^1^ '. L\i^ I'C^ /' /\n^ s c^*^ fiff rr MARY STUART yXwcca reXeicrdu)' tov^eCKoixevov irpacrffovcra Hkt] /Jiiy' avrei' avTi de TrXrjy^Q foviac (f>oviay TrXrjyfjv tlvetio' dpaaravn Tradeii'j Tpiyepiav jjLvdog rade (jxovei. JEsCH. Cho. 309-315. MARY STUART A TRAGEDY BY ALGERNON CHARLES SWINBURNE CHATTO & WINDUS, PICCADILLY 1881 ^ All rights reserved LONDON : PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOODE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE AND PARLIAMENT STREET I DEDICATE THIS PLAY, NO LONGER, AS THE FIRST PART OF THE TRILOGY WHICH IT COMPLETES WAS DEDICATED, TO THE GREATEST EXILE, BUT SIMPLV TO THE GREATEST MAN OF FRANCE : TO THE CHIEF OF LIVING POETS : TO THE FIRST DRAMATIST OF HIS AGE: TO MY BELOVED AND REVERED MASTER VICTOR HUGO. DRAMATIS PERSONS. Mary Stuart. Mary Beaton. Queen Elizabeth. Barbara Mowbray. Lord Burghley. Sir Francis Walsingham. William Davison. Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester. George Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury. Earl of Kent. Henry Carey, Lord Hunsdon. Sir Christopher Hatton. Sir Thomas Bromley, Lord Chancellor. Popham, Attorney-General. Egerton, Solicitor-General. Gawdy, the Queen s Sergeant. Sir Amyas Paulet. Sir Drew Drury. Sir Thomas Gorges. Sir William Wade. Sir Andrew Melville. Robert Beale, Clerk of the Council. CURLE and Nau, Secretaries to the Queen of Scots. GoRiON, her Apothecary. Father John Ballard, Anthony Babington, | ^• Chidiock Tichborne, ^ John Savage, | ^ Charles Tilney, Edward Abington, Thomas Salisbury, Robert Barnwell, Thomas Phillipps, Secretary to Walsingham. M. de Chateauneuf. M. de Belli^vre. Commissioners, Privy Councillors, Sheriffs, Citizens, and Attendants. Time— Frou August 14, 1586, to February 18, 1587. ACT I. ANTHONY BABINGTON. ACT I. Scene I. Babington's Lodging: a veiled" PICTURE ON THE WALL. Enter Babington, Tichborne, Tilney, Abington, Salisbury, and Barnwell. Babington. Welcome, good friends, and welcome this good day That casts out hope and brings in certainty To turn raw spring to summer. Now not long The flower that crowns the front of all our faiths Shall bleach to death in prison ; now the trust That tobk the night with fire as of a star Grows red and broad as sunrise in our sight Who held it dear and desperate once, now sure, But not more dear, being surer. In my hand I hold this England and her brood, and all That time out of the chance of all her fate Makes hopeful or makes fearful : days and years, Triumphs and changes bred for praise or shame From the unborn womb of these unknown, are ours That stand yet noteless here ; ours even as God's Who puts them in our hand as his, to wield B 2 4 MAJ^V STUART, act i. And shape to service godlike. None of you But this day strikes out of the scroll of death And writes apart immortal ; what we would, That have we ; what our fathers, brethren, peers, Bled and beheld not, died and might not win. That may we see, touch, handle, hold it fast. May take to bind our brows with. By my life, I think none ever had such hap alive As ours upon whose plighted lives are set The whole good hap and evil of the state And of the Church of God and world of men And fortune of all crowns and creeds that hang Now on the creed and crown of this our land, To bring forth fruit to our resolve, and bear What sons to time it please us ; whose mere will Is father of the future. Tilney. Have you Said ? Babingion. I cannot say too much of so much good. Tilney. Say nothing then a little, and hear one while : Your talk struts high and swaggers loud for joy, And safely may perchance, or may not, here ; But why to-day we know not. Babington. No, I swear, Ye know not yet, no man of us but one. No man on earth ; one woman knows, and I, I that best know her the best begot of man And noblest ; no king born so kingly-souled. Nor served of such brave servants. Tichborne, What, as we ? SCENE I. MARY STUART. 5 Bahington. Is there one vein in one of all our hearts That is not blown aflame as fire with air With even the thought to serve her ? and, by God, They that would serve had need be bolder found Than common kings find servants. Salisbury. Well, your cause ? What need or hope has this day's heat brought forth To blow such fire up in you ? Babington. Hark you, sirs ; The time is come, ere I shall speak of this, To set again the seal on our past oaths And bind their trothplight faster than it is With one more witness ; not for shameful doubt, But love and perfect honour. Gentlemen, Whose souls are brethren sealed and sworn to mine, Friends that have taken on your hearts and hands The selfsame work and weight of deed as I, Look on this picture ; from its face to-day Thus I pluck off the muffled mask, and bare Its likeness and our purpose. Ay, look here ; None of these faces but are friends of each. None of these lips unsworn to all the rest, None of these hands unplighted. Know ye not What these have bound their souls to ? and myself, I that stand midmost painted here of all, Have I not right to wear of all this ring The topmost flower of danger ? Who but I Should crown and close this goodly circle up Of friends I call my followers ? There ye stand, Fashioned all five in likeness of mere life, 6 MARY STUART. act i. Just your own shapes, even all the man but speech, As in a speckless mirror ; Tichborne, thou, My nearest heart and brother next in deed, Then Abington, there Salisbury, Tilney there, And Barnwell, with the brave bright Irish eye That burns with red remembrance of the blood Seen drenching those green fields turned brown and grey Where fire can burn not faith out, nor the sword That hews the boughs oif lop the root there set To spread in spite of axes. Friends, take heed ; These are not met for nothing here in show Nor for poor pride set forth and boastful heart To make dumb brag of the undone deed, and wear The ghost and mockery of a crown unearned Before their hands have wrought it for their heads Out of a golden danger, glorious doubt. An act incomparable, by all time's mouths To be more blessed and cursed than all deeds done In this swift fiery world of ours, that drives On such hot wheels toward evil goals or good, And desperate each as other ; but that each. Seeing here himself and knowing why here, may set His whole heart's might on the instant work, and hence Pass as a man rechristened, bathed anew And swordlike tempered from the touch that turns Dull iron to the two-edged fang of steel Made keen as fire by water ; so, I say, Let this 4ead likeness of you wrought with hands Whereof ye wist not, working for mine end SCENE I. MARY STUART, Even as ye gave them work, unwittingly, Quicken with Hfe your vows and purposes To rid the beast that troubles all the world Out of men's sight and God's. Are ye not sworn Or stand not ready girt at perilous need To strike under the cloth of state itself The very heart we hunt for ? Tichborne. Let not then Too high a noise of hound and horn give note How hot the hunt is on it, and ere we shoot Startle the royal quarry ; lest your cry Give tongue too loud on such a trail, and we More piteously be rent of our own hounds Than he that went forth huntsman too, and cauie To play the hart he hunted. Babington. Ay, but, see. Your apish poet's-likeness holds not here. If he that fed his hounds on his changed flesh Was charmed out of a man and bayed to death But through pure anger of a perfect maid ; For she that should of huntsmen turn us harts Is Dian but in mouths of her own knaves. And in paid eyes hath only godhead on And light to dazzle none but them to death. Yet I durst well abide her, and proclaim As goddess-Hke as maiden. Barnwell. Why, myself Was late at court in presence, and her eyes Fixed somewhile on me full in face ; yet, 'faith, I felt for that no lightning in my blood 8 MAJ?V STUART. act i. Nor blast in mine as of the sun at noon To blind their balls with godhead ; no, ye see, I walk yet well enough. Abington. She gazed at you ? Barnwell. Yes, 'faith ; yea, surely ; take a Puritan oath To seal my faith for Catholic. What, God help, Are not mine eyes yet whole then ? am I blind Or maimed or scorched, and know not ? by my head, I find it sit yet none the worse for fear To be so thunder -blasted. Abington. Hear you, sirs ? Tichborne. I was not fain to hear it. Barnwell. Which was he Spake of one changed into a hart ? by God, There be some hearts here need no charm, I think, To turn them hares of hunters ; or if deer. Not harts but hinds, and rascal. Babington. Peace, man, peace ! Let not at least this noble cry of hounds Flash fangs against each other. See what verse I bade write under on the picture here : These are my comrades^ whom the periVs self Draws to it ; how say you? will not all in the end Prove fellows to me ? how should one fall off Whom danger lures and scares not? Tush, take hands ; It was to keep them fast in all time's sight I bade my painter set you here, and me Your loving captain ; gave him sight of each SCENE I. MARY STUART. 9 And order of us all in amity. And if this yet not shame you, or your hearts Be set as boys' on wrangling, yet, behold, I pluck as from my heart this witness forth \_Taking out a letter. To what a work we are bound to, even her hand Whom we must bring from bondage, and again Be brought of her to honour. This is she, Mary the queen, sealed of herself and signed As mine assured good friend for ever. Now, Am I more worth or Ballard ? Tilney. He it was Bade get her hand and seal to allow of all That should be practised ; he is wise. Babington. Ay, wise ! He was in peril too, he said, God wot. And must have surety of her, he ; but I, 'Tis I that have it, and her heart and trust. See all here else, her trust and her good love Who knows mine own heart of mine own hand writ And sent her for assurance. Salisbury. This we know ; What we would yet have certified of you Is her own heart sent back, you say, for yours. Babington. I say ? not I, but proof says here, cries out Her perfect will and purpose. Look you, first She writes me what good comfort hath she had To know by letter mine estate, and thus Reknit the bond of our intelligence, lo MAJ^V STUART. act i. As grief was hers to live without the same This great while past ; then lovingly commends In me her own desire to avert betimes Our enemies' counsel to root out our faith With ruin of us all ; for so she hath shown All Catholic princes what long since they have wrought Against the king of Spain ; and all this while The Catholics naked here to all misuse Fall off in numbered force, in means and power, And if we look not to it shall soon lack strength To rise and take that hope or help by the hand Which time shall offer them ; and see for this What heart is hers ! she bids you know of me Though she were no part of this cause, who holds Worthless her own weighed with the general weal, She will be still most willing to this end To employ therein her life and all she hath Or in this world may look for. Tichborne. This rings well ; But by what present mean prepared doth hers Confirm your counsel ? or what way set forth So to prevent our enemies with good speed That at the goal we find them not, and there Fall as men broken ? Babington. Nay, what think you, man. Or what esteem of her, that hope should lack Herein her counsel ? hath she not been found Most wary still, clear-spirited, bright of wit. Keen as a sword's edge, as a bird's eye swift, Man- hearted ever? First, for crown and base SCENE I. MARY STUART. n Of all this enterprise, she bids me here Examine with good heed of good event What power of horse and foot among us all We may well muster, and in every shire Choose out what captain for them, if we lack For the main host a general ; — as indeed Myself being bound to bring her out of bonds Or here with you cut off the heretic queen Could take not this on me j — what havens, towns, What ports to north and west and south, may we Assure ourselves to hold in certain hand For entrance and receipt of help from France, From Spain, or the Low Countries ; in what place Draw our main head together ; for how long Raise for this threefold force of foreign friends Wage and munition, or what harbours choose For these to land ; or what provision crave Of coin at need or armour ; by what means The six her friends deliberate to proceed ; And last the manner how to get her forth From this last hold wherein she newly lies : These heads hath she set down, and bids me take Of all seven points counsel and common care With as few friends as may be of the chief Ranged on our part for actors ; and thereon Of all devised with diligent speed despatch Word to the ambassador of Spain in France, Who to the experience past of all the estate Here on this side aforetime that he hath Shall join goodwill to serve us. 12 MAJ^V STUART. act t. lilney. Ay, no more ? Of us no more I mean, who being most near To the English queen our natural mistress born Take on our hands, her household pensioners', The stain and chiefest peril of her blood Shed by close violence under trust ; no word, No care shown further of our enterprise That flowers to fruit for her sake ? Babington. Fear not that ; Abide till we draw thither — ay — she bids Get first assurance of such help to come. And take thereafter, what before were vain, Swift order to provide arms, horses, coin, Wherewith to march at word from every shire Given by the chief ; and save these principals Let no man's knowledge less in place partake The privy ground we move on, but set forth For entertainment of the meaner ear We do but fortify us against the plot Laid of the Puritan part in all this realm That have their general force now drawn to head In the Low Countries, whence being home returned They think to spoil us utterly, and usurp Not from her only and all else lawful heirs The kingly power, but from their queen that is (As we may let the bruit fly forth disguised) Wrest that which now she hath, if she for fear Take not their yoke upon her, and therefrom Catch like infection from plague-tainted air The purulence of their purity ; with which plea SCENE I. MAJ^V STUART. 13 We so may stablish our confederacies As wrought but for defence of lands, lives, goods. From them that would cut off our faith and these ; No word writ straight or given directly forth Against the queen, but rather showing our will Firm to maintain her and her lineal heirs, Myself (she saith) not named. Ha, gallant souls, Hath our queen's craft no savour of sweet wit. No brain to help her heart with ? Tichborne. But our end — No word of this yet ? Babington. And a good word, here, And worth our note, good friend ; being thus pre- pared, Time then shall be to set our hands on work And straight thereon take order that she may Be suddenly transported out of guard. Not tarrying till our foreign force come in. Which then must make the hotter haste ; and seeing We can make no day sure for our design Nor certain hour appointed when she might Find other friends at hand on spur of the act To take her forth of prison, ye should have About you always, or in court at least. Scouts furnished well with horses of good speed To bear the tiding to her and them whose charge Shall be to bring her out of bonds, that these May be about her ere her keeper have word What deed is freshly done ; in any case, Ere he can make him strong within the house 14 MARY STUART. act i. Or bear her forth of it : and need it were By divers ways to send forth two or three That one may pass if one be stayed ; nor this Should we forget, to assay in the hour of need To cut the common posts off; by this plot May we steer safe, and fall not miserably, As they that laboured heretofore herein, Through overhaste to stir upon this side Ere surety make us strong of strangers' aid. And if at first we bring her forth of bonds, Be well assured, she bids us — as I think She doubts not me that I should let this slip, Forget so main a matter — well assured To set her in the heart of some strong host, Or strength of some good hold, where she may stay Till we be mustered and the ally drawn in ; For should the queen, being scatheless of us yet As we unready, fall upon her flight. The bird untimely fled from snare to snare Should find being caught again a narrower hold Whence she should fly forth never, if cause indeed Should seem not given to use her worse ; and we Should be with all extremity pursued, To her more grief; for this should grieve her more Than what might heaviest fall upon her. Tilney. Ay ? She hath had then work enough to do to weep For them that bled before ; Northumberland, The choice of all the north spoiled, banished, slain, Norfolk that should have ringed the fourth sad time SCENE I. MARY STUART. 15 The fairest hand wherewith fate ever led So many a man to deathward, or sealed up So many an eye from sunlight. Babington. By my head, Which is the main stake of this cast, I swear There is none worth more than a tear of hers That man wears living or that man might lose, Borne upright in the sun, or for her sake Bowed down by theirs she weeps for : nay, but hear ; She bids me take most vigilant heed, that all May prosperously find end assured, and you Conclude with me in judgment ; to myself As chief of trust in my particular Refers you for assurance, and commends To counsel seasonable and time's advice Your common resolution ; and again, If the design take yet not hold, as chance For all our will may turn it, we should not Pursue her transport nor the plot laid else Of our so baffled enterprise ; but say When this were done we might not come at her Being by mishap close guarded in the Tower Or some strength else as dangerous, yet, she saith, For God's sake leave not to proceed herein To the utmost undertaking ; for herself At any time shall most contentedly Die, knowing of our deliverance from the bonds Wherein as slaves we are holden. Barnwell. So shall I, Knowing at the least of her enfranchisement i6 MARY STUART. act i. Whose life were worth the whole blood shed o' the world And all men's hearts made empty. Babington. Ay, good friend, Here speaks she of your fellows, that some stir Might be in Ireland laboured to begin Some time ere we take aught on us, that thence The alarm might spring right on the part opposed To where should grow the danger : she meantime Should while the work were even in hand assay To make the Catholics in her Scotland rise And put her son into their hands, that so No help may serve our enemies thence ; again. That from our plots the stroke may come, she thinks To have some chief or general head of all Were now most apt for the instant end ; wherein I branch not off from her in counsel, yet Conceive not how to send the appointed word To the earl of Arundel now fast in bonds Held in the Tower she spake of late, who now Would have us give him careful note of this, Him or his brethren ; and from oversea Would have us seek, if he be there at large, To the young son of dead Northumberland, And Westmoreland, whose hand and name, we know, May do much northward ; ay, but this we know, How much his hand was lesser than his name When proof was put on either ; and the lord Paget, whose power is in some shires of weight To incline them usward ; both may now be had. SCENE I. MARY STUART. 17 And some, she saith, of the exiles principal, If the enterprise be resolute once, with these May come back darkling ; Paget lies in Spain, Whom we may treat with by his brother's mean, Charles, who keeps watch in Paris : then in the end She bids beware no messenger sent forth That bears our counsel bear our letters ; these Must through blind hands precede them or ensue By ignorant posts and severally despatched ; And of her sweet wise heart, as we were fools, — But that I think she fears not — bids take heed Of spies among us and false brethren, chief Of priests already practised on, she saith. By the enemy's craft against us ; what, forsooth. We have not eyes to set such knaves apart And look their wiles through, but should need mis- doubt — Whom shall I say the least on all our side ? — Good Gilbert Gilford with his kind boy's face That fear's lean self could fear not ? but God knows Woman is wise, but woman ; none so bold. So cunning none, God help the soft sweet wit, But the fair flesh with weakness taints it ; why, She warns me here of perilous scrolls to keep That I should never bear about me, seeing By that fault sank all they that fell before Who should have walked unwounded else of proof, Unstayed of justice : but this following word Hath savour of more judgment ; we should let As little as we may our names be known c i8 MARY STUART. act i. Or purpose here to the envoy sent from France, Whom though she hears for honest, we must fear His master holds the course of his design Far contrary to this of ours, which known Might move him to discovery. Tichborne. Well forewarned : Forearmed enough were now that cause at need Which had but half so good an armour on To fight false faith or France in. Babington. Peace awhile ; Here she winds up her craft. She hath long time sued To shift her lodging, and for answer hath None but the Castle of Dudley named as meet To serve this turn ; and thither may depart. She thinks, with parting summer ; whence may we Devise what means about those lands to lay For her deliverance ; who from present bonds May but by one of three ways be discharged : When she shall ride forth on the moors that part Her prison-place from Stafford, where few folk Use to pass over, on the same day set. With fifty or threescore men well horsed and armed. To take her from her keeper's charge, who rides With but some score that bear but pistols j next. To come by deep night round the darkling house And fire the barns and stables, which being nigh Shall draw the household huddling forth to help. And they that come to serve her, wearing each A secret sign for note and cognizance. May some of them surprise the house, whom she SCENE I. MARY STUART. 19 Shall with her servants meet and second ; last, When carts come in at morning, these being met In the main gateway's midst may by device Fall or be sidelong overthrown, and we Make in thereon and suddenly possess The house whence lightly might we bear her forth Ere help came in of soldiers to relief Who lie a mile or half a mile away In several lodgings : but howe'er this end She holds her bounden to me all her days Who proffer me to hazard for her love, And doubtless shall as well esteem of you Or scarce less honourably, when she shall know Your names who serve beneath me ; so commends Her friend to God, and bids me burn the word That I would wear at heart for ever ; yet. Lest this sweet scripture haply write us dead, Where she set hand I set my lips, and thus Rend mine own heart with her sweet name, and end. \Tears the letter, Salisbury. She hath chosen a trusty servant. Babington. Ay, of me ? What ails you at her choice ? was this not I That laid the ground of all this work, and wrought Your hearts to shape for service ? or perchance The man was you that took this first on him. To serve her dying and living, and put on The bloodred name of traitor and the deed Found for her sake not murderous ? Salisbury Why, they say c 2 20 MARY STUART. act i. First GifTord put this on you, Ballard next, Whom he brought over to redeem your heart Half lost for doubt already, and refresh The flagging flame that fired it first, and now , Fell faltering half in ashes, whence his breath Hardly with hard pains quickened it and blew The grey to red rekindling. Babington. Sir, they lie Who say for fear I faltered, or lost heart For doubt to lose life after ; let such know It shames me not though I were slow of will To take such work upon my soul and hand As killing of a queen ; being once assured. Brought once past question, set beyond men's doubts By witness of God's will borne sensibly, Meseems I have swerved not. Salisbury. Ay, when once the word Was washed in holy water, you would wear Lightly the name so hallowed of priests' lips That men spell murderer ; but till Ballard spake The shadow of her slaying whom we shall strike Was ice to freeze your purpose. Tichborne. Friend, what then ? Is this so small a thing, being English born. To strike the living empire here at heart That is called England ? stab her present state. Give even her false- faced likeness up to death, With hands that smite a woman ? I that speak. Ye know me if now my faith be firm, and will To do faith's bidding ; yet it wrings not me SCENE I. MARY STUART. 21 To say I was not quick nor light of heart, Though moved perforce of will unwillingly, To take in trust this charge upon me. Barnwell. I With all good will would take, and give God thanks. The charge of all that falter in it : by heaven. To hear in the end of doubts and doublings heaves My heart up as with sickness. Why, by this The heretic harlot that confounds our hope Should be made carrion, with those following four That were to wait upon her dead : all five Live yet to scourge God's servants, and we prate And threaten here in painting : by my life, I see no more in us of life or heart Than in this heartless picture. Babington. Peace again ; Our purpose shall not long lack life, nor they Whose life is deadly to the heart of ours Much longer keep it ; Burghley, Walsingham, Hunsdon and Knowles, all these four names writ out, With hers at head they worship, are but now As those five several letters that spell death In eyes that read them right. Give me but faith A little longer : trust that heart awhile Which laid the ground of all our glories ; think I that was chosen of our queen's friends in France, By Morgan's hand there prisoner for her sake On charge of such a deed's device as ours Commended to her for trustiest, and a man More sure than might be Ballard and more fit 22 MARY STUART. act i. To bear the burden of her counsels — I Can be not undeserving, whom she trusts, That ye should likewise trust me ; seeing at first She writes me but a thankful word, and this, God wot, for little service ; I return For aptest answer and thankworthiest meed Word of the usurper's plotted end, and she With such large heart of trust and liberal faith As here ye have heard requites me : whom, I think. For you to trust is no too great thing now For me to ask and have of all. Tichborne. Dear friend, Mistrust has no part in our mind of you More than in hers ; yet she too bids take heed, As I would bid you take, and let not slip The least of her good counsels, which to keep No whit proclaims us colder than herself Who gives us charge to keep them ; and to slight No whit proclaims us less unserviceable Who are found too hot to serve her than the slave Who for cold heart and fear might fail. Babington. Too hot ! Why, what man's heart hath heat enough or blood To give for such good service ? Look you, sirs, This is no new thing for my faith to keep. My soul to feed its fires with, and my hope Fix eyes upon for star to steer by ; she That six years hence the boy that I was then. And page, ye know, to Shrewsbury, gave his faith To serve and worship with his body and soul SCENE I. MARY STUART. 23 For only lady and queen, with power alone To lift my heart up and bow down mine eyes At sight and sense of her sweet sovereignty, Made thence her man for ever ; she whose look Turned all my blood of life to tears and fire. That going or coming, sad or glad — for yet She would be somewhile merry, as though to give Comfort, and ease at heart her servants, then Weep smilingly to be so light of mind. Saying she was like the bird grown blithe in bonds That if too late set free would die for fear, Or wild birds hunt it out of life — if sad. Put madness in me for her suffering's sake. If joyous, for her very love's sake — still Made my heart mad alike to serve her, being I know not when the sweeter, sad or blithe. Nor what mood heavenliest of her, all whose change Was as of stars and sun and moon in heaven ; She is well content, — ye have heard her — she, to die, If we without her may redeem ourselves And loose our lives from bondage ; but her friends Must take forsooth good heed they be not, no, Too hot of heart to serve her ! And for me. Am I so vain a thing of wind and smoke That your deep counsel must have care to keep My lightness safe in wardship ? I sought none — Craved no man's counsel to draw plain my plot. Need no man's warning to dispose my deed. Have I not laid of mine own hand a snare To bring no less a lusty bird to lure 24 MARY STUART. act i. Than Walsingham with proffer of myself For scout and spy on mine own friends in France To fill his wise wide ears with large report Of all things wrought there on our side, and plots Laid for our queen's sake ? and for all his wit This politic knave misdoubts me not, whom ye Hold yet too light and lean of wit to pass Unspied of wise men on our enemies' part, Who have sealed the subtlest eyes up of them all. Tichborne. That would I know ; for if they be not blind, But only wink upon your proffer, seeing More than they let your own eyes find or fear. Why, there may lurk a fire to burn us all Masked in them with false blindness. Babington, Hear you, sirs ? Now by the faith I had in this my friend And by mine own yet flawless toward him, yea By all true love and trust that holds men fast, It shames me that I held him in this cause Half mine own heart, my better hand and eye. Mine other soul and worthier. Pray you, go ; Let us not hold you ; sir, be quit of us \ Go home, lie safe, and give God thanks ; lie close, Keep your head warm and covered ; nay, be wise ; W^e are fit for no such wise folk's fellowship, No married man's who being bid forth to fight Holds his wife's kirtle fitter wear for man Than theirs who put on iron : I did know it. Albeit I would not know ; this man that was, SCENE I. MAJ^Y STUART. 25 This soul and sinew of a noble seed, Love and the lips that burn a bridegroom's through Have charmed to deathward, and in steel's good stead Left him a silken spirit. Tichborne. By that faith Which yet I think you have found as fast in me As ever yours I found, you wrong me more Than were I that your words can make me not I had wronged myself and all our cause ; I hold No whit less dear for love's sake even than love Faith, honour, friendship, all that all my days Was only dear to my desire, till now This new thing dear as all these only were Made all these dearer. If my love be less Toward you, toward honour or this cause, then thmk I love my wife not either, whom you know How close at heart I cherish, but in all Play false alike. Lead now which way you will, And wear what likeness ; though to all men else It look not smooth, smooth shall it seem to me. And danger be not dangerous ; where you go, For me shall wildest ways be safe, and straight For me the steepest ; with your eyes and heart Will I take count of life and death, and think No thought against your counsel : yea, by heaven, I had rather follow and trust my friend and die Than halt and hark mistrustfully behind To live of him mistrusted. Babington. Why, well said : 26 MAI^V STUART. act i Strike hands upon it ; I think you shall not find A trustless pilot of me. Keep we fast, And hold you fast my counsel, we shall see The state high-builded here of heretic hope Shaken to dust and death. Here comes more proof To warrant me no liar. You are welcome, sirs ; Enter Ballard, disguised^ and Savage. Good father captain, come you plumed or cowled. Or stoled or sworded, here at any hand The true heart bids you welcome. Ballard. Sir, at none Is folly welcome to mine ears or eyes. Nay, stare not on me stormily ; I say, I bid at no hand welcome, by no name, Be it ne'er so wise or valiant on men's lips. Pledge health to folly, nor forecast good hope For them that serve her, I, but take of men Things ill done ill at any hand alike. Ye shall not say I cheered you to your death. Nor would, though nought more dangerous than your death Or deadlier for our cause and God's in ours Were here to stand the chance of, and your blood Shed vainly with no seed for faith to sow Should be not poison for men's hopes to drink. What is this picture ? Have ye sense or souls. Eyes, ears, or wits to take assurance in Of how ye stand in strange men's eyes and ears. How fare upon their talking tongues, how dwell SCENE I. MARY STUART. 27 In shot of their suspicion, and sustain How great a work how Ughtly ? Think ye not These men have ears and eyes about your ways, Walk with your feet, work with your hands, and watch When ye sleep sound and babble in your sleep ? What knave was he, or whose man sworn and spy, That drank with you last night ? whose hireling lip Was this that pledged you. Master Babington, To a foul quean's downfall and a fair queen's rise ? Can ye not seal your tongues from tavern speech, Nor sup abroad but air may catch it back. Nor think who set that watch upon your lips Yourselves can keep not on them ? Babington. What, my friends ! Here is one come to counsel, God be thanked, That bears commission to rebuke us all. Why, hark you, sir, you that speak judgment, you That take our doom upon your double tongue To sentence and accuse us with one breath. Our doomsman and our justicer for sin, Good Captain Ballard, Father Fortescue, W^ho made you guardian of us poor men, gave Your wisdom wardship of our follies, chose Your faith for keeper of our faiths, that yet Were never taxed of change or doubted ? You^ 'Tis you that have an eye to us, and take note What time we keep, what place, what company, How far may wisdom trust us to be wise Or faith esteem us faithful, and yourself Were once the hireling hand and tongue and eye 28 MARY STUART. act i. That waited on this very Walsingham To spy men's counsels and betray their blood Whose trust had sealed you trusty ? By God's light, A goodly guard I have of you, to crave What man was he I drank with yesternight, What name, what shape, what habit, as, forsooth. Were I some statesman's knave and spotted spy. The man I served, and cared not how, being dead. His molten gold should glut my throat in hell. Might question of me whom I snared last night. Make inquisition of his face, his gait, His speech, his likeness. Well, be answered then ; By God, I know not ; but God knows I think The spy most dangerous on my secret walks And witness of my ways most worth my fear And deadliest listener to devour my speech Now questions me of danger, and the tongue Most like to sting my trust and life to death Now taxes mine of rashness. Ballard. Is he mad ? Or are ye brainsick all with heat of wine That stand and hear him rage like men in storms Made drunk with danger ? have ye sworn with him To die the fool's death too of furious fear And passion scared to slaughter of itself? Is there none here that knows his cause or me. Nor what should save or spoil us ? Tichborne. Friend, give ear ; For God's sake, yet be counselled. Babington. Ay, for God's ! SCENE I. MAJ^V STUART. 29 What part hath God in this man's counsels ? nay, Take you part with him ; nay, in God's name go ; What should you do to bide with me ? turn back ; There stands your captain. Savage. Hath not one man here One spark in spirit or sprinkling left of shame ? I that looked once for no such fellowship, But soldier's hearts in shapes of gentlemen, I am sick with shame to hear men's jangling tongues Outnoise their swords unbloodied. Hear me, sirs ; My hand keeps time before my tongue, and hath But wit to speak in iron ; yet as now Such wit were sharp enough to serve our turn That keenest tongues may serve not. One thing sworn Calls on our hearts ; the queen must singly die. Or we, half dead men now with dallying, must Die several deaths for her brief one, and stretched Beyond the scope of sufferance ; wherefore here Choose out the man to put this peril on And gird him with this glory ; let him pass Straight hence to court, and through all stays of state Strike death into her heart. Babington. Why, this rings right ; Well said, and soldierlike ; do thus, and take The vanguard of us all for honour. Savage. Ay, Well would I go, but seeing no courtly suit Like yours, her servants and her pensioners, The doorkeepers will bid my baseness back From passage to her presence. 30 MARY STUART. act i. Babhigton. O, for that, Take this and buy ; nay, start not from your word ; You shall not. Savage. Sir, I shall not. Babingfon. Here's more gold ; Make haste, and God go with you ; if the plot Be blown on once of men's suspicious breath, We are dead, and all die bootless deaths — be swift — And her we have served we shall but surely slay. I will make trial again of Walsingham If he misdoubt us. O, my cloak and sword — [^Knocking within. I will go forth myself What noise is that ? Get you to Gage's lodging ; stay not here ; Make speed without for Westminster ; perchance There may we safely shift our shapes and fly. If the end be come upon us. Ballard. It is here. Death knocks at door already. Fly ; farewell. Bahington. I would not leave you — but they know you not — You need not fear, being found here singly. Ballard. No. Bahington. Nay, halt not, sirs ; no word but haste ; this way. Ere they break down the doors. God speed us well ! [Exeunt all but Ballard. As they go out enter an Officer with Soldiers. Officer. Here's one fox yet by the foot ; lay hold on him. SCENE I. MAJ^V STUART. 31 Ballard. What would you, sirs ? Officer. Why, make one foul bird fast. Though the full flight be scattered : for their kind Must prey not here again, nor here put on The jay's loose feathers for the raven priest's To mock the blear-eyed marksman : these plucked off Shall show the nest that sent this fledgeling forth, Hatched in the hottest holy nook of hell. Ballard. I am a soldier. Officer. Ay, the badge we know Whose broidery signs the shoulders of the file That Satan marks for Jesus. Bind him fast : Blue satin and slashed velvet and gold lace, Methinks we have you, and the hat's band here So seemly set with silver buttons, all As here was down in order ; by my faith, A goodly ghostly friend to shrive a maid As ever kissed for penance : pity 'tis The hangman's hands must hallow him again When this lay slough slips off, and twist one rope For priest to swing with soldier. Bring him hence. \Exe2mt. 32 MARY STUART, act i. Scene II. Chartley. Mary Stuart and Mary Beaton. Mary Stuart. We shall not need keep house for fear to-day ; The skies are fair and hot ; the wind sits well For hound and horn to chime with. I will go. Mary Beaton. How far from this to Tixall ? Mary Stuart. Nine or ten Or what miles more I care not ; we shall find Fair field and goodly quarry, or he lies, The gospeller that bade us to the sport. Protesting yesternight the shire had none To shame Sir Walter Aston's. God be praised, I take such pleasure yet to back my steed And bear my crossbow for a deer's death well, I am almost half content — and yet I lie — To ride no harder nor more dangerous heat And hunt no beast of game less gallant. Mary Beaton. Nay, You grew long since more patient. Mary Stuart. Ah, God help ! What should I do but learn the word of him These years and years, the last word learnt but one, That ever I loved least of all sad words ? The last is death for any soul to learn. The last save death is patience. Mary Beaton. Time enough We have had ere death of life to learn it in SCENE II. MARY STUART, 33 Since you rode last on wilder ways than theirs That drive the dun deer to his death. Mary Stuart. Eighteen — How many more years yet shall God mete out For thee and me to wait upon their will And hope or hope not, watch or sleep, and dream Awake or sleeping ? surely fewer, I think, Than half these years that all have less of life Than one of those more fleet that flew before. I am yet some ten years younger than this queen, Some nine or ten ; but if I die this year And she some score years longer than I think Be royal-titled, in one year of mine I shall have lived the longer life, and die The fuller-fortuned woman. Dost thou mind The letter that I writ nigh two years gone To let her wit what privacies of hers Our trusty dame of Shrewsbury's tongue made mine Ere it took fire to sting her lord and me ? How thick soe'er o'erscurfed with poisonous lies, Of her I am sure it lied not ; and perchance I did the wiselier, having writ my fill. Yet to withhold the letter when she sought Of me to know what villainies had it poured In ears of mine against her innocent name : And yet thou knowest what mirthful heart was mine To write her word of these, that had she read Had surely, being but woman, made her mad. Or haply, being not woman, had not. 'Faith, How say'st thou ? did I well ? D 34 MARY STUART. act i. Mary Beaton. Ay, surely well To keep that back you did not ill to write. Mary Stuart I think so, and again I think not ; yet The best I did was bid thee burn it. She, That other Bess I mean of Hardwick, hath Mixed with her gall the fire at heart of hell, And all the mortal medicines of the world To drug her speech with poison ; and God wot Her daughter's child here that I bred and loved, Bess Pierpoint, my sweet bedfellow that was, Keeps too much savour of her grandam's stock For me to match with Nau ; my secretary Shall with no slip of hers engraft his own. Begetting shame or peril to us all From her false blood and fiery tongue ; except I find a mate as meet to match with him For truth to me as Gilbert Curie hath found, I will play Tudor once and break the banns. Put on the feature of Elizabeth To frown their hands in sunder. Mary Beaton. Were it not Some tyranny to take her likeness on And bitter-hearted grudge of matrimony For one and not his brother secretary. Forbid your Frenchman's banns for jealousy And grace your English with such liberal love As Barbara fails not yet to find of you Since she writ Curie for Mowbray ? and herein There shows no touch of Tudor in your mood More than its wont is ; which indeed is nought ; SCENE II. MARY STUART. 35 The world, they say, for her should waste, ere man Should get her virginal goodwill to wed. Mary Stuart. I would not be so • tempered of my blood, So much mismade as she in spirit and flesh, To be more fair of fortune. She should hate Not me, albeit she hate me deadly, more Than thee or any woman. By my faith. Fain would I know, what knowing not- of her now I muse upon and marvel, if she have Desire or pulse or passion of true heart Fed full from natural veins, or be indeed All bare and barren all as dead men's bones Of all sweet nature and sharp seed of love, And those salt springs of life, through fire and tears That bring forth pain and pleasure in. their kind To make good days and evil, all in her Lie sere and sapless as the dust of death. I have found no great good hap in all my days Nor much good cause to make me glad of God, Yet have I had and lacked not of my life My good things and mine evil : being not yet Barred from life's natural ends of evil and good Foredoomed for man and woman through the world Till all their works be nothing : and of mine I know but this — though I should die to-day, I would not take for mine her fortune. Mary Beaton. No ? Myself perchance I would not. Mary Stuart. Dost thou think D 2 36 MARY STUART. act i. That fire-tongued witch of Shrewsbury spake once truth Who told me all those quaint foul merry tales Of our dear sister that at her desire I writ to give her word of, and at thine Withheld and put the letter in thine hand To burn as was thy counsel ? for my part, How loud she lied soever in the charge That for adultery taxed me with her lord And being disproved before the council here Brought on their knees to give themselves the lie Her and her sons by that first lord of four That took in turn this hell-mouthed hag to wife And got her kind upon her, yet in this I do believe she lied not more than I Reporting her by record, how she said What infinite times had Leicester and his queen Plucked all the fruitless fruit of baffled love That being contracted privily tliey might, With what large gust of fierce and foiled desire This votaress crowned, whose vow could no man break. Since God whose hand shuts up the unkindly womb Had sealed it on her body, man by man Would course her kindless lovers, and in quest Pursue them hungering as a hound in heat, Full on the fiery scent and slot of lust. That men took shame and laughed and marvelled ; one, Her chamberlain, so hotly would she trace SCENE II. MARY STUART. 37 And turn perforce from cover, that himself Being tracked at sight thus in the general eye Was even constrained to play the piteous hare And wind and double till her amorous chase Were blind with speed and breathless ; but the worst Was this, that for this country's sake and shame's Our huntress Dian could not be content With Hatton and another born her man And subject of this kingdom, but to heap The heavier scandal on her countrymen Had cast the wild growth of her lust away On one base-born, a stranger, whom of nights Within her woman's chamber would she seek To kiss and play for shame with secretly ; And with the duke her bridegroom that should be. That should and could not, seeing forsooth no man Might make her wife or woman, had she dealt As with this knave his follower ; for by night She met him coming at her chamber door In her bare smock and night-rail, and thereon Bade him come in ; who there abode three hours : But fools were they that thought to bind her will And stay with one man or allay the mood That ranging still gave tongue on several heats To hunt fresh trails of lusty love ; all this, Thou knowest, on record truly was set down, With much more villainous else : she prayed me write That she might know the natural spirit and mind Toward her of this fell witch whose rancorous mouth Then bayed my name, as now being great with child I 38 MARY STUART. act i. By her fourth husband, in whose charge I lay As here in Paulet's ; so being moved I wrote, And yet I would she had read it, though not now Would I re -write each word again, albeit I might, or thou, were I so minded, or Thyself so moved to bear such witness ; but 'Tis well we know not how she had borne to read All this and more, what counsel gave the dame. With loud excess of laughter urging me To enter on those lists of love-making My son for suitor to her, who thereby Might greatly serve and stead me in her sight ; And I replying that such a thing could be But held a very mockery, she returns. The queen was so infatuate and distraught With high conceit of her fair fretted face As of a heavenly goddess, that herself Would take it on her head with no great pains To bring her to beUeve it easily ; Being so past reason fain of flattering tongues She thought they mocked her not nor lied who said They might not sometimes look her full in face For the light glittering from it as the sun; And so perforce must all her women say And she herself that spake, who durst not look For fear to laugh out each in other's face Even while they fooled and fed her vein with words, Nor let their eyes cross when they spake to her And set their feature fast as in a frame To keep grave countenance with gross mockery lined ; SCENE II. MARY STUART. 39 And how she prayed me chide her daughter, whom She might by no means move to take this way. And for her daughter Talbot was assured She could not ever choose but laugh outright Even in the good queen's flattered face. God wot, Had she read all, and in my hand set down, I could not blame her though she had sought to take My head for payment ; no less poise on earth Had served, and hardly, for the writer's fee ; I could not much have blamed her ; all the less, That I did take this, though from slanderous lips, For gospel and not slander, and that now I yet do well believe it. Mary Beaton. And herself Had well believed so much, and surely seen, For all your protest of discredit made With God to witness that you could not take Such tales for truth of her nor would not, yet You meant not she should take your word for this. As well I think she would not. Mary Sl-uart. Haply, no. We do protest not thus to be believed. And yet the witch in one thing seven years since Belied her, saying she then must needs die soon For timeless fault of nature. Now belike The soothsaying that speaks short her span to be May prove more true of presage. Mary Beaton. Have you hope The chase to-day may serve our further ends Than to renew your spirit and bid time speed ? 40 MARY STUART, act i. Mary Stuart. I see not but I may ; the hour is full Which I was bidden expect of them to bear More fruit than grows of promise ; Babington Should tarry now not long ; from France our friends Lift up their heads to usward, and await What comfort may confirm them from our part Who sent us comfort ; Ballard's secret tongue Has kindled England, striking from men's hearts As from a flint the fire that slept, and made Their dark dumb thoughts and dim disfigured hopes Take form from his and feature, aim and strength, Speech and desire toward action ; all the shires Wherein the force lies hidden of our faith Are stirred and set on edge of present deed And hope more imminent now of help to come And work to do than ever ; not this time We hang on trust in succour that comes short By Philip's fault from Austrian John, whose death Put widow's weeds on mine unwedded hope, Late trothplight to his enterprise in vain That was to set me free, but might not seal The faith it pledged nor on the hand of hope Make fast the ring that weds desire with deed And promise with performance ; Parma stands More fast now for us in his uncle's stead, Albeit the lesser warrior, yet in place More like to avail us, and in happier time To do like service ; for my cousin of Guise, His hand and league hold fast our kinsman king, SCENE II. MARY STUART. ^\ If not to bend and shape him for our use, Yet so to govern as he may not thwart Our forward undertaking till its force Discharge itself on England : from no side I see the shade of any fear to fail As those before so baffled ; heart and hand Our hope is armed with trust more strong than steel And spirit to strike more helpful than a sword In hands that lack the spirit ; and here to-day It may be I shall look this hope in the eyes And see her face transfigured. God is good ; He will not fail his faith for ever. O, That I were now in saddle ! Yet an hour, And I shall be as young again as May Whose life was come to August ; like this year, I had grown past midway of my life, and sat Heartsick of summer ; but new-mounted now I shall ride right through shine and shade of spring With heart and habit of a bride, and bear A brow more bright than fortune. Truth it is. Those words of bride and May should on my tongue Sound now not merry, ring no joy-bells out In ears of hope or memory ; not for me Have they been joyous words ; but this fair day All sounds that ring delight in fortunate ears And words that make men thankful, even to me Seem thankworthy for joy they have given me not And hope which now they should not. Mary Beaton. Nay, who knows ? 42 MARY STUART. act i. The less they have given of joy, the more they may ; And they who have had their happiness before Have hope not in the future ; time o'erpast And time to be have several ends, nor wear One forward face and backward. Mary Stuart. God, I pray, Turn thy good words to gospel, and make truth Of their kind presage ! but our Scotswomen Would say, to be so joyous as I am, Though I had cause, as surely cause I have, Were no good warrant of good hope for me. I never took such comfort of my trust In Norfolk or Northumberland, nor looked For such good end as .now of all my fears From all devices past of policy To join my name with my misnatured son's In handfast pledge with England's, ere my foes His counsellors had flawed Jiis craven faith And moved my natural blood to cast me off Who bore him in my body, to come forth Less childlike than a changeling. But not long Shall they find means by him to work their will, Nor he bear head against me ; hope was his To reign forsooth without my fellowship, And he that with me would not shall not now Without or with me wield not or divide Or part or all of empire. Mary Beaton. Dear my queen. Vex not your mood with sudden change of thoughts ; Your mind but now was merrier than the sun SCENE II. MARY STUART. 43 Half rid by this through morning : we by noon Should blithely mount and meet him. Mary Stuart So I said. My spirit is fallen again from that glad strength Which even but now arrayed it ; yet what cause Should dull the dancing measure in my blood * For doubt or wrath, I know not. Being once forth, My heart again will quicken. \Sings. And ye maun braid your yellow hair And busk ye like a bride ; Wi' sevenscore men to bring ye bame, And ae true love beside ; Between the birk and the green rowan • Fu' blithely shall ye ride. O ye maun braid my yellow hair, But braid it like nae bride ; And I maun gang my ways, mither, Wi':nae true love beside ; Between the kirk and the kirkyard Fu' sadly shall I ride. How long since, How long since was it last I heard or sang Such light lost ends of old faint rhyme worn thin With use of country songsters ? When we twain Were maidens but some twice a span's length high, Thou hadst the happier memory to hold rhyme. But not for songs the merrier. Mary Beaton. This was one That I would sing after my nurse, I think, And weep upon in France at six years old To think of Scotland. 44 MARY STUART, act i. Mary Stuart. Would I weep for that, Woman or child, I have had now years enough To weep in ; thou wast never French in heart. Serving the queen of France. Poor queen that was, Poor boy that played her bridegroom ! now they seem In these mine eyes that were her eyes as far Beyond the reach and range of oldworld time As their first fathers' graves. Enter Sir Amy as Paulet. Paulet. Madam, if now It please you to set forth, the hour is full. And there your horses ready. Mary Stuart. Sir, my thanks. We are bounden to you and this goodly day For no small comfort. Is it your will we ride Accompanied with any for the nonce Of our own household ? Paulet. If you will, to-day Your secretaries have leave to ride with you. Mary Stuart. We keep some state then yet. I pray you, sir, Doth he wait on you that came here last month, A low-built lank-cheeked Judas-bearded man. Lean, supple, grave, pock-pitten, yellow-polled, A smiling fellow with a downcast eye ? Paulet. Madam, I know the man for none of mine. Mary Stuart. I give you joy as you should give God thanks. SCENE II. MARY STUART. 45 Sir, if I err not ; but meseemed this man Found gracious entertainment here, and took Such counsel with you as I surely thought Spake him your friend, and honourable ; but now If I misread not an ambiguous word It seems you know no more of him or less Than Peter did, being questioned, of his Lord. Paulet. I know not where the cause were to be sought That might for likeness or unlikeness found Make seemly way for such comparison As turns such names to jest and bitterness ; Howbeit, as I denied not nor disclaimed To know the man you speak of, yet I may With very purity of truth profess The man to be not of my following. Mary Stuart. See How lightly may the tongue that thinks no ill Or trip or slip, discoursing that or this With grave good men in purity and truth. And come to shame even with a word ! God wot, We had need put bit and bridle in our lips Ere they take on them of their foolishness To change wise words with wisdom. Come, sweet friend. Let us go seek our kind with horse and hound To keep us witless company ; belike, There shall we find our fellows. [Exeunt Mary Stuart and Mary Beaton. Taukt. Would to God 46 MARY STUART. act r. This day had done its office ! mine till then Holds me the verier prisoner. Enter Phillipps. Phillipps. She will go ? Paulet. Gladly, poor sinful fool ; more gladly, sir, Than I go with her. Phillipps. Yet you go not far j She is come too near her end of wayfaring To tire much more men's feet that follow. Paulet. Ay. She walks but half blind yet to the end ; even now She spake of you, and questioned doubtfully What here you came to do, or held what place Or commerce with me : when you caught her eye. It seems your courtesy by some graceless chance Found but scant grace with her. Phillipps. 'Tis mine own blame, Or fault of mine own feature ; yet forsooth I greatly covet not their gracious hap Who have found or find most grace with her. I pray, Doth Wade go with you ? Paulet. Nay, — what, know you not ? — But with Sir Thomas Gorges, from the court, To drive this deer at Tixall. Phillipps. Two years since. He went, I think, commissioned from the queen To treat with her at Sheffield ? Paulet. Ay, and since SCENE II. MARY STUART. 47 She hath not seen him ; who being known of here Had haply given her swift suspicion edge Or cause at least of wonder. Phillipps. And I doubt His last year's entertainment oversea As our queen's envoy to demand of France Her traitor Morgan's body, whence he brought Nought save dry blows back from the duke d'Aumale And for that prisoner's quarters here to hang His own not whole but beaten, should not much Incline him to more good regard of her For ^hose love's sake her friends have dealt with him So honourably, nor she that knows of this Be the less like to take his presence here For no good presage to her : you have both done well To keep his hand as close herein as mine. Paulet Sir, by my faith I know not, for myself, What part is for mine honour, or wherein Of all this action laid upon mine hand The name and witness of a gentleman May gain desert or credit, and increase In seed and harvest of good men's esteem For heritage to his heirs, that men unborn Whose fame is as their name derived from his May reap in reputation ; and indeed I look for none advancement in the w^orld Further than this that yet for no man's sake Would I forego, to keep the name I have And honour, which no son of mine shall say I have left him not for any deed of mine 48 MARY STUART act i. As perfect as my sire bequeathed it me : I say, for any word or work yet past No tongue can thus far tax me of decline From that fair forthright way of gentleman, Nor shall for any that I think to do Or aught I think to say alive : howbeit, I were much bounden to the man would say But so much for me in our mistress' ear, The treasurer's, or your master Walsingham's, Whose office here I have undergone thus long And had I leave more gladly would put off Than ever I put on me ; being not one That out of love toward England even or God At mightiest men's desire would lightly be For loyalty disloyal, or approved In trustless works a trusty traitor ; this He that should tell them of me, to procure The speedier end here of this work imposed, Should bind me to him more heartily than thanks Might answer. Phillipps. Good Sir Amyas, you and I Hold no such office in this dangerous time As men make love to for their own name's sake Or personal lust of honour ; but herein I pray you yet take note, and pardon me If I for the instance mix your name with mine. That no man's private honour lies at gage. Nor is the stake set here to play for less Than what is more than all men's names alive. The great life's gage of England ; in whose name SCENE II. MARY STUART. 49 Lie all our own impledged, as all our lives For her redemption forfeit, if the cause Call once upon us ; not this gift or this, Or what best likes us or were gladliest given Or might most honourably be parted with For our more credit on her best behalf, Doth she we serve, this land that made us men, Require of all her children ; but demands Of our great duty toward her full deserts Even all we have of honour or of life. Of breath or fame to give her. What were I Or what were you, being mean or nobly born, Yet moulded both of one land's natural womb And fashioned out of England, to deny What gift she crave soever, choose and grudge What grace we list to give or what withhold, Refuse and reckon with her when she bids Yield up forsooth not life but fame to come, A good man's praise or gentleman's repute, Or lineal pride of children, and the light Of loyalty remembered? which of these Were worth our mother's death, or shame that might Fall for one hour on England ? She must live And keep in all men's sight her honour fast Though all we die dishonoured ; and myself Know not nor seek of men's report to know If what I do to serve her till I die Be honourable or shameful, and its end Good in men's eyes or evil ; but for God, I find not why the name or fear of him £ 50 MARY STUART. act i. Herein should make me swerve or start aside Through faint heart's falsehood as a broken bow Snapped in his hand that bent it, ere the shaft Find out his enemies' heart, and I that end Whereto I am sped for service even of him Who put this office on us. Paukt. Truly, sir, I lack the wordy wit to match with yours. Who speak no more than soldier \ this I know, I am sick in spirit and heart to have in hand Such work or such device of yours as yet For fear and conscience of what worst may come I dare not well bear through. Phillipps. Why, so last month You writ my master word and me to boot I had set you down a course for many things You durst not put in execution, nor Consign the packet to this lady's hand That was returned from mine, seeing all was well. And you should hold yourself most wretched man If by your mean or order there should spring Suspicion 'twixt the several messengers W^hose hands unwitting each of other ply The same close trade for the same golden end, While either holds his mate a faithful fool And all their souls, baseborn or gently bred, Are coined and stamped and minted for our use And current in our service ; I thereon To assuage your doubt and fortify your fear Was posted hither, where by craft and pains SCENE II. MARY STUART. 51 The web is wound up of our enterprise And in our hands we hold her very heart As fast as all this while we held impawned The faith of Barnes that stood for Gifford here To take what letters for his mistress came From southward through the ambassador of France And bear them to the brewer, your honest man, Who wist no further of his fellowship Than he of Gifford's, being as simple knaves As knavish each in his simplicity, And either serviceable alike, to shift Between my master's hands and yours and mine Her letters writ and answered to and fro ; And all these faiths as weathertight and safe As was the box that held those letters close At bottom of the barrel, to give up The charge there sealed and ciphered, and receive A charge as great in peril and in price To yield again, when they drew off the beer That weekly served this lady's household whom We have drained as dry of secrets drugged with death As ever they this vessel, and return To her own lips the dregs she brewed or we For her to drink have tempered. What of this Should seem so strange now to you, or distaste So much the daintier palate of your thoughts. That I should need reiterate you by word The work of us o'erpast, or fill your ear With long foregone recital, that at last Your soul may start not or your sense recoil £ 2 52 MARY STUART. act i, 'i'o know what end we are come to, or what hope We took in hand to cut this peril off By what close mean soe'er and what foul hands Unwashed of treason, which it yet mislikes Your knightly palm to touch or close with, seeing The grime of gdid is baser than of blood That barks their filthy fingers ? yet with these Must you cross hands and grapple, or let fall The trust you took to treasure. Paulet. Sir, I will. Even till the queen take back that gave it \ yet Will not join hands with these, nor take on mine The taint of their contagion ; knowing no cause That should confound or couple my good name With theirs more hateful than the reek of hell. You had these knaveries and these knaves in charge. Not I that knew not how to handle them Nor whom to choose for chief of treasons, him That in mine ignorant eye, unused to read The shameful scripture of such faces, bare Graved on his smooth and simple cheek and brow No token of a traitor ; yet this boy, This milk-mouthed weanling with his maiden chin, This soft-lipped knave, late suckled as on blood And nursed of poisonous nipples, have you not Found false or feared by this, whom first you found A trustier thief and worthier of his wage Than I, poor man, had wit to find him ? I, That trust no changelings of the church of hell, No babes reared priestlike at the paps of Rome, SCENE II. MAJ^V STUART. 53 Who have left the old harlot's deadly dugs drawn dry, I lacked the craft to rate this knave of price, Your smock-faced Gifford, at his worth aright, Which now comes short of promise. Fhillipps. O, not he ; Let not your knighthood for a slippery word So much misdoubt his knaveship ; here from France, On hint of our suspicion in his ear Half jestingly recorded, that his hand Were set against us in one politic track With his old yoke-fellows in craft and creed. Betraying not them to us but ourselves to them, My Gilbert writes me with such heat of hand Such piteous protestation of his faith So stuffed and swoln with burly-bellied oaths And God and Christ confound him if he lie And Jesus save him as he speaks mere truth, My gracious godly priestling, that yourself Must sure be moved to take his truth on trust Or stand for him approved an atheist. Paulet. Well, That you find stuff of laughter in such gear And mirth to make out of the godless mouth Of such a twice-turned villain, for my part I take in token of your certain trust, And make therewith mine own assurance sure. To see betimes an end of all such craft As takes the faith forsworn of loud-tongued liars And blasphemies of brothel-breathing knaves To build its hope or break its jest upon ; 54 MARY STUART. ACT i. And so commend you to your charge, and take Mine own on me less gladly ; for by this She should be girt to ride, as the old saw saith. Out of God's blessing into the warm sun And out of the warm sun into the pit That men have dug before her, as herself Had dug for England else a deeper grave To hide our hope for ever : yet I would This day and all that hang on it were done. \Exeu7it. Scene HI. Before Tixall Park. Mary Stuart, Mary Beaton, Paulet, Curle, Nau, and Attendants. Mary Stuart. If I shou^ld never more back steed alive But now had ridden hither this fair day The last road ever I must ride on earth, Yet would I praise it, saying of all days gone And all roads ridden in sight of stars and sun Since first I sprang to saddle, here at last I had found no joyless end. These ways are smooth. And all this land's face merry; yet I find The ways even therefore not so good to ride. And all the land's face therefore less worth love, Being smoother for a palfrey's maiden pace And merrier than our moors for outlook ; nay, I lie to say so ; there the wind and sun Make madder mirth by midsumm-er, and fill SCENE III. MARY STUART. 55 With broader breath and lustier length of light The heartier hours that clothe for even and dawn Our bosom -belted billowy-blossoming hills Whose hearts break out in laughter like the sea For miles of heaving heather. Ye should mock My banished praise of Scotland ; and in faith I praised it but to prick you on to praise Of your own goodly land ; though field and wood Be parked and parcelled to the sky's edge out, And this green Stafford moorland smooth and strait That we but now rode over, and by ours Look pale for lack of large live mountain bloom Wind-buffeted with morning, it should be Worth praise of men whose lineal honour lives In keeping here of history : but meseems I have heard, Sir Amyas, of your liberal west As of a land more affluent-souled than this And fruitful-hearted as the south-wind ; here I find a fair-faced change of temperate clime From that bald hill-brow in a broad bare plain Where winter laid us both his prisoners late Fast by the feet at Tutbury ; but men say Your birthright in this land is fallen more fair In goodlier ground of heritage : perchance, Grief to be now barred thence by mean of me, Who less than you can help it or myself, Makes you ride sad and sullen. Paulet. Madam, no; I pray you lay not to my wilful charge The blame or burden of discourtesy 56 MARY STUART. act i. That but the time should bear which lays on me This weight of -thoughts untimely. Mary Stuart. Nay, fair sir, If I, that have no cause in life to seem Glad of my sad life more than prisoners may, Take comfort yet of sunshine, he methinks That holds in ward my days and nights might well Take no less pleasure of this broad blithe air Than his poor charge that too much troubles him. What, are we nigh the chase ? Paulet. Even hard at hand. Mary Stuart. Can I not see between the glittering leaves Gleam the dun hides and flash the startled horns That we must charge and scatter ? Were I queen And had a crown to wager on my hand. Sir, I would set it on the chance to-day To shoot a flight beyond you. Paulet. Verily, The hazard were too heavy for my skill : I would not hold your wager. Mary Stuart. No ! and why ? Paulet. For fear to come a bowshot short of you On the left hand, unluckily. Mary Stuart. My friend. Our keeper's wit-shaft is too keen for ours To match its edge with pointless iron. — Sir, Your tongue shoots further than my hand or eye With sense or aim can follow. — Gilbert Curie, Your heart yet halts behind this cry of hounds, SCENE III. MARY STUART. 57 Hunting your own deer's trail at home, who lies Now dose in covert till her bearing-time Be full to bring forth kindly fruit of kind To love that yet lacks issue ; and in sooth I blame you not to bid all sport go by For one white doe's sake travailing, who myself Think long till I may take within mine arm The soft fawn suckling that is yeaned not yet But is to make her mother. We must hold A goodly christening feast with prisoner's- cheer And mirth enow for such a tender thing As will not weep more to be born in bonds Than babes born out of gaoler's ward, nor grudge To find no friend more fortunate than I Nor happier hand to welcome it, nor name More prosperous than poor mine to wear, if God Shall send the new-made mother's breast, for love Of us that love his mother's maidenhood, A maid to be my namechild, and in all , Save love to them that love her, by God's grace, Most unlike me ; for whose unborn sweet sake Pray you meantime be merry. — 'Faith, methinks Here be more huntsmen out afield to-day And merrier than my guardian. Sir, look up ; What think you of these riders ? — All my friends. Make on to meet them. Pa-ulet. There shall need no haste ; They ride not slack or lamely. Mary Stuart. Now, fair sir, What say you to my chance on wager ? here 58 MAI^Y STUART. act i. I think to outshoot your archery. — By my Hfe, That too must fail if hope now fail me ; these That ride so far off yet, being come, shall bring Death or deliverance. Prithee, speak but once ; S^Aside to Mary Beaton. Say, these are they we looked far ; say, thou too Hadst hope to meet them ; say, they should be here, And I did well to look for them ; O God ! Say but I was not mad to hope ■; see there ; Speak, or I die, Mary Beaton. Nay, not before they come. Mary Stuart. Dost thou not hear my heart ? it speaks so loud I can hear nothing of them. Yet I will not Fail in mine enemy's sight. This is mine hour That was to be for triumph ; God, I pray. Stretch not its length out longer ! Mary Beaton. It is past. Enter Sir Thomas Gorges, Sir William Wade, and Soldiers. Mary Stuart. What man is this that stands across our way? Gorges. One that hath warrant, madam, from the queen To arrest your French and English secretary And for more surety see yourself removed To present ward at Tixall here hard by. As in this paper stands of her subscribed. Lay hands on them. SCENE III. MARY STUART. 59 Mary Stuart. Was this your riddle's word ? \To Paulet. You have shot beyond me indeed, and shot to death Your honour with my life. — Draw, sirs, and stand ; Ye have swords yet left to strike with once, and die By these our foes are girt with. Some good friend — I should have one yet left of you — take heart And slay me here. For God's love, draw ; they have not So large a vantage of us we must needs Bear back one foot from peril. Give not way ; Ye shall but die more shamefully than here Who can but here die fighting. What, no man ? Must I find never at my need alive A man with heart to help me ? O, my God, Let me die now and foil them ! Paulet, you, . Most knightly Uar and traitor, was not this Part of your charge, to play my hangman too, Who have played so well my doomsman, and betrayecf' So honourably my trust, so bravely set A snare so loyal to make sure for death So poor a foolish woman ? Sir, or you That have this gallant office, great as his. To do the deadliest errand and most vile That even your mistress ever laid on ma«n And sent her basest knave to bear and slay. You are likewise of her chivalry, and should not Shrink to fulfil your title ; being a knight. For her dear sake that made you, lose not heart To strike for her one worthy stroke, that may 6o MARY STUART. Acr i. Rid me defenceless of the loathed long life She gapes for like a bloodhound. Nay, I find A face beside you that should bear for me Not life inscribed upon it ; two years since I read therein at Sheffield what good will She bare toward me that sent to treat withal So mean a man and shameless, by his tongue To smite mine honour on the face, and turn My name of queen to servant ; by his hand So let her turn my life's name now to death, Which I would take more thankfully than shame. To plead and thus prevail not. Paulet. Madam, na, With us you may not in such suit prevail Nor we by words or wrath of yours be moved To tj^rn their edge back on you, nor remit The least part of our office, which deserves Nor scorn of you nor wonder, whose own act Has laid it on us ; wherefore with less rage Please you take thought now to submit yourself, Even for your own more honour, to the effect Whose cause was of your own device, that here Bears fruit unlooked for ; which being ripe in time You cannot choose but taste of, nor may we But do the season's bidding, and the queen's Who weeps at heart to know it. — Disarm these men ; Take you the prisoners to your present ward And hence again to London ; here meanwhile Some week or twain their lady must lie close And with a patient or impatient heart SCENE III. MARY STUART. 6i Expect an end and word of judgment : I Must with Sir William back to Chartley straight And there make inquisition ere day close What secret serpents of what treasons hatched May in this lady's papers lurk, whence we Must pluck the fangs forth of them yet unfleshed, And lay these plots like dead and strangled snakes Naked before the council. Mary Stuart. I must go ? Gorges. Madam, no help ; I pray your pardon. Mary Stuart. Ay ? Had I your pardon in this hand to give. And here in this my vengeance — Words, and words ! God, for thy pity ! what vile thing is this That thou didst make of woman ? even in death, As in the extremest evil of all our lives, We can but curse or pray, but prate and weep. And all our wrath is wind that works no wreck, And all our fire as water. Noble sirs, We are servants of your servants, and obey The beck of your least groom ; obsequiously. We pray you but report of us so much. Submit us to you. Yet would I take farewell, May it not displease you, for old service' sake. Of one my servant here that was, and now Hath no word for me ; yet I blame him not. Who am past all help of man ; God witness me, I would not chide now, Gilbert, though my tongue Had strength yet left for chiding, and its edge Were yet a sword to smite with, or my wrath 62 MARY STUART. act i. A thing that babes might shrink at ; only this Take with you for your poor queen's true last word, That if they let me live so long to see The fair wife's face again from whose soft side, Now labouring with your child, by violent hands You are reft perforce for my sake, while I live I will have charge of her more carefully Than of mine own life's keeping, which indeed I think not long to keep, nor care, God knows. How soon or how men take it. Nay, good friend. Weep not ; my weeping time is wellnigh past. And theirs whose eyes have too much wept for me Should last no longer. Sirs, I give you thanks For thus much grace and patience shown of you, My gentle gaolers, towards a queen unqueened Who shall nor get nor crave again of man What grace may rest in him to give her. Come, Bring me to bonds again, and her with me That hath not stood so nigh me all these years To fall ere life doth from my side, or take Her way to death without me till I die. END OF THE FIRST ACT. ACT II. WALS INGHAM ACT II. Scene I. Windsor Castle. Queen Elizabeth and Sir Francis Walsingham. Elizabeth. What will ye make me? Let the council know I am yet their loving mistress, but they lay Too strange a burden on my love who send As to their servant word what ways to take, What sentence of my subjects given subscribe And in mine own name utter. Bid them wait ; Have I not patience ? and was never quick To teach my tongue the deadly word of death, Lest one day strange tongues blot my fame with blood ; The red addition of my sister's name Shall brand not mine. Walsingham. God grant your mercy shown Mark not your memory like a martyr's red With pure imperial heart's-blood of your own Shed through your own sweet-spirited height of heart That held your hand from justice. F 66 MARY STUART. act ii. Elizabeth. I would rather Stand in God's sight so signed with mine own blood Than with a sister's — innocent ; or indeed Though guilty— being a sister's — might I choose, As being a queen I may not surely — no — I may not choose, you tell me. Walsingham. Nay, no man Hath license of so large election given As once to choose, being servant called of God, If he will serve or no, or save the name And slack the service. Elizabeth. Yea, but in his Word I find no word that whets for king-killing The sword kings bear for justice ; yet I doubt, Being drawn, it may not choose but strike at root — Being drawn to cut off treason. Walsingham, You are more a statesman than a gospeller ; Take for your tongue's text now no text of God's, But what the devil has put into their lips Who should have slain me ; nay, what by God's grace, Who bared their purpose to us, through pain or fear Hath been wrung thence of secrets writ in fire At bottom of their hearts. Have they confessed ? Walsingham. The twain trapped first in London. Elizabeth. What, the priest? Their twice-turned Ballard, ha ? Walsingha?n. Madam, not he. Elizabeth. God's blood ! ye have spared not him the torment, knaves ? Of all I would not spare him. SCENE I. MARY STUART. 67 Walsingham. Verily, no ; The rack hath spun his life's thread out so fine There is but left for death to slit in twain The thickness of a spider's. Elizabeth. Ay, still dumb ? Walsingham. Dumb for all good the pains can get of him ; Had he drunk dry the chalice of his craft Brewed in design abhorred of even his friends With poisonous purpose toward your majesty, He had kept scarce harder silence. Elizabeth. Poison? ay — That should be still the churchman's household sword Or saintly staff to bruise crowned heads from far And break them with his precious balms that smell Rank as the jaws of death, or festal fume When Rome yet reeked with Borgia ; but the rest Had grace enow to grant me for goodwill Some death more gracious than a rat's ? God wot, I am bounden to them, and will charge for this The hangman thank them heartily ; they shall not Lack daylight means to die by. God, meseems, Will have me not die darkling like a dog, Who hath kept my lips from poison and my heart From shot of English knave or Spanish, both Dubbed of the devil or damned his doctors, whom My riddance from all ills that plague man's life Should have made great in record ; and for wage Your Ballard hath not better hap to fee F 2 68 MARY STUART, act ii. Than Lopez had or Parry. Well, he lies As dumb in bonds as those dead dogs in earth, You say, but of his fellows newly ta'en There are that keep not silence : what say these ? Pour in mine ears the poison of their plot Whose fangs have stung the silly snakes to death. Walsingham. The first a soldier, Savage, in these wars That sometime serving sought a traitor's luck Under the prince Farnese, then of late At Rheims was tempted of our traitors there, Of one in chief, Gifford the seminarist. My smock-faced spy's good uncle, to take off Or the earl of Leicester or your gracious self ; And since his passage hither, to confirm His hollow-hearted hardihood, hath had Word from this doctor more solicitous yet Sent by my knave his nephew, who of late Was in the seminary of so deadly seed Their reader in philosophy, that their head, Even Cardinal Allen, holds for just and good The purpose laid upon his hand ; this man Makes yet more large confession than of this. Saying from our Gilbert's trusty mouth he had Assurance that in Italy the Pope Hath levies raised against us, to set forth For seeming succour toward the Parmesan, But in their actual aim bent hither, where With French and Spaniards in one front of war They might make in upon us ; but from France SCENE I. MARY STUART. 69 No foot shall pass for inroad on our peace Till — so they phrase it — by these Catholics here Your majesty be taken, or Elizabeth. No more — But only taken ? springed but bird-like ? Ha ! They are something tender of our poor personal chance — Temperately tender : yet I doubt the springe Had haply maimed me no less deep than life Sits next the heart most mortal. Or — so be it I slip the springe — what yet may shackle France, Hang weights upon their purpose who should else Be great of heart against us ? They take time Till I be taken — or till what signal else As favourable ? Walsingham. Till she they serve be brought Safe out of Paulet's keeping. Elizabeth. Ay? they know him So much my servant, and his guard so good, That sound of strange feet marching on our soil Against us in his prisoner's name perchance Might from the walls wherein she sits his guest Raise a funereal echo ? Yet I think He would not dare — what think'st thou might he dare Without my word for warrant ? If I knew This Walsingham. It should profit not your grace to know What may not be conceivable for truth Without some stain on honour. 70 MARY STUART. act ii. Elizabeth. Nay, I say not That I would have him take upon his hand More than his trust may warrant : yet have men, Good men, for very truth of their good hearts Put loyal hand to work as perilous — well, God wot I would not have him so transgress — If such be called transgressors. Walsingham. Let the queen Rest well assured he shall not. So far forth Our swordsman Savage witnesses of these That moved him toward your murder but in trust Thereby to bring invasion over sea : Which one more gently natured of his birth, Tichborne, protests with very show of truth That he would give no ear to, knowing, he saith, The miseries of such conquest : nor, it seems, Heard this man aught of murderous purpose bent Against your highness. Elizabeth. Naught ? why then, again, To him I am yet more bounden, who may think. Being found but half my traitor, at my hands To find but half a hangman. Walsingham. Nay, the man Herein seems all but half his own man, being Made merely out of stranger hearts and brains Their engine of conspiracy ; for thus Forsooth he pleads, that Babington his friend First showed him how himself was wrought upon By one man's counsel and persuasion, one Held of great judgment, Ballard, on whose head SCENE T. MARY STUART. 71 All these lay all their forfeit. Elizabeth. Yet shall each Pay for himself red coin of ransom down In costlier drops than gold is. But of these Why take we thought? their natural-subject blood Can wash not out their sanguine-sealed attempt, Nor leave us marked as tyrant : only she That is the head and heart of all your fears Whose hope or fear is England's, quick or dead, Leaves or imperilled or impeached of blood Me that with all but hazard of mine own, God knows, would yet redeem her. I will write With mine own hand to her privily, — what else ? — Saying, if by word as privy from her hand She will confess her treasonous practices, They shall be wrapped in silence up, and she By judgment live unscathed. Walsingham. Being that she is, So surely will she deem of your great grace, And see it but as a snare set wide, or net Spread in the bird's sight vainly. Elizabeth. Why, then, well : She, casting off my grace, from all men's grace Cuts off herself, and even aloud avows By silence and suspect of jealous heart Her manifest foul conscience : on which proof I will proclaim her to the parliament So self-convicted. Yet I would not have Her name and life by mortal evidence Touched at the trial of them that now shall die 72 MAJ^y STUART. act ii. Or by their charge attainted : lest myself Fall in more peril of her friends than she Stands yet in shot of judgment. Walsingham. Be assured, Madam, the process of their treasons judged Shall tax not her before her trial-time With public note of clear complicity Even for that danger's sake which moves you. Elizabeth. Me So much it moves not for my mere life's sake Which I would never buy with fear of death As for the general danger's and the shame's Thence cast on queenship and on womanhood By mean of such a murderess. But, for them, I would the merited manner of their death Might for more note of terror be referred To me and to my council : these at least Shall hang for warning in the world's wide eye More high than common traitors, with more pains Being ravished forth of their more villainous lives Than feed the general throat of justice. Her Shall this too touch, whom none that serves hence* forth But shall be sure of hire more terrible Than all past wage of treason. Walsingham. Why, so far As law gives leave Elizabeth. What prat'st thou me of law ? God's blood ! is law for man's sake made, or man For law's sake only, to be held in bonds, SCENE I. MARY STUART. 73 Led lovingly like hound in huntsman's leash Or child by finger, not for help or stay, But hurt and hindrance ? Is not all this land And all its hope and surety given to time Of sovereignty and freedom, all the fame And all the fruit of manhood hence to be, More than one rag or relic of its law Wherewith all these lie shackled ? as too sure Have states no less than ours been done to death With gentle counsel and soft-handed rule For fear to snap one thread of ordinance Though thence the state were strangled. lValsingha??i. Madam, yet There need no need be here of law's least breach. That of all else is worst necessity — Being such a mortal medicine to the state As poison drunk to expel a feverish taint Which air or sleep might purge as easily. Elizabeth. Ay, but if air be poison-struck with plague Or sleep to death lie palsied, fools were they. Faint hearts and faithless, who for health's fair sake Should fear to cleanse air, pierce and probe the trance. With purging fire or iron. Have your way. God send good end of all this, and procure Some mean whereby mine enemies' craft and his May take no feet but theirs in their own toils, And no blood shed be innocent as mine. 74 MAJ^V STUART. act ii. Scene II. Chartley. Mary Beaton and Sir Amyas Paulet. Paulet. You should do well to bid her less be moved Who needs fear less of evil. Since we came Again from Tixall this wild mood of hers Hath vexed her more than all men's enmities Should move a heart more constant. Verily, I thought she had held more rule upon herself Than to call out on beggars at the gate When she rode forth, crying she had nought to give. Being all as much a beggar too as they. With alt things taken from her. Mary Beaton. Being so served, In sooth she should not show nor shame nor spleen : It was but seventeen days ye held her there Away from all attendance, as in bonds Kept without change of raiment, and to find. Being thence haled hither again, no nobler use. But all her papers plundered — then her keys By force of violent threat wrung from the hand She scarce could stir to help herself abed : These were no matters that should move her. Paulet. None, If she be clean of conscience, whole of heart, Nor else than pure in purpose, but maligned Of men's suspicions : how should one thus wronged SCENE n. MARY STUART. 75 But hold all hard chance good to approve her case Blameless, give praise for all, turn all to thanks That might unload her of so sore a charge, Despoiled not, but disburdened ? Her great wrath Pleads hard against her, and itself spake loud Alone, ere other witness might unseal Wrath's fierce interpretation : which ere long Was of her secretaries expounded. Mary Beaton. Sir, As you are honourable, and of equal heart Have shown such grace as man being manful may To such a piteous prisoner as desires Nought now but what may hurt not loyalty Though you comply therewith to comfort her, Let her not think your spirit so far incensed By wild words of her mistress cast on you In heat of heart and bitter fire of spleen That you should now close ears against a prayer Which else might fairly find them open. Faulet. Speak More short and plainly : what I well may grant Shall so seem easiest granted. Mary Beaton. There should be No cause I think to seal your lips up, though I crave of them but so much breath as may Give mine ear knowledge of the witness borne (If aught of witness were against her borne) By those her secretaries you spake of. Paulet. This With hard expostulation was drawn forth 76 MARY STUART. act ii. At last of one and other, that they twain Had writ by record from their lady's mouth To Babington some letter which implies Close conscience of his treason, and goodwill To meet his service with complicity : But one thing found therein of deadliest note The Frenchman swore they set not down, nor she Bade write one word of favour nor assent Answering this murderous motion toward our queen : Only, saith he, she held herself not bound For love's sake to reveal it, and thereby For love of enemies do to death such friends As only for her own love's sake w^ere found Fit men for murderous treason : and so much Her own hand's transcript of the word she sent Should once produced bear witness of her. Mary Beaton, Ay ? How then came this withholden ? Paulet. If she speak But truth, why, truth should sure be manifest, And shall, with God's good will, to good men's joy That wish not evil : as at Fotheringay When she shall come to trial must be tried If it be truth or no : for which assay You shall do toward her w^ell and faithfully To bid her presently prepare her soul That it may there make answer. Mary Beaton. Presently ? Paulet. Upon the arraignment of her friends who stand SCENE II. MARY STUART. 77 As 'twere at point of execution now Ere sentence pass upon them of their sin. Would you no more with me ? Mary Beaton. I am bounden to you For thus much tidings granted. Paulet. So farewell. {Exit. Mary Beatoti. So fare I well or ill as one who knows He shall not fare much further toward his end. Here looms on me the landmark of my life That I have looked for now some score of years Even with long-suffering ^eagerness of heart And a most hungry patience. I did know, Yea, God, thou knowest I knew this all that while, From that day forth when even these eyes beheld Fall the most faithful head in all the world. Toward her most loving and of me most loved, By doom of hers that was so loved of him He could not love me nor his life at all Nor his own soul nor aught that all men love. Nor could fear death nor very God, or care If there were aught more merciful in heaven Than love on earth had been to him. Chastelard I have not had the name upon my lips That stands for sign of love the truest in man Since first love made him sacrifice of men. This long sad score of years retributive Since it was cast out of her heart and mind Who made it mean a dead thing ; nor, I think, Will she remember it before she die 78 MARY STUART, act ii. More than in France the memories of old friends Are like to have yet forgotten ; but for me, Haply thou knowest, so death not all be death, If all these years I have had not in my mind Through all these chances this one thought in all. That I shall never leave her till she die. Nor surely now shall I much longer serve Who fain would lie down at her foot and sleep, Fain, fain have done with waking. Yet my soul Knows, and yet God knows, I would set not hand To such a work as might put on the time And make death's foot more forward for her sake : Yea, were it to deliver mine own soul From bondage and long-suffering of my life, I would not set mine hand to work her wrong. Tempted I was — but hath God need of me To work his judgment, bring his time about. Approve his justice if the word be just That whoso doeth shall suffer his own deed, Bear his own blow, to weep tears back for tears. And bleed for bloodshed ? God should spare me this That once I held the one good hope on earth. To be the mean and engine of her end Or some least part at least therein : I prayed, God, give me so much grace — who now should pray, Tempt me not, God. My heart swelled once to know I bore her death about me ; as I think Indeed I bear it : but what need hath God That I should clench his doom with craft of mine ? What needs the wrath of hot Elizabeth SCENE II. MARY STUART. 79 Be blown aflame with mere past writing read, Which hath to enkindle it higher already proof Of present practice on her state and life ? Shall fear of death or love of England fail Or memory faint or foresight fall stark blind, That there should need the whet and spur of shame To turn her spirit into some chafing snake's And make its fang more feared for mortal ? Yet I am glad, and I repent me not, to know I have the writing in my bosom sealed That bears such matter with her own hand signed As she that yet repents her not to have writ Repents her not that she refrained to send And fears not but long since it felt the fire — Being fire itself to burn her, yet unquenched, But in my hand here covered harmless up Which had in charge to burn it. What perchance Might then the reading of it have wrought for us. If all this fiery poison of her scoffs Making the foul froth of a serpent's tongue More venomous, and more deadly toward her queen Even Bess of Hardwick's bitterest babbling tales, Had touched at heart the Tudor vein indeed ? Enough it yet were surely, though that vein Were now the gentlest that such hearts may hold And all doubt's trembling balance that way bent, To turn as with one mortal grain cast in The scale of grace against her life that writ And weigh down pity deathward. 8o MAjRV STUART. act ii. Enter Mary Stuart. Alary Stuart Have we found Such kindness of our keeper as may give Some ease from expectation ? or must hope Still fret for ignorance how long here we stay As men abiding judgment ? Mary Beaton. Now not long, He tells me, need we think to tarry ; since The time and place of trial are set, next month To hold it in the castle of Fotheringay. Mary Stuart. Why, he knows well I were full easily moved To set forth hence ; there must I find more scope To commune with the ambassador of France By letter thence to London : but, God help, Think these folk truly, doth she verily think. What never man durst yet nor woman dreamed, May one that is nor man nor woman think. To bring a queen born subject of no laws Here in subjection of an alien law By foreign force of judgment? Were she wise, Might she not have me privily made away ? And being nor wise nor valiant but of tongue, Could she find yet foolhardiness of heart Enough to attaint the rule of royal rights With murderous madness ? I will think not this Till it be proven indeed. Mary Beaton. A month come round. This man protests, will prove it. SCENE II. MARY STUART. 8i Mary Stuart. Ay ! protests ? What protestation of what Protestant Can unmake law that was of God's mouth made, Unwrite the writing of the world, unsay The general saying of ages ? If I go, Compelled of God's hand or constrained of man's, Yet God shall bid me not nor man enforce My tongue to plead before them for my life. I had rather end as kings before me, die Rather by shot or stroke of murderous hands, Than so make answer once in face of man As one brought forth to judgment. Are they mad, And she most mad for envious heart of all, To make so mean account of me ? Methought, When late we came back hither soiled and spent And sick with travel, I had seen their worst of wrong Full-faced, with its most outrage : when I found My servant Curie's young new-delivered wife Without priest's comfort and her babe unblessed A nameless piteous thing born ere its time. And took it from the mother's arms abed And bade her have good comfort, since myself Would take all charge against her husband laid On mine own head to answer ; deeming not Man ever durst bid answer for myself On charge as mortal : and mine almoner gone, Did I not crave of Paulet for a grace His chaplain might baptize me this poor babe, And was denied it, and with mine own hands For shame and charity moved to christen her G 82 . MARY STUART. act ii. There with scant ritual in his heretic sight By mine own woful name, whence God, I pray. For her take off its presage ? I misdeemed, Who deemed all these and yet far more than these For one born queen indignities enough, On one crowned head enough of buffets : more Hath time's hand laid upon me : yet I keep Faith in one word I spake to Paulet, saying Two things were mine though I stood spoiled of all As of my letters and my privy coin By pickpurse hands of office : these things yet Might none take thievish hold upon to strip His prisoner naked of her natural dower, The blood yet royal running here unspilled And that religion which I think to keep Fast as this royal blood until I die. So where at last and howsoe'er I fare I need not much take thought, nor thou for love Take of thy mistress pity ; yet meseems They dare not work their open will on me : But God's it is that shall be done, and I Find end of all in quiet. I would sleep On this strange news of thine, that being awake I may the freshlier front my sense thereof And thought of life or death. Come in with me. SCENE III. MAJ^V STUART. 83 Scene III. Tyburn. A Crowd of Citizens. \st Citizen. Is not their hour yet on ? Men say the queen Bade spare no jot of torment in their end That law might lay upon them. 2nd Citizen. Truth it is, To spare what scourge soe'er man's justice may Twist for such caitiff traitors were to grieve God's with mere inobservance. Hear you not How yet the loud lewd braggarts of their side Keep heart to threaten that for all this foil They are not foiled indeed, but yet the work Shall prosper with deliverance of their queen And death for her of ours, though they should give Of their own lives for one an hundredfold ? 2^rd Citizen. These are bold mouths j one that shall die to-day, Being this last week arraigned at Westminster, Had no such heart, they say, to his defence. Who was the main head of their treasons. \st Citizen. Ay, And yesterday, if truth belie not him. Durst with his doomed hand write some word of prayer To the queen's self, her very grace, to crave Grace of her for his gracelessness, that she G2 84 MARY STUART. act ii. Might work on one too tainted to deserve A miracle of compassion, whence her fame For pity of sins too great for pity of man Might shine more glorious than his crime showed foul In the eye of such a mercy. 2nd Citizen. Yet men said He spake at his arraignment soberly With clear mild looks and gracious gesture, showing The purport of his treasons in such wise That it seemed pity of him to hear them, how All their beginnings and proceedings had First head and fountain only for their spring From ill persuasions of that poisonous priest Who stood the guiltiest near, by this man's side Approved a valiant villain. Barnwell next, Who came but late from Ireland here to court. Made simply protestation of design To work no personal ill against the queen Nor paint rebellion's face as murder's red With blood imperial : Tichborne then avowed He knew the secret of their aim, and kept, And held forsooth himself no traitor ; yet In the end would even plead guilty, Donne with him. And Salisbury, who not less professed he still Stood out against the killing of the queen, And would not hurt her for a kingdom : so. When thus all these had pleaded, one by one Was each man bid say fairly, for his part. Why sentence should not pass : and Ballard first, Who had been so sorely racked he might not stand. SCENE III. MARY STUART. 85 Spake, but as seems to none effect : of whom Said Babington again, he set them on, He first, and most of all him, who believed This priest had power to assoil his soul alive Of all else mortal treason : Ballard then. As in sad scorn — Yea^ Master Babington^ Quoth he, lay all upon me^ but I wish For you the shedding of my blood might be The saving of your life : howbeit^ for that^ Say what you will ; and I will say no more. Nor spake the swordsman Savage aught again. Who, first arraigned, had first avowed his cause Guilty : nor yet spake Tichborne aught : but Donne Spake, and the same said Barnwell, each had sinned For very conscience only : Salisbury last Besought the queen remission of his guilt Then spake Sir Christopher Hatton for the rest That sat with him commissioners, and showed How by dark doctrine of the seminaries And instance most of Ballard had been brought To extreme destruction here of body and soul A sort of brave youths otherwise endowed With goodly gifts of birthright : and in fine There was the sentence given that here even now Shows seven for dead men in our present sight And shall bring six to-morrow forth to die. Enter Babington, Ballard {carried in a chair), Tichborne, Savage, Barnwell, Tilney, and Abington, guarded: Sheriffs Executioner, Chap- lain, ore. 86 MARY STUART. act ii. ist Citizen. What, will they speak ? 2nd Citizen. Ay ; each hath leave in turn To show what mood he dies in toward his cause. Ballard. Sirs, ye that stand to see us take our doom, I being here given this grace to speak to you Have but my word to witness for my soul, That all I have done and all designed to do Was only for advancement of true faith To furtherance of religion : for myself Aught would I never, but for Christ's dear church Was mine intent all wholly, to redeem Her sore affliction in this age and land, As now may not be yet : which knowing for truth, I am readier even at heart to die than live. And dying I crave of all men pardon whom My doings at all have touched, or who thereat Take scandal ; and forgiveness of the queen If on this cause I have offended her. Savage. The like say I, that have no skill in speech. But heart enough with faith at heart to die, •Seeing but for conscience and the common good, And no preferment but this general weal, I did attempt this business. Barnwell. I confess That I, whose see^>t."— Nonconformist. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, with Illustrations, 6j. Pairholt's Tobacco : Its History and Associations ; with an Account of the Plant and its Manufacture, atid its Modes of Use in all Ages and Countries. By F. W. Fairholt, F.S.A. With Coloured Frontispiece and upwards of 100 Illustrations by the Author. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 7J. dd. Familiar Allusions : A Handbook of Miscellaneous Information ; including the Names of Celebrated Statues, Paintings, Palaces, Country Seats, Ruins, Churches, Ships, Streets, Clubs, Natural Curiosities, and the like. By William A. Wheeler, Author of " Noted Names of Fiction ; " and Charles G. Wheeler. [/« the press. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, with Illustrations, 4^. 6d. 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