. G. A., XL, 508). The demonstration of ammonia by the addition of Nessler's reagent is permitted only upon inorganic non-saccharine nutrient media. In bouillon Ness- 142 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. ler's reagent is reduced almost immediately to black mercurial oxide. A strip of paper which has been dipped in the reagent may be hung over bouillon cultures, or the latter may be distilled after addition of MgO and the distillate treated with Nessler's re- agent. A yellow to reddish-brown color indicates the presence of ammonia. Control tests must be made. 6. Aromatic Metabolic Products. It is evident that albumin gives rise, under the in- fluence of very many varieties of bacteria, to aromatic bodies of which indol, skatol, phenol, and tyrosin are the best known. Methodical investigations have been made only in regard to indol and phenol, as these bodies are easily recognized. Demonstration of indol : To the bouillon culture — whicli should not be less than a week old and made without any addition of sugar — about half its volume of ten-per-cent sulphuric acid is added. If a rose to bluish-red color appears forthwith on warming to about 80°, then indol and nitrite are both present, as this nitrosoindol reaction requires the presence of both bodies. The test is generally successful in cholera and other vibriones and occasionally in diph- theria (red cholera reaction). But as a general thing the addition of sulphuric acid does not suffice, and it is necessary to add a little nitrite. This may be done later, after the culture has been heated without nitrite, and no reaction or a very doubtful one has been obtained. Of the solution containing about 0.05 per cent sodium nitrite we add 1 to 2 c.c. until the maximum of the reaction is secured. The addition of strong nitrite solutions gives the acid fluid a SUGAR IN^ THE NUTRIEN"T MEDIUM. 143 brownish-yellow color and prevents entirely the de- monstration of indol. Demonstration of phenol: The culture, which is made in non-saccharine bouillon, receives about one- fifth its volume of hydrochloric acid and is then dis- tilled. The distillate deposits flocculi with bromine water, or assumes a violet color on the addition of calcium carbonate and cautiously neutralizing, or of neutral very dilute ferric chloride. Among sixty varieties examined we found indol formed twenty-three times, and our findings agree with those of Levandovsky (Deiitsch. med. Wschr., 1890, No. 51). The chief indol producers are the coli group in the widest sense — glanders, diphtheria, proteus, and the majority of vibriones. According to Levandovsky the indol producers just mentioned, with the exception of the vibriones, also form phenol. We have tested the production of phenol only in bac- terium coli and vulgare and found mere traces in five- day cultures. 7. Decomposition of Fats. Pure melted butter is not a nutrient medium for bac- teria. The rancidity of butter is due to : (1) a purely chemical decomposition of the butter by the oxygen of the air, aided by sunlight (Duclaux, Ritsert) ; (2) a lactic-acid fermentation of the milk sugar which has been left over in the butter (vide v. Klecki, C. B., XV. , 354) . Finally fat is attacked by bacteria and acid is formed, if it is mixed with gelatin as a nutrient medium (pide v. Sommaruga, Z. H., XVII., 441). 144 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. 8. Putrefaction (Appendix to 1-7). Putrefaction, in the language of the laity, means every decomposition which is produced by bacteria and is attended by the formation of foul-smelling substances. On scientific investigation it is found that the al- buminoids and their allies are the substratum of pu- trefaction; at first they are often peptonized, then they are split up still further. Typical putrefaction occurs only when the supply of oxygen is wanting or scanty. The vigorous pas- sage of air through a putrefaction bacteria culture— a process which does not occur in natural putrefaction — modifies the process in the most marked manner. In the first place because the anaerobic putrefac- tion bacteria are killed or their growth is inhibited, and secondly by the action of the oxygen upon the products or intermediate products of the aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria. Finally, it seems conceivable that the same bacteria (anaerobic and aerobic) may from the start furnish different products of putrefaction. Among the putrefaction products we find the bod- ies * described in preceding chapters : peptone, am- monia and amins, leucin, tyrosin and other amido bodies, oxyfatty acids, indol, skatol, phenol, finally *It is often said that in every putrefaction the albuminoid bodies are first peptonized, but inasmuch as bacterium vulgare /3 Zcnkeri, and bacterium putidum are generally recognized as pro- ducers of putrefaction, and as they do not even liquefy gela- tin, we cannot always speak of peptonization of albumin as constant in putrefaction. SUGAR IN THE NUTRIENT MEDIUM. 145 sulphuretted hydrogen, mercaptan, carbonic acid, hydrogen, marsh gas. But inasmuch as, in putrefaction of different nu- trient media by different bacteria, the metabolic products just mentioned are found, as a rule, only in part and in extremely varying combinations, putre- faction can hardly be defined more accurately with chemical aids than is possible with the senses. Hence I believe it is best to employ the term putre- faction only in the general lay signification of every foul-smelling decomposition of albuminoids (vide Kuhn: A. H., XIII., 1). 9. Nitrification. The formation of small amounts of nitrous and nitric acids is widely diffused among bacteria. Heraeus (Z. H., 1, 193), who first investigated the subject with pure cultures, found that in sterilized urine which had been diluted fourfold very many of the well-known bacteria form small amounts of nitrite from urea or ammonium carbonate. These include micrococcus pyogenes citreus, bacterium prodigi- osum, typhi, coli, bacillus mycoides, anthracis, vibrio pyogenes, and vibrio proteus. Various soil bacteria also furnish nitrites. The addition of sugar interferes with the production of nitrite from NHg until it is destroyed. The formation of nitrate was not studied by Heraeus. Warington failed to find nitrates in a study of twenty-four varieties in pure cultures in nutrient solutions which formed nitrate distinctly when infected by means of the soil (C. B., YI., 498). According to more recent investigations nitrifica- 10 146 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. tion is particularly the function of a small, special group of bacteria which are cultivated with difficulty and do not thrive upon our ordinary nutrient media. According to Winogradsky, who has done the most work in this department, the facts of the case are as follows : The soil of Europe contains, widely distrib- uted, two micro-organisms, one of which (nitroso- monas) converts ammonia into nitrite, the other (called nitromonas, later nitrobacter) converts nitrite into nitrate. Both varieties are obtained mixed when bits of earth in flasks are dissolved in boiling water (Winogradsky took the water of a fresh-water lake) containing 1 gm. ammonium sulphate and 1 gm. potas- sium phosphate to 1 litre. About 1.0 gm. basic mag- nesium carbonate is added to each flask containing 100 c.c. Considerable development of nitrites takes place, and gradually nitrates are also formed. By inoculation of new flasks the nitrifying organisms are obtained gradually in a purer state, and silicic- acid plates finally i)ermit, with difficulty, a pure cul- ture. Burri and Stutzer have recently cultivated upon the ordinary nutrient media a vigorous nitrate pro- ducer (from nitrite), but it forms nitrates only upon inorganic nutrient solutions (C. B., Vol. I., Part II., 731). P. F. Kichter (C. B., XYIII., Part I., p. 129) ob- served on several occasions a pronounced nitrite reaction in fresh urine evacuated with the catheter. From one specimen he isolated a coccus of medium size, which in twenty minutes produced a very in- tense nitrite reaction in fresh urine. In addition it reduced nitrate to nitrite. SUGAR IN THE ITUTRIENT MEDIUM. 147 10. Conversion of Nitrons and Nitric Acids into Free Nitrogen. This process is carried on by an entire series of bacteria. Burri and Stutzer (C. B., Part II., Yol. I., No. 7 et seq.) were the first to describe special ni- trate fermenters in such an accurate manner that they could again be recognized. They first isolated from horse manure two bacteria, of which each alone was unable to produce nitrogen from nitrate, but did this vigorously when combined, and when the supply of oxygen was abundant or scanty but never when it was absent. These two synergetic bacteria are : (1) Bac- terium coli (this may be replaced by bacterium typhi) , and (2) a short rod described as bacillus denitri- ficans I. Later these writers found a bacillus deni- trificans II., which alone effected the entire decom- position of nitrate into nitrogen. We found that bacterium pyocyaneum also converts saltpetre into nitrogen. The practical importance of these organisms lies in the fact that through their agency considerable amounts of nitrates in the soil, but particularly in manures, may be lost for the nourishment of plants on account of their conversion into nitrogen. 11. Assimilation of Nitrogen. According to our present knowledge no other vege- table family is able to assimilate the nitrogen of the air, but this power does inhere in one form of bac- teria, the bacillus radicicola Beyerinck. This bac- terium is found in the small root knobs of various 148 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. leguminosse and may be cultivated from them. From the different forms of leguminosse we obtain different races of the bacteria, each one being especially adapted to one form of leguminosse; not every race is able to produce the knobs in every form of the vegetable. There are also "neutral" bacteria, found free in the soil, which are not specially adapted to any form of the leguminosse and which are able to produce knobs in very different forms of the vege- table. With the aid of these root knobs, which are due to the immigration of the root bacteria, the leguminosse are able to furnish crops which are rich in nitrogen from a relatively sterile soil which is very poor in ni- trogen. The manner in which the absorption of nitrogen takes place is still entirely unknown. It is claimed that the swollen zoogloea form of bacteria (bacteroids*), almost always observed in the knobs, is alone able to absorb nitrogen. Recently it seems to have been j^roven that even without the aid of legu- minosse knob bacteria living free in the soil are able to absorb elementary nitrogen (for a detailed rhume of the present status of the question, see Stutzer : C. B., PartlL, Yol. I., p. 8). 12, Production of Acids from Carbohydrates. As Theobald Smith showed (C. B., XVIII., No. 1), the formation of free acid is only possible on a saccharine nutrient medium. Its production upon ordinary bouillon takes place only when the latter * These bacteroids assume the most bizarre shapes, networks, forks, stars. SUGAR IN^ THE NUTRIENT MEDIUM. 149 contains grape sugar (derived from the meat).* Ac- cording to Smith all strict or facultative anaerobics form acids out of sugar, the aerobics either do not or they do it so slowly that the formation of the acid is concealed by the parallel production of alkali. Prior to a knowledge of this work we had found that all tested varieties of bacteria (about sixty), which are shown in the Atlas, formed more or less free fixed acid in one per cent grape sugar peptone bouillon (vide Table I). The formation of acid may or may not be attended with visible develop- ment of gas. Intense production of acid may kill the cultures (for example, bacterium coli, vulgare, etc.). In many varieties the formation of acid or decom- position of sugar is intense and rapid, so that this metabolism, which is effected chiefly at the expense of the carbohydrates, is called fermentation. Inas- much as this is attended not infrequently by the de- velopment of gas in large quantity, this term also seems justifiable to the laity. If, after the sugar is used up, the amount of acid produced is insufficient to kill the bacteria, the metab- olism which ensues is that common to the non-sac- charine nutrient medium, the acid is gradually neu- tralized, and finally an increasing alkaline reaction sets in. Among the acids produced (apart from carbonic acid, which will be considered under the heading of "Production of Gas") the most important and widely distributed is lactic acid. In addition we almost * According to Th. Smith, seventy -five per cent of commercial beef contains distinct amounts of sugar (up to 0.3 per cent). 150 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. always find, at least in traces, formic acid, acetic acid, proprionic acid, butyric acid, and not infre- quently some ethyl alcohol, aldehyde, or acetone. In rarer cases the lactic acid is wanting and only the other acids are formed. In order to obtain and separate the acids we employ the following method: In 1 litre flasks are placed i litre peptone bouillon with two to ^yq per cent grape sugar or milk sugar and perhaps 10 gm. calcium carbonate. The acids formed com- bine with the calcium carbonate into a soluble lime salt and carbonic acid escapes; the reaction of the fluid — and that is the main thing — remains neutral. A strongly acid reaction would inter- fere prematurely with the further growth of the bacteria. When the growth has ceased (in eight to fourteen days) the undissolved carbonate is filtered off, and the reaction being neutral, the alcohol, aldehyde, acetone, etc., are distilled; the fluid is boiled down considerably during this process. The three sub- stances just mentioned are detected in common by Lieben's iodoform reaction. To the slightly warmed fluid in a test tube are added five to six drops of pure ten-per-cent potash lye, then a weak iodine- potassium iodide solution is added drop by drop until a brown color is produced, and the latter is made to disappear by a drop of potash. The charac- teristic iodoform odor and the precipitation of micro- scopic small six-angled iodoform plates are convinc- ing evidence. For the differentiation of alcohol, aldehyde, and acetone, vide Yortmann, " Analyse or- gan. Stoffe," 1891. SUGAR IK THE NUTRIENT MEDIUM. 151 A strong acid reaction is now secured with phos- phoric acid and the volatile acids are distilled off with the aid of a current of steam. The distillation must be prolonged because the complete removal of the volatile acids is difficult. The lactic acid is left in the distillate, is obtained by shaking repeatedly with pure ether, and the ether is then distilled off. The lactic acid obtained is always ethylidenlactic CH3 acid CHOH, which occurs in two stereoisomeric forms : COOH (1), dextro-rotatory with laevo-rotatory zinc salt, and (2) Isevo-rotatory with dextro-rotatory zinc salt. If, as happens very frequently, exactly the same number of molecules of left and right lactic acids are present, then the combination is optically inactive and forms the so-called "fermentation lactic acid." 1 assume that both lactic acids often develop from sugar, but that some varieties of bacteria thrive mainly on one, some on the other form, so that sometimes there is a uniform combination, sometimes one form predom- inates or alone remains. Since Schardinger {Mitt. f. Chem., XI., 545) dis- covered that the previously unknown left lactic acid was the product of a short rod bacillus in water, the pupils of Nencki and Kubner have made numerous investigations on the lactic acids formed by the dif- ferent varieties, in the hope of utilizing the results for purposes of differential diagnosis. For the method of determining the form of lactic acid, vide Nencki (C. B., IX., 305) and Gosio (A. H., XXL, 115). 152 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. The most important results of the investigations are: Bacterium coli Bacterium Bischleri Bacterium typhi Micrococcus acidi paralactici . Vibrio cholerse (Calcutta) Vibrio cliolerse (Massaua) . . . . Vibrio Metschnikovi Vibrio danubicus Vibrio "Wernicl^e" L,II.,I.-I. Vibrio "Dunbar" Vibrio proteus Vibrio Weibel Vibrio Bonhoff b Vibrio berolinensis Vibrio aquatilis Vibrio tyrogenes Vibrio Bonhofl: a Inactive lactic acid. + + Right lactic acid = paralactic acid. + + + Left lactic acid. + + Although these results are not yet of much impor- tance, a continuance of these theoretically interesting studies is desirable. Various bacteria— which have in great part been imperfectly studied morphologically and biologically — are able to produce butyric acid, butyl alcohol, or both from carbohydrates. A review of these varieties is found in an article by Baier (C. f. B., Part II., Yol. I., p. 17). Here we will only mention : bacillus butyricus Hiippe (appar- ently also other aUied varieties), the imperfectly described granulobacter poly my xa Beyerinck, and several anaerobic varieties (Clostridium butyricum of the authors). In connection with the fermentation of sugar we SUGAR IN THE NUTRIENT MEDIUM. 153 may mention tlie splitting up of cellulose by various bacteria, which are found particularly in the gastric and intestinal contents of herbivora, and in muck, and which form marsh gas as a striking product. Unfortunately the decomposition of cellulose by bacteria has been imperfectly studied. It appears to be certain, however, that at least one anaerobic variety' decomposes cellulose into marsh gas and carbonic acid. But the most recent investigator of this ques- tion. Van Senus, maintains that the anaerobic bacil- lus amylobacter isolated by him will attack cellulose only in symbiosis with another small bacillus (vide the resumS by Herzfeld: C. B., Part I., Vol. II., p. 114). 13. Formation of Gas from Carbohydrates and other Fermentihle Fatty Bodies. The only gas which develops in visible amounts upon a non-saccharine nutrient medium is nitrogen. If sugar is vigorously attacked by bacteria, the devel- opment of gas may be lacking inasmuch as pure lactic or acetic acid is produced (for example, typhus bacillus on grape sugar) ; but very often there is a notable development of gas, especially when the air is excluded. About one-third of the varieties which form acid vigorously also produce an abundance of gas. This consists of carbonic acid which, accord- ing to Smith (C. B., XYIII., 1) is always combined with hydrogen. Marsh gas appears to be formed rarely (apart from the bacteria which decompose cel- lulose). Last year Mr. Conrad isolated in my labor- atory, a bacterium allied to bacterium coli, which gives rise to the fermentation of sauerkraut and 154 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. always, even when the nutrient medium is free from cellulose, forms some marsh gas in addition to car- bonic acid and hydrogen. In order to determine whether gas is formed, we should use the agitation culture on one-per-cent grape Fig. 11.— Bacterium Coli upon Sugar Agar at the end oflVelve, Twenty- four, and Forty -eight Hours. sugar agar. At the end of twenty -four hours (often at the end of eight to twelve hours when incubating temperature may be employed) the agar is infiltrated with bubbles of gas or even split up by numerous deep rifts and fissures. If the gas is to bo measured or analyzed, it is best, according to Th. Smith, to re- ceive it in the fermentation flask which has been used SUGAR IN" THE NUTRIENT MEDIUM. 155 ^\ for such a long time in physiological and pathologi- cal chemistry. The tubes, which should have the shajje shown in Fig. 12, are filled with one-per-cent grape sugar pep- tone bouillon and sterilized in the steam chamber. After inoculation with a platinum loop in the incubat- ing chamber the following facts de- velop : 1. If the opacity is produced only in the open spherical part of the flask, we have to deal with an aerobic va- riety; if produced only in the closed tube and the globe remains clear, we have to deal with an anaerobic variety. 2. The daily amount of gas pro- duced is marked with ink ; if the cali- bre of the tube is known, we are able to state, after the formation of gas has ceased on the fourth to sixth day, what percentage of gas was produced on each day. 3. A rough analysis of the gas should be made. After the amount of gas has been noted, we fill the open sphere completely with ten-per-cent soda lye, close it firmly with the thumb, and shake it for a while. At the end of two minutes all the gas is al- lowed to pass into the closed tube, and after the thumb is removed the new volume of gas is read off. The part which has disappeared is carbonic acid, the rest is nitrogen, hydrogen, and marsh gas. The quan*- titative analysis of these gases is best done by means of Hempel's gas pipettes [vide Winkler: "Lehrb. d. techn. Gasanalyse," Freiburg, 1892). The method Fig. 12.— Fermen- tation Flask. 156 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. is based on the fact that hydrogen, when mixed with oxygen and passed over glowing palladium asbestos, is converted into. water and accordingly disappears; carburetted hydrogen is changed into carbonic acid in a glowing platinum capillary tube, and is measured as such, and the remainder is nitrogen. With some practice the examination is easy and accurate. 14. Production of Acids from Alcohols and other Organic Acids. It has long been known that bacterium aceti or its nearest allies convert weak solutions of ethyl alcohol into acetic acid, at the same time using up a large amount of oxygen : JH^OH COOH cii Higher alcohols, such as glycerin, dulcite, and mannite, are also converted into acids; glycerin as generally as sugar (v. Sommaruga: Z. H., XY., 291). Finally, numerous observations have been made on the conversion, b}^ bacteria, of acids of the fatty series (or their salts) into other fatty acids, but unfor- tunately the majority were not made with pure cul- tures which meet the modern requirements. Lactate, mallate, citrate, and gly cerate of lime were usually employed as the material and almost always acid mixtures were obtained as the result of the bacterial ac- tivity. Among these butyric, propionic, valerianic, and acetic acids play the principal part; succinic acid and ethyl alcohol are often found ; formic acid is rarer. Among the gases carbonic acid and hydrogen are especially prominent. SUGAR IN THE NUTRIEI^^T MEDIUM. 157 Such experiments were formerly made chiefly by Fitz, and recently have been performed with pure cultures and interesting results by P. Frankland. A couple of illustrations will suffice. Pasteur found that anaerobic bacteria convert lactate of lime into butyrate of lime. 2(CH3 - CHOH - C00)2Ca = COaCa + 3 CO^ + 4 H^ + Lactate of lime. (CH3- CH2-CH2- COO)Ca Butyrate of lime. According to P. Frankland the bacillus ethaceticus Fitz converts gly cerate of lime (CH^OH— CHOH— C00)2Ca into ethyl alcohol, acetic acid, carbonic acid, and hydrogen. in. The Pathogenic Effects of Bacteria. (Pathogenesis, Predisposition, Resistance, Im- munity.) Whenever we are able to recognize the nature of the pathogenic action of bacteria, they are found to act by means of the chemical substances which they form in the animal body or which are formed from them. But hitherto we have learned to comprehend only the action of those bacteria which produce toxic sub- stances in cultures, and by means of which we can reproduce the characteristic symptomatology in a more or less accurate manner. The bacteria of this category include particularly the bacillus tetani, bacillus diphtheriae, streptococcus pyogenes, micrococcus pyogenes, vibrio cholerae, etc. On page 134 we have given a brief sketch of our chemical knowledge of these toxic substances. 158 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. In an entire series of important infectious dis- eases, on the other hand, we are almost entirely un- able to explain them on a chemical basis. These include anthrax, rabbit septicaemia, hog erysipelas. Filtrates through i)orcelain of the most virulent cultures are inert ; the cultures, which are cautiously killed by briefly warming them or by a short expo- sure to chloroform, produce only the general protein action (fever) when injected. Yet it is probable that even these diseases are toxaemias due to bacterial metabolic products. It is to be regarded as an important finding that Petri and Maassen (A. G. A., YIII., 318) were able to demonstrate the sulphmethsemoglobin strii)e in the fresh blood and oedema fluid of erysipelatous hogs — a sign that poisoning with sulphuretted hydrogen at least plays a part in the death of the animals. Similar evidence has also been obtained in malignant oedema. Hoffa regards rabbit septicaemia as methylguanidin poisoning (Langenbeck's Arch., 1889, p. 273). Em- merich and Tsuboi {31unch. med. Wschr., 1893, No. 25) explain cholera as a nitrite poisoning, but this has been vigorously opposed. These explanations are very interesting, but they do not seem to suffice, inasmuch as, apart from the toxic processes just mentioned, there are at least other speciflc processes in the blood and tissues of the animal. This is proven, among other things, by the development of specific protective substances ("anti -bodies"). In order that a pathogenic action may be observed the micro-organism must be in a condition of vigorous SUGAR IN THE NUTRIENT MEDIUM. 159 virulence, the inoculation must be made upon a sensi- tive animal, and the proper channel of infection must be selected. The virulence of bacteria varies like all their other functions (production of coloring matters, fermenta- tion, etc.), and is best retained by constant inocula- tion from one sensitive animal to another. This is also done in many varieties by tolerably frequent transmission (about once a month) from one artificial nutrient medium to another, preferably with an occa- sional intermediate inoculation of an animal. On the other hand, the virulence usually suffers when, on account of rare inoculations, the cultures remain for a long time in contact with their accumulating meta- bolic products. Attenuation of the virulence is easily effected : (a) By making the cultures at somewhat too high a temperature. For example, at 42.5° anthrax is en- tirely deprived of virulence in three to four weeks, at 47° in a few hours, at 50°-53° in a few minutes. By the proper regulation of the action of heat iihe bacil- lus anthracis may be attenuated to such a degree that it will kill only mice, or mice and guinea-pigs, or these animals and rabbits. Spores may also be "attenuated" by dry heat or brief, careful disinfection with steam. {b) By cultures upon an unsuitable nutrient me- dium. The addition of phenol (1 : 600), potassium bichromate (0.04-0.02 per cent) was emi)loyed suc- cessfully to attenuate bacillus anthracis, iodine tri- chloride to attenuate the bacilli of diphtheria. (c) By the action of sunlight, compressed oxy- gen, etc. 160 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. (d) By repeated inoculation of unsuitable animals. The bacilli of hog erysipelas become much less viru- lent from passing repeatedly through the rabbit; the organisms of variola (these are not bacteria) from passing through the body of the cow. It is much more difficult to increase the virulence of those bacteria which have been attenuated. On the whole, it may be said that the virulence returns spontaneously so much more readily the more rapidly' the attenuation has been effected. Varieties which have slowly and spontaneously lost their virulence may often be restored to increased virulence in the following ways : 1. Culture in bouillon to which ascites fluid has been added (streptococci, diphtheria). 2. We first infect especially sensitive animals — par- ticularly very young ones, such as young guinea-pigs —and, when these have succumbed, convey the germs (directly with the blood of the animals) to older and more resistant animals of the most sensitive species, later to more resistant species. Each passage through an animal increases the virulence until finally a certain maximum is reached. 3. Sensitive animals are infected with large amounts of the fresh bouillon culture of the bacteria. The metabolic products, which are introduced at the same time, then increase the predisposition for the injected organism. 4. Large amounts of the metabolic products of bac- terium vulgare are injected with the bacteria (this has been especially useful in the case of staphylococci and streptococci). The explanation of the effect is the same as that of 3. SUGAR IN THE NUTRIENT MEDIUM. 161 5. We inject — for example, with the attenuated bacillus oedematis maligni or anthracis — another variety which per se is almost entirely harmless — for example, bacterium prodigiosum. 6. We inject the culture, mixed with an injurious substance of non-bacterial origin — for example, lactic acid. In bacillus oedematis maligni this has pro- duced increased pathogenic power, probably from local impairment of the anti-bacterial activity of the animal at the site of inoculation. The susceptibility of different species of animals and of different individuals to different infectious diseases varies from birth in a striking and not easily explained manner. Certain species are absolutely immune against spe- cial infection-producers.* For example, man against rinder pest, the cow against glanders, and all ani- mals which have been tested against syphilis, malaria, and gonorrhoea. A series of other diseases is conveyed very rarely and with difficulty to certain animals — for example, anthrax to certain varieties of pigeons, rats, and sheep. This constitutes relative immunity. The more vigorous and, as a general thing, the more mature an animal is, the more completely is its rela- tive immunity developed. Noxious influences of all kinds (hunger, cold, excessive exertion, ingestion of * It is especially remarkable that very closely allied varieties often exhibit astonishing differences. For example, the glanders bacillus can be conveyed very readily to the field mouse but not to the house mouse ; the bacillus anthracis kills the house mouse with almost absolute certainty and is hardly pathogenic to the rat. Micrococcus tetragenus is pathogenic to the white variety of the house mouse, but is not virulent to the gray variety. 11 162 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. certain poisons) diminish the immunity to a consider- able extent, so that a large number of organisms which are weakened in this manner succumb to a subsequent infection. Hence in every newly isolated variety of bacteria whose pathogenic action we desire to prove it is necessary to experiment ui)on various animals if the experiments on those first selected proved negative. The principal animals for experimentation are : the white domestic mouse, white rat, guinea pig, rab- bit, chicken, pigeon, and, for special purposes, the monkey. More rarely we emj^loy the gray domestic mouse and rat, field mice, dogs, cats, cows, sheep, pigs, and horses. The most convenient animal, but one requiring good care, is the guinea-pig, charac- terized by suitable size, mildness, and modest con- sumption of food. Animal plagues are studied and explained much more readily than human diseases, because the animals are at our disposal for experi- mentation. In difiicult cases various experiments in infection have also been made upon man. The causes of congenital immunity (resistance) reside in protective arrangements of the organism which I cannot here consider in detail. It may be said, however, that the views formulated by Buchner as a compromise between the various opposing theories are in tolerable accord with all the facts. In an invasion of pathogenic germs into the resisting organism a part is destroyed by substances (alexins) already present in the serum (and derived from leu- cocytes) ; another part is destroyed by substances which are produced from leucocytes (or other tis- sues) under the influence of the bacteria. A part of SUGAR IK THE NUTRIENT MEDIUM. 163 the germs which are destroyed by the leucocytes is absorbed by the latter secondarily, but some germs are undoubtedly ingested alive by the leucocytes. Metschnikoff — the most redoubtable antagonist of Buchner — insists upon the view that the latter proc- ess (phagocytosis), followed by subsequent death of the germs within the leucocytes, is the essential fea- ture of natural immunity. An increase of the congenital resistance to various infectious diseases has been effected in a number of ways. Thymus extract, spermin, abrin (toxic al- buminoids from the paternoster pea), papayotin (albumin-dissolving ferment from the papaya), cin- namic acid, iodine trichloride, sodium carbonate, etc., when injected into animals have produced favorable effects, sometimes in one, sometimes in several infec- tious diseases. Indeed, an increased resistance has been observed from the injection under the skin, but especially into the peritoneal cavity, of an entire series of ordinary albuminous substances, such as blood serum and bouillon. It is generally assumed that this effect depends upon increased stimulation of the leucocytes to the production of substances which are antagonistic to the bacteria. According to the majority of writers there is a sharp contrast between this increased resistance and the specific immunity from a definite disease which develops when an individual has spontaneously ac- quired and passed through this infectious disease or when he has been purposely inoculated with : (1) Naturally or artificially attenuated infection- producers of the same variety ; or 164 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. (2) Extinct cultures of the micro-organism in ques- tion; or (3) The blood serum or tissue juices of an animal immunized by the plans mentioned under (1) and (2). After (1) and (2) there develops an active immunity ^ after (3) a passive immunity. According to the most widely entertained opinion specific immunity depends upon the presence of specific " antisubstances" (Behring) in the blood and tissues of the immunized animal. According to Buchner the "antisubstances" are derived from the injected bacteria cultures and are much more resis- tant than alexins to noxious influences. Thus tetanus antitoxin tolerates a temperature of 70°-80° and the action of sunlight and putrefaction without decomposing. Brieger and Ehrlich have extracted diphtheria antitoxin in a solid form from the milk of goats which were rendered immune against diph- theria. Whether it is an albuminoid or adheres to al- buminoids, is not yet known. The antitoxins are best extracted (Brieger and Boer: Z. H., XXI., 266) by means of zinc chloride, but we have not yet succeeded in freeing them from the last traces of zinc. Accord- ing to Emmerich the " antisubstances," which he calls "immune proteidins," are combinations of a sub- stance furnished by the bacteria with body albumin from the immunized animal. In some cases the character of immunity, the action of the "antisubstances," is jjurely antitoxic, a true antidote. The notion, first advanced by Behring and Kitasato, that toxin and antitoxin neutralize one an- other chemically (somewhat like an acid and its base) has not been corroborated. We have to deal rather SUGAR IK THE NUTRIENT MEDIUM. 165 with an antagonistic action upon the cells of the body analogous to the action of atropine against morphine, except that the antisubstances possess a minimum toxicity or none at all. The proof that an ineffective mixture of toxin and antitoxin still contains a virus is furnished, for example, by the fact that guinea-pigs, upon whom antitoxin has less protective action than upon mice, can be poisoned with mixtures of toxin and antitoxin, which are entirely devoid of effect on mice (Buchner). While the "antisubstances" of diphtheria protect very well against the diphtheria virus, they have no injurious effect on the diphtheria bacilli either in vitro or in vivo, i.e., they are not bactericidal. The diphtheria bacilli may grow in the interior of an im- munized organism but they are not harmful. Entirely different in principle is the mode of action of the "antisubstances" in cholera. Here they are exquisitely bactericidal, but do not protect against large amounts of the cholera virus (K. Pfeiffer). Ac- cording to Emmerich, this is also true of hog ery- sipelas and pneumonia. Much attention has been devoted to the question of the specific action of the "antisubstances." Kich- ard Pfeiffer, the strongest advocate of their absolutely specific action, has defended successfully the follow- ing standpoint in regard to the cholera vibrio and its allies : Every pathogenic organism furnishes, in the body of the actively immunized animal, "antisub- stances" which exert a bactericidal action (often ex- tremely pronounced) only against the organism in question but not against its closest allies. This spe- cific action is so pronounced that Pfeiffer regards 166 ATLAS OF BACTER10L0(^Y. it as the most valuable diagnostic measure, for ex- ample, in deciding the question whether an organism is to be regarded as a cholera vibrio or not. Pfeiffer made the same discovery in regard to bacterium typhi and its allies, and this is corroborated by Dunbar, Sobernheim, Loffler, and Abel. It must not be forgotten, however, in opposition to these very interesting and surprising findings that a number of investigators (for example, Hiippe) do not recognize a sharp distinction between resistance and specific immunity, but acknowledge only quanti- tative, not qualitative, differences. At all events, we still have much to learn in this difficult field. Technical Appendix. The following recommendations and brief descrip- tions furnish all the technical directions which are given in a thorough course of bacteriology. We have given only the most necessary data and those which in our experience have proved most practical. I. MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION OF BACTERIA. 1. Hints on Microscopical Technique. For bacteriological examinations we use almost ex- clusively the modern microscope with Abbe's illu- minating apparatus, iris diaphragm, a low-power lens, and an oil immersion lens. A. Low magnifying power (sixty to one hundred times) and narrow diaphragm are used for careful examination of plate cultures. For this purpose we either raise the cover* and examine the colony from *Our plate cultures are always poured into cups. TECHNICAL APPENDIX. 167 above, or, if we do not wish to soil the plate by open- ing it, place it upon the cover and examine the colony from below. This does not give such characteristic appearances in all cases. B. High magnifying power. Oil immersion (seven hundred to twelve hundred times) is used in the ob- servation of individual bacteria. Upon the prepara- tion is placed a drop of oil of cedar, the tube of the microscope pushed down by means of the coarse ad- justment until the lens just touches the surface of the oil, and then adjust it accurately on the preparation with the micrometer screw. (a) Unstained Preparations. Narrow diaphragm. They are examined in two ways : 1. A drop of a fluid pure culture or a drop of water mixed with a trace of pure culture is placed between the slide and cover-glass ; or 2. In the hanging drop. A platinum loopful of fluid pure culture, or a loopful of bouillon mixed with a trace of pure culture, is placed on a cover-glass, and this laid (reversed) upon a slide which has been hollowed out so that the drop lies in the cavity. The cover-glass is then fixed to the slide by applying a trace of water to the four corners of the cover-glass or by apjilying vaseline, if prolonged observation is required. (6) Stained Preparations. Open diaphragm. Abbe's illuminating apparatus. To observe double- stained section preparations we require wide dia- phragm for the bacteria and narrow diaphragm for the tissues. C. Cleansing of the preparations and the micro- 168 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. scope. The immersion oil is always brushed off gently, and now and then the lens is rapidly cleansed with xylol and chamois skin; prolonged action of xylol loosens the setting of the lens. Xylol also re- moves dried particles of oil from the cover-glasses of old preparations. 2. The Most Important Solutions for Making Preparations. A. Staining Solutions. 1. Watery alcoholic solution of fuchsin and methyl blue. A concentrated "stock solution" is made by pouring absolute alcohol over the powdered coloring matters (fuchsin, methyl blue) in bottles, shakiug, letting them stand for a few hours, and then filtering. Of this saturated solution one part is mixed with four parts distilled water and filtered before using. In order to obtain good preparations it is better to stain for a longer time with weak solutions than for a shorter time with strong solutions. 2. Carbolized fuchsin (Ziehl's solution) : Fuchsin 1.0 gm. Acid, carbolic, liq 5.0 " Alcohol 10.0 " Aq. dest 90.0 " 3. Aniliue fuchsin: 4.0 aniline oil (anilin. pur.) are well shakeu for several minutes with 100 aq. dest., then filtered until all the water runs off clear (then the funnel is removed because otherwise the oil will pass through). In this aniline water are dissolved 4.0 gm. fuchsin and it is then again filtered. TECHNICAL APPENDIX. 169 4. Aniline gentian (Elirlich's solution): To 100 c.c. aniline water add 11 c.c. of an alcoholic con- centrated gentian violet solution (stock solution). This solution does not keep long. 5. Loffler's methyl blue: To 100 c.c. water, which contains 1 c.c. of a one-per-cent potash lye, add 30 c.c. of a concentrated alcoholic solution of methyl blue. The staining power is increased by the addi- tion of the alkali. 6. Bismarck brown: Prepare like No. 1. (Stains tissues, but bacteria poorly). 7. Alum carmine: To 100 c.c. of a five-per-cent alum solution add 2 gm. carmine, boil for an hour, and filter. B. Differentiation Measures. 1. Distilled water. 2. Absolute alcohol. 3. Iodine-potassium iodide solution (Gram). lodin. pur . 1.0 Potassii iodidi 3.0 Aq. destil 300.0 4. Sulphuric acid (twenty-five per cent). 5. Acetic acid (three per cent). 6. Acid alcohol. Alcohol (ninety per cent) 100 c.c. Distilled water. 200 " Pure hydrochloric acid 20 gtt G. Mordants for the Fhgella. Loffler's mordant: 10 c.c. alcoholic solution of fuchsin. 50 c.c. cold saturated ferrosulphate solution. 100 c.c. twenty -per-cent tannin solution. 170 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. 2. Bunge's mordant: 25 c.c. of a twentyfold diluted officinal ferric chloride solution. 75 c.c. saturated watery solution of tannin. To this solution is added, immediately before using, enough of a tliree-per-cent solution of hydrogen per- oxide to produce a reddish-brown color, and it is then filtered (we have always dispensed with the peroxide). D. Substances Used for Clearing Up and Mounting. 1. Xylol. 2. Canada balsam. 3. Dammar varnish. 3. Preparation of Stained Specimens of Bacteria. A. Smear Preparations. 1. Ordinary Stain with Fuchsin or Methyl Blue. This may be used for all bacteria with the exception of the tubercle bacillus. We place upon the cover-glass or slide a loopful of distilled water, mix with it a trace of pure culture (best from a solid nutrient medium) and then spread the drop in a very thin layer. After the fluid has evaporated the preparation, with the layer turned up, is rapidly drawn three times through the flame in order to fni the bacteria on the glass (not to burn them) and the layer of bacteria is covered with the staining solution. After a brief interval (one minute), perhaps after feebly warming the glass, the prepara- tion is washed with water and allowed to dry (some- TECHNICAL APPENDIX. 171 times after cautious warmiug). By means of a drop of Canada balsam the dry cover-glass is finally fixed to the slide with the bacterial layer downward. 2. Gram's Stain. (1) Making the smear preparation as above. (2) Staining with Ehrlich's solution three minutes. (3) Washing off with water. (4) Differentiation with iodine-potassium iodide so- lution one minute. (5) Decolorizing with absolute alcohol up to color- lessness (usually one to two minutes). (6) Drying and mounting. For the species which are adapted to Gram's stain, vide the table. In our experience the common opinion that every variety of bacteria may be pre- pared invariably either well or not at all according to this method is erroneous. For example, we ob- served among the fluorescents, which are usually described in literature as unstainable, that three varieties out of twelve stained very beautifully after twenty -four hours' culture. Indeed, according to Zimmermann, all fluorescents may be stained in young cultures. In like manner we were able to stain the bacillus of symptomatic anthrax which has often been re- garded as incapable of staining. The contradictory statements may be explained in part by the fact that the material emi3loyed has varied greatly in age, and also that the differentiation with alcohol was effected in different ways. But tyrothrix tenuis, which has been regarded as unstainable by Gram's method, was found to stain very well on a subsequent test of the same culture with the same technique. At all events 172 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. at each staining a fresh preparation of anthrax bacil- lus should be stained at the same time and all prepa- rations differentiated with alcohol for an equally long time (one or two minutes). We can then judge very well whether one variety of bacteria retains or gives off the coloring matter. 3. Capsule Preparation. According to Johne we proceed in the following manner : (1) Heating the preparation with two-per-cent so- lution of gentian violet until steam is given off. ^ (2) Washing with water. (3) Moistening with two-per-cent acetic acid for six to ten seconds. (4) Washing with water. By this method a very distinct membrane around the intensely colored bacterium cell can often be demonstrated in varieties which are not regarded as "capsular bacteria." The capsules are seen best on examination in water. 4. Staining of Flagella. The flagella, which are almost always invisible when unstained, are generally prepared according to LofBer's method : (1) Rubbing up a trace of young agar streak cul- ture (not bouillon) in a very small drop of water; spread out well, dry rapidly. (2) Heating of the preparation with mordant until steam is produced (do not boil) for one-half to one minute. (3) Washing off in a vigorous stream of water. (4) Washing off in alcohol in order to remove the remains of the mordant adherent at the edges. (5) Dropping of the staining fluid (a fev/ crystals are dissolved in 10 c.c. aniline water, and then one TECHNICAL APPENDIX. 173 per cent soda lye is added drop by drop until the clear fluid just begins to grow opaque) and beating for one minute until steam is evolved. (6) Washing off in water, drying, mounting in Canada balsam. The manipulations must be carried out with the most scrupulous cleanliness, and the cover-glasses must be especially well cleaned with acids and alco- hol. The cultures must be young, although it is not necessary, as some authors maintain, to make the staining only in cultures that are twenty-four hours old. We have often obtained very good preparations even at the end of twelve days. The mordants are usually prepared fresh. According to Loffler, it is necessary, in the case of the majority of bacteria, to add a definite amount of acid or alkali to the mordant in order to obtain well- stained flagella. Loffler advises that to 16 c.c. of the mordant there be added for : Drops. Soda lye. Cholera vibrios i to 1 1 per cent Spirillum rubrum 9 1 Bacterium typhi 20 to 22 1 Bacillus subtilis 28 to 38 1 Bacillus oedematis maligni. .. 36 to 37 1 Bacterium pyocyaneum 5 to 6 Equivalent sul- phuric acid. Oar results show that in the majority of cases we obtain very useful pictures with the unchanged mor- dant and that the addition of alkali or acid is by no means material. Similar experiences have been had by other writers, for example, Lucksch, Giinther, A. Fischer, Nicolle and Morax, but our investigations have not been concluded. 174 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. Bunge lias recently employed a somewhat different method which also gave us good results, but, like Loffler's method, occasionally left us capriciously in the lurch. (1) Preparation of the specimen, according to Loffler. (2) Heating with Bunge's mordant for one minute until steam is produced. (3) Careful cleaning with water and drying. (4) Warming slightly with carbolized gentian violet or carbolized fuchsin. (5) Washing in water, drying, and mounting in Canada balsam. Most of our specimens are i)repared with Bunge's mordant which is several months old. 5. Staining of Endospores.* According to Hauser : (1) Preparation of the specimen. (It should be drawn ten times, instead of three times, rapidly through the flame.) (2) Staining with watery fuchsin or carbolized fuchsin (Ziehl's solution) ; the preparation, over the flame, is covered freely with the staining fluid, and heated (not boiled) one to two minutes until there is an indication of simmering. The evaporating stain- ing fluid is replaced constantly by fresh fluid. (3) Washing with acid alcohol, f until the red color of the preparation is almost gone. * Arthrospores possess no undisputed color reactions. For metacJiromatic corpuscles, Ernst's and Bunge's granules, pre- liminary stages of spores, mde page 71. f Instead of acid alcohol we may also use thirty per cent nitric acid, five or twenty five per cent sulphuric acid, but these must be allowed to act for a shorter period. TECHNICAL APPEI^DIX. 175 (4) After-staining with methyl blue (a few sec- onds). The spores remain red, the bacilli blue. 6. Staining of Tubercle Bacilli. This is done ac- cording to the same principles as the staining of spores. The preparation is treated in the flame with a deeply staining solution and then everything with the exception of the tubercle bacilli is decolor- ized with some acid solution. (a) We may manipulate exactly as in spore staining (according to Ziehl-Neelsen), except that the prepara- tion is drawn only three times through the flame. This method is the only one employed by us. An- other favorite method is the one recommended by A. Fraenkel and Gabbet, in which decolorization and after-staining are effected at the same time. Then the preparation which has been stained with hot car- bolized fuchsin, and washed in water, is placed in the following solution: Sulphuric acid 1 Distilled water 3 Methyl blue, q.s. uutil the most intense blue color is pro- duced. We then wash carefully in water, dry, and mount in Canada balsam. However convenient this method may be, it is better, for those who are not very experienced, to stain, differentiate with acids, and after-stain sepa- rately, because in this way success is more assured. (h) Ehrlich-Koch's method is also often employed. The dry preparation is drawn through the flame, treated with aniline gentian solution for one to two minutes over the flame and heated with acid (usually thirty per cent nitric acid) for one to four seconds, 176 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. and with sixty per cent alcohol for a few moments. It is then dipped for several minutes in a watery solution of Bismarck brown and washed off in water. The tubercle bacilli then appear violet on a brown background. In this form the method is suitable for cover-glass preparations from pure cultures and tuberculous sputum with many tubercle bacilli. If very few or no bacilli are found in the first preparations, we must adopt some method for increasing their numbers. We mention two of the innumerable recommen- dations : {a) According to Strohschein : Five to ten cubic centimetres of the sputum are mixed with a threefold amount of Wendriner's borax- boracic acid solution,* and after vigorous shaking allowed to settle for four to five days. The mixture becomes fluid and the bacilli settle at the bottom. Such sputum may be used for examination even after the lapse of years. {h) According to Dahmen, modified by Heim : The entire sputum is cooked from fifteen to twenty minutes in a beaker glass in the steam chamber, then allowed to cool, the opalescent fluid is poured off, and the crumbly sediment is used for smear preparations. B. Section Preparations. 1. Universal method, according to Loffler, adapted to the large majority of bacteria. The section, which lies in alcohol, is conveyed * Eight grams borax dissolved in hot water, 12 gin. horacic acid added, and then 4 gr. borax ; after crystallization the solu- tion is filtered. TECHNICAL APPENDIX. 177 (spread upon a spatula of German silver or glass) to Loffler's alkaline methyl blue solution for from five to thirty minutes, and is then placed for a few seconds in one-per-cent acetic acid. After the differentiation the section is placed in absolute alcohol, xylol, and Canada balsam. We must try how long the acetic acid may be allowed to act, and must accelerate the dehydration in alcohol as much as possible; the bacilli should be blackish-blue, the nuclei blue, the protoplasm bluish. 2. Nicolle states that by the following method he has obtained very good section staining of objects which are stained with difficulty — for example, in glanders, typhoid fever, etc. : Loffler's blue, one to three minutes. Washing in water. Treatment with ten-per-cent solution of tannin for a few seconds. Washing in water. Absolute alcohol, oil of cloves, xylol, Canada balsam. 3. According to Gram : (1) Ehrlich's solution, three minutes. (2) Iodine-potassium iodide solution, two minutes. (3) Alcohol, one-half minute. (4) Alcohol containing three per cent hydrochloric acid, ten seconds. (5) Alcohol, several minutes until maximum decol- orization. (6) Xylol; finally mounting in Canada balsam. If the tissues are to be stained in a contrasting color, the section is placed, after the maximum de- colorization with alcohol, in a watery solution 1^ 178 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. (10 : 100) of Bismarck brown for a few minutes, then in absolute alcohol for fifteen to twenty seconds, then in xylol, and finally in Canada balsam. 4. Botkin maintains that Gram's stain is facilitated by washing in aniline water preparations which have been stained with aniline gentian. The preparations, when taken from the iodine solution, subsequently stand the action of the alcohol very much better. Bacillus oedematis maligni and bacterium pneu- moniae Friedlander can be stained in this way. 5. Kutscher's modification of Gram's method: A concentrated solution of gentian violet is made in a mixture of : Aniline water 1 part. Alcohol 1 *' Five-per-cent carbolized water 1 " This concentrated solution is poured drop by drop into a watch-glassful of water until a shimmering layer forms on the surface. The sections are placed in this for ten to fifteen minutes, are then washed off in distilled water, placed one minute in iodine- potassium iodide, then in alcohol, xylol, and bal- sam. Malignant oedema and symptomatic anthrax can also be stained by this method. 6. If tubercle bacilli are to be stained in sections we use carbolized fuchsin or aniline gentian solution as in cover-glass staining, but we dispense with the heating and instead allow the staining fluid to act for fifteen to thirty minutes, TECHNICAL APPENDIX. 179 4. Production of Section Preparations. At the autopsy small pieces of the organs are thrown at once into an abundance of absolute alcohol and kept there two to three days, the alcohol being renewed two to three times. In most cases the organs are then ready for cutting. For this pur- pose the firmer part of the kidneys, liver, and muscles are placed on a piece of cork with liquefied commer- cial gelatin * and then again placed, with the cork, in absolute alcohol. At the end of twenty -four hours the organ may be cut with the microtome. More delicate organs must be embedded in celloidin or paraffin ; be- fore staining, the paraffin is removed completely by washing repeatedly in turpentine, or xylol and the prei^aration is placed in absolute alcohol after re- moval from the xylol. II. CULTURE OF BACTERIA. 1. Nutrient Media. A. Non-albuminous (according to C. Fraenkel and Voges). Common salt 5 gm. Neutral commercial sodium phosphate 2 " Ammonium lactate 6 " Asparagin 4 " are dissolved in 1,000 gm. of distilled water. We may add ten per cent gelatin or one per cent agar, and thus obtain a non-saccharine nutrient medium which * One part of gelatin is dissolved in two parts of water. 180 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. is suitable to the majority of bacteria. The addition of milk sugar gives a milk-sugar uutrient medium which is free from dextrose (Lehmann and Neumann). B. Albuminous. 1. Peptone water. In 1 litre of water are dissolved 10 gm. dried peptone, and 5 gm. sodium chloride, and sterilized together. 2. Milk. Fresh milk (best, fresh centrifugal milk) is placed in test tubes and sterilized in the steam chamber for one-half hour on two successive days. Milk which contains the spores of the subtilis group is often incapable of sterilization. 3. Litmus whey (Petruschky). Casein is cau- tiously precipitated from milk by giving it a very feeble acid reaction with diluted hj-^drochloric acid, the filtrate is boilefl and filtered, and the neutralized fluid mixed with some litmus. This whey is not easily prepared {vide Heim: "Lehrbuch," p. 210). 4. Hay decoction. About 10 gm. dry hay are boiled in a litre of water. The filtered solution is placed in test tubes, and sterilized for two hours on three suc- cessive days (kept over night in the incubating cham- ber) in order to destroy the very resisting spores. 5. Beer wort (not neutralized) is allowed, after sterilization, to settle for a few weeks, then poured off clear into test tubes, and again sterilized. 6. Nutrient bouillon. (a) From meat : 500 gm. lean beef are boiled upon the flame for one-half hour with 1,000 gm. of water in an enamelled pot, filtered, the filtrate reduced to 1,000 gm. and 10 gm. peptone with 5 gm. sodium chloride added; this is placed in the steam chamber until dissolved, and the whole is then neutralized with TECHNICAL APPENDIX. 181 normal soda lye (indicator, phenolphthalein).* We then filter, pour into test tubes, and sterilize. (h) From meat extract : 10 gm. meat extract are dis- solved in 1,000 gm. water, 5 gm. sodium chloride and 10 gm. peptone are added, the solution is neutralized and well sterilized several times. 7. Potato water for tubercle bacilli : 500 gm. peeled potatoes are rubbed upon a grater, allowed to remain over night in 500 gm. water in the refrigerator, de- canted, filled up to 1000 gm., cooked for an hour in the water-bath, filtered, four per cent glycerin is added, and the mixture sterilized. 8. Gelatin nutrient media. (a) Meat water-peptone gelatin (ordinary "gela- tin" or "nutrient gelatin" of the laboratories). To 1,000 gm. bouillon (vide nutrient bouillon) are added 100 gm. gelatin, 10 gm. peptone, 5 gm. sodium chloride, the mixture is heated in the steam chamber until all the ingredients are liquefied, neutralized with normal soda lye, sterilized, and filtered. After the melted gelatin is placed in test tubes it is again sterilized. (b) Meat- water gelatin: the same as under (a), but without peptone and sodium chloride. (c) Beer-wort gelatin is made by adding ten per cent gelatin to the wort ; it should not be neutralized. (d) Plum-decoction gelatin : 500 gm. dried plums are cooked in 500 gm. water, the fluid is poured off, and the plums are again cooked with 500 gm. water. * Illustration : Ten cubic centimetres bouillon require for sat- uration 2.2C.C. one-tonfih normal soda lye; 1,000 c.c. bouillon require for saturation 220 c.c. one-tenth normal soda lye, or 22 c. c. normal soda lye. 182 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. Both fluids are then mixed, filtered, and ten per cent gelatin is added. Not to be neutralized. (e) Herring gelatin. Two salt herring, unwashed, are boiled in 1,000 gm. water and ten per cent gelatin is added to the filtrate ; not to be neutralized. (/) Potato-water gelatin, according to Holz, for bacterium typhi: 500 gm. potatoes are thoroughly washed, peeled, finely grated, and squeezed through a linen cloth. The opaque juice may be allowed to settle for twenty -four hours and then filtered, or, as we always prefer, filtered at once through pure animal charcoal. After heating one hour in the steam chamber ten per cent gelatin is added to the clear fluid, this is again heated in the steam chamber, filtered, poured into test tubes and sterilized on three successive days. (g) Potassium iodide potato-water gelatin (Eisner) : One per cent iodide is added to the gelatin. The best way is to add a well-sterilized solution in the requisite amounts to gelatin which has just been made ready for use. 9. Nutrient agar. To 1,000 gm. bouillon add 10 gm. very finely divided agar, boil for one hour on the fire in a glass retort until completely dis- solved; the water which has evaporated is replaced and then 10 gm. peptone and 5 gm. sodium chloride are added. After heating again in the steam cham- ber the fluid is neutralized, filtered by means of the hot-water funnel, placed in test tubes, and again sterilized. 10. In order to make grape-sugar or milk-sugar agar, two per cent of the corresponding substance is added with the peptone and sodium chloride. As TECHNICAL APPENDIX. 183 bouillon agar generally contains traces of grape sugar, we have for some time made a milk-sugar agar which is free from grape sugar, according to the plan described under A. 11. Glycerin agar. To the nutrient agar is added five per cent glycerin, the mixture poured into test tubes and sterilized. 12. Sugar-chalk agar. Mix melted sugar agar with finely powdered, dry, sterilized carbonate of lime until the mixture becomes cloudy and opaque, inoculate the bacteria into it, and pour out in plates. 13. Potatoes. After careful washing the potatoes are peeled, cut into discs 1 cm. thick, and sterilized several times in high Petri's dishes. We may also perforate the peeled potato with a large cork borer and divide \lie cylinder by an oblique cut into two wedges. The pieces are then placed in a test tube at the bottom of which is a little dry cotton (to ab- sorb the water ci condensation) and sterilized several times in the steam chamber. 14. Blood serum. The blood, taken from the slaughtered animal under proper precautions, is al- lowed to stand for twenty -four hours in well cleaned glass cylinders in the refrigerator; on the following day the serum is removed by means of large sterile pipettes. It is placed in bottles, one per cent chloro- form is added, and is then allowed to stand for a few weeks, being shaken occasionally. For use, we place the serum, which has been poured into tubes, in the incubating chamber for a few days in order that the chloroform may escape completely. It is employed either in the fluid state or after it has been made rigid at a temperature of 65°. % 184 ATLAS or BACTERIOLOGY. 15. Loffler's serum mixture for diphtheria bacilli. Three parts of beef or sheep serum are mixed with one part calf's bouillon, which contains one per cent grape sugar, one per cent peptone, and one-half per cent sodium chloride. 16. Entirely different from the other media is that first devised by Kiihne, modified by various writers, and finally made somewhat more practicable by Stutzer and Burri. We refer to the silicic acid nu- trient medium. Gelatinous silicic acid, whieh is merely mixed with a few salts, is an important nu- trient medium for certain organisms (for example, the nitrate-producers) on account of the lack of organic nutrient substances. For the somewhat complicated manipulation, vide Stutzer and Burri (C. B., Yol. I., Part v., 722). 2. The Employment of the Duterent Nutrient Media Depends upon the Following View- Points : I. Fluids (bouillon, sugar bouillon, milk, non- albuminous nutrient solution). 1. To produce cultures en masse. 2. To obtain bacterial solutions containing an ac- curately determinable number of bacteria (counting by means of plates). 3. To observe the development of membrane and sediment. 4. To study the metabolic products. II. Solid Nutrient Media. 1. Gelatinous nutrient media. The most exten- sive use is made of gelatinous, transparent nutrient TECHNICAL APPENDIX. 186 media (agar and gelatin) and for the following rea- sons : (a) They may be used as fluids and as solid media : as fluids they permit the separation, as solid sub- stances the fixation, of the isolated germs and their separate growth into colonies. (b) On account of their transparency they permit a macroscopic as well as a microscopic observation of the cultures; they permit a differential diagnosis of the varieties and an early recognition of any im- purities. They are used particularly : (a) For plate cultures, *.e., as a proof of positive separation and for the enumeration of individuals and varieties. (b) To secure characteristic macroscopic cultures, which will serve for differential diagnosis. (c) For permanent cultures or collections of living bacteria. The special advantages of agar and gelatin are : (a) Gelatin. Advantages : Easily produced, easily formed into plates (at 25°) ; its property of liquefac- tion by certain bacteria possesses great diagnostic importance. Disadvantages : As it melts at 25°, it cannot be used in hot weather and at incubating tem- perature. (b) Agar. Advantages : Practicable at incubating temperature (i.e., for the rapid culture of bacteria [spores] and particularly of thermophile bacteria). Disadvantages: Difficulty of preparation; not so easily formed into plates. The cultures are often not very characteristic. 2. Blood serum and glycerin agar. Used for the 186 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. culture of pathogenic varieties, which thrive with difficulty or not at all upon other nutrient media. Plate cultures are only possible with glycerin agar and mixtures of agar and serum. 3. Potatoes. (1) To obtain macroscopically characteristic cul- tures of great durability and for differential diag- nosis. (2) Occasionally for the development of spores. 3. A Few Words on the Manipulation of Ordinary Cultures. The platinum needle must be brought to a glow throughout its entire length each time before using and before putting it away. {a) Fluid cultures are inoculated with a loopful of pure culture. (b) Gelatin and agar stick cultures are made with a straight needle without a loop, only one puncture to each tube but extending nearly to the bottom. (c) Agar and gelatin streak cultures and potato cul- tures are made by a gentle superficial stroke upon the surface with the platinum loop. In the case of the potato it is sometimes necessary to rub the culture in. (d) Gelatin plate cultures. 1. To isolate definite germs in the pure culture. We melt three gelatin tubes ; put into the first, after it has been cooled to 30°, a loopful of a fluid culture or a trace of a solid culture; shake the tube while turning it upside down, and then convey from this one or two loopfuls of liquefied gelatin into a second tube. After shaking this, two to three loopfuls are TECHNICAL APPENDIX. 187 placed in a third tube, and tlie contents are then poured into three dry sterilized plates, lifting the cover briefly and gently inclining the plate to and fro, in order that the gelatin may be distributed as uniformly as possible. In making inoculations from one tube to another it is advisable to hold them in an inclined position in order to guard against the en- trance of foreign germs. The plates are then placed in the culture chamber at a constant temperature of 22° (or they may be kept at the temperature of the room) and at the end of two to three days the indi- vidual colonies which have developed are observed macroscopically and also microscopically with low (50) magnifying powers. As a general thing only two of the three plates are serviceable for observa- tion, one at least is sown too thick or too thin. 2. If we wish to ascertain the number of colonies, for example, in a specimen of water, we place in three test tubes of melted gelatin, 1 c.c, 0.5 c.c, and 0.1 c.c. of the water, shake and pour into three dishes. To ascertain the number of germs, we use Wolffhiigel's counting apparatus if very many germs have devel- oped. If the germs are few the following plan is simpler: The plate is laid upside down (upon the cover) , the bottom is divided with ink into sextants, and each visible colony is marked with a dot. Plates upon which the number of germs in drinking-water are to be ascertained must be counted several times (on the second, third, and fifth days). When the fluid is very rich in germs (for example, sour milk, ditch water, etc.), 1 c.c. is first placed in 100 c.c. of sterilized water and the mixture then manipulated as described above. Solid bodies are first rubbed up in 188 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. water. "WTien air is to be examined a definite volume is sucked through a tube of sterilized sand, the latter carried into sterilized water, and plates are then formed. (e) Agar plate cultures are made in the same way. The agar should not be poured into the dishes when too cool, because otherwise it coagulates at once into an irregular surface ; if used when too warm, the in- oculated bacteria will die*. In recent times it has been recommended that in making agar plates the nutrient medium should first be allowed to become rigid in the dish, and then the mass to be examined is smeared superficially upon it with a sterilized platinum loop, a strip of filtering paj^er or a xjlatinum brush. In this way we obtain only characteristic superficial colonies. (/) Sugar-agar-agitation cultures : The contents of the tube are melted in the water-bath, then cooled to about 40°; a loopful of pure culture is then intro- duced, the tube well shaken, and when it becomes rigid the culture is placed in the incubating chamber. 4. Anaerobic Cultures. We have employed almost exclusively Buchner's method, i.e., the absorption of oxygen by pyrogallic acid and potash lye.* (a) For stick cultures : Upon the bottom of a glass cylinder, which must be somewhat longer and wider than a test tube, is placed a heaping teaspoonful of pyrogallic acid and 20 c.c. of a three-per-cent potash * Sensitive varieties are said to thrive still better in a hydrogen atmosphere. TECHNICAL APPENDIX. 189 lye; place in it the infected stick culture and close the cylinder at once with a soft-rubber stopper or a ground-glass stopper which is sealed with paraffin. According to Kitasato the anaerobics which are less sensitive to oxygen may be cultivated in saccharine agar in a high stick culture, even without pyrogallic acid. A wire with a small loop is pushed into the layer of sugar agar (8 to 10 c.c. high), and the wire turned on its long axis before withdrawal. (b) For i^late cultures we use, instead of the glass cylinder, a wide exsiccator with a ground cover; fill the lower part with sand and the pyrogallic-acid mix- ture, and then manipulate as before. III. EXPERIMENTS ON ANIMALS. A. Infectioyi. 1. Subcutaneous inoculation. A shallow incision is made with a pair of scissors on some part of the skin, after it has been washed with a 0.1-per-cent solution of corrosive sublimate; the inoculating matter is carried beneath the skin by means of a stout platinum wire with a loop. Mice are generally inoculated above the root of the tail ; they are simply held by the tip of the tail, and allowed to hang into a glass which is covered up in great part by a piece of wood. Guinea-pigs and rabbits are inoculated on the side of the thorax. 2. Subcutaneous injection is generally effected by means of Koch's rubber ball injection syringe or Strohschein's syringe. A fold of skin is picked up at some part of the body, and the needle inserted in the longitudinal direction. If several cubic centi- 190 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. metres are to be injected, the following simple method may be adopted: A short piece of rubber tube pro- vided with an injection needle is fastened to a grad- uated pipette, the entire apparatus sterilized, the pipette filled, and the fluid blown' in by the aid of the mouth or a rubber bulb. 3. Peritoneal injection is made by perforating with a sterilized hollow canula, at one puncture, the ab- dominal wall, then cautiously advancing the needle and injecting the fluid. B. Observation. Mice may be kept in sterilized glass vessels closed with cotton and wire netting ; larger animals must be kept in sterilized cages or stalls. G. Autopsy and Disposal of the Cadaver. Autopsies must be made immediately after death, or, at least, the animal placed on ice. The animal, lying on the back, is tied or nailed through the legs to a board, the abdomen and chest are throughly moistened with corrosive sublimate, and then the ab- dominal cavity is opened with a previously sterilized knife. The abdominal walls are separated and from the spleen, liver, and kidneys some blood (or tissue juice) is removed with a sterilized platinum loop. This is smeared at once upon prepared agar plates. The organs are carefully cut out, avoiding contact with the intestines, and are placed in absolute alcohol for further examination. Then the thorax is opened with a pair of scissors, blood taken from the heart and lungs, and these organs are placed in alcohol. Be- fore each operation the instruments must be carefully TECHNICAL APPENDIX. 191 brought to a glow. It is better to have on hand numerous instruments which have been sterilized at 130°. The hands must be kept perfectly clean. After the autopsy it is best to cremate the cadaver. If this is not feasible, the body is wrapped in cloths dipped in a solution of corrosive sublimate and buried in a hole in the ground at least one-half metre deep, which is filled in with quicklime. ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Actinomyces, pi. 63 Anthrax bacillus, pi. 38-40 Arthrospores, pp. 67, 76 Bacillus acidi lactici, pi. 13 anthracis, pi. 38-40 butyricus, pi. 42, V.-VI. Chauvoei, pi. 46 coli, pi. 14, 15 cyanogencs, pi. 23, 24 diplitheriae, pi. 20 erysipelatos suum,pl.34,I. fluorescens liquefaciens, pi. 28 fluorescens non - liquefaci- ens, pi. 22 haemorrhagicus, pi. 21, VIL, VIII. influenzae, pi. 63, V. janthinus, pi. 27 kiliensis, pi. 26 latericius, pi. 21, I. -VI. leprae, pi. 63, I. -III. mallei, pi. 19 megatherium, pi. 35 mesentericus fuscus, pi. 42, 43, VIII., IX. mesentericus vulgatus, pi. 44 murisepticus, pi. 34, II.- X. 13 Bacillus mycoldes, pi. 41-42, I.-IV. oedematis maligni, pi. 47 pneumonia;, pi. 12 prodigiosus, pi. 25 putidus, pi. 22 pyocyaneus, pi. 29 septicacmiae haemorrhagi- cae, pi. 18 subtilis. pi. 36, 37 syncyaneus, pi. 24 tetani, pi. 45 typhi, pi. 16, 17 violaceus, pi. 27 vulgatus, pi. 43 Zopfii, pi. 30, 31 Bacteria, forms of, p. 66 in soft chancre, pi. 63, IV. Bacterium acidi lactici, pi. 13 coli commune, pi. 14, 15 erysipelatos suum, pi. 34, 1. haemorrhagicum, pi. 21, VIL, VIII. influenzae, pi. 63, V. janthinum, pi. 27 kiliense, pi. 26 latericium, pi. 21, I. -VI. mallei, pi. 19 murisepticum, pi. 34, II.- IX. 194 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. Bacterium pediculatum, p. 73 pestis, pi. 63, VI., VII. pneumoniae, pi. 13 prodigiosum, pi. 35 putidum, pi. 33 pyocyaneum, pi. 39 septicaemiae hsemorrbagi- cae, pi. 18 syncyaneum, pi. 34 typhi, pi. 16, 17 violaceum, pi. 37 vulgare, pi. 33 vulgare /5 mirabilis, pi. 33 Zopfii, pi. 30, 31 Butyric acid bacillus, pi. 43, V.-VII. Capsule bacillus, Friedlander's, pi. 13 coccus, Fraenkel's, pi. 5 formation of, p. 73 Chain coccus, pi. 6 Chicken cholera, pi. 18 Cholera bacillus, pi. 49-53 reaction, pi 54, IV. vibrio, pi. 49-53 Chromogenous sarcinae, pi. 9- 11 Cladothrix dichotoma Auto- rum non Cohn, pi. 61 Comma bacillus of cholera, pi. 49-53 bacillus of Finkler, pi. 53, VI., 56 bacillus of Metsclmikoff, pi. 53, V. Corynebacterium diphtherise, pi. 30 Diphtheria bacillus, pi. 30 Diplococcus gonorrhoeae, pi. 3, VL, Vl.a, Yl.b Diplococcus lanceolatus, pi. 5 pneumoniae, pi. 5 roseus, pi. 4 Endogenous spores, p. 79 Erysipelas streptococcus, pi. 6 Farcin de boeuf, pi. 60 Fermentation tubes, p. 155 Finkler 's comma bacillus, pi. 56, 53, VI. Flagella types, p. 73 Fluorescens liquefaciens, pi. 38 non-liquefaciens, pi. 33 Fluorescent bacteria, pi. 33, 38, 39 Fowl cholera, pi. 18 Fraenkel's pneumonia coccus, pi. 5 Friedlander's pneumonia ba- cillus, pi. 13 Germination of spores, p. 73 Glanders bacillus, pi. 19 Gonococcus, pi. 3, VI., VI. «, VL6 Gonorrhoea, pi. 3, VI., VI. a, VI. 6 Green pus, pi. 39 Hanging drop, p. 167 Hauser's bacterium, pi. 33, 33 Hay bacillus, pi. 36, 37 Hog erysipelas, pi. 34, I. Indol reaction in cholera, pi. 54. 4 Influenza bacillus, pi. 63, V. Involution forms of anthrax, pi. 40, V. forms of cholera, pi. 53, IV. Kiel water bacillus, pi. 36 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF ILLUSTRATIONS. 196 Lactic acid bacillus, pi. 13 Lepra bacillus, pi. 63. L-IIL Leptothrix epidermidis, pi. 59 Loffler's bacillus, pi. 20 Malignant oedema, pi. 47 Malleus, pi. 19 Membrane, thickening of, in bacteria, p. 73 Mesentericus fuscus, pi. 44 vulgatus, pi. 43 Metschnikoff's vibrio, pi. 53, V. Micrococcus agilis, pi. 3, I.-V. badius, pi. 11, VII. candicans, pi. 2, IV.-VIII. gonorrhoeae, pi. 3, VI. luteus. pi. 8. I.-V. pyogenes a aureus, pi. 1 pyogenes y albus, pi. 2, I.-IL pyogenes (3 citreus, pi. 2, III. roseus, pi. 4 tetragenus, pi. 7 Morbus Werlhofii, pi. 21, VIL, VIII. Mouse septicaemia, pi. 34 typhoid, pi. 17, XL Mycobacterium leprae, pi. 63, L-IIL tuberculosis, pi. 48 Oospora bo vis, pi. 62 chromogenes, pi. 61 farcinlca, pi. 60 Pediococcus tetragenus, pi. 7 Plague bacillus, pi. 63, VL, VIL Plasmolysis, according to Fischer, 70 Pneumonia bacillus, pi. 12 coccus, pi. 5 Potato bacillus, pi. 42, VIII. , IX., 43, 44 Prodigiosus, pi. 25 Proteus mirabilis, pi. 32 vulgaris, pi. 33 Pseudodichotomy in bacilli, 69 in streptococci, 69 Pus, green, blue, pi. 29 Pyocyaneus, pi. 29 Rabbit septicaemia, pi. 18 Rauschbrand, pi, 46 Recurrens spirilli, pi. 58, VIIL, IX. Root bacillus, pi. 41, 42, L-IV. Sarcina aurantiaca, pi. 10. canescens, pi. 11, VIIL cervina, pi. 11, I. erythromyxa, pi. 11, III. flava, pi. 9 lutea, pi. 11, IV. pulmonum, pi. 8 rosea, pi. 11, VL Septicaemia haemorrhagica, pi. 18 Spirilli from the gums, pi. 58, VII. from the nasal mucous membrane, pi. 58, III., IV. Spirillum concentricum, pi. 57, VI. , VIIL Spirillum Obermeieri, pi. 58, VIIL, IX. rubrum, pi. 47, I.-V. a serpens, pi. 58, I. undula, pi. 58, V. 196 ATLAS OF BACTERIOLOGY. Spirocbtete Obermeieri, pi, 58, VIII., IX. of the gums, pi. 58, VII. Spores, development of, 77 germiDation of, 78 types of, 77 Staphylococcus pyogenes al- bus, pi. 2, L,IL pyogenes aureus, pi. 1. pyogenes citreus, pi. 2, III. Streptococcus brevis, pi. 6, X. conglomerates, pi. 6, XI. longus, pi. 6, IX. meningitidis cerebrospi- nal is, pi. 3, VIL, VIII. of erysipelas, pi. 6 Streptococcus pyogenes, pi. 6 Streptothrix, pi. 60 Structure of the bacterium cell, 70 Tetanus bacillus, pi. 45. Tetragenus, pi. 7 Tuberculosis, pi. 48 Typhoid bacillus, pi. 16, 17 Vibrio albensis, pi. 54 aquatilis, pi. 55, II., VIL, VIII., IX. berolinensis,pl. 55, V., VI. cholerse, pi. 49-53 danubicus, pi. 55, I. -III. Finkler, pi. 53, VI., 56 fluorescent, from the Elbe, pi. 54 Metschnikoff, pi. 53, V. proteus, pi. 53, VI., 56 spermatozoides, pi. 58, VI. Violet bacillus, pi. 37 IWDEX Abbe's illuminating appara- tus, 166 Abrin, 135, 163 Absolute immunity, 157 Acclimatization of anthrax, 99 Aceton, 150 Acid, acetic, 150 agar, 89 butyric, 150 formic, 150 media, use of, 90 propionic, 150 Active immunization, 157 Adenin, 81 Al^robic races of anaerobic va- rieties, 97 Aerobics, facultative, 96 strict, 95 Aerotaxic figures, 112 ^thyl alcohol, 149 Agar* cultures, 189 Albuminoids in bacteria, 80 labile, 135 Alcohol, 150 production of acids from, 156 Aldehyde, 150 Agitation cultures, 101 Alexin, 163 Alkali, production of, by bac- teria, 130 Alkaline agar, 89 Alkaloids, putrefaction, 132 Alternating fission in different planes, 75 Alum carmine, 169 Amidoacids, 133 Amines. 130, 133 Ammonia, demonstration of, 141 production of, 130, 141 Ammonium bases, 133 carbonate in water as a nutrient, 85 Amygdalin, 123 Anaerobic cultures, 188 Anaerobics, conversion of, into aerobics, 97 facultative, 96 strict, 96 Aniline fuchsin, 168 gentian, 169 oil, 169 water, 169 Animals, experiments on, 189 Antagonistic action in the ani- mal body, 157 bacteria, 104 Anthrax spores, viability of, 108 Antisepsis, 90 Antisubstances, 164 198 INDEX. Antitoxic effects, 164 Antitoxin, 164 Aromatic metabolic products of bacteria, 142 Arthrospores, 67. 76 Ascitic fluid, 159 Asepsis, 90 Ash, amount of, in bacteria, 80 Assimilation of nitrogen, 147 Attenuation of spores, 159, of virulence, 90, 159 Bacillus ^thaceticus, 157 amylobar^ter, 153 anthracis, 79, 97, 99, 102, 122, 141, 145, 159 aquatilis, 85 butyrious Hilppe, 81, 152 Cliauvoei, 96 De Baryanus, 77 denitrificans I., 147 denitrificans II,, 147 diplitheriae, 157 crythrosporus, 85 fluorescens liquefaciens, 122, 132, 140 kiliense. 122 leptosporus, 79 limosus, 77 macrosporus, 77 megatherium, 111, 122 mesentericus, 99, 113 raycoides, 101, 145 oedematis maligni, 96, 161 oxalaticus, 71 perlibratus. 113 radicicola, 147 Bacillus sessilis, 80 Solmsii, 77 subtilis, 80, 101, 111, 113, 120, 141 tetani, 87, 96, 106 thermophilus, 99 tuberculosis, urese, 131 viscosus sacchari, 81 vulgatus, 98 Bacteria, antagonism between, 104 chemiccl composition of, 80 chemical effects, 115 definition, 65 growth in groups, 67 mechanical and electrical effects of, 100 mechanical effects, 111 optical effects, 111 resistance of, to deficiency of food and water, 93 solitary growth of, 67 thermic effects, 115 vital conditions of, 84 Bacterial proteins, 135 Bacterio-fluorescin, 128 Bacterio-trypsin, 117 , Bacteroids, 148 Bacterium aceti, 156 acidi lactici, 86, 97 Bischleri, 152 cholerse gallinarum, 94 coli, 110, 141, 145, 147 cuniculicida, 87 erysipelatos suum, 87 indigonaceum, 128 janthinum, 128 IKDEX. 199 Bacterium kiliense, 127, 130 mallei, 122 murisepticum, 87 pediculatum, 73 PflUgeri, 98, 105 phosphorescens, 114 pneumonice, 82, 122 prodigiosum, 82, 102, 121, 145 putidum, 102, 104 pyocyaneum, 121 pyogenes fatidum, 122 syncyaneum, 129 synxanthium, 122 typhi, 145, 147 violaceum, 122, 127 vulgare, 119, 160 vulgare /9 Zenkeri, 144 Beer wort, 180 Beggiatoa, 81 Beozaldehyde, 123 Bilineurin, 133 Bismarck brown, 169 Blood serum, 183 Blue milk, 128 Bouillon culture, 141 Brieger's method of isolating ptomains, 134 Brownian molecular move- ments, 112 Bunge's granules, 71 mordant, 170 Butter, rancidity of, 143 Butyl alcohol, 152 Butyric acid, 152 Cadaverin, 133 Capsule bacteria, 72 preparation of, 172 Carbohydrates, production of acids from, 148 Carbolized fuchsin, 168 Carbonic acid, action on bac- teria, 97 Carolin, 127 Cedar, oil of, 167 Cell structure of bacteria, 68 Cellulose, 81 decomposition of, by bac- teria, 153 Central body of bacteria, 71 fluid of bacteria, 70 Chemical composition of bac- teria, 80 effects of bacteria, 115 ferments, 116 Chemotaxis, 112 Cholera as a nitrite poisoning, 158 diblastic theory of, 106 Cholesterin, 80 Cholinbilineurin, 133 Chromogenic functions of bac- teria, 129 Chromogenous bacteria, 110 Cinnamic acid, 163 Clostridium butyricum, 152 Club-shaped bacteria, 67 Comma bacteria, 67 Congenital immunity, 162 Counting bacteria, 105 Creolin, 92 Cultures, 179 manipulation of, 186 anaerobic, 188 Decomposition of cellulose by bacteria, 153 200 INDEX. Decomposition of fats, 143 Definition of bacteria, 65 Degeneration forms of bac- teria, 80 Demonstration of indol, 142 of nitrites, 141 of phenol, 143 Desiccation experiments, 94 Deuteroalbumose, 135 Diastatic ferments, 121 Dichotomy, 68 Diethylamin, 133 Dimethylamin, 133 Dimethylethylendiamin, 133 Diphtheria antitoxin, 164 Disinfectants, combination of, 90, 93 Distilled water, action on bac- teria, 93 Dry bacteria, viability of, 94 Drying nutrient media, 93 Dulcite, 156 Ehrlicii's solution, 169 Electric arc action on bac- teria, 102 Enantobiosis, 104 Endospores, 76 staining of, 174 Enzymes, 116 proteolytic, 117 Ernst's granules, 71 Ethyl, 150 Ethylamin, 133 Ethylendiamin, 133 Ethylidlactic acid, 151 Eubacillus multisporus, 66 Experiments on animals, 189 Extractive matters in bacteria, 80 Facultative aerobics, 96 anaerobics, 96 Fats, decomposition of, 143 Fermentation, definition of, 124 flask, 155 lactic acid, 151 oxidative, 125 Ferments, 116 diastatic, 121 inverting, 122 rennet, 123 Ferric oxide, 81 Fibrin, liquefaction of, 117 Filamentous bacteria, 67 Fission of bacteria, 75 Flagella, 73 mordants, 169 staining of. 172 Flagellates, 65 Flesh-water peptone gelatin, 87 Fluorescent pigments, 126 Formic acid, 156 Frog -spawn disease, 73 Fuchsin, 168 Gas, formation of, from carbo- hydrates, 153 Gelatin, liquefaction of, 117, 119 neutral, 88 nutrient media, 181 various kinds of, 181, 182 Germination of spores, 78 Globulin in bacteria, 80 INDEX. 201 Gly cerate of lime, 157 Glycerin, 156 agar, 87, 183 Gram's stain, 171 Granules, Bunge's, 71 Ernst's, 71 metachromatic, 71 sporogenous, 71 Granulobacter polymyxa Bey- erinck, 152 Growth of bacteria, 67 Guanidin, 133 Guanin, 81 HALF-scREW-shaped bacteria, 67 Hanging drop, 167 Hay decoction, 180 Heat, production by bacteria, 115 Hemicellulose, 81 Herring gelatin, 182 Honeycomb structure of bac- teria, 69 Hydrocarbons in bacteria, 81 Hydrogen peroxide, produc- tion on illuminated cultures, 103 Immune proteidins, 164 Immunity, 157 Increase of virulence, 160 Indicator, 88 Indol, 133 demonstration of, 142 Inverting ferments, 122 Involution forms of bacteria, 80 Iodine -potassium iodide solu- tion, 169 Iodoform, 150 Iris diaphragm, 166 Isatin sulphate, 140 Isolation of ptomains, 134 Knob bacteria, 147 Koch's tuberculin, 135 Koly sepsis, 90 Labile albuminoids, 135 Lactate of lime, 157 Lactic-acid fermentation, 151 Lecithin, 80 Leptothrix, 81 Leucin, 133 Leuconostoc mesenterioides, 81 Leuko substances, 140 Lieber's iodoform reaction, 150 Lime, glycerate of, 157 lactate of, 157 Lipochromata, 127 Liquefaction of gelatin, 119 Litmus, reduction of, 140 whey, 180 LOffler's methyl blue, 169 mordant, 169 Longitudinal fission, 75 Long rod-shaped bacteria, 67 screw-shaped bacteria, 67 Malignant oedema, viability of spores, 108 Mallein, 135 Mannite, 156 Marsh gas, 145, 153 Membrane of bacteria, 68 Mercaptan, 139 Mesophilic bacteria, 99 202 INDEX. Metachromatic granules, 71 Metaphenylendiamin, 141 Methylamin, 133 Methyl blue, 168 guanidin poisoning, 158 Micrococcus acidi paralactici, 153 agilis, 112 cereus flavus, 126 gonorrhoeae, 85 mastitidis, 122 pyogenes, 104, 119, 157 tenuis, 123 tetragenus, 122, 161 urese Leube, 131 Microscopical technique, 166 Milk, 180 ferment, 116 Mitigation of virulence, 90 Mordant, Bunge's, 170 Loffler's, 169 Motile bacteria, sporulation of, 77 Motion of bacteria, character of. 111 Muscarin, 133 Naphthylamin, 141 Negative chemotaxis, 112 Neuridin, 133 Neutral agar, 89 bacteria, 148 gelatin, 88 Nicolle's stain, 177 Nitrates, reduction of, 140 Nitric acid, conversion into free acid, 147 Nitrification, 145 Nitrite poisoning, 158 Nitrites, demonstration of, 141 Nitrogen, assimilation of, 147 Nitrosobacter, 146 Nitrosomonas, 146 Non-albuminous nutrient me- dia, 179 Normal soda, 88 Nuclein, 81 Nucleus of bacteria, 69 Nutrient agar, 182 bouillon, 180 Nutrient media, 84, 179 acid, 89 albuminous, 117, 180 alkaline, 87 employment of, 184 gelatin, 181 neutral, 87 non-albuminous, 121, 179 saccharine, 122 Oil immersion lens, 166 of cedar, 167 Optical effects of bacteria. 111 Oval bacteria, 67 Oxidative fermentation, 125 Oxyfatty acids, 144 Papayotin, 163 Parvolin, 133 Pasteuria, 75 Pathogenic bacteria, 110 Pathogenesis, 157 Pentamethylendiamin, 133 Peptone water, 180 Peptones, 118 Phagocytosis, 163 Phenolphthalein, 88 Phlogogenic albuminoids, 135 INDEX. 203 Phosphorescent bacteria, 113 Photobacteriura, 114 Phycochromacea, 65 Pigment, formation of, 126 Plasma of bacteria, 69 Plasmolysis, 70 Polar flagella, 73 Positive chemotaxis, 112 thermotropism, 113 Predisposition, 157 Processes of reduction, 140 Production of acids from alco- hols, 156 of acids from carbohy- drates, 148 Proteidins, immune, 164 Proteolytic ferments, 117 Pseudodichotomy, 68 Pseudopodia, 73 Psychrophilic bacteria, 99 Ptomains, 133 Putrefaction, 144 alkaloids, 133 Putrescin, 133 Pyogenic albuminoids, 135 Pyridin, 133 Rabbit septicaemia, 158 Rancidity of butter, 143 Ranges of temperature for bac- teria, 98 Reaction of nutrient media, 87 Red pigments, 136 Reduction of nitrates, 140 processes, 140 Relative immunity, 161 Rennet ferments, 133 Resistance, 157 Resistance of bacteria to de- ficiency of food and wat- er, 93 of spores, 108 Ricin 135 Rinderpest, 161 Saline solutions as nutrients, 86 Saprogenous bacteria, 110 Saprophytes, 85 Sarcina pulmonum, 106 Schizomycetes, 65 Section preparations, 176 Separation of acids produced by bacteria, 150 Sepsm, 133 Short rod -shaped bacteria, 67 screw -shaped bacteria, 67 Silicic acid nutrient medium, 184 Simple nutrient media, 85 Skatol, 133 Smear preparations, 170 Solitary growth of bacteria, 67 Spermin, 163 Spherical bacteria, 67 Spindle-shaped bacteria, 67 Spirillum desulphuricans, 139 endoparagocicum, 107 Spores, attenuation of, 159 biological characters of, 106 germination of, 78 power of resistance of, 107 tests for, 109 Sporogenous granules, 71 Sporulation, 77 influences favoring, 107 204 INDEX. Sporule, preliminary stage, 71 Staining solutions, 168 Stellate fission, 75 Sterilization, 90 Strict ae^robics, 95 anaerobics, 96 Succinic acid, 156 Sugar, chalk agar, 183 fermentation of, 125 Sulphanilic acid, 141 Sulphates, 139 Sulphmethsemoglobin, 158 Sulphur granules, 81 Sulphuretted hydrogen, 98, 138 Sunlight, action on bacteria, 101 Susceptibility, 161 Symbiosis, 104 Syncyanin, 128 Synergetic bacteria, 104 Tests of disinfectants, 91 Tetanus antitoxin, 164 poison, 136 spores, viability of, 108 virulence of, 137 Tetrads, 68 Thermophilic bacteria, 99 Thermotropism, 113 Thiosulphite, 139 Titration, 88 Torula, 68 Toxalbumins, 134, 136 Toxins, 132, 134 j Transverse fission of bacteria, | 75 I Trimethylamin, 133 Triolein, 80 Tripalmitin, 80 Tristearin, 80 Tubercle bacilli, staining of, 175 Tuberculin, Koch's, 135 Tyrosin, 133 Tyrothrix tenuis, 171 Universal nutrient, 89 Urea fermentation, 131 Uschinsky solution, 86 Vegetative proliferation, 66, 75 Viability of dry bacteria, 94 of spores, 108 Vinylcholin, 133 Violet pigments, 127 Virulence oi bacteria, attenua- tion of, 159 increase of, 160 Vital conditions of bacteria, 84 Water bacteria, 85 Xanthin, 81 Xylol, 168 Yellow pigments, 126 Ziehl's solution, 168 ZoSglcea. 73 Zymogenous spores, 110 \ DATE DUE SLIP UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA MEDICAL SCHOOL LIBRARY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW mtc^ . -m lm-3,'28 UN MRY 1< on 3566