360 W744- 4 SOMERVILLE PAGEANT OF WORLD PEACE INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION TUFTS OVAL JULY 3 and 5, 1915 Price io Cents • * ' • HAND POLISHED PICTURE FRAMES of Superior Quality and Design, in either Oval or Square Hand Carved Frames in Gold Antique. Frames in Oak, Walnut, Rosewood, Mahogany, Italian Gold . and Old Silver ""THE above shows our exhibit booth at the Panama-Pacific Ex- position, built for a display which is conceded to be one of the most interesting in the Liberal Arts Building. And every picture is in a frame designed especially for the picture. TN this booth is shown everything in Finished Portraiture, Oil Portraits, Miniatures on Ivory. Water Colors. Portraits in Sepia, Free Hand Sketches, and Transparencies finished in Oil Colors: If you cannot go to San Francisco why not drop in to the Studio Building on Day Street. Sprague-Hathaway Company Day Street, off Davis Square WEST SOMERVILLE, MASS. ^2 u . <^*fa?/r.^?&-^L £f T letter (£) ualtty 3re Cream 399 Highland Avenue, West Somerville Consulting Civil Engineer Bridges, Masonry, Foundations Expert Advice in Railroad Cases Elimination of Grade Crossings Valuations, Etc. 18 Tremont Street, Boston. Tel. Con. aim ' i i nr ■ Somerville Pageant of World Peace TO FOSTER AND PROPHESY WORLD PEACE Written and Produced by FREDERICK A. WILMOT Tufts Oval, Somerville, Mass,, July 3 and 5 1915 Telephone connection William F. Waite Mrs. O'Brien Wholesale and Retail Dealer in LADIES' TAILOR Milk and Cream Room 1009 Lawrence Building Cor. "Tremont and West Sts. 32 Win-jLow Ave. West Somerville 'I ! 'J 1° Hon. Z. E. Cliff Mayor of Somerm'lle ,_ J 1. % V * • • * ' ' SOMERVILLE PAGEANT of WORLD PEACE cfecwae if. ^Jccdd Storage of Heat ie Auctioneer A Full Coal Bin. Better fill up now as prices are sure to advance soon. OFFICE. 82 DOVER ST. RESIDENCE. 14 ELSTON ST. WEST SOMERVILLE FRANK A. TEELE DAVIS SQUARE Prologue T 3E Ancient Gods still live. In a breathing spell of World Peace in 1907, Ares, God of War ; in Latin Mars, approaches Father Zeus and complains: Ares: O, Father Zeus, chief of all Gods on High Olympus, this day thou hast caused all wars to cease, and my heart is cast down in sorrow and grief ! Zeus : Nay, thou renegade, sit not by me and whine ! Most hateful art thou to me of all the Gods that dwell in Olympus ! Thou ever lovest strife, and wars, and battles ! Aroused by thee, O, hateful one, hapless mortals take their weapons and deal out death to fellowmen. Stay from such work! Forbear! Ares: Be not angry, Father Zeus ! Consider my past glories and former triumphs ! Zeus : Enough, thou subtle mischief maker ! Zeus lives as a binder together of those who are divided — an encour- ager of those who are friends — a peace maker — a lover of peace, impassioned for peace, a speaker of words that make peace. Conquerors are scourges not less harmful to humanity than earthquakes. To those of a noble disposition, the whole world is but one family. O, Ares, God of War, most futile and ferocious of human follies — thy tawdry triumphs scatter the fruits of man's labor, break down the paths of progress, and turn the fire of constructive energy into a destroying force. Ares, put up the sword into the sheath! And may this day " No war or battle sound Be heard the World around !" Ares resolves to bide his time, and wait his chance to stir up strife among the nations. Somerville 1793-W B. C. Lyndell Jfcmnj Stoker 705 Broadway Ball Square Warm Weather Suggests An Oil Stove or Gas Plate for Cooking with Comfort Window and Door Screens Spalding's Base Ball Supplies Lawn Mowers Eastman Kodaks Developing and Printing THE PLUMER HARDWARE CO. F. A. ALDEN, Prop. 62 Union Square Somerville ft07564 9u ^■F^^ H ^ ^a i k •tifr*' x <>'-- "' &»ffiB 1 Jg; "^hvK*^ ^$M li^^-Ji 3^b 1 m omvrxixllv ©rust Company SOMERVILLE PAGEANT W. C. DEARBORN MELLEN JOSE Meats Groceries and Provisions BREAD AND CAKE BAKER 308 Summer Street Somerville, Mass. 14a Broadway, Somerville, Mass. Telephone Telephone Connection Mrs. Annie A. Blaikie, Rythmic Director. All the Dances in the Pageant originated and coached under her direction Compliments of Ex-Mayor Geo. O. Proctor Of SSP Compliments of CHARLES E. GODFREY s» i» of WORLD PEACE CHARACTERS Prologue ZEUS CHARLES FEARING, SR. ARES WALTER H. JACKSON POUR ETHIOPIANS Episode I Scene 1 CZAR NICHOLAS II. OF RUSSIA CHARLES TYLER KING CONSTANTINE OF GREECE LYMAN WHITTEN GREEK HOWE AMEE KING HAAKOM VII. OF NORWAY RAYMOND D. PARKER KING GUSTAF V. OF SWEDEN CARL HARTSHORN LIEF ERICKSON OSCAR ERICKSON LADY SWITZERLAND MAY PFAFF EDELWEISS BEATRICE SWEET EMPEROR YOSHITO OF JAPAN A. E. BAIRD JAPANESE LADY TILLY WRIGHT KING ALFONSO XIII. OF SPAIN WINSLOW KINGMAN KING PETER OF SERVIA RICHARD H. FITZGERALD EMPEROR FRANCIS JOSEPH OF AUSTRIA JOHN A. HOLMES QUEEN WILHELMINA OF NETHERLANDS LORENE WHITNEY KING CHRISTIAN X. OF DENMARK JAMES KELLSEY HAMLET DONALD WALLIS SULTAN MOHAMMED V. OF TURKEY HAROLD D. OTTO LADY PORTUGAL MILDRED R. LEAVITT EX-KING MANUEL HOWE CLARK GABY DESLYS . .GERTRUDE E. LINCOLN KAISER WILHELM II. OF GERMANY ". . .F. E. PEARSON PRES. RAYMOND POINCARE OF FRANCE ARTHUR GRAY PRES. YUAN SHI KAI OF CHINA WILLIAM MOY DING KING ALBERT OF BELGIUM HAROLD BRECKENRIDGE LADY MEXICO MAY CONANT JOHN BULL J. P. SNOW KING VICTOR EMMANUEL OF ITALY CHARLES RUSSELL MATTHEWS UNCLE SAM REV. PAUL GORDON FAVOR R. R. ENGINEER ELLIOTT COUDEN BROWN CARNEGIE FRANK BELL LADY ARGENTINE MRS. A. SHELBACH LADY BRAZIL ISABELLE E. MAUCH LADY CHILE ABBY PRATT LYRICAL DANCERS— Estelle M. H. Wilmot, Dorothy Currier, Pauline Hatch, Christine Anderson, Arline Wright, Gladys Vail. Banner, flag and symbol bearers, etc. M. S. CANAVAN CUMMINGS BOWLING ALLEY GROCER & 30 &, COR. SUMMER & HANCOCK : STS., SOM. 265 ELM STREET DAVIS SQUARE SOMERVILLE PAGEANT Musical Program Overture, Merry Wives of Windsor Nicolai Pomp and Circumstance Elgar Cossacks (Russian War Song) Cavalry Gallop Luders Reine de Saba (March) Gounod Midsummer Night's Dream Mendelssohn Hermosillo (Dance Mexicana) Schuh Back to Michigan Berlin L'Zoronto (Spanish Folk Dance) Saditinio Chalif Espana Chabrier Row, Row, Row Monaco Yankee Doodle Boy Berlin The Girl I Left Behind Lover March of a Marionet Gounod St. Patrick's Day in the Morning Barry Irish Lilt It's a Long Way to Tipperary Williams, Judge Forosetta Tarantella Ardiii Assassination Music from "Birth of a Nation " Unfinished Symphony Schubert March and Dance for Servians, Austrians, Germans, Belgians, Russians, English, Scotch Special music arranged for dance groups by Chalif Vision of Salome Lampe March and Dance for Japanese Arr. by Chalif I Want to go to Tokio Fischer Ballet Egyptian Luigini Soldier's Farewell Kinkel Wedding March Mendelssohn I'm on the Water Wagon Now Bratton Funeral March (1st part) Chopin Fanfare Trumpets Dance of the Gnomes 4 Grieg Suite Asa's Death (First Part) 2 Grieg Suite Battle Scenes of the Civil War Tobani Asa's Death (Second Part) 2 Grieg Suite Funeral March (Second part) Chopin Morning 1 Grieg Suite Shadowland Gilbert Flora's Dance Chalif Kathlyn Waltz Smith Star Spangled Banner (All Sing) Arr. by Sousa The Canvas for this Pageant was furnished by Robert Miller & Co., 230 State Street, Boston. The Electric Wiring was executed by J. T. Newton Davis Square. The Piano was loaned by M. Steinert & Sons Co., 162 Boylston Street, Boston. C. F. CROCKER GROCERIES & PROVISIONS New Refrigerator Glass Cases for Meat and Fruit just installed Call and see this Cold Storage display LOWEST PRICES Medina Bldg. Davis Square. Tel. Connection Cream Free See Me S. D. ORNE'S CREAMERY 688 Broadway Ball Square Eggs and Creamery Products Direct from Farms Somerville 1234-W R. Coolidge Lewis, Playing the part of Roosevelt CLARA M. MURRELL PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER MULTIGRAPHING 50 Congress Street Boston Room 842 Edgar o. Hunt PLUMBING STEAM AND GASEITTING, Etc. Dealer in Hardware, Stoves, Furnaces, Etc. COR. PEARL AND FRANKLIN ST., SOMERVILLE Telephone, Somerville 2600 of JWORLD PEACE Scene 2 LADY ARGENTINE A. SCHELBACH LADY BRAZIL ISABELLE MAUCH LADY CHILE ABBY PRATT LADY MEXICO MAY CONANT UNCLE SAM REV. PAUL GORDON FAVOR HUERTA ARTHUR FILLMORE VILLA J- H. MAXWELL CARRANZA LINCOLN GRUSH MEXICAN BULL REVOLUTION '. MILAN MILLER AND DONALD WALLIS MEXICAN DANCE — Ethel L. Burt, Marion E. Collius, Elaine Duhig, Lillian Gloon, Doris Hicks, Mildred Hunkins, Melba Mercereau, Erma L. Morang MEXICAN SOLOIST ALICE JONES WOODROW WILSON PAUL R. TAYLOR WILLIAM J. BRYAN MAYBURY BRYANT AMERICAN MAGNATE HERMAN E. PFAFF Sailors, symbol bearers, etc. Scene 3 FIRST LION HARRY SMITH, WALTER BRECKENRIDGE SECOND LION CARLTON GOODSPEED, JOHN HOLMES THEODORE ROOSEVELT R. COOLIDGE LEWIS FIRST GUIDE HAROLD S. HAZEN SECOND GUIDE WILFRED T. FULLER REPORTER ALDEN CHESTER Scene 4 JOHN BULL J. P. SNOW MILITANTS— Lillian Duhig, Carrie M. Snelling, Irma Griffith, Ida Brown, Mrs. James Newell, Josie Bur- rell, June Prescott AMERICAN SUFFRAGISTS— C. A. Armitage, Mary Southwell, Frances Kaan, Alice I. Goland, Daisy Bart- lett, Christine Paulson, Eunice F. Ransom, Frances B. Vose, Ethel Davis, Bernice W. Craigin, Grace Waterman, Susan P. Stebbins, Misses Desmond, Ethel Jackson, J. R. Roberts, Dr. Emma J. Wagner. KEY BEARER RO YE MOORE WARDENS CLIFFORD BAKER, NEWELL G. KEYES GUARDS GEO. E. WALKER, KENNETH TIBBETTS EMMELINE PANKHURST GRACE STILES SIR EDWARD CARSON JOHN CHIPMAN SIR JOHN REDMOND A. E. BAIRD IRISH DANCERS BOYS— Walter Breckenridge, Lawrence Carr, Rey-GIRLS— Dorothy Gordon, Dorothy MacKay, Gene- nold Currier, Carlton Goodspeed, Fortis Hart, vieve Peak, Elizabeth Tibbetts, Claire Tucke, Harry Smith Dorothy Wellman SEE Compliments of MIIXIKEN & CO. Theater Building, Davis Square GILMAN EXPRESS CO. for Plumbing of the better kind JOHN E. PALMER, Proprietor Now is time to install a Gas Boiler Heater. : : : Phone 3 181 -J . SOMERVILLE PAGEANT IRON STEEL METALS ARTHUR C. HARVEY COMPANY, 374-394 CONGRESS STREET, BOSTON, MASS. Tel. Main 7000 Norway Iron Structural Steel Sheet Iron Tool Steel Metal Roofing Boiler Tubes Zinc Solder Copper Gline's f|faSsl GE Express Co. FOUR TRIPS DAILY FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING BOSTON OFFICES 15 Merchants Row 73 Beach Street 105 Arch Street 127 Providence Street SOMERVILLE OFFICES 159 Pearl Street Branch, 268 Broadway Telephone Somerville 376 Residence, 21 Auburn Avenue, E. Somerville Telephone 2172 JFt&nwu, c/i. joo^n/ey, irU0rtst PHONE HAYMARKET 64 96 LEXINGTON 64-4 6 PARK STREET. BOSTON. MASS. Walter Jackson, War God and Oriental Soloist Compliments of B. 8c S. LAUNDRY of WORLD PEACE DAVIS SQUARE STABLES 59 Day Street West Somerville Telephone 161 W. S. BURBANK & CO. Episode II Scene 1 All the Rulers Scene 2 ' ARCHDUKE FRANCIS FERDINAND IRVING D. DAWES DUCHESS SOPHIE OF HOHENBERG CORINNE L. THIES COUNT HARRASH CARLTON HICKS CHAUFFEUR TO ARCHDUKE IRVING MACKENZIE PRINCIP HAROLD COREY CABRINOVICH LINCOLN GRUSH FIRST ACCOMPLICE DONALD WALLIS SECOND ACCOMPLICE MILAN MILLER FIRST SOLDIER HOWE AMEE SECOND SOLDIER / OSBORNE WHITTEN THIRD SOLDIER CLIFFORD BAKER womhivm enfo ®£ tjfwewcfo SOMERVILLE PAGEANT TELEPHONE CONNECTION ONLY THE BEST MATERIALS USED Walter h. Snow & Son MANUFACTURERS OF ICE CREAM AND FANCY ICES ALSO FINE CONFECTIONERY Light Catering Special Attention to Parties and Weddings Malta building Gilman Square CHARLES F. GILES shawmut market Groceries and Provisions VEGETABLES AND FRUIT OF ALL KINDS 175 and 179 Washington Street CORNER MEDFORD SOMERVILLE, MASS. TELEPHONE 1346 All orders by telephone promptly filled. Ralph Smalley, Musical Director Symphony Solo Cellist LAMSON 8c HUBBARD Hatters anii Sfarrfers MEN and WOMEN Now is a good time to make selections in furs also for repairing as prices are at the lowest An excellent line of Cloth and Sport Coats for Auto use and Summer Wear. 92 BEDFORD STREET 173 WASHINGTON STREET of WORLD PEACE Episode III Scene 1 SERVIAN DANCERS — June Burnett, Myrtle Burnside, Helen Campbell, Helen Currie, Margaret Evans, Hazel Lothrop, Beatrice MacGuaire, Grace Ryan, E. Ruth Taylor, Elizabeth Wood. ia AUSTRIAN DANCERS — Boys: Regina Lee, Edna Parker, Florence Starkey, Grace P. Woodworth, Clara Gardner. Girls: Louise Hamilton, Dorothy Hanna, Beth Howe, Florence Parker, Charlotte Ramsey GERMAN DANCERS — Doris M. Baker, Dorothy Currie, Blanche Harrington, Delia Harrison, Pearl Mac- Lean, Emma Parks, Beatrice Savage, Ida Sparrow, Alice Talbot, Gladys Talbot BELGIAN DANCERS— Mildred Dakin, Gladys Ferguson, Louise Frink, Mildred Fuller, Maud Gorrill, Olive Gorrill, Hilda Ohse, Edna Ross, Christine Schelbach, Pauline Schoenle, Edith Taylor, Adeline With- erspoon LA FRANCE — Madeline D. Devers RUSSIAN DANCERS— Josephine E. Foster, Miriam C. Foster, Gladys A. Graves, Thelma Littlefield, Marion H. Stockwell, Ethel Swain, Hazel Taft, Ola Vincent, Martha A. Wheelock ENGLISH DANCERS— Dorothy Davis, Elizabeth Grush, Marjorie Grush, Gladys Kehew, Florence Ryan, Alice Smith, Hazel M. Smith, Helen Sweet, Adelaide Sweetser, Hazel Matthews, Beatrice Towle SCOTCH DANCERS— Ada Dennis, Edith Lewis, Hazel Smith, L. Alice Wetherbee ORIENTAL SOLO DANCER— Walter H. Jackson JAPANESE DANCERS — Grace E. Anderson, Hazel Davenport, Cleora Nickles, Ella Pratt, Bertha D. Wells, Marguerite Whitney JAPANESE SOLO DANCE— Miss Rose E. Brophy JAPANESE MAGICIAN— A. E. Baird PORTUGUESE DANCERS— Doris A. Cross, Grace A. Flemming, Inez Harmon, Irene Harmon, Allene L. Holman, Ruth T. Iris, Alice K. Kelley, Evelyn M. Macdonald, Marion A. Olsen, Alice F. Roberts, Irene M. Smith, Reba E. Speirs TURKISH DANCERS— Elsie Broail, Gladys Dunn, Eva M. Givan, Margaret Heath, Marion Heath, Lillian S. LeBaron, Esther Nickles, Doris Ordway, Pearl Philips, Esther Smith, E. L. Thomson, Ethel Waugh TURKISH SOLO DANCERS— Lewis Holmes, Helen Bartlett, "A Breath from the Orient" ITALIAN DANCERS— Thelma L. Burns, Myrtle R. Cross, Pearl R. Honald, Haru A. Kamemori, Annie L. Kimball, Ethel M. Kimball, Doris F. Kingston, H. Edna Mellett, Marion T. Murtaugh, Ruth A. Speirs Flag and banner bearers A. WORTHYLAKE & CO, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic Wall Papers PAINTING AND DECORATING Telephone Somerville 1568 257 Elm Street, Davis Square SOMERVILLE PAGEANT Directory Advertisements A FRIEND A FRIEND A FRIEND Compliments of A FRIEND A FRIEND Dentists P. S. BAKER 324 Highland Ave., West Somerville H. J. CUTLER, D.M.D. 90 College Ave., West Somerville H. F. DE ROCHE, D.D.S. 1145 Broadway, West Somerville F. LeROY EAMES, D.M.D. Hobbs Bldg., Davis Sq., Somerville wm! H. HOYT, D.D.S. 28 College Ave., West Somerville JOHN W. LAURIE, D.M.D. 1131 Broadway, West Somerville MINOT W. LEWIS, D.M.D. 413 Highland Ave., West Somerville LEWIS LOMBARD Central Bldg., Davis Sq., Somerville GEORGE L. MARSHALL, D.M.D. 253 Elm St., West Somerville HENRY E. MERRILL Central Bldg., Davis Sq., Somerville ' Druggists CHARLES E. EAMES 173 Washington St., Somerville GEORGE R. REED Davis Sq., Somerville Fish HIGHLAND AVE. FISH MARKET 302 Highland Ave., Somerville A. W. HOIT & SON 275 Highland Ave., Somerville Fruit, Etc. SALVATORE MATARESE 6 Central Bldg., Davis Sq., Somerville C. MITRANO 709 Broadway, Somerville. Tel. 24167 Physicians COVAL H. LIVERPOOL, M.D. 325 Highland Ave., West Somerville ALFRED E. MILLS, M.D. 192 Central St., Somerville H. A. WALKER, M.D. 472 Broadway, Somerville Miscellaneous JOHN HERBERT 31 Milk St., Boston L. F. BOWLBY, Carpenter 65 Dover St., West Somerville J. A. MARSH, Coal Dealer 38-40 Park St., Somerville CLARENCE L. EGIN 14 Appleton St. GEORGE T. RAND, Florist 425 Highland Ave., West Somerville THE HILL-MICHIE CO., INC., Garage Medford and Walnut Sts., Somerville MRS. J. C. WHITE, Gift Cards 19 Bromfield St., Boston F. H. GROW, Groceries 285 Highland Ave., Somerville M. J. BARRON, Hardware 254 Elm St., West Somerville J. A. HATTIE & CO., Ice Cream 2078 Massachusetts Ave., North Cambridge WHITE CROSS LAUNDRY 154 Cedar St., Somerville S. H. WILKINS, Meats Faneuil Hall Market, Boston WALLACE SHOE COMPANY Davis Sq., Somerville O. L. STORY SCENIC CO., Stage Scenery 21 Tufts St., Somerville F. P. HOGAN, Tailor 89 Dover St., West Somerville FREDERICK A. LADD, Tuner 106 Electric Ave., West Somerville Telephone Camb. 3708-W Auto Tires S. CLARK HEATH VULCANIZING 2000 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE Auto Accessories of WORLD PEACE Scene 2 Side-lights on the War TABLEAU A—Aged Mother and Sons AGED MOTHER GLADYS PARKER FIRST DAUGHTER . ROSE E. LOHNES SECOND DAUGHTER MADELAINE LUCE FIRST SON HOWE AMEE SECOND SON CLIFFORD BAKER THIRD SON OSBORNE WHITTEN FOURTH SON HARRY SMITH TABLEAU B~War Brides DAPPER SOLDIER JOHN CHIPMAN PATRIOTIC FATHER MAYBURY BRYANT WAR GROOMS— Howe Amee, Clifford Baker, Osborne Whitten, Walter H. Sargent, Arthur A. Handy, Clarence H. Fay, Harold Sawyer, Rudolph Butler, John Chipman, Rose E. Lohnes WAR BRIDES — Wilda Chipman, Helen Currie, Margaret Heath, Alice Talbot, Dorothy Hanna, L. Alice Wetherby, Ida Sparrow, Charlotte Ramsay CLERGYMAN T. EDMUND ROSS ^MESSENGER NEWELL KEYES TABLEAU C— War and Prohibition DAUGHTER HOSE LOHNES ARES WALTER H. JACKSON VODKA ^LARK S. HEATH FIRST COSSACK , MARION H. STOCKWELL SECOND COSSACK GLADYS A. GRAVES COMEDY FRENCH COP 3ERNARD WHITE ABSINTHE GIRL ETHEL WILSON and Sailors TABLEAU D— -Lords and Hirelings WARRING RULERS DEATH ; FREDERICK A. WILMOT CATS PAW CUSHION RUBBER HEELS TREAD SOFTLY STEP SAFELY ORDER BV NAME. FOSTER RUBBER COU« **^i&> BOSTON, MASS. 5CT«n"C«o t MtmumzutB 457 M. Auburn St., Cambrthge SOMERVILLE PAGEANT Boston Plate & Window Glass Co. Window and Plate Glass Mirror Plates, Framed Mirrors, etc, 261 to 287 A Street .'. 20-22 Canal Street Boston, Mass. & a d'ri evict '& i» (acmA/i^nenA c& ^rriend '& "An introduction leads to everlasting friendship." •I* FOSS = BOSTON <4£mi&U> CHOCOLATES "On sale where quality is appreciated." of WORLD PEACE 2li>0t Mtsl^s for World $vati> ^ £tanfrmg (Sjommfttee (tihirit Unturrsaltst parish fficst ^ontrrutlle C. R. BOWLBY Long Distance Auto Truck Furniture and Piano Moving Storage and Renting of Autos 1 6 Thorndike Street West Somerville vowifilimetifo c£ tirt'tmicl SOMERVILLE PAGEANT Compliments of J. W. HOWARD JTlnriat 330 Broadway.lSomerville 1363 Beacon Street, Brookline Scene 3 ARES, GOD OP WAR WALTER H. JACKSON DEATH FREDERICK A. WILMOT GREED ISABELLE E. SIMMONS SLAUGHTER JEAN M. WITHERELL PAIN BEATRICE I. SANDERS HATRED ELIZABETH CHASE SORROW MARION L. HULL SMOKE MOLLIE L. McCORMACK FLAME FRANC H. THIES DESTRUCTION HELEN GOLDSMITH DESOLATION HELEN GOULD CDRRIE FAMINE OLIVE G. CROSSMAN PESTILENCE NORNA V. JOHNSON INSANITY AGNES E. WEIR STEEL — Gladys M. Thies, Eleanor Maynard, Mildred Kewer, Elsie E. Schoenle, Emily L. Pride, Leona Paasche, Angela Perron, Gertrude Doherty, Edith Hagan, Florence Hunter FIRE — Madeleine H. Luce, Marion W. Kellsey, Ruth G. Trefry, Dorothy J. Trefry, Florence L. Den- nis, Clara Gardner, Esther Maynard, Lena Pierce, Gladys I. Bowditch, Agnes Blood, Edna Harvey HATE — Catherine E. Giles, Eva M. Wallace, Esther L. Johnson, Violet L. March, Mabel March, H. Bernice Edgar, Helen H. Whitaker, Annie L. Johanson, Evelin H. Johnson, Ruth C. Sproule RAGE — Helen W. Rice, Edna A. Stahl, Anna Ross, Ida M. Bowman, Gladys Horton, Priscilla Cal- der, Edna Scriven, Helen Copithorne, Ruth FitzPatrick, Margaret Manning, Alice Mitchell, Bertha C. Mellett DARKNESS— Howe Clark, Herford C. Hartwell, Wilfred J. Fuller, Hazel Davenport, Grace Dardis, Bertha Wallace, Beatrice Wilson, Jennie Moore TIME CHARLES FEARING, Sr. ETERNITY EDWARD FLINT VICTORY JOHN CHIPMAN DEFEAT A. E. BAIRD HOPE MARY HOYT Room 745 F. C. ALEXANDER Contractor and Builder OLD SOUTH BUILDING BOSTON, MASS. gf WORLD PEACE vfeinA/twi&n/d cf S$ ^r^&nct Principal Coffee Roasters an Boston and Chicago Sold by 25,000 dealers in United State> and Canadian P rovinces Shop 2635-W Telephone Connection Res. 16 21-M H. N. DEARBORN M&n&z Painting 62 Dover St. West Somerville Paper Hanging Graining, Glazing Whitening and Kalsomining General Jobbing Promptly Attended To BUY YOUR FURNITURE FROM Drake & Hersey Co. 84 CANAL STREET SOMERVILLE PAGEANT Telephone Connection Twenty Years Experience William Stern Interior Decorator - - Paper Hanging and Ceiling work a Specialty 15 Newbury Street West Somerville Executive Staff General Chairman ■ Business Manager . Treasurer . Publicity Manager . Grounds Chairman . Lighting Chairman . Concessions Chairman Program Chairman . Tickets Chairman Head Usher Pageant Master Rhythmic Director Costumes . Master of Properties Wigs .... FREDERICK A. WILMOT JOHN WEINHEIMER JULIAN R. DILLABY C. E. BELLATTY FRANCIS V. MEAD F. ELWOOD SMITH J. P. SNOW ALBERT M. BURBANK CHARLES R. DUHIG HAROLD JAMES Production FREDERICK A. WILMOT ANNIE M. BLAIKIE JOHN VINE HERBERT M. L GIDUZ A. ROTHE Reception Committee Hon. Z. E. CLIFF, Chairman Advisory Board Mrs. Cyrus E. Dallin, Chairman, Frank Chouteau Brown, Percy Lee Atherton Dr. Charles Fleischer, Henry B. Humphrey If you want FRAMING that is artistic, IMPORTED PICTURES that are novelties, ART GOODS that are exclusive 481 BOYLSTON STREET Opposite Institute of Technology B GO TO B; KABATZNICK'S and HAND CARVED FRAMES of rare beauty at prices that will please you We make a specialty of Holy Pictures BOSTON, MASS. PHONE BACK BAY 47*9 gf WORLD PEACE ©. 0. Suttttlplj TELEPHONES OXFORD 2947 BROOKLINE 4292-M SPECIALIZING THE David Adler & Sons Clothing Jacksonian Clothes 69 SUMMER STREET. BOSTON Quality the best take elevator t ° Fifth fl °° r prices the Lowest jf TRADE J/ rtAOK ESTIMATES FURNISHED TELEPHONE SOMERVILLE 184 M. J. LEWIS PLUMBING and gas fitting Stove a'>d Furnace Repairing. Jobbing a Specialty. Agents for Magee Ranges and Furnaces. Satisfaction Guaranteed 18 HOLLAND STREET wait CforttcfttfUe, ^4lf<^ Jersey Milk direct from Farmers FROM THE MANUFACTURE PS OF RjfCHOCOLATE CREAM DROPS. W SoM* pVl ^ S A Child Can Sharpen Knives and Shears WIZ- ARD ■& SHARP- ENER & Fasten to wall or table. A few quick strokes brings perfectly beveled edges to the dullest. Guaranteed five years. Only high grade Sharpener ever sold at this price. Every kitchen needs it. By Mail, Postpaid, . . . 25? STANDARD SILVERWARE COMPANY 34 Merchants Row. Boston Telephone: Som. 3708-M H. A. PRESCOTT 411 Highland Avenue Pure Milk and Cream direct from our own DAIRIES west somerville Mass. a good sign that it is always safe for you to note is OUR PLUMBING. Prompt and courteous service, coupled with the best materials, newest fixtures and our experienced workmen, insure satisfaction in all kinds of Plumbing Work. Give us a trial whether you intend installing a new system or simply want a small job of repair work done. Furnace, Steam and Hot Water Heating W. S. HOWE CO. 51 UNION SQUARE PHONE SOM. 1532 SOMERVILLE PAGEANT New England Nurseries, Bedford, Mass. l^ea&quarters fnr Hardy SEri^a ^Ijmbs and plants for all purposes Send for Catalog. THE NASON MFG. CO. 55-57 DOVER STREET W. SOMERVILLE, MASS. JIGS FIXTURES DIES CUTTERS EXPERIMENTAL WORK EBB AUTOMOBILE PARTS MADE TO ORDER EH MACHINE AND ENGINE REPAIRS eh GENERAL REPAIRS PATRIOTS OF WAR AND PEACE A Dialogue BERTHA HIRSCH BARUCH War : 'Twas ever thus, 'twill ever be. War is a grim necessity. Peace : What was, is past; what is, must cease. The claims of War be met in Peace. War : When foes assail a nation's Right It is in duty bound to fight. Peace : . The nobler nation seeks redress Of wrongs, in calm deliberateness. War: When rankling wounds cause conflagration, The God of War flouts arbitration. Peace : A world laid waste for "duty's sake" — When duty it were a world to make. War: Allegiance to our flag must be, To quell— destroy the enemy. Peace : Our ensign bears the pen and seal, Life pledged to serve the Peace Ideal. War : To fight bespeaks man's strength and power, His glory is in conquest's hour. Peace : Man's glory lies in Reasons might, In battle brave for Truth and Right. War: For sloths and cowards the peaceful strain, For us, the songs of soldiers slain. Peace : We sing of bloodless sacrifice, Of heroes conquering sin and vice. War: For us the furious battlefield ; A patriot's life in strife to yield. Peace : As patriots on land or sea, Our Treaty is with Humanity. War : Our flag means Forre — armed strategy ; Means capture, freedom, victory! Peace : Our banner pure where'er unfurled — M/^ans Justice, Peac^-throughout the World. RIGHT QUALITY RIGHT PRICES AT THE S. K. AMES' Butter and Tea Stores 14 Bow Street 1 42 Cross Street 349 Medford Street 86 Broadway 9 Highland Read 217 Highland Avenue TEELE SQUARE SOMERVILLE 58 Branch stores in New England. A 9. V* * <&£<^t*^y Burbank 8c Ryder Varnish Company Bunker Hill Finishers H. F. RYDER, representative 54 Francesca Ave.. Somerville Compliments of the Wellington -Wild Coal Company SOMFY Garbage Receiver SOMFY Garbage Receiver Manufactured by Somerville Iron Foundry 88 Washington Street Somerville me a? Mass. s o M F Y wat the fly by eliminating their breeding places. ffensive odors may be entirely done away with. ake your home and its sur- roundings sanitary. ree the back yard of the nuisance of overturned garbage pails. ou will accomplish all these points by installing a SOMFY Sanitary Garbage Receiver The Commercial National Bank of Boston. Mass. 4 Liberty Square. Corner Water Street M* M« M* Capital, $250,000 Surplus and Profits, . $268,000 & M* M* OFFICERS BENJAMIN B. PERKINS. PRESIDENT THOMAS W SAUNDERS. Cashier DIRECTORS Hobart Ames Charles F. Cutler Benjamin B. Perkins Thomas W. Saunders James A. Brennan Edward Hobart Edmund Reardon Arthur H. Soden Gilmer Clapp Benjamin N. Johnson Nathaniel J. Rust Louis A. Wyman Accounts Solicited GAGE PRINTING CO.. 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