SOLICITORSHIP TO THE 0rs|i|)inl Conijjan]) of ClotljlMrhfrB, iornia mal TESTIMONIALS Mr. HERBERT WALTER NELSON *^ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES '^n^ c Tin-: SOLICI TORSH I P W^orshipful CojJipaiiy of Clothworkcrs. ^testimonials MR. HERBERT WALTER NELSON, HD I N D EX FROM THE ATTORNEY -GENERAL, SIR JuHN lUKE COLERIDGE, Knight, QC. M.P., &c SIR JOHN BURGESS KARSLAKE. Kt., QC. &c W. B. GLASSE, EsQRE., Q.C CLEMENT MILWARD, Esqrk., QC H. J. COLE, EsQRB., QC HENRY JAMES, Esqre., Q.C, M.P HENRY C. LOPES, Esqre., Q.C, MP C P. BUTT, Esqre., Q.C A. E. MILLER, Esqre., Q.C W.\TKIN WILLI.VMS, Esqre., Q.C, M.P THE HONOURABLE A. H. THESIGER, Q.C WILLIAM ST. JAMES WHEELHOUSE, Esqre., MP. EUGENE C. CLARKSON, Esqre., Barrister-at-Law F. A. PHILBRICK, Esqre., Barrister-at-Law C J. COTTIXGHAM, Esqre., Barrister-at-Law FITZ OWEN J. SKINNER, Esqre., Convevanckk I. P. INGHAM, Esqre., Barrister-at-Law R. E. WEBSTER, Esqre., Barrister-at-Law H. B. BUCKLEY, Esqre., Barrister-at-Law W. H. BUTTERWORTH, Esqre., Sfecial Pleader ... THE GRE.^T eastern RAILWAY COMPANY THE TRUSTEES OF THE BEDFORD CHARITIES, AND MAYOR OF BEDFORD THE Revd. ST. VINCENT BEECHEY, M.A., Canon or Manchester, Rector of Hilgav, and Chaplain to the Earl of Ellesmers VICE-ADMIR.\L SIR H. M. DENHAM, F.R.S., &c. E. T. GOURLBY, Esqre., M.P J. HEY^VOOD JOHNSTONE, Esqre., B.A. T. L. REED, Esqre THOMAS STEVENSON, Esqre G. M. HARVEY, Esqre MERCH.-VNTS, &c. SOLICITORS IN THE CITY OF LONDON '3 M '5 i6, 17 18 26 27 38 29 ... 3" 31 32 33 35. 36. 37, 38 39 868557 .—^ From the Attorney-General. Sir JOHN DUKE COLERIDGE, Knight, Q.C., &c., M.P. FOR EXETER. Westminster Hall, Is/ September, 187S. My dear Sir, I have very great pleasure in testifying to your perfect fitness for the post you are seeking from the Clothworkers' Company. I have known you in business many years, both on the Western Circuit and in London, and have no doubt whatever that you will discharge, with entire satisfaction to the Company, all the duties of the office if they should see fit to elect you. Believe me to be, Faithfully yours, J. D. COLERIDGE. H. W. Nelson, Esq. From SIR JOHN BUHGESS KARSLAKE. Kt.. Q.C., &c. Helmsdale, SlTHERI.ANn, N.B., 81s/ Angus/, 187 3. Dear Sir, I am ashamed to find that your letter, dated the 13th, which, after much wandering, reached me here is still unanswered. From my knowledge of your professional character and reputation I have no doubt that you would very effectually discharge the duties of Solicitor to the Clothworkers' Company. I remain, dear Sir, Yours truly, JOHN \^. K.VRSLAKK. From W. B. GLASSE, Esqre., Q.C. Lincoln's Inn, ISih August, 1873. Dear Sir, From what I have had the opportunity of seeing you in the conduct of business, I have no hesitation in expressing my opinion that you are thoroughly competent to discharge the duties of Solicitor to the Clothworkers' Company. Believe me, Truly yours, W. B. GLASSE. H. W. Nelson, Esq. .L From CLEMENT MILWAKD, Eaqre.. Q.C. Fairthokn, BoiLEY, Hants. '^Isi August, IST'i. Gentlemen, I take the liberty of saying that I have known Mr. Nelson in business for several years, and entertain a high opinion of his ability, and am confident thai he would be found thoroughly efiicicnt for the Oflicc of Solicitor to your Worshipful Company. I have the honour to be, Gentn., Your most humble Servt., CLEMENT MILWARD, Q.C. To the Worshipful The Clothworkers' Company. From H. J. COLE. Esqre.. QC. RECORDER OF PLYMOUTH AND DEVONPORT, August 18th, 7o'. My dear Sir, Having heard from you that you are a Candidate for the office of Solicitor to the Worshipful Company of Clothworkers, I have much pleasure in bearing my testimony to your high qualifications for that office. Your long connection with business in the City of London, your extensive knowledge of ]\Iercantile Law and Conveyancing, together with your high personal character, must, I am sure-,- render you peculiarly fitted for the office you are seeking,-; and I feel sure that in you any public company will fend a most valuable and reliable officer. ."With" every good wish for your success. Believe me, Yours very truly, HENRY THOS. COLE. H. W. Nelson, Esq. From HENBY JAMES, Esqre.. Q.C.. M.P. FOR TAUNTON. New Court, Temple, Angles/ I2//1, 1873. My dear Sir, I have great pleasure in stating that for some years I have been constantly instructed by you in professional matters, and have had ample opportunity of judging of your ability and assiduity towards your clients. I can with much confidence testify to your capability in every respect to discharge the duties of Solicitor to the Clothworkers' Company, and I trust you may be successful in obtaining that office. I am, my dear Sir, Yours very faithfully, HENRY JAMES. H. Nelson, Esqre. From HENRY C. LOPES, Esqre.. Q.C. RECORDER OF EXETER, AND M.P. FOR LAUNCESTON. IS/h Ai/i^us/, 187 H, Royal Hotel, Bristol. My dear Sir, I understand you are seeking the appointment of Solicitor to the Clothworkers' Company. I have had many opportunities of recognizing your great energy and the legal ability you have exhibited in cases which have come before our Courts of Law, and have no hesitation in saying that I think any public company will be fortunate if they secure the services of a professional man so well qualified as yourself to do their business. It will give me great pleasure to hear of your obtaining this appointment. . Believe me, yours very truly, HENRY C. LOPES. H. \V. Nelsox, Esq. From C. P. BUTT. Esqre.. Q.C i:i>, MoLM SlKEET, 16lh Aui^us/, lS7:i. My dear Sir, In consequence of my not having gone Circuit, your letter did not reach mc until this morning. I wish you all success in your candidature for the oflice of Solicitor to the Clothworkers' Company. Having for some years had ample opportunity of forming an estimate of your business capacity, I have no hesitation in saying that I believe you to be in every respect qualified for the office you are seeking to obtain. I am, dear Sir, Yours very trul\-, CHARLES P. BUTT. H. W. Nelson, Esq., 26, Martin's Lane. II From A, E. MILLER, Esqre. QC. I HAVE, for more than 16 years, had very frequent opportunities of judging of I\Ir. Herbert Walter Nelson, first as Managing Clerk to his brother, the then head of his present firm, and now the Solicitor to the Corporation of London, and afterwards as Solicitor on his own account, and I can confidently recommend him to any public body requiring the services of a skilful and energetic lawyer. As an old tenant of the Clothworkers' Company, on their Co. Derry Estates, I shall be very glad to learn that they have secured Mr. Nelson's services as their Solicitor, for though I have for some years ceased to hold their land I still retain a lively interest in their welfare and that of their town of Coleraine. ALEX. EDW. MILLER. Lincoln's Inn, Uth August, 1873. To THE ]\Iasters, Wardens, and Assistants OF the Clothworkers' Company. 12 From WATKIN WILLIAMS, Esqre., Q.C.. M.P, FOR DENBIGH. LoxnoN, August 14th, 1878. Dear Sir, It gives me much pleasure to add my testimony to that of others of your fitness for the office of Solicitor to the Clothworkers' Company. INIy experience of your great energy and ability satisfies me that if the Company have the good fortune to select you, you will fill the office with advantage to them and credit to yourself. Ever yours truly, WATKIN WILLIAMS. H. W. Nelson, Esq. '3 From THE HONOURABLE A. H; THESIGEE. Q.C. AiiiTusi iry/h, 187 H. To THE Court of Assistants of the Clothworkers' Company. Gentlemen, Understanding that ]Mr. Nelson is a Candidate for the post of Solicitor to the Clothworkers' Company, I am happy to have the opportunity of testifying my belief in his fitness in every respect for the post which he seeks. I have been often brought into contact with him in professional business, chiefly in cases where I have been engaged on the opposite side to that on which he has acted as Solicitor, and I have always observed in him the greatest energy and the most watchful attention to the interests of his clients. I am, Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, ALFRED HY. THESIGER. '4 From WILLIAM ST. JAMES WHEELHOUSE, Esqre., SerjeanU' Inn, Barrister-at-Law, M.P, FOR LEEDS. My dear Mr. Nelson, You ask mc for a Testimonial : all I can say is soon said. If either the Worshipful Company of Cloth- workers, or indeed any such body, be desirous of obtaining at once the most efficient and the most conscientious performance of duty, it would, in my humble opinion, be utterly impossible to expect or to receive it from any human being if not from you. I state this from as close and intimate a Parliamentary knowledge of you as any man can reasonably have, or hope to have of another; and no one knows better than I do how arduously and how effectively you can and do attend to the interests of your clientalage, in every sense of the word, at all times. Your note was addressed to me in Serjeants' Inn, and, having followed me to Leeds, accounts for the day's delay. Wishing you every success, believe me to be. Yours sincerely, W. ST. J. WHEELHOUSE. Assize Court, Leeds, August Wh, 1873. From EUGtNE C. CLARKSUN, Esqie.. Bairisfei-at-Law. 3, r.M'i K 111 ll.blNO. 'IemI'LE, 18th August, 1873. To THE Worshipful the Clothworkers' Company. Gextlemex, Having been given to understand that the post of Solicitor to the Clothworkers' Company is vacant, and that Mr. Herbert Walter Nelsox is a Candidate for the appointment, I have much pleasure in stating that I have known him for many years past as a very able, ex- perienced and energetic Solicitor, and that I believe that the interests of your Company would always receive at his hands the greatest care and attention in the event of his obtaining the appointment of Solicitor to the Company. I am, Gentlemen, Your most obedt. Servant, EUGENE C. CLARKSON. i I lO From F. A PHILBRICK. Esqre.. Baniflter-at-Law, RECORDER OF COLCHESTER, Lamb Buildings, Templf, 12th Aui^tist, JS73. H. W. Nelson, Esqre., Dear Sir, I am extremely glad to learn that you are a Candi- date for the Solicitorship to the Clothworkers' Company. From some years' experience of your qualifications, both personally as a gentleman, and professionally as a lawyer, I am sure no better Candidate could seek election, and, by a somewhat singular incident, I feel I can speak with an exceptional knowledge. In the earlier years of my introduction to the law, I was an articled clerk some time in the office of Mr. W. RixoN, the Solicitor to the Company, and while there saw and took part in much of its business. A practical acquaintance, therefore, with what its re- quirements are, enables me to speak with confidence that you would, if elected, thoroughly and efficiently discharge the duties of the office ; and I write thus, not from mere I? friendship, or with a view to oblige, but from a conviction of your fitness for the post, based on actual experience, and that the interests of the Company would be greatly served if they were so fortunate as to secure your services. I trust I may hear your application has been attended with success. I am, dear Sir, Yours very faithfully, FRED. A. PHILBRICK. C. J. COTTINGHAM. Esqre., Bairister-at-Law. London, August 19 Ih, 1878. Dear Sir, I am informed you are a Candidate for the vacant post of Solicitor to the Clothworkers' Company. An acquaintance with you of some years enables me to bear my testimony (which I do very willingly) to your fitness by ability, legal attainments, and professional standing for this or any similar appointment, and should you obtain it, I cannot doubt that you will discharge the duties attached to it with credit to yourself and satisfaction to the Company. You have my best wishes for your success. I am, dear Sir, Very truly yours, C. J. COTTINGHAM, Barrister-at-Law, L.I. H. W. Nelsox, Esq. 19 From riTZ OWEN J. SKINNER, Eaqre , Baxrister-at-Law aud Conveyancer. 2, New Square, 20th Auf^ust, 1873. My dear Sir, In reply to your letter informing me that you are a Candidate for the post of Solicitor to the Clothworkers' Company, I sincerely trust you may be elected, and am confident that should you be so, the Company, in obtaining the services of a gentleman of your legal knowledge and practical experience, will have secured a most valuable oflicer. Yours very truly, FITZ OWEN J. SKINNER. H. W. Nelson, Esq., 26, INIartin's Lane. From I. P. INGHAM, Esqre.. BarriBter-at-Law. Dear Sir, Being a Candidate for the vacant post of Solicitor to the Clothworkers' Company, you ask me for a testi- monial. If it can in any way aid your chance of success, I have great pleasure in saying that what I have seen of your work, whether in Court or out, has always been done with great ability and unvarying courtesy. I remain, dear Sir, Yours truly, I. PENROSE INGHAM. 5, King's Bench Walk, Temple, Monday, August 18th, 1873. From R. E. WEBSTER, Esqre. Barrister-at-Law. 2, Pr.Mi' CouKF, Temple, K.C, i-'i'M Angus/, 1878. Dear Mr. Nelson, I am pleased to learn that you think of standing for the Solicitorship of the Clothworkcrs' Company, and I am most happy to be able to testify from our professional acquaintance and friendship (now extending, I am glad to remember, over some years) that no one is more thoroughly competent than yourself to discharge all the duties of the office. I sincerely hope you may be successful, as I am sure the Company will secure in you a most efficient servant. I do not know whether this letter will be of any use to you, but you are most welcome to use it. Believe me. Yours very truly, R. E. WEBSTER. W. H. Nelson, Esq 22 From H. B BUCKLEY, Esqre.. Barrigter-at-Law. 3, New Square, Lincoln's Inn, 18th August, 1S7S. Dear Sir, I understand that you are a Candidate for the vacant oflice of Solicitor to the Clothworkers' Company. In most heartily wishing you success in your candi- dature, I have great pleasure in expressing my opinion that, should you be appointed to the post, your extensive and varied practice will enable you to bring to the service of the Company a professional experience which will be of the greatest value. From my personal experience I can testify to the careful and thorough manner in which the work of your firm is done, so far as the result of that work can be traced in the papers sent to Counsel. The clear and detailed accuracy of your instructions has made it a pleasure iu deal with such papers as you have laid before me. Believe me, dear Sir, Very faithfully yours, H. BURTON BUCKLEY. H. \V. Nelson, Esq.. 26, Martin's Lane, Cannon Street. 23 From W IT. BUTTERWORTII Eeqre.. Special Pleader. Temple, August i-'u'i. /.'?r.v. My dear Sik. I understand that you are a Candidate for thr vacant office of Solicitor to the Clothworkers' Company. I know how little need you have of testimonials ; but, 1 should, after having known you for upwards of 20 ycais, feel aggrieved if I were not allowed on this occasion to say that during the whole of that period I have known you professionally and otherwise, and can, with truiii, declare that you are beyond question fully competent to fill the office now vacant with credit to yourself and ad- vantage to the Company. Your success in your profession, already accomplished, will confirm my statements, if any confirmation were required. Sincerely yours, W. H. BUTTERWORTH, (Special Pleader). H. \V. Nelson, Esq. FROM PUBLIC BODIES, LANDOWNERS, AND OTHERS. 25 From the GREAT EASTERN RAILWAY COMPANY. LuNDU.N, 'i'^ml August, 1S7:{. My dear Sir, With reference to your application for tin- Solicitorship of the Clothworkers' Company, I have much pleasure in saying that I hope you will be successful, as I am satisfied from the experience I gaineil of }()ur professional abilities during the period you were engaged for the Company, in the matter of the Bankruptcy of their Agent in the north, that should this be so the post would be filled by a thoroughly competent, energetic, and discreet officer, and one from whom the Company would derive the greatest service. I am, my dear Sir, Yours very truly, S. SWARBRICK, Genera/ Manager. II. \V. Nelson, Esq., 26, Martin's Lane, Cannon Street. z6 From the TRUSTEES OF THE BEDFOBD CHARITIES. AND MAYOR OF BEDFORD. Beofoku Schools, liKDFORI), Aui^us/ W/h, 1S78. ThK Trustees ol till- liciiluru *. li.iru} iiavu L^irat pleasure in certifying that Mr. IL W. Nelson, of the firm of Lowless, Nelson, & Jones, was specially engaged to defend the interests of the Bedford Charity against the attack of the Endowed Schools' Commissioners, and the Board of Trustees arc very desirous of bearing their witness to the very great professional skill and ability displayed by Mr. Nelson in the conduct of their case, and which resulted in a fair and satisfactory settlement of a ver}- important and difficult question. Signed on behalf of the Board of Trustees, F. Til OS. YOUNG, Mayor and Chairman. From the Revd. ST ^^NCENT BEECHEY. MA, Canon of Manchcfitor. Roofer ot IIilt,'ny. and Ch:ii)lain to the Earl of EUcsmcrc. Angus/ V.5M. Ls;:;. My dfar Sir, I have very great pleasure in expressing my very favourable opinion of your clever and gentlemanly management of the somewhat diflicult and delicate legal matters relating to my executorship, and, indeed, of all your other professional labours, of which I have now for so many years been witness. I feel very sure that few solicitors can be found possessing the peculiar qualifi- cations required for a great City Corporation in larger measure than yourself, and I heartily hope you may succeed in obtaining the appointment. Yours very sincerely, ST. VINCENT BEECH KV. II. W. Nelson, Esq re. zH From Vice-Admiral Sir H. M. DENIIAM, F.R S.. *c. United Service Clim, Pali. Mall, S.W.. AugNs/ 29th, 1873. Dear Mr. Nelson, Hearing that you are a Candidate for the Solicitor- ship of the Clothworkers' Company, and as I have experienced your very able professional abilities, I feel justified in adding my testimony and commendation to the many others your worth will have elicited. Yours faithfully, II. M. DEN HAM, Vice-Admiral. 29 From E. T. GOURLEY. Esqre . M.P. for Sunderland. Sunderland, Attgusl 16lh, 1873. This is to certify that I have known Mr. H. W. Nelson for several years, during which time he has con- ducted on my behalf very important legal business, to my entire satisfaction, and with credit to himself. EDW. T. GOURLEY. 30 From J. HEYWOOD JOHNSTONE, Esqrc. B.A United University Club, Pall Mall East, S.W., 19lh August, 187,3. My dear Sir, I understand that you arc a Candidate for the office of Solicitor to the Clothworkers' Company, and from what I can personally testify as to your zeal for your clients' interests, your ability in the management of landed property, and your thorough acquaintance with both the principles and practice of commercial law, I feel sure that should you obtain the appointment you would fill Uic post with advantage to the Company and (as in all other positions) with credit to yourself. With ver}- kind regards, 1 am, my dear Sir, Faithfully yours, J. H. JOHNSTONE, B.A., Cantab. II. W. Nelson, Esq. 3' From J. L. REED. Esqre. DowNHAM Market, mih Angus/, 1S73. My dear Sir, I am informed you arc a Candidate for the post of Solicitor to the Clothworkers' Company. Now, I do not know that anything I can say will assist you in attain- ing your object ; but if, as a landowner of the county of Norfolk, my stating that your able management of the Woodhall Estate, under very difficult circumstances, for several years past will assist you, I have much pleasure in communicating it. Your activity and legal acumen ought, I am sure, to render you a most valuable Agent in anything you under- take. Wishing you success, I remain, Yours faithfully, T. L. REED. H. W. Nelson, Esq. 32 From T. STEVENSON, Esqie., Councillor. North Street, Ripon, August 20th, 1873. Dear Sir, Having heard that you arc a Candidate for the Solicitorship to the Worshipful Company of Clothworkers of the City of London I have great pleasure in testifying as to your abilities as a Solicitor. During the agitation in our City, with regard to the Action of the Endowed Schools' Commissioners, with reference to our Free Grammar School, no one could have more ably and zealously assisted us, and as a Member of the Grammar School Committee, I can truthfully state that should the Worshipful Company of Clothworkers enlist your services, they will have engaged one whom I believe will faithfully, fearlessly, and conscientiously do his duty. Trusting you may be successful in your candidature, I am, Yours faithfully, THOMAS STEVENSON. Councillor. H. W. Nelson, Esq. 33 From G. M HARVEY, Esqre. The Pines, Streatham Hill, Atigusi 181 Ii, 1S73. My dear Sir, I leave Town to-day for a few weeks, and will see you on my return. I hear you are a Candidate for the office of Solicitor to the Clothworkcrs' Company, and take this opportunity to wish you every success. Judging by my experience of the professional skill with which you have acted for myself and family for so many years, 1 feel sure that there is no one better fitted for the post you are trying for, and I much hope that the Company may secure your services. I am, my dear Sir, Yours very sincerely, G. M. HARVEY. H. W. Nelson, Esq. FROM MERCHANTS, &c. For convenience J have arranged the Signatures in Alphabetical order. 35 To IMr. II. W. Nelson, 26, Martin's Lane, Cannon Street. Having heard that you arc a Candidate for the office of Solicitor to the Worshipful Company of Cloth- workers, we can confidently bear testimony to your ability as a lawyer and a man of business, and recommend you as a most suitable person to fill such a position, and are certain that you would bring to the discharge of its duties not only legal knowledge, but a determination by all other means in your power to promote the interests of the Company. Dated the 29th day of August, 1873. BAKER & DANIELS BARFF & CO. D. BARKER & CO. W. BARTER & CO. W. G. BARTLEET . BASDEX, TOWN SEND, & CO R. & G. BAY LIS JOHN BENNETT & CO. J. O. BORRADALE & CO. 5, Fenchurch Street. 9, Fenchurch Street. Lower Thames Street, and 34, Wapping. 38, Gracechurch Street. Pinner's Hall, Broad Street. II, Great Saint Helen's, and Lloyd's. 16, Botolph Lane. 43, Fish Street Hill. 150, Leadenhall Street. 36 \V. E. BOTT & CO. . BULLIVANT & ALLEN CLOID, ROUTLEDGE, & CO COLLINGS & CO. . J. COL.MAN (J. & J. CoLMAN) CRAVEN & CO. W. CUNNINGHAM & CO. T. L. DEVITT (Devitt MoORli) .... H. W. EATON, M. P. for Coventry HENRY ELLIS & SONS WM. ELMSLIE & SON . EDWIN FOX & BOUSFIELD FULLER & FULLER HENRY GARBUTT HARRISON BROTHERS WM. IIOOTEN c\: YATES J. D. HEWETT .^ CO. W. ^; E. HUNT JOHNSTON & SONS A. JIMENEZ & SONS KEELING & HUNT T. C. LAURENCE . H. R. LOMAS . GEO. LORAM & CO. LISTER & BRIGGS LIVINGSTONE, BRIGGS, & CO. ROBT. MACANDREW & CO. McGAVIN & CO. . MILLS & MILNE . MORICE & DIXEY MULLENS, MARSHALL, & DANIELL . JAMES NAVIN & CO JOHN PATTON, Jlnr., & CO E. BELLAS & CO. . lo, Mark Lane. 1 14, Fenchurch Street. 5, East India Avenue. 3, Cross Lane. 108, Cannon Street. 5, Great Saint Helen's. 17, Gracecluirch Street. 109, Leadenhall Street. 33, Old Broad Street. 17, Gracechurch Street. 12, Saint Michael's Alley, Cornhill. 24, Gresham Street. 25, Bucklersbury. Mark Lane and Chiswick. 17, Gracechurch Street. 12, Fenchurch Street. 3, Leadenhall Street. White Lion Street. 38, Botolph Lane. 116, Fenchurch Street. Monument Yard, &c. 47, Lime Street. East India Chambers. 4, Cullum Street. 3, Laurence Pountney Lane. 31, Great Saint Helen's. 2, Bond Court, Walbrook. Barge Yard, Bucklersbury. 27, Leadenhall Street. 33, Cornhill, and Lloyd's. 4, Lombard Street. Bucklersbury. 3, White Lion Court, Cornhill. 34, Fenchurch Street. PETTY, WOOD, & CO. . JOHN PkKSTON . J. S. PROWSi:, HALL, & JEPSOX REYNOLDS & EASOX . WM. RICHARDS & CO. ROBLXSOX, FLEMIXG, & CO RUNCIMAX & SMITH . SALCEDO & CO. . SATOW, HITCHCOCK, & CO G. SEMEXZA & CO. SHARMAX BROTHERS BRUXO, SILVA. & CO. JAMES SLIM . FREDK. B. SMART, SXELL &CO W. & J. SMITH M. W. THOMAS TOMLIN, RENDELL, & CO. J. \VADDELL & CO. WHITE BROTHERS H. & J. WHITE WIGHTMAN & CO. WOODMAN & HAMBRIDGE H. P. WOOD . 13, King William Street. 9S, Gracechurch Street. 17, Gracechurch Street. 43, Bishopsgate Street. New City Chambers. 21, Austin Friars. 5, Laurence Pountney Lane. 9, Gracechurch Street. Hercules Passage, Threadneedle Street. Ciresham House. 27, Old Broad Street. 35, Crutched Friars. 17, Spital Square. 85 & 86, Cheapside. 106, Leadenhall Street. 7, Austin Friars. 33, Eastcheap. 7, Poultry. 25, Philpot Lane. 213, Shoreditch. 19, Gracechurch Street. George Lane, Eastcheap. 3, New Square, Minories. 3S 1 15. CiTV Road, London, Wh August, 1873. H. W. Nelson, Esqre., Dear Sir, We are very pleased to hear that you contemplate offering yourself as a Candidate for the office of Solicitor to the Worshipful Company of Clothworkers. May we be permitted to offer to those gentlemen on your behalf our testimony to the high opinion we have formed of your capabilities, both as a lawyer and a man of business ? And we cannot but think that that ancient Company will be fortunate in securing the services of such an able gentleman, such an earnest advocate of the rights and welfare of City Guilds. We are, dear Sir, Faithfully yours, CHAMPION & CO. 39 From SOLICITORS IN THE CITY OF LONDON. To Mr. II. W. Nelson, 26, Martin's Lane, Cannon Street. From our prof(jssional connection with yuu, ex- tending over a long period, we can confidently state we have always found you an honourable, upright, and able member of our profession, and always zealously devoted to the interests of your clients. HANMSTER & ROHIXSOX. R. & E. BASTARD. C.\TTARNS, JEHU, cV CATTARXS. THOMAS COOPER. HEXRV C. COOTE. 1)AVH)S0XS, CARR, l; AX XI. ST IK \ MORRIS. DYKE & STOKES. 1:1, 1. IS .V CROSSFIELD. I. A. FA RX FIELD. FIELDER & SUMXER. C.ELLATLV, SON, & WARTOX. CHARLES P. GREEMIILL. W. HOUGHTON. IXGLE, COOPER, \- HOLMES. LEWIS ^: WATSOX. J. McDIARMID. PARKER & CLARKE. PLEWS cS: IRVIXE. - • PRITCHARD & SONS. SI.MPSON & CULLINGFORD. STEVENS, WILKINSON, & HARRIES. CYRUS W^ADDILOVE. WALTOXS, BUUB, & W^ALTON. WESTALL, ROBERTS, & BARLOW. ROBT. T. WRAGG. YOUNG, MAPLES, TEESDALE, NELSON is; CO. I" UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. THE LIBKART UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA 1.0S ANflF.T.RS 3039 shiD to the C6S6 "orshi pful Com- piiny of Cloth- , worker s. — AA 000 974 200 8 HD 3039 C6S6