University of California Berkeley A N O D E ON THE P E A C BY THE AUTHOR OF EDWIN AND ELTRUDA. LONDON: PRINTED FOR T. CADELL, IN THE STRAND. M.DCC.L XXXIII. [ Price One Shilling. ] B C 3 ] o D A N E, &c. A S wancTring late on ALBION'S fliore That chains the rude tempeftuous deep, I heard the hollow furges roar Whofe tears her rocky bofom fleep ; Loud on the ftorm's wild pinion flow The fullen founds of mingled woe, And foftly vibrate on the trembling Lyre, That wakes to forrow's moan each fad refponfive wire. A 2 From 4 ANODE From Shores the wide Atlantic laves The Spirit of the Ocean bears, In moanings o'er his weftern waves. Fond Paflion's flirieks, and Nature's tears ; Enchanting climes of young delight, How chang'd fince firft ye rufli'd in fight t Since firft ye rofe, in infant glories dreft, Frefh from the fparkling wave, and rear'd your ample breaft. His crefted Serpents Difcord bears O'er fcenes Affection's rofes grac'd, ' Her flowery Chain he frantic tears, And fcatters o'er the howling wafte. His glance her foothing fmile deforms, His voice awakes the mental ftorms, His blazing torches fpread their fanguine fires, While Paffion's trembling flame in feas of blood expires. ON THE PEACE. Now burns the favage foul of War, While Terror flaflies from his eyes, Lo ! waving o'er his fiery car Aloft his bloody banner flies. The battle wakes : with fhrilling found He thunders o'er the groaning ground, He grafps his reeking blade/ Awhile ftreams of blood Tinge the impurpled plain, and fwell the ample flood. Hark ! fofter founds of forrow flow r On drooping wing the murm'ring gales Now pour the plaints of hopelefs woe That rife along the lonely vales : They waft the tender Orphan's cries, They tremble to parental fighs, And drink a tear thefe mingled griefs above, The wild impaffion'd tear of fond Connubial Love ; The 6 ANODE The Object of her fhiv'ring fear Lies bleeding, panting on the ground, She frantic pours her gufhing tear That bathes the fatal gaping wound : The blood-ftain'd hand fhe trembling grafps, Hangs on the quiv'ring lip, and clafps The fainting Form that flowly finks in death, And meets the parting glance, and fucks the fleeting brea Pale as the livid Corfe her cheeks, Her trefles torn, her glances wild, In frantic tones fhe fault'ring fpeaks, She wept and then in horrors fmiFd She gazes now with wild affright, Lo ! bleeding Phantoms rufh in fight Hark ! on yon mangled form {he faintly calls, Then on the flinty earth the Mourner fenfelefs falls. . 3 And ON THE PEACE. And lo ! o'er haplefs ANDRE'S tomb Mild vidim of his foft defpair ! A Whofe foul in Life's exulting bloom Deem'd not that Life deferv'd a car, O'er the cold earth his relicks preft r Lo ! BRITAIN'S drooping Legions reft ; For him the blades they fternly grafp, appear * Dim'd with a riling figh, and fullied with a tear. While SEWARD fweeps her plaintive firings. While penlive round his fable flhrine A radiant zone fhe graceful flings, Where full emblaz'd his virtues fhine, The mournful Loves that tremble nigh Shall catch her warm melodious figh, And drink the precious thrilling drops that flow From Pity's hov'ring foul, that pants diflblv'd in woe, And 8 AN ODE And hark ! in ALBION'S flow'ry Vale A Parent's moans I fhiv'ring hear A Sifter calls the weftern Gale To drink her foul-expreffive tear ! The throbbing figh for As GILL flows That breathes AfTeftion's mingled woes, Whije on the rack of Doubt, and Terror, reft The deareft fondeft ties that tremble at her breaft. How oft' in every dawning grace That bloffom'd in his early hours, Her foul fome comfort lov'd to trace, And deck'd Futurity in flowers ! But lo ! in fhudd^ring Fancy's fight The dear illufions fink in night She views the murder'd form the quiv'ring breath The rif g Virtues chill'd in the cold fhade of death Ceafe, ON THE PEACE. 9 Ceafe, ceafe, ye throbs of frantic woe ! He lives parental love to blefs, To wake the pure extatic glow The thrill of tranfport's fweet excefs Again his fmile fhall life endear, And Pleafure pour her brighteft tear ! The private pang fliall ALBION trembling {hare, Vr And breathe with fervid zeal, a warm accepted prayer. And lo ! a lucid ftream of light Defcends o'er Horror's fable cloud, While Defolation's gloomy night Retiring, folds her fallen ftiroud It flafhes o'er the limpid deep It refts on BRITAIN'S rocky fteep 'Tis mild benignant Peace, enchanting form ! That gilds the black Abyfs, that lulls the raging Storm. B So, TO AN ODE So, thro' the dark and mifty Sky, Where clouds and fullen vapours roll'd, Their curling wreathes diffolving fly As the faint hues of light unfold : The Sky with fpreading azure ftreams The Sun now darts his orient beams And now he glows infufferably bright, And fheds o'er Nature's form the rays of living light.. Mild Peace 1 from ALBION'S faireft Bowers,. Soft Spirit 1 cull with fnowy hands, The buds that drink the morning fhowers,. And bind the Realms in flow'ry bands. Thy fmiles th' infuriate Paffions chafe, Thy glance is Pleafure's fportive grace,. Around thy form -th' exulting Virtues move, Thy voice the thrilling ftrain of mild melodious Love. Blefs ON THE PEACE. n Blefs, all ye Powers ! the patriot name That courts, fair Peace, thy fmiling flay j Ah gild with Glory's light his Fame, His Life with Pleafure's rofeate ray ! While, like th' affrighted Dove, thy form Still fhrinks, and fears fome latent ftorm, His cares {hall foothe thy panting foul to reft, And fpread thy flowery couch on ALBION'S foft'ring breaft. Ah ! fee tumultuous tranfports move The faithful heart, with Paffion warm ; With frantic joy Connubial Love Clafps to her foul the well-known form, That long, in all her throbbing veins, Wak'd fond Affection's cherifh'd pains She weeps the gufhing drops her joys endear, 'Tis glowing Rapture fpeaks, expreffive in a tear. B 2 Ye 12 AN ODE Ye who have mourn'd the parting hour Which Love in darker horrors drew, When ardent Paflion fear'd to pour, With quiv'ring lip, her laft adieu, When the fix'd glance, the burfting figh,. The* foul that trembled in the eye, Exprefs'd the frantic fears of hopelefs Love Ah ! paint the fwelling joys your panting, bofoms prove. Yon hoary form with afpect mild,. Deferted kneels, by for rows preft* And feeks from heav'n his long-loft child To fmooth the path that leads to reft ! He comes to clofe the finking eye, To catch the faint expiring figh ; A moment tranfport ftays the fleeting breath And fooths the ling'ring foul on the pale verge of death.. The ON THE PEACE. 13 The milder Paflions dear controul, The purer Pleafures vivid bloom, That bathe in blifs th' exulting foul, Soft Peace ! are couch'd beneath thy Plume : It floats in Rapture's glowing ray, O'er wilder'd Life's low, thorny way, And wakes the fofteft balms, the faireft flowers, That fhed their odours mild in fweet Affection's Bowers. Tho' the red Trophies VicYry twines Now drooping fade in Stygian glooms, Yet hung around thy fimple Shrines, Fair Peace, each milder Glory blooms. Lo ! Commerce rears her languid head Triumphal, Thames ! from thy deep bed, High o'er the fubjed wave fhe fails fublime, To blefs with ALBION'S wealth, each lefs indulgent Clime. She 14 A N O P E She fearlefs prints the Polar fnows Where Horror flirowds the ftruggling day, Along the burning Line flie glows, Nor fhrinks beneath the Torrid ray : She opes the glitt'ring Indian mine Where the warm beams reflected fhine; Bears the bright Gems to BRITAIN'S temp'rate Vale, And breathes Sabean fweets o'er the chill Northern Gale. While from the far-divided Shore Where Liberty exulting roves, Her ardent glance fhall oft' explore The Parent-Ifle her fpirit loves Lo ! rufliing o'er the weftern main, / She fpreads fair Concord's golden chain, And fternly pours on proftrate GALLIA'S ftrand, From ALBION'S pendent Cliff, her firm united Band. 2 Yet ON THE PEACE. r 5 Yet hide the Sabre's horrid glare That fteeps its edge in ftreams of blood, The Lance that quivers high in air, And falling drinks a purple flood ; j For, BRITAIN ! fears {hall feize thy foes While freedom in thy fenate glows, While Peace fliall fcatter o'er thy cultured plain - . Each Glory, Pleafure, Grace, her fair attendant train. Enchanting Vifions foothe my fight The finer Arts in Beauty dreft,. Benignant fource of pure delight t Reclining on her bofom reft. While each difcordant found expires, Strike, Harmony I thy warbling wires, The fine vibrations of the fpirit move. Wake Extafy's pure thrill, and touch the fprings of Love. Bright 16 ANODE Bright Painting's living forms fhall rife, And ftill for UGOLINO'S * woe Shall REYNOLDS wake unbidden fighs, And ROM KEY'S Toothing Pencil flow, That Nature's f look benign pourtrays, When, to her infant SHAKSPEARE'S gaze, - The fmiling form cc unveil'd her awful face," And bade his " colours clear" each glowing feature trace. And Poefy ! thy deep-ton'd fhell The heart fhall footh, the fpirit fire, ^^ t^ -*"i And all th' according paflions fwell While rapture trembles on thy lyre ; v , T f~- Awake its fweetly-thrilling found, And call enchanting Viiions round, Strew the foft path of Peace with Fancy's flowers, And lead the glowing heart to Joy's Elyfian bowers. * * UGOLINO'S woe" a celebrated picture by Sir JOSHUA REYNOLDS, taken from DANTE. f " Nature's look benign pourtrays" a fubjed Mr. ROMNEY has taken from GRAY'S Pro- refs of Poefy. While While HAYLEY wakes thy magic firings, His {hades fhall no rude found prophane, But ftillnefs on her tender wings, Enamour'd drink the potent ftrain. Tho' Genius flafh the vivid flame Around his Lyre's enchanting frame. Where Fancy's warbled tones melodious roll, More warm his friendfhip glows, more harmoniz'd his foul ! While Tafte inftru&s a polifh'd age With luxury of mind to trace The luftre of th 5 unerring page, Where Symmetry fheds finifh'd grace > Judgment fhall point to Fancy's gaze, As wild the fportive wand'rer ftrays, Perfedlion's faireft form, where mimic Art f With Nature fofdy blends, and leads the fubjed heart. C Th' i8 ANODE Th' hiftoric Mufe illumes the maze Oblivion veil'd in deepening night, Where empire with meridian blaze Once trod Ambition's lofty height : Tho' headlong from the dizzy deep It rolls with wide, and wafteful fweep, Her tablet ftill records the deeds of Fame, And fwells the Patriot's foul, and wakes the Hero's flame. While meek Philofophy explores Creation's vaft ftupendous round, With piercing gaze fublime (he foars, And burfts the fyftem's diftant bound. Lo ! 'mid the dark deep void of fpace, A ruffling World * her glance can trace ! It moves majeftic in its ample fphere, Sheds its refra&ed light, and rolls its ling'ring year. * Alluding to Mr. HERSCHEL'S wonderful difcoveries j and particularly to his difcovery of a planet, called the " Georgium Sidus." Ah ! ON THE PEACE. 19 Ah ! ftill diffufe thy mental ray, Fair Science ! on my ALBION'S plain. While oft' thy flep delights to ftray Where MONTAGU has rear'd her Fane ; Where Eloquence fliall ftill entwine Rich attic flowers around the flirine, View hallow'd Learning ope his treafured (lore, And with her fignet ftamp the mafs of claffic ore. ^ Aufpicious Peace ! for thine the hours Meek Wifdom decks in moral grace, And thine each tendernefs that pours Enchantment o'er their deftin'd fpace. Benignant form ! in filence laid Beneath the olive's filken (hade, / Shed each mild blifs that charms the tuneful mind, And in the zone of love the hoftile fpirit bind. 2 While 20 AN O D E, , 6cc. While ALBION on her parent deep Shall reft, may glory gild her fhore, And bloflbm on her rocky fteep Till Time fhall wing his courfe no more j Till angels wrap the fpheres in fire, Till Earth and yon fair Orbs expire, While Chaos mounting in the rufhing flame, Shall fpread his cold deep fhade o'er Nature's finking frame. FINIS. U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES CD21bfllD?a THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY