UC NRLF B 4 ^06 asi b«^ i •o ^ie>'6\^^ Eutered according to Act of Congress, in the j'ear 1864, by ASHMEAD & EVANS, In the Clerk's office of the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, for the Ladies of the Sanitary Commission. 1^ -* ^ E ►^ b S S «> c 5 J~ -Si a «> - § « g >, § « « « is g> s §■ OF TUK jiNTIVERSITY J, TJicre lived an Old Maid in the city of TrerUm, who to many a youlk, aU her/aeultiea bent «n. She euay'd every art, to inxeigU the heart of every yovixg Dandy in TreT^ien. There was an old King of Dahomey, Whose realm was more sterile than loamy • So he bagged little ■ ' niggers " ' Which he sold at high Jiggers To the Yankees who trade at Dahomey. e § § ft) 3 is RJ^ « « 5 • ti-^O^^! s "2 a g o « s E ?>^ There was a young lass of Kentucky, Who tho' Itttle was loyal and vluciqj ; When her spark turned se.cesh Though dear as her flesh. She drummed him herself from Keniueky o» S5 2 t^ "" «; 4 '5>.«" ?>» ;^ In* S a ^ coat, and got into a boat To icaitfor a flood on the plains. - -2 5^, I 1,1 'g i Sr, C h ^ : = ^ 5 ^' ^ «^ 5 3 V. OP TaK UNIVERSITY rg There was a young female of Zdb, Who was cursed with the gift of gab, With her husband she wranjle'd, And he had her strangled Bi) the conjugal cvstom of Zab. There was an odd man of Woonsochet, who carried bomb-sheUt in his pocket : Endeavoring to rour^A one day — they went off, and of course, up he livni Hke a ri^ckr' OF THE UNIVERSITY There icas a young girl of Quebec, Who dressed very low in the neck, Her friends said, "that'x not decent," " Oh! the fashion's ij'iitr recent," Said this vulgar young girl of Quebec. CJINTIVERSITY An innocent stranger aslxd, " where Is the funniest place in the fair f " Where the Nonsense Book lies " the committee replies, Is the funniest place in the Fair. OF THE ■CTNIVERSITY There once was a maU girl of Chilka, tcho ran at a cow, and would milk her ; But it kicked tip its heels and said, " see how it feels ! You meddlesome Matty of Chilka. OK TKK DTNIVERSITY There was a young man of Calcutta, who eat at his mecls too viuch butter, JUl a very kind niece boikd him doivn into grease : Which dissolved this young man of Calcutta. There was an old lady of Norfolk, wlio always wot saying *«/<>'''' /»^' I to a mean yankce will never say " thankee," this civil old lady of Norfolk. OP THE 0"NIVZRSITY ■S/" c.Ul^0RH*^, 7%,/ .n,-.,/-, •• sL- ,/:■! f,r" >!"■ "nu;'. "-c^ " i" ■'A:"!/-. . 1 =3 K ^ /v v^ J'f, x^' . >"'ii.:FO.^-i^j; There was art old party in Borne,- Who kept a houiman of Zvg, who said " do I ste a huge bug f With my heel tcill I try to make this thing die, Which might sting all my kintmen of Zug." I There was a fine lady of Metz, continually turrounded by pets . Two cats very small, and three dogs rather taU, With which she would walk about Metz. 34 There was an old man of the Niger, who was snvagely chased by a tigers Whm he climbed up a palm, and remained there all calm; Which perplexed this mad beast af the Niger. ' . OC THK JiNTIVERsiTY J^AUfORN^N 85 There was a young man of the world, who said, his moustache as he twirled, " My manners are fair, so I really don't care Sow honest I am to the world !" SG There was a young woman of Baden, whom nothing whatever could sadden , While her friends were in tears, she just laughed with her jeers. This accomplished young woman of Baden. i •3 mZ II II ^ O c ~ ■< s 53 O "5 S t^^ OF TUE ■CTNIVERSITY There was a t/oxdi/j lady of Florida, No creature could ever le horrider, For she liked alligators and very black waiters, degraded t/oung female of Florida. There was an old cove in a church, who nodded and then gave a lurch . But he cried " 7'm awake! You have made a 7nistake To suppose that I'd sleep in the church !" 40 There was an old buffer in Uz, and it's troubled << indeed " that he was He declined to swear loud but " let out " on the crowd that did the consoling in Uz. Of THK UNIVERSITY ( 41 There ^0 near aught so homely in Borne? I i i£5iSi5?«-"^-'-'"'^ .c^^ There x,nKj;i;7/s^sia;;si2 f i^- "■'/-' " "- '^ And keep clear of that killing yaung fop. nothing but stare 43 i Tkere was an old crazy perfumer, who took for his wife a young " Bloomer; " Me wished a new scent, so, on roasting intent, he said it would pay to consunve her. 4 There was a sweet girl of Kingsessing, whose actions were truly dettressin- uT Pffl c; )f 3 ■^ i cv: It g -Si c > •a i i 1 ^ 1 u i or o > JUL l"^ 1^» iOG43 GENERAL LIBRARY U.C BERKELEY THE UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY