Vassar Coll. Observatory Publ.No. 2 arid Carnegie Publ. No, 45 UC-NRLF B M 513 5b3 ^:^sdSlfc? GIFT OF Carnegie Institution /^o^-^&v. siF-sS \0r v-^.irf^^ ^rsr j^r- vi'jf^x^r * r L ^~*s *^fs t &reatasK aac-afc; '^P3 v -^fe ^ * ^*^ ^ ^fe^ 1 " T . 7SQI 6 ^174 O;7T^ 395 O ' / O V A + 18.5363 18.5406 o / T- 9 . 4986 9 . 0896 396 -f- 28. 1404 41 ">so8 397 4- 21.7908 2 I . 8004 TO - OO 18.2050 17.8017 399 4- 22.9884 22.9979 - 21.4205 21.0214 400 4- 24.4803 24.4827 20 . 4642 20 . 0499 401 4- 27.8302 27.8368 - 25.3326 24.9340 402 + 32.8565 32.8708 - 40.2595 39-8598 403 + 31-2851 31.2884 - 32.4516 32-0473 404 + 33-5662 33-5715 - 38.9350 38.5366 405 4- 20.7844 20.7979 - 0.1327 4- 0.2692 406 4- 23.8272 23-8357 - 5.2712 4.8672 407 4- 44.0546 44.0514 - 53-5390 53.1322 408 4- 32.8814 32.8875 - 22.8953 22.4922 ] 3 LATE SEPT. 1 6. No. 4. 89 4- 20.0138 2O. O2 1 2 - 57-5936 57.1912 93 + 38.4492 38.4636 - 53-6324 53.2422 116 4- 27.9613 27-9752 - 45-5351 45.1426 120 + 59.7208 59-7366 24.5162 24. 1226 121 4- 46-3142 46.3256 - 31-1205 30.7208 123 4- 10.7472 10.7616 - 5L5I05 51.1199 I2 4 4- 47.47i6 47.4813 27.2418 26 . 8464 127 + 55-^755 55-1946 11.4184 II .0274 TWO DEGREES OF THE NORTH POLE. 9 TABLE II (cont'd). CORRECTED COORDINATES. PLATE SEPT. 16. No. 4. Star X Y Big Image. Middle Image. Big Image. Middle Image. 129 + 40.5392 40.5600 - 16.5830 16.1830 130 + 52.3250 52.3430 - 0.5329 0.1362 131 + 40.5012 40.5206 12. O4OO i i . 6430 132 + 39-5212 39-5444 9.4180 9.0242 134 + 47-1353 47.1630 + I.8I9I 2.2IOI 135 + 14.8138 14.8306 - 38.4014 38.0028 137 + 36.5506 36.5704 - 7-3010 6.9066 139 4- 42.0048 42.0286 + 7-5750 7.9723 140 + 52.4154 52.4344 + 39-0463 39-4450 141 + 42.3H2 42.3331 + 3I-0856 31.4790 142 4- 52.2780 52.3152 + 55-3312 55-7320 H3 + 36.8953 36.9097 + 23.6449 24.0462 144 + 8.1517 8. 1672 - 38.9622 38.5672 145 + 31.2004 31.2214 + 15.2400 15.6390 147 + 23.4288 23.4522 + 9-6520 IO.O5II 148 + 32.8702 32.8952 + 37-2309 37.6293 149 + 30.2770 30.3072 + 4O . 6604 41.0514 150 + 31.1375 31.1664 + 45.8823 46.2856 151 + 23.4812 23-5096 + 30.2636 30.6638 152 4- 12.3056 12.3267 - 9.I4I2 8.7514 153 4- 11.2216 i i . 2490 9 . 4492 9.0522 154 + 17.6041 17.6286 + 20.1184 20.5166 155 4- 13.8266 13.8468 + 10.6351 I I . 0409 156 + 17-7557 17.7802 + 36.4378 36.8379 157 4- 11.6720 ii .6922 + 5-5I37 5.9I6I 158 + 15-3039 15-3284 + 25.0844 25.4834 159 + 2 . 9484 2.9683 - 29.4972 29.1078 1 60 + 8.5910 8.6118 + 23.4860 23 . 8848 161 + 5.6495 5-6785 + 34-8962 35.2966 162 4- 1.3627 1.3816 - 25.1980 24.8015 163 + 0.1386 o. 1642 - 1.7114 I 3072 164 - 1.6419 1.6175 + 15-1254 15.5241 165 - 7.9618 7.9370 + 30.9841 3L3856 1 66 ~ 7.3144 7.2901 + 22.9012 23.2990 167 ~ 5.3829 5-3640 - 3.4694 3.0558 1 68 - 4.6009 4-5830 - 20.5547 20. 1530 169 - 15.0623 15.0376 + 45.5413 45.9434 170 16.8011 16.7713 + 37.0670 37.4608 171 - 16.1483 16.1290 4- 26.0874 26.4932 172 - 21.3263 21.3130 + 54-3436 54-7497 173 18.9486 18.9218 + 29.7772 30.1784 174 - 22.3850 22.3556 4- 39.6722 4O . O7 I 2 175 - 9-6585 9-6390 - 22.1334 21.7324 176 - 25.6282 25.6009 + 39-8818 40.2844 177 - 7.7029 7 . 6846 - 32.7038 32.3050 178 28.0044 27.9821 + 33-1789 33.5863 179 - 22.7457 22.7230 4- 10.6820 II.oSlS 1 80 - 31.8640 31.8412 4- 28.3120 28.7158 181 - 26.6648 26.6394 + 12.7756 13.1782 182 - 18.1331 18.1194 - 17-4504 i 7 . 0482 183 20.8176 20 . 7966 - 11.8031 i i . 4036 184 - 45-0289 45 . 0062 + 31.8883 32.2965 185 - 43.257I 43.2322 + 27.3988 27.8042 10 CATALOGUE OF STARS WITHIN TABLE II (cont'd). CORRECTED COORDINATES. PLATE SEPT. 16. No. 4. C-fot- S Y otar Big Image. Middle Image. Big Image. Middle Image. 1 86 - 43.1466 43.1276 + 22.0902 22.5004 187 - 26.2756 26.2550 ii. 0088 10.6038 1 88 - 36.1745 36-1524 + i . 2454 1.6472 189 - 19.8036 19.7884 - 30.0690 29.6664 190 - 24.2328 24. 2176 - 23.5059 23.1088 191 - 24.3488 24-3381 - 23.4440 23 . 0400 192 - 48.6698 48.6417 + ii. 4004 i i . 8090 193 - 37-1948 37.I75I - 8.5631 8.1603 194 - 56.1344 56. iioo + 14.0466 I4-4529 195 - 45-8113 45 . 8020 + 0.3671 0-7694 196 - 24.0697 24-0554 - 28.8842 28.4810 197 - 33.6702 33-6444 - 16.7361 16.3350 198 - 52.3598 52.3456 + 5-2572 5 6604 200 9.7721 9.7562 - 47.6468 47 - 2546 2OI - 45-0629 45-0348 - 5-0638 4.6482 2O2 24.7140 24 . 69 i i - 29.7332 29.3290 203 - 55-3954 55-3748 + 4.4682 4.8758 205 - 51.1048 51.0760 - 2 . 7549 2.3567 2O6 - 4 T -7992 41 . 7800 14.1060 13.7046 2O7 48 . 7084 48.7019 6 . 8740 6.4631 209 36.3514 36.3418 21.1246 20.7277 212 - 57-0977 57-0758 - 2 . 8944 2.4924 214 - 44-5312 44-5II5 - 16.8587 16.4452 21^ A.Q IO"?^ 12. 5281 ^ A v> 217 T-y mv *o3 - 43-2274 43 - 2094 2I.2IO8 20.8032 223 - 23.0712 23.0588 - 42.5434 42.1440 227 - 31.6998 3I-6954 - 39-6024 39.2039 228 38.4066 38.3922 - 35-5399 35.I3I7 232 - 35.6786 35-6623 - 38.4318 38.0246 242 61.1917 61. 1763 - 37-9043 37.4980 250 19.6051 19-5977 - 55-3850 54.9862 266 - 45-4986 45.4876 - 58.2164 45-4876 ] PLATE SEPT. 16. No. 5. 135 + 26.7558 26.7516 - 54.5635 54.1822 144 + 21.6597 21.6578 - 50.2385 49.8612 157 + 55.6760 55-6784 - 21.3587 20.9729 162 + 26.6294 26.6291 - 35-7189 35-3404 164 + 53-0986 53-0924 - 5-1289 4-7462 165 + 59-8813 59.8836 + 10.5360 10.9246 1 66 + 54.6062 54.6082 + 4-37i8 4-7572 168 + 25.7154 25-7152 28.2040 27.8194 1 70 4- CY ocS^ -f- 21. 0966 i i\j 171 r o/ yo'-'o + 50.6331 50.6434 + 12.8728 13-2510 173 + 51.2720 51.2772 + 17. 4648 i 7 . 8446 174 + 55-8559 55-8573 + 26.8820 27 . 2644 175 + 21.0328 21.0322 ~ 25.7388 25-3554 176 + 53-7234 53-7326 + 29.3336 29. 7126 177 + 14.9106 14.9110 - 34.5847 34.1964 178 + 47.2913 47.2978 + 26.2985 26.6829 TWO DEGREES OF THE NORTH POLE. II TABLE II (cont'd). CORRECTED COORDINATES. PLATE SEPT. 16. No. 5. Qfor < t Y, otar Big Image. Middle Image. Big Image. Middle Image. 179 + 35-0468 35-0509 + 6.6922 7-0735 1 80 + 41.1150 41.1244 + 25.5954 25.9829 181 + 33-7663 33-7720 + 10.9415 11.3276 182 + 18.3661 18.3664 - 16.4283 16.0482 183 + 20.4788 20.4836 - 10.5366 10.1581 184 + 34-36o8 34-3665 + 37-45I4 37-8355 185 + 32.4260 32-4363 + 33-oi99 33-4040 1 86 + 28.7424 28.7520 + 29. 1982 29-5804 1 88 + 18.8832 18.8858 + 9-5229 9-9434 189 4- 8.2481 8.2502 - 24.1440 23-7570 190 + 9.7681 9.7668 - 16.3797 15.9972 191 + 9-7278 9-7326 - 16.2482 15-8652 192 + 17-2750 17.2806 + 25.5698 25-9543 193 + 11.2165 ii . 2178 + 3.3548 3-7393 194 + I3-8799 13.8880 + 32-7247 33.1090 195 + 11.4654 11.4651 + 15-7647 16.1493 196 + 6.0784 6.0756 20.2831 19.9076 197 + 7.9210 7.9124 - 4.9060 4.5I70 198 + 10.3110 10.3186 + 23.8627 24.2458 199 + 12.5130 12.5214 + 46.6111 46.9963 200 + 2 . 8608 2.8634 - 43-6525 43.2742 201 + 8.1462 8.1528 + ii. 4028 ii .7870 203 + 7-6I35 7.6204 + 25.4456 25.8382 204 + 5 . 8880 5-8909 + 15-5457 15-9225 205 + 5-5182 5-5243 + 17-3032 I7-6953 206 -f- 4 . 0408 4 . 0408 4- 2.7072 3.0928 207 + 4 . 2980 4.2969 + 12.7074 13.0830 208 + 3-9370 3-9371 + 17.4214 17.8111 209 + 2.9022 2.9068 6.1123 5.7328 211 + 2.0978 2. III4 + 54-7632 55.I49I 212 + I-I975 I . 2020 + 21.4567 21.8416 211 + i 0074. + 2^ 4.7Q8 *, M. J 2I 4 A . wy -f. + 0.1630 0.1656 I ^O " T./ :/ + 2.7016 3-0905 215 + O.OII9 0.0132 + 9.OOOO 9.3844 216 - 2 . 8608 2 . 8590 + 26.8028 27.1970 217 - 1.9877 1.9924 I . 2900 0.9002 218 ~ 3-3936 3-3870 + 12.8901 13.2766 219 9.6018 9-5964 + 42.7336 43-1197 220 - 6.8624 6-8597 + 3-4432 3.8268 221 - 13.8028 13.7938 + 47.7784 48.1682 222 - 12.2459 12.2393 + 34-0550 34-4434 223 - 2.9115 2.9106 - 30.6307 30.2470 224 16.0674 16.0604 + 42.7092 43.0972 225 I6.I004 16.0944 + 33.0818 33-4751 226 - 17.2252 17. 2164 + 36.6852 37.0786 227 - 6.9007 6 . 9020 22.4408 22.0464 228 ~ 8.7520 8.7566 - 14.8183 I4-4368 22 9 - I9-9530 19.9442 + 32.1120 32-5003 230 - 23.9423 23.9272 + 45-1835 45-5741 231 - 17.3456 17.3464 + 17.6028 17.9824 232 - 8.8836 8.8824 - 18.7888 18.4002 233 2O.2I9I 20.2132 + I9-9558 20.3418 234 - 23.6500 23.6504 + 6.6566 7.0386 12 CATALOGUE OF STARS WITHIN TABLE II (cont'd). CORRECTED COORDINATES. PLATE SEPT. 16. No. 5. X Y C+or OLcLl Big Image. Middle Image. Big Image. Middle Image. 235 - 24.7765 24-7732 + 7 . 2684 7-6566 236 - 34-0148 34.0087 + 28.5240 28.8991 237 - 40.3477 40.3434 + 41.9668 42 . 3606 239 - 38.4691 38.4667 + 26.8326 27.2240 240 - 49.5655 49-5622 + 49.0366 49.4282 242 26.5008 26 . 5004 0.3366 + 0.0500 243 - 8.9306 8.9336 - 37-4982 37-1019 245 - 49.I558 49. 1480 + 38.4076 38.7950 247 44.3446 44.34I4 + 24.9922 25-3840 250 - 9-5672 9.5655 - 42.1424 41.7528 252 - 17.1884 17.1854 32.0056 31.6212 258 - 39.3802 39-3864 - 9-5008 9.1174 259 40.2112 40.2118 - 8.5523 8.1614 260 - 39.7I55 39-7148 - 9-5476 9.1522 261 62.1189 62. 1191 + 15-5574 15-9549 264 - 63.0124 63.0076 + 14-7594 15-1563 265 - 29.9711 29.9706 - 23.0472 22.6572 266 - 29.8373 29-8354 - 25.7821 25-3952 267 - 63.5475 63.5486 + 7.i35i 7-5294 272 - 48.4295 48.4278 - 10.5402 10.1500 279 - 8.2589 8.2614 - 50.5065 50. 1166 288 - 16.4512 16.4504 - 47.8091 47.4214 291 - 45-6256 45-6290 - 32.1440 3L75I2 297 - 61.9838 61.9792 - 25.7888 25.4018 298 - 3.6802 3-6827 - 55.4448 55-0524 301 - 43.9786 43-9742 - 37-6165 37.2293 310 61.7982 61.8082 - 36.6036 36.2200 3i3 - 58.0005 57-9872 - 39-1876 38.7896 316 - 26.8860 26. 8920 - 50.0654 49.6881 323 41.5800 41.5818 - 49-5986 49.2098 329 - 38.8906 38.8964 - 53-0706 52.6830 335 - 25.2078 25-2099 - 57-7330 57-34JO 340 - 60.9745 60.9769 - 59-3676 58.9762 348 20.0948 20.0914 - 59-7127 59.3I54 PLATE SEPT 16. No. 7. i - 18.8382 18.8406 + 8.2834 8.6841 2 - 21.3760 21.3782 - 4-8512 4-4541 4 - 15-4711 I5.4752 + 7.4778 7.8793 5 - 2.1054 2.1118 + 49.6990 50.1058 6 26.7084 26.7077 - 31-5658 31.1638 7 - 20.3379 20.3436 - 13-3920 12.9996 8 12.9176 12.9240 + 11.3128 II-7I45 9 - I7.3550 17.3548 - 13.7498 I3-3542 10 - 15.2167 15-2137 8.4016 8.0029 ii 22.4018 22.4015 - 47.9596 47 5570 12 - 18.5761 18.5773 32.4268 32.0170 13 11.4222 i i . 4290 - 0.4362 0.0341 14 - 13-9665 13.9663 - 31-5594 31 . 1644 15 12.4708 12.4746 27.0086 26.6114 TWO DEGREES OP THE NORTH POLE. 13 TABLE II (cont'd). CORRECTED COORDINATES. PLATE SEPT. 16. No. 7. Qfnr 3 C Y otar Big Image. Middle Image. Big Image. Middle Image. 16 - 8.9241 8 . 9246 - 5-5923 5.1962 17 12.6956 I 2 . 6942 - 33-6i97 33-2224 18 - 3-2656 3.2708 4- 29.1366 29.5410 19 - 15.0176 15.0194 - 53-1275 52.7328 20 - 4-6934 4.6943 - 20.6882 20.2938 21 - 5-0730 5.0729 - 27.5328 27.1324 22 6.6429 6.6430 - 59-2532 58.8592 24 o 0800 50.8681 ^ 25 v . */uvjv-f 4- 2 . 8989 2.8952 4- 12.2810 12.6780 27 + 4.9404 4-9390 - 42.4090 42.0210 28 4- 4.1926 4.1922 4- 3 . 2042 3.6070 29 4- 6.5276 6.5251 4- 3-8932 4.2920 30 4- 11.7878 11.7912 - 48.8930 48 . 4960 31 + 7-0133 7.0068 + 7-4725 7.8720 32 + 9 . 8024 9.8019 - 4-4569 4-0558 33 + 10.8676 I0.86IO 6.0791 5-6813 34 4- 14.6702 14.6672 18.4018 18.0048 35 4- 21.0820 21.0846 - 44-3623 43-9679 36 4- 14.1650 14.1656 4- 6.0661 6.4653 37 + 13-7698 13.7674 4- 10.8306 11.2271 38 + 10.5315 10.5329 4- 25.6824 26.0826 39 4- 26.6402 26 . 6407 - 33-9540 33.5556 40 + 21.9104 21.9058 - 13-3110 12.9034 4i 4- 11.4886 11.4910 4- 26.6248 27.0264 42 4- 26.3417 26.3429 - 23.6627 23-2659 43 + 9-3550 9.35I6 4- 35-8224 36.2236 44 4- 36.5882 36.5868 52.1140 51-7162 45 + 3L3968 3L3988 - 32-9504 32.5514 46 4- 21.0973 21.0940 4- 1.1181 i.5i57 47 4- 8.6159 8. 6108 4- 41.4743 41.8779 48 4- 38.6330 38.6318 - 46.53H 46-1325 49 4- 18.1619 18.1600 4- 13-9836 14.3871 50 4- 36.0627 36 . 0664 - 35-38ii 34-9783 5i + 37-7356 37.7322 - 35-4526 35-0422 52 4- 39-9622 39.9624 - 39.7066 39.3070 53 4- 36.7123 36.7128 - 29.3812 28.9838 54 + 10.5039 10.4954 4- 39-8440 40.2439 55 4- 47-6131 47.6176 - 5L735I 5i-338o 56 + 28.5177 28.5155 - 2.5882 2.1860 57 4- 38.7108 38.7101 - 26.3965 25-9936 58 4- 49-7256 49.7384 - 48.7187 48.3232 59 4- 44-0340 44.0409 - 31.7508 3i 3498 61 + 36.0345 36-0254 4- 3-1652 3-5638 63 + 34.3243 34-3185 + 12. 5400 12.9323 64 4- 56.2824 56.2924 2O.5I28 20.1082 66 + 29.9394 29-9434 + 21.8698 22.2693 67 4- 27.6829 27.6844 4- 26.1448 26.5447 69 + 52.55H 52.5468 - 5-1760 4.7790 7i + 43-3890 43.3918 + 8.7686 9.1718 73 + 51.6375 51-6294 4- 1.0824 1.4908 74 4- 40.9542 40.9546 4- 16.1880 16.5858 75 4- 36.9434 36.9390 4- 21.6216 22.0178 77 + 53-5276 53.5324 + 3.4I93 3.8242 14 CATALOGUE OF STARS WITHIN TABLE II (cont'd). CORRECTED COORDINATES. PLATE SEPT. 16. No. 7. 3 Y Of ot . otar Big Image. Middle Image. Big Image. Middle Image. 82 + 48.7732 48.7626 + I4-7736 15.1700 83 + 43-6940 43-6895 + 19.9696 20.3683 85 + 41.1560 41.1580 + 24.1227 24.5296 89 + 17-0550 17-0475 + 48.1854 48.5850 93 + 32-8566 32.8509 + 37.9152 38.3134 116 + 31-1983 3i-i974 + 51-0494 51-4577 121 + 54-37I4 54.3654 + 48.2094 48.6175 123 + 14-8274 14.8201 + 59-0274 59-4326 124 + 57-9290 57-9363 + 50.1244 50-5359 367 - 11.8589 11.8678 + 57.4660 57-8654 372 22.8159 22.8262 + 5I-9792 52.3684 373 19.2090 19.2096 + 53-I984 53-5974 376 - 47-5470 47 5509 + 38.8990 39.2919 38i - 15-6172 15.6208 + 52.2308 52.6334 384 - 55-9852 55-99ii + 23.9852 24.3880 387 - 47-5811 47.5843 + I7-9438 18.3387 389 - 53-8706 53.8734 + 4-4520 4.8468 390 - 44-5343 44.5404 + 3-5482 3-9442 392 25.5188 25-5237 + 21.7813 22.1790 393 62.6214 62.6224 - 37-5849 37-1984 395 - 34-4904 34-4977 - 1.6952 i - 2965 397 - 38.3572 38.3583 10.1432 9-7478 398 - 52.2252 52.2310 - 35.4467 35-0542 399 - 39-7932 39-7940 - 13-2632 12.8746 401 - 39-I568 39-i58i - 19-4652 19.0668 402 46 . i 764 46.1778 - 33-5604 33-1652 403 - 4I-7556 41.7606 26.9296 26.5356 404 - 44.7425 44-7493 - 33-ii33 32.7206 405 26.2632 26.2652 + 3-3128 3-7o8o 406 - 27.7569 27.7614 2 . 4660 2.0701 407 - 47.6794 47.6793 - 50-8394 50.4420 408 - 33-8526 33-8520 ~ 21.3134 20.9142 ] D LATE SEPT. 1 8. No. i. i + 51.0872 51 . 1030 + 40.5292 40 . 9070 5 + 9.5996 9.6109 + 57-1426 57-5359 8 + 48-0394 48 . 0442 + 46.4413 46.8172 223 30.0206 30.0146 + 56.4376 56 . 8430 242 60.2491 60.2434 + 32.7548 33-1493 OA "J 2"\ 1 4.Q8 + CQ 4.4.^0 ^T-) 250 ^O i ^-V t> 18.4918 18.4804 yu . tq.^\j + 49.8200 50.2154 252 28.6027 28.6031 + 42.1728 42 5649 258 - 5L0432 51.0442 + 19.9080 20.2952 259 ~ 5I-9852 51.9828 + I9.O69O 19.4660 260 - 50.9896 50.9879 + I9-5738 19.9694 265 - 37-5I97 37-5196 + 29.3592 29-7554 266 - 34.7936 34.7864 + 29.5057 29-8985 268 - 25.4572 25-4549 + 37-9708 38.3658 272 49 . 9660 49.9654 + 10.8552 i i . 2450 279 10.1321 10. 1244 + 5I.I632 5L5469 TWO DEGREES OF THE NORTH POLE. 15 TABLE II (cont'd). CORRECTED COORDINATES. PLATE SEPT. 18. No. i. Qf of > 9 Y otar Big Image. Middle Image. Big Image. Middle Image. 284 - 54-3229 54.3"6 14.6022 14.2004 285 63.6306 63.6376 29.4106 29.0234 288 12.8038 12.7966 + 42.9618 43.3531 291 - 28.3828 28.3795 + I3-7432 14-1365 293 - 52.5138 52.5145 36.5061 36. 1161 294 - 51-0504 51-0515 - 34-I392 33-7450 296 - 38.2610 38.2628 9 . 6030 9.2142 297 - 34-67ii 34.6761 - 2 . 6394 2 . 2464 298 - 5-I970 5-i9i4 + 55-7506 56.1454 300 - 37-8594 37.8602 - 16.6988 16.3142 301 - 22.9039 22.9024 + 15.4068 15.7964 302 - 49.8380 49.8464 52.2218 51.8203 101 4.6 O7 SO 46 . 2 ^06 o o 304 T* v ' **/ o vy - 42.0172 42.0218 t^\J ^.^J-v^v^ - 36.6658 36.2776 305 - 30.7772 30.7791 - 9-7484 9-3574 306 - 22.6808 22.6746 + 7.4892 7.8786 307 - 30.3597 30.3546 - 13.0988 I 2 . 7064 308 - 43-8658 43-8719 - 49-3I40 48.9098 310 - 23.8613 23 . 8608 ~ 2.4284 2 0405 312 - 30.5503 30-5562 - 26.4560 26.0570 313 21.2926 21.2892 + 1-3952 I . 7848 314 - 37-1314 37.1310 ~ 54-8958 54.5018 316 10.5086 10.5000 + 32.5351 32.9174 317 - 21.6372 21.6358 22.0288 21.6435 319 - 14-9017 14.9029 + 6.5057 6.8916 320 22.9626 22.9612 ~ 34-24IO 33-8527 321 - 19.4962 19.4952 19.6396 19.2490 322 - 6.5015 6.4948 + 40.9698 4I-3604 323 - 10.9414 10.9342 + 17. 8469 18.2325 324 - 18.2934 18.2940 24.2840 23-8955 325 - 20.9050 20.9096 - 46.8950 46 . 5020 326 14.6248 14.6308 ~ 21.1973 2O . 8064 327 - 13.8732 13.8727 2I.24OO 2O. 8526 328 - 15-6512 15-6571 - 45.4306 45-0364 329 - 7.4679 7.4636 + 20.5430 20.9254 330 - 14.9298 14-9387 5I.85I8 51.4716 331 - 8.4984 8.4966 0.8190 0.4332 332 - 9-2332 9.2340 18.2050 17.8158 333 8.3110 8.3158 51.0107 50.6305 335 - 2.8522 2.8444 + 34-2293 34.6l88 336 - 2.3555 2-3524 ~ I9-8532 19.4660 337 2 . 0458 2.0452 + 9.4458 9.8364 338 - 2.3271 2.3272 + 43-2223 43.6126 339 0.6746 0.6784 - 26.3619 25.9752 340 - 1-0963 1.0967 - I-5I52 I.I286 34i 0.2682 o. 2712 - 13-3354 12.9450 342 + 0.9234 0.9251 31.8092 3I-4I34 343 + L2356 1.2322 - 30.7173 30.3240 344 + 1.7266 1.7258 - 27.3312 26.9478 345 + 2 . 5608 2 5505 37.2018 36.8228 346 + 2.0130 2.OII2 26.I62O 25.7762 347 + 4-7908 4.7876 - 36.6382 36.2578 348 0.8932 0.8853 + 39.3526 39.74I4 J6 CATALOGUE 0$ STARS WITHIN TABLE II (cont'd). CORRECTED COORDINATES. PLATE SEPT. 18. No. i ^ Y Big Image. I Middle Image. Big Image. Middle Image. 349 + 8.3126 8.3054 - 53-4792 53-0992 350 + 4.9104 4-9I30 16.6212 16.2378 35 1 + 5 4543 5 4543 - 19.6230 19.2341 352 + ii. 0476 i i . 0348 - 58.9000 58.5229 353 + 6.4678 6.4686 - 6.4914 6. 1092 354 + 9.8448 9.8377 26.0492 25.6680 355 + 5.8626 5-8652 + 6.8264 7.2091 356 4- 9-7807 9.7833 10.7416 10.3586 357 + 13.2288 13-2251 18.6714 18.2877 358 + 17.8920 17.8818 - 32.8733 32.4938 359 + 16.4505 16.4530 26.2858 25-8954 36o + 15.9956 I5.9936 - 23.5141 23.1271 361 + 17.0162 i 7 . 0098 26.9918 26 . 6080 362 + 3-9288 3.9368 + 35.9517 36.3440 363 + 29.3452 29-3384 - 42.4928 42. 1164 364 + 25.1078 25.1043 26.8246 26.4424 365 + 17.4982 17.5019 - 2.4393 2-0475 366 4- 24.4670 24 . 4668 - 21.4414 21 .0492 367 + 1.8588 i . 8687 4- 47-3690 47.7530 368 + 22.1443 22.1452 - 8.9832 8.5940 369 4- 30.4380 30.4397 28.8414 28.4700 370 + 31-1376 31.1408 22.6260 22.2436 371 + 41.4708 41.4684 - 46.7224 46.3396 372 + 7.3854 7.39H + 36.4326 36.8194 373 + 6.1466 6.1573 + 40-0349 40.4200 374 + 40.6238 40.6241 - 33-4214 33.0522 375 + 35.4356 35.4385 21.5406 21. 1621 376 4- 20.5329 20.5384 + H.7396 12.1256 377 4- 40.6403 40.6390 - 27.7157 27.3368 378 + 32.5208 32.5185 10.0472 9.6641 379 + 37-0346 37.0390 - 16.3330 I5.95I2 38o 4- 37.9253 37 . 9204 16.6271 16.2392 + 7.1038 7.1138 + 43-6384 44.O226 382 4- 50.7064 50.7018 - 31.6866 31.3042 384 + 35-4650 35.47I4 + 3-3488 3-7245 386 + 59-0654 59.0662 - 18.7985 18.4284 387 + 4J-4974 41 .4982 + 11.7744 12.1547 389 + 54-9990 55.0096 + 5-5125 5 . 8880 390 + 55-8886 55-8968 4- 14.8505 15-2324 392 + 37.5956 37-6036 + 33.8180 34.1901 405 + 56.0694 56.0801 + 33-1324 33-5062 ] 5 i,ATE SEPT. 1 8. No. 3. - 36 + 53.7680 53-7700 - 47-3518 46.9740 43 + 24.0156 24.0220 - 52.2470 51.8680 47 + 18.3622 18.3693 - 52.9883 52.6072 49 + 45.8382 45.8407 - 43.3820 42.9966 66 + 37.9100 37.9170 - 31.6184 31.2382 6? + 33.6438 11 8801 ** + 50.9756 50.9780 OO . <-> o^ J y / - 21.3372 20.9386 239 + 31.1263 3LI348 + 30.2021 30-5939 240 + 38.0998 38. 102 I + 54.0202 54.4162 24.1 + I 3.1204 25. s6i6 **T* 242 * O -7T^ + 21.4224 21.4242 -* J O^* + 2.1507 2.5496 243 + 9-0324 9.0322 - 37-0384 36.6390 244 + 29.6303 29.6314 + 36.1991 36.5955 245 + 3I-I772 3LI835 + 45-9528 46.3468 24.6 + ^2 Q5l8 + 58 4.804. V 247 O ;/O w + 25.5688 25.5728 1 ^)<-' - if.W^|. + 32-8476 33-2450 248 + 19.8862 19.8868 + 12.4562 12.8517 249 + 7-3351 7.3365 - 29.8677 29.4716 250 + 5 . 4082 5-40I4 40.0166 39-6i5i 251 + 12. 7602 I2.76l6 + 13-0493 13.4470 252 + 6.7II3 6.7II6 27.4006 26.9994 253 + 9 . 7004 9.7003 - 2.8544 2-4574 254 + 10.3536 10.3515 + 3.0103 3.4022 255 + 13-7434 I3-75I6 + 57-0316 57.4286 256 + 11.8238 11.8328 + 45.8258 46.2284 257 + 7.1101 7.1069 + 3.1040 3-4990 258 + 5-7474 5-7471 + 4.1912 4-5930 259 + 5-7866 5.7870 + 5.4528 5-8512 260 + 5-4692 5.4696 + 4-3884 4.7892 261 + 6.II20 6.II92 + 38.0188 38.4196 262 + 5.4951 5-4956 + 38-1748 38.5787 263 + 4-1348 4.1348 - 7-3450 6.9469 264 + 4.9204 4.9231 + 38.0351 38.4331 265 + 3.4340 3-4336 - 12.1436 n-7435 266 + 1.6732 I .6721 14.2368 I3-8379 267 0.6613 0.6570 + 32.8179 33-2158 268 + 1.4978 I.498I - 26.8364 26.4336 269 + 1.4012 1.4008 29.1205 28. 7240 270 - 0.7465 0.7380 + 9 . 9042 10.3046 271 - 2.8635 2.8542 + 39-9532 40.3578 272 - 1.5971 1-5959 + 9-5829 9.9842 273 - 4.3708 4.3662 + 48.4881 48 . 8896 274 - 7-1324 7.1270 + 55-4752 55-8764 275 - 4-5055 4.5042 + 9 . 5006 9.9014 276 - 10.7655 10.7579 + 42.6626 43.0610 277 - 14-4347 14.4326 + 48.8226 49-2233 278 - 13-3209 I3.3I74 + 40.7230 41.1262 279 + 0.6634 0.6638 - 47-0355 46.6386 280 - 9.2320 9.2300 + n.5144 11.9123 281 12.6342 12.6300 + 22.7702 23.1741 282 14.9968 14.9909 + 33-6508 34-0485 283 19.6806 19.6749 - 50.8963 51.2977 284 - 17.2238 17.2180 + 30.1359 30.5386 285 21.7048 21.6974 + 47.0609 47.4643 2O CATALOGUE OF STARS WITHIN TABLE II (cont'd). CORRECTED COORDINATES. PLATE SEPT. 21. No. 13. Star X Y Big Image. Middle Image. Big Image. Middle Image. 286 19.9802 19.9776 4- 26.3237 26. 7266 287 - 24.0476 24-0458 + 38.0308 38.4405 288 - 3.4948 3-4944 - 39-4892 39.0878 289 21. 0664 21.0670 + 15-0732 15-4759 290 12.1276 12.1282 13.8026 13.4023 291 - 14.2172 14.2183 8.1602 7.7560 292 20.0848 20.0841 + 7-7796 8.1820 293 - 34-4772 34-4756 + 43-765I 44.1642 294 - 33-7440 33-7424 4- 41.0812 41.4858 296 - 24.5412 24-539I -i- 15.0042 15-4105 297 21.8918 21.8906 4- 7.6224 8.0220 298 + 0.6682 0.6634 - 53.7726 53.3730 299 - 28.7886 28.7879 + 20.3933 20.7888 300 - 30.0033 30.0002 4- I9-5522 I9.956I 301 - 16.7379 16.7384 - 13-2837 12.8852 302 - 47-7825 47.7780 + 52.5324 52.9375 304 41.7628 4I-7556 4- 36.2212 36.6236 305 - 29.7553 29.7484 4- 9-6338 10.0360 306 22.6778 22.6772 - 8.0568 7.6539 307 - 32.4820 32.4829 4- ii. 6061 I2.OIO4 308 - 49.7404 49.7368 + 46.1766 46.5822 309 12.6198 12.6196 - 29.9176 29.5158 310 29.1226 29. I2IO 0.4202 0.0150 3* 1 20.8604 20.8602 - 16.5035 16.0968 312 42.1142 42. 1146 -f 20.8529 21.2565 3i3 28.0818 28.0825 - 4.9084 4.5063 3H - 58.4192 58.4237 + 45-0736 45.4869 316 - 12.6862 12.6866 - 34-0390 33.6423 317 - 44.9726 44.9746 4- 11.3278 11.7346 3i8 - 18.7774 18.7799 - 27.4978 27.0932 319 28.7107 28.7124 13.0676 12.6602 320 - 52.9871 52.9861 + 20.6294 21.0372 321 - 44.6824 44.6820 -f 8.1312 8.5404 322 - 9-2537 9.2540 - 42.7338 42-3347 323 - 23.1222 23-1225 23.7017 23.2989 324 - 48.8966 48 . 8964 4- 10.4186 10.8299 325 - 63.6568 63 . 6488 4- 27.7688 28.I86I 326 - 49-6936 49.6926 + 5.1221 5-5292 328 - 23.5301 23.5298 28.0803 27.6776 33i - 38.4375 38.4342 - 12.7509 12.3452 332 - 50.6451 50.6364 - 0.3450 4- 0.0553 335 - 16.6698 16.6744 40.8040 40.3968 338 10.4554 10.4573 - 47.3340 46-9338 340 - 43-9979 44.0001 - 17-6751 17.2715 - 34i - 53.2004 53-I942 10.2203 9.8192 346 64.1320 64-I355 - 3-1328 2-7294 348 14.2658 14.2683 - 45-7265 45-3252 35i 61.7017 6 i . 7040 IO.IOOI 9.6952 353 - 52.7975 52.7991 19.8146 19.4103 356 58.1662 58.1680 - 19.3300 18.9148 362 20.0388 20.0394 - 46.9327 46.5338 367 10.2786 10. 2862 - 53-2129 52.8191 372 - 22.0499 22.0550 - 49.7942 49-385I TWO DEGREES OF THE NORTH POLE. 21 TABLE II (cont 'd) . CORRECTED COORDINATES. PLATE SEPT. 21. No . 1 3. t Y Big Image. Middle Image. Big Image. Middle Image. 373 18.5731 18.5734 51.3606 50.9547 376 - 49-0776 49-0795 - 42-5412 42.1423 - 16.5942 16.5942 - 54.5088 54.1068 PLATE SEPT. 21. No. 15. i - 49-1170 49.1191 + 35-4701 35-8748 2 - 59.9066 59.9109 + 27.5611 27-9565 5 8.6929 8.6945 + 54-4890 54-8872 8 - 42.7124 42.7136 + 33-6728 34.0684 9 - 63.0086 63.0112 + 18.2944 18.6988 16 - 51.2698 51.2691 + 18.5555 18.9614 18 2^ SI2I + 40. 1790 21 ~ O ' O - 63.3538 63-3520 - 0.1557 + 0.2364 23 - 53-6494 53-6536 + 7.0812 7-4777 25 - 30.4464 30.4490 + 23.6348 24-0334 26 21.2140 21 .22O6 + 34-H79 34-5168 28 - 35.6628 35.6659 + 16.1020 16.5046 31 - 30.6979 30.6994 + 17.3088 17.7102 32 - 36.7512 36.7572 + 6.6622 7.0572 33 - 37.0818 37.0789 + 4-756i 5.1470 34 42.6627 42 . 6648 - 6.8674 6 . 4706 35 - 55.6002 55.6032 30.2710 29.8818 36 26.4013 26 . 4030 + 11.4205 i i. 8160 37 - 23.4538 23-4543 + 15-1789 I5-5748 38 - 15.7433 15.7436 -f 28.2739 28.6723 39 + 44.4588 44.4578 26.4164 26.0208 40 - 33.8928 33.8945 8.0510 7-6585 - 14.3978 I4-399I + 28.3186 28.7134 42 - 37.6736 37.6768 18.6581 18.2623 43 - 9.7116 9.7I2I + 36.5194 36.9146 44 - 49.4924 49.4966 - 46.4935 46-0944 45 40.2691 40.2777 - 28.9062 28.5072 46 - 24.6770 24.6780 + 3.0814 3.4746 47 6.4160 6.4169 + 41-1723 41.5684 48 - 44.1898 44.1938 - 43-7860 43-3940 49 18.0964 18.0976 + 14-5129 14.9122 50 - 38.5074 38.5084 - 33.8610 33-4614 - 37.3286 37.3262 - 35.0322 34-6425 52 - 38.5900 38.5977 - 39-6750 39.2830 53 - 33-9503 33-9548 - 29.9017 29-5046 54 6.1389 6.1372 + 38.6876 39.0828 55 - 41-1358 41.1360 - 53-6956 53.3095 56 - 21.7540 21.7546 - 4.6776 4-2759 57 - 30.4551 30.4583 - 29.0637 28.6680 58 - 37.5420 37-5494 - 52-9124 52.5271 59 30.1878 30.1906 36.6012 36 . 2058 60 9.6236 9.6228 + 8.4382 8.8362 61 - 12.3364 12.3380 - 5-5584 5-I592 62 - 2.9752 2.9750 + 29.5213 29.9268 2 CATALOGUE Otf STARS WITHIN TABLE II (cont'd). CORRECTED COORDINATES. PLATE SEPT. 21. No. 15. Star X Y Big Image. Middle Image. Big Image. Middle Image. 63 7.2200 7.2226 + 2.4791 2-8759 64 - I3-5704 13.5726 - 36.6890 36.2909 65 11.6972 11.7000 - 32-5688 32.1684 66 - 4.0866 4.0891 + 12.2972 I 2 . 6930 67 - 2.8382 2 . 8424 -f 16.9664 I7-3634 68 - 10.3191 10.3258 - 58.8944 58.4960 69 - 5.8828 5-8844 - 22.9036 22 . 5063 70 - 7.4811 7.4816 - 52.3900 51.9980 7i - 3-1284 3-1273 6 . 4482 6.0518 72 - 2.7294 2.7320 - 23.4406 23.0490 73 - 2 . 2998 2.2985 - 17.6877 17. 2916 74 + 0.1230 0.1223 + o . 6444 I .0429 75 + 0.8736 0.8724 + 7-3556 7-7538 76 + I . 2746 I . 2740 + I5-4330 I5-8304 77 + 0.6750 0.6750 17.2618 I6.86I7 78 + I.3I56 I.3I22 - 26.8139 26.4158 79 + 2.OO24 2.OO24 - 0.8563 0.4587 80 + 2.2510 2.2504 + 14.4468 14.8477 81 + 3-5559 3-5571 - 34-9872 34.5908 82 + 4-8934 4.8938 - 5.7010 5.30I7 83 + 4-7031 4-7037 + 1.5616 I . 9602 84 + 8.5974 8.5976 - 51-7160 5I-3I69 85 + 5-6674 5.6666 + 6.3335 6.7294 86 + 10.0395 10.0376 51.6111 51.2112 87 + 8.3657 8.3654 - 24.5523 24^544 88 + 8.0155 8.0138 4.0010 3.6052 89 + 4-3340 4-3340 + 40.3596 40.7545 90 + 17.4270 17.4296 - 54-7II4 54.3I57 9 1 -f 14-4830 14.4812 - 28.8633 28.4624 92 + 19.8084 19.8060 - 47-2958 46.9017 93 + 8.9528 8.9510 + 22.0888 22.4833 94 + 17.0264 17.0286 - 25.0428 24.6474 95 + 19.8668 19.8653 - 15-8566 15.4611 96 + 27.9746 27-9745 - 51.2648 50.8710 97 + 22.8413 22.8398 - 15-8961 I5.5044 98 + 32.2745 32.2779 - 50.2005 49 . 8024 99 + 31.4007 31.4002 - 33.6478 33-2534 100 + I3-4293 13.4296 + 26.2734 26.6724 101 + 26.2896 26.2862 n. 8042 i i . 4066 102 + 17-9090 17.9106 + 15-9640 16.3664 103 + 19.7212 19.7222 + 11.8668 12.2680 104 + 34-"2i 34.II36 - 28.5478 28.1546 105 + 25.0428 25.0444 + 6 . 9076 7.3050 1 06 + 14-0944 14.0930 + 33-7752 34.1686' 107 + 36.5792 36.5824 16.1350 I5.7392 108 + 28.8884 28.8864 + 3.3057 3-7031 109 + 40.7564 40.7552 22.3410 21.9416 no + 27.6042 27.6060 + 6.3598 6.7566 III + 36.1974 36 . 2004 10.2716 9.8811 112 + 31-3543 3I-3542 + 0.4787 0.8776 "3 + 26.0592 26.0592 + 12.3864 12. 7829 114 + 47.1002 47.1013 28.6269 28.2309 115 + 32.7246 32.7249 + 0.9786 1.3762 TWO DEGREES Otf THE NORTH POLE. 23 TABLE II (cont'd). CORRECTED COORDINATES. PLATE SEPT. 21. No. 15. X Y Star Big Image. Middle Image. Big Image. Middle Image. 116 + 16.6670 16.6638 + 32.8543 33-2490 117 + 58.8743 58.8712 - 46.7780 46.3766 118 + 40.7610 40. 7621 - 12.1479 11.7510 119 + 30.9871 30.9854 + 10.4751 10.8746 120 + 38.8041 38.8028 + i . 8770 2.2706 121 + 31-7298 31.7296 + 15-0299 15.4228 123 + 10.0631 10.0712 + 49.8336 50.2216 124 + 35.6393 35-6422 + 14.0080 14.4061 125 + 17-6350 17-6383 + 39-8874 40.2914 127 + 5I-7340 51-7353 + 6.8802 7.2768 129 + 46.0528 46-0547 + 21.3106 21 . 7104 131 + 50.5770 50.5774 + 21.5090 2 I . 9046 I 3 2 + 53-1680 53-1650 + 22.5837 22.9834 135 + 23.3148 23.3168 + 46.2439 46-6392 137 + 55.1732 55.I74I + 25.6275 26.0228 144 + 22.5190 22.5162 + 52.8748 53-2692 392 - 44-8432 44.8477 + 49.9100 50.3014 405 - 57.9398 57.9406 + 36.8664 37-2674 406 - 62.9724 62.9662 + 33.6474 34.0470 PLATE SEPT. 16. No. 3. 3 + 9.3697 9.3726 18.7030 18.3611 28 4- 42.8042 42 . 8040 - 38.0598 37.7I33 31 + 41.7666 41.7622 - 30.3638 32.7178 36 + 47.8024 47 . 8064 28.9814 28.6334 106 + 26.9062 26.9136 + 12.3054 12.6493 1 20 + 59.6800 59-69I5 + 35.8446 36.1786 125 + 20.9330 20.9354 + 16.0600 16.4026 127 + 55.I46I 55-1614 + 48.9532 49-2999 129 + 40.5140 40.5286 + 43-7813 44-1255 132 + 39.4976 39-5076 + 50.9374 51.2748 137 + 36.5313 36.5389 + 53-0639 53-4056 146 + 2 . 9206 2.9324 + 30.8645 3I.2I68 200 - 9-80I3 9.7936 + 12.7188 I3-0734 202 - 24.7440 24-7374 + 30.6388 30.9726 210 - 10.1188 IO. 1 1 2O + ii. 3050 I I . 6540 212 - 57-I287 57-1174 + 57.48i7 57.8244 2 2O - 50.0330 50.0199 + 39-0534 39.3976 242 6I.2I32 61.2088 + 22.4656 22.8252 258 - 63.8062 63 . 8029 + 6.8769 7.2290 259 - 65.0718 65.0702 + 6.9504 7.3IOI 268 - 32.9440 32.9437 + i 5390 I . 8940 310 - 60.4174 60.4167 28.1404 27.7928 313 - 55.8992 55-8966 27.2466 26.9017 353 - 41.8591 41.8638 - 52.4696 52.1254 356 - 42.5326 42.5285 - 57.8142 57-4752 405 + 21.2274 21 .222O - 59-5734 59-2250 24 CATALOGUE Otf STARS WITHIN TABLE II (cont'd). CORRECTED COORDINATES. PLATE SEPT. 16. No. 6. 3 Y Qf of otar Big Image. Middle Image. Big Image. Middle Image. 62 + 18.2387 18.2291 25.2614 24-8705 75 + 36.1242 36.1118 38.9160 38.5349 82 + 47.9462 47-9373 - 45-7803 45 3842 85 + 40.3350 40.3263 - 36.4198 36.0237 100 + 32.4818 32.4566 16.5029 16. 1056 106 + 27.8703 27.8518 10.5468 10.1505 125 + 26.3182 26.2981 - 3.6577 3-2554 129 + 59-7970 59-7790 + 2.0127 2.4150 159 + 24.1144 24.1005 + 19.5648 19.9598 202 + 4-4300 4.4178 + 38.9974 39.4057 209 + 2.3258 2 . 3072 + 53.3235 53.7210 228 - 9-3321 9-3440 + 44.6164 45.0224 242 - 27.0748 27.0846 + 59.1022 59.4960 259 - 40.7872 40.7987 + 50.8894 51.2789 268 - 21.9770 2I.99I6 + 24.3042 24.7014 310 - 62.3798 62 . 4005 + 22.8461 23-2304 313 - 58.5738 58.5843 + 20.2616 20.6525 334 - 7-5679 7.5869 + 1.6091 i . 9964 384 - 56.8066 56.8177 - 36.5169 36.1368 389 - 54-7074 54.7160 - 56.0514 55.6719 390 - 45-3710 45-3752 - 56.9631 56 . 5660 405 - 27.0994 27.1084 - 57.2066 56.8152 I 'LATE SEPT. 18. No. 2. 62 + 23.9657 23 . 9806 + 17.1389 I7.5390 7*> + ^7 5768 + -j c o SQO / o 82 ' O / * O / V/ * J + 44.3961 44.4070 oo **ov** + 46.9015 47.3I25 83 + 39.2008 39.2162 + 41.8208 42. 2I2O 100 + 15.1702 15-1674 + 31.3474 3L7576 162 - 25.0286 25.0230 + 24.8081 25.2132 210 16.2461 16.2364 - 0.1773 + 0.2328 228 4.C 8'JQ'? IO 6^54. 242 T"O ^OVO 60.2746 60.2636 **-* - w OOn- 28.4270 28.0264 259 - 52.0144 52.0034 42.II4O 41.7146 3*3 - 21.3360 21.3260 - 59.8208 59.4102 334 2.8218 2 . 8068 ~ 8.7423 8.3371 338 - 2.3421 2.3320 - 17.9819 17-5749 ^62 +1 0080 2 "\ 2AQ6 j**^ 384 . y\JO\J + 35-4454 35.4567 *j *IV M - 57.8818 57.4850 389 + 54-9946 55.0040 ~ 55.7276 55.3149 405 + 56.0518 56.0628 28.1037 27.6941 . F LATE SEPT. 21. No. 14. 2 - 59.7073 59.7107 - 32.5663 32.1804 3 - 17-3198 17.3265 - 9-9694 9.5829 4 - 46.9976 47.0042 - 27.5490 27.1664 18 - 23.3108 23.3180 19.9662 I9.5798 TWO DEGREES OF THE NORTH POLE. 25 TABLE II (concl'd). CORRECTED COORDINATES. PIRATE SEPT. 21. No. 14. Star X Y Big Image. Middle Image. Big Image. Middle Image. 26 21.0058 21 .0164 - 26.0338 25-6524 3i - 30.5139 30.5242 - 42.8440 42 . 4484 62 - 2.7642 2.7620 - 30.6336 30.2528 106 + I4-2954 14.2904 - 26.3976 26.0116 112 + 31-5544 3I-5470 - 59-7102 59-3374 125 + 17-8434 17.8404 20.2830 19.9001 129 + 46.2562 46 . 2560 - 38.8734 38.4839 132 + 53-3692 53-3657 - 37-6045 37.2248 137 + 55.3697 55-3692 - 34-5576 34-1747 146 + 41-3192 41 . 3098 - 12.5214 12. 1264 159 + 32.0012 31-9855 i . 7626 I-375I 202 + 30-7740 30.7736 + 25.8800 26.26l8 209 + 38.9659 38.9681 + 37-8184 38.1951 220 + 38.3062 38 . 3002 + 51-4702 51.8494 228 + 24.4981 24.4904 + 39-3548 39-7352 241 + 13.0420 13.0418 + 34-3242 34.7086 268 + i . 3246 1.3122 + 30.7547 3LI293 3 IO - 29.2275 29.2252 + 59-4424 59-8372 313 - 28.1895 28.1880 + 54-9412 55-3296 315 - 7-9484 7-9458 + 18.3913 18.7778 351 61.8014 61.8019 + 49-7312 5O. 1126 353 - 52.9036 52.9017 + 40.0212 40 . 4080 356 - 58.2748 58.2734 + 40.5111 40.8951 383 - 4-9366 4.9418 + 2.2576 2.6451 387 - 63.4172 63.4166 + I-9674 2.3538 405 - 57.7422 57-7453 - 23.2644 22.8812 406 62.7648 62.7782 - 26.4875 26. 1058 26 CATALOGUE Otf STARS WITHIN The right ascensions and polar distances of the stars were deter- mined from the measured coordinates according to the method given in Publication i, Sec. IV, with one modification. Certain terms in the right ascension equation which are negligible for the 90 plates where the pole is very near the center, must be included for the 89 plates, where the pole is a degree from the center. Furthermore, since there is an obvious error in the last line on p. 27, the form given in the first equation for on p. 28 is incorrect. The correct form and the one which has been used in the present investigation is given below, and with it is repeated for convenience the equation for polar distance. Y 2 ) Since the small terms in are negligible in any case for the 90 plates, the equations which were used in the first paper, i. e., equations (i), are correct as they stand. The plate constants were determined according to the method of Sees. V to VII. The right ascensions and polar distances of the stand- ard stars were taken from Elkin's Heliometer Triangulation of Stars in the Vicinity of the North Pole.* All of the stars in this work, twenty-four in number, were used with the exception of Polaris, the photographic images of which were not suitable for measurement. The companion of Polaris was obscured by the primary on every plate but one, namely, Sept. 21, no. 15. The folio wing Table III, gives the polar coordinates of the standard stars together with their numbers in the final catalogue by means of which their rectangular coordinates may be taken from Table II. * Transactions of Yale Observatory, Vol. I, part III. TWO DEGREES OF THE NORTH POLE. 27 TABLE III. POSITIONS OF STANDARD STARS. Elkin. No. in Cat. Right Ascension. N. P. D. Annual P. M. in R. A. in N. P. D. / ft rr // ft a 2 3 38 22 4232.28 /3 14 13 9 27 5678.28 + 2.310 + 0.037 5 47 41 26 32 1297.25 e 34 3i 50 45 4875.66 f 42 38 43 3i 5337-53 n 101 83 37 i 8 4585.10 e 104 84 57 29 5685 . 48 i 131 116 8 33 3728.37 i . 8070 0.020 AC 161 153 39 40 5621.81 X 169 165 22 30 6306.18 M 184 183 35 19 6045.41 - 0.1320 0.076 V 193 193 33 33 3718.88 I 199 196 34 40 6297.54 239 227 49 25 56H.39 7T 261 243 28 12 5818.21 P 266 246 46 54 2685.92 ff 304 270 30 o 6296.23 r 305 270 45 47 4549-94 V 327 284 42 21 4961 . 27 340 293 55 50 3735-8i - 0.7560 + 0.006 * 35i 298 14 30 4843-32 X 386 330 15 7 6034.64 Id 387 334 27 22 3953-79 The apparent places of the standard stars referred to the equinox of 1 888.0 were computed according to the method of Sec. VI. Proper motions were taken from the following sources : for /3 == Bradley 65 from Harvard Annals, Vol. XVIII, p. 283; for t Groom. 1119, and fji = Bradley 1672 from Green. Ten Year Catalogue 1890; for

. + I-I355 - 57-8153 112 38 24 .8606 no. 5 Mid. + 1-1323 - 57.4296 112 38 43 .8596 Sept. 1 6 Big a, j8, 5, e, f, w. + i.352i + 62.1408 112 37 46 .8551 no. 7 Mid. + 1.3466 + 62.5421 112 37 34 .8519 Sept. 1 8 Big P, ff , T , v , 0, t, X, w. - 2.8353 + 60.5764 22 27 48 .8579 no. i Mid. - 2.8232 + 60.9637 22 28 23 .8566 Sept. 1 8 Big 5, 1), t l f K, V. - 2.2755 - 60.3089 22 29 17 .8574 no. 3 Mid. - 2.2685 - 59.9306 22 28 52 .8538 Sept. 21 Big VOTTpffTVd) \1/ + 2.5529 58.7921 155 3 l .8608 no. 13 Mid. + 2.5464 - 58.3941 155 30 29 .8604 Sept. 21 Big a, d, e, f, i/, 8, i. + 2.2749 + 61.2484 155 26 49 .8557 no. 15 Mid. + 2.2736 + 61.6462 155 26 50 .8539 The numbers in the last column of Table V are the probable errors of the single determinations of polar distance for each plate, and r cosec K will be the probable error of one determination of right ascen- sion for any star of polar distance r. TABLE V. PROBABLE ERRORS OF PLATE CONSTANTS. Plate. Im. Probable error of r* or -n (a A Sept. 16 no. 2 Big Mid. Big Mid. Big Mid. Big Mid. Big Mid. Big Mid. Big Mid. Big Mid. mm. .0015 .0015 .0015 .0018 .0019 .0019 .0022 .0025 .0024 .0022 .0018 .OOI7 .0013 .OOII .0019 .0018 it .0012 .0012 .0011 .0013 .0014 .0014 .0018 .0020 .0018 .OOI7 .0015 .0014 .0010 .0008 .0016 .0014 n 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 fr 6 5 5 3 3 5 5 n .I4 1 139 125 153 .179 .179 -154 .172 .206 .184 .190 .176 .127 .102 .194 .174 Sept. 16 no. 4 Sept. 16 no. 5 Sept 1 6 no 7 Sept i 8 no i Sept 1 8 no 3 Sept 2 1 no 13 Sept 2 1 no. 15 TWO DEGREES Otf THE NORTH POLE. 29 In determining the right ascensions and polar distances of the un- known stars the process employed was the reverse of that used for the standard stars and similar to that of Publication i, Sec. VIII, in each detail with one exception in the case of annual aberration. Here a second step was necessary , since the formulas given on p. 32, Publi- cation i, have in the second member the quantities i and ^ which are supposed to be free from the effects of aberration, whereas these quantities as derived from the rectangular coordinates have been freed from the effects of refraction only. The following differential forms derived by Jacoby for a similar case give the necessary correc- tions. (Columbia Contributions, no. 21, p. 25.) 7T n TT,= n (a j) 2 sin 2 i". In combining the results from the eight plates into a single prelimi- nary catalogue, each plate was given weight unity. The means of the separate results from the four 90 plates were treated as if they also were obtained from a single plate and were given weight unity in the final combination. The right ascensions and polar distances derived from each of the four 90 plates had previously been reduced to the mean standard of the four plates by the method described in Publication i, Sec. X, pp. 68-72. Hereafter when reference is made to the 90 plate the mean result from the four plates is to be under- stood. Table VI contains the preliminary catalogue. The first column contains the catalogue number, the second the number of plates upon which each star appears, the third the mean right ascension from all the plates, and the remaining nine columns the residuals in the sense plate minus mean. The corresponding values in polar distance are given on the opposite pages. CATALOGUE OF STARS WITHIN TABLE VI. PRELIMINARY CATALOGUE. Num- TV/T^at-i TJ A da sin n Star ber Plates 1888.0 90 16 no. 2 16 no. 4 16 no. 5 16 no. 7 18 no. i 18 no. 3 21 no. 13 21 no. 15 i c o / // I 4.5 54. tt + 17 H -O5 H H H + -05 H .14 . n // // + IQ 2 4" 7 -7 g 14. - 08 + .10 .15 + 17 I 7 CQ 12 .OO J c 12 4.4. + .26 . 12 .12 5" c c 4.1 CT. + 11 .04 + .H .42 . + O2 6 2 c 4.6 71 . II + .11 2 6 22 46 .OQ + .12 8 c 6 l6 11 + .16 .01 + .08 . 52 4- 11 7 8 11 24. .12 + .00 4- 21 10 2 O IO 4. . 12 + .20 j i 2 10 18 i + .13 .11 I 2 j IO 12 54 .OO 1 7 I IO 4O 4. .OO 14. 2 11 11 -.08 + .08 I c 2 17 17 71 .03 + .03 16 j -7 45 i e . 12 + .02 + 08 17 2 14 6 10 .03 .OO 18 7 14. Q 4Q .01 .34 -f .36 IQ I 14 2"? 5Q .OO 2O I 18 15 21 .OO 21 ^ 18 20 50 .21 -.16 + .14 22 I l8 4.1 11 .OO 27 I IQ l8 4.8 .OO 24. I 21 l8 I .OO 25 4. 24. 5 12 + - 2 5 -.46 + .06 + .18 26 2 24 6 7,2 + -25 - .26 27 I 24 26 45 .OO 28 25 7 52 + 51 .15 . 17 22 2O I 27 27 2 .OO 7Q I 27 51 56 .OO 21 28 16 i + .05 . 50 + .13 72 2 20 l8 5O . 23 + .23 71 2 IO 21 11 . IO + . 10 74, 2 71 5O 41 .07 + .07 7 C 2 72 5Q 51 . 10 + JO 76 75 l6 5 + 17 + Ol 02 4- 27 O U 77 75 5Q O + .06 .40 .00 4- 42 1.8 76 24 4O + .04 . IQ + .11 4- .01 7Q 2 77 14 71 + .03 .01 4O 2 17 42 2O .02 4- .02 78 12 78 + II 51 + 21 + 16 4 1 4.2 2 ^8 4.^ ^6 .05 4- .08 43 4.4. 5 2 39 4 38 7Q 7Q 57 + .16 -17 + .2 4 - .18 -49 + .25 + 18 45 2 4O 2 12 . 2O + 21 TWO DEGREES OF THE NORTH POLE. TABLE VI. PRELIMINARY CATALOGUE. Num- Mean JTT Star ber Plates N. P. D. 1888.0 90 16 no. 2 16 no. 4 16 no. 5 16 no. 7 18 no. i 18 no. 3 21 no. 13 21 no. 15 * H 4- OQ IQ n n n n + -73 H ft . 17 344 1 2 7 IS + 02 06 + .18 4 OO 3 7J.2O SI + 5 2 T.O .21 4 768 ss 42 - 08 -j- . 17 .02 + .40 + 27 26 + 01 OI 7 4/ui . n 4" 13 72 + 41 . IO 12 . 14 + .25 9 4 / o "V 4- 18 -.18 6738 66 + SQ s?8o s6 .OO 781 8 T ^ OO 13 ^678 12 4. 05 06 + 2Q 28 !5 AOQ S 08 II + .17 .07 + 3 1 1 / 18 1088 sd. + 10 .27 + .17 .OO 1 9 OO 21 S"^74 80 + . 27 .07 .20 727S O7 OO .00 3 67 s8 87 .00 * 2076 QO 4- 17 . 22 + . 08 .03 -26 2 1 4O 48 OS + .05 OO */ , 4- 12 OJ. .42 2 4 T -3 29 6666 so OO 3 727Q QO + d.6 18 18 .09 o 1 4OO8 I 2 02 + .03 77 2 41 12 62 + os .05 2 4.87 S Q4 4- .iQ .20 7S 2 6477 08 4- .14 -15 4- 4O 07 02 11 . 19 yj 7IJ.8 I S 4- 41 04 22 -.16 2238 oo 4- 20 40 O7 + .26 TO 2 SQ7.6 76 . IO + .10 4O 2 4668.72 .OI .00 41 4" 2IQ7 85 + 03 16 + oi + .12 42 2 C777 . IQ 4- 17 -17 43 44 5 2 1633.19 7144 6s + . 05 4-. 02 + .05 + IS -.09 .02 .15 4.5 2 5956 . 76 + 27 -.28 CATALOGUE OF STARS WITHIN TABLE VI (cont'd). PRELIMINARY CATALOGUE. Num- MpQn "R A da sin 7i Star ber Plates 1888.0 90 16 no. 2 16 no. 4 16 no. 5 16 no. 7 18 no. i 18 no. 3 21 no. 13 21 no. 15 46 2 / flf 4O 22 IS n n n it n 27 n n n n + 27 47 48 5 2 4i 26 35 41 27 46 + .08 + .01 + .02 4.O + .14 -25 + 4.O 49 SO 5 2 41 38 I 42 6 10 + .16 + .06 + .16 06 -.40 .02 + 01 Si 2 42 S7 48 + 01 OO 52 2 47 17 o + 16 IT. PJ7 2 4"? 18 18 20 + 17 54- 4 44 28 28 + .IS .OI IO OI cc 2 AA ^Q 4- 47 + 4.1 56 2 45 14. 2^ IO + IO 57 2 4.5 2^ ^7 14 + 14 58 2 4.6 6 5Q O4 + O4 5Q 2 46 s8 28 OO OO 60 I C2 77 7 OO 61 2 S2 57 12 O4 + O4 62 2 cir 44. eg + 21 21 63 2 56 6 ii OS + OS 64 2 S6 27 + 06 06 65 I S6 S2 24 OO 66 S7 SO SI 4- 07 + O6 06 20 + 2S 67 e;8 78 SI OI + 01 27 + 26 68 j SO 21 14 OO 60 2 so 4.8 8 26 + .24 7O I 6O 27 S2 OO 71 60 4. s i o + 02 . 22 + 22 72 j 61 s8 s .OO 7^ 2 62 I 27 27. + .21 74. 61 16 S4. 18 + 14 .11 + .16 75 61 48 50 + 06 - 08 -.06 + 06 76 j 64 i ci .00 77 64 10 4.8 OO .28 + .28 78 I 64 44 I S .00 7O I 6S 4 4.1 .00 so I 6s IS 4.6 .00 81 I 66 8 15 - .00 82 67 7 S 12 + 08 OO 21 + 17 8-; 67 1Q ^6 4- TQ IO . 2O + 14 84 I 68 is 42 .OO 85 4 68 52 8 + OS .05 .02 + .03 86 I 60 IO 4.4. .OO 87 I 69 26 15 .OO 88 I 7O 2^ 12 .OO 89 QO 5 i 70 48 o 72 SO S7 + .14 -37 + .29 -.28 + .23 .OO TWO DEGREES OK THE NORTH POLE- TABLE VI (cont'd). PRELIMINARY CATALOGUE. 33 Num- Mean JTT Star ber Plates N. P. D 1888.0 90 16 no. 2 16 no. 4 16 no. 5 16 no. 7 18 no. i 18 no. 3 21 no. 13 21 no. 15 A.6 2 1 ^826 14. n rt // // 9 4- oo n n n n OQ 4 U 47 4.8 5 2 1297.20 6864 29 + .22 -.07 + . 02 + .17 4-. 04 -.19 .17 AQ 7O7.Q 61 + OI + 00 .07 .04 4- .0^ CO 2 6183 26 + .10 .11 e T 2 6220 84 4- ^4 7.4 CO 2 6 506 ^ ^ 4- 10 10 e-i 2 cgcQ n A 4- I-? 12 CA 14.27 08 18 II 4- n + .17 ee 2 7747 JA 4- .41 .41 56 2 4l87 76 4- .18 . 17 57 2 c.778 26 4- 21 22 58 2 7226 14 4- 51 5O CQ 2 6 1 5Q 72 + 46 47 60 7226 07. .OO 61 2 4.070 58 4- .24 . 27 62 2 I QOQ 4 I + .05 .05 63 2 i 548 . go 4-. 29 . 7O 64 2 CQ24. 64. 4- 15 14 65 I c667. 10 OO 66 67 5 4 2939.56 2652 74 + .14 + 08 + .07 4". 22 4- .20 -.30 .18 .11 .09 68 i 72l6. 5 s ? .OO 69 2 5046 . oo 4-. 13 . 14 7 I 68l2 77 OO 71 7 4.040 68 4- T5 77 .01 72 I 5067.06 .00 73 2 4717.62 4- .10 . IO 74 ^6iJ. 02 + 22 4- 16 28 IO 75 4 72IO 67 + TN 4- T5 82 + II 76 I 2726.66 .00 77 7 4684 80 4- 21 06 16 78 I 5255.01 oo 79 I ^7OI . 2O oo 80 I 2784. 79 oo 81 I 5745-37 .00 82 4 3994.26 + .20 4- .27 . 27 .21 83 4 3559- J 8 + 14. 4- n 18 IO 84 i 6756.63 .OO 8.S 4 3276.67 + .25 4- ^2 -.48 . IO 86 i 6 755-63 .00 87 i 5132.52 .00 88 i 3904 . 08 .00 89 90 5 i 1238.76 6983.98 + .36 -.26 + 45 -65 + . 09 .00 34 CATALOGUE Off STARS WITHIN TABLE VI (cont'd). PRELIMINARY CATALOGUE. Num- TV/Too n "R A t da sin TT Star ber Plates 1888.0 90 16 no. 2 16 no. 4 16 no. 5 16 no. 7 18 no. i 18 no. 3 21 no. 13 21 no. 15 / // 71 6 I! * n if " n it n n H OO y* 74. ^4 54. OO j 5 75 O 17 + -32 -54 .03 . 14 + 40 Q4 2 75 5 56 . IO + 10 Q5 2 78 15 16 . 21 + 21 j 78 17 5 OO Q7 2 80 2O 24 O5 + O7 I 80 29 29 OO OQ 2 82 29 16 17 + 20 yy IOO 2 83 516 OO OO IOI 2 83 37 16 * 4- TT IO2 I 84 28 5 I 84 5T, i OO 1 04. 2 84 57 26 + O3 IO5 I 88 10 41 OO 106 2 88 4*. 12 + .11 12 IO7 2 89 21 36 + O7 IO 1 08 2 QO 7 14 4- T6 IOO 2 90 10 29 + 27 27 I IO 2 QO I 1 IO 4- T7 III 2 9O 49 58 / + OQ T / 12 112 7 QI I 52 + 06 O2 T T -I 2 QI 24 54 18 4- 18 1 14. 2 01 58 6 + 26 115 2 Q2 l6 4. 116 117 5 2 92 21 93 6 42 + .24 -.44 -30 + .22 + 10 + .27 O7 118 2 QI 8 11 + 12 12 119 I 94 58 10 OO 1 2O 4 97 5 O .26 .44 + 22 + 24 121 5 98 o 13 + .06 . 24 51 + 42 + 70 122 i 99 38 29 OO 123 5 IOO I 26 + .43 03 7O 12 + O2 124 5 loo 44 47 + .27 .24 46 + 44 + O2 125 2 101 19 21 .00 .OO 126 i 104 55 58 .OO 127 4 107 49 10 + . 29 -.65 + .15 + .21 128 i no 25 59 I2Q 4 113 12 10 en .42 + 51 O2 HO 2 115 n 10 .21 + 18 132 133 4 4 i 116 8 40 118 21 53 119 n 38 -.14 -23 + .09 -.14 + .31 + 45 OO ::::::: -29 -.09 134 2 119 14 40 .20 + 18 135 5 120 18 56 + .10 + .10 -.60 + 35 + .06 TWO DEGREES OF THE NORTH POLE. TABLE VI (cont'd). PRELIMINARY CATALOGUE. 35 Num- Mean JTT Star ber Plates N. P. D. 1888. o 90 16 no. 2 16 no. 4 16 no. 5 16 no. 7 18 no. i 18 no. 3 21 no. 13 21 no. 15 OI i 5426.54 ' rr n " n " " n n OO 02 i 6565. 12 OO 5~ 2360. 2O .01 + .28 + 10 51 02 Vo 2 5223 14 O5 2 47l6 57 VO 06 I 6891.66 OO O7 2 4761 .43 41 + 41 08 I 6891.71 OO 00 2 5924. 52 - .26 + .27 IOO 2 2179.08 -.06 + .05 101 2 4585. 44 OI OO IO2 I 2849 19 OO IO1 I 3116.81 OO I O4 2 5685.52 18 + 10 IO5 I 15O8.76 .00 1 06 2 1771.80 .04 + .05 IO7 2 5049. 14 . 17 + .16 1 08 2 1708 78 + 08 OO IOQ 2 54QO 17 17 + 17 no 2 3600 64 4- 04 OS in 2 47 2O 56 4. 21 112 -J 4OI4.08 + 1 .01 76 .28 2 1214. 52 + .14 114 2 5994.47 + 01 .OI 115 2 4024. 14 + .05 .04 116 1 17 5 2 1887.12 7282 10 + .17 .12 + .38 -.43 41 .OI + .41 118 2 4042 . 84 -.36 + 35 119 I 1471. SO .OO 1 20 41 54 Ql 16 + 51 27 + 12 121 122 5 i 3262.89 6825 os + .24 -.25 + 34 -30 OO -.04 123 124 5 5 809.18 1444 . 2 5 + .17 + il -.47 .18 + .65 + . ^2 -43 . 24 + .09 .02 125 2 1556.79 + 09 .09 126 I 6914. 19 .OO 127 4. 4782 62 + .21 + 06 28 .00 128 I 6680 51 .OO 129 4 1S1O. 18 + -11 .11 .41 + .20 I3O 2 4713.61 + .07 .07 132 133 4 4 i 3728.24 3809.88 4444 . 69 .12 + .13 + .26 + .06 -.53 .00 -.09 + .06 134 2 4620.28 + .07 .06 5 i 5 1 i . 04 + .14 + 11 + O7 41 + .10 CATALOGUE OF STARS WITHIN TABLE VI (cont'd). PRELIMINARY CATALOGUE. Num- TVyToon T? A i ia sin TT Star ber Plates 1888.0 90 16 no. 2 16 no. 4 16 no. 5 16 no. 7 18 no. i 18 no. 3 21 no. 13 21 no. 15 1 16 j /It 121 21 II n n n " i n n OO n H 4 121 19 I .09 .OO + 14 .2S 1 18 I 121 SO 11 OO 1 1Q 2 124 46 I 8 21 4- 21 I4O 2 I2Q I SI 4S 4- 4S 1 4.1 2 III S7 26 IS 4- 12 14.2 2 112 17 l8 41 4- 41 I 111 I S OO 144 I4.S 5 2 133 33 56 I 14 11 18 + 33 4- .10 10 -75 + . 64 4- 10 -.32 14.6 I I l6 2O 42 OO 147 2 I 18 7 24 . 19 + .17 14.8 I 138 15 33 OO 149 2 140 13 49 -36 4-. 36 ISO I 140 36 36 .00 ISI 2 142 20 46 .41 + 43 152 I 142 52 48 .00 I SI I 143 58 28 OO I S4 I 144 28 47 OO 2 1 4. ^ 4. 1 4.6 4- 06 IS6 I 146 11 s8 OO I S7 -i 146 1Q 1O 4- ii 74 4- so is8 2 1 46 44 2 1 is 4- IS I 5Q 2 I SO 1O 42 4- 04 OS 1 60 2 I SI 6 S 4- 14 161 2 T C-I -JQ -IQ 4- 01 162 I S4 4. SI 4- 18 + 21 81 + 41 161 I I s6 41 I OO 164 2 I rg 16 11 4- 17 i6s 2 162 Q 41 + 29 1 66 7 162 10 20 s8 + . SO 167 162 24 12 OO 1 68 1 60 5 163 25 6 165 22 24 + 25 .00 OO -.48 + .30 -.08 1 70 2 167 4 8 171 2 l67 SI 4. 4- 7S OT- - 172 I l67 S2 8 OO 171 2 169 10 39 4- 47 47 174 2 160 S7 16 175 176 5 2 171 19 o 171 4.2 17 + .04 4-- 45 4- A8 -44 + . 86 -94 177 178 5 2 172 39 15 174 4 22 -.08 + . 14 + 22 -35 + .50 .22 I7Q - 2 I7S O IQ 4- 08 08 i so 2 177 11 1O 4- 22 TWO DEGREES OP THE NORTH POLE. TABLE VI (cont'd). PRELIMINARY CATALOGUE. 37 Num- Mean JTT Star ber Plates N. P. D. 1888.0 90 16 no. 2 16 no. 4 16 no. 5 16 no. 7 18 no. i 18 no. 3 21 no. 13 21 no. 15 136 i H 6634 10 // H H // ft n // oo H // 117 A 3802 28 + 17 + 16 28 07 i is I 6^14 87 OO I^Q 2 4722 40 + .36 - 36 I4O 2 6663 oo -f .28 .28 IAI 2 S063 20 + 39 . 30 142 2 7S3O QA 4- .50 . so 14. -7 S422 O7 oo 14.4. S I2Q7 OO 4- ^6 ii 14 -J2 4- 20 I4.C 2 4824 62 + 14 IS 14.6 I 24 SO 8 I OO 147 2 434^ 32 + 2S 2S 148 I 6088 07 OO I4Q 2 62^5 .06 + . is - 16 ISO I 6540. 54 .00 I 51 2 552** 60 + TO -IQ I 52 I 7Q7I 25 OO I 5^ I ^0^7 8^ OO I 54 I 4848 01 OO I 55 2 4245 51 + w 77 156 I S8o6 . 06 .00 157 * 7QIQ. 54 + .18 + n . 3O 158 2 5111 . 14 4* -44 .44 I so 2 1766 22 4- 27 28 1 60 2 40 S6 66 + 17 18 161 2 5626 78 + 08 - 08 162 163 4 i 2013.98 3417 .47 + .26 + .06 .00 -.26 -.08 164 2 442 S. 78 .13 + 13 i6s 2 C-IQ2 O6 14 + 14 1 66 3 4QO7 .OI + 16 + 2O 46 167 I 3324. 3O .00 168 5 23OI .OI + .08 .07 + 07 4- .21 .2Q 169 i 6306 . O5 .00 1 70 2 S82O 7O -24 + ^ 171 2 Si6s 76 + 28 27 172 I 6886.ii OO 173 2 5414.66 + .14 IS 174 2 60^6 06 4- IQ 175 176 5 2 2259.70 6OQ4 27 + .13 .11 OI .20 4- 01 4-. 28 . II 177 1617 28 4- 27 4- 06 ~ -,} 4- T2 16 178 2 S74S 32 ~ *? **"*""" 17 o u + 16 ....... ******* 179 2 4364.62 + 08 O7 1 80 2 SS4O OO 12 4. I2 38 CATALOGUE OF STARS WITHIN TABLE VI (cont'd). PRELIMINARY CATALOGUE. Num- 4 da sin 7 r Star ber Plates Mean K.. A. 1888.0 90 16 no. 2 16 no 4 16 no. 5 16 no 7 18 no. i 18 no. 3 21 no. 13 21 no. 15 181 2 o / n ft 11 tr 4- ii n n n " " 182 4 I 80 26 28 + 05 14 .03 181 2 ^ 184 2 T Q-i -j r 2 c oy 185 2 10 o oo O I 8l 48 54 + ii 14 1 86 2 1 8 C 11 44 4- 22 10 187 I l85 41 22 OO 188 2 I 88 7 47 04 4- 04 1 80 4 IQI 1 2 58 4- 17 4- 46 27 58 190 IQI 4 c 191 16 36 IQI 21 58 4-.I6 + II + 35 + ii .01 24 + .32 -.48 .30 102 2 IQI 51 I I 4- 20 2O IQI 5 IQI 11 28 4- O5 05 20 + .'U .04 104 2 IQ4 48 14 4- 14 14 2 IQ4 52 12 + 15 15 1 06 4 IQ5 14 52 4- ii 4- 48 oo . 72 IQ7 -i IQC -7Q 2 4- 14 II . 21 108 2 IQ6 25 52 + 17 17 IQQ I I 06 14 1Q OO 2OO c 1 06 51 5Q oo 4- 24 1O + .79 .74 2OI -7 IQ7 5 2O 4- 04 + 16 . 2O 2O2 7 IQ7 Q 8 4- 16 4- 07 .43 2O1 2 108 21 10 + 10 12 2O4 2 IQQ Q 8 4- 06 .04 2O5 7 IQQ 1O l8 4- ii + 2Q -.62 206 -I 200 9 24 4- 25 OO . 23 2O7 7 2OO 1 8 2 + 61 OO -.63 2O8 I 2OO 41 12 OO 2OQ 4 200 59 20 4- 11 4- 24 OO -.60 2IO I 2OI 41 2Q oo 21 1 I 2O2 17 14 OO 212 211 4 i 202 47 34 202 55 17 + .14 + . 28 .12 OO -34 214 2 2O1 48 4Q + 2O + 16 -.36 215 2O1 5O 11 .25 2l6 I - 217 206 4 26 4- 7O 06 - .64 218 2 2O6 1O 1 5 4- 44 .44 210 I 2o8 52 46 2 2O 2io l8 12 4- O7 4- 14 . 22 221 I 210 49 28 OO 222 2 211 4 4O + 16 . 14 223 5 211 l6 51 . 12 .02 + I 9 + .41 - .27 224 2 - .36 225 2 211 11 l8 4- 10 .32 TWO DEGREES 01? THE NORTH POLE. TABLE VI (cont'd). PRELIMINARY CATALOGUE. 39 Num- Mean JTT Star ber Plates N. P. D. 1888.0 90 16 no. 2 16 no. 4 16 no. 5 16 no. 7 18 no. i 18 no. 3 21 no. 13 21 no. 15 181 2 V /1CC8 ng H n // 4- 16 y . 17 H n n n H 182 2687 os + 22 + . il .42 4- 06 rS-j 2 ?o6 1 n 4- 02 .02 Tg/1 2 604. s 4.6 .08 + .09 185 2 S7S6 s6 4- .11 . II | 1 86 2 S47O 48 4- .19 -.18 187 ^246. 2O .00 188 2 4176 67 01 4- 01 1 80 2066 79 + 1O oo . ^O OO IQO 2S4O 48 + 12 + 10 .38. 01 IQI c 2 S47 S4 + 26 4- .42 . 14 72 4- 10 IQ2 2 SOQI 06 + .07 - .08 1718 Q7 4- os 4- 08 16 OS 4- oo 1 Vo IQ4 2 S482 . 14 4- .14 . 14 TQC 2 44 S6 26 4- 10 ii 1 06 2271 8l 4- 17 4- 41 24 11 IQ7 -I 32OI 28 . 12 4- .10 4- 02 108 2 4028 os . 17 4- . 17 IQO 6207 S7 .00 2OO e 861.83 4- os + .04 .20 4- 44 - 26 2OI 4171 84 O7 21 4- 28 2O2 22 S8 18 + 21 4- IS ss 2O1 2 COOQ 06 4- 01 02 2O4. 2 A A I O 22 12 4- ii 2O S i 4514. 47 .01 .11 4- il 206 1 1616 80 4- .21 .02 . 20 207 208 3 i 4236.12 4SI7 17 4-. 19 -.64 OO + .45 2OQ 1IO6 O4 4- 10 4- 10 60 + 10 2IO i 811 18 oo 211 i 67 so. s6 .00 212 211 4 i 4756.18 4.877 iQ -30 4-.I8 -.04 oo 4-.I8 214. j 1614 01 4- 24 14 10 2IS 2 4OII . 11 II 20 + -4 1 216 I so82 QS OO 2I 7 218 3 2 3400.32 42 SI 08 4- .04 .12 10 + .07 + - J 9 2IQ I 6066 O7 22O i 37IO 63 ~ OI + 12 221 I 6lQ7 42 oo 222 2 CC7O 86 + 01 223 224 5 2 1657.65 6118 80 + 35 4-. 29 -.39 .01 -.24 .00 225 2 SSS2 1O + .05 CATALOGUE OF STARS WITHIN TABLE VI (cont'd). PRELIMINARY CATALOGUE;. Num- i fo sin TT Star ber Plates Mean R. A. 1888.0 90 16 no. 2 16 no. 4 16 no. 5 16 no. 7 18 no. i it no. 3 21 no. 13 21 no. 15 226 2 o / I 1 46 I Q " * n + 16 " " n -.36 + OI , | . CQ 17 227 228 4 ^*v> 4 a 1 2i c C-J 28 + 08 O u + 2Q . Lq. + 21 .57 22Q 2 2ic c8 12 + 4O -.38 2 216 26 34 + 22 . 22 2 2l6 14 18 + 21 . 23 ^ 217 21 21 + 1O + O8 + 12 -SO 211 2 218 8 57 + 21 . 21 214. 2 221 4Q S6 + 12 .32 2-1 c 2 224 1O 28 + 16 . 14 16 f 14 217 2 22S l8 SO + OQ .09 2l8 226 11 21 .OO 21Q 2 227 4Q 28 + 16 . 19 24.O 2 228 6 40 + 27 . 24 241 2 228 10 58 + II . 12 242 C 228 28 51 - .08 + .06 + .08 + .15 -25 243 244 4 229 25 29 22Q 42 11 -.24 + .32 + .20 -.28 .OO 2 2 1O IQ 14 + 48 .45 246 j 211 1 22 .OO 247 2 231 31 o + 14 . II 248 j 211 58 21 .OO 24Q j 2l6 26 Q .OO -4- 01 + 21 12 ^O*J z o/ ** 4 237 32 28 *6 *O OO O 1 17 Z v>^ ^6 *4 44 OO 53 2l8 27 6 OO .00 2 c6 2/1O 1O SI1 OO *o .00 28 18 + 41 .09 2 ^Q 24.2 4.4 4.2 + 08 + 08 . 32 O:* 260 242 s8 so + O7 O7 .02 261 2 241 28 14 + .17 262 j 241 SO 26 .00 261 j 241 SI 6 .00 264 2 244 10 30 O6 + .08 265 266 4 S 244 34 42 246 47 S . ii + .01 + .01 + 35 + .01 .27 -.15 - .13 + .11 268 + 17 OQ 260 2 47 35 4 1 24.7 ^6 12 .07 1 1 .OO 27O I 248 20 i s .OO TWO DEGREES OF THE NORTH POLE). 41 TABLE VI (cont'd). PRELIMINARY CATALOGUE. Num- Mean A Star ber Plates N. P. D. 1888.0 90 16 no. 2 16 no. 4 16 no. 5 16 no. 7 18 no. i 18 no. 3 21 no. 13 21 no. 15 226 2 S776 84 " n H n + O4 n H n n .os H 227 2l8s SI 4- 13 + .30 43 .OO 228 26 S4 86 + .27 + .30 . 4S . 12 22Q 2 SS43 74 06 + OS 23O 2 6360 33 + 20 2O 231 2 4662 68 31 + 32 2 3 2 233 4 2 2425.80 4.842 60 + .07 + .22 -.05 08 -.24 + 08 234 2 41 SO 28 + OQ . IO 23S 2 42OO 48 15 + .IS 236 2 SS06 S6 + IS -.16 2^7 2 648s. 80 .45 + -4S 238 I 2300.02 .OO 23Q 2 5611 26 + OS os 2 4O 2 7OQ6 03 + 06 - 06 241 2 2IO2 64 + 20 . 20 242 s 3834 so 17 + 10 23 + 17 + .11 243 4 1374 O2 + 21 44 + 52 . 31 244 I S020- 30 .OO 24S 2 6516. 76 14 + . 14 246 I 7260 IQ OO 247 2 S672 07 O3 + 03 248 I 44O S 06 OO 24Q I 1771 . 32 .00 250 251 5 i II53-67 436l . 2Q + .27 . + -II -.28 + .23 -35 .00 252 4 1012. S8 + .20 37 + .27 -.18 2S3 I 33Q3 OS .00 2S4 j 3746 22 .00 2SS I 6084 37 .00 256 I 63OS.97 .00 2 57 I 3733.07 .00 258 259 260 4 4 3 3793-36 3868.84 38O4 . 2 I -.28 -.09 -.23 - .16 12 + .49 + .24 06 + .03 + .01 + .18 26l 2 5818 24 + OI 02 262 I 1:826 46 OO 263 I 3OQQ I .00 264 2 s8i7 20 + 17 18 265 266 267 4 5 2 28II.28 2686.10 s so6 64. -.06 .02 ....... -.15 .02 . 10 + .32 + 44 ::::::: -.25 -17 + 02 268 7 IQ32 48 + O2 ' ^ . 31 260 I I7QS SS .OO 270 I 4136 O4 .OO CATALOGUE OF STARS WITHIN TABLE VI (cont'd). PRELIMINARY CATALOGUE. Num- A/Toon T? A | da sin n Star ber Plates 1888.0 90 16 no. 2 16 no. 4 16 no. 5 16 no. 7 18 no. i 18 no. 3 21 no. 13 21 no. 15 271 i / H 248 42 I II n H n n n n n .OO 11 272 3 24Q ^ 4S IO + .18 .08 273 i 240 14 S4 .OO 2 74 i 25O 21 l8 .OO 275 i 251 28 41 .OO 276 i 251 I 11 .OO 2 77 i 254 IO 41 .OO 278 i 254 16 25 .OO 279 5 254 56 46 . 17 . 42 + .16 oo + 52 280 i 255 4 IO .OO 281 i 256 5 41 .OO 282 i 256 17 24 .OO 283 i 256 59 28 .OO 284 2 258 4 18 + .10 .32 285 2 258 26 12 + 10 - .06 286 I 26O 21 29 .OO 287 I 260 51 12 .OO 288 5 262 59 9 . 22 + . II + 4O - .16 . 12 289 i 261 15 2O .OO 290 i 261 16 24 .OO 291 4 261 51 12 - .18 + 72 . 10 . 22 292 i 264 I 8 4 .OO 2 93 2 265 21 48 - .16 + .16 294 2 265 28 58 .00 + .12 2 95 I 265 29 12 .OO 296 2 265 4O 24 + 02 .OO 2Q7 1 265 41 IO + 20 OO . 29 208 E 266 14 6 18 + IQ 08 4- 14. - .06 2QQ I 267 6 7 .OO 2 268 4 8 OO + .02 V)I C 268 28 55 O7 + 08 + l8 01 . 14 ^O2 2 260 4O IO II + .11 ^O^ I 27O 24 IO OO ^O4 2 270 10 o 06 + .06 2 270 46 o 4- O4 O7 106 2 271 '^'J 12 4- O7 - .07 1O7 2 271 *\6 ^5 4- 12 . 12 108 2 271 \8 15 41 + .41 I 271 IO 17 .OO 3 IO III 5 i 273 57 5 274 26 I -.08 -.23 + .40 .02 .10 .OO 112 2 274 45 52 IO + .22 313 5 275 5 22 .02 .25 + .21 + .02 .02 7 14 2 27C e-j /ic 28 + .28 11 5 276 2^ IO OO TWO DEGREES OF THE NORTH POLE. TABLE VI (cont'd). PRELIMINARY CATALOGUE. 43 Num- Mean An Star ber Plates N. P. D. 1888.0 90 16 no. 2 16 no. 4 16 no. 5 16 no. 7 18 no. i 18 no. 3 21 no. 13 21 no. 15 271 i 5939. 73 n n n n " " H a .00 n 272 3 4119. 75 .20 + 34 .04 273 i 6455.18 .00 274 i 6884.80 .00 275 i 4129. 25 276 i 6145.37 .00 277 i 6542 . 06 .00 278 i 6052. 71 .00 279 280 5 i 4286.98 + .32 + 33 -.24 + .13 -53 .00 28l i 4986 . 46 .00 282 i 5652.74 .00 283 i 6720. ii .00 284 2 5473.84 + .00 . 10 285 2 6521 . 14 .18 + .18 286 5291 .05 .00 287 I 6031 .51 .00 288 5 1230.50 + .10 + 34 . IO + . M .49 289 i 4662 . 49 .00 290 i 2852.46 .00 291 292 4 i 3212.78 4229. 31 7 + .12 + .18 -.13 .00 293 2 6548.05 + .28 -.28 294 2 6382.06 + .17 . 17 295 I 329.24 .OO 296 2 4726. 12 17 + .16 297 3 4256.54 18 + 25 - .08 298 5 34O . 70 .06 + 50 05 + 02 299 i 5II8.I6 .00 300 2 5098.98 .04 + .03 301 302 5 2 2978.23 7334.6O -.26 + .15 -.13 + .03 + 34 + .22 303 I 6918.38 OO 304 2 6296.22 + .15 305 2 4549 76 -.06 + .05 306 2 3411.91 + .20 . 20 307 2 4727.60 + 15 .16 308 2 7041 . 16 + 4O .40 309 I 1971.86 .OO 310 3" 5 I 3995-34 2913.21 + .0 4 -.04 -50 + .30 + .19 .00 312 2 5486.96 + 10 .39 313 3H 5 2 3730.28 7230.50 + .06 + .06 -.16 + .09 + 14. -.07 . 14 315 I 1228.87 .OO 44 CATALOGUE OF STARS WITHIN TABLE VI (cont'd). PRELIMINARY CATALOGUE. Num- MVan T? A 4 da sin X Star ber Plates 1888.0 90 16 no. 2 16 no. 4 16 no. 5 16 no. 7 18 no. i 18 no. 3 21 no. 13 21 no. 15 3i6 ^17 5 2 o in 277 2 270 T; 20 i .02 * . ii H H + 37 AT H -.14 2O H n -.09 + 18 H ^18 I 270 4.1 18 oo 7iq 2 270 47 54 II + II 7 2O 2 28O 2S 46 O7 + 07 721 2 28O 40 12 O5 + 07 "122 4. 28l 36 2O O4 72 OI + 36 323 224. 5 2 28l 36 25 282 A 4.2 -.08 -.23 + 75 .20 - 08 -.27 + .05 725 2 282 52 10 26 + .26 726 I 284 n 6 OO 327 2 284 42 21 oo .OO 728 I 285 ^O ^4 oo 2,20 c 285 42 2^ - 26 + 05 + 22 IQ + .18 770 I 286 15 SI OO 7-7.T 2 28? 1 5 16 + 16 oo 1 772 I 287 44 2 4- 07 18 + .14 777 I 28Q ^5 12 oo 7-74. I 2OI ^8 l6 oo 7-7C c 2Q2 7 5 IO - 18 + 22 - 18 + .26 776 I 2Q2 42 8 oo 7-7,7 I 2Q7 10 44 oo 778 2Q-7 -7Q T7 oo ^8 + 57 00 71,0 I ^yo oy A / 2Q-7. 4.7 ii oo 340 741 5 i 293 55 40 2Q4 2O I + .11 + .04 4- 02 -.13 -.05 - 18 + .04 + I 3 742 i 2Q4 41 52 oo 7,1 -7 i 2Q4 55 4 .00 744 i 2Q5 IQ 51 .00 74.C i 2Q5 ''.I ^5 .00 7A6 one -i-i 7T 4- 12 22 + 12 o4 u 7A7 *:f3 66 66 OO O^/ 348 5 "=y u o* o 297 i4 54 2Q7 ^7 76 + .08 .22 + .25 -.26 OO + .14 ,54V 7 CQ j *y* o/ o u 208 4 2 oo OO" TC T 2O8 14 ''.I 4- 14 4- o; + 05 - .27 OD 1 7 c.2 j 2QQ O 22 OO oo-* 7C7 7QQ T2 1 ^ 4- 74 22 26 + .12 OOO _1_ T 2 354 7C c j i Q T 27 27 oo OOJ 356 7C7 4 j 302 20 41 7 o 7 4.6 ^ 1 + .19 .00 + .02 .OO -.19 JCK i 7O4 *\O 48 .OO 4- O7 O5 ooy 760 T .-M 4- 02 OO 6w ^ U 4 > / TWO DEGREES OF THE NORTH POLE. 45 TABLE VI (cont'd). PRELIMINARY CATALOGUE. Num- Mean An Star ber Plates N. P. D. 1888.0 90 16 no. 2 16 no. 4 16 no. 5 16 no. 7 18 no. i 18 no. 3 21 no. 13 21 no. 15 717 5 2 n 1759.18 5OQO 84. H -.16 n + .40 n -.07 n H + .02 + 10 n n -.18 OQ n 6 l / 7l8 j 2286 27 OO 7IQ 2 7775 18 + 26 27 72O 2 5821 74 + 24 24 721 2 4027 50 + .14 .17 722 4 1212 . 12 .15 + -4-O + .11 . 77 323 724. 5 2 2622.05 5182 51 -.07 + .18 + .07 + 26 .21 26 52 5 2 6547 74 21 + 21 126 I 4064 68 OO 7.27 2 406 i 06 O2 + 01 128 I 6411 01 OO 5 247O 11 O5 + 21 OO 02 . 14 77O I 6788 39 OO 2 + .14 . 15 772 7 4740 89 + O5 + . 14 . 19 333 I 6706. 78 .OO 774 I 5O2 74 OO 775 5 I5Q-J. 84 28 + II O7 + 2Q O7 336 I 4872 64 OO 777 I 7O78 28 OO 338 7 IOS5- 52 + .14 . 50 339 I 5227.72 OO 340 5 7 3735.63 4444 1 I -.06 .22 O5 -03 + .0 5 + 24 + .24 .18 34 2 I 5552 44 OO 343 I 5487 05 OO 344 I 5287.07 OO 745 I 5880 oo 746 7. 5217 77 + 21 -.16 347 I 5854.06 OO 348 349 5 i 1291 .66 6877. 70 -35 + 08 .01 + .20 OO + .10 35 i 466 i 40 351 4 4847 21 46 + OQ + 11 + 2 352 i 7217 .67 OO 353 4 4069 5O 4- 01 4- 10 .11 354 2 5257 42 9 + 12 355 I J275 17 OO 356 357 4 i 4351.60 4856 2O -.04 .02 + .01 + .07 358 i 5745.08 OO 359 2 5341 .66 + 3 1 360 2 5173.86 + .24 4 6 CATALOGUE OP STARS WITHIN TABLE VI (cont'd). PRELIMINARY CATALOGUE. Num- 4 da sin TT Star ber Plates 1888.0 90 16 no. 2 16 no. 4 16 no. 5 16 no. 7 18 no. i 18 no. 3 21 no. 13 21 no. 15 16 1 i O f ff 105 6 24 " " // " " .00 a n " 16"* 7O7 21 12 + 21 14 20 4- 14 161 2 1OO 41 4 .16 4- .12 164 2 no i 15 .01 + .01 76 c. 2 HO Q 14 15 4- 15 766 I HO 41 41 OO 76? III 7 22 + 26 14 + 12 IQ 4- 16 768 2 112 2 26 4- 04 O2 2 112 44 O 4- 06 06 77n 2 114 11 24 08 4- 08 771 2 114 47 2 4- 07 01 o/ * 372 373 174 5 5 2 3H 53 3i 315 29 20 317 8 28 -.04 -31 -32 .22 4-. 12 4-. 23 4-. 24 -.38 -.70 . 12 + 52 4-. 98 175 2 117 17 52 4-.i6 .18 376 177 5 2 317 46 25 318 31 58 .21 -.51 . 12 4-. 38 -.18 4-. 09 4-. 51 778 2 318 52 l6 16 4- 16 77O 2 1IO 41 51 02 4- 02 o/y 2 12O 7 4O 4- 05 02 781 122 7 I + O7 4O 4~ 10 50 4- 74 o 01 2 122 26 56 12 4- OQ "787 j 124 28 *\Q OO 78 126 I 57 4- 16 12 4- 10 12 785 128 6 15 OO 786 2 no 15 6 4- 12 14 774 27 24 ii 11 4- 02 4- 21 788 717 15 14 OO 780 Il8 IQ 12 4- 77 14 4- 05 12 144 10 I 8 OO 4- 02 39 4 145 4 41 OO _1_ T Q 08 4- 67 39 2 34 3 4 T 4- 17 393 7OA 151 14 I OO 7QC 2 151 4 1 4- IQ 10 706 j 151 8 I OO 7Q7 2 151 17 17 4- 05 .05 OO 4- 02 O5 oyy OO.5 4/ o u 4- 16 11 fi c OO _ 7^6 77 Q 4- oo OO 4 3 156 18 6 4- li 28 4- .40 45 AClft 357 I2 20 4-. 08 4 2 ICQ T jg -3 408 2 7CQ -77 22 + Ol TWO DEGREES OF THE NORTH POLE. 47 TABLE VI (concl'd) .PRELIMINARY CATALOGUE. Num- Mean fa i Star ber Plates N. P. D. 1888.0 90 16 no. 2 16 no. 4 16 no. 5 16 no. 7 18 no. i 18 no. 3 21 no. 13 21 no. 15 361 i 5390.72 1 n n n n n .OO n n n 162 4 i 542 . 46 -.46 + . 48 4- .14 18 2 6478.64 .05 4- .05 164 2 5507 . 34 . 17 4-.I8 365 2 3977.84 4-. 10 . II 366 I 5188.78 .OO 167 K 851 .89 . 29 + .27 15 + 34 IQ 168 2 44^8. 12 4- . 10 .11 369 2 S72S 42 .23 4- .21 370 2 5191. 14 .22 4- .21 371 2 6962 . 54 .21 4-. 20 C 1581 62 .11 4- 09 08 4- OQ 4- 01 173 I 1353 84 4- 17 IO 4- 18 15 174 2 6212.38 .07 4- 08 175 2 5415.92 .26 4- .27 176 -2252 78 4- 06 4- IQ 52 4- OQ 4- 20 377 2 5903 . 7 i . 19 4- .19 378 2 4739.66 -.28 4- .27 379 2 5197.71 . 17 4- .17 380 2 5237.84 + .02 .01 : 1185.99 .05 + . 06 + JC OI 17 382 2 6196.76 .20 4- 19 383 I 460.55 .00 384 4 4132. 19 + . 38 . 17 15 4- .15 385 i 4839.22 .OO 386 2 6014.77 4- .01 OI 387 4 1951-95 . IQ 4- .22 12 4- 10 388 i 5646 . 66 .OO 389 4 4786.44 4- .40 . 12 42 4- .14 39 4 4459. i 6 4-. 26 .21 . 17 4- .12 i 7048 . 20 OO 392 5 2904 . 74 .05 4- .10 26 4- 18 4- 05 393 2 7095 . 32 + . 50 4Q 394 I 4156.97 .OO 395 2 4383 . 43 4-. 05 .05 396 I 6502 . 08 .00 397 2 4938. 10 4- 12 12 398 1 6665.37 OO 399 2 5143. 24 4- .20 400 I 5114.04 .00 401 2 5453.80 ii 4- 10 402 2 6106 74 + 5 06 403 2 5921 66 4- 01 404 2 6335.08 4-. 28 . 27 405 5 1889.77 4- 19 OQ 07 4- 08 .OQ 406 4241 30 4- 28 II O2 407 2 7372.48 4-. 64 64 408 2 542I.I8 4-. 26 48 CATALOGUE Otf STARS WITHIN III. INTER-ADJUSTMENT OF THE PLATES. The process next entered upon is the inter-adjustment of the results obtained from the different plates. Since the problem in question is similar to that discussed by Jacoby in the paper already referred to (Col. Con. no. 21), where the south polar plates are treated, the method devised by him will be followed here. A full statement of the problem is given on p. 7 of the above paper, and the method of solution on pp. 68-75. Its application in the present case is as fol- lows. The right ascensions and polar distances of the unknown stars upon any plate depend fundamentally upon the standard stars which appear upon that plate. For the 89 plates the number of standard stars on each plate varies from six to nine, and on the average four of these appear on two adjacent plates. Thus it may be expected, that, since the common data are so few, the agreement between the a's and TT'S of any particular star as found on two plates will not neces- sarily be very close. The largest actual residual from the mean in Table VI is 1^.03 . Only ten residuals are greater than 0^.75, and but twenty-five lie between o".6o and o".75. The adjustment of these differences is carried out by means of equations (2), Publication i. These may be written in a more con- venient form without impairing the correctness of their derivation by assuming that the X axis points to the vernal equinox, thus replacing the angle B by a. They then read : at sin adz w cos ady -f- pdA ' -}- ( a ') sin ?r = o , (2) a) cos a dz to sin ady -f pda> )- (JT w') = o . These equations are general in their application. They express the relation of small changes in the constants d, dy, dA f and d<*> to changes in the corresponding a's and ~'s without regard to the cause of the change. If the changes in the a's and -'s of a sufficient number of stars arising from the same cause are known, the quantities dr, dy, dA f and dw may be obtained by the method of least squares. If on the other hand these corrections are known, the corrections Aa. and A* to the positions of the stars may be computed. In the present case the quantities dz, etc., represent corrections to the plate constants of one plate which are required to adjust the a's and TT'S of the stars on that plate to a closer agreement with the 's and x's of TWO DEGREES OF THE NORTH POLE. 49 the same stars when found on an adjacent plate. They are obtained by a least squares solution of equations (2) in which the quantities (a a') sin it and (~ w') are the differences in right ascension and polar distance of all the stars, standard and unknown, common to the two plates in question. Their numerical values are taken from the original 's and -'s of which Table VI contains the means. Hence the X axis points to the equinox of 1 888.0 and the 's and -'s are the mean places for the same epoch. Bach pair of adjacent plates will furnish such a set of corrections to their plate constants, and there will be eight combinations of the 89 plates one with another. There will also be eight combinations of the 90 plate with each of the 89 plates, making sixteen combinations in all. The results of these least squares determinations are found in Table VII which follows. The numbers in the first column designate the plates which are included in each comparison. The number of equations involved in the least squares solution stands in the second column. It is equal to twice the num- ber of stars common to the two plates. The remaining columns give the corrections dz, dy, dA' and do to the plate constants. For exam- ple, in the first comparison the values inserted in equations (2) are in the sense plate 16-2 minus 16-7. Hence if the corrections in the first line of Table VII are substituted in equations (2) they will give the corrections to be added to the results of plate 16-2 in order to secure closer agreement with 16-7. TABLE VII. INTER-COMPARISON OF PLATES. Plates. No. eq. & d-n da' do> mm. mm. n n 16 no. 7 and 16 no. 7 90 .0025 .0065 .0036 ~ -0055 16 no. 7 and 21 no. 15 122 - -0033 + .0036 4- .0066 - .0034 21 no. 15 and 18 no. 3 82 .0024 + .0100 + .0018 + .0027 18 no. 3 and 16 no. 4 74 - -0033 .0010 .0046 + .0070 16 no. 4 and 16 no. 5 96 - -0093 - -0075 .0005 + .0058 16 no. 5 and 21 no. 13 128 + -0033 .0019 .0029 + .0010 21 no. 13 and 18 no. i 120 + .0028 + .0118 + .0013 - .0058 1 8 no. i and 16 no. 2 9 6 + .0010 + .0029 + .0023 - .0039 90 and 1 6 no. 2 86 .0005 + -0059 .0001 - .0033 90 and 1 6 no. 7 76 .OOII - .0044 - .0055 - -0055 90 and 21 no. 15 78 .0021 .0011 + .0017 - . 0050 90 and 1 8 no. 3 58 .0004 + .0096 + .0006 + .0003 90 and 1 6 no. 4 64 .0029 + .0045 - .0043 + .0023 90 and 1 6 no. 5 78 .OIIO .0032 .0052 + .0042 90 and 21 no. 13 98 .0067 .0065 - .0073 + .0067 90 and 1 8 no. i 84 - .0015 + .0056 .0018 - .0008 50 CATALOGUE OF STARS WITHIN Table VIII contains the probable errors of Table VII. TABLE VIII. PROBABLE ERRORS OF TABLE VII. d% or di\. dA' or dw. *v 16 no 2 and 16 no. 7 1 6 no. 7 and 21 no. 15 mm. .0009 OOO7 H .0007 OOO6 n 0.173 176 21 no 15 and 18 no. 3 OOOI OOIO 108 1 8 no. 3 and 16 no. 4 OOIO 0008 IQJ. 1 6 no. 4 and 16 no. 5 0008 0008 167 1 6 no. 5 and 21 no. 13 OOO7 0007 2O A. 21 no. 13 and 18 no. i OOO8 0007 2O^ 1 8 no. i and 16 no. 2 OOO7 0006 I ^2 90 and 1 6 no. 2 OOO6 OOO7 171 90 and 1 6 no. 7 OOO7 OOO8 177 90 and 2 1 no. 15 90 and 1 8 no. 3 90 and 1 6 no 4 .OOO6 .0009 OOO6 .0007 .0011 0009 154 .199 162 90 and 1 6 no 5 OOO7 0009 1 77 90 and 2 1 no 1 3 OOO7 0009 OOS 90 and 1 8 no i OOO7 0008 T-2 *OJ Since the values of the differential reduction constants given in Table VII enable us merely to form the best combination of results derived from pairs of adjacent plates, it becomes necessary to find a method of reducing all of these combinations to the most uniform standard. This may be performed as follows (cf. Col. Con. no. 21, p. 70). If a star is found on plates 16-2, 16-7, and 90, we may con- sider that by substituting the proper values from Table VII in equa- tions (2) we may pass from plate 16-2 to 16-7, by a second negative substitution from 1 6-7 to 90, and by a third substitution from 90 to 1 6-2. The final and * should agree with the initial value of plate 1 6-2. Since this substitution is valid for every star common to the three plates, we should have theoretically o dijio + dr i9 etc. The subscripts denote the respective combinations in Table VII in which they are numbered in order from i to 16. Let u represent a general expression for any differential constant. Since there are eight possible combinations of overlapping plates by means of which we may start with plate 16-2 and return to it, they TWO DEGREES OF THE NORTH POLE. 51 will give rise to the following eight equations of condition of which there are four repetitions, u standing initijiai fqr/J?i, dy,;dAf t and d<*>. 4- u 2 4- u 3 + u 4 4 u s 4 46 -j^t# 4: UI UIQ + UV = J , i -\-U 2 Uii + U9 =0 , tti -f W 2 4 **3 ^12 4 **9 = O , ^1 -f W 2 4 ^3 4 W 4 ^13 -j- U 9 = O , (3) Wl 4 W 2 + ^3 + U* 4 ^5 Uu-}-U 9 O , Wl + W 2 + ^3 + ^4 -f U 5 -f W 6 Ui S + W 9 = O , 1 + W 2 + U 3 -f W 4 + W 5 + W 6 + W 7 Wi 6 + W 9 z= O . The second terms of these equations will not actually be equal to zero, but there will exist small discrepancies w\ . . . wg, and these must be distributed among the various quantities u\ . . . u\ 6 in such a way as to cause the final differences to become as small as possible. This problem is solved by the method of correlatives (Merriman, Least Squares, pp. 59-64). Let k\ . . . k 8 be the multipliers or cor- relatives of the equations of condition. We shall then have the fol- lowing eight normal equations which are to be solved by the ordinary processes of elimination. 8*1 + k 2 -f 2*3 + 3*4 + 4*5 + 5*6 + 6*7 + 7*8 + wi = o , 3*2 -f 2*3 -I- 2*4 -f 2*5 -f 2* 6 + 2* 7 +2*8 + ^2 = 0, 4*3 + 3*4 + 3*5 + 3*6 4 3*7 4 3*8 4 ^3 = o , 5*4 4 4*5 4 4*6 4- 4*7 4 4*8 4 ^4 = o , 6*5 4 5*6 4 5*7 4 5*8 4- ^5 = o , (4) 7*6 4 6*7 4 6*8 + we == o , 8*7 -f 7* 8 4 w 7 = o , 9* 8 4 W B = o . The values *i . . . *s, when substituted in the following formulas, will give the corrections to the various quantities u\ ... u i6 . dui = *i 4 *2 4- *3 4 *4 4- *s 4 *6 4 *7 4 *s , = *i + * 3 4 *4 4 *5 4 *6 4- *7 4 *8 , = *i 4 * 4 + * 5 4 *6 4- k 7 4 *8 , = *i 4 * 5 4- * 6 -f- *7 4 *s , = *! 4 * 6 4- * 7 4 *s , = *x 4 * 7 + * 8 , CATALOGUE OF STARS WITHIN du 7 = + &6 + ? + = kj , Table IX gives the numerical values of the quantities obtained from equations (3). TABLE IX. VAWJBS OF w K d-n dA' du mm. mm. tt II I - -0137 + .0114 + .0004 .0021 i .0019 + .0038 + .0018 - -0033 ^3 .0042 + .0041 + .0012 .0072 W 4 - .0083 + -0034 + .0041 .0098 W 6 .0091 + -0075 + .0044 - .0048 1V 6 .0103 + .0077 + .0048 .0009 IV, .0113 + .0091 + .0040 .0024 w s - -0137 + .0088 .0002 .0007 Table X gives the values of the correlatives k\ . . . from equations (4). as determined TABLE X. VALUES OF THE CORRELATIVES k ... & 8 . dt dr, dA' du mm. mm. n n *! + .0011 .0019 + .0001 + .0011 * .0005 .0012 .0002 .0001 k> .0004 .0003 + .0008 + .0014 k, + .0010 + .0012 .0007 + .0030 k* + .0003 .0009 .0005 .0000 k .0000 .0000 .0009 .0018 k 7 .0003 .0002 .0009 .0000 k 8 + .0005 + .0010 + .00l6 .0014' TWO DEGREES Otf THE NORTH POLE. 53 Table XI gives the values of dui . . . du\ 6 in equations (5). These numbers are to be applied to the corresponding quantities in Table VII. TABLE XI. CORRECTIONS REQUIRED BY TABLE VII. d-n dA' du mm. mm. n n Ut + .0017 .0023 .0007 + .OO22 U 2 + .0022 .0011 - .0005 + .0023 U 3 + .0026 .0008 - .0013 + .0009 u + .0016 .0020 .0006 .0021 U 5 + .0013 .0011 .0001 .0021 Us + .0013 .OOII + .0008 - .0003 u^ + .0016 .0009 + .0017 .0003 U 8 + .OOII .0019 4- .0001 + .OOII U 9 + .0006 .0004 .0008 4- .OOII u \o + .0005 + .0012 + .0002 + .OOOI *ll + .0004 + .0003 - .0008 .0014 u lt .0010 .0012 + .0007 - .0030 18 - .0003 + .0009 + .0005 .0000 *14 .0000 .0000 + .0009 + .0018 "15 + .0003 4- .0002 4- .0009 .0000 ^16 - .0005 .0010 .0016 + .0014 The quantities in Table XII are the sums of the corresponding values in Tables VII and XI. They form the best possible set of relative reduction constants, which adjust the separate inter-com- parisons to a uniform basis. TABLE XII. FINAL INTER-COMPARISON OF PLATES. <# *, dA' du mm. mm. n H "l .0008 - .0088 - -0043 ~ -0033 **2 .OOII + .0025 + .0061 .OOII u* + .0002 + .0092 + .0005 + .0036 Ui .0017 - .0030 .0052 + .0049 u& - ,0080 .0086 .0006 + .0037 U 9 + .0046 .0030 .OO2I + .0007 U 7 + .0044 + .0109 + .0030 .0061 1* 8 + .OO2I -f .0010 + .0024 .0028 U 9 + .OOOI + .0055 .0009 .0022 W 10 .0006 - .0032 - -0053 - .0054 11 .0017 - .0008 + .0009 .0064 *18 .0014 + .0084 + .0013 .0027 1 - .0032 + .0054 - .0038 + .0023 U U .0110 - .0032 - .0043 + .0060 *1 8 .0064 .0063 - .0084 + .0067 "l .0020 + .0046 - -0034 + .0006 54 CATALOGUE OF STARS WITHIN IV. FINAL STANDARDIZATION. CATALOGUE. It now becomes possible to make use of the preceding inter-adjust- ment to obtain a more complete agreement with the sky by reducing the right ascensions and polar distances of the standard stars as ob- tained from the several plates to the system of some one particular plate and comparing the results thus deduced with the heliometer places as in the first determination of the plate constants. (Cf. Col. Con. no. 21, p. 74.) The 90 plate was selected as the medium of comparison and the eight 89 plates were reduced to its standard. This was performed by substituting the last eight values from Table XII in equations (2) for such of the reference stars as appeared on the respective plates. Since the signs of the quantities as they stand in this table give the results which must be added to the 90 plate to produce agreement with any 89 plate, therefore the corrections obtained above must be subtracted from the 's and -'s of the 89 plates to produce agreement with the 90 plate. This was accord- ingly done and the resulting right ascensions and polar distances were compared with the heliometer positions. The differences, Photographic minus Heliometer, were inserted in equations (2), and a least squares solution gave the corrections to the plate constants of the 90 plates upon which the improvement of the entire system is based. Equations (2) are then of the form t*> sin adz <*> cos ady + pdA' + ^ sin x = o , w COS dl if sin &} -f- pdat + JTT = o , in which the photographic place has been reduced to the 90 standard as just described. The quantities forming the last terms of these equations were taken from the values of which Table VI is the mean. They are in the sense Photographic minus Heliometer. The dis- tribution of the standard stars was such that 1 24 equations were available for the least squares solution, and the following differential const ants are the resulting values : mm. d% -\- 0.0006 0.0005 > mm. d-n = + 0.0033 0.0005 , // dA' = 0.0019 o. 0004 , it dw = 0.0013 0.0004 TWO DEGREES OF THE NORTH POLE. 55 These values when substituted in equations (2) for the unknown stars will give the corrections to be added to the 90 places to produce the most improved values. To obtain the definitive corrections to the 89 plates it is necessary to subtract from these quantities the last eight sets of numbers in Table XII, u? . . . u\^ in turn. The results when substituted in equations (2) will give the corrections to be added to the places from the 89 plates. Table XIII contains these defini- tive correction constants. TABLE XIII. DEFINITIVE CORRECTION CONSTANTS. # dr, dA' du 90 + .0006 + -0033 .0019 -0013 1 6-2 + .0005 .OO22 .0010 + . 0009 16-7 + .0012 + .0065 + .0034 + .0041 21-15 + .0023 -f- .0041 .0028 + .0051 1 8-3 + .OO2O - .0051 - .0032 + .0014 16-4 + .0038 .0021 + .0019 - .0036 16-5 + .OIl6 + .0065 + .0024 - -0073 21-13 + . 0070 + .0096 + .0065 .0080 1 8-1 + .0026 - .0013 + .0015 .0019 The corrections thus obtained were added directly to the right ascensions and polar distances of which Table VI contains the means, Jtf sin TT, having been previously multiplied by cosec ~. The means of these corrected places form the final catalogue which is found in Table XVI. The residuals from the mean are given in Table XV, in the sense plate minus mean. A comparison of these residuals with those of Table VI shows that the process of inter- adjustment has considerably reduced them. The largest one, i".O3, has become o".68, and only four residuals of the second solution are greater than o".6o as against thirty-five of the preliminary solution. The improvement may also be shown by comparing the sums of the squares of the resid- uals for all the stars, using the values which occur in Tables VI and XV, respectively : Preliminary solution. Final solution. da sin TT 53"- 10, 22^.82, An 46.25 , 23.46 . The following table shows the differences, Photographic minus Heliometer, of the standard stars from both preliminary and final solutions. The preliminary solution being based solely on the stand- ard stars gives results which agree more closely with the heliometer CATALOGUE OF STARS WITHIN places than does the final solution, since the latter involves the un- known stars also, which far outnumber the standards. However, the deviation is not so great as to throw doubt upon the validity of the method of inter-adjustment and its results. TABLE XIV. RESIDUALS, PHOTOGRAPHIC MINUS HEUOMETER. Preliminary solution. Final solution. Star. No. Plates. Aa sin TT AT Aa sin T Air a 4 - -17 .01 - .38 n + .06 ft 2 + .11 - .16 + .11 .OO I 5 + .02 - -05 .01 .11 6 2 - -05 + .28 - .24 + .38 f 2 + -13 - -34 - -03 . 21 1\ 2 - .04 + -34 - .15 + .60 2 - .08 + .04 - -25 + .38 I 4 + -13 - -13 + .14 - .06 K 2 - .27 - -03 - .46 + .12 \ I - .16 - .13 - -03 - .26 (A 2 + -17 + -05 + -49 ~ -03 V 4 - .09 + .09 + .05 4- .18 i - -03 + .03 + .40 + .04 2 + .08 - -13 + .40 - .13 7T 2 + .06 + -03 + .22 - -03 P 5 + .14 + .18 + .03 + .28 ff 2 .00 .01 + .12 - .28 T 2 + .29 - .18 + .29 - .32 V 2 .00 . 21 .00 - .45 5 - .18 - .18 - .41 - -33 'A 4 + .02 .11 - .09 - .28 X 2 - -03 + -13 + .03 - .06 CO 4 + .04 + .16 - .06 + .17 MAGNITUDES. These were determined both photographically and visually by estimation. In the examination of the plates, the faintest stars measured were assumed to be of the twelfth magnitude. For the brighter stars the photographic magnitudes contained in the Harvard Annals, Vol. XVIII, p. 149, were taken as standards of com- parison. Fortunately these were so distributed that some of them appeared on every plate. The mean results of the estimates from the different plates were taken as the adopted magnitudes. The visual magnitudes were determined with the aid of the 1 2 -inch equatorial, using the Argelander method and basing the comparisons upon the magnitudes found in Carrington's Redhill Catalogue of Cir- cumpolar Stars. These had been determined by Carrington -with great care, using the method of extinction (cf. Sec. 10, p. xxv), and TWO DEGREES OF THE NORTH POLE. 57 while in the process of making the comparisons variations from his values were suspected, it did not seem advisable to delay the conclu- sion of this work long enough to make a thorough investigation, especially as the main object in view was the formation of a catalogue of positions. Further, in most cases only a single comparison was made, and the adopted values may, therefore, be subject to some error. Hence neither the photographic nor the visual magnitudes are to be considered as final. The chart used for comparing the photographic positions with the sky was made by plotting the rectangular coordinates of the stars upon millimeter cross-section paper. By means of this chart a few errors in the reduction were detected by the disagreement of plate with sky. Table XVI, which follows, contains the final catalogue. The head- ings of the several columns explain themselves. The rectangular coordinates and the precession coefficients were determined according to the method of Fabritius given in Publication i, p. 58. The identi- fication with the Carrington catalogue and with the Durchmusterung was made by using the above formulas and carrying the stars back to 1855, the epoch of both catalogues. CATALOGUE OF STARS WITHIN 10 T CHCH -CO "t" CH % OcO- -CO- O CO -CH -O -CH -O CH 1-1 rh -cot-M -^00 vO -O -CH -M -O -O -co- O O O -. O HI I + : :+ : : + + : : : : : : I :+ : : i : : + + : i : : i + i i I i CO M 1 CH CO ro J, + V M + . . . I ..+ .... OO -ONiO*or^ONi~icOGOO % NO .OnKOwww^O OO^^^^OOOO *OO 'OOOO^OO^OO ^ i + : i + i + i i i i + i + i i i : + : i i + + + i . vO M CH iO M QOiHvOvOr^W COOO CHCHvO-^- -ON- -co- -I-H -00 -co 1 fe MQ CNO M OO^ M ^" M i i + i i i -t-+ : : i + i +:::+::: i : : + : : : : : : + O CO MM.TJ-..QO----00 ON M + i ::+:::: :::::+: :::::+ i :+::+:::: + >0 o o o o^ 1 V W W W W t*j o o y CN r*v ^^ HH Q hH o Q CH M : : i : :+ i : : : ...1 +..+ . 4-1.1. . + +1114- CO M 1 CH * * CH 00 CH M :::::::::::::::::::::::i H <*> ::: ^ ::,*:::: S-O'-'-'-CH.... 00 M i : : : i : : i : : : : '" t^ o vA O 00 1^00 00 O CH rf- M VO O % oo HHOOOOCHMO Svoco^t-cocoOQ^O -O^ OCHQQ-^-'-'^-OVOCH OOOOcoOOOO O O 0OOi-MO00 '55 M 1 I++ + + 4- 1 + I + M I :+:i +i + + + i "^ >o 1 vO VO M j^KCO MCHOOMQCHW. OO"0---O'--CH--O--CH---.M VO + + ++ I I + i i I : : I + + : : : : : : i : : + : : i : : : : + n 2. i i ++ : : : : : : : : : : : :::::: + + + : : i : : : : o MWCO^-^VO^OO ONO MCH co ^ iOvO 1^*00 ON O M CH co^ovO r^-00 ON O M CH co ^- ovO z TWO DEGREES OF THE NORTH POLE. 59 RHttt$m**mt?fc:!':m8sm:?s'i >OO r l"OcsocoOt^OOOO>O OOOOOOiOiOOOO 1 - 1 i ++++ M 1 1 1 1 1 + 1 1 1 1 + 1 1 1 1 1 i M M 1 1 II + 1 1 ::::::+:::+:+::::::::::::::::i+: : : i : :+ i :+:::: + 10 CO 1^ l^vo MONt-M^-^-ONt^cOt^MiONNCSCONON VO CO -vor^ ^- vO M 10 W H o ^ *o^o ^O co ** r^*co vo C^ ^" ^~co co ^* O ^ O i^* ^ O ^O r^ O lOO^Q'OTfcoOONOOOOvo oooooooooooooo +III+I+II+I+IIMII+IMI MM ++ + + : + + I + + ..M..QO W....M :::::: I :::+ i :::::::::::::::: i i : : : I : : I + i : : : : i T^-QvOvO NvO COO <*)>-> fOvO M t>- CS vo t^ ^ ^"OO OO r^ O 1^ ON M vo QMMMCXMtlMOllMMIHMCHTi-O^llOO^C^ H 'O^ 'OO r^ . TJ- \T) r^. co oo t>. O M I- I i : :+ + : : : i +::::+:::::::+::: M : : : : : : i i :::::: i !^s*:t*!m*5*?&aa8S!r*s;% assess ss ON O M N f*5 ^ *OvO t^OO ON O i N CATALOGUE OF STARS WITHIN 10 1 OOl^OOO>-"OQO ^00 NOOOt^^cOOOoOO*- 11 * ^O M >-> OvO O -<*--. DOOOOOOOOOO | - | '^OcoO^'^'^OOOO M Of v 't > > 'iHlOOMiO't v t MCO' t^OO ^h ON t^vO M O VO CO i :+:::i :::IM :i :i :r::+::+i + i + ii + i+ + + % o o ' ' ' M ' M i i .' ! '. '. '. '. i i ! i i i i : i i i i .' ; ; i + :+:::+:::i r::::::::::::::::::::: i : : >o i : : : i :::::::::::::::::::::: i i + : I : : : i : : : i : : : : : : i :::::+:::::+:::+:: - to -^- o\o t^-oo o\ o M M to -rh iovo r^oo o^ O M c* to-^-ovo r^oo o\ o - w to <* *ovo t^-oo TWO DEGREES OF THE NORTH POLE. 6l 8>-i O M ) H ttV 2 s o w o O : g :::::: ft :::::::::::::::::::: + + + 1 + + + i i : : i i ::::::i :::::::::::::::::::: vo w O M O O^OCSN t^vO tOO-vOO fO O OO CO ts- t^OO OOOO'NO M 'O-O N OO-wc i + i + i ++ i i + i + i :+ i : :+ i i + : i i i i i : < :::::::: 5: . . M r- ::::::::::::::::+:::::::: I :::::: ::::::i : : : : i + ww O h OOoONOQ c !9999 + + I i i i : + i + + +: + +:+ + I + + + + : + fO-t^-vo>O --vO'ON ' > O'O ^Q S'O ::: i' :' ON O O H ::::+::+ i i : + + i +: i : i i 62 CATALOGUE OF STARS WITHIN 5 CO M ft: rt- N CS 00 00 cO^rf-Q O 1^- ^ l> O O-^-CSiOtOOi-' O M 1 + 1 ++ ++ 1 1 + 1 1 ++ 1 I ++ 1 1 + + 114-14-11 1 I ^O M O ON : : : i :::::: i :+::::+::::::+ i 4- : i : : : : : I o M I M w CO T % ...^ cT-'co...-'^^ ?Oco . VO ^ cT -co O ^t' % M -M .Q^.MOOMOM^OWMHHMMO -WCSOO M t^-00 t^-vO ^ (S O vo OOOOOOOM M + + : I : i :i + i i i+ + + +i i+ + + :+i + i 4- 1 4-4- 114- 1 X iooO T t - QOOOvovoO | ocMoOMMOOONC x ** % OOO^OO''t'O t - | OcxMMOc x iM-(O' H| - || - | OO^-iO | - 1 M IOOO r- CO M >O M 1 + 1 4- + 1 +4- 1 II 1 1 1 4- 1 1 1 14-11 i I I I 4- i I : + w vn ON : : 4- : : : : : : i i : : : : i ::::::+ i 4- : i : :4- : : : + d >OvO r^OO ON O M (N CO * >Ovo t^oo ON O M cs CO Tf Ovo 1^.00 ON O M M co-^tovo r-oO ONO TWO DEGREES OF THE NORTH POLE, O M r^> c ^J- O O w : I 4- I 4- + ::+:i OOOO -ON ONWjMlOTJ-tOOTi'OTf'-'OvOONMOOOO O O 'O OO | - | O MM OOcof< M O'-*ON<'OOn'-O< > M 10 ON S 00 O w *O MM iS* ':$ : i :+++++ i + + 1 + 1 + + 1 +H -+ 1 i + + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + + : i : i : M r- N 10 rr> n to . . ^*- . . m . >'ft o o O : -.3- : : : : - i + : + :+ i i : : : : :+ : : : + + : : : i : : : : :::::i : : : : O'M :::":::: : ::. q M p i + : : : i ::::::::+! + r^ ON f> CO : : 10 : M ro M IO 00 W :+ I + I 1 : :+ : + + M :+ : + = 8 + 1 + 1 O ONM W Tj-TtMCO OvO MOwMO'-'iOWq*-' ++ I + I +++ + 1 1 ,^ O + + O t^ r^ N t^vo O f*5 O w M .QCHWOOOO -CM O ^*" N OvO ON M cs w vO ONOO ON ^ vO M vO ' I + + I i + I + i I I : I i : i + : + 4- :+ I 4- I i + i i + i + 00 ^ t- w O M 00 M M ON :8^ : o* :8 . o . . . . . VO . . 00 o 1 1 1 1 + : i : 1 i 1 :+ : : : : : I : : + + : : : i : : : : i - 8 : M M fj r$- lOvO t^ O O O O O O O CJMMC1CSNMMMM g2MM 0\O COTJ-.OVO t^OO 0X0 M M rOTf-iOvO t^OO ON O 2. 2 !*2. M N PI M CS P M M CH M rOfOrCrOrOfJfOfOfOfO-^-Tf-rJ-Tt-ri-Tj-rf 6 4 CATALOGUE Off STARS WITHIN >o 1 fc M CO * 588S8 58888822^ ^88^ o^S-o 0^888^ 888888^8 8 8 c i i + +++ i i i ++ i + i 1 .... *** 1^ * Ow CiOvl O^O H : : : I : i : : : : : + + I : : : : + + :+:::+:::::: i : : : *p* 1^ 1 ^q VQ V giivo:^:::::^^^^::^^^^::::^::::::^::: M + : :+ i : : : : : i i i + : : + + + i : : : : i ::::::+::: P vo : : : i ::::::::::::::: i :::::::::::::::: M I ^O w i ... fe ...M.'S TO" 0*0-8 ^ . . . ON :::+:+::::: i i ::::: i +: ::::::::::+::: M | M W CO ^* O O M Q ^t* O O O O O ^ ^" M O Q O w w fOvO fO O O O ^" O O O O O O ^ O O Q ^ MOO'-iOOOOOOOcsOfO | oOO^t-i-MrfOOOO^OCOOOO'^OOO M + 1 + ++++ ++++ 1 + + li ^ ., ^^ ti,. M M f^ ^^ ^r w x ^^ /^ ^^ ^ i : : :+ i : : : : : i + i : : : : i :+:::+:::::: i ::: d lp* *55 I ^ VO y M "^ . .** T 5 r^ M VD \o M oo ^O o ro o \c> rrj i i : : i :+:::: :+ i i i : : i i + i : : : : i :::::: i : : : f fc : : : s : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 3" : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : vO : : : i ::::::::::::::: i :::::::::::::::: ^2 .i :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: i ::: s * fj. ^ O^ t^Os-VO rj-... fe ..-O-O MO OO-O ... : : : i : i ::::: i +::::: i +: i :::::::::: i : : : j t^OO ON O M CS co^fiovo t^OO ON O W CO ^- OvO t^CO ON O M M CO rj- OvO I^-OO ON M W f 5 MWWWCSMWWCHNNCHWMCC TWO DEGREES OF THE NORTH POLE. 8NO p ' i + , | . + + , 4. 4. [ : 4. 4. | [ | + 1 OM rt- t^.\O r^ fO W> -i-ivoavQ->-' O^ 1 ^ O vo VO O VO O ONVO ff "-I O M I I + I I i i + i I + + + i + :::::+::+::::: I +:: I oo Tj- PI--O +::+ .... -3- . . rf m ... ^ co o o w ..... ^o :::: I ::+::+:::::+ I +::! ::::+::+: i !+ 8ifrO MM 10 O O vOOOr^P t>.oo O OOO M O*O-O + + + + i + + : I I +1+ + M+ + '00 -o t^vO N 'MO 00 00 1^ 10 tOOO 10 O O O w M rj- o N -OOOOOOfOOOO M i + i I ++i i + i :+ i : i i i + I I ^-..Tj-.-r^ q q +:: i ::i \O 00 O +::+ i : : i : :+ ^ ^ ' ' ':':: I i '::: \O .... I : : i O J^ O 5 .. q q :+ : VO H'ON q q M +:+ 66 CATALOGUE; OF STARS WITHIN M I M M M v cs M ^3" 10 rO .... oO t^ * ^O fO O''*'*Cl* + : i i : : + : : i + i : : : : i : + : : + i : : i : : : : : i : : OQ T ^ wQOOO HHOO M OO M OOOO W OOOOOOOOO >H OO >HM OO M O M i ++ :+ + i + + + +11 ++ i i + K vn ^^ IO 00 10 lO M VO i :::::i : : : : i ::::::: i :::::::::::::::: 7* .1 i + ::+::+::::!+::::+: ::+ ++:+::ii : + +i o M....QN-.N.OO ON * M . \o O ON + : : : : i ::+:+::::::: i :: i +::+::::: i :: |J 1 v ************ cs CO M CO ^* C^ C4 - tO l^ - O ^" " " ^ " *T * 1^^ ** I ^ M Q M C*J O O M ^ CS O O M cs + : + +::+::+: + +::::+:! ::i :+::i :::::i :: T 5 on M oL , 585^8 JSS^S^^SSSS^S^SS^SSSS^SSg^So 1 ?!? ^ M ill + 1+1 ii +11+ +i++ S | ^.... ** . en VO a I M %cs ci o <-> I : : : : : i : : : : i ::::::: i :::::::::::::::: I I s-(N..o--M....-< W **> rh OvO t-OO ON O M <^ f^ ^ CfOt*>tOfOfOtOCOtOCOfO^^ThrfTfTh^Tj-Tj-^io>OioioOiOiOOiOiO>OvOvONOvO TWO DEGREES OF THE NORTH POLE. -vo -Tt-'C^M -vooo -r -O W -OO -OW -O +::+::+: i i : \ i i : + + + i + i i f< corOt^l^MOoOOi-it^NT^-MOOMM w MOOOOO>-">-i'-"O-"O>-'OO + : + + i i i ++ i+ i i i+ i i ++ i i ++ i -f + i M+ i ^vo OO + + ::+::::+ +::+:: i :+ 68 CATALOGUE OF STARS WITHIN TABLE XVI. FINAL CATALOGUE. No. Mag. R. A. 1888.0 N. P. D. Decl. 1888.0 Y X Number in Phot. Vis. B. D. M. Car. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 9 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4i 42 43 44 45 10.4 8.6 12.0 10.7 10.3 ii. 5 II. II . I II .0 11.9 II .2 12. O 12. O 6.6 IO.2 ii. 5 9-3 12.0 9 .8 12.0 9-5 9.5 9-5 ii. 5 10.5 12.0 ii. 5 II . I 12.0 8.7 ii. 5 12.0 . 3 8.2 8.4 9.8 10.8 10.7 10.4 11.9 10.8 8-9 10.4 10.8 10.2 10.3 8-3 12. O ii-5 IO. I 10.5 ii-3 ii .0 IO. I ii-S 10.5 10.8 12.0 6.7 10.2 II-5 9-9 II. 9-i 10.6 9-7 8.0 9-5 10.4 9-7 ii. 5 ii. 5 II. 12.0 9-3 II. ii. 5 11.5 8.4 8.9 9.6 II. 10.3 9-9 ii. 6 II. 2 9-i 10.4 10.6 9-7 o / n i 45 46 3 38 4 3 49 35 5 12 36 5 4i 21 5 46 30 6 22 46 6 36 23 8 33 17 9 10 2 10 l8 2 10 32 53 10 48 56 13 9 3i 13 37 3i 13 45 7 14 6 30 14 9 22 14 24 o 18 15 20 18 20 53 1 8 43 35 19 18 30 21 18 3 24 5 22 24 6 7 24 26 46 25 7 42 27 26 55 27 5i 58 28 15 52 29 38 40 30 21 22 3i 50 35 32 59 46 35 16 o 35 58 51 36 24 28 37 14 25 37 42 12 38 12 26 38 43 30 39 4 32 39 39 53 40 2 28 n 3441 26 4232.34 1356.12 3420.52 768.47 5852.92 4701 . 24 3156.64 4675.25 4333-61 6738.87 5780.82 3818.27 5678.28 5395-43 4095.19 5788.69 1988.48 6964.32 4964.79 5375-06 7276.24 4655.10 6759.12 2976.88 2140.38 6254.21 3522.69 3490.54 6666.80 3279.88 4008 . i 8 4112.69 4876 . 04 6473-3I 343I-23 3148.11 2237.92 5936.54 4668.80 2197.77 5337.32 1633-14 7144.92 5956.92 o / n 8 9 2 38.74 88 49 27.66 89 37 23.88 89 2 59.48 89 47 11.53 88 22 27.08 88 41 38.76 89 7 23.36 88 42 4.75 88 47 46.39 88 7 41.13 88 23 39.18 88 56 21.73 88 25 21.72 88 30 4.57 88 51 44.81 88 23 31.31 89 26 51.52 88 3 55.68 88 37 15.21 88 30 24.94 87 58 43.76 88 42 24.90 88 7 20.88 89 10 23.12 89 24 19.62 88 15 45.79 89 i 17.31 89 i 49.46 88 8 53 . 20 89 5 20.12 88 53 11.82 88 51 27.31 88 38 43 . 96 88 12 6.69 89 2 48.77 89 7 31-89 89 22 42.08 88 21 3 . 46 88 42 i i . 20 89 23 22.23 88 31 2.68 89 32 46.86 88 o 55.08 88 20 43 . 08 n + 105.85 + 268.27 + 90.50 + 310.59 + 76.18 + 588.86 + 522.32 + 363-I5 + 695.40 + 690.36 + 1204. 78 + 1058. 10 + 7i6.45 4-1292.48 + 1270.86 + 973-44 4-1410.84 + 486.31 + 1731.62 + 1555-10 + 1691.82 + 2335.55 + I539-09 + 2454-9I + 1215.01 + 874.03 + 2587.83 + H95.83 + 1608.90 + 3"5.56 + 1553-10 + 1982.39 + 2078 . 30 + 2572.33 + 3524.68 +1981.05 + 1849.49 + 1328.24 + 3592.06 + 2855.07 + I359-3I + 3338.57 + 1029.43 + 4559.64 + 3831-78 n + 3439.48 + 4223.53 + 1353.09 + 3406.23 + 764.68 + 5822.44 + 467L72 + 3I35-55 + 4622.83 + 4277.94 + 6629.07 + 5682.39 + 3750.23 + 5528.50 + 5242.99 + 3977-53 + 56i3-35 + 1928.07 + 6744.23 + 4714.45 + 5101.22 + 6889.62 + 4392.89 + 6296.25 + 2717.52 + 1953-75 + 5692.66 + 3189-15 + 3097.44 + 5892.70 + 2888.71 + 3483.34 + 3548.6i + 4141.80 + 5428.34 + 2801 . 38 + 2547-39 + 1801 .07 + 4725.44 + 3693.58 + 1726.93 + 4163-48 + 1267.82 + 5499-00 + 4559.88 88 i 88 2 89 i 9 23 a '88"Y 73 88 4 117 88 5 127 87 8 137 88 6 87 12 88 7 87 14 89 2 172 183 178 197 2OI 87 16 263 88 9 88 ii 88 10 284 305 303 89 5 88 12 288 331 88 13 89 4 347 c 88 14 362 TWO DEGREES 0$ THE NORTH POLE. PRECESSION COEFFICIENTS. 6 9 No. dy dx loo d?y 100 d*X 10,000 d a y 10,000 d*x j n + 0.7685 H 2O . O74O o . 4480 0.0118 7f 0.0009 It + 0.0119 2 + 0.9437 -20.1088 -0.4487 0.0165 O.OOIO + 0.0119 3 + 0.3023 20.0729 -0.4483 +0.0006 0.0006 +0.0119 4 + 0.7611 2O. 1197 -0.4491 0.0117 0.0009 + 0.0119 5 + o. 1709 2O . O7OO -0.4484 + 0.0041 -0.0005 + 0.0119 6 + I . 3009 20. 1766 -0.4500 0.0261 0.0012 + O.OI2O 7 + 1.0438 20. 1646 -0.4499 0.0192 O.OOIO + 0.0120 8 + 0.7006 20. 1318 -0.4494 0.0102 0.0008 +0.0119 9 + 1.0329 -20.2034 0.4508 0.0189 O.OOIO + O.OI2O 10 + 0.9558 2O. 2O29 -0.4508 0.0169 O.OOIO + O.OI2O ii + 1.4812 2O.3II6 -0.4529 0.0310 -0.0013 + O.OI2I 12 + I . 2697 20.28l6 -0.4524 0.0252 0.0012 + 0.0120 13 + 0.8380 20 . 2098 -0.4511 0.0138 0.0009 + O.OI2O 14 + 1-2353 -20.3343 -0-4535 o . 0244 O.OOII + O.OI2I 15 + I-I7I5 -20.3302 -0-4535 -0.0227 O.OOII + O.OI2I 16 + 0.8887 -20.2666 -0.4524 0.0151 0.0009 + 0.0120 17 + 1.2542 20 . 3604 -0.4541 0.0249 O.OOII + O.OI2I 18 + 0.4308 -20.1608 -0.4501 o . 0030 0.0007 + O.OI2O 19 + I . 5069 -20.4286 -0.4555 0.0316 0.0013 + O.OI2I 20 + 1-0534 -20.3948 -0-455 0.0196 O.OOIO + O.OI2I 21 + I.I398 -20.4243 -0.4556 0.0219 O.OOII + O.OI2I 22 + i 5394 20.5625 -0.4585 0.0326 0.0013 + 0.0122 23 + 0.9815 20.3919 -0.4550 -0.0177 O.OOIO + O.OI2I 24 + i . 4068 -20.5908 -0.4591 0.0291 0.0012 + O.OI22 25 + 0.6072 -20.3225 -0-4537 0.0078 0.0008 + O.OI2I 26 + 0.4365 -20.2473 -0.4521 0.0031 0.0007 + 0.0120 27 + 1.2720 2O.622I o . 4600 0.0256 O.OOI2 + 0.0122 28 + o. 7126 -20.3844 -0.4551 0.0105 0.0008 + O.OI2I 29 + 0.6921 -20.4097 -0.4556 0.0100 0.0008 + O.OI2I 30 + 1.3167 -20.7387 0.4626 0.0268 0.0012 + 0.0123 31 + 0.6454 -20.3975 -0.4553 -0.0088 0.0008 + O.OI2I 32 +0.7783 20.4922 -0.4574 0.0124 0.0009 + O.OI22 33 + 0.7929 -20.5135 -0.4579 0.0128 0.0009 + O.OI22 34 + 0.9254 20.6223 0.4601 0.0164 0.0009 + O.OI22 35 + 1.2129 -20.8307 0.4647 0.0242 O.OOII + O.OI24 36 + 0.6259 -20.4929 -0.4575 0.0083 0.0008 + O.OI22 37 + 0.5692 -20.4639 0.4568 0.0068 0.0007 + O.OI2I 38 + 0.4024 -20.3487 -0.4544 0.0023 0.0006 + O.OI2I 39 + 1.0558 20.8474 0.4651 O.O2OO O.OOIO + 0.0124 40 + 0.8253 20.6859 0.4617 -0.0137 0.0009 + 0.0123 4i + 0.3859 -20.3556 -0.4546 0.0019 0.0006 + O.OI2I 42 + 0.9303 -20.7923 o . 4640 0.0166 O.OOIO + 0.0123 43 + 0.2833 2O.2824 -0.4530 + O.OOIO 0.0006 + 0.0120 44 + 1.2287 21.0599 0.4698 0.0247 O.OOII + 0.0125 45 + 1.0188 20.9009 0.4664 0.0190 O.OOIO + 0.0124 CATALOGUE Otf STARS WITHIN TABLE XVI. FINAL CATALOGUE (cont'd) No. Mag. R. A. 1888.0 N. P. D. Decl. 1888.0 Y X Number in Phot. Vis. B. D. M. Car. 46 47 48 49 50 5i 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 7i 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 n. 8 8.7 9.0 10.2 10.7 ii. 5 10.9 ii. 5 ii. i 9.6 10.8 9.6 II . 2 II . 2 II-5 II . 2 ii. 8 ii 4 10.8 12. O 9.8 II . 2 8.0 10.8 10.5 ii . i 12.0 II . 2 IO. I II.4 12.0 II. 2 10.8 ii. 8 12.0 ii. 5 10.2 II. 10.5 II. I 10.2 12.0 II. 8 10.6 10.8 n. 6 9-3 8-5 10.3 II. 2 II. 2 10.7 II. 2 II .2 9-i 10.3 9-9 10.4 9-7 12.0 II. 2 II.4 ii. 5 10.3 12. O 10. I II .O 8-7 99 10.7 10.8 ii. 8 II . 2 9-7 ii. 5 12. O ii-3 ii-3 ii. 8 ii. 8 II. 2 10.3 10.6 10.3 10.3 10.3 II. ii. 5 10.8 10.3 O / It 40 22 6 41 26 30 41 27 42 4i 37 56 42 6 25 42 57 44 43 16 56 43 38 13 44 28 15 44 39 o 45 14 J 7 45 23 33 46 6 56 46 58 24 52 32 55 52 57 8 55 44 46 56 6 7 56 9 25 56 52 13 57 50 49 58 38 50 59 23 4 59 48 6 60 27 42 60 45 19 61 57 56 62 i 26 63 16 52 63 48 48 64 i 43 64 10 47 64 44 6 65 4 33 65 15 38 66 8 6 67 35 10 67 39 54 68 35 33 68 52 6 69 19 36 69 26 7 70 23 5 70 48 13 72 50 49 n 3826.14 1297.14 6864.53 3039 63 6183.44 6221.02 6506 . 76 5859-90 1427.86 7344-01 4187.78 5738.40 7226.40 6159.48 3226.03 4079.58 1909. 24 3548.84 5924.78 5663 . 50 2939-55 2652.68 7216.88 5046 . 06 6813.07 4049.78 5063.21 4717.66 3614.00 3210.64 2726.61 4684.93 5256.08 3701-33 2784-75 5745.58 3994.26 3559-16 6756.93 3276.64 6755-93 5132.68 3904.14 1238.67 6984.30 o / // 88 56 13.86 89 38 22.86 88 5 35-47 89 9 20.37 88 16 56.56 88 16 18.98 88 ii 33.24 88 22 2O. IO 89 36 12.14 87 57 35-99 88 50 12.22 88 24 21.60 87 59 33-6o 88 17 20.52 89 6 13.97 88 52 0.42 89 28 10.76 89 o 51.16 88 21 15.22 88 25 36.50 89 ii 00.45 89 15 47.32 87 59 43-12 88 35 53-94 88 6 26.93 88 52 30.22 88 35 36-79 88 41 22.34 88 59 46 . oo 89 6 29.36 89 14 33-39 88 41 55.07 88 32 23.92 88 58 18.67 89 13 35-25 88 24 14.42 88 53 25.74 89 o 40.84 88 7 23.07 89 5 23.36 88 7 24.07 88 34 27.32 88 54 55.86 89 39 21.33 88 3 35-70 n + 2478.04 + 858.52 + 4544.30 + 2019. 29 + 4145.48 + 4239.07 + 4460.25 + 4043.29 + 1000.27 + 5160. 10 + 2973.28 + 4084 . 84 + 5207.28 + 4502.13 + 2560.94 + 3255.85 + 1578.06 + 2945.51 + 4920.23 + 4742-21 + 2488.63 + 2265.27 + 6209.60 + 4360.81 + 5926.47 + 3533-38 + 4468 . 67 + 4I66.OO + 3227.94 + 2880.99 + 2451.18 + 4216.85 + 4752.78 + 3356.43 + 2529.09 + 5253-66 + 3692.28 + 3291.97 + 6289.61 + 3056.17 + 6319.77 + 4805 . 1 1 + 3677.35 + 1169.78 + 6672.37 // + 2914-95 + 972.37 + 5143-32 + 2271.81 + 4586.77 + 4551-86 + 4736.04 + 4240.39 + 1018.92 + 5223.52 + 2948.67 + 4029.25 + 5008.37 + 4202.22 + 1961.63 + 2457-72 + 1074.62 + I979-I5 + 3299. 16 + 3094.91 + 1564-32 + 1380.17 + 3674.63 + 2537-88 + 3358.28 + 1978.36 + 2379.48 + 2212.88 + 1624.82 + 1416.79 + II94.OI + 2040.35 + 2243.08 + I559-72 + 1165.36 + 2324.27 + 1522.90 + 1352.49 + 2465.82 + II8I.22 + 2384.68 + 1802.74 + 1310.55, + 407.28 + 2059.45 89 3 87 23 89 6 b 375 345 87. 27 88 15 88 16 412 397 409 88 17 428 88 18 500 89 7 475 87 33 88 19 88 21 545 529 88 20 538 88 22 585 88 23 89 8 88 24 579 627 88 25 660 TWO DEGREES OF THE NORTH POLE. PRECESSION COEFFICIENTS (cont'd). No. dy dx loo 'fef '-< Jj- J6?5&? ^IV 3^?)Kwsi'5S ; ff ^3x#&ia$&* THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY '**>, *4f