M ^■i^HMHH I^H^MM Brown The cure of Saul THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE CURE O F SAUL. [Price One Shilling.] THE C U RE O F !j i\ U L-/» SACRED ODE. As it is performed at the The a t re -Royal in Covent- Garden. Written by Dr. B R O W N. Set to feledt Airs, Duets, and Choirs, from Handel, Marcello, Purcel, and other eminent Compofers. Grata Tefiudo ! — Laborum Duke Lenimen! Mihi cunque falve, Rite vocanti. LONDON, Printed for L. Davis and C. Reymers again ^.-Graf s-Inn> Holhurn r Printers to the Royal Society. MDCCLXIII. Advertifement. // was found neceffary to omit a few Lines in the Ode, for the fake of bringing the Performance to a proper Length of Time : And the Poem is here divided into three Parts, to mark thefeveral Paufes in the Reprefentation. 33ZL £ 2/3c THE ARGUMENT. Saul, for his Difobcdience to Heaven, is afflicted with the Fiend of Melancholy, p. 7. David is fent for, to cure him by the Power of Mufc, p. 8. He comes , attended with a Choir of Shepherds ; and, as the means of difpelling Saul's Defpair, he fngs the Creation of the Worlds and the happy EJlate of our firjl Parents in Paradife, ib. to 9. Saul is moved by the Reprefe?itation ; but expojlulates with David, " why, when others are happy, Hefjould be ?niferable," p. 1 3. David, to convince him that Guilt is the Source of Mifery, fmgs the Fall of Man, and his Expulfon from Paradife, ib. This alarms the Monarch's Pride ; and in/lead of reclaiming, provokes him to Refe?itme?it and Rage, p. 14. DAV\D,fuperior to his Threats, awakens his Confcience, and terrifies him, by fnging the Fate a7id PuniJJjment of Guilt, in the Dejlrutlion of the rebellious Tribe of Cuorar by an Earthquake, p. 15. Saul, f ruck with Horror, attempts to kill himfelf p. 16. But being prevented by his Friends, David fooths his Anguifj, by invoking Repentance a?td divine Mercy to compofe his Paffions, p. ib. Saul relents into virtuous Sorrow, p. 17. But 865717 vi The ARGUMENT. But his Defpair returning , David calls on his at- tendant Choir to raife a more fublime and affetling Strain, p. 17. This hath its E feci; and Saul melts into Tears of Penite72ce, 18. David now comforts him with the Return of the divine Favour, p. ib. To banifo the Remains of Pride, he then Jings his own Happinefs in the humble Station of a Shepherd, 19. Still farther to compofe the Monarch's Griefs, by a Strain of foft Mufc he throws him into a gentle Slumber-, invoking celejiial Vifions to t ran/port him to the Regio?is of the Rlejfed, and change his A?tguiflj into Joy, p. 20. The defred Effetls appear in his Countenance : The Fiend departs : And Saul awakes in perfect Tranquillity, p. 21. David then con- cludes with a Song of Triumph on the Powers of Harmony, and the feraphic Hymn that attended her, as the Minifler of Heaven, on the Creation of the World, p. ib. THE THE CURE O F A SACRED ODE. PART L Choir. " X 7E N G E A N C E, arife from thy infernal Bed ; * " And pour thy Tempeft on his Guilty Head!" Recit. Ace. Thus Heav'n's Decree, in Thunder's Sound, Shook the dark Abyfs profound. — The unchain'd Furies come ! Pale Melancholy flalks from Hell : Th' abortive Offspring of her Womb, Defpair and AnguiJJo round her yell. By 8 THE CURE OF SAUL. By fleeplefs Terror Saul poffefs'd, Deep feels the Fiend within his tortur'd Breaft. Midnight Spectres round him howl : Before his Eyes In Troops they rife"; And Seas of Horror overwhelm his Soul.. Recif.acc.Haftei to Jesse's Son repair : He beft can fweep the Lyre, Wake the folemn founding Air, And lead the vocal Choir : On ev'ry String foft-breathing Raptures dwell, To footh the Throbbings of the troubled Breaft -, Whofe magic Voice can bid the Tides of Pafiion fwell, , Or lull the raging Storm to Reft. Rccit. ace. Sunk on his Couch, and loathing Day, The heav'n-forfaken Monarch lay : To the fad Couch the Shepherd now drew near; And, while th' obedient Choir flood round, Prepar'd to catch the Soul-commanding Sound, . He drop'd a gen'rous Tear, — Thy A SACRED ODE. ■Song. Thy pitying Aid, O God, impart! For lo, thy Arrows drink his Heart ! Recit. The mighty Song from Chaos rofe. *— • Song. Around his Throne the lifelefs Atoms fleep, And drowzy Darknefs broods upon the Deep :— ■Recit. ace. Confujion, wake ! Bid the Realms of Chaos (hake ! Roufe him from his dread Repofe! — Choir. Hark ! loud Difcord breaks her Chain : The hoftile Atoms clafh with deafning Roar : Her hoarfe Voice thunders through the drear Domain j And kindles ev'ry Element to War. — Song. " Tumult ceafe ! " Sink to Peace ! Recit. « Let there be Light!" — Th' Almighty faid : Choir. And lo, the radiant Sun, Flaming from his orient Bed, His endlefs Courfe begun. Recit. ace. See, the twinkling Pleiads rife : Thy Star, Orion, reddens in the Skies t £ While *0 THE CURE OF SAUL. While flow around the northern Plain, Ardlurus wheels his nightly Wane. Reck. Thy Glories, too, refulgent Moon, he fung ; Thy myflic Mazes, and thy changeful Ray : Song. O faii-eft, mildeft of the ftarry Throng ! Thy folemn Orb of pureft Light Guides the triumphant Carr of Night O'er Silver Clouds, and fheds a fofter Day ! ScigtmdCboir.'Ye Planets, and. each circling Conjlellation, In Songs harmonious tell your Generation ! Recit.acc. Oh, while yon radiant Seraph turns the Spheres-, And on the ftedfaft Pole-Star ftands fublims j. Wheel your Rounds To heav'nly Sounds j Choir. And footh his Song-inchanted Ears,, With your celeftial Chime. Recti. In dumb Surprize the lift'ning Monarch lay ; (His Woe fufpended by fweet Mufic's Sway) And ASACREDODE. it And awe-ftruck, with uplifted Eye Mus'd on the new-born Wonders of the Sky. Recit. ace . Lead the foothing Verfe along : He feels, he feels the Pow'r of Song. — Ocean haftens to his Bed : The lab'ring Mountain rears his rock-encumber'd Head : Song. Down his deep and fhaggy Side The Torrent rolls his foaming Tide ; Song. Then fmooth and clear, along the fertile Plain Winds his majeftic Waters to the Main. Recit. ace. Flocks and Herds the Hills adorn : The Lark, high-foaring, hails the Morn. And while along yon crimfon-clouded Steep The flow Sun fteals into the golden Deep, Song. Hark ' the folemn Nightingale Warbles to the woodland Dale. Song. See, defcending Angels fhow'r Heav'n's own Blifs on Eden's Bow'r : Peace on Nature's Lap repofes ; Pleafure flrews her guiltlefs Rofes : B ?, Joys 12 THECUREOFSAUL. Joys divine in Circles move, Link'd with Innocence and Love. Choir, Hail, happy Love, with Innocence combin'd ! All hail, ye iinlefs Parents of Mankind ! PART V A S A C R E D O D E. 13 9Sss^ssssgagas9Sss3S8sasigffiK9sa@as^ssa59Sss§sgssfi8B P A R T II. Recti. '. I * HEY paus'd : — the Monarch, proftrate on his A Bed, SubmhTive bow'd his Head -, Ador'd the Works of boundlefs Pow'r divine : Then, Anguifh-flruck, he cry'd (and fmote his Breafl) Song. Why, why is Peace the welcome Gueft Of ev'ry Heart but Mine ! Recti. Now let the folemn Numbers flow, Till he feel that Guilt is Woe. Song. Heav'nly Harp, in mournful Strain O'er yon weeping Bow'r complain : Recti, ace. What Sounds of bitter Pangs I hear ' What Lamentations wound mine Ear I In vain, devoted Pair, thefe Tears ye fhed : Peace with Innocence is fled. The MefTengers of Grace depart : Death glares, and (hakes the dreadful Dart ! Ah, H THE CURE OF SAUL. Ah, whither fly ye, by yourfelves abhor'd, To (bun that frowning Cherub's firey Sword ? Choir. Lo ! Haplefs, haplefs Pair, Goaded by Defpair, Forlorn, thro' defer t Climes they go ! Song. Wake, my Lyre! can Pity fleep, When Heav'n is mov'd, and Angels weep ! Song. Flow, ye melting Numbers, flow ; Till he feel, that Guilt is Woe. — Recit.acc.Tht King, with Pride, and Shame, and Anguifh, torn, Shot Fury from his Eyes, and Scorn. The glowing Youth, Bold in Truth, (So hull mould Virtue guilty Pow'r engage) With Brow undaunted met his Rage. See, his Cheek kindles into generous Fire : Stern, he bends him o'er his Lyre; And, while the Doom of Guilt he fings, Shakes Horror from the tortur'd Strings. What A S A C R E D O D E. 15 Recti, ace. What Sounds of Terror and Diftrefs Rend yon howling Wildernefs ! Choir. The dreadful Thunders found ; The forked Lightnings flafh along the Ground, Choir. Why yawns that deep'ning Gulph below? — Song. 'Tis for Heav'n's rebellious Foe : — Reck. ace. Fly, ye Sons of Israel, fly, Who dwells in Korah's guilty Tents muft die! — They fink ! —Have Mercy, Lord! — Their Cries In dreadful Tumult rife ! Choir. " Oh fave us, Heav'n ! we fink, we die ! ife«7.wc&«.Hark, from the Deep their loud Laments I hear! Redt. andCho. They leffea now, and leffen on the Ear ! Choir. Now, the Strife of Fate is o'er! The countlefs Hoft For ever loft ! Their Cries are heard no more ! — ■ Recti, ace. Thus while the frowning Shepherd pour'd along The deep impetuous Torrent of his Song > Saul* 16 THECUREOFSAUL. Saul, flung by dire Defpair, Gnafh'd his Teeth, and tore his Hair : From his Blood, by Horror chill'd, A cold and agonizing Sweat diflill'd : Then, foaming with unutterable Smart, He aim'd a Dagger at his Heart. His watchful Train prevent the Blow ; And call each lenient Balm, to heal his frantic Woe ; But pleas'd, the Shepherd now beheld His Pride by Heav'n's own Terrors quell'd : Then bade his potent Lyre controul The mighty Storm that rent his Soul. Song. Ceafe your Cares : the Body's Pain A fweet Relief may find : But Gums and lenient Balms are vain> To heal the wounded Mind. oV^WCkv.Come, fair Repentance, from the Skies, O fainted Maid, with upcaft Eyes ! Defcend in thy celeftial Shrowd, Veiled in a weeping Cloud ! Holv Guide, defcend, and brine- -Mer-cy from fh' eternal King! Calm A SACRED ODE. \y Calm his Soul, your Beams impart, And pour your Comforts o'er his Heart ! — Recit.acc. Behold, obedient to their great Command, The lifted Dagger quits his trembling Hand : Smooth'd is his Brow, where fullen Care And furrow'd Horror couch'd with fell Defpair: No more his Eyes with Fury glow j But heav'nly Grief fucceeds to hell-born Woe.. — Song. See, the Signs of Grace appear : See the foft relenting Tear, Trickling at fweet Mercy's Call ! Catch it, Angels, ere it fall ! And let the heart-fent Offering rife,. Heav'n's befl-accepted Sacrifice ! — - Recit. ace, .Yet, yet again ?: — Ah fee, the Pang returns ! Again with inward Fire his heaving Bofom burns ! Now, Shepherds, wake a mightier Strain ; Search the deep, heart rending Pain ; Till the large Floods of Sorrow roll, And quench the Tortures of his Soul, C Almighty x8 t h e c u r e o f s a u l. Choir. Almighty Lord, accept his Pang fincere I Let heav'nly Hope difpell each dark Temptation ! And, while he pours the penitential Tear, O vifit him with thy Salvation ! — Recti, ace. Stoop from Heav'n, ye raptur'd Throng : Sink, ye fwelling Tides of Song ! For lo, diffolv'd by Mufic's melting Pow'r, Celeftial Sorrow rolls her plenteous Show'r. O'er his wan Cheek the Colours rife ; And Beams of Comfort brighten in his Eyes. SotjWCW. Happy King, thy Woes are o'er ! Thy God mail wound thy Heart no more : The pitying Father of Mankind Meets the pure-returning Mind. Recti. No more fhall black Defpair afflict his Soul : Each gentler Sound, ye Shepherds, now combine Song and Cbcir. Sweetly let the Numbers roll: Sooth him into Hope divine. PART A SACRED ODE. rg ^■Ju*iil*«R>««*>J!o«?>!i* OTi4» t Wji*i*»JS')*»i^i%^^)dfe^c^^dK>(*^& PART III. Recti I^T ^ ^ lowly let the ruftic Meafure glide, •*■ ^ To quell the dark Remains of felf-confuming Pride ; Till Nature's home-fprung Bleflings he confefs, And own that calm Content is Happinefs. — R^a't.acc.Ye Woods and Lakes, ye Cliffs and Mountains ! Haunted Grots, and living Fountains ! Song. Liften to your Shepherd's Lay, Whole artlels Carols clofe the Day. Song. Bounding Kids around him throng; The fleep Rock echoes back his Song : Recit. ace. While all unfeen to mortal Eye, Sliding down the evening Sky, Holy Peace, tho' born above, Daughter of Innocence and Love, C 2 Quits *o THE CURE OF SAU Quits her Throne and Manfion bright, Her Crown of Stars, and Robe of Light, Serene, in gentle Smiles array 'd, To dwell beneath his Palm-Tree Shade. Song. Hail, meek Angel ! awful Gueft ! Still pour thy Radiance o'er my Bread ! Song. Let Pride and Hate in Court and City mine : The Shepherd's calm and blamelefs Tent is Thine !• jR.ecit.acc. Softly, foftly breath your Numbers ; And wrap his weary 'd Soul in Slumbers ! Song. Gentle Sleep, becalm his Breaft, And clofe his Eyes in healing Reft ! Rait. ace. Dckcnd, celeflial Vifions, ye who wait, God's miniftring Pow'rs, at Heav'n's eternal Gate ! Silent, waft him to the Skies, And open all Heav'n's Glories to his Eyes ! Beyond yon ftarry Roof, by Seraphs trod, Where Light's unclouded Fountains blaze j Choir. Where Choirs immortal hymn their God, Intranc'd in Ecftafy of ceafelefs Praife. Angels* A SACRED ODE. 21 ■Song. Angels, heal his Anguifh ! Your Harps and Voices joyn ! His Grief to Blifs (hall languifh, When footh'd by Sounds divine. Reck. Behold, with dawning Joy each Feature glows ' See, the blifsful Tear o'erflows ! — CUir and Sc„g. The Fiend is fled! — Let Mnjics Rapture rife : Now, Harmony, thy ev'ry Nerve employ : Shake the Dome, and pierce the Skies : Wake him, wake him into Joy.— ■ Reck. What Pow'r can every Paflion's Throe controul ? What Pow'r can boaft the Charm divine, To ftill the Tempeft of the Soul ? Choir. Celeftial Harmony, that mighty Charm is Thine ! Rent. ace. She, heav'nly-born, came down to vifit Earth, When from God's eternal Throne The Beam of all-creative Wifdom fhone, And fpake fair Order into Birth. At Wifdom s Call flie robed yon glittering Skies, Attun'd the Spheres, and taught confenting Orbs to rife. Angels 22 THE CURE OF ;aul. Angels wrapt in Wonder flood, And faw that All was Fair, and All was Good. .Choir. 'Twas then, ye Sons of God, in bright Array Ye fhouted o'er Creation's Day : Then kindling into Joy, The Morning Stars together fung.j And thro' the vaft etherial Sky Seraphic Hymns and loud Hofannahs rang. THE END. 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