5Ab hsical Cu3 n Amherst College Nathan Allen lifornia tonal lity LS1TY OF CALL-. INi VF ; "f/M ; ^^^ : :,--/ PHYSICAL CULTURE AMILE RST COL LEG E NATHA.V ALLKX, M. 1) . PREPARED BY THE REQUEST OF THE TRUSTEES. LOWELL. MASS : STONI: A: iirs K, HOOK IM.MNTKKS. ISiV.t. PHYSICAL (TUTUI-; IN AMIIKKST roLLKiiM.* Amherst College is very much indehted for the estah- lishllient of the department of Phvsieal ('ulture to the deep interest and personal lahors of its President. At his inau- guration in l( s -il. several pa^es of his discourse were occu- pied in showing 1 the important relations that exist hetween the mind and the hedv ; that hoth should alwa\'s he exercised in harmony with each other, and thai no course of education was complete without devoting special attention to secure a ^ood development and healthy state of the physical system. In his first report tothe Trustee- in i. s ~>~i. upon the condition of the Institution, he sa vs. no one thin u 1 J has demanded more of mv anxious attention than I In' Innl/li I a/ l//r .s'/Vr/r/i'/.v. The Wailing of the physical energies 111 the (.TI midwav o! the ('ol'e^e course is almost the rule rather than the exception amoiii:' us. and cases oi eoni[ilete hreakilig down are painfully numerous." And in his repoi t for U V "HI. he savs. "the lireak- - in- 1 do\vn of the health of the students, especially in the i-pruiL:' o|' the year, which is exceedingly eoimnon. in\'ol\- HIL:' the ni'cessit \ - of leaving college in many instances. and crippliii ( u' the energies and destroying the prospects of 'cessai v. lire ill' Hir I ,\ l,|]|;,-il|lll." i tlir annual tih-i'liiu nl' ilu 1 l;.>aril. .hi , ... i,. i" .'. if proper measures could be adopted to prevent it." He .suggested that some lectures upon the subject should be obtained from distinguished medical gentlemen, and accord- ingly Dr. Morrill Wyman. of Cambridge, was employed, who. in the spring of 1857, gave two lectures before the students upon the laws of health. In President Stearns' Report to the Trustees for 18o9, the health of the students again constituted a prominent topic. Fie says. " time and experience have convinced me of an imperious demand, in the circumstances of an academic life, for immediate and efiicient action on this subject : many of our students come from farms, mechanic shops, and other active occupations, to the hard study and sedentary habits of college. Physical exercise is neglected, the laws of health are violated, the protests and exhortations of instructors and other friends are unheeded. The once active student soon becomes physically indolent, his mental pow- ers become dulled, his movements and appearance indicate physical deterioration; he makes occasionally spasmodic efforts to reg;iin his former elasticity by exercise, but bv finding discomfort more than advantage from it. he eschews exertion and becomes more inert than ever. 15v the time the Junior year is reached, many .-indents have broken down their health, and every year some lives are sacrificed. Physical training is not the onlv means of preventing this result, but it, is among the most prominent of them. If it could be regularly conducted. if a mod- erate amount of physical exercise could lie secured as a general thing to every student dailv. I have a deep convic- tion, founded on clo><> observation and experience, that not only \\oitld lives and health be preser\ed. but animation and cheerfulness, and a higher order of efficient >tudv and intel- al life would be secured. It will be for the con>jdera- this Board, whether, (or the encouragement of this exercise, the tune has not come, when efficient measures should he taken for the erection of a Gymnasium, and the procuring of its proper appointments. It is a settled conviction, in mv own mind, that oiih hv a certain amount of regular exercise, together with attention to other laws of health, can that list lessness and dullness and inefficienc v which is so hostile to u'ood scholarship and so common anion^ students, he overcome.' 1 In concluding his remarks the President stated, that two of the most promising students in the Senior class had just deceased, whose deaths had pl'ohahlv heeil occasioned hv violating the laws of health in college: and other stu- dents were fast hreakinv; do\vn their constitutions, and paving the wa\" to follow them. The statement of these facts had at the time an impressive effect, and served to favor immediate action in the matter. The Tru-teos chose a com- mittee, consisting of the President. Dr. X. Allen. II. Kd- wards. Ks<|.. and Col. A. II. Uullock. to take the suhject into consideration, who reported at once, that it was expedient to erect a suitahle hiiildiiiu' for a (J vmiiasium : and. provided a certain amount could he raised hv suhscription. ihev recom- mended that an eijiia amount he appropriated for that pur- pose fioiu the treasur\ (if the Corporation. This report was accepted hv the ]>oard. and a committee was appointed, consisting of lion. .1. 15. Woods. Prof. \V. S. Clark. ll<.n. S. \\ illiston and the President, with full powers to collect fund-. procure plans, select a location for the huiidiuLi'. and to make contracts for jl,c erection and completion of the same. In ohtaiiniiu' snhscript ions, and as a memher of the huildm^ committee. Prof. \\.S.CIark.\\ith his accustoineil ener^v. performed efficient and successful service. 'I IM place selected for the site of the hiuldlllLi' was ea.-t of the drove, and diroctlv north of Ka-l ('olle-e. It was huilt of Pelham granite. t\\'o stories hinli- lifl\' hv se\ent\'- t\\'o ted ; and though tin- committee exceeded their iilst plan iii the -i/.o of the huildin-. still, if twciitx feet more G hud been added to its length, the edifice would huve been better proportioned and uflbrdod more ample aceommoda- tions. It is verv desirable that this addition sliall yet be made, us the \vaiits of this department render it neressuiy. I pun the completion of the building, the name of " Barrett Gymnasium " was given in it. from Dr. Benjamin Barrett, of Northampton, who had contributed liberally towards its erection. Since thai time, this same gentleman has put in. at his own expense, u gallery a f the west end of the hail, and also paid a part of the annual expenses, for repairs, im- provements, ^'c.. ^'e. It is now hoped that some generous- minded individual may he found who will liberally endow this professorship of Hygiene and Physical Education, thereby placing it upon an independent foundation. As this department was new. and from its peculiar character might, encounter more difficulties than usual, on uccoiint of which its teucher might desire advice and counsel. it was thought best bv the Trustees to have a (Gymnasium Committee. Pre-ideni Stearns. Drs. K. Alden and X. Allen were therefore appointed such committee in iMil) and iMll. Since that time, the Pi'esideiit and Dr. Allen have served evorv year, with the addition to the committee in dillereni veurs of l)r. Benjamin Barrett. Kev. \\"illiam P. Pain-'. 1>. I)., and Kev. L Sabin. I), i). In hi- Annual Ueport for ISi'.O. the President s iid. one light shall be u-eil m it. and no smoking or irregularities o| any kind shall be allowed in it. 7th That the instructor nf a -mt- able person s loiild be employed ) oimht to be a member of the Faculty, and give in to it his mark- and occasional ac- count-, and receive direction-, as other oflicers of the college are accustomed to do. It niii-l I hvious." h<- a< d-. " hm tin- general view, i iat a teacher of very hiuh qualifications \\iil b:> demanded. \\ ith such a teacher we max be alnio-t -ure of siicee-- : \\iih an inferior man our failure need noi be foretold. " \\ hat we lieei is a professor-hip which shall extend 0\'el' the ell I !l e i 1 e 1 ,a 1 1 1 1 1 e Ii 1 of p]|\ sical edlll " H"!'. I -1 'I lie officer .should be a skillful gymnast, capable of conducting his classes, by example as \vell as precept, through all the exercises which the best training would require them to perform. 2nd He should have a good medical education, with sufficient knowledge of disease, if not to manage severe cases, yet to know whether a student is sick or well, obeying the laws of health or breaking them. and. as a wise friend, to caution him. advise him and put him on the track towards physical vigor, ord -That he should have such knowledge of elocution as would enable him to teach those movements of the bodv. lungs and vocal organs which are essential to graceful and effective oratory. Elocution is properly a branch of gymnastics, and the highest degree of health, to say nothing of good manners and good speaking, can hardly be secured without it or a substitute for it. This officer, while having charge of gymnastics, would naturally teach physiology as far as might be necessary for all practical purposes, including the laws of health and the physical part of oratory : and as he would be much with the students, and would be likely to have great influence over them, he ought to be a man of cultivated tastes and manners. a man of honorable sentiments and correct principles, having high aims and a Christian spirit. Such a man. with such a work as I have mw marked out successfully pursued, would he an incalculable' advantage to the College and to mankind. \Ve should not onlv have the honor of being the lir-t in>ti- tiition in ihe roimtrv which has over sustained such a pre- fessorship. but we ,-hould probably save to the word a vast amount of physical and mental power which would other- wi-o be wasted, and further the great ends of education. /I'ltit'/l i/i'i' In n/ilhi an ii. -aine meeting of the Tru.-tees. a lloport was the Building Committee on the (lymiiasium. August. IS") '.i. which, with the preceding >f tin.- I 're.-ident. was carefully considered bv the Board, and referred to a committee consisting of Dr. X. Allen. HOY. Dr. Paine and Il.m. S. Williston. The Hoport of this committee approved the doings of tlio Building Com- mittee, notwithstanding they liad enlarged the. original plan of the Gymnasium, and considerably exceeded UK; expenses first contemplated. It states that the structure first planned would not have conformed with the other college edifices, and would in>t have been adequate in si/e and accommodations to meet all the wants of such a department. It recom- monded further appropriation to complete the, building, and to equip it at once with all the necessary apparatus. It also recommended the following general [dan, which was unani- mously adopted : To KSTAI'.LISH A 'Dr-.l'AKTMKNT OF PHYSICAL Cd/ITHE IN THIS CoLLKiii-;; and that the duties of its Professor shall he: 1st. To take charge of the Gymnasium, and give instruction to the students in Gymnastics. 2nd. To take a general oversight of the health of the students, and to give such instruction on the subject as mav be deemed expedient, according to the general plan stated bv the President in his Report, and under the direction of the Faculty, like all the other studies. ord. To teach elocution so far as it is connected with physical training. 4th. He shall give lectures Iroin time to time upon Hygiene. Physical Culture, and other topic.- pertaining to the laws of life and health, including some general knowledge of .Anatomy and Physiology. ~>th. The individual appointed to have charge of this department shall ho a thoroughly educated physician, and, like other teacher> and professors, shall he a member of the College Faculty. It is distinctly understood, that He hiUk of thf students shall at all times be an object of his special watch, care and counsel. The title or name of the Professorship in this depart- ment having come under consideration by the Board, it was moved by Dr. Allen, (and the vote unanimously adopted.) that the stvle of this Professorship shall be " The Professor of Ilyylem and Physical Education." It was the intention of the Trustees to incorporate these exercises into the regular curriculum of college studies, and make it obligatory upon all students to attend upon them as much as on instruction in Mathematics or the classics. It should lie observed, that nearly all Gymnasia connected with literary institutions, both in Europe and America, had failed to accomplish the results intended or expected, because no system of exercises was adopted in harmony with the laws of the body, nor did the character given them correspond to their importance, or to require that dailv regular training, which was accorded to mental acqui- sitions. In the present instance, instead of leaving the thing to take care of itself. for students to exercise or not. at their option or convenience, without any guide, system or instruction. the Trustees determined at the outset to place the enterprise in the position which its importance and suc- cess demanded. To accomplish tin's object, two things were deemed indispensable: 1st --The living frm-hcr one thoroughly acquainted with the structure and functions of the body, with a knowledge of the laws of Hvgionc : and -dly. this physical training must be made a part of the regular exercises of the Institution, and must be stamped with the same importance, authority, rewards and sanctions as are accorded to the other branches of studv. With this feature in the history of Physical Culture. as connected with large litorarv Institutions, Amher.st College. we believe, take- the lead. In fact, it is the first instance in the whole history of modern education where the claims 1 1 of the body, its proper development and hoaltliy training, have been placed upon the same plat Conn, and the same importance attached to them as to anv other branch of study or mental acquirement. (ireat expectations were on-ce raised from the establish- ment in this eountry of manual labor schools, and some of them attracted fora time large numbers of scholars, and enjoyed apparently great prosperity. ]>ut the experiment proved of shoit duration. 'I hev all failed and were given up. principally for two reasons: 1st 'I he pocuniarv re- sults, which were held out as a leading motive, were not found practically to correspond to the anticipations created or promises made: and '_Mly. neither the work undertaken nor the employments pursued were of a character to interest properly the mind, and thus exert that beneficial influence upon the health which was desirable. They weie not calcu- lated to develop harmoniously all parts of the bodv. and create a pleasurable excitement in the exercise itself. And it is questionable whether any kind of work or employment suitable for a large body of young scholars to pursue together can be found, that will be remunerative, and, at the same time, productive of health and agreeable excitement. In this department, at Amherst. we have, in addition to its physical exercises, the services of a well-educated and skillful phv.-ieian. who is the appointed supervisor of the health of the Institution. whose duty it is to forewarn students collectively and individually of the first symptoms or appear- ance of disease, and whom they may feel at perfect liberty to consult in respect to all manner of weaknesses and com- plaints. Then, besides these physical exercises and the more public lectures on hvgiene and health, this physician will have familiar talk.- with students just entering college upon the character and danger of habits of dissipation generally, and of private vice in particular, to which vnung men con- gregated together are p-culiarly exposed. 12 III. ITS HISTORY. At the meeting of the Board of Trustees, August 6th, John W. Hooker, M. D.. of New Haven, Ct., was appointed professor in this department. Dr. Hooker was a graduate of Yale College, and had spent some years in Europe in completing his medical education. He had given special attention to physical training, and. being himself a skillful gymnast, possessed qualities that eminently fitted him for starting such an enterprise. But before the close of the year his health failed, and he resigned his position, and died in about two years afterwards. Dr. Hooker, during his short residence here, made an excellent beginning in this department, by creating much interest among the students in matters of Hygiene and Physical Education, as well as in reducing the gymnastic exercises to regular system and order. On account of the martial spirit that everywhere prevailed at that time, the attention and co-operation of students were more readily secured. The urgent calls of our country for young men to volunteer as soldiers for the war raging at a distance, and the music of the " Fife and Drum." heard in almost every town and village at home, were peculiarly calculated in those times to inspire, students with a fondness for physical exer- cises, and military drills. Such was the demand in this direction, that Col. Luke Lyman. of Northampton, distin- guished as a drill-master, was employed, in the Spring of 1801. to give instruction and training to students in military tactics and exercises. At the annual meeting of the Trustees. August Nth, 1801. Kdward Hitchcock. M. D.. a graduate of the College and of the Medical School of Harvard I niversitv. bearing a most-honored name, and possessing manv qualities admir- ably fitting him for this charge, was appointed professor in this department. And in his iirst report to the Trustees, Dr. Hitchcock remarks: ' I am agreeably surprised that the interest h,-is been kept up during the vear in this depart- ment, as it certainly has. And I speak from knowledge on the subject when I say, that there is no more disposition to evade the duties of this department than there is of any other exeivise of college. I have always insisted upon order and obedience to rules. I have had but little dillicultv in securing them. During a portion of the exeicises. I urge upon the captains the necessity of introducing plavi'ul exer- cises, Mich as running in grotesque attitudes, singing college songs, ^c. Sometimes this mav seem boisterous and undig- ut it seems desirable to me that a portion of the should be worked oil' inside the stone walls of the gymnasium, under the eve of a college officer, rather than out of doors, rendering night hideous; and in no instance has the captain found the slightest difliculty in bringing his men into line at the word of command.'' At the close of the third year, the Professor in his repoit says : In regard to the success of physical exercises in the (iymnasium. as at present carried on. I can only reit- erate what was stated in my report one year ago. and this is that the plan originally proposed works admirably. '1 he noveltv passes o|T by the end of the first six months, and then the students regard the principal exercise in the same light as they do any other college duties. Ami 1 feel confi- dent nf the truth of the statement when I say. that a required exercise in the gymnasium is no more irksome to the students than is a required dutv in anv of the literary and scientific departments of college." In Julv. 1S!>4. the Professor says in his report to the Trustees: '1 he past year's experience shows that this department is being rapidly established upon a permanent ami systematic basis." It mav be proper 1o explain mon- in detail, how and in what wa v these exercises are conducted from dav to day in th<' ( ! vmiiasium. 'J he leading design is. that all the muscles of the bodv shall be 14 brought into exercise in harmony with the laws that govern their natural action, and in a manner to promote the greatest possible amount of health. It is the practice of classes to perform some exercises together in concert, and they generally occupy one half-hour in the forenoon for this purpose ; sometimes sections of a class will go through cer- tain exercises, one right alter another, and then again here and there individuals will be seen trying their agility and strength upon some parts of the apparatus. Each class has a unil'oim of its own, and forming together in a line, in the lower room, marches in regular order into the upper hall under its respective captain, fre- quently singing ;l lively song : the roll is then called by the Professor, absences and deportment marked ; the members of the class then dividing into sections, and obtaining their dumb bells. Indian clubs or wands, take their places in the centra] portions of the hall, where they go through with an almost endless variety of evolutions, assuming 1 every position of the legs, arms and liodv possible. It is intended by the kind and variety of movement to exercise every muscle of the body in a manner to afford pleasure, not fatigue, and und'r such circumstances as to keep up an increasing inter- est to the close of everv performance. These movements are made sometimes with great rapidity, and at other limes very slowly, and then again interchanged from one kind to another, so that thev shall not tire, and are performed appa- rently with remarkable ease and /est. A writer in one of the popular newspapers of the dav, after referring to the regular performances, give-- the tnlh>w- ing amusing description of these miscellaneous exercises : 'And now." says he. " thev lay down their clubs or dumb hells and perform a variotv of genuflexions and prostrations on the floor, with more than Mahommedan /eal. or down on all-fours, plav at leap-frng. and put themselves in every con- ceiyable and inconceivable attitude, tdl in spite of them- selves every m;m is in ;i roar of laughter. Then breaking up into smaller squads, or every man on his own hook, they chase each other along the parallel bars and horizontal lad- ders; run up and down inclined planes; hound over horses from spring-hoards; turn somersets on springs; mount up to the roof on a series of parallel spring-bars asifbv magic ; and by magic come down again unhurt, and when thev have gone through with all these evolutions and others too numer- ous to mention, (not all in every half-hour, of course, but always enough to touch everv muscle in the most hidden recesses of the frame, and local! forth a gush of life and joy from the darkest and deepest fountains of the soul.) after all this apparent medley of confusion, enough to distract almost as much as it amuses the looker-on, they are brought up standing at the expiration of the half-hour, like the sing- ers at the end of our old-fashioned fugue tunes, and sent away to their meals or to their studies, as the case may be. with an appetite to relish, and a stomach to digest without dilliculty or danger classics or mathematics, physics or meta- physics. beet-steak or roast pig. mince pies or plum-pudding." (Mi \Vedne.-days and Saturdays, the regular exercises are omitted, part !v to o'ivo to the ofHcers of classes, as well as indi- 1 < ' viduals. an opportunity to perfect themselves in gymnastics, but more especially because those days in college are gener- ally appropriated to miscellaneous duties, and the afternoons particularly to recreation, reading, work, business. tS:e. The ijuestion has often been asked, what kind of gym- nastics is best V This depends mi the object sought. If it is intended to make acrobats, pugilists, gladiators, or persons distinguished for physical strength or particular feats of anility, then it requires long training of certain mu>cles and di>tinct parts of the bndv. together with groat care in the kind and quant it v of |i KM!. Again, if certain parts or organs of the body are weak or diseased, and the hygienic influences of exercise are sought IP. to restore strength and health, in this case, particular muscles must be exercised in just, such a manner, and to just such an extent as may be directed by a skillful physician. This is what has been denominated the movement cure, and has met with great success, both in Europe and in our own coun- try. But in an Institution where a large body of students require daily exercise, with as little exposure and loss of time as possible, the lighter gymnastics as here practiced are undoubtedly best adapted to effect the object intended. It is surprising what a great number and variety of exercises are here devised and practiced, amounting in the course of the year to some five hundred. The design is. that all the muscles of the body should be exercised in a manner to equalize best the circulation of the blood. to expand the lungs. to aid the stomach in the digestion of food. to strengthen the joints, develop all parts of the bodv in har- mony with the most efficient action of the brain. Thus not only agilitv and strength of the limbs are acquired, but the vital forces of the system fed from their natural sources of nutrition, absorption and respiration are most abund- antly supplied. The true course pointed out for phvsical exercise is. imitate the natural action of the muscles, or. in other words, follow the laws of nature in bringing the svstem into tin? higbest state of physical health compatible with mental exercise. If there is danger of injury from anv source in this svstem. it \vill arise either from the ton rapid movements of the muscles, or from excessive exhaustion of the system. l>oth these extremes should be careful! v watched and guarded against. In some quarters an attempt has been made to draw a broad line of distinction between what are denominated on the one hand/'//'' /////// ////////^/*//r.v. and on the other I lie licurii. and to create prejudices in the coiniiiuinlv ' ' It' , against one class or the other. Such a distinction is entirolv unnecessary. There is plenty of room for both classes: one kind may be hotter adapted tu certain purposes than the other: and again lor other purposes they should go together. As an evidence that the public has been greatly inter- ested in this department, the number of visitors present from time to tune is a prettv good index. At first no count was kept ; but from September 1st. I Slid, to the close of the college year in -Inly. 1807. there were present at these exor- cises ).tl~)S persons as visitors, and from September. ISO", to July 1 Uth. I SOS. the number was l.T'-'S. more than one-Court h ol' whom were ladies; and the average number of visitors present at each exercise was over ten Cor both vcars. The newspaper press generally, and the Springfield Republican in particular, has always manifested great interest: in this department, speaking oC it in the most commenda- tory terms. From many such notices we must. Cor the want of room, make only one ([notation, from a correspondent in the Congregational Journal of October Liord. 1SO published at Concord. X. II.: Xo description." .-ays this writer. " of the gymnastic manoeuvres can give any idea of them : they are such as call into action every ligament, joint and muscle of the body, the whole frame. not the least the chest and the lungs. Xo snail-like movement is tolerated. All their motions are as quick and regular as those of the well-disci- plined soldier : they inarch, run. hop. jump ; their legs ami arms swing back and forth : the dumb iron bell they throw over head and shoulders with quick regularity; they run up long ladders with folded hands, their feet doing all the work" : they >wing. climb, hop. jump from place to place, from pule tu pole like squirrels, and all done in perfect order, under the command of company officers. Xow what is the olfect of those gymnastic exercises mi the students'.' (Jood and onlv gnod. on Imdv. mind, man- ners and character. Thev are greatly proinotive of health. This is evident fn>m the general appearance of the students. 18 Their countenances are ruddy, their persons erect, their step quick and elastic, their manners easy, their gait gentle- manly, all their motions indicate healthfullness and cheerful- ness. Casting my eye over the assembled college on sev- eral occasions, I was struck with the apparent joyousness of the students. No sad countenances were visible. The gymnastic exercises greatly promote the good order and murals of the students. Their animal spirits \vork off by the correct movements of ihe gymnasium. They are indisposed to the unmanly and olten mischievous doings of students too frequent in our colleges. A citizen of the town assures me. that the amount of injury done to the college and other buildings in the village is almost nothing since the opening of the gymnasium, compared with what it was be- fore. Xo less advantageous, probably, is the gymnasium to the )Kcul((l progress of the students. They come from the gymnastic exercises to their studies with healthful bodies, clear minds and cheerful spirits. The blues,' those most formidable enemies of successful study, assail them not. All is bright and promising, all hopeful. Time will undoubt- edly show that no one adjunct, no one department of col- lege, will conduce more to the noble object for which the Institution was founded, than the Gymnasium." When the subject was first agitated in respect to intro- ducing into college gymnastic exercises, there we're various prejudices and objections to such a course. One of the orig- inal objections to the establishment of a gymnasium and it still exists to some extent is the danger of some serious harm or injurv befalling those engaged in such exercises. ]>ut such accidents very seldom occur in the regular prac- tice of gymnastics, ll should be remembered, that the more OIK- exercises in this wav the better command of his limbs and body lie obtains, and therefore is less likely to meet with injuries. During the eight years since the establish- ment of this department there have been quite a number of bruises and sprains, one broken limb and one dislocated joint, but no really serious or permanent injury. Consid- ering the great number and variety of exercises and the extraordinary exposures in the performance of daring feats, -that over six hundred students haye taken a part in these exercises, and most of them, for a time, entirely inex- perienced, the accidents haye certainly been very few in number and slight in character. And those that have taken place occurred generally out of the regular exercises, for the want of care, or on account of some physical weakness of the individual injured. It is stated on good authority, that the accidents arising in ball-playing. practiced only a few weeks each year. are four times larger than those from gymnastics. Another objection to the introduction of such exercises was drawn from the fact. that, in one sense, all the students were to be compelled to engage in them the same as in any other branch of study or general college exercise. This was something new. It was pretended that the Trustees and Faculty of the College had no direct control oyer the bodies of students, and had no business to direct when and how they should use their limbs. The plan proposed here of introducing gymnastics and making it compulsory upon all students to take part in them, was a new and advanced position in respect to a class of exercises or duties to which no members of a college or large literary institution in our country had ever been obliged to conform. It was appre- hended by some that opposition to this course might be found, or a question of discipline between the Government of the Institution and its members might arise upon the ground of right or propriety of f<>////>ti/x"/'// exercise. I>ut fortu- nately no trouble or difficulty of this kind or even the shade of any has ever arisen from such source. The students have always promptly and cheerfully responded to all demands made upon them in this direction. It is now the opinion of the Professor as well as the general sense of the students, we understand, that they would rather dispense with any other department or college exercise than that of Hygiene and Physical Education. To no other task, exercise or duty connected with college studies and requisitions do students now more readily repair, or so heartily engage in as those ol the gymnasium. But there is one feature in this department that deserves careful consideration, and which is here introduced bv two ([notations from the annual reports of the Professor to the Trustees. Tn 18 ()"), he says. - I experience some trouble in being obliged to giye excuses to new students on account of direction or request from parents or physicians, nianv of of whom kim\v nothing of our exercises except that they are styled " gymnastics." and hence infer that they are of the severer form of labor, such as formerly were always con- nected with gymnasia. The students themselves who apply for these excuses are geneially of the effeminate class, or the decidedly la/v ones." In IMiStho Professor says. "I ought to speak upon one point, for fear that it might seem a weakness in the system unless fully understood. I am obliged to be more liberal in granting excuses for absences than are the oHicers of other departments. Une reason is. because no idea of rank is attached to excellent and faithful performance at the gymnasium. Another reason is. our exercises in this depart- ment wore established for recreation and exercise, so that extra work, such as wood-sawing, coal-carrying, other extra labor. &c.. seeiu to be equivalent to an occasional exorcise. Hence one who is well acquainted with the si/e of a class might often wonder at the proportion of their numbers pres- ent at an exercise. I am. however, careful that these excuses shall be given only occasionally, and that no one student shall be in the wa v of obtaining excuses as a regular habit." It 1.-5 possible that there mav sometimes be found a vouii" 1 student possessing a constitutional weakness or nervous idiosyneracy who should he excused iVoin gvmnastic exer- cises at the request of his parents or physician : but such cases will seldom occur; and then instead of being sent to college, such students should rather lind a home in some invalid's retreat, or he placed under the inornnenl cure for treatment. In respect to the other topic referred to. it is. perhaps, the weakest point, and the source of u'reatest danger con- nected with this department. And the more excuses are granted on such grounds or expedients, the greater is the danger. Let ;i little choring. or \\ork. or business, or a walk displace these regular gymnastic exercises to any groat extent, and it constitutes a verv weak point an entering wedge, which if constantlv. }>ersistantly and suc- cessfully applied, would break down this whole department. In the first place the students themselves, as a body, should make it a conscientious dutv. and should allow no incidental work or trilling consideration to interfere with their constant attendance upon these exercises. An examination of the table showing the number of absences in the different classes from these exercises, does not speak well for the higher classes. that the absences should increase with each class. so thai those of the Senior class are almost 1 wice as many as tho>e of the Freshman class. While the Professor should pursue a most wise and judicious coiir>e m granting excuses, his general rule in the matter, if not resembling in fixedness, the laws of ihe .Medes and Persians, should certainlv partake much of the Roman character. Something mav be done bv the other teachers in the Institution to sustain in this respect the Professor of ( ivmnast ics. and to create the right kind of public sentiment upon this subject : and in our opinion it should be a serious ipiestion with the Facullv of the ('ollege why improvement or excellence iii performance here should not count in rank 22 or attainment as well as in an}' other branch of study. If punctuality and deportment are favorably considered, why not improvement and excellence? "Why not put this de- partment upon a par in every respect with the others in the Institution ? IV. ITS RESULTS. When the erection of a Gymnasium was first agitated, and even for some time after gymnastics were introduced, it was said by some persons that the whole thing was an experiment ; that after the novelty was over the interest would soon subside, and the enterprise would prove a failure. It is now eight years since this department was established, eight different classes, numbering in all over six hundred students, have taken part in its exercises, and four classes have enjoyed its benefits throughout their whole collegiate course. What then has been the effect of these upon the health of the students, as well as upon the sanitary condition of the Institution ? This may be exhibited in a variety of ways. 1st. There has been a decided improvement in the very countenances and o-eneral physique of students. In- * o 1 * stead of the pale, sicklv and sallow complexion once very commonly seen, with an occasional lean, care-worn and hag- gard look, we now witness verv generally, fresh, ruddy and healthy countenances, indicative of a higher degree of vitality. and that the vital currents, enriched bv nutrition and oxy- gen, have a free and equal circulation throughout the whole system. This change is so marked as to attract the atten- tion of the casual observer, and has been commented upon by those formerly attending Commencements or other public occasions here, as exhibiting a stiiking difference between the personal appearance of students at those times, and. that at the present dav. This fact is also corroborated by the testimony of boarding house keepers. some who have been here twenty years or more. who say lh;it the students now have ;i more rctjuliii' \\\\(\ wilnm! appetite than formerly, muni tested not so mncli in the quantity 01 quality consumed, as in ;i hetter relish for plain, suhstantial and wholesome food. There is certainly the promise of a more; harmonious development of the whole system. a hetter commingling of all the temperaments in the physical organization of the students now than formerly. 2nd. In the use of the limhs and the hodv. in the physical movements and conduct of students generally, there has heen. we think, decided improvement. Once the awk- wardness of manner and the ungraceful hearing of scholars were matters of common remark, and such characteristics not unfrequently followed them through life. This resulted not so much from the want of early training and instruction on this suhjoct. as from the formation of had hahits in study, and the long continued neglect of proper exercise. It was frequently exhibited in stiffness of the joints, a clumsy use of the limhs. in round shoulders and a stooping posture, and sometimes hy a countenance set. stern and almost devoid of expression. Now gymnastics, when properly practiced, are calculated to product/ in this respect, a surprising effect upon the use of all parts of the hodv. as well as upon its devel- opment. They give not onlv agilitv and strength to all the muscles, but a quick and ready control of them, thereby begetting an easy and graceful carriage of the person. In other words, they tend to bring out the most important ele- ments of a polished manner in the natural and dignified car- riage of the liodv. in the easy and graceful movements of all the limbs, together with those expressions o| countenance and those gestures which constitute the highest style of elo- quence, whether in conversation or public speaking. And what gives tins physical culture so much advantage and heightens its power is the fact, that the mind, whose disci- pline is co-ordinate, is conscious of this power. conscious 24 that it can direct, control and command every muscle or part of the body at its own will. 3rd. The practice of gymnastics in concert is calcula- ted to beget personal sympathy, cheerfulness and buoyancy of spirits. The fact that a large body of students go through with precisely the same exercises together, at the same time and under the same general influences. and these exercises continued for years. creates a peculiar kind of sympathy, of interest and affection. In some respects it resembles the common practice of large companies eating and drinking together as expressive of their mutual good-will and friend- ship. It brings a whole class upon one common level, and in personal contact in such a variety of ways, that it tends to bind its members together b\- the strongest sympathies and bonds of fellowship. Kxercises that would be monotonous and burdensome to the individual performed alone, when practiced by a largo company, create the greatest interest and even enthusiasm. There is also a strong tendency at such times to mix in with these exercises no small amount of amusement and occasionally real fun : the odd. the gro- tesque and comical, producing bursts of enthusiasm or shouts of laughter. All this with improved circulation, digestion and respiration mu.-t. in the very nature of ihings. piodnce cheerfulness, hopefulness and buoyancy of -pints, expelling from the mind all despondency, melancholy, and "the blues/' 4th. \\ e come now to consider what, has been the effect more directly upon the health of tin.' students, and the sanitary condition of the Institution. It is nee, d less to state how many student- formerly impaired or broke down their constitution.- for want ol suHiciont exorcise, or from irregular or excessive hours of studv. or from .-ome improper habit-, oi' for want of suitable attention to diet, sleep or ,-omo other physical law. Perhaps the effects of violated law were not always visible at the lime, and did not apparently impede the college course, luit tlio seeds ^v/v ln-rc x/ n rev cut ion t* (t'ui'tli d iiouud of cure" are not more truthful than the statement here made of the remarkable exemption from disease of a community trained and educated as above described. ~>th. A comparison of the present health of students with what it was ten or fifteen vears ago. shows a snrpiising improvement. It is rare now for any student to break down. suddenly in his health, or to be compelled to leave college on this account. In IS-)-) (i 7 and S such cases were common, as mav be seen by icferring to tin: statements of I'resident Stearns in the opening of this paper: and the truth of the statements is moreover confirmed by others personally conversant here fur twenty or thirty years. As no record was formerly kept o| the amount of sickness from year to year, or ol the number ol students leaving college on account ol illne>s. no exact comparison on these points in figures can be instituted. lUit the experience am id oiise 26 vation of those who have been on the ground a long time must bear decided testimony to a greatly improved state of health among the students over that of former times ; and as for those who once were members of the Institution, and return here on public occasions. the} r cannot fail to see a great improvement in this respect. Oth. But the evidence of improved health does not rest wholly upon individual opinions or upon loose compari- sons. Since 1801. a register has been carefully kept of the kind and amount of sickness in college, an analysis of which presents some striking facts. Xo student is placed upon the sick list, unless he is detained two consecutive days from the usual exercises of the Institution. The number of students reported sick ranges in the course of the year from twenty- five to sixty, showing a far greater amount of sickness in some years than others, which depends very much on the fact, whether some epidemic prevailed, or whether the year as a whole, either on account of the weather or from some other cause, was not generally unhealthy. If allowance is made for this extra sickness in two of the years out of the eight, the register shows that the actual amount of sickness in college has diminished in these eight years more than (nK'-tltinl. That is. in the year just closed, there were only two-thirds as much sickness as in 1SG1, the year when gym- nastics were introduced. Again, the average number of students sick each year of these eight was thirty-eight, and the average number present in college was two hundred and twenty-four, show- ing that there were one hundred and eighty-six students on an average each year who did not experience two days' sickness at anv one time. The register reports fortv-one diflerent diseases or complaint.- to account for this sickness, and a careful inspection of the list shows a remarkable exemption from what are considered generally the more vio- lent and dangerous diseases. Most of the complaints were of a common class that might occur in ;iny community ; and the number which naturally would grow out of the usual exposures of college students is very small. In 1'act there are scarcely any diseases reported as connected with the stomach and the brain, organs which are. in some respects, the most likelv to become deranged bv the sedentary habits of student life. 7th. Hut the most marked evidence of improved health is found in the diminished sickness of every class each year after entering college. In a table giving the amount of sick- ness arranged by classes, it seems there has been for these eight years on an average ntor<' flixu /I/ /'<'< iiin<'* as much sickness in the Freshman Class as in the Men/or Class. It mav be said that the students upon first entering college do not know so well how to take care of themselves as they do in the third and fourth years ; or that some students who come here feeble and sickly, leave the Institution early, so that the vigorous and more health}" alone remain. This may account in part for the change, but only for a small part of it. For some students who now enter college with slender constitutions encounter considerable sickness the first year. but afterwards improve in health, and in the third and fourth years are comparatively well. And the number now leaving college during the first and second rears, on account of ill- health is very small. Then again, if we compare the sick- ness or health of a class all the way through college now. with that of one ten or fifteen years ago. a surprising diil'er- euce will be found ; if the sickness did not then increase or keep up through the whole course, it certainly did not diminish so much in the second and third years ;iud almost entirely cease in the fourth, as is the case now. Sth. There is still another class of facts verv import- ant in their bearing, though their value can not be fullv exhibited at present. These are properly denominated >'ilnl xfalisticx, and con.Mst of nine items to each student, taken 28 twice the first year and once each year afterwards. Every student upon entering college is examined upon these points, namely; his age, weight, height, girth of chest, girth of arm and forearm, capacity of lungs, power of expiration, and a simple test of muscular strength. These points, making about three thousand distinct items each year, are carefully recorded in a ledger, and in the course of time will become very valuable, when comparisons can be instituted between results recorded here at different periods, and similar results obtained in other Institutions and elsewhere. This is com- paratively a new field of inquiry, and when sufficient statis- tics are gathered, it will lead to the establishment of some very important facts, such as the size and strength of particular limbs and muscles as increased by exercise, and also of the capacity and power of the lungs as affected by the same means. They will help to settle or throw some light upon what is the normal standard of students of the; same age as it respects the several points given in these vital statistics, and then what are the best means or kinds of exercise to bring or keep them up to this standard. As far as these statistics are already collected, they present some curious and instructive facts. The average age of all the students for these eight years has been 21.723 years; Seniors 23.04S, Juniors 22.32!), Sophomores 21.241, and Freshmen 20.27-"). The average weight of all has been 130.4 SO pounds ; Seniors 145.021, Juniors 130.009, Sopho- mores 139.970, and Freshmen 132.041. The average height has been 5. (JO I feet; Seniors 0.634, Juniors 0.006, Sopho- mores ;).664 and Freshmen ;).G-)1. In those two last items, (weight and height,) there was a decided gain to each class all the way through college, and they will compare favorably with other statistics collected upon these points. Qnelelet, who has devoted more attention to this subject than any other writer, gives the average weight of an adult male 136.003 pounds, and the average height ->.333 feet. Dr. Gould, who examined a large number <>f students in tlic .Junior and Senior Classes at Harvard 1 'niv<;rsit v ami Vale College, together with some members of the professional schools, reports their average height ").i;ri feet, and average O < - f5 weight I -'ill. 700 pounds. A. Maclaren. who lias charge of O 1 ^ the ( i vmnasium connected with the Oxford I'niversit v, Kn<'- * * O land, reports of the first one hundred names on his book as they arrived at the I'niversity. their average height O.8U5 feet, and average weight l^.'.'TO pounds. A careful inspection of the Table giving the vital sta- tistics of each class as it entered Ainherst College, and then in its senior year, shows a decided enlargement of the arm. at both points of measurement, and also of the girth of the chest, together with a marked increase in the capacity and power of the lungs. It is surprising what a change in sev- eral of these particulars some individuals have undergone in their college course. Instead of dwelling farther upon this part of the subject, the reader is referred to some facts and tables at the close of this paper. There is still another very important consideration, viz: has the standard of scholarship in college been raised by means of gymnastics ". A* the svstem of marking or mode of exhibiting this standard was changed a few years since, an exact comparison in figures cannot here be instituted ; but it is the decided opinion of the Registrar, (the College (Mlicor who has charge of these statistics.) that there "has been an elevation of rank within the past few vears." It mav be that .-mc individuals in a class formerly reached as hiii'h scholarship as aiiv now do; hut the ///ill' scholar- ship of a whole class, we are confident, is higher now than it once was. and. to sav the least. i< much easier obtained, with fewer hours of studv. and less loss of health and life. 30 V. ITS ADVANTAGES. After having recounted in the preceding pages so many beneficial results of gymnastics, it may seem almost super- fluous to point out any further advantages, but there are some which have not yet been noticed, the value of which will be better seen and appreciated by way of comparison with other kinds of exercise. 1st --How can the student find, with so little loss of time and all the requisite mate- rials at command, other exercises equal in every respect to these, where, at all seasons, he is protected in his person from the storms and the cold, and his character shielded so much from temptation to bad habits as well as from immoral influences. 2nd. In attempting to carry out the motto. '' ruens sana in corpore sano" preference should always be given to those exercises in early life, which serve not only to keep the body sound at the time, but will help to lay such founda- tions as will afterwards tend most effectually to keep it so and improve it. Now no kind of gymnastics or physical exercises whatever is so well calculated to do this as those under discussion. As they are designed to exercise everv muscle in the human body, and to produce a harmonious development of the whole system, we may reasonably expect that they will ward off local weaknesses, or abnormal developments. The more evenly balanced is the organization, or the more perfect the harmony in the temperaments, the sounder is {he constitution, and the better is the general health. And what is there so important to the professional man as a well-bal- anced constitution or uniformly good health ? What multi- tudes fail for the want of them ! Neither genius, talent nor learning can make up for them. 3rd. Again, there is another advantage from such ex- ercises bv way of creating wlf-i'didiicc or avti'dubitity <>f power. It is frequently found in public life that neither brilliant talents nor great learning achieve success so often or so much as a readv skill, lad or aptness to use one's resources. 'I he same is true from a phvsical jtoint oi' view. It is not the mere possession of vjood health or sound consti- tution, however advantageous these mav he. so much as the knowledge ;md control over the phvsical svstem obtained bv years of gymnastic exercises, that gi\ es that real srlf-rcliance that true xi'lf-finsst'iiiiion which sustains one under all cir- cumstances and emergencies. In order to applv knowledge and mental power most successfully 011 all occasions, there must be combined with it a strong feeling of self-reliance, the outgrowth of a healthy', well-trained and evenly-balanced physical system. The full force of this statement can he appreciated only by those who have had experience in public life, and passed through changes that are not uncommon at the present day. 4th. There is another advantage from these exercises worthv of notice, that is in preventing vicious and irregular habits. While no svstem of gymnastics alone can he ex- pected to break up settled habits of dissipation, such as intem- perance, licentiousness, and the excessive use of tobacco or an v other stimulant, still, combined with other good influences, thev have a direct tendency to forestall or arrest such practi- ces bv giving a safe vent to the animal spirits, by regularity of phvsical exercise, bv improving the general health, and pro- ducing a more normal condition of the brain. J5nt there is a vice. ( nameless here.) more terrible in its effects, both phvsical ami mental, upon the student, than either of the above, and over which gymnastic exercises have great influ- ence. In fact, it is the te-tinionv of the highest medical authorities, that regular and tolerably severe gymnastic ex- ercise is not onlv the most ellcctive means of preventing or checking this vice, hut is really the be-t curative agent. And it is a ui at ifvinu' fact that we can add the testimonv of 32 the Professor in this department, that gymnastics have been working to a like result in this Institution. 5th. It is found that a rcaular system of gymnastics operates in a variety of ways as a powerful auxiliary of dis- cipline ; that it answers as a kind of safety valve to let off in an indirect way that excess of animal spirits which is characteristic of some young men, arid which not unfre- quently leads them into trouble or conflict with authority. Again it serves with others as a kind of regulator to the system, exercising certain parts of it to such an extent as to produce weariness arid fatigue, so that the individual seeks repose ; and with another class it tends to remove any un- natural or innate weakness of the frame, and by such im- provements serves to equalize and regulate all the forces of nature. Thus such a system of gymnastics sets up a stand- ard of law for self-government ; for it is based upon those great laws of life and health which are a part of the will and government of God in this world, as much as the ten com- mandments. Xo by-laws or code of ethics established by any human teacher or institution can compare in authority or final appeal to those great natural, primeval lavs engraved upon our constitutions by the Creator. It will be seen at once v:hat a power the instructor has over the conscience and reason of a student thus trained. There are. it is well known, in every institution various misdemeanors and overt acts, which may not come under any formal rule, with plan- J J sible excuses for the same ; but here, in the laws of our own being, we have alwavs at hand a standard of appeal. It is based upon that sacred injunction, "do thyself no harm." Every well-informed teacher, and especially one versed in the laws of physiology, will see almost intuitively the great importance and convenience of having such a standard ol law [\>v f> rira/ ! as well as fmhllr discipline. Said President Felton to the writer, shortly before his decease, referring to the gymnastics at Amherst which he had just witnessed : ' Such a system of physical exercises thoroughly understood and applied bv the members of Harvard I niver.-itv. would aid me in the matter of discipline in that In.-t it ution more than anything else." We are here aiithori/ed to state, that the Faculty of Amherst College have found 21 eat assist- ance in government from this source ; that since the intro- duction of this department, the cases requiring discipline have been far less numerous, and more easily managed, than formerly. I'dh. Within a few years great interest has arisen with reference to physical exercises, partly on the score of amuse- ment and recreation, but more for the sake of sanitary advantages. Few of these exercises are new. but a fresh interest in many quarters has been kindled up in their behalf. The following list comprises most of them : walk- ing, horseback riding, skating, cricket and croquet plaving. gymnastics and calisthenics, base-ball, foot-ball, boating. Xc. Now no two of these exercises are precisely alike : they all have their peculiarities, calling into exercise dill'erent classes of muscles, and exerting diverse influences upon the system. The great objection to some of those exercises is. that they call into practice only a few muscles, and that over and over again. Others do not have that physiological influence upon the brain, nor produce that pleasurable excitement in the mind that is desirable. In fact it is found dillicult to keep up the interest in many of them for month.- or years, with- out resorting to collateral aid-, such as set uaine-. bets nr a species "I gambling. Walking, the oldest of all exercises and the most exten- sively practiced, has many advantages calling into play a large part of the muscles; requires no expense. is pur- sued in the "pen air : and. \\heii one ha- leisure, plea-ant company and objects or attractions -uflicient to interest the mind, ii" better physical exercise can be t'"iind. Horse-back riding- and skating; may be reckoned among o o / O the most delightful exercises ; but then these, to say nothing of the expense, can be enjoyed only at particular seasons of the year or in certain kinds of weather ; and, to be rendered really pleasant and profitable, one must have company of the riyht stamp. These exercises are admirably fitted for indi- viduals or small companies in pursuit of pleasure or health, or to resort to occasionally, but could never be practiced regularly and systematically by a large body of students. In pleasant weather children and young ladies can find / o no better physical exercise than in cricket and croquet playing, but, when congregated in school or in seminary, calisthenics afford in these places the best kind of exercise for them. It is an encouraging fact that more and more attention is being devoted to such training both in the School and in the Family. Base Hall. always popular and formerly practiced somewhat extensively. has of late years come into great favor, and may be considered almost a national game. The ellects of this exercise as a whole upon the system are decidedly beneficial. It is peculiarly calculated to call into practice nearly all the muscles of the limbs, as well as most of those of the trunk. The munncr in which all parts of the body are called into action, afford- ing a constant change of muscle, and variety in the rapidity of movement are very conducive to the promotion of both health and strength. Hut when this game is played with great x.eal. there may be danger, in the too rapid and long continued exercise of running and violent efforts at striking the ball, of producing an injurious eilect upon the heart and lungs. 1st. by increasing the circulation of the blood to an unnatural extent, and. 2nd. by causing a congested state of both these organs. If there should happen to be any con- stitutional weakness or abnormal formation here, the injurious eilect and the danger would be still 'greater. There is also ;in objection to this kind of exercise from tin; intense and general excitement sometimes created hv competition, ami again hv resorts to wagers or lids. The sanitary effect is entirely lost sight of in the strife for victory. As this pi me can he carried mi milv in pleasant weather, and ri'ijiiires extensive grounds where the numhers are lame, it is not at all well suited to the wants ol an Institution whose momhers require daily exercise throughout the year. The onlv remaining exercise that can properly claim attention is that of Boating. .In>t at the present time this is creating verv great interest hoth mi the jiart of the puhlic as well as of smne of our literary institutions. While, mi the one hand there are great advantage-, physical and men- tal, arising from this kind of exercise, on the oilier there are evils of a most serious character. In order to ascmtain its real hygienic or sanitary etl'ect< it hecomes necessary to examine the physiological changes it produces. '1 here are two styles or modes of rowing, and where long training has heen had the elfect is marked in the difference of physical development. One mode increases particularly the muscles of the arms, shoulders and chest, while the oilier enlaiLivs more t he muscles of the legs, hi p> and hack. \>\ the former stvle. the rowers heml the hack, how the head forwaids. and raise the shoulders, making a Ion LI', sweeping stroke \\n imit dipping the oar very deep into the water. Hut hv the other mode, the hack is more erect, the leet are lirnilv hraced. the ro\ver resting upon the oar. partlv. does t!ie \vork more \\iih his legs, hips and hack. Sometimes these two styles of rowing al'e lilem ei| together, and til' 1 developinenl \ muse e is more etjual. In eithei case a powerful >tiain comes upon the hack and chot. exert in u; a n'reat inlluence o\ei the func- tions ol' respiration and eii'culatiou. Tin- elfect i- \\ell descl'lheil in the |o||o\\m^ ipictatlon ll'om the London Lan- cet of J a i ma i v. 1 MiS : " the act ion ol ro\\ m u intei fere- more directly with the respiratory process than almost any other exercise. In running. which, however, is equally liable to injurious excess. it is within the power of the voluntary muscles to regulate the rate of the respiratory movements; and it is well known that a well-expanded chest and rhyth- mic breathing greatly diminish the disturbing effects of exercise upon the heart and lungs. But in rowing the chest is nearly always fixed, and the respiratory movements are only possible in the short interval of rest at the termi- nation of the stroke. As the racing pace is forty strokes per minute, the rate of respiration is doubled, and the act itself, being necessarily shortened, is reduced to a mere involuntary gasp. Under these circumstances the lungs he- come rapidly congested and the heart seriously oppressed. It involves a draught on the muscular, and we should add, nervous and respiratory powers of those engaged in it more or less injurious to their future health, some temporarily, others permanently." Mr. Skcv, one of the most eminent surgeons in (Jreat Britain, in an article discussing this subject, in the London 'finies. 1SI17. referring to the condition of the crews at the termination of the races as he had witnessed it, describes it thus; -the men look utterly exhausted. Their white and sunken features and palid lips show serious congestion of the heart and lungs, and the air of weakness and lassitude makes it a inanel how such great exertion should have been so noblv undergone. We have repeatedly seen the after ill- ellects, spitting of blood, congested lungs, and weakness of the heart and great vessels from over distention of their walls: and we are therefore of the opinion, that some re- strictions should be put upon the candidates for boating honors, and that the regulations for training should be based upon scientific principles rather than the crude dogmas of a blind experience." Dr. Hope, one of the most distinguished writers upon diseases of the heart, gives it as a settled opin- ion, that "hard exercise in lowing" is one of the most prominent causes of heart disease. There can he hut one opinion on tin; part of the medical profession in our own country ;ts well as in (Jrea.t Britain, as to the injurious ell'ect of h'lal-riu'iinj upon the constitution and health. If the exercise could he practiced moderately or upon scientific principles, the profession, we presume, would he equally agreed that its sanitary effects were decidedly henelicial. Here is the difficulty: can its practice be kept within proper hounds, or he conducted upon right principles, where especially large numbers of young men are concerned. representing different localities, communities and institutions'.' lint the welfare of //n' /"///// is not alone endangered: what can be said respecting the exposure of regular habits and good morals of young men on too many public occasions growing out of boating and l> are several modes or kinds of exercise in popular use. which however otherwise allowable, are open to this objection. \ i/... that they develop and strengthen mainly the extreme portions of the body. Health and strength are not synonymous terms. A person may have great strength in his limbs or in certain muscles about the body, but really not have good health. It is altogether a mi-taken idea to suppose, that physical exercises have for their sole object the attainment of strength. There are othei tissues and organs in the human system besides the muscular: and. the healthy action of the lungs and the stomach is far more important than great strength in the arms. legs, or the back. It is here, in this general exercise of all the muscles and parts of the body, that the system of gymnas- tics advocated in this paper has its great excellence. It aims to produce just that development of the human sv-ieni upon which good health is permanently based, described by a distinguished writer as follow- : "health is the uniform and regular performance of all the functions of the body. ari.-ing from the harmonious action of all its parts. a physi- cal condition implying that all are sound, well-lining and well matched. Some minds do not look far enough into life f see ibis distinction, or to value it if seen ; they fix their eyes loiiii'iiiiilv upon sliTH'/llt upon strength //'///'. and seemingly care not for the [tower to \vm k long, to \\oik \\ell. to woik successfully hereafter, which is lli- tioii from \\hich thi> subject max be viewed: it i- in the livjit of x/i/i'nrilsliiii of accountability to (iod lor all the -ifl-. (he powers and talents that Me ha- elltlll.-ted to our care. These bodies, however we max pamp'T '>r ahu.-e them. 40 are not our own. They are a sacred trust from the Al- mighty, for the use and improvement of which we shall individually be held responsible in the great day of accounts no less than for mental talents and acquirements. When the inter-depenent relations of body and mind are considered in their true light with reference to the life eternal, it is scarcely possible to overstate or overestimate the importance of physical culture. A P P E N DFX. Statistirsin the Department of Physical Ivlm-ation ami Hygiene in Amherst College, extending from Srptcmher, l y ul, to SfjiU-iiilirr, 1XM : VITAL STATISTICS KKillT VKAIJS. Cl.ASSKS. Seniors, Juniors, - Sophomores Freshmen, Average-, , r .(kV> 17.'. '.''.'.i ,",."1. :rj ! . i 2i->.2iMi 11.7."'- iu.,-c>;j r.-iitu l:j9.iiTU :;:>/i7i -j'U.u'U n..>- !t.:^--2 ll.;;:i s.sol STATISTICS OF DISAIUIJTIKS KK4HT VKAIiS. 42 FORMS OF DISABILITY AND THE NUMBER OF CASES, FOR EIGHT YEARS. Colds and Pneumonia, 88 20 Intermittent Fever, Liver Complaint, . . 5 6 1 Boils, 23 Nervous Irritability, 1 Meningitis, (parti}- of a moral character) 20 10 sciatica, > > 10 4 10 1 Typhoid Fever, . , . . 16 .> ' 2 Dysentery, ...... 1 Q Quinsy and Sore Throat, Teeth 15 C, Camp Fever, .... 1 1 Colic, ....... 5 1 4 }>ile 1 Chicken Pox, ...... 1 1 Fi-tula, ..... 1 1 Doubtful, .... 1 TESTIMONY IN FAVOR OF THE GYMNASIUM. A"MHKI!ST (V)I.l.K(iK, JuiH' 14th. 1S()0. The Class of ISOo, having compk'tod its studies in Amherst Col- lege, desires to express its hiu'h appreciation of the physical culture which it has received under the direct ion of Prof. Hitchcock. As this class is the first one in College which has enjoyed through its whole course this physical training, some cx])ression of opinion seems quite proper. There have l>ecn ninety-two ditl'erent students con- nected with the class, liftv-five of which now [graduate; ei^ht have died, two with consumption, and six in the Army from wounds or disease. There is no one <>f the tjratluatinj* class lut could pass a complete examination I'm- life in>urance <>r admission into the I'nited Stall's Armv. From a thorough trial of four vears' coiir>e of train- ing, we can fairlv jud^e of the system here adopted. Our exercises have been conducted in a well-furnished ^\ mnasiuni, and alwavs under 43 the direction of tilt 1 Profe--or in tin- department. \Vehave found tlii' required at 1 endance a part of tin- sv-tcni \\<>\ at all objec- tionable, and, what at tir-t in the e\erci-e was a little embarrassing or unpleasant, soon became a po-iti\e pleasure. The simultaneous participation of manv persons in tlir same e\erci-e- ha- contributed a lively /e-t to them, \\hen otherwise thev would ha\e proved dull and unmt ere-t MIL:.'. Tlu'st 1 exercises have lieen so varied in character as to In- adapted both to the -tronu'e-t and the \veal\e-t -t lldent. eoli- diicinu' alike to health, slreiiu'th and 'jfraee of action. The halt-hour rei|iiired tor eM-rcisc lia> jiroved t lie golden mean hetueen len^t h and brevity of time for thi- purpose, aii'l ha- ne\er been considered lo>-t by us, as our health at the close of our college course te>tities to the inestimable \alne of this traiiiinjj, 1 , \\'e are contident, if this matter of exercise had been left a voluntarv thinu'. manv ot' our cla->, who are now strong and healthv, \\nuld ha\e vielded to the di-ea-o inci- dent to student life, while other-, uho were \\eak and -lender bovs on entering college, are now stion^und vii^oroii- men. ('a-e- ot' pro- tracted illnes- have been almo-t unknown amon<_r u-, and lar^e num- bers in the cla-s ha\e not been detained bv illne-s from a -MiLi'le col- lege dntv. Believing that a -tronu' body is the be-t luilwark to a sound mind that strong museles and well-developed limbs are pow- erful aids to the brain, and beini* indebted verv much tor these re- sult- in our ease to the phv-ieal trainiiiLf we have received in Amherst (', illru'e. \\ e <_d\ e this voluntary testimony to the value of the -y>t em ot' u'ymna.-tic- here adopted. !:. P. FHU>T, ) .M. K. PAS. o, Cint tl itte:. A. 11. H..\\ I.ANI', } AMIII;];-!' ('OLLKUK, Ma\ Tin. l^t) 1 . 1 . 1 )i:. N \ rii \ \ A 1.1 i:\ : Deal- Sir, The Senior Cla-s learn through Prof. Hitch- cock that \ on Uould be gratified t'' IVceh e ail e\pre--ioll "I our dpinioii a- tii 1 he \ al lie ot' our L;'\'] e\erci-e> \t-ar- experieiu-e. I; -i\ - u- --real plea-ure : > -> nd yon a co| \ re.-o- lution- adopted tinit,i'intii*l>i l>\ the da a- I'ollow-: 44 and knowing that an expression of our opinion of it is desired, there- fore " Resolcc-fl, That the daily required exercise, as at present con- ducted by Prof. Edward Hitchcock, by the happy union of pleasure and exercise is exactly suited to our needs, giving us strength and vigor for our other duties, and developing a more manly physique. Therefore, "Resolved, That we convey to the friends of the gymnasium our hearty thanks for its foundation and support." You will not understand of course, when we say "exactly suited," that we consider that the gymnastic system is brought to perfection. We refer to the union of exercise and pleasure, which contributes so much to make everything pleasant, and which we do not think can be changed for anything better. "With great respect, ALVAII B. KiTTHEDGiO JOSEPH 15. SEAUI'KV, > Committee. GEO. M. GAGE, ) TESTIMONY OF STUDENTS. Numerous testimonials from this source might be obtained, but only two cases will here be stated, of students coming to college from city lite, who experienced great changes one in his mural character, and the other in his plnjxirul condition by means of this Department. The first says, in a letter to Dr. Hitchcock : " As my college course draw- to a clo>e, I owe it to von to state how com- pletely my opinion has changed in reference to voiir department in college. T came here, von remember, from the citv, with certain <1[1- li'tiiitti- and delicate-handed notions, which led me to look witli some contempt upon the gymnasium, though I was soon obliged to submit to its salutary authority. /*'"/ t/ti* I (:es in vour department, combined with your kind and faithful treatment." The other student referred to writes a- follows: " When I came to Amherst College, mv physical condition could not be called good. o\I v limbs were slender, mv flesh was thin; I feared trouble from my lungs, and not imfrequeiit ly had spell- of sickness of different kinds. Since my connection with college, I have been almo-t con- stantly well, and, when I have been otherwise, I have generallv been able to trace my illness to some violation of the laws of health. This change I ascribe mainly to gvmnastic training. I)iinnir mv first year, my arms increased in -i/.e two indie-, and mv che-t three inches. J have exercised more than most students, and so perhaps but few of them could show so great u'ain. but mv exercise has never interfered in the least with mv studies The general health of college students is not only better during' their college coiir.-e, but it has uniformly improved, so much so that there i- a marked difference in the verv appearance of the clas>es as they advance in >tandin'_r. The' round shoulders, lank limbs and li-tle-< motion- of the lower classes are in striking contraM with the erect carriage, robu-t frame and vigorous action which, as a rule, are exhibited by those who have. been in college two or three years. Of cour-e, there are some well- developed physiques among the Freshmen, and some who are far t'n 'in being muscular amon^ the Seniors; but generally the fact i> as stated above." " UKdTLATIONS FOR T11K TSF OF TIIF (i VMNASI F.M AND r>owij\<; ALLFYS. The (Gymnasium is open for exercise from prayer time, excepting the hour tor dinner. 1. No person is allowed to use the Parallel I'.ar-, the Rack P>ars, the Ladder-, or the Incline Hoard, without -lipper-. '.!. I )itr'mu' the regular cla exercise, no member of the cla^s will be admitted to it \\ithoiit hi- complete unitbnu ; and each -Indent will keep hi- po-ition in the rank- dui'iii',;' the whole exerci-e. ;-{. I'ei'siins nut ci'iinected with collect', even it'in\iti'd by one of its members, cannot be allo\\-ed to exen-isc in anv part <>t' the building', without -peeial permi--i"ii tV"in the Profes-or, and no per- son, not a member of the college, can at anv time u-e any of tlie apparatu-, or an alley, to the exclusion \ any member ot eiilK-'je. 4. A ]>art\ after n-im_r an alh-\' for one name, niu-t gi\e way. if others are waiting for their turn. 46 5. It is forbidden to throw the balls on the alleys, or indulge in any but the legitimate game. The balls must never be sent from East to West except in the gutters made for the purpose. 0. It is also forbidden to smoke, or spit on the floors, or litter them ; to use improper language, or indulge in violent or boisterous conduct. 7. Each person, after using any piece of the movable apparatus, \vill at (nice, in an orderly way, return it to its proper place. S. Persons wantonly or carelessly injuring the building or any of its apparatus, will be held strictly accountable therefor. MOTTO OF THE BARRETT GYMNASIUM. ' Such are the dominating powers with which we, and we alone, are gifted ! I say gifted, for the surpassing organization was no work of ours. It is lie that hath made us; not \ve ourselves. This frame is a temporary trust, lor the uses of which we are responsible to the Maker. u ()li! you who possess it in the supple vigor of lusty youth, think well what it is that lie has committed to your keeping. Waste not its energies ; dull them not by sloth ; spoil them not. by pleasures ! The supreme work of creation has been accomplished thai you might possess a body the soul erect of all animal bodies the most free, and for what ? for the service of the soul. "Strive to reali/e the conditions of the possession of this won- drous structure. Think what it may become, the Temple of the Holy Spirit! Defile it not. Seek, rather to adorn it with all meek and becoming gifts, with that fair furniture, moral and intellectual, which it is your inestimable privilege to acquire through the teachings and examples and ministrations of this Seat of Sound Learning and Religious Education." [/Vo/1 Otctn, Jh'itiah Jfuneuni, London.] University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. DEC 1 21103 . , . . - t \ ,' i ' -X . ., Library "35-1575 AT LOS ANGELK5 LIBRARY t 001338737 DO NOT REMOVE THIS BOOK CARDS! ^^^ University Southei Librar